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Thursday, December 7, 2006 8:42 PM CST


Carter is feeling ok. His white count is still -0- Dr. Modak came in today and was not very cheerful. He said that he is not really sure what the long term treatment will be. He knows that he plans on giving Carter his stem cells back once his blood is no longer radioactive and then possibly radiation to his hip this all depends on what his MIBG scan shows Friday. It is not a very good scan but it might show something. Everything is very up in the air and he mentioned the Quality of Life words and I really don't want to hear that.

There are so many ways that this could all go my head is just spinning. So I suppose we will take it one day at a time.

Carter is getting pretty bored here in the hospital since he is in isolation because of his white count and because of his cough/runny nose. There are so many parties going on at the Ronald it sucks that Carter is going to miss all the festivities.

I see Carter made the Bridgeville news that was nice to see.

I wanted to say thanks to all that asked and are helping with Christmas for us!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot say thank you enough!

Love Rhonda

My Amazon.com Wish List

Tuesday, December 5, 2006 4:57 PM CST


This afternoon was very ugly. Carter finally received his treatment around 3:30pm. He needed 4 rescue doses of dilaudid/pain med. He was screaming and very vocal the entire time. It was a very emotional time. We all were crying. Carter kept yelling "I am going to die" "I just want to be a normal kid" " God please help me" " I just want to go to heaven"

Every time he said something it was like a peice of my heart was torn off! With a huge lump in my throat! After his treatment he continued to be scared that he was going to die so I asked the nurse if she could please give him Ativan to calm his nerves so that he could relax!

Finally he received it and he is now sleeping peacefully. I am hoping as in the past that he will not remember anything that he said or how he felt!

I spoke with Dr. Modak today and he indicated that he did indeed want to give more radiation to Carter's right hip. He also said that based on the scans we would make a decision as to further treatment. He breifly mentioned that if Carter showed any kind of response to this therapy it might be an option to revisit. Please pray that he shows any sign of response! I don't want to have to move on to another therapy so quickly. I feel as though we are getting to far ahead and need to stay with one treatment for awhile and let technology catch up. I feel as though our options are getting so limited.

I cannot beleive that Christmas is around the corner. I have not bought a single present for the kids I feel so behind. I don't even know when I will have the time or money to shop. I know my main concern is to take care of Carter and Mariah and they will understand but as a mother or a father you still want to provide the best for your children.

Anyway thanks for following Carter's web site and please keep praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Rhonda

Here is the kids wish list that some people have kindly asked for. Just click and it should work.
My Amazon.com Wish List

Tuesday, December 5, 2006 12:16 AM CST

Good Afternoon,

We are just hanging out waiting for his treatment to start around 2:30 today. It turns out that even though Carter got blood and platelets yesterday his platelet count is still only 37K so in order for him to receive the treatment today he must receive platelets again. He is very angry that treatment hasn't started yet.

He just wants to get this done and over with. He has been saying this for a week and now that we are so close he is very uptight.

I will update once he receives his treatment this afternoon.


Monday, December 4, 2006 1:35 PM CST

Good Afternoon,

This morning did not start off so well. They sent us down for a chest x-ray since he is still coughing but it came back totally clear. They then did a swab in his nose to see if it is viral cold.

He is now in isolation because of the cough and because of neutropenic. Dr. Modak was in today and said that since his counts are still not recovering they are going to give him his second treatment without the Avastin and then stem cells next week. This means they are kicking him off the study. I have no idea what the heck we are going to do or what this all means. The doctors were very breif so hopefully on Tuesday they will have more answers.

Howard is on his way to New York so that I can have a much needed break.

I will update when I know more.

Love Rhonda

Sunday, December 3, 2006 3:57 PM CST

Good Evening,

Just wanted to let everyone know Carter is now inpatient at Memorial. Last night about 2:30 he spiked a fever of 104.6 so off we went in the stroller to urgent care.

When we arrived he was chilling. His platelets were only 5k and his white count was 0.1. He is now neutropenic and will be inpatient until he gets a white count. Not sure when or if this will happen since he is supposed to start round 2 of treatment on Tuesday.

It is now just Carter and I in Manhattan but there are alot of nice friends here at Ronald that are helping me out.

Don't have any idea how things are going to go just going to jump on the roller coaster and go for the ride.

Love Rhonda

Friday, December 1, 2006 4:57 PM CST


Happy Birthday Mariah! I am so sorry we cannot be home with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We ended up going to clinic this morning at 8:30am. Carter's counts are still in horrible shape. His white count is now .2 and I am praying he does not become neutropenic with a fever. He received blood this morning his hgb was 8.1 and his platelets today were only 30K. I hope he makes it till Monday to receive another transfusion. He will be admitted on Monday to receive his injection of round 2 of the hot antibodies on Tuesday.

His urine came back from Pittsburgh still elevated but they are going to give him his second cycle anyway.

Pap is leaving with Aunt Val and Mark in the morning so Carter and I will be officially on our own. Not much else going on just waiting for the very cold weather to arrive here in the big city.

Love Rhonda

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 2:40 PM CST

Good Afternoon,

Things are totally in a holding pattern here. Carter's urine HVA/VMA test results are still not in I swear that Pittsburgh lost the urine. He is supposed to be injected on Wednesday for his second cycle of the Hot 3F8 IL131/Avastin on Wednesday. I really don't see this happening.

As far as his counts his platelets today were still only 30 and his white count was 2.3 this is with the white cell enhancer shot. His hgb is hanging around 9.3.

He has been feeling ok for the most part. He just wants to get admitted and get this rolling! I have very mixed emotions about waiting a week or starting on Wednesday. His counts are such in the crapper that I would not mind waiting another week in hopes that he would be in better shape to start round 2. But on the other hand it does not take long for this cancer to spread like wildfire.

As for his treatment here in New York the insurance company is denying coverage because they are saying it is experimental. Well yeah! All of his treatments for the last 2 1/2 years have been what do they want us to do use agents that are not working and watch our son slowly die! I am so damn fed up with the insurance. I would love to see them walk one day in our shoes. I also tried to get his Neupogen shots filled yesterday at the pharmacy here and they would not pay for it either. This is the medicine to enhance his white cell. They said that I have to order it through mail order. So what about the next few days when he needs it? We actually have to go to the hospital every day just to get a shot because of the insurance. I would pay for this script but it is 4 grand just for a week of it! NOT!

As for me I sometimes I am falling apart and sometimes I am good it is such a roller coaster. So much to take on So much to handle. I think my nerves are just about shot. I keep praying for God to give me the strength to move on it is just so hard.

Mariah is going to be 13 on Friday I would love to be with her to celebrate her birthday! She has having a party boy/girl dance I hope she has fun thanks to all the family for putting this together for her.

Carter's spirits are for the most part great! He is doing great with school and his new teacher and I have to say I really enjoy the 2 hour break every day!

I don't know what is going to happen day to day but I will continue to pray that all with fall into place!


Monday, November 27, 2006 6:56 PM CST


Carter and I arrived back in New York on Sunday evening. Monday Carter met with his teacher here at the Ronald. He was fine except when she said that I could leave and she would bring him back to the room in 2 hours and he started crying. So I sat with him and his teacher for the entire session. He is such a momma's boy!

We then went to clinic late today because he had alot of bruising and sure enough his platelets were only 8K so he received a platelet transfusion. Also his white count is down to 1.0 so they now have him on GCSF shots once a day until his white count comes back up.

So as for Tuesday Carter will have school around 1:30pm and we will await his urine results.


Saturday, November 25, 2006 8:02 PM CST

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Ours went by really fast! Carter ended up in the Er that morning needing blood and platelets and had a fever and headache.

After the blood platelets and antibiotics fever was gone not sure what that was all about but I am not complaining.

We received a call from Dr. Modak on Friday that Carter's urine test came back and all his hva/vma urine markers came back doubled from the last test. There are certain foods that he must not eat during the urine collection and he was packing many things in that he should not have been. I had no idea the urine we were collecting was going to be used for that test. I feel very strongly that it was a miss read. Because of his hva/vma being doubled in numbers they wanted to redo the test so I am hoping that he had enough time to get all the sugar out of his system before we went on Saturday to do another collection here in Pittsburgh. We should have those results by Tuesday if they are elevated again this could postpone treatment. Please pray for a good result and that he can receive his treatment next week as planned.

As for the home time I did get alot accomplished but am very very tired! It was nice to spend some time with Mariah!

Thanks for all the prayers and support. Thank you to all of you that have sent cards! pictures! presents! Carter absolutely enjoyed them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Rhonda

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 11:38 PM CST

Good Evening,

Just wanted to let everyone know we are home safe and sound. Thanks Pj and Gretchen for getting us home! Thanks Grandma Cheryl for the use of your van!

We will be very busy while we are home for these few short days!

Love Rhonda

Monday, November 20, 2006 3:48 PM CST

Good Afternoon,

I just wanted to thank Heather for doing such a wonderful job putting together the last fundraiser. Thanks Heather your a great friend! Also wanted to thank all the vendors that came out to help! Thanks to all that came and purchased gifts!

Carter's scans showed absolutely no change since before his treatment.

We will begin round 2 provided his hama test comes back negative on Tuesday. This will begin the Monday after Thanksgiving.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 3:08 PM CST

Ok so I lost the pictures link? I am so computer challenged. I will try and get it up and running.

Carter went to clinic this am for his cbc and results are as follows
WBC - 4.2
HGB 10.4
PLTS 29 as you can see they are not on the rise yet. We shall see what Thursday brings.

He then had his Cat scan we also had blood drawn for his hama test so we shall see what those results are soon.

Not much really going on will update again
Thursday is bone marrow biopsies and aspirates and MIBG injection and Friday is the MIBG scan.

As far as thanksgiving at home I doubt that is going to happen it is all based on scan results but if they are good and his hama is negative his next injection is right around turkey day. Oh well.

If you have not ordered your bracelet remember our 15/profit promotion ends on November 19th so order those bracelets right away!!!!!!!!!!

Also I hope that everyone is coming to check out the holiday shopping on Sunday!

Love Rhonda
November 19th
Holiday Shopping

Vendors Include
Mary Kay
Tastefully Simple
Home Interiors
Usborne Books
Pampered Chef
Cookie Lee (jewelry)
The Body Shop at Home
Simply Fun
Jafra (cosmetics)
Home made purse

Monday, November 13, 2006 11:46 AM CST

Good Afternoon,

Carter went to clinic this am for bloodwork everything appears to be fine and on the rise. I can't tell about his platelets since I don't know what they were after transfusion on last Thursday.

We had a wonderful weekend with our company. We went into town with Rob, Robbie, Rylie, Melissa and Brenda on the subway. This was Robbies first experience on the subway. It was definately scary. We were standing waiting for the doors to open once the train came and they would not open and would not open. Finally there were two cops going one way and two the other and the doors were still not opening we were standing there thinking what is going on then about 6 more cops came running and people ahead of us turned around with terror on their faces and yelled move back. My heart instantly dropped I grabbed the stroller and whipped Carter around the corner behind wall. Melissa had Robbie and Rylie and Brenda joined us. Howard and Rob chose to stand and watch what was going on. All we could here was the police yelling get your hands up get your hands up? My mind was racing what is it and what is going to happen. It turned out the whoever was pushed against the wall and searched and nothing was found and they let him get back on the train. It was very scary and I thought I was going to poop my pants.

Once off the train we went everywhere Times Square Rockafellar center Toys r us and back to grand central station. before this trip we took the kids to central park to see the sail boats and the fountain and then let them play in a playground there. Oh yeah and we ate dinner. It was a busy day and we were all tired by night.

Sunday dad went home with Rob and Melissa and Grandma Brenda is with us this week. We have scans staring on Wednesday. Our schedule looks like this.

Wednesday - CT scan / Hama Test
Thursday - Bone Marrows / MIBG Injection
Friday - MIBG scan
Monday - discuss results

Please say prayers that this treatment is working and that we can continue to receive this treatment again if working!!!!!

Love Rhonda

Friday, November 10, 2006 9:55 AM CST


If you care to view recent photos just click on Carter's name at the top of the page.

Wednesday evening we went to Mary Poppins with the house the show and dinner was soooo nice. Carter enjoyed the show but is not quick to admit that he liked it.

Thursday we arrived at clinic at 9:00am for his chemo/antiody. He was finally hooked up around 12:00pm. We met with Dr. Kramer yesterday also. She examined his left leg and cannot seem to make sense of why he is having leg pain. They are hoping he just pulled a muscle and it will pass. She said if not we are set up for scans next week and they will tell us more. Also they did a cbc on Thursday and his counts remain completely the same as Wednesday except for his platelet count it went down to 23k. I was willing to go to clinic on Friday to get another cbc and transfusion if needed but they wanted him to have the platelet transfusion on Thursday. I just find it very odd that everything was good but those and went down after they started to rise. We will return to clinic on Monday. So he was transfused and we finally made it out of the hospital around 3:30pm It was ver nice here yesterday so we took him to the park with his new buddy Sean and his mom then we went for a walk on the East River before dinner. Then the kids played deal or no deal in the playroom at the house and received toys it was nice. Carter ended his day watching the movie Elf.

Friday we will be working on school work since we didnt get any in on Thursday and getting ready for our company to arrive Saturday morning. Not sure what we will do with Rob Melissa and the kids on Saturday it will be nice for Carter to see his cousins and aunt and uncle. Dad will be leaving on Sunday morning to be with Mariah and starting his new job on Monday. Grandma Brenda will be staying with us next week.


November 19th
Holiday Shopping

Vendors Include
Mary Kay
Tastefully Simple
Home Interiors
Usborne Books
Pampered Chef
Cookie Lee (jewelry)
The Body Shop at Home
Simply Fun
Jafra (cosmetics)
Home made purses

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 1:44 PM CST

Good Afternoon,

If you would like to see pictures of the last few weeks here and from now on click on Carter's name at the top of the page and you can check out all the photos! I will add photos as we take them from now on. Thanks to dad for getting this up and running.

Carter is doing pretty good! He is limping from his left leg hurting I have no idea what this is about. His main tumor site as you know is his right hip????? Dr. said to just give him tylenol. Of course if it isn't dilaudid he isn't going to take it.

We went to clinic today and I was very surprised at his cbc results.

WBC 2.2
HGB 9.6

As you can see his counts are on the rise since Monday. We are on day 14 since his injection so this does make sense but he did not bottom out on his counts. This is really good. On day 15 Thursday he will receive Avastin Chemo which is part of the treatment in this 4 week cycle. I am curious to see what happens. The week of the 15th of November we will have scans to see where we are at. The only issue he is having is his leg hurting and weight loss. They are putting him on megestrol to boost his apetite we will see if this helps.

As far as school work that has been going pretty good! Is only whining a little bit. I have basically told him I will have -0- tolerance for not doing it and fighting with me every day. Seems to be working for now.

Tonight the house is taking us to dinner and to see Mary Poppins on Broadway it should be an exciting night. Or should I say I am.

Love Rhonda

November 19th
Holiday Shopping

Vendors Include
Mary Kay
Tastefully Simple
Home Interiors
Usborne Books
Pampered Chef
Cookie Lee (jewelry)
The Body Shop at Home
Simply Fun
Jafra (cosmetics)
Home made purses

Heidelberg Vol Firehall from 12-6 pm

Monday, November 6, 2006 11:24 PM CST

I am sorry I have not updated! Carter has been having alot of fun with his new friend here at the Ronald McDonald House.

They have been playing together whenever possible! It has been really nice to meet another NB child that is so close to Carter's age and they play so well together.

Sunday was the Marathon and it was really cool to experience that while we are here. Carter was able to root is Doctor on and many others running! He did get cold and had to return to the house to warm up. Carter actually got to see Lance Armstrong running! It was so nice to see so many people running for so many causes.

Monday we went to clinic for Carter's "cbc" blood draw and awaited those results and to meet with the nurse to look him over and make sure all was well. His counts continue to fall but still not low enough for transfusions.

WBC 1.9
HGB 9.3
ANC 1100

So as you can see they are trending down which is what is supposed to happen. We will return to clinic on Wednesday for cbc and probably a platelet transfusion. Thursday he is to get his chemotherapy.

Tuesday the plan is to take Carter and his new friend to the Central Park zoo once his friend completes radiation in the morning. Hope all works out and we can enjoy that tomorrow.

Carter received his cards from the church and they were all so nice/cute! It is soo cool to see his face when he gets mail in his mailbox here.

It is so hard since I have not updated in so long to remember to tell you all what has been going on I have to remember not to wait so long in between updates.

Today at the hospital I checked in with the financial advisor to find out if they have yet received his authorization for this treatment and the answer was no. So right away I panicked and started making phone calls trying to backtrack. I spoke with our doctor here and our Dr. in Pittsburgh tonight on the phone and they said that UPMC denied authorization for his treatment altogether because it was experimental. At first I was freaking out going what are we going to do??? Then as I spoke with Dr. Tersak from Pittsburgh she calmed me and said that her and Dr. Modak were going to file an appeal and do whatever it takes and try to get it approved. She said they will do whatever they can! I am really not worrying about it now. I know that God shall have control and Carter is going to get this treatment regardless and not to worry!

So as you can see I am updating very late at night, Carter has made some really "off" sleeping habits while we are here. I am rambling on and on so I will update more often so that I don't do this again.

