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Dear Cole Family,
We just wanted to let you know that a day doesn't go by without you in our thoughts and prayers.
We have a tradition in our family to plant a tree in honor of a family member who has passed on from this earth and into the heavens above. We make it an informal, private ceremony(with just "us") to honor the one we will always love. We go to a nursery...pick out a big, beautiful tree(transportable size) and then take it home and with the most tender loving care...plant it in a special place in our yard...and then we water it with our tears.
Ten years have passed since we planted Grandapa Bill's Dogwood...but it always brings a smile to our face when we see the lemon yellow flowers coming to full bloom in the early summer...we know Grandpa loves his tree...and seeing his Grandchildren lay in the shade underneath on a hot summer day!
It's been twelve years for Uncle Michael's pine tree. Almost every spring a Robin will make a nest in his tree...and if you could only see how beautiful it looks when we decorate it with Christmas lights in December!
Maybe tomorrow...or the next day or when the time feels right...You may find comfort in planting a special tree for your special one, Colby.

The Beaver's
Medina, Oh 44256 - Friday, June 27, 2003 11:49 PM CDT
Dear Cole family, just stopped by to say hay yuall. Ben down here toooo long. You are welcome any time. Love and prayers. The Beach Gang.
Tom Vitz <>
Va.Beach, vA - Friday, June 27, 2003 10:18 PM CDT
Dear Cole family, just stopped by to say hay yuall. Ben down here toooo long. You are welcome any time. Love and prayers. The Beach Gang.
Tom Vitz <>
Va.Beach, vA - Friday, June 27, 2003 10:18 PM CDT
Much love and a lot of prayer for you tonight. Colby is watching over all of you this evening.


Renne' I.Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, June 27, 2003 8:32 PM CDT
Although you don't know me at all, you and your family has been on my mind so much today. I felt I needed to check in on this website. It then occurred to me. Maybe it was Colby coming to me, having me come back here. He sure does work in mysterious ways. Take care, and know so many people are thinking and praying for all of you.
Kelly Wolfe
New Market, Md - Friday, June 27, 2003 7:13 PM CDT
It's hard to believe that over two weeks have past since Colby's passing. I am sure in some ways it seems like just yesterday and other times it seems like forever ago. I continue to keep you in my prayers. They say time heals, and I am sure you are questioning that. You are truly wonderful people and allow yourself time. Do what feels right. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think "I wonder how the Cole family is doing today." Love those around you and do what would put a smile on Colby's face.

Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Friday, June 27, 2003 7:00 PM CDT
Dearest Cole Family -- I am here in shock. I read your entry, Laura, on Anthony's site, and could not believe what I was reading. This isn't fair. First Anthony, then your Colby and still other innocent children are dying. I hope and pray that a cure will be found. But most importantly I pray that your family will be able to heal. I can't even begin to imagine the pain, but I hope your memories of Colby with help your heart. He will not be forgotten. All my prayers, Morgan
Morgan McCallin <>
- Friday, June 27, 2003 6:37 PM CDT
Colby's family: I think of you all each and every day. I really can't find the words to say what I would like to, but please know that I care.
Jackson's mom, Michelle <>
- Friday, June 27, 2003 3:48 PM CDT
Angel Colby,
I just wanted to say hi, let you know that you are on my mind. I also wanted to let you know, that you don't have to worry your mommy,daddy, and brother have a lot of people looking out for them. We are all still praying for your family. I also wanted to remind you of just how special you are. Colby, your memories will live on forever. Love always!!!

Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Friday, June 27, 2003 1:47 PM CDT
Jack, Laura and Cameron,
Laura, it was so good to see you, however unreal and so sad that it was under these circumstances. As I told you that night, you are a tower of strength. However I can tell from your last journal entry that reality is sinking in now. I can only imagine how hard this has been on you and your family, and again I am so sorry. I do know that you will pull thru. It seems to me you have a great support system. There may be gray days ahead Laura however there will be many more bright ones. I so enjoyed looking through all of the wonderful photo albums. I believe Colby is quite a ham in front of a camera(hmm, i wonder who he gets that from). You, Jack and Cameron need this time to heal and pull together even more. Jack, it was very nice meeting you as well. I knew you had to be a teriffic man from everything I read in the journals and also because you married Laura and I know she is quite a teriffic person. May God bless your family, keep you safe and grant you some peace. Laura, whenever you are feeling better, I would love for you and Cameron to make a play date w/ my boys. We might have our hands full, but I am sure we would have a lot of great stories to swap. Or hey, we could go get a coffee for old times sake!!!! Take Care

Jennifer <>
Brownsville, PA U.S.A. - Friday, June 27, 2003 1:39 PM CDT
I find myself thinking of your sweet angel often, and even though I never met him, his life will be remembered forever. No one could ever forget a family like yours. And, an angel like Colby.
Wash.Twp., NJ - Friday, June 27, 2003 11:31 AM CDT
Hey Jack, Laura & Cameron,

Lately, my thoughts are constantly of all the little angels who flew into Heaven recently..and most especially Angel Colby. And of course when I think of that precious little boy I can't help but think of his WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL loving family...I wish I could be there to share your put my arms around each of you and just cry with you...I physically hug you but a million miles away from you and a zillion miles away from Heaven, I am crying with you. My heart still feels the pain of Colby leaving.. but of course no pain can be greater than the pain you are feeling. Every morning I wake and am thankful for where I am today...and then I think of little Angel Colby and how he has helped realise how lucky I am to be here. Colby, sweet angel...even though you aren't here, you are STILL teaching me so many were such a gem and still are. You are one little boy I could NEVER forget!

Thinking of all of you more than you know!

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page


Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Friday, June 27, 2003 10:18 AM CDT

Dear God...

I called tonight to talk a little while,
I need a friend who'll listen to my
anxiety and trial...

You see, I can't quite make it
through a day just on my own.
I need your love to guide me,
so I'll never feel alone.

I want to ask you please to keep,
my family safe and sound.
Come and fill their lives with confidence
for whatever fate they are bound.

Give me faith, dear God, to face
each hour throughout the day,
and not to worry over things
I can't change in any way.

I thank you God, for being home
and listening to my call.
For giving me such good advice
When I stumble and fall.
So thank you, God, for listening to my troubles and my sorrow.
Good night God, I love You too, and I'll call again tomorrow!

Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, June 27, 2003 9:20 AM CDT
Good Morning Cole Family,

Jeremiah 17:8

Praying for you Always.
Take Care and May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, June 27, 2003 9:01 AM CDT
Recently my prayers have been focused on the siblings of children who have died because it is summer time and they don't have their brothers and sisters there to play with them this summer. Your Cameron has been a part of that. I will include BJ as well. Also, I will pray for the Lord to help Cameron to understand where Colby is. It is hard for us to explain in human terms but children do have a relationship with the Lord and I believe He speaks to them in ways that we never could to help them understand how He is working and what He is doing. As for you and Jack--you are constantly on my mind and heart and I am praying for you. I will actually be up that way in August and would love to come by for a visit or meet somewhere if you are up to it. If not, I totally understand. I know the grieving will never stop and you need to do whatever you need to do for you--at your own pace. Don't rush yourself--just let yourself be held up by the strength of the Lord--it is HIM who has to do the work. I'm thankful that although the sorrow is DEEP that you do know the Lord and have Him there to lean on during this time. Blessings and know that I will be checking on you and praying for you continually. Please don't hesitate to email or call if there's anything I can do besides pray and leave messages of encouragement.
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Friday, June 27, 2003 9:00 AM CDT
Jack, Laura & Cameron

Look to the Lord
and his strength;
seek his face always.
Remember the wonders
he has done.

I Love You,
Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, June 27, 2003 9:00 AM CDT
Hello to the Cole family! Sending love your way....and prayers for comfort....always,D'
- Friday, June 27, 2003 8:58 AM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura and Cameron,

I cannot free my mind of the three of you.

I am back again to share this with you. It was on my heart. An “oldie, but a goodie”

This is a favorite of mine – for years.

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed
he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene he noticed two sets of
footprints in the sand: one belonging
to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of
his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very
lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he
questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow
you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when
I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied:

"My son, my precious child,
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."
written by Mary Stevenson



Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 9:18 PM CDT
Hi Jack, Laura and Cameron,
Once again, the tough moments can overwhelm us.
Today Angel Colby showed up many a time and finally I caught on.
We were down on Cheat Lake floating in our boat and watching a few butterflies come and go.
At first it was a very small one and then a bit bigger.
Callahan mentioned them and how beautiful they were.
Time went on and once again a huge butterfly landed right by me and would not leave us.
BIG, blue and black with dots and stripes.
I have to say that I have NEVER seen such a beautiful butterfly!
I said to Callahan that Colby liked butterflies.
She said to me, "Mommy I was just thinking about Colby when you said that to me.".
Then in an excited voice she said to me," Mommy that must have been sent to us from Colby!"
I do believe she is right! :)
He keeps us smiling when we aren't and he keeps us together when we are lonely.
...butterflies are free to fly, fly away, fly away...

We are thinking of you and care so much!
How about a day on the boat with us?
From our hearts,

suzanne abel
- Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:58 PM CDT
Laura, Jack and Cameron....

Today, I heard the most beautiful song and thought of precious Colby, so I came home and looked up the words.....I thought you might like it too!

I Believe

Every now and then soft as breath upon my skin
I feel you come back again
And it’s like you haven’t been gone a moment from my side
Like the tears were never cried
Like the hands of time are holding you and me
And with all my heart I’m sure we’re closer than we ever were
I don’t have to hear or see, I’ve got all the proof I need
There are more than angels watching over me
I believe, I believe

That when you die your life goes on
It doesn’t end here when you’re gone
Every soul is filled with light
It never ends and if I’m right
Our love can even reach across eternity
I believe, I believe

Forever, you’re a part of me
Forever, in the heart of me
And I’ll hold you even longer if I can
The people who don’t see the most
Say that I believe in ghosts
And if that makes me crazy, then I am
‘Cause I believe

There are more than angels watching over me
I believe, I believe

Thinking of you often...sending prayers your way....
Love and ((((HUGS))))

- Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:45 PM CDT
Hey there Laura,
I have been thinking a lot about your need to have Colby come to you to say he is ok...then it occurred to me, he is already there. See Laura, you dont see him because he is carrying you. He is the reason you wake up in the his Colby that takes you by the hand. He is the reason you can still smile. He is right there, but so close that he is a part of you. As you heal, he will step back and show his face. It is now his turn to take care of you. As I listen to Colby's favorite Shania Cd...I crank it up so I am sure he can hear it in heaven. There is no missing link...he is always there, DANCING CANCER FREE IN HEAVEN. So everyone out there...put in your Shania CD...turn up the volume...and DANCE. If you close your eyes, Colby will dance with you, you just need to believe.

I don't need a shrink to tell me what to think
There ain't no missing link in my love life
It's alright, I ain't that uptight
I don't need a psychic 'cause I don't really like it
When someone tries to tell me just what my future holds
I already know
Your love keeps me alive
You're all I need to survive
I got you by my side

So I'm holdin' on-I'm feelin' strong-baby you're the one
For all my life!
Yeah I'm holdin' out-there ain't no doubt-I can't live without
You all my life!
I'm holdin' on to love to save my life

I don't need to get all caught up on the net 'cause I'm already set
Can't you understand-already got my man
No I don't need proof to show me the truth, not even Dr. Ruth
Is gonna tell me how I feel-I know our love is real

Your love keeps me alive
You're all I need to survive
I got you by my side

So I'm holdin' on-I'm feelin' strong-baby you're the one
For all my life!
Yeah I'm holdin' out-there ain't no doubt-I can't live without
You all my life!
I'm holdin' on to love to save my life

(I'm holdin' on to love to save my life)

Your love keeps me alive
You're all I need to survive
I got you by my side

So I'm holdin' on-I'm feelin' strong-baby you're the one
For all my life!
Yeah I'm holdin' out-there ain't no doubt-I can't live without
You all my life!
I'm holdin' on to love to save my life

Save me, save me, save me
Save my life

Dana Big Hair
- Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:10 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

God has his hand over your hearts and knows your pain. He is there with you and loves you. May mercy and peace of God’s and Colby’s love fill your minds’, bodies’ and spirits’.

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:33 PM CDT
We are praying for you. Just breathe in and out each day and hopefully it will become a little easier each day.
Watertown, WI - Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:31 PM CDT
Laura, Jack, Cam and family - I, too, drive by or stop to visit Colby a couple of times a week. I think we are drawn to this place of peace and beauty - knowing that Colby's bright smile and loving spirit are there - and in our hearts - forever. God bless you as you struggle with grief and revel in the joy of eternal life. Grace and peace -
Rev. Russell (and family) <>
New Salem, PA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:26 PM CDT
I have you all in my prayers... I know how hard it is to loose a child, but to have to try and explain to a young brother over and over has to be so heart breaking to you. Your faith in GOD will bring you through this, I know it will
Sharon <>
Dardanelle , ar - Thursday, June 26, 2003 6:11 PM CDT
We're sending endless prayers and love to all of you each and every day. And we are forever loving Colby.
Todd, Meg, and Parker

The Radolec's <theradolec'>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 5:04 PM CDT
Thank you for letting us know how you are doing. You write so eloquently, Laura; I don't know how you do it. I'm sure only those who have lost a child can know how unbearable your grief must be. Please know that Colby's beautiful smile and incredible spirit are etched in my mind forever and ever. Love to you all and I pray for the comfort that only God can bring. Pat
Pat Dearth <>
- Thursday, June 26, 2003 4:02 PM CDT
Oh that smile!! How can you not smile when you look at that precious face. Colby buddy, I miss you so. Your mom's entry today really made me cry, but then I went back and looked at your picture again, then I could smile back at you. I will NEVER forget you are such a special little boy. I can't wait until the day that I get to meet you face to face in God's heavenly home. Please let your family know that you are ok. I pray that at least for a brief moment each day they are able to smile. You know they miss you terribly, but it is awesome to know that someday you will all be reunited. Until then buddy....I love you!!
Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Thursday, June 26, 2003 3:49 PM CDT

Good Afternoon,

This morning as every morning I checked the website to see my angel's face and to see that beautiful smile. I also read the guestbook and I read what Sarah wrote. She said to look for Colby in even the smallest things. Well about an hour later I went to leave for lunch and right above my car was a BEAUTIFUL bird a top the telephone pole and it looked at me and SANG SO LOUD and the most beautiful tune for like five minutes. And at that moment Colby entered my head and I got the most warm feeling, that someone was singing for me! Thank you Colby James for making me smile EVERY DAY. No matter what I go home and I see your smile in most things that I do and it makes me smile. I miss you SOOOOO much, but you know that! Laura and Uncle Jack and Cam-man too, I miss you miss you I DO!

Kisses and Hugs Out to the Ponderosa and up to Heaven.
Love you guys!


Jessica Whateeka <>
Charles Town, WV USA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 2:46 PM CDT
My Dearest Laura, Jack, and Cameron,

We were away when Colby's passing occurred, and when we returned and saw this news we were absolutely devastated. I have tried for days to write something to you but could not think of words that seemed enough. We are so so sorry and deeeply saddened by this terrible loss. Colby was an absolute gift from God, and I know he is now a special angel in heaven, although it was so unfair for God to want him back so soon. Please know that our prayers, our hearts, our sorrow for this immeasurable loss go out to all of you.

All our love,
Becky, Ken, and John

Becky McNamee
- Thursday, June 26, 2003 11:28 AM CDT
I have followed Colby's journey for a while now and my heart goes out to you. You wrote that talking about Colby helps and keeps him alive. If you can, I, as well as many others I'm sure, would love to read a Colby story. Only do this if it would help you. Your family is in my prayers.
Springfield, MO - Thursday, June 26, 2003 11:02 AM CDT

God Speaks on Billboards
Are You Listening?
Tell the kids I love them.
Let's meet at my house Sunday before the game.
C'mon over and bring the kids.
What part of "Thou Shalt Not..." didn't you understand?
We need to talk.
Keep using my name in vain, I'll make rush hour longer.
Loved the wedding, invite me to the marriage.
That "Love Thy Neighbor" thing... I meant it.
I love you and you and you and you and...
Will the road you're on get you to my place?
Follow me.
Big bang theory, you've got to be kidding.
My way is the highway.
Need directions?
You think it's hot here?
Have you read my #1 best seller? There will be a test.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, June 26, 2003 10:58 AM CDT
Cole Family,
Just wanted to thank you for continuing to update Colby's page. People are drawn to him because he is so special. I have always admired how strong and positive you are. For those of us who have never met Colby in person, but feel like we have, still feel close to your family. Thank you for sharing with us. The Caringbridge Family is becoming closer and closer. Hugs from Colorado,

Love, The Cohen Family (Jacob's mom)
- Thursday, June 26, 2003 10:04 AM CDT
Colby will NEVER be forgotten, It's just not possible.. Sending prayers to your entire family, may they help you through this very difficult time... Lots of Love from Denver.
Pam <>
Denver, NC USA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 9:45 AM CDT
Jack, Laura, and Cameron........

Thinking of you all with lots of love!!


- Thursday, June 26, 2003 9:01 AM CDT
Tears flow as I read your entry. Colby will never be forgotten because he lives through your memories. It is such a blessing to know that one day we will be reunited in heaven with our loved ones who have gone on before us. May God give you blessings of comfort each day.
Cindy Wright - Tennessee
- Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:30 AM CDT
Good morning Cole family,
I keep you in my thoughts and prayers every day.
Colby's friend

- Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:16 AM CDT
Good morning, This is the first time I have signed your guestbook, however I have visited your site often. I felt compelled today to let you know I was thinking of your family and praying for you to find peace. I hope in the days ahead your grieving will become less painful.
Manchester , MO - Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:58 AM CDT
Good Morning Laura,Jack & Cameron,
This is such a beautiful morning. Just sitting on the porch thinking of you. Praying you are doing ok. All in the guest book are here for you.
We Support You Cole Family.
Psalm 22:1 Matthew 27:46 51-53 54 Matthew 28:6

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:49 AM CDT
Laura.I wish I could find the right words to say but there isn't any.I still check this site every day ,just to see Colby's smile.I never met him but I sure miss him.
Carol(Nana to Conor Ford) <>
Ottawa Ontario, Canada - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:38 PM CDT
Jack , Laura, and Cameron
I know it must not be easy to keep this page going but I just wanted to let you know I check for updates everyday and wanted to thank you for sharing your family with me. I am sorry for your pain and I hope you can find comfort in knowing that so many people are praying for you.

Lori <www.>
Franklin, Tn - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:19 PM CDT
Laura, Jack and Cameron, Know that what you are feeling and trying to do is NORMAL! Keep talking about Colby to others and to each other. No I have never lost a child, but several dear people and I'm still asking WHY??? 17 yrs and 2 months later. I have two beautiful children, However I still hear the laugh, see the face and talk! My daughter is so much the woman this person was, she was my husband's mother and the very best mother-in-law. It will only get easier because of the memories, hold tight to them. Many of us are thinking of all of you and remembering the brave liitle man Colby was! The sunshine is warm feel his arms around you and see that smile. Thinking of all of you! God Bless! Go to the counseling IT WILL HELP!
Pam Howarth
Uniontown, Pa - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:12 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura and Cameron,
I know you miss Colby so much....I know there is nothing I can say to ease your pain....I want you to know that I am praying for you....I want you to know that I hurt along with you in missing Colby....I want you to know Colby will never be forgotten....I know that you know God will never leave your side, just let Him carry you through this incredibly difficult time.

In His love,

Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:01 PM CDT

DUNBAR, P USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:54 PM CDT
Hi Jack, Laura, Cameron and Angel Colby,
Truly a tough time and we need eachother.
Just when I thought I was feeling stronger I learned I wasn't.
Colby hugs and kisses you every second of the day!
I'm sure you feel him with you.
An incredible emptiness in our hearts and yet we should be
at peace because he is not suffering anymore.
Understanding this at any age is impossible.
Our faith can guide us but our own hearts have to heal us.
Your journal entry was hard to read with the tears flowing.
But your entry was , as always, so heartfelt and sincere.
Oh how I wish I could help you...
We love you all and are here for you.
I don't want to be pesty, we care and want to help you heal.
Please know we are a phone call away.
Callahan would love to "mother-hen" Cameron :)
I will talk to you soon...
From our hearts,
Forever Loving Colby,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
ohiopyle, pa USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:25 PM CDT
Dearest Jack, Laura & Cameron,
You is true...the pain never seems to get easier.. it's been nearly 10 months since my mom died and the pain is STILL there and it has NOT gotten easier... everyone grieved differently and everyone's grieving period is different and I guess I am still grieving. Even though it feels like this pain will never end...I truly believe that one day it will...I don't know when...2 years from now, 20 years from now, 50 years from now...I have no idea but I BELIEVE this pain will go away and I will be able to remember my mom and talk about her openly without wanting to cry and breakdown. Oh how I can't wait for that day! I know that day will come for you's just that we don't know when. I am so glad you guys have each other to hold on are both such strong individuals even though it may not seem like it now...but your love for one another will help you pull through...counselling seems like a good idea too and I'm sure you will all benefit from that. You may not be able to see precious Colby any longer but always know that he is with you...when my mom died, my aunty said to me that my mom was still with me, that she's still here except she's in a different where she can see me but I can't see her. And yes I do believe my aunt and I feel my mom around me all the time, I feel her watching over me and taking care of me and I keep her close to my heart, the memories of us together permanently etched in my mind. I know it is the same for you and Angel Colby...I am sending you lots of love...I'm thinking of you guys constantly... please give Cam-man a big hug from me!

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

All my love and MORE,

Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:15 PM CDT
Dear Laura, Jack, Cameron and BJ...
Oh how badly I wish I could do or say something that would ease the pain in your heart even just a little bit. I know I can't but I still just wanted you all to know I think of you all everyday, I keep Colby's smiling beautiful face up on Kody's site to remind me always of the bravest little boy I have ever had the honor of "meeting"...even if just through the internet.
Thank you so very, very much for allowing Colby to be a part of our lives.
Many prayers for your whole family...

- Wednesday, June 25, 2003 8:39 PM CDT
I am in Tears. Tears just flowing like a river. You have touched my heart in a very special way. I too know first hand what you are going through. They say it gets easier but to me it sometimes seems like yesterday that I lost Charlene. Char was mine and my husbands life after the boys left home. You will always have good days and bad days. Those days will come. Greiving is a process you go through and no one should tell you anything about how long it will take. It is different for everyone. Not one person on this earth can tell me it isn't. You will greive at your own pace. My husband and I didn't greive the same and we still don't. Each and every day you will think of Colby and see flashes of days gone by.
Please if you need me just e-mail me we can chat on the phone or go visit Colby together Laura. I go see Colby sometimes on my way to work or home from work. Please Laura greive at your own pace. God will help you through this process. Just say: Jesus help me and God will guide you through your tough times. Tears flow because you miss Colby and that is what you need to help you. Keep flowing like a river. I went to Charlenes grave and just let out a scream and played music Char liked at the cemetery and just talked for awhile to Charlene and it does help. Don't hold anything in. Let it all out people will understand.
Take Care Cole Family. I am Praying for you

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 7:46 PM CDT
Good evening everyone! I am thinking and praying for you infinite times a day. I really am speechless and know not what to say to you. That is the truth. I do know that God is good and, as much as we hurt by his decisions at times, he is the All Powerful and All Mighty.

I have asked Linda, my dear friend first to tell you a story, as it is her son I am writing about.

Many years ago I had a friend, Chris, that left our earth way too soon to explain – by horrible means – and I asked, “why”? God told me that it was his time and that I should not ask questions. I am me and cannot stop there, so I asked again... It took a long time, but he answered me once again. He said, “Renne’, it was his time and he has a job to do up here with me, not a job to do with you on earth. The earth is cruel and wicked, but where he is now, he can do what I intended for him to do”. Wow! I had just turned 18 years of age; it was too much, yet I now understand. This, my experience, does not even come close to what you are dealing with or what Linda and her family went through, but it was God talking with me and I never knew what to do with my experience until now. I share this with you because I feel I am meant to. If I upset you with my note, I am very sorry, but I feel it was what I was supposed to do. Chris was so loving, kind and innocent. He, this I know, is watching over all of us, just as Colby is. I have asked Chris to show Colby the ropes up there in heaven, this I am sure he has already done.

I am so consumed with your situation. I want to help, yet I know all I can do is pray – this I do. You ARE blessed and fortunate that Colby knew of your undying love. That one element is so Grand! He does know!

Your precious son has been very near and dear to me. I feel so fortunate to have met Colby.

May God wrap his loving arms around you.

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 7:13 PM CDT

Hi Cole's,

It was so very nice to talk to you the other day... I wish so much for you all to be comforted. You all are doing great (under the circumstances). It will never be easy, but I pray each day brings you strength and courage to "get through" and make the best of it. You guys are such a blessing . I don't understand why bad things happen to good people but I know that Colby is proud of his mom and dad . I never know the words to say , I'm always afraid it will come out all wrong .... I hurt for you , for me, for all of us.... who are certainly better people because of Colby. He has taught so many Courage ,Strength and Love ......
Many , many good thoughts to you............
Love ,

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe ,Tx, - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 6:56 PM CDT
Our family's prayers remain with you as you face each difficult day. I hope that knowing that so many people are praying for you and keeping you close in thought brings you some comfort. God Bless all of you,

Maria <>
NJ - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 6:54 PM CDT
Our family will always remember Colby. There are many of us out here who care about your family. Hugs to all of you, and I am sending an extra special hug to Cameron.
Pam Lahr, Shanna's Mama
- Wednesday, June 25, 2003 6:14 PM CDT
Laura, Jack and Cameron: My thoughts and prayers are with you daily! I pray every day for your sweet Angel Colby! Although we've never met I think of you often-checking to see how you are through this wonderful site. God Bless you and hold you tight during this time and always. Love, Dawn
Dawn Langdon <>
Phelps, NY - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 5:16 PM CDT
Laura, Jack, and Cameron,
Thinking of you all every day. Hang in there. You have a lot of people around who care. God bless you.
Always in my thoughts and prayers,

Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown , PA USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 4:18 PM CDT
Laura,Cam-man,Uncle Jack,and Angel Colby,

I love you ALL and miss you dearly. Each day will pass but our love for Colby NEVER WILL!!!!

FOREVER Loving Colby!

Jessica Whateeka
Charles Town, WV 25414 - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 3:59 PM CDT
Colby has touched my heart and that is something I won't ever forget. And that smile of his! Wow! I can't help but smile when I see a picture with his smiling face on it. I've never lost a child, but thinking of it, hurts incredibilty, and I know that doesn't even come close to the real thing! So, Laura and Jack, please know that I know you are hurting beyond my imagination and so I am keeping both of you in my daily prayers. May the Lord continue to walk beside, carrying you when necessary, and surrounding you with his love as you struggle to put one foot in front of the other every day. May His precious love help ease the pain with time.
And I'm wondering how Cameron is doing.
Sending lots of prayers and hugs,

Kathy Haws <>
Thousand Oaks, CA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 2:59 PM CDT
My heart goes out to all of thos who loved precious Colby. These children who battle cancer so couragously have taught us more than the lives we have lived ouselves. I know this as I also lost my son on Aug 2002 to cancer. He was only 2 day away from being 6 & 1/2 years old. The faith and hope he had was so amazing and the compassion he had for others was incredible. I agree they were truley angels given to us and God blesed us allowing us to love them and share thier lives. Cody ws the most important part of my life and I miss him just as you miss Colby. I hope what brings you peace is that we will be together again one day in a much more glorious Heaven! This is what helps me press on through this life until that wonderful day comes when we can be together again. Please feel free to learn more about Cody and our way of keeping his memory alive and helping to fulfill his dreams @
Brenda Hulst <>
StCloud , MN USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 2:51 PM CDT
Colby was and is so precious. He can never be forgotten. Even though he is not here with us anymore on earth his heart and many memories will always be around and he will always be that strong little smiling boy! I think of you guys often. I know how you must miss him so much and it breaks my heart that you have to face this. I just don't understand the loss of children. I mean, I wouldn't want someone to lose their mom or dad either so I wish they would just come up with a cure. I have learned one thing through all of this. I mean I always knew the saying but now it means more. "Life just isn't about being fair." I mean life is ours to live but it can be taken away for anybody at any given moment. We are always very worried about the people we know are sick but something can always just happen to anybody. I think that is why it is so important to not only live each day to the fullest but to really make a difference because the differences you make will always live on. I think Colby taught many people to smile through all adversity! He is a blessing. Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia <>
- Wednesday, June 25, 2003 2:22 PM CDT
*Laura, Jack & Cameron*
None of us will ever forget Colby or the special little boy he is. He will forever remain in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. We all love him and we will all constantly think of him.

*Angel Colby*
We love and miss you immensley (sp?), sweetheart. It makes me happy to know such a wonderful little boy is watching over all of us. Keep a close eye on your family and be sure to protect them.

Shannon -- <>
Haverhill, MA USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:32 AM CDT
("Angel Colby-One Perfect Rose")


In every special garden among the many blooms,
There's one that grows above the rest and smells of sweet perfumes.
And though it knows it's life is short, in the sun it glows,
Willing to be sacrificed, the One Perfect Rose.

Within a special garden, God placed Adam and his mate,
Everything was perfect til from the forbidden tree they ate.
Sin was born in weakness and because of the path they chose,
Into this world now sinful, God would send One Perfect Rose.

It must have been a glorious night, when that star first appeared.
All the angels in the heavens must have sang and cheered.
For on this night in a lowly stable as the star brightly glowed,
Unto this world, born of a virgin, came One Perfect Rose.

The Rose of Sharon He was called but Jesus was His name.
One Perfect Rose among the thorns, God's glory to proclaim.
Upon the cross on Calvary's Hill, His love for us He shows,
To save our souls and pay sin's price required One Perfect Rose.

From the cross to a borrowed tomb the Son of God had gone,
But in three days He would arise and roll away the stone.
For those who came upon the stone, He left His burial clothes,
To all around they would proclaim He was One Perfect Rose.

Jesus left His home in Glory to dwell among the weeds.
He walked upon a sin-sick world and died among the thieves.
He sacrificed Himself for us and now all the world knows,
Above the thorns of this worldly garden, lives One Perfect Rose.

The price He paid for our salvation should bring us to our knees,
In repentance and thanksgiving for this gift of grace received.
Eternal life with God we have because our Savior chose,
To live and die among the thorns and be One Perfect Rose.
By Elizabeth Ricard

Love You All Sooooo Much,
Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:46 AM CDT
Good Morning Jack,Laura,Cameron & Angel Colby
Seems my mind is on you so often. I pray for you always. I look up to the heavens and thank the angels for the glorious days we have. Takes me hours to find the right cards to e-mail you.
Job 29:3
Take one day at a time. God will guide you on your journey.
Take Care Coles and May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:33 AM CDT
Dear Coles, Thinking of you guys with many prayers. The Gang From The Beach.
Tom Vitz <>
Va Beach, Va - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:18 AM CDT
Our prayers continue... I take a peek at Colby's Endless Smile every day. While I know that he is finally pain free and being taken care of by God, my heart is still so heavy. Perhaps that heaviness is not about Angel Colby as he has passed on to something greater than we can ever imagine while we remain on this earth-- but it is for you, Jack and Laura and Cameron and all of Colby's family and friends that have to cope with the heartache and despair of Colby not being with you. From Laura's beautiful writings I learned of Colby's favorite French Toast breakfast. --And without even being a part of Colby's life on earth...I have trouble eating French Toast without feeling so so sad. The strength you show is so amazing... You are being thought of and prayed for constantly.


Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 6:12 AM CDT
Hi Jack, Laura & Cam-man,
Thinking fondly of my favourite family :) I know you guys are keeping strong...the sun shone so brightly in Melbourne today..I think Angel Colby somehow knew I needed it...sending you lots of love!

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

Hugs always,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 2:13 AM CDT
To the sweetest little angel boy, Colby-
I will always have you in my heart. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life by reading about your courage and strength. Your family was so blessed to have you and still blessed as you have become their very own angel in heaven. I know you are keeping watch over your family! Colby, I will never forget to remember you!

To Colby's loving family-
Always remember Colby is with God and smiling down upon you. Live life each day in the memory of Colby!

Danielle <>
Long Island, NY - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 1:48 AM CDT
Hi Sweet Angel Colby,
Just wanted to say thank you for the sunny day. I thought about you a lot today and I really miss you. I hope you are having fun in they have playstation there? You would be so proud of how well Kyle is doing with PS2...he is even learning to turn it off when he is done. I still have your "smacks" cereal in my pantry which brings me a big smile in the morning. Miss you soooooo much. Send sweet angel kisses to mommy, daddy and Cameron. I know you are looking after them. This is why they are so strong.
Sending kisses up to heaven...did ya catch it?
Love you so much,
till we meet again,
Dana Big Hair

Dana Doctor Zackie's page
- Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:27 PM CDT
Dearest Lara,Jack & Cameron
I have been following your story since the beginning. I have been out of state & was so hurt to hear the very sad new's about Colby. I just cried & cried, I am so so sorry.Just know now the pain is over for your precious little boy. Your tears will go on & on & on for ever but knowing that he was so loved & he touched so many that may bring you all some comfort.All of my prayers are with you alway's. Just keep your faith & let God guide you through.Colby will be looking down on all of you. God Bless Alway's

Debbie Stalnaker <debbie_ann92@hot,>
Masontown, Pa US - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:26 PM CDT
Hi Coles,
Just wanted to let you all know that we are thinking of you. Haley is hoping that Cameron will be at his pappy's house so she can play with him.
I think of Colby so often-the picture of his endless smile is priceless-what a beautiful way to remember him. Our love to all of you.

Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter and Haley too!! <>
- Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:13 PM CDT
Hi guys,

Just checking in. Think about you constantly. I love your's beautiful. I will try to call you tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing you soon....let's talk about the details, ok?
Lots of love and hugs,

Niki Daubach currently at a temporary email address of: <>
- Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:29 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

I just wanted to let you know that I am here and you are on my mind. Things have changed for you, but I am still praying just as hard for all you.

May God and Angel Colby wrap their loving arms’ around all of you this evening and may you find Heavenly comfort.

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:55 PM CDT
Although I always am thankful for God's blessings, I dont' think that I dwell so much on the importance of God's gift of eternal life until someone I care about passes away. What a wonderful gift to know that God provides a beautiful Heaven for us, and I know it gives me peace knowing that my loved ones are there, and now knowing little Colby and also Anthony Makoid have the perfect playground. Praise God for such a wonderful place for YOUR angel.
Continuing prayers for the pain you feel without him.

Wash.Twp., NJ - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 5:54 PM CDT
Just letting you know that I am thinking and still praying for you guy's.
Kathy <>
Whitehall, OH - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 5:30 PM CDT
Been away from my computer for a few days......but I'm back!! Never stopped praying for you or thinking of my sweet Colby. He is on my mind everyday as are the three of you. Thank you God for letting me find the Cole family and the blessings that they have been to so many of us that they have never even "met". Lord, look after my little Colby and give strength to his folks and "The Cam-Man". In Your Name I pray, Amen.
Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 3:27 PM CDT
Dearest Cole Family
I had been keeping in touch(from many miles away) with Colby's site for some time now since learning about him through Kayli's site.I just wanted to let you know that my heart goes out to you all for the unbearable loss of the amazing little angel you had with you for such a short time. I have been thinking of you and Colby all day and will think of Colby and say hello everytime I look at the sky. Both yours and angel Colby's strength and faith (during what to me is the worst possible nightmare any family should have to go through) is an absolute inspiration. God bless you and your very own special angel in heaven always and forever.XXXX

Kay Coleman
Cork, Ireland - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:36 AM CDT
Dear Coles - I hope that the sunshine that has finally returned to our area helps to brighten your days. Often as I enjoy the beautiful sky and puffy clouds, I think of Colby and how wonderful it must be in heaven. You are all daily in my prayers for peace and comfort.

N. Krajovic
Pittsburgh, PA - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:54 AM CDT

A friend is a present you give yourself.
You are my gift...
You are the best ("GIFT") that I have
ever gotten in my whole life!!!!!!!

Love you forever and ever,
Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:06 AM CDT
Hey Jack & Laura,
I am thinking of you guys as always and pray that comfort and peace have been with you the past week and the weeks, months even years ahead...I am sending you lots of love and hugs from my end of the world..they may not be too warm (because of the dreaded cold here!!!!) but my love for all of you will warm them up :) Hang in there you guys...thinking of you!

Cam-man, I am thinking of you too sweetie!!! I know you have been such a big and brave boy lately and I'm soooooo proud of you!!

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

Hugs & kisses,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:55 AM CDT
1John 4:15-16
Good Morning Jack,Laura,&Cameron.
Please don't mind the last entry.
I am thinking of you always.
Take care and May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:23 AM CDT

MASONTOWN, PA USA - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:21 AM CDT
I pray for you knowing that Colby is smiling upon you each and every day. He is your precious gift from God.

Do not lose the courage you had in the past, which has a great reward. Hebrews 10:35

CF, IA - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:21 AM CDT
Cole family,
I look at that smile every day! I pray you find peace and know I think of you often.

love, Deirdre
- Tuesday, June 24, 2003 5:46 AM CDT
My heart is so heavy as I read your journal entries.
Your little Colby is such a beautiful boy, what a fighter!
I'm so so sorry that Colby didn't receive the healing on earth
that you prayed for and fought so hard for.
I will remember him in my prayers,
and Yes, I will remember to look up, to the Heavens,
and wave to your darling Colby as he rests in the lap of our Lord.

God Bless the little children, their parents, and their little brothers.
With tears, sympathy and prayers for a cure for all childhood cancers,

- Tuesday, June 24, 2003 2:20 AM CDT
Laura, Jack, Cameron & Angel Colby,
You are in our thoughts and prayers, I am praying God will comfort you. Watch for pennys.

'Pennies From Heaven'

I found a penny today
just laying on the ground
But its not just a penny
this little coin I've found

Found pennies come from heaven
that's what my Grandpa told me
He said angels toss them down
oh, how I loved that story

He said when an angel misses you
they toss a penny down
Sometimes just to cheer you up
make a smile out of your frown

So do not pass by that penny
when you're feeling blue
It may be a penny from heaven
that an angels tossed to you

I borrowed this. I don't know who wrote it.

Kathy, Mom to Amanda
- Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:46 AM CDT
Thinking of you.......

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Monday, June 23, 2003 11:42 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
We will be having a balloon release in memory of our Rainbow of Hope ^Angels^ on Thursday. I will send a balloon up in rememberence of Master Colby.
Colby will always be loved and never forgotten.

Go ahead and mention my child.
The one that died, you know.
Don't worry about hurting me further.
The depth of my pain doesn't show.
Don't worry about making me cry.
I'm already crying on the inside.
Help me to heal by releasing
the tears that I try to hide.
I'm hurt when you just keep silent,
pretending he didn't exist.
I'd rather you mention my child,
knowing that he has been missed.
You asked me how I was doing.
I say "pretty good" or "fine".
But healing is something ongoing.
I feel it will take a lifetime.

By Elizabeth Dent
Borrowed from Delaney’s webpage

Emily Ann's Daddy

The Dobrowski's, David, Judy, Katie, Dana and ^Angel^ Emily Ann
< -----------
RockHill, South Carolina
Rainbow of Hope, 5200 Family and Cancer Sucks Club members
- Monday, June 23, 2003 8:18 PM CDT
Sending love and prayers to you this beautiful evening.

Renne' I. cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, June 23, 2003 6:28 PM CDT
I'm sitting here many many miles from you, looking up at the sky waving to Colby, its night-time for you and early evening here. Colby will always have someone no matter what time waving and thinking about him. I have followed your journey for a long time and felt compelled to make a entry tonight. Your faith is an inspiration to us all, take strength from from all the lives your family has touched worldwide.
Pauline <>
LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND - Monday, June 23, 2003 4:03 PM CDT


Your smile in the morning and your warm and gentle touch at night.
Love's denotative meaning is a "fondness toward someone".
But to those you have felt it and lived it, it is greater than life itself.
It is either the light ,at the end of tunnel or the ache that never leaves.
It can be your only reason to live or your sole reason to die.
It is vital to survive and endure as is food and water. It can backfire,
though, in so many ways. Love is the, backbone of our world.
It can give you the satisfaction of fullness or the feeling of emptiness.
It is an infinite need and so much more, because when it comes down to it,
we just want to be loved. We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that
experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened,
every emotion is magnified, our everyday is shattered and we are flying into
the heavens. It may only last a moment, an hour, an afternoon.
But that doesn't diminish its value. Because we are
left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives.

Loving you forever and ever,
Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, June 23, 2003 11:03 AM CDT
Laura, Jack, & Cameron - Great to see you all in church yesterday. I'm sure it was difficult but what better place to be close to Colby than in church. His impact on our church family has been enormous. As always I want you to know you're in my thoughts and prayers all the time.
Love, Pat
P.S. Thanks Cameron for showing our Parker such a good time - he had a ball!

Pat Dearth <>
- Monday, June 23, 2003 10:37 AM CDT

Philippians 4:19
Have a very Blessed Day.
Praying for you always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, June 23, 2003 7:29 AM CDT
Jack, Laura, Cameron and ^^Angel Colby^^

Thinking about you all! Keeping you in my daily thoughts and prayers!!

Love and ((((HUGS))))

- Monday, June 23, 2003 7:14 AM CDT
What a beautiful little boy. Breaks my heart that young children have to die. He is the same age as my son. We all waved to him this morning. What big wings on that little boy. He will be able to fly so high. God bless you and your family!!!
Nestor Falls, ON Canada - Monday, June 23, 2003 7:07 AM CDT
Laura, Jack and Cameron,

I have been away and just got back today. I sit here with tears running down my face. My heart goes out to your family. Colby has touched so many hearts and has taught us all so much. Thank you for sharing your beautiful son with all of us. Your strength and faith are an inspriation. May God get you through each and every day. Colby will live in your hearts forever and ever. My prayers are with you. God bless you sweet Colby.


Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, June 23, 2003 1:51 AM CDT

DUNBAR, PA - Sunday, June 22, 2003 10:34 PM CDT
Good night Cole Family,
You probally are in bed by now. I have spent the afternoon with my grandsons and the evening. The day was just beautiful and thought I would put it to good use. My husband video taped the boys playing all day. They enjoyed watching themselves on tv tonight.

Was thinking of Visiting Colby today but I got tied up with the boys. I am sure going tomorrow. Will visit Char then go see Angel Colby before going in to work.
Psalms 40:2 I know I am late with this reading but you can read it in the morning.
Praying for you always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, June 22, 2003 9:57 PM CDT
Just signing in with some heartfelt prayers for you and your family and Angel Colby. May God bless you and keep you going with the strength you need.
Eileen-Hugs and Hope Club Member
- Sunday, June 22, 2003 8:42 PM CDT

Church was special today, as it was the end of VBS. My thoughts were of Colby dancing and singing at his forever VBS. Laughing, playing and lifting his hands in praise to our dear Lord - the One- that made him whole. What reassurance and what a blessing it must be for him.

I am praying for all of you.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Sunday, June 22, 2003 8:25 PM CDT
Hey Laura, Jack, Cameron and Angel Colby,
Just want to tell you I love you guys and miss you like crazy.

Dana Big Hair "not a Doctor" Doctor
too far away, NJ - Sunday, June 22, 2003 3:45 PM CDT
We just got the bad news that our dog is dying of cancer and he too is young,, but the first thing we said was that Colby must need him up in heaven!!! they will take care of each other,,
David and Karen Sala <>
Monongahela, Pa - Sunday, June 22, 2003 11:32 AM CDT
remembering you today as everyday. Stay strong and keep your faith.
Lynn <>
- Sunday, June 22, 2003 11:09 AM CDT

Remember to Appreciate

A water bearer in India had two large pots,
each hung on the ends of a pole
which he carried across his neck.
One of the pots had a crack in it,
while the other pot was perfect and
always delivered a full portion of water.
At the end of the long walk
from the stream to the house,
the cracked pot
arrived only half full.
For two years this went on daily,
with the bearer delivering only one and a
half pots full of water to his house.
Of course, the perfect pot was proud
of its accomplishments,
perfect for which it was made.
But the poor cracked pot was ashamed
of its own imperfection,
and miserable that it was able to
accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.
After 2 years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure,
the cracked pot spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream.
"I am ashamed of myself,
and I want to apologize to you.
I have been able to deliver only half my load
because this crack in my side causes water to leak
out all the way back to your house."
Because of my flaws,
you have to do all of this work,
and you don't get full value from your efforts,"
the cracked pot said.
The bearer said to the cracked pot,
"Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path,
but not on the other pot's side?
That's because I have always known about your flaw,
and I planted flower seeds on your side of the path,
and every day while we walk back,
you've watered them.
For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers
to decorate the table.
Without you being just the way you are,
there would not be this beauty to grace the house."
Moral: Each of us has our own unique flaws.
We're all cracked pots!
But it's the cracks and flaws we each have
that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding.
You've just got to take each person for what they are,
and look for the good in them.
Remember to appreciate all the
different people in your life!

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, June 22, 2003 10:04 AM CDT
Free at Last

I want to play and soar and dream.
Fly above the fields until I am free.
No pain, no sorrow and no fear,
Can touch me now that I am here.
Breathe in the breeze and feel the sun,
Across my face, I run and run!!!
I play and laugh among the trees.
Alive! Alive! I breathe! I breathe!
With legs so strong, I run so fast;
The world just smiles as I go past.
Sweet laughter bubbles up inside,
For freedom long denied, denied.
No tears, no pain, remembered here,
I’ve been released from all my fears,
To run and laugh until the day
When all bad things have passed away.

Brenda Penepent


Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, June 22, 2003 8:41 AM CDT
Laura, this is for you...

Letter to Mom

Mom, please don’t feel guilty
It was just my time to go.
I see you are still feeling sad,
And the tears just seem to flow.

We all come to earth for our lifetime,
And for some it’s not many years
I don’t want you to keep crying
You are shedding so many tears.

I haven’t really left you
Even though it may seem so.
I have just gone to my heavenly home,
And I’m closer to you than you know.

Just believe that when you say my name
I’m standing next to you,
I know you long to see me,
But there’s nothing I can do.

But I’ll still send you messages
And hope you understand,
That when your time comes to “cross over,”
I’ll be there to take your hand.

Joy Curnutt


Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, June 22, 2003 8:33 AM CDT
Precious Son

God, I know you gave your precious Son
To give us life with You.
But I didn’t want my son to leave,
Cause he was precious too.
We all are precious in your eyes
And all to you return.
I know my son will not come back,
And I still have much to learn.
Our time on earth is for learning,
And when our lessons are through,
Our spirit chooses the time we leave,
And we come back to you.
My precious son is with you,
And there will be a day,
That I too will leave this earthly place,
And you will light my way.
I know your arms will be open,
And I will have a smile,
To see my God and precious son,
I will then become Your child.

Joy Curnutt


Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, June 22, 2003 8:31 AM CDT
Dearest Jack, Laura & Cam-man,
Hey you guys, I've been thinking of you all weekend...I hope and pray that you are all coping well. Ever since my mom was diagnosed with cancer, I knew that it was okay to cry...that I shouldn't be afraid to let my feelings go, to show people how I felt...and when my mom passed away, I learnt even more that there is no reason to hide my tears and feelings, that I should feel no shame in crying and just letting go...I just want to say that it's okay for you to cry for Colby...of course you miss's okay to feel's okay to feel the pain...but what you must remember is that it is not okay forget how to feel happy or to smile. I know it is easy to break down into tears thinking of Colby, but I also know that it is just easy to think of him and smile. You will forever be in my thoughts and are such a special family to me and have become so dear to my heart. Please hang in there.. have a nice day..

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

All my love,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, June 22, 2003 8:29 AM CDT
Good evening Cole Family,

I am praying for you this evening for God to grant you strength, guidance, wisdom and peace.

May you feel God’s love this evening and may you hear the flutter of Angel Colby’s wings!

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Saturday, June 21, 2003 6:53 PM CDT
Plalms 12:1-2
Checking in to say Hello and tell you how much you are thought of.
Praying for you always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, June 21, 2003 6:35 PM CDT

Random Acts of Kindness

a friend
- Saturday, June 21, 2003 5:29 PM CDT
Thinking of you all with much love. Keep the faith.

Dana V.

Dana Velosky <>
New Salem, PA - Saturday, June 21, 2003 5:19 PM CDT



CONNELLSVILLE, PA - Saturday, June 21, 2003 5:11 PM CDT
UNIONTOWN, PA USA - Saturday, June 21, 2003 3:36 PM CDT
That picture on the front page is just priceless! I mean Colby looks so good and so throroughly happy! I am so sorry you guys have had to face any of this the sickness and the death. There is no way to prepare. People say it must be easier because you knew your child was sick (unlike say a car accident) but I don't agree with that. I don't think it is easier, I think it is just very different. There are a lot of sleepless nights even for me wondering what will happen, the fear of relapse, etc. I can imagine Sharayah and Tatiana (our other daughters) older but for some reason when I think of Katia older, it just makes me worry about her future. I know anything can happen to anybody at anytime (that is all up to God) but in the sake of cancer, you fear all the time. I am so sorry little Colby has left your side but he is not gone. Honestly his presence and spirit will always be with you and some day you will all be reunited. That is the beauty of Christianity. As my children get older, I always know we can't force them to make that decision to accept Christ but we pray they will and when they do, it will be from their hearts. As young children, we know God just takes them to heaven but as they get older they must decide. Well I am babbling on, I just want you to know that I think about you guys all the time and everytime I am outside, I look around for beautiful butterflies and dragon flies and of course, Lady Bugs! I know Colby is beautiful in heaven because he looked like an angel here on earth:)

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Saturday, June 21, 2003 2:59 PM CDT
You all continue to be in our prayers. We're praying hard for you and your family through the emptiness and numbness. I know it doesn't change anything, but please know that we care. Love and prayers for you all, Dede Roth
D. Roth
Cape, MO - Saturday, June 21, 2003 1:39 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura, and Cameron,
Just want you to know I am thinking about all of you today and asking the Lord to give you peace and comfort. I know from reading other journals of those who have lost children, that weekends can be extremely difficult. Take care of each other and know that Colby has touched so many lives in the short time he was here.

Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Saturday, June 21, 2003 11:39 AM CDT

Refuse to Be Discouraged

Refuse to be discouraged when the storm clouds come your way, but trust that in tomorrow you'll find a brighter day. Refuse to be discouraged when you're faced with doubts and fears, but keep on pressing onward for the joy beyond tears, Refuse to be discouraged, and in time you'll understand that courage comes by simple faith in God's sweet guiding hand.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, June 21, 2003 11:25 AM CDT
Hello Jack, Laura and Cameron,
Just a note to say always we are thinking of you.
May strength and time get you through and as we ALL know, let our faith continuously guide us.
May sunshine come soon... we alll need it! :)
Our love to you,
"Forever Loving Colby"
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Saturday, June 21, 2003 10:48 AM CDT
Good Morning Jack,Laura,Cameron,Angel Colby.
Your family is a part of everyone who visits Angel Colbys site.
It is just amazing that everyone checks in daily. I just think that is wonderful.
You will never be forgotten. NEVER
Take Care & May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Paq USA - Saturday, June 21, 2003 9:40 AM CDT
Hello Cole Family

As always, you are in my heart and thoughts.

Barbara <bgis52@yahoo.,com>
Elco, PA USA - Saturday, June 21, 2003 8:04 AM CDT
The service for Angel Colby sounded beautiful! Thanks for sharing. You are always in my thoughts and prayers!
Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA - Friday, June 20, 2003 11:13 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, Cameron, and ^^Angel Colby^^,

Stopping in to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! I wish I had the words to make you all feel better, but I know that there are no words, just the support of all of your friends and family, for which you will always have!!

Love and ((((HUGS))))

- Friday, June 20, 2003 10:16 PM CDT
2 Thessalonians 3:16
Hello Cole Family. Just had to stop by before going to bed. Was watching the grandsons for a few hrs after work. That's why I am late again tonight coming into Angel Colbys Site.
How are you doing? I pray for you always. Colby is watching you and will take care of all of you. Cameron your brother is going to guide you forever and ever.
Remember Laura & Jack. If you need to chat I am here. I know first hand what you are going through and would love to talk if You Need Me. Just e-mail me and I will give you my phone number.
Praying for you always. Take Care May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, June 20, 2003 9:23 PM CDT
Much love and prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, June 20, 2003 5:29 PM CDT
Dearest Angel Colby James,
I hope you are dancing and playing up in heaven. Are there rollercoasters there? I hope you have found your kitty cat by now. Keep sending sweet angel hugs and kisses to mommy, daddy and Cameron. They miss you so much. They feel so empty right now. I am sure you are watching over them. We all miss you so much. I wish you were here with us to hold, but we all understand why you had to leave. Until we meet again...
Sending kisses up to heaven...Did ya catch them?
Missing you,
Dana Big Hair

Dana Doctor
- Friday, June 20, 2003 1:44 PM CDT
Praying that the Lord has given you peace and comfort during this difficult time. Colby will always be in your heart, and many of us will never forget him.

Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Friday, June 20, 2003 1:28 PM CDT
you continue in my thoughts every day.
Lynn <>
- Friday, June 20, 2003 12:35 AM CDT
I just wanted you guys to know that you are forever on my heart and in my prayers. I think of you and lift you up to the Lord several times a day and will continue to do so as the Lord brings you to mind and heart. Blessings and please know that I'm only a phone call or email away.
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Friday, June 20, 2003 11:51 AM CDT
Dear Jack and Laura, Thank you so much for sharing Colby's life with us. I loved coming to the website - he remeinded me so much of Jared. I was heartbroken to hear of his passing. When Jared and I went on the Lourdes pilgrimmage - we prayed for Colby's remission. I was so hurt to find out a miracle did not happen. Please know your family will always be in our thoughts as Jared continues his journey with this disease.Praying for healing of the body, mind and spirit, Geralyn Saya
Geralyn Saya <>
syracuse, ny - Friday, June 20, 2003 9:16 AM CDT
I am so sorry to here about Colby, my thoughs and prayers are with all of you and your little angel
Angela Dale Jr Pitboard Chairty <>
Pope AFB , NC USA - Friday, June 20, 2003 9:07 AM CDT
To the Cole Family,
I am so sorry that Colby is no longer with you. God works in his own ways. Your story has really touched me personal. I pray in time that your pain will heal. God Bless you and your family. In my prayers.

Michelle Zammat <>
Belcamp, MD USA - Friday, June 20, 2003 8:53 AM CDT

I am back again just to tell you that I am here thinking about you and praying that you are smiling tonight, as you think of Angel Colby and Cameron.

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:51 PM CDT
Cole family, Im sorry to hear about Colbys death. It truly is sad when you lose someone so close to you. Specialy a child. You will be in our prayers tonight. Colby is in heaven with his other family and he will be free of pain forever. May god bless you all..........
Stephen & Lori Shawl <>
Kingsland, Ga Camden - Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:46 PM CDT
Luara, Jack & Cameron,

You are forever in my thoughts and prayers. Your strength amazes me and I am so blessed to have found you. May God bless Colby...

Beth Nitchman
Bridgeville, PA USA - Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:28 PM CDT
Jack, Laura & Cam-man,
Thinking of all of you today and everyday...I'm going away on a weekend trip but I'll be back Sunday. Sending you all my love and lots more till then...hang in there, you guys.. God loves all of you just as much as He loved Colby and He is taking VERY special care of Angel Colby when it is your time to see him again and take care of him once again. Keep strong!

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

Love, hugs & kisses,

Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:04 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

I just wanted to let you know that for the past two nights Faith has wanted to watch the “Colby” video. On April 19, 2003 we taped about an hour of video at your house. We had so much fun and I am still convinced that this was Faith’s most wonderful experience to date. The hayride with Colby is forever imprinted into my memory. I had been ill prior to that day, but pushed myself to go because I wanted to meet Angel Colby. I am so grateful and thankful to you for sharing your life with us.

Meeting you Jack when you did our awning was such a blessing to me. Having known Colby and your family has forever changed me. When I started praying for all of you, I gave my heart and soul to your family. Colby truly took a piece of me when his human life ended here on earth.

I cannot imagine your pain, yet continue to pray for your peace. Angel Colby has blessed us beyond comprehension.

Thank you, once again, for sharing your gift from God with people like me – you did not even know.

God Bless you and keep you in His care.

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, June 19, 2003 7:21 PM CDT
1Peter 4:12
Good Evening Cole Family,
Just getting in here. We had a pretty nice day today outsite. Hope you enjoyed the outdoors Cameron.
Was looking up towards Colby almost every time I peeped out the window at work today.
Colby is in the hands of the Angels. Playing and enjoying himself.
I am praying for you all.
Take Care And May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, June 19, 2003 6:53 PM CDT
Dear Laura, It was so good to read your last entry, I know it must have been difficult. Colby's service was beautiful. I was so moved by Rev. Russell and Father Bill's talk. They did a wonderful job talking about what the last 18 months have been like for all of your and how much your faith helped you thru it. Hang onto your faith, I am sure it will also help you thru some of the difficult days ahead. And of course Jack was amazing. I so admire the strength and courage he showed in getting up there and speaking. Colby would be proud. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to know Colby. He touched me and my family in so many ways. Thank you for sharing him with all of us. I think we are all better people for knowing the Cole family. I continue to pray for all of you. God Bless you all.
Patty Yerina

Patty Yerina
- Thursday, June 19, 2003 5:34 PM CDT
You made Colby's life incredible beyond words, and I am not surprised to read how beautiful the celebration of his life was.
I initially came to caringbridge sites to pray, and encourage families like yours. However, I take away from these sites so much more than I can offer you. You have taught me so much about selflessness and faith in God-trusting in Him even when His plan is not our plan.
Until the day I,too, gain my angel wings, I will remember Colby,and pray that as an adult, and mother, my life can bring a small portion of the inspiration that your family and Colby have brought to so many in his much too brief time here.

Wash.Twp., NJ - Thursday, June 19, 2003 5:08 PM CDT
That sounds like it was absolutely beautiful! I am sure Colby put the rain aside to make it as beautiful as he could. Colby, although I never met him, seemed like such a perfect gentleman with a streak of comic! I am sure he was such a blessing and a ham to have in your house. There was probably never a dull moment. You guys have done so well at helping to keep people informed in how they can fight cancer. Your website has always been a blessing to me. Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Thursday, June 19, 2003 4:14 PM CDT
You are in my prayers.
CF, IA - Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:49 PM CDT
Dear Coles - First, I am so very sorry for your loss. I have known your family only through this website, but I felt like I lost a member of my own family when Colby flew up to heaven last week. Many tears have been shed in my house. Last Thursday night, my kids drew pictures and wrote prayers for Colby and left them on their beds that night, hoping he would see them. Thank you for sharing Colby and your journey as you have. As I look over the other entries and see so many "you've never met me, but..", it occurs to me that you have taken the concept of extended family into a whole new realm. The spiritual family that has been touched by and embraced you is enormous. I have read that joy shared is doubled and sorrow shared is halved. The joy part I can vouch for, but I can't imagine that there is much in the world that could reduce the pain and emptiness in your hearts. So I pray that all of the love for Colby and for you from your extended spiritual family wraps around you as a blanket of comfort. Colby is amazing. And so are you, Jack and Laura. The gift you have given to so many by sharing your deep and unabiding faith in God and His perfect plan is immense. The world would be a far better place if all parents could have the unconditional love for their children, which God intends and you have shown. What harmony would exist if all married people could give each other the level of love and support that has shone through your entries. So while my heart is heavy for you, I also thank you for sharing your precious Colby and your faith. My faith in God has always been strong, but from your gift, it has deepened. Your family will always have a place in my prayers. God bless you.
N. Krajovic
Pittsburgh, PA - Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:46 PM CDT
Dear Laura, Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you and Jack today.. Thank you for stopping by TLC the other day.. Gianna was soooo excited to see Miss Laura and Mr. Jack. That was the first thing she told me when I came in the door from work.. You two are such a caring couple.Gianna is looking forward to seeing Cameron come back to daycare..God Bless You Both.

- Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:28 PM CDT
What a beautiful entry Laura! Thanks for sharing everything with us. Even though we are too far away to be there, we were with you in spirit. Now that you shared the service with us, I feel like I was there. Colby has touched my life in so many ways. We go tomorrow for Ryan's 3 months check-up for his Leukemia and I feel like I did four years ago.......scared and holding my breath. I will pray to Colby along with my oldest son Tyler to watch over Ryan and keep their hands on him. Thank you for sharing your life with all of thoughts and prayers are with you now and forever.....

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:13 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, and Cameron.......

Thank you so much for sharing Colby's beautiful serivce with those of us who could not be there in person. As always, we were there in spirit with you all!

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers,
much love and ((((HUGS))))

- Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:11 PM CDT
Thinking of you and your angel every day...The Dolan's
Lisa, Capt. Bob, Ryan , John, Emily <>
Whiting, NJ - Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:00 PM CDT

Random Acts of Kindness

Cheryl <>
- Thursday, June 19, 2003 2:55 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura and Cameron, Thank you so much for sharing Colby's beautiful service with us. You're so thoughtful of others! Colby was truly blessed to have you all as his family, as you are all blessed to have had him in your lives. What a beautiful way to pay tribute to him! I got to hear Angie sing "Remember Me" in church Sunday morning and there wasn't a dry eye! What a beautiful song. I hope you all are finding strength and comfort in knowing how many care for you and are thinking and praying for you. (Even the one's you've never even met, like me.) You are truly remarkable people and through you, Colby will always live on. Once again, thank you so much for sharing Colby's journey with us.
Robin, Ed & Rebecca <>
Dunbar, PA USA - Thursday, June 19, 2003 12:47 AM CDT
To the Cole family, I am a friend of Dana's and have been following Colby's web page for awhile. I have always been amazed by his strength and his wisdom beyond his years. I am so sorry for your loss, but I am sure he is up in heaven smiling down on you and all his fans. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kim <>
East Windsor, NJ - Thursday, June 19, 2003 12:38 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and vivid picture of Colby's service. I think of your family daily and say prayers for you & your beautiful boys. You have truly given me a whole new perspective on life and particularly on how Colby's presence is with you. I have two boys of my own & have shared Colby's journey with them. My oldest who is 11 has cried with me. May God bless you and watch over you & protect you. I'm sure your darling angel will make sure of it.
Eileen Spratt
Eureka MO, - Thursday, June 19, 2003 12:09 AM CDT
Dearest Jack & Laura,
As I've been with a lot of your previous updates, I am in tears...I can just imagine how beautiful Colby's viewing and memorial service must've been...thank you for sharing with us, those who couldn't be there, what it was like. You have shared so much of your life, your family and of course your precious Colby with us...I am forever grateful for that...extremely grateful to "know" you...and I honestly hope and pray one day I will be able to meet you guys and give you each a big hug. Even when Colby was still around, when I first came upon his site and just grew to love him instantly and grew so attached to him in a matter of weeks, I knew that I wanted to meet this little boy one day...and now, even if I won't have the chance to meet Colby (till my time comes), I will be more than honoured if given the chance to meet you guys and Cameron too of course. The next trip I make to the USA, which is soon hopefully, you guys are definitely on my list of "to visit"...and please know that you are all so very welcomed to Melbourne, Australia :) ALWAYS! Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know that I AM BACK!!! Finals are over and I will be checking in all the time now...I can't imagine how hard it must be to come back to Caringbridge after all that's happened but I wanna thank you for doing so...I do hope you continue to update, of course whenever you feel comfortable and ready, but always know that we, here at Caringbridge (especially ME!), just love hearing from you. Please give Cam-man a big hug from me...I just know he must be missing his big brother...when you wrote in your update that Cameron let the balloons fly high into the sky...that just made my heart sink right down to the bottom again...I am praying for you guys... and thinking of you all always...sending you lots of hugs and kisses from Down Under...

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

Love always,

Colby's Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, June 19, 2003 10:47 AM CDT
That was a beautiful entry. Were you as surprised as we were to be able to put together a GORGEOUS viewing and funeral in such a short time? Brian and I had been doing some planning over the last year, but we were amazed at all the things we still had to do. I'm sure that Anthony and Colby gave us all the strength that we needed to get through those days.

We also did a slide show as a "celebration of Life" tribute to him. I think it is great that you wrote about the viewing and funeral. It will help others in the future that may need it. Sometimes people are so overwhelmed that they don't know where to start.

We have also decided to continue Anthony’s page. In years past people would email me with questions and I have been able to give great responses that have helped many people. I hope to be able to still help others. Maybe they will all learn how each day can be a struggle, but how we all get through it with the help of all of our children.

Colby and Anthony, I hope you have found each other by now and are playing cancer free in a beautiful place. We love and miss you both. Be good, listen to God and watch over us.

Love, Dina Makoid
- Thursday, June 19, 2003 9:31 AM CDT
Thank you for painting such a beautiful picture of Colby's funeral service. We are one of those families that would have loved to have gone but could not. We are so happy we had the opportunity to peek into his brilliant life through the pictures and updates provided by you both in this website. Thank you.
The Jankowski's (
Fresno, Ca - Thursday, June 19, 2003 9:10 AM CDT
Dear Cole family,
You all remain in my prayers. Thank you for sharing Colby's service with us.

NJ - Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:15 AM CDT
What a beautiful tribute to your son. I couldn't help but cry reading the entry. Blessings to your family.
Cindy Wright - Tennessee
- Thursday, June 19, 2003 7:48 AM CDT
Colby is smiling down on your graceful strength & love you are shareing w/ all at this most difficult time of incredible loss. You are teaching us all. We pray for continued strength & peace to you all.
God Bless & Keep You in the Palm of His Hand,

- Thursday, June 19, 2003 7:09 AM CDT
So glad you could find it in your heart to update about the funeral for those of us that couldn't be there. It must have been so hard. I thought of you all last weekend and I check the site daily to see if you will still write. I think about poor Cameron and how overwhelming this all must be for him. God picked THE best family to have Colby for that short time. Take care.

Love, Deirdre
- Thursday, June 19, 2003 7:09 AM CDT
Cole family
Colby's smile is absolutely the greatest!
Praying for your family. Many prayers for Cameron too.
We never knew Colby personally, but after praying for him for so many months-there's been many tears shed at our house. Easton (who is 4) kept asking when Colby was going to be well and he'd get to meet him.

Sue and Easton
Dell, MT - Thursday, June 19, 2003 0:29 AM CDT

DUNBAR, PA USA - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:47 PM CDT
I´m so sorry for the lost of your little smiling angel Colby! I´m sure he´s now sitting on a fluffy cloud watching down on you and he´ll be so proud of his strong and wonderful family! My prays are with you all..
Hugs, Angel Susanne
Wings of Hope Committee
Simply Enchanting Angels

AngelSusanne <>
Simrishamn, Skane Sweden - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:22 PM CDT
I heard of your story from Monica Paquette's site. I am so very sorry for your loss. What a BEAUTIFUL little boy. The funeral sounded like a wonderful tribute. We feel your pain...we lost our 15 month old son to SIDS/SUDC in February. I know they are looking down on us from heaven. It sounds like you've got a lot of support but if you ever want to connect with another grieving parent, I am here for you.
Tami Gove <>
Littleton, CO USA - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:18 PM CDT
Laura, Jack and Cam-Man:

Thank you for allowing me to know Colby and your family. As I told you Laura, Colby inspired me to go back to school. I have been very busy with work and school, but Colby and You have never left my thoughts or heart. I have a picture of Colby and my nephew Anthony on my mantle near an Angel candle, which I burn each night. I also have a picture of Colby on my fridge. Colby is everywhere, like God. He is an eternal part of my heart. We may not see Colby, but we will always feel him around us. He will always be my inspiration to do better and to never give up. May God continue to bless your family. Cam-Man you are one of the best brothers I know. Colby and You are so lucky:):):)!

Gina Robinson <>
Forest Hills, PA Allegheny - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:45 PM CDT
Angel Colby:

Thank you for inspiring me to go back to school. I want you to know that I did very well this past Spring semester. Although I can't see you right now, I will hold you in my heart always and forever. Thanks for making me laugh and for the fun. Don't forget about the Max Kieble movie and your tatoos.

I dreamt of you the other was a beautiful dream. You were giggling and running around. Come visit me again.


Gina Robinson <>
Forest Hills, PA Allegheny - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:38 PM CDT
Psalms 62:11
Hello Cole Family,
I thank you so much for the update. For sharing Colbys funeral with us. I wish I could of been there.
Colby will live forever in the hearts of many.
I see where Colby got all his strength from.
The saying in the guest book - - strong like bull will live on forever in all of you.
Angel Colby will be watching over you always.
Cameron you da little man now. Colby will give you the strengh to carry on.
Stay strong Cole Family.
I am Praying for you Always
Forever in my thoughts.
May God Be With You Always
I had company when I got home from work. That is why I am so late tonight. Way past my bedtime but just couldn't go to bed without checking in on YOU first.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 8:48 PM CDT
Thank you so much for the update, as I am sure is was quite difficult to do. Colby has blessed all of us.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 7:45 PM CDT
To the Cole family and Jess Z.:
We are so sorry to hear of the loss of Colby. Although we have never met him or your family, we have heard many stories from his cousin Jessica who loved him very much. I have read the journal entries over the past few months and have seen what amazing and wonderful parents you are. Both of us are praying for your family as you deal with the loss of such a special and loving child. God and Colby will always be at your side especially when you feel the saddest.

Sarah and Jimmy
Wheeling, WV - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 7:38 PM CDT
What a beautiful journal entry today. Thank you so much for allowing us all to be a part of your family through Colby.
When he took your heart with him..please know that he took a piece of ours too.
We look forward to many silly Colby stories...
remembering his "endless mile" forever and ever and ever....
Kim & Karl Kruppenbacher..and family

- Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:53 PM CDT


CONNELLSVILLE, PA - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:35 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing the funeral and memorial service with those of us that were unable to be there. You are in my thoughts and prayers often. My heart still has not healed from the loss of Colby, I know I never knew him personally, but I just loved him so.
Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:16 PM CDT
I didn't know Colby, but your entry broke my heart today. He was and still is a beautiful child. I will learn from your courage.
Santa Clarita, CA USA - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 5:58 PM CDT
Laura, Jack, and Cameron,
Just a quick note to let you know I'm thinking of you. And a hello to Angel Colby, watching over you.
Always in my thoughts and prayers,

Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 5:50 PM CDT
Jack Laura and Cameron.

Your family has become a part of my daily life as I have been following Colby's journey via the web for some time now. I want to express how deeply sorry I am that Colby is no longer with us, he was a very special, very loving and loved little boy who has touched so many, many people. Some he knew, many like me he didn't know. He is now in heaven and hopefully has met and become friends with my son Angel who passed away May of 2001. I was certain that God would heal Colbys body, I was sure he would make it. He was such a little sweetheart, happy, very, very happy. He loved life, every minute, even with all he had been thru he smiled. God bless his soul, I know my Angel was waiting for him. I pray every day for those children that are still with us and for those who have gone. I never met him, but I loved him. Sending wishes and prayers for peace. Susan

Susan Hubley <>
Timberlea, NS Canada - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 4:52 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, Cameron,family and friends of Angel Colby - I, too, am drawn back to this site - to see what others have written and to watch Colby smiling at all of us from heaven. I took a ride through the cemetery on Monday evening and I was not alone. Friends were checking in on Colby - and I guess he was checking us out! I will stop by to see you in the next few days. I hope that all of these outpourings of love, prayers, sympathy and hope with give you comfort,that God's mercy and love will ease your pray, and that the empty space will soon be filled with love overflowing from Colby's heart to yours - and from yours to the world. Thanks be to God for unending love and eternal life. Grace, peace and love to you all -
Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell and family <>
Jeannette, PA - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 4:01 PM CDT
To the Cole Family,
I just can't seem to stop thinking about the loss of your precious son COLBY! I know he is pain and cancer free in heaven, sharing his beautiful smile with all of God's angels. Thank you for sharing Colby with us though your website. I can't imagine the pain and grief you must be going through, but always remember there are friends all over the world who love Colby. He's looking down from heaven and I know when we look upward, he sees all the people who love him so very much. May God Bless you all and keep you safe. We love you all................

Kathryn C.
Uniontown, PA. - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 1:44 PM CDT
keeping you close in my thoughts and prayers. May you find peace each and every day.
Lynn <>
- Wednesday, June 18, 2003 12:58 AM CDT
Laura, Jack, Cameron and Angel Colby,

On our minds constantly and forever in our hearts.


Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:58 AM CDT
I just want you to know that I've been thinking about you and Colby. I keep all of you in my prayers.

Maureen Mulvey <>
Chestern, NY United States - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:49 AM CDT
Laura, Jack and Cameron, I think I have been on here everyday for a week not knowing what to say. I realized that nothing I could say would make you all feel any better, but I had to let you all know that I am thinking of all of you and Colby allways. I am so sorry that I missed the service for Colby however I did look up and wave to the most wonderfull angel there will ever be. Love allways
fayette city, pa usa - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:42 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you all, you all have touched my life and heart so very much. Colby's smile is truly amazing and so contagious! I only hope that when I become a parent I can be as strong as you both have been.

God Bless!

Stephanie French <>
Fredericksburg, VA USA - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:19 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Although I just read Colby's journal today for the first time I feel as if I was blessed to have met an angel. God bless you all
Lori <>
Fayetteville, NC - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 8:09 AM CDT
Reading the guestbook entries on your page is just unbelievabel-Colby has touched so many lives, and everyone is faithfully keeping your family in their prayers. The poems and the songs sent are absolutely beautiful, and beautiful words certainly describe your beautiful angel. He is greatly missed by so many(I never even had the priveledge of meeting him and I miss him!!:))
Wash.Twp., NJ - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 8:08 AM CDT

Fly, fly little wing,
Fly beyond imagining,
The softest cloud, the whitest dove,
Upon the wind of Heaven's love,
Past the planets and the stars,
Leave this lonely world of ours,
Escape the sorrow and the pain,
And fly again.

Fly, fly precious one,
Your endless journey has begun,
Take your gentle happiness,
Far too beautiful for this,
Cross over to the other shore,
There is peace forevermore,
But hold this memory bittersweet,
Until we meet.

Fly, fly do not fear,
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear,
Your heart is pure, your soul is free,
Be on your way, don't wait for me,
Above the universe you'll climb,
On beyond the hands of time,
The moon will rise, the sun will set,
But I won't forget.

Fly, fly little wing,
Fly where only angels sing,
Fly away, the time is right,
Go now, find the light...

-Celine Dion

Angel Colby James Cole, fly high precious one...we will all see you in time...wait for us wherever you are...we know you are at peace now forever and ever...miss you and love you!!!


Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 11:47 PM CDT
I don't feel worthy to sign this but wanted you to know we are praying for your family and thinking of you daily.
The Kalmakoff Family - Bill, Sandy, Emily and Hallie
Woodruff, WI USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:19 PM CDT
Thinking of you today and always. We love you!
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

jamie velosky <>
new salem, pa - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:05 PM CDT
Thinking of you.... laura
- Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:38 PM CDT
Praying that you find peace and comfort in each other at this sorrowful time. God bless,
The Commish
Rock Hill, SC - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:26 PM CDT
Beautiful entry Dana! :)
Jack it was great to see you today.
I should be lifting your spirits, but instead
you lifted mine... remember we are not far.
You ALL are in our hearts.
We shall always be "Forever Loving Colby".
We love you,

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:18 PM CDT

"To Where You Are"

Who can say for certain
Maybe you're still here
I feel you all around me
Your memories so clear

Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're still an inspiration
Can it be (?)
That you are mine
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above

Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isn't faith believing
All power can't be seen

As my heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
'Cause you are mine
Forever love
Watching me from up above

And I believe
That angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave

Fly me up
To where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile
To know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

I know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

Dana Big Hair Doctor~~~Love you Colby James
- Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:44 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura and Cameron,

I am sitting here tonight just wondering what your greatest memory of Colby is. I am sure you are flooded with moments that you will cherish forever. Giggles under the covers, a beautiful smile after tears, sweetly sleeping as you hear and feel a heartbeat, hysterical moments of truth told by a five-year old, etc. Thank you for sharing your life with him, with me.

God is with you and so is precious Colby. The saving grace is that Colby has NOTHING but laughter, smiles, warmth and everything he has ever needed in our human world. What was his favorite thing to do? I am positive he is doing it right now and entertaining those around him!

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:45 PM CDT
Good Evening Cole Family,
Just got home thought I would check in here first.
2Peter 3:8
Was wondering about you all day.
I went to Joan this afternoon and said: You know Joan I feel at peace with Colby now and she said she felt the same way. I feel ok that he is an Angel now. Just came over me at work. Thought I would share that with you. I feel the visit with Colby yesterday gave me this feeling.
I am praying you are hanging in there. I know how rough it is. Greif is a process that you go through at your very own pace. Not everyone will greive the same as each of you will.
Please if there is anything call on me I am here for you.
Take Care Cole Family. I am praying for you always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:32 PM CDT
Continuing to pray for all of you during this difficult time.
Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 6:40 PM CDT
The picture on the front page is "awesome". Oh what a is one I will never forget. Just wanted to let you know I'm always praying and holding you close in my heart. ARE my HERO!!

Sent with big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 4:12 PM CDT
Jack, Laura and Cameron,
I keep finding myself getting onto the internet and coming to Colby's page. I guess I just want to see his amazing smile and the many people sending you their love and prayers. Sending our love, prayers, and support to you, too.

Todd, Meg, and Parker <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 4:09 PM CDT
I am just totally amazed and inspired by the amount of love and support you all have toward one another and with God. I know I am not alone by saying that you are two of the most amazing Parents in this world!!!! Colby and Cameron are truly blessed and so fortunate to be surrounded by so much love every minute of the day. God bless you and your beautiful family! xoxoxoxoxoxo
Patrice Marie Campbell Baranowski
Chalk Hill, Pa USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 2:14 PM CDT
Thinking of you today, and praying for God to help you through this very difficult time. Always remember, Amazing Colby will always live on in your heart. He is no longer suffering or in pain. He is HAPPY and CANCER FREE! May God wrap His loving arms around you and comfort you as only He can do.
Ed, Robin and Rebeccal
Dunbar, PA USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 1:21 PM CDT
Dear Laura, Jack, Cameron and ^i^ Colby,
You all are in my thoughts and prayers. I always used to say "passed away"...until my Mom passed in '95. I was with her as she passed, and (this may sound strange), if death could be perfect, it was. That is how I know that we don't pass away, but...PASS ON.

Nancy Dumas
Bonney Lake, WA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 12:48 AM CDT
Praying for your family, as you begin this horrible journey of grief. God bless
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Tuesday, June 17, 2003 12:29 AM CDT
Stood By Your Bed

I stood by your bed last night,
I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying,
you found it hard to sleep.

I sang to you softly
as you brushed away a tear.
"It's me, I haven't left you,
I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."

I was close to you at breakfast
I watched you pour the tea.
You were thinking of the many times
your hands reached down to me.

I was with you at my grave today,
you tend it with such care.
I want to reassure you,
that I'm not lying there.

I walked with you towards the house,
as you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my hands on you,
I smiled and said, "It's me."

You looked so very tired,
and sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know,
that I was standing there.

It's possible for me to be
so near you every day.
To say to you with certainty,
"I never went away."

You sat there very quietly,
then smiled, I think you knew...
in the stillness of that evening,
I was very close to you.

The day is over...
I smile and watch you yawning.
and say, " Goodnight, God Bless,
I'll see you in the morning."

And when the time is right
for you to cross the brief divide.
I'll rush across to greet you
and we'll stand side-by-side.

I have so many things to show you,
there's so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out...
then come home to be with me.

Author Unknown

Thinking of your family...
God bless you!

Buena Park, CA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 11:17 AM CDT
Jack, Laura, Cameron & Amazing Angel Colby...just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you!
Kathy <>
Whitehall, OH - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:53 AM CDT
thinking of you today. Make sure you are taking care of yourselves.
Lynn <>
- Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:16 AM CDT
Dear sweet Angel Colby,
Gosh, I miss you sooooooo much. I hope you know how loved you are and will always be. You have touched so many lives. I wish you were still here with us, but we your body wouldn't allow it. I know you held on to make sure all that you love were safe and cared for...they are. Cameron is such a brave boy...just like you. You live in him and I promise you he will take great care of Mommy and Daddy. Mommy and Daddy have been so strong. They are celebrating you being cancer free. They miss you so much, but always put you first. They will take this hurt and heart ache just to know YOU no longer hurt. They have taught the world the meaning of unconditional love. Stuart and I took the boys tonight to ride a rollercoaster and I know you were riding with us. We can't quite understand why children get sick and why they must go home to God so young, but I know I have touched an Angel. I know you will watch over Zackie...he will be safe under your care. I bet God is amazed at how fast you took over ruling the Heavens. He has a great new side kick. We miss you and love you so much. Til we meet again...
Love you forever and ever and ever,
Dana Big Hair

Dana Big Hair "not a doctor" Doctor
- Tuesday, June 17, 2003 0:55 AM CDT
Those we love are never really lost to us--
we feel them in so many special ways--
through friends they always cared about
and dreams they left behind,
in beauty that they added to our days...
in words of wisdom we still carry with us
and memories that never will be gone...
Those we love
are never really lost to us--
for everywhere their special love lives on.

Angel of the Forest, Simply Enchanting Angels ( <>
- Monday, June 16, 2003 11:11 PM CDT
I am so sorry for what your family is going through. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Tammy Stamper ( code_blue_mims) <>
Peru, IN USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 10:41 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, Cameron, and angel Colby,
An 8 year-old boy explained God this way and I would like to share it with your family.
One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die, so there will be enough people to take care of things on earth. He doesn't make grown-ups, just babies. I think because they are smaller and easier to make. That way He doesn't have to take up His valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to mothers and fathers.
God's second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at times beside bedtime. God doesn't have to listen to the radio or TV because of this.
God sees everything and hears everything and is everywhere which keeps Him pretty busy. So you shouldn't go wasting His time by going over your Mom and Dad's head asking for something they said you couldn't have.
Atheists are people who don't believe in God. I don't think there are any in Sioux Falls. At least there aren't any who come to our church.
Jesus is God's Son. He used to do all the hard work like walking on water and performing miracles and people finally got tired of Him preaching to them and they crucified Him.
But He was good and kind, like His Father and He told His Father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said "O.K."
His Dad (God) appreciated everything that He had done and all His hard work on earth so He told Him He didn't have to go out on the road anymore. He could stay in heaven. So He did. And now He helps His Dad out by listening to prayers and seeing things which are important for God to take care of and which ones He can take care of Himself without having to bother God. Like a secretary, only more important.
You can pray anytime you want and they are sure to help you because They got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the time.
You should always go to church on Sunday because it makes God happy, and if ther's anybody you want to make happy, it's God. Don's skip church to do something you think will be more fun like going to the beach. This is wrong. And besides the sun doesn't come out at the beach until noon anyway.
If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely, because your parents can't go everywhere with you, like to camp, but God can.
It is good to know He's around you when you're scared in the dark or when you can;t swim and get thrown into real deep water by big kids. shouldn't just always think of what God can do for you. I figure God put me here and He can take me back anytime He pleases. And...that's why I believe in God!!
God Bless all of you now and forever.
Love in Christ,

Jerrri and Kaden <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 10:08 PM CDT
My heart goes out to your family. The loss of a child is a very, very sad time. Six months ago my precious G-daughter left us after suffering from spinal muscular atrophy. she was 17 months old. Look for strength from each other and your family and friends. Remember the good times you had. God bless your family
Simply Enchanting Angels

Angel Saria <>
SHATTUCK, OK - Monday, June 16, 2003 9:38 PM CDT
Colby...did you like your balloons? I picked out so many pretty colors. I helped mommy write the messages to you. I saw you waving as I watched the balloons fly higher and higher.
conor ford <>
calgary, ab canada - Monday, June 16, 2003 8:39 PM CDT
Dearest Jack, Laura & Cameron,
Just here to let the most wonderful people know that I am thinking of you...I know yesterday must have been the hardest most difficult day of your lives, but I also know that somewhere, deep down in your heart, you are at ease knowing that it was best for dear Colby and that God had to take him to heal him as he was just too beautiful for us here. Well until my finals are over on Thursday, you have all my love and prayers till then...and then I will be BACK :) God bless all of you who will forever be dear to my heart...

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

All my love,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Monday, June 16, 2003 8:35 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura and Cameron,

I keep searching my Bible and I keep praying to find a way to tell you how much I care and how I want to say something to give you even 60 seconds of relief from your pain. Honestly, I do not know what to write. I do want you to know that I feel so blessed to have met Colby.

Here is a poem I found that warmed my heart – I pray it does the same for you:

If You Could See Me Now

I know that you are heartbroken
and sad that I am gone.
But I am in Heaven now, Momma,
and I've never once been left alone.

Oh I wish you could see me now.
Heaven is a beautiful place to be.
Jesus is the light that shines here.
And He walks daily with me.

Oh, the skies are never gray here.
And it never ever rains.
And, although I know you still feel it...
Up here, there is no pain.

Angels are always singing for me.
Their voices are beautiful and clear.
I am in the presence of loved ones.
And Momma, I haven't seen one tear!

I know that you are hurting for me.
And I can't make your pain disappear.
But if you could see me now, you'd know
I am happy in Heaven
and I still love you from here!

Kaye Des'Ormeaux

God Bless you and keep you in His care,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, June 16, 2003 7:44 PM CDT
Day 5
Job 2:9, 13;15

My Dearest Cole Family. You are forever in my thoughts. Praying for you always.
Jack I am so pleased to have finally met you. You are the very best dad Colby could ever have. You are truely amazing.
I really enjoyed my visit at the gravesite. I will be going back again real soon.
Laura HUGS to you friend. You are simply the best.
Cameron You will have to take on the whole load now little guy. Keep mommy and daddy busy.
Jack thanks for the chat. I really enjoyed listening to you talk of Colby. Maybe some day we will meet there again. I will definetly be back to visit with Colby. Who knows Laura maybe you will be there when I go visit next time. Don't know exactly when but I sure will go.
I'm sorry I didn't get to see you at the funeral home. I went straight from work saturday around 5. Spent about an hour there just talking with Colby and looking at all the beautiful flowers. AMAZING COLBY SIMPLY AMAZING.

Berneice <>
Masontown, PA USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 7:29 PM CDT
To The Cole Family:
My heart goes out to you in your loss. Angel Colby's smile touched so many and in that smile he lives on in our hearts. Next time you see one of those visible rays of sunshine, know that it is Colby smiling down on you from Heaven.
Angel Hugz,
Angel Kia
Simply Enchanting Angels

Angel Kia <>
AL USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 6:34 PM CDT
To the Cole Family and Friends,
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Words can not express how I felt when I read the news. I have been a faithful follower of Colby's page for the last 6 months, now. I never signed the guestbook, but have read every journal entry and said silent prayers. I watched the miracle that was performed on him by God. And my faith was tested when he relapsed, I kept coming back hoping and praying that his condition had improved. Actually it has, he's cancer free walking around Heaven all day. He is in a better place now. He is truly a soldier in the Lord's Army. We are all sadden and wondering why?? But we can not question God. It was his will and God's will must be done. The past couple of days I've been deeply sadden, not because of Colby's fate. Moreso, because I can't be there personally to offer comfort with my present, with a warm smile, and a gentle hug. I've grown to know your family through this site. I am glad that you all allowed me to get a chance to know Colby. He had such a bright smile and a charming personality. I know he'll be truly missed, but you will meet him again one day at the great coronation that's going to be held in the middle of the air. I hope this bring you guys comfort in knowing that you will see your precious son again. I copied this from another website and thought it was just beautiful.

Remember this every time you pass a penny:

I found a penny today
Just laying on the ground.
But it's not just a penny,
this little coin I've found.

Found pennies come from heaven,
that's what my Grandpa told me.
He said Angels toss them down.
Oh, how I loved that story.

He said when an Angel misses you,
they toss a penny down.
Sometimes just to cheer you up,
to make a smile out of your frown.

So, don't pass by that penny,
when you're feeling blue.
It may be a penny from heaven,
that an Angel's tossed to you.

Until you meet your precious son again.......

Shannon <>
Canton, Ms Madison - Monday, June 16, 2003 6:08 PM CDT
I am so sorry that Colby has lost his fight,at last though he can spread his angel wings & fly free from the cancer that so cruelly took him. I also have a little boy with a rare cancer, he is in remission. Everyday I visit many sites, I'm sorry I didn't get to colbys sooner. I will pray for you all to have the strength to carry on when times get rough. And I will send my prayers & a smile up to Colby & wish him luck on his great new adventure.
Take care

Sara joy < >
uk - Monday, June 16, 2003 5:31 PM CDT
Good Bye Colby. May God give you all much strentgh and courage as needed! Peace and Prayers, 4/J's
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
Jax , Fl USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 4:13 PM CDT
Hello To Colby's Family... i am so sorry for your loss my heart goes out to each and everyone of you,but he has the most Beautiful Smile on his handsome little face that you could ever see,he's with Jesus now,without pain,suffering,sorrow,he's looking down as everyone looks up and around,God has made him whole! and he is another Beautiful Flower at God's table,just remember he can't come to you..But remember this you can go to be with him. God says for you all to hold on to faith and trust and keep praying cause he always answers prayers,but it was just his time to go,where he wouldn't hurt anymore,God Bless each and everyone of you,You all will be in my prayers and thoughts... Angel Hugs From AngelWhisperingWind..from Simply Enchanting Angels "Wings Of Hope Committee"

AngelWhisperingWind <>
Ky USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 3:04 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, and Cameron, I've been thinking of you all, all day! I'm back in the classroom not teaching but as a student. The sun was shining and the breeze blowing through the tree outside, I'm sure it was because Colby was smiling and flying CANCER FREE! I understand the service was quite fitting and beautiful. Dad, (Vince) was so proud of you as you stepped up to speak, his words QUITE a DAD! I wish for you all comfort and peace, again you are wonderful parents and Forever Colby and Cameron's Mommy and Daddy! Thinking of you1
Pam (Grote) Howarth <>
Uniontown, Pa - Monday, June 16, 2003 3:02 PM CDT
I am very sorry to hear of your loss...know that you are thought of and prayed for to get thru this heartwrenching time. He is at peace now with the angels in heaven.
April Wallace
Forrest City, AR - Monday, June 16, 2003 2:10 PM CDT
Sincere sympathy to your family on the passing of Colby.
Words cannot express how this makes one feel.
Colby is now one of God's special Angels.
I am a friend of Conor Ford's family, our special boy here in Alberta.

Val Stolee
Edmonton, AB - Monday, June 16, 2003 2:07 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear of the sad loss of your Angel Colby, i'm sure he put up a brave fight and now is safe in God's Heaven free from all pain. Angel Tylers Mum SIMPLY ENCHANTING ANGELS
Angel Tylers Mum <>
Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom - Monday, June 16, 2003 1:43 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you & your family in my prayers. I know God will give you the strength you need to get through this time of grief. And remember Colby is no longer in any pain & isn't suffering any longer.
code_blue_dream_chaser AKA Lori S. <>
Deltona, Fl USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 12:42 AM CDT
Conor says "mommy, I think Colby is an angel flying in the clouds looking down and helping to make other little boys like me all better".

Kristy and Conor <>
Calgary, alberta canada - Monday, June 16, 2003 12:10 AM CDT
Dear Laura and Jack, Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you today.I am praying for God to provide you with continued strength. You are the most remarkable parents I have ever met. Your love for Cameron and Angel Colby is so inspiring .
- Monday, June 16, 2003 11:46 AM CDT
I am so very sorry for your loss.He is a beautiful angel now who's smile will never fade

Simply Enchanting Angels
Wings of Hope

iamyourangel <>
Falkirk, n/a Scotland - Monday, June 16, 2003 9:25 AM CDT
I am greatly saddened by your loss. My heart felt sympathy goes out to the entire family for there loss. I came across a poem i would like to share with you i am not the author but i wanted to share it on this saddened day.
Angel Lynn
Simply Enchanting Angels

To My Dearest Family:
Some things I’d like to say but first of all to let you know
that I arrived okay.
I’m writing this from Heaven where I dwell with God above
where there’s no more tears or saddness there is just eternal love.
Please do not be unhappy just because I’m out of sight
remember that I’m with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on Earth was through,
God picked me up and hugged me and He said I welcome you.
It’s good to have you back again you were missed while you were gone
as for your dearest family they’ll be here later on.
I need you here so badly as part of My big plan, there’s so much that we have
to do to help our mortal man.
Then God gave me a list of things He wished for me to do
and foremost on that list of mine is to watch and care for you.
And I will be beside you every day and week and year
and when you’re sad I’m standing there to wipe away the tear.
And when you lie in bed at night the days chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to you in the middle of the night
When you think of my life on Earth and all those loving years
because you’re only human, they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry it does relieve the pain
remember there would be no flowers unless there was some rain.
I wish that I could tell you of all that God has planned
but if I were to tell you you wouldn’t understand.
But one thing is for certain though my life on Earth is o’re.
I am closer to you now than I ever was before.
And to my very many friends trust God knows what is best
I’m still not far away from you, I’m just beyond the crest.
There are rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb
but together we can do it taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I’d like it for you too
that as you give unto the World so the World will give to you.
If you can help somebody who is in sorrow or in pain
then you can say to God at night my day was not in vain.
And now I am contented that my life it was worthwhile
knowing as I passed along the way I made somebody smile.
So if you meet somebody who is down and feeling low
just lend a hand to pick him up as on your way you go.
When you are walking down the street and you’ve got me on your mind,
I’m walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.
And when you feel the gentle breeze or the wind upon your face
that’s me giving you a great big hug or just a soft embrace.
And when it’s time for you to gofrom that body to be free
remember you’re not going you are coming here to me.
And I will always love you from that land way up above.
Will be in touch again soon
P.S. God sends His Love
Author: Ruth Ann

Angel Lynn <>
Stueben, ME USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 9:22 AM CDT
Jack, Laura, and Cameron:
Thank you for sharing Colby with us. Although we only knew him for a short time, he left us with a life-time of special memories. We will never forget what a tough little boxer he was on Halloween, the muddy quad ride with Kevin, and the Easter party. We will always remember Colby's endless smile and know he will always be watching over you. Thanks again.

Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Miller Farm, PA USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 7:53 AM CDT
Jack, Laura and Cameron, I'm sending you my deepest sympathy for the loss of little Colby. My heart goes out to you during this time. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Colby is an Angel in Heaven, wrapped in God's loving arms and looking down with that gorgeous smile with no pain or sickness. May God Bless and keep you! Hugs to you all.
Angel Greeneyes w/Simply Enchanting Angels <>
MS USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 7:51 AM CDT
My prayers are with you. May God wrap you up and hold you tight.
Cedar Falls, IA - Monday, June 16, 2003 7:41 AM CDT
My sincerest condolences to you. I just read on Colton's site about Colby and the tears just came. It breaks my heart each time I hear of another little one fighting such a battle, and even worse, succumbing to the illness. God bless you all, and although God has another angel now, I know you will always miss your son. You are in my prayers today and every day.
Kimberly Crisi <>
PA - Monday, June 16, 2003 7:30 AM CDT
Hi Colby,
We hope you enjoyed the "Aussie Things" whilst you had the pleasure of playing with them. Riley is currently undergoing very similar treatment that you were at the moment in regards to the DLI.

Hi Laura, Jack & Cameron!
Take care, we will talk to you again soon....Have a look at the "Aussie Things" when you get a chance and remember when you do, we are thinking of you too!

Lots of Love Craig, Denise & Riley Belcher

Craig Belcher <>
Brisbane, QLD Australia - Monday, June 16, 2003 7:15 AM CDT
thinking of today.
Lynn <>
- Monday, June 16, 2003 6:43 AM CDT
I know that Colby is in heaven and cancer free, but I know too that means he is not with his mommy and daddy, I have followed his and your journey over the internet, and even though we've never met, I hurt with you, I look forward to heaven, when I will get to meet you and Colby there. Find comfort in the Lord, for I know there is no other comfort that will help as much. My prayers and thoughts are with you, God bless you, Roger Fisher
Roger Fisher <>
Cartersville, GA USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 6:41 AM CDT
Jack, Laura and Cameron,

My name is Soft Angel Eyes, I am with Simply Enchanting Angels Wings of Hope Committee...I want you to know that I have just finished reading about your precious angel heart is breaking for you. You are in my thoughts and in my prayers. I pray you will be able to find some peace over the next few weeks and even months.

hugs to you all,
Soft Angel Eyes

Soft Angel Eyes <>
Powder Springs, Ga USA - Monday, June 16, 2003 3:05 AM CDT
Right now, I am in a debate about God and an afterlife, etc, the works. I told them to read Aizees page, then, to come here and read Colbys page. See, I never thought too much about my faith. I was raised a born again, etc, basically blew off religion. Until Aizee got sick. Basically, without faith, what else do you have to hold on to?
I know that you want your beautiful child here on earth with you. I get grouchy with God. He is going to have some explaining to do!
You are a strong family. I wish I knew what to say that could help. My e-mail is always open if you just want to rage. So many hugs and love to you! From us to you.

Cheryl <>
- Monday, June 16, 2003 1:11 AM CDT
To Colby's Loving Family,
God be with you and comfort you. Rejoice in the beautiful memories you have of Colby. Your family is strong in faith and love. Your journal entries have touched so many. Thank you for sharing Colby's story with us all.

Judy and John Hench <>
Lexington, NC - Monday, June 16, 2003 0:21 AM CDT
My Dear Little Colby,
I know your mom and dad are gonna be so happy someday when they see all the beautiful richness that surrounds you. I looked at your pictures and read some of your guests' notes and everyone is just so proud of you. You did such a good job here on earth and gave life your best, it is for that we will miss you so much. Our hearts break for your mom, dad, brother and all those who loved you so much but it is because you were just so special. You are so worthy of all honor and I know God has prepared a beautiful place just especially for you.

the family of Nathaniel
- Sunday, June 15, 2003 11:06 PM CDT
Hello. I have been visiting Colby's page for quite some time now, I just never knew what to say in the guestbook and right now it's no easier than it has ever been. I realize no words I could ever say are going to make this loss better, and I'll never be able to know exactly what you're going through unless I lose a child of my own, but I do know that just from reading your journal entries I gained so much from you. I was praying for your little boy each step of the way and I know right now he's looking down on you with that precious smile. You are so brave, and should be so proud. May God bless you with smiles, laughs, and memories each day. Keep the faith, God is good.

Someone who cares

- Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:33 PM CDT
The Cole family,
I have been a daily visitor to Colby's page over the past 6 ro 7 months. He was constantly in my prayers and know that your family will continue to be so!
Much Love,

Joanna <>
Auburn, AL - Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:24 PM CDT
^i^ ^i^ ^i^ ~Jack, Laura and Cameron~ ^i^ ^i^ ^i^

Thinking of you all today on this most difficult day of your lives..... Jack, you really are the best Daddy in the Whole, Wide World, you may rest assured that Colby knew that each and every day of his life. I know he is blowing you Angel kisses down today to wish you a Happy Father's Day. Laura, my heart is breaking for you, as well. I can only imagine the pain you must be feeling. Just know in your heart of hearts that you made Colby's time here on Earth as special as you could, each and every day that he was here. He couldn't have had a better family than he did. One day, you shall see him again............

Love, hugs, and tons of prayers,

Rhonda Hunley, Connor's Mommy
Connor's web page

Goodlettsville, TN
**God Bless the USA!** - Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:08 PM CDT
Jack and Laura,

Just wanted you to know that our thoughts are with you all and we will continue to pray for strength for you and your family and friends. I wanted to wish you a "Happy Father's Day", Jack, but couldn't get the words out. And then I was thinking about a few things this evening. I remembered Laura always writing about how "Amazing Colby" always did things in his own time and in his own way...and I also always found it so comforting that Jack signed his name -- Colby's daddy forever and ever. --And somehow, with those two thoughts in mind, I smiled as I thought of Colby's Memorial Service being on Father's Day. The "Amazing Colby" giving a message to his Daddy today--in his own way--that even though he is with God...Jack, you are his Daddy on this Father's Day and every day...forever and ever, and Laura--his Mother forever and ever. What an extraordinary boy and what extraordinary parents and beyond special brother. Jack, "thank you" so much for your special and touching words today. I'm not sure how you were able to get through those words--it would seem that Nick Cook was right--the Lord is certainly present in your life and in Laura's life. You are both such beautiful people through and through...

Our prayers remain with you...and our thoughts with Angel Colby,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Sunday, June 15, 2003 9:05 PM CDT
Happy Daddy's Day to "Colby and Cameron's Daddy Forever and ever and ever!"
Sending you all our prayers today and everyday.

- Sunday, June 15, 2003 8:02 PM CDT
Dearest Jack, Laura and Cameron,
Today was a day to be together.
Today you brought us peace, hope and smiles.
Today was (is) Father's day and Jack said the kindest of words...honoring all Father's who attended Colby's Day of Celebration. Amen.
Today we cried, we cried hard with aching hearts and we cried hard with touching thoughts and smiles.
Today was a day we had hoped would not come, ever.
But today is here and we gathered together to celebrate Colby's Life, with his family and friends and the world he taught so much to in 17 months.

The New Salem Presby Church shared, once again, the love for the Cole Family. A beautiful tribute to Colby and his family. Many words were shared from Rev.Marnie and Father Bill to help everyone understand that it is OK... God has taken our Sweet Colby into the BIG playground. We know he is resting pain-free and ready to watch over all of us...especially his Daddy, Mommy and Dear Little Brother Cameron.

Today as we drove from the church to Mt.Macrina, I looked up in to the sky and saw some sunshine peaking through. No doubt in my mind that Colby's smile was the gleem of hope.

As we drove closer an airplane circled an area, which from afar we knew it was for Colby. As we drove closer we could see that the banner read "Forever Loving Colby". I smiled and cried and shook my head. I should have known for he had his wings now and he could fly anywhere! :)
As we signed the balloons and released them to the heavens above, I looked up and once again waved to Colby. I had tears stream down my face but I was comforted knowing that it is now going to be OK.

Rays of sun, balloons that fly,
I will never forget the twinkle in his eye!
His smile was infectious, so big and so white,
We carry Sweet Colby with us both day and night.
We love you Colby James Cole,
You are forever in our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:31 PM CDT
To Colby's loving family: I too have been a silent vistor to Colby's page. I'm truly sorry to hear that he's left earth but happy to know he's an angel with God. We'll pray that God will comfort you during this heart breaking time.
Sending love from NC,
Diane, Bob, Christine, Sam, Joe & Shelby

Diane Dunn <>
Garner, NC - Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:16 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

May God be with all of you this day and wrap his loving arms around you.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:12 PM CDT
Dear Laura and Jack,
I am praying and crying for you today, as I know this has been a difficult day. My prayer is that Colby's life will be celebrated and that you will be surrounded and lifted up by God's people. Jack, my heart truly breaks for you this Father's Day, but I want you to know that I think you are just the best father Colby could have ever had. You will always be Colby's daddy forever and ever and Laura, the same for you, Colby's mommy forever and ever. Your precious Colby stole my heart months ago and his smile will never be forgotten. It is forever etched in my mind... what a beautiful child...and a even more... a beautiful angel.
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:11 PM CDT
To Colby's loving Family,
I want to extend my deepest condolences on your loss of your little angel man, Colby. I am sure GOD has your tiny angelman tucked safely in HIS loving arms and that COLBY's smile is as bright and beautiful as ever. My love, Prayers and sympathies to all who loved this sweet child of GOD. ((((Hugs))) GBU!
Southern Angel
Simply Enchanting Angels
Wings of Hope Committee

Southern Angel <>
Wade, Ms 39562 - Sunday, June 15, 2003 6:26 PM CDT
Laura & Jack
My deepest sympathies go out to you in this time. I am so sorry for your loss. You will be in my prayers and thoughts as you go through your loss. May god be with you!
Angel Alyssa
Simply Enchanting Wings of Hope

Angel Alyssa <>
Hallstead, Pa USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 6:05 PM CDT
Laura and Jack,

I am so sorry for your loss. Words aren't easy to find at a time like this. Colby is now in "The Lord's Army" and heading the helm as heaven's newest, brightest angel. His time on earth was short, but the love and difference he made will go on forever and forever. May God be with you and your loved ones and give you the strength you need to get through the best that you can.


Colby Is In The Lord's Army

I may never march in the infantry,
Ride in the cavalry,
Shoot the artillery.
I may never zoom o'er the enemy,
But I'm in the Lord's army. Yes, sir!

I'm in the Lord's army. Yes, sir!
I'm in the Lord's army. Yes, sir!

I may never march in the infantry,
Ride in the cavalry,
Shoot the artillery.
I may never zoom o'er the enemy,
But I'm in the Lord's army. Yes, sir!

Lynn <>
Ironton, OH - Sunday, June 15, 2003 3:49 PM CDT
Dear Laura, Jack and Cameron;
I have been following your website religiously for weeks now...months in fact. I was so saddened to see that wee Colby had passed away and have shed many tears over it. I am writing only to say that you and the struggle you have endured has proven to be an amazing example to so many. You don't know me personally and I don't know you other than through reading the inspirational messages that were expressed each and every time you posted a journal entry on Colby's progress. But please know this...for every person like me who posts in this guestbook, there are at least one hundred who read it in silence, not posting, but benefitting from your words, your experience and your enduring example of faith. You have touched so many; and now I will return to my place in the crowd of many, many silent observers who pray with you and for you, that you may have all of God's blessings and peace at this very difficult time. We weep right along with each of you. Thank you for sharing such a personal struggle as a glowing example of your fortitude and trust in God.

One of many Silent Friends
- Sunday, June 15, 2003 3:39 PM CDT
Wishin you peace today as you say goodbye to sweet Colby. God Bless †
Tom <>
Kill Devil Hills, NC - Sunday, June 15, 2003 2:47 PM CDT
Renee & family,
We are sorry to hear of your loss. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers.
Doug, Danielle and Kaitlyn Merryman

Danielle Merryman
Groton, CT USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 2:31 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear about Colby's death he was such a precious little boy and he is a precious little Angel in Heaven Colby is an Angel In Waiting for his family
once again my heart goes out to you and your family
Angel Nell
Simply Enchanting Angels
Wings Of Hope Committee

Angel Nell <>
- Sunday, June 15, 2003 2:12 PM CDT
Dear Laura and Jack,

I am so very, very sorry.

Colby is a saint. Yes, a saint in the Lord's Army. I trust fully that the good Lord gives these children who leave us too early a very special role in heaven.

They shall never come to us; rather, we shall some day go to them.

May your desire to some day join Colby and God's grace light your path. We know this is indeed the hardest trial that God allows.

Prayers for you,
The Paquettes: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Monica Paquette <>
Minneapolis, - Sunday, June 15, 2003 1:24 PM CDT
Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for you extra today knowing that this is one of the most, if not the most, difficult day you have ever had to face. Blessings to you guys and I promise to continue to keep in touch. You know where to find me---anytime, day or night.
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Sunday, June 15, 2003 1:02 PM CDT

Childrens Christmas Angel Simply Enchanting Angels / Wings of Hope <>
USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 12:39 AM CDT
To the Cole Family,
Hoping you find the peace and comfort you need in this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

God Bless,
Roobear Angel
Simply Enchanting Angels

Roobear Angel <>
TN - Sunday, June 15, 2003 11:53 AM CDT
To such an awesome DAD on this very special day.


God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad
Author unknown

Tracy Solomon
- Sunday, June 15, 2003 11:39 AM CDT
Jack, Laura, Cameron and ALL of Colby's friends and family,

My heart is with you on this most difficult day that you face! Please know that you are forever in my thoughts and prayers.

Colby, I sent you a big bouquet of balloons yesterday from the park!

As bittersweet as this day is, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to Cobly's daddy, forever and ever and ever and ever!!

Love, ((((HUGS)))), and prayers,

- Sunday, June 15, 2003 11:05 AM CDT
A letter to my Dearest Little Man Colby James Cole.
I don't know something just made me come here again today.
Maybe it was You Colby Cole. I am here little man. I am here.
You are an inspriation to everyone who knew you and you will never ever be forgotten.
Your mommy and daddy have you so warmly dressed. You look just beautiful in that little sweater you have on. O and that precious blanket you are wrapped in. So soft to the touch. Your hands are so soft as your hair too. I hope I didn't mess up you hair to much. Just had to rub your little head a bit. My hands in your hands while I chatted with you were so comforting. And all those precious flowers you have are so beautiful. The little firetruck,wagon,baseballs and gloves,bats,bears. Everything is just soooooo.
I will forever remember you COLBY COLE
When you meet up with My Charlene she will know you because I told Char all about you.
Soar Like An Angel Colby Soar Like An Angel

Charlenes mom Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:57 AM CDT
Thinking of you on this most difficult day. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Happy father's Day are one of the best father's in this world!

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:47 AM CDT
I hope your days ahead are full of warm memeories, family and friends, and glowing smiles like Colby's. In these hard times, find comfort in God.

Just look beyond today for blessings,
Look past the skies of somber grey,
And look beyond the trials and heartaches
When God will turn your night to day.

Dear one, just trust Him in the shadow.
He wants the very best for you.
He'll walk beside you in the valley,
His grace and love will see you through.

Just look beyond today for blessings.
In God's time He'll reveal to you
The many joys that are awaiting,
The joys He's chosen just for you.

So don't give up, keep on believing -
There's happiness ahead for you.
Soon God will turn your trials to triumph,
And skies again will shine bright blue.

Beverly J. Anderson

God Bless all of you. Love and Prayers for peace and happiness.

Danielle Mullen
Uniontown, PA USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:22 AM CDT

I just wanted to send you my deepest condolences about Colby. My heart ached for you all when I read about him. I will pray for you all to find peace in this hard time. Thank goodness that he is no longer in pain. May God bless your family. *hugs*

Angel Wings
from Simply Enchanting Angels

Angel Wings <>
Palm Springs, CA USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:14 AM CDT
Dearest Jack,
I just wanted to come by and wish you a VERY HAPPY FATHER'S DAY...I know today will be extremely bittersweet for you with your little boy in Heaven, but just think of that BIG party he's having for you up there!!! I can just imagine Colby and all the fun he is having for you...I know he would wish you a day filled with happiness, so I hope and pray that you are able to enjoy this special day with your beautiful family. Angel Colby and Cameron are SO lucky to have you as their really are one of the very best daddies out there!! No doubt about it :) You deserve this special day and everyday should be your special day...I also know today is Colby's memorial thoughts and prayers are with all of you and I am there with you in spirit. Please give angel Colby a kiss from me. Love you all!

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

Love always,

Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:08 AM CDT
Thinking of you today and wishing you peace and comfort from Heaven...

To Jack -Colby's daddy forever and ever -special prayers for you on this Father's Day.

Jacqueline <>
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Sunday, June 15, 2003 9:29 AM CDT
I cannot imagine your loss and pain, I will pray for you and your family.
Knowing that there is a new little angel in heaven certainly makes all the angels sing.

Colleen <>
Republic, PA Fayette - Sunday, June 15, 2003 9:27 AM CDT
Thinking of you all,
Kristy , Darren, Conor and Aidan Ford <>
Calgary, alberta canada - Sunday, June 15, 2003 9:19 AM CDT
Day4 Isaiah 55:8-9
This is a very tough day for you and I am praying very hard for you this day.
May God Be With You

Berneice <>
Masontown, PA USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 9:15 AM CDT
Dear Jack & Laura:

I am deeply sorry for your loss and applaud your faith and spirit. Having just met you Jack when you came to Masontown for a job quote, I was touched by your ability to relate this portion of your life's journey with your son to me with such depth, strength and love. Reading the paper just four days after meeting you, I was deeply saddened to learn of the loss of your precious son. Having reared two sons,I immediately identified to this immense undertaking that was charted for you and your wife. God be with you and your family and continue to give you strength and ensure peace now and always.

God bless you,
Maureen Fabbri

Maureen Fabbri <>
Masontown, Pa. USA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 8:29 AM CDT
Deepest sympathy to you.
terri <>
carnegie, pa WONDERFULUSA - Sunday, June 15, 2003 8:06 AM CDT
thinking of you and wishing you strength and peace.
Lynn <>
- Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:47 AM CDT
Thinking of you today, on this, the first Father's Day without your angel here on earth, but I know you are Colby's daddy forever and ever....Amen!

- Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:20 AM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura and Cameron,
While we are not blessed to have known you all, we would still like to tell you how very, very sorry we are to hear of the loss of your precious Colby. Be assured that I did indeed look Heavenward and waved a teary 'godspeed baby!' to beautiful Angel Colby. We are very comforted to know that Colby was not in pain and that he was able to awaken to let you all know how much he loved you:) I did not know until your final post, but I was blessed to share the same birthday with your special boy, February 14th! And what a sweetheart he was, one you will carry with you in your heart for all of time, until that glorious day,when you will all be together again in Heaven. With warmest wishes,

Tracey, Steve, Quinn and Callum Ager xoxox <>
Calgary, Ab, Canada, - Sunday, June 15, 2003 0:49 AM CDT
Jack and Laura,
I haven't been to the site for a while and for that I apologize. I just figured everything out tonight as I read posts from your friends. I used to check on so many kids on Caringbridge, but my heart just can't take the grief anymore. Colby has been in my prayers every day since the first day I saw his picture. I've noticed Jack signing onto other sites offering encouragement to other families. I know that nothing can take away your pain, except for prayers. That boy will be in your minds every day telling you about how great it is where he now lives. Don't let your faith be taken away....strive to get to where you know he is. Colby made a difference to me and I never even knew him.

- Saturday, June 14, 2003 11:43 PM CDT
Laura and Jack...You do not know me...But I attended Uniontown High School and I just graduated from there. We at UHS were blessed that we got to meet colby and do things to help you in you time of need. My thoughts,prayers, and condolences are with you right now...You are such great and strong people...God Bless You!
Nicole Chambers <>
Uniontown, PA US - Saturday, June 14, 2003 10:28 PM CDT
DearCole Family, I cannot express my feelings for how sadden myself and my family are over the loss of our little hero,Colby. Ihave never been touched by someone so much as I have Colby.Ilived in Markleysburg for years, then recently moved here to Cameron NC.I know Colby through one of his friends,Dillon Myers.I sure am glad that I was able to keep in contact with everything that has happened from the start through Colbys web page.All my thoughts and prayers are with you now and forever.Take care of yourselves and each other.Love Anita
Anita Sproul <>
Cameron, NC USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 10:27 PM CDT
Thinking of you all this weekend. I know all too well the many emotions that come along with a child's passing. I pray for peace and strength for you as you face tomorrow. God bless you.
Jackson's mom, Michelle <>
Clear Lake, WI - Saturday, June 14, 2003 10:14 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura & Cameron, I sit here today remembering a little boy who stared in awe at a helicopter he had seen so many times flying overhead. The giggles and belly laughs as he got to sit inside and play pilot. Most of all, I will always remember Colby's very infectious smile. I didn't get to see that smile as much as I would have liked to, but my/our thoughts were constantly with all of you. My heart aches for your loss, but rejoices in the knowledge that an angel is smiling down at us all saying... "Don't cry, I'm all better now". Please know that our prayers, and most loving wishes are with you.
Ed & Karen Pohodich <>
Perryopolis, PA USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 9:51 PM CDT
I really didnt know Colby but your story really touched my heart and I send you and your family my deepest sympathy and hope that all works out for you and your family in your time of grief. God Bless You And God Speed!
Duane Darst <>
Masontown, Pa Fayette - Saturday, June 14, 2003 8:23 PM CDT
you are in our thoughts. i know that you have heard repetitively that you have incredible strength and that you are are. but i am assuming that no amount of strength can make this any easier. i hope that you are able to take turns carrying eachother. and i know that your faith will carry you both.
riannon (jareds mom) <>
san leandro, ca - Saturday, June 14, 2003 7:47 PM CDT

~May it ease
your sadness a bit
to know that your
precious memories will
always be a bridge
between this world
and the next,
between your loved one
and you.~
Colby has touched our hearts so dearly!! and this is a sad, sad, day for so so many people!! Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you! We wish there was more that we could do!! Take Care!!

David and Karen Sala <>
Monongahela, Pa - Saturday, June 14, 2003 7:28 PM CDT
Dear Cole’s,

I cannot imagine how difficult this time is for you. We are praying for you to find peace and comfort knowing that your precious little boy is sitting at the feet of our Lord and Dear Savior. You took such good care of him and now it is his turn to take care of you and love you without pain.

Much Love,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 6:52 PM CDT
Jack, thank you so much for bringing Colby and Cameron into our lives and home. Laura, thanks for Halloween. The day you had both of them on your quad I really got to know them. We enjoyed the visit to our home. I can still remember Colby telling Cameron that my granddaughter Kari was his "dream come true". What a sense of humor! He had everyone laughing. That was the day they were very muddy. I can still hear them saying "wait till mommy sees us". We will miss him. He has a special place in our hearts and always will.
Joan Voytek
Miller Farm, - Saturday, June 14, 2003 6:30 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family- I'm sorry to hear about Colby's passing. We are going through the same situation with our 8 year old son, Joe. He has been battling ALL for 4 years. He relapsed one year after transplant and is not going in to a remission very easily this time ( this is his second relapse). We are trying immunotherapy (Combotox)- if that doesn't work we will bring him home. Just wanted you to know that we are sorry and thinking of you. Cathy Rossini
Cathy Rossini <>
IGH, MN - Saturday, June 14, 2003 4:10 PM CDT
Thinking of you, lifting you in prayer.

Smile Quilts
- Saturday, June 14, 2003 3:42 PM CDT
God Bless all of you...You are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

God Bless!!
The Rucker Family

Rushell, Shauna, Davin, & Tuesdey <>
Garland, TX USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 3:32 PM CDT
thinking of you, Laura
- Saturday, June 14, 2003 2:51 PM CDT
I'm very sorry to hear about your son. You don't know me...but my friend Arianne G. knows you. My prayers are with you.
Jamie <>
Uniontown, Pa USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 2:28 PM CDT
Dearest Laura, Jack, and Cameron

I am so sorry!!! Please know our Prayers are with you all.
Thank You for letting us into your lives and Colby into our hearts.

Chris Ullrich <,>
Hemingford, Ne USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 1:45 PM CDT
Dear Laura Jack and Cameron,
I really wish this wouldnt have happened so fast i know how sad it is to have a loved one die! I know i will miss Colby it was really upsetting to hear that this had happened i try to think of it as him being in a better place but it just doesnt seem to help. I really dont know how you have gotten through all of this because when i found out I cryed. And it was kinda embarassing because i was over my friends and we were reading the poems on the guestbook and i started crying and her sister and her were both saying it will be ok and i just didnt know what to say! But i will soon find out that it is better that he is in a better place and no longer suffering! I had some stuff about him in my profile on AOL messenger and everyone kept saying oo im so sorry and i said dont be sorry to me he wasnt my kid and they said well it must be hard having to know and having him die and i said yes it is real hard! BUT KEEP STRONG THROUGH THIS IT WILL BE OK! and i will wwill try to get through this too, but it will be hard for everyone! ALL MINE AND MY FAMILYS LOVE!!!!! WE LOVE YOU COLBY AND ALWAYS WILL! NO MATTER WHAT! WE KNOW YOU WILL BE LOOKING DOWN FORM HEAVEN!

Arianne <>
New Salem, PA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 12:58 AM CDT
hello, u dont know me, but im a friend of arianne gmutzas. i believe she was a friend of yours and colbys from your church. im around her age {13}, and although ive never met colby or anyone from his family, i coodnt help but be upset by his loss.i heard alot about him from arianne and her family. i'd just like to say that im very sorry about everything that has happened to him and his family. i hope you all are ok soon. ill make sure to look up and smile at colby every day! lots of love and support- kaylie m. harper
kaylie m. harper <>
waltersburg, PA USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 12:47 AM CDT
I am very sorry to hear about Colby.My thoughts are with you and your family.
Fairbank, PA Fayette - Saturday, June 14, 2003 12:13 AM CDT
To the Cole Family,
I've been reading every day about your dear son, COLBY, in your journal since an article appeared in the Herald Standard a couple months ago. God certainly blessed you with such a special and loving child as Colby. Although I never had the privilege of knowing Colby personally, I drew very close to him and your family through your website. My thoughts and prayers have always been with you all, especially at this difficult time. Colby is now one of God's special angels brightening heaven with his beautiful smile. May God Bless all of you at this time.

Kathryn C.
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 11:43 AM CDT

DUNBAR, PA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 11:40 AM CDT
Laura, we haven't seen you in years, but our hearts go out to you and your family. May God be with you and comfort you during this difficult time.
Joe and Mary Yakubec
Markleysburg, PA USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 11:33 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
My heart breaks hearing of the passing of Colby. What a brave warrior he was, fighting this battle no child should ever have to endure. Heaven has a new beautiful Angel and I will continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Saturday, June 14, 2003 11:28 AM CDT
Jack, Laura, & Cameron

My thoughts and prayers are with you through this hard time. Never doubt yourselves, you have done everything you could for your Little Angel Colby. I read the site daily, and became very close to Colby. I was so saddened to hear about his loss. I know God is taking good care of your Angel Colby. He is in a much better place now. Again, I am very sorry for your loss, and your family will always be in my prayers. I know one day you will be with him again!

Tampa, FL - Saturday, June 14, 2003 11:26 AM CDT
My deepest sympathy to the Coles family. My heart aches for your loss. Dana always talked about Colby's wonderful spirit. Surely, his spirit lives on in the hearts and minds of all who knew him. May you be comforted with memories of your beautiful boy.

And if I go
While you're still here
Know that I live on
Vibrating to a different measure
Behind a thin veil you
cannot see though.
You will not see me,
so you must have faith.
I wait for the time that we
can soar together again.
Both aware of one another.
Until then, live your life
to it's fullest.
And when you need me,
just whisper my name in your heart
I will be there.

(author unknown)

Laura Davis (Dana's sister)
Williamstown, NJ - Saturday, June 14, 2003 10:48 AM CDT
Dearest Jack, Laura & Cameron,
I'm thinking of all of you as I hop into bed tonight..I hope angel Colby comes and says hello to me in my dreams... I am praying for you and thinking of you more than you'll ever know...I'm sending all of you BIG, GIANT, WARM, LOVING, FRIENDLY, AUSSIE hugs from here...

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

Sweetest dreams,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Saturday, June 14, 2003 9:39 AM CDT
Our prayers go out to you and yours.
With tears in our eyes and love in our hearts.
Debra Cappitti & Family
Karen Ellsmore & Family
Parents-Billy J & Jean Miller (Aunt and Uncle)

Debra (Miller) Cappitti <>
Poland, Oh U.S.A. - Saturday, June 14, 2003 9:37 AM CDT
Jack, Laura and Cameron....

My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you all today.

^^Angel Colby^^, thank you so much for the beautiful sunshine here today. I am going to the park later and will send you a beautiful balloon!

Love and ((((HUGS))))

- Saturday, June 14, 2003 9:25 AM CDT
So sorry to hear of your loss. May God be with you and your family and give you all comfort.
Johnny & Monica Wyland & Family <>
Hopewell Twnsp, Pa usa - Saturday, June 14, 2003 9:10 AM CDT
God has a plan for Colby. He is a very bright shining star watching over you at night and the suns rays during the day.
Day 3: Galatians 6:2
My God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 8:27 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family

I have no words to express how sad I am for your loss. Your precious son is forever at peace, I hope you can find comfort in knowing that his is no longer suffering. I wish your family a lifetime of happiness as you remember all the wounderful memories that you are left with. God bless you all and God bless your little angel.

Brian ( Brittanys Dad ) <>
Tampa, Fl - Saturday, June 14, 2003 8:18 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family:
Remember, the moment Colby left his little tired body, he was in the arms of Jesus. This child has touched our lives profoundly and has enriched the love within all of us! Colby was a great gift to you. God bless.

Jamie Gardner <>
Grindstone, PA USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 8:09 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

Constantly thinking of Colby and Janie playing and having a
wonderful time exploring Heaven. Our angels are truly watching over us.

Dan-Janie's Dad
Vestavia Hills, Al - Saturday, June 14, 2003 7:50 AM CDT
Dear Jack & Laura & Cameron,
I am very sorry to hear of your lost. I know everything will be ok for you as long as you hold on to God.
We all know that colby is in a better place now without any suffering at all. Looking down at us smiling more than ever, Enjoying everlasting life with God & his angels above.
I'll continue to pray for your family always.
Your friend Wendell

Wendell Davis & son Nathan <>
Masontown, Pa US - Saturday, June 14, 2003 7:22 AM CDT
My deepest sympathy to the Cole family. Colby will be forever remembered.
Lana Crawford
Uniontown, Pa. - Saturday, June 14, 2003 7:18 AM CDT
Yesterday I sent an airballoon with many bright colors up to Angel Colby. I will always remember him as he was a great inspiration to all. I will see you tonight with my parents to comfort you.
Jill Zwick <>
Long Branch, NJ - Saturday, June 14, 2003 4:58 AM CDT
Dear Cole family,
I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful son. I know there are no words i can say that can ease your pain, i just wanted to let you know that my family and i are praying for all you everyday. I know that Colby is in Heaven now and watching over all of us. Take care and God bless you all,
Lauren Henderson

Lauren Henderson <>
ks USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 2:24 AM CDT
There are no words - rest assured he is at peace now - no longer in pain and with all our other angels. May God be with you and wrap his arms around you in peace and comfort.

to Glenn and our angels - "If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane - I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again

Lynne - loving wife of Glenn - now my guardian angel <>
Clayton, NC - Saturday, June 14, 2003 2:21 AM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura & Cam-man,
I was just thinking of the dream I had of Colby and Cameron over a month ago. Cameron told me that Colby was "all better now" and Colby just stood there with a knowing grin on his face....I keep running that dream over and over in my head...I've been thinking of all of you SO MUCH the past few days...praying for peace and comfort to be with each of you. I so wish I could be there for Colby's memorial service...but I will definitely be there in spirit. You guys hang in there...keep the tears falling but don't forget to keep the smiles smiling whenever you think of your precious angel. How lucky Heaven is to have another beautiful angel...

*Colby, visit me in my dreams again, cutie! You will always be PA's most handsome boy :)*

A million hugs & kisses,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Saturday, June 14, 2003 2:15 AM CDT
You will be lifted up in prayer by our family that God will grant you a supernatural peace. My words are inadequate but my prayers are sincere.
May God Bless You All,
In His Grip
The DeAndrea Family

Amanda DeAndrea <>
Tampa, FL - Saturday, June 14, 2003 1:33 AM CDT
Dear Cole family,
We are angels guiding us ...They look after us. They heal us, touch us, comfort us with invisible warm hands.. What will bring their help? Asking. Giving thanks. Colby is our angel sent to us. He has touched more lives than we can imagine. Dear Cole family. We are here for you. The gang from the Beach. Tom, Sarah, Erin, Logan,Colleen,Matt

Tom Vitz <>
Va Beach, Va - Friday, June 13, 2003 11:56 PM CDT
My Heart aches for all of you right now. I am praying as I write, your precious son is in our Lord's sight.Praise God for the Hope of Heaven and seeing our loved one's again.In Christ, A Prayer Warrior for all the children on Caringbridge.

Bonnie Prince <bjprince2>
wildwood , mo uaw - Friday, June 13, 2003 11:49 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. I have read your journal faithfully over the last 5 months but have never signed the guestbook before. You did everything you possibly could for Colby-don't ever doubt yourself. I could tell that he was very loved and had alot of family support. I will keep you in my prayers as I have over the last months.
Mary Anne
Pittsburgh, Pa - Friday, June 13, 2003 10:57 PM CDT
I am very sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you.

Nicky H

Nicole Hinnebusch
Piitsburgh PA, - Friday, June 13, 2003 10:54 PM CDT
Dear Laura
Our thoughts and prayers have been and will continue to be with you, Jack, Cameron and your families. May GOD be ever so present not only today but all the days to follow. Love from us, The Browns( Doug Marlene Joshua and Jessica )

marlene brown
smithfield, pa - Friday, June 13, 2003 10:36 PM CDT
I am at a loss for words over this news, my family's thoughts and prayers are with you always. Colby will be sorley missed and happily remembered. God bless
Vickie <>
Philadelphia, pa usa - Friday, June 13, 2003 10:36 PM CDT
May the Lord continue to strengthen and sustain your family in His loving embrace through this most difficult time.
Peggy S.
Fairview Heights, IL - Friday, June 13, 2003 10:30 PM CDT
I am very, very sorry about Colby.
DeAnna (Chase's mom, dx'ed 9-01 w/ an anaplastic astrocytoma) <>
Ga USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 9:52 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear about Colby's passing...My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends..
Tammy <>
VA - Friday, June 13, 2003 9:51 PM CDT
Thinking of you this evening and hoping you have strength in the days ahead.


We little knew that morning
That God was going to call your name.

In life we loved you dearly
In death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you
You did not go alone.

For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.

You left us precious memories
Your love is still our guide.

And though we cannot see you
You are always by our side.

Our family chain is broken
And nothing seems the same.

But as God calls us one by one
The chain will link again.

~NY~ USA!!! - Friday, June 13, 2003 9:22 PM CDT
Dear Jack & Family: My heart is breaking and words cannot express how sorry we are for your loss. I have been following all of you on the website and have always kept you in my thoughts and prayers. I was off the computer for a few days but somehow when I woke up yesterday, the world seemed different, somehow not as good as before...before I could check in, Mom called and told me of Colby's passing. I prayed hard and constant, hoping for a miracle in the form of a "cure". It was then I realized that we had all aready been given a miracle and it was Colby himself! The courage, love, and spirit he showed was well beyond his young years. His journey has touched so many, bringing back into perspective how important friends, family, and love should be in all our lives. You are truly blessed to be able to call him your son and he was truly blessed as well to have you as his family. The love, faith, & dedication to family you have shown is truly inspiring. I feel Colby was an angel here on earth as I now know he is in heaven. Keep him in your hearts always & take him with you wherever you go, until you can all be together again.
Wishing you strength & comfort and sending our thoughts and prayers.
LOVE, Cousin Dawny and Family in California

Dawn (Cole) Wagner <DWStingray>
Murrieta, CA USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 9:22 PM CDT
god bless your family is in my thoughts
lourie markus <>
allison, pa us - Friday, June 13, 2003 9:17 PM CDT
Jack, Laura & Cameron (and Colby who we hold close in our hearts),

I was saddened today when Pam told me about your loss. I can not imagine your grief, but I praise God that Colby is playing with Jesus and that I will one day meet your precious little boy. Our prayers are with you all. May God wrap His loving arms around you and comfort you with His love.

Matt, Cindy, Jordan and Angel Hatfield (Shanna's god-parents)
Sterling Heights, MI - Friday, June 13, 2003 9:16 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

There is nothing I have to say, but to tell you I feel love from the heaven above us, and all around us.

May God be with you and keep you in his care (along with Angel Colby).

Love and God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:52 PM CDT
to let you know that you are all in our thoughts.
Lynn, Patti and Aileen(CMC nursery)
- Friday, June 13, 2003 8:49 PM CDT
My sympathies to you all. I can not imagine your pain at this moment.

- Friday, June 13, 2003 8:41 PM CDT
Almost every site I have visited today is talking about Colby! What a special little boy. You must be so proud of him and that shows how special you have been as parents. Little Cameron is not forgotten. He seems like such an awesome little kid:) I am so sorry your family has been taken apart but I am sure someday you will all be happy together again with your dear Colby. I will be praying for you over these next few days. You are amazing people so you must just be leaning on God and your friends. Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Friday, June 13, 2003 8:40 PM CDT
WOW COLBY!! I am so amazed at the guest book entries that are being left for you and your Mommy, Daddy and Cameron. You have touched the hearts of so many, it's remarkable!! Even the "Cable Guy" was touched by you. I always knew from the first time I visited your site and saw your smiling face, that you were something special, but the outpouring of love is astounding. I continue to come back to your site and I must tell you...... you have touched me so much in the six months that I have followed your site. I will never forget your smile and the way you loved to play, play, play. Colby Cole you are in my heart forever and I will always treasure knowing you through your web site.

Laura and Jack,
I do not know where I printed this out from, but I found it today in a drawer and thought it was so appropriate to share with you at this time.
Someone once told me: the God who loves you is also the God who sees the end from the beginning. He knows what He is doing. Trust Him. What has begun as a heartache for you will ultimately result in overwhelming blessings because sorrow is the garden in which God grows our blessings.

Love in Christ,

Debbie Nagy <>
St. Louis, MO - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:37 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura and Cameron,
My deepest sympathy goes out to all of you. Colby is now with God where is at peace. He is in heaven with all of the angels and he is watching over all of you. His love with forever live on in all of your hearts. He was such a brave and loving little guy. He will always be remembered. God Bless you.

Melissa Faieta <>
Uniontown, pa usa - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:25 PM CDT
R.I.P. Colby Cole, you will always be loved but never forgotten!! Much love to the Cole family!!
Sara <>
- Friday, June 13, 2003 8:19 PM CDT
Praying for you forever.
Day 2 Greiving: Psalm 139:1,14,16

Greive when you are ready and never stop greiving until it is your time. Don't hide the tears and never ever stop greiving because someone says isn't it about time you pull your self together. Because to me there still isn't time to get it together. When you are ready and not until do not let anyone tell you anything about your grief. Take all the time you need til eternitey if that is what it takes. This is your special time and everyone greives in their own special way. Everyone is praying for you in the site I go to Greiving Parents of Angels. MSN Clubs.
Take Care Cole Family. I am thinking of you. You have my very deepest sympathy from deep in my heart.

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:16 PM CDT
To my friend Colby I will miss you a lot. I'll remember all the quad rides we had and Halloween. I'll look at the big blue sky and remember you always. Love you Colby!!
Love, Kevin Marmol
Uniontown, Pa - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:16 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura, and Cameron,
We send out our heartfelt sympathy in this great sorrow. Are hearts go out to you and our thoughts and prayers are with you all. God will help you and your little Angel Colby will be with you too. Your neighbors across the road.

Love Helen Pollick and Sharon and Bob Cochran
uniontown, pa - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:12 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura, and Cameron,
We are extremely sad that Colby is no longer with us here on earth. The first time we met Colby was when he was with Jack and Cameron on the quad. What a great trooper he was, he just came home from the hospital. He looked great, Colby talked with us a little, but he wanted to ride. Then came Halloween with the Miller Farm Gang. Oh, what a great day Colby made us all have, he made us laugh in so many ways. The little fighter in all so many ways, through sickness and health. We will always treasure that special day, especially Kevin. Easter time at Colby's party, what great day that was to just watch Colby's little face with all the other kids. It gave us a great feeling in our hearts. He touched so many lives. We will be praying for you all in this most difficult time. Take care MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!
Hope to talk to you soon. Your neighbors across the road.
We'll miss you Colby!!!

Love John, Cindy, Johnny, and Kevin Marmol <>
Uniontown, Pa - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:08 PM CDT
I didnt know you personally, but as i was reading your site daily, i became more closer to Colby. He is such a sweet and handsome little boy. I feel like i have an emptiness inside of me now. He is in a much better place, no more suffering or pain. *Fly high little Angel, you have earned your wings* You will be missed so dearly. My thoughts and prayers are with the Cole family through this hard time, God Bless!!!
Harrisburg, PA - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:04 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.
Shelby, MI - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:32 PM CDT
I went to 2 blood drives you had in Colby's honor. I know he is now a wonderful angel! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, and all who knew your son. God be with you.
Stephanie Conchilla <>
Oliver , Pa. USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:27 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura, and Cameron,
I would like to express our deepest sympathy to all of you, I can not say that I know what you are going through. I never had the chance to meet all of you, however Laura you work with my husband Scott and I felt that I have always known you. I would like to tell you that you and your entire family are in our family prayers not just mine SCotts and Scotty's but in our extended family as well. Colby is so Handsome and now at peace. May GOD be with you all and help you through this sorrowful time. I now know when I look into HEAVEN that Colby is smiling down on all of us. Cameron you will always have Colby as your Guardian ANgel. I really don't know what else to say because there are no words that can ease your pain that you are feeling. All I can say is GOD BLESS YOU AND BE WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TODAY TOMARROW AND FOREVER. With our deepest sympathy, Tina Scott & Scotty Dills

Tina, Scott, and Scotty Dills <>
Uniontown, Pa USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:14 PM CDT
"Death of a Child" by Sandy Eakle

Sorry I didn't get to stay,
To laugh and run and play.
To be there by your side.
I'm sorry that I had to die.

God sent me down to be with you,
To make your loving heart anew.
To help you look up and see
Both God and little me.

Mommy, I wish I could stay,
Just like I heard you pray.
But all the angels did cry,
When they told little me goodbye.

God didn't take me 'cause he's mad,
He didn't send me to make you sad,
But to give us both a chance to be,
A love so precious, don't you see?

Up here no troubles do I see,
And the pretty angels sing to me.
The streets of gold is where I play,
And you'll come here too, Mommy, someday.

Until the day you join me here,
I'll love you Mommy dear.
Each breeze you feel and see,
Brings love and a kiss from me.

Dear Laura, Jack and Cameron,
There's nothing more precious on earth than the love between a mother and her child.
I found this poem on the internet and I hope it can bring you some comfort. Colby was such a brave little boy who fought a long hard battle til he could fight no more. His strength and spirit will live on in our hearts forever. He was so lucky to have such a loving, strong and supportive family. I am so sorry for your loss. No child should ever have to suffer as Colby did, and no family should ever have to go through what you all are going through right now. Please know that you will all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers in the difficult times ahead.
Your precious son is no longer in pain, no more tubes or nasty meds. Just an eternity of playtime with all the other angel children who were taken from their families way too soon.
My deepest condolences are with you.

Jenny Sterner <>
Colts Neck, NJ - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:09 PM CDT
I worked at Laurel Pediatrics when Colby was a patient there. I remember that his hair was so long and we all could not get over how handsome he was. I kept up with the articles about him over the months and told family and friends about this little guy. It made me sad today to realize that he is no longer here to make people smile and to enjoy the things someone his age does. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. My condolences to you. May god keep you in his thoughts and know that we all now have a special little angel watching over us. God bless you, Colby, you will be missed.
Karen Hull <>
Fairbank, PA USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:08 PM CDT
Just wanted you to know that so many share in your sadness. Colby touched so many people & I'm very grateful to have been one of them. Your family will stay in my prayers.
Tammy Cowell <>
S. Connellsville, PA - Friday, June 13, 2003 6:41 PM CDT
I am terribly sorry for your loss. May God bless & help you through the days to come.
Peru, IN USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 6:26 PM CDT
Oh how sad I was to read about your little fellow, I've often thought about him since I first saw him when I was there to work on your cable! Evertime I'm out working near I will always think of the little guy!
Brian Geller {The Cable Guy from Charter ) <>
Uniontown, Pa USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 5:32 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

I remember watching tv and reading the local newspaper on how such a wonderful child had brighten up fayette county. It wasnt just a illness, it was a little man who gave spirit and soul to so many people. He fought and struggled through his short time on earth but never gave up. From our views, Jack and Laura Cole, you two are wonderful parents who made a wonderful and stable environment for little Colby to take adventure in. You showed him all the love in the world. Little Colby touched so many lives and will be remembered by all. Our deepest sympathy.

Skochelak, Giachetti and Collins Family <>
McClellandtown RT 21, PA 15458 - Friday, June 13, 2003 5:12 PM CDT
My prayers are with you sad that so many must suffer with this disease...please know you are in my thoughts.
Lori Wightman
Canada - Friday, June 13, 2003 5:02 PM CDT
I just wanted you to know that I was always keeping updated on Colby through your web site, even though I did not know him personally, I was very touched by his story, he was a very strong and courageous little boys, my prayers are with you all, God bless you all.
Beth Smith <>
Fairchance, PA United States - Friday, June 13, 2003 4:30 PM CDT
The sun was in and out all day today. Whenever it was out, I looked at the sky and knew it was Amazing Colby.................
Ginger D'Amico <>
Baltimore, MD - Friday, June 13, 2003 4:28 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
My heart just aches for you endlessly.
All I could think of today was all of you.
You are going through so much at this time.
God Will Be With You Every Step Of The Way.
Colbys endless smile will live forever in the hearts of everyone around the world.
You became a family to everyone that came to know Colbys site.
Colby will live in the hearts of many people through the tough times he suffered and the good times and now and forever.
Colby James Cole Has Earned His Angel Wings.
He is looking down on you.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 4:27 PM CDT
I am so very sorry to see that Colby has left his home here on earth with you. I cant even begin to imagine your pain and grief. I can only pray that God will give you the same courage and strength that you have shown in the many months that I have followed your journey. Please know that I am praying for you daily as you endure the diffucult days ahead. God bless you and keep you. Love Treys Aunt Kathy
KW <>
garner, nc - Friday, June 13, 2003 4:01 PM CDT
I would like for you to know. I AM Sorry for the lost of your family member Cole. May God heal your hearts and know that we have you in our thoughts and prayers.
christine spackman <>
connellsville, pa usa - Friday, June 13, 2003 3:46 PM CDT
Our church, the Vanderbilt Church of Christ, has had Colby and your family on our prayer list since we saw his first article in the newspaper. Our condolences on your loss. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.
Anita Giles <>
Vanderbilt, PA USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 3:45 PM CDT
I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers.
Hold tight to each other and know that Colby is watching over you...


- Friday, June 13, 2003 3:34 PM CDT
Cole family,
Our hearts ache for you.
Colby was so blessed to be loved by so many people!

Sue and Easton
Dell, MT - Friday, June 13, 2003 3:23 PM CDT
Your whole family continues to be in our prayers. Please know that we are with you in spirit as you go through the unbearable motions of this weekend. Love, Dede
D. Roth < jackiesjourney>
Cape, MO - Friday, June 13, 2003 3:22 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your sorrow and hurt. I am Amanda Davis's Aunt. I have always included Colby and the other children in my prayers. I will continue to pray for your family to find comfort, that he is in Jesus's arms and is not sick anymore.
Murhl Blessing
Lyndhurst , Va - Friday, June 13, 2003 3:14 PM CDT
To The Cole Family:
We were sorry to hear that Colby's journey here on earth had come to an end, but we know that he has earned his wings and great reward in heaven. While our human minds and hearts may not always understand why Colby had to leave at such a young age, his short time here will always have a huge impact on all those he came in contact with. His smile, faith, and strength was truly an inspiration to all. Colby will always be remembered as one of the TRUE HEROES in God's Army. May God comfort your family at this time and in the days ahead. Your family will be in all of our prayers.

Diane Condoluci (McClure & Wolf and Point Marion Christian Church) <MRSDUCESR@AOL.COM>
Point Marion, PA USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 2:59 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura and family,

We are so sorry for your loss. Colby was a very special child with a very special mom and dad. You are all such an inspiration to others. Our family has always kept a quiet, prayerful eye on Colby over the past 17 months. We felt some of your pain and and all of your triumphs. Our children always prayed for Colby on the way to school each morning. They prayed for his healing and the strength of your family. We all know that Colby is in a beautiful place free from pain and surrounded by love. Hold on to the precious memories of your brave little boy. He touched so many lives in his short time on earth. Stay strong and remember that so many people are praying for all of you. May God Bless you . Love,

Ed,Linda,Tyler,Evan and Gianna

Linda Ruda <LRuda>
Uniontown, Pa USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 2:55 PM CDT
I have been following Colby's illness since Jack came in to the office for a dental appointment where he told us the very sad news. All of us at Niesslein Dental were very saddened to hear the news of Colby's passing. He was such a sweet, beautiful little boy. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you all.
Carla Leonard <>
Markleysburg, PA USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 2:48 PM CDT
Your family is in my prayers. I'm so sorry.........
- Friday, June 13, 2003 2:29 PM CDT
Dear Cole family,

I found out about Colby from Taylor' Watts' website. I too have a child with cancer. I just want you to know that my prayers will be with you. May God comfort you right now. I am so sorry.

Malissia Loucks <>
Charlotte , NC USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 2:22 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
It is with a heavy heart that I send you all this message. I too looked into the heavens today and waved to our newest Angel. Colby will forever be a guardian Angel for all of us. I pray for all of you in your time of great loss that Our Lord will comfort you and ease your pain. He was a remarkable little man and he will be greatly missed by all.
Love and Prayers to you all.

Lori B <>
Brownsville, PA USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 2:12 PM CDT
I'm deeply sorry for the loss of your precious son. The smile on his face was worth a million!! Something you can never forget.
I said to myself today, when I read in the paper that Colby had passed away, that I was going to stop complaining about everything that's not right, the raining everyday, work, etc., because there is so much more to be thankful for!! I read the article in the paper today about how Colby came home from the hospital, the visits back and forth for treatments and how he passed in his sleep with his mommy and daddy next to him.
When I leave work today, I'm going to make sure that I look up and wave and smile at Colby!!! I wish your family much strength in the days ahead!

Debbie <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 2:08 PM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss; it was shocking. I just came up on Colby's homepage today and learned about him. My heart goes out to you all and I know he is in a better place. He will be happier there and he will love it there. May God Bless You.
Natasha <>
Nashville, TN USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 1:29 PM CDT
my friend lorraine told me about colby and his passing. my prayers are with you and your family.
carol kacicz <>
lakewood, nj USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 1:13 PM CDT
Cole Family,
So truly sorry for the loss of dear sweet Colby. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Barb Tomlinson - Joey's mom <>
Telford, PA - Friday, June 13, 2003 1:12 PM CDT
6/13/03 my deepest heartfelt sympathy to all of you
jane rohlf
ohiopyle, pa fayette - Friday, June 13, 2003 1:12 PM CDT
I know your life on earth was troubled
And only you could know the pain
You weren't afraid to face the devil
You were no stranger to the rain

Go rest high on that mountain
Son, your work on earth is done
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and the Son

Oh, how we cried the day you left us
We gathered 'round your grave to grieve
I wish I could see the angels' faces
When they hear your sweet voice sing

Go rest high on that mountain
Son, your work on earth is done
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and the Son

Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and the Son.
-Song - Vince Gill

- Friday, June 13, 2003 1:05 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. Your family is a true inspiration of faith, love and courage. God Bless You All.

Kelly Wolfe
New Market, MD USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 12:47 AM CDT
I wish I was close enough to attend Colby's memorials. Your whole family will be in my thoughts and prayers throughout the weekend. Be strong, Coles. You're an amazing family with amazing strength.
Shannon -- <>
Haverhill, MA USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 12:40 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your lose your son seemed like an amazing child...
Ashley <>
uniontown, pa USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 12:12 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss of your son here on this physical earth. Know that he is forever in your heart and that he will be waiting for your arrival in Heaven.
- Friday, June 13, 2003 11:46 AM CDT
I m so very sorry for your loss - I know Colby will be in your hearts forever and I know he will feel all that love wherever he is...

Anna and Meja <>
Sthockholm, Sweden - Friday, June 13, 2003 11:43 AM CDT
My thoughts & prayers are with you at this difficult time. May you find some comfort in knowing he will always be in your hearts as well as many others. With sympathy...
Darla Sabatula
Uniontown, Pa USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 11:34 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss, Colby has touched so many lives. Including mine when he was at CHP.
a friend
Pittsburgh, PA - Friday, June 13, 2003 11:12 AM CDT
your family was always in my prayer and i'm sorry about everything.i work at super kmart in uniontown in the lost prevention area and i seen you mom and the children in there and i wanted to talk to you but work got in the was about a week ago.i will really miss seeing his face in work but i have his picture with me always.i have 4 children myself and they are everything to me, colby opened my eyes on alot of things , thank you so much for bringing him to all of our lives he will be miss alot. god bless.

sherrie l. kelley <>
point marion, pa. us - Friday, June 13, 2003 10:53 AM CDT
Prayers go to you all as you go through these tough days.
Sharon <>
Dardanelle, ar - Friday, June 13, 2003 10:50 AM CDT
May the Lord watch over Colby forever, I'm sure he is still smiling in heaven, because of the love he had on Earth.............Laura I read the Article and had to sign the book....I will pray for you all in your time of need..A mothers love is so wonderful, and it was shown through Colby's smiles............Laura when I looked at the photo album I realized that I believe that I went to school with you, I am originally from Masontown and graduated in 1984 from A. G. but that's not important right now, just wanted to send my love...........Denise
Denise M. Daniels <>
Monessen, Pa USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 10:47 AM CDT
Rest in peace, sweet angel. Watch over your family and FLY with no pain, no cancer. You are finally free of that monster we call cancer.

You all are in my prayers.

Natalie & Joleigh <>
Tonganoxie, KS USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 10:36 AM CDT
Dear family,we are so sorry for your loss,Please know our prayers are with you and family.Nash and Leroy {Travis parents}
leroy simpson <>
fl - Friday, June 13, 2003 10:33 AM CDT
Cole Family,
I have no words to tell you how sad I am. The Lord WILL grant you peace, however, as Colby will dwell in His house forever, and will someday greet you with open arms.
To Cameron,
My brother left us to live in God's house when I was 13 years old. I am 36 now and not one day goes by that I don't think of him. He has always been with me, and Colby will always be with you.

Pam Lahr, Shanna's mama
Chesterfield, MI - Friday, June 13, 2003 10:17 AM CDT
I am so very sorry for your great loss. I lost a teenager a few years ago in another way, but it doesn't matter, our child is our baby forever. Be gentle with yourselves and live your lives now to make your precious son proud. He would not want you to do otherwise. What a beautiful little angel he is. Heaven is very lucky indeed. I pray God grants you some comfort and peace in this most difficult time. God bless your family.
Sandi Daoust <>
Springville, UT USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 9:55 AM CDT
May God Bless each of you...we will be praying for all of you....
Mary Mabe <>
- Friday, June 13, 2003 9:35 AM CDT
Cole Family, I am so sorry for your loss, Colby is now an angel and he can watch over all of us. Waved to Colby, said a little prayer.... now in tears. Prayers are with you during this difficult time.
Vaughn (Toby) Tammy Tyler Tolbert TRI-STATE GLASS BLOCK <>
New Salem, Pa U.S.A. - Friday, June 13, 2003 9:10 AM CDT
To Jack, Laura, Cameron and your entire family:
Our heartfelt sympathies.... I have prayed for Colby's soul and for all of you to find peace and comfort in the Lord. What an amazing strong and beautiful little boy! I know he is now resting in the arms of the angels and our Lord. Always know that his journey now continues in heaven watching and guiding all of his loved ones here on earth. God so wanted such a perfect child that he now has called Colby home to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. All our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Dan & Gina Hoff <>
Uniontown, PA - Friday, June 13, 2003 9:01 AM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura & Cameron! For some strange reason, I just didn't check in yesterday to follow up on your PRECIOUS!!!!! Colby. I was MORE than stunned & so deeply saddened to pick up my paper this morning but still, somewhat relieved to find out that Colby's Wings had been totally prepared & that he had made the trip to Heaven. He worked SO-O-O-O-O-O!!!! hard to prepare for that trip, as did ALL of you, as well!! But, you don't need me to tell you that, do you??? My heart is so heavy for ALL of you, but can you just imagine the party that is going on in Heaven right now & Colby is the STAR of it all.....that warm & wide & wonderful smile of his has ALL!!! of the other angels jumping with joy!!! Yes, God needed a very special angel & He called your precious & loving & beautiful & brave Colby!!! As a mother, I can't BEGIN to imagine the emptiness that your hearts are feeling! But through your beautiful family of great faith, deep love & never ending strength & courage, you have touched the hearts & lives of MILLIONS & MILLIONS!!!!! the whole world over....time & time AGAIN! So, you see, Colby James Cole DOES INDEED LIVE........he lives FOREVER & EVER in the hearts of MILLIONS & MILLIONS & now Colby James Cole has eternal life...a life free of pain, but filled with constant sunshine, lots & lots of play time, beautiful flowers & bright ballons & stars all around him. And best of all, now We ALL!!!!! have Colby James Cole to pray for all of US!!!! Praying for the Lord's peace to your hearts! With my love & prayers ......the organ lady
gwen takacs <>
uniontown, pa usa - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:59 AM CDT
Laura, Jack and Cameron,
I am so sorry to hear that Colby has passed. I just checked in on Wednesday to see how he was doing. My heart is breaking for you and your family. Please except my condolences. God Bless. In my prayers.

Michelle Zammat <>
Belcamp, MD USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:55 AM CDT
Jack,Laura and Cameron,
I was so deeply saddened to hear of Colby's passing. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Jodi Williams <>
Farmington, Pa. USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:45 AM CDT
I have been following Colby through Connor's page. I am truly sorry for your loss. From looking at Colby's pictures, he looked like a very happy, friendly little boy.
My prayers are with you and your family.

Paula McDonald <>
Syracuse, NY USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:34 AM CDT
Jack, Laura and Cameron,
I can't begin to tell you the pain I feel for your loss. All of you have always been very special to me, and Colby has held a special place in my heart. I am thankful that I knew Colby for his short life, but his beautiful smile will stay with me forever, especially in the pictures I have. Colby was a beautiful child that God created. I'm sure God has sent His angels to wrap their wings around you to comfort you and give you peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you. With love and God's blessings,

Linda Radovich <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:25 AM CDT
I read of your loss on my great nephew's page (Taylor Watts). My heart goes out to you. Of course, I never met you or your beautiful child, but the loss of a little one is always heartbreaking.
Stay strong in your faith and God Bless your family and help you through this.

Jeanna Dennis <>
McCalla, AL USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:25 AM CDT
Jack, Laura and Cameron ,
There are no words to express the heartbreak. I just know Colby is a special Angel in God's eyes and all of
ours. He has been a real soldier in his battle for life. You all have been just so amazing and just remember God is close to you all and Colby is in Heaven with no more pain and suffering. Your family has touched so many lives with
this amazing story and so many tears have been shed. May God bless and comfort you all and I will keep you in my prayers . Love and Hugs..

Pamela Petrosky <>
Perryopolis, Pa USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:14 AM CDT
Jack,Laura,and Camron,
I'm in total shock,as I just read in the newspaper about the loss of Colby. I'm so heartbroken over this. My deepest sympathy goes out to you.
God Bless You.....

uniontown, pa 15456 - Friday, June 13, 2003 8:13 AM CDT
With our deepest sympathy on your loss. Colby will be in our hearts forever. Our prayers are with you and your family. The Collins Family
Fran Collins <>
New Salem, Pa USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:45 AM CDT
God bless you all.
Harpers Ferry, WV - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:44 AM CDT
Another angel has joined the realm in Heaven. May God comfort you in your time of sorrow. May you find comfort in knowing that others care. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. "Jesus is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother." May you find your comfort and strength in Him.
Ed and Robin Leonard <>
Dunbar, PA U.S.A. - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:36 AM CDT
Jack, Laura and Camron: Although I never meet Colby I feel I know him through your beautiful stories about him. Please know I am praying for you all in your time of grief.
carol elvin & family
Pittsburgh, PA - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:27 AM CDT
From one cancer Dad to another......

Men Do Cry

I heard quite often "men don't cry"
Though no one ever told me why
So when I fell and skinned a knee
No one came to comfort me.
And when some bully boy at school
Would pull a prank so mean and cruel
I'd quickly learn to turn and quip,
"It doesn't hurt", and bite my lip.

So as I grew to reasoned years
I learned to stifle any tears.
Though "be a big boy" it began,
Quite soon I learned to "be a man".

And I could play that stoic role
While storm and tempest wracked my soul
No pain or setback could there be
Could wrest one single tear from me.

Then one long night I stood nearby
And helplessly watched my daughter die,
And quickly found to my surprise
That all that tearless talk was lies.

And still I cry and have no shame
I cannot play that "big boy" game,
And openly without remorse
I let my sorrow take it's course.

So those of you who can't abide
A man you've seen whose often cried,
Reach out to him with all your heart
As one whose life's been torn apart.

For men do cry when they can see
Their loss of immorality.
And tears will come in endless streams
When mindless fate destroys their dreams.

Words by Ken Faulk, feelings straight from MY heart and soul.

I follow many (to many) children on Caringbridge, Colby's story has touched my heart from the first time I read your loving and caring words. We as Dad's are supposed to be the strong ones thru all the pain, suffering and heartache, well I don't have to tell you it isn't easy. People ask "How do you do it?", you don't do "it", this is your child, what ever it takes, how everlong it takes, by whatever means it takes, you will do, and we have done.
Let the tears flow, it has been almost two years since my daughter passed away and tears still run down my cheeks.

Day by Day.......

Emily Ann's Daddy forever and ever

The Dobrowski's - David, Judy, Katie, Dana and ^Angel^ Emily Ann
Rockhill, SC 5200 Family and Cancer Sucks Club members - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:22 AM CDT
Our Thoughts and Prayers go out to your Family!
"Our Prayers go with Colby on his journey Home to "God".

Paul & Vicki Bortz <>
Uniontown, PA. USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:01 AM CDT
Cole Family
My deepest sympathy to you and all who share in your loss. I have been greatly touched by Colby's strength and courage, what a blessing. Fly high little have earned your wings.

Masontown, PA - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:00 AM CDT
Though I didn't know you personally I want to extend my sympathy. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Michele <>
New Salem, PA US - Friday, June 13, 2003 6:57 AM CDT
The Cole Family
We are so heartbroken to hear about Colby.
You have our deepest sympathy
May your faith in God give you strength and
bring you peace at this very difficult time.
May God Bless all of you.

Terry & Linda Livingston
Uniontown, Pa - Friday, June 13, 2003 6:57 AM CDT
The Cole Family
We are so heartbroken to hear about Colby.
You have our deepest sympathy
May you faith in God give you strength and
bring you peace at this very difficult time.
May God Bless all of you.

Terry & Linda Livingston
Uniontown, Pa - Friday, June 13, 2003 6:55 AM CDT
you will not be out of my thoughts or prayers this weekend. May you find peace and strength from the love of God and from the love of all those who loved your Colby.
Lynn Fernandez
Beachwood, N.J. - Friday, June 13, 2003 6:51 AM CDT
I will be thinking about you and praying for you during this difficult weekend you face. I wish I could be there. God bless.

Love, Deirdre
- Friday, June 13, 2003 6:06 AM CDT
I am so very sorry that Colby is no longer with you. He lives on in your hearts forever. He was such a beautiful, happy boy. I will keep you in my prayers.
Jo <>
- Friday, June 13, 2003 5:38 AM CDT

GAMBIER, OH USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 4:41 AM CDT
To the Cole Family...
I am truly sorry to hear about the passing of your son, Cole. He is now in Heaven where there is no pain and suffering.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers as you go through these difficult times.

Stephanie Valletti

Philadelphia, PA USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 4:34 AM CDT
Sweet precious Colby, play well among the angels sweetheart, for you are now one of them...oh and what a beautiful angel I knew you would make :)

Angels Have Wait
by Lisa Marino

Rejoicing in heaven as the angels sing
What a joy the Lord will bring
On earth he rests his sleeping head
The angels have wait for the Lords "Go ahead!"

On earth below the weeping is great
His family and friends don't know that we wait
Come sweet child into your eternal home
There is rest for the weary at the foot of His throne.

We have a beautiful pair of angel wings
Fitted your size with no loose strings
A nursery of babies to rock and to hold
OH! Destry is coming they have been told

We promise to handle your child with care
Us angels were sent and saw your despair
The loss you have felt will never quite cease
Your child will never know sorrow- he is at peace.


Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Friday, June 13, 2003 2:14 AM CDT
For Jack & Laura- Colby's daddy and mommy FOREVER & EVER...

Guess What Mommy and Daddy?

Guess what mommy & daddy,
Heaven is great.
Just like you said,
There's not much longer to wait.

Guess what mommy & daddy,
I have a guardian angel who comes at night.
I told him I wanted to go,
But the times not right.

Guess what mommy & daddy,
My angel came this morning.
While you were still in bed,
He came with a warning.

Guess what mommy & daddy,
When I left with June.
So you could rest some more,
I knew my time was soon.

Guess what mommy & daddy,
When you were finally out of sight,
I told my angel,
The time is just right.

Guess what mommy & daddy,
When you still didn't know I was gone,
My angel put his hand in mine,
And I was no longer stiff or sick,I felt so happy & fine.

Guess what mommy & daddy,
When the hospital called,I saw you crying from above.
I saw daddy & how scared he was,
And I knew how much I was loved.

Guess what mommy & daddy,
On the way to the hospital I heard you pray,
Don't let them bring me back,
I know you don't want God to take me away.

Guess what mommy & daddy,
I saw you walk into the ER,and ask is he gone.
I saw the look on your face when the nurse said yes!
It looked like you'd never go on.

Guess what mommy & daddy,
I seen you holding me tight.
I kissed you good-bye with my love,
And tried to tell you I was alright.

Guess what mommy & daddy,
There's no more pain,
You can go on with your life,
And not feel so drained.

Guess what mommy & daddy,
I'll watch you all your days through.
And be like your guardian angel,
Just because, I LOVE YOU!!


Colby's Fairygodmother, Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Friday, June 13, 2003 2:08 AM CDT
Holding you close in our hearts.
Aili and Bryan <>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Friday, June 13, 2003 1:53 AM CDT
Dear Laura, Jack & Cameron,

Our deepest symathy is with you at this time. We pray that you may find comfort in the Lord.

Donna, Niko & Justin Hettlage <>
- Friday, June 13, 2003 1:46 AM CDT
Although no words can really help
to ease the loss you bear
Just know that you are very close
in every thought and prayer.

Angel Cuddles <>
Manitoba Canada - Friday, June 13, 2003 1:22 AM CDT
Cole Family,
Remember........The Eagle will FLY!

A Friend
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:39 PM CDT
I am deeply sorry for your loss and I truly share your pain. Our daughter died from AML in March 2001 Please be in touch - I would love to hear more about Colby.
Cindy <>
Thornton, CO USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:34 PM CDT
Thinking of you all with tears and love
luci & tyler martin <>
Christchurch, New Zealand - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:24 PM CDT
I am so sorry. I pray that God will give you alot of extra strenght as you face the days ahead. Again I am so very sorry.
Susie Morris Trey's granny, < >
Dry Fork, Va. - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:46 PM CDT
I've been reading about your amazing family from Connor, Rachel and Jim's site. As my heart cries for you, I know you are a strong and loving family who will let your Faith heal you in time. Much Love and God Bless,
Jennifer M. Accordino <>
Rochester, NY - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:44 PM CDT
I was so saddened to hear about your son. I have read about him through Kim, Jim and Taylor. I will be praying for you and your family.
Sonya Smitherman
Springville, AL - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:29 PM CDT
We are so sorry to hear of Colby's passing. You are in our prayers..

The Curry Family <>
Hanford, CA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:15 PM CDT
Sorry for you're loss. He's in heaven with God now watching over all the sick kids. I'm praying for you.
Amanda, (AJ Davis) <>
Chillicothe, Ohio USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:08 PM CDT
Jack,Laura and Cameron,
I am Dana's sister, Laura's friend, Jodie. Our hearts go out to you and we pray for God's loving arms to comfort you. Colby is now free of pain and is with the Lord. May this always be a comfort to you.

Jodie and Michael Palmieri <>
Marlboro, NJ - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:55 PM CDT
Our hearts and prayers go out to you. You are now where we were nine days ago and we are so sorry. I'm sure Ryan and Colby are playing together and they are the sweetest guardian angels up there. We pray for your strength in the coming days. Please know that you are not alone. If you want to, keep in touch. We are here for you.
Jeff And Cari Holt <>
Buffalo, Mn - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:52 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Mark and Jessica (Berdar) Adams <>
New Salem, PA United States - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:35 PM CDT
Jack, Laura and sweet Cameron, please accept our deepest sympathy in the loss of your beautiful warrior, Colby. The clouds are hanging low here, moving swiftly by as Angel Colby and his new Angel friends are celebrating their continuing friendships high above us all. May God grant you comfort and peace as you travel this lonely road stretching out before you at this time. The Smile Quilts Angels and I will be keeping your family in our hearts and prayers.

Sprite for Smile Quilts <>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:16 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Though I, like many others, have never personaly met you in the flesh, Colby's life has touched ours in many ways. I remember a couple months ago I went to work with the biggest smile on my face, and when asked why, I told of Colby's wonderful story of still having donor cells. Today I walked in with tears and told of Colby joining God in heaven with the rest of the angels. Many of my friends told me they will say a prayer for Colby and the rest of you. It amazes me, that people who have never met Colby, let alone ever visited his site and got to read what a wonderful boy he was, are holding your family up in prayer tonight.

Cheri & Katelynn
Nelson, BC Canada - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:12 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

I want to say something to comfort you and make you feel better, yet I know I cannot. I have been on the site all day and see how loved Colby and you are. I want you to know that God is with you and wants you to know that Colby is whole now, this I know to be true. I am doing what I know to do – and that is to pray and tell you what I see. I see Colby playing ball on the heavenly streets of gold and smiling from head to toe in a new body that is all he has dreamed of and more.

Before I told my daughter, Faith – three years of age – that Colby was in heaven, she told me that her friend, Colby, was sitting on her shoulder with Brandy and Grandpap Cole watching over her. Wow!

I am praying for you and love all of you.

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:12 PM CDT
Good Evening Cole Family,
I am so saddened by the news of Colby. I am praying for you. Colby is now in Heaven with Charlene.
Here is a prayer that I have. It is called the 365 days of Greiving Prayers.
Day 1 Isaiah 40:31
There is a daily reading for every day of the first year. Please read it.
Please know that I am here if you need anything.
Colby now has earned his angel wings in that big home in the sky. Some day you shall be together again. And Colby will be waiting at the gate for you.
Take Care Cole Family.
Cameron, Colby is watching over you little one.
Praying for you Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:07 PM CDT
One more entry....

Letter from Heaven

To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; Here is just eternal love.

Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through.
God picked me up and hugged me and He said, "I welcome you.

It's good to have you back again, you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, They'll be here later on.
I need you here badly, you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man."

God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night the day's chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to the middle of the night.

When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years.
Because you are only human, they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry: it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.

I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
If I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o'er.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.

There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;
But together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too;
That as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.

If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain;
Then you can say to God at night......"My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented....that my life was worthwhile.
Knowing as I passed along the way I made somebody smile.

So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low;
Just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.

And when it's time for you to go....from that body to be free.
Remember you're not're coming here to me.

Written by: Ruth Ann Mahaffey

~NY~ USA!!! - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:04 PM CDT
To the Cole family you have my deepest sympathy in the loss of you "Angel Colby".He is now with all the angels and free from pain.All i can say is i'm so sorry.May god bless you and yor family.Laura i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Donna Ondrejko(Sandy's Mom)
Mansfield, Oh U.S.A. - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:03 PM CDT
Yes Sir! Colby Cole you were and are in the Lord's army. You are in the highest of ranks right now because you have won the ultimate victory!!! No more fighting Colby Cole, no more enemy for you, you are with Jesus forever and ever!! Yes Sir! Amen!
Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:02 PM CDT
My sympathy to all of you, Laura, Jack, and Cameron. I have been keeping tabs on Colby since I first found out about him at a Uniontown High School National Honor Society Meeting. I have always tried to leave you with inspiring words each time I type a guestbook entry. Today is no different. All of us hope one day to rejoice in the arms of the Lord. Today is that day for Colby. I cried when my mother, who also works at the Uniontown Hospital, called to tell me what happened this morning. I prayed for God to grant him the health he needed to survive along with so many other people from around the world, but God has his own plans though, plans that exceed our human lives. I write this entry in sadness, but with the knowledge that God will comfort you and is singing "I'm in the Lords Army" with Colby by his side. May God bless all of you and give you the strength you need to cope with the loss of your son. I can only imagine what you have had to endure thus far and must now endure. I hope to see all of you soon.

I have one last religious poem to leave you with. It was my Grandma Koposko's favorite poem before she died. Here it is:

Safely Home
I am now in Heaven, dear ones;
Oh, so happy and so bright!
There is perfect joy and beauty
In this everlasting light.

All the pain and grief is over,
Every restless tossing passed;
I am now at peace forever,
Safely home in Heaven at last.

Did you wonder why I so calmly
Trod the valley of the shade?
Oh! but Jesus' love illuminated
Every dark and fearful glade.

And He came Himself to meet me
In that way so hard to tread;
And with Jesus' arm to lean on,
Could I have one doubt or dread?

Then you must not grieve so sorely,
For I love you dearly still:
Try to look beyond earth's shadows,
Pray to trust our Father's Will

There is work still waiting for you,
So you must not idly stand;
Do it now, while life remaineth-
You shall rest in Jesus' land.

When that work is all completed,
He will gently call you Home;
Oh, the rapture of the meeting,
Oh, the joy to see you come!

Nicole Lynn Mullen <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:59 PM CDT
Hello Cole Family
How very fortunate I am to have had the priviledge of knowing your wonderful Colby. So many come to this page and enter their thoughts, wishes, feelings and love and have never had this priviledge. As I wrote once before, it is almost unbelievable that one small child could touch so many hearts. It is a wonderful legacy. You are in my heart and thoughts more than you will ever know. He is certainly one of the brightest stars in the sky.

Barbara <>
Elco, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:54 PM CDT
Grieving Time, a Time for Love

If a loved one has departed,
And left an empty space,
Seek the inner stillness,
Set a slower pace.

Take time to remember,
Allow yourself to cry,
Acknowledge your emotions,
Let sadness pass on by.

Then center in the oneness,
Remember...God is here,
Death is but a change in form,
Your loved one is still near.

Treat yourself with kindness,
Allow yourself to feel,
God will do the mending,
And time will help you heal.

