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Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:25 PM CST

This Christmas we can only imagine what it would be like to have our family complete again. This Christmas we celebrate, but at the same time we are full of sorrow because we are spending our second Christmas without Kailie. Our family has been broken and Kailie's death affects each one of us differently. Yes we are still a family who loves each other, but each of us is missing a very big part of ourselves. Every single day must be like Christmas for Kailie; she is spending eternity with Jesus. Someday we will join her but for now we have a job to accomplish here on Earth. The day that Kailie died was the worst day of our lives and there is nothing that can change that. She was so special to her brothers, mommy and daddy.

Jaren is really struggling this holiday season. It started the Monday before Thanksgiving. His world was just destroyed the day Kailie died. We remember the day he told us that we lied to him because we said that Kailie wasn't going to die. Jaren and his daddy just finished going through the drive thru at Hardees one morning when he said, "Is Kailie going to die?" John told him that only God knows that but the doctors didn’t think she was going to. Have your children ever asked you if one of their siblings were going to die? Kailie was Jaren's security blanket, she was always there willing to love and accept him for who he was. She was always willing to forgive him regardless of what he had done. She was his main source of comfort, she completely understood his special needs and how important she was to him. Then in an instant, she was gone and his world was shattered. When she first found out that she had HLH she said these exact words "I'm not afraid to die, I just don’t want anyone to be sad". Unfortunately this cannot be avoided by any one of us. He feels so out of place with the rest of the world. He senses that he is different and he doesn't understand why other kids don't accept him as he is. He is very unhappy and angry right now. How in the world do you effectively help him and meet all of his needs? We know he has been thinking about Kailie a great deal. The other night before when we tucked him into bed he told us he wanted to write a song about Kailie, called "My Father's Angel". It almost made us cry. He is expressing his emotions in very different ways from typical children, but he is expressing how he feels the best way he knows how. It is very painful to feel helpless and unable to give your children the specific supports they need.

It is hard to feel up to the task of getting ready for Christmas. Yes, we do it anyway; but it is just very, very hard. We have so many questions for which there are not answers. We know too many families who are feeling the same thing right now. It doesn't matter if your child died 10 years ago or one month ago, the pain of them being gone is enormous.

This Christmas please take the time to enjoy every moment with your families, your children and friends. Don't take a single day for granted. We pray that it never happens, but sometimes cherished memories are all that you are left with and it is important to savor every one of them. Don't take today for granted. Don't expect tomorrow to be the same. Don't go to sleep tonight without telling your family that you love them. If you can repair relationships with those you love, do it at all costs.

When memories are all that you have, they become more precious than gold. For your own benefit, and those you love, do whatever you can to create memories of joy this Christmas season.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers. We cannot begin to express how grateful we are for your faithfulness in praying for us, and other families who have lost children. Regardless of what we don't have in Kailie not being here with us, we know that because Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, we will see her again. The best present you can give yourself this Christmas is to give your life to Jesus.

We are all sinners in need of a savior:

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

Because God loved us, he sent his son:

But God commended his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

And made a way for us to spend eternity in Heaven (instead of hell):

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

So all you have to do is:

That if thou shalt confess with thine mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9

That’s all you have to do!

We choose to have joy, and we are so thankful for what God has done for us. Thank you for being so special to us and for being such an important part of our lives. We pray you have a wonderful Christmas celebrating YOUR Savior!

Merry Christmas,
Kailie's Mommy & Daddy 4-ever

Monday, December 12, 2005 2:21 PM CST

It is so very difficult to update this website sometimes. We can't believe that Christmas is almost here. It doesn't seem possible that this is our second Christmas without our precious girl. We miss her so much. She always helped mom put up the Christmas tree. That was their job together. It is now a painful thing to do, but we do it for the boys. It is difficult to go Christmas shopping for only two children instead of three. It is hard to sign Christmas cards and even more difficult to take a family picture to put in them (which we haven't done yet).

However, amidst all of the sadness Christmas brings, there is joy. Christmas is all about God sending his Son, Jesus, so that we might have eternal life. We are thankful that we have Jesus, because Christmas would be very meaningless without Him. We are also very thankful for all of the precious memories we have of our Christmases with Kailie. God was gracious enough to give us thirteen Christmases with her. We are also obviously thankful that we have our boys and each other.

We pray that you and your families have a blessed Christmas. Remember the reason for the season, Jesus’ birth. Jesus came to this earth, lived a sinless life, and died on the cross so that we may have eternal life. It is our hope that if you have not trusted in Jesus as your personal Savior, that you would do that, and celebrate Christmas this year knowing that you have eternal life.

We are all sinners in need of a savior:

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

Because God loved us, he sent his son:

But God commended his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

And made a way for us to spend eternity in Heaven (instead of hell):

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

So all you have to do is:

That if thou shalt confess with thine mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9

That’s all you have to do!

We pray you have a wonderful Christmas celebrating YOUR Savior!

John & Johnelle

PS. Check out the picture page for Christmases past!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:50 PM CST

Join Kailie's Krew for America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride in Lake Tahoe, June 4, 2006. For more information, go to kares4kailie.com

We are gearing up for Kailie's favorite ride. She accompanied her Team in Training teammates many times to Lake Tahoe to cheer them on as they rode 100 miles around the lake. Now we are taking Kailie's Krew there to ride again to raise money for the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation.

She would be so excited if she were here. We know she knows what we are doing. We can just see the smile on her face. It's the same smile you see at the top of this page, only it's even more beautiful and precious. This picture was taken on Kailie's last trip to Lake Tahoe in June of 2004, right before she got sick again.

We are excited yet sad. She should be with us. She should be following her teammates around the lake as they ride. We should all have her name on our shirts along with all of the other kids we are riding for. Actually, we can. We had a rubber stamp made of her signature. We got it off of one of her teammates shirts and scanned it. You can see it on the picture page along with some other Kailie’s Krew pictures.

We are so grateful for all of the love and support we continue to receive. Thank you for coming here today and checking on us. Don’t forget to sign the guestbook and let us know you were here. It is such an encouragement to us!

Please keep praying for Jessica’s family. Please continue praying for Josie, Chelsea, and many other precious children who are fighting the monster called childhood cancer.

John & Johnelle

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 3:34 PM CDT

Check out the new pictures of "Kailie's Krew" walking in the Friends of Kids walk on Saturday, October 8!!

Thanks to all of you who joined "Kailie's Krew" for the 4th Annual "Walk with a Friend" benefiting Friends of Kids with Cancer.  We appreciate all of you who took the time to come out and support us in our endeavor to support a charity that has made such an impact on our lives. They also made an impact on our little girl's life. The following is something she had written in the past about Friends of Kids:

"Friends of Kids With Cancer has helped me throughout treatment in a lot of ways.  They helped me focus on the good things, not the bad.   They gave me something to look forward to like the Big Shelf, trips to the zoo, and gift certificates!  They made the doctor's office a fun place to be when that was the only place I could go.  They gave me some good memories to carry with me all throughout my life."

- Kailie Rhines

We are so thankful to everyone who continues to support our family.  We are blessed to have you all in our lives.  To learn more about Friends of Kids with Cancer, follow the link at the bottom of Kailie's page or go to http://www.friendsofkids.com.

Please continue to pray for Jessica's family.  It has been 2 1/2 weeks since they had to say goodbye to her.  I am sure for them, it seems like forever one minute and like yesterday the next.  Please go to Jess' website, caringbridge.org/mo/jessicajohnson, and leave them a note of encouragement.

John & Johnelle

Thursday, September 24, 2005 11:27 PM CDT

***UPDATE SATURDAY 11:26 PM, SEPTEMBER 24, 2005 ***

Earlier today many of you were asked to pray that God would perform a miracle in Jessica's body and she would recover. God saw Jessica fighting and healed her in the easiest way possible for Jessica, He took her to heaven. Around 6:30 PM this evening Jessica peacefully passed away and went to be with Jesus.

Sometimes people will say that a person "lost the battle", but for a Christian death is the ultimate victory. Jessica knew Jesus as her savior and she has been freed from all of the horrible affects that sin has upon this world. Because of God's son, and only His son, we can be thankful that Jess is in paradise with Christ. No child deserves to endure cancer, ever. They didn't do anything to get it and they would never have chosen it. We don't understand why this happens, but we know that God is in control. We didn't understand when Kailie passed away, and the same holds true for Jessica.

Jessica joins many of her friends in heaven. This is obviously not the way any of us would have planned it, but Jessica has joined Kailie, Jordan, Bobby, Jacob, Austin, Andy, Alexandria, Harrison, Anna, Randi and others to an eternity filled with joy and will never experience sadness or pain again.

Revelation 21:4-5 says
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Jessica has been made brand new again. We love you very much and you will live in our hearts forever. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of so many people.

This isn't goodbye, just so long for now.

We love you forever Jess!

Go to the "view photos" link and see two beautiful girls!

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!!

Please join "Kailie's Krew” as we walk in memory of Kailie at the 4th Annual Friends of Kids with Cancer's "Walk with a Friend." The event is a 5K run or a 1 mile walk. Most of our team will be doing the walk. The date is October 8th and is being held at Westport Plaza. Registration begins at 7:00 am and the walk begins at 8:00. We had a team of about 50 last year. Please help us exceed that number and come out and join us! Check out the picture page for a picture of last year's team.

All proceeds from the walk go to Friends of Kids with Cancer. You can visit their website at http://www.friendsofkids.com to get more information. You can also register online if you would like. Just remember to tell them you are on the "Kailie's Krew" team. If you would like more information, you can also email us at

There is another opportunity to show your support for cancer awareness and also support some kids that are very special to us. September 30th is the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's "Light the Night" walk. This is a walk we did while Kailie was still alive. We had a team for three years in a row. This is not something we are ready to do quite yet. But there are two very special young adults (who we have known since they were kids
J) who have a team. They are calling themselves the "J-Walkers" in memory of Jessica Johnson and in honor of Jay Thomas.

Kailie wrote the following speech when she was asked to speak at the Team Captain Party for the September, 2003 "Light The Night” walk. This was posted on the website two years ago when she wrote it, but we thought it would be a good idea to send it out again. So, here it is:

Hello, my name is Kailie Rhines. I have been going through treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia for almost three years now. I was diagnosed with ALL on November 2, of 2000.

The day I was diagnosed was like a dream. I remember is so plainly. The night before I had been in a cheerleading competition. We had won first place; I was so excited. For the last five days I had noticed some severe bruising. It looked like I'd fallen down the stairs. The day after the competition, I went to the doctor. I wasn't at all worried. I thought there would surely be a simple explanation. But no. My doctor said to go to the lab next door so they could test my blood. I was like, well, okay, whatever. I had never had my blood drawn before, so I didn't know if it would hurt or not. When they drew my blood, I watched that needle go in. I was thinking, COOL!!! Cool, as in, that didn't hurt! The doctor said to go home, and that they would call immediately with my blood count results.

A couple hours later, I was playing in my room when Mom came up and said, Kailie, we have to pack you some stuff to do, while you go to the hospital. I was like, NO! Why do I have to go? Mom told me the doctors wanted to check me out. We thought I would only be there a couple of days, but a couple of days turned into ten days. Well, anyway, we went to the hospital and were met by a really nice doctor. His name was Dr. Rob Hanson. I really liked him, he was really nice. I got to thinking; this might not be all that bad. But he said that I would have surgery to have a port put in, and I would have my first round of chemotherapy. I didn't know what that was, but it didn't sound good as soon as Dr. Rob said it might make me a little sick. I had my port put in, and my first chemo. I was OK for a day or so. Then I started having severe pain, where I couldn't even move my jaw to talk. That's when they put me on pain medication. That only gave me reason to stay longer. I don't remember a whole lot after that, but I do remember Mom went out to buy me a gel pen and a black notebook so I could write down the things I wanted to say, since I couldn't say them without hurting.

A few days before I got to go home, I was told that I would lose my hair. I did, and I wasn't happy. But I did like the fact that I had all these cool hats. The next six months were pretty bad. I felt horrible all the time. I couldn't go anywhere. I pretty much slept all the time. I hadn't seen my friends in six months, and I didn't want to. I felt sick. The January after I was diagnosed me and my family started participating in Team In Training. I didn't get it at first, but when I did, I thought, oh, my gosh. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them. All the money you have raised has helped so much. That money is priceless. That all goes towards research. About 70 percent of the people, who are diagnosed with my kind of Leukemia, get better, because of you. Light the Night isn't only fun, but in the process you are saving lives. Team In Training, too. You don't have to be Superman to be a hero. My heroes are the people who have raised money, to help people like me get better. My heroes are my doctors, my family. I couldn't have done this without them. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. When some days I feel like I can't go anymore, I pray, and remember this Bible verse from Psalm 27:1. The Lord is my light, and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid. I have gotten through Leukemia knowing, what God did for me. He sent his only Son to die on the cross, to pay the penalty for my sin. Going through Leukemia can't possibly be as bad as that. And I am not afraid to go through treatment for cancer. I know that whatever happens to me, it's all part of God's plan for my life. So, I want to thank each and every one of you, who has helped raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. You are a blessing. I am sure when I say that; I speak for every cancer patient. I wouldn't be winning this fight, without your help.

We miss you so much Kailie and we can't wait until we get to see you again.

We love you pumkinseed,

Mommy & Daddy

Monday, September 19, 2005 11:30 AM CDT

Kailie wrote this when she was asked to speak at the Team Captain Party for the September, 2003 Light The Night walk. This was posted on the website two years ago when she wrote it, but we thought it would be a good idea to send it out again. So, here it is:

Hello, my name is Kailie Rhines. I have been going through treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia for almost three years now. I was diagnosed with ALL on November 2, of 2000.

The day I was diagnosed was like a dream. I remember is so plainly. The night before I had been in a cheerleading competition. We had won first place; I was so excited. For the last five days I had noticed some severe bruising. It looked like I’d fallen down the stairs. The day after the competition, I went to the doctor. I wasn’t at all worried. I thought there would surely be a simple explanation. But no. My doctor said to go to the lab next door so they could test my blood. I was like, well, okay, whatever. I had never had my blood drawn before, so I didn’t know if it would hurt or not. When they drew my blood, I watched that needle go in. I was thinking, COOL!!! Cool, as in, that didn’t hurt! The doctor said to go home, and that they would call immediately with my blood count results.

A couple hours later, I was playing in my room when Mom came up and said, Kailie, we have to pack you some stuff to do, while you go to the hospital. I was like, NO! Why do I have to go? Mom told me the doctors wanted to check me out. We thought I would only be there a couple of days, but a couple of days turned into ten days. Well, anyway, we went to the hospital and were met by a really nice doctor. His name was Dr. Rob Hanson. I really liked him, he was really nice. I got to thinking; this might not be all that bad. But he said that I would have surgery to have a port put in, and I would have my first round of chemotherapy. I didn’t know what that was, but it didn’t sound good as soon as Dr. Rob said it might make me a little sick. I had my port put in, and my first chemo. I was OK for a day or so. Then I started having severe pain, where I couldn’t even move my jaw to talk. That’s when they put me on pain medication. That only gave me reason to stay longer. I don’t remember a whole lot after that, but I do remember Mom went out to buy me a gel pen and a black notebook so I could write down the things I wanted to say, since I couldn’t say them without hurting.

A few days before I got to go home, I was told that I would lose my hair. I did, and I wasn’t happy. But I did like the fact that I had all these cool hats. The next six months were pretty bad. I felt horrible all the time. I couldn’t go anywhere. I pretty much slept all the time. I hadn’t seen my friends in six months, and I didn’t want to. I felt sick. The January after I was diagnosed me and my family started participating in Team In Training. I didn’t get it at first, but when I did, I thought, oh, my gosh. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them. All the money you have raised has helped so much. That money is priceless. That all goes towards research. About 70 percent of the people, who are diagnosed with my kind of Leukemia, get better, because of you. Light the Night isn’t only fun, but in the process you are saving lives. Team In Training, too. You don’t have to be Superman to be a hero. My heroes are the people who have raised money, to help people like me get better. My heroes are my doctors, my family. I couldn’t have done this without them. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. When some days I feel like I can’t go anymore, I pray, and remember this Bible verse from Psalm 27:1. The Lord is my light, and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid. I have gotten through Leukemia knowing, what God did for me. He sent his only Son to die on the cross, to pay the penalty for my sin. Going through Leukemia can’t possibly be as bad as that. And I am not afraid to go through treatment for cancer. I know that whatever happens to me, it’s all part of God’s plan for my life. So, I want to thank each and every one of you, who has helped raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. You are a blessing. I am sure when I say that; I speak for every cancer patient. I wouldn’t be winning this fight, without your help.

It has been 13 very long months since Kailie passed away and it still seems so unreal and impossible. Losing her hurts very much and the walk was always a special time for her, and us. We are not quite ready to take part in the Light The Night walk. We don't want to see the luminary in honor and memory of our little girl. However there is another team walking if you are interested in joining them.
Please look on Jessica's website http://www.caringbridge.mo/jessicajohnson for more details. Jessica
desperately needs your prayers. She is still in the PICU at Children's battling a severe case of GVHD.

We miss you so much Kailie and we can't
wait until we get to see you again.

We love you pumkinseed,
Mommy & Daddy

Friday, September 2, 2005 4:11 PM CDT

Jessica Johnson urgently needs your prayers and support. The link to her website is at the bottom of this page.

Well, the one year mark is past.

Stop and think about it. It has been one year since any of us last saw Kailie. Although the memory of her precious smile and loving eyes is as fresh as possible, we haven't been in her presence for one year.

We never thought, imagined, dreamed, fathomed, envisioned, expected, suspected, foresaw or anticipated that Kailie would die. Never, not once until that horrible moment on Friday, August 13, 2004 when the EEG revealed that the Kailie we knew would never be coming back did we even think it was a possibility that Kailie wouldn’t survive.

The doctors had talked to us that Friday and told us that we should let people say goodbye to Kailie. Do you know how hard that was? The machines we depended on to help Kailie get better were now being used to keep her alive. The decision to discontinue therapy was impossible to make as parents. We never had to make that decision because we had said all along that Kailie would tell us; that she would let us know when she was finished, when she wanted to stop, when she was ready to go be with her tender, loving Savior, Jesus Christ.

Her body did exactly that and we agreed with her decision. We chose to discontinue all forms of therapy, except pain control, and extubate Kailie and let her be free to leave this world behind and join her Heavenly Father in heaven.

Dr. Bob, Dr. Rob and Jill took care of Kailie as if she was one of their own children. We wanted Dr. Bob to be the one who extubated Kailie. We wanted him and Jill to be with us when that took place. We fully expected Kailie to quickly and peacefully pass away. But she had different plans. Dr. Bob waited for an hour or so after Kailie was extubated before he made sure we were okay, and he left Kailie’s room for the last time. After Dr. Bob left we only allowed Ian, Jaren, doctors and nurses to come into Kailie’s room.

God gave us one of the greatest gifts possible by letting us spend her last 15 hours with us in complete freedom from all of the machines, pumps, tubes, lines, monitors and noises that had accompanied us for the last two months. As we snuggled with Kailie on her bed we held her hand and softly touched her cheeks and face while we sang her favorite praise songs to her. We told her how much we loved her, how thankful we were for her, and told her how much we would miss her not being with us. We cried so many tears throughout that night as we recalled the many happy times that the five of us experienced together. We talked about Kailie playing in the snow as a little toddler. We recalled how Kailie took care of Jaren from the time he was born. We remembered how much she admired her big brother Ian and how she loved him beyond what this world could understand. We thought about Jaren and how his life revolved around Kailie. She was his world, his sun, his light, his everything. We treasured each moment we had left with Kailie. It’s very painful to go back in time and remember the last time we held her in our arms. We realized that our time with her would soon be over and we would only have eternity to look forward to when we could see her again.

The day she went to be with Jesus was the worst day of our lives, but it was the greatest day possible for Kailie. She was forever free from all the sin, temptation, heartaches, problems, fears, sickness and horrible things this world contains. She was now beginning eternity with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Praise The Lord! Kailie is now with Jesus. She finished everything God sent her here to do, she completed the race, she won the fight and now it was time for her to claim her prize.

We miss you sweet girl. We miss you so very much Kailie.

However, our jobs on earth are not finished. We are here to teach our boys about God’s grace, forgiveness, restoration, complete love and every other aspect of God that is described in the Bible. The two of us are also here to support one another and love the other as husband and wife, mommy & daddy. We have so much left to accomplish for Jesus and in some ways it is only just beginning.

You know that Kailie continues to live on in the hearts of hundreds of people, some who never had the privilege of meeting this precious little girl. God has given us her testimony to share with others; he has allowed us to see people come to know Jesus as their Savior after hearing about Kailie's faith in Jesus as she fought the greatest battle ever imaginable. She won!! And others can win that same battle. They can be victorious over sin and death by accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We are here to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible.

One time Kailie was in severe pain and was ready to give up, but instead she said the following to us, "If one person comes to accept Jesus as their Savior because of my going through treatment for leukemia, than it is worth it all." Wow!

So far 26 people, that we know of for sure, have come to know Jesus as their Savior through Kailie’s testimony. That doesn’t count the 600 people who were at her celebration service. That doesn’t count the thousands of people who have heard about Kailie’s story. Kailie was a missionary while she was here on Earth. And God has given us the privilege of continuing to share Kailie with other people thereby giving us a chance to share God’s love with them.

In closing we wanted to include the following poem that Jaren had to write for school. When we were finished reading it he asked us, "Did it touch your heart?" We'll let you answer that question for yourselves.


I am funny, caring kid who likes my sister.
I wonder about the world we live in.
I hear thunder before it arrives.
I see my sisters soul right in front of me.
I want to be a mechanic when I grow up.
I am funny, caring kid who likes my sister.

I pretend I am falling in the air with my sister.
I feel my sister touching my hand.
I touch my sister’s hand.
I worry when my sister had cancer.
I cry when my sister passed away.
I am funny, caring kid who likes my sister.

I understand that my sister is not here.
I say a lot of things about my sister.
I dream about my sister and me as teens.
I try to not cry about my sister.
I hope I get to see her again.
I am funny, caring kid who likes my sister.

Please continue praying for Jessica. She urgently needs your prayers. Visit Jess' website and let her know that you love her and are praying for her complete healing.

Thursday, September 1, 2005 11:17 AM CDT

Update 5:09 PM CST

Jessica is still very sick. She is on a ventilator, but is not receiving vecuronium (one of the meds in a group of drugs referred to as Neuromuscular Blocking Agents. She is receiving Ativan to calmly sedate her. The ventilator is providing only minimal assistance, which is good news because Jessica's lungs were having problems.

She does have acidosis, her blood pH is not normal; her billirubin is 15 which is obviously not normal.

They put an NG tube into her stomach and have drained approximately 750cc of accumulated blood from her GI tract.

The prayers right now are:
-- Her overall condition to improve
-- Toxic levels of medications in her liver to fall
-- Kidney function to improve
-- No blood clots in liver or spleen
-- No tear in her peritoneal cavity
-- Would not develop a perforated bowel
-- Wisdom for doctors
-- Strength for her mom Vicky
-- Jessica's complete recovery

Thank you once again.

Thursday, September 1, 2005 11:17 AM CDT

Another precious young lady is facing a very difficult battle as her body struggles to get well. Jessica Johnson is back in the PICU at Children's and urgently needs everyone’s prayers. She has battled through so many omplications since her diagnosis and stem cell transplant. She is on a ventilator and deaing with multiple complications at this point. She has a severe fungal infection and the doctors are doing everything they can to help her recover. Please, please pray for Jessica's healing.

It hurts so bad to think of another family dealing with the affects of cancer. Jessica had her stem cell transplant on Thursday, March 3, 2005. They found out that Jessica had developed a secondary cancer (AML) on Monday, December 20, 2004. Chemotherapy drugs are a lifesaver and killer all at the same time. One of the drugs Jessica received to treat her initial cancer, etoposide or VP-16, caused her to relapse.

We will update the site again when we have additional news. Visit

Jessica's site

for further information and to send her a note of encouragement.

Thank you very much,

Kailie's mommy & daddy forever
John & Johnelle

Monday, August 22, 2005 3:54 PM CDT

New Page 1

How long is ONE year?

1 Orbit around the sun
4 Seasons
13 Full Moons
12 Months
52 Weeks
365 Days
8,760 Hours
525,600 Seconds

The past year has been a very surreal one for us. Merriam-Webster dictionary
defines surreal as follows: having the intense irrational reality of a dream.

Is there any better definition that that?

Sometimes it is hard to think of which words to use when we are updating
Kailie’s website. There are so many things we want to say and could say. There are many different words available to express our feelings. However, we never have a difficult time expressing our thanks to Jesus for what he has given us. We also don’t have a problem thanking so many people for their prayers and
support. Jesus gave us thirteen wonderful years with Kailie. We were a complete family for such a long time. When Kailie was sick we all stuck together and were there for one another. When Kailie relapsed we were determined to fight as one to help Kailie win the biggest battle of her young life.

We were talking over the weekend about the day Kailie was first diagnosed with ALL, and we couldn’t believe how brave she was.

By the way...if you ever hear someone say that ALL is the "good" kind of leukemia, tell them to live the life of one of these children and then try to utter those words. We as a society are so fooled by statistics and numbers that we lose sight of the reality that cancer brings to the lives of so many families. A nurse, above all people, said the following to us when Kailie was diagnosed. "At least Kailie has a curable form of leukemia. If there is a good one to get, ALL is the one. After all, there is an eighty percent cure rate

We never told Kailie that. It would have made her very mad to hear somebody say that when they have no idea what it feels like to lose one of your friends to a "curable" cancer. Kailie’s friends were not a statistic. They were precious children who mattered a great deal and made a difference in the lives of countless others.

Nearly 12,500 children are diagnosed with cancer each year. Roughly 2,500 children die each year from cancer. Cancer is the No. 1 killer among children. Each of those wonderful children has a name, they represent families, they are a dream come true but one that will never be fully realized, they are precious, brave, strong, loved and missed. However, they are not a statistic! Please never make the mistake of saying that someone has a good kind of cancer or one that it is very treatable. Kailie's cancer was treatable, until HLH came along and changed all of that forever.

Sunday was the one year anniversary of Kailie’s celebration service. It seems like Kailie passed away just yesterday, but it feels like forever since we last saw and spoke with her. So many things in our lives have changed since Kailie died. There are so many things we desperately miss. Most of all we miss our family being together. We miss not being able to create new memories with the five of us. We miss the completeness of our family. We miss the things we would do as a family. We are sad that Jaren has to grow up without a big sister there to take care of him. We are sad that Jaren has lost his very best friend in the whole wide world. We will never see our precious Kailie grow up to be the pediatric oncology nurse she dreamed to be, nor will we ever attend her wedding or have the chance to hold and nurture her own children. There are just too many things that will never happen. Unfortunately, our sense of loss will continue as time goes on.
Each memory of Kailie isn’t as painful as it once was, but the pain of her not being with us is ever present and fresh.

Happy moments, praise God
Difficult moments, seek God
Quiet moments, worship God
Painful moments, trust God
Every moment, thank God


We miss you so much Kailie and we can’t wait until we get to see you again. You will live in our hearts 4ever.
We Love you to the moon and back infinity times,

Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren, Liza & Mandy


Word Of God Speak
by: Mercy Me

I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay
The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say

Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That You're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your holiness
Word of God speak

I'm finding myself in the midst of You
Beyond the music, beyond the noise
All that I need is to be with You
And in the quiet hear Your voice


I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We love all of you very much and cannot begin to express our gratitude to Jesus for you.

John & Johnelle (Kailie's mommy & daddy 4ever)


Monday, August 15, 2005 9:59 PM CDT

Even though we grieve, we can still have peace.

Phi 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Col 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

God’s grace is quite able to sustain us as we continue to care for the boys, and miss Kailie deeply.

2Co 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my
strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Thank you God for giving us your word, it is pure, true and holy.

Ps 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
2Sa 22:31 As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him.

Pr 30:5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

:-)We Miss You Sweet Girl, See You Soon(-:

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 5:33 PM CDT

We thought it might be nice to read some of Kailie's journal entries. This one is from Wednesday, March 3, 2004 11:07 AM CST.

We miss you sweet girl.

Hello Everyone-

Friday went pretty good. I was really sore when I woke up and was pretty sore the rest of the day Friday, but I found out why. Bone barrow biopsies always hurt quite a bit. Spinals aren't that bad. My doctor did a bone marrow biopsy and tries to do a spinal, but couldn't because there was too much scar tissue. He tried twice, but both of the needles he used bent. When he drew out the done marrow he said that the color looked great!!!! I was, of course, happy to hear that. Who wouldn't be?
On Saturday night I went rollerblading, and afterwards I was so sore I didn't want to move. I took a shower and went strait to bed. I usually read a while before I go to bed, but not Saturday. There was also (in the morning) a team ride (for Tahoe) that Mom and Ian had to go to. After that they had lunch at the Daily Bread. Yum! That was pretty good. I like it better than Bread CO.
Sunday was a normal day. One of Ian's friends came over, and Jaren and I were bounced sky high (not exactly) by them. One at a time. Jaren and I would bonk heads!
Monday was beautiful so we got schoolwork done quickly so we could play outside. Today, in my case, it's get done with school early so I can finish watching a movie with Ian and read books. I will probably read two. I love to read. Some of you probably know that. I also like to draw and write stories, usually letters though. It gets annoying, stories, because I almost always get your story ideas at night and then you're supposed to have lights out so I can't write down my ideas. By morning, they're gone. I am not writing any right now. I just finished a big report for school and, I guess you could say, I am all writed out. I know I am supposed to write wrote, but it's more fun to put wrote. ~lol~ That what I am learning in English- the correct way to write verbs.
I have been a little bit sore since Friday, but it hasn't been nearly as bad. It hurts to take a left step.
Today in Reading, I read a cool poem. It's called, In the Carpenter Shop. I liked it a lot.

In the Carpenter Shop
Author Unknown

I wish I had been His apprentice,
To see Him each morning at seven,
As He tossed His gray tunic about Him,
The Master of earth and of Heaven.

When He lifted the lid of His workchest,
And opened His carpenter's kit,
And looked at His chisels and uagers,
And took the bright tools out of it;

When He gazed at the rising sun tinting,
The dew on the opening flowers,
And He smiled at the thought of His Father,
Whose love floods this fair world of ours;

When He fastened the apron about Him,
And put on His workingman's cap,
And grasped the smooth haft of His hammer
To give the bent woodwork a tap,

Saying, "Lad, let us finish the ox yoke;
The farmer must finish his crop.”
Oh, how I wish I had been His apprentice
And worked in the Nazareth shop.

But, still as of old we may serve Him,
For did not the Carpenter say,--
"Inasmuch…” as ye aid my littlest one,
Ye do it, my friend, for me.

I liked that poem a lot. I hope you enjoyed it as mush as I did. We are going to Kansas City this weekend. We're going to go see my grandparents. Since we're going this weekend and leaving Friday, I have to go to the doctor tomorrow and get IV-IG and Pantamadeem. I hate that stuff. It makes me feel sick for a couple of hours and then makes me super hungry. I think that's weird.
Well, I will update again soon!

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount upon wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” -Isaiah 40:31
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
-Psalm 119:105
"Thy Word is true from the beginning, and all of the righteous judgments endureth forever.” -Psalm 119: 160
"The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? the Lord it the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?” -Psalm 27:1
God Bless!

Friday, July 15, 2005 9:07 PM CDT

July 1, 1997 – Kailie's Birthday

Dear Kailie,

Good morning precious and happy birthday! I hope your special day is filled with fun and smiles. You are such a wonderful little girl that you deserve the most perfect day.

My little angel; if I close my eyes I can remember the joy I felt when mommy first gave birth to you and we found out that we had a baby girl. From the very beginning I could not stop loving you or holding you. The first thing I would do in the morning is look at you. You were the last person that I would look at each night.

Jesus knew that your daddy needed a little girl like to you take care of. That's why he gave you to me. My precious little girl, you make my heart smile because of your love. You make me smile every day because you are my little girl and God wants mommy and me to take care of you for your entire life.

Have a great, wonderful and fun day! Happy birthday my darling; I love you with all of my heart!

I Love You Honey,
Your Daddy

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:31 AM CDT

Romans 8:35
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

Well, it is time to update Kailie's site again. Once again, it has taken us too long to post the update and we apologize for the delay. We also want to thank you for your faithfulness in checking Kailie's site and for your continued prayers for our family. When you lose a child you never "move on with your life", you begin a new life; one without your child. How do you replace the life of your child? God gave us our children to nurture, cherish, protect, teach and love forever. Not a single parent in the world is ever prepared to stop doing that.

Updating her site is very painful. It always brings tears. We know they will come at some point while we are typing the update; it is just a matter of when. Each time we get ready to put the update on the site we have to face the fact that she will never update the site again herself. Her optimistic words will never again grace the pages of her website. Her precious fingers will never type another update. Those same fingers will never play the piano for us again. Her bright and cheery personality will never again brighten our day and make others smile. Her memory will live forever in the hearts of those who knew and loved her, but there are times when the memory of her is just not enough.

We miss you Kailie. Your mommy, daddy and brothers miss you more than we can begin to express. Your many loved ones, friends and teammates miss your presence so much as well. You will be our precious baby girl forever; regardless of how old you were.

Kailie's birthday is Friday. She would have been 14.

We want to celebrate it with you Kailie. We still have a piece of your birthday cake from last year waiting for you in the freezer. Your cake had Eeyore on it; what else? We wouldn't let anybody touch Eeyore's picture on the cake; that was reserved only for you. We sure wish we could have watched you enjoy your thirteenth birthday darling. We wanted to watch you smile and laugh as you blew out your first set of birthday candles as a teenager.

Last year she spent her birthday on a ventilator in the PICU at St. John's. This year she is spending her birthday in heaven with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord, Kailie has been healed and is with Jesus!! What better way to celebrate your birthday than to be with Jesus.

She is so much better now. She has been healed forever and will never be in pain again. She will never have another problem with her tummy. She will not have to grow up with huge scars from having her gallbladder and spleen removed. She will never suffer neuropathy again. The nerve damage to her hands and ankles is gone. She didn't have to go through the many complications a bone marrow transplant would have inflicted upon her. She never again has to be concerned about low counts and not being able to eat salad or go outside and play like a normal kid. She will not have to deal with cirrhosis of her liver caused by HLH. Also, she won't have to think about the possibility of not having children because of the chemo and TBI she needed to get her ready for transplant. All of her concerns are over, forever.

We are so thankful that she will never again have to endure any pain or suffering. It panged us to watch Kailie go through so many trials during her last few months with us. We felt so helpless to stop the war that was raging inside of her little body. We remember so vividly the last time we held our precious and it was very hard to let go of her.

She is so precious and she was one of the three most wonderful gifts we could ever have received. Our lives are our children. We love them more than life itself. Sometimes we think that people get tired of hearing us say how much it hurts, and how painful it is for us to be without Kailie. We are not trying to obtain sympathy from anybody; we have tried to be very honest and transparent as we grieve and learn to live a life without our precious little girl. Kailie's death has affected every single area of our lives. It has deeply impacted our boys; and each of them is dealing with it very differently and not always in the most effective way.

It is very difficult to comprehend that our little girl isn't here with us to celebrate her birthday. There are so many things that remind us throughout the day that she isn't here anymore. When someone has a heart attack it leaves them with permanent damage and part of their heart actually dies. That is how we feel; part of our heart is gone…until we are reunited with her in heaven.

Looking at birthday cards for a daughter is very difficult. There are so many appropriate cards that we could give to her. Inside each card we would write and tell her how proud of her we were, how she is being a wonderful witness for Jesus and to never ever stop trusting Him, and how she will one day make a perfect mommy and wife, how she loves to take care of other people and how she places others before herself. All of our hopes and dreams for Kailie will never come true. Her daddy will never walk her down the aisle of a church and give her to the man of her dreams (second only to her daddy of course) in marriage. Her mommy will never be able to go over to her house and help her when she comes home from the hospital with her first baby. We will never get to watch our little girl grow up. The reality and finality of her not being here is sometimes too much to handle and we just break down in tears as we continue to mourn the passing of one of the most precious people this earth will ever know.

However, the most important thing to us is that she believed in Jesus as her Lord and Savior and He lived inside of her. Despite all of the sadness we must endure here on earth it is nothing compared to the glory we will experience when we are in heaven with Jesus and reunited with our precious Kailie.

Happy 14th Birthday Kailie!!

We love you forever precious,
Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren, Liza Jane & Mandy

Check out the picture page for some birthday pictures!

Romans 8:36-39
36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The best present you could give Kailie for her 14th birthday would be to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins, to accept Jesus Christ and ask him to come inside of you and make you a new person and allow him to be in control of your life.

If you have any questions about that or would like to ask Jesus to come into your heart please email us at the address below.

Some of you may believe that there is no God, that this is it, that you can earn your way to heaven, or there are many ways to have eternal life besides accepting God's son and asking him to forgive your sins. Have you ever thought of this question...Are you really willing to take that kind of risk? Kailie's life was all about Jesus and spreading His love to others. Every person who comes to know Jesus through Kailie's testimony is an answer to her prayer. She once said that, "If people come to know Jesus because of my going through cancer, than it is all worth it" She was 10 years old when she said that. Have you ever seen more remarkable faith? Please choose to share in her joy by asking Jesus into your heart and life.

Monday, June 13, 2005 9:46 AM CDT

This month has too many bad anniversaries associated with it.

Two years ago June 7 Jacob Mosley passed away.
One year ago June 7 we began our trip home from Lake Tahoe while Kailie was very sick.
There was a birthday last week that was filled with sadness instead of joy because a daddy's little girl wasn't there to make it complete.
One year ago June 9 our precious little girl saw her bedroom for the last time, she kissed Liza Jane for the last time, she was home for the last time, she entered the hospital for the last time.

When we left the house for St. John's on Wednesday, June 9, 2004 we headed straight for Dr. Bob & Rob's office. That was the last time she was there. She had been there the entire day and around 4:00 p.m. she said, "Daddy, I want to go to the hospital". That was a very scary thing to hear. Kailie hated the hospital. We then knew it was very serious and that she felt worse than she had in years. As her mommy was with Kailie in one of the rooms at the doctors' office, her daddy went in and talked with Dr. Bob. He broke down crying and told Dr. Bob he was very scared and hadn't felt this way since the day she was diagnosed in November 2000. He told Dr. Bob that he didn't know if he had done the right thing by waiting to take her to a hospital along the way home from Lake Tahoe. Dr. Bob said that Kailie was still alive and that she would have been airlifted to St. Louis anyway, and that would have taken even more time. He said we did the right thing and that she was here, safe and that's all that mattered now.

Two days later on June 11 we were hit with the first of two salvos from the doctors.

On Friday, June 11, 2004 we learned that Kailie had HLH. Bobby Orf had just passed away in December 2003 and we knew that’s what he died of. We also knew Anna VanSickle had died of HLH in March of 2003.

On Monday, June 14, 2004 we found out that Kailie had also relapsed with ALL. On Friday, June 11 the doctors didn’t see any leukemia through the microscope, but they weren’t finished with all of the tests yet. Kailie hadn’t had the bone marrow biopsy and spinal until later in the day and pathology didn't have enough time to complete everything before the weekend.

