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Hello Sister Cleveland! I hope you have had a great July 4th! I am anxious to see how your day went! So grateful for you and for your helping so many to learn the importance of the restored gospel and the freedoms in this great nation that allowed the restoration to happen!
All my love, Daddens

Richard W. Cleveland <montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah USofA - Monday, July 4, 2011 7:58 PM CDT
Sister Cleavland, My name is Ellen Montague. My husband, Marvin, is Stan's only sibling. We could go for years without hearing anything from Stan but for the last several years he has live in Grantsville near where we live in Stockton, Ut. We have occasionally invited him to Church with us and one time he did come but seemed not to care about it. We are so greatful for what you did for him. We attended his baptism and it was wonderful. Thanks again for your caring and faith.
Ellen L. Montague <ellen.montague@gmail.com>
Stockton, Utah USA - Saturday, January 15, 2011 9:56 PM CST
Hey Babe,
Just want you to know how much I love you and miss you. I know you are needed in Independence and you will be an amazing missionary. Work hard, be obedient, and expect miracles. All my love, Brad

Brad Sheen <bradsheen@gmail.com>
Orem, UT USA - Thursday, August 5, 2010 10:56 AM CDT
I have been thinking about you alot lately and remembered that you are moving to Salt Lake City for school! i hope everything is going great for you and would love to hear from you soon so we can get together and catch up! (now that you live so close to me we can get together alot more!) love you girl! and your amazing family.

Kenna Wahlstrom <me_kenna05@hotmail.com>
boutiful, ut us - Sunday, August 2, 2009 10:03 PM CDT
Hi this is the dad! I just want to say Shell you aren't so much a child collector but more a child protector, instructor, mentor as well as many other fine things to our children as well as to your other adopted kids and grandkids! I love you all and I will miss that lil Bruiser guy! He was the best dog and I hope he is happy and can be okay until we all see him again! Love, Rich
Richard W Cleveland <montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah US of A - Tuesday, May 19, 2009 12:25 AM CDT
Shelley and family,
Well I guess its about time that I actually write something, instead of just reading. I guess the death of Aunt JoAnn really hit me and made me think that life is to short not to keep in contact with family, no matter how close or far away we are. Believe it or not I found this website by accident and have now been reading faithfully for about 5 months. (it's fun because I can tell my dad things that he has no idea about yet). I am so proud of Jourdyn for taking the step to serve the Lord. She is a shining example of all the things I would like to be. I pray for her and your family. I know our Heavenly Father loves her and is so very proud of her too. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out for her and your family. Take care.

Jessie Ehresman ( Cleveland) <jxehresman@cvty.com>
Sunset, Utah USA - Tuesday, February 17, 2009 3:34 PM CST
I heard the news about Jourdyn putting in her mission papers and Ryan and I are just thrilled! Jourdyn, you have accomplished so much and you don't let anything stand in your way or hold you back. You are amazing! We are hoping to come out for a visit this spring and celebrate all of your milestones with you. Love you!
Aunt Janell

Janell Cleveland
Bainbridge, GA - Thursday, February 5, 2009 9:59 AM CST
Hi family! This is dad, you know Rickster. Well anyway, I love you all very much and I feel the good in our family members is reflected back and forth to each other and I have much, I repeat much to be proud of and happy for! Dayto, you are a man, a handsome young man and I so much admire you for your strength and independence, that will take you far in learning for yourself, you are also very good to your mom, me and your siblings, thanks for all the little and big things you do for us! Jourd, well keep on this path and I am so glad you are here with us and doing so much good with your life. Madi, can I tell you again how beautiful you are, from your eyes to your spirit, I can't help but smile inside when I think you're our daughter. Tan the Man, what a great guy you are and I want you to know I know how tough it is to be a teenager, especially in this day and age, thanks for being bright, thanks for staying tough and for your sweet and loving side too! Shell, what can I say, you are so funny, so courageous, so strong and you help all of us discover and be our best. I will do anything for you because I know you do that for me! Just wanted to let somethings in my heart come out a little in words, which are still not adequate to really describe the love and connection I have to you all, I thank God for you in my life!
Ricky C <montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UTAH US of A - Wednesday, January 21, 2009 9:46 AM CST

WEST JORDAN, UT - Monday, November 3, 2008 9:46 AM CST
Madi, you are totally amazing. Good for you, the world needs more people like you!
Brittney Sartori <brittneysartori@hotmail.com>
Glendale, AZ usa - Thursday, September 11, 2008 2:54 PM CDT
Even though we don't sign the guestbook frequently, we read your updates all the time. Having your mother diagnosed is another challenge you will face with the tenacity that has awed and inspired so many of us. I am humbled by your determination, faith and strength. Many your mother's treatment be easy on her body and spirits. And may Jourdyn keep up the window shopping!!(We moved to Mexico 6 months ago from Miami)

linda felton <lindagfelton@gmail.com>
San Miguel de Allende, Gto. Mexico - Sunday, July 13, 2008 10:22 PM CDT
You probably dont know me but I have been following Jourdyn's page for a few years now. My Son Cooper goes to Enoch Elem and knows you and I have seen you in the Salon that I work in before. I am continually amazed at the strength that your family has with overcoming the trials of Cancer. I cant believe that yet another one of your family members has been diagnosed with this nasty disease. I am sure you were just as shocked when you heard the news and wondered when this would stop affecting you and your family. I hope you know that you have a lot of people thinking about you and praying for your family. From what I have seen, you continue to fight and keep your head up with every discouraging word. I am impressed and hope that I could react the same way.
I hope all goes well for your Mom and the rest of your family.
Love, Amy

Amy Garfield <amygarfield@hotmail.com>
CEDAR CITY, UT - Sunday, July 13, 2008 2:27 PM CDT
Oh my gosh. I can't help but wonder what will happen to your family next. Everytime I think, that's it, they've done it all, I'm wrong.
Brittney Sartori <brittneysartori@hotmail.com>
Kenosha, WI usa - Monday, May 12, 2008 3:38 PM CDT
Hiya girls. Just getting the latest update from the webpage. Jourdyn I'm sorry that you are feeling the oh so crappiness of breaking up. I love you. If that is any help. Suzy Q
Suzy <honorbright@gmail.com>
- Saturday, February 9, 2008 0:50 AM CST
photos, we want photos!!!!
Heidi Redmond <heidiwhitaker@cox.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Friday, October 19, 2007 7:40 PM CDT
would have been good to see you last week. I guess you were too busy lounging! Hope Jourdyn and Dayton have a sucessful year and Madi and Tanner are getting settled in with school. We are thinking about you all!

south jordan, ut usa - Thursday, August 23, 2007 7:24 AM CDT
Hello Clevelands, I have been doing a lot of reading tonight. It was sure nice to get updated. I talked to Adam the other day and we updated eachother about you guys. So, now that we are all caught up. I would like to tell you that Trevor and I bought a cute little house in Orem last week. It is so cute. Next time you go to Salt Lake call me if you have time and I would love to show you our humble aboad. Plus I would just love to see you guys.
Suzy Pierson <honorbright@gmail.com>
Orem, UT USA - Thursday, August 16, 2007 4:30 AM CDT
Hi Shelly & Jourdyn,
I'm glad to hear your doing well and Dayton's story was very touching.
You know I Live in Panguitch now too if he ever needs anything and I have opened up a Little shop of my own and am very interested in seeing some of Jourdyn's jewelry. Please call me (435)668-6679 or email me with some way of getting ahold of you to check it out ok..
Take Care!
Think about you all the time.
Love Ya,

Lori <l_munford@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, July 18, 2007 10:17 PM CDT
hey girl! i hope you are feeling better.. im gonna keep you in my prayers... hopefully take another cruise that was fun!! well any ways thur night.. i went to the hospital bc i wasnt feeling good.. well they tell me im 7 weeks pregnant and that is a blessing bc i was scared i couldnt have kids so im excited i hope its a girl.. well talk to you later i hope you are feeling better and get done with all this stuff...
katie <ktmarie4u16@aol.com>
long beach, ms - Saturday, June 30, 2007 2:22 PM CDT
Hi jourdyn,
I just wanted to wish "my girl" a happy 20th and hope your celebrating with some great friends. I love you and pray for you always.
Aunt Aimee

aimee bovee
- Saturday, June 23, 2007 5:06 PM CDT
Shelly & Jourdyn,
We love you all, and as always your in our thoughts and prayers each and everyday..
Seriously, let us know how we can help, we have way to many cars in our household, would love to share!!
Anything else you need, we want to help..Jourdyn's care and happiness is all that matters..
All our Love, The Munfords

Lori 435-668-6679 <l_munford@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 28, 2007 2:39 AM CDT
Shelley and Jourdyn,
As others have said, my apologies for not writing over the last few months. Just know that I check up on you several times each week to see how things are going. With this new chapter, I just want you to know that you are all in my prayers. I was at the temple Wednesday night, and as always, add Jourdyn's name to the Prayer Roll. Hope you feel it's strength over the days to come. Always remember that these trials shall all pass. Stay close as a family and always take time to tell each other you love them.
Love to you all,

Sheila Camarella <neilc84092@yahoo.com>
Sandy, UT USA - Friday, May 25, 2007 12:00 AM CDT
I have ben such an absent friend, I truely am sorry. I keep checking this website but, I just never sign in. It is so wonderful to hear you are all doing so well. I miss you and miss chatting with you. It's great to hear that Jourdyn is doing so well. Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
W. Jordan, Ut - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 5:05 PM CDT
Hey Shelly,
I still check this site every so often, and am so happy for Jourdyn, it is really hard though to turn her care over to someone else huh...(or at least try)
I just wanted to tell you that I have a real nice digital camara, it is an extra in our family, we don't need this one until summer, so Shawn is welcome to it if he needs it ok..
Tell Jourdyn hi we think of all of you everyday!!
Love Ya,

Lori Munford <Lori.Munford@era.com>
- Tuesday, January 16, 2007 12:09 AM CST
Shell Bell, Your brother is strong and he is fighting hard. I know in my heart he will be fine, but your right he does need a break. He loves you and your family more than you will ever know and you still stand as my inspiration when times get ruff.
We love your kids so much and we are so proud of that beautiful daughter of yours! Sorry we missed you at Christmas, we need to get together soon so McKray knows his Auntie well. Love ya. Tad

Tad Whitaker
Kanab, Utah - Monday, January 8, 2007 5:45 PM CST
we have been reading ALL the updates and have been with you in spirit and mind. on this important day of your lives we wish you an abundance of love and light. may jourdyn and shawn have nothing but admiration, love and peace on their journey into marriage. our very best wishes.

linda and ron felton

linda and ron felton <lindagfelton@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, November 18, 2006 7:18 AM CST
Hello, nice site!
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Nickol <Nickol>
New York, New York Germany - Sunday, October 29, 2006 5:12 PM CST
Jourdyn and Shelley-Thank you so very much for sharing with us what's going on and the wonderful things happening in Jourdyn's life!! It always puts a smile on my face! Congratulations on your engagement Jourdyn!!
Linda Stephens <stephenskevin@netzero.net>
Sandy, UT - Saturday, October 21, 2006 2:50 PM CDT
Jourdyn and Shelly,

I just wanted to let you both know that my mission farewell is this coming sunday, September 10th at 11am at the West Hills Chapel (1650 W Center Street, just west of the freeway overpass). I'd love to see you guys before I leave and before Miss Jourdyn gets married. I was at Three Peaks Elementary yesterday, but wasn't able to track Jourdyn down. Hope all is going well with the wedding plans. If I dont get to see you guys before I leave, best wishes!!!
xoxo --Rachel Schryver

Rachel Schryver <schryver_rachel@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT - Friday, September 8, 2006 10:29 AM CDT
our very best wishes to jourdyn and shawn!!!!! may your love and life together be brimming with joyous moments, contentment and much laughter.
linda felton <lindagfelton@yahoo.com>
coral gables, fl usa - Monday, August 7, 2006 7:04 AM CDT
Congratulations Shawn and Jordyn!!!! I'm so happy for both of you! I have been waiting to hear that it was official! That's so exciting! You both deserve to be happy! Can't wait to see your ring!
Love ya, LaNiece

LaNiece Roundy <blroundy@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah United States - Monday, August 7, 2006 0:35 AM CDT
I just can't believe it!!! CONGRATS Jourdyn!!! I'm sorry I won't be around for the wedding, but you'll be in my thoughts on the big day! Yay for you!!! :)
Rachel Schryver

Rachel Schryver <schryver_rachel@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT - Saturday, August 5, 2006 11:20 PM CDT
Hello There!
I have been keeping up-dated with your entries. I just read and learned you were at PCMC today and tomorrow. Joey had surgery on Tuesday. I don't know if you are staying here or just have appointments. I will try to see if I can find you-it would be great to see you. I heard you stopped by school a while ago. Hang in there!

Amy Brand <luckychance915@msn.com>
Draper, ut usa - Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:28 PM CDT
So, I was reading your web page getting my updates and I noticed that you said that you have a family reunion on August 5th. Do you know that is when I'm getting married? Have you guys gotten my invitation? I might seriously loose some of my heart if you guys don't say hi.
Suzy Davis <honorbright@gmai.com>
Orem, Ut USA - Saturday, July 22, 2006 3:22 AM CDT
Hello Clevelands,
Jourdyn I was happy to hear you have found such a great guy! And he is a hottie too. I was sad however to hear about those dang leg cramps, and I will be wathcing for the update to see what they tell you about them. Stay strong like always, you are such an inspiration to so many. Shelley what is going on with your back, and what are you having done? I will call you its time for a Rainey - Cleaveland family reunion. Lets get - r - done. k :) Love all of you sooooooooo much.

Erma Rainey <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 20, 2006 10:41 AM CDT
Hey Jourdy and Shelley,
Happy 4th of July to the Clevelands. Sorry to hear that you're still having problems with those leg cramps. So proud of you for your fireside talks. Way to go! Shelley, thanks for sharing the never-ending Cleveland "sagas". We were so sorry to hear of Stumpy's passing and then roared at the recent volleyball story. If any family is up to all of these challenges, it is your family. Prayers continue to come your way.

Sheila Camarella <neilc84092@yahoo.com>
Sandy , UT - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 5:55 PM CDT
Oh you silly girls. ;) Thank you for always keeping the site updated. I'm happy to hear things seem to be going well. You just keep that up Miss Jourdyn. :) I thought I would let you both know, I got my mission call today, I'll be headed to Minnesota in September. :) Let me know if there's anything I can do to help the family out this summer, I'll be in Cedar until I report to the MTC! xoxo
Rachel Schryver <schryver_rachel@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 4:06 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOURDYN!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you tons and hope you are doing well on your bday. i hope you werent too spoiled today! lol. love you
Maddy Reoch <medusa0310@mindless.com>
west jordan, ut - Friday, June 23, 2006 2:53 PM CDT
Happy birthday! Have a great day!!!
Sara Staheli
Gilbert, AZ USA - Friday, June 23, 2006 10:41 AM CDT
Jourdyn - You did a great job on your fireside last night. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. I hope you realize what a positive influence you are. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. The Edgemont Ward loves you!
Chris Tasker
Sandy, UT - Monday, May 22, 2006 10:00 AM CDT
I'm once again incredibly impressed by your family. I miss ya tons. I'll see ya soon. Love, Suzy Q
Suzy Davis <honorbright@gmail.com>
Provo, UT USA - Wednesday, April 5, 2006 7:36 PM CDT
Sorry to hear that stuff keeps coming at you all! Other than prayer, have you thought of calling in indian chiefs, or voodo doctors, or maybe even mediem? Maybe they could asist in the constant string of crap you'll are having to endure. HA, HA.... From an outsider it is just so hard to know what to say. I love you all and think of you often. Chin up!

Alex Christensen <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
w. jordan, ut - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 12:32 AM CST
Dear Shelly, & Jourdyn;
I am sorry to hear that your having struggles..Again...
I continue to pray for you, forever and always think of you, and finally, hope that you will let us do anything we can to comfort you and ease your stress if at all possible.
I Love You Tons, Please know that!!

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 2:41 PM CST
Steve, Natalie, Amber and Benjamin Thorne <snthorne@msn.com>
West Point, UT - Sunday, February 26, 2006 3:08 PM CST
Dear Shelley, Jourdyn and the rest of the gang,
We can think of better ways to spend the weekend. (Then, again, Rick knows where we spent part of our holiday weekend last week.) So sorry about the admit. Jourdyn, be nice to your Mom; Shelley, be. . . well, whatever you have to be to get the job done. The new guys will learn to duck when they see you coming. Our love and prayers are with you.
Kathie and Gib

J. Ramsey & Kathie Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, UT - Sunday, February 26, 2006 12:58 AM CST
shelley and jourdyn-

we are reaching out and embracing you through the email. we share your pain and know that shelley won't sit passively waiting around for any pretend surgeon!!! give 'em all you got!!!

linda and ron felton

linda felton <lindagfelton@yahoo.com>
coral gables, fl usa - Saturday, February 25, 2006 6:54 PM CST
Hey Jourdyn and family,
Sorry to read you're not feeling well. I hope things start looking up for you. When Megan had her port one time her's did the same thing and she passed out 3 or 4 time in the clinic while they was trying to access it and trying to get it to flush. They put her in the hospital and did some x-rays and tests to see if it was her port and it wasn't it had a blockes. I hope the scans come back good. We thank about you and check on you all the time. Just know you're in our prayers.

Tracy www3.caringbridge.org/nc/megan

Tracy Bledsoe <thudsonbledsoe@wmconnect.com>
Grover, NC Good Ole' USA - Saturday, February 25, 2006 2:35 PM CST
Jourdyn and Shelley,
It's been a while since I've said hello, but I never log on to my computer without checking on you. So sorry to hear that you're having a rough time, Jourdy, and that you had to make a return visit to PCH. Our prayers are coming your way that this visit will be short and that you will be home soon. We are heading down to Ephraim tomorrow to go to Jessica's college ward. Take care of each other and know that we are all here sending you love and hugs.

Sheila Camarella <neilc84092@yahoo.com>
Sandy, UT USA - Saturday, February 25, 2006 10:14 AM CST
Hello Jourdyn and Family
I am sorry that I dont keep in touch as much as I should. It breaks my heart to hear that you have to fight so hard and hurt so much. For that reason I sometimes just cant bear to read your page. I am an awful person! Today 2/17 we hit our 2 year mark of Anna's death, and I still hate the disease more than anything in the world! I ache so much and I long to hold my baby. I know the time will come, but I cant stand the wait. Amber and Ben keep me quite busy though....THANK GOODNESS! Our family continues to pray for you and your family. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help out. Love, Natalie and of course the rest of the Thorne clan.

Steve and Natalie Thorne <snthorne@msn.com>
West Point, UT USA - Friday, February 17, 2006 8:53 PM CST

I read your jornal every week keeping up on Jordyn. You all are in my prayers as always. Katie is doing good still in remission. We had went and visit with Debbie and Austin few months ago at St Judes. It is just amazing how strong and braves the children are. But to read about your family, you can just feel all the love into every paragraph you write. We are still trying to clean up after hurrican Katrina. So many people have lost everything down here. We feel so bless We only lived 7 blocks off the beach, and just had to get a new roof. Well I will let you go, God Bless you all.

Kathy Shavers

Katherine Shavers <katherine03@aol.com>
Long Beach, MS USA - Friday, February 17, 2006 6:44 PM CST
Bless your little hearts! Mine stopped when I read about the lump. I'm so relieved. Whew...

Leslie Swank <leslie_swank@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 0:14 AM CST
Oh, Shelly, I could not stop laughing about your swollen face. I just kept picturing you dealing with it. That's great. I'm glad the swelling went away. I am also glad to hear no bad news this go around with Jourdyn. Hey if you ladies would like something from Hawaii let me know because I am there. I will be here for a little while. Love, Suzy Q
Suzy Davis <honorbright@gmail.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 1:08 AM CST
Hey Clevelands....
I was in my room and I was listening to Mandy Moore and I thought of you Jo. We used to have some good times...Singing and dancing WOW we are nerds. I hope your respiatory infection gets better. You are so strong and I admire all you do and go through. I love you Jo and your family!!!

Jessica Camarella <jrabbit19@hotmail.com>
Ephraim, Ut - Thursday, February 9, 2006 8:00 PM CST
Hey everybody, Thanks for keeping contact with us! This is Ricky the Dad and I am also amazed at this young lady we know as Jourdyn! She has a great mom and some super siblings! I am so grateful for the blessings of life and I want Jourdyn to know she is a wonderful young lady whom I am very proud of, I'm very proud of all my kids and my sweet wifey-pooh! This whole experience still seems so surreal, especially when I look back at photos and read the journal entries, I say to myself, 'Did this really happen?" and then I talk to Jourdyn or Shelley reminds me it's a chemo-day or I see the scars on my daughter's body for her myriad of surgeries and it is truly real! I am somewhat of a bystander and it is something that I feel disconnected to but yet I want my Heavenly Father to know I am very thankful for my life and those that help make it so good, even during the very, very bad times! Love you, Bah Gourd! Your Dad
Richard W. Cleveland <montovanio@hotmail.com or rick@cedarcity.net>
Cedar City, UTAH USof A - Friday, February 3, 2006 12:36 AM CST
Hello Ladies. Just thought I'd drop a little note while I was mad busy at work. I'm glad to hear that things are good with you Jourdyn. I was sorry to hear the news about your cousin/niece. I hope your week gets better and good luck on Thursday. Love, Suzy Q
Suzy Davis <honorbright@gmail.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Monday, January 30, 2006 2:27 AM CST
You go Jourdyn! Let that English teacher know what you're all about. You don't let anything slow you down. You are truly amazing and an inspiration to us all. Thank you!!!
Janice Kimball
Sandy, UT USA - Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:14 PM CST
I LOVE YOU JOURDYN!!! (in case you forgot)
Jasmine Bivens <jazmin87_05@hotmail.com>
Anaheim, CA US - Saturday, January 7, 2006 7:15 PM CST
Hey, I just sent you a great message and it disapeared. Well, I am going to Vegas this weekend and I would love to stop by and say hello. I hope that the holidays were as good as they sounded. I sent you ladies a text message on Christmas day. I hope you got it. If not, well I was thinking about you. I love you and will see ya soon. Hey, when are those firesides?
Suzy Davis <honorbright@gmail.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Tuesday, January 3, 2006 6:11 AM CST
Hey, Happy 'old' Holidays. I hope you guys got my Merry Christmas text messages. If not, well I sent them and I was thinking about ya. Jourdyn, I'm so glad that you had a great time in Texas. Hey, please let me know when these firesides are. I wanna go. Also, I'm going to Vegas this weekend. I would love to visit you guys on my way down and back. I'll call ya. Love, Suzy Q
Suzy Davis <honorbright@gmail.com>
SLC, UT USA - Tuesday, January 3, 2006 6:07 AM CST
a very happy new year to all of the clevelands. may this new year bring an abundance of love, hope and renewals for the entire family. jourdyn is definitely a SHERO and shelley, NEVER EVER change!! we think of you all constantly.
linda and ron felton <lindagfelton@yahoo.com>
coral gables, fl usa - Monday, January 2, 2006 3:57 PM CST
Hey Jourdyn,
I hope you have a safe trip and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
and tell your crazy family I hope they all have a wonderful Christmas!!

Tracy Bledsoe <thudsonbledsoe@wmconnect.com>
Grover, NC Good 'Ole USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 11:39 AM CST
Merry Christmas you guys!
Rachel Schryver <schryver_rachel@yahoo.com>
Provo, UT USA - Saturday, December 24, 2005 10:55 PM CST
Dear Jourdyn, I just heard about this website from Amy Brand and wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I love your pictures! You are, as always, a doll! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy 2006!!
Love and best wishes, Cheryl Brown, still at Edgemont.

Cheryl Brown <cheryl.brown@jordan.K12.ut.us>
Sandy, UT Salt Lake - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 9:55 AM CST
Okay, Shelley, it's been a while since updates and I'm getting anxious for my Jourdyn fix. Hope all is well and the flu didn't hit too hard.
Brenda <brendabradbury@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:39 PM CST
Okay, Shelley, it's been a while since updates and I'm getting anxious for my Jourdyn fix. Hope all is well and the flu didn't hit too hard.
Brenda <brendabradbury@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:38 PM CST
Hey Girl Frien, I have a Christmas song request. How about a great one from yester-year, The Holy and The Ivy! Where you have come from your days at Edgemont Elementary Christmas programs and your lil' girl solos! You are the BEST! All my love, your not so secret admirer, Squints (aka Daddy)
P.S. Looking forward to hearing your beautiful talents this weekend!

Ricky Ricardo Montovanio Clevelandio <montovanio@hotmail.com or rick@cedarcity.com>
Cedar City, UT US of A - Thursday, December 8, 2005 6:49 PM CST
Jourdyn and Family,
We are checking the website often and thinking of you. We are praying for you and hope to see you soon.
David and Sheri Johnson

Sheri Johnson
Roy, UT USA - Saturday, December 3, 2005 4:15 PM CST

I am sorry to hear that Jordyn is going through all of this. Katie goes for her MRI's tommorrow, and I know how hard that is. I remember when Katie had to take that neurpogen shot every day for 10 months it was horrible. We went up and saw Debbie and Austin at St. Judes last month and that place is so wonderful. Austin is such a strong boy, just like our girls that has been so strong. I will keep jordyn and nathan in my prayers and God Bless you all.

Happy Holliday's
Kathy Shavers

Kathy Shavers <Katherine03@aol.com>
Long Beach, MS USA - Thursday, December 1, 2005 7:42 AM CST
Hey to Jourdyn and family,
I stopped by to check on you, sorry to hear you've being so sick. Megan has bad leg cramps also and her doctor told her the same thing. But I don't like giving her pills to knock her out like they do.

www3. caringbridge.org/nc/megan

Tracy Bledsoe <thudsonbledsoe@wmconnect.com>
Grover, NC GOOD OLE' USA - Thursday, November 24, 2005 1:30 PM CST
Hi Guys,

Sorry to hear about the "DEAL" at the hospital yesterday. You have really experienced every emotion possible at a Dr. office and medical facility.
We think of you all often and Hope you have a wonderful Holiday. Being with family and friends often lighten a heavy heart. Good food can also heal a empty stomach.

Anyway, we love you and think of you often. I could really use a "Shelley Fix" It seems like a very long time since we sat down, ordered "diet cokes, and keep them
coming!" Picked the veggies out of the egg drop soup and insisted we need more won tons. Picked around the pineapple in the phoenix chicken and just chat! Chat for at least a hour and half with our stopping. I miss you Shelley and hope you are well

Happy Thanksgiving Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
w. jordan, ut - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 3:01 PM CST
Dear World,
Thought I'd take a minute and let all of you know how much I love my wife. Yes, I know this is Jourdy's site but I can't think of my oldest without thinking of my wife. She to me is someone right up there with the best of the Mother Theresa's and the Tina Turners. She is the most loving, dedicated mom in the world and she knows how to take care of her babies and take care of the bad guys, or at least the ones who need to know where the bear *&^@s from time to time. I love her and admire her for her objectivity and her silliness, for her gift of putting a telephone to the test as far as functionability and for her soft side that she shows sometimes way to infrequently. Shell is a hero to me not only for helping one of our children cope with a life threatening disease but she helps and is concerned with the 90 and 9. She is a great person to count on in any situtation and if she knows something is beyond her capacity to accomplish, she admits it and then she puts herself in a position to face that challenge again with more knowledge and experience and with an unyielding spirit. SHe knows who God is and in her own way shows Him love and appreciation for what He has given to her to be a steward over. I am very lucky and blessed to have her as an advocate and well and a estute critic. She helps me always to sieze the moment before its too late and is understanding when I haven't stopped along the way to really, truly and energetically smell the roses. If this makes sense then good, if not all I can say is this is just one of my expressions to my wife and the mother of our children that I love you, bun! Thanks for keeping us going and for living for tomorrow even when some tomorrows haven't looked so bright! Thanks Jourd for letting me borrow a few lines of your guest page! All my love to you Shell

Richard W. Cleveland <rick@cedarcity.net and/ or montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah US of A - Monday, November 21, 2005 4:10 PM CST
Hey ya ladies. I am so glad to always read about how you're doin'. I hope that you remember that not a day goes by when I don't think of you guys. Jourdyn, how do you like school? How are your committee's (spell?) going. I hope to hear from ya one fine day. Love, Suzy Q
Suzy Davis <honorbright@gmail.com>
SLC, UT USA - Sunday, November 13, 2005 7:13 PM CST
Hi Shelley,
It's great to hear that Jourdyn has had a good week! We will keep our prayers going in your families direction. Isn't the Fall Season Great!1 I just love the slow change from warm to chilly. It makes me want to snuggle by the fire and drink cup of coco. Love you and think of you all often. Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
w. jordan, ut - Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:51 AM CST
I can't promise you a light at the end of the tunnel, but I CAN assure you of more blessings than you and your sweet family can hope to imagine. Jourdy, so sorry to hear that you had a rough time with your chemo. You are so strong! Hope that this round goes smoother and that you are able to enjoy all the things a college freshman should be enjoying! Love to you all,

Sheila Camarella <neilc84092@yahoo.com>
Sandy `, UT - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 5:36 PM CST
As I sat in the Dr's office today I thougt of you.
The best thing that could have happened did... I saw you ... :) you will never know what it meant to me while I sat and listened to you talk. It showed me there is a light at the end of the tunnel no matter what the outcome may be :)
I saw the greatest light of love and Godlyness flowing from your every pour today!

I grew to LOVE you today more than I KNEW you before
YOU are stronger than I could ever hope to be :)



Mary <Maryellencrazy@msn.com>
Cedar, UT USA - Friday, October 14, 2005 2:52 AM CDT
Hey ladies. I am sorry that we missed eachother yesterday. I called in clinic a few times. I heard that Jourdyn looked great. Nancy on the floor loved the pics you guys brought. I hope that I will be able to see you Friday. Please let me know when you are coming and I'll see ya. Love, Suzy Q
Suzy Davis <honorbright@gmail.com>
Salt Lake Ctiy, Ut USA - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 4:06 PM CDT
Hey Jourdyn,
I just stopped by to see how you was doing. I hope you don't get to sick from this round of chemo. Dusty & Megan says hey ya'll and I'll check on you in a couple of days. KEEP POIUNDING!!!!

