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Friday, January 30, 2009 11:02 AM CST

Joshua turned 10 years old in Heaven Sunday, January 25,2009. I picture him taller, more handsome, and knowing joshua he has lots of little girlfriends in heaven.I wonder if all of his grandparents can keep up with him up there.

I was watching a show the other night and I cried thinking about my Joshua. This little girl who was seven years old, her cancer had come back and the Dr's said that the only thing now that they could do was a Bone marrow Transparent, and prayed that it worked. She told someone that she wish that she was a baby again, and they ask her why, she said, because I want to stay in this world longer.I prayed for her and her family and I hope she does get more time in this world. I wish my Joshua could have had more time in this world too.

Valentine's Day is coming up and I'm not loooking forward to it, I think it is the hardest for me. I am blessed that I don't have to work that day.

Travis, Jamie, and I are doing fine, just working and going to school all the time. We love you all and Thank you all for signing the guestbook and letting us know that you all are still reading Joshua's web-page,even though his mommy is a slacker at updating it.
Love, Christine

Sunday, December 14, 2008 2:08 PM CST

We've shared our hearts, full of Holiday Cheer and shopped for presents for loved ones this year
The house is dressed up with garland and lights
That sparkle and shine through the Holiday nights
But even with all of this Holiday bliss
There's someone we lost that we terribly miss and love
And as this Christmas Day draws near
We wish with all of our hearts he was here.
He's living his life way up past the stars
Somewhere past Jupiter, Saturn and Mars
He's spending his Christmas in Heaven, you see
And last night as I slept, a dream came to me
He was standing before me, happy and well
He said to me "I have something to tell...
Heaven's more wonderous than you would believe
It's the greatest of gifts I could ever receive.
I'd like for you all to remember the good...
You know that I'd be there with you all
There are so many memories you can share
As you gather together, I'm sure you'll find
The gifts deep within you that I left behind.
Each one is unique and wrapped brightly in love
They shine from your hearts as I shine from above."

The Young Family would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!, and please keep all the children and families in your prayers that are going through this Journey that we have been through.
LOL(LOTS OF LOVE), Christine

Sunday, November 16, 2008 12:25 AM CST


As I think back to 2005
So much pain, tears, and missing
What emotions my heart, my life is experiencing
This will go on for my entire life

Never did I want to live my life out this way
If it was then I wanted to die.
So many times I did ask God to take me.

But he didn't, I'm still here and he has been with me each day
Loving me, Holding me, Comforting me, Strengthening me
Showing me step by step my new life now.

My Faith, trust and love for Jesus is stronger than ever
And without him I would have been gone

I was so broken and still am, but Jesus loves me like no other
He gave me his strength to move forward slowly
He gave me the words to write from my heart and the courage to reach out to others

Jesus and his word is all that I need
Through him anything is possible
Working through many emotions is very difficult

The Power of Jesus is truly amazing
He is my anchor, my rock and is always with me
I've lifted it all to him.

A day doesn't go by that I'm thinking of Joshua and thanking God for giving him to me.
Everything about him I miss
Everything about him I love

Jesus will continue sending me what I need as I need it

Life does and has gone on and I will always speak his name
Every memory of Joshua with me.
He's no longer in my sight, but he's still with me.

I go to his resting place for quiet time
To be by the body that I once held and nurtured
It gives me comfort, Gods comfort.

I know I will always have my down days
I believe Jesus will get me through them
There is no other way

I give the praise and glory all to Jesus
Because without him
I am nothing.

Love, Christine

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 9:27 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Wanted to ask everyone to keep Sheri Easter and family in your prayers. Sheri was Dx with Breast Cancer, they have removed it and she will be starting treatment soon for precaution. We talked to her Sunday at Church and she told us that they had just decided to make Joshua's song a single.That was very touching. Please keep her in your prayers.

Well I finished School with A's & B's, but the second Semester I got on the Dean's List with a 3.75 , I'm proud of it as old as I am going back to school, and plan on going back for a three year program, but I have to wait to Travis is driving, or out of school, because of clinicals. It was hard being at the hospital 6:00 a.m. and trying to find someone to take Travis to school at 7:45.If it was not for a dear friend Linda I would have not finish school. Thank You Linda from the bottom of my heart. I am now a PCT(Patient Care Tech).I would love to work with Hospice in the future, so everyone keep your fingers cross that something comes open soon. That's enough about me.

Travis is going to a new school this year, which he is very excited about and he is going to try out for football, so cross your fingers again that he makes the team. He starts August 18, and try outs are the 12-15.He is turning 13 this friday. I can't believe he will be a teenager, growing up to fast. He has been working out this summer trying to build up some muscle and swimmimg and riding his bike, going over to his friends house and having them come over, going to the movies and bowling.

Jamie had a birthday this month too, my old man, just kidding baby. He is enjoying his new job and is working on a chicken pen, Yes! you heard it right, we are getting chickens, we won't have to buy eggs anymore.

I'm closing with a poem I found on another child's web-page, and it reminded me of my sweet Joshua when the end had come and gone.


I knew you had to go away
it was your time you see
but I didn't take the time to face
that you were leaving me

you Weren't afraid of dying
for you knew what lay in store
in the blinking of an eye
or the closing of a door.

You shared with us a journey
that only you could see
and helped us understand God's way
as it was meant to be.

Life had so restricted you
Your spirit is now free
to go explore the universe
for all eternity--Author Unknown


Saturday, May 31, 2008 2:33 PM CDT

I will miss seeing his face and hearing his voice and knowing he was always there close to me. He has crossed a river from me that I must wait to cross before I see him again. When I see a river, I will think of him.
______ Terry Kay

How we miss the common everyday companionship of our loved one-the face across the table, the presence in bed, the voice calling our name.

There is a way in which this presence lingers for a long time, until the wound heals enough that we able, finally, to acknowledge the separation.

Then our image of our loved one can become more focused, rather than scattered here and there in all the places we were used to their being. They have indeed "crossed a river."

It is helpful to play through this fantasy in our head. The image is strong, and fitting, as evidenced by its use in myths about the passage into death. I remember doing just this with the help of a therapist friend-in my mind coming to a river and relinquishing my son's hand and watching him cross over. I remember the struggle, and the tears, and finally,that the truth had been honored, that he was safe, that I would cross the same river when my time came.

When I see a river, I will think of you.

Saturday, May 10, 2008 1:42 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Check Out new pictures added!

I know it has been another longgggg time since I have updated, and there is a lot to tell, but this update is going to be for tomorrow only, "Mother's Day". I promise I'll catch everyone up soon, but first I wanted to share this with everyone. I got a news letter the other day in the mail from The Compassionate Friends and so on the back of it was a poem and it was perfect.So here it is.










Thursday, February 14, 2008 6:20 PM CST

A Valentine Message to Our Joshie!

I send this message to my child
Who no longer walks this plane,
A message filled with love
Yet also filled with pain.

My heart continues to skip a beat
When I ponder your early death
As I think of times we'll never share
I must stop to catch my breath.

Valentine's Day is for those who love
And for those who receive love, too
For a parent the perfect love in life
Is the love I've given you.

I'm thinking of you this day, my child,
With a sadness that is unspoken
As I mark another Valentine's Day
With a heart that is forever broken.

Love, Mommy, Daddy, & Travis

Friday, January 25, 2008 6:09 PM CST

Happy Birthday Joshie!

Can't believe you are nine years old in heaven. We miss you so much and love you baby.I try to picture you being talling and think about you growing up in heaven.It seems like yesterday and then it seems like forever since you have been gone.I wish I was giving you a birthday party today, but instead Daddy , Travis, and Me sent you balloons.My heart aches for you every second.I love you darling.Love, Momma, Daddy, and Travis

Tuesday, January 1, 2008 4:07 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Another new year, hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and a safe New Year day.I know there is a few friends and family that still reads this Journal, and the rest has give up on me because of the slack of updates. Sorry!
What have we been up to? Travis finished Football and enjoyed it more this year, he hates to see the season go.Jamie coached his team, and he did a great job at it. Jamie changed jobs a few months ago and is a lot more happy with his Job. I forgot to mention Travis will be turning the big 13 (teenager) this year.He already acts like it.He is in to music, video's, movies, GIRLS,all that teenager stuff, scary for me.I will need lots of prayers through this stage.As for myself, I'm still going to school, hope to finish in May. I passed my State Board Test for CNA, so I'm now a Certified Nursing Assistant. I have been talking to someone from the Hospice office and hope to have a job when I get out of school, she told me that she wish I could start now, but with clinicals coming up this month and till we finish, I think I will be putting to much on myself, besides I'm still working in the shop and plan on working there part-time too.
We all three went to Greenville Hospital to see our second family and take some video games and carebear toys for the children.Ms. Jamie and Mike went out to eat lunch with us which was so nice , we enjoyed it Ms. Jamie. Ms Jamie is Joshua's girlfriend (sorry Mike). Joshua and Travis' pictures were all on her board in her office, it was so good to see them there, I wanted to cry, but tried to hold it back.We love you Ms. Jamie
My brother(Steven) and his wife had their baby on Dec 22, and they named him after steven, he is a baby doll.
I found a Valentine Message poem and want to share it next month with everyone. I can't believe it will be three years since Joshie has left us, and this month he will be 9 years old. The holidays were bad for me, but I know they will always be like that. I have another poem that I found and it sounded just like Joshua talking to me, so I'm going to close with it. Thank you all for signing the guestbook. We love you all, and please keep the little ones and all in your prayers. Love, Christine


I know your heart is breaking as you try to understand. I know that things didn't turn out as you and I had planned. But know that I am safe now, away from all life's harm and know that when I left you , I walked into God's sweet arms. I know you waited by my side; I heard the prayers you said. Your voice and touch were comforting as you stood beside my bed. And though I couldn't tell you, I knew that you were there. I felt your hand in mine, I heard you whisper in my ear. I know you think I'm gone from you, but dear ones, I am close. I'd never leave alone the ones God knows I love the most. In you dreams I'll come to you, we'll visit for a while. I'll touch your hand and kiss your cheek; we'll laugh and share a smile. Please know that I'm at peace now, and grateful for the chance. For in the presence of the Lord, with angels I now dance. Though Heaven stands between us, we'll never be apart: For nothing separates the love of those joined at the heart.

Monday, December 24, 2007 9:57 PM CST

We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

p.s. I'll update in a few days.

Love, Christine, Jamie, Travis,& Angel Joshua

Sunday, August 26, 2007 8:59 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Yes, it has been tooooooo long, and I'm very sorry, but it has been hard for me to update. I tried to on Valentine's Day(The Two year Anniversary), but could not do it. I have started a private Journel for myself.

Well what have we been up to! Travis had a good summer, he had a beach party for his birthday, or should I say he got to go to the beach and invite a friend . He played Baseball this summer, which didn't turn out to good, because nobody really wanted to play because they started to late and it was too hot! He started school last week and is in the 7th grade, he will be in high school before we blink our eyes. He is playing Football again this year, he has his first game this coming week. He has to many bruises from practice for me.

Jamie is starting a new Job next week, he has been needing a change, and has wanted to since Joshua left, but nothing has come open close to home, until now. He has been through a lot this year, he has had sinus, Gallbladder, and back surgery since March. He told Travis that he hopes that this is all the surgeries he every has to have again. He also coached Baseball, and now is assistist coach for Travis's Football team too. Plus he is the chair over the Relay For Life event in our county. He is a busy Man.

As for me, well I have started a new program, Patient Care Tech, which I hope to pass and then go into Nursing next. I did finish the Medical Billing and coding, but just have had a change in mind. So wish me luck. This was my second year to Chair the Survivor chair of the Relay For Life, but I will be stepping down this year and Volunteering as a Team Captain.We had a wonderful success with the Relay this year, the town has really come together and made it possiable. My brother got married and he is now also going to be a Daddy, they are having a little Boy, so we can't wait til he gets here. he is due in January.

I would like everyone to say a prayer for my cousin Vicki, she was Dx with Breast Cancer, which is stage 1, and is suppose to start Chemo and have Surgery. She is a very strong women, very positive attitude, and I look up to her as my big sister. Vicki we love you so much and this is just a little bump in your Journey. Kisses and Hugs , Plus a pinch.

I will get better at updating, I know you all think yeah right, but I am. I found this poem by Mother Theresa and really liked it, so I'd like to share it with all. Before I close, I hope there is still readers that log on to Joshua's web page & Thank you for signing the guestbook. We love you all, please keep everyone in your prayers that is fighting cancer. Closing with poem:
Love, Christine(Missing my Joshua)








Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:49 PM CST



Sunday, December 24, 2006 11:13 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

The Second Halloween, Thanksgiving, and now Christmas without our Joshie, but I know it will never be the same again without my baby.Some days I feel Joshua around so much, now that's the days I look forward to and the days I can smile. I LOVE HIM AND MISS HIM SO MUCH!

I need to update everyone on my Travis, well he finished football season, they didn't win a game, but did really good for a eight man team. He didn't really like it at first, well I should say he didn't like the workout practice, but he lost some weight. After being nervous at the first game, he said that it wasn't bad. I think I scared him a little, telling him please don't get hurt, but Travis told me OK Mom I'll try to get hurt. Of course I didn't think the joke was funny, but he did. He likes doing that to me.

He was in a play at school and we were very proud of him, he did a good job, and was so handsome up there. He is growing up so fast. He is almost taller than me.

My mom is making a quilt for me with Joshie's clothes, I can not wait until it is finished.

Jamie and I are involved with the Relay for Life next year. He is the Chair person again, and I'm the Survivor Chair. Last year's Relay was amazing, and we hope that this year's will be even better.

Please keep in your prayers the Thomas Family, they lost their little girl,"Christi", to Neuroblastoma, we met them in NY, but they are from Ohio. Her web-page is Christithomas.com

I would like to Thank Ms. Gail Lee for a wonderful gift she gave us a few weeks ago. It brought tears to me.I don't know if you all remember me talking about her entering Joshua's picture that is on the front of this web-site in a contest. This was in 2004, and it won a merit award and she gave us the ribbon prize that was named Brave Heart. This picture was a huge live size picture of him that she hand painted in color, well it had been in a Gallery, but she got a new Job and when she left the Gallery the picture of Joshua went too. Well she surprised us with this picture and wrote this note,"This belongs with you now. I hope that when you gaze at this sweet face, it will bring back all the "fond" memories of this precious child." Gail ,Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we cherish this so much.

I forgot to mention about Travis won a drawing contest from the senior center, his picture got picked at school and the mayor of the city had to pick three winners from the schools in our area, and Travis was picked , so his drawing went out on all of the Christmas cards from the senior center. I would like to Thank everyone there at the center for my Christmas cards that they printed for me of Travis's picture, because you know me I wanted lots for next year, so everyone knows now what their christmas card will be next year, it will be Travis drawing that won the contest.

We would like to Thank Vonda and the Messenger for the article on Joshua's Song. For all that don't get our local paper, I will update on New Years that Article, it's touching.

Jamie and Travis and I went to Greenville Children's Hospital to deliver some movies and games to the children and Blankies, I also got a request from a little girl who would like one of my blankies at the hospital, so I'm excited to make it for her. It was so good to see Ms. Jamie(Joshua' girlfriend) and the nurses and staff, we had just missed the Dr's.

Well it's time for Santa to come,so I better get off of here.Thank you all for checking in on us. We love you and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love, Christine, Jamie, Travis, & Angel Joshua Young

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 8:51 PM CDT


**Talked to Sheri and she said after the first of the year the album will be available at Wal-mart. Something about this being a new label. SHE LOVED MUSIC is their personal label and brand new.**

I believe Jeff and Sheri said that Walmart and Target and I guess all the Christian stores will carry it. You can also go to their website to order one. The Easters gave us a copy of it and it is Beautiful. Thank you for thinking of our Joshua so much to write a song about him.It means the world to us, to share Joshua's story .

We love you all and Thank you so much for checking in on us. I'm closing with the words to Joshua's song, hope you all get to hear it one day soon.


Remember Joshua led an awesome battle
Marched around the city seven times
The walls come down and victory gave him honor
Cause he knew all along that God would lead his fight

Are you tired of fighting weary soldier?
Lay your weapon down and rest awhile
I know you're tired and weary from your battle
So lay back in God's arms and rest tonight

You're beaten by the raging war inside you
You're stumbling cause your steps are getting weak
Your head hangs low and though a tiny smile escapes you
in your eyes surrender's all I see

Her heart is breaking as she holds him tightly
This war won't last much longer she can see
She knows the final surrender won't come easy
So she prays for strength and softly whispers
"Now you're free"

I know you're tired and weary from your battle
So lay back in God's arms and rest tonight
So lay back in God's arms and rest tonight

Sunday, August 13, 2006 9:19 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

I know I'm late again with my updates. Well it's time for school again. Travis starts on Tuesday, and he is playing Football this year, and of course I'm thinking please don't get hurt, but I know I have to let him grow up, but I don't want too.

I don't know if you all remember me telling you about a song that Jeff and Sheri Easter was writing about Joshua, well they have finished it and it comes out on Aug 25. We have heard part of the song that they sent us a few months after Joshua left us, but have not heard the whole song and can't wait to hear it. Also a very good friend, Juanita who wrote the poems about our Joshua will be at Walmart, signing her books the same day the song comes out. Caringbridge does not like us to put other web-pages on site anymore, so if anyone would like Jeff and Sheri's web or Juanita's web page, please email me and I will send it to you.

I promise you all over a month ago to post the poem that Juanita wrote about Joshua, Thank you again Juanita for everything. She is such a blessing to us.We love you all. Love, Christine & Jamie


I now see with blue eyes
And view the world below-
I now see with blue eyes
And I can tell you it is so-
It is so that I abide
With my Father above
Where I soar with angels
And I watch over you with love...

I now see with blue eyes
As angels spread their wings
To cover all below-
I now see with blue eyes
As joy and perfection
I have come to know...

I now see with blue eyes
Where stars are like diamonds
Sprinkled across forever skies-
I now see with blue eyes
Where raindrops are like tears
Of joy that flow from my blue eyes...

I now see with blue eyes
As I view the face of God
And I walk on crystal lanes-
I now see with blue eyes
And I have no more earthly pains...

I now see with blue eyes-
I see my brother Travis
And mom and dad-
I now see with blue eyes
And I know some days
They are sad-
But one day I know
That I will see them once again
And look into their eyes
Where only joy abides
And there is no earthly pain...

I now see with blue eyes
And share eternity
With God and Jesus
Who have always been with me-
I now see with blue eyes
And I know no pain or fear
For perfection is all I see...

I now see with blue eyes-
I know my mom and dad
And my brother Travis miss me-
They may not know
That I am with them
And their joy and sorrow I see-
But I now see with blue eyes
Across an eternal line that separates
Forever and seasons of earthly time...

I now see with blue eyes
As heaven is what I view
And one day
When earthly time has passed
I will look into your face
And warmly welcome you...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 10:19 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

I know it's been too long, since I last updated. Our computer has been to the Dr, and I'm glad it's back and well again. Well let me get started on whats been going on with us. Travis will be a 6th grader next year, he has been enjoying the summer, having his friends over, and he is playing Dixie Youth Baseball, his team is the Braves, he plays shortstop. They have been doing really good.He will be playing JV Football this school year, which they have been praticing already. This week Travis is going to this All Sport Camp with his friend Toby and Toby's Sister.He also has two Baseballs games this week too, I forgot to mention the camp is from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00p.m. Football practice is three times this week too, but I don't think he will make it to that. He has been busy and tired this week. Lots of good Exercise for him.
Jamie has been working all the time, and coaching Travis's Baseball team. He also was in charge of the Relay For Life Event in McCormick County and did a wonderful Job, He was the Chair person and another Lady was Co-Chair, they both did a wonderful job. I was over Survivor Chair. The event went so well. Jamie and I would like to see more of the money go toward Childhood Cancer, we hope that we can see some changes in ACS.I met a wonderful lady at the Abbeville Relay Survivor dinner, she spoke at my relay. Her name is Juanita Pittman-Brown, she read one of her poems at my Survivor Dinner. She also has wrote a book, it contains a lot of her poems in it.She has written three poems for us about Joshua, she is an amazing woman, We Thank her and love her. If anyone would like her web-page please email me at travjosh@yahoo.com
I have started a Program," Medical Billing and coding", and have been working in the shop part-time.
I would like to Thank Heather(Gage's Mom) for making the bear hugs bear, she made a bear with Joshua's clothes, I sent her his pokemon shirts and a pair of his pants,it turned out great, and made me cry. I was so happy when it came in the mail and so Thankful that Heather emailed me and ask me if I would like one. The Bear Hugs tag said " MAY YOUR "BEAR HUGS BEAR" BRING YOU COMFORT, HAPPINESS AND A LIFETIME OF MEMORIES TO CHERISH AND HOLD. Travis will be turning eleven years old next month, time flies. It's been one year and four months since I held my Joshie, I miss him so much and ask for strength everyday.Thank you all for checking in on us and please keep us in your prayers, but first keep all the children and families out there still fighting this disease in your prayers.I am going to close with the poems Juanita wrote for us about Joshua. We love you all and God Bless. Love, Christine


Mom and Dad
And Travis
If you look up
into the stars
Always know
That I see You...
I watch over
You and Dad
And Travis
Every day and night-
I tuck you in-
I wake you up-
And you all
Are such a sight...
While you sleep
I tend your cares-
I keep your dreams
With me...
I tend them well
And every morning
When the sun comes up
And the grass is full of dew
I sneak into your bedroom
And return your dreams
To you...

By: Juanita Pittman-Brown


Joshua is my name
And I now live
In a heavenly place-
where crystal sparkles
And reflects
God's holy grace...

God directed me to go
With courage
To the promised land-
And to keep my faith
For He told me I would come
To understand...

I have seen
The promised land
And I now do understand
Glory in its fullness
Unknown to earthly man...

I have seen the promised land
Revealed to me by God-
I have seen expression
Of His majesty past
This earthly sod...

I have seen giants
That seek to steal man's peace-
I have seen what comes to all
When from earthly life
All find release...

Now I dwell where honey flows
And dreams do come true-
And when your earthly journey ends
With open arms I will welcome you...

By : Juanita Pittman-Brown

P.s. I will share the last poem she wrote next week it is called,"BLUE EYES"

Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:05 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

We have been busy with planning the Relay here in McCormick, it looks like it will be a good turn out. There are so many people getting involved with it. It's so good to see a community come together for such a good cause. I'm over the Survivorship of the relay. I took that position, because I have a survivor child, only he is different from all the other survivors here on earth. He's my little survivor in Heaven. He used to sing that song in his car seat going to Greenville Hospital for either treatment or transfusions. He would sing I'm a survivor , it was the kids version on Kid's Bop tape. I wish Joshua could be there that night with all my other survivors to celebrate life. I know deep down inside that he will be there with us. Our family has a team walking that night and it's called the Angel team, because we are walking for all of our angels that night. Jamie lost his Mother and Grandmother to Cancer along with our precious Joshie. Travis will be the Team Captain of our team.

I found some poems for our Daddy (Jamie) and to all Daddy's out there with angels. We love you all. Until next time. Love, Christine


My dad is a survivor too...
which is no surprise to me.
He's always been like a lighthouse
that helps you cross a stormy sea.

But, I walk with my dad each day
to lift him when he's down.
I wipe the tears he hides from others.
He cries when no one's around.

I watch him sit up late at night,
with my picture in his hand.
He cries as he tries to grieve alone,
and wishes he cound understand.

My dad is like a tower of strength.
He's the greatest of them all!
But there's times when he needs to cry...
Please be there when he falls.

Hold his hand or pat his shoulder...
and tell him it's okay.
Be his strength when he's sad,
Help him mourn in his own way.

Now, as I watch over my precious dad
from the Heaven's up above...
I'm so proud that he's a survivor...
And, I can still feel his love!


Keep my memory with you, for memories never die;
I will be there with you, when you look across the sky.
I will be there in the clouds, in the birds that fill the air;
In the beauty of a fragrant rose, you will find my memory there.
You will feel me in the tenderness, of a baby's gentle hush.
When your hearts are heavy, and you feel that you are alone;
Just reach down deep inside of you, I will never go away;
For I will live on in your hearts, forever and a day.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 9:59 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

There's not a lot to update about us, other than staying busy with, work, school, and getting ready for the Relay.

I wanted to share some Devotional Readings that have help me through the year and now. Love you all, and Thank you all for signing the guestbook. Love, Christine

Let us examine the meaning of this prayer for a moment. It is rooted in the fact that in the same way beautiful fragrances may lie hidden in a spice plant, certain gifts may lie unused or undeveloped in a Christian's heart. Many seeds of a profession of faith may be planted, but from some the air is never filled with the aroma of holy desires or godly deeds. The same winds blow on the thistle and the spice plant, but only one of them emits a rich fragrance.
Sometimes God causes severe winds of trial to blow upon His children to develop their gifts. Just as a torch burns more brightly when waved back and forth, and just as a juniper plant smells sweetest when thrown into the flames, so the riches qualities of a Christian often arise under the strong winds of suffering and adversity. Bruised hearts often emit the fragrance that God loves to smell.

I had a tiny box, a precious box
Of human love--my perfume of great price;
I kept it close within my heart of hearts
And scarce would lift the lid lest it should
Its fragrance on the air. One day a strange
Deep sorrow came with crushing weight, and fell
Upon my costly treasure, sweet and rare,
And broke the box to pieces. All my heart
Rose in dismay and sorrow at this waste,
But as I mourned, behold a miracle
Of grace Divine. My human love was changed
To Heaven's own, and poured in healing streams
On other broken hearts, while soft and clear
A voice above me whispered,"Child of Mine,
With comfort wherewith you are comforted,
From this time forth, go comfort others,
And you will know blest fellowship with Me,
Whose broken heart of love has healed the world."

Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:01 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Today is one year that our Joshie left, and it seems like a lifetime. Jamie,Travis and myself had a balloon release at the grave. We watched all of the Valentine balloons until they were out of sight.

I want to Thank my Sister-n-law (Roni) for the angel mommy holding her sons hands. It was perfect and I love it. Also I want to Thank some of the angel Moms for their letters and e-mails and phone calls.(MaryBeth, Sharon, Denise,Rhonda,Stacy, Lori, and Ms. Debbie) . Also I want to Thank everyone for signing the guestbook today .

I found this poem today and I would like to share it with everyone, it's for all of us Angel Moms.

I am an angel's mom.
I have a little child,
Residing in the heavens,
Way beyond the clouds.

I am an angels mom,
I have a little child,
Rocking in the arms of jesus
Savior sweet and mild.

I am an angel's mom,
I have a little child,
The vision of a cherub's face,
That I alone can see.
Carried by the angel's
Wings to my memory.

I am an angel's mom.
I have a little child,
I know no harm will
Come to him, I know
He's safe and warm.

I am an angel's mom
I have a little child.
If you see a teardrop,
Please try and understand
The best thing you can give me
Simply hold my hand.

Now I'm going to close out with Travis's Song that he wrote after Joshua passed last year. Thank you all for thinking of us on Valentine's Day.We love you all. Love, Christine, Jamie, Travis, & Angel Joshua Young


I let go of somebody, he was only six years old, he was my little brother, and his name was Joshua, he died on a Monday morning and that Sunday night I just held him and told him, goodbye little friend We'll meet again someday at those pearly gates, and we'll hug and we'll talk and we'll play just like those old days, And I said goodbye little friend, we'll meet again someday and I'll meet my old relatives and I'll meet the awesome King, But if I don't make it I'll love ya forever and ever, But if I make it I'll meet the awesome King, and I'll meet you and I said Goodbye little friend we'll meet again Someday at those pearly gates, and I'll meet the awesome King and my relatives and I'll meet you and we'll hug and we'll talk and we'll play just like those old days, But one thing you took away from me was a piece of my heart, But one thing you left me was your love, and I said goodbye little friend we'll meet again someday at those pearly gates, and I'll meet my old relatives and I'll meet the awesome King, and I'll meet you, Goodbye little friend, and I said Goodbye.



Monday, February 13, 2006 3:52 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

I know it's been a long time since I updated, but after tomorrow I have decided to write everyday. There is this devotional book that a friend gave me a week after Joshua passed and it has helped me a lot, so I would like to share it with everybody. I know some might already have this book.

Christmas was hard, and his birthday was hard, now Valentine's Day, it will never be the same. I think about this time last year things were getting worse,but we still had him,could hold him, kiss him, talk to him, and after tomorrow, I can not say this time last year he was still with us.

Before Christmas Jamie, Travis, and myself took some gifts to the children's Hospital in Greenville, and got to see the nurses and Ms. Jamie(Child Life) and Dr.Hayes. I did O.K. until Ms. Jamie came around the corner and ran to us and the tears came pouring down. Joshua loved everybody there, but Ms. Jamie was his, he loved her so much, sometimes I had to go out of the room so he could have his time with Ms. Jamie by him self, no telling what Joshua told Ms. Jamie. She is an amazing person, and we love and miss her so much.
I finished a purple blankie and took it up for Ms. Jamie to give it to a little one, and I'm almost finished with a yellow one also. I have been a little slack this days, I hope to finish the three blankies that I have before the end of the month.

Travis had a nice Christmas, and he has been seeing a Hospice social worker(Lynn), who comes out to the school and gets a group together to talk about their love ones that they have lost. He does not like it when you mention counseling, he doesn't think he needs it. Well you know me, I worry about him, because he holds everything in, so I signed him up for this at the school, and he was pretty mad at me first. Now he really is enjoying it, because he hears other stories from other children and he shares things about him and Joshua. I think he thought that this was not going to be a cool thing for him. The program is once a week for four weeks, wishing it was longer for him.

Travis wrote a song right after Joshua passed, he would not let us share it with anybody, until now, he said he was going to ask Toby Keith ot Kenny Chesney if they would sing it. I will share it with everybody on Valentine's Day. Jamie's Brother in law was talking to some one in a band about it, and he said he knew someone that could get it to Toby. Wouldn't that be wonderful if Toby sang it and put it on a CD for Travis. Keep your fingers cross.

We want to ask everyone to Please pray for Christi Thomas, the Thomas family we met in N.Y., they are from Ohio. Her web-site is christithomas.com

Joshua had lots of balloons release to him on his Birthday, and will have lots more on Valentine's Day.

Until Valentine's Day, Please keep the children and families in your prayers.

Love, Christine

p.s. I need to Thank a few people, one is Ms. Helen for the Christmas ornamant she sent Travis with Joshua's picture on it. He loved it, we all loved it, Thank you Helen for thinking about us.
Tanja Theriault made a page for our Joshua on the Loyal Lamb Outreach. You can go to the link below and click on and check it out.She did a wonderful job. Tanja ,Thank you so much for thinking about Joshua and us too.
Ms. Grier and Ms. Virginia, Thank you for the Money you gave for the toys and video games for the Children's Hospital in Greenville at Christmas. God Bless you all.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:15 PM CST


Saturday, December 24, 2005 11:27 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Here's a special Prayer for us and those who have lost their babies and love ones, May God give us peace and strength to carry on with our loved by his side. And Jesus, would you pull Granny Linda, Papa Pete, Joshua, and Papa Bud out of the crowd, put your arms around them and tell them you love them? Also tell them we love and miss them terribly, Please. Happy Birthday Jesus!
Love, The Youngs

Friday, December 9, 2005 7:39 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

The other day I received an e-mail from a young lady named Lisa, she has been following Joshua's Web-page, and ask me to say some extra prayers for her mom. Her Mom is not doing to good, she is dx with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the mouth. Please visit her mom's web-page that she started. Go to Caringbridge and click on visit, then type in lucillewilhite Please lift this family up in prayer.

We want to do something every year in honor of our Joshie, so we have decided to take movies and video games to the hospital. They didn't have a lot up stairs when Joshua had to spend the night over in the hospital. The nurses have a box that the children can check out a DVD movie or a Playstation 2 game. We would like to help add and build up that collection. Also down stairs in the clinic they could use Uno cards, Lego sets, Hot Wheels, Barbies, and musical toys for younger kids.
If anyone would like to donate money to help out the families up there, they have a fund set up in the office of Joshua's Dr's. This fund helps give them Gas cards, Phone cards, Meal tickets, helps them out with their monthly payments. If you would like to donate in memory of Joshua to help out another family going through this. You can make the check out to PHOC the address is:
Philanthropy and partnership at
701 Grove Rd.
Greenville, S.C. 29605

I am also making some blankies for the children. If you would like to donate any of the items, you may email me at travjosh@yahoo.com

We attended a Workshop on "Handling the Holidays" at the Hospice office, and it went very well, they had a workshop also for the younger kids too. Travis was not to sure about going, but he went, and after it was over, he told me that he would like to come back again, so maybe every year we will attend if they have it.Travis made in his workshop, some angels, and one was Joshua, Papa, and Papa Bud. He said, "I made something Momma and you are going to like it", and of course I loved them. We are going to hang them up on the Christmas Tree.

Until next time, Please keep the children and families in your prayers tonight and forever. Love you all.Love, Christine

Friday, November 25, 2005 12:49 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

I know it's been toooooo long since I updated, and I'm going to try to do better this month.This update is going to be a little different from the others. I wanted to share some information that I came a cross and an article that was about Joshua and Hospice.First I will share about Halloween and Thanksgiving, they were very hard, but it will always be from now on.We miss him with all our heart, and Jamie and I try to focus on the day that we will see him again.That will be a day that we will always be looking forward to.

I was reading an article about Fighting Childhood Cancer and how much they have improved since the 1960.
The Survival rate for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia(ALL), it use to be 4 percent and now the survival rate for ALL is 85 percent.That is so wonderful, they have come a long way, and then I started reading further and come across more Cancers, and everything had improved so much since then. There were three types of cancers that had only improved a little and they were up to 40 and 45 percent survival rate. They were Neuroblastoma, Osteosarcoma, and Rhabdomyosarcoma, and we have friends that we have lost and our baby to these cancers.I pray that these three Cancers survival rates get better in the future.

This next article is from Candlelighters(Childhood Cancer Foundation):
Each Year, more that 160,000 children world-wide are diagnosed with cancer and approximately 90,000 will die of their disease. While cure rates for many childhood cancers have reached approximately 75n the US, more than half of all children diagnosed with cancer in developing countries will die of their disease.