We didn’t tell Kailie that she had HLH. She too knew that's what two of her fellow patients had died of. We wept as we heard the news. We had a glimmer of hope because (at the time) they hadn’t seen a return of ALL. Not all of the tests were back from pathology yet.

On Monday, June 14, 2004 we learned that Kailie had indeed relapsed with ALL. That day (like many others) will be burned in our minds until the day we die. We were sitting in the parent's lounge at St. John’s. Jill, Dr. Bob & Dr. Rob were there with us. They had to ask another family to leave so we could talk alone. They looked at each other as if to say, "How do we begin? What do we tell them?" they then told us that Kailie had relapsed and they confirmed that she had active HLH as well. They assured us the tests were conclusive and a misdiagnosis was out of the question. They then told us she would be undergoing 30 days of very intense chemotherapy and would hopefully have a bone marrow transplant by then. They told us a successful transplant was Kailie's only chance of survival. They would have to check with doctors from around the world for advice on how to proceed. They said it was going to be difficult, that Kailie would experience complications, and that there wasn't a specific protocol to treat both diseases simultaneously. But Kailie was a very strong little girl and they knew she would never give up fighting. We asked them, "Kailie doesn't have a prognosis, does she?" They simply replied, "No". Those words were crushing. When we went back to Kailie's room she was clutching Listy (her stuffed Black Lab) and her special blanket. She had a very worried look in her eyes and could tell that we had been crying. She asked us what was wrong with her and with the doctors and Jill there we told her that she had relapsed. She immediately burst into tears and just sobbed. Each and every night Listy sleeps with us. It is very comforting to know that we have part of Kailie with us when we fall asleep and when we wake up in the morning.

The only chance Kailie had was a miracle from God. We never lost hope in Jesus. Our faith in Him never wavered. We knew God would heal Kailie. It was our prayer that if it would bring more glory to the Lord for Kailie to be healed on earth, rather than heaven, that he would please choose this. Kailie never found out that she had HLH. We felt the relapse diagnosis was more than enough for her to deal with. We intended to tell her eventually but we wanted her to recover somewhat emotionally from being told she had relapsed. She was so very upset when she found out she had relapsed. She burst into tears and said she couldn't believe she had to go through it again. We felt very helpless as she absorbed the news and she knew the gravity of the situation more than any of us could ever imagine. Rachel Baumgartner was in the hospital at the same due to a collapsed lung. She came to visit Kailie in the PICU and Kailie wanted to spend some time alone with her. We stood outside the door and could hear Kailie sobbing as the two of them held each other. Kailie loved Rachel so much. She admired and looked up to Rachel for the amazing way she had dealt with her cancer. Kailie was determined to follow in Rachel’s footsteps and beat this horrible monster once and for all.

Kailie did defeat the monster; it just wasn’t the type of victory we were praying for.

Kailie told us that she wasn't afraid of dying; she just didn't want people to be sad. When was the last time you saw a 12 year old girl caring so much for others?

The pain of Kailie’s passing hasn’t eased a bit. We still have so much pain in our lives. Some of that pain won’t be relieved until we are with Jesus; and reunited with Kailie. Our primary reason for being on this earth is to bring glory to God. In our finite minds we think, how can the death of a child bring glory to God? The answer is one that we accept through faith in Jesus Christ. Kailie left behind a legacy of faith, joy, hope and a desire to reach others with the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. In the months leading up to her death the Lord used her to lead three girls in a prayer of salvation and they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. At Kailie's celebration service there were over 600 people there. Each and every one of them heard a very clear and concise plan of salvation; two people responded and accepted Jesus as their Savior as well. Kailie continues to impact people in a mighty way. The Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is here because of her. Her desire to help make a difference in people's lives and make others smile is being carried on through the foundation.

Kailie's Krew is another way her memory continues. Each time there is an event associated with Kailie's Krew it gives the teammates an opportunity to continue karing for others the way Kailie did. She loved her teammates and we are very blessed to have all of them in our lives.

This is another wonderful song that fully describes the way Kailie felt.

Spoken For
by Mercy Me

Take this world from me
I don't need it anymore
I am finally free
My heart is spoken for

Oh and I praise you
Oh and I worship you...

Covered by your love divine
Child of the risen Lord
To hear you say "This one's mine"
My heart is spoken for

Now I have a peace
I've never known before
I find myself complete
My heart is spoken for

Oh and I praise you
Oh and I worship you...

Covered by your love divine
Child of the risen Lord
To hear you say "This one's mine"
My heart is spoken for

By the power of the cross
You've taken what was lost
And made it fully yours
And I have been redeemed
By you that spoke to me
Now I am spoken for

Covered by your love divine
Child of the risen Lord
To hear you say "This one's mine"
My heart is spoken for

Take this world from me
Don't need it anymore.

Precious Kailie; we love you so much darling. You are forever in our hearts and will never be forgotten. Your love continues to be an inspiration to so many people who admired and loved you. It saddens us more than words can say that you are no longer with us, but we will see you again.

We will never say goodbye to you Kailie. We will only say, "We'll see you later sweetheart".

We are forever your mommy, daddy, brothers, Puppy Jane, family and friends.

We will see you again soon baby girl.
We love you,
Mommy & Daddy

p.s. Jaren now says that Kelly's last name is no longer Ethington, its Rhines. She is his big sister and part of our family. She's not taking your place honey, she's just filling in for a little while.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:54 AM CDT

Losing a child has got to be the most difficult event for a parent to ever go through.
Your first words are something like, "Sweetheart, I love you so much; I don't want you to leave".  The night before Kailie passed away we whispered into her ear that it was okay for her to stop fighting, that it was time for her to go be with Jesus.  What a joyful moment it must have been for her when she saw her Savior face to face for the first time.
We had no idea how much pain awaited us.
It is so unbelievable, so unreal, so surreal, so shocking and so forever.  You are numb and in a complete state of shock.  You can't truly believe that you have left the hospital for the last time.  You can't imagine that you will never walk into your child’s hospital room again and see them smiling at you, or at least trying to.  The moment you leave their room for the last time you are left with a sinking feeling full of despair and pain.  When you are walking down the hallways for the last time you realize that you will never repeat those steps again and it takes all of your strength to hold back the flood of tears that are once again waiting to pour down your cheeks.
Hospitals have been a place of hope for your child for so long, and suddenly that hope is gone.  We are accustomed to doctors making things better.  In the back of your mind the severity of your child's illness has always been present, but you don’t think about it because they are still alive.  You become accustomed to their bodies performing miracles and recovering.  Some things are just too huge to recover from and there is nothing more medicine or science can do to help your child.  Their life is truly in God's hands now.
As you are driving home from the hospital you find yourself going back to the moment they entered this world when they were born.  You think about the wonderful gift God gave to you by giving them to you.  You think about every "first" thing they did; then you eventually find yourself thinking about the "lasts" that they did.  You think about the last time they walked into their room.  You think about the last note they wrote to you.  You think about the last thing they said.  The last words Kailie spoke were, "I love you mommy". 
The reality of not seeing their precious smile, beautiful face, sweet, tender and trusting eyes, soft cheeks, perfectly long piano playing fingers, of not hearing their voice, of not feeling them give you a kiss or a hug is too great to imagine or believe.  You have no idea of the many moments of grief that you will experience in the coming hours, days and months after they are gone.
When you come home from the hospital for the last time you see everything that is theirs.  You go into their room, kneel beside their bed and sob.  You pick up their treasured things and hold them.  You clutch their stuffed animals and try to see if you can still smell the warmth of your child. You look at their clothes and think about what they were doing when they wore a certain outfit.  You look at pictures and feel so much pain because you will never create additional happiness with them.  We held onto Liza Jane and kissed her and cried rivers of tears onto her fur as we said thank you to her.  That wonderful dog gave Kailie so much joy that it is impossible for us to put it into words.
After a while the affects of losing that child begin to show in the lives of your other children.  Their outlook on life changes; you have tried to keep some sense of normalcy, but it is impossible.  We have prayed for our boys countless times since Kailie went to be with Jesus.  The pain both of them have is unspeakable.  Each day for them is a reminder that things will never be the same for them; their family has been changed forever and there is nothing they or anybody else can do that will change that.  As time goes on you can see the horrible affects of grief in the lives of your other children.  They will sometimes be angry at God because their sibling has died.  They will sometimes be angry at you because they feel you have let them down or lied to them because their sibling is gone.  Our boys have seen so many other kids die and they know the affect it has had on other families.  They never thought it would happen to them too.  It is difficult for them to understand, or believe you, that it doesn’t do any good to be angry at God and turn from him.  Unfortunately, people in general have to learn the hard way instead of learning from others mistakes.  Both of the boys continue having a very difficult time with Kailie's death and they are both dealing with it in very different ways.
Our children are more precious and valuable than our own lives.  Who wouldn’t immediately give their own life if it would spare the life of their child?  Who wouldn’t trade places with them in a moment’s notice if it would make them better?  When your child dies so much more than their life dies too; their hopes and dreams (and yours too) are gone forever.  There are certain things that you cannot allow yourself to think about because the pain is just too immense.
You continue to live, but not as before and you never will.  You don’t hit the lottery financially and money troubles are over.  Bills, car repairs, home repairs and everyday financial concerns continue.  There isn't a huge funding source that awaits families when they lose a child.  Everything that you have been unable to deal with because your child has been gravely ill must now be addressed.  You have many things on your mind and so many things have to be attended to.  Not only do you have your spouse and children to take care of, but throw money concerns in the mix and it makes it even worse.  You don’t have the luxury of spending every minute with your spouse and children.  You can't take time off from life for a month and spend it together and begin to heal.  You have to begin the healing process under additional pressure and stress.  You pray each day that God will give you strength and you have to continue placing your complete trust in Him.
The very last update that Kailie put on this website was one year ago yesterday.  The contents of that update are below. 

Sunday, May 30, 2004 5:35 PM

Rainy Evening-

I would say good evening, but that greeting is SO outdated.

We were just canceled for our tornado warning. It touched down, but not near us. Last night I ran a fever. It was weird. It reached up to 102.1. That’s as high as it got. I didn't have to go into the hospital, (thank the Lord; my platelets are 48: very low.) I am trying to stay away from that place. The people are wonderful, but under the circumstances, I would rather not be there. I haven't had a fever all day. I am going to log off the computer now; it's starting to lighting and thunder really bad. This happened (the fever) last year right before we went to Lake Tahoe, so please pray. I just think it's kind of weird. "Whatever you want, God."

Please continue to pray for Rachel and my family and I. Thank you.

God Bless,
Kailie Rhines

"He directeth it under the whole God thundereth marvellously with his voice;
great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend."

"Heaven, and his lightning unto the ends of the earth."
Job 37…

Thank you very much for your continued prayers and support for each member of our family.  We truly appreciate everyone’s faithfulness.  We can only hope to have an impact on the lives of others like Kailie did.
It's very difficult to say, but our attitude also mimics our precious little girl's…"Whatever you want God".
In Christ's name,
Kailie's Mommy & Daddy Forever

Friday, May 20, 2005 10:27 PM CDT

The following was written by a precious young lady who was one of Kailie’s best friends. Shannon and Kailie became very close while they were going through treatment. They were always there for each other. When the two of them were together the fears and reality of cancer seemed to float away and they could be just like other normal little girls. We treasure memories of Shannon and Kailie together.

Thank you very much Shannon for letting us post this on Kailie’s website. You are a wonderful young lady and we are very proud of you for all that you have accomplished.

By: Shannon Williams

Hero, what is a hero? To me a hero is someone you can look up too, trust and go to when you have any problems.

When I think of the word hero the first person I think of is my best friend Kailie. We met at the doctors’ office one winter afternoon in the year of 2000. It was an awful way to meet someone but I’m glad it happened.

Kailie Amanda Rhines was born on July first 1991, at Humana Hospital in Kansas City. She had two brothers. Ian, who is about four years older then her, and Jaren who is two years younger then she is. Kailie's favorite things to do were reading, writing, drawing, and going shopping.

Kailie had a really good life until she was diagnosed with cancer. She found out that she had a life threatening disease in November of 2000. This is how I met her.

Kailie and I went to the same doctors' office at St. John's in St Louis. We became very close, almost like sisters. We called each other about five times a week and we would talk for hours. Kailie lived in St. Louis so we did not get to see each other too much, and when we did we were very excited. Our favorite thing to do with each other was going shopping. We would spend hours and hours shopping at the mall and Target. We would spend tons and tons of money because our moms would buy everything for us that we wanted. Sometimes we would even by the same clothes.

In the year of 2001 Kailie and I went to the same camp, it was a camp for kids who had cancer. The doctor would be there the whole time just in case something happened to one of the kids. We spent five nights there. At the camp we swam, danced, played sports, and anything we wanted to do.

Kailie and I had good and bad times with each other. In fact, that is one of the reasons she is my hero. She was always there for me no matter if I was happy, sad or ever just crabby. She always tried to cheer me up if I needed it, and somehow every time it worked. She would be the only one to make me be in a better mood if I was really sick or crabby. Kailie was a super strong girl and she always had a smile on her face. Somehow she knew everything was going to be ok. She had an awesome since of humor. She had cancer ten times worse then I did, and she still took it ten times better then I did. She was so strong with everything that went wrong with her.

Kailie is also my hero because whenever I was in the hospital she would always bring me something to cheer me up.

I will never forget all the fun times I had with her. Kailie was the bestest friend anyone could ever have. We talked about everything together, school, music, and even our future. We always said that we would be in each others weddings. Even though she is no longer with us today I no she will be in my wedding even if it's just in my heart. I know Kailie is watching over me all day long, and is by my side watching every step I take.

Kailie, after a few years of chemo, was cancer free!! She was cancer free for a few months. Then sadness filled the world, Kailie found out she had cancer AGAIN! The doctor tried everything he could be she was just too sick.

On August fifteenth 2004 Kailie Amanda Rhines passed away. Kailie’s friends and family were all very upset, and it was the worst day of their life, and even mine. But for Kailie it was a different story, Kailie herself was as happy as can be, as I see it. She was pain free, and she can do so many more things that she was not able to do when she was so sick, and best of all she got to meet Jesus Christ.

I miss her so much but I know she is with me in my heat and is watching over me, and I will get to see her when I go to heaven. Kailie was a strong girl and an AWESOME best friend. She took everything so good and for the best. Kailie is my best friend, and now she, even more, she is my hero. And even an angle in Heaven.

Thank you Shannon for making such a huge difference in Kailie’s life. You meant a great deal to her and you are a treasure to us too. There is a picture of Kailie and Shannon from Camp Rainbow 2001 on the photo page.

If two wonderful kids can become so close and be there for each other in the worst of times; just imagine how much we can be there for each other in the best of times. One of these days the pain will not be as severe, but for now the reality of losing Kailie is always in the forefront of our minds. We can’t imagine having to live the rest of our lives without her. Although we will spend all of eternity with her we would love to have her with us until then.

Thank you very much for your continued prayers for our entire family; please don’t stop we need them every single day.

John & Johnelle
Kailie’s Mommy & Daddy Forever

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 3:05 PM CDT


You are invited to the 1st annual
"Crop for a CAUSE Celebration"
Proceeds benefit Kares 4 Kailie Foundation

Saturday, May 7th - 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Parker Road Baptist Church, 2675 Parker Road, Florissant
for more information, email us at



We are so sorry that our updates are not more frequent. It is just so hard to write sometimes. We are very thankful that you are so faithful to come and check on us even though there is nothing new to read.

We wanted to ask you to pray for a special girl that we know. Her name is Chelsea. She was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia when she was very little. Just a couple of weeks ago, 7 years out of treatment, she relapsed. This is almost unheard of. After 5 years, patients are considered "cured." She is having a rough go of it. She is actually in the hospital on a ventilator right now because of an infection. She and her mom really need prayer, and lots of it. We know many of you will cover them in prayer. Please pray for Chelsea, that her body will strengthen and fight this and for strength for her mom and little brother. Chelsea's dad was killed in a car accident last year. This family has been through a lot. We met them in 2003 when Chelsea's mom did the Team in Training century ride in Lake Tahoe. She did it in honor of Chelsea getting to the 5 year mark. Please pray that Chelsea will pull out of this and be able to celebrate another 5 year mark someday!

Please also continue to pray for Jessica Johnson. She is still in the hospital, but has been moved from the PICU back to the Bone Marrow Unit. She is showing improvement. This girl is ready to go home! She is so sick of being in the hospital. She is so strong and courageous and an example to all of us. Check out her website at www.caringbridge.org/mo/jessicajohnson.

We have a new member of our family. She is a very cute and cuddly 9 week old black lab named Mandy. We have had her for 1 week and 3 days. It is like having a toddler. You have to watch her like a hawk. She puts everything in her mouth. We aren’t sure how Liza feels about her yet. At times, she just ignores her, but last night she actually let Mandy lay in her bed with her. Without growling, we might add! She is going to be very good for our family. The boys love her! Check out the picture page to see how cute she is!

Some of you watched what happened to Kailie the last two months she was in the hospital.

Some of you know firsthand the toll it took on the rest of our family.

Some of you didn't sleep while all of this was going on.

Some of you will never be the same since Kailie passed away.

The desire of the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is to make a tangible difference in the lives of kids and their families.

If you were a kid who was stuck in the hospital for a month, or couldn't leave your house because of germs; how would it make you feel if you received a new DVD release out of the blue?

If you were a parent and were wondering where the money was coming from to pay the utilities, how would you feel if someone volunteered to anonymously pay your utilities?

What would you do if you were at the doctor’s office for 8 hours, in order to keep your child out of the hospital, and you had been cleaning up puke, blood, constantly trying to keep your child comfortable and not thinking about yourself at all that day? Yet you come home and you still have to cook dinner!

How convenient would it be to have some gift certificates to a local restaurant?

We know what this is like. We have been there, not too long as a matter of fact.

Kares 4 Kailie is all about helping others who are enduring these trials right now.

You can help us.

You need to help us.

If you can’t afford to make a donation via http://www.kares4kailie.com, then forward this post onto as many people as possible and encourage them to make a contribution.

Every contribution is tax-deductible and you can even donate securely through PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation. Simply enter a donation amount and select "If you do not currently have a PayPal account" then you can use a major credit card or debit card. You can visit The Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
website or make a donation directly via PayPal.

via PayPal

The foundation is gearing up (literally) for our first big fundraiser. Kailie’s Krew is only two weeks away from the Santa Fe Century. That is a 100 mile bike ride around beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico.

If you would like to support the team by making a donation, please go to http://www.kares4kailie.com.

You can also mail a contribution to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
P.O. Box 4352
Chesterfield, MO 63006-4352.

Please make a notation on the check that it is for Santa Fe.

If you are visiting Kailie's site today, and haven't put a note on the guestbook, please consider doing so regardless of how short the message is. We continue to be blessed by so many of you who leave posts and send us emails. We truly appreciate you.

Don't forget to help us "kare" for other kids and their families who are undergoing treatment in the St. Louis area.

In Christ,
Kailie's mommy & daddy forever

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 1:54 PM CDT

This update has been a long time coming, and we are sorry it has taken us so long to get it to you. Each day we think about it, and then it doesn't happen. This time it is more difficult than normal.

We went to the Washington Monument Co. in Washington, MO but were not able to pick anything out because St. Charles Memorial Gardens were not willing to cooperate with us and the monument company. Of course, St. Charles Memorial Gardens wants you to purchase everything from them and they are just too expensive and their choices are limited and their creativity is pretty much nonexistent. St. Charles Memorial Gardens is a very beautiful place and we chose them because Gina, Austin and Jacob are there; but the people who work in the office are very difficult to deal with. The funeral business is a cash cow and they don’t lose a single penny. Yes they provide a service, but in the end it is all about money. When was the last time anyone said, “Wow, funeral home xyz was a great value.”

Okay, enough of them.

Easter is over with, thank goodness. Each time a special event comes around we can't help but thinking about Kailie and what she would have been doing. This Easter she would have looked as beautiful as possible in a new dress as she stood in between us at church. Jaren would have been on the outside of the pew, followed by John, Kailie, Johnelle and Ian. We would have taken some pictures before church before their hair was messed up and the three of them would have looked wonderful together. The pain is still so very bad. It hurts so deep. On Easter Sunday we went to visit her and just sobbed that we had to visit her in that place instead of seeing her in her own house. We didn’t color Easter eggs, have an Easter egg hunt or even cook at home. It was just too difficult.

Last Sunday was the St. Louis Marathon and we volunteered at a water stop with the LLS. Kailie was there last year and walked the final mile hand-in-hand with Coach Chris. Johnelle was going to walk it with Chris this year, but he was pretty sick earlier in the week and didn’t have the strength to walk the 23 miles. There was something missing on Sunday…Kailie. One year ago she looked so good. She looked so healthy. Her body appeared to be rebuilding itself and she was getting stronger. She was even talking with Cindy Wagner about a training schedule so she could take part in the 5k run that Friends of Kids had in October. She was so excited about the future, and she had every reason to be. Then out of nowhere, in the span of days not weeks, everything changed and the rest is history. It is history that we hate to think about. Kailie’s life with us is in the past and we are still not prepared for things to be that way. Parents aren’t supposed to face this type of reality.

Kailie, we miss you so much Precious. Your mommy, daddy, brothers and Liza are so lost without you. We will carry on and make it because we have Jesus; but special days are just not as fun without you. We miss your fun so much. We miss hearing you tell us that you love us. We miss you fussing at Liza when she does something you don’t like. We miss looking at you. We miss looking at you when you are asleep. We miss your joy. We go into your room to feed Sam the fish and it is so wrong that you aren’t there too.

Mommy’s birthday is coming up and that will be very hard because you won’t be able to make sure the boys get her the right card, you won’t be able to bake her a cake, you won’t be able to give her a hand-made card, you won’t be there to give her a present you picked out yourself and you won’t be there to enjoy the day with all of us. Sweetheart, we wish so bad that things would have turned out differently. We are thankful that you are with Jesus, but we have a huge hole in our hearts.

This weekend we are going to pick up our puppy, Mandy. The day after Kailie’s funeral Nick Kempland said that we should get a dog and name it Kailie. We couldn’t do that, so we decided to use a variation of Amanda, which is Kailie’s middle name. We have picked out two puppies. One of them that we had picked out the breeder might keep, so we have an alternate one chosen. We are preparing for this latest addition, and we are all excited about it…even Ian. Hopefully Liza will feel the same way. We want Liza to teach this puppy how to be a good dog. We know that most of it is up to us, but Liza will help. We have told Liza that she will still be No. 1 and she will still be the boss. We will post some pictures of the puppy when we bring her home.

We need you to continue praying for Jessica. She continues to have a very difficult time and could really use your encouragement. She has been in Children’s for 8 weeks now and it is getting pretty old for her. Her website is below. We found out that two more kids we know have relapsed. Chelsea was 7 years outside of treatment and she has just relapsed with ALL. We don’t have much information about her yet but she and her family need your prayers in a great way. Jack is 4 years old; we met him when Kailie was in the hospital at the time of his diagnosis when he was 9 months old. He had a BMT on June 22, 2004 and he has relapsed for the 2nd time with ALL. It really stinks that other families are hurting out there.

We know that you have many people to pray for and we are so thankful for your faithfulness and love for us and the many other families and kids out there who are going through horrible circumstances.

As you have read before, the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is organizing a century ride in Santa Fe, NM on May 15. We need you to pass the word along to people who are cyclists, or who know of cyclists. We need more people to join our team. People can join the team in one of two ways: By signing up to be a cyclist or you could help us fundraise. Every donation will go towards helping kids like Kailie, Jessica, Alexandria, Bobby, Rachel, Austin, Jacob, Andy, Randi, Jack, Joshie, Ethan, Connor, Haden, Kenny, Scott, Tom, Michael, Gina, Hunter, Shannon, Zach, Megan, Kelly, Katie and many more just like them. Cancer doesn't take a holiday. Cancer doesn't spare somebody because they are a sweet kid. Cancer attacks without warning, partiality, mercy, concern and knows no boundaries.

Some of you watched what happened to Kailie the last two months she was in the hospital. Some of you know firsthand the toll it took on the rest of our family. Some of you didn't sleep while all of this was going on. Some of you will never be the same since Kailie passed away. The desire of the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is to make a tangible difference in the lives of these kids and their families. If you were a kid who was stuck in the hospital for a month, or couldn't leave your house because of germs; how would you feel if you received a new DVD release out of the blue? If you were a parent and were wondering where the money was coming from to pay the utilities, how would you feel if someone volunteered to anonymously pay your utilities? What would you do if you were at the doctor’s office for 8 hours, in order to keep your child out of the hospital, and you had been cleaning up puke, blood, constantly trying to keep your child comfortable and not thinking about yourself at all that day? Yet you come home and you still have to cook dinner! How convenient would it be to have some gift certificates to a local restaurant? We know what this is like. We have been there, not too long as a matter of fact. Kares 4 Kailie is all about helping others who are enduring these trials right now.

You can help us. You need to help us. If you can't afford to make a donation via http://www.kares4kailie.com, then forward this post onto as many people as possible and encourage them to make a contribution.

Every contribution is tax-deductible and you can even donate securely through PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation. Simply enter a donation amount and select "If you do not currently have a PayPal account" then you can use a major credit card or debit card. You can visit The Kares 4 Kailie Foundation website or make a donation directly via PayPal.

via PayPal

The foundation and Kailie's Krew is in training for our first fundraiser and we need your help. We need more cyclists to join us. We could really use an additional 20 or so riders. It is a very small sacrifice when you consider how many children and families you can help by being involved. Please visit http://www.kares4kailie.com for more information about the 100 mile century ride in Santa Fe, NM on May 15, 2005.

Thank you for praying for Jessica too, she is a tough young lady and is fighting the toughest battle of her life. If you are reading this update, go to her site when you are donewww.caringbridge.org/mo/jessicajohnson for more details and send her a note. She would really appreciate it. Also remember to keep praying for her mom as she takes care of Jess. Vicki is facing some difficult issues with her employer and really needs our fervent, effectual prayer.

If you are visiting Kailie's site today, and haven't put a note on the guestbook, please consider doing so regardless of how short the message is. We continue to be blessed by so many of you who leave posts and send us emails. We truly appreciate you.

Don't forget to help us "kare" for other kids and their families who are undergoing treatment in the St. Louis area.

In Christ
Kailie's mommy & daddy forever

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 12:40 AM CST

We are in the process of finding a marker for Kailie's place. It is so wrong for parents to do this for their children. Easter was a very painful day. We went to church as a family, then went to see Kailie. It was a beautiful day outside, but a very dark day within our hearts. Our precious little girl wasn't able to enjoy the day with us. We know that she is with Jesus, but we miss her so much. We miss her smile. We miss her fun personality. We miss her being able to talk with Jaren. We miss her being there when we go to bed and wake up in the morning. Sometimes it just doesn't seem real that she is gone. When we look at her picture we expect her to walk around the corner any minute. She is so alive in her pictures. She is so alive in our minds. She is alive in Christ. The moment Kailie passed, she entered eternity with Jesus. That is about the only thing that gives us comfort. We know she is with God's son, the one who died on the cross for us.

Typing updates for her site is hard, yet it is important that we continue to do so. It help us too. Usually tears are flowing down our cheeks as we type. Memories of Kailie bring much joy and pain at the same time. We only wish we had the ability to create more memories with her. Reminders of her are all around us, at all times. When we are inside the house we have her artwork and many pictures of her and the boys. When we are outside we remember her climbing the trees with her brothers, we look at the trampoline that Friends bought for her and remember how excited she was to jump on it, we look at the garage and remember her sitting down to put on her roller blades or putting on her helmet to ride her bike. When we look at the driveway we remember how she used to create many different designs with sidewalk chalk. When we are in the van driving somewhere we remember how she always talked to us. She was a little chatterbox, we miss her voice so much. It is not possible to express the pain we have inside of us because Kailie is gone. The reality of her being gone is ever-present with us and sometimes reality really stinks; especially when it's not going to change. We love you Kailie. You gave us so much joy and we are very thankful to Jesus that he chose us to be your parents and gave you to us to raise. thirteen years is not enough time; but it is more than some families have had. Too many children have passed away since we embarked on this journey more than 4 years ago. We have seen so much pain in the lives of other families and it saddens us to think about how much they miss their precious kids. Many of you reading this know of others who have lost family members, loved ones and friends during the last 4 years as well. There is only one way that our family finds any comfort in all of this...Jesus. That's it; plain and simple.

There is a song called "God-Shaped Hole" by a group named Plumb

Every point of view has another angle
And every angle has its merit
But all comes down to faith
Thats the way I see it

You can say that love is not divine and
You can say that life is not eternal
"All we have is know"
But I don't believe it

There's a God-shaped hole in all of us
And the restless soul is searching
There's a God-shaped hole in all of us
And it's a void only he can fill

Does the world seem gray with empty longing
Wearing every shade of cynical
And do you ever feel that
There is something missing?

That's my point of view...

As you have read before, the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is organizing a century ride in Santa Fe, NM on May 15. We need you to pass the word along to people who are cyclists, or who know of cyclists. We need more people to join our team. People can join the team in one of two ways: By signing up to be a cyclist or you could help us fundraise. Every donation will go towards helping kids like Kailie, Jessica, Alexandria, Bobby, Rachel, Austin, Jacob, Andy, Randi, Jack, Joshie, Ethan, Connor, Haden, Kenny, Scott, Tom, Michael, Gina, Hunter, Shannon, Zach, Megan, Kelly, Katie and many more just like them. Cancer doesn't take a holiday. Cancer doesn't spare somebody because they are a sweet kid. Cancer attacks without warning, partiality, mercy, concern and knows no boundaries.

Some of you watched what happened to Kailie the last two months she was in the hospital. Some of you know firsthand the toll it took on the rest of our family. Some of you didn't sleep while all of this was going on. Some of you will never be the same since Kailie passed away. The desire of the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is to make a tangible difference in the lives of these kids and their families. If you were a kid who was stuck in the hospital for a month, or couldn't leave your house because of germs; how would you feel if you received a new DVD release out of the blue? If you were a parent and were wondering where the money was coming from to pay the utilities, how would you feel if someone volunteered to anonymously pay your utilities? What would you do if you were at the doctor’s office for 8 hours, in order to keep your child out of the hospital, and you had been cleaning up puke, blood, constantly trying to keep your child comfortable and not thinking about yourself at all that day? Yet you come home and you still have to cook dinner! How convenient would it be to have some gift certificates to a local restaurant? We know what this is like. We have been there, not too long as a matter of fact. Kares 4 Kailie is all about helping others who are enduring these trials right now.

You can help us. You need to help us. If you can't afford to make a donation via http://www.kares4kailie.com, then forward this post onto as many people as possible and encourage them to make a contribution.

Every contribution is tax-deductible and you can even donate securely through PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation. Simply enter a donation amount and select "If you do not currently have a PayPal account" then you can use a major credit card or debit card. You can visit The Kares 4 Kailie Foundation website or make a donation directly via PayPal.

via PayPal

The foundation and Kailie's Krew is in training for our first fundraiser and we need your help. We need more cyclists to join us. We could really use an additional 20 or so riders. It is a very small sacrifice when you consider how many children and families you can help by being involved. Please visit http://www.kares4kailie.com for more information about the 100 mile century ride in Santa Fe, NM on May 15, 2005.

Thank you for praying for Jessica too, she is a tough young lady and is fighting the toughest battle of her life. If you are reading this update, go to her site when you are donewww.caringbridge.org/mo/jessicajohnson for more details and send her a note. She would really appreciate it. Also remember to keep praying for her mom as she takes care of Jess. Vicki is facing some difficult issues with her employer and really needs our fervent, effectual prayer.

If you are visiting Kailie's site today, and haven't put a note on the guestbook, please consider doing so regardless of how short the message is. We continue to be blessed by so many of you who leave posts and send us emails. We truly appreciate you.

Don't forget to help us "kare" for other kids and their families who are undergoing treatment in the St. Louis area.

In Christ
Kailie's mommy & daddy forever

Thursday, March 24, 2005 3:44 PM CST

There are only a few things that are certain in this life. Death and taxes are two examples. If you are receiving a federal or state refund, filing your taxes is usually not a difficult thing to accomplish. This year the filing of our taxes brought a grim reality to our future. This is the last year that Kailie will appear as a dependent on our taxes. As far as the government is concerned, she’s gone. As far as we are concerned, she is ever present with us in our hearts. We have quite a few pictures of our kids and when we look at them we remember all of the good times we had together as a family. We will have more good times together, but when those fun times are over and we are thinking about them it is sad that we didn’t get to see Kailie enjoy them too.

As many of you watch what is taking place in Florida with Terri Schiavo, I’m sure you are thinking about how that would affect your family if you were in the same position. We are amazed at the number of people who have flocked to Florida and have allied themselves on both sides of this issue. This decision is a very personal and private matter and it is painful to watch this played out in the media like it is. Unfortunately the person who has the least to say about it, Terri, is stuck in the middle. When you have to make life and death decisions on behalf of another person it requires selfless actions and pure motives. When Kailie was placed on the ventilator and she was so sick we never thought of her not living through this ordeal. The day her spleen was taken out, August 13, we realized that Kailie was going to let us know when she had enough. We knew that Kailie would make the decision for us regarding the future direction of her treatment. She fought the most courageous battle that a little girl can face, and she won. How can we say she won when she isn’t with us anymore? We can say that because of God’s word. At the top of this page are two verses from 2 Timothy.

2 Timothy 4:7-8

7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Kailie fought more courageously than many adults would, and she did it without complaining. There were two people she wanted to talk to alone when she found out that she had both diseases and would have to receive a bone marrow transplant. She wanted to talk to Rachel Baumgartner and her best friend, Julie Perrey. As we waited outside for her to tell us we could come back in her room, we could hear her cry; but eventually we would hear her laugh too. She more than finished the course that God had put before her. Her faith in Christ never wavered, not once. She was the epitome of strong.

Making a decision to discontinue treatment for a loved one is something that most people will never have to make. It is a little difficult to understand that people are judging this situation in Florida, when most people will never have to make such a horrible decision. God made us to be optimistic; he also made us to be realistic. There comes a time when our most difficult decision regarding the future care of a loved one, is sometimes the best decision available for them. We can understand both sides of the story. As most of you already know, it is not an enviable position to be in.

As Jessica has been recovering in Children’s it has reminded us over and over again of how much more difficult Kailie’s life would have become had she made it to the point of transplant. We can’t imagine things getting worse for Kailie. Her liver and kidneys had been through so much. Her spleen was destroyed. Her GI tract was an absolute mess. And on top of everything else she was still on a ventilator. God was very gracious to Kailie. Even though it doesn’t seem like it to us, because of how deeply we miss her, God was very kind to our little girl by calling her home to spend eternity with Him.

Sunday is Easter. Jesus Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday. Kailie died on a Sunday. Sunday was her favorite day of the week. She loved going to church and learning about Jesus and worshipping the Lord. It was such a blessing to be with her as she sang praises to God. Kailie’s loss is so huge for us. Kailie’s loss is huge for many of you as well. It is very, very difficult to not have our little girl around anymore. We miss everything about her; she is just so precious.

As you have read before, the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is organizing a century ride in Santa Fe, NM on May 15. We need you to pass the word along to people who are cyclists, or who know of cyclists. We need more people to join our team. People can join the team in one of two ways: By signing up to be a cyclist or you could help us fundraise. Every donation will go towards helping kids like Kailie, Jessica, Alexandria, Bobby, Rachel, Austin, Jacob, Andy, Randi, Jack, Joshie, Ethan, Connor, Haden, Kenny, Scott, Tom, Michael, Gina, Hunter, Shannon, Zach, Megan, Kelly, Katie and many more just like them. Cancer doesn’t take a holiday. Cancer doesn’t spare somebody because they are a sweet kid. Cancer attacks without warning, partiality, mercy, concern and knows no boundaries.

Some of you watched what happened to Kailie the last two months she was in the hospital. Some of you know firsthand the toll it took on the rest of our family. Some of you didn’t sleep while all of this was going on. Some of you will never be the same since Kailie passed away. The desire of the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is to make a tangible difference in the lives of these kids and their families. If you were a kid who was stuck in the hospital for a month, or couldn’t leave your house because of germs; how would you feel if you received a new DVD release out of the blue? If you were a parent and were wondering where the money was coming from to pay the utilities, how would you feel if someone volunteered to anonymously pay your utilities? What would you do if you were at the doctor’s office for 8 hours, in order to keep your child out of the hospital, and you had been cleaning up puke, blood, constantly trying to keep your child comfortable and not thinking about yourself at all that day? Yet you come home and you still have to cook dinner! How convenient would it be to have some gift certificates to a local restaurant? We know what this is like. We have been there, not too long as a matter of fact. Kares 4 Kailie is all about helping others who are enduring these trials right now.

You can help us. You need to help us. If you can’t afford to make a donation via

, then forward this post onto as many people as possible and encourage them to make a contribution.

Every contribution is tax-deductible and you can even donate securely through PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation. Simply enter a donation amount and select "If you do not currently have a PayPal account" then you can use a major credit card or debit card. You can visit The Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
website or make a donation directly via PayPal. 

via PayPal

The foundation and Kailie's Krew is in training for our first fundraiser and we need your help. We need more cyclists to join us. We could really use an additional 20 or so riders. It is a very small sacrifice when you consider how many children and families you can help by being involved. Please visit http://www.kares4kailie.com for more information about the 100 mile century ride in Santa Fe, NM on May 15, 2005. 

Today is T 21 for Jessica.  Visit
her site www.caringbridge.org/mo/jessicajohnson for more details and send her a note. She would really appreciate it. Also remember to keep praying for her mom as she takes care of Jess. Vicki is facing some difficult issues with her employer and really needs our fervent, effectual prayer.

If you are visiting Kailie's site today, and haven't put a note on the guestbook, please consider doing so regardless of how short the message is. We continue to be very thankful for all of your prayers and support. Some of you know how huge it is to us and we can't begin to tell you how appreciative we are. Thank you very much for your prayers and support; please don’t stop.

Don't forget to help us "kare" for other kids and their families who are undergoing treatment in the St. Louis area.

In Christ
Kailie's mommy & daddy forever

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 4:26 PM CST

Payday! Many people get paid on the 15th of each month, and normally it is something to look forward to. Kailie passed away 7 months ago today. We dread each time the 15th approaches. How many times have we looked at her pictures and remembered when they were taken. What was she doing when the picture was taken? What were we doing as a family when the picture was taken? What did we do that day? When we remember Kailie we have joy and sadness at the same time. We realize that we had 13 wonderful years with our little girl. However, we then think about not being able to create additional memories with her. It is very hard to deal with her passing, especially for Jaren. We know that God is sovereign and everything he allows to happen to us is designed to bring us closer to him. We have told God that we don’t understand because the impact of Kailie’s death has been so hard on the boys. The two of them aren’t getting along very well right now, and that makes us sad. Jaren’s mind is very different from Ian’s, but Jaren still has to be held to the same standard of behavior as Ian. That is very taxing on all of us because it is a constant challenge.