TRACY www3.caringbridge.org/nc/megan

Tracy Bledsoe <thudsonbledsoe@wmconnect.com>
Grover, NC USA - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:11 AM CDT
Hi Jourdyn, Its Debbie Lipkeman(Austin's mom from the wish cruise)I am so sorry to hear about your relapse,Austin reoccured also I just wish you kids didn't have to suffer so darn much,but the way you all handle the curves life throws at you all is amazing you are all truly the real hero's on this earth,I believe GOD has a plan it may not always be fair but it is his plan and we must trust in him,I know personally I have learned so many things through Austin during his battle he amazes me,although we didnt get to each other well on the wish trip I could see that you and your family have amazing faith and just meeting you all helped renew my faith in GOD,so I want to thank you all,I will be praying for you guys,Have a safe trip to Salt Lake,We will be parying for you all.Feel free to email us anytime Austin loves hearing from all the wish kids.
Love Debbie Lipkeman www.caringbridge.org/oh/ausman/

Debbie Lipkeman <azhomesick@aol.com>
Brunswick, Oh - Monday, October 10, 2005 6:02 PM CDT
Jourdyn, it was the highlight of my day talking to you today. I hope I get to see you in 2 weeks! Dont forget to call Kelly and then Patty! I love you so damn much!!! Can I swear on this or should I have said...I love you so #*!% much! I'll bring you some Twisted Taffy and lots of love. Let me know if there is anything else you want. Also you got to tell me who your new favorite Celebs are so that I can get you their phone numbers, signatures, and credit card numbers!!!ect. After I talked to you today I went up to Rod Stewarts house and hung out with Kim. I did her make up before she jumped on her jet to Vegas to go to the killers concert! Do you like the killers? Stay Sexy beautiful girl! Adam Darais
Adam Darais <darais79@yahoo.com>
Studio City, CA USA - Saturday, October 8, 2005 4:11 AM CDT
Hey Jourdyn,
Glad to hear you're feeling a little bit better. You go GIRL!! and KEEP POUNDING!!
miss ya!!

Tracy Bledsoe <thudsonbledsoe@wmconnect.com>
Grover, NC USA - Thursday, September 29, 2005 6:00 PM CDT
Hey babe, It's Suzy. I am sorry to read about the past hellish week. I hope you got my message last week. I think about/pray for you every day. Love, Suzy Q
Suzy <honorbright@juno.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 5:11 AM CDT
You keep your chin up and keep pounding.I check on you almost everyday. You and your family are in my daily thoughts and prayers. You and Megan are going to over come these obstacles that keep getting in yal'lls way.
Lots of ((HUGS))

Tracy Bledsoe <thudsonbledsoe@wmconnect.com>
Grover, NC USA - Saturday, September 24, 2005 2:57 PM CDT
Dear Cleveland family,
I was so glad to find someone who knew your how to keep it touch with you and keep track of Jourdyn. You are all in our prayers and our thoughts. My daughter Erin and her husband live behind the hospital in Cedar City. I called her to let her know how things are going. She remembers spending time with Jourdyn at our house when you lived in Sandy. We just wanted you to know how much we love you all and I will keep in touch. If there is anything at all we can do please let us know. Love Linda

Linda Ward <sandwichmakerslc@juno.com>
Sandy, UT USA - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 11:17 PM CDT
Jourdyn and Shelley,
Just want you to know that we check on you every day. Thank you Shelley for your sweet updates. Stay strong, Jouryn. You are the most amazing young woman I know. Always remember that prayers and hugs are coming your way every day.

Sheila Camarella <neilc84092@yahoo.com>
Sandy, UT USA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:40 PM CDT
Hi Clevelands:
Just wanted you to know that yesterday Taunia Lombardi read Shelley's tribute to Jourdyn as part of the RS lesson. What a powerful tribute to a young woman who exemplifies what it means to have courage. It was very tender as we all struggled to realize how much you've gone all through and continue to be challenged. We add our collective prayers and love to your strong support network.

Marie Davis <mikemarie6@aol.com>
Sandy, UT - Monday, September 19, 2005 5:52 PM CDT
Hi Girls,
As I keep checking this web sight, my hope is, that if I don't make an entry than this really isn't happening again! I love you all and think of you much. What wonderful friends we've been for so many years. Our families have seen good times, funny times, hurtful times, sprinkled with a good dose of painful times. I'm so glad we can share with each other our lives and expereinces.
Love you all, Alex

alex christensen <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, September 18, 2005 10:40 PM CDT
We are thinking and praying for you! In fact, we never stop thinking about you!!! We want you to know how much we love you. Please let us know if there is ever anything we can do for you or your family...that includes you Shelley and Rick!! We love you All! Love Steve, Natalie, Anna, Amber and Benjamin Thorne.

The Thorne Clan <snthorne@msn.com>
West Point, UT USA - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 10:14 PM CDT
shelley and jourdyn!!!

keep flying and growing!!! we admire your spirit and tenacity!!!


linda and ron felton

linda felton <lindagfelton@yahoo.com>
coal gables, fl usa - Sunday, September 11, 2005 1:10 PM CDT
Hey Baby Girl! I decided since I hadn't written on here for quite a while and frankly thought that I wouldn't need to be writing, that I'd let you know how proud I am of you. I think it's tough getting up some mornings and then like your mom mentioned, I go down to make sure Dayto-boy is up and you're alread in the bathroom, primping or whatever it is that you do in the morning, and I figure I have no excuse not to get myself to work and have a great day! In fact you are one of the best reasons I keep on going when sometimes I don't feel like it, you motivate me not to waste a single minute, although I have a few nights this week been a semi-couch potato. I know you are have a great influence on your brothers and sister too! i see Dayton trying to be a help and a peace maker more and more and he even likes being together with his family right now, more than he has in a long time. I am proud of him and all he does! Tanner is very concerned for you and even though at times it doesn't seem so, I know he loves you dearly. Your little sis is growing up fast and I appreciate it so much when you have taken her on specials and included her in a lot more things than most 18 year old might. Honey, your mom and I just admire your spirit everyday and I hope you know we always will! So keep your chin up, your nose in your college school books and your thoughts on the good things in life. Thanks for all the inspiring you do around our home and wherever your are! Lots of love, Daddy
Richard W. Cleveland <montovanio@hotmail.com and/ or rick@cedarcity.net>
Cedar City, Utah USof A - Friday, September 9, 2005 6:39 PM CDT
I am so impressed with who you have become. You are as always in my prayers.
Love ya

Brittney Stevens <brittneystevens1123@hotmail.com>
Draper, UT USA - Monday, August 29, 2005 1:10 AM CDT

Have fun next week in college!

Lenora Stafford <babygirlinmiami@aol.com>
Miami, fl - Saturday, August 27, 2005 10:22 PM CDT
I cannot even tell you how I feel right now, and I am so sorry that I broke down on Sunday...
I Thank my Heavenly Father every second of precious life I have, I am thankful for my hair, for my leg, for all that I have to function each and every day, BUT, I struggle with an ounce of guilt to as to why I have it so easy and so many keep suffering. Your beautiful and I admire you more than I can ever tell you..
I Love You and your family because of your examples. I know a little bit of what all of you go through every day, and I am so sorry that you have to go through more.
If I can ever do anything for you or your family PLEASE let me and my mom do it.
When I see you and your mom, I can't help but think of the bond me and my mom share.
Never let her out of the circle, even though your getting older, she needs you as much as you need her.
Once again I am so sorry, next time I will try to be stronger ok. Hang tough girlie, I'm sure your sick of hearing that because it is soooo hard, but thats all I can say.
I know there is this great big wonderful plan for us, and we promised to overcome all of this to come here on earth so we could be amongst our families and friends, and our Father in Heaven loves us for doing the things ask of us with dignity and grace.
You are everything to Him.
Call me anytime.... you can reach me trough my moms e-mail.
Love You Tonz, tonz, and more tonz!!
Cami Munford

Cami Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City , UT USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 1:36 AM CDT
Hi Jourdyn!
I just wanted to tell you how much we love you, and that you are in Uncle Ryan's and my prayers every day. My family is praying (and fasting) for you as well. I wish there were some words of comfort or cheer I could offer, but all I know to do is to tell you that we adore you endlessly.
I guess we'll have to stop boycotting French stuff now, huh?
All our love,
Uncle Ryan and Aunt Janell

Ryan and Janell Cleveland <janeycleveland@mindspring.com>
Bainbridge, GA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:58 AM CDT
Jourdy and Shelley, as you know we are devistated about the test results! After I talked to you the other day, I hung up and was so angry that Jourdy, and the family, had to go through any more! after I threw a tizzy fit and screamed ENOUGH! UNCLE! We give! Please make it stop! I remembered one depressing day I was sitting in the dark hospital room watching your Uncle Kris get sicker and sicker. We were exhausted, discouraged, and very homesick. You two came in his room and suddenly it was bright and happy in his room. You not only brought in sunshine and a beautiful smile, but you brought in hope. Remember the speech I had you give Kris? You will never know what a difference you made that day. We left the "attitude is everything" you wrote on his white board until the day we left the hospital.
Shelley, I would have lost my mind without you! You got me through the toughest times, and I could never begin to re-pay you for your support over the last year.
I don't know why our beautiful girl has to go through more, but she is the strongest little lady I have ever known, and we know she will be fine, and come out smiling just like before.
I wish I could go through it for her! I would in a heart beat.
We will do anything and everything we can to be there for you and your family, all you have to do is let us know. Let us help when we can, we love you guys so much, and as always you are in our prayers. Thank you for everything you have done for us, we Love you so much! Aunt Tad

Aunt Tad and Uncle K <whit@kanab.met>
Kanab, Ut USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:26 PM CDT
Jourdyn and Shelley,
Words are so inadequate to express how sorry we were to hear of the recent developments. I let Jess know down at Snow and she is waiting to hear from you, Jourdyn, when you are ready. I told Juliann the news on Saturday and she fasted for you on Sunday. You are constantly in our prayers right now. You have amazed us for the last several years, and you continue to amaze us every day!!! Stay strong, and know that Heavenly Father will sustain you through whatever lies ahead.

We love you all,
Sheila, Jess, and family

Sheila Camarella <neilc84092@yahoo.com>
Sandy, UT USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:54 PM CDT
Hey Jourdyn and family,
I talked to my mom yesterday, and she told me about the new developments. You are in my prayers, and I just wanted to let you know I love you and am thinking about you!

Sara Staheli <sstaheli@hotmail.com>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 1:46 PM CDT
Hi Jourdyn:
just a little word of encouragement,(I know you don't need it) but everyone who saw you in the clinic yesterday felt really positive about you,and your mom. We are all so proud of you for standing up and fighting, and not letting anything get you down. From all of us at VVP, Dr. Ghaffari and staff wish you a quick end to this,so you can go on with your life. LOve you lot's

Dr. Ghaffari <kgmd000@infowest.com>
Cedar City, UT - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 12:01 AM CDT
Hey Jourdyn
I met you when I was in Salt Lake City with the Lo Cash Cowboys. I was playing guitar for them. I was amazed by your story and how courageous and strong you were going thru all you have been thru. I know that you are going to beat this thing once and for all. You have an open invitation, whenever you are feeling up to it to come to any Sara Evans concert you want and I will get you tickets and meet and greet passes to meet with her. So hurry up and beat this thing and come rock out with us.. Your friend Erik Halbig (Lefty Biggz)

Erik Halbig (Lefty Biggz) <Ebhalbig@aol.com>
Nashville , TN USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 7:56 AM CDT
Dear Cleveland Family:

Don't ever feel that you are alone. There are so many people such as myself, who do not know you personally, but have followed your story and are with you in spirit. Continue to fight Jourdyn and never lose hope

Lenora Stafford (friend of the Feltons) <babygirlinmiami@aol.com>
Miami, Fl USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 8:35 PM CDT

I just finished reading your mom's newest update regarding the return of your lymphoma.

I am so very sorry, beautiful niece of mine. Liz, Andrew, Annalisa, and I never cease praying for you and your family. I sure wish I could do more, but I know our Father is mindful of your precious soul -- its courage, faith in Christ, and resilience beyond your earthly years. How I pray you don't have to suffer again.

In His wisdom, mercy and grace, may your comfort be in the testimony that I KNOW the Lord won't allow any more than is necessary. We love you so deeply. YOU WILL WIN with His and your whole family's unspeakable love! Though we hardly see one another any more, know I am always mindful of you and the priviledge it is to know such a righteous young woman as you. What an amazing example of submission to our Master you are to me, Jourdyn.

Your uncle and your friend,

Nathan B. Cleveland

Nathan B. Cleveland <nathanblakecleveland@yahoo.com>
Sandy, UT U.S.A. - Monday, August 22, 2005 8:10 PM CDT
We will pray earnestly for you and your family and will get the churches praying again. Let me know when I can come see you!
All my love, Aunt Debbie

Debbie Whitaker
Evanston, Wy - Monday, August 22, 2005 8:02 PM CDT
jourdyn and shelley!!!

hang tough tomorrow and grab this bull by the horns!! we're all cheering for you!!

linda and ron felton

linda felton <lindagfelton@yahoo.com>
coral gables, fl usa - Monday, August 22, 2005 4:31 PM CDT
Hi Shelly and Jourdyn. This is Ryan Deppe's mom. We are so sorry to hear about the cancer returning. We ache for you. We know how that feels. We will keep praying for you!!!!!Much love to you and your family.
Rosemarie Deppe <kevinrosemarie@aol.com>
Centerville, UT USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 3:32 PM CDT
Hey jourdyn IM sorry to hear about the cancer. i am sad for you. your pictures are nice! BYE
Dustan Hudson <redneckyep123@wmconnect.com>
Grover, NC USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 3:23 PM CDT
My heart is breaking for all of you. I feel your pain, but know that with faith and prayers miracles happen as we have shared with our daughters. Our prayers are with you that this will only be a minor set-back. Jourdyn, keep fighting and mom gather stregth knowing so many care for your family.
Sherri Barger
Cedar City, UT - Monday, August 22, 2005 2:53 PM CDT


KEITH PUGMIRE <kjpugmire@excelcabinets.com>
SALT LAKE CITY, UT USA - Monday, August 22, 2005 1:46 PM CDT
Hey Jourdyn,
This is Tracy Megan's mom. I'm sorry to get the bad news. I want you to know you're in my thoughts and prayers and you "KEEP POUNDING".
Love you .

Tracy Bledsoe <thudsonbledsoe@wmconnect.com>
Grover, NC GOOD OLE ' USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 5:28 PM CDT
Dear Cleveland Family,

I feel like I know you personally, so when Ron called with your recent news - my heart went out to all of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you all as you go to the hospital on Tuesday.



Kay Kaldor <kaldor@mindspring.com>
Miami, FL USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 2:29 PM CDT
Cleveland Family:
I was heartened and encouraged to read your June entries. When they let us know in Church today about your current news it was unexpected and so very devastating. Your family remains in my thoughts and prayers as you receive comfort and support. Please know that your friends in the Edgemont Ward and neighborhood are here for you as you come to terms and gather strength to battle once again. Love, Marie Davis

Marie Davis <mikemarie6@aol.com>
Sandy, UT - Sunday, August 21, 2005 2:18 PM CDT
Congratulations on your graduation, Jourdyn. I am glad to hear you had a great time on the cruise. I certainly enjoyed seeing you here in Miami. Linda and I think of you and your wonderful family often and know that a woman of your fortitude will go on to do amazing things. My best to all of you and I hope that our paths will cross again.
Ron Felton
Miami, FL - Monday, May 30, 2005 10:48 AM CDT
Wow, you are now officially a high school graduate and congratulations from your daddy! I am so happy for you and for your graduating class of 2005, I know you are all headed for some great experieinces in life. Your mom and all those others that worked on your Grad Night did an awesome job and heck for that alone it was worth all that four years of high school. Of course a lot of that time you weren't physically there but hey look where you are now! I am so impressed with you, the more I see you and your not only survived your whole cancer ordeal and still you kept up and even surpassed I am sure a whole lot of peoples expectations! After you tossed your cap into the air tears welled up in your momma's eyes as she felt a wave of happiness and all kinds of other emotions as she saw once again her first baby hit another milestone! You two have been through so much together, I think in a sweet kind of a way she realized how happy you make her and that she hopes you continue to include her and myself; but I know it's all a little different for you and mom; in this new beginning and to roads untraveled! You are a great young woman, a fantastic daughter and good example of what a big sister should be! I love you more than I can express,I never realized how fulfilling it could be to be the parent of someone like you! Keep on this course and I know you will have a tomorrow full of more challenges, more to learn and more to live for...you truly have and continue to as Tim McGraw said it," live life like you were dying", Thanks for teaching us all how to think of others first, to be strong and know that each moment of our lives is precious! XOXOXOX Your Daddy

Richard W. Cleveland <montovanio@hotmail.com or rick@cedarcity.net>
Cedar City, UTAH US of A - Friday, May 27, 2005 10:30 AM CDT
Wow, you are now officially a high school and congratulations from your daddy! I am so happy for you and for your graduating class of 2005, I know you are all headed for some great experieinces in life. Your mom and all those others that worked on your Grad Night did an awesome job and heck for that alone it was worth all that four years of high school. Of course a lot of that time you weren't physically there but hey look where you are now! I am so impressed with you, the more I see you and your not only survived your whole cancer ordeal and still you kept up and even surpassed I am sure a whole lot of peoples expectations! After you tossed your cap into the air tears welled up in your momma's eyes as she felt a wave of happiness and all kinds of other emotions as she saw once again her first baby hit another milestone! You two have been through so much together, I think in a sweet kind of a way she realized how happy you make her and that she hopes you continue to include her and myself; but I know it's all a little different for you and mom; in this new beginning and to roads untraveled! You are a great young woman, a fantastic daughter and good example of what a big sister should be! I love you more than I can express,I never realized how fulfilling it could be to be the parent of someone like you! Keep on this course and I know you will have a tomorrow full of more challenges, more to learn and more to live for...you truly have and continue to as Tim McGraw said it," live life like you were dying", Thanks for teaching us all how to think of others first, to be strong and know that each moment of our lives is precious! XOXOXOX Your Daddy

Richard W. Cleveland <montovanio@hotmail.com or rick@cedarcity.net>
Cedar City, UTAH US of A - Friday, May 27, 2005 10:29 AM CDT
Jourdyn, we are so happy that you are enjoying yourself. Tell the family hello! Jourdyn, one word - SPF 45!!! We are exceedingly happy to read the happiest post yet on the Caringbridge website!!
Uncle Ry; Grandma and Grandpa Cleveland <ryancleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA USA - Thursday, May 12, 2005 8:53 AM CDT
Dear Jourdyn, Shelley, and all the gang,

I am so glad that you are finally on your trip. I understand that you were in Miami briefly and saw my good friend Ron. He had nothing but wonderful things to say about all of you and truly enjoyed meeting you face-to-face after all this time.

Your family has been an inspiration to so many - enjoy your cruise, graduation, and every precious moment in between.



Kay Kaldor <kaldor@mindspring.com>
Miami, FL USA - Friday, May 6, 2005 9:53 PM CDT
Hey Cutie,
Nice new pics onthe site! Well today is a great day, I can't wait to go on this adventure with you, your mom and your brothers and sissy! When you popped in on me sitting at the computer and saw this book I was reading I thought I might share a small part of what I read last night with you.
From the book C.S. Lewis a Man and his Message, George McDonald said this,
"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew those jobs neede doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abdominablyand does not make sense, What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of--- throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself."
I love you daughter and I myself can hardly believe the grand palace that you are and are continuing to become. I love you for what you have helped God give to our family, our friends and at times to perfect strangers, that pure love of Christ and the ability to look beyond self and live, and live gloriusly! All my love your, Daddy

Richard W. Cleveland <montovanio@hotmail.com or rick@cedarcity.net>
Cedar City, UT US of A - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 8:40 AM CDT
Jourdyn and Shelley,
HOORAY for the great test results!!! You deserve nothing less. Sorry to hear about you and Keller. You know by now that your life has a special purpose. Look to tomorrow. I know it will be bright and beautiful, just like you!
Hugs and Kisses,
Sheila and Jess

Sheila Camarella <neilc84092@yahoo.com>
Sandy, UT - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:02 PM CDT
Shelley and Jourdyn,
I've been checking for an update, so glad to hear that all continues to go well. Keep smiling, love one another, and appreciate all the you've been blessed with. Thank you for continuing to remind the rest of us to do the same.
Love you all,
Sheila and Jess

Sheila Camarella <neilc84092@yahoo.com>
Sandy, UT USA - Friday, February 11, 2005 12:59 AM CST
Hey BaGordy,
If you think it's strange for your dad to write you a note on your website, well I guess that would be 'par for the course' 'cause most of the time your 'pops' is pretty strange, according to most. Anyway, it is so great that you are home, here with us, well alot of the time you're at Keller's, or at school or at work, well that's pretty much the norm for a young lady just about to graduate high school and start a new adventure into adulthood, college and all, but just seeing you at home when I come home or even not seeing you but knowing you've been there and you thought enough of me to give up your own milkshake and leave it for me, I just want to say, you are a great daughter and great person in general. Many people are bitter about life and all that goes along with it and those people have plenty to be happy about yet they can't see the rainbow for the rain! You shine girl, you are human but then again to have stayed here with all of us through all you've had to battle through and fight for, we are very blessed to have had our first baby, our baby girl, be so strong and live life and keep on, as Tom Hanks said in Castway, 'just keep breathing, just keep living'. You are doing it and will continue doing it, thank you for loving us and teaching us. Love, Daddy

Richard W. Cleveland <rick@cedarcity.net or montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UTAH USof A - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:51 AM CST
Think only of the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best-you deserve nothing less. May your birthday be filled with all the things your heart desires. Our Love, Always.

Kirk and Jamie Pugmire <lyle1958@comcast.net>
Harrisville, UT United States of America - Friday, January 21, 2005 8:04 PM CST
There are few who can even begin to realize what this day means to you and your family. What this experience has done to give direction to your life will be the rest of the adventure. As I see how you and your family have impacted this community and the people that you come in contact with I know that out of the struggle much good has transpired. We all are more aware of blessings in our lives, and how much we need the compainionship of the Spirit. The Lord must have something very specific in mind for you. Thanks for the willingness to share a very personal experience. May the Lord bless you with a long,full, and happy life. Never forget His love and ours.

Shannon Poulsen <slpoulsen@Hotmail.com>
- Saturday, January 15, 2005 10:59 AM CST
Hey!! Happy Birthday girl!!! Shoot its been a year without the cancer and I am so happy for you. I know that this year has had its ups and downs but you always stay positive and I admire that. You are an amazing girl and I don't know any other person who could pull through all of this besides you!Sandy is not the same without you but we are happy to see that you are doing so well. You are the one who is making all of this happen so never give up! I know you can do it. In no time you will have your birthday for 2 years cancer free. I miss that smiling face of yours and I hope you have the best birthday ever!!! Have a great day!!

Jessica Camarella <jrabbit19@hotmail.com>
Sandy, Ut U.S.A - Saturday, January 15, 2005 0:07 AM CST
Hey!! Happy Birthday girl!!! Shoot its been a year without the cancer and I am so happy for you. I know that this year has had its ups and downs but you always stay positive and I admire that. You are an amazing girl and I don't know any other person who could pull through all of this besides you!Sandy is not the same without you but we are happy to see that you are doing so well. You are the one who is making all of this happen so never give up! I know you can do it. In no time you will have your birthday for 2 years cancer free. I miss that smiling face of yours and I hope you have the best birthday ever!!! Have a great day!!
Jessica Camarella

Sandy , UT U.S.A.

Jessica Camarella <jrabbit19@hotmail.com>
Sandy, Ut U.S.A. - Saturday, January 15, 2005 0:05 AM CST
Hey!! Happy Birthday girl!!! Shoot its been a year without the cancer and I am so happy for you. I know that this year has had its ups and downs but you always stay positive and I admire that. You are an amazing girl and I don't know any other person who could pull through all of this besides you!Sandy is not the same without you but we are happy to see that you are doing so well. You are the one who is making all of this happen so never give up! I know you can do it. In no time you will have your birthday for 2 years cancer free. I miss that smiling face of yours and I hope you have the best birthday ever!!! Have a great day!!

Jessica Camarella <jrabbit19@hotmail.com>
Sandy , UT U.S.A. - Saturday, January 15, 2005 0:03 AM CST
Hey!! Happy Birthday girl!!! Shoot its been a year without the cancer and I am so happy for you. I know that this year has had its ups and downs but you always stay positive and I admire that. You are an amazing girl and I don't know any other person who could pull through all of this besides you!Sandy is not the same without you but we are happy to see that you are doing so well. You are the one who is making all of this happen so never give up! I know you can do it. In no time you will have your birthday for 2 years cancer free. I miss that smiling face of yours and I hope you have the best birthday ever!!! Have a great day!!

Jessica Camarella <jrabbit19@hotmail.com>
Sandy , UT U.S.A. - Saturday, January 15, 2005 0:02 AM CST
Happy Birthday Jourdyn! What a wonderful day today is!You have been through a pretty amazing journey, and through it all you inspired us with your courage, your determination, your amazing spunk and your unfailing faith in Heavenly Father and His love for you and your family. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to take the journey with you. You have so much ahead of you. I wish you only the best. Take good care of Mom and Dad. They're pretty awesome themselves!
Much,much love.

Sheila Camarella <neilc84092@yahoo.com>
sandy, ut usa - Friday, January 14, 2005 9:57 PM CST
Congratulations on your birthday. What an inspiration you have been for me. I have cried many tears as I have read of your trials. Your name has been on the prayer rolls of all the temples I have gone to the last 3 years. You will never realize the lives you have touched, many people that you have never met. Have a great birthday and many more.
Tracy Lovejoy (Your dad's cousin) <atlovejoy@wavecable.com>
Port Orchard, WA USA - Friday, January 14, 2005 5:59 PM CST
Our Dear, Sweet Jourdyn:
Words cannot express our gratitude to our Heavenly Father for seeing you through the past three years. You are truly an inspiration and powerful example to us and the many lives you have touched. Our Father in Heaven obviously has an even greater mission ahead for you, honey, to have spared you through all your many trials this past three years. You will always be an unbelieveable example of a faithful fighter. And through all of this you have kept that beautiful smile, loving and empathetic heart and even your precious singing voice.
We love you so very much and pray for only all the best things for your long and happy future.
All Our Love and Admiration,
Grandma Marilyn and Grandpa Dick
P.S. Cierra also sends her love and told me to tell you she continues to pray for you each night in her prayers, as we all do, honey.

We also want to tell your wonderful, devoted Mother and Father what a powerful example they are. They never gave up in spite of the odds, and their love and faith and prayers have been answered many, many times. May the Lord continue to bless your family and all the wonderful friends and neighbors there in Cedar City and elsewhere who have been so phenomenally supportive. Love Ya, Grams

Marilyn C. Cleveland <clevelandm@deseretmgt.com>
- Friday, January 14, 2005 12:52 AM CST
Happy, Happy Birthday , Jordyn Dear, Happy Days will come to you all year, If I had one wish than it would beeeeee, A Happy Happy Birthday to you from mee!
We love you so very much! Being part of your journey has really been an adventure. Thank you for your insperation and spirit through it all. Many people have been touched by you and your families example of courage. I love you Jourdyn! Happy Birthday and may all your life and eternal dreams come true. Love, Alex and the Clan

alex Christensen <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, January 13, 2005 11:41 PM CST
Jourdyn- I am so proud of you. You have been through so much in the past year. Congrats on your one year BMT birthday!
- Thursday, January 13, 2005 1:42 PM CST
Way to go Jordyan, we are all so proud of you. We hope and pray for the best. Have a great Birthday. We love and care for you and you family. Love the Hassards
Denise Hassard <tdha63@msn.com>
Riverton, Utah usa - Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:57 AM CST
I am full of spiritual emotions and have knelt down to thank our kind Heavenly Father for blessing you and your family. Keely and Keaton have faithfully prayed for Jordyn nightly as we say our prayers each night. How proud I am of your faithfulness, your courage and your endurance. You have gone through so much and now you can finally live life to its fullest. Keep smiling you are a beautiful girl and such a good worker at the Pizza Factory. I'm sooo happy for you. Shelly and Rick, here's a hug and a pat on the back for you--you so deserve it. You are great people and I admire your love for each other. CELEBRATE!!! OH! How wonderful. With Love and Admiration, The Kringlen Family
Kimberly Kringlen Hansen <bkkringlen@scinternet.net>
Cedar City, Ut USA - Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:00 AM CST
I'm not sure if it was coincidence or not, but I'm glad I guessed right that this would be the day of your new life birthday! I hope the visits to PCMC will fade into a haze as they get fewer and farther apart. May you always remember the great faith you have gained and lessons you've learned through suffering. That's how we become more and more like our Savior, especially if you can acquire the kind of positive, trusting attitude that you have. Love and blessings!
Leslie Swank <lesswanky@infowest.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:25 PM CST

wishing you many, many more birthdays to celebrate. we are so honored to be a small part of your cheering squad and are sending you our very warmest wishes...continue to dream and keep reaching for the stars!!!

linda and ron felton <lindagfelton@yahoo.com>
miami, fl usa - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:15 PM CST
Dear Jourdyn,

Your struggle has been an inspiration to so many people - even those that have never met you! Your courage and fortitude are amazing. Congratulations on your year "birthday".

Kay Kaldor <kaldor@mindspring.com>
Miami, FL USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 6:50 PM CST
Jourdyn, You are a beautiful person both inside and out. Your family loves you very much and are honored to know you. The vigilant fighter you have been is admired,but the testimony and example you set everyday is one that truely turns our heart and minds to the important things in life. We love you and wish you only the best for the future.
The Bovee's
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:14 PM CST
We are so proud of you, and are so excited to have you doing as well as you are. My Sadie bug loves you and Keller to pieces. We are so glad you are part of our lives. Happy Birthday!!!! We love you.

Holly & Sadie Goff <holly.goff@iron.k12.ut.us>
Cedar City, UT - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:37 PM CST
Hey Jourdyn!
I dont really know you but we have foods together. Ive been keeping up on your page, and im glad your doing better :) congradulations! <3
always love,
jessica nichole

Jessica Vaughan <swimming_rocksjnv@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:29 PM CST
Happy Birthday Jourdyn & Many, many more. You've come a long way, baby and have a lot further to go.