Love Rhonda

November 19th
Holiday Shopping

Vendors Include
Mary Kay
Tastefully Simple
Home Interiors
Usborne Books
Pampered Chef
Cookie Lee (jewelry)
The Body Shop at Home
Simply Fun
Jafra (cosmetics)
Home made purses

Heidelberg Vol Firehall from 12-6 pm

Thursday, November 2, 2006 12:34 AM CST

Good Afternoon,

Clinic went well for Carter he had an IV push of bendryl then his pantamidine. His counts are dropping but still not ready for transfusions.

HGB 9.3
WBC 2.8

We will return to clinic on Monday for counts again. I just wanted to say thank you to all that sent care packages for Carter. He loved the pumpkin story Amy. Donna I think dad loves the Nacho Libre mask more than Carter dad is wearing it around the Ronald house. He was very excited and even did 5 pages of school work to be able to open his present. He liked the picture of you and Teddy too! Thanks it made homework easy today.

Not much else going on but hanging out and waiting. Carter played Bingo last night but lost interest very quickly. Then he decided to hang out and watch Freddy vs. Jason the movie. He actually thought it was more funny than scary. I could do without the language though.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Oh and if anyone can help out with baking for November 19th please email me so that I can get your info to Heather she is really working hard on getting this fund raiser up and running.

Also if you can help pass out flyers it seems that advertising is a big part of our fundraisers being a big success. If you can help email me too!


November 19th
Holiday Shopping

Vendors Include
Mary Kay
Tastefully Simple
Home Interiors
Usborne Books
Pampered Chef
Cookie Lee (jewelry)
The Body Shop at Home
Simply Fun
Jafra (cosmetics)
Home made purses

Heidelberg Vol Firehall from 12-6 pm

Wednesday, November 1, 2006 2:00 PM CST

Good Afternoon,

What a wonderful day we all had yesterday. Carter went thru 2 apartment buildings for candy. It was definately a new experience trick or treating in apartment buildings. Our wonderful friend Barbara Z that volunteers at the ronald house took us around her apartment and she is so silly. She was knocking on all the doors singing trick or treat smell my feet and cracking jokes Carter had a blast!

He also met a new friend Sean another NB child and they played play station together for an hour. He too is 7.

Thursday we will go to clinic for his blood draw and pantamadine injection.

Don't forget to order your bracelets November 19th is coming soon!

Love Rhonda
Fundraiser News- If you can help at all with advertisting please email me.

November 19th
Holiday Shopping

Vendors include
Home Interiors
Tastefully Simple
Cookie Lee Jewelry
Usborne Books
and many more
Heidelberg Vol Firehall from 12-6 pm

Monday, October 30, 2006 4:36 PM CST

Good Evening,

Just wanted to let everyone know that Carter ended up feeling really crappy on Sunday afternoon and evening. He had an upset belly and was in the bathroom most of the rest of the day. Also for some reason he was running a fever only 99.9 and 100.0 but still he had a fever. Today when we arrived at the clinic he had no fever but still was running to the bathroom.

We spoke with Dr. Modak today and he says that that should not be a side effect of the treatment. Maybe he is just fighting something off. His counts dipped a tiny bit already in the platelets.

Today after clinic Carter wanted to get out and enjoy the weather it was pretty nice today. We took him to central park and he road the row boats and helped dad row. Then he played in his favorite "Pyrmid Park" I wish I knew how to set something up so that I could share all of the pictures we took today. I just don't have the time to sit and figure that out with everything else going on.

If all goes well we will be back at the clinic on Thursday for more blood draws and a check up.

Love Rhonda

Fundraiser News- If you can help at all with advertisting please email me.

November 19th
Holiday Shopping

Vendors include
Home Interiors
Tastefully Simple
Cookie Lee Jewelry
Usborne Books
and many more
Heidelberg Vol Firehall from 12-6 pm

Sunday, October 29, 2006 11:45 AM CST

Good Afternoon,

Aunt Linda is off and on her way home with Val, Kellie, and Mariah. We walked all the way to Best Buy 12 blocks over and 4 blocks up to get a wireless card so we can have internet in our room and we don't have the power cord to our labtop UGH!

It was really nice to see Mariah! Thanks Aunt Linda for spending the week and thanks Aunt Val for driving Howard up and taking Aunt Linda home.

Thanks to Mary, Patti, Dawn, Diane for helping with the fundraiser. I heard it was really nice!

Carter is feeling well. He is having some leg pain not sure what that is all about but for the most part it was like he didn't even get a treatment. We actually just moved rooms from 504 to 505 because our room did not have a desk in it and it was missing items so we moved next door today.

If there is anyone that wants to help out with advertising the fund raiser on November 19th please email me so that I can get your information to Heather. Maybe taking the flyers to your church or taking them to your local stores.

Love Rhonda

Fundraiser News

November 19th
Holiday Shopping

Vendors include
Home Interiors
Tastefully Simple
Cookie Lee Jewelry
Usborne Books
and many more
Heidelberg Vol Firehall from 12-6 pm

Friday, October 27, 2006 12:17 AM CDT

Carter was discharged last night. (Thursday) Everything seems to be going fine now although it sounded like a very painfull treatment.

I am packing up now and Aunt Val will be driving me up to Manhattan early tomorrow morning. I will be there for at least a week and i cant wait to see them.

As I am packing up here in this very empty and lonely house(w/o Carter here :) my mind is racing like crazy about the future in NYC. We had a hard enough time preparing for a 6 week jaunt to NY, now it looks as though it will be a minimum of 24 weeks. As soon as this 6 week cycle is done, he will start the next 6 week cycle. He can receive up to 13 of these 6 week treatments, but we need to pray that he at least gets 4 in.

I am very emotional now thinking about it here by myself, it feels like Carter and Rhonda are a world away and i miss them. I just want to hold my baby and hug my wife and try to sort through some thoughts on what to do. It just seems to be getting harder and harder for Carter first and us 3 too.

I guess that we have to discuss the idea of moving to Manhattan and me looking for employment there. But that will bring about many questions for Mariah. The last thing we want to do is flip her world upside down by moving her there, away from our great family, friends and school and baton.

We will do whatever we have to do for Carter to get better, but it seems no matter what choice we make one of our kids will suffer.

I will do what i always do when i am confused and i am not sure.(doesnt happen often haha) I will pray and ask god to help and i will talk with our wonderful friends about it. But most of all i will hold my wife and talk with her about it because we are one hell of a team when we are faced with adversity.


Wednesday, 25, 2006 10:26 AM CDT

Good Afteroon,

It is 10:10pm and Carter seems to be doing ok other than pure boredom. He slept just about the rest of the day into the night. He did wake up to eat 1/2 rack of ribs then right back to sleep he is now wide awake watching the discovery channel. Hopefully he will get some sleep tonight so I can sleep.

Carter received his injection and had a terrible amount of pain after 4 dilaudid rescues and extra benedryl he is now sleeping peacefully with oxygen. His sat level kept dropping from all the pain med's.

Carter just woke up the radiation safety team came in and covered his room in plastic and rearranged the furniture so that he is behind lead sheilds in his bed seperated from me. They actually only cover items that he may come in contact with. Such as the remote the bathroom his eating table. The rumor is that he will start his treatment around 12:00 with the pre meds ect. I will update as I can today.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 1:27 PM CDT


Just wanted to let everyone know that we arrived safely. Our clinic appt was at 9:00am and it is now 2:12 and we are waiting to be admitted for him to receive his first injection of the hot antibodies on Wednesday. It has been a long day in the clinic Carter has made halloween picture frames and played black/jack for the first time.

Our discussion with the doctor revealed that he wants us to stay here for the entire next 6 weeks UGH more than likely if he does not hama it will lead right into the next treatment which will be another 6 weeks.

I feel very comfortable that we are in good hands and am trying very hard to look at the positives and not on missing the other half of our family back at home!

Please pray!

I will update when possible.

Hope everyone has a wonderful time this weekend at the Fundraiser.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:51 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Carter is doing ok. He has been having some side effects from the pre meds for his upcoming treatment in New York but for the most part feeling good.

Yesterday he had his dentist appointment to have some teeth fixed while his counts were good. Poor kid he never gets a break. They did 2 filings and replaced 4 of his silver crowns. He did great I cannot beleive they kept him in the chair for an 1 1/2 and he didn't complain once.

On Thursday he will have labs done here in Pittsburgh for New York and the plans are to fly out on Sunday for treatment.

Love Rhonda

PS If your interested in an entertainment book please email me.

Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket



ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Sunday, October 15, 2006 2:49 PM CDT

Good Afternoon,

What a wonderful day! This is a picture of the entire gang that went with us. We had a wonderful time!

Thanks to everyone that went with us!

When we arrived home we had a special treat from our dear friend Donnaweaver. She brought us a Christmas in October! Donnaweaver is always full of surprises! She brought a Dwarf Alberta Spruce with xmas lights and ornaments and packages for all in the family including Teddy! All of her gifts were perfect. My favorite was Carter's on the box she wrote "This present is for you no big deal really nothing" Anyway it was a foam mattress to make Carter's bed softer which he has been complaining about lately. Anyway the box itself was EMPTY so it really was nothing it was already on his bed. She did this all while we were away.

She is so darn sweet! Always full of surprises. Everyone really thought it was cute.

Thanks Donnaweaver(one word right)

Love Rhonda

PS If your interested in an entertainment book please email me.

Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Friday, October 13, 2006 6:27 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We receieved a call from Sloan on Wednesday for the scans. Although we thought the spot on his right hip was bigger it wasn't. When I asked Dr. Modak if it was he replied it was that big in August. His scans from August scans are completely unchanged. This means that all the spots are still there and not bigger or smaller.

His bone marrow biopsies/aspirates show disease in his right post biopsy site. This is the site by his right hip tumor.

We will return to New York on October 23rd to for his appt on October 24th to see if his thyroid is suppressed. He is currently taking Thyroid suppresants for this treatment. If his thyroid is suppressed then he will begin his treatment on October 26th. I have no idea when we will return home.

The date on the new home page picture is wrong this was taken in September when he received his high dose chemo. There is never a dull moment when our friend DonnaWeaver comes to visit in the hospital. Yes Georgia DonnaWeaver is one word.

Thanks for all your kind words and support we truly appreciate all of your guestbook entries.

This website has been a true blessing to our family and especially me. It has given me the chance to express my feelings and emotions. When Carter was first diagnosed it was like a very bad nightmare that you just could not shake. It wasn't until several months into his treatments that I truly grasped the roller coaster ride that we were about to take. I feel that it took that long for it to finally sink in and actually feel the emotions that were going on inside my body. I never would have guessed that almost four years later Carter would be still fighting this monster.

My heart has been very heavy lately. Many people over the years ask? I just don't know how you do it? I don't have a solid answer for that question. I can say that my little boy has been through so much torture in all of his treatments and some how he manages to cope and deal with it all. God has given me the wisdom to look at him and have hope. I cannot say that at times I feel very helpless that I cannot fix this as a mom. I can say that I pray to God every day that he give me strength to stand by my little boy and pass on my strength to him that he may feel that strength and feel that love to want to continue to fight. There are so many times when I am with him that he just brightens the sadest of days with his smile or his wise cracks or his silly faces. He truly helps me cope.

Many of you who read this know all too well know how serious this illness is in Carter. He has gone through all of the original treatments he could possibly go through and yet this disease is still present. You also know that we have traveled and tried many experimental treatments and yet his cancer is still there. There is such a mix of emotions that you feel and sometimes all at once. I look at him and feel so blessed and so thankful for God for this precious gift. But at times I am so angry and upset for this horrible cancer that just wont let up. He has touched and will touch so many hearts along his journey. Carter is truly a wonderful little boy.

Our next treatment in NY is yet another experimental Phase I treatment two of the drugs that they are giving him are the 3f8 that he received in NY and the MIBG 131 radiation treatment that he received in Philly these two are mixed with a chemo called Avastin this he has never received. This drug is known to stop blood flow to the tumor. Since it is a Phase I study they are studying the effects of the drugs at different levels. Carter will be receiving the lowest dose of these drugs. We were told that he will be the 3rd patient to receive this treatment. I am really scared and nervous that two of these drugs he has already had in the past and it may have helped to slow the cancer down or decrease a bit but neither of them have cleared his disease. So as I read the treatment over and try to prepare to sign the consent form for him to try these drugs I am very sad. I feel as though we are only looking at precious time. That we are only hoping to sustain or decrease his disease to be able to have more precious time with our little one and that is a huge blow! This hurts me more than words can ever say.

As I post this journal entry I have a lump in my throat a knot in my stomach and tears in my eyes. I cannot seem to collect my thoughts enough to say everything I want to say. I cannot seem to get the write words to say how I truly am feeling. I find myself up late at night with thoughts flying through my head.

I am not giving up hope! I pray for God to continue to give me strength and hope! I pray to God to give my precious son the will to fight! Our family has shown cancer that it cannot take away our love it cannot take our memories and fun times and everyone knows we try and squeeze as much fun and family time in whenever possible. Probably sometimes enough to upset hospital staff for family staying after visiting hours. Our foursome trip to the pumpkin patch every year has become a outting for whomever wants to share that moment with us. Our pool has become a time of family friends and fun just to hang out and share the love. This cancer has not taken that from us!

I wanted to say thank you for those of you who continue to pray and continue to support our family this is how we cope and without the love of God Family and Friends there would be no Cope!

Love Rhonda

PS If your interested in an entertainment book please email me.

Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Wednesday, October 11, 2006 2:21 AM CDT

This website has been a true blessing to our family and especially me. It has given me the chance to express my feelings and emotions. When Carter was first diagnosed it was like a very bad nightmare that you just could not shake. It wasn't until several months into his treatments that I truly grasped the roller coaster ride that we were about to take. I feel that it took that long for it to finally sink in and actually feel the emotions that were going on inside my body. I never would have guessed that almost four years later Carter would be still fighting this monster.

My heart has been very heavy lately. Many people over the years ask? I just don't know how you do it? I don't have a solid answer for that question. I can say that my little boy has been through so much torture in all of his treatments and some how he manages to cope and deal with it all. God has given me the wisdom to look at him and have hope. I cannot say that at times I feel very helpless that I cannot fix this as a mom. I can say that I pray to God every day that he give me strength to stand by my little boy and pass on my strength to him that he may feel that strength and feel that love to want to continue to fight. There are so many times when I am with him that he just brightens the sadest of days with his smile or his wise cracks or his silly faces. He truly helps me cope.

Many of you who read this know all too well know how serious this illness is in Carter. He has gone through all of the original treatments he could possibly go through and yet this disease is still present. You also know that we have traveled and tried many experimental treatments and yet his cancer is still there. There is such a mix of emotions that you feel and sometimes all at once. I look at him and feel so blessed and so thankful for God for this precious gift. But at times I am so angry and upset for this horrible cancer that just wont let up. He has touched and will touch so many hearts along his journey. Carter is truly a wonderful little boy.

Our next treatment in NY is yet another experimental Phase I treatment two of the drugs that they are giving him are the 3f8 that he received in NY and the MIBG 131 radiation treatment that he received in Philly these two are mixed with a chemo called Avastin this he has never received. This drug is known to stop blood flow to the tumor. Since it is a Phase I study they are studying the effects of the drugs at different levels. Carter will be receiving the lowest dose of these drugs. We were told that he will be the 3rd patient to receive this treatment. I am really scared and nervous that two of these drugs he has already had in the past and it may have helped to slow the cancer down or decrease a bit but neither of them have cleared his disease. So as I read the treatment over and try to prepare to sign the consent form for him to try these drugs I am very sad. I feel as though we are only looking at precious time. That we are only hoping to sustain or decrease his disease to be able to have more precious time with our little one and that is a huge blow! This hurts me more than words can ever say.

As I post this journal entry I have a lump in my throat a knot in my stomach and tears in my eyes. I cannot seem to collect my thoughts enough to say everything I want to say. I cannot seem to get the write words to say how I truly am feeling. I find myself up late at night with thoughts flying through my head.

I am not giving up hope! I pray for God to continue to give me strength and hope! I pray to God to give my precious son the will to fight! Our family has shown cancer that it cannot take away our love it cannot take our memories and fun times and everyone knows we try and squeeze as much fun and family time in whenever possible. Probably sometimes enough to upset hospital staff for family staying after visiting hours. Our foursome trip to the pumpkin patch every year has become a outting for whomever wants to share that moment with us. Our pool has become a time of family friends and fun just to hang out and share the love. This cancer has not taken that from us!

I wanted to say thank you for those of you who continue to pray and continue to support our family this is how we cope and without the love of God Family and Friends there would be no Cope!

Love Rhonda

PS If your interested in an entertainment book please email me.

Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:30 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We made it through the busy day. It started with Carter and I wiped out in cardiology for his echo he was totally knocked out in his stroller until he had to get onto the scale for his weight.

From there we made a trip to pharmacy for his pre med for the dentist. Dr. Martin at the dentist was once again very nice and great with Carter. He pulled one of his baby teeth that was in the way of another tooth coming in behind it and also that was causing Carter great pain. This child's second teeth are huge I don't know where he is going to fit them all. After that we headed home.