Kailie was a lot of fun. She brought so much joy to our family, and she was a huge help with Jaren. Jaren would listen to Kailie and she was like a little mother to him. She would tell him when he was doing things that weren’t right, and he would listen. That doesn’t mean that he always took her advice, but he couldn’t stand to have her mad at him. We know that God is in control, and we have to remind ourselves of that each day.

We need all of you to pray for Jessica Johnson
as she recovers from the bone marrow transplant she received from her brother, Jared. Jess feels very rotten right now, visit her site and tell you that you are praying for her and the rest of the family too.

We need everyone's help out there, we need to spread the word about the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation. It is very important that we have as many people help us raise funds as possible, so we can make a difference for others in Kailie's memory. Don’t forget to join us in raising funds for the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization that is dedicated to enriching the lives of children, and their families, in the St. Louis area who are dealing with the affects of cancer or other catastrophic illnesses. The foundation is about others, not our family. The money doesn’t go to us, it goes to the foundation. The foundation is carrying on Kailie’s legacy and desire to make a difference in the lives of others. Kailie cared more about others than herself; and the foundation is committed to continuing in a fashion that would have made Kailie proud. Helping others has a positive affect on us as well, we continue sharing Kailie with as many people as possible. Every contribution is tax-deductible and you can even donate securely through PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation. Simply enter a donation amount and select "If you do not currently have a PayPal account" then you can use a major credit card or debit card.

You can visit The Kares 4 Kailie Foundation website or make a donation directly via PayPal.

via PayPal

The foundation and Kailie's Krew is in training for our first fundraiser and we need your help. We need more cyclists to join us. We could really use an additional 20 or so riders. It is a very small sacrifice when you consider how many children and families you can help by being involved. Please visit http://www.kares4kailie.com for more information about the 100 mile century ride in Santa Fe, NM on May 15, 2005.

We haven't forgotten to be thankful for each of you who visit Kailie's CaringBridge site, send us emails and pray for us each day. You have no idea how much we appreciate it; thank you very much for your prayers and support; please don’t stop.

Don't forget to help us "kare" for other kids and their families who are undergoing treatment in the St. Louis area.

In Christ
Kailie's mommy & daddy forever

Friday, March 4, 2005 1:19 PM CST

How can someone so young and precious be taken from us so quickly? We have been talking about how different life is without Kailie. It is such a shock, in one
day, to go from caring for a person's every need to not having them anymore. In
some ways it seems like a lifetime ago that we were in this other world and were
concerned about Kailie's counts (and there were many things to remember),
possible sources of infections, taking care of her pain, wondering why her tummy was always giving her problems, blood and platelet transfusions, brittle bones, nerve damage from Vincristine, chemo protocols, counting down the number of weeks of chemo she had left, taking care of her nausea, protecting her, etc. Then one day all of that changed. We held our precious for the last time
on August 15, 2004. John kissed her on the forehead for the last time on
August 21, 204. We left Cardinal Glennon for the last time and went home.
We turned around when we got to the parking lot and looked up to her window in
the PICU, said goodbye and realized we weren't going back to see our little girl
anymore. The pain of losing Kailie is still as fresh as it was on that
horrible day last August. This life on earth is very short. If you
don't treasure the time you have with your children you will truly regret it.
The last thing any parent should be thinking about is making burial arrangements
for their child. It just isn't supposed to happen that way. We have
seen so many kids leave their families in the past 4 years it is just horrible.
Each time we think about them it hurts us to think that other parents and
families are going through what we are. As a mommy or daddy can you give
your kids enough hugs? Can you tell them you love them too many times?
Can you give them too many kisses on the forehead or cheek? Can you ask
them too many times if they are okay, if there is anything they need to talk
about? Can you ask them too many times if they are feeling well? Can
you love your kids too much? NO, you can't.

Kailie, we love you so much sweet girl. We want to be with you so bad.
We hate living life without you; it is so very painful. We look at your
room and imagine you sitting on the bed or floor reading a book; with Liza
laying right beside you of course. Our lives are so wrapped around our
children that it hurts very bad to think about one of them not being together as
they grow older. We were looking forward so much to taking care of
Kailie's own children some day. Now that dream is shattered, trampled on
and one that will never come true. Yes we have our boys, and we are so
very thankful for them, but if you lose the use of your leg or your arm is
amputated does it mean that you loved them more than the other? No, our
children are supposed to be together, each one of them is an individual and
unique, yet they make up the family as a whole. We have to go see Kailie
at "her place" and we shouldn't have to go there to visit her.

You are the most wonderful little girl in the world and we will never be able to
fill the void we have in our hearts and lives because you are not there.
You cared so much about other people and we are so proud of you. You made
more of a difference in people's lives in your short 13 years than some people
have accomplish in 90 years of living. We wish you were here so we could
make more memories with you. We just ache for you sweetheart. We
hurt so bad and at the end of the day when we are lying in bed we want to go to
your room one last time before we go to sleep and touch your hair and make sure
you are okay and that Liza isn't hogging the bed and making you uncomfortable.
Your smile is forever etched on our hearts and we love you infinity times over
and over again. You were so brave and we admired that quality so much.

The only thing that begins to make us feel better is the fact that you are with
Jesus right now and you have no memory of the horrible things this world held
for you. You are totally free from all of this junk here. We will
see you again and we can't wait until that time comes. We also have the
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation to help us feel better. We can continue helping
others, through the foundation, and that is a huge encouragement to us too.
Thank you, Kailie for inviting Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior.
It is only because of him that we will see you again.

We need everyone's help out there, we need to spread the word about the
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation. It is very important that we have as many
people help us raise funds as possible, so we can make a difference for others
in Kailie's memory. Don’t forget to join us in raising funds for the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization that is dedicated to enriching the lives of children, and their families, in the St. Louis area who are dealing with the affects of cancer or other catastrophic illnesses. The foundation is about others, not our family. The money doesn’t go to us, it goes to the foundation. The foundation is carrying on Kailie’s legacy and desire to make a difference in the lives of others. Kailie cared more about others than herself; and the foundation is committed to continuing in a fashion that would have made Kailie proud. Helping others has a positive affect on us as well, we continue sharing Kailie with as many people as possible.

Every contribution is tax-deductible and you can even donate securely through PayPal.
You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation. Simply enter a donation amount and select "If you do not currently have a PayPal account" then you can use a major credit card or debit card.
You can visit The Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
website or make a donation directly via PayPal.

via PayPal

The foundation and Kailie's Krew is in training
for our first fundraiser and we need your help. We need more cyclists to
join us. We could really use an additional 20 or so riders. It is a
very small sacrifice when you consider how many children and families you can
help by being involved. Please visit http://www.kares4kailie.com for more information about the 100 mile century ride in Santa Fe, NM on May 15, 2005.

Today is day 1 (post
transplant) for Jessica. She received her brother's stem cells yesterday.
She desperately needs your prayers. A successful marrow engraftment is
critical for Jessica. She is a very brave young lady and is determined to
make it through transplant and continue on with her life. She feels pretty
rotten right now and she could use a word of encouragement from you. Visit
her site www.caringbridge.org/mo/jessicajohnson for more details and send her a note. She would really appreciate it.

We haven't forgotten to be thankful for each of you who visit Kailie's CaringBridge site, send us emails and pray for us each day. You have no idea how much we appreciate it; thank you very much for your prayers and support; please don’t stop.

Don't forget to help us "kare" for other kids and their families who are undergoing treatment in the St. Louis area.

In Christ
Kailie's mommy & daddy forever

Thursday, February 17, 2005 4:26 PM CST

It has been 6 months since our little girl left us.  Each moment of every single day has been an eternity for us.  Why would we say eternity?  Because as far as our futile minds are concerned it will be a very long time before we are reunited with Kailie.  Below are a couple of words and their definitions according to Merriam-Webster.

Anniversary - the annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event

Precious - 1: of great value or high price, 2: highly esteemed or cherished

Heartbreak - crushing grief, anguish, or distress

Sorrow - 1 a : deep distress, sadness, or regret especially for the loss of someone or something loved b: resultant unhappy or unpleasant state

Grief - implies poignant sorrow for an immediate cause, the inexpressible grief of the bereaved parents.

Anniversaries are not always a good thing to celebrate.  Two years ago yesterday Alexadria’s family lost the most precious gift a mother and father can ever have, a child.  Two years.  Can you believe it has been two years?  Unfortunately for those of us who have lost a child, and for those of you who feel that great loss too, each and every day that has passed by without one of our kids seems like forever.

Sometimes it is very hard to update Kailie’s site because we sit here and type through our tears.  We dread the thought of another day without her.  She didn’t deserve to be taken from us by such a horrible disease called HLH.  Her smile is etched in our minds and upon our hearts forever.  Unfortunately the site of her at Cardinal Glennon is as well.

Valentines Day used to be a time of happiness in our house.  This year it was a day filled with tears and sorrow.  Do you know what it is like to stand in the Hallmark store looking at cards for your daughter with tears streaming down your face?  Do you know what it is like to not be able to write a check to pay for something because you are crying?  There will come a time when memories don’t cause so much pain, but we are not there yet.  Kailie always helped her mommy pick out cards for the boys and one for her daddy too.  She helped choose the candy that was the boys’ favorite.  Yes, we are thankful for Ian and Jaren; that goes without mentioning don’t you think?  Instead of seeing her smile when she received purple roses (and mommy too) she looked down from heaven to see them lying where she rests.  Instead of watching her read her cards, we wrote words to her and realized we were writing for our benefit, not hers.  Instead of giving her candy and watching her carefully choose which ones to eat first (Chewy Sweet Tarts were her favorite) we watched the swans and ducks gobble up food we had taken to them at Kailie’s place, at the edge of the lake.

It hurts so bad, the pain hasn’t lessened one bit.  Every time we are at home alone we sit there and think about what she would be doing if she were there with us.  Precious; that is just one word to describe Kailie.  Mommies and Daddies are not supposed to bury their children before they even have a chance to grow up.  It is just wrong for us to do that.  There are so many of us out there and it just stinks that others are hurting just like us.  We want all of you to know how thankful we are for your continued prayers.  Please don’t stop.  Also, continue sending us emails and signing Kailie’s guestbook.  We will try and do a better job of keeping it updated; please don’t forget about us.

We have finally bought our house.  The landlord and his wife decided they would sell it to us.  It was not a pleasant experience dealing with them.  We felt blackmailed in a sense by them, because they knew how much we wanted to own the house Kailie grew up in.  The two of them live out of town and we have only met the husband once, and have never seen his wife before.  If we never see or hear from them again, it will be too soon for us.  Now we know Kailie’s house will stay with us.  Her memories remain intact within those four walls.  Each part of that house holds memories of her.  We miss her beyond what we are able to enunciate.  Words are not adequate, but that’s all we have.

Don’t forget to join us in raising funds for the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation.  The foundation is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization that is dedicated to enriching the lives of children, and their families, in the St. Louis area who are dealing with the affects of cancer or other catastrophic illnesses.  The foundation is about others, not our family.  The money doesn’t go to us, it goes to the foundation.  The foundation is carrying on Kailie’s legacy and desire to make a difference in the lives of others.  Kailie cared more about others than herself; and the foundation is committed to continuing in a fashion that would have made Kailie proud.  Helping others has a positive affect on us as well, we continue sharing Kailie with as many people as possible.

Every contribution is tax-deductible and you can even donate securely through PayPal (the link is below).  Please visit http://www.kares4kailie.com for more information about the 100 mile century ride in Santa Fe, NM on May 15, 2005. 

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to The Kares 4 Kailie Foundation via PayPal.  You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation.  Simply enter a donation amount and select "If you do not currently have a PayPal account" then you can use a major credit card or debit card.

via PayPal

Jessica was a fellow patient of Kailie's who relapsed right before Christmas. Please be praying for Jess, her mom Vicki and her brother Jared.  Jess will be having a bone marrow transplant at Children's within the next couple of weeks; visit her site www.caringbridge.org/mo/jessicajohnson for more details and send her a note.  She would really appreciate it.

BTW, the number for St. John's Blood Donor Services is 314-569-6328. They have flexible hours and you won't find a nicer bunch of nurses anywhere. If you know anybody who can donate for Jess have them give Blood Donor Services a call. Jessica's blood type is O . As you recall us saying so many times before when Kailie was in the hospital; donations are allowing Jess to go through treatment and are saving her life. Jessica isn't going to consume 300 individual platelet transfusions like Kailie, but each transfusion is vital. On behalf of Jessica, thank you so much for giving of yourself. If you (or someone you know) has the following blood types you can donate for her.
Whole blood: O , O- or B-
Platelets: Rh or O-
Rh = A , B , AB , O

Our family is very thankful for each of you who visit Kailie's CaringBridge site, send us emails and pray for us each day.  You have no idea how much we appreciate it; thank you very much for your prayers and support; please don’t stop.

Don't forget to help us "kare" for other kids and their families who are undergoing treatment in the St. Louis area.

In Christ
Kailie's mommy & daddy forever

Monday, February 14, 2005 3:29 PM CST

New Page 2

Happy Valentines Day Kailie!!


We love you with all of our hearts; and miss you more than words can

Daddy, Ian, Jaren & Liza Jane

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to The Kares 4 Kailie Foundation via PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation. Simply enter a donation amount and select "If you do not currently have a PayPal account"; then you can use a major credit card or debit card. The link is on the Kares 4 Kailie website.

via PayPal

Jessica Johnson was a fellow patient of Kailie's who relapsed right before Christmas. Please be praying for Jess, her mom Vicki and her brother Jared. Jess is at home, but is heading to Children's at the end of the week for her transplant, visit her site
for more details and send her a note. She would really appreciate it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2005 11:04 AM CST

Some days are harder than others. Some weeks are more difficult and they drag on forever. The past couple of weeks have been very rough for our family. It is so hard to get through the day without Kailie.

That is such a precious name because of the person who was behind it. We miss her so much. Jaren doesn't like to talk about her too much because he doesn't want to cry. We asked him if he wanted a picture of her to take to school and he said no because he would just cry whenever he looked at it. If only there was a way to bring her back. If only medicine could have helped save her.

If only...

How many times has each of us made this statement? Some families never have the pleasure of their children living to be thirteen. We realize that many people are going through very painful situations and each one is different.

When we go to St. Charles Memorial Gardens to see her it is very emotional at times because we stand there looking at the ground that holds our precious little girl and we cry and tell her that we are so sorry that we couldn't do anything to change the outcome. Through our streaming tears we tell her how much we love her and how much we miss her, and it hurts beyond description. She was so important to our family and she is gone. Her memory will live on within us forever, but it is not the same as having Ms. Precious with us in person.

We love you so much sweet girl. Nothing is the same in our house, except the love we have for each other and for you. Jaren continues to have such a difficult time without you. There were two times we told Dr. Rob & Dr. Bob that nothing could happen to you because Jaren would be devastated. The first time was November 02, 2002 and then on June 14, 2004. On that day we found out that you were going to have a transplant and if you were to live that would be the miracle God would use to make it happen. When we realized you were going to be leaving us it pained us beyond words because we thought of Jaren and Ian. We thought of their love for you. We thought of how important you were to them. We thought of how we fought these diseases as a family. We thought of how we wouldn't be able to take care of you anymore. We realized we were going to be separated from you and it was a reality that we never thought we would have to face or come to terms with.

It has been almost six months since you were stolen from us by a wretched disease called HLH. We absolutely hate that disease. We know that she is with Jesus, and that is the most important thing in the world to us. She is with Christ and because of Him we will see her again.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to The Kares 4 Kailie Foundation via PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make a donation. Simply enter a donation amount and select "If you do not currently have a PayPal account"; then you can use a major credit card or debit card. The link is on the Kares 4 Kailie website.

via PayPal

Jessica Johnson was a fellow patient of Kailie's who relapsed right before Christmas. Please be praying for Jess, her mom Vicki and her brother Jared. Jess is still in the PICU at St. John's, visit her site
for more details and send her a note. She would really appreciate it.

BTW, the number for St. John's Blood Donor Services is 314-569-6328. They have flexible hours and you won't find a nicer bunch of nurses anywhere. If you know anybody who can donate for Jess, have them give Blood Donor Services a call. Jessica's blood type is O . As you recall us saying so many times before when Kailie was in the hospital; donations are allowing Jess to go through treatment and are saving her life. Jessica isn't going to consume 300 individual platelet transfusions like Kailie, but each transfusion is vital. On behalf of Jessica, thank you so much for giving of yourself. If you (or someone you know) have the following blood types you can donate for her
Whole blood: O , O- or B-
Platelets: Rh or O-

Rh = A , B , AB , O

Our family is very thankful for each of you who visit Kailie's CaringBridge site, send us emails and pray for us each day. You have no idea how much we appreciate it. Don't forget to help us "kare" for other kids and their families who are undergoing treatment in the St. Louis area.

In Christ,
Kailie's mommy & daddy

Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:57 AM CST

Time flies by, but yet it crawls too. Some events seem like they happened yesterday, others seem to have taken place a lifetime ago. We all have memories of people that we hold fondly and frequently bring them to the forefront of our minds.

Last Saturday was the 15th; it has been 5 months since Kailie passed away; yet it seems like it just happened. We haven’t seen her precious little face since then and it seems like a lifetime ago. We look at her pictures and try to remember as many details as possible about them. We haven’t seen that sparkle in her eyes for many months, yet we can visualize it without any problems. Our memories haven’t faded a single bit. It hurts so bad that she is gone. We miss her so much we can’t explain the pain. At times we still can’t believe that she isn’t here anymore. We sometimes expect her to walk into the room, come down the stairs, call us on the phone or ask us what we are doing that night or what is for dinner. But we know she isn’t going to do that anymore. The reality of it just stinks. She was such a joy to be around, even if she didn’t feel good she could smile and enjoy life.

When she found out she had relapsed she was determined and willing to fight another match against this awful thing called leukemia. We didn’t get a chance to tell her that she had HLH. We were planning on telling her the day she crashed and had to be intubated. We never had a chance to tell her about the latest beast that was attacking her precious little body. Sixty days later she was taken from us. Her body fought so hard for so long and it couldn’t go on any longer. She didn’t lose her battle. She won; after all she is with Jesus Christ right now and is no longer separated from her savior. Wow! Kailie, we can’t wait to join you.

Believe it or not, January 13th marked the second anniversary of Andy leaving us. It just doesn’t seem that long; unless you are his parents. Each day is difficult for them. Each minute of the day they think about their wonderful son and how much they hurt and miss him. Nothing can replace the loss of a child. Next month will also be two years since Alexandria passed away. Two years! Each day that passes for us who are in this unwelcome club of grieving parents is another day we have to face the fact that our kids are not coming back, and we can’t stand the reality of it all.

Kailie, we loved you so much when you were with us and that love hasn’t faded a single bit. If anything precious, it has grown because we cherish each memory we have of you. Darling, we are so sorry that medicine couldn’t help you anymore. We know that you wouldn’t choose to leave Jesus for a moment, but we are sorry that you had to go. Things weren’t supposed to end this way. You were supposed to graduate from college as a veterinarian or a pediatric oncology nurse or whatever else you set your heart on. You were supposed to get married and have some kids of your own some day. We were supposed to enjoy your precious children just as we enjoyed you. You had so much more growing up to do. You had part of your childhood robbed from you and we were looking forward to you being able to put all of this behind you and move on with your life. There isn’t anything we wouldn’t have done to make things turn out differently. Oh Kailie, we need you so bad. Our hearts ache and cry out for you. We want to touch your hair, gently brush your cheek with our hand, and give you a tender kiss on the forehead. If only sweetheart...if only we could.

The Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is getting ready for their first (of many) kickoff events. There will be a team riding for the foundation in the "20th Annual Santa Fe Century Ride" in Santa Fe, NM on May 15. We are hoping to have 30-40 cyclists participate in the inaugural event. This is the 1st Kailie Ride and we are really excited.

The Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children and their families who are dealing with the affects associated with cancer and blood related diseases. The organization began in memory of Kailie Rhines. Kailie was very concerned about others, especially those that she was going through treatment with. Therefore, in true Kailie spirit, we are continuing this foundation to benefit the children and their families who are fighting these horrible diseases.

The foundation is also dedicated to benefiting other charities that were important to Kailie.

For more information please visit

Below is an update about Jessica Johnson. Jess was a fellow patient of Kailie's who relapsed right before Christmas. Please be praying for Jess, her mom Vicki and her brother Jared. We received this update from Cindy Timpone yesterday (Wednesday 01/20)...Thank you very much Cindy!

Sorry that I did not get this message out earlier. I missed one of Vicki's updates to me! Jessica's been in the hospital since Sunday. She was admitted with low counts, low-grade fever, and a slight reaction to one of her meds. She has been receiving blood and platelets for the past 3 days. They are hoping she can go home later today.

She will receive more blood and platelets through the end of next week. Her counts are very low and the doctors need to see improvement in this area. Hopefully, by the end of next week she will be strong enough for further testing to see if her cancer is in remission.

Jared is giving blood at the Laramie hospital today which will be Fed Ex'd to Children's Hospital for a 2nd confirmation that he is the perfect donor. This is just a standard procedure to confirm the donor match is 100 percent before proceeding with the transplant. He will also fly to St. Louis in the next couple of weeks so a specialist can personally review his veins. This is an important step to allow for him to donate bone marrow for Jessica in the least invasive way possible. (Isn't modern medicine amazing?) He will also be making a second trip to St. Louis! for a series of shots in his legs and to actually make the donation. (Keep Jared in your prayers - this is quite an ordeal and he is juggling schoolwork on top of all of this!)

The transplant will occur at Children's Hospital and everyone really likes the transplant doctor. The next big step is to wait to see if Jessica is in remission. Approximately 2-3 weeks after that point in time, Jessica will begin the preparations for the transplant.

Homebound tutoring is underway. The plan is to make sure Jessica graduates in May with all of her friends!

If you haven't made your appointments to donate blood or platelets, do so today and let me know!

Thank you!

BTW, the number for St. John's Blood Donor Services is 314-569-6328. Their hours are a little whacked right now because of the nurses strike at St. John's but if you know anybody who can donate for Jess have them give Blood Donor Services a call. Jessica's blood type is O . As you recall us saying so many times before, donations are allowing Jess to go through treatment and are saving her life. Jessica isn't going to consume 300 individual platelet transfusions like Kailie, but each transfusion is vital. On behalf of Jessica, thank you so much for giving of yourself. If you (or someone you know) has the following blood types you can donate for her.
Whole blood: O , O- or B-
Platelets: Rh or O-
Rh = A , B , AB , O

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers. We can't begin to express our gratitude to all of you.

Kailie's mommy & daddy

Jessica's mom created a CaringBridge site for Jessica. It is

Please visit her site and send her a note of encouragement. She really needs your prayers and support.

Also...There is a bone marrow drive taking place this weekend. Check out
for details. If you aren't on the registry, get on it this weekend. You could save someone's life. You never know, you could be a match for Matt. Do you have time to help save someone's life? If it was your child you would hope everyone you know would answer 'Yes' to that question.

Friday, January 7, 2005 5:02 PM CST

Why do tragic events take place in the life a child? There are so many questions without answers, or at least not the answers we are looking for and are willing to accept.

Hopefully all of you had a great Christmas and a safe New Year. Our family made it through our first holiday season without Kailie. We hated it. We had fun with the boys and made it as enjoyable as we could. But there wasn’t nearly as much happiness as there had been in years past.

We have been hesitating to update the website because we don’t want people to think that we are just moaning and complaining about not having Kailie with us anymore. Plus, so many emotions flood back into our minds when we update the site.

Kailie was so much a part of Christmas in our family. She loved to cook and bake and would help mommy in the kitchen. That kitchen was very empty this year without her presence. She was supposed to be there for another Christmas. She wasn’t supposed to be stolen from us by a monster disease that took her away from the inside out. There were so many things that we looked forward to experiencing with her, beginning with her starting junior high school. She would have been a 7th grader this year, and she was really excited about it. She would have been in the church youth group beginning last fall when everyone went back to school. She would have been in the youth choir; she was supposed to have a piano recital last June. Liza Jane, our precious doggy turns 9 years old on Sunday. Liza’s birthday was very important to Kailie. Kailie loved Liza so much. Liza was probably the best therapy for Kailie during the entire time she went through treatment. Kailie was going to be a teenager, and was turning into a very lovely young lady. She didn’t even get to celebrate her birthday; she didn’t know she had turned 13. Her childhood was robbed from her when she was 9 and now her teenage years were taken away too.

To be honest with you, all of it just really stinks. Kailie was the most precious little girl in the world. She was so loving, kind, ornery, sweet, happy, encouraging, positive, energetic, hopeful, fun, outstanding, gracious, merciful, nonjudgmental, accepting and many more adjectives. Now all of that is gone, and it stinks beyond description.

Kailie, we miss you so much precious. It hurts so badly. Tomorrow we are going to your place (St. Charles Memorial Gardens) and take down the many ornaments that people put on the balsam blanket. Mommy bought a special container to keep them safely stored away in. Sweetheart, you won’t believe it. Mommy designed a pair of Nike Shox that has your name on them…and they are purple! She hasn’t bought them though; she just designed them on the Nike website.

K-A-I-L-I-E…What a beautiful name. What made that name beautiful was the person behind it. She was such a joy to be around; regardless how she felt she wanted to smile. The last day we clearly communicated with us will be etched in our minds for eternity. We have some pictures taken on June 19, 2004 and she looks to good. Sure she didn’t feel good, she had relapsed acquired an even worse disease and was being hit with a barrage of chemo drugs, but she was alive and able to tell us that she loved us. We are in the process of taking down the Christmas tree. Johnelle started doing it on Tuesday, but it was too difficult for her to do it alone. We’ll take it down together this weekend. Also, Kailie always helped Johnelle take down the tree beginning with carefully removing each ornament and tucking it safely away until next year. If it weren’t for the boys, we probably would not have celebrated Christmas this year. It is extremely painful. Johnelle found a place that is going to make a stamp of Kailie’s famous signature. When we look at it tears come to our eyes because of all the happiness that we won’t be creating with her anymore.

Kailie, this weekend Daddy is going to watch some videos of you. He needs to see and hear you again; even if it is only on a TV screen it is better than nothing at all. Precious, we need you so badly. You were torn away from us and the pain is excruciating. There really aren’t words available to describe the pain; but words are all that we have.

We are in the process of buying our house Kailie, the house that you grew up in; your house. You were 6 years old when we moved to St. Louis. We might have to get rid of Daddy’s Mustang Bullitt, but it will be worth it. We can’t move out of that house. Whatever sacrifice is required is okay with us. That house contains so many memories of you that we couldn’t even think of moving. We will be opening your birthday presents Saturday morning. It will be difficult, but Mommy wants to start cleaning up your room and she is going to redecorate it the way you wanted it. By the way, Sammy (the fish) is doing great. Jaren now has the responsibility of taking care of Sam; it is good for Jaren to go into your room twice a day and feed the fish. Jaren loves you so much Kailie; he really wants you back and just doesn’t understand that we can’t do that.

The Kares 4 Kailie Foudation will be meeting soon to discuss a kickoff party for the Century ride in Santa Fe, NM Sunday, May 15, 2005. It would be great if you could be there; but it will also be great to see how much money can be raised in order to help many other families who are dealing with cancer like we did. We will never forget what you would have done, Kailie. This foundation will make a difference in people’s lives; just like you did when you were here.

We love you looliebell,
Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren and Liza Jane

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount upon wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. - Isaiah 40:31

Don't worry. We are weary, but we won't faint.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 5:00 PM CST

Merry Christmas Kailie. We love you very, very much pumpkinseed. We missed you so much today, but you were with us in our hearts.

On December 12, 2003 Kailie had her last chemo treatment. She relapsed 6 months later and you know what happened after that. December 16, 2004 was the one year anniversary of Bobby Orf's death. We were so shocked at how fast he had died. We couldn't believe it; he was doing so well and his transplant recovery was progressing. We never fathomed a horrible thing like HLH would visit our family too and take away such a precious little girl. We never thought we would feel the same way as Bobby's family. But that is the nature of the beast called HLH and what it does to a person's body. HLH destroys everything in a blink of an eye. As parents what do we treasure most? Our kids. What holiday do we most look forward to spending together? Christmas; we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our celebration (and many other's) will be muted this year because we've been separated from our precious little girl. Another family is facing the uncertainty of relapse and transplant. Jessica Johnson is 17 and is a friend of Kailie's. We became very close to her since Kailie and Jess spent many days in the office and hospital together. Jessica finished treatment 22 months ago for Myxoid Liposarcoma (I think, thanks Kelly). She started having nosebleeds last Tuesday (12/14) and had one Sunday night (12/19) that lasted for 3 hours. Dr. Bob told her mom, Vicky, to get Jess to St. John's ER right away. When they did counts Jessica's platelets were 11,000. One month ago her platelets were 90,000. Jessica had surgery yesterday and had a broviac put in place.
They found out yesterday that she has developed a secondary cancer (AML) because of the initial chemo she went through. She finished treatment 22 months ago. Her brother will be tested later this week to see if he is a match for a BMT. They will be going to Glennon.

Their Christmas will have a different sort of meaning this year too. They are very thankful to be together, but that doesn't change reality. Unfortunately we know all too well how that feels.

Bobby, Jessica, Kailie and Jay Thomas went through treatment at the same time. Bobby and Jay were like brothers. Jay loved Kailie like a little sister. Jay is this big burly young man (I think he is 20 now) yet he was so tender towards Kailie. It hurts to see these kids have to experience so much pain together. One year ago Jay was dealing with Bobby's passing, then Kailie's in August and now Jessica has AML. Jay also had AML. He was very sick for a long, long time. It brings back so many horrible memories because you know exactly what they are feeling right now. They are in a state of complete shock. Absolute unbelief. This can't be happening. Are the doctors sure the tests are accurate? Is there a chance they made a misdiagnosis? What are the chances of this happening? My goodness, Jess previously had an extremely rare cancer for a teenager (the mean patient age at onset is 50 years) how could this be true? So many questions and no answers. It is very hard to sit there and not be constantly thinking about all of it and of the uncertainty.

So many people out there think that horrible things like this only happen to other people, that their family is immune to such heartaches. Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. Each and every one of us are affected by the curse of sin that is upon this world. Christmas day is almost here. There is only one way to ultimately escape the eternal affects of sin, by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. People don't want to believe it is that simple, but it is. Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas anyway.

Romans 10:9-17

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in
thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth
confession is made unto salvation.
11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord
over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall
they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without
a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How
beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad
tidings of good things!
16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath
believed our report?
17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

It's hard to believe in ourselves, but God allowed Kailie to go through all
of this in order that He might be glorified.

Romans 8:14-18 says:

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have
received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children
of God:
17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint–heirs with Christ; if so
be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be
compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Kailie is with Jesus right now. She has her reward. She believed that God sent his Son, Jesus Christ to this earth to die for our sins and that through Him we could receive eternal life. There is a real heaven and a real hell. If you don't know Jesus as your Savior, please choose to accept him today. Kailie said that "if one person comes to know Jesus through my having cancer, then it is worth it all". Do you want to talk about faith? Look at our little girl, she had faith and she is with Jesus. As her parents we hurt beyond measure and words alone cannot describe how deep the pain is. But...we have hope and that hope is Jesus. We will see our precious little girl again, and you can too. If you have any questions about receiving Jesus, please send us an email. We couldn't receive a better present this year than to know that someone has accepted Jesus.

Precious little one, we miss you so much. We want to hold you again. Your mommy, daddy & brothers are broken hearted that you are not here with us this Christmas. It is sometimes hard to remind ourselves that we still have to be thankful even though you are gone. You were such a wonderful gift to us and to everyone who knew you. You will continue to bless people's lives through the testimony you were for Jesus while you were here on earth. It hurts so bad to be away from you sweet girl. Your pictures, artwork, words and memory surround us and we want you back so bad. Sometimes we go into your room and just look at your things. Your suitcase is sitting right where you left it when you were in your room for the last time on the morning of June 9, 2004. We haven't unpacked it yet. We can't. It hurts too bad right now. Someday it won't be as raw, but that time hasn't come yet. This is our first Christmas without your sweet smile, and we can't bear to think about you now being in the living room sitting on the couch opening presents while you watched Liza chew on the bone you got her for Christmas each year. We will give her a bone, from you of course. Last Christmas you didn't feel good. We can picture you sitting on the couch wearing your Eeyore stocking cap with the pom-pom on top, your Eeyore jammies, Eeyore slippers and the green waffle knit henley. We can still see your smile. You smiled even though you didn't feel good. You always smiled Kailie. That is one of the things that attracted so many people to you; your smile. We have to finish this update for now, but we could go on and on about the many memories we have of you. The bond we have with you is inseparable. The bond your brother Jaren has with you is even stronger. Ian loves you so much Kailie. He was up with Jessica today, cheering her up as much as he could. If anybody can cheer somebody up, it's Ian.

We will persevere, even if it seems impossible at times. Kailie, we love you darling. Tears are blurring the monitor sweet one. Merry Christmas precious. Your 1st Christmas in heaven. What an awesome thought Kailie. You are spending Christmas with Jesus. We long to join you, Kailie.

Kailie, we love you forever and always,
Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren & Puppy Jane

Monday, December 6, 2004 1:07 PM CST

Hi Kailie,

How are you sweetheart? That’s a silly question isn’t it? You’re doing great and we are so very happy that you are finally able to enjoy being in the presence of Jesus. You were ready to see Jesus whenever he decided it was time for you to come be with him. Your attitude towards dying was mature beyond your precious thirteen years. Mommy & Daddy told God we would accept whatever he had planned for you and that we would not be angry at him if he decided to take you to heaven. Well precious, we still aren’t mad at God. How could we be? There is hurt, pain and sorrow because we can’t hold you, touch your face, feel your hair against our cheeks, snuggle with you or hear you do that lippy sucky thing; but we don’t have any anger towards God. We hurt because of what we don’t have here on earth. But we rejoice because you are finally free from all of the horrible affects that sin has upon us in this world. You are with Jesus Christ right now. Wow, that must be absolutely awesome! What a little champion you are. You defeated everything this world had to throw at you, and you are now with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It is strange to feel so sad because we miss you, yet happy that we get to see you again. It is selfish for us to want you back so bad, but God made us parents to love our children with every fiber of our being. We can’t go against ourselves in that respect, so we will continue our longing to see you. Oh Kailie, how wonderful you are. How you allowed God to transform your life into an unbelievable example for him. How you have ministered to so many people by the way you lived your life. We will continue to reach others for Jesus regardless of the personal cost. If you could have that kind of attitude for Jesus as a little girl can’t Mommy & Daddy do the same thing as adults? Some people might say that you had childlike faith that made it easier for you because you didn’t have enough time to become cynical about this world. But the contrary is true. You had almost four years to become cynical about everything that had transpired in your life; but you chose to glorify Jesus instead. It is our true heart's desire to see many people accept Jesus as their Savior because of what Jesus has done through you. We have so much respect for you. We love you little pumpkinseed.

Yesterday was the Friends of Kids Winter Wonderland Party. We saw so many of your friends there. Jaren had so much fun running around and playing. It was good for us to be there, but it was also very hard because you weren’t there too. We have so many memories of you having such a fun time at the Friends parties. If only we could roll back the clock and enjoy the memories again with you. We would try and memorize everything that you did at a particular place so we could replay it in our minds over and over as we sit and daydream of you being with your family again. Last night we went to see Julie’s choir perform at her church. They did a really good job. You would have been very proud of her. Mommy & Daddy sat there with tears streaming down our faces as we listened and thought of how important she was to you and how much you would have enjoyed being there. It is painful for us to know that there are others who miss you so much too.

There isn’t really a way for us to avoid the pain of missing you. But we aren’t letting it stop us from being the best parents we can be to your brothers. They hurt too. It isn’t easy for them to express their feelings, but they have a great deal of pain because they don’t have you anymore. Ian is such a good big brother. I don’t think you could have had a better older brother if you had picked him out yourself. He loves you and Jaren so much Kailie.

There are a couple of things we want to do. We need to find a company that will take your handwriting and turn it into a font for us to use on the computer. We are so thankful that you loved to write. You will never know how much we treasure the words you committed to paper. Thank you precious. We also have to find a way to scan your famous smiley face that you placed under your name when you printed your name on stuff. That shouldn’t be too hard to do. It will be fun to update the website with your handwriting.

As Christmas gets closer we will probably have many times that we are sad and have hurting eyes from crying so much. But that’s okay. You are spending eternity with the reason we celebrate Christmas anyway…Jesus Christ, God’s Son. We will see you again, but waiting for that seems like forever at this point.

Thank you for being such a wonderful little girl. You continue to make us smile.

We love you so much little pumpkinseed,

Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren and Liza Jane.

Wednesday, December 1, 2004 10:31 AM CST

Hi everyone!

We wanted to share the words of a song with you all. When we were in Kansas City over Thanksgiving, I was talking with my sister in law and she told me about this song. It is by Mercy Me. She said that whenever she and my brother listen to it they just think of Kailie and cry. Well, a couple of days after we got home, I got brave and listened to it. I cried through the entire song because it is exactly the way we feel about missing Kailie...

...We miss you sweet girl!

by Mercy Me

You're in a better place, I've heard a thousand times
And at least a thousand times I've rejoiced for you
But the reason why I'm broken, the reason why I cry
Is how long must I wait to be with you

I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now

Help me Lord because I don't understand your ways
The reason why, I wonder if I'll ever know
But even if you showed me, the hurt would be the same
Because I'm still here so far away from home

In Christ there are no goodbyes
In Christ there is no end
So I'll hold onto Jesus with all that I have
To see you again

I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now

Precious Kailie, we can't wait to see you again! We are so thankful that we know we will see you again. We are praying that those who don't know Christ as their Savior would come to know Him, so they can see you again, too! We love you Loolie B!

Mom, Dad, Ian and Jaren
And, of course, Liza Jane

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 3:11 PM CST

Happy Thanksgiving

We miss you so much Kailie.  We are so thankful for you and you will be
in our every thought as we go to Kansas City without you.  It just isn't right.  This isn't supposed to be happening.  It's not going to be the same without you Kailie.  We don't like the way life is right now.  It is not possible to just forget about 13 wonderful years with a precious little girl and move on like nothing happened.  Some people don't understand Kailie.  We will be coming back in town Friday night and we'll come to see you at your place Saturday.  Mommy has a present for you.  We will try to smile; but it is just different without you.  A big part of our family is gone and we have a hole in out hearts, a huge cut that will take a long time to heal; and some of the effects will never go away.  We treasure each and every memory we have of you little one.  Have a good Thanksgiving with your friends and tell them we said hi.

Kailie, we love you always and forever.

Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren & Liza Jane

We want to thank each and every one of you who are so faithful in coming to Kailie's site.  Your words of encouragement mean so much to us. 
Please pass Kailie's website onto others and send us email at
kares4kailie@charter.net.  In
encouraging us you are also helping yourself.  Kailie touched hundreds of
lives.  Through the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation many more people will come to know the precious little girl named Kailie.