Barbara Bergen

KEEP STRONG YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:52 PM CDT
Dearest Jack, Laura & Colby,
I just woke up this morning from a terrible nights sleep.. I kept thinking of Colby and wondered what he was upto in he's playing his lil heart out!!!!!!!! (PLAY PLAY PLAY COLBY!!) I layed in bed all night just thinking of all of you...because I've never had the privilege to meet any of you, memories for me of you guys are what you write in your mind was just racing of all the things I had read of Colby...and then it hit me again that he really has earned his angel wings. Oh and how deserving he is of that! Your little boy fought so was so amazing how much strength came from such a little boy... I will hold him forever close and dear to my heart and I won't ever forget him and especially that beautiful face. Jack & Laura, I wish I was there to cry with you and to smile with you whenever you think of Colby. You were the best parents he could ever asked for and I am so positive that he knew how much he was loved by his family. You have all made enough memories to last a life time...I am just so thankful that I was given a chance to follow Colby's was such a beautiful journey...THANK YOU for sharing his journey with ME and all of us. ItTRULY meant the world to me...remember that I am always praying for all of you and that I'm always thinking of you!!! I love you guys!!

Cam-man, hang in there and be strong, sweetie...I know you are missing your big brother but look up in the sky, he is that beautiful bird flying high, and he is that beautiful star shining ever so bright...

*Colby, we MISSSSSSSSSSSSSS you!!!!! Caringbridge and the world is not the same without you, cutie pie!!*

Love always,

Colby's fairygodmother forever, Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:47 PM CDT
Well, I'm back already. I just started reading some of the other guestbook entries and have "added" tears after I saw where Katia's Mommy sent the beutiful note to Colby's Daddy. As soon as I saw "Colby's Daddy for ever and ever and ever" I IMMEDIATELY knew "which" Daddy this was. I have seen your signature on many guestbook entries on other websites. Your love for your son, and other ill children, is so apparent.

Again, I am so sorry for you and will be thinking of you especially on Sunday. As I finish this I find my hands shaking. I'm just so saddened for your loss.

~NY~ USA!!! - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:46 PM CDT
Good evening. I just visited Katia's site and saw the link to your son's. I am so very sorry for the loss of your little boy. Your pictures on the home page are beautiful. I have only read today's Journal Entry and I have tears in my eyes and a heavy heart.

Right now it is dark outside in Upstate New York but I will make sure I step outside tomorrow, in the rain, and wave to Angel Colby.

My sincere condelences. Sincerely,

~NY~ USA!!! - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:38 PM CDT
I came to Colby's caringbridge site through Zackie Doctor's site. I have been reading his updates daily for a long time and praying. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May God grant you the strength that you need through these hard times. I pray for peace for you.
Lisa N <>
South Portland, ME - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:28 PM CDT
Colby has joined our grandson Michael in heaven. They're playing together in the sun with the Son. They no longer feel pain or suffering. They will be waiting for us when we go home at the gates of heaven to let us in. They have earn the eternal reward of peace and happiness. The blessed virgin is watching over them
Larry and Glenda Allen <>
easley, SC - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:24 PM CDT
I couldn't sleep well last mind and heart was in Uniontown, PA. I got on the computer immediately upon awakening to see how sweet Colby was doing through the night. I have been to your site about 20 times now and just stare at his little face. I couldn't find words to say, so I just kept saying a little prayer to Colby instead. I too have lost a son (Tyler) and had another with Leukemia (Ryan). I know that it's the hardest thing in the world to go through and that you feel so empty inside. The pain in your heart is so heavy and the lump just remains in your throat. It's even hard to breathe at times. Please find comfort in knowing how many lives little Colby has touched. You are an amazing family and you mean so much to all of us here at Caringbridge. I prayed to Tyler to hold Colby's hand and guide him gently into heaven. I know he did.......

Thinking of you and praying for you through this most difficult time. Sending warm hugs to you......

Michele, Ryan's mom <>
Hebron, ky - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:19 PM CDT
Laura, Jack and Cameron,
I am so sorry for your loss. I have been following your journey on the website. Since my own Matt died, I didn't want to contact you because I felt that I would "bring you down." Matt had a special place in his heart for Colby. Last summer he continued to ask about the "little boy next door" to us on the unit. He was so happy when Colby got to go home. For some reason that we will understand only when we are facing our dear Lord, our boys lost their brave battles. I hope that when Colby crossed into Heaven, Matt was there to greet him. I will continue to pray for you and your family. It is a tough road to travel but you will make it, one minute at a time. God Bless You.

Noelle Conover (mom to Matt, 7-14-89 --7-5-02, <>
Mt. Lebanon, Pa USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:16 PM CDT
My heart and my prayers go out to ya'll and your family. Heaven has a beautiful new angel....and he is whole and healthy and does not have to be poked or prodded ever again.
Martha White <>
Princeton, WV - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:11 PM CDT
The english language has no words for this. Your Colby has touched our hearts. Your love for him radiates with every word and action you have. Thank you for sharing his preciousness with us through your journal. I never wanted to write this to you. Please accept our deepest sympathy and know that your whole family is in our prayers. I will always keep in touch. Love and prayers, Dede and Paul Roth
Dianne Roth <>
cape Girardeau, MO - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:09 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. I do not know exactly what to say other than I know that you can rest knowing that his tummy no longer hurts and that he is happy and LOVED. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
AmyDawn and Doug Deal <>
Mount Hope, WV USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:54 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. Mere words are not enough to express what we all feel for you. Thank you for sharing Colby's life with us.
Rae <>
Tulsa, OK - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:44 PM CDT
I don't know what to say other than maybe thank you. Thank you for letting your precious little guy become a Make-A-Wish kid and for allowing us to be a part of this little one's short life. I will never ever forget meeting him last April at Children's Hospital less than a month after his first transplant. He won my heart immediately like he did so many. From then on I checked the website daily and would smile and frown as I read so many of the ups and downs. You are such magnificent people, and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:40 PM CDT
I too, like so many others never met y'all but read your story through links from other children's websites. I am a pediatric oncology nurse and have many little buddies up in heaven I know waiting with open arms for Colby. I can image these kids finally pain free running and playing with infinite supplies of energy and laughter. I continue to pray for your family during this most difficult time.
Birmingham, AL - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:08 PM CDT

Mother, I'm still here, though you don't see.
I'm right by your side, each night and day
and within your heart I long to stay.

My body is gone but I'm always near. I'm everything you feel, see or hear.
My spirit is free, but I'll never depart
as long as you keep me alive in your heart.

I'll never wander out of your sight--I'm the brightest star
on a summer night. I'll never be beyond your reach--
I'm the warm moist sand when you're at the beach.

I'm the colorful leaves when fall comes around,
And the pure white snow that blankets the ground.
I'm the beautiful flowers of which you're so fond--
The clear cool water in a quiet pond.

I'm the first bright blossom you'll see in the spring;
the first warm raindrop that April will bring.
I'm the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine,
and you'll see that the face in the moon is mine.

When you start thinking there's no one to love you,
you can talk to me through the Lord above you.
I'll whisper my answer through the leaves on the trees,
and you'll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.

I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep
and the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep.
I'm the smile you see on baby's face. Just look for me, Mom,
I'm everyplace!
(Author unknown)

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers,

- Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:06 PM CDT
NEW SALEM, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:55 PM CDT
The sun broke thru the clouds for a second today, and I knew he was smiling down on San Diego.
Karen Banister <>
San Diego, CA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:38 PM CDT
I am so saddened by the loss of dear Colby. He was such a tough fighter and he did not lose but found the only way for him to conquer this horrible disease. I know you will miss him and you loved him with a love beyond compare. He touched so many lives in his 5 short years of life, more than some people can do in 100 years! God Bless you for being such awesome parents and making the battle he fought so bearable and loving. Love, Tracy (You guys have truly been an inspiration to my family and I)

Tracy and Katia <>
Tampa, FL - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:33 PM CDT
For "Colby's Dad forever and ever and ever"


A father is a person who is forced to endure childbirth without an anesthetic. He growls when he feels good and laughs very loud when he is scared half-to-death. A father never feels entirely worthy of the worship in a child's eyes. He is never quite the hero his daughter thinks . . .Never quite the man his son believes him to be. And this worries him sometimes. (So he works too hard to try to smooth the rough places in the road of those of his own who will follow him.)

A father is a person who goes to war sometimes . . .and would run the other way except that war is part of his only important job in his life, (which is making the world better for his child than it has been for him.)

Fathers grow older faster than people, because they, in other wars, have to stand at the train station and wave goodbye to the uniform that climbs onboard. And, while mothers cry where it shows, fathers stand and beam . . .outside . . . and die inside.

Fathers are men who give daughters away to other men, who aren't nearly good enough, so that they can have children that are smarter than anybody's. Fathers fight dragons almost daily. They hurry away from the breakfast table, off to the arena which is sometimes called an office or a workshop. There, with callused hands, they tackle the dragon with three heads; Weariness, Works, and Monotony. And they never quite win the fight, but they never give up.

Knights in shining armor; fathers in shiny trousers: There's little difference as they march away each workday. I don't know where father goes when he dies, but I've an idea that, after a good rest, wherever it is, he won't just sit on a cloud and wait for the girl he's loved and the children she bore. He'll be busy there too . . .repairing the stars, oiling the gates, improving the streets, smoothing the way.

~Author Unknown

Tracy Solomon <>
Tampa, - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:29 PM CDT
Cole Family;
Words cannot express the pain that I know you are feeling, or offer you much comfort at this time. Please know that my heart aches for you and that you will all continue to be in my prayers. I have followed your struggle and truly admire your courage and faith. God Bless you all and I thank God for our newest Angel.

Cooper Evans <>
Birmingham, al usa - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:29 PM CDT

I said, "God, I hurt."
And God said, I know."
I said, "God, I cry a lot."
And God said, "That is why I gave you tears."

I said, "God, I am so depressed."
And God said, "That is why I gave you Sunshine."

I said, "God, life is so hard."
And God said, "That is why I gave you loved ones."

I said, "God, my loved one died."
And God said, "So did mine."

I said, "God, it is such a loss."
And God said, "I saw my son nailed to a cross."

I said, "God, but your loved one lives."
And God said, "So does yours."

I said, "God, where are they now?"
And God said, "Mine is on My right and yours is in the Light."

I said, "God, it hurts."
And God said, "I know."

Posted on the wall at the
Oklahoma City bombing site
by K. C. and Myke Kuzmic
Stockton, CA

Tracy Solomon <>
Tampa, FL - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:28 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura, Cameron, and all of Colby's Family,

I have read Colby's journal on the caringbridge weekly. Thank you Jack and Laura for sharing his life's journey with us. He has taught us all so much in the precious years he has spent with us. He most definitely is in the Lord's Army and what a wonderful place that will be when we are all reunited with our loved ones. You and your family are in our most heartfelt prayers and thoughts. You are an amazing family! Sending you a hug and God's blessings.

Patty and Stephen Sinal
Vanderbilt, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:21 PM CDT
I'm so sorry you guys. I know that the Lord heard every single one of our prayers...and answered them. Now I am praying that He continues to speak to your hearts the things you need to hear to keep you going on this side of heaven without your precious Colby here with you physically. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your lives. I am right here for you and will continue to be as I lift you up to the Lord.
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC, - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:21 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

You don't know me, but I like many others have been following Colby's journal for a while now-- I'm not even sure how I found it. Please accept my deepest symphathies on the loss of Colby. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers in the difficult days to come.

Columbus, Ohio - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:17 PM CDT
Laura, Jack & Cameron

Words cannot describe the sorrow felt for your family today. Jim and I have been following Colby's battle and praying for him as well as your family. We will contine to keep you all lifted in prayer and may you find peace in knowing that Colby is with Jesus......

I told Luke "Guess what? Colby got to meet Jesus today" and he said "Cool" When can I meet him? ....

The Dice's Jim, Dawn, JR, Luke & Leah

Dawn Dice <>
Smithfield, pa USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:17 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura and Cameron,
I have come back to Colby's site several times today and I am amazed at the outpouring of love and sympathy for your family. I pray that all of the people signing Colby's guestbook from all over the world will give you some comfort and peace. I still can't believe this has happened, it was much too fast. My heart is just breaking for you.
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:11 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family:

I don't even remember how I got connected to Colby's caringbrige page now, but I have been following his story for several weeks.

My little buddy Austin Baker became an angel a week ago tomorrow after a battle with leukemia. I am certain that he was one of the first ones there to greet Colby when he arrived in heaven.

These caringbridge pages have opened my eyes to how many families and children are fighting this fight. We pray for peace and comfort for your family tonight as you face tomorrow without Colby's presence here on earth. We continue to ask for comfort and strenth for those children who continue to fight for their lives this afternoon.

God bless.

Kim Matthews <>
Fairhope, AL - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:05 PM CDT
I lost my Andy, age 12, in January after an 8 year battle with ALL. I know what you're going thru, and I'm praying for you. God bless
jan livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:02 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss - I have visited your site before through my dear friends granddaughter who is battling cancer. I am sure your dear angel is at peace, he is in a beautiful place and you will see him again. Take comfort in the good memories and keep him alive in your heart. God Bless
Bobbi VanSchaick <>
Spring Valley, IL USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 5:33 PM CDT
I have been following Conor Ford's story and heard of your angel. I am truly heartbroken for you. I lost my daughter Isobel in April from complications of her second BMT, so reading about your battle make me feel for you. You fought with all your might and now all that is left is the comfort of knowing that you tried your best but for some reason God had a different ending to your journey than you hoped for. I know that that doesn't in any way lessen the pain that you feel or take away from the great loss but I found it helped me down the road. I have no regrets and you shouldn't either.

I know you don't know me but please feel free to get in touch with me if I can help.

Again, my condolences.

Cathy Peters <>
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 5:31 PM CDT
may you find peace in the wonderful memories that you have and comfort from knowing how many hearts that Colby touched. He will be remembered by so many. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Lynn <>
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 5:28 PM CDT
Dear Laura, Jack, and entire family,

I know that there are no words to ease the pain of your loss...please just know that Colby touched so many and will continue to do so. That must have been his purpose and he did such a wonderful job!!!!! God is pleased and Colby is hugging His legs and smiling!

Connor Summerville's Aunt Sarah
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 5:20 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

You do not know us, but we have been following Colby's courageous battle with JMML for many months. We are so sorry for your loss. We are crying with the rain today, over the loss of Colby. and Jack and Cameron and dearest Colby truly represent the true meaning of "family". We are crying with your family today, over the loss of Colby.

We have read the guestbook entries and see the support you have received from extended family members. We are crying with your extended family today, over the loss of Colby.

You have a wealth of friends who have been praying for Colby during this awful ordeal. We are crying with your friends today, over the loss of Colby.

~We just waved to Colby from our tiny little kitchen window...and now we are smiling at Colby!

God Bless.

The Beaver's: Dan, Darleen, Kyle, Kasey and Kari
Medina, Oh - Thursday, June 12, 2003 5:19 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura,and Carmeron,
We are so saddened by the passing of Colby, he was truly a little trooper! May God Bless his soul and your family for you are all so brave and loving. GOD BLESS YOU !!

Kelly & John Dolobach <>
Brownsville , Pa - Thursday, June 12, 2003 5:03 PM CDT
Cole Family,

I came home from running errands and was tearfully told of your loss. I went straight to the computer. I, too, cried and cried as I read all the entries from Uniontown and all over the world. Your struggle has opened up doors of faith, hope, and love for many. I say this with a heavy heart. Peace for Colby. Bless you all.

Jennifer Seaton
New Salem, PA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:54 PM CDT
Cole Family,
I know there are no words that can comfort at a time like this. I don't know what to write but I wanted you guys to know you are in my thoughts and prayers.You guys are an inspiration- Colby couldn't have had better parents or a better brother. Take care and God bless you all.

Don,Jennifer and Haley <>
Smock, Pa - Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:51 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss but know that Colby is smiling that sweet smile and helping all of the other children have a great day!

May the Lord grant you peace and comfort during this time. Be proud of the courage you have shown to your wonderful family and how you have taught the rest of us to act with grace during the most diffcult times.

Candyce Wolsfeld
Spring Valley, IL USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:49 PM CDT
Laura, Jack, Cameron....

My most heartfelt sympathy and condolences! Colby is such a precious joy! Our Lord will take care of him now. He is now free of this horrid monster! He can run and play with our other angels, pain free!

Colby, dear sweet Colby...

God looked around His garden
And found an empty place
He then looked down upon the earth
And saw your tired face

He put His arms around you
And lifted you to rest
God's garden must be beautiful,
He always takes the best

He knew that you were suffering
He knew you were in pain,
He knew that you would never
Get well on earth again.

He saw the road was getting rough
And the hills were hard to climb
So He closed your weary eyelids,
And whispered "Peace Be Thine."

It breaks our hearts to lose you
But you didn't go alone.
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.

My love, hugs, thoughts and prayers for all of you,

Eva <>
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:26 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family, Like many others I have been checking in on Colby's website and praying for him for many months. My name is Patty, I am Sami Gray's Aunt. I learned of Colby through my sister, Sandy. Colby has touched my heart like many others. Your family has been heavy on heart the last few days. You will continue to be in my prayers. May our Lord comfort you during the difficult time. Lean on Him and He will carry your through.
Puyallup, WA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:21 PM CDT
Dear Family Cole
I am so sorry about your loss.Even if Colby is in a better place now,it won´t make the next days and weeks easier for you.

Christiane Ahrens, aunt of Angel Sina,forever 5 years
Krefeld, Germany - Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:18 PM CDT
I can't even count how many times I've been here today, just to look at your beautiful face Colby. You are just an amazing little man and I am so proud of the way you fought this ugly you have WON!! I know God is holding you in His arms right now. Please dear Lord help to comfort Colby's family. will ALWAYS be my HERO!!
Sent with big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:10 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
Although I don't sign in often, I have been checking on Colby regularly and am so saddened to read of his passing. Colby is free of pain now and that ugly cancer monster. But now you have the pain of missing him so. I will pray for strength for you all to help ease the pain.
I am sorry for your loss.

Lori <www.>
Franklin, Tn - Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:04 PM CDT
Laura, Jack and Cameron and Angel Colby,
I stopped, looked and waved to Colby. Since he's smiling, he must be in a very happy place! I hope this thought helps you get through the many days to come. I am so sorry to hear that he left us. Colby has touched so many people during his short time on earth, including me. Now heaven has gained a very special Angel. He is someone I won't ever forget!
I am keeping you in my prayers!

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 3:51 PM CDT
You don't know me, but I found you because I was following my friend Kyle Cottey's battle until he passed away last December from complications due to stem cell transplant for San Filippo Syndrome. I lost my father to leukemia in 1998; my mother to diabetes and kidney failure just last February; I've never lost a child but I know the pain of losing someone that you love so very much. I know that there's nothing anyone can say to ease your pain...but I will be praying that God gives you strength and comfort. Colby doesn't need my prayers anymore; he's safe now, with God, and free of all illness. God bless you all.
Liz Stevens
Bonney Lake, WA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 3:49 PM CDT
Laura Lu, Jack and Cameron too...You are constantly on my mind....Praying for Strength and Peace for you....
Connellsville, - Thursday, June 12, 2003 3:40 PM CDT
Hello again Cole's...
I keep finding myself popping in....if just to see that sweet little face one more time.
Sending you all (((HUGS))) and prayers too.
We miss you so much Little Man....
Kim & Karl Kruppenbacher
and family

- Thursday, June 12, 2003 3:19 PM CDT
Colby's Family: I am Amanda Davis's cousin, and I have been praying for Colby for a long time. I am so sorry for your loss. We have gone through a great deal with AJ, but I cannot begin to imagine your pain. You will contiually be in my prayers. Please know that he is in a better place, where there is no pain, and no suffering. God bless you and keep you. Carol Wendell

Carol Wendell
Crimora, VA 24431 - Thursday, June 12, 2003 3:17 PM CDT

Last night while I was trying to sleep
My son's voice I did hear
I opened my eyes and looked around,
But he did not appear.

He said; Mom you've got to listen,
You've got to understand
God didn't take me from you, Mom
He only took my hand.

When I called out in pain that night
The instant that I died,
He reached down and took my hand,
And pulled me to his side.

He pulled me up and saved me
From misery and pain.
My body was hurt so badly inside,
I could never be the same.

My search is really over now,
I've found happiness within,
All the answers to my empty dreams
And all that might have been.

I love you all and miss you so,
And I'll always be nearby.
My body's gone forever,
But my spirit will never die!

And so, you must all go on now,
Live one day at a time.
Just understand-
God did not take me from you,
He only took my hand.....


- Thursday, June 12, 2003 3:14 PM CDT
Dear Laura, Jack and Cameron: I am so saddened by your loss of Colby. I truly believe that he is an angel in heaven and will always be with you. May God bless you during this difficult time. May you enjoy everlasting peace in knowing that you did all you could for and gave all of your love to your precious son.
Joan Wandrie - Shanna's grandmother
Macomb Twp., MI USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 3:14 PM CDT
To Colby's family,

I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful son. I first heard about him, through my nephew's (Kody) site. Please know that you and all the other family's out there will always be in my prayers.

Love Vikki (Kody's aunt)

Vikki Fortuna <>
Wappingers Falls, NY - Thursday, June 12, 2003 3:09 PM CDT
Words cannot take away any pain you are feeling, so I won't even try! You are wonderful, loving, supportive parents and every other parent that reads your journal has learned from you! You did everything possible for that darling Colby, and now~ he is healthy and happy and watching over your family from above! I pray for your peace and for the healing of your broken heart! My sincerest condolensces!!!
Battle Ground, IN - Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:52 PM CDT
Have been following your battle with the JMML monster. I know your pain is great as I recently lost my daugeter to AML. The only comfort is your faith, one another and knowing that Colby is no longer in pain. You will survive, as you must. Know that we will be praying for you.
Dana Chade <>
San Juan Capistrano, CA Orange - Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:49 PM CDT
I am at such a loss for words as there are no words that can be said right now. Sweet Angel Cody is looking down and smiling on you all. No child should have to go throught this, it is amazing how strong the smallest of us are during their fight. You are all in my prayers.
Angel Kayleigh's Mommy

Sandi <>
Clayton, NC - Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:47 PM CDT
Dear Coles,
Colby will bring as many smiles to those in heaven as he did to those he left behind on earth. May God be with you all.

- Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:46 PM CDT
There is nothing I can say to ease your pain. My heart is broken by this update. I looked to the sky and waved to Colby just in time to see the sun break through the clouds. I will never see the sun again in the same way, thanks to Colby. I will appreciate it so much more. You are in my prayers today and every day. I know that Colby's love will surround you and help you to get through the days, weeks, months and years to come.
Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:34 PM CDT
My heart hurts for you and your family.
Sheila Willis <>
Macon, GA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:29 PM CDT
God Bless.
Cheryl <>
tulsa, ok usa - Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:17 PM CDT
Laura, Jack and Cameron, I'm sorry for YOUR loss. We lost our sweet soldier 'angel' Anthony on June 2, 2003 and I feel your pain. There are NO words that anyone can offer to make it better. We had such wonderful experience with God and his intervention in Anthony's last days that I feel good about where he is. It sounds wrong, but I really do accept MY loss. Our boys never had the chance to meet at CHOP, but I'm sure they have met by now. Best of luck in the coming days with all of the preparations. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. Love, Dina Makoid <>
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:09 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss, I can't begin to imagine what you are feeling right now. This disease is so terrible and relentless, children should never have to suffer. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, that God may grant you some type of Peace through all of this. All of us (CaringBridge families) are feeling your pain.

Love, hugs, and prayers,

Rhonda Hunley, Connor's <>
Goodlettsville, TN
**God Bless America!** - Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:08 PM CDT
God is to kind to do anything cruel.
Too wise to make a mistake.
Too deep to explain Himself.

Our hearts & prayers are with you at this sad time.
Goodbye Colby we will miss you. hugs

Smile Quilts
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:03 PM CDT
How I Am Right Now

I know that you miss me,
because you all look so sad.
You think you should have done more
as a Mom or a Dad.
But I've something to tell you,
so you won't feel so bad.
You gave me the best life
I could ever have had.
Now that I'm in heaven
I don't feel the pain.
Of all the problems
that I had to substain.
I just have to thank you,
that the memories are glad.
For you gave me the best life
I could ever have had.
The times that were painful
Are just lessons learned.
I've forgotten the sad times,
With the freedom I've earned.
Just know in your heart,
With faith iron-clad...
That you gave me the best life
I could ever have had.

Colbys' life on earth was taken to soon, but your family has shown enough love for a thousand life times. Thank you for sharing Colby with all of us.. It was truly an honor to have met you all through this website. I miss him dearly

Pam <>
Denver, NC USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:44 PM CDT
Your family has touched me so much - I waved to Colby and the sun broke through the clouds :-) I will pray for strength and comfort for your family.
Jacqueline <>
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:41 PM CDT
SMITHFIELD, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:40 PM CDT
Dear Coles. Laura, Jack and Cameron,
Words can not tell you how sorry I am for your loss. I can't believe it. I know we've never met but I felt like Colby and you all were part of our family. I will miss him. Now he's got wings to soar like the Super Hero he always was, and will be. All my Love & Prayers to you.

Kathy <>
Chillicothe, Ohio USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:24 PM CDT
May God hold you in the palm of his hand at this time. Your family and your beautiful son Colby will be in our prayers. Much heartfelt sympathy to you all.
The McAleers
Nelson, BC Canada - Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:22 PM CDT
Cole Family, First of all, please except our hearfelt sympathy. You all have been though so much...May you find peace and happiness in your MANY memories of Precious Colby. The Lord will take care of him and all of you..just continue to trust in him. Just think, Colby is hitting all homeruns and not having any trouble running all the bases. He's flying high on all the swings, and sliding down every sliding board he can find. I'll just bet he hasn't stopped talking and telling all about his family and friends. And one more thing...He is not sick or hurting anymore. He is wholesome! He will forever watch over all of you, and love from the heavens! And we will love and honor him always. Thank you for thinking of everyone else in a time when you could have been so selfish. I admire you both. We will continue to pray for you, hold on to your faith, and he will always see you though.
The Sickles--Fred, Kim, Brecken, and Micah <>
Uniontown, PA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:17 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Colby but I know he must be in heaven and happily playing now. I know that doesn't make things any easier for you guys and I guess it shouldn't. You had a beautiful boy and now he will be waiting for you. Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:10 PM CDT
I signed the guestbook this morning, but I just had to say that all day today, I can't get Colby's favorite song, "I'm in the Lord's Army" out of my head-I've been singing it all day. I think that after so many tears, Colby sent those crying for him, something to smile about and remember him by. I will always think of him when I hear that song. He is truly one of the Lord's best soldiers.
Wash.Twp., NJ - Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:56 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
My heart aches for you. I am so sincerely sorry for your loss of precious Colby.

Debbie Little - <>
Dickson, TN - Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:44 AM CDT
I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious Colby. I have been following his story for quite some time. I am praying specifically that God will hold you all closely in His arms, and that you will experience His peace that passes all understanding.
Visalia, CA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:36 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss of your precious son.
You are in my prayers.

Siri <>
Oslo, Norway - Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:12 AM CDT
Good Bye "BEAUTIFUL COLBY" I will never forget your beautiful smile.Jack and Laura,I'm so sorry.
Carol(Nana to Conor Ford) <>
Ottawa Ontario, Canada - Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:09 AM CDT
May he soar like eagles across the trail of tears.Peace!
nash, tn - Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:00 AM CDT
Hey my precious Colby! How's it going up there in Heaven? Im sure that you are having a more hospitals!! Baby, you were such a courageous fighter right til the end. Your strength truly amazes me. When I think of you I will always see that adorable smile and will remember how you handeled everything with grace beyond your years! Be sure to look in on your parents from time to time, they need you more than you'll ever know! Until We Meet Again, I love you.
Leah Wilson
NC - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:59 AM CDT
As I sit in my office I am stuck for words, it took my breath away to learn of his passing. I waved to Colby out my office window and told him to give my precious Tiffanie a kiss. Love, Prayers and Hugs to your whole family.
Love Deneen
Mom to Tiffanie Forever in Heaven

Deneen Gethouas <>
Enola, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:53 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. I know nothing or anyone can describe your pain right now. Know that in time, you too will see him again. Him being gone is not forever! God bless you all.
Isabel <>
Albuquerque, NM USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:52 AM CDT
Sending you lots of hugs and prayers at this most difficult time.

Athens, GA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:46 AM CDT
To the Cole family,
I admire your courage and your grace. I know you loved Colby and will continue to do so forever. We all know that he is now in a better place and will not suffer anymore. Keep looking towards the sky, like you have told us to do. He will always smile on you and all of us.

Elaine Whiting <>
Micanopy, FL USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:37 AM CDT
Dear Laura, Jack and Cameron,
I have been here about a dozen times this morning and I still can't make it sink in. There was an e-mail in my box this morning when I got to work from Gooch's mom Chris letting me know about Colby. I opened it and I just went into complete shock. When Chris first started the Adopt-A-Kid site, I just knew I had to get Colby's name. From the first time that I came to your site, which has been over a year ago, Colby just reeled me in. Oh that face, he could light up a room. Everyday I would come to check on him, not always signing in, but always praying. The day you got the miracle that he was back in remission, I let loose with a scream in my office that had all the ladies wondering what was going on. I couldn't believe that I was actually getting to experience a miracle. Then when he started not feeling well again, I was just so mad at God. I couldn't believe that He would take that miracle away. There are so many things about this life that I just don't understand. These last couple of weeks on Caringbridge have just been devastating. Anthony was also one of the first kids that I ever checked on and then "adopted" him also. Now they are both gone from this earth....why does this have to happen. As so many others have also stated, I don't know how you can get so attached to these little ones that I have never gotten to "meet" in person, but I feel as if I have been right along side all of you through this journey. I never lay my head down at night without remembering all "my kids" and their families in my prayers. My heart is just aching today so I cannot begin to fathom how you feel. I know that Colby is now healed, I had just hoped and prayed that God would allow that to happen in this life. Colby is quite a soldier. I couldn't begin to wish that I could touch the vast amount of lives that he touched. All these people all around that world that he has brought together. Could this be part of God's plan......I guess that isn't for us to know. I cannot wait for the day that I do get to meet Colby face to face. He has left such footprints on my heart......he will never be forgotten. I wish I could be there to give you all a big hug, but please know that you are all in my heart and I will continue to pray for you every day. are my HERO and you will NEVER be forgotten.

Dear Lord,
Please hold this precious family in your arms. Let them feel your love and reward them for the wonderful job they have done raising one of your little children. Let them feel Colby's love and give them the strength that they are going to need to get through each day. In your name I pray, Amen.

I will be back.....thank you so much for everything you have given me through your journal entries. God bless you all.

Sent with big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson (Anthony's Caringbridge Adopter) <>
Ottawa, IL - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:36 AM CDT
To the Cole Family - Please know that the prayers and sympathy of the New Salem Presbyterian Church family are with you - and that we are here to help you in any way. God is with you always - and I am so thankful that Laura and I got to sing "I'm in the Lord's Army" at Colby's side on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Colby was sent to minister to us --- and now, in his honor and memory, we share in the pain of loss and the joy of release and freedom. Thanks be to God for the end of pain and for memories that are eternal. God loves you and so do we.
Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell and the people of the New Salem Presbyterian Church <>
New Salem , Pa - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:35 AM CDT
Coles: My continued love and support extend out to you at this hard time. God has something in store for us all. I now have the comfort of knowing Colby will always be overlooking me and giving me some of his strength and courage in all I do. He is one brave sole and my endless love goes out to him and to all of you. God Bless and Much Love.
Tricia Handy <>
Chalk Hill, PA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:34 AM CDT
Thoughts and PRAYERS are with you all
Hugs jenn

Jenn <>
NJ - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:28 AM CDT
I didn't want to come here today because I knew what I would find. But to my surprise your post actually made me smile along with the tears.

Yesterday I was angry...very very angry at this terrible disease. I am constantly trying to figure out why this has to happen....I wish I had an answer as I am sure so many parents wonder too.

This morning the smile was for Colby because he has no more pain.....the tears were for his family who are still in so much pain. I'll be praying for all of you!

Charlene Kelley <>
Kingston, GA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:17 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

I am so sorry for your loss. I know that Colby is at peace now. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Huntersville, NC - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:17 AM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you always...The Dolans
Bob, Lisa Ryan John, Emily <>
Manchester, NJ - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:13 AM CDT
I am so sorry to hear of Colby's passing. Once again I am fighting with my anger over another life lost. I watched helplessly as Janet and Dan fought for Janie and now via internet I have watched you as well. I went last night to the visitation of a 36 year old mother of twin 2 year olds who lost her life tragically in a car accident and once again I ask why?...The only thing that has comforted me and I hope will comfort you as well, is that they are all with each other and with God. I will continue my prayers for you and hope that everyones prayers will help to hold your family up during this difficult time. Please dig for that strength that helped you take care of Colby and use it for yourselves during this time. And always remember to look all around you and you will see that precious boy in places you never thought to look before. He will always be with you. Thank you for sharing Colby with the us.

Jackie <>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:11 AM CDT
I have your family in my prayers.
Anita mother of Holly
Sikeston, MO - Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:08 AM CDT

To My Sweet Colby,
I don't know where to begin. I do know that I will NEVER forget the day you came into my life. When I walked through that door and saw that AMAZING smile, and you won my heart for life. I cannot explain how it happened but I am ever thankful and grateful for every second, for every laugh, and every time I had the privalege to make you smile. We have so many wonderful memories and as the tears continue to fall I can hear you telling me not to cry. I hear your sweet little voice and I see you running like a nut and being your crazy self up in the clouds surrounded by love and you are at peace.

I LOVE YOU COLBY COLE... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Thank you for waiting on me yesterday, thank you for letting me hold you, and talk to you. I will never forget the lessons of life that you have taught me. I will always be there for you if you ever need me, like we used to say on the phone "meet me in my dreams so we can play"... that doesn't change, I know we will meet again soon and we WILL PLAY PLAY PLAY. And until I can hold you in my arms again... FLY HIGH SWEET ANGEL, FLY HIGH!!!



I will love you FOREVER Colby (MY HERO) and I will NEVER forget you.

Love ALWAYS, Jessica Whateeka
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:05 AM CDT
I just waved at Colby from my office window!! I definately saw his BIG SMILE looking down! What a though little guy you were you can rest and play and be healthy!! Love to you little sweetie. Mom and Dad, my thoughts and prayers are with you.....Colby was a very lucky boy.
lori dietz <>
baldwin park, ca usa - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:55 AM CDT
I cannot express enough the sadness I feel. You are such an amazing and courageous family. I pray that the faith and strength that got you through this will continue to remain strong and help you all to heal. Love and prayers are with you now and always.
Kim and Gianna Schuessler <>
Uniontown, PA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:53 AM CDT
Dear Cole family,
My son Samuel, age 4, and I met Colby one day in the summer of 2001. Its a long story, but, Colby was at my mother's house (on Haddenville Rd.) with his grandmother for hair cuts. While his grandmother got her hair done, the three of us played and talked. Colby talked alot about his Daddy and it was evident to me that Colby just adored him. After Colby got sick, Sam and I began to pray for him on a daily basis. We kept up on his condition through the web site. I want to tell you what you already know . . . Colby was an exceptional little boy. Your family is exceptional as well, you endure a difficult journey with courage, grace and faith. God bless you and comfort you now in your loss as the sweet Lord holds Colby in his arms.

Andrea Levy <>
Harrisburg, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:51 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
I know that you do not know me but i have been praying for Colby ever since my sister BC told me about Colby. My heart and Prayers go out to all of you , for i know what you are going through. Also my son Cody send his prayers to you also he is a member of the NewSalem Bulldogs Little League team . He was so thrilled to finally meet Cody the day the pictures were taken at the field, he has heard my sister and myself talking of your Dear Angel, and was always asking how he was doing. Stay Strong and rememer your Angel is pain free now..............

Cheree Lewis <>
republic, pa USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:50 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family...Again, not knowing what to say. I do know that your Colby is among some WONDERFUL company of friends, especially thise from these Caringbridge pages. May he soar high, may you cherish the memories, may Colby live forever in your hearts, and may the Good Lord be with you always. †
Tom <>
Kill Devil Hills, NC - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:39 AM CDT
God's Boxes

I have in my hands two boxes
Which God gave me to hold.
He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box
And all your joys in the gold."

I heeded His words, and in the two boxes
Both my joys and sorrows I stored.
But though the gold became heavier each day
The black was as light as before.

With curiosity, I opened the black,
I wanted to find out why,
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole
Which my sorrows had fallen out by.

I showed the hole to God, and mused,
"I wonder where my sorrows could be."
He smiled a gentle smile and said,
"My child, they're all here with me."

I asked God why He gave me the boxes,
Why the gold and the black with the hole?
"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings, The black is for you to let go."

Leslie Stafford
Washington, PA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:36 AM CDT
You don't know me but I have been following your precious Colby's journey for a while. I found it through another little angel's website, which lead me to follow another little angel's website, which lead me here to Colby's website. Cancer is a cruel disease and especially when it attacks innocent little children. I hope you can feel the warmth of the Lord's arms around you. I will continue to pray for you and for all of your family and for all the other families that have to endure this experience. I will certainly go outside and look up at the beautiful angels, little Colby and little Austin and little Janie and wave and smile and know that these beautiful children are having the greatest times ever up there. God bless all of you now and in the future.
Terry Curtis <>
Fairhope, AL - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:32 AM CDT
Heaven is lucky to have beautiful Angel Colby. My prayers to you. Words cannot describe the sorrow.
Eileen Spratt
Eureka, MO - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:22 AM CDT
I am so sorry for the loss of precious Colby. I have been praying for him and you all. I can only imagine your pain. I know he is now pain free and with some very good friends of ours, Janie Sims and Austin Baker. They will be a great trio of friends that watch over all of us. May God bless you and hold you in thie trying time. YOu remain in my prayers.
Kim Watts

Kim Watts
McCalla, Al - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:19 AM CDT
Dearest Cole Family,
Although I have never signed the guestbook, I have been following Colby's story for some time now. I was introduced to Caringbridge because I had a niece who had passed away three years ago. Ever since then, I have been checking in on other children & praying for them to have a complete healing. Colby as well as your family has touched my heart. You all have been an inspiration to me. It saddens me to know that another child has had such a shortened life. Colby is now in heaven and free from any more pain and medicine. Colby was such a trooper and he had such an amazing smile. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am. Farewell little Colby...May you forever play, play, play in heaven with all of the other precious angels.
God bless your family & give you all strength!!!

Mary N. Delgado
Buena Park, CA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:17 AM CDT
laura, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. we miss you! love, donna,pam, amy and michelle
donna martin
uniontown, pa usa - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:16 AM CDT
Dearest Cole Family, I pray God will comfort you now in your painful loss. In Colby's five short years he made such a difference in this world, a true soldier in the Lord's Army! The impact he made on so many lives is enormous, he made the world a better place. Now he surely is the brightest star in the sky. Love to you all. Pat
Pat Dearth <>
New Salem, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:14 AM CDT
Hi, My name is Jessica Calhoun, and I am from Alabama! I have been reading your son's website for a long time! I just lost a little boy that I babysat to cancer, his name is Austin Baker! I am so sorry for your loss! No words can ever mind the pain you are feeling right now! Just know that you are in my prayers! Cancer is so cruel and it has taken so many innocent lives! I am sorry and May God be with you!
Jessica Calhoun
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:11 AM CDT
Jack, Laura, Cameron & Family.
We are very sorry to hear about Colby, He was a strong & brave boy to go thru those transplants and fight the way he did.
You did everything humanly possible to save your son. This may not be too consoling now, but it will be. Hayden was at youth program last night at church and they prayed for Colby. Next week, at youth, we will pray for Colby's family.

Robin & Hayden VanSwearingen
Orlando, FL Orange - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:11 AM CDT
Dearest Jack, Laura & Cameron,
Oh God...I just cannot believe it. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss of precious Colby. I don't even know where to begin..I have so much I want to say to you...I just DON'T understand. Why Colby? The first time I came upon Colby's site...his pictures just blew me away. His most GORGEOUS, BEAUTIFUL, light-up-a-room smile just melted my heart instantly...I remember thinking to myself, how can God let such a beautiful, sweet and innocent child like Colby be so sick? I can't even begin to describe how SPECIAL Colby has been to me and how much he's meant to me in the past 4 months of "knowing" him...checking on him everyday was a religious routine for me and I just LOVED it. He inspired me in SO many ways, taught my so many lessons...some of which were, to never give up, to fight hard and to just live life. But the most important thing he restored faith in me and made me believe again that miracles do exist. I believe that Colby was a walking miracle...he was MY MIRACLE BOY!!!!! Jack, THANK YOU for crowning me Colby's was such an honour for me. Truly. How can't believe how attached I've been to Colby and his family, and how much I could care for and love a little boy whom I had never met. I had plans in the future to finally meeting Colby...and I am just so saddened that I will have to wait even longer now till when it's my turn to go to Heaven. It comforts me greatly to know that my lil cookie is pain-free and completely healed up in God's beautiful garden, Heaven. No more hospitals and nasty meds FOREVER, Colby!!! YEAH! I know I said I had some gifts for Colby...I wish he could've seen them. But I will send them to Cameron. Jack & Laura, please know that you always have a friend in me no matter how far away I am...always know that you have all my love, prayers and support...I pray that God will grant each and every one of you the strength and courage to go through this most difficult time. Your family will be reunited once again, and when that time comes it will be FOREVER. Take it each day at a time..and as each day passes, you are a day closer to holding your precious Colby once again.

God bless you always,

*Colby I love you sooooooooooooo much, fly high little angel, I will always be looking up in the sky searching for you*

Colby's fairygodmother, Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:04 AM CDT

DUNBAR, PA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:57 AM CDT
Dearest Coles, I am so sorry for your loss. However, we can all find comfort in knowing that Colby is with God now and is happy. Love and prayers are endlessly flowing your way; however hard it may be, try to take comfort in these and find peace. Colby is a courageous, electric, and brave little boy, who touched the lives of millions of people. He will be saddly missed and always loved and adored.
Danielle Mullen
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:53 AM CDT
Laura, Jack & Cameron,
Father God, continue to have Your loving arms around this family in this time of deep, deep despair in their lives in the loss of Colby James. He has truly been blessed with the most wonderful earthly family any beautiful boy could have. Today and for always Colby is in Your presence but their hearts are absolutely shattered. Life is a journey that everyone travels and sometimes we're lost in the depths of the night. Yet even in darkness our hearts will be lifted, tears will be ended, hope will shine bright. For out of the place where our grief is the deepest, up from the valley and on toward the height through every shadow we walk in His presence, gently and graciously led by His light.
Jack, Laura, Cameron--God's promises are true and truly meant for you in this sad time.
Colby James, angel of God, we love you very, very much.
Cameron, child of God, we love you very, very much.
Jack, child of God, we love you very, very much.
Laura, child of God, we love you very, very much.
God rest your souls as you do the final preparations for Colby's faithful life.
Love in Christ,

Jerrri and Kaden <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:43 AM CDT
I hope and pray that God carries you through this difficult time. I hope you find peace in the fact that your son is healed...

I found your page through reading your posts in other guestbooks. I always loved to see them signed, "Jack, Colby's dad forever and ever." For some reason, that really struck me. I'm sure Colby is looking down on his dad, while he introduces himself to all the other angels, saying, "I'm Colby, my daddy's son forever and ever!"

God bless!

Christi Hamilton <>
Dove Canyon, CA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:38 AM CDT
Dearest Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron,
Thank you so much for accepting my visit yesterday and allowing me to gaze on your beautiful son and hold him for what may have been the last time before he flies away with the angels to be with our heavenly father. Colby slept so peacefully and it was good to see he is not in pain. Each time he opens his eyes he knows he is surrounded by the love and devotion of his family. Forever in my mind will be those little arms clutched around Laura's neck and hands latched together as she held and comforted him. Such a strong and amazing child, Colby has been a great soldier here on earth. As he passes into the heavens, I know that the Lord has great plans for him there. His schedule will surely be full! Though our hearts are breaking with the thoughts of him leaving us sooner than we imagined, we do have the peace and assurance that we will be together again someday in heaven. Until then, Jack and Laura, I pray for you, the peace that passes all understanding and strength to get you through each difficult moment, as I know our Lord will provide. Allow him to carry you, he works strongest in our lives when we are the weakest! Know that you are surrounded by many who love all of you and are willing to do anything to help. I thank the Lord for your faith. I pray that this scripture brings you the comfort and peace that it has to me in the face of hard times and loss of loved ones.

DUNBAR, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:35 AM CDT
My Dearest Angel Colby,

I am looking up at you and I do see your beautiful smiling face. I will always see that beautiful smiling face. You and your story have touched so many peoples lives. We will miss you so much. I know now that you are safe and sound, you no longer have to struggle with your illness. You are finally at peace. We will cherish your memories forever. Colby, it is so unfortunate for anyone to have to go through what you have been through, but God does have a plan for you, a very special plan because you are such a very special person. We will love you forever.

Jennifer, Noah and Elijah <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:35 AM CDT
I have following Colby's story, and as I sit here at work have tears in my eyes, and I dont even know you. I am so sorry for your loss, Colby seemed like an amazing little boy, with a smile that melts your heart. May God wrap his arms around you and your family. God bless little Colby.
Becky Myers <>
Orrville, OH USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:32 AM CDT
Colby was such a special little boy. He took a piece of each of our hearts with him; even though it was way too short, you were so lucky to share the same lifetime.

Love, Pat

Pat <>
antioch, ca usa - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:25 AM CDT
My prayers are with you all.
Your free now Colby - fly high...

- Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:21 AM CDT
Laura, Jack, and Cameron,

I have been sitting here for 2 hours wondering what I could possibly write, what I could possibly say to you to take away an ounce of pain you must be feeling. I am so sorry for your loss. Your family has remained so strong throughout Colby's illness, now it is time to grieve. God bless you all! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Jennifer, Noah and Elijah <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:18 AM CDT
To the Cole family, I have been following your brave battle through this web site from the very beginning. I am truly sorry for your loss but know that Colby is safe and happy with the angels from Heaven. May God bless you with peace, strenghth, and serenity during this difficult and sorrowful time.
Janet Georgiana <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:13 AM CDT
I feel like I know your family since I visited Colby's site everyday and was always updated on his condition. He was a brave little man and I know he continues to be one. I'm not going to say much because I know there is nothing I can say that will bring Colby back or help with your grieving. Just please know your family has been in our prayers for quite awhile now and we will continue to do so. I am so very sorry, but I'm glad Colby will be watching over all of us.
Shannon <>
Haverhill, MA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:11 AM CDT
Cole Family,

We took a minute to go outside and wave to Colby. We are so sorry for your loss but Colby is out of pain and cancer free. I have always read your site and I am so inspired by how positive you are. Our prayers are with you and Colby.

Love, The Cohen Family (Jacob's mom)
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:07 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

While I don't know you personally, I can understand some of the pain you are going through. I had a nephew that died from Cancer when he was only 11 months old. Please know the pain does get easier although it never goes away entirely. You are in my thoughts and prayers and remember to wave daily to Colby as he will be watching over you everyday. You have a special angel on your side. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kim Smith <>
Harrisburg, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:04 AM CDT
I can see Colby smiling with his angel wings.

May God be with you and keep you strong.

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:57 AM CDT
my name is Kesha Joseph. I first heard about
colby from my spanish teacher Ms.Damico. Colby is now in a better place looking down over us. Colby is no longer suffering or going through any pain.

lakesha Joseph
baltimore, md usa - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:53 AM CDT
i feel your greif my aunts are going through the same thing that Colby went through. one is where Colby is now {in GODS hands} i know that he is not suffering anymore and he is now smiling down on us and knowing that we care. even though i didnt know him as well as alot of peopole did i feel like i was very close to him after ms d'amico told our class about him. please dont cry if you cry cry happy tears. tears of joy.happiness. he is not in pain anymore be happy that he is feeling better.
averi height [a student of ms d'amico]
baltimore, md - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:41 AM CDT
Dear Cole family,
My prayers are with you all. I am so very sorry for your loss.

Maria <>
NJ - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:35 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family:
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Chuson Marsh (
Arlington, TX USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:24 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss of Colby. Please know that our prayers continue to be with you.

Jennifer Miles <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:18 AM CDT
Dear Coles,
You are in our thoughts and our prayers.

Chad and Leslie Stafford
Washington, PA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:18 AM CDT
Laura, Jack, Cameron and Angel Colby,

We will be glancing up at Angel Colby not only today but throughout the rest of our lives on earth. He has left his mark...something many never achieve in their life time. Colby has given much to all of us who have followed his difficult and painful journey. A sense of hope and joy that should fill every day of our lives and a sense of courage with which to face life and all of life's struggles... If we ever had any doubts about God...there was no way to doubt God's existence as we followed your family's path through his illness. The grace with which you handled Colby's illness, Jack and Laura, is something that has always filled me with a sense of awe. Colby is a true hero...I'm sure he is proudly showing off his "purple heart". God asked so so much of Colby and your family...and you all battled so bravely. A whole family of heroes is quite rare. Our thoughts and sobbing hearts are with you and all your family and friends today...I'm sure Cameron is feeling lost without his buddy...I pray for Colby to come to him and let him know he is thinking of him...I'm sure Colby will be doing that for all of you in the difficult days and years ahead. I was comforted to read Dana's entry about her dream...such a beautiful image of Colby in glad he found his way to her. And the photo she posted in the journal entries was another of my favorites. When you posted that photo,Laura, it made me smile. Colby's smile, so radiant, just leaped off the page. While we grieve on earth, I'm sure that same smile fills Angel Colby's face today...

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:17 AM CDT
As I sit here with tears streaming down my face my heart aches for your family. As you continue this journey may God bless and keep you all. Even though I never met little Colby, I was drawn to his web page day after day to check on him and say a pray. He has touched my heart and life in a way that words cannot describe. Colby will be remembered in my heart always. Please know that I will continue to pray for you all. God Bless.
Tina Patterson <>
Mount Airy, NC USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:11 AM CDT
Today is finally a bright, sunny day in Wisconsin as I looked up skyward to say a prayer for your little man. He made heaven a whole lot brighter! My sincere condolences to your whole family.
Watertown, WI - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:09 AM CDT
Oh..I am so sorry...
Sweet Dreams Colby James, you have taken a piece of all our hearts with you.

- Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:06 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family:
We pray that God's almighty love will help to sustain your whole family as you go through this awful grieving period. There are no words that can be said to comfort you at this time. You do know that Colby and the whole Cole Family have changed the lives of so many people in the world. Your strength has projected on to all of us. Renee' is now rejoicing in Colby's arrival. Our love and prayers to all of you.

Bob, Lorraine and Jeannine
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:05 AM CDT
Oh God, I am so sorry. I truly am. Words seem so insignificant, they dont begin to express the loss.
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:03 AM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear of Colby's passing.
Cindy Wright - Tennessee
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:02 AM CDT
Prayer and more prayers go out to your family... May God hold you in HIS arms and give you comfort..Give Cameron an extra hug today......
Sharon <>
Dardanelle, ar - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:59 AM CDT
Dearest Cole Family,
I am so very sorry for your loss, we all have gained the grandest of angels. I waived to him this morning with tear filled eyes. He is Okay. I asked him to take time out of his fun-filled day to check on Mommy, Daddy, and Cameron. Your family has a special place in my heart FOREVER.
Missing your little boy,

Pam <lakenormanheat@yahoo>
Denver, NC USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:59 AM CDT
Sweet angel are no longer having to battle this dreadful disease, you are in the arms of the angels, yet everyone you've touched that you left behind will never be the same without you. You've touched many more than you even knew, and your beautiful smile will be missed. Continuing prayers for your family.
Wash.Twp., NJ - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:55 AM CDT
Jack, Laura and Sweet Cameron,
God bless all of you.
May peace be with you.
We send our love, strength and continued support.
There is no emptiness, just a calming mood to know that
Colby's wings were prepared quickly.
He braved the battle long enough and taught us all so much.
Forever we shall carry Colby in our hearts!
We love you all so very much,

suzanne abel
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:55 AM CDT
My condolences! I was shocked to read today's entry...I missed yesterday's, so I wasn't expecting what I read. My prayers are with your whole family.

As the Caringbridge community reels from another loss to this awful disease may you find comfort in knowing he has many playmates to show him the way.

Stacy S
WPB, FL - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:54 AM CDT
I woke this am and immediately went to the web,I am truely sorry for your loss as are my husband,Ron and our children Sarah and Blair.Colby had become like one of us and of course your family as well!!! Prayers are sent now to help you all and your extened family deal with this plan of God's. We're not always supposed to understand why, but just know it is HIs Work and Love. Colby is smiling and at peace and although he left behind a wonderful family, you can always look up and see the smile of that curly haired boy ,know ing his job was done here as part of the Lord's Army! Prayers for your peace and love to all.
Pam (Grote)Howarth and family/UHS NHS
Uniontown, PA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:53 AM CDT
I did. I looked up to the sky and waved to Colby from Brasil. I know he can now see everything and understand better the infinite love you all have for him. It is a permanent bond that will exist forever. God Bless you all and all the families that are in pain right now. Keep in mind that life continues here and there in Heaven -
Special kisses and hugs from Colby´s fan in Brasil.

- Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:51 AM CDT
While I am sure you are extremely sad that Colby is no longer with us here on earth.........I am sure feel comfort in knowing that his suffering has ended.
My Dad is in Heaven. He will take good care of him.

Ginger D'Amico <>
Baltimore, MD - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:49 AM CDT
Cole Family:
My heart is breaking as I sit in my office and read this. I turned around and looked out my window and waved to Colby. I do think the sun shined just a little brighter after that! Enjoy your angel wings Colby and please say hi to Angel Elianna for me--she's a sweet girl(the daughter of a good friend of mine)You'll know her by her long, dark curly hair and her very large smile. She lost her battle with brain cancer a few years ago. Her brother's name is Colby James too! May God's peace be with you during this time. Love, Dawn

Dawn Langdon <>
Phelps, NY - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:48 AM CDT
I'm waving!!! Looking at that beautiful smile.
God, please provide the family with PEACE, the kind of peace that only comes from You.

- Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:45 AM CDT
Laura, Jack, and Cameron,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Angel Colby is in our hearts forever. We love you and pray for God's strength, peace, and love to carry you always.
Todd, Meg, and Parker

the Radolec's <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:41 AM CDT
Cole family, I am so sorry for your loss, Colby is now an angel and he can watch over all of us now without any pain. Our thoughts and prayers are with you now and always.
The Ostrowski family
Rib Lake, Wi USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:28 AM CDT
Dear Jack and Laura,
I woke up and could not get Colby off of my mind. Even though I could still sleep another hour, I was unable to, thinking of Colby and what you all must be going through. As I prayed to God to give you all comfort and strength, I had this tremendously strong feeling that Colby had passed, that he was at peace. When I checked the computer, you had just updated and I found that it was so. My heart breaks for you so much. Today is my birthday and my celebration will not be for myself, but for sweet Colby who has now won the greatest victory possible. There are no words to take away your pain and loss, but I pray because of the great faith that you have demonstrated through this web site, that amongst the pain you feel the joy of knowing Colby is pain free, resting in the arms of our Lord. I will keep you very close in thought and prayer as you go through this difficult time.
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:24 AM CDT
Dear Cole family
I am so sorry for your loss, I know that no words can take away the pain you are feeling. I often stop by your site though I haven't often signed the guestbook I have kept you all in my prayers. Colby was such a strong little boy, he and all of you have really touched my heart. Colby is now the most beautiful angel there ever was. You will all remain in my prayers.
God bless

- Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:23 AM CDT
I see him smiling without a care in the world....I'm so sorry for all those he left behind. All my love.

- Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:22 AM CDT
My Dearest Colby James,
Thank you for coming to me in my dream last night to say goodbye. You stood in front of me with all your beautiful curls and beautiful pink skin. You have been such a brave soldier here on earth...I can only imagine what kind of angel you are now. Watch over Mommy, Daddy, and Cameron...they need your sweet angel hugs. Their tears flow now, but they are at peace knowing you have no more pain. I promise you Cameron will take good care of them.
I love you always, forever and ever and ever.
Dana Big Hair

Dana, Stuart, Kyle and Zachary Doctor
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:18 AM CDT
Laura, Jack, & Cameron,
Our thoughts & prayers are with you always.

Bernie & Steve Forsythe <>
New Salem, Pa - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:17 AM CDT
Waved to Colby, said a little in tears! Prayers are with you during this difficult time. Colby has been an inspriation in my life and as I can see in the guest book entry's in a lot of other peoples lives. Colby, you will be missed...but you will never be forgotten!!! Heaven now has the sweetest, and most adorable Angel!

Kathy Mayo <>
Whitehall, OH - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:14 AM CDT
Well Jack and Laura, you continue to amaze me with the beautiful way you have told Colby's story. I thought yesterdays was perfect and I didn't know how you would write the events of today, but you amazed me once again. I wish I had such a poetic skill.

Know we are with you, where it is physically or just in spirt. We will try to get there.

Love, Dan, Sandy and Sami

Sandy <>
Bridgewater, - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:14 AM CDT
I am a friend of Kristy Ford and have been reading Colby's pages since Kristy told us of him. I just wanted to say how terribly sorry I am to hear of your loss, and wish you the strength to get through this heartbreaking time. My husband passed last year and I know if he can he will look out for Colby in Heaven.
Angela, Ainsley and Robbie Govan <>
Hawick, Scotland - Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:14 AM CDT
My heart is just aching for you and your family right now...I had so hoped and prayed that Colby would be healed here on Earth...I will keep your family in our prayers...

In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody <>
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:10 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family, Dan and I have been checking on you all night. We read your guestbook entry on Janie's page and we know that Janie now has a new buddy and a new friend in Heaven. Though I know sweet Colby is now pain free, running and happy and playing...I know that you are hurting. We are praying for your strength and for you to find peace. God Bless you....
Janet Sims, mom to Janie-forever 5 years old,
Vestavia Hills, AL - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:57 AM CDT
Laura, Jack, and Cameron. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. Tears flow each time I would read your update but never as much as the recent one. You are such a special family. Stay strong and keep the faith. It will help you get through the days ahead. Colby, please know how much you are loved by so many people. Please feel the many arms surrounding your entire family right now.

Bev <bgorr and>
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:37 AM CDT
Laura and Jack, My heart is aching for you. Colby"s a special angel and will always be in our hearts!!!. love, Wendy H.
Wendy Hamilton <>
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:21 AM CDT
Laura and Jack:
Our hearts break for you. We have never personally met you, but thru Dana and Stuart we feel very close.

Please stay strong -- you will always remember Colby, but please never forget, Cameron needs and loves you very much.

Rick and Lynn Doctor (Dana's in-laws) <>
Coconut Creek, FL - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:14 AM CDT
Dear Jack and Laura, My heart is just aching for you right now. God be with you and Bless you all.
Love, Patty

Patty Yerina
Pgh, - Thursday, June 12, 2003 5:54 AM CDT
I am so, so sorry. My son was diagnosed with ALL almost three years ago. Gosh I am sorry.
Pat <>
jacksonville, fl USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 5:52 AM CDT
Coles... Thinking of you ALL and Praying for your Family today.
Anne Marie <>
Helena, Al - Thursday, June 12, 2003 5:40 AM CDT
Coles, I am so sorry you guys. Things just seem to be happening so fast, I dont know how you can even comprehend and absorb any of this, I sure cant. We are all praying for your sweet Colby, and would like nothing more than his complete healing here, but if thats not whats meant to be, then for you to find peace somehow and know the impact he and your family has made.
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 5:37 AM CDT
Laura, Jack, Cameron and Colby,

My heart goes out to you. Please know your family is in my prayers and I am praying very hard for a miracle for sweet Colby. Colby is such a fighter and I know he is doing all he can and fighing as hard as he can. God bless you always.

Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 3:31 AM CDT
Praying for peace and comfort for your precious, precious Colby and for your is so obvious that your wonderful boy is so loved, and you have done every single thing in your power to help him in his battle against JMML....look at ALL these entries, there are SO many, Colby is SOOOO loved!!
Tracey, Steve, Quinn and jCallum xoxoxo <>
Calgary, Ab, Canada, - Thursday, June 12, 2003 2:28 AM CDT
I am truly sorry that I have never met your son. I am sure though that he is a wonderful child and a beautiful human being. My daughter Kaycey is awaiting a heart & lung transplant and we face the fact that the inevitable is lurking behind every days beginning. Please know that there are so many people out there praying for you and your son. If it truly is his time then know his spirit does not suffer and he is going to a glorious place. If you feel up to it, I would suggest that you read a book that has brought me great comfort. "Embraced by the Light" by Betty Eadie. I hope you can find some solace in its pages as well. God Bless you and we will continue to pray for your son and your family.

Sincerely -

Erin, Kaycey, Jorge & Adriana Gonzalez <>
Ft. Worth (St. Louis, MO), TX - Thursday, June 12, 2003 0:05 AM CDT
Sweet, sweet Colby,
Darling, I am praying for you. It is breaking my heart that this is happening. I wish I could take the cancer away. I truly do. I wish I could bring comfort to you and your family, but I don't know how. Know that so many people love you, precious child. God Bless you.

Debbie Little <>
Dickson, TN - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:57 PM CDT
Once again I felt compelled to look in! Please know I know as others I'm praying for Colby's comfort. Remember God has a plan!!! Jack and Laura never doubt you two have done everything humanly possible by Colby as parents to give him a good life. He knows you love him. Heartfelt prayers are sent as always. love to you all.
uniontown, pa - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:56 PM CDT
Ever since I read your most recent journal updates I have been wondering what to say... I've decided that I don't have any words that can truly comfort you in the anguish and devastation you must be feeling. No matter how much I say we are praying for you to be still isn't enough... nothing is enough. I can't imagine what you are going through. The range of emotions I am feeling, from resentment and anger that you and Colby or any innocent child and their parents have to deal with such a horrible experience on this earth, to such a deep deep sadness that I have not felt very often in my life before this moment. Your bravery and Colby's bravery throughout this battle have been a tribute to the strength and courage of the human spirit... I was looking at pictures that your friend Dana had posted from your visit. The picture of Colby with his arms slung so lovingly and trustingly over your shoulders, Laura, spoke so many words...and one of my other favorites was Colby lying on top of Jack...the closeness and tenderness he has shared with you is what all parents should hope for. You and Jack have never let him have always given him something to hang onto and he knew you were always there for him. You two have always shouldered whatever burdens he was feeling and you helped his load to be lighter. My heart is aching for you all and I will just pray...I'm not even sure what I am praying for...but I'll just cry and pray and cry and pray...
Uniontown, - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:11 PM CDT
Colby and family
Our prayers are with you.

Mary Ostrowski <>
Chicago, Il Cook - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:48 PM CDT
Dearest Colby you are a truly amazing little boy. You have touched more lives in your few short years on this earth than most people touch in a lifetime. You are an inspiration to me and I thank your family for sharing your story and path with this horrible disease called cancer. You are a hero in every sense of the word. I pray that you can remain pain free as you sprout your wings and move on to heaven. I know that you will be one terrific angel and will keep a close watch on your family from heaven.
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:43 PM CDT
Prayers, love, & warm hugs are being sent to you and your family.

vanessa <>
parrish, al - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:41 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,
Your family is always in our prayers. We know that God will do what he feels is right. Continue fighting. With Love, Albert, Roxanne, Allyson, Paul, and Arianne

Allyson Gmutza
New Salem, PA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:38 PM CDT
May the Good Lord's peace and comfort be with you in the trying and uncertain days ahead. God Bless! †
Tom <>
Kill Devil Hills, NC - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:32 PM CDT
Dearest Sweet Colby,
We love you dear little one...our arms hold you tightly.
Comfort yourself with mommy & daddy, let the love be known.
So many prayers, so many caring people love you!
May you rest peacefully and have no pain.
We send to all of you our love, peace and tender thoughts.
Caring endlessly,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO always!

suzanne abel
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:27 PM CDT
Tonight I pray,

Dear God,

Please hold his hand. Make sure you whisper into the ears of the family and tell them that you will love Colby and care for his souls as he is precious.

Show him the playground and the grassy spot up in heaven that he can play with the ease of a pain free existence.

Please give strength to those family and friends that are near and help them to support the Cole's as they need to be held up right now.

Go find peace little one. You have fought a long fight. Good night sweet Colby, rest your little body in the arms of the Lord.

Linda, Christa, Taylor and Dylan Jorgenson <>
Ironwood, MI - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:16 PM CDT
God bless you all. You are in our prayers.
Kristi Anderson <>
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:09 PM CDT
I sit here tonight not knowing what to say to you. My heart is completely broken for you. I cannot imagine how you are feeling right now. We are all praying for peace and comfort for precious Colby and for all of you. Please know how much we care and love all of you. May you feel embraced by the many prayers going up for all of you. Peace and much love.....

Michele, Ryan's mom <>
Hebron, ky - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:02 PM CDT
I am so saddened by this news. I have been reading your journals for some time now, and PRAYING for Colby and all of you. I cannot say more than what Laura wrote. That was beautiful! PEACE, PEACE, and PEACE.
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:54 PM CDT
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron,
We've been praying with you continuously. May God be with you now more than ever.
With Love,
Rob, Jenn, Emily, Allison and Justin Hartsek

Jennifer Hartsek <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:53 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura and Cameron...I am so so sorry to hear about Colby. I can't imagine the pain. I wish you love and peace. May Colby soar peacefully with the angels.
Laura (Dana's sister)
Williamstown, NJ - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:46 PM CDT
God bless the Cole family. Praying for all of you.
Eileen Spratt
Eureka, MO - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:39 PM CDT
Laura,Jack&family i just read your up date. My heart aches for you and your family.It just breaks my heart i'm lost for words.May god bless "Colby" I know this has been a rough road for all of you but god will take care of you all.My prayers and thoughts are with you all.
Donna Ondrejko(Sandy's Mom)
Mansfield, Oh U.S.A. - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:23 PM CDT
I prayed that you feel the Lord's love, comforting and blessing you. You are in my prayers!
Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:14 PM CDT
There are no words to ease your mind at this time ...Just please know I am praying for Colby and you all...
Ginger D'Amico <>
Baltimore, MD - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:09 PM CDT
You don't know me, but I have been reading your site since my godson, Jared, was diagnosed with JMML last year. Reading about Colby's loving personality has been so inspirational. Pictures of his sweet face have made me smile. Your family has touched so many. My thoughts are with you.
Forever Jared's Godmother
San Lorenzo, CA US - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:07 PM CDT
Please know that thoughts and prayers are flowing from North Carolina. May God wrap his arms around your entire family and especially Colby and give you all the strenght to accept his will for your son.

A friend of Eva and WERBE RACING

Lynne - loving wife of Glenn - now my guardian angel <>
Clayton, NC - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:53 PM CDT
Dear Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you constantly. We are praying for God's comfort and peace for Colby, as well as for you. Jonathan wanted to "sing" a prayer for Colby today, and he chose the Our Father. He did such a great job, I know Colby felt his blessings.
All our love and prayers,
Shane, Mary Jul, and Jonathan

Mary Jul Phillips <>
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:50 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

I am here and praying from the bottom of my heart and mostly from my soul. I am a prayer warrior and try to do what God calls me to do with my prayers. I know God is there with all of you. No one can know what you are going through, yet we pray for guidance, strength and wisdom for you to get through the night.

Much love and prayers,

Renne Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:45 PM CDT
Thinking of you during this trying time. I am praying for miracles. Colby has been such a little fighter. You both are so supportive of all the other parents even in the middle of your own problems. YOu are an amazing family!!! God Bless you!!
Kim, Jim, and Taylor Watts

Kim Watts
McCalla, Al - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:45 PM CDT
My prayers are with you
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:42 PM CDT
To the bravest family I know, I hope you feel the hugs and love from NJ!!! I was a pleasure to finally meet 3/4 of the family on Friday!! Laura, you are the mommy of all mommies, may God guide you through this incredible journey, Colby, Ryan's hero, we were so happy to finally meet you face to face, a day we will always remember and cherish. Love and Prayers, Bob and Lisa Dolan
Lisa Dolan <>
Manchester, nj - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:37 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Barb Michael
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:30 PM CDT
Colby, I love you so much and I want to tell you I am going to say my prayer that I said to you on the boat. I was happy to finally meet you and you will be in my heart forever. I miss you and say hi to the angels for me.... Love your friend Ryan and John Dolan
Ryan and John <>
Manchester, nj - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:28 PM CDT
You are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless.
Peru, IN USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:28 PM CDT
We are sending all of our strength to your family tonight.
Aili and Bryan <>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:26 PM CDT
I too have followed Colbys battle. I haven't written in your guest book before, but, please know that you certainly have been in our thoughts and prayers. I wish I could say something that could help ease your pain, but, I am at a total loss for words. There are so many more people than you could ever imagine who have been touched by Colby and his incredible family. I know we don't understand all Gods plans, but, I do believe there is a plan for each and every one of us. May God be with you all at this very difficult time. ( By the way, I am an Uncle of Amanda Galer, of Mifflinburg, PA., who also has a caring bridge site, and is continuing her very courageous battle with Leukemia)
Dale Tittle <>
Middleburg, PA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:07 PM CDT

You have been so kind to our family with your frequent visits to Janie's site. Just know that we are all praying for Colby and your entire family. You are an incredible DAD.

Dan-Janie's Dad
Vestavia Hills, Al USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:02 PM CDT
Jack, Laura and family,
We are holding you all in our hearts and praying for peace and comfort. We love you all.

Joe, Willie, Amanda and Olivia <>
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:55 PM CDT
Colby and family,
Keeping you in my prayers. God give you all strength and comfort. God bless,

The Commish (friend of Eva & Team Werbe)
Rock Hill, SC - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:45 PM CDT
Laura and Family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this most difficult time.

Jodi Williams <>
Farmington, Pa. USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:36 PM CDT
Colby and family, may God hold you all in the palm of his hand.
Debbie Churchman (friend of Conor Ford) <>
Hollister , CA USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:34 PM CDT
Dear Colby and family
You are in my prayers and in my thoughts.

Ali Green (friend of Conor Ford) <>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:28 PM CDT
((Cole Family))
I am honestly heartbreaken for you all. I pray for a miracle, if this is not meant to be, then I pray that Colby stays pain free. Our thoughts are with you.

Cheri & Katelynn
Nelson, BC Canada - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:28 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
I have never signed your guestbook, but I have followed Colby's page over the past few months. My heart breaks to read your update. Colby is such a fighter and he has touched so many lives, mine included. I am praying for your family.
With love,

Haley Hastings <>
St. Simons Island, GA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:12 PM CDT
Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Words cannot express how I feel for you all.
God bless you.

Sue <>
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:01 PM CDT
Just to say that your son has touched my heart.
You have remained in our constant thoughts and prayers.
You have been so kind and supportive to so many others,
please know that you have a multitude praying for you.

The family of Jackson Ben Espeseth, ^forever 3^
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:01 PM CDT
Jack and Laura and Cameron,

It's hard to be so out of touch at a time like this.....Dana called me. I will be thinking of you and praying with you all..........what else can I say right now?? Just know you are not alone throughout all this.....
wrapping my arms around you all in cyber hugs....I will call when you are ready. Let me know.
Love always,

Niki (Jeff, Eric and Brian) <>
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:00 PM CDT
I have faith I have love but I fall short on understanding. As the tears flow I wish for your family and dear little Colby freedom from pain. I pray that you are strong and perserving as you face the trials. God bless you all.

ivy... <>
ivy, wa usa - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:57 PM CDT
You will always be Colby's family... like dad says: forever and ever...
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:50 PM CDT
God be with you all. My prayers are with you.
Oh - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:49 PM CDT
Dear Colby,

I love you. Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas and watch for the pink seashells. I love, love, love you. My mommy said that you can hear me. I love you.

Faith Dowler

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:47 PM CDT
May God wrap his loving arms around your whole family!
Bob and Lorraine
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:40 PM CDT
My heart is breaking for your family and your precious boy. I pray for comfort and peace for him AND for you. He is so lucky to have all of you with him as he begins this new, pain free, worry free, cancer free jouney to heaven. God bless and may He hold you ever in the hollow of His hands.
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:37 PM CDT
I am Grandma Jennie, Jared's grandmother. I have been following your website along with all the other JMML kids.
Words fall short at times like this. Tears seem to be
the only way to convey the emotion that is felt.
I do believe that parents of these brave kids are heros
to the little soldiers who fight in this war called JMML.
Fighting so hard, some to win, some to lose but never
do they fight alone.
I know your faith will carry you through.......
Blessed Be

Grandma Jennie
San Leandro, CA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:35 PM CDT
O My Dear Cole Family.
You are going through so much now. I am fighting back flowing tears for you. I am praying for Colby and all of you. Please know that I am here for you. Memories of my last days with Charlene are so real this evening. Colby is in the Lords Hands. Gods Angels Of Mercy Are With Colby this evening and forever.I first hand know what you are going through. Seems so unfair to watch a child have to go through something like what is happening to Colby. I am praying for Cameron. That special little person in Colbys life. He is going through alot also. Colby will fight until there is no more fight left. That is a fact. I have been thinking of you all day. Please know that I will be here for you. My Dearest Little Colby Cole. The Angels Of Mercy Are With You Little Man. You have been a very strong little person throughout your sickness. I have lots and lots of Prayers going on right now for you.
May The Lord Of Mercy Be With You and Your Family In This Time Of Need.
You have touched so many hearts and We will all be praying for you.
I am asking my Charlene to be with you through this time of need.
May God Be With All Of You and Your Familys these Days In Need.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:26 PM CDT
Dear Colby,

Love and peace to you-------you sweet, beautiful child, and to your very special family, my continuous thoughts and prayers are with you.

Jane Suhar
Chalk Hill, Pa. - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:26 PM CDT
My heart goes out to all of you. The tears are falling as I'm reading todays entry. Colby will be in my prayers tonight.
Roxanne (Cole) Conchilla (George's Daughter) <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:12 PM CDT
Dear Coles,

My heart breaks tonight as I read the update! I pray HARD for comfort for Colby and for all of you!
There are really no words that we can say to help ease the pain for you, but please know that we are here for you and you are in our thoughts and prayers!

Thinking of you all with lots of love, hugs and TONS of prayers,

- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:04 PM CDT
Dear Cole family, We are thinking of you....praying for you. No words to express how we feel for you all. Colby, you have a special family and are loved by them and your friends...and you are loved by many people who haven't even met you! God bless you.
Janet Sims, mom to Janie-forever 5 years old,
Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:59 PM CDT
Dear Cole family,
There are no right words to say to you, but I want you to know that you are being held very close in thought and prayer.

Maria <>
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:56 PM CDT
Dear Precious Cole Family,

I have been praying all afternoon and wanted to let you know the song that is going through my head as I think of all of you.

“I’ll Give You Peace” by Sandi Patti

Sometimes when you’re in the valleys
All of your burdens you carry alone
Oh, but I know, I know when you need me
Call I’ll be there
Longing to prove how much I care
Peace, I’ll give you peace
When the wind blows on
Peace, whenever you call me
I’ll give you peace
When the wind blows on
Heartaches, whenever your heart aches
To help see you through
When you’re weary
You know you can find all the strength you need
Find your rest and your hope in me
No matter how long the night may last
I’ll keep you safe till the storm is past
Oh I’ll give you
Peace, sweet peace
When the wind blows on
Peace, whenever you call me
I’ll give you peace
When the wind blows on
I’ll give you peace when the wind starts blowing
Peace, I’ll give you peace

May God be with you.


Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:46 PM CDT

CONNELLSVILLE, PA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:37 PM CDT
I'm Jared's grandma Jennie. I've been following your website as well as all the children on the JMML list.
Words fall short at a time like this, tears flow with
you as that is the only way to convey the emotions felt.
I do believe parents of these children are heros to the
little soldiers fighting in this war they call JMML.
They put up a good fight, sometimes to win, sometimes
to lose, but they don't fight alone.
I know your faith will carry you through.
Blesses Be

Grandma Jennie
San Leandro, CA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:29 PM CDT
I can only hope and pray that Colby's days on earth are pain free and that your family is granted peace during this most diffcult time.

Candyce Wolsfeld <>
Spring Valley, IL 61362 - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:27 PM CDT
Dear Coles,
May God be with you all now.

Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter <>
Smock, pa - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:27 PM CDT
My prayers are with you. I am so sorry. He is a strong, brave, beautiful child. What a preciouse family.
Cheryl <>
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:24 PM CDT
I do not know you, but I have been following Colby's page for the last few months. I've never signed before, but I had to now. I pray for Colby that his wings will grow without pain and I pray for all of you as you say good-bye to your precious boy. We will all meet again someday at the Heavenly Gates. May God hold you all in the palm of his hand!
Dawn Langdon <>
Phelps, NY - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:16 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I know that God is holding Colby in his hand. May God bless all of you and bring you some comfort in your time of need.
Beth Nitchman (Grant's Mom)
Bridgeville, PA USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:05 PM CDT
Praying for peace and comfort for all of you.
God Bless you.

Leslie and Chad Stafford <>
Washington, PA USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:56 PM CDT
May God bless Colby & Family with peace and comfort. Colby will forever remember in our heart, always.

Loves & Hugs

Thu & Binh & Brian & Cindy & Angela
Denver, CO - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:46 PM CDT
I have been keeping up with your website since a dear friend's grandchild was diagnosed with JMML...You have been in my prayers...your faith in our Lord has been an inspiration...thank you for sharing your journey with this special little boy...Colby sounds like an awesome child. You have touch the hearts of many, I pray for comfort and peace for Colby and your family.
a link in your prayer chain...
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:27 PM CDT
I am an Oct99Mom friend of Conor Ford's mom and learned of Colby through her. I have followed Colby for months now and I am devastated to read today's journal. I pray for peace for Colby and comfort for his family. Thank you for sharing your wonderful boy with all of us.
Helen Suchy
Streetsboro, OH USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:16 PM CDT
Our hearts and thoughts are with you always and forever.
The Ostrowski family <>
Rib Lake, Wi USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:06 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

I noticed your site on Janice's web page and wanted to check in on Colby. I cannot tell you how sorry I am to hear you are going through this difficult time. I am praying for you Colby...keep fighting! My thoughts and prayers are with your family. May you find peace at this difficult time and may God bless you all.

Shannon <>
Huntersville, NC - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:00 PM CDT
My thoughts, prayers and heart are with you all now and always. Colby may the Lord be with you and your mommy, daddy and brother. Bless you sweetie. We are still praying for a miracle and we shall never stop.

Angela & Tony Polichetti
Mt. Washington, KY - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 3:38 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

May God’s loving arms surround you and may you find warmth and comfort in his loving care. I am on my knees praying and praying.


Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 3:12 PM CDT
I can't even see to type a message because I am crying so hard...I don't know you personally, but have been praying for Colby for so long and I can't understand why this is happening...I can't begin to imagine your pain. I only pray that God will comfort you and take this beautiful, beautiful angel without any pain. I am just heartbroken.

Wash.Twp., NJ - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 3:07 PM CDT
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family from our family.

Marilynn <>
Sterling, CO USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 3:06 PM CDT
Dear Coles -

I pray that you are wrapped in God's love and grace. God bless all of you and all who love and are praying for your family.

N. Krajovic
Pittsburgh, Pa - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 3:03 PM CDT
May God comfort your family. We are praying for Colby and for you all. May God be with Colby.

Donna, Niko & Justin Hettlage <>
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:57 PM CDT
My heart is aching ,I just can't find any words to say,just hold him tight.
carol(Nana to Conor Ford) <>
ottawa ontario, canada - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:53 PM CDT
Hold him close and let him know how many people out here are praying for him. Let him know that we love him and not to be afraid. He has tons of love around him.. Praying for you all..
Pam <>
Denver, NC USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:53 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family:
Prayers going out for you through tears right now. So sorry to see the last update. Praying for comfort for you Colby...

Kathy <>
Whitehall, OH - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:41 PM CDT
Laura, Jack,Colby, & Cameron,
Our prayers are with you now & forever. COLBY is such an amazing little boy with an amazing family. We were so excited that Colby could be such a special part of our ballgame on Sunday. All the Bulldogs are with you in heart & spirit. You are the MVP, without a doubt!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless All of You,
Bernie, Steve, & Family
And of course, THE BULLDOGS

Bernie & Steve Forsythe <>
New Salem, Pa - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:37 PM CDT
All of our love, thoughts, and prayers are with you.
Kim and Gianna <>
Uniontown, - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:26 PM CDT
Are gods more ruthless than mortals?
Have they no mercy for youth?
No love for the souls who have loved them?

Charles Kingsley (1819–1875)

GOD moves in a mysterious way,
His wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never-failing skill,
He treasures up his bright designs,
And works his sov'reign will.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust him for his grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding ev'ry hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flow'r.

Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan his work in vain;
God is his own interpreter,
And he will make it plain.

by: William Cowper (1731-1800)

May You Find Some Peace And Comfort With Your Belief And Faith in your God.

Bruce J. Henkel Sr. <>
Mt. Lebanon, PA U.S.A. - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:13 PM CDT
I have been following Colbys story for some time now,and am heartbroken to see that things have turned for the worse.I am keeping Colby and your family in my prayers.God bless you.
CT USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:06 PM CDT
I am in total shock as I just checked your site a few hours ago and now I read the update. This is heartbreaking, but I believe with all of my heart that God is in control and His timing is perfect. Dear God, please help Laura, Jack, Cameron and family and friends as they go through this difficult time. I am still praying for Colby to receive his miracle here on earth, if it be God's will. Praying, for you SO MUCH at this time!!
Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:03 PM CDT
My Dearest Cole Family,
My arms are tightly around you as you deliver your brave boy into the hands of God.
Colby...this picture of you is how I see you when i close my eyes. Thank you for coming into my life. You are an amazing little soldier.
I love you forever and ever and ever,

Dana Big Hair Doctor
heading to Uniontown, - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:01 PM CDT
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to seperate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39

Dear God, we are all praying for hte same thing right now...we are praying for totally healing for your beautiful precious child Colby James Cole. Please Father, show us the miracle of your healing hand and place an edge of protection around htis child and his family. Please show us the power of your grace and the absolute truth that is only found in and through you. You are an awesome God and you know each and every intimate detail, every single hair on our heads. It is our desire and hope that Colby be healed here on earth where he can remain as a testimony to your awesome power, but alas we know that your will will be done. If it be your will to call Colby home soon then we will praise you for all of hte days that we had with this might warrior of Christ...we will thank you for all of hte days that his family was able to hold him, to look upon his face, to experience his life...we will reflect on the miracle of his life and we will honor you for all that you have done to reach others through this child and his family. Lord we are only human and we do not always understand...please offer Colby's family your peace as they walk through the valley. Please end the suffering that Colby has to endure...please make him whole and healed.
In Jesus Name.

In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody & Greg & Riley <>
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:56 PM CDT
Much love to all of you. Our prayers continue to be with yu through this time.


Lynn, PA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:44 PM CDT
Love and Prayers to you at this time.
The McAleers
Nelson, BC Canada - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:42 PM CDT
Dearest Coles...
I just don't have any words that seem right today. We are all just in tears...
Fight Baby Fight!!!
We love you Colby!!
Kim & Kody

- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:34 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family
I have read your site for the past year and I am truly amazed by your devotion to each other and God. Colby is an amazing child and my heart aches for all of you as you watch your beautiful little baby grow his angel wings. So many of us don't know your family on a personal level but our prayers, compassion and love for all of you is TRUE. Colby you are my HERO little guy! May God bless and comfort you all.

Lisa Searle <>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:14 PM CDT
Praying, crying and feeling your pain right now. May God Bless you all.
Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:05 PM CDT
peaceful thoughts and love to you all.
Lynn(from N.J.)
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:03 PM CDT
Sending my love from California.
Pat <>
antioch, ca usa - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:00 PM CDT
Our love to all of you.
Dana V. <>
New Salem, PA USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 12:46 AM CDT
Leaving Kisses & hugs for you. You are in my thoughts & prayers.

Angel Craving Wings
Mb Canada - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:40 AM CDT
Laura, Jack and Family....

As I read your entry today tears are rolling down my face. I am at a loss for words... Just know that I am praying sooooo very hard for you and your family. May God give you the guidance, comfort and strength to endure your time with your precious boy. Please hold your son tightly and tell him how much you love him everyday while spending every waking moment with him. Continue to take him wherever he wants to go and allow him to do whatever he wants. I did this with my precious Tiffanie before her passing and it will be a great comfort to you and your family. Still praying for a miracle......
Love and Hugs
Mom to Tiffanie Salvadia My Angel Forever

Deneen Gethouas <>
Enola, PA USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:24 AM CDT

DUNBAR, PA USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:56 AM CDT
my heart breaks for you and your family I kmow you are doing all you can and more for Colby. prayers and more prayers for all of you.
Sharon <>
Dardanelle, ar - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:37 AM CDT
Dear Laura and Jack,
My heart is breaking for you as I read your last entry. I sit with tears streaming down my face and honestly don't know what to write. Colby is such a special little boy. I will continue to pray for all of you. May God give you the strength, endurance, comfort, peace and endless love that only He can give.
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:18 AM CDT
Hi Laura and Jack,
It sounds like you are having some very special moments with Colby and Cameron. The boat ride with the boys and their friends sounded wonderful! I am keeping all of you in my prayers and will pray especially hard for you to feel the Lord's love that surrounds you daily. May He bless you with wisdom and strengh. Sending lots of hugs!

Kathy Haws <>
Thousand Oaks, CA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:05 AM CDT
Colby, Laura, Jack & Cameron,
Oh we wake and pray harder.
So much to be said and yet I am at a loss for words.
You know how much you ALL mean to us and we love you all with tender hugs and kisses.
Just remember we all know we have to stick together.
Love and support is so important.
I hope today is an easier day for Colby...and you too.
Such a dear soul with endless strength.
No moment goes by without our prayers in full gear
and thoughts of all of you in our mind and hearts.
Caring endlessly,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:44 AM CDT
Laura, Jack, Colby, and Cameron,

I am so sorry to hear the news. You must continue to stay strong and keep your spirits up. You have so many people caring and praying for you and your family. I know I will continue praying for Colby and your family. I am so happy to hear that you are spending alot of fun family time together, that is the best medicine. Please everyone take care. Give Colby a BIG HUG and KISS from me. I hope to make it to one of Colby's ball games soon.

Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:35 AM CDT
I am praying that you get better soon. Did you have a good time playing baseball? I hope you and your family gets some good news soon. God Bless.

Michelle Zammat <>
Belcamp, MD USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:34 AM CDT
My hear goes out to all of you........My students here in Baltimore have been working very hard on a special treat for Colby. I'll be in New Salem June 21 to deliver it. Until then......I'll be praying for you.
Ginger D'Amico <>
Baltimore, MD - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:33 AM CDT
Dearest Colby and family,
I don't even really know what to say, but know that I am praying for you. You are an awesome little boy and I hope you get to spend some great times with your parents. God Bless.

Chuson (
Arlington, TX USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:31 AM CDT
Precious Colby,
I am literally in tears with your mommy's update...I am down on my knees praying for you, little are DA MAN!!!!!!!! And the biggest hero ever...I know you are fighting hard. We all hear you!!!! I am thinking of you ALL the time and I promise to sign in more often after finals...I wish I could give you a BIG HUG right now...but instead I'm sending you lots of special butterfly kisses! You are so special to me, Colby Cole...words can't describe how much I care for you and love you! Hang in there, sweetie...

Laura & Jack, my heart breaks for you...I wish I was there to give you guys a nice big hug. You are both amazing people and even more amazing parents. Keep up the faith in Colby and God...that lil boy of yours is a fighter! God bless each and every one of you...

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

All my love & prayers,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:57 AM CDT
My nephew also has JMML, please know my heart breaks everytime I read your journal we are praying for Colby
Tony's Aunt Jennifer <>
Flushing, NY USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:25 AM CDT
My nephew also has JMML, please know my heart breaks everytime I read your journal we are praying for Colby
Tony's Aunt Jennifer <>
Flushing, NY USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:25 AM CDT
I can't stop thinking about your little family...I'm praying for comfort and some peace...make it a great summer.

Love, Deirdre
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:11 AM CDT
Your family continues to stay in our thoughts and prayers every single day...I was so sad to read the latest news but my heart just smiled with such an awesome feeling of relief as I read on to see that you are all having a lot of quality family time...we will pray that the pressures on Jack lighten up so that he may experience every possible moment with his all are such an amazing family...stay close to eachother and don't forget to memorize ALL of the little things...
In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody <>
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:08 AM CDT
I'm sitting here with tears running down my face as I read the news of your latest battle against JMML. I can't believe you guys are going through this again. My heart is breaking for you. I'll pray that another miracle happens and our prayers are heard!
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:07 AM CDT


- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 11:25 PM CDT
I am not sure how I found your page, but I have been keeping up and going back and reading Colby's entries. He is such a beautiful child...and is in my thoughts and prayers everyday.

Alicia and Cammie <>
Kentland, IN USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 11:19 PM CDT
Dearest Cole Family,
I hope you feel me holding you close to me now. Colby you are my hero.

Dana Big Hair
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 11:07 PM CDT
it was great to see you on Thursday...miss you guys...

Sandy <>
Bridgewater, Nj - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 10:34 PM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear the news. I got to the site through a series of webpages. Our community recently lost a teenager to lymphoma. I've been following your story closely and think about Colby and all the other kids often. It's amazing to hear about people like you and all you go through everyday. My thoughts are with you. I wish you all peace.
CT - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 10:25 PM CDT
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Much Peace Prayers and HOPE

Ruthie (Seth's mommy) www.caringbridge/fl/sethlovestrains <>
North Palm Beach, Fl - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 10:03 PM CDT
Just a quick note to let you know that I am thinking of you all! I continue to pray for you! Hang in there!
Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 9:48 PM CDT
Dear Jack and Laura,

I know not what to say. I am – HONESTLY – at a loss for words. So, I will say nothing, but just tell you what I am doing. I am praying as hard as I can. IT CAN CHANGE.

God be with you.

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 8:20 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear the bad news, please know that your in our prayers. And sending a heart warmth cyberhug.
The Coe's <>
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 7:38 PM CDT
I have checked in on Colby's website for the past couple of months and his story is an inspiration to all. I know Colby is a fighter and he will make it through this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with Colby and your family.
Blair Forehand <>
Chesapeake, VA USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 7:28 PM CDT

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 7:25 PM CDT
Hi Everyone...I added new pictures from Colby's visit to my house. Just click on the link and go to the picture page.
See you there!

Dana Doctor Link to Zachary's page
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 6:23 PM CDT
We think of you always and pray for you daily. :)
The family of Jackson Espeseth
Clear Lake, WI - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 6:00 PM CDT
Fighting Back Tears that just keep flowing ever so strong.
I am so sorry to hear the news. I will continue to pray for you. Your family needs time alone to do the things that are best for you as a family. I feel your PAIN. It is so heart breaking. I am here for you. If you need anything a hug whatever I am here for you. I am glad to hear you had a wonderful time at the Doctors House. You are a strong family. I will get back in here later have to go can't see from the tears.
Praying for you

Berneice <>
Masontown, PA USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 5:58 PM CDT
I check Colby's site daily. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Shelby Twp., MI - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 5:33 PM CDT
So saddened at this update. Know that we are pulling together to pray for Colby and the family during this journey. The baseball game made me have tears in my eyes. The strength these children have amaze me.
Anita mother of Holly
Sikeston, mo - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 4:30 PM CDT
Im so sorry to hear about the latest news. Our prayers are with you all at this difficult time. Please try and remain strong.LOTS OF LOVE,
The Kelly Family (
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 4:24 PM CDT
I am so sorry to see this update. Please know we are all pulling together to pray for Colby. Your family has been through so much, and little Colby has inspired so many people. You are in all of our thoughts and prayers

Angel Chris and all your friends at Smile Quilts
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 4:00 PM CDT
I hope everything goes well for you and your family. What you are going through should soon pass with all of the prayers and support your family is receiving. Please applaud your husband for being able to get up and go to work everyday, he truly deserves this fathers day. Keep this in mind, This too shall pass, that saying can get you through a lot. Hugs and kisses for Cameron and Colby. Love and prayers,
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 3:54 PM CDT
We will continue to pray for Colby and for your family.
Jacqueline <>
Grand Cayman , Cayman Islands - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 3:47 PM CDT
Dear Colby and family,
Praying for you.

NJ - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 3:31 PM CDT
I am so sorry to read your latest news. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers.

Barb Tomlinson - Joey's mom <>
Telford, PA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 3:16 PM CDT
No words are good enough in a time like that... I am extremelly sorry the treatment did not work.... PLEASE, don´t EVER feel you could have done different, because you couldn´t. You did your best, you offered him the best options, the best doctors/nurses/hospitals and LOTS of LOVE and DEDICATION. He could not have asked for better parents and brother. You will always be a family no matter where each one of you are. You are united forever by the most extraordinary force that is LOVE.
I hope the angels that surround Colby can give you comfort and good ideas for the next days with him.
There is another life that we can´t see from here but it is there with spirits working and evoluting and returining to Earth for other missions. Our life here is a school to become better persons. There, in Heaven, we have the opportunity to meet again our loved ones. Hugs and kisses from Brasil.

- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 3:15 PM CDT
Jack and Laura,
So very saddened at your recent update. Go out there and have a blast and know my prayers are always with you and your family. Take care.

Love, Deirdre
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 2:59 PM CDT
Hey sweetheart. Know that I am down on my knees praying for you and your family. If anyone can beat this, you're such a fighter and are so strong!

Leah Wilson
NC - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 2:52 PM CDT
My heart is breaking as I fight back tears. What a wonderful little boy you have. We've never met but I follow so closely every journal entry and check on you guys several times a day. Your strength is amazing! My heart and many prayers go out to your family. What an impact Colby has made on so many people. What a truly amazing little boy.
Pam <>
Denver, NC USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:54 PM CDT
We are so sorry to hear the latest news. Enjoy Colby, as we know you do. His strength and wisdom for such a young little guy is inspiring... You are our Hero, Colby. Our prayers continue each day. May you always turn to the Lord for strength and comfort.
All Our Love,
Todd, Meg, and Parker

the Radolec's <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:51 PM CDT
Dearest Cole Family...
I am so sorry to hear the devestaing news. Our hearts may breaking but our faith is not. Many, many prayers for sweet Colby heading your way..everyday.

- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:24 PM CDT
Thinking of you today....Praying for you.
Janet Sims, mom to Janie,
Birmingham, AL - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:22 PM CDT
Continued prayers coming your way....I think and check on you often have come so far and are so brave! Mom, Dad, Colby and Cameron....I pray for comfort to all of you....and hope that God can bring about a miracle again!
lori dietz <>
baldwin park, ca usa - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 1:21 PM CDT
Honey, we pray for you every day and ask Jesus for a miracle for you to get well. Your Mommy, Daddy, and Cameron love you soooo much.
Praise the Lord for sunshine
Praise the Lord for rain
Praise the Lord for pleasure
Praise the Lord for pain
Praise the Lord for lessons learned through every joy and sorrow
Praise the Lord for days gone by, and for each NEW TOMORROW.
Colby, our every prayer is for you to have only good days. Keep playing ball and hitting them far. What a wonderful Mommy to carry you if you cannot run all the way around the bases. Gradually you will get stronger from the little bits of exercise won't you?
I thank God and I praise Him for the sunset that lifts your spirits, the morning that lets your soul take flight in search of wildflowers, the songbirds that waken your world. And I thank God for His presence in your life, for your family and friends, for joy and even for sorrows that strengthens your life, for the awareness that God's love is the essence of all happiness, the bond between heaven and earth.
God Bless all of you and have a very good day in the Lord.

Jerrri and Kaden <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 12:22 AM CDT
Have a good summer!
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 11:58 AM CDT
Have a good summer!
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 11:58 AM CDT
Dearest Laura,
Thinking of you guys EVERYDAY. I wish I could be at your side all the time just as you are for Colby. You just say the word and I will hop in my car. Colby, you are always my hero...a true survivor. Cameron, your smile is like a ray of sunshine. Your buddy Kyle cant wait to see you too. Call me if you can in the afternoon...I will be snoozing until 3pm (I worked last night and have to work tonight), I leave at 6:20pm for work.
I am here for you always. I am sorry if I was not as much of a help as I should have been this weekend, but my heart was shattered by the latest news. I couldn't even think straight. Please know I love you. Your love and dedication to your family is inspiring.
I will post some of the pictures on Wed or Thursday!
Love you all,

Dana Big Hair Doctor
too far away, NJ - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 11:37 AM CDT
God Blesses you all each day, and He will continue to care for Colby throughtout, eternity! We will do as you ask, and continue to pray for comfort, no suffering!! Peace to you all, and continued Prayers for the whole, family, 4/J's
Julie (Jeffery's Mom) <>
Jax, Fl USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 10:53 AM CDT
My heart is just breaking...that beautiful smile, knowing all that his body is going through. I could picture his baseball hit, and then seeing his mommy helping him to base, just brought tears to my eyes.
Oh, Cole family, I have 3 healthy children, but feel so broken by all the families dealing with this dreaded disease that is taking far too many of our children's lives.
Colby-you are so strong, and such an inspiration-stay smiling, and enjoy each precious day with your family. You have amazed us all, and I won't be surprised if you do it again!! We're praying!!

Wash.Twp., NJ - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 10:46 AM CDT
Jack, Laura and Cameron - Again, more tears streaming down my face as I read the latest update. Continued prayers keep coming your way. Colby is one tough soldier in the Lord's Army. God game him to you for a reason. If he is not to stay on this earth for an extended period of time, he was given to you to teach him of his father in heaven and prepare him for that wonderful eternal life. However, Colby has shown us all that you can never give up hope. He has proven everyone wrong so often. STAY STRONG and know that you are in my prayers constantly. If you ever just need to talk or cry, just give me a call. How wonderful that he wants to play baseball and do fun things. Enjoy your time off from work. Jack, even though dad's do need to continue to work, Colby knows the love you have for him and you are there for him.
Bev Gorr <>
N. Huntingdon, PA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 10:44 AM CDT
Hugs & prayers from California; I'm so sorry the news wasn't what we all hoped for.


pat <>
antioch, ca usa - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 10:28 AM CDT
Blessings for your family today!
Cindy Wright - Tennessee
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 9:34 AM CDT
Checking in on you today....sadly discovering your news about Colby. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers every day.
Anne Marie <>
Helena, Al - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 9:31 AM CDT
I am trying to read this entry through the many tears streaming down my face. My heart is broken for you Laura & Jack. You are the best parents and have done everything in your power to help precious Colby. We are never giving up on him.....we will continue to storm the heavens for a miracle. You know it has to be Colby's way and that's how it has always been! Continuing the many prayers for sweet Colby now and always.....

Michele, Ryan's mom <>
Hebron, ky - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 8:52 AM CDT
Dear Laura and Jack, My heart aches for you.. I am so sorry that the news was not what we had all prayed for. The two of you have given your total committment to making Colby's treatment the very best.We are all still praying for a miracle. Love and many prayers to you.

- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 8:51 AM CDT
Hey Colby, just brought you a little friend by and was checking for any updates:) Love, Tracy and Katia

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Tuesday, June 10, 2003 3:30 AM CDT
Colby, Sweet, Sensitive Little Soul-
Today was extra special when I saw you walking towards me.
Do you know how much that meant to me?
To have you near me, to hug you and rub your back while your mommy snuggled with you in the fresh air was very special.
Thank you for gathering the strength and for stopping by to say Hi.
Take your time, ease into each new day.
We love you and care sooooooooo much sweet one.
Our prayers are strong and never ending.
Always from our hearts...
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Monday, June 9, 2003 11:15 PM CDT
Cole Family-hope you are all out enjoying some sunshine-I know here, it's the first day of sunshine after so much rain.
Looking to hear about your trip to see one of your favorite families, and see more pix of your smiling faces!! They are always terrific!!
Continued prayers.

Wash.Twp., NJ - Monday, June 9, 2003 2:26 PM CDT
How cute Colby & Camerin look with the ball team. I t is so nice to see smiles on their little faces.
Ginger D'Amico <>
Baltimore, MD - Monday, June 9, 2003 1:19 PM CDT
FOUR MORE DAYS till I see those precious faces. Start preparing now for MANY MANY Hugs and Kisses!!!

Love you MORE than you will ever know,

Jessica Whateeka
Charles Town, WV - Monday, June 9, 2003 11:52 AM CDT




JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, June 9, 2003 11:25 AM CDT
I am praying those counts will straighten out...

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Monday, June 9, 2003 11:20 AM CDT

Hey Jack, Laura, Cam-man AND of course COLBY!!!!!!!!
Sorry I haven't written in a few days...finals in 8 days (I'm NOT counting down!) and things are CRRRRAZZZZZY! I've been checking in everyday though!!! Well I really only wanted to say a quick hello and to tell each of you that I'm thinking of you and praying for you...and Colby honey, you are ALWAYS in my prayers no matter what...I hope you're doing good little man...and I pray that you are getting better and that we're getting GOOD NEWS! I am going to bed now so I'll have to say GOODNIGHT and I promise to sign in more often after finals next week :) Have a GREAT summer! Love you all!!

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

Lots of love,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Monday, June 9, 2003 10:15 AM CDT
Hi Colby and Cameron..
So I hear you guys like motorcyles? That's soooo cool!
Kody loves motorcyles too and he wanted to send this one to you...hope you like it!

Kim and Kody

- Monday, June 9, 2003 9:33 AM CDT
Hi Colby, just stopping in to say hi! Hope that you had a great weekend and are feeling well. The weather was beautiful. How's that appetite coming along? Pretty soon you boys will be eating your mom out of house and home. Well Cole family, take care, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Monday, June 9, 2003 8:50 AM CDT
Keeping you in My thoughts and prayers.
Alice <>
Birmingham, AL - Monday, June 9, 2003 7:56 AM CDT
Thinking of you all and as always, praying...praying...praying. Hope all is well.


Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Sunday, June 8, 2003 11:14 PM CDT
Good Night Sweet Colby,
I have a feeling that your weekend at CHOP went well?
At this time I hope that you all are home and snuggled in bed together.
Tomorrow is our BIG day for the children.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a wonderful cause! :)
It looks like my prayers are being answered for a nice day and a sunny one at that! :)
Will we see you at the golf tournament?
That golf cart is waiting for you!!!
The General and I are waiting to hear if you can come!
Callahan is excited to see you....XO
Sweet dreams Colby, hugs to all!
May your strength grow stronger every day.
As always, we continue our endless prayers and send our love yo all,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Sunday, June 8, 2003 10:38 PM CDT
Hi Colby and Family,
Just wanted you to know I think of you often and always visit your website! I seen your website address and story in a Dairy Quenn is North Charleroi. I hope that u are doing well and I will be praying for you. My 1 year old daughter had a brain tumor a few months ago and just finished her radiation treatment a monnth ago. All my prayers are with you!

Erin Reho < >
Donora, pa usa - Sunday, June 8, 2003 9:36 PM CDT
Love the latest pictures!
luci martin
Christchurch, New Zealand - Sunday, June 8, 2003 8:21 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

We are praying for you this evening and hope you had a wonderful weekend at your friends. We cannot wait until your next update.

We are also looking forward to seeing you very soon.


Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Sunday, June 8, 2003 7:22 PM CDT
Dearest Colby and family, I haven't writtin in in a long time,but I check in daily for the update. It was so good to see you at the Memorial Day Parade, I know you don't know me from the Man in the Moon, But we really do care about you!!!! I loved the pictures of you and Cameron in the ball uniforms, It's summer when baseball starts regardless of the rain.
It's 24 hrs til the Class of 2003 graduates, some of them are here recalling those special memories and they wanted me to let you know you are VERY important to them. The Graffitti wall is done and realizing you must like TOY STORY their message to you is on a ROCKET it reads Colby Cole " OUR MISSION " National Honor Society. Colby keep in mind you have touched so many, we only wish our touch to you could make you feel better. We as individuals and in group pray for you daily. You by far are more special than words can say. Only God knows the plan! Continue to trust and be strong like a bull! To your wonderful parents, we don't know how you continue other by putting your trust in God, you've taught us something also. Learning doesn't always come from the textbook but from the life we've been so fortunate to live. God Bless and Hats off to you all from us The Uniontown Class of 2003. We'll keep you all in our prayers!!!!!

NHS and Pam
Uniontown, Pa - Sunday, June 8, 2003 6:26 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that I was here today. Have been wondering about you Colby. I pray you are doing okay.
Well, Have a very safe and careful trip home. I am thinking of you.
Take Care And May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, June 8, 2003 12:37 AM CDT
Just want send many hugs and prayers your way. Have a safe trip back from The Doctor Family.

Take cares,

Thu & Binh & Brian & Cindy & Angela <>
Denver, Co - Sunday, June 8, 2003 11:31 AM CDT



JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, June 8, 2003 8:42 AM CDT
I'm thinking of and praying for you guys. Happy belated birthday and please know I love you. hugs!
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Saturday, June 7, 2003 9:37 PM CDT
Dearest Colby,Cameron,and Laura,
It was an honor to meet you guys yesterday at my sister Dana house. Colby you make a great toll bridge colector! Laura if you ever need to talk please email me. I am a great listner and you are an extrodenary woman. God bless all of you with the strengh you need.

Jill Zwick <>
long branch, nj - Saturday, June 7, 2003 8:07 PM CDT
Love and prayers. You are on my mind and just wanted to let you know God is right beside you.


Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Saturday, June 7, 2003 7:46 PM CDT
I haven't stopped thinking about you Colby since I met you in Chop on Thurs. You are soooo adorable. I keep on praying for you and your family. I hope your belly doesn't hurt so much. I wish I could take the pain away from you. I enjoyed seeing your pictures in your photo album. You look great in your baseball uniform. Little Danny plays T-Ball. I loved the picture of you falling asleep with the angel stone. I reminded me of when I saw my son Daniel sleeping with my rosary beads. May God be with you and his Angels protect you. Tell Mom she is contantly in my thoughts and prayers as you are too. It was so nice to meet her. Take care Little One. I hope you're having fun at Dana's house with your friends.
Maureen Mulvey <>
Chester, NY USA - Saturday, June 7, 2003 11:21 AM CDT
Our family would like to contribute to Colby. Can you provide information on how to direct blood & other donations to Colby?
The Craig Family <>
Deer Park, MD USA - Saturday, June 7, 2003 10:57 AM CDT

God bless the hurting hearts...
The walking wounded souls...
Bring peace unto them Lord,
With graciousness untold.

Let them mend in such a way
Their lives will overcome...
The pain and suffering they know,
The desperateness of some.

Let Your angels kiss the wounds,
And bring them peace again...
Bless the hearts who cry at night,
Allow the healing to begin.

Hold those hearts within Your hands,
That feel so tossed and torn...
The helpless and, the hopeless,
Let spirits be reborn.

Bless the hurting hearts, My Lord...
Bless souls so wracked with pain...
Too overcome with weariness,
To try to start again.

Let them see Your sunset
With faith enough to try,
To find the answers that they seek...
When teardrops have run dry.

Hold them in Your gentle hands,
And wipe away their tears...
Give them comfort, will to know,
You're there when they have fears.

God bless the hurting hearts,
The souls in so much pain...
Let them see the sunrise
With faith to start again.

Janeane Bolton © 2003
used with permission


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, June 7, 2003 10:09 AM CDT
LOVE the pictues! Colby looks darn good and happy despite it all! What a trooper! So glad he can enjoy the good!
Take care and God bless

Love, Deirdre
- Saturday, June 7, 2003 9:24 AM CDT


I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet
was stained and the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the "GOOD" living room and
worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a
fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble
about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a
summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before
it melted in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried
about grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television
and more while watching life.

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending
the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for
the day.

I would never have bought anything just because it was
practical, wouldn't show soil or was guaranteed to last a

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have
cherished every moment realizing that the wonderment growing
inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said,
"Later. Now go get washed up for dinner."

There would have been more
"I love you" ...
more "I'm sorry"
.... but mostly, given another shot at life,
I would seize every minute...look at it and really see it...
live it... and never give it back.

I would tell all my friends that I need and love and that my
life would be empty without them!

by Erma Bombeck

Maybe, just maybe, you would share more MountainWings moments.
You can't live over.
You can live differently - starting right now.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, June 7, 2003 8:23 AM CDT
Colby and family;
You are in my prayers along with members of my church Calvary U.M in Chicago. We are hoping and praying that we soon will hear you are well . My daugthter Wendy works with your mother at Uniontown
hospital. Get well soon Love

Mary Ostrowski <>
Chicago, ill cook - Friday, June 6, 2003 11:14 PM CDT
Good evening Cole Family.
Just looking for some update.
I am praying for you Colby.I sure hope your belly is feeling better.
Hang in there little one you will be up and at it again in no time.
Praying for you always.
May you have a safe trip home.
I sure hope you are having fun at the Doctors house.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, June 6, 2003 7:38 PM CDT
Hi "Colby" just a line to let you know i'm thinking about you and your family.I pray everything goes well at the hospital. Have a safe trip home and may god bless you and keep you safe. Stay strong little trooper.
Donna Ondrejko
Mansfield, Oh U.S.A. - Friday, June 6, 2003 7:26 PM CDT
Please have a safe trip home from CHOP and the Doctor's. I hope it was a rewarding trip.

Sending loving prayers!


- Friday, June 6, 2003 6:22 PM CDT
Thinking of your family. :)
Michelle and Mike Espeseth & family
Clear Lake, WI - Friday, June 6, 2003 4:42 PM CDT
We hope your visit to CHOP goes well. The pictures are so cute. Colby, we hope you are feeling better soon. Have a safe trip home.
Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, June 6, 2003 2:40 PM CDT
You guys are such cute little boys!!! I don't have any boys but I love those little uniforms! You just look so squeezable. Colby, I pray your abdomen (belly) is feeling better. Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
Tampa, FL - Friday, June 6, 2003 10:40 AM CDT

The God of Love

The God of Love, is the God of men.
The treasure of life rests in Him.
With power and truth, He sets us free.
His word He gave us, that's the key.

The key of life, He spoke His word.
His busy children just haven't heard...
The power is ours, Jesus said it's true,
All power is mine, I give it to you.

So speak His word into your life,
Give it power with a little faith.
Touch this world, with the God of Love,
See hearts change, and mountains move.

Fear and doubt will flee away,
When the power of God, Has changed your day.
You'll see with love, instead of hate,
Have faith in God, it's not too late.

Men may run and men may hide,
But the God of Love will still abide,
In His children's hearts, and in their lives.
The victory's ours, God is alive!

Because we're His, we sing and shout.
Praise God He lives, don't live without,
The God of Love, He's the God of men.
The treasure of life rests in Him.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, June 6, 2003 7:18 AM CDT
Justed wanted to stop and tell Colby and family hello!
Janet Sims, mom to Janie,
Birmingham, AL - Thursday, June 5, 2003 10:41 PM CDT
Good Night Sweet Colby,
I hope your day at CHOP went smoothly.
I was thinking about you all day.
Come home soon and I hope that you can join us on Monday.
Callahan would love for you to join her in the golf cart!
Pray for no rain... :)
As always, you are in our prayers and never ending love,

suzanne abel
- Thursday, June 5, 2003 10:41 PM CDT
Laura, Jack, Colby, and Cameron,

I want you to know that we still think of you and pray for Colby daily. John is doing well. We started maintence chemo, which is going well so far. John also turned 5 on June 4th! What a great day for birthdays!

Sending all our love,
Becky, Ken, and John

Becky McNamee
- Thursday, June 5, 2003 10:41 PM CDT
YOu go get them SLUGGER!!! One day, he will be great at baseball, and anything else he puts his mind to, I am sure! He seems like an awsome little boy! In fact what kid isn't? Stay strong family! You are beautiful!
Our love and hugs from this family to yours!

Aizees page

Cheryl <>
oakley, Ut USA - Thursday, June 5, 2003 10:28 PM CDT
Much love and prayers tonight!

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, June 5, 2003 9:02 PM CDT
HI Colby,

Stopping in to let you know that you are forever in my thoughts and prayers. I hope things are going better each day!!! Please tell Daddy "HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY"

Love and ((((HUGS)))))

- Thursday, June 5, 2003 8:57 PM CDT
I will add you to my prayers - my honorary niece is 4 yrs. old and is fighting stage iv neuroblastoma. I understand somewhat the roller coaster ride that you are on. Your son looks like such a sweetheart - I hope that God will be good to him. Be strong and have faith.
Bobbi VanSchaick <>
Spring Valley, IL USA - Thursday, June 5, 2003 7:38 PM CDT

But I know he stilled the tempest
and calmed the angry sea.
And I humbly ask if in His love,
He'll do the same for YOU...

And then just keep quiet
and think only thoughts of Peace
And if YOU abide in stillness YOUR
"restless murmurings" cease.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, June 5, 2003 9:26 AM CDT
Hi Colby!

Just rolling in to say......G'DAY!!!! (hey that rhymed!). I hope you have a truly wonderful today, sweetheart...I have been thinking of you SO, SO much and just hoping and praying to God that you are feeling good and that you are being the Colby we all know...although it can be hard to do that when you are sick...but I know you're just AMAZING and you put on such a brave face and you just put up with it! You deserve a bravery medal...have you got one?! I should make you one. I am gonna send yours and Cam-Man's gifts off after my PLEEEEEEEEEASE be patient!! In the mean time, I am sending you lots of warn hugs...I know God is watching over you, Colby...I hope you can feel his love around are never alone in this journey! Have a nice day cupcake! (Speaking of which, how were the cupcakes you made for daddy?)

Jack, I hope you had a wonderful birthday! I have always wondered what it would be like to have a twin...when it's birthday you have one cake with both your names on it or two cakes, one for each???? Two cakes would be AWESOME! I love cakes :) Okay enough...hugs to you and Laura and Cameron!

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page


Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, June 5, 2003 9:00 AM CDT
Sweet Dreams to all...
It's late and we all need to be asleep!
Laura it was great to talk to you today.
As always you amaze me!
Jack, a quick hug is better than no hug :)
I hope your birthday was a great one!
As for Mr.Colby... I love you!
I hope that today your belly pains subsided.
Having your energy back would be wonderful.
We all have faith in you and as always send our loving thoughts and endless prayers to you and your family.
Callahan wants to see you soon, I hope that we can make this happen. OK?
Cameron we love you too little guy!
XO to all,
Snuggle, snuggle and snuggle some more!
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 10:59 PM CDT
Hi Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron!

Happy Birthday Jack!

We just loved the pictures of the boys in their uniforms. What a great time they must have had. You all are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Have a safe trip to CHOP and enjoy your visit with the Doctor's. We love you and miss you!
With unending love and prayers,
Todd, Meg, and Parker

The Radolec's <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 8:58 PM CDT
Good evening Cole Family.
Love the new pictures boys.
I pray your visit at CHOP went well.
I am praying for you Colby.
Take care little buddy.
May God Be With You Always.
Praying for you

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 7:35 PM CDT
Dear Colby,

I love you and miss you Colby. Tell your Daddy Happy Birthday.


Dear Cole’s,

Thank you so much for the update and the pictures are wonderful!!!!!!!!!! We pray things will go well for you this week. Our prayers are as strong as ever.

Happy Birthday Jack and “Aunt Dee”. Aunt Dee, I LOVE reading your postings everyday on Colby’s page!

God Bless you and keep you in his care,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 6:42 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, Jack and Janice! You're not getting older, you're just getting...well, you know. Here's another miracle: Laura is a medical expert at blood counts, medications, symptomology, etc. What a blessing! Love the new pictures! As we celebrate the birthday of the Church and the birthday of the Cole Twins - and my birthday (6/9), we contineu to give thanks for all things new --- every new day with Colby AND Cameron is one big holiday. Thanks be to God. Safe travel. Thanks for keeping us posted. Grace, prace and love to all -
Rev. Russell (and family) <>
Jeannette, PA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 5:51 PM CDT
First of all, happy birthday, Jack! Second of all, Colby, you look stunning as a little league're such a cutie! Anyway, just checking in to see how things are coming. Thinking of you always!
Love and God bless!

Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 5:46 PM CDT
Hi All. Happy Birthday Jack and Jan. I always remember your birthday because Roxanne's is tomorrow. Colby and Cameron, you both look great in your uniforms. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.
With much love, faith and hope,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

Dana Velosky <>
New Salem, PA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 5:02 PM CDT
Jack, we both hope that you have a great birthday with your family today. Enjoy!!!!
Bob and Lorraine
- Wednesday, June 4, 2003 4:24 PM CDT
Just dropped by sweetie to check in and hope you are having a fantastic day...Carolyn

Carolyn <>
Oklahoma United States - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 4:17 PM CDT
HOW COOL FOR YOU- to get those autographed items! Love to you! Laura
- Wednesday, June 4, 2003 3:58 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Colby's Daddy....
From Kody's Mommy!!

- Wednesday, June 4, 2003 3:42 PM CDT

I hope that you have a wonderful birthday and I bet that those SPECIAL cupcakes and carrot cake will be DELICIOUS! I wish I could be there to help eat them and celebrate with you all. Missing you all so much... I will call tonight and sing you Happy Birthday in person! Have a great day. Love you so much Colby and Cam man!!!

Jessica Whateeka <>
Charles Town, WV USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 3:37 PM CDT
I love the pictures of you and Cameron all suited up for baseball. I have no doubt you will make an awesome baseball player. My son, Robbie, plays little league. He is a pitcher and also plays shortstop and catcher. He loves to play! Boy, the pictures of the goodies you guys made for dad's birthday makes me hungry!! I am so proud of you Colby.....always remember YOU ARE MY HERO!! Happy Birthday to Jack and Aunt Dee!! God bless you all.
Sent with big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 3:27 PM CDT

Hi Cole's,
Love those pictures !!! ( Colby's tummy LOOKS like it hurts ) . Poor thing :( ... Hope something good happens soon for him. Happy Birthday Jack ( and Aunt Dee ) twins? I must have missed that somehow . Have a great birthday and send me a cupcake!!!
Many blessings and prayers to you all,

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe ,Tx, - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 3:14 PM CDT
The new pictures are great - Colby's getting the steroid cheeks and he looks adorable!! They look so happy and loved.

I hope the new meds are helping the GVH. Tummy aches are tough, but Colby's tougher! When's the next VNTR?

Love and prayers-

Rachel <>
- Wednesday, June 4, 2003 2:56 PM CDT
Thank you for updating and the great pictures. Hope Colby´s abdominal pain is gone by now, forever.
Hugs from Brasil.

- Wednesday, June 4, 2003 2:45 PM CDT
Happy birthday Jack and Janice!
Colby you look awesome...cant wait to hug you guys!
Love you much,

Dana Big Hair
- Wednesday, June 4, 2003 1:37 PM CDT


The Father

The Father is love,
The Father is grace,
The Father is mercy,
Just look in His face.

The Father is wisdom,
The Father is truth,
He's wanting to give you
The joy of your youth.

The Father is strength,
The Father is peace,
The Father restores you
And fills all your needs.

The Father is love,
The Father is grace,
The Father is willing
Your sins to erase.

So come to the Father
Who freely did give,
A light to the world
So the world may live.

The Father is love,
The Father is grace,
The Father is mercy
Just look in His face.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 11:41 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to Jack and Aunt Dee, I forgot we are all wacky Gemini. Hope you both have a great day. Tom.
Tom Vitz <>
Va Beach, Va - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 9:42 AM CDT
Wonderful pictures of true athletes!!! Colby and Cameron look ready to play ball!!! Colby, I hope you're feeling better in the belly soon. Keep that bright smile on your cute face.
Happy Birthday Jack!!! I bet I know what you're going to wish for when you blow out the candles (how many candles- 21)May all your birthday wishes come true!
Thank you for updating the website. It is so nice of you to share your lives with us. You are doing a wonderful job!
Birthday wishes are being sent to Aunt Dee too! You must be pretty special. Enjoy your day!

Colby's friend
Philadelphia, - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 9:25 AM CDT
Hello Colby, I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. You take care little guy. Me and the boys would love to come and see you play baseball.
Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 7:36 AM CDT
Ohh, forgot to mention...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Colby's Aunt Dee too :) Have a nice day, Aunt Dee!!!


Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 7:17 AM CDT
Dearest Colby,
I LOVE your new pictures, sweetie!!!! And BOY look at those cheeks of yours!!!!!! You're lucky I'm not there with you or I'll be squeezing them TOO often!!! :) So glad mommy updated too...I was beginning to get anxious and nervous like I usually do when I don't know how you are coming along! You are still SOOOOO very much in my prayers little man...I know you're fighting hard...I'm so sorry you're having so much pain in your belly..I just pray they GO AWAY...dear sweet God, please put your healing and comforting hands on Colby's little belly and make the pain go away...we need to see more of his beeeyoooooteeeefoool smile!!! You have a nice day cutie is daddy's special day so you shower him with hugs and kisses ok!!

JACK!!! HAPPY is a birthday carebear for you...

I hope you have a truly wonderful and special day...I know Laura and the boys will make it special for exactly how YOUNG are you?????!!!!! Hehe! Have fun!! Sending you lots of birthday hugs!

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page


Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Fairyland, Australia - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 7:15 AM CDT
Colby! You look like a real ballplayer in that uniform! Go team! I bet you would want to be the catcher-right? It would be nice if it would stop raining so we could all go outside and play ball without having to run into the puddles! Well enjoy your day as every day is a new one and hopefully one to be thankful for!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 6:37 AM CDT

DUNBAR, P USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 3:08 AM CDT
God IS good!! Love you guys and thinking an PRAYING for all of you!
Becky Nichols <>
Austin, Tx USA - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 11:52 PM CDT
Hi sweet, precious Colby!!! Just stopping by to see how you are doing. You are always in our prayers and never far from our thoughts. Take care Cole's and enjoy your visit with your friends!


Michele, Ryan's mom <>
Hebron, ky USA! - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 7:29 PM CDT
Have a safe trip Thursday and I will pray that all goes well. Enjoy your visit with the Doctors.
Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 7:28 PM CDT
Colby...I hope you have a great time visiting with the Doctor family-from your mommy's words and pictures, I can see how much you love them.
And, everyone who comes to your site falls in love with YOU, Colby-you touch so many hearts and just seeing that beautiful smile in your pictures-knowing all you've been going through is such a testimony to courage and the strength to not let this horrible disease get you down!!

I am praying very hard for you and your family-I have followed on the Makoids site, and that horrible disease took such a beautiful life, and I am praying for a cure!!Little boys like you deserve a cancer free life. And, I'm praying extra hard that you get it!! I've read on here that Colby is a miracle boy, and that's what we are counting on!! What a blessing you are.

Continued prayers!!

Wash.Twp., NJ - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 5:48 PM CDT
Hey Colby!!! Just wanted to wish you and your family Happy Summer. Please update us on your health. You are such an adorable kid!!!XOXO
- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 4:26 PM CDT
Hey Colby!!! Just wanted to wish you and your family Happy Summer. Please update us on your health. You are such an adorable kid!!!XOXO
- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 4:25 PM CDT
Hey ,this is Tatiana,Katia's sister.I just wanna wish you a good summer!I hope you feel better!
- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 4:07 PM CDT
Have a safe trip tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ginger D'Amico <>
Baltimore, MD - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 2:39 PM CDT
Thinking of you and how MANY kisses you are going to get when I see you!!! Counting the days till I see you boys!!! Lots of love,
Jessica Whateeka <>
Charles Town, WV - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 2:16 PM CDT
Cant wait to see you on Thursday!!!!!!!!

Dana Big Hair Doctor
- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 1:58 PM CDT

I do my best to keep an open mind, for if I don't,
I may miss an important message meant for me.
When I open my heart, quiet my mind, stop my thoughts,
and listen to the inner guide as in meditation
I am at peace, with a great sense of a healed spirit.
When the mind, body and consciousness or soul,
if you will, are in harmony a transformation begins.

("Love To Love Is Life")
L isten to the answers when you
O pen your heart,
V isit yhe place where peace resides.
E very breath you take is an essential part.
T ry not to think
O r you'll ruin it all.
L ight arrives to warm you throughout
O r there to energize, be your host.
V oices speak softly from within,
E very mucle and nerve is only a ghost.
I sn't it nice, now that you know,
S omeway, somehow you can let it go?
L isten to the answers when you're
I n your heart,
F or this is the true
E ssence of being, your part.
By Cindi S.

I Will Forever Love You,

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 1:16 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

We pray all is well. No news means good news!

Please have a safe trip to CHOP and have a blast with the Doctor family.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:37 AM CDT
Just popping in to say HELLO!!
I check your page often and I just
wanted to let you know that your family
is always in our PRAYERS and THOUGHTS..

Lots of Love, The Gates Family

Visit Christina's Site (Leukemia

Sherry Gates <>
Lakeland, FL USA - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 9:21 AM CDT
Hi Colby!!

I'm thinking of you, lil cookie!!

Bye Colby!!

Lots of hugs and smiles and kisses and smooches,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 2:30 AM CDT
Colby and family,
Praying for you...

gina geddings, mommy of angel Morgan < ~~>
- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 0:54 AM CDT
Hey guys : ) I have been thinking about you. I know I don't sign the guestbook a lot but I think and pray often. Your doing an awsome job at fighting. Keep your head up.
Love and Hugs

amy mareck
- Monday, June 2, 2003 7:53 PM CDT
Good evening Cole Family,
Just checking in to see how ya guys are doing.
All seems quiet. Hope that is a good sign.
Enjoy the beautiful sunny days outside boys.
A little chilly but still sunny and bright.
Take Care Cole Family
Will be checking in again in a few days.
May God Be With You Always.
Praying for you Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, June 2, 2003 4:22 PM CDT

God sees your heart, it's
truth can't hide,
It's filled with Him,
love does abide.
Compassion fills it,
wisdom over~flows,
Your path is straight, His
Word you know.

You believe the Lord is your
shepherd indeed,
His Holy Spirit you
trust to lead.
God loves you child, and
He always will,
How much my child, only
you can tell.

You trust the Lord with
all your heart
You lean on Him, don't
ever depart.
Your life is sweet, and
filled with love,
Because you trust in
God above.

You say the words God
loves to hear,
Because you've learned
His Word is dear.
The sound of praise
in His holy ears,
Release His power to
defeat your fears.

Your heart is filled with
holy joy,
The Holy Spirit you
do employ,
You lift your voice with
thankful praise,
To let God know, you
trust His ways.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, June 2, 2003 3:10 PM CDT
I love coming by your page and seeing things are just quiet. Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Monday, June 2, 2003 9:21 AM CDT
Hi Coles:
Just a note to let you know you are still in my prayers. Hope you all have a very good week.

Carol Elvin
Pittsburgh, PA - Monday, June 2, 2003 9:11 AM CDT
I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ya!!!!!!!!!!
(And Jack, Laura & Cam-man too!!!!!!!!!!!)

Hope every one of you has a wonderful, peaceful, fun week :)

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page


All my love and MORE,

*Fairygodmother Janice*
Melbourne, Australia - Monday, June 2, 2003 8:21 AM CDT
Hi, I'd like to invite you to visit, and add Colby's story.

God bless,


Kenny Ray <>
Fort Lauderdale, FL USA - Monday, June 2, 2003 8:14 AM CDT
Dear Colby,

I am checking in, once again. This happens to be one of those days where I have been consumed with thinking about you and praying for you this day. I believe that I checked your web page today at least a half dozen times. I am really pulling for you and your family in prayer, as I have found this to be the answer.

Life is so wonderful, especially when it gives precious people like you Colby to the rest of us to be blessed by. You have touched me personally in a way that has forever changed me. God speaks through you Colby, though you may not even know it yet. However, in time you will.

There are so many people that love you and are praying for a complete healing of your body. It will come with time. You will beat this sickness – believe it and claim victory over it!!!!

May God bless you and keep you in his care. Continue to accept his wonderful healing power and stay “strong like a bull”.


Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Sunday, June 1, 2003 8:50 PM CDT
You Coles are very tough people and are always in my prayers. On your list of dates at the top of your page, it would be great to see: COLBY CURED!

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Sunday, June 1, 2003 6:13 PM CDT
A prayer for you this beautiful evening.

Heavenly Father, You are our Protection and Peace, our Refuge and Salvation. You have delivered dear Colby so many times from illness and we ask for your healing touch once again. Today, we pray for Your loving kindness to help Colby and heal him, for You alone are worthy of these prayers, capable of answering them and merciful in Your ways. Please wrap your loving arms around this dear sweet little boy. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Sunday, June 1, 2003 4:53 PM CDT
Hi Everyone............Just sending my prayers your way and letting you know you are always in my thoughts.
Ginger D'Amico <>
Baltimore, MD - Sunday, June 1, 2003 3:50 PM CDT

....In this busy life we live, there are people and things constantly tugging at us for our attention. We may at times feel over-whelmed.We should always remember to take time out of our hectic schedules, for some TLC.For us to fulfill the many tasks that face us each day, we need to take some time for ourselves.It's not being is necessary. No one can continually give to others, while ignoring their own well-being. If you want to be a blessing to others, you need to be a good steward of the body, mind and spirit God has blessed you with.The TLC (tender loving care) is for you! If you learn to tenderly and lovingly care for yourself, it will be easier for you to treat others with tender loving care. Jesus is our example,let's follow willingly. God bless!


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, June 1, 2003 9:40 AM CDT
Just wanted to come by and say GOODNIGHT...I don't know if you've realised but when it's night time for you, it's day time for me!! Weird, huh? But I guess that's the way the world works :) So when you're having a nice breakfast, just think of me sleeping in bed ok?? Or if I'm not asleep, I could be studying for my exams...ewwwww...but not long to go!! And I'll be on here writing to you like CRAZY!! Like you haven't gotten enough of me already?? Hehe! I hope you're having a WONDERFUL weekend, my lil cutie are such a dear boy...I only smile everytime I think of you :) I wish I could give you a big hug! You keep smiling that gorgeous smile of yours and I'll be checking in SOOOOOOOON...perhaps with an animation next time...I'm actually trying to cut down on animations because some of the other kids have had trouble loading up their guestbooks as they're just filled with graphics!! So I will try and keep calm with the graphics :) Messages with no pictures are still good aren't they?? I feel like I'm talking to myself...I'm thinking of you Colby...and just like God, I love you too..

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

Love, hugs & kisses,

Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, June 1, 2003 9:23 AM CDT
Hi Colby,
Sure sounds like you and Cameron had a fun time in the parade. Riding on a fire truck is something my kids always love to do. Hope you are having a good weekend.
Hugs and prayers,

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Sunday, June 1, 2003 1:56 AM CDT
Oh my it's late and you're in bed...
or is mom fixing you some french toast at 2am? :)
Sweet dreams little one,
we send our love and as you know we continue our
prayers with never ending strength!
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
ohiopyle, pa - Sunday, June 1, 2003 0:45 AM CDT
Dear Cole family, We're glad to hear colby is feeling better. You're all in our prayers daily. We remember a very short time ago when Luke was battling his GVHD-a real tough battle which seems to be a mixed blessing while going through it. Looking back now, I'm sure it's what saved his life though controlling it is a real challenge. Hang in there Colby! We pray that those donor cells are fighting away and increasing all the time! Luke got up to about l8kg and is now down to l3kg. Don't throw those clothes out. Luke is now wearing clothes he wore about 2 years ago! You are beautiful Colby--in and out! Have a wonderful weekend all of you.
Sarah Gaskins, Luke Do's mom <>
San Jose, CA USA - Saturday, May 31, 2003 10:36 PM CDT
Dear Cole family, We're glad to hear colby is feeling better. You're all in our prayers daily. We remember a very short time ago when Luke was battling his GVHD-a real tough battle which seems to be a mixed blessing while going through it. Looking back now, I'm sure it's what saved his life though controlling it is a real challenge. Hang in there Colby! We pray that those donor cells are fighting away and increasing all the time! Luke got up to about l8kg and is now down to l3kg. Don't throw those clothes out. Luke is now wearing clothes he wore about 2 years ago! You are beautiful Colby--in and out! Have a wonderful weekend all of you.
Sarah Gaskins, Luke Do's mom <>
San Jose, CA USA - Saturday, May 31, 2003 10:35 PM CDT
Hey there sweetie! Just stopping by to say hello. :)
- Saturday, May 31, 2003 10:05 PM CDT
Came by to say HI

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Saturday, May 31, 2003 8:56 PM CDT
Just signing in to let you know that, as always, you guys are in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings to you. You know where I am if you need me.
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Saturday, May 31, 2003 7:47 PM CDT
Good evening Colby,

I hope you are having a stupendous weekend.

There is a bunch of hugs and loves going your way right now from your friends here in Washington.

God bless you and keep you in his care.

Much Love,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Saturday, May 31, 2003 7:37 PM CDT
Why Do Women Cry?
(Author Unknown)

"Why are you crying? he asked his mom.
"Because I'm a woman" she told him.
"I don't understand," he said. His mom
just hugged him and said, "And you never will."
Later the little boy asked his father,
"Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"
"All women cry for no reason"
was all his dad could say....
The little boy grew up and became a man,
still wondering why women cry...
Finally he put in a call to God; when God
got on the phone, the man said,
"God, why do women cry so easily?"
God said.....
"When I made woman she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry
the weight of the world; yet, gentle
enough to give comfort....
I gave her inner strength to endure childbirth
and the rejection that many times
comes from her children....
I gave her hardness that allows her to
keep going when everyone else gives up and
take care of her family through sickness
and fatigue without complaining....
I gave her sensitivity to love her children
under any circumstances, even when
her child has hurt her badly....
This same sensitivity helps her to make a
child's boo-boo feel better and shares in
their teenagers anxieties and fears....
I gave her strength to carry her husband
through his faults and fashioned her
from his rib to protect his heart....
I gave her wisdom to know that a good
husband never hurts his wife,
but sometimes tests her strengths and her
resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly....
I gave her a tear to shed, it's hers
exclusively to use whenever it is needed.
It's her only weakness....
It's a tear for mankind....


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, May 31, 2003 12:25 AM CDT

If I could catch a rainbow
I would do it just for you
And share with you its beauty
On the days you're feeling blue

If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own
A place to find serenity
A place to be alone

If I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the sea
But all these things
I'm finding are impossible for me

I cannot build a mountain
Or catch a rainbow fair
But let me be what I know best
A friend that's always there



JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, May 31, 2003 10:34 AM CDT
HI Colby,

Just stopping in to wish you and your family a wonderful weekend!!!

Love and ((((HUGS))))

- Friday, May 30, 2003 8:41 PM CDT
Hey Colby!!

Here I am again, on yet another study break...actually, I am just putting off studying for awhile...SHHHHHHHHH!!! I hope you had a great day, sweetie! And the weekend is here! YEAH! I hope you're feeling well enough to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!! It just isn't the same when Colby is nothing but a ball of energy and PLAYING his heart you get better soon, cutie pie...get mommy and daddy to take more pictures! That BEAUTIFUL face of yours NEEDS to be infront of a camera 24/7!! Okay, I am getting strange looks from my I better get back to them...hope your belly is feeling better little man...remember that I'm always thinking of you and PRAYING for you...yes dear God, please wrap your loving, safe and healing arms around precious know he NEEDS you!! Love you Colby!!

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

Loveeeeeeee and kissessssssss!!!
XOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXO----------> Some for Jack & Laura (the most amazing parents in the world!! You share the same title as MY parents!)
XOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXO----------> And some for little Cam-man!

Melbourne, Australia - Friday, May 30, 2003 8:23 PM CDT
Hope you have a great time with the Doctor's!! I miss talking to you, too Laura. I'll try to call next week.

Rachel <>
- Friday, May 30, 2003 4:17 PM CDT
Dear Coles, Hope you all have a great weekend. Prayers as always. The Gang at the Beach
Tom Vitz <>
Va.Beach, Va - Friday, May 30, 2003 3:58 PM CDT
Hello to my sweet Coles!!!
How is everything on this sunny Friday afternoon? I hope that all is well and that you are enjoying the sunshine. I have had you on my mind a lot lately. I miss you guys so much. I really stinks that I had to move :-( I am counting the days till I see my little turkeybutts again! I miss you too Laura Lou. I miss my friend! I hope you are taking care of yourself... we need to pamper ourselves!! Unckle Jack, you better be taking care of that girl!!! I will call again tonight, did you get my message from yesterday? Love you love you love you love you!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO coming at ya from MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Jessica Whateeka <>
Charles Town, WV USA - Friday, May 30, 2003 2:55 PM CDT
Hi Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron!
As always, all of you are in our thoughts and prayers. Jack, Todd really enjoyed talking with you on Sunday - the Cole family was all he talked about all day long - I ejoyed the update. Take care of yourselves and give those precious boys extra hugs from us. We love you and are praying for another miracle for Colby!
Love, Todd, Meg, and Parker

The Radolec's <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, May 30, 2003 1:23 PM CDT
Hi little Colby,

Just want to send hugs and best wishes to you & family. Glad you are feeling better everyday.

Take cares,

Denver, - Friday, May 30, 2003 11:54 AM CDT
Hi Colby
My name is Bernadette.I just wanted to say hi Take Care and have a great day

Bernadette Derry <>
Halifax, N.S. Canada - Friday, May 30, 2003 11:30 AM CDT

Signs in front of Churches

1. The best vitamin for a Christian is B1.
2. Under same management for over 2,000 years.
3. Soul food served here.
4. Tithe if you love Jesus! Anyone can honk.
5. You can give without loving, but you cannot love without
6. Beat the Christmas rush, come to church this Sunday!
7. Don't wait for the hearse to take you to church.
8. We should be more concerned with the Rock Of Ages, instead of the age of rock.
9. Don't give up. Moses was once a basket case!
10. Come early for a good seat in the back.
11. Life has many choices, Eternity has two. What's yours?
12. Worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due.
13. A man's character is like a fence. It cannot be
strengthened by whitewash.
14. K-mart isn't the only saving place!
15. Preach the gospel at all times ... Use words only if
16. Delay is preferable to error.
17. It's hard to stumble when you're on your knees.
18. What part of "THOU SHALT NOT" don't you understand?
19. A clear conscience makes a soft pillow.
20. The wages of sin is death. Repent before payday!
21. Never give the devil a ride. He will always want to drive.
22. Can't sleep? Try counting your blessings.
23. Forbidden fruit creates many jams.
24. May is God's apology for February.
25. To belittle is to be little.
26. Don't let the littleness in others bring out the littleness in you.
27. God answers knee mail.
28. Try Jesus. If you don't like Him, the devil will always
take you back.



JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, May 30, 2003 9:51 AM CDT
Thank you so much for stopping in and signing Brittany's guestbook. You must be so proud of Colby to endure what he does and still keep his positive attitude. It's so unfair that these kids have to live this type of life, but I can only hope that their rewards in life will be just as great. Our family will keep Colby in our prayers along with the rest of your family. God bless you all and hang in there.

Brian (Brittany's dad)

Brian Zipter <>
Tampa, Fl USA - Friday, May 30, 2003 9:41 AM CDT
Good morning to the Cole family! I get such a feeling of "love" when I read the Guestbook entries, it is almost overwhelming. Anyway, some more love coming your way from Mont View. "Nuff Said".
Dee John
- Friday, May 30, 2003 7:19 AM CDT
Hello Cole Gang! Just stopping by for our usual update. Thanks for the time you spend keeping us in touch with Colby and family. It's so nice to see all our prayers in work. Micah wanted to make sure Colby saw her addition to the kite from Mrs. Dunham's 4th grade class. She spent alot of time to make it just right and special. As always, we send prayers, love, hugs, and kisses your way!! Take care and keep getting stronger!! And like you Laura, I'm on nightshift tonight!
Kim, Fred, Brecken and Micah Sickles <>
Uniontown, PA - Friday, May 30, 2003 1:03 AM CDT
Nighty, night Colby,
My days are very busy and long right now in the prepping for our Make-A-Wish Golf Tourney for the children in Fayette County.
But there isn't a moment in the day that a certain little boy isn't on my mind!
The latest journal entries were so touching.
The joy in my heart to read that you are feeling a bit better and stronger makes us smile!
Keep that "Colby" determination going.
We know that our little soldier has the endurance of the WHOLE army!
Stay strong, keep the faith and always know that we all are praying for you dear one.
We love you Colby, we send BIG hugs to your Mommy, Daddy and Sweet Cameron.
From our hearts with endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Thursday, May 29, 2003 11:36 PM CDT
Hi Laura, I check in everyday to see how things are going.. It sure sounds like Colby is making very good progress. Your entries are always so full of love for your family.. It is so heartwarming to read them.. We pray each and every day that Colby will be healed .. I am always thinking of you and Jack and all that you are going thru.. May God continue to bless both of you with continued strength.. Much love.
- Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:31 PM CDT
Just checking in on you guys:)

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:57 PM CDT
Dear Colby,

I am just checking in to say hello and send my love and prayers!

Please keep eating and putting on the pounds!!! Fill out little one, and eat, eat and eat. The nutrients are taking place of all the bad stuff.

Have a blessed night.


Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:18 PM CDT
Colby-Maybe we will have to start calling you Porky since you are gaining all this weight. Or maybe you will be the next heavyweight fighter with your big muscles. Keep it up! I am so happy to hear you are doing well. You are truly a remarkable individual with exceptional parents.
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Thursday, May 29, 2003 8:55 PM CDT
Yes, five year olds can seem so "mature" at times, can't they? LOL. I have a nine and eleven year old, and they astound me at times. I hope Colby has a great weekend, he sounds adorable! Thinking of you in Texas.

Cathie Lehocky Texas Chapter Head, Hugs and Hope Club
Houston, TX - Thursday, May 29, 2003 8:22 PM CDT
HIYA Colby and family! I pray you are doing well and will be enjoying a nice relaxing summer!

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Thursday, May 29, 2003 11:06 AM CDT

From morning's first light
to evening's last star,
always remember
how special you are.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:57 AM CDT
Your precious little Colby has had to learn things at a young age that some people never learn. And for him to be able to voice that just shows what a courageous role model he is. And in a role you never wanted to take on. Our thoughts and prayers are with you for complete healing and lots of good times. Love ya Lots, Dianne Roth
D. Roth <>
Cape Girardeau, MO - Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:06 AM CDT
Hi Colby, Cameron, Laura and Jack,

I just wanted to thank all of you for welcoming me at your house the other weekend. I had so much fun with Colby and Cameron. I hope things are going well and I hope to see all of you again very soon. Laura-getting blessed was something very special that I still think about daily. Your spirit truly amazes me and I admire your hard work and energy with the children. Colby, I hope you are enjoying your rubber band gun! I knew Jess wouldn't forget about you! Cameron, I am waiting for the day we can "go to jail" and play with your race track. That was fun! Welp...I have to go teach some little kids! I miss you all! Hugs and Kisses are being sent your way!
Love Erin

Erin McKenzie <>
Cumberland, MD USA - Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:48 AM CDT
Hi Colby, Cameron, Laura and Jack,

I just wanted to thank all of you for welcoming me at your house the other weekend. I had so much fun with Colby and Cameron. I hope things are going well and I hope to see all of you again very soon. Laura-getting blessed was something very special that I still think about daily. Your spirit truly amazes me and I admire your hard work and energy with the children. Colby, I hope you are enjoying your rubber band gun! I knew Jess wouldn't forget about you! Cameron, I am waiting for the day we can "go to jail" and play with your race track. That was fun! Welp...I have to go teach some little kids! I miss you all! Hugs and Kisses are being sent your way!
Love Erin

Erin McKenzie <>
Cumberland, MD USA - Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:46 AM CDT
Hey Colby :) :)
Just wanted to come by and say GOODNIGHT..and I am off to bed..but not without praying for you!! I hope you have a safe trip to the Doctors!!! You are gonna have TOO much fun! YEAH!! And that's how it should be, huh!!! Sorry I don't have an animation for you...I will make sure that I have one the next time! :) Okay I HAVE to go to bed now because my eyes just won't stay open!!! My lil cutie pie, you stay strong...I am praying for another miracle for you and for you to be A-okay! Colby you can do it!!! Give mommy, daddy and Cam-man a BIG hug from me...

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page


Colby's Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:29 AM CDT
Hi Cole Crew, It has been a while since I was able to write, been busy at work. You were definately in my thoughts and I was checking for updates from Laura. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY to hear how well Colby is doing and that he is eating well. I know as a mother, there is nothing that makes you happier than seeing your babies eat well. Colby you are such a strong little guy, you are amazing. Cameron, Jack and Laura, you are so strong and amazing as well. Please take care, talk to you soon.
Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:00 AM CDT
Hi Colby and Laura

I certainly am looking forward to meeting you guys next week. Happy to hear everything seems stable. I'm getting ready to retire Friday 30 May and now I will have more time to spend with Kyle and Zachary.

Love, Hugs and Grandma Kisses

Arlene Zwick
Monroe Twp, NJ USA - Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:49 AM CDT
Just an entry to let you know you are in our daily thoughts and prayers. Good to hear that Colby is picking up some pounds!
Our oldest, Eve, just reminded me today of her special prayer list. Colby's name is always on it...this list is made up of those that she prays extra extra hard for...


Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Thursday, May 29, 2003 0:27 AM CDT
Good evening Cole Family. Here is a poem I enjoyed reading today, yet even as I read the first stanza, I thought of all of you.

I Refuse To Be Discouraged

I refuse to be discouraged,
To be sad, or to cry;
I refuse to be downhearted,
And here's the reason why....
I have a God who's mighty,
Who's sovereign and supreme;
I have a God who loves me.
And I am on His team.
He is all wise and powerful,
Jesus is His name:
Though everything is changeable,
My God remains the same.
My God knows all that's happening;
Beginning to the end,
His presence is my comfort,
He is my dearest friend.
When sickness comes to weaken me,
To bring my head down low,
I call upon my mighty God;
Into His arms I go.
When circumstances threaten
To rob me from my peace;
He draws me close unto His breast,
Where all my strivings cease.
And when my heart melts within me,
And weakness takes control;
He gathers me into His arms,
He soothes my heart and soul.
The great "I AM" is with me.
My life is in His hand,
The "Son of the Lord" is my hope,
In His strength I stand.
I refuse to be defeated,
My eyes are on my God;
He has promised to be with me,
As through this life I trod.
I'm looking past all my circumstances,
To Heaven's throne above;
My prayers have reached the heart of God,
I'm resting in His love.
I give God thanks in everything,
My eyes are on His face;
The battle is His, the victory is mine;
He will help me win the race.

~Author Unknown

Victory is yours Colby!

Much love,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 7:42 PM CDT
Colby, How are you doing??????? It sounds like you had fun at a parade......Good for you......I love the picture......You look great!!!!!!! Miss ya,

Tracey <>
Phila, pa usa - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 5:50 PM CDT
You are so handsome and strong. May God heal you quickly and bless your family greatly. Know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Leah Wilson
NC - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 3:38 PM CDT

I am always here to understand you.

I am always here to laugh with you.

I am always here to cry with you.

I am always here to talk to you.

I am always here to think with you.

I am always here to play with you.

Even though we might not always be together,
please know that I am always here to love you.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 11:30 AM CDT
Hello Cole's, I just wanted to drop in a friendly hello and let you know that I am still thinking, praying, and admiring all of you. I hope you are all having a great day and that Colby is getting stronger by the minute. Please continue your strong words of encouragement and rememeber you are touching so many people. We are all here to back you up. I love you. :) Have a great day!
Tricia Handy <>
Chalk Hill, PA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 10:20 AM CDT
Hi Colby-
Just another "hello and good night" to a great little guy!
Hoping that today was another "stronger, more energetic day" for you.
Keep up the great walking exercise, it is so good for you!
Our love to all and we do miss your smiling face!
As always, you are in our prayers and hearts.
Sweet dreams and snuggle tightly!!
XO to all, Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:20 PM CDT
Colby and Family, we are praying for your family and especially for Colby. He is such a cute little guy. What a fighter. We will be saying a special prayer for Colby tomorrow at church. Your Dad's song is wonderful and shows such compassion and strength in God. Keep Praying!!! God Bless you and give you strength to heal!
Kathleen <>
PA - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:15 PM CDT
I am writing to tell you that my prayers are with Colby and the family. I was introduced to your story from Jamie Velosky whom I work with at Ruby Memorial Hospital. Colby seems to be a little "big guy" considering all he has been through.
I can feel through his mommy's words that she is also a trooper. Keep your faith in GOD and he will help guide your and your family with his unconditional love a strength. Which seems you already know this. Take care!

Sharon Mentus <>
Fairmont, WV US - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 7:47 PM CDT
Hello Mr. Colby Cole. How are you feeling today? We hope and pray you enjoyed the beautiful day we had here in PA.

Faith wanted to tell you hello and that she is praying for you tonight. This is from her: “Dear Colby – I love you Colby Cole. Hi and I am praying for you. Happy olive and pickle day. (?????) I have nothing else to say”. Yes, straight from a three-year old! Can you guess what her favorite two foods are?

It will be great to have a week off from CHOP. We are very much looking forward to the next update.

Much love,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 7:21 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you Guys know im checking on Colby and praying for you daily.
Love, Treys Aunt Kathy

kw <>
garner, nc - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 5:51 PM CDT
Hello, Hello, Hello...
How are you all doing today? I just wanted to check in and say hello while a had a sec. I miss you SOOOO much. I will call you all tonight! Have a Fantabulous day...

Jessica Whateeeka <>
Charles Town, WV - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 10:15 AM CDT
Thinking about you. I am glad you are having lots of support from people that care. I wish I lived in your town, I'd be on your door step.
D. Roth <>
Cape Girardeau, MO - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 8:24 AM CDT
Dear Laura,
Thank you for updating the journal. As always it was a beautiful entry. You have a wonderful family. Your selflessness and genuine caring for others shines through every word your write. You are such a good motivator and inspiration to others. Thank you.
Keep up the walking - you're doing great!!! I'm always thinking about you! Hope you enjoyed all your visitors! Feel better sweetie! Sending you big HUGS!!!
Singing that song is wonderful. I just think of it and start to tear up. I believe in the power of prayers and I know miracles happen every day! I pray for yours to be answered!
Warmest thoughts and wishes,
Colby's friend

- Tuesday, May 27, 2003 7:49 AM CDT

Just dropping in to say HELLO! I hope you're doin good, sweetie...always remember that I'm thinking of you and praying for you and that I'm always with you in spirit holding your hand :) That's what fairygodmothers do!!! I know I've told you this before but you have such a special place in my heart...actually ALL of you do...but you especially...I also wanna apologise in advance if you don't see as many entries from me in the next few weeks. I have finals coming up and I HAVE to study hard if I want to make it in the BIG, BIG world after graduation!! And buddy, one day you will be there and you will understand! And you will go "OHHHHHHH, so THIS is why fairygodmother Janice couldn't sign in as often!"...hehehe! Okay I am rambling! I will still check in on you EVERYDAY though..and I am always thinking of you...I PROMISE and I CROSS MY HEART! I love you, Colby!!!

Jack & Laura, you guys are still as awesome as ever..I haven't sent off Colby's and Cam-man's gift yet but I PROMISE it will be SOON...things are just a little crazy here. Please hug the boys for me...

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

Hugs & kisses forever and ever,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 7:39 AM CDT
Hi Colby

Just wanted to check in on you and see how you're doing. I hope that you're getting stronger and more energetic with each new day.

We'll keep up our prayers on your behalf!

Jacqueline <>
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Monday, May 26, 2003 9:48 PM CDT
Hello Coles,
Colby- it was good to see you today at the parade. I bet it was fun in the fire truck.
Cameron-Haley had such a good time riding her bike with you in the parade. She told me you and her ate alot of candy!!
Laura and Jack- Please let me know if there is anything you need help with- I would be glad to help.
Take care all.

Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter and Haley too!! <>
Smock, pa usa - Monday, May 26, 2003 7:22 PM CDT
Dear Coles,
It was so nice to see Colby and Cameron at the parade this morning. Colby looked so precious in the fire engine and Cameron was just too cute on his bicycle. Glad to see everyone enjoying it.

Ginger D'Amico <>
Baltimore, MD - Monday, May 26, 2003 4:54 PM CDT
What good news that you are getting stronger. Keep up those little walks that will soon be big walks, honey! It is good that your appetite is improving and slowsly that little liver will be healed, too. What a joy that will be to not have the ascites to interfere with your eating. You are such a beautiful boy with an awesome, loving family.
You have a great holiday today and a great week, too.
Jesus loves you and so do we!! Wait patiently, God's timing is always perfect.
Psalm 27:14 "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." He will heal you, honey.

Jerri & Kaden <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Monday, May 26, 2003 12:20 AM CDT
Happy Memorial Day Cole Family!

Please have a wonderful day today!

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, May 26, 2003 10:47 AM CDT
You are very special people. You have touched many lives with your example of union, love and courage. The angels surround you all and protect Colby. I wish better days will come with his gradual improvement. Faith can move mountains ! Warm hugs from Brazil.
- Monday, May 26, 2003 9:26 AM CDT
Hi Cole's, just checking in to say hello. I hope you are all having a great weekend together. Hey Colby, I may be in Uniontown this week so you know what that means?? more cinnamon bread!!I'll be sure and drop some off if I get into town. Take care and God Bless.

Patty Yerina
Pgh, - Monday, May 26, 2003 7:15 AM CDT
Dear Colby, The beach gang are here for you. Prayers and love. Do you want anymore of that taffy? Let me know. THE BEACH GANG. Tom, Sarah, Erin, Logan,Colleen, Matt. We picked up a new dude with Colleen.
Tom Vitz <>
Va. Beach, Va - Sunday, May 25, 2003 9:32 PM CDT
Wishing you all a Happy, fun, and relaxing, Memorial Day!
Oh, and I have to agree with Rev. Russell, we are at your disposal when you need us. You have so much support from your wonderful family. But, If you need me, I am just around the corner from your house! So even if you need milk from the grocery store --- you may call!!!
In our thoughts and prayers.
Jennifer, Bryan, Elizabeth, and Lois

PA - Sunday, May 25, 2003 8:58 PM CDT
Hey Colby..It's Nicole from UHS..alot of the other NHS memebers and myself are going to be in the New Salem parade tomorrow in the Raider band...hopefully you'll get to cheer really loud for us when we go by you! God Bless you, you're so much stronger than I could ever be and I really admire you!
Nicole Novak <>
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, May 25, 2003 7:04 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,
I am so happy to hear that Colby is feeling better and has an appetite!! Colby, it won't be long and you will be running and playing all day. Keep fighting, you are sooooo strong!!! Our love to all of you. Always in our prayers. XXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

Joe, Willie, Amanda and Olivia <jaman@lcsys>
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, May 25, 2003 11:21 AM CDT
Atta boy Colby!!
Keep up that fight! You're doing great!

Deirdre <>
- Sunday, May 25, 2003 7:36 AM CDT
Hi there cutie!

Cinnamon french toast?? I've never had them before but I can just imagine how YUMMY they would taste!!! Keep that appetite going, little will make you SOOO much stronger :) Still praying for you today and everyday Colby Cole!! You are THE BIGGEST sweetheart...

Girlie's Page
Janice's Page

All my LOVE,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, May 25, 2003 6:59 AM CDT
Colby..keeping you in my prayers as always, and praying for continued strength for you and your parents to be able to stay as wonderfully inspirational as you all are!
Have a great weekend!

Wash.Twp., NJ - Sunday, May 25, 2003 5:25 AM CDT
Ok, so I need to buy a calendar. We are at CHOP with you in 2 weeks. Cant wait to see you!
Love you much,

Dana Big Hair
- Saturday, May 24, 2003 9:46 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

Thank you for the update Laura! I appreciate your notes about Colby so very much. You are the Mom we all want and need to be and more!!!!!!!

We are glad to hear that Colby is putting on weight and loving the taste of food again.

Steroid cheeks are okay Colby, as I have them too! It just makes you cuter and less likely to get wrinkles (the second is okay with me!) The moods, well Colby just try to understand them and work through them as they can be nasty on those we love so much. Just remember to let everyone know that it is the medication, not you (that we all love so much). We love you, regardless.

Jack, anytime you want to come and sing at our church, just let us know! I would love to welcome you and your family into my family of prayers!!!!!

We pray, pray and pray.

Much love’

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Saturday, May 24, 2003 9:25 PM CDT
It was so wonderul to speak with you tonight. Your family photos are so beautiful! I am praying for all of you and hope to speak with you again soon.
Beth Nitchman <>
Bridgeville, PA USA - Saturday, May 24, 2003 8:00 PM CDT
Hi Colby You constantly amaze,I would love to give you a big hug,but seeing you are so far away I will send one,Oops! did you catch it?Thinking of you daily and my love goes out to you AND your fantastic family.
carol mercer <>
Ottawa Ontario , Canada - Saturday, May 24, 2003 6:59 PM CDT
I am so proud of the way you guys are handling all of this, you are what every family should be in the situation no family wants to be in..... we are all praying for you guys.
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Saturday, May 24, 2003 6:46 PM CDT
Colby I am so glad to hear like things are in your favor. A midnight snack that's even better. When I was in college there was nothing like Sheetz nachos at midnight. Yummy! Keep eating and running-that's the way it is supposed to be for you. Have fun and enjoy yourself! Enjoy the start of summer!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Saturday, May 24, 2003 5:08 PM CDT
Tears of Joy today as I read the journal. I am so happy that Colby is doing a little better. He is such a trooper.
The weather is so nice today. Take a journey out today and enjoy.
Take Care Cole Family
May God Be With You Always.
_Praying for you

Berneice <>
Masontown, PA usa - Saturday, May 24, 2003 10:24 AM CDT
My sweet miracle boy,
I was just listening to my Dixie Chicks (I LOVE 'EM!!!) album and there is a song in there called Godspeed which I love..and when I listen to it, I think of you :)

God speed little man,
Sweet dreams little man,
Oh, my love will fly to you each night on angel's wings,
Godspeed (sweet dreams).

God bless mommy and matchbox cars,
God bless dad and thanks for the stars,
God hears "Amen" wherever we are,
And I love you.

GOODNIGHT COLBY...I am off to bed with a smile knowing that you are improving slowly day by day :)

Girlie's Page

Love, hugs & kisses,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Saturday, May 24, 2003 9:43 AM CDT
You guys have a Happy Memorial Day too:) I am praying for you that things remain going well and Colby will get stronger and stronger each day. Love, Tracy and Katia

Visit Katia's Page and sign her

(Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Saturday, May 24, 2003 8:48 AM CDT
Glad to hear everything is going well. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend and maybe we'll see you at the New Salem Parade. Colby, if you and Cameron want to come and ride again, just let me know. You are all in our thoughts and prayers always.
With much love, faith and hope,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

Dana Velosky <>
New Salem, PA - Saturday, May 24, 2003 8:34 AM CDT

Thanks for the update. As I've said before...your words pull me right in and help me to feel your joys and your sorrows. "Thanks". I pray for continued strength and energy for you. And again, you are simply amazing.

Thanks for taking the time to chat with me the other day. Hope you found the music helpful in imagining the healing process going on in Colby's body. We continue sending Colby all of our prayerful energy and healing imagery.

Wishes for a cozy holiday weekend together...


Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Saturday, May 24, 2003 8:19 AM CDT
I am happy for you guys that you get to skip a week at CHOP, but I am bummed because we will be there on Thursday. I hope you guys can come and stay with me after your next visit. I miss you more than you know. Hope you enjoyed your late night snack, Colby!
Love you,

Dana Big Hair
- Saturday, May 24, 2003 2:52 AM CDT
Sweet Dreams Colby!
Another busy week...but always thinking of you dear one!
Memorial Day Weekend is here and I do hope that we can have some sunshine!
Please try to get outside and play, fresh air always helps one to feel better :)
Keep the donor count rising! You are our miracle...
Sending to all our love and strength.
As always our endless prayers continue to be answered.
From our hearts to all the Cole Family,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan

suzanne abel
Ohiopyle, PA USA - Saturday, May 24, 2003 0:16 AM CDT
Dear Colby,

We know those donor cells are fighting a Holy battle! They are growing slowly but strong – like a bull. We pray that your strength and stamina is getting back to the level of a hyper five-year old!

God be with you and your entire family.

Love and prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, May 23, 2003 9:25 PM CDT
Hi Colby,
I am thinking of you and hope you have a fun Memorial Day weekend!
Hugs and prayers,

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Friday, May 23, 2003 9:10 PM CDT
Good news on the donor results.
How is Colby doing with his eating and gaining weight? Better? Hope so.

I've been so busy lately with end of school (today) and getting ready for our trip next week....but my thoughts are never far from you all.

Hugs and love,

Niki and the boys
- Friday, May 23, 2003 7:30 PM CDT
Hi Colby,

I was thinking about you and wanted to stop in and wish you all a very nice and safe holiday weekend!!! Colby, I hope you are feeling better!!

Love, ((((HUGS)))), and prayers,

- Friday, May 23, 2003 7:24 PM CDT
So far away, but ALWAYS thinking of you ALL and praying that each day Colby is feeling better and better. Love you and miss you all dearly!!!

Jessica Whateeka <>
Charles Town, WV - Friday, May 23, 2003 3:49 PM CDT
Hi, Colby! Here goes AGAIN!!! I wrote you quite a long message & forgot to press enter entry!! That's why my P.S is 1st! This is my 1st visit to your website & what a popular, loved, cared about & prayed for little man your are, COLBY!! WOW!!!! You have certainly touched the hearts of S-O-O-O-O-O- many people all around the world!! You have brought TONS & TONS of prayers & blessing to the entire Cole family. That definitely makes you a little "miracle man", Colby! I don't know your mom, but after ready all of her updates, I can tell that she is VERY special. ALL moms are special, but your mom is, without a doubt, WAY!!!! up there!!! Your dad, Jack, the awning man, was kind enough to clue me in on your website so I just wanted you to know that I visisted. I have read alot of the entries, but not All of them......YET!!! Colby, you are S-O-O-O-O-O- lucky to have such a great brother & such strong & faith filled parents, but, HEY!!! you already knew THAT, didn't you???? You Daddy tells me that you have been feeling pretty tired lately. huh? The next time that you lay down, Colby, close your eyes for a few seconds & just feel Jesus's warm & loving arms holding you. He truely does KNOW you & CARES very, very, very, VERY much about you......& your Mom & Daddy & Cam, too! I was so happy to see that your were able to make it to St. John's Church on Sunday to receive one of Father Bill's special blessings!!! Father Bill definitely has a direct line to the Lord & He uses Father Bill to send such WONDERFUL!! blessings!!! I just know that yours was EXTRA special, little man. Please know that I PROMISE that I will pray for you, & your wonderful family, several times a day & the next time I play the organ at mass, I will tell the Lord......"this one's for Colby!" God bless & lotza luv.....gwen, the organ lady! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
gwen takacs <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, May 23, 2003 2:05 PM CDT
Was so glad to see that some of the donor cells are taking. I will pray that they just keep growing and growing and you just keep playing and playing!!!

Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Friday, May 23, 2003 1:44 PM CDT
P.S. Please excuse all of my mistakes.......was just so anxious to get a few lines off to you that I wasn't watching where me fingers were going!! Sometimes I play the organ like that,too!!!! MORE LUV!!!!!~!
gwen takacs <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, May 23, 2003 1:44 PM CDT
Dear Coles, Hope you all have a wonderful holiday. Prayers from the gang at the beach. Tom
Tom Vitz <>
Va Beach, Va. - Friday, May 23, 2003 12:41 AM CDT
To all the Coles my prayers and love go out to you all. What wonderful news of Colby .....praying each day he gets stronger and stronger and the news gets better and better. Have a good Memorial Day weekend and try to enjoy.Love and hugs to you all.
Pam Petrosky <>
Perryopolis, Pa. USA - Friday, May 23, 2003 8:05 AM CDT
Sending many blessings your way. Continuing to pray and visualize those donor cells taking charge in Colby's body. Hope he is gaining strength and is feeling better. Also hoping you are feeling better than you were last week Laura. I still don't know how you maintain your energy level with all that is on your plate. You are all in our prayers.


Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Thursday, May 22, 2003 11:16 PM CDT
Hi everyone. Hope you are all doing OK.You are ALL in my thoughts and prayers. Just wanted to check in. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. Haley had a good time playing with Cameron the other night (in New Salem). Cameron is so precious.
Hey Colby-We are praying for you.

Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter and Haley too! <>
Smock, pa 15480 - Thursday, May 22, 2003 8:25 PM CDT
Hope you feel better soon sweety.. :)
~Lindsay's Place~
~Jodie's Place~
- Thursday, May 22, 2003 7:22 PM CDT
Good evening.

Please have a wonderful night Colby. We are thinking and praying for you.

Love and prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, May 22, 2003 7:12 PM CDT
Just recently found out about this site. Will keep Colby in prayer.
Linda Cole <>
Finleyville, PA USA - Thursday, May 22, 2003 11:49 AM CDT
Praise God!

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Thursday, May 22, 2003 8:59 AM CDT

Just wanted to say hi...I've been thinking of you a WHOLE lot and can't wait for an update...I just pray that we'll get even more good news buddy...but whatever the news is, good or bad (touch wood), I just want you to know that I am super-proud of you!!!! My heart is just bursting with SO MUCH pride for are such a hero...hang in there sweetie!

I just created a caringbridge page in memory of my mom, come check it out!!

Girlie's Page

Love, hugs & kisses,

Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, May 22, 2003 8:20 AM CDT
Praise God for answering this prayer the way we asked. I'll continue to pray that the donor cells go up, up, up! Blessings to you guys!
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC, - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 11:20 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family, We think of you daily and pray for Colby's healing. We are very happy to hear about the increase in donor cells in the latest VNTR. Continue to put all your faith in God. We will continue to ask God over and over for his healing and to give all of you strength to go on. As you know, Luke was on the brink a number of times and is still with us today. We believe in God's power! Bless you all!
Sarah Gaskins, Luke's mom <>
San Jose, CA USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 11:06 PM CDT
Hey, Coles! Despite the heavy rains, the blood drive was a success in many ways. 23 pints of usable blood were collected - another 15 people attempted to give, but for various reasons were not able - there were more volunteers than we could have ever imagined - and Colby and your family pictures and stories were shared with all. We too thank God for test results that slooooowly, but surely improve. We did remember all of your at presbytery too - over 100 people prayed for Colby and his family --- and they took your names back to their churches too. The community of faith continues to add to the hope of miracles - large ones and small ones! Peace and grace to all of you. Love ---
Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell and family <>
Jeannette, PA - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 7:47 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

Hoping this beautiful evening finds all of you well rested and full of energy.

Last night as I was doing my devotions and I read a verse that I wanted to share with you. You have probably heard it many times, but it is really on my heart to tell you to remember this:

“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...”
Psalms 37:7

God has already proven himself by giving you miracle after miracle, but BELIEVE that they have just begun. As I think of you Colby and your precious family, my body feels with warmth from God. His presence is not just all around you, but with you and in you every second of the day.

Dear Lord we pray that your loving hands cradle this family give them comfort and give them strength in your Holy Name to fight and stand strong against this sickness. We are praying that you, the ALMIGHTY, show mercy on Colby and heal him entirely from head to toe and every ounce of his body. We are impatient Lord and want to see a healing right this very moment, but we ask you to help Colby to rest in your Name, and wait patiently for you, as we KNOW it is coming. We praise your Holy Name for all you have done and we thank you for all you have yet to do. We commit Colby to you, Dear Lord. Please, once again, show your loving mercy and touch Colby. In your Name we pray, Amen.

This is the day that the Lord hath made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day, this is the day, this is the day that the Lord hath MADE!!!!!! Sing, sing, sing, play, play, play, and REJOICE!

Tom, Faith and I just returned from our knees in prayer for you. We prayed that you would feel the warmth of his healing power in your body.

Our prayers are constant.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 7:19 PM CDT
Dear Coles - What wonderful news! Lots of prayers of thanks tonight to go along with our prayers for complete healing for Colby. God bless all of you. Your faith and love continues to be an incredible inspiration. We don't always get to choose our ministry, but I'd bet that your faith in God's love and grace and the way you share it so generously gives our Lord great pleasure.
N. Krajovic
Pittsburgh, - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 5:53 PM CDT
Praying that the trend continues in the right direction for your little precious boy.
Eileen Spratt
Eureka, MO - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 2:04 PM CDT
Love you and miss you so much!!!

Jessica Whateeeka <>
Charles Town, WV - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:26 PM CDT
Hope you're having a good week! I'm thinking and praying for you every day.

Deirdre <>
- Wednesday, May 21, 2003 7:32 AM CDT
Hello sweetie pie!

GOOD NEWS!! YEAH! Donor counts up- what awesome news that is :) You really are making baby steps to recovery and that is surely a good sign, Colby!!! Gosh you really NEVER cease to amaze me...I'm so proud of you! I hope you've had more energy lately, need to keep your mommy and daddy on their feet at ALL times!!! I'm still praying my hardest, Colbymeister..and I have a feeling all the prayers you are getting are slowly working...yes SLOWLY but hey, at least they are working!!! That is very important :) You have a good day precious...I'll be thinking of you...

MWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!--->Big kiss for my dear Colby!

Click here to visit Janice's Website

******** --->Some magical fairy dust from your fairy godmother!!

All my love and more,

Fairygodmother Janice
Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 6:05 AM CDT
Hi Laura, So glad to hear the good news. Thinking of all of you all the time and keeping you in my prayers.

Patty Yerina
Pgh, - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 5:56 AM CDT
That VNTR was only 2 weeks after the DLI, right?? Excellent news! Go donor cells, go!!!
Rachel <>
- Wednesday, May 21, 2003 5:32 AM CDT

Hi to all the Cole's!!! Hope the blood drive was a HUGE success... just like you ,Colby. Many thoughts, prayers ,kisses and hugs coming your way .... catch !!!


Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe ,Tx, - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 9:58 PM CDT
Thinking of you guys. I was so glad to chat with Cameron today! Call me when you can. I am at work tonight and home me you wont wake me.
Love ya,

Dana Big Hair Doctor
- Tuesday, May 20, 2003 9:24 PM CDT
Hey! I just wanted you to know that all of you are very much in my thoughts and prayers. I have families that the Lord has me pray for quite often as He brings you up in my life often. I just wanted you to know that. Please know that I am here anytime, day or night if you need to talk. Blessings to you and I will continue to pray as the Lord leads and check up on you here.
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC, - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 6:41 PM CDT
Hay sweetie, Just stopping in to let ya know I was thinking about you today...*S*...Hope things are going good...u sure are a cutie....*S*
Leaving you with Lots of Love n Snuggles!!!

Angel Moo <>
WV - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 4:14 PM CDT
Laura and family - Today is Colby's Blood Drive Day at the New Salem Presbyterian Church. Thanks for the publicity and for your support too. Today also is the day when our presbytery meets. Ministers and members from 86 churches will be there - and we will be holding Colby and ALL of your family in prayer together! Please also know that we are here for all of you, including Laura and Jack. If we can give you a break - cook a meal, do some laundry, sit with the boys for an hour or two - you name it and the reosurces are yours. Most of all, we continue to rely on God whose miracles are shown every day in the dancing eyes of Colby and Cam. God loves you and we love you too. Grace and peace -
Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell and family <>
Jeannette, PA - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 11:48 AM CDT
Hey there Colby

Sorry to hear that you're not feeling so energetic these days. I hope that you will feel more perky soon.

We're thinking of you and praying for you.

Jacqueline <>
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 10:39 AM CDT
Laura,Colby,and Crew, Your strength is so uplifting! Hold on to your faith...God is good and will carry you through. You have so much love and and will. We'll keep praying hard. Look for something special coming from Micah (BF 4th grade) She is really excited! Take care...God Bless All...
Kim, Fred. Brecken and Micah Sickles <>
Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 6:49 AM CDT
You're in my thoughts and prayers!
Lot of Hugs,

Susie Morris Trey's granny, < >
Dry Fork, Va. - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 6:18 AM CDT
Colby darling,
What a wonderful journal your Mommy wrote yesterday. It is so nice to hear that you are getting some energy back and that you have a good appetite, but that darned old diarrhea is for the birds isn't it?
I will donate blood tomorrow at our local bloodbank as I do every 3 months for all of you beautiful little children that need it to get strong again.
You have a good week with your Mommy, Daddy, and brother, okay? Jesus loves you and so do we.
Psalm 121:1-2 "I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord."

Jerri & Kaden <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 1:27 AM CDT
We're thinking and praying for you Cole Family, please know that we all out here care for ya'll. I'll pray that God finds some way to help you share the daily ordeals with someone close enough to help. I'm so very glad that your getting to spend some time w/the boys. I did get to go to work, for one day, and Jeffery said, "Mom, remember when I said I wanted you to go to work, well,,,,,,,,, I was just kidding." So that ended that. We're still poor, but we know that God will give us what we need. I'll check in later gators... Peace and Prayers, always. 4/J's
Julie (Jeffery's Mom) <>
Jax., Fl USA - Monday, May 19, 2003 8:33 PM CDT

Hi sweetie :) I was so happy to see an update in awhile and I start to get...ANXIOUS!!! have no idea how good to know that not only are you strong, brave, tough and HANDSOME, but you are also...FUNNY!!!!!! My oh my, I think someone better give out a warning to all those PA girls!!!!! I am so glad to hear that you're eating so much better now with the help of just pile on those kilos now! Hmm, I wonder if my magic wand would somehow let me transfer some of MY weight onto you??? I will get back to you on that! Colby, sweetie..I pray that you had more good news today, that your MIRACLE MONDAYS really proved itself once again...I am thinking of you ALWAYS!!! Love you!

Laura, I hope you get better soon!!! Lots of kisses to you!

Jack, a mother's day card is not necessary! :) You guys just hang tough!!

Click here to visit Janice's Website


Melbourne, Australia - Monday, May 19, 2003 8:09 PM CDT
Dear Cole’s,

Thank you so much for the update Laura, as all of us out here in cyber-space were anxiously waiting to hear from you. It sounds as if you have had your hands full. My prayer for you will be for strength, rest and boundless energy for your precious boys.

Colby, I am so glad to hear that you have your appetite back, as the food will give you strength. We will continue to pray for the liver to heal, as well as an overall miracle for your body. You have to be the greatest five-year old hero known all around!

Keep up your church blessings and prayers Jack, as I am sure you are touching many more lives than you will ever comprehend. All of this in the name of your son; God hears your earnest longing for the healing of Colby and is with your family, somehow I know this to be true.

I wish there were a way for me to breathe boundless energy into all of you to keep up the tremendous pace you are living. All I can do is pray, and this I do with all of my heart. I pray for successful blood drive tomorrow.

Our loving Father is the Great Physician and we believe in his Holy name that Cobly will prevail from this evil sickness to become old and gray in his twilight years!

God be with you this evening Coles.

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, May 19, 2003 7:46 PM CDT
Hi Laura,
Sure was nice to chat with you this morning. Nice to share a hug with you. You sure are a busy woman.
Hi Colby,
I hear you were out for a while yesterday. Enjoy your days outside little man. They will get better.
Summer is coming and you can spend alot of time out there soon.
You sure are a caring brother Cameron. Your love is endless for your brother.
And as for you Jack. Some day we will meet. But, until then keep up the good work. Your family has lots of love to give.
Take care Cole Family.
I am praying for you.
May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, May 19, 2003 6:19 PM CDT
Hi Cole Family,
Sorry it has been so long since our last entry. Lots of appts for Parker - just yearly followups and the like. You are never out of our thoughts and prayers. We admire your courage, find strength in your faith, and love and adore you all. With love and endless prayers for Colby's Miracle.
Todd, Meg, and Parker

The Radolec's <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, May 19, 2003 6:04 PM CDT
We're praying your prayer for Colby, too.
Dianne Roth <>
cape Girardeau, MO - Monday, May 19, 2003 12:12 AM CDT
Hi Colby!
We hope you are feeling better really soon. You are just the most handsome and bravest boy in the whole wide world!!
Love you so much Sweetie...
Love, Kim and Kody

> - Monday, May 19, 2003 12:11 AM CDT
Praying for a high VNTR % on this miracle Monday. Please God let it be so, heal Colby Cole so that he may have a long life being your servant here on earth. Amen.
Debbie Nagy
Manchester /St. Louis, MO - Monday, May 19, 2003 11:45 AM CDT
What is worse than a centipede with sore feet?
A giraffe with a sore throat.
What type of animal needs to be oiled?
A mouse - it SQUEAKS!!!
What is the perfect cure for dandruff?
Hi Cole family,
I hope my corny jokes made you smile. Laura, what a busy schedule you have. I wish I could send you some relief or bottled up energy. I can send you encouragement... You're doing an excellent job! Keep up the good work, keep your spirits high and rest whenever you have the opportunity. Colby, you are so strong and brave. You're in my thoughts every day! I see from what I've read in your journal you have quite an imagination and a great sense of humor too! Very good to have.
Jack and Cameron, your love and support for your family is what keeps it running. I wish you continued strength and faith!
Take care everyone, I'll be visiting again soon.

Colby's friend
Philadelphia, - Monday, May 19, 2003 11:44 AM CDT
Colby, this message is for you because you are so brave and special. (Well Cameron is too for being such a good boy). The ring you gave your Mom for Mother's Day was the perfect gift for her and she loves it. She has shown it off to everyone she sees and is just beautiful I am sure. Keep up your smiles cause soon you will be good as new because we are all keeping you in our prayers. I love the new pictures on your site. Hugs & blessings to you and your family.

Pamela Petrosky <>
Perryopolis, Pa USA - Monday, May 19, 2003 8:02 AM CDT
I am praying that things continue in a positive way:) Colby, you are so funny! Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Monday, May 19, 2003 7:51 AM CDT
To the Cole Family,

You are all truly an inspiration to everyone. Your family remains in my thoughts and prayers. Praying for a miracle for sweet Colby who is so brave and courageous. I pray that God give your continued strength and faith.

Lots of love,

Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Sunday, May 18, 2003 11:57 PM CDT
Hi Colby,
You are a wonderful and sweet and funny little person! As always, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Sunday, May 18, 2003 10:54 PM CDT
In our hearts and minds as usual. Sending all of our most powerful praying out to Colby and, of course, to you Jack and Laura for continued strength and energy. Jack, hope you'll let me know if you'll be at Asbury Church. I usually attend the 9:00 service and wouldn't want to miss seeing you there...


Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily <>
Uniontown, - Sunday, May 18, 2003 10:02 PM CDT
Cole's - I'm glad things are going ok. GVH is tough on little bodies, but if it's a cure we'll take it!! We'll say some extra prayers tonight for Miracle Mondays to come through again with good VNTR results. And Laura, next time Colby naps, take one with him!! I don't know how you're functional, I'm embarrassed at how little I've been accomplishing by comparison.

With love - (Jim and Connor send their love, too)

Rachel <>
- Sunday, May 18, 2003 9:58 PM CDT
Good Night Sweet Colby... are in our prayers and hearts.
We love you.
Rest well and snuggle tight.
XO to all....
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Sunday, May 18, 2003 9:27 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

Thank you so much for the update, as we now know how to pray. It has been tough this week. Our prayers will continue for a complete healing. God hears our prayers. Miracle Monday, right????

Much love,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Sunday, May 18, 2003 8:44 PM CDT
Commander in Chief,
Hope you received some wonderful healing prayers from Father Bill today! I hear he really has a direct line to heaven for special prayers! Come on Miracle Monday! Colby, I want to tell you what a wonderful job your Daddy did at mass this morning saying (well,almost singing) his prayer song, "He's My Son". You would be so proud of him. I do believe some of your great strength has rubbed off on Daddy! Like Mommy, he is doing an amazing job rounding up all the troops for prayers for you! Colby, I really miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! I am trying to get rid of this cold but it continues to hold on. As soon as I am better I'll be ready for a BIG play date! Until then please know that as always Colby Cole, I LOVE YOU BIGGEST.................................and don"t you forget it!
Holding you ALWAYS in my Heart........................
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Sunday, May 18, 2003 7:46 PM CDT
Thinking of you several times today and I know God is too. Hang in there. Love and prayers.
Mary Jane McCahill
McClellandtown, Pa. USA - Sunday, May 18, 2003 4:21 PM CDT
5/18/03 Colby is cuter than words can say. Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers.
Janey Clay Rohlf
- Sunday, May 18, 2003 3:35 PM CDT
Hello to the Cole family! We were so deeply touched by Jack's courage and strength at this morning's 10:30 a.m. mass as St. John The Evangelist Church. Listening to "Colby's dad" sing, He's my son, was so moving, we will never forget it. My daughter Carly has met Colby & Cameron through her good friend, Aliana Vignali. We will continue to pray for your family every day!
Robin & Steve, Carly, Stephanie & Joey Superick
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, May 18, 2003 1:56 PM CDT
Hello to all the Coles , just stopped by to see if there was any postings from you. Hoping and praying for good news real soon for Colby and family. Keeping you in our prayers
each and every day.May God surround you all with his loving arms. Love and hugs to you all.

Pam and Bud Petrosky <>
Perryopolis, Pa USA - Sunday, May 18, 2003 1:12 PM CDT
Dear Colby,

We are praying that you are having a wonderful time playing this weekend. We sure hope the next update proves to be a fantastic one!

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Sunday, May 18, 2003 12:51 AM CDT
Good Sunday Afternoon Cole Family
Just checking in to see how you are doing.
I am thinking of you daily.
Praying for you always.
Take Care and May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, May 18, 2003 12:06 AM CDT
Hiya Colby and family,

Just checking in to say hi. I just loved the new pics. They are so beautiful. They truly depict a family's love for each other, and that love shows through in all you do and say. Take care and God bless!


Lynn Rae <>
Ironton, OH - Sunday, May 18, 2003 10:31 AM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,
Just signing in to say hello. We are thinking of you and praying everything is going well. By the way, the pictures are beautiful! Our love to all. XOXOXOXOOXOXOXO

Joe, Willie, Amanda & Olivia Glusica <>
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, May 18, 2003 10:09 AM CDT
Hey Colby,

It's been a few days...I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to update...but I did check in!!! Just didn't sign the guestbook coz I was only a allowed a few minutes on the computer...I hope and pray all is well...looking forward to the next update just to hear how my precious godson is doing :) I hope you're having a wonderful weekend and that you've got the energy to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!! I'm thinking of you little are never far from my thoughts.. still praying my hardest for the most handsome boy in PA :)

Click here to visit Janice's Website

Love & hugs,

Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, May 18, 2003 9:40 AM CDT
Hi Colby and family,
Just thinking of our little soldier, so strong and brave.
I hope that you are feeling happy and playing strong.
We love you ALL...miss you.
XO to everyone
From our hearts with endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Sunday, May 18, 2003 9:10 AM CDT
I am just checking in for an update. I hope Colby is doing well. Sending you a special prayer today, Coles.
Ginger D'Amico
Baltimore, MD - Sunday, May 18, 2003 7:40 AM CDT
dear colby, hope your dad remembers me. hope we can see you soon. it may happen sooner then you think. we think about you all the time. Colleen my daugter thinks your are a hunk. if you want to get her she is home for the summer. come and see us. love the only vitzs at the beach, this is the tom your dad knows. the beach gang.
tom vitz <>
va beach, va fayetw - Saturday, May 17, 2003 10:53 PM CDT
dear colby, hope your dad remembers me. hope we can see you soon. it may happen sooner then you think. we think about you all the time. Colleen my daugter thinks your are a hunk. if you want to get her she is home for the summer. come and see us. love the only vitzs at the beach, this is the tom your dad knows. the beach gang.
tom vitz <>
va beach, va fayetw - Saturday, May 17, 2003 10:53 PM CDT
dear colby, hope your dad remembers me. hope we can see you soon. it may happen sooner then you think. we think about you all the time. Colleen my daugter thinks your are a hunk. if you want to get her she is home for the summer. come and see us. love the only vitzs at the beach, this is the tom your dad knows. the beach gang.
tom vitz <>
va beach, va fayetw - Saturday, May 17, 2003 10:53 PM CDT
As always, thinking of you all...praying that everything is better than o.k.

Blessings and a Gazillion Prayers,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Saturday, May 17, 2003 9:46 PM CDT
Just stopped by to check on you, and send PRAYERS your way. Please update as soon as you can.

Kathy, mom to Amanda <>
Chillicothe, Ohio USA - Saturday, May 17, 2003 9:18 PM CDT
Good evening Cole Family.

I just wanted to say hello and let you know I am thinking about all of you.

I am sure you will have a wonderful time with Aunt Dee, Colby and Cameron.

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Saturday, May 17, 2003 6:25 PM CDT




Monroe Township, NJ United States - Saturday, May 17, 2003 2:24 PM CDT
my thoughts are with you all, always.
Lynn(Dana's friend)
- Saturday, May 17, 2003 2:14 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,

Hello there in Pa.
Get ready Colby & Cameron, because Aunt Dee is getting
ready to leave Ohio to come and see you guys.
I should be there around 6:00 PM.

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, May 17, 2003 11:06 AM CDT
Good morning Cole Family,
Just checking in before I go to work. Have been wondering about you all week. Hope everything is okay. I am praying for you. May God Be With You Always. Take Care and God Bless You.

Berneice <>
Masontown, PA USA - Saturday, May 17, 2003 8:39 AM CDT
Hi Cole's! We check in on you guys everyday, we just don't sign in like we should!! Hope all is well and you're enjoying together time.

With Love -

Jim, Rachel and Connor <>
- Friday, May 16, 2003 10:22 PM CDT

I am praying for you. I am stopping by tonight to let you know you are really on my mind tonight. I feel so fortunate to know your family Colby – wow! You be the hero we all know you are!

Please have a wonderful and blessed evening!

Much love,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, May 16, 2003 9:05 PM CDT
Thinking of you always,
Kristy , Darren, Conor and Aidan
- Friday, May 16, 2003 7:35 PM CDT
So sorry Colby, I have been following you and Jay and accidentaly put in Jay's name instead of yours. There are toooooo many JMML kids. My heart goes out too all the families dealing with this horrible disease and horrific treatment. Lets all hope, pray for and fund research to put an end to childhood cancers. To all cancers.
Once again Colby, sorry for the mix up. I do check on you daily and pray for your return to excellent health.
Love susan

Susan Hubley <>
Timberlea, NS Canada - Friday, May 16, 2003 7:12 PM CDT
Dear Colby.

I am sending you a prayer for Great Health and Much Happiness. You are a wonderful little man and there are many people in your life who are very lucky to be loved by you. I love seeing the pictures of you with your family looks like you have a lot of fun playing with your brother. It will be so wonderful when you are all together permanently " no more hospitals ".
I just wanted to write to tell you that although we have never met I think you are a very brave little man Colby.
Wishing the best for you.

Susan Hubley <>
Timberlea, NS Canada - Friday, May 16, 2003 6:43 PM CDT
Dear Jay.

I am sending you a prayer for Great Health and Much Happiness. You are a wonderful little man and there are many people in your life who are very lucky to be loved by you. I love seeing the pictures of you with your family looks like you have a lot of fun playing with your brother. It will be so wonderful when you are all together permanently " no more hospitals ".
I just wanted to write to tell you that although we have never met I think you are a very brave little man Jay.
Wishing the best for you.

Susan Hubley <>
Timberlea, NS Canada - Friday, May 16, 2003 6:41 PM CDT
Praying for you Colby Cole, as always.

Debbie Nagy
Manchester/ St. Louis, MO - Friday, May 16, 2003 5:44 PM CDT
Dearest Colby,Jack,Laura and Cameron Just wanted to check in and let you know we at UHS have a special present coming for you all!!!!!
Colby, we know you're not feeling so good and that you're low on steam but remember you're our favorite and and we're sending loads of prayers. The kids and I (Pam) been have checking in daily hoping NO News GOOD News!!!!!! Stay strong and trust in GOD!!!! He has a plan for all of us, Keep the Faith

Uniontown, Pa - Friday, May 16, 2003 5:02 PM CDT
Colby James Cole,

~Thinking of You Today~
"May the LORD bless you and keep you;
May the LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
May the LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26

Love You,

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, May 16, 2003 11:05 AM CDT
The Cole's,

Weather Changes

The rain was pouring down.
It was cold.
It was the type of weather that most would call miserable.

Cars were passing by looking at me. I could tell by the look on
a few startled faces that they were asking themselves,
"What is that fool doing running in the rain?"

I was the object of the imagined question.
I was jogging in pouring rain in nearly freezing weather.

There were two things they didn't realize.

First, it wasn't raining when I started.
Second, I was enjoying myself.

When I started running it was cold but fairly dry.
Only a light mist hung in the air.
After 30 minutes, the bottom fell out of the clouds.

The weather is often nice when we start something.
Weather changes.

When you start a business, it's nice.
You are excited.
You have money saved.
You have big dreams.
Then you don't make as much as you thought.
Your money runs out.
The customers don't line up, and the sales don't go up.
You had your business plans and they didn't include rain.
Weather changes.

When you get married, it's nice.
You are excited.
You have money saved.
You have big dreams.
You have your life planned and changing diapers at 2 a.m. and
4 a.m. somehow wasn't in the plans.
Having more bills than money wasn't in the plans.
Sex once a week (on good weeks) wasn't on the plans.
The mood swings and differences weren't on the plans.
The extra weight in so many areas weren't on the plans.
Weather changes.

When you move to a new city, it's nice.
You are excited.
You have money saved.
You have your life planned and all of the negative stuff of the
old town you are leaving behind.
You soon are around the same type of people in the new city,
on the new job, in the new church, they weren't in your plans.
Weather changes.

"What is that fool doing running in the rain?"

I was smiling.

The rain and cold air felt good. My lungs were in shape so they
weren't burning from the cold air. The rain washed the sweat
away. It kept me refreshed. It was like running in the shower.

Plus, when the downpour started, I was two miles from home.
There was nothing that I could do but keep running.

If they thought I was a fool at first, they should have seen me
during the last one-half mile.
I took my shirt off.

I had no choice but to run, whether it was hot or cold,
wet or dry, but the choice to smile and fully enjoy the weather,
was mine.

If you've got to run, find the good in your weather and smile,
even if people do think you are crazy, they don't know your
situation or what you're made of inside.

Have you ever noticed how kids like to play in the rain?

You may have no choice but to run in the rain;
you do have a choice of the expression on your face
and how much you enjoy it.
Weather changes.

A MountainWings Original

Love You,

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, May 16, 2003 10:43 AM CDT
I am thinking and praying for you all this morning. I pray for strength, healing, love and peace.
Janet Sims
Birmingham, AL - Friday, May 16, 2003 10:40 AM CDT
Hi Colby...Thtas sounds like my kids.. they love to make money....But that is ok!! :) I hope you get to feeling bteer soon sweety.. I will be back again to check on you.. lots of hugs to you sweety....
Jodie~~Lindsay's Place~~
- Friday, May 16, 2003 9:30 AM CDT
Thinking of you all and praying that things are going well...


Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Thursday, May 15, 2003 11:40 PM CDT

Hi Cole's ,
Just thinking of you and decided to sign in this round . I hope all is under control there... Let us know how you all are doing... Love you Colby !! kisses Cam !!
Blessings to all,

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe ,Tx, - Thursday, May 15, 2003 10:26 PM CDT
Colby James Cole,

I Love You SOOOOOO Much !!!!!
Thinking about you all the time !!!!!
See ya soon, I mean real soon !!!!!


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, May 15, 2003 8:39 PM CDT
Good evening Colby.

I pray this note finds you playing, laughing and exhausting your parents with endless happiness and excitement.

I am looking forward to seeing a new update, but as the old saying goes, “no news is good news.”

My prayers are constant and never-ending. Please have a wonderful and loving night.

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, May 15, 2003 7:56 PM CDT
Dear Colby

Thinking of you and praying for you. Hope you're doing well.

Jacqueline <>
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Thursday, May 15, 2003 7:37 PM CDT
Dearest Colby,

Just dropping in as usual to say HELLO to my special miracle boy :) I hope you are feeling better and I pray that we will have good news are ALWAYS in my thoughts, sweetie...remember that your fairy godmother always has her magic wand out trying to make it work!!!!! She is new at this and still needs practice...but soon you will see...the magic will work :) You keep strong and brave, lil fella...I'm looking forward to an update and more pictures of PA's cutest boy!!!

Click here to visit Janice's Website


Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, May 15, 2003 6:30 PM CDT
What a beautiful boy! He is going to make many girls swoon when he grows up!
Stay strong family! Love the photos!
Please visit Aizees page at

Cheryl <>
- Thursday, May 15, 2003 4:45 PM CDT
Hi Colby and Jack! I just wanted to stop by to let you know I have you all in my prayers!
Danielle <>
li, ny usa - Thursday, May 15, 2003 1:17 PM CDT
Colby James Cole,

Choose a wish, find a dream.
Pick a wishing star.
Let your hopes and spirits soar
high and free and far.
Reach for the unreachable.
Stretch to touch the sky.
Know no dream you treasure
is too far away or high.
Believe in the impossible.
Then work and try and do.
For only those who dare to dream
can make a dream come true.

I Love You,

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, May 15, 2003 11:14 AM CDT

DUNBAR, PA USA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 10:36 PM CDT
Hello Colby, just stopping by to check on you. I love the new pictures. You have a very lovely family, as I am sure you already know. I will be praying for you.
Visit Jackson's Page

Wilmer, Al USA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 7:48 PM CDT
Good evening Cole Family,
Just checking in. Wondering how you are feeling today Colby. It turned out to be such a beautiful day. Hope you enjoyed the outdoors with your little brother. Were your ears burning today family. Well it is because I was bragging about you today. You are so wonderful.
I think of you alot these days.
Praying for you always.
Take Care and May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 7:20 PM CDT
Good evening Cole family. I feel like it's been forever since I have spoken with you. Laura, the pictures of the boys are adorable. Cameron is starting to look so grown up, but, of course, he is three. It was wonderful that you were all able to be at home together for Mother's Day. I say a prayer every day for all of you, along with so many other families going through illness. I think so often of my last visit with you and Colby at CHP the night before you left for Philadelphia. I also enjoyed meeting your minister. Your family certainly is very fortunate to have so many people surrounding you with so much love and prayers. Just keep remembering that there is power in prayer. Hugs and kisses to everyone and hope to talk to you soon.

Bev Gorr (MAW) <>
N. Huntingdon, PA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 6:49 PM CDT
Good evening Cole’s. What a beautiful day you boys had to enjoy today!

We are praying for all of you and wish you showers of blessings!

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 6:22 PM CDT
Hi There Colby!
The sunshine today had to lift spirits!
I'm sure that the rays of faith, hope and love were shining on YOU!
I have been very busy with the Make-A-Wish Golf Tournament and my days seem to fly by me.
However, please don't think that you aren't on my mind!!!
YOU ARE!!!!!
I hope mommy, daddy and Cameron are doing well too.
We need to give eachother hugs again real soon.
We are just a phone call away and ready to play.
How about a picnic in Ohiopyle when the weather gets better?
That would be a lot of fun!! :)
You are in our hearts and prayers, always!
With love,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
Ohiopyle, PA USA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 5:30 PM CDT for me and my house, I will serve the Lord and stick to
His organizational chart.

"For the husband is the head of the wife,
even as Christ is the head of the church:
and he is the saviour of the body."
(Eph 5:23 KJV)


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 11:01 AM CDT
Good morning Colby, I hope you're feeling well today. I know if you've been taking all of your medicine, you should be a wealthy boy by now. Have fun spending all of your money!! I'm sure Cameron will help. You have a GOOD DAY.
Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 7:52 AM CDT
My sweet Colbymeister!!

Are you feeling better, sweetie? I hope so...I got home from classes today and was feeling SO TIRED so I just fell asleep on my bed..and I had this dream that you and Cam-man came to visit me and Cam-man said "Colby is ALL BETTER NOW"...and I was so happy!!!!!!!!! I know dreams come true, you keep strong and just keep getting better okay? I'm thinking of you..and PRAYING for you..

Click here to visit Janice's Website

Sweetest dreams ALWAYS,

Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 0:44 AM CDT
Hello, my father, Mark Craig told me about your son, and I have been praying for him ever since. I truly believe prayers and love is the answer and if you just have faith in God all will go well! I'm praying for you all!
Kenzie Craig
- Tuesday, May 13, 2003 9:21 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,

I. Objective:
To learn the will of God for our lives and do the best of our ability to do it.

II. Priority System:
In this family we place God 1st, Family 2nd, and Business 3rd.

III. Organizational System:

Creator Heavenly Father

Husband's Name
Husband, Father

Wife's Name

Childs Name Childs Name Childs Name
Son/Daughter Son/Daughter Son/Daughter

IV. Belief System
In this family we believe there is only one true God. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the father of Jesus. We believe God sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to come to Earth to die for us. We believe Jesus is Lord. We believe he was crucified and God raised him from the dead so that our sins might be forgiven and we may experience everlasting life with him. We believe the Bible is God’s infallible Word and it is our guidebook and most trusted resource for life. We believe that God still performs miracles today. We believe in the trinity as one; God the father, Jesus his son, and the Holy Spirit his presence in the earth. We believe God desires a personal relationship with each of us and daily communion with him through prayer, worship and reading his Word is required.

V. Destiny System
In this family we believe that each of us has a destiny that we were born to perform. We believe the anointing of God’s Holy Spirit will enhance our natural abilities and aid us in performing our destiny. We believe that God is the head of this family and guides it, protects it and gives favor to it. We believe that through prayer, faith, diligence and obedience all things are possible. We believe we are sons and daughters of God; therefore we are spiritual beings having a fleshly experience instead of fleshly beings having a spiritual experience. We believe that no amount of public success can compensate for failure at home. We believe there is no true success without God. We believe that God has blessed us to be a blessing to others, he has taught us to teach, and multiplied our seed so that we may help water the lost seeds of others. We believe that the will of God is above the desires and plans of men. We believe that we should use whatever ministry gifts placed within us to build and uplift the kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven.

Husband’s Name, Household President Wife’s Name, Household Vice-President

______________________________ ________________________________

I came across this and Loved it. If you want
more info, just let me know.

Love You,

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 8:50 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

We pray this note finds you well. We are sure you are having a blast being together once again. We cannot wait until the next update.

By the way, the new pictures are fantastic!

Have a blessed evening!

Rene' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 7:19 PM CDT
Cole Family-What great pictures-adorable boys!!! Praying for you all!
Sue and Easton
Dell, MT - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 6:24 PM CDT
Hi, Coles - Saw Happy today. He said that Colby got his platelets and he was able to eat. We've got to put some meat on those adorable bones. Maybe, he needs some good ol' Church cooking! Through the ups and downs,remember that every moment is a small miracle. And know that you are never alone. God loves you and so do we.
Rev. Russell (and family) <>
Jeannette, PA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 5:29 PM CDT
No words are good enough to give comfort to a mother in a situation like this. I am so very sorry. I hope he recovers from the infection soon and starts eating again a LOT. I hope that a lot more of good things happen to him. Warm hugs from Brazil.
- Tuesday, May 13, 2003 3:10 PM CDT
WOW What a couple of cutie pies. Hope your feeling better soon Colby I know that flaygl med is yuckie. By the sounds of it your one tough and smart guy. Hang in there.
sam ( <>
tacoma, wa usa - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 3:02 PM CDT
Your little guy is so precious. Both of them are adorable. Much too cute to have anything but only the good in life. Our hearts are with you. And what a great idea. Payment for taking the yucky meds. We'll have to use that one. You all are in our prayers.
Dianne Roth <>
cape Girardeau, MO - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 2:57 PM CDT
Just dropping in to check for updates and see the pictures again! Fantastic! Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Tuesday, May 13, 2003 2:36 PM CDT
Hello again Colby and family,
I hope all is well today. I just wanted to stop in and let you know you are on my mind. Take care.

Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 10:22 AM CDT

A Shooting Star.....

Watch for a shooting star and remember
that simple joys bring abundant pleasures

Somewhere up in the sky,
an iridescent web of clouds, stars and moonlight
holds all of our tomorrows.

I Love You,
("My Little Man")

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 9:43 AM CDT
Hope you were able to spend Mother's Day all together! God bless!

- Tuesday, May 13, 2003 8:24 AM CDT
Just a little note to say that my family thinks of you every day. Ryan continues his prayers to his special angels for Colby every night before he goes to sleep. Love and Prayers, The Dolans
Lisa Dolan
- Tuesday, May 13, 2003 8:04 AM CDT
Dropping in to say HI............Hope all is going well:)
Ginger D'Amico
Baltimore, MD - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 6:44 AM CDT
Well Coles, I'm glad your all together, and We pray for Colby every day. Love those pics. Check in later, Peace and Prayers, 4/J's
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
Jax., Fl. USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 11:13 PM CDT
I wish I could give Colby some of MY steroid appetite. I had almost a whole LARGE pizza with 5 toppings for dinner, I'll gladly give up the appetite--AND the pounds I'm gaining too!! Please know that you guys are in my thoughts and prayers. And happy belated day 100. It's hard to believe it's already here, but I'm so glad. Praise God for His faithfulness. Blessings to you guys!
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC, - Monday, May 12, 2003 9:47 PM CDT
we want more updates!
- Monday, May 12, 2003 9:39 PM CDT
Helloooooo Colby!

How is PA's cutest sweetie doing?? GREAT I hope...I really do hope you're feeling good...and I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating Mother's Day with mummy! I want you to know that I am always thinking of you (as fairy godmothers always do)..and that I'm STILL praying for you.. day in, day's all for you Colby...I want you to get better and that is that!!! Keep strong, little man.

Jack, thanks for the address! :)

Laura, I hope you had a fabulous day!

Cam-man, you are TOO cute so I couldn't resist crowning you PA's cutest sweetie too :) Geez, isn't PA lucky to have all these cute boys around...

Click here to visit Janice's Website

Lots of cute love,

Melbourne, Australia - Monday, May 12, 2003 9:00 PM CDT
It's so nice to see that Colby now has more hair than his dad. It's so nice to be able to see him smiling. I've been logging in at least once a week or more to see his progress & think of him often. I even tried to win his basket at the Uniontown Hospital's "Basket Raffle". Good luck on the blood drive.
Roxanne (Cole) Conchilla (George's Daughter)
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 8:34 PM CDT
Hi to All,
Jonathan & I just got done reading your latest update, and looking at the pictures. They are just adorable. Jonathan especially likes the one of Colby in the suitcase. He said "Ha Ha Colby is sending himself on vacation!" Laura & Jack, here is the information regarding the Saint that I promised:
National Center for Padre Pio
2213 Old Route 100
Barto, PA 19504
Phone: 610-845-3000
If you call, they will explain everything that you have to do to obtain the miraculous blessings.
Best wishes,
Our prayers are with you always. Call if you need anything
Love, Shane, Mary Jul, and Jonathan.

Mary Jul Phillips <>
Uniontown, PA - Monday, May 12, 2003 7:28 PM CDT
CONGRATULATIONS!!! on passing day 100!!! We are all so very proud of you!!
Did you boys spoil Mommy yesterday??

I wish a great week for all of you!

Love and (((HUGS)))

- Monday, May 12, 2003 7:22 PM CDT
Just saw the pictures. They are so precious. You are a very handsome little man Colby Cole. Take care little buddy. I am praying for you. Sure sounds like you will have a little chunk by the end of the 10 days of meds. Way to go Colby.
May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, PA USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 6:41 PM CDT
Hi Coles,
Glad you are all home safe.
Take care and God bless you all.

Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter <>
Smock, Pa USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 6:20 PM CDT
I visited your web site today and wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you, God Bliss you.


Zachary Mitchell <>
Phoenix, Az - Monday, May 12, 2003 5:08 PM CDT

Lisa Glodowski: Mom to Jessica( 7) dx:6/23/98-aml/m7) <>
HAMILTON, NJ - Monday, May 12, 2003 1:51 PM CDT
Dear Colby and His Amazing Parents!
I don't know you, but I feel as if I do. I have been keeping track of little Colby ever since I found this website which is where my little friend Lance also (he was diagnosed with NBIV 3 years ago at age 10)has a page. To read your journal entries and see your strength in God and each other is truly amazing!!! And Colby you are such a trooper, your strength just blows me away! You go little tiger! Keeping you all in my prayers.
Lisa Searle

Lisa Searle <>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 1:12 PM CDT

I could search my whole life through
And never find another 'you'.

You are so special that I wanted you to know
I truly, completely love you so.

I Love You Sooooo,

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, May 12, 2003 9:34 AM CDT
Good morning,
I loved the pictures, the boys are absolutely beautiful. Laura, I hope you had a nice Mother's Day. Mine was great, just hung out w/ my boys all day. Colby you looked great in the pics, you and your brother are quite the cutie pies. Well I hope you have fun spending all of your money. Take care!!

Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Monday, May 12, 2003 9:09 AM CDT
I hope you had a Wonderful Mother's Day! The pictures are beautiful.

Colby--I am praying that you get better "Little Man". I hope you have good luck today with your lab. God Bless and take care. Thinking of you.

Michelle Zammat <>
Belcamp, MD USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 7:15 AM CDT
Laura, I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day today!
Janet Sims
Birmingham, AL - Sunday, May 11, 2003 10:31 PM CDT
Hi Laura,
God Bless,

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Sunday, May 11, 2003 10:21 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day Laura!!! You sure deserve it! The new pictures are absolutely precious!!! You have the most adorable children! I am so glad you could be home together on this special day. Always in my prayers....

Michele, Ryan's mom <>
Hebron, ky USA! - Sunday, May 11, 2003 10:11 PM CDT
Dear Coles, Hope all the Cole moms had a good day. Think and pray every day. love from the gang at the beach. tom
tom vitz <V>
VA. BEACH, Va - Sunday, May 11, 2003 9:57 PM CDT
Laura, Happy Mothers Day. You got the best gift you could get this year didn't you by having all of you together at home? Praise God for His great love. Colby, I pray that you will get rid of that blasted c-dif real soon and your tummy will feel good enough to eat 6 meals a day!! Why pray for only 3 meals if you could feel hungry enough for 6, right?
I missed reading your daily journals as we were gone for a few days. It is great to be back and know that our great Father God is helping you to heal even if it is slowly. We thank Him for day 100+++, too, that all of your days will be cancer free forever.
Good night to all of you. God Bless you and God bless America.
The joy of the Lord is a continual fountain, rising from an overflowing and loving heart.
Revelation 7:17 "(The Lamb) will lead them to springs of living water."

Jerri & Kaden <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 9:41 PM CDT
...and the Mother of the Year(s) goes to Laura Cole!
As you continue to amaze us, please know how much you and Colby have taught all of us. Life is precious and so are both of you!!

Good night to all, sweet dreams and snuggles.
A beautiful day full of wonderful moments with our children.
I hope that your day was a good one, all together and as always spending time with the ones you love.
We send our love and strength and endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Sunday, May 11, 2003 9:40 PM CDT
Hope all is well with the Cole family, and that Laura, you've had a wonderful mother's day with your two beautiful boys!! And, Colby, hope you are feeling up to keeping your mom on her toes today, and have filled her day with the sound of you and your brother's laughter. Sending prayers!
Wash.Twp., NJ - Sunday, May 11, 2003 9:21 PM CDT
Belated Happy Day 100! :-) and Happy Mother's Day - hope you had a wonderful day.

Thinking of you always and praying for you all.

Jacqueline <>
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Sunday, May 11, 2003 9:19 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day, Laura!
The pictures are truly heartwarming!

Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron- you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. God's peace be with you.

Kris Gregory <>
Philadelphia, Pa - Sunday, May 11, 2003 8:57 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

I am sure you had a wonderful day, but I want to say have fun, as the day is not over yet!!!!!!

Much love tonight!

Happy Mother's Day Laura.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 8:56 PM CDT
Hey Jack & Laura!!

Colby and Cameron have gifts awaiting them DOWN UNDER from their fairy godmother!!! Please give me an address so I can send them off to the boys... :) :) I hope you've all had a TRULY WONDERFUL mother's day!!!! Lots of hugs and kisses your way, today and everyday!

Click here to visit Janice's Website

Hugs & kisses,

Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, May 11, 2003 7:38 PM CDT

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

- Sunday, May 11, 2003 5:15 PM CDT
Mary Lee (
- Sunday, May 11, 2003 5:12 PM CDT
Colby I trust you are doing well at home and enjoying your mother on this Mother's Day! I know you realize this and you probably will even more so as you grow older and stronger but you have a terrific mother who has great faith and wonderful love for you!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 5:09 PM CDT
Hey Laura Lu, Colby, Jack amd Cameron too....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! What a way to spend it, @ home with those you love. Looking forward to seeing your smiling face back @ work.
Love, Vickie

Vickie <>
Connellsville, PA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 4:40 PM CDT
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH U*S*A* - Sunday, May 11, 2003 1:42 PM CDT
Glad to see you made it home safely. I keep you in my thoughts always.
Ginger D'Amico
Baltimore, MD - Sunday, May 11, 2003 1:24 PM CDT
Happy Mothers Day Laura,
Thinking of you today. You deserve to be mother of the Day.
Praying for you.
Hi Colby hope you are feeling a little chipper today.
Praying for you.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 1:24 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day Laura....I can't think of anyone who deserves this day more than you.
Aili and Bryan <>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Sunday, May 11, 2003 11:30 AM CDT

Laura Cole,

You are the friend I go to
when I need someone to really listen.
Someone with so much patience and understanding
that it's kind of like getting free therapy!
When I'm feeling overwhelmed,
I can come to you knowing
you'll always see my side of things while,
at the same time, you'll share the clarity
of your honest point of view.
You keep my head straight
and my spirits up, and I don't know
what I'd so without you.

Love You,

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, May 11, 2003 10:37 AM CDT

It's just a little message,
but it can only bring a part of
all the many thoughts and prayers
for you within my heart.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, May 11, 2003 10:29 AM CDT

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! What a beautiful gift, having your family together. I know you will enjoy your day. You are an exceptional woman, I admire you. Please give the boys hugs and kisses for us. Hope that Colby is feeling stronger every day.

Joe, Willie, Amanda and Olivia Glusica <jaman@lcsys>
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 10:06 AM CDT
Dear Laura, Happy Mother's Day. I hope you have a great day, you deserve it. Your grace and strength inspire me. I am sorry I missed your call on Sat. I will try you on Monday. Give Colby a big hug for me and tell him I'll bring him more cinnamon bread the next time I am in Uniontown.
Love to you all,

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, PA - Sunday, May 11, 2003 9:39 AM CDT
Just wanted to stop and wish you a Happy Mothers Day!!! Have a wonderful day!!
Love, Treys Aunt Kathy

- Sunday, May 11, 2003 6:47 AM CDT
Dearest Laura,

Today is YOUR day!!! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to the most wonderful mother in the whole entire world...your boys (including Jack!!) are sooooooooo lucky to have you...your love for each of them just amazes me each day...and everything that you do brings so much more meaning to the word "mother" must be so lovely having Colby home..and I'm sure you would want nothing more than to spend Mother's Day with him at home...I'm so happy that you guys get to spend this special day together as a family. It really is a very special day...well, I hope the boys are spoiling you rotten and treating you like a queen! Which is exactly how you should be treated...enjoy your day!

Colby & Cam-Man, don't forget to shower mummy with ENDLESS hugs and kisses today!!!

Click here to visit Janice's Website

Lots of Mother's Day love & hugs,

Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, May 11, 2003 2:17 AM CDT

Wishes for a relaxing Mother's Day. How comforting that you are all together to pay tribute to you. I'm sure Colby, Cameron and Jack let you know everyday just how much you mean to them... You are an amazing woman, Laura. Truly an inspiration to all mothers that have been fortunate enough to know you!

Hope you're spending a quiet and restful day with all three of your boys,

Uniontown, - Sunday, May 11, 2003 1:48 AM CDT
Hello, me again. I hit save before I was done, I'll leave the misspelling and such and just say...

Laura, Happy Mother's Day

Also on a note of Flagyl, Sami was on that too. That was nasty. The good part was that she had an ngtube at the time so I put all the meds down the tube. The bad thing was it was so thick and sticky. Many times it went squirting out, what a mess. I remember it well.

All these meds take away their appetite as well. Hang in there Colby (and collect that money).

- Saturday, May 10, 2003 11:23 PM CDT
Hi Laura, Dana mentioned that you wanted to about the swims suit I got Sami last year. It is an SPF of 50 and covers there arms, body and most of the leg (just under the knee). Dan thought this would be a good vehicle to let you know and others. It is great for cancer kids that need to watch their sun expose, but really it is great for all kids to prevent sun burn and cancer.

I ordered Sami's from One Step Online.

At that time there were only two sizes (this year there are 3). I believe I got the 18 month and she still fits into it. Remember bathing suits are fitted and this material is very comfy and stretchy.

While researching, I called the SurfDuk people directly to get some questions answered. You can order directly from them as well. They have other sizes and two piece suits. Check them out at:

Sandy <>
Bridgewater, NJ - Saturday, May 10, 2003 10:56 PM CDT
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY LAURA!! Enjoy your special day with your two beautiful sons! Such a blessing!! Love the pictures and yes, they ARE priceless. Isn't it wonderful to be a mommy.... children are such precious gifts! Have fun and ENJOY!! God Bless you all. ~~~~hugs~~~~
Bea <>
E, Pa - Saturday, May 10, 2003 10:45 PM CDT
My Dearest Friend Laura,
I wanted to wish you a VERY Happy Mother's Day! You are such a survivor and a big part of why Colby is so strong. You amaze me everyday with the grace you show in handling this nightmare. As I pray for Colby's health, I also ask God to keep you strong. Words can't describe how much I value our friendship.
Thank you for being YOU!
Love and Courage,

Dana Doctor
- Saturday, May 10, 2003 10:27 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day. Could there be a better weekend to be reuninted?? I believe flagyl is worth 20 bucks. Have you tasted that stuff??? You all remain in our prayers.
In Him,
Kim Watts(mom to Taylor, stage 4 neuroblastoma)

Kim Watts
McCalla, Al - Saturday, May 10, 2003 9:34 PM CDT
In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody & Greg & Riley <>
- Saturday, May 10, 2003 9:15 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day!!


Lynn, PA - Saturday, May 10, 2003 8:21 PM CDT
Dear Cole’s,

We are so happy to hear that things are going well. Day 100!!! We continue to pray for dear sweet Colby.

Laura, every Mother’s Day I send my family and friends a letter and this year I wanted to share it with you as well because a child could not ask for a better mother than you. The rest of us mothers should take lessons from you. Happy Mother’s Day Laura! Here it is:

Mother’s Day 2003

Dear Mothers,

Another year has gone by and my little girl just turned three! I cannot call her a baby anymore.

It is wonderful to have such a special holiday for all of us moms, yet this day reminds me how fortunate I am to be one. I love being a mother. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to look in my daughter’s eyes and have her wrap her little arms around my neck and say, “I love you Mommy.” Those four words are like the sweetest sounding music to my ears.

I just feel so lucky to be Faith’s mom. We all get so tired and tried by our children, yet they bless us tenfold. I honestly feel as if life has nothing better to offer than to give us children.

Happy Mother’s Day to all my loved ones and friends! I pray God continues to bless all of you!

I will leave you with one of my favorite stories.


Once upon a time, there was a child ready to be born. So one day she asked God: “They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?”

God replied, “Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and she will take care of you.”

“But tell me, here in Heaven, I don’t do anything else but sing and smile and that’s enough for me to be happy.” “Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you Everyday and you will feel your angels love and be happy.”

“But God, how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don’t know the language men talk?” “Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.”

“God, what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?” “Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.”

“God, I’ve heard that on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?” “Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.”

“But God, I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.” “Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way for you to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you.”

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard, and the child in a hurry asked softly: “Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel’s name.”

“Your angel’s name is of no importance, you will call your angel......Mommy.”

God Bless,


Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Saturday, May 10, 2003 7:18 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day Laura! May the Lord bless you with many more days of enjoying Colby and Cameron in the years ahead. Colby is in my prayers as well as the whole family each and every day. God bless all of you.

Debbie Nagy
Manchester / St. Louis, MO - Saturday, May 10, 2003 6:53 PM CDT
The pictures are absolutely precious! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
Kelly <>
Lake Tahoe, N USA - Saturday, May 10, 2003 5:42 PM CDT
Dear Laura,
Wishing you a very happy Mother's Day!

Maria <>
NJ - Saturday, May 10, 2003 5:04 PM CDT
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, LAURA*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

HORRAY!!!!!!! COLBY IS HOME!!! What better Mother's Day gift could you ask for?!?!?!?
Thank you so very much for sharing those most precious pictures with all of us. I hope your Mother's Day is most precious!!!

Love and ((((HUGS)))))

- Saturday, May 10, 2003 3:03 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your story about Colby. It was so nice to speak to you the other day on the phone. We are so happy our paths have crossed. We just found out Daniel's MRI
of the brain and orbits is unchanged. The tumors have not grown or effected his eyesight due to the NF1. Thank you also for telling us about caringbridge. It's comforting to know we are not alone. Maureen

Maureen Mulvey <>
Chester, NY United States - Saturday, May 10, 2003 2:20 PM CDT

There are moments when one person makes a special
difference that no one else can make. You do nice things day
in and day out. Things you never talk about. But everyone
whose life you've touched values your friendship very much.
Have a Wonderful Day ("My Little Man")

Love You Sooooo Much,

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, May 10, 2003 2:16 PM CDT
I don't believe I've ever seen pictures so beautiful! What a precious family. I will continue to pray for complete healing for sweet Colby.
Tammy Holston <>
B'ham, AL - Saturday, May 10, 2003 11:33 AM CDT
Without a doubt, those are the most precious photos I have ever seen. The love in your family just shines through!
We may live several states away...but I just wanted you to know that this week, in honor of Colby...I will be visiting our local blood bank and donating in Colby's honor....
Happy Momthers Day....
With love, Kim & Kody

- Saturday, May 10, 2003 10:17 AM CDT
What beautiful photos...the warmth that lives and breathes in your family even shines through your photos! Those smiles are priceless. Thinking of you all today as always. Our prayers and visually imaginging the healing of Colby's body will continue.

Your family is simply amazing...

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Saturday, May 10, 2003 7:49 AM CDT
I love your new pictures! You are such a handsome young man. No wonder most of pictures are with girls!!!! Im sorry your feeling yucky right now. Hopefully all this medicine your taking right not will not only make you rich but will make you feel better as well! Love, Treys Aunt Kathy

kw <>
grner, nc - Saturday, May 10, 2003 5:49 AM CDT
Hey Colby,

I'm so sorry to hear about your bowel just never stops does it???? I just wanna yell at all these infections and yucky stuff that's making you feel bad... JUST GO AWAY!! Leave poor lil Colby alone!! I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling so lousy too...I wish I could make you feel better...and because I'm your fairy godmother, I really should pull out that magic wand of mine and give it a little wave shouldn't I???? I promise to do just that tonight before I go to bed and say a little prayer for you :) I LOVE the new pictures Colby!!! You look so many people who've visited my website say that you're such a cutie!!!! Like I didn't know that already!!!! Well, my miracle boy...I pray that your tummy starts feeling better soon...and that you get to play, play, play and run, run, run!! Have a nice weekend, sweetie...I'm always thinking of you :)

Jack, how did you know I was drinking too much coffee????? (I was!!) Hehehehe...lots of love to you and Laura.. you guys are the best...please hug Cam-man for me :)

Click here to visit Janice's Website

Love, hugs & SPECIAL prayers,

Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Saturday, May 10, 2003 2:25 AM CDT
Forgot to mention that the pictures are precious! Thanks for sharing.

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA - Saturday, May 10, 2003 1:16 AM CDT
I'm glad to hear you are home where you belong! I am keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Saturday, May 10, 2003 1:13 AM CDT
So glad to hear your family is once again reunited!!!! I pray that it stays that way for a very long time!!! You are such a wonderful family and are loved by so many. I know you will savor and cherish each and every moment. Much peace and happiness to you!

Michele, Ryan's mom <>
Hebron, Ky USA! - Friday, May 9, 2003 10:40 PM CDT

From morning's first light
to evening's last star,
always remember
how special you are.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, May 9, 2003 8:35 PM CDT
Praise God and welcome home! I'll keep praying.
Khalita <>
Lexington, NC - Friday, May 9, 2003 8:35 PM CDT
WAA-HOO....Home Sweet doesn't get any better then that!!
Enjoy your beautiful family...I just love those pictures, Colby and Cameron, you two are soooo handsome!!
Love always, your Florida Fan Club
Kim & Kody

- Friday, May 9, 2003 8:14 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

We are so happy to hear that you are all home together! Praise be to God! I am sure day 100 comes with it’s own rewards as well. Congratulations!

I cannot even comprehend how elated all of you must be. You boys play, play and play.

We will continue to pray!

Much love,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, May 9, 2003 7:26 PM CDT
Can't think of a better Mother's Day gift for Laura, the Grandmas and everyone - YIPPEE! Colby and Cameron are together again! God is awesome and mysterious - and loves us without end! See you in Church - and all around the area!
Rev. Russell and family <>
Jeannette, PA - Friday, May 9, 2003 6:34 PM CDT
It just doesn't get any better than those hugs & kisses from the little people does it? Your darling boys are in my thoughts & prayers everyday. Isn't it just awesome how much they love each other, too? I'm sure it was WONDERFUL to get home. I'll pray for Colby's continued miracles. He's a special boy.
Eileen Spratt ( Jackie Roth's Aunt Bea)
Eureka, MO - Friday, May 9, 2003 6:05 PM CDT
Hooray Colby!!! Glad you are feeling better.

I am so happy to see you are all HOME now.

GO Colby !!!!!

denver, co - Friday, May 9, 2003 3:37 PM CDT
Hey buddy,
I'm so glad to read that you are all home together -- there is no place like home!! What a wonderful Mother's Day gift for your mom. You just keep up the good work and always remember......YOU ARE MY HERO!! Happy Mother's Day Laura - you are the best!! Sent with big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Friday, May 9, 2003 3:12 PM CDT
I just learned about Colby today. What a little miracle. May god bless all of you, and keep Colby well. God has such an amazing way of teaching us, and helping us grow. Children are so special, but it sounds to me like Colby is a unique kind of child. Welcome home, and I hope this weekend will be filled with happiness and joy for all of you.
Kellie Stevens <>
Meadowlands, PA USA - Friday, May 9, 2003 2:48 PM CDT
Colby & Family - WELCOME HOME! Hooray for you all. I am truly excited and relieved. Play hard & stay well. Our God is an Awesome God! Love, Pat
Pat <>
New Salem, PA USA - Friday, May 9, 2003 1:42 PM CDT
So thankful you are all home together. Praise God!! Colby, have lots of fun playing with Cameron. Keep smiling your precious smile.

Debbie Nagy
Manchester/St. Louis, MO - Friday, May 9, 2003 1:33 PM CDT
We are happy to read that you all are home and together again. :)

Wishing you a very blessed weekend!

The family of Jackson Espeseth
- Friday, May 9, 2003 11:48 AM CDT
I was so happy to see that your family is back together again! GO COLBY!
Kelly <>
Lake Tahoe, NV USA - Friday, May 9, 2003 10:38 AM CDT

For you please have a wonderful Mother's Day!!!!!! I know being home with your babies is the best present possible.

Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Friday, May 9, 2003 9:13 AM CDT
Good morning Colby, I know how wonderful it must feel to be home. I am sure you and Cameron have a lot of catching up to do. You have a great day with your family. Take care.

Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Friday, May 9, 2003 9:10 AM CDT

in The Good Lord's Grace.
For you will reap all His rewards in life and
in the hereafter..


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, May 9, 2003 8:48 AM CDT
Together Again!!


Seaton 's
New Salem, PA - Friday, May 9, 2003 7:59 AM CDT
Happy Friday Cole Family!!! Reunited at last!!! I'm very happy for all of you! Laura, have a very happy Mother's day with all of your Boys! You are a wonderful Mommy and deserve a special day! Take care and God Bless. Have fun this weekend Colby, I'm sooo glad you're home where you belong!
Your Friend
Philadelphia, - Friday, May 9, 2003 7:40 AM CDT
WOOHOO!!!! You're HOME! I'm so glad. There's nothing in the world like hugs from our children. Cameron must be SO glad you are all home. Keeping Colby and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Friday, May 9, 2003 6:50 AM CDT
OOOHHHHH how wonderful. You made my day!

- Friday, May 9, 2003 6:29 AM CDT

Hi Laura, Jack, Cameron, & Colby: I am so glad to hear that you are home. I am sorry that I haven't been able to sign the guest book more often. I'm glad that the DLI is inducing the GVHD. I hope that the GVHD will be controlled and that it will takes care of all the JMML cells...

Always thinking of Colby and your family,
Your JMML Brother

Lam Do; <>
san jose, ca - Friday, May 9, 2003 6:24 AM CDT
Hooray!!! So glad to hear you all are home safely. THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME! You remain in our thoughts, prayers, and hearts. Have a joyous day together.

With Love,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Friday, May 9, 2003 6:09 AM CDT
There really is NO PLACE LIKE HOME.. Especially when your home if filled with love as your home is.I know you will all enjoy every moment together.. Praying hard for a complete recovery for Colby.. You are such a very special family.. Much Love
Uniontown, PA - Friday, May 9, 2003 6:07 AM CDT
Hey there Colby!!

So happy you're HOME SWEET HOME!!! Lookout for some gigantic hugs and kisses from me via The General!!! She promised to give you LOTS of them on my behalf :) Wish I could be there with you, sweetie...I'm still down on my knees praying for you, miracle boy...everything that you do, I'm always so proud of you...thinking of you always!!

Laura & Jack, my heart is smiling now that your family is together once again. Enjoy every single moment of it (I know you will!) and keep making all those precious memories...I'm always thinking of you guys!!

Click here to visit Janice's Website

Hugs & kisses forever,

Melbourne, Australia - Friday, May 9, 2003 1:03 AM CDT
glad you are home...sounds wonderful. now stay there
- Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:58 PM CDT

Hi Coles,
I wanted to be the first one to wish you a very Happy
100 day Day!!!! I wish the news could be LOTS better for him on this day and every other day ,as well....but he is here and that is cause to celebrate !!! WE love you all and send our prayers that way !!
Love and Blessings,

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , Tx - Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:46 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

What a wondrous reunion! Cameron is looking forward to the same, I am sure. So much love - WOW!

There are so many blessings to come!

Much love and prayers tonight.


Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 8:20 PM CDT
Such an incredible little soul you are Colby!
Not a surprise to us that you are feeling better.
Once a soldier, always a soldier!
Prayers are answered and we have to be patient.
The underlying lessons are very trying but we have
learned how precious life is...Colby Cole we love you!
Get your rest and play and hug and love eachother.
Our hearts and endless prayers are with you ALL,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and more!
P.S. Watch your mailbox...:)

suzanne abel
Ohiopyle, PA USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 6:52 PM CDT
Hi Laura,
Just checking in. You seem to have your spirits lifted today. I am so happy for you. I am praying for all of you. Take care and May God be with You always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 6:05 PM CDT
Hi Laura...

Love, Kim & Kody

- Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:45 AM CDT
Dear Colby Mom Dad and Cameron

I am thrilled that you are home. Keep healing. Laura will have a special Mother's Day this year. Everyone will be at home celebrating. Laura you should be voted Mother of The Year. God Bless you.

Love, Hugs and Kisses

Arlene and Seymour Zwick
Monroe Twp, NJ - Thursday, May 8, 2003 10:12 AM CDT
Hello Cole family, I have not been able to write this week, was extremely busy at work. However, I did keep up on reading the journal entries and am SOOO GLAD to hear how well Colby is doing. Also, your family was in my thoughts all week. I know you are glad to be home, I know Cameron is glad you are home as well. Colby, you sound like a little character, so full of hope and good spirits, I would love to meet you one day. You are so inspirational. Well everyone please take care, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Thursday, May 8, 2003 8:57 AM CDT

Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems
to be around for you to talk to THAT'S GOD
He wants you to talk to him. Have you ever been just sitting
there and all of a sudden you feel like doing something nice
for someone you care for THAT'S GOD
he talks to you through the Holy Spirit. Have you ever been
thinking about somebody that you haven't seen in a long
time and then next thing you know you see them or receive
a phone call from them THAT'S GOD
there is no such thing as "coincidence."
Have you ever received something wonderful that you
didn't even ask for, like money in the mail, a debt that had
mysteriously been cleared, or a coupon to a department
store where you had just seen something you wanted,
but couldn't afford THAT'S GOD he knows the desires of your heart
Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it is
going to get better, but now you look back on it THAT'S GOD
he passes us through tribulation to see a brighter day
Go with God and have a great day!


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, May 8, 2003 8:50 AM CDT
Hello all,
I must say that I agree completely with the previous entry. I have never felt such love and emotion in an entry as I do when I read your journal. Its heartwarming and brings a smile to my face everytime because I realize how blessed Colby is to have such wonderful parents and family to help him fight this terrible disease.
I am glad you are together again and I'm sure Cameron is axiously waiting your return home!!! Take care and God Bless!

Colby's friend
- Thursday, May 8, 2003 7:48 AM CDT

Every tear of happiness, Exists when you are around me,
It helps me see the inner beauty, That shows on the outside.
Every life should See what I see, Feel what I feel,
Know what I know. The world would find,
Every joy that I have found...
Because of you ("My Little Man")


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, May 8, 2003 7:47 AM CDT
So happy to see some sunshine through the clouds. What a kid!

- Thursday, May 8, 2003 6:52 AM CDT
Laura, "thank you" for such descriptive updates. Your warmth and love pour out of the words you write. I was so glad to read of the reunion with "Daddy" and "Husband"... and I can already picture the reunion of the three of you with Cameron. What a wonderful and joyous feeling.

Your family occupies a presence in our house...not a day goes by without the question, "How is Colby doing". We hope that the prayers and visual imagery that we send your way will continue to help Colby on his healing path.

Enjoy!!!! Enjoy!!!
With Love and Blessings,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily <>
Uniontown, - Thursday, May 8, 2003 6:50 AM CDT
Colby I am so glad to hear you have been discharged and are at your home away from home! I am so excited to learn you are at the Ronald McDonald house now. I hope you are well on your way.

Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 6:09 AM CDT
Hello Jack, Laura & COLBY!!!

All together once again (except Cam-man but I'm sure he's there in spirit with you guys!)!! I'm so happy to hear that Jack got down safely and you can now hold each other in your must feel good! Although Cam-man isn't with you, I'm sure he is thinking of you and his big brother whom he misses! I'm so glad that he is in safe and happy arms whenever he's away from his family...he is also such a trooper for having to go through all of this! Colby, sweetie...I hope you have fun at RMH and that you feel better and 101% Colby soon! There is soooo much hope for you, sweetie..never give up! I am cheering for you...I know it is a very long and bumpy road, but I will be waiting for you at the end of the road! I promise!! You hang in there cutie...PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!

Cameron, you hang in there too sweetie!! I'm sending you kisses!!

Click here to visit Janice's Website

Special love, hugs, kisses & healing prayers,

Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, May 8, 2003 0:08 AM CDT
Hi Colby and family, I just got home & had to stop by and check in on you. I'm so happy you are doing well. And getting your family all together. I'll continue to pray and Thank God for your Miracle.

Kathy, Mom to Amanda <>
Chillicothe, Ohio USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 11:49 PM CDT
Glad you guys went home...though Dan had planned to bring Sami down today with dinner. Let us know when you are in town again and we will treat you.
Sandy <>
Bridgewater, - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 9:02 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

I am not sure as to what is going on, but from the guest book entries, it sounds very good. I cannot wait for the next update!!!!!

I am very nostalgic tonight thinking of all the wonderful times all of you have had and how good God has been to your family. And yet, I know there is more to come. You are wondrous Colby!

My prayers are there! Please have a wonderful evening!

Love and prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 7:52 PM CDT
Amazing, amazing Colby-you are truly a miracle child....keep it up, and enjoy your family's big group snuggles. The prayers for you guys are gonna keep coming, God has His hand on your family!! I know you can feel it!!
Wash.Twp., NJ - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 7:28 PM CDT
Hi guys! Glad to hear things are going better. Laura, it was great seeing you. You were right. Gianna didn't recognize you with your new do! She started crying after I convinced her it really was you - she wanted you to come back!! Hopefully we'll be seeing you guys real soon. Until then know that you're in our thoughts and prayers every day. XOXOXO
Kim and Gianna <>
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 7:20 PM CDT
So happy for all of you.Your update sounds really good Laura. Prayers answered again. I am so happy for you all.
Praying for you always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, PA USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 6:18 PM CDT
Hey, Cole family - What joyous and blessed news you are receiving at CHOP! We are glad for some prayers answered, wonderful medical treatment and care, loving families and friends. God loves you and so do we. Looking forward to having you closer to friends and family in New Salem - so glad Dana provides family at CHOP. God's blessings are too numerous to count. And we continue to pray that we may know God's love and will. Grace, peace and get some sleep -
Rev. Russell (and family) <>
Jeannette, PA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 5:52 PM CDT
Glad to hear life is somewhat normal for all of you. I still pray each of you every night, especially your little miracle, Colby. I have been keeping tabs on you but haven't had a chance to write for a little while. I'm glad to hear you're going to be back with your "boys" again Laura, that has to be a great feeling. The Uniontown High School National Honor Society is still thinking about you Colby and we love you more than you'll ever know. I truely feel that you are part of my family now since I know so much about you. We always discuss your progress and positive energy in my 2nd period home economics class with Pam Howarth. I'm extremely happy to read that you are feeling better. And to Laura and Jack, you sons could not ask for more compassionate and loving parents. Both of you are the rock that unites your children and keeps everyone hanging on and enjoying life. I pray for your prayers to answered every night when I pray for Colby, and I know God will bless you even more than you have been blessed already. May God watch over all of you and keep you safe in his loving arms.

Isaiah 30:19-21
The Lord is compassionate, and when you cry to him for help, he will answer you. The lord will make you go through hard times, but he himself will be there to teach you, and you will not have to search for him any more. If you wander off the road to the right or the left, you will hear his voice behind you saying, "Here is the road. Follow it."

Much love and prayers!!!

Nicole L. Mullen <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 5:30 PM CDT
Just checking in. As you know we have all been under the weather the past 48 hrs, but are back in the game.....just read the update and found GREAT news!! I knew it!! Now we just need to keep things under control and colby will be on his way to permanent recovery!!

Hope your family reunion is wonderful!
Best always,

- Wednesday, May 7, 2003 4:39 PM CDT
I am so happy you feel better. Miss and love you. Cameron I love you. Miss Laura and Mr Jack I love you too!!! Love Amanda

Amanda Glusica <>
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 4:39 PM CDT
Laura, I am soooo glad Colby is feeling better. I continue to pray for him every day! People in the OR ask about Colby a lot, and those of us with internet give updates. May you have a safe trip back home. And to Mr. Colby Cole, keep playing! Tell that JMML to bug off!
Love always, you're always in my thoughts and prayers.

Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 2:52 PM CDT
I am praying for Colby's continued progress! Love, Tracy and Katia

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Wednesday, May 7, 2003 2:31 PM CDT
We rejoice with you on this good news. We will continue to pray for Colby and your family.
~JLE~ <>
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 1:58 PM CDT
Day to day when I check in on Colby, I am amazed by his continued strength and resilience. What a courageous little boy! Of course I can see he gets this from his Mom and Dad!
I am glad to hear your loving family will soon be together again.

Kris Gregory <>
Philadelphia, Pa - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 1:44 PM CDT
Colby James Cole,

Heaven Sent You to Me.
We Know, that To Dream is Like The Ocean
There is always Bound to Be Rough Waters
I Know that We will Take Some Falls
But With The Lord As Our Captain,

We Can Make It Thru It All.
These Are Special Moments
That Nature Let's Us See
As we Bask in His Eternal Light,

What is life without Love?
I Know Heaven sent You to Me
To Love...From Now Until Eternity.

I Love You Soooooo Much,
Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 12:08 AM CDT
Sounds like things are really looking up!! GO COLBY!!!
You're always in my thoughts.

Jenny Sterner <>
Colts Neck,, NJ - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 11:29 AM CDT

Words can not express the way I feel. Because all my love for you is real.
No one can make me feel the way you do. Cause I end each thought with.
I love you ("MY LITTLE MAN")
Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 11:23 AM CDT
Glad to hear that soon you will all be exactly where you should be- - in your cozy home. Prayers for a safe trip home. We will continue to pray for Colby's complete recovery and we will also continue with our visual imagery of all good things going on inside Colby's body.


Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 10:16 AM CDT
Commander in Chief,
Prayers answered.....................AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!!
Colby, I am absolutely speechless. You continue to amaze all of us over and over again! Hurry home, there are alot of hugs, kisses and a whole lot of playing that is way over do!! Look out Cameron, your buddy is coming home!
Laura and Jack, enjoy each other and your wonderful boys!
We all know that Colby still has some battles to fight, but when you can take time to love and laugh and ENJOY some normal everyday fun!
Please have a safe trip home from CHOP, remember to put your Angels on you bumper!
Always remember Colby,
Holding you in my heart,
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 9:02 AM CDT
Your family, especially Colby, is in my prayers. He sounds like an amazing kid!!!
Christi Hamilton <>
Dove Canyon, CA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 8:09 AM CDT
Colby Cole!!

GOOD NEWS, GOOD NEWS, GOOD NEWS!!!! YAY!!!! Can you hear me dancing and singing??? I bet if I lived closer you could!!!!! I am so happy for GVHD!!!! And you have no idea how happy and relieved I was to know that you are just *glowing*...I probably don't even glow as much as you do, and that's even after I moisturise my face!!!! Just to hear a teeeeny amount of good news is good enough for me, sweetie...I just want you to get better soooooooo much... and not just for you, Colby...but for your whole family.. I know they would just DO ANYTHING to see you get better and I want it for both YOU and them...and for everyone who cares so much for you!!! You're still very much my miracle boy!!! And no one can take that away from you...once you've earned it, you keep you will always be a miracle boy :) I'm thinking of you and praying for you today and EVERYDAY! Hang in there, cutie...

Laura, I cannot wait till Jack sees Colby! I can just imagine the smiles on all of your precious! I pray that all of you will be together again as a family REAL SOON...I know exactly how important family is at a time like this...and how extremely comforting it can be to be held and comforted by a loved I can't wait till you guys hold each other again!!! Just hang in there..

Click here to visit Janice's Website

All my loveeee,

Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 7:58 AM CDT
I'm so happy to hear your sweet family will be all together soon! Praying for complete healing for Colby.
Tammy Holston <>
Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 5:59 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family:
Please have a safe journey home. I have shared your story with many of friends and we are all praying for Colby as well as your loving family.

Carol Elvin
Pittsburgh, PA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 5:45 AM CDT good to hear your good news!!! Thinking about YOU and YOur Family!!
Anne Marie <>
Helena, AL - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 5:35 AM CDT
GVH is a hard thing to be grateful for, but I'm glad it's there finally for Colby. I'll be praying that it's manageable and just enough to wipe out the JMML once and for all!! I'm so glad you are going home. Home is therapy all by itself.

Love and prayers -

Rachel <>
- Wednesday, May 7, 2003 5:34 AM CDT
Colby I am so glad to learn the tests are looking up or should I say they are negative-which is a plus. Whoa that can get confusing nonetheless it sounds like you are getting better. Yeah! Have a nice day!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant , PA USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 4:02 AM CDT
What a great day for you to be feeling better and tolerating your tests so well. GROW CELLS GROW and all be healthy for this beautiful little angel of God.
Thank you Lord for helping to heal his little liver and for there not to have been an obstruction in the biliary tree.
Get good rest and eat well, honey, and you will be strong and free soooooooon.
Jesus loves you and so do we.

Jerri & Kaden <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 10:06 PM CDT
Dear Coles, have you on our minds all the time.
Hope all well with the extended family. That is all the Coles. Have been thinking of you alot. Hope all will get brighter. . Love and prayers. The gang from the Beach. We are getting bigger.

tvitz <>
beach, va - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 10:03 PM CDT

If our hearts had eyes and could look to the stars so high in the heavens above.
They would see the many wonders that we feel each day, as we share this eternal love.
Please never stop to love me because for me you are my little rose and my sunshine,


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 9:32 PM CDT
Sending good thoughts and prayers that Colby and Mom will be home soon!
Always in our prayers,

- Tuesday, May 6, 2003 7:49 PM CDT
Dear Colby and MOm,
Get some rest, sounds like you have had a very busy day.
Will check in tomorrow,
In Christ,

Bonnie Prince <bjprince2>
wildwood, mo usa - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 7:33 PM CDT
Dearest "Colby" i"m so sorry to hear you are back in the hospital.Just keep fighting because i know you are a tough little guy. And i will keep you in my prayers and hopeing you will soon be home with Cameron and daddy too.Laura all i can say is you are a wonderful mom and very strong to be going through what you have may god bless you and keep you strong and i sure hope you get to go home on Wed.
Take care and god bless you all.

Donna Ondrejko <>
Mansfield, Oh U.S.A. - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 7:32 PM CDT
Good evening Colby,
Glad to see you may be going home tomorrow. That will be great. Together again as a family. I bet that sure put a smile on all the Cole faces. Sure gave me one. Thank God for miracles. You are truely a miracle from God Colby Cole.
Take care Cole Family and I will be praying for you.
May God Be with You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 7:22 PM CDT
I just read several weeks of entries... boy you guys have been through so much in such a short time but I can tell your staying positive. I am always thinking of your family and I hope your beautiful little boy is feeling better so soon! thinking of you and praying for colby's cure to come soon! Sean is feeling really good and we are still searching for a donor. We have 7 primary candidates and so now they are beginning the formal search. I hope & pray that for success in finding the best donor possible for Sean. We are predicting that transplant may happen in June... meanwhile we are trying to forget what is ahead and just enjoy! Remember what that was worries, no leukemia... I hope all families fighting this battle will one day not have to worry so much! Take care... keep strong and positive because it makes a difference(as you know) . Rhonda Beatty.
Rhonda Beatty
- Tuesday, May 6, 2003 6:56 PM CDT
Oh Cole’s!

We are so happy to hear that you may be going home on Wednesday! How wonderful! Laura and Colby, you sure are a fantastic tag team! Jack and Cameron, you do quite well holding down the fort when your loved ones are away. What a great team the four of you truly are. I am sure the reunion will be indescribable, so enjoy and wear yourselves out boys!!!

My prayers are as strong as ever. Last night I had a significant scare with my own daughter and as I was on my knees praying for her, my mind kept going to you Colby and I prayed for you just as hard. A Sobbing moment on your knees in prayer with the Lord is a very RAW feeling. You become desperate when praying for your loved ones. God HEARS these prayers! How blessed we are by his constant love. My prayers for our children were heard last night without doubt. All I know is that God is SO close by you Colby.

I do not understand everything about JMML, but today Colby is DAY + 97. I remember Jack saying that Day 100 was good, so TYJ!!!!!

We are hopeful that the body scan went well too. We are very much looking forward to the next POSITIVE update.

Much love and prayer this beautiful evening!

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 6:45 PM CDT
The Cole Family
Dear Jack, You have a beautiful family and a great strong heart, I wish the best for Colby and pray to Jesus for a miracle, Your son is pure and innocent and no matter what, that is more than all the wealth of the world.
Be brave and strong, and your example of strength will be a tree for others to lean on.
Lawrence Worthley

Lawrence Worthley & Family
Billerica, Ma USA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 3:25 PM CDT
Hi Colby..Sounds like you might just be feeling a bit better :) That is wonderful news...Going shopping is always fun...I love gift shopes.. they have lots of neat stuff....I just wanted to stop in and check on you and to say "Hi" and to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers... Be back soon to check on you..
Jodie~ Lindsay's Place
- Tuesday, May 6, 2003 2:49 PM CDT
Praying that his liver recovers fast and steadily. And that alternatives and solutions come along. Warm hugs from Brazil.
- Tuesday, May 6, 2003 1:29 PM CDT
How nice! God bless.

- Tuesday, May 6, 2003 1:11 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family, Just wanted to say Jared and I our leaving for France tomorrow on the Lourdes Pilgrimmage. We were blessed with this beautiful gift from our church. As we are on this spiritual journey we will raise our hands up in Colby's name along with Jared's. We'll write when we get back. Geralyn
Geralyn Saya <>
Syracuse, ny us - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 1:08 PM CDT
It looks as if you are in the room that Anthony was discharged from last Friday. It's a small room but if you put the bed sideways against the's a big room. We always rearrange the rooms there at CHOP. Laura, I'm sorry I never had a chance to come and see you and Colby when we were in together. Anthony keeps me pretty close. I'm allowed out to get something for him and that's it. He never goes to sleep before 11 and he doesn't nap anymore. Maybe the next time Colby has to be admitted we will take a ride down so the boys can meet. Anthony likes to meet new people. Colby, you and Anthony are the best soldiers. You have been fighting this battle for a long time. Keep up the fight. You have a wonderful mommy and daddy. Give them a hug from me. Love you lots, Dina Makoid
- Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:58 AM CDT
Hi Colby,
know that your in my heart and prayers, I pray your strenghth will increase each new day, it takes some time but you can do it, I did. Keep the Faith. And to my Caring bridge Father (THANK YOU) YOU HAVE MADE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. I will be thinking of your family during the Relay for Life let me know if you want any luminarias.
Big Hugs and California Sunshine.......

Angela Saldaña <>
Clearlake, CA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:10 AM CDT
Hi Colby,
know that your in my heart and prayers, I pray your strenghth will increase each new day, it takes some time but you can do it, I did. Keep the Faith. And to my Caring bridge Father (THANK YOU) YOU HAVE MADE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. I will be thinking of your family during the Relay for Life let me know if you want any luminarias.
Big Hugs and California Sunshine.......

Angela Saldaña <>
Clearlake, CA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:10 AM CDT
Praying that you get all good news from the test results still pending and that you get home soon. Our prayers and visual imagery will continue.

With Love,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 11:25 AM CDT
I am so tired, but I just had to come by and say is so cold here that I have to really snuggle up to get warm! You guys are sooooo lucky summer is nearly there for you :) Please enjoy the heat for me.. send some my way!!! Thinking of all of you :)

Click here to visit Janice's Website

Lots of love and fairy dust...

Janice, Colby's special fairy godmother.........
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 8:01 AM CDT
Hi Laura,
So glad to see you have your playmate back. He's such a remarkable little boy.
Hi Colby,
I was also glad to read that you may be going home soon! That's great news! I'm sure your daddy and Cameron are counting the minutes until you and mommy are back! Rest up now so you can PLAY PLAY PLAY when you get home!
I have a really silly joke for you today, hope it makes you giggle.
How do you catch a unique rabbit?
"Unique up on it"
How do you catch a tame rabbit?
"Tame way"
I told you they were silly!
Take care little man, your in my thoughts everyday!

Colby's friend
- Tuesday, May 6, 2003 7:40 AM CDT

Hooooooray!!! GOOD NEWS!! Thank you God!! Thank you dear God for the Coles' Miracle Monday, thank you for the good news we had today but most of all, thank you GOD for COLBY!!! Yeeeah, I'm glad your Miracle Monday kept its word, sweetie :) It's everything you deserve...I'm so proud of you...I also just added a couple of your photos to my online photo album! I just had to share your gorgeous face to everyone :) Please don't be surprised if you have girls lining up at your door...hehehe!! Okay, sweetie rest well, eat well and PLAY well... I'm praying for you!! Loveeeeeeee ya, cutie!

Laura, hang in there!! Your little fella really is so amazing...I pray that the good news will last and that we have even more good news! I don't think Colby will ever stop fighting..he is too brave and strong to do are so lucky to have such a determined little boy :)

Jack and Cam-man! I hope you guys are doing well at home!! Thanks for all the messages :) I loveeeeeeee ya all!

Click here to visit Janice's Website

All my love and SO MUCH more!

Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 0:48 AM CDT
Rest up sweet I come again. Dana Big hair is ready to play. See ya in the evening!
Always amazing are my hero.

Dana Big Hair Doctor
- Monday, May 5, 2003 10:50 PM CDT

Ten angels, walk beside me,each and every day.
Ten angels, help to guide me,to give comfort, and protect.
They have been, my companions,since I was very young.
Now you may ask me, why Ten?Do you think you are special?

Why not one, or two, or three?Why Ten?Surely you don't need
so many?Well, each and every angel,has a special job to do.
Yes, it seems even angels,specialize too.
All of us know Faith, Hope, and Charity,they are wonderful angels,

and ALL so overworked.But there are seven more you see,
and each and every one give comfort, and protect.
The Fourth angel,is the angel I call, TOLERANCE.
Whom I fear, we do not use enough,for if we did, there would not be

any BIGOTRY, OR HATE.The next angel,
is the one I call FORGIVENESS,who is under utilized as well.
Who among us could not do,with more FORGIVENESS, in our hearts.
Then we have the angel I call BEAUTY,we all see so much ugliness, in life,

I don't know a single soul,who couldn't do with more BEAUTY in their life.
The next two angels, are the twins.I call them JOY and HAPPINESS,
they are most often seenwalking hand and hand.My favorite angel
is the one I call FRIEND, because this little angel,is the one who can bring

real riches to our lives.I have often heard her saying,To have a friend,
one must first be a friend".And do you know, it WORKS!!And last but in no
way least,is the angel I call, LOVE.And sometimes she seems so shy,
and it seems like she is sleeping.If we would only open up our hearts.

And just see her standing there.For if we did,then all the other Angels
would be easier to see.It is my belief,that we all have,TEN ANGELS,
walking beside us.They are sent from God,to see us through,
to guide us, comfort, and protect.Until the day, we join HIM,

in the Place we call HEAVEN

Colby I came across this and I
thought you would like to read
about the TEN ANGELS!!!!!!!
Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, May 5, 2003 8:28 PM CDT
Dearest Colby and Family,

Stand outside this evening. Look at the stars. Know that you are loved by the One who created them.
Our Prayers are with you always.

Chris Ullrich - Grand-daughter dx with AML <,>
Hemingford, Ne USA - Monday, May 5, 2003 8:23 PM CDT
Sweet and Dear Colby,
Tonight we all go to bed,
so many prayers have been said.
In the morning wake,
a new breath we will take,
as God guides us through,
we thank him for Sweet Colby...that's you!
I hope that today went well and you are feeling better.
Knowing that your strength stays strong and your
faith so loving, our little soldier continues to conquer!
We love all so much and care so deeply.
From our hearts to yours with endless payers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
Ohiopyle, PA USA - Monday, May 5, 2003 7:48 PM CDT

Don’t you know I love you?” I heard a small child say.
Please don’t cry any more, I’ll wipe your tears away.
I’ll make you laugh and forget your hurts,
Just you wait and see. She gently rocked the old rag doll

That sat upon her knee. I never knew why that doll
Could mean so much to her. She had other dolls more costly,
And by far much prettier. But she loved that doll just as it was

Not new, but torn and tattered. What a ragamuffin she appeared to be
Did not seem to matter. I tried replacing that old doll
With dolls that were brand new; A doll with clean, unmated hair,
With all her limbs, both shoes. But the child refused. Wouldn’t give in;

Doll’s my friend,” she’d say. I’m all she has, and she needs me.
I won’t send my friend away. Although it’s been some time ago
The memory burns clear, A loving child whose loyalty laid.
With a doll she held so dear. It reminded me of my Heavenly

Father’s love,He speaks the same to me As the little child
spoke to her doll She rocked upon her knee.
If you need a loving touch today The father’s hand is near
To heal the hurts and wounds of life, Because He holds you dear

I Love You
("My Little Man")
Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, May 5, 2003 7:38 PM CDT
Colby & Laura,
My every prayer, darling, is for your liver to heal so you can get your beautiful eyes back (yellow isn't a very good color is it)?
Praise you Oh Lord for comforting Laura and Colby by having friends come over and help time to pass quickly so each new day will be better.
Colby, you have such a wonderful, loving, caring, sharing family and your parents are truly blessed to have you and Cameron for their sons.
As hard as it is to be patient, God's plans will happen in God's time. He is such a loving God and never makes mistakes, Colby, so I know you will get healthier as each new sunrise appears. It may seem like an eternity to you all though before you can go home and be cured of this dreaded disease.
Colby and Laura I want to give out one of God's multivitamins to you both today--a smile!!
Proverbs 15:30 "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart."
We love all of you very much. I will uplift all of you in prayer tomorrow at Prayer Connection and our prayer warriors will hold you up in their prayers daily, too.
Good night and I hope your little feet, back, hands, and heart are able to rest tonight, sweetheart.
Love in Christ

Jerri & Kaden <>
Sioux Falls, SD u - Monday, May 5, 2003 7:17 PM CDT
Colby --- please get better. I want to see you and Cameron at church.
God please get Colby better.


New Salem, PA - Monday, May 5, 2003 7:17 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

I am praying and believing that this day has been a good day for you. I am praying specifically for the liver function to release the poison and return to normal.

Even with your glowing orange tan, I bet you are still the most handsome five-year-old boy around. We are looking forward to seeing you very soon.

I had a birthday this weekend and my daughter, Faith, sang “Happy Birthday” to me, but by the end of the day she was singing “Happy Birthday” to Colby! It was really interesting how her focus turned to you. We look at your picture everyday, so she thinks about you a lot. She is writing with me and wants to tell you, “Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy Easter and Happy Strawberry Day”!!!!!!!!! I am not sure where the last one came from! She is saying, “Colby, I want to talk to you on the phone and not on the computer”.

May God’s love and grace be with you.


Faith and Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, May 5, 2003 6:37 PM CDT
Hi All,
Wishing you all the best. Praying those scans were good today. Hope they weren't too much discomfort for you Colby.
May God Be With You Always. Endless prayers for you Colby.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, May 5, 2003 5:39 PM CDT
hi colby and cameron i want to ride a quad

typed by Kyle himself (Doctor)
- Monday, May 5, 2003 5:31 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that we've added Colby to our prayer list. Hope that the scans provide some answers and the Colby will be feeling better soon. Very best wishes!
Jacqueline <>
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Monday, May 5, 2003 4:52 PM CDT
Wishing you the best and sending out prayers that Colby will be better soon.

Karin Mika <>
Berea, Ohio USA - Monday, May 5, 2003 3:55 PM CDT
holding out hope for you. Bless you... Laura
- Monday, May 5, 2003 3:41 PM CDT
Just checking in for an update. Hope Colby is feeling better today. I pray and think of him and you all often :)
Ginger D'Amico
Baltimore, MD - Monday, May 5, 2003 3:40 PM CDT

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

- Monday, May 5, 2003 1:25 PM CDT
Dear Laura and Jack, My heart aches for all that you are going thru .. Your love for both of your boys is so very heartwarming.. Laura, I am sure Colby feels so very loved with you by his side.. You are such a warm,loving mom..Praying soooo hard that today gives you alot of answers as to what is happeing to Colby at this time.. Laura, I pray also that God continues to give you strength. Much love..
Regina M. Sloan
Uniontown, PA - Monday, May 5, 2003 1:22 PM CDT
Hi - I am from Quilts of Love - we make virtual quilts I would love for you to stop by and check us out? maybe you would let us have the honor of making a quilt just for you? hugs Angel Toto

^A^ Toto
- Monday, May 5, 2003 1:20 PM CDT
My continued prayers for you Colby, and for all your family. God bless you and keep you.
The Dawghouse, - Monday, May 5, 2003 1:05 PM CDT
Hi Colby,
Hope you're feeling better today and the tests your're having done don't take too long. We think of you every day and pray for continued courage and strength for you and mom and dad. We also miss seeing you in church and hope it won't be long until you are back.
With much love, faith and hope,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

Dana Velosky <>
New Salem, pa - Monday, May 5, 2003 12:27 AM CDT

Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins. He loves you more than you can imagine. Think about it. You can not even create a molecule, let alone a universe. Yet this is part of God's infinite power. But still, He has infinite love for you, so you can only imagine how great his love for each and everyone of us is.
Come to know Jesus Christ today!!! If you don't know Jesus Christ as your savior then say this prayer with me.

"God I ask you to come into my life. Change me, transform me. Make me the man/woman of God that you called me to be. I mean this prayer with all my heart and I will do my best to follow you through whatever you have planed for my life. I will serve you anyway possible. I ask this in your precious Sons name. Amen."



JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, May 5, 2003 11:33 AM CDT
Hoping all goes well for you today.
Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Monday, May 5, 2003 9:57 AM CDT
Colby, I hope you are feeling better today buddy. I really dont understand why Dana calls herself big hair, she's beautiful! Mom you hang in there and know we are all praying for your family.
Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Monday, May 5, 2003 9:35 AM CDT
This is a really cute poem that I think you will enjoy. Please take note at the bottom the age of the author.

There's something in a simple hug,
That always warms the heart.
It welcomes back home,
And makes it easier to part.

A hug is a way to share the joy
And sad times we go through,
Or just a way for friends to say
They like you 'cause you're you.

Hugs are meant for anyone
For whom we really care,
From your grandma to your neighbor,
Or a cuddly teddy bear.

A hug is an amazing thing--
Its just the perfect way
To show the love we're feeling
But can't find the words to say.

Its how a little hug
Makes everyone feel good;
In every place and language,
Its always understood.

And hugs don't need new equipment,
Special batteries or parts-
Just open up your arms
And open your hearts.

by Meredith Hoover, Age 12
Sending huge HUGS your way (((( ))))

Colby's friend
- Monday, May 5, 2003 8:48 AM CDT
Laura and Colby,
Sounds like a busy day ahead for you. Hope everything goes smoothly. We will be thinking of you and praying really hard. Love you. Amanda and Olivia are sending extra big hugs and kisses. Mr. Jack and Cameron, lots of love, hugs and kisses are being sent to you too!!

Joe, Willie, Amanda and Olivia Glusica <jaman@lcsys>
Uniontown, PA - Monday, May 5, 2003 7:48 AM CDT
Knock Knock...Who's there?
Canoe who????
Canoe come out and play with me???
Feliz cino de mayo!!! Buenas Dias Colby Cole!
I hope you're feeling better and better with each day. As always I am thinking of you and praying for you!
Hasta luego! (See you later)
Colby's friend

- Monday, May 5, 2003 7:12 AM CDT
Hi Laura, I am thinking of you all so much and praying that today brings some answers for you.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, PA - Monday, May 5, 2003 5:51 AM CDT
Colby-Today is cinco de Mayo!!!! Celebrate. You need a crazy looking straw hat or something Colby!!! Dance around the room-do something fun to celebrate the Mexican holiday! You have a long day of tests ahead of you, and I will be praying positive results come out of it!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant , PA USA - Monday, May 5, 2003 5:38 AM CDT
Hi Laura and Colby,
Just dropping in to see how you are doing. Hope the scans go smoothly on Monday. You are in my prayers!

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, Ca. - Monday, May 5, 2003 0:36 AM CDT
Jack & Laura!
Hi guys it's me again..I forgot to ask in my last entry, is it okay if I add a couple of Colby's photos to my online photo album? Let me know! :)


Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Monday, May 5, 2003 0:05 AM CDT
Hey Colby!

I just wanted to come by and say GOODNIGHT! I know it's bedtime for you, I hope you have a good nights sleep and that you're comfortable...keep strong like a bull, can do anything and you can withstand ANYTHING that comes your way!! You've shown everyone just how tough and brave you are, and we have so much faith in you...I will check in tomorrow, precious! You are always on my mind! I LOVEEEEEEEEEE YA!!

Jack!!! Thank you soooooooooo much for visiting my website and leaving me a message...ever since I started following Colby's journey (it's been quite therapeutic and SO VERY GREAT!), I have wanted to email you and Laura but I know that you guys always have your hands full, so I didn't want to bother you. But I was sooo extremely happy that you came by and left me a message...I am so honoured to be Colby's cyber godmother!!! I really love that little boy of yours and I love your family with all my heart...please remember that I am with your whole family 100%, ALL THE WAY! I wish I lived closer so I could see you guys and help in any way.. but it would really be so lovely to meet all of you in the future :) One fine day! Anyway I am always praying for that little trooper of yours...I love you guys!

PS: The first message you left on my website didn't disappear! You need to reload the page after you post a comment and you will see your message added under the "smOOches" button :)

Click here to visit Janice's Website

All my love and MORE, MORE, MORE!

Melbourne, Australia - Monday, May 5, 2003 0:02 AM CDT
Dear Coles,
Just checking in. I hope Monday brings good news. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.The strength and faith that you all have is an inspiration. Take care.

Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter
Smock, pa 15480 - Sunday, May 4, 2003 8:23 PM CDT
Laura and Colby,
We thank God that you are both continuing to hang tough throughout the new treatment. Colby, we pray that you are getting your needed rest so your little liver can heal and whatever is occluding the biliary tree will resolve very soon on its own. We also hope you do not get the measles to complicate things even more, sweetheart.
God Bless all of your loving family members. God Bless America.
Good night. I will lift you up in prayer and praise God for His loving kindness this evening.

Jerri & Kaden <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Sunday, May 4, 2003 7:59 PM CDT
Laura, Colby -

We think of you all day. I hope your starting to feel better Colby, your Mom needs someone to play with! Connor says hi to both of you and he tells God to look out for you every night.

Rachel <>
- Sunday, May 4, 2003 7:57 PM CDT
Sending thoughts, ((((((HUGS)))))), and prayers to all of you!
God Bless You!

Love and ((((((((HUGS)))))))

- Sunday, May 4, 2003 7:35 PM CDT
Dear Colby,

We have been away since Friday afternoon, and needless to say – I have Colby Cole withdrawal!

We are praying so hard for you and love you so much!!!!

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Sunday, May 4, 2003 6:43 PM CDT
Colby Celebrate this the Lord's Day and the miracles he has created and will continue to make for your big life. I hope you had a good Sunday and your week gets even better
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Sunday, May 4, 2003 5:22 PM CDT
Our hearts are with you. We're hoping that Colby is feeling better and gets to come home soon. Lots of love and prayers for you. Dianne Roth
D. Roth <>
Cape Girardeau, Mo - Sunday, May 4, 2003 4:14 PM CDT
I'll be praying for Colby and that your precious family will be united soon...May the Lord hold you safely in His Arms of love until this storm passes by in your lives...Come by our Quilts of Love site when you can..We make Virtual Quilts for Children with long term illness, hoping to lift their spirits and bring them joy..We'd be honored to make a quilt for Colby..Carolyn J

Carolyn <>
Oklahoma - Sunday, May 4, 2003 2:59 PM CDT
Well Well Well.... It is my last hour in Buckhannon!! I am headed to PA for the next two weeks and uncle Jack I am at you BECK and CALL... Anything you need, you just call me! I will call you when I get in town and will most likely come to see Cameron tomorrow. I really wish you guys could have been with me today but you are where you need to be... Takin care of my baby!!! LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH! I can't wait to see you.

Jessica Whateeka <>
Buckhannon (but only for about another hour baby!!!), WV - Sunday, May 4, 2003 2:52 PM CDT
Laura, I just got home from Church and wanted to get an update on your soldier Colby. There is not a day that goes by that I do not pray for him and your family. I pray for a miraculous recovery each and every day. Your family has touched so many lives and hearts all over the world and we all feel such a compassion and love for you all. May God keep your family surrounded with his loving arms and bless you all.
Pam Petrosky <>
Perryopolis, Pa USA - Sunday, May 4, 2003 12:45 AM CDT
Hello everyone! Just stopping by for an update. Hang in there--God is good! He'll take care of all! We'll keep praying! xoxo!
Fred, Kim, Brecken and Micah Sickles <>
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, May 4, 2003 11:49 AM CDT

I said a prayer for you today. And know God must have heard.
I felt the answer in my heart, although He spoke no word.
I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind,
I asked Him to send treasures, of a far more lasting kind.

I asked that He'd be near you, at the start of each new day,
To grant you ("health and blessings"), And friends to share the way.
I asked for happiness for you, In all things great and small,
But it was for His loving care. I prayed the most of all.

I asked the Lord to bless you, As I prayed for you today
To guide you and protect you. As you go along your way.
His love is always with you. His promises are true,
And when we give Him all our cares. You know He will see us through.

So, when the road you're traveling on. Seems difficult at best
Just remember I'm here praying. And God will do the rest!.

Love You Soooooo Much,
Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, May 4, 2003 11:30 AM CDT
Hi Laura,
Just checking in to see how things are going for you guys. I think of you all the time. I will be checking in to see how things are tomorrow. Pray they are getting better every day. Take care little man.

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, May 4, 2003 10:44 AM CDT
Hey Guys!
Just checking in too see if you have any answers yet. Im praying extra hard for Colby right now and also for strength for you as his parents. I know the waiting and wondering is agonizing. Take care and keep the faith! Love, Treys Aunt Kathy

kathy whitt <>
garner , nc - Sunday, May 4, 2003 5:54 AM CDT
Your whole family amazes me...the love that you and Jack have for your boys is so great and the saying "love conquers all" is SO true...I know that with your family's love for one another and faith in each other, it will definitely help pull Colby through this rough patch..not only that, love will pull all of you through together as a family...I keep telling Colby how much he amazes me and how amazing his strength is...but I don't know if I ever told you and Jack how much you guys amaze me. You are both so extremely strong, probably even more than you realise.. I have so much admiration for the both of you and I think that you're the most wonderful parents in the entire world! I don't know what it's like to have a sick child but I imagine that it's pretty for you to have all the strength and faith that you have and hold Colby's hand all the way ever so graciously, it says SO much about you as guys are GREAT!!! I love you all!

Colby sweetie...I pray that your Miracle Monday will come and that the doctors will find all the answers that they are so much more than my make me feel so lucky to be where I am today. If Colby can make it through the hard times, then I should too! There is no reason that I're truly my hero, you big cutie pie!!! I am down on my knees (they are starting to hurt, but NEVERMIND that!!!!) tonight praying for you...keep strong and brave little man..

Click here to visit Janice's Website

Extra, extra special love & prayers to the Coles,

Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, May 4, 2003 5:45 AM CDT
I am praying that this discharge will be wonderful!!! You guys are so strong and faithful. I know you miss that dear little Colby while he sleeps but I bet he is dreaming of playtime too! Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Sunday, May 4, 2003 2:50 AM CDT
Guess who is coming to visit today (sun)...her hair is big, despite a hair cut. I just can't stay away (hope you don't mind).

you know who
- Saturday, May 3, 2003 11:19 PM CDT
Colby, Laura, Jack & Cameron...
Your strength and faith is amazing... may you continue to find that strength in your love for one another, God, and your many caring friends... Thinking and praying for you.
Sincerely, Dei (Ronald Mcdonald House)

dei lynam <>
philadelphia, pa usa - Saturday, May 3, 2003 10:21 PM CDT
Hi, Just wanted to let you know we are praying for all of you especially Colby. My son also had JMML so I sort of know where you are right now. Never give of hope.
Diane Mitton <>
Saint John, Canada - Saturday, May 3, 2003 8:17 PM CDT
Good evening Colby
Just read the journal your mom wrote. Just brings tears to my eyes knowing you are hurting. God is Good and He is with you little man. I am praying for you endlessly. Take Care Laura. Get rest and keep up the faith. God Is With You All The Way.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, May 3, 2003 8:00 PM CDT
You are in our minds and on our hearts today...just as everyday... Colby is such and insightful and bright boy, I'm sure that makes it difficult sometimes for you, Laura and Jack, just because of the questions that you are called upon to answer. You two are such brightly burning torches in his life. You have eased even his most painful times of recovery... We pray faithfully and continue to mentally imagine all the good things we would like to see going on inside Colby's body.

With Love and Blessings,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily <>
Uniontown, - Saturday, May 3, 2003 5:18 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,

It matters not that I am shunned, Laughed at, ridiculed, tormented by others, God knows my heart, And Loves Me Still! We are put on this earth to praise God, Sing of his goodness, praise his Name, Comfort and help each other to find Him! God promises us that if ‘we ask’, All things shall be added unto us! Not in our time, But in God’s time! A lot of times we ask, we pray, meditate, God hears all our prayers, And Answers them, not as we ‘will’, but By His Will! He always knows what is best for us, When it is best for us! It is only when we try to fit ‘God’s will to our will’! Then we are in big trouble~~ Not our will but His be Done........ written by: frances w carlin february 20, 2003

Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, May 3, 2003 2:10 PM CDT
I read Colby's site everyday. I'm sorry he doesn't feel well and that no one knows why. It is frustrating and only another "cancer" mom understands the horrors of being in the hospital with a sick child and unable to make them better or the sick feeling to go away. I will pray that he continues to improve and that they get a handle on his problem. He sounds like such a great boy and I wish you only the best. Keep strong. You have spiritual support. I hope you can feel it. HUGS

Mary Lee (
- Saturday, May 3, 2003 10:57 AM CDT
Colby and Laura, what an emotional entry today, I felt sad because of Colby's words and how tired he is, and then uplifted by your incredible love for each other. So many prayers to the Lord-He is the only one who truly knows exactly what you are going through. I'll continue to uplift your family to Him. You are all inspiring!!
Wash.Twp., NJ - Saturday, May 3, 2003 10:40 AM CDT
I hope you and mommy got a good nights rest and that you are feeling much better today. Colby, remain strong and continue to fight. You are our special little guy. Laura, you are the very best mommy ever. Know that our thoughts and prayers for all of you are never ending. We love you.

Joe, Willie, Amanda and Olivia Glusica <>
Uniontown, PA - Saturday, May 3, 2003 9:19 AM CDT
Dear Colby,
I sure hope tomorrow is a better day for you. I am thinking of you and I keep praying real hard for you!

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Saturday, May 3, 2003 3:48 AM CDT
Dearest Colby,

I really am so sad to hear that you weren't feeling good at all...I wish I could make it all better for you, sweetie, I really do...I am still praying my hardest for you, buddy...and I PROMISE you I won't stop till I know that you're okay. And you WILL be okay, Colby!!! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!! You just keep strong and brave and keep your faith, God will surely pull you through..who can resist a face like yours, who can resist a smile like are the most gorgeous little boy!!! I'm keeping you warm in my heart, cutie...please hang in there!! I hope today is a better day and that you feel great...thinking of you as always!!

Click here to visit Janice's Website

All my of love and prayers,
XOXOXOOXOX------> Some extra hugs and kisses for Jack, Laura and guys hang in there too!!!

Melbourne, Australia - Saturday, May 3, 2003 2:56 AM CDT
Laura, I just got off the phone with Dana and checked your post. Thinking about you everyday...Lisa Dolan
Lisa Dolan <>
Whiting, NJ - Saturday, May 3, 2003 1:52 AM CDT
Laura and Colby,
Sweetheart I pray that today, Saturday, you will have a better day and feel like going out in the sunshine for another walk with Mommy.
Today pass out joy, smiles, love, encouragement. See your return doubled.
Luke 6:38 "Give, and it will be given to you."
We love you, honey, and pray that God continues to give you strength to get through each new day without pain and suffering. You have been through so much and I don't know if we ever fully understand why beautiful little children need to have pain and suffering. We do know, though, that Jesus walks with us through our storms and even carries us when the burdens are too much for us to handle.
You have a blessed week-end with your Mommy and your nice nurses honey.
Love in Christ

Jerri & Kaden <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Saturday, May 3, 2003 1:47 AM CDT
hey you...I know you are awake. Your CMC friends are checking me if you want to chat 732-557-8105 (you wont wake the babies).
Love you Laura...stay strong!

Dana Big hair Doctor
- Saturday, May 3, 2003 0:19 AM CDT

I was just checking all the sites , I went to Colby first and no update . Then, I decided to come back through ,Just in case and presto... brand new update!! I am so very sorry ,Laura, I know it must be really hard hearing him say things like that. I really have no idea what I could say .... I am glad about the EBV , although it all does seem very strange. I'll pray for wisdom for the doctors, strength for Colby and comfort for you all. I pray everyday , think of you many times a day ... wish there was something more I could do to help.. if you think of anything my ears are always open to you. take care ,God bless you.

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe ,Tx, - Saturday, May 3, 2003 0:16 AM CDT
Dear Coles, The people at the beach are thinking of you youall all the time. TRUST GOD KNOWS US BEST YOU NEED ONLY BELIEVE . We are with you. PRAYERS ARE COMING FROM PEOPLE YOU YOU AIT, NEVER HEARD FROM. THE GANG FROM THE BEACH.
VA,BEACH, VA - Friday, May 2, 2003 11:02 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know our prayers and healing imagery continue.
Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Friday, May 2, 2003 10:57 PM CDT
Commander in Chief,
What can I say.............You are way STRONGER THAN BULL!!! I am not surprised, you have a spirit like nothing I have ever seen! We are here with PRAYERS, SUPPORT and tons of LOVE!
Always Remember..........................................
Holding you forever in my heart..........................
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, May 2, 2003 10:27 PM CDT
Hello Cole Family both Here and There....
Keeping in touch and up-to-date. Aren't computers just wonderful. Know that as always, you are in my heart and thoughts. Take Care

Barbara <bgis52@yahoo.,com>
Elco, PA`` `USA - Friday, May 2, 2003 9:57 PM CDT
great to see you yesterday Colby. Sami made those cookies special for you (even though mom and Dana liked them the most). And even though you didn't know it, you helped Sami try on her new hearing aides and keep them on for an hour. Thanks, wish you could be with us every day (she didn't even try them today). We will come see you next week. Love and good well wishes.
Sandy <>
Bridgewater, - Friday, May 2, 2003 9:04 PM CDT
YEA YEA I am smiling today. Well Colby, You did it again. You are doing a little better. You are simply amazing. Prayer is working. See I told you prayers around the world pulling together and making one great big circle for you. Prayers answered again for Colby. You will be yourself in no time flat. You get the rest you need little man. And,as for me I will continue my prayers to my sweet angel for you. I was so happy to hear you are doing better today. One day at a time and you will win this fight little man. Well Colby,Laura,Jack,Cameron take care and you will be together in no time flat. I am Praying for you always. May God Be With You Always
Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, May 2, 2003 9:00 PM CDT
Thank you for signing my daughter Sabrina's guestbook. I just read about Colby's journey....WHAT A TROOPER HE IS!! (and so handsome :-). My prayers will be with you that you find a treatment that works and that you never ever have to be where we are right now. Hold on to your faith and cherish every second with your family.
Good luck and God Bless

Cathy, mom to ^i^ Sabrina ^i^ <>
Bernie, MO - Friday, May 2, 2003 9:00 PM CDT
What a fighter you've got there!!! KEEP IT UP COLBY!!! You are in my thoughts & in my prayers each & every day!
Eileen Spratt
Eureka, MO - Friday, May 2, 2003 8:54 PM CDT
Dear Coles,
I am so glad to hear Colby is doing better. Prayer truly works.Thinking and praying for all of you. Take care.

Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter <>
Smock, pa usa - Friday, May 2, 2003 6:23 PM CDT
To the Cole family - Every day is National Day of Prayer - so we continue to give thanks to God for all of you --- and for Colby's good response to treatment, love and faith. We love you -
Rev. Russell and family <>
Jeannette, PA - Friday, May 2, 2003 5:05 PM CDT
I'm so glad to hear that things are looking better. That means it's time to pray HARDER so that's what I will be doing. If you would like, I'm more than happy to set up a prayer page for you guys so that people can have a list of SPECIFIC requests to print out and have with them wherever they go so that they can always be praying very specifically for updated requests wherever the Lord calls them to pray. Just let me know. Also let me know if there's anything else I can do for you besides pray. I'm here. Blessings and lots of love from me to you!
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC, - Friday, May 2, 2003 4:19 PM CDT
HI! Just stopped in top check on you and let you know Im still praying for Colby! Glad to see you could have some fun play time with your friends Colby!!
Love, Treys Aunt Kathy

kathy whitt
- Friday, May 2, 2003 1:47 PM CDT
We continue to keep Colby and the rest of your entire family in our thoughts and prayers every single day...
In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody & Greg & Riley <>
- Friday, May 2, 2003 1:28 PM CDT
Dear Cole family,

I am glad to see that there is improvement! How encouraging!

We will be away for the weekend without access to a computer, but we will be praying just as hard as ever!

Much love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, May 2, 2003 1:23 PM CDT

Call The Man
He’s needed here
Who deals in love beyond repair
He can heal the world
Of hearts in need of care
Shine a light ahead
When the next step is unclear

Call the man
He’s needed here
Who deals in once upon a time
He can mend this
broken heart of yours

Call the man
He’s needed here
Shine a light ahead
Now the future isn't clear
Call the man
He's needed here

Lets get on are knees
and PRAY together
Love You Soooooo Much,
Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, May 2, 2003 11:53 AM CDT
Keep practicing with those spit balls Colby, that will really build up your strength. Besides, you need to beat Dana when she comes back for another visit!! I was thrilled to read the update today. Prayers do work and we have all been praying hard for Colby Cole and his family. We will continue to do so. Just keep getting stronger each day and show us all once again what a miracle child you are!!
Debbie Nagy
St. Louis, MO - Friday, May 2, 2003 11:33 AM CDT
Colby, you are sooo strong and seem to conquer everything your little body puts in your are such a true Superman. You and your parents make such a great team-always an inspiration! More prayers coming your way-God is really listening to us!
Wash.Twp., NJ - Friday, May 2, 2003 10:51 AM CDT
Colby and Laura,

Hello gang! It's THAT GIRL again sending my thoughts, prayers, hugs, and lotsa love! I read the journal update and still see that Colby is continuing to amaze me with his courage. Way to go Bud! I also see that he is still making everyone laugh with his blessed comedian skills. I hope I can see his acts soon. I miss you guys and can't wait to see you. I am headed to see Jess graduate this Sunday. Hopefully she will have some updated pictures that I can have and share with my family and friends. My prayer group at school wish you the best and we are always praying for positive journal updates. Laura, thank you for taking the time from your busy days to update the website. It is great to always know how things are going. We love you for that. I miss you both and hope to see yas soon. Colby consider this a BIG HUG from me. God Bless you all!
Love, Erin (THAT GIRL)
P.S. McKenzie(my dog) is anxiously waiting to see you!

Erin McKenzie <>
Cumberland, MD USA - Friday, May 2, 2003 10:21 AM CDT

I couldn't start my day without checking in on you. You have made my day. I am so happy that you are feeling better and having some fun. Also happy that you got to enjoy a great breakfast - pancakes are the best. I'll be thinking about you and praying for you. Hope you have a good day. I'll check back tonight.

Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Friday, May 2, 2003 10:11 AM CDT
Ok Dana make me cry again...beautiful words sent to Jack!

Hi Colby!
Hey you wild and crazy kid! Spits balls are FUN!
Dana is a great time isn't she!!!? She's crazy too!
So proud of you for your strength and for showing us once again how you can battle as a soldier!
We love you and we will have you home soon...
Laura you ARE an Incredible Mommy along with Incredible Daddy Jack...not only the love for your son shines but for all who know you.
As always, we send our prayers endlessly!
All our love,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Friday, May 2, 2003 9:50 AM CDT
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Dee John
- Friday, May 2, 2003 9:40 AM CDT
Hey Colby...have you reached the ceiling yet???
I love you much.

Dana Big hair, hair cut Doctor
- Friday, May 2, 2003 9:37 AM CDT
Hi Jack (and family),

As alway, praying for the best for ALL of you.

Kevin (& Christian)

Kevin Swiger <>
Weston, WV Lewis - Friday, May 2, 2003 9:05 AM CDT
I'm so glad to hear your beginning to feel better and that those nasty fevers have gone away. Sending extra big cyber hugs your way and as always, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers daily.

Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Friday, May 2, 2003 8:45 AM CDT
I am so glad to see that you are doing better bud you are such an amazing boy I bet having such a wonderful family makes things a little easier for you. I hope that you continue to get better everyday. we are sending up many prayers for your family. take care you brave little man.
love, nicole, lexi, jon, orion <>
wi` - Friday, May 2, 2003 8:21 AM CDT
Colby, I am SOOOO happy to hear you are doing better. That makes my day. Have a great day, I will talk to you soon.
Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Friday, May 2, 2003 8:10 AM CDT

This update sounds so much more like COLBY to the rescue... just when he has scared you silly!!! The sunburned look sounds like GVH ... here's hoping again that the donor cells are doing "spring cleaning" on the bad guys... take good care , we love you both (Jack and Cam too!!)

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , Tx - Friday, May 2, 2003 7:27 AM CDT
The Cole's,

So happy to hear that things are starting to get better. We'll continue to pray for a quick recovery and GVL.

Jim, Rachel & Connor <>
Baldwinsville, NY US - Friday, May 2, 2003 7:03 AM CDT
Colby-Throwing spit balls-huh? You must be filling better. Kind of sounds like fun. Keep eating-it will make you stronger! Happy Friday! Still rooting, cheering, and praying for you!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant , PA USA - Friday, May 2, 2003 7:03 AM CDT
To the sweetest, most precious little boy...COLBY!

Ohh really breaks my heart to know that you are sick and that there are just TOO many complications...but knowing that you are really the bravest and toughest trooper around...I will just look so stupid if I can't be brave I am being REALLY brave for you, Colby...I will be joining your daddy by going down on my knees praying for you, sweetie...not only that, I will be praying out LOUD...LOUD and CLEAR so that God will hear us...and I know he will..coz God is GREAT! I am always thinking of you Colby! And you KNOW that I am always praying for you...I'm sending you lots of hugs and kisses...hope you're getting them :) Stay strong and brave, buddy!!

Click here to visit Janice's Website

May God bless precious Colby ALWAYS,

Melbourne, Australia - Friday, May 2, 2003 1:48 AM CDT
Colby and Family,
You are an amazing family. You have so many people who dearly love you all, and are praying for you everyday. As I am. Your strength & love for each other is an inspiration to others who have to follow the same path you're traveling. I will keep praying and you stay strong.

Kathy, Mom to Amanda
- Friday, May 2, 2003 1:13 AM CDT
Laura and Colby,
Father God, be with this family and especially with Colby as he struggles to rid his beautiful little body of the horror of this disease. Put Your loving arms around all of his caregivers that are just an extension of your great hands and heal Colby. Put Your loving arms around Laura, Jack and Cameron, too, as they are hurting so much in their own ways. Lord, we know You are the Great Physician but we sometimes get scared and lose patience as we wait for healing to occur.
Remember: You and God are partners in this day!
1 Kings 8:23 "O Lord...keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way."
Love in Christ,

Jerri & Kaden <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Friday, May 2, 2003 0:24 AM CDT
Dear Colby,
I am a Mom who prays for the children who are sick everywhere and a few weeks ago God allowed me to see your beautiful smile on caringbridge. you are so handsome, I just know you are going to win this battle and use that smile to tell people about Jesus and what he has done for you.I am praying and praying hard tonight for you , Mommy, Daddy and Cameron. I will keep checking in on you until I see you holding up a banner saying"Praise The Lord, I am healed".
In Christ our Savior and Lord, Bonnie Prince

Bonnie Prince <bjprince2>
wildwood, mo usa - Thursday, May 1, 2003 11:34 PM CDT
Colby Cole I'm on my knees tonight praying for you. Jesus loves you and so do I. Dear God, please protect this little boy, help him to beat this terrible disease and grow up to be a strong witness for YOU. Amen
Debbie Nagy
Manchester/St. Louis, MO - Thursday, May 1, 2003 11:18 PM CDT
"I'm Already There" Lonestar

He called her on the road
From a lonely cold hotel room
Just to hear her say I love you one more time
But when he heard the sound
Of the kids laughing in the background
He had to wipe away a tear from his eye
A little voice came on the phone
Said "Daddy when you coming home"
He said the first thing that came to his mind

I'm already there
Take a look around
I'm the sunshine in your hair
I'm the shadow on the ground
I'm the whisper in the wind
I'm your imaginary friend
And I know I'm in your prayers
Oh I'm already there

She got back on the phone
Said I really miss you darling
Don't worry about the kids they'll be alright
Wish I was in your arms
Lying right there beside you
But I know that I'll be in your dreams tonight
And I'll gently kiss your lips
Touch you with my fingertips
So turn out the light and close your eyes

I'm already there
Don't make a sound
I'm the beat in your heart
I'm the moonlight shining down
I'm the whisper in the wind
And I'll be there until the end
Can you feel the love that we share
Oh I'm already there

We may be a thousand miles apart
But I'll be with you wherever you are

I'm already there
Take a look around
I'm the sunshine in your hair
I'm the shadow on the ground
I'm the whisper in the wind
And I'll be there until the end
Can you feel the love that we share
Oh I'm already there
Oh I'm already

Hang in there Jack...your family will be reunited soon. You may be miles apart, but your hearts are locked together tight. You should be so proud of your wife...she is an A+ mom. Colby is SO strong...a real fighter.
With love,

Dana Doctor
- Thursday, May 1, 2003 10:55 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,
Our prayers are constant and neverending for Colby, as well as for all of you and your families. We are sorry that once again you are seperated...hang in there. As you said Laura, you are not physically together but you hold each other in your hearts-hold that thought tightly. We love you dearly and are on our knees in prayer.
All our love,
Todd, Meg, and Parker

Radolec <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 10:19 PM CDT
dearest laura, jack, colby and cameron,
just a little note to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers as always. i saw leeann at the hospital today and she updated me some on colby. i'm sorry that you are so miserable right now little man, but i know what a great soldier you have become and you will fight this! sarah loves you colby!!!:) laura, hang tuff. sending you hugs and kisses. jack and cameron, if you need me please call. i would love to spend a day with cameron and help you out some as i know this is your busy season.oxox to all, in CHRIST,

DUNBAR, pa USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 9:35 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

We are here; we are praying so very hard this day and every single day!

I want you to know that if I can help in any way, I will. I pray, pray and pray for dear Colby. My daughter Faith and I are LIVING proof that prayer works, this is why I pray so hard for Colby. He has taken a piece of me, as he has with so many others. God is so loving and kind – he is there with you. Victory is so close!

Fight, fight and fight Colby – you beat this sickness right now!

Much love and prayer,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 9:05 PM CDT
There's a wonderful sense of courage, hope and love in both
of you in the midst of your unbelievable ache and pain for
your son. Your understanding of COLBY COLE and his own
unique way of dealing with this awful sickness spoke to me
anew of God's intimate knowledge of each of His children.
May God fill you, Colby and Laura and Jack and Cameron,
with his deep love and peace.
Blessings, Kirsten

Kirsten Petty
Warsaw, IN - Thursday, May 1, 2003 7:48 PM CDT
I love you guys!!! Praying so darn hard today and EVERY day. Not a moment goes by that I don't think of you all. Stay strong Laura (YOU ARE THE BEST MOM EVER) and Colby you stay STRONGER!!! A big battle means a BIGGER VICTORY! Kisses and hugs and little head jiggles on their way to Philly... LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU ALLLLL I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Jessica Whateeka <>
Buckhannon (3 Days and counting), WV - Thursday, May 1, 2003 7:45 PM CDT
hi guys, I just want you to know you are all in my thoughts & prayers. I wish you all only the best.God bless you all.

Peru, IN USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 7:12 PM CDT
Colby and Family

I just found you site. You can never have too may Hugs, Kisses and extra Prayers. Here are some.

Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers. Hugs, Kisses and Prayers.

Sandy Schram <>
London, Ont Canada - Thursday, May 1, 2003 7:06 PM CDT
Colby Cole,
I have endless thoughts of you little man. You were on my mind so much at work today. I just wanted to leave and go to my computer. I couldn't wait until I got home from work today. I ran straight to my computer. Thank you Laura for the update. I think I speak for everyone on that issue. You are simply amazing girlfriend. You are the best mom a boy could ask for. And as for Dad he is really holding down the fort. Praise to you all. Amen on that. You guys are so loving and caring for one another. I just love you. I am so glad you are where you wanted to be even if it meant leaving here to go way out there. I trust you faith carried you there. Stay strong little man and you will beat that nasty G vs H D. KICK BUTT COLBY COLE. KICK BUTT. You da Man.
Take Care Laura and May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown , Pa USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 6:22 PM CDT
Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way to keep you all strong.


Ironton, OH - Thursday, May 1, 2003 5:43 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
Praying for you each and every day. Keep up the good fight. God Bless.

Chuson (
Arlington, TX USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 4:45 PM CDT
Dear Coles, Our prayers are with you always. The gang at the beach
Tom Vitz <>
Va. Beach, Va. - Thursday, May 1, 2003 4:16 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
Since today is National Prayer Day, I will be saying my prayers for the Cole family. You all are a very strong family, and God knows that and won't give you anything that you can't handle. Bless you all.

Mary Jane McCahill
McClellandtown, Pa. USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 2:33 PM CDT
Alright Mr. Colby Cole,
I have been without a computer for the last two days and I sign on and find that I really need to be storming the heavens on this National Day of Prayer, so that is absolutely what I will be doing!! I know you can do this buddy, you just need to kick some heiny. If you don't know what that word means I'm sure Mom will translate!! Remember you are my HERO....I have total faith that with God's help you can pull this off once again, you're Colby!! Laura, I'm sending all the strength that I have to you. You and Jack are unbelieveable parents......God definitely knew what he was doing when He blessed Colby with such wonderful parents. Everyone comments on how strong Colby is........well, remember that old saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"! Enough said!! God bless you all. Sent with big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Thursday, May 1, 2003 2:13 PM CDT
We are praying extra hard for you Colby. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Debbie, Steve, David & Kari <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 1:33 PM CDT
Our God is BIG enough to give Colby a complete healing. Believe it and claim it and it WILL BE SO. My Prayers are with you on this national day of prayer and until the healing comes. I will take this to my church also. The Solid Rock Church of Connelsville.
God Bless You

Bruce Bigam <>
Connellsville, PA USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 1:23 PM CDT
Dear Laura and Jack,
I know there's nothing worse as a parent than to see your child suffer and to feel so powerless to change the situation. I hope you can take comfort in the fact that Colby is finally in the right place back at CHOP where at least they have figured out what's wrong and they seem to know what to do to fix it. Hopefully, it won't take long and you will all be back together again.
Cameron, you are the best little brother a kid could have!!
And Colby, you hang in there!! I bet you'll be back home in no time flat!! You continue to amaze us all with your strength and spirit.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers especially today on this National Day of Prayer.
Hoping tomorrow brings a better day and the day after that an even better one!

Jenny Sterner <>
Colts Neck, NJ - Thursday, May 1, 2003 1:23 PM CDT
You reamin in the prayers of manyhere in Alabama and all over the world. You have a little fighter on your hands and he will WIN!!!! GOd Bless you all.
Kim Watts

mccalla, al - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:40 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

Today is National Prayer Day. I usually pray for many things, but this time, I have committed my day of prayer solely for you Colby.

My favorite verse in the Bible:

"I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me".
Philippians 4:13

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:39 AM CDT

What Do You Do

What do you do when the sunshine
in your life has been taken away
When the rainbows and the blue skies
have turned to a dark shade of gray

What do you do when someone you love
so delicate and so small
Is so sick and so weak
with o so much suffering

How do you tell them you love them
when they are so far away
When you can't even call to talk
because he is so weak fighting

How do you tell your feelings
to a small picture in a frame
That your heart is sadly breaking
with loneliness and pain

My precious little man
your Aunt Dee loves you dear
You have brought me so much happiness
and I miss you oh so much

My lonely heart is breaking
and these tears I cry are real
you are an Angel sent from above
and so full of love

I must be brave for both of us
keep faith in the Lord above
That He will guide you back to health
where we all want you to be


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:15 AM CDT
All of my thoughts and prayers are with you, Colby, and your famiy.

Uniontown, Pa. Fayette - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:09 AM CDT
To All of Colby's Groupies,
Since today is The National Day of Prayer, what a perfect time for all of us to get down on our knees tonight and Pray louder and longer for the miracle to heal Colby! Pray that his healing will be comfortable and quick so that his family can be united! Pray to return him to a normal healthy happy five year old, well maybe not normal because we all know that Colby is anything but normal, he is a very ,very special little boy with the most wonderful parents anyone could ever have! So tonight when you are on your knees and thanking God for all of your many blessings, please Pray for Colby's miracle!
Always remember Colby......................................
I Love You Biggest!
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 11:12 AM CDT
thinking of you all everyday and keeping you in my prayers.
Lynn(Dana's friend)
- Thursday, May 1, 2003 11:00 AM CDT
To the Cole Family,

Colby and your family are in my prayers. Your family inspires so many. Jack and Laura, you are wonderful parents. Colby is such a fighter and his courage and being so brave is amazing. Hope today is a better day. I'll check in tonight.


Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 10:06 AM CDT
Dear Colby, Jack, Laura and Cameron,
On this National Day of Prayer I want you to know that you are on the top of my list. God bless you.
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester/St. Louis, MO - Thursday, May 1, 2003 10:05 AM CDT
Cole family,
Good morning. I have been continually praying for your family. Please tell Colby keep his head up and continue fighting. I know this has been such a battle for your family and I admire each and every one of you. Your strength amazes me. Give Colby a big kiss on the forehead for me. Also I send out a BIG HUG for Laura, Jack, and Cameron. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Talk to you soon.

Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Thursday, May 1, 2003 9:44 AM CDT
Hi Colby & Co.
Glad that the GvH has been identified and can be treated appropriately. It's bittersweet, we want the GvH, but not too much to cause too many problems. Good luck! I loved the the pictures especially the Harley Fans!

Nic Kassar <>
Orlando, FL - Thursday, May 1, 2003 9:43 AM CDT
Dear Little Colby,
The news this morning is certainly a little better than it has been. You just hang in there sweety. We know you will be just fine. You and your family have the greatest faith of anyone that we know and God is going to get you through this with flying colors. We are praying for you constantly. May God bless and keep you in his care.

Bob and Lorraine
- Thursday, May 1, 2003 8:40 AM CDT
Dear Colby and the entire Cole Family ...

We think about you constantly and pray that everything goes well for you. GOD bless you now and always!!


Arlene and Seymour Zwick
Monroe Twp, NJ - Thursday, May 1, 2003 8:30 AM CDT
Hi Laura and Colby,
I pray that everything goes well for you. I know you're not at home where you would rather be but I hope you are comfortable and able to rest a little.
Jack and Cameron,
I'm sure you are anxious to have your family together again and I pray that it happens soon. In the meantime, stay strong and know that Colby loves you both very much!

I will continue to pray for all of you. Your faith in God and love for eachother will see you through this obstacle and soon you'll be on the right path together again.
No kidding this time! :)

Colby's friend
Philadelphia, - Thursday, May 1, 2003 8:29 AM CDT
Laura, Jack, Colby, and Cameron:
I am so sorry that you are not feeling so good. I will say an extra pray tonight. You are always in my prayers. I hope that you and your family have a Blessed Day! Feel Better soon sweetie.

Michelle Zammat <>
Belcamp, MD USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 7:45 AM CDT
Laura, Jack , Colby and Cameron: I think of each of you often and wish that I could take away the pain. Please know that God is with you and will guide you through. My thoughts and prayers are with each of you. Laura - if there is anything that I can do, please do not hesitate to call. We love you guys!!
Darlene <>
Brownsville, PA USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 7:28 AM CDT
Colby (the real soldier) Hang in there bud! I wish you nothing but the pure best! Go get em-you are better than all this sickness. It will not win!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 7:02 AM CDT
Sweet Colby,
My family is praying for you and your family. I hope you are feeling better with each passing day. I truly hate what you are going through. God Bless you.

Debbie Little <>
Dickson, TN - Thursday, May 1, 2003 0:28 AM CDT
I found your prayer request on Gooches website. I will be praying for you son. God Bless You All.

Kristi Anderson <>
MS - Thursday, May 1, 2003 0:17 AM CDT
Cole family-Praying for you this evening. Glad you ok after hitting the deer, Laura. Colby-we're rooting for you! May God's love surround you in the days ahead.
Sue and Easton
Dell, MT - Thursday, May 1, 2003 0:01 AM CDT
Praying especially hard for you all tonight! God be with you all!!

Love and ((((((HUGS)))))

- Wednesday, April 30, 2003 10:59 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you now and always.....

Michele, Ryan's mom <>
Hebron, Ky USA! - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 10:52 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you guys. Hang in there.
Lori Williams <>
Bryceville, Fl USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 10:28 PM CDT
We prayed for you all tonight as we always do...when we finished, Eve said she wanted to say one more extra prayer. Of course that was for you Colby. She is quite good at praying...I'm sure those prayers will help during this more than difficult time. We will continue praying endlessly for you and your mom and dad and Cameron and the rest of your family.

Strength and Blessings,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 10:24 PM CDT
Prayers are being sent up right now for Colby and his family!
Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:53 PM CDT
Hello Coles,

My prayers are steadfast and strong. I will pray for dear Colby this night, as if he were my own.

God is there with you, this, once again, I know to be true!!!!!!

I am on my knees in prayer.

So much love,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:49 PM CDT
Still praying here in the Ohio!!!!!!
Ironton, Oh - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:37 PM CDT
Hi Colby and family.. I am so sorry that you are so sick...I will bombard Heaven with lots of get well prayers for you....We hope and pray you get to feeling better soon.....
Jodie~ Lindsay's Place
- Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:19 PM CDT
Dear Colby...
I will get down on my knees tonight to and pray extra hard for you little one....
~Kim~ {Kody's Mommy}

- Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:18 PM CDT
Little Colby James,
You are such a fighter. With your strength and CHOP's expertise and confidence in you, you will survive as you always do. Mommy and Daddy have put on their boxing gloves and have entered the ring with you. The rest of us will send you the strength you need when you feel too tired. Laura, Jack, and are surrounded by love and prayer. We will all carry you when YOU feel tired. Colby has UNBEATABLE strength...nothing gets him down. Look to him for courage, his eyes never lie.
Today starts active treatment for the virus and GVHD...this is Colby's new beginning. It is unfortunate that a remission must come with a price, but Colby can and WILL prove he can fight until he is cancer free. 2003 is not nearly over yet...CANCER FREE 2003!
See ya tomorrow.
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron...I sincerely love you.
Courage and a hand to hold,

Dana big hair Doctor
- Wednesday, April 30, 2003 8:48 PM CDT
Colby and your family are in our thoughts every day. Prayers for God's mercy and strength for Colby and your family.
Kris Gregory <>
Philadelphia, Pa - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 8:45 PM CDT
Dear Jack and Laura, My thoughts and prayers are with you constantly. I want to share one of my prayers with you, I hope it brings you some comfort.
For the Sick
Dear Jesus, healer of the sick, who raised the dead to life, I praise you for the faith you give me to keep on hoping and praying for those who are ill. Listen to the silent tears of those who weep within as they yearn to see their loved ones made whole again. Your healing was the center of your earthly message. May we continue to pray for those who are sick, and may your inner peace come to us all. Amen.
Jack, If you need any help with Cameron, please don't hesitate to call the Daycare. We will help you any way we can.
All our Love, Shane, Mary Jul, and Jonathan

Mary Jul Phillips <>
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 8:28 PM CDT
Please know your family is in our thoughts. We are so sorry Colby is having such a difficult time with this disease. Have courage.
Mimi Moorehead <>
Houston, Texas United States of America - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 8:22 PM CDT
Dear Jack and Laura, I hope that all of us out here praying for Colby, and you two, will give you the strength to get thru this difficult time. I wish I could go more. Sending you all my love and prayers.
Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, PA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 8:06 PM CDT
Sending lots of Angel prayers your way.
Chemo Angel Lori
- Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:49 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,
We are praying ever so hard that Colby will begin to feel better and will be completely healed. Colby is such a special boy. You all have always been very special to us. You remain in our thoughts and our prayers. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Joe, Willie, Amanda and Olivia Glusica <>
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:35 PM CDT
O Jack I don't know what to say to you. I am praying for all of you. I am thinking of Colby constantly. Laura, I am so sorry to hear the news. Please know that you all are on my mind constantly. We talk about you all them time at work. Seems that this little man needs a chain of prayers going on here. I think everyone all over the world is Praying for you Colby. I ask my Charlene to watch over you Colby. Charlene knows your pain and she will be with you little man. If you feel a small breeze it will be Char. She is good for that. I talk to Charlene about you every night. She is with you Colby. Take Care Little Man. May God Be With All Of You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:30 PM CDT
I too am on my knees for your beautiful boy. Waiting to hear more news. How hard it must be on you to not be with him and Laura, bless you while you are with him.

- Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:26 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
I'm so sorry to hear of Colby's complications and trip to the hospital. Life is so much harder when you are torn so many ways yet Colby's needs are the priority. My daughter had a three year old when her older son had cancer. She was missing NIck but had to trust him to his Dad and my other daughters who lived close by.
She had to be with Aaron.(my grandson who was sick) was in Mass General and they lived nearly to the New Hampshire border.
I can empathize with your situation and only offer you my prayers, hopes and caring for a speedy recovery from the complications. LOVE and PEACE PAT W

Patricia Wootan <>
Kingston, NY USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:23 PM CDT
FT.PIERCE, FL - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:15 PM CDT
We are sitting ringside and pulling for our guy, Colby. We are continually amazed at the grace and wisdom his parents exhibit while coaching in his corner. Coaching their little man against an opponent that does not fight fair or predictably. We hope that this latest development is just the last hoorah for the JMML Colby is fighting as it begins to see that it can not beat him. Praying for no EBV and instead GVHD.
Nathan Jankowski
Fresno, CA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:03 PM CDT
Dearest Cole Family,

Words can't express the sorrow I feel for you. I can only imagine how hard this must be. If anything helps you through this it will be faith in God. Some people take it for granted but it is the one thing that keeps us going, weither we relize it or not. God has a plan for this amazing little boy and I truely believe this. Keep fighting Colby and may God speed you to a quick recovery. In Love and Hope...Jenn

Jenn Glisan <>
Markleysburg, PA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:01 PM CDT
For dear little Colby and his family - lots of prayers and kind thoughts from across the ocean.
Gloria McShane, mother of Maximilian, 19, T-ALL with CNS <>
Richmond, North Yorkshire, England - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:59 PM CDT
Sending lots of hugs your way. We pray for a quick recovery. Please know that many of us are pulling for you all the way. Hang in there.

The Nguyen Family <>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:48 PM CDT
We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Take care and God Bless.
Lloyd and Jodi Williams <>
Farmington, Pa. U.S.A. - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:46 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,

Just read Jack's update. We are all praying so hard for a miracle. "God please listen to all of our prayers and grant this sweet child, Colby, a miracle." I'll be back soon. God bless you and give you strength.

Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:35 PM CDT
I'm praying so very, very hard for another miracle for beautiful little Colby. He is constantly in my thoughts and prayers as is the rest of your family.
Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:01 PM CDT
I'm praying so hard for all of you.
Heavenly Father,
I call on you right now in a special way. It is through your power that we all were created. Every breath we take, every morning we wake, and every moment of every hour, we live under your power.
Father, I ask you now to touch Colby with the same power. For if you created us from nothing, you can certainly recreate us. Fill Colby with the healing power of Your spirit. Cast out anything that should not be in him. Mend what is broken. Root out any unproductive cells. Rebuild any damaged areas. Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection.
Let the warmth of Your healing love pass through Colby's body to make new any unhealthy areas so that his body will function the way you created it to function.
And Father, restore Colby to full health in mind and body so that he may serve you the rest of his life.
I humbly ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

N. Krajovic
- Wednesday, April 30, 2003 5:01 PM CDT
Dear Colby and family
Just wanted to stop by and let you know I check in on you often and you will continue to be in my prayers.

Lori <www.>
Aurora, Il - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 5:01 PM CDT
Colby, you are one of the most precious boys, and have such a strong, unbreakable spirit(you've obviously gotten that from your fabulous parents)..just want to let you know that I'm praying extra hard for you right now-can't get that precious face out of my head!! God is right there holding your hand through this rough patch-I hope you'll be able to feel Him! Sending so many prayers to you sweet Colby!!
Wash.Twp., NJ - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 4:34 PM CDT
We're praying very hard for you!
Jacqueline <>
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 3:54 PM CDT
We are thinking of you and praying for Colby. Through Dana and Stuart(our Son) you have become a part of our daily routine.

Try to stay positive and think good thoughts.

Rick and Lynn Doctor
Coconut Creek, FL - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 3:53 PM CDT
Hey! I tried to call you guys but no one was home. I figured you'd probably be at the hospital but wanted you to know I was thinking of you. I'll try again, but please, in the meantime, if you have a moment and would like to talk to/pray with me, PLEASE call. I am here for whatever I can do for you. Blessings!
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:50 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family, You are all in our prayers always. Much love. THE GANG FROM THE BEACH.
Tom Vitz <>
Va. Beach, , Va. - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:42 PM CDT
Dear Colby -

Wanted to say hi and let you know I'm keeping in my thoughts and prayers. I will send much healing California sunshine you way. Be brave and stay strong, and remember how many people love and and are pulling for you.

Karen Banister <>
San Diego, CA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:35 PM CDT
Dear Coles
Praying very hard for Colby and the rest of the family.

Kathy Mayo <>
Whitehall, OH - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:25 PM CDT
Another prayer and hug from California. Got accquainted with Colby's page while viewing the page on Kayli. I cry, hope and pray everytime I check in on Colby. My best wishes and prayers for you all.
Three Rivers, CA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:23 PM CDT
Dear Coles,

We continue to pray for healing and a swift recovery. Stay strong!

Dear Lord, we pray in your name to place your loving hands on Colby and bring health and healing to his tired body. We know you have pity on us dear Lord and we pray for strength, guidance and wisdom to pull through this. We thank you for being the Great Physician to Colby. Please give a healing and a blessing for Colby and his family. We have faith in your name and your will. Amen.

“The Lord will take away from thee all sickness” Deu. 7:15

Every second that goes by, there is another prayer heard. God Bless.

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA 15301 - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:20 PM CDT
Positive thoughts, love & lots of prayers coming your way from California.


Pat Manning <>
Antioch, CA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:05 PM CDT
Laura and Jack,
I know that last Wednesday you didn't think that you would be doing this, this Wednesday. I continue to keep Colby in my prayers.

Nancy Dumas
Bonney Lake, WA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 1:58 PM CDT
Jack - Just read your update. I too am praying as hard as I can. I pray for Colby, our "Miracle Child", to have a safe & quick trip to CHOP for the healing help he so desparately needs. I pray for the Lord to be with Dr. Bunin and her staff as Colby's treatment plan is implemented. Colby is such a special child and has touched the hearts of so many people. I pray for you, Jack and Laura, to keep the faith during yet another difficult turn of events in this rollercoater ride. Love and prayers, Pat

Pat <>
New Salem, PA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 1:57 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family:
We are praying so hard for Colby.
Love to you all.

Bob and Lorraine
McClellandtown, Pa - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 1:33 PM CDT
I will be praying as constant as possible for Colby today and in the days to come. Please Jesus protect this family and especially Colby. I am so sorry this is happening to you again.
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester / St. Louis, MO - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 1:14 PM CDT
Dear Colby and family,
We have been looking in on Colby ever since we came across his page. We are praying very hard for him and your family. May God bring comfort and healing to Colby.

Donna, Niko & Justin Hettlage <>
- Wednesday, April 30, 2003 1:09 PM CDT
Laura, Colby and family -
It was so good to watch Colby sleeping quietly and without trouble breathing last night. And it was good to have Colby lead us in HIS prayer too. We continue to pray that your trip to CHOP is fruitful and comforting. God is ever with us - especially when we are in need. Peace and love -

Rev. Russell <>
Jeannette, PA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 1:01 PM CDT
I have chanced upon your website today and it has touched my heart. I'm have said a prayer for Colby and will continue to pray for him and your family. May God touch him and heal him.

Columbia, SC - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 12:35 AM CDT
Jack & Laura -

We are saying BIG prayers for little Colby. Hopefully CHOP can get on top of this quickly and get your family back together SOON! My heart is aching for all that you have gone through and continue to go through. You have a very strong boy. The 4 of you continue to amaze me with your love, faith and strength.

Rachel <>
- Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:58 AM CDT
Praying extra hard for you today...
lori dietz <>
baldwin park, ca usa - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:37 AM CDT
Praying hard for you Colby and your family. I pray that God puts his hand on you and takes all the pain and suffering away.
Your Friend Tonya
Jacksonville, Fl - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:32 AM CDT
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers today.
NJ - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:30 AM CDT
Dan and I are praying for you. We know how difficult it is to deal with your child's illness, the family being separated, dealing with a business, etc, etc. We hope you are feeling the prayers that are surrounding your family.
Janet Sims, mom to Janie, forever 5 years old,
Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:25 AM CDT
You all are in our constant thoughts and prayers.
May you feel the strength of the Lord and all of us that are in deep prayer during these complications and separation.

With Love and Support,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:23 AM CDT
Colby, I have stopped all I'm doing right now. Dear God, Please follow this family closely, and give them your strength and hold them tightly, Lord, Please comfort them, and most of all Lord, Please heal Colby completely! If you can find a way Lord, Please let this family be together, they need each others love and strength! Amen 4/J's
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
jax, fl usa - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:20 AM CDT
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron,

I pray for you every single day, may God's hands hold you tight through this battle.

a friend who cares for Colby in Pittsburgh
- Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:17 AM CDT
Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron,
I have been missing, this I know you know.
Once again, you have not been forgotten...
in my thoughts,prayers and heart always.
May God protect you and guide you always
and especially today enroute to CHOP.
As the tears flow, we pray we are washing away
the cancer quickly.
Colby, hold your strength as you always do and
fight like the little soldier we know!
We love you all, please know we are with you all the way!
From our hearts with endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, PA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:00 AM CDT
Dear Jack and Laura,

I have sent out messages to all of my prayer warriors to see Colby and your family through this difficult fight with the complications.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 10:50 AM CDT

Listen to the waterfall, splash on the mirrored lake.
Feel the quiet serenity, feel each breath you take.
Nature in all its beauty, prevails over a land of peace.
Searching deep inside, listen as you seek.

A breathtaking emotion, to feel the love inside.
Harmony and beauty for all that will abide.
Distant valley's echo the sound of tranquility.
Every living thing, everyone is free.

Clouds float in the distance, the forest is alive
with the sound of calm and quiet, where inner peace resides.
Touch the silver lining, feel the coolness there.
Deep within your being, love is everywhere.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 10:48 AM CDT
I am keeping all of you in my prayers.
UK - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 10:40 AM CDT
Praying hard for you Colby and for your family during this challenging time. You have been so strong and I know that you will beat this thing!!! Hang in there!
Seattle, WA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 10:35 AM CDT
Hello all,
I'm sorry to hear that Colby has to go to CHOP. I hope everything will go smoothly and your family will be together again under one roof. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Here are a few jokes to help keep you smiling. they are very silly of course.

What do you get if you cross a centipede with a parrot?
A "walkie-talkie" hahaha
What animal do you have to be careful of when taking
"Cheetahs" hehehe
OK last one......
What fish goes up the river at 100mph?
A "motor pike" ahahaha
Take care!

Colby's friend
Philadelphia, - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 10:34 AM CDT
I am praying for you, I hope you feel better soon!!!

Noblesville, In - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:43 AM CDT
Stay strong Colby! You and your family will be in my prayers!
Kelly <>
Lake Tahoe, NV USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:37 AM CDT
Oh Jack, I am so sorry, please know we are all praying for Colby.
It must be so hard for you to try to keep your mind on work....when all you want to do is be with him

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Wednesday, April 30, 2003 9:14 AM CDT
Hey there Colby :)

Praying for you ever so hard, my miracle boy!!! You have no idea how much...yes it is THAT much!! I know God will heal you completely when the time is right..I can't see any reason why he won't because..God is GREAT and God loves Colby ever so much!!!! You are truly the bravest little boy in the whole world...I hope you realise that sweetie!!! You inspire so many people..I hope today is good for you..and that we have GREAT news!! Hang in there, Colbymeister!!

Laura & Jack, I am praying for all of you..and praying that you can all be together as a family once again...your love for one another is so amazing..I am truly touched by your WHOLE family...hang in there guys...God is watching over the Coles!

Click here to visit Janice's website

All my love and SPECIAL prayers,

Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 8:41 AM CDT
Commander in Chief,
Have a safe trip this morning to CHOP. I know you go with so many Prayers, Love and Support from all of us! You have shown so much strength,{STRONG LIKE BULL!} for so long, now it is time for the rest of us to be STRONG for you! Hope you can feel our arms around you, holding you with all our LOVE!
Remember Colby.........................................
Laura, Jack and Cameron,
We are here, always!
Holding all of you in our hearts..........................
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 8:37 AM CDT
Good morning Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,
Colby, I sure hope you are feeling better, I've been praying for you. I hope to hear some Great news soon. Everyone take care.

Jennifer Wayne <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 8:23 AM CDT
Colby, we are praying things get better for you soon! You are such a trooper. Hang in there. God bless you and your family.
Judy and John Hench <>
Lexington, NC USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:31 AM CDT

Hi Cole's,
I'm checking several times a day ... thanks for keeping us informed.. I'm praying for a good news breakthrough. Tonight Jake will stand in the gap for Colby. I hope this is the donor marrow "kickin' butt" on those horrible leukemia cells. Colby you keep fighting buddy, God has made us MORE than conquerors!! Pray for your Moma and Daddy , they Love you SOOOOO much and they need strength to get through seeing you suffer . I pray ,God ,that you all shall regain peace AND comfort beyond measure. WE LOVE YOU AND

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , TX - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:56 AM CDT
I am down on my hands and knees for you Colby!!! God better be listening... Praying SO hard for all this stuff to go away. I love you endlessly ALL OF YOU! Hoping today will be better and bring good news. Sending special HEALING HUGS AND KISSES XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Jessica Whateeeka <>
Buckhannon, WV - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 5:05 AM CDT
Colby and family,

Just sending hugs, prayers, and get better wishes!! We are thinking and praying for you all.

Elizabeth, Jennifer, Bryan, and Lois Seaton

The Seatons
Uniontown , PA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 4:05 AM CDT
We are kneeling right beside you...

Love and Prayers,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 0:35 AM CDT
Thinking and praying for you as always...................

Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 10:50 PM CDT
I saw your guest book entry on Khalita's site and I want you to know that I will be down on my knees tonight praying for your preciouis Colby. His beautiful smile and twinkling eyes have stolen my heart. Praying for strength for all of you!
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester /St. Louis, MO - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 10:37 PM CDT
Laura and Colby - It was great seeing you both this evening. Thank you Colby for letting me gently rub your beautiful head until you fell asleep. I hope when you woke up your eye felt better. My prayers are with you both tomorrow as you head once again to CHOP. Jack and Cameron, Please know that my prayers are also with both of you. I know how difficult it is being separated so often. I hope you all feel the love surrounding your family constantly.
Bev <>
N. Huntingdon, PA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 10:29 PM CDT
Feel better Baby....we love you!
Kim & Kody

- Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:42 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know, I've been checking in and my prayers are with you. I hope you start feeling better.
The Coe's <>
- Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:25 PM CDT
Colby..I just wanted to let you know that I hope you are feeling better..I will be praying for you..God BLess you and your family......
Mary Mabe <>
Coeburn, VA USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:14 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

I pray dear Colby is feeling much better this evening. I will continue to check in and pray.

Colby I want to let you know how much you are loved, prayed for and touching so many lives. By accident today, I printed your entire journal. You have 570 PAGES of notes, prayers and pictures! WOW!!! Needless to say, my printer got a huge workout! I did not even know it was printing until the beeper went off several minutes later! I sure am impressed, but I just wanted you to know how loved you INDEED really are! This is the second time I have done this on your web page! Now, because I like you so much, I guess I will read every single page!

Stay strong and continue your valiant fight!

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:12 PM CDT
Hi Laura, I have not had a chance to check in on Colby for a couple of days, I was so surprised to hear about his hospitalization. I will pray extra hard for a quick recovery. Please call if you need anything while you are at CHP. I will call you to see if you want some company this week. Take care. Sending much love.

Patty Yerina <Yerina2@stargate. net>
Pgh, PA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:10 PM CDT
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron,

My heart goes out to you. Colby, you are such a fighter and such a coureageous little boy. I am praying that they can figure what is causing this fever and rash out and make you all better. Keep on fighting Colby. We are praying very hard for you. I'll check in soon.

LOL and {{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:08 PM CDT
My Dearest Little Man,
I am praying for you. You have been on my mind all day. May the spirits of the Heavens bring you peace of mind through this trying time. You are so strong. Not even complaining of your pain. The children that are sick just simply amaze me. They never complain of anything. And are always so loving and giving of themselves. That is Gods Love Coming from You. You are so caring and eveyone just loves you. I pray that you will be getting better and they find that nasty bug you have.My dearest Charlene was just like you. Everyone worried about her and her pain but her. Char always worried about everyone else. So you see Gods love is in you little man. In the mean time enjoy the cuddling of your mother and the cartoons.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 7:31 PM CDT
HELLO Coles, LOVED the Harley picturs, Easter sounded wonderful what memories!!!sorry to hear you're in the hospital. Sometimes we don't know why things keeping turning LEFT,but we must remember God has a plan for all of us before we even walk on the face of the earth. Keep the FAITH!!! Trust GOD!!!!Laura, I admire you for your continued stamina, Jack this has to be sooooo tough on you hug your Cameron. My family sends our prayers nightly, Its been crazy here but you're in our thoughts daily! God Bless you all!!! I know you have help, but if you need, Jack and Laura CALL
Pam Howarth <>
Uniontown, Pa - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 7:30 PM CDT
Saying prayers for Colby and family.

Jan mom to Colin relapse ALL 9/9/02 going through 2 more years of chemo <>
Glendale, WI - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 5:58 PM CDT
Hello! I have written you before. I am Jackie neighbor of Princess Janie. I am very sorry to hear the news about Colby. Please know that Janie and others like her are watching over him. God especially has him in his heart. You all will be in my prayers tonight and forever. are one of the strongest and bravest young men I have ever heard of! Feel the strength of the prayers of thousands! We are all with you!

Jackie <>
Vestavia Hills, AL - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 5:44 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family~~~

Sending heavy-duty prayers your way!!!

Love and ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))

- Tuesday, April 29, 2003 5:32 PM CDT
Stopping by to say I will be praying for you guys!
Shelly Hammett <>
Louisville, KY - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 4:14 PM CDT
Dear Laura, My heart aches for all of you. I pray that the doctors can find the reason for the fever and the rash and that Colby can come home soon.. I can only imagine how hard it is for you to be away from Jack and Cameron again.. May God give you continued strength. Many prayers are being said for a complete healing for Colby.Much love.
Regina M. Sloan
Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 4:12 PM CDT
I am so sad to hear that you are in the hospital. I hope you are feeling better. I ask my mommy every day how you are feeling. I really miss you. I'm sending you lots of hugs and kisses. Please share some of these with Cameron too! Love you.

Amanda and Olivia Glusica <>
Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 3:59 PM CDT
Dear Colby,

I am so glad to hear that you are in good spirits. Attitude is half the battle! We pray for immediate healing. God is with you!

Love and Prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 2:44 PM CDT
Hey there! How are you feeling? I hope you get to go home soon. In my prayers always. God Bless and take care. Check on you later.

Michelle Zammat <>
Belcamp, MD USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 1:48 PM CDT
To the Cole family - I read this poem-prayer in Church on Sunday and promised to post on your site and Zachary's site.
These fright-filled days, these new developments
leave us insecure;
What could happen next?
Don't let terror foul us up.
We want to feel stable, content, serene.
YOU provide a strong structure of faith
for us to lean on and live by.
These beliefs tell us to rely on YOU.
Whether we live or die, we are safe in YOUR love.
Give us courage to face whatever we must,
the ability to focus on living today well -
without worrying about what happens next.
While we hate this cancer, we have learned
to love more
to draw closer -
to YOU, and
to the people who love us,
to the people we love.
God is with us always! With loads of prayers, kisses and love -

Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell and family <>
Jeannette, Pa - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 1:10 PM CDT
I see your entries in Janie Sims' guestbook and know what a wonderful caring person you are. I read your site daily as well, and so hate to hear of your present troubles. My prayer for you is that your heads would be upturned as God pours His mercy out upon you today. Lifting you up in prayer from Birmingham, AL

Amanda Adams <>
Birmingham, AL - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 1:07 PM CDT
Thinking of you always....praying for the "fever bugs" to go away. :)
The family of Jackson Espeseth <>
- Tuesday, April 29, 2003 12:53 AM CDT

If the heavens brought you a star each time you touched someone's heart,
the tapestry of the midnight sky would be yours.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 11:08 AM CDT
Sending love and prayers your way sweet Colby! I am so sorry to hear what you're going through right now. I am storming the heavens in prayer for all of you. Be STRONG LIKE BULL!!!! You are my hero Colby Cole!

Michele, Ryan's mom <>
Hebron, Ky USA! - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 10:01 AM CDT
Laura and Colby,

You two are constantly on my mind and in my prayers right now. Colby, hang in there baby, I believe there is another miracle waiting for you! Laura, I think you have to be the BEST and STRONGEST mommy in the world. Your family is so lucky to have and help each other through these tough times.
Take Care!

Jennifer Wayne <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 9:53 AM CDT
Darling Colby,
I am down on my knees tonight praying for you, sweetie.. I will be using the magic word again..."PLEASE"! Yes, PLEASE dear God, please help our little special friend Colby get better for good...he deserves to be healed completely! He is just such a fighter and so brave..and only 5 years old. Colby, sweetie..I know God will listen to us if we pray loud enough...I am always thinking of you cutie!! You have such a special place in my heart...

LOUD & SPECIAL prayers to Colby,

Janice- visit my website at:
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 9:29 AM CDT
heelo i got your website off one of the other kids pages i visit regularly and read your story i was so moved i cried the whole time.your strength is amazing.i am a mom of a boy with a brain tumor who has also relapsed and we have had a endless journey with cancer this last 2 years.i will pray you find a happy ending to your challanges...our family sends big hugs to yours!
kevin, mt - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:46 AM CDT
Unfortunately I didn't get by here to sign last night, BUT, don't think the Lord didn't let me know you needed my prayers. Colby was on my heart all day yesterday and I am praying, praying, praying for you guys. I know it seems as though God has His ears plugged. He hears and He is working. I can promise you that. CALL ME if you need me and I will pray with you. I'm so sorry if you've tried to call my cell phone--I lost the charger cord and am currently looking for it :) Can't find it so you won't be able to reach me that way but my home number works just fine. Please use it. I have yours too. If I don't hear from you, I will try to call you tonight. Blessings and stay right where you are--ON YOUR KNEES!
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:01 AM CDT
Praying and hoping those fevers will go down soon and Colby will be able to go home poor baby. Thank goodness he has you to take comfort in, my son is am arm rubber too.

- Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:01 AM CDT
We are all praying for you constantly. Colby has that incredible strength that God has given. These brave
children have taught and inspired us all. I know Janie is
watching over Colby as well.

Dan Sims - Janie's Dad
Birmingham, Al USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 6:09 AM CDT
My Colbymeister!! :)

I'm sorry to hear you're still feeling sick, sweetie..I wish I could give you a BIG hug and make you feel better! But I am just glad that you don't have those nasty viruses!! I will be praying hard that they stay away and that everything inside of you will just get are such a figher Colby...and ever so brave!! I don't know anyone else who fights as hard as you or puts on such a brave are one amazing little cutie pie :) Hang in there okay little man? You just concentrate on getting better..and PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!

Laura, I don't know if this will help, but I just want to share with you something that helped relief my stuffy nose/cold. What I did was I rubbed in Vicks Vaporub all over the soles of my feet (underneath my feet) and put some socks on and went to bed..I slept like a baby and when I woke up the next morning, I felt great, my nose wasn't stuffy anymore and there was no sign of a cold!!! It was just so amazing, I couldn't believe it..because I had been having sleepless nights with a stuffy nose!! So maybe if you haven't tried it, you can try it with Colby. Just thought I'd share it with you :) Hang in there!! I am praying for your whole family!!

Warm hugs & kisses to Jack, Laura, Colby and Cam-man!

Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 1:36 AM CDT
Thinking and PRAYING for you tonight!!! Praying for healing, strength, peace and love.
Janet Sims, mom to Janie, forever 5 years
Birmingham, AL - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 0:37 AM CDT
Prayers coming your way from Ohio.
I do believe in miracles.

God bless,

Bonnie <>
Columbus, Ohio - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 0:04 AM CDT
I pray that this finds you feeling better and that pesky fever staying down so you don't get so thirsty.
You are such a beautiful boy and have such a darling brother, too. Your parents are pretty good looking, too!!
Remember: You and God are partners in this day! We praise our loving Father for directing your care through the hands of your nurses and Drs. We give God all the glory and honor for loving us so much. Let His loving arms surround you now, Colby, and give you rest.
Love in Christ

Jerri & Kaden <>
s, SD USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 0:02 AM CDT

Hi Colby,

I'm sending you lots of (((HUGS))) and I'm praying even harder for you. Stay strong Sweetie and you will be all better soon.

- Monday, April 28, 2003 11:58 PM CDT
I am so sorry you guys, I was gone for the weekend and shocked to hear of Colbys hospitalization.
I am so sorry he feels so lousy, but please know we are all praying for him.

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Monday, April 28, 2003 11:50 PM CDT
I just saw your website from another CaringBridge site. As a stranger to your family, I just wanted to say that someone (else) is thinking of you and your beautiful little boy and hoping that his body heals perfectly.

God Bless all of you.


NY USA!! - Monday, April 28, 2003 10:47 PM CDT
Thanks for the update Laura, those of us waiting anxiously very much appreciate you taking your precious time to fill us in. I will keep praying for Colby and all of you to have strength and find peace in this situation, and especially to find answers. Colby, hope you enjoyed spending your massage money and have fun tomorrow playing with Jamie.

Debbie Nagy
Manchester/St. Louis, MO - Monday, April 28, 2003 10:36 PM CDT
Dear Coles,

I am checking in, once again, to let you know how hard I am praying for you. For some reason God is not letting my heart and mind rest, and is pushing me to pray – this I am doing very earnestly. I feel I am to say that God’s grace, love and mercy are with you.

Love and prayers,

Renne I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, April 28, 2003 9:20 PM CDT
Praying for you all and hoping that the high fevers and sleepless nights are over very soon.
Jenny Sterner <>
Colts Neck, NJ - Monday, April 28, 2003 8:32 PM CDT
Dear Coles,

I am back again. I just wanted to thank you for the updates you so often give. For those of us out here in cyberspace, we rely on your updates so we know how to pray for Colby. When you are exhausted and consumed with taking care of your priceless little boys, updates, I am sure, can be very taxing – but thank you! With every update, there are more and more specific streams of prayers going up to heaven on your behalf.

God bless you and keep you in his care,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, April 28, 2003 7:38 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,

Our prayers are especially strong this evening. It is unfortunate to hear that you are back in the hospital, but this is where God wants you to be right now. Laura and Jack, I pray for your strength to continue your phenomenal support system for Colby.

Together, with Christ, this too shall pass! Praise God for victory over this nasty illness!

Therefore, my beloved brethren whom I long to see, my joy and crown, so stand firm in the Lord, my beloved. I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to live in harmony in the Lord. Indeed, true comrade, I ask you also to help these women who have shared my struggle in the cause of the gospel, together with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life. Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 4:1-7

Much love,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, April 28, 2003 7:22 PM CDT
O my dearest little man. You are going through so much. My heart aches as I read the journal. Tears flow. Please know that I am praying for you Colby. You are such a strong little person. I know Jack and Laura that it is hard watching Colby going through so much. I also pray for you. And dear little Cameron. Your brother loves you so much and you love him so much that your love together bonds a very special little person in the both of you. You are in my daily prayers Cole Family. I am sadened by the news of you being back at Childrens Hospital. You are in good hands there. I pray the fevers will stop spiking for you Colby.
Keep the faith and May God Be With You Always! If ever you need me just call and I will be there for you.

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, April 28, 2003 7:00 PM CDT
The Cole's,
Keep being strong! I pray for you every day! You're always in my thoughts and prayers!

Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, April 28, 2003 5:49 PM CDT
Please know our prayers are with you - love from a Quilts of Love quilting angel! ^A^ Toto

^A^ Toto
- Monday, April 28, 2003 5:19 PM CDT
Sorry to hear about all these problems. Colby is a very brave boy, you have all the reasons to be proud of him. I imagine how extremelly difficult is to watch your precious son suffer but your giving him the best from the medicine world and the best there is in the world, that is your LOVE. I hope he gets better soon.
Warm hugs from Brazil.

- Monday, April 28, 2003 3:27 PM CDT
Did you hear the story about the germ?... Never mind I don't want to spread it all over!
How can you tell if a bucket is not feeling well?... Its a little pale!
What is the difference between a Hill and a Pill?...A hill is hard to get up and a pill is hard to get down!
Just wanted to make you giggle for a little bit. Hope those fevers go away!!! Take care everyone, you're in my thoughts and prayers!

Colby's friend
Philadelphia, - Monday, April 28, 2003 3:24 PM CDT
Thinking of you all with much love, faith and hope.
Dana, Wally, Jamie & Elizabeth <>
New Salem, PA - Monday, April 28, 2003 2:19 PM CDT

Your Golden
Thread of Friendship

So often when I think of you and all the times we shared,
My heart is filled with thankfulness to have a friend
who cared enough to listen to me tell of joys and trials.
Your being there has been enough to change my tears to smiles.
The subtle love between two friends is so hard to define.
It is not a square or circle or even a straight line.
It's somehow like a tapestry with colors soft and bold,
Yet deep within the weaving there are tiny threads of gold.
Yes, rare and oh so lovely are your friendships' threads of gold.
For they will last a lifetime and then when my story's told -
Someone will hold my tapestry and turn it towards the light,
and tiny points, those threads of gold,will gleam and shine so bright.
And they may think - it's just a thread like green or red or blue-
Perhaps they'll never ever know that (" golden thread
But I've been thinking lately how you've touched my life just so -
Of how you are so dear to me - and I wanted you to know-
That even if you're next to me or though we're miles apart,
Your golden thread of friendship still will weave within my heart


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, April 28, 2003 1:39 PM CDT
Keeping your precious boy and the rest of your family in my prayers.
Eileen Spratt-Jackie Roth's Aunt Bea <>
Eureka, MO - Monday, April 28, 2003 1:17 PM CDT
Laura, Jack, Colby, & Cameron,
Always thinking of & praying for all of you.

Bernie Forsythe & Family <>
New Salem, Pa - Monday, April 28, 2003 1:02 PM CDT
Praying all day long for Colby and the drs. to be able to find answers to what is causing the fever. Waiting anxiously for the results for I am VERY concerned for sweet, smiling, courageous and brave Colby.
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester/St. Louis, MO - Monday, April 28, 2003 12:58 AM CDT
I will be praying for you guys even more and pray this is nothing serious. I know how worried you must be. Colby is such a brave boy! Love, Tracy

Tracy Solomon
- Monday, April 28, 2003 12:33 AM CDT
Dear Colby & Family,

Lots of prayers and hugs sending your way. We admire your strenghts. You are such a strong fighter. Hang in there, Colby. Hope things are better by now.


The Nguyen Family <>
Denver, CO - Monday, April 28, 2003 12:20 AM CDT
Just wanted to send you loads of GOOD WISHES and to tell you I am praying for Colby, he is such a fighter.
sharon shields <>
London, England - Monday, April 28, 2003 12:04 AM CDT
Just signed on to check in......finding your new update......what a trooper Colby is!! Like you, I am anxiously awaiting the results of everything and trying to understand what it all means.......I am nervous and scared, but ever hopeful for something positive.....

Without sounding like a broken record, I want to tell you that I am thinking of you and praying for you all.


- Monday, April 28, 2003 11:57 AM CDT
Hugs and prayers for your family.
Sharon <>
- Monday, April 28, 2003 11:39 AM CDT
I just want you to know that I am praying very hard for you buddy! You just keep hanging in there and things will get better. You are such a fighter........remember, you are my HERO!! I'll be remembering you in prayer all day! God bless you all. Sent with big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Monday, April 28, 2003 11:28 AM CDT
Colby you are so my HERO forever and ever!!! I am so proud of you. You are so TOUGH!!! Keep fight sweety and I know that YOU are going to WIN! I wish I was there to hold you and give hugs and kisses... mommy too! Laura, I know it is so difficult and that you are so worried (you too uncle Jack) just know that God is watching Colby and he will take care of him. Stay as rested as you can... I love you guys. Still praying this is GVHD!!!


Jessica What-eeka <>
Buckhannon, WV - Monday, April 28, 2003 11:28 AM CDT
I hope that there was improvement over the night...fevers are such scary things.

Colby has so much courage and heart...I hope that this is the start of GVHD and his body fighting the leukemia.

Thinking of you all,

Aili and Bryan <>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Monday, April 28, 2003 11:23 AM CDT
I am praying for strength for you all. May God bless you!
Amanda Adams
Birmingham, AL - Monday, April 28, 2003 10:53 AM CDT
Cole family-Praying for you all.
Sue and Easton
Dell, MT - Monday, April 28, 2003 10:53 AM CDT
Colby, praying extra hard for this "yucky" time to pass and for you to be feeling better soon. What a lucky boy you are to have had such a fun Easter celebration and what an inspirational father you have to go to all those different churches and read that wonderful poem.
We are praying for you Colby...the way you handle all those tests is simply amazing. You are one in a million little guy, and although I've never met you, you are one of my favorite people.

Wash.Twp., NJ - Monday, April 28, 2003 10:03 AM CDT
Good morning Colby and Cole family,
I hope you are feeling better Colby, you are such a little fighter! I'm sure with some more TLC from your little brother you'll be better in no time. How was your weekend? I hope you was able to enjoy some of the beautiful weather. Me and my boys were outside all weekend. Well Colby, you have a good day!

Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Monday, April 28, 2003 9:20 AM CDT
Keep fighting Buddy...We Love You!!

- Monday, April 28, 2003 9:10 AM CDT
Hey there little man,

I'm so sorry to hear you had to go back to the yucky hospital!! NASTY FEVERS, PLEEEASE STAY AWAY FROM COLBY!!! I'm really praying overtime buddy!!! And I don't mind it one bit because I just want you to get better and go home. Colby, you are strong as a bull, and I know you'll be home in no time feeling really are a trooper and such a GOOD boy!!! Your parents have EVERY right to be so proud of you :) I am too!!! Hope today is a better day..

Special hugs & kisses,

Melbourne, Australia - Monday, April 28, 2003 8:49 AM CDT
Dear Cole family:
I just wanted to let you know I am still praying for you.

Carol Elvin
Pittsburgh, PA - Monday, April 28, 2003 8:38 AM CDT
Colby and family,
Sending lots of extra prayers your way. As always, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and sending BIG cyber hugs!

Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Monday, April 28, 2003 8:28 AM CDT
WOW!! You've had quite the weekend. I can't imagine. I can only tell you I think about you and am praying for you every day!

- Monday, April 28, 2003 7:47 AM CDT
Dear Colby and Family-

Our prayers are with you through this difficult time.


Jim, Rachel & Connor

Jim R. Summerville <>
Baldwinsville, NY USA - Monday, April 28, 2003 7:14 AM CDT
Hoping and praying that Colby has a better day today.
Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Monday, April 28, 2003 7:08 AM CDT
Be strong you ALWAYS are! Laura you know I am here and up all night. Call anytime. Hang in there...I thinking Colby is trying to cook away his cancer. Hoping tomorrow brings answers and a normal temp.
Holding your hand,

Dana fill the jug Doctor
- Monday, April 28, 2003 1:34 AM CDT
I'm so sorry that Colby is so ill, I'm praying really hard for him, I wish there was more I could do. All my love and prayers are with you
Cassie <>
- Monday, April 28, 2003 1:27 AM CDT
Colby, & Family,
I'm sorry to hear your having a rough time now. I hope things will calm down soon. I just wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts & I'm praying for you.

Kathy, Mom to Amanda <>
Chillicothe, Ohio USA - Monday, April 28, 2003 0:50 AM CDT
Hello Colby.

I just wanted you to know that we are praying for you and want you to know that we are BIG FANS of you!!!

Much love,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Sunday, April 27, 2003 9:30 PM CDT
Hey Colby,
Glad to see you are home. I am praying for you little man.
Sorry to hear about the high fevers staying for awhile. As soon as the new meds kick in they might go away. I will pray they do. Hope you are feeling better at home. I read Cam is glad you are back. He sure loves you.
Take Care Cole Family. and May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, April 27, 2003 8:27 PM CDT
Awwwww, guys. I'm so sorry about the fever going up so high again. I will be thinking of Colby and all of you til you get the scan results and can find out more about what's going on. I know you are so worried. Just hang in there and keep us posted when you can.

You know I am here.....let me know what I can do.
Sending healing hugs and lots of love,

OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX, - Sunday, April 27, 2003 7:35 PM CDT
Uniontown, Pa. - Sunday, April 27, 2003 3:41 PM CDT
I hope that today is better than yesterday. Laura, I know that you are scared but we have to remember that GOD IS GOOD and he still has a special plan for Colby. I just know that the fever is a "Good" fever!!! There is a battle going on in that sweet little body, and I just know that those NASTY CANCER CELLS are GOING DOWN!!!! I love you all so much, if you need ANYTHING please call. Kiss my little Turkeybutts for me and tell them that I LOVE THEM LOVE THEM LOVE THEM I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Jessica What-eeka <>
Buckhannon, WV - Sunday, April 27, 2003 2:13 PM CDT
Dear Colby and Mom:
We understand that you are back in the hospital. We are praying extra hard to get that fever chased away so that you can make the trip to CHOP on Wednesday.
We missed you in church this morning.

Bob and Lorraine
McClellandtown, Pa. - Sunday, April 27, 2003 1:02 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,
We are so glad you are home, and hope that the fevers are gone. Have a safe trip to Philadelphia and and we pray for a good report. We continue to pray that Colby will be completely healed. Colby, we admire your strength and courage, you are truly amazing. Our love and prayers to all of you. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Joe, Willie, Amanda and Olivia <>
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, April 27, 2003 12:13 AM CDT
Thinking of you all today as always. Numerous prayers being sent your way for Colby's fever to clear and for a safe trip to Philly as well as a good report. We, as a family, have been doing a lot of mental imagery for Colby. Paul and I and the girls are focusing hard on imagining lots of "good stuff" going on inside Colby's body. There's a CD that we listen to that helps us in this process. The piano music was composed by a college student that battled a brain tumor and won the battle. Extremely uplifting...many hospitals use this CD for cancer patients to practice mental imagery throughout their battle and recovery process. Doing this plus praying for Colby is our main focus right now. Nothing going on in our lives is more important than this... If this CD is something you'd like to hear, you can let me know...
Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily <>
Uniontown, - Sunday, April 27, 2003 11:56 AM CDT
Praying for you Colby. I hope those nasty fevers go away. I am praying for a clean scan and a safe trip to Philly.
Jack~ I am home after 3pm until 6pm...please call if you can. I will wait for Laura to call me...I hope she is catching up on some sleep.
I wish I could make all of this better for you guys.
All my love,

Dana Big Hair
- Sunday, April 27, 2003 9:59 AM CDT
It was nice to read you all arrived home safely on Friday. We're on our way to church this morning...we'll pray for you.

Ginger &Ann D'Amico
Baltimore, MD - Sunday, April 27, 2003 8:18 AM CDT
Hey Cole family!!!