This next article is going to be long, it is the article on how Hospice works with children, because when you think about Hospice you just don't think about children, I use to think of older people using Hospice, not babies. The article was in the IndexJournal, in Greenwood, S.C., it also has a picture of our family and the picture that Travis drew for the Calendar that Joshua is featured in the month of February, which also has four pictures of Joshua on it. Here goes:

The "H" Word
Hospice helps even the youngest of patients and their families. By: St. Claire Donaghy

Hospice is an organization renowned for its care for families coping with terminal illness, and among those it serves are children.
"Children shouldn't die before their parents, but, sometimes that happens," says Kelly Buckshorn, HospiceCare of the Piedmont's director of development."No one should have to die in pain, or without dignity, even children."
That's where organizations such as HospiceCare of the Piedmont can help.
Specially trained nurses and caregivers can help even the youngest Hospice patients remain comfortable and stay at home, instead of a hospital--if that's what they and their families desire--when coping with terminal cancer, heart or lung disease or other illnesses.
And, programs such as HospiceCare of the Pidmont's project Hope can help children and teens learn to cope with grief after losing a loved one.
Christine and Jamie of Troy opted to have caregivers with HospiceCare of the Piedmont come into their home in January 2005, to help care for their youngest son, Joshua.
Joshua was battling neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive cancer of the sympathetic nervous system--the nerve network throughout the body that carries messages from the brain.
Neuroblastoma is frequently diagnosed in young children, and, in some cases, it may be present at birth.
Joshua was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at age 3, just two months shy of his fourth birthday.
"My husband, Jamie, and I took Joshua to his pediatrician when we noticed he was beginning to limp, but we had x-rays done and they didn't show anything,"said Christine, Joshua's mother.
Then, Joshua began vomiting, at least once a day, Christine said, noting doctors thought perhaps he had contracted a virus.
Chrisitine took Joshua to the hospital and a blood work panel revealed abnormal cells in Joshua's body.
"At the time, doctors were thinking Joshua had leukemia, so we headed to Greenville for pediatric cancer testing, and tests showed he had neuroblastoma and tumors, instead of leukemia."
A large tumor was located in Joshua's chest, near his aorta. Another tumor was found in his back , and later, specialists at memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan found a tumor on Joshua's right adrenal gland and determined the cancer was in his bone marrow as well.(actually Greenville was the first to determine that it was also in the Bone marrow, just a little misunderstanding)
Joshua began six months of chemotherapy treatment with a hospital in Greenville and had tumors surgically removed at Sloan-Kettering in Manhattan.
Then came a stem cell transplant, radiation's treatment, clinical trials and more chemotherapy.
Despite sometimes making him ill and painfully uncomfortable, Christine says Joshua bravely faced all the treatments, but, she says he didn't like it when Chemotherapy caused his hair to fall out.
Joshua and Christine spent weeks and months away from family, including Joshua's father and his older brother, Travis, as they traveled to and from Greenville, New York, and even Philadelphia--in hopes of finding something that would control the cancerous cells that were ravaging Joshua's body.
"Jamie would bring Travis to visit us in New York," Christine said, "He and Travis tried to stay busy in between visits and manage things at home, but being separated was hard on all of us,"
For a time, various treatments seemed to keep the cancer at bay, but Joshua suffered relapses.
"In April 2004, the cancer showed up again in Joshua's bone marrow."Christine said."Joshua decided he wanted to try a low-dose chemo treatment, but by October 2004, all the treatments began taking their toll on Joshua's body, and scans showed new cancer breaking through."
Joshua next tried another clinical trial, a chemo"drink" he could take at home, but in early December 2004, he was again feeling agonizing pain in one of his legs.
"Doctors pretty much told me Joshua's bone marrow was packed with disease again, and that's what was causing the pain,"Christine said,"By then, Joshua was having blood and platelets transfusions nearly every other day, because his body was not making blood cells any more.
"I was scared when Joshua's illness got to the point where we began considering Hospice. I wouldn't even say "Hospice.' I would refer to it as the 'H' word. But, when we finally did ask nurses to come into our home in January 2005, they were so wonderful.
"I promised Joshua that we wouldn't let him be in pain, even though we couldn't take his cancer away."
Day or night, Christine says Hospice nurses were in the Young home for Joshua, whenever he needed them.
"They kept Joshua really comfortable, so that he wasn't in any pain, and Hospice helped Travis cope with different things he was feeling," Christine said. "Hospice nurses were with us for about a month. During that time, we all stayed at home together, and tried to keep things as normal as possible."
Christine says her youngest son, with his big bright eyes, and a love of video games and movies, was brave and spiritual.
"On a trip back from Greenville one day, Joshie told me he was going to heaven before anyone else in our family,"Christine said. "He said he had to fight, and carry this cancer, so that it didn't get in me, or his dad, or his brother."
On Feb. 13, just a couple of weeks after Joshua's sixth birthday, Christine said Joshua's breathing became labored.
"We knew the end was probably near,"Christine said. "The night of Feb. 13, I told Joshua if he was tired of fighting, he didn't have to do it anymore.
"I asked him if he was ready to go to heaven and he nodded his head to say "Yes,' Then, Travis came in and hugged Joshua and kissed him, and told him he loved him."
When Christine and Jamie were ready to retire to bed for the evening, they placed Joshua in the bed between them, and listened to his breathing until they fell asleep.
"Sometime, after Jamie and I fell asleep, on Feb. 14, is when Joshua passed," Christine said, wiping away tears. "When we woke up, Joshua wasn't breathing anymore."
Through Hospice's help, Christine says she and her family were able to spend Joshua's last weeks at home, peacefully, surrounded by the people and things Joshua loved most. November is National Hospice Month.

Thank you St. Claire and Kelly for thinking about us.
I cry everytime a read the article, and though everything and every decision we made with Joshua, I don't regret any of it, but I do regret falling a sleep that night, I tried to keep my eyes awake in the early morning, Joshua seem to be sleeping peacefully, and I fell asleep, and he was gone in a few hours. That bothers me to this day, and I know that it happen that away for a reason, but I just wish I had been awake. I had a friend tell me ,"Christine , "You know Joshua was waiting for you to go to sleep"

Please keep us in your prayers during the holidays, and all the children and families out there going through this. We love you all so much, and Thank you for signing the guestbook. We are so blessed to have so many caring friends.May God Bless you all. Love, Christine
p.s I will update again before Christmas!

Monday, October 24, 2005 5:47 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

I know it's been a while since I updated last. Where do I start. First I would like to Thank a few people that have added some things to Joshua's Web-page for me. I would like to Thank Ms. Helen, who is from United Kingdom, she emailed me back Back in January Helen sent Joshua a free Cancer tee-shirt, she also does a calender every year and raises money for free gifts for the children that have caringbridge web sites. Helen ask me if we would like Joshua in the Littlest Fighters 2006 Calendar. He is featured in the month in February. Travis drew the picture on the calender. Thank you so much Helen for adding our baby to the calender and for thinking about him.

Another person that we would like to Thank, is a young man named Jamie, who is from St.Louis. He emailed me and ask if I would like a ribbon made for Joshua on his web-page, he also put it on the web for me, down below the blue ribbon is his web-page, so go on and read his story. Helen and Jamie are angels on earth, Thank yall both so much for thinking about him .

Last month we where coming home from taking the puppies to the vet and there was a string with a note attached to it with a yellow balloon that had deflated. The note was from a little girl from Clemson Methodist Church. The youth group from this church sent out so many of these notes on a Wednesday evening and Thursday evening, one of them made it to our house, which is about 80 miles. We emailed the church and told them that we had received one. There were a few to email us from that church and also the little girl who wrote the note.

Well we got two new Choc lab puppies, two females, Bama & Shyla. Jamie and Travis have decided to get into breeding labs. So I guess we are going into the puppy business.
I have started making some really soft cute blankies for christmas gifts for the children in the hospital. Joshua loved a soft blankie, so I thought about hand stiching them. Praying they turn out good.

Jamie and I went a few weekends ago with two other women from our town to a Relay for Life Conference. we are involved in getting a Relay up in our area, which the last one was in 2000. If anyone is interested in joining and Volunteering with it, Please give us a call or email me at travjosh@yahoo.com , We need lots of help.

Please keep a special family in your prayers tonight. we met Sharon and Michael Romano in New York last year when Joshua relapsed, Michael relapsed for the second time with Neuroblastoma, and has fought for 7 years, until this past Friday night, he gained his wings, he was an amazing boy, and I believe he was 11 years old. They were from New Jersey, but was treated in N.Y. at Sloan and everyone knew Michael as the come back kid.Please keep his family in your prayers.

Please keep all the children and everyone who is fighting an illness in your prayers tonight. Give your love ones extra hugs and I love you's more too. We love you all and Thank You for checking in on us and signing the guestbook. Love, Christine ( missing my Joshie)

p.s. Leaving you with this article I found.


There is no earthly sorrow that heaven cannot heal. So many of you have endured traumatic experiences,lost loved ones, faced financial ruin, seen your marriages break up, lost what you thought were enduring friendships. That person you thought was as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar let you down, or maybe even deserted you when you were feeling your very lowest, and needed a friend the most.

Even the Rock of Gibraltar isn't so solid. It is eroding away,for since the Fall of man, all things incline to disorder and deterioration. The sinful nature of man is like that. Apart from My divine grace acting upon them to keep them faithful to the precepts of divine Love, people are not able to love as I do. How wonderful will be that glad time when I release My loved ones from that perverse Adamic nature within them, and Creation itself sings for the joy of her holy liberation from the Curse of Bondage!

Today you walk down the street, and you glum faces worried about a myriad of problems; grimacing motorists reluctantly dragging themselves to jobs they hate; neglected, unloved teenagers defacing public property or doing drugs.

After a harrowing day at work, you turn on the TV News to forget your unpleasant experiences, only to be bombarded by news of warfare, rising gas prices, tax increases, and ever increasing crime. All over the world people look for reasons to hate and war against one another. Age-old conflicts between ethnic groups flare up. Ancient enmities are rekindled by satan. Wars are raging out of control.

You sigh, "How much longer, Lord? Nothing I seem to do makes a dime's worth of difference in this miserable world. Whenever I witness of Christ to the lost, I only get laughed at. So What's the use of it all?"

Oh, My precious one. Never despair of your usefulness in this world. You have been a light before many. While so many others discarded My righteous commandments and lived only for the gratification of their sinful lusts, you strove to keep your home together and live out My Word in your life. You didn't just speak your testimony; you joyfully lived it. I thank you for this, for you could easily have relaxed your standards of Christian living and gone along with those who wanted to fit in with their worldly friends.

Truly there is a reward for the righteous, and it is very nearly within your grasp. What a wondrous, Blessed Hope My people have! I have prepared for them a beautiful City of Light and Love wherein dwells only righteousness. People who have lost Christian loved ones to death will be reunited with them in My glorious Presence.

You will soon see Christ face-to-face. You will see the One who suffered and died to redeem you from sin and death. And when you do, your joy will be indescribable. All earth's sorrows will fade away like mist in the morning sun.

Your eternity will be one of joyous activity, performed to My Glory. You will ever be learning more and more about how wonderful I am, discovering more about the beauty of My Love. No more bad news or unpaid bills to fret over. No more enemies to contend with ever again.

Sunday, September 11, 2005 8:58 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Sorry again for the slacker in me. Travis has been enjoying school a lot better than in the past. Jamie and I will be helping out with the Relay for Life in our town this year. I went to a Compassionate Friends meeting this month. It is a support group for parents that have lost a child. I have been wanting to go for a few months now, but couldn't do it. Last month I drove to it and almost got there, before I turned the car around and went back home. Jamie does not feel like he can go, and I know that's alright and he might not ever be able to go. The meeting went well and I broke down like I didn't want to, but know that it was O.K. too. We had only five at the meeting and I was glad that it wasn't a crowd, and I did know a few there, so that also helped. They have a meeting onced a month, so I will try it again.

I wanted to share today's sermon that I heard at my sister n' laws church we visited. The paster talked about the Tradgedies that have happened in the world from 911 to Hurricane Katrina, he said that there is a lot of people out in the world that are always looking to blame someone else for what has happened to them in their life, and instead of looking to find someone to blame, they should worship right then. Some people blame God for what has happen to them in their life. He also said this morning while watching the news that a congressman(not mentioning who, but if you watched it this morning you know) was talking about President Bush. He said that this man said that when the President went to N.Y. after 911, he stood there shook his fist and said,"The persons responsible for this will pay", then this congressman said ,"Well President Bush should go back to Louisanna and after he speaks again, he should shake his fist and say","God you are responsible for this so you will pay". Can you believe someone would say such a thing. The paster also said,that he was embarassed to have this man in congress. There are so many people there that have lost everything, their love ones, animals, homes, they have took the time to worship there. The paster talked on "Job" in the bible and said we don't understand it, but will all the Tradgedies in Job's life, he still worshiped God in the beginning, middle, and end of the storm. We don't know why things happen, but I do know one thing, even when things are going so bad, there are so many people that will pull together and help each other. There are so many people in our town and I know even in your town that has been sending supplies to Louisanna and also going down there to help out. God is good. I think President Bush is doing a wonderful job and I am proud that he's my President. The point of all this is to worship when you are at the end of the rope and don't try to find someone else to blame it on. Pray for the ones that are angry all the time.

I found this on a site and changed it around a little, because it reminded me of my Joshie. It was wrote about a man with liver Cancer in S.C.


On Monday, February 14, 2005 around 5:30 a.m. , there was a lot of activity going on in Heaven. God was smiling, more than usual, and was eagerly awaiting a very special soul. He turned to one of His most trusted angels and with joy said,"It's time. Bring him home." All of the angels, except a little one, ran with haste to prepare a magnificent homecoming.

The little angel awed by this, more than usual Heavenly joy, tugged on the robe of one of the older angels and asked,"What are we celebrating? Who could be so special that God would prepare such a homecoming?"

"JOSHUA LEE YOUNG," answered the older angel, as he spread his wings skyward, higher into the heavens and obediently added more stars to the night sky.

The little angel spread his tiny wings and rushed after the older angel."We have souls coming every second, every minute, every hour and every day. What makes this boy so special?" the little angel repeated.

"As deep as the oceans, as high as the sky, as low as the lowest valley and as wide as the earth itself, all unique and handmade by God and yet, none as special as JOSHUA LEE YOUNG." The Angel replied, and raised his arms, as he calmed the wind on God's orders.

"How can this be? Those are all wonders that God called into being from the very beginning. Surely, this JOSHUA LEE YOUNG cannot be more special than these."

"He was made of love," answered the angel as he whirled his arms and caused the moon to shine a little brighter on God's orders.

"Were not all men made of love. Did not God send His son Jesus to redeem all men, in the name of Love?" insisted the little Angel.

"Yes, all of that is true. But not all men follow love. Not all men give and give and give from a never ending well of love. Not all boys can lie down at night and have no fear if they are called. This boy, JOSHUA LEE YOUNG was all that......."

"That can be said of many men," interrupted the little angel. " I want to know about JOSHUA LEE YOUNG . I want to know about that boy."

"It's quite simple,"said the angel as he hovered and placed the last twinkling star in the sky and added just the right amount of glow to the moon.

"This boy, JOSHUA LEE YOUNG, in spite of his body racked with pain from cancer, encouraged his family, his friends and all he met to continue to look towards where all hope began and ended. This boy JOSHUA LEE YOUNG , up until about three weeks before he went into the hospital was still going about running around. This boy, JOSHUA LEE YOUNG, gave as much love back to God, through his giving, as was given him."

The older Angel, pleased with all the work God had given him to do turned and said,"Do you understand now?"

"Yes. I think I see now,"said the little angel. "He was favored like Job. And, like Job endured a lot of pain, but he held on. And, through it all, he believed in the power and the promises of the Word...he just kept on loving God anyway. I guess there's no way to describe someone like that without running out of adjectives."

"I know," said the angel. "Like I said, he was all that and more. Excuse me, but the trumpets have started and God is waiting at Heaven's gate."

Suddenly, something caught the little angel's attention. "My, my--look at the light that's streaking this way. What is that light? Is that JOSHUA LEE YOUNG? His light it's a brighter one than I've ever seen and it's so wide," gushed the little angel.

"Yes, that's him!" the older Angel exclaimed. "That light is the love that JOSHUA LEE YOUNG brought with him."

"He brought so much love with him----couldn't he have left just a little for his family?" asked the little angel sadly.

"Oh, he did!" laughed the older angel. He pointed and said, "Don't you see it down there. The light he left now holds his Mother, Father, and his Brother. The glow from it is wrapped around his aunts, his uncles, and all his relatives. The brightness that surrounds everyone who knew him in Troy, South Carolina and Everywhere, is his love too. As much love as JOSHUA LEE YOUNG brought with him to heaven can never equal what he left on earth.

Thank you all for continuing to check on us, we love you all. Love, Christine, Jamie , and Travis

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:41 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

I'm way behind on updates, so I'll start off with Travis's Birthday, he had a campout, fishing, and swimming party. He and his friends slept in the pop up camper in the back yard. He had a birthday cake with dirt bikes on it. He had a really good time, and then Mommy and Daddy took off work on his birthday that Monday the 25th of July, and took him to "Gatti Town" in Greenville. They serve a pizza buffet and also have a big room in the back with lots of arcade games and three rides inside. It's a fun place. Travis had a birhtday party there a few years back, he and Joshua loved going there. Joshua's Dr in Greenville told us about it . Jamie and I were playing games and winning tickets, which I won the most. Travis got to spend them and between Jamie, Travis, and myself, I believe we had over 4000 credits, so Travis and us had our arms full of prizes leaving. Travis got a cowboy hat for his birthday , he has been wanting one for a while now, plus he got a few more things, and money, which he took and bought a new bike. Well I have to tell you about the cowboy hat now, I ask Travis the other day to put his hat up somewhere that Blossom(Our cute little puppy) could not reach, well guess what, Blossom took a bite out of it. He was very angry. Our blossom likes to chew anything and eat things that are not good for you, like wire, her stuff animals, carpet, shoes, and so much more. She will be a year old in November and I thought that she should be out of this chewing stage, but now I think she gets mad at us when we leave the house to go to school and work, so she starts her adventure in the house. We have been talking about getting her a kennel and putting her up while we are gone, because we sure don't want to have to adopt her out. She does keep us busy around this house.

School started Aug.4, and Travis was not ready to go , but has a very nice teacher, he likes her. I have got back into volunteering at the school on my days off at work.

My Dad's estate is coming to a close, and my sister, and brother, and myself are thinking about selling my Dad's Store and House, my Hair salon is connected with the two, so I'm in the process looking for some land near where we live in Troy to put me another shop up.

Now, let me update you all on the Foundation information. I talked to the attorney and the more he talked the more I got mad, but later understood. He told me the Pro's and con's about starting a foundation, and told me that there were a lot of other ways to do things in Joshua's name and have proceeds go to what every organization I wanted to help out. To start the foundation of course I have to file with the IRS, then secretary of the state has a fee every year, you need to be incorporated to protect you from any law suits, then you must hire a CPA to fill out the forms every quarter, then the attorney fee for filling out the forms to start it is $3000.00, he told me that he would rather see me give that to help out the children that to him, but it was what ever decision I wanted to do. He did not charge me to talk to me. After sitting and thinking about all this info, I started to think,"What would Joshua want", and no I do not want to be stressed out with the IRS, and I don't want to burn people out with fundraiser after funrasier. I remember when Joshua was in remission I brought up the idea, and ask him if he would like to help out children with cancer like him one day, he said,"Yes", so I said,"Would you like to help find a new drug for Neuroblastoma or would you like to do something fun for the kids"? Joshua said,"I'd like to do something fun for the kids", so that is what I've decided to do instead now, but I want to do something also for research for NB, hoping and praying that they will find a cure for it one day. So that the next Mommies and Daddies will have more time with there babies and not have to go through this. Wish we didn't. So I have two funraiser ideas in mind, and one is collecting toys for the PHOC(Joshua's Dr's in Greenville) and for the children on the 5th floor also. The Ronald McDonald House too. That would be Joshua's favorite and I would like to do a funraiser and have proceeds going to Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation. I talked to the President of the Foundation (Pat), she is a wonderful person, she also lost a son (Nick) to NB, but has come a long way with this foundation and on the web-page shows you what Hospitals that they fund on research for NB. She also has a Conference once a year with the Dr's from all over the world talking about what's new out there for NB, meaning new clinical trials, promising drugs, Jamie and I want to go next year, it is in Chicago. They also had a session for the angel parents. All parents with children Dx with NB are welcome, even if they are in remission, relapse, or now an angel.

Sunday was six months, and it does not seem like it, well I take that back it feels like forever that I last touch my baby and held him. Last week was hard for me, because I knew that Sunday was coming, I've cried a lot. There is not a day that goes by that I don't ask God for strength. Jamie and I were talking about how a part of us died with Joshua, and we now try to find strength to go on for Travis. Joshua was so much of all of our world. I seem to dwell on the bad times, so the other day I was daydreaming of him and I started to think, What if God came to me before I had Travis and Joshua and said,"Christine, you will have two beautiful boys in your lifetime, but one of your children will only be with you for six short years, then I must have him back." God then says to me,"Do you still want to have these babies, knowing what will happen", and I thought of course I do, because even though I had Joshua only six short years of my life, he gave me the love that will last me forever, forever until I reunight with him again.

We met a family in N.Y. and then they also went to Philly for treatment. There son Michael has been fighting NB for a long time, I believe he relapse three times, but kept getting it back under control or either he would be stable with disease . His mom e-mailed everyone last Thursday to let them know that Michael fought to the end, he was so brave, passed early in the morning. He was 13 years old, and last Saturday was his birthday, he would have been 14 . They don't have a web-page, so would you all please keep them in your prayers tonight, Michael's parents MaryBeth, and Tom.

Last week my dear friend Rose, from N.J. wrote me and sent me a wonderful poem. I think it goes well with this update, I'll share it with you all in the closing.Thank you all for signing the guestbook, it means so much to us. Please keep the little ones and all in your prayers tonight and forever. We love you all. Love, Christine















Friday, July 15, 2005 11:38 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

It has been one year, since Daddy passed, and five months since Joshie went, and almost two months that PaPa Bud left. I think about all three of them everyday, wondering what they are doing in Heaven, if Joshua is keeping his Papa's busy.Cancer makes you see the world so different.There has been so many children that we met in N.Y. from other states that have been relapsing or progressing with NB. Please pray for them. There is one family that we met from Ohio, their sweet daughter Christi just found out that she has progressed, she is Travis's age. They are an amazing family, please lift them up in prayer. Her website is Christithomas.com

I am hoping next week that Joshua's foundation for research will be closer to starting up. Last week I went to the lawyer that is doing the closing to my Dad's Estate, and he referred me to someone else that could do it faster than he could, because of having to order the forms, and I believe he doesn't do a lot of that kind of stuff. Today the referrer called me and told me that he doesn't do that anymore and that he was sending everyone to another man in a different city, so , Yes, you guessed it, I called him up(Which is also an attorney) and made an appointment. He will be back in town next week, so maybe things can get started.

I worry about my Travis everyday, and pray that I say the right things to help him through his life. He told me the other day that he didn't won't to be an only child, and I told him that he would never be an only child. It is so hard for him, he misses having his playmate. He has been having friends over a lot. The other day I had an idea that he, Jamie, I could get involved with, and his eyes lit up, he was ready to get involved with this project. He also wants to help out with the foundation, I told him he could be the President of the foundation and give us lots of ideas for it. I know Joshua would be very proud of his big brother. I have to ask permission about this other project for Travis. I 'm not going to jinx it, so I will tell you about it once I find out if Travis can do it first.

Jamie just had a Birthday, we took him to Atlanta Braves game, which they won by one point in the 9th inning. I believe Jamie is ready to go back. It was fun. Travis saw a guy selling cotton candy at the game, and he said,"You know Joshua would be ordering that if he was here", I told Travis,"Yeah he would", I also said,"I bet Joshua and both Papa's are right here with us at the game". Travis just smiled.

Thank you all for checking in on us, we love you all, please keep all the children and families going through this in your prayers tonight and forever. Love, Christine

p.s. Joshua's favorite saying at night time.


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 8:35 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Ball season is over now, and Bible School will be over tomorrow night.I forgot to mention last time, that we do stay busy swimming in our pool. We got it about two years ago. Travis and myself got a little too much sun a few weeks ago in it.

A week ago we had some decals for our vehicle window made with Joshua's picture on it(the picture that is on the front of the web-page), and it says IN LOVING MEMORY OF JOSHUA LEE YOUNG Jan 25,1999-Feb 14,2005. It looks so good.

I still have some magnets left if anyone would like one. I have been meaning to share with everyone something that my niece did . Briana wrote an essay on Joshua at school and got four hundreds on it. She gave us a copy of it, and it made me cry. It was so sweet , Thank you darling so much. We love you. I am going to close out with it. God Bless you all. Love, Christine


There once was a little boy named Joshua Lee Young, who touched the lives of people in his community and across the world. This boy had an illness which it never stopped him from being a normal kid. Whenever people were down about the situation, he would encourage them that everything was going to be okay.

Joshua's amazing character touched the lives of people all over the world. When Joshua was first diagnosed with Neuroblastoma stage IV, two in a half years ago, his family then started a website with a journal that kept people updated on his condition, and what was going on with Joshua. People from all across the world were reading, praying, and considered him as their own. To show how much Joshua and his family meant to all the people in his local area(Troy and McCormick ,S.C.) they set up a fundraiser which was called Joshua Young's FUNd day. There they had food, sales, auctions, activities, moonwalk, music, and much much more. The Make a Wish Foundation also helped one of Joshua's wishes/dreams come true. He had wanted to go to Disney World but because of his illness he couldn't go. Instead he wanted a tree house for him and Travis(his brother) to play in, so the Make a Wish Foundation built him a tree house.

Although Joshua had an illness, it never stopped him. Joshua was an outgoing, loud, friendly, happy, and active boy. He was still active in playing with travis outside, swimming, t-ball,games,and being a normal kid. On easter he would hunt eggs and on Christmas, when we all got together, we would all open gifts and play around. This all proves that Joshua was like any other kid. It was indescribable how amazing he was. At the end it just hit that baby boy so hard to the point where he couldn't have anymore treatments, he was in pain all the time, he didn't have a lot of strength, and he stayed asleep most of the time.

Joshua could always make people feel better. When my uncle Jamie, and aunt Christine, and Travis were at their worst with the situation, Joshua would encourage them that everything was going to be okay and there was nothing to worry about because the monster was in him and he wasn't going to let it get out. That little boy would pray to GOD that he wouldn't let the monster get out so it wouldn't get his Momma, Daddy,and Brother. When we all found out Joshua's time was getting closer, Joshua was asleep one night and my Aunt Christine was rubbing his leg and then she started to cry and Joshua awoke and told my aunt Christine that,"it was okay to cry and okay to be scared, but it is all going to be okay Momma". Even though Joshua was hurting and in pain, he ALWAYS would try to make people feel better.

In conclusion, Joshua was loved by many. He was especially by his family members for many reasons: from his personality, even though his situation he still strived on, and for the way he made people feel. He will always be remembered and loved.

JANUARY 25, 1999-FEBRUARY 14, 2005

BY: Briana Walker

Sunday, June 19, 2005 11:18 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,


Well, it looks like I almost waited one month before updating. I'm going to get better with that. What have we been doing? Well!!!! Working, playing, being lazy, playing baseball, going to the movies, and getting ready to go to Vacation Bible School. Travis and Joshua always looked forward to that every year. Travis has one more ball game next week and the season will be over. Travis has a birthday next month, he will be the big 10 year old. Then school will be starting next. Time goes by too fast these days. It has been four months since Joshie left and I think for me that it gets harder, but I know that it will always be like that and I'm trying to find signs and think about certain things that Joshua would say to me to help me. I sometimes sit and think how wonderful it would be if Joshua could just come back and speak to me or that I could just see him one more time and hold him one more time, it would bring such comfort right now. I know that the parents who have walked in our shoes, know that feeling, and everyone else I know can only imagine. I pray that all who reads this, never have to walk in our shoes.

I talked to a good friend yesterday who works at Sloan Kettering. I asked for some advice about setting up Joshua's Foundation to help out other children. She helped out a lot. So I'm off to the lawyer's office next week to get things going. I really feel good about this and want to do it so bad, just haven't had the energy this days, but I'm ready to get busy with it.

Thank you all for ordering the NB magnets. The NB bracelets are available also, if anyone is interesting in them I can e-mail you the site that you can order them. Just e-mail me at travjosh@yahoo.com

Thank you all for continuing to check on us, it means so much, and we love you all. Please keep a very special Mom in your prayers tonight, we met her and her son Jay in N.Y. he also had NB and has beening fighting for a while, he passed away Wednesday evening. His mom, Virginia is the best mom and she was always with him through everything. She is going to need lots of strength right now. Would you please go by and visit and let her know that you are thinking about her and praying for her? Jay's
web-page is www.caringbridge.org/md/jaybarnett
Until next week. Love, Christine


Then Jesus told him,"Because you have seen Me,
you have believed;
blessed are those who have not seen
and yet have believed,"
JOHN 20:29

Monday, May 23, 2005 10:01 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

I would like everyone to pray for my Husband(Jamie) and his two sisters(Roni and Angie) they lost their Father Yesterday evening. Papa Bud has been fighting Heart disease for years and some other health issues. He was a very kind and loving man, and he loved his children and Grand children so much. Please pray also for Travis, because in the past Ten months, he has lost his Papa(My Dad) to heart disease and his best friend(his little brother,Joshua) to cancer and now his Papa Bud(Jamie's Dad) to heart disease. Jamie and his Sister's have lost in the past their Mother and Grandmother to Cancer also. Cancers and Heart Disease have came into my families lives and changed it forever.

The other day I was so down and thought about my Joshie all day and just couldn't stop crying, so I picked up this book that a friend brought over to me about a week after Joshua passed. Well I have been reading it off and on, but this day I read a Devotional reading out of it and it help me to get a hold of my self and really think about how true this saying was to me. I really would like to share it with everyone, so here it goes.

I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD...Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage.(Psalm 27:13-14 NASB)

Do not despair!

Oh, how great the temptation is to despair at times! Our soul becomes depressed and disheartened, and our faith staggers under the severe trials and testing that come into our lives, especially during times of bereavement and suffering. We may come to the place where we say,"I cannot bear this any longer. I am close to despair under these circumstances God has allowed. He tells me not to despair, but what am I supposed to do when I am at this point?"
What have you done in the past when you felt weak physically? You could not do anything. You ceased from doing. In your weakness, you leaned on the shoulder of a strong loved one. You leaned completely on someone else and rested, becoming still, and trusting in another's strength.
It is the same when you are tempted to despair under spiritual afflictions. Once you have come close to the point of despair, God's message is not," Be strong and courageous" (Josh.1:6), for He knows that your strength and courage have run away. Instead, He says sweetly," Be still, and know that I am God"(Ps.46:10).
Hudson Taylor was so weak and feeble in the last few months of his life that he told a friend," I am so weak I cannot write. I cannot read my Bible. I cannot even pray. All I can do is lie still in the arms of God as a little child, trusting Him."This wonderful man of God, who had great spiritual power, came to the point of physical suffering and weakness where all he could do was lie still and trust.
That is all God asks of you as His dear child. When you become weak through the fierce fires of affliction, do not try to "be strong." Just "be still, and know that (He is) God." And know that He will sustain you and bring you through the fire.
God reserves His best medicine for our times of deepest despair.
Be strong and take heart.Psalm 27:14

Be strong, He has not failed you
In all the past,
And will He go and leave you
To sink at last?
No, He said He will hide you
Beneath His wing;
And sweetly there in safety
You then may sing.

I can picture Jesus, Joshua and all of our Family members up in Heaven, having a big welcome party for Papa Bud, and Joshua saying," What took you so long, I've been waiting on you".
I am going to close out with a poem to Jamie, Roni, and Angie. Love you all. Love, Christine


Some things I'd like to say
But first of all to let you know
That I arrived okay
I'm writing this from Heaven
Where I dwell with God above
Where there's no more tears
or sadness there
is just eternal love
Please do not be unhappy
Just because I'm out of sight
Remember that I'm with you
Every morning, noon and night
That day I had to leave you
When my life on Earth was through
God picked me up and hugged me
And He said I welcome you
It's good to have you back again
you were missed while you were gone
as for your dearest family
they'll be here later on
I need you here so badly
as part of My big plan
there's so much that we have to do
to help our mortal man
Then God gave me a list of things
He wished for me to do
and foremost on that list of mine
is to watch and care for you
And I will be beside you
Everyday and week and year
And when you're sad
I'm standing there
to wipe away the tear
And when you lie in bed at night
the days chores put to flight
God and I are closest to you
in the middle of the night
When you think of my life on Earth
and all those loving years
because you're only human
they are bound to bring you tears
But do not be afraid to cry
It does relieve the pain
Remember there would be no flowers
Unless there was some rain
I wish that I could tell you
of all that God has planned
but if I were to tell you
you wouldn't understand
But one thing is for certain
though my life on Earth is o're
I am closer to you now
than I ever was before
And to my very many friends
trust God knows what is best
I'm still not far away from you
I'm just beyond the crest
There are rocky roads ahead of you
and many hills to climb
but together we can do it
taking one day at a time
It was always my philosophy
and I'd like it for you too
that as you give unto the world
so the World will give to you
If you can help somebody
who is in sorrow or in pain
then you can say to God at night
my day was not in vain
And now I am contented
that my life it was worthwhile
knowing as I passed along the way
I made somebody smile
So if you meet somebody
who is down and feeling low
just lend a hand to pick him up
as on your way you go
When you are walking
Down the street
And you've got me on your mind
I'm walking in your footsteps
Only half a step behind
And when you feel the gentle breeze
Or the wind upon your face
that's me giving you a great big hug
or just a soft embrace
And when it's time for you to go
from that body to be free
remember you're not going
you are coming here to me
And I will always love you
from that land way up above
Will be in touch again soon

P.S. God sends His Love and so does Joshie.

Sunday, May 1, 2005 11:02 AM CDT


Thank you Mommy and Daddy,
For the little time we had together,
But now I'm on my way to Heaven,
And without you it will seem forever.

As I strolled through Heaven's Gates,
I was greeted by a Heavenly Host.
They said,"Follow us, oh little one,
And we will show you who loves you most."

Then they said,"Look through Heaven's portals."
I gazed through the portal, looking down,
There stood you, Mommy and Daddy,
With a bright light all around.

Now I know you are not alone,
I saw Jesus by your side,
He will help you with all your sorrow,
And with you He always will abide.

I asked our Lord here in Heaven,
As he sat me on His knee,
Please, when it's time for you to come,
Your souls will again, be with me.

I know it's hard for you to understand,
That my time there on earth was so very short,
But always keep me in your memories,
As we keep our love within each other's heart.

Look toward the heavens,
You will see my star shining bright,
Thank God for all of your blessings,
And I'll visit you in your dreams each night.

I love you more than when you gave me birth,
And I thank you for my life you gave.
A crown of pearls is waiting for each of you,
For my little soul you gave to him to save.

Hello Everyone,

I tried to update last night and lost everything, so maybe I'll have better luck today.

April 30, will always be a date that we will never forget. One year from yesterday is when we found out that Neuroblastoma had come back in our baby's body, sometimes I think it never left, but just hid around the corner and let test come back clear for five months. Those five months were wonderful, hoping that it would never come back, even though everyone around else, was relapsing with NB. I remember that morning so clear. I was cooking Joshua breakfast at the Ronald McDonald House in N.Y. and we were leaving that day to come home, so we had already cleaned our room, and packed. He had finished his third round of 3F8 Antibodies and had his three month scans done also. We were excited, because after the third round of 3F8, you get a longer break in between, which was eight weeks at home, instead of two weeks like we had been doing. While I was cooking, my cell phone rings and it was Dr. Kushner and he said he had some of the results in, and he could tell me on the phone or either I could come over to the clinic and speak with him, well I didn't won't to miss our plane, and I told he could just tell me on the phone, because I was already scared, because he had called. He told me that Joshua's bone marrow came back positive and that the spot on the liver that he saw on last months scans, was also NB, but really could not say for sure, but if he was betting, he would say that it was, and the only way that they could tell was to do a biopsy, but that would be to harsh on Joshua right now, because of every thing he had already been through. And we of course did not want to put him through that, so Dr. K tried to talk me into coming over to his office and discuss what to do next. I was trying to hold it together in front of Joshua, but tears came down and I hid it from him that morning, and I could not go over to the clinic by myself with Joshua, because I didn't want to show Joshua how scared and sad I was. I told Dr. K that Jamie and I would be getting back in touch with him soon. I couldn't talk to him, I was in shock, even though I knew that this could happen. I always tried to believe that Joshua really didn't have NB and that the Dr's would come in one day and say Jamie and Christine,"Joshua has another type of Cancer and there is a cure for it, and he is going to be alright", but it didn't happen. At that moment when I got the news, I wanted to scream and cry out loud, but instead tried to hold it in until we got home, even though I couldn't block out the tears, but still tried to hide it from Joshua, because I wanted Jamie and Travis there with him when we told him. After the flight home, Jamie had called Joshua's Dr back at home and ask if we would come and talk to him about everything. Dr. Stroud was so kind to meet us that same day, so when we got off the plane, we drove straight to the hospital and pulled up in the parking lot, and turned the car off, and Joshua said, "Why are we here", "I don't have to go in the hospital, Do I ". The boys were in the back, so Jamie and I turned around to tell them, first Jamie was going to do it, but he broke down and started to cry, and then Joshua said,"What is it Mommy", and at that moment I had to find strength deep down inside and from this day I don't know how I did it,but I turned and told Joshua that we found out that his cancer had come back, and that we were going to talk to Dr. Stroud about it. Travis could not say anything, and Joshua just screamed and then said,"I don't want to lose my hair again", we all cried, and I told him that we would do whatever he wanted to do. Even though I wanted to fight it, I would have did anything he had wanted to do, even if it was to stop treatment. Joshua told us that he wanted to try chemo again, so we talked to Dr. Stroud, and he told us what Dr. K was telling us also, he also told us that if we didn't do nothing, that Joshua would maybe have two good months, before things would get worse. I ask him if it would be a painful death, and he told me that with NB that the children have a peaceful death, and all I could do is cry, so Jamie had to finish the conversation. Joshua and Travis were playing a playstation game, near the nurse's station, and they were watching them. So we Thanked Dr. Stroud for the information and now had to make a decision, so after we talked to Joshua and he wanted to fight it again, we were right back off to N.Y., the next day. So we were off to start chemo and radiation. We also sat in Dr. K's office and cryed in front of him, and Joshua. Dr. LaQ(?) came in and talked to us too. I think everybody in the clinic knew something was going on with us, because I couldn't stop crying, there were so many friends that we had met that tried to comfort us. We were back in the chemo world. I really though Joshua was going to beat it and be that NB miracle, but in October, when they found more new spots, I had to hurry and find something. I talked to Joshua about a lot of different drugs that I had research about, and when he told me,"Mommy we've tried it all and nothings going to work", I was scared, but wanted to try something to slow it down. He really needed to be home and wanted to be, so I found a drug that he could take at home and prayed that it help him, but it just wasn't strong enough for his NB cells. I know now that Joshua always knew I believe what the out come was going to be, because he gave me so many signs, and I didn't want to believe it. In the past two years and three months, he would always give me something that he made and would say,"Here's something to remember me by", it would break my heart everytime I heard it.Sometimes I think of everything he has said to me, that he was trying to prepare me for what was going to happen.