Monday, November 15, 2004 3:10 PM CST

September is Childhood Cancer Aw

Hi everybody,

Sunday, August 15, 2004, 7:20 AM:  We began to experience the following
definition; surreal - having the intense irrational reality of a dream. 
She's gone and there is nothing we can do about it.  Three months, 60 days,
1,440 hours; all of it is an expression of time.  We (any many, many
people who loved Kailie) had 13 wonderful years with her.  But we cry
because we cannot create future memories with Kailie.  A family's identity
is made up of each individual, how each of them contributes a part of themselves
to make up a whole.  When that whole unit is broken, part of it is severed,
part of it is torn away, how do you rebuild it?  You don't.  You must
(as a family) continue to support and nurture each other as you live each day
remembering how precious time is.  Time is something we can't reclaim. 
Once time is spent, it's gone.  But, the memories of what you did during
that time remain with you forever.  It is strange, but you even treasure
painful memories that a family has endured.  You treasure each individual
persons unique talents and personality.

As we, and many of you, continue to live another day we want make sure and
include the memory of someone you've lost in what will become a new routine,
daily life.  The memory of Kailie will never be forgotten.  We don't
mourn for her; we mourn for ourselves.  We mourn because we will not have
more "todays" and "tomorrows" with Kailie.  We can't begin to tell you the
number of times we have been together and tears begin to run down our cheeks
because we miss Kailie's presence.  We are a family who is still made up of
5, but only 4 of us are present.  We can't help but think of what Kailie
would be contributing to the family at any given moment.  It is not
possible to think of Ian, Kailie or Jaren without thinking about the other. 
The identity of parents are in the lives of your children.  Our family
misses being together so very much.  We can't stand it; but we must
continue living and taking care of one another in a way that still nurtures
memories of the missing one as we go forward.  We don't go forward in a
sense that we put the person out of our minds, that's not possible, but we still
have a physical, mental and spiritual life to live.  As many of you know,
each one of us believes in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and that He died
for our sins, in order that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive
us of our sins and ask him to come into our hearts and take control.  Jesus
Christ is the only way that we will be able to see Kailie again.  Because
it is only through Christ that we can have access to the Father (God) and spend
eternity with Him.

Mt 11:27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth
the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and
he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.

John 6:35-40

35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall
never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

36 But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not.

37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I
will in no wise cast out.

38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him
that sent me.

39 And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath
given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son,
and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the
last day.

John 14:6-7

6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh
unto the Father, but by me.

7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth
ye know him, and have seen him.

We want to thank each and every one of you who are so faithful in coming to
Kailie's site.  Your words of encouragement mean so much to us. 
Please pass Kailie's website onto others and send us email at
kares4kailie@charter.net.  In
encouraging us you are also helping yourself.  Kailie touched hundreds of
lives.  Through the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation many more people will come to know the precious little girl named Kailie.

Sweet precious Kailie, we love you always and forever.

Your Family (there are many of you out there who loved Kailie as one of your
own...thank you)

Wednesday, November 3, 2004 4:59 PM CST

September is Childhood Cancer Aw

Hi everybody,

Yesterday was a different sort of anniversary.  Kailie was diagnosed 4 years ago November 2.  Before today, each time this horrible "anniversary" would come around we would be so thankful that God had given us one more year with her. This year, we are thankful for what we did have and for the fact that she
is now with Jesus. She is finally free from all of the encumbering affects of sin in this world.

Tomorrow is the Friends of Kids With Cancer Fashion Show at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Clayton.  Kailie was supposed to be in the fashion show this year. 
Johnelle and Alison Haddock are going, and will be sitting with Kailie's big sisters Rachel and Kelly.  It will be a hard day for Johnelle because it
was so wonderful to see Kailie's huge beaming smile when she would walk down the runway with the other models.  She is even more beautiful now than she ever
was here on earth.

Although we are very sorrowful beyond description, and we hurt to the point that we can't articulate it; tears are streaming down my face as I type this.  We know that our precious little girl is with her Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. There will come a day when Jesus will call the four remaining family members home to heaven to be face to face with Jesus and be reunited with Kailie. 
We just never thought she would die, and we miss her so very much.

Continue to pray for Jaren, he is having a very hard time without Kailie.  As we have said before, she was (is) his world and he just can't stand living
here without her.  Pray that God will give us wisdom as we minister to his every need.  Ian doesn't express it as much, but he is really hurting too.

We love you forever Kailie,

Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren & Liza

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 1:29 PM CDT

September is Childhood Cancer Aw

Hi everybody,

Last week was our anniversary.  It is weird that you can experience joy and sadness
at the same time.  Kailie always made us a card for each birthday and
anniversary.  She would look forward to seeing your expression when you
opened the card in front of her.  She would also make sure the boys had a
card to sign too, whether it was bought or she made it too.  You would
think that it is getting easier for us to be without Kailie, but just the
opposite is true.  So many people will go to bed tonight knowing they will
see their children in the morning when they wake up.  Some of us will only
dream of something wonderful like that happening.  We know that some people
are expecting us to "feel better"; but that is not possible for us right now. 
Life continues on when you lose a child; but a part of your life stays behind as
well.  Unfortunately for Jaren, the change this has made in his life (his
world) is so large that he isn't able to just lean upon mommy & daddy the way a typical child would.  He loves Kailie so much.  Jaren is having a very difficult time adjusting to life without his best friend.  She was always there for him.  He didn't care if she was sick; she was still alive.  About two weeks before Kailie passed away he asked if Kailie was going to die.  We told him no, because at that point the doctors didn't that would happen. He has told us we lied to him that day. To him the world is very black and white; he doesn't understand shades of gray. Please pray for him, he really needs it.

He says that life is different and it's just not working, and that he wants to go be with Kailie in heaven.  Of course we tell him that God is the one who decides when it is time for us to die.  Nighttime is the worst time for him.  He always went in her room and gave her a kiss on the cheek. There was never a night when they didn't tell each other goodnight. 

It has been two months since we attended our precious Kailie's funeral.  Our hearts ache so much because she isn't here.  Two months has passed, but we can still see her precious little body lying there in bed like it was just this morning.  We have some pictures of her that were taken on August 14.  She was unhooked from everything; except the fentanyl and versed,  and she looks so peaceful while she sleeps.  If we could only go back to August 14th and make the clock stop.  We could stay there with her at Cardinal Glennon in room 2916 of the PICU snuggling with her, giving her kisses on the cheek, on her nose, on her sweet little forehead, and look at and touch her hands.  We would go back to that time for anything.  Regardless if we knew her death was imminent; she was still alive at that point.  The night before we just sobbed and wept because we knew what was coming.  If there was only some way we could see her again before we get to heaven.  Our children are so important to us.  Everything we do is for our kids. 

Have you ever thought about giving your life for someone else?  Could
you do it?  It is hard to comprehend, but Jesus did that very thing for us.

Sometimes it seems like we've lived through a nightmare, and other times it seems as if life stopped this past August.  How in the world could she die?  We have asked this question over and over because she was able to fight everything else that treatment threw at her.  HLH is just a mysterious monster that medicine doesn't know much about yet.  Our precious little girl's smile is etched upon our hearts and souls forever. 

We love you forever Kailie,

Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren & Liza

Monday, October 11, 2004 1:47 PM CDT

September is Childhood Cancer Aw

Saturday was the 3rd annual Friends of Kids with Cancer "Walk With a Friend"
event at Westport Plaza in St. Louis. It was a huge success. Thank
you very much to everyone who showed up and supported Friends of Kids With
Cancer by being a part of Kailie's Krew. We had a huge turnout and it was
great seeing each of you. Because of people like you, the walk was a great

October 17, 2004:

Alex & Matt Pearl
Bone Marrow Drive

The Pearls need your help in spreading the news to everyone you know in the St. Louis area. Please take part in the next bone marrow drive being held
Sunday, October 17, 2004 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Shaare Emeth Congregation 11634 Ladue Road (FREE to all)!! Don’t let people miss out on the chance to save someone’s life. Matt needs a bone marrow transplant to save his life. We don't know how much of the cost is going to be deferred, but don't let that stop you and those you know from joining the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP). Had HLH not taken Kailie from us, she was going to have a bone marrow transplant due to the willingness of someone like you to take time and join the NMDP registry.

Precious Kailie,

We missed you walking with us on Saturday. We were looking forward to
seeing you fulfill your goal of running the 5k this year. We know you are
running in heaven, but it isn't the same for us here who are missing you.
We sure wanted to see you wear your new pair of Nike Shox. We'll write
more later sweetheart.

We love you forever Kailie,

Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren & Liza

Tuesday, October 5, 2004 1:59 PM CDT

September is Childhood Cancer Aw

Yesterday was the 4th annual Alexandria's Angels Foundation 4th Annual Memorial Golf Tournament. 
The tournament was dedicated to Alexandria Nicole Haddock and Kailie Amanda
Rhines, it was so wonderful to see the tremendous outpouring of support for such
a wonderful foundation like Alexandria's Angels.  Their desire and mission
is to help other families faced with the numerous difficulties of childhood
cancer. For more information about them, go to http://www.caringbrige.com/page/alexandriasangels or follow the link at the bottom of our page. 
We were very thankful that we were able to be there and see some precious
children who will be benefiting from this tournament.  It was very hard for
us to be there without our precious Kailie, it just wasn't the same.  We
accept that things will never be the same, but that doesn't mean we have to like

Saturday, October 9, 2004; 8:00 AM - Westport Plaza parking lot:

Friends of Kids with Cancer
Walk with a Friend

Our mission for the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is to make a difference in the lives of kids with cancer and their families. One of the ways we want to do this is to help support other organizations that strive to do the same thing. Friends of Kids with Cancer made such a huge impact on Kailie's life during treatment. Please help us by joining us on their "Walk with a Friend" fundraiser. It is a 1 mile walk or a 5K run. Kares 4 Kailie is getting a BIG "Kailie's Krew" team together to do this in memory of our precious little girl. Registration is $20 per person. If you would like to join us, please email us at kares4kailie@charter.net or go to the Friends website at www.friendsofkids.com. You can get more information about the walk and you can also register online. Don't forget to let them know that you are walking with the Kailie's Krew Team! We hope to see many of you there!

October 17, 2004:

Alex & Matt Pearl
Bone Marrow Drive

The Pearls need your help in spreading the news to everyone you know in the St. Louis area.  Please take part in the next bone marrow drive being held  October 17 at Shaare Emeth Congregation, 11645 Ladue Road. The time is TBA. Don’t let people miss out on the chance to save someone’s life.  Matt needs a bone marrow transplant to save his life.  We don't know how much of the cost is going to be deferred, but don't let that stop you and those you know from joining the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP). Had HLH not taken Kailie from us, she was going to have a bone marrow transplant due to the willingness of someone like you to take time and join the NMDP registry.


Precious little girlies,

We wish you could come back to us.  That doesn't fully express how we
feel.  In front of Daddy's computer is a picture of you giving Ian a hug
when he came home from camp on Friday, June 18.  You looked so healthy. 
We still can't believe what was raging inside of your little body.  We cry
so much our eyes hurt.  We ache and hurt so bad.  A part of us is gone
forever.  If only our love was enough to make you better, you'd be
perfectly well right now.  We just can't describe the feelings we have
because you are not with us anymore.  It is so painful Kailie.  We
look at pictures of you and we want to find you and tell you what you were doing
when the picture was taken, then remember that we can't do that anymore.  I
don't think there is a single minute that goes by when we don't think about you. 
Our nightmare came true the day you died.  When you were originally
diagnosed on November 2, 2000 we thought there was a slight chance you
could die, but we never gave it much more thought than that.  When you
relapsed and the days marched forward, we were reminded all too often how close
to dying you were each and every day.  We are so happy that you were with
us for thirteen wonderful memory filled years.  You were such a joy to us,
and we miss being with you so much.  We miss taking care of you.  We
miss making sure your comfortable, that you aren't thirsty, that you aren't
hurting, that your tummy isn't bothering you, that Listy is right beside you,
that Mommy or Daddy is always nearby, we miss every single thing about you. 
We all want to be with you so bad.  If there was only a way for us to hear
your voice one more time.  If only...  How many times have we said
that?  Jaren is hurting so bad.  Can you ask Jesus to help us give
Jaren the support that he needs?  He just doesn't understand sweetheart. 
He can only think about how important you are to him and how his life is changed
forever because you are gone.  We are trying as much as possible to be
there for him, but it is impossible to replace the void created when you had to
leave us.  It is very painful for him, he doesn't want to cry at all and
Mommy & Daddy are wanting to do everything possible to help him but we don't
always know what the solution is.  He needs you so bad Kailie.  We do
too, but he is hurting the most and doesn't know how to deal with the feelings
he has.  We love you sweetheart, forever and always.  We will always
remember how much you loved us and how wonderful you are.  We'll talk to
you again soon, precious little loolie bell.

We love you pumpkinseed,

Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren & Liza

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 2:57 PM CDT

September is Childhood Cancer Aw

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!!!


According to the American Cancer Society approximately 9,200 children will be diagnosed with cancer this year.   Another 1,500 precious children will have their lives cut short by cancer.   YOU CAN make a difference!

The following are just some of the many events in the St. Louis area that you can be involved in to make a difference in the lives of children with cancer and their families.

September 25, 2004:

The benefit concert held for the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation raised $1,000.00!! 
Thank you to everyone who was involved.  K4K can't begin to thank you
enough for your generosity.  The concert was pretty good, with "Something
More" stealing the show.  The lead singer for "Returning Soon" had the flu
and couldn't make it, so the pianist had to fill in for her.  Zack Long and
Jonathan Aubuchon wrote and performed a song in Kailie's honor, it was really
neat.   We'll post the words in a couple of days.

Sponge Muffin is the Christian Comedy Group that Ian is involved in. For more information, you may visit their website at www.spongemuffin.com
Sponge Muffin Mission 3 is coming October 23 at 6:00 PM.  These guys are
really good and they are serious about having fun for Jesus and reaching others
for Christ. 

October 4, 2004:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation 4th Annual Memorial Golf Tournament

Old Hickory Golf Course
Hwy 94 & Mid Rivers Mall Drive

This is the golf tournament the Haddock's have every year in memory of their sweet girl, Alexandria. Their desire and mission is to help other families faced with the difficulties of childhood cancer. For more information, go to http://www.caringbrige.com/page/alexandriasangels or follow the link at the bottom of our page

October 9, 2004:

Friends of Kids with Cancer
Walk with a Friend

Our mission for the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is to make a difference in the lives of kids with cancer and their families. One of the ways we want to do this is to help support other organizations that strive to do the same thing. Friends of Kids with Cancer made such a huge impact on Kailie's life during treatment. Please help us by joining us on their "Walk with a Friend" fundraiser. It is a 1 mile walk or a 5K run. Kares 4 Kailie is getting a BIG "Kailie's Krew" team together to do this in memory of our precious little girl. It is being held at Westport Plaza in front of the big gold building. Registration is $20 per person. Registration begins at 7:00am and the run starts at 8:00 with the walk beginning shortly after that. If you would like to join us, please email us at kares4kailie@charter.net or go to the Friends website at www.friendsofkids.com. You can get more information about the walk and you can also register online. Don't forget to let them know that you are walking with the Kailie's Krew Team! We hope to see many of you there!

October 17, 2004:

Alex & Matt Pearl
Bone Marrow Drive

The Pearls need your help in spreading the news to everyone you know in the St. Louis area.  Please take part in the next bone marrow drive being held  October 17 at Shaare Emeth Congregation, 11645 Ladue Road. The time is TBA. Don’t let people miss out on the chance to save someone’s life.  Matt needs a bone marrow transplant to save his life.  We don't know how much of the cost is going to be deferred, but don't let that stop you and those you know from joining the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP). Had HLH not taken Kailie from us, she was going to have a bone marrow transplant due to the willingness of someone like you to take time and join the NMDP registry.



Good afternoon sweetie.  How are you?  That is a silly question, isn't
it?  You are doing great, how else could you be.  After all, you are
with Jesus.  We were looking through more pictures last night, you are so
precious.  It is very hard to talk about you in the past tense.  We
just want to hold you so bad.  Mommy & Daddy miss giving you kisses. 
When we were with you in the hospital we would kiss you constantly.  There
wasn't an hour that went by when we didn't give you a kiss.  We were
talking last night about how we would talk to you all the time, even if you
couldn't respond to us we talked to you as if you were right there in the
conversation.  We can't tell you how much we miss talking to you.  We
miss seeing you.  It is still so hard to believe that we can't do that
anymore.  We know that we will see you again, but that doesn't help solve
the hurt we feel right now.  Maybe some people think it is silly for us to
write you letters and post them on the web, but that doesn't matter to us. 
We love you so much it hurts.  We took a picture of you on August 14th and
it is absolutely precious, it reminds us of when you were a little girl. 
You were such a fun little toddler.  We were watching videos of you when we
lived in DeSoto, KS and you were getting out of the van and needed your diaper
changed.  You had kicked off your shoe and Daddy asked you to pick it up;
you did then threw it and it bounced off the seat onto the garage floor. 
Daddy then called you a little buzzard; which was pretty much your first name
when you were little.  You were so ornery.  There were many times we
would have to turn our head and laugh when you did things that you shouldn't. 
You had this little look you would give us and it was so pitiful we couldn't
help but chuckle.  We are taking good care of Liza Jane for you, because
she sure doesn't take care of us.  As you know, her #1 priority is
sleeping, eating then being petted.  Your little brother misses you so very
much.  He is having to rebuild his life.  You were the center of his
universe.  He just loved you beyond description.  We are doing our
best to provide him all the support he needs, in many different areas. 
Your fishy is doing good.  You would really like him.  He is very
lively, and not nearly as vain as Sam Sr.  Pretty soon is the walk for
Friends of Kids With Cancer and we are having a team with your name (what a
shock) "Kailie's Krew".  Mommy is going to wear the pair of purple Nike
Shox that were meant for you.  It is going to be a very hard day for us. 
We were so excited because you were going to be running the 5K this year and you
would have been out of treatment for 10 months and it meant it lot to you. 
We're sorry honey, but now you get to run in heaven with no limits at all. 
We are looking forward to the day we get to see you again; even though it may be
a very long time as far as humans are concerned.  2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved,
be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand
years, and a thousand years as one day.  We can't comprehend that, but God
didn't intend us to anyway.  Well pumpkinseed, we will talk to you soon. 
You are the best little girl forever and always.


We love you forever x eternity past & eternity future, raised to the
nonmillionth power,
Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren & Liza

Thursday, September 23, 2004 12:02 PM CDT

September is Childhood Cancer Aw

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!!!


According to the American Cancer Society approximately 9,200 children will be diagnosed with cancer this year.   Another 1,500 precious children will have their lives cut short by cancer.   YOU CAN make a difference!

The following are just some of the many events in the St. Louis area that you can be involved in to make a difference in the lives of children with cancer and their families.

September 25, 2004:

Parker Road Baptist Church is hosting a "Kailie Benefit Concert". The doors will open at 5:30 pm and the show starts at 6:00 pm. Ben Hancock's band "Something More" and "Returning Soon" will be playing. Sponge Muffin will be putting together a few songs as well. There is a $2 minimum charge. All proceeds will benefit the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation. Sponge Muffin is the Christian Comedy Group that Ian is involved in. For more information, you may visit their website at www.spongemuffin.com.

October 4, 2004:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation 4th Annual Memorial Golf Tournament

Old Hickory Golf Course
Hwy 94 & Mid Rivers Mall Drive

This is the golf tournament the Haddock's have every year in memory of their sweet girl, Alexandria. Their desire and mission is to help other families faced with the difficulties of childhood cancer. For more information, go to http://www.caringbrige.com/page/alexandriasangels or follow the link at the bottom of our page

October 9, 2004:

Friends of Kids with Cancer
Walk with a Friend

Our mission for the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is to make a difference in the lives of kids with cancer and their families. One of the ways we want to do this is to help support other organizations that strive to do the same thing. Friends of Kids with Cancer made such a huge impact on Kailie's life during treatment. Please help us by joining us on their "Walk with a Friend" fundraiser. It is a 1 mile walk or a 5K run. Kares 4 Kailie is getting a BIG "Kailie's Krew" team together to do this in memory of our precious little girl. Registration is $20 per person. If you would like to join us, please email us at kares4kailie@charter.net or go to the Friends website at www.friendsofkids.com. You can get more information about the walk and you can also register online. Don't forget to let them know that you are walking with the Kailie's Krew Team! We hope to see many of you there!

October 17, 2004:

Alex & Matt Pearl
Bone Marrow Drive

The Pearls need your help in spreading the news to everyone you know in the St. Louis area.  Please take part in the next bone marrow drive being held  October 17 at Shaare Emeth Congregation, 11645 Ladue Road. The time is TBA. Don’t let people miss out on the chance to save someone’s life.  Matt needs a bone marrow transplant to save his life.  We don't know how much of the cost is going to be deferred, but don't let that stop you and those you know from joining the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP). Had HLH not taken Kailie from us, she was going to have a bone marrow transplant due to the willingness of someone like you to take time and join the NMDP registry.



Hi precious.  We wish we were there to have fun and worship Jesus with you in heaven.  How awesome that must be to be able to run, jump, skip, sing, play the piano and be a kid again without the fear of getting bruises, breaking a bone or having any pain.  We long to be with you.  We still expect to see you when we walk into a room.  You have a new fish, Sam jr.  He is much more lively than the original Sam.  He isn't nearly as vain as Sam was.  He sees me coming into your room to feed him and he goes nuts.  It kind of reminds you of Liza don't you think?  We know that Jesus is taking good care of you, but we wish we were taking care of you instead.  We know you would never want to leave heaven and come back here; but we wish you didn't have to leave us in the first place.

We never had a chance to tell you about the HLH you had.  We were planning on telling you about it on June 20 when you went on the ventilator.  We were at church when we received a call telling us to get up to the hospital ASAP.  We wish HLH would have never attacked you.  It is a vicious disease that is very hard to treat.  It becomes almost impossible to treat when combined with ALL.  We are so happy we got to spend 2 more months with you.  There were times you weren't very aware of what was going on around you, but more often than not you knew exactly what was happening.  We knew you were probably scared but couldn't tell us because of all the medications you were receiving.  We are so happy that you have no more fear, no more pain, no more transfusions, no more side affects, no more medicine, no more sickness and no more treatment.  The Great Physician healed you and took you home to be with Him.  Of course we hurt because we don't have our precious little girl to give big giant hugs and kisses too, but God's will is perfect and he never makes a mistake.  We can't wait to see you again sweetheart.  We love you so much, you little buzzard.  Please tell all of your friends hello for us.  We know their families hurt too, but at least you are all together now and can have fun without thinking about cancer or other horrible diseases.  Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter, sister and friend.

We love you forever x infinity raised to the quintillionth power,
Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren & Liza

Monday, September 20, 2004 10:00 PM CDT

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!!! YOU CAN make a difference!

The following are just some of the many events that you can be involved in to make a difference in the lives of children with cancer and their families.

September 25, 2004:

Parker Road Baptist Church is hosting a "Kailie Benefit Concert". The doors will open at 5:30 pm and the show starts at 6:00 pm. Ben Hancock's band "Something More" and "Returning Soon" will be playing. Sponge Muffin will be putting together a few songs as well. There is a $2 minimum charge. All proceeds will benefit the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation. Sponge Muffin is the Christian Comedy Group that Ian is involved in. For more information, you may visit their website at spongemuffin.com.

October 4, 2004:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation 4th Annual Memorial Golf Tournament

Old Hickory Golf Course
Hwy 94 & Mid Rivers Mall Drive

This is the golf tournament the Haddock's have every year in memory of their sweet girl, Alexandria. Their desire and mission is to help other families faced with the difficulties of childhood cancer. For more information, go to www.caringbrige.com/page/alexandriasangels or follow the link at the bottom of our page

October 9, 2004

Friends of Kids with Cancer
Walk with a Friend

Our mission for the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is to make a difference in the lives of kids with cancer and their families. One of the ways we want to do this is to help support other organizations that strive to do the same thing. Friends of Kids with Cancer made such a huge impact on Kailie's life during treatment. Please help us by joining us on their "Walk with a Friend" fundraiser. It is a 1 mile walk or a 5K run. Kares 4 Kailie is getting a BIG "Kailie's Krew" team together to do this in memory of our precious little girl. Registration is $20 per person. If you would like to join us, please email us at kares4kailie@charter.net or go to the Friends website at friendsofkids.com. You can get more information about the walk and you can also register online. Don't forget to let them know that you are walking with the Kailie's Krew Team! We hope to see many of you there!


We miss you so much precious. Our hearts ache and we hurt beyond description. We saw Champ tonight; we told him you said hello and thanked him for being so gentle with you. Not a single minute of the day passes without us thinking about you. We cry throughout the day. No time is better than any other. We just want you back. We didn't want to lose you to some rotten disease like HLH. You were able to fight cancer, and you won. You deserved to live and we are so sorry that we couldn't do anything to change the outcome. Each night when we pray we ask Jesus to give you a big giant hug and a kiss from us. Our tears are temporary though; they will be turned to joy the moment Jesus decides we get to meet you in heaven. In comparison to all of eternity, waiting 60-70 years isn't so bad. We love you forever and always. Jaren misses his best friend so much. He misses doing everything with you. You were his world and closest friend, and he is really, really hurting because you are not here anymore. Ian misses you and cries too. He doesn't like it being just the four of us now. You will be our precious little pumkin-seed girlies forever. We love you infinity x pi! Ha, beat that one. It isn't the same without you, but our love is as strong as it has ever been.

We'll talk to you soon sweetheart,
Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren & Liza

Hi everybody,

Stay in tune with what is going on with the Pearls and spread the word about people taking part in the next bone marrow drive which is scheduled for October 17 at Shaare Emeth Congregation, 11645 Ladue Road. The time is TBA. Don’t let people miss out on the chance to save someone’s life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 3:38 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

Stay in tune with what is going on with the Pearls and spread the word about people taking part in the next bone marrow drive which is scheduled for October 17 at Shaare Emeth Congregation, 11645 Ladue Road. The time is TBA. Don’t let people miss out on the chance to save someone’s life.

Thank you for your continued prayers for us as we learn how to be a family without Kailie’s presence. People have asked us how we are doing. Tolerable; would be the best way to put it. We just hate the fact that Kailie isn't here anymore. It hurts very badly. It is like having a hole in your heart and it isn't going to be filled. We are doing about as well as could be expected; but it doesn't get any easier with each passing day. With the passing of time we will grow more accustomed to the pain, but the sense of loss won't go away. Yes, we will see her again. Yes, she is out of pain. Yes, God loved her so much that he spared her from the neurological recovery she was most certainly going to face. Yes, she would never want to come back here on earth. We know all of the positive aspects of Kailie being with Jesus; but our pain remains because we don't have our little girl anymore.

There are times we look at a picture of her and want to reach out and touch her hair, or brush our hand across her cheek, or give her a soft kiss on the head and a gentle hug and tell her how much we love her, and then we just break down and cry.

We never ever thought she was going to die and it hurts so much to be without her. Yes, we have memories of her but they are not enough to ease the pain we feel. She was so strong. She was so brave. She was everything a mommy, daddy and brother could want in a little girl. There are not words to express how much we miss her. It is horribly painful and we never thought our family would have to go through an ordeal such as this. We were looking forward to seeing her grow up and have a family of her own. There are so many things that won't happen, and so many memories that will not be created. The reality of that is huge and it deeply hurts us.

We really do appreciate the many words of encouragement and prayer. Take some extra time today and hug your children. Tell your spouse how much you love them. If you have issues that prevent you from doing that; take care of resolving them to the best of your ability. Beyond salvation through Jesus, there isn't anything more important than our families.

The boys are very upset by all of it. They are mad that HLH took Kailie from them so quickly. That is almost the worst part of it. To know that the leukemia didn't kill her, but something else did makes us angry. She was able to fight the cancer but the HLH was too much for her weakened body. I don't know if many children survive what Kailie had.

The song by Joe Cocker, “You Are So Beautiful” sums it up for us as her Mommy and Daddy.
You are so beautiful
To me
You are so beautiful
To me
Can't you see

You're everything I hoped for
You're everything I need
You are so beautiful to me
You are so beautiful to me

You are so beautiful
To me
Can't you see
You're everything I hoped for
You're every, everything I need
You are so beautiful to me

She passed away one month ago today and it hurts just as bad now as it did that day. I'm sitting here crying with tears running down my face as I type this and think about how precious she is to us. I don't think a minute goes by that each of us doesn't think about her.

She is our precious little girl forever. Maybe there are other people out there who will see what we are going through and make a decision to put their families first in their lives and tell them how important they are. When we die the most important legacy we can leave behind is our children. Kailie has certainly left behind a legacy that Jesus will use to change lives for all eternity.

We will love Kailie forever. We are so thankful that Jesus chose us to be her family.

Keep checking back to see what the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation is doing to make a difference in the lives of kids and families. Keep in touch, we have some great things planned.

Thank you so much,
John & Johnelle

Monday, September 13, 2004 9:31 AM CDT

We have an urgent prayer request! We found out over the weekend that another child we know has been diagnosed with Leukemia. This is completely an unbelievable story. This is a family that we met at Kailie's doctor's office that happened to be a neighbor of some friends of ours. Their little boy Connor had been diagnosed in May of 2002. I think he was 5 then. He will be done with treatment in 2006. They moved back to Omaha in the spring to be near family. We found out Friday that their 2 1/2 year old son, Caden, was also just diagnosed with Leukemia. Please pray for this family. We have put his website address at the bottom of Kailie's so you can visit it and give them a word of encouragement. Their names are Lisa and Chris Ballard. They also just had their fourth child over the summer. I cannot imagine what they are going through, just keep them in your prayers.

705 people were added to the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry on September 4 at the bone marrow drive held by the Pearls. Go visit the Pearls and let them know how much you are praying for them. Thanks to all of you for going. You have a chance to someday save a precious life such as Kailie's. It is so important for people to take advantage of bone marrow drives. Unless you are in the position where your loved one's life depends on a transplant you will never fully understand how important it is. We pray that you never have to find out. Also, every single mother out there who is about to give birth to a precious child, donate the baby's umbilical cord and placenta for cord blood transplants. Doctors would rather use cord blood anyway. On behalf of Kailie, thanks for giving of yourself for the chance of saving someone's life.

Hello Kailie,

Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren and Liza sure miss you. We keep expecting you to come down the stairs and say good morning. When we have a fast food we always turn around so we can ask you what you want to eat. We haven’t eaten a meal together, just the four of us, at the dinner table without you yet. It hurts so bad that you are not with us anymore. We feel like a part of our heart has died and it can’t be fixed. We didn’t expect you to die and we are not ready to not have you around us. We start crying when we go into your room and see all of your things and realize that you won’t be in there anymore. We know that you wouldn’t trade places and leave Jesus and come back to us, but we sure do want to give you one more big giant hug and a kiss. Last night Liza started to go into your room when it was time for us to go to bed. She looked into your room and then looked up at us, as if to say “I still don’t understand. Where is my little girl?”

We never thought there would be a single day that you wouldn’t be with us. We just don’t like being a family without you. You will always be with us, because you are in our hearts forever. But we still miss not seeing you again and it hurts because we can’t create any new memories with you.

Jaren is very sad. When you were first diagnosed on November 2, 2000 we told Dr. Rob that nothing could happen to you because Jaren’s life revolved around you, that you were the center of his universe. Now that you have died Jaren is really mad. He has started talking about you and tells us that he wishes he could give you one more hug, or tell you that he loves you one more time.

Precious, we are sorry that we are so upset and sad; but it is so hard to be without you. Our family will never be the same, but we will make it because of Jesus. We know that you are with Him and we would never ask you to think about coming back, even if you could we wouldn’t ask you to.

We talk to you all the time. We are always talking about you. When we are in the house, all we think about is you. When we look at Liza, we think of you. When Jaren eats macaroni and cheese we think of you and KFC.

Sweetheart, we love you forever and always will. There isn’t a way we could ever forget about or replace you. Our tears are for ourselves because of what we don’t have. But our hearts are so happy that you do not have to suffer anymore. God loved you so much that he decided to take you home and heal you for all eternity.

There are so many things we would still like to do with you. We don’t know or have all the answers to what happens here on earth, but we do know that the love of the Lord endures forever and ever.

Little girl, there is a song entitled “With Every Breath” and some of the words are:
for all your times of laughter
in every hopeful prayer
when the world weighs on your shoulders
through sorrow and your despair
with everything, with every breath, praise the Lord
let everything, that has breath praise the Lord

when the night seems so long (throw your hands to the sky)
you can sing a new song (wipe the tears from your eyes)
when you're weak, He is strong
He can heal your wounded soul
and calm the storm inside

Kailie, we want to tell you that you truly did praise the Lord with every breath you took. We are so thankful that God chose us to be your parents. We love you baby, and want to hold you so bad, but we know that you are being held in the arms of God right now and that is so reassuring. Because you accepted Jesus as your savior, we know you are spending eternity with him right now. Although we hurt deeply, we are comforted because we will see you again.

Ninety days ago today you entered the hospital for the last time. We didn’t think it would end this way. And we are continuing to spread the gospel and pray that others will accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior because of your testimony.

We love you darling, and will always think of you. Please tell all of your friends we said hi and can’t wait until the day comes that we can join all of you again. The next time we see you the first thing we are going to do is give you a big giant hug and a kiss; then listen to you play the piano again.

We will write again soon precious. We miss you so much, but are happy you are free from all of the junk of this world and that you are with Jesus and have been completely healed from all sickness forever.

We love you to Pluto and back, infinity x 20, alpha and omega, eternity past to eternity future,

Daddy, Mommy, Ian, Jaren and Liza

Thursday, September 9, 2004 1:56 PM CDT

Friday, September 10 2:10 PM
705 people were added to the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry over the weekend at the bone marrow drive held by the Pearls. Go visit the Pearls and let them know how much you are praying for them. Thanks to all of you for going. You have a chance to someday save a precious life such as Kailie's. It is so important for people to take advantage of bone marrow drives. Unless you are in the position where your loved one's life depends on a transplant you will never fully understand how important it is. We pray that you never have to find out. Also, every single mother out there who is about to give birth to a precious child, donate the baby's umbilical cord and placenta for cord blood transplants. Doctors would rather use cord blood anyway. On behalf of Kailie, thanks for giving of yourself for the chance of saving someone's life.

Hello Kailie,

Mommy, Daddy, Ian, Jaren and Liza sure miss you. We keep expecting you to come down the stairs and say good morning. When we have a fast food we always turn around so we can ask you what you want to eat. We haven’t eaten a meal together, just the four of us, at the dinner table without you yet. It hurts so bad that you are not with us anymore. We feel like a part of our heart has died and it can’t be fixed. We didn’t expect you to die and we are not ready to not have you around us. We start crying when we go into your room and see all of your things and realize that you won’t be in there anymore. We know that you wouldn’t trade places and leave Jesus and come back to us, but we sure do want to give you one more big giant hug and a kiss. Last night Liza started to go into your room when it was time for us to go to bed. She looked into your room and then looked up at us, as if to say “I still don’t understand. Where is my little girl?”

We never thought there would be a single day that you wouldn’t be with us. We just don’t like being a family without you. You will always be with us, because you are in our hearts forever. But we still miss not seeing you again and it hurts because we can’t create any new memories with you.

Jaren is very sad. When you were first diagnosed on November 2, 2000 we told Dr. Rob that nothing could happen to you because Jaren’s life revolved around you, that you were the center of his universe. Now that you have died Jaren is really mad. He has started talking about you and tells us that he wishes he could give you one more hug, or tell you that he loves you one more time.

Precious, we are sorry that we are so upset and sad; but it is so hard to be without you. Our family will never be the same, but we will make it because of Jesus. We know that you are with Him and we would never ask you to think about coming back, even if you could we wouldn’t ask you to.

We talk to you all the time. We are always talking about you. When we are in the house, all we think about is you. When we look at Liza, we think of you. When Jaren eats macaroni and cheese we think of you and KFC.

Sweetheart, we love you forever and always will. There isn’t a way we could ever forget about or replace you. Our tears are for ourselves because of what we don’t have. But our hearts are so happy that you do not have to suffer anymore. God loved you so much that he decided to take you home and heal you for all eternity.

There are so many things we would still like to do with you. We don’t know or have all the answers to what happens here on earth, but we do know that the love of the Lord endures forever and ever.

Little girl, there is a song entitled “With Every Breath” and some of the words are:
for all your times of laughter
in every hopeful prayer
when the world weighs on your shoulders
through sorrow and your despair
with everything, with every breath, praise the Lord
let everything, that has breath praise the Lord

when the night seems so long (throw your hands to the sky)
you can sing a new song (wipe the tears from your eyes)
when you're weak, He is strong
He can heal your wounded soul
and calm the storm inside

Kailie, we want to tell you that you truly did praise the Lord with every breath you took. We are so thankful that God chose us to be your parents. We love you baby, and want to hold you so bad, but we know that you are being held in the arms of God right now and that is so reassuring. Because you accepted Jesus as your savior, we know you are spending eternity with him right now. Although we hurt deeply, we are comforted because we will see you again.

Ninety days ago today you entered the hospital for the last time. We didn’t think it would end this way. And we are continuing to spread the gospel and pray that others will accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior because of your testimony.

We love you darling, and will always think of you. Please tell all of your friends we said hi and can’t wait until the day comes that we can join all of you again. The next time we see you the first thing we are going to do is give you a big giant hug and a kiss; then listen to you play the piano again.

We will write again soon precious. We miss you so much, but are happy you are free from all of the junk of this world and that you are with Jesus and have been completely healed from all sickness forever.

We love you to Pluto and back, infinity x 20, alpha and omega, eternity past to eternity future,

Daddy, Mommy, Ian, Jaren and Liza

Friday, September 3, 2004 1:22 PM CDT

THIS IS AN URGENT REQUEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 year old Matthew Pearl from St. Louis needs a bone marrow match........

His counts have dropped and he desperately needs your help.
Please come out and support Mike Matheny and your St. Louis Cardinals in the


Date: Saturday, September 4, 2004
Time: 9-5 p.m.
Location: Carpenter's Union Hall
1401 Hampton Avenue (West Side between Hwy 40/44)
Special appearances by Cardinal players and give-a-ways during the event.

From August 25:

Where do we begin? How do we explain how wonderful Kailie's celebration service was, while telling you how much we miss her at the same time? This is all still very surreal. We fully understand the reality of Kailie no longer being physically present with us and we are not in denial. But the fact that we are no longer able to hear her sweet voice or see her precious smile again is very difficult to comprehend.

Do you know the definition of surreal? According to Merriam-Webster, surreal is "having the intense irrational reality of a dream". There really is no better way to describe how our family is feeling. We never thought Kailie wouldn't remain with us.

Even when Kailie was intubated and put on a ventilator, we didn't think this would ever happen.

Even when we were told that Kailie had "significant” ventricular changes to her brain, we never thought this would happen.

Even when Kailie was rushed to Cardinal Glennon from St. John's so she could have a ventriculostomy in the left and right ventricles, we never thought this would happen.

Even when Kailie had to make multiple trips to CT when it was obvious that her neurological condition was very fragile, we never thought this would happen.

Even when they told us on Thursday, August 13 that Kailie now had markedly decreased activity in her brain stem, along with continued decreased activity in her white matter, we never thought about her not remaining with us.