Love Uncle Fred & Aunt Karma

Fred & Karma Dungan <oldprostg@aol.com>
St George, UT - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:44 AM CST
Happy birthday Jourdyn!!!! This has been a long three years, your courage has inspired so many people. I love you so much. Aunt Heidi
Heidi Whitaker <heidiwhitaker@cox.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:01 AM CST
Jourdyn, I am so glad you will have the chance to celebrate one year of being cancer free! You are a bright spot in this family and you have much to teach the rest of us. Thank you for your example of courage and determination. It was so great to see you look healthy and bubbly as you sat at the book at Melanee's wedding. I hope you have many years of happiness ahead of you! With all my love, Aunt Helen
Helen Whitaker <hwhitaker@pgcity.org>
Lindon, UT USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:18 AM CST
Whew! You did it, as did your family and loved ones! You know there will be at least a "gazillion" people celebrating this special day with you. I'll be thinking about you and your family even more than I usually do. Have a terrific birthday. Hugs and kisses to all of you!
Love, Marci Mom

Marci Stevens <marcirstevens@hotmail.com>
Daper, Utah - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:13 AM CST
Dear sweet Jourdyn, You are a precious angel to all of us. We have watched you be so couragous and strong. We admire you so so so very much. We will always remember your inner strenghth and your determined will to beat this cancer and live your life. Words do not describe the example you have been to so many. I love you and I am so grateful to know you and call you one of my young women.
Love, Madeline Reed

madeline reed <madeline_reed@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, January 11, 2005 0:05 AM CST
Jourdyn,when I think of all that you have endured for the last few years, it is so sweet to celebrate your 1 year birtday. A wonderful gift of a second birthday, especially since this is a birthday you will always enjoy celebrating! I pray this is the first of many, many to come. You are such an inspiration. Keep smiling that beautiful smile and enjoying every new day, because you know they are a gift from Heaven. I love you and your family. Congratulations on turning 1!!!!!!
Love, LaNiece <blroundy@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Ut - Monday, January 10, 2005 11:29 PM CST
My mther Ann Hansen just showed me your website and the beautiful pictures of Jourdyn. She loves your family and prays for Jourdyn and encourages us to do the same. Thank you for being such faithful home teachers. You are an inspiration!

Todd Hansen

Todd Hansen <thansen@gene.com>
Gilbert, AZ - Monday, January 3, 2005 4:50 PM CST
It was great to read update on Jourdyn. and I loved the photo. The news sounds wonderful. Even though I am in Gilbert, AZ. with family, my thoughts and prayers continue to go in your direction. Happy New Year and love to all the family. I have told my family here of my great home teachers, they also send their regards and gratitude. Love, Ann H.
Ann B. Hansen <annh@infowest.com>
Gilbert, AZ. - Monday, January 3, 2005 4:26 PM CST
Dear Shelley and Jourdyn,
What a joy to read your last update. I've had several friends and work associates lose a loved one over the last two weeks, so reading your good news was a welcome lift.Jourdyn, you are definitely one awesome young lady and I'm sure it was like hearing an angel sing at Church last week. Shelley, so glad to hear that your recovery has gone so well. Hope that your evening with Kurt Bestor was "the BEST" (no pun intended) and that you relish every moment of this Holiday Season with your family. We're celebrating Jess's Big "18" this weekend. All of our babies are growing up! Merry Christmas to you all and remember that you are always in our prayers.
Sheila and Jessica

Sheila Camarella <neilc84092@aol.com>
Sandy, UT - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 9:10 PM CST
I come to this sight often. It sounds like your life is still in a uproar. You are source of strenght to me and my family. Last month Chad stood up in sacrament meeting and asked our ward to fast for Jourdyn, Rick and Yourself. Fast that you could find comfort in a long road of sacrifice and sorrow. He later told me that he had wanted to ask that of our ward for a long time. We love you and hope that you know that. Our family thinks and prays for yours often. What a wonderful blessing it was for our family to have moved across the street from you in Sandy 13 years ago.

Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 4, 2004 9:19 AM CST
Hi Jourdyn, Shelley & family,
I have'nt written for so long but I still check this sight tons to keep up on the progress..
I am happy to hear that your are hanging in there..
My brother and sister inlaw knows Kris & Tad, apparently they lived by eachother in Kanab and were friends, I think he said aroung 1983-84 or something but he said for you to tell your brother good luck and that he and his family are in their thoughts and prayers, my brother is Doug Twitchell you may mention that to him.
Well just wanted to say Hi and I miss not seeing you all at church, I wish I was still in your ward, it is really hard not to be, I miss it so much..
Give hugs and hope you continue to do well..
Love You, Lori

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 0:12 AM CST
Hi Cleveland Family: Your Thanksgiving experience truly touched my heart. I continue to keep you in my prayers and hope your family knows how much we admire and love you. Hugs to All.
Marie Davis <mikemarie6@aol.com>
Sandy, UT - Friday, November 26, 2004 7:54 PM CST
Hope you are recovering well. Wishing all of you a peaceful and restful Thanksgiving.

Miami, Florida

Ron and Linda Felton <felton@writeme.com>
Miami, FL - Thursday, November 25, 2004 1:46 PM CST
Just a quick note to tell you guys that you're in my thoughts and prayers. Good Luck Shelly, and I hope your family has some good times over the holidays. Love Ya!
Kathy Bennett Rodriguez <retiredarmymom@msn.com>
Farmington, UT - Monday, November 22, 2004 11:16 AM CST
Shelley and Jourdyn,
WOW, what an amazing update! Jourdyn, you're the cutest clutz I've seen in a long time. I'm sure you made your family proud when you sang the National Anthem. How neat to be invited to be Kurt Bestor's guest and to open the Festival of Lights. Make sure and let us know the date. Jess and I would love to see you there. Shelley, we'll keep you, your mom, and your brother in our prayers. Stay strong, and enjoy your family as the Thanksgiving holiday comes near. Love, Sheila and Jessica

Sheila Camarella <neilc84092@yahoo.com>
Sandy, - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:58 PM CST
Hello Cleaveland Family,
Wow, I am in awe of all that your family continues to go through. I goes to show that you all are very valient spirits. You know that, you must have been in heaven raising your hand to take all these things so that others did not have to. Everytime I read, about what is going on, I am always amazed at how positive you all remain. We here at the Rainey home want all of you to know how much we love you and appreciate your examples!!!!! Please let Chris know we are thinking of him and he is in our prayers as well. Jourdyn you look soooooooooo beautiful in your prom picture, and tell Keller he looks hot! Again we love you all more than words could ever say!

Love The Rainey Family

Erma <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, November 2, 2004 11:43 PM CST
Dear Shelley & Jourdyn:
I was so sorry to learn of the latest trial as the sage goes on. Our prayers are with you and I certainly hope things begin to look brighter for all of you very soon. Give our best to Keller, too. Love to you you all, Grandma Marilyn

Marilyn Cleveland
South Jordan, UT - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 11:39 AM CST
What a great day for both of us. I finally get to go back to work and you get to concentrate on being a kid again. Thanks for being such a fantastic, strong, courageous, funny, friend and role model. Remember, you have to get at least one foot of puppy tongue a day from Hershee or you're not having as much fun as you possibly can with your new dog.
Uncle Kris <rwhitake@utah.gov>
Farmington, ut - Friday, October 29, 2004 0:09 AM CDT
Hi Jourdyn!
Just wanted to tell you that Uncle Ryan and I are thinking about you and miss you a ton. Oh, and you look GORGEOUS in that prom picture! You are a babe!
Aunt Janell

Janell Cleveland
Macon, GA - Thursday, October 28, 2004 3:01 PM CDT
Grandma Jan and I are sitting here amazed at the support our family has received via these pages. We are a blessed family!
Jourdy; your Uncle Kris has you as a great role model for fighting this ugly "C" word. If he will show even half the courage and fight you have, he will be fine. He loves you guys so much! Shell thanks for coming up yesterday, it was too short but it was great to see ya anyway! I love you guys! Aunt Tad

Mrs Bubble Boy <twhitaker@utah.gov>
Farmington, Ut USA - Friday, October 22, 2004 3:29 PM CDT
Hello Clevelands,
I was happy to see the updated posting, but so sorry to hear of your family's new challenge. It sure must be difficult to keep asking "why"? So happy to hear that Jourdyn had a great time at Homecoming. Jess just went to Dogpatch last night. You've been in our prayers all along and we'll add a few more now for your brother.
Stay strong!
Sheila and Jess

Sheila Camarella <neilc84092@yahoo.com>
Sandy, UT USA - Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:27 PM CDT
Sup G-Unit,
i was just surfin the web and saw this site listed in "favorites" and decided to check it out! well just chill out and keep on keepin on. Peace Out!

josh seabury
Sandy, UT usa - Sunday, October 10, 2004 10:48 PM CDT
Dear Jordie:
We were sorry to learn you were back in the hospital, but we're hoping and praying for the best with your biopsy, honey. Cierra, Grandpa and I all send you our love along with Laura and Tyra and we hope you'll be feeling better real soon. You're amazing to us -- keep up the good attitude, honey. Hope to see you soon.
Love, Grandma Marilyn

Marilyn C. Cleveland <clevelandm@deseretmgt.com>
- Tuesday, September 21, 2004 12:44 AM CDT
Cleveland Family:
I read your last entry too late to join the fast yesterday, but please know I have a prayer in my heart for you every single day. There are so many of us pulling for you, Jourdyn and we send our love to you. Give Madisyn a hug from Sleeper Davis.

Marie Davis <mikemarie6@aol.com>
Sandy, UT - Monday, September 13, 2004 12:37 AM CDT
Dearest Jourdie:
We are all praying for you and hoping that the prognosis will be better on Monday. We love you and pray our Heavenly Father will continue to sustain you. Grandma Marilyn

Marilyn C. Cleveland <clevelandM@deseretmgt.com>
South Jordan, UT S.L. - Monday, September 13, 2004 12:05 AM CDT
Don't think for one minute I've not been watching your website. I check daily and have enjoyed seeing nothing but a little good news hear and there be reported.
Your family keeps being pounded I'm very sorry. I love you all and I would love to join you all in your fast.
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, September 11, 2004 3:40 PM CDT
Hey Jourdy my love, Just wanted to say hi and that I still think of you often and I hope all goes well with you, I miss you!!
Jasmine <jazmin87_05@hotmail.com>
- Friday, September 3, 2004 0:29 AM CDT
Thank you so much for the updates. Jourdyn and all are in our prayers. We think of her often. We pray and are hoping for a successful recovery. Love to you ALL.
John & Mary Adams

John Adams <johnmaryadams@comcast.net>
WVC, Ut USA - Friday, August 27, 2004 10:41 PM CDT
Jourdyn & Shelley-
Hey chicks! We are so happy to hear Jourdie is back @ school! I can't believe the summer is over. You guys know I'm back in the Young Womens (can't seem to grow up)- Well, we went to the new Heber Valley Girls Camp this summer and had a blast! But, Jourdie you know we always think about you when we are at camp, and it is never quite the same without you. Hope you know we miss you a ton! And you are in our prayers. Best of luck- we love you! xoxo pennie & tannie

pennie tapp <Tapp@uswest.net>
sandy, ut - Friday, August 27, 2004 10:25 PM CDT
Dear Jourdyn, I was feeling sorry for myself because I had the flu for two days and had to change some plans. Pretty stupid, huh? I'm so sorry that you've had to spend summer days in the hospital. It seems that there's always another corner to turn. Tony sends a "Hi" from Fiji. He asks about you often. It's winter in Fiji and his current battle is with rats in his apartment. During the last battle (with red ants) he and his companion used burning torches to get rid of the uninvited guests. I don't even want to think about what they're doing to those rats. Anyway, please know that your circle of friends and prayers stretches around the globe. Kathie
Kathie Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 5:44 PM CDT
I love you Jourdyn girl! I'm sorry, sorry, sorry for this latest setback, but don't you give up fighting for one minute! There are so many fighting with you, don't ever forget that!
Much love and many prayers to you and all of your wonderful family!
Your friend!
P.S. nice 'do'! Who took that picture? JK, I know :) You are one beautiful girl!

Vicki Christian <vickic@mstar2.net>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 11:26 AM CDT

your miami cheering squad is in your corner!!! we are sending you so much love and healing thoughts!!!....hang tough!!

linda and ron felton

linda and ron felton <lindagfelton@yahoo.com>
miami, fl usa - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 6:35 PM CDT
Jourdyn and Shelley,
Just a quick hello to let you know we're thinking of you and sending you lots of love and positive thoughts. Sorry to see that you had to come back to beautiful SLC, and hoping that your visit at PCMC is a short one. Keep your chin up and stay strong.
Love, Sheila and Jessica

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, UT - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 8:28 AM CDT
i'm glad to hear that jourdyn is in good spirits. That is aamazing in and by itself. I'm watching the site very closely for new updates. Good luck this week, it sounds like you have a big rollercoster ahead of you
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, August 2, 2004 10:28 AM CDT
Hey chica! Rachel Schryver told me about your page. So I decided to write. I moved back to Louisiana! I have been here for 2 weeks now. I am loving it. Seafood, magnolia's, tons of trees and grass, soul food, mosquitoes, humidity, -oh yes this is home! lol. I hope the hospital food is good there. Maybe I'll order some seafood for you and have it delivered! Hey when I am able to I want to send you some pics from Anne of green gables play. You'd like them. Rachel s says I can send them to her and she'll scan them and make sure they get to you. Anyways I better not make this a novel. my cell# 318.348.7741 Love ya tons- and I wish the best for you and your family. Keep on trucking-woo woo ;) P.S. you should move south

Sarah Hanson <hollywoodsparkle_smh@hotmail.com>
Monroe, La USA - Monday, July 26, 2004 8:05 AM CDT
Hey there! We are sorry to hear that you had to visit PCMC again. Hang in there. We think of you often and always wonder how things are going. Amber is crawling now, starting yesterday, and she is quite pleased with herself. She is a doll! Keep Smiling and as Anna would have said "Just keep 'fwimmin.'" You are an example of courage an strength to all who know you! We love you dearly. Love Natalie, Steve and Amber! Oh by the way, we sold our house and now live in West Point! We love our new house! If you ever feel like it you can call us, our phone number stayed the same. See ya!
Steven and Natalie Thorne <snthorne@access-4-free.com>
West Point, UT USA - Sunday, July 25, 2004 10:10 PM CDT
Jourdyn - I am a second cousin to your father. We spent time together during our summers when we were growing up. Ask your Dad some time about his golf game...

Your courage and faith are a great example to our family. Although we haven't met, we love and pray for you and hope some measure of comfort is received knowing that so many in your extended family pray for your full recovery.

We love you,

Thad, Becky, Matthew, Shanna, Kyle, Brianna and Derek

Thad Dungan
Atlanta, GA - Monday, July 19, 2004 9:45 AM CDT
Jourdyn, Fred and Karma Dungan are my grandparents and they have been keeping us up to date. It is amazing all of the things you have been able to accomplish. My family's prayers are with you. Keep smiling.

Megan Woods <MorganW03@everestkc.net>
Lenexa, KS USA - Monday, July 19, 2004 7:30 AM CDT
hey this is elder rainey , jus t wanna tell you to stay in there and keep it up ! the missionary work is going great! So hey you are in my prayers ok.
tvuj kamarad E. Rainey

Reminton Rainey <remrainey@hotmail.com>
Ivivns, Ut. U.S.A - Friday, July 16, 2004 1:40 PM CDT
Sorry, about the turn of events. That little girl must be crushed! I love you both and I'm sending positive toughts your direction!! Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 15, 2004 3:46 PM CDT
Sorry, about the turn of events. That little girl must be crushed! I love you both and I'm sending positive toughts your direction!! Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 15, 2004 3:45 PM CDT
Hey Ba Gourd,
This is your dad, yada, yada, yada...I missed when you were gone to GHA and I knew I was going to miss you while you would have been in Texas but hey what's up with havin' to go all the way to PCMC?!? No, I know the reason and honey you'll be out of there soon I know it! Please try to perk up your spirits somehow, remember your Grateful Journal Steve gave you, if you don't havae it with you, ata least think of the blessings and things you love about life that you will be back to soon! I know I don't know even a micro-nano whatever of what you're going through but I know it will help you to get out of the hospital sooner if you can kick out some positive energy of any kind to get your body healing and recouperating even quicker. I know all you long for is to be able to sleep in your own bed, no IV's, to go to a friends house when you want, to go to work when you can and to be what a 17 year old girl should be...independent and on the move and hanging with your friends and fam! It will get here, I know you need it and deserve it now, but just keep looking forward to that and do what you need to do for now! You are my great girl and a leader for sure, hang on and make the best of all you encounter and as Steve Hodsen always has told you,'Attitude is Everything!"
All my love, your Daddy

Richard W. Cleveland <rick@cedarcity.net or montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, u USof A - Thursday, July 15, 2004 12:54 AM CDT
Jourdyn...I love you sooooooooo much!!!! Hope everything goes the way you want it to! and remember DREAM

Biz <bizzer3085@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah 84720 - Monday, July 5, 2004 8:01 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Shelley!!!!! I wish is was in Mesquite with you right now. I hope you tear it up. Love ya Erma

Erma Rainey <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Ivins, ut - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 7:42 PM CDT
Hello ladies,
I haven't heard much of anything the past few days. That is wacky! Good, but wacky! Glad to hear that your accident ended "well." How much longer will you two be in Salt Lake City? I miss seeing you. Will you please do me a HUGE favor? Please say hello to Steve and Natalie Thorne? I miss seeing them too. I think about them all of the time. They are in my prayers. If you get the chance please pass that on. Thanx. Say hello to your family for me. Love ya both

Suzy Q <honorbright@juno.com>
SLC, UT USA - Monday, May 17, 2004 6:34 AM CDT
What's up? How was your Mommy's Day?
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, May 10, 2004 10:42 PM CDT

Unbelievable!!!! You guys are going to win the prize for getting through the most challanges. And I agreee with you, as a mother, somtimes we just have to lay the law down. Especially when that still small voice is whispering to us. We never know why, but have learned you don't mess around, just follow. Well, I am more than happy to hear that everything is ok. Give Jourdan and Keller a hug for me!! Love you all Erma

I am working on that caslte w/draw bridge for you. I keep getting sent from one person to another, but, I will get to the bottom of it all. I will let you know as soon as I find out.

Erma <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Iving, Ut - Friday, May 7, 2004 2:13 PM CDT
Well, how many times can you do this? I mean, give me info that leaves me speechless!! When you called yesterday, I was "Stunned!" You BETTER yell at your little angel! Remind her everyday of the miricle she has partaken in. That she is Special, even if she doesn't want to be. Heavenly Father has big plans for a sweeting like Jourdyn. I pesonaly am thrilled to see her keep doing "Impossible" things in her life. "Kids" someday she will see that no one loves her like her "Momma." Thanks for sharing all of this with me. I know how hard this all must be on you. yet, you are handling it so well, really! A true example of motherhood and the streanght of a woman.
I love you Shell Bell,

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, May 5, 2004 8:34 AM CDT
Hey Jourdyn it was so awesome to get to talk to you on the phone even though it was for 10 seconds, I really miss everyone in Cedar and I really miss seeing you, even though neither of us ever went to school but shh dont tell :P and I really wanna come and visit and be able to stay longer than a couple of hours, and I will one day I promise, but until then, good luck with everything, I love you bunches, You look so gorgeous for prom Im so jealous! :D
Jasmine Bivens <jazmin87_05@hotmail.com>
Garden Grove, CA - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 9:17 PM CDT
Hi Jourdyn,
I just spoke to your pops and he told me you are doing well and heading up to SLC today. I have been reading through your progress, (good JOB MOM!!) and I am STUNNED by all that you have been through. I feel like a total LOOSER for not keeping up to date and being better fam. I will do better! I cannot believe the strength and the courage you have! I am proud of you!!! You have imspired so many, I read a few of the inrties and it amazes me. Keep your sprits up and you will be in our prayers!!

Doug Richardson
Sandy, UT USA - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 11:43 AM CDT
Hey Jourdyn, it is so good to hear that you are doing well! We always love to hear that. You have so much strength, we cant believe that you are close to going back to school. That is great! Hang in there and know that our prayers are with you always. We love you.

Shelley, I have been meaning to call you but dont have your phone number, when you get a chance will you give me a call. See ya, Natalie.

Steve, Natalie and Amber Thorne <snthorne@access-4-free.com>
Clearfield, UT USA - Monday, May 3, 2004 4:23 PM CDT
We are all so excited about you being home and that things are going so good for you. The Cleveland family has and continues to be an inspiration to all of us. You are incredible, all of you!!! We love you. Love Wanda
Wanda White <wanda@goughconstruction.com>
- Monday, May 3, 2004 8:14 AM CDT
Dear Shelley and Jourdyn,

It is so wonderful to look at your page and see the progress you are making. What a fighter you are Jourdyn! I would love to be able to meet you both and the rest of your family some day - you are an inspiration to us all. Remember, Miami is nice and warm and a nice stopping off place before or after a cruise.

My love and prayers,


Kay Kaldor <kaldor@mindspring.com>
Miami, FL USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 6:54 AM CDT
I'm glad to hear that Jourdyn is getting stronger every day. You guys have really had more than your share. How are YOU holding up? Can I come up for a visit tomarrow? Or are you gals wiped out? Let me know, or I'll call first. Hang in there, it sounds like you are finely reaching the last leg of this long journey. I love your family and find you journey inspiring and heart warming. You know, the part about family streanth, love that heals, and faith in our Savior.
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Friday, April 30, 2004 2:25 PM CDT
Hi Shelley and Jourdyn!
I haven't written for a loooong time. I'm happy Jourdyn went to the prom and had a fun time. It is great her surgery went so well. You all are fortunate to have good friends to help you along the way! Kenna has Shingles right now! Before her 16th birthday! She is doing great though. Our prayers continue for you and we keep the prayer box at the Btfl. temple full with all of your names. Love you all!

Marienne Wahlstrom <kwahls1363@msn.com>
Farmington, Utah U>S>A - Thursday, April 29, 2004 10:46 AM CDT
Hello, Clevelands. So, Jourdyn, you're letting those bullies tinker with your person again. Well, let 'em. Who knows, they may figure out something that tickles. It they don't get someone to massage your feet; that always feels good. We sure love, ya Jourdyn. Take care of your Mom; maybe you could rub her feet! Later.
J. Ramsey Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, UT usa - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:06 PM CDT
Dear Jourdie:
Hang in there Babe! I know you're about at the end of your rope, honey, but tie and knot and continue to hang on, we know you are an amazing young lady. Please know you're in our thoughts and prayers always. Love and Kisses, Grandma Marilyn

Marilyn C. Cleveland <clevelandm@deseretmgt.com>
South Jordan, UT USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:01 PM CDT
If I thought calgon would help I would run some up to you, in a minute!
I'm sorry for your rough day and rough days to come. Thankgoodness you have Rick with you, you need each other at these times. I plan on coming up in 2 days, I'll call first. You have almost got that girl through this challenge, hang on, and let the Lord comfort you.
Love, ALex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:44 PM CDT
I'm thinking of you all. My prayers are with you and Jourdyn's Dr.'sssss Bless your hearts.
Love, Alex
p.s. love the pictures of the prom festivities!!!!!

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, April 27, 2004 12:53 AM CDT
;-) You know what that means! We're with you in spirit today and looking forward to the slide home after you get around this base. Good luck today and through recovery. Love to Jan and Russell and to Heidi and Dayton as well as to each of you at PCMC. xoxo
Leslie <lesswanky@infowest.com>
- Tuesday, April 27, 2004 12:41 AM CDT
***HEY KID***
I haven't written on this dealy for awhile so I thought I would
you a little line to say WHATS UP?! Well GOOD LUCK w/ that dumb surgery business and tell those Dr.'s that they will have a come to you-know-who meeting if they don't straighten up ;) hehehe Anyways let me know how it goes k LUV YA TONZ & TONZ & TONZ & TONZ & TONZ &. . . TONZ!

Oh, Em says: tell jourdyn kid that I luv her friskiness and you better follow through with her 17th b-day present! hehe ;)

- Monday, April 26, 2004 10:48 PM CDT
Hey Girls,

Surgery peaks its ugly head one more time? HOpefully this will be the last!! Jourdyn, good luck and know that the Rainey family is praying for you and we are with you! Shell, I think it is time for Rog and I to steal you and Rick for a night! So when you get home please let us know, we have a little something we want to do. Tell me more about Tanner, what other things to they think it might be? What have they told you they want to rule out. And please tell you Mom hello and we are thinking of her as well. Give both Mom and Dad a hug from the Rainey crew. Well, we love you all sooooooo much and think of you every day. We will look for the update on surgery, and hopefully talk to you soon.

Love The Rainey family

Erma Rainey <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Ivins, UT - Monday, April 26, 2004 9:04 PM CDT
Shell Bell,
So, is today of surgery? I have thought of you all many times this week. I know this is a big hurdle for Jourdyn. Stay possitive, and know that many prayers are heading your way from the Christensen's.
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, April 26, 2004 8:00 AM CDT
Dear Shelley,
Just a note to let you know that the Hartlines are thinking of you and your family! You have had so much going on, it is incredible....we are praying for you all even more!
I stopped by PCMC last week when I was in SLC. Sue (in the BMT clinic) showed us her bracelet, and the charms that that Jourdyn gave her, to honor Dallin's memory--THANK YOU, JOURDYN!! While we talked, Sue described Jourdyn's prom dress and the goreous wig. I loved hearing about it. I'm so glad that things worked out well for her to attend the prom!
We send our love and best wishes, for you and for your whole family. Love, Renae

Renae Hartline <hartlinem1@aol.com>
Rexburg, ID - Friday, April 23, 2004 8:27 AM CDT
I heard about your incredible weekend. Adam told me everything and I couldn't be more jealous. I am glad to hear about happy endings to the trauma's that occured over the weekend. I think that you guys have got to be the strongest family in the universe!!! I also heard that you are in the hospital now getting surgery. Hey, I wanted to take care of you, but I am still in need of rest. I want to see you and visit with you when you are up to it. If you have not already gone in for sugery--GOOD LUCK. If you are recovering--BE AS TUFF AS YOU KNOW YOU ARE. You have faced so much. Your just about done!! :) :). I miss you princess. Shelly, please let me know if there is anything that I can do! Love, Q
Suzy Davis <honorbright@juno.com>
SLC, UT USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 12:49 AM CDT
Well, Well, Well, Cleveland family. I would scream Uncle, and just keep screaming. Rog stopped by the house the day of the care accident, on his way to take Sharrod home. Wow, what a shock when Jourdyn told him you were on your way to pick up the boys from the accident. However, we were told that everyone was fine, and only minor bumps and bruises. I don't thing a broken back, and neck would count as minor. So what are they doing got the broken back, and neck? We were happy to hear the news, that cerebrail palsy is out of the question. But, what is going on and what are the signs and symptoms Tanner is having. Sorry, its been a bit since my last entry but work, school, and I, well we are struggling to keep it all going. But, I am determined to win and decided that its a "I Will Not Be Beat" thing now. Well, we love you guys and we need to take a parents night out. We will call you and make plans for a night in mesquite. How does that sound to you? Jourdyn, you are doing great, keep on hangin on. You are in our prayers that all goes well with this surgery, and that your body will recover quickly.

We Love You
Love the Raineys

Erma <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Ivins, UT - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 1:34 AM CDT
Hey Mom,
How are you? I am doing good, since the accident. I went and got an x-ray and they are making me wear a brace I dont know why the docters were talking to my dad. Keith says hello, and he loves you and jourdyn well I got to go so i will talk to you later love you so be happy and know that god is always with you

Kameron Jensen <billjensen_3@hotmail.com>
Cedar, UT Iron - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:24 PM CDT
Just when I can't be told anything else that would make me be speechless, you call me on the phone! Your family is "Special" that is why you are going through all of these trials! I thought I was praying hard for your family, I will pray harder. Health to all, strenght to parents, and hope that all of our trials will be worth it...? Well, all I can do is try. Chin up Shelley, I love you and think of you often.
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, April 19, 2004 9:04 PM CDT
Have A Great time tonight at your Prom! We Love You So Much!
Love, Cami, Lori, & Ross

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, April 17, 2004 7:06 PM CDT
Hi Girls,
The hurdles you ladies keep jumping is amazing!!!! Have a wonderful weekend, both of you! I think about your family often and I'm overwelmed by your courage. Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:58 AM CDT
Dear Jourdyn, What an exciting weekend this will be for you. We're so proud of you and of all the kids at Canyon View who recognize that courage and endurance are qualities to be celebrated. Thank you for being you!!!!!!!!!!! Gib and Kathie Gibson
Kathie Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 12:47 AM CDT
Shelley and Jourdyn,
CONGRATULATIONS on the wonderful news! I am so happy for you both and just wanted you to know that you are continually in our thoughts and prayers. Jourdyn, have a WONDERFUL time at your Prom this weekend. You deserve every precious moment of it. Know that we continue to track your progress and will have you in our prayers next week for your surgery. You are remarkable (and your Mom is pretty darn special too!)
Much Love,
Sheila and Jessica

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, UT USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 7:20 AM CDT
Howdy Jourdyn!
This is your Aunt Janell. I am sooooo excited for your good news about the gallium scan! And Prom Queen? Too cool! I can't think of any sweeter, more deserving person than you. I love you and miss you a ton, and so does Uncle Ryan. You are in our prayers every day.

Janell Cleveland <janeycleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA - Monday, April 12, 2004 4:20 PM CDT
Hey everyone it is good to hear that you are hanging in there. I cant believe how strong your family is. Jourdyn, Congrats! You will be their best prom queen ever, and the most beautiful by far! Thank you for your example of courage and strength. I truly look up to you! Hang in there, and as Anna would say "DI-DUN BE BAVE!" (Jourdyn, Be brave!) Please let us know if there is anything our family can do for you! We miss seeing you all. We love you, Steve and Natalie Thorne
Steve and Natalie Thorne <snthorne@access-4-free.com>
Clearfield, UT USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
Congratulations on being the bestest prom queen ever. Are you so excited for all of your fabulous news this past week? Also, congrats on your scholarship. Jourdyn, you never cease to amaze me. I really would like to go to Cedar City with Adam, but I may not be able to go. I am not working, but three days earlier (the 14th) I will be having elective surgery. Not to worry all will go well and I am really crossing my fingers that I will feel up to going. Please call me sometime and let me know of your fine details to the glorious night. 801-360-5215 Also, I have and autograph and some pics for you on ICS from Adam. They are awaiting your arrival. P.S. everyone on ICS knows that you are prom queen and they are so excited for you. I love you--
Suzy Q <honorbright@juno.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:05 PM CDT
Congrats Jourdyn! Prom Queen baby! I always thought that CV was going down the drain, it's good to see it still has some redeeming qualities... ;) I wish nothing but the best for you, no one deserves it more. Maybe I'll get to see you this summer when I come home from Provo! Have a glorious day/week/etc.