Hey guys! I hope you're all having a GREAT and LAZY weekend..PLAY, PLAY, PLAY Colby!! So glad that you are HOME SWEET HOME :) I only pray that there will be no more yucky hospitals for you, sweetie are still my miracle boy and I know that you have all your tricks hidden up your sleeve!!! Feel free to pull one out ANYTIME, I know you will get through this horrible know how to fight hard, Colby..and I love you for that! You have so much courage and determination, it is the days go by you are amazing me more and more...keep strong, cutie!! I am praying for you..


Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, April 27, 2003 3:19 AM CDT

We are so thankful that dear Colby is home – praise Jesus! Please continue to fight, as you are as strong as a bull!!!!!

Cameron, you are such a wonderful brother. Colby needs you and you do such a terrific job of being the greatest little brother in the ENTIRE world. Enjoy each other and know that you are prayed for and blessed!

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 9:20 PM CDT
Dear Colby,
It must have been fun to visit the toy store. Sorry about those fevers-fever can make you sleepy and take your energy away.
Cameron sounds like a loving little brother. He is your buddy but do you all ever fight? My boys used to fight, there were three of them and they rolled around wrestling like bear cubs.
My grandkids love the toy store. They like to shop even when they don't have money. My older kids used to like to look at toy catalogues. They would mark their favorite toys for birthdays and Christmas.
I'm glad your home with the family and hope you feel better soon. Love Pat

Patricia Wootan <>
Kingston, NY USA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 6:42 PM CDT
Hi, guys. Just checking in....want to let you know you're all still in my thoughts and prayers.

Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 3:28 PM CDT
Colby and Colby's Mommy - So glad to read that you are home - especially since I was planning a "pastoral visit" in Pittsburgh for today. I think just about everyone has had a cold or two or three this season - Cameron is "just like the rest of us!" We were so glad to have all of you - including the Doctors - with us for Easter. It made that special day even more blessed. Remember: When you can come to NSPC, we're going to teach "I'm in the Lord's Army" to the other kids! With love prayers and God's peace -
Rev. Russell (and family) <>
Jenneatte, PA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 1:10 PM CDT

I'll Always Love You

As long as forever
I will stay by your side
I'll be your companion
Your friend and your guide

As long as I live
And as long as you care
I'll do anything for you
I'll go anywhere

I'll bring you the sunshine
I'll calm all your fears
I'll gather up rainbows
To chase all your tears

As long as forever
My love will be true
For as long as I live
I'll love you...


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, April 26, 2003 12:05 AM CDT
you all are in our prayers, we think of you always and check the site every day. Sami will be at CHOP on Thursday to get her new hearing aides. Hope to see you. Let us know if you need anything. NOTE: Sami has had a running nose since Thanksgiving. They say it is just normal, so don't worry about Cameron.
Sandy <>
Bridgewater, NJ USA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 9:44 AM CDT
Glad you guys are home....but not as much as Daddy is. When you called yesterday to tell him you were on your way home, his facial expression and body language actually made me cry. I hear Sunday is going to be a special family day....the weather is to be beautiful....a quiet picnic in the mountains may be nice. LOVE AND PRAYERS
Uniontown, PA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 7:35 AM CDT
Good morning......getting ready for my run and just checking in again. Glad to see you are home again, but worried about the FUO.....I pray so hard that it is not a fungal infection.....PLEASE!! Diflucan, do your thing!!

It warms my heart, and yet at the same time, breaks my heart, to imagine and picture Cameron rubbing Colbys head.....loving on him.....I hope they are together for a long, long time.

Jack, I am so impressed with your dedication to your son, and family and to your are stronger than you probably realize, and at the same time, tender, loving and sincere. What wonderful qualities. Laura and the boys are very lucky. I look forward to meeting you and talking in really have a lot to give, and you are teaching so many around you about love and faith.

Laura, you too are so strong. I know you probably don't always feel like it, and I used to hate it when people said that to me.....I felt like I HAD to be strong on the outside, but I was crumbling inside. Everything I said about Jack, is true about you too. You both seem to compliment each other so well right now, and that is good. You are both the glue that holds this family together.....for as long as it's meant to be.......which I hope and pray is A LONG, LONG TIME! But however long it is, it is evident that you are BOTH making it the best life you can for BOTH of your kids, and I commend you on is hard to do sometimes. Your children couldn't be luckier, or more loved, than they are by the two of you. I admire your love and dedication and selflessness to making their lives so good. I feel honored to "know" you both, and look forward to making it official when we meet in person.

I didn't mean to go on so long here......just wanted you both to know that I admire you and draw strength from you and am always thinking of you.

With love and many cyber hugs!

Your JMML "sister", Niki <>
- Saturday, April 26, 2003 7:32 AM CDT
Thinking of Colby and your beautiful family. Hang in there.

Your JMML brother,

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA USA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 1:47 AM CDT
Hi Cole family. I'm really glad that Colby is out of hospital and is back at home, but I hope they find out what is causing the fevers soon. You are all in my prayers

Cassie <>
England - Saturday, April 26, 2003 0:29 AM CDT
Home sweet home...where Colby and Mommy belong.

Dana Big hair
- Friday, April 25, 2003 11:03 PM CDT
Dear Colby,

We pray that you are feeling better and out of the hospital by now. We look forward to your next update and believe that it will be a stellar one at that!

Someone very dear to me once said, “Hang on with the tenacity of a bulldog”, I say this to you as well. Let me say – Fight, be courageous and do not give in. The bulldog is known for the “fight” – you fight dear Colby and beat this sickness with an IRON FIST!!! Like many, and I say, “play, play and play”, I am now praying and saying for you to fight, fight and fight to beat this illness.

We love you so much. If there is anything we can do, just let us know. God is there with you – as always, I know this is true.

I pray in the morning the update reads that you are home Colby as we want you to visit our home very soon! You and your family have an outdoor wonderland that is unsurpassable. But we would love to have all of you to come to our home to play very soon, as we have a “mini-wonderland” indoors.

We cannot wait to see you Coles!!!!!!!

Love and prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, April 25, 2003 9:36 PM CDT
Sorry that you are in the hospital Colby, but I hope that you are temperature free soon and back home! Sending a lot of hugs, good thoughts and many, many, many prayers for Colby and the whole family!
Jo <>
New Salem, PA USA - Friday, April 25, 2003 5:59 PM CDT
Just to let you know that we are thinking of you. :)

The family of Jackson Espeseth
Clear Lake, WI - Friday, April 25, 2003 5:13 PM CDT

In every ordinary day, there are a thousand miracles...
Have A Miraculous day!

Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, April 25, 2003 1:14 PM CDT
Sorry to hear you guys are back in with fever, but it sounds like they are taking good care of you and I know that you are thankful and your heart is warmed by every little smile on Colby's face. You guys will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings to you!
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT <>
Lexington, NC - Friday, April 25, 2003 11:19 AM CDT
Mr. and Mrs. Cole and Colby,
We are praying for you. Keep your faith in God because He will NEVER fail you. It may seem at times that He is far away, but He is always near and will hear your pleas for help. We cannot understand why such a precious child would have to suffer, but we can trust God to give strength and help in the hour of need.

Diane Cowsert <>
Uniontown, PA US - Friday, April 25, 2003 10:49 AM CDT
Laura and Jack,

Just checking in.....disappointed to see Colby is struggling a bit with fever and now hospitalized, but always encouraged at the strength and courage he has and how he still comes through every little hurdle.

Just know I am thinking of you ALL and here if you need anything or want to talk. Hang in there guys!!

Love and hugs,

Niki <>
- Friday, April 25, 2003 9:49 AM CDT
How nice to know that you all had a great time in Easter. Everybody who knows Colby is praying that the infusion works with PERFECTION. Have a wonderful weekend.
Warm hugs from Brazil.

- Friday, April 25, 2003 9:38 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family:
We are so sorry to hear that Colby is back in the hospital. Just know that we continue to pray for him and, of course, for all of you.

Bob and Lorraine
McClellandtown, Pa. - Friday, April 25, 2003 9:10 AM CDT is still busy, maybe I have the wrong #. Miss you much...gonna go to sleep now.ZZzzz.
Call me in the afternoon.
Love ya,

Dana Big Hair
- Friday, April 25, 2003 8:57 AM CDT
I'm a 25 year old mother of a 5,4,and 2 year old. I'm praying for all of you. Included in my prayer is that God's love for each other will continue to grow in your hearts everyday. As a mother that is my prayer to my family. Sometimes if you sit outside and be still, you can feel God. I learned that from my 5 year old J.T. He was 3 when he opened our camping tent early in the morning, appeared to know right were God was standing and stared thanking him for pancakes.
Jenna Roberts <>
Freeport, PA US - Friday, April 25, 2003 8:48 AM CDT
I am a Colby-supporter in Bham, AL. I found out about all of you from Janie Sims' site. This weekend I will be running in the Country Music Marathon (1/2) with Janie's mother, Janet. You have been so kind in your guestbook entries to that family. Thank you. Just know tomorrow morning as we "pound the pavement" we will be praying silently for Colby and all the other cancer victims who are still battling, who have won the fight, or who are angels above! Happy thoughts--
Amanda Adams <>
Birmingham, AL - Friday, April 25, 2003 8:19 AM CDT
Good morning Cole family, I hope all is well today. Colby I hope you are feeling better. Have a great weekend, I will talk to you next week. Take Care. You're in my prayers and thoughts.

Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Friday, April 25, 2003 7:49 AM CDT

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

- Friday, April 25, 2003 4:13 AM CDT
Hello Cole family, I pray for your family each time I go to God in prayer. Your Miracle is something for the world to see. God will protect and keep you close. I just wanted you to know that we were prayer for ya'll, and thinking about you daily. My friend calls and says, " how's Colby today?" She can't go to the site, she hates to cry. Peace, and all our Prayers to God for you, 4/J's
Julie (jeffery's mom) <JulieSample1@aol.>
jax., fl usa - Friday, April 25, 2003 0:27 AM CDT
- Thursday, April 24, 2003 10:29 PM CDT
Lots of prayers from the Pittsburgh area...if you run in to Carter Finger at the hospital please say hello...he's admitted there too fighting Stage IV neuroblastoma...
- Thursday, April 24, 2003 10:22 PM CDT
I tried to call you today, but got a busy signal...I am in Laura withdrawl! I will try again tomorrow...just know I was thinking of you and Colby.
Hi Jack and Cameron!!!!!
Courage and Love,

Dana Big Hair
- Thursday, April 24, 2003 9:17 PM CDT
Good Evening Cole Family.
Sorry to hear Colby is back in the Hospital. I am praying for you little guy. Glad you enjoyed your Easter weekend.
My heart aches for you guys. I just can't seem to get you off my mind. I pray that you are doing okay. Some day we will bump into each other again Laura at the hospital.
Well Colby have a very pleasant and enjoyable night. Get lots of rest so you can come back home. Too much excitement over the weekend AAAAAAA.
Take Care Cole Family. May God Be With You Always.
Praying for you.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, April 24, 2003 8:09 PM CDT
Dear Colby

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well ... maybe you had too much party.... If only it were that simple!!!

We will be praying extra hard .... GOD Bless You Always

Love and many many kisses

Monroe Township, NJ - Thursday, April 24, 2003 7:11 PM CDT
I am hoping for good dreams and NO FEVER. Love ya, Dianne
Dianne Roth <>
Cape, MO - Thursday, April 24, 2003 3:36 PM CDT

I'm sending a tiny Angel,
she is smaller than your thumb;
she lives in peoples pockets
that's where she has her fun.
Before she was an Angel
she was the beauty in a flower.
God himself hand picked her,
and gave her Angel power.
And because God is so busy,
with all he has to do,
HE said that my assignment,
is to keep safe watch over you.
When HE tucked me in your pocket,
He blessed you with Angel care;
He told me to never leave and I
vowed always to be with you.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, April 24, 2003 1:32 PM CDT
Jack and Laura,

We wanted to "thank you" for the invitation to the Easter Extravaganza. The same day Jack called, we got news that Paul's aunt lost her battle with lung cancer. Since all of his family came to town to pay respects...we didn't have much time to focus on the girls and how much fun they would have had at your party. Our thoughts were with you all day, however, and we kept commenting on how perfect the weather cooperated for that special day! Sounds like everyone really enjoyed themselves. Thanks so much for thinking of us amidst all your busy-ness...

Praying our hardest,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Thursday, April 24, 2003 11:15 AM CDT
Sounds and looks(Zac's pictures) like you all had the best Easter ever!! I am so glad the weekend was memorable. I am still praying for Colby to receive a miracle again!!! God loves the Cole family and so do many people that you have never met face to face. Keep smiling and playing Colby!!
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester /St. Louis, MO - Thursday, April 24, 2003 9:15 AM CDT
Hello Cole family, especially cutesy Colby!!

I hope everyone has a GREAT day today!! You are all so amazing...wish I could hug all of ya!! :) Colby Cole, give mum, dad and Cam man a BIGGGG hug from me ok?? (Don't forget a hug for yourself too!!)...PLAY PLAY PLAY,cutie!! Always thinking of you..and forever praying for you...

The last of the easter hugs,

Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, April 24, 2003 7:54 AM CDT
Good morning Uncle Jack,
Have a great day! Love you ALL SO MUCH!!!

Jessica What-eeka
- Thursday, April 24, 2003 0:24 AM CDT
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! You are in my prayers. God Bless,

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Thursday, April 24, 2003 0:09 AM CDT
Hello Colby, just stopping by to let you know we are thinking of you here in Alabama. I bet your Easter was great!.Take care.

Wilmer, Al USA - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 7:46 PM CDT
thinking of you... Laura
- Wednesday, April 23, 2003 4:56 PM CDT
We love you guys!
The Doctor Crew
- Wednesday, April 23, 2003 2:55 PM CDT

Note of Inspiration

This, too, shall pass.
Nothing stays the same. The only constant in life is change.
With every decision we make, we initiate change.
Even when we decide not
to decide, life still goes on, and changes still occur.
When we are in a state of discomfort, sadness, grief, or pain,
we know that because life goes on,
change will bring us some kind of relief.
And because even comfort, happiness,
and all good things also pass, we know that we need to
appreciate and cherish each precious,
fleeting moment.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 1:05 PM CDT

You're my star!!!!!!! You're my hero!! I hope you have a wonderful today sweetie pie...I just loveeeee your new are the cutest of the cutest!! And Cam-man too!! Love ya boys.. keep strong as a bull...

XOXOOXOXOXOXOXOX------->some for Jack & Laura too for being the best parents EVER! <>
Melbourne, Where else would I be?? (Australia of course!) - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:03 AM CDT
Good morning Cole family. I hope all is well today. I just wanted to say hi Colby, have a great day! You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Jennifer <>
Brownsville, Pa U.S.A. - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 10:25 AM CDT
Check out the picture page on Zachary's web page Zackie's web link
Dana Big Hair
- Tuesday, April 22, 2003 10:32 PM CDT
I give you credit (first of all I think you were all looped for that entry)
but my hands were killing me opening 72 eggs.. 250 is a PITA....
Colby I am glad to see that all went well with the DLI and I feel funny saying this,
but I hope for some GvHD too buddy!

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Tuesday, April 22, 2003 10:10 PM CDT
Dear Colby,

Our love and prayers are as strong as ever.

May you have a wonderful night knowing you are loved by many! Our loving Father is with you this moment, and many more to come.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 9:11 PM CDT
My OH My!!!
Four days in a row of hugs a kisses from my little sweethearts and here I am today GOING THROUGH WITHDRAWL!!! Thank you so much for my Easter Basket Laura (You are an ANGEL) Cam man and Colby, I wish I NEVER had to leave you guys... I HATE saying goodbye. I wish I was 3 feet tall and all I had to do was PLAY PLAY PLAY. I guess I will ALWAYS be a BIG "Kid" like Jerry said yesterday! So once again I begin the countdown till I can hug you guys again... 11.5 days!!! Miss you ALL so much already!


Jessica What-eeka <>
Buckhannon, WV - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 6:13 PM CDT
Hi Cole Family............Seems like you guys had a wonderful fun filled Easter. Glad to hear that because you all deserve it.

Ginger D'Amico
Baltimore, MD - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 2:01 PM CDT
Sending BIG prayers your way, lots of {{{HUGS}}} and a little friend from Katia!

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Tuesday, April 22, 2003 1:32 PM CDT

When you wish upon a star .....

The stars
are God's dreams,
thoughts remembered
in the silence
of the night.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 10:28 AM CDT
Dearest Colby!! :)

Hey buddy!! Sorry I haven't been writing as often as I usually do...I've been on Easter break (still am!) and I've hardly had the chance to get on the computer...but you have ALWAYS been in my thoughts, sweetie!! I'm so glad to hear that you had so much fun with your family and the Doctors!! PLAY PLAY PLAY is probably what you did all weekend :) Just wanted you to know that I am still as always praying for you...I WON'T EVER forget!!! I will try and check back as often as I can till I get back to school... keep strong, my miracle boy!!

Endlessssssssss hugs & kisses,

Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 10:04 AM CDT
I Love the new pictures! He is the cutest kid with the warmest expression on his face and in his deep eyes. How can you not just want to give him a hug! I'm glad everyone had sooo much fun at Easter (parents included). Thanks for sharing it with us!
Colby's Friend
- Tuesday, April 22, 2003 8:41 AM CDT

The calendar spills days like sands
in an hourglass and each new morning
holds a promise in its hands...
Wishing you a wonderful day.

Love You Soooo Much,
Aunt Dee

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 1:02 AM CDT
Thanks for the incredible weekend at the Cole Ponderosa. It was an honor to meet your extended family and friends. What a party and your unequaled hospitality started upon our arrival and didn't stop until our departure. You even sent us home with leftovers from the party. Yum Yum. -- What are U doing next weekend?
Stuart, Dana, Kyle and Zackie <>
Whiting, NJ - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 0:28 AM CDT
**Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers always**

Lynn & Ashley
- Tuesday, April 22, 2003 0:07 AM CDT
Dear Coles,

I am back again... After my last entry, I have been reading the entire site, including the “guest book”. As I was reading the love and prayers that have been with you, I came upon my own. My first entry, only two months ago – wow! I feel as if I have been praying for a much longer time. I always pray that God be there with those I have forgotten. There, in that prayer, was you!

God bless!

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, April 21, 2003 10:25 PM CDT
Hi Colby.... WOW 250 eggs... whoooo... That is alot of eggs....I hope you had fun finding them....:) Good Luck on your tests... We will be praying for you.. :)
Jodie~ Lindsay's Place
- Monday, April 21, 2003 10:07 PM CDT
Dear Cole family,

Just sending a note to let you know we are praying and thinking of you this evening, as always.

We had our new office blessed today and prayed for, which was so wonderful, and yet please know I was - even then – praying for you to have blessings in your lives as well.

We are pulling hard and strong!

Love and God bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, April 21, 2003 9:11 PM CDT
Hi Colby,
I saw you in church on Sunday. It was the first time I had been back to New Salem in quite a while. I know there was a reason I felt the pull to visit there. I'm sending healing thoughts and prayers to you each night. I have my friends doing the same. Keep smiling and looking bright.

Molly Harbst <>
- Monday, April 21, 2003 8:51 PM CDT
It sure sounds like you all had a wonderful Easter together.
Prayers and positive thoughts are with you all.

NJ - Monday, April 21, 2003 8:35 PM CDT
All of our love to your family.

It sounds like you had a fantastic easter weekend.

Aili and Bryan <>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Monday, April 21, 2003 8:32 PM CDT
My friends and I are a part of something extraordinary, we are meant to share. Please accept our prayers and healing energy, we send to Colby and your beautiful family. Where there is Faith...there is a miracle waiting to happen.

Randi Dalfonzo <>
Saint Cloud , FL USA - Monday, April 21, 2003 8:23 PM CDT
Hi Colby...Just wanted to let you know how much fun I had at the party on Saturday. Your balloon hat was the coolest!!
Uniontown, - Monday, April 21, 2003 7:53 PM CDT
Well, that last update certainly was INTERESTING. I could tell several people had a hand in it. Sounds like it was a fun night and I hope the hunt went well as well as your Easter. God bless.

- Monday, April 21, 2003 7:16 PM CDT
Hi Guys! I hope your Easter was as exciting as mine. How are you feeling Colby? According to your mom's journal entries, sounds pretty good. That is what we like to hear. Well, everyone take care, you are in my thoughts.

jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa united states - Monday, April 21, 2003 2:29 PM CDT
Hello there and Happy Easter! It sounds like everyone had a great time! Its so nice to hear The Doctors got to visit our little corner of the world. It so reassuring to hear to many happy times just assures us of God's work. We'll be waiting patiently for 6 weeks to hear of yet another miracle for Colby and crew. Ohhh, the power of prayer and love! As Prayer and lots of hugs and kisses--The sickles
Fred, Kim, Brecken and Micah <>
Uniontown, PA - Monday, April 21, 2003 1:07 PM CDT
Sounds to me like there is a TON of FUN going on at the Cole Ponderosa. Hopefully we get some more updates with lots of fun info. I hope that the Easter bunny was good to everyone!! Colby, I prayed for you during Good Friday services and also on Easter Sunday. I know that God hears our prayers. Always are my HERO!! Hey buddy, you might need to keep on eye on your mom and Miss DANA, they sound like they might be "trouble" (of the best kind)!! Continue to have a blast....and I'll keep praying. Until next time........sending big hugs and love,
Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Monday, April 21, 2003 1:06 PM CDT
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter! Sounds like you had a great day before it. Sending lots of prayers for some GVHD and that miracle that Colby most definitely deserves.
Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Monday, April 21, 2003 7:50 AM CDT
Hi! Just wanted to wish you all a HAPPY EASTER and let you know that I am thinking about you. The pictures are GREAT! Loved your journal entry. Have fun!!
Bea <>
E, Pa - Sunday, April 20, 2003 9:25 PM CDT
Thanks for sharing Colby's and Cameron's special day with us. We had a great time. It was nice to meet the people we see and hear about on Colby's web site. Hope you guys had a great Easter today. Thanks again!!!!!
Debbie, Kari & David Myers <>
Miller Farm, PA USA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 8:36 PM CDT
Dear Cole family,

Happy Easter!

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful day yesterday with our family. We felt honored to be there with all of you. We had such a wonderful time and loved meeting all of you, especially Colby. Colby you are even more handsome in person.

In all of Faith’s three years of life, she never had more fun than she had yesterday at your home! Thanks again.

We continue our prayers.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 8:19 PM CDT
In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody & Greg & Riley <>
- Sunday, April 20, 2003 4:51 PM CDT
Jodie Summers..... <>
Arvin, California United States of America..."Pray for Our Troops" - Sunday, April 20, 2003 2:48 PM CDT
Thinking of you always, The Gates Family
Christina's Page (Leukemia AML)

Sherry <>
Lakeland, FL USA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 11:25 AM CDT
Happiest Easter Greetings to the entire Cole/Doctor clan. Have a great day.
- Sunday, April 20, 2003 9:59 AM CDT
Wishing you Easter Blessings! I love the pictures of the boys--so handsome! God Bless you all, you remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Eileen-Hugs and Hope Club Member
- Sunday, April 20, 2003 8:36 AM CDT
Cole Family,
We wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter and let you know that your family remains in our thoughts and prayers.

Barb Tomlinson - Joey's mom <>
Telford, PA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 8:32 AM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,

Happy Easter! It sounds as though you are having a fun filled weekend, how wonderful!! I love the pictures, the boys are so handsome. I love the Harley jackets, Amanda thinks they are so cool. Well, Happy Easter to all of you. We continue to keep you in our prayers. Our love to all of you. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Joe, Willie, Amanda and Olivia <>
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 6:59 AM CDT
I am all smile reading your journal... Have a wonderful Easter together...

Your JMML family,

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA USA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 2:35 AM CDT

EVERYONE at the Cole Ponderosa,

I am so glad that everyone had such a fun time yesterday! It was so nice to see so many smiles... Colby, Cameron, Zackie, and Kyle, I am so glad we go to play on Friday!!! You guys really know how to Boogy... It really stunk that I had to leave so early today, but I am so greatful for the time I DID get to spend with you all and for all the wonderful people that I got to meet. I was so heartwarming to know that sooooo many people love you ALL so much!! (But not more than me!!!)
Sleep well my little darlings and BIG darlings. SWEET DREAMS.

What-eeka <>
Buckhannon, WV - Sunday, April 20, 2003 1:37 AM CDT
Hi, it looks likr you had a really great day. Wishing you all a very happy Easter.
All my love

- Sunday, April 20, 2003 0:17 AM CDT
Hi Everyone!
Oh what a wonderful day together!
Thank you for including us. It was soooooo special!
Meeting new friends and placing faces with names warmed our hearts.
Colby, you trooper! You had an incredibly active day and once again shared with us what life is all about.
You are such a dear little soul.
We love you very much!
Jack, thank you for many laughs...I have some great pictures!
Laura, your smile radiates such positive energy along with your loving heart.
Cameron has to be exhausted! He was running right along side the whole day...such a doll baby!
Meeting the Doctor Family was a big highlight today.
Not just because who they are but because what they mean to you all. Truly a family who was meant to be in your lives!
God Bless all of you, our prayers stay stronger as each new day dawns.
All the smiles today lifted my spirit and shined my soul.
Thank you.
All our love,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!
P.S. Callahan still wants the baby llama...thanks a lot! :)

suzanne abel
- Saturday, April 19, 2003 11:53 PM CDT
I LOVE the new photos!! Colbys hair is coming in so nice, and the Harley jackets look so cute!! (Jeff is selling his Harley, think they'd be interested?? hee hee) The sandbox photo and surroundings look so inviting.....what a beautiful family you have.

Good talking to you all this evening.....short but sounded a little hectic! Hope you all got some good sleep!

Take care.

- Saturday, April 19, 2003 11:11 PM CDT
Dear Cole family, hope youall have a great Easter. Wishing you all the best. Our prayers are with you. I guess the youall is from living below the mason-dixon to loooooooooooooooooooooog . Happy Easter to always, tom and the gang from the beach.
tom vitz <>
va beach , va - Saturday, April 19, 2003 10:53 PM CDT
wish we were there!
- Saturday, April 19, 2003 9:51 PM CDT
Sounds like you guys are having a blast!! Have "one" glass of wine for me!

With love -

Rachel <>
- Saturday, April 19, 2003 7:47 PM CDT
Hello Cole family would like to wish you a very happy Easter, sending you loads of good wishes and tons of prayers for Colby, once again have a GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT EASTER.
sharon shields <>
London, England - Saturday, April 19, 2003 5:04 PM CDT
Hello Cole Family
Thank You....for allowing me to share a part of your beautiful day. Everything was wonderful. It was nice to meet Dana and put faces with the many journal entry stories.
May you have a wonderful and blessed Easter day. As always, you are in my thoughts and heart. Thanks Again!

Barbara Gismondi <>
Elco, PA `USA - Saturday, April 19, 2003 3:46 PM CDT

Watch closely in the days of your new life.
Notice the magic as it floats by,
catch some more rainbows for yourself.

Remember that even when you do
everything exactly right,
some bubbles burst
and that even when you make mistakes,
other bubbles, for reasons none of us
will ever know, transform into treasures.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, April 19, 2003 3:36 PM CDT

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

- Saturday, April 19, 2003 3:08 PM CDT
Hey! Glad to hear things went well. I will definitely be continuing to lift you up in prayer. Blessings to you and lots of love and hugs.
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC, - Saturday, April 19, 2003 10:29 AM CDT
Good Morning!!!
See you soon raccoons...or should I say bunnies!?
Looking forward to the fun afternoon with everyone.
Big and little kids will sleep well tonight!!!!!!!!! :)
Great journal entry...our prayers will be answered!
Just wish I could have been jumping with everyone in
the castle. Instead I was baking cookies.
Our love to all and we can't wait to meet the Doctor Family!
Hugs to all, see you real soon!!!!
XO Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan

suzanne abel
- Saturday, April 19, 2003 9:38 AM CDT
Dear Coles and Doctors

I'm happy to hear that the Coles made it back safe and sound from Philly and the Doctors arrived in Uniontown safe and sound. It sounds like this week-end is going to be a memorable one!! The chickens must be exhausted from laying all the Easter Eggs!! Tell them to take next week off ....Kiss all the animals in the barn!!! and special grandma and grandpa kisses for Colby Cameron Kyle and Zachary. Have a Happy Easter....Pray for good health and God Bless you all.


MONROE TWP, NJ USA - Saturday, April 19, 2003 8:39 AM CDT
Hello Coles (and Doctors!!)

I was just going to check in before my run to see if you posted about the DLI and arrival of the Doctor family, and I found more than I was looking for!! Wow!! Seems we are missing out on a lot of fun! Dana, I hope you and your crew enjoy your ?first? Easter egg hunt and your visit with the Coles.....hope you are sharing extra hugs with them from all of us. Laura, having a little trouble with your bladder?? LOL.....seriously though, I am praying for good results this time from the DLI, and hoping for a little GVHd.....not too much, cuz that can be a real headache too, but just enough to induce graft vs. leukemia.

I think about you all, all the time, even if I don't call or write all the time.....sending hugs to you ALL (Doctors included) and hoping you enjoy your visit.


Nicolette (or better known to you guys as Niki) <>
- Saturday, April 19, 2003 8:18 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know that Im still checking on you guys and praying on a daily basis. Looks like your family is gearing up for an awesome Easter holiday. Have a wonderful Holiday weekend. God Bless and Keep! Love, Treys Aunt Kathy
Kathy Whitt <>
nc - Saturday, April 19, 2003 6:09 AM CDT
Cole family
Have a blessed Easter!
Praying always!

Dell, mt - Saturday, April 19, 2003 1:39 AM CDT
Dearest Jack, Laura, Cameron & precioussss Colby!!

Hey guys!! Just wanted to come by and wish you all a HAPPY EASTER!!!!!! I know you guys are just gonna have so much fun with the Doctors! Colby, sweetie, promise me you'll play your heart out and eat your heart out!!! Go crazy with those chocolate eggs!!!! mmmmMMMmMMMmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep strong, sweetie!!! Thinking of you always..

Easter hugs & kisses,

Melbourne, Australia - Saturday, April 19, 2003 0:19 AM CDT
Hi there. Just stopping to say hello and see how the DLI went. Still praying hard here. Blessings to you and Happy Easter.
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC, - Friday, April 18, 2003 10:35 PM CDT
Dear Coles,

I hope and pray this note finds you well.

Tomorrow is going to be such a wonderful time! We wish we could be there, but we are still sick and do not want to bring illness your way. Please have the greatest day!

We are so proud of you Colby! We love you so very much and pray for you many times a day. You are such the hero that we all want to be. Your mommy, daddy and brother love you more than mere words can express.

May God’s love be with you!

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, April 18, 2003 10:01 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family and that is the whole Cole family that I know. Hope you all have a happy Easter. Have been wondering about this big haired docter. Hope to see a picture soon. Hope you all have a happy and fun Easter. Hope the weather is good. Always in our thoughts and prayers. As always, love Tom and the gang at the beach.
Tom Vitz <>
Va. Beach, vA - Friday, April 18, 2003 9:42 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family and that is the whole Cole family that I know. Hope you all have a happy Easter. Have been wondering about this big haired docter. Hope to see a picture soon. Hope you all have a happy and fun Easter. Hope the weather is good. Always in our thoughts and prayers. As always, love Tom and the gang at the beach.
Tom Vitz <>
Va. Beach, vA - Friday, April 18, 2003 9:42 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family and that is the whole Cole family that I know. Hope you all have a happy Easter. Have been wondering about this big haired docter. Hope to see a picture soon. Hope you all have a happy and fun Easter. Hope the weather is good. Always in our thoughts and prayers. As always, love Tom and the gang at the beach.
Tom Vitz <>
Va. Beach, vA - Friday, April 18, 2003 9:42 PM CDT
Have a blessed Easter...You are in our thoughts and prayers!!

Visit Davin's Web Page

God Bless!!
The Rucker Family

Rushell, Shauna, Davin, & Tuesdey <>
Garland, TX USA - Friday, April 18, 2003 9:10 PM CDT
To the Cole's and Doctor's.......

A very HAPPY EASTER to each and every one of you!!

God Bless you all.

Love and (((((((HUGS)))))

- Friday, April 18, 2003 7:00 PM CDT
To ALL Coles - big and small:
Thanks to Jack for sharing "He's My Son" with all of us at Church last night. It helped all of us to feel closer to you - and to God. We wait with you for medical news - but we hope and pray that God still has work for Colby here with us. Hey! Have a super day with the Easter Bunny and the animals and the food and the people and the fun --- We love you and so does God, even though we may not always understand how that love works. Keeping positive thoughts. Grace and peace -

Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell and family <>
Jeannette, PA - Friday, April 18, 2003 5:11 PM CDT
Colby, Cameron, Mom & Dad,
Have a wonderful Easter weekend full of fun and laughter with your dear friends the Docktors. Hope we get to see you all in church Sunday. I'm praying harder and harder for you, Colby - our "Miracle Boy!" Love, Pat

Pat <>
New Salem, PA USA - Friday, April 18, 2003 3:57 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family, Hope youall have a happy Easter.In our thoughts and prayers. as always Tom and the rest of the beach gang.
Tom Vitz <>
Va. Beach, Va - Friday, April 18, 2003 3:57 PM CDT

Just want to stop by and wish you all ……..

We continue to pray for a miracle with DLI.

The Nguyen Family
denver, co - Friday, April 18, 2003 3:35 PM CDT
wishing the entire Cole and Doctor family a wonderful weekend. You guys deserve only the best.
- Friday, April 18, 2003 2:05 PM CDT
Anxiously waiting for news. We are here everyday checking in and you all are in or thoughts daily.
Nathan Jankowski (
Fresno, CA - Friday, April 18, 2003 2:05 PM CDT
Dear Colby, Laura, Jack, and Cameron,
We are praying very hard for your family and hoping everything goes well with the DLI. Colby, I was so happy to see you on Sunday in church. You and Cameron looked so cute. Have a great Easter.

Love, Albert, Roxanne, Allyson, Paul, and Arianne

Allyson Gmutza
New Salem, PA USA - Friday, April 18, 2003 12:23 AM CDT
Praying that yesterday went well as scheduled. I will check back. Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Friday, April 18, 2003 11:03 AM CDT

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail,
Hippity hoppin', Easter's on its way

Bringin' ev'ry girl and boy
A basketful of Easter joy
Things to make your Easter bright and gay

He's got jelly beans for COLBY
Colored eggs for BROTHER CAMERON
There's an orchid for your mommy
And an Easter bonnet too. Oh!

Here' comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity Happy Easter Day

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail,
Hippity hoppin', Easter's on its way

Bringin' ev'ry girl and boy
A basketful of Easter joy
Things to make your Easter bright and gay

You'll wake up on Easter morning
And you'll know that he was there
When you find those choc'late bunnies
That he's hiding ev’rywhere, Oh!

Here' comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity Happy Easter Day.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, April 18, 2003 10:55 AM CDT


For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.
The kingdom of this world
Has become the kingdom of our Lord,
and of His Christ;
And He shall reign for ever and ever.
King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

* * *
"Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,
and that He was buried, and that He rose again
the third day according to the Scriptures."
I Corinthians 15:3-4
"Happy Easter!"


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, April 18, 2003 10:46 AM CDT
To Colby & Family,
I hope things are going well for you. You are in my prayers. Have a wonderful and blessed Easter. Take care and God Bless.

Chuson (
Arlington, TX USA - Friday, April 18, 2003 9:43 AM CDT
Hi all.....adding my prayers to all the others LOUD AND CLEAR!
- Friday, April 18, 2003 9:00 AM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,
Laura and Colby, we hope you are now home safe and sound. Today must have been very long for all of you and the days and weeks to follow will seem long as well as you wait for results. Please know that God is always with you...He hears our prayers and they are very, very loud! Happy Easter!
All our love and prayers,
Todd, Meg, and Parker

Radolec <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, April 17, 2003 11:05 PM CDT
I know that you felt surrounded by love and prayer today.
So many caring souls are out there for you and your family.
We love you Colby, Cameron, Laura and Jack.
I'm sure today has been a very long day for you all.
Home safe and sound now, snuggled together, we pray.
"Dear Lord we beg you for sweet Colby to be stronger and regain the healthy life that you once gave him. The lessons you have taught us all, have made each and every one of us value life so preciously. Tenderly we hug friends new and old alike, as we all ask for Colby's new life here with us".
This morning we cried with the rain and tonight the suns rays made us smile...
Our love to all, see you soooooo soon! :)
From our hearts with endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!
Doctor Family please have a safe journey! We're all so excited to meet you Colby's Guardian Angel!

suzanne abel
- Thursday, April 17, 2003 10:16 PM CDT
Thinking of you all and sending prayers Colby's way. I hope all went well today!!

Jan <>
Glendale, WI - Thursday, April 17, 2003 10:00 PM CDT
Dear Cole family,

My husband, Tom, and I have just risen from our knees in a prayer for Colby, Jack, Laura and Cameron. All of you individually, but the focus was on Colby. As the scripture goes, “When two or more are gathered in his name..” We have been pleading for the blood of Christ to envelop dear Colby and give him time here with us on earth. We expressed the need for Colby to be healed and stay with a healthy human body this day and for a very long time to come. We prayed that there was something special this time around for Colby.

Laura and Colby, I hope your trip home was safe and UNEVENTFUL!!!! Laura, you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, yet you are a one in a ten million moms! You are the example that the rest of us try to be! I have compassion and love for you beyond words. Colby needs you and you have given him all of yourself, without fail.

Jack, I really appreciated your call today. I am so consumed with your little boy and know every phone call, journal entry and email pulls you away from your precious time with your family. Thank you for the update. Please be assured that I cannot do a lot for you, but pray - I do so very earnestly as if Colby were my own. Your love for Colby and your family is astounding.

Cameron, I know you love your big brother so much, so you keep making him PLAY, PLAY and PLAY. You give your brother so much joy just by being his little brother! You seem to do so well! God bless you little one!

I am with all of you in thought, spirit and prayer. Expect a miracle. God is with you Coles!

Praise you Jesus! We know you are here! Claim victory in his name.

Much love and prayers.

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, April 17, 2003 9:29 PM CDT
Hi Everyone,
It has been a while since I have been here. I have been really busy with my grandsons these past few weeks.Yes I am up late. Never up this late for a long time. Just can't sleep. I just took a peak at your pictures Colby. Your hair sure is coming back quick. Thats good. You really look good. You are so handsome. Love the harley jackets.
So you are having some company this weekend I hear. Well enjoy your holiday family. I am praying for you. May you have a very blessed,safe,and happy Easter.
May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, April 17, 2003 8:46 PM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron:

Hope everything went well today for Colby. Our thoughts were with you continuously and our prayers never end. We are praying harder than ever for Colby's complete recovery. Hope your journey home is safe. Have a Blessed Easter! Jack and Laura, please give the boys hugs and kisses for us. Our love to all of you. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Joe, Willie, Amanda & Olivia <jaman@lcsys>
Uniontown, PA - Thursday, April 17, 2003 7:21 PM CDT
Hey guys!...See ya in 16 hours (give or take).
Love you,
The Doctor Crew

Dana heading west Doctor
- Thursday, April 17, 2003 7:11 PM CDT
Hey there Coles, I am glad to see that you are keeping the faith and keeping your spirits up. We are all praying for you guys. I hope that what Amie & I set out to do with the Adopt A Kids Site is working, and you have more people praying for you and visiting your site. I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy & Healthy & Blessed Easter and let you know your son is in SO many peoples thoughts and prayers......!!

~ Gooch's Site ~ * * ~ Adopt A Kid's site ~
- Thursday, April 17, 2003 5:24 PM CDT
Praying for a miracle for Colby today. One of the other guestbook entries stated that if we pray hard enought & loud enough we're sure to be heard....Let me tell you, my entire family is very loud & we're all praying right now for you.
Eileen Spratt (Jackie Roth's Aunt Bea) <>
Eureka, mo - Thursday, April 17, 2003 4:12 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
I am praying that the DLI today is a success and Colby will not only receive the DLI, but the miracle he so deserves. Please Lord, only through YOU can Colby beat this JMML monster that invades his body, remove this awful disease from him and let him keep smiling his precious smile and playing with his precious brother, cousins and friends. I know Colby is in God's hands and God will continue to care for him in an awesome way.
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester/St. Louis, MO - Thursday, April 17, 2003 2:12 PM CDT
DLI day is here. I will be holding you with special prayers today. God Bless.
Nancy Dumas
Bonney Lake, WA - Thursday, April 17, 2003 12:47 AM CDT
Hi Colby! Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Easter and to tell you to stay strong and stay smiling because you are very much loved! *HUGS*

Angel of the Forest, Simply Enchanting Angels ( <>
- Thursday, April 17, 2003 12:32 AM CDT
Lord hear our PRAYER...............PLEASE, Lord I am on my knees!
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, Pa USA - Thursday, April 17, 2003 11:48 AM CDT
Thinking of you always...and praying harder than ever!
With much love, faith and hope,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

jamie velosky <>
new salem, pa - Thursday, April 17, 2003 10:58 AM CDT
Just dropping by to say hi...please know that I check in every day it has just been really crazy around here since we have all of our children here and they told us we can go home :):):):):):) NEVER A DULL MOMENT, I tell ya! You are in our prayers...
In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody & Greg & Riley & Jeremy & Marina <>
- Thursday, April 17, 2003 9:56 AM CDT
We continue to pray for another miracle. And we are praying especially hard today as you are at CHOP. Have a wonderful Easter and enjoy the Doctor's visit this weekend. How wonderful to have them come to visit...during this difficult time you have found such terrific friends in them and they are now part of your extended family forever. Big hugs to all of you.
Our love and prayers always,
Todd,Meg, and Parker

Radolecs <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, April 17, 2003 9:49 AM CDT
Hi Colby and family,
I hope all is well, you are in my prayers and thoughts. I sure hope you have a GREAT Easter. Take care.

Jennifer Wayne <>
Brownsville, pa U.S.A. - Thursday, April 17, 2003 8:27 AM CDT
I'm to young to march in the infat tree
Ride on calary shoot thee aretilery
Fly on the enemy because I'm In the lords army.

someone who cares
- Thursday, April 17, 2003 7:59 AM CDT
Dear Colby, Mommy, Daddy and Camreon

I pray that everything goes well at CHOP today and JMML will be a thing of the past.

I'm sure you are looking forward to this week-end and the invasion of the DOCTORS!! Have a wonderful fun filled Easter with lots of presents from the Easter Bunny...

GOD bless all of you!


Arlene and Seymour Zwick and Zoe too
Monroe Twp, NJ good ole USA - Thursday, April 17, 2003 7:19 AM CDT
I feel like God led me to your caringbridge site so that I could pray for fellow Harley Davidson dudes!
My name is Jerri and my husband is Ron. We have a healthy 6 year-old grandson, Kaden, who is as much into Harleys as his PaPa and NaNa are. He has a red motorized Harley and races around the yard as fast as it will go. I am sure you and Cameron have great times playing in the yard, too, don't you?
Kaden prays with me daily and we will hold you and your family up in prayer often.
Tell your Daddy that he wrote beautiful poems on your site. We have such a loving God that I know you will be healed soon, honey.
Your story tears at my heartstrings and I wish I could take the nasty cancer away from you and all of the pain, too.
Jesus loves you and so do we.
Have a blessed Easter.
Love from one Harley family to another!! My husband Ron, teaches motorcycle safety for the H-D motor company all over America. We are great enthusiasts. Even more though, we are enthusiasts of the Lords army, too.

Jerri McKinley and Kaden Mellema <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 10:19 PM CDT

DUNBAR, P USA - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 9:58 PM CDT

Caller ID

Isn't it amazing how God works in our lives! On a Saturday night several weeks ago, this pastor was working late, and decided to call his wife before he left for home. It was about 10:00 PM, but his wife didn't answer the phone. The pastor let it ring many times. He thought it was odd that she didn't answer, but decided to wrap up a few things and try again in a few minutes. When he tried again she answered right away. He asked her why she hadn't answered before, and she said that it hadn't rung at their house.

They brushed it off as a fluke and went on their merry ways. The following Monday, the pastor received a call at the church office, which was the phone that he'd used that Saturday night. The man that he spoke with wanted to know why he'd called on Saturday night. The pastor couldn't figure out what the man was talking about. Then the man said, "It rang and rang, but I didn't answer." The pastor remembered the mishap and apologized for disturbing him, explaining that he'd intended to call his wife.

The man said, "That's OK. Let me tell you my story. You see, I was planning to commit suicide on Saturday night, but before I did, I prayed, 'God if you're there, and you don't want me to do this, give me a sign now.' At that point my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID, and it said, 'Almighty God'. I was afraid to answer!"

The reason why it showed on the man's caller ID that the call came from "Almighty God" is because the church that the pastor attends is called Almighty God Tabernacle!!

If you believe that God answers prayers then pass this on.





JWrighr <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 9:53 PM CDT
Ready for a miracle??? I will be praying hard tomorrow for this DLI to forever rid Colby of JMML...everyone joining in? If we pray hard enough and LOUD enough we WILL be heard.

Dana going to Uniontown in 2 days Doctor
- Wednesday, April 16, 2003 9:09 PM CDT
Hi Colby! Just wanted to check in and say hello to the coolest little guy! Sending you smiles and hugs!

Danielle <>
Long Island, NY United States - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 9:08 PM CDT
Hope all goes well tomorrow- sending lots of prayers and hugs your way!!

Holli (mom to Hannah)
- Wednesday, April 16, 2003 9:06 PM CDT
Dear Colby, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We pray that God will cover you with his love. Tom
Tom Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 7:55 PM CDT
Dear Colby,

Happy Easter Colby. Merry Christmas. Happy Birthday. I am praying for you tonight. And I want to marry a prince!


(This is exactly what Faith, three years old, wanted to say to Colby before going to bed.)

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 7:52 PM CDT
We are praying for another miracle for dear sweet Colby. Please have a safe trip to CHOP. We are praying that the DLI has something special this time that will change everything for you.

One this eve of a wonderful second chance, please let me leave you with this:


The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for His name's sake.

Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the
Lord forever.

Psalm 23

Mush love to all of you this evening.

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 7:20 PM CDT
Tomorrow is DLI day. I pray that you and Colby have a safe and less eventful trip to CHOP (no more pile up's that make the news in the pacific northwest, please!).
...Keeping all of you in my prayers,

Nancy Dumas
Bonney Lake, WA - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 6:32 PM CDT
TWO MORE DAYS!!! Did you paint me some easter eggs yet??? Or do I have to put in an order with the Easter Bunny!

See you in 48 hours my little men!!!
Have a safe trip tomorrow, drive safe Laura God will be with you as he ALWAYS is!

Jessica What-eeeka
Buckhannon, WV - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 5:55 PM CDT
Jodie Summers..... <>
Arvin, California United States of America..."Pray for Our Troops" - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 5:33 PM CDT
Just checking up on your little soldier. Prayers are still going up from here every day for your entire family!!!!
I hope tomorrow is a beautiful day! God bless

Ironton, Oh - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 5:12 PM CDT
Just stopping by to check on you and to let you know that I am praying for you guys. Blessings!
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 5:10 PM CDT
Hoping and praying that tomorrow's DLI brings another miracle for you all.
Have a blessed Easter.

Jenny Sterner <>
Colts Neck,, NJ - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 2:36 PM CDT
Just checking on Colby and you guys for any news. I will continue to visit every single day :)
Can you do me a favor? Visit an AML buddy of Katia's? His link is on Katia's page. He is 17 months old, Jalen is his name. His mom is Jeanette. Jalen is not doing at all well right now and his mommy could really use some good words. Thank you so much. Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Wednesday, April 16, 2003 1:08 PM CDT

"God Speaking"
...with GOD, all things are possible
Matthew 19:26

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 12:58 AM CDT
Flourished With Love

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men
with long white beards sitting in her front yard.
She did not recognize them.

She said "I don't think I know you,
but you must be hungry.
Please come in and have something to eat."

"Is the man of the house home?", they asked.

"No", she replied. "He's out."

"Then we cannot come in", they replied.

In the evening when her husband came home,
she told him what had happened.

"Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"

The woman went out and invited the men in"

"We do not go into a House together," they replied.

"Why is that?" she asked.

One of the old men explained: "
His name is Wealth," he said pointing to
one of his friends, and said pointing to
another one, "He is Success, and I am
Love." Then he added, "Now go in and
discuss with your husband which one
of us you want in your home."

The woman went in and told her husband
what was said. Her husband was overjoyed.
"How nice!!", he said.
"Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth.
Let him come
and fill our home with wealth!"

His wife disagreed. "My dear,
why don't we invite Success?"

Their daughter-in-law was listening from the
other corner of the house. She jumped in with her
own suggestion:
"Would it not be better to invite Love?
Our home will then be filled with love!"

"Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice,
" said the husband to his wife.
"Go out and invite Love
to be our guest."

The woman went out and asked the 3 old men,
"Which one of you is Love?
Please come in and be our guest."

Love got up and started walking toward the house.
The other 2 also got up and followed him. Surprised,
the lady asked Wealth and Success: "I only invited Love,
Why are you coming in?"

The old men replied together: "If you had invited Wealth
or Success, the other two of us would've stayed out, but
since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him.
Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!"

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 12:32 AM CDT
We continue to pray that the blessings of our Lord be upon you. Colby's recovery occupies our daily thoughts. We send you our wishes for a joyous Easter celebration. And once again...we don't know any family quite like the Cole family. There is no word in the English language to describe how special all of you are...

Praying our mightiest prayers,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 12:26 AM CDT

May each day in the week be a good day
May the Lord always watch over you
And may all of your hopes turn to wishes
And may all of your wishes come true.

May each day in the month be a good day
May you make friends with each one you meet
And may all of your daydreams be memories
And may all of your memories be sweet.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 10:55 AM CDT
Colby James,
The Easter Bunny will be here soon! May the promise of Easter help you and your family and give you some added strength that you so deserve. God bless.

- Wednesday, April 16, 2003 9:20 AM CDT
Hey Colby Buddy,
Just wanted to let you know that I was here and I'm continuing to pray for you each day. You are such an awesome fighter -- are my HERO!! I love you Colby! God bless you all. With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 9:01 AM CDT
Hello Cole Family
I've been busy with the Vignalis and haven't had a chance to check in. The General keeps me informed though. I hear you have some fish at your house now and that you are planning a really nice Easter party. Hope your day is as beautiful as those two boys!!!! As always, you are in my thoughts and my heart. Enjoy and Take Care

Barbara Gismondi <>
Elco, PA USA - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 10:45 PM CDT
Dear Coles,

God is with you this beautiful evening and has his blessed arms around you. May you find comfort in his love. Your family is blessed by his constant care. Colby is the voice of what we all are supposed to be. He is so perfect, in all ways. He has knowledge beyond his youth and our comprehension. WOW!!!

Please know that my prayers are constant and unwavering.

Much love,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 10:08 PM CDT
Thinking of you all tonight....and sending our love and prayers. May your Easter weekend be very blessed!
Michelle and Mike Espeseth & family
- Tuesday, April 15, 2003 9:09 PM CDT

Ok... so THREE more days and 2000 things to do... but all that matters is that when I get threw it I get to see YOU!!!
Sending Hugs, Kisses, Tickles, and Head Jiggles...

Hey Colbster... Any CURLS yet???


Jessica What-eeeka <>
Buckhannon, WV - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 8:22 PM CDT
We just want you to know that our prayers will be with Colby as he undergoes his treatment on Thursday.
Bob and Lorraine
McClellandtown, Pa - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 7:03 PM CDT
Hey Colby,

Just checking in and saying hi. We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong!!


Lynn <>
Ironton, OH - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 6:29 PM CDT


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 2:58 PM CDT


"I just know everything that has ever happened in my life, whether it was good or bad, glad or sad, God sent it for a reason, and I truly believe with all my heart that God never makes mistakes. I never question what God sends, for I realize, when you question God, you lose the unquestionable power of trust and you no longer can enjoy its endless benefits. There is nothing I need know or even try to understand if I place myself completely in God's great and mighty hands."


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 2:48 PM CDT
Hello dear sweet Colby. I hope this week finds you having a wonderful time! The Easter Bunny is coming very soon and I heard from one of his helpers that he is really looking forward to filling your Easter basket! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington,, PA - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 1:53 PM CDT
Hi all: I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter. Colby and Cameron have fun at the Easter Egg Hunt. My prayers are with you all.
Carol Elvin
Pittsburgh, PA - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 12:07 AM CDT
Hello Cole Family! Hope you're enjoying the sunshine. We're continuing to pray hard! Hugs and Kisses to all!
The Sickles-Fred, Kim, Brecken and Micah <>
Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 10:56 AM CDT
I just viewed your page.I will be keeping you all in my prayers.I am not to good with words and really don't know how to express what I felt when I read your page.Your are a terrific child and with Gods help you will be a great man someday.
pam haddix <>
oh - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 10:54 AM CDT
Just dropping in to wish you a happy and blessed Easter. You are in my thought and prayers.

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 1:31 AM CDT
ONLY 4 MORE DAYS!!! Till I get to see those BEAUTIFUL smiles... I can't wait to HUG YOU HUG YOU HUG YOU!!!!!
Sweet Dreams guys... sleep well.


Jessica What-eeka <>
Buckhannon till Friday , WV - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 1:12 AM CDT
My sweet Colby!!!

I hope you are all snuggled up nice and warm in your bed right now!!! Just wanted to check in on you, sweetie.. been thinking of you and praying for you! I hope you have a GRRREAT, FUN-FILLED day tomorrow...all of your toys are just waiting for you to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY with them!! Hang in there, my miracle boy...

Forever praying for you,

Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 0:47 AM CDT
I am so happy to hear you are all enjoying your time together! You so deserve it!! You are never far from my thoughts and always in our prayers. Colby Cole you are one special little man!!! We all love you sweetie pie and you too Cameron! Take care Cole's and always remember how much you are thought of and loved!

Michele, Ryan's mom <>
Hebron, Ky USA! - Monday, April 14, 2003 11:07 PM CDT
I'm glad the boys are having some fun. We're praying hard for Colby. Dede
D. Roth <>
Cape Girardeau, MO - Monday, April 14, 2003 3:42 PM CDT
You are giving him the BEST treatment besides all your LOVE. He will get better - medicine is surprising us everyday - other options will come out for Colby and other kids. Keep your spirits UP. Kisses from Brazil.
- Monday, April 14, 2003 2:47 PM CDT
An Angel Story...

Do you have someone watching over you?

On July 22nd I was en route to Washington, DC for a business trip. It was all so very ordinary, until we landed in Denver for a plane change. As I collected my belongings from the overhead bin, an announcement was made for Mr. Lloyd Glenn to see the United Customer Service Representative immediately.

I thought nothing of it until I reached the door to leave the plane, and I heard a gentleman asking every male if they were Mr. Glenn. At this point I knew something was
wrong and my heart sunk. When I got off the plane a solemn-faced young man came toward me and said, "Mr. Glenn, there is an emergency at your home. I do not know what the emergency is, or who is involved, but I will take you to
the phone so you can call the hospital." My heart was now pounding, but the will to be calm took over.

Woodenly, I followed this stranger to the distant telephone where I called the number he gave me for the Mission Hospital. My call was put through to the trauma center
where I learned that my three-year-old son had been trapped underneath the automatic garage door for several minutes, and that when my wife had found him he was dead. CPR had been performed by a neighbor, who is a doctor, and the paramedics had continued the treatment as Brian was
transported to the hospital.

By the time of my call, Brian was revived and they believed he would live, but they did not know how much damage had been done to his brain, nor to his heart. They explained
that the door had completely closed on his little sternum right over his heart. He had been severely crushed.

After speaking with the medical staff, my wife sounded worried but not hysterical, and I took comfort in her calmness. The return flight seemed to last forever, but finally I arrived at the hospital six hours after the garage door had come down.

When I walked into the intensive care unit, nothing could have prepared me to see my little son laying so still
on a great big bed with tubes and monitors everywhere. He was on a respirator. I glanced at my wife who stood and
tried to give me a reassuring smile.

It all seemed like a terrible dream. I was filled-in with the details and given a guarded prognosis. Brian was going
to live, and the preliminary tests indicated that his heart was OK, two miracles in one and of themselves. But only time would tell if his brain received any damage.

Throughout the seemingly endless hours, my wife was calm. She felt that Brian would eventually be all right. I hung
on to her words and faith like a lifeline. All that night
and the next day Brian remained unconscious. It seemed
like forever since I had left for my business trip
the day before.

Finally at two o'clock that afternoon, our son regained consciousness and sat up uttering the most beautiful
words I have ever heard spoken. He said, "Daddy hold me" and he reached for me with his little arms.

By the next day he was pronounced as having no neurological or physical deficits, and the story of his miraculous survival spread throughout the hospital. You cannot imagine
how we felt as we took Brian home. We felt a unique reverence for the life and love of our Heavenly Father
that comes to those who brush death so closely.

In the days that followed there was a special spirit about our home.

Our two older children were much closer to their little brother. My wife and I were much closer to each other, and all of us were very close as a whole family. Life took on a less stressful pace. Perspective seemed to be focused,
and balance much easier to gain and maintain.
We felt deeply blessed. Our gratitude was truly profound.

The story is not over (smile)! Almost a month later to the day of the accident, Brian awoke from his afternoon nap and said, "Sit down Mommy. I have something to tell you."
At this time in his life, Brian usually spoke in small phrases, so to say a large sentence surprised my wife. She sat down with him on his bed, and he began his sacred and remarkable story.

"Do you remember when I got stuck under the garage door? Well, it was so heavy and it hurt really bad. I called to you, but you couldn't hear me. I started to cry, but
then it hurt too bad. And then the 'birdies' came."

"The birdies?" my wife asked puzzled. "Yes," he replied. "The birdies made a whooshing sound and flew into the garage. They took care of me." "They did?"

"Yes," he said. "one of the birdies came and got you. She came to tell you I got stuck under the door." A sweet reverent feeling filled the room. The spirit was so strong
and yet lighter than air. My wife realized that a three-year-old had no concept of death and spirits, so he was referring to the beings who came to him from beyond
as "birdies" because they were up in the air like birds that fly.

"What did the birdies look like?" she asked. Brian answered, "They were so beautiful. They were dressed in white, all white. Some of them had green and white. But some of them had on just white."

"Did they say anything?" "Yes," he answered.
"They told me the baby would be all right."
"The baby?" my wife asked confused. Brian answered. "The baby laying on the garage floor." He went on, "You came out and opened the garage door and ran to the baby. You told
the baby to stay and not leave."

My wife nearly collapsed upon hearing this, for she had indeed gone and knelt beside Brian's body and seeing his crushed chest whispered, "Don't leave us Brian, please stay if you can."

As she listened to Brian telling her the words she had spoken, she realized that the spirit had left his body and was looking down from above on this little lifeless form. "Then what happened?" she asked. "We went on a trip," he said, "Far, far away." He grew agitated trying to say the things he didn't seem to have the words for. My wife tried to calm and comfort him, and let him know it would be okay. He struggled with wanting to tell something that obviously was very important to him, but finding the words was difficult.

"We flew so fast up in the air. They're so pretty Mommy," he added. "And there are lots and lots of birdies."

My wife was stunned. Into her mind the sweet comforting spirit enveloped her more soundly, but with an urgency she had never before known. Brian went on to tell her that the
"birdies" had told him that he had to come back and tell everyone about the "birdies."

He said they brought him back to the house and that a big fire truck, and an ambulance were there. A man was bringing the baby out on a white bed and he tried to tell the man
that the baby would be okay, but the man couldn't hear him. He said the birdies told him he had to go with the ambulance, but they would be near him. He said they were
so pretty and so peaceful, and he didn't want to come back.

Then the bright light came. He said that the light was so bright and so warm, and he loved the bright light so much. Someone was in the bright light and put their arms
around him, and told him, "I love you but you have to go back.

You have to play baseball, and tell everyone about the birdies. "Then the person in the bright light kissed him and waved bye-bye. Then whoosh, the big sound came and
they went into the clouds.

The story went on for an hour. He taught us that "birdies" were always with us, but we don't see them because we
look with our eyes and we don't hear them because we listen with our ears. But they are always there, you can only see
them in here (he put his hand over his heart). They whisper the things to help us to do what is right because they
love us so much.

Brian continued, stating, "I have a plan, Mommy. You have a plan.Daddy has a plan. Everyone has a plan. We must all
live our plan and keep our promises. The birdies help us to do that cause they love us so much."

In the weeks that followed, he often came to us and told all, or part of it, again and again. Always the story
remained the same. The details were never changed or out
of order. A few times he added further bits of information and clarified the message he had already delivered. It
never ceased to amaze us how he could tell such detail and speak beyond his ability when he talked about his birdies.

Everywhere he went, he told strangers about the "birdies."
Surprisingly, no one ever looked at him strangely when he did this. Rather, they always got a softened look on
their face and smiled. Needless to say, we have not been
the same ever since that day, and I pray we never will be.



JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, April 14, 2003 1:36 PM CDT
Dear Cole family, All our thoughts and prayers with you guys. love from the gang at the beach. as always. Tom
Tom Vitz <>
va. beach, va - Monday, April 14, 2003 12:35 AM CDT
Not Just a Cross...

Silhouetted on a hillside long ago stood a wooden cross ... but somehow it was not JUST a cross ... for it was the altar where love gave all.

Vertical and horizontal in its design ... the vertical deep into the soil ... and yet reaching towards the heavens...proclaiming a message with extended arms ... arms that had touched the very arms of God...transforming the wooden cross into a beacon of hope...of live eternal... a beacon that someday would touch millions of lives.

Not just a cross anymore...for this source of death transformed by the essence of all love had become the symbol of love, of healing, of peace...

And thousands of years later amid the rubble of the Twin Towers, the brave men would pull forth from the ashes ... another of steel. And as they lifted it up from the ruins, mankind was once again touched to the core of their souls by the sight of the cross. For once again in the midst of the deepest sorrow the human heart could bear ... the cross reminded us...

What men had constructed for evil, God used to bring love, hope and healing.
The very thing they thought would destroy the King of Kings had only served to bring redemption for all mankind.

And on the day when the evil men sought to destroy what American stood for ... the cross once again gave forth a message and reminded us all of another cross...another time ... and made us stronger, more determined and more united than ever before.

And the message it gave...
Love still conquers all...
Love never fails...
Our faith still lives...
And love wins after all!

May this Easter draw us closer we celebrate life, hope and a love that gave all.



JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, April 14, 2003 12:17 AM CDT

There once was a little girl who had a bad temper. Her
mother gave her a bag of nails and told her that every
time she lost her temper, she must hammer a nail into
the back of the fence.

The first day the girl had driven 37 nails into
the fence. Over the next few weeks, as she learned
to control her anger, the number of nails gradually
dwindled down.

She discovered it was easier to hold her temper than
to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the
day came when the girl didn't lose her temper at all.

She told her mother about it and the mother suggested
that the girl now pull out one nail for
each day that she was able to hold her temper.

The days passed and the young girl was finally
able to tell her mother that all the nails were gone.
The mother took her daughter by the hand and led
her to the fence.

She said, "You have done well, my daughter, but look at
the holes in the fence. The fence will never be
the same. When you say things in anger, they leave
a scar just like this one."

You can put a knife in a person and draw it out.
It won't matter how many times you say I'm
sorry, the wound is still there.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, April 14, 2003 12:02 AM CDT

"Each day is a gift... seek to live it in the best way possible ... capture the beauty of the sunrise in your heart.... Listen to the sounds of love all around you ... watch the children ... they seem to know the secret of cherishing days ... and always remember you are living your destiny ... and lastly ... think about it...

God trusted you with this day ... make it count!

Many blessings to you,

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, April 14, 2003 11:26 AM CDT
Your family is always on my mind; I'm praying hard for all of you. I'm so glad you are having so much fun together. Stay strong and keep the faith!
Pam Lahr, mother of Shanna
- Monday, April 14, 2003 11:19 AM CDT
Hey there Colby boy!! How goes it today??? Sounds like you had quite a bit of fun with your cousin and Cameron!! That is just what I like to hear!! I continue to pray for you and your family each day. I know you can do it Colby, because you are my HERO!! Enjoy your day today. Sending big hugs and love,
Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Monday, April 14, 2003 10:25 AM CDT
Happy Easter Colby and Cameron!

- Monday, April 14, 2003 10:04 AM CDT
4 more days!!! I just can't wait!
Jack, Can you email me directions? come the Doctors!
Love you guys!

Dana fluffy Doctor
- Monday, April 14, 2003 9:53 AM CDT
Hi Colby and family, I hope all is well. We had a beautiful Sunday, I'm sure you got to enjoy the day. You're in my thoughts. Take care!
Jennifer <>
Brownsville, pa united states - Monday, April 14, 2003 9:20 AM CDT
Hi Colby,
I have been missing you! You have not been forgotten!
So how is our brave little soldier doing?
A lot going on for you again but with your endless strength
you will continue to show us how precious life is!
God bless you Colby and your family.
As we continue our endless prayers, we have you in our hearts always!
Hope to see you soon, Callahan has been bugging me about visiting "Colby and Cameron"...soon, OK?!
From our hearts,

suzanne abel
- Monday, April 14, 2003 9:02 AM CDT
Thinking of you as always. What a spirit this little boy has. Looks like you all have soo much fun all the time. Have a great week and hope you get more meals and more help cleaning so you can enjoy this time with the family.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH USA - Monday, April 14, 2003 8:24 AM CDT
Hey there Colby!! :)

How's my miracle boy coming along?? I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I really do love you, Colby!!! And I am thinking of you...I know that God will really really take care of you this time around...I hope you had a great day, cutie sleep tight okay! SWEETEST DREAMS to my dear Colbymeister...

Endless hugs & kisses,

A very grey Melbourne, Australia - Monday, April 14, 2003 2:34 AM CDT
Coles, I dont know what to say. Colby revitalized so many peoples' faith, I refuse to believe he wont be cured. Colby sweetie, I am glad to see that you are in great spirits as always, and hope that you are feeling well to go along with it. Let me take this opportunity to wish you a Happy & Blessed Easter and let you know how much everyone cares about you and everyone at Smile Quilts is thinking of you and is praying for you.

Angel Chris and all your friends at Smile Quilts
- Monday, April 14, 2003 0:10 AM CDT
Hello Colby and family,

I just wanted to stop by for a minute and see how things are going. We're pretty busy up here unpacking all the stuff we brought with us, some of it won't make the cut.... I hope this week goes well for you all, God has really taken care of your family! I'll check back in when I have more time to write, I just wanted ya'll to know that your in our prayers and our thoughts, always, and forever.
Peace and Prayers to your family from ours, 4/J's

Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
Jacksonville, Fl USA - Sunday, April 13, 2003 11:44 PM CDT
Hi Ya'll,
I just wanted to say goodnight and that I Luv ya!!! Miss you so much Colby and Cameron... 4 MORE DAYS!!!



Jessica What-eeka
Buckhannon, WV - Sunday, April 13, 2003 10:27 PM CDT
Still praying for you Colby Cole!! I just love your smile and your unending love for living each day to the fullest. Did mom have a camera close by when you were all covered with mud? Would love to see a picture of that! Jesus loves you so much it cannot even be measured. Keep playing and smiling sweetie!!
Love in Christ,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester / St. Louis, MO - Sunday, April 13, 2003 9:10 PM CDT
So glad to read that you have support so you can spend your time on the important things.....Colby and Cameron!! What a little free spirit that Colby is and living his life to the fullest. we can all learn a lesson from him! God bless!!

- Sunday, April 13, 2003 7:55 PM CDT
I got your site from Tara's- I pray that things get better for Colby- he is adorable! You people have gone through alot, and still have time to give comfort to others, I guess thats what these sites are all about! I pray that all goes well for you on the 17th! And that all of you have a very Happy and Blessed Easter!
Prior Lake, mn - Sunday, April 13, 2003 6:45 PM CDT
Hi Colby Just wanted to say a big HELLO and to send you loads and loads of good wishes and to wish you a happy Easter I am always checking your site, always praying that the updates will contain good news, today I thought I would sign in, sorry I havn't done it sooner, well once again have a very very happy Easter and I will continue to pray for you.
sharon shields <>
London, England - Sunday, April 13, 2003 5:55 PM CDT
Guard within yourself that treasure,
kindness. Know how to give without
hesitation, now to love withour regret,
how to acquire without meaness.

Smile and the World
will smile back at you!

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, April 13, 2003 12:41 AM CDT
Beloved, let us love one another,
because love is from God; everyone
who loves is born of God and knows
God. Whoever does not love does
not know God, for God is love.

1 JOHN 4:7-8

Lord, I don't always love people as
I should ~as you love them. Give
me a heart like yours, so that I
can truly love people as they
are, not as I would like them to be.

To You With Love.
May God Watch
Over You Today!

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, April 13, 2003 12:34 AM CDT
Dear Colby,
It sounds like your sleepover was lots of fun. And soon it will be time for the Easter Bunny and hunting eggs and lots of great things to do. It sound like you know how to have a good time. That must make you a great friend to have and a great brother.
Life is alot better when you know how to enjoy it and give other people happiness. It makes me feel good to hear about you. Love Pat W (Grandma of many)

Laura and Jack, I will keep you in my prayers and send good thoughts to the donor for giving Colby another option and chance for good health. Your doctors sound like they are with you all the way. Best wishes and God Bless Pat

Patricia Wootan <>
Kingston, NY USA - Sunday, April 13, 2003 12:04 AM CDT

Something about you,"(MY LITTLE MAN")

There just is something about you that reaches out to me even when we are apart. Something that draws my heart like a magnet to yours

Something that I will never outlive for the love I feel will go on from beyond the reaches of time and space

Something that no matter how far I tried to run away from it just called out to me beckoning me back into your life

And that something has changed my entire life for before I met you, I thought I knew all about love.

But in loving you, I have discovered love has so many beautiful facets like a precious jewel the longer you behold it the more beautiful it becomes.

There is something about you that causes me to become a better person for when I am with you, I am no longer to myself you become the focal point of all I ever want in life.

From the first moment I touched your hand and you touched my soul, I knew That this love would forever hold my heart And my soul.

How long will I love you?

Forever and a day.

For there is something about you that has changed my world and That something is who you are inside and the love I feel for you.

I love you. Beyond these words and beyond all the tomorrows that shall ever dawn.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, April 13, 2003 11:43 AM CDT

I walk among beside the ocean... watching the waves as they caress the shoreline... listening to the sounds of the sea gulls calling out to the wind... and I stand in awe of His glory. And as I do, I hear Him gently say, "I am watching over your life... I control the waves of your life... and I turn the tides... look for me in those places when your waters seem high, I will be there. You will not be drowned by the turbulent seas of life.

You will survive for I am your Lord. I will walk beside you all the way." And as I listen to that gentle, loving voice, I stand in awe of His glory...

I touch the rose ladend with the morning dew... and marvel at its intricate beauty... the colors so rich... so glorious... only God could create a flower... and as I look at it, He gently says..."Just as I created the beauty of the rose, so I created YOU. With all your many facets, you grow more beautiful to me as the years go by for you are my beloved Child.

And as the rose unfolds... I am reminded how each chapter of my life unfolds... revealing God's love to me. I could not ask for more. And I stand in awe of His glory.

I see my children as they play ... listen to their laughter... and I know that the God who made them over them... has given them to me to guide, to listen to... and to love. And I realize each of us is wonderfully made... with our own talents... our own dreams to pursue... and I stand in awe of the God who thought of it all...

I call my friend and she listens to me with such love and care... and I know that God above gave me this friend... who will be beside me ... she will laugh with me...cry with me... and share the events of my life and hers... ours is a sacred trust... and I thank God above for this friendship... and for all my friends... and then I hear Him say..."Cherish your friends... for they are my gift to you.

I knew along the way you would need support from someone you could see... and so I placed people in your life to bless you and for you to bless them..." And in this place... as I reflect upon all those people He has given me to love... I stand in awe of Him.

I walk outside in the evenings... gazing up at the beauty of the twinkling stars lying against the black velvet of the night... and I am amazed at how vast our universe is... at how majestic the stars really are... and I think of Him...the King of Kings... who made this earth for us to walk upon... for in the beginning, He was and in all the today's of our life, He is and in all the tomorrow He will be there for us. And He gently speaks, "I am the light of the world... " And I know that no darkness shall ever come between us... And as I think of such a love, I stand in awe of Him.

For His love... I thank Him... and forever I shall stand in awe of Him... from the pages of humanity, He wrote a song of love for us. From the heart that knew only love... He gave His life for us... and I stand in awe... of such love. And it is then, I hear Him say...

"My child... I love you just as you are. You are mine. I will be with you all the days of your life... and will love you throughout all eternity. Nothing is too hard for me. Give me your dreams,,, and I will cause them to be. Give me your heart and I will fill it with love... Give me your life... and I will give you eternity... forever and a day...we will be.

I stand in awe of this love... and I will stand in awe as long as I live... and throughout all eternity...


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, April 13, 2003 11:25 AM CDT

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

- Sunday, April 13, 2003 10:48 AM CDT

Was so happy to hear you had such a GREAT day and night with the sleepover!! You really know how to have fun, don't you???? You are so amazing, little man...I am still in so much awe of you!!! even amazes me :) I bet you can't wait for Easter to come around!! I can't either...when I am in the same room as chocolates...I go CRAAAAZY!!! Do you??? :) I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, with lots of quality time with Cam man and your mummy and daddy! It is sooo amazing how much they love you....and how much everyone else loves you too!! You're the man! Please take care..keep up all the fun...and keep strong buddy!!

Loveeeeeee and EXTRA PRAYERS,

Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, April 13, 2003 8:44 AM CDT

Good Morning Sunshine!!!
I hope all is well back on the homefront. Glad to hear you had such a fun Friday night, I wish I was there to see the SMILES!!! Missing you all so much. The Easter Bunny is on his way....

5 MORE DAYS!!! Have a WONDERFUL Laaazzzzy Sunday! Enjoy it.
Love Always,

Buckhannon, WV - Sunday, April 13, 2003 2:08 AM CDT
just a note to say hello. we check the site all the time looking for updates. thanks for keeping us informed. colby and the cole family are in our prayers.
Love, Sandy, Dan and Sami

Sandy ( <>
Bridgewater, Nj USA - Sunday, April 13, 2003 0:20 AM CDT
Coles.....Thinking about you ALL tonight. Saying a prayer.
Anne Marie <>
- Saturday, April 12, 2003 10:44 PM CDT
There are so many people out there pulling for you. I've read about Colby on so many different sites. I think of him and pray for him and want you to know I'm here.

Deirdre Antalek <>
Livonia (Rochester), NY USA - Saturday, April 12, 2003 6:23 PM CDT
Colby, we're all praying you have a terrific, fun filled week and on Thursday we'll send extra prayers that everything goes smoothly for you. You are such an inspiration and we've all come to love you, Colby!! How can you not love that precious face? :)

Wash.Twp., NJ - Saturday, April 12, 2003 5:42 PM CDT
It is humbling to read about your Colby. He is such a fighter. I am sending my best wishes to Colby whilst he is on his treatment. I don't really know what else I can say apart from thank you for sharing your remarkable son's story with all of us.
HelenH <>
uk, - Saturday, April 12, 2003 3:49 PM CDT
"Carved In A Tree ~ Dear Lord Prayer"

Please take a moment to relax your mind and humble your heart to focus on Christ. Allow God, to be the only person on your mind while you read this prayer. If we can take the time to read long jokes, stories, etc., we should give the same respect to this prayer. Friends that pray together, stay together.

Dear Lord,
I thank You for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning. I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God. You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me. Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you. I ask now for Your forgiveness.

Please keep me safe from all danger and harm. Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You. Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things.

Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. Let me continue to see sin through God's eyes and acknowledge it as evil. And when I sin, let me repent, and confess with my mouth my wrongdoing, and receive the forgiveness of God.

And when this world closes in on me, let me remember Jesus' example - to slip away and find a quiet place to pray. It's the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits. I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart. Continue to use me to do Your will.

Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak. Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others. I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way. I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those who don't know You intimately. I pray for those that will delete this without sharing it with others. I pray for those that don't believe.
But I thank you that I believe.

I believe that God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every family member in their households. I pray for peace, love and joy in their homes that they are out of debt and all their needs are met.

I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem,
circumstance, or situation greater than God. Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight. I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees them and every mouth that confesses them willingly.

This is my prayer. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
God Bless!

Just repeat this phrase and see how God moves:
Lord I love you and I need you, come into my heart, please.

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, April 12, 2003 3:30 PM CDT

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

- Saturday, April 12, 2003 3:27 PM CDT
Hello, Cole's. Just checking in to see how Colby is doing today. Good luck with Colby's DLI on Thursday, know that I'll be thinking of you. Well, enjoy the sun this weekend. God bless.
Love, Kelly

Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, April 12, 2003 3:26 PM CDT

If you ever look at yourself & feel that you don't measure up,
read this & your outlook will change before you finish reading it!

This is good to keep, not just to read from time to time,
but to also keep stored in your heart! Enjoy, & remember who you are!

When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being.

When I created man, I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils.

But you, woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate.

I allowed a deep sleep to come over him so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you.
Man was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with the creativity.

From one bone, I fashioned you. I chose the bone that protects man's life.

I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs and supports him, as you are meant to do. Around this one bone, I shaped you....I modeled you.
I created you perfectly and beautifully.

Your characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the most delicate organ
in man, his heart.
His heart is the center of his being; his lungs hold the breath of life.

The rib cage will allow itself to be broken before it will
allow damage to the heart.
Support man as the rib cage supports the body.

You were not taken from his feet, to be under him,
nor were you taken from his head, to be above him.

You were taken from his side, to stand beside him
and be held close to his side.

You are my perfect angel.....
You are my beautiful little girl.
You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence,
and my eyes fill when I see the virtues in your heart.

Your eyes......don't change them. Your lips -- how lovely when they part in prayer.
Your nose, so perfect in form.
Your hands so gentle to touch.
I've caressed your face in your deepest sleep.

I've held your heart close to mine. Of all that lives and breathes, you are most like me.
Adam walked with me in the cool of the day, yet he was lonely.

He could not see me or touch me. He could only feel me.
So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience
with me, fashioned in you;
my holiness, my strength, my purity, my love,
my protection and support.

You are special because you are an extension of me.
Man represents my image,
woman my emotions.
Together, you represent the totality of God.

So man...treat woman well.
Love her, respect her, for she is fragile.

Send this to all of the wonderful women you know to bless their day. This is for all the women in your lives. Your sisters, your mothers, your wives, your daughters, the ladies you work with everyday, even your online female friends.

Live, Love and Laugh,
You have the World at Your Feet!


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, April 12, 2003 3:13 PM CDT


As I walk among the purple flowers that cover the hillside... I am aware that in this life of mine... I am touching the edges of such splendor ... for I am touching the edge of heaven as I go about my way.

Each day in so many wondrous ways, I am touching heaven. As I cross the busy street and reach out to help them ... as I touch their hand... I am touching heaven. I see it in their smiles and I feel it as they thank me...

Watching a child skip merrily along the grass ... looking at the clouds and giggling at the sheer joy of life... I watch this child. And I too smile for I know as surely as I saw the morning sun in all its' glory...once again I am allowed to touch the fringes of such magnificence ... of such wonder ... being able to touch heaven here on earth as I watch the children's eyes light up with the wonder of being alive...with the joy of laughing... I have touched heaven.

Walking barefoot through the waves as they caress my feet ... and listening to the seagulls calling out to the wind ... marveling at the God who thought of all of this and made such wonderment ... for us to behold ... is this not a portrait of heaven unforetold...

Sitting in a quiet church looking at the sun as it glistens through the stained glass ... pondering my purpose here on this earth ... and listening to the one who created me ... gently guide me in the path I should go ... and all the while knowing that I have been given a chance to make a difference ... is this not touching heaven ... as I try?

So many people think that heaven is a far away place ... that we will go to someday ... but that here on earth heaven does not exist. How wrong they are...for heaven is a place we will go to ... in that they are right but heaven... a part of it is also here...

Stand outside at night and watch the stars as they light up the sky ... walk beside the ocean ... and look far across the horizon ... stand on top of a mountain and look down into the valley below ... take a deep breath on a cold winter's day as you walk in the snow... I tell you... a part of you touches heaven ... for there is a glory in nature ... that is a foreshadow of the glory to come...

Touching heaven ... each night when you say your prayers ... or in the morning as you begin to touch your day ... stop a minute and thank Him... I promise you ... you will touch heaven so many times.

For life ... to be lived rather than merely existed causes one's soul to reach out and touch heaven ... and then the glory of it all will be with you ... forever and a day.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, April 12, 2003 1:57 PM CDT
Hey. Just checking on you. We already know we serve a God of miracles. Colby is one and we will keep praying for God to continue working miracles through him. Email me and let me know if it's ok to put up a prayer page for Colby on my site. I'd love to do that. Mostly it's helpful to me so that I can have a specific list of requests right in front of me as well as a reference picture for when I sit down to lift them up to God. But anyone else is welcome to leave prayers there as well. If you want to see the page before you know if you want Colby added you can view it at HE CARES for KIDS . Blessings to you guys and please know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings!
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC, - Saturday, April 12, 2003 12:04 AM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron:

There isn't a day that goes by that our thoughts aren't with you. Amanda is always asking about Colby and Cameron, she can't wait to play. We admire all of you, you are truly an amazing family! We will continue to pray, harder than ever. Hugs and kisses to all of you, we love you!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

Joe, Willie, Amanda & Olivia <jaman@lcsys>
Uniontown, PA - Saturday, April 12, 2003 11:31 AM CDT
We've never prayed harder.......
Our thoughts are with you constantly...

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Saturday, April 12, 2003 11:05 AM CDT
Hey there Colby!

Just dropping by to say....HI! I hope you're having a GREAT weekend :) Loved that new picture of you, Cam man and daddy!! You are all gorgeous boys :) I hope you have a GREAT day today...PLAY, PLAY, PLAY...FUN, FUN, FUN!! Hang in there and keep smiling :)

Endless smiles,

Melbourne, Australia - Saturday, April 12, 2003 9:08 AM CDT
Hi Colby.. :) I hope you are feeling better :)Have a great weekend :)
Jodie Summers..... <>
Arvin, California United States of America..."Pray for Our Troops" - Friday, April 11, 2003 11:32 PM CDT
Dear Colby,

I just wanted to say hello and tell you that I am thinking of you tonight!

May God bless you and keep you in his care.


Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, April 11, 2003 10:22 PM CDT
Good evening Cole Family. I see you updated the journal. My prayers are with all of you. You guys are such an inspiration to everyone. Take Care and May God Be With You Always.
Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, April 11, 2003 6:01 PM CDT
Hello Cole family,
Your new pictures are great! Thanks for the updates, prayers and best wishes are always with you.

NJ - Friday, April 11, 2003 3:13 PM CDT
Hey Cutie!! I love the new picture on the playground. You all look so great in it! Thinking of you today, with love and prayers. May God bless you always! Love to all of you and ~~~hugs~~~. Have FUN!!!! Love, Bea
Bea <>
Eastern, PA - Friday, April 11, 2003 1:57 PM CDT

One single grateful thought raised to heaven
is the most perfect prayer.

You are all
that is good and kind...
You were made perfectly
to be loved.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, April 11, 2003 11:20 AM CDT
I am praying for you guys as well are a LOT of people!!! Colby has really reached a lot of people's hearts:)

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Friday, April 11, 2003 11:13 AM CDT
1 week...WAHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uniontown, here we come!
Dana fluffy Doctor
- Friday, April 11, 2003 11:13 AM CDT
I'm picturing your beautiful smiling face and mud filled clothes standing at the doorway. I bet your mom couldn't help but smile!! You keep up the good work buddy - I'm so proud of you. Always remember -- you are my HERO! I continue to keep you all in my prayers daily. God bless you all. Until next time -- sending big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Friday, April 11, 2003 11:07 AM CDT
Colby & family, Another week almost in! Time flies! Kind of scary-huh. The poems are great! My mom wanted me to print them out so she could take them to work and show them to her colleagues and provide you with extra prayers from them! Still rooting for you and your family and think of you daily!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Friday, April 11, 2003 6:56 AM CDT
Cole Family, I bet mud never looked so good as it did on 3 laughing boys! Always in our prayers!
Easton and Sue
Dell, mt - Friday, April 11, 2003 0:26 AM CDT
I wish you'd gotten a picture of the 3 muddy boys!! I'm sure it was a sight!
Rachel <>
- Thursday, April 10, 2003 10:50 PM CDT
We are so happy to hear Colby's donor agreed to do the donor leukocyte infusions! We continue to pray for Colby. Take care,
Ava Aznar-Fidalgo (Maria's mama, <>
Madrid, Spain - Thursday, April 10, 2003 9:14 PM CDT
Hello everyone,
Again-you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Glad to hear the boys are having some fun. Take care and God bless.

Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter <slag@>
Smock, pa USA - Thursday, April 10, 2003 8:55 PM CDT
Hello Cole family. I just wanted to say hello,let you know how much I admire your strength, and to wish you all the best. You continue to be in my thoughts. Take care, Jeff.

Jeffrey Wingert <>
Sacramento, CA USA - Thursday, April 10, 2003 6:23 PM CDT
Hi Cameron and Colby... That quad ride sounds like fun.. we have a three wheeler...Sorry to hear about the ride homw the accident!! Thank God for that * miles .. you are right Laura...I hope you have a great day!!
Jodie Summers..... <>
Arvin , California United States of America..."Pray for Our Troops" - Thursday, April 10, 2003 5:52 PM CDT
Hello to my little sweeties Cameron and Colby!!!

Did you guys have another FUN FILLED DAY??? I sure hope so. I MISS YOU sooooooo much. I hope I get to see you tomorrow. Sending lots of hugs and kisses and little head jiggles. (Only Colby knows what head jiggles are). Have a good night everyone, I got LOTS of work to do. Call me if you can!!!

Jessica What-eeka <>
Buckhannon , WV - Thursday, April 10, 2003 5:40 PM CDT
Cynthia <>
Uniontown, PA US - Thursday, April 10, 2003 4:28 PM CDT
Laura and Family,
Just wanted to check in on you all!!!You are truly an amazing family! Your faith gives strength to all!!! Take care and please call if you need anything at all!!!!!!!

Bernie Forsythe <>
New Salem, Pa. - Thursday, April 10, 2003 4:13 PM CDT
Laura, My heart really goes out to you and your family. Colby is such a hansome little man. He is a great blessing, may God bless him and take this horrible suffering disease away. You are always in my prayers. I love you Colby Cole and family and so does Jesus.
Cynthia <>
Uniontown, PA US - Thursday, April 10, 2003 4:06 PM CDT
Thinking about you today as always.
Jenny Sterner <>
Colts Neck, NJ - Thursday, April 10, 2003 1:00 PM CDT
Thanks for the updates. Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you today.
Janet Sims
Birmingham, AL - Thursday, April 10, 2003 12:39 AM CDT


~ A Penny Found ~

Today I found a penny
Just laying on the ground,
But it's not just a penny
This little coin I've found.

Found pennies come from heaven
That's what my Grandpa told me,
He said Angels toss them down
Oh, how I loved that story.

He said when an Angel misses you
They toss a penny down,
Sometimes just to cheer you up
To make a smile out of your frown.

So don't pass by that penny
When you're feeling blue,
It may be a penny from heaven
That an Angel's tossed to you.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, April 10, 2003 12:20 AM CDT


Today, when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my
life, ever!

There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did!
And because I did, I'm going to celebrate!

Today, I'm going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I have had so
the accomplishments, the many blessings, and yes, even the hardships
because they have served to make me stronger.

I will go through this day with my head held high, and with a happy

I will marvel at God's seemingly simple gifts: the morning dew, the sun,
the clouds, the trees, the flowers, and the birds. Today, none of these
miraculous creations will escape my notice.

Today, I will share my excitement for life with other people. I'll make
someone smile. I'll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act of
kindness for someone I don't even know.

Today, I'll give a sincere compliment to someone who seems down. I'll
a child how special he is, and I'll tell someone I love just how deeply
I care for them and how much they mean to me.

Today is the day I quit worrying about what I don't have and start being
grateful for all the wonderful things God has already given me.

I'll remember that to worry is just a waste of time because my faith in
God and His Divine Plan ensures everything will be just fine.

Tonight, before I go to bed, I'll go outside and raise my eyes to the
heavens. I will stand in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon,
and I will praise God for these magnificent treasures.

As the day ends and I lay my head down on my pillow, I will thank the
Almighty for the best day of my life. And I will sleep the sleep of a
contented child, excited with expectation because I know tomorrow is
going to be...The Best Day Of My Life!


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, April 10, 2003 11:59 AM CDT
Dear Cole Family, All our thoughts, prayers, and love. The gang from the beach. As always, Tom.
Tom Vitz <>
Va. Beach, Va - Thursday, April 10, 2003 11:01 AM CDT
Hi Laura,
I've read your journal entries and I think you are one of the most amazing people on this earth. Your faith and always positive outlook on things are incredible. Your family is blessed to have such a kind spirited soul, who sees the best in everything and thanks God for all that is good.
Thank you for sharing your life, pictures and experiences online. You are truly an excellent role model for others and an inspriration to other parents of children battling cancer.
Please do not repsond to this email, it seems you already have enough on your plate. Have fun with your boys and give Jack a big hug. The pictures were great, you have a wonderful family!

Philadelphia, PA - Thursday, April 10, 2003 10:38 AM CDT
Hi guys! Just checking in.....

Sounds like you are busy, if nothing else! Lots going on, but not all of it bad. I wish those cells would behave a bit better, but, like you, I am grateful for every day and every thing that DOES go well, and I am glad you are enjoying your time with the boys and Jack. That is more important than worrying about answering 200+ emails, so don't you worry about that! We know you worry and think about so many others besides yourself, but we all understand where your priorities lie......

I send all my best thoughts and wishes your way and hope things will go smoothly for an upcoming DLI.
Thinking of you all all the time,

P.S. I love the new photo of Jack and boys on the playground, and even the school photos! Thanks for sharing!

Your JMML sister, and friend, Niki <>
- Thursday, April 10, 2003 9:52 AM CDT

I am thinking about you all. Sounds like the boys are getting the most out of life. I'm glad the donor is working with you. And I am glad that your family did not have to deal with the tragic traffic accident. Love and Prayers, Dianne

D. Roth <>
Cape, MO - Thursday, April 10, 2003 8:52 AM CDT
Hello COLBY!! :)
Now didn't I tell you GOD is with you ALWAYS??? Yes he is!! Wow, He really was watching over you and your mummy on that trip...I am so glad you guys are know, besides God watching over us, we all have a guardian angel each watching over us too!! So, Colby sweetie, I am sure you have a special guardian angel sitting on your shoulder taking care of you :) I glad you're doing well, cutie... you hang in there and PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!!!!!!! God bless you forever!!

PS: Jack, does your barn look something like this???? Hehehe!!
Lots of lovin'!!!!!!

Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, April 10, 2003 8:12 AM CDT
Hey Colby,

Just thinkin' of you and keeping you in our prayers.


Lynn Rae <>
Ironton, OH - Thursday, April 10, 2003 7:22 AM CDT
Hi everyone at Jack's Ponderosa

If you have any chickens on your farm, you should teach them to lay Easter Eggs. Kiss all the cows, horses, sheep, etc in your barn (yuk)!! On more serious note ... Glad to hear that Colby is feeling well and wants to play and have fun. GOD bless you always ...

Love Hugs and Grandma and Grandpa Kisses ....

Arlene and Seymour Zwick and Zoe too
Monroe Twp, NJ good ole USA - Thursday, April 10, 2003 7:16 AM CDT
Hi Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron:

Although I don't get to sign the guestbook often, I think about and pray for Colby, your family, and the rest of our JMML families daily. You guys hang in there..

Your JMML Brother,

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA USA - Thursday, April 10, 2003 2:32 AM CDT


How is everything at the Ponderosa???

Me, the horse, and the rooster wanted to wish you ALL a wonderful day. Hope you all are dreaming sweetly and awake to the sound of the birds.. oh I mean the ROOSTER. LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!
LICKS and LICKS and LICKS (From the Horse)
And trust me, you don't want kisses from the Rooster!!!

Jessica "Whit-icka"
Buckhannon, WV - Thursday, April 10, 2003 1:53 AM CDT
Hi guys --- just stopping in to check out the latest news and say HI to Colby from me in NC, and Team Werbe out in Kansas City. Racquell's outta town for a few days. they, too had an assident in her famly, and she's gone out to Calif. to check on her step-dad and cousin. She'll be back soon, and Team Werbe will be on the track Saturday night, with all our friends and teammates and angels widing along with Ed.

Colby, in your spare time, can you PLEASE do something about this weather? Please? Sure, April showers and all.....but this is getting rediculous! Thanks ;-) Hang in there, and keep strong and looking FORWARD!
God Bless †

Tom <>
Kill Devil Hills, NC - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 11:22 PM CDT
Dear Laura,
Don't worry about those 200 e-mails!! You give your attention to those precious boys. I'm still praying that Colby receive a lasting miracle.
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester/St. Louis, MO - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 10:39 PM CDT
Hello Coles!

May God shower you with blessings this evening! He is the Almighty!

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 9:58 PM CDT
Sweet Dreams Colby,
We are thinking about you always and send our love and strength your way.
I hope that you had a good day.
Give everyone BIG hugs for us!!!
May your night be restful and your dreams make you smile!
From our hearts with endless prayers,
XO Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Wednesday, April 9, 2003 7:28 PM CDT
Colby still has supporters in this town....and everyday prayers. Good luck to you all. You deserve a million blessings for all you've been through. I keep Colby on my mind daily.
Billy Bruce
Ironton, Oh - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 6:49 PM CDT
Dan and I are thinking about you today and sending our prayers.
Janet Sims, mom to Janie, forever 5 years-old,
Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 5:17 PM CDT
To My Little Buddy Colby and especially your loving and caring family!! I read your article in the Herald Standard and was very touched by it. Through all the tears while reading the article I just want you all to know that my family and myself pray everyday and evening for all of you. My 2 little girls go to Mount Moriah Christian School and my oldest daughter who is in 2nd grade tells me that she prays for Colby everyday during prayer time. Our thoughts are with all of you. Colby your a little angel and a very strong boy who our in our thoughts always. Keep that bright big smile on your face its wonderful to see you so happy and smiling. Our prayers are with you and your family once again. Brighter days are soon to follow your bright smile. We want you to know that we may not personally know you but we care so much.
Deanna Balderson <>
Point Marion, Pa Fayette - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 3:32 PM CDT
Laura and Colby,
Glad to hear that you are home. To the Cole family, I pray continuously for Colby to be blessed with another miracle. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. And Colby, keep getting stronger, boy! You have a lot of fans that care about you much!

Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 2:35 PM CDT
My thoughts and Prayers are with your family during this time of need.
Hugs and PRayers,

Dawn Gresham <>
Warrenville, SC - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 2:18 PM CDT
Thanks for the update. I've been here a million times to check on ALL of you.'re still the man....and my HERO! I love you all and keep all of you in my prayers. God's blessings! With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 2:02 PM CDT
Dry Tears Can't BE SEEN

Some people can't cry
Like other people do
But their pain is there
The same as it is for you.
Dry tears can't be seen
In the eyes of those who can't cry
Their tears are hidden deep inside
Away from you and I.
Those of us who can shed tears
It helps our hurt go away
But those of us who cannot cry
Much longer our hurt will stay.
Never believe everyone shares grief the same
Because that would be a big mistake
Each human personality is different
As the design on each snowflake.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 2:01 PM CDT
glad to hear that Colby is doing OK. Again, you all are always on my mind and in my prayers. Take Care.
Ginger D'Amico <>
Baltimore, md - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 1:58 PM CDT

A mother holding her baby in her arms
Is nearest to angels I'll probably ever see
Her love casts a glow around them
Like an angel's glow I believe would be.

Watching her baby smile, she smiles too
When her baby is sick she feels the pain
Her love for her child cannot be compared
With a father's love, it is not the same.

Mother's set the pattern of our early lives
They teach us what is right and wrong
I believe God blessed them with a special gift
That will live in our hearts our lives long.

Mother's are special....


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 1:50 PM CDT
Glad you all got home safely. In my prayers...
Nancy Dumas
Bonney Lake, WA - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 12:50 AM CDT

Life is made up, not of great sacrifices
or duties, but of little things, in which
smiles, and kindness, and small
obligations, given habitually, are
what win and preserve the heart
and secure comfort.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 12:49 AM CDT
It seems as though I'm saying the same thing on everyone's guestbook, but unfortunately it's just true over and over and over again. I CAN'T get around to everyone I would like to as much as I would like to. But, here I am and want you to know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I know I still owe you a phone call. Please bear with me. I will call you soon. Love and prayers from here.
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC, - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 12:38 AM CDT
Hi! I wanted to make a correction, in my previous entry I wrote Cody instead of Colby, I apologize. My nephew is Cody, I must of had him on my mind. So again I want to say Hi Colby, you are in my thoughts today. You and your family take care.
Jennifer Wayne <>
Brownsville, pa United States - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 11:20 AM CDT
Hi Cody and family! I just wanted to wish you a bright day. Take Care

Love Jennifer

Jennifer Wayne <>
Brownsville, pa United States - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 10:15 AM CDT
Hey Colby!!

Ya know who's been thinking of you!!! Keep strong little are the bravest of the bravest!! I hope everything is well at is bedtime for me, so I am here to say GOODNIGHT COLBY (and Cameron, and Laura, and Jack!!) and have a GREAT day!

Prayers forever & ever,

Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, April 9, 2003 10:00 AM CDT
Hey guys!!!
It was so nice to see you yesterday. It really stunk that I only got to stay a few hours but it was fun filled and exciting as ususal. I just love when I see a smile on those kids faces. Colby and Cameron are such a team and love each other so much. If you only knew what they do for one another!!! LOL I wish you could all get to see some of the silly stuff they do. They are NUTS!!! but a good nuts. I got so many hugs a kisses yesterday, I lost count. You two are such sweethearts. I hate having to leave. Sorry I missed ya uncle Jack but it was nice to talk to you when you got home, I just love the stories about your "school days". You may not know it, but I like our talks, you usually make me feel better and ALWAYS make me laugh. THANKS! Laura, all I have to say to you is YOU BETTER NOT KILL MY FLOWER!!! Hahaha. LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! How many days till Easter???

Sleep tight!

Jess <>
Back in Buckhannon, WV :-( - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 10:50 PM CDT
I read the article in the Herald on Sunday and went straight to the website to learn all that brave soldier Colby has been thru. I tried to read thru the tears , been praying for Colby since I found out last year and saw him at the Perryopolis Moose at his fundraiser. Such a beautiful & precious family you have.We will continue to always keep you all in our prayers each day .Colby ,you are the bravest little guy in the world. Lots of blessings and love.
Pam and Bud Petrosky <>
Perryopolis, Pa USA - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 10:16 PM CDT
Dear Cole Family,
Your strong faith will see you through! God has blessed your family with a remarkable little boy. We are strangers to you but your story has deeply touched our lives. We will pray for Colby and keep you all close in thought.

Judy and John Hench <>
Lexington, NC USA - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 9:43 PM CDT
Dear Colby and family,
Just checking in and wanted you all to know I am thinking and praying for you guys. Haley says a Hail Mary and Our Father for Colby every night. Take care.

Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter <>
Smock, Pa USA - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 9:27 PM CDT
We had seen your article in the newspaper, and decided to check out your web site, I was deeply touched by Colby's story, and we are praying for your whole family, and hoping that God gives you a miracle for Colby.
The Smith's <>
Fairchance, PA United States - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 8:38 PM CDT
Colby Cole and family,
Precious little boy,you are a hero to soo many! You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Remember, God is watching over you always!

Tiffany Ann Gleason <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 8:21 PM CDT
Colby Cole and family,
Precious little boy,you are a hero to soo many! You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Remember, God is watching over you always!

Tiffany Ann Gleason <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 8:21 PM CDT
Colby, you are such a brave little boy. We are certainly praying for you here in Easton, PA. Ben was down at CHOP for a are in good hands...and your mom and dad are terrific. Jack and Laura, thanks for following Ben's site...I will certainly keep it updated as you suggested. And we will be keeping a closer eye on you all. Every day brings new miracles and wonders(my eleven year old added that as he is watching me type!). Thinking of all of you, Ellen (Ben's mom)
Ellen <>
Easton, PA USA - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 7:40 PM CDT

Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH U*S*A* - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 6:17 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you'all know that I think and pray for you everyday. Colby : You are an awesome and brave solider. I know that myself and many other students at Uniontown feel the same way!
Hugs and Kisses, Jamie B.

Uniontown, PA 15401 - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 4:26 PM CDT

Pray without ceasing." -1 Thessalonians 5:17

He Shall Hear My Voice...In the middle of the night when sleep evades me, I shall knell down and cry out to Him...telling Him of all my concerns ... my deepest hopes ... the very heart cry of my soul ... and He shall hear me...Walking through the storm with the lightening flashes of doubt and fear on either side, I shall not be alone for I shall call out His Name ... and He shall hear me.Not knowing which way to turn ... so many many pathways ... so many things I want to do ... need to do ... and yet confusion thrusts its' throngs towards me... I will call upon the Name of the King of Kings ... the Lord of Lords ... and then I will know which way to turn ... which thing to do ... which decision to make ... for when I say His Name... His ear turns towards me... His heart calls out to Mine ... and I know beyond a shadow of doubt... My Lord has heard me ... for I know from the past ... from the present and even the future that is to be... He shall hear me Life has many curves ... many twists ... and things happen. Some without any warning ... and some we know for a long time in advance ... yet the pain is the same ... and the loss is as great. But I know even in these times... He is close to me ... and when I speak, He shall hear me. We all go through those times ... and those places ... when we feel so alone ... as if the entire world has left us behind ... and we are grieved ... to the bone ... and yet the tears seem to be far away ... we wish we could cry ... and then as if the angels listened to the cry of our soul ... there is a voice deep within us... a voice that says..."You will get through this. Everything will be OK once more. Do not despair ... for there is hope. I love you. I am with you. ..."And in all of these times ... my spirit calls out to my soul... "Come and dance in the wind ... taste of the rain ... walk through the darkness ... for the light is just ahead...and you are not alone ... and your prayers have been heard...And the music of my life begins to play again... a gentle song one that sounds like a lullaby to my soul ... and I smile...For I know ... wherever I go, whatever happens... I simply have to call His Name ... an He shall hear me...Because the message is carried on Wings of love ... and the soul humsin harmony. We dance in the wind ... and taste of the rains of life ... all the while we rejoice...for the light shines and He hears our voice ... and answers our prayers.

Many blessings to you,

JWright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 4:16 PM CDT
This is one special family! Take care and you will be in my prayers.
Jennifer Wayne <>
Brownsville, pa United States - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 3:09 PM CDT
Checking in and hoping that all is going OK...
In my prayers,

Nancy Dumas
Bonney Lake, WA - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 12:52 AM CDT
Good day Colby! You sound like a strong and courageous little boy with great parents to support you. I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts. God will get you through this. Keep your faith strong and alive.
Tonya Roth
Jacksonville, Fl - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 11:00 AM CDT
Hey Colby :) and also a hello to the rest of the crew. I just wanted to let you know that I pray and think of you guys daily. Always stay strong, i know God has a special plan for you. I am glad you were able to go outside and play in the nice weather we had the past few weeks. Hopefully, it will get warm again SOON!!! I know I am among the many people here at Uniontown High School who keep you in their prayers. We all love you. Have fun playing and always stay that stong little "soldier."
Love and prayers to all of you, XO Tricia XO

Tricia Handy <>
Chalk Hill, PA - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 10:35 AM CDT
Can't get you off my mind. Please be OK.
Dianne Roth <>
Cape Girardeau, Mo - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 10:18 AM CDT
I hope you have a GRRREAT day today...remember that I am always thinking of you and praying for you, my lil cutie pie...can you feel my loveeeeeeee? I certainly hope so!!! Keep strong little me the giggles!!!

PS- Play, play, play!!!

Lots of love to the cutest cutie pie ever!!

Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 9:01 AM CDT
Good morning Colby,
Hi! :)
Just letting you know that we are thinking of you and
keeping our prayers ever so strong!
Hugs to your Mommy, Daddy & Cameron too!
Let's hope the weather warms up SOON and the sun shines too!
From our hearts with endless prayers,

suzanne abel
- Tuesday, April 8, 2003 8:33 AM CDT
Hi Colby,
Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers!

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Tuesday, April 8, 2003 0:40 AM CDT
Much love tonight! I know you have a lot of love in your household this day. How wonderful that there is love in our world - like yours. God blesses us in small ways and BIG ways – like Colby!

I am praying for all of you tonight. You are so much a part of my days, hours and precious moments.

May God place his loving hands on you!


Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, April 7, 2003 9:48 PM CDT
Just checking in to see how things are going with you and your family...We continue to pray daily for your new miracle...
In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody & Greg & Riley <>
- Monday, April 7, 2003 4:35 PM CDT
Thinking of you all. Those poems really express....
We're hoping and praying for your miracle. Love, Dianne

D. Roth <>
cape Girardeau, - Monday, April 7, 2003 4:06 PM CDT
DEAR COLBY : This message has strange curative powers...
I feel better since sending it! Hope you do, too! : )
Give your mommy a big kiss and a special hug today because she loves you very very much !

BR - Monday, April 7, 2003 2:01 PM CDT

What a nice surprise to see those two beautiful faces on the front page of the paper. We are thinking of you all and praying for continued strength and courage in this battle. If you would like to come and ride again, let me know.
With much love, faith and hope,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

Dana V. <>
New Salem, PA - Monday, April 7, 2003 1:53 PM CDT

The Wings Of An Angel
Holding You Tight,
The Wings Of An Angel
Caressing Your Skin,

The Wings Of An Angel
Keeping The Love Within.
These Wings From An Angel
Are My Gift To You,
These Wings From An Angel
Will Help See You Through.



JWright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, April 7, 2003 11:10 AM CDT
Good morning Cole Family,
How are you this nasty morning. Rain rain and more rain. O well better than the snow we were to get. Hope it clears up soon. Rainy days are so gloomy. So how are you today Colby. Hope you are feeling better. That nasty virus needs to go away. Soon little man soon. I am praying for you. Take care and May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, April 7, 2003 10:07 AM CDT
Good Morning everyone! I just received an email from Jess that showed the FRONT PAGE highlights of the newspaper! Wow, you guys look great! After reading the journal updates, sounds like soldier boy did it again! I am so proud of you Colby! You are truly a HERO in our hearts here at Bel-Air Elementary School! We are continuing our prayers for you during our prayer sessions, the staff here loves to get updates and new photos! Every Wednesday I run each of them a copy of your journal updates and any new pictures! You are quite the stud to say the least! HA HA! I am thinking of you all always! May God Bless All of You! I hope to see you all very soon!
Love, Erin (That Girl)

Erin McKenzie <>
Cumberland , MD USA - Monday, April 7, 2003 9:45 AM CDT
Dear Colby-good job on your broviac or as Christopher and his baby sister call it-his "brovi"! Your website is beautiful and has touched my heart today. You will be in our prayers.Love-The Melkonians
Darlene and Christopher Melkonian <>
Gaithersburg, MD - Monday, April 7, 2003 7:55 AM CDT
Mr Colby Cole!!! :)
How are you doin today sweetie? Well I am just about to hop into my WARRRRRRRRM bed...and I wanted you to know that I will be AS ALWAYS saying my nightly special prayer for you, cutie!! I know you're gonna get better!!! I can feeeeeeel it comin' the mean time, you keep strong like a bull are the meaning of strong so you show everyone what you're made off and give that word strong a whole other meaning!!! Have a GREAT day, sweet stuff...lots of hugs and endless kisses to you :)

Love forever!!

Melbourne, A zillion footsteps away from Colby!! (Ausssssstralia) - Monday, April 7, 2003 7:32 AM CDT
Well Well Well... Here it is midnight and as usual I am still up doing work. I so don't want to give my big thesis speech tomorrow, but knowing that as soon as it is over I get to see YOU!!!! Well now, that is some inspiration!!! Colby and Cameron, today on the FRONT PAGE of the paper were the two cutest boys I have ever seen. Wonder who they were??? Well my sweethearts, hoping you are all snug as some bugs in a rug, I have to go practice my speech for tomorrow... I am so nervous. But before I go to bed I will have my nightly conversation with the "Big Guy" and you ALL will be the first topic of conversation. Love you love you love you so much!!! GOOD MORNING UNCLE JACK (From Jack's Ponderosa). Don't forget to milk the cows!!! HAHAHAHA.

Buckhanonn but will be at Miller Farm Tomorrow, WV, - Sunday, April 6, 2003 11:11 PM CDT
Colby and Family,
You do not know me, but I feel like I know you. I hear alot about you from your aunt Marlene in my ceramics class.I share your pictures with her. You are a beautiful little boy. I have also been following your prognosis in the Herald standard. You are a very strong and brave little boy. I will be sure to keep you in my prayers. I have a little girl the age of 5 also. Following your battle makes me adore her even more. Keep staying strong for your mommy, daddy and little brother. God will continue to hold your hand. I will also pray for your family to keep up their strength through this emotional rollercoaster. I can't imagine how hard this is. Hang in there buddy.

Tina Wasko <>
Brownsville, Pa United States - Sunday, April 6, 2003 9:25 PM CDT
What a beautiful article! Thank you Jess for sharing the link with me. It was great to talk to you today, Laura. I kinda wish I lived closer. Hope you and the boys had a nice day together, Jack.
Colby you are my hero!
All my love,
Dana, (Colby's BIG hair friend forever and ever! hehe)

Dana cant wait for the Easter egg hunt and I DONT play fair Doctor
- Sunday, April 6, 2003 8:47 PM CDT


Hebrews 13:16

Never neglect to show kindness
and to share what you have
with others; for such are the
sacrifices which God approves.

Smile and the World
will smile back at you!


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, April 6, 2003 8:40 PM CDT
Jack, Colby, and Cameron:
Thanks for the visit today. I hope you guys got all that mud washed off after Kevin took you on that muddy quad trail. See you soon!!
Our prayers our with you every day.

Debbie and Kari Myers <>
Miller Farm, PA USA - Sunday, April 6, 2003 8:17 PM CDT
God Bless you all for all of your strength and courage. Always know that no matter what your son has touched many lives and has given new meaning to the word courageous. We hear about Colby through Marlene Shaw at ceramics every week and we always pray for good news. We cheered when we heard he was doing so well and we cried when we heard he had a setback. Please know that I will say a prayer for Colby every night because I lost a child and I know the loss I feel. Be strong and Colby keep on being TOUGH!!!!
Barb Batovsky <>
New Salem, Pa USA - Sunday, April 6, 2003 7:37 PM CDT
Colby, I ask my mommy and Aunt Dana about you every day. I also still pray to my two special angels in Heaven to watch over you. I really wish I could meet you someday...if you ever come to New Jersey to see Zackie. Love you Colby....Ryan Dolan
Ryan Dolan <>
Whiting, NJ - Sunday, April 6, 2003 7:16 PM CDT
Read the article in the Herald-Standard today. It was a very nice article, but it still made me cry. I had my mother say prayers for you all in church today. My thoughts are with you all. Love, Mary Jane
Mary Jane McCahill
McClellandtown, Pa. USA - Sunday, April 6, 2003 6:27 PM CDT
Colby, you will always be in our hearts!
Danielle <>
NY USA - Sunday, April 6, 2003 4:20 PM CDT


Hello God, I called tonight
To talk a little while
I need a friend who'll listen
To my anxiety and trial.

You see, I can't quite make it
Through a day just on my own...
I need your love to guide me,
So I'll never feel alone.
I want to ask you please to keep
My family safe and sound.
Come and fill their lives with confidence
For whatever fate they're bound.
Give me faith, dear God, to face
Each hour throughout the day,
And not to worry over things
I can't change in any way.
I thank you God for being home
And listening to my call,
For giving me such good advice
When I stumble and fall.
Your number, God, is the only one
That answers every time.
I never get a busy signal,
Never had to pay a dime.
So thank you, God, for listening
To my troubles and my sorrow.
Good night, God, I love You too,
And I'll call again tomorrow!
Send this to all your friends and family. Anyone that you love
and care about. Let them know God is there for them always

Nobody remembers when you're right;
Nobody forgets when you're wrong.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, April 6, 2003 2:46 PM CDT


I Wish You...
This is to let you know that you are never away from me... for wherever I walk... you walk beside me in my thoughts and in my heart.
And whatever I am thinking, you are there... waltzing through the corridors of my mind and soul...
And no matter how dark the sky above... you grace my spirit with the light of your love and smile...
For you are a part of me... and I wish you the beauty of the stars... the magical moments that love brings... and the answer to all your prayers.
I wish you days filled with doing all the things you love... and nights of peaceful rest and thankfulness for the splendor of the day... I wish you moments where you can not imagine being any happier than you are right then...
I wish you hours of beautiful majesty... sunsets that are
breathtaking... and may time find you walking beside the ocean in quiet reflection and contentment.
I wish you days spent achieving all the goals you set... days when you notice the sunrise... spend time with a cherished friend... and days that at the end of them... you know you have really lived each moment to its'
fullest... I wish you years with those you love... times of passion... of fun... of simply savoring the joy of being together.
And there is one more thing I wish you... knowing how much you mean to me... how thankful I am to have you for a friend... And as you read this... I wish you the most beautiful day of all.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, April 6, 2003 2:27 PM CDT
Stand tall Colby you are not alone all of our thoughts and prayers are with you . Take care and god bless...
Sandy and Leroy Staley 125 Cherry Ave. <>
Brownsville Pa, 15417, Pa. U.S.A. - Sunday, April 6, 2003 2:23 PM CDT
Good afternoon Colby,
Saw your picture in the newspaper today. What a cheerful face to wake up to. You are so famous. It is a shame that this ugly disease had to make you that way. You should be an actor. You are the greatest. You are the most important little guy in the county or should I say Universe. Everyone loves you Colby. We are all praying for you little guy. I love the new pictures your parents put on the site. They are precious. I will pray for you forever. You are in my daily routine of prayers. I ask Charlene to watch over you every single day. May God Be With You Always Colby Cole.
Take Care and God Bless You. You are so strong for a little man.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, April 6, 2003 12:58 AM CDT
Dearest Colby and family, you are all in our prayers everyday. Ben and I remember colby with great fondness...such a beautiful little boy. Don't lose your faith..miracles do happen. My little niece was diagnosed with cancer over 7 years ago, a rare terminal cancer and is still with us doing well. Believe in miracles...
much love and hugs
Suzette and Benjamin Anderson

Suzette and Benjamin Anderson <>
Blairsville, PA USA - Sunday, April 6, 2003 12:51 AM CDT
Dearest Sweet Colby,
The article in the Herald Standard Newspaper today once again brought tears to our eyes.
When I picked up the paper at the top of our driveway this morning, I saw your face (and little Cameron's too!) glowing through the yellow plastic wrap around the paper!
I could not open it fast enough.
Once again you have captured many hearts, some who know you and some who are just meeting you.
No matter the greeting they all are keeping you and your family in their prayers.
A beautiful, touching and ever so special child you are.
As we keep our prayers strong, our faith solid, you will continue to be the brave and defiant little soldier that you are!
We love you and you know that we are here with open arms.
As always,
From our hearts with endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Sunday, April 6, 2003 12:19 AM CDT
I first learned about you Colby, during a spaghetti dinner held at the church hall in New Salem, and I want you to know that my prayers are with you, little guy! Hang in there and remember that God loves you!

New Salem, PA USA - Sunday, April 6, 2003 12:02 AM CDT
GOD bless Colby and your family! Keep your faith in GOD! I know that you are by reading your words. I will pray for Colby and your family. I don't know how families get through something like Cancer without God in their lives, I am thankful that I have my faith in GOD. GOD also comforts us in our times of sorrow. I will continue to pray that your family will have happy times and only good news! Your little boy is so cute and such a little hero! GOD be with you all!
Tonya Luckey <>
Smock, PA USA - Sunday, April 6, 2003 11:56 AM CDT

A White Rose

The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love;
O, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.
But I send you a cream-white rosebud
With a flush on its petal tips;
For the love that is purest and sweetest

Aunt Dee

JWwight <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, April 6, 2003 11:54 AM CDT
Still praying and praying and praying. Everytime I read your entries, Laura and Jack, I realize that the mold has been broken by your family. Your strength through your faith is beyond amazing. Through what has been the most difficult time of your lives, you have taught me so much about so many things...I remain in awe. We will continue to send our strongest, most "faith-full" prayers Colby's way. Colby deserves nothing less than our most intense prayerful concern because he is such a brave...brave... hero. What a special boy you have helped to create. --And Cameron, of course, is just as special.
Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Sunday, April 6, 2003 10:51 AM CDT
Dear Lara & Jack, Imet you briefly while working for a short time for Jack at the shop. I enjoyed the job very much. I have been following your story all along, Colby was the cutest most precious little guy that I have ever seen. All of my prayers are with you & your family each & every night. Everywhere that I go & I see a container or a jar I always drop a few dollars in knowing that this is for such a wonderful cause & my heart goes out to each & everyone of you. You are always in my thoughts & prayers always. I know that faith & prayers will get you through everything that God has in store for each & everyone of us. I read my bible each & every night & pray for all of our troops & children all over & ask God to surround your child as well as my own son who is in this war for a second time since 911. So as a mom you never give up hope, you keep your faith & pray pray pray... As I tell my son I ask God to surround him with special angels to keep him & all of our troops safe as I do for your child.I have so many feelings that it would be impossible to put them into words. As you know that you have prayers from all over the country. As I know that the prayer requests that I receive for my son durning this hard time while he is fighting this war. I pray that no mother has to go through this worry again. As I pray all of the time for cures for all of the illnesses that are in this world that take our loved ones from us young & old. God Bless You & Your Family Today & Always. Angels Will watch over each & every one of you... God be with you.
Debbie Stalnaker <>
Masontown, Pa US - Sunday, April 6, 2003 10:43 AM CDT
Dear Colby,Jack,Laura and Cameron,
We have added your family to our family's evening prayers. Just remember that Gods' strength takes over when we feel we can't go on any longer. My heart is with you and your sweet family.

Rhonda Sue (Hatfield) Nassar <>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, April 6, 2003 10:36 AM CDT
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron - Just wanted to send a few words to you before Church starts today. You are ALL real troopers! Between the wonders of modern medical treatment and care, Colby's solid spirit, and the love of God that shines in, through and around you, your family and friends - the battle will continue to be fought. We hold you in prayer daily and we send our love. Blessings -
Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell and family <>
Jeannette, PA - Sunday, April 6, 2003 9:38 AM CDT
Laura and Jack,
There are no words to express what I feel right now - no one should have to experience what you and your beautiful son are living through. I will pray for you every day.

Mary (Semans) Sleighter <>
Pittsburgh, PA - Sunday, April 6, 2003 9:01 AM CDT
Colby & the rest of the Coles-Good Sunday morning! Another week is upon us, and I trust it will be one positive progress and healing! I think and pray for you daily, and I have spread the word about you, and I know there are many others asking for God's special touch upon you.
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Sunday, April 6, 2003 8:59 AM CDT
Hey sweetie!!! :)

How are you doin? I hope your time at CHOP went well and that everything is okay...I was NEARLY in tears reading your mummy's update about what a brave trooper you are... it's just that I ALREADY know that you are the bravest and strongest little boy around and it just breaks my heart to know that you are back in hospital after having such a GREAT time at home being well again. But I just know that you can fight this horrrrible cancer, Colby...if anyone can fight it, I know you are THE ONE. You are soooo smart and just so amazing. Everyday I come to check in on you and the more I read your updates, the more I am amazed by you and the more I learn from you!! I love you, Colby... I always think of you and every thought of you just makes me SMILEEEEEEEE!! :) :) :) Okay sweetie, you hang in there... keep strong and give yourself a BIGGGG HUG from me okay?? I will check back soon..

Laura, Jack & Cameron, hang in there guys!!!! That remarkable precious baby of yours will just WOW you again.. thinking and praying for you guys!!

Love, hugs, kisses, smiles, laughs, giggles forever & ever & ever..............

Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, April 6, 2003 1:26 AM CST
Hi Colby
You keep on amazing me by how strong you are being. I am praying that you will go into remission very very soon so that you won't need to go to the hospital anymore.
All my love

Cassie <>
England - Sunday, April 6, 2003 0:09 AM CST
We are praying for you in Minnesota. Our hearts are with you. God bless you.
Deb <>
Minneapolis, MN - Saturday, April 5, 2003 11:51 PM CST
Nighty Night Sweet Colby...
You are in our thoughts and dreams.
We love you, your Mommy & Daddy and Dear Cameron.
Snuggle together closely and don't forget to set your clocks ahead an hour!
From our hearts with endless prayers,
Stay strong,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
- Saturday, April 5, 2003 11:49 PM CST
Thinking of you and always storming the heavens in prayer for you sweet Colby!!! Take care Cole's, we have you on every prayer chain we know! My mother in-law took Colby's name and story to a healing mass last night also. You are in the hearts of so many!!! God bless you all.....

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, Ky - Saturday, April 5, 2003 11:08 PM CST

He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End!He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all!He is the Architect of the universe and The Manager of all times.He always was, He always is, and He always will be...Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone!He was bruised and brought healing!He was pierced and eased pain!He was persecuted and brought freedom!He was dead and brought life!He is risen and brings power!He reigns and brings Peace!The world can't understand him,The armies can't defeat Him,The schools can't explain Him, and The leaders can't ignore Him.Herod couldn't kill Him,The Pharisees couldn't confuse Him, and The people couldn't hold Him!Nero couldn't crush Him,Hitler couldn't silence Him,The New Age can't replace Him, and Donahue can't explain Him away!He is light, love, longevity, and Lord.He is goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, and God.He is Holy, Righteous, mighty, powerful, and pure.His ways are right,His word is eternal,His will is unchanging, and His mind is on me.He is your Redeemer,He is your Savior,He is your guide, and He is your peace!He is your Joy,He is your comfort ,He is your Lord, and He rules your life!I serve Him because His bond is love,His burden is light, and His goal for me is abundant life.I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise,The power of the powerful,The ancient of days, the ruler of rulers,The leader of leaders, the overseer of the overcomers, and The sovereign Lord of all that was and is and is to come.And if that seems impressive to you, try this for size.His goal is a relationship with Me!He will never leave me,Never forsake me,Never mislead me,Never forget me,Never overlook me, and Never cancel my appointment in His appointment book!When I fall, He lifts me up!When I fail, He forgives!When I am weak, He is strong!When I am lost, He is the way!When I am afraid, He is my courage!When I stumble, He steadies me!When I am hurt, He heals me!When I am broken, He mends me!When I am blind, He leads me!When I am hungry, He feeds me!When I face trials, He is with me!When I face persecution, He shields me!When I face problems, He comforts me!When I face loss, He provides for me!When I face Death, He carries me Home!He is everything for everybody, everywhere,Every time, and every way.He is God, He is faithful.I am His, and He is mine!So, if you're wondering why I feel so secure,understand this...He said it and that settles it!.God is in control, I am on His side, andThat means all is well with my soul.Every day is a blessing


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, April 5, 2003 9:27 PM CST

Goodnight!!! Don't let the bedbugs bite... Cuddle close, keep warm, and meet me in my dreams so we can ALL PLAY PLAY PLAY together. I hope you all get some sleep, it has been such a long day. So Glad you got home safely. MISS YOU SOOOOOO DEARLY! Can't wait to see you guys. Lots of LOVE and SUPER PRAYERS coming your way from "West By God Virginia".

Colby James, Did you get my kisses?????????

The Easter Bunny said he will see YOU and the Doctors in ONLY two weeks!!!

Love ya,

Buckhannon Two Days Away :-(, WV - Saturday, April 5, 2003 9:27 PM CST
Just wanted to say hello and let you know I am thinking of you and praying for you as always.


Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Saturday, April 5, 2003 8:44 PM CST
Holding your hands tightly...I wont let go!
Can't wait til our visit...get ready for some big hugs!
Always here for you, ALWAYS praying!

Dana love you much Doctor
- Saturday, April 5, 2003 7:00 PM CST
Colby, you sure are like no other boy I know!! I have 3 boys and not one of them co operative at Drs. visits like you are truly one in a million!! Every time I read your journals, I am amazed by your strength-as I always tell you, you have such a strong testimony-you and your whole family....your life is such a gift!!
Praying for you and your family every day!

Wash.Twp., NJ - Saturday, April 5, 2003 6:33 PM CST
Thanks for coming by and signing our guestbook!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!! Colby is so strong and brave. I wish I had even half of his courage(and Mom and Dad's too)and boy is he ever cute too!!! Keep fighting!!
Cheri & Katelynn
Nelson, BC Canada - Saturday, April 5, 2003 4:52 PM CST

DUNBAR, PA USA - Saturday, April 5, 2003 2:02 PM CST
Hi everyone. Just checking in. Glad to hear you are coming home-it's always better to be home. Take care all.
Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter <>
Smock, pa USA - Saturday, April 5, 2003 12:40 AM CST
You all are in my thoughts and prayers. I think of you often.
Ginger D'Amico
Baltimore , MD - Saturday, April 5, 2003 10:34 AM CST
Colby is such a strong boy! It is amazing how much they know without seeming as stressed out as we are at everything. They seem to understand more than we think but yet act almost as though nothing is going on. I think God blesses these kids with comfort and patience. Thank you, God! I am praying and I hope you return home soon. Have they come up with a plan of action yet? Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Saturday, April 5, 2003 9:27 AM CST
Hello I came across Colby's webpage, and I just want to let you know that I will be praying for your family and especially Colby. He is a brave little guy, and i am sure he is hero to you and everyone else he meets. I know what it is like to be sick all the time. I just turned 22, and i was born with a rare severe life threatenign bone disease. I also have some hidden mental disabilities as well. I suffer in chronic pain 24/7, I am on alot of heavy medication for the pain, and I have gone through 15, going on more operations. Colby will be in my prayers always. I love to smile, and I live life to the fullest. Colby is an inspiration to myself, and i am sure to alot of other people out there.
My inspirational webpage is:

Jenna <>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Saturday, April 5, 2003 0:25 AM CST
I will be praying for your sweet little boy. I understand how you are feeling. My son is not doing the best. We recently were told about Protocel. It is supposed to work wonders. I have a link to it on our webpage. God bless & stay strong.
Jalen's Webpage

Jeanette (Jalen's Mommy) <>
Royal Palm, Fl - Friday, April 4, 2003 11:03 PM CST
Welcome back home!
Just a bump in the road...we be strong Oh YEAH!
Colby you are amazing (but we know this already!)!
I read all about CMV last night on the Internet.
I wasn't sure what degree we were dealing with and the length of time that this would keep you at CHOP.
I DID know that Colby wouldn't let it be too long that's for sure! :]
Now that you're home, snuggle once again closely tonight
and rest, play and enjoy Saturday!
Remember, one day at a time.
Our love, faith and endless prayers continue day in and day out...XXOO
Nighty, night to all.
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan

suzanne abel
- Friday, April 4, 2003 10:48 PM CST
I just wanted to HUG and KISS you ALL goodnight. Sweet dreams guys!!!! Love you so much. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Jess <>
Buckhannon , WV - Friday, April 4, 2003 9:53 PM CST
Dear Colby and family,
You are such a brave an awesome young man. How grown up you are for your age. I know Mommy and Daddy are so sad and sorry that you have to have the broviac and spend time in the hospital again. They are doing what is best for their Colby, but you are soooo smart, you already know that, don't you? Keep your faith little guy and keep that wonderful smile and God will take care of all of you. Praying for you as always.
In Christian love,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester/St. Louis, MO - Friday, April 4, 2003 9:40 PM CST
Dear Colby Mommy Daddy and Cameron

SENDING YOU GREAT BIG HUGS!! I bet you guys are going to be the most hansome family in church on Easter Sunday!!
We are praying extra hard. Keep the Faith ... GOD loves you...and so does everyone else.

Arlene and Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Township, NJ United States - Friday, April 4, 2003 8:35 PM CST
Colby,Laura & Jack....stopping by to check on you as I do EVERY DAY. Even though I don't always sign the guest book... Please Know that YOU are in my thoughts...and PRAYERS each day. I know "Our Pricess" Janie must be saying special prayers for you too.

ps...Love the new pictures!

Anne Marie ( Aunt to Heaven's Janie Sims) <>
Helena, al - Friday, April 4, 2003 8:01 PM CST
Cole family, your in our prayers. We've only signed in once before, but we been checking on Colby and your family every day. Our kids are "rooting" and "praying" for you Colby from here in Montana! Jack and Laura, the strength and grace you have shown during this time sure has shown what a great commitment you have to our Lord and savior.
Sue and Easton
Dell, mt - Friday, April 4, 2003 7:36 PM CST
Hi Guys,
Just continue to have faith. God is holding your hands all the way. I just sent a special prayer up for all of you.
Sending Lots of hugs from Va.

Susie Morris Trey's granny, < >
Dry Fork, Va. - Friday, April 4, 2003 7:29 PM CST
Hi Cole Family,
I didn't realize that you were at CHOP. I didn't even read the new entry. I didn't get past the poems. I am so sorry. I see you got a virus. I will be praying for you Colby. You are so strong willed. You simply amaze me Colby Cole. You are strong in faith also. You are an amazing little man. My heart aches for all of you. Take Care and have a safe trip home. May God Be With You Always.
Praying for you.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, April 4, 2003 7:29 PM CST
Prayers for a quick stay at CHOP. Colby is such a all are very blessed to have such a wonderful child!
Carolyn Mack (Meghan's Mom) <>
Titusville, FL USA - Friday, April 4, 2003 7:27 PM CST
It is so easy to see where Colby gets his great attitude are a wonderful family!
Much love...Kim

- Friday, April 4, 2003 7:19 PM CST
Coles, praying for you guys as always.
And wishing Colby all the best!

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Friday, April 4, 2003 7:18 PM CST
keeping you in my thoughts, Laura
- Friday, April 4, 2003 6:54 PM CST
Good evening Coles! Faith and I are watching the "Wild Thornberrys" movie and drinking green tea with honey. Faith, even though she is only three, informed me that it was time to pray for Colby! Once we were done, Faith mentioned how nice it would be if Colby were here watching the movie and drinking green tea with her!!!! Not one-day goes by Colby that she does not ask to see your picture.

Laura and Colby, I hope your stay at CHOP is pleasant and you are well. Jack and Cameron, if you are traveling there to see your loved ones, know that we are praying for you safety as well.

Please have a blessed weekend!

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington,, PA - Friday, April 4, 2003 6:50 PM CST
Dear Laura, YOu have received so many great encouragements, it leaves me a little speechless. I think as much time as you can be at home will be helpful to your family. Someone near and dear to me did keep their child at home and did lots of the treatment with help from their family doctor who was incredible. Home nurses were helpful but with you as a nurse, there is so much you can do. Their motto was to keep life as normal as possible even to making him behave when I would be ready to give him what he wanted no mater what.
Cameron must be a big help in that department. He can keep things more than normal!
I can promise more prayers for the strength and courage you all need and for the doctors to be as smart as they can be. They sound compassionate.
I hope the treatment helps his herpes like condition .
Love and Peace and Joy as you find it! Pat (mom of many grandma of more)

Dear Colby,
Brave little man! I think your great. I don't like shots and when I was little my poor mom and the doctor used to chase me all over the office. Now that I'm older I am better ( I don' run away anymore )but still don't like ouches.
My grandaughter, Corin gets her shots from her grandpa isn't that strange? I guess your lucky that Mom is a nurse. When my youngest daughter, Bethany was little, her nurse used to draw a smiley face on her leg make a mouth and eyes and give her the shot where the nose should be. She still cried, But now she is brave like you. You are a little Jedi knight. Fight those Darth Vadar bad cells okay? Love Pat W with lots of kids and grandkids

Patricia Wootan <>
Kingston, NY USA - Friday, April 4, 2003 4:45 PM CST
Doesn't it break your heart when you promise your kids something and than that something can't happen? I promised Davis no more IV's when he got his port in. WELL, they hit an artery and he almost died and he woke up with IV's in both hands plus being on a ventilator. I vowed at that time that I would NEVER EVER make any more promises, because in fact, we don't know.

Glad to hear Colby is getting good treatment. I wish you all the luck in getting him back in remission and he is included in my prayers.

Mary Lee (
- Friday, April 4, 2003 4:38 PM CST
Thinking of you always,
kristy, darren, conor and aidan ford
calgary, alberta canada - Friday, April 4, 2003 4:06 PM CST
You are a remarkable family. God bless you all.
Roxanne (Cole) Conchilla <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, April 4, 2003 3:55 PM CST
Colby, You are so remarkable! I admire you more than I can say. God is in you and works through you to show the way to all of us who are fortunate enough to know you. You amaze us all with the strength and bravery you have shown through yet another obstacle in your healing process. As always you are my HERO.
Constantly praying for complete healing,

Pat <>
New Salem, PA USA - Friday, April 4, 2003 3:35 PM CST
What a wonderful little boy you have, young in years but mature in mind and spirit. He is the one who will give you strength to continue this fight with him. Also, all your friends, family and internet friends are here all the time praying and sending positive thoughts. Warm hugs from Brazil.
- Friday, April 4, 2003 2:53 PM CST
Dear Colby,
I'm sorry to hear you're back in the hospital with that darn virus. Hopefully, it won't be long and you'll be back home playing and enjoying being a kid again. You are SO lucky...Mommy, Daddy and Cameron sure love you alot. But then you probably know that already. Take care of Mommy while she's taking care of you. And please give her a (and yourself) a BIG HUG from your friends in New Jersey.
Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with all of you daily.

Jenny Sterner and Jessica <>
Colts Neck, NJ USA - Friday, April 4, 2003 2:39 PM CST
Dear Colby,
I'm sorry to hear you're back in the hospital with that darn virus. Hopefully, it won't be long and you'll be back home playing and enjoying being a kid again. You are SO lucky...Mommy, Daddy and Cameron sure love you alot. But then you probably know that already. Take care of Mommy while she's taking care of you. And please give her a (and yourself) a BIG HUG from your friends in New Jersey.
Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with all of you daily.

Jenny Sterner and Jessica <>
Colts Neck, NJ USA - Friday, April 4, 2003 2:39 PM CST

I asked the Lord to bless you As I prayed for you today To
guide you and protect you As you go along your way....

His love is always with you
His promises are true,
And when we give Him all our cares You know
He will see us through.

So when the road you're traveling on Seems difficult at best
Just remember I'm here praying And God will do the rest.


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, April 4, 2003 1:49 PM CST


"A gentle touch of Heaven,
Of warm, soft summer rain;
Falling downward from the clouds,
To kiss the earth again."
"In The Rain"
The lane that ran by the river was full of dust and left a path behind me as I started up the lane. Oh, how we needed a good summer's rain on this parched earth... I drove until I saw the river with the sun setting over it in a splendor one can never fully imagine unless they see it.I got out of the car and looked across the fields that ran by the riverside. It was horribly hot on this August day, but I knew that deep inside of me there was a need to touch the soil of this land that ran beside the river.For this was home ... not only to my childhood but to my very heart. The only sound I could hear was the water as it hit the bulkheading... and the sound deep inside of me. The one that cried for comfort ... the one that cried for days when the only care was whether or not I would be going water-skiing...or if I would be going to the dance that evening.And now I came to walk beside the river ... with a hurt deep inside of me ... dealing with an illness I have never even heard of ... and now it was inside of me. How could my own body turn against me? I have never even considered that thought before. I knew there was illness and pain ... but it had not happened to me ... not like this. I wasn't old... I had not been sick ... just tired ... and then the pain started ... and I could not imagine another day of it ... it hurt so much.The sky had started to turn darker out to the North ... and the air began to smell of rain. So much I thought for the walk I had intended-but had I not thought we needed the rain just minutes before? I decided to walk anyhow ... along the river...My thoughts turned towards the days when there was no pain ... of the times when I had ran through these fields ... and then walked through them with my Dad wondering if the crops would produce... I remembered how we had prayed so many times for rain because it made the crops grow so beautifully and our yield was so much better with just the right amount of rain.Even the air began to smell of rain ... and soon great big droplets fell on my face and mingled with my tears of frustration ... and the rain felt good upon my face. I knew I needed to start back for the car because the thunder was not that far away.I soon reached the car and sat there for a long while as the rain fell ... and soon the storm ended ... and then across the horizon ... for as far as I could see was the most magnificent rainbow I had ever seen ... and it was at that moment I knew... Into my life ... the rains had come ... fallen upon the parched soil of my life at that time ... and somehow even as hard as it all seemed... I knew this rain would not last ... it was only for a season... a moment in time ... and then there would be a rainbow ... and in that rainbow would be all the colors of the times of my life all blending together in a majestic scene of wonder.I stepped out of the car ... and smelled the most wonderful smell ... for the air was clean ... and the soil was nourished ... and the plants were standing straight and tall just as I would through all of this.Later that night after I got home my husband asked..."So how was your day, Hon?" I answered..."My day ... well, it rained but after the rain... I saw something far more beautiful ... and it is that I will remember... I saw the signature of God in the heavens ... stretched out as far as I could see ... and in that I felt renewed."For in the rainbow ... there was a message ... of love ... of hope ... my day was like taking a drink of water after being in a desert for a very long time. "He walked over and held me as we stared out the window ... for across the heavens there were hundreds of stars.... "Looks like tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day too...." I rested my head upon his shoulder and looked towards the heavens... "Yes,... I think the day after that will be wonderful too." Another time in a place called cherished and a message from the heavens sent with love..."Sometimes it takes the rain ... the storms ... to show us the beauty of the rainbow ... and the promise of a new day dawning with hope." Marsha B. Smith


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, April 4, 2003 1:08 PM CST

I dreamed I had an interview with God.

“So you would like to interview me?” God asked.

“If you have the time” I said.

God smiled. “My time is eternity.” “What questions do you have in mind for me?”

“What surprises you most about humankind?”

God answered...
“That they get bored with childhood, they rush to grow up, and then
long to be children again.”

“That they lose their health to make money...
and then lose their money to restore their health.”

“That by thinking anxiously about the future,
they forget the present,
such that they live in neither the present nor the future.”

That they live as if they will never die,
and die as if they had never lived.”

God’s hand took mine
and we were silent for a while.

And then I asked...
“As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons
you want your children to learn?”

“To learn they cannot make anyone love them. All they can do is let themselves be loved.”

“To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others.”

“To learn to forgive
by practicing forgiveness.”

“To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in those they love, and it can take many years to heal them.”

“To learn that a rich person
is not one who has the most, but is one who needs the least.”

“To learn that there are persons who love them dearly, but simply have not yet learned how to express or show their feelings.”

“To learn that two people can look at the same thing
and see it differently.”

“To learn that it is not enough that they
forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves.”

"Thank you for your time," I said humbly.

"Is there anything else
you would like your children to know?"

GOD smiled and said,
“Just know that I am here... always.”

-Author Unknown~



JWright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, April 4, 2003 12:27 AM CST
I hope all goes well with the broviac placement! Aren't our little angels amazing! Colby has the right outlook because you have given it to him. Even though I know how utterly devastating it was to hear that he relapsed, you still had the strength to carry on and do what needs to be done! Colby knows you would never break a promise. He also knows you would do anything and everything for him. I know the road ahead is windy and bumpy, but I know Colby can and will get through whatever lies around the next corner!

Love and Prayers,

Kelly <>
Lake Tahoe, NV USA - Friday, April 4, 2003 11:23 AM CST
Hey Guys,
I love the new pictures. Colby you are sooooooo cute! Im sorry you have a virus and have to get the iv. Thats a bummer. Trey has a virus now too. He has to have that treated before transplant and that a bummer too. Well hurry and get better so you can have lots of fun playing.
I continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.
Love, Treys Aunt Kathy

kathy whitt <>
garner , nc usa - Friday, April 4, 2003 10:59 AM CST
What a very brave, beautiful young man. Colby my thoughts and prayers are with you sweetie.
Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Friday, April 4, 2003 10:42 AM CST
Dear Cole Family, Prayers and love from the gang at the beach. tom
Tom Vitz <>
va. beach , va - Friday, April 4, 2003 8:51 AM CST
Hey, Cole family. I haven't written in the guestbook for awhile but have been viewing it to keep "tabs" on all of you. It goes without saying the connection I have with your family and the absolute love I feel and send to you. The number of "spiritual bouquets" sent to Colby and the entire Cole family is simply put, astounding. I don't pretend to understand the power of thousands of us praying together, but I know one thing, IT WORKS! Believe....
Dee John
- Friday, April 4, 2003 7:17 AM CST
Hi Colby and family

I am so sorry to hear of your relapse. I am praying so hard for all of you. You have been such a brave little boy Colby, you keep on fighting.

Love to all of you

Cassie J <>
England - Friday, April 4, 2003 6:53 AM CST
I find myself sitting here with tears in my eyes. Every evening when I put my own five year old to bed, he starts his prayers for Colby, and asks if he's still sick, or is he in the hospital.

How do you explain such things to a child? My pain is but a fraction of what you must feel, and deal with daily. I pray that God strengthens my own faith, as He has yours.

God bless you all,
Kevin & Christian

Kevin Swiger <>
Weston, WV USA - Friday, April 4, 2003 5:53 AM CST
I think of you often and you are all in my prayers!
God Bless,

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Friday, April 4, 2003 1:27 AM CST
Thinking of you guys. I tried to call before I left for work, but there was no answer. Praying all the time.
Love you guys,
Call me today.

Dana big hair Doctor
- Friday, April 4, 2003 0:58 AM CST
To all of you.
Once again, you find yourselves in separate beds in separate cities, but NEVER will you be truly apart. All of you are always with one another in thought and prayer and in your sweetest of dreams. It will be very soon when you guys are physically together again, in the arms, wrapped in the love you have for one another. Tonight... meet in your dreams and PLAY together. You are all LOVED so darn much by so so so many people. I look at this guestbook day after day and there are always new people joining Colby on his journey. YOU WILL BEAT this nasty cancer Colby Cole.. You WILL!!!! I must tell you that Laura, my friend that you met last week sent you a card to my house and I can't wait to tell you what she wrote about you!!! You are just so irresistable!!! Sleep tight everyone. Cameron, it was nice to hear your little voice last night, mommy will be home soon sweetie, hug daddy tight tonight! LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Sweet dreams guys.

Jessica <>
Buckhannon (but wishing I was in Philly or at Miller Farm right now) :-(, WV - Friday, April 4, 2003 0:44 AM CST
Praying for you.
Debbbie Nagy
- Thursday, April 3, 2003 10:38 PM CST
To the many friends of Laura and Jack,
I don't know this family except through Caringbridge, but I have a question for those who do: What can you do to make life easier for them at this moment? It's great to post and check on Colby, but is anyone doing anything locally to make sure that they have no other worries (bills, etc) except for their little boy? I hope so. They shouldn't have to worry about anything but Colby right now! I'm just trying to tug at someone's heart......Is it working?

Billy Bruce
Ironton, - Thursday, April 3, 2003 10:25 PM CST
Hi Colby and Laura,
It is late and by now you both are settled in again at CHOP.
We can conquer this little bump in the road, remember we ARE ever so strong!
I'm sure the drive was long and you both were glad to arrive in PHL.
Was Dana able to be there with you? I sure hope so I'm sure she will try to be there as much as she can. XO
Hi Jack & Sweet Cameron,
Mommy and Colby will be home soon. An empty nest I'm sure.
Everyone snuggle together,get a good night sleep.
Rest is soooooooooooooo important!
We are here dear friends,
As always we send our love and endless prayers,

suzanne abel
- Thursday, April 3, 2003 10:09 PM CST
Colby and Family,
You are in our prayers. I pray God will work a miracle in Colby and heal him. The power of prayer is truly amazing.

Mark & Kim Hodges and family <>
Moody, Al USA - Thursday, April 3, 2003 9:03 PM CST
It's 6:20 pst and, by now, you and Colby should be settled in. I am praying for a short and successful stay for you both so that Cameron and Colby can get back to some serious playing! Laura, for you I pray for the energy and strength that will be needed of you. And Colby, I pray that miracles continue to bless you and your family. You are an amazing little guy.
Nancy Dumas
Bonney Lake, WA - Thursday, April 3, 2003 8:31 PM CST
Just checking in. Hope all is well today. The weather was beautiful. Hope you were outside enjoying it today. I am praying for you Colby. I pray God will let you have pain free days.
Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa usa - Thursday, April 3, 2003 7:08 PM CST
Dear Colby and Cole's,

I will be praying for a wonderful healing for you while you are at CHOP. God has already given many miracles to you Cobly, so hang in there and be ready for another one. When you get tired or down and out, hang tough and keep fighting! You are so strong and powerful.

I am looking forward to your next update.

My family and I are going to be coming to see you soon after you get home! I can’t wait!

Those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Much love and prayers.

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, April 3, 2003 6:22 PM CST
I'm praying......

With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Thursday, April 3, 2003 3:44 PM CST
Just wanted you to know you are all always in my thoughts and prayers. Hope all goes well at CHOP for you.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, - Thursday, April 3, 2003 2:23 PM CST
May God continue to bless you with Colby. My prayers for you.
Gypsy3 <>
- Thursday, April 3, 2003 1:49 PM CST

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

- Thursday, April 3, 2003 1:24 PM CST

"I sought the Lord and He heard me,
and delivered me from all my fears."
Psalm 34.4

Throughout my life, I have asked many things of the Lord. Things that have made all the difference...
There was a time I asked for faith ... and in that time... I saw so much that needed to be changed ... about me ... about my life ... and then one day ... without my realizing it, Faith was there. It was in the middle of a struggle...
one that seemed to want to destroy all that I was. And yet
somehow... I took one step ... and then another ... and made it through the storm ... for Faith was by my side.

There was a time I asked for perseverance and tenacity ... and in that time... I realized that without it... I might
not make it through. And then the tests came ... and the
arrows ... and yet through it all... I hung tight ... knowing that joy comes in the morning... and if I believe...the light will appear. And perseverance and
tenacity held me up...

There was a time I asked for riches ... and one day I realized I had been rich all along. Not in money...
but in the love of my family ... the beauty of my
friendships ... for this was a wealth nothing could ever take from me...this was a wealth that had eternal dividends
than I could ever imagine... And riches followed me in the my crown of gems ... my friends ... in the love of my home and family ... riches ushered me into joys I never even
knew existed.

There was a time I asked for perfect health ... and there were days when sickness seemed to enthrall me in a blizzard
of doubt. Nonetheless ... health was there ... not as I
had anticipated ... but in the dawning of each new day ... in the magnificence of sunset ... in the glory of the ocean ... and the peace of the dove in flight...
health came...

There was a time I sought fame ... and yet fame did not come easily ... but as I grew older, I realized how much
more precious it is that my friends call me ... that my
children say "Mama" ... and that my grandchildren run through my house calling out to me ... so my fame has ... come ... in a much more glorious way...for I am known by
those who love me...

And I realize as the writer so long ago did ... that often the things we pray for ... come in ways not expect ...
brought by messengers we did not anticipate ... yet they are such beautiful gifts ... and we gain so much
more than we ever asked of God...

For He sees the whole picture ... we just a small part of it ... and when we fail to remember that He is the artist ... and we the canvas ... I think we fail to catch
the true splendor of life itself...

So when you ask ... believe ... and then prepare yourself ... for our shade of violets ... and blues ...
and reds on the canvas ... is but a mere imitation of
His glorious colors for our lives.

Yes, ... in all the times I sought Him ... and asked of Him...He answered...with far more precious treasures than
I ever dreamed possible!

Many blessings to you,

J Wright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, April 3, 2003 12:49 AM CST
Hello Cole Family! Welp, I know my entries are far and few between but I think about you all everyday! Jess really does a great job of keeping me updated! Colby, I heard you were quite the stud when you spent the day visiting with all of Jess's friends. It definately doesn't surprise me! I am sorry I haven't been able to make it up to see all of you, but as you know I haven't been feeling well myself! I promise I will make it up soon! My dog is just waiting to come give Cameron and Colby some "licks" on the cheek! I miss all of you and can't wait to see you agian! It is amazing how one silly night at Jess's house could turn us into great friends! I will continue to pray for all of you...Colby continue being the little soldier that you are! I am very proud of you! Sending out my love, prayers, and hugs! Erin McKenzie (That Girl)HA HA HA!
Erin McKenzie <>
Cumberland, MD USA - Thursday, April 3, 2003 12:04 AM CST
Hello Cole Family! Welp, I know my entries are far and few between but I think about you all everyday! Jess really does a great job of keeping me updated! Colby, I heard you were quite the stud when you spent the day visiting with all of Jess's friends. It definately doesn't surprise me! I am sorry I haven't been able to make it up to see all of you, but as you know I haven't been feeling well myself! I promise I will make it up soon! My dog is just waiting to come give Cameron and Colby some "licks" on the cheek! I miss all of you and can't wait to see you agian! It is amazing how one silly night at Jess's house could turn us into great friends! I will continue to pray for all of you...Colby continue being the little soldier that you are! I am very proud of you! Sending out my love, prayers, and hugs! Erin McKenzie (That Girl)HA HA HA!
Erin McKenzie <>
Cumberland, MD USA - Thursday, April 3, 2003 12:04 AM CST
Keeping you all, daily, in my thoughts and prayers.
Lynn <>
- Thursday, April 3, 2003 11:52 AM CST
Jack and Laura,
I do not know what to say. All I can do is keep up my prayers for Colby.

Carol Elvin
Pittsburgh, PA - Thursday, April 3, 2003 11:42 AM CST

A Pansy
A pansy shows you're in my thoughts
and fox-glove signifies the wishes
I'm sending along your way.
The flowers speak for me, you see,
in the time-honored, victorian way.
My bouquet, while it might be lovely,
has also got some things to say.
The jasmine wishes you a day full of joy,
and the crocus brings cheerfulness,
while the morning glory shows my affection,
and the forget-me-not, my rememberance.
I send you encouragement and beauty
with the golden rod and rose.
My kindness and faithfulness to you,
the bluebells and violets show.
The periwinkle brings your way
a wish for sweet memories without end.
And the ivy, with her green and white leaves
Says our LOVE will never end.



J Wright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, April 3, 2003 10:53 AM CST
Just wanted you to know we are thinking about all of you and praying really really hard. You are all such amazing people.

Always in our hearts and minds,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Thursday, April 3, 2003 10:28 AM CST
Thinking of you today.
Maria <>
- Thursday, April 3, 2003 9:34 AM CST
Hey there little man,

I have been thinking of you so much (even more than usual!!) since we've had the news of your relapse..and I am feeling sooo sad that you have to go back to that hospital!! I wish it wasn't so, Colby...but I know that for you to get better, you will probably NEED to stay at if it means Colby will get BETTER, and BETTER, than I guess we can look at the good side of hospitals, huh? Sweetie, I am praying for you soooooooooo hard...I know God will grant you another miracle. Because I used to magic word..."PLEASE". PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE, OH PLEEASE DEAR GOD! He is hearing me, Colby!!! Okay you just concentrate on getting better...I hope you settle in well at CHOP and that everything goes smoothly. You really are my hero, words can tell you how much I admire you and how much I love you!! Hang in there, buddy... keep strong..

Laura, I hope that you and Jack and little Cameron are hanging in there. I can't imagine how difficult it must be. I won't even try. But I want you to know that you have all my love and support. And you definitely have ALL my prayers!! Colby fights so HAS to pay off. It will pay off. God is GREAT...keep strong!

Extra hugs & kisses!

Melbourne, The land Down Under...a million miles away from my Miracle Boy!!!! - Thursday, April 3, 2003 9:08 AM CST
I read your entry on my cousin Janie's website. I am so sorry that Colby has relapsed. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hoover, Al - Thursday, April 3, 2003 8:10 AM CST
Once again our family is being split apart. I am devastated at this most troubling of times that you guys have to go back to CHOP for about a week or so. Cameron amd I will miss you guys soooooooooooooooooooooo much that words couldn't even possibly describe. But we will cope since this bump in the road must be taken in Colby's best interest. Cameron and daddy will be praying that you have a safe trip, and a successful one. We luv ya - luv ya - luv ya we dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

the boys of 216 miller farm road
uniontown, luv ya can't wait till you come home - Thursday, April 3, 2003 6:17 AM CST

I am happy to hear you are feeling better today. Your have wonderful parents. Your daddy has to be the sweetest daddy of all - I see his name in many guestbooks of CaringBridge families. Your mommy is great too - her faith is so inspiring. And your brother, Cameron, is a cutie too. You have the best family and they all love you so very much. Keep on fighting Colby - I am praying very hard and I will check back very soon.

Lots of Love,

Diane <>
San Francisco, Ca USA - Thursday, April 3, 2003 1:35 AM CST
Hi Colby,
Keep punching, little man!!! As a father, I'm thinking about teaching my boy how to count change, write his name, etc. As a person, I'm thinking about how much I take for granted because of you. Mom and dad, I still pray for you every day. I just wanted you to know that we strangers are still talking to God about Colby. He is such a gorgeous kid. Once again, God bless you for caring so much about others. You are special people!!!!

Billy Bruce
Ironton, Oh - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:16 PM CST
Laura, I just heard of colby's relapse and am so very saddened at the news. God gave you a miracle twice, once with the birth of colby and then with his outstanding donor cells when no one was expecting such a great out come. All we can do is pray and pray that the lord will provide yet one more miracle for colby. It was so very nice seeing you back at work and smiling. Praying for the best and that next miracle, ALL MY LOVE!!!!!!!
Kelly Lucas <>
fayette city, pa usa - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 9:01 PM CST
Dear Colby & Family,

A friend of mine, Julie Sample shared your website with me. I just want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with your family on a daily basis.

Lori Williams

Lori Williams <>
Bryceville, Fl USA - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 8:50 PM CST
Good night Sweet Colby,
Thinking of you always, especially tonight.
Snuggle closely and give Mommy ,Daddy & Cameron BIG hugs for us.
They certainly need them too!
We love you all...
Nighty, night.
From our hearts with endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
Ohiopyle, PA USA - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 8:26 PM CST
Dear Colby and Family,
Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and praying that everything works out. Take care of yourselves.

Jennifer (D'Amico) Bereiter
Smock, pa usa - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 8:21 PM CST
Hi Colby and family, Praise God for seeing you all through this very scary time. We pray for another miracle for all these children and strength for the family. God Loves You and so do we.
Bob and dot Kanish
Sebastian, FL Indian river - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 7:16 PM CST
Hello Cole Family
I spoke with the General today and she asked me to be sure and tell you that she LOVES you and is thinking of you. She was sorry that Colby was having trouble hearing her on the phone last night. I went to the Barber site the other evening after reading the beautiful notes she left on your site. As I told her, God sure does carefully choose the parents of these most precious children...I am in awe of your faith and also understand the questions that go along with faith. Know that you are in my thoughts and my heart. Take Care.....PS..Any fish yet?

Barbara Gismondi <>
Elco, PA USA - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 6:30 PM CST
Thank you for stopping and visiting Ashley's webpage. That poem is so perfect, yes we do want our children to grow old. I will pray that Colby is one of the chosen children in this 'cancer' world to continue to live life to the fullest and I wish you all strength in the days ahead as you again take to battle.

Angel Ashley's Mum

Tricia Goud <>
Dundas, Ont Canada - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 6:18 PM CST
Hi Colby,
Just wanted to say hi!!!!!!

Tracey (Lips) <twojnar@aol>
Phila, pa - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 5:51 PM CST
We are praying and thinking of you all.
The Nguyen Family <>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 4:53 PM CST
I am praying for the doctors to come up with a new plan and that you guys have strength. I know you must feel very worn down and just anxious at the same time. My heart is really with your family and I pray for you ALL daily. God Bless little Colby:) Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Wednesday, April 2, 2003 4:51 PM CST
Dear Jack and Laura and family: We continue to pray for Colby. Jack's first poem so reflected our prayer for Colby,that he will grow into a strong young adult free from pain or disease. May God also bless his strong and devoted parents. Bob and Luann Daugherty
Bob and Luann Daugherty <>
Monongahela, PA Washington - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 4:47 PM CST
Praying for your family.
Jan Livingstone (Andy's Mom forever)
IL - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 4:33 PM CST
May god continue to bless your family. We don't always get good news, but then again the Lord never gives us anything we can't handle without him. Don't lose faith we are all sending prayers and GOD will listen. I am adding Colby to my prayer list because as a mother of two young healthy children it is difficult for me to understand what you are going through and the only thing I can do to help is pray for your family along with the other caring bridge children I have added to my familys prayers. May God bless you and keep you safe.
Jennifer Futter <>
New Albany, in 47150 - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 3:52 PM CST
Laura, I don't even know what to say.... as best as you can stay strong and still hope.... I wish we knew why our kids (or any kid) had to do go through this. My prayers and heartfelt thoughts,tears & smiles of friendship I send to you . I will pray that God will shine bless colby and cure him.
rhonda beatty
hellertown , pa - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 2:28 PM CST
Colby and family,
I am on bended knee asking God to please let the numbers return. Let all the glory go to Him. Please dear Lord, Colby and his family have fought so hard and remained faithful to you, please dear Lord lay your healing hands on him so he may be healed for life. This I ask in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Amen. Colby, you are my HERO, keep it up buddy........I love you! With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 2:07 PM CST
Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you often and always praying for you. Sending big hugs for you precious Colby and sweet Cameron. Take care Cole's, you are loved so much!

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 2:02 PM CST

May you find serenity and tranquility in a world you may not always understand. May the pain you have known and the conflict you have experienced give you the strength to walk through life facing each new situation with optimism and courage. Always know that there are those whose love and understanding will always be there, even when you feel most alone. May a kind word, a reassuring touch, a warm smile be yours every day of your life, and may you give these gifts as well as receive them. Remember the sunshine when the storm seems unending. Teach love to those who know hate, and let that love embrace you as you go into the world. May the teaching of those you admire become part of you, so that you may call upon them. Remember, those whose lives you have touched and who have touched yours are always a part of you. Place immeasurable value on the goodness in your heart. Find time in each day to see the beauty and love in the world around you. May you see your future as one filled with promise and possibility. Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience. MAY YOU ALWAYS FEEL LOVED!!!!


JWright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 1:55 PM CST

I asked God to bless you, and I picked you,
("MY LITTLE MAN"), for all the blessing that
the ("GOOD LORD") has for you.

Aunt Dee

J Wright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 1:50 PM CST



Today I prayed for angels,
To keep watch over you;
To guard and protect you,
In everything you do~


Aunt Dee

J Wright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 1:32 PM CST
Hi guys!!! I am finally coherant again. I am feeling a LOT better especially after that visit with my FAVORITE little men. Thanks guys for the shake from McDonalds. They were yummy. Even though Colby kicked our butt at scrabble, I loved every second of getting beat. Love you guys so much. How many days till Easter break??? Umm... 16!! Let's start a countdown. Colby James, I hope you are out enjoysing this sunshine today!!! PLAY PLAY PLAY my man! Love you soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! I will call you soon. Thanks again for coming to see me on Monday. It meant so much to me.
Jessica "What-eeeeka" <>
Buckhannon (Too far from Miller Farm than I like), WV - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 12:05 AM CST
Dear Cole Family - My children and I were very saddened to hear the latest update on Colby. Our prayers for your family continue daily. I especially pray that in each moment you feel God's love and grace. We all know that both His timing and His plan are perfect, but sometimes so difficult to understand when the situation that we face is heartbreaking. We know that He loves each and everyone of us perfectly, so somehow this all makes sense, but it is only through faith that we can accept it. Your family has such a beautiful faith. It is a gift that inspires me each time I visit your site to check on Colby. God bless all of you - Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron.

N. Krajovic
- Wednesday, April 2, 2003 11:12 AM CST
If he isn't the sweetest looking little boy I don't know who is! Take care little Colby and keep smiling. Just looking at your pictures put a smile on my face!!! Praying for that miracle you requested and wishing you happiness and strength!!!
- Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:08 AM CST
I am so sorry to hear the news of Colby's relapse. I will continue to pray for you and your family. God Bless! Stay strong!

A friend
Philadelphia, - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 9:58 AM CST
Hello sweetie!!!

Guess who's been thinking of you?? Yes, that would be me!!! I hope you are doing good, buddy...I am praying so hard for God to give your another miracle...PLEASE DEAR GOD, PLEASE can you PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE, spare precious Colby another MIRACLE? PLEASE? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE???? I am SURE please is the magic word here, so PLEASE...I hope you hear me and everyone else God!!! Well, you have a good day Colby...don't you worry about a thing, cutie pie.. you will be okay...and with your amazing mummy and daddy, you will be MORE than okay...they love you so much that they would do anything for you!!! Keep strong, Colby!!!

Sending you ALL my love,

Janice <>
Melbourne, Kangaroo and Koala Bear Land (TOO FAR from Colby) - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 8:02 AM CST
Hi Colby,

I like your name and you are a handsome little fella. I wanted to tell you that I will say a prayer for you and your family. Keep smiling!

Lou Miller
Lancaster, South Carolina USA - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 11:12 PM CST
Thinking and praying for Colby tonight. I sent you all an email yesterday but wanted to also leave this entry just to let you know you are being prayed for. We appreciate your updates.
Janet Sims, mom to Janie, forever 5 years old
Birmingham, AL - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 10:58 PM CST
I am in shock and very saddened by the latest update. I will keep Colby and your family in prayer. Stay strong and keep your faith. You are such wonderful parents to your children and you have taught so many people so much. Praying hard for another miracle.

Lots of love,

Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 9:31 PM CST
Dear Cole Family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers, We think of you often. May God Bless All Of You!

Your Neighbors, "The Golembiewski's " <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 9:30 PM CST
Dear Colby, Laura, Jack & Sweet Cameron,
We love you all.
Our prayers are strong along with our faith.
You know God works in mysterious ways, we have seen this already.
We are by your side always.
Sleep and snuggle together, may your night be peaceful.
From our hearts with endless prayers,

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, Pa USA - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 8:54 PM CST
Dear Colby and Family,
Just checking in. I think of you guys often and am hoping and praying for the best.

Jennifer (D'Amico) Bereiter
Smock, pa usa - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 7:21 PM CST
Colby, Laura, Jack, and Cameron,
You are ALL in my thoughts and prayers.....never give up hope, God is always watchng over us! I pray for you every day. Be strong.
Love, Kelly

Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 6:07 PM CST
keeping you allin my thoughts, Laura
- Tuesday, April 1, 2003 4:35 PM CST

Our Life's Tapestry

As I faced my Maker at the last judgment, I knelt before the Lord along with all the other souls.

Before each of us laid our lives like the squares of a quilt in many piles. An Angel sat before each of us sewing our quilt squares together into a tapestry that is our life.

But as my angel took each piece of cloth off the pile, I noticed how ragged and empty each of my squares was. They were filled with giant holes. Each square was labeled with a part of my life that had been difficult, the challenges and temptations I was faced with in everyday life. I saw hardships that I endured, which were the largest holes of all.

I glanced around me. Nobody else had such squares. Other than a tiny hole here and there, the other tapestries were filled with rich color and the bright hues of worldly fortune. I gazed upon my own life and was

My angel was sewing the ragged pieces of cloth together, threadbare and empty, like binding air.

Finally the time came when each life was to be displayed, held up to the

light, the scrutiny of truth. The others rose, each in turn, holding up their tapestries. So filled their lives had been. My angel looked upon me, and nodded for me to rise.

My gaze dropped to the ground in shame. I hadn't had all the earthly fortunes. I had love in my life, and laughter. But there had also been trials of illness, and death, and false accusations that took from me my

world, as I knew it. I had to start over many times. I often struggled with the temptation to quit, only to somehow muster the strength to pick up and begin again. I spent many nights on my knees in prayer, asking for help and guidance in my life. I had often been held up to ridicule, which I endured painfully, each time offering it up to the Father in hopes that I would not melt within my skin beneath the judgmental gaze of those who unfairly judged me.

And now, I had to face the truth. My life was what it was, and I had to accept it for what it was.

I rose and slowly lifted the combined squares of my life to the light. An awe-filled gasp filled the air. I gazed around at the others who stared at me with wide eyes.

Then, I looked upon the tapestry before me. Light flooded the many holes, creating an image, the face of Christ. Then our Lord stood before

me, with warmth and love in His eyes. He said, "Every time you gave over

your life to Me, it became My life, My hardships, and My struggles. Each

point of light in your life is when you stepped aside and let Me shine through, until there was more of Me than there was of you."

May all our quilts be threadbare and worn, allowing Christ to shine through.

Please share this with someone you love, care about or even someone who needs Jesus in their heart. They may scoff, but at least the seed has been planted, and God will do the rest. May God bless you today and Forever


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 3:30 PM CST
Prayers do wonders and there is a lot of prayer for little Colby and your whole family from this area! :) Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Tuesday, April 1, 2003 3:13 PM CST
As always, all our thoughts, love, and prayers
Jan and Rob
Marianna, PA Wash - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 2:10 PM CST
Still praying...praying...and praying....for all of you.

Always in our hearts and minds,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 1:15 PM CST
I am so sorry to hear of your son's relapse. I am praying for Colby, and for you all. Try to stay strong in your focus...keep believing. Many are thinking of you and remembering you in prayer.
The family of Jackson Espeseth <>
Clear Lake, WI - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 12:17 AM CST
I just wanted to let you know that i'm praying really hard for that MIRACLE (they happen everyday you know) Keep the faith!!!!
Love, Trey Aunt Kathy

kathy whitt <>
nc - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 10:12 AM CST
My sweet Colby!!
Just wanted to come by and tell you that I am thinking of you!! And will be forever praying for you, make me smile :) I hope you have a GRRREAT day today!! Everyday is a new day and we thank God that we have you each and everyday :) You are such a special boy, cutie!! Okay be strong, give yourself and Cameron a hug from me and I will check in on you real soon!!


Lotsa loveeeeeee!

Forever praying for precious Colby,
Janice, Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 7:41 AM CST
Commander in Chief Colby,
Good morning, just checking in to tell you I am thinking of you. How are the fish doing in their new home? Have a great day with Marge and play nice with Cameron!
Colby I Love You BIGGEST!
Laura and Jack,
Cry when you need to and laugh when you can and know we are always here to listen, to pray, and to hold you tightly
in our arms!
Holding all of you in my heart...........................
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 7:08 AM CST
Colby & family, Keep plugging along as you have lots of cheerleaders! I wish we had the words to tell you it is going to be okay. I admire your courage and your faith! Still praying for all of you and will continue!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 6:48 AM CST
Dear Laura, Jack, Colby, and Cameron,

I am so so sorry to hear this news. It has been such a roller coaster. We will continue to pray very hard for all of you and especially Colby. He has been on the prayer chain at our church for months now, and we will continue to keep him there. Please know that my heart is with you and that we are here if you ever need us.

All our love,
Becky, Ken and John

Becky McNamee <>
- Monday, March 31, 2003 11:54 PM CST
Dear Cole Family, We sit here and wonder why this is happening. I guess it will all make sense to us when we meet at the end of time. We know God knows our Master Plans, we just wish we did too. It's the fear of the unknowing that rips you apart. Stay strong and know that thousands are praying for you daily. No one can give up- you're fighters just like us. Prayers of healing for the mind, body and soul, The Saya's
saya family <,/ny/jaredsaya>
syracuse, ny u.s. - Monday, March 31, 2003 10:31 PM CST
Hello Cole Family
AS usual, you are in my thoughts and my heart!

Hey guys, I saw your new fish tank the general dropped off. It's really nice, especially that skeleton guy. Bet you can't wait for the water to be ready for fish!!!
Take Care.

Barbara Gismondi <bgis52@yahoo.,com>
Elco, PA USA - Monday, March 31, 2003 10:00 PM CST
Keep punching, Colby
We're still pestering The Man for you out here. By the way, you have an awesome dad!!!! I'm not leaving your mom out because she is awesome, too. But, I see your dad checking on other children on this website and it really makes me think he is a special person to be so interested in other children when HIS little man is fighting so hard himself.

God Bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Billy Bruce
Ironton, Oh - Monday, March 31, 2003 9:58 PM CST
Good evening everyone! I am thinking and praying for you infinite times a day. I really am speechless and know not what to say to you. That is the truth. I do know that God is good and, as much as we hurt by his decisions at times, he is the All Powerful and All Mighty.

Love and prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, March 31, 2003 9:35 PM CST
Hi guys,
I wasn't going to sign in since I talked to you on the phone, but I wanted to just say again that as always, I am always here and still continue praying for the best.....I can honestly say I understand much of what you feel in this crazy up and down news.....I wish it were different.....but I know you all will make it regardless of the outcome...preferably one with yet another miracle.....why not? Who is to say there can only be one? There are many miracles every day.....
one of those I treasure so dearly are the friendships and bonds of meeting the families who go through this journey just like us.

Anyway, I wrote you an email, but I don't know if you got it. I still am looking forward to meeting this summer....I was even looking at the map to see where you were to see if you were on the way to stop by!

Thanks for keeping up with us too, even though the news is less frequent than still brings a smile to my face to see your guestbook entries!

All the best always,

Niki <>
- Monday, March 31, 2003 9:06 PM CST
I love you, I love you, I love you...
I dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Dana Doctor
- Monday, March 31, 2003 8:45 PM CST
I am so sorry to read the latest news on Colby...I have been following your site for a little while now and want youwo know that you are and have been and will continue to be in our is unfortunate that our families can relate so much to the joys of recovering and the devastion of relapse...As I read your entry I was consistantly reminded of a verse that has spent a lot of time popping up in my I guess I am supposed to share it with you.

Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get Behind Me SATAN! You are a stumbling block to me; you DO NOT have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." Matthew 16:23

I wish there was more that we could do for you...but for now, we can only offer our prayers and "cyber" support...and that you can have as much of as you can stand :)
Keep the faith...May God take you and make you whole!

In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody & Greg & Riley <>
- Monday, March 31, 2003 8:28 PM CST
Dear coleby,GOD blessyou
bill <chars mom>
MASONTOWN, PA USA - Monday, March 31, 2003 7:18 PM CST
Dear Colby Cole, I know your cousin BJ.He goes to my school .I saw you at my school when you came to my school. I am nine and a half. my faveret sport is baseball.
Billy A. Plumley <chars mom 79_98 @ yahoo . com>
Masontown, P.A. U.S.A - Monday, March 31, 2003 7:14 PM CST
Good evening Cole family,
I just got the news today that colby relapsed. I am so sorry. I don't know what to say. I am praying for you. God knows what is best and he will get Colby through this. I went through the same feelings as you with God. And it is just something you do i guess. I am praying for you. May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, March 31, 2003 7:00 PM CST
I am truly very sorry to hear the news! Knowing all too well all the emotions that follow relapse, I still can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. You are an amazing family and an inspiration to Joey and myself. Colby, we are thinking of you all the time, stay strong and keep smiling!
Amber and Joey @
Seattle, wa - Monday, March 31, 2003 6:58 PM CST
Hi Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,
We are so sorry to hear the latest news. The rollercoaster ride you are on must be so difficult and we wish you much peace, comfort and love as you continue the ride. Colby has amazed everyone before and we pray to God for yet another miracle for Colby. Enjoy, love, and pray. Laura, we know it must be extremely hard to trust in God but we are glad you are allowing him to once again carry you through your pain.
All of our love and prayers for you and your families,
Todd, Meg, and Parker

Todd, Meg, and Parker <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, March 31, 2003 6:05 PM CST
I am so sorry to hear that Colby has relapsed. I will keep him and your entire family in my thoughts and prayers.
- Monday, March 31, 2003 5:52 PM CST
Hello Jack, Laura, and Colby: I just want to reassure you that god has a plan for each and every one of us. Colby is a very special boy. My prayers are with you.
Melissa Henning <>
Markleysburg, PA - Monday, March 31, 2003 5:28 PM CST
Hi Laura,

I am sorry again to hear bad news about Colby. I believe you when you say your family is devastated.

You mentioned the thoughts in your heart. Everyone has thoughts of the heart that we do not want. But only some people have the guts to admit it. I am sure, too, that having a miracle seemingly granted and then to have it taken away is beyond comprehension. We simply do not always understand His ways or thoughts.

I think the faith your family is showing is incredible and please do not be too hard on yourself.

Praying for your family.

The Paquettes: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and baby Noah. (

Monica Paquette <>
Minneapolis, - Monday, March 31, 2003 4:50 PM CST
I am so SORRY that you are all suffering so much. May GOD give you strenghten to face this difficult moment. Try to eat and sleep a little - you, parents, need energy and sanity to keep fighting. Sending positive energy from Brazil. Warm hugs.
- Monday, March 31, 2003 2:36 PM CST
I was just checking in. It had been awhile and I was not prepared for your news. Though I had stopped checking every day after Colby's 98.5%, I never stopped praying for Colby and for your family.

Light always shines through the darkness...ALWAYS.

Nancy Dumas <>
Bonney Lake , WA - Monday, March 31, 2003 12:56 AM CST
Hello everyone,
I'm just signing in to let you know my prayers and good wishes are with you. I can only imagine what you're going through as I have a 3 yr old and 6 yr old of my own and a friend with JMML (Jared). Remember to be there for eachother and it's okay to break down sometimes. Let's all just keep praying that God grants us a few more miracles.
Best Wishes.

San Leandro, CA 94577 - Monday, March 31, 2003 11:46 AM CST
Sending prayers your way.
Kristen Leigh
St. Louis, MO - Monday, March 31, 2003 11:08 AM CST


If any little word of mine
May make your heart the lighter,
If any little song of mine
May make your life the brighter
God let me speak that little word
And take my bit of singing
And plant it in some lonely vale
to set the echoes ringing!


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, March 31, 2003 10:54 AM CST
I am SO sorry to hear the news of colby's relapse. he has been in my prayers and my thoughts over the last few weeks since i read about him on zachary's page.
and remember..

"Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand"
Isaiah 41:10

I cannot be truthful in saying that i know what you are going through what you are but do know that your family is in my prayers!

your sister in Christ,

Joanna <>
Auburn, AL USA - Monday, March 31, 2003 10:09 AM CST
To sweet Colby and family:
I was so disappointed to hear this news. Keep your faith, satan is trying to invade your home. I will pray for you and your family that another miracle is granted. Please know that we are thinking of you.

Chuson (
Arlington, TX USA - Monday, March 31, 2003 9:38 AM CST
Thank you so much for signing Noelle and Nicholas' guestbook. As the days turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into months, and I can hardly believe it but the months have even turned into the first year. Our pain is still there, embedded in our hearts making some days seem unbearable. I am SO THANKFUL for our Lord. He loves us so much that HE GAVE us ALL of our thoughts and feelings. What is even better is that HE CAN handle when we get ANGRY, SCARED and even begin to DOUBT. God is faithful and WILL NEVER leave our side... no matter what. If we let HIM, HE will be our best friend through the peaks and the valleys. He will protect us in the deepest pit of fire and the most raging river of water... God will be with you throughout this entire journey for now and forever.

When we were going through so much with Noelle and Nicholas, a dear friend sent many words of encouragement to me... I will pass some on to you:

The trouble you're in ISN'T punishment- it's TRAINING... God is doing what's BEST for us- TRAINING us to LIVE His Holy BEST! At the time, it FEELS like your life is going against the grain. But LATER on it pays off HANDSOMELY for the LONG-DISTANCE runner, who becomes MATURE in their relationship with GOD!
-Hebrews 12:7, 10-12

DON’T Quit in hard times: PRAY all the HARDER! DON’T burn out: KEEP YOURSELF FUELED! DON’T get SO absorbed and & exhausted in taking care of ALL your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of The TIME and doze off—oblivious to GOD. Be AWAKE and ALERT to what GOD is doing! HE’S putting the finishing touches in the salvation work HE began when we first believed!
-Romans 12:10, 13:11

Consider it a GIFT when tests and challenges come at you From all sides. KNOW that under Pressure your FAITH-LIFE is Forced into the Open and shows its TRUE colors. So DON’T try to get out of anything prematurely. LET it do it’s work so YOU become Mature and Well-Developed. And if you don’t know what you’re doing, PRAY to the Father. He LOVES to help. You WILL get His help! And you WON’T Be condescended to, when you ask for it!
-James 1:2-5

EVERY movement we make in RESPONSE to God has a RIPPLE effect- TOUCHING Family, Neighbors, Friends, Community… BELIEF in God ALTERS our language. LOVE of God AFFECTS daily relationships. HOPE in God ENTERS into our work. The opposite is ALSO true- unbelief, anxiety, indifference, despair. NONE of these responses can be Confined to the Soul. They spill OUT and make HISTORY!
-Introduction to Philemon: "The Message"

These words were so hard for me to read and accept at first. But I read them often. Watching my 5-year-old exhibit so much faith and trust while she was dying made me drop to my knees and ask the Lord to Forgive me for my lack of Faith, Hope and Trust. Our daughter often said, "I don't care if I stay here with you or if I go be with Jesus." When I asked her why, she said, "It's safe with you and it's safer with Jesus... With Jesus, there are NO MORE TEARS!"

YES, this came from my 5-year-old daughter. God sent her to us to teach us about pure faith... what childlike faith really is.

We will add you all to our prayer list. I will pray that God will hold you all in the Palm of His hand as you go through this difficult time. I will pray that God will put a Hedge of protection around your entire home and that He will bind the enemy from getting into your heart as you take care of little Colby. I will pray that God will renew your faith each and every day and strengthen your armor to fight off attacks from the enemy as they come your way.

Yours in Christ,

Wendy Baber (Noelle and Nicholas' mommy forever and ever and ever) <>
Winston-Salem, NC - Monday, March 31, 2003 9:31 AM CST
We're praying with you and for you for another miracle. Have faith in the Lord, He will see you through this.
Leslie and Chad Stafford <>
Washington, PA - Monday, March 31, 2003 9:21 AM CST
Dear sweet Colby and family,
I woke up this morning thinking about what I had read late last night and I immediately went to the Lord in prayer for you. I still cannot believe that you have relapsed. It breaks my heart, but I have faith that God will continue to bless all of you and provide you with everything you need. I am humbled by your tremendous faith and dedication to our Lord. He will sustain you and He is the only thing that can get you through the rough days ahead. God bless!
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Monday, March 31, 2003 9:19 AM CST
I'm so very sorry to hear this news, but God is still in control and I'm so thankful for your faith. Praying for that 100% cured miracle! God bless!
Cindy Wright
Sparta, Tennessee - Monday, March 31, 2003 8:54 AM CST
This news is unbearable. Please know that you all are in our prayers. I'll be checking back. Love, Dianne
D. Roth <>
cape Girardeau, Mo - Monday, March 31, 2003 8:41 AM CST
I want you to know there are people you do not know who are praying for you. May God's amazing grace sustain you during this time. May God hold you close and love you as no one else can. God has a plan and a purpose for all things and I know he will take care of you during these dark days. May God give you all the strength to do all that has to be done for yourself and your precious Colby.
Sharon Lee Jaxon's grandmother www. caringbridge/ar/
- Monday, March 31, 2003 8:34 AM CST
I was devastated all over again to here that sweet Colby has relapsed again. I can't imagine how you feel right now. We will continue to storm the heavens for a miracle! We will never give up hope on him! I am just so sorry that you have to go through this again! Please know you are heavy in my thought and prayers......We have Colby on many prayer lines here. Take care and much peace to you....

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Monday, March 31, 2003 8:01 AM CST
Hey there precious Colby,
You are still my miracle boy!!! I know you have relapsed but sweetie, you are still a MIRACLE!! No doubt about it. My heart is still broken and I only wish I could give you a BIG FAT hug...I was so sure it was gonna last forever Colby...but you know what, I am not giving up on you!!! And I know that you're not gonna give up either!! Because brave little fighters like you NEVER give up!! There is always hope, sweetie...two things you should ALWAYS believe in...HOPE..and MIRACLES...and I know we all believe in miracles because you are a walking now we have to believe in hope. You can do it Colby!! Remember that I am cheering for ya even though I am so far away. I may not be with you physically but I am always there with you in spirit to hold your hand. And God is always holding your hand. He is walking beside you, watching over you. I am praying so extremely hard for you, sweetie...I would love nothing more than for you to be cancer free and I am praying for that!! I hope you're feeling well and playing well as you always do :) Keep strong, buddy, I will check back soon. I love you!

Lots of love, hugs and kisses and EXTRA PRAYERS..

Love always, Janice
Melbourne, Down Under - Monday, March 31, 2003 7:55 AM CST
I hope you know you have prayers from people you have never met and maybe never will. Our hearts, prayers and hopes are with you. Love to your entire family from a family who cares.
Candi Borkowski <>
Washington, PA USA - Monday, March 31, 2003 7:48 AM CST
I know there is nothing I can say that will help. So I'll just let you know that I am keeping all of you in my prayers. And you can believe, I will be praying very hard! And I care!
Kathy Haws <>
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Monday, March 31, 2003 2:51 AM CST
My heart is breaking for you all as I read the news. I can hardly even fathom it all and I know you can't. I pray that you will indeed get that miracle back. You have such a strong family and faith, you will pull through this.
God Bless,
Kim Watts

McCalla, Al - Sunday, March 30, 2003 11:26 PM CST
Good night and a peaceful rest to all...
we send our love, hugs and endless prayers.
Snuggle, snuggle, snuggle.
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan

suzanne abel
- Sunday, March 30, 2003 11:15 PM CST
Dear Laura,
Your feelings of anger or justified and natural as you are only human. We've all been there at one time or another. I know God can handle all that you thought and even maybe said when no one was listening, and He still loves you deeply. I am heartbroken as all the others to hear of Colby's relapse, but will continue to pray for him daily. I just love his precious smile and the spirit that shines through. You and Jack are such special parents, it shows in your journal entries, and I often run across Jack's guest book entries on other children's sites and he is always so loving and compassionate. Hang in there dear and you just keep telling that devil he is not welcome in your heart, in your house and especially not anywhere near your precious children. I will be praying for you, Jack, Colby and Cameron.
In Christian love and friendship,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Sunday, March 30, 2003 11:06 PM CST
Hello Cole family,I just can't seem to find the right words to say.You all are in my thoughts and prayers daily.Stay strong little man.
Carol(nana to Conor Ford) <>
Ottawa Ontario, canada - Sunday, March 30, 2003 10:15 PM CST
Thinking of you all with much love, faith and hope.

Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

Dana <>
New Salem, pa - Sunday, March 30, 2003 9:40 PM CST
Hi Cole's I have been following Colby's ups and downs since Jan. I have cried with you and rejoiced with you. We can only hope for another miracle for him. Our 12 year old granddaugher has ALL so we know what you are going through.
Our prayers are with you and Colby. He is a dear little boy and so brave.

Middleburg,, Pa - Sunday, March 30, 2003 9:12 PM CST
Hello friends. I am praying for God’s love and grace to envelop you. May you have a wonderful evening together.

God Bless,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 8:38 PM CST
You have the sweetest family... I will continue to keep you in my prayers... Lots of love, Colton's family :)
- Sunday, March 30, 2003 8:29 PM CST
I am praying so very, very hard for another miracle for Colby. He is never far from my thoughts, prayers or heart. Hang in there buddy. I firmly believe that if anyone can pull through all this it is you! God Bless!!
Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Sunday, March 30, 2003 7:02 PM CST
Hi Laura, Jack, Cobly and Cameron. I hope Colby is feeling okay today. He remains in my prayers. I am so sorry to hear the news about his bone marrow. Cobly renewed my faith in miracles though and I firmly believe there is hope for him. Hugs from across the pond.
Ava Aznar-Fidalgo, Maria's mama, <>
Madrid, Spain - Sunday, March 30, 2003 6:19 PM CST
I haven't been by in a week or so, but I saw your dad's message on Meghan's website today and it reminded me of my absence. I'm praying for you, little man. And tell mom and dad not to feel bad for feeling betrayed. It's a natural reaction. Just put all of your trust in Him now. I'm one of many thinking of you now.

God Bless,

Billy Bruce
Ironton, - Sunday, March 30, 2003 5:44 PM CST
Our prayers and thoughts are with Colby and the family. May God watch over him and heal him as he has done so many others. Peace and Love
Trudy, Bob, Bobby and Kaitlynn Blough
Lakeville, MN USA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 5:28 PM CST
Colby, Laura, Jack, and Cameron. Words cannot begin to say what we are all feeling right now. Your family has been so strong through all of this. Your Faith has certainly been tested over and over again and you have proven, I believe, to God that you certainly love him and have turned this all over to him. It is certainly in his hands. Only he and Colby know what the end result will be. I hope you all can feel the love and many prayers surrounding you as they are surrounding all families going through this same type of ordeal. Colby has been such a trooper, a true soldier, through all this, rarely complaining. Just know that many people are putting their arms around your entire family right now trying to protect you and loving you. Please know that my family along with our church family lifted you all up again today in prayer. LOVE AND Hugs TO YOU ALL.
Bev (Make-A-Wish) <;>
N. Huntingdon, PA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 5:12 PM CST
Hello! I just heard of the sad news and wanted to let you know that you guys have never left my prayers. I am sure God knows best and has something for you and is just waiting for the perfect time. Keep on praying and loving and let God do the rest. Keep stong Colby. You're too cute!! Have fun playing and hopefully the weather will get warm again soon and you guys can go back outside. Love ya. :)

Tricia <>
Chalk Hill, PA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 3:20 PM CST
Dear Laura, Jack, Colby, and Cameron,
Stay strong....all of you! You continue to be in our prayers daily.. I can't imagine how frightening this all is, but I know that the Lord is with you all. Cancer doesn't stand a chance!!!!

Sarah Clayton (Connor Summerville's aunt)
- Sunday, March 30, 2003 3:06 PM CST

DUNBAR, PA USA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 2:17 PM CST
I know all too well how the devil can enter our lives...I think I have even made some deals with him. In the end I push, well, maybe kick his butt out of my mind and house. I pray that Colby sees another miracle. I pray that all of these children see the miracle that they deserve. Dr Bunin really knows what she is doing, so I would go with whatever she suggests. I'm sure the donor will be very willing to give a little more. If you need anything, have any questions I could help you with or if you need to talk...please email me and I'll give you my number. God Bless you all...Love, Dina
- Sunday, March 30, 2003 1:27 PM CST
Dearest Cole Family,
We love you all.
The journal entry confirmed in my mind Jacks call to us on Thursday...I was in denial.
These challenges, once again are testing our faith, strength and love. We shall not lose ANY of them.
As we continue to pray, we are by your side always.
You know we are here, we wait for your matter the hour.
Our love to all of you with the BIGGEST of hugs!
We will talk soon.....Stay strong and get your rest.
Colby, as you continue to amaze us we all continue to learn the value of life ever so precious! XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO
From our hearts with endless prayers,

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, Pa USA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 12:41 AM CST
Well ya'll, as I opened Colby's site to see the update, I noticed that the MIRACLE part of the intro was gone, my heart knew something was wrong. I'm so sorry that you think your miracle was so brief. Please remember, God knows it all, he has a plan for every day. Colby is just ready to begin, another part of the miracle! Have faith that God will hold your family closely through this all. We know what will happened to Jeffery, he has brain cancer. Anything short of a miracle will not help him, so I know every day that he wakes, we are in the presence of a miracle, right before our eyes, God is granting us a miracle. I am so happy to be able to say that today, and I didn't even realize it till I read your update. Just last night, I walked around the house thinking what this would be like if Jeffery had to leave, my heart just brakes when I think of it, but I am only human, and the devil just loves to confuse me, that's his job, right. I know your busy with all that's going on, but enjoy, enjoy, enjoy the day, and cry at night in the shower. That's how I get through it. Peace and Prayers to your beautiful family, from ours. 4/J's
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
ft.pierce, fl usa - Sunday, March 30, 2003 12:31 AM CST
Laura, Jack and boys - It is natural and human to be angry at God and the world when a miracle doesn't look so good. Colby has the best medical treatment, the best, most loving family, and a community of friends, church and relatives who care deeply about him - and his family. We will continue to pray for all of you - for strength, patience, faith, and healing --- and God's will to be done. Please remember that God is and will be with you - no matter what - continue to turn to God (as we will) for comfort and care. And also know that we are here for you too. We love all of you and wish you grace and peace -
Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell & family & the people of the New Salem Presbyterian Church <>
New Salem, PA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 11:51 AM CST
Laura, your honest journal entry has really moved me. I am so devastated about Colby's relapse, and will continue to keep your wonderful child in my prayers. And, you are only human to feel the way you do. I feel that way about the situation and he is not my son. You know deep in your heart that God has Colby's life in His hands, but there are so many things we don't understand.
I will pray for Colby's health and emotional and physical strength for your family as you travel down the unknown path.

Wash.Twp., NJ - Sunday, March 30, 2003 11:20 AM CST
Dear Laura,
I was so sorry to read your update and to hear not only of the outward struggles but of the inward struggles as well. Your strength is amazing. Of course you will feel up and down just as the problems batter you like a storm and in the calm days you will be feeling more capable of handling things. I think your strength comes though in your faith and ability to "lean on the Lord". As the saying and songs go, "The lord is kind and merciful: Bless the Lord, my soul.
You are an example of someone who understands what is needed to live though the storms of life. Thanks for your example. Pat W PEACE,LOVE & COMFORT to YOU!

Patricia Wootan <>
Kingston, NY USA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 10:49 AM CST
Thinking of you today. I'm sorry that you have to face yet another hurdle. You will be in my prayers.
Maria <>
- Sunday, March 30, 2003 10:01 AM CST
I was so shocked to read your update today. We're sending lots of hugs and prayers your way for God to give you the strength you need and another miracle for precious Colby.


Lynn Rae <>
Ironton, OH - Sunday, March 30, 2003 9:51 AM CST
I will be praying for Colby, and for the rest of your family! Isn't it wonderful that God lets us throw tantrums, ask WHY??!!, get mad at Him, and then holds us closer than ever when we come to our senses? I hope and pray that Colby gets the miracle he deserves. God bless.
Christi Hamilton <>
Dove Canyon, CA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 9:12 AM CST
Oh man! I will be praying for you and praying God will send a BIG miracle your way. I check on your site a few times a day sometimes just to see how little Colby is doing. Was there any signs of relapse in Colby? This just has to be so much for you to take in. We are all here for you and praying for your family at this time. Love, Tracy (Katia's mommy)

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :)

(Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Sunday, March 30, 2003 8:40 AM CST
Dearest Cole family,
I am so heartbroken to hear that Colby has relapsed. I've been away since Thursday night and I knew that you were gonna update sometime on the weekend so I just couldn't wait to get back to hear even more good news on how Colby is doing...but instead I got the bad news and now I am just soooooo sad!!! I cannot believe it. I wish I was there to give you all a big hug. Laura, sometimes things happen that we know are unfair and we just can't understand why it happened that it makes us question God. I think it is normal. I did question God when I lost my mum to cancer. But I do believe that God has His own plans and His own ways, and that He makes everything happen for a reason. Do not lose your faith in God! He is watching over Colby now, and He will guide you whenever you are lost. I just want you to know that I will be praying for precious Colby until he gets better for good. I will pray as long as I have to, for however long it takes for Colby to be cancer free!!! He is such a tough and brave little heart is really broken that he has to face this nightmare yet again. Don't forget that you have the love and support of SOOO many people out here. We are all praying for you and for Colby...he is an angel on Earth!!! Keep strong and I will check back soon...

Colby, don't be scared sweetie!! I know that you are strong and tough and that you can fight this!! I am praying soooooo hard for you, cutie pie...and with everyone elses prayers...I know that you will get better.. prayers do work and miracles do happen (you know that!). Keep strong buddy...and keep smiling :) I hope you are feeling good and having a GREAT day.. will check back soon!

PS-Cameron, I hope you are feeling good too, sweetie!!

All my love & prayers, and lots of extra hugs and kisses!

Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, March 30, 2003 8:10 AM CST
Dear Coles, Once again your faith has been tested, I know Laura and Jack it just isn't FAIR!!!!,however as I tried to get across to you last evening I had heard,but not to forget it's in God's hands. YOU have a brave little boy, Strong like a BULL and in the LORD'S ARMY
Trust HIM, He knows what's best. Praying and alerting others! God Bless

Pam(grote)Howarth <>
Uniontown, PA - Saturday, March 29, 2003 11:54 PM CST
Jesus is still on the throne and is by no means shaking in his boots. I have no doubt that He has everything under control and I will be praying you through as always. Feel free to call--day or night--I'm here. Blessings!
Khalita My Caringbridge Site Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Saturday, March 29, 2003 11:06 PM CST
Colby is a fighter and I know he can make it through whatever punch is thrown at him next! Stay strong and positive and cherish every moment with your little angels!
Kelly <>
Lake Tahoe, NV USA - Saturday, March 29, 2003 9:57 PM CST
Just wanted to let you all know that you're in my prayers.

DeAnna <>
Ga USA - Saturday, March 29, 2003 9:33 PM CST
laura, the very best thing that you could do was rebuke that 'DIRTY DEVIL'!! He is always taking advantage of our weakest moments. but the power of God is much mightier that he is. so laura, you did the right thing by apologizing to God. He knows your feelings. don't give up hun. we love you and we will continue to pray for you and your entire family...
lynn & allen cottrell <>
smithfield, pa usa - Saturday, March 29, 2003 9:10 PM CST
Dear Cole Family,
I haven't checked the site lately and I am so deeply saddened by this news. I can't imagine what all of you are going through. You will all be in our thoughts and prayers.

Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter
Smock, PA usa - Saturday, March 29, 2003 8:46 PM CST
I was so devastated to read your latest news after reading such wonderful reports for a couple of weeks. I am sending all my best thoughts and prayers for a treatment that works miracles and Colby bouncing back to feeling great.

Jocelyn, Carly's mom (from CHOP)
Blue Bell, PA USA - Saturday, March 29, 2003 8:26 PM CST
you are all in my thoughts and prayers always. I pray that G-d gives you all the strength that you need day by day. I am not giving up on that miricle yet.
Jill (Dana's sister) <>
Long Branch, nj - Saturday, March 29, 2003 6:24 PM CST
I am so, so sorry to hear this latest news. I too, am feeling betrayed by God right now. I thought for once He had heard my prayers for Colby and answered them. Maybe I was wrong. Perhaps God has another plan.
Please know that you are constantly in my thoughts.

Jenny Sterner <>
Colts Neck, NJ - Saturday, March 29, 2003 5:25 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you..Always remember our God is still in the miracle working busines..He will never leave you of forsake you....We will keep all of you in our prayers...
Mary Mabe <>
Coeburn, VA USA - Saturday, March 29, 2003 3:38 PM CST
Cole's, please lean on all of your family and friends for support.
We are all here for you, praying for Colby and all of you in this battle.

Angel Chris and all your friends at Smile Quilts
- Saturday, March 29, 2003 3:24 PM CST
Laura, I dont know what to say. But I can relate to your desperation, I would want to drive into a wall or something, especially with the roller coaster you have been on lately. Please hold onto your faith, its all we have. So many of us clung to Colby's non-relapse as a sign God was answering our prayers, you are not alone in feeling betrayed. We all need to cling to that hope and are heartbroken to see this news. I know your family must be devastated and in shock, we all feel it. We so wanted and needed to believe. Your Caringbridge family is here for you and praying for you all.

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Saturday, March 29, 2003 3:20 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron..

I stopped by to see how Colby is doing and was heartbroken to read the update! I will double up on the thoughts and prayers for your family!
With HIM, all things are possible! God Bless You All....

Love and (((((((HUGS))))))

- Saturday, March 29, 2003 2:51 PM CST
Dear Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron

You are always in our thoughts and prayers ...
We were certainly sad to hear the not so good news ... but things can change with the help of GOD .. He will never abandon you.

GOD bless you always

Arlene and Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Township, NJ United States - Saturday, March 29, 2003 1:07 PM CST
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,
Holding your hands tightly...NEVER gonna let go.
I love and cherish you guys,

- Saturday, March 29, 2003 12:47 AM CST
Laura and Jack,
As always you continue to amaze us with your faith and your strength. We will hold fast with our prayers and ask God for Colby's miracle! This fight has been a long battle, but I know we have not lost the war! I do believe that Colby is STRONG LIKE BULL, and he is still fighting with all his might! We will continue to ride this roller coaster of a disease and hold on to you with our hearts and our arms!
Holding you in my heart and arms...............
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, March 29, 2003 12:36 AM CST
Our prayers will remain constant.

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Saturday, March 29, 2003 12:31 AM CST
Dearest Jack and Laura, I saw Bob and Diane last eveving and we had a nice talk!!!We will continue to pray there isn't a day that goes by we don't think of you all. Enjoy the days and remember it's in the hands of God. Colby, i'm so glad you boys are like other brothers, remember to enjoy your Cameron and keep being friends. Take care and keep up the fight you Strong BUll.In love and prayer, COLBY you've touched so many of us we love you for that.
Pam (grote) Howarth <>
Uniontown, PA - Saturday, March 29, 2003 6:54 AM CST
LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU! And that is ALL I have to say.
- Saturday, March 29, 2003 1:33 AM CST's me.
Here I am again
sitting alone
about you...
with dreams
that leave
a smile
in my heart.
May your night be restful,
all our love,
and strength,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, Pa usa - Friday, March 28, 2003 9:53 PM CST
Dear Colby,

Just a note to let you know our thoughts and prayers are with you. We cannot wait to see you and your little brother! You are one special little boy. You have touched our lives in so many ways. We love you!

Even though you are a boy, you are a very handsom flower that God has given to us to appreciate the beauty of life through you.

Behind every flower stands God.
Japanese Proverb

May God's love be with you.

One more thing, PLAY, PLAY and PLAY!!!!!

Faith and Renne' Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, March 28, 2003 7:45 PM CST

you all are in my thoughts and I am brushing off the "pray for colby " campaign. hang tight, guys. we love you all.

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , tx - Friday, March 28, 2003 6:43 PM CST
I am thinking of you and praying for you all. Stay strong.
Lynn Campbell, Connor Summerville's Grandmother
Baldwinsville, NY - Friday, March 28, 2003 5:19 PM CST


A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water. In the first, she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs and the last she placed ground coffee beans.

She let them set and boil without saying a word. In about twenty minuets she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.

Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me what do you see?" "Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied. She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots.

She did and noted that they soft. She then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled , as she tasted its rich aroma.

The daughter then asked. "What's the point, mother?" Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity-boiling water-but each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But, after setting through the boiling water, it's inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" she asked her daughter." When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot , an egg, or a coffee bean?" Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength? Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after death , a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate to another level?

How do YOU handle Adversity?


Send this to everyone you care about.

Janice Wright

J. Wright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, March 28, 2003 1:21 PM CST
There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are
There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
(Mariah Carey- Hero)

Colby, you are MY hero! I love you.

Dana Doctor
- Friday, March 28, 2003 12:43 AM CST

No matter how far you are, I will always be very near. Even if you whisper quietly, I will always be able to hear. Whenever you need me, I will answer your call and catch you on my wings, if you should begin to fall.
When you are troubled, and filled with despair I'll guide you to the light, with the power of a prayer.
I will be your warm shelter, in life's unpredictable storms Your needle and thread, if your heart has been torn.
A shoulder for you to cry on, when your tears need to flow. The loving and caring heart, your heart needs me to show.
Your giver of new hope, when all your faith has gone. The strength that you will need, if it's hard for you to be strong.
A lighthouse to guide you, when you have lost your way. The arms holding you close, whey your thoughts go astray.



J. Wright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, March 28, 2003 12:30 AM CST
Hello Colby and family, Just came by to check for updates and let you know we were thinking of you here. Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Friday, March 28, 2003 12:19 AM CST
You have all my LOVE and all My Heart for All of my Life!

Miss you so, see you soon!
Colby never forget ,
I LOVE YOU BIGGEST................

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, March 28, 2003 8:43 AM CST
O Lord Jesus, I do believe,
but strengthen my belief.
Come into my life; the door
of my heart is open. Calm
the storm within me, and
give me the peace that brings
healing. Give me that trust
in You that brings real cour-
age to overcome fear. I reach
out to You in faith to feel
the strength of Your healing
power. Amen.

- Thursday, March 27, 2003 9:58 PM CST
Hello Cole Family
Just letting you know "you are in my thoughts and heart".

Barbara Gismondi <>
Elco, PA USA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 9:30 PM CST
Hi Laura and Colby,
I hope you guys made it home safe. I enjoyed spending time with you guys. 22 more days and we will be in Uniontown! Can't wait to take a spin on those quads. Jack, you have just enough time to get a cow for the barn hehe!
I love all of you!

Dana miss you much Doctor
- Thursday, March 27, 2003 8:31 PM CST
I just woke up from my nap...I wanted to tell you that We love you.
We will see you soon, we miss you sweet little one!
Love to Mommy, Daddy & Cameron too!
From our hearts with never ending prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, Pa usa - Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:33 PM CST

The man whispered, "God, speak to
me", and a meadowlark sang,
but the man did not hear.
So the man yelled "God, speak to
and the thunder & lightning rolled
across the sky,
but the man did not listen.

The man looked around and said,
"God, let me see you", and a star
brightly, but the man did not see.
And, the man shouted, ("God, show
me a miracle") And a life was born.
The man
did not notice.
So, the man cried out in despair,
"Touch me, God, and let me know
you are
here". Whereupon, God reached
down and touched the man, but the
man brushed
the butterfly away and walked on.
I found this to be a great reminder
that God is always around us in the
and simple things that we take for
even in our electronic age . . . so I
would like to add one more: The man
cried "God, I need your help" . . . and
an e-mail arrived reaching out with
good news and
encouragement. But the man deleted
it and continued crying..... The good
news is that
you are loved. Don't miss out on a
blessing because it isn't packaged the
that you expect. I decided to send this
to you, ("COLBY JAMES COLE"),
I asked God to bless you, and I picked you,
MY LITTLE MAN, for all the blessing that
the ("GOOD LORD") has for you.

Expect the unexpected.... Have A Happy Day!


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, March 27, 2003 12:50 AM CST

Just Imagine

Just imagine ..... an inner garden ... you can embrace ...
filled with happiness ... laughter ... inspiration ....
and a little mischief, laughter and fun so as not to be too boring!
Laughter is healing to the heart and to the soul. ENJOY!
Imagine a Place where the wells of joy never run dry ...
and the child within is always safe and loved ...
Remember to view life through the innocent eyes of a child ....
the ever imaginative and creative child within your heart!
Its all within your heart!
Heaven is found within the heart when one allows life to be seen ....
in this way
Remember to smile and share joy with others:
when adult life becomes stressful, stop and breathe ...
relax and remember ...
to laugh and let yourself be silly just as kids do ....
they are teachers too!
Life is too short to be all serious ....
Take time to smell the roses and enjoy the view along the way ...
rather than making a living .....
live life in the making & let that giggle out!!
Love life and live love.
Just imagine ....
and have patience ....
open your heart to life ...
Be a kid at heart - and never quite grow up!
Life is a journey of discovery that never ends.

Patience ...
have patience with me ...
I'm still growing up!


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, March 27, 2003 11:04 AM CST
Just a note to let you know you remain in our daily prayers. Our day wouldn't seem complete without doing so!!
Stable good weather is just around the corner. Bet the boys are gearing up just like our girls are...

Always in our hearts and minds,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, PA - Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:34 AM CST
Hey guys,
Glad that computer is up and running. I have sure missed your fun guestbook entries, Jack.
I am so glad to have the pleasure to know your family. I hold you all dear in my heart.
I will give Laura and Colby a big enough hug for ALL the awesome people that pray for them.
Love you,

Dana fluffy Doctor
- Wednesday, March 26, 2003 10:26 PM CST

People need people and friends need friends,
And we all need love for a full life depends,
Not on vast riches or great acclaim,
Not on success or on worldy fame,
But just in knowing that someone cares,
And holds us close in their thoughts and prayers-
For only the knowledge that we're understood,
Makes everyday living feel wonderfully good,
And we rob ourselves of life's greatest need
When we "lock up our hearts" and fail to heed,
The outstretched hand reaching to find,
A kindred spirit whose heart and mind
Are lonely and longing to somehow share
Our joys and sorrows and to make us aware
That life's completeness and richness depends
On the things we share with our loved ones and friends.


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 3:19 PM CST

You're one of the closest friends I've got ... and I want you to know that for all we've been through, all the sharing, the encouragement, the serious and the silly times and the just-being-together times, I've come to appreciate you so much. Whenever I think of you... I think of a very special friend who makes my world a better place to be. And this seemed like the perfect time for saying thanks so much ... for sharing your friendship with me!


Love You Sooooo Much,
Aunt Dee

Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 2:12 PM CST
Hey there Colby!
How's my miracle boy coming along?? I've been eagerly waiting for an update...but I guess you and Cameron must be keeping mummy and daddy on their feet, huh?? That is FAIR ENOUGH!! :) Anyway just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you..and still aweing over what a true miracle you have been!!! Such an angel you are!! You have inspired me soooooooo really put a smile on my face, Colby. Well I am just about to go to bed so I am gonna say GOODNIGHT!!! But I hope you have a GREAT day ahead...have funnnnn! Keep strong, sweet stuff.. I'll check back soon..

God bless Colby and his family :)

Hugssss, kissesssss & loveeeeee!

Melbourne, Where kangaroos and koala bears live....(can you guess where that is???) - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 6:46 AM CST

Hi guys!

I just wanted to stop in and say goodnight! I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow. I hope that you took in the beautiful day... the sun, the birds, the warmth, and the energy sent from God. Love you Love you Love you!!! Sweet dreams and a sweeter day tomorrow. Uncle Jack, have a good day at work! Laura, get some rest for the big drive! Colby and Cameron, just PLAY PLAY PLAY. I miss you guys.

Jess <>
Buckhannon (Too far away), WV - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 11:41 PM CST
Hello Cole family. Finally beautiful warm spring weather and dear Colby finally being able to play with Cameron and just enjoy life. The photos are great Laura. Checking in each day for updates and seeing the photos of how terrific Colby looks just lifts my spirits. He is truly a miracle. God has something very special in store for him. I believe his plan might be to keep him here on earth to teach us all something about faith. Hugs to everyone. I am still hoping that someday you can bring the boys into the office so everyone can meet them.
Bev <>
N. Huntingdon, PA - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 8:45 PM CST
Hey Cole Family, just checking in on you all. Love to read every word of your are an amazing family!!
Spring is here and it must feel so good to you-to see the flowers bloom through the beds that were once covered in so much snow and ice- the changing of the seasons must remind you of the new life that Colby has been given. I actually thought of him today when I saw flowers blooming in my garden. The testimony of Colby's life will stick in my mind forever. His life is such an incredible gift.
Enjoy the spring!!

Wash.Twp., NJ - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 8:15 PM CST
Hello Colby. I thought I would stop by and say hello. I hope you are having a great week!

God Bless and keep you in his loving arms.

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 7:50 PM CST
Colby, it is so good to hear that you are doing well. Laura and Jack, you are truely wonderful parents who deserve total happiness with your sons. Cameron, keep loving Colby and have fun playing together. I wish you all the best and may God keep blessing your family each day.
Nicole L. Mullen <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 5:12 PM CST
Just doing my usual check-in. Glad to see things are going well. Sounds like Jess and Colby had quite a day!! That is awesome. I continue to keep you all in my prayers. Remember are my HERO!! God bless you all. With big hugs and love,
Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 2:09 PM CST

I know God must have had you in mind,
when He threw stars across the sky.
For I can see them twinkling there,
when I look into your eyes.

I know He had to be thinking of you,
when He made the moon and the sun.
For He knew that they would shine on you,
as if you were the only one.

I know when He made the mountains,
formed flowers and morning dew.
When He looked at the splendor of all He'd done,
I know He was thinking of you.

When He created humanity,
you were there on His mind,
looking 'cross generations,
that you would be one of a kind.

I know when the very first laughter,
spilled forth from that wonderous place,
He knew one day He would hear you laugh too,
and a smile spread across His face.

I know God must have had you in mind,
looking down from Heaven above.
For He knew someday
I would need someone,
And(" He sent you for me to love").


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 10:32 AM CST
Hey guys, glad to hear you're having fun in the sun! Enjoy! All those animals in the barn MIGHT be alot of work, but after all, look at Noah and The Ark! HAHA! Laura and Jack, glad to hear you're back to work...ahhhh the sounds of Gods work. We're praying hard! Take care! hug and kisses!
Kim, Fred, Brecken and Micah Sickles <>
Uniontown, PA - Monday, March 24, 2003 2:54 PM CST
Hey cutie pie!!!
How are ya doin this fine day?? I was really happy to read that you had a GREAT time with Jessica and her friends :) Boy, you must've been real charming and sweet huh?? I bet you're a real ladies man...with that gorgeous smile of yours! I'm glad you had a good time, buddy...I am still in awe of you, miracle boy. Everything that has happened with you is so amazing and God must really love you. Who can blame him!!! Well I just want to let you know that I am still praying for you, sweetie...I know you are better for good, Colby...keep strong, keep smiling :) :)


Giant hugs and kisses!!

Melbourne, A land FAR, FAR away...known as DOWN UNDER!! - Monday, March 24, 2003 7:29 AM CST
Ok... Just incase you didn't know. COLBY IS THE MOST SPECIAL PERSON!!! Today I had the pleasure of hanging with my little sweety and boy did we have FUN!!! I took Colby to meet some of my friends. It was so nice to let them meet this little MIRACLE that I am always talking about. Well Well... this little guy strutted his stuff, and truly showed every single person he met his endless smile and admirable strength. Colby thank you so much for such a precious day that I will never forget. Like mommy said my man "God has a very special plan for you" and what you did today may not have seemed very significant but I must tell you... that you will continue to touch the lives of so many people, because thats what you are supposed to do. I hope you had as much fun as I did today and I bet you slept good (I probably wore ya out). I hope you shared your cotton candy with Cameron and I hope Daddy didn't eat it all!!!! I I hope that you are having the most sweetest little dreams right now. You were so great today, you deserve them. Cam man, I am so sorry you didn't get to go today. You broke my heart when were leaving. Don't be mad at me!!! I love you too!!!

Laura, I hope you are feeling better!!! And uncle Jack, well you are just NUTS!!! Luv you guys. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO Goodnight.

Jess <>
Back in Buckhannon, WV - Sunday, March 23, 2003 11:30 PM CST
Hello ya'll. I am so happy to hear that you ALL are doing well. Keep having fun, and enjoying life. It is very short for us all. Peace and continued Prayers for you all. 4/J's
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
ft.pierce, fl usa - Sunday, March 23, 2003 7:03 PM CST
Happy Sunday!
Just thinking about you all and wanted you to know we love you.
We continue our prayers for many reasons...the children and our country's service men. Many prayers are needed!
I hope that we all see eachother soon!
From our hearts to yours,

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, March 23, 2003 1:58 PM CST
Hi Colby,
Just dropping in to visit and to let you know I am thinking of you and your family.
God Bless,

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Sunday, March 23, 2003 1:44 AM CST
Hello Colby!! :)
Hey buddy, how are you? I am sooo glad to hear that you are doing GREAT and keeping very well!! You just don't stop having fun!!! And that's exactly the way it should be :) It is sooo cute to hear that you and Cameron get on like a house on fire!!! I have do doubt that you little munchkins love each other more than anything...I think little brotherly fights are healthy once in awhile, but I know that you're a GREAT big brother, Colby :) Cameron is so lucky to have you! In fact, we're all so lucky to have you!!! You have touched so many peoples lives, you cheeky boy!!! :) Okay buddy, I hope you continue to have an awesome week ahead of you...I am sure you'll be keeping your mummy and daddy very fit with you and Cameron bouncing of the walls!!! Have fun, sweetie...I'll check in on you soon! Keep strong, keep smiling :) :)

Lots of laughs and giggles!

Melbourne, DOWNNNN UNDERRRRR! - Sunday, March 23, 2003 0:33 AM CST
Hello Cole Family!

We are thinking of you and wanted to say hello. We usually plan a trip to your area in the spring and would love to take all of you to lunch, or even just meet you for five minutes. Faith would love to meet you Colby. She is three and asks about you all the time. She wants to wish you a merry "Christ"mas! Belated!!!!

I am so glad to have met you Jack and get to learn of Colby. I feel as if there is nothing I can do for you and your family, except do what I am good at – and that is praying! I get so excited seeing God’s majesty working in your little boy. Laura, most women can only hope to be half the mother you are to your boys. Cameron, you are so wonderful just being there for your big brother. So much love!!!! Wow!!!! Cole’s, you have done a tremendous job as a family and all of out here in cyber space are blessed to know you.

Have a wonderful night and great Sunday.

Love and Prayers.

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Saturday, March 22, 2003 9:22 PM CST
Hi Coles! I am on spring break this week and would love to see you if you come to philly 215 884 9512
Vickie <>
Abington, Pa - Saturday, March 22, 2003 5:01 PM CST
Dear Cole family,

Just checking in to see how things are going. I think about your miracle all the time. The pictures are great. I am so happy everything continues to be going well and pray this continues. I know you enjoy each and every day with your precious children. Praying for your family and for Colby to have continued healing.

Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Friday, March 21, 2003 10:52 PM CST
Hello Cole Family
Just letting you know-- You Are In My Thoughts!
Take Care

Barbara Gismondi <>
Elco, PA USA - Friday, March 21, 2003 10:38 PM CST
Hi Cole Family,
Just checked out the pictures and read the journal. Sounds like you have your hands full Laura. But, that is just what you need. A house full of smiles and laughter. Those boys are sure keeping things busy around the house. Looks like they are having fun too. Nice chair you have there Colby. And the lump in the rug,is it comfy? Sure seems to be. HA HA. O how wonderful our God is. Prase the Lord. Miracles Do Happen. Take Care Cole Family. My Prayers Are With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, March 21, 2003 8:48 PM CST
Hi Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron, Just stopping in to say hello. Glad all went well in Philadelphia last week. As always, keeping you close in my thoughts and prayers.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, - Friday, March 21, 2003 3:06 PM CST
Wishing I was having a sleepover at your house... instead I am having a sleepover with my Microbiology book. Poooooey!!! Thinking about giving you guys big hugs tomorrow. Can't wait to see ya! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

- Friday, March 21, 2003 0:16 AM CST
Good Night and Sweet Dreams to ALL!
Tis that time of year for Make-A-Wish preparations, by the way "thank you Jack!" :) Busy, busy, busy!
But not that busy to be thinking about a very blessed family! XO
I hope with these warm days EVERYONE has been able to get outside...we have!
Training our 9 Mos. puppy takes me outside. Petey & I are in classes on Tuesday nights in Morgantown. A strong guy with a very vibrant personality. Strong like bull truly describes him! (and a bit bullheaded too!)
Laura I am sure it was exhausting and yet refreshing to go back to work...are you sleeping?...are you sleeping?
I am SURE that there were open arms, lots of hugs and tears when you returned. :)
We hope that we can see you all again real soon.
Next time to MAXX call us!
We love you all and as always continue our never ending prayers. XO to everyone especially Colby!
From our hearts,

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, March 20, 2003 9:46 PM CST
Hello Colby and family.

Our prayers are constant. We are very excited for your next update. You life has become part of ours. We love you!

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, March 20, 2003 8:58 PM CST
Hi Colby!
You have constantly been in our thoughts and our prayers. We have total faith that your improvements are Gods will!
Know that you are blessed by the love and prayers of thousands who are following your recovery. You are truly a miracle!

Tom Dowler <>
Washington, PA USA - Thursday, March 20, 2003 8:54 PM CST
Hi, it's Morgan checking in! Glad to see all is still going wonderfully for everyone. I was just sharing your MIRACLE story today. I go to a Catholic school and in my theology class we are learning about miracles. My teacher asked for us to share any stories, and I shot up my hand with yours! Everyone was shocked but thrilled to hear it! All my continued prayers. Love, Morgan
Morgan McCallin <>
- Thursday, March 20, 2003 5:48 PM CST
Praying that all is still going well for Colby. Enjoy this time together, you all deserve it!

Debbie Nagy
- Thursday, March 20, 2003 4:03 PM CST
Just checking from UHS. I'm glad you guys got to take advantage of the warm weekend. I cannot tell you how happy I am for you Colby, and your family! Lots of Love. Now maybe you can come visit us!
Danielle Mullen
Uniontown, PA - Thursday, March 20, 2003 11:06 AM CST
Sweet Dreams to my guys!!! Cam man, Uncle Jack, and my little sweetheart Colby James.... See you guys this weekend!

Jessica "What-IKA" <>
Buckhannon (2 days away from PA), WV - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 11:17 PM CST
Hey Laura,
I hope you enjoyed getting back to work. I am sure you were greeted with loving smiles and hugs. Missing talking to you everyday, kinda wish you lived closer. I will see ya on extra kids.
Love you x 1 million ( Jack, Colby and Cameron too!)

Dana now you all see my hair is not THAT big Doctor
- Wednesday, March 19, 2003 9:05 PM CST
Colby, Cameron, Laura & Jack.....
You are all truly AMAZING.....PRAISE THE LORD....Savannah & I had soooo much fun playing with all of you at Maxx Entertainment. We continue to pray for all of you and ALSO thank God for his work in your lives!!!! Lets get together real soon!!
All our love: Terri, Joe & Savanah

Terri Baker <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 8:30 PM CST
Colby and crew,
Just wanted to sign in and let you know that I was here. I bet you are enjoying being home and playing!! The weather in Illinois is starting to look a little more like Spring.........I can't wait!! During this Lenten season I continue to thank God for showing all of us His miracle through you Colby -- thank you God. I'll be back again soon to check on all of you. With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 3:44 PM CST
It is so nice out. I bet the boys have Marge out and about... playing hard as they should be. Laura, I hope you had a good first night back to work and I hope you get some sleep today. Enjoy the sunshine and enjoy those little smiles. Miss you lots. See you soon.

Love Always,

Jessica <>
Buckhannon (3 days a way from PA), WV - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 12:31 AM CST
Hi there precious Colby :)
How are you doin today sweetie??? It's the start to your day and I bet you just can't wait to get started on those toys huh??? Well, good for you!! When you're at that age, it's your JOB to PLAY! Well, I was just dropping in to check on you, making sure that you're fine and dandy :) You must be keeping mummy REAL busy since she hasn't updated in awhile!! :) Looking forward to an update and more pictures of you handsome and your other handsome sidekick (CAMERON!!). Hope you have a fantabulous day with fantabulous weather!!! Keep strong, keep smiling :) :)

Hugssss and kissesss!!

Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 6:49 AM CST
How is little Colby doing? Just came by to say hello to you guys. Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Wednesday, March 19, 2003 4:56 AM CST
It is so great ot hear things are going good.
Keep it up Colby.
Take care and Bless you.

Angela & Tony
- Tuesday, March 18, 2003 7:55 PM CST
I have my computer back and have been able to get my favorites (i.e. caringbridge sites too) loaded back on and can get back to visiting my favorite JMML friends...........I missed you guys! Good news on your trip to CHOP and I love the photos too! Everyone looks great! I have a lot of catching up to do, but just wanted to stop by and say hi and glad things are going well.
Talk soon I hope!

Niki <>
OXOXOXOXOX, - Tuesday, March 18, 2003 4:50 PM CST
Laura and crew,
Thank You for the wonderful MIRACLE pictures! Brecken and Micah enjoyed each and every one of them. As we scrolled through them, I looked over and they both were crying. They set me straight right away, "These are happy tears!" They said they couldn't believe everthing Colby had gone through and how sick he WAS! Then, they said a prayer to Thank God for his work! We continue to pray for better and better days! Colby, keep having soooooo much fun, and tell Mom and Dad to keep showing us pictures! Make sure that little brother of yours has fun too!

Kim, Fred, Brecken and Micah Sickles <>
Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, March 18, 2003 1:33 PM CST
Hi, my name is Jackie. I am a neighbor of Janet and Dan Sims. I was led to your website by one of Jack's postings on Princess Janie's page. I was happily surprised to see that you guys have had some EXTREMELY good news lately. I am so happy for you all, especially you Colby!!!! It is so good to see a ray of sunshine in such a cloudy time! We forever miss Janie but know that she is watching over all of us and especially the children like her!!
Jackie <>
Birmingham, AL - Tuesday, March 18, 2003 9:51 AM CST

I just wanted to stop in and say goodnight. I miss you all so much. I had so much fun when I was home this past week and enjoyed and will cherish every second spent with you all... every laugh, every smile, every giggle!!! You are all very special and I love you more that you will ever know and am ever so happy for the peace and strength that God has given that sweet baby! I have never met anyone stronger than Colby, he is my hero in so many ways. I hope everyone had a nice St. Patricks day. I am coming home again this weekend... get ready!
XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO Kisses and Hugs for my little sweethearts!

Love always,
AKA "Jessika What-IKA"

AKA "Jessika What-IKA" <>
Buckhannon (To far away), WV - Monday, March 17, 2003 11:17 PM CST
Top of the Evening to YOU!
Just returned home from a loooooooong day out and wanted to let you know that we love you!
While I am busy, I think of you,
While I am sleeping, I dream of you,
While I am walking, you are in my thoughts,
While I am smiling, I know that you are too!
Another glorious day...once again for many reasons! :)
God Bless you, hugs & snuggles to all!
Sweet dreams you little leprechauns! (very handsome at that!)
Hope to see you soon!
From our hearts with endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan (who lost her second tooth today!) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Monday, March 17, 2003 9:44 PM CST

I hope you had a wonderful day Colby.

Much love and prayers,

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Monday, March 17, 2003 7:46 PM CST
Hey Colby!! I had such a fun day today with you and Cameron. I hope you both had a great time riding Dipper and spending time with the horses. Hope to see you there again soon. : )
Elizabeth Velosky <>
- Monday, March 17, 2003 6:56 PM CST



- Monday, March 17, 2003 1:03 PM CST
Hi handsome!!! Just dropping by to say HELLO!!!!! And to make sure that you have a wonderful day! I am thinking of you and praying hard for you, cutie pie...oooh, I also love your new pictures...looks like you were having fun at CHOP!! Will you please give yourself a BIG FAT hug from me and then give one to Cameron too??? Okay buddy, you have a great day and I will write again soon...keep smiling!! :) :) :)

Keep strong like a bull, Colby!!!

Lots of hugs and kisses to Colby and Cameron!! (not forgetting mummy and daddy too)

Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Monday, March 17, 2003 7:47 AM CST


Chris Ullrich - Bella's Grammy <,>
Hemingford, Ne USA - Monday, March 17, 2003 5:48 AM CST
Still checking on you daily. Glad your CHOP visit went well. Think of you all you are enjoying this great weather just as our house is...Listening to the giggles outside and the sound of swings getting the winter creaks out is completely joyous!!! You are one beautiful family...inside and out!

You remain in our prayers,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Sunday, March 16, 2003 9:11 PM CST
Laura& Jack the pictures were just beautiful looks like they were haveing fun. May God keep on blessing you and your family.Colby keep up the good work and keep that beautiful smile, the angels are watching over you.Laura have fun at work i know you will be glad to see all your co-workers they have been wonderful to you and God has really been good to all of your family. I think of you and all your family i will say a prayer for you all. God Bless All
Donna Ondrejko
Mansfield, OH U.S.A. - Sunday, March 16, 2003 8:08 PM CST
Dear Laura and Jack, Love the pictures of your boys having fun and enjoying life.. You have quite a remarkable family. So glad to hear that the trip to CHOP was a good one. Please remember that I am always praying for all of you..Much love.
Regina M. Sloan
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, March 16, 2003 7:10 PM CST
Oops........I guess I pressed enter too many times! :)


Melissa Fritsch
- Sunday, March 16, 2003 7:03 PM CST
Hello Cole family. We are friends of Kayli in California. Your story truely gave us strength! We too are fighting a rare form of leukemia with our 3 year old son, Parker. He too is a trooper and is amazing everyone by beating the odds. You have touched many lives! My husband grew up in PA. We have lots of friends and family there. Sending you love and prayers from the west coast.

Melissa, Richard, and Parker Fritsch

Melissa Fritsch <>
Fresno, CA - Sunday, March 16, 2003 7:01 PM CST
Hello Cole family. We are friends of Kayli in California. Your story truely gave us strength! We too are fighting a rare form of leukemia with our 3 year old son, Parker. He too is a trooper and is amazing everyone by beating the odds. You have touched many lives! My husband grew up in PA. We have lots of friends and family there. Sending you love and prayers from the west coast.

Melissa, Richard, and Parker Fritsch

Melissa Fritsch <>
Fresno, CA - Sunday, March 16, 2003 7:01 PM CST
Hello Cole family. We are friends of Kayli in California. Your story truely gave us strength! We too are fighting a rare form of leukemia with our 3 year old son, Parker. He too is a trooper and is amazing everyone by beating the odds. You have touched many lives! My husband grew up in PA. We have lots of friends and family there. Sending you love and prayers from the west coast.

Melissa, Richard, and Parker Fritsch

Melissa Fritsch <>
Fresno, CA - Sunday, March 16, 2003 7:01 PM CST
Hello Cole family. We are friends of Kayli in California. Your story truely gave us strength! We too are fighting a rare form of leukemia with our 3 year old son, Parker. He too is a trooper and is amazing everyone by beating the odds. You have touched many lives! My husband grew up in PA. We have lots of friends and family there. Sending you love and prayers from the west coast.

Melissa, Richard, and Parker Fritsch

Melissa Fritsch <>
Fresno, CA - Sunday, March 16, 2003 7:01 PM CST
Best Wishes to the entire Cole family. It's great news to see Colby is doing much better!
Roxanne (Cole) Conchilla (George's Daughter) <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Sunday, March 16, 2003 6:24 PM CST

MONROE TWP, NJ - Sunday, March 16, 2003 3:10 PM CST
Dear Laura, I wrote before when you were just finding out that the donor cells had worked. He sounds like a trooper and a normal boy at the same time. I'm glad all went well with the procedures and I will continue to be grateful for your great news and pray for his continued recovery.

Dear Colby, I heard how brave you were in the hospital. It must be great to get your broviac out. Hope you enjoyed the popscicle. You deserved it. I wish you were old enough to write and tell me what you like to do, what books you like and what games to play. My twin grandson's are seven and they love legos and the computer. They also really like videos. Ian the older twin acts much younger than Jake the younger (bigger) twin because Ian has a kind of sickness. Ian goes to a special school and gets lots of help for his problem.
Thankfully you are better and I am happy for you. By the way, Jake and Ian have three cats and a baby sister 7 months old.
Take care honey and enjoy being without your broviac. Love Pat W PS 7 deer were feeding in our back yard today.

Patricia Wootan <>
Kingston, NY USA - Sunday, March 16, 2003 3:01 PM CST
I'm so happy for your family!!!!! May God continue to bless your lives, and please, enjoy work again. I didn't realize how much I would miss work, till I left it. Some body else can clean the house.****** it's not my job man********ehehehehehehehehe. Have a wonderful week, I'll keep checkin in.. Peace
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
ft.pierce, fl usa - Sunday, March 16, 2003 12:00 AM CST
Hi Everyone!
What another glorious day! For MANY reasons!
Welcome back good to be home.
The photos are precious and Colby is incredible!
CHOP will never be the same! :)
Get outside and play,play,play!
We love you all..hope to see you soon!
From our hearts with endless prayers,

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, March 16, 2003 10:59 AM CST
Hello!! I just loved your new pictures. Glad all is well. Have a HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY! Thinking of you.....with love and prayers. Have fun!! Love to all of you.
Bea <>
Eastern, Pa. - Sunday, March 16, 2003 7:54 AM CST
Hi Colby!!
Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you!! And of course PRAYING for you!! Hope you are keeping strong and well, miracle boy :) :) PLAY PLAY PLAY!!!

Lots of hugsssss,

Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, March 16, 2003 6:35 AM CST
What wonderful news to hear that everything at CHOP went well and that you are now all home. Colby, you are definitely a miracle and a hero to all who know you. Everyone is so proud of you for being so brave and so trusting in God. We love you! Hope to see you tomorrow in church.
Todd, Meg, and Parker

The Radolec's <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, March 15, 2003 10:53 PM CST
Hello Cole Family
Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy days...Take Care

barbara gismondi <>
Elco, PA USA - Saturday, March 15, 2003 10:19 PM CST
Hi Colby and Cameron!
Tigger and Piglet stopping by to wish you a very Happy St. Patricks Day!!!

- Saturday, March 15, 2003 8:20 PM CST
I just love the pictures! Can't wait to see you all again.

- Saturday, March 15, 2003 11:23 AM CST
Colby, It sounds like you are doing great! Are you ever going to share your secret? You truly are amazing and inspiration for such a young guy. Enjoy the nice weather!
Jill Barclay
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Saturday, March 15, 2003 8:02 AM CST
Hi Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron,
I pray that the Lord continues to bless you and will be thinking of you often.

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Saturday, March 15, 2003 1:02 AM CST
Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron,
Glad to hear you had a great trip to Philly and that you're all back home again! Colby- we can't say it enough-YOU ARE AMAZING! We hope to see all of you in church on Sunday.
With much love,
Dana, Jamie, Wally and Elizabeth

jamie velosky <>
new salem, pa - Friday, March 14, 2003 11:41 PM CST
Dearest Colby!!
Hellooo sweetie!! How does it feel to be HOME with NO MORE tubies?????????? Must be pretty good hey?? I am so happy for you, Colby :) And just reading through your update, it sounds like you've been the bravest little boy!!! I can just imagine it, because you are sooo tough!!! Very glad to hear that everyone is back home safely now and that you're doing well, Colby...I'm sure you'll be up and about and playing your lil heart out!!! Now I am only praying HARD for you that this miracle will last...and I KNOW IT WILL!! God loves you so much and He is REALLY taking care of you, sweetie. Isn't He just GREAT?? :) Okay so I will check in on you soon cutie pie, but in the mean time, have lotssss of fun, keep strong and keep your faith!!! I love ya Colby!

Laura, good luck with going back to work. You must really be looking forward to it :)

God bless the Cole family!!!

Lots of hugs and kisses...

Melbourne, Australia - Friday, March 14, 2003 11:40 PM CST
One more thing – I really love this and have learned it from you and your Dad. I wish I had known this during my struggle, yet it is a blessing to know it with you and your family....

O Lord Jesus, I do believe,
but strengthen my belief.
Come into my life; the door
of my heart is open. Calm
the storm within me, and
give me the peace that brings
healing. Give me that trust
in You that brings real cour-
age to overcome fear. I reach
out to You in faith to feel
the strength of Your healing
power. Amen.

AMEN!!!!!! WOW!!!!!

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, March 14, 2003 10:24 PM CST
Hi cutie!!! Just dropping by to check up on you and leave you our thoughts and wishes.
You dont have to be Irish, I'm not, to have a Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Friday, March 14, 2003 9:45 PM CST
Hello Cole Family!

Wishing you a wonderful and blessed weekend. I am sure you two boys will find much to do with this great weather! Play, play and play!

God is so good. We are blessed in his name.

Much love!

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, March 14, 2003 9:21 PM CST
Laura Lu, HORRAY,HORRAY,HORRAY!!! Can't wait to see you next week!! I think you are PA in charge..not sure...Miss your face so much...So very thankful things have turned out so well. All of you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Vickie

Vickie <>
Connellsville, PA - Friday, March 14, 2003 5:59 PM CST
Sending Grandma and Grandpa kisses and hugs ... We were thrilled to hear that everything went well at CHOP. I would have loved to have seen all the boys being boys!! May they always be healthy enough to get into mischief. GOD Bless Colby Cameron Laura and Jack

PS Zoe send some pussy cat kisses also

Arlene and Seymour Zwick
Monroe Township, NJ - Friday, March 14, 2003 5:57 PM CST
Just stopping in to say that you are still in my prayers. Colby, you are so strong and brave. You will always have a place in my heart.
Melissa Henning <>
Markleysburg, PA - Friday, March 14, 2003 2:39 PM CST
BRAZIL - Friday, March 14, 2003 2:32 PM CST
Good Morning To The Cole Family!
What a glorious day! Sunshine everywhere!
Which brings many smiles for miles...
Thinking of you all. It sounds like your trek to CHOP
was a GREAT one! (the hint from Dana's entry gives it away!)
Love to all and talk to you soon...XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO
From our hearts with endless prayers!
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Friday, March 14, 2003 8:45 AM CST
Dear Laura (and Colby), I am with Sean in our local hospital(for treatment as planned)it is 11:30 pm and I was doing research on BMT's(I know that I said I was not going to do that but it is in my nature). I have been thinking about you guys so I decided to check your web page... I am sitting here crying, laughing , I have chills and practically holding myself down from jumping up and down and screaming... I am so happy!!! Like we said at is not all science. I just want to tell you that you and colby were honored with this miracle because you are such a good person and colby such a fighter . I remember the rainy night you left us ... you both were so strong and thankful for what god had done for you , I admired you for that. I also remember your words to Patty and me .. when you told us the news.... you said, I don't want either of you to give up hope because of this... you fight!! I thought about how special you are ... to worry about our feelings when you were going through this. Thank You. Your miracle is so wonderful. It has given my more hope and optimism during this journey. God bless always . All my love, rhonda (parent from chop)
Rhonda Beatty <jrb.ent @ >
Hellertown , pa - Thursday, March 13, 2003 11:04 PM CST

- Thursday, March 13, 2003 10:52 PM CST
HI Colby,

I just wanted to stop in and let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! Keep up the great progress!

Love and (((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))

- Thursday, March 13, 2003 7:46 PM CST
What an amazing story and an amazing family. After reading your entire sight, I am in total shock, that good things can actually come out of this. I cannot tell you how happy I am for your entire family. I am just so sorry that you had to feel the feeling that you did when you were told there was nothing else they could do. I lived that road, except my turnout wasn't as happy as yours. My baby, Tyler John McGrath passed away on his 9th birthday last summer...your entire story has given me reason to actually believe again. After I lost my son, I have experienced days where I question Gods plan...which is wrong, I know. baby is gone, there is no explanation for that.

I am speechless though when it comes to this. Your little boy has taught me to believe again. Thank you.

- Thursday, March 13, 2003 7:28 PM CST
I should start by saying that you don't know me. I know of Colby's fight with JMML through knowing Conor Ford. I just had to tell you all that reading about Colby's miracle was just wonderful, and I am so very happy for you all. Well done Colby!! All the best to you sweatheart!

Ali Green <>
Melbourne, Vic AUSTRALIA - Thursday, March 13, 2003 6:26 PM CST
Hey Colby,
You look GREAT with out a broviac! So glad to see you today (Mommy, Daddy and Cameron too!). Did you see how big my hair gets when I have to chase Kyle and Zackie around clinic...boy can I Fluff!
See ya in 2 weeks when you are back at CHOP.
Love you,

Dana big hair Doctor
- Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:57 PM CST
Hi Colby!
Just checking in and wanted to know let you know that I am still praying for you. Hope you are having fun playing and smiling all the time!!
Love ya'

Debbie Nagy <>
Manchester, MO - Thursday, March 13, 2003 1:03 PM CST
I know you all are enjoying life. I am so glad!!!!!!!!!!!
Diannr Roth <>
cape Girardeau, MO - Thursday, March 13, 2003 11:36 AM CST
Good Morning Colby!
Today you all head back home after your reunion in PHL.
I felt good yesterday and I hope that that was because you were sending me happy vibes!
I KNOW that everyone at CHOP was so excited to see you and your ALL are so special to them!
You are our miracle and you continue to teach us.
Looking forward to our next play date...
We love you all,
Have a safe journey today,
From our hearts with endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, March 13, 2003 7:18 AM CST
Dearest Laura, Jack, Cameron and especially...COLBY COLE!! :) Hey everyone, I know today is the big day!! I hope you have a safe trip down to CHOP and that everything goes as planned...I am soooooo excited for you Colby!!! I bet if I weren't so tired and it wasn't my bed time, I'd be bouncing off the walls with excitement :) Will be waiting anxiously for an update!! Take care...keep strong Colby, you are a trooper!!! What an inspiration :)

Lots of loveeeeeee, hugs and kisses!
(and even MORE prayers!)

Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, March 13, 2003 6:56 AM CST
I just looked at your photos. Oh you and Cameron are soooooo cute! I like to fell out of my chair when I saw the two little leprechauns! You guys are adorable!
I am so thankful that you are in remission. Praise God.
You and little brother take advantage of this beautiful weather, okay? I'll check in on you later.

Debbie Little <>
Dickson, TN - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 11:48 PM CST
What a miracle. The boys are both simply adorable. Your precious Colby stays in my prayers.
Eileen Spratt (aka Aunt Bea-Jackie Roth's Aunt) <>
Eureka, MO - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 9:51 PM CST
There hasn't been an update posted on you in quite a while. Could this be that your dad is spending too much time on the other CaringBridge sites? I'd tell him to get his priorities straight, but I think he already does. Anyway, You are still the man! No news HAS to be good news. Keep pluggin' little man!

Billy Bruce
Ironton, Oh - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:57 PM CST
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to send our love and prayers with you to Philly.
We will pray for God's miracles to continue. Have a safe trip.
Love, Shane, Jul and Jonathan.

Mary Jul Phillips
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:42 PM CST
No recent updates... i hope that means no bad news.Just checking in and saying hello! Hope all is well, and sending lots of prayers and love.
Danielle Mullen
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:36 PM CST
I love the new pics! Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

- Wednesday, March 12, 2003 7:52 PM CST
Hello Colby! I hope you had a terrific day today!

I just wanted to let you know something. My daughter and I are somewhat miracles too! In fact, we know our heavenly Father is the reason we are here today! A little over five years ago I started a company and decided to name it Victory Mortgage, Inc. The real meaning behind the name is Victory in Jesus because I am so blessed and thankful for what he has done for me. I have claimed victory for you too in his name!

You and your brother are such handsome boys! I love to see your smiling faces everyday on the Internet! You have touched so many lives!

God Bless,

Renne’ I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 6:05 PM CST
Dear Laura, I am so happy for your blessing and good news. Your written message was full of such joy it jumped off the page. Your little miracle boy and Cameron look adorable in their leprachaun outfilts. They are such beautiful boys - little heart breakers at such a young age.
I had written before from Kingston, NY. The mom with the big family and weird animals. I know you get so many messages you must sometimes wonder who these strangers are.

Dear Colby:
I love your outfit for St Patrick's Day. I hope you get to wear it to a party. It is fine enough for a big event. I hear you like to jump and play. I have a 6 year old grandaughter who loves to bounce all over the room. Her name is Amity Rose. She isn't afraid of getting hurt so we have to watch her a bit. She was excited when she began to ride the school bus with her older brother and sister. She rides a big bus. Did you get to ride a big bus or a little one? I'm happy you are feeling better and it sounds like you are getting to do some things that are lots of fun. Parks are lots of fun but ours near the hourse is covered with snow. Maybe our snow will go away soon and I can start walking my dog in the park again and look at the animals at the small zoo. Have fun and enjoy your costume.
Love Pat (a mom with lots of kids and grandkids)

Patricia Wootan <>
Kingston, NY USa - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 5:33 PM CST

I love you so much. Keep feeling better. I miss you. I can't wait to see you. Tell Cameron that I love him too, I love all of you!!!


Amanda Glusica <>
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 5:25 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Colby & Cameron,
Hello to all. We are ecstatic about the great news. Colby, you are such an incredible little boy, we admire your strength and courage. Have a safe trip to Philly. We continue to pray for you. The girls are anxious to see the boys, Amanda misses her boys and wants to play. Mr. Jack, the girls really miss you too! We love you all. Continue to believe in the power of prayer.

Joe, Willie, Amanda and Olivia <>
Uniontown, PA Fayette - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 5:15 PM CST
What a joy to be going back to CHOP simply to have the broviac removed!! Walking into that hospital under the circumstances you are in now is going to feel great. And, what an inspiration for all the other families in patient to see what God can do!!!
P.S.Colby and Cameron, you are the cutest little leprachauns!!

Wash.Twp., NJ - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 11:25 AM CST
Dearest MIRACLE BOY (Colby, that's you!!!),
How are you doin today sweetie??? I hope you woke up feeling GREAT!! Because you are a day closer to getting your broviac off!!! WOOOOHOOO...and you are gonna have wayyyy too much fun goin down to CHOP, seeing all of your other buddies!!! I am goin to bed soon, it is very late here...but I just wanted to drop by and say goodnight and to make sure that everything is OKAY! I hope that you have a safe journey down to CHOP and that you have a wonderful time with all your visits...everyone will be so happy to see you!!! Can't wait for more pictures, cutie!! Still praying hard for you buddy...keep strong, keep smiling :) :) And I will check in on you soon...NIGHTY NIGHT!

PS: God is......GREAT!!!

Lots of love and kisses to you and your family :)

Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:39 AM CST
Well Hello from Red Raider land! It's beenvery busy in this hose gearing up for the Spring Musical,however weary as I may be, I'm still checking in nightly !!! those pictures are great,you guys are sooooooo handsom,won't be long before you both have astring of girlfriends. Glad to hear all is going well and each day helps to make you stronger!!! laura, how's the normal life, laughter, slamming doors,engines running may the noise only get louder with joy. Jack, I did as you asked after my stop at the shop I let the kids know the stroy and they're walking around in awe!!!! My daughter stood up at church and gave the story She said "I have a PRAISE, she refreshed the congregation of his previous statis and continued to say he's in remission, the congregation went into praise, Sarah was almost afraid she'd cry (happy tears) Andy Miles simply said you,ve all just heard of a "Miracle" and Awesome God was sung. Our prayers continue for Colby to grow stronger, enjoy your boys! Have a safe trip to CHOP will check in later GOD BLESS, good night!
Pam(Grote) Howarth <>
Uniontown, pa - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 0:05 AM CST
Have a safe trip to CHOP this week. What a relief to have the broviac removed. We know all too well from Parker's broviac that it is just another site for infection to creep in - this is terrific news. We are so thrilled and delighted that this strong ray of hope has emerged. You are all so special and God is with you, watching over you. As always, we are praying for you all.
All our love,
Todd, Meg, and Parker

Todd, Meg, and Parker <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 10:24 PM CST

DUNBAR, PA - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 10:24 PM CST
P.S.-Have a safe journey back to CHOP. So many smiling faces await you ALL!
Tell them like it is Colby! :)
We love you!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 10:14 PM CST
Good night, snuggle, touch and hug!
Another WONDERFUL day!
Our visit today Jack was extra special.
I hurried home to meet Janie...thank you.
You are right about how beautiful she is and always will be!
She has truly touched my heart too! A beautiful family.
There are so many little ones out there that we need to take the time to pray for.
Khalita has wise words to listen to. I do believe she has been brought to us as part of Gods plan...God Bless her!
After many smiles and many tears today my heart still has been inspired by so many new friends who make us continue to see and feel the hope & faith and savor the wisdom.
Colby you are so special to so many people around the world.
This is all a part of your miracle!
We send our love and endless prayers,

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 10:10 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Colby, & Cameron,
The pictures are so..... cute!!!!!! You all have a safe trip to Philly this week!!!! Thinking of & praying for you all always!!!!!

Bernie Forsythe <>
New Salem, - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 10:00 PM CST
Hello Cole Family
Everything sounds wonderful and "NORMAL". I recall the General telling me she had a phone call from you (from Philly) one evening to check on Cameron. You said something about Cameron spending a normal evening and how nice that would be. I can't begin to imagine the happiness you all must be feeling with your normalcy. You are in my thoughts.
Take Care.

barbara gismondi <>
Elco, PA USA - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 9:47 PM CST
I just got back from California. This is the best news I have ever heard when I visited your web site. I hope to get
to meet you and your beautiful mother and little brother
some day when I visit your dad's shop. God is good and God is great and I will make sure I thank him time and time again for your mirical.

Carol Elvin
Pittsburgh, PA - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 12:21 AM CST
What great news! I can't begin to express how happy I am to learn of your miracle. Loved your new pictures too!
Take care,

Maria <>
NCM, NJ - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 8:33 AM CST
Wow. It's almost been a month since I was last here. You had just turned 5. Now I see an old man with a beard. I think you're trying to trick everybody, you don't really have a beard do you? Glad to hear that you're doing better. Being able to go outside will do wonders for you. You keep kicking butt, ma will take names. Show everyone again what big boys are made of.
Larry Tissue <>
Charlotte, MI - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 5:25 AM CST
Good Night to All,
Another wonderful day! :)
It was a busy day here and you were in our thoughts.
Hoping your day was filled with fun, fun, fun and lots of play, play ,play!
We send our love and endless prayers as always!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa u - Monday, March 10, 2003 10:22 PM CST
Dearest Colby and Cameron,
Hello little guys!!! I forgot to tell you in my last entry how much I loved the new pictures... whoops!! :) I LOVE YOUR NEW PICTURES!! You handsome boys look so gorgeous. I bet you have all the girls falling at your feet!!! I really wish I was there to give you boys a hug...but I'm too far away, so you just give yourselves a hug from me okay?? Keep strong, Colby!! I am still praying for you :)

Lots of love, hugs and kisses!!!

Melbourne, Australia - Monday, March 10, 2003 10:19 PM CST
To the Cole Family,
So nice to see all that fun and excitement going on at your house. The boys look so cute in those pictures. See you soon.

Debbie, Steve, Kari & David Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, March 10, 2003 8:16 PM CST
Good evening Cole Family,
Just stopped by to see if Colby is wearing you guys out. Seems he has lots and lots of energy. Thats very good.
Am praying for all of you. Take care little buddy.
May God Be With You Always
"The Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee; Deuteronomy 31:6
I read prayer cards every evening and this one suits you.
Praying for you Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, March 10, 2003 6:44 PM CST
WOOHOO!!! Miracles do come true! It's Morgan again, sorry it's been awhile since I've visited. I saw Jack signed Anthony's Caringbrige page so I had to dash over here. And boy I'm glad I did!!! YEAH, YEAH, YEAH! Praying for more wonderful days ahead of you. Love to all, Morgan McCallin
Morgan McCallin <>
- Monday, March 10, 2003 6:00 PM CST
march 4th is my birthday. i couldn't have got a better gift! you're in our prayers...

joel chisler <>
- Monday, March 10, 2003 3:45 PM CST
Hey Colby, it's so wonderful to here all the great news lately. On Friday, a school wide announcement was made at UHS about you and all the students were so happy becuse we Raiders stick together. Keep those smiles big and those cells growing!
Nicole Novak <>
Uniontown, PA United States - Monday, March 10, 2003 2:36 PM CST
Wow. Thank the Lord above!!!! Colby is such a special little guy!! We'll keep praying hard for your whole family. I'm sure your heads are reeling right now. I am so glad for your good news. Love and prayers.
Dianne Roth

D. Roth <>
Cape, MO - Monday, March 10, 2003 12:16 AM CST
Hi Colby! I am so happy to hear all of the good news! I've been thinking of you quite often since I heard the news and I just keep praying that every single day gets BETTER and BETTER! Love and prayers always!
Danielle Mullen
Uniontown, PA - Monday, March 10, 2003 10:55 AM CST
Great news!!! Love the pics --how cute ;-) Glad the kids were able to do some 'normal' things for a change. Will continue to pray for a continued successful recovery for all of you! God Bless †
Tom <>
KDH, NC - Monday, March 10, 2003 9:59 AM CST
Cole Family, I have been telling so many people about your miracle, Colby!! What a blessing to witness a miracle!
Glad to read that you are savoring every minute of life-you all have taught me to do the same!
Keeping you in my prayers!

Wash.Twp., NJ - Monday, March 10, 2003 9:56 AM CST
Dear Colby,
Yipee!!! No more tubies!! I like the sound of that too! I am so glad you have been able to be outside and play with Cameron. I loved the picture of you and Cameron with your St. Pat's Hat's!! You both are just too cute for words. You are sooooooo blessed to have a mommy and daddy who love God and put their complete trust in Him. I pray that He will always be glorified by your miraculous healing. He is an awesome and great God!!! Have fun this week and enjoy Thursday with getting rid of that broviac!!!!

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Monday, March 10, 2003 9:12 AM CST
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,
Thank GOD in heaven for your glorious miracle!!! You are so blessed, and each of us recieve a blessing through your family!!! Thank you for unselfishly letting so many people share with your family through the hardships and the joys, especially when it was not easy to do!! YOUR BOYS ARE GORGEOUS AND YOU (and we) HAVE MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR! You remain in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you will have continued health and happiness for all the days of your lives!!!
Love, Wendy

UNIONTOWN, PA USA - Monday, March 10, 2003 8:29 AM CST
The leprechauns looks great! And yes it is very refreshing and inspiring to see our prayers answered!

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Monday, March 10, 2003 8:23 AM CST
So glad you are enjoying normal family life.
But sorry to say that we will miss you on Thursday. Sami's appointment with the Audiologist is Friday.

- Monday, March 10, 2003 8:00 AM CST
Hi Colby and Family.
I'm so happy for your wonderful news!
My daughter Kelly is also recovering from a bmt.
We will continue to pray and send happy thoughts your way!

Nancy DeDomenic <>
Pittsburgh, Pa USA - Monday, March 10, 2003 7:24 AM CST
Hey precious Colby!! :)
How ya doing buddy??? REALLY GOOD I bet!!!! I have been away all weekend so I haven't had the chance to write.. been thinking and praying for you sweetie!! Really glad to hear that you have been having a wicked time with Cameron and all your other playmates!! PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!! Isn't that just THE life!! :) Well even though there has been such good news, I have been praying very hard for you, and will continue to pray for you, Colby...I want you to be better for good!! And I know you will be, you fighter!!! You don't know how proud I am of you!!! It feels really strange to care SOOOO much for someone I have never met... but I feel like I am gradually getting to know you buddy.. I guess you just have that special charm in you!!! :) Keep strong sweetie...and more importantly, KEEP SMILING :) :)
God is GRRRRRRRREAT!!!!! (and Colby sure knows it!)

Lots of loveeeee and hugs!!!!

Janice XOXOXOXO <>
Melbourne, Australia - Monday, March 10, 2003 1:26 AM CST
I prayed that God would show everyone who was boss and
he surely did!!!! Peace I leave with you, my peace I
give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14.27

Jacque Guthrie <>
Hopwood, PA Fayette - Sunday, March 9, 2003 10:17 PM CST
You don't know me. . .I'm from Minnesota and I read one of your dad's entries on Tara Bullerman's website. You and Tara are my inspirations. . .everyday I pray and think of you and it's just amazing! I am so happy that you are in remission and I pray everyday that you can send some of that miracle over the country to Tara! You are both angels!
Lots of Love

Danielle Rogers <>
Reading, MN USA - Sunday, March 9, 2003 10:16 PM CST
Commander in Chief,
Missed talking to you this weekend, but it sounds like you had a wonderful time! Did not want to go to bed without telling you I miss you......and I will see you this week to get you set up with your new fish! We'll make sure we give one to Cameron too!
Good night.............
Always remember..........
Laura and Jack,
We never know how wonderful life can be until...........
We know how terrible life can be........................
Holding all of you in my heart,
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Sunday, March 9, 2003 9:37 PM CST
Good Night Colby, Cameron, Laura and Jack,
What a wonderful weekend!
So happy to read that the boys (big and small!) had fun on the quad,
played in the sunshine and truly enjoyed the great outdoors!
Fresh air is so important!
Tonight I can hear the sweet little snores... I am sure that EVERYONE is exhausted.
Spring is around the corner-YAY!
The journey back to CHOP can only bring smiles.
How excited you all must be to see everyone and have the broviac taken out -Whahooooooooo!
What adorable leprechans you both are...two little lucky charms! :)
Sweet dreams to all!
All our love and endless prayers,
XO Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, March 9, 2003 8:53 PM CST
Hi Colby,

Just wanted to stop in and wish you a good week, also to let you know that I'm thinking of you!

Love and (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))

- Sunday, March 9, 2003 8:28 PM CST
Laura, It was great seeing you and the boys on Saturday. Colby looks wonderful!!! And that Cameron sure is a cutie too. My kids cannot wait to come back and play with your boys in that awesome yard of yours. Hey Jack, hope to meet you next time!

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, PA - Sunday, March 9, 2003 8:17 PM CST
Just a note to say that this is truly a miracle,"GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD" Good luck on Thursday Colby! You and your family are in our prayers! Love the pictures of Colby and Cameron.
Lois and Frank Migyanko <loism@charterpa/net>
New Salem, Pa Fayette - Sunday, March 9, 2003 7:38 PM CST
Laura -

It was great to talk to you yesterday! Hearing the faith and hope in your voice is even better than reading it here!

Talk to you soon -

Rachel <>
- Sunday, March 9, 2003 7:07 PM CST
Laura-You and your family have been and will continue to be in our prayers. Thank God for your wonderful news. Never give up! Never lose faith. God's plan is bigger than we can imagine. I am so happy for you all. Love, Jennifer & Benny Casper and family
Jennifer Casper <>
Uniontown, PA 15401 - Sunday, March 9, 2003 6:44 PM CST
I love the new pictures! Colby, you definitely have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers sweetie!

Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Sunday, March 9, 2003 6:23 PM CST
I am still so happy for you!!!! I just wanted you to know I check your page daily! Love, Tracy

Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :)
(Leukemia AML M4)


Tracy Solomon
- Sunday, March 9, 2003 5:49 PM CST
keep the faith God bless you I am Myron Myrgas sister the one who sent you the holy water and has been praying for you
marcy scaamucci
Newell, Pa. - Sunday, March 9, 2003 3:04 PM CST
Amen and Amen. "I have been young and now I am old, yet I have NEVER seen the righteous forsaken". (emphasis mine) I must admit that when I heard the news about Colby's "relapse" my heart did not sink. Instead, all kinds of things flooded my mind and heart in prayer. Among them were, "Lord, you promised", "Lord, show yourself, it's the perfect oppportunity", "Lord, prayers for miracles require miracle situations--this is one", "Lord, I believe YOUR report--make their report come in line with YOURS", "Lord, THY will be done", "Lord, what are you doing?", "Lord, Jack asked earnestly, please show him", and then came the doozy--the one I have been encouraging people in for a long time "Lord, they have walked before you faithfully and they are trying to do everything in a righteous and holy way. They are saying the prayers from their hearts, meaning them and trusting you fully. Colby believes, like Hezekiah. You have given them signs. Let the doctors be wrong and let this be a situation where it is undeniably YOUR glory and nothing else." The Lord is looking left and right for a vessel, for an opportunity to show Himself, for an opportunity to touch the world through our faith. You gave Him that--by grace, through faith--the same way in which we are saved. Keep believing the Lord's report. And don't think for a minute that this was by "chance" or that you were "just lucky". It has EVERYTHING to do with 1) people praying for and with you in agreement, and 2) your own prayers and willingness to surrender to the Lord. He responds in obedience to His Word. It reminds me of Abraham and Issac. It's so hard to see the Lord's will from inside a storm, but it is very evident that He is perfectly capable of making VERY clear exactly what He is doing. And, He will continue to do that. The devil will most certainly try to do whatever he can to counteract what God has done and is doing. That is my biggest prayer right now. Praying against the attack of the devil. There's no way we're going to let Him steal any of the joy this miracle was meant to bring. It was time. The Lord needed a vessel. He chose you. Thank you for allowing Him to use you. Know that I'm here by your side standing with you in prayer in every way--call day or night. And thank you for signing in on my site too. I will indeed call you sometime soon. Blessings to you. And praises to God for allowing me to be a part of your lives. What an amazing thing to be a part of. Our God is so awesome!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Sunday, March 9, 2003 2:49 PM CST
Your boys are beautiful! Your miracle has inspired me also, as we are always, Waiting for our miracle. 4/J's
Peace and Prayers for all.

Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
ft.pierce, fl usa - Sunday, March 9, 2003 1:54 PM CST
Just a quick note to let you all know you're in our thoughts and prayers.Good luck thursday and have a safe trip.
Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter
smock, pa usa - Sunday, March 9, 2003 12:48 AM CST
Hi Boys,
You two are the cutiest little tykes on the net. Love the new pictures. Keep up the smiles. They are beautiful. Your mom and dad are so proud of you. I know that you hear that from them all the time. But eyes on the net can see you too. Thats how we know everyone is very proud of you guys. You are the greatest Colby. You never sease to amaze me. You are prayed for and loved daily.
Take care little man.
I am praying for you

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, March 9, 2003 12:38 AM CST
HI Colby and Cameron.You two are the cutest Leprechauns I've ever seen.Your smiles brighten my day.Love to all.
Carol(nana to Conor Ford) <>
Ottawa Ontario, Canada - Sunday, March 9, 2003 11:36 AM CST
hi colby we are praying for you (my class is too)
hayden Vanswearingen
orl., fl. - Sunday, March 9, 2003 10:41 AM CST
Hi Gang! Its so uplifting to cry these long awaited HAPPY tears! I started to cry every time I logged on this website, even before I read any journal entries. The difference is they are ALL happy tears from here on out! Thanks for sharing your family, strength and faith with all of us. You are truely an inspiration to all! God continue blessing our Colby and his family.
Praying hard Always!

Fred, Kim, Brecken and Micah Sickles <>
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, March 9, 2003 10:21 AM CST
Good Morning, Your update was very uplifting.. I can only imagine how you and Jack must feel watching both of your boys enjoying life the way children should,,carefree.. I share Colby's miracle with everyone I can.. Praise God for all that is has done and continues to do in all of our lives.Have a safe trip to CHOP this Thursday.. Much love to all of you..
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, March 9, 2003 8:39 AM CST

- Sunday, March 9, 2003 8:33 AM CST
Colby Bev, from the office at Make-A-Wish shared the wonderful news of your health this week, as she had just spoken to your mother. That is awesome! How neat! You are a real trooper and the true definition of one who never gives up. Take special care of yourself!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Sunday, March 9, 2003 7:48 AM CST
It was so good to hear BOTH of your voices the other night Laura and Jack. To put the good news in a voice was just what I needed to hear! It's such a miracle. I always believed......

LOVE the new photos!! Your Lepracauns are so cute.........hearing about all your arts and crafts every day with the boys has inspired me to do the same with my boys every wkd.......they are loving it! I would LOVE some great ideas for things we can do (easy at first!), so if you have some or some good websites for finding crafts, let me know. I have found a few, but would welcome more ideas to keep it going at our house too! This wkd we are making some bird feeders and also some glitter globes.

Can't wait to see you all this summer!! Oh what a glorious time that will be........the hugs will be so good!
All the best always,

Niki Daubach and her gang of boys, Jeff, Eric, Brian and oh yea! Quincy the cat too! <>
OXOXOXOXOXOX, - Sunday, March 9, 2003 7:36 AM CST
It is so wonderful to hear all the fun things Colby and Cameron are doing and how much you all are enjoying life! I guess you can say you're enjoying your MIRACLE! I will continue to keep all of you in my prayers. God Bless,
Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Sunday, March 9, 2003 3:30 AM CST
What a difference a week makes! My last post we were praying for a miracle for Colby...I check back tonight and find out God answered your prayers. MIRACLES DO HAPPEN! I'm so happy for all of you. Big hugs to all of you and an extra big squeeeeeeeeze for God's latest miracle. *hugs*
Lynn Rae <>
OH - Saturday, March 8, 2003 10:13 PM CST
LOVE to hear the great news!!! We thank God for all His blessings!!

(Thanks for visiting us at Janie's page!)

Janet Sims-mom to Janie, forever 5 years-old
Birmingham, AL - Saturday, March 8, 2003 9:37 PM CST
I believe Colby is a sign to all that you should never give up. I am so happy to hear the latest news. What a very strong boy.
Jessica Wingert
Sacramento, ca - Saturday, March 8, 2003 9:16 PM CST
Hello! Found your site through "The Gooch's" page and am so happy that I did! I am so elated to hear the good news on Colby! You are such an inspiration and strong family. Many good wishes and prayers are being sent your way from NJ. I will continue to pray for your family.
Lillian <>
NJ - Saturday, March 8, 2003 7:50 PM CST
Good Night Sweet Colby,
What a beautiful day we had here in SW PA!
But then again everyday is beautiful with thoughts of YOU!
I hope that you were outside today enjoying the warm sunshine (overdue!!) and fresh air. We sure did! :)
As always you ALL are in our hearts and endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, March 8, 2003 7:47 PM CST
Thank you for signing Shanna's guestbook. I have been visiting Colby's page for some time, and his miracle has given me more hope for Shanna. Now Shanna has been blessed with her own little miracle!

Pam Lahr <>
- Saturday, March 8, 2003 1:27 PM CST
Dear Colby and Family, Miracles do happen. Luckily sometimes we get to witness them personally. We are so glad to read that things turned out so well. Colby is such a sweet and cute looking child. We hope and pray everything turns out well and that he is cured from his horroble disease.
Justin, Heather, Gage and Beau Edwards <>
Alliance, NE - Saturday, March 8, 2003 11:51 AM CST
Just stopping by to let you know you're still constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings! Here anytime for anything!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Saturday, March 8, 2003 11:33 AM CST
That is wonderful news about Colby!! My eyes were tearing with joy when I read that he got to go to school with his cousin and had loads of fun and then was afraid he would have to do homework. You have a miracle child there. God Bless you and your family!
Angie Rosenthal <>
Clovis, CA USA - Saturday, March 8, 2003 10:22 AM CST
I can hardly see though my tears of joy for all of you. If someone saw me they would think I was nuts. I pray so hard for miracles for our caringbridge is so nice to hear that one actually came true. I wish God would give Anthony that same miracle...we need one real bad right now. Colby, of course you knew that you had no cancer. All of you kids know that. That's what makes ALL of you special. Still crying...must go. Love Dina Makoid
- Saturday, March 8, 2003 8:27 AM CST
Hello all,
I am so happy for you. I have goose bumps reading about your MIRACLE. The Lord is so gracious and giving. I so enjoyed talking with you on Monday, Laura. Tell Colby that I do expect more dances the next time we meet and we can't wait for Marissa to finally meet the boys so they will have a person to go with the pictures. I will be in touch soon.
Much Love to all of you
Becky, Bobby & Marissa

Becky McCoy
Halifax, VA - Saturday, March 8, 2003 8:19 AM CST
Just popping by again to see how you are. Since there is no news posted I'm assuming everything is going good. I've seen your dad's posts on alot of the caringbridge sites. It looks to me like you have an awesome mommy and daddy.
Keep gettin' better, little man!

Billy Bruce
Ironton, Oh - Saturday, March 8, 2003 8:04 AM CST
Dear Colby, Laura and family,
My name is Pat W. I live in upstate NY. Where the catskill mountains and the Hudson River meet. I am the mom of 11 children and grandma of 21. I have a young friend at Sloan Kettering with AML. My daughter is his babysitter and dance teacher. That's how I discovered this wonderful caringbridge. Each child leads to another!! My prayers and my friends, blessed Eva that I pray with have an ever growing list of people we pray for. Tell Colby I have a cat who likes to type with me when I write my entries and a dog named Snoopy. Snoopy recently pulled a real trick on me. I was home alone at night and locked the front door. The snow as you know is piled really deep. I went out to untangle her leash which was caught on a bush. She shut the open door and there i stood-barefoot, no key and locked out of my house. I can't tell you how I got back in it is to long a story but it didn't involve red feet, and a broken window. She loves to sleep with me when my husband is gone and she is a real bed hog. The cat just lies on my chest or mainly on my daughters (who is nineteen and named Bethany) and goes up and down with our breathing. I would love to know more about you so I will go back and read Mommy and Daddy's entries on the computer to find out more of what you like. I was a teacher and have retired so I work at home. My husband travels a lot and Bethany has so many jobs I can't keep up with her. Take care Colby and congratulations on your bus ride. I used to watch my grandaughter Corin get on the bus everyday. I miss waving good-by. She and her Mom have moved to their own place with their cat Sam. I will think of you on the bus and you feeling better and your good cells (Luke Skywalker cells) defeating the bad ones (Darth Vadar cells) Love Peace and Joy Pat W

Patricia Wootan <>
Kingston, NY 12401 - Saturday, March 8, 2003 6:18 AM CST
Colby and Family, I,m a friend of Ryan's (Ryans.hope) I came across your site thru his site. I want you to know that I will pray for you and your family. May God be with you!
Sharon Coleman <>
- Saturday, March 8, 2003 0:59 AM CST
Guess who loves you...
(She has big hair)
- Friday, March 7, 2003 11:37 PM CST
Dear Colby and Family, We continue to share in your JOY and we are telling of your special miracle. This is surely a sign of faith from you and yours, and the miracle continues as it circulates the world. For I do believe that many, many people will yet hear of it and it's news will bring glory to God. Thank you for having such faith!! Love and kisses from Texas, Rael Crookston
Rael Crookston <>
Richmond, Tx USA - Friday, March 7, 2003 11:01 PM CST
You don't know me my name is Debbie. I live in MN. I read on a friends site to pray for you and check in on you so I did. The power of prayer is so wonderful. We have felt the power of prayer many times in our battle for our son and it still is the most amazing feeling when it happens. I am so very happy for your good news and will continue to check in on you all (and keep praying for your family.) God bless us all.
Deb <>
Minneapolis, MN - Friday, March 7, 2003 10:33 PM CST
Glad to hear about the donor cells taking over! Hayden and I will continue to remember Colby and his family in our prayers. Looking forward to more entries, that we know will come, with even better news!

R. VanSwearingen <>
Orlando, Fl USA - Friday, March 7, 2003 9:59 PM CST
God answers prayer
- Friday, March 7, 2003 9:58 PM CST
Jack: Thank you so much for stopping in on Meghan's webpage. She truly is our Angel and I'll say a special prayer to her to look out for Colby and to make sure those good counts keep coming. Our prayers are with you all!
Carolyn Mack (Meghan's Mom) <>
Titusville, FL USA - Friday, March 7, 2003 9:37 PM CST
Dear Colby and family,

We believe that this is a complete remission in the Holy Trinity’s power. God is so good, just and true. He knows best. Please have a blessed weekend!

Love and prayers,

Renne’ I. Cole-Dowler

Renne' <>
Washington, PA - Friday, March 7, 2003 9:22 PM CST
Dear Colby, I am so glad you are better and healed. I have been praying for you for quite a while and as so glad God preformed the miracle we all know he could. I hope you continue to gain your strength and get to enjoy the wonderful spring that will soon arrive. God will keep you in his loving arms and your family, too. Love in Christ, Marcia Martin Abundant Life Church
Marcia Martin <>
Fairchance , Pa Fayette - Friday, March 7, 2003 8:56 PM CST
Cody,this is the first time I have visited your site. I check on a little baby by the name of Jordan with Hunters Syndrome. Like you he has also received a miracle and is doing GREAT!!!! I have a grandaughter the same age as you and she also likes kindergarten. I will tell her about you and maybe she can visit your website soon. Keep up the good work. WE will pray for you and your family.
Janet Johnson <>
coffeen, IL - Friday, March 7, 2003 8:48 PM CST
Dear Laura, Jack, Cameron and Colby,

Glad to hear that Colby is doing great and hope he continues to get better. God is watching over all of you because he knows how special Colby is to you and your family. Hope to read more great news soon. May God Bless All of You and Keep you close to his heart.

Thelma & Rich Harbaugh and Dolores & Virgil Krepps <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, March 7, 2003 5:22 PM CST
Dear Jack, Laura, Cameron and Colby,
I don't know you but my son goes to pre-school with Jared Rodrigues, another child with JMML. His mom, Rianon asked us to keep your family in our thoughts. I've been following your caringbridge site and am thrilled to see Colby is doing better. You seem like a very strong and wonderful family. Enjoy every day with your children and each other. I'll keep praying for all of you.

Kristi Linn
San Leandro, CA USA - Friday, March 7, 2003 3:56 PM CST
Hi there. Congratulations on your miracle!! I found your site through (which I found through a site for a little girl named Ashley who passed on Nov 02). I've been visiting a lot of the sites -- Ashley's mom still updates the site to let us know how they're doing and asked us to "cruise" the chubbychica site. So... just thought I'd drop you a line to let you know I've visited. God bless you!
Ingrid Louwerse <>
Waterdown, ON Canada - Friday, March 7, 2003 3:03 PM CST
Hi this is katy.You probaly don't know me.I'm friends with your cousin BJ.Remember you came to our school.I will be praying for you.
kaitlyn < >
smithfield, pa america - Friday, March 7, 2003 2:40 PM CST
Jack, Laura, and Colby,
This is my first time visiting your site. My son Tommy has ALL, We also have two other children Matthew and baby girl Emily. I am so glad to hear of the MIRACLE that GOD has done in Colby's life. I always believe that "WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE." I will be praying for you and your family.
Hugs and Prayers,

Dawn Gresham <>
Warrenville, SC - Friday, March 7, 2003 2:39 PM CST

I AM ON MY WAY!!!! See you soon. LOVE YA!

Jessica <>
Intestate 79 NORTH to Pennsylvania!!!!, - Friday, March 7, 2003 2:30 PM CST
The power of prayer and positive energy never ceases to amaze me. I'm sure I am stating the obvious here, but you folks have an amazing little man. Colby, keep up the good work.
Jeffrey Wingert <>
Sacramento, ca - Friday, March 7, 2003 2:14 PM CST
Praise God! That's the most wonderful news I've heard in a long time! And Colby's trip to school sure sounded like fun! I will continue to keep all of you in my prayers. God bless,
Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Friday, March 7, 2003 2:03 PM CST
A note from J.D. and Melanie Ewing:
What great news! I called on Wednesday evening to thank you for the great work on our awning and when I asked about your son... and to hear the awesome news... I rejoiced in the power of God. As we get updates each week at Great Bethel Baptist church, I can't tell you how many people have opening cried in sadness and when I gave the update on Wednesday evening, there were tears of happiness. We will continue to pray.

Melanie Ewing <>
Uniontown, PA 15401 - Friday, March 7, 2003 1:45 PM CST
WOW!! I am so touched by your miracle. GOD is still in the miracle making business. Praise HIS Holy Name!! I was checking the sites of a couple of children that I pray for and was signaled to check your site for the good news. I sit here at my computer crying tears of joy. I will certainly pray for you and your family. I am overjoyed at the exciting news. Much love and God Bless!!!!
Barbara, Joshua and Tyler Godfrey <>
Duncan, SC USA - Friday, March 7, 2003 11:44 AM CST
Dear Jack,Laura,Colby, And Cameron,
I am sure you are all ecstatic about the recent turn of events.You have all been in my thoughts and prayers. My mother has been saying a rosary a day for Colby. We will continue to pray for him.

Jennifer D'Amico Bereiter
smock, pa usa - Friday, March 7, 2003 10:33 AM CST
Laura, Jack, Cameron and "The
Amazing and Blessed Colby,"
Hi! I have sat in front of this computer day after day, trying to find just the right words. After countless times of being truely speechless, (imagine that-haha!) I became very frustrated. I prayed to the Good Lord to help me find just what to say, along with helping Colby. Well, here I am and just get a load of Colby! Thank You Lord for my small favor, and Colby's Miracle! Amen! Colby has once again felt the power of prayer and faith. Brecken and Micah pray daily, and more for their friend. They were very intruged by the fact that theirs and everyone elses prayers have been heard. They have become so much more inspired by Colby. Laura and Jack, your unselfiness and faith deserves a medal. Hang in there, even better days to come, I believe that! We will continue to pray for Colby and his family, and even though I don't always sign in, we check in on Colby every day. God continue to bless you all!

Kim, Fred, Brecken and Micah Sickles <>
Uniontown, PA - Friday, March 7, 2003 9:58 AM CST
Praising God for your Miracle!!!!

Lynn, PA - Friday, March 7, 2003 9:53 AM CST
Hey Colby! I know you don't know me but I found your site through Tara Bullerman's site. She is from my hometown. But I just got done reading your update and WOW, how exciting! I hope that this time its for good that your in the clearing. That is great! I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers along with all the other kids fighting these nasty diseases. I guess God really does perform miracles. I will be back next week sometime to check on you. Stay strong and keep your head up. Luv you lots! Keep on fightin'!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!
Rachel <>
Sioux Falls, SD USA - Friday, March 7, 2003 7:58 AM CST
I am sitting here with cold chills all over me reading your entry. How amazing!!!! We are still storming the heavens with prayer for sweet Colby and will never give up on him....EVER!!!! God is so good! So glad to hear you are being a 'normal' family. Enjoy!!!!! Take care and play, play, play!!!

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Friday, March 7, 2003 7:20 AM CST
Dear Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron

There are always two ways of doing things...the right way and the wrong way. Now there is the "COLBY" way.... From now on don't pay any attention to Lab results because Colby will prove it wrong.

MR COLBY, Keep producing those strong healthy cells and PLAY PLAY and have FUN, FUN, FUN.

GOD Bless you

Arlene and Seymour Zwick
Monroe Township, NJ - Friday, March 7, 2003 7:07 AM CST
That is a beauitiful prayer...sounds like alot of fun he had on the bus...keep the faith....
Jodie Summers <JSUMMERS1@BAK.RR.COM>
Arvin, California USA - Thursday, March 6, 2003 8:50 PM CST

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, March 6, 2003 7:59 PM CST
WOW! Colby, you are amazing! We are on this roller coaster ride with you guys! We can't believe this fantastic news! We just checked in to see if you're having fun being back home and what news awaited us! How do you spell miracle? C-O-L-B-Y!! Have a safe trip to see those wonderful CHOP Doctors. All our love...Frank, Bunny, Milo and Jon Sabec
Sabec <>
Farmington, PA USA - Thursday, March 6, 2003 7:58 PM CST
We are delaying our Uniontown trip until after tax season ends...clear your we come. Can't wait to meet you Jessica at clinic. Amazing that Zackie and Colby have the same appt time...coincidence???
Cant wait to meet the Cole friends and family...I want to meet you ALL!
Love ya guys,
Ps. Laura, I loved to hear your smile in your voice.

Dana will get the hair under control for the big Uniontown trip Doctor Zackie's web link
- Thursday, March 6, 2003 7:31 PM CST
Dear Colby,

I was so happy to hear you are doing well, I actually did a dance of praise for you tonight! I would love to meet you someday! My Mommy says you are a real hero!

Faith Dowler

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, March 6, 2003 7:22 PM CST
Good Night Colby, Cameron, Laura & Jack,
Sweet dreams and snuggle, snuggle , snuggle!
See you soon!
From our hearts with never ending prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, March 6, 2003 7:18 PM CST
Dear Colby,Good Luck on your trip to CHOP next week.You'll be in my prayers.I know we didn't get to know each other very well or spend much time together, but in this case that is a good thing! Tell Cameron I said Hi! Robin
Robin Brooks <>
Connellsville, pa usa - Thursday, March 6, 2003 6:00 PM CST
Wow, the power of prayer...It was so wonderful to read this update. I will continue to pray for more miracles. Keep smiling! Reva Kinnally
Reva Kinnally <>
Woodruff, SC USA - Thursday, March 6, 2003 5:07 PM CST
God is great!! I am sooo happy for you Colby!! You too mom and dad.....stay strong! Praying for you often....
lori dietz <>
baldwin park, ca usa - Thursday, March 6, 2003 4:49 PM CST
I am so happy for all of you. Praising God because MIRACLES do happen. We all needed this to renew our faith.
God works in His time. What an awesome God we serve.

Anita mother of Holly
Sikeston, MO - Thursday, March 6, 2003 4:12 PM CST

Katrina Jo Groover <do not have an email address>
Smithfield,pa, pa United States - Thursday, March 6, 2003 2:34 PM CST
Laura Lu, Colby, Jack, and Cameron too....What can I say?? All of you are constantly on my mind, in my heart, and in my prayers. It is wonderful to see so much love and support. By the way, I think Jack did an excellent job with the update....So very happy for all of you....
Love, Vickie Lu

Vickie <>
Connellsville, PA - Thursday, March 6, 2003 12:23 AM CST
Dear Colby,
Hope you are still having fun playing and smiling that wonderful smile of yours. Do you know how much it gives your mommy and daddy's heart joy to see that smile everyday. You are such a special boy, who I believe will be a wonderful witness for the Lord, Jesus Christ. Actually, I should say, you already are a wonderful witness for Him, because many across the nation/world are telling the story of your miracle. I know I have been. Blessings to you and your family.
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Thursday, March 6, 2003 11:23 AM CST

DUNBAR, PA US - Thursday, March 6, 2003 10:42 AM CST
This is my first time visiting your page--I came from Gooch's...I am SO happy for you. Isn't God amazing? I will add Colby to my prayer list, and fervently pray for his continued health. I can't wait to read that he's busy in his own school! I'm going to come back later, when my kids are in bed and I have more than 15 seconds, and read back through your history. In the meantime, God bless and keep believing in miracles.
Christi Hamilton <>
Dove Canyon, CA - Thursday, March 6, 2003 10:33 AM CST
HOPWOOD , - Thursday, March 6, 2003 10:23 AM CST
ONE MORE DAY and I will be skating home!!!

I wish I was done with this paper!!! Have a great day and get lots of rest. Love you all dearly.

Buckhannon (but not for long... YEAY for SPRING BREAK!!!), WV - Thursday, March 6, 2003 10:22 AM CST

Anna Willis <>
Bridgeview, IL USA - Thursday, March 6, 2003 9:33 AM CST
What wonderful news. Even though we don't know each other, I am crying and so touched by how well Colby is doing. I will continue to pray for all of you. Kelly Wolfe
Kelly Wolfe <>
Frederick, MD USA - Thursday, March 6, 2003 9:05 AM CST
WOW!!!!!!!! Colby is just a miracle. I knew prayers could move mountains, and now this. My jaw dropped when Dana told me. But, as she said, that's just Colby!!! Many continued prayers, Lisa Dolan
Lisa Dolan <>
Whiting, NJ - Thursday, March 6, 2003 8:07 AM CST
Good Morning Everyone!
Just checking in to say hello and WE LOVE YOU!
Oh how big we smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh how warm our hearts are!
Colby keep amazing us!
Remember, we believe in miracles and we believe in YOU!
From our hearts with endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, March 6, 2003 7:52 AM CST
Hi Colby and family, Thank God for a wonderful miracle and answered prayer. GOD IS GOOD AND LOVES US ALL!!! We'll keep praying for complete healing.
Bob & Dot Kanish
Sebastian, FL Indian River - Thursday, March 6, 2003 7:17 AM CST
Hey Colby!!! :)
Just dropping by to say HELLO! I am still very much WOW-ing over my little MIRACLY BOY :) I woke up today with such a good feeling and then I remembered that I read the GOOD NEWS last night!!! COLBY IS A MIRACLE!! I hope you're having a grrrreaaaaaat day! Will drop by again SOON... praying for you always, little man!!! God is great!

Lots of love to Jack, Laura, Cameron and of course precious Colby! XOXOXOXOXO

Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, March 6, 2003 0:29 AM CST

Wilmer, Al USA - Thursday, March 6, 2003 0:04 AM CST
WILDWOOD , MO USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 11:31 PM CST
oh my goodness, i am so happy for all of you....and all of us!!! i have never met you, but your entry the last two days will give me hope to continue praying for endless other children who suffer from this horrid disease. what a blessing! what a MIGHTY GOD we serve! what a wonderful little boy you have been given!!! i could not be happier for anyone....ever.
Mary <>
Greenville, SC - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 11:05 PM CST
Just wanted to say Thank you for all you do for all of us Caringbridge Family's and the other sites as well.. My girls had 5th disease also... Jake is doing so much better..Prayers really work !!
We would love to meet Gooch & his Family some day ~!!

The Cohen Family

Dave Cohen <>
Westminster, Co 80234 - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 10:26 PM CST
Thank the Lord.. Jack _ Your Prayer is awesome... Colby What a Fighter You are......I wish You & Jake could play someday soon.. I too am very grateful for Caringbridge and The Family's You are in our Prayers
The Cohen Family

Dave Cohen <>
Westminster, Co 80234 - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 10:23 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron,

I am crying with joy as I read your good news!! We have all been praying for a miracle. God is so good!! We will all continue to pray for you, but this good news is just what we all needed right now. Good work Colby!! Keep fighting.

Love you very much,

Becky McNamee
- Wednesday, March 5, 2003 10:05 PM CST

TWO and a HALF DAYS!!!!
I Can't wait....
Love you sooooooooooooooooo!

- Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:58 PM CST
Dear family
Just having read your entry, my heart is still racing with excitment for you all!!! That news is such a wonderful gift, miracles do happen. Never stop believing!! I will continue praying for your son.

Lori <www.>
Aurora, IL - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:57 PM CST

UNIONTOWN, PA USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:48 PM CST
Dear Coles,
Still rejoicing with you today!! Hope you're still playing little buddy!
In Him,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:35 PM CST
Praise God! Enjoy folks, life doesn't get much better than this. Peace and Prayers.
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
ft.pierce, fl usa - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:34 PM CST
Once again Colby... play, play and play.

This too!!!

O Lord Jesus, I do believe,
but strengthen my belief.
Come into my life; the door
of my heart is open. Calm
the storm within me, and
give me the peace that brings
healing. Give me that trust
in You that brings real cour-
age to overcome fear. I reach
out to You in faith to feel
the strength of Your healing
power. Amen.

Wow! God is so good!!!

Renne' I. Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:29 PM CST
Dearest Colby,

Words cannot even express the over whelming joy I feel for your progress. You are a living inspiration to me, even at the young age of five. You truely are in the Lord's army little man. In fact probably the bravest one there! Don't lose hope, you've come so far. I cannot imagine what you have had to go through, but with the love of God, your loving family, and millions of others who check in on you every day you have pulled through an extreme obstical. Keep it up little man, I hope you one day can be a Red Raider and you will never forget all those people who love you and wish you the best! God bless you and your family Little One and don't give up your fight!

Jenn Glisan <>
Markleysburg, Pa USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:06 PM CST
I was so happy to read the news. I'll keep praying!
Karen <>
Naples, Fl - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:00 PM CST
I am so happy to hear the awesome news!!! We will definetly keep our prayers coming for your little guy !!! Me and Austin lit a candle for your family at church today!
Way to go colby and keep up the good work and keep those drs in awe of you!!!!!

Carolyn and Austin Caucci < or>
philadelphia, pa usa - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 8:54 PM CST
Great News For the Coles!!Keep up the good work Colby "FIGHT
FIGHT FIGHT" The angels are watching over you and God is going to Bless you and your family with a "Mircale"
Your in our thoughts and prayers every day. Keep on smileing Colby!!!!!

Donna Ondrejko <>
Mansfield, OH U.S.A. - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 8:53 PM CST
Kelly <>
Lake Tahoe, NV USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 8:49 PM CST
It's great to hear about a miracle!! Way to go, Colby!! God Bless.
Dee A Mullins <deemullins>
KY - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 8:40 PM CST
Awesome news!!!!! We continue to keep Colby in our prayers!
Much Peace and God Bless
PS I got your site from sweet little Lindsay's

Ruthie (Seth's mom) <>
North Palm Beach, FL - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 8:16 PM CST
Hi Colby, Cameron, Laura, and Jack,
We were so excited to hear the great news yesterday!! Colby is truly one of GOD'S MIRACLES!!! Our prayers go out to you always!
Doug and Paige

Paige Miller <>
Uniontown, PA 15401 - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:56 PM CST
Praise God!!!!!
Prayers went up and BLESSINGS have come down!!!!


Lynn, PA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:49 PM CST
WAPAKONETA, OH - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:29 PM CST
Colby and family, I am so happy to hear about your wonderful news. God can do anything. Good luck!!
Melissa Efaw (friend of Jess Zalek)
Fairmont, WV USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:16 PM CST
Hi guys. I want you to know that I was thinking of and praying for you all day yesterday. Now I know why. I kept trying to get by here to sign but with the events of my day, it just passed me by but I continued to pray. I must say that I am elated and overjoyed at the news--but not surprised. Our God is an awesome God. I have prayed and fasted and and prayed and fasted for your family. I remember the prayers over the phone that we said together and the talks we had. I reminded the Lord of His promises to us and continued to pray for the sincerety of your prayers as well as the other things you mentioned to me on the phone knowing that the Lord would answer in His own time and in a way that was best for everyone. Our God is faithful. No matter what happens, He is faithful. Even if some tests should come back later that say otherwise, He is faithful. We should believe the report of the Lord. That is what He wants us to know--that doctors reports and his don't always match but that His is always right--something similar happened to little McKenzie (nc/mckenziefay) who had 3 cord blood transplants and is now outpatient at Duke. God wants ALL the glory. And, in order for that to happen, this is what He had to do. Praise Him for this miracle and we will not stop praying for continued remission forever as well as a myriad of other things that the Lord puts on my heart. Yes, I do believe in miracles because I believe in God. As always, you may call me any time of the day or night for anything at all. I'd love to pray with you again and I'm always praying for you. I love you guys! HUGS!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:02 PM CST
What a WONDERFUL AND BLESSED MIRACLE!!! Heartwarming that prayers and the lighting of candles in church for special intentions are acknowledged by someone up above! Keep up the good work Colby and Family. We are cheering for you on 2 East!!!!!! And still keeping you in our prayers, thoughts and hearts!
Jo <>
New Salem, PA USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 6:36 PM CST
Congratulations Colby!!! I can only imagine how excited you and your family are about your test results. God is so loving and powerful and you prove that each and everyday. You are definitely one of His BEST soldiers. Your strength and courage are an inspiration to us all. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
Diane Condoluci (McClure & Wolf) <MRSDUCESR@AOL.COM>
Point Marion, PA USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 6:18 PM CST
Horray for the good news and PRAISE BE TO GOD for his love and care for you and your family!

With love,
Lucille and Paul

lucille carroll
new salem, pa - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 6:12 PM CST

With much love, faith and hope,
Dana, Jamie, Wally and Elizabeth

jamie <>
new salem, pa - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 6:09 PM CST
Cole Family,
What wonderful news!!! We are so happy for all of you. This is the reason that Ginny always says "I love my job." Please know that you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Our next appointment with the BMT team is March 20th so maybe we will run into you guys. Barb

Barb Tomlinson - Joey's mom <>
Telford, PA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 5:59 PM CST
I read your update on Gooch's site. Colby, you are ADORABLE! HALLELUJAH!! PRAISE the LORD!!! What wonderful news!! I got a chill and goosebumps when I read it! WOW!!!! You are amazing sweetie! Praying that you will be cancer FREE forever. I love the prayer you and Daddy say together. Blessings and prayers for all of you.
Bea <>
Pa. U.S.A. - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 5:53 PM CST
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!! Colby is in my prayers!
Narberth, PA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 5:32 PM CST
OHHHH The power of prayer. Your family still remains in our nightly prayers
Marilynn, Ron, Courtney and Zachary <>
Sterling, CO USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 5:15 PM CST
I linked to your page from Gooch's. It's nice to hear such a great update for a change. Hope the good news keeps coming!
HelenH <geordielass999">
UK, - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 5:07 PM CST
Dear Colby,
What wonderful news. God really is great. I'm so happy for you. My prayers are still with you. God bless!!

Megan Hager <>
Markleysburg, PA United States of America - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 4:36 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Colby, & Cameron,
It is so good to hear the great news!!!!! Our prayers are always with you. COLBY YOU ARE GOD'S SPECIAL ANGEL HERE ON EARTH!!!!

Bernie Forsythe & Family <>
New Salem, - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 4:16 PM CST
WI US - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 4:01 PM CST
Hi. You don't know me but i heard about your son from a friend and have been praying. God is GREAT! Just thought you'd be blessed to know people on the other side of the world are praying for your family and rejoicing with your family.
Rebekah Seymour
Sydney, NSW Australia - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 3:41 PM CST
WOW!!! I am absolutely amazed with this entry! I am so happy for you all. I will keep you in my prayers!! God bless
Peru, IN USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 3:35 PM CST
Dear Coles,
I just had to sign in again today and tell you how absolutely thrilled I am. I had to share this news with everyone I could yesterday!! How wonderful is it for us to witness one of God's miracles!! I can't wait to attend Ash Wednesday services this evening and give thanks to God for Colby's wonderful news!! As we go into this joyous season for Christians, what better way to start. Thank you God for showing us once again why we BELIEVE!! Colby, you hang tough are my HERO!! God bless you all. With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 3:20 PM CST
Praise the Lord! That is wonderful news during this holy season! We'll keep praying for Colby and your family!
Katherine (friend of Rachel, Jim and Connor)
- Wednesday, March 5, 2003 2:48 PM CST
That is awesome news!! I needed a lift today. Thanks, Colby. You da man! The prayers are still going up for you here. Congratulations!!!!!!

Billy Bruce <>
Ironton, Oh - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 2:45 PM CST
This is quite the example that miracles do happen. I am SO HAPPY for you all. God has blessed your family.
We will keep you in our prayers.
Angela,mother of JMML survivor Tony. <>
Mt. Washington, KY - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 2:43 PM CST
Miracles do happen to great people and in Colby's case God created a miracle, I believe, from the love, committment, and faith of the Lord. God has blessed Colby. I am still praying for him nightly. I pray that the cancer is finally gone. COLBY YOU'RE COURAGE HAS INSPIRED ME!
Melissa Henning <>
Markleysburg, PA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 2:26 PM CST
Dear Colby and Family,
I have written many times but my entry never shows up on the guestbook. We have roadrunner and it should go thriugh but that doesn't matter to God because we know that He got our prayers for you and your family. I am Sarah Darrell's sister, a nurse too, and we live out in Houston, Texas. We have three young grandsons, and the older two know about you also. We praise God for you and how you have touched so many lives with your miracle from the Father. Continue to to improve and never take your eyes from God. We love you, honey, and know we will really meet you in person some day. We thank God for the wonderful Mommie and Daddy that you have also. Love and kisses, Rael

Rael Crookston <>
Richmond, Tx USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 2:25 PM CST
GOD IS GOOD!!! Colby has been in my prayers for the last couple of weeks since i heard about him through zachary's page. Praise the Lord for such an amazing miracle! he will continue to be in my prayers!
Joanna Hatcher <>
Auburn, AL USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 2:24 PM CST
Hi How r u ? I loved it when u came to visit us! U R cool!

Gabrielle PlichtaSmithfield <>
Smithfield, Pa usa - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 2:16 PM CST
I am so thankful for the glorious news about Colby. I have checked on you for months now and have prayed for you and your family and the medical staff that has cared for your needs. GOD is SO GOOD!!!! Even in the hard times God takes care of us. My grandson is Jaxon Lee. He was diagnosised with AML 5 at four months old. He had a stem cell transplant in San Antonio last February 1st. He is doing great. Right now he and his family are in Winter Haven Florida for spring training. Jaxon's dad plays for the Cleveland Indians. He is having a blast in the warm sunshine and swimming every day. God does perform MIRACLES through the doctors and nurses who are so faithful and loving as they care for our sick children. May GOD continue to bless you and give you strength and his amazing grace to do all that has to be done. Jaxon's caring bridge site

Sharon Lee
Benton , AR - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 2:05 PM CST
Colby, what great news! I could hardly believe my ears today in school when my sister, Nicole, came to tell me after third period! I am sooo happy and excited for you and your family! I know for sure this must be a huge glimmer of hope for all of you! I will be sure to keep praying and thinking of you guys constantly! Best Wishes and God Bless Always!
Danielle Mullen
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 1:52 PM CST
The children and staff of Duck Hollow Learning Center are so happy to hear of your good news! Our prayers have been answered! When he feels well enough, maybe he can schedule a visit with us! Tell him it's only a few hours and no homework, we promise!
Rebecca Belski <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 1:15 PM CST

Tracy Solomon
Tampa, FL - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 1:09 PM CST
Do I hear an "AMEN"!!! Congrats...many prayers to you and your family!!
SS <>
WPB, FL - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 1:08 PM CST
I just found your site and can I say that I am so very happy for all of you!

I will continue to pray for Colby and your family.

Jennifer Miles <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 12:43 AM CST
WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!!! I'm sitting here crying I'm so happy for you guys!! What wonderful news. Colby you are one incredibly special little boy. What a fighter :-)

We have been praying for you buddy.

Jan -- Mom to Kelly, Colin & Emma
Glendale, WI - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 12:30 AM CST
Again Cole Family, I say what a testimony God has given you!! I agree with the guestbook entry that says that you accepted the Lord's will for Colby even when it wasnt' what you wanted. He found favor in that while all the while He knew He was going to give you the miracle everyone's been praying for. Your lives are an incredible witness to not only true faith, but complete trust in God. Your family is so deserving of what has been given to you. I rejoice with you and everyone else that has come to know you through this site!!
- Wednesday, March 5, 2003 12:05 AM CST
MEGA Prayers for more good news are coming your way from Missouri! Your boys are so adorable!
Eileen Spratt(Jackie Roth's aunt) <>
Eureka, MO - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 11:44 AM CST
WOW!!! and double WOW!!!

For every person that I tell, I get more and more "goosebumps". This is such miraculous news...Ever since I read your entry of Colby's early relapse, I just couldn't bring myself to believe it...Everytime I would check for your entries I'd look at your beautiful family and once again fall into that blackhole of disbelief! What I do believe in is the power of prayer and God's miraculous touch. I have such respect for you, Jack and Laura, because I know your faith has never waivered and your faith shows through Colby's strength and courage to battle this disease. You are both such "beyond special" parents. Colby and Cameron are so fortunate. You all are such a bright light of hope and Colby is truly one of a kind.

We continue to pray and pray and pray with our hearts beating rapidly with excitement,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 11:38 AM CST
You sure have a very cute little boy! I will keep your family in my prayers. I am so happy the news is good for Colby.
God Bless,
Judy Grumish son of Ryan age 19 now (Acute Biphenotypic Leukemia)

Judy Grumish <>
Champaign, Il USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 11:32 AM CST
Laura and Colby,
Welcome home!!!!!!!!! I'm glad your family is reunited! I was worried about you last week while I was out of town, but I am so happy to hear today about Colby's donor cells!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miracles do happen when you believe!!!!!!!!!!! Give Colby a great big hug for me! Hooray for Colby! God bless all of you! Your family is strong in the eyes of God, and HE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU!!! Once again, I'm so excited to hear the good news! Take care.

Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 11:07 AM CST
Jack, your kind words written on my niece's site caught my attention (, and caused me to check back in with Colby on a regular basis for the past few months -- Just wanted you to know that there are prayers going up for Colby and your family in places you've probably never heard of, and in ways and numbers that you can't imagine. Keep the faith -- we all are,

Your Brother in Christ,

Steve <>
Michigan State University, MI - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 11:00 AM CST
Dear Colby and family, I read the news this morning and the rain here went away and the sun came out. All our love and prayers remain with you guys. The beach gang.
tom vitz <>
va. beach , va - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:55 AM CST
What wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!! your family continues to be in my prayers
Sharon <>
Dardanelle, ar - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:45 AM CST
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.
Proverbs 3:3-6

I am filled with tears of joy as I read what the Lord has done for your child...for your pastor once asked a question...HOW BIG IS YOUR GOD? I say my God is big enough to do ALL things and this miracle is testimony of that...I am ever so greatful that I am able to share in this joy with you and your family...Caringbridge is unique and I never could have imagined the lives that I would come in contact with through it...I never knew what the Lord has revealed to me here...
You are all in our prayers...
Praise God for your miracle...
If you don't mind will be "borrowing" your prayer...

In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody ( <>
- Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:43 AM CST
PRAISE GOD!!! Keep believing with all your heart. Faith can move mountains. I will pray for continued blessings for your family.

Kathy mom to Amanda (AJ) Davis <>
Chillicothe, Ohio USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:39 AM CST

DUNBAR, PA USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:07 AM CST
whoa! I saw the mini update yesterday on the VNTR but wasnt sure what it meant although everyone seemed excited. He cant been in a relapsed state if his donor cells are that high, Oh my gosh, this is great! I know you are guardedly optimistic, but this is great news and you guys sure deserve it. I pray more prayers are answered for all the kids. I am so happy Colby is getting some good news for a change!!!
Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Wednesday, March 5, 2003 8:57 AM CST
WHat GREAT news and what testimony you have. God truly is an awesome God!!!
Noblesville, IN USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 8:33 AM CST
Woohoo!!! Thank you God. He is truly awesome!! I am soooooooo glad to hear your latest news! Tears are just running down my face. It is so wonderful to hear such good news and I will continue saying prayers that the news just gets better and better. Way to go Colby!! You are amazing!!
Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 8:23 AM CST
Dear Coles - I have been visiting your website since the fall. My children and I have prayed for Colby each day since then and after your heartbreaking news a few weeks ago, we just ramped them up even more. After reading your latest entry this morning, my heart is filled with joy for you. Praise God and His infinite love. The love and faith in your family is beautiful to behold, an inspiration to anyone, whether or not they are facing one of life's challenges. I can't wait to tell my children about your good news. I pray that all of the moments of your lives continue to be filled with God's love and grace. Hurray! COLBY - YOU ARE SOMETHING ELSE!

N. Krajovic
- Wednesday, March 5, 2003 8:20 AM CST
We believe in miracles...we believe in YOU!
Your Mommy & Daddy sure know how to write!
Do they know how to clean up a flood!? :)
What an inspiration YOU ALL are!
How exciting that BJ was able to share his school day with you.
It sounds like it was a full day for you.
Wasn't the bus ride fun!? Callahan loves to ride her bus!
Our love to All and BIG HUGS!!!!!!
Always in our hearts and we continue our never ending prayers,

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 8:09 AM CST
GOD IS GOOD. I check on Colby and your family often. I've been waiting for a miracle to happen with one of these precious kids that go through so much. From someone who prays and cares about you in North Carolina.
Wilson, NC USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:51 AM CST
Laura and Jack,
It is great to hear such wonderful news about Colby. This is truly a miracle.

Jodi Williams <>
Farmington, Pa. USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:47 AM CST
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Colby sweetie, you are my MIRACLE BOY!!! I cannot believe it!!! Do you know what, I have a GIANT smile across my face right now buddy...I am also in so many ways speechless...I also wish I was there to give you a big fat hug!!!! YOU DID IT COLBY!!!! I knew you could do it!!! I am soooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooo soooooooooo sooooooooooooo extremely happy for you and for your entire family!!!! You are a living miracle Colby, I have no doubt about continue to amaze me everyday..and today, you just went WAYYYYYY over the top!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy I feel like doing somersaults!!! I am also glad that you had a GREAT day at school with NO time, you will be going to your own school, sweetie...I just know it. You will be cancer-free and you will be a normal, gorgeous little boy. I am so extremely, unbelievable proud of you Colby. I don't know anyone who fights harder than you, and I don't know anyone who has so much will to live!!! You are a true gift from God. But I am still praying HARD for you Colby!!! Today, everyday, forever until you get 150% better and cancer-free...God understood that the world would be too dark and boring without you, so he worked His special miracle :) THANK YOU GOD!!!! God is great, Colby!!! He loves you sooo much!!

Laura and Jack, I am without words at the moment!! (strangely!!). I am truly, from the bottom of my heart, so HAPPY for you. I have no doubt that your neverending faith and love for God and Colby has brought you this FANTASTIC news today!!! God saw from above how much you love your little boy, He saw both your lives without Colby and could not bare the thought of it, and then God heard all the prayers from hundreds, and hundreds of people, thousands even, and He worked His miracle...Colby is a fighter. He is also a little boy who has so much zest for life!!! He will continue to beat the odds and prove himself! I will continue to pray for the little the mean time, I am sending the entire Cole family lots of hugs and kisses...God is GREAT!!

I love ya Colby!!!!!

Janice XOXOXOXO <>
Melbourne, Australia - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:45 AM CST
I just found your web-site a few days ago. I have visited several times but this is the first time that I have left a message. I am very happy for your latest news. I hope that things continue to look up for you.
Debby Roberts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Franklin, Oh - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:44 AM CST
the absolute best news!!!!!
Lynn(Dana's friend)
- Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:34 AM CST
WOW - What a wonderful update! One thing I've learned in this journey is to always expect the unexpected - and in this case, what a wonderful unexpected it is! :-) These kids are so tough, and obviously Colby is intent on beating this disease! I'm so very happy for you and your family. Take care,
Kathi (Melanie's Mom -
Cadillac, MI - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:32 AM CST
Wow - I can barely breathe!!! This is soooo amazing - and of course Colby knew he was ok all along! I can't tell you how happy we are for all of you. Our hearts have been aching so much since we heard about Colby's relapse (I should call it "alleged relapse" now!). The relief must be overwhelming you - it's overwhelming me!!! I tried to call yesterday and will try again tonight!
Rachel (Connor's mommy forever and ever) <>
Baldwinsville, NY - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:32 AM CST
Dear Jack, Laura,Colby,
I have read your journal from front to back,I check it daily. You had the key answer, that a SPIRITAL MIRACLE would cure all things,including your beautiful son Colby. God has performed many miracles in our lives and the only thing He wants in return is love and to speak His word.
Thinking of you everyday! You are
wonderful people
from: Renae Phillipy

Peter's Torchlight
Uniontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:11 AM CST
Tears of joy are streaming down my face as I read the update and what a update it is!!!! What wonderful news to hear, MIRACLES do happen and Colby is a GREAT example!! He does it HIS way!! May today be a blessed day, but Laura and Jack I know that March 4, 2003 will be etched in your minds FOREVER....the day you received the WONDERFUL news. GOD IS GOOD!!!! Colby keep on doing it YOUR way and God's way!!! Continue to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!! CANCER FREE IN 2003!!! Oh and I LOVE that new picture of you Colby....You do have a reason to SMILE... You too Laura and Jack!!! Keep smiling!!! In our thoughts and prayers and sending much love. Sandy, Paul, Zach and Tristin
Sandy Kaiser <>
Masontown, PA USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 6:56 AM CST
With tears in my eyes...thanking God for Colby's Miracle. What wonderful news to wake up to. I first read the news while visiting my Niece's page..( Angel Janie Sims) where I saw Jack's entry in the Guestbook. I couldn't wait to get to Colby's page to read " the rest of the story". Please know that Your Family is in my thoughts and Prayers each day. I will pray for this Miracle to be cancer free ..FOREVER
Anne Marie ( Aunt to Heaven's Janie Sims) <>
Helena, Al - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 6:51 AM CST
Hey Laura, Jack, Colby, and Cameron
I think my heart stopped beating when I heard the news. I can only imagine your joy. What a time to celebrate. Please know that all of you are always in our thoughts and prayers - which will continue. The Lord works in mysterious ways. We do believe! Love to all of you and hope to see you soon.
Rob and Jan

Marianna, PA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 6:48 AM CST
God Bless You All!!!What wonderful news. I too had tears streaming down my face as I read your entry. The power of prayer and Colby is amazing!!! Sending you all much love and prayers. Have a Blessed Day.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, PA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 6:22 AM CST
What great news! Like a lot of people I'm sure, it has made my day to read that journal entry! I have been checking on Colby daily for a couple of months or so and I must say that Colby has been an inspiration in my life. Love that smile that he has! God Bless you all and will continue to pray that Colby is cancer free forever! You are such a beautiful Family!
Whitehall, OH - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 6:10 AM CST
Praise God, for his love and healing, I can't wait to share the news of the test results on Colby, I have kept him and you at the throne of God since I became aware of your family. We will continue to pray and watch God as He does His work in your lives, Colby, you're an inspiration!!
Roger Fisher <>
Cartersville, GA USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 4:53 AM CST
What a wonderful God we have! Colby is living proof that miracles can and DO happen! I'll keep you in my prayers that this fantastic news continues. You keep proving those doctors wrong Colby!
Seattle, Wa USA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 0:43 AM CST

Preacher Jack, (Holding you to it too!!!)
Well I sure hope that my favorite uncle "you are movin up" haha is in bed and sleeping well knowing that Colby DID NOT RELAPSE!!! But, as I expect you are probably at the computer before 6am so I say to you GOODMORNING!!!! I don't know if today can top yesterday but who knows with that sweet Colby. Like I said... will he ever stop amazing us. Highly unlikely... Well all I have to say is that GOD does have his own way and I think that HE and Colby James talk and they are definately on the same page these days. I know how happy that you all are and so many people are crying tears of joy and praising Jesus for this MIRACLE. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! SWEET DREAMS...

Recipe for a Miracle

1 cup Tension
2 cups Stress
1 ½ teaspoons of Guilt
2 heaping cups of Limited Time
3/4 tablespoon of Urgency
A dash of "No Other Choice"
3 heaping cups of Faith

Fold ingredients gently into a bowl. Mix vigorously and add a few tears. You'll sweat a little as you knead the dough. Pack it firmly between your hopes and dreams and form into a perfect little
ball. Sprinkle it with a little faith, rolling the ball in the flour until fully covered.

Place it under a veil of belief and allow it to rise.

Put it in an oven that has been pre-set at the perfect temperature for the heat of trials and tribulations.

Allow it to brown under the warmth of God's love. Remove after due season and allow to cool in the confidence of His promise.

Garnish with your praises. Arrange neatly on a platter of thankfulness and serve to friends, families
and, oh yes, strangers . . . invite them too!

Pass on the recipe to all who request it and let them know that with this recipe, they have the makings of a miracle!

I think this recipe is perfect...except I bet Colby would add a little CEREAL!!!!

Love you guys,

Buckhannon, WV - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 0:37 AM CST

Your JMML Brother,

Luke Do; <>
San Jose, CA - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 0:15 AM CST
You go little man...Do it your way! Praise the Lord. What wonderful news! I LOVE hearing great news like this. It shows us that the power of prayer works. God is the answer. Oh, I am so happy for your family. I'm crying happy tears! (Those are the best kind of tears). I'm still praying for you, buddy. Mom and Dad, I know you have such a sense of relief. I couldn't be happier.

Debbie Little <>
Dickson, TN - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 0:11 AM CST
Amazing news!!! We are truly in shock...and can only imagine the roller coaster ride!

Lots of love,

Aili and Bryan <>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Wednesday, March 5, 2003 0:02 AM CST
Laura and Jack, I can only imagine your shouts and tears of joy!!! I let out a few thankful shouts and tears myself and Parker thought I was absolutely crazy. Colby, you are amazing. God's love shines in and from you and you are truly an inspiration to us...Mircales Do Happen! Our prayers are ALWAYS with you.
Hi to Cameron. We could never forget to send our love his way, too.
What a wonderful day. Thanks be to God.
Love and Prayers,
Todd, Meg, and Parker

Todd, Meg, & Parker <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 11:57 PM CST
Utterly amazing !!... or is it amazing grace ? probably both!!! I will read this over and over , what a truly glorious day!! blessings ,blessings, blessings!!!
With tears of great joy,

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , tx - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 11:57 PM CST
Tears of Joy have over come me. I just called Dan to celebrate as he is in Las Vegas at a convention. So the first thing I thought about...are you now going into post transplant with masks, meds and such?
Sandy <>
Bridgewater, Nj USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 11:23 PM CST
I am friends with another family whose son Jared is also fighting JMML. We have been praying for him, and have added Colby to our list. All I can say is I am in awe of the Lord's ways. You are so blessed to be a witness to one of His miracles.
Keep trusting Him,
Sylvia, Danny, and Alysa Banks

Sylvia Banks <>
San Leandro, CA USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 11:21 PM CST
Hello Cole Family
What great news! Happy tears are wonderful--even if they do cause a headache! I am a better person for knowing your family. Take Care..........U R in my heart.

barbara gismondi <>
Elco, PA USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 10:40 PM CST
WOW!!!!! I was just checking in! LiKe so many others I don't have a clue about the TEST, but I DO understand DONOR CELLS!!!!!! Laura,you write you,re shaking I'm Crying SAYING GO CELLS GO!! Colby,you're on the way!!!!! Don't hurt Cameron with your horseplay. Cameron stand your ground. Jack you must be soooo happy. GOD IS GOOD!!!! I'll tell the UHS NHS. The crew will be so happy,we'll keep the prayers coming. He's touched so many lives in his short life. He is a BIG BOY! Good Night and GOD BLESSS
Pam (Grote)Howarth <>
Uniontown , Pa - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 10:12 PM CST
I am so excited to hear that everything is coming together for God's perfect plan...I am not sure what the test is but I am sure I understand donor cells...our continuos prayer for your beautiful son will be GROW CELLS GROW!
In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody & Greg & Riley <>, - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 9:51 PM CST
Colby, thanks soooooo very much for visiting us today at Smithfield Elementary School. B.J. is a super cousin for making you a great sign and taking you around the school. I know you thought the day was tooooooo long....but we were happy every minute you were there. I hope you enjoyed the bus ride, book fair,Mrs. Jordon's fun filled bookbag, and Mr. Kochis'singing! You are an amazing little fellow!
I am so lucky to have met you (I was the lady taking all those pictures)! My prayers are with you and your family.
Thanks again for visiting us!

Sally R. Wallace <>
Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 9:44 PM CST
Colby, HALLELUJAH! Keep up the good work; you make us all so much better for knowing you.
Love and prayers, Pat

Pat Dearth <>
New Salem, PA USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 9:27 PM CST
I have no clue what a VTNR test is but it sure sounds great!
Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Tuesday, March 4, 2003 9:00 PM CST
You are a miracle sent from heaven!
What wonderful news I received this morning from Elaine and your Daddy!!!!!!!!!!
You know more than we do and you share it with our highest power!
I have cried, laughed, smiled, jumped with joy, stood shaking with anxiety and carried in my heart all day elation!
Both Darrell & I said on the way home yesterday that you were up to something...that grin, laugh and those hugs showed us that something was UP!
We will continue to send our love and as always keep our prayers ever so strong, as we keep the miracle growing!
We love you Colby, Mommy, Daddy and Cameron too...
Our BIG HUGS and SMILES to ALL of you!
See you soon again!!! :)
From our hearts, we believe in miracles, we believe in YOU!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 8:59 PM CST
What Great News To Hear!!!!!!!!!!!I was so thrilled to hear of it that i got tears in my eyes and just thank god that he is watching over you. Keep up the good work Colby and fight this i know you can do it. And just play play play.
We will contuine to keep you in our prayers.

Donna Ondrejko <>
Mansfield, Oh U.S.A - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 8:43 PM CST
Colby....God sent angels to be with YOU because you are soooo special!!!! Lots of love to you liitle one :)

Sarah (Connor Summerville's Aunt)
- Tuesday, March 4, 2003 8:34 PM CST
I was so excited after reading your parent's entry that when I just made my entry that I forgot to mention - I LOVE YOUR PICTURES - you have the best smile ever and you are such a cutie.

Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 8:22 PM CST
AWESOME NEWS!!!! Colby is an inspiration to all of us, and proof that the Lord hears and answers our prayers!!! Cole family, continue to TRUST in Him.
Pamela Lahr (JMML Mom)
Chesterfield, MI - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 8:20 PM CST
Reading your mom and dad's entry truly made my day. There are thousands of us praying for you and we will all continue to pray for you. Keep having fun like a 5 year old boy should. God is watching over you.

Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 8:19 PM CST
Next: we'll have to teach the boys to sing "Awesome God." Our God is truly awesome and just when we all begin to prepare for one thing - we get something else --- all in God's glorious plan. Hugs and kisses to all --- and of course, prayers too. Grace and peace.
Rev. Russell (and family) <>
Jeannette, Pa - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 7:50 PM CST
Hey Colby-- You sure know how to confuse those doctors and nurses, don't you? WAY TO GO!! I got the news from Dana's sister Jill this afternoon and my eyes are still filled with tears of JOY!! I guess God really was listening when I prayed for Colby in church this past Sunday. I was starting to wonder if He ever really heard me, but I guess God has a timetable all his own.

Jenny Sterner <>
Colts Neck, NJ - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 7:48 PM CST
Hey All! Just heard the good news. ALL the glory goes to the Father in Heaven. We share in your joy and will continue to pray for you all. We love you!!!!
Brian, Tina, and Megan <>
Matthews, NC - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 7:27 PM CST
GREAT NEWS!!!! Love that smile in your picture Colby!!
Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 7:25 PM CST
The Good News Is Just Wonderful.
Sure made me smile happy tears are flowing for you Colby.
Praying for you
May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USa - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 7:21 PM CST
Hello Cole Family,
I love your new picture Colby. You look very happy.
You are doing a great job Cole parents. Colby is looking as if what do you think of my jacket. ha ha
I am praying for you guys.
Take Care and May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 7:18 PM CST

Wonderful news!!! My heart did flip-flops when I read the update!! Congratulations!

The power of prayer really does work! We'll keep Colby in our prayers for continued good news!

Love and (((((HUGS)))))

- Tuesday, March 4, 2003 7:14 PM CST
Wonderful, joyous news! God bless you all.
Lynn Campbell(Connor Summerville's Grandmother)
Baldwinsville, NY - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 7:12 PM CST
Wonderful, joyous news! God bless you all.
Lynn Campbell(Connor Summerville's Grandmother)
Baldwinsville, NY - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 7:12 PM CST
That's Colby!
Dana got more hair than Colby Doctor
- Tuesday, March 4, 2003 6:20 PM CST
Dear Colby

You truly are a wonder ... When we got the GREAT News from my daughter Jill who was taking care of Kyle my heart just nearly burst with joy. Keep up the good work and keep producing those GRADE "A" donor cells and don't forget to have lots of FUN FUN and more FUN. GOD Bless you always


Arlene and Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Township, NJ - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 6:15 PM CST
You don't know me but I found Colby's site when Conor's mom mentioned Colby on Conor's page, right after Colby relapsed a couple of weeks ago. My family has been praying for Colby since then and I was crying with joy and praising God as soon as I saw your update. God is so good!
Mariposa, CA USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 5:15 PM CST
Dear Jack and Laura,
I didn't check the pictures until after I wrote the entry below. Oh My Goodness, Colby's smile is so precious, there are no words to describe it. I'm praying for you. You are both such an inspiration and a wonderful witness of Christ's love.
In Him,

Debbie Nagy <>
Manchester, MO - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 5:06 PM CST
Thank you Jesus! Nothing but pure joy comes to my heart after reading about the VNTR being 98.5%. You just keep play, play, playing Colby sweetie and we'll all just keep pray, pray, praying FOR YOU!!!!
Love in Christ,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 4:59 PM CST
GREAT NEWS!!!!! I was so happy to read your update, it shows that all the prayers are working! Keep up the playing Colby! I will check in soon for some more good news!
Tonya <>
- Tuesday, March 4, 2003 4:51 PM CST
I'm so glad to hear the good news. I will continue to pray for Colby and the rest of the family as well.
Dee A Mullins
KY - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 4:49 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Cameron and Colby: WOW. What great news. You guys knew there was a miracle out there some place. Enjoy the moment, have fun and tell colby to PLAY, PLAY PLAY

Nurse Donna from 2-East and family

Donna Connelly <>
Brownsville, PA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 4:35 PM CST
I must've read your update today a million times-God is so good!! He's got amazing things in store for Colby's life-what a testimony He has given your family!! All I can say is how wonderful it is to witness a miracle-and it's great to see good things happen to the best of people!!
- Tuesday, March 4, 2003 3:39 PM CST
Hi!!! I have been keeping myself informed of Colby's progess. I signed your guestbook last week and looked in on you today!!! What wonderful wonderful news !!! What a strong little boy you have!! Never under estimate the power of prayer! I will continue to keep you all in my prayers
Pam <>
Denver, NC USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 3:36 PM CST

How could this happen?? THANK GOODNESS it is happening, but I am soooo confused!! How do they explain this??? Is this truly the miracle we have been praying for?? I hope it is. Just as I was so shocked to hear the relapse news, I am also shocked to hear this news......but pleasantly so!!

I think a note in the guestbook just isn't enough. I'm going to have to hear your voices on this one!! I'll try to call later tonight.....

Lots of love and hugs (and love that smiling face of Colby's too!),

Niki (thanks for signing Brians guestbook too, Jack!!) <>
OXOXOXOXOX, - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 3:36 PM CST
I am just shaking........God is AWESOME!!!!
Love you buddy!!!

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 3:15 PM CST

- Tuesday, March 4, 2003 3:01 PM CST
Hi Colby this is Rikki. You came to school and we heard the good news that you were going to be ok. And we were all very happy for you.
Rikki Gashie
Smithfieth, PA U.S.A - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 2:42 PM CST
Colby, It's BJ
You came to Smithfield Elementary and we heard GOD healed you.!!!!!!!!!!!! Love BJ and kids,

William Riffle
Smthfield, PA U.S.A. - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 2:35 PM CST
Dear Cole Family:
Just as we were at a loss for words when the bad news came, now we are so full of words that they just can't seem to come out fast enough. We are so very happy for you all. Yes, God is certainly GREAT! I just talked with Happy to find out what was going on with you. Good luck with your trip back to CHOP on Thursday. We will continue our prayers for all of you.
Love and loads of prayers,
Bob and Lorraine (Your church family)

Bob and Lorraine (Your church family)
McClellandtown, Pa - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 1:59 PM CST
Dear Cole Family,
I don't think I have signed your guestbook before, but I have been checking up on Colby for a couple of weeks now. (I found his site on Gooch's) I just wanted to tell you that I am so happy! My eyes are full of tears of joy - all the stress of midterms has been erased by the joy felt in my heart right now. Your family remains in my thoughts and prayers.

Haley Hastings <>
Athens, GA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 1:50 PM CST
Cole family-

This is GREAT news! We will pray that the good news continues.

Love to all-

Rachel, Jim and Connor <>
- Tuesday, March 4, 2003 1:45 PM CST
What wonderful news!!!!We are so happy for all of you! God answered all of our prayers. WE LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!! We couldn't ask for a better or bigger miracle.
All our love and prayers, Paula, Scott and Mackenzie <>
uniontown, pa - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 1:24 PM CST
What wonderful news! Praise be to God!

Judy and John Hench <>
Lexington, NC USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 1:20 PM CST
I'd say that 98.5 is an A+! This is a good day. When the snow melts we are promised a spring of renewal.

Keeping your sweet Colby and Cameron, you and Jack in my prayers.

Nancy Dumas
Bonney Lake, WA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 12:57 AM CST
Dear Laura and Jack,
Praise God.!! I logged on at work and when I read your update I had to share this wonderful news with everyone in my office.. Today is a wonderful day!! Much love to all of you..

Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 12:52 AM CST

I am so pleased to hear the good news. God is good, kind, understanding and all-powerful!

Carpe Diem! This has been one of my favorite quotes of all time. It means Seize the day! So, I say to the four of you… Carpe Diem!

God Bless,

Renne’ I. Cole-Dowler

Renne' <>
Washigton, PA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 12:52 AM CST
WAY TO GO COLBY! I am so happy for you. You keep fighting and I am thinking of you and praying for you everyday.Hugs& Kisses
Jessica Murray
New Salem, Pa - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 12:50 AM CST

THANK YOU GOD!!! I knew it.... Colby James you well never seize to AMAZE me. I knew you had that excuse me, "shitty grin" for a reason. You knew this whole time that everything was o.k. and you just wanted to get HOME SWEET HOME. God has truly showed us that strength in numbers can move mountains. KEEP Praying people... Like Elaine said, Colby you have been a part of my highest highs as well, and last weekend, one of my lowest lows. BUT TODAY!!! Let me tell you... TODAY is by far the HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE! And I AM FLYING!!!

I am going to be like Bart and fly on over to lab. I doubt I will be able to concentrate. I can't wait to see you guys!!! Whoooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo!!!

Uncle Jack and Laura,
This rollercoaster ride is almost over!!! WE ALL KNEW that COlby was going to be OK. Laura, those were your words. I love you for your strength and you ARE THE WORLDS #1 MOM!!!! See you Friday!!!! 3 MORE DAYS!!!

Here are some smooches for EVERYONE till I can give them myself on Friday!!!


Buckhannon, WV 26201 - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 12:46 AM CST
This is unbelievable! Miracle is happening! Keep fighting Colby. You are an inspiration to all of us.

We continue to pray for all of you.

The Nguyen Family <>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 12:12 AM CST


Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 12:12 AM CST
Praise God!! What wonderful News!!! Im still praying for continued good news and strength for your family. You go Colby!!! Big Huggsss,Treys aunt Kathy (
kathy <>
- Tuesday, March 4, 2003 12:00 AM CST
Praise God!!!! I just read your last update MIRACLES do happen, I'm so happy about the new test results!! I don't know you personaly but have kept up with your updates, I have been praying so hard for Colby, as I'm sure so many other people have. God is great, and hears ours prayers even though sometimes he doesn't answer them the way we want. I'm so thankful to him that Colby he is getting hes miracle and answering our prayers of healing I will keep praying faithfuly for a 100% cure.

I loved the pictures he definitly does have a adorable smile

Sally Torres <>
anaheim, ca usa - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 12:00 AM CST
Praise God!!!! I just read your last update MIRACLES do happen, I'm so happy about the new test results!! I don't know you personaly but have kept up with your updates, I have been praying so hard for Colby, as I'm sure so many other people have. God is great, and hears ours prayers even though sometimes he doesn't answer them the way we want. I'm so thankful to him that Colby he is getting hes miracle and answering our prayers of healing I will keep praying faithfuly for a 100% cure.

I loved the pictures he definitly does have a adorable smile

Sally Torres <>
anaheim, ca usa - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 11:59 AM CST
Hi Colby,

You are a very handsome little man. We know all about your struggles and can only wish that you enjoy every day with lots of laughter and plenty of smiles for mommy and daddy. Our daughter Faith who is 4 was diagnosed with ALL last APril and Faith says hi to you and hopes that you are feeling ok. Take care Colby and family you have lots of love and support from us.

shayla and faith <>
Aldergrove, BC Canada - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 11:53 AM CST
Hi Colby and Cameron!!!
Happy Marti Gras Day to both of you....Thinking of you everyday....

- Tuesday, March 4, 2003 11:14 AM CST
Hi Colby,

I'm soooo happy to hear you are feeling well and having fun playing. Are you keeping mom and daddy on their toes and extra sharp?? May your life be filled with fun and some occassional mischief ... Keep feeling great!! GOD bless you and your family.

Love, kisses and pussy cat kisses

Arlene and Seymour Zwick and Zoe too <>
Monroe Twp, NJ Good ole USA - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 10:27 AM CST
What a beautiful smile! Thank you for sharing those pictures - what a cute little guy! My family was very touched Jack with the messages you left on Melanie's website a while ago - especially with the way you signed them "Colby's daddy forever and ever". We have been checking your site often and are keeping you in our prayers. Enjoy these precious days.
Kathi (
Cadillac, MI - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 9:54 AM CST
Hello sweet Colby!! I am soooooo ready to jump into bed but just wanted to say GOODNIGHT!! I am so happy that you are having an awesome time at home...Colby, I am praying soooo hard for a MIRACLE!!! And guess what, miracles do happen!!! So until that miracle DOES happen, I will be forever praying for you, little are so amazing. Okay now I'm gonna fall asleep...I will check in on you again soon buddy!! Keep strong, keep smiling!! :) :) :)

Laura and Jack, you guys are really great. I am so happy that you are able to enjoy and cherish every millisecond with Colby now that he his home sweet home. I know how it feels to be happy about spending time with him and yet sad because you may never spend time with him again. I have gone through that with my mum. Just keep the faith and believe in God and his ways. GOD IS TRULY GREAT. He will work a miracle for Colby...I am praying so hard for your family...hang in there!!!

Sooooooo much love to you all!!! (and little Cameron too!!)

Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 9:04 AM CST
Good Morning Colby and Cameron!
You wore Callahan out yesterday! Wasn't that a fun time!?
A precious day for all of us.
Colby, your energy is endless and your smile is priceless!
We will play soon again and in the meantime, be sure to
listen to Mommy & Daddy, play hard (and safe)
and enjoy that little brother of yours...he loves you very much!
It was so good to see you Laura (missed Jack!).
You are an amazing woman, mother and friend.
Truly an inspiration!
God Bless you ALL!
We will see you again real soon...let the snow melt, let the snow melt!
We send our love and endless prayers...
Hugs to all,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa u - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 7:51 AM CST
Hi Laura , Jack and Colby
I learned of your site through keeping in touch with Kayli's site. I just want to let you know that you too are in my prayers,you are being so incredibly brave and strong.Give Colby a huge hug from me.

Kay colemen
Ireland - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 4:37 AM CST
Dearest Colby!! :)
Hey buddy just checkin in you today...hope you're doin good!!! Just letting you know that I am thinking of you constantly and I am always praying for you!! Hope you're having lotsa fun dude... will write again soon :)

Take care!! I'm sending you lots of hugs and kisses your way!! Hope you get them :)

Loveeee, Janice XOXOXO
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, March 4, 2003 0:16 AM CST

Hello Sweet Colby, Cam man, Uncle Jack, and Laura

I am glad that you all are enjoying your time together. That was very nice of you to go see Mark. I know he adores the boys and I am sure he really enjoyed the visit. As for my turkeybutts, are they wearing you guys out yet? I want to ride the quads this weekend if it is warm. Tell Colby James to get ready, I need a driver!!!

I miss you and love you so so so much!!! 4 MORE DAYS!!!!

Buckhannon (4 days away), WV - Monday, March 3, 2003 11:38 PM CST
Jack and Laura,
I ask Laura (Dana's sister) about Colby often and pray for him and you daily.

Jodie Palmieri <>
Freehold, NJ - Monday, March 3, 2003 10:39 PM CST
Colby and Mom i am so sorry. Your site has really touched my heart. My 4 yr. old has ALL and I cannot even imagine what you are feeling right now. You guys are in my prayers.
God bless you and your family.
Theresa & Cheyenne

Theresa Murph <>
Baltimore, Md - Monday, March 3, 2003 9:50 PM CST
To Colby and Family,
Just checking your site for a Colby update! Heres hoping all is fine and that you are feeling better!:) We are praying really, really hard for you! and sending you all our love!!! Take care!

Karen and Dave Sala <>
MONONGAHELA, PA USA - Monday, March 3, 2003 9:16 PM CST
I am very touched by your site and hope and pray for your family. My mother is MArge the babysitter. She has been telling me about your family for some months now and she loves you all. I cannot imagine what you are going through as I have two little ones of my own. I pray for you and wish the best for Colby.
Carrie Wright <>
Lusby, MD US - Monday, March 3, 2003 8:24 PM CST
Dear Colby,Jack and Laura,
I am a friend of Jared and Riannon Rodriques in California. I am just writing to wish you well and say that you are in my prayers. It sounds as tho there is an abundance of love in your family and I know that and God's love sustain you.

Kay Baker <>
Novato, CA USA - Monday, March 3, 2003 8:05 PM CST
Hi Laura,
I have heard alot about Colby and your family. I didn't realize I knew you until last night. My mother-in-law is Berneice. She talks about you all the time. Every chance she gets she shows me Colbys site. Until I saw the family picture I didn't know it was you all this time that Berneice was talking about. I am so sorry to hear this was your son we were talking about all the time. You are surely in my thoughts and prayers.

Denise Roll <no e-mail I use Berneices>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, March 3, 2003 8:00 PM CST

Hi sweetie! Just popped in to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!

Love to all of you,

- Monday, March 3, 2003 7:38 PM CST
just thinkin about ya'll, hope all is well today. Peace and Prayers. 4/J's
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
ft.pierce, fl usa - Monday, March 3, 2003 5:31 PM CST
Hey Colby-- I hear you're having a great time playing in all the snow we've had lately....way to go!! I hope you're still having lots of fun and wearing Mommy and Daddy out every day!! Don't worry, I'm sure they can take it!
Big hugs to all.....

Jenny Sterner <>
Colts Neck, NJ - Monday, March 3, 2003 5:29 PM CST
Hello Colby and parents, I am so sorry to hear about his relapse. Please know that I am one of many that are praying for that miracle.

Wilmer, Al USA - Monday, March 3, 2003 3:34 PM CST
Colby and family - I tried to enter a message in this journal last week - while I was on vacation - but the message didn't seem to go through correctly. We know that God has a plan for all of our lives and the plan is this: to make each moment of each day as precious and as wonderful as God intends for life to be. I was glad to hear that you were in Church yesterday and I hope to stop by and visit one day this week. We have been blessed with this journal and for every moment of each of your lives. I'm glad to be your friend. Peace and grace -
Rev. Russell (and family)
Jeannette, Pa - Monday, March 3, 2003 3:21 PM CST
you are in my thoughts and I wish you peace.
Lynn(Dana's friend)
- Monday, March 3, 2003 2:55 PM CST
Got your name from Gooch's site. I will be praying for you, Colby. And your family. Take Care and may you feel God's presence.
Jeanne Brown <>
Wapakoneta, OH - Monday, March 3, 2003 2:29 PM CST
Just checking in and to say you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Angie Rosenthal <>
Clovis, CA USA - Monday, March 3, 2003 11:46 AM CST
I just wanted you to know that many prayers are being offered for Colby and your family, it seems that there isn't anything physically I can do to help, if there was I would, but I can do the most effective thing, I can pray, and our church has been made aware of you and what you are facing, you are not alone, we love you and keep you before God. We don't know when or why miracles happen, but they still do!! Keep hoping.
Roger Fisher <>
Cartersville, GA USA - Monday, March 3, 2003 10:57 AM CST
colby-i have loved you even before you were born and your mommy and me were awaiting your arrival
Lee Ann Connor aka Aunt Lee
Uniontown, Pa U.S.A. - Monday, March 3, 2003 9:55 AM CST
Hope you all had a great weekend together, and I hope that Colby is feeling energetic and happy and keeping everyone running!! We've been praying for that!!:)
Wash.Twp., NJ - Monday, March 3, 2003 9:53 AM CST
You don't know us. We've been checking in on Bret Golightly and saw a note from the Polichetti family whose son Tony had Stemcell transplant last March. Colby was mentioned on Tony's page. Just wanted you to know we will also pray for Colby and for your family. May God surround you all with his wonderful love.

Judy and John Hench <>
Lexington, NC USA - Monday, March 3, 2003 9:25 AM CST
Hope this finds you feeling good buddy.
Lots of people are thinking of you and wishing you well.
We will never stop praying for a miracle.
Hugs & prayers,

~ Gooch's Site ~ * * ~ Adopt A Kid's site ~
- Monday, March 3, 2003 9:13 AM CST
Hi Cole's, Just wanted to say hi!! Keeping you all close to my heart and in my prayers.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, - Monday, March 3, 2003 6:29 AM CST
Just stopping by to see how you are doing. I hope you are just soooo busy having fun that you have no time to update! Just know that we are praying for you and we care. Sending love and well wishes from Kentucky!

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Monday, March 3, 2003 0:27 AM CST
Hello Cole Family
Wanted to let you know that it was great to see the boys at the General's last week. I usually just read the journal entries without signing in but decided that I'd say hello once in a while. Ditto to all the comments made by sooooo many others. Know you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

barbara gismondi <>
Elco, PA USA - Sunday, March 2, 2003 11:54 PM CST

just checking on you guys.. love you , take care.

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , Tx - Sunday, March 2, 2003 11:12 PM CST
Your parents are gold!!!! That last post was so inspiring! God bless your family!

- Sunday, March 2, 2003 10:29 PM CST
To the loving parents of Colby; I have the most sincere respect for the two of you and the care you give to your children. Colby is a constant part of my prayers, I know God is watching over him. Luann Daugherty
Luann Daugherty <>
Monongahela, PA Washington - Sunday, March 2, 2003 8:48 PM CST
To the loving parents of Colby; I have the most sincere respect for the two of you and the care you give to your children. Colby is a constant part of my prayers, I know God is watching over him. Luann Daugherty
Luann Daugherty <>
Monongahela, PA Washington - Sunday, March 2, 2003 8:48 PM CST

Good Evening to my FROG PRINCE!!!

I hope you had a great day today and I hope you got my smooch from last night. I miss you and Cam man so much. Counting down the days.... 5!!! Sleep well tonight ALL OF YOU!!! and have another fun filled day tomorrow! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

Love always, Jess
Buckhannon, WV - Sunday, March 2, 2003 7:40 PM CST
Hi Jack; Laura; Colby; and Cameron , just thinking about you all and praying for you. Keep up all that playing Colby an Cameron !!!!!! From the Staff of 2 East Peds.
Debbie Swentko < >
Masontown , Pa U S A - Sunday, March 2, 2003 7:13 PM CST
Just checking in on little Colby. I was showing someone his picture on his page and I wanted to say hello! Love, Tracy
Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :)

Tracy Solomon
Tampa, FL - Sunday, March 2, 2003 3:29 PM CST

DUNBAR, PA - Sunday, March 2, 2003 3:17 PM CST
Hello, you dont know me but I think I signed the guestbook awhile ago, I dont even remember how I found your page!
I just wanted you to know that I have followed your journey for the past few months. Please know that you are all in my prayers, I pray that God will give you the miracle you all deserve! Please if you ever want to talk to someone or need anything, dont hesitate to call! I know that we havent met but sometimes that can be the best people to call and talk to! Please know that we are all out here praying for all of you !

carolyn caucci < or>
philadelphia, pa usa - Sunday, March 2, 2003 11:57 AM CST
Praying for a miracle for your precious Colby. *hugs*
Lynn Rae <>
Ironton, OH - Sunday, March 2, 2003 9:25 AM CST
Good Morning Colby-
Hi Big Guy! I hope you had a wonderful weekend...
it sounded like a special one!
Keep your spirits high and continue to play,play,play!
I hope we can visit and play together, maybe Monday? or ?
I will call your Mommy & Daddy.
We love you ALL and as always have you in our endless prayers,
HUGS,HUGS,HUGS to everyone!
XO Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!!!!!!!!!!!!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, March 2, 2003 8:23 AM CST
I've been thinking about you everyday and I'm amazed at the strength that all of you have. I'm wishing for many happy days for Colby and for you as well.
Ben - the twins Dad
- Sunday, March 2, 2003 8:21 AM CST
Cole's -

It was nice to see Jack's entry on Connor's page! We've missed you both! Sending big hugs to all of you and praying TONS!

Rachel, Jim and Connor <>
- Sunday, March 2, 2003 8:17 AM CST
Hellooo sweet precious Colby!!
How is my HERO doin today?? Doin good?? Playin good?? I hope so! All I want is to see a BIG FAT smile on your face :) Just checking in on ya buddy...also want you to remember that I am praying so hard for you...I really want you to be able to live normally with your mummy and daddy and Cameron FOREVER!! So some serious praying is in the works!! You are such a strong little boy, sweetie... you amaze me... thinking of you everyday! Keep smiling gorgeous!

Jack and Laura, I am also praying for you...thinking of you both always.

All my love to you all,
Janice xoxoxo
XOXOXOX----> GIGANTIC hugs and kisses for the sweet little man (you know who you are!!).

Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, March 2, 2003 7:44 AM CST
Thinking of you and wishing the Lord's blessings on you during these difficult times.
Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Sunday, March 2, 2003 4:00 AM CST
A BIG SMOOCH for my sweet Colby!!!


Love you!!!

- Sunday, March 2, 2003 0:14 AM CST

Hey Uncle Jack,

I just wanted to sign in and say hi. I hope that you had a great weekend (so far). I miss you guys soooo much already. It's only been three days since I seen my little turkeybutts but it seems like forever. I hope you got some rest last night!!!! I got some really great pictures developed. Those kids are so photogenic. Well I better get back to my books, big tests on Monday. I just wanted to say hi and that I love you guys. Have a nice lazy Sunday. I Wish I was there. Kiss those kids (and tell them they are from me) and hug Laura for me. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

Praying for that Miracle. God WILL answer.

Love ya, Jessica
- Sunday, March 2, 2003 0:11 AM CST
Hello Cole Family! Everyone at Uniontown High School is praying for all of you. God Bless you Laura and Jack for being so strong and such wonderful parents. I'm still praying for a miracle!!

Nicole L. Mullen <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, March 1, 2003 11:07 PM CST
Dear Cole family, cannot seem to get you guys out of my head. hope all is settling down. still keeping that spot at the beach. In our thoughts and prayers. The beach buddys. best to all. Tom, Sarah, Colleen, Erin, and Logan.
tom vitz <>
va. beach, va - Saturday, March 1, 2003 10:50 PM CST
Hello Cole Family,
Guess what I was in a site don't even know how I got there but it sent me to many children with diseases. There was Colbys name on the site. I can't even remember where it was. I didn't think to book mark it. But to make a long story short It was a site to adopt a child with an illness. And you guessed it. I picked Colbys name. So you are my newly adopted family.
So how are things at the home front. Hope you are enjoying your quality time together. I bet the boys are wearing mom and dad out.
Keep up the strong will Colby.
I am thinking of you and praying for you daily.
Take Care Cole Family.
May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, March 1, 2003 9:34 PM CST
I hope you and the Cam Man are having fun...wishing you many fun days and PRAYING for a miracle.
See ya soon,

Dana a few more weeks and we will be coming to Uniontown Doctor
- Saturday, March 1, 2003 8:43 PM CST
Laura, I was just thinking about you and Colby. I want you to know that you are in my prayers. God Bless your family.
Judy Skursha
Hopwood, Pa US - Saturday, March 1, 2003 7:35 PM CST
You are in my prayers. You are truly a wonderful family.
Lynn Campbell (Connor Summerville's Grandmother)
Baldwinsville, NY - Saturday, March 1, 2003 6:10 PM CST
Cole Family-We have been following Colby, "via" Jake's site. You are in out thoughts and prayers. Words seem shallow, but may God continue to give you strength.
Dell, MT - Saturday, March 1, 2003 5:16 PM CST
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron. Just wanted to send you hugs, hugs, and more hugs. Thinking about you all the time. Colby, I saw your friend Macy the other night and it reminded me of how cute you both looked during the Halloween parade at CHP. Take care Cole family and I hope you are feeling all the love that surrounds your family. Enjoy just having fun together and hope to talk to you soon. God is watching over each and every one of you.
Bev Gorr <>
N. Huntingdon, PA - Saturday, March 1, 2003 5:14 PM CST
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do." -Edward Everett Hale

Colby, I think we can both identify with this quote. You have done so much more than I in your lifetime by touching people and reaching them. I, on the other hand, am trying to reach you (which I know is a difficult task, because I am only one in about a million people who care soo much about you). So many people are praying for you today and will keep praying. And we all hope that our prayers are heard and answered if it be His will. Have fun doing the awsome things you are doing; and always know you are at the very center of many hearts.

Danielle Mullen
Uniontown, PA - Saturday, March 1, 2003 4:59 PM CST
Hello Everyone,

Sending you all lots of love, ((((HUGS)))), thoughts and prayers!

- Saturday, March 1, 2003 2:00 PM CST
Hey Colby and Cameron! I had SOO much fun playing with you guys before you went home. I'm glad you are home and hope you are having lots of fun. I think about all of you and keep you in my prayers. Please stay in touch
Vickie <>
Philadelphia, Pa - Saturday, March 1, 2003 12:06 AM CST
I tried to e-mail you and this came back.