Even when they told us that damage to the brain stem was irreversible, we never thought about Kailie not remaining here on earth with us.

Even when Dr. Kelly told us that the Kailie we knew would never return, even if she did live, we didn't think this would ever happen.

Even when Kailie decided it was time for the machines, pumps, and therapy to be discontinued; we never thought of her not remaining with us.

When Kailie held on and breathed on her own for 14 hours as we snuggled with her, we knew this was her way of saying "Mommy & Daddy, I will see you soon, and I love you very much”. She didn't say goodbye to us, because we will see her again.

But, on that fateful Sunday morning at 7:20 AM when her precious little body said "It's time for me to go be with Jesus” we knew that she had been healed forever. At that point we were beyond sorrow, pain and grief; and were left with a feeling of emptiness because our 3 kids were not together anymore. We know that it is natural for someone to offer encouragement immediately after your child passes away, but nothing will ever replace Kailie. Yes, we have our two boys; but our family is not together as we once were. In a moment everything changed forever, until we meet up with her again in heaven.

Yet at the same time we had a peace that can only come from God because our precious little girl had won the war against everything that her body was fighting. She won because she is with Jesus Christ right now. We are very thankful for her that she will never suffer anything again; but we are hurting in a very big way because we realized we would never be able to hold her, touch her face, see her cute little nose, kiss her cheeks, watch her sleep, enjoy her smile or watch her grow up and have a family of her own.

Losing a child is something that is not supposed to happen. To our human intellect it just isn't right. Mommies and Daddies are not supposed to bury their children. But God wasn't supposed to send His only Son to die on our behalf either. Jesus loves us so much that he chose to become the only way for our sins to ever be forgiven. Jesus chose to take the sins of all mankind upon himself so we could have a chance to spend eternity with him.

Kailie's service was all about celebrating Jesus, and that is exactly what we will continue doing. We will continue helping other families who are dealing with the horrible aspects of cancer treatment. As you have seen with us, the financial burdens are great and the stress put upon the families is enormous. Our mission is to minister in the name of Christ to others and carry on the legacy Kailie left behind. We will be doing that through the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation. We have a lot to organize, but we are looking forward to making a difference in the lives of others.

We can't begin to thank you all enough for the many cards, emails and donations that have been sent to us.

We will continue updating this website and don't plan on shutting it down anytime soon.

Continue praying for the entire family. It is going to take a long time getting used to being a family of 4, plus 1 in heaven.

Ian and Jaren could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie's passing.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie's Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

I'm Free

Don't cry for me, I'm doing just fine,
Heaven is great and all of it's mine!
I'm learning wonderful things of the heavenly way,
I'd forgotten on earth
How to have fun and play!
Never again will I wrinkle my nose,
Over something I don't like,
Or pains in my toes.
The "sticks" are over,
The questions I had they've all been answered,
Now that isn't bad!
I know you'll all miss me, sorry for that,
Just look all around you,
You'll see every hat,
They'll remind you of fun times
And trips that we took
They're all in the albums, in Mom's picture books.
I'll see you again, the promise is made
For Jesus assured us
The end's NOT THE GRAVE!
Keep smiling for me and singing God's praise,
'Cause I'll hear you in heaven
As your songs raise.
Remember; don't cry, I'm happy with glee,
Because I'm with Jesus, it's GREAT, I'M FREE!

By: Grandma Carla

We love you precious, forever and always,
Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 1:19 PM CDT

Where do we begin? How do we explain how wonderful Kailie's celebration service was, while telling you how much we miss her at the same time? This is all still very surreal. We fully understand the reality of Kailie no longer being physically present with us and we are not in denial. But the fact that we are no longer able to hear her sweet voice or see her precious smile again is very difficult to comprehend.

Do you know the definition of surreal? According to Merriam-Webster, surreal is "having the intense irrational reality of a dream". There really is no better way to describe how our family is feeling. We never thought Kailie wouldn't remain with us.

Even when Kailie was intubated and put on a ventilator, we didn't think this would ever happen.

Even when we were told that Kailie had "significant” ventricular changes to her brain, we never thought this would happen.

Even when Kailie was rushed to Cardinal Glennon from St. John's so she could have a ventriculostomy in the left and right ventricles, we never thought this would happen.

Even when Kailie had to make multiple trips to CT when it was obvious that her neurological condition was very fragile, we never thought this would happen.

Even when they told us on Thursday, August 13 that Kailie now had markedly decreased activity in her brain stem, along with continued decreased activity in her white matter, we never thought about her not remaining with us.

Even when they told us that damage to the brain stem was irreversible, we never thought about Kailie not remaining here on earth with us.

Even when Dr. Kelly told us that the Kailie we knew would never return, even if she did live, we didn't think this would ever happen.

Even when Kailie decided it was time for the machines, pumps, and therapy to be discontinued; we never thought of her not remaining with us.

When Kailie held on and breathed on her own for 14 hours as we snuggled with her, we knew this was her way of saying "Mommy & Daddy, I will see you soon, and I love you very much”. She didn't say goodbye to us, because we will see her again.

But, on that fateful Sunday morning at 7:20 AM when her precious little body said "It's time for me to go be with Jesus” we knew that she had been healed forever. At that point we were beyond sorrow, pain and grief; and were left with a feeling of emptiness because our 3 kids were not together anymore. We know that it is natural for someone to offer encouragement immediately after your child passes away, but nothing will ever replace Kailie. Yes, we have our two boys; but our family is not together as we once were. In a moment everything changed forever, until we meet up with her again in heaven.

Yet at the same time we had a peace that can only come from God because our precious little girl had won the war against everything that her body was fighting. She won because she is with Jesus Christ right now. We are very thankful for her that she will never suffer anything again; but we are hurting in a very big way because we realized we would never be able to hold her, touch her face, see her cute little nose, kiss her cheeks, watch her sleep, enjoy her smile or watch her grow up and have a family of her own.

Losing a child is something that is not supposed to happen. To our human intellect it just isn't right. Mommies and Daddies are not supposed to bury their children. But God wasn't supposed to send His only Son to die on our behalf either. Jesus loves us so much that he chose to become the only way for our sins to ever be forgiven. Jesus chose to take the sins of all mankind upon himself so we could have a chance to spend eternity with him.

Kailie's service was all about celebrating Jesus, and that is exactly what we will continue doing. We will continue helping other families who are dealing with the horrible aspects of cancer treatment. As you have seen with us, the financial burdens are great and the stress put upon the families is enormous. Our mission is to minister in the name of Christ to others and carry on the legacy Kailie left behind. We will be doing that through the Kares 4 Kailie Foundation. We have a lot to organize, but we are looking forward to making a difference in the lives of others.

We can't begin to thank you all enough for the many cards, emails and donations that have been sent to us.

We will continue updating this website and don't plan on shutting it down anytime soon.

Continue praying for the entire family. It is going to take a long time getting used to being a family of 4, plus 1 in heaven.

Ian and Jaren could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie's passing.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie's Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

I'm Free

Don't cry for me, I'm doing just fine,
Heaven is great and all of it's mine!
I'm learning wonderful things of the heavenly way,
I'd forgotten on earth
How to have fun and play!
Never again will I wrinkle my nose,
Over something I don't like,
Or pains in my toes.
The "sticks" are over,
The questions I had they've all been answered,
Now that isn't bad!
I know you'll all miss me, sorry for that,
Just look all around you,
You'll see every hat,
They'll remind you of fun times
And trips that we took
They're all in the albums, in Mom's picture books.
I'll see you again, the promise is made
For Jesus assured us
The end's NOT THE GRAVE!
Keep smiling for me and singing God's praise,
'Cause I'll hear you in heaven
As your songs raise.
Remember; don't cry, I'm happy with glee,
Because I'm with Jesus, it's GREAT, I'M FREE!

By: Grandma Carla

We love you precious, forever and always,
Mommy & Daddy

Tax deductible donations can be sent to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
PO Box 4352
Chesterfield, MO 63006-4352

Sunday, August 15, 2004 11:15 PM CDT

Kailie has always dealt with her treatment and disease on her own terms and today was no different. Today was the day Kailie chose to go home and be with Jesus. Sunday was her favorite day because she loved to go to church and praise God singing and listening to His word being preached.

Kailie was eternally healed from all sickness and the sin of this world this morning at 7:20 AM, when she went to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our precious little girl’s last hours with us were peaceful and free from all tubes, machines, pumps, pain and outside distractions. She fought very courageously and won her battle against leukemia and HLH.

We can't begin to thank our friends at St. John's for caring for our precious little girl as if she was their own daughter. Dr. Bob and Rob are the two greatest doctors in the world and we will be forever grateful for what they did for Kailie and our family. Thank you to the transplant doctor, Dr. Kelly, the neurosurgeon, Dr. Flannery and the ICU doctor's and nurses from Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital in St. Louis, MO. You gave us another month with Kailie and we are thankful for that.

Friends of Kids with Cancer...we love you very much and you filled Kailie's life with joy, fun and friends; and we will continue to be your friends until the end of time.

Kailie has fulfilled 2 Timothy 4:7-8, and we are so very thankful that God chose us to be her parents and that he gave us 13 wonderful years with her.
2 Timothy 4:7-8
7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

We will be having a celebration of Kailie’s life next Saturday at Parker Road Baptist Church in Florissant, MO. We have not decided on the time yet, but will post it when we know.

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

This is a verse from Alexandria and her mommy Alison
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

If that doesn't tell you, as if you didn't already know, how strong Kailie is; nothing will. She won this fight. She never gave up and will live forever in our hearts as the precious angel that we know.

Alexandria's Angels is awesome and we can't thank you enough for helping us! Grant and Alison, thank you for your experienced support as we continue to go through this.

Our friends the Pearl’s need your encouragement and prayers. Visit the Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for Matt and the rest of the family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy and let him spend many more years on earth with his loved ones.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. You can send your tax deductible donations for Kailie's expenses to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For peace to reign in our family each and ever day.
2. Encouragement for Jaren as he makes new friends at school.
3. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as their lives have been turned upside down.
4. For many people to come to know Jesus through the testimony that Kailie was for Christ.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s passing. It is going to be very hard for our family to adjust, but with God’s grace we will.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Many of you have sent cards, financial gifts, met physical needs, provided meals and most of all you have prayed for Kailie and the rest of us. We are sorry that we haven’t had time to respond to all of the emails, but please know that we read each one and we are very thankful for everything that many, many people have done for us. Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as we have battled as a family for almost 4 years. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts. Thanks most of all to the Lord for allowing us to have 3 wonderful children who love Jesus. We will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

We have to completely rest in the fact that God is in total control of this entire situation and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, you won the war sweet girl. It was so good to hold you last night and kiss you a thousand times. Mommy and Daddy were so happy that we got to snuggle in bed with you again. We missed that very, very much. We miss you girlies, Loolie, precious, sweet pea, doodlebug, loolie bell…oh, forgot your are 13 now…oh well, little ladybug, Kailie Wailie Bailie.

We love you Precious and we will see you soon,
Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:07 PM CDT

-----UPDATE SATURDAY at 2 a.m.------

This is Alison. It is with great sadness and the heaviest of hearts that I share with you Kailie's recent developments. After an episode last evening (Thursday) of her blood pressure and heart rate dropping quickly, Kailie was rushed to CT scan. Her pupils were fixed and dilated. Although she stabilized throughout the night and today (Friday), it was determined by the neurosurgeons that her brain has irreversible damage. It is through the guidance of doctors and prayer, that John and Johnelle have had to make the most difficult decision of their lives. Kailie will be taken off life support tomorrow (Saturday) morning. Please keep the Rhines family in your prayers in the difficult days and weeks ahead. They are forever grateful, thankful and indebted to all of you who have prayed for them or offered support in any way.
God Bless you and thank you all for "Karing for Kailie"-

!!UPDATE AS OF 2:42 P.M. AUGUST 12, 2004!!

Hi all, this is Kelly, one of Kailie's 'big sisters'. I'm sure many of you have been wondering how everything went today, and I am very happy to report that all went very well. They took Kailie back for surgery around 9:00 this morning and she was back in her ICU room by about 1:30 this afternoon. All went according to plan and without complication. She did receive 3 units of red cells, 2 units of fresh frozen plasma and some additional clotting factors. Her spleen was quite large - about the length of a football is what the surgeon said. The Pathologist came by and said that her spleen weighed 801 grams (150 is normal) and was 23x11x5 centimeters!!

Since she returned from surgery, her latest labs are as follows:
Hemoglobin - 13
Hematocrit - 38
White Cell Count - 4.4
Segs - 24
Bands - 56
PT and PTT (clotting factors) - normal
and most importantly...
PLATELETS - 124,000!!!!

Those were the kind of numbers everyone was hoping for.

Kailie is now resting comfortably and her family is very relieved to have it over with.

The family is so very grateful for everyone's prayers and support. Kailie still has a long way to go, so keep flooding the heavens with your prayers. We'll update just as soon as there is more to report.

God Bless,

As much as it hurts us to do this; we are in the process of setting up direct donations through the Red Cross. We need every person who donated for Kailie to email your Name, address and phone number to us at kares4kailie@charter.net. Thank you very much in advance for your continued generosity.

Kailie’s counts for Wednesday are below.
Neutrophil, Seg------79
Neutrophil, Band-----10

Kailie is scheduled to have her spleen removed at 8:45AM Thursday morning. We are looking forward to it being gone. It has caused more problems than it is worth at this point. They will have to make a 6”-8” incision so they can remove the spleen intact. It is so full of junk that they can’t risk perforating it in any way. Be praying that the doctors will use wisdom in every decision they make while they are operating on Kailie. She will probably have her subclavian line removed in surgery as well. It has been in since June 20 and they don’t think they need the extra line anymore; especially when they have two perfectly good access points through her port.

The surgeon told us that it will take some time to remove her spleen because it is so large. He mentioned that there are 20 or so vessels going in and out of the spleen. Normally these can be cauterized without having to clamp, cut and tie each one of them individually. This situation is different since Kailie’s spleen is so large. They have plenty of blood products on hand for use during surgery. One really cool thing is they expect her white count and platelets to increase immediately when her spleen is removed. Everything is just being trapped in there and it can’t get out.

She hasn’t been awake that much today at all. She did appear to be more aware when Rachel was visiting her tonight. She was squeezing Rachel’s thumb pretty tight. That is always a sign that Kailie is awake.

They did a repeat CT scan today and everything looked okay. We haven’t heard from neurosurgery, but we will in the morning. Dr. Flannery hasn’t decided if the venticulostomy will become permanent or not. She was talking this morning about having a reservoir that periodically would be drained. Johnelle and I are hoping that she doesn’t have to have one at all.

We deeply miss our friends at St. John’s. Unfortunately, we will not be going back there anytime soon. As a matter of fact she won’t be leaving the room she is in. She will be having the transplant in that room because they are remodeling the BMT unit at Glennon. We are hoping they make some changes to the PICU area so it is a little more family friendly. We don’t care how long she is there. Dr. Kelly told us today that he would like to do Kailie’s transplant the last week of August or the first week of September. They are in touch with the donor and getting things rolling pretty quickly now. Kailie needs to be strong enough for the transplant too. Please continue storming the gates of heaven with your prayers on Kailie’s behalf. She needs a miracle; and we believe that God is going to provide one for her. Pray that she will rapidly improve and her strength will improve exponentially each day she recovers from having her spleen removed. She is a very sick little girl who has withstood a huge insult to her body. Be praying that she would remain encouraged and want to fight until she wins the war. She is having to fight many separate battles in order for her to ultimately win the war. She will do it though. If anybody can beat it, Kailie can.

Be praying that she doesn’t experience anymore complications. We just want her to live. We don’t care about any complications she may have; we just want our precious little girl to be alive and be home with us. We don’t care what it takes to get that done. We miss having our family together so very much.

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

This is a verse from Alexandria and her mommy Alison
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

If that doesn't tell you, as if you didn't already know, how strong Kailie is; nothing will. She is going to win this fight. She will not give up and she will return to us as the precious angel that we know.

Alexandria's Angels is awesome and we can't thank you enough for helping us! Grant and Alison, thank you for your experienced support as we continue to go through this.

Dr. Kelly has chosen a perfect match from the National Marrow Donor Registry. The donor is a female with Kailie’s blood type and was a 6-6 match on the HLA typing.

Our friends the Pearl’s need your encouragement and prayers. Visit the Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for Matt and the rest of the family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy and let him spend many more years on earth with his loved ones.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. You can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For Kailie to not experience any long-term side affects from this entire ordeal.
2. Encouragement for Jaren as he makes new friends at school.
3. For HLH and ALL to stay completely away. She must stay in remission while she recovers from the neurological trauma.
4. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as their lives are tossed about by our family not being together at home.
5. Strength and stamina for Kailie as her precious body battles back.
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious sweet Kailie.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Many of you have sent cards, financial gifts, met physical needs, provided meals and most of all you have prayed for Kailie and the rest of us. We are sorry that we haven’t had time to respond to all of the emails, but please know that we read each one and we are very thankful for everything that many, many people have done for us. Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts. Kailie will have plenty of time to read everything when she wakes up. Thanks most of all to the Lord for allowing the five of us to spend another day together; we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

We have to completely rest in the fact that God is in total control of this entire situation and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

We will update the website as soon as we can tomorrow after she has her surgery so you won’t have to worry about how things went. We look forward to telling you how well everything went. We are praying for that in advance.

Kailie, keep fighting sweet girl. It was so good to look into your eyes again today. Don’t’ worry sweetheart, mommy and daddy will make sure the doctors take excellent care of you. We miss you girlies, Loolie, precious, sweet pea,doodlebug, loolie bell…oh, forgot your are 13 now…oh well, little ladybug, Kailie Wailie Bailie.

We love you Precious,
Mommy & Daddy

Monday, August 9, 2004 4:37 PM CDT

Okay, it has been awhile, all right longer than that and we are sorry.

Kailie’s counts for today are below.
HGB------------7.8 (she received 1 unit of red cells after that)
Platelets------------38 @ 1:00AM, 52 @ 5:00AM (after receiving 2 bags of platelets)
Neutrophil, Seg------52
Neutrophil, Band-----24

The doctors are cutting her sedation in half again today; they want to see how she responds neurologically after the drugs have worn off. She now has longer periods of wakefulness. She was watching Animal Planet this afternoon when I left the hospital. She isn’t moving her head much, but she will squeeze our hand (most of the time) when we ask her a yes or no question. A squeeze means “yes”; for now we are quite thankful that she is able to do that. It appears that her left side is a little weaker than the right, but everything will get better as time goes on. She has been intubated and under sedation for a very long time, so it is to be expected that she will be weak.

Over the weekend it was decided that Kailie’s spleen needed to come out. At this point the spleen is doing her more harm than good. Dr. Kelly said the surgery would probably be at the end of the week. It is hard to tell. Dr. Kelly, Dr. Flannery and the surgeons need to determine when it is a good time. Dr. Flannery is the neurosurgeon and she has been on vacation for 2 weeks. She will be back on Wednesday; thank you Lord for that! The doctors from SLU are horrible communicators and I wouldn’t want them making any decisions that Dr. Flannery wouldn’t agree with. Dr. Flannery will determine if Kailie needs to have the ventriculostomy internalized or not. If so it would be a permanent shunt that would empty into her atrium. Normally the shunt empties into the peritoneal cavity, but that can’t happen in Kailie’s case because of her severe stomach problems. It is not the preferred method of drainage, but they will do whatever is best for Kailie. We are praying that a permanent shunt is not necessary.

We deeply miss our friends at St. John’s. Unfortunately, we will not be going back there anytime soon. As a matter of fact she won’t be leaving the room she is in. She will be having the transplant in that room because they are remodeling the BMT unit at Glennon. We are hoping they make some changes to the PICU area so it is a little more family friendly. We don’t care how long she is there. We don’t a definitive timeframe for her transplant. We just know they want to do it as soon as they can. They want her to be recovered as much as possible first.

She isn’t going to receive VP-16 this week, but she will continue receiving Dex. Dr. Kelly wants her counts to come up before they do her surgery. She started taking Neupogen again today.

Be praying that she doesn’t experience anymore complications.

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

This is a verse from Alexandria and her mommy Alison
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

If that doesn't tell you, as if you didn't already know, how strong Kailie is; nothing will. She is going to win this fight. She will not give up and she will return to us as the precious angel that we know.

Alexandria's Angels is awesome and we can't thank you enough for helping us! Grant and Alison, thank you for your experienced support as we continue to go through this.

Dr. Kelly has chosen a perfect match from the National Marrow Donor Registry. The donor is a female with Kailie’s blood type and was a 6-6 match on the HLA typing.

Our friends the Pearl’s need your encouragement and prayers. Visit the Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for Alex and the rest of the family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy and let him spend many more years on earth with his loved ones.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. You can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For Kailie to not experience any long-term side affects from this entire ordeal.
2. Encouragement for Jaren as he makes new friends at school.
3. For HLH and ALL to stay completely away. She must stay in remission while she recovers from the neurological trauma.
4. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as their lives are tossed about by our family not being together at home.
5. Strength and stamina for Kailie as her precious body battles back.
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious sweet Kailie.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Many of you have sent cards, financial gifts, met physical needs, provided meals and most of all you have prayed for Kailie and the rest of us. We are sorry that we haven’t had time to respond to all of the emails, but please know that we read each one and we are very thankful for everything that many, many people have done for us. Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts. Kailie will have plenty of time to read everything when she wakes up. Thanks most of all to the Lord for allowing the five of us to spend another day together; we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

We have to completely rest in the fact that God is in total control of this entire situation and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, keep fighting sweet girl. It was so good to look into your eyes again today. Don’t’ worry sweetheart, mommy and daddy will make sure the doctors take excellent care of you. We miss you girlies, Loolie, precious, sweet pea,doodlebug, loolie bell…oh, forgot your are 13 now…oh well, little ladybug, Kailie Wailie Bailie.

We love you Precious,
Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, August 4, 2004 11:03 PM CDT

Kailie’s counts for 08/04/2004
Neutrophil, Seg------83
Neutrophil, Band-----2

Kailie continues to hang in there. She is amazing the doctors each day. She is very sick of course, but she is still alive and that is all that matters. We miss her so much. Even though she is there and looking as beautiful as ever, we want to hear her sweet voice and see her precious smile and cute dimples.

Lord, please heal our little girl. Regardless of how long it takes her to recover from all the neurological issues, we just want her to live and spend many more years with us.

She has the doctors very puzzled because there is no documentation about her disease combination. Please pray that only the best decisions be made considering Kailie, and that God will continue to heal her precious little body each day.

Okay, so you are wondering what is going on with her by now? She is stable, after giving us a couple of scares on Monday. Before I give you the details, the doctors do not see a physiological reason for these episodes. It started Saturday night when Kailie was off the ventilator. She was breathing very shallow and rapid to compensate for the decreased volume of air. Her heart rate was in the 120’s and it suddenly plummeted down to the 60’s and her pupils were fixed and unresponsive. She was reintubated and they rushed down to CT and said her ventricles were a little large so they put in another ventriculostomy Sunday morning. She was stable for the rest of the day and it happened again on Monday around 4:00 AM. They rushed her down to CT and the results were unchanged from the CT taken on Saturday night before they put the ventriculostomy back in. It happened again around 11:00 AM Monday. Late Monday they pulled the catheter back about 1 centimeter and it immediately started to drain better.

Today they tried to perform an LP on her but Dr. Kelly couldn’t get into the spinal canal like he needed to. She needs to start receiving Methotrexate once weekly. He will talk to Dr. Bob and Rob tomorrow and see what advice they have to offer.

She is receiving VP-16 2x weekly, high doses of Dexamethasone,

We deeply miss our friends at St. John’s. Unfortunately, we will not be coming back. As a matter of fact she won’t be leaving the room she is in. She will be having the transplant in that room because they are remodeling the BMT unit at Glennon. We are hoping they make some changes to the PICU area so it is a little more family friendly. We don’t care how long she is there. We just want our little girlies to live and come back home to us so we can be a complete family again. She will be having her transplant in the next 4-6 weeks.

Be praying that EVERYTHING is smooth from here on out.

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

This is a verse from Alexandria and her mommy Alison
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Alexandria's Angels is awesome and we can't thank them enough for helping us! Alison, thank you for your experienced support as we continue to go through this.

If that doesn't tell you, as if you didn't already know, how strong Kailie is; nothing will. She is going to win this fight. She will not give up and she will return to us as the precious angel that we know.

It appears that there are several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing. We have no idea how long it will take to get that done; but Kailie is not in any condition to receive her transplant yet.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. You can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For Kailie to fully recover from any and all neurological issues.
2. Encouragement for Jaren as he goes to school.
3. For HLH and ALL to stay completely away. She must stay in remission while she recovers from the neurological trauma.
4. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as their lives are tossed about by our family not being together at home.
5. Strength and stamina for Kailie as her precious body battles back..
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious sweet Kailie.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, keep fighting sweet girl. It was so good to look into your eyes today. We wonder if you could see us smiling at you and hear us tell you that we love you. We miss our girlies, Loolie, precious, sweet pea…oh, forgot your are 13 now…oh well, little ladybug, Kailie Wailie Bailie.

We love you Precious,
Mommy & Daddy

Friday, July 30, 2004 7:30 PM CDT

Tuesday, August 3, 2004

This is John. I just spoke with Johnelle and Kailie had a good night. Before I left the hospital last night the neurosurgeons pulled the catheter in her ventricle out about 1 centimeter. As soon as they did this the amount of fluid flowing from her brain increased immediately. The catheter was probably up againt the other side of the wall of her right ventricle.

She was stable through the night and did not have any problems at all. Praise the Lord for that good news. She is still a very sick little girl, but she is stronger than most adults and isn't ready to stop fighting. Thank you for your prayers and I will update later after I go to the hospital this morning.

Be praying for Jaren. I told him last night that Kailie was intubated again and he was very sad and upset. He hates seeing what this is doing to Kailie and he wants to be with her so bad. He misses his big sister more than words can express.

I'm looking at this picture of her and she is so beautiful standing in the shore of Lake Tahoe. We are truly blessed by the Lord; and we are thankful each moment for our children.

UPDATE AS OF Monday, AUGUST 2, 2004

It is Alison again. Just spoke with John and received an update. At approximately 4 a.m. and 11 this morning Kailie had 2 more episodes of her heart rate going from the 120's to 60 very quickly. Both times it recovered within five minutes or so. After the first episode, they rushed her to CT scan and determined that her right ventricle was the same as it was previously (the 31st). The doctors have no explanation why this is happening other than the HLH. Dr. Rob came to see her today and prayed with them (what an awesome doctor). John told me once again, "God is in charge." I know he speaks the truth.
They are giving her two doses of VP-16 this week. She is getting dex, which they are increasing the dose today. The doctors have also added Vitamin B-12 for the HLH. Please continue to storm the heavens with prayers on Kailie's behalf.
God Bless-


This is Alison Haddock here. The Rhines asked me to update everyone so that everyone could pray specifically for Kailie. John will post things in greater detail as his time permits, but they wanted to let you know that Kailie's heart rate plummeted last night about 11:00 p.m. The had to put her back on the ventilator. They then took her down to CT scan and said that the right ventricle has a "slight" increase of fluid from the last CT scan, and so today the neurologist was going to have to put the cranial drains back in. They have also put Kailie back on the paralytic drugs. Johnelle and John were with Dr. Bob when I spoke with them. Please pray for Kailie to heal. Please pray that the doctors are given the wisdom to know exactly how to treat her to make her better. Please check back for more updates as they become available. Thank you all for your support of The Rhines Family during this incredibly difficult time.

God Bless-

Kailie is off the ventilator!!!

Kailie came off the ventilator today!! She is doing well. They have her on oxygen and her numbers are pretty good. It is so wonderful to see her beautiful face not covered by the tube and the apparatus around her head that kept the tube in place. We cannot tell you how much we have kissed her this afternoon. She pretty much slept right through the whole thing…and the rest of the afternoon. She is just plain worn out. Breathing on her own is hard work after having a machine breathe for her for 5 weeks.

We found out the complete results of her bone marrow biopsy on Wednesday. There was no leukemia cells at all (living or dead) but they did see some residual HLH. Dr. Kelly (oncologist/transplant Tx doc at Glennon) said that it wasn't a big deal because what he saw was dead, and leftover from before.

She had a liver biopsy on Wednesday to access the health of her liver and spleen. Her liver is pretty large, but the GI doctor said that it was soft; which is a very good thing. They performed a doppler ultrasound on her liver and the GI doc said the blood vessels and arteries were normal in size and function. They were afraid that the vessels had become hypertensive and were not working as well as they should. The health of her liver will determine when/if she will be able to head towards transplant. One thing that they don't know for sure is whether or not they will have to remove Kailie's spleen. They said it was 4-5 times its normal size. The liver biopsy will give them a really good idea of how the spleen is doing. The major risk of leaving it in is the chance of residual disease being present and it impacting the transplant in a negative manner.

The results from Kailie's CT scan were great and she has been released from neurosurgery's care by Dr. Flannery. It appears that Kailie will not be going back to St. John's before her transplant as we had hoped. They do not believe ALL will remain in remission for very long and she isn't strong enough to go through another round of chemo before heading to transplant. They don't think HLH will stay quiet for that long either. The doctors are not going to wait for Kailie to fully recover before heading towards transplant. There are quite a few questions that can only be answered as she gets better each day; but it appears the transplant will happen sooner rather than later.

We still haven't heard about the confirmatory HLA typing that Dr. Kelly was to receive regarding the two live donors. He was in the OR this AM harvesting bone marrow from somebody and that takes between 4-5 hours to finish. We will be able to talk to him more on Thursday. They double-check everything when it comes to transplant. They sent off some of Kailie's blood today to make sure the initial HLA typing was accurate. It is just a precautionary measure.

So as a recap, there are two live donors who are a 6:6 match and several cord blood specimens that are 4:6 match. It doesn't matter to us, we just want our precious little girlies to get better.

Be praying that all goes well and that the best decisions are made and that God would continue to heal Kailie.

We deeply miss our friends at St. John’s. Unfortunately, it looks like we will not be returning anytime soon. Kailie is just too sick to leave the hospital and desperately needs a transplant (Tx) as soon as possible.

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

This is a verse from Alexandria and her mommy Alison
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Alexandria's Angels is awesome and we can't thank them enough for helping us! Alison, thank you for your experienced support as we continue to go through this.

If that doesn't tell you, as if you didn't already know, how strong Kailie is; nothing will. She is going to win this fight. She will not give up and she will return to us as the precious angel that we know.

There are 2 perfect matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are, of course, unrelated donors and we do not know where they are located. For all we know they may be in another part of the world.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy who means so much to so many people and has touched countless lives.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. The costs are mind boggling. You can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:

Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For Kailie to be able to stay off of the ventilator.
2. Fully recover from any and all neurological issues.
3. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as they go to school. Jaren wants to be accepted so bad and doesn't want kids to make fun of him or call him names. Even if someone isn't his friend, he at least needs them to be nice to him. This will be quite an adjustment for Ian. Please pray that the transition will be an easy one for him.
4. For HLH and ALL to stay completely away. She must stay in remission while she recovers from the neurological trauma.
5. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as their lives are tossed about by our family not being together at home.
6. Strength and stamina for Kailie as her precious body battles back..
7. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious sweet Kailie.
8. Strength for mom & dad as we juggle everything between home, family, hospital, work, boys needs, etc.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, you go girl! It is wonderful to see your beautiful face! We can’t wait to hear words come out of your mouth and to see you smile. You are the most wonderful little girl in the world. We love you Loolie, precious, sweet pea…oh, forgot your are 13 now…oh well, little ladybug, Kailie Wailie Bailie.

We love you Loolie Bell,
Mommy & Daddy

Thursday, July 29, 2004 1:42 AM CDT

Good morning,

I don't have Kailie's counts with me right now. I'm updating the site from one of the computers in the ER at Glennon.

Kailie is doing okay right now. She is becoming very frustrated at the ET tube stuck down her throat. She is coughing a lot more and she threw up tonight when they gave her some Zinc down her NG tube. They are going to be giving her something to help her go to sleep. She has to get some rest so she can be awake tomorrow and show the doctors that she is ready to come off of the ventilator. She was sleeping when I left to come down here.

We found out the complete results of her bone marrow biopsy on Wednesday. There was no leukemia cells at all (living or dead) but they did see some residual HLH. Dr. Kelly (oncologist/transplant Tx doc at Glennon) said that it wasn't a big deal because what he saw was dead, and leftover from before.

She had a liver biopsy on Wednesday to access the health of her liver and spleen. Her liver is pretty large, but the GI doctor said that it was soft; which is a very good thing. They performed a doppler ultrasound on her liver and the GI doc said the blood vessels and arteries were normal in size and function. They were afraid that the vessels had become hypertensive and were not working as well as they should. The health of her liver will determine when/if she will be able to head towards transplant. One thing that they don't know for sure is whether or not they will have to remove Kailie's spleen. They said it was 4-5 times its normal size. The liver biopsy will give them a really good idea of how the spleen is doing. The major risk of leaving it in is the chance of residual disease being present and it impacting the transplant in a negative manner.

The results from Kailie's CT scan were great and she has been released from neurosurgery's care by Dr. Flannery. It appears that Kailie will not be going back to St. John's before her transplant as we had hoped. They do not believe ALL will remain in remission for very long and she isn't strong enough to go through another round of chemo before heading to transplant. They don't think HLH will stay quiet for that long either. The doctors are not going to wait for Kailie to fully recover before heading towards transplant. There are quite a few questions that can only be answered as she gets better each day; but it appears the transplant will happen sooner rather than later.

We still haven't heard about the confirmatory HLA typing that Dr. Kelly was to receive regarding the two live donors. He was in the OR this AM harvesting bone marrow from somebody and that takes between 4-5 hours to finish. We will be able to talk to him more on Thursday. They double-check everything when it comes to transplant. They sent off some of Kailie's blood today to make sure the initial HLA typing was accurate. It is just a precautionary measure.

So as a recap, there are two live donors who are a 6:6 match and several cord blood specimens that are 4:6 match. It doesn't matter to us, we just want our precious little girlies to get better.

She will probably be coming off the ventilator on Thursday. It will be so wonderful to see her entire face and hear her start to whisper to us. Being able to communicate with Kailie is in the near future and we are so excited. We haven't heard her sweet voice for 5 1/2 weeks. That is a very long time. She is having a very hard time because she can't communicate anything to us. And it is so hard because we aren't able to help her as much as she needs us to.

Be praying that all goes well and that the best decisions are made and that God would continue to heal Kailie.

We deeply miss our friends at St. John’s. Unfortunately, it looks like we will not be returning anytime soon. Kailie is just too sick to leave the hospital and desperately needs a transplant (Tx) as soon as possible.

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

This is a verse from Alexandria and her mommy Alison
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Alexandria's Angels is awesome and we can't thank them enough for helping us! Alison, thank you for your experienced support as we continue to go through this.

If that doesn't tell you, as if you didn't already know, how strong Kailie is; nothing will. She is going to win this fight. She will not give up and she will return to us as the precious angel that we know.

There are 2 perfect matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are, of course, unrelated donors and we do not know where they are located. For all we know they may be in another part of the world.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy who means so much to so many people and has touched countless lives.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. The costs are mind boggling. You can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For Kailie to be removed from the ventilator.
2. Fully recover from any and all neurological issues.
3. Encouragement for Jaren as he goes to school. He wants to be accepted so bad and doesn't want kids to make fun of him or call him names. Even if someone isn't his friend, he at least needs them to be nice to him.
4. For HLH and ALL to stay completely away. She must stay in remission while she recovers from the neurological trauma.
5. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as their lives are tossed about by our family not being together at home.
6. Strength and stamina for Kailie as her precious body battles back..
7. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious sweet Kailie.
8. Strength for mom & dad as we juggle everthing between home, family, hospital, work, boys needs, etc.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, keep fighting precious. It is awesome to see your eyes and for you to communicate with us a little bit. You are the most wonderful little girl in the world. We miss our girlies, Loolie, precious, sweet pea…oh, forgot your are 13 now…oh well, little ladybug, Kailie Wailie Bailie.

We love you Loolie Bell,
Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, July 27, 2004 1:46 PM CDT

Kailie’s counts for 7/27/04
Neutrophil, Seg------74
Neutrophil, Band-----10

This is going to be as quick as I can type.

Kailie had a CT this morning to see what the ventricles look like, and if their size has changed at all. We don’t have the results from that yet.

She had a BMA yesterday and the initial smears looked good. Dr. Kelly didn’t see any blasts, or active HLH. The marrow was very cellular, which is very good. We will get the final results this afternoon…PRAY!!

This afternoon we will be talking to Dr. Rob, Dr. Bob, Dr. Kelly and Jill to determine what the next step will be regarding treatment and transplant.

We found out yesterday that they found 3 live donors for Kailie who were a 6:6 match. One of the donors they couldn’t find, and they weren’t too disappointed because the other two were younger anyway. The confirmatory HLA typing will be back on Wednesday and Dr. Kelly will have a better idea which way to go. They also have cord blood with a 4:6 match. I know you are asking about it not being a perfect match. We don’t know the details about using stem cells that are 4:6, we will find out today and get back to you.

Kailie’s spleen is huge. Dr. Bob said it is 4-5 times its normal size. We will be discussing whether it would be a good idea to remove it or not. The major risk of leaving it in is the chance of residual disease being present and it impacting the transplant in a negative manner.

Kailie will be extubated today or tomorrow! We can’t wait to see her whole little face; we want to talk to her so bad. It is the most frustrating part for her; she can’t communicate with us.

Be praying that all goes well and that the best decisions are made and that God would continue to heal Kailie.

We miss our friends at St. John’s. We hope to be back soon but it all depends on how quickly Kailie will be going to transplant. But you know how that is, it is impossible to tell when that will be. Dr. Bob wants her to be extubated before going back to St. John’s. It would be much less traumatic for Kailie.

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

This is a verse from Alexandria and her mommy Alison
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Alexandria's Angels is awesome and we can't thank them enough for helping us! Alison, thank you for your experienced support as we continue to go through this.

If that doesn't tell you, as if you didn't already know, how strong Kailie is; nothing will. She is going to win this fight. She will not give up and she will return to us as the precious angel that we know.

It appears that there are several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing. We have no idea how long it will take to get that done; but Kailie is not in any condition to receive her transplant yet.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. You can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For Kailie to fully recover from any and all neurological issues.
2. Encouragement for Jaren as he goes to school.
3. For HLH and ALL to stay completely away. She must stay in remission while she recovers from the neurological trauma.
4. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as their lives are tossed about by our family not being together at home.
5. Strength and stamina for Kailie as her precious body battles back..
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious sweet Kailie.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, keep fighting sweet girl. It was so good to look into your eyes today. We wonder if you could see us smiling at you and hear us tell you that we love you. We miss our girlies, Loolie, precious, sweet pea…oh, forgot your are 13 now…oh well, little ladybug, Kailie Wailie Bailie.

