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Hi Lisa, thanks for coming by and signing Ashley's guestbook.
I'm sorry that to hear Kevin has caught a bug, hopefully it won't last too long so he can get back to doing all the things teenage boys should be doing!
Take care Lisa,

Robin <gresh14@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, September 24, 2009 12:15 AM CDT
Yea! Here's to normal! Clink! Clink! A learner's permit though-how can that be possible? Glad all is going well for the Tignors!
Missy <missy.layfield@gmail.com>
- Saturday, September 12, 2009 8:41 AM CDT
Kevin,Wishing you and your family a wonderful summer full of fun.

God bless,love & hugs,Linn,Daniel & Ariel
The Marrero's <gillinn7@msnc.om>
Port Orchard, Wa USA - Sunday, May 31, 2009 1:53 PM CDT

Hey Tignor Family - Happy Easter! I was just checking in on Kevin - hope there are no more scares. How's everything today?
Anita Kirk <akirk44733@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Saturday, April 11, 2009 2:37 PM CDT
Wow Kevin - more than three years off treatment - that's wonderful!


Mamie's Daddy <george.f.adams@us.army.mil>
Huntsville, AL USA - Tuesday, January 20, 2009 10:21 PM CST
I can relate to this update and it is awsome!
Glad everything is great and hope it stays that way!
Aizees mom

Cheryl <carpathienblue@yahoo.com>
- Friday, November 14, 2008 5:23 PM CST
Everyone looks so happy, rested and HEALTHY!! It made me smile big time!

I'm so glad the boys are both doing so well!

Much Love,
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nancyvinson@verizon.net>
- Sunday, September 7, 2008 3:51 PM CDT
Great update Lisa! I have to admit its been a long time since i've checked in on my caringbridge "favorites". What a wonderful vacation getaway. We also did a beach vacation (FL) earlier in August. Luckily we were there the week before the hurricane/storms came rolling through FL. It was wonderful. Now I know where your boys got their great smiles. Life is pretty great these days, isn't it!! Happy for you.
Jan L. (ALL Relapse list friend) <jan866@aol.com>
Glendale, WI - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 8:55 PM CDT
It is so nice to be able to see and read how well everyone is doing! It looks like you are having a great summer, you deserve it! All of you are still in my thoughts!!
Lisette (PICU RN) <lvanmastrigt@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, August 23, 2008 1:46 PM CDT
Hi, Lisa! The "best day" paper brought tears to my eyes :-). So I guess now he has at least one more "best day ever!" Hope the rest of your summer is wonderful--I'm so glad I got to meet you!



Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Saturday, August 2, 2008 8:15 AM CDT
I've been checking in a lot (one of those "peepers" I read about - that's me!) So thrilled to hear how "normal" things are in your household. What a wonderful "My best day" paper. Think of you all lots and pray for lots and lots (thousands and thousands)of normal days ahead. Thrilled to hear everything is fine with Uncle Web too. Love to all

Janie Best-Weick <jane@bc-const.com>
Newark, De - Saturday, July 19, 2008 1:02 PM CDT
Hi Lisa, I check on Kevin all the time, I am so happy to read that everything is going well, Kevin have a great summer, play hard!!!
Love Robin

Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
OCONOMOWOC, wi usa - Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:11 AM CDT
Yeah... when you hear the doctors voice on the other end of the phone call... it's a *skip a beat* kind of moment... SCARY!!! I prefer the "if you don't hear from me... everything is okay" kind of doctor. I am glad things are going well!! I wanted to pop by and wish you a VERY blessed summer!!

Winkler, MB Canada

Naomi Fehr
- Tuesday, May 6, 2008 1:40 PM CDT
HI guys,
Just checking in on you. Actually I check your site almost daily! We are staying busy with dance and golf (yes, Charlie switched from baseball to golf and it's killing me!) I got my baseball fix in last night as the Sox beat the stankies! yahoo! Stay well and hope to see you guys in FL one day soon! xoxo katie

katie <katevillani@yahoo.com>
parkland, fl USA - Monday, April 14, 2008 11:06 AM CDT
Lisa - Glad things are o.k. Why is it that we're so programed to expect bad news when we get a call from the doctor? Maybe since you got good news you won't have a heart attack the next time a doctor calls :-) Hope to see you soon.
Jill and Alex www.caringbridge.com/ca/alexschwab <jillschwab99@hotmail.com>
Vienna, VA USA - Saturday, April 12, 2008 9:03 PM CDT
Lisa, Omigosh! I would've had a heart attack too! Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. SOOOO glad things look good (except for the darn immune system thing). Hope you're enjoying spring!

Love, Pat

Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Saturday, April 12, 2008 9:01 AM CDT
Lisa: thinking about your family, so I thought I'd come check out the site. I'm sorry this immunodeficiency stuff keeps bothering . . . honestly, I'd say Kevin deserves a break as do you all.

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Monday, February 11, 2008 9:15 PM CST
HI guys, just checking in to see how yesterday went! Lisa, the checks are rolling in!!! I'll give you a final number when I get it. man, i could have chocolate cake right now, no, not a piece....the whole thing!! haha.This has been a fun fundraiser and I'm going to keep being a loser! Let me know when you guys are in town next! xo katie
kate <katevillani@yahoo.com>
parkland, fl USA!!!!!!! - Wednesday, February 6, 2008 12:29 AM CST
Merry Christmas to all of you!! We've been thinking of you and praying that all is well in the new year. Would love to get together for that coffee Lisa. Let me know when your available. Love, Chuck & JoAnna Ross
JoAnna Ross <joannaross@comcast.net>
- Thursday, December 27, 2007 4:18 PM CST
Lisa, Wendell, Kevin and Brian, we hope you had a happy and warm Christmas and wish you all the best in the coming New Year! You are all "rocks" to us and we say prayers for you often. With Lots of Love, Steven and Leanne Abel
Steven and Leanne Abel <steven@abelcommercial.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, December 25, 2007 7:55 PM CST

Warm wishes for health, peace, and love,

Annie <penguini1982@yahoo.com>
Rochester, MA - Tuesday, December 25, 2007 4:40 PM CST
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!!!!!


Heather, mom to Brianna www.caringbridge.com/ny/mylittlesunshine - Daughter to Pete, www.caringbridge.org/visit/petek
Syracuse, NY USA - Sunday, December 23, 2007 9:44 PM CST
What a great family picture! I have to ask though....did you and Kevin plan your matching outfits?? :)

The ribbon tree is beautiful although sad at the same time.

I'm so glad Kevin's issues were viral and I hope the immunology stuff gets figured out soon!

Merry Christmas!
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nancyvinson@verizon.net>
- Friday, December 14, 2007 7:04 AM CST
you are incredible friend, thank you for all that you do, to help bring awarness to all our kids.

Your family picture is beautiful, Kevin and Brian are so handsome. I can't not express in worlds how very happy I am to see him standing there with all of you, he is an amazing young man. Enjoy this holiday like none other.

Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, December 11, 2007 1:21 PM CST
It was good to see you at the party. It is nice to see the picture of the Candlelighters tree, I would like to go next year (Rachel has a ribbon on it.) I know what you mean about the "good" cancer. There is nothing good about it. Hope you get some answers from the immunologist (by which I mean, things that can be easily solved!)

Charmian Lykins <chile_pepr@yahoo.com>
Burke, VA 22015 - Tuesday, December 11, 2007 9:57 AM CST
Wow! Lisa, its been a long time.
It was great to see your note on Cedric's page.
Praying you have a WONDERFUL Christmas with your family.
Talk to you soon,

Angee <angeeseldon@gmail.com>
Stafford, VA USA - Sunday, December 2, 2007 4:52 PM CST
Thinking about you all with this latest drama . . . Nancy is hardly one to throw stones on the drama front! Glad that this seems to be passing without further events.

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Wednesday, November 28, 2007 3:23 PM CST
Hi Lisa,

Just checking in, hoping today's appointment was reassuring and drama-free.

Thinking of you guys,


Lauren Quinn <peckschoolhouse@gmail.com>
East Montpelier, VT - Tuesday, November 27, 2007 5:46 PM CST
Hey Lisa, what did you tell ME about drama?? NO MORE drama allowed at your house either. I hope Kevin is feeling better today!


Nancy Vinson <nancyvinson@verizon.net>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2007 3:07 PM CST
Hey Lisa, what did you tell ME about drama?? NO MORE drama allowed at your house either. I hope Kevin is feeling better today!


Nancy Vinson <nancyvinson@verizon.net>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2007 3:07 PM CST
Hi Lisa, just checking in to see how things are going. You know, I think Kevin is just keeping you on your toes and making sure you don't forget how to take care of him. I miss seeing you guys. Hope your holidays are great.
Carrie <flintcx4@yahoo.com>
The Plains, Va - Monday, November 26, 2007 9:14 PM CST
Hey Lisa, I didnt realize that Andrew shared the OT anniversary with your boys...truly makes Thanksgiving precious. Prayers for continued healing and happiness! Love, The Spragues
Andrew's Page <kim.sprague@cox.net>
Ladera Ranch, CA USA - Saturday, November 24, 2007 9:36 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a wonderful family celebration. May the memories of less joyful times make the good ones you are making now that much sweeter!
Charmian Lykins <chile_pepr@yahoo.com>
Burke, VA USA - Thursday, November 22, 2007 5:17 PM CST
Hi Lisa,
So happy Kevin is growing and enjoying life. I loved the pictures you posted. You must be feeling relieved having past the anniversary of relapse, I am sure just remembering it is so very stressful. Have a wonderful Halloween!

Charmian Lykins <chile_pepr@yahoo.com>
Burke, VA USA - Wednesday, October 31, 2007 6:25 AM CDT
4 Inches?!?! Way to go Kevin!!! Great news!
So are you dressing up for Halloween Kevin? I am so very happy that your family is living life to the fullest, Kevin your awesome! Talk to you soon Lisa :)

Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
Oconomowoc, WI USA - Sunday, October 28, 2007 1:01 PM CDT
Just checking in to see how things are, love to all.
Anita & Ryan Kirk
Alexandria, VA USA - Thursday, October 25, 2007 6:02 AM CDT
feel better Kevin!


Heather and Brianna, dx ALL in remission, www.caringbridge.com/ny/mylittlesunshine, daughter to Pete, dx CLL. SCT 8/3/06 www.caringbridge.org/visit/petek
Syracuse, NY USA - Tuesday, October 2, 2007 5:45 PM CDT
Only to a cancer kid, do you say; I hope you have a virus. Praying and believing that you will get the news you want, at the check up.
MN - Sunday, September 30, 2007 10:07 PM CDT
Just checking in.... I love the pictures! Happy belated birthday to Kevin!
Lisa Agee "www.caringbridge.com/page/ross" <lagee67@hotmail.com>
Camden, AL - Monday, September 3, 2007 7:49 PM CDT
Your page was inspiring to me. My daughter Leigha relapsed in April after 2 1/2 years of treatment for ALL. She will be having her transplant this Tuesday. Glad you had some well deserved fun on your vacation. Happy belated birthday, Kevin
Mary Childress www.caringbridge.org/sc/leigha <shortymike97@hotmail.com>
Conway, SC 29526 - Sunday, September 2, 2007 7:48 PM CDT
Lisa, your pics sure put a smile on my face! Glad you had so much fun. Next time you're in Orlando, you have to call me!

Love, Pat

Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Wednesday, August 29, 2007 8:58 PM CDT
WOW!!!! Sounds like a lot of fun and a whirlwind in one!!! Praying that you will have many more memory making trips and an abundance of health!! Prayers from Canada.

visit: www.caringbridge.org/canada/joshua

Naomi Fehr
- Sunday, August 19, 2007 9:02 PM CDT
Kevin - sorry we missed your birthday a few days ago. We know that you have a "healthy" one!

Question: Have you cut your hair yet?

Love, Anita & Ryan <akirk44733@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Thursday, August 16, 2007 10:05 PM CDT

great news on the appt Lisa, heck great can't come near to covering the feeling you have right now!! So happy for all of you!


Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
milwaukee, wi usa - Thursday, July 19, 2007 6:45 AM CDT
Wow Lisa, you sure have been busy, thank you so much for all the work you do to bring attention to childhood cancer.

I'll be thinking of you guys on the 17th, I'm sure those bruise are just that, only bruises, it will be great to hear form the Dr though, please post when you can, take care,

Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
milwaukee, wi usa - Sunday, July 15, 2007 7:35 PM CDT
Go Lisa! Thank you for continuing the childhood cancer crusade!

Nice to read that you are enjoying summer.
XXOO from CA, Cali Ali's Mom

Marey ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:58 PM CDT
Just checking in...... sounds like normal "boy" bruises to me, but I know you can't help but worry. Slow down, Kev!


Lisa Agee <lagee@hotmail.com>
Camden, AL - Tuesday, July 10, 2007 12:32 AM CDT
It sounds like Kevin is having a wonderful summer! I am so very happy that Kevin is out doing things every child should be doing, getting bruises the "natural way"! But slow down a bit kiddo, your making your mom worry!!


Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
Milwaukee, WI USA - Thursday, July 5, 2007 5:26 AM CDT
Hi Lisa, It seems like forever since I have visted Kevin's page! Sounds like he's having a regular teenage summer...but I'd be happy to come remove the wheels from his skateboard if you want...I hate those things. But from the looks of the Volcom t-shirt, he's probably pretty into skateboarding! :)
I'll cross my fingers and toes that the bruises are just skateboard effects. Shoot I get bruised just looking at one of those things. Thank HEAVENS my kids don't own one (its on my NO WAY list. lol)
Take care, we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Vicki C/ALL KIDS/Mom to MOrgan, 14, ALL LEukemima

Vicki Corson & Family www.caringbridge.org/visit/morganelizabeth
Northfield, VT - Friday, June 29, 2007 3:49 PM CDT
Hi Lisa,
Stopping in to hear how things are. They sound pretty normal. I like to hear normal in your life.
Lots of love,

Maryla... Gallagher <goldribbon8@hotmail.com>
Londond, Ontario Canada - Tuesday, June 26, 2007 9:08 PM CDT
I'm chosing to believe it's boy stuff! Kevin, please stop worrying your Mom! She's old enough for now... Ha! Steve and Leanne

Steve and Leanne Abel <steven@abelcommercial.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, June 26, 2007 6:32 PM CDT
I don't only think that shin bruises are a boy thing, but both Josh (ALL patient) and his 3 year old sister Morgan both look like they have to kneel on stones for punishment or something. Bruising is something that will always worry parents, especially when they have had cancer kids, but it's nice to hear that they have come by these bruises the "normal" kid way. Prayers from Canada.

visit: www.caringbridge.org/canada/joshua

Naomi Fehr <jnyf@sdnet.ca>
Winkler, MB Canada - Tuesday, June 26, 2007 2:27 PM CDT
printer :: [url=http://haappowin648.150m.com]printer[/url] :: http://haappowin648.150m.com printer ::

printer <printer>
San Diego, San Diego USA - Tuesday, June 26, 2007 1:31 PM CDT
I think our OT kids should sit on a soft comfy bean bag chair and gently rolllllll in and out of it and do nothing else but lounge in the softness of the little white thingies....just to avoid any chance of getting a stinkin bruise and cauing their Mom's undue stress and worry!