Please keep the children and families going through this in your prayers. We love you all so much and Thank you for being in our lives. Love, Christine

Saturday, April 23, 2005 10:44 AM CDT


Death: Mother, let me have your child. I will hold him-oh, so gently-so you can rest awhile.

Mother: NO! You can't have him. His fever's high. His poor heart's pounding. He needs me. I'm his mother. I best keep on holding on.

Death: But you need rest, and so does he. I'll croon sweet lullabies while angels chorus for eternity.

Mother: I am tired, and he's in such pain. But I must hold on. You can't have him. I love him. I won't let him go.

Death: I know you love him. But I'll soothe away his pain. I'll cool his fever forever so he'll never suffer again. Please, mother, let me hold your child.

Mother: He is my baby-child-he's in such pain-and I love him so. I have to submit-I have to let him go. Here, you can have my child.(Tears)

Death: Thank you, dear mother. You'll know-in time-what I ask is right. And, I promise, you'll hear the songs of love I sing for him, you'll hear them every night.

Mother: Yes. I'll hear those songs of love till I join him at his rest.

Death: Thank you, dear mother.

Hello Everyone,

I was just thinking about this time last year, we didn't know that Joshua has relapsed yet, and Joshua was feeling good, playing Tee-Ball, and just enjoying life and I say this with tears now, because he never let this awful disease get him down, he just went with the flow and couldn't wait to grow up. He looked forward to going to first grade, and turning 13 and 16 years of age, because he wanted to watch PG-13 movies(even though he had already watched a few), he also couldn't wait to drive(even though I let him sit in my lap and drive in our drive way), and he would always ask what age do I have to be to watch R movies, I always said , "you have to be old", he would say,"How about 16 or 17 years old", and I would say we will see then. I miss my beautiful baby and I cry for him everyday.
Travis is having a tough time, he talks about Joshua a lot and he told me the other day that he really wanted to help Joshua with his homework when he got able to go to school, and I told Travis that he helped Joshua a lot with math, and Joshua would have been really good in Math, because of him. Travis started Joshua out on Multiplication and skipped the rest. Joshua would also go up and ask people, "What is 10 x 10" , and then he would tell them the answer, and he learned a lot more of them to ask.
Everyone ask, "How are you all doing", and the only thing I can say is not to good or we're here.

Travis is practicing twice a week with baseball, and the first week in May, they are suppose to start up the games. Jamie is a tough coach, but he's good, sometimes I get on him and tell him that he is being a little to tough, but I think it's a man thing.

I want so bad to start up a foundation in Joshua's name and help out other children, but seems like I have no energy this days, so I am still working on it. Does anyone out there know how to begin the process of starting one? Please e-mail me at travjosh@yahoo.com

I have seen about five different cars in town with the NB magnets and it feels so good to see them out there.We would also like to thank the McCormick Messenger (Our local News Paper) for putting a write up on the NB magnets. Thank you guys for everything.

Thank you all for checking in on us and signing the guestbook, we love you all and please keep Travis and us in your prayers. Love, Christine


Mom, Please don't feel guilty
It was just my time to go.
I see you are still feeling sad,
And the tears just seem to flow.

We all come to earth for our lifetime,
And for some it's not many years
I don't want you to keep crying
You are shedding so many tears.

I haven't really left you
Even though it may seem so.
I have just gone to my heavenly home,
And I'm closer to you than you know.

Just believe that when you say my name
I'm standing next to you,
I know you long to see me,
But there's nothing I can do.

But I'll still send you messages
And hope you understand,
That when your time comes to "cross over,"
I'll be there to take your hand.

Love, Joshua

There's a picture of the magnets for those who are interested.

Thursday, April 7, 2005 9:03 PM CDT


Faith is holding on to life,
When all around is pain;
Faith is seeing rainbows
When the sky is full of rain...

Faith is reaching out to God
When you are filled with fear;
Faith is taking someone's hand,
And feeling God is near...

Faith is walking in the dark,
And looking for the light--
Faith is knowing God is love,
And trusting in His might...

Faith is showing you believe,
And that you truly care,
Faith is searching for the Lord,
And finding Him in prayer!

--Hope C. Oberhelman--

Hello Everyone,

The NB magnets just came in today. Yeahhhhhhhhhh! So I will be getting them out. This past week we went to Florence S.C. to visit my cousins Vicky and Ricky. We all went to the Gaither's Homecoming with my sister-in-law Roni and her husband Dwayne. On Saturday, we went to Myrtle Beach with my cousins and we had a wonderful time. My mind drifted times, thinking about Joshua, wishing he was there. Travis took a bath in Vicky's jacuzzi bathtub and told me that Joshua would loved it too. I told him Joshua was right there with him in the tub having a ball. Thank yall for having us over, we enjoyed our visit. Thank you Amber for babysitting our babies at home while we were gone.
Travis is practicing ball these days, he can't wait until they have their first game. Jamie had a wreck on Travis's dirt bike and he bruised his leg bad and his face looks like he got into a fight, which he has been telling everybody that I did it to him. He has been banned from the bike. I have been working two days a week in the shop and two days in daddy's store(cleaning up). I want to do something in the cancer world, but don't know what yet. I want to start up a foundation in Joshua's name and help other children. I want to help fund research for NB, but I think about the conversation Joshua and myself had last year. I asked him, when he got better, would he like to help find a cure for NB, or would he like to do something just for the kids,(taking fun packages to them in the hospital) he picked doing something fun for the kids. So I am trying to figure out how to get a project started and getting others involved. I really am a lost person right now.
My Mom shared some information with me , that her friend brought to her attention. It was about Joshua's name. This is Joshua's full name, JOSHUA LEE YOUNG, and his initials stand for "JESUS LOVES YOU", I thought that was amazing. Closing out with another poem I found. Please keep us in your prayers. Love you all. Love, Christine

Dearest Mommy,

When you wonder the meaning of life and love
Know that I am with you
Close your eyes and feel me kissing you
In the gentle breeze across your cheek
When you begin to doubt that you shall ever see me again
Quiet your mind and hear me
I am in the whisper of the heavens
Speaking of your love

When you lose your identity
When you question who you are
Where are you going
Open your heart and see me
I am the twinkle in the stars
Smiling down upon you
Lighting the path for your journey
When you awaken each morning
Not remembering your dreams
But feeling content and serene
Know that I was with you
Filling your night with thoughts of me

When you linger in the remnant pain
Wholeness seeming so unfamiliar
Think of me and know that I am with you
Touching you through the shared tears of a gentle friend
Easing the pain

As the sunrise illuminates the desert sky
In that breathtaking glory, awaken your spirit
Think of our time together, all too brief, but ever brilliant
When you were certain of your destiny

Know that God created that moment in time, just for us.

Dearest Mommy, I am with you always

Thursday, March 31, 2005 7:53 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Easter was hard. We did go to sun rise service, and that night we went to my sister-in-law's church to watch her and her husband in their Easter Catata. It was very nice, but when the scene came where Jesus was in the garden and he was crying and talking to God, all I could think about is Joshua, did he do the same thing, when he knew what was coming soon.I was thinking about Mary (Jesus's Mom), how she was hurting. I really know how she felt when she lost him.

Sheri Easter is writing a song about Joshua and she sent us some of the song, it is not finished yet, but what we have heard it is beautiful, and it will make the tears roll. The name of the song is "Joshua"s Song". It will be on their new album and will be out in about six months, I will post it when it comes out. Thank You,Sheri for immortalizing our baby.Sheri is a Southern Gospel singer who lives in Lincolnton G.A., about 25 to 30 miles fom us.

This is part of Joshua's service from one of our Pastors, Mike Horne:

Life is Sweet

We are here today to honor the life of Joshua Lee Young. Although he was only six Joshua touched the lives of so many people, perhaps more than most people who live ten times as long will ever touch. Everyone who had the honor of knowing Joshua will tell you that he was not only an inspiration in his strength but also in his love for his family. I remember one of the postings on his website where Christine said that she told him that she wished that she could take his place instead of him having to go through the pain, but Joshua replied that he had to be the one to do this so the rest of his family would not have to suffer. This reminded me of another person whose name in the Hebrew language is the same as Joshua's. The name is Ishawah which means one who saves, that man is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Just like Joshua Jesus suffered great pain so all of his people would not have to endure the pain and punishment for our sins. Jesus not only went to the cross for us but he did so willingly. He suffered more pain than any man could ever endure and then he was nailed to the cross to save us.The Apostle John tells us in the Scripture passage that we read today,"that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." It is this promise that gives us hope in a world that seems to have little hope. Joshua did indeed believe in Jesus as his Lord and Savior and he would tell you so if you ever asked. Joshua shared his love for Jesus on many occasions with his parents and his brother Travis.
Sharing our belief is what Jesus told all believers to do and he said for us to ,"go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Joshua made people disciples by his great courage in the face of all of his pain and suffering, he gave us all an example to follow and he showed us how to remain faithful to God and Jesus through it all. Joshua was a great young man, now I said young man because I just cannot bring myself to call him a little boy. Even though he was just six he was more of a man than many grownups that I know. Joshua believed in Jesus and he knew that one day he would be going to live with Jesus in heaven and so two days ago he left this world with all of its pain and grief and went to his heavenly home. While I was talking with some of the family members on Monday I believe that it was his aunt Ronnie who said that when she got the news about Joshua she pictured Joshua riding to heaven on a chariot with Jesus saying go faster, go faster.As I thought about that I could see Joshua on a chariot but it was not just any chariot it was a chariot of fire with horses of fire and Elijah was there and Jesus was next to him, and when they picked up Joshua , Elijah handed the reigns to Joshua and as he stood between those two men they were the ones saying go faster and Joshua was having the time of his life. It is the hope of all Christians that one day Jesus will return and take us all to be with him in heaven and if we truly believe then that is what will happen. We will meet up with Jesus one day that is for certain for Scripture tells us that. Whether we will live with him or we go the other way is up to us to whether we will believe and trust in him or we reject him. Joshua believed and he trusted Jesus to take him home and that is where Joshua is today.
Jesus said that he was going before us to prepare a place for us in his Father's house and I am sure that if we could look into heaven and see what kind of place that he had prepared for Joshua it would be the biggest tree house that you could imagine. If I close my eyes I can see Joshua sliding down the big old sliding board with Jesus right there with him, laughing and playing games and having all kinds of fun. For Joshua his pain is gone and he is now living in peace. But as for those that are left behind our pain goes on. I am sure that we have all asked the questions, why him, why so young? It is not for us to know these things but it is for us to go on living and we need to live our lives like Joshua lived his, believing in the Lord and loving our fellowman. The world can be a cruel place at times and we are left behind to make a difference. We must learn to have the faith that Joshua had and share that faith with others. Jamie, Christine and Travis have all shown their faith and have remained strong for so long, but now the real test is coming, will they remain strong? I believe that they will and I know that they have many friends and a loving family that will always be there for them. After this day is over many of you will continue to stay in contact with them and assist them in any way that you can. That is one of the great things about being from a small town, you are all family and you take care of each other. I pray now that you will always be this way and that you will always love one another.
Life is sweet, and it is precious and we must never forget that , but we must also remember where life comes from, it is not from your parents but it is a gift from God and we should use that gift wisely and make the most of everyday that we have. We say farewell to Joshua today but it is not good-by, for we know that he lives on in the hearts of everyone who knew him and we know that one day we will see him again. Hold fast to your beliefs and do not let go of the promise that God has given to you. Believe in him and you will have everlasting life.
Let us go to the Lord once again in prayer. Most Glorious and Merciful Father, we thank you again for the time that you shared the life of Joshua with us and now that he has returned home to you we pray that you will watch over him and let him watch over us. We need his strength and his courage so that we can face tomorrow with the same love for life and love for family that he has. Take care of his family in this time of grief and bless them with happy memories in the days to come. Help them to remain strong in their faith and give them comfort in this time of loss. Be with them now and always, for it is in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior that we pray,amen.

We love you all. Love, Christine and Jamie

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:06 PM CST


The whisper of an angel
Can open Heaven's gate,
A glimpse of faith and courage
A love strong enough to wait,

Whisper you are safe
Whisper softly, angel love,
My heart is aching so
Needing comfort from above,

Tell me you are with me
Whisper gently in my ear,
"You will always be my mommy"
In the quiet I will hear,

My heart still aches to hold you
I close my eyes and see,
Your face now, Five weeks ago,

Though dreams I once held close
In the distance now, so far
Still you're more than just my child
You're the twinkle in the stars,

So I'll hear your angel whispers
"You never need let go,
Hold me, mommy, close within"
Though the pain and sorrow flow,
One day we shall reunite
Angels whisper words of grace,
And I promise I will hold you
In another time and place.

Hello Everyone,

We miss our Joshua soooooooo much, and I cry a lot these days. The Service at Greenville Hospital was nice, I thought I would cry a lot, but was very strong. The only time tears came to my eyes is when I spoke to Ms. Jamie(Child Life) and when I saw Joshua's picture on the video, and it was beautiful. It was the picture that is on the front of the web-page, and it was large on the video.

I went back to work yesterday and it turned out to be a good day. Travis is getting ready for baseball season and Jamie will be coaching his team. I wish so bad to dream of my baby, but it just doesn't happen. I think I have forgotten how to dream anymore. Jamie tells me that I'm trying to hard and that it will happen. I have gotten so down these days that all I can think about is just being with him again. A lot of people don't have the guts to say it, but that's how I have been feeling is that I just want to be with him in heaven, then I look at Travis and Jamie and think what kind of mother and wife am I. Knowing that they are hurting just as bad as I am , and that they need me too. It's so hard that some days you just don't know how you are going to make it. Jamie and I have been talking about starting up a foundation in Joshua's name. Joshua and I talked about when he got better about helping other kids out with NB cancer.

Thank you J.C. and Andy for the Flowers and Easter Bunny you put on Joshua's grave. It was so sweet of you all to do.

I believe the magnets should be coming in this week . Misty had to order more from the company, so I will let everyone know when they arrive. Until later. Please keep the children in your prayers. Love you all. Love, Christine

Lord, I'm Hurting

Yes,Lord I hurt.
The pain is deep.
I feel the mountains
Are so steep.

I cannot seem to stand.
Please, Dear Lord,
Take my hand.

I cannot seem
To find my way.
For me the sun
Is not shining today.

I know you're there,
Out now, my Lord,
My heart is gripped with fear.

Lord, help the sun to shine.
And to know
That you are mine.

Heal this pain I feel,
Make your presence
Very real.

Today, Lord I give you all.
Help me,
Dear Lord, not to fall.

And if I fall,
Hold me tight,
so I can feel
Your strength and might.

Author Unknown

Monday, March 14, 2005 9:30 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Today, is one month since our Joshua left us. I keep picturing me holding him and rocking him before they came to pick up his little body. That was hard to hand him over, but I followed Jamie out to the Hearse, watching Jamie carry our baby and laying him on the stretcher and covering him with his favorite blanket, Joshua looked so much like a angel, even though he has always been a living angel on earth. Watching the hearse leave with our baby, was awful, while they drove off slow, it seemed like a dream, and I was ready to wake up and hold him. Well I know a lot of people are wondering How are we doing. Somedays we don't know who,how, or what , we are doing, but I feel very numb somedays, and then realization hits me, and that's when it hurts bad. Jamie is hurting a lot. Travis is spending time with friends and cousins, he just wants to go all the time, which I know it is good for him, but I don't want him to go any where. I just want him with me all the time, and I have got to get a grip and know that he is not Joshua, and can't be with me at all times. I feel lost, because I'm suppose to be taking Joshua to Greenville for blood and platelets, or either catching a plane to N.Y. or Philly for treatment. That was normal for us, it has been our life for two years and three months. I'm thinking about going back to work one day a week and slowly get back to working more, plus settling my Dad's estate.

We are going tomorrow to a Tribute Service at Greenville Hospital, which is a service celebrating the lives of children who were patients there. I know it will be sad, but that is our second home.

Saturday I stopped by Joshua's grave to pick up some more old flowers, there was a picture with rocks holding it down in a dump truck that was left from the funeral, there was no name, so I didn't know who drew it for him. Later that night we ate at the Hash House restaurant, which is right down the road from our house,Jamie's cousins own it. Jamie and I were sitting at a table for two, because Travis was spending the weekend with his cousin Zackery.Jamie's cousin's son , Devin, who I think is eight years old, came over to the table, and was talking to us, then he said,"I gave Joshua a picture". Jamie just nodded and smiled, he didn't know about the picture, and Devin said it again, and it hit me. I said,"Oh Devin that was you", I said,"I loved it that was so sweet of you to do". Jamie still didn't know what was going on, so I explained to him what Devin did. Dana and Troy it touch us so much to know that your son was thinking about our Joshua still. I wanted to cry, but was scared that I might scare Devin. It touch me really deep.Thank you Devin, We love you.

Also Saturday, the phone rang and it was Dr. Maris, and Jamie talked to him, he wanted to give us some time before he called, and he wanted to know if Joshua passed peacefully. He gave us his condolences. The same day we received a letter from Dr. Kramer from N.Y. saying how sorry she was to hear of Joshua's passing. It was so nice to hear from both of them, and very sweet to call and write us. The week after Joshua passed, Our Doctor's from Greenville and Nurse's and staff sent us a card and everyone signed it and wrote messages to us, then this past week , the Nurse's inpatient sent us a card and everyone sent messages. It was so nice to hear from them, and of course I cryed reading their card. The Social worker Diana from N.Y. called me also, and two of Joshua's nurse's in N.Y. emailed me, Mary Eliza, and Ester. The Child life of N.Y. wrote us a letter the other day too. And last but not least, Joshua's best friend "Ms. Jamie" (Child Life in Greenville) She has been emailing me, I want you to know Ms. Jamie that Joshua loved you soooooo much, and if Mike didn't ask you to marry him before Joshua got legal age, I know Joshua would try to beat Mike to the question. He couldn't wait to see you when he got to the hospital all the time.Thank you for everything. We would like to Thank everyone for taking care Joshua, everyone at Greenville Hospital, Sloan Kettering, and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

I got an email from another mother last night named Amber, she wrote me the sweetest letter, knowing that today was going to be one month since Joshua has left, and knew I needed some lifting up in words. She had a beautiful daughter named Haley, who passed away last year with NB, Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

There is this poem that someone sent to me on the Guestbook and her name is Brenda and she lost her Dad in December 2004,You can go to his site from the guestbook. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Thank you Brenda for the poem, it sounds just like my Joshie talking. When I read it I started crying and then at the end I started laughing and couldn't stop, I needed that.

Please keep us and all the children and families going through this in your prayers. We love you all. Love, Christine

Ask my Mom how she is
My Mom, She tells a lot of lies
She never did before.
From now until she dies,
She'll tell a whole lot more.
Ask my Mom how she is
And because she can't explain,
She will tell a little lie
Because she can't describe the pain.
Ask my Mom how she is,
She'll say"I'm alright".
If that's the truth,then tell me,
why does she cry each night?
Ask my Mom How is she,
She seems to cope so well.
She didn't have a choice you see
nor the strength to yell.
Ask my Mom how she is,
"I'm fine,I'm well, I'm coping".
For Gods sake Mom, just tell the truth
just say your heart is broken.
She'll love me all her life,
I loved her all of mine.
But if you ask her how is she,
She'll lie and say she's fine.
I am Here in Heaven.
I cannot hug from here.
If she lies to you don't listen,
Hug her and hold her near.
On the day We meet again,
We'll smile and I'll be bold.
I'll say,"You're lucky to get in here, MOM
With all the lies you told!"


Wednesday, March 2, 2005 6:29 PM CST

Here is a wonderful poem that Carrey (Courtesy of Angel Trey) wrote in the guestbook, I love this poem.

My Mom is a survivor, or so I've heard it said.
But I hear her crying at night when all others are in bed.
I watch her lay awake at night and go to hold her hands.
She doesn't know I'm with her to help her understand.
But like the sands on the beach that never wash away...
I watch over my surviving mom, who thinks of me each day.
She wears a smile for others...a smile of disguise.
But through Heaven's door I see tears flowing from her eyes.
My mom tries to cope with death to keep my memory alive.
But anyone who knows her knows it is her way to survive.
As I watch over my surviving mom...through Heaven's open door.
I try to tell her that angels protect me forever more.
But I know that doesn't help her or ease the burden she bears.
So if you get a chance, go visit her...and show her that you care.
For no matter what she says...no matter what she feels.
My surviving mom has a broken heart that time won't ever heal!

Hello Everyone,

I really don't know how start this off, but days for me have been hard. I think rainy days are the worst. I think about him every second, wishing I could touch him and hold him one more time. It has been two weeks since Joshie has gone, and sometimes it seems like yesterday and sometimes it seems so long.We went out to eat the other night and when the hostess ask how many, I wanted to say four, but instead said, "three", and tried to hold back tears. We all talk about him a lot, and that helps a lot. I look at all the beautiful pictures we have of him all the time. I really need a sign from him. People tell me that with time things will get a little easier, but I know without a doubt that it won't every get easy, my heart will always ache for him. If I should be living fifty years from now, I know it will hurt just as bad as it does now.

There is a young lady who Emailed me and said, she had been praying and checking in on Joshua. She is from North Carolina. She wrote a poem in memory of Joshua, here it is:

By: Katie Geis

You were only three
When Neuroblastoma found you

You were very scared
But you knew you could beat it
And you bravely fought
Until the end

God saw you suffering
And he wasn't pleased
He gave you your wings
And he said,"Joshua come home"

You weren't scared then
And followed him
To the golden gates
Where you will never suffer again

Your path and suffering ended
But your spirt will always be living
In your family and friends
Who miss you a lot

You'll be remembered forever
And always be missed
Your home now
To where Neuroblastoma can never find you again.

In loving memory of Joshua Lee Young
A little boy who courageously fought cancer.

Thank you Katie so much for lifting our day up, it was perfect.

I know I posted that March 1st, I would be placing the order and I wanted to share with you all a change in the magnets. We are still ordering them, and I will be returning everyones email this week about how many they want. Trey's mommy(Misty) came up with the idea and we were wondering how much would go to research, Misty told us that she was selling them at cost and that is $2.50, she said she wanted to get the awareness out there, but that a lot of NB parents were buying them and charging a little more, so they can send to NB research. We have ordered 200 magnets and if we could charge $5.00 a magnet, then it would be $500.00 profit to send to NB research, which we are trying to figure out which hospital or foundation to send it to, and will post it and their address, so if it is asking too much, just let us know and we will keep the same price($2.50) and just add the shipping cost. We were going to send it in Trey and Joshua's name and we would also like to ask other NB angel parents to email us, so we can also put their child's name on it too.Hope I haven't confused everyone. Please let us know what you all think of the idea. Until next time. Love, Christine

Wednesday, March 2, 2005 7:25 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let everyone know about Misty's NB magnets (Trey's Mommy). I have to step out for a little while today and I'm also running late.I promise that I will have an update this evening for everyone on the magnets. I have been a slacker this days.Talk to you all soon. Love, Christine

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:23 PM CST

Here is the song Lindsey sang at Joshua's Funeral

Verse 1

I planted a little rose bush, tended it with care.
It's buds began to blossom;
Their sweet fragrance filled the air.
But when winter came it withered.
The petals dropped and fell to the ground.
My heart sank as it faded,
But I'd forgotten who'd made it.
He said......



Verse 2

Joshua was their sweetheart,
A beauitiful child of only six years.
They cherished every day they had.
And held the memories dear.
They never dreamed they'd bury love
And go on to be alone.
When they laid their Josh to rest
They looked to heaven and try their best to believe.....



Here are some poems another mother sent me,she lost her son last year. Thank you Virginia.


When I am gone, release me, let me go,
I have so many things to see and do.
You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears,
Be thankful for our many beautiful years.
I gave to you my love,
You can only guess how much
You gave to me in happiness.
I thank you for the love each have shown,
But now it's time I traveled on alone.
So grieve for me awhile if grieve you must,
Then let your grief be comforted by trust.
It's only for a time that we must part,
So bless the memories within your heart.
I won't be far away, for life goes on.
So if you need me, call and I will come.
Though you cannot see or touch me
I will be near.
And if you listen with your heart you'll hear:
All my love around you soft and clear.
And then, when you must come this way
Alone I'll greet you with a smile and say


Here is another poem:


Hello Everyone,

Travis returned back to school today, not that I was ready for him too, but the school was ready for him. He had a good day back and said everyone was really nice to him. My day didn't turn out that bad, just because I was looking for it to turn out really bad. I just got busy around the house. There is so much to be done, but it will keep my busy for awhile. Like writing Thank you cards, cleaning out Daddy's store(now that's a real big job) and etc...
Thank you all for emailing me about the orders on the NB magnets for the cars. I'm going to place the order with Misty on March 1, so after I get a count of how many I need to order , then I will return your email and let everyone know about the total with the shipping. Another mother named Shelia is the one that has come up with the bracelet idea for NB. I believe they will cost $3.00 plus shipping. Some time in March they will be available, but I will let everyone know. I forgot to mention where all the money is going to, it is going to CNCF(Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation, you can go to their web and see what hospitals they send funding too for research for Neuroblastoma. This foundation was started by a parent that lost her son to Neuroblastoma.Here is the address www.cncf-childcancer.org

We have two additional memebers to the family. We got another lab(white) puppy and he stays outside with Max and Cola, and we got a Maltese(white)puppy that stays inside. The lab is a boy and his name is Scooby and the maltese is a little girl and her name is Blossom. Travis and Joshua and myself had been talking for a while now about getting another puppy, and I wanted a girly girl puppy, but they didn't, so I got her and I think Travis has now claimed her.

I have been a member of the NB list serve for the two years that Joshua was DX and it is where other parents talk to each other and share they stories with each other and information about new clinical trials out there. I have just joined a new support group on line with NB-Angels, it is a support group for parents who have lost a child to Neuroblastoma. I was reading from it last night that another mother posted that Toby Keith(Country Music Singer)will be donating 10f the money from his concerts this year to Pedatric Cancer Research. He has a band member that lost his daughter last year to Neuroblastoma and Toby has Written a song in memory of her and all kids who have died of cancer. It has not been released yet but the name of the song is "IF I COULD ONLY BRING YOU BACK" I can't wait to hear it. God Bless Toby. I'm going to close out with this poem. Love you all. Love, Christine(Joshua's and Travis' Mommy)


I'll lend you for a little time,
A child of mine he said.
For you to love there as he lives,
And mourn when he is dead.

It may be six or seven years,
Or twenty two or three.
But will you,'til I call him back,
Take care of him for me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden you ,
And shall his stay be brief.
You'll have his lovely memories,
As solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay,
Since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught down there,
I want this child to learn.

I've searched the wide world over,
In my search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
I have selected you.

Now will you give him all your love,
Nor think the labor vain.
Nor hate me when I come to call,
To take him back again?

I fancied that I heard them say,
Dear Lord, thy will be done.
For all the joy thy child shall bring,
The risk of grief we'll run.

We'll shelter him with tenderness,
We'll love him while we may.
And for the happiness we've known.
Will ever grateful stay.

But shall the angels call for him,
Much sooner that we planned.
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes,
.......And try to understand.

...Edgar A. Guest

Saturday, February 19, 2005 1:14 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Joshua's service was beautiful and there was so much love in the air. He touched a lot of people. We would like to Thank everybody for everything they did for him and us. Thank you George and Mike for the services, it was perfect.Jamie's cousin River, who is seven years old sang "I can only imagine" it was so touching. Thank you River. Jamie's niece Lindsey sang "Roses will bloom again", she changed the words around using Joshua's name, it was great. Thank you Lindsey. I will post the words to it on the next Journal. Jamie's cousins Wendy and Susan came over the morning of the Funeral and made me a huge flower garden, we did take a picture and will post it too.Thank you both so much.
The balloon release was wonderful.We would like to Thank everyone for all the food and etc... they brought to the house and Thank you to the Churches in Troy for feeding all of the family before and after the Funeral. Thank you to the McCormick Messenger(Local NewPaper)for the write up about our sweet Joshua.
After the funeral, a friend (Sammy Davis) brought a picture by to us that he drew. It was a Picture of my daddy and Jesus holding Joshua's hands and they were walking to Heaven's Gate and Joshua had his wings already. It was perfect, all I could do was smile, because I knew it was true. They were walking him in to meet his other family members waiting on him. Thank you Sammy so much.I'm going to take a picture of it and get Jamie to post it.

I remember people coming up to me saying ,Oh you are so strong and holding up good, well not really I was numb and I knew it would be even harder after the crowd had left and it was and is. Joshua has heard me cry the most before things happened too. I know I talk crazy, act crazy and look crazy these days, but I know it's normal. I know I need a lot of prayers for strengh. I think Jamie is doing a little bit better than me, but he doesn't talk as much as I do either. Travis is doing O.k. he is staying busy, playing with the dogs, or playing basketball with family members. He did break down at the funeral home after everyone had left. He said,"Mommy I don't have anyone to play with anymore", I told him Mommy and Daddy would play with him.

Today, We recieved some magnets in the mail, I had put in a order for ten of them a while back. Trey's Mommy(Misty) initiated the idea for Awareness to Neuroblastoma, the proceeds go to research for Neuroblastoma, because it is the one cancer that doesn't have much funding for. The magnet is like the other ribbons you see on the back of cars and trucks. It is Golden yellow and purple(one of Joshua's favorite colors) it reads AWARENESS TO NEUROBLASTOMA CHILDEN'S CANCER. If anyone would like to order one they are $2.50 each plus shipping. I'm planning on getting a good size order so shipping depends. You can e-mail us at travjosh@yahoo.com
This made me very happy to get these in today, it cheered up my day. Some time in March there is another Mom that is getting bracelets made for Neuroblastma awareness also, and proceeds will go to research for Neuroblastoma.

I'm going to keep this web-page going for Joshua and us. Thank you all for signing in , we love to read the guestbook. Please keep us in your prayers. Love, Christine(Joshie's Mommy Forever)

Monday, February 14, 2005 7:04 AM CST

Hello All,

The day has come that we have hoped would be many years down the road. Joshua went to be with Jesus this morning at about 5:15. His breathing had gotten worse as the day went by yesterday. We layed him between Christine and me this morning about 3:30. He went in his sleep. No more suffering and no more pain is the best thing about loosing your baby. Blythe Funeral Home in Greenwood is in charge. We'll let you know about times and everything after we speak with them at 1 today. Until then, thanks for all the prayers before and please continue to pray for strenth, courage and peace for our family to face each day knowing our baby is sitting on cloud nine, to coin a phrase from Jeff and Sheri Easter.

Visitation..... will be Tuesday Feb 15th from 6-8pm at Blythe Funeral Home on Highway 25 north in Greenwood SC

Funeral.....will be at 2pm on Wednesday at Lower Long Cane Church with Internment at Troy Cemetary

At the graveside we are going to have a balloon release for Joshua. We'll be releasing pink, baby blue, and purple which were his favorite colors. Feel free to bring your own.

Thursday, February 10, 2005 6:53 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Joshua has not felt like going out to the treehouse, we ask him and he says maybe later. Joshua had Platelets and Blood on Monday. He got Platelets on Wednesday, and tomorrow he will get Platelets and Blood again. He started to have some break through pain this week with his stomach and head, so we got his pain meds increased twice. He had not had a BM in three weeks now. We have been giving him laxatives, but it hasn't been working. Well today the nurse came over and gave him a Saline Laxative, and he finally had a BM, all I could do is cry, because I was so happy that he went. He has been resting ever since it happened, praying that it helped the stomach pain.
In the past week , I have broken down some in front of Joshua. One day I was whispering in his ear that I love him while he was sleeping and just talking to him. He woke up and said ,"Mommy Its O.K. to be scared", and "Its O.K. to cry", and I just broke down in tears. He told me the other day not to worry about him and I told him that I will always worry about my babies. I sit and think these days when he's sleeping, I need him so much and I really don't know what I'm going to do. I really don't think I can handle losing my baby. I'm trying not to dwell on it, but it's so hard just watching him lay on the couch and not get up and run around with Travis. The Dr told Jamie and me that he could not tell us when things would happen, but if he guessed he thought we had weeks left. Travis knows about everything, but doesn't talk about it, and that's alright because everyone deals with things different. Some times he looks at Joshua and doesn't know what to say to him, but today he sat by Joshua and Joshua sat up on the couch and Travis put his arm around Joshua and held him up on him and they talked a little. It was a special moment between brothers.(tears for me)I told Joshua today that I hope he knows that he has a lot of angels around him all the time, and he said," you do too Mommy".

There are a lot of people we would like to thank. Mr. Sammy Davis for the sign he made Joshua for his tree house, we have got to take a picture and post it. He made a beautiful sign and painted it saying "Joshua/Travis' treehouse". Thank you so much Sammy .
We would like to thank everyone for cooking us dinners, Ms. Mildred Cox, The Young Adult Class of the Troy Methodist Church(Sandra Slay, Angie White, Deborah Peeler)
Ms. Nina Young,Mr and Mrs.Bill Walker, Mrs. Dana Rankin,Ms. Kim Poss and Roni Scott, Mrs.Kathy Kline, Mrs.Elsie Yoder and Family. Thank you Misty(Trey's Mommy) for Joshua's Birthday present and Travis's gift too.
Thank you Aunt Neva and Uncle Jerry for the Birthday present that you sent also on Monday. He loved getting two more surprises this week. We would also like to Thank everyone for all the cards that have been coming in to Joshua and Family.
We would like to Thank the McCormick Messenger Newspaper for putting a very special message to our boys in the paper.
A big Thank You to everyone for everything.
Please keep Joshua in your prayers along with Travis.
We love you all.Love, Christine and Jamie

PS....I would like to wish my sister a Happy Birthday today. Happy Birthday Doris! We love you very much.

