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Chassity - Feb. 9, 1989 to Dec. 18, 2006

Hi! Welcome to my Webpage!
*October 2003-I had a biopsy surgery on the right side of my abdomin (near my adrenal glands, above my kidney) and was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma Stage 1. (Childhood cancer of the sympathetic nervous system. Most commonly diagnosed by age 2)
*November 2003-Another surgery to remove 75% of the main tumor.
*December 2003-Started getting severe bone pain all over. (head, neck, right shoulder, upper and lower back, right arm, right hip, leg, and ankle)
*January 2004-Scans confirmed the cancer had progressed into Stage 4 (high risk) A central line was placed in my chest and chemo began.
*February 2004-Cathiter placed in my neck to collect stem cells after 2nd chemo. Then it was removed when they collected enough after 3 days.
*May 2004-Surgery (at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York) that removed 95% of my tumor.
*August-September 2004-Bone marrow/Stem cell transplant.
*December 2004-Infection which resulted in removing my central line.
*January 2005-2 weeks of radiation.
*February 2005-A new central line was placed in my chest.
*June 2005-Surgery to remove my Gallbladder.
*August 2005-Scans that were finally NED!!

I get some treatment at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center This is a good website, not only to find out about the hospital but also about Neuroblastoma and other cancers!
This site: Neuroblastoma Homepages has a bunch of other kids's homepages that you can go to!
Also" Our Heros has a lot of kids with all different kinds of cancer and their websites!

Here are some really good cancer sites that may help you with information and support:
Cancer Fund of America
Lunch for Life
Gold Ribbons
Candle Lighters
Rainbow Faith
Children Cause Cancer Advocacy
Children's Neuroblasotma Cancer Foundation
For Teens: Teens Living With Cancer - this is a really helpful site for teens to hear what other teens have to say and also voice what you want to say!

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As of January 2004, Chassity’s mom resigned from her job to become primary caregiver for Chassity. With chemotherapy, her condition is ever changing, sometimes requiring trips to INOVA and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York at unpredicted times.

This loss of income has caused financial strain on the family. Monetary donations of any size will help ease the current financial burden they are under. (Including paying medical bills.) To make a donation, you can do so by making the check payable to:

Flint Family Fund

And send it to:

P.O. Box 1610
Herndon, Virginia 20172.

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Another way to help not only Chassity but all the other children out there that suffer from cancer and other life threatening diseases, you could donate blood and platelets. There is always a shortage on platelets and there have been times that she was sent home because there were not any. Also sign up to be a bone marrow recipient. There are many children out there that can not use there own stem cells like Chassity can and depend on donated bone marrow or donated core blood for survival.

LIFE is an opportunity- benefit from it-
LIFE is beauty, admire it.
LIFE is a dream, realize it.
LIFE is a challenge, meet it.
LIFE is a duty, complete it.
LIFE is a game, play it.
LIFE is a promise, fullfill it.
LIFE is sorrow, overcome it.
LIFE is a song, sing it.
LIFE is a struggle, accept it.
LIFE is tragedy, confront it.
LIFE is an adventure, dare it.
LIFE is luck, make it.
LIFE is too precious, do not destroy it.
LIFE is life, fight for it.

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Awareness Car Magnets.


Saturday, February 11, 2012 2:12 PM CST

Thursday Feb 9th was Chassity's 23rd birthday. Her dad and I spent it in Florida walking on the beach and just taking a few days to relax together. Chassity loved going to the beach and would have loved being there with us. But if she was still with us today, she would have her own life by now and wouldn't want to be hanging with mom and dad. But we still see her as a 17 year old that still needs us. I doubt that will ever change. We've been thru alot of different emotions in the last 5 years but Chassity always remains in our daily thoughts and will always be in our hearts. We have learned and grown thru all of this and I know Chassity would be so happy where we our in our lives today. We miss her terribly but we are also comforted by knowing she is in a place that she is no longer sick and in pain, doing exactly what she wants to do.

All things happen for a reason, we might not always know or understand that reason, but it helps guide us down that path of life. And maybe someday we will understand why, but today we have to live for her.

She really did conquer.

We love and miss you Chassity!

Happy Birthday!

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Hospital Information:

5673 O'Bannon Rd.
The Plains, Va. 20198


http://www.caringbridge.org/il/zachallen   Zach
http://www.caringbridge.org/me/dylanhartung   Dylan
http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/francafamily   Nick


E-mail Author: flintcx4@yahoo.com


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