Mariah's dentist appt went well she had a filing done and 3 sealants applied to her teeth. Jazz class just didn't happen last night when Mariah and I arrived home we had 3 visitors Gram Aunt Stacy and baby Kaylyn. Then our wonderful friend Donna Weaver came with KFC for dinner she is so sweet to think of us and help out to save me time of making dinner. Thanks Donna. Then Aunt Donna came with cousin Brittany to visit and then Aunt Val came to visit so as you can see we had a house full!

I awake this am looking at my house going where do I start? I know things need done but can't find the motivation to begin. UGH!

Anyway we are still awaiting results of scans so I am a tad bit on edge and anxious and overwhelmed. I hate the waiting game.

Not looking forward to staying in NY for our next trip I was reading another little boys web page that already did the treatment and he is going to be in NY for 6 weeks during their treatment. I am not at all happy about staying in NY longer than I have to.

As usual everything is up in the air and we just have to sit and wait for the calls and then react later. In the meantime Carter is feeling well playing and having fun.

PS If your interested in an entertainment book please email me.

Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Sunday, October 8, 2006 3:38 PM CDT


We just arrived home safe and sound. I feel like I have not slept in weeks it is really weird. I know I sleep not sure why I feel this way.

Anyway no official reports on Carter's scans. I did see the MIBG screen as he was scanning and it does not look good. He had 2 very tiny spots on his skull that were there in September's scan and not sure about the ribs and or spine I have problems seeing those spots. The bad news is that Howard and I both agree that the tumor on his iliac bone in his right hip looks horrific on the scan it was very large and very very bright. It just makes your heart drop when you look at the screen. We are both very concerned!!

Once I get the official reports I will let everyone know. As for Monday Carter has an Echo set up for 8:00am and a dentist appointment at 11:00 for Carter and a dentist appt for Mariah at 2:40pm and then Carter's tutor at 4:00pm at our house then Mariah has dance at 5:15 so as you can see no rest for the weary.

Thanks for the support and prayers.

Love Rhonda

PS If your interested in an entertainment book please email me.

Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Friday, October 6, 2006 1:52 PM CDT

Good Afgternoon,

Carter had his bone marrow biopsies this morning and his MIBG injection around 1:45 today.

We are now waiting to meet with Dr. Modak to discuss CT results from yesterday.

Will update when I can on those results.

Love Rhonda

Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Thursday, October 5, 2006 7:15 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Just wanted to let everyone know that we arrived safely. Carter had a fun night playing playstation with his buddy at the Ronald house Dylan he is another little boy battling this disease.

Please pray for good scan results!

Love Rhonda

Entertainment/Enjoy Books Cost 25.00
This is a fundraiser for our daughter Mariah for her Baton Corp. If your interested please let me know I do have to pre pay for these but will be glad to get them and it will help Mariah out alot!!!!!!!!!!

Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Tuesday, October 3, 2006 10:53 AM CDT

Good Afternoon,

Carter had his first session with his teacher last night at home seemed to go well. I think it helps alot that he simple adores Ms. Sabrese.

We are leaving for NY on Wednesday for scans on Thursday Friday and Saturday.

Love Rhonda

Entertainment/Enjoy Books Cost 25.00
This is a fundraiser for our daughter Mariah for her Baton Corp. If your interested please let me know I do have to pre pay for these but will be glad to get them and it will help Mariah out alot!!!!!!!!!!

Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Monday, October 2, 2006 12:18 AM CDT


Carter had his clinic appointment this morning. Here are his counts

WBC 14.1
HGB 8.8
ANC 10.5

So as you can see he is holding his own his white count is on the high side due to the neupogen shots but he will be stopping those and that number should fall a little. His platelets are low but not enough to transfuse so we are just hanging out with those and his red blood.

I called NY on Friday to see what is taking so long to set up scans and they were suppose to be setting those up but when I called again today (monday) they still did not have an answer I will be calling again later today before they leave the office. I want these scans done this week so that he can get started on his next treatment. As you know he is now 3 weeks post chemo and we cannot sit and wait around time is too much on the NB side of things. I don't want to give this monster a chance to breath!

Thank you for all the love and support that everyone has sent our way it truly is an inspiration and helps us get through each day.

Love Rhonda

Entertainment/Enjoy Books Cost 25.00
This is a fundraiser for our daughter Mariah for her Baton Corp. If your interested please let me know I do have to pre pay for these but will be glad to get them and it will help Mariah out alot!!!!!!!!!!

Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Friday, September 29, 2006 11:54 AM CDT

Good Afternoon,

We are back from the clinic and Carter is very tired and crabby today. His white count has jumped to 1.0 and his hgb is around 8.8 and his plts were 26k.

He received a platelet transfusion today and we have to return to the clinic on Monday for blood work again and possible transfusions.

I hope this crabbyness is attributed to the benedryl for his platelets because I don't know if I can handle an entire weekend.

Anyway thanks for all the love and support!


Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Entertainment/Enjoy Books Cost 25.00
This is a fundraiser for our daughter Mariah for her Baton Corp. If your interested please let me know I do have to pre pay for these but will be glad to get them and it will help Mariah out alot!!!!!!!!!!

Love Rhonda

Thursday, September 28, 2006 11:09 AM CDT

Good Afternoon,

Carter is home and feeling ok. He is laying with his dog soaking up missed time.

Carter's counts are still very low so we will have to go back to the clinic on Friday for a blood check looks like he might even receive blood while we are there. They drew a type and cross before we left to help save on time.

Glad to be home but the home bound race is on. You know running to the store for milk food writing out bills doing laundry. I really feel crazy when we first get home. Feels like your so behind.

Just wanted to share something today just for curiosity I flipped thru Carter's diary and quickly counted how many blood/platelet transfusions he has had over the last 4 years. I could not beleive it there were at least 70 transfusions between the blood/platelets. This is just one child depending on blood products. This is just a small glimpse of the bigger picture but if your not a blood donor and you can donate please do! It is really important to all of these kids and many others that are so dependent on it! Just thought I would share. I often look back at all of his treatment and reflect on the past 4 years at where we are and how far he has come.

Anyway just wanted to do a quick update. If anyone has ticket money for the October 1st drawing please email me or give me a call.

Love Rhonda

Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Tuesday, September 26, 2006 8:44 PM CDT


Carter is still in the hospital. He continues to have very low counts. He has had 3 platelet transfusions and 2 blood transfusions since we have been admitted.

His counts today were

WBC 0.2
HGB 8.4

So as you can see more than likely he will be getting blood and platelets again on Wednesday and hopefully if mom gets her way discharged right after. I talked to Dr. Wohlman today and explained that it appears that he is going up in the white cell area and he will more than likely continue to just go up. He has had no fevers for a few days now and his cultures have not grown a thing.

His mouth sores have seemed to begin to heal and his apetite is definately improving. He has even done a ton of homework lately thanks to a wonderful nurse he had named Jazz she challenged him just a bit and it did wonders. Of course he thinks she is totally hot so that helped. For those of you that know Carter if someone presents a challenge to him other than the immediate family look out. He is up for the challenge.

Anyway Dad and Carter at the hospital tonight alone since I have to take Mariah to the orthodontist on Wednesday morning and I have a dentist appointment right after that. I feel horrible for leaving him. It is very rare when I actually leave him in the hospital without me being there. I know that Howard is there but I still have feelings of guilt!

Anyway I am sorry I have not updated more but we have had no computer access.

Love Rhonda

Fundraising News

When : October 28th
Where: Heidelberg Firehall 456 1st Street Carnegie,pa
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

There will be an Elvis Impersonator and a DJ
Chinese Auction

For Tickets call 412-734-1750
Cost 15.00/ticket

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:20 PM CDT

Good Evening,

First I would love to thank Diane Lucci and everyone that helped with the lemonade stand today you guys did a great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Second I want to take a moment and share Howard's and I experience today. We attended Christi Thomas's funeral. The entire drive to Ohio it was heartbreaking I had this sick feeling and kept asking God WHY????????????

This family has touched so many lives! They truly are an amazing family. Shayne and Angela could not have had a more beautiful celebration of life for their daughter. You could just feel the love surrounding this family. This illness is a horrible awful thing and these children should not be dying so young! I am convinced that they are doing their part in raising awareness and funding for research through their heartache!

Their strength and wisdom and faith are incredible! My heart aches for them and the entire family!

If I could ask everyone to please stop what they are doing and pray for this family and ask God to help them through this horrible horrific journey!

Carter is still in the hospital with no white cell count thank you very much to Aunt Michele and Joe and Brenda for staying with him so that we could attend the funeral. Also thank you to Heather for taking care of Mariah!

I truly feel as though I have a ton of bricks on my heart today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Rhonda

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:45 PM CDT


Sorry I have not updated I don't have computer access.

I am actually working on a computer that the nurse left in the room so I thought I would see if it would work and it did so I am trying to update quickly.

Carter is doing ok still no white count He received platelets on Tuesday and Blood on Wednesday He is now getting Platelets today again his platelet count was only 4K today and he will be getting blood again today.

He still has no sign of a white count. That will take a few days. They are not letting us leave until he has a white count.

So we will be here for a few days.

We have been very heavy hearted with the loss of Christi Thomas. Howard and I are planning on driving to the funeral. As long as we can find someone to stay with Carter at the hospital.

Please continue to pray for strength for our friends!

Love Rhonda
ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Dear friends & relatives of the Fingers:

I am Diane Frampton, Decorating Consultant with HOME INTERIORS & GIFTS;
I have been fundraising for the past three years for Carter.

Please help the Finger family by buying or selling the 50rofit fundraiser candles and accessories.

HOME INTERIORS offers the highest quality & variety of candles available. Candles are used in 7 out of 10 homes & is a $2 billion market in North America.

The body care products, air fresheners and candle accessories provide excellent value and delightful scents. Items include a price range of $7 - $15.

Please reply with your mailing address so I can forward a fundraiser flyer.

Next order deadline: Friday, Sept 22.

Feel free to call me @ 412 287 9347
to further discuss any concerns you may have or to place an order.

Thank you in advance for your support!
Diane Frampton
Senior Decorating Consultant
412 287 9347
688 Shadow Drive
Carnegie, PA 15106

The last time I passed out AVON books..there were 2 books together. On Wednesday the 20th I will be putting the order in for Campaign 20. However, I can still backorder from Campaign 19. Remember...most of the proceeds will be going to help support Carter Finger and his family.

There are some awesome Halloween decorations. And even some ideas for Christmas. Let's help Carter and his family with travel expenses and any thing else they may need to help Carter fight and win his battle with his horrible disease!!!

Thanks everyone!

Joan Kundra

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 2:06 PM CDT

Good Afternoon,

Before I go anywhere I would love for everyone to say a prayer for our dear friends The Thomas Family. They have been battling NB for 4 years and their journey is about to come to an end. My heart is breaking I cry and I can't help but asking why. Please stop by and visit their site and say a special prayer for them.


What a night. We arrived in the ER around 12:00am last night with a fever of 103.0 He was really not feeling well and could not wait to be admitted.

I am somewhat frustrated at the procedure to get us into a room. We arrived on 9North this morning at 5:30am.

What the hell is that? He was in clinic yesterday and they knew that his white count was .4 and we were going nowhere but down on his white count. So in my eyes a direct admission would have been alot easier on everyone.

But instead we played hospital games with the intern/resident cultures blood counts then antibiotics then urine samples and poking and prodding for hours and 5 differant doctors. It is pure hell to put these kids through this. Carter was so exhausted and us too!

Anyway I am off that soap box now onto my next bitch. So we arrive in the room and finally fall asleep and the intern for Tuesday comes in to examine him. For cripe sake leave the kid alone. The breakfast lady comes in with his tray instead of politely leaving it inbetween the double doors and puts it right on his bed as we all lay asleep. He's not going to eat it in his sleep not to mention he hasn't eaten in days! Then our phone starts ringing which I am sure it was dietary looking for a lunch order so I pulled the jack right out of the wall! Then when we finally give up on sleep and awake Carter was in horrible throat pain from the mouth sores. The nurse decided to walk in our room without washing her hands and leaving the doors wide open for all germs to evade. I am so upset that Carter is not on 8north it is like our home away from home.

Anyway Howard had a polite talk with the nurse and now she is washing up very good before entering the room and also shutting the doors.

I will update when I can don't know where I am going to get computer access here.

Love Mom

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Dear friends & relatives of the Fingers:

I am Diane Frampton, Decorating Consultant with HOME INTERIORS & GIFTS;
I have been fundraising for the past three years for Carter.

Please help the Finger family by buying or selling the 50rofit fundraiser candles and accessories.

HOME INTERIORS offers the highest quality & variety of candles available. Candles are used in 7 out of 10 homes & is a $2 billion market in North America.

The body care products, air fresheners and candle accessories provide excellent value and delightful scents. Items include a price range of $7 - $15.

Please reply with your mailing address so I can forward a fundraiser flyer.

Next order deadline: Friday, Sept 22.

Feel free to call me @ 412 287 9347
to further discuss any concerns you may have or to place an order.

Thank you in advance for your support!
Diane Frampton
Senior Decorating Consultant
412 287 9347
688 Shadow Drive
Carnegie, PA 15106

The last time I passed out AVON books..there were 2 books together. On Wednesday the 20th I will be putting the order in for Campaign 20. However, I can still backorder from Campaign 19. Remember...most of the proceeds will be going to help support Carter Finger and his family.

There are some awesome Halloween decorations. And even some ideas for Christmas. Let's help Carter and his family with travel expenses and any thing else they may need to help Carter fight and win his battle with his horrible disease!!!

Thanks everyone!

Joan Kundra

Monday, September 18, 2006 10:36 PM CDT

Good Evening,

Just wanted everyone to know Carter is going into the hospital with a fever tonight.

Also a wonderful friend of mine is going to take all of our lemonade stand stuff and have a Alex's lemonade stand on Saturday the 23rd at Heidelberg Shop and Save from 9:00am till 5:00pm Thanks Diane!!!!!!!!!!!

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Dear friends & relatives of the Fingers:

I am Diane Frampton, Decorating Consultant with HOME INTERIORS & GIFTS;
I have been fundraising for the past three years for Carter.

Please help the Finger family by buying or selling the 50rofit fundraiser candles and accessories.

HOME INTERIORS offers the highest quality & variety of candles available. Candles are used in 7 out of 10 homes & is a $2 billion market in North America.

The body care products, air fresheners and candle accessories provide excellent value and delightful scents. Items include a price range of $7 - $15.

Please reply with your mailing address so I can forward a fundraiser flyer.

Next order deadline: Friday, Sept 22.

Feel free to call me @ 412 287 9347
to further discuss any concerns you may have or to place an order.

Thank you in advance for your support!
Diane Frampton
Senior Decorating Consultant
412 287 9347
688 Shadow Drive
Carnegie, PA 15106

The last time I passed out AVON books..there were 2 books together. On Wednesday the 20th I will be putting the order in for Campaign 20. However, I can still backorder from Campaign 19. Remember...most of the proceeds will be going to help support Carter Finger and his family.

There are some awesome Halloween decorations. And even some ideas for Christmas. Let's help Carter and his family with travel expenses and any thing else they may need to help Carter fight and win his battle with his horrible disease!!!

Thanks everyone!

Joan Kundra

Friday, September 15, 2006 6:55 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We were discharged right after chemo last night.

Carter is feeling pretty crappy this morning he awoke at about 6:30am with a headache and upset belly.

Our plans were to stop by school to drop off some cookies for his birthday and pick up some school work not sure if this is going to happen we will see how the day progesses.

Carter was supposed to go with his Aunt this weekend to see Thomas the Tank engine but Mariah is going to have to make that trip with them. I just can't let him go 6 hours away without me being there and not feeling the greatest.

This damn disease robs him of so much. When we arrived home there was yet another message from his soccer coach about practices and games. I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some parents complain about running their children everywhere and how it gets to be a pain! I am sure it is I would love to complain about that! You know normal stressful stuff!

Anyway we have tons to do around here this weekend. We have a lovely dead tree in our front yard thanks to mom over mulching and crap everywhere since we have been home for such brief moments in between running. I guess I should open and look at my bills?

Just not enough hours in a day. I am sure everyone can relate to this!

Love Rhonda

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Dear friends & relatives of the Fingers:

I am Diane Frampton, Decorating Consultant with HOME INTERIORS & GIFTS;
I have been fundraising for the past three years for Carter.

Please help the Finger family by buying or selling the 50rofit fundraiser candles and accessories.

HOME INTERIORS offers the highest quality & variety of candles available. Candles are used in 7 out of 10 homes & is a $2 billion market in North America.

The body care products, air fresheners and candle accessories provide excellent value and delightful scents. Items include a price range of $7 - $15.

Please reply with your mailing address so I can forward a fundraiser flyer.

Next order deadline: Friday, Sept 22.

Feel free to call me @ 412 287 9347
to further discuss any concerns you may have or to place an order.

Thank you in advance for your support!
Diane Frampton
Senior Decorating Consultant
412 287 9347
688 Shadow Drive
Carnegie, PA 15106

The last time I passed out AVON books..there were 2 books together. On Wednesday the 20th I will be putting the order in for Campaign 20. However, I can still backorder from Campaign 19. Remember...most of the proceeds will be going to help support Carter Finger and his family.