Friday, February 4, 2005 6:00 PM CST

Hello All,

Sorry for the delay in updates. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day. Joshua got home today. They sent him home with his fluid, pain med and blood pressure med. Dr Stroud thinks he now has kidney involvement is why his BP is elevated. We would like to thank Mr and Mrs Jeffcoat for the tent,sleeping bags and other camping gear for Joshua and Travis. They got it when they found out Joshua was to get a treehouse and wanted a door on it so he and Travis could sleep in it, thanks to a "Little Butterfly"(you know who you are) and her husband. Joshua's port is lost for now. It is leaking around the needle penetration. We think it has a clot that is not letting anything in. Wednesday nurse Cynthia tried to put a PIC line (Perifrial Inserted Central Line) (in other words Amber, IV line that is inserted thru a smaller vein in the arm or leg and pushed to a bigger vein so it has less chance of blowing out) in three spots with no success. Our next option was to let the surgeons try a Jugular Central Line or to chance the arm IV that has held out so far. We chose the existing IV so Joshua would not have to go thru another surgery and spend his days with a sore neck on top of all he is going thru right now. Many, many prayers are needed for this IV to hold. Prayers for Joshua to feel better so he and Travis can get out in this beautiful weather we are suppose to have this weekend and play in the treehouse also would be appreciated. Dr Stroud also told us that with his experiences, the time may be down to the weeks. As I have said before, as long as Joshua is still breathing, there's a chance for a miracle. Through Him, all things are possible. God blessed us with this beautiful baby and has used him to touch so many hearts. If He calls him home early, He knows best. Our prayer is that Joshua be free from pain. Ms Gail Lee, who has taken our family photos lately emailed Christine to let her know that the photo she enlarged, painted and displayed at the MACK in McCormick won a merit award. Hopefully we can get to see it soon. That's about it for now. Thanks for the continued prayers and guestbook entries. Until when????

Saturday, January 29, 2005 2:58 PM CST

Hello All,

Joshua's port wanted to show out yesterday. Don't know exactly know what happened other than the flush they pushed at the doctors office was leaking under his skin. They stuck him three times trying to get it to work with no success. So it was off to upstairs where he has a bed rented for the weekend. He was stuck three more times in the arm before they got a good vein. Hopefully they can get the port cooperating so he can get all his meds going and just hang around until Monday for radiation and come home. Dr Stroud wasn't sure if Joshua could stand another surgery to place another port so that option is out. He has been fairly comfortable. Last night he was watching TV, eating jello and cake. This weather couldn't have come at a worse time as Travis and I would so dearly love being with our beloved Joshua and Mommy. Christine said the roads were white and icy looking in Greenville this morning. On the bright side, Joshua's not at home and needing to get to GHS for something on these sloppy roads. I guess that just proves God puts us where we need to be even if we are not so sure about it, huh? Thank you for all the birthday cards and guestbook entries for Joshua. He really enjoys hearing us reading them to him. Well I guess that's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

PS.... Say a prayer for sunny weather even though we need the rain

Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:53 PM CST

Hello All,

Joshua's treehouse is here. Thank you Mark and Doug for building it from Playnation, and Stephanie from Childrens Make a Wish for making it happen. He didn't feel like playing on it today but we did get a big smile when we showed it to him when he got back from radiation setups. They will be radiating the knot on his forehead and his upper left arm on Monday, Wed and Friday next week. His pain seems to be better under control now and he is still eating jello. He will probably get plateletes and blood tomorrow. Dr Stroud stopped the platelete transfusion on Wed because Joshua's blood pressure shot up. A little lasiks and it returned to normal. I got one new photo installed tonight. I'll try to get some more on tomorrow. We'll update when there is more news. Thank you for all the sign-ins and cards everyone sent to Joshie for his birthday. Thanks for stopping by and please keep up those prayers.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005 7:34 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Joshua had a wonderful Birthday today, and I heard him ask his Daddy ,"am I already six". He got lots of presents and balloons and cards. He got tons of Yu-gi-oh cards, which we got lots of smiles out of him when he opened them.He blew out his six candles and had a # six candle on his Yu-gi-oh cake. He wanted to lick the icing off the candles, which he did, and he took a few small bites of cake.He also ate some jello today that Ms. Nina brought over.
Joshua's tree house will be built on Thursday, it is suppose to take about seven to eight hours to build.

Yesterday he had to receive platelets , and the Dr's talked to us about doing radiation to the knot on the forehead (between the eyes), and his left arm, because on Sunday night , he started having some pain to it, and it is either nerve or bone pain. The radiation helped the legs two weeks ago , so pray that the radiation helps and gets him out of the house into that big tree house this weekend.Tomorrow he will need Blood and maybe platelets, then on radiation we do the lining up for that, they are suppose to be checking with Sloan on how much radiation has been given already to the head area. They told us it could be two or three days of radiation. I will know for sure on Thursday. Then back on Friday to check counts again and maybe radiation too.How many have I already confused?

I want to Thank everyone for the cards, presents, balloons, flowers, and food. Saturday night,Ms. Sandra Slay brought dinner over, and Sunday evening, Ms. Mary Holloway and Ms. Frances Gable sent dinner over. Monday evening, Ms.Dana Rankin and family brought over dinner. Today, Ms.Nina Young brought over lunch and Joshua loves her jello. Thank you all, we appreciate it very much.They're spoiling us.

Joshua has been resting a lot today, and has a little bit of tummy pain, but we had the nurse to up his pain meds and it helped a lot.Please keep him in your prayers. Love you all. Until next time. Love, Christine and Jamie

Sunday, January 23, 2005 1:35 PM CST

Prayers are working. Joshua was up at 3:30 am Monday morning eating pepperonies. His pain is easing a bit also. Now only his left arm is having shooting pain. They think it is nerve pain. Maybe its the nerves growing back that got cut during his first major surgery. God only knows. Anyway Thanks for the continuious prayers.

Hello Everyone,

Joshua had to receive blood and platelets on Friday. The nurse came out yestesday and increased the pain meds. Joshua would wake up and talk to us in and out all day, he did tell us that his head and tummy felt weird and sometimes it hurt, so the nurse came back out today and up the pain meds again, and so far he has been feeling good. He did ask for some Green Apple, so we jumped up and started cutting away, he ate about five or six pieces real slow and then wanted to take a break. It has stayed down so far(yippee). He was vomiting a lot on Thursday, so meds are on IV pump now to help. We go back to Greenville tomorrow to see if he needs Platelets.

MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION is suppose to come out this week and build Joshua a Tree House for his wish. They ask if we could make sure the ground was leveled where he wanted it built. Jamie ask a man from work if he could come out and do it this weekend,we had hired him to do some work for us when we moved here three years ago. When Jamie tried to pay him , he wouldn't take the money. We want to Thank you from the bottom of our hearts MR. Ed Hamby.

Hoping Joshua will feel better and start eating some more for that big Tree House coming and Tuesday the 25th is his big birthday, he will be 6 years old. Thank you all again for signing the guestbook.Please keep our babies in your prayers. Love you all,Christine and Jamie

Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:05 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Things have changed a lot with Joshua, he has been sleeping more these days and has stop eating and drinking. He has visable tumors on his head and one between his eyes . We went to Greenville on Monday to check counts and he had to get Platelets. Returned on Wednesday and they gave him some fuild, but counts were O.K., so we go back tomorrow to check counts again, knowing he will need Platelets, and possibly Blood. Thank you all for signing the guest book, it means so much to Jamie and Me.We don't know how much time we have with Joshua now.We are enjoying every second with have with him, holding him, loving him, talking to him . Please keep Joshua as well as Travis in your prayers We love you all, Love, Christine and Jamie

Saturday, January 15, 2005 1:52 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Sorry it has been over a week since we last updated. Seems like I can't bring myself to do the updating these days. I want to thank my wonderful husband,Jamie for doing it for me. Every since Joshua relapsed I don't like talking about the sad days, and can't seem to write the journal without crying all over the keyboards. So here goes, maybe I won't flood out the computer today.

Joshua got out of the hospital yesterday evening, he has been in for eleven days now, he finish radiation up on both legs Thursday. He had radiation for five days. Joshua's disease is packed in the bone marrow and he is not able to make his own blood and platelets, so he is having to have them every two to three days. He is still on the waiting list for MIBG therapy. Dr. Maris e-mailed us and said he had an opening on Feb 8, but we would have to see how he is doing then. Time will tell us if it is meant to be. Joshua was in so much pain last week . He had a lot of break through pain, and it tore Jamie and myself up to watch him go through it. We might not can help get rid of this monster in our baby, but there is one thing we can do for him, is never let him go through that much pain again. When Joshua's pain started he would holler,"Devil get out of me", then he would hit his legs. He said,"Mommy I can't take it any more", so we promised him that we would make sure that his pain would be under control with pain meds, and if our meds was not enough, then we would get someone in to help us. He also asked if people had pain in heaven, and I told him,"no they never have pain in heaven". My heart is breaking, because Joshua asked a lot of questions this week that brought tears . Right after we got in the hospital last week, they did scans, but nothing showed anything different that we already knew. Joshua knew that we were waiting for results, and he said,"What if the Dr. says I'm going to die". I could not say anything, until he said,"huh mommy", then I said why Joshua do you feel like they are going to say that, he said, "kinda", I said are you scared baby, he said,"Yes", and then started to cry, and I cryed while holding him. I told Joshua,"Mommy wishes she could carry your pain and cancer for you, and he said,
NO MOMMY, I have to carry it for you ,Daddy, and Travis so yall don't have any pain". I thought to myself "Where did he hear this from, but I knew who was talking within him, and was speechless. Everytime he had pain, he said ,"Mommy lets pray for the pain to go away and he would put his sweet little hands up and pray, and he also prayed for the devil and said"Stop killing everybody". He wanted to talk a lot about Heaven, so we did, even though it hurt me, but I remember before Joshua was dx with Neuroblastoma, he wanted to talk about Heaven, he also told me back then that he was ready for God to call him home, and I got mad at him and changed the subject. I know it was wrong of me, but I couldn't handle talking about it then. So now when he wants to talk about it, we talk and I try to answer him the best I can.

Since Joshua has relapsed all I can think about is Neuroblastoma, I stay on the computer trying to find something new out there that would help Joshua. I can't get the word Neuroblastoma out of my head, wondering when are they going to find a cure, will they ever find one. They have to find a cure, they need more funding, they need us pulling together and getting the word out. I could go on and on, but I know I'm just beating myself up.
Chemo has been so harsh on Joshua's body and I thought maybe if they tried one more low dose that it could help. I ask Joshua, he said,"NO mommy I don't want to do anymore chemo", then he said,"I don't want to lose my hair again". Even though in the back of my mind I want to keep pushing for it, I know he knows what he wants.Some might think he's only five, he really doesn't understand, No! I'm sorry he is more mature than most adults including myself. Joshua said the other day that Neuroblastoma was the devil. I feel like we need a plan, even though I know GOD already has the real plan.

We will go back and forth to our local Dr's in Greenville and check counts, and we will see how Joshua does between now and Feb 8. We have the "H" nurses come out next week to sign papers, and if it gets to the point where the pain meds are not strong enough, then they will come in and help make sure he is pain free. I'm sorry I can't say the "H" word, it's a problem that I'm dealing with, but I know that they are wonderful people.I know I will be able to say it soon, it just takes me time with a lot of things.
I do know one thing that Neuroblastoma cancer will never win in this household, we won't allow it, so what ever road the journey takes our family down, Joshua and all will be winners, not Cancer!
Now you all see why I don't update that much these days, I ramble too much. please keep Joshua and all the ones going through this in your prayers. Thank you all for the cards and the support you have given our family, we appreciate it and know that we have been blessed with family and wonderful friends. Love you all, Christine

Friday, January 7, 2005 6:23 PM CST

Hello All,

Joshua had both of his legs radiated today to try to ease his pain. They are planning on 5 days worth of radiation. His liver function levels are still too high right now. We'll do another chem panel on Monday to see if he can start the CEP again. The increase in pain has prompted us to look at alternatives to the CEP since it is a slow acting drug. Dr Maris is currently trying to set up a date that Joshua can get into the MIBG Therapy(internal radiation). Christine has been in contact with a couple of parents whose children were in a lot of pain and the MIBG therapy helped. This therapy has even helped to get some disease stabalized. I'm not sure of how long he would be in the hospital for MIBG but I'm pretty sure it would be about a week. With his counts doing like they are, we would probably go straight to Duke to get some of the precious stem cells that were collected February of 2003. My how time is flying. Joshua's pain has decreased some this week, so hopefully the radiaton will put a stop to it all together so he can get home to terrorize the dogs with his four-wheeler. That's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

P.S... We would like to ask everyone to say a prayer for Christine's cousin Vicki, who had back surgery today. I think this is the third surgery to try and get her syatic?? nerve problem fixed. Ricky, give her a pinch from Joshua and Travis.

Monday, January 3, 2005 8:32 PM CST

Hello All,

As I write this Joshua and Christine are on their way to GHS for a stay in the hospital. He had a fever of 103.1 at about 8:00 this evening. He received platelettes again to day. Hopefully it is something from that or the CEP working on those NB cells. Speaking of CEP, Joshua may be removed from the trial because of increased pain and put on something to work faster. What? We don't have a clue yet. Drs. Maris, Stroud and Hayes will be discussing this in the next few days. We almost had a trip to Disney with friends this weekend, but we weren't sure what Joshua's condition would be a couple of weeks before Christmas so we declined but wanted to say thankyou for the invite. Don't have too much fun without us. We heard tonight one of Joshua's balloons that were released at his FUN DAY in August was found in Lincolnton, Ga. by a family from Washington, Ga. They told us they started a three state prayer chain and GOD knows we need all the prayers we can get. This is the only one I heard of being found. Please let us know if there are any more. I guess thats about it for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Saturday, January 1, 2005 4:28 PM CST

Hello Joshua Faithful,

Our visit to the dr's office was a fairly good one. Dr Maris said he was "cautiously optimistic" The MIBG scan did show improvement(thank you LORD), but Joshua's liver function numbers were elevated. He doesn't know if it is CEP or the other medications or even combination related. We are to take a week off of CEP and see if the numbers come down. If so, we may have to adjust dosage levels. Platelettes are still being wiped out so Joshua got his second transfusion for the week before we left. Joshua is to return for MIBG, CT, and Bone Marrows the first week of February unless the timing is changed by liver numbers.
Joshua woke up with pain yesterday in his left leg. It continued thru-out the night. It has subsided some today thank goodness. Our trip home was mostly uneventful other than getting out at "A" terminal when we were supposed to be at "F" terminal in Philly. The main thing is we made it home together safely. Now our prayers are that Joshua's pain goes away and the CEP continues to work. I forgot to thank First Baptist Church of Abbeville Sunday School Class for their generous donation in my last entry. Sorry Angie I forgot to ask the name of the class. Also my sister's church Emmanuel Baptist in Greenwood for their donation. Thank you to Larry Sloan and his friends for thinking of Joshua too. We also need to thank whoever sent the Santa package from Sloan Kettering. Hope you all have a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004 11:28 AM CST

Hello All,

We finally made it to Philly last night at about 8:00. Our flight was at 7:30 yesterday morning from Columbia. I didn't allot enough time for traffic and we were THREE minutes late to check in for the flight(7:03). So we were put on standby for the next available flight. We wouldn't have made it thru security anyway. The TSA questioned us about Joshua's antibiotic hooked up to him. Screened him swabbed his hands and let us go. Meanwhile Christine had packed her haircutting scissors in the bag I didn't check. She had to take them back to the front counter to be placed in our bag that had been put in the standby area. The next flight was at 9:30. We were about to go down the runway when the missing travelers came running to the gate. Talking to the gate attendant, I found out the next flight was at 11:30 thru Charlotte, N.C with an arrival at 3:32 in Philly. Or we could wait for a non-stop at 3:40. Me being as impatient as I could be said just book us on the 11:30. We arrived in Charlotte at 12:15 go from E to B terminal, not knowing how far apart they are, rushing all the way, to load at 1:30. That never happened. The plane was in the maintenance hanger. ALL DAY. They finally found a plane to take its place, but it didn't arrive from Baltimore until 5:20. Check in at Ronald McDonald is cut off at 8:00. So we had to spend the night at the Sheraton about 4 blocks from Ronald. Swankiest place we been in in a while. Woke up this morning called Ronald and moved in. When we got to CHOP this morning, we stopped by outpatient where he gets his MIBG injection, to see what time injection was scheduled, then headed up to Oncology for CBC. We got sent around the world because it was not relayed that he was already accessed. Both oncology and outpatient wanted to stab him, four different places all total. We finally got things straight. The nurse just told us counts are good for today so WE ARE OUTTA HERE. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Thursday, December 23, 2004 10:45 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Joshua got out of the hospital today, he is still on pain medicine. The pain comes and goes in the right leg. He told me the other day that his Christmas wish was to get rid of this cancer out of his body and to keep high platelets over 50,000.My little man.We will return to Philly after Christmas and see what the MIBG scan shows and if it is stable or better, then we keep doing the CEP-701. If test show more disease, then we see how soon he can start MIBG therapy(which is a full body radiation). He is already on the waiting list for it, if needed.
Please keep Trey's family in your prayers, he went to be with Jesus last night. His web-page is www.caringbridge.org/va/trey

We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.Please keep Joshua in your prayers. Until next time. Love, Christine

Monday, December 20, 2004 10:04 AM CST

Hello All,

No news is still not good news around here. Joshua was still having leg pain, so Friday, Dr Stroud suggested having his leg radiated. We did and he hasn't complained since. He had a slight fever when he went in on Friday so they drew cultures. Dr Schmicht called yesterday and told us that something was growing, probably Staff. So Joshua was hospitalized in Greenville yesterday. He will be on antibiotics for a while. They haven't said when he can get out yet, but hopefully it will be by Thursday. That's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

We ask that you say lots and lots of prayers for Trey,caringbridge.org/va/trey,and his family, who we met in NY last year. We saw him in Philly earlier this month and thought he was going to get in on MIBG. But his disease has gotten worse.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 9:08 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Joshua loved being in the parade. We would like to Thank the community for asking him to be Grand Marshall. He loved throwing the candy out to the kids. Saturday morning a friend in the community called me up and told me that a puppy had taken up at my father's grave. The first of last week, my mom told me that she thought a wild animal was digging at Daddy's grave. Well it didn't sound right to me. In the mean while, Travis has been asking everyday for a puppy, and we have been putting him off. We told him maybe we will get one in the spring. He wants a lab puppy. When Mrs. Sandra called me Saturday morning and told me that a puppy has been hanging out at my Dad's grave, and that it was very friendly, and it looked like a lab.Well I knew we had to go get this puppy, because Papa had sent her to Travis. The boys and I jumped in the truck and went to Papa's grave, and there she was laying at Daddy's grave.Travis said,"Thank you Papa". My Dad liked to collect old Coka Cola signs and anything else that had Coka Cola on it. So that is what we named her,"COLA". She is anywhere to 2 to 3 months old, and very smart. She is already shaking hands , but she is a little confused on fetching the ball. She goes and gets the ball, but keeps on running with it.Thank you Sandra for calling.
Monday we went to Greenville and Joshua got platelets, he has got sick three days out of the six days that he has been on the CEP. Well Tuesday, things changed fast. Joshua woke up between 2:00a.m. and 4:00a.m. having pain in his right leg. I gave him some pain medicine and he went back to sleep. He woke back up at 8:00a.m. and the pain was worse, and I gave more pain Medicine, but it never helped the pain. We flew to Greenville and they gave him a lot of stronger pain Meds.It took a while for him to get some relief. It was really hard for me to control my emotions. Since he relapsed in April,I have been trying to control my emotions and not break down, but when he is in any pain thats when Christine can't handle it, so Mommy tried to hold back tears, but that's something I can't hold back. Joshua said,"Mommy why are you crying", I told him Mommy gets sad when her baby is in pain. Yesterday was a rough day. Joshua is taking pain Medicine around the clock, and it hurts to walk on the right leg. He is sleeping a lot today because of the meds. Please pray that the pain goes away and that he is up running around soon. Love, Christine

Friday, December 10, 2004 6:36 PM CST

Hello All,

Joshua has been feeling ok. Every once in a while he has a sharp pain though. We keep praying it's the CEP attacking the Neuroblastoma cells in his body and ridding him of this monster forever. The new photo was taken Nov 23rd by Gail Lee at the MACK building in McCormick. We think she did a wonderful job. But just look at what she had to work with (HA HA). Platelettes are still not holding. He bought a bag, as Dr Hayes would say, on Monday. They were at 36000 today. Hemaglobin was at 14.1, bought a bag on Tuesday. WBC was 5600 with ANC at 4928. One more dose of CEP this week then he's off for the weekend(yippee!!). This boy is going to get rich on this stuff. We made a deal if he took this all week like he is supposed to without fits, he gets a dollar at the end of the week. He could end up paying for his own college tuition. The Troy Chistmas Parade is tomorrow at 3pm and our Joshua is the Grand Marshall. That's about all the news for now. Have a good weekend. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Tuesday, December 7, 2004 7:13 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the delay. Well were do I start first? RESULTS FOR TEST: Joshua has new disease that showed up on the MIBG scan. Both Shoulders, both hips still, both legs, and knees. The head look good,and the abdominal area looked good. Dr. Maris thinks the radiation did it's job on those two spots in the head .He also said that it was all over his body in the bone Marrow. Joshua started the CEP-701 yesterday, and he threw up thirty minutes after taking it.If you throw up fifteen minutes after taking it , then you have to repeat taking the . Today, he took it and it stayed down YEAHHHHHH!! The CEP-701 is a oral chemo , and you take it for 26 days Monday thru Friday, Saturday and Sunday's are free yippeeeee! He drinks a dose with breakfast and another dose with Dinner.We come back on December 29, to see if it has helped and go from there.Jamie and I prayed with the boys the morning we went over to start the new Chemo and we prayed while Joshua was drinking it. I will always pray while he is drinking it, praying that it is cleansing his body and destroying the Neuroblastoma cells. Joshua is the sixth child in the world on this dose level of this , Please pray that it helps him along with the others. Even with all the new disease, Joshua has been feeling good, pray that it continues, NO PAIN!

For over a year. I have been reading a very amazing young man's web-page, and also got to meet him and his wonderful mother Cathy in N.Y. His name was Shane Rezmer, he was DX in 1994, and was only 8 years old. He fought a long battle, last week Shane passed away, he was 18 years old. Please keep Shane's family in your prayer tonight and always. His web-page is www.caringbridge.org/mi/shanerezmer

We are getting ready to come "HOME SWEET HOME" Please keep in your prayers all the children going through this disease Love you all, Christine

Wednesday, December 1, 2004 12:11 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

We arrived in Philly around 8:30 this morning.Joshua will have a CT scan today and a Echo test also. Things are done a little different here than N.Y. , but I'm sure that's at any hospital. The CT scan , he has to drink two contrasts before scan. he had his first one at 11:00 and the next one to drink is at 4:15, then at 5:00 he will have his scan.They give him some good fruit punch to mix the contrast with. In between all that he will have his echo done. Then tomorrow, he will have his bone marrow at 9:00 a.m. then at 12:30 he will have his MIBG injection. Before you get injection, you always have to take iodine drops to protect his Thyroid gland. At N.Y. hospital, you were to take these drops for three days, here at CHOP, you are given five doses to take. Friday, he has his MIBG scan and then we go up stairs to talk and discuss plans to start CEP on Monday, unless scans show different plans for us. I will post the phone # when I found out what it is.I know we are in Room 40 at the Ronald, but the room was not ready, so we had to leave our bags in the office and come straight over to the hospital. Please pray that scans are better, and pray that Joshua has no new spots in his little body. Love to all, Christine

Tuesday, November 23, 2004 10:05 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Joshua went to Greenville on Monday to check counts, and his blood and platelets were dropping, but WBC and ANC were on the high side.Sometimes you don't know if that is a good sign or bad. Today we received an e-mail from Dr. Maris, and he said there is an opening for Joshua, and his colleague will be in touch to arrange details. We are so Thankful for the news, and pray that it helps Joshua.

After this wonderful E-mail, I received another one from Dr. Heidi Russell. I e-mailed her last week, but thought maybe the trial was closed since I haven't heard back from her. She is at Texas Children's Cancer Center at Baylor College of Medicine Cancer Center & Hematology Service(Houston,TX).She has a Vaccine Trial for Neuroblastoma. After she verifys with Joshua's Dr that he is eligible, then his Dr. would collect about one ounce of blood to send to her. She will send Joshua's Dr. the tubes. She will use that blood to make the cells needed for the treatment. This will take about 4 months. In the meantime, Joshua should receive treatment for his Neuroblastoma as recommended by his Dr.
She wrote this explaining the Vaccine:

Our current immune-therapy trials use your child's own infection-fighting cells to attack neuroblastoma cells. We will combine his infection-fighting cells (lymphocytes) with antibodies that recognize the tumor cells. Some of the lymphocytes we use will also be able to recognize a virus that people are exposed to in day-to-day living, a virus called EBV. Our hope is that these lymphocytes that recognize both the virus and the tumor cells will be able to kill tumor cells within Joshua and live for a long time. This is a new type of treatment, so we are giving these cells to children on a clinical trial only.

Tomorrow we go back and check counts in Greenville, praying that blood and platelets are on the rise.I really feel like blood is on the rise, because Joshua has been still wide open, bouncing off the walls.I think he might need Platelets, but lets hope that I'm wrong.I will post when I hear back from Philly about when we leave.Happy Thanksgiving to all, and please keep Joshua and all the children who are fighting this battle in your prayers. We love you all. Love, Christine

Friday, November 19, 2004 8:43 PM CST


Today was a quick visit to the Dr.'s office for Joshua.He recieved platelets on Monday, and he is still holding a count of 61,000. Blood is on the rise with WBC and ANC.I believe the last time he had blood was about three weeks ago in N.Y.When I called Jamie and told him Joshua's count, he was just as surprise as I was.Joshua has been feeling good and getting in to trouble.We know tomorrow can change, but today we are enjoying every second of it.

Dr. Maris has called us and has e-mailed to about the CEP-701. He is trying to get Joshua on the week after Thanksgiving. We will know on Tuesday the 23rd of Nov, if he has a spot . If not then the next spot available is first of January, so in between the wait he would start on a oral Chemo. He has to be off of chemo two weeks before starting the CEP, so we are hoping that he can start on the 29th. We are now in that scary zone, waiting, and doing nothing, but praying that nothing is growing. Last chemo was Oct 11th, 12th, 13th. Then Radiation was Oct 25-Nov 2. We did all this in N.Y. We would like to say Hello to all the Dr's, nurse's. and friends in N.Y.

Dr. Maris located Joshua's stem cells at Duke, I tryed to find out if they still had them , but got no response. He told us that Joshua had enough for four transplants.Plus he has two million at sloan. We are very thankful for that.
Joshua's Great Grandmother is coming up on Sunday to be with us on Thanksgiving, we can't wait to see her.Joshua keeps saying "I can't wait til granny makes her sweet tea". Joshua says Granny makes the best tea . Granny is coming all the way from Mobile, Alabama.

Monday , we go in and check counts , Please pray for no transfusion.Please also keep Joshua and all the little children going through this in your prayers.Love you all, Christine

Sunday, November 14, 2004 9:26 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

We are back from Philly. Joshua almost got on the CEP-701, but someone from California beat us to it. Dr. Maris told us from the beginning not to get discouraged, because this could happen. Only three children around the world can be on a dose at a time. Joshua would have started dose 5, but instead he will be starting dose 6 in December for sure. Joshua's bone marrow at Sloan came back positive,so that made him eligible for the CEP, if he didn't have it in his marrow, then he would not be able to get on the trial, because of his platelet counts, I know it sounds weird. It's like you have to have more disease before you are eligible for certain trails, same with the MIBG therapy, you have to have a lot of MIBG uptake to be eligible for it also. You would think nip it in the bud while it is a small spot, but what I've heard is sometimes scar tissue shows up too, so you don't know if it is disease or scar tissue, unless it grows. Dr. Maris is contacting our local Dr's so Joshua can be on something , while waiting for a spot in December. He talked about A chemo pill , so we go in tomorrow to check counts and see when we can start. Joshua has been feeling good and playing wide open. Pray that it continues.

Travis has been having stomach problems and headaches for the past few weeks, it has been off and on. We have been to the doctor twice, and trying different medicines. We will be returning and requesting an x-ray and blood work done. I know he has been through so much emotional with his brother being sick, and everyone seems to think that it is his nerves and I know he has not been eating right all the time. He had waken up once last week in the middle of the night, with his stomach hurting and last night it started again. I need to know what's going on with my baby, not anymore guessing that it can be this or that. Sorry for all the babbling. Please keep Joshua and Travis in your prayers. Love you all, Christine

Thursday, November 11, 2004 4:10 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

I know don't even say it.I will stand up now and take my award for "Queen of the slackers".Today is the day we found out two years ago that Joshua had this ugly disease ,"NEUROBLASTOMA". It has been a roller coaster for him, and we pray everyday that he can slip by and beat this monster.

We just arrived today in Philly, and will be going over tomorrow to the hospital to see what trial Dr. Maris thinks that would be the best for Joshua and his counts.The Ronald McDonald House is beautiful. We are in Room 34. I will post the number when I find out what it is.Please pray that this will work for Joshua and let him be at home where he wants to be.Thank you all for the prayers and support for our family. Until tomorrow. Love, Christine

Wednesday, November 3, 2004 4:41 AM CST

Home Sweet Home and feeling Goooooooood!!!!

We pulled in last night and Joshua said "Home, I love this place". We had a little scare yesterday. A Delta rep called me at about 2:15 and said Joshua and Christine's flight had an electrical problem and had been cancelled coming into Columbia. They had one at 5:30pm thru Cincinnati and one at 9:40pm. We chose option three. A 4:44pm flight to Greenville. It takes a little longer to get home from GSP but at least it wasn't 1 or 2 in the morning. Then Christine tells me she and President Bush's cousin are talking politics in the airport in NY and just about gets left. Thank God they didn't. So we're going to try to get used to this "Home" thing again. Please pray Joshua's counts come up to meet the criteria for the CEP-701 and it works so he can spend a lot of time at home. We are scheduled to be in Philly the 12th to see. Thanks for stopping by and Keep up those prayers.

Monday, November 1, 2004 3:46 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Joshua has had a good weekend. Friday , the radiation gang has been spoiling him , Ms. Danielle had him lots of gifts, they were all yu-gi-oh gifts. Joshua was all smiles. Thank you Danielle again. They have been so good to him , treating him like a little king. Saturday, we hung out at the house and played. Sunday, Richie took the kids trick or treating at the appartment building he works at doing the week. Richie is one of the staff members here at the Ronald, he does so much for the kids here. Thank you Richie for everything you do.Well they started at the top(PH) and worked down , I believe it was 19 floors, so does anyone need any candy?Today counts were good, but might have to have platelets tomorrrow. Pray that we won't have to have them. Tonight , they are taking us to the Radio City Hall to see the Rockettes Christmas Show. Sorry so short, but the computer room is now closing. Until tomorrow. Keep Joshua and all the children in your prayers. Love, Christine

Thursday, October 28, 2004 6:22 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Joshua has had a good week, he is now running around playing with friends here in the playroom at the Ronald House. He only has three more days of radiation, Fri,Mon,Tues, . These are the test he has had this week ,EKG, CT, Urine collection,Chest x-ray, and tomorrrow he will have his bone marrow test. Dr. Maris thinks that the second week in Nov, the trial for the CEP-701 will be available for Joshua.I don't know if I mentioned it but only three children at a time can be on a dose level.We are hoping that this can help give Joshua's marrow a break and pray that disease does not take off growing.Our wish and prayer is for next time ,Joshua has scans done after this treatment, that there is improvement or either no Neuroblastoma in his body.Well another year in NY at Halloween time. What's hard is not being with our Travis and Daddy this year. First Halloween away from my Travis.Please pray for Joshua and all of the children who are going through this.Until next time. Love, Christine

Monday, October 25, 2004 7:33 PM CDT

Hello All,

Joshua's first day of radiation went well. Christine said the radiation team kept praising him for being so still. Only six days to go. We need special prayers these days for high PLATELETES, hemaglobin, and white count to remain what it was today, 5000+. Also for our guidance in making the right choices for Joshua's next step. That's about all there is for now. Their just hanging around waiting on Nov 2. Thanks for stopping by and please, please pray for those counts.

Saturday, October 23, 2004 1:39 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Where do I start, well first of all this has been a very stressful past week. We have been e-mailing, calling, and talking to lots of Neuroblastoma Parents and Doctors. We are trying to weigh out our options of what treatment that is best for Joshua. Joshua is helping us do that too. We are going for a second opinion at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia(CHOP) . There are a few things here at Sloan we can do also.

I'm sitting here this morning(Friday) writting this update at 6:05 a.m. on the Amtrak. We have an appointment with Dr. John Maris at 9:00 a.m. , we are very thankful that he could get us in so soon to talk to him, hopeful soon we can make up our mind what to do for our Joshie. The Amtrak ride is not bad, better than a crazy taxi ride, and cheaper than flying. Joshua and Travis are enjoying the train ride. We are suppose to arrive at 7:35 a.m. , so that will give us enough time to grab a taxi in Philly and the hospital is not supposed to be too far away.

Let me share last nights adventure. Everyone finally decides to let me know what they wanted for dinner, so I'm off to pick up the boys KFC and Jamie and myself Chinese. I ordered and paid for the Chinese food and told them I would pick it up on my way back, I got half way up the street going to KFC and my cell phone rings.It was Jamie, saying, "something is wrong with Joshua's medi-port. All I could hear was Joshua screaming in the back ground. I told Jamie,"I'm coming back right now". Joshua and Travis were playing with a sheet, throwing it on each other's head and when Joshua pulled it off of him, he grabed his line and his needle came almost out of his chest. I called Urgent Care and we went right over. Urgent Care will make you a little nervous when they don't have a pediatric nurse. Once their nurse started to take a look at it, she pulled the dressing pad back and the needle just popped out, so now I knew he would just get a new needle put back in. Well I never turn my head when anyone is working on Joshua. I'm like a hawk, watching ever move. Wouldn't you know , just when I let my guard down that someone try's a NO!NO!. Joshua screams and this nurse is trying to stick the same needle back in him and I yelled No! and reached for her hand and said," Don't do that", she then said," well we will have to put another needle in, Well, duh! I knew that , and she was not going to be the one I let do it. The resident on call of the inpatient came down from pediatric floor. I told her that I need and want a pediatric nurse to place Joshua's needle in, and she sent one down to us.I only had to remind her about the alcohol pads, because I saw where she had none, so I offered her mine. I tote everything with me. After all this, you think Joshua was not paying any attention of what was going on, because the next morning he said,"Daddy , that nurse last night tryed to push my old needle back in after it came out, she was trying to give me an infection in my line". We thought, Yeah, Joshua knows the rules of the game in the medical field. Jamie had to pick up dinner that I already paid for and he went and got the boys KFC, so we had dinner that night in Urgent Care.

We have now spoken to Dr. Maris, he is a very kind man and was up front about everything. He also wanted to assure us that there was no cure for Neuroblastoma, but in the mean while, hoping one day soon that a cure will be right around the corner. He did say that trying treatment for your child will give them more time here . As a parent, I never like to hear that, even if it is true. We know which ever way we choose for Joshua it has to be low dose and give his Bone-Marrow a break and pray that his disease does not take off growing fast. We have chosen to try the CEP-701 drug in Philly. If it does not work, then we will go head with the MIBG therapy and give back stem cells. We will have to travel to Philadelphia to get this drug, but the good thing is that Joshua can take it at home, and send blood work to Dr. Maris in Philly. Dr. Maris would like to see him once a month. The drug is liquid and you mix it with apple juice, he must drink this twice a day and if it works for Joshua, then he would be on it for the rest of his life. Dr. Maris did agree that Radiaiton to the new areas would be a smart move. Joshua will be finish with radiation on November 2, we pray, like every parent going through this with their child, that this will be the miracle for their baby. We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.We all will, just being together.Please keep Joshua in your prayers. Until next time. Love, Christine

Friday, October 22, 2004 6:29 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

We have had a busy day,and the computer room is closing,so I will have to update tomorrow about our trip to CHOP. Sorry for so short, but I promise tomorrow will be very long. Thank you for the prayers. Love,Christine

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 4:14 PM CDT

Hello All,

Joshua got out of the hospital today. They have been trying to regulate the vancomiasin??? (antibiotic) he is taking because of a bug(caused the fever) found in his line Thursday evening so Christine can hook him up every 12 hours for another week. He goes back to clinic tomorrow to check counts and antibiotic level. We still haven't received word on radiation or if Sloan will refer Josh to CHOP for more options. We like NY but we just can't use up Joshua's remaining stem cells on Chemo, when there could be something out there not as rough on his body that could get some results. The lack of communication this weekend has really gotten the redneck blood flowing in someone we won't mention. The NB team was to have their weekly meeting today, so maybe we will get some news soon. Please pray there is something out there to beat this beast and for high blood counts. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers for all.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 7:08 PM CDT

Another Thursday Update:

MRI results showed two new spots. One at the base of the skull and one on the left jaw. We'll be talking with docs at Sloan and CHOP and where ever the next couple of days. We'll update when we know something. Please keep up those prayers.