We love you Precious,
Mommy & Daddy

Monday, July 26, 2004 2:43 PM CDT

Kailie’s counts for 7/26/04
Neutrophil, Seg------72
Neutrophil, Band-----9

Kailie was supposed to have a CT scan on Saturday, and then we thought it would be Sunday; now we don’t know when it will be. The communication between neurosurgery and everybody else pretty much stinks. Dr. Flannery is the chief neurosurgeon at Glennon and she has to deal with residents who are reporting to two management structures; at SLU and Glennon. It is a bad situation because as parents you don’t know what is going on most of the time.

Neurosurgeries came in today and hooked up Kailie’s ventricular drains to measure and monitor her intracranial pressure. Kailie is supposed to have a BMA (bone marrow aspiration) today. Hopefully she will get the drains out as well.

Johnelle just called and told me they were going to start in 20 minutes. We will post tonight when all is done. Pray that all goes well and that ALL is in remission and HLH is dormant.

The neurosurgeon hypothesizes that Kailie had a hemorrhage in her ventricles when she was having the bleeding problems at St. John’s. She believes this caused a blockage in the spinal canal and CSF couldn’t leave the brain; which caused the ventricles to dramatically increase in size. This is all she can think of since everything else is turning up negative; which is very, very good but it doesn’t answer too many questions as to how this all started in the first place.

We miss our friends at St. John’s. We have to sleep too far away from Kailie while we are at Glennon, we don’t like that one bit. We hope to be back soon. But you know how that is, it is impossible to tell when that will be. Dr. Bob wants her to be extubated before going back to St. John’s. It would be much less traumatic for Kailie.

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

This is a verse from Alexandria and her mommy Alison
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Alexandria's Angels is awesome and we can't thank them enough for helping us!

If that doesn't tell you, as if you didn't already know, how strong Kailie is; nothing will. She is going to win this fight. She will not give up and she will return to us as the precious angel that we know.

It appears that there are several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing. We have no idea how long it will take to get that done; but Kailie is not in any condition to receive her transplant yet.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. You can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For Kailie to fully recover from any and all neurological issues.
2. Jaren will be starting public school this Wednesday. We just can't home school him right now.
3. For HLH and ALL to stay completely away. She must stay in remission while she recovers from the neurological trauma.
4. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as their lives are tossed about by our family not being together at home.
5. Strength for Johnelle and me as Kailie enters her 6th week in the PICU.
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious sweet Kailie.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, keep fighting sweet girl. It was so good to look into your eyes today. We wonder if you could see us smiling at you and hear us tell you that we love you. We miss our girlies, Loolie, precious, sweet pea…oh, forgot your are 13 now…oh well, little ladybug, Kailie Wailie Bailie.

We love you Precious,
Mommy & Daddy

Friday, July 23, 2004 4:35 PM CDT

Kailie’s counts for 7/23/04
WBC------------11.08 (Keep it up Kailie!)
Neutrophil, Seg------87
Neutrophil, Band-----5
ANC------------------10193.6 (This is awesome!!)

Kailie is doing pretty well today. She’s had quite a bit of narcotics today and isn’t nearly as active as she was yesterday. Last night was pretty active for her. She was looking at us, squeezing our hands, nodding and shaking her head and she even breathed for a little while when the ventilator was turned off. They are slowly turning down her dependence on the ventilator.

The neurosurgeon is happy with her progress so far. Kailie will have a follow up CT scan tomorrow. Be praying that the ventricles have shrunk and the white matter starts to appear normal. It is possible that Kailie will get the catheters out of her brain sometime this weekend. Please, please pray that everything is going perfectly and that she can have them removed and not a single complication will develop.

The neurologist thinks some of the white matter changes were caused by HLH. We hate that wretched disease. It stinks that she has to deal with that one too.

Kailie will be given a letter board tomorrow to help her communicate better with us. Kailie is scheduled to have a bone marrow biopsy (BMA) on Monday. Please pray that all goes well, that HLH is dormant and ALL is in remission.

The neurosurgeon hypothesizes that Kailie had a hemorrhage in her ventricles when she was having the bleeding problems at St. John’s. She believes this caused a blockage in the spinal canal and CSF couldn’t leave the brain; which caused the ventricles to dramatically increase in size. This is all she can think of since everything else is turning up negative; which is very, very good but it doesn’t answer too many questions as to how this all started in the first place.

We miss our friends at St. John’s. We have to sleep too far away from Kailie while we are at Glennon, we don’t like that one bit. We hope to be back soon. But you know how that is, it is impossible to tell when that will be. Dr. Bob wants her to be extubated before going back to St. John’s. It would be much less traumatic for Kailie.

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

This is a verse from Alexandria and her mommy Alison
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Alexandria's Angels is awesome and we can't thank them enough for helping us!

If that doesn't tell you, as if you didn't already know, how strong Kailie is; nothing will. She is going to win this fight. She will not give up and she will return to us as the precious angel that we know.

It appears that there are several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing. We have no idea how long it will take to get that done; but Kailie is not in any condition to receive her transplant yet.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. You can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For Kailie to fully recover from any and all neurological issues.
2. Jaren will be starting public school this Wednesday. We just can't home school him right now.
3. For HLH and ALL to stay completely away. She must stay in remission while she recovers from the neurological trauma.
4. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as their lives are tossed about by our family not being together at home.
5. Strength for Johnelle and me as Kailie enters her 6th week in the PICU.
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious sweet Kailie.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, keep fighting sweet girl. It was so good to look into your eyes today. We wonder if you could see us smiling at you and hear us tell you that we love you. We miss our girlies, Loolie, precious, sweet pea…oh, forgot your are 13 now…oh well, little ladybug, Kailie Wailie Bailie.

We love you Precious,
Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 4:10 PM CDT

Kailie’s counts for 7/20/04
WBC------------6.78 (You’re such a fighter Kailie!)
Neutrophil, Seg------65
Neutrophil, Band-----24

Today is a good day. We have another day with our children. Jaren is spending the day today with Stacy (a friend from church). Thank you very much, Stacy for spending time with him. We were supposed to be at her apartment between 8:30-9:00 so Jaren could have breakfast with her. He had asked her if he could have breakfast at her apartment; she said sure, I have plenty of cereal. Jaren then told her that he would rather have scrambled eggs instead. Since we have had so much sleep lately (ha, ha) Dad slept straight through the alarm and we overslept. He was blaming his Daddy because Jaren was going to be late. He then said, “You overslept because you are old.” What a precious little boy. I couldn’t help but smile when he said that.

Kailie tolerated the surgery well yesterday. The neurosurgeon was happy with the outcome. The surgeon had to irrigate the catheter on the right side because it had clotted and it wasn’t flowing properly. She had a follow-up CT scan today but we don’t know the results yet.

Kailie isn’t receiving Versed or some of the antibiotics anymore. Apparently the plastic surgeon that was supposed to come up today for a “consult”, went ahead and debrided the lesion she has on her left thigh. Hopefully this will not cause any problems for Kailie. When she is not sleeping she opens her eyes and looks at you. She will respond to commands, i.e. squeezing your hand, looking in your direction. She has a very long way to go but this is an excellent sign of her neurological abilities so soon after surgery to drain off the excess fluid.

The neurosurgeon hypothesizes that Kailie had a hemorrhage in her ventricles when she was having the bleeding problems at St. John’s. She believes this caused a blockage in the spinal canal and CSF couldn’t leave the brain; which caused the ventricles to dramatically increase in size. This is all she can think of since everything else is turning up negative; which is very, very good but it doesn’t answer too many questions as to how this all started in the first place.

The nurses at Cardinal Glennon are very nice and we really appreciate them taking care of our precious little girl. We miss you St. John's and will be back as soon as Kailie is stable. St. John's is still our home and we deeply miss our friends. Being at Glennon is hard because it is so far away from home. There is also not a good place to sleep. We can’t wait to get back to St. John’s.

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

This is a verse from Alexandria and her mommy Alison
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Alexandria's Angels is awesome and we can't thank them enough for helping us!

If that doesn't tell you, as if you didn't already know, how strong Kailie is; nothing will. She is going to win this fight. She will not give up and she will return to us as the precious angel that we know.

It appears that there are several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing. We have no idea how long it will take to get that done; but Kailie is not in any condition to receive her transplant yet.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. You can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For Kailie to fully recover from any and all neurological issues.
2. Jaren will be starting public school this Wednesday. We just can't home school him right now.
3. For HLH and ALL to stay completely away. She must stay in remission while she recovers from the neurological trauma.
4. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as their lives are tossed about by our family not being together at home.
5. Strength for Johnelle and me as Kailie enters her 6th week in the PICU.
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious sweet Kailie.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, keep fighting sweet girl. It was so good to look into your eyes today. We wonder if you could see us smiling at you and hear us tell you that we love you. We miss our girlies, Loolie, precious, sweet pea…oh, forgot your are 13 now…oh well, little ladybug, Kailie Wailie Bailie.

We love you Precious,
Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, July 18, 2004 10:25 PM CDT

Kailie’s counts for 7/18/04
WBC------------7.48 (you go girl!)
Neutrophil, Seg------73
Neutrophil, Band-----19

We are tired, but encouraged because Kailie is still here and we are still a family.


They are weaning Kailie from her sedation meds. She opened her eyes quite a bit today and has begun to not only move her hands, but her feet also. She is still very out of it, but these are good signs.

Kailie’s CT scan this morning revealed that they, in fact, have to put in another catheter into her brain. The left ventricle isn’t draining. Usually both ventricles will drain symmetrically with one catheter in either one, but this isn’t happening. They need both sides to drain.

The nurses at Cardinal Glennon are very nice and we really appreciate them taking care of our precious little girl. We miss you St. John's and will be back as soon as Kailie is stable. St. John's is still our home and we deeply miss our friends. Being at Glennon is hard because it is so far away from home. There is also not a good place to sleep. We can’t wait to get back to St. John’s.

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

This is a verse from Alexandria and her mommy Alison
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Alexandria's Angels is awesome and we can't thank them enough for helping us!

If that doesn't tell you, as if you didn't already know, how strong Kailie is; nothing will. She is going to win this fight. She will not give up and she will return to us as the precious angel that we know.

It appears that there are several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing. We have no idea how long it will take to get that done; but Kailie is not in any condition to receive her transplant yet.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. You can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For Kailie to fully recover from any and all neurological issues.
2. Jaren will be starting public school this Wednesday. We just can't home school him right now.
3. For HLH and ALL to stay completely away. She must stay in remission while she recovers from the neurological trauma.
4. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as their lives are tossed about by our family not being together at home.
5. Strength for Johnelle and me as Kailie enters her 6th week in the PICU.
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious sweet Kailie.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, keep fighting sweet girl. It was so good to look into your eyes today. We wonder if you could see us smiling at you and hear us tell you that we love you. We miss our girlies, Loolie, precious, sweet pea…oh, forgot your are 13 now…oh well, little ladybug, Kailie Wailie Bailie.

We love you Precious,
Mommy & Daddy

Saturday, July 17, 2004 10:25 PM CDT

Kailie's counts from 12:30 PM today are below.
Neutrophil, Seg------70
Neutrophil, Band-----25

We are tired, but encouraged because Kailie is still here and we are still a family.


Kailie is holding her own for now and that is great. She hasn't moved a great deal like she did yesterday but that's okay. She does recognize our voices when we talk to her. She raises her eyebrows, moves her eyes and tries to open her eyelids and that's a good sign.

The neurosurgeon said that the left ventricle hasn't drained as much as she would like it to. Kailie will have a repeat MRI tomorrow, sometime in the AM. If the left ventricle hasn't drained more the doctor will probably put another catheter in the left side of Kailie's brain to drain the fluid so the pressure is acceptable to them.

The nurses at Cardinal Glennon are very nice and we really appreciate them taking care of our precious little girl. We miss you St. John's and will be back as soon as Kailie is stable. St. John's is still our home and we deeply miss our friends.

The following was written by Kailie earlier this year when the David C. Pratt Cancer Center at St. John's Mercy had an art exhibition and some of Kailie's paintings were on display. This was what she wrote to introduce a picture of her favorite, Eeyore.

Kailie R., age 12
title: "Be Careful for Nothing"
media: acrylic paint and paint pens
Friends of Kids with Cancer

"Eeyore is my favorite character from 'Winnie the Pooh.' He resembles my dog, Liza Jane, in a lot of ways. But what I like best about him is the example he gives us. Eeyore needs to, 'be careful for nothing,' just like us. We should not worry about our lives and what will happen tomorrow. We should concentrate on today, and if we have worries, turn them over to God. The Bible says to, 'cast all your cares upon Jesus, for He careth for you.' What has gotten me through treatment for leukemia is primarily the Lord. I could not have done it without Him. I had to teach myself to turn my worries over to God. I could not worry about tomorrow or next week's bone marrow biopsy. Eeyore, just like us, should be 'careful for nothing,', but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And 'the peace that passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.' (Philippians 4:6-7). If you just give your worries to God, and truly believe that He will take care of you, you will have faith; and you will be happy.

This piece is dedicated to my mom, Johnelle Rhines, whom has helped me to remember that God will always take care of me."

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

This is a verse from Alexandria and her mommy Alison
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Alexandria's Angels is awesome and we can't thank them enough for helping us!

If that doesn't tell you, as if you didn't already know, how strong Kailie is; nothing will. She is going to win this fight. She will not give up and she will return to us as the precious angel that we know.

It appears that there are several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing. We have no idea how long it will take to get that done; but Kailie is not in any condition to receive her transplant yet.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. You can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For Kailie to fully recover from any and all neurological issues.
2. Jaren will be starting public school this Wednesday. We just can't home school him right now.
3. For HLH and ALL to stay completely away. She must stay in remission while she recovers from the neurological trauma.
4. Encouragement for Ian and Jaren as their lives are tossed about by our family not being together at home.
5. Strength for Johnelle and me as Kailie enters her 6th week in the PICU.
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious sweet Kailie.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, keep fighting sweetheart. Tell your body that it is going to keep battling until you recover and go to transplant. We miss you little girlies. We can't wait to see your precious eyes and hear your tender voice again.

We love you Precious,
Mommy & Daddy

Thursday, July 15, 2004 9:57 PM CDT

Friday, July 16, 2004 1:25 PM.
Hi all, this is Kelly, another friend of the Rhines family. I just got off the phone with John and he wanted me to let everyone know how things are going.

The most exciting news is that Kailie just opened her eyes. She has been much more responsive the last 36 hours - squeezing hands, moving her toes and raising her eyebrows when you talk to her (or frowning, depending on what you say to her). But, today is the first time she has opened her eyes completely. Her mom and dad were right there at her bedside and are just overwhelmed with joy. I can't describe to you the excitement that John conveyed when he called. They have waited so long for this moment.

They have drained about 70cc of fluid from her brain since last night and are still waiting for the cytology results. Her counts continue to improve and she is definitely holding her own.

Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers and words of encouragement
We will update again as soon as we have any news. Until then, keep flooding the Heavens with prayer for Kailie and her family!

God bless!

This is Alison Haddock here, friends of the Rhines' family, and I have been asked to update her website because they could not get to a computer tonight. So many people have called, e-mailed and inquired about Kailie and how she was doing. We are all so grateful and thankful that so many people care and are praying for her. Kailie was transferred by ambulance from St. John's, to Cardinal Glennon PICU earlier today. I spoke to John during the transfer as he rode behind the ambulance carrying his precious daughter and wife. In typical John Rhines form, he was calm, cool, collected and full of hope and faith. It is no wonder to me how this child has such capacity to love others and our Lord and Savior. She learned it from her wonderful parents.

In a bedside procedure, they drained the ventricles this evening, to see what the ICP (intra cranial pressure) was. It was 15 and the neurosurgeon would like to see it at a level of 10. Her other lab work was as follows:

WBC 4.4
HgB 9.9
Platelets 55,000 (still receiving continous infusion)
Segs 66
Bands 21
RBC 3.46
Crt. 29.7
ANC 3828

Temperature 99.8

They will know the results, or rather, what it is NOT tomorrow. Several things they are testing the fluid for is leukemia, chemotherapy, or meningitis. She is still on the vent but has been taken off the paralytic medicine. As I was speaking to John, I could here the nurse in the background speaking to Kailie. "Can you move your hands" she asked? Kailie moved her hands. I could hardly speak at the joyous event that I witnessed over the phone. She is responding to commands. She is moving her eyes, has a gag reflex, is bothered by them suctioning her mouth and putting ointment on her eyes. This is all typical Kailie style. At this point, she is certainly entitled to be annoyed with anything that anybody is doing to her.

To all the prayer warriors out there, please do not stop now. Let us all continue to storm the heavens with prayers for Kailie and her complete healing on this earth. Please pray for strength for John and Johnelle during these trying times. Pray for peace that surpasses all understanding. Pray that when her repeat CT scan is done tomorrow, that the results have improved.

I will leave you all with Alexandria and my favorite scripture:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

God Bless you each and every one-

This is going to be quick.

Kailie's counts are below.
Neutrophil, Seg------76
Neutrophil, Band-----4
Neutrophil #---------2.08
Lymphocyte #---------0.23
Monocyte #-----------0.08

She had an MRI of her brain today as a follow up to the CT from yesterday. We do not have the results back yet. They are not able to say if Kailie has any neurological defects or not. They really need to get some spinal fluid but they don't want to do an LP because that may release too much pressure and could cause her brain to shift and that is not good.

When the CT films are compared with the ones from June 20 (when this all started) the neurologist said there were significant changes. There were changes in the white matter and the ventricles in her brain were larger.

They don't know if the changes in the brain have been caused by a former infection, cancer cells, something blocking the flow of spinal fluid so the body cannot get rid of the excess or a result of chemotherapy. They are just not sure.

Dr. Rob didn't want to do the BMA today, we will find out when and put that up on the site when we know.

They are taking Kailie off of the Vec today and will reduce the amount of assistance from the vent. They want to see what she does when she wakes up. They shut off the Vec before her MRI and she is already moving her eyelids, eyebrows, fingers and she gagged pretty good when the nurse suctioned out her mouth.


Pray that the light will get a little brighter as each day passes.
She is still receiving platelets at the rate of 0.5 unit per hour. Over 125 people have given platelets for Kailie over the last month. We cannot begin to thank you for what you have done. Kailie is here today because of you. Thank you very much for your selfless sacrifice. Every day that Kailie and the boys are alive is a great day. It doesn't matter what happens, it is a great day when we can wake up and go to sleep knowing that the 5 of us are still a family.

We know that we continue to ask you to donate blood and platelets, but it is VERY important.

We have left this bit of text in here because of Kailie’s ongoing need for blood products. Encourage, ask, coerce, compel, persuade, convince, bribe, appeal and beg for others to give for Kailie. It is truly allowing her to live and we can't begin to thank you enough for this precious gift.

PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO CALL ST. JOHN’S BLOOD DONOR SERVICES AT 314-569-6328. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR BLOOD TYPE IS – CALL THEM AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. We thank you on Kailie’s behalf. She would gladly thank you herself if she could. She will do just that when she is off the vent and able to communicate.

The lesion on her upper left thigh is worse than they thought. They looked at this also during the MRI. The plastic surgeons will probably have to debrised the area at some point. The tissue underneath the sore is dead also and they don't know how much it will take to fix it.

It appears that there are several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing. We have no idea how long it will take to get that done; but Kailie is not in any condition to receive her transplant yet.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. In the interim, you can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

We can’t thank them enough for helping us!

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For perfectly matched donors to be identified, located and tested.
2. Jaren is off to camp this week. Pray for his safety, that he has fun and makes new friends.
3. Paul Kempland is going to be with Jaren this week. Pray that things go smoothly for him.
4. Encourage Ian as he tries to understand everything that is going on.
5. Strength for Johnelle and me as Kailie enters her 5th week in the PICU.
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious little girl.
7. Once her WBC comes back she will get worse before she gets better. The fight will really intensify once this happens. Pray for her strength.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, you are the strongest little girl in the world. We can't tell you how proud of you we are. You are teaching us lessons each and every day. Soon this will be over and you will be able to see your friends and family again. Liza Jane is waiting for you. She misses you so much. She is just moping around the house because you are not here. Your little body is doing a great job of using the tools the doctors are giving you. Keep fighting little punkin seed and we will make sure you have everything you need to win. We have so much to tell you when you wake up, we will have to start taking notes now so we don't forget anything.

We love you Precious,
Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, July 14, 2004 3:48 PM CDT

This is going to be quick.

Kailie's counts are below.
Neutrophil, Seg------76
Neutrophil, Band-----4
Neutrophil #---------2.08
Lymphocyte #---------0.23
Monocyte #-----------0.08

She had an MRI of her brain today as a follow up to the CT from yesterday. We do not have the results back yet. They are not able to say if Kailie has any neurological defects or not. They really need to get some spinal fluid but they don't want to do an LP because that may release too much pressure and could cause her brain to shift and that is not good.

When the CT films are compared with the ones from June 20 (when this all started) the neurologist said there were significant changes. There were changes in the white matter and the ventricles in her brain were larger.

They don't know if the changes in the brain have been caused by a former infection, cancer cells, something blocking the flow of spinal fluid so the body cannot get rid of the excess or a result of chemotherapy. They are just not sure.

Dr. Rob didn't want to do the BMA today, we will find out when and put that up on the site when we know.

They are taking Kailie off of the Vec today and will reduce the amount of assistance from the vent. They want to see what she does when she wakes up. They shut off the Vec before her MRI and she is already moving her eyelids, eyebrows, fingers and she gagged pretty good when the nurse suctioned out her mouth.


Pray that the light will get a little brighter as each day passes.
She is still receiving platelets at the rate of 0.5 unit per hour. Over 125 people have given platelets for Kailie over the last month. We cannot begin to thank you for what you have done. Kailie is here today because of you. Thank you very much for your selfless sacrifice. Every day that Kailie and the boys are alive is a great day. It doesn't matter what happens, it is a great day when we can wake up and go to sleep knowing that the 5 of us are still a family.

We know that we continue to ask you to donate blood and platelets, but it is VERY important.

We have left this bit of text in here because of Kailie’s ongoing need for blood products. Encourage, ask, coerce, compel, persuade, convince, bribe, appeal and beg for others to give for Kailie. It is truly allowing her to live and we can't begin to thank you enough for this precious gift.

PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO CALL ST. JOHN’S BLOOD DONOR SERVICES AT 314-569-6328. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR BLOOD TYPE IS – CALL THEM AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. We thank you on Kailie’s behalf. She would gladly thank you herself if she could. She will do just that when she is off the vent and able to communicate.

The lesion on her upper left thigh is worse than they thought. They looked at this also during the MRI. The plastic surgeons will probably have to debrised the area at some point. The tissue underneath the sore is dead also and they don't know how much it will take to fix it.

It appears that there are several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing. We have no idea how long it will take to get that done; but Kailie is not in any condition to receive her transplant yet.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. In the interim, you can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

We can’t thank them enough for helping us!

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For perfectly matched donors to be identified, located and tested.
2. Jaren is off to camp this week. Pray for his safety, that he has fun and makes new friends.
3. Paul Kempland is going to be with Jaren this week. Pray that things go smoothly for him.
4. Encourage Ian as he tries to understand everything that is going on.
5. Strength for Johnelle and me as Kailie enters her 5th week in the PICU.
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious little girl.
7. Once her WBC comes back she will get worse before she gets better. The fight will really intensify once this happens. Pray for her strength.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, you are the strongest little girl in the world. We can't tell you how proud of you we are. You are teaching us lessons each and every day. Soon this will be over and you will be able to see your friends and family again. Liza Jane is waiting for you. She misses you so much. She is just moping around the house because you are not here. Your little body is doing a great job of using the tools the doctors are giving you. Keep fighting little punkin seed and we will make sure you have everything you need to win. We have so much to tell you when you wake up, we will have to start taking notes now so we don't forget anything.

We love you Precious,
Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 0:18 AM CDT

Today is Tuesday, July 13 1:50 PM CDT and this is a partial update. Kailie's counts are doing great today. Her WBC is 2.1 and she has an ANC of 1533.

She had the CT scan of her brain and the pediatric radiologist did not see any signs of infection or bleeding. When she compared today's films with the ones from June 20 (when this all started) the radiologist said there were some "changes in the white matter and the ventricles in her brain were larger". We don't know what that means, but we at least wanted to put it on her website so you all would know what is going on. They will be doing a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow at 9:00 AM. We will let you know more about her CT results when we talk to Dr. Altman who is the pediatric neurologist.

Keep praying....

 5:00 AM 5:00 PM
Neutrophil, Seg5948
Neutrophil, Band1420
Neutrophil #0.800.75
Lymphocyte #0.220.26
Monocyte #0.080.04

Okay, this is getting to be too much to bear. Her WBC is starting to recover. She was running a fever today of 103.4. But that isn't all that bad because as her WBC comes back her body will mount a defense against any existing infection. It is probable that she will actually worsen before she gets better.
The puffiness has gone down dramatically. Since last Thursday she has lost enough volume through her kidneys to total 5-6 lbs. She looks like the precious little girl that we know. It was very difficult seeing her so puffy. We went to church yesterday and it was very difficult to be there without Kailie. We have always gone to church as a family. If Kailie couldn't go to church for some reason Johnelle or I would always stay with her. We started to sing a song that Kailie would sing when she was a toddler and it really got to Johnelle. Yesterday marked 3 weeks that she was on the ventilator.

Dr. Rob said that he would like to take Kailie off the ventilator by the end of the week. There are couple of things that have to happen first. Dr. Rob said that he wants to see her WBC around 4-5 and an ANC of 5,000. She hasn't had a WBC or ANC like that for the last several years. He wants to make sure the plastic surgeons don't want to perform any operations on Kailie's sore before she is exntubated. He wants to perform a CT scan on her brain to make sure there was not any neurological damage when she had that slight seizure when she stopped breathing on June 20. He has to make sure that any infection in her lungs is dealt with before removing the breathing tube. If there is any infection in her lungs then her white cells will flood the lungs and cause inflammation which will definitely impact her respitory functions.
There is light at the end of the tunnel. Pray that the light will get a little brighter as each day passes.
She is still receiving platelets at the rate of 1 unit per hour. Over 125 people have given platelets for Kailie over the last month. We cannot begin to thank you for what you have done. Kailie is here today because of you. Thank you very much for your selfless sacrifice. Every day that Kailie and the boys are alive is a great day. It doesn't matter what happens, it is a great day when we can wake up and go to sleep knowing that the 5 of us are still a family.

We know that we continue to ask you to donate blood and platelets, but it is VERY important.

We have left this bit of text in here because of Kailie’s ongoing need for blood products. Encourage, ask, coerce, compel, persuade, convince, bribe, appeal and beg for others to give for Kailie. It is truly allowing her to live and we can’t begin to thank you enough for this precious gift.

PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO CALL ST. JOHN’S BLOOD DONOR SERVICES AT 314-569-6328. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOUR BLOOD TYPE IS – CALL THEM AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. We thank you on Kailie’s behalf. She would gladly thank you herself if she could. She will do just that when she is off the vent and able to communicate.

The lesion on her upper left thigh is holding steady. That is fine as long as it does not worsen. Her CRP is now up to 16.3. It hasn’t climbed that much in the past couple of days so that is very good news.

It appears that there are several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing. We have no idea how long it will take to get that done; but Kailie is not in any condition to receive her transplant yet.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. In the interim, you can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

We can’t thank them enough for helping us!

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For perfectly matched donors to be identified, located and tested.
2. Jaren is off to camp this week. Pray for his safety, that he has fun and makes new friends.
3. Paul Kempland is going to be with Jaren this week. Pray that things go smoothly for him.
4. Encourage Ian as he tries to understand everything that is going on.
5. Strength for Johnelle and me as Kailie enters her 5th week in the PICU.
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious little girl.
7. Once her WBC comes back she will get worse before she gets better. The fight will really intensify once this happens. Pray for her strength.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Kailie, you are the strongest little girl in the world. We can't tell you how proud of you we are. You are teaching us lessons each and every day. Soon this will be over and you will be able to see your friends and family again. Liza Jane is waiting for you. She misses you so much. She is just moping around the house because you are not here. Your little body is doing a great job of using the tools the doctors are giving you. Keep fighting little punkin seed and we will make sure you have everything you need to win. We have so much to tell you when you wake up, we will have to start taking notes now so we don't forget anything.

We love you Precious,
Mommy & Daddy

Monday, July 12, 2004 0:12 AM CDT

Hi everybody. Kailie’s counts from today are below:

Neutrophil, Seg------52
Neutrophil, Band-----16
Neutrophil #---------0.34
Lymphocyte #---------0.14
Monocyte #-----------0.00

Can you believe it?!? She has a WBC of 0.5! When you are at the bottom the only place to go is up. Her little body is beginning to show signs of count recovery. We don’t know how long it will take, but this is a start and we are thankful for it.

The puffiness has gone down dramatically. Over the past 48 hours she has lost enough volume to equal 4 lbs. She looks much better.

They have started her on Dex again. Unfortunately it is a necessary evil.

She is still receiving Neupogen; today was day 15. They started giving her Leukine, which is one drug in a category called Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and it has definitely started doing the job. We don’t exactly know when but Dr. Rob is going to do another bone marrow biopsy this week when he thinks Kailie’s WBC is showing signs of consistent recovery.

She is now receiving platelets at the rate of 1 unit per hour. That is down from 1.5 units/hour but still more than they would like to be giving her. We would like to thank the 100 or so donors who have given for Kailie in the last month. Today is day 21 that she has been on the ventilator. We are so thankful that she is still with us. We are so blessed to have all of our kids.

We know that we continue to ask you to donate blood and platelets, but it is VERY important.

We have left this bit of text in here because of Kailie’s ongoing need for blood products. Encourage, ask, coerce, convince, bribe, appeal and beg for others to give for Kailie. It is truly allowing her to live and we can’t begin to thank you enough for this precious gift.

PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO CALL ST. JOHN’S BLOOD DONOR SERVICES AT 314-569-6328. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOUR BLOOD TYPE IS – CALL THEM AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. We thank you on Kailie’s behalf. She would gladly thank you herself if she could. She will do just that when she is off the vent and able to communicate.

The lesion on her upper left thigh is holding steady. That is fine as long as it does not worsen. Her CRP is now up to 16.3. It hasn’t climbed that much in the past couple of days so that is very good news.

It appears that there are several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing. We have no idea how long it will take to get that done; but Kailie is not in any condition to receive her transplant yet.

Drop by Matthew Pearl’s website and read the updates. Remember to continue praying for him and their family. Please ask God to heal this precious little boy.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. In the interim, you can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

We can’t thank them enough for helping us!

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For perfectly matched donors to be identified, located and tested.
2. Jaren is off to camp this week. Pray for his safety, that he has fun and makes new friends.
3. Paul Kempland is going to be with Jaren this week. Pray that things go smoothly for him.
4. Encourage Ian as he tries to understand everything that is going on.
5. Strength for Johnelle and me as Kailie enters her 5th week in the PICU.
6. Continued wisdom and insight for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious little girl.
7. Once her WBC comes back she will get worse before she gets better. The fight will really intensify once this happens. Pray for her strength.

Jaren and Ian could use a card encouraging them as they deal with Kailie’s sickness.
You can send a card to them at:
Kares 4 Kailie Foundation
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

God is forever faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you going to accomplish in our lives throughout this entire ordeal.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Precious little girl, we love so much sweetheart. We are praying for the day we get to see your sweet smile again. We miss seeing your eyes smile back at us. We miss talking to you and hearing your sweet voice. You are never out of our minds for a second. You are the first thing we think of in the morning and the last thing we think of at night. Our family will not be the same until you are back with us. We miss doing even the littlest things with you. Life just isn’t the same without you being around all the time. You little body is doing a great job of using the tools the doctors are giving you. Keep up the good work and we will continue helping you as much as we possibly can.

We love you Kailie,
Mommy & Daddy

Friday, July 9, 2004 2:30 AM CDT

Kailie’s counts are below:
Neutrophil, Seg....36
Neutrophil, Band...4
Neutrophil #.......0.08
Lymphocyte #.......0.11
Monocyte #.........0.01

They will be getting a ferritin along with her other labs at 5:00 AM. Several weeks ago her ferritin level was over 12,000. On July 7 it was 4,470. The normal range is 13-150. Many different things can cause an elevated ferritin level. However, it is one indication as to how active HLH is within Kailie.

Kailie has substantial puffiness in her face today. They believe she is experiencing capillary breakdown and fluid is leaking into her tissues. Kailie’s body has never responded like a typical patient. She has never had the usual side affects of chemo drugs. For some reason (maybe it was HLH all the time hiding itself) she usually experiences more of the unusual side affects. They are not sure if her body is reacting to not having Dexamethasone. It has been 6 days since her last dose of Dex; the normal withdrawal symptoms usually show up within 3-5 days.

Depending on what her ferritin levels are tomorrow morning she may have to start taking Dex again. Dr. Rob wants that nasty HLH to get dormant and stay there until she has her transplant. The HLH really complicates everything. He doesn’t want to, but he will start giving her VP 16 (Etoposide) again if he has to. Unfortunately it looks like the Ifliximib didn’t do as much good as it had the past 3 times. Maybe she’s hit the wall for a little while. There are so many things that have to be addressed simultaneously it is unbelievable. Continue praying that Kailie’s little body will keep fighting and not get tired.

She is still receiving Neupogen; Thursday was day 12. On Thursday she started receiving Leukine which is one drug in a category called Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). This will encourage her bone marrow to produce additional types of white blood cells. She desperately needs these right now so she has the ability to fight infection and eventually get off the ventilator.

She is still gobbling up platelets at the same rate, 1.5 units per hour. Remember that a unit of platelets is not the same as a unit of blood. A unit of blood is roughly a pint. There may be 6-9 units in a pint (or less) of platelets. She is using 6 bags of platelets every 24 hours and has been doing so for the past 15 days. In the past 15 days only, 90 people have donated enough platelets to keep Kailie going. That doesn’t even take into account the huge amount she received before that time. The need is huge and will continue to be that way for as long as it takes. There is no other alternative. Life is the only alternative, so continue your faithfulness and give for Kailie. She hasn’t received whole blood for 2 days now, but probably will sometime Friday.

We know that we continue to ask you to donate blood and platelets, but it is VERY important.

Encourage, ask, coerce, convince, bribe, appeal and beg for others to give for Kailie. It is truly allowing her to live and we can’t begin to thank you enough for this precious gift.

PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO CALL ST. JOHN’S BLOOD DONOR SERVICES AT 314-569-6328. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOUR BLOOD TYPE IS – CALL THEM AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. We thank you on Kailie’s behalf. She would gladly thank you herself if she could. She will thank you herself when she is off the vent and feeling better.

The lesion on her upper left thigh is not improving that much at all. Her CRP is up from 7.7 to 11.4. They believe this is being caused by the sore. Johnelle has seen it, but I can’t. She said it is pretty bad. Dr. Rob has plastic surgeons looking at it every other day to monitor the situation. We are thankful beyond words for everyone who is praying and helping us in many, many ways. God knows who you are and he will bless you for your faithfulness.

There might be several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing. We have no idea how long it will take to get that done, but we also don’t know when Kailie will be ready for a transplant either.

Add Matthew Pearl to your prayer list. Please ask God to provide a miracle in the form of a bone marrow donor.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. We will be turning in the papers to the IRS this week. In the interim, you can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. For Glennon to say that willing donors have been located
2. Ian’s safety as he returns from camp on Friday
3. Jaren to have peace and encouragement about Kailie’s health
4. Jaren to be able and cope with Kailie’s sickness in more appropriate ways
5. Johnelle and I to remain strong time marches on
6. For God to heal our little girl completely through a perfect donor match
7. Continued wisdom for the doctors and nurses who are treating our precious little girl Kailie

Jaren misses Kailie so much. His world is totally upside down right now. If someone could send Jaren and Ian a card it would be a real encouragement to them.
God is faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you Lord for what you are doing in our lives through this most recent event.

Thank you for your prayers and faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

We love you girlies from the bottom of our hearts to infinity and back, forever past to forever future, alpha and omega, more than Liza Jane and more than all the words in the world. Precious, you are winning the battles and will eventually win the war. We are praying for the day we get to see your sweet smile again. We miss talking to you so very much, you are never out of our minds for a second. You are the first thing we think of in the morning and the last thing we think of at night. Life just isn’t the same without you being around all the time. You are doing a great job of using the tools the doctors are giving you. Keep up the good work and we will continue helping you as much as we possibly can.

We love you Kailie,
Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, July 7, 2004 4:51 PM CDT

Happy Birthday Jaren! We can’t believe it, you are now 11 years old.

We received the results of her bone marrow biopsy and Dr. Rob did not see any residual leukemia cells or active HLH.

As a matter of fact he didn’t see anything. Her bone marrow is pretty much wiped out right now. Once again God, thank you for taking care of Kailie.

Dr. Rob received an email from Dr. Kelly at Cardinal Glennon yesterday. It appears that there are several partial matches in cord blood banks. However, only 4 out of 6 required markers match. Dr. Kelly wants to find an unrelated donor match (6 out of 6) for a transplant. Dr. Rob also found out that there might be several possible matches in the National Marrow Donor Registry. They are in the process of locating the donors for further testing.

That is Kailie’s best chance for a successful transplant. It is hard to believe that the past 3 ½ plus years have boiled down to Kailie needing a transplant in order to survive. Our human minds cannot comprehend it; I don’t think God intends for us to anyway.

Other than that she remains pretty much the same. She remains on a platelet drip at the rate of 1½ units per hour. She receives IVIG every 3 weeks (she has been for the past 2½ years) and received her weekly dose of Ifliximab on Tuesday. We are thankful beyond words for everyone who is praying and helping us in many, many ways. God knows who you are and he will bless you for your faithfulness. She has a bedsore on her upper left thigh that they are monitoring very closely. I don’t want to look at it, but the doctors are closely watching it. Dr. Rob has plastic surgeons looking at it every other day to monitor the situation. She isn’t in any condition right now to have any operations to fix the problem. She is very sick; please continue your fervent prayers. I guess that goes without saying, but as a parent you don’t want anyone to forget to pray for your child when she continues to be so sick day after day.

She needs a miracle. We are asking God to heal Kailie. Her body is not holding onto platelets at all. Without donors Kailie wouldn’t be alive right now. She continues to receive the following amounts of blood products each day.
Platelets……………………4-6 bags, yes bags. Each bag represents 1 donor.
Every two days:
Packed cells…………….…1 unit, 1 unit = 1 donor.
Based upon her clotting chemistry results:
FFP (fresh frozen plasma…….1-2 units

We know that we continue to ask you to donate blood and platelets, but it is VERY important.

Encourage, ask, coerce, convince, bribe, appeal and beg for others to give for Kailie. It is truly allowing her to live and we can’t begin to thank you enough for this precious gift.

PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO CALL ST. JOHN’S BLOOD DONOR SERVICES AT 314-569-6328. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOUR BLOOD TYPE IS – CALL THEM AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. We thank you for Kailie. She will thank you herself when she is off the vent and feeling better.