Nahhhhhhh, we'd be worrying their hemoglobin was low...aghhhhhhhh

Love ya!
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, June 26, 2007 12:11 AM CDT
Just checking in, thinking about you guys! Kevin - listen to your Mom, slow down on the skateboard.

Love to all!

Anita & Ryan Kirk <akirk44733@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Monday, June 25, 2007 10:09 PM CDT
Hey Lisa, just stopped by to say happy mothers day to you and congradulations to Brian! I can't belive you have kids graduating from college!! You look great too! Take Care All. Steve And Leanne
Steven and Leanne Abel <steven@abelcommercial.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Thursday, May 17, 2007 1:25 PM CDT
Dear Lisa~

Stopping by to wish you a Happy Mother's Day! Hoping you and your family have a wonderful weekend! :)

Take care and best wishes! :)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

April & Logan <Aprilmolle@tampabay.rr.com>
Port Richey, FL USA - Friday, May 11, 2007 7:04 PM CDT
Dear Lisa~

Thank you for your wonderful message! :) I truly appreciate it! :)

Thank you for sharing the information about the National Bone Marrow Donor program!

It is so wonderful to read that Brian and Kevin are both doing well! I know how hard it is to have one child with cancer! I cannot even begin to imagine how hard it would be to have two children who have ventured down the unwanted road of childhood cancer! I am so glad that all is well now and I hope it continues that way forever! :)

Wishing you and your family the very best and hoping you all have a fantastic week!

Take care and best wishes! :)

April & Logan <Aprilmolle@tampabay.rr.com>
Port Richey, FL USA - Monday, May 7, 2007 10:10 AM CDT
Eleven years--WOW! Happy Graduation Brian!!!
Jennifer Click and Carolyn & Evan Coveney <jsclick@gmail.com>
Springfield, VA - Friday, May 4, 2007 8:26 AM CDT
I'm praying that both boys stay in remission forevor.

And I'm signing up for the bone marrow registry.


Mamie's Daddy <george.f.adams@us.army.mil>
Huntsville, AL USA - Thursday, May 3, 2007 9:38 PM CDT
The music is great! Way to go Brian!

The burning question I have for you though.......Is Kevin's hair down to his waist yet?? LOL

Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Friday, April 27, 2007 8:12 PM CDT
WoW! The band looked great! So good to read about your boys!

Also very sorry about Monday. My daughter's best friend has a sister who attends VA Tech...she called her parents to let them know she was okay and it was a great relief here.

XXXX and OOOO's from CA,
Marey, Cali Ali's Mom

Marey ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Friday, April 20, 2007 9:02 AM CDT
Thanks for sharing the video! Your boys are simply amazing!


Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
kimberly, wi usa - Wednesday, April 18, 2007 12:03 AM CDT
Lisa-I LOVE Kevin's hair!! Christopher is into the growing his hair thing-but it is like wire, but there is such a thrill in seeing them with hair. We hope Spring gets here soon-so glad your guys are doing well. Darlene
Darlene and Christopher Melkonian http://www.caringbridge.org/md/chrismelko <melkonid@comcast.net>
Gaithersburg, MD - Monday, April 16, 2007 6:41 AM CDT
Its great to hear that Kevin had a very busy holiday doing things he enjoyed!

I hope all the test go well :)


Robin DEbes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
kimberly, wi usa - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:30 AM CDT
Happy Easter!
Holidays were always special anyway, but now they are even sweeter arn't they :)


Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
kimberly, wi usa - Sunday, April 8, 2007 1:27 PM CDT
Happy Easter!

Heather and Brianna, dx ALL in remission, www.caringbridge.com/ny/mylittlesunshine, daughter to Pete, dx CLL. SCT 8/3/06 www.caringbridge.org/visit/petek
Syracuse, NY USA - Saturday, April 7, 2007 8:03 AM CDT
Glad to hear Kevin is feeling better! Thats a bummer that he had to miss the first meeting for basketball, hopefully he can catch up on all his work quickly and get back to the fun stuff!


Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
kimberly, wi usa - Friday, March 30, 2007 12:54 AM CDT
Hi Kevin,
I hope you are feeling better today...thankfully you do not have strep and hopefully not the norovirus.

Sending prayers from CA,
XXOO, Cali Ali's Mom

Marey ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 28, 2007 0:29 AM CDT
Just checking to see how Kevin is feeling today, hopefully he is back to school and doing well,
take care,

Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
kimberly, wi usa - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:37 AM CDT
Worry, worry, worry.....I'm sorry for the worry Mom! I hope Kevin is feeling much better today!

Did they check for Infleunza?

Hang in there...spring is almost here!

Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Sunday, March 25, 2007 1:25 PM CDT
Those darn fevers! I hope Kevin is feeling better today. Thank goodness spring is finally here so we can get rid of all these bugs going around!
Thinking of you....

Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
Kimberly, wi USA - Sunday, March 25, 2007 9:01 AM CDT
Wow is all I can say, I was looking through the advice on the computer, as I am taking my beautiful daughter for a catscan tomorrow. I am worried but after seeing your wonderful strong family I feel better. God Bless you all and good luck in the future.
Karen Faber <meandkids@peoplepc.com>
Holly Springs , NC USA - Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:31 PM CDT
Hey Tignor Family......

What is going on in your world??? We hope all is glorious, happy and feel-good days!!!

Nancy, Matthew's Family

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Sunday, March 18, 2007 7:31 PM CDT
Hi Lisa,
I just wanted to give you an update on that last surgery.... Precancerous is the most beautiful word I have ever heard!!! All is well... I will just have to have one more surgery. Take Care and give Kevin a BIG HUG and KISS from me.
Kathie Pollard

Kathie Pollard <Pollardz@aol.com>
Clifton, Va - Sunday, March 11, 2007 10:50 PM CDT
Lisa: it sounds like you are doing great things for the community! Carol Jean Cancer Foundation ran the camp that Phoebe went to the summer that Clare was in the PICU, and they were so wonderful to her and to us at that horrible, horrible time. The Melkonians do a lot of fundraising for CJCF as well.

Glad to hear such good reports on Kevin, especially with the heart stuff.

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Friday, March 9, 2007 9:35 AM CST
You are an inspiration to us! :) What a handsome (and healthy) young man!!! You are one of my heroes..
Kathy and Julia

Kathy <Lvr3kids@aol.com>
Wesley Chapel, NC - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 8:05 PM CST
WONDERFUL news!! High school?! WOW!!! How incredibly amazing it is to have all these normal things going on!!!
So happy for all of you!!!

Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
Kimberly, WI USA - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 9:38 AM CST
YAHOO to the good news on the heart!
And WOW! High school for next year...and a graduation!
So good to read "normal" stuff.
XXOO from CA,
Cali Ali's Mom

Marey ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 6, 2007 10:36 PM CST
Hey out of school for a week! That would have brought a big smile to your moms face Kev! HA! Glad to hear things are going well Lisa. We're saying prayers for Alexia too. Best days to you all! Love, Steve and Leanne
Steve and Leanne Abel <steven@abelcommercial.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Monday, February 26, 2007 8:25 PM CST
Matthew is 5'4 now and I am 5'4 and 3/4" ...so I'm still 3/4" taller LOL. He is constantly slamming a book on my head to check our heights...no wonder I always have a headache!

So glad testing is going well! Hooray!


Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Thursday, February 22, 2007 3:48 PM CST
I'm glad to hear that the report was overall a good report. We are struggling too to figure out how best to help Ashley.
I saw that episode of ER and Immediately
thought of Kevin, I had wondered if you saw the show, how far he has come. Thank you for sharing that blog link,I'm going to post it on Ashley's site also, what an incredible doctor he is. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
kimberly, wi usa - Friday, February 16, 2007 12:29 AM CST
Valentine Day Graphics

Happy Valentines Day! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers all the time!

Denise (Kyle's mom) www.caringbridge.org/co/kylel <dmlindgren@msn.com>
- Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:16 PM CST
So glad to read your updates on Kevin and Brian . . . I know I've said it before, but those boys are touchstones for so many. Thanks for the info on the bone marrow registry. I somehow thought that by being HLA tested for Clare that we were on the registry, but I don't think that is true. If I don't make it to a drive that friends of Darlene Melkonian (Christopher's mom) are holding on March 4, we'll do it online.

Best to everyone,

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 6:08 PM CST
Hooray for wonderful counts!! I'm so thrilled to see them looking so good!! Keep those silly virus's away...spring is right around the corner!! Of course it's 6 below and a wind chill of 24 below today here in Fort Wayne!

GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and I see that *stalker* Denise is busy signing your guestbook! Love you Denise!

Hugs for the Land of the Colts,
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Sunday, February 4, 2007 7:56 AM CST
125,000...I am your 125,000 the visitor! I feel like confetti should be falling with bells and whistles blowing...what did I win!?!? I then noticed I'm signing back to back in your guestbook (am I what they call a *stalker*)!?!?!
Many thoughts and prayers are heading your way...glad his counts were well and I guess when treatment is over, the *stuff* still lingers with appointments doesn't it!?

Denise (Kyle's mom) www.caringbridge.org/co/kylel <dmlindgren@msn.com>
- Wednesday, January 31, 2007 10:30 AM CST
I'm not sure that I've told you lately how glad I am to have found you and even happier that you still update. Kyle is battling relapse and is almost done (scaring the pants off of me) but it's interesting to read the post effects of EVERYTHING! You give me hope and Kevin truly inspires me...! He keeps me hoping for the future...and I need that more than anything right now! Heck, I'd take a shorter than most son as long as we kick cancers butt!!!
Many prayers and thanks to you!

Denise (Kyle's mom) www.caringbridge.org/co/kylel <dmlindgren@msn.com>
CO - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:15 AM CST
Okay Kevin, time for a haircut. Wow, Brian is all grown up. I think that Jasmine ate too many treats. Love you all!

Anita & Ryan Kirk <akirk44733@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Monday, January 15, 2007 9:19 PM CST
Lisa, I know you told Kevin he didn't have to cut his hair, but I might just bring you some barretts so we can see his gorgeous eyes again!
Glad everyone had a great Christmas. Hope 2007 is filled with happiness and good health for all!

Jennifer Click and Carolyn & Evan Coveney <jsclick@gmail.com>
Springfield, VA - Friday, January 12, 2007 10:06 AM CST
Yikes...never ending isn't it...?!?!
Glad to hear everyone is doing well and the holidays were fun and family filled!
Denise (mom to Kyle)

Denise Lindgren www.caringbridge.org/co/kylel <dmlindgren@msn.com>
- Thursday, January 11, 2007 11:22 AM CST
Happy New Year!!
Reading your entry made me realize we too have lots of appointments to catch up on...so easy to forget about them :)

Wisihg you the Happiest, HEALTHIEST New Year!
XXOO, Cali Ali's Mom

Marey <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Monday, January 8, 2007 11:27 PM CST
Hey Lisa. Just checking in and keeping up... Hope Kevin is better today than yesterday and so on and so on... We keep you all in our prayers. Love, Steven and Leanne
Steven Abel <steven@abelcommercial.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Monday, January 8, 2007 4:30 PM CST
I'm so sorry to hear about Chassity, my prayers are with her and her family.

I hope that your family was able to enjoy a "quiet" Christmas with family.

Take care,

Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
Kimberly , wi usa - Sunday, December 31, 2006 5:58 PM CST
Merry Christmas Tignor family. I hope all is well.
Kimber <kmdgarcia@msn.com>
alexandria, - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 11:50 PM CST

Peace and healing, Annie <penguini1982@yahoo.com>
Rochester, MA United States - Monday, December 25, 2006 11:54 PM CST
Lisa - I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Chassity, her family will be in our prayers.
Love, Anita & Ryan Kirk
Alexandria, VA usa - Saturday, December 23, 2006 9:57 AM CST
I hope Kevin is feeling MUCH MUCH better by morning. I know that icky feeling you must have had when he wasn't feeling so hot. Way to go on signing up to be a bone marrow donor!!

Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:32 PM CST
I hope the antibiotics do their job and Kevin is feeling better soon!


Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
Appleton, wi usa - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:14 PM CST
Hope the fever is staying away and that Kevin is feeling better soon, Ashley and Ryan are catching every single bug that flies their way too, hopfully everyones immune system kicks in high gear so we can get through these winter months! {{Feel better soon Kevin}}


Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
Appleton, wi usa - Monday, December 11, 2006 9:48 PM CST
What a GREAT idea with the registry. I registerd at the Light The Night Walk in Denver a few months ago, it was *free* then, but I am going to pass your information on to Kyle's page...everyone should be on the list!!!

Now about that darn strep and making mom worry...I'll send up an extra little prayer today! I guess it just confirms to me that the *worrying* never ends...grrrr!!!

Hugs to you...
Denise (mom to Kyle)

Denise Lindgren www.caringbridge.org/co/kylel <dmlindgren@msn.com>
- Monday, December 11, 2006 11:41 AM CST
Lisa, what a blessed Thanksgiving. Remember back to days and nights of many prayers for your boys, praising God that you have arrived at this place where you can look back and see all that God did. We are doing our bone density scans next week, praying for some increased bone mass. We have endocrine next week, but Andrew has grown this year (finally) so that is a good sign.
Hugs to you all,

Andrew's Page <kim.sprague@cox.net>
Ladera Ranch, CA USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 7:57 PM CST
Hi Lisa and family -
Wishing you a happy a HEALTHY '06 holiday season. What a difference a year can make!! I am so happy that during this holiday you will be rejoicing with two very healthy sons. Enjoy

Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
REISTERSTOWN, MD USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 11:59 AM CST

Peace, healing, and love to you and your family.