Thursday Update:

Joshua was admitted today because of fever. He was on 4 antibiotics at about 3:30pm and we are waiting on blood cultures and Dr Kushner to get back with them.

Hello All,

MIBG scan results were interval decreased intensity of uptake in left posterior chest wall and pelvis, consistent with partial response to therapy. Some improvement from Sept test. Mildly increased intensity of uptake in the left upper nasopharynx near the orbit is equivocal for disease vs. inflammatory condition such as sinusitis. I think this means they can't tell if it's neuroblastoma or sinusitis. So Joshua started another round of Irinotecan on Monday. Dr Kramer scheduled an MRI to check on the eye area. Then yesterday, we were in the playroom and NP Yichi comes in and tells us that Joshua is to be isolated because he is "C-diff positive"(a bacteria in the bowels causing diarreah and vomiting and yes it is contagious). Hey, now we know what was going on with Joshua's last chemo, and that's a big maybe!!! Joshua's counts were nothing to brag about on Monday. So it was possible that Joshua may not receive the full round of chemo, 4 days instead of 5. Today the counts were even lower, so it's possible he may not receive tomorrows dose. Only God can raise his counts. Christine said they don't give G-CSF while on chemo. Oh yeah, back to the MRI. Joshua was there yesterday for half of the MRI at 5pm. Today he is supposed to be the last one at 8pm. Maybe we will know the results of the MRI soon. I guess that's about all the news so far. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers

Saturday, October 9, 2004 12:35 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Well we made it here yesterday around 9:30 a.m., and it took a little while before our room was ready at the Ronald . We walked over to the hospital and got a CBC done (finger stick) and was getting ready to go get a MIBG injection for the scan on Saturday, when the Dr. told us that Joshua's blood was really low and needed to be transfused. It was 9.1 Thursday and it dropped to 7.5 on Friday. It was getting time to run down stairs to the Neuclear Medicine to get the MIBG injection. While we were waiting, the Dr. called down to speak to me and said they needed to get a cross match, because we had a second CBC done before we went down for injection and it came back 7.4, so they had to send a nurse down to us to get a cross match, because we were next to get called back for injection. Then we headed up stairs to get blood for 2 1/2 hours. We had a busy day, but was glad to get back to our room at the Ronald, I should say I was glad to get back and get some rest, because Joshua wanted to have friends over and have movies parties.The weather is beautiful today, and of course we had to visit the pokemon store.We also found a man selling on the street some Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Joshua did very good thru his scan today, he is such a little man, he is so good laying still the whole hour for the scan. Now we wait and see Dr. Kushner on Monday and discuss what's next. Please keep Joshua and everyone else out there fighting for their lives.Until next time, God Bless All, Love, Christine

Sunday, October 3, 2004 11:47 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Joshua has had a really good week, compared to the week before. Monday we went in to check counts and everything was on the high , so no transfusions, yeah! We went back on Thursday and he needed Platelets and I really think they had some extra energy in them , because Joshua has been wide open , which we love every bit of it. Travis and Joshua was in Julie Brown and Dusty Newby's wedding, friends of ours. They are such a cute couple and we wish them all the happiness in the world. Travis and Joshua did so good in the weddding and man were they soooo handsome. They were ring bearers and Jamie and I were so proud of them. Jamie is going to try and post today some pictures of them in the wedding.We have had a normal busy week this week and next week will be just as busy, besides gettting ready to go back on Friday morning to N.Y. Monday we go back to Greenville and check counts, praying for a short visit and no transfusions.Friday the 8th, in N.Y., we have a MIBG injection and that Saturday we have the MIBG scan and then wait til Monday for results on what our next plan is. Please keep Joshua in your prayers ! Until next time, Love, Christine

Saturday, September 25, 2004 6:56 PM CDT

Hello All,

Joshua and Christine got home safely last Saturday. The effects of the chemo were monstrous this time. Everything coming out and nothing going in resulted in Joshua getting dehydrated and spending the week in Greenville inpatient. He was discharged today. Before we left Christine called and said Junior wasn't acting right and she was taking him to the Vet. The vet said he was also dehydrated and probably has had a seizure. So here's another bump in the road for the Young family. We, Joshua and I, arrived home just before Christine, Travis and Junior and got to tell him good-bye. He died in my hands at about 12:30 today. Junior was a part of our family for three weeks almost to the hour. He will still be missed as if he had been with us forever. The boys are taking it well though it will be great adjustment the next couple of days. Joshua is feeling pretty good now. The diarreah is not all gone but the times between isn't every 10 minutes like last weekend. The doctor said he needs to eat and drink so it's time to put the feed bag on these boys. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

P.S... I ask that you pray for a young man in our community Jacob Deason is said to have some sort of cancer not yet diagnosed as far as I know.

P.S.S... I ask that you keep my sister and her husband in your prayers as they are supposed to go on a mission trip to Equador tommorow.

P.S.S.S... Thank you Ms. Debbie from Elberton Hospital for the Yu-Gi-Oh cards. The boys of course love them.

Saturday, September 11, 2004 9:46 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

We got some pretty good news on Thursday.Dr. Kushner call me while we were in Greenville getting blood and platelets. He said that the bone marrow biopsy and aspiration came back clear, but the MIBG scan showed a spot in each hip. He thought that it was possible that the spots showing up were maybe where the blood was pooling from bone marrow. After I told him that this time we had our MIBG scan before Bone Marrow test, he said then he still has disease there.We are going to try another round of Irinotecan on Monday and in two weeks redo the MIBG scan and see if we need to change up on treatment.It felt good getting news like that ,evening though he still has disease in him, there has been some improvement with chemo. Thank you Lord, because we know that you are the only one in charge of Joshua.We also know that the news that we got after Joshua relapsed, that everyday of Joshua's life now is a miracle.

We lost another fighter Wednesday, Justin Trotter,he was 15 years old. Continue to lift his family up in prayer. www.caringbridge.org/sc/justintrotter

Thank you for your prayers and support for our Joshie.Until next time. Love,Christine

p.s. Renee,Todd,Lori,Wayne,Camilla,Mark,Scott and Donna, we think of you all daily and love you guys.

Sunday, September 5, 2004 7:17 PM CDT

Hey Ya'll

Just a quick update. Dr. K was happy with the CT scan on Monday. He told Christine no significant change. We haven't heard anything from the MIBG or bone marrows yet. Joshua was in the iffy range with plateletes on Friday so he bought a sack as Dr. H says. White count was down a little and ANC was at 810, so after a call to NY he had to get a GCSF(neupogen) shot. He will get another tonight. Hopefully his counts will stabilize soon. Yesterday we went to the Anderson Jockey Lot and now we have a new member to our family. Travis and Joshua picked out a boxer puppy. He is just five weeks old. His mother was killed by a car this past Monday according to the owners. He has made the transition to puppy food pretty good though. Joshua and Travis are learning what parenthood is all about. Check out the new photos. That's about it for today. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Thursday, September 2, 2004 8:46 PM CDT

Hello All,

Joshua and Christine got home safely. Joshua is still feeling good. Not even really sore from the bone marrow sites. He wanted to go to O'Charley's when he got home. So we had to go. He ordered not only shrimp and fries, but also steak tips and fries. Then he didn't eat enough off of either plate to see he had been there at all. Wish his stomach was as big as his eyes. Oh well maybe one day. We should know the results of the bone marrow next week. Maybe the MIBG results will be in this weekend(by e-mail or even a phone call from NY). We'll let you know when we do. Joshua goes to check counts tomorrow in Greenville. Please pray for high counts. I want to ask you to continue to pray for sc/justintrotter. He and his family are going thru what no one needs to at any time. That's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Sunday, August 29, 2004 8:10 PM CDT

Hello Joshua Faithful,

Joshua and Christine arrived at Ronald McDonald about 9:00 this evening, safely thank the Lord. It still isn't easy watching them walk away each time,but trusting that God has led us to right place for him to work His miracles helps. Yesterday, Saturday August 28, 2004 was a wonderful day. The Kate Edwards Study Group at Troy United Methodist Church held JOSHUA YOUNG FUN(FUND) DAY. It was a day full of FUN. They had a yard sale, bake sale, auction, hotdogs, moon jumper, guessing games, throwing games, horse rides, airplane candy drop, and gospel singing and several other things I didn't get to see. Joshua kept me at the Moon Jump, Travis was running with his friends and Christine was catching up with all the hugs everyone has been sending. Joshua was treated like a king. He made the statement several times "this is the best day of my life". It truly will be a day we won't forget. I don't know what else to say other than thank you. Thank you first to the KESG and TUMC for all of the hard work in organizing this wonderful day. Thanks to all the businesses and everyone who donated items for the various sales. Thank you ALL for coming out for the fellowship, buying items and the monetary donations. But most of all Thank you everyone for the continued prayers for Joshua's complete healing from this monster that dwells within his angelic body and for the strength and courage for this family to get thru each day. I'll try to get some new photos on this week so keep checking. That's about it for today. Thanks for checking in on us and keep up those prayers.

Friday, August 27, 2004 5:27 PM CDT

Hello All,

Life is wonderful at home. Joshua has been feeling good, counts are hanging steady but he did get plateletes today. They were at 47000 today but with these wild and 100ure boys, we thought the weekend would be better and Joshua wouldn't be black and blue when he gets back to NY for testing. We have been swimming most everyday. While going to the pool Wednesday one of the wasps that decided to build their nest under the deck decided to bite Joshua on the ankle. Luckily no side effects. Travis and I have been on a wasp hunt daily. We go stomping across the deck with the water hose, spray them down and give some payback. I only saw one come out today so hopefully we are about clear. Joshua and Christine will be heading back on Sunday. Testing will start on Monday and he has a Dentist appointment that day too. Our dentist said Joshua had a chipped tooth and NY needed to do a filler on it. He also said he should be getting his 6 year old molars in soon. Joshua just wants to know when he is going to lose a tooth so he can get some tooth fairy money. Hopefully this doesn't happen when counts are low. That's about it for today time to chase some wild boys. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

P.S. Please continue to pray for a fighter from Anderson, Justin(caringbridge.org/sc/justintrotter).

And praise God for the good test results received by nc/harrison, a fellow neuroblastoma fighter who is showing the NYC crowd just about all the ways to fight this monster.

Monday, August 23, 2004 9:41 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Joshua reveived platelets today, and he goes back Wednesday to check counts again in Greenville.Praying that he will start making his own platelets and blood, and he won't have to have any more until next treatment.This evening, while I was cooking supper, I looked out the front door and saw my boys pouring sand all over each other.They were only wearing shorts , and they were having a blast, but the mom in me had to yell out the door and say you better not throw that in each others eyes.It was nice just seeing them play like normal boys.They thought that they were going to get in our pool with all that sand on them.NOT!!! Dad made them hit the shower, before they jumped into the pool.

I would like to ask everyone to lift a very special family up in prayers, their web-page is www.caringbridge.org/sc/justintrotter

Please also keep another little sweet boy in your prayers, his name is Justin Albers. His web-page is www.caringbridge.org/sc/justinalbers

Thank you for the prayers for our Joshua and God Bless you all. Love,Christine

Sunday, August 22, 2004 9:38 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Sorry , we have let a week go by before updating.We have been enjoying home, and Joshua has been feeling good. He did have to have Platelets on Wednesday, and Blood on Friday.Travis and Joshua got to go to see the new movie Yu-gi-oh this weekend.Please say some extra prayers for Jamie, he has been down with his back. He has been having some trouble with it off and on for a month. He has been to the Doctor too.We will be talking to a Doctor this week to see what his next move is.We go back to Greenville, to check counts tomorrow, Pray for high counts.I will get better on updating. Please keep our Joshie in your prayers.Until tomorrow. Love, Christine

Sunday, August 15, 2004 9:23 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

We are Home Sweet Home!!!!! Tomorrow we have an appointment in Greenville to check counts.Pray that blood and platelets are not that low.Joshua has been playing with Travis wide open.It feels so good to see him feel good and have so much energy,knowing that he has this ugly disease in his little body.
I got a call last night and was told that my brother had been in a wreck , To make a long story short,he is fine, did not get hurt, his car got bent up, but you can replace things like that,Right!After the morning light came in ,and someone had reported his car in the woods.He was awaken by someone shaking his leg, saying "Are you alright". They had to cut a tree down to get his door open first.My brother is very blessed to be here, and I know he had God right there with him through everything and our Daddy on the other side of God.
God and Daddy knew I could not have taken that kind of news , so I know that they held on to my brother as tight as they could that morning.
Please pray for the families that lives have been turned upside down from this Hurricane. Thank you all for keeping Joshua in your prayers. Until tomorrow. Love, CHRISTINE

Friday, August 13, 2004 3:14 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Joshua has finished his 4th round of chemo, we will be coming home tomorrow, if there are no delays with the weather. We get a two week break home, then come back to do test again and see where we stand. Praying that this round of chemo has kicked the cancer out of our Joshie's bone marrow.Joshua has been having a good time up here, he has met a lot of friends and has been having little parties in his room for the past few nights. His parties are playing the game cube and watching movies eating popcorn. Playing Yu-gi-oh cards and pokemon cards with his friends.Joshua and myself got to go on a double decker bus tour with the Ronald House on Tuesday, it was really nice, we got to sit on top right behind the tour guide.We can't wait to see our Travis and Daddy.We love you so much.Joshua's platelets were 37 today,so we got a transfusion to hold us til we get home. Please keep Joshua in your prayers.Thank you all for everything. Love, Christine

Monday, August 9, 2004 3:42 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Today went well for Joshua, his counts were, Platelets-93, Blood-11.1, WBC-2.4, ANC- 2.0. His platelets have not been that high in a long time.That is a plus for him starting chemo, we usually start at 40 or less. He hung out in the playroom with his friend Robert playing Yu-Gi-Oh cards while getting chemo today. Robert is almost 10 years old. Travis and Joshua met him this summer at the Ronald McDonald House. Robert's older sister also goes to Sloan. Joshua really enjoys hanging out with the older kids like Travis's age.Four more days to go and back to Home Sweet Home.Well got to go ,computer room closing. Please keep Joshua in your prayers.Love, Christine

Sunday, August 8, 2004 7:48 PM CDT

Hello All,

Joshua and Mommy landed in New Jersey safely tonight at about 7:15. They finally let us know the were safe at Ronald about 9:15. The wait won't be too long this time until we are back together in the Great Big Metropolis of Troy. They are supposed to do this round of Irinotecan and come back to Travis and I on Saturday, wait for two weeks or so for recovery and return to NYC for testing later this month. Please pray for smooth sailing in The Big Apple this week and that the chemo wipes out all of the NB cells left in our baby's body. We'll update when there is more news. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Tuesday, August 3, 2004 10:39 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

It has been a while since I have updated, but Jamie, my wonderful husband does a better job updating than me. Thank you darling so much. Travis had a Birthday on July 25, he turned nine years old.I can't believe my baby is that old already.He starts back to school on Thursday the 5th.Joshua had to have a blood transfusion yesterday,it did help his energy level. Twice last week he had a different kind of headache than usual. He said,"either it is the chemo,cancer, or a new tumor, but something is going on in my brain". My heart just sinks,then I pray for it to be just a regular Headache. Today he had another Headache.When you live in the cancer world, you don't think about regular pain that just happens, the first thing that comes to my mind is the disease itself.We go back to Greenville to check counts on Friday, praying that counts will be high.
I would like to Thank again everyone for the prayers,support,cards,flowers,food, and just being there for our family during the loss of my father.I miss him so much, it really has been hard these days.People say,"Christine , you are so strong", well I know God thinks I'm strong, but I don't think I'm as strong as he thinks I'am.I know that I have been BLESSED in my life with all of my family and friends.
I would like to ask everyone to lift a family up in prayer .Liz and Jay Scott's daughter, Alex passed away Sunday. Alex was eight years old, she was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma,two days before her first Birthday. At age four, she decided to help find a cure, she wanted to sell Lemonade to help raise money for research. She opened her first lemonade stand in July 2000 , in her front yard.Her goal was to raise this year, One million dollars to pediatric cancer. Alex's lemonade stands are all over the US, they have already raise $700,000.Please keep this family in your prayers. Their web-page is www.caringbridge.org/pa/alexscott
We are suppose to go back to N.Y. this Sunday, and start Chemo Monday thru Friday, then fly back home Saturday.Stay home for two weeks, then go back for testing, and see where we stand.Please keep Joshua in your prayers.
Thank you all for everything, Love, Christine

Thursday, July 29, 2004 3:34 PM CDT


We're back on line. Joshua has been experiencing the wonderful(not) side effects of chemo this time. Not really sickly, but headed to bathroom or to the trash can a lot more than the second round. He has still been a little trooper, as always. He went back to Greenville today and received a platelette transfusion. He was at 25000 so they gave them to him to get thru the weekend without an emergency trip. Not much else going on here. Just enjoying having our family back together at home for a short while. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers

Friday, July 23, 2004 5:32 AM CDT

Hello All,

Our home computer has received a lovely present from someone, a virus, so it may be far and few between on updates. Someone needs to break the keyboards of people who send out these special gifts to unsuspecting people, but that's enough of that. Joshua has done well with this round of chemo so far, no nausea and few aches. I think the plan is, now don't quote me on this because you know how our plans change from day to day, Joshua comes home on Saturday, recovers from this round of chemo, gets one more round of chemo, recovers then he does testing again and sees what's next. They went to see Spider Man yesterday then, when they got back to RMH last night they had Christmas in July. Santa Clause, presents and everything. Thank you again Ronald McDonald for helping these kids to forget that life is just hospitals, doctors and nurses. I guess that's it for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Friday, July 16, 2004 8:14 PM CDT

Hello Joshua Faithful,

Sorry for no updates, things have been crazy around here. We did finally get results from NY. Dr K said the tests look promising. "Everything looks stable"and "Looks like we are headed in the right direction". But, there is still a small amount of neuroblastoma cells in the aspiration part of Joshua's bone marrow. So, it's at least one more round if not a couple more rounds of Irinotecan. He's still feeling good and looking good. Playing in the pool and is now brave enough to do a semi-cannon ball. I lift him out of the water and drop him with his life jacket on and nose pinched of course. He even got high enough tonight to touch the bottom. Thanks to all for the kind words, food, help, and shoulders to lean on with the passing of Christine's father. He will surely be missed by all. Christine has even more on her now, so please pray for her strength, faith and courage to face each day with that beautiful smile. That's about all the news from the hill today. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

P.S. Check out the new photos

Sunday, July 11, 2004 11:17 AM CDT

Hello All,

Joshua had to have blood transfusion on Friday. He wasn't too happy either, but we made it thru. Then it was off to the Pokemon Center and to Toys-R-Us. He is still feeling pretty good these days. Saturday we got a call that Christine's father, Pete Parsons, had had a heart attack. We will receive family and friends at Blyth Funeral Home in Greenwood SC tomorrow, Monday night from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. The funeral will be at 2:00pm on Tuesday. That's all the news for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Thursday, July 8, 2004 11:38 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Joshua had his bone marrow test and MIBG injection yesterday, and he had his MIBG scan today. Tomorrow he will have the CT scan. Please pray for good news. Monday or Tuesday we should know some results, so we will hang out for the weekend. Maybe go to the Pokemon store or "Toys or Us ". Joshua has been feeling really good. He is a little sore from the Bone marrow test.Thank you all for your prayers and support.Love, Christine

Monday, July 5, 2004 8:09 PM CDT

Look Out New York, the wild boys from Troy SC are back in town.

Joshua, Travis and Christine arrived in Newark about 8:15 tonight. They had a delay of about an hour and a half in Augusta due to weather somewhere on the route. Christine said it was clear in the NY area though and HOT. One prayer was answered with a safe trip. Please continue to pray for good test results this week. We'll update when we have some news. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Sunday, June 27, 2004 1:21 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

It is so good to be home.We went to Greenville on Wed and Fri, and Joshua's counts have been dropping, but no transfusions yet. Dr. Kushner wanted us to start GCSF shots if his ANC count went under 1000, then we would have to give him a few shots, so on Wed there were 767. He told us to give him one on Thursday and one on Sunday. Hoping that is all he will need.Jamie gives the shots, he gives them in Joshua's leg, which no five year old can ever get use to it, it's awful at times.We go back to Greenville tomorrow, hoping blood and platelets have started to rise.
Joshua has been feeling really good, he has been playing,picking,fighting,with Travis and swimming with the family.We go back to NY on July 5, and start test on the 6,7,and 9. Then wait over the weekend for results. Might get to start another round of chemo or start a new protocol with a different Antibodies.Joshua is up to 41 lbs.Thank you all for the prayers and support, and please continue to pray that Joshua kicks this beast out of his little body and it never returns again.God Bless, Love, Christine

Tuesday, June 22, 2004 8:25 PM CDT


And enjoying every minute. Joshua goes for counts tommorrow in Greenville. Not much other to say for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers

Sunday, June 20, 2004 1:30 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Joshua finished Chemo on Friday.He has been wide open,feeling really good. His blood was 8.1 and Platelets were 31, so he got blood , because we didn't want to visit Urgent Care over the weekend. He goes in Monday to check counts. He might have to have Platelets. It would be nice if counts were sky high, but just finishing Chemo, I know they will drop. Just looking at Joshua this days,you would never know he was so sick with this disease back, other than his hair is coming out.
Plans are to go home soon and recover from this 2nd cycle of Chemo and come back up in two to three weeks to redo test and go from there. Joshua asked me this morning when are we going to stop coming up here.I told him when he got better. He said,"I'm already better.
Travis gave us a scare last night. He and Joshua were playing with some kids in the playroom and I was watching them and talking to some parents. Travis was running again and slipped and fell.He hit the corner of a wood table, just inches away from his left eye.I saw it happen and ran to him.He got up holding his head and crying loud. I just knew I was going to see blood, but instead he has this big big goose egg.He was very lucky not to have to go to the hospital. We have to hurry up and get home, so these boys can run outside. Please keep Joshua and Travis in your prayers. LOVE, CHRISTINE

HUGS AND KISSES FROM US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:26 PM CDT

Hello From Us Slackers,

No news is a frustrating time, I know. There's really not much news to tell, other than Joshua is doing chemo(BIG YUK!). He has been holding his own for now. No vomiting, although he did get a queezy stomach today. His counts have been pretty good except for HMG. It's down to 8.4, means he will probably get blood tommorrow. Plateletes are hanging around 35000, can't remember exactly. White are hanging around 1500 and ANC is hanging at 1100. Two more days to go. Please pray they don't drop too far and kicks the neuroblastoma cells out. Travis has been good therapy this time for both Joshua and Christine. He has been pushing the stroller and taking care of his baby brother. He and Joshua have had a standing date outside the room on the forth floor waiting on Sue(RMH) to chase them for kisses. I know, no running inside. They need to move the Ronald to Central Park and turn these wild boys out. They will be home soon. I just hope the weather will cooperate and let the outside. Until next time. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

P.S. Please say a prayer for our fellow Carolinian Justin. He was having surgery today to try to clean out an infection that set in after his surgery to remove his left leg. His websight is caringbridge.org/sc/justintrotter.

Friday, June 11, 2004 4:36 PM CDT

Hello All,

Test results are in, no sign of progression. Joshua will start another 5 day round of Irinotecan on Monday. His counts seem to be on the rise, Hmg 10.1, plateletes 62000, after transfusion on Wednesday at 20000, Wht @ 2000 with ANC @ 1200. Still full of energy and raring to go. The hospital hooked us up with some tickets to the Yankee's game yesterday. They treated Joshua and Travis like KINGS. They sat in the dugout next to Coach Joe Torre's press conference, got a MLB baseball apiece, got to go up the tunnel to the locker room door and watch the players pass in and out. They got several autographs, but Travis was hoping for Gary Sheffields, I was hoping they could get A-Rod's and Jeter's, just didn't happen. We did get a picture with Tommy Lasorda(coach of the Dodgers in my childhood) and Bernie Williams signed the balls then went out and had his 2000th hit. We came back out to be seated two rows from the field, behind the netting at home plate. The hostesses told the boys to order whatever they wanted to eat and drink, their treat. They even brought a goodie bag for each. A big thank you to the childlife ladies Jennifer, Therese, and Aimee, and to the Yankees. They show the day games at night here and last night after the entertainment here at Ronald we saw ourselves on TV when we got back to the room(waaaayyyyy coooolllll). Tomorrow we're traveling to Hershey Park(Pa) with the Ronald House. They say we leave at 7am and will probably get back about 8pm. So I had better close for now and get some rest. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Tuesday, June 8, 2004 1:21 PM CDT

Hello All,

Some good news, the spot on the liver has not changed from the CT scan in April. The MIBG hasn't shown significant(sp?) change. We are still waiting on the urine levels to make sure the neuroblastoma hasn't taken off again. Joshua's counts are still declining, well plateletes and whites are. Todays counts were hmg 9.8 up 2 tenths, white count was down to 1500, plateletes were 19000 with ANC of 1000. Dr K said this is probably still radiation working on Joshua since a lot of marrow cells come from the pelvic area. He also said chemo could be started next week if results come back good. We're talking about another round of Irinotecan, then possibly start a protocall with arsenic. It seems the arsenic helps fight disease without effecting counts. We also talked about a new protocall that is coming out, with government approval, this summer. It deals with the 3F8, Beta-glucan and GM-CSF. Dr K seemed a little more positive today with no changes to the liver spot, but only God knows what lies ahead. Joshua's still on the go with so much energy and Dr K is still amazed at all he's been thru and as active as he is. Since I haven't heard him lately, I better close for now and see what he and Travis are up to. Thanks for stopping by and keep those prayers.

*****NEW PHOTOS**********

Monday, June 7, 2004 11:14 AM CDT


We got Joshua's counts and they are a little low, 9.6 hmg, plateletes 23000, whites are 1900. We talked to a new NP, didn't even get her name, she said that plateletes were to low to start chemo. So I guess they were at least thinking of going ahead with another round. Joshua keeps using his platelets up having a grand ole time with his new little buddies, Vincent, Justin, Jessie(Jessica), Tommy and big brother Travis. Thats about it from the Big Apple today. Gotta go chase some wild younguns.

Please pray for higher counts tomorrow and everyday for Joshua and all these little angels fighting.

Hello All,

Sorry we didn't update this weekend. We won't know the results until tomorrow looks like. They couldn't fit Joshua's CT scan in until today. We're at the clinic now waiting on counts. Hopefully tomorrow brings good news. We enjoyed the latest Harry Potter movie on Saturday and yesterday we went to a street fair that several families from Ronald went to. The pricing still amazes me. $2 for a roasted ear of corn. Christine got the boys a corndog apiece and one order of fries and had to pay $12. It was an experience though. Better go for now and let someone else take a turn. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

P.S. Mary you don;t have time to be checking on us. You have to get that ball team to keep on winning

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 9:12 AM CDT


Hope is a beautiful answer to many difficult questions. Hope only asks that you believe. Hope only wants you to receive. Hope is "hanging in there" until help arrives. Whenever a day didn't go as planned, hope is there as a comforting guide to help you understand.

Hope is a quiet, personal place where you can always take shelter. Hope is the warm and welcomed knowledge that beautiful possibilities exist. Hope is all these special things, and in simply knowing this___________

When hope is all you've got....
you still have got a lot.

___________ Collin McCarty Hello Everyone,

I thought this poem was perfect for our family. We are headed back up to N.Y. Joshua will have a MIBG and a CT scan on Thursday and Friday. Monday we will get results, if test show improvement, then he will have another five days of low dose chemo, if test show no improvement, then we will get a new plan.

Sorry I didn't update over the weekend. Joshua counts had dropped on Friday, and I knew that it was either the chemo doing it or the disease. I did not dwell on it and decided not to think of the cancer world of the weekend, and enjoy it with my wonderful family.

Tuesday, Joshua's counts went back up, and he has been feeling great. His hair has been coming out, and he keeps asking me if he has a bald spot yet. When we told Joshua that his cancer had come back, he cried, and said I don't want to lose my hair again. Jamie has shaved his head again, he is the best dad, I love you darling so much.

We would like to Thank Everyone for the prayers and support for our Joshua.Unitl next time. LOVE, CHRISTINE

Thursday, May 27, 2004 3:35 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

We all went last night to see Shrek 2, and it was great. The Donkey is our favorite character. Joshua is back to his old self, playing, picking, fussing, fighting, with his brother.He has been feeling really good other than tiring so easy. Who wouldn't after everything he has been through? He has been having a really good appetite though hopefully we will see this on the scale. He orderd a small order of Nachos when we got to the theater last night and right before it came on, he wanted another order, so Jamie went and got it. He ate the both orders all by himself. We go back to Greenville tomorrow, pray that Joshua's counts will continue to rise. Time to go to Travis's Ball game. Until tomorrow. Love,Christine

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11:28 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Joshua is having better days,today he seems back to himself.His counts have been coming up on their own, he has not had to have any Transfusions. Pray that is stays that away.I'm praying that the chemo and radiaiton is clearing up his bone-marrow and taking care of that spot on his liver.Dr's feel good about his counts, how he is holding his own.Dr. Kushner called yesterday and wants us to come back on June 2, to do a CT and MIBG scan. If scans show improvement, then that Monday he will do another five days of low dose of chemo.This Friday Joshua will go back to his Dr's in Greenville to check his counts. Pray for high counts, and no Transfusions. Please keep Joshua in your prayers. Love, Christine

Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:52 PM CDT

Hello All,

Sorry for so long between updates but we haven't had time since we have been swimming almost everyday since we got back to God's country. Joshua has been feeling pretty good except for all the vomits on Friday. He has been eating and drinking though, thank goodness, but still can't seem to gain any weight, but we are still trying. His counts seem to be trying to go up on their own(praise the Lord). He hasn't needed blood since May 6 to get level up over 10 for the radiation he recieived. He got plateletes on the 7th because one of the NPs said they needed to be 75000 or better to start chemo. They never made it to 75, but what he got sure seemed to help with recovering. He goes back to Greenville to check counts again on Monday. Maybe we will have more to tell ya then. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

P.S. Please pray for my friend, John Davis' family for he lost his battle with Renal Cell Wednesday evening

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:11 PM CDT

Hello All,

Just a quickie today. Joshua's counts are still falling. When he goes in tomorrow he may need platelettes since they were 26000 today. Maybe some home cooking will do the trick.


Didn't mean to alarm anyone, but Joshua did not receive his stem cells on Monday. We're just waiting to see if he can recover on his own.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 1:29 PM CDT

Hello All,

It's time to update before we are called "slackers" again. Not much to say, other than Joshua has been feeling pretty good these days. We went to the park yesterday and Travis and Joshua played and played. His counts were up a little bit on Friday from Thursday's. Sometimes it makes me wonder how they keep up with who's is who's with so many blood samples going thru the lab. Maybe it's the chemo and the radiation clearing Joshua's body of this beast. Only heaven knows for sure. So we will go another day praying for the best results. The boys and I are taking Christine to "The Wolf" tonight for her birthday. It's bad to be so far from home on her big day but maybe the potato soup(it's awesome) will console her some. Joshua goes to clinic tomorrow to check counts. Since they haven't really dropped yet, we don't know what to expect. Dr. K said he gets stem cells no matter what and Dr. Modac says he may not need to get them. When we know something we will let you know. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 7:27 PM CDT


Joshua has been doing well with the radiation. He has been making the most of life in the Big Apple. He has had Mommy and Steven playing with and chasing him around so much, I think they are the ones who need a week off with rest. He started the chemo yesterday. Christine decided Joshua would only get the Irinotecan, not wanting him to be so beat down. He has to be the most considerate child I have ever had the pleasure to be around. Almost everything he wins at the games he participates in at Ronald or the hospital, he gets them for someone else. He won a Barbie Doll for Christine back during one of his surgeries to replace the one he broke. He won some prizes at Ronald, to give to some of his friends at the hospital. And today he won at bingo and picked out a prize for he and Travis. He is going to surprize Travis when he sees him with it, so ssshhhh. I'm so proud of our baby, words cannot explain. While I'm bragging, Travis made the all A honor roll for the third time this year(first, second and fourth nine weeks) thru all the chaos we've been thru. He must have a good teacher. Thank you Ms Lloyd, Mrs. Rice and Mrs Rose for working with us this year. A special thank you goes to Mrs White and her whole family. She has helped us get Travis to and from school and taking care of him the first week of transplant while I was in NY with Joshua and Christine. I don't know what we would have done without you. Thank you so much. Guess that's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep praying for Joshua's healing along with all others fighting.

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 8:36 PM CDT


It's been a very long week already. Monday was spent mostly at the day clinic. We go in to see Dr K. and he asks us what do we want to do. What can I say, I felt like everyone had given up on Joshua. It made me very angry to start with and then I realized, this isn't the only place that deals with this beast in our baby. We will search, scratch, beg and plead and fight this fight with every ounce of energy as long as Joshua wants to fight or until he is cured. Anyone with any ideas about where to go after relapse, please sign the guestbook or e-mail travjosh or tjshill02 @ yahoo.com. Right now, we have decided that Joshua will be taking radiation starting Thursday and Friday this week on the hip area. He will finish Monday thru Friday of next week. Next week he will also be taking Chemo(Irinotecan and Temozolomide). The following Monday, May 17th, he will receive the remainder of his stem cells they have in NY. This will be done because of Joshua's continuous low counts since his first round of radiation back in January. If no fevers, hives, or other reactions, we will return home to recoup. His counts will be a great concern to start with, so please call before you come to check on him. I guess thats enough rambling for one night. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers for Joshua's complete healing with this treatment. No more low blood and no more NEUROBLASTOMA!!!!!

P.S. I'd like to ask you to pray for a friend of mine too. John Davis is his name. He has been battling cancer himself. Recently Hospice has been called.

Oh by the way, Joshua has been feeling great. Running and playing at RMH and at the Day Clinic.

Christine found this poem on another site and it just fits

Life is good,
Life is normal,
Then there is pain,
And much turmoil.

The cancer is found,
It has attacked our child,
Our lives have changed,
And not just for awhile.

The testing begins,
Followed by chemo & hospital stays,
We all pray real hard,
To make it just go away.

Surgery, transplant and
Radiation are the norm,
This isn’t the life you envisioned,
When your child was born.

Then remission is sent down,
From the heavens above,
Like a sparkling angel,
Or a snow white pure dove.

The time without chemo
Or drugs and the pain,
Must be cherished forever,
Because it may not come again.

Then your world falls apart,
The cancer is back,
You fear the unknown,
While planning an attack.

The odds are against you,
A long shot at best,
But you will not give up,
You must fight like the rest.

There have been others before you,
That have fought the monster and lost,
The families that have been there,
Have paid the ultimate cost.

These angels will be remembered,
Their names etched into our brains,
They were passionate about everything in life,
From fishing to trains.

So we’re back in the saddle,
Fighting our own little war,
Trying to keep up the faith,
For the one we adore.

We walk in other’s footsteps,
And create some new ones too,
We pray our will and hope,
Will remain strong and true!

