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Cassandra's page

My name is Cassandra and I suffer from Myalgic Encephlopathy (M.E) also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am 18 and have been ill for 7 years, though mildly at first. When I turned 13 I had to give up school and I only managed two sessions with a home tutor before I relapsed further and I have recieved no education since.

At the moment I am severely affected. I haven't left the house since the end of July 2001. I am currently unable to walk and I need to use a wheelchair or crawl. I spend 22 1/2 hours a day in bed and sleep for about 18 of them.

There is no known cure for M.E or any treatment that works for all people with M.E. Most people make a full recovery in 3-4 years, though some never fully recover. I have been advised by my specialist that I am not likely to make a full recovery as I have been ill for so long and my health continues to worsen. But I'm hoping to prove him wrong!

If you email it may take a while before I can reply as my mum is unable to use a computer due to her disabilities, my sister used to keep up with emails for her but since she has moved and she no longer has access to a computer so you are just left with me. Poor souls. It depends on how well I am whether or not I am up to replying.

Please go visit my Smile quilt and Smile quilt birthday quilt

I also have a Quilt of love and a Quilts of love birthday quilt

Some kids pages that I visit

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Friday, March 11, 2005 9:44 PM CST

Hello again!

I hope you are all well and that spring is on the way where you are.

Jes and Ewen stopped by today as they were driving down to Norfolk. They are spending a week on a barge on the Norfolk Broads, unfortunately snow is expected so they are likely to be a wee bit cold. It's was also my Dad's birthday today so it was quite a busy day for me.

It was Mothers Day last Sunday so a belated "Happy Mothers Day" to all the mothers in the countries who celebrated it!

I'm doing okay at the moment. For the last few days I've been able to sit up unaided for about a minute, which I haven't been able to do for two years. So I'm very proud of myself! I'm praying that this is the beginning of me improving. Even if this is as good as it's going to get for a while I'm still happy with my progress.

Within the next few weeks I'm going to be getting a "befriender" coming to visit me once a week so that I can see someone other than family and doctors. I'm a little nervous, but I'm looking forward to it. All I know is that it is going to be a girl from Newcastle or Northumbria University. Hopefully we'll get on well.

I think that's it from me for today.

Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts


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Hospital Information:

Patient Room: England

I am treated at home but I can be contacted at: 10 Condercum Court
Prince Phillip Close, Benwell
Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE15 6AS,


http://www.hugsandhope.com   Hugs and Hope, sending smiles to sick kids. I'm featured April 03
http://www.cfids.org   Information on CFS/M.E


E-mail Author: creepycassie@yahoo.co.uk


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