There are some awesome Halloween decorations. And even some ideas for Christmas. Let's help Carter and his family with travel expenses and any thing else they may need to help Carter fight and win his battle with his horrible disease!!!

Thanks everyone!

Joan Kundra

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:50 PM CDT

Good Evening,

Carter is holding his own although it has been a rough night and a very long day.

Throughout the night he was getting sick. Howard finally dozed off about 2:00am and I got up with him around 3:00am About 4:00am this morning Carter decided to pull out his loose tooth.

The day was long and he continued to get sick throughout the day. We cannot give him some of the anti nausea meds because he is allergic to them. So he is suffering through most of it. It is horrible to watch your child getting sick and not be able to help them.

I am praying that Tuesday is a better day!

Love Rhonda
ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping Kelly Kichka
1188 Bosworth Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL



Monday, September 11, 2006 9:18 PM CDT


I wanted to start by saying thanks to Aunt Val for planning such a wonderful birthday party for Carter and everyone that came and helped make it such a wonderful day. Carter absolutely had a blast! He is still talking about it today(Monday).

Second I wanted to say thanks to everyone that sent cards to Carter or dropped them off too! Everyone is so nice to think of Carter on his Birthday.

Congratulations Uncle Tim and Aunt Michelle on their Wedding it was very nice.

Carter has been admitted today for the start of this round of chemotherapy. He will be taking 4 days of chemo all inpatient. He will be taking Vincristine, Topetecan, and Cytoxin. He seems to be ok so far but we shall see how the night progresses.

I am still working on getting the official reports on his scans in New York.

Mariah is home with Gram and Pap and very tired. She accidentally got up an hour early this morning for school and was at the bus stop an hour early. She also is out of practice with school since we were away and we had a very busy weekend with the wedding and the birthday party so she fell asleep tonight at 8:00pm.

Anyway I will update whenever I can. Please say a prayer for this disease to take a halt with this chemo.

Love Rhonda
ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

Saturday, September 9, 2006 9:17 AM CDT

Good Afternoon,

We arrived home around 12:45am on Friday evening. The week was very fun I wished we could have stayed longer. The weather was finally starting to cooperate on Thursday and Friday. This organization is such a wonderful help. It is called Beleive in Tomorrow. They completely take care of you. They gave us the condo for the entire week free! Then gave us passes to go play miniature golf, water parks, museum passes, and amusement ride passes and tons of sand toys for the kids to keep!

We played mini golf twice went to the beach 4 times the kids loved it. We didn't make it to a water park those are only open on the weekends. That's ok we can do that at home. I have tons of pictures that I will share once I download them.

The week was fun in and relaxing. The kids had fun building a huge sand pit on Friday at the beach.

As far as medically Carter was fine except for Tuesday night he complained of back pain and crawled into bed with us. After that he never said another word. Monday we will be admitted to the hospital here in Pittsburgh to start chemotherapy for the entire week.

Please say a prayer for our dear friends and family Christi, Shayne, Angela and Shayla Thomas. She was diagnosed on September 11, 2002. Please stop by her site and say prayers for the entire family.

Love Rhonda

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

Saturday, September 2, 2006 1:49 PM CDT


HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

Thursday, August 31, 2006 6:35 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We are home safe and sound. Carter is still feeling pretty good.

As for results we have some and we definately don't have a whole lot of answers just some speculation.

His CT scan showed a bone lesion in his right hip and that is all.

His Bone scan showed bone lesions in his spine and his right hip.

His MIBG scan/most sensitive to Neuroblastoma showed tumors in the bone in the following areas.

The skull
right hip
rib area
this is all consistent with the MIBG scan done in Philly.

So as far as decreasing disease with the cytoxin chemo that he received it appears that it didn't.

We will never know if it held the cancer at bay from growing more.

So what to do next? It appears that we will be doing another round of higher dose chemo here no sense in traveling to NY for chemo that we can do here. It will more than likely be something stronger than what he just had something similar to ICE chemo.

After that we are to return to NY to do another scan and begin Hot 3f8. What is hot 3f8?

It is the 3f8 treatment that he already had years back mixed with MIBG I131 treatment that he had in Philly in a one time injection. He will be inpatient in NY for at least 2 days until his radiation level falls enough then they add another drug called Avastin this is a chemo that stops blood flow to tumor growth. So this is actually 3 different types of meds in one combination to help and reduce bone disease. Does it work? These drugs have been tested in adults and there has shown to be some luck with it.

So Howard and I have decided since he is stable for now we are going to head for the beach on Monday September 4th. He has never been to the beach and other than our Disney make a wish trip we have not taken a vacation for 4 years as a family. So we are going to do it. I am really nervous about it but we need to go and he needs to have fun. We will return on Friday instead of Sunday for our trip. Uncle Tim is getting married on Saturday.

We meet with Dr. Tersak/in pittsburgh on Friday at 2:30 hopefully she will have the bone marrow results and urine results. It looks like once we return home from the beach we might start chemo right away on Monday.

This could all change on Friday but for now this is somewhat the plan.

Please pray that Carter's disease remains stable during his beach week. Please pray that this upcoming chemo reduces some of the cancer. Please pray that financially we are able to go to NY and have this treatment done. Please pray that as I work on insurance and approvals that I don't get too upset. I tend to get very upset and anxious with the insurance companies to try and get approvals. After all I shouldn't have to fight that too but you do.

Thanks for all that ordered bracelets so far they really are pretty!

Thanks Taryn for putting together the fundraisers and raising money for us! Your such a doll!!!!!!!!!!!!! We really appreciate your help!

Thanks for all that sold tickets.

Thank you to all that donated snacks! Still collecting until Friday when I drop them off at the hospital.
ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

Love Rhonda

Monday, August 28, 2006 8:59 AM CDT

Good Morning,
We made it hear and we have a room at ronald mcdonald.

We are waiting for bone marrow biopsies. Will update when I can.

Love Mom
Thanks for all the prayers and support.

Also we would love to help stock the snack cart here. This cart is pulled out and the kids on 8 north only can pick something to snack on for free. This is funded and stocked by private families. As some of you know we have helped stock this cart before and would love to help out again. If your interested in purchasing a snack for the cart you can drop those off at 1732 Walnut Street anytime day or night this is my parent's house and my grandparents are there during the day also. Once we receive a collection we will deliver them to 8 north. Items needed are snacks/popcorn candy all indivdually wrapped.

Also if anyone is interested we are selling tickets for $2.00 each and the winner receives 800.00 based on the evening daily number on September 1st. Also if you think that you could help out in selling a few tickets for us let us know. We only have a few weeks to sell them all. Please email me if your interested bubbs1972@comcast.net

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:31 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Carter has generally been feeling fine. We are leaving for NY today. Hopefully the weather holds off and we can fly. We are supposed to meet Arthur at Corporate Air about 5:00pm tonight. It will be a late night getting in and getting settled. We are set to be at clinic at 9:00am for bone marrow biopsies on Monday. Please pray for good results or stable on the scans.

Thanks for all the prayers and support.

Also we would love to help stock the snack cart here. This cart is pulled out and the kids on 8 north only can pick something to snack on for free. This is funded and stocked by private families. As some of you know we have helped stock this cart before and would love to help out again. If your interested in purchasing a snack for the cart you can drop those off at 1732 Walnut Street anytime day or night this is my parent's house and my grandparents are there during the day also. Once we receive a collection we will deliver them to 8 north. Items needed are snacks/popcorn candy all indivdually wrapped.

Also if anyone is interested we are selling tickets for $2.00 each and the winner receives 800.00 based on the evening daily number on September 1st. Also if you think that you could help out in selling a few tickets for us let us know. We only have a few weeks to sell them all. Please email me if your interested bubbs1972@comcast.net

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:04 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Carter had a clinic appt and bone scan yesterday. He did well. To my surprise he did not need any blood products.
His counts were as follows
WBC 4.2
HGB 9.3
Plts 63
ANC 2100

So as you can see his counts are on the lower side but climbing on their own. His neck has healed wonderfully. Our wonderful friend from Angel Flight has agreed to fly us to NY. Angel flight is still looking for a flight home but if we get stuck our wonderful friend Arthur has offered to get us home at some point. Arthur is such a generous man that volunteers for Angel Flight!

Carter has been picking up little by little on his eating. We have not been up to much but celebrating birthdays. Monday was Grandmas and Tuesday was Uncle Marks.

Thanks for checkin in on us.

If you have any ticket stubs or money please return those as soon as you can so that I may get that together. We now have tickets out marked Sept 1 and Oct 1st two different drawing dates. Please make sure you check your tickets for the dates to see which ones you have.

Oh and by the way I hope the picture of the bracelet has helped anyone decide if they want one. That too has been going great.


Also I still have alot of tickets that need sold if your interested please email me.

Thanks for all the prayers and support.

Also we would love to help stock the snack cart here. This cart is pulled out and the kids on 8 north only can pick something to snack on for free. This is funded and stocked by private families. As some of you know we have helped stock this cart before and would love to help out again. If your interested in purchasing a snack for the cart you can drop those off at 1732 Walnut Street anytime day or night this is my parent's house and my grandparents are there during the day also. Once we receive a collection we will deliver them to 8 north. Items needed are snacks/popcorn candy all indivdually wrapped.

Also if anyone is interested we are selling tickets for $2.00 each and the winner receives 800.00 based on the evening daily number on September 1st. Also if you think that you could help out in selling a few tickets for us let us know. We only have a few weeks to sell them all. Please email me if your interested bubbs1972@comcast.net

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Friday, August 18, 2006 9:18 PM CDT


Great news! We made it home and the harvest went well. We were able to collect 6.6 million stem cells for storage. For use later. We never would have guessed that we would be able to harvest that many. After it was all said and done the nurse coordinator of the stem cell harvest said that he was really surprised we collected that many. He didn't think we were going to be able to get many. Because of all the chemo and treatments that Carter has had over the years. He was able to have his vascath removed from his neck and he was discharged from the hospital tonight.

I am so glad to be home! I just have to get back to normal or should I say our normal. I had to go to the grocery store we needed just about everything. Mariah is home with us also.

Carter is still really sore from the vascath and not feeling 100%.

WE are hoping to use the rest of the weekend to get things done around the house.

We are still collecting snacks if you would like to drop them off.

Also I still have alot of tickets that need sold if your interested please email me.

Thanks for all the prayers and support.

Also we would love to help stock the snack cart here. This cart is pulled out and the kids on 8 north only can pick something to snack on for free. This is funded and stocked by private families. As some of you know we have helped stock this cart before and would love to help out again. If your interested in purchasing a snack for the cart you can drop those off at 1732 Walnut Street anytime day or night this is my parent's house and my grandparents are there during the day also. Once we receive a collection we will deliver them to 8 north. Items needed are snacks/popcorn candy all indivdually wrapped.

Also if anyone is interested we are selling tickets for $2.00 each and the winner receives 800.00 based on the evening daily number on September 1st. Also if you think that you could help out in selling a few tickets for us let us know. We only have a few weeks to sell them all. Please email me if your interested bubbs1972@comcast.net

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:09 PM CDT

Good Evening,

After an hour of TPA in his new port the clot was gone and we were able to begin harvesting stem cells. The nurse coordinator came in and said that we collected around 3.5 million cells today. The goal is 5 million total so we are very close and more than likely we will collect more on Friday during the harvest. He is hooked up to the pheresis machine for 4 straight hours with all the lines hooked up. He did really good today he played playstation for awhile then watched movies. About 2:30 he crashed and is still sleeping now at 6:19pm. His blood pressure readings are a little low but this is probably from the harvest itself and the pain med for his neck and because he is sleeping while they are taking his pressure. No fevers! Yeah! He will also be getting another platelet transfusion tonight.

The plan is to collect again on Friday and that will be it for the harvest. After that they will do a stat blood CBC to see where his counts are and if his platelets are good they will remove the vascath from his neck and send us home!

As far as his hair it is just about completely out once he gets a bath and we can scrub his head he will be shiny on the top. Still cute as ever. I noticed today that his eyelashes are starting to fall out. This is all trivial in the scheme of things. I am just so happy that he made it through the chemo without to many complications.

Please say a prayer that we get 8 million cells on Friday the more the better and the more options we will have having those on hand.

Again thanks for your wonderful support and prayers they are all greatly appreciated and welcomed!

Love Rhonda

Anyway please read on and order a bracelet they are really pretty and as soon as I can get a picture up of it I will.

Also we would love to help stock the snack cart here. This cart is pulled out and the kids on 8 north only can pick something to snack on for free. This is funded and stocked by private families. As some of you know we have helped stock this cart before and would love to help out again. If your interested in purchasing a snack for the cart you can drop those off at 1732 Walnut Street anytime day or night this is my parent's house and my grandparents are there during the day also. Once we receive a collection we will deliver them to 8 north. Items needed are snacks/popcorn candy all indivdually wrapped.

Also if anyone is interested we are selling tickets for $2.00 each and the winner receives 800.00 based on the evening daily number on September 1st. Also if you think that you could help out in selling a few tickets for us let us know. We only have a few weeks to sell them all. Please email me if your interested bubbs1972@comcast.net

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:57 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Carter had his vascath placed in his neck last night around 6:30. When he awoke he was starved and had some mozarella sticks and passed out from the anesthesia. About 12:00am he awoke and remained awake in discomfort for the rest of the night. This morning bright and early they came in to start the stem cell harvest and one of the lines isn't working correctly so they had to put TPA in it and wait for an hour to see if it is working. TPA is really strong heprin to try and remove any clots. We are waiting for that to work right now and will see what happens. Carter is in alot of pain today from the port so he is pretty high on pain med. Will update when I can the harvest today should take about 4 hours.


Anyway please read on and order a bracelet they are really pretty and as soon as I can get a picture up of it I will.

Also we would love to help stock the snack cart here. This cart is pulled out and the kids on 8 north only can pick something to snack on for free. This is funded and stocked by private families. As some of you know we have helped stock this cart before and would love to help out again. If your interested in purchasing a snack for the cart you can drop those off at 1732 Walnut Street anytime day or night this is my parent's house and my grandparents are there during the day also. Once we receive a collection we will deliver them to 8 north. Items needed are snacks/popcorn candy all indivdually wrapped.

Also if anyone is interested we are selling tickets for $2.00 each and the winner receives 800.00 based on the evening daily number on September 1st. Also if you think that you could help out in selling a few tickets for us let us know. We only have a few weeks to sell them all. Please email me if your interested bubbs1972@comcast.net

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:38 AM CDT

Good Afternoon,

New Pictures check them out!

Carter's white count continues to rise it is 4.4 and he is NPO no food or drink today they are trying to fit him in to put the vascath port in to begin the stem cell harvest on Thursday.

Anyway please read on and order a bracelet they are really pretty and as soon as I can get a picture up of it I will.

Also we would love to help stock the snack cart here. This cart is pulled out and the kids on 8 north only can pick something to snack on for free. This is funded and stocked by private families. As some of you know we have helped stock this cart before and would love to help out again. If your interested in purchasing a snack for the cart you can drop those off at 1732 Walnut Street anytime day or night this is my parent's house and my grandparents are there during the day also. Once we receive a collection we will deliver them to 8 north. Items needed are snacks/popcorn candy all indivdually wrapped.

Also if anyone is interested we are selling tickets for $2.00 each and the winner receives 800.00 based on the evening daily number on September 1st. Also if you think that you could help out in selling a few tickets for us let us know. We only have a few weeks to sell them all. Please email me if your interested bubbs1972@comcast.net

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Monday, August 14, 2006 8:29 PM CDT


Carter had a pretty good day today. Playing and beginning to drink more. His white count is on the rise yesterday it was .2 and today it was .3. His hemoglobin and platelets are still decreasing and he will receive a platelet transfusion on Wednesday again. So far the plan is to have surgery on Wednesday morning to place his vascath in his neck in preperation for the stem cell harvest. They will check his blood on Tuesday to see if they can begin on Wednesday to harvest.

His appetite has still not improved but they started giving him pepcid to see if that will help.

So it appears that we have no idea when Carter will be released.

Mariah is having fun camping and going to Idlewild Park with a friend and her family from school. Before we know it it will be time to go to school.

Anyway please read on and order a bracelet they are really pretty and as soon as I can get a picture up of it I will.

Also we would love to help stock the snack cart here. This cart is pulled out and the kids on 8 north only can pick something to snack on for free. This is funded and stocked by private families. As some of you know we have helped stock this cart before and would love to help out again. If your interested in purchasing a snack for the cart you can drop those off at 1732 Walnut Street anytime day or night this is my parent's house and my grandparents are there during the day also. Once we receive a collection we will deliver them to 8 north. Items needed are snacks/popcorn candy all indivdually wrapped.

Also if anyone is interested we are selling tickets for $2.00 each and the winner receives 800.00 based on the evening daily number on September 1st. Also if you think that you could help out in selling a few tickets for us let us know. We only have a few weeks to sell them all. Please email me if your interested bubbs1972@comcast.net

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Friday, August 11, 2006 9:59 PM CDT


Carter continues to have fevers on and off with nothing growing on his line cultures. His eating has decreased along with his drinking but he says he feels fine.

As the docs say we are in a watch and wait pattern. Waiting for a white count to grow and also waiting for the stem cell harvest to begin.