Rachel Schryver, Cambria Wilhelm, Tommy Lamb, Chelsea Jones

Rachel Schryver and the gang <freedomshocked@yahoo.com>
Provo, UT - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 3:22 PM CDT
Well, it is spring! Spring brings new and unseen beauty! I'm praying for your family. I'm praying for peace, no surprises, happiness, togetherness, courage, and faith.
What a wonderful experince for Jourdyn. From the cold winter, where things were very dark. To spring, where everything is new, and she gets to feel part of school, where her heart could never wander far from. Love you guys, keep us posted! Have a GREAT day! Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, April 6, 2004 8:38 AM CDT
PROM QUEEN? You must be so proud! You guys have sure been threw all of lifes emotions. I sure hope you have a great weekend.
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Friday, April 2, 2004 8:30 PM CST
Hey Ba Gourd,
Congrats on being voted and crowned Junior Prom Queen! I know you've always been a princess to me! I know that you hear it a lot but I am so impressed with you even if I am predjudice , you being my daughter and all! The path you've come down and are now on is amazing to me! Keep on it and reach for the higher ground and extend that reach so you are ever growing and looking ahead to all the happiness in this life and in eternity to come!Don't forget to be humble now and we'll treat you as royalty anyway!
Love, Daddy

Daddy Rick <rick@cedarcity.net or montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UTAH USof A - Friday, April 2, 2004 5:25 PM CST
What a wonderful message you wrote yesterday! Are you uplifting me? I know what you mean about the tulips and spring. I too feel a rebirth and a new beginning. You a wonderful friend and a true insperation to me. Enjoy confrence and enjoy your sweet family. Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:02 AM CST
Hello Ladies,
I'm so tickled to hear things are going "SUPER' for you! We all pray that you guys keep getting more good news. This week end was crazy for us. Now that spring has sprung, the girls have us going in 5 diffrent directions.
I hope you all enjoyed you weekend.
Love alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, March 28, 2004 10:21 PM CST
I just thoughti would drop a little note to say hello. I went to Cali to visit Adam and do you know what I came home with? Another autogrph for you! This one is from the actress who plays the hair dresser in Legally Blonde. Do you know who I am talking about? I am very glad to hear that you are doing so very well. I miss seeing you two crazy ladies around. hopefully I will soon, outside of the hospital that is. By the way, you should call Adam if you haven't in the past week. :) luv ya
Suzy <honorbright@juno.com>
SLC, UT SLC - Friday, March 26, 2004 6:41 AM CST
Hey Jourdyn! It was exciting seeing you @ the game on Monday! You are such a great example staying positive and strong no matter what you have to go through. Stay sweet and know that we all miss you here. Hope to see you soon!
Luv always, Brecken

Brecken Judd <eye_candycane@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Ut U.S.A. - Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:23 AM CST
I sure hope the two of you are enjoying a little of this nice weather were having. Or if not, I hope the two of you are having a uneventful and restful week! Just thought I would let you know, that you both have been on my mind today. Good luck in clinic tomarrow. Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:18 PM CST
Hey My Lovelies!
This is the fat daddy-oh Ricky! What a great weekend and I wish we were still up there and enjoying the warm spring weather with you two. Shell, thanks for the great anniversary celebration and for the good talk we had, I truly love you girl! Jourd, how was the contrast this morning?!? Yummy...not!!!!I bet you don't ever want us to have the fridge stocked up with that stuff for your thirst quenching pleasure, blughy! I pray the scans went well and I am sure you'll be calling to let us know the results! I am tired but I am glad I have you guys to be my and all of our inspiration!

Daddy Rick <rick@cedarcity.net or montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UTAH USof A - Monday, March 22, 2004 1:10 PM CST
Hey there! so i just wanted to say a quick little hi. I luv ya and i really sending your letter tommorrow and there will be two notes in it! I got ur letter by the way. thanks sooo much c ya soon peace!
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, March 21, 2004 10:41 PM CST
Even though our visit was short. I enjoyed every minute of it. Jourdyn looks great. Thin but great. I truly hope your weekend with your Ricky goes well. You desirve and need a minute together. I'm thinking of you all!
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, March 20, 2004 8:46 PM CST
Hey, just wanted to write you a little note to tell you that we are thinking about you. Jourdyn, hang in there! You amaze us! Thank you for your strength. Please let us know if we can ever do anything for you. Shelley, I almost braved up to bring the blankets to Primary's today and I chickened out. Tell everyone hi for us. We love you guys. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you. Love, Natalie & Steve & Amber too!!
Natalie & Steve Thorne <snthorne@access-4-free.com>
Clearfield, UT USA - Friday, March 19, 2004 2:55 PM CST
Hey mom it is just me Kameron you are really cute dont make dayton play baseball because it will take up all his time. Well tell my sister to get well soon and she is also cute and so is keith he is so cute. So is Dayton, Tanner, Madisyn, and Rick (and da booz) but they are not as cute as you well write me back soon.


Kameron Jensen <billjensen_3@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Friday, March 19, 2004 1:28 PM CST
mom why do i have to play baseball.

dayton cleveland <dayton_3@hotmail.com>
cedar city, ut usa - Friday, March 19, 2004 1:16 PM CST
Hey Shelley & Jourdyn,
Hope your feeling better today.
Cami will be in clinic on Tuesday morning, if you guys aren't in maybe we could call you and meet you somewhere remote and clean.. We would love it, if at all possible.
Just e-mail me if there is a chance.
I hope things are good today.
Love Ya!!
Lori & Cami

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT Usa - Thursday, March 18, 2004 7:07 PM CST
Hey there cutie, i hope all the nausea is gone away and the migranes! I tried callin yesterday but found out about the platelets and nausea. I will call you today fo sho! I hope u get to go home! LUV ya TONS
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, March 18, 2004 3:30 PM CST
Hello Jourdyn,

I am Lance I met your grandmother last week at a trade show. Our company is shipping you some scrapbook product for you to enjoy. I looked at your site and am very touched by your courage and the support of your family and friends. I know the Lord is watching closely over you and your family. His love and strength will see you through. You will be in my prayers. Keep in touch.

Lance <lphurst@cardinalbrands.com>
- Thursday, March 18, 2004 12:59 AM CST
hEY Baby: It was so nice to hear your voice and talk to you! i'm glad you're doin good i hope i get to see ya soon! luv ya peace
jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 16, 2004 11:47 PM CST
It was good to see you Sunday.. Im so glad you two got to come to your own home.
My thoughts, prayers & love continue for you both.
I Love You Tons!!

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
- Monday, March 15, 2004 11:47 PM CST
Hey it's me again. Just wanted to say hey and if you need any clothes i have plenty to spare. I love ya.
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Monday, March 15, 2004 11:38 PM CST
Finely Chad and I get to read a "Good News," message. You girls and guys deserve all the best! I'm so happy for you all. I hope to get up and see you this week.
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, March 15, 2004 8:22 PM CST
I know we aren't the closest friends but I've been following this page since it started. I'm so excited to hear how well you're doing, I know from seeing my mom that being off radiation treatments is a good thing! Anyway, Keep it up I love hearing that you're doing well!

P.S. I'm on prom committee and Kristin is right, the dance will be awesome so get well enough to go ok!

Danielle Loveless <softball_cutie_05@hotmail.com>
- Monday, March 15, 2004 7:23 PM CST
Hey there
I hope you had a fun visit, i bet it was nice to be ho me for a change. I tried callin your house a bunch but no answer. U probably got sick of seeing my name on the caller id. I'm goin try to call you after school today if thats aight!? I miss u a ton. Sorry i haven't been there for you alot. i promise i'm goin do a ton better . You're friendship means the world to me! luv ya pourdy u too Shelley!

Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Monday, March 15, 2004 1:58 PM CST
We just wanted to say hello. We were excited to see you the other day. We hope you are doing well and we wish you luck in going home. We pray for you every day.
Steve & Natalie Thorne <snthorne@access-4-free.com>
- Friday, March 12, 2004 5:49 PM CST
Hey babe, i'm just sittin here in school, i heard the good news that you got home last night. I was goin call but i figured you'd be way busy. I'll call and see how you're doin today after school. I hope you get to go to the dinner tonight. I'll talk to ya soon, hopefully love ya peace!
- Friday, March 12, 2004 9:56 AM CST
I am Happy you get to come home to Cedar City, I hope I get to see you. Cami may be up this weekend she would love to see you too. Call us if its possible, we won't call and bug you though ok.
Love Lori

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 12, 2004 9:37 AM CST
Yea, you get to go home. Have a wonderful time, sleeping in your own bed, lounging around your own house, and feeling the warm sun from your own front porch. Love you girls, have a great weekend!
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, March 11, 2004 1:00 PM CST
HEY KITTY!! Just wanted to say 'HOLA BABY' and tell you that I have heard about plans for Prom and you are totally gonna freak when you find out bout the theme and the song!!! They are so you! I can't wait for you to find out but I'm not tellin'. . .you'll just have to push a little harder to get better so you can be there FOR SURE!!! Now I've given you a little boost so you better not get yourself sick again, OR ELSE! ;) KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK K luv ya kid
- Tuesday, March 9, 2004 7:38 PM CST
What great news! I only wish that I could buy one of Keller's tickets, but Miami is a little far away! I am so glad to hear that you may make it home for the weekend. As always, I think of you and your family often.
Kay Kaldor <kaldor@mindspring.com>
Miami, FL USA - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 3:18 PM CST
You will never know how much I needed to hear your voice yesterday! I needed a friends voice so terribley . Thanks for listening to the spirit and giving me a call.
I'm glad to hear of Jourdyn's proggress. You both hang in there, I think of you both everyday. Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:42 AM CST
Hey there Ladies, everything sounds pretty good.. Keep it up Jourdyn, Cami says Hi and she loves you.
We spent the weekend with our family in sunny St. George & thought of all of you all weekend hoping that you did too. (well not to warm and sunny up there, but together at least).
Anyway I will call Keller about the tickets, sounds fun. Have a good week. We Love You Very Much!!
Cami & Lori

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 9, 2004 9:26 AM CST
I hope you had a uneventful weekend with your family! Just being together and having a good time with each other. I think of you lots, and hope you are holding up under all this pressure. Your a wonderful person and I'm very proud to know you and your family.
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, March 8, 2004 9:53 AM CST
Dear Shelley and Jourdayn,
Sorry to hear it was a rough week in the ICS unit, and about the passing of another of your friends there.
We're praying for you both and hoping for a fever-free Jourdyn.
Saturday I went to Andrew's funeral in Pocatello. Andrew's little blue casket was completely lined with fabric featuring Thomas the Train. There were 2 members of the nursing staff at the funeral, an oncologist, and other cancer-patient families in attendance also. It was a beautiful service and Andrew's family has very strong faith.
We love you guys! ---Renae & Matt

Renae Hartline <hartlinem1@aol.com>
- Sunday, March 7, 2004 10:43 PM CST
hey baby : I'm glad you're doin better than you have been. Sorry i missed your call i'm goin call u back in like a 1/2 hour. luv ya !!!
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, March 6, 2004 8:50 PM CST
Hey Jourdyn, I just wanted to say HI and Im always thinking about you and I read this site daily since Its the only way I can really keep up on things. But I just wanted to say I love you tons and wish you luck and Im seeing about coming down for a visit soon!
Jasmine Bivens <jazmin87_05@hotmail.com>
CA - Saturday, March 6, 2004 3:34 AM CST
Jourdyn and Shelley,
I have been checking every little while for updates. I want you to know you are in my heart and in my prayers always. Hang in there and let the love and prayers of your friends, and family be a comforting strength to you. Heavenly Father is mindful of your needs and He will help you and sustain you through all of this. I will be praying that it isn't a staff infection because we at our house know how mean and painful those can be. Hang in there and hopefully we will be up there soon and Jourdyn will be out of the hospital and we can do lunch!
Love ya

LaNiece Roundy <blroundy@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah - Friday, March 5, 2004 10:36 PM CST
keep fighting, jourdyn and shelley, KEEP FIGHTING!!!!!! we are with you!!!! we read your site daily and want you to know how much your strength means to us!!!
linda and ron felton <lindagfelton@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, March 4, 2004 8:00 PM CST
Dear Cleveland gang,
My thoughts are with you today. Rest in His peace today Jourdyn while your body repairs itself. I pray that God will protect you and send someone special today to share His love.
Father please protect Jourdyns body from infection, increase her cell counts where needed and give her the rest and peace she needs. Thank you Father for the blessed family you gave her to help lift her up, please bless them as a family in their time together. Amen

- Thursday, March 4, 2004 10:06 AM CST
Hi Ya' There Ladies o' My Life,
Today I have dragged my butt to work and I took a moment to read so of the guestbook entries. Man we have a lot of love on our side! Between Jourdyn's friends, Keller, Kristin, Jamie and the rest of the gang at Canyon View, to our ward family and all those in the old ward family and our neighborhood 'entero' and the extended family and our cancer family I almost could see our little cancer girls and boys getting better from all th alove alone, but God has us learn patience and tolerance and humbles us all and for what?...to make the children of His that we ought to be!!! I know, off the soapbox Rick...I just want you, Jourd and Shell that I can't stand every second that our family is apart and I have hope that soon very soon we're going to have this to look on as part of our past. Lori Munford is right Shell, my break is being able to give you a hand with all you're dealing with and I know that we'll have many talks now and in the future of how we all got through these days. I love you both so much and thank you for your prayers and help from a far. You are both extremely amazing!

Daddy Rick <rick@cedarcity.net or montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UTAH USof A - Thursday, March 4, 2004 9:37 AM CST
I love you! Your a wonderful woman! Hang in there
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, March 4, 2004 9:15 AM CST
Shelley & Jourdyn,
Sorry your back there. We are Praying for you.
It will be nice for you to have your family there soon.
Karl told me once that when he was down here and Cami & I were up there, that when he finally got to come up, that it was a stress and worry relief break, and to be able to be the hands on person for a few days & just be able to hold us, and to be our soft place to fall, was very comforting and restful. That might sound kind of strange and stupid but I just thought I would share that.
Rick is probably so glad to be with you two that it is a comfort to him too, & is his break.
Well anyway, talk to you soon...
Love You!!
Take Care!
The Munfords

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, March 4, 2004 8:28 AM CST
Hello Shelly & Jourdyn,

We are so sorry to hear about the fevers, and re-admit to the hospital. We love you sooooo much and are praying for your whole family. Jourdyn, hang in there tough as you always do! We think about you every day!!!! Please let us know if there is anything at all we can do. We love you all!!

The Raineys

Erma Rainey <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Ivins, UT - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 11:00 PM CST
Max and I love you and think about you all the time. We will be down to see you soon.
Uncle scott
Park City, ut usa - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 8:33 PM CST
Hey Jourdy!
Hang in there babe. I can't believe it has been nearly two months since I visited you in Utah. You are in my thoughts every day. I sure love you and miss you. Grandma Marilyn and Grandpa Dick sure had fun with us here in Georgia. Can't wait for you to visit us.

Uncle Ry <ryancleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 4:50 PM CST
So glad to read a new message.. Things sound pretty good and I am so glad.
We will definately get a hold of Keller, sounds fun.
Cami is here today and says to tell you and Jourdyn Hello..
Anyway I am just happy that you gave us the update today now we can rest easy for a day or two, still thinking about you and your family and praying always.
Love You Tons, Tons, & More Tons!!
Cami & Lori

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 5:19 PM CST
Shell Bell,
Hope you guys are staying out of trouble! (or the hospital)I think about you both and wonder how you are holding up. It's Tueday, do you guys go up to clinic today?
This weekend we are going to try Cedar again. Chad and I are staying at a Bed and Breakfast you have in your fair city. We'll take advantage of being alone for a couple of minuted without the whole gang. Will your gang be around or are they off to see you gals?
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 2, 2004 12:04 AM CST
Hi Shelley & Jourdyn,
I miss all the updates and am hoping that all is well, I don't hear much of anything that is going on with you.
Your always in my thoughts and prayers and I miss you both.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Love Ya So Much!!

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 11:50 AM CST
Torry came home from work last night and watched the weather. She got up and anounced that she "Would not be traviling in the snow." I breathed a sigh of relief. She is going to make the appointment for next weekend when Chad and I are schedualed to go down. Thanks for all the info yesterday! She appreciated it all, so did I!
Have a great weekend with your family. Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, February 28, 2004 11:08 AM CST
Hi Shelley,
I tickled that she was able to find a dress. You are right, if she loves it, then it's the perfect dress. Do you ever look at her and say, "WOW!" You are a very blessed Mama! Hang in there.
Torry and Maddy are going down to Cedar on Sat. Will any of your clan be around for a quick visit? Torry has an audition for SUU's drama department. They are just staying for the day. She then needs to be to Logan on Sunday morning for a Missionary ferwell. Busy , busy, busy. I miss you and think of you often.
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, February 25, 2004 10:26 PM CST
Adam faxed another autograph along with a note. I will be working on Friday. Call ICS when you come in for your appointment -k- I am mailing your letter tomorrow. Luv, ya
Suzy Q <honorbright@juno.com>
SLC, UT USA - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 10:03 PM CST
Hello Cuties! This just a quick little HEY to say I can't wait to see your dress you look gorgeous in anything. Luv ya keep up the good work baby!
- Tuesday, February 24, 2004 11:24 PM CST
Hi Lovely Ladies,
I appreciated the update and I too long to be a couple 'for reals' soon...but I am so grateful you are there for Jourdyn and I couldn't ask for anymore right now! I think were all with a few sniffles here but I know we'll all like always perk up a little for our weekend visit! I know all of this experience wears on everyone but I admit I believe I am on this path with the best people in life and for all the supporter around us we have always felt your efforts were the thing that kept us going, especially in the lowest, saddest, most trying moments! Thanks for it all, especially the anonymous ones who really back us up with love and faith!

Daddy Rick <rick@cedarcity.net or montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UTAH USof A - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 4:58 PM CST
Hey Jo, try to remember that Anna is in a better place and she is watching over you; she'll always be with you in your heart! I'm still pulling for you and I always will. I luv you so much. . .thanks for being my best friend! Hurry up and get home, I miss you!
- Monday, February 23, 2004 8:46 PM CST
Hi Shelley,
I'll glad you aren't still up at PCMC. I called up this morining and found you girls had left. Then I call your Mom's house to hear you off to look for prom dresses. I can only guess that Jourdyn is feeling better and having a better go at things. I call you later to see what's up.
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, February 23, 2004 7:16 PM CST
Hello Girls,

Well, I got the update again. Thanks Shelley for sending it to me again, not sure what happened there. Anyway, just wanted to drop a note and tell you both how much we love you and are looking forward to when you are home again. Keep up the good work, and we love you very, very much!!
Love the Rainey Gang.

Erma Rainey <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Ivins, UT - Monday, February 23, 2004 6:35 PM CST
Jouryn & Shelly,
Just a quick note to let you know we send our love and are praying for you and for Anna's parents. I can only imagine the heartache this has brought both of you, after knowing Anna and her family so well. We pray for the Lord to comfort you both, and also for Jourdyn's health. Love, Renae

Renae Hartline <hartlinem1@aol.com>
- Monday, February 23, 2004 0:25 AM CST
Hi, Jourdyn. Wanted to let you know that we think about you often and pray for you always. We love you and miss your pretty face.
J. Ramsey Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, utah USA - Sunday, February 22, 2004 8:50 PM CST
Just thinking about you and wanting you to know we love you! We were up there this week for few days and I was sick with a cold so I stayed away and let Cami do her thing.. Anyway, we love You!!
Lori & Cami

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Sunday, February 22, 2004 3:30 PM CST
Hey babes just wanted to remind you of how much i love you guys. Stay tough and hang in there. LUV YA!!
- Sunday, February 22, 2004 1:42 AM CST
Shell Bell,
You guys are the "TOPS" I feel you just getting down right tired of all this "STUFF." I wish there was something I could do or say to lift your spirits. All I can think of is , I love you and hope today you find a moment of peace and joy.
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, February 21, 2004 9:13 AM CST
Hey girlies-I was just thinkin bout you two. HANG IN THERE!
Kris <nitsirk_kralc@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, February 21, 2004 2:17 AM CST
Yes, yes I know that I spelled ladies wrong. No making fun!
Suzy <honorbright@juno.com>
SLC, UT USA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 0:01 AM CST
Hi ya lady's,
Thanx again for telling me about your fabulous website. I hope today is a good day! See ya soon.

Suzy <honorbright@juno.com>
SLC, Ut USA - Friday, February 20, 2004 11:59 PM CST
Shelley and Jourdyn, here I was thinking that since you were here at my house on the 13th Shelley that things were probably going a long fairly ok and I miss a couple days of reading and oh my heck! I'm so sorry that you are having such a rough time right now. And little Anna, bless her parent's hearts. That must be so hard for all the parent's and staff at the hospital when you lose one of the children. I will continue to pray for you and your whole family, that things will improve daily and that she won't have to endure more surgeries if at all possible. Thanks so much for coming to see me. I have missed you so much. Take care and know that you are loved, missed, and prayed for daily.

LaNiece Roundy <blroundy@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah United States - Thursday, February 19, 2004 11:26 PM CST
We love you both and are rooting for you! It sounds so familiar, this whole run around you are in again. We know your minds and bodies are tired, worn out and fatigued. But, keep hanging on to each other. Remember, your strength comes from one another. Pray to Heavenly Father and he will comfort you at this hard time! We love you and hope you can get some rest tonight.

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, February 19, 2004 11:05 PM CST
Hey my little troopers. I'm so sorry that i haven't written or called, especially with all thats been going on. I miss u sooo much and think of you every day. I'm praying for you. See ya soon luv ya
- Thursday, February 19, 2004 10:41 PM CST
- Thursday, February 19, 2004 5:51 PM CST
Shelley and Jourdyn,
We haven't written for awhile, but know that we check on you daily and have you in our prayers always. Your amazing strength continues to shine through. Thank you for reminding us all to take one day at a time.
Much love,
Sheila and Jessica

Sheila Camarella
Sandy, UT - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 10:56 PM CST
Our family is praying for you girls! Hang in there,"Sweets"
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, February 18, 2004 10:31 PM CST
My daily prayers are with your whole family. Although I have not met you, I know of your struggles. My dear friend Debra DeVault has shared her tears and joys over your families journey with me. You are in my prayers and God's hands.
JoAnne Stott
Tempe, AZ USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 4:49 PM CST
Love and many prayers from your Edgemont Ward friends.
Marie Davis <mikemarie6@aol.com>
Sandy, UT - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 12:40 AM CST
Hey there, I am so sorry Shelley.. I can say, that, this all sucks!!!
I Love You, and, Am Praying tons for you!!

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 11:33 AM CST
Hello Ladies,
We are Praying so hard for you today!
We Love You So Much!
Cami & Lori

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 3:11 PM CST
So, I hope you both had a great weekend at home! Are you back up to Farmigton today? I sure hope things are going well and you both got a little break from the "Day in and Day out" you both have endured. Let us know how things are progressing!!
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, February 17, 2004 9:40 AM CST
hi ur hot hope u get better soon even tho i don't no u :-(
i herd bout u from jazmine's sista she cool hope u get well soon!

jsjh, sjffsj england - Sunday, February 15, 2004 5:12 PM CST
We Love You Guys!!
The Munford Family

Lori munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Saturday, February 14, 2004 10:33 PM CST
I'm glad you get to sneek home for a few days. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you have an uneventful weekend. You know, there really isn't anything better than sleeping in your own bed!!
Big weekend for Tanner, give him a squeeze for us.
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, February 12, 2004 11:09 AM CST
Hey Jourdyn you get better ya here!
-Ammon Bunker

Ammon Bunker
- Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:49 PM CST
Hey Girlies,
Hope you had a good weekend... Also hoping that your both feeling well and enjoying your time away from the hospital. I Love You both tons and tons and Cami says "me too".(that she loves you).
We have orders to come up this week so maybe we will try to call you in Farmington when we get our scehdule.
Anyway we will be talking to ya, and let us know if you need anything.
Love Ya SO Much!
Lori & Cami
PS Ross says Hi

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Monday, February 9, 2004 11:02 PM CST
It sounds like you two are taking your time away from the hospital in stride. It is wonderful to hear you tell of "Normal" things that you are up to. I walk around just in awe. It is a miracle, all you have accomplished. Your an amazing couple of gals. It is so wonderful to learn of what Heavenly Father does for people. Your trial and story has so inspired me! Thanks
Torry got her letter from SUU, today. Four year scholorship for tuition. That is wonderful news! Her first comment was" I really get to go now!!" She is heading to Cedar on the 28, to tryout for a theater scholership. I'm tickled for her. Her hard work has paid off, I mean "Hard Work!" Anyway, just thought I would share the news.
What's on your calender this week?
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, February 9, 2004 7:55 PM CST
Hey Pourdie - sounds like things are going good. Can't wait to see ya lookin hot in your cowgirl hat. . .I taught ya well, you'll be a true cowgirl yet! hehehe Well, you better keep doing your homework, I promise I wont call and interrupt you again! Have Fun, Love ya Lata. . .
- Monday, February 9, 2004 6:32 PM CST
Hey Jourd and Shelly,
I hope you two are as alright as you can be. I just wanted to say from Young Womens that we love you guys.

Fiddlers Canyon Young Women
Cedar City, Ut USA - Monday, February 9, 2004 2:51 PM CST
Hi Jourdyn and Shelley!
We are thrilled to read your updates over the past week! We send our love and are happy that Jourdyn is making so much progress. We are proud of you both! Love, the Hartlines

Renae Hartline <hartlinem1@aol.com>
- Monday, February 9, 2004 9:11 AM CST
Hey babes. . .how are we today? Jourdy is sounding so super good and mom is still in one piece so things are lookin' pretty good! hehe As for Dayto having a life, I think I see him more around town that at home! Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him. hehe Well cuties I'll talk to ya later. Love ya always and forever!
- Friday, February 6, 2004 5:16 PM CST
Hi Jourdyn & Shelley
Everything sounds like it is going well and I am so proud of you guys..
I think about you always and Cami & Ross says to say hello and give hugs. I am glad that your family will be there today, thats always fun to have everyone get together.
Well I will try to call you soon.
Take Care!!
All Our Love
The Munfords

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Friday, February 6, 2004 1:55 PM CST
Shelly and Jourdyn, Thanks for sharing your lifes with all of us, you are such an example to all of us, Our Heavenly Father loves all of us so much and your family is a great example to all of us. We love you and your always in my prayers.
Margene LeFevre <mblefevre@infowest.com>
Cedar City, Ut USA - Thursday, February 5, 2004 9:33 AM CST
Erma Rainey
Erma Rainey <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Ivins, UT Washington - Thursday, February 5, 2004 2:27 AM CST
Shelley & Jourdyn: Congratulations on being in Farmington. Your journey has been amazing to read. Thanks for letting us know that miracles still do happen. Keep up the good work.
Sally Smith Watts Todd <txericksons@aol.com>
McKinney, TX - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 5:47 PM CST
Hey Jourd Im so proud of you, you've come so far, Im so jealous I wont be there to see you when you go back to school, but I wanna wish you tons of luck. You are Awesome!! I love you!
Jasmine Bivens <jazmin87_05@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, February 4, 2004 2:14 PM CST
Hi Shelley and Jourdyn,
Our family thinks about you guys daily, both of you are amazing. I can't wait to see both of you. Shelley it is so good to read this daily and know what is going on. You've always had great sence of humor, and you still keep me laughing. We love and pray for your whole family. Love the Hassards

Denise Hassard <tdha63@msn.com>
Riverton, Ut Salt Lake - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:23 PM CST
WooHoooooo!!!!! Out of the hospital! Next stop the mall. Just kidding! I'm so proud of you two and the amazing faith and strength. you are truly an inspiration Jourdyn. I think you are a pretty amazing kid and well your mom what can I say. Friends like her are rare! You two enjoy the sunshine, the freedom, and the great company, good food, feeling better with each passing day, and shakes and diet cokes for you and your mom whenever you guys want them!!! And Sushi!!! I didn't forget.

LaNiece Roundy <blroundy@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah United States - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:21 AM CST
Hey Ladies,
Just wanted to thank you for being so willing to share some of this experience with us all. It is always a reminder to us that life is a precious thing and that the truly important part is the love and relationships we build, those with family and friends, and most importantly with our Savior, without whom there would be no hope, no joy, or any purpose in the challenges that life throws our way. Thanks for your example, can't help but think that your family is an amazing team, somehow I just don't think that is by chance. Enjoy your freedom and fun! Know that there are many thinking good thoughts in your direction and reveling in all your good news.

Shannon L Poulsen
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 0:16 AM CST
Well, sister, you are one heck of a "Woman!" I mean it!!
What a privlage it is to know you. Life has a way of taking us in places we never thought we could go. Yet, it is usually, exactly what we have been prepared for. Thanks for being a great example for me personaly. I'm a person who fights my through icky situations. Not always able to pull my head out long enough to see the "Big Picture!" You, my friend seemed to not waver from "your Big Picture," and that is a profound example to me. Love you lots and get a little rest! Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, February 3, 2004 10:25 PM CST
hey there Pourdy i'm seriously so excited yea! now i can call u like everyday! and not be scared of the nurses that answer the phone! YOu sounded so good on the phone! i'm so super proud of u. I knew u could do it! i love ya soooo much talk to ya soon!
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, February 3, 2004 7:26 PM CST
Jo it is so nice to hear from you again, you just sound so good. I'm way proud and I couldn't be prouder. You are just the cutest girl I know and I am so lucky to have you as my Best Friend! Love ya and keep it up!

- Tuesday, February 3, 2004 7:05 PM CST
Yea Jourdyn!!!!!! Yea Shelley!!!!!! Go Team Go!!!!!!
Kathie & Gib

Kathie Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, Ut USA - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 6:53 PM CST
Hey Sweethearts! I am glad that you clue us all in every once in a while to an event that only you two are there to truly appreciate. I am glad you've both made it this far and I firmly believe that we have milestones yet to achieve and as far as faith moving moutains, you've both dug out your own personal Bingham Copper Mines. Do you think there is a mother daughter duo who have intertwined and linked one another's lives more than you both have...i think not! As I go to the temple tonight I always have my family in mind and especially tonight I want you to know how grateful I am to be who I am to you. To get away from the world for a while is what I long for in this hectic world and to ponder on the blessings I have in my life, my family most importantly and I think as families go ours is a great one to be a part of! I look forward to the weekend and to be in more normal circumstances, at Granma's and Granpa's house is one of the happiest places there is!
Daddy Rick <rick@cedarcity.net or montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UTAH USof A - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 5:39 PM CST
Dear Jourdyn and Shelley,
We are so happy for you both!! What an awesome thing to be out of the hospital. I was thrilled to read your update about being "home" in Farmington...and I have to admit to crying with happinesss too. We send our love!--Renae

Renae Hartline <hartlinem1@aol.com>
Rexburg, - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 10:36 AM CST
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You made it this far. Up hill all the way and you did not give up. What an inspiration you are to all of us. I have cried in the past when I have read the days events and today I cried with happiness. We love you and continue to pray for you. YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!!!!
Wanda White <mwhite@softsolutions.com>
Draper, UT - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:50 AM CST
Hey babies:
O My GOSH i'm soo excited yea you're out of the hospital. So would it be ok if i called you guys there? hopefully! I still have to give you your christmas present. I'm so glad you've made it this far! i knew u could do it. YOu can make the rest of this journey too, i know you can. I love you girls i can't tell you enough how strong you both are! You're such and inspiration. Jourdyn i'm sooooo glad you're my friend i don't know what i'd do without u i miss ya keep up the good work!

Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Monday, February 2, 2004 10:10 PM CST
Hey babies:
O My GOSH i'm soo excited yea you're out of the hospital. So would it be ok if i called you guys there? hopefully! I still have to give you your christmas present. I'm so glad you've made it this far! i knew u could do it. YOu can make the rest of this journey too, i know you can. I love you girls i can't tell you enough how strong you both are! You're such and inspiration. Jourdyn i'm sooooo glad you're my friend i don't know what i'd do without u i miss ya keep up the good work!

Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Monday, February 2, 2004 10:10 PM CST
Hey Shelley: I have been following Jordyns progress and have been thinking alot about all of you. What a process for all involved. You're amazing and so is Jordyn. Lots of love from our family as well as the Edgemont Ward family. Keep hangin in there... Love ya, Janice Kimball
Janice Kimball
Sandy, UT usa - Monday, February 2, 2004 12:42 AM CST
Hi Shelley,
Well, are you girls still on track for check out tomarrow? I sure hope so!! What a wild ride you all have been threw. My prayers will turn to no surprises, fast recovery, and continued blessings for you family.

Torry and Maddy had plans to come visit today but, Maddy has a raging cold. What are the visitation stipulations once you move to Farmington? Keep your chins up!
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, February 1, 2004 6:23 PM CST
Hey my most favorite girls in the world! I'm soo glad everything is on track so far. I can't wait till you come home. I miss you so bad. I talked to Madi on friday night she's soooo cute i love her to death me and kristin should pay her a visit. I'm still trying to figure i date when i can come visit you i'm soooo excited if i can. Tommorrow i'm goin do my first fast (i can never keep them) and i will be fasting for you jourdyn and shelley. I love you guys!Lata
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, February 1, 2004 1:32 AM CST
Alex is right, we are violating the purpose of this web site. We are all defensive when it comes to our Jourdy because we love her so much. It sounds like things have worked out, and Jourdy will go to her Prom, and be a Grandma! Shell and Jourdy, we love you so much and are so proud of what you have accomplished in just a week!! I still speak to buy your Dress! Sleep tight you little sweeties, and well look forward to tomorrows update on your progression!
Aunt Tad <whit@xpressweb.com>
- Saturday, January 31, 2004 0:15 AM CST
Call me stupid ( and many people have) but, didn't Jourdyn just pull of a modern day miracle? Isn't this what this web sit is about? Supporting a family with prayers, kind thoughts and words of encouragement? I'm confused. My emotions can only handle one thing at a time. I know a dance is something to hold on to. Something short term to fight for! But, really what about life? Graduation from high school, experincing the world, love, things that are sour, adult choices, buying your first home, graduating from collage, rainy days, family gatherings,seasons changing, serving others, heartbreak, being a grandma? Come on everybody, lighten up about the prom. This young woman has Christ and many mortals witnessing what can happen when we trust in something bigger than ourselves. I love you guys so very much. Dance memories are so very important. But, I personaly am excited to see what "LIFE" has waiting for "Miss Jourdyn!"
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Friday, January 30, 2004 9:29 PM CST
Have gun, will travel. UK
Russ and Tad Whitaker <whit@xpressweb.com>
Kanab, utah - Friday, January 30, 2004 7:55 PM CST
Hey Pourdy,WOW i really didnt know that this would get blown out of porportion, its seriously all might fault. I totally agree with Kristin. I got so mad when i found out you couldn't go, u deserve it sooo much. Mrs Allred is the best teacher ever and i never meant to degrate her or the school in any way but i did and i apologize. Jourdyn and Shelley i especially apologize to you guys, i Never EVER want to make you or jourdyn look like the bad guys cause it wasnt either of your actions it was mine. I need to think before i speak or write in this case. I truely am sorry. Either way i'll get to spend Our junior prom with Jourdyn and Kristin, thats all i want. SOrry i made you guys look bad i never intended it, I hope you can forgive me everyone. Jourdyn I just want you to know that you are strong and you have sooo much love from everyone me and kristin just wanted to show you how much we care but we did it in the wrong way. I LOve ya keep up the good work ! SORRY
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Friday, January 30, 2004 5:49 PM CST
I need to apologize not only to everyone reading this message board but also to Jourdyn. Not going to Prom was my personal thing, my intent was never to boycott the dance. I could never go to Jr. Prom without my best friend and that commitment was made a long time ago. I got really worked up when I read about how broken hearted she was so I got a little mouthy. I didn't know the whole story and for that I am sorry for the feelings I may have hurt. Mrs. Allred has been doing everything in her power to make it possible for Jourdyn to come to the dance, she is on Jourdyn's side. I just care so much for Jourdyn and got upset when I found out. Please don't think that Jourdyn had anything to do with what was said, Jamie and I just love her a lot and are doing all we can for her. We never meant to degrade or start hard feelings. All we wanted is to see Jourdyn happy.
Kris <nitsirk_kralc@hotmail.com>
- Friday, January 30, 2004 5:10 PM CST
Dear Jourdyn,
CONGRATULATIONS on the engraftement! Way to go! Lots of love, the Hartlines

Renae Hartline <hartlinem1@aol.com>
- Friday, January 30, 2004 3:06 PM CST
WOW! I just read some of the emails from some of your friends at school, Jourdyn. Man, I'm not going to go to the prom either! So there. That'll fix 'um! (Could I have gone? Do they allow old folks? I'll sure miss that Guy Lombardo music.) What do you mean, "Who's Guy Lombardo?" He's right up there with Wayne King the Waltz King, Tommy Dorsey, and Mitch Miller. Jourdyn, you are the best. We pray for you every day and miss seeing your bright smile. You are missed and deeply loved by many people. Don't ever doubt that.
J. Ramsey Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, Utah USA - Friday, January 30, 2004 9:40 AM CST
Hey Jourdyn. OH my gosh the school is so stupid they've been that way all year. I really am going to write a letter and have like the entire school including teachers sign it. YOU should be able to go to your own prom especially after all you've been through. Me and Kris will do our best to get it moved back and like Kristin said we would never go without you, it just wouldn't be fun not with out you there to make us laugh. I'm glad you're doing better, keep up the good work! Love ya see ya soon, i'm counting the days!
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, January 29, 2004 5:27 PM CST
Hey Jourdyn, you already know that I'm NOT going to Prom without you! That is SO wrong of the administraters to get your hopes up and then break your heart like that, our school is SO stupid! But I love you and SO many people are pulling for you so we'll see what we can do. Don't give up though, you have come so far! Some people are just to stupid to realize that there is more to life than thier dumb yearbook being "up to par". I'd rather come to your prom anyways! I love you and keep your chin up. . .everything is going to be okay! I luv ya tonz and don't you ever forget that!
Kris <nitsirk_kralc@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, January 29, 2004 4:46 PM CST
Jourdyn, you are my hero! You have a great capacity for life and endurance. You also have great parents and friends to help you. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I love you!
Sara Staheli <sstaheli@hotmail.com>
St. George, UT USA - Thursday, January 29, 2004 12:08 AM CST
YAWHOOWEEE!!!! Things are rockin now! You go girls!! I talked to DADDY Rick tonight and he is so excited, as are the rest of us! I speak that I get to buy the Prom Dress this year! I think we could get addicted to the warm fuzzies that the good new has brought us today.
And as for the updates, don't sign anything with all the publishers you are going to have knockin at your door, until they offer you at least a million. You writings would be such an inspiration to others.
I am going to my doctor tomorrow and if he will let me, I will come up this weekend. Kris will be working, and my kids don't need me anymore. All I am allowed to do is lounge, so I figure I will try out the new massage chair.If it's at all possible, I will visit and hopefully give that over-exspended sister-in-law of mine a break. I am way over due for a Jourdy fix, and we need to start planning that prom! Love and prayers to both of you, we love you sooo much!

Tad Whitaker (the third & final) <whit@xpressweb.com>
- Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:37 PM CST
WooHoo!!!!!!! I'm so happy things are starting to happen! And I am so happy that you are into your hundred days further than we all thought!!! Such good news today. I love days like this because I go to bed feeling such positive happy thoughts!!! I think Leslie is right use that money and go buy a SHAKE and a GREAT BIG DIET COKE!
Celebrate!!!! I continue to pray for you guys daily and I'm getting geared up for the sushi! I didn't forget! Take care and keep up the good fight!
Love ya,
P.S. Shelley, I love the emails you have sent the past few days! Thanks for the laughs!

LaNiece Roundy <blroundy@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah United States - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:12 PM CST
Hey kidlings! I'm Way excited for u. CONGRATS. I love the updates i feel like i'm caught up with whats goin on. I just want you guys to know how proud i am of both of you! I miss you guys a ton. I'm thinkin about you both and you're in my prayers always!
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:39 PM CST
Congrats Jourdyn!
Your awsome. Keep it up, we are so Happy for you. Cami says to say she Loves you tonz.
Shelley, it was so good to talk to you today and Thank You!! Thinking of you both and want you to know we Love you and are so happy for your Good News!!
Love Lori,

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:27 PM CST
Hey Cleveland Cuties!! Congrats on the excellent progress! I am so excited for the you guys and the family. I knew you could do it, Jo. Keep it up! Love ya tonz

- Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:07 PM CST
Fantastic! Congrats!
Belinda <schryver@infowest.com>
Cedar City, - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:34 PM CST
YIPPEE for all of us! Please apply the $6.50 to a few chocolate-cherry (or was in chocolate/raspberry) shakes/smoothies for Jourdyn and some Diet Coke for her momma! or any other comforting concoction that sounds good to you! (Have you tried the Lime Diet Coke???) Happy happy news! I'll be excited to pass it on to the others who always ask. xoxoxo
Leslie <lesswanky@infowest.com>
- Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:14 PM CST
YIPEE! We are so excited that things are progressing well! What great news. We wish we could be there and give you guys great big hugs!
Lots of love from Georgia,
Uncle Ryan and Aunt Janell

Janell Cleveland
Macon, GA - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:47 AM CST
GO JOURDY!, GO JOURDY!, GO JOURDY! We are doing a cheer that your bone marrow takes off to a fabulous start. I hope that the food they give you today goes down easily and stays down, and hopefully tastes great. Set your goals high Jourdyn so that you won't tire from climbing upward. Remember there are many out there that have been in your shoes. Here is one of my favorite Bible verses that I want to share with you. 1 Cor 10-13 "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man;(others have been there before you, it is not new)and God is faithful,(He promises to never leave you or forsake you), who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able,(He believes in you, and so do I) but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it." Exchange the word temptation for trials and the meaning becomes clear. Your way of escape is to rest assured in His peace and comfort. All my love, Debbie
Debbie <whitakerdebbie@hotmail.com>
Dubuque, IA usa - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:02 AM CST
Congradulations on the beginnings of engraftment!! We are praying things will lighten up for Jourdyn! Good news is always a nice change! Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:30 AM CST
Hey Kids, I am so sO SO happy to hear about the engrafting-you keep those counts up!! I'm bummed I didn't get to see the update Keller did, I'm sure it was amazing! :) Well, glad to hear good news. . .now if I don't get bad news next I'll be good to go! hehehe Love ya Lata
- Tuesday, January 27, 2004 5:43 PM CST
Hi jourdy and shelley i'm just sittin here with keller in HIS english class! HEHE he's way funny i'm soooo excited about you r engrafting ! yea for you ! alright i have to let him get back to his research paper . Have a great day sweeties !
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, January 27, 2004 1:56 PM CST
I know we talked a little today but, I still came to the sight to check things out. I guess it has just become a habit. I heard a little twinkle in your voice. The stress for you must be tough! Keep being positive, your a wonderful Mommy. My thoughts are with you girls often.
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, January 26, 2004 10:49 PM CST
Hey Jourdyn whats up my lover? I moved but I promise to come and visit and we will hang out and me and Kris will sing bad to the bone for ya and we'll record it so when you have to go away you can listen to it all the time cause ya know you love it! Hope to see you soon! Love Jazzy
Jasmine Bivens <jazmin87_05@hotmail or yahoo.com>
Garden Grove, Ca United States - Monday, January 26, 2004 6:22 PM CST
Dear Shelley and Jourdyn,
Hello, you two! I was happy to read that your family had a good weekend. I will be checking the site often to find out exactly when Jourdyn's engraftment happens---I was excited to hear that it will probably be within the next few days. Hooray!!!!
As for what you wrote about editing your web site so it won't be too depressing....my humble opinion is that you should just tell it like it is. It must be much harder for you and Jourdyn to live it and experience it all, compared to the emotions I feel when I read it. I admit to crying for you both, and to feeling like my heart has dropped to my feet a few times. But I also know that the parent and the patient feel the bumps far more intensely than the rest of us can! Hang in there, and I hope that the good days may be often. (but I'm willing to read about the bad ones too!)
Last week I visited Shana and Max in Utah. Their family got some very sad news last week, and you have probably heard it at the hospital (if not, ask Steve or e-mail me back).
Even though I'm not part of the cancer scene down there anymore, I still love all of you who are, and I pray for you often. Love, Renae

Renae Hartline <hartlinem1@aol.com>
- Monday, January 26, 2004 3:36 PM CST
Dear Jourdyn and Shelley, Boy those nurses had better watch their backs. You two are a pretty awesome duo. I remember one afternoon at LDS hospital when a poor little nurse aid got the peak of my wrath (she probably decided to change careers). When love, frustration, anger and exhaustion come together the result is emotional crash. You're not alone, and you're entitled. Hang in there. . . remember the scriptures are full of "and it came to pass..." I can't think of any verses that say "It came to stay." (On the weight issue, I just figure that the 23 pounds that Gib lost in the hospital wasn't actually lost; it just shifted to my middle. Now I'm working on giving it back.) Stay strong. We think about you every day. Kathie
Kathie Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, Ut USA - Sunday, January 25, 2004 7:13 PM CST
This is so exciting about Jourdyn's engrafting! I am so happy for you guys! Keep it up! Love you guys!
- Sunday, January 25, 2004 6:54 PM CST
Aunt Jelly and Jourdy, We love you and are so grateful for the example of strength you are. We pray for you and your family often. Thank you for the educational words and keeping those of us that are far away up to date. All our love, The Bovees
Aimee Bovee
elko, nv - Sunday, January 25, 2004 6:41 AM CST
Hey Guys, glad to know that the fever has come down and she is looking a little less red-ish. It is really good to have Keller there, he always makes her feel a little better. Tell her sorry I forgot to send the clothes, you both know I'm a space cadet! I'll be sure to send them next week. I don't even know if she will be able to wear them(they might be to big)but Emily really wanted her to see if she could fit into them. Well, I am praying for you and the whole family. Love ya lots
- Saturday, January 24, 2004 7:05 PM CST
Hey Shelley,
Just wanted to say Hi. I was able to talk to Rick today and it was nice, I am glad you were out. Please try to have a good weekend, I know its hard though. We will be up there on Tuesday, early, so if theres a chance for us to see you and Jourdyn will you let me know. I really wasn't sure if outside of the family visitors were able to see you two. Anyway we will be close by so if we could Cami and I would love it. I will call you on Monday to check ok. We Love All of you!! Lots of HUGGING this weekend OK!!
Love Lori

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Saturday, January 24, 2004 5:45 PM CST
5,198 hits on this site doesn't look to me like no one checks in any more! I'm glad Eve and I could share some time with you Friday. It's great to see for myself and feel in person Jourdyn's strength and determination. The parts you really should write in the entries, Shelley, are the great quotes of the day when Jourdyn has just had enough of all the nonsense and tells someone off! It reinforced for me that she is still fiesty as all getout and can and will stand her ground against anyone or anything that is standing between her and her goals! Now her goal is to get better. If some nurse is as obnoxious as the one I observed yesterday questioning over and over and over again on the same broken record, that may just be what it takes to irritate Jourdyn into action! I loved hearing her put that gal in her place. What a kid! I hope the weekend brings a little resting place for you. Love to you both!

Leslie <lesswanky@infowest.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Saturday, January 24, 2004 4:48 PM CST
Shelley and Jourdyn...
I am here with you daily through the good, the bad and the ugly. My family, friends and co-workers are all praying for more of the good.
Hang in there kiddos. We love you!

Aunt Joyce <jjjshore@aol.com>
Roy, Ut - Friday, January 23, 2004 10:51 PM CST
Shell, I don't write often But I read this page everyday along with all of Macayo's, I just leave the page on the screen so everyone on their breaks can come read it. Just as Alex does I have a box of tissue next to the computer. I was so glad you called me the other day even though you called to vent, I love talking with you!Even though things are so bad you always make me smile.If you need some happy thoughts remember K-mart in St. George and the shopping cart, The big come back of the Bee Gees and I have a new poopy pants story that I can't wait to tell you about (you can never give dad enough ammunition)I Love you and your family so much and when the time comes its miller time at my house. Love Heidi
Heidi Whitaker <heidiwhitaker@cox.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Friday, January 23, 2004 7:17 PM CST
You just keep on writing, it helps you as much as it helps ALL of us, and you need to be able to vent as much as you can, even if you are just writing it helps.
Also I need to know detail by detail personally, so I know what to mention in my prayers specifically for you, Jourdyn and your family.
Give Jourdyn a Hug for me and tell her I Love her. I can only imagine how lonely she feels sometimes and it can't be at all easy.
Please know I Love You too, and it will be good to have your loved ones there for a few days.
I will be in touch, oh and Shelley, Thank You for being who you are!!
Love Ya Lots!

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Friday, January 23, 2004 6:36 PM CST
I agree with all of the other entries today. I check this sight no less than 3 times a day. You are allowing us (the readers, who love you all dearly) to be informed, feel some of your pain, and understand just a little bit of what is happening. I also want to say that I never check on Jourdyn's statice without looking at the guestbook. This sight is fabulous!Reading what others say to encourage you along, gives me a since of belonging to your family. Those of us who check daily would all do what ever was asked, to help out. How do I know this information and not know the people who come to this sight? Because I hear it in their words to you and Jourdyn! A couple of months ago I put a box of tissues on my computer table, that's my advice to those who are struggling.
We love you and are waiting for your little Madisyn's arrival. Thanks agian for sharing with our family. Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Friday, January 23, 2004 6:34 PM CST
You are right telling it 'like it is'. I check the updates everyday. And usually feel pretty helpless. You are so wonderful and your family..WOW...I'm blessed to know you guys. Jourdyn is so strong and has taught be so much from the first day (trying on hair in the St. George Mall while we were there doing baptisms)to now and everyday. I love your little Maddy she is such a joy to have with us. She adds so much to our family. Your in my thoughts and prayers all the time. Thank you for your updates they let us travel this path with you. You are so not alone. We love you. Tell that sweet, strong, wonderful Jourdyn we love her too and to keep the faith.

Danna Webster <kwcon@infowest.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Friday, January 23, 2004 5:49 PM CST
Shelley: Keep telling it like it is. You have a wonderful writing talent and I agree it just helps us try to comprehend what you and your family are going through. Our prayers can be specific and personal. You inject humor when you see it, and convey such deep emotions on paper. Keep hangin' in there and know that you are loved.
Marie Davis <mikemarie6@aol.com>
Sandy, UT - Friday, January 23, 2004 5:14 PM CST
HEY MOM! First of all I think that your updates are the BEST! I like getting up front and truthful info, not sugar coated stuff (none of that BS, I am into the straight fowardness)Don't quit writing your updates as they are. Yeah it is hard to read about what Jourdyn has to go through but please don't make light of what is going on, people need a little more honesty in their life anyway. That is just you, you are the tell-it-like-it-is momma! hehehe Tell Jourdyn I am SOOOO PROUD of her for how far she has come! Tell her I love her and I miss her and I finally got her gift to your house! So she should be expecting a little "cheer you up" package. Well, take care and love ya both tonz and tonz!
Kris <nitsirk_kralc@hotmail.com>
- Friday, January 23, 2004 4:44 PM CST
Shelley, We faithfully read your updates every day! We worry when you don't write, and that's when we try to call to find out how things are going. Knowing that both of you need your space and time to rest, we try not to call often. Write whatever you want. If it offend, or gets too graffic, for some readers... they can just quit reading. Your updates also allow us to advise others who care, but don't have access to the internet.
Tad and I were planning on coming up this weekend, but her back won't allow the car ride. We plan to be up there in a couple of weeks. Hopefully Jourdy will be feeling a little better by then. We're both due for a long visit with her. Know that we love you both and that you're in our thoughts and prayers. Kris, Tad, Kids, and puppies.

Kris and Tad Whitaker <whit@xpressweb.com>
Kanab, utah - Friday, January 23, 2004 4:14 PM CST
Dear Shelly, Jourdyn and Family;

I'm not sure you will remember me, I am Joyce Johnson's friend, Marci, she refers to me as her "goofy" friend. She has kept me updated on Jourdyn's journey and sent me the address to your web site. I believe Jourdyn is about the same age as my daughter and I can't even begin to comprehend what you are going through. Anyway, I just want you to know we will keep you in our prayers. Good luck and may the Lord bless you and your family.

Marci <MarciBoudreau@aol.com>
West Point, Utah USA - Friday, January 23, 2004 9:50 AM CST
Sometimes we need to take those Earned nervous breakdowns. I Love You and I am here day & night, call me if you need to cry, yell, cuss, whatever...Please know how much I care for you, and appreciate how you struggle to get through those long loney nights at PCMC, one can ever know unless they have been there, and they truly suck, (oops can I say that) for the most part, but many nights I remember feeling angels surrounding Cami & myself and the loving arms of my Heavenly Fathers comfort and true, pure Love. My heart is with you!
Love Ya, Lori

Lori <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Thursday, January 22, 2004 11:27 PM CST
Shell Bell,
Wow, I'm not sure of what to say. I too come to this sight and become very emotional. If only I could ease some of your pain, I would, we all would. We all love you, and pray for peace up there at PMCM. Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, January 22, 2004 11:02 PM CST
Shelley and Jourdyn, as I follow your journey from a distance, I am so proud of the courage with which you face each trial. Your strength and courage are an amazing example to all of us. Shelley you were certainly entitled to have a fit and fall in it. I found myself crying outloud just reading. Jourdyn is the toughest little angel I have ever known. Give her my love and this is a cyber hug for both of you ((hug)) I pray for you daily.
The thing I love about this site is that I can almost hear your voice when you are writing. Oh, how did her photography pictures turn out? I know that Cherie is certainly sad that class is over. She really enjoyed it. Take care and remember we all love you and pray constantly for you. Love, LaNiece

LaNiece Roundy <blroundy@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah United States - Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:59 PM CST
keep hanging tough, jourdyn and shelley!!! we are sending lots of healing energy from miami and you are both in our thoughts daily!!!
linda felton <lindagfelton@yahoo.com>
miami, fl usa - Thursday, January 22, 2004 7:40 PM CST
Hey Ladies,
At times I want to call and other times I think it would be best not to bother Jourdyn. I miss seeing you and look forward to the the times we are able to get together on the weekends, I wish the weekends were 5 days long and the work week was only 2. I can't believe how tall Dayton is getting, just thought I'd throw that in there...anywho, I did see the movie Remember the Titans all the way through the other night and I agree with Keller that's a great show. Those boys and coaches had to overcome some huge obstacles and I think of you Jourd when I see a winner and someone who is making it, even though none of us can understand all that you've been through and all that you go through right now and only Heavenly Father knows what more is to come, your spirit is strong and I believe that there is a great ending in all of this, so keep on shinin' girl and remember I love you and your mom. Love, Daddee-oh Ricky

Rick <rick@cedarcity.net or montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UTAH USof A - Thursday, January 22, 2004 5:31 PM CST
Whoops! Sure didn't mean to do that ha ha!
Lori <l_munford@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, January 22, 2004 3:29 PM CST
Hey Shelly & Jourdyn,
I wish I had something great to say that would make you feel great.. I'm not good at that sort of thing. I just want you to know that Cami & I think of you two every passing moment and Pray that things will get a little better each day. We Love You so much and Pray for comfort for the both of you and your family.
Love You Tonz & Tonz!
Take Care & we will talk to you soon.
Love Cami & Lori

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City , Ut. USA - Thursday, January 22, 2004 3:24 PM CST
Hey Shelly & Jourdyn,
I wish I had something great to say that would make you feel great.. I'm not good at that sort of thing. I just want you to know that Cami & I think of you two every passing moment and Pray that things will get a little better each day. We Love You so much and Pray for comfort for the both of you and your family.
Love You Tonz & Tonz!
Take Care & we will talk to you soon.
Love Cami & Lori

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City , Ut. USA - Thursday, January 22, 2004 3:24 PM CST
Hey kids! I am so glad that Jourdy has someone one like Shelley to keep the PCMC staff on their toes. NO ONE messes with Mamma Cleveland or her kids! hehehe That really bites that they would miss something like that. Hopefully they don't screw up too bad today. . .hopefully! Well remember I love ya both tonz and tonz! Talk to ya lata
- Wednesday, January 21, 2004 4:08 PM CST
Hey, Hey, Hey,

Well, Shelly I would have to agree with you on that (Miller Time). I don't think that a "Diet Coke" is strong enough for what I just read!!! You just can't get good help any more, so what in the world was going on that her line was not hooked up? No wonder She was in so MUCH PAIN. Well, I am so sorry to hear that the two of you had such a bad day. But I do agree with you that no matter what, these are the people you will be dealing with, so try to be bold and blunt with a little sugar, kick butt coating. They have to understand that this is your daughter and that you are going to be a little on edge when things are not going like they should. Jourdyn, keep up the good work and please, please, please, know how much we love you and that you are in our prayers every single day. You are such and example to so many, and we all wish (like many others) we could go through this for you. We love you soooooooooooo much.

Love the Rainey Family

Erma Rainey <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Ivins, ut - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 11:39 PM CST
I'm truely sorry to hear about the days events. I totaly agree with you, "Pain should not be a issue, not while in the hospital!" You will know just what to say and when to say it... you'r good at this type of thing!!
Yesterday, Alyssia cut off her hair. She is donating 11 inches in Jourdyn's name. She reminded me that was her goal, to donate her hair again. She loves Jourdyn and is deeply concerned for her. "She's quite the gal!" (The two of our daughters.) You know it has been getting so curly lately. The pony has three thick curls up that go up to the elastic.
I love you ladies! I'll pray super dooper hard tonight for some relief for you guys!
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:57 PM CST
Kind of a rough day today, heh? So very sorry to hear that Jourdyn had such a hard time with her pain meds. I trust that you will handle the situation tomorrow just fine. Prayers are coming your way tonight, tomorrow, and every day. Give Jourdyn a kiss for me.

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, UT USA - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:29 PM CST
Hey Cuties! That mouth sore thing bites ! but you can pull through i know it. I hope you guys had fun spending time with the fam this weekend , and keller! HEHE he is family. But Jourdy i'm goin try to give you a call within the next 1/2 hour! but if you're asleep i'll leave a message! see ya cuties have a better day!
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, January 20, 2004 3:51 PM CST
Dear Mom: I miss you a lot. Maybe next time when I come up we could go on a little date just me and you. I am thinking that I would really like to do that. Dad came yesterday and spent time with me. I liked it. I hope Jourdyns' mouth gets better. I might go over to Sierras' house but I really want to spend time with you. I will see you Friday and maybe we can do something. CAN YOU CALL ME TONIGHT? I will be at Websters right after school.
Love, Madie

Jill Bassett <jbassett@infowest .com>
Cedar, Ut U.S. - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 2:08 PM CST
Hey Kids! Sounds like its a long tough road but if anyone can do it, it's you guys! Sorry to hear about the worsening mouth sores hopefully they get better soon. Youre always in my prayers! love ya tonz!
- Tuesday, January 20, 2004 10:35 AM CST
Dear Shelley,
We send our love and want you to know we are praying for you often (as well as for Jourdyn and your whole family). It must be so hard for you to see your little girl go through this transplant process. Thank you for the updates you write. We hope that the CT scans today bring news that things are okay. Love and hugs, the Hartlines

Renae Hartline <hartlinem1@aol.com>
Rexburg, ID - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 8:00 AM CST
Hey babes!!! hehe i agree with kris great job smeller ! it was fun to get to talk to u and keller on msn. i hope they got home ok. Glad the fever went down. hope you feel betta soon cutie , miss ya , lata
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Monday, January 19, 2004 6:37 PM CST
Hey Kids, Smeller did an excellent job with the update. Hope to hear from him again. Just wanted to say hi and miss you guys. Hopefully it wont be too long now until the engraft is complete and jo will start feeling a little better. Love ya later!
- Monday, January 19, 2004 11:14 AM CST
Hi Shelley & Jourdyn,
We returned from our much needed short vacation on Sat. night and have just been reading the updates, sounds pretty good on your end, and I am relieved to be able to be near a computor to keep up on your news.
We called tonight and was so happy to hear Jourdyn answer..
I am not sure she will remember but hopefully she will..
We will be up there the first part of the week, not sure where yet, either PCMC or St. Marks. I will definatly be in touch..
Thanks for your Love and Prayers as if you don't have enough, you go and worry about me (us) and we appreciate your thoughts and prayers so much..
We Love You !!!
Cami & Lori

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Monday, January 19, 2004 0:32 AM CST
It was such a treat for all of us, to have Madisyn around. Any time you guys want, we would love to have her over. I am also glad we were able to hook up this weekend. I worry about you so much and your well being. Being a caretaker is a very hard job, I know, and I hope you are taking care of yourself. Good luck this week, we are praying for you. Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, January 18, 2004 8:33 PM CST
I LOVE YOU GUYS, STAY STRONG!! I know Jourdyn will pull through. . .she ALWAYS does. Youre both in my prayers as well as the whole family. Miss you and love you tonz!
- Sunday, January 18, 2004 5:47 PM CST
Hello girls, i hope you girlies are gettin better! Hopefully the fever and mouth sores get better quickly!!! i love you girls, you're sooo strong! i'm prayin for you Jourdy! I hope i get to talk to ya soon.
Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, January 18, 2004 4:29 PM CST
Big hug Shelley.
Belinda <schryver@infowest.com>
- Saturday, January 17, 2004 11:22 PM CST
Hey you two! We just opened our new logitech Quickcam that was purchased specifically to talk/view with you guys. Now, once I find someone who can show me how this thing works, we'll be able to visit all the time!!! I hope all the sores in your mouth are getting better. Know that we think about you all the time and that you're in all of our prayers. UK
Kris and Tad Whitaker <whit@xpressweb.com>
Kanab, utah - Saturday, January 17, 2004 8:08 PM CST
Dear Aunt Shelly, Jourdyn and Uncle Rick,
I sure hope you have a good time together this weekend. I hope that Jourdyn's sores go away so that she can eat more easily. I will pray for your bone marrow to start working right.
Love , cousin Braylee

Russell Whitaker
Dubuque, IA usa - Friday, January 16, 2004 7:41 PM CST
Hey gals, just wanted to say hello and that I love you and keep up the good work. Jo, One of these days I'll get my Christmas present to you. . .promise! I know its a little-a lot-late so I'll get it to dad this weekend.I am also really sorry to hear about Cami so if they read this on the message board, my prayers are with you also. Oh make sure you remember to give me your email when you get it.Luv ya later!
- Friday, January 16, 2004 1:43 PM CST
Hi Ladies,
It was so wonderful seeing both of you today! Jourdyn, I mean it you are glowing. I felt your special spirit when I first came in your room. How wonderful it is to be with you guys.
We are down right excited to spend the week end with your little Madi. Thanks for sharing her with us. We'll take real good care of your baby. Happy BM. Love Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:39 PM CST
Dear Jourdyn and Shelley,

HAPPY NEW BIRTHDAY!! I hope all went well with the transplant today. I was thrilled to read of your good day yesterday, when Jourdyn graduated from radiation. Shelley, we hope that the "best dressed hooker in the hospital" photos that you referred to will soon be displayed on this site! Seriously, though... our whole family wishes you all the best and have been saying lots of extra prayers for you today. We are proud of you both. Love, the Hartlines

Renae and family <hartlinem1@aol.com>
Rexburg, ID - Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:07 PM CST
Dear Jourdyn,

Happy Bone Marrow Birthday! You don't know me but I am a friend of your Aunt Debra's and am praying for you. My sister went through this experience a five years ago. I was so glad to read in your journal that you had a good day with lots of fun doing makeup!

