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Carter's Page

Welcome to Carter's Web Page. We'll keep this page in honor of our angel.

Carter was born in March of 2001 with the birth defect gastroschisis. Complications sent him into intestinal failure. He suffered from short bowel syndrome, recurrent line sepsis, and thrombosis (clotting of his veins). Carter eventually endured three intestinal transplants... a very successful living related small bowel transplant, another unsuccessful living related transplant and an unsuccessful cadaveric transplant. Carter's first transplant allowed him to enjoy a great quality of life and allowed us to create a (however brief) lifetime of really wonderful memories. We'll always be thankful for that opportunity. After a long hard battle, Carter finally passed away at home in the arms of his Mommy and Papa. He flew to heaven on August 3rd, 2006.

To read about Carter's first transplant experience, and to read more about living related small bowel transplantation/Carter's transplant pals, please click on the links below.

The following non-profit groups really helped us along our journey. If you're ever thinking about donating to a charity, please consider:



Saturday, September 19, 2009 6:32 AM CDT

My sweet boy,

I had a dream about you last night. Dreams are nice sometimes, because when our memories get fuzzy, dreams can be clairvoyant and remind us of things we haven't thought about in a while. That dream, although it was crazy and weird and didn't make any sense at all, reminded me of that very special bond you and I had. The way you'd pull me close in your hospital bed and rub my cheek. I've never had such a intimate and pure love with anyone in my life. It's hard to describe, but your Papa says that's because you were really an angel that came to visit us. And although our love was so special, you seemed to love everyone the same way. I'll never forget the way you used to apologize to your nurses for screaming after they'd poked you repeatedly, and then you'd give them a hug. No matter what I or anyone else put you through, you always had love to give. I miss you so much my angel.

love always, Mommy

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Hospital Information:


(757) 583-1720


http://transplant.hospital.uic.edu/transplant/news.html   Carter's story and info on UIC's program
http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/ivieduncan   Carter's transplant buddy Ivie received a portion of liver and intestines from her mommy
http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/malachisherck   Carter's transplant buddy Malachi recieved a portion of liver from his mom and a portion of intestine from his uncle


E-mail Author: momof4CWs@aol.com


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