No word from NY yet on the exact dates of our appts

Also we would love to help stock the snack cart here. This cart is pulled out and the kids on 8 north only can pick something to snack on for free. This is funded and stocked by private families. As some of you know we have helped stock this cart before and would love to help out again. If your interested in purchasing a snack for the cart you can drop those off at 1732 Walnut Street anytime day or night this is my parent's house and my grandparents are there during the day also. Once we receive a collection we will deliver them to 8 north. Items needed are snacks/popcorn candy all indivdually wrapped.

Also if anyone is interested we are selling tickets for $2.00 each and the winner receives 800.00 based on the evening daily number on September 1st. Also if you think that you could help out in selling a few tickets for us let us know. We only have a few weeks to sell them all. Please email me if your interested bubbs1972@comcast.net

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Wednesday, August 9, 2006 2:11 PM CDT

Good Afternoon,

Just wanted to update Carter is inpatient at Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh. He has a fever and -0- white count. He will remain in the hospital until after the stem cell harvest. He received platelets last night and will receive blood today.

He seems to be doing fine for the most part. So far his central line cultures are showing no sign of infection and they will continue to draw cultures for 72 hours to make sure his mediport is not infected and this is not the reason for the fevers. My guess is that the fever is just from -0- white count as this has been the case for ever chemo that he receives when his white count falls.

I will update as we are here on what is going on.

Also as we have been in the Snack Cart on 8 North the Oncology floor has been quite bare. This cart is pulled out and the kids on 8 north only can pick something to snack on for free. This is funded and stocked by private families. As some of you know we have helped stock this cart before and would love to help out again. If your interested in purchasing a snack for the cart you can drop those off at 1732 Walnut Street anytime day or night this is my parent's house and my grandparents are there during the day also. Once we receive a collection we will deliver them to 8 north. Items needed are snacks/popcorn candy all indivdually wrapped.

Also if anyone is interested we are selling tickets for $2.00 each and the winner receives 800.00 based on the evening daily number on September 1st. Also if you think that you could help out in selling a few tickets for us let us know. We only have a few weeks to sell them all. Please email me if your interested bubbs1972@comcast.net

ATTENTION: To all those that who are supporting Carter and his family-I need your help. My name is Kelly Kichka, and I make the Carter bracelet.

Beginning August 19- Nov. 19th (the day Carter was diagnosed) I will donate $15.00 for every bracelet sold. Together, we can make difference to this family.

If there is anyone who could help me out, I would appreciate it. I need someone in your area to get the order forms out. Take them to work, church, school etc. (You do not need to collect them, as the customer can send directly to me.)

Let's help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma while earning those much needed funds for this beautiful family.

To request order forms, please email me.

Carter hang in there Bud-we are praying for you in Illinois
Thank you,
Kelly Kichka

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Monday, August 7, 2006 11:57 AM CDT

Good Afternoon,

Carter had his clinic appt this morning. He has been feeling pretty good. His counts are as follows

WBC- White Count/Ability to fight infection 0.3 this is low
PLTS - Platelets /clotting/bruising if low 37 these are low
HGB - Red blood cells 9.6 this is also low for him.

His ANC is only 100 so his ability to fight infection is just about -0- probably on Tuesday it will be -0-

The chemo obviously did it's job alot faster than I anticipated but it is working. I am really comfortable with the fact that he is no longer having any pain. It makes me feel good about the chemo. He received his monthly dose of pantamidine/this is to help him so that he does not get really sick while his counts are -0- kinda like a maintenance antibiotic.

Anyway I spoke with Dr. Tersak in the hall and it appears we are headed to NY the week of August 28th they will call me with the scan schedule. I am not happy with this since it is his first week of school but this might be my sign that he may not be able to return to school quite yet. I really wanted him to be able to start school with the rest of the kids so that he did not feel so much like an outsider.

Anyway he got his mohawk and it looks great. Not sure how long it will stay but he is enjoying it while he can.

Thanks for continuing to pray for our family and Carter. We really appreciate the support and prayers.

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:01 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We are home. First I wanted to say thank you very much to Arthur from Angel Flight for getting Howard and Carter home from Philly and the wonderful pictures and post cards. The Aviation book is nice and the popular science book too! Your a true sweet heart and we are very appreciative. Thank you again. You guys at Angel Flight are like part of the family!

Carter started chemo on Tuesday after he was hydrated. Chemo went well until about 6:00pm and he began to get sick. Not much sleep on Tuesday night we had to have Carter go potty every hour so the chemo did not sit in the bladder. Wednesday started smooth but got ugly. About 6:30 when his chemo was almost done he began to get sick but he was very hungry so he continued to eat his ribs from Damons that gram and pap brought and continued to get sick as he ate. He did not care he wanted those ribs. He ate them right over the puke bucket. During his getting sick he got a really bad headache and needed dilaudid for pain so he was very emotional as usual up and down mean then very sweet. He warned the ribs before he ate them that they may be coming right back up. Tuesday night he was singing IT's raining men and acting so silly. It is amazing what these drugs do to them.

He is laying on the couch watching cartoons holding Teddy his dog. We will be going to the clinic Monday Wednesday and Friday for counts watching his cd34s to gear up for the stem cell harvest.

That's about it for now. Will update again on how he is feeling.

Love Rhonda
Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Monday, July 31, 2006 7:19 PM CDT


Just wanted to let everyone know what is going on. Carter will be admitted on Tuesday morning for chemo to start for 3 days. If all goes well he will be disharged. After that we will test for stem cells at the clinic and once his cd34s start growing in his marrow we will be admitted to childrens again for a stem cell harvest.

After the stem cell harvest we are off to New York for scans and consult with Dr. Kushner.

Love Rhonda

Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:36 AM CDT

Good Morning,

I spoke with Dr. Tersak Tuesday morning and it appears Carter will be receiving high dose chemo with a stem cell harvest following. She was meeting with the team on Tuesday and would let us know.

Carter had been feeling great we put a tent up in the yard Monday night and borrowed Gram's fire pit and cooked smores and Carter and Jenner roasted watermelon? We all slept in the tent and awoke to sweating around 8:30am.

Tuesday we swam with him all day and his Aunt Jackie and brought dinner KFC and his cousins came to swim with him Scott and Kevin. Our friend Heather brought desert RITAS and brought Sweet Pea to swim with Carter too. We had a great night with family and friends. Oh and Aunt Val stopped too and cousin Brit came to swim with him.

Wednesday morning he woke up with pain in his back again. We are really trying to have as much fun as possible with him before this all starts. There are alot of things that he has never done like going to the beach and things like that. I am hoping that we can get him there. If money grew on trees I would stay up all night to pick it to let him do whatever he wanted all day long.

Howard and I agree that high dose chemo is the way to go and have been trying to convince him of the same. In speaking with him yesterday he wanted no parts of it. He kept sticking his fingers in his ears and saying I am not doing it. I asked him if he realized the consequences of not doing high dose chemo? He said straight forward YEP I might die! My heart just broke and so did Howards. I told him yeah that is a real possiblity but... As I began to talk some more he said SO WHAT IT IS MY BODY and jumped in the pool. We both agree that he has some grasp on what is going on since we have been very honest with him but there is no way at age 6 he can fully grasp this entire ordeal. Myself as an adult am struggling with it and I can express how I feel and talk to friends. He can't. I hate this damn disease and I sure hate that my 6 year old knows all about cancer and the wrath it has on people/children. My son should be playing and having fun and worrying about school starting not high dose chemo.

Please continue to pray for healing for our baby! Strength for Mariah and Howard and myself.

Thank you very much for all the support you all have given us we greatly appreciate it!

Nicole Dugas we are so sorry we totally missed your birthday party Carter is really upset. Happy belated birthday!


Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Read Journal History

Monday, July 24, 2006 3:21 PM CDT

Good Afternoon,

Well we got the dreaded call. His disease has progressed. He has new spots on the back of his head, his rib, and his shoulder blade. Old spots on his spine and hip are still there. The spot on his right hip is significantly brighter on the scan.

We have no idea where we are going next but I can say that Howard and I are definately leaning towards high dose chemo but that could change.

Just wanted to let everyone know. The good news is that he is not having pain lately.


Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Sunday, July 23, 2006 1:41 PM CDT


Sorry for not updating sooner. We are all home and playing catch up after being gone for a week. The grass is so high you can't see Teddy in it.

Let me start by saying the Modernettes did a wonderful job in Notre Dame. The Seniors and Juveniles placed first in Nationals. The girls did a great job and I was sooooo proud of Mariah. She worked soooo hard this year.

Howard and Carter made there trip to Philly and when they arrived Tuesday Carter's pain was pretty bad. He took him straight to Childrens and they gave him pain med which seemed to help a great bit. However Howard then had the dilaudid monster on his hands. Wednesday they met with Dr. Maris and Pat Brophy/nurse practioner and I was able to listen in on speaker. Upon his physical exam they found a lump on his left shoulder. Also the pain has increased so we are all assuming there is progression. Instead of starting chemo on Wednesday we all decided that this chemo was not working and we needed to scan and see where we are at. So his MIBG injection was on Thursday and scan on Friday. We still don't have results yet Dr. Maris will call Monday. Once we have the results from his scan we will then decide what to do. As far as low dose oral chemos that he has been on in the last couple of months we are out of options. Everything is really up in the air and can't say where we are going from here.

One concern of mine is that we don't lose our chance to collect stem cells before hitting him with chemo that depletes his bone marrow. It appears that this is the way we are heading. Carter has expressed that he is not doing high dose chemo again and is not going to lose his hair. Not sure what is going to happen.

He is still playing like nothing is wrong eating and drinking so I am not giving up yet!!!!!!!!

So this update is one big question mark for Carter and One big hug for our dear daughter I am soooo proud of her. I am so glad that she has baton twirling to keep her mind focused. She truly is a wonderful daughter.

I am sure I will post Monday on what is going to happen unless we are still totally confused as to what to do.

Please pray that the scan is not too bad and we can make correct decisions on treatment.

Love Rhonda

Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Monday, July 10, 2006 8:41 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Since I have last updated we have been just having fun enjoying the summer. Make a wish called last and they invited us to go see the Blue Angels in the air show. Howard was able to take Carter and my nephew Robbie to the event they had a wonderful time and really enjoyed the show.

Make A Wish also gave us tickets to go see 42nd Street at the Benedum on Saturday night for all four of us. So we were able to go and enjoy the show. Sunday morning we were off to Sharon, PA for Mariah to do a practice run for competition for Notre Dame. She did a great job! She has really come so far and she is always giving 110%. We are so very proud of her. While on this note Wednesday night this week July 12th it is friends and family night. Anyone interested in seeing the Modernettes perform their competition routines can come and see them. July 12th 1st performance will be at 7:30pm This will be at the Fitzgerald Field House in Oakland. If you can make it out just let me know Mariah would love to have some friends and family come. Plus I have to admit it is an amazing show!

Carter has been feeling pretty good yesterday at his cousins 3rd Birthday Party he was acting a little strange and last night he said his back hurt not sure what is going on. No fevers not sure if he was pooped out from all the running around or what.

Rylie Boo Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Anyway as you can see it has been pretty busy lately having fun. Oh and driving Mariah around to all her practices too. But this all is good busy stuff and we are not complaining.

It appears that Mariah and I will be leaving for Notre Dame for National Competition on Monday the 17th and Howard and Carter will be leaving for Philly on July 18th Carter and Howard will be staying until Friday around 5:00 pm in Philly Mariah and I should arrive home some time on Sunday. It is going to be really weird not being in Philly with Carter this will be the first time I have not been with him during treatment. He will be starting round 2 of Fenretinide Chemo.

Anyway thanks for checking in on us and continue to pray that this chemo is holding him at bay right now. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.

Oh and I almost forgot I am still tossing the idea around of our Alex's Lemonade Stand not really sure what day to have it or where so If anyone has any great ideas for really busy places that might let us hold it please let me know. I am feeling really bad for not having this organized yet. This will be our 3rd year having a stand.

Love Rhonda

Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Monday, July 3, 2006 9:57 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We made it to Philly and had a room at the Ronald House it was so nice to fly. We were able to get Angel flight to fly us down and back for this trip. It does not save us any money flying but saves us alot of time and energy in driving and wear and tear on the old caravan. Especially after the last drive home in the pouring rain. For this we are very thankful!

So we are sitting in the clinic all day getting blood drawn every two hours for investigational purposes to see how the chemo asorbs into the blood stream. This is mandatory in order to receive the chemo.

The docs have made arrangements for us to be able to receive 1 blood draw on the 5th after 3:00pm to take place at home. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! So our flight leaves from Philly today around 6:00pm today and we should arrive home around 8:00pm.

Not much planned for the 4th we are hoping the weather is nice and the kids can swim all day.

God Bless and I am praying everyone has a wonderful holiday.
Happy 4th of July!


Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Sunday, July 2, 2006 7:46 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Sorry did not update sooner. Carter is doing well He is currently taking an oral chemo called fenretinide he drinks it twice a day for seven days. Carter says it does not taste bad but it is nasty to drink. He drinks it mixed with soy milk. It is gritty and does not disolve it is mixed like a powder. He does not like it and says it is one of the worst chemo's he has ever had. I think because of the way it feels going down. Anyway he does it because that is just how Carter is.

We went over to a cousins house yesterday to celebrate my grandmothers 80th birthday. Carter loved it they have an inground pool and swam and had fun.

We are to leave for Philly today again and return on Monday night for more blood draws.

Howard's sister Stacy had her baby this morning Kaylan Joyce 6lbs 19inches long. The kids just love her. Congratulations Ron and Stacy!

Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 12:38 AM CDT


We made it to Philly and Carter began his chemo this morning at 9:00 am. He said it tasted nasty. He does not seem to have any nausea though. They are drawing blood every two hours until his last blood draw at 5:00pm and then we will be back on the road to Pittsburgh.

We are just hanging out in the clinic waiting for each blood draw. Carter is playing nintendo 64.

Will update once we are home and settled in.


Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 10:14 PM CDT


First I will start with Carter's test results.
EKG -Good
Echo - Good
Cat Scan - Clear
Bone Marrow Biopsies - Clear
MIBG Scan - The spot in his spine is unchanged
The spot in his right hip is unchanged
The spot in his left hip was not there!!!!!!!

As you can see I am pleased with the results! I have been very nervous about not being on any type of treatment for 3 weeks and to find these results PRAISE GOD!

It is the weirdest thing to be so happy that we have two spots of cancer and to be happy. It is so crazy how your mind changes in the way that you think once you enter this cancer world. I can't really explain it but what would be devastating to some parents that there child had two spots of cancer is good news to our family. How horrible is that?

Anyway we are going to take the news in stride and proceed to head back to Philly on Monday for treatment to begin on Tuesday. He will drink this chemo 2 x's a day mixed with soy milk. This chemo will not effect his counts too much nor will he lose his hair and it should not mess with his quality of life. Mind you this is an experimental drug so there are no guarantees but we shall try it. So the plan for now is to start it next week come home very late on Tuesday evening. Then go back to Philly on the 2nd and 3rd of July for more blood work and come home late on the 3rd all the while taking his chemo for 3 weeks straight.

Things will get a little messy after that. His second cycle of chemo is to start the same week that our family is to be in Notre Dame for Mariah's competition. Yep your right we cannot be in two places at one time. Not sure what will come of this but we will work it out so that everyone will be where they need to and no Howard and I are not going to split in half to be with each child. Ha Ha.

Anyway the trip home was uneventful and we were able to settle down and watch the special tonight on PBS at 9:00. A lion in the house. This was a special on 3 families dealing with cancer and it was very moving to watch it. It felt like we were reliving some things all over again. It will be on again on Thursday night so if your able to watch it I would suggest watching it. It truly is what our families go thru.

Again I want to thank all of you that are always there for us for the ups and the downs and the wonderful support that you give us and our family. God is leading us thru this journey and has brought so many good friends and family to us to help us along the way! I am truly thankful and don't tell you all enough! Thank you again!

Please remember to hug your children plenty and tell them you love them every day!

Love Rhonda

Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:36 PM CDT


Well not really much to report. Carter had a Echo and an EKG scan yesterday along with bone marrow biopsies on Monday which he is a little sore and not too active.

Tuesday he had his MIBG injection and his CT scan. We were able to have dinner with Christi and Angela Thomas and chatted what very nice people.

It actually is kinda nice to hang out and talk with other parents experiencing the same rotten stuff your going thru.

I truly beleive that it helps and I cannot say it enough how thankful I am to have my dear friend Gretchen! She is just so easy to talk to and she totally understands how I feel.

I also wantd to say that we had a wonderful day on Saturday just hanging out swimming and talking with friends and family. It is amazing how much you appreciate the simple things in life when your thrown such huge challenges. Thank you very much for all that came and hung out with us for the day it truly was a beautiful day!

I probably will not post again until we get home but please don't stop praying!

Love Rhonda

Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Monday, June 19, 2006 9:47 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We are here in Philly and Carter is about to be taken in for bone marrow biopsies. Will update when I can.

Please pray for stable scans.

Love Rhonda

Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Monday, June 12, 2006 9:12 PM CDT


We got a call from Dr. Maris's office today. They want us to try a new stable (chemo) called fenretinide. It is an oral chemo again and the hope is that it would keep him stable. Dr. Tersak here in Pittsburgh agrees we should try it. Only because Carter is feeling so well and she does not want to ruin his summer with high dose chemo.