Our hearts are breaking for you. Your Colby is so ADORABLE and so LOVED. I can't imagine what you all must be going though. I admire your love for Colby not subjecting his precious little body and soul to more of medical science's double edged sword. Sometimes people on medical teams make decisions that make themselves feel better and aren't necessarily in the best interest of the patient. It just couldn't get any tougher. You all being confronted with this just makes me sick with tears running down my face for you. Your family seems so much like ours. I wish I could just scoop you all up and make this just go away. We're praying hard for a miracle and no pain. I know your time with Colby is soooo precious. Love and prayers, Dianne Roth

Dianne Roth <>
Cape Girardeau, MO - Saturday, March 1, 2003 9:58 AM CST
COLES, Bet it's great to be all together again having as NORMAL living situation as possible.Jack and Laura,I'm sure the outside world is important but,I'm sure all the caring hearts respect you wanting time as family. Enjoy these days and you know ,but really many admire you as parents of this situation! keep te faith knowing GOD will do what's best! He is good although with this I too had to question Why? Colby, I'm sure you're having the time of your life with your mom and dad by your side,STAY as strong as as Bull for as long as you want and play and enjoy life! Cameron,I don't really know you but you're a pretty important little guy. Keep everyone on their toes PLAY hard with Colby and make everyone laugh. To all know we are all here prayingfor a miracle that will give Peace,Comfort and Joy. Yes, single handedly your SON has touched so many lives, just ask and remember who else did the same!!! what a special gift you have! Keep the faith,GOD BLESS
Pam(Grote)Howarth <Rchpmg2Kids@>
Uniontown, Pa. - Saturday, March 1, 2003 9:01 AM CST
Unfortunately, our family just walked the journey that your family is embarking on. It is extremely difficult and heartbreaking to watch our children suffer and go through so much. We will pray for a spiritual miracle......remember they happen all the time. Please feel free to contact me any time. Others on caringbridge offered me support in the last few months, and it helps a great deal to know you are not alone.
Love - Alison Haddock
(mom to Angel Alexandria Aug. 6,1993 - February 16th, 2003)

Alison Haddock <>
St. Louis, MO - Saturday, March 1, 2003 8:33 AM CST
HI..just checking in. I found out about Colby through another Caring Bridge website. Colby is an absolute doll!!Just want you to know that Colby and your family are in my prayers. I have a dear friend whose son has had a second recurrence of neuroblastoma. They won't be doing any more treatment. His name is Riley. His smile is as beautiful as your son's. Riley is 9 and spending each day having as much fun as humanly possible. He always makes me smile as I'm sure Colby makes others. Praying for miracles,Reva
Reva Kinnally <>
Woodruff, SC USA - Saturday, March 1, 2003 8:32 AM CST
Hello it's me again... Sandy. I came across this and wanted to share it will the Cole Family.

There Are Angels

There are angels in the Heavens.
There are angels on the ground.
There are angels all around you,
Just waiting to be found.

So when you are feeling lonely
Or just a little blue,
Open your eyes to see the angels.
They are there, waiting for you.

Don't forget about these angels
During all of your good times too,
For they like to share your happiness
And the joys, that come to you.

They will wrap their wings around you,
To protect and guide you through
All the sad and tragic moments
That this life can throw at you.

They are sent to you from Heaven.
From the Almighty Father above.
So remember to look for the angels.
They'll show you that God is Love.

There are Angels all around the Cole Family and Everyone is praying for ALL of you!!! God Bless You All.
Sandy, Paul, Zach and Tristin

Sandy Kaiser <>
Masontown, PA USA - Saturday, March 1, 2003 6:49 AM CST
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron: It has been a week since I have heard about Colby's relapse, and it has taken me a week to sign the guestbook. I am at a loss of words. I am totally devastated that this has happened....ITS NOT FAIR!!! I know we are not suppose to question God, but sometimes things are so hard to understand. My heart is heavy and it aches for all of you. I am so inspired by your STRENGTH Laura and Jack. You both deserve the "Mother" and "Father" award of the year or wait.. the LIFETIME award. You two are AMAZING and WONDERFUL parents. Colby and Cameron couldn't be any luckier. You both were blessed with two WONDERFUL boys, you are an AMAZING family. Enjoy everyday to its fullest and be together as a family, as it should. Colby...PLAY, PLAY and PLAY with your brother Cameron and wear Mommy and Daddy out!! We all love you. Praying for a MIRACLE. God Bless You All. Sandy, Paul, Zach and Tristin
Sandy Kaiser <>
Masontown, PA USA - Saturday, March 1, 2003 6:40 AM CST
Hey gorgeous Colby!!
How are you doin buddy?? Well, I'm just checking in on you today...sending you lots of loveeee and kissesss your way!! I hope you get them :) I bet you've been keeping your mummy and daddy on their feet since you've been home!! You wild child :) Anyway, all that matters is that you're having FUN, FUN, FUN! Also, just wanted to let you know that I am constantly praying for you, little trooper!! You are truly my inspiration!!! Everytime I think of you and that gorgeous smile that you have, I just get inspired even are an amazing little boy!
Jack & Laura, hang in thoughts are always with you..and as always I will be praying for you and your family. God is Great. Believe in miracles!

Love, Janice XOXO

Janice Liew <>
Melbourne, Australia - Saturday, March 1, 2003 5:34 AM CST
Dear Cole Famly, Hope all is going well. Just think about you guys all the time. Small things like aunt mar making the great meat loaf. Is this the same aunt mar I knew when i was growing up? Just want to let you know we are here.your friends at the beach.. Colby have fun and as a favor to me drive your dad crazy. tom, sarah, coleen, erin, andlogan
tomvitz <>
va.beach, va - Friday, February 28, 2003 10:23 PM CST
Dear Cole family,
I pray everyday that God protects and blesses you. Colby, you're a strong little man and you're in my thoughts always.

Jessica <>
Smock, Pa USA - Friday, February 28, 2003 9:03 PM CST
We wanted to stop in and let you know we're thinking of all of you!
Rachel, Jim and Connor <>
- Friday, February 28, 2003 8:33 PM CST
Hello Coles!

I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you. All of you have become part of my everyday activities. Your family is an inspiration. Much love to the four of you.

May God grant you peace.

Renne’ I. Cole-Dowler

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Friday, February 28, 2003 7:58 PM CST
Jack and Laura - Your lives and your strength have touched so many people. Many of us live long and don't do as much as you have in such a short time. I've seen in the past year how your community, young and old, has come together to support you. I've felt so priviledged to be even a very small part. I look at your picture on the first Red Cross bloodmobile poster every day. Your faith and your strength inspire me as they obviously have many others. If I could give you a gift it would be peace. So, please have peace and know that nothing has been in vain.
Suzan Clemens <>
Morgantown, WV USA - Friday, February 28, 2003 7:37 PM CST
Hi Colby!!!
This is your favorite PCT from CHP! Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and your family. Hope you're having fun playing at home. I wish you the best and would love to hear from you!
Love, Jamie

Jamie Hughes, PCT <>
Pittsburgh, PA 15205 - Friday, February 28, 2003 4:13 PM CST
I am writing to tell yout that I can not begin to emphathise with what you are going through. I am part of the National Honor Society at Uniontown High School. I also gave blood during the drive that Mrs. Howarth put together. I just want to wish Colby that best of luck and miracles do happen to brave and wonderful people. DONT LOSE HOPE, COLBY WILL BE IN MY THOUGHTS ALWAYS.


Melissa Henning <>
Markleysburg, PA - Friday, February 28, 2003 3:55 PM CST


Jorgen Roed
In all people there are two sets
of feelings: One is fear, the
other is love. If there is fear,
then we shrink as a person.
But love, wow! That can
move mountains!

God Bless You
And Keep You Safe!


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, February 28, 2003 3:15 PM CST


In this place called earth ... there is a need to talk to
the one who created us ... who gave us an example of
how to pray. I often think he realized just how
difficult it would be for us human to come up with
the right words ... so many times we want to say the
right thing ... and he knew that...
And in a special time ... and for a special
person...YOU... He created these words...

Our Father...(Aren't you glad that your Father ...
your Heavenly Father ... the one who created the
earth ... made YOU... Loves You ... and Listens to

Hallowed be thy name...(The name above all names
... and it is the name He gave YOU to call on Him
by. And in that name ... all power is given ... the
power that turns evil into good ... the power that
causes the sick to get better ... the power that turns
day into night and night into day ... that is the name
by which all authority is given ... and he lets you use
that name... to call on him... and to ascribe all
glory ... all honor...)

Thy Kingdom come...thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven....(how we pray for that ... that on this
earth good will ... and peace should reign just as it
does in heaven. That love would be the main theme
... just as it is in heaven ... that we would realize
daily that if we would but seek Him ... heaven would
start to really be here on earth ... that love would be
the main theme ... and that we would be one with

Give us this day our daily bread...(Trusting Him for
our daily spiritual nourishment. Just as we nourish
our bodies with food ... so our spirit man needs to be
nourished by reading His Word ... by praying to
Him ... by soaking up all the blessings in the
beautiful world He created...)

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those
who trespass against us...(He knew that without
forgiveness our heart would grow very cold...our
eyes dim from seeing the glories He has created ...
and that love itself would not be able to live in our
heart because of the bitterness unforgiveness brings
... so He knew we would need to forgive... for only in
forgiving can we truly know love.)

And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from
evil...(He knew in life there would be temptations
but He also knew He would make a way out of them
for us if we would but trust Him ... and He knew we
would need to pray to be delivered from the evil that
would seek to devour us...and in this prayer there is
such deliverance ... such joy... such freedom to truly
live in his ways...)

For thine is the kingdom ... and the glory and the
power forever and ever... Amen...( Truly the
kingdom is His ... and He in His love shares that
with us daily...hourly ... minute by minute as we
learn to lean on Him and His love for us. All glory
and honor belongs to Him... for when the price was
announced for our soul... He stepped up and gave
the ultimate gift so that we could know love
throughout all eternity...

'"The Lord's Prayer should never just be recited but
prayed from the heart ... of all who believe ... of all
who need to know that God loves them ... and that in
Him there is all life..."
Start each day with it ... and within a very short
period of time...

Your life will be changed for all eternity...

And in this prayer ... there is the secret to all life...
all joy ... and all peace.


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, February 28, 2003 3:00 PM CST
UNIONTOWN, PA - Friday, February 28, 2003 2:11 PM CST
Hey Guys...what's on the schedule for today? Miss you much.
Love ya,

Dana Whiting is just way too far from Uniontown Doctor Zachary's Web Page <>
Whiting, NJ - Friday, February 28, 2003 12:36 AM CST
Dear Laura and Jack,

Yes, it is completely God's decision. But even knowing that I understand the turmoil and pain you must be feeling.

Based on your journal entry, I will hope and pray that Colby continues to have fun and experience all the things a young boy his age should be experiencing.

Thinking of your family and praying for your family.

God bless,
Monica Paquette

Monica Paquette <>
Minneapolis, - Friday, February 28, 2003 12:04 AM CST
Hi Colby, you are to cute!! I just received a link to your web page and wanted to say hello. I will be thinking of you and your family, and keeping you all in my prayers. Stay strong and be sweet!
Pamela <>
Denver, NC USA - Friday, February 28, 2003 10:09 AM CST
Colby and Family,
We are praying for a miracle for you. We all feel so helpless watching the disease progress despite the treatment.

Connors' Aunt Joan and Uncle Paul
- Friday, February 28, 2003 9:45 AM CST
Colby, seems like you have been busy playing. Keep up the fun!!! We are glad you are now home and can see all of your friends and family. They really missed you...we all did! Sending you high fives and love always. Please tell Mommy, Daddy, and Cameron we send our love to them too. You are all in our prayers and we are praying so very hard for a miracle. We love you,
Todd, Meg, and Parker

Radolec's <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, February 28, 2003 9:41 AM CST
Dearest Colby and Family,
Please know our Heart's and Prayer's are with you.
May God give you strength.

Chris Ullrich - Bella's Grammy <,>
Hemingford, Ne USA - Friday, February 28, 2003 9:14 AM CST
Colby & Family, Stay strong and enjoy every moment. Your life is a testament to how we all should live - relying on the Lord in all things. I pray urgently for a miracle. Colby, you are my inspiration!
Love & prayers, Pat

Pat Dearth <>
New Salem, PA USA - Friday, February 28, 2003 8:32 AM CST
I am so sorry to hear about the relapse. I have been checking your page for awhile now and was devasted to hear the news. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Jill and Connor Holmes <>
Cinnaminson, NJ - Friday, February 28, 2003 1:03 AM CST
Dear Colby,
I was just about ready to go to bed and thought I'd let you know that I will fall asleep praying for you tonight. Our God is a God of miracles and I will be praying that he give you one.
In Christ,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Friday, February 28, 2003 0:01 AM CST

UNONTOWN, PA USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:52 PM CST
Dear family
I am so sorry to hear the news. I am inspired by your strength and courage dealing with such difficult decisions. You will always have peace in your heart knowing you did the best for Colby and that is something to be proud of. Putting Colbys needs first proves what wonderful parents you are even to someone you've never met. God Bless you all!!

Lori <www.>
Aurora, IL - Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:39 PM CST
I am so sorry! Praying for a miracle...
gina geddings, mommy of angel Morgan < ~~>
- Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:25 PM CST
We are praying hard for a miracle. Our hearts are aching for what you are going though. Love and prayers, Dianne Roth
D. Roth <>
Cape Girardeau, MO - Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:17 PM CST
Just stopping by to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!

Love and (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))

- Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:56 PM CST
He holds you in His heart. Our prayers embrace you.

Anne Marie and Tim Kelly
- Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:52 PM CST
You are a true testiment to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...I am throuoghly amazed at the peace that you have been given...the resolve...I think I said this before but I will say it again just in case...I pray that if the time ever came and the decision had to be made that I would have the opportunity to be half the parents you are...half the Christian.
In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody & Greg & Riley <>, - Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:45 PM CST
Dear Laura and Jack,

I just read your update and still am so sad and in shock that this happened. We continue to pray for Colby and all of you daily. Your courage and unselfessness are incredible. John is in another very intense part of his treatment. He continues to get heavy chemo and will be done with heavy stuff in another month (we pray). He then goes on long-term maintenance for 2-3 more years. I just hope and pray that I could be as strong as both of you if necessary. During this past year we have seen what hell must be like. I am here if you need me, and God bless all of you.

With all my love,

Becky McNamee
- Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:42 PM CST
Colby and Cameron, We had a really good time playing with you guys at the Max and I (drew) enjoyed playing laser tag with your daddy!!! Looking forward to seeing you guys again.

Drew and Mason <>
Fayette City , pa usa - Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:19 PM CST
Hang in there it sounds like colby is haveing fun like he should maybe a miricle will happen (someday he will be cured mayhaps it will be in heaven)
Jess the Mess <>
CA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:01 PM CST
Hi Colby, my name is Faith Renne’ Dowler. My mommy has been telling me about you and I wanted to wish you a belated Valentine’s Day and Happy Birthday. I want to look at your pictures everday! I just had a birthday too! I am three and love Buzz Light-years too! Mommy and I pray for you all the time. I hope you have a wonderful night! My mommy keeps saying you need to play, play and play!

Faith Dowler

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:48 PM CST
How does one find the words to express how sorry they are to hear of a child's illness? I can only imagine the pain that you and Jack are going through. But please find comfort in knowing that he is thought of and loved by, not only those that knew him, but by those who don't. Colby has been the center of everyone's thoughts and prayers since the horrible day this nightmare started and those feelings have only gotten stronger.

Laura and Jack, you have been towers of strength of astromical proportion. Please know that you both are loved and thought of daily. Not a day goes by that a dozen people don't walk into the unit and ask about you and your family. A friend of mine was at church the other day and the news of Colby's misfortune caused a wave through the church and services stopped to say a special prayer just for him.

Colby is a very lucky child to have so much love in his life. We will continue to pray for him as he 'grows his wings'. May God be with him and your entire family.

Love, Pam and Rebecca Hackney

Pam Hackney <>
Uniontown, Pa USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:24 PM CST



Janice Wright <>
Canton , OH - Thursday, February 27, 2003 6:59 PM CST
Dearest Jack, Laura, Cameron and ESPECIALLY sweet precious little Colby! Just checking on Colby today :) Jack and Laura, you are both amazing parents...I am still far too young to be a parent (I'm only 21) but when I do become one, I certainly hope that I can be half the parents that you are! You are just so incredible...not just to Colby but also to Cameron during this difficult time..and also the grace that you have both handled Colby's disease. I cannot imagine what it must be like to have a child so sick. That is why you have all my respect and admiration. There's nothing that I can say to make things better. But I do know that I can pray and pray and pray...and you know I have been praying!!! Colby is always in my prayers... like you, I just want him to get better! I want him to live his life without worrying about being sick! Just know that God is truly great. I have no doubt about that..he has proven it through my mother. My mother had cancer and was given 3 months to live. God gave her 4 1/2 extra years. Do believe in miracles!!! In the mean time, I also pray that God will give you both strength to hold each other close and be there for each other. Always look at the big have an amazing family...and 2 gorgeous boys...and 1 very, very, very special little boy. And he will always be that. Keep well Cole family..and I'm praying sooooo hard for you Colby!!! :)

May God bless you all XOXO

Love, Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, February 27, 2003 6:29 PM CST
i have just started college and i have to do a report and have lost many loves ones to cancer so i decided to do my report on cancer and i came accross the cancer kids and thats when i came acrosed your web page and decided to let you know my heart and prayers are with you and i hope god puts his healing hands on your son
letha <>
elmira, ny - Thursday, February 27, 2003 6:11 PM CST
Thoughts and prayers are with you daily.
Smock, PA USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 5:30 PM CST
Wow - I just want to say that you are an amazing family!! We don't know you, but just from reading your entry today, I can tell what a great family you are Colby is lucky to have such loving parents. It is so good to hear that he is home, running around and laughing and playing. My heart aches for you as you go through all of this. It must be pretty scary. Your faith is obviously helping you get through. God bless all of you! Enjoy every day to its fullest.

Jan, mom to Colin (6) who has had Acute lymphocytic leukemia
since 19 months of age. Ended treatment in May 2000. Relapsed September 9, 2002. Doing 2 more years of chemo:

Glendale, WI
- Thursday, February 27, 2003 5:07 PM CST
Dear Cole family, keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.Colby say hay to Happy and Gram from their old neighbor Tom. Your friends at the beach. Tom, Sarah,Colleen,Erin,and logan
tom vitz <>
va. beach, va - Thursday, February 27, 2003 3:47 PM CST
Hi Cole Family! Our love and prayers are always with you.
Christy and Alexandra Shaw <>
Uniontown, Pa - Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:38 PM CST
Hey Colby!!! You don't know me but I know you!!! You stay strong little dude------have FUN FUN FUN!! Lots of prayers going your way (you too mom and dad and family)!!
lori dietz <>
baldwin park, ca usa - Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:18 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Cameron and Colby,
I have clicked on the guestbook many times in the last few days and then my fingers freeze as my thoughts race through my head and nothing seems appropriate, especially because I don't know you.
I began following Kyle Cottey's ^i^ journey back in the summer. Kyle lived in the community where we have our store and I could not Not get involved. He is a 4 year old who has gained angel status and because of his strength, resolve and courage has forever changed me.
There are so many children like Kyle and Colby who continue to teach us adults what it really is all about and boy, are they a witness to God's love, compassion and mercy. Your family and Colby are no exception.
I found your site just days before Colby's second BMT and have been keeping you all in my prayers since. I can only imagine the bittersweet joy of watching Colby and Cameron being best buddies. You and Jack are exceptional parents and both of your boys are so blessed by you. I pray for your continued strength.

In my thoughts,

Nancy Dumas
Bonney Lake, WA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:02 PM CST
May God bless you & your precious family. Treasure every moment as everyone around you prays, even those who have never met you personally, but only emotionally by your entries and photos. Thank you for sharing Colby with us. He is very special. I will continue to pray for Colby.

Eileen Spratt (aka Aunt Bea) (Jackie Roth's aunt from Missouri) <>
Eureka, MO - Thursday, February 27, 2003 1:42 PM CST
Dearest Cole family,
I do not know you....I'm a nurse at Children's Hospital Central Ca. where Kayli (a JMML sister) has been treated. I found your site through hers. I occasionally check in and am always so astounded by each word in your journal entries. Your hope, love, caring and faith in God is always present in your journals. It is so clear how much you love Colby and one another and still have the strength and love to offer so many others around you support.

I cannot imagine the journey you've taken with your son and the heartbreak of a second relapse after transplant. Your courage and strength and most of all FAITH and COMFORT in God's plan is amazing to me!

You are so blessed to have such a wonderful spirited child...I'm sure that's what gets you through each day. I'm glad to hear that you are all home now enjoying each day with one another. Colby has truly been blessed by God to have you as his parents.

With love,
Jennifer Ruch

Jennifer Ruch <>
Fresno, CA USA! - Thursday, February 27, 2003 1:14 PM CST
Dear Colby,
You keep wearing everyone out by the end of the day!!! I am still talking to God very seriously about giving you a miracle. Keep strong and keep laughing, it makes mommy and daddy's heart smile.
Love in Christ,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Thursday, February 27, 2003 1:03 PM CST
You are such a wonderful Mommy...Colby and Cameron are so lucky to have you!
The new pictures are beautiful...thank you for sharing them with us.
With love, Kim

Kim Kruppenbacher <Kodys Story>
Leesburg, FL - Thursday, February 27, 2003 12:41 AM CST
Colby you are gonna wear your mother out...what an active schedule you have! Hope to see those sledding pictures soon. May your every dream come true!
Love you much,

Dana missing you much Doctor
- Thursday, February 27, 2003 12:20 AM CST
Colby and family,

I happened upon your site through another Caring Bridge page.
I am so sorry to hear about your relapse, Colby. You and your family will be in my prayers. I hope you are able to have FUN and have lots of QUALITY TIME together. I know this is not easy on you or your family. I will continue to pray for you.

Take care and God Bless.

Oak Hill, VA USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 12:19 AM CST
Hi Everyone!
Sounds like a busy and active household!(soooooo great to hear it!)
So good to hear your voice Laura...and the boys too!
So much to say and so much to hear.
Your words of wisdom and your endurance always lift me.
Looking forward to seeing you SOON.
Have a tender visit with Aunt Dee tonight and a great
weekend together.
All our love and endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:45 AM CST
Colby and Family, Love, Prayers, and most of all QUALITY TIME TOGETHER!!!!!! You are all in our thoughts every day and Ryan continues to say his special "bluekemia" prayer every night and pray to his special Angels to watch over all of you, The Dolans
Lisa Dolan <>
Whiting, Nj - Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:08 AM CST
The new pictures are awesome -- just like you!! I am so happy that you are home and enjoying being a boy! I continue to pray for God to lay His healing hands on your body. I wish so bad that I could meet you, but I feel like I know you and your family through these pages. Laura you write you well, I feel like I am blessed each and every time I come here. I continue to be amazed at your strength and faith. I only hope that my faith could be so unwavering at such a time. God has to be so pleased with all of you. Hang on to that faith, lean on God when you feel like you just can't stand anymore. I hope you all can "feel" all the prayers surrounding you. ENJOY each moment, just as we all should. God bless you all. With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:50 AM CST
Oh Laura, I wish I knew what to say to you.

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:44 AM CST
I was sent here by Gooch's mom to let you know my prayer's and thoughts are with you. I can't comprehend what you all are going through, but I CAN comprehend that every name in this guestbook represents a life you are a part of, and that it helps to know all of us are pulling for you. You have a beautiful family, and I wish I didn't have to meet you this way. All the best hopes coming your way.
Tracy M. <>
Windsor, ON Canada - Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:32 AM CST
Hi Colby!
So glad you're having lots of fun being home and have enough energy to run your parents ragged. We may say it's tiring, but secretly....we love it! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers sweetie!

Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:29 AM CST
Cole all are such a testimony of true, unselfish love and complete trust in remain so strong as a family during such a nightmare. You never lose sight of what matters most. At times like these, most parents would crumble, but your strength and love never waivers. I just wanted to let you know that your family is one I will never forget.
I am continuing to pray for God's will to be done in all of this. You certainly are a family that trusts in His will and no matter how long any of us are here on earth,we know that will never have to leave each other again once we meet up in Heaven.

- Thursday, February 27, 2003 8:23 AM CST
Dear Colby

Just keep having lots of fun and running mom and dad ragged!
You are a very special little boy loved by everyone....
GOD bless you now and always ..

Love, kisses and hugs

Arlene and Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Twp, NJ - Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:32 AM CST
A mother's instinct is how my Ryan was diagnosed with Leukemia. Everyone thought he was fine and insisted I should just leave him be. I knew in my heart something was terribly wrong. Unfortunately, I was right......... Fortunately, my instincts saved his life....... Parenting is the most joyous, wonderful, special job in the world. It is also the most heart-breaking and hardest job on Earth. I will pray for you and Jack as you enjoy your time with your beautiful boys and I will always pray for a miracle for sweet Colby. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. We do feel like part of your family and we all love you. Take care and much peace to all of you.

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:15 AM CST
Colby and family . . . I'm glad to hear that you are home in your own room and bed. What a joy to play with all your loved ones, especially Bob!! Isn't he fun? You and your loved ones are surrounded with love and prayer.
Cathy Firestone <>
Connellsville, PA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:12 AM CST
Colby-Hey there kiddo! How is it being home? I am sure a lot better than being in the hospital. I hope you are having fun with your little bro and playing with all your other friends and family. Take special care.

Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 6:50 AM CST
Dear Cole Family, I am at a loss for words. Please know we are continually praying and hoping for a miracle. Colby, you sure look cool in your quad picture. Soon, your Miller Farm friends can come ride with you.
Your neighbors, Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 6:12 AM CST
God bless you and your family and of course dear little Colby. I understand what you mean although I don't want to ever be faced with the decision of further treatment or not. It is so nice when they are not so sick from BEING treated that they can actually be themselves and laugh and play. God CAN do miracles but only he knows his plan for Colby and your family. All of the love in the world should come his way. Love, Tracy Solomon
Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :)

Tracy Solomon
Tampa, FL - Thursday, February 27, 2003 4:05 AM CST
Dear Colby, Laura & Jack,

We are friends with the Cohen family in Denver, CO; their little boy, Jacob, is fighting neuroblastma, and they have a link to Colby's website, so we have been reading your entries for the past few months. We would like you to know that your little Colby and your family are in our prayers. Colby is a very beautiful little boy. We will continue to pray that God will bring your family comfort, hope and peace.


Donna, Niko & Justin Hettlage <>
- Thursday, February 27, 2003 3:08 AM CST

Hey Colby!! What do you think of this chopper? It's cool Huh... I thought that you may like it since we boys like that kind of stuff... I like to watch airplane fly in the sky too... Trains are fun too... Hey Colby, are you beating up on your little brother Cameron?? I push my little sister around a little when she gets in my way; just so she knows who's the boss... Well, got to get some shut eyes for now... I'll be thinking of you...

From your friend Luke ;-)

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:23 AM CST
I know you are having fun just being at home. Have a great week. I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Thursday, February 27, 2003 1:22 AM CST
You keep your Mom and Dad worn out! They don't mind at all. The sound of you having fun with Cameron is music to their ears. I am praying for you little man. I believe miracles happen everyday! Keep on having a terrific time playing, laughing, and being loud like all little boys do.

Debbie Little <>
Dickson, TN - Thursday, February 27, 2003 0:09 AM CST
I'm sorry things are not going very well right now. But like you, I think God has a plan & I believe that with God all things are possible. Please know your family is in our prayers.

Kathy & AJ Davis <>
Chillicothe, Ohio USA - Thursday, February 27, 2003 0:01 AM CST
Just wanted to say HEllo and I am praying for you Colby and family. I am new to your site, thanks for shareing and thank you for your faith and shareing your precious family so that people you don't even know can pray with you.
A Christian, Bonnie Prince

Bonnie Prince <bjprince>
wildwood, mo usa - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:30 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Colby & Cameron,

Our prayers have not ceased, nor will they... We will continue praying for that "spiritual miracle & cure".

All our love and prayerful support,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:09 PM CST
I know that all these people out here pray for your family, and I know that you all can feel it. I just want to say, May God Bless You and Hold You All Tightly, Peace, and Prayers. 4/J's
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
ft.pierce, fl usa - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:47 PM CST
God is with you every step of the way....I can hear Him in your entry. May you know the complete love of the Lord in this precious time.
Sarah (Connor Summerville's aunt) <>
- Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:36 PM CST
Laura, I'm constantly praying for you and your family.
Uniontown, Pa - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 9:34 PM CST
Laura and Colby,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Jodi Wiliams <>
Farmington, Pa. USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 9:05 PM CST
Hi Cole Family,
Love the new pictures. Hope you had fun riding your quad Colby. I see you sure are bundled up. Thats good. You amaze me more and more every day Colby.
How ya doin Laura.

Take Care All
May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 7:44 PM CST
To the Cole Family..I just wanted to know that we are lifting up Colby to GOd for a miracle..We are also lifting all of you up to God as well..He is our help in time of trouble...God Bless each and every one...
Mary Mabe <>
Coeburn, Va USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 7:35 PM CST
Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers everyday.
Sending warm hugs from your friends in NJ,

Jenny Sterner and Jessica (friends of Dana's sister, Jill) <>
Colts Neck,, NJ - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 7:02 PM CST
I would like to offer my prayers for your family and Colby. I was saddened to hear of the relapse. I have been keeping track of all of the jmml kids as my son was diagnosed with the same in April 2001 with a BMT in Sept 2001. It sounds like he has been blessed with a lot of love. I wish your family much peace.
Jessica Wingert <>
Sacramento, CA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 6:32 PM CST
Praying for you and dear little Colby. Love, Tracy Solomon

Tracy Solomon <>
Tampa, FL - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 6:28 PM CST
Dear Colby and family,
I am so very sorry that this is all happening so fast i pray for you all the time. All my friends do to especially lisa. I hope some sort of miracle happens and you all come to church soon. I really miss all of you.
(a.k.a. Ari Dairy)
P.S. if you see this could you please write me back thanks alot!!

Arianne Gmutza <>
New Salem, PA USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 6:13 PM CST
Dear Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,
Just remember you are always in our thoughts and prayers.We love you all so very much.
With Lots of Love,
Lucille and Paul Carroll

Lucille and Paul Carroll
New Salem, PA USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 6:07 PM CST
You have been in my thoughts and prayers quite often. It is good to hear you are home where you belong. Trust in Jesus for all things. He will take great care of you, even when mommie and daddy can't. I hope you are spending alot of time playing. Watch some spongebob cartoons for me!!!

Barbara Griest <>
Brownsville, pa USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 5:40 PM CST
Hi Colby: I just wanted to let you know that I will be thinking and praying for you and your family. It sounds like you and your brother are having lots of fun. It takes a brave little person to go through what you have. I know that God will be very happy to have such a precious little angel like you.
Mary Fereza <>
Washington, PA 15301 - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 4:33 PM CST
Dear Coles,
Praying that you are feeling God's presence in your lives during this difficult time. I will continue to pray for Colby to receive a miracle and heal his body from this disease. Continue to love each other and enjoy making precious memories. I'm sure you have heard this before, but none of us really knows what tomorrow will bring or whether we will be here or go home to be with the Lord. I know that still doesn't take the terrible sting and ache away from dealing with a terminally sick child. You are very justified in all that you are feeling at this time, let the Lord hear you, He will listen and He will love you.
In Christ,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 4:31 PM CST
hi colby I am sending you a warm hug. please share it with your mom, dad and little brother.
Jill (dana's sister) <>
Long Branch, NJ - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 4:23 PM CST
Hello Colby and family! I hope your days are still filled with joy, laughter, love, family and strength. Colby you are such a special little boy and a true inspiration to me! Have fun and enjoy life! Always remember how special you are! I'll be praying for you, your mom and dad, and brother! God works in mysterious ways and sometimes we cannot understand him, but we must trust that His way is the right way, and follow it. GOD BLESS you always!


Danielle Mullen
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 3:50 PM CST
Hello Coles... Just checking in to see the new photos and tell you that I am praying for all of you. Laura and Jack, the strength you have is amazing, more than anyone I know. May God bless your family and enjoy your time with Colby. I am still praying for a miracle for your precious son and praying for some type of comfort for your family (although I know comfort is hard to come by right now).

"Lord make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness,joy."

Colby has touched the lives of a lot of people. He has made such a large difference in my life as well as numerous others. Colby has brought love, pardon, faith, hope, light, and joy to the hearts of so many people. He is so very young yet has impacted the lives of so many. I can only hope to touch the lives of as many people as Colby has in his short life. May God bless Colby and the Cole family.

Nicole L. Mullen <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 3:36 PM CST

UNIONTOWN , PA USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 2:55 PM CST
By Mark Schultz:

I’m down on my knees again tonight
I’m hoping this prayer will turn out right
See there’s a boy that needs your help
I’ve done all that I can do myself

His mother is tired , I’m sure you can understand
Each night as he sleeps, she goes in to hold his hand

And she tries not to cry
As the tears fill her eyes

Can You hear me? Am I getting through tonight?
Can You see him? Can You make him feel alright?
If You can hear me, let me take his place somehow
You see he’s not just anyone – he’s my son…

Sometimes late at night I watch him sleep
I dream of the boy he’d like to be
I try to be strong and see him through
But God who he needs right now is you

Let him grow old, live life without this fear
What would I be, living without him here

He’s so tired, and he’s scared
Let him know, that You’re there

Can You hear me? Can You see him?
Please don’t leave him….. he’s my son……

I love you strong, God will get you through. Dana Doctor
- Wednesday, February 26, 2003 2:52 PM CST

UNIONTOWN, PA UU - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 1:49 PM CST
Hi Colby I just wanted to let you know that I think of you every minute of the day.Have lots of fun playing with your little brother.You are a special little boy.Always On My Mind.
Carol(grandmother to Conor ford) <>
Ottawa Ontario , Canada - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 1:49 PM CST

An angel here, an angel there,
you are surrounded by angels everywhere.
When you are in the middle of a terrible storm,
they come with their candles to keep you warm.
An angel to comfort, an angel to guide,
An angel to fill that dark hole inside.
An angel to cry on, an angel who cares,
you are surrounded by angels, everywhere.
The angels who reach out when times are rough.
Who'll listen to your heartache and all
kinds of stuff. Bright in the sunshine
and in dark of night, the angels surround you
with comforting light. So thank you, dear angels,
more than you'll know For watering the happiness
and making it grow!


2-27-2003 I'M SO EXCITED, BEYOND WORDS!!!!!!!!

Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 1:48 PM CST
Dear Cole family, I am one of many people following your updates and those that Rachel includes in Connor's page. The strength of character your family shows in every entry is phenomenal. I am so sorry to hear of Colby's relapse and will pray for God's continued support and comfort for each of you.
Katherine <>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 1:11 PM CST
Dear Coles,
At this incredibly difficult time when there are no words to convey our feelings, please know that you are all in our thoughts and our prayers.

Leslie and Chad Stafford <>
Washington, PA USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:28 AM CST

#1 HERO!!!! So Glad you are back. I can't wait to see you and Cameron!!! Can't wait to play with all of your new toys. I am just getting over bronchitis. I missed you guys sooooo much. See you soon. Love, Marge

P.S. You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Tell your Mom to give you a BIG Kiss from ME!!!!

P.S.S. I still need computer lessons. Will you be my teacher?


Marge Fike
Smithfield, PA usa - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:26 AM CST
Thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Words cannot express how deeply saddened we are about the news. We will continue to pray. Colby is certainly one of God's special angels. May you find strength you need in all those who surround you. We would love for Colby to meet Kaitlyn.
Rob, Renee, Kaitlyn, Zack and Ryan Fike <>
Smithfield, PA USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 11:09 AM CST
My prayers goes out for your family. May today be a great day for you. God bless!
Cindy Wright
Sparta, Tennessee - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:28 AM CST
Dear Cole Family,
I found your page through a couple of other Caringbridge pages that I visit regularly, and wanted to let you know that I will pray for your family, along with the others I pray for every day. Your journal entries speak volumes about the love and strength of a close family. I hope you have many, many good days together.

Maria W
NCM, NJ - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 10:02 AM CST
So many wonderful messages of love and hope. Please remain strong. We are all praying for you and thinking of you.

Lynn Campbell(Connor Summerville's Grandmother) <>
Baldwinsville, NY - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 9:56 AM CST
Our Thoughts and Prayers are with your whole family.We don't know what itis like to have such a small child ill and dying but We know that the Lord will see you through this difficult time in your lives.God BLess All of you.
In CHrist name

Richard and Barbara Ginther <>
West Finley, Pa United States - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 9:10 AM CST
I am sorry to hear about a relapse. I learned of it throught Kayli's site. I will pray that the final days are as normal as it can be for him. Take care!
Angie Rosenthal <>
Clovis, CA USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 8:57 AM CST
to let you know, you remain in my thoughts and prayers. With love.
Lynn(Dana's friend)
- Wednesday, February 26, 2003 6:43 AM CST
Uncle Jack, Laura, Cameron, and my sweet Colby,

This is the first time that I have signed in since I got the heartbraking news. I have been told that I am a strong person, but I have never had such an empty and helpless feeling in my life. Uncle Jack and Laura, I don't know what to say. I do know that when I get there tomorrow I will have to be wearing my armor. I know that I will have to be as strong as I can be when I am with you guys and I hope that I can do it, I love you all so very much. It pains me to even think what the future may bring and the tears seem to fall endlessly from my heart. All I know is that I am going to be with you all as much as I can and cherish each precious second that we have together, each hug, each giggle, each laugh, and each smile... I will forever be there for ALL of you.

Friends are a miracle, of that there's no doubt,
A necessity of life, we can not do without.
When things go wrong and life seems so bleak,
We're tempted to think we can't do it, we're weak.
Oh we will struggle, and we'll do what is right,
But then comes the time when there's just no more fight.
We blink back the tears and we say we're OK.
But inside we think, "I can't go one more day."
Then there's the touch of a hand kind and strong,
And a voice that says gently, "Let me help you along."
"Don't hold it in, let go, let it out."
This is what friendship is truly about.
A friend who will care and isn't ashamed,
To share in your tears, and call you by name.
The friend may not know what you're going through,
But says, "If you need me, I'll be there for you."
Friends who can comfort and help bear your load,
Are worth far more than their weight in pure gold.
Lord, open my eyes, and help me to see.
A part of your life, a friend forever let me be.

Love Always,

Jessica <>
Buckhannon, WV - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 2:01 AM CST
I'm glad to hear that you are safely home and enjoying your precious time together as a family and cherishing these moments. May the Lord wrap his loving arms around you during this difficult time, comforting and guiding you.
Kathy Haws <>
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 1:51 AM CST
I LOVE the pictures of you and your family. You are adorable. So is little Cameron. I'm glad that you are your silly self and having a great time with brother. I bet you two like to wrestle, huh? That's what little boys do!
I am praying for you sweetheart. I do believe in miracles.

Debbie Little <>
Dickson, TN U.S.A. - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 1:07 AM CST

Wanted to stop by and let you know we are praying hard and fast for your family. When I first joined the CB family, yours was one of the first I came upon. Please know that although we don't sign in all the time, we still have you in our thoughts daily. Blessings to you all.

Cheri & Katelynn
Nelson, BC Canada - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 11:19 PM CST
Just popped in to let you and your family know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! You continue to enjoy playing with your brother! Have fun!

Love and ((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))

Eva <>
Marcellus, MI - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 10:11 PM CST
I don't know where you find your strength and are such brave and admirable people...I feel sometimes that I can hardly handle the day to day petty issues and then I think of you...of all of you fighting this horrible disease...and I realize that I am lucky to have just petty issues...and I thank God every day for my daughter's health...
You are all an inspiration to me...God bless you all...I am praying for a miracle...

Pittsburgh, - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 10:10 PM CST
To all the Coles: I'm Sandy Kaiser's mom and i check the webb site often.Laura & Jack i want you to know that i think of you and your family of what you are going through but you are in my prayers.And i admire Colby for being so strong and for what he has gone through. May god bless you all and stay strong.Colby you are such a little trooper and may god bless you.
Donna Ondrejko
Mansfield, Oh U.S.A. - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 9:25 PM CST
To the Cole Family,

Glad to hear that all of you are back together. Hope all of you have a great time enjoying one another and remember God Loves You All. So take care.

Dolores & Virgil Krepps and Thelma and Richard Harbaugh Jr. <>
Uniontown, PA United States - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 9:09 PM CST
Good Night Sweet Colby,
Star light, Star bright,
first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Get the wish I wish tonight!

It's time to sleep and rest,rest,rest,
For tomorrow comes and you are so blessed.
Enjoy the day and laugh and play,
With family and friends in every way!

Our love to you,
your Mommy, Daddy & Cameron too,
Our prayers continue endlessly,
For in our hearts you will always be!

Sweet dreams Dear Colby,
our courageous little soul,
Good night, good night,
We love you so...


suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, p usa - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 9:04 PM CST
Wow, what a support system!! Looks like you guys have some awesome friends and family and with their love and prayers you'll make it through, I know you will. I will continue to pray for you all. Love, Morgan McCallin
Morgan McCallin <>
- Tuesday, February 25, 2003 8:59 PM CST
To Colby Cole and Family-
You don't know me, and I've never had the pleasure of meeting you, must I must say that your son is an inspiration to all of us who walk this earth. Life can be a confusing place. Often times the road we walk takes unexpected turns. Sometimes these turns are pleasant, but too often they are troubling and difficult. I can not begin to appreciate or empathize with the obstacles you have been faced with over the last few years, but the fact that anyone can face such times with such optimism in an inspiration indeed. I wish you all the best. To the family, you spoil that little boy every chance you get. To Colby, you’re my hero.

--Gregory M. Peters

Gregory M Peters <>
Salisbury, MD USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 8:52 PM CST
Hang in there! You are in our thoughs and prayes.
Jessica Murray
New Salem, Pa 15468 - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 8:33 PM CST
Hello Cole Family,
I think of you always. I pray you are having a blessed time together. I feel your pain. No child or parent should have to endure such a large amount of pain. My heart truely goes out to all of you.
Colby I took your picture to me second job for the girls to see. They say he is a living doll. So precious and beautiful. The girls at French Cleaners think you are such a cutie.
Everyone is praying for you.
Take care Cole Family.
May God Be With You Always
No words can explain what the heart feels.
Get plenty of rest Laura & Jack. You don't want to get down just when the boys need you most. You must rest your mind and body.
Remember if you need to talk or anything I am here for you.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 7:59 PM CST
You are in or thoughts and prayers ALWAYS.
Jamie and Gary <>
Butler, PA USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 7:24 PM CST
Dear Laura and Jack, My heart aches for you. I am still praying hard for a miracle.. You have had to cope with so much and yet you have always had time to think about others. Colby and Cameron have known unconditional love from both of you. There is nothing greater one can give a child..
Laura, I am sending you a hug.. I hope you can feel it.. God Bless You Both..

Regina Sloan
Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 7:14 PM CST
My heart goes out to you all. Life is so cruel...
Chanda & Jake
- Tuesday, February 25, 2003 6:58 PM CST
To the Cole Family,

My heart goes out to you - this is unbearable. Your family has been through so much. A child should not have to endure what Colby has been through. I pray for a miracle and I pray that God gives you the strength that you need. I pray that Colby is pain free and having fun with his family. God Bless you.

Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 6:35 PM CST
Colby ~ Have HAPPY, FUN days together with your family. LAUGH as much as you can. God bless you and your loved ones. ~
Sherri Morrow <>
Youngwood, PA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 6:18 PM CST
As others have said, there just are no words. This just stinks.

You have all of our good thoughts and many hugs.

The Hauers - Matt, Julie and Amanda
Ashburn, VA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 6:00 PM CST
Dear Laura and Jack,

I have been one of the silent followers of your Web site for Colby. I have always been so impressed with how you seem to still focus on the marriage in spite of all of this.

However, I am now very much saddened to hear the latest news regarding Colby's battle against JMML. I (we) will never understand in this life why these young children have to deal with cancer.

I can only pray that God gives you strength to face this latest news. Your family will be in my thoughts.

God bless,
The Paquettes: Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monica Paquette <>
Minneapolis, - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 3:48 PM CST
To The Cole family I am so very sorry to hear about the relapse. I pray God keeps giving you the strength needed at this time. Colby you are the bravest boy in the whole wide world. I hope you and your brother are having fun, fun, fun. You all are in my prayers
Carol Elvin
Pittsburgh, PA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 3:42 PM CST
Hello, Colby. I wanted to say how sorry I am to hear about your relapse. I've heard about you all year at school. I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and your family. God Bless

Megan Hager <>
Markleysburg, PA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 3:04 PM CST
Dear Jack, Laura, Cameron, & Colby,
As always, our thoughts and prayers are with you. I truly believe in God's power, and pray that he will somehow give you peace as well as comfort for Colby in the days and weeks ahead.
I don't want to bother you, I am sure that your phone is ringing off the hook, but if you need anything or if you would like Fr. Bill to visit, please call.
In my opinion, you ALL have Angel's wings!!
God Bless,
Love, Shane,Mary Jul,& Jonathan

Mary Jul Phillips <>
Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 2:36 PM CST

DUNBAR, PA USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 2:35 PM CST
Here again.......just praying!!
With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 2:35 PM CST
please know you are in our thoughts and prayers
teresa tanner and christine yanow
- Tuesday, February 25, 2003 1:50 PM CST
Praying today as always for the Lord to heal Colby's precious body.
In Christ,

Debbie Nagy
- Tuesday, February 25, 2003 12:57 AM CST
Colby, as well as his family, is in our hearts and prayers.

Our family will pray for you.

Amy, Mark, Brendan, Ashton, and Austin Klink
Hopwood, PA USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 12:55 AM CST
Just wanted to let you know that you are all on my mind and in my prayers throughout the day. Praying for many, many, fun filled days together.
Washington Township, NJ - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 12:38 AM CST



leigh klink <>
new salem, pa usa - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 11:49 AM CST
Dear Colby,

I am so glad you are at home running around with your little brother. You are five and that is what five-year-olds are supposed to do. You have a blast and do everything you want to do! My thoughts and prayers are with you constantly.

Make sure to give your brother, Mommy and Daddy big hugs!
Renne’ Cole-Dowler

Renne' Cole-Dowler <>
Washington,, PA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 11:22 AM CST
So Sorry to read about Colby. My prayers are with you.

Anita Moore mother of Holly
Sikeston, MO - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 11:06 AM CST
Please know that my prayers go out to your family and especially Colby. I always go to see how Zachary is doing and have learned so much about Colby. I look at the pictures and just smile you have yourself some little boy. I will pray for him daily. A new Friend Linda
Linda Latzsch <>
Toms River, NJ USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 11:04 AM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with Colby as well as the rest of the family. God Bless you all.
Dee A Mullins <>
Mt Sterling, KY - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 10:48 AM CST
Hey Colby!! How are you doin this fine day honey?? Have you even had a break from ALL of your toys?? The answer will most probably be a big fat NO! Who needs a break right?? :) Well...all I can say is HOME SWEET HOME! With you being your wild self and everything and playing soooo must be pretty cool to be home hey? I am so happy for you buddy :) I know that you are fighting real hard...even though it probably doesn't seem like it. But you are so strong, Colby...not just physically but mentally and emotionally..and that is VERY, VERY important! I'm sure you know that sooo many people care about you and think of you and PRAY for you and most of all LOVE YOU!! As for me, I am still praying real hard for you... believe in miracles sweetie...miracles happen and GOD is GREAT! Catch ya soon buddy!! You truly are my inspiration! :)
Laura & Jack, please take your time with sorting out all your emotions...when it comes to such circumstances where we can't understand why something like this has to happen to a child, time is not an issue. Please rest assured that you will ALWAYS, ALWAYS have an extra prayer from me. I have never met Colby, I don't know your family personally but yet, I have followed your journey and I feel like I've known little Colby. At least I feel like I've gotten to know him and your family well enough to care...the Cole family is always in my thoughts and I will keep praying for you for however long it takes to make your little boy 100% better again. As I always say to Colby...GOD IS GREAT! Miracles do happen! Keep your faith! May God Bless your entire family and especially gorgeous Colby Cole..

Lots of love, Janice <>
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 10:09 AM CST
Dear Colby and family,
My heart goes out to all of you! I'll continue to think and pray for you often! Colby, you are absolutely adorable! I think you are the bravest boy EVER! :o) I luv your little smile, and I hope you keep playing/having fun for a LONG time!

Lara <>
Battle Ground, IN - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 10:06 AM CST
I just heard of Colby through Gooch's site and have read your page. My prayers are with you and your family. I will never understand this disease and why it attacks our kids but I do believe children should be children and have fun. God bless you. I will check on your page every few days for updates and pray for you daily. Love, Tracy Solomon (Katia's mommy)
Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :)

Tracy Solomon <>
Tampa, FL - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 9:44 AM CST
Laura and family: I cannot express how sorry I am to hear of Colby's relapse. God be with you all in this time. If I can do anything to help please let me know.My prayers are with you all.
Fran Collins <>
New Salem, Pa. USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 9:29 AM CST
Hi guys. I don't want you to think I have forgotten about you. And, I'm not one of those to say "I just didn't know what to say", because I can ALWAYS find something to say :) I was actually waiting for the news on exactly what happened, but since you guys need some more time before you update on that, I wanted to write and let you know that I am right here, following along, thinking and praying. I want to call you, but I'm waiting on the Lord for that too. I still have your number, but I know you need the family time right now. When I get the "yes" from God, I will call. In the meantime, know that you can still call me anytime day or night. I know that nothing short of waking you up from what you find to be a horrible nightmare instead of reality would make things all better, but my ear and my shoulder are yours any time of the day or night. And, as always, my prayers cover your entire family.
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 9:26 AM CST
Dear Colby and family,
So glad to hear that you are all home and under one roof. Colby it sounds like you and the Cam-man are having a blast!! Keep hanging touch buddy....remember you are my HERO! Well, I had my cake last night and do you know what those silly kids of mine did. They put the kind of candles on that you CAN'T blow out. They really thought that was funny!! But, the good part was, I not only got to make one wish when I blew out my candles, I got to make a BUNCH of wishes!! Hopefully God will make my wish come true. I'll be back buddy to check on you soon, until prayers are constant for all of you. God bless you all. With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 8:52 AM CST
Glad you are home safe.

Dan and I watched the clock all day wondering how things were going.

Check out the new pictures on Sami's site:

Keep in touch

Sandy <>
Bridgewater, Nj - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 8:32 AM CST
Your incredible family is in my thoughts and continued prayers. Especially praying for a miracle for Colby.
Jane Suhar
Chalk Hill, Pa - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 8:11 AM CST
Commander in Chief,
I am so very happy you are home! I have missed you more than you could ever imagined! I will see you very soon! I have promises to keep!!!
Laura, Jack and Cameron,
Love and hugs are waiting all of you when you are ready!
Holding all of you in my heart...............
Colby, I LOVE YOU BIGGEST....................
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 8:07 AM CST


Danette <>
Santa Fe , TX - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 8:05 AM CST
Welcome home Cole Family...There is no place like home!
Love you,

Dana in withdrawl not talking to Laura (take your time) Doctor
wish I lived closer, NJ - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 7:42 AM CST
Good Morning Colby,
Welcome Home...there truly is no place like home!
Full of energy and full of love-that is what I expected!
You and your Mommy, Daddy & Cameron need time to settle in and savor these precious moments.
In the meantime, you and the Cam-man have so much fun playing that you both fall asleep together. HUGS,HUGS,HUGS!
Callahan is so excited to come see you and we will all see eachother real soon.
Please give your Mommy & Daddy BIG HUGS from us...and a superhero big squeeze to Cameron!
We love you all very much,
From our hearts with endless prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 7:27 AM CST
Hi Colby and Family,

I'm sorry you guys are going through all this, I wish there was someting I could do but Praying is something I'm good at so I'm adding you to my prayer list.

A friend
- Tuesday, February 25, 2003 0:18 AM CST
The power of prayer can cure Colby but it is in God's hands. We cannot know why bad things happen to good people but we must not falter in our belief that He has a reason for everything. God Bless.
James Biever <>
Austin, TX USA - Monday, February 24, 2003 11:26 PM CST
Jack,Laura COLBY and Cameron- Just checking in before this day ends!!!! Hope the trip home was a safe one !!! We did get some snow. COLBY how's it feel to get to sleep in your own bed that's what Blair always says after we come home! Well Welcome home, rest and play, enjoy the visits of those close to you. Still praying for you all, keeping the faith, and believeing God KNOWS best!!! Enjoy each other and again to Jack and Laura what model parents and such endurance your prayers will get answered! I will share any new news with the NHS, he's on all of our minds as are the rest of you !!! Sleep tight COLES,may the sun shine again Snuggle him in his Red Raider blankie
Pam (Grote)Howarth <rchpmg2kids@web>
uniontown , Pa - Monday, February 24, 2003 11:13 PM CST
Colby and family you will be in my thoughts and prayers. My great nephew has AML and it is unbelievable what these children endure. The strength and spirit they show is unbelievable. I will keep you in my prayers. Love to all.
Jami <>
Billings, MT - Monday, February 24, 2003 10:28 PM CST
Thinking of you sweet, precious Colby and praying for a miracle. Laura and Jack you are amazing parents. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.....Sending great big hugs for Colby and Cameron!!!!!

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Monday, February 24, 2003 10:04 PM CST
Dear Laura, When I read your post Saturday, I was at a loss for words. I followed Colby for the 23 days and it made me remember this past summer with Jared. He's just like him. ( I see Spongebob and Power Rangers are his things too.) His pictures show so much energy. (that's what makes this all even harder.) I wish all these caring bridge families could meet, but there's just too many of us. Everyone has touched each others hearts. If Colby has already had his Make a Wish, then please feel free and call The Children's Wish Foundation - they would certainly grant him a wish also. God Bless Your Family Laura, Geralyn Saya
geralyn saya <>
syracuse, ny us - Monday, February 24, 2003 9:47 PM CST
Dear Family
I just read about Colby on Gooch's website. I am so sorry to hear of his relapse. I will keep you all in my prayers. I am glad to hear he is feeling so good and playing like a "normal" 5 year old should!!

Lori <www.>
Aurora, IL - Monday, February 24, 2003 9:41 PM CST
Hello Laura and Colby. I just wanted to say Hello and tell you I have been thinking about you. I bet you love seeing Colby's sweet face laughing and smiling.... I miss seeing you but I am so glad you are home loving your boy! All my love and prayers.... rhonda (from chop).
rhonda beatty
Hellertown , Pa. - Monday, February 24, 2003 9:13 PM CST
Hi Guys!
We send our love and can't stop thinking about you all!
Home sweet home... settle in.
Colby stay strong and continue that endless determination!
We love you dear one...
See you all soon!
We'll be in touch.
From our hearts with prayers so strong,

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Monday, February 24, 2003 9:02 PM CST
hi you don't know me but a friend from our church from mooresville nc has cancer sarah smith she is on the caring bridge that i have ben following i have had such a burden for all those that have been fighting there different illnesses i am so sorry about colby my family is praying that the lord will give you a continued strength right now and in the days to come and when he recieves his angel wings he will take him in peace i ask for comfort for your family cherish and hold onto the moments you have they will be with you forever i do not understand what you are going through cause i have not had a child with a illness but i do hurt for you and will pray for you and colby he has a bright smile and eyes that shine through it all
cheryl leiner <>
mooresville , nc - Monday, February 24, 2003 8:20 PM CST
Dear Laura, Jack, Cameron, and Colby,

I've learned of your sadness from Colby's relapse through Chris, Gooch's mom. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am to hear this. Please know that I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

Love to you all,

Eva Shimmons <>
Marcellus, Michigan - Monday, February 24, 2003 8:12 PM CST
Colby, Hi! My name is Ryan Dolan, I am best friends with Zachary Doctor. I just wanted to let you know that every night before my brother John and I go to bed we say the same "bluekemeia" prayer we said every night for Zackie. We pray to our special angels up in Heaven for the same miracle Zackie was lucky enough to get. We think about you every day and wished we had the chance to meet. Aunt Dana says "we are made from the same mold" Our special Angels Uncle Butch and Grandma Pam are watching over you and helping you as they did Zackie. We love you Colby and stay strong like my favorite Rescue Hero Jake Justice. Love, ryan dolan
Ryan Dolan <>
Whiting, Nj - Monday, February 24, 2003 8:10 PM CST
Dear Laura, Jack, Colby, and Cameron,
I learned of Colby's relapse through Dana's sister Jill on Saturday morning. I am so sorry.....I wish with all my heart there was something I could do for you to make this all better.
Please know you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.
The courage and strength of all of you is truly amazing.
Please give Colby an extra hug from me.

Jenny Sterner (friend of Dana's sister Jill) <>
Colts Neck,, NJ - Monday, February 24, 2003 7:54 PM CST
You have my thoughts and prayers. And praise for wanting to let Colby have this last hoorah. Let him play. My heart goes out to you all.

Rae <>
Tulsa, OK - Monday, February 24, 2003 7:36 PM CST
LOVE starts with a SMILE,grows with a KISS,and ends with a TEAR.
DON'T cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
Good FRIENDS are hard to find,harder to leave,and impossible to forget.
You can only go as far as you push.
ACTIONS speak louder than words.
The HARDEST thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else. DON'T let the past hold you back, you're missing the good stuff.
LIFE'S SHORT. If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it. A BEST FRIEND is like a four leaf clover, HARD TO FIND and LUCKY TO HAVE.
Some people make the world SPECIAL just by being in it.
BEST FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us.
When it HURTS to look back, and you're SCARED to look ahead,you can look beside you and your BEST FRIEND will be there.
Good friends are like STARS,you don't always see them, but you know they are ALWAYS THERE.
DON'T frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.
What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.
Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. Most people walk in and out of your life, but only FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart.

Jennifer Glisan <>
Markleysburg, PA USA - Monday, February 24, 2003 6:56 PM CST

May you find serenity and tranquility
in a world you may not always understand.

May the pain you have known
and the conflict you have experienced
give you the strength to walk through life
facing each new situation with
optimism and courage.

Always know that there are those
whose love and understanding will always
be there, even when you feel most alone


ISIAH 41:10

Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, February 24, 2003 6:43 PM CST
Dearest Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron,
You don't know me but I have recently been told of Colby and I really just wanted you to know that my heart is breaking for all of you. I will absolutely continue to check in on you all everyday and I will never stop praying and fighting for every cancer child until a cure is found.
As I too have a sick child who dr's tell us, there are no treatments that would do any good...I praise you for bringing Colby home and letting him "be a normal boy" are such wonderful parents!
Miracles happen everyday...Never stop believing that. Please give Colby a hug from me...
With love, Kim

Kim Kruppenbacher <Kody's Story>
Leesburg, FL - Monday, February 24, 2003 6:42 PM CST
I know you don't know me, but I've heard so much about you and your amazing son. I gave blood not too long ago at my school, Uniontown Area High School, and got to see Colby. He is an amazing little boy, he really inspires me. It breaks my heart to hear of his condition, and I know God has your family under his wing. My aunt, Bonnie Rittenhouse, always keeps me clued in with how he is doing and I now have the web site to keep track along with her. You and your family are in my prayers nightly and I just hope and pray that things turn out ok. It's amazing to see someone so small and young to be so strong when people my age and even me actually give up on the tiniest things and there he is, fighting for his life. You're all in my prayers and I wish nothing but the best.

All My Love and Prayers,
Jennifer Lynn Glisan

Jennifer Glisan <>
Markleysburg, PA USA - Monday, February 24, 2003 6:32 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Cameron, and Colby- May the lord be with you and give you all the strength you need. You will be in my prayers.

Roberta Borkowski <>
Washington, PA - Monday, February 24, 2003 5:32 PM CST
Hi Colby! I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers and in my heart! I will be praying for God to give you and your family strength during this very tough time. All my love and prayers.
Danielle Mullen
Uniontown, PA - Monday, February 24, 2003 5:32 PM CST
Hello Colby, Laura, Jack, and Cameron
Today is another day to enjoy Colby's smiling face and cherish his life. May God Bless your family and watch over you in the days to come. I'll keep you in my prayers and pray for Colby's life to be that of a normal youngster.

Psalm 70
May all who come to you
be glad and joyful,
May all who are thankful for your salvation
always say, "How great is God!"

Nicole Mullen <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, February 24, 2003 4:46 PM CST
We will continue to pray for a miracle for little Colby.

Angela and Tony Polichetti <>
Mt. Washington, KY - Monday, February 24, 2003 4:38 PM CST
Hi Laura, Jack, Colby, and Cameron -- I've been checking in on you guys pretty frequently but have only left my mark in the guestbook once before. (Just a reminder...I found you via Anthony's site) I am heartbroken to hear you are now dealing with Colby's relapse. But like Dina said, Anthony is still hanging in there and just being a kid. May God be with you at this hard time, and I pray that you find the strength and courage you need. And Colby, keep smiling (sounds like you do that best) and give your parents big hugs and let them know how great they are. As a friend would say...LYG or Lovin' your guts, Morgan
Morgan McCallin <>
- Monday, February 24, 2003 4:19 PM CST
I stumbled across Colby's story while keeping up with Kayli Jankowski, and have been following his journey for quite some time. My heartfelt prayers go out to your entire family. I am praying specifically that you all will feel God's grace and mercy in a very evident way.

Darlene Franks, R.N. <>
Dinuba, CA - Monday, February 24, 2003 3:41 PM CST
Lots of people are praying for you and for your family. God is love and hope and faith!
With love and prayers, Candi & Gary Borkowski

Candi Borkowski <>
Washington, PA USA - Monday, February 24, 2003 3:18 PM CST
I am sure you are all very busy living every day and each moment to its fullest. I pray for God to give each of you the strength you all need. With love and prayers,
Janey Clay Rohlf <>
Ohiopyle, pa fayette - Monday, February 24, 2003 3:08 PM CST
Praying that you can feel God holding you ever so tightly at this difficult time. He loves you so much and many others do too.
Love in Christ,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Monday, February 24, 2003 2:03 PM CST
Hey Colby,
Just signing in to let you know that I've been here. I am so glad that you should be home today with everyone together. I'm sure you boys will be having a ton of fun playing together. You truly are my HERO! I don't know too many kids that could be as STRONG as you have been. And you know what....I don't know too many adults that have impacted as many lives as you have. You are AMAZING. Today is my birthday kids are determined that I am going to have a cake tonight (I would like to ignore the number of candles on the cake). But I will have candles, and I will make a wish. So you hold on buddy....I'm praying God will hear my wish and make it come true!! God bless you all. With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Monday, February 24, 2003 1:56 PM CST
Dearest Colby and Family,
Holding you all in our Hearts and Prayers!!

Chris Ullrich - Bella's Grammy <,>
Hemingford, Ne USA - Monday, February 24, 2003 12:56 AM CST
We have put off writing, as we know, there is nothing we can say to make this any easier for all of you. As everyone has said, we are all at such a loss for words to comfort you. Just know that your whole family is constantly on our minds, in our hearts and in our prayers.

Bob and Lorraine
McClellandtown, Pa - Monday, February 24, 2003 11:02 AM CST
Dearest Colby Cole :) :)
How are you doing today sweetie? Playing and having fun I bet...I was just checking in wondering if there was an update. Well, you keep well at home sweetie...I am always praying for you...God is great, Colby! He loves you! Always remember to have the most beautiful smile :) Will check in on you again soon...

Lots of hugs, kisses, love and sunshine!

Janice Liew
Melbourne, Australia - Monday, February 24, 2003 10:55 AM CST
Laura and Jack,
I am at such a loss for words and my heart is so sick and sad. Please know my thoughts are with you and Colby and your family continue to be in my heart and prayers.

Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Monday, February 24, 2003 9:50 AM CST
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God the is Jesus Christ.
Romans 8:38-39

Your love for your son is so awesome...Your entire family is in our prayers...God will heal Colby and then he will always

In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody & Greg & Riley <>, - Monday, February 24, 2003 9:12 AM CST
Holding your hand today...Can you feel it?
Dana wishing I were with you guys today Doctor
a phone call away, - Monday, February 24, 2003 9:06 AM CST
Coles, Just wanted to check in and see if there was an update and see how you are handling this. I know so many of us are in shock, I cant even begin to imagine how you all must feel. Please know lots of people are thinking about you & praying for you. Colby you are an amzaing little boy and many people love you!

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Monday, February 24, 2003 9:04 AM CST
We are Dana's in-laws and have been following Colby's journey. The news we received from Dana last night, just took our breath away. Please know that we are thinking and praying for all of you. I will make sure that Colby is recognized at our Relay for Life in March.
Rick and Lynn Doctor <>
Coconut Creek, FL - Monday, February 24, 2003 8:56 AM CST
I think you are incredible parents, and little Colby deserves a chance to be a kid for awhile with his family at home. I will pray that the ONE who knows the answer will give it to Colby. We call them miracles, but it is just God healing.
Love is the best medicine!
Ivy <>
lynnwood, wa usa - Monday, February 24, 2003 3:32 AM CST
Laura and Jack, please know that we are ALWAYS thinking of and praying for Colby and your family...

Your JMML family,

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA - Monday, February 24, 2003 2:02 AM CST

DUNBAR, PA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 11:51 PM CST
Colby is indeed stong like a bull! May you, Jack, Laura, Cameron and the rest of us so deeply affected by the recent revelation of relapse, be blessed with a calm and strength that is so typical of Colby. Know that we continue to keep you all in our prayers. Hey Colby, no masks or medicine, just how stylin' are you? You have a good time without the constraints! alright? You are our hero.
The Jankowski's ( <>
Fresno, Ca - Sunday, February 23, 2003 11:38 PM CST
I read about your site through the chubby chica site. My heart goes out to you. You are such strong and loving people to give him a normal life after all the treatments. My sone, Taylor, has stage 4 Neuroblastoma. We are headed to the transplant floor in March. I am praying for you and hope you receive a miracle. Enjoy your time and savor every moment. God bless!

Jim and Kim Watts <>
McCalla, AL. - Sunday, February 23, 2003 10:54 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Cameron and Colby
Great to visit with you today. I'm glad you all enjoy Ronald McDonald house. They are a great group of people that work there, volunteer and live at the house. It is quite a family. Sami loved baking cookies for Cobly today. And she had a blast running around with Cameron and playing hide and seek with Colby. You all have a safe journey home. We are here for you, whatever you need.

Sandy, Dan and Sami ( <>
Bridgewater, Nj usa - Sunday, February 23, 2003 10:05 PM CST
PRAYING FOR A MIRACLE...if anyone call pull it off it's Colby!!
Pittsburgh, - Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:45 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron...I just want you to know that you will all be in my prayers daily. I am so sorry to hear that Colby has relapsed. I remember all to well when Dr Bunin informed me that Anthony had relapsed for the 2nd time. They hold out NO hope of a cure for Anthony but we have been doing the whole chemo thing for the last 10 MONTHS. We were told he wouldn't be here for long but he has proven them all wrong. Don't get me wrong...he continues to have blasts in his blood but the chemo has kept them low. He doesn't get sick from the chemo like he used to. It doesn't effect him at all. He plays and goes to preschool and enjoys every day. I hope that Colby enjoys every day to the fullest. Love him, hug him, kiss him and let him be the boss for now...GOD knows Anthony runs our household.

If there is anything I can do for you please contact me through Anthony's page or email me...

Love, Dina Makoid <>
Sanatoga, PA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:10 PM CST
Sweet Dreams To All,
Snuggle together and giggle,
Let all of you smile and wiggle.
Let tomorrow come and welcome in the new,
Come home safely and let us ALL be with you!

We love you all and are so anxious to see everyone.
We want to play, play, play, laugh together and give BIG
hugs. We can all walk hand in hand, heart to heart and
let our spirits soar together.

So much to do and so much to say,
We look so forward to having you home
as we continue to pray.

God Bless you Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron.
The journey back home may seem long but we all wait with open arms and loving hearts.
We will be in touch...

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:01 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron Just wanted to let you know that we are all thinking about you guys. God bless and enjoy your special time together.
Kelly, Andy, Drew and Mason Lucas <>
Fayette City , pa usa - Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:50 PM CST
We have checked on Colby every day but have never signed his guest book, but felt compelled to tonight. Our prayers are with the whole family during this time. Hope you have a safe trip home and enjoy every minute of every day!
Kathy & Richard
Whitehall, OH - Sunday, February 23, 2003 7:38 PM CST
I stop by often, but pray every day for all of you. Words seem to escape me as I try ot write....Please know that we are all here and will continue to hold all of you up in prayer.

Lynn, PA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 7:07 PM CST
Have I told you I love you today?

Well I dooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Dana not too good at hide and seek Doctor
always with you in spirit and at your side anytime you need, NJ - Sunday, February 23, 2003 6:55 PM CST
Miss Laura, Colby, Cameron and Mr Jack,
have a safe trip home. I can't wait to play with you Colby.
xoxoxo I Love you handsome. You make my heart tingle.

uniontown, pa - Sunday, February 23, 2003 6:37 PM CST

Sometimes in the middle of a day ... filled with a
hectic schedule ... and things that just seem to
overwhelm you ... there is an embrace you need...
a place to run to when the world throws you a
curve ... and there is a place ... found in the arms
of an angel ... who, by the way is closer to you
than you even realize.

Sometimes in the middle of a dark night ... when
all light has disappeared and you feel alone ...
scared to face another day with the same trials ...
hurts and troubles ... you lean back as the tears
wash over your face and with a tired soul ... you
cry out ... and in that place ... you are comforted
... by an angel you may not be able to see but who
loves you far more than you can imagine.

For you see the angels appear when you may not
expect them ... you may think you are all alone ...
but actually you are not. For God in His love and
care for you releases the angels to comfort you ...
to stand beside you ... so you never really walk
The angels are silent ... yet there is such power in
their presence ... such love and care.

Many times they have fought for you when you
were unaware and the battle suddenly turned and
you came out victorious and strengthened.

The angels stand beside you when everyone else
may walk away ... they watch over your going out
... and help you find your way...
And in those moments when you are faced
with the horrible storms that life can create ... you
are sometimes lifted high above the storm ... on
the wings of prayer and you soon find a better

Angels ... all around you ... at the times when you
feel you cannot possibly walk on ... they take your
hand and lead you in the way you should go.
So remember ... no matter what the day or
what it might bring to you ... there are angels all
around you ... who love you ... who speak to the
winds of life ... causing them to subside ... to
speak to the darkness ... and cause the light to
appear ... who bring love to the shattered heart
and comfort those that mourn...

And remember sometimes God sends angels you
can see ... you can hear ... it may be a word of
encouragement ... a word of love ... or even a look
that says ... "I know you are going to make it
through all of this ..." I"m counting on you ...
and I will be with you ..."

It may be someone you see as you go to work or
someone who sits beside you at work ... or it may
be just someone who waves at you as you drive ...
but they are there ... these angels God sends to
bless your day. Be sure to look for them ... and do
not miss the blessings they bring.

SO as you read these words ... remember You are
not alone ... for right beside you is your angel ...
with open arms.
And remember in the arms of the angels ...
you are always welcome and there will always be

Many blessings to you,


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, February 23, 2003 6:26 PM CST
Laura and Jack,

I sounds so selfish of me, but I have just not been able to get it together to write to you. This news has just taken my breath away....things feel heavy on my chest....lots of heavy sighs.....I can't even imagine how YOU guys must feel. I was waiting to call first, but have not been able to get a number for where you are and Dana suggested I wait til you were home tomorrow.
I don't know if there will be a good time.....getting re-settled, taking in all that you have to deal with. Until we can talk, just please know that you can add me to the long list of people who are thinking of you, praying for you all and Colby and praising you for your strength and courage and above all, the incredible love you have for Colby (and Cameron too of course). I know that you are doing what you are doing based on the reality of the situation, but I for one will never stop holding out hope for a miracle of some kind. In the meantime, I know you guys will be enjoying your time together and Colby will be playing his little heart out!! You go Colby!! You give it all your best, little man!! The world around you loves you and is so amazed by everything you are!!

All the biggest hugs I can send (along with all the tears that won't stop),

Niki (and my guys Jeff, Eric and Brian too) Daubach <>
OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX, - Sunday, February 23, 2003 5:39 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Colby, & Cameron,
You all have touched the hearts of so many people!!!!Colby, you are such a strong, wonderful person, & so wise beyond your years. You are truly God's right-hand man!!! We are all praying for that miracle to happen, because you just never know!!!!
Laura, You are such an amazing person!!!! So strong!!! Always have the right words to say!!! It is an honor to be your friend!!!! Please call if you need anything at all!!

Bernie Forsythe <>
New Salem, PA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:49 PM CST
Cole's, so many people are praying for your family and praying for the miracle for Colby.
I am glad he feels great & is having fun with his brother.
Make memories and take lots of pictures and try to capture each moment.
But know that all of us are here praying for the miracle that cures him HERE on earth.

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:41 PM CST
colby you keep being a happy and strong little boy know you are a cute little boy i hope you are fine and get to grow up god bless you colby
Randi <>
Brady, tx - Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:33 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron: I don't know what to say other than to let you know that each of you are an inspiration and have touched so many people. I am so sorry to hear about Colby. Please enjoy your time together as a family, be careful coming home and know that each of you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Darlene <>
Brownsville, PA USA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:07 PM CST
Colby we love you. Have fun my sweet boy. You are in our prayers & you have a special spot in my heart. God's Blessings! hugs Carol

Angel Craving Wings
Winnipeg , M b Canada - Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:43 PM CST
Colby -- you are a brave little boy and so are your parents and your brother!! I'm glad you are home now and able to play with your brother!! You and your family are in my prayers. God bless your entire family.

Jan, mom to Kelly (9) Colin (6 1/2) Emma (2)
Colin relapse ALL 9/9/02:

Glendale, WI
- Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:25 PM CST
It sounds like you are making a lot of progress little boy! Keep that up! Hopefully, you'll be nice and healthy soon, so you'll be able to come backand visit all of us at UHS before summer vacation starts (don't worry, you have time. We don't graduate until June 13!)! Good luck, lots of prayers, and God Bless you always!
Danielle Mullen
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 2:50 PM CST
HI, you don't know me but I have some other Caring Bridge friends that I check in on. You sound like a wonderful family and I will add Colby to my prayer list. My best friend's son has just had a relapse with Neuroblastoma and they are at the same treatment, enjoy life!!Laugh, sing, dance and build memories...With love,Reva
Reva Kinnally <>
Woodruff, SC USA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 2:47 PM CST
Dear Cole Family,
Good afternoon. I have been thinking of all of you since Saturday morning. Hope you guys are enjoying your time together. I pray for you always. There isn't a time of the day I don't think of you.
I am so glad to see the up date in the journal.
May you have a safe trip home tomorrow. It will probally be snowing then.
I just don't know what to say to you guys. I am very empty right now.
I pray you are having a wonderful time together.
You are such a loving family with much love to give.
My tears just flow for all of you.
Please let me know if you just need to talk. I am here for you.
You can get my phone number from the laundry dept. at work.
Or e-mail me. I would be glad to hear from you.
Spend as much time together as possible.
God has a time for everyone and I pray it isn't time yet.
Colby may God Be With You Always.
You are an inspiration to your family.
There is such a special bond between all of you that shows.
Colby you are such a handsome little man.
May you be blessed with many cheerful and pain free days ahead.
Enjoy your brother and play hard.
May God Be With All Of You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 1:53 PM CST
Dear Laura I have only met you a few weeks ago I told you that I only like talking to positive thinking people you and colby have touch my life and have giving everone at childrens hosp. a great gift of knowing you. I see you and your family carrying a heavy cross and doing it with a great faith and love. I know that the weeks to come will be filled memorys and that Colby will live in your heart for ever and one day you will be together again. I pray and know that God will give you the strength and the peace to go on. love Patti Tom room 3426
patti salemno <>
harleysville , pa - Sunday, February 23, 2003 1:38 PM CST
It is so difficult when we can not understand God's plan. When what we want doesn't seem to be His plan. You are an amazing family, with a tremendous testimony, and I will continue my prayers for you through this time. As heart breaking as the journal entry was to read, it was wonderful to hear that Colby is playing with his brother and enjoying no medications, no vomitting...just "normal" little boy things. I'll pray for as many days of enjoyment as possible. You deserve many,many more.
- Sunday, February 23, 2003 12:37 AM CST
Colby - We look forward to seeing you when you get home. We continue to pray for you and your family - and that we learn to accept and understand "God's will be done." So glad that you and Cameron are playing together. We love all of you. Grace and peace -
Rev. Russell and family <>
Jeannette, PA USA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 12:28 AM CST
We are at a loss for words. We share your pain and will keep you all in our prayers. Enjoy your time as a family together. God must need a special Angel with him. Enjoy each moment you have together and trust that God knows what He is doing. Love to you all
Frank, Bunny, Milo and Jon Sabec

Sabec <>
Farmington, PA USA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 12:28 AM CST
Colby & family, I wanted to leave this image of peace, but will never stop praying for a miracle for you. You are in so many peoples' thoughts and prayers. Colby is a remarkable little boy, who has touched many people's hearts.

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Sunday, February 23, 2003 11:17 AM CST
Hi Colby, I know you are going to enjoy playing with your brother Cameron who loves you so. Have fun and enjoy it.
Mom, Dad and Cameron, we at Smile Quilts will still be praying for that Miracale if it be God's will, if not, please know our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love and hugs, Sprite

Sprite <>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 10:04 AM CST

DUNBAR, PA USA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:12 AM CST
The Cole Family
you have all touched my heart so deeply. Your love and your strength are so very special. My thoughts and my prayers are with you all.

Lynn(a CMC co-worker of Dana's)
- Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:34 AM CST
Dear Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron

It is difficult to put into words just how we feel ... but be certain that we are praying very hard for all of you. Be strong ....


Arlene and Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Township, NJ United States - Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:32 AM CST
He is a beautiful little boy!!!!!
You are all in our thoughts and prayers!
Much Peace,Prayers and Hope for a cure for all childhood cancers

Ruthie (Seth's mom) <>
North Palm Beach, f - Sunday, February 23, 2003 7:37 AM CST
- Sunday, February 23, 2003 6:58 AM CST

WILDWOOD , MO USA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 5:52 AM CST
Oh Colby u are a special little boy i have seen ur photos and u r such a cutey. Oh i pray and pray 4 u each day and hope ur having fun with your brothers . my hugzz r to u Colby and i hope u have a great day
ruth <>
brisbane, qld Australia - Sunday, February 23, 2003 5:34 AM CST
You are an amazing testiment to the power of Christ. Thank You.
In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody ( <>
- Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:05 AM CST
Colby sounds and asked just like any other 4yr old.I just found out Today that he went to be an Angel.I,m so very sorry for your loss.He is at peace now with all the other Angels........watching over You.I also lost an Angel,she is Forever "18",her web page is
Frankie <>
Hamilton, Canada - Sunday, February 23, 2003 2:13 AM CST
I'm at a loss for words right now. I pray that you feel His loving arms around you, comforting and guiding you.
Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Sunday, February 23, 2003 1:02 AM CST
You don't know me, but I've been praying for Colby. Now I pray that your family will have the strength to deal with whatever is to come.
Lori Johnson <>
Fort Myers, FL USA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 0:49 AM CST
Dear All,
Please know, please feel that so many people love and care about all of you. I think I speak for all of us when I say a very special prayer will be said every day, several times a day for handsome Colby. Colby, play hard and have fun with your family every day. With much love, thoughts, and prayers..

Brenda <>
Burns, TN - Sunday, February 23, 2003 0:42 AM CST
Dearest Colby and family:
All united again. I am sure Colby is having a great time playing, i remember those good old days. Just wanted to let you know that me and SO many others say numerous prayers for you folks. Colby, you are the stongest, cutest, and best little boy. You hang in there...GOD has something for you. Never stop believing you cutie pie and have fun playing. Have a safe trip home on Monday, it's nice to know you will be back at your home sweet home. Take care. Love and God Bless. :)

Tricia Handy <>
Chalk Hill, PA USH - Sunday, February 23, 2003 0:38 AM CST
Hello! I just want Colby and the family to know that God is watching over you! Many people are caring and praying for Colby right now! There is a reason for everything, and God loves you! Be with Him, and trust Him! I hope everything is well, and I wish luck to the family!
Kristen Handy <>
Chalk Hill, PA - Sunday, February 23, 2003 0:11 AM CST
My heart is broken for you. I hesitated even signing in because I can't find words to say, but I want you to know that I care. I am in shock and can't even imagine how you must feel. You will remain in my prayers. Dear sweet Colby and Cameron you enjoy your precious time playing. I am so sorry for what you are going through.......

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:44 PM CST
Hello to the Cole Family.
(Barbara from the Generals here)
I spoke with the General today and learned that you will soon be back home. I am sure the boys will be delighted to be reunited. They are truly remarkable. Hopefully, I'll have the pleasure of seeing them soon (maybe at the Vignalis'). It is unbelievable that a single child could possibly touch so many hearts and each of those hearts send love to you. That's a lot of LOVE!!!!!! Drive safely on your trip home. LOVE....Barbara

Barbara Gismondi <>
Elco, PA USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:29 PM CST
Dear Coles,
I am shocked beyond words. I will pray for a miracle and believe Colby will receive it from our Lord.
Love in Christ,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:26 PM CST
I'm in shock. My best to you ALL. IF there is anything we can do, please let us know.
Sandy <>
Bridgewater, Nj USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:19 PM CST
Praying for a miracle in your lives, praying for strength from the Prince of Peace, Jesus, and comfort to surround you and keep you. Colby, you are an amazing little guy! God bless you and your family.
Dawn Morrow <>
Washington, PA USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:14 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with Colby and your family during this time. I hope Colby's days are happy and pain-free.

Kelly <>
Lake Tahoe, NV USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:55 PM CST
Colby, you and your family are in all of our hearts, minds and prayers. UHS is sending you lots of love!
Julia Hyjurick <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:47 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Cameron, and Colby...
Know that many people are praying for you that the amazing strength and love of God will see you through this time! We are praying for a miracle for you! We love you, Colby! You are a very special little boy!

Susan LaQuay (Connor Summerville's Aunt Suz)
Baldwinsville, NY - Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:28 PM CST
Hi there cutie. You are sooo handsome. I bet when you and your brother get are both a handful. I am glad that you are going home, sweetheart. It will be so nice to be all cozy and comfy in your own house!
Dear Mom, Dad, & Cameron,
I am so sorry about Colby's relapse. I hate this is happening. I pray for a miracle. Our children should not have to go through this. I will never understand why. Please know that I am thinking of you, and I pray that Colby feels well, and that you all have wonderful family time together.

Debbie Little <>
Dickson, TN U.S.A. - Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:23 PM CST
Laura, I got Dana's email and am in shock. I am so so sorry. I cant begin to fathom how this must be hitting all of you, I am in total disbelief and anger, its so unfair.

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:06 PM CST
We are so saddened to hear about Colby's relapse. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Have a safe trip back on Monday. We love you guys.
Paula, Scott and Mackenzie
Uniontown, Pa - Saturday, February 22, 2003 9:55 PM CST
I am so sorry he seemed to be doing ok Just remember god never takes 1 person 1 second before their time
jess the mess
- Saturday, February 22, 2003 9:51 PM CST
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron,

We are so sad at the news. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Enjoy your NORMAL time as a family.

Your old friends on 8N at CHP
Pittsburgh, Pa - Saturday, February 22, 2003 9:46 PM CST
God may not show up when you want him to,but he always shows up on time.
Nash, Tn - Saturday, February 22, 2003 9:44 PM CST
Colby - You keep tiring your parents out! They need the smiles you and Cameron bring! You are a strong little boy and will continue to amaze all of those who know you - I'm sure of that, even from far away.

Laura & Jack - I can't imagine what you must be feeling. I've been trying all day to figure out what to say and I've figured out that there is nothing I can say. Know that Jim and I are here for you and praying hard!

With love, strength and prayers - Jim, Rachel and Connor

Rachel <>
- Saturday, February 22, 2003 9:37 PM CST
I am shocked and so very sad hearing the news of Colby's hard to understand...God Bless you all...
Pittsburgh, - Saturday, February 22, 2003 9:35 PM CST


Danette Prater <>
santa fe, TX - Saturday, February 22, 2003 9:34 PM CST
Colby, UHS loves you and sends you all our prayers!!! God bless you and your family!!!
Nicole Novak <>
Uniontown, PA United States - Saturday, February 22, 2003 8:45 PM CST
To the Cole Family: I have lost a son, through totally different circumstances and I can tell you only your strong faith in the Lord will help you through this. I pray that Colby will have a wonderful miracle and get better through all the prayers and love of all these wonderful people in this guestbook and those who are praying for you and have not entered here. I have never met you or your children, but my heart goes out to you and I will include you all in my prayers. I found out about Colby through a wonderful friend, Renne Cole Dowler. Take care and know that we are all praying for you and Colby. The Lord's will will prevail.
Linda Wise <>
Washington, Pa - Saturday, February 22, 2003 8:43 PM CST
Dear Colby,

Our prayers are with you and your family!

Vange, Shawn, and Elijah Austin <>
Augusta, ME USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 8:39 PM CST
To MY Commander in Chief,
Hurry home Colby,I am waiting to play, laugh and have the most wonderful time together! I made some promises to you and the one thing I NEVER do is break a promise!!!
Remember always,
Colby, I LOVE YOU BIGGEST.......................
Holding you very tightly in my heart,
The General (Colby's General for ever and ever)

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 6:04 PM CST
Renne Dowler told me about Colby & your family. May God be with all of you during this difficult time. I will be praying for you.
Michele Belfiore
Canonsburg, PA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 4:50 PM CST
Dear Laura, Colby, Cameron, and Jack,

I am terribly shocked, sorry, immobilzed by this news. I don't know what to say. I cannot imagine WHY WHY WHY!! We will continue our prayers for you - for peace for all of you and for a miracle of healing for Colby. I can only guess how you must be feeling, but please know that we are here and you only have to send a message or call if you need absolutely anything. All my love, Becky

Becky McNamee <>
- Saturday, February 22, 2003 4:15 PM CST
Hi Laura. You don't know me. My name is Kelly Wolfe. I am Patty Ceschin's daughter. I felt I needed to let you know that your whole family is in my thoughts and prayers. My sister Kathy (Suzy and Rab's friend) has been keeping me informed about Colby's condition. I hope you can find some comfort knowing so many people are thinking about you
Kelly Wolfe <>
Frederick , MD USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 3:38 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you..I was so sad to hear the latest news...But we will keep all of you in our prayers.. God Bless all of you....
Mary Mabe <>
Coeburn, Va USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 3:31 PM CST
Hi Laura and Jack, I too am at a loss for words. I thought maybe I misunderstood you when I spoke to you Laura. I am so sorry the BMT did not work. While Colby may not experience a "medical-miracle", he and everyone he has touched along the way has, and will continue to experience a "spiritual-miracle". You have to know how many lives you all have touched. Someday you will get all of your questions answered, you just have to trust for now. Sending much love and continued prayers.

Patty Yerina
Pgh, - Saturday, February 22, 2003 3:24 PM CST
I hope you had a happy birthday...I like Buzz Lightyear too. My mommy and me are going to pray for you to be happy. I love you and I'm sorry you're sick.

Connor Jensen (I'm 4 1/2) <>
San Diego, CA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 3:21 PM CST
Our prayers will be with you!
Evelyn Garrett <>
Washington, PA Washington - Saturday, February 22, 2003 3:20 PM CST
I feel so saddened by your recent news and words cannot express how I feel even though we have never met. I know that your time with him, without all the treatment, meds, etc. will be so special and precious; this is what you will remember -- the good times (so to speak) with your "family". Enjoy your precious sons and I will pray for you everyday. God Bless You!
Joan (Shanna's Grammy)
Macomb Twp., MI USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 2:56 PM CST
Jack, Laura COLBY and Cameron, I check nightly on yor little man andwas uneasy when Friday nightsupdate was missing I checked again this am and thought no news good news!!! Again feeling compelled to check in I'm at a loss as to what to say, Other than you All gave this a brave hard fight,but God knows best!!!!! your decision is best meet with your Dr. and yes come home and be family!!! love to all and especially to our little Red Raider!!! we'll be in touch God Bless all.
Pam (Grote)Howarth <>
Uniontown , Pa - Saturday, February 22, 2003 2:36 PM CST
My prayer's are with you.
DeAnna McKeever
South Park, Pa US - Saturday, February 22, 2003 2:31 PM CST


CONNELLSVILLE, PA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 2:18 PM CST
Dearest Cole Family,
You are the bravest of the brave. I admire your tenacity and perseverance, but most of all I admire your deep abiding faith in our Lord. That is what has seen you through every obstacle so far and will continue to do so. Precious Colby, you are such an example to so many. You are a genuine HERO!
Love and prayers, Pat

Pat Dearth <>
New Salem, PA USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 2:07 PM CST
Dearest Cole Family, It's hard to put all the roller coaster emotions of the past 24 hours into words. The news of Colby coming home is wonderful. Please travel safe. Keeping ALL of you in my prayers. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonnie Rittenhouse <>
Smock, Pa USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 2:02 PM CST
God bless you all. Please feel our thoughts and prayers.
Lynn Campbell, Connor Summerville's Grandmother <>
- Saturday, February 22, 2003 1:53 PM CST
This is my first time stopping by Colby's page. I was so sad to read what I did about your son. I have a daughter who has Leukemia, and I can't even put myself in your shoes. I pray that you will have alot of happy times in days to come, and Colby you play, play, play!!! My prayers will be with you! God bless.
Tonya <>
SLC, UT - Saturday, February 22, 2003 1:45 PM CST
Colby and family. Whoa I can't believe what I am reading, and I wish it weren't so. I am not sure what to write, but please know that I will pray for all of you, and it appears you are strong in your faith and know that this for whatever reason is what God sees as best. Though I have only met Colby twice he is someone I have grown to love and admire from this website. I thank Make-A-Wish and your family for giving me the opportunity to meet my little hero. Love and prayers!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant , PA USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 1:33 PM CST
I check in every night before I go to I was feeling a bit unsettled when there was no Friday update. We are praying for all of you. Have a safe trip home.

All our love, thoughts, prayers and blessings,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Saturday, February 22, 2003 1:29 PM CST
We are so sorry to hear about Colby's relapse. Have a safe trip home from Philadelphia. Hopefully, soon the sun will shine and the weather will warm up so we can once again hear the sounds of the boys buzzing around the their quads and the joyful sounds of their laughter echoing across the hillside.
Your neighbors, Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 1:05 PM CST
Dearest Jack, Laura, Cameron and ESPECIALLY little darling Colby! I dropped by to check on you today Colby, and was so extremely sad to hear about your sudden relapse...I am so shocked and only wish that it wasn't true. On the other hand, I am so happy that you and your mummy have been reunited with your daddy and big happy family all together now!! :) And it is great to hear that you are in fantastic spirits and just wanna play all day and night long :) That's what you should be doing! Colby, I just want to tell you that you are sooo very strong... you probably don't even know how strong you are! VERY, VERY are a real fighter, a toughie that's what you are! And even now, when things seem difficult and it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, you should never give up. God is great...and miracles happen. Just believe in yourself and put your faith in God. He loves you more than anything!! I hope you're having all the fun you want, sweetheart because you truly deserve it. I will be praying so very hard for as long as I have to Colby Cole!! You are always in my thoughts!
Laura and Jack, I am constantly praying for your family and of course Colby. He is a gorgeous little boy and everyone is so inspired and touched by him. I hope you find the strength in yourselves to go through this difficult time...always remember that Colby is a strong little boy, God is great and that miracle happens. And when times get hard and it seems impossible to smile... smile anyway :)
May God bless the entire Cole family..

Love, Janice XOXO
XOXOXOXOXOX-------> Extra hugs and kisses for you Colby!! :)

Janice Liew <>
Australia - Saturday, February 22, 2003 12:47 AM CST
You are an awesome mother, with an a very wonderful outlook on life...I pray that if we ever face teh decisions that you have had to face these past few days that we would be able to do so with the faith and understanding that His healing is ultimate...I pray that Colby's quality of life is filled so much playing and laughing that everyone is happy and tired...Your entire family will continue to remain in our prayers...

Revelation 21:4
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody ( <>
- Saturday, February 22, 2003 12:44 AM CST
nr swansea, wales uk - Saturday, February 22, 2003 12:21 AM CST
My heartfelt love and prayers go out to all of you in this time of need.
Jill (dana's sister) <>
Long Branch, NJ - Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:48 AM CST
Hey Stinker,
You sure wore me out yesterday. If you hadn't fallen asleep in the basket for the luggage, I would have! It was great to see you running and playing. You cracked me up when the resident gave you that car for your birthday and you said "I'm gonna just give it to Cameron, I have enough of these". We played hide and seek, buried "smack and yak" sponge Bob in rice, played the "Colby" version of tic tac toe, played catch the light from the flash light ( I never did quite catch it!), and drew lots of pictures. My favorite part was you helping me load up the van with your stuff. I wish ALL of you could have seen him. He sat on top of the luggage and rolled down with me. We pretended the hill on the bridge connecting the 2 buildings was a rollercoaster. Colby fell asleep with his mask, hat and walkman on.
Please know Colby is ok. He looks better than ever.
Colby, you are BIGGER and BETTER than JMML. You have found a way to beat it, we just wish it were here on earth. Indeed you WILL be CANCER FREE 2003!
Jack and Laura, I am with you all the way. Now it is your turn to be "STRONG LIKE BULL!"
Love you much,
"To Infinity and Beyond!"

Dana Doctor
- Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:46 AM CST
Dear Cole Family,

I am thankful to hear all of you are together. I am committing Colby and all of you to the Lord. Please know that I will be praying for you. Since meeting Jack yesterday, I cannot stop thinking of your family. My thoughts are with you. May God keep you in his loving care.

Renne’ Cole-Dowler

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:35 AM CST
Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,
We are sorry to hear the latest. Our prayers are with you continuously. Remember God is good and He hears our prayers. Enjoy all of the family time and watching the boys play together..they are your heart and your love!
Have a safe trip home on Monday.
We love you.
Todd, Meg, and Parker

Todd, Meg, & Parker <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:35 AM CST
May God wrap his loving arms around your family and bring you peace.
Pam Lahr
Chesterfield, MI - Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:34 AM CST
May God wrap his loving arms around your family and bring you peace.
Pam Lahr
Chesterfield, MI - Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:34 AM CST
Dear Cole family,
We just heard the news and are so sorry for all of you. We truly enjoyed taking care of Colby while he was at CHOP and getting to know your family as well. Glad to hear that he is finally getting to play with Cameron and that your family is reunited! In the words of Colby..."strong like bull". I'm in clinic on Monday and Carrie is on the floor from 3-11. If you are around please stop and see us. We would love to see you before you head home.

Anne and Carrie ( CHOP RN's)
- Saturday, February 22, 2003 11:12 AM CST
Dear Cole's,
So very sorry to hear your latest news. Please know that you will all be in our thoughts and prayers. Barbara Tomlinson

Barb Tomlinson - Joey's mom <>
telford, PA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:54 AM CST
Dear Cole Family- Sending all of you "HUGS, LOVE, PRAYERS AND SUPPORT"! Please know that the staff on 2 East are thinking of you!!!!
Jo <>
New Salem, PA USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:48 AM CST
Hi Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,
We are saddened to hear of Colby's relapse. We continue to pray for you all and admire the strength, courage and love your family shows through this difficult time. Remember to take it one day at a time.
With love and faith,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

Dana Velosky <>
New Salem, PA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:43 AM CST
Hello Laura,Jack, Colby and Cameron,
A roller coaster night and morning for all of us.
Thank you for letting us know the REAL word.(s)
As we continue to pray , we continue to know how
special, loving, strong and courageous Colby is,
along with all of you!
We anxiously await your return home and we certainly
look forward to seeing everyone soon!
Callahan is so excited to be able to play with Colby and Cameron again.
As for Darrell and I, we can't wait to give big hugs to all of you.
We send our love and please know we are here for you.
From deep in our hearts,
XXOO Suzanne, Darrell and Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:34 AM CST
As a member of the family, the disease has relapsed [8:45AM on Sat 2/22]. Unsure of further treatment options at this time but the prognosis is apparently not good. Please continue to keep Colby and the family in your prayers.
The Shaws
- Saturday, February 22, 2003 8:10 AM CST
Hi guys! Glad to hear Colby is doing a little better with taking meds and drinking as well as eating. Hopefully each day will get alittle better even if just a little bit! Saw the birthday pictures and Colby seemed to have got lots of nice gifts! Miss you all and praying very hard for you be able to get out of the hopital and for yor complete recovery. GOD is great and does wonderful things! May HE bless you both and give you continued strenth and courage. Hugs and Kisses,
Uncle Bob and Aunt Mar

Marlene Shaw
New Salem, Pa USA - Saturday, February 22, 2003 7:41 AM CST
WOW Colby a request for pizza!! sounds like a normal kid to me. Drink for yourself little man. The kids love your new pictures,yo've gained a few girlfriends!!! Chin up buddy,we're praying all continues to go well for you! God Bless
Pam (Grote) Howarth <>
Uniontown, pa - Saturday, February 22, 2003 6:57 AM CST
Good morning Laura and Colby, I hope breakfast will be a good couple of bites of something great, maybe leftover pizza, We love that around here.... You all are the inspiration, thank you for being there for us to admire, your courage and your wonderful family are so uplifting. I hope ya'll get to go home soon so you can all be together. God is so great! Have a wonderful week, I'll check in again soon. Peace
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
ft.pierce, fl usa - Saturday, February 22, 2003 6:06 AM CST
We love you and God Bless you all...
XO Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Friday, February 21, 2003 10:03 PM CST
Good evening Cole Family,
Hope everything is well this foggy evening. Sure has been raining here. I just saw the new pictures Colby. Your are surely a blessing. You are so precious. Your mom and dad must be so proud of you. I am glad to see you finally wanted food. And your taste buds are exploring new tastes. That is just great. Ya know, you will probally like alot of things you never did before.
You are such and inspiration to everyone.
Hi Laura, Sorry you might not be able to come home. Thats ok when the time comes i'm sure your little man will let you know. His counts look good.
I am praying for all of you.
Take Care Cole Family and as always
May God Be With You Always.
Charlene is watching down on you.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, February 21, 2003 7:56 PM CST
Hi Colby,
Hope you are having a great day today. Guess what - my name is Jack Cole too, just like your Daddy. It is a good, strong, name, just like Colby. We will be praying for you and we KNOW God is so good to take care of all of us. Tell your Mommy "hi".

Jack and Sherri Cole <>
Washington, PA USA - Friday, February 21, 2003 6:55 PM CST
jack, laura, colby, I spoke to Dana today... my entire family's prayers are with you each and every minute of every day, my children check your site every day, we feel like we know you.. we hope you can all feel the love and prayers all the way from nj!!! colby, stay strong, jack and laura, i don't even know what to say except God Bless all of you!! Lisa, Bob, Ryan, John, Emily Dolan (dana's friends)
Lisa Dolan <>
Whiting, NJ USA - Friday, February 21, 2003 6:37 PM CST
Colby -- it sure sounds like things are going well for you. I love your monkey pictures on your web page. You are a cutie!! You are one brave little boy. Hugs to you and your family.
Jan, Mom to Kelly (9) Emma (2) and Colin (6 1/2)
WI - Friday, February 21, 2003 1:34 PM CST
Dear Colby,

I met your daddy today and wow is he a great guy! He sure loves you and cannot wait to see you. Your Daddy's name is Jack Cole, and believe it or not, my daddy’s name is Jack Cole too!! I just wanted to let you and your family know that we will be praying for you and that we believe in miracles.

Renne' I. Cole-Dowler <>
Washington, PA 15301 - Friday, February 21, 2003 12:43 AM CST

("You are the Angel") who I cherish,so
dearly in this heart of mine. The one
who makes my day brighter,by
making ("my whole world shine").

I Love You COLBY soooooo


Canton, OH - Friday, February 21, 2003 11:15 AM CST
I thought of all of the caringbridge parents today when 2 of my 3 boys came down with the flu. I am a wreck today from only 12 hours of vomitting!! I immediately thought of you and felt just 1/8 of what you must feel daily. I can not say it enough. You ROCK!! And, Colby is gonna grow up and realize everything his parents went through to get him well and have such a respect and unconditionallove for you-which he learned from your example.
I continue to pray for your continued strength, Colby's health-especially keeping everything down in his tummy, and your whole family to be given the strength and understanding that only comes from God.

- Friday, February 21, 2003 10:34 AM CST
Just checking in to see how things are going. Laura, your strength amazes me! May God bless you and Colby and your family. Also, Colby, hang in there, kid. That yucky medicine won't keep you down, you're getting stronger every day! Love to all of you! Hope you get out of the hospital soon, Colby!
Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, February 21, 2003 8:09 AM CST
don't forget Mary Poppins (Sami's fav movies these days). "A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down!" Sami like m&ms and candy kisses too!

- Friday, February 21, 2003 7:50 AM CST
Dear Colby

Here are some tips on how to take "Yukky" tasting medicine...

1. Close your eyes
2. Hold your nose
3. Picture in your mind something you like to eat (ice cream, chocolate cookies, hot dogs)
4. Open your mouth and swallow.
Once you get the hang of it, taking medicine will be easy.

GOD Bless you now and always. Stay "STRONG AS A BULL" and keep healing.

Love....Arlene Zwick

Arlene Zwick <>
Monroe Twp, The Garden State - Friday, February 21, 2003 7:12 AM CST
Good morning Mr Colby! White pizza-huh? I love white pizza. I don't know about with milk but hey whatever works. You know what else is good with lemonade is iced tea. Colby if you are ever bored during the day and you remember me as your wish volunteer call me I have a toll-free # 800-786-4621 x7788. That would be so cool. Well take special care of yourself.

Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Friday, February 21, 2003 7:09 AM CST
Hey Colby!! :)
I was so happy to hear that you asked for WHITE PIZZA!! That is surely a good sign :) Even though you only had a bite. It is only the beginning and what a great way to start!! :) Also happy to hear that your fluid intakes have been getting better...this only shows that you're slowly (but getting there!!) on your way to recovery. I'm still praying for you REAL hard! I want you to go home with your mummy to your daddy and Cameron!! I'm sure you miss them like crazy! Remember to keep up the good work and be strong one fights as hard as you do... you're special!! Take care sweetie..

PS: Laura, I am also praying for you! Hang in there :)

Love, Janice XOXO

Janice Liew <>
Melbourne, Australia - Friday, February 21, 2003 4:27 AM CST
Wanted to drop by and let you all know that we have you in prayers...Hopefully soon Colby will be up, around and bacl to his more normal 4 year old self...I will pray for his discharge and continued healing...
In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody ( <>
- Friday, February 21, 2003 4:18 AM CST
Just stopping by to see how everyone is. You are in our prayers daily/nightly and we think of you often. Hope everything continues to go well and you can get out of the hospital soon. Take care and may God continue to bless you!

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Friday, February 21, 2003 0:23 AM CST
Good morning Uncle Jack!!! I hope that you and Cameron had a good day! I just wanted to say hi and tell you guys I miss ya. I was just looking through some pictures of my last visit with you guys before Colby left for CHOP. Those kids are the greatest. I thought I missed ya all before... well now I am jonesing for my little turkeybutts!!! I can't wait to see ya. Did Cameron get his balloons???? Someone tell me!

Colby James,
Hmmm.. hmmmm.... hmmmph... ha ha ha lalala la la la.... emmmm hummmmm!!! I miss you too little one. Hope you have a great day busting out of the hospital. It's finally over honey and you did GREEEEEEEEAAAAAAT!!! So proud of you, your strength is something I will look back on for the rest of my life. You are my inspiration... you are my FROG PRINCE!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

Goodnight. Sweet Dreams... or Goodmorning! Jessica <>
Buckhannon, WV - Thursday, February 20, 2003 11:58 PM CST

Watch closely in the days of
("your new life"),
Notice the magic as it floats by,
catch some ("more rainbows") for

Remember that even when you
do everything exactly right,
some bubbles burst,
and that even when you make
other bubbles, for reasons none
of us will ever know, transform
("into treasures").


PS....I hope with all the suffering
you've had to go through, that you catch
("all the rainbows") and I hope
("all your bubbles transform into treasures")

Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, February 20, 2003 1:22 PM CST
Glad to see that all is going well. The new pictures are great! Colby is an adorable little boy. Can't wait to see him go home!! You are all in my prayers!!
Jamie Bly @ The Astrup Co. <westbly@msn.Com>
Cleveland, OH USA - Thursday, February 20, 2003 11:47 AM CST
Colby Cole!! You are such a sweetie! I love all of your new pictures! You are sooo lucky to have had SOOO many presents on your birthday! Glad that you had a really good birthday :) Well I am just checking in on you before I go to bed...couldn't go to sleep without making sure that you're okay :) I'll be praying extra hard for you sweetie.. hope you can keep everything down and that medication time can be a little less painful for you and for mummy! Just remember to be strong and to look ahead to when you can go home!! Never give up! Goodnight Colby! :)

Lots of loveeeee and hugs to you!

Janice Liew <>
Melbourne, Australia - Thursday, February 20, 2003 11:32 AM CST
Laura, put us on the volunteer list. Dan is off on Wednesdays and Sundays. Friday March 14 I will be at CHOP with Sami to get her hearing aids (Dan has to work). Shouldn't be a long test so we can play with Cameron. Also March 19 is Sami's catscan and clinic so we will be there all day. Both Dan and I will be there to help. Let us know what we can do.
Sandy <>
- Thursday, February 20, 2003 11:10 AM CST
Dear Colby,
The new pictures are sooooo cute. You are just a livin' doll. If I lived close, I'd give you a big hug!!! Sorry you are not getting out yet, but I will pray that you do soon. You are too funny-the drink, drink, drink, vomit, vomit, vomit etc. line just cracked me up.
Love ya sweetie!!

Debbie Nagy <>
Manchester, MO - Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:34 AM CST
Hi Colby,
I loved your new pictures, it looks like you had a great birthday! Sending lots of good, healing thoughts and prayers your way that your feeling much better soon and able to get out of the hospital even sooner!

Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:02 AM CST
Sweet Dreams to ALL of my Coles!!! Love you guys!!! Did Cameron get his balloons???? I will try to call my frog prince tomorrow. Tell him he better be ready to talk, I am not taking no from a crank butt!!! P.S. DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK!!!!!
Jessica XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO (special kisses, extra sweet to help get the NASTY down) <>
Buckhannon, WV - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 11:33 PM CST
Hi Colby & Laura,
Just dropping in to say "Hi" and let you know I am still praying for you. Sure hope the rest of the week goes better. God Bless,

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 11:26 PM CST
Hey there Colby,
It's me, the lady from China! The sun is always shining here. (Colby understands what I mean). I loved chatting with you today, even though you forgot to tell Mommy I called...I have not missed a day yet on checking in! ok now need to eat and drink. You seem a bit too cozy at CHOP. i promise it will be more fun at the RMH. Well Kiddo, I better get back to changing all them stinky diapers. You are doing an awesome job. I miss you much. glad you are back to picking on me...I missed that!
Cancer free 2003!
Love ya..I dooooooooooooooooooo!

Dana lives where the sun always shines hehe Doctor
Too much snow, nj not in China silly - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:51 PM CST
Good Night Colby and Laura,
I hope that tonight will be a peaceful and rested sleep for both of you! What our little guy has to go through is so hard to fathom. BUT alas, he is stronger than all and carries his faith in his heart and shares his smiles with the world. God Bless you Colby!
Just try to remember that all the meds are taking away those bad cells and with that you get stronger and stronger!
The news of you and your Mommy being discharged is FANTASTIC! Oh how we await your return...we love you!
Remember that we all have you in our prayers and we send our strength , love and hope to you, your Mommy & Daddy and your sweet little Birthday Brother!
From our hearts, we love you all,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and lots more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:41 PM CST
Hi Laura, Sami always had morphine withdraws as well. They don't do a good job weaning them in my opinion. Get the oral morphine. Hey, haven't heard about the music therapy..get them to come in, it is fun for all.
- Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:12 PM CST
I am a member of the UHS senior class and NHS. I was there at your blood drive and donated for you. We're always thinking about you and praying for your full recovery. So hang in there and keep your head up, you'll get through this.

Brett Schimmel <>
New Salem, PA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:04 PM CST
Happy Belated Birthday Cameron,
Things are looking good Colby. Maybe soon you can come home. Laura, keep up good work. I think family bonding is a great medicine.
May God Be With You Always

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 7:35 PM CST
Dearest Colby, Jack, Laura and Cameron;
Our thoughts are with you guys as you prepare to hopefully come home this week! Colby, your 5th birthday looked pretty terrific in spite of spending it in the hospital. Cameron, Happy Birthday to you!! Jack, glad you beat that nasty snow storm. Laura, hang in there! You are an inspiration as well as is Colby! Prayers will be going up from us for continued progress and a safe trip home.
Love from The Sabecs

Frank and Bunny and Milo and Jon Sabec <>
Farmington, PA USA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 5:47 PM CST
What wonderful news to hear that you may soon be coming home!!!! You are filled with such courage, love, and will (And so are Mommy and Daddy)...Thank be to God! All of you are true heroes in our eyes and hearts. Tell Mommy, Daddy, and Cameron that we are thinking of them too. We miss all of you.
Always sending our love and prayers to you.
Love, Todd, Meg, and Parker :>

Todd, Meg, and Parker <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 3:39 PM CST
Dear Colby and family,
I am praying that the withdrawls are over and that you will have an easier day and restful night this evening. Sorry you have to take such yucky, awful medicines. I will pray that it doesn't get to unbearable. Stay strong you little bull!!!
Love in Christ,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 12:52 AM CST

All I see is your beauty
Not just your physical beauty
But beauty in all you do...
All you say...
All you are...
I love you sooooo much,

PS......Remember smiles are free,
but worth their weight in gold

Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 12:34 AM CST
Laura -

Oral cyclosporine was tough on Connor, too. We started drawing grape jelly up into the syringe behind it. We would draw up no more than 0.4 ml at a time, draw up an equal amount of slightly watered down grape jelly. That must have masked the taste just enough, he didn't even flinch. Any more than 0.4 ml at a time and he threw it up as soon as he swallowed it. This made life interesting when he was on bigger doses, but he took it! Maybe you could try our approach to make life less miserable!

I'm so excited you'll be going home! Colby is truly amazing!!

Rachel <>
- Wednesday, February 19, 2003 12:30 AM CST
Dear Cameron

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NUMBER 3. I hope you had a nice day with lots of candy, birthday cake and presents.

Pretty soon you will have your big brother Colby and Mommy home with you. That will certainly be a nice gift.

Love and Kisses

Arlene and Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Twp, NJ - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 12:11 AM CST
I hear ya Colby. Cyclosporin is NASTY stuff. And when you put it in just tastes like the drink with cyclosporing in it--eeeewwww. The pills aren't any better. They smell...and skunks. Even though I've never eaten skunk, I think cyclosporin may be about as close as you can get. Anyways, I will pray that you guys can get through that without too much trauma. I'm sorry I haven't signed in for a few days. It's been a little crazy. But, not a day goes by when I don't think of and pray for you guys. Happy belated birthday Cameron. And Colby, keep hanging in there--you're doing great!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 11:56 AM CST
Dearest Colby,
Hey sweetie! I was pretty sad to hear that you had a rough night...and that it's so hard taking all the medication!! Just remember that it is all part of making you feel better (although it may not seem like it at first) so that you can go home! Be strong sweetie!! You are a real fighter..and remember to never give up...I know you can do it Colby! I am gonna pray very, very hard for you tonight.. hope you get more energy to play and that you get to sleep well and be comfortable :) I'll be praying and thinking of you!
Laura, you are amazing. You are definitely NOT a "bad mommy"! Just hang in have so many prayers from everyone...God is great, he works miracles and he will make Colby better!! Be strong! God Bless you..


Love, Janice

Janice Liew <>
Australia - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 11:14 AM CST
Heavy prayers for your family to be reunited in your own home by the end of the week-what a terrific day that will be!!
Poor little guy having to take yucky medicines, but they will make you "all better" Colby, and you surely know that your mommy wants nothing in the world more than that!
From getting down yucky medicines, to staying up all night to comfort Colby, just so many inspirational things you do as a mom,Laura. I have three boys, and daily "normal" activities can be frustrating and draining. What you do is absolutely showing the depths of a mother's love. We're praying for you to be able to get home and deal with "normal" as soon as possible. May God continue to bless you on your road there.

Wash.Twp., NJ - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 9:10 AM CST
Laura, So sorry to hear of the "bad night",hopefully not too many more of those!Jack and you truely have an amazing son,hope for those brighter days ahead. Cobly keep up the fight for soon it WILL pay off,Cancer Free 2003. Sometmes Laura "we' complain before we know of others situations,If people only knew others walks I always say TAKE OFF THE ROSE COLORED GLASSES! Well enough just wnt you to know how much you're admired and thought and of YOU too Jack for keeping the home front strong!!!!Hey Coolby too oooooo much snow. My son Blair fell between our hedge and a drift we almost had to DIG him out. Happy Birthday Cameron!! Just checking in ! God Bless!!!!!
Pam (Grote) Howarth <rchpmg2kids@web tv .net>
Uniontown , Pa. - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 8:39 AM CST
We can only imagine the joy and anticipation you are feeling at the thought of being "homeward bound" soon! Sorry to hear about those nasty withdrawal symptoms...glad that Colby will have that behind him soon. Happy 3rd Birthday to Cameron...even though you all couldn't be together, at least he had his special daddy with him. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. Colby, we're sure that the day you arrive home...confetti will be falling from the sky...what a day of triumphant celebration!!!

Our prayers will continue to be sent up like a rainbow of balloons,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 7:41 AM CST
Colby Such good news to hear on a Wednesday morning that you are healing and maybe even going home shortly. Happy Birthday to Cameron!

Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 7:01 AM CST
I hope you get out of there this week, the counts look great. I've been checking in every day. Maybe in the future, they'll make cyclosporin taste like candy. One of the twins barfs it up at least once every med time. Good luck this Thursday or Friday.
Ben - the twins Dad <>
Harleysville, PA USA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 6:31 AM CST
Hi guys,

I remember when my husband Bryan came off of his morphine drip...he had the same reaction as Colby. He still talks about it.

Our thoughts are with you.

Aili and Bryan <>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 2:19 AM CST
HELLO COLBY, and Laura, and Happy Birthday Cameron:

It's great to see Colby doing well and quickly recovering. We hope that all will go as plan for discharge (YEAHHHHH!). Colby, Luke said that he knows that it's tough to take those nasty medicine, but you can do it. There's no way around it. Be as you said "Strong Like Bulls" and take your medicine...

Always in our thoughts and prayers,

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA USA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 2:02 AM CST
Yes, still up! I HAD TO go and check up on some of our caringbridge friends and give them some encouraging words. Cameron had a HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY today at daycare and happy & gammy's house. We love and miss you guys very much. cameron(fast asleep) and daddy(fast-to bed)

cam-man & daddy
- Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:55 PM CST
HI Colby,
You are such a cutie. Keeping you in my prayers. Take care!Gina

gina geddings, mommy of angel Morgan < ~~>
- Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:03 PM CST
Happy Birthday to YOU..
Happy Birthday to YOU..
Happy Birthday DEAR CAMERON!!!!
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!

Love you honey. Hope you had a happy happy birthday!!! Hugs and Kisses.. The BIG #3.

Love, Jessica <>
Buckhannon, WV - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:39 PM CST
Hello to your wonderful family! The pictures are so beautiful, your baby is very handsome! Thank you for stopping by Jeffery's page, and leaving messages each time, the Random Act of Kindness people(Bunklemann's) will be proud. Even though ya'll are going through so much, your still thinking of others. I've seen the Colby name across alot of pages. Peace, and Prayers from us everyday for remission, and of course, for a cure. Enjoy the white out, we turned on the a/c yesterday........ julie
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
ft.pierce, fl usa - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 2:08 PM CST
Hi Laura
This is the first time I have seen your new hairdo. It looks great. Are you going to keep it short or have big hair like Dana?

Hi Colby...Keep making those EXCELLENT cells...and before you know it you will be home. Just think in the not too distant future you will be making snow forts and snow men. Maybe "Mother Nature" has another blizzard up her sleeve for next winter.


Arlene Zwick <>
Monroe Township, NJ - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 1:39 PM CST

What do I want, most in this world,
What means the most to me?
To help you cope with good and bad,
To lift you when you're down,
To make you smile when you are sad,
To chase away your frown.
The #1 thing I want most of all is

Aunt Dee

Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 1:36 PM CST
Dearest Colby!! :) How are you doin today sweetie? I hope that your Miracle Monday has lasted! And that you get to go home soon :) Don't ever give up, keep fighting!! I know you can do it coz you have sooo much strength! I hope you have the energy to watch more tv and maybe play a little today :) I'm just about to go to bed and I'll be praying REAL, REAL, REAL hard for you!! Be strong and keep smiling sweetie!!

Laura, you're doing a great job!! God Bless you!!

Love, Janice XOXO

Janice Liew <>
Melbourne, Australia - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:46 AM CST
Keep up the "no barfing" Colby, makes mommy happy!!!! Glad you enjoyed your day yesterday. Go easy with those pillows on those docs, they're not as strong as you, you know? Strong as a bull, that's Colby!!! Still praying for you!
Love ya,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:44 AM CST
Way to go Colby -- you'd be the man!! Keep up the good work buddy, you are on your way to a wonderful life! Stay strong Laura, you are one terrific mom. God bless you all. With big hugs and love,
Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:10 AM CST
Hey now Cole my hair really ALL that big? hehe.
Love you guys much.

Dana need I shave my hair to be cut a break Doctor
- Tuesday, February 18, 2003 10:10 AM CST
Way to go Colby!
Your strength nevers seizes to amaze us!
As we all read the journal entries, we all are smiling!
What a great day you had, let's continue....
Be sure to rest, and Mommy too.
We love you Colby, hugs to all of you.
From our hearts and with never ending prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 9:55 AM CST
HI, I have been following your journey but have never signed the guest book before. You have 2 beautiful children and are very dedicated parents. I pray for your family and your strength to continue your journey. It has to be hard being separated from your husband and your other son. I am sure it was also a hard decision to switch from Children's Hospital in Pgh to Philadelphia but you have to go with your "gut" feeling.
Mary Anne Klein <>
Pittsburgh, Pa - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 9:19 AM CST
Good morning Colby. A close friend told me that "He is a very precious little man." I see that you just turned 5. Happy belated birthday. Keep doing better, show them what big boys are made of. Pillow fight at noon.
Larry <>
Charlotte, MI U.S.A. - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:33 AM CST
Dear Colby, We just visited Philadelphia for the first time a few weeks ago!What a cool city-we hope you get home as soon as possible.We heard you have a lot of snow,too!Keep up the fight!Darlene and Christopher
Darlene and Christopher Melkonian <>
Gaithersburg, MD - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:14 AM CST
I just read your post and I sure am happy to hear that you are starting to eat and drink some. Im sure it would be a great gift for Cameron for you to be home on his birthday. Happy Birthday Cameron!! Keep chomping on those cheerios buddy. Im sure you will be home again soon.
take care
Chrissy mom to Michael 5yrs old today :) and amanda 11yrs old.

Chrissy Martin <>
Hurleyville, NY USA - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 5:24 AM CST
Colby, you are absolutely AMAZING!!! Dear God Thank you so much for meking that sweet little soul feel much better today. He has truly been through more than any of us could EVER handle. Well... Well... I don't know what to do now. I have all these birthday presents since the snow postponed my visit. But now... where will you be for me to send them??? It is up to you sweetie, if you want me to mail this stuff let me know. If you want to wait until you get HOME... that is fine too. I am so glad you are feeling better. God really does listen! Thank you lord. Cancer free!!!!!! Love you guys so much and miss you more. Hugs and kisses for the both of you. Stay strong guys, we are nearing the finish line.
Buckhannon , WV - Monday, February 17, 2003 11:24 PM CST
Hey there cutie Colby!!! I am sooooo happy that you've been doing so well! Way to go buddy! I am praying real hard for you so that you can go home and be with your daddy and Cameron...remember to never give up! You're a real trooper :) Will check in on you again real soon, keep smiling..

Love, Janice XOXO

Janice Liew <>
Melbourne, Australia - Monday, February 17, 2003 11:10 PM CST


PSALM 119:105


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, February 17, 2003 10:16 PM CST
Laura, Colby, Jack & Cameron,

Our hearts are filled with joy and our pom poms are waving wildly. Colby, there are none tougher than you and your family. So glad to read about your amazing recovery... returning to "normalcy" is right around the corner!

May you continue to gain strength through the power of prayer and God's blessings,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Monday, February 17, 2003 10:16 PM CST
Just checking in on you sweet Colby. I am so glad to keep hearing the good news!!!! You all deserve the best! I will pray that you get to be reunited with your family soon. Thinking of you often.........

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Monday, February 17, 2003 9:57 PM CST
Just checking in on you guys to let you know I am thinking about and praying for you. Sending lots of love your way. Blessings!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Monday, February 17, 2003 8:09 PM CST
Good evening Cole Family,
Hope all is well today. Keep those Cells climbing Colby. You Can do it you are a very determine little man.
Snow snow and more snow. I bet you really got alot there Laura. We have enought here too.
I went to the Cemetary to Put a new candle on Charlene and dig out the tombstone. But the snow is so deep there i couldn't dig it out. I did manage to get a new candle put in though. I dug around it so it would stay lit. We had to park at the entrance to the cemetary and walk all the way down the road where Charlene is. The snow was up to my knees there. It was nice to walk in. I was laughing all the way through the cemetary and I enjoyed it. Charlene was probally watching saying my mom is a nut.
Well take care everyone and I will check in again.
May God Be With You Always!

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, February 17, 2003 4:59 PM CST
Hi Colby and family...we found your site through Alexandria's site and then through Tara's site...we justed wanted to let you know that you have a whole new group of cheerleaders on your side...Cody has ALL and he is at T(1)+ 47...
In Love & Prayer...Eleasha & Cody <>, - Monday, February 17, 2003 4:47 PM CST
I'm glad to hear Colby is coming along. Just a thought for the nausea, we used kytril (sp?), benadryl and ativan. We put Bailey on a schedule so that every two hours he got something, which really seemed to help keep things under control. Happy Birthday Colby and fight on!

Kelly <>
Lake Tahoe, NV USA - Monday, February 17, 2003 2:38 PM CST
You'll have to excuse my lateness in wishing you a very Happy 5th Birthday. I evidently hit the wrong button on Friday, because I can't find my entry. Silly me!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday and Valentine's Day. It had to be good with both Mom and Dad there!! My daughter turned 13 on Saturday, one day after you! I will be praying that your vomiting will totally stop. You know are much braver than I am. I am a big baby about getting sick to my stomach. Can you imagine that....a grown up mom that is that big a baby getting sick. Well, that's me!! I'm glad that your dad got back home before the weather got really bad. You take care buddy and I'll keep praying. Give your mom a big squeeze from me......she is the BEST!! God bless you all. With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Monday, February 17, 2003 2:33 PM CST

One verse a day from the ("BIBLE")

I sought the Lord,
and he heard me,
and delivered me
from all my fears
Psalm 34:4


Janice <>
Canton, OH - Monday, February 17, 2003 10:52 AM CST

The calendar spills days
like sands in an hour glass,
and each new morning
holds a promise in its hands.

It will all be over soon and
you will be home playing with
("CAMERON") and all your other

May GOD Watch Over You Today
and Keep You Safe In Every Way!

Love You Soooooo,

Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, February 17, 2003 10:38 AM CST
Hey there Colby!! :)
I'm so glad that things are improving for are taking little baby steps to recovery and that's all that matters. You'll be having fun in no time, cutie...
Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you..

Sending you lots of warm hugs and kisses!

Janice Liew <>
Australia - Monday, February 17, 2003 8:59 AM CST
Thanks for the note about the weather. We have been watching very closely and I am sure you are getting the storm we had just two days ago. The airlines assure us it is still good enough conditions to fly though, so we are heading out to the airport in about 30 min. I am glad that Jack got home safely.

Such good news continues to come from your updates.....sorry Colby is still so nauseated and won't be long though before that begins to pass and he will be his old self completely.

Hope you got the valentine/b-day card for him from Bri......

It will be hard not knowing what's going on with you guys til I get back......hope all continues to go well. Sending you my best thoughts and wishes......YOU TOO JACK AND CAMERON!

- Monday, February 17, 2003 8:50 AM CST
I am so glad things are going so much better for Colby. I am also very happy you have the support and encouragement of your coworkers, that means a lot, and helps out a tremendous amount. The last thing you need to worry about now is work and how much time you can afford to take off.

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Monday, February 17, 2003 1:21 AM CST
Hey guys,
Can you believe this stinkin snow. We don't have classes tomorrow. This is the FIRST EVER CLASSES CACNELLED day for Wesleyan!! We are so excited here tonight. I am sad to hear that Colby has been so down. Lots of extra prayers will be coming at ya. I miss you guys so much. Uncle Jack, I am so glad that you made it home safely...and thanks again for our little talk the other night, you really cheered me up about school. Stay safe and warm everyone... hope to talk to you soon. I will try to call soon. Lots of "anti-vomit" XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXO for Colby. Luv ya!!!

Jessica <>
Buchannon, WV - Monday, February 17, 2003 0:28 AM CST
CMC Loves you Colby!
Dana, Lynn, Patti and Diana
Deep in the snow., NJ - Sunday, February 16, 2003 11:29 PM CST
Dear Cole Family,
I see Prayers are Wonderful. The more People Praying in this Prayer Circle around the world the BETTER. People everywhere are praying for You Colby. You are one special Little Person. God Works Wonders Through Prayer.
Even all those Angels Are Working Round The Clock. 24-7
I am so happy for you Laura. You deserved the rest. And to see the boys out playing and making you cry is just a part of your family healing as one.
Your little man really needs the rest he is getting. He probally stays up all night long huh.
Well I pray that Jack had a safe trip home. Sure is alot of snow here. and he hit it all the way home by the looks of the weather map.
Well take care everyone and as always
May God Be With You Always.
The Angels are watching over you Colby.
You are strong and a very persistant little man.
Take Care Cole Family
Praying for you Always

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, February 16, 2003 5:55 PM CST
Colby, I am a member of the Uniontown High School National Honor Society. I want to wish you the best in life and pray for your full recovery. Good luck with your transplant and may God watch over you and your family.
Nicole L. Mullen <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Sunday, February 16, 2003 5:42 PM CST

Therefore I say unto
you, What things
soever ye desire, when
ye pray, believe that ye
receive them, and ye
shall have them.

MARK 11:24


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, February 16, 2003 3:22 PM CST

When two hearts
wish on the
same brilliant

So guess what?
You and mommy
can wish on the
most brillant star


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, February 16, 2003 3:02 PM CST
Dearest Colby, you don't know me but I live all the way across the world from you in Australia...I have been reading through your journals and you are such an inspiration! You are truly a little fighter and I hope you continue to get well. Just wanted to let you know that you will always have my prayers. Keep up the smiles, cutie!!

Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you and your family!

Janice Liew <>
Melbourne, Australia - Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:52 AM CST
So glad to hear of all the rest and snuggle time for you Laura and for you and Jack, and that Jack and his Colby got some good play time too.

I know those tears you cried watching the "normalness" of those boys playing together out in the snow at RMH. I have cried those same tears many times.......I cried them once again the day MY boys wrestled and played together and ran around chasing each other for the first was the day we arrived in Omaha at the RMH to see how Brian did without was a trip and a test to see if he would be better living somewhere with a lower watch them play together like that for the first time (unable to before with Brians oxygen tubing either getting in the way or keeping him from going anywhere he wanted) brought on so many tears and emotions.....tears of joy for my children, tears of sadness knowing that we had to leave our home in Colorado.....our answer about whether to move or not was running around in front of us as happy and carefree as could be. So, you are not alone in those tears you shed.......and you will once again have that "normal" ......however it shall be defined, it will still be good.

I am so happy to hear that Colby turned the corner on that dangerous, and scary time. I had faith that he would, but I have to say that I am surprised at how fast it came!! YIPPEE! Colby, you rest buddy as much as you need, and when you are feeling better I know you will be bouncing around again just like Tigger!

Jack, I hope your trip back was safe and sound. I hope that storm quiets down quickly as I am flying out that way tomorrow with Brian.

You guys take care.
Sending lots of love and hugs,

OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX, - Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:21 AM CST
"Normal" life is coming Laura and you'll cherish it all the more after all your family has gone through! Yay for Colby - it will be so nice to get home! Hope he had a wonderful birthday. He'll be tiring you out again before you know it.

Love and Prayers-

Rachel <>
- Sunday, February 16, 2003 9:16 AM CST
Laura...I would love to win Mother of the Century...but they already declared YOU the winner. I do surround myself with good people...that is why GOD brought me YOU!
Miss you,

Dana Doctor <>
- Sunday, February 16, 2003 9:01 AM CST
WOW, how's it feel to be 5!!!!! Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's even though it's a day late. Sounds like you're letting the CELLS GROW,keep up the good fight!!! Glad to hear things are on th up side and that they're talking discharge I'm sure it will be good to get home!!! Stretch out the BIRTHDAY you deserve it. Hang in there Laura! It's snowing again in Uniontown. Saying those prayers!!!! God Bless
Pam Howarth <>
Uniontown, pa - Sunday, February 16, 2003 1:51 AM CST
I am so glad things are taking such a good turn
you guys most certainly deserve it
and mom dont you dare feel bad about missing "normal"

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Sunday, February 16, 2003 1:22 AM CST
Hi Colby, Laura and Jack,
It's amazing how the sound of children's laughter rejuvenates the soul.
Soon you all will be home together and you will hear Colby and Cameron and their precious laughter.
God bless you all for his test of have proven to him that you all can walk slowly together.
Soooooooo happy to hear that you were able to rest Laura!
Jack you are a precious and wonderful husband, Daddy & friend!
Keep strong and make sure that Colby knows that we all await his return...
Callahan asked if she could see & have a playdate with Colby.
I assured her when the time was right YES! :)
Such sweet innocent souls...
Sweet dreams, God Bless You All!
All our love and never ending prayers,
XO Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:17 PM CST

Chris Ullrich - Bella's Grammy <,>
Hemingford, Ne USA - Saturday, February 15, 2003 9:48 PM CST
Go Cells Go!!!! *doing the Cell Dance*

God Bless

Cheryl <>
tulsa, ok usa - Saturday, February 15, 2003 9:28 PM CST



You are surrounded by angels everywhere.
When you are in the middle of a terrible storm,
they come with their candles to keep you warm.
An angel to comfort, an angel to guide,
An angel to fill that dark hole inside.
An angel to cry on, an angel who cares,
You are surrounded by angels, everywhere.
The angels who reach out when times are rough.
Who'll listen to your heartache and all kinds of stuff.
Bright in the sunshine and in dark of night,
the angels surround you with comforting light.
So thank you, dear angels, more than you'll know
For watering the happiness and making it grow!



Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, February 15, 2003 5:09 PM CST
I'm glad to hear you're doing better Colby! I hope those cells keep on growing and getting stronger!!! UHS loves you and wishes you luck!

Danielle Mullen <>
Uniontown, PA - Saturday, February 15, 2003 3:01 PM CST
Hi Colby, Laura and Jack!
WOW! What a great day together!
I knew it would be...especially with Mommy & Daddy there.
Hearing that you are feeling pretty good warms my heart!
Keep the strength and let those Cells Go, Go, Go!
So with all those birthday presents, was there room for you ?
CHOP is understanding now why you should have had a bigger room!!!! :)
I hope you enjoy what Callahan picked out for can chase the bad cells with it! Run them over!!!!
May today be another "good" day or better.
We love you, come home soon!
All our love to you ALL!
From our hearts and never ending prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:16 AM CST
Wow, all those abreviations, how do you keep up with them all? Glad to hear ya'll did get to enjoy Colby's birthday,even if it was around 9pm, I'm sure you would have rather been at home for the event, but, circumstances alter all situations, right!!!!!!!I feel so bad that you all can't be together all the time, it seems unfare to be seperated. I think the only time I have ever been without one of my kids, the other was in the hospital. Please remember that ya'll are in our prayers, daily. Peace
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
Ft. Pierce, Fl USA - Saturday, February 15, 2003 8:38 AM CST
Jesus loves you, Colby. I am praying that you feel better every day.
Pam Lahr, (jmml support , mom of Shanna) <>
Chesterfield, MI USA - Saturday, February 15, 2003 8:07 AM CST
Jesus loves you, Colby. I am praying that you feel better every day.
Pam Lahr, (jmml support , mom of Shanna) <>
Chesterfield, MI USA - Saturday, February 15, 2003 8:07 AM CST
Hi,Colby glad to hear you are doing much better.Keep up the good work and keep fighting. The Angels are watching over you.I check your web site often to keep up with mommy's report on you and keep you and mom,dad and brother in my prayers. May god bless you all.Keep your chin up and keep smileing.
Donna Ondrejko <>
Mansfield, Oh U.S.A - Saturday, February 15, 2003 7:10 AM CST

Happy Birthday!!!
May this be the beginning of a wonderful cancer free life for you Colby!!

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Saturday, February 15, 2003 1:36 AM CST
So glad to see today is a better day Colby!!!!
The start of MANY!!!!!

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Saturday, February 15, 2003 1:34 AM CST
Commander in Chief,
NEVER FORGET COLBY................
I LOVE YOU BIGGEST................

UNIONTOWN, PA USA - Friday, February 14, 2003 10:59 PM CST
Sweet Dreams Little Birthday Boy!
Oh what a wonderful day for you & your Mommy & Daddy!
I do hope that it was an easy sailing day for all.
It was a beautiful day today filled with thoughts of YOU!
As always, we send our love and never ending prayers.
We love you all...GO Cells GO!
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Friday, February 14, 2003 10:02 PM CST

Couldn't let today go by without wishing you a Happy 5th Birthday!

We remain in your cheering section...Go Cells Go!!!

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Friday, February 14, 2003 8:05 PM CST

MASONTOWN, PA USA - Friday, February 14, 2003 7:19 PM CST
Hey Colby--It's me again. I forgot to tell you Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Birthday too!!! I spent my birthday in the hospital once when I was a kid (a bit older than you, though) and you know what I did? I took some of those rubber gloves they use, blew 'em up, took some of my mom's nail polish, and painted their nails!!! It was fun!!
(Just an idea, in case you get bored or run out of real balloons!!) Enjoy your day!!

Jenny Sterner <>
Colts Neck, NJ - Friday, February 14, 2003 4:37 PM CST
Dear Colby,
I was just chatting with Dana's sister, Jill, who said you're doing really well and might get to go home soon. That would be SOOOOO great, huh? GO CELLS GO!! Stay strong and give Mommy and Daddy both a big hug!!!! You sure are one amazing kid!

Jenny Sterner and Jessica <>
Colts Neck, NJ United States - Friday, February 14, 2003 4:30 PM CST
Happy Birthday Colby!! I have a card for you that I'm gonna try to send today. If not, I'll send it ASAP. Know that I'm thinking about all of you and praying for you! Love you guys!!
Khalita <>
Lexington, NC - Friday, February 14, 2003 4:05 PM CST
Happy 5th Birthday Colby. Love, Sprite and the Smile Quilts Angels.
Happy Valentine's Day


Sprite <>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Friday, February 14, 2003 4:04 PM CST
Happy Birthday Colby!!
Happy Valentine's Day to the Cole's!!!

Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, February 14, 2003 3:35 PM CST
UHS wishes a Happy Birthday to our special Raider!!!
Nicole Novak <>
Uniontown, PA United States - Friday, February 14, 2003 3:34 PM CST
xoxoxoxoxo Kim and Gianna <>
Uniontown, PA - Friday, February 14, 2003 2:48 PM CST
Hi Colby,
Wanted to drop in and wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! You and your family are in my prayers.

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Friday, February 14, 2003 12:45 AM CST

On your special day, I wish
for you happiness, deep
down within. Serenity, with
each sunrise. Success, in
each facet of your life. Close
and caring friends. Love
that never ends. Special
memories, of all the
yesterdays. A bright today,
with much to be thankful
for. A path, that leads to
beautiful tomorrows.
Dreams, that do their best
to come true, and
appreciation of all the
wonderful things about


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, February 14, 2003 12:28 AM CST
Dear Laura and Gang

Dana just told me the good news. What a birthday/valentine day present. Colby is amazing!! It is interesting to know that nurse Anne has such powers...what you need to do is to make a life size poster of her and put one in each room that Colby uses.

I envision wonderful times at home with Jack and Cameron all doing cozy family things.

Love and continued prayers.....

Arlene and Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Twp, NJ - Friday, February 14, 2003 12:23 AM CST
Happy Birthday To You Colby and Happy Valentine's Day To The Family.

You are sure engrafted quick. Nice to hear you got to see Jack and the CAM man this weekend.

Off course, you & the family always in our prayers.

Loves & Hugs,

Thu <>
Denver, CO - Friday, February 14, 2003 12:06 AM CST
I've been earding your webpage for a long time and am so excited to see that you're having a great birthday!
Julie (Zachary Doctor's aunt)

Julie Hauer <>
Ashburn, VA - Friday, February 14, 2003 11:56 AM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLBY, Hope you have a great day. Prayers from us all the time for YOU. Your friends from Va. Beach, Tom, Sarah, Colleen, Erin, and Logan. We are saving you a spot at our beach,you must come and see it some time.
tom vitz <>
va. beach, va - Friday, February 14, 2003 11:04 AM CST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLBY. We hope you have a great day and have loads of fun.

With much love, faith and hope,
Dana, Jamie, Elizabeth, Wally and Amanda

Dana V <>
New Salem, PA USA - Friday, February 14, 2003 10:20 AM CST
Colby, HAPPY HAPPY Birthday! 5 at last! Have a wonderful fun-filled day with Dad, Mom, and all your CHOP buddies. I hope you're feeling extra "perky" today.
Love and prayers, Pat

P.S. Try to milk this birthday ALL weekend and maybe even ALL next week. I think you can do it!

Pat <>
New Salem, PA USA - Friday, February 14, 2003 10:01 AM CST
Oh Hooray, hooray!! What great news all around!! I was so worried after yesterdays posting and talking to Dana, but I am relieved to hear things are getting better and ruling out all the bad stuff AND so glad to hear that Jack was able to come!! Now, are you going to let Dana come and let you get away for a little bit?? YOU BETTER!!

Many hugs and love to all. Happy Valentines day too, oh and

HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY YOU BIG BOY COLBY!!!!!!!(birthday wishes from Eric and Brian too!)

Go get em!!

Niki Daubach <>
OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX, - Friday, February 14, 2003 9:42 AM CST
Happy Birhtday Colby!! And Happy Valentines Day too!! Hope you have a great day with your Mom and Dad, filled with lots of hugs and kisses!!! Saying lots of prayers for nothing but GOOD news from here on out!
Kelley Fitzgerald (
- Friday, February 14, 2003 8:27 AM CST

HAPPY #5 BIRTHDAY ,COLBY !!!! I bet you get to celebrate more than once this year...and you deserve it. You are a very strong and brave boy. Have the very best one you can .
With love,

Danette Prater <>
santa fe, tx - Friday, February 14, 2003 7:52 AM CST
AMAZING COLBY! I never thought an ultrasound of the liver could make me cry tears of joy. Enjoy your birthday sweet boy. I love you!

Dana finally got a hair cut yet it is still big (jealous Jack?) Doctor
- Friday, February 14, 2003 7:47 AM CST
Dear Colby, I wanted to wish you a very Happy Valentine's Day and a great big Happy Birthday.. So glad to hear that you are doing well.. I know how happy you are today having your mom and dad with you.. Always praying hard that it won't be much longer until you are well again and home.Hugs to you on your 5th Birthday.. Love,Regina Sloan(Gianna Schuessler's grandma)
Uniontown, PA - Friday, February 14, 2003 7:35 AM CST
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to you! Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to you!!!!
Happy 5th Birthday Sweet Colby!
How wonderful to have Daddy arrive...I can see your smile from here!
Have a wonderful day, enjoy and scare those bad cells away!!
Happy Valentine's Day to Mommy and Daddy (and you too!).
May your day be full of love and tender moments.
What a special day for all!
The journal report made my day :)
Thank you again Laura for your endless efforts to keep us all informed.
Our love and prayers to all of you.
Hugs, Hugs, Hugs!
From our hearts filled with prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Friday, February 14, 2003 6:48 AM CST
Colby What a big day for you! Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day! Enjoy the special day!

Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Friday, February 14, 2003 6:40 AM CST
Happy Birthday Colby and Happy Valentines Day too!!!Have a great day with your Mommy and Daddy!!!!!
The Yerina Family

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, - Friday, February 14, 2003 6:21 AM CST
I check your website every day to see how you are doing..I'm tickled about how great you are doing :) :)

Debbie Churchman
Hollister, CA United States - Friday, February 14, 2003 5:50 AM CST
Hi Colby!I just wanted to stop in and say Happy Birthday!! What a great day right. Happy Valentines day too. I hope that you have a great day today. And that you get all the best gifts. Im sure you will. I will always think of every year now because we share our birthdays. Mine was quite a few years sooner but whos counting. Have a great day!

Chrissy Martin <>
Hurleyville, NY USA - Friday, February 14, 2003 5:13 AM CST
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to my sweet Colby,
Happy Birthday to you!!!!

Oh boy... you know what this means, when I get there on Saturday I get to give you 5 smacks in the butt!!! Hee Hee... I hope you have a GREAT birthday, but I will tell you NEXT YEAR will be even better and those that follow will get better and better! ONE MORE DAY MY MAN!!! I can't wait to see ya... Glad Dad had a safe trip and even more glad he put those arms of his around your mommy... Laura and Jack, I can't wait to see you guys. See you SOOOOO SOOOOOON!!!

Jessica <>
Buckhannon, WV - Friday, February 14, 2003 1:19 AM CST
I am so glad to see you are doing so good today!
Your mom must feel the weight of the world just got lifted, between your results being good & Daddy being there!

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Friday, February 14, 2003 1:14 AM CST
Keep up the good fight Colby, we know you can get through this. Have a wonderful Birthday. hope to see you soon.

Love the Gmutza's

Albert, Roxanne, Allyson, Paul, and Arianne
New Salem, PA - Friday, February 14, 2003 0:00 AM CST
Happy Birthday Colby James!
All our love,
The Doctor Crew

Dana Doctor
- Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:49 PM CST
DENBO, PA USA - Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:13 PM CST
Happy Birthday Colby !
- Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:45 PM CST
Hi Colby,
You dont know me but your story came to me from my friend and she gave me your web page address to see what a cutie you are. She sure was right you are a cutie! My name is Tonya I work at Peters Torchlight in Uniontown Pa.I just wanted to let you know that you have truely touched my life and you are in all of my prayres. I also wanted to tell you a little secret! I just happen to know a very special angel who is up in heaven, his name is Vinnie, he is nine years old , he likes Power Rangers, Batman and the Lion King. Vinnie is my Son and when I say my prayres tonight I am going to ask Vinnie if he will stop by your room from time to time and watch over you. I'm sure he will be happy to do that. Happy Birthday Colby and God bless.

Tonya <>
Uniontown, pa us - Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:35 PM CST
Happy Birthday Colby
Tonya <>
Uniontown, pa us - Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:24 PM CST
Hi Colby and Laura,
Just a few more hours until the big day. Happy 5th birthday Colby! Even though we can't be with you for it, we know that your mommy and daddy and everyone will make it extra special. You're getting such a great gift for your birthday: cells! Go Cells Go! We love you lots and lots!

Uncle Jake and Jamie <>
- Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:08 PM CST
Good Night Sweet One!
We send our gentle hugs and our angel kisses.
Rest well tonight for your big day tomorrow.
Is Daddy there yet? Hugs to Mommy and Daddy!!!
I hope that today was an easier one than yesterday.
We love you Colby, sweet dreams to all!
XXOO Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, February 13, 2003 8:29 PM CST
Hi Zombie and Angel.
How are you guys doing this evening?
I read your last journal and just had to call you guys by name.
I can imagine what you are going through.
Praying for you
I know your plans weren't to be in the hospital for your birthday.
But, you are in a safe and watchful place there with the nurses and doctors.
May you have a very happy birthday and pain free tomorrow.
I hope you enjoy your day.
May God Be With You Always

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, February 13, 2003 8:00 PM CST

Jess <>
Buckhannon, WV - Thursday, February 13, 2003 7:37 PM CST
Laura and Colby,
Hang in there, guys! One thing I learned last year was to never give up, God is always watching over us!!! Happy birthday, Colby! You are in my thoughts and prayers every day!
Love always,

Kelly Welsh <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, February 13, 2003 6:18 PM CST


Danette <>
santa fe, tx - Thursday, February 13, 2003 5:19 PM CST
Birthday boy,Colby....hoping that you get lots of new cells for your birthday this year, and that you feel much better,too. Praying for your super strong mom to be able to get some sleep soon also.You guys are always in my prayers.

Wash.Twp., NJ - Thursday, February 13, 2003 12:43 AM CST

Here is a new prayer that you can learn,
maybe Daddy can help you with it this weekend!!!!!!


Thank you Father for hearing my prayer
Thank you Lord for all of your care
Thank you Father for your love so sincere
and thank you Father for answering me here
Thank you Father God in Heaven above
and thank you Lord for your gracious love
Thank you Father for Jesus your Son
And thank you Father for thy will be done

Aunt DEE

Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, February 13, 2003 12:14 AM CST
Praying that today is a better day for you sweetie! Hang in there and keep making those cells.

Manchester, MO - Thursday, February 13, 2003 12:14 AM CST
Hi Colby! I wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! How cute! It falls right on Valentine's Day!! I hope you get everything you wish for and MORE!! God Bless!
Danielle Mullen
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:09 AM CST
Hang in there Laura and Colby and Family. Go Cells Go!!

Always thinking of you ALL.

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA - Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:52 AM CST
Laura and Colby -

Hang in there! Hopefully yesterday will be your worst day and everything will be great starting today!! You're both an inspiration!

Rachel and Connor <>
- Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:37 AM CST
The Cole Family (especially you Colby)-
I hope you continue to amaze everyone with your resilience. We continue to pray for your quick recovery. Have a wonderful Birthday and Valentines Day. God bless you and your family.

Jim Summerville (Connors dad) <>
Baldwinsville, NY USA - Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:04 AM CST
Happy Birthday to you ... Happy Birthday to you ....
Happy Birthday dear Colby .... Happy Birthday to you!!

and Happy Valentine Day too....

Love, Kisses, Hugs and Prayers

Arlene and Seymour Zwick

Arlene Zwick <>
Monroe Twp, NJ - Thursday, February 13, 2003 8:00 AM CST
Good Morning Colby and Laura (and that it will be!),
Oh my! Colby you are strong and invinsible!
This you have been showing us! GO CELLS GO!!!
Rest and keep strong and those "bugs" will leave you.
I hope that today is a better one and EVERYONE can rest
I do wish I could do something for you...prayers can be answered.
Please know that we love you and your family very much.
Hey Colby! Watch for the mailman!!!!!! :)
Love you, love you, love you!
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, February 13, 2003 7:50 AM CST

Oh Laura ,
What should I say ... hoping for a much better day, birthday, Valentine's day,weekend , forever..... all of the above is what I was thinking. Be tough Colby , hang in there.. better days coming VERY SOON . Be blessed as always , try to get a little rest.. Jack coming today right? ---- that's got to help , all by itself.


Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , Tx - Thursday, February 13, 2003 7:25 AM CST
Colby I love the new photos of you. I was showing you off at work, and they were like who is that cutie pie. Keep smiling kiddo!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Thursday, February 13, 2003 6:49 AM CST
Just dropping in to say Hello!
My prayers continue to be with you.

Lynn, PA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 11:30 PM CST
Colby, Sending birthday wishes, valentine wishes and get well wishes your way. Keep on fighting Colby - you are sooooooooo cute.

With love, hugs, and prayers.

Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 11:21 PM CST
Continuing to hold you and your family up in prayer...

Nancy Dumas <>
Bonney Lake, WA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 7:38 PM CST
Hey Colby~
I came over from Connors page. You are a QT PATOOTIE! My son Jake would LOVE to have you as a playmate. I hope you are having a good day. Will check back soon...

Happy Birthday!!! and Happy Valentines Day!!

Chanda & Jake
- Wednesday, February 12, 2003 7:19 PM CST
Colby and Mom (and Cameron and Jack too) - Yes, we did say Colby's Healing Prayer together at the New Salem Presyterian Church on Sunday. It's good to see that a lot of your Church friends are keeping in touch. Sometimes we read Laura's journal, say our prayers, and don't write anything back. But Colby's numbers are soooo impressive and you are ALL such great fighters - we love you and love you and love you and send great big BIRTHDAY and VALENTINE'S DAY HUGS and KISSES to all of you. May you know God's presence within you and around you. Grace and peace from the Russells and Abrahams
Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell and family <>
Jeannette, Pa USA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 6:06 PM CST
Hi Colby and Laura!
Quite the snow day yesterday and through the night.
We do like Siberia up here in these thar mountains!
God sure creates beautiful landscapes. He just needs
to learn to distribute better... :)
How are you today young man? and mom?
I sure hope that this finds you all rested and making
those cells grow and grow!
We love you all...
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 6:03 PM CST


What ever it is has your Life all ado!
what ever it is that woe or betide you!
Security comfort and Peace of mind.
In the Hands of God, you will surely find.
Lean on Gods hand, he will understand,
Place it in the hands of God.
God does not tire of demand.
Look at me here, and think of the pleasure,
with all of Life's worries, gone, in their measure.
What ever Life seems to throw back at you
place it in the hands of God, through and through,
just place it in the hands of God.
There is no more pleasing, a place, than God's hand,
whether the God's of Old, as world History has told,
what ever your belief, or race, or creed,
place in the hands of God, every need,
feel the air of grace, as it surrounds you,
within his hands you'll be safe and secure.
The sentiment of this verse is sent across your way
Because you are so special and thought of today!
And, the more that this wish is passed all around,
the greater, it's magic and healing, will abound.


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 2:51 PM CST
Hi Laura and Colby! It was nice talking to you last evening and hope that you got some rest Laura. You need your strength to keep going. After all it is exhausting having to play all day and keep the little guy entertained. You all are just so AMAZING! Both of you are so special and so strong. Keep up the good work and hang tough. Every day is one day closer to God's complete healing for you and you coming home. So keep the cells a growing and the liver mainitaining. Just another bump in the road which you all can recover from. Take care. misss you all bunches. Would love to come out and see you all and relieve you some Laura. When you feel safe in doing so let me know and maybe we can make arrangements. I am still saving some days to help you guys. Tell Colby I miss making meatloaf and cannot wait til I can do so again. I got kind of used to having it and now kinda miss it. I am waiting till the MAN comes home though. Love, Hugs, Kisses to you both. may God shine his light on you and send his angels to watch over you and protect you. May He give you stregth and courage to fight and win this battle. Ca free in 2003. That is my password for my computer now and for all the special programs requiring passwords. You are in my thoughts day and night. Love, Aunt Mar
Marlene Shaw <>
New Salem, Pa fayette - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 2:48 PM CST
Colby, Laura, Jack, & Cameron,

We are never surprised when we read your daily journal, Laura. Colby is a superhero in our book with a superhero brother and two super amazing parents.

Our prayers never cease during this recovery time...

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 2:10 PM CST
Be strong Colby...we love you!
The Doctor Crew

Dana Doctor
- Wednesday, February 12, 2003 12:43 AM CST
Colby, keep up the great progress. I wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. You are still in my prayers.
Carol Elvin
Pittsburgh, PA - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 10:49 AM CST
Everyone at Peter's Torchlight is praying for you. We don't know you but you have touched all of our hearts. Keep getting better and we will keep praying. We also wish you a happy birthday

Renae Phillipy
uniontown, pa - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 10:23 AM CST
Everyone at Peter's Torchlight is praying for you. We don't know you but you have touched all of our hearts. Keep getting better and we will keep praying.

Renae Phillipy
uniontown, pa - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 10:20 AM CST
Hey Colby, GRRRRRREAT news!!!!! Keep those cells growing. We at UHS just got another SNOW DAY!!!!! We'll be in school forever my kids think. When I get back I'll be sure to tell all how well uou're doing. Jack, if you can remember the main hall by the office it has become the year's diary!!!!! We've reserved a place for Colby, the kidscan't wait to design him a spot Colby Cancer Free 2003. This will stay forever!!! Laura so glad you rest when your young man does !!!! praying very hard for the progress to continue. I hope you'll come to meet te NHS someday at UHS they admire you're strenght. God Bless!!!
Pam Howarth <>
Uniontown , Pa - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 9:59 AM CST
Colby, I am glad to hear you are feeling better and even playing PS2 in your sleep, typical little boy!
You dont know how many people are thinking of you and praying for you, but lots and lots of us are sweetie.

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts

- Wednesday, February 12, 2003 8:40 AM CST
Hi Colby!
I'm so glad your throat doesn't hurt anymore and saying lots of prayers you get to stop that "yukky" medicine really soon!

Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 8:15 AM CST
Well Hello Sweety Pie!!! I can't wait to see you. 3 MORE DAYS and that is it. What are we going to do while I am there?? I miss you so much, so you better be ready for some serious huggies!!! So glad to hear that you are doing so great. Those cells better keep on trucking. Yeay ANC!!! Rest up... Have a good day today. Miss you Miss you Miss you!!!!
Buckhannon, WV - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 8:00 AM CST
Way to go Colby. You are a true fighter. You are always in my prayers. G-d Bless.
Jill (Dana sister) <>
Long Branch, NJ - Wednesday, February 12, 2003 7:14 AM CST
Hi Colby,
Glad to hear you had a good day. Sure hope each day gets better and better. I will keep you in my prayers.

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Tueday, February 11, 2003 11:43 PM CST
Hey all!
Things seem to be progressing well--that's good to hear. God bless and we wish both Colby and Cameron a very happy birthday! Love you!

Brian, Tina, and Megan <>
Charlotte, NC - Tueday, February 11, 2003 10:58 PM CST
Good Night Sweet Colby (and Mommy too!),
Greetings from Siberia (it sure is looking like it here!)
Just checking in to say hello!
You must be so excited for Friday to come!
It will be here before you know it!
Have a GREAT day with Mommy & Daddy!!!!!!
Keep those cells growing and be sure to get your rest.
Laura thank you for resting while Colby slept today :)
You ARE listening to us and your body, thanks!
God bless you all...holding you all in our hearts!
Our prayers are never ending...........
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Tueday, February 11, 2003 10:42 PM CST
You don't know me but I found your site through another...what an amazing network to add support and prayers from all over the have an absolutely adorable child...his face melts my heart!...Glad to hear good news....
Pittsburgh, - Tueday, February 11, 2003 10:26 PM CST
Wow, doubling! I'm so glad he is feeling better. What a trooper he is. Glad the "Cam-man" is's sad to think that this whole thing might be stressing him out enough to cause his tummy so much discomfort, poor thing!

Get some rest. Sounds like with Colby's energy, you'll need it to keep up!

Talk to you tomorrow.

- Tueday, February 11, 2003 9:24 PM CST
Colby, Hurray for you! Each day brings you closer to healing and coming home. I pray for that day! You are such a strong boy and your family is simply AMAZING! Love to Mom, Dad, and Cameron! Count down until the BIG 5! Celebrate for us all! Love and prayers. Pat
Pat <>
New Salem, PA USA - Tueday, February 11, 2003 9:16 PM CST
Yay!!! Go cells go! I can't believe how quick those cells came in! You are AMAZING COLBY!
Rachel, Jim and Connor <>
- Tueday, February 11, 2003 8:52 PM CST
Hi Colby
I'm SO excited for you today. I was so glad to hear that you are having such a wonderful day. Keep up the great job. I will be praying for you and your family.
So glad to hear that Cameron is having a good day too.
Hey mom and dad take this opportunity to have a few minutes, hours to yourselves. I find it is the best medicine. You will feel so refreshed and relax. You will also be able to tackle anything that comes.
Lots of Love and wishes from your Canadian friends.

Cindy <>
Selkirk, Manitoba Canada - Tueday, February 11, 2003 8:31 PM CST
Yes, Colby is in the best hands...and he has been in them since before he was born..."Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, were born I set you apart...even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day for darkness is as light to you. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be..." The Lord put that on my heart for you guys tonight. I hope it brings you some comfort. Fear is a natural reaction...and God's perfect love casts out all fear. So that is what I will be praying for you guys in the coming days. The Lord knows EXACTLY what Colby's body is doing, how it works and what it needs. He's not at all confused. I pray that He will reveal the very specific prayers to pray for Colby's healing as we press in to His presence continually. Sorry I haven't signed in for a few days but I am constantly praying for you. Know that you are loved. Blessings!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Tueday, February 11, 2003 6:11 PM CST

Smile Quilts
- Tueday, February 11, 2003 1:09 PM CST


"The Inspiration of You!"

In you this shines, quite unique and brightly,
Never failing, clearly obvious, tender and lightly,
Soft as a butterfly, flapping it's wings,
Pleasing and obvious, this radiance sings,
In your life, many dark clouds, give way for you
Radiantly burning your light, breaks right through
Any one who's life, your's has been a part,
They have little footprints of you in their Heart,
In these words so simple, a note of consideration,
Our thanks just to you, and sincere gratification.
Now you really are, to all, a true INSPIRATION.


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Tueday, February 11, 2003 1:08 PM CST
10 cells!! YES!! We will take them! add to them too!!
It's just the begining, you know, and although there are many "bumps" you will hit before this is all said and done (VOD right now), you all are made of the strength that it takes to manage every one of those bumps.

Now, I have this to say. Hearing that you have the opportunity Laura and Jack, to spend some time alone together away from the hospital, and knowing that you have the love and support and offer from Dana to stay with colby, I beg you to take her up on that offer!!! You two need each other. You need this opportunity to seek comfort and communication from each other. The phone and computer cannot do what your arms around each other can do, nor can they replace the words spoken in person. You NEED this time and you KNOW that you couldn't get any better caregiver than Dana who not only is just a fine, loving person, but a parent who has been through transplant with her own son, and who also just happens to be a nurse herself. You owe it to yourselves and to your children to reconnect and re-energize yourselves so that you can come back to them more able to continue giving of yourselves to them.

Dana.....don't take no for an answer!! I would be there with you if I could!

So, with that lecture done, I look forward to seeing that white count continue to rise, and pray that all the potential complications are kept at bay!

With love and hugs,

oxoxoxoxox, - Tueday, February 11, 2003 11:25 AM CST
Colby and Laura,
Continuing with many prayers each day. Keep the cells growing Colby, you'd be the MAN!! God bless you all. With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Tueday, February 11, 2003 11:12 AM CST
God is truly gonna move this mountain outta your way, and He's starting with 10 cells-what a miracle. Praying for more, more, more cells-God is faithful, and Colby is strong-can't ask for a better team!! Continuing to pray for your amazing family.
- Tueday, February 11, 2003 10:41 AM CST
GROW CELLS GROW!!!! Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way Colby. Sounds like you are doing a great job! Keep up the great work and I'll check in on you again soon! God Bless!!
Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Tueday, February 11, 2003 9:22 AM CST
Praise God for those cells!!

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Tueday, February 11, 2003 9:13 AM CST
Praying extra hard .... no more complications


Love and Kisses

Arlene and Seymour Zwick

Arlene and Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Township, NJ - Tueday, February 11, 2003 7:21 AM CST
Colby, Well my man I hope all is well this morning. I hope you have another progressive day and enjoy playing all of your new fun games.
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Tueday, February 11, 2003 6:51 AM CST
Laura & Colby - grow cells grow!!!!!
We are all so happy and praying for you!

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Tueday, February 11, 2003 0:13 AM CST

We love you guys...We are still being your faithful prayer warriors.

Becky Nichols ( )
Austin, Tx - Monday, February 10, 2003 11:08 PM CST
Hi Colby and Laura!
We're so excited about the new cells! Go Cells Go! Colby, you are such an amazing little guy, and we can't wait until you come back home so we can see you. We're glad that your throat is feeling better, so now you can rest up and make lots of new cells. We love you and miss you so much! Mommy, Daddy, and Cameron too! We're sending lots of hugs and kisses and prayers to you!

Uncle Jake and Jamie <>
Elizabeth, PA - Monday, February 10, 2003 10:12 PM CST

We could hardly wait for Mommy's entry tonight to see how you were doing today, Colby. We are praying so hard for you. You just keep up the good work and we will continue to pray to Jesus to keep you in his loving arms and make you completely well real real soon.

Lorraine and Bob
McClellandtown, Pa - Monday, February 10, 2003 10:03 PM CST

just checking to see if today was THE day ??????....
check again later...take care guys , we love ya!!

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , tx - Monday, February 10, 2003 8:19 PM CST
Commander in Chief,
Thinking of you , missing you and Praying sooooooooo hard for those cells to grow and grow and grow!
Laura, I hope Dana gave you that hug from me! We will send a bunch of hugs to you and Colby both with Jack this week.
I'm sure he will enjoy giving all of them to you both!
Will talk to you soon.
Colby, I Love You Biggest...............
Holding you in our hearts!
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, February 10, 2003 8:01 PM CST
Thinking of you all the time. Sorry I missed playing with you Colby. You were asleep when I got there. I was happy to keep mommy company. I wish I could make all this better for you. My heart breaks to see you going through this. You are such a brave boy. I am so happy those cells are growing...MIRACLE MONDAY! I will pray hard for you. I know you can do this. Stay strong.
See ya on the weekend. I hope mommy and daddy take my advice and go out to dinner together. We can play your new PS2. (Laura and Jack, I hope you let my hang with Colby, you two need to be with each other outside the hospital. I will call tomorrow to decide with you a good time)
Hang in there was a miracle indeed. Hold on to that and savor it. Colby is a fighter.
Love ya,

Dana Doctor
- Monday, February 10, 2003 6:20 PM CST
Laura & Colby,
Just a little note to say hello & thinking of you always!
It was really great to talk to you last week at work! Hang in there Colby!!!!

Bernie & family <>
New Salem, Pa USA - Monday, February 10, 2003 5:02 PM CST
Hi Colby and Laura,
"Miracle Monday is here". It sure is good to know you are feeling OK. We were all in church yesterday when Daddy and Cameron led us in your healing prayer. It was a very touching and spiritual moment. Colby, hang in there cause it won't be long till you're out of the hospital. You are the bravest of the brave and pretty darn cute too.
With much love, faith and hope.
Dana, Jamie, Elizabeth, Wally and Amanda

Dana Velosky <dvelosky@hotmailcom>
New Salem, PA USA - Monday, February 10, 2003 2:46 PM CST
Hey Laura Lu,Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of all of you everyday. Sure was good to talk to you last week or so. Adding my own little prayer to the many already being said.
Vickie <>
- Monday, February 10, 2003 2:19 PM CST
Hey Colby, UHS is thinking of you!

Erica Ross <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, February 10, 2003 12:10 AM CST
Hi Colby!I am vice-president of the Uniontown High School National Honor Society.I met you a few months ago when we held the blood drive at our school; but you probably don't remember me and that's okay.I just wanted to say hello and send some smiles your way.Hang in there buddy! UHS loves and supports you!God Bless you Always!
Danielle Mullen <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, February 10, 2003 12:02 AM CST

I'm sending you loving Angel wishes,

for beautiful blessings to come your way.
And for you to have peace and tranquility,
as you travel through your life each day

May all of your days be filled with love;

your nights be filled with wonderful dreams.
And may hope and faith be your strength,
no matter how impossible something seems.

I wish for you happiness and laughter,

and for good health to always be with you.
May you find your wealth in the gifts of love,
yet, enough money to see your way through.

These Angel wishes I am sending to you,

are because you are so very special to me.
They come to you filled with God's love,
for your life to be everything you wish it to be.


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, February 10, 2003 11:39 AM CST
Hi Laura and Colby, Good "Miracle" Monday Morning to you both. Praying for a great day for you Colby. Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, PA - Monday, February 10, 2003 6:36 AM CST
Prayers keep on coming for your recovery. Your Grandma and Grandpap Cole keep us up to date as does your web page. Best of everything on your birthday.
Alieen and Harold (Fuzzy) Clay
New Salem, PA USA - Sunday, February 9, 2003 9:41 PM CST
Hi guys,
I made it back from the big ski trip safe and sound. Had a blast, and thought about you guys all weekend. 5 more days and I get to see your precious smiles!!! I am so excited for the big road trip. I hope you had a great weekend and I hope those cells are grow... grow... growing!!!!! Love ya, Love ya, Love ya!!!


Jessica <>
Buckhannon, WV - Sunday, February 9, 2003 8:20 PM CST
Just checking in on Colby's progress. We'll be praying extra hard for Miracle Monday.
Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Sunday, February 9, 2003 8:20 PM CST
Good evening Cole Family,
Just checking in one more time before I turn in. I pray tomorrow brings lots of good white cells.
That is the best thing that will be for a little guy in the hospital. I am praying for you Colby.
You are such an angel. I just have to tell you that. Your pictures are so beautiful. The one with you sleeping is so precious.
Take Care Cole Family
May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, February 9, 2003 7:37 PM CST
Commander in Chief,
What a big week you have ahead of you. First Dana says you are going to have Miracle Monday which sounds wonderful!!
Next is the Commander's Birthday on Friday! This is going to be one amazing week, one that we all want to celebrate with you. Major Prayers tonight from all the troops here at home to make it all come true! I would give up all my birthday wishes for the rest of my life just to have yours come true! God if you read this, answer my prayers and give my wishes to Colby!
Colby, I LOVE YOU BIGGEST...............
Hugs to Mommy too.........
Holding you in my heart...
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Sunday, February 9, 2003 7:29 PM CST
You don't know us, but we're friends of the Jones family, who lost their son Shane a few months ago. Your little guy is just precious. We will be praying for a great day tomorrow, and every day thereafter.
Ironton, OH - Sunday, February 9, 2003 6:43 PM CST
Praying for your Miracle Monday. If God can turn hearts, He can turn corners.

Keeping Colby and your family in my prayers,

Nancy Dumas <>
Bonney Lake, WA - Sunday, February 9, 2003 4:26 PM CST
Hi Colby

Hope ENGRAFMENT DAY is comming up soon. Now lets' get busy and start cranking out those healthy cells.

GOD Bless you

Arlene and Seymour Zwik

Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Township, NJ United States - Sunday, February 9, 2003 3:50 PM CST
Hi Colby and Laura:

This is just nurse Donna from 2-East sending love and kisses and letting you know you're in my prayers

Donna Connelly
Uniontown, pa usa - Sunday, February 9, 2003 3:17 PM CST
Dear Laura, So happy to hear that Colby is progressing so well.. Sounds like the new cancer free cells are on their way. Praying for all of you as you are now so close to Cancer Free 2003. Always in my thoughts .
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, February 9, 2003 10:30 AM CST
Dear Colby,Laura,and Family,
It's been awhile since we have written, but we think of and pray for you always. Keep up the good work and keep climbing up Sunshine Mountain. We can see God's work in your life, a beacon for us all. God bless you and keep you!

Your friends in Christ, Rael and Reid Crookston and Family (We are Sally Darrell's Family)

Aurelia G. Crookston <>
Richmond, Tx. USA - Sunday, February 9, 2003 10:06 AM CST
Hi Colby,
Darrell loves you too!
(oops I forgot to include him in my last entry!)
XO Suz

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, February 9, 2003 10:04 AM CST
Hi Colby and Laura-
"Come Monday, it will be alright,
Come Tuesday you'll be winning the fight..."
I hope that you are feeling a lot better today.
Rest is so important for all of you!
Keep those bad cells running out of you and let
the beautiful new cells gather and stay.
We're looking good big guy!
Our prayers, hope and faith continue to be forever
From our hearts,
we love you all!
Suzanne, Callahan & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, February 9, 2003 10:03 AM CST
HI Colby,
I just checked out you pictures. You are such a precious angel. I added you pictures to my screen saver. So you are on my desktop always.
Take Care Little Man

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, February 9, 2003 9:58 AM CST
Good morning Laura,
It has been awhile since i have been in the guestbook. Not that I don't think of you guys. I do alot. So nice to read the entrys of Colbys day activities. His fever going down is good. Seems to me he is doing ok with this 2nd bonemarrow transplant. I am praying for you Colby. I wish all the best to you. You desirve it. You are a real CHAMP.
Keep the climb back up the hill steady and you can do it. I have faith in you little guy. You are a very strong little man. Stay strong Laura and get rest. With out either you will be down yourself.
As always May God Be With You All!

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, February 9, 2003 9:51 AM CST


Always remember to forget

the things that made you sad.

But never forget to remember

the things that made you glad.

Always remember to forget

the friends that proved untrue.

But never forget to remember

those that have stuck by you.

Always remember to forget

the troubles that passed away.

But never forget to remember

the blessings that come each day


Janice Wrighy <>
Canton, OH - Sunday, February 9, 2003 9:23 AM CST
Colby, Laura, Jack & Cameron,

Our thoughts and prayers stay focused on you. Engraftment...engraftment....engraftment...that is all that is in our minds.

Our praying is strong and steady,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, February 9, 2003 9:20 AM CST
Can't wait to see you. I think I will give Laura a hug filled with all the love from every person that is praying for the Cole family.
You can do this, stay strong,

Dana Doctor
- Sunday, February 9, 2003 0:30 AM CST
cam man & daddy
home sweet home, - Saturday, February 8, 2003 11:51 PM CST
Hi Colby and Laura-
Just stopping by to say hello!
We hope that you BOTH are getting the rest you need.
Keep the faith, strength and hope...always.
May Friday bring Colby a wonderful birthday with his Daddy & Mommy...and Mommy her Valentine XO!
We love you all...sleep tight.
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

P.S. Jack, we hope that you are feeling better!
Hope to see you soon! XO

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, February 8, 2003 9:23 PM CST
The quilt looks BEAUTIFUL!! Becky, you did a wonderful job!!Colby looks so cute too in all the pictures......and so angelic in the sleeping pic.

Colby, you are so tough! This years birthday will be an extra special "cell-a-bration" filled with Valentines love and new life!
Laura, wish I could come and see you all and give you some relief too.....I could give Colby a new playmate for awhile!
Jack and Cameron, hope you're holding down the fort ok.....sounds like you're being well fed and taken care of by all your friends. I'm sure you are anxious to see Laura and Colby soon.