Saturday, May 1, 2004 2:52 PM CDT


God is not finished with Joshua yet. Dr K called Christine yesterday with the news a parent with a child fighting cancer dreads to hear, "relapse". Joshua had neuroblastoma cells in his bone marrow(left rear site). It so hard to believe this monster is still in Joshua's body as good as he is feeling. Dr K says options are minimal at this point with Joshua's low blood counts. He is talking about low dose chemo and possibly, no probably, give him some of his left over stem cells from transplant. Mommy and Joshua will probably be headed back to NYC tomorrow to see Dr K about starting chemo. We'll update when we know something new. Thanks for stopping by and keep praying for God's healing for Joshua and strength and guidance for us in this fight for Joshua's life.

Christine found this poem on another site and it just fits

Life is good,
Life is normal,
Then there is pain,
And much turmoil.

The cancer is found,
It has attacked our child,
Our lives have changed,
And not just for awhile.

The testing begins,
Followed by chemo & hospital stays,
We all pray real hard,
To make it just go away.

Surgery, transplant and
Radiation are the norm,
This isn’t the life you envisioned,
When your child was born.

Then remission is sent down,
From the heavens above,
Like a sparkling angel,
Or a snow white pure dove.

The time without chemo
Or drugs and the pain,
Must be cherished forever,
Because it may not come again.

Then your world falls apart,
The cancer is back,
You fear the unknown,
While planning an attack.

The odds are against you,
A long shot at best,
But you will not give up,
You must fight like the rest.

There have been others before you,
That have fought the monster and lost,
The families that have been there,
Have paid the ultimate cost.

These angels will be remembered,
Their names etched into our brains,
They were passionate about everything in life,
From fishing to trains.

So we’re back in the saddle,
Fighting our own little war,
Trying to keep up the faith,
For the one we adore.

We walk in other’s footsteps,
And create some new ones too,
We pray our will and hope,
Will remain strong and true!

Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:35 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,
I really don't have any answers yet, yesterday Dr. Kushner called me and said that the spot on the liver has not changed in size , so he felt good that it was not any bigger, and he said that the MIBG looked okay, but did not have the full report on the scan yet, so I ask him if we go home, and he said Yes, that he would call me and let me know of the results of Bone Marrow. So we went a head and got tickets to leave tomorrow evening. Today we went over to the clinic to get Platlets, and Dr. Modak told me that the MIBG showed a spot on the left hip bone, and it was close to were they did the Biopsy ? for bone marrow, so they did not know if it was new disease or what. He wants us to come over in the morning, because he put a rush on the results of bone marrow. If the bone marrow comes back positive, then it means Joshua has relapsed, if it comes back Negative, then they want to do a PET scan , and they only have an open for one on Tuesday. So we pray and hope that it is Neg,but that still does not mean that things are clear. You can have a clear Bone Marrow and still have disease in the body.What ever the out come is , we are going home tomorrow, we both want to go home and if it means we fly back up Monday for a PET scan , than that is what we will do.Joshua has so much scar tissue in his little body that it takes a while for the Dr's to decided what is what. I pray for good news in the morning and if it is God's will to hear the news we don't want , then I pray for him to hold me up.The waiting has been so long. Please keeep Joshua in your prayers, Until Tomorrow, Love Christine p.s. Thank you Jennifer for the E-mail, I really needed that.

Saturday, April 24, 2004 5:53 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,
Soooooooooo sorry it has been soooo long since we last updated, but we have been having problems with our computer. These extra two weeks that we have had at home, have been so wonderful,normal,fun,days. Well it is about that time to go back up tomorrow to N.Y. Monday, we go in and talk to Dr. Kushner and check blood counts. Tuesday, Joshua has a CT scan at 9:40 a.m. and after that he will have his Bone Marrow checked, then at 3:00 p.m., he will have a MIBG injection. Wednesday, he will have a MIBG scan at 9:00 a.m. Maybe Thursday, we will hear from most of the test results. We really don't know what treatment we will be on, until after results. I have talked to Joshua about a little of what is going on, and he said,"Listern Mom, Daddy told me that he had a dream and an angel came to him and said everything is going to be alright", and I told Joshua he was so right. It feels like our family has been on a roller coaster, up and down, but God is good and we have been blessed of what Joshua has already been through. Joshua is playing Tee-Ball and they won their game Thursday night. YEAH! GO BRAVES! Travis is playing Little League and his team is also the Braves too. I can not remember if I mention that Travis was on the A/B honor roll ,the third nine weeks, and he got a plaque for Good Citizen Award for the entire third grade and another plaque for being selected as school-wide Good Citizens. His picture was in our local newspaper. Yes, I had to get my bragging in on my babies. Please keep Joshua in your prayers,Love, Christine p.s. I would like to share another one of Joshua's prayers, "God ,Please let this spot be scar tissue and not cancer again, and don't let Mommy ,Daddy, or Travis get it.AMEN", TEARS FOR ME.

Saturday, April 10, 2004 9:25 PM CDT

Hello Josh Fans

It is with mixed emotions that I write this entry. I am glad that Joshua and Christine will be staying home with Travis and I, until the 25th of April. But also deeply concerned because Dr K. from NYC said that the spot on Joshua’s liver is at this time is a real concern. He also is concerned with the spot in his chest. Joshua will retest on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of April. Bone marrow, CT, and MIBG and probably Urinalysis. The preliminary report from Greenville says a 13mm x 9mm lesion is on the left lobe of the liver. At the top of the report it says the reason of the report is a lesion on the right lobe of the liver. Who knows what the world they are looking at. Dr. La Quaglia, THE MAN, did a biopsy of the liver when he removed Joshua’s Adrenal Gland and Adrenal tumor back in October of 2003. Could this be what they are seeing? Is it a deposit of iron due from the so many blood transfusions he has received since radiation? Only heaven knows. All I know is Joshua, Travis, Christine and I had such a wonderful day today with our families over for our Easter dinner. Our cousins Ricky and Vicki living in Rockingham NC came for the day. It was so good to see them. We haven’t seen them in almost a year. Maybe Ricky can get a Roadmaster job with the railroad someday a little closer. Joshua played his little heart out today with Travis and his cousins Briana, Katie, Johnna, Zack, and Gage. His cousin Amber didn’t get to stay long since she had to go to work. Cousin Chance had his girlfriend as did cousin BJ. Uncle Steven brought his girlfriend too, so it wasn’t much playing with these guys. Joshua just woke up from his late nap wanting to know if it was Easter morning. He tried to hang on without one today, but about 7:30 or so he crawled up in Mommy’s lap and off to la la land he went. I’ll try to get some new photos on tomorrow. Gotta go for now. Sunrise services are at 7:00 in the morning and its getting late. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.


Monday, April 5, 2004 9:06 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Joshua had to get blood and platlets today, it was a long day. I was told by Dr.Hayes today in greenville, that the Radiologist sent the MRI scan to NY. I called NY and the person I talk to ,didn't know yet if they had received it .So maybe tomorrow will be the day ,we can get an answer. The waiting is hard. Thank you all for the kind words in the Guestbook. Please keep Joshua in your prayers.Until tomorrow, Love,Christine

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 7:16 PM CST

Sunday 4-4-04

Still no info on the MRI results. Last we heard Greenville was trying to get a copy of the CT scan from NY to compare. Maybe that means they didn't see what NY was talking about? Only Heaven knows for sure. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Hello Everyone,

Sorry about no updates, but we have been enjoying Home Sweet Home. We have most of the scan results in.This morning, Joshua and myself were on the way to get the oil changed in our vehicle. We were almost there and Dr. Kushner called on the cell phone from New York. He told me Joshua's bone-marrow test came back neg and MIBG scan is neg, and urine test was good, but there was a question about the CT scan, and this is where I lost it this morning. The CT was showing something on his Liver, that had never been noticed before. He also said that in Joshua's right chest still shows something, well we knew since after Transplant the CT was showing something in his chest,but they believe that it was scar tissue from the big Surgery he had.I didn't ask any questions this morning, all I could do was cry, and I couldn't stop. Dr. Kushner ask me was I still there on the phone,he ask me to call our Dr's in Greenville and set up a MRI , to get a better picture of the liver and chest.I know that it is a 5hance that this beast could be back in our baby and not pick up on the scans. Joshua will have a MRI ,tomorrow at 1:30p.m.
I pray that it is only scar tissue from his last surgery,because back in October they took a biopsy of his liver, when they removed his Adrenal Gland.I hated to break down in front of Joshua this morning, after I got off the phone with Dr. Kushner, Joshua said, "What's wrong Mommy, has my cancer come back". It is so hard to explain to a little one. Joshua was just talking about the other day that he was so glad that he did not have to take Chemo anymore, and he is so proud of his hair these days. I pray that he will never ever have to take Chemo again, and that he stays Cancer Free from this Beast. Please pray for MRI test to come back with no signs of Neuroblastoma. or any other problems. Please keep Joshua in your prayers.LOVE,CHRISTINE

Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:49 PM CST

Hello Fans,

Joshua and Christine have made it back to God's country. They are headed to Greenville tomorrow because Joshua's counts continue to decline. Probably have to get blood and platelettes. We haven't heard anything on testing yet. Probably e-mail Dr. Kushner or maybe Drs Hayes or Stroud could hear something tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Prayer Request

Joshua's blood counts will start to regulate without transfusions.

And mainly that this is still from the radiation and nothing else.

Saturday, March 20, 2004 7:54 PM CST

Hello Josh Fans,

Joshua has completed his third cycle of 3F8 antibodies. Now its on to the nerve racking days. He starts out on Monday with Bone Marrow aspirations and CT Scan. Tuesday he gets his MIBG injection and on Wednesday has his MIBG Scan. Christine said they will probably go over on Thursday morning to get blood counts checked and get the results of the CT and MIBG Scan. We'll update when we find out something. Pending counts he'll probably be headed to Greenville Monday or Tuesday. Fridays counts were platelettes 33000, wbc was 3500 anc was 2700 and hemaglobin was 9.9. Please pray for negative tests and counts stabilize soon, very soon. That's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

P.S. I'm sorry your B-Day present was so late Lori, but glad you finally got it.

Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:26 PM CST


Hello Everyone,

Joshua had pain with treatment today, not as much as yesterdays . One more day to go .Joshua's counts are WBC-1.5, HGB-10.2,Plts-24,ANC-1.0
Tonight the SNOW STORM IS SUPPOSE TO COME, well maybe the snow will start to melt on the first day of spring. Sounds like crazy weather to me.
Almost everyday I go on lots of web-pages of children who have Neuroblastoma,you hear sad stories and very uplifting stories. It is nice to hear how good some are doing .I just found out that three girls,Robyn,Cerria,Michelle, who I have been keeping up with, have lost their battle to Neuroblastoma this week.Please keep their Families in your Prayers.LOVE,CHRISTINE p.s. This background is for you, Lori.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:03 PM CST

Happy St.Patrick Day!

Today was like a normal day with the 3F8 treatment, Joshua had lots of pain and hives. His counts were, WBC-2.2
HGB-10.4 , PLTS-23 ,ANC-1.4
His Platlets have been going up and down in the 20's, when they go below 20, he will then receive platlets.
Two more days of Antibodies this week, and then next week time for all the testing again.That is always a scary time, because of the waiting and while he is doing some of the test, I try not to look at screens, but it is hard not to. I think the MIBG is the scariest for me, because I always see something and think ,Oh ! No!,I didn't see that last time. I have to remind myself , that I'm not a Doctor and know nothing about how to read scans.
Time to stop the medical talk, and start bragging on my boys. Travis is on the AB honor roll this 3rd weeks. I'm so proud of him, can't wait to see him and Jamie.
Last night here at the Ronald they had Casino night for the kids. Yes, they are teaching the kids very young how to gamble.ha! ha! Well Joshua played BlackJack and did very good. They had a table full of toy prizes. Joshua had his eye on one toy all night, and he kept saying I hope no one gets that prize before I get to pick. It was time to cash in their chips. Who ever got the most chips got to go first at picking out their prize. So when they called his name to come pick out his prize. He went straight to the prize he was wanting, came back to the table and said ,"Mom I won this for Maddie, she is his little friend at the hospital.It melted my heart, he is so caring.Maddie is going on three and she also has Neuroblastoma. We have got to be good friends with her and her mom Julie.
Joshua is asking to go up stairs for a nap, so until tomorrow, Please keep Joshua and all the children going through this in your prayers.LOVE,CHRISTINE

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:57 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

Today was a short day over at the hospital, Joshua didn't have much pain, only right at the end of the flush. I talked to another parent today and seems like her daughter had the same reaction Joshua did today. Joshua got the Okay to play Tee-Ball from Dr's at Home and from Dr's up here in N.Y. We just have to be careful that he does not get hit in the head with a ball, so Jamie wants to coach Joshua and Travis' team this year.We will have to give Joshua a field position. He wanted to play last year, but had no break from treatment to do so. I hope he can handle the running, you know me I worry that he will fall and get hurt or another kid will be to rough with him. I will try to give him his space, but I 'll be real close to where ever he is. I will always be a mother HEN! We also have to be very careful with the sun, because of certain Med's he's on.Joshua ran in to a nurse, that he has not seen since last trip up, she said Joshua , Where were you last week when I was working down in the clinic, It was so cute what he told her, He said, "I was exposed to chicken Pox, so I had to go in the hospital". My baby is growing up to a little man.
Well yesterday was like Spring and today it is snowing.It started early this morning,while we were over at the hospital, and it is 2:30 now and it is still coming down. Someone at the hospital said that inside the city, they are suppose to get four to five inches, and outside the city area should get eight inches or more. Joshua is ready to go upstairs, PRAYERS FOR ALL OUR BABIES!Until tomorrow, LOVE , CHRISTINE

Monday, March 15, 2004 4:55 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Today was a long day at the clinic, Mondays are always like that. Joshua's Platlets are 22, so if they do not rise over night, he will be getting platlets tomorrow.Joshua had clowns to visit him today in the hospital. In the past he really does not care for the clowns to come in , but they got him talking and a few smiles out of him today. He also had Ann Marie come in his room in the clinic and do some class work with him, so I walked around and got to talk to some friends we have met.I don't know if Jamie or I mention, the Dr's clinic moved from the 3rd to the 9th floor last Thursday. The new wing is beautiful. We have our own private room, while he is gettting the 3F8 Antibody. Joshua is on line right now checking out Pokemon cards. The Swedish School of Massages, are coming tonight. The students at the school get hours in and give thirty minute free massages to anyone in the Ronald House who signs up, so you know this Mom signed up eary the morning. Joshua is able to sit down there with me and play his game boy.It is time to go and relax, thank you all for keeping Joshua in your prayers. LOVE, CHRISTINE

Sunday, March 14, 2004 3:04 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

It is so nice to be back over at the Ronald House.Friday night ,we went out to dinner at the wicked wolf. When I asked our waitress for the check, she said someone has already took care of that for you. I said,"Who", she said they did not want to be known.I told her I would love to Thank them, but she told me they had already left. So to the unknown person who bought us dinner Friday night, Thank you very much.We also had to visit the pokemon store, that is one of Joshua's and Travis's favorite stores now. We would also like to Thank the Catie Hoch Foundation for giving Joshua a free pass to go to the Little Shop of Plaster. Yesterday , the kids at the Ronald were able to go to this shop right below the Ronald and pick out a item to paint and keep. Joshua really enjoyed this, he wanted to pick out two and paint, but I told him they were paying for only one for him to do, so we made a deal to go back one day next week . They offer the kids at the Ronald House a 50% discount there, so that is really nice.
The Catie Hoch Foundation was established in memory of Catie Hoch, there daughter was nine years old and died from Neuroblastoma.While going through treatment at Sloan, she would go to fun places in New York , when she was feeling well in between treatment. Her family established a program through the social worker at sloan called Kids Cash. With gifts of money from the foundation, families are encouraged to take a day off from treatment and to do something fun. They also started a housing grant through the social worker at sloan, to help families dx with Neuroblastoma, with help staying at the Ronald McDonald House in New York and in Albany,New York. These are the two Ronald Houses Catie stayed at when she was going through treatment. They also fund to research at Sloan for Neuroblastoma. Thank you so much for everything you do for the children, God Bless your family.
Joshua is ready for a snack, so better feed this growing boy. We love and miss you Travis and Daddy. Thank you all for keeping Joshua in your Prayers. Until Tomorrow. LOVE, CHRISTINE

Friday, March 12, 2004 5:12 PM CST

DAY 122,

Hello Joshua Fans,

Everything is going pretty well in NY. Joshua and Christine got over to the RMH last night after his 3f8 treatment. They are in room 708.(#212-639-0708) They went down to the POKEMON STORE after today's treatment and got Travis a surprize. He had to get blood on Tuesday, but everything else has seemed to stabilize somewhat. Platelettes were at 24000 (from his port) today a finger stick was 28000. They are down to 13 days before they come home again and we can't wait. That's about all the news for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Thursday, March 4, 2004 4:34 PM CST

DAY 114,

Well its off to NYC on Sunday for Joshua and Christine. The third round of antibodies begin on Monday the 8th. Business as usual, NOT. It was told to us yesterday that Joshua has to spend the first week of antibodies in the hospital. Why, you ask, us to. The NY crowd says its because he was exposed to chicken pox back in February. They didn't even see the child the week of the CP scare. Just because the child could have been in the kitchen or playroom for more than 45 minutes and Joshua could have been in there he could be contagious. Funny thing is, they told us when Joshua received his CP shot he was not contagious and did not have to be isolated. Now he won't be on the pediatric floor but on an adult floor because he can't go to the Ronald Mcdonald until Friday. It really makes a whole lot of sense to us too. Oh well, we'll have to deal with it, stroller ,suitcase and all. The stuff is really going to hit the fan when he has to share a room with an adult. Hopefully that will not happen. He may have to get blood and/or platelettes tomorrow as hemaglobin was at 8 and platelettes were 34000 on Tuesday. Guess thats all for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Saturday, February 28, 2004 10:02 AM CST

Saturday, February 28, 2004 9:47 AM CST
DAY 109

Hello Josh Fans,

All is going pretty well with our main man. We are seeing a little more blood count drops due to the lingering radiation effects. Dr Stroud says don't be surprized of this for on up until mid March. Joshua had to receive platelettes after an all day ride(snow in the good ole south) on Thursday. Its too much to discuss right now. We have to find Joshua a stroller cover before he heads back to NYC. Just wanted to let you all know the results of the bone marrow. NO EVIDENCE OF NEUROBLASTOMA. Thank you Dear Lord for another prayer answered. We should know Tuesday evening if he is HAMA negative for the next trip to NY to be on March 7th. We'll update when we know. Thanks for stopping by and keeping up all the prayers.

WE found Joshua a cover at a shop in Greenville, on Augusta Road just past Farris Road on the right, at a place called "The Run In". A most generous man named Jeff wouldn't let us pay for it. Thank you so much Jeff.

Friday, February 20, 2004 3:40 PM CST

DAY 101

Joshua went to see the "Home Team" in Greenville yesterday. His platelettes were at 23000 so Dr Hayes gave him a bag. Hemaglobin and white counts were still pretty good. Joshua's "#5 Girlfriend" (sorry Melanie, that's what he said when I ask him) has moved back to NY. He said he was going to miss you. Maybe we can see ya sometime if you ever get down to the Big Apple or back to the good ole South. It was so good to see everyone back at our Hospital. We go back Monday morning to check counts. It's so good to be home, and Joshua is just running around playing with Travis. He is sooooo happy to be home. We hope the three weeks go by slow. Joshua looked in the mirror this morning ,getting ready to take Travis to school, and said ,"Man look at that hair Mommy, it's getting long", I said before long you will need a trim. Joshua wants to play tee-ball this year. That will be our next question for the Dr's. We should hear from Dr's in NY first of the week on results of Bone-Marrow. Please Pray Clear!!!!! We ask that you also pray for our friend Justin from Greenville. He has relapsed with osteosarcoma. Gotta go chase those boys outside now. Thanks for stopping by and for all the prayers.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004 4:21 PM CST

DAY 98


Watching movies and getting back to the Troy life style. We'll update when there's some news. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Friday, February 13, 2004 1:55 PM CST


Chicken Pox is in the house. One of the kids here at the house found out yesterday they had the virus. Joshua had to go to Urgent Care last night for his shot again. Again you ask. Transplant wiped out all of Joshua's vaccinations. According to Dr. K, he should start revaccinations about 6 months from transplant.

Hello Everyone,

Well today Joshua is finished with the 2nd cycle of Antibodies, it was very painful for him today,and he had lots of hives on his face,neck,arms,hands,and his legs. We now wait on Monday for the Bone Marrow procedure. He also starts taking Accutane for 14 days, begining Monday. He will take six cycles of this in between cycles of Antibodies.In labs,the Accutane has been known to mature Neuroblastoma cells growing.One of the common side affects is really dry skin ,peeling from the face and mouth too.Joshua had to have a blood transfusion yesterday. The effects of Radiation is really taking a toll on him besides the Antibodies. He has had no energy this week, I talked to the Dr's about it, and Dr.Kushner says that he has been hit back to back with everything, that it is going to take some time to get back to normal. Then when I really start to think about what he has been through , eleven rounds of Chemo, four surgerys, not counting the lines put in, and transplant,two rounds of Antibodies, and radiation, with no breaks. It is awful what he has had to go through. It is so hard watching your baby go through this, but I know God is with him at all times and has never left his side.
The Youngs would like to wish everyone tomorrow a Happy Valentine's Day! Four more days to "HOME SWEET HOME".
Please keep Joshua in your prayers. LOVE,CHRISTINE

Wednesday, February 11, 2004 11:33 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

Two more days to go , Joshua and Myself are counting the days.Today the pain hit right at the end, which first I was a little worried, because when you have no pain, that sometimes means that you are HAMA postive already, and we don't won't that to happen yet. Most of the time I know when the pain is going to hit, but today it was differnt, and you have some days like that. They mix the 3F8 with 60cc of saline and that runs, then they run a flush behide it, which contains 40cc of saline and then you are finish for the day. In between all of this , you receive your meds for the hives and pain.When the flush begins is when Joshua starts to have his pain, he likes heating pads too.Today the pain started right when the flush was almost finished.It makes me feel awful waiting for the pain and hoping their will be pain, because if not then it is not a good sign, but after he had some pain today I was not worried anymore. Joshua is the most bravest little Five year old,and so caring. Everyday last week and this week after the 3F8 treatment, he would say this to me,"Thank you mommy for taking care of me,I Love you", My heart melts, and I tell him darling you don't have to Thank Mommy, Mommy will always take care of you, and you don't have to Thank Me, He says,"I know but I want too. I think my Baby is Twenty years old instead of five years old.
Joshua is ready to get needles out Friday. He has one in his Port and one in his leg, which is called a Insuflon. We are able to give him his GM-CSF shots through it. We have six more days before we go HOME SWEET HOME for three weeks. It is going to be so nice to have a normal life for three weeks, but I have forgot what normal is. The weather has been nice this week. Joshie is ready to go back up to the room, so until next time, Please keep Joshua in your prayers. LOVE, CHRISTINE

Sunday, February 8, 2004 7:29 AM CST

DAY 89

Hello Joshua Faithful,

All is going well. Joshua has completed week one of his second cycle of antibodies. The usual pain and hives have been there to welcome him. He has been complaining of a little more pain in his neck and shoulder and back than usual. Pray its just the antibodies and the radiation killing those cells left behind from surgeries. Joshua has been counting down the days for coming home. We are at 9 days and counting. We were sad to hear that Alex Haigler had become an Angel Friday morning. He fought a courageous battle and touched so many lives. Please pray for strength and peace for his family. Sorry this is so short, but its time to get ready for church. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Thursday, January 29, 2004 5:54 PM CST

DAY 79

Happy Thursday. Joshua is "HAMA NEGATIVE". Round two of antibodies starts Monday Feb 2. Christine has been begging for bone marrows to take place on the 16th so they could come home the 17th. Who knows? The dr's may even cooperate this time. Joshua finished up radiation today and the dr said his counts are subject to go haywire for the next couple of weeks. He may have to have a platelette transfusion soon since his level was at 39000 yesterday. He goes back to check counts again tomorrow so pray for some platelettes over night. Since he starts antibodies on Monday his GM-CSF shots started yesterday(he is thrilled,... NOT). It's not that bad in NY though. They have a needle the nurses stick just under the skin and it stays in for 7 days. Just clean cap and inject the med. Joshua says the it doesn't hurt this way, it just feels funny going in. That's the news for now. Going to try to get some new pictures on now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Remember Alex and Precious too. Also ny/andrew we met in NY this summer has nodule that has come back after being in remission

Tuesday, January 27, 2004 5:10 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

This Thursday is the last day of radiation. We go back to the Dr's Clinic tomorrow to find out if Joshua is HAMA positive or HAMA negative. If blood test come back HAMA neg, then Monday the 2nd, he starts the second cycle of the Antibodies for two weeks, then on Feb 16 , he has another bone marrow done. After that we come HOME SWEET HOME for three weeks. If test comes back HAMA positive, then we come home this weekend intil he becomes HAMA neg again. The Dr's want Joshua to get HAMA, but only after he gets in four cycles of the Antibody in first.Please pray test come back Neg tomorrow.If we get the O.K. to start Antibodies Monday, he will then start tomorrow the GM-CSF
shots for seventeen days.

Just wanted to let Chris our quilting angel and my cousin Glenda know that Joshua is not in the Hospital, last time he was in was back in December for Transplant.

Joshua had a wonderful Birthday with Travis and Daddy up here too. He had a care bear party here at the Ronald House up in his room.He got Care bear stuff,Pokemon cards, goodies,movies,money to go shopping, SpongeBob stuff,a new gameboy advanve game. Joshua would like to Thank everyone for the Birthday gifts and E-mail cards.We were so glad the bad weather was put on hold ,so Travis and Daddy could be here for his Birthday. Jamie will be added new photo's this week of the Birthday party.

We would like to Thank everyone for the Prayers and support .Please keep Joshua in your prayers, and please pray for little Alex, who is not doing good, his web_page is www.caringbridge.org/sc/alexhaigler Please pray also for Precious Gamble, who is in Atlanta Hospital, she is a patient from Greenville Hospital too. Her Web-page is www.caringbridge.org/sc/preciousgamble LOVE, CHRISTINE

Friday, January 23, 2004 3:46 PM CST

DAY 73

Hello All,

Just a quick note, gotta get back to the family members time.

Joshua is doing well. He is getting so tall and in just three weeks, he almost has a head full of hair complete with eyelashes and eyebrows. It's been a long time since our baby had hair. He looks much older than the 5 years he is now, will be Sunday. I'll put new pictures up when Travis and I get home. We got the bone marrow results on Tuesday and everything is still clear. Dr. Kushner told Joshua, he keeps making him happy. Dr Wofford(radiation dr) is pleased with how Joshua has handled radiation so far. Very little nausea and had even gained a little more than a pound since last Monday, with the help of the prescribed medicine for appetite. Travis and I got to go with them for the afternoon radiation session. Joshua does so well being still for the short period of time. It actually seemed to take longer to prep him than the treatment took. Please pray it continues to go well. And please continue to pray for Alex at Duke. He, Mom, Dad and the whole family need some good, no great, reports from the doctors right now. On the lighter side pray that the snow they are expecting for Sunday doesn't cancel our flight to Columbia again like it did mid December. Its time for the family member hug time. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Sunday, January 18, 2004 11:50 AM CST

DAY 68

Hello Joshua Faithful,

Not much going on in the Big Apple. Joshua has been very still and good for his radiation treatments this week. I was mistaken as for the length of time on Friday. It was going to be longer because of x-rays for the other sites. They just concentrated on the neck and throat area this week. He did so well on Wednesday, and they had a little extra time so the radiation team went ahead and did the x-rays then. Christine said she was feeling yuckie again yesterday. Hopefully some much needed rest this weekend will pick her up. Travis and I didn't get to go up because he started a fever and headache on Thursday. Still had a fever Friday morning so we went to the doctor and he has a sinus infection. Hopefully the antibiotics and decongestant the dr prescribed will knock it out so we can go up and celebrate Joshua's 5th birthday on Sunday the 25th. Joshua did have to get blood(9.3) on Thursday to get his hemaglobin up over 10(which is what they want for radiation). They will check his counts again on Tuesday. If they have been hit too hard, the dr said Joshua may get a break so the radiation doesn't knock him too low. We'll update again when there is more news. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 4:01 PM CST

DAY 63

Hello Joshua Fans,

Joshua was none too pleased with being in the room by himself initially for radiation but after he calmed down he has taking his first 4 rounds of radiation pretty well. Of course the sessions weren't but about 30 seconds according to Christine. They will get longer as they radiate more areas. I think she said they will radiate six sites on Friday. I'm not sure yet if the remainder of the sessions will be as long as Friday or not. We'll try to keep up with the time. She is really pleased with our decision to have the radiation done at Sloan Kettering. She said all of the team takes such good care of Joshua. They have given him money to get something to eat in the cafeteria and a jar full of candy. Maybe the candy and Papa's goodie box will add some pounds. He has been eating but can't get seem to put on any weight. He is down to a whopping 35 lbs. Dr. K told them yesterday that he could eat out only if his food was prepared fresh since his counts were up. We, on the other hand are worried about how the radiation will affect him and those precious counts. He goes back for bloodwork on Thursday. Some more discussion and a whole lot of prayers, then we'll see if he gets to eat out yet. Guess thats about it for today. Thanks for stopping by and remember to say those prayers for all of our little warriors.

Please continue to pray for Alex at Duke. Not sure what's goin on with him but he and his family sure do need all the prayers they can get.

Thursday, January 8, 2004 5:20 PM CST

DAY 58

Sorry for no updates. Happy New Year.

Christine has not been able to get to a computer and we were lucky enough to get a virus at home. Joshua has been doing pretty good with the antibodies and no transfusions. He has experienced the pain and hives as expected but after two or three hours of rest, he's raring to go. They were told today the second round of antibodies are to start February 9th because radiation starts Monday Jan. 12 and is going to run into the first week of February(10 to 15 minutes twice a day). Christine has a sore throat and sinus pressure today(pray its just sinuses). She's taking OTC meds to try to knock it out. Said she was feeling a little better this evening. She also said it was snowing with the sun shining on their way back to RMH after clinic today. Maybe they can send some to Troy for us to enjoy too. That's about it for today. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Pray request today: Christine feels better in a hurry and it is just sinus pain. Joshua continues to do well with treatments. And please say an extra prayer for Alex at Duke caringbridge.org/sc/alexhaigler

Don't forget to check out the child of the month at the geocities link

Sunday, December 28, 2003 4:11 PM CST

DAY 47

Hello Joshua Fans,

Sorry we didn't have time for updates. We just enjoyed each other at HOME. WE had a wonderful Christmas other than telling a friend, see ya in a while. "Cowboy Anthony's" service was beautiful. Please continue to pray for healing and peace for his parents.

We got to see the firework display last night put on by The Hash House in downtown Troy SC. When it was over Joshua had to say his favorite saying lately, "Oh Darn It" and I had to agree this time. It was a beautiful display. Randy and Diane did a great job picking out and their son Troy did a wonderful job keeping it continuous. Thanks for everything Hash House of Troy. If you like southern cooked bar-b-que stay on SC Highway 10 to the caution light in Troy and check them out.

Well, Joshua's counts were still pretty high on Friday. Hemaglobin was 10, platelettes were 105000, WBC had help from the GM-CSF being they were 11000 and an AGC of over 6000 I think. Christine has the exacts and she and Josh are back in NYC. They left on a plane this morning from Greenwood SC about 9:10am. Christine called me about 9:45 and said something happened to the plane and they made an unscheduled stop in Greenville SC'S Downtown airport. They had to wait until about 12:30 when the Children's Flight of Hope Jet arrived. They arrived at Teterboro NJ about 4:00pm and made it to Ronald Mcdonald about 4:45pm. A very long day for us much less our poor babies so far from home.

I know Angie, what are you talking about, GM-CSF? GM-CSF combined with the 3f8 antibodies are kinda like a clean up treatment along with the radiation Joshua starts the 12th of January for high risk neuroblastoma patients. It is a subcutaneous shot(into the fatty tissue of the body) that increases the number of granulocytes(one kind of white blood cell) and makes the granulocytes better able to kill any cancer cells that may still be present. Just because there was no evidence of disease doesn't necessarily mean there were not any hiding. If everything goes as planned, Joshua could be finished with his antibody treatments (if his body becomes HAMA positive (builds an antibody against the antibodies) and hopefully all treatments the middle of April or so. And should be able to return home mid treatments in February and again in March. If he doesn't develop a HAMA after 4 rounds of antibodies he will then have 8 week breaks between antibody treatments until he develops a HAMA for up to 24 months. After the second cycle of antibodies he will start an oral medication called Accutane or Isotretinoin if his bone marrow is still clear. Accutane or Isotretinoin is closely related to vitamin A and has shown to help prevent relapse. It is taken twice daily for 14 days and then not taken for 14 days. Six cycles are planned. We'll probably go into this again when the time comes. Are you confused yet? I am and Travis is asking what's for supper. Gotta go. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Please remember Alex at Duke. He has had another setback in his recovery. Please pray God performs a miracle soon for him as well as clear his mother's sinus infection so she can be with him again.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003 4:10 PM CST

DAY 42

We finally got confimation that Joshua will start antibody treatment on the 29th. And that's a definite maybe. If he does or doesn't start antibodies next week, NP Esther said for him to be in the clinic Monday. Christine and I finished up the shopping list today while the boys stayed with Nana. It was a little crowded, but nothing like NYC thank goodness. We did get to meet the father of ok/Nick who was with his father who I used to work with before his retirement. It was good to see Bobby again and to meet Ted. Nick just finished the 2nd round of MIBG therapy. Please pray he gets good results from this therapy. Not much else happened today. Oh yea, we did talk to Dr Hayes today. He said that Dr Kushner sent him the results from Joshua's tests last week.

"NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE" Praise the Lord. We do have a good God.

There is no better news than that right now so I guess I'll end with that. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Don't forget about Alex and all the other courageous fighters and all the families of Angels.

Sunday, December 21, 2003 1:13 PM CST

DAY 40 & 41

Hello Joshua Fans,

Sorry for more delays. We have been trying to make arrangements to get Joshua and Mommy home for Christmas. And it finally came together. A group out of North Carolina, called Childrens Flight of Hope, made our Christmas a lot more enjoyable. Joshua and Christine flew into Greenville Spartanburg yesterday at about 1:30 on a private jet. Thank you Jeff for being so generous. Joshua has to go to Greenville tomorrow for bloodwork. My sister Angie has scolded me for putting numbers up and not explaining. I am sorry for not letting everyone know what the numbers mean. Everyone that we talk to regularly face to face knows what they should be, so it never dawned on me everyone doesn't know. We were told;

WBC (white blood count) fights infection and should be anywhere between 4-12 thousand,
Hemaglobin (cells carrying oxygen) should be 11 or greater he gets transfusion at 8 in NYC,
Platelettes (cells for clotting) should be in the hundreds of thousands 1-4 he gets transfusion below 20,000,
ANC(strength of his immune system) should be 1400 to 7500, 500 or lower is dangerous to be exposed to anything.

Joshua has been eating something about every 30 minutes or so, playing video games and watching movies with Travis, chasing CJ and just getting hug after hug. Christine has been getting a load of old toys together to take somewhere to make room for the new ones this year.

We finally had time to check on some of our friends on the computer we have met last night. It sounded like there was a little improvement for Alex's(caringbridge.org/sc/alexhaigler) kidney function thank God, but he still has a lot more to deal with. We also found out that Jake from N.C. became an Angel Thursday night. He had been fighting neuroblastoma for a little over three years. Please pray for strength and healing for his family and friends. We know Jake is in no more pain and spreading his smile all over Heaven today. Reading Friday's entry on Jakes web page (caringbridge.org/nc/hopefor) really hurts, especially this time of year. It makes all kinds of thoughts go through your head. Talking with Daddy the other day, the doctor told him that dying is easy, its living thats hard. And I pray every day we never have to go through living without our children. But whatever happens, I pray God will give us the strength and courage to go on.

We'll update when we get reports from Joshua's testing last week and bloodwork tomorrow when we get them. If we don't get back before Christmas, Merry Christmas to all and May God Bless You.