So Howard and I think not sure yet but think that we are going to go ahead and give it a try. If for any reason that Carter shows any signs of progression while on this chemo we can stop and go back to the original plan to do high dose chemo and then stem cell harvest. So that option is still available to us but we may try and make the best of this summer in the meantime.

So this is where we stand right now. It may all change on Tuesday you just never know.


Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Monday, June 12, 2006 8:27 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Just wanted to let everyone know we still have no news on which day Carter will start the cytoxin chemo. I am waiting for an email from Dr. Terzak. I was told that it will be this week that he gets it though.

The weekend was so nice we decided that we should take Carter to Kennywood before he gets really sick so we went on Sunday the weathter was chilly which made for short lines at the park. He had a wonderful time this was the first year he was tall enough to ride just about everything! He had a blast. He did complain of his back hurting on and off throughout the day. It was so nice just to kick back and have fun!

Friday night Carter had one of his buddies over Trevor and he spent the night they played and played and awoke about 6:30am on Saturday and were up and playing again.

Mariah started her grueling practices last week Mon-Frid 5-8 last weeek and for the next 3 weeks starting today Mon -Fri 8-1 she will have practice. This is going to be a real balancing act for us taking her to practice for preperation for National Competition in July and getting Carter to were he needs to be and go. I think we will handle it fine.

As for myself I am just trying to have fun with Carter and take the punches with him as they come.

I hope everyone had a nice weekend and I will update again once I know what is going to happen hopefully I will have answers today.


Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Tuesday, June 6, 2006 3:10 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

I totally lost all of my contacts in my email could everyone please email me so that I can fix my email ads?

Carter had a check up appointment today and Howard and I met with Dr. Tersak to discuss upcoming treatment options. It appears that we may be heading for some high dose chemo followed by a stem cell harvest.

Possibly heading back to NY for more antibodies. Everything is up in the air right now but I think we all agree that staying on the CEP-701 is not the right option. Dr. Tersak was on the ball and already is having the insurance company authorize a stem cell harvest!

We still don't have exact answers but we have other options and that makes me feel a little easier about everything. Carter continues to have no symptoms of progression and that too is a good sign. So the plan is to take a few days off of chemo and Dr. Tersak will call me with more info once she hears back from Dr. Kushner and Dr. Maris.

Please continue to pray this is what we need the most! God is leading us in many ways and he is constantly showing me signs that he is.

I understand that all we have is time with Carter and we never know just how much time we have. Somehow someway God will provide us with the best time we can have with Carter. It is just not fair that we should be faced with knowing that our time will expire soon. I do beleive in miracles but as time passes they seem to drift further away. This really isn't fair to my beautiful daughter and our entire family. It is a constant struggle a daily battle to hold the tears back a daily battle to pretend that everthing is just fine. Our world crashed the day he was diagnosed but we shall fight until the end! My own prayer is for those that want to spend time with Carter do so and cherish every moment they have. I truly beleive there are some that just don't understand how precious time is. God shall carry us through and lead us into every next step! Praise God For that!

Love Rhonda

Fundraising News

Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Friday, June 2, 2006 1:06 PM CDT


The trip to Philly was quick. We are now home and have some not so good news.

His scan showed progression in his spine. To much of my surprise this spot in the middle of his spine showed up on last months scan but I was not privy to that information. They showed me the scan last month and the scan from Thursday and sure enough there was a very small line on his spine in May I repeat very small. Anyway the scan this month showed a round bright spot in the same area. Don't know the size of it but it obviously is something and progressed.

Dr. Maris was not in but I spoke with his asst. She wants us to have radiation done to the new spot and stay on the CEP701 because it is still keeping his pelvic area stable. I will be honest I am very confused and very frustrated and very emotional right now and not sure which direction to turn. For now I am going to go ahead and check out the radiation to this new spot still waiting to hear from Dr. Maris about when this will begin.

I am just very concerned that this chemo is not holding his disease at bay from new spots popping up and not sure that I want to sit back and stay on this chemo. I cannot make a decision yet too emotion right now to think straight and I am going to just pray hard that God gives me the tools and answers to proceed with what is next. Carter is not happy about the new progression and has been voicing how he feels alot and it makes the entire thing much harder to deal with.

So as you can see I am not straight with my thoughts and I will update once I get a grip on things and hopefully it will be very soon.

Love Rhonda

Fundraising News

Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:02 PM CDT


Just wanted to let everyone know it is that time again. Off to Philly for scans and more chemo, provided the scans show stable results.

Carter continues to feel well swimming and playing and have a wonderful time.

Love Rhonda

Fundraising News

Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:51 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Wow it has been awhile and I am very sorry. Carter has been doing good. He is only 1 pound of gaining all of his weight back that he lost on the ABT chemo.

His counts on Friday were good at the clinic. His white count dipped a little but he is fighting off a cold. I took the kids to go see RV the movie on Thursday since they had off school and they loved it. Friday we met with Sweet Pea and Lauren and Heather and Sean for a moving dinner night and the kids got to see Over the Hedge. It was a cute movie. Dad was out of town all weekend so the kids and I spent alot of time together and I really tried to balance getting some things done for the spring in the yard and play with them and spend time with them it was hard but all and all we had a nice weekend. Chemo with Carter is still going well I am praying that our next scan on the June 1st shows definate improvement/stable disease.

I also wanted to thank Becky and Chris Scalise for there time and generosity in selling tickets for the Jerome Bettis football and putting that together they did a great job and we appreciate your time and effort. Your two wonderful people! The winner of the Jerome Bettis football was Marie Bogats! Thanks Marie for participating!

Fundraising News

Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:11 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Things have been good. Carter is doing well drinking his chemo with breakfast and dinner. He has been going to school and playing and having fun.

Our trip to Philly was very short and sweet! Please pray that this chemo continues to hold Carter's disease stable!

Love Rhonda

Fundraising News

Awareness Bracelets Available

This bracelet was designed to bring awareness to Neuroblastoma and help with the financial burden.
It is made of sterling silver, Swarovski crystals and pearls and is accented with a skateboard charm to represent Carter's love of adventure. In the bracelet, the four crystal colors are symbolic for: (Topaz)-good health, (Peridot)-protection and freedom, (Ruby)-courage, (yellow)- joy and happiness.

3 sizes
6 3/4
7 1/4
7 3/4
all 25.00/each with .75 shipping

If your interested please email or call
Kelly Kichka at 847-439-6062
please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery

Friday, May 5, 2006 12:25 AM CDT


We are at CHOP just finished meeting with Dr. Maris.

Carter's scan showed stable disease. This means that there are two spots one in each hip they appear to be a little lighter on the scan but still there.

Dr. Maris is pleased that there is no progression. We are leaving today with another round of Cep-701. Will return here on May 31st and June 1st.

Leaving for the long ride home soon!


Sunday, April 30, 2006 9:15 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

It has been a very busy/fun weekend. Let me start by recapping Carter's appt on Friday afternoon. Dr. Tersak met with us and examined Carter. She said he looks great and is still gaining his weight back very slowly but he is still gaining. His counts(Blood Counts) came back totally awesome. She was so surprised she said that his counts were better than hers.

So this leads to some up and coming things medically for Carter. If his scan on Friday shows stable disease meaning no new spots and the spots in his hips are no bigger then he will stay on the cep-701 oral chemo for another month. At which time he will have bone marrow biopsy/aspirates done again. During this bone marrow test they will test him to see if he is producing cd-34's If he is then we will consider doing another stem cell harvest. Stem cell harvest means that he will have to get a chemo a little stronger to knock his counts down and when his marrow is on it's way back up we will give him ijections of GMCSF/this makes the white cells produce and then the docs will try and determine the best time to hook him up and collect stem cells. Why do we need stem cells? Because if he should ever need another bone marrow rescue we will have his own cells to do it with. This is the best way. He currently only has 2 bags in storage right now. His last stem cell rescue he used 3 bags. So as you can see while his counts are good we should really consider getting more stem cells should the need arise.

So alot is hanging on the scan this week. We don't want to have to switch to a stronger chemo where his counts would be effected. Please start the prayers for good scans! Improved scans would be great news!

Saturday I helped move my grandparents in with my parents man am I out of shape! NO surprise though! Then Dad took Carter to Karate class! Later in the afternoon Carter and I met up with Sissy and Gram and Aunt Stacy at the Scrapbooking event.

It was so nice to see such a big turnout. Mariah is really diggin the scrapbooking! She loved it! Taryn did such a wonderful job at pulling this event off! As much as she didn't take the credit it was a wonderful event and she did a wonderful job. And all of the other volunteers did a good job too! Taryn is such a great women and she should be commended! It was so nice of you take so much time away from your own family and families needs to help us out! It is definately appreciated! We love you Taryn! Thank you to all that attended also !

Sunday we went to the zoo with Heather,Sean, Lauren and Sweet Pea. We had free passes that expired today so we had to use them! It was so nice and such a beautiful day to go Sunny and not to hot. I think everyone had the same idea it was definately packed but we had a great time. Carter walked alot of the park and never complained or asked us to carry him. He is truly on the rebound. He even had energy left once we got home. Enough so that he jumped on a barbecue packet on the sidewalk and shot the sauce all over himself! He is such a handful when he is feeling well. Sometimes I wonder what he is thinking?

Carter will hopefully be going to school except for Thursday and Friday this week and I can get things caught up at home and then off to Philly for scans and a check up with Dr. Maris.

Please say lots of prayers for good results on his scans! And we are looking forward to spending Thursday and Friday with Neil and Gretchen!

Love Rhonda

Monday, April 24, 2006 10:16 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Carter had his clinic appt on Friday and all went smooth. His counts are great. No aches or pains. He had a wonderful weekend going to soccer and to his first Karate class! He loved it. He is quite sore but he is doing great! He also played very hard at the Spaghetti dinner on Sunday in the church gym! He slept in late today and then drank his chemo and off to school. (Not happy about going to school)

The spaghetti dinner turned out to be wonderful! The pace of the dinner was slow but steady and this made for a very comfortable experience! We had about 250 attend with some that donated but did not come. So it was wonderful. Everyone that helped did a wonderful job! There were so many people involved and everyone did a great job! It was great to see so many people work together! The sauce was great the baked items were wonderful and the chinese auction was huge! I just wanted to say thank you to all that helped out to prepare and helped out the day of the event you guys are awesome!

Also wanted to thank everyone that came and ate spaghetti! You guys are awesome too.

All and all it was a beautiful day and a great experience!

Thanks to all!

Our God is awesome and he has provided for our family time and time again!

God Bless


Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017

Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:17 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Carter had a nice week. He was able to attend 1/2 days all this week and almost a full day on Thursday. He didn't want to go and gave me a hard time a little in the morning except for Friday. Friday was a really ugly morning.

Friday afternoon Carter had his weekly clinic/checkup and his counts are great! Docs are pleased with his comeback from how sick he was a few weeks ago. He is still gaining weight back not sure of the exact amount but doing better.

He is off chemo for the weekend and will begin again on Monday. Today Carter is going to try and play in the soccer game at 9:00 am and then off to meet with Karate instructor about getting some lessons and free! YEAH Carter and dad are going to that visit alone. This afternoon we have the wonderful yearly event Viva's birthday party at my girlfriends house the kids are really looking forward to that.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend and hope to see you at the spaghetti dinner.


Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road Carnegie, Pa
2:00pm -6:00

Cost 8.00 admission
age 5-10 5.00
4 and under are free
Chinese Auction/Bake Sale
call for tickets 412-278-3730

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017

Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Thursday, April 20, 2006 12:52 AM CDT


I know much needed update! No news this time is good news. Carter has been taking his Cep 701 oral chemo.

He has been able to attend school Tuesday and Wednesday 1/2 day and today he went in at 10:30 am and he is not home yet. The nurse called me to tell me that he is not feeling the greatest and he was at her office during lunch /recess. I am waiting to see if they call to come get him.

As far as the rest of us it has been day by day things. Mariah is busy with baton Howard busy with work and myself busy helping out with the dinner preperations for sunday.

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road Carnegie, Pa
2:00pm -6:00

Cost 8.00 admission
age 5-10 5.00
4 and under are free
Chinese Auction/Bake Sale
call for tickets 412-278-3730

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017

Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 4:38 PM CDT


Sorry I have not updated!!!!!!!! We are actually back and at home. Philly went well.

We received his CT results and bone marrow biopsy/aspirates results and both were negative. YAHOO!

Carter started taking the CEP-701 oral chemo on Monday and we decided to not stay for the blood work on Friday so they let us take the chemo and come home. He got a little sick on Monday so we will now pre med him with Zofran a anti nausea med before taking his medicine every day.

The medicine is 28 days every Monday -Friday two times a day with weekends off. We are set up to go back to Philly on May 4 and 5 for MIBG scan this is the scan that is showing a spot in each hip. If he does well and the scan shows stable at that time we will get another course of the CEP=701 and come back home.

Thanks for being patient with the update I could not update at the ronald house and to busy when we were at the hospital.


Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road Carnegie, Pa
2:00pm -6:00

Cost 8.00 admission
age 5-10 5.00
4 and under are free
Chinese Auction/Bake Sale
call for tickets 412-278-3730

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017

Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 12:02 AM CDT

Hello everyone,

Not much going on. Carter is still trying to work his way up to eating normal again. He is sooo skinny! It really scares Howard and I. Yesterday they started him on an apetite enhancer to see if that helps. He is munching on little things all day long today so I hope this is a start.

We are leaving for Philly around 2:00am on Thursday to arrive at CHOP by 8:30am on Thursday. The entire family is going. Howard and Mariah will be staying with Carter and I until Sunday and Aunt Val will be driving Pap up on Saturday and taking Mariah and Howard home on Sunday. Thanks Aunt Val.

We will be having bone marrow biopsy's done on Thursday morning and picking up cat scan drink on Thursday. Friday morning he will have his cat scan done. Hopefully on Monday we will start the CEP-701 provided his disease has not progressed. Please say prayers that things are still stable.

As I had indicated before this is yet another maintenance chemo. I have been very down about this lately. I feel that we are now just buying time. This has been very hard for me to accept. So for those of you that have been saying I sound depressed the answer is yes. I am just battling with the brain lately.

I am really looking forward to the Spaghetti Dinner! Hope to be able to attend and we have a wonderful turnout.

As far as school not sure what is going to happen for Carter. I am just waiting to see how he handles this chemo and how he eats in the next week.

Thanks for all your prayers and support! The guest book entries mean alot and I have to say they probably mean more to me than Carter. So thank you very much for all of your posts.

Love Rhonda

Blood Drive at Electrolux International
5 Parkway Center Community Donor Center
To set up appt call
Brenda Megela 412-928-3324
Or email brenda.megela@electrolux.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road Carnegie, Pa
2:00pm -6:00

Cost 8.00 admission
age 5-10 5.00
4 and under are free
Chinese Auction/Bake Sale
call for tickets 412-278-3730

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017

Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Friday, March 31, 2006 3:01 PM CST

Good Afternoon,

I just wanted to take the time to send out many many thanks! The Ice Cream Social was a Huge Success!!!!!!!!!
It was so nice to see how much support we do have! There are so many that put so much time and effort into the planning. Becky you did a wonderful job! And of course with all the wonderful help that you had I am sure truly helped! We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful teacher. Mrs. Lucatorto you have helped out so much in trying to keep Carter caught up this year! All of the teachers that helped out and all of the volunteers we are truly thankful for your huge hearts!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that participated in the planning, the serving and anyone that even attended. It was a wonderful event and as Mrs. Lucatorto said it was not a school district coming together it was a community!

God Bless everyone! We cannot say thank you enough!


Fundraiser News

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road Carnegie, Pa
2:00pm -6:00

Cost 8.00 admission
age 5-10 5.00
4 and under are free
Chinese Auction/Bake Sale
call for tickets 412-278-3730

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017

Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Thursday, March 30, 2006 7:25 AM CST

Good Morning,

We are home. We met with Dr. Maris yesterday. The results of his MIBG scan which are a nuclear medicine that was injected Tuesday and his scan was Wednesday. The scan actually lights up an spots where neuroblastoma takes the medicine. He does have two spots one on his right hip which is a pretty good size and the questionable spot on his left hip is no longer questionable. So he has two one on each hip. These spots appeared to be brighter on this scan than the last.

Carter has continued to lose weight he has now lost 8 pounds and very skinny. His feet pain is down to one foot and seeming to get better. He also developed a fever yesterday. Could be he caught mom's cold.

So short and I am going to update more later but the scans show that it is possible that the disease in his hips are active and we need to make a move. Since he has been so sick on the ABT 751 Dr. Maris has decided to change things up. We will more than likely start a new chemo in about a week 1/2 called CEP 701. This entails more scans at the end of next week and staying in Philly for the following entire week to begin chemo.

This is not horrible news but I am not considering it good either. Please know that I am very thankful that Carter has made it thus far and he is still doing pretty good. But I am just not entirly happy with the words maintenance chemo.

I will update later please sign our guest book we love to hear from you.


Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social
Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family
Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road Carnegie, Pa
2:00pm -6:00
Cost 8.00 admission
age 5-10 5.00
4 and under are free
Chinese Auction/Bake Sale
call for tickets 412-278-3730

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:26 AM CST


Not much to report yet.