You guys all take care.
Can't wait to hear the new cell news!!

Niki and her boys <>
oxoxoxox, - Saturday, February 8, 2003 4:25 PM CST
Thinking of you Colby and family and praying that you are all doing well and engraftment and those white cells come soon!!
Heather and Brianna Kline
Syracuse, NY USA - Saturday, February 8, 2003 2:38 PM CST
Thinking of you Colby and family and praying that you are all doing well and engraftment and those white cells come soon!!
Heather and Brianna Kline
Syracuse, NY USA - Saturday, February 8, 2003 2:38 PM CST
Thinking of you Colby and family and praying that you are all doing well and engraftment and those white cells come soon!!
Heather and Brianna Kline
Syracuse, NY USA - Saturday, February 8, 2003 2:38 PM CST

And when I think of you,
there is a joy that embraces me
as the sun does after a rainstorm.
There is a feeling of total serenity
that surrounds me as I think of you.


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, February 8, 2003 11:31 AM CST
Hey there guys. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I do believe someone else has one coming up soon! I will be back to sign in between now and then. Just stopping by today to let you know that there is not a day that goes by when I do not think of you and pray for you. Blessings!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Saturday, February 8, 2003 8:10 AM CST

Good morning Colby and Mommy,
I got lots of rest last night, so here I am up nice and early for daddy. I'm going to

aunt Mar's today to play with Ben and Ryan. Talk to you later. Luv Ya, BY

cam man
- Saturday, February 8, 2003 5:42 AM CST
Your lookin good kid. Stay strong & keep fighting. I pray that your feeling better real soon. Take care,
Amandas Mom

Kathy <>
Chillicothe, Oh USA - Saturday, February 8, 2003 0:07 AM CST
Ready for miracle Monday! I remember that low grade engraphment temp...cells came next. Monday will be his turn around day...I can feel it. Colby is amazing. Laura, I wish I could take some of this weight off of your shoulders. You need to sleep. You are an awesome mom, you give 110% of yourself to Colby. When Jack is up, I hope you can sleep. By then those white cells will be flourishing...cancer free white cells. are a true miracle. Stay strong. Can't wait to see you. I had hoped to spend more time with you than I have, but it has seemed that god had a different plan. You and Zachary (along with all the other childhood cancer warriors) are my heros.
Sleep well Laura and Colby. You are blessed.
Love you all,

Dana got lots of hair, but still no money Doctor <president of hair club for ladies>
- Friday, February 7, 2003 11:17 PM CST
Thinking of all of you right now....Storming the heavens for you sweet Colby!!!!

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Friday, February 7, 2003 10:53 PM CST
Laura, I cant believe you are going thru the scariest time of your life all over again.
The separation has to be very hard on everyone. Hang in there, cancer free life IS ahead....

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Friday, February 7, 2003 10:31 PM CST
Laura, Colby, Cameron and Steve,
I came across your site from another (all goes back go gooch's site). You Colby, are a cutie and I know your parents are so proud of you. Your pictures are great. Your daddy rocks - he takes the time to visit all the other sites for children fighting cancer. Actually Colby, your whole family rocks.

I hope that viewers who are not registered Bone Marrow Donors make an appointment today. They too can save a life becoming a one in a million chance for a child or adult battling leukemia or cancer related illness. It is so simple and if I get the call that I am a match, I am ready.

I have added Colby and your family to my prayer list. Hang in there.

Diane <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Friday, February 7, 2003 10:11 PM CST
HEY Colby, Another milestone,glad to hear those mouthsores are healing. Great pictures,Maybe a future doctor????? Praying for you always,hoping each day is a little better. Planning to print your pictures to show the NHS how good you're looking. Keep up your strength, you'll soon want to burn it up.Laura distance from loved ones is NO FUN, Howeverit looks to be a bright year ahead, keep believing.GOD BLESS

Pam howarth < >
Uniontown , Pa - Friday, February 7, 2003 9:40 PM CST
Hi Colby,
I found your page on another caringbridge page.
I loved your pictures.
You are such a brave boy.

Andrea <>
- Friday, February 7, 2003 8:27 PM CST
Good Evening Dear Colby, (and Laura too!)
You're a star! What wonderful pictures!
Thank you for sharing them with all of us.
You look like a little doctor whose ready
to be in are aren't you?!?
We are so proud and touched that you are
so strong and patient with each new day.
Our prayers and love are strong and never
Keep smiling, you have an infectious smile :)
From our our hearts, we love you all!
XO to Mommy! (and Daddy & Cameron too!)
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Friday, February 7, 2003 8:13 PM CST
Just wanted to say how much we enjoyed your new pictures Colby, you sure are a trooper,,, and we want to wish you a early Happy Birthday!!!! May you have the best birthday ever!!!
Karen and Dave Sala <>
MONONGAHELA, PA. - Friday, February 7, 2003 7:47 PM CST
Howdy neighbor! Just finished reading most of your journal buddy and you are quite an amazing kid. Hope those horrible mouthsore monsters leave soon.
Ben - Hannah and Madeline's Daddy <>
Philadelphia-CHOP, PA USA - Friday, February 7, 2003 6:35 PM CST
Colby, I'm so sorry to hear you have those yucky mouth sores but it sounds like overall you are doing GREAT a week now after your transplant. Keep up the good work buddy. You are my hero!
Ava Aznar-Fidalgo ( <>
Madrid, Spain - Friday, February 7, 2003 3:18 PM CST
Colby, you're looking Great!!! Sorry to hear all mouth sores you have. It won't be long until engraftment and all those pains will go away.

Your Everyday Prayers,

Thu <>
Denver, CO - Friday, February 7, 2003 1:47 PM CST
Footprint In The Sand
One night a man
had a dream.
He dreamt he was
walking with the Lord.
Across the sky
flashed scenes of his life.
For each scene,
he noticed two sets of
footprints in the sand;
one belonged to him,
and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of
his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the
footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times
along the path of his life there
was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it had
happened at the very lowest
and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered the man and
he questioned the Lord about it.

"Lord, you said that once I decided
to follow you, you'd walk with me all
the way. But I have noticed that during
the most troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed
you most, you would leave me."

("The Lord replied,
"My precious child, I love you
and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you.")



CANTON, OH - Friday, February 7, 2003 1:05 PM CST
Hey Colby, We like your new pictures alot!!
Keep smiling,

Jenny and Jessica <>
Colts Neck, NJ - Friday, February 7, 2003 12:04 AM CST
Commander in Chief,
I can't reach you by phone because it's busy, I hope that means you and Mommy are playing games on the computer. Just know that I am here and missing you very much today!!!
I am so proud of you for eating when I know your mouth is so sore! You know what that means don't you....Colby is STRONGER THAN BULL! Give love and hugs to Mommy from all of us!
Colby I LOVE YOU BIGGEST...............
Holding you in my heart!
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, February 7, 2003 11:09 AM CST
I just loved the new pictures today! Your quilt is beautiful and was made with much love!! Your smile is priceless; I wish I could just jump into this screen and give you a giant hug!! I am so proud of you (and your whole family). Keep up the great work buddy! God bless you all!! With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Friday, February 7, 2003 10:54 AM CST
Hi Colby!
I love the picture of your balnket of love. It's really beautiful. I'm sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way that your throat gets much better really soon. Take care and I'll be checking back in on you again really soon!

Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Friday, February 7, 2003 8:41 AM CST
Colby! TGIF! I hope you enjoyed your hot tea, potato chips, and spaghetti! That sounds like quite the combo! Remember you need all that food to get bigger and stronger! Keep eating! Enjoy your day!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Friday, February 7, 2003 6:51 AM CST
To my Frog Prince,
Ribbet Ribbet. This is your princess and I just wanted to tell you goodnight and wish you the sweetest dreams. Miss you much.

Dana, I loved reading your entry today. I was laughing so hard! (No offense Uncle Jack, I like your hair... or no hair.) You are such a riot and a great friend to Laura and Jack. Thanks!!

XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX For everyone! Uncle Jack and Cam man, I hope you guys are feeling better. Mom said she is calling you tomorrow to see if you need anything. Cameron will get to talk to Shelly!!!

Love Always, Jessica <>
Bickhannon, WV - Thursday, February 6, 2003 11:38 PM CST
Dear Sweet Colby,
I hope that you didn't think that we had forgotten you...
we we're out of the country for 10 days and I could not reach your website page (which made me very anxious and sad!).
I just read the past journals to bring us up to date.
It seems to me that you are even stronger now than before!
As always you continue to amaze us and guide us with your strength and courage.
I do hope that today was a better day for you.
The energy that you show us lifts our spirits and warms our hearts...thank you dear one.
So much going on in your life and yet you still keep us laughing. I love the stories from your wonderful Mommy.
Keep the faith and let the Lord guide you.
God bless you, your Mommy and Daddy, Cameron and all your family (especially Happy, I hope he is feeling better every new day!).
We love you big guy, our sweet little man!
Surrounding you with lots of love and prayers!
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, February 6, 2003 10:55 PM CST
Sleep well Laura and Colby.
Dana, Stuart, Kyle and Zachary
- Thursday, February 6, 2003 10:55 PM CST
Hi Colby......this is Connor's Aunt Sarah......Rachel's sister :) You stay strong and keep making your mommy smile!!!!! I can hear how proud she is in her writing!

With thoughts and prayers, Sarah

- Thursday, February 6, 2003 9:52 PM CST

When the sun is refusing
to shine on your day
and you're finding it hard
just to cope,
When you're seeing more rain clouds
than stars in the sky
and you just feel like giving up hope,
That's the time when someone
comes along with a smile
and a warm hug
that says, "It's okay-
Tomorrow is coming,
so don't give up now-
brighter moments
are soon on their way!"

just a little pick-me-up for whoever needs it or wants it!!
GOODNIGHT ALL (jack-colby's daddy forever & ever)

cam man & daddy
home sweet home, PA USA - Thursday, February 6, 2003 9:22 PM CST
Dear Colby,
I think you are an amazing kid wanting to eat chips with all of those mouth sores. My son wanted Taco Bell two days after having his tonsils out. I thought it would be too hot and spicy, but he ate it all. He is 11 yrs. old and likes to play baseball and swim. I bet this summer you will be doing lots of fun things like that!! I think you are a remarkably brave young man and I am very proud of how strong you are. Give your mommy and extra big hug, okay?!!
I will keep praying for everything to go smoothly and for you to get a little bit better each day.
Love ya,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Thursday, February 6, 2003 8:09 PM CST
Hey Colby-- I am SO glad you're feeling a bit better today and have been able to eat some. I bet you'll be home and on your way to a CANCER-FREE life before you know it!!
Stay strong and get all the rest you need so you'll be able to play hard with Cameron when you see him.
Laura, get some rest need to stay rested and healthy for Colby and the rest of your family. Good luck with the earlier bedtime tonight!!

Jenny Sterner (friend of Dana Doctor's sister, Jill) <>
Colts Neck, NJ - Thursday, February 6, 2003 8:01 PM CST
Hi Colby! I'm a friend of Rachel's (Connor's mom). I think you and your family are all STRONG LIKE BULL. You keep up the good work to be CANCER FREE IN 2003! We're all praying for you!
Katherine <>
New York, NY - Thursday, February 6, 2003 7:49 PM CST
Hey Colby..I'm a member of the Uniontown HS NHS and President of the Interact club...just wanted to let you know the Interact club met yesterday and I updated them on how you are with the information Mrs. Howarth told NHS...everyone in the club wants you to know we're behind you all the way...We always support our future RED RAIDERS!! I'm praying for you...good luck and God bless!!
Nicole Novak <>
Uniontown , PA USA - Thursday, February 6, 2003 6:52 PM CST
Hope you feel better soon.

DeAnna and family <>
Ga USA!!! - Thursday, February 6, 2003 4:29 PM CST
Hey Colby! I really admire your courage and strength through everything you've been through! Keep up the good work little guy!
Nicole Layhue <>
UHS, Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, February 6, 2003 4:23 PM CST
Hey Jack,
I always tell Laura, but I need to tell you how proud I am of you. You have shown amazing strength during Colby's treatment. I love to read your very amusing entries on guestbooks of many kids. Your sense of humor keeps us all smiling in times when it is not so easy to smile. You have proven to be a great Cancer dad...not an easy job and certainly not one you would have picked. You have such grace, you know how to laugh and cry...and live. I bet Cameron is enjoying this special time with you. Thank you for being a part of my life.

Ok...enough of that...I must tell you what Kyle said about you. Out of the blue, he came up to me, scolding me, saying "it is not nice to make fun of Colby not having hair" (colby and I have this on going battle of him saying my hair is too big, and me telling him he is jealous cause he has none). He said "you know Colby has no hair because he got chemotherapy" I explained to him that Colby knows I am kidding and I would never hurt his feelings and that it is ok to laugh and have fun during very hard times. Kyle agreed and forgave me. He turned back to me and said "how come Jack has no hair" I would have answered but I was too busy laughing.

Love ya much Jack...I am so proud of you,

Dana Doctor
- Thursday, February 6, 2003 3:40 PM CST
Colby - Hang in there, you are on your way to CANCER FREE IN 2003!! I'm sorry you're so achy, it will pass when your new cells start to take over and it will all be worth it in the end. Give your mom big hugs!

Jack - Your guest book notes always make us smile! We're all on the way to a ROSE BOWL! It's nice to have such great company in the s-hole in the meantime!! :-)

Rachel, Jim and Connor <>
- Thursday, February 6, 2003 3:13 PM CST
Hi Colby and Laura,
We're thinking of you and praying for continued strength for you both. It won't be long before you are home again with Jack and Cameron and able to do family things. Think good thoughts.
With much love, faith and hope
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

Dana Velosky <>
New Salem, PA USA - Thursday, February 6, 2003 11:55 AM CST

One remembers different persons differently,
some by the impact they have made on our emotions,
and others by the impression they leave in our minds.
Thank you for being a special angel.


CANTON, OH - Thursday, February 6, 2003 10:45 AM CST
One remembers different persons differently,
some by the impact they have made on our emotions,
and others by the impression they leave in our minds.
Thank you for being a special angel.

CANTON, OH - Thursday, February 6, 2003 10:41 AM CST
Hi Laura and Colby,
We are new to your site but not new to what you are going through. My son Joey is day +162 post transplant from CHOP. We know everyone you are talking about. carrie is one of our favorites too. Please tell her Joey and Barb said hi. We also love Anne and our primary is Kathy and Krissie. They are all the best!!! Dr. Bunin is also wonderful as is every transplant doctor. Connie and Ginny too!! We hope and pray that Colby engrafts soon and that his throat starts feeling better. Thinking of you every day, barb and Joey. We also have some friends in there - Tommy and his mom Pat and Tyler and his mom Noel.

Barb Tomlinson
telford, PA - Thursday, February 6, 2003 9:15 AM CST
Good morning Colby I hope today is a little better for you I am so so sorry that you aren't feeling very good bless your little heart. Hope today is better for you and Mommy! My prayers are with you that you heal soon and you and Mommy get to go home soon to be with Cam and Daddy. God Bless
Shannon Madison <>
Oklahoma City, Okla United States - Thursday, February 6, 2003 8:43 AM CST
Good Morning Commander in Chief,
Hope and pray you and Mommy have a great day! Will call you tonight.
Colby I Love You Biggest!
Holding you in our hearts............
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, February 6, 2003 8:24 AM CST
Good Morning Sorry to hear that you are having so much pain.Those nasty booboo's will soon be a thing of the past.In the mean time we'll keep praying for God to ease the pain and heal you every where that it hurts.Laura I just wanted you to know that I truley admire you.I don't know of anyone who has gone through as many trials in life and still manage to hold everything together.You are an amazing Mom, wife, co-worker,boss,daughter and most important to me my sister and a great role model.I'm so fortunate to have you. I don't know if Jack hears it enough but but he is pretty incredible too.He is doing a fine job of keeping things together while you guys are away.What a relief that must be for you.I'll try to call you tonight. (phone has been busy last few nights) Love & miss you all.
Aunt Lynda,B.J., & Uncle Bill <rif@access995>
Smithfield, Pa - Thursday, February 6, 2003 6:46 AM CST
Mr. Colby, Hang in there bud! Don't worry the weather outside is not to play-no snow or anything fun like that! Get better for springtime! Have a nice productive day!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Thursday, February 6, 2003 6:43 AM CST
Goog morning Colby & Mommy,
I have to get ready for daycare now, so I will talk to you this evening. LUV - YA LUV - YA LUV - YA I DOOOOOOOOOO

the cam man
home sweet home XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO, - Thursday, February 6, 2003 6:05 AM CST
Hi Colby and Laura! Just checking in to say "Hello" and that I am praying for all of you!
Jo <>
New Salem, PA USA - Thursday, February 6, 2003 0:11 AM CST
Just wanted to let you know that you are being thought about and prayed for. Sending well wishes from Kentucky.

Michele, Ryan's mom
Hebron, ky - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 11:21 PM CST
Dear Laura,
Wanted to let you know what an amazing mom you are. You are most certainly an inspiration to many with your courage and strength thru all of the suffering you and your family have indured in the last 13 months.. Praying that after you and Colby leave CHOP you never have to return except to say hello to the many friends I am sure you have met there.. Colby's determination to get well is so amazing for such a little person. I know he will beat this disease with the help of our Lord.

Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 10:59 PM CST
Laura, let the nurses do the mouth care. I would leave Sami's room and when I returned she was high fiving the girls. Now she even gives high five to the nurses at the peds office when they give her shots. Go take a walk and it is all forgotten.
- Wednesday, February 5, 2003 10:26 PM CST
FORT PIERCE, FL USA - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 10:16 PM CST
Hi guys!!!
I just wanted to say hello. I am surrounded by a mountain of books... I gotta get ahead before my ROAD TRIP!!! I just wanted to say hello and that I hope Colby had a better day today! He if so Tough... sometimes, too tough! What a trooper. I love you Colby Cole. 9 more days and 370 miles until somebody's birthday. Yeeeeee Haaawwww... as we say here in WV.

Cam man, you better not let those little girls give you kisses. I bet you are such the charmer at TLC... just like daddy!! Haha! You guys have a great night too. Miss you!


Jessica <>
Buxkhannon, WV - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 9:42 PM CST
Colby & Mommy,
I'm very tired this evening ( rough day at daycare with all the girls ), so I'm going to bed now. Just wanted to tell you guys that I love you soooooooooooooooooooooomuch and miss you terribly. Gotta go now, the girls will be waiting for me tomorrow at day care. "STRONG LIKE BULL",
can't let'em down!!!

the cam man
home sweet home, PA USA - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 8:41 PM CST
Uniontown Highschool interact club is behind you 100%!!!! I'd personally like say that your strength and courage is quite admirable, not just for someone of your age, but overall. Keep fighting colby. I wish you well and a safe recovery. Much love....
Caitlin Ewing (15) <>
Markleysburg, Pa USA - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 8:01 PM CST
Connor says "I hope you feel better soon", he adds "Watch out for Colby" to his bedtime prayer every night.

We pray for all 4 of you every day! Thanks for the strength that you give so freely to everyone who knows you!

Jim, Rachel and Connor <>
- Wednesday, February 5, 2003 6:56 PM CST
Just stop by to see how you're doing. You are sure a tough soldier, stronger than a Bull. Keep healing.....

Hugs & Loves

Thu <>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 5:27 PM CST
Commander in Chief,
Thinking of you and Mommy this morning, sending lots of love, hugs, kisses and so many, many prayers that the pain goes away really soon!
Colby, I Love You Biggest.............
Holding you both in our hearts............
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 9:50 AM CST
Colby & Company, As always one of the first things I do when I get to work in the morning is open up your webpage and see how my little MAW man is progressing! I hope you have a good day today! You are in my constant thoughts and prayers!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 6:42 AM CST
Good morning my 2 angels,
Hope you guys had a restful and peaceful nite. Cameron and I are off to start the day. We will be thinking of you all day.

cam man & daddy (forever & ever)
home sweet home, PA USA - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 6:01 AM CST
What a beautiful family. Colby, you sure are a trooper and definitely a WINNER!! You are an adorable little boy. Keep battling this disease, stay strong and keep up your healthy spirit. I am hoping this 2nd BMT is the miracle you've been awaiting. My prayers are with you and your family.


Vicki Hoffman <>
Anaheim (home of the World Champion Anaheim Angels), CA - Wednesday, February 5, 2003 0:36 AM CST
Colby!!! You are just one of the strongest, bravest boys I have ever heard of!! You are WAAAAY too grown up for your age buddy and you have us all so in awe (sp??) of your courage and attitude!! You hang in there buddy! Those sores are pretty tough, but your nurses will make sure you feel better with that special medicine, and don't forget about all that special love from your mommy and daddy and cameron too. Oh! and all of your cyber family too!!

You're a champ!!

Niki (mommy to Brian, 6 1/2 yrs old, survivor of JMML!)
- Wednesday, February 5, 2003 0:17 AM CST
Mr. Colby,
You know that yucky feeling you have in your throat and tummy?...You know what that is?...The initiation to cancer free life. Hold on tight little one, those cells are busy making cancer free blood. You will be home before you know it. You have been so strong..."Amazing Colby"!
Laura, what can I say..."Amazing Mommy"! You are a BIG part of Colby's cure. Can I take you out for a glass (or a bottle or 2) of wine when this is over.
Jack and Cam man...Can't wait to see ya!!!!!
Love ya x 1 million,

Dana very tired from work but made money Doctor
- Tueday, February 4, 2003 10:29 PM CST
we check in on you every day Colby. you are the greatest!
Sandy <>
Bridgewater, Nj USA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 10:22 PM CST
Hi Colby. You are one strong little boy. Your in our thoughts & prayers. Take care! God's Blessings Hugs Carol.

Angel Craving Wings
Winnipeg, Mb Canada - Tueday, February 4, 2003 10:12 PM CST
Colby! hey one cell is good little man! I am stopping by for the first time, what cute kids you have! I am so glad to read that so far so good. My daughter has Leukemia, she has ALL, her name is Amanda. I hope things improve for you daily! and you will get to go home soon. Take care.
Tonya Lloyd <>
SLC, UT - Tueday, February 4, 2003 10:10 PM CST
Dear Colby and family, I just wanted to drop in a note letting you know that you are thought about daily. I am involved with both the NHS and Student Council at Uniontown High School, so I am aware of your circumstances. Your desire, will, and strength Colby is something that you can be extremely proud of. You are the cutest thing and are "mighty" in many ways. You and your family will be and have been in my prayers and I know God will be right there with you the whole way. Keep up the great work Colby. You are a great kid. :)
Tricia Handy <>
Chalk Hill, PA USA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 9:59 PM CST
Colby, Blair and I are just checking in tonight to see how your day went. I met with the Blood Drive Kids (N.H.S.) and gave them your GOOD report. There were many cheers for our future RED RAIDER!!!!! The prayers are certainly coming your way and GOD must be hearing them! Keep up the fight YOU CAN DO IT! Dear Laura,I can only imagine how draining this must be, keep the undying faith you have this will be the beginning of new times ahead! Many prayers GOD BLESSS
Blair and Pam Howarth
Uniontown, PA USA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 9:17 PM CST
Colby, Uniontown High School is with you all the way!!
Erica Ross <>
Uniontown , Pa USA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 8:07 PM CST
Hi Colby and Mommy,
I miss you guys soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomuch!! Colby, come home and play with me. Mommy, lov-ya lov-ya lov-ya I DO! Gotta go take my tubie now.

the cam-man
home sweet home, PA USA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 6:42 PM CST
Keep up the good work, are such a strong boy, and filled with so much enthusiasm for life...I'm praying for you and that your family will all be home together again soon. Until then, I know you will all keep your spirits up while Colby amazes us all-Go Colby, Go Colby!!
Wash.Twp., NJ - Tueday, February 4, 2003 5:34 PM CST
Hi Laura and Colby,
Just checking in to let you know I am thinking of you and praying daily. Colby is soooooo amazing!! I am going to try to give Jack a copy of one of my favorite healing prayers, just for an added blessing!!! Take care. Also, a note to Jack, I don't want you to feel left out. I am praying for you and Cameron too. Hang in there!!! Love always, Mary Jul

Mary Jul Phillips
Uniontown, PA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 5:05 PM CST
You keep on shining honey!! I'm sending lots of good thoughts and prayers that you stay completely free of any types of germs and infections while you are waiting for engraftment. Keep up the great work, you are doing such a terrific job!!

Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Tueday, February 4, 2003 3:58 PM CST
Colby, I'm praying extra hard for you! Keep up the good work and get well soon. The Lord must be working overtime listening to all the prayers lifted up for you. You are so very special to so many!
Love and prayers, Pat

Pat Dearth <>
New Salem, PA USA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 3:53 PM CST
Hello, just checkin all the info on your wonderful family. We pray for everyone on the caringbridge web sites, everyday, and I just hope you can feel it!!!! I love saying that!!! Seriously though, I hope you folks get to be together soon, they say distance makes the heart grow founder???? They also say, time heals all wounds, well we know that THEY mean well, but THEY, probably havent ever had cancer, or have to be seperated from their spouse's and babies, huh?!!!! Please hang in there and come home healthy Colby-Jack, your home needs ya. (thats cheese, right?my boys love that!) Peace
Julie (jeffery's mom) <>
Ft. Pierce , Fl USA!!!! - Tueday, February 4, 2003 2:56 PM CST
Just stopping to check on you. Keep up the fight buddy - you are AWESOME!! God's blessings on you all. With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Tueday, February 4, 2003 2:04 PM CST
Colby! Those healthy JMML Free cells all start with one! I'm sure everyone will LOVE their Valentine cards because they are made by you! :) Take your naps! I wish I could cash in all those naps I never took! Grow new cells, GROW!
Nancy Dumas <>
Bonney Lake, WA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 1:29 PM CST

Within each of us there are wings.
Let your spirit take flight.
Have a great day!



Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Tueday, February 4, 2003 1:18 PM CST
Stopping by to see how you are and to let you know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you. Blessings to you.
Khalita Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Tueday, February 4, 2003 11:55 AM CST
Hi Colby,
Just dropping in to let you know I am thinking of you.
You are in my prayers!

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Tueday, February 4, 2003 10:49 AM CST
Colby, we are all thinking of you. Everyone at Smile Quilts joins all the others who have been touched by you in hoping and praying you have an easy time of this and the permanent remission you deserve so much. You and your family are an inspiration

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Tueday, February 4, 2003 9:24 AM CST
Colby you are famous to all of us!
We are all praying for you!!

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Tueday, February 4, 2003 9:15 AM CST
Dear Colby
You sure are an amazing little boy. I know you can get through this and be back in church very soon.our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Albert, Roxanne, Allyson,Paul,and Arianne

Allyson Gmutza
New Salem , PA USA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 8:34 AM CST
Dear Colby

I'm starting this message off by sending you long distance grandma, grandpa and pussy cat kisses. Sorry you are feeling yukky but before you know it you will be feeling great!! Keep up the good work and keep chasing those nasty JMML cells right out of your body!!

Love and kisses
Arlene and Seymour Zwick

Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Township, NJ United States - Tueday, February 4, 2003 7:46 AM CST
Sweet little Colby, I found your site from Conor Ford's. I've been following your story for a little while. My prayers are with you. You sound like a tough little man, I know you will be fantastic and beat this monster. Lots of Hugs!
Debbie Churchman
Hollister, CA USA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 6:11 AM CST
Hi Colby! I just read your journal and it sounds like your feeling okay. I also saw you pictures of you and your family. You are so adorable. what cute pictures. So i hear your making valentines for all your friends. That sounds like lots of fun. My kids love to do that too. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and take it easy.
chrissy mom to michael

Chrissy Martin <>
Hurleyville, NY USA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 6:00 AM CST
Colby, Laura, Jack, & Cameron,

We continue to clear our minds of any trivial "stuff" to focus on praying for you with all of our energy and strength and to visualize God's healing power all around you.

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, PA - Tueday, February 4, 2003 2:13 AM CST
Colby, Laura, Jack & Cameron,

All of our thoughts are with you at this incredibly stressful time.

Love to all of you,

Aili and Bryan <>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Tueday, February 4, 2003 1:52 AM CST
Colby, Laura, Uncle Jack & Cameron,

Just stopping in to wish you all a goodnight and plenty of sweet little dreams. No matter the distance between you, whether you are in Uniontown or Philly you hearts are all in the same place, resting safely in God's hands under very watchful eyes. Sleep tight guys!!!
Uncle Jack, I hope you are feeling better. Chase that bug away!!! Cameron, you take care of daddy.


Jessica <>
Buckhannon, WV - Tueday, February 4, 2003 1:46 AM CST
Hey Colby!

God to see that things are progressing well. Dana and I will stop by soon once the cooties are clear of the Doctor household. I want to play you in Frog Tennis (by the way...I cheat too so watch out!).

How's that hair coming along? Dana continually reminds me that you said she's got big hair. You may be too young, but I bet your mommy will get a laugh if you call Dana cousin IT the next time she stops by.

Whiting, NJ USA - Monday, February 3, 2003 11:51 PM CST
Dear Laura, Just read on Connor's site that Colby had his 2nd transplant. I will pray with every breath that I have in me that this will be a success. So far Jared's second transplant is a success. CANCER FREE IN 2003! You're family is gorgeous. I can also see the love for each other shine through in those pictures. Keep the light and the love going. Sending light and love your way, Geralyn Saya
geralyn <>
syracuse, ny us - Monday, February 3, 2003 9:32 PM CST
Hi Colby,I just wanted to say that I love you,and hoping for you to get better and to say thanks for the picture.When you get back home I'll come over and stay with you.We can play HIDE AND GO SEEK,PS2,watch movies,RIDE QUADS, or just HANG OUT.I'll be waiting patiently for your recovery.I got to go to a PTO meeting with mommy.LOVE AND MISS YOU,xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxooxxooxxooxxooxxoox
Smithfield, P.A. - Monday, February 3, 2003 5:28 PM CST

Choose a wish
Find a dream
Pick a wishing star
Reach for the unreachable
Stretch to touch the sky
Believe in the impossible
Then work and try and do
For only those who dare to dream
Can make a dream come true

COLBY COLE you sure have done all
of the above. Keep up the good work

I Love You,

CANTON, OH - Monday, February 3, 2003 3:55 PM CST
You sound and look like a real trooper and you have such a cool name!
Hopefully someday all the JMML families can get together to celebrate the defeat of JMML. Colby our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Bless us all,
Angela (Tony's mom)

The Polichetti family <>
Mt. Washington, KY 40047 - Monday, February 3, 2003 3:54 PM CST
Hi Colby, My name is Morgan; I'm a friend of Anthony's (your dad signed his guestbook yesterday). Your dad also left your site address, so here I am!! You seem to be quite the trooper, and a cute one at that! Keep up the good fight and I'll add you to my list of prayers. God Bless, Morgan
Morgan <>
- Monday, February 3, 2003 3:05 PM CST
Hello Colby and Laura!
I talked to Jessica last night and she gave me the update on Colby's condition. I am so proud of you Colby! You are the bravest kid I have ever met. It makes me proud to know that I have a friend like you! Every Wednesday morning at my school the teacher's get together for our weekly prayer session. You have had many prayer requests and my teacher friends wish you the best. I have plans to show them your website this week. I hear that a special day is coming up for Colby! Hope you have a wonderful birthday! My love and prayers are with you, always!

Hello Jack and Cameron,
I hope things are going well at home. I heard Jack has a nasty bug! Hope that goes away soon. Cameron, I miss you and I hope you are doing okay. Your big brother will be fine as long as he knows he has you! You are both very special young boys. Hope I can see you all very soon. My one visit with you is one I will never forget. God Bless You All!

Love, Erin <>
Cumberland , MD USA - Monday, February 3, 2003 11:23 AM CST
Hello Colby and Laura!
I talked to Jessica last night and she gave me the update on Colby's condition. I am so proud of you Colby! You are the bravest kid I have ever met. It makes me proud to know that I have a friend like you! Every Wednesday morning at my school the teacher's get together for our weekly prayer session. You have had many prayer requests and my teacher friends wish you the best. I have plans to show them your website this week. I hear that a special day is coming up for Colby! Hope you have a wonderful birthday! My love and prayers are with you, always!

Hello Jack and Cameron,
I hope things are going well at home. I heard Jack has a nasty bug! Hope that goes away soon. Cameron, I miss you and I hope you are doing okay. Your big brother will be fine as long as he knows he has you! You are both very special young boys. Hope I can see you all very soon. My one visit with you is one I will never forget. God Bless You All!

Love, Erin <>
Cumberland , MD USA - Monday, February 3, 2003 11:17 AM CST
Colby thanks to God you are doing so well. Your strength as well as your family is truly amazing. You all are in my
prayers. Please have a good week.

Carol Elvin
Pittsburgh, PA - Monday, February 3, 2003 8:40 AM CST
Good Morning glad to here everyone is doing well. I will keep everyone in my prayers that everything continues to go well. And that you will get to go home soon. So you and your family can be togather agian all togather. God Bless
Shannon Madison <>
Oklahoma City, Okla United States - Monday, February 3, 2003 8:18 AM CST
Commander in Chief,
Good morning Colby, just wanted to let you know I will be working on those special orders you gave me last night. I will try to complete them today. I will call you and let you know. You and Mommy both sounded so good on the phone. I know Mommy is doing so well because you are STRONGER THAN BULL!!!! I'll be in touch!
Holding you in my Heart...............
Colby, I Love You Biggest!
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, February 3, 2003 8:01 AM CST
Colby! Here's to the start of another week and another month. I trust this one will be full of ups and positives. Keep the spirit alive! I am rooting for you as is everyone else at Make-A-Wish!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Monday, February 3, 2003 6:49 AM CST
Just stopping in to see how Colby is doing and so glad he is doing well. Will be keeping you all in prayer. Hugs, Sprite

Sprite <>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Monday, February 3, 2003 1:58 AM CST
Thankful Colby is doing well. I will continue to pray for him.
Love in Christ,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Sunday, February 2, 2003 10:41 PM CST
Mr. Colby,
Sorry I couldn't come see you today...did you miss me? You are my inspiration. Everytime I hit a bump in the road of life, I will tackle it with the grace of "amazing Colby". Hope to see you soon. Stay strong. Give mommy a hug for me, she is quite the trooper...Best mama around!
Love ya lots,

Dana gonna buy a summer home for the pedi with our co pays and should buy stock in Augmentin Doctor
- Sunday, February 2, 2003 10:32 PM CST
Hi Colby and family,
Thanks for visiting Chase's site. We know what it's like to be apart from the rest of the family too. Chase and I have been "home" for about 3 weeks now and it feels so good. I will be thinking of you all & praying for strength and EVERYTHING you need.

DeAnna <>
Ga USA!!! - Sunday, February 2, 2003 8:57 PM CST
Hi! I stopped by to sign in yesterday but I couldn't see your entry for some reason--the page was blank. It was probably my computer. Glad I could see how you were today though and I wanted to leave you a note to let you know that I am thinking of you and praying for you. Hang in there Colby--you're doing great buddy! And Laura, Jack and Cameron, I'm praying for you too. Don't forget--call anytime! Blessings and I'll be checking back!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Sunday, February 2, 2003 7:08 PM CST
I was checking in on Joey and Mckenzie and noticed that Jack had also checked in on them so I thought I'd come over and see Colby. Kid's are just A-MA-ZING! 3 days post transplant and yaking on the phone! I was 3 days post-tonsilectomy and 28 years old (many years ago!), and upon reflection...a whimp!

From little ones like Colby, Joey, Mckenzie and Kyle ^i^, I have learned a lot. Children are great teachers. Maybe it's because of their freshness from God...

I will keep your family in my prayers.

Nancy Dumas <>
Bonney Lake, WA - Sunday, February 2, 2003 2:51 PM CST

I've nothing else to offer,
so, to you, it's love I'll send.
It's nothing that I borrowed,
and it's nothing that I'd lend.

It has no dollar value,
and it can't be overused.
It isn't fragile, so it can't break,
though, often it's abused.

I've given it to others,
but each time it's unique,
its meaning's always different;
it depends on what you seek.

It's something you can store away
to feel when you're in need
but never is it on display;
its beauty can't be seen.


CANTON, OH - Sunday, February 2, 2003 11:30 AM CST
We're thinking about you always and saying extra prayers to God just for you! Hope you are getting your sleep, eating, and still finding time to play alittle. We love you!
This is a message from Parker (he insists on typing)
l67ctkdidcdc cd xs
It says...Get well soon. I Love You, Colby!
Tell Mommy we also send our love and prayers to her, Daddy, and Cameron, too.
Todd, Meg, and Parker

Todd, Meg, and Parker <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, February 1, 2003 7:54 PM CST
Colby and mommy,
I miss you and love you. I'm sleeping in mommy and daddy's bedroom. I take a bath every night.

cameron james cole
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, February 1, 2003 7:11 PM CST
Hi guys,
I was just sitting here thinking of you. I hope that everything is still going well. Colby, you truly are an amazing little boy that is stronger than any man I will ever meet!!! You are the best!!! I hope you got your package, if you didn't I hope you get it soon. Love you sooooooo much. Talk to you later. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

Jessica <>
Buckhannon, WV - Saturday, February 1, 2003 6:28 PM CST
Colby, Laura, Jack & Cameron,

Our thoughts are with you all. God has made you truly unique Colby...there is no mountain too big for you to climb.

Our continued support and faith through constant prayer.

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, PA - Saturday, February 1, 2003 2:07 PM CST

The essence of who you are
Is not what you think you see
It comes from deep within
Placed by GOD inside of you

When comfort I can give
Or unconditional love you see
It's because of JESUS CHRIST
Who saved your soul and set you free

He's the master of this clay
Designing every part of you
HIS SPIRIT is what you feel
It's the essence of what you see


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, February 1, 2003 12:41 AM CST are amazing..that's for sure!! We continue to keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers.
With love,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

jamiev <>
new salem, pa - Saturday, February 1, 2003 12:10 AM CST
Dear Colby,
You are an amazing little fellow and so brave and strong. Your mommy and daddy love you so much! I will continue to pray for you every day.
Love in Christian friendship,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Saturday, February 1, 2003 11:32 AM CST
Cameron and I sure wish you guys were here with us. Home isn't quite home without all the ingredients. Cameron said to tell both of you that he loves you and he likes cookies!!! Colby, I know that you are "STRONGER THAN BULL" and please vomit, yell, cry or whatever you need to do in front of daddy! I know how strong you are and I love you no matter what!!! Call you all shortly.

cameron and colby's daddy forever & ever
home & alone in PA, USA, - Saturday, February 1, 2003 8:28 AM CST
Thank you so much Colby for the rainbow picture.You must believe there are brighter days ahead like the rest of us.We are so glad to hear that Happy is doing well.I was at your house when Daddy & Cameron came home and I got the biggest hug(from Cameron} ever. It was so big I thougt I could share with you guys,so here it is HHHHHUUUUUGGGGG!We'll gotta get going or I'm gonna be late for work. Love& miss you guys.
Aunt Lynda B.J. & Uncle Bill <>
Smithfield, pa - Saturday, February 1, 2003 7:30 AM CST
Just wanted you guys to know that I'm still praying for you and thinking about you. I won't stop doing either. I'll be here to check on you regularly too. And don't hesitate to call--day or night--I'm here. Keep fighting Colby! YES, you are in the Lord's ARMY! And what an amazing little soldier you are! Blessings to all of you and lots of hugs and prayers!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Saturday, February 01, 2003 at 12:05 AM (CST)
Colby, sending our thoughts and prayers your way. Before you know it, you will get stronger and be home with your dad & Cameron in no time.

Hang in there, Laura. Life is full of joys when Colby is free of cancer forever. We are praying hard and thinking of you all the time.


Thu & Binh & Brian & Cindy & Angela <>
Denver, Co - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 11:39 PM (CST)
Bless his precious little heart. We all know that his daddy is one of the main guys to throw up in front of with no worries. Maybe it's a guy thing. He is so precious.
D. Roth <>
MO - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 09:48 PM (CST)
amazing is right...a true miracle.
See ya on Sunday.
Love ya much,

Dana need to practice at frog tennis Doctor
- Friday, January 31, 2003 at 09:13 PM (CST)
Colby-keeping up the prayers for you as your body goes through this phase. Your family continues to amaze all of us who read your journal-praying that your family is reunited as soon as possible, and you're able to begin enjoying the mundane activities of life.
- Friday, January 31, 2003 at 04:41 PM (CST)


SO GOOD INSIDE SO I'm sending it back
to make you feel good.

When I have no one to turn to
And I am feeling kind of low,
When there is no one to talk to
And nowhere I want to go,
I search deep within myself
It is the love inside my heart
That lets me know my Angels are there
Even though we are miles apart.

A smile then appears upon my face
And the sun begins to shine.
I hear a voice, so soft and sweet
Saying, 'Everything will be just fine'
It may seem that I am alone
But I am never by myself at all.
Whenever I need my Angels near
All I have to do is call.

An Angel's love is always true
On that you can depend.
They will always stand behind you
And will always be your friend.
Through darkest hours and brightest days
Our Angels see us through.
You are one of my Angels.
Perhaps I am one for you.


Janice Wright <>
CANTON, OH - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 03:47 PM (CST)
Hope you had a safe trip home Jack. I was so happy to see you and hug you! Keep smiling...your family will be reunited soon.
Luv ya,

Dana got paid today so I can feed the kids Doctor
- Friday, January 31, 2003 at 02:17 PM (CST)
What wonderful news Colby that you are getting through this.
You definitly are one strong boy. You are in our prayers & we will thank God for his blessings that you are fairing so well. Sorry to hear about your mom's phone. You take care & stay strong. hugs Carol

Angel Craving Wings
Winnipeg , Mb Canada - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 02:13 PM (CST)
Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,

So even as we walk in the garden ... listen for there is another message ... almost a portrayal of our life ... and in the garden ... as you touch the soil ... plant the bulbs ... remember the lesson of the garden ... and remember there will come a time when once again the flowers bloom ... in the garden of your life. There will be the rains ... the cutting back ... but oh, the beauty of the garden touched by the hand of God.

Many blessings to you,

Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 02:05 PM (CST)
I am thankful to see things are going good.
God Bless all of you!

Lynn, PA - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 12:01 PM (CST)
I am so greatful that everything was going great Yesterday, I pray that everything continues that way. Way to go Colby! You hang in there sweety and let the good cells take over. God Bless my prayers are with you and your family everything will stay cancer free for life and you and your family have a long and happy, healthy life togather as a Cancer free family.
Shannon Madison <>
Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 07:25 AM (CST)
We are saying extra prayers that all goes well. will all be home together as a family. God Bless!!
Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 06:07 AM (CST)
Just wanted to say goodnight. Sweet dreams guys. Continuing to pray. GO CELLS GO!!! Sorry to hear about the cell. People are really rediculous. Laura, it's all good. You have a lot on your mind girl, we can't expect you to worry about a stinkin phone. Get some rest. Love yas.
Buckhannon, WV - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 11:27 PM (CST)
Sleep well Laura.
Dana going to sleep too Doctor
- Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 10:38 PM (CST)
Just checking in on you Colby. We are all praying for you, you have been through so much and are so brave!
Please know you are in our thoughts & prayers, as well as countless other peoples'

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 10:08 PM (CST)
Happy re-birthday Colby!!! Third time is a charm, right buddy?? RIGHT! Sorry some of this stuff isn't much fun for you, but you are such a special and very tough boy, I know you are going to come through this really well!! Hang in there and take good care of your mommy while she is taking care of you!!

Laura, Jack and Cameron, this is it!! The beginning of a new life for you all. I wish I could say it will all be easy, but I have faith that whatever bumps you hit, you will all come through this. I can't wait to meet you all and I plan on doing so this summer when we are in Virginia!! Let's plan on it!

Glad you like the quilt......what an awesome thing for Becky to do! I hope it's a constant reminder, wrapped around you, that you are loved and thought of daily!

You guys hang in there.....I can't seem to write in every day, but I check in every day and think of you all constantly.

Last, but not least, a note to those donor cells: GROW CELLS GROW!!! Do your thing and heal this child so that he may grow into a wonderful young man someday! The world needs him and his strength and kindred spirit!!

God Bless you Colby! God Bless your donor!!
With lots of love and lots of healing prayers,

The Daubachs (Niki, Jeff, Eric and Brian) <>
OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX, - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 09:32 PM (CST)
WAY TO GO COLBY - Another beginning to a healthy life. CANCER FREE IN 2003 - I enjoyed talking to your daddy today and was so excited when he told me you actually ate some hot dog and was ready to play again. What a trooper you are. Your entire family, including your grandparents, are in my prayers. Take care of yourselves and hope to talk to you soon.
Bev (Make-A-Wish) <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 08:53 PM (CST)
Hi Everyone:
I saw Grandma today in the Hospital and she said that Happy is really doing great. We were all glad to hear that and also that you are doing just as great as Happy. You two keep up the good work and you both will be home real soon.
Loads of love and prayers are going your way. Bless you all.
Bob and Lorraine

Lorraine Miscik <>
MCClellandtown, Pa. - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 08:47 PM (CST)
Colby, I have been praying extra specially hard for you these last couple of days, and I have a good feeling that this transplant is the one! All the best to you as start yet another journey.
Jill Barclay <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 04:38 PM (CST)
Hi Colby,
Our prayers are with you as you begin your rebirth. You are truly an amazing little boy. We will count down the months until you are all able to be back in church together. Stay strong.
With much love, faith and hope,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

Dana Velosky <>
New Salem, PA - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 03:10 PM (CST)




CANTON, OH - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 02:23 PM (CST)
Dear Laura,Praise God !! A new life begins for Colby.. Free of cancer..Thanks for updating so quickly!. I am so thankful to the Lord that all went well yesterday.. Colby was in my thoughts every minute yesterday.. This is going to be a wonderful year for you and your family.. God's Blessings to you all..

Regina <>
- Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 01:18 PM (CST)
I just wanted to stop in and say hello before I go to lab. Laura, thanks for talking last night! Colby, I just wanted to tell you I love you babe.... I can't wait to see you. GO CELLS GO!!!!! Have a great day.

Jessica <>
Buckhannon, WV - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 01:01 PM (CST)
Thankful all went smoothly yesterday. I will continue to pray for Colby to get better each day and for the cells to start engraftment right away.
Love in Christ,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 12:27 PM (CST)
Happy Birhday Again Colby! Praying for quick engraftment, no complication, and 110% donor cells in many years to come.


Thu <>
Denver, CO - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 11:32 AM (CST)
Happy Re-Birthday Colby James!
Sorry I didn't get talk to you yesterday, you were sleeping. I did, though, notice the mask with the picture of a lady with BIG hair...for me, HUH?
You sound AWESOME today! Eating a hot dog??? you are amazing!
See ya on the weekend!
Dana hair getting bigger and bigger Doctor

real close by, - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 11:14 AM (CST)
Hello Oh I am ssssoooooo Glad that it is over and now you just have to wait a little longer. What a big boy you are so brave. I am proud of you giving your self your own BMT way to go! You know it will work know. Well your mommy and daddy must be very proud of you! Give each other a big hug and save one for Cameron. God bless you my Prayers are with you that the new cells are going to work like magic. And you will live a happy and pain free life now.
Shannon Madison <>
Oklahoma City, Okla United States - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 11:13 AM (CST)
Hi Colby,
Just dropping in to visit and let you know I am thinking of you. I am praying for you!

Kathy Haws <>
Thousand Oaks, CA.. - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 10:56 AM (CST)
Dear Colby,
I am happy eveything is going well for you. I can't wait to see your smiling face in church again. My prayers are always with you.

Love you,

Allyson Gmutza
New Salem , PA USA - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 10:01 AM (CST)
The prayers are on there way up! I pray the blessings start flowing down.
God Bless each of you!

Lynn, PA - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 09:11 AM (CST)
hi mommy, daddy and colby,
ilove you....i am sending hugs and kisses to you.
i miss you. i will see you soon.
xxx ooo

cameron james cole <>
uniontown, pa usa - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 08:44 AM (CST)
We're all praying for engraftment! Since Colby decided to do his own, we know it's gonna work!! You have so many people supporting you little guy, and when all those people come before God, mountains are indeed moved. So, get outta the way mountain, Colby is coming through!!
- Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 08:17 AM (CST)
Thank Heavens it's all all you have to do is hold your breath and pray. JMML go away and never come back again.

Colby is a very brave young man and so are Mommy and Daddy. Sending you grandma and grandpa kisses (Zoe too)

Arlene and Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Township, NJ USA - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 06:52 AM (CST)



Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , TX - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 11:04 PM (CST)
We continue to include Colby in our prayers. Hayden has his class include Colby in their daily prayers in school.
R. VanSwearingen
Orlando, FL - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 09:53 PM (CST)
Cancer free in 2003. We continue to pray that God will keep his healing hands upon you.Special prayers are being said for Happy also.Pappap sends his love.Laura make sure you give Colby hugs & kisses from all of us.
Aunt Lynda B.J. & Uncle Bill <>
smithfield, pa - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 09:46 PM (CST)
Connor is back to his nightly "watch out for Colby" prayer! I'm so excited for all of you as Colby gets his new cells - these are the magic ones that will keep him cancer free, I just know it. I've been meaning to call, but we are still getting settled and back to something resembling a schedule! I'll try again tomorrow. Until then, know that we are thinking of you!
Rachel, Jim and Connor <>
- Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 08:03 PM (CST)
Hi Colby and family!
Saying big prayers and hoping all is going well. We love you and will be keeping you in prayer for "Cancer Free in 2003"! Hugs... Sprite for Smile Quilts

Sprite <>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 03:24 PM (CST)
Thinking of you all today.
Kristy, darren, conor and aidan ford
- Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 12:37 PM (CST)

BOW down your head for this, clasp your hands in prayer,when things look grim,
Pray, "Lord, I need your light in my life, as my mine was grasping to a phantom limb.
I praise you Lord, for opening my eyes and allowing it for me to see;
That if I just stop and look, Your light is there shining bright for me.
It is a beacon in life's darkest hours, Your light is ever constant bright,
Shining through everywhere displayed for me in morning and night.
I love you Lord, I thank You for a light never leaving me in the dark.
Your love's light shines in my eyes, Your love has lightened my heart.
In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
Given for me for the sins in my life.
You are the light for me.
I praise God, and say:


CANTON, OH - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 12:03 PM (CST)
Commander in Chief Colby,
HAPPY NEW BIRTHDAY!! Today is the first day of the rest of your life FREE OF CANCER.........we are on our final battle Colby, just a little longer....stay STRONG LIKE BULL! We are sending ALL our LOVE and soooooooooooo many
Prayers. To your donor, BLESS YOU, BLESS YOU, BLESS YOU!! Cameron sends you a great big HUG!

Laura and Jack,
That small room you are in must feel alot smaller today because it is over-flowing with Love and Prayers from so many people. I hope you can feel each and every one of them surrounding all of you today. I gave Cameron your hugs and kisses a few minutes ago and he hugged me back so hard....I asked him if I was supposed to give that great hug to Mommy, Daddy and Colby and he said yes, so here it is ...HHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are as always.....
The General

Elaine VIgnali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 11:15 AM (CST)
Today's your BIG day! No more more cancer forever!!! Sorry I can't come in the room today. I will be in "Time Out" with daddy. I bet Nurse Anne will play Frog tennis with you.
You are a survivor!
Love you much,
See ya later,

Dana, talks too much, has big hair, poor broke, Doctor
a hop and skip away, - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 09:22 AM (CST)
Go Colby Go!! Thank you God for the donor who has so graciously given Colby new life today -- cancer free life. We see You Lord in all the works that are going on today. Please guide all the hands that will be involved today. Also, please watch over the doctors that will be working on Grandpa Happy, let his procedure go smoothly. Lord, we all come on bended knee today at your feet to ask for Colby's life to be free from the cancer he has so bravely fought. In Your Name I pray, Amen. God bless you all today. With big hugs and love,
Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 08:32 AM (CST)
Just wanted to tell you that I am thinking of you and praying for you. Sending love and well wishes.....

Michele Finck, Ryan's
Hebron, ky - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 08:29 AM (CST)
I am going to join in on the fasting tomorrow
Praying for you guys!

Chris ~ Gooch's Site

- Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 08:00 AM (CST)
Laura,Jack,Colby,Cameron,& Grandparents,

We continue sending our strong faith through prayer to all of you. Our minds are cleared today of all the trivial things we tend to think about and we are focusing only on Colby being cancer free. We will also be holding his grandfather Happy in prayer.

Full of prayer and God's Blessings,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 07:55 AM (CST)
Praying and fasting today for Colby to have a cancer free life.
Love in Christ,

Debbie Nagy
Manchester, MO - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 07:24 AM (CST)
Good morning To the Cole family
Today is the big day I will praying for it to go quick and as little pain as possible. Just think you will be Cancer free Yea! I also would like you to know because of reading sights on the CaringBridge and stories like Colbys I and many more, I am going to become at least go sign up to be a bone marrow doner and blood stem doner. I spent yesterday on the sight to read up on it. I Pray to god that I will be able to help someone and give them a better quailty of life. God bless you. I will be praying for your grandfather Happy today also. Good luck!

Shannon Madison <>
Oklahoma City, Okla United States - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 07:24 AM (CST)
I have a busy day today but I wanted to stop by and let you know that you guys were first on my heart this morning when I woke up. The Lord does that because it's who He wants me to pray for first and I did. I will continue to pray for you guys today--Colby and grandpa, Laura, Jack and Cameron--I will be praying for all of you. If you need to get in touch and can't find me, call 336-430-7073--that's my cell and I don't mind one bit if you use it. Any time--day or night. If I'm driving I will pull over somewhere and pray with you. I want you to know how much you're cared for and that I am covering you with prayers throughout this whole journey. Blessings!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT Aplastic Anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 07:24 AM (CST)
I will be saying prayers all day today for Colby. This is a new beginning for him. He is one amazing little boy. I will be sure to say a prayer for Happy too. God will be inundated with prayers today and he can handle them all. Blessings to you all

Patty Yerina
Pgh, PA - Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 06:49 AM (CST)
Dear Colby, Well in a few short hours your NEW LIFE CANCER FREE will be!!!!! As always many thoughts and prayers are coming your way. YOU can do this,because you're in the LORD'S ARMY! Sleep tight little one keep up the fight! Special prayers for "happy" You've all been a strong supportive family you've certainly proven that and for that God will bless one and all. Jack and Laura, Again I admire the strenght you've given each other. May each shared moment reinforce what you are to each other!! Prayers and God Bless!
Pam(Grote) Howarth <>
Uniontown, Pa - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 11:49 PM (CST)
Many prayers are being said!
PA - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 10:49 PM (CST)
Laura, Jack and Colby: Well tomorrow is the day!!! NEW CANCER FREE LIFE.... CANCER FREE IN 2003!!! All 3 of you will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow... as you are EVERYDAY!! God Bless the donor... whoever she is. So glad to hear that Jack is with you Laura...hold each other tight and STAY STRONG....tomorrow is a NEW LIFE for the Cole Family!!!! STRONG LIKE BULL COLBY!!!! I will say an extra prayer for "Happy".. that his surgery goes well. Tomorrow there will be so many people praying and thinking of all of you... as so many do EVERY SINGLE DAY....God Bless You All! We are on bended knees with you!!! In our thoughts and prayers, Love: Sandy, Paul, Zach and Tristin
Sandy Kaiser <>
Masontown, PA USA - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 10:31 PM (CST)

You are the bravest little guy we know. We cannot wait to see you after you beat this cancer. You and happy are in our prayers. Jamie says she misses her little boyfriend. We love you.

Love, Uncle Jake and Jamie <>
Elizabeth, PA - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 09:53 PM (CST)

AND IT WILL BE AS OF 1-29-2003.



CANTON, OH - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 09:06 PM (CST)
To my brave little man. Colby James Cole, you are finally here. Honey, tomorrow is going to be a GREAT day. Get a good nights sleep tonight so that new CANCER FREE marrow can run through your rested little body tomorrow. Thank you so much donor (whoever you are). We will all be forever grateful to you. I hope that everyone is doing well and that daddy made it out there safely. He is sooooo LUCKY!!! I am so glad that he is there with you and your mommy! Well you little sweetheart... lots of EXTRA prayers will be sent your way tonight, and God WILL answer! I love you guys. Have a GREAT day tomorrow. Kisses and Huggies for my Colby. I hope that Cameron is feeling better and I hope that all goes well with Happy tomorrow. Love to you all.
Jess <>
Buckhannon, WV 26201 - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 08:53 PM (CST)
hi mommy,daddy and colby,
the general is helping me type this. colby i love you.
mommy i love you. daddy i love you. i will say a prayer tonight for colby and for mommy and daddy. for happy too. i am being a very good boy, i just had some ice cream. now the general says don't worry about me.
i love you all very much
kisses and hugs XXX OOO

cameron james cole <>
uniontown, pa usa - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 08:17 PM (CST)
Praying for you Happy, may your surgery and recovery go well.
The Doctor Crew

- Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 06:31 PM (CST)
Hi Laura, Colby, Jack and Cameron. Hugs and kisses and lots of prayers to each of you. You will all be in our hearts and thoughts as tomorrow comes. Take care. Laura: Please let me know if there is anything that I can do. Love Darlene
Darlene Ferguson <>
Brownsville, PA USA - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 05:31 PM (CST)
Hi Colby and Laura! Sending a big "Hello" and saying a prayer for everyone in the family. God Bless!
Jo <>
New Salem, PA USA - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 04:43 PM (CST)
Dear Laura and Jack, As you enter this last battle please know that we are all praying for Colby that the BMT will be the very last treatment he ever needs to beat the cancer.Holding all of you in my thoughts and prayers.. Laura, I must tell you how much Gianna has enjoyed having Cameron at TLC.. By the way,,,, for some reason Gianna thinks that you(Laura) are a dentist.. I couldn't convince her that you were really a nurse..Did you change professions?????????????????? She certainly loves her Miss Laura and her Miss Lynda..
Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 01:50 PM (CST)
You are such a brave guy!! We know that God is with you always and that He will especially be with you tomorrow answering everyone's prayers for you to get well quickly. We Love You, Colby!!
All our love and prayers,
Todd, Meg, & Parker

Jack & Laura - We are praying for All of You! We love you!

Todd, Meg, & Parker <>
- Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 01:49 PM (CST)

The path of life

The path of life it surely seems,
Does not lie straight and true;
But full of twists and turns instead,
And obstacles for you.
And those who choose to walk the path
From start to very end,
Are surely those so strong inside,
That nothing makes them bend.
There is much to learn from a rocky road,
Rewards for one and all,
Be one of those who stumbles not,
And ends up walking tall.


CANTON, OH - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 01:20 PM (CST)
Good luck Colby. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You and Connor are gonna beat this , this time. You both are strong and precious little ones. I will continue to pray. Connors Grandma S.
Rosanna Summerville <>
Jordan, NY - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 11:24 AM (CST)
Hi Cole Family,
Just counting the hours now. I pray hourly for the cancer free in 2003. Jack please have a safe journey. Colby you are such a breave little man. I know you can do it with your loving mother and father by your side. Soon you will be home with your little brother.

Carol Elvin
Pittsburgh, PA - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 08:55 AM (CST)
Dear Cole Family

May GOD bless you now and always and may HE bless the efforts of all the doctors and nurses who will be taking care of precious Colby. May Colby know only good health!!

Love, Arlene and Seymour Zwick

Grandma and Grandpa ZwicK <>
Monroe Township, NJ United States - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 07:38 AM (CST)
Hello Colby and family
I started reading Colbys web sight yesterday. Tommrow is your big day and I justed wanted to wish Colby and the family good luck. I know everything will work out and all this nightmare will be over soon. God bless you and your family my prayers are with you. It's almost over hang in little guy.

Shannon Madison <>
Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 07:31 AM (CST)
SMITHFIELD, PA USA - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 10:26 PM (CST)
Stay strong CAN do this. One day at a time. See ya on Transplant day...YOUR big day!

Dana and the Crew
- Monday, January 27, 2003 at 08:47 PM (CST)
Just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for allowing me to pray with you. Remember--you or Laura, any time day or night--I will pray with you. And in the meantime, know that I'll be praying continually. Keep asking. God will answer--He ALWAYS does. Not always at the time or in the way that we expect, but He will answer. On my knees for you...
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 08:30 PM (CST)
Colby and family - We're with you in thought and prayer and we know that you have the best care and love. When we give a definition of the word "brave," we'll just show Coliby's family picture. You should all get medals for courage and bravery in the "Lord's Army." We love you.
Marnie Abraham Russell and family <>
Jeannette, PA USA - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 02:32 PM (CST)
It feels so good to talk to you guys. Sometimes it is hard to understand what is going on out there but when we talk, it makes things so much more real. I get the greatest feeling when I talk to that little sweetheart!!! That is exaclty what he is. No matter what he is going through... no matter how he feels, whenever we talk he always says something to make me smile. He sends his energy (even when he doesn't have much) right through the phone, like an electric shock right to the heart. Oh yeah, Colby, I would like to put in an order for one of those crafts that you are busy making!!! My favorite colors are blue and green! I sent your package this afternoon! I hope you get it soon. I love you guys so much. I can't wait till you guys are home safe and sound... and cancer free!!!! It's almost over sweet Colby, hang in there honey. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Love you!!!! Jessica <>
Buckhannon, WV 26201 - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 12:23 PM (CST)
Glad to hear everything is going well. We continue to pray for Colby and family. What a loving, supportive and caring family you have. Stay strong.
With much love, hope and faith.
Dana V.

Dana Velosky <>
New Salem, - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 11:04 AM (CST)

Satan called a worldwide convention of demons. In his opening address he said, "We can't keep Christians from going to church. We can't keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth. We can't even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their Savior. Once they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken. So let them go to their churches; let them have their covered dish dinners, but steal their time, so they don't have time to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. This is what I want you to do," said the devil: "Distract them from gaining hold of their Savior and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day!"

"How shall we do this?" his demons shouted. "Keep them busy in the nonessentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds," he answered. "Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, and borrow, borrow, borrow. Persuade the wives to go to work for long hours and the husbands to work 6-7 days each week, 10-12 hours a day, so they can afford their empty lifestyles. Keep them from spending time with their children. As their families fragment, soon their homes will offer no escape from the pressures of work!"

"Over-stimulate their minds so that they cannot hear that still, small voice. Entice them to play the radio or cassette player whenever they drive. To keep the TV, VCR, CDs and their PCs going constantly in their home and see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays non-biblical music constantly. This will jam their minds and break that union with Christ. Fill the coffee tables with magazines and newspapers. Pound their minds with the news 24 hours a day. Invade their driving moments with billboards. Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, mail order catalogs, sweepstakes, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering free products, services and false hopes."

"Give them Santa Claus to distract them from teaching their children the real meaning of Christmas. Give them an Easter bunny so they won't talk about his resurrection and power over sin and death. Even in their recreation, let them be excessive. Have them return from their recreation exhausted. Keep them too busy to go out in nature and reflect on God's creation. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, plays, concerts, and movies instead. Keep them busy, busy, busy!"

"And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences. Crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from Jesus. Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and family for the good of the cause. It will work! It will work!"

It was quite a plan! The demons went eagerly to their assignments causing Christians everywhere to get busier and more rushed, going here and there, having little time for their God or their families and friends. Having no time to tell others about the power of Jesus to change lives. I guess the question is, has the devil been successful at his scheme? You be the judge!

Does "busy" mean:
B-eing U-nder S-atan's Y-oke?




CANTON, OH - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 10:43 AM (CST)
Hi Laura, Thank you for keeping all of us updated on Colby. It sounds like everyhing is going just as it should. As always, sending you and Colby lots of hugs and prayers.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, PA - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 09:17 AM (CST)
Greetings from the CMC nursery! We Love you Colby James, Mommy too!!!!!!!!!!!
Dana, Lynn, Aileen and Patti

making money...thank god (ok Jack)
- Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 08:57 PM (CST)
Thanks for stopping by Melanie's page - I will keep you and your family in my prayers. GOOD LUCK COLBY!!!
Kathi (Melanie's Mom -
Cadillac, MI - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 05:01 PM (CST)
I was just dropping in and decided to say "Hi." I am keeping Colby in my thoughts and prayers!
Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 02:55 PM (CST)

For Times I Can't Be There
To Give You A Hug

Or To Let You Know I Care
When Feeling A Little Bummed
I've Requested That The Hugging Angel
Find I'ts Way To You

To DO A Special Deed For Me
That I'm To Far Away To DO

So If You Feel The Flutter
Of An Angel's Wing
Brush You On The Shoulder

Don't Be Alarmed
Just Remember
It's A Special Hug From Me


CANTON, OH - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 02:19 PM (CST)
Hi Colby:
How are you doing today? I hear the big day is coming. Well, I just would like to tell you something. Years ago, your grandfather "Happy" gave blood for my little girl. She was having heart surgery and needed blood to run the machine that she was on, while the doctors operated on her heart. Well, "Happy" went with my dad to Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh and gave his blood to help her and I am forever grateful to him. I wish there was something great like that I could do for you now, but since I can't, I did ask our minister today in church to say an extra prayer for you and he sure did. So, just know that we are all praying for you and know that you will be back with us very shortly and all those bad cells will be gone forever.
Even though you really don't know me, I do know you and just pray and pray for you and your family.
I tried to send this to your hospital email but it came back so I am sending it to this address.
God Bless you and your family,

Bob and Lorraine <>
McClellandtown, Pa USA - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 12:45 PM (CST)
Hi there. I just got home from church and read your message on my guestbook. YES, I will most definitely call you tonight. It would be my pleasure. Talk to you then. God's blessings to you in the meantime :)
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 12:35 PM (CST)
Connor has a similar issue with benadryl - let me know what your docs come up with as a back-up plan!

"The beginning of the beginning" is so appropriate! Day 0 will be the first day of the rest of his life - I just know it will be a long, happy and healthy one!

Rachel <>
- Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 10:57 AM (CST)
Hello, I just found your website from another child and thought I would stop by, and how weird is this, we live in philadelphia!! My son, Austin is about 18 mths post cord blood transplant at duke university for Hurler syndrome.
He is doing very well now! I too remember the cytoxan days (although the ATG was worse for us!!!) Please if you need anything, even just a new friend to talk to, call or write me! I am not far from the hosp either and would love to be able to help you in some way! check out austin's site at

carolyn caucci <>
philadelphia, pa usa - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 10:48 AM (CST)
LUV YOU-LUV YOU-LUV YOU I DOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cameron and daddy just letting you know that we miss you and are thinking of you very much. Off to church and we will talk to you latter. Lots of kisses and hugs coming your way xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

GUESS WHO?????????????????????????????????????????
unknown, US me & me - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 08:55 AM (CST)
Laura and family,
We just wanted you to know you are thought of daily and that we love you guys. May the Lord bless and keep you along this journey to Colby's health. Hugs and kisses.
Becky, Bobby & Marissa

Becky McCoy <>
Halifax, VA - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 07:00 AM (CST)
Thank you for playing with me today. You are quite the pro at frog tennis. Your hug warmed my heart. I wish Cameron COULD get in your body and take the cancer out. I hate the fact that you have to endure this. I was sad to see you going from playing to feeling crummy. You are such a tough boy by not admitting how you feel. You are entering the tough part. The next 2 weeks wont be fun...WAIT a minute...yes it WILL...We WILL make it fun. I say we take our frustrations out on the frog! Take the time to rest when you need to, but then we shall play and laugh. Kids are amazing that way. I wish all of you could see how well Laura and Colby are handling this. Laura is amazing at making this into a vacation of sorts. She has him doing crafts and rewards him with a sticker board. She is right on top of everything. And she smiles...REALLY smiles. I must admit, I walked into that room scared for them...I walked out encouraged. are amazing. Your love for your son shows in every smile. Your eyes gleem hope and optimism. This is STRONGER than chemo. I believe love and prayer can cure him, the chemo just helps. As I told you guys, today Colby got "Mommmytoxin" (what they should call the cytoxin)It has Laura's strength in it, which is enough to get rid of the JMML forever. Thank you Colby for the heart you made me...I will treasure it, but mostly I thank you for the HUGE smile you gave me when I walked through the door. Laura and Jack, the boys loved their gifts and Stu and I loved ours. It amazes me how you take the time to get others gifts.
Keep strong Colby, when you need to rest, Mommy will keep you strong...Your family, friends and god will keep you both strong.
You are an AWESOME kid...A survivor!
Love you lots and lots!!!!!

Dana "big hair lady" Doctor
there in a flash if you need me, NJ - Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 11:04 PM (CST)
Laura, Sounds like you've got your hands full!! Gianna is so excited for Cameron to be back at TLC. She even said she'd share Elmo with him. (She's never even shared Elmo with me!!!) We can't wait for the day that Colby walks through those doors as well...and it WILL happen SOON. Always know that we're thinking about you guys. Give Colby hugs and kisses for us.
Kim and Gianna Schuessler <>
Uniontown, PA - Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 09:33 PM (CST)
Hi Colby!
Way to go BIG GUY!
Continue to keep those nurses on their toes and
exhausting them with your endless energy!!!!!!!
Your such a sweet and gentle soul.
Your new friends don't have a clue how wonderful and precious you are!
Fight to your fullest and beat those creepy JMML cells!
We love you and your family so much.
Take care of your mommy and be sure that she get's her rest too! OK?
As we continue our prayers, you keep showing us how your faith grows into strength
and your hope brings us smiles!
Good night little one, you're always in our hearts!
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

Big hugs to your mommy!!!!!!XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOO

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 08:20 PM (CST)
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron- Just wanted you all to know we're thinking about you (every day) and there are many prayers being said for you.
Laury & Joe Podolinski
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 01:15 PM (CST)

Did you know that
Angels are ever all around us
And with His Love, they do surround us,
When my Heart is sore in need
The Angels come, my sore in need
The Angels come, my soul to feed,
They come to me from up above,
And sing in whispers of His Love,
When in my heart I feel a tug
I know that it's an Angels hug.

Love You So,
Aunt Dee

Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 10:49 AM (CST)
Commander in Chief Colby,
Good morning big guy! I hope you get your new movie today. The post office told me you should get it today by noon! I'll give you a call later to see if you liked it. I am so happy to hear how well you are doing! It shouldn't surprise me though because we know you are Strong Like Bull, no Colby, you are Stronger Than Bull and stronger than jmml! Remember The General LOVES YOU BIGGEST!
Laura, no thanks needed! Cameron is a complete joy! The children have alot of fun when he is in the house. Please know that he gets alot of LOVE and ATTENTION from all of us,but I'm sure he misses you! There is no greater love that a child feels than from his or her Mother!!
Stay strong and we will all get through this together!

Holding you both in our hearts...............
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 10:47 AM (CST)
Jack, thank you so much for signing María's guestbook. I just read your son Colby's story. He is such a little fighter. I will be thinking of him daily as he goes through his transplant!
Ava Aznar-Fidalgo ( <>
Madrid, Spain - Saturday, January 25, 2003 at 08:40 AM (CST)
Hope all is going well today!!
Jenny Sterner and Jessica <>
Colts Neck, NJ - Friday, January 24, 2003 at 07:28 PM (CST)

I'm sending you loving Angel wishes,

for beautifuls blessings to come your way.
And for you to have peace and tranquility,
as you travel through your life each day.

May all of your days be filled with love;

your nights be filled with wonderful dreams.
And may hope and faith be your strength,
no matter how impossible something seems.

I wish for you happiness and laughter,

and for(" good health to always be with you").
May you find your wealth in the gifts of love,
yet, enough money to see your way through.

These Angel wishes I am sending to you,

are because you are so very special to me.
They come to you filled with God's love,
for your life to be everything you wish it to be.

I Love You,
Aunt Dee

Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, January 24, 2003 at 02:45 PM (CST)
Hi Coby and Laura, UHS jst got hit wi another snowday. We like those days it helps everyone get caught!!! That,s why I,m able to check up on you! Sounds like you,re giving all a good fight. Glad to hear you're eating well too, keep up the energy. Your workout with mom sounds great, I wish I had the energy too! Still sending prayers to you ,keep on kicking those "nasty cancer cells" You have a great attitude. Laura you and Jack are such rocks!!!! Keep the faith! Glad Cameron is enjoying TLC he'll have his own little world!
Pam Howarth <rchpmg2Kids@webtv .net>
Uniontown , Pa. - Friday, January 24, 2003 at 08:55 AM (CST)
Hi there colby. I saw the post that your daddy left on my son Michaels site and thought that id stop and see how you are doing. I sure wish I had all the energy that you had with 1 1/2 of excercise. I have a hard time with that. Also I hear that your birthday is coming up pretty quick (Feb. 14) that sure is a great day to have a birthday. Know how I know, well thats my birthday too! I will be thinking about you on my birthday now. And your little brother will turn 3 while my son Michael will be turning 5 on Feb. 18th. Your 4 days older than my son. Well I hope all is well and keep up the good work. Take care. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Chrissy Mom to Michael

Chrissy Martin <>
hurleyville , ny usa - Friday, January 24, 2003 at 05:15 AM (CST)
Just wanted to see how you are doing so far. We are storming the heavens with prayer for sweet Colby and your family!!! Take care and God bless!

Michele Finck, Ryan's
Hebron, ky - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 10:43 PM (CST)
Colby, Laura and family, Just a little note to say best wishes and my prayers are with you. God bless!!!!
Wendy Hamilton
Uniontown , pa - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 09:41 PM (CST)
What an inspiration you are, making the most out an otherwise difficult situation in "solitary confinement." Just keep kicking and punching those cancer cells out! If anyone can do it, it is YOU! My thoughts, prayers, and love go out to you, Colby, and your entire family. Remember to always keep the faith, Laura & Jack, as seen through the eyes of your precious son. Love, Pat

Pat <>
New Salem, PA USA - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 01:47 PM (CST)
Good morning sweet Colby and Laura,

It was so nice to talk to you guys yesterday. FINALLY I got to talk to my little stinkerbutt. He told me that he had been exercising but didn't tell me you guys went so all out!! That is wonderful. I am so glad that he wants to be so strong, that's Colby alright. Well I just wanted to wish you both a great day today. Play hard!!! Love you guys.


Jessica <>
- Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 10:24 AM (CST)
Deal Cole crew!

Love and prayers being sent from the Daubachs.....sounds like you are busy if nothing else!!! I like Colby "kicking and punching out" the cancer cells.....that is too cute! What a fighter he is. Wish I could see you're in my heart.
Hope to talk to you soon. Laura, call me if you have some quiet time if you want.

Hang in there.

freezing in the heartland (and without water at the moment!!) Niki <>
- Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 09:51 AM (CST)
Hi Colby and Laura-
To me the journal was comforting...thank you.
Colby you are "energy" at it's finest!
Keep the up the strength that comes from within.
You, as always, continue to teach each and everyone of us
that giving up is not an option!
You go BIG GUY!!!!
We love you all.
We continue our prayers to you and all the JMML children.
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 09:19 AM (CST)
What can I say never stop amazing me!
Can't wait to see you this weekend! (Mommy too!!!)
Kick out those cancer cells Colby!
Love you too Jack and Cameron!
Stay the General says "Strong Like Bull!"
Dana and the crew

Dana "master of big mouth frog game" Doctor
a phone call away!, - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 09:19 AM (CST)
Cole Family, someone had sent me this poem, and I thought of your family,so I'll pass it on to you.

I wish for you..."
>Comfort on difficult days,
>Smiles when sadness intrudes,
>Rainbows to follow the clouds,
>Laughter to kiss your lips,
>Sunsets to warm your heart
>Gentle hugs when spirits sag,
>Friendships to brighten your being,
>Beauty for your eyes to see,
>Confidence for when you doubt,
>Faith so that you can believe,
>Courage to know yourself,
>Patience to accept the truth,
>And love to complete your life.
>God Bless you!
>I asked the Lord to bless you
>As I prayed for you today
>To guide you and protect you
>As you go along your way....
>His love is always with you
>His promises are true
>No matter what the tribulation
>You know He will see us through
>So , when the road you're traveling on
>Seems difficult at best
>Give your problems to the Lord
>And God will do the rest

Wash.Twp., NJ - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 08:05 AM (CST)

Here is a little prayer that maybe mom can teach you while your in the hospital.

My Heart Belongs To You

I hold You close within my heart
From the moment I awake...
I think of You throughout the day,
Your love I won't forsake.

When evening falls, I come to you
with thanks for all You do...
Through tears and laughter, rain or shine,
My heart belongs to You.

Aunt Dee

Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 11:22 PM (CST)

thinking of you all...checking every day for the "good report!!" love you all,
be blessed,

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , TX - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 10:50 PM (CST)
Colby, Laura -

I'm so glad to hear things are going well so far!! Colby - you show them what you're made of!! You are so much stronger than those goofy cells floating around your body. We'll check in often and call when we get home!

Rachel, Jim and Connor <>
- Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 08:52 PM (CST)

Sorry I haven't written in a while. I wanna be "stronger than bull" too!!! So please ask Colby how I can be that way. :)


Cheryl <>
tulsa, ok usa - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 06:14 PM (CST)
Go Colby, go!! You CAN beat JMML!! Be good, and lots of hugs for Mommy, Daddy and Cameron too!!
Jenny Sterner <>
Colts Neck, NJ - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 03:02 PM (CST)
Hi Colby,
Glad to hear you are feeling OK and everything is going well. Your courage is amazing and you are a blessing to so many people. You are all in our thoughts and prayers and we continue to have faith and hope that the BMT is successful.
With much love,
Dana V.

Dana Velosky <>
New Salem, PA - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 01:19 PM (CST)
I came across Colby's website from another I was visiting. What a beautiful little boy! I will be keeping Colby in my prayers and will check back in soon. God be with you!

Kelley Fitzgerald (
Rochester, NY - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 09:53 PM (CST)




CANTON, OH - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 09:35 PM (CST)
Dear Colby, Laura, Jack, and Cameron,
I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers and I found a couple of poems that I thought you would like.

Guardian Angel
When angels sense you need them,
And angels always do.....
They come, unseen from everywhere,
To help and comfort you.

They hover close beside you,
Till all your cares are gone,
Till they can see you're ready,
Once again to carry on.

Then some of them may fly away,
And take their gentle touch,
To other hearts that need,
The love of angels very much.

But one, at least, stays with you,
As your constant friend and guide,
For guardian angels never leave,
They're always by your side.
-Author Unknown-

May the Angels
May the angels keep you till the morning,
May they guide you through the night,
May they comfort your sorrows,
May they help you win the fight.

May they keep watch on your soul,
May they show you better ways,
May they guard you while your sleeping,
May they see you through your days.

May they show you new hopes,
May they still your every doubt,
May they calm your every fear,
May they hear you when you shout.

May the angels keep you till morning,
More than this I cannot pray,
And if the angels ever fail you,
Then may God be there that day!
-Author Unknown-

Keep fighting Colby and hopefully I will see you in church soon. Then we can go play in the nursery.
Love you,

Allyson Gmutza
New Salem, PA - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 08:09 PM (CST)
Go colby GO!!!!
Guardian Angel Emily Ann <>
- Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 05:22 PM (CST)
Be strong Colby!!! You CAN do this!
Dana Doctor
- Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 11:40 AM (CST)

Thinking of you all. Sending lots of loves & prayers your way.........

Thu & Family <>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 11:25 AM (CST)
It seems so many prayers are lifted for Colby, and I will continue to add mine as well. Wishing you strength as the mountain moves!!

Jenifer- from Adopt A Kid Program
Wash.Twp., NJ - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 10:13 AM (CST)
Just wanted you to know that we are storming the heavens is prayer for your beautiful Colby to have a successful BMT!!!!
Your story has touched my heart in so many ways. May God continue to bless your family with precious time.

Michele Finck, Ryan's
Hebron, ky - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 07:19 AM (CST)
Just wanted to let you know 3 nurses from my unit (Lynn F, Aileen, and Kathy S) have been lighting candles for Colby and your family for a safe and successful BMT. You guys are loved. Colby has touched so many people.
Trusting in god and the good docs at CHOP,

Dana Doctor
- Monday, January 20, 2003 at 10:51 PM (CST)
Hi! It's just us again...
Thank you for the update.
As always you ALL, especially Colby, continue
to amaze us with your strength and courage.
Your room may be small but your faith is BIG!
Smiles, hugs and just know we are with you all!
Jack have a safe journey home tomorrow...see you soon!
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and lots more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 10:15 PM (CST)
The teachers and children of Duck Hollow Discovery Learning Center want to let you know that Colby as well as your family are in our thoughts and prayers!
Rebecca Belski <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 06:47 PM (CST)
Hello to you all out in Philly!
Just a BIG hello with lots of BIG hugs to you all.
We want you to know we are sending our love and
never-ending strength.
Be sure to get your rest, all of you.
Take deep breaths, relax and roll your shoulders...
angels land better that way!
Laura,I read your letter over and thank you's needed.
It is from our hearts, we care about you all.
We wish that we could do so much more.
We can, please don't hesitate!
God bless you all as we continue to pray.
XO Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 05:36 PM (CST)
Thinking about what is going on out there in Philly. Praying and hoping that all is well. Sending love, and faith. Miss you guys. Post a number so I can call and talk to my sweet Colby. Cam man, notice to you my man. If all goes well and there is no snow this weekend I am coming home and we will have a sleepover with Shelly!!! Yeay. Miss ya. Hope to hear good news soon.
Jess <>
- Monday, January 20, 2003 at 03:34 PM (CST)
Thinking about what is going on out there in Philly. Praying and hoping that all is well. Sending love, and faith. Miss you guys. Post a number so I can call and talk to my sweet Colby. Cam man, notice to you my man. If all goes well and there is no snow this weekend I am coming home and we will have a sleepover with Shelly!!! Yeay. Miss ya. Hope to hear good news soon.
Jess <>
- Monday, January 20, 2003 at 03:33 PM (CST)

You are an ocean of which I enjoy very much
When I am at peace you are serene
And when I'm upset you're a flood of emotions
Your love is like a tidal wave
Of which you cannot control
Your temper is like a storm
And yet the sun shines in your eyes
Your smile brightens up my day
And just by being around you, enlightens my life
I could live beside the ocean, or be with you
Which two are one
I love you and cherish the thought
Of being with you forever
Because we are forever, just like the ocean


CANTON, OH - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 02:31 PM (CST)
Hi Colby, I heard you made a wren house with Happy the other day. Happy said it turned out really nice and you did a great job hammering in all those nails. In the spring the wrens will really enjoy their new house. We are praying that all goes well with your BMT and that you stay strong. We send our love to all of you.
Faith and Hope, Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

Dana Velosky <>
New Salem, PA USA - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 11:36 AM (CST)
Praying extra hard for Colby as he begins the last major leg of this journey to a cure. Also praying hard for you Laura and Jack, you will get thru this too. Sending lots of hugs and prayers.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 11:30 AM (CST)
Dear Colby & Family

Thinking all of you now. Praying for a successful BMT. Nothing is more precious than a healthy life and I pray hard for Colby to have a long happy healthy life.

Thu <>
Denver, CO - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 10:44 AM (CST)
Dearest Sweet Little Colby-
We wish for you the morning glow,
And clouds that climb the sky,
The watersong of sunlit streams,
The winds that whisper by.

We love you Colby!
We send our strength and courage to you and your
family today.
God bless you all,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and lots more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 11:05 PM (CST)
Can't wait to see you all. Right now I am down and out with a bad cold. I need to stay away til I am sure I and my entire family are germ free.

Dana Doctor
- Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 10:35 PM (CST)
Commander in Chief Colby,
So sorry I missed your phone call, but don,t worry I will be in touch with you at the hospital! I have to ask you to be stronger than you have ever been Commander, this is a very tough battle ahead of you, but you have a Fighting Spirit like no other I have ever known! Not only are you Strong Like Bull you are STRONGER THAN BULL AND STRONGER THAN JMML!!!!!

Laura and Jack,
Somehow asking you to stay strong just doesn't seem to be enough to say to the two of you, you have been doing that and so much more for the past year, you are truly the most amazing parents!!! I do hope that you can feel all our LOVE, HUGS and SUPPORT from all the troops here at home.
Anything else that you may need all you have to do is ask!!!!

I am getting ready for you big guy. Can't wait for our time together. The children have lots of fun planned for you!!!!!!!

Holding ALL of YOU in our HEARTS....................
Love, The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 10:19 PM (CST)
Hi. I have visited your website before-found it through another child's, and have been praying for Colby and your family. I just picked him through the adopt a child program, and wanted you to know that I will continue to pray for him and your family as you travel down this difficult road. Your family is an inspiration. I have three boys, and the way you meet the needs of both your boys while taking this journey is amazing. God bless-you know He sees you through!
Wash. Twp., NJ - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 08:58 PM (CST)

One candle sits alone
as its flame flickers,
casting off soft shadows,
It reminds me of you Colby
who remains in the distance,
and is deeply cherished.

One candle burning quietly
never totally dwindling away,
while life continues on.
The candle's flame will glow
brightly a little each day,
and my love for you will do the same.


CANTON, OH - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 06:51 PM (CST)
Once upon a tme, you see, walking by the sea that's me. My Buddy God walked by the sea with me.We walked and talked and walked. We did. You see, that's me and My Buddy God. My Buddy God and me. We skipped and played by the sea.My Buddy God and me. All the way around the sea My Buddy God He walked wit me.And sometimes when I felt real sad,My Buddy God He made me glad. He carries me down by the sea. And when I laughed and when I cried, My Buddy God walked by my side.And all my life My Buddy God He walked with me. Always My Buddy God and me. Micheal Conte author Colby I,m going to try to get ths book for you and Cameron. This was a favorite book to my son and he wanted you to have this as you prepare for the BMT. We are praying VeryHARD!!!!!! for the success. Keep strong Laura, Jack and Cameron.
Pam (Grote) Howarth <>
Uniontown , pa USA - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 12:29 PM (CST)
Thank you for visiting my grandson James' web page.
I will keep your son Colby in my prayers...he is a doll baby.


Bonnie,grandma to ^i^ James <>
Columbus, Ohio - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 10:25 AM (CST)
Well guys, this is it. Finally! You are on your way to being Cancer Free sweet Colby. Please have a safe trip to CHOP tomorrow. We all love you so much and are praying SUPER DUPER HARD!!! Uncle Jack, I know that this time away from your sweet child and wonderful wife will be difficult, but well worth it. It will only be a matter of time now until JMML is gone forever and ever! Laura, take care of Colby for us all. You are a wonderful mother and your strength and devotion will be tested these next few weeks. Please stay strong for Colby and the rest of us. Colby, I can't wait to see you my man. I am kaniving a plan to get to CHOP one weekend. I miss you so much. Lots of love, hugs, and kisses for everyone! Take care. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Jessica <>
- Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 09:41 PM (CST)


There's lots of things
with which I'm blessed
though my life's been
both sunny and blue
but of all my blessings,
this one is the best
to have COLBY COLE in my life

Lots of Love,
Aunt Dee

janice wright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 11:55 AM (CST)
You are such a cute little guy, I'll be praying that the BMT is succesful, hang strong little one.

Angela Saldaña <>
Clearlake, CA - Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 10:10 AM (CST)
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,
I'm hoping you have a great family weekend planned full of fun, icecream, hugs and kisses. I pray your family will be reunited quickly...cancer free. Your family has shown it's can make it through this. I tried to call yesterday, but got no answer...just wanted to send my love. Laura I will walk with you through this. It will be hard to be so far from home, but with the support of your family and friends, you will be wrapped in a blanket of love. Colby is strong...he is BIGGER and BETTER than JMML. Anything you need at all...know I am here...I mean it. Colby...I can't wait to see you. You have a spirit we should all learn from. Keep those nurses on 3 East in line, show them who is in charge. Keep exercising...keep your body strong. By the way, mommy warned me about the bouncy balls...I will walk through the door prepared. Time will fly by, I am already planning our next trip to the beach. Mr. Cam man...Mommy will be home soon. You need to take care of daddy...he will need lots of hugs, everytime you hug daddy, mommy will feel it hug hard!!! Jack...what can I say, you will be Colby's dad forever and ever, I can't wait to see your grin of pride the day Colby is discharged. are amazing, I am blessed to know you and your family is blessed to have you.
Dana and the Doctor Crew

Dana Doctor <xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo>
a phone call away, - Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 04:28 AM (CST)
We are trying to raise awareness and bring more love, prayers and support to more kids' sites, so you will be getting messages here from someone who "Adopted" you and your site. I know the support & prayers from others mean a lot. We are always thinking of you and praying for you.
Chris ~ Gooch's Site
Adopt a Kid's site Here

- Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 12:16 AM (CST)
Colby, Laura, Jack & Cameron

If it is possible to be in our thoughts and prayers more than you have already are! Praying the hardest ever...

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace & Lily
Uniontown, PA - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 06:02 PM (CST)
Just making my usual stop to check and see how you are doing. Just so you know, I "adopted" you from Gooch's caringbridge site. I will really be praying EXTRA hard next week as you start the procedures. I know God hears our prayers and I will be asking him to lay His healing hands on your body. Stay strong little buddy and I'll be back to check on you soon. God bless your whole family, and your donor too!! With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 04:12 PM (CST)







CANTON, OH - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 03:46 PM (CST)
Laura, Jack, Colby & Cameron.....Our continued thoughts and prayers are with you. May God bless all of you and that special person who is donating their bone marrow to give Colby another chance to be cancer free. Stay strong!!!
Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 12:06 PM (CST)
Hi Colby-
It may be a snowy day today but we can sure let the sunshine and faith in to our hearts!
I hope today is a restful day for you.
Be sure to get lots of rest, it is so important!
As we continue to pray for you, we also care so much for the other JMML children.
God Bless you all!
Our love,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 10:50 AM (CST)
Colby just wanted to see how you are doing and remind you that everyone at Smile Quilts is thinking of you and praying for you

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts

- Friday, January 17, 2003 at 09:22 AM (CST)
Ha Ha Jack!!!! You are so silly! Kids are great at embarassing their parents.
Can't wait to see y'all again!

Dana Doctor
- Friday, January 17, 2003 at 12:06 AM (CST)
you guys are in our thoughts & prayers
Gooch's Site

- Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 11:05 PM (CST)
Dear Laura,, Just wanted to tell you I think you are one amazing person.. Your compassion for others with all that is upon you at this time is remarkable.. Continued prayers for you and your family.. Your children are very fortunate to have a mom like you..
Regina <>
- Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 08:44 PM (CST)

Have you ever wondered about the abbreviation
Generally we think of it in terms of even more
hurry and stress in our lives

If we think of this abbreviation in a
different manner
we may begin to find a new way
to deal with our rough times


GOD knows how stressful life can be,
and he wants to ease your cares.
He'll respond to all your needs...

Today I'm saying a little prayer
that GOD will make COLBY JAMES COLE
through everything you must go through
to become CANCER FREE.


CANTON, PA - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 12:49 PM (CST)
It was so great to talk to you guys last night. Evryone sounds wonderful. I am so glad that you are getting to spend this quality time with one another. I know that you are all cherishing every single minute. Lots of love and here's to another wonderful day at home with the boys. Love you guys SOOOOO much. The usual kisses and hugs for my turkey butts!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Jessica <>
- Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 11:48 AM (CST)
Dear Colby,

Checking in on you this morning, as I do every morning. You sweet, beautiful child. I'm saying extra prayers daily for a successful BMT, and the miracle that you become cancer free very, very soon. Also praying for strength and faith for your family and the many close friends that care so much about you.

Jane <>
Chalk Hill, Pa - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 07:46 AM (CST)




CANTON, OH - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 10:07 PM (CST)
I am watching over you
Guardian Angel Emily Ann
- Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 08:07 PM (CST)

I know first hand how important this is to you guys, as we were in your shoes twice before too. He/she is giving the chance at life.......with this disease, their is little hope without a transplant. With a transplant, you at least have a chance. You have heard though through many JMML families, that this disease can be beat, and I thank the anonymous donor who is helping Colby. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

Words can NEVER speak the complete volume of gratefulness we all feel for the gifts that these donors give.

Colby, you're going to make it "dude" (as Brian would say!), and I can't wait to meet you someday just to see the strength and spirit you hold within you......

Hang in there you guys. Good to talk to you again Laura. Sending all my love, prayers and hugs to you all.

Niki < (mother of Brian, 6 yrs old, current survivor of JMML!) website at>
- Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 05:27 PM (CST)
Dear Colby(Future UHS student), We 're All pulling for you to to get this BMT. Stay a fighting bull as the Spanish students would say! Many prayers for your healthy BMT. Remember CANCER FREE IN 2003,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laura, Your note was shared with one and all stay strong, Jack the same you're a trooper, Cameron keep on being that great little brother to Colby. God Bless
Pam(Grote)Howarth <>
Uniontown , Pa. - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 04:14 PM (CST)
Best of luck to Colby and your entire family. May this be
the BMT that puts this disease behind you. Bless this

Claudia <>
- Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 01:20 PM (CST)
Got your website from another. I am so sorry you are having to go through this again Colby. I pray God gives you strength. take care and I will be praying for you and your family.

gina geddings, mommy of angel Morgan < ~~>
- Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 11:04 PM (CST)
Hi Laura, Was very happy to read your update tonite.. Praying extra hard that the BMT goes as planned and that Colby will be well again..
Love and Prayers to all of you.

Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 08:25 PM (CST)
Hi Colby, you probably don't know me but i wish you good luck!

Hayden VanSwearingen
Orlando, FL Orange - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 05:52 PM (CST)
We are keeping your family in our prayers. May this be the beginning of the end of your long journey!
Vange, Shawn, and Elijah Austin <>
Augusta, ME USA - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 04:45 PM (CST)
Hey guys,
Thinking about you a lot today and that special donor. Thanks to him or her for the donation. I hope that they know how forever greatful we will all be for her great generosity. I miss you guys so much. It has been terribly hard to stay away this last month but we all know how critical it is for Colby to stay strong and germ free. Continued prayers each and every day that my sweet Colby is Cancer Free in 2003!!!! And that Cam man will have his mommy and brother home very soon and FOR GOOD! It is just a matter of time before everything will be back to normal, if we know what normal is anyway. Please have strength, and carry with you all of our love and prayers to CHOP. We will be there with you each and every day, always by your side and just a phone call away. Love to you all. Colby, you are so strong. You continue to amaze me with your strength and continued smile. Strong like bull!!! I can't wait to see you!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

Jessica <>
Buckhannon, WV - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 04:33 PM (CST)
Laura, thank you for the kind note. We are here for anything that you need. Stay strong!
Amy Conner <>
- Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 04:03 PM (CST)
God bless Colby's donor. May the harvest go smoothly with minimal pain.
Always in our prayers,
The Doctor Crew

Dana Doctor
- Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 02:50 PM (CST)

FRIENDS ARE ANGELS, they lift us up to our feet,
when our wings have trouble remembering to fly.



PS.... Laura when you get some time, Love to
have some new pictures. The boys got to make
angels in the snow-great pictures.

janice wright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 12:33 PM (CST)
Dear Colby, Laura, Cameron and Jack,
You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. I check on you often on your web page and am so proud of how hard Colby is fighting. John is doing well. Still on tough chemo. It has been over a year now.... A long difficult year. Please know that we love you!
Ken, Becky & John

Becky McNamee
- Monday, January 13, 2003 at 09:32 PM (CST)
I am thankful for your little bull!!! We're pulling for you.
Dianne Roth <>
MO - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 05:54 PM (CST)
Dear Colby

We are sending you a bunch of Grandma and Grandpa kisses. You are a very brave boy!! You are going to kick that nasty JMML right out of your body

Give some special kisses to Mommy, Daddy and Cameron

Arlene and Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Township, NJ United States - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 05:30 PM (CST)
Offering prayers that this BMT will be a success and put Colby on the road to remission forever. I will continue to pray and check back to follow his progress. He is such a cutie as is Cameron. Visit a website I have if you'd like for a little two year old with medulloblastoma, named Cameron.
Ivy <>
lynnwood, wa usa - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 02:09 PM (CST)
You contiue to be in our prayers.
Lynn, pa - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 11:57 AM (CST)
Just wanted you all to know you are still in my prayers. Iam glad you are home safe. Jack if there is anything I can
do to make your work situation easier, please let me know.

Carol Elvin <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 11:47 AM (CST)
Thank you for signing my son's webpage. I wanted to stop in and see Colby's. My heart is broken for you to know that your beautiful son has to fight this monster again. You will all be in my prayers. Take care and god bless!

Michele Finck, Ryan's
Hebron, ky - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 06:55 AM (CST)
It has been a while since i checked the journal but Colby keep your chin up and i know you can beat this,remember cancer free 2003.I wish you all the luck in this new year. I will say a prayer for you. Laura&Jack take care and may "God Bless You All"
Donna Ondrejko <>
Mansfield, OH U.S.A. - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 08:42 PM (CST)

DID you know that having good friends means
having heaven in our hearts and angels in our

Colby I have to go away for about five days so I'll call
you on the phone instead.


CANTON, OH - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 01:23 PM (CST)
Good Morning Cole Family,
Colby you sure are trying your best to get up that hill. It is like climbing up Mt.Summit pushing a bycicle huh. I am praying for you little guy.
It has been about a week since I visited your site. Alot has been going on.
Maybe next week you will be on your way to that BMT. Sure will be doing alot of PRAYING FOR YOU LITTLE MAN.
I will be on vacation next week but you will still be on my mind and in my Prayers Laura and family.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 10:45 AM (CST)
Hi Laura,
Glad Colby and Jack are home again safe and sound..Praying hard that the BMT will take place as planned...Always in my thoughts and prayers..

Love,Regina <>
- Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 09:03 AM (CST)

yeah home !! even if it is just for a little while... ok colby, what you got up your sleeve to get you out of it this time? (hahaha)!! love you guys, laura call anytime -ok
be blessed,

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , tx - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 12:16 AM (CST)
It must be great to be home!! Keep up the good work Colby!! We'll pray for a smooth ride to and through transplant. Stay healthy little one.
Rachel, Jim and Connor <>
- Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 09:51 PM (CST)
Good evening Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron,
Welcome Home!
This was wonderful news when I read your journal!
We are thinking of you all and keeping you in our hearts.
As we continue to pray please know that we love you all!
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 09:24 PM (CST)
Hi Colby,
Glad you got home safe and sound. What a trooper you are! I hope those bumps go away soon. Sorry I missed visiting you. I had planned to see you today, but you did so well, they let you go home. We have plenty of time in transplant to catch up on our game playing. Don't practice too much though or I will have to learn to cheat! I pray hard every day for you to get better, but if you don't mind, I will be praying the germs stay away from you and your donor. I know you will sail through this transplant. Promise me you and Zachary will grow to be big, strong men and find a cure for this disease.
Love you much! give kisses to Cameron and mommy for me...ok...Daddy too (hehe!).

Zachary's web link
- Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 09:12 PM (CST)
Hi Jack,
I am so glad I got to talk to you before you checked out of the RMH. I couldn't believe it when I called 3East and they said Colby had been discharged. I hope you have a safe trip home. You are an amazing man and father. I hope you don't miss too much of the football game tonight.
Love you guys much,

Zachary's web link
- Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 01:29 PM (CST)

I'm sending these words,
sealed with a warm embrace
that I hope puts a smile
upon your lovely faces.

Between the lines,
I hope you'll see.
how very dear
you are to me.

For there's a magic in
written words
that can speak a happiness
that's felt not heard,
So across the miles,

I'm reaching out
like a warm wind,
to let you know that I


janice wright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 10:36 AM (CST)
I don't know how you do it. With everything that you have going on, you still manage to keep everyone updated...Your strength and the strength of Jack and the boys is truly God-given. He is certainly with you all.

Continuing to pray and pray and pray...

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 07:50 AM (CST)
Dear Jack,Laura,Cameron And Colby, I haven't checked in, in a while But tonight I just had this urge to know what was up with your little solider. So sorryto hear of another mountain to climb! Iknow someone greater than me urged me to look in! When we were overcome with my husband's mother ordeal we often turn to the poem" Footprints". Keep the faith guys, I feel certain God is in your corner and your prayers and all others will be answered. I will inform the followers at UHS, and know a few more prayers will come your way. Keep strong COLBY! Jack and Laura "HE WALKSWITH YOU" Cameron so glad you're so loving of Colby! God Bless
Pam(Grote)Howarth <>
Uniontown, Pa - Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 01:38 AM (CST)
Good luck in Philadelphia. We will all pray extra, extra hard for Colby to get over this "bump". Call my cousin if you need anything while you are at CHOP. Keep the faith.


Patty Yerina <>
Pgh., PA - Friday, January 10, 2003 at 03:27 PM (CST)
Good luck in Philadelphia. We will all pray extra, extra hard for Colby to get over this "bump". Call my cousin if you need anything while you are at CHOP. Keep the faith.


Patty Yerina <>
Pgh., PA - Friday, January 10, 2003 at 03:27 PM (CST)

SOOOOOO young man,
So where do you go when you can't fix
your life?
THE ONLY PLACE to go is back to the
One who made you. You have a devine destiny,
a purpose from GOD that no one else
can fulfill. It begins with a risk. We
have to find
the courage to take all the pieces of our lives,
our hopes and dreams back to the One who
made us---and ask Him who we are. Then He,
like the watchmaker, will carefully and gently
replace our broken parts, showing us what
we are meant to be and giving us all that we
need to live according to our purpose
and HIS plan.

Aunt Dee

janice wright <>
Canton, OH - Friday, January 10, 2003 at 11:14 AM (CST)
Colby, Laura, Jack & Cameron-
Friday is here and you are on your way to CHOP.
Be careful and please know how much we all love you.
We continue to pray and send our endless strength.
Keep the courageous and determined attitude!
Get your rest and listen to Dr.Bunin.
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 10:27 PM (CST)
You all are in our thoughts constantly. Praying hard for you to get over this "bump" Colby.
Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily
Uniontown, - Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 09:22 PM (CST)
Dear Laura, My continued prayers for Colby's return to good health..God Bless You All.
Regina Sloan <>
- Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 06:15 PM (CST)
I'll post a note on my site about Colby and add him to our prayer list now that we're starting weekly prayer chat again for HE CARES. Please know that I also think of you and pray for you guys continually and I won't stop. Blessings. I'll check back soon.
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 04:16 PM (CST)

Did you know
that you have three angels who watch over you
their names are FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY
they were sent from heaven above
and they stay by your side with their unfailing love

The LORD has so richly blessed your life
to have given you FAITH in your times of strife
She forever keeps you on the right track
and puches you onward when you start to fall back

Your LORD has also sent you sweet HOPE
for those times when it is to hard to cope
She sets your eyes to the heavens above
your life seems so right with this kind of love

And then there is CHARITY, an angel so kind
she taught you to be humble and no longer blind
you have learned to freely give of yourself and
the rewards are much greater then personal wealth

These three angels GOD has put by your side
have positively helped you take life in stride
You are blessed as you can plainly see
with your three angels, FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY

I have to finish working on FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY.
Pictures for your bedroom wall. Can't wait to give them to you.



janice wright <>
Canton, OH - Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 01:57 PM (CST)
Hi guys,
I just wanted to sign in and tell ya that I love ya!!! ALOT. Sweet Colby, I miss you so much. You better get over this stinking cold so I can come over and play. Cam man I miss you too turkeybutt!!! Hope to see you guys soon. Sending lots of prayers, love, and determination, oh yeah and alot of these OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Jessica <>
Denbo, PA - Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 08:17 AM (CST)
Dana Doctor
- Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 03:53 AM (CST)
Praying for you guys, lots of us are even if we dont always sign in.
Gooch's Site

- Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 12:04 AM (CST)
I haven't signed in a long while BUT I'm always checking on you all, thinking and praying for you guys too.... everything will be ok . keep picking yourself up , I know that this must get to be TOO much somedays .. BEST OF EVERYTHING TO YA...

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , TX - Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 10:39 PM (CST)
Yes Laura, you are right......Colby is stronger than JMML!!! No doubt.....but that ol' JMML is trying to give him a run for it's bets are on Colby!!

So sorry for the latest news.....even if it's a cold interfering, it's a pain! I hope he gets some relief soon and that things get lined up for him to move on with all of this.....stay strong, but if you feel like letting go, I'm always here to hold you up. Keep us posted.

Love and hugs to all,

- Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 10:08 PM (CST)
Commander in Chief Colby,
Checking in to tell you sweet dreams and as always you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Your are truly much, much STRONGER THAN BULL!!
Colby, I Love You Biggest!!!!!
Holding you in my heart..............
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 09:54 PM (CST)

For so many things have changed...yet one thing
has remained the
same...Untouched by thing that never
leaves me...not for a
single second...

And that is my love for you...and whenever the
twilight graces the sky...I remember...and I smile
...for in that twilight...our love lives and it always


CANTON, OH - Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 05:36 PM (CST)
Sending Colby and Family a big "Hello" and letting you know that I am thinking of all of you and saying many prayers!
Jo <>
New Salem, PA USA - Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 03:43 PM (CST)
God is bigger than the...Boooooogie man....Okay sorry but I have to quote those oh so knowing Veggies!!! Do we watch too many movies? Not when it teaches us some good stuff like THAT huh!. I will pray harder than EVER! I will have Colby's info put on our prayer list at my church and that of our diligent Olympic prayer team in numerous different cities......Prayer CAN move mountains...just BELIEVE that it WILL. I saw a sign at a church on one of our trip back and forth to Libbie's transplant hospital and it said..."Trust says God can...Faith says God WILL....Keep the FAITH!! We love you guys!
Becky Nichols ( )
Austin, Texas - Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 08:11 AM (CST)
Dear Sweet Colby... oh how we pray!
Today I received my CHILD magazine.
It had the top 10 children's hospitals in the nation in the article.
CHOP WAS #1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This comforted me and I hope it helps all of you.
We will accept all comforting news, right?!?
Another bump in the road...where's the steamroller!?!
We pray by Friday Colby will be feeling better.
Our hearts ache with this news.
Our hugs are endless and our prayers are strong.
Sending to all of you our strength, love and hope, always.
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 10:58 PM (CST)
Can you guys use a hug?...{{{{HUG}}}}. I wish I could make this all go away. I don't understand why this needs to happen to children. My heart hurts for you guys. This is more round of chemo...then transplant. Lets get rid of this JMML! Colby is BIGGER and BETTER than JMML. Put on those boxing gloves can do this.
trusting in god and Dr. Bunin,

Zachary's web link
- Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 09:53 PM (CST)
Please know we pray for you all each and every day!
PA - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 05:44 PM (CST)
Dear Colby Laura Jack and Cameron

We are always praying for you with great intensity. I just want to tell you that Colby's name is mentioned in my friend's church every Sunday and at a prayer circle in my office.

Love, Arlene and Seymour Zwick (Zackie's Grands)

Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Township, NJ United States - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 05:28 PM (CST)
Jack, Laura and guys - You are all in our prayers - both here and throughout our Presbytery - and all over the place. We have faith the God's hand is guiding all of your medical people and that your courage is an example for us all. GOD IS WITH YOU ALWAYS! We love you.
Marnie Abraham Russell and family <>
Jeannette, PA USA - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 04:32 PM (CST)

DUNBAR, PA USA - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 04:32 PM (CST)

DUNBAR, PA USA - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 04:31 PM (CST)


I bless you with the desire to thank and
praise GOD for everything HE has done, is doing,
and will do for you in your life.
I bless you with the abilty to praise GOD
with your voice in song, with your mouth in
words, with your hands and feet in good deeds---
and always from your heart.
Both riches and honor will be your reward
for GOD is merciful, gracious, long suffering
and abounding in goodness to those whose
hearts are full of praise.


janice wright <>
canton, oh - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 02:54 PM (CST)
We are praying extra hard for Colby to get better soon and that this bump in the road will soon pass. Please be careful on your trip to Philadelphia and keep those hands tight on the wheel. Remember, faith and hope.

With much love, The Veloskys

Dana Velosky <>
New Salem, PA - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 02:22 PM (CST)
Hold on tight guys...this is quite the bumpy road. As always, Colby will show his strength.
Always here for you,

Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 12:34 PM (CST)
I am Jackie Roth's Aunt Bea. (Dede Roth is my sister). I read your entry on Jackie's CB site & wanted to make sure that you know that there is yet another set of prayers coming your way. What a darling little boy Colby is. I too agree that it is ok to HATE this awful disease. May God bless your family and also your donor. I will pray for good counts and a total turn around in 2003 for your precious one.

Eileen Spratt <>
Eureka, MO - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 11:52 AM (CST)
Jack and family, sorry I have not signed in lately. I had problems with the system at home. So sorry to hear about the latest setback. Please know I am praying for you all every day. You are very strong and beautiful people.
Carol Elvin
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 11:42 AM (CST)
Laura - In this case, I think HATE is ok. Colby is in our prayers every day. Hang in there, all of you. Colby's too strong and too loved to lose to a disease that has no right to be there!!
Rachel <>
- Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 11:34 AM (CST)
Hi Laura, Sami has had a runny nose for over a month. Comes and goes like a cold, but it is hard to tell when one stops and the other starts. Thursday morning she woke up with her first fever in 9 months! We went to the pediatrician, no evidence of infection, but lots of fluid in the ears and the nose was real stuffy. We figure sinus infection. She is now taking the strongest augmentin. She hates it. Gags each time I give it to her. But her fevers have been gone since Friday.

I hope you get the best meds to fight this. Colby needs a break. Let us know when you are at CHOP. We need to make a run down before Sami's catscan in March to pick up the contrast. I'd love to help anyway I can.

Sandy Gray <>
Bridgewater, NJ USA - Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 10:35 AM (CST)
Just wanted you guys to know that we're still thinking about you and checking in on you always. Miss you bunches! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Kim and Gianna <>
Uniontown, PA - Monday, January 06, 2003 at 04:45 PM (CST)

May the angels keep you till morning,
May the guide you through the night,
May they comfort all your sorrows,
May they help you win the fight.

May they keep watch on your soul,
May they show your better ways,
May they guard you while you're sleeping,
May they see you through your days.

May they show you new hopes,
May they still your every doubt,
May they calm your every fear,
May they hear you when you shout.

May the angels keep you till morning,
More than this, I cannot pray,
And if the angels ever fail you,
Then may GOD be there that day.


janice wright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, January 06, 2003 at 02:53 PM (CST)
Good Morning Colby (and all of the Cole family!),
To know that you are feeling a little better is GREAT!
As for the frog in your throat, well, we can live that!
We are thinking about you and as always praying for you,
your loved ones and of course the other JMML children.
We love you little guy!
Have a good day...XO to all!
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!
P.S. Laura- Happy Belated Birthday...a special one I'm sure!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Monday, January 06, 2003 at 09:27 AM (CST)
When you come to the edge of all the light you know,
and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown,
faith is knowing one of two things will happen:
There will be something solid to stand on,
or you will be taught how to fly.
~Barbara J. Winter

- Monday, January 06, 2003 at 03:04 AM (CST)
Commander in Chief Colby,
Hope you had a great day! We all miss you and send hugs
and kisses.
Holding you in our hearts.......Good Night!
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 09:20 PM (CST)

Please give MOM, DAD and Cameron a big hug and kiss.

Colby no matter what life holds or where it's turns may take you, May you never lose your faith and hope that all your dreams can come true.

A day without the presence of GOD is a wasteful day.


janice wright <>
canton, oh - Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 02:06 PM (CST)
Jack, You have me blushing! I am glad I hit Jackie's website randomly...the taught me to sign in more to say hello.
Miss you much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zachary's web link
- Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 11:31 AM (CST)
Good Morning Cole Family,
I see you are getting better with that nasty cold Colby.
I am praying for you little man.
Everyone is teaming up on that nasty bug you have.
As for the transplant I PRAY it is the best ever that you will have.
May God Be Will All Of You Always!

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 10:36 AM (CST)
Happy Birthday Laura!!!!!!!!!!!
My heart is with you on this anniversary of Colby's diagnosis. I remember the aching in my heart when that day came. I pray you have peace today and the courage to keep fighting.
You are a supurb mother and wonderful advocate for your son. I am so lucky to have found a friend in you.
God bless.
Much love on YOUR special day,

Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 09:59 PM (CST)
Dearest Laura,
I know today holds a lot of emotions for you as you look back on last Jan. 4th, but today should be a day to celebrate your spirit and the great strength that you have shown all of us in this past year. May God grant you the gift of many more years to celebrate all the birthdays to come for you, Jack, Colby and Cameron!!!
Jack, Colby and Cameron please give Mommy lots of hugs and kisses today from all of us!

Holding you in our hearts!!!

The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 09:37 PM (CST)

Oh my goodness, what a precious young man you have. (actually two precious ones, I believe!)My heart hurts for everything Colby and your family has endured. I truly admire you and the courage you have as you've been faced with things no one could possibly wrap their mind around. I hope and pray that 2003 will bring only good to you. Thanks for the prayers for Jackie and the supportive comments on my 1/03 entry. One of Jackie's therapist's has a nephew recently dx with JMML. Would you mind if I shared your website with her family? They also have a CB site.

Dianne (dede) Roth <>
Cape Girardeau, MO - Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 08:33 PM (CST)

THE ANGEL STOOD LOOKING AT THE CALENDAR."How is it that humans have calenders? What is this thing about a new year?"

The Lord looked at the angel for a moment and then spoke these words...

"A new year is a precious see there are no bad memories with is brand new...there is no sorrow on it for the days are yet to arrives with the beautiful sunrise all new...ready for man to make its mark upon it...a gift...I would say...of the most value...It only ask for it to give it their best.

It holds all possibilites in the holds love if they will only accept holds joy if they will believe in holds dreams if they will dream...and it holds miracles if they will only open their eyes...they will see them.

A new year...unfolding before their very eyes...and each day I will give them my blessings...and I will walk with them each step of the way. There is nothing in this new year that I will not be there for them in...nothing that gets to them unless it passes by me...and anything that happens to is my promise that I will work all things together for their good...if they will only believe.

A new year is like watching a glorious sunset...knowing that each color is created in splendor...
They needed time...broken down in seconds...then in minutes and then in hours to help them understand that each second is indeed precious and that every minute counts...and that the hours become days...and the weeks and then months which make up the years.

This is their lives...and they need to know they have the power not only to make each one count but to change them into moments of blessings...hours of splendor...weeks of looking for all the good in all things...months of seeing one miracle after another...begining with the sunrise...and ending with my signature of the close of the day as they take time out of their busy lives to enjoy sunsets...and then years of cherishing those I have placed in their lives...all adding up to the sum total of their life on earth...

And then knowing that as one year ends and another is a brand new page...yesterday has passed... tomorrow is yet to be...but this day...this new year is just waiting for behold all the blessings...all the miracles...

You might is my way of saying "HAPPY NEW YEAR to my children on earth."

A brand new day...a brand new year...
It awaits them...with love.

Love you all,
Aunt Dee

janice wright <>
Canton, oh - Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 05:36 PM (CST)
Dear Laura, I was thinking of you and your family today and wanted to say hello . Praying hard that Colby's transplant goes well and you and your family can enjoy a very healthy and happy 2003..
Regina Sloan
Uniontown, PA - Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 03:21 PM (CST)
Hi Jack and family,

Keep reading your wife's updates. Colby (and your whole family!) are In Christian and my prayers every day.

All of you (including your supportive friends and family who keep you so close to their hearts) are an inspiration to me-that strength comes from within, with the Lord's help and guidance.

God Bless!

Kevin Swiger <>
Weston, WV USA - Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 09:10 AM (CST)
Thinking of you, and Colby and sending the gift of the fairies to help him. I would gladly endure all the pain there is if I could take it away from children and animals. It's so unfair. I will say a prayer for him tonight, and fairydust is on it's way.
tara Scofield <>
Roswell, GA USA - Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 01:37 AM (CST)
Happy New Year & Cancer-Free Years !!!

Love the new pictures. The kids are so cute.

May your wish "2003 Cancer Free Year" comes true....

Thu <>
Denver, CO - Friday, January 03, 2003 at 03:59 PM (CST)
Hi Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,
Thinking of you daily. Your X-mas photos are precious.
All the kids from daycare send their love. Laura, Happy Birthday!!!! Talk to you soon. Love,Mary Jul

Mary Jul Phillips <sjjphil>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, January 03, 2003 at 02:54 PM (CST)

Why GOD Made Boys

God made a world out of His dreams
Of wondrous mountains, oceans, and streams,
Prairies and plains and wooded land,
Then paused and thought,
"I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas,
Explore the plains and climb the trees,
Someone to start out small and grow,Sturdy,
strong, like a tree", and so...
He created boys, full of spirit and fun,
With dirty faces, banged up chins,
With courageous hearts and boyish grins.
When he had completed the task He'd begun,
He secretly said,
"That's a job, well done."

Aunt DEE

janice wright <>
canton, oh - Friday, January 03, 2003 at 02:35 PM (CST)
To the Cole family, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and Colby. Wishing that 2003 brings Colby good health. Colby will not be forgotten in my prayers every night.
Mary Fereza <>
Washington, PA Washington - Friday, January 03, 2003 at 01:19 PM (CST)
Happy New Year Cole Family, Hoping and praying that 2003 brings Colby much health and happiness. I will be sure to keep your JMML friends in my prayers as well. Enjoy your time together before transplant. Sending you hugs and prayers.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, PA - Friday, January 03, 2003 at 11:38 AM (CST)
UNIONTOWN, PA USA - Friday, January 03, 2003 at 10:37 AM (CST)
Cant wait to rub that lucky head! You must look so cute. Colby you are just amazing. You are BIGGER than JMML never forget that. Laura and Jack...what can I say...You two have more grace than anyone I know. Miss you guys much.

- Friday, January 03, 2003 at 01:57 AM (CST)
Good night sweet Colby...
We love you! Sweet dreams...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 10:31 PM (CST)



janice wright <>
CANTON, OH - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 09:03 PM (CST)
Hello and Happy New Year to my sweet Colby and of course the rest of you!!! I will be sending something in the mail. Keep an eye out Colby! Since I can't come and visit I will send "sterile" haha visits by mail. I just wanted to say hi and I hope that you are all having a fabulous day. Miss you much and love you more!! Take care of yourself little one, CANCER FREE sure sounds good to ME! Hugs and kissed to my little TURKEY BUTTS!!!!
Jessica <>
Frederick (A long way from home) :-(, MD - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 04:16 PM (CST)
Colby, Cameron, Laura and Jack,
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! You continue to be in our hearts and prayers always. are such an inspiration to so many're one tough little man!! You're truley amazing! Stay strong!
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

jamie <>
new salem, pa - Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 08:39 PM (CST)
Jack, Laura and boys - We're with you: "Cancer Free in 2003." Sorry to read that the transplant has been delayed, but the doctors want everything to be "on Colby's side" for surgery, I'm sure. It was great to see all of you on Christmas Eve and to share in hearing Colby's prayer after the Candlelight Service. Our prayers continue to be joined with growing numbers of others - so that NOTHING will be impossible with God and with great doctors, nurses, technicians, donors, medications, and family and friends. Love is sure to win! May you have a blessed and HAPPY New Year! Grace, peace and love be with you now and always.
(Rev.) Marnie Abraham Russell and family <>
Jeannette, PA USA - Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 05:34 PM (CST)



The soul of COLBY COLE is the loveliest flower
That grows in the garden of GOD
Its climb is from weakness to
knowledge and power,
To the sky from the clay and the clod.

To beauty and sweetness it grows under care,
Neglected, 'tis ragged and wild.
'tis a plant that is tender, but wonderfully rare,
The sweet, wistful soul of COLBY COLE.

Be tender, O gardner, and give its share,
Of moisture, of warmth, and of light,
And let it not lack for the painstaking care,
To protect it from frost and from blight.

A glad day will come when its bloom shall unfold,
It will seem that an ANGEL has smiled,
Reflecting a beauty and sweetness untold


janice wright <>
Canton, oh - Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 04:46 PM (CST)
Happy New Year to you all,

Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you as you faithfully await transplant. Colby is our hero. He has only shown great strength throughout...and will, without a doubt, continue to do the same! He makes our hearts smile.

Our sincerest blessings,

Kristi, Paul, Eve, Grace, & Lily <>
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 12:49 PM (CST)
Amen and Amen. Praying for you!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 02:19 AM (CST)
Colby, our dear little soul-
Tis the year to be happy and sing our praise "Cancer Free in 2003"!
Being together to start the new year was an unexpected gift.
How Wonderful!
Being at home is probably making you feel better already!
Keep the faith, strength and determination going little guy.
We continue our prayers full speed ahead with endless force!
Our love to all,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 01:28 AM (CST)
I hope you made it home safe and sound. Well Colby has proved once again that he had his own plan, I think Cam is putting his input in too! He has quite a guardian angel up above. I am here for you always.
Happy New Year!
The Doctor Crew

Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 05:41 PM (CST)
Dearest Laura,
It was such god news to hear that you would all be together for the New Year.. I know you are anxious to get the transplant done and have Colby be well again.. Praying hard that a return to good health is just around the corner for Colby .. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Regina Sloan
Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 05:14 PM (CST)
Colby - What a guy. You just show that cancer that you are going to be in charge. How wonderful that you will all be together for New Year's, and at home, not in a hospital. I have been thinking about you a lot. I was going to send you something at CHOP yesterday from under the tree at the office but was too late for the UPS guy. I guess that was meant to be. That means on Thursday, I can just sent it to your house. Tell Cameron to watch out for his gift too. HUGS AND KISSES TO ALL OF YOU AND WISHING YOU A VERY VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. REMEMBER, CANCER FREE IN 2003.
Bev Gorr - Make-A-Wish < and>
Pittsburgh, PA - Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 02:28 PM (CST)

Have I told you
lately that I
Love You
That you are my world
And my sunshine
Whenever I
Think of your beautiful

I am so excited that you get to go home and play with your
CHRISTMAS gifts, being that you had to leave for the hospital the day after CHRISTMAS.



janice wright <>
CANTON, OH - Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 01:06 PM (CST)
Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,
We are so sorry to hear of the delay but so thankful the infection was caught before the transplant process began. Have a wonderful New Year's celebration at home as a family!! Our prayers are with you all each day! We love you!
Love, Todd, Meg, and Parker

Todd, Meg, and Parker
- Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 11:34 AM (CST)
What great news to hear that you will be together as a family (at home) for New Years. Have a safe trip home and Happy New Year.
Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 09:28 AM (CST)
Commander in Chief,
Have a safe trip home with Mommy and Daddy, now you can all celebrate the new year as a family! You seem to be making your own plans! I think it's that strong spirt of yours!
See you soon!
Holding all of you in our Hearts!!!
Colby, I Love You Biggest!!
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA Fayette - Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 09:26 AM (CST)

To touch the heart of someone dear,
though it might sometimes cause a tear
to fall or rest upon the cheek,
should be something all should seek.

For often hearts not touched at all
start harding and shrinking small.
And then the time it takes to grow
a loving heart is just too slow.

For hearts expand as those who care
extend their love and let us share
a moment, space or special phrase
that eases pain on dreary days.

Or simply starts our lips to smile
and brighten time for just a while.
The ways, kinds and means of sharing,
it seems to me are based on caring.

And though we're often worlds apart,
you still can touch my very heart.
You make me smile or shed a tear;
and I'll remember year to year~

Just how your touching helped me grow
and I just thought I'd tell you so.


janice wright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, December 30, 2002 at 03:46 PM (CST)
Dear Laura and Colby - You are in our prayers always. Keep the faith. Alexandra prays for Colby and talks about him a lot - she still remembers the time he and Dillon gave her matching bites on her arms! As she says - "we were just little kids then, so they didn't know better." May the New Year bring good news and May Angels Watch Over You!
Christy and Alexandra Shaw
- Monday, December 30, 2002 at 12:15 PM (CST)
Feeling a bit like a nervous mother...if you are up and checking in, call me. If not, I will call you tomorrow (Mon). Praying hard and loud!
Holding your shoulder is here for you, if only I can ease some of the weight off of yours.
Courage and strength,

Zachary's web link
- Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 08:37 PM (CST)
Laura and Jack, Colby and Cameron,

Happy Holidays!! I hope you got our holiday letter....sorry, no time for photos this year, but you can always catch up on Brians yahoo photo page for the latest.

Boy, you guys sure have been on a crazy roller coaster ride lately!! I remember those days and certainly DON'T MISS THEM!! I wish you didn't have to ride them either, but I think of you all often and hope the upcoming "ride" will not be too bad.....transplant is hard, as you know, but it is worth it to try and rid this disease once and for all!

God Bless the angel donor who is helping you out!!

I love your holiday photos! It's good to see all of look great!

Sending you all my best thoughts and prayers.....please let me know if there is anything else I can do. If you need anything, or just want to talk, I am here. Thank goodness for Dana too!! She fills in all the gaps where the rest of us fall short!! What an angel she is too!

Take care guys!

Niki <>
- Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 03:37 PM (CST)

I have a DREAM


Watching out for you in all the things you do.
Reminding you to keep believing in brighter days.
Finding ways for your wishes and dreams
to take you to beautiful places.
Giving you hope that is as certain as the sun
Giving you the strength of serenity as your guide.
May you always have love and comfort and courage
And MAY YOU ALWAYS have an ANGEL by your SIDE!!!

MAY YOU ALWAYS have an ANGEL by your SIDE.
Someone there to catch you if you fall.
Encouraging your dreams...Inspiring your happiness
Holding your hand and helping you through it all.
In all of our days, our lives are always changing
Tears come along as well as smiles
Along the roads you travel, may the miles be
a thousand times more LOVELY THAN LOVELY.

May they give you the kind of gifts that never, ever end,
Someone wonderful to love and...
a dear friend in whom you can confide.
May you have rainbows after every storm.
May you have hopes to keep you warm.
And MAY YOU ALWAYS have an ANGEL by your SIDE!!!


janice wright <>
CANTON, OH - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 02:57 PM (CST)
Hi Colby,Laura and Jack,
I was thinking about you all A LOT last I know why.
Your drive back to PHL was loooooong and I'm sure upon arrival you were exhausted.
Take deep breathes and roll the shoulders...try your best to relax.
The news of Colby's sniffles and fever make us feel at a stand still.
But these are the bumps in the road that we never want to have happen.
Colby remember how strong you are and keep the battle forging ahead...
We continue to carry you all in our hearts and sending our prayers with a mighty force!
Please know how much we care and love you ALL...
Hugs unlimited,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 02:45 PM (CST)
Colby...Stop making Mommy and Daddy crazy! I hope you are feeling ok and the transplant can go on as scheduled. You are tough boy! Cant wait to see you!
Zachary's web link
- Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 01:21 PM (CST)
Laura...I just finished watching the Veggies Tales "Dave and the Giant Pickle" (their version of David and Goliath) with my kids. I couldn't stop thinking about Colby..Wonder what THAT means?...Does Colby like the Veggies?
Prayer moves MOUNTAINS...keep the faith! Love Becky

Becky Nichols ( )
Austin, Tx - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 12:43 PM (CST)
Goodmorning Cole Family,
Have been up most of the night. This week has been very emotional for me. And for some reason I haven't been able to sleep much this past night. Was in alot of sites checking on all the children on your site Colby.
I pray you are doing well this Sunday Morning.
I will be checking in to see how things are going for you.
Take Care Little Man.
May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 05:24 AM (CST)
Jack,Laura,Colby and Cameron So happy you were able to be home as a family for Xmas. I know this is very important Laura that you all be together as one. I do admire you efforts and strenght. Keep on fighting Colby you're a very brave knight. Our prayers are with all of you! 2003 WILL be GOOD!!!!!! God Willing!!
Pam (Grote) Howarth <>
Uniontown , Pa USA - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 12:25 AM (CST)
Jack,Laura,Colby and Cameron So happy you were able to be home as a family for Xmas. Iknow this is very important Laura that you all be together as one. I do admire you efforts and strengh. Keep on fighting Colby you a very brave knight. Our prayers are with all of you! 2003 WILL be GOOD!!!!!! God Willing!!!!
Pam (Grote) Howarth <>
Uniontown , Pa USA - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 12:22 AM (CST)
Colby, Jack, Laura and Cameron,
Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and you are in our prayers. It was great to see you all in church on Christmas Eve and it won't be too long before you are back with us again. Colby, we need you in church to help close up the place. Hope you had a good Christmas together. Remember to always have faith and hope.
With much love, Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

- Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 09:37 PM (CST)



CANTON, OH - Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 02:56 PM (CST)
Ok Colby,
I have been practicing flinging the flies into the frog mouth...I am ready for a re-match. I will be at your side as often as I can come to entertain you. When you are too tired to play, I will be there to hold mommy's hand. Before you know it you will be home cancer free. I feel bad for what you need to go through to get there. Show JMML you are BIGGER and BETTER!
Love you much...

Zachary's web link
- Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 10:03 AM (CST)



CANTON, OH - Friday, December 27, 2002 at 09:56 PM (CST)
Dear Cole Family:
Just a reminder that you all are in our prayers as you enter this new phase of recovery for Colby. This coming year is going to be a great one for you. May God Bless and Keep you in his care as you recover from the BMT.

Lorraine Miscik and Bob Stilwell <>
McClellandtown, PA United States - Friday, December 27, 2002 at 03:18 PM (CST)
Colby & Cameron, I hope Santa brought you everything you guys asked for. I'm sure Santa will bring Cameron's special request for Colby to get better. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Cole Family!!! Have a safe trip to Philly.

Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, December 27, 2002 at 08:23 AM (CST)
Happy Holidays is an understatement! Rejoice!
Hi Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron-
Knowing that you all were HOME for Christmas touched everyones hearts. How wonderful!
Keep the faith, strength and determination Colby...
we love you!
May the New Year bring good health, happy hearts and Cancer free in 2003!
From our hearts, we love you all so,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 08:36 PM (CST)
Knowing all well the battle you are fighting I need you to know that I love you and am praying for you. Please don't ever give up. Where there is love and faith, there is always hope. It was nice having you home for Christmas. By the way what did you do with that snawman poop?

Love Uncle Bob

Robert J. Shaw
- Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 09:55 AM (CST)
Merry Christmas Night Cole Family.
The pictures are just beautiful.
It has been a while since I have been here.
I am not ignoring you just trying to cope with the holiday.
I pray you had a very blessed Christmas.
Colby you look just wonderful.
May the New Year Bring Much Cheer and Freedom of that nasty
May God Be With You Always!

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 06:32 PM (CST)
Merry Christmas!
Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 04:34 PM (CST)
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron.... Merry Christmas... So glad to hear that you are spending Christmas ALL TOGETHER.. instead of the hospital.... Colby had it all planned out.. to be home with his loving family and friends. God Bless you all...thinking of all of you on this Christmas Day. Colby and Cameron I hope Santa brought all that you wanted for Christmas... I know that Mommy and Daddy got what they wanted... for all of you to be together on Christmas. Cancer Free in 2003!!! In our thoughts and prayers... Love: Sandy, Paul, Zach and Tristin
Sandy Kaiser <>
Masontown, PA USA - Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 01:25 PM (CST)
Dear Laura and family,
Have a wonderful Christmas together! God Bless You All.

Regina and Al Sloan
Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 04:11 PM (CST)
Colby, Cameron, Laura and Jack,
Have a very Merry Christmas!!! We're thinking about you and praying for you always!
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

jamei <>
new salem, pa - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 02:38 PM (CST)
Dear Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron, Have a Blessed Christmas. May the peace, joy and hope of Christmas be with you always.

The Yerina Family

Patty <>
Pgh, - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 12:25 PM (CST)

Toto <>
Lyons, KS USA - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 09:44 PM (CST)
Zachary's web link
- Monday, December 23, 2002 at 05:18 PM (CST)
Colby and Family,
I am so glad to know that you will all be together to celebrate Christmas. Hang on tight to each other and know that so many of us out here are praying for you this Christmas. I trust God will continue to lay His healing hands on Colby, until his body is totally healed. God bless you all. With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 02:48 PM (CST)

HELLO! I got this in my mail box and I was told to give it to COLBY & CAMERON.


I am your special angel,
ON orders from above.
To see that as a child of God,
You receive some special love.
God sent me down to find you,
I knew exactly where to look.
For your name is written down,
IN God's big address book.
He said I'd recognize you,
From your tiny turned-up nose.
You'd also have two shell-like ears,
Complete with two ear lobes.
He gave me then a choice,
Of your left ear or your right.
Said I could stay in either one,
So I'd be with you day and night.
So, if your ear begins to tickel,
From the flutter of my wings.
Remember I'm an Angel,
and Angels do thos things.
Now, if you get to feeling sad, Or maybe kind of scard.
Just tug upon your earlobe,
I promise to be there.
I'll come straight to your rescue,
Because that's my job to do.
God thinks you're very special,
That's why He sent me down to you!


Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 01:24 PM (CST)
Hi guys! Hope all is well with you all today. Think of you all the time and pray for a complete and quick recovery from this dreadful illness. As you say Laura - cancer free in 2003. What a great motto! Wanted to give you the Blood and Marrow Transplant newsletter information in case you would like to contact them. They publish a newsletter 4 tmes a year and it is very informative. It is:
BMT Infonet
2900 Skokie Valley Rd. Suite B
Highland Park, Ill 60035
888-597-7674 (toll free)

Hang in there Colby and hope to see you all tomorrow.
Aunt Mar

Marlene Shaw
New Salem, Pa fayette - Monday, December 23, 2002 at 12:59 PM (CST)
Oh my Goodness.... just one more day and I get to see my little guys!!! I am so excited. Christmas is such a very special time. I am so greatful that you all get to spend it together, and at home. I can't wait to see you. My plan is to come Christmas day if that is o.k. but the fact that I have to go right past your road on my way home tomorrow is rather tempting!!! I may not be able to resist. Love, hugs, and kisses. See you VERY SOON!!!!

Jessica <>
- Monday, December 23, 2002 at 08:09 AM (CST)
I can picture the Cole household in my mind...cuddled up on the talk of cancer...just spending time together loving one another. You are a special family. I will always keep you close to my heart. Enjoy your time together on year at this time you will be reflecting on your strength and ability to shine.
With all our love,
Dana, Stuart, Kyle and Zachary

Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Sunday, December 22, 2002 at 09:42 PM (CST)



CANTON, OH - Sunday, December 22, 2002 at 01:43 PM (CST)
Merry Christmas to all. We will keep you in our prayers. Hope you get lots of snow. I can picture Miller farm road covered in snow.

Robin & Hayden
Orlando, FL Orange - Sunday, December 22, 2002 at 10:44 AM (CST)
To the Cole family,

We hope that your family will have a great Christmas as well as enjoying your family time at home for the holidays. We know what it's like to be in the hospital during the holidays and there's no place like home!! Colby hang in there bud, the good man up above is watching over you.
Sorry Laura that I have not joined the chat yet but I am sure that Nathan is a good spokes person for our family. We think of your family often and your in our prayers. Happy Holidays to you all.

The Jankowski family ( <>
Fresno, Ca - Sunday, December 22, 2002 at 01:17 AM (CST)
Hi Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron-
Such wonderful news for a wonderful family!
Even Santa works wonders! He wants to come to your beautiful home for milk and cookies, not CHOP!
A special time for Cameron with his mommy and truly a very touching time for Jack & Colby.
As we continue to pray, we hold you all in our hearts.
XO Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 08:20 PM (CST)
Our wishes to you all for a blessed holiday season. You remain in our prayers. So grateful to hear such great news. Our prayers grow in strength every day just as Colby does...

The Horvats,

Paul, Kristi, Eve, Grace, & Lily
- Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 08:16 PM (CST)
Merry Christmas to you.... May 2003 hold some wonderful news - and maybe an end to this disease in your baby's life.... lots of love, Laura
- Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 07:00 PM (CST)
Hi. You don't know me, but I am a friend of Dana's sister Jill. I got to your page through Zachary's. I just wanted to say that we are keeping Colby and your whole family in our prayers this holiday season. Dana's right, Colby IS bigger than JMML, just like Zachary. I am so glad Colby is getting to spend Christmas at home where he belongs.
Here's praying for a CANCER FREE 2003!!

Jenny Sterner <>
Colts Neck,, NJ - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 04:02 PM (CST)
Hi, my name is Vickie and i worked with Colby at CHOP on saturday with a volunteer group that does small science projects with the kids. Colby is a beautiful boy and i will keep him in my prayers.
Victoria Grau <>
Philadelphia, PA US - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 12:45 PM (CST)




CANTON, OH - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 12:37 PM (CST)
Merry Christmas Colby,Cameron, Laura and Jack! Just a quick note to let you all know I am thinking and praying for all of you. Laura if there is anything I can do, please let me know. Hugs and kisses to all of you! P.S. The pictures are beautiful!
Darlene <>
Brownsville, PA USA - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 06:47 PM (CST)
Dear Laura,
I hope your trip to CHOP is a very short one and you and Colby can be home for Christmas..Praying hard for all of you. Colby has a very strong will.. I know with God's help he can beat this cancer ..Your Christmas pictures are beautiful.. God Bless!

Regina Sloan <>
- Friday, December 20, 2002 at 05:35 PM (CST)
I am Zachary's grandmother in Fla. We have heard so much about Colby from Dana. Our prayers are with Colby for a speedy recovery.
Lynn Doctor <richdr@aol>
- Friday, December 20, 2002 at 12:29 PM (CST)



CANTON, OH - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 12:17 PM (CST)
I heard a rumor you guys are headed back to Philly...UGH! I hope this is not true, but I heard it straight from the doc. Call me when you can. I hope you have a safe trip.
Zachary's web link
- Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 05:06 PM (CST)
Laura, thanks so much for signing in on my guestbook. I really appreciated your note. As always, I am praying for you guys. I will step them up as you go in for chemo tomorrow. Hopefully you will get to be home together for Christmas. Blessings to you. I'll check back soon!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 02:37 PM (CST)
Merry Christmas!!!!

And a happy and safe New Year.


Cheryl <>
tulsa, ok usa - Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 02:23 PM (CST)



CANTON, OH - Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 10:51 AM (CST)
Colby & Family,
Wonderful pictures; I've never seen a more beautiful family! You look terrific, Colby. Keep up the good work, you are such an inspiration to us all. Hope your trip to Philly is a quick but fruitful one this weekend and then home to wait for Santa with Cameron! Love to you all. Ho-Ho-Ho!!!

Pat <>
New Salem, PA USA - Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 10:47 AM (CST)
Those Christmas pictures are great!! Connor says "oh, they're bery cute". It's nice to put faces to your whole, beautiful family. You'll have to tell me your secret - I couldn't get Connor to cooperate with one picture, let alone 5!!
Rachel <>
- Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 10:08 PM (CST)
Welcome home Colby!! Those are the cutiest Christmas pictures I have ever seen. You guys have a beautiful family. We are keeping you and the other JMML families in our thoughts and prayers each and every day.
Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 03:50 PM (CST)
Colby never stop amazing me. YOU ARE BIGGER AND STRONGER THAN JMML! Keep fighting hard. Hope to NOT see you in Philly this weekend.
Cant wait to see you Laura...I may not recognize you. Keep up your spirit and grace, you are a good part of the reason Colby is such a courageous warrior.

Zachary's web link
- Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 11:54 AM (CST)

Did you know that you are the first
thing on my mind when I awaken,
and when I close my eyes at night to
sleep, you are the last thought I remember


CANTON, OH - Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 11:36 AM (CST)
tears are flowing...can those pictures be any cuter?!!
Zachary's web link
- Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 09:02 AM (CST)
I am glad he is headed home & hope your next stay this weekend is a short one. I just wanted to wish you a FANTASTIC HOLIDAY AND MUCH HEALTH & HAPPINESS!

Gooch & Mom
Gooch's Site

- Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 06:57 PM (CST)
Hi guys,

I will call tonight. Have a FABULOUS DAY!!! MUCHO LOVE!

Jess <>
- Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 10:57 AM (CST)

My, but you're a handsome dansom
You've got bright eyed good looks and some
If they charged a handsome ransom
We'd pay twice 'cause you're so handsome


CANTON, OH - Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 10:02 AM (CST)
Dearest Colby-
YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!! Such wonderful news!
Be careful coming home and now Santa knows where he has to go!
I told him the other day that he would be in Uniontown for you! NOT CHOP!!!
God bless you all, we continue to pray and send our love and strength so endlessly!
Get the rest you need- all of you!
From our hearts!
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO andmore!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 10:31 PM (CST)
Yay!! Home for Christmas - great news!! That's all this little fever thing was - just a ploy to be home for Christmas! Very smart Colby! Next time let your Mom in on the plans so she doesn't worry so much. Maybe Connor, Conor and Colby will all be in transplant at the same time - there's got to be something lucky about that.
Rachel <>
- Monday, December 16, 2002 at 06:53 PM (CST)
HOME SWWET HOME ON THE HORIZON!!! I just talked to Colby and he sure knows how to make me smile!By the way he sounds like a million bucks. LOVE YOU GUYS! Have a save trip home and enjoy your two (and a half) precious days! Lots of love!
Jess <>
- Monday, December 16, 2002 at 03:56 PM (CST)




CANTON, OH - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 12:39 PM (CST)
Home sweet home...have a safe trip. Love you guys much.

Zachary's web link
- Monday, December 16, 2002 at 12:33 PM (CST)
To My Sweet Colby,

Ijust wanted to tell you that I love you and to give you some good news. Santa stopped at my house the other day and yup... guess who he left some presents for. You and Cam!!! Oh boy. Honey, you are so tough and brave and even though these little set backs are a pain in the butt I still say that they serve a purpose. God has a plan for you little man and all things happen for a reason. I am very proud of you and BOY are you in for some BIG SLOPPY SMOOCHES!!!!!! Wait till I see you! For now I will try and call you in the evenings. Hug and kiss mommy for me and daddy and cam when you see them. Take care my sweet Colby and keep up the great work. STRONG LIKE BULL! Hugs and kisses coming at ya... XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Jessica <>
- Monday, December 16, 2002 at 10:30 AM (CST)
You are so strong Colby! I am praying you will get to go home soon. Always thinking of you,
Kristy and Conor
Wetaskiwin, alberta canada - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 08:53 AM (CST)
Dear Laura, I am praying that you and Colby will be able to come home and be with Jack and Cameron for a few days before he goes back in to prepare for the transplant..A friend of mine had added Colby's name to the prayer list at his church..
Regina Sloan <>
- Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 08:57 PM (CST)
Good Evening Laura,
Just checking in to see how things are going. You are thought of daily. The whole Cole family is being thought of.
Take Care All And May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 05:13 PM (CST)
just checking in to say hi. I hope those fevers stay away. Thinking of you all the time.

Kristy & Conor
Wetaskiwin, alberta canada - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 09:44 AM (CST)

DUNBAR, PA USA - Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 07:41 AM (CST)
Thinking about you all and checking the website daily (both Dan and I). Wishing you the best. We will be at CHOP on Wednesday for Sami's cat scan. Please let us know if we can bring you anything...or even let us know if you are there (and what floor). All our Love!
Sandy (
Bridgewater, NJ USA - Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 10:56 PM (CST)
Mr Colby,
Thank you for letting me come back up for another round of cheating at all! You are quite good at go fish. Gee kid, if this is you down and have enough energy for 6 people. I know you feel kinda crummy now, but before you know it your tummy wont feel so yucky. That is all that medicine going after those nasty cells. I still think we need to make mommy into a liquid, put her in your IV, and let her kick those JMML cell's butts! I am so proud of you for taking your can even swallow a pill! Daddy would be so proud of you, I am sure him and Cam miss you bunches. I am so glad that WBC count has come down a bit. I just loved the look on Mommy's face when nurse Ellen told her. Keep up the good work...keep fighting kid! You are a lot mightier than your little body looks. I am praying hard for you and your donor. Love you much! I'll come back to visit again. Maybe if there are no fevers you can go home for a few weeks. Give mommy lots of kisses...she is so strong like you. You guys make a great team.

Zachary's web link
- Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 09:18 PM (CST)
Everyone at Smile Quilts is thinking of you and praying for you.
We want to wish you a very Healthy and Happy Holiday!

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 10:51 AM (CST)


CANTON, OH - Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 06:39 AM (CST)
Laura - We're thinking of you every day! It sounds like you are in great hands at CHOP!
Rachel <>
- Friday, December 13, 2002 at 09:45 PM (CST)
Zachary's web link
- Friday, December 13, 2002 at 01:23 PM (CST)



Janice Wright <>
Canton, oh - Friday, December 13, 2002 at 12:05 PM (CST)
Thinking of you EVERY DAY!
Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Friday, December 13, 2002 at 09:36 AM (CST)
Colby, Laura, Jack & Cameron,

You all are constantly in our hearts and prayers. Even though we are at a new church and the girls don't get to see Colby, they always say "...and don't forget Colby" at prayer time.

With faith,

Eve, Grace, Lily, Kristi & Paul Horvat
Uniontown, - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 11:01 PM (CST)
Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron-
I was anxious to know "what is happening"...thank you Laura. As always, you amaze us with your prompt journal entries. BUT please get your rest too!!!!
Welcome back home Jack and Cameron...I know it is good to be home but hard to be apart from the family. Soon you ll will be together again.
Quite the entry this time. I hope Colby is feeling good and once again understanding the situations.
God has a very special child in his arms!!!
We continue to pray for strength, hope and faith for all.
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 09:45 PM (CST)
Want to let everyone in the Cole family know that I am thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Miss seeing you on 2 East Colby! Take special care!!!
Jo <>
New Salem, PA USA - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 05:47 PM (CST)
hi wondering how Colby is doing
jessica provance and nicole ferro < >
uniontown, pa usa - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 03:04 PM (CST)






CANTON, OH - Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 02:44 PM (CST)



CANTON, OH - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 10:30 PM (CST)
Good evening Cole Family,
Just getting ready for bed and thought i would drop in to see if any news is out here.
I pray everything is going okay with you Colby.
I see nothing has changed in the journal since Sunday. Hope that means everything is on the right track with you guys.
Well Take Care and May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 08:40 PM (CST)
Hoping today's procedure went well...a big step towards recovery. See ya on the weekend...coming in for another round of Colby tic tac toe. Stand tall guys...Colby is bigger than JMML!
Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 07:09 PM (CST)
Markleysburg, Pa - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 05:18 PM (CST)
Dear Laura,Thinking and praying extra hard for all of you at this time..
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 09:20 AM (CST)
Hi Guys,
Thanks for letting me visit today. Colby and I had a blast playing together. (even though he cheats at EVERY game!) I was glad to get to see the whole family. Colby looks awesome! Sorry you are in for a while, but CHOP has a plan and you will be home and healthy for Christmas.
Love to you all,

Zachary's web link
- Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 11:02 PM (CST)
Good Night to All-
Let yourselves rest and let your dreams take you away...
I'm sure these days are very long for all of you.
So many of us wish we could help, so we continue to pray.
Please stay strong, take deep breaths and remember that
there are so many dear souls thinking and praying
for you worldwide!
Congratulations to Cousin Jess! How proud the family must
be of her! From the journal readings, she has been working
very hard to reach her goal- how wonderful!
You all are good hands at CHOP. Dana and family are close by
and there for support, love and comfort. Thank you!!!! :}
As always, you all are in our hearts and prayers,
XO to all
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 09:19 PM (CST)
Hi guys. I wish I knew how things were going out there, have been thinking about you alot. My dad always says that no news is good news. I am sure that they are taking good care of you at CHOP and if not I am sure Laura you are being the REINFORCER, cause we know that you have to somethimes. I just wanted to tell you that all is a go for me to go back to the National Cancer Institue. I have to be there Friday and I am free all weekend and dont start work till Tuesday. I really want to come to CHOP so I will be callin Thursday sometime to get some directions. Tell Cam man I said "hi turkey butt" and tell my sweet Colby that he is the biggest cutie and I am coming to see him. Love you all. Call if you need anything. Love and prayer, kisses and huggies XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Jess <>
- Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 01:02 PM (CST)



JANICE WRIGHT <jwright31@neo.rr,com>
CANTON, OH - Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 12:14 PM (CST)
Hi Guys,
Glad you made it to Philly safe and sound. It was great to hear your voice yesterday Laura, you sound much better. Colby is safe at CHOP now, they will give him their FULL attention. Today starts yet another rough phase in Colby's treament, but it is one step closer to putting this JMML behind you. I told you Colby had his own plan for Christmas! I know things appear very uncertain, keep focused and never lose site of how well Colby looks and feels. Before you know it those suitcases will be packed away, only used to take a vacation. Colby, your grace is to be admired. You and Zachary are forever my heros. Every obstacle I will encounter in life will be handled with the strength you have shown. Thank you for being my teacher.
See ya in a few hours,

Zachary's web link
- Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 11:28 AM (CST)

huggies and snuggies
warm and tight
my love to you
I send tonight
before I lay down
and go to bed
remembering you
as my prayers are said
may God protect you
and may God bless
my friendship and love
I send as I rest......

Love you so much,

Janice Wright
Canton, OH - Monday, December 09, 2002 at 10:44 PM (CST)
Commander in Chief Colby,
Sending all my Love, Strength, and Prayers. I know you can fight this because no one is as STRONG LIKE BULL as my Commander Colby.
Laura, Jack and Cameron we are here for you! Stay Strong!
The General and Crew XXXXX OOOOO

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA Fayette - Monday, December 09, 2002 at 06:52 PM (CST)
Laura,Colby, Jack,& Cameron,
You all are in my prayers daily. May GOD bless you all on this long journey. Colby, you are truly a hero in my eyes!!!! Take care and be safe!!!

Bernie Forsythe & Family <>
New Salem, Pa - Monday, December 09, 2002 at 01:39 PM (CST)
Dear Jack and Laura, I am praying that Colby's pneumonia clears up and he can get back on track with his BMT. This is just a bump in the road, he's had other bumps along the way and he got over them just as he will this one. Sending you hugs and prayers.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh., - Monday, December 09, 2002 at 01:18 PM (CST)
Dearest Colby,

I am a tiny angel, I'm smaller than your thumb
I live in people's pockets, that's where I have my fun
I don't suppose you've seen me, I'm too tiny to detect
Though I'm with you all the time, I doubt we've ever met.
Before I was an Angel---I was a fairy in a flower.
God, Himself hand-picked me and gave me Angel power,
Now God has many Angels, that He trains in Angel pools.
We become His eyes, ears and hands, we become his special tools.
And because God is so busy, with way to much to do
He said that my aasignment, is to keep close watch on you.
When he tucked me in your pocket, He blessed you with Angel care, Then told me to never leave you, and vowed always to be there!

CANTON, OH - Monday, December 09, 2002 at 12:23 PM (CST)
Sending you guys strength and love. Hoping the good docs at CHOP have answers for you and a plan to get Colby back on track. I am just a phone call away!
Zachary's web link
- Monday, December 09, 2002 at 09:23 AM (CST)
Goodmorning Cole Family,
Have been thinking of you this early chilly morning.
I am Praying for you.
Since my dog is starting to feel a little better and out of the animal hospital my mind is back to Little Colby.My dog Seven is 8yrs. old and has a very bad bacterial infection in his stomach intestens and bowel. Ate some of a rug and fibers cut his insides a little bit and caused an infection.
Hope the trip to Philidelphia was safe. Probally seemed to be a very long trip.
My wish to you is for a speedy recovery Colby.
Take Care and May God Be With You Always!

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, December 09, 2002 at 05:20 AM (CST)
Much love with you guys this week. I pray that all will be ok. Everything happens for a reason (like me ripping out the old broviac in the pool). God has his own way of showing the way something should go. Colby, you are strong my man... keep throwing punches at this pneumonia. I can't wait to see you and give and "get" some super hugs! If you need anything this week, please give a call. Love and prayer and we can't forget hugs and kisses XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Hope to see you soon. Be safe!

Jessica <>
- Monday, December 09, 2002 at 12:08 AM (CST)
I'm praying for you guys as you go through a very difficult time. Blessings and I'll check back tomorrow.
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 11:28 PM (CST)
My Dearest Little Tyke,
I am Praying for you little one. May God and all his Angels Be With you through all of your fights. You have fought a very large battle for such a little one. You have the courage of the lion. I know my Charlene is watching over you. I tell Char every day to keep an eye on you. May all the Angles and Saints bond together for a very large prayer meeting for you.
Jack & Laura,
I feel your pain as i too know what you are going through. I pray for you also. You are very strong and your strength will help you through this difficult time of your life. Suitcases will be packed always. Seems like i never had mine undone.
Soon little one you will be strong enough to have another BMT and will be up an playing in no time.
I pray your infection will clear for you. As soon as your strength comes back you will be on your way to the outdoors and playing with your little brother.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 08:47 PM (CST)
Thinking of you as you make the trip to Phillie. You are probably half way there by now. I am just a phone call away.

Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 08:16 PM (CST)
Dear Colby and Family,

Just want all of you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers for health and strength and some rest! Wishing you success in Philly!

Jo <>
New Salem, PA USA - Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 06:16 PM (CST)



CANTON, OH - Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 12:56 PM (CST)
God with all the angles and saints are with you, as hard as it may be to realize at this time. Every one is praying for you Colby and your family.
uniontown, pa fayette - Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 12:18 PM (CST)
Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron-
Thinking of you all and sending big hugs...BIG hugs!
Laura, todays's entry sounded very tired. You must get YOUR rest too! I am concerned.
I am so thankful for Dana and her family. Dear to your hearts and truly the support you need.
I'm sure you are looking forward to seeing her.
Her heart knows what you are going through and the feelings that are draining you.
Thank you Dana (and family!) for your endless empathy.
Colby,I hope that you're feeling better and that the pneumonia goes away real fast.
Hang in there little soldier!
We love you all, have a safe trip back to CHOP.
Everyone get the rest you need and more!
Together in prayer,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 10:05 AM (CST)
Hi guys. I haven't forgotten about you. You've been in my thoughts and prayers as much as always. I just couldn't sign in here because of the ice storm. I'll keep praying and of course checking on you when I can--blessings!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 06:42 PM (CST)



Janice Wright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 03:09 PM (CST)
See ya in say when and I am there. Love you much. I just wish I had a magic wand to fix things for Colby.
- Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 01:56 AM (CST)
Good Night Sweet Colby-
We are sending you the strength and love from our hearts.
Dear Lord, please ease up on this little soul and give him the joy of life a 4 year old deserves!
I wish words were easy at this time.
Laura and Jack, as many have said to you- you BOTH are amazingly strong and have shown us all what wonderful parents you BOTH are!
Nothing more dear than your own child...God Bless you ALL!
We ache for all of you and the prayers are stronger every day.
We are here for you. We wish we could do something to help you all get through this big bump in the road.
Jack, you know Darrell is here for you (me too!)
Elaine and Larry are guardian angels-truly dear friends and sincere caring souls. Thank you both for your endless love for the Cole's, especially dear little Colby.
So many people are praying and we surely feel God is listening.
Thank you Laura for your journal entries. So many of us depend on those truly are amazing XO. Be sure to get your rest-we get so concerned about you too!
Sweet dreams and God Bless,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO amd more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Friday, December 06, 2002 at 11:34 PM (CST)


Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , TX - Friday, December 06, 2002 at 12:06 PM (CST)
Hi Colby,

Happy to hear that things are somewhat better. Keep up the fight. You are a real little trooper. You and Mommy and Daddy and Cameron are in our thoughts and prayers all the time. Love and Kisses, Arlene and Seymour Zwick

Zackie's Grandma and Grandpa ... Zoe too <>
Monroe Twp, NJ - Friday, December 06, 2002 at 06:51 AM (CST)
Hi Colby,
I just wanted to say goodnight and tell you how much I love you!!! I was so glad that I got to tak to you today and as always you sounded great. I hope you had fun playing Zelda. Laura, I know that must be going crazy. We always say how much strength Colby has but I admire you for your strength too. Colby is so lucky to have a mommy and daddy like you and uncle Jack. Please, if you need anything you know you can always call, even if you just want to talk. I am investigating what those bumps might be. Also, if you need a sitter for Cam man call my mom. Hope to hear from you soon. Sending some special "healing kisses" tonight! Lots of Love, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Jessica <>
- Friday, December 06, 2002 at 12:24 AM (CST)
My Commander in Chief Colby,
Just wanted to remind you that the General Loves YOU Biggest, stay STRONG LIKE BULL and come home soon so we can play together. Erio, Aliana and Emilio ask every morning in school for special prayers just for you. They really do miss you. Through all of this you have been such a strong little boy (STRONG LIKE BULL) and you have given all of us great strength! Now I want you to use that great strength to fight and win this latest battle.
Laura and Jack, please feel all the LOVE and PRAYERS that are coming to you! The two of you are absolutely amazing. God must truely Love you to give you such beautiful gifts, Colby and Cameron!
Holding ALL of you in our Hearts!

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA Fayette - Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 10:01 PM (CST)
Laura - We pray for Colby everyday, Connor always adds "Look out for Colby" to his bedtime prayer. I hope everything evens out soon - you guys are going through so much. About those red spots - Connor had some hard red bumps on his feet last year between the 2 courses of AraC/Flu (I think that was when they showed up, I'll have to check my notes to be sure). At first I thought they were bruises because he had dropped some toy trucks on his feet, but they were too hard. The docs thought they were due to the high white count and they went away within a few days of starting chemo. He never had them again. I don't think they hurt except when he put pressure on his feet (they were on the bottoms) so he got carried for a few days. I hope you get some family time before the transplant!
Rachel <>
- Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 09:44 PM (CST)
Colby is in my prayers and heart every day as are all of you. God Bless
Jill ( Dana's Sister) <>
Long Branch, NJ - Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 05:26 PM (CST)
Jack, Laura, Colby, Cameron, You don't know me, I am a friend and neighbor of Dana's, I have been keeping tabs on your son and his courageous battle for a while now. Just wanted to let you know Colby and your family are in our prayers every day!!!!! Lisa dolan
Lisa Dlan <>
Whiting, NJ Ocean - Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 04:40 PM (CST)
HI GUYs - Sorry to hear you are back at CHP. I tried to check out your site at home the past couple of days and it wouldn't let me get in. I will touch base with you tomorrow Laura and see how long Colby will be in. I would love to stop by and see you both again. HANG IN THERE GUYS. Tons of prayers are coming your way daily.
Bev - Make-A-Wish <bgorr&>
Pittsburgh, PA - Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 03:27 PM (CST)
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,
Gosh I don't really know if there are any words to ease your fears right now. Colby is really trying to be home for christmas and push off that BMT huh? I know how out of control you must feel. I hope tomorrow holds more answers as to what is going on in Colby's body. I find it amazing how Colby's lab results and his energy are at different ends of the spectrum. Colby has proven to be VERY resilient. I pray this is a bump in the road and that his next CBC shows much better results. My heart aches for your family...all of you. Do the best you can, cry...scream, you are entitled to it. I am ALWAYS here for you, day or night. I wish I can be with you right now. I hope you feel my hand holding yours. Jack...hold on to that overflowing blessing and never lose hope. STRONG LIKE BULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hoping tomorrow is a brighter day,

Zachary's web link
- Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 01:04 PM (CST)
Praying for just a minor fever. Hang in there Colby. CANCER FREE 2003 will definitely come true. Thinking of you all.....

Take Care,

Thu <>
Denver, CO - Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 12:26 PM (CST)
Hello everyone!
I just wanted to check in and see how everything was. Colby, I know you are doing just great! You are the STRONGEST and BRAVEST little man that I know. I am so proud of you. I didn't want to say goodbye to you on Sunday or let you go. That hug was so nice! You really showed me how tough you really are when I tried to wish you luck in transplant in case I didn't get to see you before you left and you looked at me and said "oh it's ok I already had my spleen out and I did this all before". Such very big words from such a sweet baby. I cannot imagine what is going through your little mind, but sweetie please know that you are going to beat this! Uncle Jack and Laura, I love you guys and miss ya! Hugs and Kissed for everyone. Tell Cameron to call me this week. He always makes me smile, he is as sweet as can be. Hope to hear from you soon. Call if you need anything... or just to say hi! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Jessica (I am the other sleeping princess!!!) HaHa <>
- Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 07:28 PM (CST)
Hey guys! Still praying for you down here in Charlotte! Wish we could see you over the Christmas holidays! You'll be missed and very much thought about. Love you all!
Brian, Tina, and Megan <>
- Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 09:22 PM (CST)
hey colby, this is jared. i also have jmml. i had my splenectomy about a month ago. the big scar across my belly is really cool. i hope that you feel really good soon. my mom and i are sending good thoughts at bedtime tonight.
jared rodrigues <>
san leandro, ca usa - Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 09:19 PM (CST)
HI Colby,
Glad you are having fun with the game Operation. I thought you would get a kick out of it. Tell Cameron to paint me a picture. Keep fighting...keep shining. You are truly an inspiration to all that know you. Promise me when you get through this and grow to be a strong man, you will find a cure for this dreaded disease.
Love to all of you,
Dana and the crew.

Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 05:41 PM (CST)
Hello Cole Family!! I have been talking with Jess almost every evening and EVERY conversation has you guys in it! She keeps me updated with everything that is going on, especially the SLEEPOVERS. They sound like a great time!
Colby and Cameron, I hope you guys are ready for some big snow days. I am going to talk to Jess, because the first snow day that I can get off work I am coming to PA and we are going sled riding! It is one of my favorite things to do and I would love to share the fun with you guys!
I don't think I mentioned this, but every Wednesday before school all the teachers get together for a prayer group. Colby, you are part of our prayer group and the teachers wish you the best. I am praying for you always.

Hope to see everyone soon! Hugs and Kisses to all!

Your friend,
Erin McKenzie (Colby's sleeping princess) HAHAHAHAH!

Erin McKenzie
Cumberland, MD US - Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 03:31 PM (CST)
Hello Cole Family!! I have been talking with Jess almost every evening and EVERY conversation has you guys in it! She keeps me updated with everything that is going on, especially the SLEEPOVERS. They sound like a great time!
Colby and Cameron, I hope you guys are ready for some big snow days. I am going to talk to Jess, because the first snow day that I can get off work I am coming to PA and we are going sled riding! It is one of my favorite things to do and I would love to share the fun with you guys!
I don't think I mentioned this, but every Wednesday before school all the teachers get together for a prayer group. Colby, you are part of our prayer group and the teachers wish you the best. I am praying for you always.

Hope to see everyone soon! Hugs and Kisses to all!

Your friend,
Erin McKenzie (Colby's sleeping princess) HAHAHAHAH!

Erin McKenzie
Cumberland, MD US - Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 03:27 PM (CST)
What good news to hear you're home again and feeling better! There isn't a day that goes by that you're not on my mind and in my prayers - you're such a treasure and a light in our church family. You are so missed when you're away. Please have tons of fun at home the next couple of weeks and stay strong. God's angels will be with you to heal you! Hi to Cameron, Mom, & Dad.
Love, Pat

Pat Dearth <>
New Salem, PA USA - Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 09:56 AM (CST)
still here, still praying. much love and many blessings to you guys. i'll check back soon. God bless!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Monday, December 02, 2002 at 09:40 PM (CST)
Dear Laura,I am so glad to hear that you are all home again and that Colby did so very well with his surgery.. Gianna is very excited that Cameron will be coming to TLC for a visit.. She told me she misses Colby and I assured her that next year Colby will be well again and be able to visit at TLC also.. SHe was very happy..Continued prayers for you on your next journey to Philly and all that lies ahead there.. You and your family are going to have a wonderful 2003..
Uniontown, PA - Monday, December 02, 2002 at 08:45 PM (CST)
I am happy you all are home safe and sound. All I can think of is Cancer free in 2003. Please know you are in my prayers.
Carol Elvin <>
Pittsburgh, PA - Monday, December 02, 2002 at 01:16 PM (CST)
Welcome Home Everyone!
There's no place like home!
Get the rest you all need and be sure to stay strong.
This afternoon as I drove up the mountain at sunset, the beautiful rays of sunshine were beaming over the Utown region.
Very uplifting and quite inspirational. I could only think about their beauty and the strength that was being relayed from the heavens.
We continue to send our love and keep you ALL in our prayers.
Colby you are a little trooper and truly continue to amaze all of us!
Keep the strength and determination going!
Cancer Free in 2003...we believe!
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 08:26 PM (CST)
Glad to hear that you are all home... safe and sound!! I check in every single day to read the updates and there are times I want to sign the guestbook...but sometimes I am at a loss of words...but know that all of you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. Colby you are such an "AMAZING" little boy...your Mommy and Daddy are so blessed to have "YOU" as "THEIR SON" and your brother Cameron is "PROUD" to be your little brother...I am sure!!! You have touched everyone's heart in such a "SPECIAL" way...and everyone all over the world is praying for you to get better. Laura and Jack...Stay two have been blessed with two "WONDERFUL", "ADORABLE" children...God is watching over all of you. As the Holiday season draws near... May the "MIRACLES" of Christmas live in your hearts FOREVER. Where there is "GREAT" Love, there are "ALWAYS MIRACLES" And your family is a shining example of what "GREAT LOVE" is!!! May God Bless all of you. Laura, if there is anything that I can do or if you just want to talk...please don't hesitate to call. I would love to visit one day...but I never know when it is a good time. In our thoughts and prayers... Love, Sandy, Paul, Zach and Tristin.

Sandy Kaiser <>
Masontown, PA USA - Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 06:59 PM (CST)
Glad to hear you are home and Colby is doing well.
Kristy <>
Wetaskiwin, alberta canada - Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 05:28 PM (CST)
Good morning Cole Family.
I pray all is well this beautiful white morning. The snow is so pure out there. Is just beautiful. Some day Colby you will be able to go out and play in it again. Take Care Little Tyke. I will be praying for a speedy recovery.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 10:23 AM (CST)

DUNBAR, PA USA - Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 09:01 AM (CST)


CONNELLSVILLE, PA - Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 08:21 PM (CST)
We hope you guys have a safe trip home. Steve was at the Polaris shop in Carmichaels today. John (the owner) told Steve that he has met Jack and knows of Colby's illness. He wanted him to let you know that Colby is on the prayer list at two of the churches he attends and he hopes all goes well. Well, we hope to see you guys home soon.
Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 05:33 PM (CST)
Jack, Laura, Colby & Cameron...
I hope your journey home was comfortable and not too long considering the holiday weekend... I am sorry I missed you this time around in Philadelphia but I continue to pray for all of you... I imagine the next two weeks will be hectic... but my prayer for you now is that you have peace and joy in being together... and that all of you are strong for the journey that lies ahead... I will see you in December... God Bless... Dei

Dei Lynam <>
Philadelphia, PA USA - Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 05:17 PM (CST)
Hi Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron-
Too many days have passed by and I have not been able to tell you all how we love you!
The prayers are ongoing and the love ever flowing.
You are on your way back now and please be careful... Mother Nature is at it again!
I hope that you are relaxing and in comfort now.
It hurts all of us when we know you are hurting so.
Thank you Laura for the updates, you're amazing!
May all of you get rest, alot of rest and arrive home safely!
Huggggggggggggggs, big hugs to all!
From our hearts and always in our prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell and Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 04:16 PM (CST)
Have a safe trip home. Take care of yourselves...that means you too Jack! Love you guys much.
The Doctor Crew

Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 12:00 PM (CST)
Praying for you guys. I dont even know what else to say, I cant imagine how incredibly tough and draining this must be.
Gooch's Site

- Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 07:30 AM (CST)
Hi Guys,
We had such a blast with you today. You guys are handling all of this with such grace. Colby looks great. I wish our visit could have been longer, I hated leaving today. We will see you soon. I hope your 2 weeks at home are full of fun.
Love to all,

Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Friday, November 29, 2002 at 10:58 PM (CST)
Hoping you a joyous holiday season. Love, Colton's mother
- Friday, November 29, 2002 at 09:49 PM (CST)
To our sweet little Colby,
I am so glad and was so relived to talk to you yesterday. You sounded so pooped and sad but the sound of your voice made me feel so much better. Honey, you are so tough and so brave and God WILL heal you. All of you have been in our prayers this week and constantly on our minds. Me and mom have said atleat 20 times "I wonder how the baby is". We can't wait to see you when you get home. Miss you and love you. Hugs and kisses from me, Jerry and Shelley! And of course some extra love to Cam man from Shelley. Haha! See you guys soon. Love and prayers and lots of XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

Jess <>
- Friday, November 29, 2002 at 01:40 PM (CST)
Checking on you today and definitely praying for you. Blessings!
Khalita Aplastic Anemia Duke Peds BMT <>
Lexington, NC - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 08:40 PM (CST)
Happy Turkey Day Colby and the rest of the Cole Family. One thing I am certainly thankful for this Thanksgiving is that you have become one of my Make-A-Wish kids. You give me strength just be reading your updates and seeing your face on the caring page. Happy Thanksgiving!
Jill Barclay-Make-A-Wish Volunteer <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 08:37 PM (CST)
Sleep well sweet Colby! See ya tomorrow!
Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 08:28 PM (CST)
What a way to spend thanksgiving.
I am really sorry you guys have to deal with all of this
and hoping the complications are all behind you

Gooch's Site

- Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 07:25 PM (CST)
Dearest Laura,Thank you for updating about Colby's surgery. He was in my thoughts constanly today.. I am glad his condition is improving.My prayers are for you and your family to celebrate next Thanksgiving in your own home surrounded by your family and friends.. God Bless You and keep you strong ..Love and continued prayers to all..
Uniontown, PA - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 07:09 PM (CST)
Laura - I check in on you guys almost daily, but haven't left a note in a while. We pray for Colby everyday (Connor even says "Amen") and I pray for your strength to get you all through. Jim and I are always so impressed with how strong you sound in your entries. Keep the faith - next year our boys will be playing together!
Rachel (Connor's mom) <>
Syracuse, NY - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 07:09 PM (CST)
Dear Colby and family,
Just checking to see how the surgery went. I hope and pray all went well and you will soon be doing just great. Hugs and prayers for you and your family. Sprite for Smile Quilts

Sprite <>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 04:37 PM (CST)
Dearest Laura and Colby, Thanks to a visit to sister Sue's I am able to write. Colby you have been in my thoughts and prayers daily, I'm hoping after yesterday you are starting to heal and get stronger. The ICU crew is also praying for you. Laura when you get home please call so we can come see Colby before his next trip. We really enjoyed Friday's visit. Miles said to tell both Cameron and Colby HELLO! And he hopes Colby is feeling O.K. Hello to you too Jack! Happy Thanksgiving to you all, and may God bless you on your second journey. "CANCER FREE IN 2003" It's almost here!!!
Bonnie Rittenhouse <>
Markleysburg, Pa. USA - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 03:29 PM (CST)
Laura Lu, Thinking of you and your family....hoping and praying all is well....counting my blessings as I am sure you are too.
Vickie Lu <>
Connellsville, - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 03:10 PM (CST)
A big HUG and Hello to Colby. You're such a brave little boy!! Hope you're feeling a little better. It was great to see you at the Benefit on Nov.10. You're a real handsome little man.. To Laura and the family, you're strength and faith in others and God is commendable. You all are truly a blessing to everyone you touch. All our prayers for your family in these next several weeks. Happy Holidays to all of you. Sue and Huck Glisan and Family
Suzanne Glisan <>
Markleysburg, Pa USA - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 03:07 PM (CST)
Hello Cole Family.
Just checking in to see how the surgery went yesterday.
I hope all is well with Colby. I am praying for you little man. May those platlets climb up where they need to be real fast.