Annie <penguini1982@yahoo.com>
Rochester, MA United States - Thursday, November 23, 2006 0:26 AM CST

Much love to you and your family!
The Lindgren Family

Denise Lindgren www.caringbridge.org/co/kylel <dmlindgren@msn.com>
- Wednesday, November 22, 2006 1:43 PM CST
Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! Kevin is never far from my thoughts. One year OT, how wonderful. Here's to 90 more. Best wishes and sending love always.
Jen, Mom to Samuel <bud110@aol.com>
S. Prairie, WA USA - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 12:08 AM CST
Wow, one year! Let's keep it going. Happy Thanksgiving, you have so much to be thankful for (although, it took so long) Love ya!
Anita &Ryan <akirk44733@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Thursday, November 16, 2006 8:32 PM CST
WoW! One year OT!
Rooting for you from CA,
XXOO, Cali Ali's Mom

Marey <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 15, 2006 11:44 PM CST
Holy moly, look at all that hair. lol Great shot!! Looking good Kevin. Congratulations on 1 year OT. Lots to be thankful for! Hope you are all doing well.
Jan L. <jan866@aol.com>
Glendale, WI - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 1:25 AM CST
Woo Hoo! Happy Dance in NY! One year OT- How great is that !!!
big hugs,

Heather, mom to Brianna dx ALL in remission, www.caringbridge.com/ny/mylittlesunshine, daughter to Pete, dx CLL. SCT 8/3/06 www.caringbridge.org/visit/petek
Syracuse, NY USA - Saturday, November 11, 2006 9:08 AM CST
What a year to be thankful for; it's great that the OT anniversaries can start to slowly take their places over the diagnosis/relapse dates. That's how it should be! And nice counts too!


Lauren Quinn <peckschoolhouse@gmail.com>
East Montpelier, VT USA - Saturday, November 11, 2006 5:36 AM CST
Wow...is that what normal counts look like? Can't recall ever seeing Kyle's counts look like that, but then again...we are still fighting the fight, you all are just my inspiration and hope!
Hope all of his test results are good news...! Thinking of you and your family...
Denise (Kyle's mom)

Denise www.caringbridge.org/co/kylel <dmlindgren@msn.com>
- Friday, November 10, 2006 3:36 PM CST
Kevin and Lisa, Sorry Kevin has been so sick and hope he's back to :normal" real soon.
Thanks for checking in on Leah. I agree about the thyroid. At first I was so bummed, but know it could be something so much worse. She's adjusting fine to the mediicne. She's always been a great medicine taker.
Loved the Niagara Falls pictures. We've always wanted to take our family there. I've been there a couple of times in high school.
Blessings to you and your family,

Carrie Holdcraft <choldcraft@yahoo.com>
Ashburn, Va - Sunday, November 5, 2006 9:57 PM CST
Thanks for sharing the Halloween and Niagra Falls Pictures, they were great! Brian looks great! Kev, Kev, Kev, the hair is sooooooooooooooooo long - don't you love it!

Love, Anita Kirk <akirk44733@aol.com>
Alexandria,, VA USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:58 PM CST
the pictures of Niagra Falls are fantastic! Hope Kevin feels better soon!
Vicki Corson and Family www.caringbridge.org/visit/morganelizabeth <vcorson@tds.net>
Northfield, VT - Saturday, October 28, 2006 2:29 PM CDT
I'm sorry Kevin is feeling so awful. I hope his counts are were they should be and that the antibiotic kicks in quickly. Thinking of you..


Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
Appleton , WI USA - Friday, October 27, 2006 8:18 AM CDT
WoW!! The videos are awesome!! I have never been to Niagra Falls but after seeing that I want to go!! Nice to read that you had a fun fall break and a family trip! How novel, right?! Nice to feel "normal!"

Just checking in...and Kev, I love the hair!
XXOO from CA,
Cali Ali's Mom

Marey <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:20 PM CDT
What wonderful pictures of your family (oh and the falls are nice too)! You all look so incredibly good and happy!!! I love the picture of Kev's hair. Don't tell him I said this, but it's absolutely gorgeous. The body is WONDERFUL! LOL

Love ya,
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, October 24, 2006 11:32 AM CDT
looks like you had a fun time at Niagara Falls! we love it there. we live about 4 hrs away so we go every few years, never tried a jetboat though! I'm glad all is well.
michele(nurse in ny)
- Monday, October 23, 2006 9:17 PM CDT
Kevin,Just stopping by to say hi and to wish you a happy fall.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

God bless,love & hugs,Linn,Daniel & Ariel
The Marrero's <gillinn7@msn.com>
port orchard, wa usa - Monday, October 23, 2006 10:47 AM CDT

You would think you were looking at the back of Ashley's head!! Kevin and Ashley have almost exactly the same length, hair color and curl to it!! I'll have to take a pic of her head, we probably could not tell them apart! Kevin should have an appt coming up soon? Hope all is continuing to go well.


Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
Appleton, WI USA - Thursday, October 19, 2006 9:29 AM CDT
Love the hair! Kevin, don't you just love weak moments, it's like writing promises in stone.

Lisa - good job on the fundraiser, sorry we couldn't join you we had a prior commitment/community service, also, Mom came down with strep throat and a virus. Still recovering. Love you all!

Love, Anita & Ryan <akirk44733@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Monday, October 16, 2006 9:26 PM CDT
Wow...Kev's hair looks like Kyle's hair. Once his grew back (darker, thicker and with an ever so cute curl) we promised him he wouldn't have to cut it either...YIKES!
Great job on the fundraiser...!!! Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers...Kyle's mom

Denise Lindgren www.caringbridge.org/co/kylel <dmlindgren@msn.com>
- Monday, October 16, 2006 12:18 AM CDT
Hi Kevin,
I just found your site and I wanted to wish you all the best!

Australia - Sunday, October 15, 2006 6:09 PM CDT
Hi Lisa - Just checking in. I am so happy to hear that Kevin is good. CONGRATULATIONS on your recent fundraising successes! What terrific cause. Enjoy this beautiful day!
Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, MD USA - Saturday, October 14, 2006 8:12 AM CDT
Hope that arm heals up completely soon . . . I'm sure Kevin's ready to be done with that. Thanks for checking in with us.

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:08 AM CDT
Hi Lisa,
I hope things are continuing to go great on your end! So did they have to put the casr back on Kevin or is he just in a sling? Have a great rest of the week!


Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
Appleton, WI USA - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 7:17 PM CDT
Hi there Folks!

How did the Light the Night Walk go? I hope it was a huge success!
I'm so glad you didn't need the IVIG treatment this time! Kevin, you are getting stronger every day!! YEAH!!

I hope school is going well!

Hugs from Indiana,
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, October 3, 2006 7:46 PM CDT
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

EDMONTON ,ALBERTA Canadian Flag, - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:39 PM CDT
What a wonderful check up!!! Every other month labs?! Can you even imagine that? I think back to those days when we were at clinic 3-4 times a week, what a very long way we have come since then! I can just imagine the joy in your heart as you sit there listening to Brian and Kevin play their guitars, talk about music to your ears!

Taek care Lisa :)

Robin Debes <gresh14@hotmail.com>
Appleton, WI USA - Monday, September 25, 2006 2:41 PM CDT
Lisa, I just want to say THANK YOU!
Carrie <flintcx4@yahoo.com>
The Plains, Va - Friday, September 8, 2006 12:06 AM CDT
So glad to hear normal accounts of normal middle school days for your family. I was struck by your post on the ALL-Kids list at how your words of wisdom I've appreciated through the years I've "known" you come from such a long and hard-fought battle.

Thanks for sharing.

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Thursday, September 7, 2006 7:13 AM CDT
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Keeping you in my thougths and in my prayer's always.

Love Brenda MY LOVING DAD'S SITE <brurka@shaw.ca>
Edmonton,Alberta SmileyCentral.com, - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 8:14 PM CDT
So glad to hear the good news! Also, most parents dread the first day of school but we celebrate Kevin's victory of having some normalcy in his life. Love ya!
Anita & Ryan
Alexandria, VA usa - Thursday, August 24, 2006 6:34 AM CDT
Thank goodness!
Vicki, mama to Duncan, ALL-Kids/Ped-Onc Survivors <texneus@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:18 AM CDT
SOOOOO happy for you all!!!!!
Carrie <flintcx4@yahoo.com>
The Plains, Va - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:42 PM CDT
So glad to hear things are better, and I hope that things will always remain better.
Karin, mom to Christine ALL-KIDS <karin.mika@law.csuohio.edu>
Berea, Ohio USA - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:49 PM CDT
We are so thrilled that Kevin's counts are better!!
Gail Scheller and family <scheller4092@verizon.net>
Woodbridge, va - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:10 PM CDT
Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!
Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!
Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

Terry, Mother of Henry and Linus, dx ALL May 2001, from ALL-Kids
Tucson, AZ United States - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:30 PM CDT
That big "whoosh" you heard was me letting out a big sigh of relief for you! Lisa, I think I sprouted some extra gray hairs over this--I just can't imagine what you went through. Huge hugs to all of you.


Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:50 AM CDT
So very, very glad and relieved!

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:19 AM CDT
Go Kev!
Rooting for you from CA!
XXOO, Cali Alis Mom

Marey <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:45 AM CDT
Whew, what a relief. Eighth grade, look out! I'm SO happy for you, and admire your ability to live in the present.
Erica, mom to Zenus, pre-B ALL <ebh2@lehigh.edu>
- Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:17 AM CDT
Thank God!! And to all us parents who cant help but think the same way, this is proof the worries suffocating us are not premonitions or God preparing us for the worst, but just our imaginations running wild with fear.
Chris Gooch's mom <chrisrusso_@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:50 AM CDT
Yippee!!! Relax, breathe and have fun :-)
Jill and Alex www.caringbridge.com/ca/alexschwab <jillschwab@adelphia.net>
Manhattan Beach, CA United States - Monday, August 21, 2006 9:32 PM CDT
Hooray!!! Have a wonderful day!
Beth Myler (William's mom from ALL-list serve)
Austin, TX - Monday, August 21, 2006 8:58 PM CDT
Praise God! I've been thinking of all you today....wonderful news!!!
Lisa Agee www.caringbridge.com/page/ross <lagee67@hotmail.com>
Camden, AL - Monday, August 21, 2006 8:45 PM CDT
I stumbled across Brian and Kevin's story a few years ago and have popped in every now and then to see how you are going. I am sooo relieved and happy for you. You have all gone through more than any family should ever have to. I hope you never have to have another weekend like the one you've just been through.
Leaha - mum to Dale dx AML May 2002 age 3 <tilsted2005@optusnet.com.au>
Sydney, Australia - Monday, August 21, 2006 8:08 PM CDT
WHEEWWWW!!!Breathe breathe breathe-Hugs to you all. The Melkonians Keep up the fight!!!
Darlene and Christopher Melkonian http://www.caringbridge.org/md/chrismelko <melkonid@comcast.net>
Gaithersburg, MD - Monday, August 21, 2006 8:07 PM CDT
YES! I'm soooooooooooooo happy! Enjoy the rest of the day!

Apryle and Victor <vicnick@windstream.net>
Pittsburgh, PA - Monday, August 21, 2006 5:49 PM CDT
What wonderful news to come on and read tonight!! I'm so happy. WOOOHOOOO!!! Hoping you can relax now and have a good night.
Jan <jan866@aol.com>
Glendale, WI - Monday, August 21, 2006 5:33 PM CDT
Halelujah for good news!


Tami Watchurst: Mom to Alexander 13 yrs: Long-Term Survivor High Risk Leukemia <leapco@rogers.com >
Orangeville, Ontario Canada - Monday, August 21, 2006 5:00 PM CDT

You made my day! Thank goodnesss!!!!!

Go and have a great day!!!!


Robin Debes <ashleynichole@charterinternet.net>
Shawano, WI USA - Monday, August 21, 2006 3:06 PM CDT
YES! YES! YES! YES!!!!!!!!!

Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you guys!!! YES!!!


nancy vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Monday, August 21, 2006 2:22 PM CDT
Have some fun today.

Jane Best-Weick <jane@bc-const.com>
Newark, DE - Monday, August 21, 2006 12:59 AM CDT
What GREAT news, Lisa!!!! You must be so relieved. I am truly so happy for you! Big hugs, Ursula (Alexia's mom)
www.caringbridge.org/southamerica/alexia <ursulacastaneda@hotmail.com>
- Monday, August 21, 2006 12:20 AM CDT
Mn - Monday, August 21, 2006 11:47 AM CDT
Thank heavens!!!! I am so happy. :)

Lots of love,

Katie (Hayley, Hunter and Taylor's mom) <dugan2b@yahoo.com>
Franklin, MA - Monday, August 21, 2006 11:36 AM CDT
Hooray! So glad you got an early answer--I can leave the computer for a while now.


Lauren Quinn <peckschoolhouse@gmail.com>
East Montpelier, VT USA - Monday, August 21, 2006 10:31 AM CDT
Woke up this morning thinking and praying for all of you. Spent my commute into work doing the same. Sending you strength.

Jane Best-Weick <jane@bc-const.com>
Newark, DE - Monday, August 21, 2006 8:40 AM CDT
Just a reminder that we're here in Vermont waiting with you. Fergus gets regular old blood counts this morning, and today I am appreciating their ordinariness instead of considering them a schedule interruption.

Keep us posted...


Lauren Quinn <peckschoolhouse@gmail.com>
East Montpelier, VT USA - Monday, August 21, 2006 7:10 AM CDT
The fear just get worse, with every hour. Once you have traveled this road, you will always assume the worst. That does not mean that the worst is going to happen. I pray for good counts and for Kevin to get the all clear. Anxious to hear nothing but good news tomorrow.
Mn - Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:38 PM CDT
Howdy Lisa and Kevin from Atlanta Georgia!! Kenny and I are thinking positive healing thoughts!! We both love the video of the drums! WAY COOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laura (mom of Kenny, stage 4 rhabdo, dx 12/96 - OT 1/98 almost 12! Kyle - age 13, Kasey, age 10 <laura9797@aol.com>
Kennesaw, GA U.S. of A - Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:57 PM CDT
Lisa - Just wanted you to know we're thinking of you here in CA. Hope everything is normal tomorrow!!! Hugs,
Jill and Alex www.caringbridge.com/ca/alexschwab <jillschwab@adelphia.net>
Manhattan Beach, CA United States - Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:31 PM CDT
Thinking and praying for you over here on this side of the Potomac.