Carter has not been eating again and is really tired. Today he has a fever of 100.2. His weight is really down. He had his scan already and we are waiting for results.

We were able to get a room at ronald. Hopefully we will meet with the doc soon and go from there.

Love Rhonda

Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social
Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family
Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road Carnegie, Pa
2:00pm -6:00
Cost 8.00 admission
age 5-10 5.00
4 and under are free
Chinese Auction/Bake Sale
call for tickets 412-278-3730

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 2:33 AM CST

Good Morning,

We are off to Philly. I will post whenever I can get to a computer!

Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social
Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family
Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road Carnegie, Pa
2:00pm -6:00
Cost 8.00 admission
age 5-10 5.00
4 and under are free
Chinese Auction/Bake Sale
call for tickets 412-278-3730

Monday, March 27, 2006 8:05 AM CST

Good Morning,

Carter seemed to have a nice weekend. However, he is still complaining of pain in his feet. This is definately a side effect of the chemo and if it continues he will be put on neurontin for the neuropathy in his feet. We will know more on Tuesday/Wednesday when we meet with Dr. Maris.

He is eating but not up to his usual hopefully that comes back soon. He stil weighs 38lbs. He used to weigh 45lbs.

Anyway I awoke with a cold this morning and I am planning on resting until I have to pack and get ready to go.

Love Rhonda

Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social
Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family
Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road Carnegie, Pa
2:00pm -6:00
Cost 8.00 admission
age 5-10 5.00
4 and under are free
Chinese Auction/Bake Sale
call for tickets 412-278-3730

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 7:13 AM CST

Good Morning,

Not much going on the nurse came yesterday and drew labs but I don't have results yet.

Carter's teacher wrote me an email saying that Carter had a fantastic day yesterday. He too agreed.

Clinic is Friday and we are meeting with our NEW DOCTOR! It is so nice to know that everything is resolved with the doctor issues.

Will update once he goes to clinic.

Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social
Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family
Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road Carnegie, Pa
2:00pm -6:00
Cost 8.00 admission
age 5-10 5.00
4 and under are free
Chinese Auction/Bake Sale
call for tickets 412-278-3730

Monday, March 20, 2006 9:42 PM CST


All in all Carter seems to be ok. He is still complaining of pain in his head and stomach but no general specific location. He is complaining of funny feeling feet. I beleive this is a side effect of the chemo that he is on.

I cannot wait until we have scans next week! This will either confirm Carter's need for pain medication or it will confirm that Carter really does not need the pain medication and there will no longer be excuses for not going to school or for always wanting the pain medicine.

Tonight I said to him the scans will tell us what is going on whether his pain is real or if it is in his head. Please don't think I am beliddling my son's pain. I say this because he really is addicted to the pain medicine! What a 6 year old being hooked on pain meds? My own personal opinion is yes. He loves the way that dilaudid makes him feel and he loves benedryl and he loves tylenol with codeine. So when I said the scan is going to be able to tell us what is going on he just gave me his cute little smile. I won't have to question if his pain is real. And always feel like I am diminishing his pain.

Anyway the home care nurse is coming after school to draw his labs from his mediport and we are set up to have another physical exam and labs and counts done on Friday. I called the clinic today to see if the head of oncology got my letter of request to switch doctors and I am waiting on a return phone call. I will not see Carter's old doctor again!

Love Rhonda

Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social
Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family
Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road Carnegie, Pa
2:00pm -6:00
Cost 8.00 admission
age 5-10 5.00
4 and under are free
Chinese Auction/Bake Sale

Sunday, March 19, 2006 6:55 AM CST

Good Morning!

Carter seems to be ok. We took him bowling yesterday for fun since he went to school all week. He threw a couple of balls and quite because he said that he was tired. We had a nice time.

He is eating and playing just not 100%. I hope everyone is having a nice weekend.


Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social
Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family
Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community

Friday, March 17, 2006 9:11 PM CST


I am not sure how to start this entry out without sounding to full of anger once again.

Carter met with the doctor at clinic today again and I guess they did not receive my letter to change doctors yet because we had our usual doctor and things went bad again.

Lets see according to the doctor there is probably cancer everywhere in his head and we might have to do a ct scan next week????????????????

And according to the doctor there is something he feels way low near his intenstines on the left side. "Doc says he is really worried about"

Ok don't know who remembers my story of the doctor that doesnt even know what chemo his patient is on or the doctor that when you tell him what his patient is on doesn't know what your talking about doesn't know about the chemo!!!!!!!!

Now I think the entire world knows that Carter has not had a solid friend to drop off at the pool for the last month right?

Well apparently everyone knows this but Carters doctor and says has he been constipated???????????? WHAT???????????
Are you here on this earth????????? The doctor feels something in his intenstine area and asks me if he is constipated? And then says he feels something there ??

I could just totally scream! Then Carter tells him he is having pain around his belly button and in his head and so the doctor says right in front of crack head OH I mean Carter how about some tylenol with codeine? UGH!!!!!!!!!!!

So once again the doc is saying that the cancer is spreading and scans might have to be done right away!!!!

Does anyone else see this trend? Why don't they just let me switch to a different oncologist? Please dear Lord give me patience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So as you can see it did not go well today however his counts are all fine not the greatest but definately better. And I cannot tell you what his liver functions were from Tuesday because the doctor cannot find the results that were faxed to him. I think a call on Monday is going to have to be made and some ticked off momma is gonna have to come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway thanks for letting me vent once again!


Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social
Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family
Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community

Friday, March 17, 2006 10:49 AM CST


Carter made it to school today again but he was not at all happy about going. Even if it did mean that he was only going to have to go for 1/2 day since he has clinic later today. I am trying so hard to be consistant with him so that he knows what is expected of him.

Will update how the clinic goes today. I sent our letter to request a new doctor and it should have made it there by Monday this week. I have not heard a thing yet so we shall see what happens.

Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social
Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family
Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community

Thursday, March 16, 2006 6:26 AM CST

Good Morning,

Carter has made it through 2 days of school and is doing ok. He is really tired at night but seems to be recovering ok. This morning he is still sleeping but once he awakes off to school he goes. Carter has a clinic appointment on Friday at 3:00 as a follow up to the chemotherapy. He is off chemo now until March 29th. Hopefully he continues to feel stronger and continue to eat and play.

Happy Birthday Aunt Patty!

Thanks to all of the families that have provided dinners for us. This has been a great help.

As far as myself I am still trying to catch up at the house since Carter's illness.

God Bless,

Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social
Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family
Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:52 AM CST

Good Morning,

Tuesday went ok. Carter finally made it to school after a huge break. I dropped him off at school and his friend from his class AJ walked in with him. He was not happy about going and tried to talk me into an early disnitchel.

The teacher emailed me and said that he was all smiles when he came in this morning and is doing fine. At about 1:00pm I got a call from the school nurse that Carter was saying he wasn't feeling well. I told her to let him rest until recess was over and see if his teacher would come get him then. So the teacher did and he stayed in school all day.

Last night after school the nurse came and drew labs and checked him out. He seemed to be ok. Despite him being very tired. After the nurse left we were off to the store to buy more steaks for dinner. Mind you I don't normally take Carter to the store with me because of germs and he was having a blast. Picked out chocolate donuts pistachios cupcakes chocolate milk and much more. I figured maybe if he picked it out he will definately eat it. By the time I got dinner on and we were sitting there eating he was exhausted. He picked at his food and then laid down for the remainder of the night. He was complaining of some belly pain so I gave him some pepto and tylenol. He finally finished his Round #2 of ABT 751-oral chemo last night so things should be on the upswing from here.

This morning I figured I would let him sleep and take him to school when he awoke and he woke up at 7:00 right now he is eating dippy eggs and toast and off to school he goes. Hopefully without a fight.

Love mom.

Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social
Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family
Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road
Carnegie, PA 15106

Monday, March 13, 2006 6:47 AM CST

Good Morning,

Carter has began to feel better. He is still eating steak and many other foods. He started having a really hard time with the poopies Sunday afternoon into Sunday night so I am set with the dilema of school this morning. He ate some toast already and took some immodium so I am going to see how that goes. Or doesn't go ha ha.

Anyhow that is all for now. He will be seen by the doctor once in clinic this week and once by the home nurse.

Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social

Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family

Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road
Carnegie, PA 15106

Thursday, March 9, 2006 10:02 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

Wednesday brought a crazy day!.

It felt like we were running to catch up with nothing. Anyway we made it to Philly and back and things seem to be ok.

Carter was examined by Dr. Maris as we spoke. He really seems to think that this is Viral and it was all in bad timing. BUT he said that some of the symptoms he was having may have been from the ABT chemo but he is not sure because there is such a small amount of kids that have taken it so we are keeping the same dose and going to watch very closely.

HE took his first dose after dinner last night and during the night had a huge explosion in his bed but seems to be fine today. He is eating and seems alright. I am really afraid to send him back to school for fear of picking up another virus. We shall see what the weekend brings and decide Sunday night about next week.

We are set to be back in Philly on March 28th for scans and more chemo.

As far as the entire doctor thing here I will be making a phone call today.

Fundraiser News

Carter’s Ice Cream Social

Thursday, March 30th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Chartiers Valley Primary School Cafeteria
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
$10 per family

Tickets purchased at the door the day of the event Silent Auction will also be held during the party.

There is a Pampered Chef fundraiser until March 30th for Carter.
To place an order, visit the following website:
Go to "Our Products".
Then to "How to Purchase".
Type "Carter Finger" in the first light yellow block. Be sure to write his
entire name, with a space in the middle, only in the first block. It has to
be this way since he is considered an organization, not a host. If you have questions contact Gina at ginabarnes@comcast.net

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
50 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community
1050 Campbells Run Road
Carnegie, PA 15106

Monday, March 6, 2006 7:09 PM CST


OK Where to start.

Carter is still eating little bites of food but it is getting a tad bit more frequent.

We went to clinic today and met with Dr. Orlando. I love him to pieces if he was my grandfather but he's not. He is Carter's doctor. He is around 80 years old and is returning from hip replacement surgery. We were at the clinic last week and Carter sad Pappy Doc because that is what he calls him Pappy doc you need to retire. He was washing his hands at the time and said Carter I am not tired and then Carter just went with it.
Why am I bringing all this up. Because last week he had no idea what kind of treatment Carter was on and kept calling it an antibody instead of chemo which it is chemo.

The fact that they have nothing for me to give my son to help his poopies and upset stomach totally irritates me. So I accepted it and went home. Today we went and the doc came in and still had no idea what Carter was doing for treatment I had to re explain everything and ask him again what is going on and still no answer " ITs a virus! UGH!!!!!! So then he is examining Carter and he asks him if he was having pain. Well if anyone knows Carter if your gonna ask him if he is having pain the answer is going to be yes if Carter thinks that there might be pain med in it for him. So his response was Yes my head hurts it like burns. So Pappy Doc looks at me and I said that every once in awhile he does complain of a headache but nothing severe or even worth Carter trying tylenol.

So he begins to examine his head and he asks me is he complaining of pain in his hips? NO the cancer in his hip does not cause pain. And I am thinking that NO I know what your thinking with out even saying it. He then asked Carter if his spine hurt?

So doc looks at me and says your having scans done this week right? I looked at him and said NO
He then proceeds to say that they might want to do scans on him when your in Philly. At this point I know what he is thinking because after 3 years of treating with Dr. O I know how he thinks. Now me of course in my head I am flipping out thinking you can't fix his belly ache but your gonna make me feel like his headache is caused by the cancer spreading and I know that is what he was thinking. And I am thinking you can't fix or make him feel comfortable with his belly aches and poops God forbid if this is cancer. Which is totally farthest from my mind right now.

So as you can see I am really upset at our Doctors negative body language when I really don't feel that this is the issue. And the fact of the matter is he/doc does not have a clue what is going on with my child!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!

Now I hope everyone sees why I do so much research on my own and seek my own treatments for my baby! Damn I hate this disease I hate that I have to be dealing with this still 3 years and 4 months later! Damn it to hell!

Please don't get me wrong I am very thankful that we do have doctors that can fight for our children and I am very thankful that our God has carried us this far and has taken care of my baby this long. I am very thankful that Carter is still with us and I love him everyday and tell him I love him everyday! But please understand that I am struggling and struggling with the word of God to not fear and leave it in his hands and he shall get us through! I know that he has so far and he shall continue but please know that it is not easy!

So I am now off my soap box. We are flying thru Angel Flight to Philly on Wednesday leaving Allegheny county airport at 8:00am and arriving for our Doctors appointment in Philly for 11:00am hopefully to return back to Atlantic Aviation to catch an Angel flight back home around 2:00pm. We are going to philly to get Carter looked at by Doctor Maris and pick up our second round of chemo ABT 751

So as you can see my mind has been playing games on me and I am praying hard to let go and let God but I am struggling!

Will update again once back from Philly!

Fundraiser News

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community

Love Rhonda

Friday, March 3, 2006 8:25 AM CST

Good Morning,

Carter seems to be dong a little bit better. He ate some steak yesteday for breakfast and then some ice cream.

He didn't need to nap yesterday which was a first. He is still complaining of belly pain but not anything like he has. We finally had a day of no poopies!!!!!!!!!

Our home care nurses are coming today to draw blood. He has an outpatient clinic appt late on Monday and Philly appt on Wednesday for more chemo.

Carter's teacher sent a really nice candy/balloon assortment to the house he totally loved it. Thanks Mrs. Lucatorto!

Our neighbor brought over some steaks for Carter too! Thanks Deb!

Fundraiser News

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Spaghetti Dinner April 23rd
Hillside Christian Community

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 8:52 AM CST


Well not sure what to write. Tuesday broght a wonderful day for Carter. He still had poopies in the morning but stopped by lunch. He ate steak for breakfast and steak for lunch then a yogurt stick and some pizza for dinner.

He was drinking pedialyte all day and playing and feeling great! Last night sweet pea stopped by with a bag full of goodies for Carter all his favorites. He was playing running around I thought for sure he had turned the corner.

I was even going to send him to school 1/2 day on Wednesday. Then things changed once again!?????????????????

I am so frustrated!!!!! He awoke about 7:00am this morning with poopies alot and not feeling well he said he felt horrible. He crawled into bed with mom and slept till 8:30am at which time he sat straight up and began to throw up? What the hell is going on???????????????

He continued to go both ends and is now laying on the couch feeling tired once again?

Just when I think he is going to turn around this happens.

Please say some prayers that this nightmare ends soon!

Fundraiser News

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Monday, February 27, 2006 8:13 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

We made it to clinic today and Carter seemed to be a little more awake today. We finally saw Dr. Orlando at the clinic today after he has been off from his hip replacement surgery for months.

Carter's only symptoms now are not eating and stomach pain. He lost 5 pounds which is more than 10% of his body weight. Doc feels that he did get hit with stomach bug and it is taking him longer because his intenstines are messed up from all the chemo that he has had and other treatments.

He called it gastritis but he is running some more blood tests to role out pancreatitis. His cbc came back ok his counts are ok. We still don't know about other counts yet. His counts from Friday seem to be ok. We also took a grinch like looking stool sample and they will test it also.

When we got back from clinic today Carter ate steak once again. I think I am going to have to take out a loan to buy this child steak. Ha Ha!

Anyway he seems to have purked up a little today but still has the poopies. The docs said to try pepto bismol so we are now trying that and we shall see what Tuesday brings.

Fundraiser News

Scrapbooking April 29th 11:00am - 9:00pm
Chartiers Valley High School/Cafeteria
Cost 10.00
If you have questions or would like a registration sheet
email: jbriggs614@aol.com

Love Rhonda

Monday, February 27, 2006 8:32 AM CST

Good Morning,

Well Carter has not made any more improvement he is still only eating tiny bites of food once a day and drinking but having lots of poopies and laying around.

We are going to the clinic today to get another look at him and mom is going to push to find out what the heck is going on!

Will update when we have answers!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, February 24, 2006 3:43 PM CST

Good Afternoon,

Carter seems to slowly be getting better and I mean slowly! He has yet to eat today but I am entusiastic that it will happen soon. He did 4 pages of school work today and played on the computer. He now his his buddy Trevor over for the night to play with. He has been quite bored just him and I hangin out. You can only play so many games with your mom.

Anyway his labs came back ok.

WBC 3.7 this is ability to fight infection
HGB 9.4 is red blood cells
plts 53K
ANC 2,600 this is his absolute neutrophils which make up his white count

dont have his liver function or electrolytes back yet.

Please pray that this weekend there is a big change! My goal is to get him eating and back into school! Not his of course but we shall see.

I posted a few weeks ago about looking into getting a job and that looks very meek right now. Especially with him always being home. I think that was Gods way of saying it just isn't time yet. Too Bad we are human and can't see the future past our noses and only God knows the future. Financially things are really ruff still but I know God shall see us through. Some very dear friends of ours are planning on some fund raisers for us coming up so please mark your calendars. Thank you very much Gretchen and Taryn!
These dates are tentative I will update exact dates soon.
I beleive there will be a scrapbooking fund raiser on the 27th of April at Chartiers Valley High school.

April 22nd a spaghetti dinner to be held at our church Hillside Christian Community. If anyone has an employer that might be willing to donate something for the silent auction please email me. Or if your really good at soliciting for items please email me.