Add Matthew Pearl to your prayer list. Please ask God to provide a miracle in the form of a bone marrow donor.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. We will be turning in the papers to the IRS this week. In the interim, you can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. News from Glennon about possible matches
2. Ian’s safety as he is away at camp this week
3. Jaren to have peace and encouragement about Kailie’s health
4. Jaren to be able and cope with Kailie’s sickness in more appropriate ways
5. Johnelle and I to remain strong as more time passes
6. For God to heal our little girl completely through a perfect donor match.
7. Continued wisdom for the doctors and nurses who are treating Kailie

Jaren asked us Friday night if Kailie’s leukemia is deadly. We told him that all leukemia is deadly but we are praying for God to heal Kailie and we have faith that she will get better and spend many more years with us. He doesn’t comprehend the HLH, he just knows that she is sick and for the last 42 months she has been treated for leukemia and that is enough for him to handle right now.

He just said, "I'm bored. Especially when Kailie is not around." His world revolves around that little girl and Ian.

God is faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you so much for your steadfastness. We are very thankful for all of your support.

Many of you have done so much for us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you for your prayers, faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

We miss you precious; we will talk to you soon sweetheart. We can't wait to see your beautiful eyes full of life again. As long as we have tools available to fight this awful battle, we'll use them to help you win.

We love you Kailie,
Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, July 6, 2004 0:23 AM CDT

Tuesday, July 6, 2004 11:45 PM CDT
This is a quick update. We didn't want to create a new entry so we added to the existing one below, that is why the entry time is the same as before.

We still do not have the results of the bone marrow biopsy from this morning. One of the machines was broken (dye machine?) so they couldn't get it done as quickly as they wanted. They are using a different staining method and should have some preliminary results tomorrow (morning we hope).

Most recent counts (5:00 PM CDT)
Neutrophil, Seg...40

Her temperatures have ranged from 99.8-102.2.
Other than that she remains the same. She is still chewing up platelets like a little Pac-Man. Keep calling and we are thankful beyond words for everyone who is praying and helping us in many, many ways. God knows who you are and he will bless you for your faithfulness.

Tuesday, July 6, 2004 0:23 AM CDT

Kailie is maintaining. She is a very sick little girl and we are thankful for each second, minute, hour and day God allows her to stay with us. She needs a miracle in the form of a transplant, and we believe that God will provide that for her.

We want Cardinal Glennon to call us tomorrow with news of a match. We don't expect it to happen, but it would be nice.

She is having a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow at 10:00 AM. Dr. Rob wants to see how things are going in her marrow. He didn't indicate what he expects to see. I don't think he can say to be honest with you. Kailie has been a very difficult patient to predict and it only becomes harder when you factor HLH into the equation. He doesn’t want to see any leukemia cells at all; regardless if they are dead or alive. He is hoping to not see any active HLH either. He said if either is present then he will have to reevaluate Kailie’s protocol and decide which chemo she should receive next.

We will post an update on the website as soon as we have some results from Kailie’s bone marrow biopsy. Please, please pray for a miracle to take place tomorrow. Pray that Kailie's marrow looks great and doesn't hold any surprises at all.

I asked Dr. Rob if Kailie would be able to wait and start chemo if it takes 8 weeks or so to find a suitable match. He said that he didn’t think her ALL would remain in remission that long. She needs hourly, daily prayer. She needs a miracle. We are asking God to heal Kailie right here. It doesn’t make sense in our human intellect, but God is in control and he knows exactly what is going to happen. And we are willing to go through whatever God has planned in order that he is glorified. If someone comes to know Jesus as their Savior then it is worth it all.

It is very hard to watch her as each day passes. We terribly miss her company. We hate not being able to make eye contact with her. We miss her lying on top of a pillow next to us as we watch TV and tune out the pain chemo brings. We miss her being awake when we pray with her every night before she goes to sleep. We miss her presence, her spirited attitude, her bright smile, her creativity…we miss Kailie so much.

Kailie’s counts are trying to psyche us out. They will improve, we just don’t want to wait that’s all. Today’s counts were:

Neutrophil, Seg...70
Neutrophil, Band..0.0
Neutrophil #......0.0

Her BUN and creatinine are coming down slowly. Thank you Lord for that!

Her body is not holding onto platelets much at all. She is receiving the following amounts of blood products each day.
Platelets……………………4-6 bags, yes bags. Each bag represents 1 donor.
Packed cells…………….…1 unit, 1 unit = 1 donor.
FFP (fresh frozen plasma…….1-2 units

We know that we continue to ask you to donate blood and platelets, but it is VERY important. If you think about the reality of the situation it is staggering. If she weren’t receiving all of these blood products now, Kailie would be with Jesus right now. We don’t believe he is ready for that yet. That is why it is so important for all of you who are able to continue giving for Kailie.

If you can’t donate that is okay. You can encourage, ask, coerce, convince, bribe, appeal and beg for others to give for Kailie. It is truly allowing her to live and we can’t begin to thank you enough for this precious gift.

PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO CALL ST. JOHN’S BLOOD DONOR SERVICES AT 314-569-6328. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOUR BLOOD TYPE IS – CALL THEM AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. We thank you for Kailie. She will thank you herself when she is off the vent and feeling better.

Add Matthew Pearl to your prayer list. Please ask God to provide a miracle in the form of a bone marrow donor.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. We will be turning in the papers to the IRS this week. In the interim, you can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to Wal-Mart, target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. News from Glennon about possible matches
2. Ian’s safety as he is away at camp this week
3. Jaren to have peace and encouragement about Kailie’s health
4. Jaren to be able and cope with Kailie’s sickness in more appropriate ways
5. Johnelle and I to remain strong as more time passes
6. For God to heal our little girl completely through a perfect donor match.
7. Continued wisdom for the doctors and nurses who are treating Kailie

Jaren asked us Friday night if Kailie’s leukemia is deadly. We told him that all leukemia is deadly but we are praying for God to heal Kailie and we have faith that she will get better and spend many more years with us. He doesn’t comprehend the HLH, he just knows that she is sick and for the last 42 months she has been treated for leukemia and that is enough for him to handle right now.

He just said, "I'm bored. Especially when Kailie is not around." His world revolves around that little girl and Ian.

God is faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you so much for your steadfastness. We are very thankful for all of your support.

Many of you have done so much for us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you for your prayers, faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

Sometimes you have to rest in the fact that God is in total control and he will take care of us. Believe it or not, Jesus loves Kailie more than we ever could. He died on the cross for all sins ever committed, so that we could have the opportunity to ask him to forgive us of our sins, to cleanse us and come inside and be our Savior. Kailie has that assurance and we are so thankful that she has complete trust in God's plan for her.

Because He Lives

God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus;
He came to love, heal and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!

How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!

And then one day, I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain;
And then, as death gives way to vict'ry,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!
© William J. Gaither 1971

We miss you precious, we will talk to you soon sweetheart. As long as their are tools available to fight this awful battle, we'll use them to help you win.

We love you Kailie,
Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, July 4, 2004 5:57 PM CDT

SHE HAS AN ANC!! Okay, not much but we are thankful for anything we can get.

Her counts were a little better today. She doesn’t have much of a white count yet, but 0.01 is better than less than 0.01. Her counts were:

Neutrophil, Seg…56
Neutrophil, Band…4
Neutrophil #…0.06

Her BUN was 34 and BUN was 0.4. They are slowly coming down. Thank you Lord for that!

Instead of counting < 10 white cells today, they counted 25.

We talked with Dr. Bob yesterday and asked him if he thought it would be difficult to find a match for Kailie based upon her genetic profile. He said that he didn’t think so because she doesn’t have any unusual characteristics or alleles.

Because of the HLH she has in conjunction with ALL, her body is not holding onto platelets much at all. She is still receiving 1.5 units of platelets per hour. HLH causes anemia, affects clotting and some other really horrible stuff. It is very abnormal for someone to consume the amount of blood products that Kailie is right now. We know that we continue to ask you to donate blood and platelets, but it is VERY important. If you think about the reality of the situation it is staggering. If she weren’t receiving all of these blood products now, she wouldn’t be here. That is why it is so important for all of you who are able to continue giving for Kailie.

If you can’t donate, that’s okay. Do not feel bad at all. Certain things are out of your control and don’t let it bother you. But you can encourage, ask, coerce, convince, bribe, appeal and beg for others to give for Kailie. It is truly allowing her to live and we can’t begin to thank you enough for this precious gift.

PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO CALL ST. JOHN’S BLOOD DONOR SERVICES AT 314-569-6328. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOUR BLOOD TYPE IS – CALL THEM AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. We thank you for Kailie. She will thank you herself when she is off the vent and feeling better.

Add Matthew Pearl to your prayer list. It appears that Matt’s bone marrow is failing and he desperately needs a transplant. Please ask God to provide a miracle in the form of a bone marrow donor.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. We will be turning in the papers to the IRS next week. In the interim, you can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to wal-mart, target, grocery stores, gas gift cards, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

Continue passing the word to everyone you know about Kailie’s website. We want it to get as much exposure as possible.

Pray for the following:
1. News from Glennon about possible matches
2. Ian’s safety as he is away at camp this week
3. Jaren to have peace and encouragement about Kailie’s health
4. Jaren to be able and cope with Kailie’s sickness in more appropriate ways
5. Johnelle and I to remain strong as more time passes
6. For God to heal our little girl completely through a perfect donor match.
7. Continued wisdom for the doctors and nurses who are treating Kailie

Jaren asked us Friday night if Kailie’s leukemia is deadly. We told him that all leukemia is deadly but we are praying for God to heal Kailie and we have faith that she will get better and spend many more years with us. He doesn’t comprehend the HLH, he just knows that she is sick and for the last 42 months she has been treated for leukemia and that is enough for him to handle right now.

He just said, "I'm bored. Especially when Kailie is not around." His world revolves around that little girl and Ian.

God is faithful; he is the source of our strength. Thank you so much for your steadfastness. We are very thankful for all of your support.

Kelly Kramer stayed with Kailie on Friday night so Johnelle and I could go to the City Museum with the boys. That was a very awesome gift and we really do appreciate it. Thank you to Friends of Kids for taking the boys to the ballgame yesterday, even if Jaren did step in the mud.

Many of you have done so much for us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you for your prayers, faithful support (mental, spiritual, physical, and material, financial) as the Cancer Express rolls down the tracks towards Transplant Station. If we drop into your mind throughout the day, stop for a second and pray for us. Keep up the emails and the posts, we want Kailie to have a ton of stuff to read when she wakes up. Her birthday was a smash! Thank you Lord for giving us one more day together as a family, we will continue to bless Him for each day he bestows upon us.

In Christ’s Love,

John & Johnelle

Friday, July 2, 2004 3:57 PM CDT

Kailie is 13! She made it. Although Kailie turned 13 yesterday, we are the ones who received the present…her. Thank you God for giving Kailie to us.

She had a great birthday. She had lots of visitors and each one signed the birthday poster that Rachel made for her (thank you big sis Rachel). Her room is full of balloons, cards, stuffed animals and tons of love for her.

Her counts were a little better today; at least her platelets and red cells are. She still doesn’t have a white count yet. Her counts were:
Neutrophil, Seg…33
Neutrophil, Band…0
Her creatinine and BUN continue to hold steady

This part always sounds funny; “Total Cells Counted, Differential < 10 WBC counted”. Soon she will get some white cells. When she does, it is likely that she will get a little sicker because her body will finally have something to fight bacteria and infection with.

Last night she was breathing over the ventilator again. So they increased the amount of Vecuronium from 5mg to 7mg. Her kidneys and liver continue to hold steady. There isn’t a great deal of improvement but the doctors are happy because she isn’t getting worse. If she had some white cells we could start talking with her doctors about taking her off the vent.

We still haven’t heard anything from Cardinal Glennon regarding a match; cord blood or bone marrow. We were hoping to receive some information about it by the end of today but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. Being patient is one of the hardest things to do. Before you say it, we are remaining patient and have not asked why we don’t have any results yet. But we are still her human parents and would like to have answers and information yesterday.

Her platelets continue to run low so she is still receiving a unit an hour. A unit of platelets is not the same as a unit of blood. In one bag of platelets you might have 6.5 units of platelets vs. 1 unit of blood when she receives a red cell transfusion.

We are so thankful for all of you who have donated for Kailie, please keep it up. You are making a huge difference in her life.

Yesterday was really hard. This was not the way to spend your child’s birthday. We are very thankful, but it is still hard. We can’t stop being human and turn off our emotions. Sometimes we are reluctant to say that because people think we are discouraged. We are not at all, but are encouraged because each day Kailie looks a little better. As a family we really enjoy making our kids birthdays fun and look forward to watching them open presents and enjoy their special day. Kailie will have her special day when she is awake and able to really enjoy herself; even if it is in the hospital. As soon as she wakes up, Liza Jane (Kailie’s 8 year old puppy) is going to come up to the ICU and see Kailie. Liza will sniff Kailie and fuss and whine like crazy. Then I’ll lift her onto Kailie’s bed and she will start making more noises when Kailie pets her. I’m sure Kailie will start talking to Liza about “Murr”. I realize you don’t understand but when we say “Murr” to Liza she howls and it is really funny to watch. You can whisper it to her and she will still cry.

Last night around 1:30 AM I went into Kailie’s room to say prayers with her. Each and every night Johnelle and I say prayers with Kailie. I whisper prayers into her ear and tell Jesus how thankful I am for my family. I can’t imagine not having the precious wife I have. She is so awesome; I am truly blessed by God to have her as my wife. Next to my relationship with God, my family is the center of my life.


Add Matthew Pearl to your prayer list. It appears that Matt’s bone marrow is failing and he desperately needs a transplant. Please ask God to heal him. We know that God will heal him, but we are asking that God choose to heal Matt right here. He is a precious little boy and just wants to be a kid. Thank you for praying for them.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. When we receive the information back from the state of Missouri, we will let you know. In the interim, you can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to wal-mart, grocery stores, gasoline, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

Hug your kids tonight. If you haven’t started doing that yet, start today.

Thank you for everything you have done for us. The many emails, prayers, meals, snacks, cards, letters, phone calls and support mean more than we can express. We are sorry that we are not able to call as often as we would like, but there are some things that we just can’t fit into a 24 hour period.

God bless you for your steadfast prayers and support. Have a great and safe weekend. We will update the website again on Saturday…we promise.

John & Johnelle

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 11:33 PM CDT

Okay, sorry again for not updating sooner.

Kailie continues to hold her own. She is maintaining, which is fine with the doctors for now. Today was day 5 of her receiving Neupogen. Dr. Bob said that he doesn’t expect to see any white cells until next week some time. He said the chemo was very intensive and it really destroyed her immune system.

She remains on the ventilator. She is very precious. She is so sweet as she lays there. Once you look past all of the machines that she is hooked up to, all you see is her precious face and little wisps of hair and the most kissable face ever.

I spoke with the TC (transplant coordinator) from Cardinal Glennon today and she told me that she would know by the end of the week if there was something in any of the cord banks. It will be sometime next week before something is known from the Registry. From now on you’ll have to understand certain acronyms, i.e. “Registry” National Marrow Donor Registry, TC (Transplant Coordinator), BMT (bone marrow transplant), FFP (fresh frozen plasma), DC (discontinued), Dx (diagnosis), etc.

The whole thing is very confusing. We are so used to our doctors keeping us informed about all aspects of Kailie’s care, status, plans, protocols, schedule, future and everything else; that it is hard to not know exactly is going on down at Glennon. As you know, it is almost impossible to be patient when your child has to receive a transplant in order to live and you don’t have the word yet from those who are searching for a match.

Kailie continues to fight, and will fight until she wins. She is strong beyond her years. Thursday is her birthday, she will be 13! We have prayed more than once for God to allow us to see her turn 14; we have faith that we will.

She continues to chew up platelets. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your faithfulness in giving for her. We can’t tell you how much we appreciate it. It literally means life or death for chemo patients who consume so many blood products.


Her temperatures are hovering around 100-102.8. Considering everything, that is pretty good.

Her liver and kidneys are holding steady. She hasn’t improved much, but the doctors are happy with the fact that her organs are keeping up with all the toxins being thrown at them and all of the meanness the diseases are dishing out at the same time.

We have been so blessed by people we do not even know. We can’t thank you enough for your kind letters, cards, emails, website posts, phone calls and prayers.

God is so faithful to us. We are thankful for each and every day we have together. Regardless of Kailie’s condition right now, she is here with us and that is all that matters.

Be praying for Jaren; he is having a very hard time with his balanced world being thrown to the wind. It is really hard for him to not have all of us together. Pray that God will give us wisdom as we look for ways to help him cope in an appropriate manner.

Ian was really disappointed that he wasn’t a match for Kailie, but God has one waiting for her out there.

Add Alex and Matt Pearl to your prayer list. Matt had his annual biopsy yesterday. Please pray that everything is okay and that nothing has returned.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. When we receive the information back from the state of Missouri, we will let you know. In the interim, you can send your tax deductible donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to wal-mart, grocery stores, gasoline, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

Your prayers and support mean more than we can say. We are so thankful for the many people praying for Kailie and our family. We are trusting the Lord and asking him to please heal Kailie here on earth. Kailie still has many, many things to do for Jesus. We are confident he is still preparing Kailie for big things for her here on earth. And this is part of the process he has chosen to accomplish this in the life of Kailie and each one of us too.

Do not ever forget that

Do you know why we have hope? Because our hope comes from our faith in God and his pure word, the Bible.

Ps 119:114 Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.
Ps 119:116 Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope.
Ps 130:5 I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.
Php 1:20 According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

Just in case you want our address it is:
5 Trappers Way
St. Charles, MO 63303

It is time to go to bed. May God bless you for your faithfulness, please don’t stop.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 3:24 PM CDT

Thank you for your many prayers, letters, notes, emails of encouragement, posts in the guestbook, visits, and hugs but most of all for your love.

There is no way possible for a Daddy to express the love he has for his little girl. Grant, you know exactly what I mean. If there are fathers out there who don’t have a special relationship with your daughter, I’m very sorry that it is that way.

My little girl makes me smile, laugh, dream, cry, proud, thankful, sentimental, reminisce, ache, hope, joyful, calm, sappy, emotional, and makes me feel loved.

I want to hold her again, as softly as possible because of the neuropathy caused by the demon drug Vincristine. I want to look into her eyes and go to sleep next to her and listen to her breathe. I want to see her sleep with her doggy Liza Jane and look at how big she has gotten. I want to create many, many more memories with Kailie. She is turning into a little lady right before my eyes. Jesus has blessed me with 3 beautiful and wonderful children and my life is so complete because of them and Johnelle. It kind of goes without saying that my life is truly complete because of Jesus, but I’m assuming you already know that.

My heart aches so bad for Kailie right now. I am helpless as I sit by her side and hold her hand and touch her little wisps of hair near her temples. I am helpless in myself and my abilities, but I am at peace because God is in total control of the situation. We have rested in the fact that God is right there with us each and every day since this ordeal began almost 4 years ago.

We found out today that the boys were only a 50 percent match for Kailie. Only 3 out of the 6 markers matched; that’s not close enough. Sure we are disappointed, but God isn’t done working with Kailie yet.

The doctors at Glennon are looking at cord blood banks and will kick off a search to the national marrow registry sometime today or tomorrow. We will let you know immediately when we have heard something. We are hoping Dr. Kelly at Glennon will share information with us regarding partial matches, possibilities, potentials, etc. We want to know when they find out anything. We are two parents that are involved in every aspect of Kailie’s care.

Kailie is doing pretty well, considering everything she is dealing with. She started breathing above the vent last night. The vent is set at 22 respirations a minute and she was breathing into the 30s. They were cleaning out her mouth and she didn’t like it. She was moving her head side to side, biting on the endotracheal tube, twitching her shoulder and doing that cute lip sucky thing she does when she falls into a really deep sleep. She is so precious, even though she is so sick. Today is day 4 of her receiving Neupogen. Her white count should start to respond in the next 3-4 days and the doctors will evaluate at that time when she will be able to come off of the ventilator.

Jesus has once again blessed us with one more day together as a family.

Please do us a favor and take extra time to listen to your kids tonight, tell them how much you love them and why, tell them how thankful you are that God gave them to you, tell them what you dream for them, ask them how you can be a better mom and dad, ask them to forgive you when you are wrong, tell them how blessed you are because of them; and strive to do these things and more each and every day.

She continues to chew up platelets. There are a myriad of reasons for that. She is receiving platelets continuously at the rate of 1.5 units per hour. Dr. Bob wants her platelet count to stay above 50; which it is not doing. He also wants her hemoglobin to stay above 10. She has been receiving 1 unit of blood each day for the past 4 days. The HLH is really giving the blood products a hard time.


We can’t wait to hold Kailie in our arms; to have her give us a hug. We are looking forward to having our family back again. This ventilator business is necessary but we just hate seeing her on it. It is just not the same when I give her a kiss and she fusses at me because I need to shave. I told her that I wouldn’t forget to shave a single day she is in the hospital because it is too prickly on her cheek.

She is such a precious little girl and I can’t wait to see her eyes look at me when I say that.

Add Alex and Matt Pearl to your prayer list. Matt had his annual biopsy yesterday. Please pray that everything is okay and that nothing has returned.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called "Kares 4 Kailie Foundation" for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie's extended stay in the hospital. When we receive the information back from the state of Missouri, we will let you know. In the interim, you can send donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to wal-mart, grocery stores, gasoline, etc.) for Kailie's expenses to:

Alexandria's Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

Your prayers and support mean more than we can say. We are so thankful for the many people praying for Kailie and our family. We are trusting the Lord and asking him to please heal Kailie here on earth. Kailie still has many, many things to do for Jesus. We are confident he is still preparing Kailie for big things for her here on earth. And this is part of the process he has chosen to accomplish this in the life of Kailie and each one of us too.

Do not ever forget that

Do you know why we have hope? Because our hope comes from our faith in God and his pure word, the Bible.

Ps 119:114 Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.
Ps 119:116 Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope.
Ps 130:5 I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.
Php 1:20 According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

Jesus, we thank you so much for your faithfulness, we praise you for blessing us with 3 children who love you and want to serve you. As Kailie lays there in her hospital bed unable to respond to us, please give her peace about everything that is taking place around her. Lord, please heal Kailie and let her spend many more years with us. And let her be a blessing to you as she serves you by reaching others for Jesus. Jesus, we ask that you please provide a perfect match for a stem cell transplant for Kailie. Please give the doctors wisdom as they battle the HLH and leukemia at the same time; may the many medications she is taking have their utmost affect on her without affecting her in a negative manner whatsoever. We thank you for the gift of today and ask that you please allow us to create many, many more memories with Kailie, Ian and Jaren for many years to come.

Thank you Father for listening and we give you all the glory and praise for the many things you have yet to do on our behalf. It is in your precious name that we can even approach you. Thank you father, amen.

Your children,
John & Johnelle

Arist: Joy Williams
Song Title: The love of the Lord endures lyrics

In all that I have found
Your evidence abounds
I've always sensed Your fingerprints
If I just look around
And yet this grand display
Will all soon pass away
So I hold onto the mighty truth
That Your love is here to stay

The love of the Lord endures
The love of the Lord endures
If there's one thing I can be sure
It's that the love of the Lord endures

Life has let me down
In wealth joy, can't be found
I've looked for peace in all of these
But I have always found

The love of the Lord endures
The love of the Lord endures
If there's one thing I can be sure
The love of the Lord endures

When I stumble, when I fall
When I'm walking ten feet tall
Your love is there day after day
Even at the worst extreme
Or after I have been redeemed
Your love is there
And it won't let me go

The love of the Lord endures
The love of the Lord endures
If there's one thing I can be sure
It's that the love of the Lord endures

The love of the Lord endures

Forever, Forever

Monday, June 28, 2004 2:52 PM CDT

Sorry for not updating sooner. It has been difficult to find the time.

To all those who went to the bone marrow drive on Saturday at the America’s Center, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. How awesome it would be to get that phone call asking if you would be willing to save somebody’s life.

Kailie is still on the ventilator, and will be for another couple of weeks until count recovery takes place. She started receiving Neupogen on Saturday. So far there hasn’t been any white cell production, but they don’t expect it for another 3-5 days.

Doctors are watching her liver and kidneys pretty close. Over the last 4 days her functions have been doing okay. The ranges for the critical areas of interest right now are below.
BUN 50-62.
Creatinine 0.6-1.1
Bilirubin 3.5-6.0

Friday night she had a fever of 105.7. Her temperatures have been pretty good since Saturday; they haven’t gone above 103.

She continues to chew up platelets. There are a myriad of reasons for that. She is receiving platelets continuously. Dr. Bob wants her platelet count to stay above 50. He also wants her hemoglobin to stay above 10. She has been receiving a unit of blood each day for the past 4 days.


Hopefully we will find out by Wednesday if one of the boys is a match for Kailie.

We can’t wait to hold Kailie in our arms; to have her give us a hug. We are looking forward to having our family back again. This ventilator business is necessary but we just hate seeing her on it. It is just not the same when I give her a kiss and she fusses at me because I need to shave. I told her that I wouldn’t forget to shave a single day she is in the hospital because it is too prickly on her cheek.

She is such a precious little girl and I can’t wait to see her eyes look at me when I say that.

Add Matthew Pearl http://www.alexandmatt.com to your prayer list. He had his annual biopsy today. Please pray that he is still doing well and that nothing will have returned.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called “Kares 4 Kailie Foundation” for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie’s extended stay in the hospital. When we receive the information back from the state of Missouri, we will let you know. In the interim, you can send donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to wal-mart, grocery stores, gasoline, etc.) for Kailie’s expenses to:

Alexandria’s Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

Your prayers and support mean more than we can say. We are so thankful for the many people praying for Kailie and our family. We are trusting the Lord and asking him to please heal Kailie here on earth. Kailie still has many, many things to do for Jesus. We are confident he is still preparing Kailie for big things for her here on earth. And this is part of the process he has chosen to accomplish this in the life of Kailie and each one of us too.

Do not ever forget that

Do you know why we have hope? Because our hope comes from our faith in God and his word, the Bible.

Ps 119:114 Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.
Ps 119:116 Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope.
Ps 130:5 I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.
Php 1:20 According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.

Kailie’s Verses:
Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

We love you Jesus! Today is a great day because our family is still together.

In Christ,
John & Johnelle

Thursday, June 24, 2004 4:42 PM CDT

Hi everybody,


National Bone Marrow Donor Registry Drive
Saturday, June 26
9:00am - 6:00pm
America's Center
701 Convention Plaza St. Louis, Missouri 63101
Main Office: (314) 421-1023

Age Requirements: 18 – 60
Cost: $0.00 !!FREE!!

Whatever your plans are on Saturday, you must make whatever changes necessary so you can go to the bone marrow drive mentioned below. You do not have a choice!! You could help save Kailie's life! This is a gift of time. If you don’t think you have time go, think about the life you could have saved if you went.

Sorry, but we don’t have much of an update today. In relation to how it could be, Kailie is doing pretty good today. She hasn’t changed too much in the last 48 hours. As we mentioned earlier; the doctors are watching her renal and hepatic functions to make sure she is getting rid of toxins before they build up. Her temperatures have leveled off today and are hovering around 100 – 101. Yesterday her temperature was up to 105. Dr. Bob said he believes the fevers are being caused by the HLH instead of an infection. We hate these blood related diseases; they are horrid. As if any cancer isn’t, right?

It is weird to say that your child is doing pretty well when they are on a ventilator. When you look at kids who come into the PICU to have their vitals monitored and need close attention after a surgery; Kailie is very, very sick. But when you think about the kids whose parents have told them goodbye before the ventilator is turned off; Kailie is doing pretty good.

The doctors think she will be on the ventilator for another 2 weeks at least. Her little body needs to improve quite a bit before we think about taking her off the vent.

Her hair is now coming out in clumps. She is so beautiful as she lays there asleep in her bed. We are so thankful for her. Each day we are together as a family is a great day. Thank you Lord!

On Tuesday they had to have another access point so they could administer medications to Kailie. They put a line in her subclavian vein. That is fancy talk for saying a vein under the clavicle, or collar bone. She has 6 pumps attached to her and 3 of the pumps can administer multiple medications as needed.

Below is a lists of some of her medications; the chemo drugs are not listed though.
Amphotericin – antifungal antibiotic
Ceftazidime – used to treat gram-negative organisms; has been shown to be active against gram-positive organisms.
Procrit – stimulates red blood cell production
Cerebyx – anti-epileptic (so she doesn’t have another seizure)
Lasix – diuretic to encourage proper kidney function
Flagyl - antibiotic effective against anaerobic bacteria and certain parasites
Tobramycin – used to treat gram negative infections with organisms resistant to gentamicin and kanamycin.
Vancomycin - used to treat gram positive infections
Dopamine – Increases renal activity
TPN w/lipids - nutrition
Insulin – all of the meds affect her blood sugar pretty heavily.
Versed – to keep her unconscious.
Vecuronium – to keep her really unconscious
Fentanyl – serious narcotic for pain management
Procardia - antianginal drug
Zofran – anti nausea drug
Ambien – sleep agent, other uses too.
Adivan – sleep agent, other uses too.

She is chewing up platelets! CALL ST. JOHN’S BLOOD DONOR SERVICES TODAY 314-569-6328; TELL THEM IT IS FOR KAILIE!

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called “Kares 4 Kailie Foundation” for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie’s extended stay in the hospital. When we receive the information back from the state of Missouri, we will let you know. In the meantime, people can send donations (check, cash, gift certificates, gift cards to wal-mart, grocery stores, gasoline, etc.) for Kailie’s expenses to:

Alexandria’s Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

Your prayers and support mean more than we can say. We are so thankful for the many people praying for Kailie and our family. She will get better and will receive the transplant necessary to save her life. Kailie still has many, many things to do for Jesus. We are confident he has big plans for her here on earth.

Do not ever forget that God is good all the time, and all at times God is good.

Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

These two verses are Kailie’s favorites. If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

Thank you Jesus for giving us one more day together.

In Love,
John & Johnelle

Monday, June 21, 2004 5:49 PM CDT

You must go!! You could help save Kailie's life!

National Bone Marrow Donor Registry Drive
Saturday, June 26
9:00am - 6:00pm
America's Center, St. Louis MO
Cost: $0.00 !!FREE!!

Hi everybody,

Don’t be mad this has taken so long. We know that you have been looking for an update and we are sorry that we haven’t been able to post one before now.

Kailie has shown a little improvement since last night. In case you didn’t know Kailie had to be intubated last night. She is on a ventilator right now and will remain on one until she starts count recovery; which should take 2-3 weeks.

Please bear with me as I try and get the sequence of events right. Saturday night she started having problems breathing. She was taking quick shallow breaths that were not adequate. At first we thought she was anxious about everything that was taking place and due to the fluid that had accumulated in her abdomen.

Sunday morning things changed quite a bit. She became more confused, was incoherent and unresponsive and her rapid breathing continued and they put her on oxygen to help meet her needs. Around 2:30 she started having additional breathing problems and the respiratory therapists were called into her room in the PICU. Around 3:00 her oxygen saturation percentages (O2 sats) plummeted and she stopped breathing and had a slight seizure. They were right there when it happened and started bagging her right away. She started breathing again on her own no more than two minutes later. The seizure lasted under a minute at the most.

Her breathing continued to be erratic and they rushed her down for a CT scan of her head and abdomen. We found out right away that she didn’t have any herniation or bleeding in her brain. There was some slight inflammation in the meninges. They looked at her abdomen too and didn’t see as much fluid there as they expected.

They also performed a spinal after they did the CT, she was intubated at this point, to test for meningitis and encephalitis. She does have a gram positive infection, but they are not sure if it is bacterial or fungal. If it is a bacterial infection they should know something by Wednesday. If it is a fungal infection it will take longer; up to a week.

The doctors had to put Kailie on a paralytic drug called Vecuronium. She is on the following antibiotics/medications (of what I can remember): Voriconazole, Infliximab, Vancomycin, Dopamine, Insulin, Versed, TPN, etc.

Her vital signs have improved dramatically since yesterday. The doctors see no reason for her to not recover. We are still proceeding as planned with transplantation issues, and she should make a complete and full recovery. If Kailie were to be extubated she would be able to breath on her own. The machine is just making it easier for her body to heal itself right now.

I just talked to Johnelle and Kailie is now battling a 103.6 fever. She has zero immune system and no white cells at all. Pray for her body to fight off all the infection and for her to not develop any more infections at all.

We are in the process of setting up a nonprofit foundation called “Kares 4 Kailie Foundation” for the purposes of defraying some of the costs associated with transplant and Kailie’s extended stay in the hospital. When we receive the information back from the state of Missouri, we will let you know. In the meantime, people can send donations for Kailie’s expenses to:
Alexandria’s Angels Foundation
241 Chestnut Hill Drive
O' Fallon, MO 63366

Please remember how awesome our God is. He knew Kailie before she was created.
Psalm 139:13-14
13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

These two verses are Kailie’s favorites. If Kailie can have that much faith in Jesus as a 12 year old girl, how much faith can you have?

The doctors are optimistic and so are we. We have every reason to believe that Kailie will recover from this, receive her transplant and be able to spend many more years with us.

Kailie isn’t worried about the future. We are praying that God would choose to heal Kailie on earth rather than in heaven. Whichever way God chooses Kailie is ready. She knows that she will spend eternity in heaven with her savior Jesus Christ. Do you have that assurance? If not you need to. Do not let another day pass by without knowing Jesus as your savior. He is the difference between life and death…eternal that is; which is what matters most anyway.

In a very complicated, "religious" world... God has made salvation simple. "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10:13). Your salvation experience will be the beginning of your relationship with Jesus Christ. Understanding salvation is as simple as "A.B.C."


Click on the above referenced link and let God change your life for eternity.

God allowed Kailie and the rest of us to go through this in order that we might share the gospel of Christ with others and for them to come to the knowledge of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In Christ,
John & Johnelle

Thursday, June 17, 2004 3:26 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

Thank you so much for the many prayers and support as we deal with the news from the past week. It is amazing how quickly our lives can change. On our way home from Lake Tahoe this was the farthest thing from our minds. We haven’t even thought about relapse at all since Kailie started treatment back on November 2, 2000. We are thankful that we have Jesus; otherwise the battle would be unbelievable. How do you fight something like this without hope? We have no idea how someone could go through this without Jesus right beside them.

Kailie’s counts have started to bottom out; that is what the doctors want them to do. She had to receive an injection of insulin today because her blood sugar was pretty high. This is due to the chemo and steroids.

Her counts this morning were:
HGB – 9.5
PLT – 26
WBC – 0.0
ANC – 0

She has zero neutrophils (segs/bands). When you look at the differential results section of her blood work all of the numbers are zero except for lymphocytes which are 100.

It is especially important now that she not develop any infections, viruses or anything that could make her become more sick.

We received some good news today, albeit small but good, Kailie does not have any chromosomal involvement at all. Also, she continues to not have any CNS involvement either. You’ll have to take a course in medical acronyms before we are through all of this. The absence of CNS involvement means that the leukemia has not affected her Central Nervous System.

We spoke with the Transplant Coordinator at Children’s today and will be going there next Tuesday at 2:00 pm. We are looking forward to the visit. If Kailie is in the hospital, and depending on her counts, she may stay home while the rest of us go there. When we go they will take DNA samples from the inside of our mouth with a swab; this will be used to determine if any of us are a match for Kailie. The boys have a 25% chance of being a match. Please pray that one of the boys will be a match; this would be the best for Kailie.

We found out that Kailie will have a broviac catheter implanted when she goes to Glennon. Dr. Rob said they do not like to use the mediport because of tissue breakdown which can occur as a result of the final chemo the patient receives before transplant. He said that needles through the skin would be source of infection, and we certainly do not want that.

We are sorry for not updating sooner; things have been a little hectic this week.

We told Jaren last that Kailie had relapsed and he handled it really well. We were surprised by that. He will have questions with each passing day but it is so much better now that he knows. Ian has been away at Super Summer, with our church, and we haven’t been able to see him this week at all. We are looking forward to seeing him and telling him how thankful we are for him. Our boys are such a blessing to us. We couldn’t go through this without them, they are both awesome.

July is birthday month for the kids. Kailie 07/01, Jaren 07/07 & Ian 07/31. What an awesome gift it would be if one of the boys were a match for a transplant. Hopefully she will be out of the hospital by then. She is ready to go home. She asked Dr. Rob today if she could go home and he told her not just yet. We don’t know how long it will be but we hope soon.

Here are a couple of Kailie’s favorite verses.

Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Thank you for your prayers and please don’t stop.

John & Johnelle

Monday, June 14, 2004 10:07 PM CDT

We have additional information to post about Kailie and wanted to take this opportunity to thank you praying for Kailie and the rest of us too.

John has to get back to the hospital to spend the night with Kailie so this won’t be too long. She calls him the “Dying Warthog”…he allegedly snores.

We can't believe what has happened in the past 96 hours. God is still in control regardless of the news.

We found out today that Kailie has indeed relapsed. She does have ALL, as a reminder that stands for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. This is in addition to the rare blood disorder called HLH (Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis). We never thought she would receive 2 diagnoses in 4 days. She is a very special little girl; but we don't want her to be special in this way at all!

Kailie started a horrible protocol today that is designed to bring both diseases into remission. It involves 30 days of intense chemotherapy followed by a bone marrow or stem cell transplant. We have decided that we are going to go to Cardinal Glennon for the transplant. The plan is for the boys to be tested this week to see if they are a match. If they are not then they will look for cord blood, and finally to the national bone marrow registry if required.

Our church is obtaining information so we can have a bone marrow drive as soon as possible.

Kailie is the PICU at St. John's. We don't know that the future holds for her, but we know that God is in control that that is all that matters. There are not many answers at all regarding the combination of these two diseases. We thought this was all over; apparently God had a few things he wanted to still teach us.

We told Kailie today that she has relapsed and will be facing a BMT. We didn’t mention HLH; it is difficult enough to explain to an adult much less a little girl. I guess she isn’t that little anymore; she will be 13 on July 1.

Dr. Rob isn't able to give us a prognosis for this at all. That doesn’t matter because God doesn’t care about percentages; he can heal Kailie regardless of what anyone predicts. Please pray that God will heal her; on this earth and that we will have many more years together and someday be grandparents of her precious children. We will keep in touch and give you an update as soon as we can.

Before we end this; take this chance to go to your children and tell them how much you love them. Tell them you are thankful God gave them to you. Tell them they are a joy; if you can’t say that then ask God for strength so you can become the parent he wants you to be. Do not let a single day pass without telling your kids you love them. Take every opportunity you have to hug your kids. Give them a kiss and remember the joy you had when they were born. Thank Jesus for the day you have had today with your kids.

We covet your prayers and thank God in advance for your faithfulness.

In Christ,
John & Johnelle Rhines

Sunday, June 13, 2004 11:05 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

As some of you may have already heard Kailie is fighting a new battle against a rare blood related illness called HLH (Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis). She was diagnosed on Friday, June 11, 2004; almost 6 months to the day when she had her last chemotherapy treatment for ALL on December 12, 2003.

It is not a form of cancer, but cancer treatments have been used in patients with HLH.

Consequently, hematologists and oncologists who treat cancer also treat children with HLH/FHL. However, the disease is not a cancer.

Rarely, HLH may develop in association with ongoing treatment for cancer, or in the association with the onset of cancer, particularly in older patients.