Peace and love to you and your family,
Sue Siferd

Sue Siferd <sue.siferd@asu.edu>
Tempe, AZ USA - Thursday, January 15, 2004 6:27 PM CST
Dearest Jourdyn & Shelley:
We're all so thrilled that this day has arrived after all you've been through. We love you so much and you're both in our thoughts and prayers always. Jourdyn, you're a real inspiration to all of us for your strength and determination. Our Heavenly Father must love you a great deal as do we, your extended family.
Also, Many thanks to all your wonderful friends and supporters who have been so devoted to you and the Cleveland family over the past year and a half. I've never known such wonderful people as those who are Rick & Shelley's family friends in Cedar and other locations.Many thanks to you from Jourdyn's Grandma Marilyn.
As for you, Jourdyn, keep up the good work, honey. I know there will still be trials ahead, but I also know you'll meet and beat them as you always have, honey.
All my love and prayers,
Grandma Marilyn

Marilyn C. Cleveland <clevelandm@deseretmgt.com>
South Jordan, UT USA - Thursday, January 15, 2004 1:29 PM CST
Hi Shelley and Jourdyn:
Just wanted to thank you for keeping everyone updated. I check every day to see you you're doing, and appreciate being informed without being intrusive on your time. You and your family are in my every prayer. I am so impressed with the bond you have - you are able to accept the disappointments and sorrows - you are able to infuse humor and actually enjoy some things - and you are strong for each other. You are admired and loved. I will be going through Cedar City on Jan 31st and wonder if it would be possible to stop by and see Madi and give her a big hug from her old primary teacher. Let me know as I'd love to see and hug her. Happy BMB, and much love - you can beat this!

Marie Davis <mikemarie6@aol.com>
Sandy, UT - Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:31 AM CST
I wish you could do a makeover on me, Jourdyn! I could definitely use one. Next time I am in Utah, its a date, OK? Your Uncle Ryan and me love you and miss you a ton, honey.

Janell Cleveland <janeycleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA - Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:38 AM CST
BaGourd and our Mom Shellster,
I can't believe it, it's almost like going back in time or having you born on leap year or something but whatever it is I wanted to not be the last one to wish you the most sincere Happy Re-Birthday ever! I think even old Nicodemus (uh oh here comes the scriptures coming out in me) from the New Testament would have been really freaked out about this one baby! I marvelled at your entrance into mortality and I marvel even more now, you deserve more than anyone I know a new a bright beginning, thank you angel for being tough and enduring through so so much, I know you still have plenty of fight left for these days of isolation and I can only say all the more I know you are a champion! Now I'm off my preacher boy soap-box...You have the bestest day and I want to get you something special for this landmark event so if there's anything specific you want or need think about, I've got and idea of my own so, well you know...hugs to youand your mommy and as you often tenderly have said to me many a time, 'Daddy' is always there for you!!!!
By the way Amber, Jamie, Kristin, Luke and all your possee says HI! I guess I can let Keller say hello and whatever else he'd like to tell ya' himself, we had a chat about our visit this weekend, I know he always looks forward to seeing you Jourdy! Shell, praise to the mother! Yo! I wish every mom could do it like you do...but that's what makes you, you and not like every other mom! Thanks for caring for one personally there and for yourself and for the rest of us in your prayers and and spirit! Like I said before this is a healing process for all of us! Love ya' you gargoyles you!

Daddy Rick <rick@cedarcity.net or montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UTAH USof A - Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:32 AM CST
Dear Jourdyn and Shelley,
What a great day! Happy BMB! I usually just read and don't write (I'd much rather just talk!) but today I can't resist. We love you all so much and you are absolutely in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Hang in, we know you can (and must) do it.
Sue and the rest of the Staheli clan

Sue Staheli <matts@netutah.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:04 AM CST
What a great posting from last night's MakeUp Party! Isn't it amazing the difference a day makes. Jourdyn, Have the MOST WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!You are in our prayers.
Sheila and Jessica

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, UT USA - Thursday, January 15, 2004 8:24 AM CST
Happy Bone Birthday to you, Happy Bone Birthday to you, Happy Bone Birthday dear Jourdyn, Happy Bone Birthday to you!!!!!
Belinda <schryver@infowest.com>
Cedar City, - Thursday, January 15, 2004 7:45 AM CST
YAHOO !!! WAY TO GO ! ! ! We are all pulling for you girl. We are so proud of your strenghth. We know you can do it !!! Keep up the good work.

madeline reed <madeline_reed@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, January 14, 2004 11:27 PM CST
Hello Girls,

Wow, it sounds like some kind of trip you two have been on!! And I know you are both kikin butt, yeah like cancer can get you two down. Not a chance. Anyway, I am soooooo amazed at all that is taking place, and how great you continue to do. I am one of those Maaama figures shell, I will see if I cant make some kind of arrangements to get Madi on a date with us. You know she will have a great time. I will have Uncle Rog call and set it up. Well, homework calls, so off I go. love you two TONZ!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Erma

Erma Rainey <ermarainey@htomail.com>
- Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:12 PM CST
We are thinking of you all and send positive energy and good wishes for the big day. Grow cells, grow!
Ron and Linda Felton <ronfel@softhome.net>
Miami, FL - Wednesday, January 14, 2004 8:00 PM CST
Wow! What an accomplishment! You guys have managed to get through a very rough couple of days! Girl Power, or something like that. (He,He)
I'm up in your parts tomarrow. I have appointments up at the Pingree. Can I visit you in the morning, Shelley? Give me a call if that would work out for you.
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, January 14, 2004 5:08 PM CST
Jourdyn luv you tonz and PLEASE try to stay positive, hopefully what we talked about last night helped just a little. I'm going to try to get a hold of Jazz so we can sing you "Bad-2-the-Bone", that always makes you laugh, if not, you'll just have to settle for my rendition. Remember the "Burning Bush". You're not alone, I am always here to talk. Luv ya always and forever!
- Wednesday, January 14, 2004 1:03 PM CST
Hi, Jourdyn! Rumor has it that those medical folks have some secret ingredients for your success. Wow, such neat friends, eh? Tell them you'd rather have a good back rub. I think about you and your Mom every day. You be good, young lady.
Brother Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:31 AM CST
Jourdyn and Shelley:
Hey guys i'm glad you have this page thing. Its really cool HEHE i like it! So i'm just about to call you Jourdyn, so hopefully i have the right number! i miss you guys tons! i might have to make a visit if possible.(i think i spelled that wrong!) k i will talk to you soon see ya!

Jamie <lil_red07@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, January 13, 2004 4:28 PM CST
Dear Jourdy and Mom,
I just wanted to say Hi because I missed you alot. I,m sad because I see everyone with their Mom and their sister and I don't have you right now. I LOVE YOU alot. I'm talking with Mrs. Bassett right now. Whenever you get this I want you to call me after you see it. I will be home from school in an hour or I will go to Websters. I really want to talk to you and Jourdy today. Keely is helping me alot with all the things I worry about. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE TRY TO CALL ME TONIGHT.
Love your daughter and sister, Madi

Madi Cleveland <jbassett@iron.k12.ut.us>
Cedar, Ut U.S. - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 3:27 PM CST
Hello Shell and Jourd:
Mel is back at the U of U and is enjoying her classes so far(after the first two days. We all know that enjoyment could quickly disappear.) She knows she can't see Jourdyn right now, but she wants you to call her as soon as Jourd can have visitors. Mel and I have gone through some major changes lately. I will have to fill you in when I can call you. Whenever I am having a bad day or am dealing with a lot of stress in my life, I think of Jourdyn and her struggle which immediately helps me to put my problems in perspective. Both you and Jourdyn are an incredible source of inspiration to me and your struggles humble me. Good luck with the BMT and try to keep your spirits up. I pray for you several times a day. All of my love to your entire family. Helen

Helen Whitaker <marrowsucker@hotmail.com>
Provo, UT UT - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 3:08 PM CST
Hey Girls,
We Love You!!
Thinking of you all, ALWAYS!
All Our Love!
The Munfords

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Monday, January 12, 2004 11:46 PM CST
I'm missing talking to you. I'm a big girl and I totaly understand, your frustration with rehashing everything. Just know that you girls are in my heart and thoughts through out the day.
Torry got excepted into SUU. "Excited" is not the word! Not even by a long shot. She is planning on Sunday dinners with your clan, as often as she can get away with it!!
Remember that Febuary, before cancer? You took me in, like you have so many times in the last 13 years. Your home became a retreat for me in my crazy time of need, (I thought). Thanks Shelley, you are a wonderful lady. Sitting in your basement scrapbooking, listening to kids, and watching the Osbornes. (We were so naughty). I think of the two of us at that moment, unsuspecting of the future, complaing of such triveal things. Through your trials I am reminded of what blessed women we are. Wonderful husbands(who "get"us), beautiful babies, modern medicine, and a belief in our Savior Jesus Christ.
One day at a time Shelley, just keep it up! Love Ya, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, January 12, 2004 8:50 PM CST
Hey Shelley- Best Wishes from the Edgemont ward. We want you & Jourdy to know you are thought of often. You both remain in our prayers and we send you our best wishes.
Hang in there, we love you! xoxo pennie :)

PENNIE TAPP <Tapp@uswest.net>
sandy, ut us - Monday, January 12, 2004 3:08 PM CST
Dear Shelley and Jourdyn,
Sounds like you're having a pretty rough day today. Just take it one treatment at a time and keep counting down...your "marrow birthday" is almost here! Our computer at home has been acting up terribly. Jess tried to email you last night but it didn't work. We'll try again tonight. Just know that you are in our prayers EVERY DAY!!!Can't wait til we can see you again.
Much Love,
Sheila and Jessica

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, ut usa - Monday, January 12, 2004 2:06 PM CST
Dear Jourdyn,
It was so great to see you last week. You are a ray of sunshine in our lives. Kenna is so glad you stopped by, she thinks you look so beautiful despite the rough time you're going through. You know with my last pregnancy I had to stay in my room and rest nearly the entire time. Things that kept me going? Phone calls, e-mail, visiting teachers, the beautiful changes of the seasons I would see through my window, my kitten, mostly my family and the love and support they gave me and the treadmill I kept telling myself I'd get after the baby was born so I could start running again,(which Ken bought me on my birthday) I always kept certain dreams and hopes and ideas in my mind so when I got better I would do them, and I am. Keep your dreams alive Jourdy, write them down, share them with Keller and your mom and dad and grandparents and when your free of that hospital room you can start again with fresh ideas, new beginnings, go shopping for new clothes, eat something you've never had before, walk on Temple Square and smell the new blossoms, Ok I'm getting corny, get your nails done!!! Well, we love you and look forward to visiting you again!Love, Marienne

Marienne Wahlstrom <kwahls1363@msn.com>
Farmington, Utah U>S>A> - Sunday, January 11, 2004 10:15 PM CST
Hey Jourdyn and Shelley,
I thought I would let you know....I was at school the other day sitting with Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Beers. They had brought the newspaper in and was showing everyone your picture. They said, "Look, there's our Jourdyn". They all had a lot of questions and are thinking and praying for you. You have touched a lot of people in your life. You make such an impact on everyone you meet. I think about when you were in my 6th grade class and the conversations we would have. You were the one who taught me about babysitters which is a big part of my life. I still go by the rules you taught me. Hannah has asked about you. She wants to know if you are still in the hospital. She is concerned about you too. You have influenced her life as well. Good Luck to you--you CAN beat this!!
Love, Amy Brand

Amy Brand <amyb129@aol.com>
sandy, ut usa - Sunday, January 11, 2004 8:46 PM CST
Hey Jourdy, I have been trying to get a hold of you since Wed. but no one answers the phone in your room. Maybe I have the wrong room number. . .again! I sent you another letter on Tuesday, I sent it to Grandma's so hopefully you'll be getting it soon if you already haven't. I miss ya tonz and tonz. I want to let you know how much I love you and remember I am always here for you! Thank You so much for being my bestest friend and for all you have been teaching me. I'll never be able to repay you for all the memories and experiences you have given me. You are the best! Luv ya always and forever!
- Sunday, January 11, 2004 6:16 PM CST
I just read the update for today. Bummer about being sick so much of the day. How are you trying to keep her stimulated through all of the monotony?
Today we spent the day in Logan, well most of us, minus 2. I find myself thinking about you guys at the oddest times. As we're up in the mountains taking a sleigh ride through a herd of elk, it was peaceful. You guys deserve peace. I pray for you to get to enjoy the simple things again. Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, January 10, 2004 8:38 PM CST
Hey Jourdyn, My mom said you had a hard day yesterday...
I am so sorry your having to go through all this..
I decided yesterday that there is still something that my Heavenly Father wants me to learn, so lets learn together k and we will make it together!
I Love Ya Girlie!!
I'll be prayin for us too!!
Love Cami

Cami Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Saturday, January 10, 2004 12:51 AM CST
Hi Jourdyn, how are you. today my friend is coming over to go sledding with me. Hope you get better and see you soon!
your cousin,

Braylee Whitaker
Dubuque, Ia usa - Saturday, January 10, 2004 10:39 AM CST
Hey there Jourdy,
You will never be alone when you call on the great God of the universe to hold your hand, He promises to never leave you or forsake you. I am praying constantly for your peace and protection. Love you, Aunt Debbie and Braylee

Debbie J Stiglitz <whitakerdebbie@hotmail.com>
Dubuque, IA USA - Saturday, January 10, 2004 10:30 AM CST
Shelley & Jourdyn, Thank You so much for thinking about Cami & I when you two are having your "Own Stuff", Shelley Thanks for the calls I can't tell you how much it means to me..
Your always in our Prayers and thinking of you guys every second of everyday.
I hope tomarrow is a better day...
Doesn't it just make you want to scream & shout out loud when they put the Chemo in?.....
Anyway we Love You Guys so much. Thank You again for everything.
Love Lori & Cami

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Friday, January 9, 2004 10:52 PM CST
Shell Bell,
How are you two weathering the storm today? I could never write words to let you two know, how much it ment to me to hear Jourdyn's voice on the other end of my phone. Chad and I were just down the street from PCMC. Chad pulled off the road, so I wouldn't lose my signal. What a sweetheart, that daughter of yours. Thanks again for sharing this very personal experince with all of us. Love, you guys, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Friday, January 9, 2004 5:44 PM CST
Hello you two wonderful women. Just checking in to see how it's going. Good Luck with this next phase. You both know how much we love and admire your strength. Your in our prayers constantly. Maddy is such a joy to have around. She keeps both my girls busy and entertained. We just love her. Know that we'd do anything that we possible could. Thank goodness for prayers. We love you lots. Good to see and talk to you even if it was so quick.

Danna Webster <kwcon@infowest.com>
Cedar City, UT 84720 - Friday, January 9, 2004 4:56 PM CST
Hey guys! Just wanted to tell you I love you guys and miss you so much. I am glad Uncle Ryan got to see you, but I am soooo jealous! Give yourselves a big hug from me. Talk to you soon!
Janell Cleveland <janeycleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA - Friday, January 9, 2004 1:47 PM CST
Shelley and Jourdy, we stand all amazed at how much stamina you two have!

Just a couple of months more, and things will start to get back to normal, and we can do that fireside we keep talking about!

Jourdy: your strength and determination is amazing, keep your head held high, grit your teeth, and go into this with that Whitaker kick butt attitude! You know as well as I, that when you Whitaker's make your mind's up to do something,there is nothing that will stop you.

Shelley: If you need anything, or just want to talk, we are here.There is nothing that we wouldn't do for you, so please call us if we can help.

We won't call and bother you guy's, but if possible, please keep updating this site frequently so we know what's going on.We have it set as our home page at home and at work, so we check it alot each day

Good luck, and remember how many of us love you and are praying for you.

Love you both tons! Tad

Tad Whitaker <whit@xpressweb.com>
Kanab, ut - Friday, January 9, 2004 3:55 AM CST
Hey Jo!!!! Its me! Maddy. long time, no see, eh? Well i miss you a ton and love you even more. i have no idea of what you are going through, so i won't even pretend. but i want you to know that i am here for you anyways. i always will be. just don't eat too much ketchup! only joking. call me whenever. we can talk about boys (or in your case BOY) love ya lots Maddy
Madelie Reoch <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
West Jordan, UT USA - Thursday, January 8, 2004 10:23 PM CST
Jourdyn & Shelley
I have been following your progress and wish you all the best. Hang in there. My family's thoughts and prayers are with you.

Belinda <schryver@infowest.com>
Cedar City, UT 87420 - Thursday, January 8, 2004 9:09 PM CST
Hi Kids!

We are so thrilled to hear things are going well. You alre all top of our prayer roll. Jourdyn we know you can kick butt on this nasty bugger, so get busy. We want to see you healthy and at the beach with us this summer. Just keep thinking-cute lifeguards, cute surferboys (sorry Keller).

Love you all
Stan and Danell

Danell Anderson <princess_Danell@yahoo.com>
Corona, CA USA - Thursday, January 8, 2004 7:07 PM CST
Hello, Jourdyn and Shelley; I'm still here, checking on you and the news each time there is some. You're both in my prayers each day along with this Dddy Rick character and his kids. We've been in and out of SLC several times last month and I always wish I could come over and give someone a hug. Make believe, OK?
J. Ramsey Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, UT 84720 - Thursday, January 8, 2004 4:33 PM CST
YEAH JO! I am so happy (and amazed) at how you pull this stuff off! Keep it up! I luv and miss ya tonz! Hugs to Jourdy and Mom!
- Thursday, January 8, 2004 10:57 AM CST
Shelley and Jourdyn, it was so good to talk to you today. Your possitve attitude is so inspiring. I will be praying for you and thinking about you tomorrow. Hope your sushi was good today. Don't forget that I promised to come up there and have a fear factor experience and eat sushi with you when you get through all of this. I never thought I would say this, but I am truly looking forward to eating the stuff, if it means you are through all of this! I'm happy for you that the day has finally come! You and your Mom are two amazing people! May the Lord continue to bless and guide you through this journey.
Love you lots, LaNiece

LaNiece Roundy <blroundy@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah United States - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 10:36 PM CST
Dear Shelley and Jourdyn,
CONGRATULATIONS!! We wish you the best of luck with the whole BMT process. Thank you very much for letting us know of your website...it took my breath away to read in detail what you have been through these past few months. We send our love and hugs. Your family is in our prayers. God bless!!

Renae <hartlinem1@aol.com>
Rexburg, ID USA - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 9:38 PM CST
YIIIIPPPPPPPEEEEEEE! I am sooooo happy for you guys! Congradulations on the news. Good news has been prayed for, by everyone who loves you all. Prayer, what a wonderful thing! Faith, what a wonderful thing! Family, what a wonderful thing! Love, the best thing of all!! Keep it up ladies!!
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, January 7, 2004 7:05 PM CST
Shelley and Jourdyn,
All we can say is "YEAHHHHH" and GOOD LUCK! Jourdyn, you consistently remind each of us what faith is all about. STAY CLEAN!! and we'll keep watching for updates.
Sheila and Jessica

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, UT USA - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 5:56 PM CST
Hey Baberhams,
Do you two know how much I love you guys! Hun, I love the entries you put in, you could make a living as a writer! Jourdy Pourdy, (I know you hate that, but you are our little girl) you are the most outrageously awesome young woman! The night before last was a good experience for your ol' dad, having your mom trust me with all the meds, TPN, flushing of the lines etc. made me feel kind like...important and like I was taking more of a part in all of this stuff! I know this news as far as the stem cell transplant actually, maybe, possibly getting started has to encourage you! You have passed through so much and I think you are truly amazing, even when you've had hard times; like we'll ever know how much you've really gone through, you know the 'walking in someone's shoes' thing; you vounce back and have a great perspective, even in the reality check times you've had just you and mom...what I'm trying to say is that I am very, very glad to have you for a daughter, I love you baby! Girls have a super dee duper day!!!

Daddy Rick <rick@cedarcity.net montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UTAH USA - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 12:25 AM CST
I my Gosh, Congratulations Jourdyn, I am so Happy or you, Shelly, you too and Rick...
Cami says to give Jourdyn the biggest Hug!
We Love You!!
Cami & Lori

Lori <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 11:32 AM CST
Hi again Jourdyn, this is Rachel Schryver. I'm sure your mom reads these things, or at least tells you about them all the time. And that has got to get a little tiring after a while... ;) I sent off a letter to you today, so hopefully I got the right address and it will get to you soon. There's nothing like getting your own piece of mail. Mrs. Merrell and Toa say hi. So does Tommy Lamb and Cambria Wilhelm. We all love you so much! Bye!
--Rachel Schryver

Rachel Schryver <freedomshocked@yahoo.com>
Provo, UT - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 11:14 PM CST
Geez, Shelley--don't hold back on the Secrets or anything! Hope you both had the energy to enjoy your shopping trip
:-) Nothing like new undies...sigh...

Leslie <lesswanky@infowest.com>
Cedar City, UT - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 10:35 PM CST
Hi Mom! This is your other daughter. This is really cool, I've never been on this and being the airhead I am I totally spaced ever looking this web page up. Last night when I was at your house I asked Jourdy what the website was. Jourdyn had no clue what it was, so Keller told me. haha imagine that ;) Well, I want to say I love you and the whole family, especially Jo. Take care and tell Jourdyn that I said Hola!
- Tuesday, January 6, 2004 6:06 PM CST
Hi Shelly & Jourdyn,
Yesterday I was talking to Denise Angus and she mentioned how wonderful Rick's testimony was on Sunday. It was our first Sunday at our new ward and I miss all of you terribly. I just wanted to let you know I think of you often and hope there's a little ray of sunshine in all your dealing with.
Love you guys,

Evelyn Drew <bdrew@sisna.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 9:51 AM CST
Shelly, Rick, & Jourdyn,
Just saying Hi, and that we Love you Guys so much, consider yourselfs hugged...
I want to Thank You for the Honor of being your friends and Thank You for all you have taught our family...
There is so much to learn from Jourdyn and the Hope, Faith, & Strength that you have shown us can never be measured.
Your ALWAYS in our thoughts and prayers!

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City,, UT USA - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 9:38 AM CST
Shelley, I won't even try to say I understand or even comprehend what is happening with your family! I'm worried sick about you all and think about you all the time. I called Farmington on Sunday morning. I just wanted to hear how things are going with you all. Shelley, I love you.
p.s. Dayton, was he up to a little mishef??

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, January 5, 2004 10:35 PM CST

God bless you all. We are reading up on your entries, as we have been gone for two weeks and see that you all have been through a lot. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Even though we have only met over the phone a few weeks ago, I can't stop thinking about your family. I hope all goes well this week with Jourdyns Bone Marrow treatments. Let me know if there are any DVD titles that Jourdyn would like, I would really like to get her some. Take Care, Rhonda Lawley

Rhonda Lawley <lawley@infowest.com>
Cedar City, Ut USA - Monday, January 5, 2004 4:46 PM CST
I couldn't stop myself from checking the site, just in case something new has developed. Glad to see no new entrys.
Last night our family made it's annual trip down to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building to watch the Testiments. We have been going for 4 years now. New Years Eve seems like the perfect time to watch our Savior's life and the events that took place long ago, that gives us meaning in our lives today. That movie will always hold a special place in our family's heart. You know, healing the Blind, the Sick and those who have a Broken Heart. It just hits so close to home for our family. I sat by Sierra. When Christ was healing a blind man she said, "This is real, I know it is a movie but, Jesus really fixes people." She then said, "He is already fixing Alyssia eyes,she will see me someday." Just like that, I was no longer just on an activity with my family, I was looking into our future.
We all love you guys and are hope what you hope for. Happy New Year!!!!!
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, January 1, 2004 11:19 AM CST
Dear Shelly & Jourdyn,
Shelly, I am sorry to hear your sick I hope you feel better soon.... Take Care Of You!!!
I am always thinking of you guys....
We Love You!

Lori <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City , UT USA - Tuesday, December 30, 2003 12:35 AM CST
How are you feeling? Bummer about getting strep! Now I'm starting to feel like the only one who doesn't know whats going on. How did everything go yesterday? Maybe we could hook up for just a few minutes, I miss you and wish I could help you out in some way.
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, December 30, 2003 10:23 AM CST
What's up? I keep checking for updates, is everything o.k.? Are you just enjoying some time to yourselves, I guess I just worry. Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, December 28, 2003 6:43 PM CST
So, you did survive! Yippee!! I to saw Jourdyn on the news, last night. She looks wonderful. Hopefully those scans prove her to be well on the inside. If anyone can call the angels of Heaven for some help it would be Jourdyn!
Love you guys, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 27, 2003 10:38 AM CST
Holy makeral der, Andy! (Anybody an old radio fan?) Hey, Jourdyn, we caught you on the news last night in all of your radiant beauty and wonderful smile. Man, what a show!And this morning your Mom tells us you've been running! Wonderful, Jourdyn, keep it up.

J. Ramsey Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Saturday, December 27, 2003 8:35 AM CST
We watched Jourdy and Rick on the news tonight. She looks great! Where were you Shell? I'm glad you had a good Christmas, and your right, Keller is amazing I don't know to many boys that age that would be so committed. How long is the family staying at Grandma's?
We love you all, and as always: your in our prayers. Talk to you soon.

Tad <whit@xpressweb.com>
Kanab, Utah USA - Saturday, December 27, 2003 2:06 AM CST
She's a Star! Just saw the news, I must admit I can't get through the day without checking in to see how things are going....kind of checking on how the prayers are going I guess. Then here she is ! Looking GREAT I might add, and on the news! I'm so very grateful that Christmas has been as good as the circumstances will allow. You are such a part of all our lives, we are constantly amazed by the love that we get to witness as you ALL pull together to face this dragon. May the Lord bless you and yours with the moment by moment blessings that you may require and an abundance of the Comforter. Hope this New Year brings you joy and peace of heart and mind.
Much Love,
the Poulsens

Shannon Poulsen <SLPoulsen@Hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Ut USA - Saturday, December 27, 2003 0:13 AM CST
Shell Bell,
So, did you survive the "Whole Ordeal?" I hope you were able to more than just survive! I believe that the gift of our Savior is the Greatest Gift of all. That he hears all of our prayers, and is guiding us all gently through our troubled waters. Stay strong Shelley! Jourdyn is blessed to have the family that God gave her. Thank you for inadvertently showing me what family, love, sacrifice, and faith in our Heavenly Father can do and how it can change lives.
Any way, our family got a ping pong table for Christmas. It has been nonstop games since yesterday. I don't think I can remember when the last time we stopped and enjoyed each, as much as we have this Holiday. Let us know about your sweet baby and how she is holding up threw all of this suffering. Love you lots!! Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Friday, December 26, 2003 3:20 PM CST
Good morning, Jourdyn, Shelley, and associates. Christmas eve and morning have come and gone so now we are REALLY into the leftovers. And that's OK because the meal leftovers are just like Christmas gifts, it's what you do with them AFTER Christmas and who you thank that really counts. Please know and believe that you are in our prayers every day, and that we pray to be blessed with your strength and testamony. Elder Gibson called from Fiji for a minute last evening to confirm the time of his extended call tomorrow when all of us finally can get together. Aren't families a neat invention? And you guys have got the best!
J. Ramsey Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, Ut USA - Friday, December 26, 2003 8:42 AM CST
Dear Jourdy, Shelley, and family: Merry Christmas!
Tanya and I have been thinking about you and wanted to send you our best thoughts and prayers. Jourdy, Tanya sends her love and wants you to know that she is in awe of your strength. We hope that the New Year brings new hope to you. We love you and... YOU GO GIRL!
xoxo Tanya & Pennie :) :)

Pennie Tapp <tapp@uswest.net>
Sandy, UT USA - Friday, December 26, 2003 1:35 AM CST
Merry Christmas to all of you Clevelands! We think of you always and hope the New Year brings you lots of good times, laughs and smiles, more friends to help you and cheer you along this hard road you are on. We love you and Kenna loves Jourdyn with all her heart and soul!
Love, Marienne

Marienne Wahlstrom <kwahls1363@msn.com>
Farmington, Utah U>S>A - Thursday, December 25, 2003 4:23 PM CST
Merry Christmas!!
I hope you were able to enjoy, even a few momments of the Holiday. You are a super group of people and I pray you are all aware of the impact you are making on the rest of us. Merry Christmas!