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Sunday, August 20, 2006 5:51 PM CDT

I'm praying like crazy that Kevin's counts are all perfect tomorrow. I'm so sorry for this worry...I don't think it will ever go away. Keep thinking positively and know that many are praying.

Let us know the GOOD news ASAP!! :)

Nancy, Matthew's Mom

nancy vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:40 PM CDT
Lisa & Kevin,
Praying that the counts improve and that all is well in the Tignor house.

Karen Brown <synergyn@bendbroadband.com>
Bend, OR USA - Sunday, August 20, 2006 1:34 AM CDT
Dear Lisa and Kevin and family,

I'm sending prayers that you get good news on Kevin's counts. I *hate* these scares, living under Damocles Sword all the time.

Terry, Mother of Henry and Linus, dx ALL May 2001, from ALL-Kids
Tucson, AZ United States - Sunday, August 20, 2006 0:42 AM CDT
Just like a teenager to start things off with a broken arm! You look great Kev, and Brian, my daughter starts college this year (although for now staying at home) so I wish you luck this year at school. Mom - I know how anxious and worried you must be, but we are all praying there is an explanation for the drop in counts, a good explanantion.
Chris Gooch's mom <chrisrusso_@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, August 19, 2006 8:35 PM CDT
I hate I missed saying happy birthday on the actual big "13"! Hang in there....I know this weekend is probably dragging by. I'm praying for GOOD news and higher counts tomorrow!
Lisa Agee www.caringbridge.com/page/ross <lagee67@hotmail.com>
Camden, AL - Saturday, August 19, 2006 2:33 PM CDT

I check in a lot, but don't post much. I can imagine how time must be passing as you wait for Monday's counts. We're all hanging in there with you, trying to remember that in the "normal" world, there are viruses that knock counts down, and that most of the time, doctors are right, and the virus is to blame. I know, though, that once you've been told that and had it not be true, it always sounds a little hollow. I'm glad Kevin is feeling pretty well, and hoping he's just another tired out teen-ager.

Thinking of you all,


Lauren Quinn <peckschoolhouse@gmail.com>
East Montpelier, VT USA - Saturday, August 19, 2006 1:56 PM CDT
Praying for your family during this difficult time.
Jennifer A from the prayer bears and ones who care <sassy_girl913@yahoo.com>
Carrolton, Texas - Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:27 AM CDT
Lisa & Kevin (and the rest of the family) - Due to the faith of a mutual cousin (Sharon Z), I've been constantly kept up to date on Kevin's story. From the first I read your story, my prayers have been with you. Kevin sounds like a real trooper - keep fighting kiddo! Hope those counts are back up on Monday - I'll say an extra prayer for you all.
Sherry M <bigsistr57@aol.com>
Halethorpe, MD USA - Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:47 AM CDT
Kev - where did all that hair come from? Happy Birthday buddy! Keeping you in our prayers. Love the pics!
Love, Anita & Ryan Kirk <akirk44733@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA usa - Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:07 AM CDT
Lisa, have been thinking about you guys a lot! I'm sure Monday can't get here soon enough. I hope Kevin is feeling well and the low counts are back up where they should be!!
Jan <jan866@aol.com>
Glendale, WI - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:28 PM CDT
Hey Lisa,
prayers prayers and more prayers are coming your way.

Sharon <Zinkand07@aol.com>
Halethorpe, MD - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 1:02 PM CDT
Ugh! I'm repeating the mantra: This is just a scare. This is just a scare.
And sending good thoughts your way,

Jennifer Click and Carolyn & Evan Coveneny <jclick@mindspring.com>
Falls Church, VA - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:04 AM CDT

I just cannot believe this. The broken arm was enough!! Somehow, some way, keep yourself busy enough so you don't think about "stuff" until next Monday. Enjoy your time with Brian, and I'll be checking the website hourly on Monday!


Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 7:58 PM CDT
Happy 13th birthday Kevin!!!!!!!! Pictures said it all about your birthday. Fun, fun, fun.

Prayers, prayer, and more prayers for "good counts" next week.

Jane Best-Weick <jane@bc-const.com>
Newark, DE - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 7:24 AM CDT
Dear Lisa,
It has been such a long time since I last checked up on Kevin... I can't believe so much time has gone by and that he turned 13!! Happy Birthday, Kevin!

I want you to know that I will be praying that Kevin's counts improve and that this is just a small bump in the road. I'm sorry that you have to worry like this till Monday. I'll be checking up soon.

Sending lots of love and positive thoughts, Ursula

www.caringbridge.org/southamerica/alexia <ursulacastaneda@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC - Monday, August 14, 2006 9:59 PM CDT
Hi Kevin
Happy Birthday Kevin Keep doing great things want to hear only good news
Sorry you broke your arm hope you heal up quickly.
You and my son Josh have birthday's one day apart plus a few years. Josh just turned 26.

Jason's birthday is also in Aug ( Aug 1st) He would have turned 24. Hard to believe or picture him at that age.

Ilene Levine <milevine1@cox.net>
- Monday, August 14, 2006 6:36 PM CDT
************HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY KEVIN!!!***************


Robin Debes <ashleynichole@charterinternet.net>
Shwano, WI USA - Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:16 PM CDT
Happy 13th birthday Kevin! Great pictures. Sorry to hear about your wrist!! Be careful out there. lol
Jan Laskowski <jan866@aol.com>
Glendale, WI - Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:06 PM CDT
I am praying for your family.
Ruth <blueeyed_female@msn.com>
Hinton, WV US - Friday, August 11, 2006 11:06 AM CDT
Kevin you look wonderful, it was great to see you all at the clinic. Enjoy the rest of the summer
kimber <kmdgarcia@msn.com>
alexandria, - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 2:08 PM CDT
SO SO glad to hear Kevin is doing much better!!!!
I'm thrilled that he was able to have such a great time at the lake!

Hoping counts are great next week and surgery is a go!!!


Robin Debes <ashleynichole@charterinternet.net>
Shawano, WI USA - Monday, August 7, 2006 1:28 PM CDT
I hope Kevin is feeling much better today. How are you holding up? Thinking of you always. Hopeing that surgery will still be a go on the 15th.

Lota of hugs your way :)


Robin Debes <ashleynichole@charterinternet.net>
Shawano, WI USA - Monday, August 7, 2006 8:35 AM CDT
my oh my....I can pretty much picture dear ole Mom trying to smile as she heard all the counts....trying to be perky and upbeat....but underneath worrying and trying not to freak.

Lisa, it's just a blip...his marrow is still recovering from the all the chemo it has had over the past years.

Keep smiling....keep trying not to freak....I can't tell you not to worry because if you are at all like me, the worrying part NEVER goes away!

I will say a prayer for Kevin's counts to all improve and for some magic nerve strength for Mom!


Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:12 PM CDT
Praying for better counts!!!!! Hope to hear better news from you soon -
Love, Anita & Ryan
Alexandria, VA USA - Thursday, August 3, 2006 9:31 PM CDT
Oh dear! That was not the update I was expecting!!! I hope all this can be chocked up to the young cousins and Kevin is on the mend soon! Long days in clinic are never fun.
Doing the platelet dance here in Falls Church....

Jennifer Click and Carolyn & Evan Coveney <jclick@mindspring.com>
Falls Church, VA - Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:23 PM CDT
WOW! Kevin you are amazing, and OH MY, so very handsome. Love to you all. Kevin keep up the great work. My son Matt plays guitar he was very impressed with your pic. I think of you all often. Love Lynne
Lynne (Will) Daignault <brittylady2003@yahoo.com>
Woodbridge, VA US - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:58 PM CDT
Hooray for NORMAL!! YAH RAH!!

Enjoy the final days of summer! It's hot here in Indiana with a heat index of 110 and a temperature of 98! Yikes!

Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, August 1, 2006 9:38 PM CDT
It's so great to read such a wonderful entry....normal sure feels good, doesn't it? I don't sign in very often but have always kept you all in my prayers.
Lisa Agee www.caringbridge.com/page/ross <lagee67@hotmail.com>
Camden, AL - Monday, July 31, 2006 8:52 PM CDT
OH MY GOD! Who is that strapping young man with all that hair!? Kevin you look just wonderful, i am so glad you are doing so well!!
Lisette (PICU RN) <lvanmastrigt@yahoo.com>
Fairfax, VA - Thursday, July 27, 2006 8:03 PM CDT
Kevin you look like a total California surf dude!
Glad you are enjoying summer and the heat.
XXOO, Cali Ali's Mom

Marey <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 27, 2006 5:16 PM CDT
Ok, the question of the day...will Kevin ever cut his hair again?? :) He looks veryyyyyy determined in that pic!

Happy Summer!
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

nancy vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Thursday, July 20, 2006 10:32 PM CDT
Hi Kevin!
I just found your page and thought I'd say hi! I'm glad to hear that you're doing well!

With love,
Joanne and the Dream Team
~Simply Joanne~
~Bridge of Dreams ~
~The Prayer Bears Website~
Ones Who Care, SOEW

Joanne's Corner

Joanne <joanne173@gmail.com>
Singapore, Singapore - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 1:48 AM CDT
Lisa: thanks for checking in with us. I didn't make it to Gold Ribbon Days as I just couldn't face it, but next year. Glad to hear good news of Kevin--he is kind of a touchstone even for those of us who haven't met him in person.

Best to you all.

Karen, Clare's mom
Cabin John, MD - Sunday, July 9, 2006 6:18 PM CDT
So glad to hear things are going so well for Kevin! It sounds like he is having a great summer!
{{{{Praying for your friend Chassity }}}}

Robin Debes <ashleynicole@charterinternet.net>
shawano, wi usa - Friday, July 7, 2006 8:49 AM CDT
Rooting for you from CA!
XXOO, Marey, Cali Ali's Mom

Marey <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Monday, June 26, 2006 7:34 PM CDT
I can't believe how much hair Kevin has now. Let him catch up for all the time he had no hair and let him grow it to his waist if you have to. (-: Congrats on you grades, good job! GREAT Picture!

How all Kev has is a pulled muscle, stay calm. We miss you.

Love, Anita & Ryan Kirk <akirk44733@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:50 AM CDT
Enjoy your summer Kevin! Way to go on all those awards! Chemo sure didn't stop you from getting such good grades! Good for you!!

Nancy, Matthew's Mom

nancy vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 10:59 PM CDT
Hey guys, Just wanted to stop by and see how your doing and say hello. We really miss seeing you at the office. Hope your all planning fun times for the summer. Oh yeah we're back in the big house again. But we will be out in time to go to the beach on sunday.Hope to see you soon.
Carrie <flintcx4@yahoo.com>
The Plains, Va - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 8:40 PM CDT
WOW! Congrats to you Kevin!!
Enjoy summer vacation!


Robin Debes <ashleynichole@charterinternet.net>
Shawano, WI USA - Sunday, June 18, 2006 8:59 AM CDT
Hey Lisa, Steve and Leanne here. We were just checking in on Kevins progress. Sounds like he's doing pretty well this month. We're super happy to hear that! Props for the english award too!Sister Janet seems to be doing fine. Last I heard her numbers were going in the right direction. We say our prayers for you all often. Chin up everyone! We love you!
Steven and Leanne Abel <steven@abelcommercial.com>
Las Vegas, MV USA - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:37 PM CDT
Congratulations Kevin,

Ilene Levine
CA - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 0:58 AM CDT
kevin looks great!!! i can't wait to see you all.
kimber <kmdgarcia@msn.com>
alexandria, - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 6:47 PM CDT
It has been so long since we saw you guys....I guess that's a blessing.
I’m so happy you are doing so well!!
Hope to "not" see you soon,
But would love to get together someday....(over dinner, not blood transfusions....)
~*~Cedric's Page~*~

Angee Seldon <angeeseldon@yahoo.com>
Stafford, VA USA - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:08 PM CDT
Hi Lisa & Wendell -

What a great note to read! I am so happy to hear that Kevins check-up went well and that you all enjoyed a wonderful holiday weekend. Wishing you both a very happy anniversary. You guys deserve the best!!
Thinking of you - Beth

Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, MD USA - Friday, June 2, 2006 9:24 PM CDT
I was surprised to hear you have 2 leukemia kids. Isn't that really rare? I heard that AML does have family link (they think its environmental) but ALL didn't.

So glad to hear things are settling down. I know all about the post traumatic stress syndrome. I was a rock over the last 4 years of treatment for Davis, but I've noticed myself slowly falling apart over small stuff now.

They say 3 1/2 years of actual treatment, than about 3 years of wait watch and see and no treatment, than add the other 2 years to make 5 years out of treatment... that leaves 8 1/2 years before you can be considered "cured". So my 11 year old is now 16 and still in the wait watch and see mode.

No one will ever understand the added stress that parents with teens and preteens with chronic illness go thru. Its that added puberty thing on top of the cancer thing.

Than when they are doing "normal" stuff.. its hard for them to go anywhere near the "not normal" stuff. Davis didn't want to take ANY pills (not even tylenol or vitamins) because it reminded him of HAVING to take so many pills. He fights me to go to ANY doctors... too much of a reminder of HAVING to go to the doctors.

Davis lost 30 lbs and grew 6 inches the first 6 months after chemo ended. It felt so good to watch him grow!

God Bless

Mary Lee (caringbridge.com/mn/davis.leukemia) <mleep@msn.com>
- Monday, May 29, 2006 11:32 AM CDT

Geez, it's always something, isn't it? Thinking of you today as you get that sonogram done, and praying for NO MORE BRUISES! (And you do know that viruses can really do a number on platelets!) Big hugs to you!

Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:26 PM CDT
I wish we could erase words "bruises" "nausea" "fatigue" "you know what symptom" from our dictionery so these symptoms never exist,,,,. I am so sorry that Kevin is not feeling well,,,, and I can imagine where your mind may be going. I will be thinking of him wishing that it will be nothing but just a active boy life thing.

Mika, Mom of Kai

Mika <mikaboo@mindspring.com>
El Cerrito, CA United States - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:07 PM CDT
Deep Breathes Mom...I know where you mind is going....

