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Welcome to Kyle's Web Page! It has been provided so his many loving family members, caring friends, and wonderful friends-of-friends who keep Kyle close in thought and prayer can stay updated about what is going on in his world. We hope you will enjoy it and please be sure to sign the guest book to let us know you were here!

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Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:57 AM EDT


I cannot imagine it’s been 21 years since our precious Kyle was born! To be exact, it was 21 years ago at 7:57 AM. It is an honor to be Kyle’s “mommy” and I am so very proud of him. He has and continues to touch the lives of those who know him, and also of people who have never met him. He wakes up most days with a song, embraces life and it’s challenges with such grace and fortitude, is happy and loving and funny and kind. He is my hero.

What a fun time we are going to have in celebration of this big event! Nanny and Aunt Katie and Pop all came from out of town to be here for this very special birthday so it will be such a great time having them here.

Kyle has the honor of sharing his birthday with my friend Anne. Just knowing Anne is such a gift. I’ve mentioned her and her beautiful family before and many of you have prayed for them over the years. This year we are planning festivities to celebrate Kyle’s - and Anne’s - birthday just as she described on her boys website - not only to mark Kyle’s special day but also to honor Anne and her boys, Zach and Sam. We will color and paint rocks and watch Kyle’s favorite movies and play games. We will read Kyle’s favorite books, eat foods he loves (hopefully he won‘t ask for Taco Bell), we will have lots of ice cream and cake. We will snuggle (if he will let us), laugh and love just spending the day together. Celebrate with us - do something special with your children today or over the weekend too.

Time to get busy……we have a lot to do today! Thank you for keeping Kyle in your thoughts and prayers. I am so grateful for the constancy of Kyle’s family and many friends. I will write more of a medical update soon and even have new pictures coming! Not today though…………it’s time to celebrate in Knoxville, Tennessee!

21 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday my precious Kyle! You are so loved!

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E-mail Author: khughes731@aol.com


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