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, December 25, 2003 2:56 PM CST
Dear Clevelands,
Merry Christmas to all of you!!! Its late and I can't sleep lately, insomnia I suppose has set in for a while.
I hope you all have a nice quiet day together, and know that you are always in our prayers and thoughts..
Jourdyn, Cami says Hello, and she Loves You Tons!!
Take care of each other!!
Keep in touch Shelly!

Lori <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City,, UT USA - Thursday, December 25, 2003 1:57 AM CST

I'm sure you already know but you are always in our prayers (my family and I)! and also, tell all of your family hi and love them! I also want you to Know that even though we have totally different stuff and you have to go through more! I can kind of relate, and I know how you feel about everything you have to do! LOVE YA!

Love, Cearra

Cearra Perri <johnson@pdqnet.net>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 8:08 PM CST
Hey Jourdy,
What's up? I hope that the money I raised will help you guys out a little!I also think that by setting out in the public got more people aware of what is happening and I think they will be even more envolved and help more.I truely meant what I said in the card we gave you!Well Love ya tons!MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!

Love Cearra

Cearra Perri <johnson@pdqnet.net>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 7:56 PM CST
Dear Clevelands,
Merry Christmas to you all! You are so frequently in our thoughts these days. I will continue to think good thoughts for Jourdyn that the "tube" syndrome is at a minimum over the next few days. Just wanted to wish your family all the blessings that this Holiday can bring. Give Jourdyn a kiss for me. Hope to see you soon.

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, UT USA - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 2:13 PM CST
Merry Christmans Eve!
I know this is a very busy time of year but, I wanted to say a quick "HI." Our family hopes that your family gets some time together and some relief from all that you have been enduring.
We are off to a friends house to spend this evening with them.. They have a Norwegin heritage and are sharing some of their traditions with us. Keep us posted and God Bless you all.
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, December 24, 2003 1:54 PM CST
Shelley and Jourdyn, I haven't read the website for a few days and after reading today's I had to go back and read yesterday's just to see how nasty you were. I didn't think it was too bad! I wanted to wish you both a Merry Christmas and let you know our young women keep you in their thoughts and prayers daily. So do I.
Suzette Garrett <kgarrett@mstar2.net>
Cedar City, UT USA - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 7:27 PM CST
Hi, Shelley! Don't you fret a second about how your emails sound to us. As long as I have this email contact, coming and going, I have trouble believing ANYONE would attempt to get in the obvious lineup to call you on the phone. If phone conversations are necessary we can all send you prepaid cards and you can call us, when it's convenient for you and your family. Your strength, spiritually and temporally, is the greatest example and learning experience any of us have been blessed with, maybe ever. We love and miss each one of you.
J. Ramsey Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, Ut usa - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 9:35 AM CST
Hey girlfriend, if any one deserves a day of "venting" it's you! I didn't think your posting was offesive and I have a hard time believing any one else would. You have been through so much, and I know it has to be hard to tell the same story over and over again. That's why I love this website so much. It keeps us informed without having to call everyday for an update. We all wait for your update every night before we go to bed.
It is so good to finally get some good news, with Jordys faith, strong will and spirit and the best and most supportive Mother in the world, she can't do anything but win!
I hope you will sleep well tonight. (still in a chair?) I will rent a bed and have it put in your room if they will let me. Have you asked? I'm sure you have, but I want to help! I love you guys so much and can't wait to see you. What movies does Jordy want? We would love to send her some. Until tomorrow...
Love from Kanab

Tad Whitaker <twhitaker@utah.gov>
Kanab, Utah USA - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 0:28 AM CST
Your Good! You only need one venting day, after all this time, not bad sister!!!!
Finely a glimmer of good news. We all were hoping and praying for your family to get some. The Christmas plan sounds busy but managable. Now I think we should all pray for little developments either way. Just peace to all of you threw the Holiday.
Your the Best Shell Bell! Oh yea, It was pure entertainment wathcing a home video of our little Tanner and Alyssia during the Easter Parade. I mean it, "The Best Kids in the Valley" Hee Hee
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, December 22, 2003 10:48 PM CST
Good Morning, Shell Bell,
Yesterday afternoon our family gathered around the "Boob Tube," and watched home movies all afternoon. I have to remind you that we have ther "Craziest, Cutest, Most Talented Children in the Valley!" What a bunch of nuts! It was wonderful to see Jourdyn in many of these video's. She sung her heart out in front of Sear's at the Fashion Place Mall. She would die, but she looked adorable in that green velvet dress, so cute. Then we happened on a lip sync video. Our two girls acting like monkey's to that Tarzan song. Total Goober's. Yes, we have alot to be proud of.
I miss you and I'm sorry that I might have been one of your annoying phone calls. You guys are the salt of the earth and I geuss some of us looking in can be a little insensitive. Friends sometimes just don't think things threw. I have been tempted to call or visit so many times the last couple of weeks, I'm glad I didn't act on that impulse after reading yesterday's entry.
Anyway, Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, December 22, 2003 10:58 AM CST
Dear Shelley and Jourdyn and other Clevelanders; (sounds like a convention crowd) Individuals and groups, couples and bunches asked about you folks yesterday in church. I said what I could to clue them in from my vast knowledge of medical science...but mostly from Shelley's notes in Jourdyn's Journey. Then I told the HP group that they could each learn and contribute on their own, and I gave them this email address; lots of old guys wrote it down, too, so I hope what I did was a good thing. Shelley and Jourdyn, you two ladies are the strongest and best family combo I know of. We pray for you each day and pray that we can learn to apply your message to our weak lives.
J. Ramsey Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, ut USA - Monday, December 22, 2003 7:52 AM CST
Just a quick note to say hang in there. So glad that the family has had time together and that you will be able to spend some time with the kids over Christmas. How sweet that Keller will be with Jourdy on Christmas Eve. I'm sure that your Church service today was wonderful. You were all in my heart as we sang in the choir today. Keep a smile in your heart and know that you are loved. Please give Jourdyn a kiss from Jess and me. Love, Sheila

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, UT USA - Monday, December 22, 2003 0:17 AM CST
Shell and Jourdy, just a note to let you know that you are on our minds every second of every day.There is no doubt in our minds that if you set your mind and heart to it, you can conquer anything you want to.
We have Braylee here (Russell, he to like his Dad, has changed his name) and he wanted to say hi to his Aunt Shell (hey,Lady)and his favorite cousins. He will be here until the sixth. Our girls are here making candy, and the boys are watching Titanic, but you are heavy on all of our minds. It is amazing how many visitors you recieve at this site, there are tons of people that love you! We are constantly praying for the both of you and your family. I hope we will get to speak to you some time during the Holidays. We will wait for your call, because we wouldn't dare call you!! (just kiddin!) We love you all sooo much! Tad and UK

Tad Whitaker <twhitaker@utah.gov>
Kanab, ut usa - Sunday, December 21, 2003 9:18 PM CST
Hey Rick, Shelly and Kids,
We Love You all! Your Christmas plans sound nice.
Just wanted to say Hi!!
Love The Munfords

Lori <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Sunday, December 21, 2003 8:55 PM CST
I'm overcome from the news you posted last night. I love you all so deeply. I'll keep praying for your releif.
XXXX, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, December 21, 2003 7:09 PM CST
Our love, est wishes and prayers are with you
Frank and Kathryn Heiser <fheiser@accesswest.com>
Cedar City, UT Iron - Sunday, December 21, 2003 5:41 PM CST
Hi Ba Gor and Shell Bell,
This is the dad writing to let you know that we are all very blessed and I appreciate being supported by all the wonderful family and friends too! I feel I have finally gotten a hold of the sometimes elusive Christmas spirit and although I know things for us won't be exactly the situation that is ideal, it has to be what we make of it. Thank you Shell for once again being the great Christmas loving mom that you are in using what little free time you have had to make sure your kids don't forget the fun of this holiday and to you Jourdy thanks for helping us all to realize what a special gift it is to be able to have a body and experience mortality and even when life isn't easy or fair and there is pain and questions and doubting, there is always the Savior standing, watching and ever waiting for us to have Him lift our burdens. You my daughter are one of the most special of God's creations and I'm glad, awfully glad to have you as a teacher of how life is a beautiful, glorious miracle and that there is hope as well as purpose to all that you and I and all of us go through. This Christmas will always be one that will unique and full of lasting memories. I know I'm not always in tune with things and it's hard to be distanced from you two, but Christmas is now a time to treasure more than we ever have before, I love you both so much and I'll keep trying to be as supportive as I can when I can be with you and when I cannot. Thanks for giving me meaning to my life and for letting me be a part of all this!

Daddy/Hubby Rick <montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, Utah USA - Sunday, December 21, 2003 2:54 PM CST
Hey Family,

We are so happy that you are all there together and spending some quality time. We want you to know how much we love you all and how much strength you have. YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!! We are praying for you and love you all. Shelly, I am sorry for this latest news, please let us know what they decide to do and what is going on. We went to the temple on thursday and put all your names in. We love you more than words can say!!

Love The Raineys.

The Rainey Family <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, December 21, 2003 1:23 PM CST
Dear Shelley and Jourdyn,
Kenna and I say hello and we love you and hang in there! The blanket is finished and has been delivered. All the kids here loved it's softness so much and hope that Jourdyn can use it. Call if you need anything on this end if extra hands are needed.
Love, Kenna and Marienne

Marienne Wahlstrom <kwahls1363@msn.com>
Farmington, Utah U>S>A> - Sunday, December 21, 2003 11:14 AM CST
I hope your day had a bit of sunshine and hope. You guys sure deserve some. Any thing I can do for the Holiday? Have you got some help in that department? Chad is taking the whole week off and we would love to lighten your load in anyway. I hope you get to sneak a break from the hospital, now that Rick is up. Stay strong Shelley, I mean that, I know you have it some were in you. And lean on Heavenly Father. I love you and think of you often. Did she have surgery on ther kindney?
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 20, 2003 10:00 PM CST
Hi Jourdyn!!! This is Rachel Schryver. I'm at BYU now, Provo is awesome. I just got this web site from my mom. Now that I have your address, expect some letters! Stay strong!
Love Always,
Rachel Schryver

Rachel Schryver
Provo, UT USA - Saturday, December 20, 2003 3:33 PM CST
How did everything go today? I'm just worried sick about you. Chad and I are going out tomarrow, are you gals excepting short visits yet. Hang in there ladies, we are all learning so much from your dedication.
Love, ALex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Friday, December 19, 2003 10:36 PM CST
Dear Shelley and Jourdyn, Isn't that "breathing machine" an absolutely horrible friend? After Brother Gibson's accident he hated using that thing, but we could see that he got stronger when he used it (even though he didn't use it as often as he was supposed to). I remember that all through his recovery when he would get frustrated and depressed he would say "If Jourdyn has the courage to fight her battle, I can deal with this." You were, and are his hero, Jourdyn, and I thank you for the wonderful influence you've been our lives. You are in our hearts every day.
Kathie Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Friday, December 19, 2003 10:22 PM CST
Shelley and Jourdyn,
We are so proud of both of you! My heart is softened to the crap in the world whenever I read your journal everyday and hear of Jourdyn's battle and strenth and your determination to help her get better. You go girls! Kenna and I are making Jourdyn a colorful,cozy, blanket for Christmas. We will give it to her grandparents to give to you so we don't disturb her rest.
Love you both! Have a Merry Christmas!
Kenna and Marienne

Marienne Wahlstrom <kwahls1363@msn.com>
Farmington, Utah U>S>A> - Friday, December 19, 2003 9:19 AM CST
Shelley and Jourdyn,

Had to start my day by checking in on your progress. What a day you had yesterday!Jourdyn, I am so PROUD of your strength. I know how painful it must have been for you between the walking and breathing exercises. You have so many people who love you and are sending you their prayers each and every day until you have this thing beat! You two take care of yourselves and EACH OTHER today and we'll be watching to hear about the next surgery.
Extra Big Hug,

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, UT USA - Friday, December 19, 2003 6:13 AM CST
How's everything going up there today? I'm hoping no news is good news, well you know what I mean.

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, December 18, 2003 6:48 PM CST
I am happy to hear that Jourdyn is feeling a Little bit better.. I hope & pray that it continues and you get rested as well..
We are still just in the wait mode ourselves! Your always in our hearts and prayers! We Love All of You So Much!!
The Munfords

Lori <l_munford@yahoo.cojm>
Cedar City, UT USA - Thursday, December 18, 2003 12:09 AM CST
Dear Jourdyn; This is Friday morning. I missed a bunch of your Mom's updates since Monday as I flew back to Wisc. to escort Kathie's mom out here for Christmas. On the 30th and 31st I make the round trip again to get her home. Your mom says those doctors again noticed your beauty and strength and hauled you off for some party in surgery...and again you showed them how tough a lady you are! Great news! This mather-in-law's mission that I'm on will put me on and off airplanes 8 times between Salt Lake and Wisc. by New Years eve. I've always loved to fly but this is rediculous.(sp?) You are in my thoughts daily, Jourdyn, you and your family of loving servants. Tell each one how much you love them; their hearts are yours, and your heart is theirs, always and forever. Now get on with this recovery business, will ya?
Brother Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Clearfield, Ut Davis (?) - Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:13 AM CST
Mother Bear? Of course you are, and that is a good thing, in a time like this. You are perfect for the job of protecting your children. I know I have seen you in action. Heavenly Father will whisper in your ear and let you know when to step in for her. I have had it happen to me many times. Still, you gotta love the note!!
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, December 18, 2003 8:24 AM CST
Hi Shelley & Rick, We were out with your mom and dad at a viewing tonight and found out about this page. We are relieved to hear the surgery went well and that she is rallying so quickly. Sally and her family will be here on Monday and will be staying for a couple of weeks. Sure hope you can see each other, even if it is only a brief visit. Give Jourdyn our love and tell her we are thinking about her constantly and praying for her speedy recovery from this surgery so she can move on to the next step. Love,
Bob & Elaine Watts <ewatts@utah.gov>
Farmington, UT USA - Thursday, December 18, 2003 0:10 AM CST
Shelley, Jourdyn, Rick and the Kids: I wanted you to know that Jourdyn's struggle is constantly on my mind. I am amazed at the strength you as a family have. I don't know that if I had to sit at Mel's bedside and watch her fight for life so often that I would have the strength and the fortitude to keep mentally sane. All I can say is that God must truly have you on His mind and that He has sent you an arsenal of angels to watch over all of you. I choke up every time I send out a prayer for the Cleveland family. I love you all and want you to know that. I feel so helpless because I don't live close enough to take care of your kids in Cedar and I don't know how to ease the pain any of you are feeling. Just know that I have a never-ending prayer going out to all of you. Jourdyn, never doubt God's love for you. You are His special angel here on earth. I love you immensely! Aunt Helen
Helen Whitaker <marrowsucker@hotmail.com>
Provo, UT USA - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 5:25 PM CST
You hang in there girl. I love you all so very much. It sounds like you have "many" people praying for you guys. Count me as one of your "many." Is Rick still up heare in SLC? Do you guys need anything?

XXX Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, December 17, 2003 2:42 PM CST
Janell and I will be fasting tomorrow at 1pm (Mountain) (Thursday 18 December) until Friday 1pm. We invite you to join us in our fast for Jourdyn. Heavenly Father will hear our prayers and comfort Jourdyn and give her peace. May He also sustain Rick and Shelley and the kids.

Ryan Cleveland <ryancleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA USA - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 1:26 PM CST
Cleveland Family:
I keep checking this web page for news of Jourdyn and am so grateful you keep all of us informed of her progress. I pray for you daily and hope you know how much we love you and care about you. Hold on to each other and the strength you receive from family, friends, and your Heavenly Father.

Marie Davis <mikemarie6@aol.com>
Sandy, UT - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 11:21 AM CST
Hello Clevelands,

We are soooooooo happy that things went well. We are also glad that you are spending some time together. Jourdyn, you hang in there we love you and are thinking of you. You and the rest of the family are in our prayers. Rick & shelley how are you holding up? What can we do to help? Do you need us to go take care of anything at home? How about the dog? Do you need help with him? Robin is now home and we would loooooooooooove to help out with anything we can. Please let us know what we can do. We love you all. Thank you for the updates!!!

Love the Raineys

The Raineys <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Ivins, Ut - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:42 AM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Madeline
madeline reed <madeline_reed@hotmail.com>
cedar city, ut usa - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:36 AM CST
Hi Clevelands!
We just wanted to tell you all we love you and miss you so much. Jourdyn, we think about you every day, and pray for you in every prayer. We love you!
Aunt Janell and Uncle Ryan

Janell Cleveland <janeycleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA USA - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:38 AM CST
I'm glad to know her surgery went well. Take care of yourselves. All of us in West Jordan are watching this page. We pray for you and the strangth to fight through this. Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, December 17, 2003 8:04 AM CST
Shelley and Rick,
It's 5:00 and I was so glad to see your posting from last night and that Jourdy's surgery was successsful. So glad to know that you have had your family with you during this ordeal. I worked downtown until 7:00 last night and knowing that Jourdy was in surgery, it was all I could do to not run over to Primary's and give you a big hug. I sent you a big prayer instead. Our whole family has you in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. Neil was calling me on break yesterday to see how things were going. Juliann asked about Jourdy as soon as I talked to her after school. You are so right about Jourdy being a fighter. She has the spirit to beat this thing! Give her a hug and kiss from us and we'll wait to hear from you later today.
Sheila and Jessica

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, UT 84092 - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 6:14 AM CST
Rick, Shelly & Jourdyn,
Yeah I can't sleep. I love you and you are in my heart every second at this time...
Take Care of eachother!! Lots and Lots of Hugs to all of you!!
Love You Tons!

Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 1:39 AM CST
It's 9:30p.m. I'm thinking about you and all I can think of to do is write you a note and let you know that. Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, December 16, 2003 10:34 PM CST
Shelley, Jourdyn, Rick & kids,

We just want you all to know how much we love each and everyone of you! This is such a challange for you all. Jourdyn we are on our knees praying for you several times a day, and are thinking of you every minute right now. Ranid's "friend" Wes went to the temple yesterday and put your name in, it seems as though Randi's prayers and concern have touched him and he feels as though he knows you through her. We want you all to know that we love you more than words could ever say. Shelley & Rick is there ANYTHING we can do to help? We would really like to do something, anything!! WE LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOO MUCH.


We got to talk to Elder Rainey yesterday, we gave him the update and he said he was going to call a special fast and prayer with all the Elders there in the good ole Czech Republic. He wants you to know Jourdyn how much he loves you and that he is thinking of you daily. He also wants you to remember that the Lord is with you, you are never alone. Keep the faith

Love Elder Rainey

The Rainey Family <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Ivins, Ut - Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:12 PM CST
Rick and Shell, This has been one of the longest days ever!
We are all sitting by our computers waiting for Jourdy to come out of surgery. I hope you have felt the many prayers coming your way. Kris is having a ball with your kids, I am so glad that he got to do this for you. We love you all so much, give Jourdy a kiss for us. Tad

Tad Whitaker <twhitaker@utah.gov>
- Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:07 PM CST
My prayers are with you today. Maddie had lunch with her Uncle. We are all with you in our good thoughts.
Jill Bassett

jill bassett <jbassett@infowest.com>
cedar , ut u.s. - Tuesday, December 16, 2003 3:06 PM CST

My prayers are with you. I wanted you to know that I have signed up to be a bone marrow donor. I know that my blood type is a match (according to G-ma Jan b+?) however there is only a very slim chance that I will be match for the nine other criteria. I have given the blood sample and will let you know what my stats are when they come. The lady at the marrow center says that I can have a copy of them. If I am not a match for Jourdyn, I will still donate if called. I would feel blessed if I could give such a precious gift if I were a match to anyone.

Love and blessings. Thanks for your inspiration.

Debra DeVault <ddevault1@cox.net>
Phoenix, Az USA - Monday, December 15, 2003 10:58 PM CST
Shelley and Jourdyn,

Just wanted you to know that Jess and I are praying for you this evening. I'm watching the Channel 13 news right now to see if they run the Kurt Bestor story. I'm so glad that Jourdyn had a bright spot today. You will be in our prayers tomorrow. Have faith and all will be well.
Love, Sheila and Jessica

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, UT 84092 - Monday, December 15, 2003 10:19 PM CST
Hi Shelly & Jourdyn,
We love you and are remembering all of you in our Hearts and Prayers!!
I wish I could just Hug you!!

Love Lori <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Monday, December 15, 2003 1:29 PM CST
I love you guys. I pray that today brings you some comfort.

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, December 15, 2003 8:48 AM CST
When you called me on Friday, I heard that panic in your voice again. Shelley, I love you and can hardly express my love and sorrow for you right now. I am tring very hard not to call you, I know you guys need to sort everything out. Please know that I am praying for you thinking of you and that I love you guys so very much! Let me know if you are coming up tomarrow. I've cleared everything this week and want to be with you. Rick, how is he? Some how you guys need a break in all of this. I'll pray for it.
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, December 14, 2003 8:56 AM CST
Hello Shelly and Jourdyn, I just read the up-date and I got on my knees and asked Heavenly Father to bless you this hour. I am praying that the harvest will all go well. I am praying for you Shelley to have the strenghth you need at this time. I am asking Heavely Father to send his loving angels to be with Jourdyn. I pray that you may feel peace and calm. I love you both so much and I am so grateful for the example that you set for me. I will pray always for you and your family. Love, Madeline
madeline reed <madeline_reed@hotmail.com>
cedar city, ut usa - Friday, December 12, 2003 10:41 AM CST
I'm glad to see that you made it home. I hope you both can enjoy some time at home. It was wonderful visiting the other night. It was even better to see Jourdyn's sparkle again. Enjoy sleeping in your own bed, snuggling your kids and just doing your "STUFF!"
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Monday, December 8, 2003 3:09 PM CST
Shelley and Jourdy-
I just wanted to drop a line and let you know I am thinking about you both. My prayers are with you.
xoxo pennie tapp

pennie <tapp@uswest.net>
sandy, ut us - Friday, December 5, 2003 4:10 AM CST
Hi Shelley & Jourdyn
It was so good to see you both on Mon. and I am so happy that you both get a break for a few days. Cami & I will be back to Primary Childrens on Friday and will see if we can find you in Clinic or somewhere. We Love you and Pray for good things. Take care, give me a buzz if I can bring anything, we will be leaving Cedar at 8 am. Hope to see you soon!
Love Ya Tons! Lori

Lori <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Friday, December 5, 2003 0:42 AM CST

Glad to hear that Jourdyn was able to go home. We'll keep our fingers crossed that you get to see the Festival of Trees tomorrow. Jessica and I are asking those who know Jourdyn to offer their fast this Sunday for a successful harvest next week. We'll be watching for your report next week and will do another fast on the day of the surgery.
Think good thoughts and get some rest this weekend.
Love, Sheila and Jessica

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, UT USA - Thursday, December 4, 2003 5:38 PM CST
Happy to hear you are out. Hang in there and keep looking forward with hope and optimism.
Ron and Linda Felton
Miami, FL US - Thursday, December 4, 2003 2:21 PM CST
I'm glad to hear things are easing up a little! I called yesterday and talked to Jourdyn. She is just tired of all of this! Once again I'm speechless and helpless.
I'm up to the Pingree again this morning. The girls and I will pop over if time permits. Lunch?? Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, December 2, 2003 8:54 AM CST
Good Morning Shelley and Jourdyn,

It was wonderful seeing you both last night. Shelley, thank you so much for stopping by on Saturday and giving us an update. I hope that the visit was a pleasant diversion for at least a little while. Let's plan on another. While it has been too long since we've seen you, please know that you are ALWAYS in our hearts and our prayers. Think happy thoughts today and I'll be doing the same. Hope that Jourdy gets to go home today or tomorrow. Love you all.

Sheila Camarella <sheilac@mstar2.net>
Sandy, UT USA - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 8:40 AM CST
I'm happy that Jourdyn is doing better! What a hard thing for all of you! I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. We still pray for you all and want to do something for you all this Christmas. Think of anything and let me know. We can run errands, wrap gifts, take your little ones shopping, whatever you need. By the way I will be driving through Ceder City on Saturday the 6th, please let me know if you need anything and I will fetch it for you and bring it home with me. Call me on my cell...598-6163.

Marienne Wahlstrom <kwahls1363@msn.com>
Farmington, Utah U>S>A - Monday, December 1, 2003 1:40 PM CST
Hi Shell Bell,
Rough Thanksgiving! I'm sorry. I think of you all the time. I talked Chad into braving the stores with me this morning. It was his first year but, he did fine. (hee, hee, ha)About 10:00a.m., I found myself overcome with emotion. I started thinking about you and your family and how you always participate in the madness after thanksgiving. Shell, you are truely a wonderful woman. I keep you in my prayers and thoughts always. I'll talk to you tomarrow. Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Friday, November 28, 2003 8:08 PM CST
Dear Shelley and family,

When I was visiting Ron, Linda and Arielle today, Ron gave me the site for your daughter Jourdyn. What a beautiful girl she is! It is amazing how many lives are touched and comforted as we reach out to one another. On this Thanksgiving, my prayers and good wishes extend to you and your family. Ari is beginning to respond and hopefully come out of this long sleep she has been in. We have a lot to be thankful for -

Kay Kaldor

Kay Kaldor <kaldor@mindspring.com>
Miami, FL USA - Thursday, November 27, 2003 8:10 PM CST
Dear Clevelands
This is the first time I have had the chance to get on your site. I am so sorry that things are not going well. You all have so much courage, and I just think the world of you all. Please know that you are in my prayers. May God be with you and strengthen you at this time.


wendy adams <soccer_kryzed@net.com>
- Thursday, November 27, 2003 6:11 PM CST
Hey BaGord,
Thought I'd take a minute or more to let you know how thankful I am that your Heavenly Father gave me such a fine daughter. You have always, always been someone I have admired. Not just for your beauty and for your love for for life but for the good choices you have made. It's reflected in how much people gather and rally around you and in how much they sacrifice their time and energies to let you know they are standing by you in whatever you go through! I thinks one of you biggest fans as you probably already know is your momma! She loves all her children beyond even my understanding and if anyone knows or comes close to knowing what you are going through at this point in your life it's her,her and the Savior.
Even thgough you are here, stuck in the hospital on a holiday where you should be at home with your family you may feel you're not making any progress, that you're not moving ahead, you are, you are in so many ways. We'll figure out this latest challenge and we'll look back and see how all of this experience was tailored to you needs for growth and progress on an eternal perspective, but for now I want you to know how much you've done to heal me, my heart and my spirit. There is purpose in everything and although none of us would have ever wanted any of this to happen, it is and we just need to keep the faith and have trust is One who knows best, for you, for me, for al of us. You help me to focus on what is really, really important and that is the time we have here with each other and our family and what we choose to do with that time. Keeps making right choices and following in the right ways, all things will work out for you in the end. Thanks again for letting me love you and for being the great daughter of our Father in Heaven that you are and for suffering through so much that I probably never begin to comprehend.

Rick Cleveland <montovanio@hotmail.com>
Cedar City/Salt Lake City, UTAH USA - Thursday, November 27, 2003 7:53 AM CST
Prayers and much love to you.
Marie Davis <mikemarie6@aol.com>
Sandy, UT - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 3:20 PM CST
Shelly, Rick, Jourdyn & Children,
Karl, Ross, Cami, and myself along with our older children are all together for Thanksgiving, & as we are all here thinking of your family, we want you to know that you are all in our hearts and prayers. We Love you all, from this family to yours, there's alot of Love here to pass along and we want you to consider all of yourselves Hugged, from us!!
Love The Munford's

Karl, Lori, Cami, Ross, AJ, & Tanya <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 1:56 AM CST
Good Morning Shelly and Jourdyn, if I wrote to you everytime I thought of you two, it would be way, way too much. Anyhow just wanted to say Hi, and I Love You both, and am praying for you so much. We hated weekends there as well, and are so glad the doctors are getting on top of it. Cami says Hi to you too. Love You Tonz and Tonz!!
Lori <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Monday, November 24, 2003 12:51 AM CST

It is nearly 2am here and as I sat by Ari's bedside today I have repeatedly thought of you and Jourdyn. I checked often for updates and was so happy to read one just now. I was so very worried and I am pleased things are beginning to turn around for you. I know how frightening this all is. Ari just (in the last 2 hours) made her first signs of waking up after 3 days and they may have her off the ventilator and perhaps off dialysis tomorrow. We seem to have beaten this infection and hope and pray that Jourdyn does the same.
Linda has taken your wonderful advice and is sleeping much more. Hope you do so as well.
Know that we are with you in spirit.

Ron and Linda Felton
Miami, FL US - Monday, November 24, 2003 0:48 AM CST
Hi Shelley,
I missed you this weekend. Is it bad to feel guilty about your hardship? Sometimes when I am caught up in my families activities, I think of you and Jourdyn suffering so much. It is just amazing how deeply I feel for your family. I love you and pray for you daily. How are you holding up? Like I really have to ask? Can I bring you something? Please just once say yes, then I can feel like I'm helping!!
Call me so you can catch me up!!
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, November 23, 2003 10:52 PM CST
Hi Shelley and Jourdyn,
You are in our prayers morning and night. Kenna says I love you to Jourdyn. I put both your names in the Btfl Temple last week. Actually I do each month at Temple night. Shelly stop by if you need anything. Ken said if you need anything done to your car, come by and he will take care of you free of charge, if your car is in real trouble we'll get you where you need to go! Love, Marienne

Marienne Wahlstrom <kwahls1363@msn.com>
Farmington, Utah U>S>A - Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:46 PM CST
Shelley and Jourdyn - You've been in my thoughts and prayers much lately. I admire your strength and fortitude. I am sure you must often feel like crumbling beneath the weight of it all, and I hope you seek comfort in the fact that the Lord literally felt all that you do now. Each spasm of your physical and emotional pain, every knot of grief, all moments of frustration and anguish, and the terror of unspeakable fears were first felt and endured by Jesus Christ for the sole reason of being able to understand, and therefore comfort, Jourdyn Cleveland and her loved ones during this specific time.

We haven't had any luck in selling our house yet (did you hear the Drew's sold theirs?). This business of being a single mom and having the family split up is much more difficult than I had imagined. Obviously you guys can relate to that. We get fairly steady rumors of Richard being sent to Iraq for a year or so. I told him he'd better enlist two of his children now, because he'll be taking at least that many with him in the footlocker. I sure admire Ric's ability to handle the family while you're away from them. You are ALL incredible.

