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The Toon Man's Page


Monday, October 10, 2005 4:19 PM CDT


Well, I am finally on my last intensive round of chemotherapy, which consists of eight weeks in which I recieve some heavy stuff just to ward off anything in the future. From what the doctor tells me, Ive concluded that my cancer is unofficially in remission. Tests will be done after this round to determine the extent to which the cancer is gone. I just had my last I.T. treatment today, which is a great thing because they're very difficult and dreaded. I also was given a high dose of the chemo that causes hair loss, so unfortunately Ill lose my hair once more. That's allright though, I've had a good crop of hair growing since July that's now almost an inch long.
Besides the chemotherapy side of things, Im getting along very well. I am currently taking a couple online courses at York Tech to keep myself from falling too far behind and also to keep my brain stimulated. Ive been watching alot of football and a ton of baseball. I have been riding my bike around my neighborhood most everyday working my way back to shape. I also went to Wofford Homecoming this past Friday to hang out with some friends and alumni. Overall, Im just ready to get back to normal at Wofford, and Im very happy to be only a couple of months away.

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E-mail Author: magshurley@comporium.net


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