One of her doctors told us today that it is a very rare disorder and there have been 1 or 2 other children in the United States diagnosed with this after completing treatment for ALL leukemia.

She is doing a little better today. She has an ANC of 90! Praise the Lord for that. Her CRP was 5 today. On Friday it was 20. Her platelets were 45 and HGB was 10.5. Dr. Rob wants her platelets to be above 40 and her HGB above 9.0. It appears that her body is starting to respond to some of the medications (Lord knows she is getting enough of them). This is really good news but she is far from out of the woods yet.

We don’t know what is in store for the future, but we do know that God is in control.

John sent out an email last Friday to all of the people in our address book. That was definitely not the best thing in the world to do. I was very tired and was not thinking about children’s email addresses being in the address book and deeply apologize for any sadness or worry I may have caused.

Here are a couple of websites with information for you.


Kailie is at St. John's in the pediatric ICU (PICU). We don't know that the future holds for her, but we know that God is in control that that is all that matters. We don't have many answers to questions at this point, not even our own, but we will get more information as soon as we can. We thought this was all over; apparently God had a few things he wanted to still teach us.

We don't have an idea as to her prognosis; it is too early for that. Her body has to kill the infection then we can go on from there. I hope this isn't too little information for you. We will keep in touch and give you an update as soon as we can.

Call St. John’s Blood Donor Services at 314-569-6328 to schedule an appointment for blood and platelets; she is going to need them. If Kailie doesn’t use them, somebody else will. Each time you donate you are making a HUGE difference in the life of somebody else.

We covet your prayers and thank God in advance for your faithfulness.

Sunday, May 30, 2004 5:35 PM CDT

Rainy Evening-

I would say good evening, but that greeting is SO outdated.

We were just canceled for our tornado warning. It touched down, but not near us. Last night I ran a fever. It was weird. It reached up to 102.1. That’s as high as it got. I didn’t have to go into the hospital, (thank the Lord; my platelets are 48: very low.) I am trying to stay away from that place. The people are wonderful, but under the circumstances, I would rather not be there. I haven’t had a fever all day. I am going to log off the computer now; it’s starting to lighting and thunder really bad. This happened (the fever) last year right before we went to Lake Tahoe, so please pray. I just think it’s kind of weird. “Whatever you want, God.”

Please continue to pray for Rachel and my family and I. Thank you.

God Bless,
Kailie Rhines

“He directeth it under the whole God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend. “

“Heaven, and his lightning unto the ends of the earth.”

Job 37…

Thursday, May 27, 2004 7:53 PM CDT

Our tornado warning just expired. I don’t get scared about that stuff- just a little anxious and jittery- because I know what will happen to me if anything happens.

I have some great news!!!!! The biopsy for the tumor Rachel had removed came back. The news it too great, awesome, wonderful, miraculous, for you to guess so I will just tell you all. HER TUMOR WAS ALL, COMPLETELY, ENTIRELY, scar tissue!!!!!!! That means that the chemo and radiation killed it!!! Rachel had a bunch of scar tissue removed!!! It is so wonderful and I am SO happy. Thank you for your prayers and continue to pray for her.

I am sort of tired so I will go. I ran ¼ of a mile today and walked ¼ of a mile. I am going to start timing myself when I do my miles. I do not jog, I run. But I don’t run as hard as I can. I am very springy. Maybe it is because of my shoes… hmmm… Anyway, as I wrote before, I am training for a 5 K. I am pretty sure I can do it. It is a new goal. Yea!!!!

Well, I am going to go. Please pray for my family (especially Mom and Ian) as our trip to Lake Tahoe nears. I am not letting myself get too excited because then I have trouble sleeping and stuff like that. Good night!

God Bless,
Kailie Rhines

“John 14
1Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
4And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
5Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
7If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
8Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
9Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
10Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
11Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.
12Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
13And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
15If ye love me, keep my commandments.
16And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18 will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
19Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
20At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
21He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
22Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?
23Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
24He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
25These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
26But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
27Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
28Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.
29And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.
30Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.
31But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.

Monday, May 24, 2004 1:37 PM CDT


How are ya’ll today? I am good. Last night I talked to a running coach about running the 5 K. in October. I was wrong; I thought it was September, yea! I have more time! I am going to run a half mile more every three weeks, and by October I will be able to run 3.5 miles. I got my cast off!!! I have to wear a splint for three weeks (as long as I had to wear the cast for cryin’ out loud!) I think that is ridiculous. I am feeling really good. I have my last horseback riding lesson tonight. I got Foxy two peppermints and an apple. She will be one happy horse! Well, I don’t have much more to write. I will update again soon! Have a great week!

Psalm 91:1

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

God Bless!
Kailie Rhines

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 9:32 PM CDT

Good Evening-

This will probably be a short update because it’s late. Well, Mom and Ian reached their goal!!! YEA!!!!!!!!! We are all SO excited. Now for the planning of our trip!! We all can’t wait. I am going to go shopping for books. I will need lots of books for this very LONG trip.
Thursday I get my cast off. No more broken bones! I will get to ride Foxy one more time, the session is almost over, without a cast. Good thing I can still hold the rider’s crop! ~lol~ I am feeling great and am planning to do a run in October for Friends of Kids With Cancer. There is a web site with information about them. “Friends,” as they are called, is a charity that has fun things for kids who are going through cancer. It is really neat. The web site is friendsofkidswithcaner.com. They are having a run/walk and I want to do the run. It’s a five K. I am a bit nervous, but with a lot of training and practice I can do it. If I can battle Leukemia then I can certainly run three and a half miles! I am also interested in tennis, but more so basketball. Yes, I love to play basketball. I have to admit, though, I am not very good at it. Rats. ~lol~
Well, I have to go now, but I want to ask you all to pray for my friend Rachel. She is having surgery tomorrow on her back to have a tumor removed. Pray for her and her family.
Have a good rest of the week!
God Bless,
Kailie Rhines

“ He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:15 PM CDT

Hi Everyone!

I told you before that my mom and Ian are doing the Lake Tahoe century (100 miles) ride with Team In Training (TNT) before. It is for an extremely good cause. You can go to kailieskrew.com, there is a link at the bottom of my web site, where you can go for information. If you will be willing to donate then go to kailieskrew.com for info on where to send your donation. Ian and Mom have to raise $7600, but have raised $5792 so far, and the deadline is Friday. Hopefully, with your donation, people in the future will not have to endure the same pain and suffering that I went through. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is still striving to find a cure for blood related cancers. The money that people give goes out for research. Because of Team In Training and all of the money that has been raised I am still living today typing this e-mail. Please check their website out. Thanks!

Please be praying for my really good friend, Rachel. She is having surgery next week to have her tumor removed. Thank you!

God Bless,

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:43 AM CDT

Kailie's Krew needs your help!! Go to kailieskrew.com and find out how you can help!

Hi everyone!

I am writing this journal entry to let you know that my mom and brother need your help. They are raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training program. They are riding their bikes in a century ride (100 miles) on June 6 in Lake Tahoe. There is alot of information about it at their website. It is kailieskrew.com. Their deadline is almost here and they have not met their goal yet. Please think about making a donation to help them reach their goal!


Sunday, May 2, 2004 7:01 PM CDT

Kailie's Krew needs your help!!! Go to kailieskrew.com and find out how you can help!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
PLEASE take the time to read this entry: it can change you life for eternity if you will let it.

“There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:
2 The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.
3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
9 Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?
10 Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?
11 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness.
12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
22 After these things came Jesus and his disciples into the land of Judaea; and there he tarried with them, and baptized.
23 And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim, because there was much water there: and they came, and were baptized.
24 For John was not yet cast into prison.
25 Then there arose a question between some of John's disciples and the Jews about purifying.
26 And they came unto John, and said unto him, Rabbi, he that was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou barest witness, behold, the same baptizeth, and all men come to him.
27 John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.
28 Ye yourselves bear me witness, that I said, I am not the Christ, but that I am sent before him.
29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.
30 He must increase, but I must decrease.
31 He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all.
32 And what he hath seen and heard, that he testifieth; and no man receiveth his testimony.
33 He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true.
34 For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.
35 The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand.
36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3: 1-36.

This man, Nicodemus, had doubts and questions. How can you know that you are going to Heaven? Here is a passage. It would mean so much to me if you read this!

“1 John 1
1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)
3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.
5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” 1 John 1.

You probably do not have time to read the whole book of first John. Buy a Bible! They have them at the dollar store! If you don’t’ want to spend the money on one just e-mail me! I will get you one without hesitation! Don’t be ashamed! Romans 1:16 and 17 says,
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealing from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.”
Friends, faith is a choice! So is forgiveness! Some people don’t want to receive Christ as their personal Savior because they say that they want to be “free.” But, they are NOT free! In fact, the Bible says that when you have Jesus living in your heart that you are free! You are free from your sins and are guaranteed salvation and Heaven. Some people think that if you do good deeds then you will earn your way to Heaven. The Bible says that, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God, lest any man should boast.” -Ephesians 2:8 and 9. Philippians 4: 6 and 7 says, “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace which passeth understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” When you except Jesus as your Savior, you start new. You have a one way ticket to Heaven. I want to tell you a story.

Once, there was this girl. She lived in El Salvador with her mom and dad. Her dad worked VERY hard to make his family happy. One day, the little girl was at the market with her mom. They were buying groceries with what little money they had. (the little girl’s name was Maria) Maria was looking around when she spotted some plastic pearls. She was so excited. She grabbed the pearls and ran up to her mom and said, “Mom! Mom! Look at these pearls! May we but them? Please Mom? Please?!” Maria’s mom looked at the price on the pearls which read, $1.99. Her mom said, “Oh, no, Maria. That is very expensive. I don’t have that much money! We have to buy the groceries and what money we have left we have to put in savings.” Maria wasn’t about to give up. “Mom! If you but those pearls and I work around the house until I earn them, then would you buy them?” Her mother thought for a minute and then nodded. So every day, Maria worked very hard until she got those plastic pearls. Maria would NEVER take those pearls off of around her neck. She loved those pearls more than ANYTHING!!!! One day she was playing when her father walked in and asked, “Maria? Do you love me?” Maria laughed as if that was a silly question and said, “Oh, yes, Daddy! I love you very much.” Her father smiled and said, :”Then give me your pearls.” “Oh, no, Daddy. Not my pearls. You can have me dolls, though. Just not my pearls.” Her dad just shook his head and walked out of the room. A few weeks later he came back and asked Maria the same thing. “Maria, do you love me?” “Oh, yes, Daddy. I love you very much.” “Then give me your pearls.” “Oh, no, Daddy. Not my pearls. But you can have my bike.” “No, no, that’s okay.” Maria stopped him at the door. “You can have my teddy bear too.” Her father just shook his head. About a week later, Maria’s father came back and asked her the exact same thing. Only, Maria knew what was coming. “Maria, do you love me?” “Yes, Daddy,” and she took those pearls, off of around her neck, and handed them to her dad. He smiled a great big smile, and reached into his pocket, and handed Maria a real, beautiful necklace of white pearls.

You see, Maria’s father had had them all along. He was just waiting for Maria to give up her most prized possession for the real thing. If you have something that you won’t let go of, like for example, sin, trade it in for the real stuff: salvation and a new life. The Bible says that for every person that comes to know the Lord and receives Him as their Savior, ever single angel rejoices. They have a major party! God knows your heart. He knows if you really meant it. I made this decision when I was six and (it does not matter how old you are: you can’t be too young or too old.) that decision changed my life forever. I couldn’t imagine what I would have done without Jesus. He is my strength and my shield! I want you to have that, too.
God Bless,

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:04 PM CDT

Good Afternoon!... or should I say, Good Evening?

I stayed at Dr. Bassit’s for an eternity, two and a half hours, so I could be seen for my arm. To make a long and difficult to understand story short, there was a big miscommunication. My arm is broken in the growth plate. The one in the wrist. I don’t know what it’s called at the moment, so please don’t ask me! Anyway, I go to Dr. Rob and Bob’s office Friday for IV-IG and Pantamadeem. The works. I also go in for a follow up appointment for my elbow. I had the choice of a splint over a cast, but got a waterproof cast instead. I could move it too much in the splint. It is pretty sore right now, but I will survive. ~LOL~ I don’t have anything going on tonight. I am feeling good other than the arm. I don’t have much more to say. I just updated yesterday! I hope you like the new pics! You can check up on Mom and Ian’s training by just going to kailieskrew.com. There is a link below.
God Bless!
Kailie R.

Monday, April 26, 2004 6:32 PM CDT


Here I am, typing with one hand. Again. Last night, I was on the phone, talking with one of my best friends. I had put the phone down to see what all the noise was outside. When I saw it was Liza, my dog, I turned around to walk back to my bed. In the process, I tripped over my fan. I broke the fan, maybe breaking myself!!! Dad and I went to the E.R., but the swelling was so bad that the X-rays weren’t accurate. They don’t know if there’s a fracture so they are treating it like one. Stink-pot. ~LOL~ The art show went great! I played the piano and that went well, too.
Saturday, my Team In Training teammates threw a surprise party (for the end of my treatment) for me. I was so surprised!!!!! There were so many tips that I should have figured it out!!! I think that God just wanted me to be surprised. “Thank you, guys!”
One of my teammates said, “I couldn’t afford flowers for you, so I brought you a different gift.” Guess what it was! A fire truck and ambulance! Tight! I got to check out the whole fire truck and even got to take a ride in it. I also went over to look at the ambulance. One of the paramedics was about to tell me what everything was, but I beat him to it. He just looked at me with a surprised face. My teammate that arranged that was a firefighter/ paramedic.
I don’t much more to say except that there are some new pics!!!
God Bless,

Monday, April 26, 2004 6:25 PM CDT


Here I am, typing with one hand. Again. Last night, I was on the phone, talking with one of my best friends. I had put the phone down to see what all the noise was outside. When I saw it was Liza, my dog, I turned around to walk back to my bed. In the process, I tripped over my fan. I broke the fan, maybe breaking myself!!! Dad and I went to the E.R., but the swelling was so bad that the X-rays weren’t accurate. They don’t know if there’s a fracture so they are treating it like one. Stink-pot. ~LOL~ The art show went great! I played the piano and that went well, too.
Saturday, my Team In Training teammates threw a surprise party (for the end of my treatment) for me. I was so surprised!!!!! There were so many tips that I should have figured it out!!! I think that God just wanted me to be surprised. “Thank you, guys!”
One of my teammates said, “I couldn’t afford flowers for you, so I brought you a th different gift.” Guess what it was! A fire truck and ambulance! Tight! I got to check out the whole fire truck and even got to take a ride in it. I also went over to look at the ambulance. One of the paramedics was about to tell me what everything was, but I beat him to it. He just looked at me with a surprised face. My teammate that arranged that was a firefighter/ paramedic.
I don’t much more to say except that there are some new pics!!!
God Bless,

Ps. I just had to make this scary background. Don't worry, my friends. It will be gone SOON!!!!!!!

Monday, April 26, 2004 6:17 PM CDT


Here I am, typing with one hand. Again. Last night, I was on the phone, talking with one of my best friends. I had put the phone down to see what all the noise was outside. When I saw it was Liza, my dog, I turned around to walk back to my bed. In the process, I tripped over my fan. I broke the fan, maybe breaking myself!!! Dad and I went to the E.R., but the swelling was so bad that the X-rays weren’t accurate. They don’t know if there’s a fracture so they are treating it like one. Stink-pot. ~LOL~ The art show went great! I played the piano and that went well, too.
Saturday, my Team In Training teammates threw a surprise party (for the end of my treatment) for me. I was so surprised!!!!! There were so many tips that I should have figured it out!!! I think that God just wanted me to be surprised. “Thank you, guys!”
One of my teammates said, “I couldn’t afford flowers for you, so I brought you a th different gift.” Guess what it was! A fire truck and ambulance! Tight! I got to check out the whole fire truck and even got to take a ride in it. I also went over to look at the ambulance. One of the paramedics was about to tell me what everything was, but I beat him to it. He just looked at me with a surprised face. My teammate that arranged that was a firefighter/ paramedic.
I don’t much more to say except that there are some new pics!!!
God Bless,

Saturday, April 17, 2004 2:30 PM CDT

What to say…what to say…

Well, hello there!

How are you all this weekend? I am exhausted this morning. Liza had a…hmmm… should I say “episode” this morning. And at 4:30 in the morning! Dude, that’s WAY too early. Sorry, you aren’t all ‘dudes’. I am around Ian a lot. ~lol~ Well, anyhow, I didn’t get back to sleep until 7:30 and am SO sleepy. I got IV-IG too, and that sometimes makes me tired. It had to be this week. HMPH!!!!!!!! I am going to go take a nap. I just had to write a quick update. I am working on a book and I have what I call ‘writer’s block.’ How rude. I can’t think of anything to write, so I thought I would just pour out all of my thoughts on this computer. And what better way to do that than to write an update?
Thank you, Lisa, for the compliment. Now that I am done with chemo, and am not going to the doctor’s office as much, I have more time on my hands and have to get it off. Especially when I just got my cast off. I have to make up for all of the lost time. When I complete my story, oh I don’t know. I don’t share my stories with anyone until I am finished. It completely ruins the book.
In the background I hear the A.C. , the dryer going AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the lawn mower, (Dad is mowing the grass) the keys on this computer keyboard going click, click, click. I love that sound. Why? Because I type fast and it sounds cool.
I don’t have much more to say. Except that, “GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!! ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!”
I will update again soon!
God Bless,

Ps. My mom and brother have a link to the website kailieskrew.com at the link thingies, so you can go check on their progress of their training!

Ps.} They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount upon wings as eagles; and they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.”
-Isaiah 40:31

Friday, April 16, 2004 3:45 PM CDT

Good Afternoon-

Or should I say “hot afternoon?” Let me tell you! Some people (probably most of you, as a matter of fact) love hot weather. BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do NOT!!!!!!!! I can’t stand it! I am sitting here sweating like a pig and just hate it. I will get over it, though. ~lol~ I wish it could stay winter forever. Sigh. Today I went to the doctor’s office for IV-IG. My hemoglobin is normal! Get that! NORMAL!!!!!!!! 13.2 to be exact! HA! I am very excited. Right now I am light headed from the heat. Liza, my dog, is laying in the sun. Crazy dog. She’s got fur! I have skin and I am hot. Hmph. Heat makes me grumpy. Me thinks that it is going to be a pre-tt-y hot summer this year. “Me thinks?” I have been reading two many books from the 1700’s. I can’t do any normal activity for two weeks. The doctor said, “You won’t be able to fully extend your arm for a few days. Just keep working at it.” I could fully extend it the day after I got my cast off. I don’t have much to say. Just that I am doing great and have been feeling pretty good aside from being tired. I will update again soon!
God Bless!

Wednesday, April 14, 2004 11:37 AM CDT

Good Morning!

Or should I say good afternoon? I slept the morning away. My family and I went to the Blues game last night. We got home late. I am still sleepy, but am ready to get up. (not really) ~lol~ Mom called the orthopedic doctor and scheduled my appointment for 4:00 this afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ƒº I am getting my cast off!!!! No more cast! Ha! Well I will update when it¡¦s not hard to type.
God Bless!

When I typed this, it was NOT 11:37. It WAS 11:46.

Wednesday, April 7, 2004 5:29 PM CDT


I have my hard cast now. I get it off Wednesday because if I don’t I’ll lose all movement in my elbow. I will have to do various exercises to regain my strength. I am feeling pretty good. I have been having a good week. I will update later!

Friday, April 2, 2004 10:31 AM CST


I had just written a whole huge update and the computer deleted everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it's super hard to type with one arm!!! Grr. I get my real cast today. I just wanted to tell you all that I am feeling okay aside from being tired and hurting.
God Bless!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:36 PM CST

Hello Everyone-

This is really slow typing so I probably won’t write much. I can only type with one hand and my left really hurts. Why? Because last night I fell ice skating and broke my arm. I broke it right below the growth plate beneath my elbow. I have to put ice on it twenty minutes out of the hour. I am so tired so I think I will go lie down fir a little while. I have Team K.I.D. tonight and I have to go (because I am so stubborn). I just wanted to let you all know.
God Bless,

Monday, March 29, 2004 9:39 PM CST

Hello Everybody!

I hope that you had a good weekend. I did. I am still pretty tired from the weekend and Thursday and Friday: my cousins and grandmother came in town from Kansas City, and that wore me out.
Tonight I dad horseback riding lessons. I didn’t ride Clyde tonight. I rode a horse named Foxy. She’s a sweetheart. She’s so mellow and calm. They try to pair you with a horse that fits your personality, buy I don’t think that Foxy fit mine. I un-tacked her, then gave her a mint. She loves mints, I found. ~lol~ Tomorrow night I have ice skating lessons. I am in the class beta. I am getting excited because ice skating is get more fun. Tomorrow I learn backward crossovers.
WELL, it’s bedtime and I am really sleepy, so I had better go.
God Bless,

They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount upon wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.
--Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:39 PM CST

Good Afternoon!

I am just going to give you all a quick update. Yesterday I had horseback riding. I really enjoyed it. I got to groom and tack him before my lesson. I learned a new exercise, too. He loves to trot, so Chris, my new instructor, had me try something new. I am glad because I do not particularly care for it when Clyde trots or canters away when my feet aren’t in the stirrups.
Tonight I am going to ice-skating lessons. I am now in the level beta. I think it goes, basic one, basic two, alpha, beta, gamma one, two, and three, and them freestyle one through ten. I don’t know what you do after that, but I don’t think I will get that far.
Well, I am going to get off the computer (a wonderful invention) and go do something, like read or write; my favorite things to do.
I will update again soon!!!!
God Bless,

Monday, March 15, 2004 12:55 AM CST

Good Afternoon-

Sorry I haven’t updated in a while.
This weekend I went to Kansas City to visit my grandparents. I had a good time. I god to meet some people who have been praying for me for the last three years. That was pretty cool.
Tonight I have horseback riding lessons. I am doing independent group riding now. It’s a lot of fun. I don’t ride Champ anymore and I miss that. He is my favorite horse. I ride a Quarter Horse named Clyde. He is very eager to please. He loves to trot- just like me. He is fairly stubborn-unlike Champ. Champ is just plain stubborn. You need a rider’s crop to get him to trot. Not Clyde though. Clyde is a sorrel gelding. He has a white stripe down his nose. He’s a sweetie. Jaren takes horseback riding too. Jaren rides a horse name Otis. Otis is a yellow dunn colored Palomino. He’s gorgeous. He’s got this beautiful long flowing mane and tail. His tail almost touches the ground.
I have been feeling really good. I’ve been really active and busy. The coach on Mom and Ian’s Team In Training team said that in a couple of weeks he’s going to bring his tanda out. (I think it’s called a tanda.?????) (Maybe it’s called a tandom.???) I don’t know. Anyway that’s going to be cool. I could ride with mom and Ian.

One of my friends from the doctor’s office, Josh, was healed Wednesday. He went to be with Jesus. He was three years old. It’s hard to let someone go, but when you think about them being healed, it’s not so hard. Please pray for his family.

I will try to update again soon. I hope that you have a good week!
God Bless!

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 11:23 AM CST

Hello Everyone-

Friday went pretty good. I was really sore when I woke up and was pretty sore the rest of the day Friday, but I found out why. Bone barrow biopsies always hurt quite a bit. Spinals aren’t that bad. My doctor did a bone marrow biopsy and tries to do a spinal, but couldn’t because there was too much scar tissue. He tried twice, but both of the needles he used bent. When he drew out the done marrow he said that the color looked great!!!! I was, of course, happy to hear that. Who wouldn’t be?
On Saturday night I went rollerblading, and afterwards I was so sore I didn’t want to move. I took a shower and went strait to bed. I usually read a while before I go to bed, but not Saturday. There was also (in the morning) a team ride (for Tahoe) that Mom and Ian had to go to. After that they had lunch at the Daily Bread. Yum! That was pretty good. I like it better than Bread CO.
Sunday was a normal day. One of Ian’s friends came over, and Jaren and I were bounced sky high (not exactly) by them. One at a time. Jaren and I would bonk heads!
Monday was beautiful so we got schoolwork done quickly so we could play outside. Today, in my case, it’s get done with school early so I can finish watching a movie with Ian and read books. I will probably read two. I love to read. Some of you probably know that. I also like to draw and write stories, usually letters though. It gets annoying, stories, because I almost always get your story ideas at night and then you’re supposed to have lights out so I can’t write down my ideas. By morning, they’re gone. I am not writing any right now. I just finished a big report for school and, I guess you could say, I am all writed out. I know I am supposed to write wrote, but it’s more fun to put wrote. ~lol~ That what I am learning in English- the correct way to write verbs.
I have been a little bit sore since Friday, but it hasn’t been nearly as bad. It hurts to take a left step.
Today in Reading, I read a cool poem. It’s called, In the Carpenter Shop. I liked it a lot.

In the Carpenter Shop
Author Unknown

I wish I had been His apprentice,
To see Him each morning at seven,
As He tossed His gray tunic about Him,
The Master of earth and of Heaven.
When He lifted the lid of His workchest,
And opened His carpenter’s kit,
And looked at His chisels and uagers,
And took the bright tools out of it;
When He gazed at the rising sun tinting,
The dew on the opening flowers,
And He smiled at the thought of His Father,
Whose love floods this fair world of ours;
When He fastened the apron about Him,
And put on His workingman’s cap,
And grasped the smooth haft of His hammer
To give the bent woodwork a tap,
Saying, “Lad, let us finish the ox yoke;
The farmer must finish his crop.”
Oh, how I wish I had been His apprentice
And worked in the Nazareth shop.
But, still as of old we may serve Him,
For did not the Carpenter say,--
“Inasmuch…” as ye aid my littlest one,
Ye do it, my friend, for me.

I liked that poem a lot. I hope you enjoyed it as mush as I did. We are going to Kansas City this weekend. We’re going to go see my grandparents. Since we’re going this weekend and leaving Friday, I have to go to the doctor tomorrow and get IV-IG and Pantamadeem. I hate that stuff. It makes me feel sick for a couple of hours and then makes me super hungry. I think that’s weird.
Well, I will update again soon!

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount upon wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” -Isaiah 40:31
“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
-Psalm 119:105
“Thy Word is true from the beginning, and all of the righteous judgments endureth forever.” -Psalm 119: 160
“The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? the Lord it the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?” -Psalm 27:1

Down at the bottom of the page is link for the web site for Kailie’s Krew. It is to keep you updated on how Ian and Mom’s training is going. There is also a little place called Kailie’s Korner and you will be hearing from me there. Kailieskrew.com is new. I hope that you enjoy it! Thank you for taking the time to visit my web page. (as well as Mom’s and Ian’s)
God Bless,

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 11:07 AM CST

Hello Everyone-

Friday went pretty good. I was really sore when I woke up and was pretty sore the rest of the day Friday, but I found out why. Bone barrow biopsies always hurt quite a bit. Spinals aren’t that bad. My doctor did a bone marrow biopsy and tries to do a spinal, but couldn’t because there was too much scar tissue. He tried twice, but both of the needles he used bent. When he drew out the done marrow he said that the color looked great!!!! I was, of course, happy to hear that. Who wouldn’t be?
On Saturday night I went rollerblading, and afterwards I was so sore I didn’t want to move. I took a shower and went strait to bed. I usually read a while before I go to bed, but not Saturday. There was also (in the morning) a team ride (for Tahoe) that Mom and Ian had to go to. After that they had lunch at the Daily Bread. Yum! That was pretty good. I like it better than Bread CO.
Sunday was a normal day. One of Ian’s friends came over, and Jaren and I were bounced sky high (not exactly) by them. One at a time. Jaren and I would bonk heads!
Monday was beautiful so we got schoolwork done quickly so we could play outside. Today, in my case, it’s get done with school early so I can finish watching a movie with Ian and read books. I will probably read two. I love to read. Some of you probably know that. I also like to draw and write stories, usually letters though. It gets annoying, stories, because I almost always get your story ideas at night and then you’re supposed to have lights out so I can’t write down my ideas. By morning, they’re gone. I am not writing any right now. I just finished a big report for school and, I guess you could say, I am all writed out. I know I am supposed to write wrote, but it’s more fun to put wrote. ~lol~ That what I am learning in English- the correct way to write verbs.
I have been a little bit sore since Friday, but it hasn’t been nearly as bad. It hurts to take a left step.
Today in Reading, I read a cool poem. It’s called, In the Carpenter Shop. I liked it a lot.

In the Carpenter Shop
Author Unknown

I wish I had been His apprentice,
To see Him each morning at seven,
As He tossed His gray tunic about Him,
The Master of earth and of Heaven.

When He lifted the lid of His workchest,
And opened His carpenter’s kit,
And looked at His chisels and uagers,
And took the bright tools out of it;

When He gazed at the rising sun tinting,
The dew on the opening flowers,
And He smiled at the thought of His Father,
Whose love floods this fair world of ours;

When He fastened the apron about Him,
And put on His workingman’s cap,
And grasped the smooth haft of His hammer
To give the bent woodwork a tap,

Saying, “Lad, let us finish the ox yoke;
The farmer must finish his crop.”
Oh, how I wish I had been His apprentice
And worked in the Nazareth shop.

But, still as of old we may serve Him,
For did not the Carpenter say,--
“Inasmuch…” as ye aid my littlest one,
Ye do it, my friend, for me.

I liked that poem a lot. I hope you enjoyed it as mush as I did. We are going to Kansas City this weekend. We’re going to go see my grandparents. Since we’re going this weekend and leaving Friday, I have to go to the doctor tomorrow and get IV-IG and Pantamadeem. I hate that stuff. It makes me feel sick for a couple of hours and then makes me super hungry. I think that’s weird.
Well, I will update again soon!

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount upon wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” -Isaiah 40:31
“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
-Psalm 119:105
“Thy Word is true from the beginning, and all of the righteous judgments endureth forever.” -Psalm 119: 160
“The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? the Lord it the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?” -Psalm 27:1
God Bless!

Thursday, February 26, 2004 4:13 PM CST

Good Afternoon!

I usually don’t like to write that because I never know when people will check my website: it may be morning or evening or afternoon! But I am writing this in the afternoon so I will say “Good Afternoon! And how was your day today?”
I am feeling good. Actually, I am feeling awesome! I don’t think I have felt this good in a LONG time. I can’t write so much because I have a piano lesson and have to leave in about five minutes. I was playing catch (with a baseball!) with Jaren today, but was dodging the ball when I knew I couldn’t catch it. I have to be a little bit careful because my platelets are 51 and dropping. I just wanted to update real quick. I will update again soon.
Tomorrow I have a bone marrow biopsy. It’s just routine, the last one I will EVER have!!!!!!!!! It is the post treatment bone marrow biopsy and spinal that all kids get when the finish treatment. I might be a little sore, but that won’t stop me from having fun! I am going skating (rollerblading) on Saturday night. I am sort of excited about it because it will be my very last one ever. I won’t have to go home on a backpack, I won’t have to do steroids for five days… wow.
I hope that you all have a good rest of the week!
God Bless,

Monday, February 16, 2004 11:13 AM CST

Good Morning!!

Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I have been busy feeling good!!! ~lol~ I like saying that! I hope you all had a fun Valentines Day. I did. Friday I went to the doctor’s office. My counts are good, but my platelets are only 69 and falling, slowly. They should go up on their own because I am not getting chemo (yeah!).

I am the honored teammate this year for the Lake Tahoe century ride again this year. This year Ian is going to do it again, and be an official teammate (since you have to be sixteen to be an official teammate). But this year Mom is going to do it!!!!!! I am so excited. She is too, of course. They had their first practice ride on Saturday. I think there are twenty-seven people on the Tahoe Team. We will be driving to Lake Tahoe, not flying because I’m sick! And this year I won’t be visiting the hospital in Reno. YUCK!!! That was the worst hospital I have ever been to. According to the nurse, they didn’t have water. Whatever. Every hospital had water.
For those of you who don’t know what Team in Training is, it’s the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's magor fundraising event and program. You can run, walk, run/walk, cycle, or do a triathlon. After you train to do one of these events, the money you will raise will go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to help raise money to find a cure for blood related cancers. You'll go to Anchorage, Lake Tahoe, Tucson, or Santa Fe’, etc, where you will run, walk etc. a certain amount of miles. It is really cool.

Well, we are going to go to some friends’ house today, but I wanted to update and tell the cool news! I hope that you all have a good week!
God Bless,
Kailie Rhines

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount upon wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. –Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, February 5, 2004 12:26 AM CST

Hello Everybody!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been feeling great. I am at the doctors office right now. My counts are back, and they are pretty good! They are...

WBC 2.0
HGB 12.5
PLT 79
ANC 1080

My family and I are supposed to go out of town tonight, but with the snow and freezing rain we probaby won't be going tonight. We might leave in the morning. It feels cool to go to the doctor and not get chemo!!!! I know for a fact that I wouldn't have been able to make it through treatment without the help of my best friend, Jesus. He has given me strength to carry on all throughout treatment. There are two verses that I say over and over in my mind when I don't feel good. They are, "the Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? -Psalm 27:1 and, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. -Isaiah 40:31
I hope that you all have a happy Valentines Day!

Kailie Rhines

Friday, January 23, 2004 3:56 PM CST


Kailie is off TPN, just in case you didn't notice! Her counts are good and she doesn't have to go in until next Friday. She is allowed to go back to a regular diet, as tolerated. She wants pizza for dinner...yikes!

We wanted to request prayers for two families that we know. The Livingstones and the Mosleys. Andy Livingstone passed away a year ago January 13 and Jacob Mosley passed away on June 7, 2003. They have closed their caringbridge websites. They felt it was time. We would like to remind you that even though their links are not at the bottom of Kailie's page any more, they still need prayer. We don't see how losing a child can get any easier, even though time goes by. Please continue to lift up these two families. Also continue to pray for the Haddocks. They are almost to the one year anniversary of Alexandria going to heaven. Their link is still at the bottom of Kailie's page.

We hope that you all have a good weekend!

Thanks for praying!
John & Johnelle

Thursday, January 22, 2004 3:13 PM CST


Kailie is doing well. She is feeling better with each day that goes by. She tried eating a salad today, but it hurt her stomach. She will go in tomorrow for counts and IVIG. Hopefully, they will take her off of TPN (IV nutrition). We will update more then.

Friday night is another Team in Training kickoff. Kailie is going to speak. It is for the spring/summer session. She is going to be the honored teammate for the Tahoe Century ride again. She is so excited! We have met so many wonderful people through Team in Training. They have been a great source of support for our family, so it is always fun to start a new session, seeing old friends and meeting new teammates.

Kailie is probably going to skip this session of ice skating lessons. She isn't really up to it yet. She got new ice skates for Christmas. We had to return them because they were damaged and the wrong size. She finally got the replacements yesterday. Maybe we will do some recreational skating until she is ready for lessons again.

We are off to piano lessons this afternoon...something that she absolutely loves.

Hope everyone is having a great week and thanks for checking in!

John & Johnelle

Friday, January 16, 2004 5:07 PM CST

TGIF Everyone!!

Kailie went to the doctor today. Her counts are great! For those who know what we are talking about, here they are:

WBC 6.9
Platelets 97
Hemaglobin 10.0
ANC 5,000+

We haven't seen counts like those for a long, long, time. She still has to stay on TPN (IV nutrition) for a while. Dr. Bob said another week, but then he said at least through the weekend. Home health care will come out Monday and do more counts.

Please pray for a little boy named Brendan. We don't know the family well, but have run into them at the office a few times. I haven't heard how he is doing since Monday, but please pray for him and his family. He is not doing well. For more info, see Alexandria's Angels website; her link is at the bottom of Kailie's page.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers. They mean so much to us and have gotten us through!

Have a great weekend!
John & Johnelle

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 11:41 AM CST


Kailie is finally home from the hospital! She came home late yesterday afternoon. She brought along with her a giant bag of TPN (IV nutrition), neupogen (to bring up her white count), a couple of oral medications, and what's left of her cans of silly string. She will continue with this course of treatment until Friday when we go back to see Dr. Bob/Rob for counts. We are sure that the silly string will NOT last until Friday!

Thank you for praying for little Josh. We talked with his Mom Sunday and she said he is doing better. They just need his white count to come up. They are supposed to be headed to BMT soon.

We will update again soon. Thanks so much for all of your prayers. They got us home!!

John & Johnelle

Saturday, January 10, 2004 2:01 PM CST

Kailie is still in the hospital. She is feeling much better. She is much more perky and is getting into mischief and giving her nurses a hard time. By the way, thanks, Mosley's, for the silly string!

They removed the drain from her abdomen on Thursday afternoon. So far, so good. Her counts continue to be on the low side. She is on Neupogen to raise her white blood cells. She may require a blood transfusion in the next day or so. The doctor wants to see if her counts will come up on their own first. They say she may come home Monday based on the improvement she shows.

Thanks to all who have visited or called. A special thanks to Pastor Lew Kimmel from Dardenne Presbyterian Church for coming to visit Kailie. He is the pastor at the church that our friends, the Haddock's, go to. It was so nice of him to take the time to come see Kailie and to pray for her. We appreciated it so much!

Please pray for a little boy named Josh. He is a fellow patient of Kailie's. He is three years old. He had a brain tumor and is going through chemo. A few weeks ago, his parents found out that he also has Leukemia. He is in the hospital with pneumonia. Please pray that his little body would be strong and fight off the infection.

We will update again soon. Hopefully with news that Kailie is coming home!

Thanks to you all for your prayers!
John & Johnelle

Tuesday, January 6, 2004 11:58 PM CST

Okay, some of you have read Alison's latest update

about us having some news about Kailie.  Kailie is still in the ICU at St. John's and is slowly
improving.  Her counts are slowly coming up.  She is on three different antibiotics, is taking Neupogen for her WBC and getting TPN w/lipids for
nutrition.  She still doesn't want to eat.  She still has fluid
draining from the catheter in her abdomen.  They will have to take it out on Friday because it can only stay in for seven days.

Now for some really good news...
Kailie is done with chemotherapy!
Dr. Bob said she doesn't have to complete the nine weeks of chemo because he didn't believe it would make much of a difference anyway.  He said her body has been through enough and believes it is time for her to start the slow process of recovery.  We will update again later in the day, but we at least wanted to put this up tonight.

God bless,

Kailie and family

Sunday, January 4, 2004 11:07 PM CST

Good evening. I should be in bed because Kailie actually let me come home to sleep tonight. John stayed with her tonight. She is in the hospital. She's been in since Friday. Dr. Bob admitted her Friday to drain fluid off of her abdomen, accumulated because of inflamation somewhere. She has a drain in her stomach and has her pretty uncomfortable. Her counts took a dive last week and she was running fevers on and off. They did a CT scan today and preliminary results showed no perforations in anything (which is what they were looking for).

I wanted to thank Alison Haddock for her entry. I also wanted to thank her for her visit today. Alison, you and Grant continue to be such a blessing to our family. Kailie did finish most of the contrast without getting sick and made it through them moving her from bed to bed. When we got her situated, she opened her box. I just had to tell you that it brought one of the first smiles of the day. Thank you very much!

We will post more details later...must get some sleep. The recliner at the hospital folds up on you when you make the slightest move...not very restful.

Please pray for Kailie!
Thanks and God bless!
John & Johnelle

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