We got our first real snow the other day, and it has prompted my animal-loving-but-allergic children to create a warm home in the garage for the scary looking stray cat that's been hanging around here for a while. It's become totally tame - although it looks more like a wild animal than a pet - and my kids just hug and cuddle it all day long. They even fed my $7.99/pound deli turkey to it the other day. I cringe when I think of what else in my kitchen has been exposed to stray cat germs. I guess I have to give in and be responsible and take it to the vet.

Tessa and Maia were peering over my shoulder as I looked at the snapshots of Jordyn on this site. They both exclaimed, "She is so pretty!" It reminded me of the poster Tessa made Jourdyn and her kindergarten spelling job. The children do keep you in their prayers.

May the Lord bless, love Rhonda

Rhonda Miller <miller411@earthlink.net>
Cedar City, Ut USA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 2:50 PM CST
Dear Shelly and Jourdyn. Our thoughts and prayers are with you every day. We are driving up to Salt Lake on Tuesday morning. If you need anything from home we'd be glad to deliver it to you. Love Kathie and Gib Gibson
Kathie Gibson <gibberdad@aol.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 8:18 AM CST
Dear Shelly and Jourdyn,
Jan told me about this site this morning. Great idea!
The following is from a letter from Kenna...Jourdyn, Hey there? It's been a while since I've seen or talked to you, but I'm still thinking about you! How are you doing? I'm doing o.k. The other day I was looking through a box of pictures my mom keeps for me. The other night I looked through it and came across a big, pink homemade "get well "card. I don't know if you remeber that summer you were here living with your grandparents that I twisted my ankle. You went to Chevron the next day and bought me candy and made me that card. I still have it! It still means a lot to me. I have scrapbook pages of that summer with pictures of me, you, Pete, Perry and Dayton. Remember the goodbye party we tried to throw for you before you moved to Ceder City? Those pictures are from that night. Remember us playing dress up at Bear Lake and I have pictures of that too. We sure have a lot of good memories and I'm looking forward to more! I talked to your mom last sunday and she was telling me about some stuff you've been going through and Jourdyn you are so brave, I don't know if I could handle it as bravely as you . I'm way proud of you and I know that Heavenly Father watches over you everyday and is proud of you, too. He has a great plan for you and whatever his plan is, it is out of love for you. Jourdyn, I hope you know that so many people love you and care about you, more than you can imagine! You are a great friendto everyone and a good example. Just keep fighting this babe. This is a hard, hard trial for you to endure, but you're strong and I know you can do it! I'm praying for you. I love you! Stay strong and keep your faith strong ,too.I love you! Kenna.

Marienne Wahlstrom <kwahls1363@msn.com>
Farmington, Utah U>S>A - Saturday, November 22, 2003 0:57 AM CST
Hey Shelley, Just thinking about you so much, I'm sorry for all your challenges at this time, I know the wonderful support in that hospital and I will tell you to take advantage of it all you deserve it, I Love You so much and hope for Jourdyn to start to feel better and that you both will feel the comfort and Love from our Father in Heaven and from all of us who Love and Pray for you, her and your family. Give her a hug from be (but be very gentle) I know how achy those shots make them feel!! Take care of you!! Love Ya So Much, Lori
Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, Utah USA - Saturday, November 22, 2003 0:41 AM CST
Shelley: My prayers are with you. I am the counselor who visits with Mattie at Fiddlers. I love her. I do think of your beautiful family often.
Jill Bassett

Jill Bassett <jbassett@infowest.com>
Cedar City, Ut U.S. - Friday, November 21, 2003 11:36 AM CST
Chad just gave me your message. I've tried to call but the line was busy. Sorry to hear about the turn of events. This feeling of helplessness is over welming. We love you guys so much and are feeling your pain secondhand.
I'm coming up to the Pingree for a 8:30 a.m. meeting. We should be done around 9:30ish. I understand that we can visit you in the waiting room? The girls and I are coming up. Call me to confirm our visit. May our Heavenly Father cradle you both in his arms tonight. Sleep well. Love Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 19, 2003 10:57 PM CST
What a scary night! I was thinking of you as I was updating Arielle's page and read your entry. My thoughts and prayers are with you folks. Hang in there.
Miami, FL us - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:32 PM CST
Good Morning,
I miss you gals! I hope to hook up this week!? It is always nice to hear your voice, Shelley. I'm glad you got to see your family this weekend. You and Rick always did so well at working independent of each other. Chad and I are always together. Really you guys are equipted for these long periods apart. Understandably this is taking it toll on the whole family. I tell Chad, that Rick makes a great Dad. He cooks, shops, and is involved. Shelley you have the "will" like know other. You are organized, verbal, and wonderful attentive nurse. Your roles are larger than most parents, and you each do them so well! We believe our Heavenly Father is guiding you both threw these troubled waters. I love you! I love your family! Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, November 18, 2003 10:49 AM CST
Hi Shelley: This cyberchallenged gal finally found the website and it's been tender and touching to read all the updates and also the messages. What a wonderful support system you have! There are MANY MANY of us in the Edgemont Ward who keep you in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. Question - how does one go about donating blood for Jourdyn? This site is a wonderful way to communicate and it means a lot to be able to keep up on you and Jourdyn. Consider yourself hugged!
Marie Davis <mikemarie6@aol.com>
Sandy, UT - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 10:36 AM CST
Hey Jourdyn, This is so cool we just found out about it. I think about you all the time and I know that I can't say much to you that hasn'nt already been said except for "angels" like "us" are so lucky and nobody even knows that!! You keep on being strong (I hated it when my mom said that ha ha)! I hope you know that you mean alot to me and we just have to keep goin huh!! I read what your mom writes and it is a eerie familar to me but yet I feel privledged in a weird way to actually know what she is talking about having been through a simular treatment, and I feel connected to you with heartfelt love and appreciation for what is being ask of you right now. I live in St. George now but will keep informed through my mom. I will keep praying for you, I know He hears me!! Love, Cami

Hi Jourdyn and Shelly, I think about you all the time and your always in my Prayers!! I am so excitd that we can do this. This is the best thing ever! Take care of each other, and know that Cami and I love you very much! Ross says hello too! Love Lori

Cami & Lori Munford <l_munford@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, Ut USA - Monday, November 17, 2003 7:28 PM CST
hey jourdyn, we love you so much!!! just keep on keepin on you are in our prayers we love you soooo... much!!!! We are so glad that we can be updated with this website!!!! stay cute and stay strong!!!

love, Annie, Elsa, and Nellie Bunker

annie, elsa, and nellie bunker <annie_bunker@hotmail.com>
- Monday, November 17, 2003 6:57 PM CST
Dear Jourdyn; Winter has come to Cedar City. That's fine with me cause summer was too hot and being from northern Wisconsin I like chilly, cool, cold, and Man, it's freezing! The down side is I had to winterize the engine on my pontoon boat, and that means the boat ain't goin' no where til Spring. Do ya s'pose we could talk your folks into letting us take you for a pontoon boat ride on a reservoir next Spring or Summer? It's very safe and easy and loads of fun. We always serve lunch aboard just like big fancy cruise boats do. You may have to start working on your folks for permission this winter. Jourdyn, you have the strongest spirit I have ever witnessed in a youth in our church. Remember that we think about you, picture you in our minds, hear your voice in our hearts, and see your pretty face in our thoughts. You are with us always and we pray that we can strengthen our spirts by knowing yours. There are parts of our lives that are on hold while we pray for, think about, and wait for the return of your good health.
J. Ramsey Gibson <GIBBERDAD@AOL.COM>
Cedar City, UT USA - Sunday, November 16, 2003 11:00 PM CST
Jourdyn-I just wanted to let you know that Karlee Baldwin and I matted a couple of the pictures you did in Photography, and as soon as possible we are going to send them up to you, so you can have them. I left the titles up to you, and I hope you like them, they were probably the best matting jobs I've done all year! haha! We miss ya down here but I know you'll get better because you're strong and you are too dang cute to stay sick!Ü Get better ok?
Danielle Loveless <softball_cutie_05@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 10:24 PM CST
Hi this is Travis (heather's brother) i am sorry that your not well. I hope that you get better.
Travis wanted to say hello and that he want you to get better and come home. We miss you and love you

Travis Barger and Heather Barger <tigress_babe_14@yahoo.com>
Cedar city, UT United States - Friday, November 14, 2003 8:33 PM CST
What a beautiful young lady. Our family's thoughts and prayers are with you as we share similar plights. I know you are finding strength in each other as are we.
Ron Felton <ronfel@softhome.net>
Coral Gables, FL US - Friday, November 14, 2003 7:13 PM CST
I loved th epoem also Ryan. I know that the grace and beauty really shines in our Jourdy girl and i cannot even believe how blessed our whole family is to have you, Jourd and each other. I too am excited to see you two this weekend. I just posted a new photo of the Jourdster and Keller-man at Madi's baptism at the Salt Lake Tabernacle!
Richard W. Cleveland <rick@cedarcity.net>
Cedar City, Utah USof A - Friday, November 14, 2003 4:13 PM CST
Jourdyn, always graceful and elegant beyound your years, the poem I just posted reminded me of something St. Augustine said. He wrote that grace is the ability to love God so that we hopefully remain pure and good in his sight, and judging from the poem below, the thorns you are enduring will result in such Grace. Stay strong, my graceful Jourdy! I love you sooooooo much!
Uncle Ry <ryancleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 2:22 PM CST
"Strange gift indeed! - a thorn to prick,
To pierce into the very quick:
To cause perpetual sense of pain;
Strange gift! And yet, twas given for gain.

"Unwelcome, - yet it came to stay;
Nor could it e'en be prayed away.
It came to fill its God-planned place, -
A life-enriching means of grace.

"And he who bore it day by day,
Found Christ his power, his strength, his stay:
In weakness glorified, since thereby
The power of Christ might on him lie.

"Oh much-tried saint, with fainting heart,
The thorn with its perpetual smart,
With all its wearing ceaseless pain
Can be thy means of priceless gain.

"God's grace-thorns, - ah, what forms they take!
What piercing, smarting pain they make!
And yet, each one in love is sent,
And always just for blessing meant.

"And so, whate're thy thorn may be,
From God accept it willingly:
But reckon Christ, - His life - the power
To keep, in thy most trying hour.

"And sure - thy life will richer grow:
His grace sufficient will bestow:
And in Heaven's morn thy joy twill be
That, by His thorn, He strengthened thee."
--J. Danson Smith

Uncle Ry <ryancleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA USA - Friday, November 14, 2003 2:12 PM CST
I've been thinking of you all week. You are in my prayers, and on my mind. Is there anything I can do for you or Jourdyn or your family? Is there anything the Edgemont Ward can do, besides PRAY? because you know you are in the prayers of so many. If you need my help please call.
Jourdy- man! I am so sorry to hear that you are stuck in there! I wish we were up on the slopes together, Snowbird, Solitude, and Brighton are all OPEN! If I could, I would snatch you up and away we would go! Please know how much you are loved and remembered, and we are so looking forward to getting our old Jourdy back! Love you, hang on! okay?
much love- xoxo Pennie

Pennie Tapp <tapp@uswesy.net>
sandy, ut us - Friday, November 14, 2003 12:04 AM CST
I have just read what ahs been happening and i want to let her now that i now EXACTLY what she is going through i have had nupegen at least once a day before and that stuff kills! i remember sleeping and wondering where the mornigns went. i remember not being able to go home after thay said i would. i remember not seeing my family for weeks and my friends and my special dogs. NOt haveing social life being cooped up for days on end. wondering if it would ever be over. Jourdyn have heart and don't get to down. Cry alot it helps. Remember i am thinking of you and praying for you and you are not the only one that has major pain and stiffness that seems like it will never go away. i love you and miss you. feel better and remember we all are thinking of you. Heather
Heather Anne Barger <tigress_babe_14@yahoo.com>
Cedar City, UT United States - Thursday, November 13, 2003 8:34 PM CST
Hi Girls,
Hope you had a great weekend. I hope you had an uneventfull weekend and keep yourselves out of trouble.
I've been fighting a wicked cold but, finely out of the woods. Alyssia and Sierra are off track now. We have lot's of fun things on our calenders. One of our stops is up to say "HI!" I thought Alyssia could play for awhile in the lobby again, we'll see.
I finely had the Primary Program today. I can now rest easy. You know how that stuff makes me a wreak.
I think of you often.
Love, Alex

alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, November 9, 2003 7:06 PM CST
Hi Jourdy,
Just want you to know I'm thinking about you. I'm so glad you have this site so I will know what's happening. You're in my prayers and I wish the best for you! I hope you know i'm here for you no matter what.
Lots of love ALWAYS

Amber Corry <ambie524@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, November 9, 2003 1:29 AM CST
It was so wonderful to see all of you on Sunday! I can't thank-you enough for bringing such a wonderful spirit to our sacrament meeting. Jourdy- you are such a beautiful young women both inside and out! It seems like only yesterday you and Tannie were just little beehives, and we had such adventures together at girls camp! I can still picture you as a tiny little first grader- what a doll!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all, thanks for your visit to our ward, it felt as if you had never left us.You all look so good, please take care and hope to see you soon!

Pennie Tapp <tapp@uswest.net>
Sandy, Ut usa - Friday, November 7, 2003 12:04 AM CST
Jourdyn, Tonight was Mutual and I was thinking of you as we had heard the bad news that there are no matches with your brothers and sister. What a blow. I have to tell you that my son, Carson, has been thinking of you often. Because of his disability he wants to eat all the time so that we literally have to lock up the food in our house. But the other morning he came into the kitchen at breakfast-time and told me that he wanted to fast for you that day. Now for Carson to voluntarily give up food is a huge sacrifice. I was so proud of him because he skipped breakfast to fast for you. Of course, by lunch he had to eat, but you have really made an impact on him! You are in our family's thoughts and prayers and we hope to see you soon.

Suzette Garrett

Suzette Garrett <kgarrett@mstar2.net>
Cedar City, UT USA - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 9:45 PM CST
Hey Shell Bell,
It was nice to hear from you yesterday. Bummer, on all the news! What can I do? Does any thing sound yummy or interesting to either if you? You know I just want to "Do Something!"
I'll be up by the U on Thursday, maybe I can stop by to see you all.
The Baptizm was a wonderful experience! Thanks for sharing with us. Maddy and Sierra were both a mess. They realized how much they miss your family and how long it has been since we were all together. I looked all of us and couldn't help but remember Frounter Pies after a Christmas Concert. They were all so goofy!! It really was a good thing they put us in the back room!!!!! Sweet times, I guess we will never have friends like that again. Did we know how lucky we were? How good life was? A little house, full of kids running in and out, no money but big laughs. Great husbands, great families, Wonderful friends! I love you, Shelly. See you later, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
W. Jordan, - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 12:05 AM CST
Our prayers are with allof your family. This is all so difficult to endure. I stand in amazement of your inner strenghth. May you be held in his arms each and every day.
Love always, Madeline and Family xxx ooo

madeline reed <madeline_reed@hotmail.com>
cedar city, ut usa - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 9:13 AM CST
Shelley & Jourdyn, I'm still reveling (sp?) in the beautiful spirit I enjoyed with both sides of your family at Madisyn's baptism Saturday. J--your duet with Madisyn was wonderfully touching and sweet. Thank you for showing your true self, once again, and pulling through for another loved one! YOU ARE THE BEST! It was especially fun to be on Temple Square for such a special day. Thanks for inviting us to share in your family fun! We love you and pray for you ALL unceasingly. Leslie
Leslie Swank <Les-likely@37.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 10:44 PM CST
Hey Clevelands it was great to see you on Sunday. Thanks for the hug Shelley. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, and our door is always open. Lots of luck Jourdyn on all the upcoming events.......Love The Kimballs
Janice Kimball
Sandy, Ut USA - Sunday, November 2, 2003 9:17 PM CST
It sounds like todays tests might let you know alot of needed info. I thought of you guys all weekend! I'm glad you got to see your Hubby and the kids.
Shelley let me know if you ned help with the Baptism. I've got some piano players who are willing to play or what ever. Give me a call. I'll be up to Bountiful again on Thursday again. Let's hook up. Love you both, lots!

Alex Christensen <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, October 28, 2003 10:44 AM CST
Hey Jourdy Hey Shell
I just wanted to tell you how much I love you both!! And I just have to say that I agree with steve.... this sucks with a capital S!! I will be around for sure:) I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

meg buttars <megbuttars@Hotmail.com>
centerville , ut usa - Monday, October 27, 2003 10:53 PM CST

I talk to your Mom all the time, but I miss our visits. I am coming up soon to visit. I hope I'll be able to see you. We love you and are trying to fatten up your Dad with Italian food while you are gone. (He and Tony have frightening food pacts.)



Lisa Pellegrini <lisap@m.sedc.k12.ut.us>
- Monday, October 27, 2003 8:21 PM CST
You two are incredible. The fact that you keep your spirits so high is such an inspiration to all of us who love you so much. Our thoughts and prayers have been and will continue to be with you. Please know that we love you and with the kind of determination that Jourdyn has and the wonderful Mom and support that she has from her great family and her many wonderful friends you'll make it through this ordeal. Thanks for entering the update in caring bridge. We want to keep up on how you are doing and this is such a great way. Thanks again . Love Wanda
Wanda White <mwhite@softsolutions.com>
Draper, UT Salt Lake - Monday, October 27, 2003 7:36 PM CST
You are an inspiration to all of us.
Academy at Cedar Mountain <cameront@cedar-mountain.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Monday, October 27, 2003 11:35 AM CST
Hi Jourdyn! All of the students are praying for you here at the Academy. They are coming up with some ways to help out and it is good for them to think of someone else besides themselves. We would like to do something on the Sat. before Thanksgiving, so if you have some ideas, let me know. Love ya lots, Tracy and the kids
Tracy Davis <davis@cedar-mountain.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Monday, October 27, 2003 10:31 AM CST

It was good to hear your voice at Grandma Marilyn's house on Sunday. So glad you got a relative break from the usual. Janell says hi.

Uncle Ry <ryancleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA - Monday, October 27, 2003 7:59 AM CST
Hey Jourdyn and Shelley, I enjoyed reading your update and all the guestbook entries, now I will know what to tell people when they ask how you are doing! Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and that all the young women in our ward are rooting for you. We hope to see you back soon!
Suzette Garrett <kgarrett@mstar2.net>
Cedar City, UT USA - Saturday, October 25, 2003 8:58 PM CDT
Hello to both of you! I just came from a crazy get-together with Vicki Christian and Sharon Eddings while we decorated for Madi's birthday party. What a beautiful mess we made! There are lots of pink, purple and white crepe paper streamers and balloons, purple table cloth with color coordinated plates, cups, napkins and centerpieces of pink and purple. There's confetti sprinkled liberally and strips of streamers cascading from the ceiling. The BEST was the confetti streamers hooked to the ceiling fan with stars taped on. When the fan is on it looks like a Maypole being wrapped or like a baby's overhead mobile turning.

Madisyn was very gracious when I took her gift over just before they went bowling. Dave and I got her a journal with Jesus and a child on it, a CTR necklace with 2 purple (!) beads ;-), and a couple of other little doodahs and gum. Mary got her some little girl makeup and fingernail polishes. Mary and Courtney are in charge of games. They're going to play the candy bar game (my favorite!) and have a bubble blowing contest, among other things. Rick has things well in hand. Vicki and I are taking photos so you won't miss out on the memories.

I miss yo' faces!!! Hugs and kisses! Love, Leslie

Leslie Swank <Les-likely@37.com>
Cedar City, UT - Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:35 PM CDT
well....... It sounds like the two of you are really not getting much of a break at all. Well, Shelly you are doing awesome never doubt yourself, and remember you have the Lord right there at your side. He will give you a great big nudge if you are about to do something wrong. But, that will not happen so, keep up your nursing skills you are doing great. What day is Nov 1st? We would love to be there for Madi!! Please let us know if we can do anything for Rick and the kids. Jourdyn, hey girl hey, Well it sounds like they are really putting you throgh it!! But, the Lord knows he made you one tough chick, and will kick butt on this whole thing. And I agree it is ok to say "THIS SUCKS" once in a while. We just want you to know how much we love you, and that you are with us every day. Remington asks about you every week and says that he never lets a day go by without having a good talk with the Lord on your behalf. Hang in there and we love you!!!
The Raineys <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Ivins, UT - Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:09 PM CDT
well....... It sounds like the two of you are really not getting much of a break at all. Well, Shelly you are doing awesome never doubt yourself, and remember you have the Lord right there at your side. He will give you a great big nudge if you are about to do something wrong. But, that will not happen so, keep up your nursing skills you are doing great. What day is Nov 1st? We would love to be there for Madi!! Please let us know if we can do anything for Rick and the kids. Jourdyn, hey girl hey, Well it sounds like they are really putting you throgh it!! But, the Lord knows he made you one tough chick, and will kick butt on this whole thing. And I agree it is ok to say "THIS SUCKS" once in a while. We just want you to know how much we love you, and that you are with us every day. Remington asks about you every week and says that he never lets a day go by without having a good talk with the Lord on your behalf. Hang in there and we love you!!!
The Raineys <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Ivins, UT - Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:09 PM CDT
I'm running Alyssia to Bountiful to a chior practice today. Do you think you'll be at your Mom's around 4:30! Her practice goes untill 6:15. I would love to touch base with you. Thanks for calling me yesterday!
I was wondering if the U of U gives medical degrees to Mom's such as yourself! Hmmmmmm! We should check into it.
Love, Alex

Alex <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
W. Jordan, - Thursday, October 23, 2003 11:28 AM CDT
Hey Jourdyn!!
You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Remember, it's okay to say "This Sucks" once in a while. I do admire your strength though. We are all here to take some of the burden off you though, so please let us help. Heavenly Father and Jesus will make the burden lighter too. I love you!

Uncle Ry <ryancleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA USA - Thursday, October 23, 2003 8:26 AM CDT
shelley and jourdyn, my intrenet has been down while getting into the new house I had no idea you had this page. It was so great to see you last weekend. I have decided to adoped Keller as my new boyfriend, grampa didn't even yell at him while they were working together (that's the kind of man you want to keep around)I love you both so much and all of Las Vegas is praying for you both. Love aunt Heidi p.s. don't tell Terry about the Keller thing, he thinks he's in good with grampa Russ.
Heidi Whitaker <heidiwhitaker@cox.net>
Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 7:54 PM CDT
Hey you two,

So how are thing going? Considering all that is happening, it sounds like the two of you are hangin in there the best you can. Well, we are so happy that you are going to get a hospital break!!! Remington says to tell you to hang in there and that he thinks of you all the time. He keeps you in his prayers daily, and knows that the Lord is by your side every step of the way. We are cheering for you, and know you are a tough girl. Keep sending these great updates!!! I have to go for now but, will write again soon. We love you both!!! Love the Raineys.

Erma Rainey <ermarainey@hotmail.com>
Ivins, Ut - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:10 AM CDT
HEY! Due to me being slightly computer challenged, I was just shown how to view your web-site. What a fantastic idea! My family was in tears while reading all the journal entries. There is definately a TON of love coming at both of you, from many different directions. I envy the time you two get to spend together...not many parents get the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with their 16-year-old daughter.
I want you both to know how much I look up to you. On a daily basis, your "trials" have magically changed into strength and inspiration for myself and many others. This web page is an awesome way for both of you to draw a little strength and love from people who care.
I've got dibs on baby sitting Jourdy in the near future. Let me know when a good time would be and I'll be there.
My K-9 buddies, Rod Elmer and Neo, are being recognized at a patrol meeting on the 28th. He said to say thank you for putting in a "good word." I am also receiving a "Medal of Excellance" and would love it if Jourdy could attend....but I realize that a room filled with 650 people would expose her to many unwanted germs. Jourdy, I am receiving this medal because of you and your strength. It will be one of my most prised possessions!
Hang in there and I'll talk to you soon. Lots of love. U.K. (Uncle Kris)

Kris and Tad Whitaker <rwhitake@utah.gov>
Kanab, Utah USA - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 10:16 PM CDT
Hi Ladies,
Just thinking of you! Today I was up at the hospital with Hannah Bannana (just routine). I loked but couldn't find you. Hang in there girls, I think about you so much. Everybody seems to have the same feelings I do. I think about you and pray for your awsomeselves daily.
Love, Alex

Alex Christensen <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
W. Jordan, UT - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 4:44 PM CDT
So glad to hear your getting a small break from the hospital. Wow girl you are so brave. I hope this will help lift your spirits. We're all praying for both of you. We love you lots, you're in our thoughts constantly. Please know your loved and appreciated for all that you've taught us. Hang in there. Our prayers go with you.
Danna Webster <kwcon@infowest.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Monday, October 20, 2003 11:11 PM CDT
I'm so happy you have this page up so I can see how everything is going. Jourdyn you are so strong I could never deal with all of this. I'll be praying for you and your family. I miss ya!
Danielle Loveless <softball_cutie_05@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, - Monday, October 20, 2003 11:42 AM CDT
Shelley and Jourdyn, I know I've written before, but just had to write again and say how great this is. It's such a good way for you to keep all of us informed of what's happening. I cried when I read your post for Sunday. Breaks my heart that she cried all night. You needed the rest though Shelley. I pray that her counts start coming up soon so that you can harvest. I'm thinking of you and missing you. Love ya lots.
LaNiece*Ü* <blroundy@hotmail.com>
Cedar City, UT U.S.A. - Sunday, October 19, 2003 8:00 PM CDT
This is an awesome idea! There is not a minute that goes by that we don't think about you and your family. I just wish we could do more to help. We love you all so much, and stand in awe at your courage. If you need anything let us know. We're not sure what calling the Lord is preparing you for, but we know it will touch millions! Wish Madisyn happy birthday on Thursday, if you have a party let us know and we will be there.
Our love and Prayers are with you 24/7.

Kris and Tad <twhitaker@utah.gov>
Kanab, Ut USA - Saturday, October 18, 2003 0:08 AM CDT
Shelley, Jourdyn
Arizona is also praying for you and sharing your story with those who believe the heavenly father is watching over you. Your faith and courage are inspiring!
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your recovery.

Debra DeVault <ggwnorth@aol.com>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Friday, October 17, 2003 10:35 PM CDT
You may have noticed that I misspelled "here". I am ashamed. I shood have proof-reeded my massage.

Love you lots!!!

Uncle Ry
Macon, GA USA - Friday, October 17, 2003 9:59 PM CDT
Jourdyn, I sure do love you! Can't wait till you're better so I can make you laugh and make you spit milk through your nose. Say hey to Keller. He sounds like a mighty fine feller. Say hi to Tanner. Tell him to mind his manner(s). Please give hugs to your daddy - hey why not Maddie?! Hi to your mom - she's the bomb. Finally, to Dayton, I'm sure you've been waitin' for my salutation with great anticipation. SO her it goes.... Hi!
Ciao bella!
p.s. Hi from my cat Lola. She drinks from the toilet bowl-a.

Uncle Ry <ryancleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA U.S. of A. - Friday, October 17, 2003 9:55 PM CDT
Shell Bell,
You are amazing to Chad and I. Every night before we go to sleep we think of you and Jourdyn. We are learning alot from your experinces and the Love of a Mother for her Daughter. We love you both, you know that!
Talk to you later,
Alex and Chad

Chad and Alex Chrtistensen <wow5girls@hotmail.com>
West Jordan, Ut SL - Friday, October 17, 2003 12:22 AM CDT
Hey Cleveland family! Jourdyn, you are in my daily prayers. Take care, sweetie.
Vanessa McCullough <vanessa@creativexp.com>
Salt Lake, UT - Thursday, October 16, 2003 3:58 PM CDT
Hey this is a pretty special setup for a very special girl! I'll try and visit often and I'll update this site with photos and whatnot. To my daughter, I love you more than I ever thought a dad could love a young woman and to her mother Shelley, your strength, togetherness and wonderful objectiveness has and does continue to save and preserve our daughter's life. To all the physicians, nurses, techs, and family you do make a difference and thank you for all the sacrifices and strivings to know just what to do to help our Jourdy girl! Love is powerful!
Richard W. Cleveland <rick@cedarcity.net>
Cedar City, Utah USA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 3:44 PM CDT
Shelly, thanks for keeping me updated. I really appreciate it. I wish Jourdyn and the whole family the best. I pray for you every day. I pray that the Lord will grant Jourdyn the same blessing he gave Alma and his people (Mosiah 24:14-15), especially with all the painful treatment she endures. We all love her and want her to feel and be better soon. Love,
Bishop Christian <rory@mstar2.net>
Cedar City, UT USA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 12:04 AM CDT
Shelly, thanks for keeping me updated. I really appreciate it. I wish Jourdyn and the whole family the best. I pray for you every day. I pray that the Lord will grant Jourdyn the same blessing he gave Alma and his people (Mosiah 24:14-15), especially with all the painful treatment she endures. We all love her and want her to feel and be better soon. Love,
Bishop Christian <rory@mstar2.net>
Cedar City, UT USA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 12:04 AM CDT
Thanks so much for the updates! We love and miss you guys. Give all our love to the kids and Rick.
PS I am so excited to be the first poster from "out of state". We should see if we can get someone from overseas, too. :-)

Janell Cleveland <janeycleveland@mindspring.com>
Macon, GA USA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 9:27 AM CDT
Shel, I haven't been good at all in coming to visit you and Jourdyn while you are at Primary Children's. I know you said she may be out of it a lot while she is in treatment this time, but I would love to come see you and spend some time with you. Let me know when you will be there and I will pick Mel up at her dorm and come see you. Mel and I love all of you!
Helen Whitaker
Provo, UT USA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 8:53 AM CDT
Hey Shelley,

I can't think of much to say except we love you guys. Hang in there and know you are in our prayers. Give my Maddie a hug.

Eddie, Tina, Tori, Sammie, Lauren
Cedar City, UT - Thursday, October 16, 2003 8:40 AM CDT
What a wonderful idea this is. Just wish she was feeling better. This has really been rough. I think of you and Jourdyn and your family daily and remember you in my prayers. Hope things turn around soon! Love you lots.

Cedar City, Utah U.S.A. - Thursday, October 16, 2003 1:26 AM CDT
This is pretty cool. I'm back from the hills of Missouri. It was a good trip--full of reunions with relatives and friends and even a few new relationships started. The fall colors were beautiful. I had thought that Madisyn had been collecting leaves so I carefully transported several kinds that don't grow out here. Come to find out it wasn't her afterall! Now I have to figure out which kid was asking me to keep an eye out for her!

Sounds like it's been a tough couple of weeks since I left. Man! I can't leave you two alone for a minute! Take care and know we're pulling for you! Love you guys! Leslie

Leslie Swank <Les-likely@37.com>
Cedar City, UT USA - Thursday, October 16, 2003 0:35 AM CDT

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