I'm with you all the way kiddo!! All the way to good blood work at his upcoming exam!

Many hugs!

nancy vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:20 PM CDT
Hey Lisa - Happy Belated Mother's Day I'm sure you had a great one! Kev's hair it something else, at least he has some now.

Ask Brian to post a picture of his new girlfriend and him, it would be fun.

Love ya!

Anita & Ryan Kirk <akirk44733@aol.com>
Alexandria, Va USA - Monday, May 15, 2006 6:44 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day Lisa!

I hope your day was wonderful! You deserve it!!

Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Sunday, May 14, 2006 7:41 PM CDT
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us


EDMONTON ,ALBERTACanada, - Sunday, May 14, 2006 4:55 PM CDT
Kevin! We love you and miss you! but stay away from us! Love Katie and Cristi at the hospital
cristi and katie <clewelle@yahoo.com>
woodbridge, va usa - Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:14 PM CDT
Kevin - You look great in that suit! I'm glad you're doing so well, have fun this summer, it's just around the corner! Tell your family I said hello!
Kat <katrn857@yahoo.com>
Bethesda, MD USA - Saturday, May 13, 2006 2:04 PM CDT
Love the hair, love the GQ,love that your home is having lots of family "good times". Good thoughts, love, and prayers still going your way.
Janie Best-Weick (mom/ma to Kirsten, Andrew, & Jessica) <jane@bc-const.com>
Newark, DE USA - Friday, May 12, 2006 7:19 AM CDT
Lisa, I love the picture. He sure has grown from the little boy I "knew" on ALL-Kids and his first treatment period.
On to life!

Maryla <goldribbon8@hotmail.com>
London, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:34 PM CDT
Look at all that hair. Looking good bud!! I think all of our boys who lost their hair during treatment are so happy that the long hair look is back in. :-) I know I love it!!
Jan (all-kids relapse) <jan866@aol.com>
Glendale, WI - Monday, May 8, 2006 9:09 AM CDT
Drummer and a GQ model too??? Amazing!! :)

Many hugs!
Nancy, Matthew's Mom All-kids

nancy vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Sunday, May 7, 2006 8:06 PM CDT
Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate!!!!!
Janie Best-Weick <jane@bc-const.com>
Newark, DE 19713 - Thursday, May 4, 2006 1:51 PM CDT
Amen to that Lisa! Beautifully written. The boys couldn't have had better parents and grandparents. Bravo!!!!
Anita Kirk
Alexandria, VA USA - Thursday, May 4, 2006 5:59 AM CDT
Hi Lisa,
Easter is over! LOL! I hope that no updates means you guys are living the all time normal life!!!
Hope everyone is doing great!

Robin Debes <ashleynichole@charterinternet.net>
Shawano, WI USA - Monday, May 1, 2006 1:32 PM CDT
Stopped by to check on your family--I've been bad about signing guestbooks much lately. Best to you all.

Karen, Clare's mom
Cabin John, MD - Thursday, April 27, 2006 9:26 PM CDT
A big hello from Indiana!! Hey, I think your dog looks like my dog Darby! :)

I hope y'all (that is what i picked up at the Lighthouse Retreat) are having a great week!

Nancy, Matthew's Mom All-kids

nancy vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Thursday, April 27, 2006 8:26 PM CDT
Hey Kevin,
I wanted to say hello and that I thought about you over the weekend......I went to the Black Eyed Peas concert with the Pussy Cat Dolls. The Pussy Cat Dolls are (hands down) hotter than Hooters girls! Fergie was pretty awesome in person and they played all their good songs....especially...MY HUMPS!!! They played it second to last and I thought of you immediately that time we were singing the words when you were in 567. Also, I might add, the concert was in the pouring rain at Merriweather, where I stood with my friends for 6 hours in torrential downpour on the lawn in the front row. I wasn't leaving until I heard 'My Humps' though....such dedication. Anyway, I hope everything is going well for you, school, friends, family, etc. I think about you and your family often and always pray that everyone is healthy and doing well.

Ashley Paulachak
Arlington, Va USA - Monday, April 24, 2006 7:55 PM CDT
What a remarkable boy and story! Happy Easter to you all. I found your website through a friends. May God keep you safe and bring good health!
Lots of Love,
Renee and Sam Guinane (caringbridge.org/ca/samguinane)

Renee Guinane <guinane@cox.net>
Aliso Viejo, CA USa - Sunday, April 16, 2006 10:49 AM CDT
Lisa and Family: Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking and praying for you. I look at the website every day to check on things and see the updates. So happy that all is well with everyone. Enjoy the "normal" life! Happy Easter to all!!!!

Love you,

Cathy Mehrtens <cmehrtens@bakerlaw.com>
Springfield, VA USA - Thursday, April 13, 2006 7:44 AM CDT
Cool Pics Kevin,
Keep on partying. You sure deserve it.
Take Care

The Fines <logpark@aol.com or www.caringbridge.org/va/parker>
Warrenton, Va USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:51 PM CDT
Wonderful pictures! Kevin looks simply awesome!! It amazes me every day how great life is today!
Praying for Kevin's continued health!!!


Robin Debes <ashleynichole@charterinternet.net>
Shawano, wi USA - Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:24 AM CDT
Hi Lisa,

what fun pictures. Kevin looks soooo great. Always in my prayers.


Pat Birkmeyer <patbirk@aol.com>
Berlin, Md - Thursday, April 6, 2006 12:22 AM CDT
AHHHHH - So glad everything is boring normal! Isn't it wonderful. Love the updated photo of Kevin. Prayers going your way and to others "I've met" through your webpage.
Janie Best-Weick <jane@bc-const.com>
Newark, DE USA - Monday, April 3, 2006 3:37 PM CDT
Hey Everyone~ How are you all? I miss you guys. The baby is here her name is Ella Ryann (No smart comments Kevin). We are both doing great and willbe back to the clinic in May. Hope to see you all when I return. Be safe Kevin, no breaking anything.
Kimber <kmdgarcia@msn.com>
- Tuesday, March 28, 2006 9:57 PM CST
Sorry about the dentist....so very few people get it (luckily our new dentist does...old one didnt)....

We are just checkin in to see how the boys are doing. Praying that Kevin feels better soon and thanking God for the healing He has done in both boys.


Andrew's Page <kim.sprague@cox.net>
Ladera Ranch, CA USA - Sunday, March 26, 2006 8:21 PM CST

"Fortunately it was acute and not long term" . . . hmmph!! Yeah, 2-1/2 years is just a blink of an eye, a walk in the park, not a big deal (not to mention the OTHER 2-1/2 years he already had . . . . Grrrr.

Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Sunday, March 26, 2006 12:40 AM CST
Hooray for no cavities! Funny thing is, that Matthew had none his last checkup. I figured his mouth would be full from all chemo and steroids....I guess I should just stop "figuring"! LOL

I hope Kev's cold goes away soon!!

Nancy and Matthew

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Sunday, March 26, 2006 7:49 AM CST
Hello Lisa and Kevin, Just thinking about you guys and wanted to say "HI". we miss you in the office but I know home is the best place to be. Hopefully we'll see you on one of Kev's monthly visits.
Carrie <flintcx4@yahoo.com>
The Plains, va - Thursday, March 23, 2006 12:04 AM CST

So glad to hear everything is going okay. Sounds like your mom just needed a few more gray hairs to add to her collection already, regarding the incorrect platelet count. She needs to save some normal colored hair to be replaced by gray when you start driving...right? I'm sure you are enjoying only monthly clinic visits now. And soon, no more Bactrim, etc. Keep up the good work.


Lori (ALL-kids mom to Amanda) <galer404@dejazzd.com>
- Thursday, March 16, 2006 8:24 AM CST
I guess no one can really understand that heart-stopping, gut-wrenching, lung-crushing feeling a Mom of a child recently OT gets when they oh so casually BOTCH a blood test.....GEEZ! Unfortunately, I understand!
I'm glad the 2nd test result allowed for the ticker to start ticking again, the tummy to unclench a notch and the lungs to slowly inflate again!

Keep up the good work Kevin and Lisa....stay sane my friend!
Nancy(the nut case) Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, March 15, 2006 9:04 PM CST

Annie <penguini1982@yahoo.com>
Rochester, MA United States - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 7:03 PM CST
Hey Kevin, that's awesome about your counts and I'm glad your appt. went well. I hope the new nurse didn't botch your finger as well as the blood sample....however, remeber when I "botched" your IV in your hand? You weren't thrilled. I actually wasn't thrilled either. Hope everything is going well...school, home, friends, etc. I think about you all often and will continue to pray that you stay healthy.
Arlington , VA - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 7:02 PM CST
WoW Kevin! Sounds like you are having a great time getting back in shape. This summer after Ali went OT she was getting up and running/walking the track at the high school. Soon she was running w/o stopping...it felt good for her to get back to her old self :)

Rooting for you from CA!
XXOO, Marey, Cali Ali's Mom

Marey, ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Friday, March 10, 2006 7:34 PM CST
You know that they are all grown up when they walk with their friends to the 7-11 (: Hey Kev - I was doing 100 to 150 sit-ups each morning but the past few months I slacked off. Bathing suit time, help me keep motivated. (: Sending our love -

Anita & Ryan Kirk
Alexandria, VA USA - Thursday, March 9, 2006 10:05 PM CST
Hey - I grew up at the Wisp Ski Lodge in Deep Creek, Maryland and will be up there the weekend of St. Patrick's Day. Glad you all had a great time! Sorry that you have to go back to doctor's appointment. Sending our love -
Anita & Ryan Kirk <akirk44733@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Wednesday, March 1, 2006 5:54 PM CST
Kevin and Family:
My name is Scott and I have a Son named Dean that is battling Leukemia. We are friends of the Vinson's and I saw your your entry on Matthew's site.
Dean was diognosed on 1-19-01 at age 5, came off treatments on 3-18-04 at age 8 and relapsed on 4-8-05 at age 9. He is back in remission and is in week 27 of his 120 week maintenence protocol. We are very encouraged about Dean's prognosis. When he relapsed there were no blast in his blood yet and his BMA on May 17th of 05 showed 0 leukemia cells in his marrow. He handles the treatments well and his marrow is strong in recovering. I know how difficult dealing with one ill child is. I can only imagine how it must be dealing with two. I am so glad things are looking up for you all.
None of us know what God's plans are. We can only put our trust in Him and continue to follow. I want to know if you can add my Son Dean to you prayer list and if your Church has a prayer chain please have them prayer for him. I truely believe that prayers are answered.
Deans caringbridge site is- in/deansdetails. Please take a look at it when you have time.
Take care- Scott

Scott, Nancy, Chris and Dean LeCompte <snlecompte@juno.com>
Indianapolis, In usa - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:27 AM CST
Hugs and oodles of prayers!

Mary, Mike Slade and the kids <mar-e@rogers.com>
Guelph, Ontario, Canada - Sunday, February 19, 2006 3:08 PM CST
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
EDMONTON,ALBERTA/CANADA, - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 3:22 PM CST

Rochester, MA United States - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 8:08 PM CST
Wow, 8 years...that really puts things into perspective. I can't believe it's been a bit over 6 for Matthew. YUCK!

Way to go Kevin on the 3.5...you boys never cease to amaze me. How do you do it???

I hope you are having a great weekend! Lots of rest of Mom!
Nancy and the Gang

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Saturday, February 11, 2006 5:04 PM CST
So wonderful to know that Kevin (both boys) are done with this whole cancer-smancer...and we pray they lead full lives, with lots of blessings. Enjoy the upcoming ski trips, you all deserve to have the best time. Love, The Spragues
Andrew's Page <kim.sprague@cox.net>
Ladera Ranch, CA USA - Saturday, February 11, 2006 0:28 AM CST
ALEXANDRIA, VA USA - Friday, February 10, 2006 5:56 AM CST
Kevin and family,

Wow . . . eight years. I "met" Lisa right after you were diagnosed! And though I've never seen you all face to face, I feel like I know you and have walked with you through this whole journey. You're right, there are so many mixed emotions. We used to celebrate both Katie's off-treatment anniversary (for obvious reasons) but also her dx anniversary--because that was the day she started getting better. And she used to celebrate that she'd "made it through" another year. Kev, you've certainly "made it through" with flying colors! We're all so proud of you! Cheers for the whole family!

Pat Lee <danpatlee@juno.com>
Orlando, FL - Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:15 PM CST
so Kevin, we are all still patiently waiting for our invitation to your big "no more treatment" party!! I'm thinking about you now probably wizzing down a mountain on a snowboard, wearing a helmet of course!! I'm so glad you are 'back to normal' at school and in your daily life. Your mom needs to write a book, "cancer for dummies" (not that I think anyone is dumb!) and she can tell everyone how to survive cancer treatment from long clinic stays to those oh-so-comfortable pull out chairs in the hospital rooms! Take care.
Arlington, VA USA - Saturday, January 28, 2006 6:15 PM CST
Hi Lisa ~
Love the "head in the sand" analogy - I can totally relate! I was surprised at how easy it was to "leave it all behind" once Chad finshed tx also. Life is way too short not to embrace every single normal minute! Happy that you're doing it full force and with both arms! :0) Old habits do die hard though - I told Chad I had to emla him for his 3 mos. check up last week and as I waited for him to stick out an arm, he automatically lifted up his shirt to expose his chest.....uh.....it's been 2 yrs. since his port was removed.........we both laughed out loud!!
Also, in English last week his class had to write about an event that "changed their lives forever" and unlike the other kids in his class, Chad had no problem writing pages and pages about you-know-what! Weirdly, much of his story focused on how much he hated walking around the hospital while attached to the IV pole...........one aspect of tx we had never really talked much about.........weird, huh? It'll be interesting to hear what our boys remember years and years from now.........you know - when they're "our age" - HA!
Okay, I've rambled long enough! I am just so so so so happy for Kevin and your whole family!! :0)
Love ya,

Stacey Wada <HIT4NOW@aol.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:38 AM CST
Hi Lisa -
I'm just loving reading about "NORMAL". Just thinking about you and your decade long journey brings tears to my eyes. Today, they are tears of JOY!! Praise God!

Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, MD 21136 - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:13 AM CST
Happy New Year Tignors!! I've been thinkin about you guys and I was so happy to read the good news!! Take care and keep in touch! :)
Kimberly Guest <kimmy.gibblr@verizon.net>
Woodbridge, VA USA - Monday, January 23, 2006 8:17 PM CST
I found you through another caringbridge site, & have spent most of my Saturday night reading about your wonderful family! I'll keep you all in my prayers.
kathy <kathyh699@hotmail.com>
MN U.S.A - Sunday, January 22, 2006 0:05 AM CST
Hooray for normal and routine!! YES!!! Enjoy!!

Many Hugs!
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

nancy vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Saturday, January 21, 2006 2:41 PM CST
Lisa, hugs to you. I like your ostrich desription-we were doing the same thing with late effects. I always have you and Kevin in my prayers. Darlene
Darlene and Christopher Melkonian http://www.caringbridge.org/md/chrismelko <melkonid@comcast.net>
Gaithersburg, MD - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 6:33 AM CST
Oops - hey Kev, sorry to hear the shirt from Las Vegas didn't get a warm reception at your school! :0Þ Oh well, the best news is that you are BACK at school and having fun with your friends! We are SO HAPPY to hear that!! Lisa, the holiday photos are great! Both Brian and Kevin look soooooooooooo handsome! I can't believe how MATURE and GROWN UP they both look now! WOW! And of course, Jaz in her antlers looks pretty darn cute too! :0)
Okay, just checking in to make sure y'all are still celebrating the New Year! SO GLAD that you are!!

Stacey Wada <HIT4NOW@aol.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Sunday, January 15, 2006 8:08 PM CST
Happy New Year!! The pics are great...love the hair Kev! The boys look great Lisa....hmmmm now where is Mom and Dad's pictures??????????????????
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

nancy vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Thursday, January 12, 2006 7:33 PM CST
Happy New Year Tignors!!
I think it's fair to continue saying that throughout the month of January, don't you? Especially when everything is moving along so smoothly for you guys!! Hurray for Brian's good counts (you know the saying - Thin is in - Bryce is the same way - always on the go!!) And we are so excited to hear that Kevin is going back to school! YIPPEE!! He is going to love middle school and especially seeing all his friends again! Wow ~ amazing giant leap forward ~ we are thrilled!! :0)
Sending hugs and high fives and prayers always ~
Bill, Stacey, Bryce, and Chad

The Wada Family <HIT4NOW@aol.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Sunday, January 8, 2006 11:49 AM CST
Yeah about pulling the PICC line! Whew about big brother Brian's good results...

gee Mom, what are you going to worry about now?? Rain in the forecast?? That sounds good to me!!

Nancy, Matthew's Mom All-kids

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Sunday, January 8, 2006 8:20 AM CST
Thinking of your family in this New Year.

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Friday, January 6, 2006 4:32 PM CST
Congratulations on getting the PICC line out and especially for the great counts!! What a wonderful New Year's present!!

Rooting for you from CA!
XXOO, Marey and Cali Ali

Marey <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:09 PM CST

Karen Holden <kholden@capitolcarbonic.com>
BALTIMORE, MD BALTIMORE - Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:30 AM CST
Awesome to read that Kevin is doing well. We thank God for all He has brought your family through and pray for continued healthy blessings in the New Year. Love, The Spragues
www.caringbridge.org/ca/andrew <kim.sprague@cox.net>
Ladera Ranch, CA USA - Tuesday, January 3, 2006 12:32 AM CST
Happy blessed New Year! Everything sounds wonderful. Ready for some "normal"? (This is killing me to say since I am a die-hard Philadelphia fan as opposed to "fair weather")But, I was glad the Redskins won. At first, I was hoping for a "spoiler" but was happy your "beloved" team gets to move on. Wild card better than being no card.
Jane Best-Weick <jane@bc-const.com>
Newark, DE - Tuesday, January 3, 2006 11:03 AM CST
What a MAGNIFICENT journal entry!! I am so happy to hear that food is back in, PICC is back out, and everyone is feeling good and healthy!! Just think, the next thing you'll be dealing with will be getting out the door in time for the school bus!
Enjoy a happy and healthy 2006!!

Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, MD usa - Tuesday, January 3, 2006 10:47 AM CST
Happy New Year. Hope that PICC Line is gone soon.
The Grovers <bryn@brytr.com>
Sterling, VA USA - Monday, January 2, 2006 8:09 PM CST
Oh, Kevin, Wonderful news and I hope the PIC line comes out ASAP!!
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XXOO, Marey and Cali Ali

Marey <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 31, 2005 11:20 PM CST
Happy New Year Kevin...
I hope that 2006 is a kinder, gentler year for you -- and that you remain strong... Here's to a happy, healthier and more joyous New Year!!

With Love,

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
"The Mile High City", CO USA - Saturday, December 31, 2005 8:01 PM CST

I'm sending lots of wonderful New Year's wishes your way and hoping that 2006 brings health, happiness, and more wonderful times than you'll be able to remember!

Annie <penguini1982@yahoo.com>
Rochester, MA United States - Friday, December 30, 2005 5:16 PM CST
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! If anyone deserves a wonderful 2006, it is you guys. Have a great one.
Karen and Nikki McClure <the.mcclures@verizon.net>
Springfield, VA USA - Friday, December 30, 2005 1:18 PM CST
Hi Kevin,
It's 2:15am and we are sitting around the nurses station talking about you. Good things of course. We miss seeing you in 67 and especially singing "lady lumps" I told Dr. Weil about that tonight before she left. Just thought I'd let you know that I officially put in my order for Maxim and will be receiving my first copy in a month. I'll save my issues for the teenage boy population when they are admitted. Don't forget to invite us to your "end of treatment" party that you're not having. Glad you're home and I hope you got your IPOD.

Ashley, Katie, Cristi
Fairfax Hospital, VA USA - Thursday, December 29, 2005 1:22 AM CST
Hi Kevin,
It's 2:15am and we are sitting around the nurses station talking about you. Good things of course. We miss seeing you in 67 and especially singing "lady lumps" I told Dr. Weil about that tonight before she left. Just thought I'd let you know that I officially put in my order for Maxim and will be receiving my first copy in a month. I'll save my issues for the teenage boy population when they are admitted. Don't forget to invite us to your "end of treatment" party that you're not having. Glad you're home and I hope you got your IPOD.

Ashley, Katie, Cristi
Fairfax Hospital, VA USA - Thursday, December 29, 2005 1:21 AM CST
Lisa, Wendall, Kevin and Brian
Merry Christmas!! We are so happy to hear how Brian's recovery is going. Wishing your whole family a wonderful New Year in 2006

Gail Scheller and family
Woodbridge, VA - Wednesday, December 28, 2005 8:43 AM CST
Dear Lisa,
I never got a chance to thank you for all your support and words of encouragement regarding Alexia's case. I am so happy to hear that the reverse of Kevin's ostonomy went well earlier this month. We've also spent almost an entire month in the PICU and hopefully tomorrow they will transfer us out after so many complications.

Wishing you a special holiday season. Big hugs, Ursula & Alexia

www.caringbridge.org/southamerica/alexia <ursulacastaneda@hotmail.com>
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Sunday, December 25, 2005 9:22 PM CST
Merry Christmas Tignor Family!
We are thrilled that Kevin is home for the holidays and that you are celebrating together. Hope it's a wonderful day full of of happy surprises! We are sending prayers and well wishes to all of you on this very special day ~ wish we could tell you how often we think of your family and always pray for Kevin's healing.
Love to you all, and many prayers for peace, laughter, health, and happiness in the New Year!
Love and hugs,
Bill, Stacey, Bryce, and Chad

The Wada Family <HIT4NOW@aol.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 6:43 PM CST
Hallelujah! Home!!

Merry Christmas!

Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Sunday, December 25, 2005 11:56 AM CST
What a Christmas gift! All home together! YEAH!!

Merry Christmas!

Lots of hugs,

Eric, Tiffany, Jackson and Faith O'Neil (ALL-Kids) <jetoneil@yahoo.com>
Rohnert Park, CA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 1:03 AM CST
Glad to hear you are home.
Happy Holidays!
Love and hugs,

Audra, Mike, Amanda, Ariel, Keegan The Crusader, and Liam /ALL-Kids
- Saturday, December 24, 2005 11:20 PM CST
Hooray for being home! What a Christmas gift!

Thinking of you!
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

nvinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Saturday, December 24, 2005 5:09 PM CST
So glad to read you guys are home! Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hugs from CA :-)
Jill and Alex www.caringbridge.com/ca/alexschwab <jillschwab@adelphia.net>
Manhattan Beach, CA United States - Saturday, December 24, 2005 11:14 AM CST
You've made my night! So glad to read that Kevin is home. Merry Christmas to your entire family.
Jan Laskowski <jan866@aol.com>
Glendale, WI - Friday, December 23, 2005 9:37 PM CST
We are so happy to hear that you are home! We know you all will have a wonderfully blessed and MERRY CHRISTMAS together and you sure deserve it! Way to go!
Cindy <cbryant10@comcast.net>
Arlington, TX - Friday, December 23, 2005 8:44 PM CST
We are sooooo very happy for all of you. As usual your journal and parents have kept us up to date. Prayers are answered and we wish all of you a very very Merry Christmas and enjoy your time together at home

Our love,Judi & Skeets

Judi <bygeepa2@aol.com>
Bumpass, VA USA - Friday, December 23, 2005 7:25 PM CST
Oh Lisa ~ this is really some good news. I hope you had a wonderful day together today and enjoyed every moment being together as you prepare for Christmas. Shorter IV time sounds like a great plan and with a quieter machine too!!!

Pat and Isaiah Bingham ~~~www.caringbridge.org/mi/isaiah~~~ <pat.bingham@comcast.net>
Swartz Creek, MI - Friday, December 23, 2005 6:11 PM CST
Thinking and praying for your family, and wishing you the best for Christmas.

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Friday, December 23, 2005 4:11 PM CST
Welcome home Kevin and family,

You know the saying "there's no place like home!!!"

Merry Christmas!
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Friday, December 23, 2005 1:25 AM CST
Lisa-here's a hug for strength and sanity! Kevin-Keep up the fight buddy! You have been through enough for ten life times. We are thinking about you and sending up some prayers to get you OUT of the hospital!!Love The Melkonians
Darlene and Christopher Melkonian http://www.caringbridge.org/md/chrismelko <melkonid@comcast.net>
Gaithersburg, MD - Thursday, December 22, 2005 5:47 AM CST
Sending a ton of prayers for the roller coaster to end!!
Love from CA!
XXOO, Marey and Cali Ali

Marey <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, December 22, 2005 0:03 AM CST
YEA!! Glad to hear that things are starting to move in the right direction... even if it is somewhat slowly! We will keep praying that you all get home together under one roof for Christmas! Keeping you all in our Texas prayers!
Cindy <cbryant10@comcast.net>
Arlington, TX - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:56 PM CST
Hi Lisa, keeping track of Kev, as usual. I had to laugh at your line about bad luck....we have always said that here at our house too! I am hoping that Kev feels much better soon so he (and you and Wendell and Brian) can enjoy the holidays. Hugs from Indiana! Peace.....


LeeAnn Barnard <lsbarnard@hotmail.com>
Selma, IN USA - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 2:20 PM CST
Tignor Family---aaaagh! If we all get frustrated together, will it help?? No? Well, then, we'll just keep praying. Hoping, PRAYING you get *home* soon!!

Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:49 PM CST
Hi Kevin, I am so sorry to read about your time in the hospital. I'm praying that you will soon be feeling better, and be able to go home. May your Christmas be blessed.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:03 PM CST
God love and bless Kevin! My prayers are for "home for the holidays"!
Prayers, God's blessings, and love from the Delaware cousins, Kirsten, Andrew, and Jessica (and their mom, Janie)

Jane Best-Weick <jane@bc-const.com>
Newark, DE - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 11:27 AM CST
We are praying for Kevin to get everything working right and be able to go home and ENJOY being off treatment.
Penny, Heather and Ashleigh

Penny Cummiskey <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
- Monday, December 19, 2005 11:24 PM CST
Sending prayers from Texas! We will keep praying that you get your release in time to be home for Christmas! Hope things start getting better now and we will keep on praying for you.
Cindy <cbryant10@comcast.net>
Arlington, TX - Monday, December 19, 2005 7:37 PM CST
Hey Kev, Just checking in and sending prayers from CA! Looking forward to your reading about your release from the hospital!
XXOO, Marey and Cali Ali

Marey <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Monday, December 19, 2005 6:00 PM CST
Prayers that Kevin is feeling well and that you are all able to enjoy Christmas together..at home!! May God grant you many blessings in 2006, especially great health! Love, The Spragues
Andrew's Page <kim.sprague@cox.net>
Ladera Ranch, CA USA - Monday, December 19, 2005 2:49 PM CST
Hi Lisa -
I had so hoped that when I read your journal today, I would learn that you were at home! So sorry to hear about the latest, but we have all learned just how tough Kevin is, and for sure, in a "little while", you will all be at home and grateful to have gotten to the end of this latest wrinkle. I'm thinking of and praying for all of you.

Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, MD USA - Monday, December 19, 2005 12:57 AM CST
Those DR's should know better than to mess with you, thank goodness you guys are so on top of things. I hope the picc line placement goes well. Ashley is kind of getting used to hers, just make sure tehy put it in the arm he does not right with. They almost put Ashley's in her right arm. Praying for your family to be together soon.


Robin Debes <ashleynichole@charterinternet.net>
Shwano, WI 54166 - Monday, December 19, 2005 12:24 AM CST
Goodness, I had no idea Kevin was having such trouble. I hope these issues resolve soon and Kevin is able to be home for Christmas!

Hang in there Lisa....
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

nancy vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Monday, December 19, 2005 0:25 AM CST
Hi Tignors - I'm really sorry for the setbacks and frustrations. I hope today and tomorrow bring improvements! I'll be thinking about Kevin!
Kat <katrn857@yahoo.com>
Bethesda, MD USA - Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:05 PM CST
Lisa -- I'm so sorry to hear of all the problems Kev is having right now. It doesn't seem fair for him to have to go through all of this. I hope and pray that he is feeling better ASAP and you can get the heck out of the hospital.
Jan <jan866@aol.com>
GLendale, WI - Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:48 PM CST
(((((Kevin and family))))))))
Feel better soon Kevin! Lisa, you look great in those Mommy boots! We are thinking of you all and wishing you out of that hospital real quick! Hugs and prayers,

Heather , mom to Brianna, dx ALL, in remission. Daughter to Pete, dx CLL 5/99. Relapsed 9/05, back on the roller coaster and waiting for a match for transplant. www.caringbridge.com/ny/mylittlesunshine
Syracuse, NY USA - Sunday, December 18, 2005 9:24 AM CST
Lisa, Kevin and family,

I know *I* was very disappointed to read about your setback and all the awful things going on--I can't even imagine how you all feel. How frustrating. I'm just glad you (Lisa) look so good in those mommy boots! Praying for a quick resolution to the current troubles, and a quick ticket home!!