Please continue praying for Alex, Anthony and the many others who are fighting cancer and other life threatning diseases. Pray for their caregivers. Pray for our military who are so far away from their families during the holiday season fighting to keep our country safe from all of the evil in this world. Thats about all I can muster for now. Thanks for stopping by.

DAY 41

All of Joshua's counts were great today. WBC 4600, in Greenville they go by AGC (immune system strength still) was 3036, hemaglobin was 10.7 and platelettes were a whopping 112000. Like I said, they were great. It was also great seeing the home team. We missed two though, Alex who is still fighting at Duke with complications from transplant and "Cowboy Anthony" who became an Angel this morning. Please continue to pray for Anthony's parents, Lori and Wayne. Anthony fought a courageous battle for about two and a half years against rabdomyosarcoma. From what Lori had told Christine, he must have known the end was near. Every chance he was out of the hospital and felt like it, he was out enjoying life hunting, fishing, or just hanging with friends. I'm sure he is riding horses and whooping it up with no more pain now. And if there's a place for hunting or fishing in heaven, you could find him there. We will surely miss him.

No word yet on Joshua's tests from last week. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 6:09 PM CST

DAY 35

Hello Josh Fans,

Sorry for the delay on updates, its just not enough time in the days. Joshua is doing pretty good these days for being in isolation. He is so tired of being coupped up, he begs mommy to even get out and go to the laundry room. Joshua had guests all around this weekend. Travis and I got to go up. Ms Jamie(childlife specialist at Greenville) and her friend Mike came to see Joshua too. He was very excited to see her. She has helped him deal with so much the last 13 months as I am sure she does with everyone. She is surely a blessing to all the kids fighting back home. Thank you millions of times over Jamie.
Joshua got his seven tatoos for radiation yesterday. Jamie was even there to spoil him with yet another gift before she and Mike finished up their sightseeing. His radiation is scheduled to begin January 12th. Joshua had his bone marrow, spinal tap tests, MIBG injection and had his broviac removed today. Tomorrow he has his MIBG scan at 9:30, Eckocardiagram at 11:00, and CT scan at 12:00. Hopefully they can get these done on time so they don't get skipped and have to stay all day again. He has Thursday off other than a urinalysis that Christine is going to return on Friday when Josh has to do his bloodwork. Then hopefully its home sweet home, SC that is. Thats about it for tonight. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Counts today were: WBC 3500, Hemaglobin 10.7, Platelettes 49000 and ANC 2400. Last GCSF was given in the hospital last week before he was released. I hope this means the counts will continue to rise and quit scaring the poo out of me.

Please continue to pray hard for Alex, Anthony, for all of our warriors and for Joshua's tests to come back clear

Tuesday, December 9, 2003 10:46 PM CST

DAY 28

Sorry for the delay on the updates. Tomorrow is the big day, we get discharged. Joshua has been saying all day, Mom, tomorrow is the big day. He has been eating and drinking more today. They are sending us home (meaning back at the Ronald House) on fuild, so someone from home health care will come over and show me how to hook him up . He will only have to get the extra fuild at night time. December 15, joshua will have testing done that week, it will include a MIBG SCAN, CT SCAN, CHECKING HIS BONE MARROW, AND MAYBE A MRI SCAN. A FULL WEEK OF TEST. PLEASE PRAY FOR CLEAR TEST RESULTS.Our Christmas wish is for Joshua to be cancer free and pain free.If Joshua does not get sick or run a fever before December 20, we will be flying HOME SWEET HOME THAT DAY.I believe we will have eight days to enjoy home again.We will start the 3F8 Antibodies on December 29, then two weeks lately he starts radiation. We have to give up our room at the Ronald, so then we get back on the waiting list for a room again.
Mrs. Susan, Mrs. Carol ,Mrs. Cathy, Miss Melanie, Mrs. ,Tommy , Mrs. Brenda, Mrs. Susan, Mrs. Ashley, Ms. D.J.,Mrs. Pam, Dr. Hayes, and Dr. Stroud,Hey guys we will be calling for our appointment when we get back in town.
We will be paying a visit to everyone upstairs too, Paul, Miss.Jamie, Miss Kristy, Mrs. Melissa, Mr. Neal,and everyone else that I have left off. I had to mention our friends back at our Hospital. They have always been so good to Joshua. He talks about them all the time. He always says "I miss everyone back at my old hospital".
We love you guys, and we'll see you soon.Dr. Kushner wants us to get Joshua's counts checked a few times while we are home, because he might have to have blood, or platlets that week.Joshua's counts today are WBC-2.4 HGB-9.7 PLTS-25 ANC-1.5 Well Joshua did have to get Platlets tonight. We have to go back to the clinic on Thursday to check counts. Until Tomorrow, Please keep Joshua in your prayers. LOVE, CHRISTINE

Friday, December 5, 2003 10:09 PM CST

DAY 24 Hello Everyone,

Joshua has been standing in a chair today watching all the pretty snow come down, and man are we getting the snow, they say it's suppose to get worse tomorrow. The Doctor's took more meds away today, and they have changed some meds from IV to Liquid by mouth. Joshua lets everyone in the entire hospital know how much he loves taking the new meds by mouth. He is trying to eat , but still complains about his throat, it burns going down. Mouth sores are gone, but I think the throat is still healing. His WBC-2.4 HGB-9.8 PLTS-41 ANC-1.4 his counts have dropped some, but that is normal. Please keep Joshua in your prayers. LOVE , CHRISTINE

Check out the new photos

Thursday, December 4, 2003 8:39 PM CST

DAY 23

Hello Everyone!

Joshua has been having better days now. I have been trying to get him to drink and eat something, but nothing taste the same, and this is normal. The Doctor's say it can take a few weeks for his taste buds to get back to normal. Each day they have been taking meds away from him, so maybe next week they will kick us out of here. Today his counts were, WBC-3.5 HGB-10.6 PLTS-49 ANC-2.4 Well , you might have already heard the news, but let me share it with you all. We might get to come home for Christmas, Dr. Kushner is suppose to come by this weekend and let me know for sure. So we don't know if it will be a few days or a week that we will get to see home sweet home again. We will post it. That would be the best present every, to be home for Christmas. Last year on Christmas eve, Joshua was finishing up a round of chemo, and they discharged him that evening, so we made it home in time, but started running a fever lately that night, I got on my knees beside his bed and prayed for the fever to go away until the next day, so he could wake up with his brother and enjoy what santa had brought him. My prayer was answered that night. So my wish this year is ,"NO FEVER", "NO PAIN " ,to be together at home and enjoy each other. My mom has been up here for a week and it has been nice having extra help,Thank you Mom. I don't know what I would have done with out my hubby, the first three weeks into Transplant he was able to be here with us . Joshua and I miss you Daddy and Travis. Please keep Joshua in your prayers and Please say an extra pray tonight for our friends back at home, little ALEX , and ANTHONY. UNTIL TOMORROW, LOVE, CHRISTINE

Tuesday, December 2, 2003 8:42 PM CST

DAY 21

Hello Joshua Faithful,

No fever. Joshua has been watching tv and playing the computer today. He has been feeling pretty good. Still no eating or drinking other than some pieces of ice. They took away one of his antibiotics yesterday and talking about taking another away, Thursday or Friday. Christine also said that they may take away the neupogen completely tomorrow. So he'll be in the hospital longer than expected again. We have a lot more to pray for tonight. Joshua to keep the fevers away. Start eating and drinking. Cells to keep growing.

We ask you to pray for Alex at Duke University. His cells seem to be graphting but his kineys aren't working properly and the doctors are talking about dialysis. Pray that he starts peeing on his on tonight.

We also ask you to pray for our friend Anthony in Greenville Hospital again. Anthony has been fighting rabdomyosarcoma for a while now. Last week he started having seizures, and the CT the doctors ordered, showed a tumor around his left temple area. He is suppose to be starting radiation to fight this tumor. Please pray it works and works fast.

Thats about it tonight. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Sunday, November 30, 2003 7:20 PM CST

DAY 19

Hello to All,

Joshua has been feeling pretty good the last three days. NO FEVERS is one reason. Thank GOD. His counts have been pretty good also. Today WBC was 6900 with ANC of 5500. Platelettes were at 68000 and after blood yesterday, hemaglobin was 10.9. The doctors didn't take him off of any antibiotics today as we were told earlier. The attending on today said she wanted him on all of them for at least 72 hours since his fever was so high on Thursday. Probably take one away tomorrow. Which suits me just fine since I was told if he ran another fever there would be no compromise of a periphrial line going in(pin cushion time again). They may even cut his neupogen(immune booster) out completely tomoorow. Joshua has been sitting up most of the time playing on the computer and not complaining of his side anymore. I hope that means the fluid is gone from his chest cavity. He did try some more Diet Pepsi and a chicken 'n' biscuit dipped in sour cream but said it didn't taste right still. Mommy is still trying though. The little turkey asked her to fix him some instant grits today, then told her not right now when she came back with them. She later told me that right now never did come. Travis, Steven and I made it back home yesterday. I swear it gets harder and harder to leave New York without all of us coming home. As much as we like the Ronald Mcdonald, I am so ready to move my babies out of there and back to God's country. Christine's mother made it up there on Friday to help out for two weeks, hopefully Joshua will be out of the hospital before she leaves. Guess thats about it for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers for all of our babies fighting this monster.


Friday, November 28, 2003 9:10 AM CST

DAY 17

Hello Joshua Fans,

Sorry for no update yesterday. It was a bad day in the neighborhood. Joshua's fever spiked again, 104.5 this time and was in a lot of pain in his left side. They sent him down for another CT scan. They came back saying he had fluid between his left lung and his diaphram, which could be causing the pain. The doctors wanted to put in a IV in is arm just in case he has infection in his broviac line, not sure why his fever keeps spiking. The fellow tried one in his hand and the resident tried in his arm. I didn't see the first one, but the second one looked like they were putting needles in a pin cushion. Unsuccessfully I might add. When they came in to try the third time together, I couldn't take it anymore, I told them no more sticks tonight. They called the attending and she agreed since his fever was down to about 100 not unless he spiked again. He didn't have fever during the night(yiipppeee).We are in a debate with ourselves now to go ahead and get one of the nurses from the clinic to come up and put the needle in or hope that Joshua gets no more fevers over the weekend. If he does that means the doctors try again. Christine,Travis and Steven made it to the parade yesterday and enjoyed it very much. Then the playroom here at the hospital fed all four of us yesterday. Wasn't as good as home but it was ok. Joshua didn't eat since he was sleeping and woke up still with the fever headed to CT. They added some more antibiotics, upped his pain med a little, and this morning his potassium has taken a dive. WBC today was 10700 with ANC of 8900. He could possibly get blood and platelettes today since they were 8.1 and 51000. Please pray this rollercoaster lets us off soon and Joshua will be up running around. I can't wait until he feels good enough to need timeout or a spanking. He'll probably get bunches of hugs instead. Joshua wants to get the computer now so he's telling me to get off. Guess that's about it from the big city for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.


Wednesday, November 26, 2003 5:19 PM CST

DAY 15

Hello Joshua Fans,

Today is much of the same. No eating but Joshua did try two sips of diet pepsi. He is still talking about being thirsty but can't convince himself its not going to hurt yet. Dr. Kernan says any day now. Today is her last day of her turn being the transplant team leader. Something about being on call 24/7 for three weeks. So she hands us off, along with the others in transplant right now, tomorrow. She also said today when Joshua is dismissed from the hospital, he is through with the transplant team. He will follow up with the oncology team and an endocrinologist. He may get to see them on social visits off and on. He is still having fevers off and on. Dr K took him off of two more antibiotics today and lowered his pain med again and also lowered the neupogen dose again. His counts today were WBC 7500 with ANC of 6000. Hemaglobin was 8.8. And platelettes were 65000. I almost forgot to mention, BARNEY stopped by the hospital today. He waved at Joshua thru the window, did a little dance and took a picture for him. Afterwards Joshua went to barney.com on the computer the playroom let us borrow thru transplant and played some of the games Barney has on his website. While changing his bandage tonight, we had questions about his catheter entrance site. It appears to me that it has slipped out some. The fellow on call said he would look at the x-ray from yesterday and compare to the CT scan from last week to see if the needle is still in place. And that he would get the surgery team to look at it tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. It won't be the same not being with all of our family on Thanksgiving, but Travis, Steven, Christine and I will be eating turkey with Joshua in his room. They are a little more lenient(?) with the age thing up here on the 9th floor since it is more private rooms and Joshua's counts are so good. Back on the 5th floor, they wouldn't let you on the floor unless you were 11. Nurse Ester did bring Travis on the floor for a few minutes when Joshua was recovering from his first two surgeries. All the other times we would bring Joshua to the elevators and have a public family time. Christine,Travis and Steven will be going to the Macy's Parade with the Ronald Mcdonald House. They are suppose to be sitting in the Olive Garden at Times Square.

The things I'm thankful for are;
Having a wonderful wife who has stood by me and my beautiful boys through everything. She is so dedicated to our family its undescribable. I don't tell her near enough how much I truly love her. And my life would be worthless without her. My baby boys. I am so proud how both of them have handled all thats going on. Travis doing so well in school and Joshua, doing whatever the doctors and nurses ask of him. And him knowing God will see him thru and what the doctors learn from Joshua will be able to help someone else. I'm thankful for family and friends support of us thru this. Drs. Stroud, Hayes, Scmiht, Driscoll, Kushner, LaQuaglia and Kernan and all of the dedicated nurses for getting us to where we are today. A job allowing me to be with my family during the most trying times and the coworkers who have done so much to give us support and putting up with my moods. For all of the people, new friends, we have met on our journey. Thank you for everything you have done. Most of all I am thankful for a loving, healing God who gives us the strength and the faith to take on each new day. Thanks for stopping by and checking on Joshua and all the guestbook entries. It helps so much knowing so many people are concerned about our baby. I know Mike he has been through enough in his 4 years to be 40, but he will always be our baby. Keep up those prayers for all of our babies.


Tuesday, November 25, 2003 6:37 PM CST

DAY 14

Hey Josh Fans,

WBC is 7000 with ANC at 6100. He had to get platelettes with a count of 29000. And this afternoon he got blood with a hemaglobin count of 8. The doctors took him off of a couple of antibiotics today and lowered his fentynol again. Wouldn't you know it, he got a fever again. Dr Kernan came in and thinks it is coming from his groin area since it has nicely peeled and is red as a beet. But just in case, they had him go down for a chest x-ray since he has still been retaining some fluid. The fellow on call said he still has some fluid around the lung area. On the outside thank goodness. And that his lungs sound clear. I know, some are asking the difference in a fellow and a resident. This is how it was explained to us. A person studying to be a doctor here has to go to the regular schooling, 8 years. Other places they do residency for 2 years, but here they do residency for 3 years. Then they are required to do an extra 3 years of fellowship. Then they are eligable for an attending position. Dr Kernan also told us that we can expect Joshua to be here in the hospital until late next week, which is ok as long as he has no more fevers or any other problems when he leaves here. Everything is still confusing on the 9th floor. Last night all of the gowns on the floor were large or bigger. This morning Joshua had some blood on his favorite sheet and he wanted me to wash it. After roaming the hall to find the family laundry, put his sheet in the washer, liquid detergent on top of it the water wasn't turned on to the washers. Maintenance was called and it took them about an hour to figure out the problem. By this time I had washed his sheet out by hand. Put his sheet in the drier and went back to the room. After about thirty minutes, went back to get it and the drier had stopped working ten minutes after I left. I guess they will get the bugs out soon. Well Joshua is wanting to get a bath now so we shall say goodnight from the Big Apple. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.




Monday, November 24, 2003 1:30 PM CST

DAY 13

Hello Joshua Fans,

New day, new room, new cells. Joshua's wbc today is 5500 with an ANC of 4500. The doctors are pleased with the immature cell count that they haven't said anything about giving him platelettes with a count of 41000. As I said before they were trying to keep his platelette level at 50000 or more. His hemaglobin actually went up a 10th to 8.4. Is this the light at the end of the tunnel? I know, he still has a long way to go, but maybe we are over this hurdle. Like the Jeffersons, were moving on up to the 9th floor that is. We made the big move today. Not much excitement other than packing 4 adults and an IV stand with a hospital bed with our main man in it onto the elevator. We lost our baggage for a while since it came up on another elevator, but it finally showed up. The new room number is 912 telephone number 212-639-4074. It should be in the hospital info below, but just in case. Joshua can see two sections of the East river and several buildings over in Queens from his new room. Not to mention a better view of Presbyterian hospital across the street, where he spent three days in PICU back in June. We don't hear near as much street noise either. He has a brand new flat Samsung TV, Samsung DVD/VHS player and his own set of scales, thermometer, not to mention a huge bathroom. Plenty of room for IV poles and three or four people to stand around. If that's what you wanted to do you could. Joshua looks like he feels a whole lot better since the mouth sores are disappearing. His lips are almost back to a baby pink. A lot better than the scabs that were there most of last week. The doctors have even lowered his pain medicine. He still won't eat or drink but we keep asking. Maybe later this evening he will want something. I hope its soon. I guess that's about it from room 912 today. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.


Sunday, November 23, 2003 5:10 PM CST

DAY 12
HELLO EVERYONE! Joshua's Counts today was WBC-2.3, HGB-8.3, PLTS-38,ANC-1.7 , he received platelettes today, he is talking more, still not able to drink or eat, but not for long , he is on the way up.Thank you all for signing the guest book, it's so nice to hear from everyone. Please keep Joshua in your prayers. LOVE, CHRISTINE

Saturday, November 22, 2003 6:19 PM CST

DAY 11

Oh happy day. Hello everyone. Happy Saturday. Our white count is up to 2100, ANC is at 1700(yaaahhhoooo). Joshua has been sleeping most of the day. Maybe because his hemaglobin this morning was at 8.7. Nurse Ester says sometimes the kids just need a day of rest to recoup after the trauma they have been thru. He got platelettes today because they were at 42000. He has blown his nose with two blood clots coming out. Hopefully the platelettes will stop all the bleeding in the nose. Joshua has been coughing more and more. The doctors still say its mucusitus thank goodness. Other than that not much going on at Sloan. Sure am glad the Carolina/Clemson game is on ESPN2. It brings a touch of home to the big city. I don't really care who wins as long as it is a high scoring game. Christine, Travis and Steven went walking around on this beautiful November day. They found a Burger King somewhere 86th, and they had to stop. They also found a gameroom that had about thirty pool tables. Steven had to play a while. Guess thats about all for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.


Friday, November 21, 2003 1:09 PM CST

DAY 10

Hello Josh Fans,

Todays white blood count was at 800 with ANC at 600, hemaglobin at 9.8. It all sounds promising that the cells have started to grow. The platelettes are taking a beating though. They are at 73000, down from yesterday's 103000. He has had a lot of bleeding, but only when he starts coughing alot and tries to blow his nose. This should subside with the counts rising. Joshua has been talking alot more today. I hope that means the sores are healing. He has been retaining a little fluid off and on so they upped his lasiks. There's nothing wrong with his kidneys now. Not that there was before. Joshua is still saying he's thirsty. He wanted me to get him some ice. He took two bites and no more. Maybe we'll try some more later. Other than the sun is shining today, there's not much more change in the Big Apple. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.


Please pray for healing of my cousins in Gray, Georgia. Susan's husband Kevin is having esophogus problems and waiting on the biopsy results. Her sister Wendy fell through the ceiling of her new house into the carport and broke her ankle and sprang ligaments in her leg. Sorry it took a week Wendy. We also found out today that their aunt Martha's, which is my daddy's first cousin, husband Bruce passed away yesterday from cancer.

Thursday, November 20, 2003 7:40 PM CST


Hello Joshua Fans,

We have a white blood count of 200 today(keep growing cells), no fever and the TV still works. Christine said the television went off a while last night and we were not happy campers. The doctors came in this morning and said they think his fever may be coming from an ear infection. Along with them, how in the world does he get an ear infection with all these antibiotics going in his body? I spoke to Dr Kushner, who's has Joshua's Neuroblastoma case, that the infection could go away with the rise of white blood count. He also said that he didn't see what they were talking about on the CT scan. Not sure if he just wanted to ease my mind about it or there is nothing to worry about at all. We just keep praying there is nothing there. I am glad I didn't see him yesterday after we were told about the CT. I don't know what I would have said or done, but it probably wouldn't have been good. All I could think about was, he didn't tell us about the adrenal gland, what else didn't he tell us about. But we got that out of the way today. He told me they were suspicious about the adrenal gland area all along but after the second round of irinotecan, it had shrank in size. Not knowing if it was disease or not, they wanted to remove it, just in case. Lucky they did since it had neuroblastoma in the tumor. After he relieved my mind on that I failed to ask him why we were never told about it. That was my biggest question. Maybe he did the right thing, not telling us. Maybe I should just quit second guessing and let the doctors do what they do. There I go rambling again. I guess that's about all for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.


Ask GOD to help doctors everywhere find a cure for this monster

Wednesday, November 19, 2003 5:18 PM CST


Hello Joshua Faithful,

Joshua's fever broke about 5:30 this morning. He finally received his platelettes about 6:15 after teasing the nurse a couple of times last night. She would come in check his temp and it would be 38.3, she would order the platelettes up to the floor give him his tylenol and check his temp again and it would be back over 39. She would have to send the platelettes back down. The doctors brought in some good news this morning. WBC 100 but still no ANC. He has had a pretty good day but the fever started again about 3:30pm. Not too bad though. It is only 38.3. Up from most of the afternoon of 37.4. Then another bombshell came our way. The resident came in and told us the CT scan from last night showed something in Joshua's chest. The doctors are not sure if it is fluid, infection or another surprise tumor. Dr Kernan, transplant team leader, came in and apologized for the resident explaining something the attending doctors are not even sure about. She says it did not show as active disease or any concern pretransplant. If it had shown active disease, we would not be in transplant now. Please pray that it is just some fluid built up from him being so inactive. Pray that all disease is gone from our baby's body. Never to return. He got platelettes because platelette count this morning was at 36000 before his infusion this morning. Right now he resting comfortably watching Nick TV. That's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Prayer request tonight and forever


Tuesday, November 18, 2003 9:05 PM CST


Hello Josh Faithful,

Sorry for the late update. We have been fighting fevers all day and was kinda hoping to write of broken fever. Not so far. Still 39.4 degrees C, 102.9 degrees F. Which is better than the 40 C, 104 F that it was a couple checks this afternoon. The doctors have changed his antibiotics again, sent him down for a CT scan, and still trying to get his fever down. Like Christine said yesterday, it's aweful to watch your child go thru all this pain while you sit there and can't do anything about it. You feel so useless. My sister Roni sent me an email the other day that helps alot though. Its In The Valleys I Grow. Check it out; http://www.llerrah.com/dreams.htm. I just trust that God will get us through this valley were are in right now. Free Joshua from all this pain and get him back to Travis' and Joshua's Hill in Troy very soon. Joshua did get blood today and is supposed to get platelettes when his fever breaks. Hemaglobin was 8.1 and platelettes were 61000. The platelettes are ok but the doctors don't want them too much lower for fear of excess bleeding. Please pray the fever breaks soon and Grow Cells Grow tonight. Guess that's about it today. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

"GROW CELLS GROW" Here and at Duke for Alex

Monday, November 17, 2003 6:28 PM CST


Hello Everyone!
Joshua has a fever again, we don't really know yet where it's coming from, hopefully it's just because his white blood count is zero and ANC is zero too. Pray for no infections. They have been changing his meds , giving him new ones, going up on pain meds again.He received platelets today,and had a chest x-ray too. He is just hanging out watching Nick Jr and sleeping. He wanted something to drink so bad today.He asked for milk, it hurt to much, so he rinsed with the magic mouth wash to numb his sores in his mouth. Then he wanted to try it again, so he dranked about two sips and said it just doesn't taste the same.The Dr.'s said the first week will be the worst, so tomorrow is a week, so we pray this week will get better for our joshie. It is so hard watching your child go through this, but I know Jesus is with joshua at all times, and joshua knows that he is with him too.Before we come over a few weeks ago, well it was the night before we come to the hospital for transplant.Joshua and myself was laying on the bed watching TV and talking. Joshua says "Mommy you know where Jesus is" and I said "yes I do , he is with us all the time".Joshua then said" HE IS HOLDING US RIGHT NOW ", and I knew Joshua was right, and I felt so at ease. PLEASE KEEP PRAYER FOR JOSHUA'S AND ALEX'S CELLS TO GROW. UNTIL TOMORROW. LOVE, CHRISTINE

Sunday, November 16, 2003 3:46 PM CST


More mouth sores, more skin peeling, more platelettes, less diarrhea(yaahoooo). Other than that just hanging around watching "Nick TV". Joshua is wanting to eat again today but knows it will burn too much. He told Christine and I "NO MORE DRINKING IN THE ROOM". "It's not fair if I can't". Hopefully those cells will kick in soon so he can. Travis and Steven made it in today with a 30 minute delay. I left them, you guessed it, in the playroom to come relieve Christine for the night. I think they are going to The Wicked Wolf for some potato soup and then to the grocery store to restock. That's about it from the Big Apple today. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.


11:00pm Now we are fighting a fever 39 degrees C or 102.2 degrees F. He was able to take some tylenol orally so please pray it stays down and works!!!!

1:30am Tylenol, what a wonderful thing. Fever is gone and stayed away thru the night.

Saturday, November 15, 2003 7:25 PM CST


Hello everyone!

They said it would get worse before it gets better, and it has got worse. Joshua's skin is peeling a lot and his mouth and throat sores are worse, he sometimes wants to drink, but can't because it burns so bad. He said the other day he was so bored. He doesn't even feel like playing with his game boy. He really has not wanted to watch movies like he use to , but he is staying faithful to his nick jr shows. The Doctors had to up the pain meds tonight. He recieved blood today. Praying for those grow cells grow. We would like to Thank Web-Master Amie from adopt a kid, for adding additional links on for us. Check them out at the top of this page. Until tomorrow, please keep Joshua in your prayers.LOVE, CHRISTINE

Friday, November 14, 2003 4:56 PM CST


Here we are again. Just sitting around suctioning mucus and running to the restroom. Not quite as often with the running thank goodness. The doctors upped Joshua's pain medicine today, because he didn't open his mouth wide enough when she examined him. He hasn't complained that much about pain but he never has. He is so strong. He had to get platelettes again today. Yesterday his platelette count was 24000, got platelettes about 6:30 and this morning it was 29000. The chemo is really hitting platelettes hard or they are really working on clotting since he hasn't had that much blood out of either end. He'll probably have to get blood tomorrow since his hemoglobin was 8.6 today. Or maybe those stem cells will just take off. It doesn't hurt to hope. Enough with the gross stuff. TGIF. Tavis and Steven will be here in two more days. It will be good for both Christine and Travis to be together some. It has been rough on Travis thru all this too. Eating Papa Bud's and my cooking(alot of Swansen's too) for the last twelve months. Wish the Hash House of Troy was open more often. Travis loves their ribs and I like all the rest. Need to see if they will start delivering since its about that time of day. Or maybe we could call McCormick Drive Inn for some of Mrs. Lindley's southern fried chicken. Enough dreaming about home. We'll be there soon. Better go for now. Its about bath time for Joshy. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Don't forget "GROW CELLS GROW"

Thursday, November 13, 2003 4:23 PM CST


Hello Josh Faithful,

Still more hanging out. This morning they told us he was supposed to get platelettes again. Here it is 5:30pm still no platelettes yet. Joshua has had diarrhea(?) pretty bad since Tuesday night, progressivly getting worse. The doctors say this is normal since all of the mucus is not going to come up and they don't want to stop it just in case he gets a bug, it will flush on thru. He has an ace bandage covering his catherater and the skin is peeling under it. There is no way to air this area out as the catherater entrance has to be covered. We just cover it with antibiotic cream and pray it doesn't get any worse. That is Joshua's favorite time of the day, getting covered with grease. NOT. He does seem to enjoy the rubbing, since he is very itchy. Not quite as itchy as previous days though. The TPN(nutrition bag) should start about 7 tonight, according to nurse Ester. We'll see. Joshua said his stomach was growling because he was hungary today, but there was no way he was going to eat something. He did try a bite of popsickle this morning, but said it burned. So no more. Three more days and Travis will be with us. We can't wait. Thank you so much Angie,Joey,Toby and Becca for all of your help with Travis. There is no way words can express our appreciation enough. The platelettes just came now we're just waiting on the TPN. Guess that's all for now. Remember our motto "GROW CELLS GROW". Thanks for stopping by and remember those prayers PLEASE.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003 7:26 PM CST

Day 1,

All was quiet today with Joshua. Just hanging around watching the tube. The most excitement was using the suction machine getting the mucus out of Joshua's mouth. And trying to get this monstrous iv stand back and forth to the restroom. There are two machines on it that have four pumps each on it. The battery on one won't charge, so we have to keep it plugged in. Fighting cord on the floor, tubes hanging and trying not to run over Joshy is challenging at times. See, I told you there wasn't much going on. They will be starting the TPN(nutrition)bag tomorrow. They say he won't gain weight with this, but hopefully he won't loose any more. Christine went to donate platelettes today. She said the needles were huge. Guess that's about it for tonight from the Big Apple. Thanks for stopping by and keep praying "GROW CELLS GROW" here and at Duke for Alex.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003 3:04 PM CST

Hello Everyone,


Joshua received his stem cell transplant today. At 3:25pm, the fellow on staff, with the transplant team started pushing in the cells that will help bring our precious baby out of this rollercoaster life he has, we have, been in this last year. Within the hour that we found out Joshua had this beast, neuroblastoma, in his body one year ago today, his life will be starting over. It's kinda strange that 27ml of fluid, and our loving God above will change his battles today. The whole ordeal lasted about ten minutes. They say the cells should start engraphting(?) in about 11 to 14 days. Hopefully Joshua will be on the lower end. Dr. Hayes, Susan, Neil, and Cathy from Greenville called and talked to Christine just before transplant. It really seemed to brighten her day. Thank you so much for caring so much about our family and getting us to where we are today. No reactions yet to the transplant and hopefully there won't be any, but it is a possibility. Joshua is still itching alot so they are talking about changing his medicine again. Right now he's just lying around, says he's feeling pretty good, watching Sponge Bob or something on Nick TV. We're just sitting, waiting and praying. Thanks for stopping by and keep praying "grow cells grow" for Joshua as well as Alex at Duke, and the many others who are in transplant where ever they may be.


Monday, November 10, 2003 8:42 AM CST

Hello Joshua Faithful,

We are down to day -1, a rest day. And Joshua needs it today. Yesterday he had a reaction to the flow rate of respigam, medication for respitory virus. He got the chills, shaking uncontrollably then spiked a temperature of 102. After a short nap, and NP Ester slowing the flow rate, Joshua was up answering the phone and eating ice. He has been itching all yesterday and all thru the night they had been giving benadryl, but started visteral last night and it seems to be helping. The sores in his mouth are not quite as bad this morning. He has been rinsing and swallowing his mouthwash occasionally, not all of them yet, as he has three different ones to choose from. They will be moving us to our transplant room shortly. We're just hanging around waiting on the transplant team to come and tell us where and when to go. We'll post the new number after we move. We were just told he will get blood today. For those interested, his counts were and are as follows;

Nov 3-- WBC 3600, HGB 13.1, PLTS 244000, ANC 2700

Nov 7-- WBC 5000, HGB 9.1, PLTS 112000, ANC 4800

Nov 10- WBC 400, HGB7.5, PLTS 56000, ANC 300

Here the patients get blood when hgb get to 8. They get platelettes when the count gets to 20000. The nurses keep saying we won't be in the new/old room but a few days. Then we'll be moving to the new/new room in the new section of the hospital. This will be the second new section of two hospitals Joshua gets to break in. The new wing in Greenville, SC and the new Childrens center at Sloan. I guess we'll have to write his name on the wall or someway to cristen it. They are saying Saturday,maybe but we'll see. That's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

Pray request for today are mouth sores to keep the same or a little better, a good rest day, no problems with blood transfusion and pray for fellow patient Alex from Greenville who is in transplant at Duke for cell growth.
And last but definitly not least for this week to go by so fast for Travis.

Room 425

Saturday, November 8, 2003 10:39 PM CST

Hello Everyone!

All the chemo has started to work on Joshie, he was able to get the last dose of chemo today. We hope and pray that will be Joshua Last dose of chemo forever, never have to have it ever again. He has already developed Mucositis, where it causes bad mouth sores and sores in the throat. It hurts for him to talk. They started him on the Morphine (don't know if I spelled that right) , but it is in a pump and he can press a button when he needs pain med.They also have it on a drip, where a small amount is going in him at all times, but if he needs more, he can press the button for more. Only at night time , he has been having a temp, but it goes up and down, so they put him on two different antibiotic by IV, He will stay on these until he recovers from the Transplant, and will even get more to come.
Until tomorrow, Keep Joshua and all the little children in your prayers.
p.s. Please pray for our little friend Alex, He is from our Dr. Office back in Greenville, he is also going through a Transplant now at Duke.
Please also pray for our friend Anthony, who also is a patient at our Dr. Office in Greenville. LOVE, CHRISTINE

Friday, November 7, 2003 8:49 PM CST

Hey Josh Fans,

Not much new in the Big Apple. Joshua has just been laying around with fever off and on today. It could be the chemo but they are checking blood cultures and started him on antibiotics just in case. He still isn't eating or drinking. He says that nothing tastes right. Christine said that his lips were swollen this morning. When she asked the doctor about it, she told her that it was a sign the mouth sores weren't far away. Sure enough, he complained about a bump in his mouth later this evening. Christine said he has been already swishing and swallowing the medicine for the sores, and able to hold it down all except once today. Depending on cultures, counts, and Joshua, he may not receive the last dose of carboplatin tomorrow. One of the doctors told Christine he has already received enough chemo to kill out everything for transplant, but the carboplatin is one of the main chemos to fight neuroblastoma. So lets hope he gets it to finally rid our baby from this terrible disease. I think I told everyone he will receive the stem cell transplant on the 10th. Actually it is the 11th. Joshua's 1 year anniversary from finding out he had neuroblastoma. We get to celebrate in a way like Joshua being born again. We just have to trust in God that this time our baby will be healthy and and live to serve Him in everything he does. We must thank Him for getting us through this trial in our lives. And pray that what the doctors learn from Joshua's experiences, may help someone else get through their battles with less suffering. I guess that's about it for now.

Prayer requests today; That the mouth sores won't be bad, Joshua gets his final round of chemo tomorrow. He is able to eat and drink very soon.

Also pray that Anthony in Greenville doesn't have infection and will be able to receive his chemo tomorrow

Thanks for stopping by. And keep up those prayers for all of our babies.

Thursday, November 6, 2003 7:08 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Joshua had a some what good day yesterday, he was still eating a little and drinking . Last night , the Doctor came by and said Joshua's urine level was coming back a little lower than normal, so they needed to get a more accurate count, so that means we need to put in a foley catheter. The first nurse came in and tried and Joshua was in so much pain, she couldn't get it in right, so she let him rest for thiry minutes, and came back in with another nurse, he had went to sleep, so I had to wake him up and tell him the bad news, They tried again and it was not working, now tears were coming down for me, because he was looking up at me and I know he was wondering why are you letting them do this to me. The Doctors then said we will try again just to collect it in the container, if it is still low the next morning, we will let a surgeon do it then, by putting him to sleep.

Today , Joshua really doesn't feel like going to the playroom, he throws up when any liquid medicine goes in by mouth. Tonight , A friend of ours Angie walked us a package that my cousin Vicky sent to Joshua from N.C. It was a food box, he has been waiting on it all week. He finally was able to eat his Chicken ' Biscuits crackers, and they stayed down.Thank you Vicky, we love you. Our friend Angie and her daughter Dana have been here for a little while, they also stay at the Ronald McDonald House, Dana had a Stem-Cell Transplant, She is around 60 days out of Transplant. Thank You Angie for walking Joshua's Package over in the rain, We love you guys. Please keep Dana Keller in your prayers. Joshua's counts on the urine come back normal today, so that means he can get his full dose of Chemo.