I know this is a bad time for all of you during the holidays. But keep the faith. God is with you all. Remember as they say God doesn't dish out more than you can handle.

All will be waiting for an update.

May God Be With You Always!

Take Care Cole Family.
I am praying for all of you.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 01:46 PM (CST)


Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , TX - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 10:50 PM (CST)
Dear Jack, Laura, Colby & Cameron,

Sending hugs and best wishes to your way, Colby. And Happy Thanksgiving to The Family!!!

I am glad the surgery went well. Praying for complete cure on your coming transplant.

The Nguyen Family <>
Denver, co - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 09:56 PM (CST)
I am so glad the surgery went well. Glad that nasty spleen is gone. Hopefully your platelet count will be a bit higher now. Keep healing...I am coming on Friday to give you a gentle hug. Love you kid!
Zachary's web link
- Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 08:16 PM (CST)
I hope Colby's surgery went well. I am praying so hard for him and asking everyone I know to do the same. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving. God Bless you all.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 07:50 PM (CST)
Jack and Laura, Your note was recieved and shared with the faculty and staff and students. We will soon be contacting Elaine with an early Xmas gift for your family. We don't want you to think UHS has forgotten you! Colby and your family are in our thoughts and prayers as you enter the next leg of your journey. Snuggle Colby in his UHS blanket and remind him "Someone at UHS Loves Him" UHS
Pam (Grote) Howarth <>
Uniontown, Pa America - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 03:46 PM (CST)
Colby you and your family have been in my prayers- especially today- the day of surgery. God Bless!
Jo <>
New Salem, PA USA - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 03:43 PM (CST)
Just wanted to wish you a Healthy & Happy Thanksgiving.
I hope this is the very last time you are dealing with cancer and spending your holidays in the hospital too...

Gooch's Site

- Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 01:26 PM (CST)
Hi guys.

Hopefully Colby is out of surgery and doing fine! Sending hugs (gentle ones... I know how sore he will be.)

Much love

Cheryl <>
tulsa, ok usa - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 12:02 PM (CST)
Praying real hard right now. Dr Von Allman is the BEST, Colby is in good hands. See ya on Friday but plan to call you tonight.
Hugs and a hand to hold,

Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
- Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 10:11 AM (CST)
dear coles, you are in our prayers and thoughts. tom, sarah, colleen, and erin and new husband logan.
tom vitz <>
virginia beach, va - Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 09:03 AM (CST)
Miss you here at work, boss. The guys are doing a great job getting things done before the holiday. Just wanted to let you know you all are in our thoughts and prayers. HEY!! COLBY AND CAMERON! WHAT'S COOKIN'?...TURKEY, I HOPE!! Eat hearty, Jack, for I fear we'll need to juice next week.
Hi, from Charlie, Tim and Chico

- Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 07:28 AM (CST)
Hello everyone. This Thanksgiving we ALL have so much to be thankful for. I know that this latest surgery in Colby's care will be hard for you but isn't it wonderful how many people have ALL of YOU in their prayers, hearts, minds 24/7...ALL to HIS glory!
Dee John
- Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 07:14 AM (CST)
Dearest Laura, My heart aches for you.. My continued prayers that the surgery goes as planned and that Colby is one step closer to being well again..Your deep faith will see you through the days ahead.God Bless.
Uniontown, PA - Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 10:07 PM (CST)

Doctor Family
Zachary's web link
Whiting, NJ - Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 02:16 PM (CST)


Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , TX - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 08:16 PM (CST)
Dear Colby and family -
Our prayers go with you as you travel to Phila. this week. And we give thanks to God for every medical opportunity available. Two good people at the New Kensington Presbyterian Church are platelet donors. At least one has been able to "direct donate" to Colby's account. I will continue to keep their names in confidence, but please know that friends and strangers are will you. And also remember that God loves you and and so do we. Grace and peace be with you.

Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell and family <>
Jeannette, PA USA - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 05:27 PM (CST)
Hello, good people! I haven't signed in for a while, but nonetheless think of each of you daily and say a little prayer for you when I do. I just wanted to wish your family a happy Thanksgiving and send some love your way!
May you feel the warmth of love from your family and also from all those poeple wishing you well!
Love from,Wendy (Shriver-Elias)

UNIONTOWN, PA USA - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 09:16 AM (CST)
Commander in Chief Colby,
Today as you leave for Philly remember you are not going alone with Mommy, Daddy and Cameron. With all of you go your Angels to keep all of you safe and hundreds of Prayers to carry in your hearts from all of us here at home as we anxiously wait for you to come back this weekend! Thanksgiving day our prayers will be filled with thoughts of you!
Colby I Love YOU Biggest!!!!!!
Holding all of you in our Hearts!!
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA 15401 - Monday, November 25, 2002 at 08:45 AM (CST)
Hi Guys!
Thinking of you guys often. I really miss talking with you Laura, but I know you have been real busy. I am glad I got to chat with Jack! Can you give me your itinerary for the week. I would love to come see you in Philly.

Zachary's web link
- Sunday, November 24, 2002 at 07:59 PM (CST)
Good evening Cole Family,
Just wanted to tell you guys hi and see how things are going. I have been praying for all of you. Especially you Colby.
May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 06:40 PM (CST)
Colby Cole,
Orange you glad that the moment
we found each other was right
orange you glad I am here In your arms
and our world is beautiful tonight
See you around 5:00AM

janice wright <>
Canton, OH - Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 06:25 AM (CST)
Colby Cole,
Orange you glad that you paint
and I write my rhymes by your side
Orange you glad that together
in harmony so perfect we're tied

Janice Wright <>
Canton, Ohio - Friday, November 22, 2002 at 03:01 PM (CST)
I am sorry it has been so long since I have signed in. I assure you it has not been that long since I have thought about you and prayed for you. You guys are still very much at the top of my list with everything you're facing. I'll keep checking back and know that I'm praying for you even when I don't sign in ok? Blessings.
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 10:57 PM (CST)


CANTON, OH - Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 11:53 AM (CST)
Colby Cole,
If beauty was a flower,
and I saw a field of those,
they would all be dandelions,
and you would be a rose,
and people would come from miles around,
your loveliness to see,
and they could pick the dandelions,
but the rose belongs to me!
Aunt Dee

Janice Cole Wright <>
Canton, OH - Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 12:34 PM (CST)

Hi pal! I too had to have my spleen removed. And ya know what? I have this really cool scar now! I get to show everyone. Well maybe not everyone... because my scar is special and I only show it to people that are nice. :)

Hugs to you all!

Cheryl <>
tulsa, ok usa - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 09:58 PM (CST)
Colby & Family,
Just a little note to let you know that you all are in my prayers.

Victoria Forsythe <>
New Salem , PA USA - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 09:51 PM (CST)

I saw a yellow butterfly,
it fluttered past my view.
Wth all its grace and beauty
it reminded me of you.
Colby please give Dad, Mom, & Cameron kisses and
hugs from me. I will see you this Thursday-two days to
go, can't wait for those kisses and hugs.

Lots of Love,
Aunt Dee

Janice COLE Wright <>
Canton, OH - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 11:12 AM (CST)
Hi guys!
Just wanted to let you know that you are in our continued prayers. We miss you and hope to maybe see you over the Christmas holidays. Much Love! XOXOXOXO

Becky, Bobby and Marissa <>
- Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 10:58 AM (CST)
Dearest Colby-
How is our dear and courageuos soldier?
We know that these next few weeks will be very long for everyone.
Please remember that we all are with you in strength and spirit.
Oh how we wish we could make this all go away...
Your Thanksgiving Day Turkey is beautiful! We thank YOU for sharing it with us!
Please have a safe trip back to PHL and be sure to know how much love has been sent with you.
All our love to you , Cameron, your mommy and daddy too!
As always you are in our prayers and thoughts,
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 07:16 AM (CST)
Hi there Colby! Hope all is going well there. We would all love to see the portrait if your mom or dad post it in here! Just wanted to drop in and see how you are doing. Everyone at Smile Quilts is thinking of you and wants to wish you a Healthy & Happy Thanksgiving!

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
- Monday, November 18, 2002 at 10:24 PM (CST)
We pray the Lord every night and thank him up above.
For sending you into our lives
with his special KISS OF LOVE.
See you this week. It seems like it is forever and a day away.
Can't wait to see you all, love you all.

Lots of Love,
Aunt DEE

Janice Cole Wright <>
Canton, Oh - Monday, November 18, 2002 at 02:57 PM (CST)
Dear Colby, Your are a very good artist..Your turkey is very nice.. I am Gianna Schuessler's grandma and I wanted to let you know how every brave I think you are..Gianna talks about you and Cameron alot.. I show her new pictures of you and Cameron on this web page all the time.. I know you are a very strong little boy .. We are all praying for you to get better very soon..I am sending a big hug your way from Gianna..
Regina Sloan
Uniontown, PA - Monday, November 18, 2002 at 06:39 AM (CST)
Good morning to my dear uncle who religiously checks the guestbook every morning! I hope you had a great weekend. I know you can't be happy with those Steelers though! I hope Tommy is o.k. Hi Colby, Cameron, and Laura of course!!! Tell Colby that I just love his turkey... he is so artistic! My little angle, I hope you are feeling better. I can't wait to see you. I have a few surprises for you and Cam man. See you this weekend!! Miss you and love you guys. See you soon! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
Jessica <>
- Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 11:18 PM (CST)
Hi Mr. & Mrs. Cole (and Colby!),

I can't stop thinking about you and your son since our lunc meeting Friday. Having a son your age makes it all the more painful.

When I got home from work Friday evening, and put Christian (my son) to bed, I told him, in the simplest terms, about a little boy that needs his prayers. He asked me what his name is, and so on. We decided that he would mention Colby in his prayers every night from now on. This evening, I opened up Colby's webpage, and showed my family Colby's pictures. He's a great looking kid! (by the way, Christian says he really likes Colby's turkey!).

We will keep Colby and all of you in our prayers.

the Swigers

P.S. Christtina just came downstairs. He says to tell Colby goodnight...

Kevin Swiger <>
Weston, WV USA - Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 08:56 PM (CST)
Jesus taught you how to teach us more then we could ever dream. The meaning of undying love, you're the teacher so it seems.

Love you so much,

Janice Cole Wright <>
Canton, oh - Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 04:16 PM (CST)
I am just getting back online from when we moved. We are still not fully settled in and unpacked but I got my computer so I'm happy..... I wanted to drop by and see how you were and wish you all love and luck and prayers.
Gooch's Site
- Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 10:11 PM (CST)

Aunt Dee

Janice Wright <>
Canton, Oh - Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 11:40 AM (CST)
Hi Colby, Love the Turkey you made. It is just beautiful.

I am happy to hear you are doing ok. Those platelets will go up soon. Good luck with your operation. I will be praying for you.
Hope you Christmas picture setting was a success. Can't wait to see it on your site.

Enjoy your big Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners together.

Have a safe trip and watch out for the DEER. They are tricky. Come out when unexpected.

May God Be With You Always!

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 08:05 AM (CST)


CANTON, OH - Friday, November 15, 2002 at 01:53 PM (CST)
Love you guys...thank you for letting me be part of your lives! Talk to ya soon.
Zachary's web link
- Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 09:33 AM (CST)
hi there colby it good to hear good news about you just wanted to say hello and tell u that i was
there on sunday to support you and our prayer are with u and all the family and friends
god works in his own speacial ways

regina wettgen <wettgen>
connellsville , pa - Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 08:37 PM (CST)
To my Commander in Chief Colby,
That nasty bug that is going around has caught up with the General, but I will follow your example and get Strong Like Bull in no time! The children ask me every day when are you and Cameron coming over to play. Emilio has a new game he wants to play with you. I will be in touch soon!
Hugs and Kisses to all. Holding all of you in our hearts!!!
Colby, I Love You Biggest!!
Always here, The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA Fayette - Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 06:04 PM (CST)
Hi Everybody!! Just a quick hello. I have a busy day and will be home for the day tomorrow (Thursday). I have an orthodontist appointment. I will try to stop by. Love you all. SUPER HUGS and SUPER KISSES coming your way. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO Love yas!!!
Jessica <>
- Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 12:21 PM (CST)
Good morning all....sending love, hugs, kisses, etc. your way!
Dee John
- Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 06:56 AM (CST)
I'm just checking in to see how things are going. Good to know they're going relatively well. Blessings to you guys. I'll keep thinking of and praying for you!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 07:39 PM (CST)
Hi Laura, So happy to hear that Colby did so well with his chemo.. We are all praying that in a short while he will be completely healed. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily.Stay strong..
Regina <>
- Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 12:30 PM (CST)
Colby, glad your home for a little while. heard you had fun with the band on sunday. take care and god bless!!! love, Wendy H
Wendy Hamilton
- Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 11:58 AM (CST)
Hi Colby- Welcome back home!
So much happening around you lately! Be sure to enjoy it all but get your rest too!!!
You ARE an amazing little soldier!
Lots of hugs and love to all your family.
Our thoughts and prayers continue for you and the other children too.
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 09:43 PM (CST)
Glad you are back home Colby. Hope you are feeling okay.
Hi Laura, Sorry about Saturday. I was called in early to work. Had alot to do. I forgot you phone number at home and couldn't call and tell you i was working. Hope to get together soon.
I am praying for you always. May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 06:46 PM (CST)
Laura - Just wanted to say hi! I check in almost daily to see how things are, but I realized I haven't signed the guestbook in a while! Sounds like Colby's being a trooper. I'd love to hear his healing prayer sometime. You are all in our prayers daily!
Rachel <>
- Monday, November 11, 2002 at 06:14 PM (CST)
My prayers for Colby,Jack&Laura will always be with you.NEVER-EVER give up hope!
Edward J Wright <ejw sincity @AOL.COM>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 05:08 PM (CST)
Colby, I thought of you and your family on Sunday morning in church as we sang your favorite song "I'm in the Lord's Army" for the children's sermon. Such a good tune!
Jill Barclay Make-A-Wish Volunteer <>
Mt Pleasant, PA USA - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 04:26 PM (CST)
Colby, it was nice to see you, Cameron, and your mommy and daddy having so much fun on Sunday. Glad you were well enough to join us! We love you and send hugs, kisses and prayers!!!!!!!
Kelly, Andy, Drew and Mason <>
Fayette City, pa usa - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 03:41 PM (CST)
Hi! Couldn't fall to sleep, thinking about you all. You do know how much I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SO VERY MUCH. Hope to see you all very soon. Can't wait to hold and kiss my BABIES.

Love Aunt Dee

Janice Jane Cole < >
Canton, Ohio - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 12:10 AM (CST)
Hi guys. Just checking in to let you know that you are still thought about, prayed for and loved here in NC. Blessings to you. I'll check back soon!

Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 10:56 PM (CST)
Hi Colby and Gang! Our parents were showing us this great web page. We loved seeing you in ALL those pictures. We pray for you and your family every night. Stay strong! You're a brave little boy! We love you!
Brecken and Micah Sickles <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 09:10 PM (CST)
Love, Prayers and millions of kisses.

Keep up the fight and show that JMML who is boss!!

Arlene and Seymour Zwick (Zackie's Grandma and Grandpa

Arlene Zwick <>
Monroe Twp, NJ - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 09:39 AM (CST)
I hope your drive home was smooth... and that you beat the Friday traffic on the schukyll... It was nice to see you both... Colby you are one strong brave boy!! My prayers are with you all... Laura and Cameron I am sure you were glad to have the other half of your family home... Take care... see you at the end of November... love dei
dei lynam <>
Philadelphia, Pa USA - Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 01:25 AM (CST)
What a great day!!! Round two of chemo is over... and you guys are on your way HOME! I am still at school but am coming home tomorrow for some hugs and kisses from Cameron and Colby!!! Oh boy I can't wait. Laura, I am so glad that you are having such a great time with Cameron. He is so sweet and loves his mommy so much! Have a safe drive home tomorrow guys... and I will see you soon. Off to bed but lots of prayers first and Colby, honey you are first on my list! XOXOXOXOX
Love Always,

Jessica <>
- Friday, November 08, 2002 at 10:27 PM (CST)
Glad things are going okay there.
I finally finished the bulk of the painting here,
there were 2 bathrooms and a spare room we left,
maybe I will get the motivation to paint them now.
I hope you all have a good weekend. Thanks for checking in on us....

Gooch's Site
- Friday, November 08, 2002 at 08:20 PM (CST)
may God watch over you and make you strong.
Barbara Gibson <>
Fayetteville, - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 04:21 PM (CST)
I don't always get a chance to sign, but want you to know I'm here every day checking in and saying prayers for God to lay His healing hands on Colby. Be strong Colby, you are such a fighter. I know you will WIN!!! I'm sending prayers for all of you. God's blessings. With big hugs and love,
Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 01:48 PM (CST)
Hi Colby,
Hope tomorrow goes as well as today. Give my Dr "Button" a hug for me...I miss her, but not enough to go back to CHOP! You are a strong boy like me...We are bigger and better than JMML! Keep fighting...keep winning!
Love ya,

Zachary's web link
- Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 05:27 PM (CST)
Dearest Laura,
It was so very nice of you to visit the kids at TLC.. Gianna was soooo excited to see you.. She told me the minute she came home that Miss Laura and Cameron were there today.. With all that you are going thru at this time it is just amazing that you can always make time for others. The children all love Miss Laura ..I just read your latest update.. Sounds like Colby did very well today. My continued prayers for all of you..God Bless You !

Regina <>
- Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 03:58 PM (CST)
Just signing in to let you know that you are thought about, prayed for and loved. Many hugs and blessings to you guys!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 02:36 PM (CST)
hi colby:
how are you and your family doing, hope that you are doing well. Looking forward to the benefit on Nov.10th, and it will be good to see you and your family again. You are always in my prayers and so is Frosty Higbee. Well little buddy got to run for now. see you at the benefit.

Povertyneck Hillbillie roadie
Alan d. Matthews

Alan D. Matthews <>
Uniontown , Pa U.S.A - Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 01:56 PM (CST)
Hi guys,
Sorry I couldn't visit for this trip to Philly...I have to work. How are you holding up Laura? I am sure Jack is handling things VERY well. I hope you and Cam are getting in some quality time. Miss you guys much.

Dana Doctor
- Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 11:55 AM (CST)
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron.... I haven't signed the guestbook lately... but there is not a day that goes by that I don't come to the website. There is also not a day that I don't think about and pray for all of you. Jack and Colby.. have a safe trip back "Home" from Philly. Cameron... hope you are feeling better and Laura....if there is anything that I can do.. please don't hesitate to call me. Even if it is to just talk. I been wanting to call you, but I just never know if it is a good time or not.. I know your days and nights are very busy.. but STAY STRONG.... God is watching over all of you. God Bless all of you. Love, Sandy..Paul..Zach and Tristin
Sandy Kaiser <>
Masontown, PA USA - Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 08:00 AM (CST)
Hi Colby!
Today you are in PHL and I am sure you are being strong and courageous, as usual!
Hang in there pal, we're all thinking of you and want you back home soon.
I hope that you get to see Dana and her family, they are such an inspiration to you all!
Our prayers and love continue, have a safe trip back home!
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 08:07 AM (CST)
The spaghetti dinner was delicious!! The Church volunteers did a wonderful job preparing all that food and devoting their time to serve all those dinners. Colby and Jack, have a save trip to Philadelphia. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 10:31 AM (CST)
Great news that Colby is doing good!

I know what you mean about the girls. Jordan my son is 11. I've decided that I am going to make up a info sheet that any potential girlfriends MUST fill out! : ) Then I will screen the potentials! Jordan just shakes his head at me and says "yeah right mom" Hey it could happen! LOL


Cheryl <>
tulsa, ok usa - Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 09:42 AM (CST)
Hi everyone.

Laura, it was soo good to talk to you yesterday. You are so sweet. I am so glad that Colby is doing so great. Sorry to hear about Cam mans cold. He is tough though and will kick it real soon. Colby and Uncle Jack, have a save trip to Philly this week. Drive safely and take an extra bag of hugs and kisses with you to last while you are gone. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Here is my contribution! Love, prayers, and a lot of faith from me to you all. Maybe I will see you when you return from Philly on Saturday. I miss you guys.
Love always,

Jess <>
- Monday, November 04, 2002 at 10:30 PM (CST)
Hi, We're thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers. Have a safe trip. God Bless!
Don and Mary Swaney <>
Uniontown, PA - Monday, November 04, 2002 at 10:26 PM (CST)
Hi All,
Glad to hear the spagetti dinner was a success. I'm sorry I couldn't make it. I did want to attend.
Hope you are feeling better Cameron. Nasty cold got you down a little bit.
I am glad to hear you are doing good Colby.
Have a safe trip back to Philidelphia.
Pretty soon you will know the way there and back. You will be a back seat driver telling where to go and when to turn.
Ha Ha....
Take Care Jack and hope you have a nice trip this week.
Hi Laura maybe I can catch you in ICU. I delivered the cart there this morning but, had a 6:00 meeting to attend. It was pretty interesting.
Well everyone. Take Care and May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, November 04, 2002 at 06:15 PM (CST)
It was great to see all of you at the Spaghetti Dinner and we're happy you had such a fun time! We sure had a good time watching you play with all the kids! Colby-we wish you the best this week during your trip to Philadelphia and we will continue to pray for strength and healing. Cameron-we hope you feel better soon! Continue to have faith and hope and God Bless you all!
Love and prayers,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth

jamie <>
new salem, pa - Monday, November 04, 2002 at 06:04 PM (CST)
I read that a cold is going around your family. Please give
Zicam a try. If used within the first 48 hrs. it cuts your
cold time by 70%. It is homeopathic and the children can use. It works. Have a safe trip your in our prayers.

Carol Elvin <>
Pittsburgh, PA Allegheny - Monday, November 04, 2002 at 12:39 PM (CST)
Feel better sweet Cameron!
Zachary's web link
- Monday, November 04, 2002 at 11:18 AM (CST)
Hey there! Thanks for signing in on my book. I'm more than happy to do whatever I can. I'm glad I can help. Blessings and as always you're in my thoughts and prayers. I'll check back for an update soon.
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 11:49 PM (CST)
our prayers are with you always
carol elvin & family <>
Pittsburgh , Pa. USA - Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 11:48 AM (CST)
Hello Everyone,We sure are glad to hear that you are home. Sorry I haven"t wrote to you lately, but I always check to see how things are going. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.Take care of yourselves and may Gods love keep you all surrounded. LOVE TO YOU FROM ME; Anita Sproul
Anita Sproul
Markleysburg, Pa - Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 10:24 PM (CST)
Soooooooo nice to be hhhoooooooommmmmmmmme.
Glad you had a safe trip home. Colby sure is a fighter.
I have been praying for you and will continue to pray for you guys. I will place Colbys name in the prayer book that is taken to the alter. I will put the Cole family in the prayer book also. Prayer works. Keep up the faith. God is with you. Prayer works wonders. You have a big prayer circle working for you.
May God Be With You Always.
Take Care Cole Family.
Look forward to seeing you again in ICU Laura.

Berneice < >
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 07:56 PM (CST)
hi everyone! glad to hear that you are all home safely. may God bless you and keep you all............
allen n lynn cottrell <>
smithfield, pa usa - Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 06:32 AM (CST)
So glad you guys are home. Your phone will be ringing in a few minutes!!!!! Can't wait to chat with you.
Love ya,

Zachary's web link
- Friday, November 01, 2002 at 09:01 AM (CST)
Dear Cole Family,
I check in on your site daily wanting to know how you all are doing. I really know how much of a strain this is on everyone. Just know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Hang on to your faith. God is always beside you.

Bob and Lorraine <>
McClellandtown, Pa - Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 08:43 PM (CST)
Hi Laura,
I know you are going through alot right now but it will get better.
I am sorry to hear you were in pain and had a fever. Glad you are feeling better.
Hope you have a safe trip home.
I am praying for you
Jack & Cameron,
Your others will be home soon. They miss you as much as you miss them.
Well family, Take Care & May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 07:24 PM (CST)
HAPPY HALLOWEEN COLBY AND CAMERON. Colby and Laura, it was great seeing you today at CHP. Colby looked so cute as a little indian. It's amazing what you can do with tape and paper, isn't it. I truly know how hard this has been on your entire family. It's not easy but your love and faith will get you through all this. Macy wasn't in her room when I went to see her. I will have to give her a call. Take care and hopefully you got to go home this evening. I also pray that Cameron's belly will start to feel better. It is very hard on a child his age not understanding everything that is happening. You are an amazing family and loved by many, many people.
Bev Gorr (Make-A-Wish) <>
Pittsburgh, PA - Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 06:50 PM (CST)
Colby, Cameron, Laura and Jack,
We just wanted to let you know that you're always in our thoughts and that we continue to pray for you. Colby- stay strong little man- we know you can beat this! Remember- we're here for you if you need us!
Love and prayers,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth Velosky

jamie <>
new salem, pa - Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 06:40 PM (CST)
Colby & Family,

Sorry to hear the pain Colby has. Hope you all will be home for Trick-Or-Treat. Praying for the best outcome for Colby 2nd x-plant. Thinking of you all.

Nguyen Family <>
denver, co - Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 05:21 PM (CST)
Laura, Jack, and beautiful children,
I read your site every day to get updates, but this is the first time I wrote. Please know how much you 4 are thought of by so many. I can't say anything but lots of prayers, smiles and hugs are always sent your way. Take one baby step (I mean big guy steps) at a time Colby. You can do it!!!!!!!!!!! Cameron, you're also in my prayers.

Melinda <>
Uniontown, pa usa - Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 02:06 PM (CST)
Dearest Colby....
All the Quilting Angels are hoping you have a great Halloween.
Big Hugs,
Island Princess

Island Princess <>
- Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 11:22 AM (CST)
Good Night Colby, Laura, Jack and sweet little Cameron,
I've been lacking in my entries but that does not mean that I forget about you all!
Have a safe journey to PHL and stay strong like bull!
Colby, remember how courageous you are and amazing you are to all of us!
We send our prayers, love, strength and faith to all of you.
Bless you all,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 09:32 PM (CST)
Happy Halloween, just wanted you to know us folks back here in Monongahela are still thinking about you daily and I check your site quite often,, we are sending you all our love and prayers...
Karen and Dave Sala <>
MONONGAHELA, PA - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 07:13 PM (CST)
Well i guess by now you guys are on the road. Have a very safe trip. Colby hope you get rid of those nasty cells. Take care little tyke. Everyone is praying for you and your family
this is my daughters web site if anyone in the guestbook would like to check it out. Thanks.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 06:42 PM (CST)
Hi Laura,Colby,Jack and Cameron
Just a quick note to let you know I am thinking and praying for all of you. Laura please let me know if there is anything that I can do or if there is anything that you need. Hugs, kisses and lots of prayers for each of you.

Darlene <>
Brownsville, Pa USA - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 06:36 PM (CST)
Hi Guys,
Sorry for your little setback. I hope Colby will be home soon and that fever is gone. I will miss seeing you this week, but hope to see you in Philly next week. Hang in there. I love you all!

Zachary's web link
- Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 01:10 PM (CST)
Colby's name has been placed on the "official" prayer list at the United Presbyterina Church of New Kensington, but rest assured that you are all in our thoughts and prayers --- and we continue to pray for Colby's doctors, nurses, technicians - and all of the others angels that God keeps sending. We love you and pray for healing. Grace and peace ---
Rev. Rusell and family <>
Jeannette, Pa USA - Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 10:00 AM (CST)
Hi, guys, just checking in sending LOVE your way. The JOHN household and our circle of "amazing" friends pray for the COLE family each and every day. All my love, Dee
Dee John
- Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 06:41 AM (CST)
Good morning!!! I just wanted to say hi and tell you guys to have a safe trip today. Be careful! Uncle Jack, take good care of the Colbster and Colby you be tough my man, this time is going to be just as easy as the last time buddy. Get rid of all those stinky cells. You are so strong! Praying extra hard for Thursday and Friday and sending hugs and kisses as usual! XOXOXOXO
Love Always,

Jessica <>
- Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 11:35 PM (CST)


Danette Prater <>
santa fe, tx - Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 09:54 PM (CST)
Hi guys...Just wanted you to know we are still thinking of you and PRAYING HARD!
Becky and Libbie Nichols < >
Austin, Tx - Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 08:44 PM (CST)
Thinking of you guys. Trick-or-Treat Colby!!

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA - Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 12:22 AM (CST)
Hi Colby I wanted to stop in from smile quilts and leave a treat for you! love & hugs angel Toto

Toto <>
Lyons, KS USA - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 11:21 PM (CST)
Hi Colby, Cameron, Uncle Jack and Laura!!!
Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday presents. I love everything! Especially my replacement hair-ties. HaHa. I had such a great time last night with you all. I love when you come to visit. I am so glad that Colby is doing so well, he looks great and has the best attitude. Cameron, you just loved my mommy's cake. Our neighbor came over and we offered her some cake last night... she said "what happened to the cake" and we told her that oh it was just Cameron... He is so cute!!! Well, I am off to bed, I just wanted to say thanks again for a great time yesterday and that I love you guys. I will call before you leave for Philly! Hugs and kisses for everyone!

- Monday, October 28, 2002 at 09:29 PM (CST)
Hey Jack,
Up for a visitor on Thursday at CHOP? I arranged for the boys to go to my sister for awhile. I can meet up with you in the Day Hospital. Let me know.
Miss ya,

Zachary's web link
- Monday, October 28, 2002 at 08:53 PM (CST)
glad to see the update and to hear that things are going relatively well. i'll continue to check back and will definitely keep praying for you. blessings!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 02:33 PM (CST)
well laura, God is still showing miraculous signs in your life. especially with Him filling Colby's belly now and storing the food for later. (just like a "cuddle bear" ) keep your spirits up and may God keep His hand upon your family for eternity. love you all..........
allen and lynn cottrell <>
smithfield, pa usa - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 11:48 AM (CST)
Good evening Cole Family,
Just wondering how trick or treating went. Hope you got lots and lots of goodies boys. There is no trick or treating where i live. So i went to my brothers house and gave out treats there. We had a good time guessing the kids costumes and giving treats. Lasted a little over 2hours. We were COLD. Well take care all and May God Be With You Always

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 05:30 PM (CST)
Colby & Cameron,
Thanks for coming over and trick or treating with us. We all had a great time and hope you guys did too. Cameron, your were the cutest & sweetest lion we have ever seen. Colby, you were the strongest and toughest boxer...anytime you need a punching bag, just call us!!!
We hope to see more of you guys soon!!

From, Your Miller Farm Friends <>
Miller Farm, PA USA - Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 04:16 PM (CST)
you were on my heart this morning so i wanted to leave you a message to let you know I'm continuing to think about you and pray for you. I'll keep checking back for updates.
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 11:25 AM (CDT)
Laura and Jack,

I apologize for not being here for you more.......I think about and pray for you all often and just because I don't write or call doesn't mean I'm not........

I'm glad that things are going well and I look forward to more great news as you move forward. colby is one absolutely special little guy....with a special brother too!

Hugs and good thoughts always,

Niki <>
- Friday, October 25, 2002 at 05:20 PM (CDT)
Dear Colby(Mom and Dad and Cameron Too)

Have a Happy Halloween even if it has to be celebrated at CHOP. Hope it all goes well for you. You are a very brave boy.


Zachary's Grandma and Grandpa

Arlene and Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Twp, NJ - Friday, October 25, 2002 at 08:17 AM (CDT)
glad to hear how things are progressing. colby is so brave about all of this and i know that's a blessing for you. know that you all are continually in my thoughts and prayers as you travel this road. blessings!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 10:11 PM (CDT)
Good evening everyone. Just got home from work a little while ago. This day was very long at both jobs. I love the new pictures you put on here. They are so precious. Those boys are just adorable. Their friends seem to be enjoying their time with them. Colby looks like he just came from the beach. Ha Ha. What a great tan Colby. Well good luck on
your trick or treating night. Have a great time hope you get lots of good stuff to eat. Take care everyone and May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 07:20 PM (CDT)
I am so glad to hear the first round of chemo went well! Colby's memories of mucositis brought tears to my eyes - he's facing it so bravely! We think of you all every day and are praying constantly!!
Rachel, Jim and Connor <>
- Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 12:56 PM (CDT)
Hey guys!!! I just wanted to say that I love you guys and that I miss you!!! It's already Thursday, which means three more days till I get to come home. This week just FLEW! Colby and Cameron, don't forget that I need some major help blowing out my candels this weekend! See you soon guys. Have a great day tomorrow.... P.S. Make sure that you show Cloby this message, he will know what this means.... XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Jess <>
- Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 01:12 AM (CDT)
Hi Cameron and Colby,
Just wanna say we love you and miss you!
Kyle and Zachary

Kyle and Zachary Doctor
- Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 01:18 PM (CDT)
Colby and family, great pictures of your little vaction. Boy are you guys getting big. Hang in there your doing great.Lots of love and prayers!
Wendy Hamilton
- Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 01:36 AM (CDT)
What adorable pictures on your website!!!! Those rascals dancing in your shoes is a priceless picture!!! Also, Colby and Nena is soooooo cute!!! You are blessed with some adorable children!! God bless you!!!! You and your family are in my prayers. Thinking of you from chilly Mn.
Minneapolis, Mn - Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 10:52 PM (CDT)
Good Night Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron,
Your journal entries always touch so many hearts! Thank you!
As always we all continue to pray for all of you.
The 31st and 1st will be good days. Colby continues to amaze us all with his incredible strength and understanding.
Enjoy the beautiful fall weather. Get out there, play, breathe the fresh crisp air and savor the vibrant fall colors.
God paints the world with such glory!
Have a safe journey back to CHOP...
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell and Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 10:22 PM (CDT)
Hi Everyone, Thinking of you all the time. Everyone continues to pray. Laura, so many parents from the daycare ask about you and your family. They are also thinking of you and praying for you daily. We all Love you!!!! God Bless!
Love, Shane, Mary Jul and Jonathan.
P.S. TLC is finally up and running!!!!

Mary Jul Phillips <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 07:57 PM (CDT)
Hi All,
It has been awhile since i have been here. My computer was down for a few days. I was doing alot of updating and defragmenting. Sure am glad everything is okay with all. I missed you today Laura. I didn't even know you were in ICU this morning. I delivered the linen cart there this morning. Maybe next time. Take Care and May God Be With You Always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 07:29 PM (CDT)
Hi Laura, You and your family, especially Colby, are always in my thoughts and prayers. You are an amazing person and your family is so special, that is why you have been blessed with so many good friends to help you through this. You take care and know that many people are praying for Colby.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh., PA - Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 05:41 PM (CDT)
Hi there Laura and family!!! I always keep you in my prayers... love, Laura
- Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 03:50 PM (CDT)
Hello Cole Family!!! This is Erin with a big Hug and Kiss for all of you!! I am sorry it has been so long since my last visit to your website, I have been having trouble with my computer at school. I heard about all the wonderful things you have been doing with JESS!! Sounds like a bunch of FUN! Colby, I heard you stayed up until 1:30 just to watch a movie. Jess was very surprised!! I still keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope I can make a visit real soon! Colby and Cameron...All my love!

God Bless You!

Erin McKenzie
Cumberland, MD USA - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 02:32 PM (CDT)
Hope you guys are ok. Hope to here from you soon. Sending our love!

Zachary's web link
- Monday, October 21, 2002 at 02:23 PM (CDT)
Colby, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family each and every day.
Let us know if you guys need anything!
Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers

Debbie Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 11:56 AM (CDT)

Just wanted to send hugs and prayers!

Cheryl <>
Tulsa, OK USA - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 10:12 AM (CDT)
Hi there, hope you are doing well. We are moving then & wont have computer for 2-3 days, so I wanted to wish you a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Gooch's Site

- Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 12:25 AM (CDT)
Oh Dear Little Colby!
You have been in my thoughts so much lately.
I hope that you are feeling better!
Fight those bad cells and remember how many people are out there praying for you.
Stay strong and let your faith guide you...
Remember "Cancer Free in 2003!"
Our hugs and love to Mommy, Daddy and Cameron.
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell and Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 11:38 PM (CDT)
Our prayers are with you Colby and your family.
Myron and Barbara Myrga <>
Newell, Pa Fayette - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 07:45 PM (CDT)
Hello, Cole Family, just read Laura's entry of last week. Miss Edna and I are here together praying for all of you. Jesus says, "I'll never leave you ALONE" are loved.
Dee John
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 08:58 AM (CDT)
Hi Colby my name is Carolyn I am a friend of your Aunt Janice, I just wanted to tell you and your family that my prayers are with you and that I'm telling everyone I know to pray for you and your family and friends. God has blessed you with so many caring people. We are all praying for your healing to manifest quickly. Thank God everyday for healing ,Laura and Jack read healing scriptures over Colby everyday. Prayer is powerful. God Bless you Colby and family. Take care.
Carolyn Mayle <Crlysuze41 Hotmail>
Canton, OH North America - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 11:53 PM (CDT)
I hope you guys are having a good day. sending extra hugs.

Zachary's web link
- Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 11:32 AM (CDT)
It's good to read an update on how things are going. I also just wanted to leave a message letting you know I stopped by and that I'm thinking about you and praying for you as you go through this difficult time. Blessings!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 09:24 AM (CDT)
Hi Guys, I hope Colby is recovering well from chemo and those BAD JMML cells are being attacked! If you need anything, let me know.
Love you guys much!

Zachary's web link
- Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 01:02 PM (CDT)
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron:
We are thinking of you and continue to keep you all in our prayers. Colby, you are so brave and such a strong little boy! Amanda was delighted to see you and Cameron last week. That's all she has been talking about. She sure does miss you guys. Amanda and Olivia send lots of hugs and kisses. We love you all.

Joe, Willie, Amanda and Olivia <>
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 12:12 PM (CDT)
Good Morning to you all. Uncle Jack I know you will be on here first thing tomorrow so to you I say "howdy". It was so good to talk to Colby yesterday. He always puts a smile on my face when I hear that little voice. He is almost hypnotizing sometimes, a true delight. I am so glad that he is doing so well and that Chemo went so smooth. He is so strong and I got the impression that he is feeling just fine since he was fooling around on the phone and invited me over to play! Haha! I can't wait to see you all. I am counting down the days till I can some home again (10). I am using the excuse that its my birthday to come home but really I just want to come and visit. Shhhhh don't tell on me! Well I am off to bed, I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you guys. Sweet dreams tonight and have a great day tomorrow!
Love Always and Sending Kisses and Hugs XOXOXOX

Jess <>
Buckhannon, WV - Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 11:57 PM (CDT)
Colby, let me be one of the first to wish you a healthy and happy Halloween.
We are all praying for you.

Angel Chris from Smile Quilts

- Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 11:54 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby and Family. Luke Do here... Just checking in to see how you guys are doing. First round of chemo down under your belt. Second round will go just as smooth. I hate taking all my meds; but, my dad is too stong...though, I give him a good fight... Hang in there buddy...

Luke Do; <>
San Jose, CA USA - Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 04:40 PM (CDT)
Hi everyone, i check this site daily and pray my heart out, my goodness is he a strong little guy!!!!! I pray everynight for Colby, and the man upstairs hear's every word, so keep your faith, ALL of you are going to get thru this.....God Bless
Mikell (Rodgers) Murray <>
Uniontown, Pa - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 07:18 PM (CDT)
Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,
Still thinking and praying for you down here in North Carolina. Colby, heard you might be in the hospital over Christmas, we hate that but don't you worry, Santa visits the hospital too. Well, just wanted to let you know that we are still thinking about you! We love you and hope to see you again soon!

Brian, Tina, and Megan <>
Matthews, NC - Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 02:53 PM (CDT)
Dear Commander in Chief Colby,
I have been thinking about you all day and hoping all went well in Philly. I'm sure Mommy and Daddy are trying to catch up after being away for a few days.It's late so I'll check on you tomorrow. You've finished round one of this next battle, so please stay STRONG LIKE BULL as you start to beat those nasty cells one day at a time. Erio, Aliana, and Emilio are looking forward to your next visit. Me too!
Remember the General LOVES YOU BIGGEST!!
Holding you in my heart!
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA Fayette - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 08:34 PM (CDT)
Good Morning Cole Family,
I hope that everything went well the last two days. Now for the battle back up the hill. I pray you will be up and around real soon Colby. May God Be With You Always!

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 07:38 AM (CDT)
I am so bummed I didn't get to see you today. I wish we could have talked longer on the phone...but I had to pick up Kyle from school. When we hung up, I thought to myself I should go to CHOP to surprise you. I had it all planned out in my head...then I hit a road cat was at the vet for the day, so I couldn't leave. UGH! I really miss you guys, but do understand you had to get home. I am so glad chemo went well. Get those bad cells! Call me when you can. Love you guys much.
Love and courage,

Zachary's web link
- Friday, October 11, 2002 at 07:16 PM (CDT)
Just checking in to see how Colby is doing.


Cheryl <>
Tulsa, OK USA - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 06:22 PM (CDT)
Colby, you are the braveheart of the world. God is looking out for you, He told me so and wanted me to make
sure that you knew it and always keep it in your heart.
I believe in "Cancer Free 2003"! Give your Aunt Janice a big kiss for me.

Bernadette DeMark <>
Sarasota, FL USA - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 05:12 PM (CDT)
Colby, I hope that everything went well today. Special prayers and special people are with you tonight. Sweet dreams to all of you for tonight for sweeter days are just ahead. I love you all very much! Lots of prayers and lots of hugs are being sent to you right now, did you feel them??? Missing you.
Love Always,

Buckhannon , WV - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 12:50 AM (CDT)
XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO! Hope to see you tomorrow!
Zachary's web link
- Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 10:36 PM (CDT)
Good Night Sweet Colby-
It has been a long day for you and it's time for you to sleep. Get lots of rest and let your dreams make you smile.
Make sure that your mommy and daddy get lots of rest too, OK?
Everyone is praying for you and please know that we all love you!
As always you're in our hearts and prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and lots more!!!!!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 09:24 PM (CDT)
Hello Everyone; Just wanted to let you know that our thoughts and PRAYERS are with you. I think about you all the time.May God Bless you all. Anita Sproul
Anita Sproul
Markleysburg, Pa - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 07:53 PM (CDT)
i knew that chemo was supposed to start today so i wanted to leave you a little message of encouragement to let you know that you guys are being thought of and prayed for as you prepare to fight once again. i'll continue to check back. God bless!
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 06:42 PM (CDT)
Have a safe trip to Philly...see ya soon!
Zachary's web link
- Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 12:10 PM (CDT)
I hope you dont mind I added Colby's name to a ribbon at the Childhood Cancer Awareness Tree in Washington.
The list of ribbons is at:

Gooch's Site

- Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 11:03 PM (CDT)
May you have a safe trip tomorrow. Colby you will be getting sicker again but you are strong. Home for the weekend to recover. Two days of chemo don't seem like much. But it must probally be enough. Maybe a stronger drug this time. Charlene always had the 7 day chemo treatments. They made her so sick. I will be thinking of you as always. I am praying for you Colby and family.
Take Care & May God Be With You Always.

Berneice Ross < OR>
Masontown, Pa USA - Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 06:52 PM (CDT)
Colby,Cameron,Jack and Laura,
Stay strong this week..and best wishes during your trip to Philly! Our thoughts and prayers are with you always!
Love and prayers,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth Velosky

jamie <>
new salem, pa - Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 05:29 PM (CDT)
Colby - keep being "strong like a bull" through all this. Life will get back to normal soon. Give your mommy a hug from me!
Rachel <>
Baldwinsville, NY - Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 02:10 PM (CDT)
Thanks for the great play date. Good luck in Philadelphia. I'll be thinking about you and praying for you!! I love you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Mackenzie <>
Uniontown, PA - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 07:24 PM (CDT)

Brian the CABLE MAN!! We will keep you in our prayers

Brian Geller <>
Uniontown, Pa USA - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 04:26 PM (CDT)
Hi Everyone!
This is going to be a long week for all of you.
But with the strength and guidance of dear friends (especially Dana!) and family, you all will endure the days ahead!
"Cancer Free in 2003" is truly an inspiration!
Oh how we all are praying for this to be!
Colby your courageous and gentle soul are the example of how one CAN conquer such an unneccessary battle!
As everyday, we continue to pray for all of you.
Please know that we wish you a safe journey to PHL on Wednesday...don't forget the Generals' words- "Strong like Bull!"... strong, rest a lot(all of you!), listen and remember how many,many people love you and are there with you in spirit!
Our love to all of you,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 08:39 AM (CDT)
Hello to my two sweeties Cameron and of coarse COLBY!!! I just wanted to drop in a say hello and that I miss you guys. I have been studying all weekend and have barely left my room. I wish you two were here to play with me, cuz I really needed a play break today! I hope that you all had a great weekend, the weather was just beautiful. I wish that I would get to see you guys before you leave this week to give you lots of hugs and kisses. Have a safe trip and Colb... "Be strong like bull my man" like I know that you can! Love you guys. See you soon!
Jess <>
- Monday, October 07, 2002 at 01:03 AM (CDT)
Sure sounds good to me.
I am going to pray.
For the day.
That comes your way.
Is the way it will be.

Hi Cole Family,
I just read the update. Was kinda busy with Charlenes grave site today. Was decorating for Holloween.
I am so happy you are going back to Philidelphia. I will continue to pray for you guys. The praying never stops. Everyone everywhere is thinking of you guys and praying for all of you. Colby you can do it little man. May you have a safe trip there and back home. Wishing you all the best.
May God Be With You Always!

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 05:51 PM (CDT)
I love your motto. And you know we are all right with you praying its a reality.
Gooch's Site

- Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 02:32 PM (CDT)
Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron -It was so good to see most of you at New Salem Presby on 9/22. I like you motto of "Cancer Free in 2003." I'm going to share it with my congregation in New Kensington. Their regular pastor also has cancer. We pray for Colby and Rev. Hooten and your families always. We only hope that Philadelphia is ready for a "spitfire" like Colby! We are with you in love, hope and prayers.
Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell & family
- Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 01:35 PM (CDT)
Hi to all!
I just returned from out of town and of course went right away to check on the Cole family.
Sending support, love, faith and courage to you all!
I hope that Colby is strengthening every second and his spirit is guiding him. Such a dear little soul...
We continue to pray and as always send our love to all of you!
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 09:30 AM (CDT)
Watch out comes COLBY! Cant wait to see you guys. I promise you Laura...I will walk with you this ENTIRE journey. I am blessed to know you.

Zachary's web link
- Friday, October 04, 2002 at 04:30 PM (CDT)
i'm thinking about them as you continue to wage war, one battle at a time. and, each one belongs to the Lord. I'm praying to Him to help you put on your armor daily according to Ephesians 6 and fight with all the power He freely gives to those who ask. know that you're prayed for and cared for. Blessings!
Khalita Aplastic Anemia Duke Peds BMT <>
Lexington, NC - Friday, October 04, 2002 at 03:07 PM (CDT)
Hi there sweetie- I willsurely keep you in my prayers... love, Laura

- Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 08:37 PM (CDT)
Good evening Cole Family,
Just dropping by to see how things are going. Hope everything is ok. Maybe some time i can pop into ICU again to visit with you. Take Care & May God Be With You Always.
Thinking of you every day. Praying for you always.

Berneice <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 06:16 PM (CDT)
Zachary's web link
- Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 09:09 PM (CDT)
Hello Laura and Colby:
My sister is your mom's boss. She has been telling me all about you. I wanted to say hello and thank you for adding my mom (Loretta Evans) to your prayer list. I will visit your page again to see how you all our doing. I will keep you in my prayers!

Shirley A. Madar <>
Eighty Four, PA USA - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 08:29 PM (CDT)
Laura Lu, I have been very busy on my off days...but checking on you now....thanks kiddo for thinking of others.
Vickie Lu
- Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 08:51 PM (CDT)
Hello to Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron: Bob and I keep Colby in our prayers each day, and we believe that he has come this far so that he will one day be well and free from disease and pain. Hold fast and depend on the Lord for his merciful healing.
Bob and Luann Daugherty
Monongahela, PA - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 08:28 PM (CDT)
Hello Colby and Family. We are checking in every couple of days or so. We're going to try to make the benefit in Hopwood this weekend. Colby is on our prayer list at church and Brecken and Micah's Aunt in Florida has added him to her church's prayer list too! Your family will continue to be in our hearts and prayers. Stay strong! Hugs and kisses to all!--Kim , Fred, Brecken and Micah Sickles
Kim, Fred, Brecken and Micah <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 06:50 PM (CDT)
A friend of yours who is a friend of mine told me about your family and what you are facing and asked if I would add you to my prayers. Of course I will! And I will take the liberty of asking some friends and family to also include you in theirs. Colby is a beautiful child. I read a bit of your updates and it struck me how lucky Colby and Cameron are to be in a family of such great love and strength and faith in God. I pray that He blesses each of you with healing and strength.
N. Krajovic <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 07:24 AM (CDT)
Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron,
I finally sat down to read the update...had been anxiously awaiting.
We want you all to know that the decisions that you make are backed by many, many, many dear souls who care very,very,very much about Colby and the Cole family!
As we continue our prayers for all the children, we send our love and biggest of hugs to you all.
We are close, we are ready and we are waiting in any which way if you need help.
We will try to make the golf outing this weekend...
We love you all very much!
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 07:48 PM (CDT)
Hi, I am one of Jessica's good friends from Wesleyan. I have heard so much about your family, I feel compelled to tell you that my heart and prayers go out to Colby and the rest of your family. God Bless!
Richmond, VA USA - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 03:54 PM (CDT)
Will I be seeing you at CHOP on Thursday?

Zachary's web link
- Monday, September 30, 2002 at 11:38 AM (CDT)
Hey guys! I have two reasons to visit you now....
I joined Smile Quilts too. And I love your quilt by the way.
Ronnie loves Power Rangers too. Colby you know lots and lots of people are thinking about you and praying for you!

Angel Helper Chris {Gooch's mom} - Gooch's Site
Visit Smile Quilts
- Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 09:20 PM (CDT)
Hi Everyone,
Just read the up date on Colby. I am really happy you are going with another BMT. That is best I think. I will be praying for you Colby. I know you are strong willed and with your family and everyone backing you up, you will be strong. Keep keeping the faith. Charlene will be keeping an angel eye on you. I told Char to watch over you and your family. Take Care Little Tyke.
May God Be With You Always!

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 06:17 PM (CDT)
missed you much today!
Zachary's web link
- Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 09:33 PM (CDT)
Hi Family,
Hope the trip to Philidelphia was good. Will be praying for you Colby.
May God Be With You Always

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown , Pa USA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 08:03 PM (CDT)
colby i have heard a lot about you from Berniece i work with her.MAY GOD BE WITH YOU AND I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER.
W.LEISENRING, PA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 06:02 AM (CDT)

A friend of mine at work made me aware of Colby's situation. God bless you all! I will keep him in my prayers!

- Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 10:01 PM (CDT)
I was just made aware of your son's situation, I know FIRST hand about how dealing with something like this is. I will be praying for this gorgeous little boy. God Bless all of you, truly.
Mikell (Rodgers) Murray <>
Uniontown, PA - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 09:40 PM (CDT)
Dear Laura,Jack,Cameron and my Comander in Chief Colby, As we gear up for this next battle please know that I am here for as long as it takes with a heavy heart, strong shoulders and open arms. We will get through this a day at a time, an hour at a time, or even a minute at a time. We have come to far and fought to long and hard not to win this war. Colby you are my strength!
The General

Elaine Vignali <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 09:13 AM (CDT)
Hi Colby!
Not a minute goes by that we aren't thinking about you and your family.
We hope that you're having a comfortable and happy day.
We love you all!
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 09:11 AM (CDT)
Thinking of you!
Dana Doctor
- Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 07:38 AM (CDT)
Hi Colby! I wanted to thank you for that neat picture that you made and brought to ICU to put on "Colby's Corner". You really did a great job! Please come back to visit us again soon. Love Darlene (Your Mom's boss).
Darlene Ferguson <>
Brownsville, PA USA - Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 06:51 PM (CDT)
Dear Laura, Jack, Cameron and especially Colby

I feel as if I already know you. Looking forward to Saturday so we can meet for real. Take care and drive carefully....Love Arlene and Seymour Zwick

Arlene and Seymour <>
Monroe Twp, NJ - Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 06:25 PM (CDT)
What a sweet family you all are. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Mary Jane McCahill <>
McClellandtown, Pa. USA - Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 06:35 PM (CDT)
Praying exta hard today that the doctors at CHOP will chose the best and most comfortable treatment plan for Colby. Rough road ahead...I will never let go of your hand, I will walk with you. I know the thought of having your family split apart is heart breaking. I am sure your community will shine in your time of need. I can't wait to see you this weekend. You guys are amazing people for taking the long trip to come celebrate Zachary's 1 year remission. Can't wait to hug you guys!
Dana Doctor
- Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 09:40 AM (CDT)
My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are very strong.
Robyn Hommema <>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 07:31 AM (CDT)
May the Lord's grace and love for children shine through your son.
Larry Tissue <>
Charlotte, MI U.S.A. - Monday, September 23, 2002 at 08:14 PM (CDT)
Just checking in. Hope all is okay on the home front.
I had a web page made for Charlene in the Leukemia page. It will be a purple star. I will send it to you to go see as soon as i get the okay to go view it.
May God Be With You Always!

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, September 23, 2002 at 06:41 PM (CDT)
wishing Colby and your family nothing but the best
carol latchem
connellsville, pa fayette - Monday, September 23, 2002 at 02:58 PM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family, Please know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers every day. My church bulletin had printed on the front today "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27. When Lam and I were scared to death when those life or death situations came up with Luke, what helped us was to just put all our trust in God, to ask over and over for his grace, mercy and healing of our son, and to keep a running dialogue with him. We will continue to pray for you.
Sarah Gaskins <>
San Jose, CA USA - Monday, September 23, 2002 at 12:06 AM (CDT)
Hi there hun! Tell you mom hi! Hope you had a great day.. love, Colton :)
- Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 07:11 PM (CDT)
Sorry I missed your call yesterday...maybe we can chat on Monday...around 6 ish? Love you!
Dana Doctor
- Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 10:19 AM (CDT)
You'll be at the top of the list in Monday night prayer again. Keep updating and I'll keep praying. Blessings to you at this time of difficult decision making.
Khalita Duke Peds BMT aplastic anemia <>
Lexington, NC - Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 10:36 PM (CDT)
Hi All,
For some reason I thought you weren't ready to update yet. I am so glad you did. It really hurts to read the page. I am praying for all of you. Colby is a strong little tyke and he is handling it very well. I checked out the new pictures. They are so precious. Colby your hair looks very nice. Sure is getting thick. And very curly. LOL. I hope he is able to get another BMT. I just pray he is strong enough for it. Colby you have became a blessing to everyone. You have brought many people together who have never even met. Everyone goes into the site reads what your MOM writes about you and looks at the pictures of you. YOUR MOM IS THE BEST! I hear your DAD is a GREAT DAD also. Your parents and family love you very much. I think everyone in the guest book and who ever goes into you site think the world of you.
As Always: May God BE With You Always!

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 06:11 PM (CDT)
Dear Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,
Jack, it was nice to talk to you today. I didn't know about this web site until you told us. We will be using it to check in with Colby's progress and to give you our love and encouragement. I wish I had some great, profound words that would make things seem so clear, but of course I'm at a loss. Just know that your friends up here in Farmington have you all in our thoughts and especially in our prayers. Colby is such a special child to have such strong parents. He is drawing strength from you guys. I don't know how you do it Laura. I'm in awe that you are functioning. But you are drawing strength from God and I guess that's all that needs to be said. Hang in there and we'll be praying for your next step in this journey, where ever that may lead you.
Love from Black, Bunny, Frankie and Jon

Frank and Bunny Sabec <>
Farmington, PA USA - Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 11:35 AM (CDT)
Laura, as you know, ALL kids fair much better. I can honestly say I dont know how you guys (and not just you, all the AML, JMML, neuroblastoma, etc parents I mean) handle it, my world shattered thinking about the 15% chance of not being cured. I dont know, I wish I could get to that place of faith a lot of you seem to be, I just think HE'll get us through it, but why did he let us get here in the first place? I guess no one said life was going to be fair. I dont mind you pasing on the Butterfly one at all, I think people tend NOT to see it in that box, and its a good one I think. You have to know countless people are praying for you guys.
Gooch's Site
- Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 11:07 AM (CDT)
Hi guys,
Just checking in. As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless!!!
Shane, Mary Jul & Jonathan

Mary Jul Phillips <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 10:36 AM (CDT)
Good Morning to all!
The journal was a tough one to read...but thank you for Colby's latest update.
This is truly a struggle but as we all know, God has taken us all thus far and given Colby the strength that most don't have.
The pictures are GREAT! A lift for one's spirit to see the boys/family/friends together. Colby you look wonderful!
You surely continue to share with all of us the courage to battle these nasty cancer cells.
The General has told us all, "strong as bull".With this message in mind we all continue to be strong, carry the faith in our hearts
and generously pray for our dearest friends the Coles.
Our prayers also continue for all the struggling JMML children and families...God Bless you all!
From deep in our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 10:29 AM (CDT)
Dear Laura & Jack,
I feel a loss for words at the minute. I don't know what to say. I am so sorry for the news you received. If there is anything I can do for you, just let me know. I am here for you guys. Keep up the faith. FAITH & GOD will guide you the right way to go. Just make sure the choice is yours and just go for it. Don't let anyone tell you what to do. Make the choice yourselves. Talk it over and you will find the right way. GOD WILL LEAD THE WAY FOR YOU.

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 06:18 PM (CDT)
next weekend...not this weekend...gee, I am ahead of myself
Dana Doctor
- Friday, September 20, 2002 at 12:39 PM (CDT)
Got your boxing gloves on? Lots of decisions ahead...go with your heart. If you look into Colby's eyes, you will know what choice is best. I am here for you every step of the way. I loved chatting with you last night Jack, sorry i missed you Laura. Can't wait to see you guys on the weekend!
Holding your hands and lending you my shoulder,

Dana Doctor
- Friday, September 20, 2002 at 11:13 AM (CDT)
Laura and Jack....don't give up. God is still on the throne, he created this body and he knows what he is doing. Always remember, he loves you, and we do too! We will keep praying.
Dee John and Edna Russman
- Friday, September 20, 2002 at 08:16 AM (CDT)
Hi Colby and family. I heard the news from Dana. I am so very sorry... Please try not to loose hope. You will do what you think is best for Colby as any loving parents would. We will continue to pray for Colby and all our families to get though these difficult times...

Luke thought that Colby and Cameron might like to see some of his trains and butterfly...

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA USA - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 12:29 AM (CDT)
Hey Guys!!!! I just wanted to send out the warning that I was coming to visit tomorrow... you boys better take a nap this time cuz were are having a serious SLUMBER PARTY!!!! Wooooooooo Hooooooo! I will give you a call when I get to back to PA. See you tomorrow, I can't wait!

Love ya!

Jess <>
Buckhannon, WV USA - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 10:39 PM (CDT)
Dearest Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron,
This is not an easy time for any of us.
I talked to Elaine and Larry today. Needless to say she enlightened me about Colby's results.
My (our) emotions are flowing but we continue to keep our strength ,faith and hope strong.
We believe in your decisions.
We are right behind you with endless love and support.
We love you all from deep in our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <sueabel>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 05:10 PM (CDT)
Dear Jack & Laura & Colby & Cameron,

We got shocking news from Dana and it hurts. I know you two are in emotionally disbelieved and so are all of us. Please know that many people are pulling and praying for Colby, really hard. You two have done all the best for Colby! Be strong and keep fighting. Gob bless your family.

Many hugs for Colby,

Thu & Binh & Brian & Colby <>
Denver, CO - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 11:17 AM (CDT)


Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , TX - Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 12:22 AM (CDT)
Hi Colby-
Your big night out at your aunt and uncles sounded as exciting as your mommy and daddys BIG night out! How fun for everyone!
Keep the strength, attitude and faith little guy...
we continue to pray and as always you are in our hearts!
Love to you, Mommy, Daddy and Cameron.
XO Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 03:41 PM (CDT)
Hi All,
I am glad your dinner date went well. It is something you both needed to do.
Colby seems to be holding pretty good on the counts i see.
Just let me know when and we will do lunch or dinner. Even a saturday morning breakfast would be ok with me.
Take Care & May God Be With You Always!

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 06:48 PM (CDT)
Praying hard for good FISH results. I will be at work tonight...if you need me call Stuart, he will give you the number.
Holding your hand,

Dana Doctor
- Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 05:12 PM (CDT)
Hello Colby, Cameron, Laura,and Jack,
We have been thinking about you and praying for you. You are truly soem of the strongest people we have ever know! Keep it up!!
Paige and Doug

Paige and Doug Miller
Uniontown, PA 15401 - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 08:27 PM (CDT)
Dear Laura,I did not realize that you had a personal loss last Sept.. I am very sorry to hear that.. I do hope your date went well.. You guys really needed some time to yourselves.. I pray for all of you each night that God will bless Colby with a complete healing. All of you have endured so much.. You are a very remarkable person..
Regina <>
- Monday, September 16, 2002 at 09:46 AM (CDT)
I am sorry for your loss. You have been through alot. I hope you have fun getting out. I get so used to sticking around the house with my kids- but it is important to still get out- for our sanity... come by and visit us sometime- hey, my name is Laura too!!! Love, Colton's mother

- Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 05:47 PM (CDT)
I am so sorry to hear of your loss, I feel like a heel, I didnt even know. Praying for you guys, and as always, Colby.
Gooch's Site
- Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 08:55 PM (CDT)
Hi everyone.... I hear that you need a BABYSITTER!!!! Well you are in luck. I will be home Friday afternoon and Saturday I am all yours if you wish. Jack and Laura, I can see the extraordinary love that you have for one another and I know that an evening alone is much deserved. I am grateful for the "movie night" that we had together because I got to see Laura in Jacks arms, smiling and laughing... and the pride that my uncle Jack showed for his family was genuine and admirable. I continue to pray for you ALL each and every day. I am certain that Colby is winning this battle! Colby and Cameron, you two are the sweetest, cutest, most AMAZING two children that I have ever met. I adore you both! See you soon. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

To Jack and Laura,

"To love a person is to learn the song
That is in their heart,
And to sing it to them
When they have forgotten"
Sing your hearts out on Saturday!

Love Always,

Jess <>
Buckhannon, WV - Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 11:24 AM (CDT)
Good morning Little Guys,
Hope you are feeling better. Seems the weather change is giving everyone a little runny nose. Colby you have such a strong will and it is keeping you going. Cameron you love your brother so much that you keep him going also.
Take Care Little Tykes and Hope to meet you someday.
Have a Fun Day and Evening Together.

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 07:09 AM (CDT)
Dearest Jack and Laura,
I wish you all the best this Saturday. You deserve to go and be together. It is something you need to do. Your love seems endless. I pray that you have a very good time together. Keep your mind on each other and not worring about what is going on at home. The boys love you and they will understand why this should be a special time for the both of you. I am sorry about your loss on Sept.11th. Everyone was thinking about the familys of 9/11 and the big loss the country had that day. But, I can tell you this. Everyone in the guestbook and the ones that go to Colbys site were thinking of all of you also. You are becoming a family to everyone. It is in everyones daily things to do to go to this site. It seems like God draws us here. You the Family draw us here. Everyone loves you guys and think of you daily. MAY GOD BE WITH YOU ALWAYS!

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 06:59 AM (CDT)
Jack,Laura,Cobly and Cameron,
This is Janice with my new computer,trying to learn this thing, just wanted to let you know that I made it to Cobly's web-site, lot of information to read up on.

Love all of you so much, God Bless, Janice

Janice J. Cole <>
Canton, OH - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 06:19 PM (CDT)
Colby and family - We are spending the next 3 months at the United Presbyterian Church of New Kensington. Their pastor is battling cancer. Everyone at this new Church keeps all of you in prayer too. You are ALL so brave and faithful. We do appreciate this website. It's the only way we can keep in touch regularly and let you know that you are loved and though of daily. Keep the faith, Babies! P.S. We will be at the New Salem Church on Sunday, Sept. 22 to baptize Parker Radolec, another blessed miracle! May God continue to bless you in many ways --- and especially in the love you have for one another in this time of trial. Grace and peace to you all -
Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell & Ginnye Abraham (Mom) <Revmarnie@aol/com>
Greensburg, PA USA - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 05:23 PM (CDT)
God bless you and your family.We hope your parents have a great time on their "date"
carol elvin & family
Pittsburgh , Pa. USA - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 02:57 PM (CDT)
How did clinic go? Thinking of you all the time.
Dana Doctor
- Friday, September 13, 2002 at 12:01 PM (CDT)
Dearest Colby-
This morning as I was waking and laying in bed, I was reflecting about my "overdue" visit with your Daddy yesterday. He was in deep thought when I arrived at the shop...I know I surprised him!
We talked about many things- some made us cry and some made us laugh.
I wish that I could have stayed longer because I know that we both had a lot to say to eachother. I will be back soon.
Your daddy is a very special man, Daddy and friend.
He is a very sensitive, courageous, good soul.
His love for you, your Mommy and brother is endless... you all are his life.
He is very proud of you!
As each day comes and each day goes, we all have you in our hearts and always in our prayers.
Keep the strength going strong but do rest as you need it. Keep the faith and trust in the higher powers for they are your guidance.
We love you Colby!
Suzanne,Darrell and Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Friday, September 13, 2002 at 11:28 AM (CDT)
Dear Colby (Laura, Jack and Cameron too)

Arlene and Seymour Zwick are sending lots of love and prayers your way. Stay strong and think positive!!

Zackie and Kyle's Grandma and Grandpa (Zoe too!!) She is our pussy cat...

Arlene and Seymour Zwick <>
Monroe Township, NJ USA - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 05:20 PM (CDT)
We just wanted to send some thoughts and prayers your way today. Hope all went okay yesterday for Colby.
Bob and Lorraine <>
McClellandtown, Pa USA - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 04:17 PM (CDT)
Hi, everyone....just sending hugs and love.
Dee John
- Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 10:05 AM (CDT)
Hey Colby.
My name is Jason and I am one of Jessica's friends down at school. She told me about your situation and how brave you have been. I just want to tell you to keep fighting and good things will happen. Sometimes it takes a little guy like you to show us big guys what courage is all about.

Jason LaRue <>
Wheeling, WV USA - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 12:47 AM (CDT)
Hi guys! I just wanted to say hello and that I miss you all very much. I really enjoyed our visit on Friday. I can't wait come home again. My picture for art class turned out great... and my teacher really liked Colby's hand, THANKS Colby! I hope that all went well today at clinic. I have sent you some pictures from Friday by e-mail. Hope you like them! As always you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love to all!


Jessica Zalek <>
Buckhannon, WV 26201 - Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 12:03 AM (CDT)
Laura and Jack - Hope things went well today at clinic. I was over on 8N around lunch time and Colby immediately came into my thoughts and prayers. Continued XXXXXXOOOOOO's to the boys and you and Jack.
Bev (Make-A-Wish) <>
Pittsburgh, PA - Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 07:41 PM (CDT)
Hi Everyone,
Just checking in to see how everything went today.
May God Be With You Always!

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 07:21 PM (CDT)
I hope clinic went well today. Thinking of you guys.
Dana Doctor
- Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 06:14 PM (CDT)


UNIONTOWN, PA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 07:51 PM (CDT)
Hello Cole Family,
Just checking in. I read the guestbook entry you wrote when i was in the site last night Laura. It was so beautiful. Filled my eyes with tears. I couldn't even see to write an entry into the guest book. So tonight i am doing that. I saw the new pictures. Sure looks like all of you had a very good time. All the kids are so precious. All of you seem to have just bonded together. That is so beautiful. I am so glad all of you had a wonderful time at the Doctors house and the beach. You are truely blessed. I am wishing only the best for all of you. I keep you in my prayers daily. It was nice to see you today Laura even if only for a split second passing on the main floor. Take Care and May God Be With You Always.

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown , Pa USA - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 07:25 PM (CDT)
Dear Jack, Laura, Colby and Cameron,

I've been reading Colby's journal every day (as soon as I get to work) since the blood drive in March. Every time I planned to make an entry, someone else said exactly what I had intended to say. Guess we all have the same thoughts and feelings about what Colby and your family is going through.

It is so touching to read all of the heartfelt messages written from people as far away as Peru. Your family has deeply affected all of us. Laura, you made me cry, too. Hope you have the entire journal made into a
hardback book as a keepsake for Colby.

I'll be praying every day for you, Colby, until your well again, and for your mom, dad and little brother, that they are given all the faith and strength they need.

Colby, you have many, many people from all over the world pulling for you. Wishing you the very best of
results tomorrow!!

Love, Jane Suhar

Jane Suhar < >
Chalk Hill, Pa. USA - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 02:34 PM (CDT)

I'm sending both Colby and Connor beautiful humming birds and good thoughts tonight. Colby, your brother Cameron gets a look also.

Laura, I read on Connor's site that the FTI is having some beneficial effect.... Is this an option??

Thinking of you guys,

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA USA - Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 01:26 AM (CDT)
Hey YOU are the reason Kyle sits on TOP of everything now! Miss you much!!!!!!!!!!!
One million hugs headed your way!

Dana Doctor
- Monday, September 09, 2002 at 10:28 PM (CDT)
What a beautiful note to your beautiful son. Your heart is overflowing here on these pages......and I know it overflows for more than just Colby, but the focus is on him right now. You are blessed in so many matter how this plays out (hopefully with a happy ending!!) you will always be blessed with these gifts in your life......all of them.

It was so good to talk to you again yesterday.....I hope my thoughts and opinions were not too strong and that you know they are shared with you with only the best of intentions.....and given with lots of love and support.

My best to you all and I look forward to talking again soon. Perhaps next time on my dime!

Give hugs to those sweet boys of a couple for the adults too!

Niki Daubach (mother of Brian, JMML survivor!) <>
- Monday, September 09, 2002 at 10:17 PM (CDT)
Your entry in the guestbook made me cry.... you are one strong woman. You deserve to be Mother of the Year in my book!!! Colby is so very precious and he has a WONDERFUL Mommy and Daddy and brother... along with his "EXTENDED" Family which stretches across the World. Everyone is praying for Colby to FIGHT this nasty disease!! As I read your words... I just couldn't imagine what you are going through. But you are a STRONG Woman Laura... GOD is watching over all of you!!!!! STAY STRONG AND REMEMBER EVERYONE IS PRAYING FOR ALL OF YOU!! GOD BLESS!! There is not a day that goes by that I don't go to Colby's website, or not think about the "COLE" Family. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers. KEEP FIGHTING COLBY
Love, Sandy, Paul, Zachary and Tristin

Sandy Kaiser <>
Masontown, PA USA - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 07:38 PM (CDT)
Dear Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron-
You ALL are truly, very special people.
Strong, optimistic, caring - a beautiful family.
Today is another beautiful sunny day which warms our hearts and souls.
Laura, your entry today not only made me cry but once again reminds us all of how precious time is.
You are truly an example of what a mother is and should be!
God bless you and may you continue to hold on to the strength and spirit that guides you.
We love you all very much and do wish that we could be helping you in some way.
Please let us know when we can help.
I'm overdue to stop by Jacks office to give him a BIG hug!!!
From our hearts,

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Monday, September 09, 2002 at 06:34 PM (CDT)
Ok made me cry!
Best of luck Wednesday, I will call you at ngiht to see how Colby is feeling
Love you much,

Dana Doctor
- Monday, September 09, 2002 at 05:29 PM (CDT)
To My Precious Colby,
This is the first time I have entered in your guestbook. You may never know the joy you bring to my life day after day. You may think of me as the person who makes you do all the things you don't like to do and who has so many rules. You came into my life only a few years ago and in those few years, you have shown me more about life than I ever thought possible. You are a very bright and shining star and you always have been. You make me laugh and you make me cry and with each day I love you more and more. You always amaze me with your strength and determination. My heart has a big boo-boo that a bandaid can't reach because you have be afflicted with such an ugly disease. You have made it easier to bare all the torturous days with your smile and sense of humor. I don't know where I would be in life if I had not met your father and brought you into this world. I thank God each and every day for blessing me with such an outstanding work of art. I love you more than life it's self and I am here to carry you through this time of trouble. When you see tears flowing down my cheeks--you tell me to "be happy". Oh honey, I am happy. I am so proud of who you have become, my Little Earth Angel.

"I'll love you for always
I'll like you forever
Forever and ever
My baby you'll be"
These words I repeat everynight to you and you say "Oh, mom" "I love you", are the same words that touched my heart when I first read them four short years ago.

Endless Love Honey

You are a gift from God
- Monday, September 09, 2002 at 01:16 AM (CDT)
I have to agree with Rachel, below me. We all need a good thing to remember 9/11 by.
I cant think of anything better than fantastic news for you guys.

Gooch's Site
- Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 11:13 PM (CDT)
Good luck Wednesday. I think it is appropriate for something wonderful to happen on 9-11, so I'll keep praying for lots of donor cells! Any GVH yet (I don't remember you mentioning it)? We're thinking of the four of you often!

With love - Rachel

Rachel Summerville (Connor's mom)
- Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 09:49 PM (CDT)
It is a beautiful day outside. So,today go out and play. It is Sunday and a day of relaxing. Just checking in. It is becoming my daily routine. I think everyone is thinking of all of you guys. Have a Good Day Family. MAY GOD BE WITH YOU ALWAYS!

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 12:09 PM (CDT)
Laura and Jack,

Just wondering how things are today? I love the photos you've added.....the boys look adorable!

You know I am thinking of you constantly.....every time the phone rang today, I sort of hoped it was you again was good to talk to you the other day, even though it was brief....maybe this weekend we can try again??

Let me know if you need anything...
Hang in there.....
sending lots of love and hugs,

Niki (mother of Brian, 6 yrs old, JMML survivor!) <>
Brians website:, - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 09:24 PM (CDT)
Dear Colby & Family

Glad to see you all enjoyed quality times at home. We continue to pray a miracle for Colby and strenght to both of you, Laura & Jack.


Thu & Binh & Brian & Cindy <>
Denver, CO - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 05:01 PM (CDT)
Colby, have I told you I love you today? Sending many hugs to you and your brother Cameron. I hope you guys are racing those remote control trucks. Can you share some of the hugs with mommy and daddy? I hope to see you soon, Kyle and Zachary miss too.
Dana Doctor
- Friday, September 06, 2002 at 04:51 PM (CDT)
I am Connor Summerville's grandmother. Just want you to know our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Lynn Campbell
- Friday, September 06, 2002 at 08:04 AM (CDT)
Hello Cole Family, Just got back after a short trip to North Carolina. Thought i would check on Colby and the rest of the family. Sure hope everyone had a great Labor DAY. Our thoughts and PRAYERS are with you always.Hay Colby, I caught myself going down the hall at work today singing outloud I'M in the LORDS ARMY,several coworkers asked me why I was singing that song, Itold them that Iwas singing for Colby. So you see Ithink of you all the time. Well everyone please take care of yourselves and each other. Our PRAYERS are with you always LOVE Anita
Anita Sproul
Markleysburg, - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 07:29 PM (CDT)
Hello everyone!
Today the sun is shining and the air is pure.
When I lived in Utah we would call this kind of a day "a bluebird day!" .
I see butterflies fluttering, a few bees on my sunflowers and my dear husband and daughter nearby...truly a God send.
Dear friends like all the Cole family mean more to us than any other care (other than are own families).
The journal from the 4th of Sept. made my heart so warm to know that Colby is enjoying the sunshine and outdoors!
How wonderful for the Labor Day weekend gathering of your families...very precious moments for all!
Keeping the faith, hope and strength going your way always.
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and

suzanne abel
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 02:24 PM (CDT)

DUNBAR, PA USA - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 09:09 AM (CDT)
Couldn't sleep so I thought I would catch up on the current news(ironic since Zack is actually sleeping through the night tonight-of course it is only 12:15 AM lots of the night left). As you already know, our whole family's thoughts and prayers are with you. Hey Jack - if you need to talk don't hesitate to call.

Stuart Doctor <>
Whiting, NJ USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 11:13 PM (CDT)
Thinking and Praying for Colby and his family...

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 11:06 PM (CDT)
Good evening Cole Family. Just was wondering how things are going on the home front. It simply drove me nuts last night when i couldn't get into the internet. It kept saying cannot find server. I couldn't wait til tonight to get on here. I love checking in on you guys. I worry about you.
I thought about getting on this morning but,woke up late and had to rush. I do that every so often. Well no news is good news. I am praying for you often. I tell my Angel Charlene to watch over you. Hope you are up and playing by now Colby. Take Care and May God Be With You Always!

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 06:15 PM (CDT)
Hello Jack, Laura, Colby & Cameron:
Just finished reading the messages you all have received concerning Colby. Wow, I can't tell you how touched I was to see all the caring responses, love and prayers from all the great people who have supported you through all these months. I want you to know that now I realize Jack, why you check this website daily to read your new messages. I have thought about Colby ever since I first learnt about his condition. You're doing a great job Colby. Love, Lois

Lois Mocniak
Greensboro, PA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 09:22 PM (CDT)
Hello Jack, Laura, Colby & Cameron:
Just finished reading the messages you all have received concerning Colby. Wow, I can't tell you how touched I was to see all the caring responses, love and prayers from all the great people who have supported you through all these months. I want you to know that now I realize Jack, why you check this website daily to read you new messages. I have thought about Colby ever since I first learnt about his condition. You're doing a great job Colby. Love, Lois

Lois Mocniak
Greensboro, PA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 09:19 PM (CDT)
Hi, Cole family! Today I was on the internet looking at a site with the word "angel" in it. Up pops the poem, Desiderata....a portion of it read as follows: Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. .....You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.....therefore be at peace with God.....and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.....Love & Peace!!!
Dee John
- Monday, September 02, 2002 at 11:13 PM (CDT)
Hi I am Dana's sister Jill. I pray for Colby every day. I am glad that you had a good time at my sister. I hope to meet you one day soon.

Jill <>
Long Branch, NJ 07740 - Monday, September 02, 2002 at 03:47 PM (CDT)
Hi Uncle Jack, Laura, Cameron, and Colby,
I just wanted to say hello. You guys have been on my mind. I was so relieved that Colby was feeling better with the new port. He is so Tough!!! What the little man he is... Well boys, keep an eye out for the big brown truck tomorrow he will be bringing you a special delivery. Love to all. In my thoughts and prayers always. Love you and miss you guys. Can we make a play date for Friday??? See you soon!

Jess <>
Buckhannon, WV 26201 - Monday, September 02, 2002 at 03:16 PM (CDT)



MONROE TWP, NJ USA - Monday, September 02, 2002 at 10:37 AM (CDT)
Another day of challenges and yet another day of great faith and unbelievable strength!
Colby you are the eighth wonder of the world!!!
God bless you ALL!
May our thoughts and prayers continue to bring you and all the JMML families- strong faith, hope and the love we need to fight to win the battles.
Our love to all,
Suzanne, Darrell and Callahan XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 11:05 PM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family,
We're praying daily that Colby is doing better and better. We think about you always. Love ya'll.

Lyn & Jerry Allamon <>
Kingsland, Tx 78639 - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 03:17 PM (CDT)
Hi Jack and Laura, Just checking in to keep updated. Our prayers are with you and your family daily. All Our Love, Shane, Jul and Jonathan/
Mary Jul Phillips <>
Uniontown , PA USA - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 11:46 AM (CDT)
Dana Doctor
- Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 08:01 PM (CDT)
Prayers are answered. Colby is feeling a little better. YEA

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 06:43 PM (CDT)
Colby, Cameron, Laura and Jack - Sorry to hear about all the discomfort Colby is going through right now. Hang in there guys. I was at CHP yesterday on 8N and over at clinic. Heather told me about the memorial service to be held in the afternoon for some of the kids. I thought of their families and how hard it must be for them to go back to the hospital. On a lighter note, when I got to the office in the afternoon I was so pleased to find the boys cards. They are adorable. Colby and Cameron, you are budding artists and apparently sticker collectors. I have them hanging above my computer. I will send Jill and Todd's card to them on Tuesday. The pictures are adorable and everyone in the office was excited to see you and AIBO. I especially like the picture of Colby and Cameron embracing while wearing mom's shoes. You are constantly in my prayers and are all brave soldiers. Colby's body is feeling the actual pain, but you, Laura, Jack and Cameron are also feeling his pain and are one of the strongest families I have ever known. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU. Have a great holiday weekend.
Bev Gorr <>
N. Huntingdon, PA - Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 08:51 AM (CDT)
Dear Laura and Colby (and family),

I think of you guys all the time and check Colby's site daily. We were at CHOP for the first time yesterday since Matt died for his memorial service. It was hard to go through those doors again but once inside a strange comfort came over me knowing that Matt spent his last days there. We saw some of the 8N staff and asked about Colby. I am sorry that he is in pain. These kids are such brave stong soldiers. Colby has such a strong spirit. I know he will beat this. He has a new guardian angel looking over him in heaven - Matt! Matt always asked about Colby - every day. You stay strong and know that you are in our prayers.

Noelle Conover < (>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 08:32 AM (CDT)
Laura, Jack, and especially Colby:

I am sadden to hear of the physical pain that Colby is suffering and I know of the emotional pain that you guys are going through... Just try to take it one day at a time... Soon, all the pain will go away and Colby will be running around again... How about some T#3 to take the edge of the pain. It help Luke greatly; though, I don't know about the taste. Luke did not like the taste much.

We will continue to pray for Colby and your family to get through these difficut time...

Your JMML family,

Lam <>
San Jose, CA USA - Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 01:13 AM (CDT)
Colby and family: You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. You are all so brave - you must be Generals in "the Lord's Army." "YES, SIR!" We love you all. May you have peace and healing.
Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell & Mom (Ginnye Abraham) <>
Greensburg, PA USA - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 07:59 PM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family,
My heart aches for you guys. Poor little guy hurting so badly. Have the doctors mentioned demerol? That helped Charlenes pain alot. Then they would give it to her to help her through the days sometimes through her iv. Even at home i would give her it also with benadral. Keep the faith family. Hope your pain stops soon Colby so you can go play again. O by the way i left a little something for Colby in the ICU this morning. They told me you would be working tonight Laura. I am praying for you guys. Take Care & May God Be With You Always. Say Jesus Help Me and He will be there.

Berneice Ross < ( or you can use)>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 07:59 PM (CDT)
Colby...sweetie...I am so sorry for the pain you are feeling. I wish I could come kiss your boo boo. Stay "strong like bull" . I hope those tcells are hard at work (donor that is). Keep in mind Laura, the WBC count may only be reflecting the DLI. Stay strong, the unknown is scary. Here's hoping the donor cell count is soaring!
Love always,

Dana Doctor
- Friday, August 30, 2002 at 12:47 PM (CDT)
Hi To All-
Quite the week of events...once again we wish that we could take this all away.
Colby IS a strong young soul and he IS a fighter!
Jack and Laura, I wish that there were words of strength that I could say to you. But be sure to know that we send our love, hope and strength your way daily. You both are amazing people and divine parents.
May the pain that Colby is feeling soon go away and he be comforted with a wonderful play day!
As always, you ALL are in our hearts and prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiiopyle, p usa - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 11:52 AM (CDT)
I am so sorry to hear Colby is in so much pain. It is hurtful when we hear something like this from a 5 years old. Colby is a strong boy and I pray hard for him to win this battle.

Jack & Laura,

My thoughts & prayers will always be with you.

Thu <>
Denevr, Co - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 10:36 AM (CDT)
Keep your chin up Colby! You sound like a tough little guy - you'll make it through this! Once you and Connor are all better, we'll get together so you can play!

Laura - have you tried Tylenol with codeine? It worked for Connor after his catheter was put in.

Rachel (Connor's mom) <>
Syracuse, NY - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 10:18 AM (CDT)
Good morning Colby! I hope things are progressing in the direction God would want them to. I look forward to reading your updates when I come into work in the morning! Enjoy the Labor Day weekend!
Jill Barclay <>
Mt. Pleasant, PA USA - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 06:41 AM (CDT)

Danette Prater <>
SANTA FE, TX - Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 06:52 PM (CDT)
Good evening Cole Family. Just got in from work. Had to check in first to see how things are with you guys. Laura, I took my friend up to see the board in the ICU unit yesterday. She was amazed with all the things on the board. I guess she didn't really think that much was there. She said Colby and the Family are just beautiful. And ya know what. That pic of Colby with the pencil sketch. JUST AMAZING. The board is very touching. The ICU team must love you guys. I think everyone is falling in love with the Cole Family. This is great. Keep the guestbook signed everyone. And the prayers flowing. One day little man you will be looking back at all this and saying. WOW All this was for me. Take Care All

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 06:09 PM (CDT)
Colby and Family,

Just checking in to see how every one is! GO CELLS GO! : )


Cheryl <>
Tulsa, OK USA - Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 04:08 PM (CDT)
Hi's me, that lady that keeps "signing up" on your web site. Just wanted to say I love you! Stay strong...Cant wait to visit your house and swim in your pool! Some day just get better. Tell Cameron I miss his hugs.

Dana Doctor
- Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 08:59 AM (CDT)
Dear Jack and Laura,
You have some handsome boys. Having just had our first son in March,I couldn't even imagine what you all are going through. Children are angels sent from god, and it's heart wrenching to see this happen. We will pray for Colby's complete recovery daily. We love you guys.

Jerry and Lyn Allamon <>
Kingsland, TX USA - Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 09:47 PM (CDT)
Connor and I checked out the pictures. He wanted to see a little boy with "blood like his". The tractor picture is his favorite! We'll be praying for Colby's donor cells!
Rachel Summerville <>
Baldwinsville, NY - Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 07:32 PM (CDT)
I am glad we got to talk today. Thinking of you all the time. One day I will show up at your door step just to give you a hug!

Dana Doctor
- Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 05:00 PM (CDT)
Wow Colby!
Last week was full of emotions, exciting times and certainly the love and caring hearts of the Doctor Family.
I find so much joy in my heart to know that you all were together after your visit to CHOP. The precious time that you spent together is so important. They know, they care and they understand completely what you are going through. A blessing to know them and to feel their love & support.
God bless the donor for her kind and loving soul! She certainly is an angel watching over you!
As always, we keep you all in our prayers and deep in our hearts...we love you all.
Suzanne,Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Monday, August 26, 2002 at 06:19 PM (CDT)
No more tubies...enjoy the time with out it, you know how much those docs to put them back in. Miss you guys,

Dana Doctor
- Monday, August 26, 2002 at 02:55 PM (CDT)
Well geez, I drop by to say hello and I have to follow Dana.. how am I supposed to top THAT one????
I guess I will just say "ditto" since I cant elaborate on hers - she said it all and then some.
We are all praying for you guys.

Gooch's Site
- Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 11:18 PM (CDT)
Hi Laura and Jack,
We had such a wonderful time with you guys.Cameron and Colby are AWESOME kids. Kyle is begging for his NEW best friend, Colby, to come back. I am thrilled you came to see us.
Laura I truly know how hard things are right now. I will NEVER pretend that I know how you feel. You are keeping so much locked inside of you...honey, I hear your heart crying, it is louder than you know. It is ok to is ok to cry. Keep your faith and your focus, you are doing a great job at caring for and advocating for Colby...but take care of you too. You will explode if you dont. I , along with many people, are here for you. You can be scared and hopeful at the same time. I love the way you enjoy life and give Colby a great sense of normal in the most unnormal of circumstances. Colby IS a happy boy. He is so loved. I hope the power of prayer, the donor and his great doctors pull him through. He CAN survive...others have.

My dear have a beautiful big and tender heart. Your love for your family and children is touching. It is hard as Colby's daddy to keep in much is out of your hands. You have more of a grip on things than you know. Loving your boys and you wife is first. Take every hug that is offered...there is a great power in each person that touches you. You and your wife are beautiful people. Take the time to share your feelings with each other, hold hands, take walks...keep your hearts locked together tightly. Love is powerful.

My sweet Colby...I have to admit I was scared to meet you. It is easier to know of you. Now I am in love with you. Along with you entering my heart...I had a sense of see Colby, I feel your strength. Your mother is right, JMML will never get the better of you. I know that now. You have a love for life, I can see that in your eyes. I am only scared for the pain you have to endure to reach your cure...but you can get there. God and your family will help you there. Looking forward to taking you to the beach again next summer...and EVERY summer there after.

And are just too cute. I love how you open up to people...a kiss and hug is ALWAYS available.

Ok...enough...I just need you to know Stuart and I love you. It seems now that there is no end to this crazy rollercoaster...but it will. Brighter days are a head, you need to just hold on tight to each other through the storms.

Dana Doctor
- Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 08:46 AM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family_______ Mom,Dad,Colby,Cam.
I hope all is going well. By now you are with the Doctor Family. I hope you are having a great time. Enjoy the waves. Find a seashell and listen to it. It will be Gods way of talking to you. It is the most wonderful sound. So go and find one.Put it too your ear. Listen very quietly and you will hear a wonderful noise.
Take care family. I hope that you have a good time.
Have a very safe journey home.

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 06:08 PM (CDT)
My Grandson was diagnosed with JMML in July 2001. Had a bmt
in April 2002. Relapsed earlier this month and further
treatment is being arranged. God bless you. I will think of your child in my prayers

Lynn Campbell <>
Baldwinsville, NY USA - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 01:37 PM (CDT)
Hi guys,
Checking in, waiting to hear how everything went yesterday......hope it went well and that you were off to the Doctors for some fun and relaxation and bonding!

A special hug, thought and prayer to the beautiful donor who helped Colby out again! The day you meet will be a wonderful day filled with lots of emotion!

Let us know when you can.


Niki (mother of Brian, almost 6, survivor of JMML!) <>
- Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 07:32 AM (CDT)
Colby,Laura,Jack and Cam-man!
Today has almost passed (Wednesday)and in my heart the feeling is strong.I am feeling a happy thought(s) that today brought smiles and joy into your day...
How wonderful for the Cole Family to meet the Doctor Family, truly a touching and forever memory. They are not only friends but family that you have yet to meet in your lifetime. God bless them for their sincere and loving souls. Only they can share the true compassionate feelings, heartache and happiness that rises and falls within your daily searchings. Our prayers surround you ALL!
The roar of the ocean is God's way of calming your anxiety. The sunshine, sand and chatter from the beach atmosphere can only better your day and soothe your night...sweet dreams to all.
In God's heart and our true souls, we pray and send our strength, faith and healing powers...
We love you all,
Suzanne, Darrell and Callahan XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, p usa - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 10:03 PM (CDT)
Hope DLI procedure is going well. God bless Colby & his donor. Thinking of you, always.

Loves & Prayers,

Thu <>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 05:21 PM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family- Hope all goes well with the DLI. Colby is such a strong little boy, I just know he will do fine. Sending lots of prayers your way. Have a great time at the beach, you all deserve it!
Patty Yerina
Pittsburgh, PA - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 09:07 AM (CDT)
Good luck tomorrow with the DLI Colby. We will be thinking and praying for you and your family... You are a strong and brave little man... Laura and Jack, you guys take some breaks when you can... Enjoy the beach...

Your JMML brother

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA USA - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 01:42 AM (CDT)
Jack and Laura - Sometimes we focus so much time and attention on the one who is ill that we neglect (inadvertantly) the caregivers. Please know that you are loved and cared for more than you might ever imagine. We pray that God continues to give you strength, wisdom, courage and love --- God already gave you the best family! Please call or e-mail anytime you need a little lift. God loves you and so do we.

Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell and Virginia Abraham <>
Greensburg, PA USA - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 07:30 PM (CDT)
Colby and family - You are in our thoughts and prayers always, but especially now as you prepare for your procedure in Philly. The staff at the New Kensington Presbyterian Church held you and your family up in prayer this morning. We know that you are a strong and awesome boy! And the faith in you and around is strong too. May God continue to bless you in many, many ways. "I'm in the Lord's Army too!" Stay tough. We love you and your family - and it was good to talk to Dad and Cameron on Friday. We know you are in the best of hands. Grace and peace to all of you.
Rev. Marnie Abraham Russell (and family) <>
Greensburg, PA USA - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 07:23 PM (CDT)
Jack and family:
My prayers are still with you. I pray each day for Colby's
cure. You are a great and loving family.

Carol Elvin <>
- Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 02:48 PM (CDT)
I Cant wait to meet you tomorrow Colby!!! (Cam too). Wishing you luck for tomorrow....Show them what YOU can do!
Dana, Stuart, Kyle, And Zachary

Zachary's web link
- Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 12:52 PM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family,
My thoughts and prayers are with Colby and your whole family. I'm a friend of the Doctor family and knowing what their son went thru I can only imagine what you are going thru. God Bless all of you Janice

Janice Lenz <>
Waretown, NJ Ocean - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 08:59 PM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family, Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily.I haven"tbeen writing butI check often to see the progress that you are making. Lots of love,hopes,and PRAYERS are sent to you all. Anita Sproul
Anita Sproul
- Monday, August 19, 2002 at 08:34 PM (CDT)
WAY TO GO COLBY!!! It's great to hear such wonderful news! You're truly amazing! We continue to pray for all of you and wish you all the best on Wednesday. Stay strong..and God Bless!
Love and Prayers,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth Velosky

jamie <>
New Salem, PA - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 06:56 PM (CDT)

Hi! I will share my doggies and kitty with you until you can have your own! I'll send you pictures. And let you know when they do something silly or cute or just are being theirselves! Take care! Much love

Tulsa, OK USA - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 01:22 PM (CDT)
Wonderful News! Finally, there are hopes in treatment for Colby. He is truly the bravest and amazing boy. We continue to pray for a success with DLI. Keep us posted.

Loves & Prayers,

Thu & Binh & Brian & Cindy <>
Denver, CO - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 11:45 AM (CDT)
Cole Family,
It was very nice meeting all of you this weekend. Both of your little boys are really cute! This is my first experience with this website and it is wonderful. I'm sure it is a great asset to all of you! I will keep Colby in my prayers. Take care and I hope to see you all again sometime! Erin McKenzie (Jess's friend!)

Erin McKenzie
Cumberland, MD USA - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 05:44 PM (CDT)
PRAISE GOD LAURA!!!!!!!!!!!! that was all amazing news, but not surprising though. God is soooo good. sometimes i don't think He answers prayers immediately because we would be so quick to forget where the blessing came from. i will continue to pray for colby and you and the rest of your family. love you girl...
lynn and allen cottrell <>
smithfield, pa usa - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 03:06 PM (CDT)
We pray every day for Colby to get better. He is in our pray from morning to time we go to bed at night. KEEP YOUR STRENGTHS UP COLBY, GOD WILL HELP YOU THROUGH THE TOUGHEST THINGS LIFE. GOD WILL BE HERE EVERY STEP YOU TAKE IN LIFE.
Joyce, Ernie and Rose Dodson <>
Smithfield , Pa United States - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 02:55 PM (CDT)
Laura--I just found out about your web-site. I have been so "out of the loop" since going back to school and not seeing much of the gang at work anymore! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. You are a truly amazing and strong person and my heart goes out to you and Jack as parents for having to deal with something one should never have to endure. Colby is a precious little boy and me and my children pray for him all the time.--as we do for you, Jack, and Cameron also! I just read your journal and I feel bad that I did not know the extent of what you and your family were going through. I still remember when you were afraid that first time that it would be this and they thought it wasn't-and how relieved you were--and now...I bookmarked your website and will continue to read it daily and pray for you daily. God answers prayer!! You are a wonderful mother. Hang in there. Love, Jennifer Casper
Jennifer Casper <>
Uniontown, PA Fayette - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 09:10 AM (CDT)
Just read the latest news. And ya know what. It sent chills all over me. I am so proud of you Colby. You are beating this nasty disease. Thank you Dear Jesus for Prayers Answered. I am so happy for all of you. Thank you donor cells for kicking in again. God is the HIGHEST BEING and he is truely watching over you Colby. Laura you and your family are being prayed for all over the world. I think it is just wonderful. Good Luck Wednesday and I will be keeping you in my prayers.

Berneice Ross` <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 06:05 PM (CDT)
We are keeping our internet eyes on you Colby. You are in our prayers along with your family. Keep it going little guy!
Robin & Hayden V. <>
Orlando, Fl Orange - Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 11:43 AM (CDT)
Laura - I must have the same internet company you have. Isn't it frustrating not to be able to connect to let the world know this wonderful news. There certainly is power in prayer. It was obvious this week with this terrific update from you. Continued prayers and hugs to all of you.
Bev-Make-A-Wish <>
- Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 08:33 AM (CDT)
So glad to read the latest journal entry!! With everyone praying and God working MIRACLES, Colby will fight this!! STAY STRONG AND KEEP THE FAITH!!! All of you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. GO DONOR CELLS!!!! We will be thinking and praying for all of we do Wed when Colby receives the DLI. Sending another butterfly your way..... came across this poem and just had to share it with you.

The Angelic Butterfly

I found safety in my cocoon for many years,
sheltered from the hurts life threw my way.

I've been growing, one day at a time,
to become the beautiful, angelic creature
I'm meant to be within the haven of the cocoon.

Then one day with lots of hard work and determination,
the cocoon cracked and the Angelic Butterfly emerged
stronger than ever before.

As the wings slowly unfurl,
so many dreams, long forgotten, are beginning to be realized.

As the comfortable fear melts,
and feelings are felt,
the wings are fully expanding to reveal the true beauty.

As the butterfly's beginning to take flight and soar
to new heights once thought impossible,
With the help of God, and the Angels,
the only way for this butterfly to go (as all butterflies go) is UP, UP, UP!!!!!

In our thoughts and prayers...
Love, Sandy, Paul, Zachary, Tristin

Sandy Kaiser <>
Masontown, PA USA - Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 08:03 AM (CDT)
We are all praying for you guys and that gorgeous little boy of yours.
Gooch's Site
< >
- Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 06:02 AM (CDT)
Hey Hey, It's GREAT to hear some GOOD news... GO DONOR CELLS GO... GO Colby GO...

You guys hang in there. Everyone is and will continues to pray for Colby and your family...

Your JMML Family

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA USA - Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 12:34 AM (CDT)
Colby,Laura,Jack and Cameron,
Truely a day to rejoice! Remember, butterflies are free to wonderful and an inspiration to all!
God bless the dear donor for her strength and love that she shares with Colby. May they continue to blend and heal together!
Stay strong all of you! For we all continue to pray and send our love and hugs!
Suzanne,Darrell and Callahan XXXXXXXOOOOOOO and lots more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiiopyle, pa usa - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 11:04 PM (CDT)
Hooooray!!!! Great news!Those cells are kicking in and doing their job, thank goodness.....and with the DLI coming up, that will be just what he needs to finish off those cancer cells!! There must be something magical about Aug least I'm hoping so anyway, as my mom is having her stem cell transplant that same day too!! It will be a "re-birthday" party for her and Colby together! I wish you all the best, you guys.

Good luck, and enjoy your visit with the Doctors (not the medical ones, but the buddy ones!) Pass around hugs from all of us!
Keep us posted.

Niki Daubach (mother of Brian, almost 6, survivor of JMML!!) <>
- Friday, August 16, 2002 at 10:05 PM (CDT)
Colby, Hallelujah!!! I was so glad to read of the great results of your recent testing. You are one strong boy! I will pray for even greater success with the procedure next Wednesday. You are truly AMAZING! God is ever powerful and will continue to hold you and your family up. "Hi" to Cameron, Mom, and Dad.
Pat Dearth <>
New Salem, PA USA - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 03:07 PM (CDT)
Colby and family,
Can you say AWESOME!!!! Our God is truly an AWESOME God!!! What wonderful news. Keep the prayers coming folks, Colby is a fighter and he is going to beat this thing!! God bless you all and thanks for making my day!! With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 02:17 PM (CDT)
Hi Laura and family,
I was so glad to hear that things are good today. You are in our constant thoughts and prayers. Give Colby and big hug and tell him I am ready for a dance like the one we had at Sandy's wedding, so he'd better get his dancing shoes on:-) We miss and love you and hope to see you soon.
Much love,
Becky, Bobby and Marissa

Becky McCoy <>
Halifax, VA USA - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 02:00 PM (CDT)
Dear Laura and family,

I just ready your latest entry. I was overjoyed with the GREAT NEWS!!! How wonderful! Colby's faith at such a young age is amazing.. My continued prayers for all of you.. You are such an inspiration to all Laura.. God Bless.Stay Strong!

Regina Sloan <>
118 Downer Ave, PA USA - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 11:07 AM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family, Just to let you know we are all praying for you and miss you. Great news today!
Candy Myers <CHIZ99 2000@YAHOO.COM>
Farmington, pa FAYETTE - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 08:49 AM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family:
WE are sooooo happy to hear the wonderful news this morning. God Bless you all! There are no other words to say at this point except that we will all continue to pray for Colby and those wonderful donor cells.

Bob and Lorraine <>
McClellandtown, Pa - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 08:05 AM (CDT)
Hi there Colby (and Jack, Laura, and Cameron)! I hope things are progressing in a favorable fashion. How is the robot? Have you seen any articles in the newspaper from your wish. I have been in and out of town, and I would love to see my hero's write-up if there is one. Think of you daily, and pray for you as well!

Jill Barclay <>
Mt. Pleasant, PA USA - Friday, August 16, 2002 at 06:32 AM (CDT)
Hi Colby, Cameron, Laura and Jack,
Just checking in to see how you're all doing. Colby, you're really amaze us with you're strength and spirit! Know that we're praying for you and your family always! Stay strong..and God Bless!

Love and prayers,
Dana, Wally, Jamie and Elizabeth Velosky

jamie <>
New Salem, PA - Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 04:45 PM (CDT)
Hey,Cole Family, just me checking in. Was sitting here watching the wonderful story of Pat Boone's grandson on Larry King and, of course, my thoughts were about Colby. I so believe in the power of prayer and the power of God's love. It was a further testament of what prayer can accomplish! Love, hugs, kisses over the "airwaves".
Dee John <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 09:01 PM (CDT)
Colby, Cameron, Laura and Jack - Just checking in to say "HI". Hang in there guys. Your love and faith in God and each other will get you through it. Give the boys hugs and kisses.
Bev-Make-A-Wish <>
- Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 06:39 PM (CDT)
Just checking in!

Take care

Cheryl <>
Tulsa, OK USA - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 10:27 AM (CDT)
Laura, I cant even imagine what you guys are feeling right now. I am so sorry you all have to go through this. We are all praying, I hope you know that....
Gooch's Site
< >
- Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 10:28 PM (CDT)
Thinking and praying for you often. There are an awful lot of people praying for you hang in there and be strong !!!!! God will take care of the details!
Becky Nichols
Austin, Tx - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 09:19 PM (CDT)
Stay strong are my buddy. Can't wait to meet you in person and Cameron too!

Zachary Doctor
- Monday, August 12, 2002 at 09:29 PM (CDT)
Just a note to let you know that we're thinking about ya! As always, you're in our thoughts and prayers daily.

Kim and Gianna <>
Uniontown, PA - Monday, August 12, 2002 at 06:37 PM (CDT)
Dear Laura and Jack,
I heard about your beautiful son Colby from a friend of yours, Angela. I follow a lot of CB sites and have bookmarked Colby's so I can check up on your journey. I commend your family for reaching out to God during these extremely trying times. I know very little about JMML but from some of your journal entries I now know Colby has already fought a tough battle. I will pray for Colby.
Friends in Christ,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Monica Paquette <>
Minneapolis, - Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 10:30 PM (CDT)
Sweet Dreams to all...
As always you ALL are in our hearts and prayers.
Keeping all of our strength, faith and hope directed in Colby's path.
In our hearts and dreams,

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 09:36 PM (CDT)
Dana Doctor
- Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 12:16 PM (CDT)
UNIONTOWN, PA UNITED STATES - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 06:28 PM (CDT)
Howdy Colby,

Ouchy! Sorry sweetie that you have ouchies! I love the pictures on your site! Keep up the good work!

Cheryl Myers <>
Tulsa, OK USA - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 12:46 PM (CDT)
Hello Cole Family.
Just got into the computer and thought i would check out your site before going to work. I will be praying for a good outcome on the BMA results. I know the feeling of waiting on that test. The pictures of the boys are just beautiful. You are very blest. Keep the faith. Take care and will be checking in again. I sent your website to a few internet friends and they will be checking in also.

Berneice Ross
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 07:36 AM (CDT)
Good evening family,
Just checking in to see how things are coming along. You are in my prayers ALWAYS.

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Friday, August 09, 2002 at 08:02 PM (CDT)
Just wanted you to know that I had stopped by, like I do each and every day. I pray that you are doing ok. You are such a handsome little boy. I can't help but smile each time I look at your pictures. You also look like a very strong, determined little boy and that is just what it is going to take to win this fight. I believe in you Colby and I know God does too. Your parents are just awesome and with all the people praying for you, there is no doubt God is hearing us. God bless you all. With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Friday, August 09, 2002 at 01:25 PM (CDT)
Thinking of you Colby. Nice to chat with you last night Laura. Things are tough for your family but all of us are praying and pulling for you everyday.

Keep your hope up and alive,


Thu & Binh & Brian & Cindy <>
Denver, CO - Friday, August 09, 2002 at 12:31 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby,
Hang in there kiddo! Tell Mommy I'l be praying like crazy all day today.

Casey Jankowski (Kayli's Aunt)
- Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 07:09 AM (CDT)
Colby,Laura,Jack & Cameron,
Your daily reports are always an inspiration! Stay Strong!
The prayers stay strong and the angels support you.
Please know that we are thinking of you, not only today but always!
All our love,
Suzanne,Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
Ohiopyle, pa usa - Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 10:08 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby and family,
We are praying for you and will be thinking about you tomorrow during your procedure. Stay Strong!!
Paige and Doug Miller

Paige Miller <>
Uniontown, PA Fayette - Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 07:57 PM (CDT)
Hey Laura Lu, Colby, Jack and Cameron too...Just checking in to say 'Hello', and to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily......
Connellsville, - Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 06:18 PM (CDT)
Thinking of you ALL the know where to reach me. I hope you will be at our "CHAT" session tomorrow...Gee I hope I will...long day planned.
Love you X 1,000!!!

Dana Doctor
- Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 05:34 PM (CDT)

Danette Prater <>
Santa Fe , TX - Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 12:59 PM (CDT)
Hey Colby. Just thought I would let you know that I think of each of you daily. We got a copy of the newspaper article about your special wish day in the mail today. It sounds like it was a great time. I hope AIBO is keeping you company. I can't wait to see some pictures of him. I showed everyone else at Make-A-Wish the photos on your photo page so they could all see how adorable you and your brother are. Hang in there Colby, Cameron, Laura and Jack. There are so many prayers and hugs coming your way from so many people all over the world. XOXOXOXO
Bev Gorr-Make-A-Wish <>
- Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 09:01 PM (CDT)
Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,
It seems like an eternity since I have been able to log on to my computer so I haven't had the full update from Colby's website. Instead I have been getting info by word of mouth. And I was so upset that I missed you two Sundays in church. I would love to have seen you!! Please know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Each week seems to bring new issues and for that I am so sorry - as everyone who knows you, I wish I could do something to make it all better. I guess my contribution is praying, praying, and more praying for your family. Colby - you are so strong and so brave...we are so proud of you...keep up the good work. And how is Aibo? I'm sure with the help of Cameron, you are having a blast with Aibo!!!! Lots of love and high fives sent your way - and lots for you too, Cameron!! Jack and Laura - hang in there and please remember, we are here for you if you need anything at all- we're just a phone call away.
We love you,
Todd, Meg, and Parker

Todd, Meg, and Parker <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 02:35 PM (CDT)

- Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 01:49 PM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family:
It was just great to see you all in church on Sunday. I didn't come over to say hello as there were so many people around you. Just know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Lots of love and prayers to all of you,

Lorraine D. Miscik <>
McClellandtown, PA United States - Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 08:46 AM (CDT)
Hello to The Cole Family. Just wanted you to let you know you all are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Colby is such a strong little boy, we are so proud of him. Brecken and Micah always say "a few extra prayers and blessings for their friend Colby" every night. Not to mention, they ask EVERYtime we pass, where they share many memories (@the daycare) with Colby. And you know how many times we pass that place coming in and out of the neighborhood. They send their love, hugs and kisses. They were very disappointed that we were out of town for the carnival, but we keep watching for something else to honor their friend. Trust in God, he will help you everyday. God Bless All of You! The Sickles--Kim, Fred, Brecken and Micah
The Sickles <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Monday, August 05, 2002 at 02:44 PM (CDT)
Dear Jack, Laura, Colby & Cameron

We continue to pray for a miracle. Colby is a real inspiration to others. I know it is easy to say than done, but hang in there. Your family is blessed with so many wonderful and caring people. Colby's donor is the truly living saint. Her commitment to save Colby will be remembered forever. Best wishes to Colby’s DLI treatment.

Loves & Prayers,

Thu & Binh & Brian & Cindy <>
Dener, CO - Monday, August 05, 2002 at 12:14 PM (CDT)
Dearest Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron-
Tonight I was able to read the latest journal entry...
PLEASE Dear Lord answer our prayers!!!!!!
Along with everyone else, my heart aches and the tears flow.
Continue to believe in your heart and faith will guide you.
You know what is best for our dear little Colby. We are right behind you in your decisions...we will all march together!
The news of Dr.Goyal made me very sad...our thoughts and prayers are with he and his family.
Let's let the sun shine upon us and warm our hearts through our difficult days.
As always you are in our prayers.
We love you all,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 10:34 PM (CDT)
Hi Guys,
Thinking about you everday. Fr.Bill asked about you this weekend. He continues to keep you in his prayers. I promised to give him this web site info.
Your always in our prayers,
All Our Love,
Shane, Mary Jul, and Jonathan

Mary Jul Phillips <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 08:36 PM (CDT)
Hi Guys,
Just wanted you to know i am thinking of you. Just going through your guestbook. I do that every couple days. Everyone everywhere is praying for you. I think that is just wonderful. I am very glad to have met you Laura. You are a strong person. You have the will to go on. That is good. If ever you want or need to chat i will be there. Just e-mail me or come over the laundry and we can chat. I think of you often. And,it brings back memories of what I went through. Keep the Faith. God is there for you. When I am down and having a very hard time getting through the day I just say: JESUS HELP ME! And he is there. If it be to bring my friend into the room i am in or a phone call it is God keeping me busy. Take Care.

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 06:15 PM (CDT)
I feel for you on the home issues Laura. Ron works overnights and by the time he comes wakes up I am gone to my 4-midnight shift.
He works weekends and is off 2 weekdays. Its a pain in the neck and is really is stressful on a relationship. But I guess you guys dont do the
"why couldnt you pick anything up while I was at work bit" like I do! People say money cant buy happiness, and of course we could win millions tomorrow and it would not solve our problems with our kids. But it sure would be nice to be able to just STAY home with them and not worry about going bankrupt. I gave my 2 weeks' notice at work, probably too impetuous, but I am sick of it there, tired of literallyhaving to psych myself up to go to work everyday, and Ron had to keep passing up overtime because I was at work. And he makes twice as much as me in straight pay...

I am so sorry for all this - I cant imagine how devastating it must be, to feel like the weight of the world rested on the decisions you make.
I am sure God will lead you guys down the right path. Too too many people are praying for you for it to be otherwise.
Hey and I know of one mom who got SSI to stay home with her child......

Gooch's Site
- Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 10:26 AM (CDT)

Just thought of you when I read this,, hope it helps!

Hello God, I called tonight
To talk a little while..
I need a friend who'll listen
To my anxiety and trial...
You see, I can't quite make it
Through a day just on my own...
I need your love to guide me,
So I'll never feel alone.
I want to ask you please to keep,
My family safe and sound.
Come and fill their lives with confidence
For whatever
fate they're bound.
Give me faith, dear God, to face
Each hour throughout the day,
And not to worry over things
I can't change in any way.
I thank you God, for being home
And listening to my call,
For giving me such good advice
When I stumble and fall.
Your number, God, is the only one
That answers every time.
I never get a busy signal,
Never had to pay a dime.
So thank you, God, for listening
To my troubles and my sorrow.
Good night, God, I love You, too,
And I'll call again tomorrow!
-- Author Unknown

Karen Sala <>
MONONGAHELA, Pa - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 07:31 AM (CDT)
Just wanted to let you guys know I check your site everyday,,, hoping and praying for some good news. God has blessed all of you with such strength!! We will continue praying for all of you and all the prayer requests you mentioned..take care
Karen and Dave Sala <>
MONONGAHELA, Pa USA - Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 10:19 PM (CDT)
Hello from TX. My name is Megan. I just wanted to post an entry to let you know that I am praying for you all, especially you Colby. You are an inspriation. I hope this next treatment puts you back into remission and eventually cures you of your disease. Laura, please feel free to e-mail me whenever you need someone to talk to and I will respond back to you. I will continue to pray for all of you.
Megan Schneider <>
Conroe, TX USA - Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 09:29 PM (CDT)
One day at a guys CAN do this. I admire your strength. I have come to love you guys. Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives. If you each take 1% of the amount if strength Colby will be just fine. "strong like bull" will forever be your motto to live by. Can't wait to see you again.
Always praying for Colby, for your family, and right now for you angel donor,

Dana Doctor
- Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 04:45 PM (CDT)
Hey guy, just wanted you to know that you are on prayer chains in Australia, they are ahead of us by 14 hours, that means that 24 hours a day you are in someone's prayers. They have had a hard time getting on your web page and the emails have come back to them but they have asked me to tell you that there are prayers in Ozland (as the Aussies call it)going up for you. I pray for your to have the guidance and strength that you need.
Brenda Miller
Weirton, WV - Friday, August 02, 2002 at 06:28 PM (CDT)
Hang in there buddy! You are such a special guy and so-o-o strong. I think of you and your brother, Cameron and Mom & Dad, Happy and Gramma every day and pray for you ALL - you are the heart of our New Salem church. You are our hero! Please, please stay strong and know that you are so loved. Love, Pat

Pat Dearth
New Salem, PA USA - Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 08:27 PM (CDT)
Colby, Cameron, Jack and Laura. Have been thinking about all of you. I have put your family on our prayer chain at church. So many people are praying for Colby (for all of you). I hope things went "ok" at clinic. Don't hesitate to give me a call at the Make-A-Wish office if you need anything when in Oakland. Hopefully some day Colby will be able to visit us there and check out the famous "wish closet". Hugs and prayers to each of you.
Bev (Make-A-Wish)
- Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 07:12 PM (CDT)
Colby and Family: Our prayers are with you as always. God has brought Colby this far , and He won't desert him now.
Bob and Luann Daugherty
Monongahela, PA 15063 - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 09:02 PM (CDT)
Good luck at clinic tomorrow...Here's hoping the donor cell count is stable or increased (if that is possible). One tiny step at a time. I work tonight, but if you need to talk, you can reach me in the evening.
Love you,

Dana Doctor
- Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 05:09 PM (CDT)
Hi Jack and Laura, I feel at a loss for words. I really wish I had something more profound to say to help ease your pain. You continue to be in our prayers and in the prayers of so many people everywhere. Hang onto your faith in God, he will guide you in the right direction.
Love, Patty

Patty Yerina
Pittsburgh, PA - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 03:37 PM (CDT)
Keep fighting buddy, you are doing a GREAT job. I love looking at your pictures, they always make me smile!! The prayers continue for you and your family each and every day. God's blessings on you all. With big hugs and love,

Krista Iverson
Ottawa, IL - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 01:35 PM (CDT)
I see you have met our wonderful Dr Bunin. She is Anthony's primary dr at CHOP. My son, Anthony, was dx w/ AML in July 1999...transplant in Oct 1999...relapsed in Feb 2000...2nd BMT in May 2000...and yet another relapse in April 2002. The experimental drug that Colby is on was to be what Anthony was to go on...but the study is temporarily closed. Anthony will start a new drug on Wednesday...CLOFAREX. Don't give up hope and continue to ask other opinions. I research every drug that I think will help Anthony and I'm ready for a fight whenever someone says..."There's not much more we can do." Anthony is a wild man. He never gets sick, I'm knocking on wood,he always on the go and no one can stop him. It's not his time yet and there are still too many options out there. You just need to keep looking. Best of luck to you all.

Dina Makoid
Anthony's Page
Sanatoga, Pa - Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 10:12 AM (CDT)
Howdy Colby!

Just wanted to touch base and see what's up! :) Take care hon.

Tulsa, OK USA - Monday, July 29, 2002 at 05:19 PM (CDT)
Dear Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron - We are so sorry that the news you heard was discouraging. We are keeping you in our prayers.

Christy and Alexandra Shaw
Uniotnown, Pa 15401 - Monday, July 29, 2002 at 01:34 PM (CDT)

DUNBAR, PA USA - Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 10:30 PM (CDT)
Pictures are up from our visit...check it out.

Dana Doctor
- Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 10:22 PM (CDT)
Welcome Home-
So glad to see the journal entry today...we must not get discouraged or give up! I know that these words don't exist in your minds.
Faith will guide us and strength will carry us through.
Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel...we continue to see it shine!
The Doctor family ARE saints, guardian angels and the kindest of souls. With them nearby in Philly was a true blessing. Thank you Stuart, Dana, Zachary and Kyle for the love and dear friendship that you give to the Cole family.
You know the heartache, frustrations and encouragment first hand...God bless you all.
You are right Laura, we must not forget the other JMMl families... we continue to keep them in our prayers.
Tonight our prayers are stronger than ever.
Colby, you are our shining star, earth angel and the cutest little super hero I have ever seen! God bless you.
I hope that Aibo is behaving! He now has a wonderful home and master!
God bless you all,
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
ohiopyle, pa usa - Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 09:53 PM (CDT)
laura and family, i sure wish to God that you had better news, but through all of this, you and your family have never given up your faith. the sermon at church today was about faith and how your faith is what moves God. laura, i am praying for you and your family every day. listen for what God wants you to do next as far as treatment. i love you guys!
love, lynn and allen cottrell
smithfield, pa usa - Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 09:21 PM (CDT)
I am so sorry you guys. I really am - I am shocked at the amount of kids with cancer and at the lack of progress and success in treating so many of the cancers. Dana is a beautiful person inside and out, she seems to have embraced so many families; I am glad you guys have her rallying in your corner.

Gooch's Site
- Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 09:12 PM (CDT)
Dear Cole family,
You have been added to our prayers. Mary Baker told me about your web page.

Laurel, Orlando, and Sean Medina
Rancho Murieta, CA USA - Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 08:50 PM (CDT)
Laura and Jack,
We had a wonderful time with you this weekend. I really wish our friendship was built upon better circumstances. I wish the news in Philly would have been better. You guys have a long, tough road...which ever road you chose. It amazes me how different every JMML case is. Colby's story really was a slap of reality to Stuart and I that any day the rug could be pulled out from under us. I admire your spirit and complete whole hearted love you have for Colby. Trust WILL make all the right choices. I wish my hugs could have fixed everything for you...but now it is up to these awesome doctors and god himself. I can't wait to come out to meet Colby and Cameron.
Thank you for the toys you brought Zachary and Kyle. I have NEVER seen Zachary fall in love so quickly as he did with you guys. That goes for us too!
All our love, strength and Courage,
Dana, Stuart, Kyle and Zachary
Check out Zackie's site in a few days for pictures of your visit.

Dana Doctor
- Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 08:30 PM (CDT)
Hey guys......
I know the news is not what you had hoped to hear..... I can honestly understand your feelings.....we heard the same things.....transplant could be tried, but not until Brian recovered more from the first one.....if he survived, then it was an option, but their were risks going in because he wasn't as "healthy" as the first much has changed since we went through all that, and I think it's for the better, so hang in there. Of course, I've told you already, that he DID recover eventually (after 2 yrs) and went back for transplant #2 (DLI from same wonderful donor!) wasn't as hard on him, but he DID get GVHd and THAT was a long, scary road too, but, he made it guys!! I just want to remind you that you should never give up hope, no matter how grim the statistics may look! Especially don't give up on the strength and fight in your little Colby himself! How they do it, I don't know, but there is something special about these little guys.

I wish there were more I could do for you guys. If you ever need anything, let me know. I am so happy you got to meet the Doctors.....I am envious! They are good people. I hope to meet them one day too! I hope you felt all the hugs they gave you from all of us!

Better run. Take care and know that there are so many people out there thinking of you all.


- Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 08:27 PM (CDT)
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron:

We anxiously await to hear of Colby's progress. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Amanda is always checking on Colby, she says special prayers for Colby every evening. Colby, Amanda sends hugs and kisses to you (and to Mr. Jack, Miss Laura and her baby Cameron)! Remain strong and keep the faith. We love you all.

Joe, Willie, Jason, Amanda and Olivia Glusica
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 11:15 AM (CDT)
Hi,it's me again-
Thinking of you all while you're away in PHL.
We patiently await your return...
Keeping the faith, strength and hope...we continue to pray.
From our hearts,
Suzanne,Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 06:54 PM (CDT)
Hello Cole Family,
Just checking in to see how everything went in Philadelphia. I am praying for you.

Berneice Ross
Masontown, Pa USA - Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 07:13 AM (CDT)
Hi Laura and Colby my prayers are with and your family and I am still lighting a church candle for Colby every Sunday.

If there is anything I can help you with, please call me.

Karen Fields
- Friday, July 26, 2002 at 02:53 PM (CDT)
Hey, everyone, just checking in and sending prayers and love your way. Hold on to one another....Dee
Dee John
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, July 26, 2002 at 06:35 AM (CDT)
Hey Laura Lu, Just wanted to wish you all the best of luck today...WE here @ work will thinking of you and saying a few extra prayers.....
Vickie,Tora,Beth,Amy,Elmer,Tammy, and Bonnie
- Friday, July 26, 2002 at 01:57 AM (CDT)
We wish that we could be there with Dana to meet you guys tomorrow. Dana will give a big big hugs for us... Good luck with your appointment... Hang in there Colby and family... Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.

Your JMML family

Lam Do;
San jose, CA USA - Friday, July 26, 2002 at 01:41 AM (CDT)
Hey Colby - Thinking of you and your family while in Philadelphia. My prayers are with you always. Laura, the picture you took at the hospital with Colby and the robot is adorable. That little kit turned out to be a good last minute choice.
N. Huntingdon, PA USA - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 09:31 PM (CDT)
Can't wait to see you tomorrow. I truly love you guys.
Dana Doctor
- Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 04:24 PM (CDT)
Jack thank you for giving me the name of Colby's website. We spent sometime today reviewing it and we will revisit it from time to time. So happy to see you have all the support and prayers from friends and relatives. We'll keep all of you, especially Colby, in our thoughts and we will pray for him daily. Good luck in Philadelphia tomorrow. Jamie, and all your friends at Astrup.
Jamie Bly
Cleveland , Oh Cuyahoga - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 02:51 PM (CDT)
Just want to let you guys know our thoughs are with you. We continue to pray for Colby to beat his relapse.

Many Loves & Hugs,

Thu & Binh & Brian & Cindy
Denver, CO - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 12:22 PM (CDT)
Hello Everyone-
Assuming today you all will head off to PHL, please have a safe journey.
As always, there are many prayers and thoughts with you and we continue to carry you all in our hearts.
Stay strong everyone and continue to amaze us!
All our love,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
ohiopyle, pa usa - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 07:42 AM (CDT)
Hi there everyone,
so glad you are back home!!and with a new friend!(robotic) he sounds really cool!!! lucky him to have a friend like you Colby!!!and lucky me to have gotten to know you!! take care and remember we love you and are keeping you and your family in our prayers daily!

Karen and Dave Sala
MONONGAHELA, PA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 10:23 PM (CDT)

DUNBAR, PA USA - Monday, July 22, 2002 at 11:31 PM (CDT)
Hi Laura. Just checking in on you guys. I'm glad to hear that Colby is happy with his new friend AIBO. I hope all goes well tomorrow at clinic and especially on Friday. As always, you're in our prayers daily. Give the boys hugs and kisses from me - and from Gianna too!!!!
Kim Schuessler
Uniontown, PA - Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 08:38 PM (CDT)
Hi Laura, Colby and family,

I'm so glad to hear the treatment went so well last week. You've been in my thoughts and prayers, even though we are 3,000 miles away. Keep the faith!

Prayers still headed your direction,

In God's Love,

Fresno, CA USA - Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 06:54 PM (CDT)
Hello Colby!

We just stopped by your site for the first time. Our son Ryan was dx with pre-B ALL Leukemia in March and we are in the 4th month of tx. We were in Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for 23 days, and we are home now. We hope you are doing well and we will pray for you every day tough buddy...We hope your visit to Philly works out well.
The Clarks

Ryan's Page
East Norriton, PA USA - Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 02:40 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby and Family! So glad to hear that you are home. We think about you and pray for you daily. How exciting to hear about your robotic dog, AIBO! He sounds so neat! I would love to come visit you,Colby. Maybe your mom could call my mom and let her know when a good time might be. Our phone number is in the book. In the meantime, have fun with AIBO, stay strong, and keep fighting. You ARE going to beat this! Love and Prayers to you,
Gianna Ruda

Linda Ruda
Uniontown, PA Uniontown - Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 11:46 AM (CDT)
Hi Colby (Laura, Jack & Cameron too!)-
We have been away and somewhat out of touch. I do not have a lap top and I was trying to reach your website and had some trouble getting into it...very strange. Needless to say I was upset that I could not be in touch with you like I have been.
HOWEVER, you were never away from our hearts, thoughts and prayers. XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO
Dear little one, these set backs continue to make us fight stronger... your strength continues to amaze us.
Laura and Jack you both show the power to conquer! Continue to carry your shield, we WILL win this battle.
I (along with everyone else!) wish that we could take away the pain, sadness and frustrations. We can only pray.
I received the message that "Aibo" arrived on the 18th and I was so sad that I could not be there! The day sounded fun and festive, just like a wish should be! We are back home now and maybe I can meet him?
We send our love, hugs and prayers,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO and more!

suzanne abel
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 12:36 AM (CDT)
We're praying for you and your family. May you feel God's presence with every step of your journey.
Patti Hall
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 11:08 PM (CDT)
Hear ya loud and clear! What time. I have my RNC exam at 9am. and wont be able to make it until noon. Is that ok? Please say yes! Can I borrow house needs cleaning!
Love you guys,

Dana Doctor
- Friday, July 19, 2002 at 10:12 PM (CDT)
Colby, you are in my thoughts and prayers cutie! :o) Be strong and keep on smiling - the angels are watching over you.... Take care of you....


Michelle Behanna
Monongahela, PA USA - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 08:43 PM (CDT)
We are so excited to hear that you are back home and have received your robotic dog, AIBO. You and your entire family are still in our thoughts and prayers daily!! Stay strong!!!
Paige and Doug Miller

Paige and Doug miller
Uniontown, PA - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 08:23 PM (CDT)
Hey Colby! Glad to hear you had such a good time at your party. Mackenzie had a blast. Sampson wants to know if he can come over and play with AIBO? (Just kidding)! Keep fighting little one and we'll see you when we come back from South Carolina. WE LOVE YOU!!!
Paula, Scott and Mackenzie Robatin
uniontown, pa - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 05:56 PM (CDT)
Colby, We hope you are enjoying your new dog, AIBO. Sounds like he's really cool. And best of all he doesn't even need house trained. I'll bet your mommy and daddy are happy about that. We hope you are feeling better soon.
Debbie, Steve, David & Kari Myers (your neighbors)

Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 01:58 PM (CDT)
Hi Laura, Colby's robot sounds really cool! I am sure he must be loving it. I am amazed at how many people across the country are praying for all of you. I am sure it gives you much comfort. As always, you all remain in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and if you ever need anything when you are in Pittsburgh, don't hesitate to call.

Love, Patty

Patty Yerina
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 10:52 AM (CDT)

Sounds like you had a great time! So glad that you are feeling good!!! Remember you are a very special kiddo and everyone loves you! Give Cameron a hug!

Tulsa, OK USA - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 10:45 AM (CDT)
Dear Colby: I want you to know you are a blessing to all of us who hear about you. You have given me one more chance to pray, which is a wonderful gift. I know God and all his Angels are watching over you. Such a brave little boy you are. God loves you and so do I. :)
Peggy McLean
San Diego, CA USA - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 04:48 AM (CDT)
Hi Cobly:

Greetings from sunny Oklahoma City. I was originally from Monongahela and then moved to the Philadelphia area and now live in Oklahoma City. So your part of the country means a lot to me. I will start keeping you in my prayers.

Oklahoma City, OK - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 04:48 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby and Family,

Just thought I'd step into the line to the Throne and promise to lift Colby up daily with the other children on caring bridge. My prayer is for all of these amazing families to receive rest and peace in knowing that God is ever vigilant and watching over these babies and shielding them with His mighty wing. Just know there is one more voice being heard in Heaven on behalf of Colby. (It must be very loud up there :)

Susan Bohn
Clovis, CA - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 02:16 PM (CDT)

I just want you to know that there are people you do not even know who are praying for you and your family during this time. My prayer is for God to give you strength to do all you need to do and for the doctors to have wisdom to know what to do to help your child. My grandson is Jaxon Lee. He was diagnosed with AML (M5) on September 1, 2001 and had a cord blood transplant on February 1, 2002. God has blessed and he is doing fine at this time. He is on the leukemia page. That is where I found your caring bridge page. I read the these very informative web sites every day. I keep check on many children and their families and pray for God's will to be done and for God's amazing grace to be poured on all of the families. May God's love surround you as during these days and JUST KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE GOING TO GOD'S THRONE DAILY FOR YOU.

BENTON, AR - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 10:41 AM (CDT)
Hi Colby, I was just thinking about you and your mommy and daddy and wanted to say that you are in our prayers everyday. Jack and Laura, you are very brave and you have made the very best choices for you son. "The heart already knows what the mind can only dream of… Trust your heart" God Bless You All and if you need anything please let us know.
Jessica Zalek
Denbo, PA USA - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 10:21 AM (CDT)
Hi there Colby, I'm glad you got to go home. I just hope you are feeling better. Paula brought pictures of you, Mackenzie and your brother to work. It looks like you all had a really fun time when they came to visit you. I liked the dress up picture. Mackenzie made a pretty Spidy Girl. Get lots of rest so you can have a lot more fun days. Everyone is so proud of you. Lots of hugs, love and prayers go out to all of you.
Barbara Budner
Uniontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 11:58 PM (CDT)
Hello Colby!

Hope that everything is going well with you! I'd like to introduce myself my name is Cheryl. I've read alot of Caring Bridge pages and I think that you are adorable! Keep up the good work! I'll check on you later to see how you are doing! Take care sweetie!

Tulsa, OK usa - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 09:20 PM (CDT)
Hello to the "Cole's"- just reading all the e-mails and was thinking about all of you. Hope all is going good for that little guy "Colby"I keep you in my Prayers and think about you quite often. Stay strong mom and dad god will take care of you. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!
Donna Ondrejko
Mansfield, OH U.S.A. - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 09:07 PM (CDT)
Hang in There, May God Bless.
Bill Stahnke
Wheeling, WV USA - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 07:24 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby, I was told about your website from a dear friend. I am so glad I was able to read all about you. I loved those pictures too. You hang in there. I will be praying for your recovery. You have a very loving Mom and Dad. God Bless you sweety and your family.
Deanna Frola
Finleyville, PA - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 05:48 PM (CDT)
Laura and Colby,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
during these most difficult times.

Lloyd and Jodi Williams
Farmington, Pa. USA - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 12:20 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby and family. I received information about you from Samantha Murphy. Even though I don't know you personally I want you to know that you will now be in my prayers. When I have known pain, people were there to help me through... today I pass that help on with my prayers for you and a little note for you to read. Be strong and God will guide you through this trying time.
Patricia Pascoli
Wheeling, WV USA - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 11:30 AM (CDT)
Hey Laura Lu, Just sitting here @ work thinkin' 'bout you guys...hope all is going well. Will be saying an extra prayer today...
Us All <>
- Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 11:41 PM (CDT)
My prayers and thoughts are with you. God bless your little heart.

Samantha Murphy <>
Wheeling, WV 26003 - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 11:34 PM (CDT)
Hey there!! you are a wonderful child and know that God is with you eace and every moment!!! I'll be praying for you and your family!! May God bless you!!!
RIPLEY, TN - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 09:06 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby,
My name is Michael and I'm a friend of your Dad and Uncle Mark. I really enjoyed your web site! It is really cool! The carnival really looked like fun. I know you will be strong through this bad illness. Maybe someday I could visit you with Uncle Mark. He tells me how much you love Barney the Dinosaur. I like him too! Your Uncle Mark and I pray for you all the time and ask God to make you well. Say "hi" to your brother Cameron too. I hope to meet you soon.

Michael McCallian <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 08:34 PM (CDT)
Hi! We just wanted you to know how much you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Sandra Mozden <>
Uniontown , PA United States - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 08:00 PM (CDT)
Colby & Laura,
I got your link on Amanda's page. Thanks for signing her guestbook.
Colby will be in my prayers.

Andrea <>
- Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 07:25 PM (CDT)
I hope this stay has been an easy one. I am sure Colby is charming all those nurses!
Talk to you soon,

Zachary's web link <>
- Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 01:11 PM (CDT)
Hey Colby, My prayers are with you . Stay strong and keep on fighting. I am pulling for you. Take care.
Toni Hamm <>
Rayland, Ohio United States - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 10:05 PM (CDT)
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and we live in miller farm if you need anything

the keefer family

teresa, barry,steven,and rebecca keefer <>
uniontown, Pa fayett - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 09:12 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby and family. I have been thinking of you guys all day. Hope everything is going ok for you. I am praying for you little guy. Take care and May God Be With You Always.
Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 07:30 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron,
Just checking in to see how you guys are doing. We've been thinking about you all day and hoping that everything went well. We will continue to say our special prayers for you.
Talk to you soon.

Love, Mackenzie, Scott and Paula <>
uniontown, pa - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 07:08 PM (CDT)
Hello Cole Family,
I have come to know about your situation from a friend of mine and I want you to know I will be praying for your darling little boy. We serve an awesome God who is able to beat this illness. I will ask others in my church to pray also. No words I have could ever be enough to build you up and encourage you. You will be prayed for and thought of.
God bless your family,

Bibianna Goetz <>
- Monday, July 15, 2002 at 06:50 PM (CDT)
Am just sitting at the computer,trying to get my day started.So, while I pray for strenghth and guidance to get me through the day,I will ask the same for you.
Linda Ford <efestor>
uniontown, Pa - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 09:25 AM (CDT)
Hello Colby,
Our love and prayers are with you for a blessed recovery.

Bernice Sala <salajb@yahoo.coom>
Donora, PA USA - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 08:39 AM (CDT)
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron....Just checking in to see how things are going. I came across this poem and I wanted to share it with you...

Guardian Angels

We come from somewhere special
We're sent here just for you-
Everyone has a guardian angel
some folks even have two!

Although you cannot see us,
our presence you can feel-
We're here to comfort and protect you,
we want to help you heal.

When you are feeling lonely
or scared, or sick, or down-
You can count on your guardian angels,
we'll always be around.

Forever we will care for you,
Our love will never die-
We're always watching over you,
on that you can rely!

What we do is so important,
our job is never done-
We're with you all throughout the night,
and with the first rays of the sun.

We have a lot of helpers,
Who come in many forms-
To hug you tight and hold you close,
When the sunshine turns to storms.

We send these earthly angels,
When your spirit needs a lift-
Their presence in your life
is our very special gift.

So when things seem to all go wrong,
and no one seems to care-
You can count on all of your angels
who vow to always be there.

In our thoughts and prayers

Love, Sandy, Paul, Zach and Tristin

Sandy Kaiser <>
Masontown, PA USA - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 08:05 AM (CDT)
Colby, Cameron, Laura, and Jack,
We cannot stop thinking and praying for all of you. Continue to stay strong!

Paige and Doug Miller <>
- Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 02:53 PM (CDT)
Hello to the Cole's, i'm so sorry to hear of Colby's relapse.All you can do is to stay strong and we all have to keep praying for all of you. When i read all the news it just breaks my heart too and my eyes fill with tears. So Colby just stay strong and keep up your sprits and "God" will watch over you.And Laura&Jack take care and God Bless you both. Stay strong.
Donna Ondrejko <>
Mansfield, OH U.S.A. - Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 02:20 PM (CDT)
Hi, my name is Machenzie Miller and your daddy recently met with my mother Brenda Miller (from Atlas America). I'm not sure if it was for business or they just happened to start talking. However your father told my mom about your condition and I just wanted to say that I wish you and your family strong will stong faith luck and love through all the tough days to follow! I know that she has put you and your family on prayer lists in West Virginia and I just wanted to let you know that you are also on numerous prayer lists in different counties in Florida. We're rooting for you and your family sweetie. I know that you don't know me but if there is ANYTHING I can do please let me know. I'll keep in touch to find out about your progress. God bless, little one! Machenzie Miller
Machenzie D. Miller <>
Fort Lauderdale, FL USA - Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 10:18 AM (CDT)
laura and family, my heart goes out to all of you. the words are sometimes so very hard to get out on here. laura, you are truly my hero. you and colby both. God's hand is truly on your family. my prayers are with you all each and every day. love, lynn, allen, and kids
lynn & allen cottrell <>
smithfield, pa usa - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 08:54 PM (CDT)
Laura and Jack,
Just checking in to see how things are going......glad the aspiration went pretty well. I'll be praying for good news with the results.....good luck til then and know we are thinking of you and sending our best smiles, hugs and thoughts.

Hang in there guys.
All the best,

Niki Daubach (mother of Brian) <>
- Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 08:04 PM (CDT)

I've never made a fortune
and it's probably too late now.
But I don't worry about that much,
I'm happy anyhow.
And as I go along life's way,
I'm reaping better than I sowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.
Haven't got a lot of riches,
and sometimes the going's tough.
But I've got loving ones around me,
and that makes me rich enough.
I thank God for his blessings,
and the mercies He's bestowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'cause my cup has overflowed.
O, Remember times when things went wrong,
My faith wore somewhat thin.
But all at once the dark clouds ,
and the sun peeped through again.
So Lord, help me not to gripe about the tough rows
that I've hoed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
Cause my cup has overflowed.
If God gives me strength and courage,
when the way grows steep and rough.
I'll not ask for other blessings,
I'm already blessed enough.
And may I never be too busy,
to help others bear their loads.
Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

Karen <>
MONONGAHELA, PA USA - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 07:17 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby,
I got your website from Gooch's site. Your pictures are great. I want you to know we are praying for you & your family.
Tutee & family <>
Ga USA - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 06:58 PM (CDT)
Dear Jack, Laura, Colby, & Cameron,
Although our thoughts & actions don't always go together, We just want you to know that our thoughts & prayers are with you daily. If there is anything that you need, or if you just need to vent, please feel free to call anytime. I'm not quite sure why the Good Lord has placed you on this roller coaster, but try to hang on and ride with it!!
All Our Love, Shane, Jul, and Jonathan

Mary Jul Phillips <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 03:19 PM (CDT)
Dear Jack, Laura, Colby, & Cameron,
Although our thoughts & actions don't always go together, We just want you to know that our thoughts & prayers are with you daily. If there is anything that you need, or if you just need to vent, please feel free to call anytime. I'm not quite sure why the Good Lord has placed you on this roller coaster, but try to hang on and ride with it!!
All Our Love, Shane, Jul, and Jonathan

Mary Jul Phillips <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 03:19 PM (CDT)
Hey Colby, just wanted to tell you that I was lucky enough to meet your Daddy at his business. All he could talk about was his babies and how much he loves you guys. I gave him an angel for you. He can tell you the story. Just wanted you to know that I have put you on a whole lot of prayer lists and tomorrow our children at church will say a special prayer for you.
Brenda Miller <>
Weirton, WV USA - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 02:58 PM (CDT)
Good morning! Cole Family...I just came in the house after watering my "Colby"'s beautiful with yellow "straw" flowers that "open up" in the morning with the sun and "close" in the evening for "sleep" time....I "talk" to it, (I know, but I really am not senile)'s my connection to you in that I am talking to "Colby"....I care sooooomuch for you guys! The circle of love surrounding all of you cannot be broken or pierced. Believe, believe, believe that through HIM all things ARE love and prayers to you. Dee
Dee John <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 07:33 AM (CDT)
Hi Colby and family. Sprite here from Smile Quilts checking in to see how things are going for you. We are saddened to know you are having to go through so much more, but we also have seen how strong and courageous you are. Hang in the buddy and we will be saying prayers for you and your upcoming tests. Hugs and prayers to you Colby and your family as well.
Sprite <>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 05:39 AM (CDT)
Hey Laura Lu, Just wanted to say 'Hi'. I'm @ work with nothing else to do....just playing with this new computer....and playing baseball. I think that was a mistake giving me that ball, but, oh well...thinking of you all of the time, and I just thought you should know. I'll be saying an extra prayer Sunday nite for ALL of you guys....
Vickie <>
Connellsville, PA - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 04:03 AM (CDT)
Thinking of you!
Dana <>
- Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 02:19 AM (CDT)

My prayers are with Colby and your family. I can't even begin to truly imagine the pain and frustration you are going through. I'm sure the "helplessness" of Colby's condition is frustrating and heartbreaking. I'm a RN at Children's Hosp Central Calif working in our pediatric oncology unit. This past week has been so very heartbreaking for all of us on our unit. Often we, as nurses, become frustrated when we try every option available to "cure" our kids, yet there are times that our efforts seem futile. Often I think "I can't keep being a pediatric oncology RN"...but there is nothing else I would want to do. I know God has placed me where he wants me and I know the care we provide for our kids is exceptional, but again we become frustrated as I'm sure you are.

Please don't second guess yourself or doubt yourself in going ahead with treatment. I'm sure you've made a sound decision and from reading your entries, I know you've investigated all options. Now is the time to let God take over. I will keep praying for Colby.

I know I mentioned before in a entry in the guestbook that I was raised in Uniontown until my family moved to Fresno. I still feel a bond to Uniontown and will continue reading your updates and praying.

If you have any questions that I possibly could answer, please feel free to write.

Take care and God Bless.



Diane Clapp <>
Fresno, CA USA - Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 12:08 AM (CDT)
hi, little budy.i herd u where feeling bad. i hope and pray
u will get better, it brakes my hart to here little kids
like u get sick. i have 3 kids of my own. when i lay down
tonight i will and will say a special prayer for u. u get
better now u here and i know u will.

frankie jones jr. <>
pulaski, va usa - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 07:01 PM (CDT)
Colby and brave family,
We continue to pray for your well being. I do believe in miracles, we have personally seen them. You will be one of God's little miracles.
Always praying for you and your family to have strength. Take care all.

Pat & Terry Mulholland <>
Uniontown, Pa Fayette - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 07:01 PM (CDT)
MONONGAHELA, PA USA - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 04:47 PM (CDT)
Dear Colby and family,
Miracles do happen! You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Never give up. Keep getting those 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinions from the specialists. Medicine is a science and based on highly educated guesses.

Judy Linderman & family <>
Alpharetta, GA U.S.A. - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 08:22 AM (CDT)
Dear Colby,
My prayers are with you, baby. Hang in there. God will help.

Mary Kay Fabini <>
Monongahela, Pa. U.S.A. - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 08:09 AM (CDT)
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron,
I have never been very good at saying things in hard times, which is probably why I don't write more often, but every time I look at the webpage, and all of the entries, I just cry. I'm always at a loss for words and just don't know what to say. But, here goes....Laura, you absolutely amaze me every day. You are so strong, I honestly don't know how you do it. I always thought of myself as a good mother. I love my kids more than anything. But you go beyond that. You're the best. Jack....You are such a strong man, a wonderful husband, and a loving father. Colby and Cameron could not ask for a better set of parents. I think about you guys all the time, and I keep praying that things will get better. If you ever need anything, PLEASE call me!!

Tracy, Rob, Amanda and Josh <>
Smithfield , PA USA - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 07:36 AM (CDT)
Dear Colby: We count it a priveledge to communicate with you and offer our prayers for your recovery. You may be too young to completely understand the following, but we hope it offers some encouragement to those you love. The Lauries, John & Debby - Lake Forest, CA


It cannot cripple love,
It cannot shatter hope,
It cannot corrode faith,
It cannot eat away peace,
It cannot destroy confidence,
It cannot kill friendship,
It cannot shut out memories,
It cannot invade the soul,
It cannot reduce eternal life,
It cannot quench the spirit,
It cannot lessen the power of the resurrection.

Though the physical body may be stricken by desease, the spirit can remain triumphant!
Why must some bear this pain? I cannot tell; I only know Our Lord does all things well. And so we trust in God, our all in all, for He will bring us through, what'er befall.

John & Debby Laurie <>
Lake Forest, CA USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 11:18 PM (CDT)

Danette Prater <>
SANTA FE, TX USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 10:41 PM (CDT)
Hi, I am new at this, we just met your dad yesterday at work, and he told us all about his beautiful family! and of course about this very special web site... You have won me over and I will be checking your site daily. Just wanted to tell you how special we think you and your family are and that we will be praying daily for you and your family and I will also be telling all my friends about your website too. so be prepared to have many more people praying for you...Take care and thank you so so much for sharing your life with us...
Karen and Dave Sala <>
MONONGAHELA, PA USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 10:17 PM (CDT)
Hello Colby, My name is Mary and I live in Overland Park, Kansas--close to Kansas City, Missouri. I heard that you are a terrific young man and I also heard that you are very strong and very smart. Please remember always that God loves you and He knows what a great soldier you are. I pray that God will grant you much happiness, laughter, and health for a very long time.
Mary Pitman <>
Overland Park, KS - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 08:13 PM (CDT)
Hi Guys,
Hearing Dr. Bunin say today to us that Colby is in good hands in Pittsburgh should put your mind and heart at ease. She was laughing that we knew each other...I told her we NEED each other! We talked about how different every JMML case is...I cant understand why one child can go years with NO treatment, while others like Colby battle so hard. One way or another I will meet you guys in person. Thinking of you tomorrow. I work at 7pm, but I will be home before then if you need to talk.
Love and courage,

Zachary's web link <>
- Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 06:29 PM (CDT)
My Dear Family:
Just dropping in to say, "God Bless You All". We are continuing our prayers for you each day! Please, please if we can do anything for you, just call anytime day or night.
With God's Blessings and Our Love,

Bob and Lorraine <>
McClellandtown, Pa USA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 03:34 PM (CDT)
Hi! Colby.....Just wanted you to know I'm out here batting for you. We won the first battle and will beat whatever is thrown our way. Especially with the support of God, family, friends and most of all..Mommy. Without her dedication, understanding and instinct, I don't know where any of us would be right now. Had the doctor listened to her earlier, maybe you would not be entering this second battle. Nobody, and I mean nobody knows you better than she does. I am so proud and full of love for both of you. To you,Colby...for your strength and determination and to you,Laura....for your undying love and dedication to our sons.
It breaks my heart to see you guys have to go through these next three months. Rest assured that we will stop at nothing to get the best care available. I love you all more than you know.
Hugs and Kisses...

"DADDY" and "JACK" <>
Uniontown, PA - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 01:20 PM (CDT)
Thinking of you all and praying for you. I know how difficult this must be for you physically and emotionally. Please let us know what we can do to help ease the burden and I do mean anything. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the boys on Sat and am looking forward to watching them again. Do not ever hesitate about calling me. I would be more than happy to do it. Love and God's blessings to you all.
Hugs and kisses, Bob and Mar

Marlene Shaw <>
New Salem, Pa - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 08:17 AM (CDT)


Danette Prater <>
SANTA FE, TX USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 11:21 PM (CDT)
I don't think you remember me, but I certainly remember you. When I met you and mom at the hospital I had a huge bag of beanie babies and said you could pick one. I also remember looking into your huge eyes and thinking to myself, all those people were right when they said I would fall in love with you when I saw you. When I told you that, you then said if that was the case you should be able to have two beanie babies. You took two. You are such a trooper young man and there are a lot of us out there praying for you and your parents and brother. I will think of you while you are in Philadelphia and just remember, you truly are in the Lord's Army. He is watching over you. All of us at the Make-A-Wish office have you in our thoughts and prayers and are looking forward to fulfilling your wish after you return home.

Beverly Gorr, Make-A-Wish Foundation <>
- Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 10:36 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby,
Some little girl named Mackenzie thinks you are a pretty cool dude. I work with her mommy and she tells us how you are doing. We are sad that you are not feeling well right now, but we know that God is going to help you get better. We will keep you and your mommy, daddy and brother in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Big Hugs!!!

Barbara Budner <>
Uniontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 09:38 PM (CDT)
well here we are at work again!!! HOPE DARLENE DOESN'T SEE THIS! Just called u off hope u can sleep well. we are all thinking of u and the family.
Vickie and Kelly <>
uniontown , pa usa - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 08:17 PM (CDT)
Dear Laura and Jack,
We are so sorry to hear that Colby is having a set-back. I check the website every chance I get to keep up with Colby's progress. Most times I leave it with a warm feeling knowing that things are looking better. But today I have a heavy heart knowing that there is yet another hurdle that you all must overcome.I often wonder how much one family can take. You have certainly had more than your share of heartache. But there is someone greater than us who knows what is best. Continue to pray for the strength and guidance that has gotten you this far. Stay strong, keep believing in the power of prayer and miracles and remember how many people are praying right along with you.
Love and Prayers to you all,
Linda Ruda


Linda Ruda <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 07:53 PM (CDT)
Hi well im just here to let you know i will pray for colby and i will keep him in my prayers at night and thats really sad but i know for a fact that god will heal him i know he healed me from searus and took me off the medciation i was on so if he can do that for me he will do that for colby and i know this girl that had cancer and he healed that from her well i better go i will keep u in my prayers colby GOD BLESS YOU!!!
from tiffany lynn's step

Tiffany Cottrell <>
smithfield, pa - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 04:28 PM (CDT)
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron...We are so saddened to hear that Colby has relapsed. It just breaks my heart. All of you are in our thoughts and prayers at this devastating time... I just can't imagine how heartbreaking it was when you got the news. When I read the journal...I just cried. We need a miracle and everyone is praying. KEEP FIGHTING!! In times of trouble, God is close by, holding your hand and guiding your steps. In even the hardest times, times when our prayers seem unanswered, we can be at peace because God is with us. God is watching over all of you. God works in our lives with love and compassion to bring small and large miracles and right now we need a HUGE MIRACLE. I will be thinking about you as you travel to Philadelphia....God Bless you all. Love, Sandy, Paul, Zach and Tristin STAY STRONG AND KEEP THE FAITH
Sandy Kaiser <>
Masontown, PA USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 10:08 AM (CDT)
Dear Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron, We were so sorry to hear about Colby's relapse. He is constantly in our prayers as you all are. May God bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.
Christy and Alexandra Shaw <>
Uniontown, Pa USA - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 08:18 AM (CDT)
Good morning Colby's family, mi name is Martin, my baby Gabriela (3 years old) was diagnosed with JCMML 2 years ago. I understand you, these should be very hard days but many people wish the best for Colby and this is very important, all we need to have confidence in God.
We hope that Colby will be better soon. Please excuseme for my english.
Dios los bendiga.

Martin Salazar Plasencia <>
Cajamarca, Peru - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 07:30 AM (CDT)
Colby, Jack, Laura and Cameron,
We are so sorry to hear about Colby's relapse. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers always. May God give you the strength you need to get through this difficult time. Colby- you are an amazing child- such an inspiration to us all! Stay strong and God Bless You!!!

Love and Prayers,
Dana, Jamie and Elizabeth Velosky

Jamie <>
New Salem, PA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 11:00 PM (CDT)
Markleysburg, pa. U.S.A. - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 10:08 PM (CDT)
Markleysburg, pa. U.S.A. - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 10:07 PM (CDT)
Lord we Pray for this little Boy who hasent even begun to know what life is about please show him that there is much love awaiting Him and His return to health when You heal his body and his mind and please send the comforter to his parents they need you so much In Jesus Name amen
Jaames vernon Jones <>
Mountain View, ar USA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 12:33 PM (CDT)
I am praying for all of you. I too went through the same thing as you are going through. My daughter was diagnosed Jan.15,98 with AML Leukemia. Charlene passed away Sept.6,1998. Don't ever give up that is what we always told Charlene. And you know she never gave up

Berneice Ross <>
Masontown, Pa USA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 10:19 AM (CDT)
Laura, Jack, Colby, and Cameron,
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you every day.
Debbie, Steve, David, and Kari Myers

Debbie Myers <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 07:31 AM (CDT)
I'm so very sorry that you have gotten this latest news. Please know that our family will be praying for you.......things like this shouldn't happen to innocent children! I get so angry sometimes when I think of all these kids are having to go through. Just know that there are tons of people out here thinking and praying for you all!

Love and hugs,

Rhonda Hunley, Mommy to Connor*** <>
Goodlettsville, TN **GOD BLESS AMERICA!**
- Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 06:38 AM (CDT)
oh God you guys, I am so sorry.
I know this has to be breaking your hearts.
We are all praying for you.

Gooch’s Page
- Monday, July 08, 2002 at 11:47 PM (CDT)
my prayers are with you and your family. keep your head up and don't give up faith. my prayers will be that they find something painfree to help him and quickly. love to you all.
lynn cottrell <>
smithfield, pa - Monday, July 08, 2002 at 07:46 PM (CDT)


Danette Prater <>
SANTA FE, TX USA - Monday, July 08, 2002 at 07:03 PM (CDT)
Laura and Jack,
Take things one day at a time. Your endurance is amazing. You are handling this with so much grace..and I know it is not easy. Stay focused. If you want me to come meet you in Philly, I will. I dont know if the boys will be with you, I can entertain them while you chat with Dr. Bunin. Let me know. Even if you want a 2 second hug...It would be worth the trip for me. I know you are in over drive now. Scream if you need to...cry as much as you can, otherwise you will explode. I know your community will help you, they have shown that. Ask for help when you need it. I am with you EVERY step of the way.

Zachary's web link <>
Whiting, NJ - Monday, July 08, 2002 at 06:58 PM (CDT)






FOREST HILLS , PA USA - Monday, July 08, 2002 at 04:30 PM (CDT)
Luara,,, I know you don't know me, but you work with my mom (Lori Shultz) well this is her daugther Katie..I go to this Youth Group every Sunday and tonight was prayer night...and I volunteered to pray for Colby..One of my good friends said a sweet prayer for him and we are praying for him everyday here at our house..I pray that everything will turn out to be good and I also wish to maybe see Colby sometime and give him my Love....~Katie Shultz~
Katie Shultz <>
Adah, pa usa - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 08:35 PM (CDT)
Keep fighting!, you are THE most important part of Colby's care. God will guide you, don't let the pressure eat you up. I will call soon.
ALWAYS here for you guys,

Zachary's web link <>
- Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 06:08 PM (CDT)
laura, you must listen to what God has to say. He will lead you in the right direction. sometimes i don't believe that the doctors know everything. sometimes i believe that they shut their minds off to God and don't listen to Him at all. please don't let them use Colby as a gunnai pig. he has been through so much. as a mother, i am with you on this one. i love you laura. right now you are my hero. i always knew that you were the strong one. my prayers are with you. i am on my way to church right now and colby and your family are on our list. sometimes you have to wait to hear God's answer so don't rush ok. i love you............ love, lynn
lynn cottrell <>
smithfield, pa - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 06:53 AM (CDT)
Laura Lu,Colby, Jack, and Cameron too....Thinking 'bout you everyday, and praying even more.
Vickie Lu <>
Connellsville, - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 06:48 AM (CDT)


UNIONTOWN, PA - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 03:08 PM (CDT)
Hi Laura,
I am Kayli's mom and I just wanted to give you my input about the FTI drug. Kayli was on it for about 8 wks and all it did was hold her WBC count to keep it from going up so I strongly suggest your alternative. We have also asked our doc's should this happen to Kayli what would we do and they said the same. If you would like to chat please e-mail us at

Jennie Jankowski(Kayli's mommy) <>
Fresno, Ca - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 12:22 AM (CDT)
Dearest Colby, Laura, Jack and Cameron,
There is no loss for words! We have a lot to say!
We just wish that what we have to say would be listened to!
You have every right to be angry. Remember that frustrations help you find the right answers. There are no wrong decisions.
As we all continue to pray harder we send to you all- strength, hope and faith...these are our answers.
Keep fighting Colby- stay strong. You are our amazing little soldier!
We are here to help, please remember that!
Our prayers continue for Luke Do, Princess Libbie and their families...and all the JMML children xo
As we pray, we send BIG hugs to all the Cole's.
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO & more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 12:11 AM (CDT)
Sorry to hear the bad news. My prayers are with you all!
Fran Collins <>
New Salem, Pa. USA - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 07:08 PM (CDT)
Laura and Jack...... Hold on to one another and place all your burdens in God's hands....I wish I had something "profound" to YOUR instincts...God speaks to you...don't let ANYONE cause you to doubt what YOUR plan of action is...Dee
Dee John <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 03:50 PM (CDT)
You don't know me, and I can't even remember how I got to Colby's site, but I've been checking on him, each day and praying very hard. I'm asking God to make Colby well again, like only He can do. I am also praying for strength and comfort for all of you. You are fine examples of what parents are supposed to be, I wish I could do something to help you. Please know that there are so many people's lives that you have impacted - what a blessing you are. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.
Krista Iverson <>
Ottawa, IL - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 03:35 PM (CDT)
As the parents, the best decision, sometimes is your instint. Your loves for Colby will guide to the best decision for him.

We pray and think of you guys all the times.


Thu & Binh & Brian & Cindy <>
Denver, CO - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 01:43 PM (CDT)
There's a manta ray in the pool.

Guess who?? <>
Uniontown, PA - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 08:30 AM (CDT)
Laura, I know you have some tough decisions to make. Keep praying and the answers will come. You're in my thoughts and prayers everyday.
Kim Schuessler <>
Uniontown, PA - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 07:54 AM (CDT)
Hi Colby and family. I can only imagine how hard things are for you right now but we want you to know that there are many people praying that the right decisions are made for Colby. Prayers do work I know first hand. Stand firm on whatever you think is best for your son. God bless all of you. Our thoughts and prayers are going out to you everyday.

Diane , Curtis and Alex Mitton <>
Saint John NB, Canada - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 07:13 AM (CDT)
I know there are lots of people rooting for you as you deal with such a difficult thing at such a young age, but I hope you haven't forgotten about Make-A-Wish. It is almost near its completion, and we are looking forward to granting you your wish. Love and prayers!

Jill Barclay Make-A-Wish Volunteer <>
Mt. Pleasant, PA USA - Friday, July 05, 2002 at 06:40 AM (CDT)
Hi Colby and family. Just stopping by to let you know the Smile Quilt family is keeping you in our prayers that this will not be a major set back, but merely a bump in the road that can quickly be attended to. Our prayers and thoughts are with you at this time. Hugs, and prayers, Sprite for Smile Quilts

Sprite for Smile Quilts <>
Eckert, CO USA - Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 01:46 PM (CDT)
I know this is the hardest time in your lives, worse then even diagnosis day.
Please know we are all thinking of you and praying for you, and try to hold on to your faith.

Gooch’s Page
- Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 11:40 AM (CDT)
Hi Laura, Colby and family. Saddened me to read the latest news. But we serve a healing God who took stripes on His back so that we can be healed. There is absolutely nothing He cannot do! No cancer is too great for Him to halt! I am asking God to heal Colby right now in the name of Jesus Christ. The bible says that's the name that holds ALL power and authority!
Barb Carson <>
Uniontown, PA - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 10:24 PM (CDT)
Dearest Colby,Laura,Jack and Cameron,
Independence Day...this we are seeking! As we continue to pray, we also continue to send strength, faith and hope.
Thinking of you all and please know that we are with you all the way!
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOand more!

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 09:39 PM (CDT)
Hi Colby, I am sorry you are back in the hospital. I hope you will soon be out and having a wonderful summer. I stopped by to wish you a Happy 4th of July. We at Smile Quilts will be praying for you. Hugs,and love Sprite for Smile Quilts.

Sprite for Smile Quilts <>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 01:38 PM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family:
Just wanted you to know that we are continuing to pray for all of you and especially Colby. There are no words to describe how we all feel about this latest development. God Bless You All.

Lorraine and Bob <>
McClellandtown, PA United States - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 11:14 AM (CDT)
Dear Colby, Laura, Jack and the rest of the Cole Family,
We are so very sorry to hear about Colby's relapse. We will keep all of you, along with all of the doctors and nurses helping you, in our prayers as you work to beat this. May God be with all of you and give you the strength you need to get through this again.

Leslie and Chad Stafford <>
Washington, PA - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 10:24 AM (CDT)
our prayers are with you always
Carol Elvin <>
Pittsburgh , Pa. USA - Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 06:13 AM (CDT)
My Prayers are with your Family- We Must ask God to heal Colby and Be with you Guys everystep of the way!!Please Turn to him for Your strength !!

Dave Cohen <>
Westminster,Co, 80241 - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 10:33 PM (CDT)
Laura, Jacky, Colby and Cameron: Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with all of you as you face this new challenge. If there is anything that I can do, please do not hesitate to call.
Darlene <>
Brownsville, PA USA - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 06:20 PM (CDT)
Dear Laura, I was so saddened to read about Colby's relapse. You have all been thru some very tough times and I know you will all get thru this too. When Michael was in the hospital I often read a verse from MATTHEW 11:28 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." God is still with all of you Laura. Stay strong and know that so many people are praying for Colby.

Patty Yerina <>
Pgh, PA 15241 - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 02:54 PM (CDT)
As a mother of a child who has battled cancer for over 2.5 years through original diagnosis and a relapse (who is now doing great), please know my prayers are with you. Our little guys are stronger than anyone could ever imagine and their strength and courage will pull them through.
Kelly Johnson <>
Lake Tahoe, NV USA - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 10:36 AM (CDT)
laura, colby, and family,
you are all in my prayers each and every day. i know that God has a plan for colby. right now, i believe that colby is an inspiration to us all. and he is getting more people closer to the cross and to our redeemer. probably there are people out there that have never prayed to God before, ARE indeed praying now! that in itself is a blessing. laura, i am always here for you even if you just want to cry, pray, talk, or just sit in silence. please call on me if you feel the need. i will not quit praying for you and your family. with all my love, lynn cottrell

lynn cottrell <>
smithfield, pa america - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 10:29 PM (CDT)
You guys are in our prayers. Dana forwarded the news Colby had relapsed (I am the parent of a JMML kid). We are praying very hard for all those donor cells. Sending lots of hugs!!
Holli, George, Hannah (JMML - BMT 04/02/99) and Hailey <>
gainesville, fl usa - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 09:47 PM (CDT)
CONNELLSVILLE, PA - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 04:50 PM (CDT)
Laura, Jack, Colby and Cameron... So sorry to hear about Colby's relapse. Words cannot express how I feel after hearing the news. My heart aches for all of you. KEEP THE FAITH!!! Colby has all the love and support from his family and friends, even strangers to FIGHT this setback!! Know that everyone is praying for a Miracle. God is watching over all of you. KEEP FIGHTING AND STAY STRONG!! You will win this battle!!!! All of you are in our thoughts and prayers.... God Bless. Love: Sandy, Paul, Zach and Tristin
Sandy Kaiser <>
Masontown, PA USA - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 02:52 PM (CDT)
Laura Lu, Colby, Jack and Cameron too.....What can I say kiddo?? You know we are all thinking of you and praying for you constantly.....
Vickie <>
Connellsville, PA - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 01:15 PM (CDT)
Dearest Jack,Laura,Colby and Cameron,

It is beyond words to say how sorry I am to hear Colby has relapsed. The unconditional love for Colby is the only thing can carry both of you through this difficult time. We will pray for Colby and your family everyday. God bless you all.

Your JMML Family,

Thu & Binh & Brian & Cindy <>
Denver, CO - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 12:30 PM (CDT)
Derest Jack,Laura,Colby and Cameron,
Remember, one day at a time. Keeping your faith, hope and strength all together is very important.
As we all pray together, we all send our strength and never ending encouragement to all of you.
We will win this battle...
All our love,
Suzanne, Darrell and Callahan XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOand more

suzanne abel <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 11:21 AM (CDT)
Laura...I admire your strength...We're praying for Colby and we've added him to many prayer teams!

I, too, have always believed that Libbie has shown such great strength and FOCUS for such a young child and know there is a higher power at work here.

You ARE truly blessed to have such an exceptional child!

Becky ( <>
Austin, Tx USA - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 10:57 AM (CDT)
Laura and Colby,
We are sorry to hear of this setback for Colby. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for your ongoing concern for Matthew.
Many of Noelle's friends, besides myself, keep your family in our thoughts every day.

Franci Eberz <>
Pittsburgh, PA - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 05:19 AM (CDT)
Laura and Jack,
You are constantly on my mind. I will be home all day today (in and out of sleep since I am at work now , you know how it is). If you need to talk please call me.
Love you, I hope you feel me holding your hand,

Dana Doctor <>
- Monday, July 01, 2002 at 02:54 AM (CDT)
So sorry to hear about Colby's relapse. You know that you guys are in everyones hearts and prayers.
Amanda <>
- Monday, July 01, 2002 at 12:45 AM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family,
I was so sorry to hear about Colby's relapse from Lam today. Though I've never written on your website I appreciate all your messages of support in our times of trouble. I hope that the messages of your growing JMML family will surround you in a cocoon of love and support and give you comfort. I pray that God will give you comfort and strength through this next battle in the JMML war. I'm sure you know of Nikki Daubach's child with JMML who had 2 transplants and is doing well. There are also the newer drugs like E2lR which are being tried on patients with JMML. We will pray for Colby's healing.

Sarah Gaskins <>
san jose, CA USA - Monday, July 01, 2002 at 12:29 AM (CDT)
Our prayers will be with you tomorrow.

Al and Regina Sloan <>
Uniontown, PA USA - Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 08:55 PM (CDT)
This news is devastating for us. The group of us parents dealing with children afflicted with this disease is so small. We really feel the connection to all of the "JMML family members." Know that you have another family following Colby and praying for his better health. You have been and will remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Nathan Jankowski ( <>
Palo Alto, CA - Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 05:41 PM (CDT)
I am so sorry to hear of the news. I know you must be devastated.
I pray God guides you guys and the doctors into finding just the right thing for his permanent cure.
And I am so glad Dana has been right out there, wearing her heart on her sleeve for all you JMML parents.
You need the support and none of us can fully appreciate how hard it is to go through this....
We are all praying for you guys.

Chris & Gooch
Gooch’s Page
- Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 04:42 PM (CDT)
Dear Laura, Jack, Colby & Cameron:

Words cannot express how sorry I feel when I learn of the news from Dana D... Usually, I am quite stoic as my years in the medical profession has given me a "very tough skin." Tonight, these are tears of sadness for Colby and his family... and for so many other families...; especially, our JMML family. As Dana stated below, there are many other options for treatment... We pray that God give each of us the strength, courage, and wisdom to help our precious little one through these difficult times...

Your JMML family,

Lam Do; <>
San Jose, CA USA - Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 01:08 AM (CDT)
After reading your journal entries we are so happy you have found a match. We pray for the recovery of Colby and we are so happy that a match was found for Colby. Please keep us informed to his progress. In Jesus name we pray Tom and Sarah Vitz
Tom and Sarah Vitz <>
Virginia Beach, Va - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 11:12 PM (CDT)
After reading your journal entries we are so happy you have found a match. We pray for the recovery of Colby and we are so happy that a match was found for Colby. Please keep us informed to his progress. In Jesus name we pray Tom and Sarah Vitz
Tom and Sarah Vitz <>
Virginia Beach, Va - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 11:11 PM (CDT)
Sweet dreams and stay strong! We love you all.
From our hearts,
Suzanne, Darrell & Callahan XXXXXXXOOOOOOO and many more!!

Suzanne, Darrell and Callahan Abel XOXO <>
ohiopyle, pa usa - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 10:09 PM (CDT)
Hi my name is Diane I recieved an email tonight regarding Colby I just wanted you to know my family will definately be praying for Colby. My son Alex also has been on the rollercoaster ride of JCML. I did not know about Colby until tonight but our thoughts and prayers are going out to all of you.
Diane , Curtis and Alex Mitton <>
Saint John NB, Canada - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 09:24 PM (CDT)
Colby and Family,
Stay strong, our daily prayers are with you. You are tops on our list of prescious gifts. God Bless you.
Pat and Terry Mulholland

Pat Mulholland <>
Uniontown, Pa Fayette - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 05:34 PM (CDT)
Dear Cole Family,
Just dropping a note to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. May God continue to bless you all and give you the strength needed to continue to win this battle.

Lorraine and Bob <>
McClellandtown, PA United States - Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 08:58 AM (CDT)
Dear Jack, Laura, Colby, and Cameron,
I know things are tough right are probably still in a fog. There are MANY praying for Colby. Keep faith.

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