Much love,

Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Sunday, December 18, 2005 8:20 AM CST
Hi Kevin, I have not checked in for a while and I managed to miss the end of treatment for you! WoW! what a wonderful day!1 I am sorry to hear you are feeling so yucky right now but you will be feeling great soon :)

Rooting for you from CA!
XXOO, Marey and Cali Ali

Marey <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Friday, December 16, 2005 10:14 PM CST
Just stopping by to say hello and see how things are going.
Hope you are on your way home today or sometime soon and that Kevin is starting to feel better and stronger so he can enjoy his pre-Christmas week AT HOME!

Pat and Isaiah Bingham ~~~www.caringbridge.org/mi/isaiah~~~ <pat.bingham@comcast.net>
Swartz Creek, MI - Friday, December 16, 2005 5:55 PM CST
We have been praying for Kevin every day also so it is nice to hear he is doing better. We sure hope he gets to go home... EVERYBODY gets better faster at home! Hang in there and we will keep you all in our prayers!
Cindy <cbryant10@comcast.net>
Arlington, TX - Thursday, December 15, 2005 9:48 PM CST
Hi I am Friends of Sharon Zinkand and all though you may not know me i am praying for Kevin every day for him to get better and heal.
Taylor <IrishDncGr@aol.com>
Baltimore , Md USA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:17 PM CST
Missed you guys at the Candlelighters night, now I know why you weren't there...know you were there in spirit though.
Glad to hear Kevin is improving all the time. What a trooper he is!
I wish your family a very blessed Christmas!

Cindy, mom to Brandon, ALL Kids <cindy_Zammit@yahoo.com www.caringbridge.org/md/brandon214>
Damascus, MD - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 2:39 PM CST
Lisa and family - Though you don't know me (I'm a Sharon Z relative), my heartfelt prayers go out to each of you. What a trying time for all but I'm glad to "hear" Kevin is doing so well. I only hope that when my time comes to bear up under my daughter's illness that I can be as strong as all of you and that I have support like you all do. My Christmas wish for you is that Kevin is home for Christmas and having a grand ole time.
Sherry McManus <bigsistr57@aol.com>
Halethorpe, MD - Monday, December 12, 2005 8:40 PM CST
My prayers go out to you and your family. I know this is hard but I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you continue to grow stronger with each passing day and please know you have a multitude of family behind you 100%. Sharon keeps us updated on your progress and as well we have blood drives down here at the Coast Guard Yard. Best wishes always!
Lara Allen, SK2, USCG <Lara.A.Allen@uscg.mil>
- Monday, December 12, 2005 11:29 AM CST
Dear Lisa and family,

Looks like this corner of MD is sending strong waves of hugs and prayers to you guys. Joining Darlene in thinking about you and praying for you all. May God bless you with peace and comfort, and heal Kevin speedily and thoroughly. We love you.

Beth McQuin <cancrrider@aol.com>
Mt. Airy, MD USA - Sunday, December 11, 2005 3:42 PM CST
Lisa, Hugs to you-what a tough ride! We hope the leg pain stays away and Kevin is feeling stronger everyday. Love The Melkonians
Darlene Melkonian http://www.caringbridge.org/md/chrismelko <melkonid@comcast.net>
Gaithersburg, md - Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:49 PM CST
Phewwwww!!!! So happy for the good news. Hope all is going well with today's procedure for Kevin. Wouldn't it be nice after all this to just hibernate like a bear. My prayers and good thoughts going your way. May Jesus keep holding you up. Love from Kirsten, Jessica, Andrew, and myself. Take care. Janie
Janie Best-Weick <jane@bc-const.com>
Newark, DE - Friday, December 9, 2005 12:34 AM CST
Lisa, Kevin, and family,

You probably could hear my sigh of relief all the way in VA! WHEW!!!

Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Friday, December 9, 2005 7:53 AM CST
We are praying for you guys and sooo relieved to hear that the news was good! BIG sigh of relief here! Hope the pain lets up and all goes well for you guys! We will continue to pray for you and especially that Kevin's procedures go well.
Cindy <cbryant10@comcast.net>
Arlington, TX - Thursday, December 8, 2005 3:04 PM CST
Hi Lisa, Kevin, and family....
WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been checking on you guys worring about Kev and the leg pain too.... I am very relieved that the BMA was good!

Carine and Lindsay Ekberg www.caringbridge.org/il/lindsay (ALL Kids) <cae71@msn.com>
McHenry, IL - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 8:45 PM CST
We are holding you guys in our prayers for a successful visit and surgery this week. Hope it all goes well and the bma turns out fine. Good luck and we will storm the heavens for ya!
Cindy <cbryant10@comcast.net>
Arlington, TX - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 4:47 PM CST
Hi Lisa -
Just want to let you know that I'm thinking of you and praying for good results from the bone marrow aspiration and good results from Friday. You're on my mind often. Remember, you are in the best possible hands. Looking forward to a jubilant posting on your site soon, indicating that surgery is a full success and marrow looks GREAT!! Expect the best, the Lord will provide.

Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, MD USA - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:49 AM CST
Hi Lisa,
I haven't checked on you guys for awhile and I am sorry to read that you are worried. Jaclyn still complains of leg pain from time to time and it freaks me out also, but thank God it never amounts to anything. I think that these kids just might get leg pain for years to come. Keep the faith and remember all the strong prayers that are being sent your way.
Love and prayers
Michelle Petrow

Michelle Petrow <mdpetrow@aol.com>
- Tuesday, December 6, 2005 9:40 PM CST
Hey guys we are praying for you all. I hope everyting is O.K. and Kevin can have his procedure on Friday. Please take care.

We Love You,
Kim,Beattie, Trey and Laurel

Bluff City, Tn - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 11:49 AM CST
I'm holding my breath with you praying that Kevin's leg pain, is just that, only normal leg pain. I wanted to thank you also for signing Ashley's guestbook, its so nice to hear from you, you definalty have "been there done that" and your reasurring words mean so much to me.
Take care and breath deep,


Robin Debes <ashleynicole@charterinternet.net>
Shawano, WI USA - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 8:42 AM CST
Hey Kevin! CONGRATULATIONS on being done with chemo! That is so awesome! Hopefully the bone pain is from the neupogen. I'm working all weekend so if I'm not your nurse after your surgery, I'll definitely stop by to say HEY! Take care and see you soon.


Chelse Sanborn <chelse_sanborn@yahoo.com>
- Monday, December 5, 2005 2:23 PM CST
Kevin- this is my first tim eto your page. Kendrie and Kristie sent me to cogratulate you on being done with your chemo- YEAH!!! What beautiful music by your brother. I hope all goes well with the upcoming surgery and you will be feeling better soon! Have a great week!
Beth L. <beanieb@neo.rr.com>
Mansfield, OH USA - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:37 AM CST
OT? OK!!! Awesome, awesome news, Kevin, you made the treatment finish line and you deserve all the freedom from pills & pokes that you can get. Here's to a lifetime of good health...cheers!

Terry, Mary, Nicholas and Julianna Banana <tjosephson@shaw.ca>
Winnipeg, Canada - Monday, November 28, 2005 1:42 PM CST
CONGRATULATIONS! So happy to hear that you are officially off treatment! We will keep praying that this next phase in your journey is not so eventful as the last one has been! Here's to boring! Congrats again!
Cindy <cbryant10@comcast.net>
Arlington, TX - Sunday, November 27, 2005 8:02 PM CST
DONE! DONE! DONE! OH, HAPPY DANCE! I am so thrilled for all of you--Kevin especially, but the rest of you too because this whole journey involves all of you. Praying for protection from infection while Kev's counts are low, and a smooth ride from here on out! Yippee!!


Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Sunday, November 27, 2005 2:16 PM CST
Thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sharon <Zinkand07@aol.com>
Halethorpe, MD USA - Sunday, November 27, 2005 1:07 PM CST
From one ALL family to another! YEA!!!! OT Day has arrived and we're joining the many others to say congratulations for all you've endured to get to this wonderful day! We hope your future is as bright and shining as the come!
Kelsey, Faith and Colleen-ALL Kids <colleencadaret@sbcglobal.net>
Tahoe City, CA - Saturday, November 26, 2005 9:08 PM CST
Kevin and Lisa - what fantastic news! It put such a huge smile on my face to see your news - welcome to the OT couch. Sending HUGE hugs your way tonight.


Kathi (Melanie's Mom, ALL-Kids list) <mom2melanie@chartermi.net>
Cadillac, MI - Friday, November 25, 2005 5:14 PM CST
Congratulations, Kevin!! I am grinning from ear to ear for you!
Keli ( ALL-Kids) Danielle <kbderyck@sssnet.com>
Canal Fulton, OH - Friday, November 25, 2005 12:51 AM CST
Happy Thanksgiving Tignor family!! I'm glad to hear your good news! Take care! :)
Kimberly Guest <kimmy.gibblr@verizon.net>
Woodbridge, VA - Thursday, November 24, 2005 11:11 PM CST
God bless. You are all truly a guiding light and source of inspiration! Wishing you the best and thank you for the hope,
Juan <jmc6p@hotmail.com>
Miami, FL USA - Thursday, November 24, 2005 10:49 PM CST
Congratulations, and may this forever be the end of the end of the end.
Karin, mom to Christine <karin.mika@law.csuohio.edu>
Berea, Ohio USA - Thursday, November 24, 2005 9:01 AM CST
We are so very happy for you Kevin and all of your family. We are happy as other families going through the same thing seeing you get to the end with wonderful news. Today is a blessed Thanksgiving!!!!
Penny, Heather and Ashleigh <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:59 PM CST
So happy for you guys... Kevin, here's to a long life of happiness and good health!

With love,

Katie, mom to Hayley, Hunter, and Taylor <dugan2b@yahoo.com>
Franklin, MA - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:20 PM CST
Shedding some happy tears for you all! Wow, I am just so filled with joy for you all. Happy Thanksgiving! sending lots of love.
Jen, Samuel and family http://www.momandmepouch.com/SamuelsUpdates.html <bud110@aol.com>
S. Prairie, WA USA - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 9:48 PM CST
Hi I am Tammy mom to katie dx with pre b all on aug 12 2005 I just wanted to say congrats to you on your end of treatment what a gift! and mom you must be so releived. I ran across your site from share the love and since katie wants to meet all the people with cancer we just started searching. stop by our site some time www.caringbridge.org/visit/katiethomas
Well I pray that you stay healthy for the rest of your life and for nothing but joy and love.
God Bless

Tammy <soccermedic464@aol.com>
knoxville, TN United States - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 9:24 PM CST
What a wonderful Thanksgiving your family will have!!!
Congratulations Kevin on a GREAT fight! I couldn't be happier for all of you.
Michele ALL LIST

Michele Miranda <missym004@yahoo.com>
Wantagh, NY USA - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 7:25 PM CST
Lisa-we are so happy for you all!!!We pray this is it for your family. Keep up the fight!!Happy Thanksgiving! The Melkonians
Darlene and Christopher Melkonian http://www.caringbridge.org/md/chrismelko <melkonid@comcast.net>
Gaithersburg, MD - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 6:50 PM CST
Yippee!!!! That's the best news I've seen today. Enjoy life OT. We're so happy for you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Jill and Alex www.caringbridge.com/ca/alexschwab <jillschwab@adelphia.net>
Lake Arrowhead , CA United States - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 1:24 PM CST
The Scheller family is counting down the days with you!

Gail Scheller and family
Woodbridge, VA - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:18 AM CST
Don't eat too much turkey now! You are down to a mere handful of days! Yippee! So much to be thankful for this year!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy <Nvinson@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:05 PM CST
Dude, you are almost there. Congratulations!!! Hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving.
The Fines <logpark@aol.com or www.caringbridge.org/va/parker>
Warrenton, Va USA - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 6:01 PM CST
I am so glad to hear that Kevin is near the end of his treatment. I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays! Hope to see you soon.
Cathy Mehrtens <cmehrtens@bakerlaw.com>
Springfield, VA USA - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 7:30 AM CST
Hi Lisa -
December 1 is so very close. I can't imagine the anticipation that all of you must feel in waiting for the results of the last tests, and waiting for the pages of the calendar to turn!! I continue to think of you and pray for you all.
Love - Beth

Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, MD USA - Monday, November 21, 2005 10:38 AM CST
Hi Lisa,
I was wondering how Kevin was doing lately and I'm glad I checked. Two weeks is not very long at all. I can't wait until you can say he is OFF TREATMENT!
As I scanned down your guestbook I saw an entry from Pat Lee. A name from the past and one of the many people I "met" when I met you through ALL-KIDS. Such a long time ago. It warms my heart to see Pat's name and remember the strength and love I received from that group. It just warms my heart.
Thinking of you often.

Your old pal, Maryla Gallagher <goldribbon8@hotmail.com ~ www.caringbridge.com/canada/caedan>
London, Ontario Canada - Saturday, November 19, 2005 11:03 PM CST
Lisa, 2 more weeks-that's great!! 3 cheers for Kevin!
Try not to worry too much about the platelets-I'll bet the sinus infection has been eating them up. I understand though, how much better it feels when the final tests come in clear!
How did Kevin like Harry Potter? Sarah went last night and she loved it-she has already made plans to see it again when her big brother is home from school:)
Hugs and best wishes-we're thinking of you!
Patty W. from ALL-Kids and fellow Virginian! www.caringbridge.org/va/crazyteen

Patty <peacen05@yahoo.com>
Richmond, VA USA - Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:26 AM CST
Two more weeks....What a thrilling thing to read! I am so very very happy for you all! Kev you did an awesome job!

That OT couch is waiting for you guys, so scurry on over ok!?!

Nancy, Matthew's Mom

nancy vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Friday, November 18, 2005 8:21 PM CST
Thanks be to God.

Doing the happy dance here in MD.