There has been a lot of friends and family asking us WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOU? Well tonight I would like to take everyone up on that, and ask everyone anytime in the next two weeks when you see my baby TRAVIS, please walk up to him and give him a hug for me, he was really upset with me last night, he said a lot of mean things to me, but I know he is hurting so much , he needs mommy and mommy misses him soooooo much. I asked him why are you talking to me that a way, he just starts crying on the phone, and says "I MISS YOU MOM AND I NEED YOU HERE WITH ME" Now that will break any mom's heart, I cryed and told him it will be over soon and Joshie and myself will be back with him and Daddy. I wish I could have just held him last night. So it would mean the world to me if you see TRAVIS , could you go up to him and give him a hug from me.PLEASE KEEP JOSHUA AND TRAVIS IN YOUR PRAYERS, WITH ALL THE OTHER LITTLE CHILDREN. LOVE, CHRISTINE

Tuesday, November 4, 2003 2:17 PM CST

Remember...there is a deeper strength and an amazing abundance of peace available to you.

Draw from this well;
call on your faith to uphold you. You will make it through this time and find joy in life again.

Life continues around us, even when out troubles seem to stop time.
There is good in life every day.
Take a few minutes to distract yourself from your concerns- long enough to draw strength from a tree or to find pleasure in a bird's song.
Return a smile;
realize that life is a series of levels.
cycles of ups and downs-
some easy,some challenging.
Through it all, we learn;
we grow strong in faith;
we mature in understanding.
The difficult times are often the best teachers, and there is good to be found in all situations.
Reach for the good.
Be strong, and don't give up.

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share this poem with everyone, because it is so true. Well Joshua has only got sick twice, between yesterday and today. Every time we give him the mouth care medicine, he throws it back up, so we are changing mouth care medicine. He has been to the play room once, better enjoy it before the weekend, because no more for a while. The childlife brought by the new movie Finding Nemo, so he has been enjoying that. They also brought us a Lap top computer to use in our room, We both love that. We want to Thank everyone who sent Halloween Cards and Packages, and Thank you every one back at the Docotor's office and Hospital in Greenville, for the gifts and banner sign, we have it hanging up in our room, It made our day when we saw who all signed it. Thank you guys.We started chemo around 2:30p.m., and the same drill for tonight as last night, We have to do two wash downs, one hour after chemo, and then the next one six hours later.Until tomorrow, please keep Joshua and all the little children in your prayers. LOVE, CHRISTINE

Monday, November 3, 2003 6:28 PM CST

The Young's had a great time this weekend in the Big Apple. None more perfect than being together though. The RMH had a Halloween party for everyone Friday night. Pizza, sodas and the movie Abbott and Costello Meets Frankenstein(I think the teens saw Nightmare on Elm Street or something or other) and of course Trick or Treating in empty rooms. Saturday we went to Toys "R" Us to get an idea of Santa's list and of course the boys want one of everything they saw. Outside we saw a little more than we expected, "The Naked Cowboy". Dressed in a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, a guitar, and underwear. I hope it doesn't warp the boys' minds. We also went by Rockafeller Center and checked out the outdoor ice rink. Pretty cool (no pun intended) place. I'll try to get the photos on after I get thru with this. Sunday was a big day too, The NYC Marathon. We along with other families helped cut up orange slices and passed them out along with gatorade and waters to the runners as they passed 73rd street and 1st ave(mile 17). One of the RMH employees ran and completed the race. Way to go Richie. A fellow employee at the big "S" in Greenwood S.C. finished it too, way to go Tim. Joshua and Christine spent most of the day just waiting in the clinic today.

Here we go. There's no turning back now. T minus day 8 and counting. Joshua started his chemo for transplant today about 3pm. After chemo he has to bathe at 7pm and again at 1am. Something about the chemo coming thru the skin and has to be washed off. I guess this will go on all week. So thank you for the calls, but please don't call too early so they can get "some" rest. Joshua is pretty much back to his old self these days. Christine left their clothes over at Ronald today so she wouldn't have to lug the bag around everywhere waiting to get a room upstairs. She told Joshua she was going to get a volunteer to sit with him while she ran back to get it. His request was a young long-haired female "only". Look out J.G. and M.S. he's been away too long.(haha) Don't worry Becca, he still has your picture from the Messenger on the nightstand at Ronald. Well I guess that's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 6:32 PM CST

Hey Josh Fans,

Sorry for the delay on updates, we have just been waiting on some news. We had a good time at the halloween party, the place was into the theme big time. Joshua stayed on IVs until yesterday. He and Christine went to see the transplant team leader today. Transplant will begin on Monday the 3rd of Nov. He will receive three chemos for this; thiotepa(3 days), carboplatin(3 days), and topetecan(with the others for 5 of the six days). Then two days wait for his counts to drop. He should receive his stem cell transfusion on the 10th. Please pray the thiotepa dosen't cause too many mouth and throat sores or any seizures or skin peeling like a sun burn. Pray that the carboplatin doesn't cause hearing or kidney damage. And the topetecan doesn't add to the mouth sores. When they got back to Ronald today they moved to room 406. Christine said it was raining in their room thru the window almost as much as outside so RMH let them move to another room. I don't know if its another kitchen but lets hope so. Just because the thief/thieves had been preying on just one of the kitchens. I guess that's all the news for now. Keep up those prayers.

Saturday, October 25, 2003 1:49 PM CDT

Hello! Everyone,

Travis and Daddy are here, we hope the weekend goes by very slow. We got invited to a really big Halloween party tomorrow evening. Mrs. Barbara, a lady who lives around the corner from the Ronald House, came up to us and invited us to the biggest Halloween party they have in the area. She volunteers here at the Ronald House alot. She even let us borrow some of her costumes. Thank you Barbara for being so nice to us. Jamie and Travis will get to go with us before they have to leave to go back home. Joshua will go as Scooby-Doo, Travis will go as a clown, Jamie a clown too, and Myself will be Cleopatra. We will take pictures to show. Joshua's quilting angels made him a Halloween Quilt, you can check it out by logging on to the link at the bottom of the web-page.Joshua has not had any pain today, so that is a good sign, I think the fluid they sent him home with is really helping him get up more and have more energy, besides the visit from Daddy and Travis has helped a lot.Until next time, Please keep Joshua and all of the children in your prayers. LOVE, CHRISTINE

Friday, October 24, 2003 5:51 PM CDT

Hey! Everyone, well we spent most of the day in the Doctor's clinic, joshua got fluid to help him from getting dehydrated, then they thought we should keep fluid going through the weekend. He has not been eating or drinking that much. So he has a back pack with fluid in it that will run intil Monday morning.We are so glad he can bring this over to the Rhonald House, instead of being admitted in the hospital. They showed me how to work the machine.We really don't know if he had a kidney stone or not, because of nothing showing up on the x-rays. Doctor's think his pain could be extra gas that has not all come out yet, or just the surgery it self. I think it is the surgery, because he has had three major surgery back to back, and his little body just needs some time to heal. He has only had pain two times today, but he does not won't pain medicine. So everyone pray that it gets better over the weekend.Well, the Biopsy has not come back on the tumor yet, so maybe Monday we will hear from that. We will talk about Transplant Monday,on when that will be. Travis and Jamie are coming up for the weekend, it has been two weeks since we have seen them. We are sooooooo excited. Thank you all for the mail, we love it.Prayers for all the children. LOVE, CHRISTINE

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 6:31 PM CDT

Home Sweet Home Away From Home,

Joshua was released from the hospital yesterday and is back at RMH. Still not much appetite or energy but being out of the hospital is helping a little. He has lost weight, back down to 39lbs. He had gotten back up to 45lbs over the summer. Maybe a couple of trips to the Wicked Wolf, or to Dallas BBQ will put some meat on his bones. He has been hurting on his left side. Go figure. His right adrenal gland was the one removed. Christine just called and said Josh was teeteeing and started screaming about his left side hurting. She called urgent care and the Fellow on call said bring him on over. Joshua told her they could go as long as they don't have to spend the night. Almost back to his old fiesty self. That's all for now. Thanks for stoping by and keep up those prayers.

Prayer requests for tonight are; Please pray everything is ok with Joshua's kidney and the pain will stop and He will start eating and his energy comes back.

P.S. I have to brag on big brother Travis today. Through all that's going on, he is on the All "A" honor roll for the first nine weeks of Third Grade. Way to go "T-man"!!!

Urgent care took x-rays and tested urine and seem to think Joshua may have a kidney stone not an infection because of lack of white bloodcells and a few red bloodcells in the urine. Some what good news. They didn't do the x-ray with the dye, something about the radiologist on duty. Sent them home (RMH)about 1 a.m.

Sunday, October 19, 2003 8:21 PM CDT

Hello Joshua Fans

Not much news to report this weekend. Joshua still has fluid in his lungs, mainly the right one, but he is up and about roaming the halls with mommy. Could be just effects of surgery, or the morphine could be irritating lungs and bowels. He has had diareaha?? a couple of times so the doctors have prescribed antibiotics for possible infection. Semi-isolation again (yippeee). Funny thing, he can walk the halls, go to the kitchen, and have a room mate, but can't go in the playroom. Makes a lot of sense to me. Thanks to one of the volunteers, Christine got to slip over to the Ronald McD house while Joshua took a nap today. She had to wash her hair and left her hair dryer. While she was there she picked up the mail for the last couple of days. Thanks to everyone for the cards, letters and phone calls to keep them close to home at heart. I guess that's about all for now. Thanks for stopping by and please keep up those prayers for all of our babies still fighting and pray for the families who have lost their loved ones to this dreadful disease.

Friday, October 17, 2003 6:54 PM CDT


Friday means one day closer to getting better. Joshua got all of his tubes out yesterday and his epidural broke last evening so they went ahead and pulled it also. He walked to the nurses station in observation and back to his room, sat up in a chair several times yesterday. Christine said he slept pretty well last night, just waking up a couple times. He was in a lot more pain today but did make it to the playroom. He had a chest x-ray about 4:30pm and about 6:00pm the nurse came in and said he had phlem building up in his lungs so GET OUT OF THAT BED. I'm sure he made it back to the playroom again, since Christine was going to get him out of bed. He is on clear liquids today. Hopefully he can eat something solid tomorrow. Joshua says he ready for some real nutrition like potato chips and some wings from The Wicked Wolf. He is still having temperature spikes and he had to get blood today. The nurse said its not unusual after surgery. Just pray for no internal bleeding. I guess that's all for now. Thanks for stopping by. Please keep up those prayers.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 5:05 PM CDT

Hello Joshua's Faithful,

Surgery went well as surgeries can go I guess. They took Joshua back to the operating room about 7:45 (O.R. scheduled for three hours). Dr. L said that the mass on Joshua's adrenal gland was a tumor, appearing dormant to him. He removed the tumor and adrenal gland. Not sure if it's NB, but rarely would it be another type of cancer. The artery that comes off the aorta to the kidney was right in the middle of the tumor so he had to reroute it(why surgery took so long). He said Josh would have about 80more or less)use of his right kidney now, but he shouldn't be able to tell it. He also removed the knot from Joshua's back that had been there since June's bone marrow. I can't remember the exact word he used but Dr. L said something like a fatty cyst. Dr. LaQuaglia came out to get Christine about 1:45. Joshua was already in the obsevation room upstairs when Christine got to see him. He had a bit of fever this afternoon. Doctors say this is normal with invading the body. He still has the tube to his stomach in his nose from surgery. He woke up and touched it and all he said was am I going to be like this for ever. Christine told him no, right back off to sleep he went. Dr L said Joshua would probably be in the hospital 5 to 7 days. Then he remembered who he was talking about and said maybe less. Christine hugged Dr. L and told him thank you, and this wonderful gift from God told her, "its not me" and went out the door pointing up. Thank you God for sending us this angel to help all of our babies.AMEN. And being humble enough to carry a lady's bag to her baby's hospital room. Please continue to pray for all the people, not just our babies who fight this dreadful disease called cancer. Please continue to pray for Anthony and his parents back in Greenville as the threat of surgery comes again to stop the blood clots from his bout with rabdomyosarcoma. Thanks for stopping by.

PaPa Bud said... "Hang tight Scooby"

Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:45 PM CDT

Hello! Everyone,

Today we are just hanging out waiting intil tomorrow, Joshua wanted to go out to his favorite restuarant for lunch, so we went to the Wicked Wolf. He has been playing games on the computer today. Thank you to all who have been sending us mail, Joshua loves checking the mail everyday.
Well, we have to be over at the hospital in the morning at 6:15a.m. , Jamie or Myself will update and let everyone know how surgery went. Until tomorrow, please keep Joshua and all the little children in your prayers, who are fighting this ugly disease, "NEUROBLASTOMA"

Monday, October 13, 2003 5:03 PM CDT

Hello Josh Fans,

Today we found out that Dr. LaQuaglia will not be able to get to this new(old) tumor, hematoma or what ever this thing is by laproscopy. The good old fashion way, cut his precious little side dig thru muscle and shave some off for biopsy or just remove the whole thing, Dr L's call, adrenal gland and all. Maybe this would be better, as not to open up anything by shaving. Anyway the surgery is set up for first thing Wednesday morning. We don't know yet but this will probably delay transplant some more(waiting for any signs of infection). He will probably spend a couple of nights in the observation unit or aleast in the hospital. That's about all the news from the Big Apple today. Other than Joshua got to talk to his girlfriend that works at GHS(Greenvile Hospital System-Greenville SC). Thanks for stopping by. And keep those prayers going for all of our babies.

Saturday, October 11, 2003 8:39 PM CDT

Is life not wonderful? Our Doctor tells us yesterday "all scans came back fine with one exception, Joshua has a small tumor in his right adrenal gland that has gotten smaller with treatment. Dr LaQuaglia could possibly remove it this Tuesday laproscopically. He can explain it to you when you see him on Monday." What tumor????? How did it get smaller when it was but two tumors in his body, the one in his upper left chest and the other in his lower right back. Dr. LaQuaglia has already removed Joshua's tumors. Doctor Hayes(Greenville, SC) had no record of another beast in our baby's body. Of course, an MRI would not show a problem with the adrenal gland unless it was enlarged. If it's neuroblastoma it should have shown up on an MIBG scan. Why did MSKCC not tell us of the thing when it was noticed? Did it show up since Joshua's last chemo Sept. 8th? Did Dr. Kushner look at the wrong scan? Or what is the deal? Noone, I mean noone, has said anything about another tumor until yesterday. Like I said, isn't the world of cancer life wonderful? In case you don't get it....NOT!!!!! I'm sorry I'll quit rambling. Just had to blow off some steam. Christine told me Joshua played and won at "The Price Is Right" tonight at Ronald. The place is awesome. They help in so many ways to get your mind off the daily life of hospitals, doctors, and needles and even thieves. There seems to be someone or several that don't know how to ask before they take. Or they can't read room numbers on the refrigerator shelves one. She also told me that she spoke to Lori today. The Lady that has done so much for Joshua and Christine in Greenville. Thank you Lori for all of the letters and gifts to Josh, Christine and Travis. Her son Anthony is not doing that well(not to make any errors of information). Anthony has been battling Rabdomyosarcoma for several years now. Please lift him up in prayer to finally beat this wonderful life of cancer. Guess I had better wrap this up for now. Thanks for stopping by and remember to keep up those prayers for all of our babies.

Friday, October 10, 2003 4:43 AM CDT

Hi Josh Fans,

Not much news but what we got is pretty good. Joshua and Christine saw Dr. Kushner yesterday. He said the CT looked good, the MIBG looked normal, the Bone Marrow aspiration came back good. Dr LaQuaglia has to check out the chest x-ray and give his ok. If the bone marrow biopsy comes back good and the dentist sees no infection and Dr L. says go ahead, possibly start the transplant the week of the 20th. We met one young lady that just had her transplant(brother donated stem cells) and she was only in the hospital for 20 days. She has/had a blood disorder not NB. Roni says the way Joshua has bounced back from everything else, he should be out in two or three days. Maybe not that quick but the sooner the better.(Huh) Gotta get this bear I have ready for school now. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

P.S.... Say an extra prayer for Trooper Don Lee. He had an accident on Sunday after spending the entire day umpiring for Joshua's softball tournament Saturday. Don't know alot of details but he has several broken bones from what I hear.

P.S.S... Also say and extra prayer for my sister Roni & her husband Dwayne as they head to El Salvador with their church mission trip Saturday.

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 10:11 AM CDT

Hey Josh Fans,

Not much news to report other than Josh completed all the test today with CT on Mon, Bone Marrow and Spinal Tap on Tues, and MIBG this morning. Now for the fun part, waiting til next week for results(yuk). Travis and I really enjoyed being in The Big Apple this weekend with Mommy and Joshua. Joshua took us favorite restaurant away from home, The Wicked Wolf. If you ever get to Manhattan, you must check it out and if you fly in, get a flight at dusk, the view is breath taking. I wish things would have worked out so we all could have seen the softball tournament that Fred and Florence White and their whole family put on for Joshua this past Saturday. Thank you Fred, Florence, Maria, Ricky, Wesley, Joey and families, umpires who stayed all day, concession workers, area businesses and people that donated items and their time and all the teams for your hard work, participation and just plain caring for our baby. I know that only one team could win the tourney, but to us, you are all winners. Again we thank the good Lord for living in a community with so many Angels. We'll update again when we have some more news. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers for all of our babies fighting this terrible disease.

Thursday, October 2, 2003 4:03 PM CDT

Hello! Everyone,

We have a week off from the Doctor's office. Monday morning, we go back in and have a CT scan, then Tuesday,they will check Joshua's Bone Marrow again, it will take one week for results to come back in. Wednesday he has to have a MIGB scan , which will show up hot spots if any Neuroblastoma cells are there, now it will not show up in the Bone Marrow. We pray Bone Marrow is still clear.Dr.Kushner told us if he has a touch of Neuroblastoma in the Bone Marrow, we won't be doing Transplant next,because he said it is no need to do Transplant with disease in Marrow, so then we would go straight to the Antibodies. If we get to do Transplant next then we will do Antibodies after Transplant.Did I confuse you all? Here is some information about the antibodies. WHAT IS THE ANTIBODY? 3F8 is the name of a substance called a Monoclonal Antibody.It attaches to GD2, which is a marker on the surface of neuroblastoma cells. 3F8 is produced by white blood cells of mice, and it must be carefully prepared for use in people. HOW DOES 3F8 WORK?
When 3F8 is injected into the blood stream of patients, it travels to sites of neuroblastoma and attaches to the GD2 maker on neuroblastoma cell serves as a signal to the patient's own immune system ( for example, the white blood cells) to attack the neuroblastoma and kill it. In other words, the 3F8 focuses the patient's own immune system(which usually acts only to control infections) against the neuroblastoma.Chemotherapy weakens the immune system.With time, as the body's own immune system becomes stronger, 3F8 treatments may help the body learn to fight tumors on its own. HOW LONG HAVE 3F8 TREATMENTS BEEN USED? Since 1986, more than 5,000 infusions of 3F8 have been safely used in more than 200 patients. PLEASE PRAY FOR CLEAR BONE MARROW!!!!!!!!!!

Joshua went to bingo last night on the second floor, here at the Rhonald House they have a bingo night once in a while and have nice toy prizes. He was hoping to win, but didn't have any luck. He did get to be a helper calling out the numbers, so that made up for not winning a prize. It is getting a little cooler up here,Joshua has been wearing long sleeves and pants for the past few days. I have been thinking about this weekend and tears come to my eyes.We heard that Mrs. Florence White was putting on a Fund-Raiser for Joshua.She put an AD in the McCormick Newspaper and Greenwood paper. The AD was asking anyone interested in playing softball to call her to sign up, and the AD spoke about Joshua, who is a four year old,fighting Neuroblastoma. THANK YOU FLORENCE, BALL PLAYERS, AND EVERYONE.WE HAVE THE MOST CARING COMMUNITY IN THE WORLD. WE LOVE YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE BEEN DOING FOR OUR JOSHIE.Joshua told me he wish he could come and watch the games and eat snow cones.PLEASE KEEP JOSHUA AND ALL THE OTHER LITTLE CHILDREN IN YOUR PRAYERS FIGHTING THIS UGLY DISEASE.

p.s. I have to share Joshua's little prayer last night.

" Thank you God for Mommy and Daddy, and Travis, and Thank you for all the people in my life. Thank you for letting the Doctor's get out my tumors. AMEN "

Tuesday, September 30, 2003 2:57 PM CDT

Hurry up and wait.

I guess Joshua's cold has postponed the testing we are so anxious to get on with. Yesterday he and Christine reported to urgent care and were checked and told to come back next Monday. Still quarrentined from the clinic. Sounds like his cough is not as bad the last couple of days, so maybe he's getting over it. Joshua must be bouncing off the walls by now. It's going on two weeks being isolated in his RMH room. Thank goodness for vcrs. His appetite is coming around a little. He ate 8 chicken wings(would have eaten 9 but one got into the bluecheese dressing on his plate) bread and some dessert the other night from The Wicked Wolf. Says he has to take Travis and me to try this place out. I'm ready, too ready to go anywhere with them. I know Travis is too. Will update when something comes up. Thanks for stopping by and keep up those prayers.

PS... Heard wonderful news today. Nick L. finished up his treatment at CHOP and doing well. Hope he continues. Nick is from Oklahoma with NB. His grandparents live in Greenwood, SC.

Friday, September 26, 2003 7:21 PM CDT

Surprize, Surprize, Surprize,

Dr. K. said that my little man from Troy would probably have to go thru 5 or 6 sessions of stem cell recovery to get the 7 million for transplant and backup(at least 3 million a piece). NOT. They collected 4 million stem cells yesterday. Today they stopped him 40 minutes short to count and see if Christine had to keep up the high dose neupogen shots thru the weekend, and they collected 3.1 million. Josh and Mom headed back to the RMH about 5:30 or so to wait out the weekend, still in isolation (yippeee). They are to report to urgent care on Monday to see when/what/where testing starts next week. Will update when I have some more news. Please keep praying that the bone marrow is clear, MIBG is normal, and all the other tests come back clear. Also keep praying for all the other babies who aren't as lucky as we are. Lucky??? I think not. My baby was touched by the hand of GOD back on January 26, 2003 when he was annointed with oil by Rev. Doug White and the elders of Lower Long Cane ARP Church. (James 5:13-16) Until next time, May God bless.

Thursday, September 25, 2003 2:02 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Just to let you know, Joshua had to go to the hospital last night with a fever. I talked to Christine this morning no fever this morning. Doctor Kr thinks he has a cold. They were supposed to go for the first session of stem cell recovery shortly when I talked to her about 10am. I haven't heard anything else since then. Will let you know when I know. Thanks for stopping by. Keep those prayers going.

Monday, September 22, 2003 2:36 PM CDT


Well we had to watch Travis and Daddy get in a cab today and go back home, it is much harder the second time to be apart. We had a great weekend with them, and can't for them to come back. We spoke to Dr. Kushner today, and he wants to see Joshua again tomorrow, he feels like Joshua's counts are on their way back up, but won't know intil tomorrow.So if his counts are coming back up on their on, then we will start the Harvest of the stem-cell this week, and then do testing next week. If we get to do testing next week, then we know where we go from there, if bone marrow is clear , we will be ready for transplant, if just a touch of cancer cells show up in the marrow, then we start the Antibodies. Dr. Kushner told us their is no need to do Transplant first if it is still in the marrow, so then we will go to Antibodies to help clean the marrow out. Please pray when we do go for testing that Joshua's Bone Marrow is still clear. Until tomorrow, Prayers for our Babies, LOVE, CHRISTINE

Sunday, September 21, 2003 12:02 AM CDT



Thursday, September 18, 2003 1:45 PM CDT

Hey! Everyone,

This morning Joshua has got sick four times in the Doctor's office, the chemo is really working on him this time. He had to get platelets and lots of fluids. We got there around 8:30a.m., and where back at the house around 2:00p.m. We don't have to be back over to the office until Monday morning. So pray that Joshua's counts start coming up by themsevles soon. He doesn't have a lot of energy right now, but hopefully the platelets we got today will kick in and get him through the weekend. If we need a Doctor over the weekend, we have a number for urgent care, it is somewhere in the hospital. Pray that we won't have to use it.Well this weekend we will be hanging out in the room,watching movies. It was a little cool today up here, we are getting a lot of wind, I guess from the storm.We miss home and are counting the days off, before we will be back HOME SWEET HOME. That is Joshua's job every night to mark the day off, and he loves to do that. He sometimes wants to mark a few days off before they get here.Keep Joshua in your prayers, and Travis too.
p.s. we love and miss you Travis and Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:01 PM CDT

Hello! Everyone,

After we left the Doctor's office yesterday, they give us an appointment for Thursday to come back in to check his counts, but I knew we would have to come back before Thursday,because this round of chemo has made him get sick a little more than the last round he took. He has been getting sick from both ends, but that is the side effect of the chemo. We are blessed that he has not had any fever, cross your fingers. He has been eating more than ever,so he is keeping me busy cooking,or going out to get him more food.Yesterday he had Breakfast,then lunch twice, and then after Dinner last night,this was maybe an hour lately he wanted to have Dinner again, So we went back to the kitchen and cooked again, so it is so nice to see him eat so much. We have a break tomorrow, so we went and rented some movies at Blockbuster, it is on our way back from the Hospital. Joshua was happy they let us rent movies from them,because he is the movie man. I didn't know if they would let us rent because of being out of town, but they did. We would like to Thank everyone again for all the support and prayers for Joshua. It means so much to us to have such caring, loving, family,and friends in our lifes.
p.s. We miss you and love you so much ,TRAVIS and DADDY.

Monday, September 15, 2003 8:22 PM CDT

Hey Everyone,

Christine and Joshua had a slightly delayed flight yesterday because of weather holding up the plane coming in from NYC(about an hour). Security randomly selected my family to search. They found the harmonica Joshua was smuggling in his pocket, scanned it and gave it back to him. Thanks Mary for that scare!! But they did get to Ronald McDonald safely about 9:45 or so. Thank you Lord for this. Joshua's first day back in the Big Apple was kinda short at the doctor's office. Too short for Christine. She didn't get all of her questions asked. He didn't have to get platelettes as sort of expected they were 87k. Dr Stroud loaded him with hmg before they came home from Greenville on Friday. It was 12.7. Wbc was low at 400 so that means low agc. He should be wearing a mask for a few days. But surprizingly, Dr. K started him on neupogen today. Hopefully he won't bottom out too bad as to delay anything. They go tomorrow to get a needle put in Josh's leg (we don't have these at home yet)so Christine doesn't have to stick him every night like I get to at home(yahoooo!! not!!!). Sorry this is so long, so I'll wrap it up now. The Joshua clan is in room 609 at the RMH this time. Number to the room is 212-639-0609. Thank you Bethany Church for the bake sale and for everyone who contributed Saturday. Please keep up those prayers for all who are fighting this dreadful disease.

Thursday, September 4, 2003 5:39 PM CDT


Sunday, August 31, 2003 4:29 PM CDT

Hello ! We have been just hanging out, waiting for Tuesday, and Wednesday to get here. Joshua has a follow-up with two doctors to see. Well, yesterday we got a big surprise, A visiter from Greenville, S.C. Joshua's Docter, DR.Stroud. He and his wife came up for the weekend for the holiday. It was so wonderful to see him, Thank You Dr. Stroud for coming by. He brought a lot of cards that the staff back at the office had made for Joshua. Joshua loved hearing me read the cards. Thanks to everyone at Dr.Stroud, and Dr.Hayes Office.Yall are all angels. We will see you all on September 8. Here at Ronald McDoanld House , they were giving away Free tickets to go to the Mets and Braves Game. We got Four tickets, so Tomorrow we will be at the game, maybe you will see us on T.V., Ha! Ha!
Got to go they are closing the computer room up. LOVE, CHRISTINE P.S. AMBER MADE IT SAFE BACK HOME YESTERDAY MORNING.

Friday, August 29, 2003 1:35 PM CDT

Good news, GREAT news and bad news today

Good news first....Joshua got out of the hospital yesterday about 9:30am. Sorry we didn't update and let everyone know until now. We had a big day going to the movies and Christine got to tour (I mean TOUR) Barnes and Noble book store on 86th street. When we got back to RMH the computer room was closed.

Bad news next.... We didn't get to see any of the neuroblastoma doctors today. So we have an appointment with them on Wednesday the 3rd, along with Dr. LaQuaglia. That means we don't leave until Thursday.

And now for the GREAT NEWS....Joshua is getting around so well for just 3 days after surgery. He and Travis have been playing so hard, Joshua hasn't had but one dose of pain medicine since he has been out of the hospital. Oh yea, NP Victoria gave us the results of the bone marrow.

No sign of neuroblastoma in the marrow. THANK YOU GOD for answering our prayers.

We are headed out to sightsee some more before Amber leaves tomorrow. Everything is hunkydory in The Big Apple with the Young crowd. Lots of Love

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 1:41 PM CDT

Hi! Everyone, Joshua was in a lot of pain last night with his side and back, he had pain medicine , every two to three hours, so not a lot of sleep last night. We are trying to get him to try and sit up or move around in bed, but his back is not letting him do so. He let Jamie pick him up and try to stand him up in bed, but he could not put any pressure on his legs, without his back hurting, so we were able to hold him up for a couple seconds, he let us do these twice before 2:00p.m., he got some new pain medicine, and he has been sleeping for a while. They are having a Ice cream party in the playroom tonight on the hospital floor, he wants to go to it, so maybe he will feel like going to it,Please keep Joshua in your prayers, we pray that the pain will ease off soon for him and that he will start eating and drinking more. Travis and Amber have been studying back at the Ronald McDonald House, Amber can go on line to do her work for college, and Travis works on his assignments. Travis wants to tell Ms.Lloyd and his classmates Hello!, and maybe next week he will see them all. LOVE CHRISTINE

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 3:24 PM CDT

Hello! Everyone,We have such good news to share with everyone, Joshua had to be at the hospital this morning, at 5:45a.m., they took him back for surgery after 8:00a.m.
All of the tumor was removered and he was out of surgery in two hours. He was put in a regular room,instead of ICU, like last time. He is having some pain in his back, but that is expected. When Jamie and I went back to recovery room to see him, Joshua said to us, "I bet them tumors are saying, HEY! HEY! WE ARE ALL OUT NOW." He has such high spirits, always joking, even right after surgery.
He is in Room 521B and the number is 212-639-7900. We don't know how long he will be inpatient, but he is ready to get up and walk to the playroom, which his back has not let him yet, but I know either by tonight or in the morning he will be in the playroom. Nothing keeps Joshua down, he is a strong fighter. Thank you all for all the Prayers and Support. PRAISE GOD FOR GOD IS SO GOOD, LOVE,CHRISTINE

Monday, August 25, 2003 3:13 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick note to let you know that the MIBG test results came back and the only place that showed up was the tumor in Joshua's right lower back. We don't know what time surgery is tomorrow, yet. Dr. La Quaglia's office will call this evening. The Ronald McDonald House and FDNY are taking the house guest for a boat ride tonight, so just wanted let you know about the test results. We'll post a time if the computer room is open when we get back or in the morning since we do know that Joshua's surgery is last on the list for tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by.

P.S. Roni, I think it's a little crowded up here for your baby girl

Friday, August 22, 2003 2:08 PM CDT

Joshua had two test done today, we will get the results from them on Monday, He did so good through the test, he did not have to have anesthesia for them, because he said he could be still the whole time, I'm so proud of him, he is such a big boy. We will find out Monday what time surgery will be on Tuesday, we do know that there are three children ahead of him, so he will be the last one for surgery on Tuesday.We are going to try and enjoy the weekend. PRAYERS FOR ALL THE CHILDREN, LOVE,CHRISTINE

Thursday, August 21, 2003 3:33 PM CDT

Hello! everybody, We had a safe trip, We arrived in New York around 6:47p.m. , on Wednesday evening. Today we had to be over at the hospital at 1:00p.m., and get an injection for the MIBG scan for tomorrow. We just got back, it's 4:35p.m. Joshua did really good getting his needle put in. Travis started on reading homework in the waiting room, with jamie. We have to be at the hospital at 8:00a.m., in the morning, first we get the MIBG scan, it takes about an hour, it will show hot spots of the neuroblastoma, we pray that the only spot that will show up is the tumor in the back , we know that it is there, hope no where else.After that we are back to the Doctors office for our needle to be put in, and then we go for a CT scan, After test, we talk to a Doctor, don't know yet if we will have results from the test tomorrow, or Monday, when we talk to the surgeons.Our neice is coming up Saturday, for one week to help us with Travis, so he does not get so bored over at the hospital, they can go back and forth to the Ronald Mcdonald House. Thank you Amber!

Thursday, August 7, 2003 2:36 PM CDT

Hey, everyone, well we just found out our new date for New York. We have to be there Aug 21, for testing. That Thursday and Friday we will have a MIGB SCAN, and a CT SCAN
done. Aug 25, we will go over the test results with the doctors and the following day surgery will begin, if all goes well. Tuesday, the 26th is the day of surgery. We would like to Thank everyone for all the prayers and kind words you wrote in the guest book. LOVE, THE YOUNGS

Saturday, July 26, 2003 8:01 PM CDT

Joshua Lee Young was a healthy little 3 year old, until the end of October, he started limping, having a low grade fever, and vomiting once a day, the doctors took xrays of his knees and legs, and they saw nothing, so we went home, and called back to the office a few days, because he was vomiting more, but the limping was clearing up, so they told us that he had a virus, and it would have to run its course. One week later, he started limping again, and I went to the doctor without an appointment, someone was going to tell me what was wrong with our baby. We will never forget that day, Jamie, my husband and I was called in that evening November 11, 2002, to the doctors office, Earlier that day we were sent to the hospital for more x-rays, and blood work. We were told that they believe Joshua had Leukemia, but until more testing was done in Greenville, that is when they found the tumors in Joshua, and he was then diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, stage IV. That was the worst day in our lives to hear that our youngest child had cancer, and that it did not look good. We ask the doctor what did this mean, was Joshua going to live, he said we will plan for the worst, and if we get better news than we'll take it. Joshua has been through ten rounds of chemo, and now he is on his third protocol. He had a lymph node in his neck, that was removed the first week he was diagnosed , he had two more tumors , one large one in the chest, and one in the lower back, We have been to Duke for the harvest of the stem-cell, but they were afraid to go through with the Transplant, they wanted the tumors out before, the one in the chest shrunk 50%, but would not shrink anymore, so the surgeon at our hospital didn't think they could get it out, so they sent us to surgeons at Duke, and they did not feel like they could remove it either, because it was so wrapped around so many nerves and arteries in the chest, We then thought
is there anyone out there that can help our baby, so the doctor at Duke talked to our doctor from home, and that is when they sent us to New York to meet with Dr. La Quaglia, and we prayed that he would be able to help our baby, so June 23, we met him, and he did lots of test on Joshua, he told us he could do the surgery, but he had to tell us what could happen during or after surgery, and that was the news that we feared the most, We had to keep our faith, one very nice lady told me something about Dr.La Quaglia, and it made me and my husband at ease, Dr. La Quaglia is a miracle man like everyone says, but what I thought was even more special is that he does not take credit for what he does, He is a very spiritual man. We have been so blessed to have found him, because he took all of the tumor out of his chest. Joshua had some nerve damaged to his left arm, and does not have full function of it , but we knew this could happen, and we can deal with it, we are so glad that it is out of the chest, he goes to therapy for his arm, and I know one day he will get full function back again. Now August 11, 2003, we go back to New York for surgery in the back, this is the last tumor. After surgery, when Joshua recovers, we go back home and do one more chemo, and then check our bone marrow again, and if it is clear, then he will be ready for the stem-cell transplant, maybe even another stem cell recovery since the tumors will be gone thanks to Dr. La Quaglia, however if the bone marrow is not clear, then we go back to New York to start antibodies. PLEASE KEEP JOSHUA IN YOUR PRAYERS,
p.s. I have to mention joshua's older bravest brother, TRAVIS, HE IS 8 YEARS OLD.

Saturday, July 26, 2003 7:50 PM CDT

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