Beth McQuin, mom to Bobby <cancrrider@aol.com>
Mt. Airy, MD USA - Wednesday, November 16, 2005 0:11 AM CST
I just came across Kevin's site. I'm so glad the indications now are good. I hope many people will heed your plea to give blood and platelets. Our little Mamie fought Wilm's tumor for 2 years and 1 week, from age 4 to 6. I've never had trouble giving blood, but for some reason we have trouble getting the needles just right for platelets, so I feel very thankful when it works. There was always O positive blood or platelets available when Mamie needed it, and I want that to be true for every child.

George F. Adams <george.f.adams@us.army.mil>
Huntsville, AL USA - Monday, November 14, 2005 4:37 PM CST


Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Sunday, November 13, 2005 6:40 PM CST
So happy to hear everything was ALL CLEAR!!! We will still keep praying for you all and hope Kevin gets to go back to school in December! Really happy for you all with your results this week!
Cindy <cbryant10@comcast.net>
Arlington, TX - Sunday, November 13, 2005 0:52 AM CST
Thinking of you!
Audra, Mike, Amanda, Ariel, Keegan The Crusader, and Liam <audramama@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, November 12, 2005 9:36 AM CST
So glad things went well today. WOOHOO to the final chemo spinal!! Things are winding down quickly for you. We've been cheering for you every step of the way. School in December sounds great. GO KEVIN!!
Jan <jan866@aol.com>
Glendale, WI - Saturday, November 12, 2005 0:35 AM CST
I'm praying that Kevin's tests all come back with nothing but good news.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:21 PM CST
Hey Kevin! Just checking in to see how things are going...I will check back soon and hope to see that the platelets have gone back up :)

Rooting for you from CA!
XXOO, Marey and Cali Ali

Marey, Ali's mom-ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:04 AM CST
I can't believe that you're counting down to the last spinal . . . what a two year trip it has been for all of you. Thinking about you here on our side of the Potomac . . .

Karen, Clare's mom www.caringbridge.org/md/clareschmidt
Cabin John, MD - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 8:38 PM CST
We have been following your son's journey since we got directed here from another site. We will be praying this week that Kevin's platelets pick back up and he doesn't need a bma.
Cindy <cbryant10@comcast.net>
Arlington, TX - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 9:53 AM CST

Aaaaarrgh, it's always something, isn't it?? I'll be praying those darn platelets come up and Kev doesn't even need the BMA on Friday! *Big hugs to you*--I know how something like that can get the mind running!


Pat Lee
Orlando, FL - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 7:39 AM CST
ALEXANDRIA, VA USA - Friday, November 4, 2005 3:49 PM CST
Dear Lisa and Family, I just wanted you to know that we were thinking of you and Kevin and, as always, wishing you well on the journey to recovery. If there is ever anything we can do to help out or replenish you, don't hesitate to sing out.

Karen and Nikki McClure (was Karen Morehouse)

Karen McClure <the.mcclures@verizon.net>
Springfield, VA USA - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 3:58 PM CST
Hello Tignor family -
Boring sounds so incredibly WONDERFUL!! I know that you enjoy each and every day of it. Happy Birthday, Lisa and Wendell... and Chuck.

Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, md USA - Friday, October 28, 2005 11:45 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Lisa!
It's great to hear the Tignor house is routine these days.

Gail Scheller and family
woodbridge, VA - Thursday, October 27, 2005 11:59 AM CDT
Hey to the Tignors! Just checked in on Kevin today. I'm an (old) freind of your moms from high school in Italy. I played guitar too. Your playing reminds me of the countless hours I spent playing by myself and with freinds. Your mom would remeber I think...OK, maybe it wasn't as good as Kevins! Sounds like you are all very excited about getting through the treatments on Dec. 1st. Saw your picture in Bonaire! You all look great. We're praying for you all too! Love, Steven and Leanne Abel
Steven and Leanne Abel <steven@abelcommercial.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:15 AM CDT
thanks for checking in on little donovan...How exciting off treatment dec 1 that is so exciting.. I will pray and pray that the days go by and dec 1 is here before you know it...never give up and know we are praying for your complete remission
melissa and baby d <meldardyl2000@yahoo.com>
indpls, in - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:28 PM CDT
Hey Lisa!
Thanks for signing my guestbook. I will be at the office everyday next week for chemo so I will definatly see you on Wednesday! YAY! I havent seen you guys in forever. Well I guess I will get back to my boring life haha! See ya next week!

chassity <xochassxo@aol.com>
the plains, va - Friday, October 7, 2005 6:35 PM CDT
Glad to hear Kevin is doing well. I'm living in Abingdon, Va now. It's great down here. I talked to Brian today. I should be going up to see him at Longwood sometime soon, hopefully. Send my love and God bless you all!
Sophie Dutton <sldutton7@yahoo.com>
Abingdon, VA USA - Friday, October 7, 2005 2:22 PM CDT
I'm so very happy that you are winding down with treatment! What a relief. We are cheering for you from the sidelines Kevin and family. :-)
Jan Laskowski <jan866@aol.com>
Glendale, WI - Thursday, October 6, 2005 11:13 PM CDT
I sense a wild celebration coming up in 2 short months! Wow, what an accomplishment! You are almost there Kevin! You are an extremely strong family! So many are very proud of you!

Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Thursday, October 6, 2005 2:19 PM CDT
Hi Lisa -
What a wonderful thing to read about "normal"! I am so happy for Kevin, and so happy for you and Wendell. I continue to keep Kevin in my thoughts and prayer.

Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, MD USA - Thursday, October 6, 2005 12:25 AM CDT
Only two months left that is great...I just walked in light the night here in indpls and it was so nice to hear everybodys name but also emotional...thanks for signing our web page...I hope all is well your way and will add you to my favorites...my thoughts and prayers to you as you get ready to finish the next two months of treatment for your son...
melissa rasmussen mom to baby Donovan www.caringbridge.org/in/babydonovan <meldardyl2000@yahoo.com>
indpls, in - Wednesday, October 5, 2005 9:16 AM CDT
Hey Lisa!
Thats nice of you to walk in honor of all those kids! Ill have to tell Lori that you mentioned Ry too! His grandma is going to be there with Evan! I wish I could walk in it but I just dont think Id have the energy to walk that much, lol! Poor Clare, I didnt know she was all donor cells. Thats a real bummer. A few of my NB freinds died like that this year-complications from transplant-its just not fail but its also not fair for them to suffer. Im so glad Kevin is getting better and healthier. You better not become a stranger though!!! lol! Well enjoy your time away from the office and being normal! (Ill be at the office on Monday)
See ya soon!

chassity <xochassxo@aol.com>
the plains, va - Sunday, October 2, 2005 2:27 PM CDT
Hey Lisa,
Im really sorry to hear about Clare. Ive been praying for her and will continue to do so for her family. From what Ive read, it sounds like she truely is in a better place. She deserves better than what shes been going through lately.
Im glad you guys are having some normal days (whatever that is!) It just sucks not being able to see you all at the office all the time (like Ive been there!) Anyways, Enjoy the weekend and have lots of extra NORMAL days for me! hehe!

chassity <xochassxo@aol.com>
- Friday, September 30, 2005 11:45 PM CDT
My name is Danny and I found out about Kevin from Parker Fine's site. I was the Make-A-Wish Person assigned to Parker. I just wanted to drop a quick note letting you know that even though I have never met you, you are in my prayers daily. I hope to get to meet you one day and I will continue to monitor your progress.
God Bless,

Danny Lawray <Lawraydl@pwcs.edu>
Dumfries, Va United States - Friday, September 30, 2005 8:44 AM CDT
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Love Always BRENDA My Loving Dad's Site <brurka@shaw.ca>
EDMONTON,ALBERTA CANADA, - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 0:20 AM CDT
Glad to hear that the 'normal stuff' is going on. It's such a relief and a blessing for Kevin (and the rest of you). You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Bryn, Tiffini, and David <bryn@brytr.com>
Sterling, VA USA - Monday, September 26, 2005 7:06 PM CDT
Sorry it's been so long since we've been here, but we did get to see you all several times this summer and it was great seeing you here at the lake Kevin, seemingly having a GREAT time. You all have gotten such a wonderful early Christmas present. Only 9 more weeks (I think) and you'll be back in with all your friends. We are so happy for you. You must be sooooooooooooooo excited!! Know that we think about you often and keep up with your progress through your grandparents and this great website. Keep up the good work and all our best to all of you, it's been a long road which you know better than I.

Judi & Skeets <bygeepa2@aol.com>
bumpass, VA USA - Thursday, September 22, 2005 6:49 PM CDT
ANITA & RYAN KIRK <akirk44733@aol.com>
ALEXANDRIA, VA USA - Thursday, September 22, 2005 3:11 PM CDT
Roids, gotta love em. Matthew is doing the roids this week too! Great counts Kev!

Our family has formed a Walk the night team...Team Never Give Up. Our walk is on Sunday! We're walking for you too Kevin!

Nancy, matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Thursday, September 22, 2005 0:03 AM CDT
Hey Kevin, Glad to hear you are feeling better. I think the vincristine made Ali's bones hurt way more than the steroids...but the steroids made us all side step around her! Not too much longer to go! Hang in there!

Rooting for you from CA!
XXOO, Marey and Cali ALi

Marey, Ali's mom- ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:56 PM CDT
The "maintenance meds" sound terrible, but I can't help but to smile when I think what the word "maintenance meds" mean, and what that implies for where you are in your journey!! What a miracle! Good news about the 12/9 date. I pray that by Christmas you will all be home together, enjoying a very special holiday. I send you my prayers.
Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, md 21136 - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:28 AM CDT
Yesssssssss...it IS going to be a good Christmas!!! I'm so sorry about those awful steroids, Kev - they stink!!! It was never a happy household at our place when Ashton was on them so I feel for you, buddy. But only 10 weeks and counting 'til treatment ends. Hooray! You and your family deserve to have the best Christmas ever!! (And I have a feeling that it will be). :-)
Sheri, Shannon & Ashton Schaffer <sheri.schaffer@gmail.com>
Vienna, VA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 8:27 AM CDT
10 more weeks??!!??!!! WOW, that time will just fly by! I'm so happy that the end of this yuck is close!!

Hey, that will make a great Christmas present! :)

Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
- Sunday, September 18, 2005 0:23 AM CDT
Wow I can't tell you how happy it makes me to read your latest entry showing the next 10 weeks and seeing that you are that close to the end of chemo!!!!!!!!! You have had a rough road, lots of ups and downs. You are almost there! So happy for all of you. I hope the next 10 weeks is smooth sailing. Hugs to all of you. I really hope that some day our 2 families can get together. I'm sure Colin and Kevin would hit it off.
Jan Laskowski <jan866@aol.com>
Glendale, WI - Friday, September 16, 2005 10:33 PM CDT
Hi. It's been a long time since I've checked in. So glad things are going well for Kevin. Good luck in 7th grade Kevin! Megan (OT 4/29/05) just began 8th grade. Where does the time go? Keep up the good work Kevin! Sue G. (ALL List)
http://www.caringbridge.org/va/megan <suegut@earthlink.net>
hampton, nj - Thursday, September 15, 2005 9:26 AM CDT
Hi Kevin! Just checking in to see how you are doing...it has been a while since I visited your site. WoW! 10 weeks...I think you are ready for a daily count down!!

7th grade! WoW! My son is in 8th grade so I know what you are looking forward to.

Sending prayers from CA!
XXOO, Marey and Cali ALi

Marey, Ali's mom- ALL-KIDS <kteachermom@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, September 14, 2005 11:21 PM CDT
Week 10 - I think we'll be DONE!! What a miraculous thing to read!! My thoughts and prayers remain with all of you. Kevin what a long way you've come in the past 2 years. Keep up the great work - and please try to be a little more gentle with your bones.
Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, MD USA - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 12:22 AM CDT
Yeah-way to go!! We are so happy for you all, most especially Kevin.
Gail Scheller and family <scheller4092@comcast.net>
Woodbridge, VA usa - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 2:52 PM CDT
Hey Kev - What GREAT news from your Doctor. I'm so happy to hear that things are going well for you. Now you just need to slow down a little to give your bones a rest!! Take care, and enjoy these last days of summer weather.
Beth Roser <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, md USA - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:03 AM CDT
Enough with all the broken body parts already! I hope Kev starts to heal very soon. Good news on the December surgery. That will surely be an exciting day!

Much Love,
Nancy, Matthew's Mom

Nancy Vinson <nvinson@comcast.net>
Ft Wayne, IN - Friday, September 9, 2005 0:17 AM CDT
Sorry to hear about the arm. OUCH! Brianna broke her right arm (or was it the wrist that came first?) last September too and boy was it a pain adjusting for school. Her left wrist (arm?) came a few months later. She kept her casts and wanted to wear them both for April fools day. Unfortunately for her, they had the day off of school. LOL Take care

Heather and Brianna, dx ALL, in remission and cast free, all bones intact! Daughter to Pete, dx CLL and waiting for a match for transplant. www.caringbridge.com/ny/mylittlesunshine
Syracuse, NY USA - Thursday, September 8, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
OUTCH! I'm sorry to hear about kevin's arm, but awesome news about his counts!! I bet Kevin is thrilled to be off those darn neupogen shots!

I'm glad your family was able to enjoy this Labor Day :)


Robin Debes <ashleynichole@charterinternet.net>
Shawano, WI USA - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 9:53 PM CDT
Way to go Kev.....never a dull moment! :) Keep mom and dad on their toes! Hang in there Lisa....part of the joy of raising boys! Glad your weekend went well. Peace.....


LeeAnn Barnard <lsbarnard@hotmail.com>
Selma, IN USA - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 9:34 PM CDT
Hi Tignor Family!!
What good news to hear that the counts are looking good. KEEP IT UP!!! Enjoy what you can of another beautiful sunny day.

Beth Rose <erose@mandtbank.com>
Reisterstown, MD USA - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 12:52 AM CDT
So happy to hear Kevin has an ANC!! Hopefully he won't have to be on the neupogen much longer...and on to maintenance soon!! Way to go Kevin!!

Robin Debes <ashleynichole@charterinternet.net>
Shawano, WI USA - Saturday, September 3, 2005 7:53 AM CDT
The older guestbook entries have been moved to another page for easier loading.
Lisa <ltignor@comcast.net>
- Friday, September 2, 2005 6:42 PM CDT

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