I hope that both events are wonderful and filled with blessings from the Lord!

Mariah is feeling the need for her own web space check it out.
Love Rhonda

Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:28 PM CST

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I know I have not updated sorry! Carter has been feeling a tad bit better. He has stopped throwing up and running to the potty every hour! Tuesday he ate a bowl of mandariin oranges for the entire day but it was more than he had eaten since Thursday. Wednesday he awoke asking for steak! So off to the store and steak he got. He ate a good bit of it dipped in his favorite sauce A1. That is all he ate for the entire day. Thursday He ate some more steak and not sure if I will be able to get anything else into him.

I beleive he is to have counts done on Friday so we will see where he is at. He has got off the couch to play on the computer and even played some nintendo. So I think these are all signs of improvement. I pray that they continue. As far as the pain it remains a mystery. He is no longer crying out in pain. But as we all know Carter he is still asking for pain meds constantly. Yesterday I gave him 1/2 tsp instead of his normal dose of 2 tsp and he didn't complain that the med wasn't working. So today I told him we were out and he keeps saying he has pain and I need to call for a script refill. I am really not sure if he is having pain or looking for a buzz!

As for me I have severe cabin fever! And a messy cabin too! All I have been doing is holding him and entertaining him. We are going to try and do some school work today once he awakes from his afternoon nap. Wish me luck!

Love Rhonda

Monday, February 20, 2006 10:41 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

I know there are alot of you out their praying hard and I think some of our prayers are being heard!

Carter awoke today early with severe pain in his head neck jaw and throat and onto his shoulders. He was constantly crying in pain. It was just breaking my heart.

I called clinic and they said give him tylenol and wait and see how he is Tuesday. So I hung up and continued to hold him and hear his cries. I also called Philly to ask them if this could at all be chemo related.

I spoke with Philly and they indicated that this sounds very much like it is viral but it may also be chemo related too! So they think that he is getting it from both. They said that since his last dose of chemo would be today for us not to give it to him. Their thinking is that the dose may be too high for him to handle. They also insisted that I call childrens back here and have him seen he at least deserved to be looked at today. So I called our clinic back again begging for them to see us that he was in too much pain to wait.

So they called back and said bring him down. Well he could not even walk he had to be wheeled up to the clinic in a wheelchair and never moved out of it until we were put in an exam room. Poor little guy is just so wiped out.

They checked him over and and cannot feel anything suspicious I mean cancer related no bumps no swollen lymph nodes nothing. They were kinda stumped. They could definately see that this was not the normal Carter that walks into clinic yelling to the nurses joking around and playing games and telling Donna to shake a leg woman and get moving! He was definately very ill.

They decided to give him another bag of fluids just to make sure he was not dehydrated again and decided to put him on some tylenol with codeine. So as the fluids were running they brought in a dose of pain med for him and he laid back down with mom. After about 25 minutes he sat straight up and said I have to pee! He slowly got off my lap grabbed his iv pole and headed for the potty! I was very shocked that he even wanted to walk he has not wanted to walk for 2 days. So he did his business and headed back for the room. He said that the pain medicine was really cool and it felt like benedryl and he was feeling a little bit better but his neck still hurt.

His counts still are dropping and we are not sure why since this chemo was not supposed to do that but he is still steady and not needing transfusions. So they let us go home with a script for the pain med.

Once home he had two girl scout cookies dipped in milk. I was so shocked I was not sure who this kid was. He then played a board game with me and played tribes on the computer for about 1/2 hour and then was all pooped out.

He is once again sleeping on the couch and definately doped up! It is so weird looking into his eyes and seeing your kid totally stoned! But hey if it helps I can handle it.

I am praying that Tuesday will bring a huge hunger and some more playing!

Please keep the prayers coming!!!!!!!!!!

Love Mom

Monday, February 20, 2006 11:31 AM CST


Just wanted everyone to know to say some prayers for Carter Saturday night he ended up in the er with dehydration and is still feeling very sick. He has not eaten a thing since Friday when he ate a piece of nugget.

He is now complaining of head, shoulder and neck pain. He is very lethargic and laying on us constantly. Crying in pain.

I spoke with Philly and they said to not give his last dose of ABT/chemo that some of this might be side effects.

For the most part everyone is thinking this is viral and one of the harder ones. It is very frustrating to not be able to help him.

Love Rhonda

Saturday, February 18, 2006 9:26 AM CST

Good Morning,

Just wanted to let everyone know what has been going on. Carter is not up to par lately. He hardly eats or drinks anything. All day yesterday all he ate was a bite of chicken nugget and a nerd rope candy. He has been picking at food for about a week now and loosing weight fast.

Not sure what is going on with him lately but I will continue to try and pump fluids into him. We picked up some pedialyte pops last night with some pedia sure and some pedialyte drinks so today I am going to try and get some of those things into him. He keeps falling asleep on and off laying on the couch. Right now he is sleeping.

The other thing is he is extremely crabby! Very irritable not sure what this is about I am guessing it is because he feels so lousy. The chemo is supposed to not have any side effects other than constipation and he certainly does not have that so I am not sure what is going on with him.

Say a prayer that he gets some energy and begins to eat and drink!

Love Rhonda

Thursday, February 16, 2006 3:44 PM CST


We are home! We had a great trip. Carter started his chemo on Tuesday and was admitted for blood draws every two hours for the study. Wednesday they drew more blood and let us go back to Ronald. Wednesday night Nick came and had dinner with us. He brought a remote control Hummer for Carter which he loved. He also brought us a terrible towel and a shirt from his work. He also got Carter a game boy game and he played it on the way home. And he brought us a donation from his co workers and himself which was wonderful! He is such a sweet guy and Carter had alot of fun playing with him.

Thursday we went to clinic for yet another blood draw and more chemo. Then we were off for Pittsburgh.

We had alot of fun with Heather and Sweet Pea thanks so much for joining us on the trip! Heather sorry you ended up getting sick on Wednesday night.

Love Rhonda

Wednesday, February 15, 2006 11:00 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

Carter is fine we are about to be discharged from the hospital and go back to ronald. Chemo seems to be fine

CT scan is negative yahoo!

Hey Nick G if your reading this I can't email you my phone number so call us at 412-913-7952.


Monday, February 13, 2006 8:13 AM CST


Just a quick update to let you know we made it and got a room at ronald.

The roads were fine until we got off the turnpike then it was a tad bit scary. But we are here and safe.


Saturday, February 11, 2006 9:59 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

We are off to Philly on Sunday morning!

Please say lots of prayers for clear roads!!!!!!!!!!

Love Rhonda

Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:38 AM CST

Good Morning,

Carter is feeling good! He went to school all day yesterday and went with a huge fight today! He is there and we shall see if I get a phone call today. Carter received his hearing and eye exam at school and he failed both so now he has an eye exam after school and working on setting up another hearing exam. I am sure this is all side effects from the chemo. He just can't seem to catch a break his teeth, his eyes, his hearing. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as counts he had his blood drawn on Monday his results are excellent even better than I expected.
WBC 9.3 Immune fighters
HGB 9.9 Red blood cells
PLTS 91K clotting/plasma
ANC 7000K Neutrophils in the blood

My van is going back into the shop on Thursday to see why the power steering pump still sounds horrible after they just fixed it two weeks ago. Hopefully it can be fixed and nothing else shows up.

We are leaving for Philly on Sunday not sure what time yet his schedule is as follows:

Monday February 13th Bone Marrow Aspirates 9:00am Pick up contrast from CT

Tuesday February 14th CT 8:45 sign in at Outpatient Registration to drink more contrast and scan at 9:30am Then to clinic to be admitted for inpatient and start chemo this is an oral pill taken once daily. The reason for inpatient stay is for them to be able to draw blood over and over again for their study of the drug.

Wednesday be discharged from hospital and go back to Ronald Mcdonald hopefully that is if we get a room.

Thursday February 16th go back to clinic to draw more blood and if all is well head for Pittsburgh with the rest of the chemo to finish at home. He will be taking the chemo for 7 days orally then off for 21 days. This is provided that he doesn't have too many side effects and counts remain good.


Monday 3:22pm

Good Afternoon,

Carter had his four top front teeth pulled today and all went well. They gave him laughing gas and 6 shots of novicaine(spelling?). He did well he is sitting watching cartoons eating ice cream.

Philly called this morning and they are working on his appts they first said the end of this week Wed-Fri but she wasn't sure and would have to call me back later today.

I just wanted to let everyone know Howard was able to get Carter's song that was made for him from the Company songs of love on a link at the bottom of the page. So if you click on it and download it you can listen to it. We still have to figure out how to get it hooked up to the page when you open it. If anyone has a caringbridge page and knows let me know.

Financially things are a little rough here lately and we are not sure what we are going to do. I wish I could go to work but not sure how that would work out with us always going to the doctors and leaving out of town. Still tossing some ideas around will see what the Finger team comes up with.

Love Rhonda

Friday, February 3, 2006 3:22 PM CST

Hello Everyone,


We went to clinic today and Carter's counts continue to do great. So great that even his platelets are climbing on their own!!!!!!! Carter has been complaining of a toothache lately so they sent us down to the dental office and yep sure enough he has grinded his teeth past the first 3 layers and is exposing a the nerves.

So since they are going to pull it out since it is a baby tooth they are pulling the other three top front teeth too. He would have done the same thing to those teeth too. Not to mention they are all loose. So on Monday he will be short 4 baby teeth. He is excited because he is going to miss yet another day of school. UHGGGGGG!

Our discussion with Dr. Tersak went well and with the advise of Dr. Maris from Philly and Dr. Kushner from NY we will begin ABT -751 some where around the 14th of February.

We will probably heading back to Philly on the 12th. I will update later on details.

As far as the ABT-751 it is an oral chemo taken for 7 days then off for two weeks. This chemo is pretty tolerable and he should be able to maintain good quality of life while on it. The other study that we were looking into was IL2 HU 14 18 and it has closed this past week due to complications to children while receiving it.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and enjoys the game on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Rhonda

Wednesday, February 1, 2006 7:42 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

We are home from Philly. The trip up and back went smoothly. On Tuesday we were surprised to find out Carter's stem cells finally started to kick in his white count jumped to 6.8. So he is now mask free.

We ended up getting a room at ronald late in the afternoon. Thank God! On Tuesday evening they had dinner at the ronald and a football party. Carter met a gentleman named Nick that was volunteering and he just loved hangin with him. He followed him everywhere he went and if he was out of his site he was asking where he was. Thanks Nick for touching Carter's heart. He had so much fun. He loved hanging out with you and breaking the football. When we were walking up stairs to go to the room for the night we were not even in the room and Carter was saying he already missed Nick and he was sad. Even today he is still saying he had a great time!

As far as his scan I have mixed emotions. As most of you know he had a wonderful response to his first MIBG treatment. He started with 7 spots and 5 went away with first treatment. He had two remaining spots after his second treatment maybe one. Anyway we went back and did another MIBG treatment and completed scans today. Well the results were not what I had hoped but in this world of Neuroblastoma I am going to have to say that the results were good. The spot in his right hip is still there unchanged and the possible spot on the left hip is maybe there and unchanged if it is there. So what is next? There is a drug called ABT 751 out it is an oral chemo and this is what Dr. Maris is suggesting we start asap. From my reading this is known not to decrease disease but stabilize in some patients. We are going to do some discussing with our doctor here and get Dr. Kushner's input and make our decision. If this is what we do we will be back in Philly in two weeks to do scans again and an echo to check his heart and begin treatment in the same week.

Please say some prayers for wisdom of Howard and I and the doctors to make the right decision on treatment for him.

Please say a prayer for our dear friends The Thomas Team as their daughter battles Neuroblastoma. You can visit her site at www.ChristiThomas.com We met in Philly and her mom and I have been doing some emailing and she is just a sweet heart.

God Bless and thanks for visiting us!
Love Rhonda

GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:14 AM CST


Just wanted everyone to know we made it to Philly and are at the hospital waiting for his injection.

As of right now we don't have a room at Ronald I have to call at 1:00pm to see if one opened.

Please say a prayer


Friday, January 27, 2006 4:05 PM CST


Carter is still feeling fine and giving everyone a hard time. My girlfriend Donna Weaver came to try and work on homework with Carter and he put up a fight with her too. Not as bad as he does with me but he did. They got some done. Hopefully he will feel like doing some soon. He is not doing as bad he has about 15 sheets done so far but more to catch up on.

Mariah has been under the weather sleeping alot and being a couch potatoe.

When I gave Carter his neupogen shot last night it kept bleeding and bleeding I thought for sure he needed platelets. So we went to clinic today at 2:00 they already had his platelets there and started him up. His counts came back and he didn't need platelets after all. Since we were there they gave them to him anyway and sent us home.

As for news on the white count he still has none and his anc-absolute neutrophil count is only 100 I don't know where the premature white cells are but they better show up soon. Please pray for white cells to show up soon.

Not much for the weekend we will continue to have no visitors and continue to be very cautious. Not much of anything going on but getting ready for the trip on Tuesday have to check out the van and do the usual fuid checks. My poor van is getting so worn from all the trips not to mention 130K miles.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.!

Love Rhonda

Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:22 AM CST

Good Morning,

Carter is still feeling fine. Carter is going to be working on school work today.

Mom is going to be on the phone with insurance issues!

So as you can see neither of us are going to be having fun today.

He will have a blood count on Saturday.
Our trip to Philly is set up for next week Tuesday and Wednesday for MIBG scan. Hopefully he has some white cells so I am not so nervous about taking him out.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:41 PM CST

Good Afternoon,

Carter is finally home! Of course the docs didn't want him to but mom was really anxious. As you can see his counts stink.

WBC 0.6 this fights immune
HGB 10.1 post blood transfusion
PLts 20k he received platelets today before we left
as far as his white count it takes Neutrophils to make up mature white cells and Carter has none.

Well will update later.

Love Mom

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:47 AM CST

Good Afternoon,

Carter is still feeling good eating and drinking.

He is going to stay in the hospital again tonight and maybe go home in the morning provided his cultures from his port are still negative from infection.

Thanks for the postings on the guestbook I read them to Carter everyday.

His white count/immune system is still not functioning or coming back but we are hopeful.


Monday, January 23, 2006 8:46 PM CST


Carter says no updates for everyone! Kinda cranky.

He still has no white count and has not had a fever since we arrived. He got blood and platelets last night and today and is not even hooked up to fluids. He is really doing good. Except for his counts.

So far his medi port line cultures are not showing any sign on infection.

The philly trip is postponed until we get out of the hospital.

Love Mom

Monday, January 23, 2006 4:48 AM CST

Good Morning!

GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carter was fine all day Sunday played and watched the game playing with Sweet Pea and Jacob. He ran a fever at 11:00pm of 102.5 so Dad Mom and Carter spent the night in the ER. It is 5:56 am and we just arrived in Carter's room.

His white count is -0- so they admitted him for fever and neutropenia. Don't know what this does for his trip to Philly that was supposed to take place on Tuesday.

Will update later.

Love Mom

Friday, January 20, 2006 12:15 AM CST

Good Afternoon,

Carter received his stem cells yesterday around 10:30am. They gave him 150cc which was 3 of his 5 bags of cells that he has left. He did great he got sick during the infusion of the second syringe but all went well. He slept for a couple of hours got up and ate and played with Donna. They made crafts and molds of bugs. He received his platelets and we left around 5:30pm

We are due in the clinic on Monday and will follow his counts closely. Tuesday we are off to Philly to do scans.

Love Rhonda

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:28 AM CST

Good Morning,

Carter has been feeling fine. Monday night we had to take him down to the hospital for platelets they were only 7k. He had a huge bruise on his hip. It was actually sticking out and hard. Scared us all. His counts have hit the low from his last MIBG treatment. He is now getting neupogen to help his white count and it is still very low.

He has not been able to go to school since his white count is so low. He is supposed to get his stem cells back on Thursday and I am waiting for the call as to what time we have to be at childrens.

Love Rhonda

Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:45 PM CST

Good Afternoon,

Well a little going on lately. Carter has been complaining of a headache for 2 days now. Yesterday when the school called I called the clinic and they suggested I pick him up and bring him down for a blood draw. His platelets were low and his hemoglobin. So the quickest way to take care of things was to send him home last night on pain med for the headache and come back in the morning for both blood and platelets.

Well on my way back from picking up his script at Eckerd Carter decided to get sick in the car. Not sure if it was nausea from the headache or the flu or disease? These kind of things really freak you out when they happen to your child. Now if that was Mariah I would say ok she has the flu but with him my mind starts racing. I had to take my van in the powersteering pump went totally on the van so we got up early this morning and drove dad to work then headed for the hospital for blood and platelets. We just got home around 3:30pm and will leaving again to pick up dad from work then to pick up the van.

Carter is feeling ok today not getting sick anymore and not complaining of a headache so I am praying that these were all signs of low hemoglobin. He is complaining of a little belly upset but it is not holding him down.

As for the rest of us still plugging away and praying that my van will last another 130k miles and many more trips to philly and ny.

Thanks for signing the guestbook it is nice to hear from everyone.

God Bless

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 12:47 AM CST


Carter is doing fine. Still having issues with going to school but he is fine. Monday he received platelets once again they were 3k and his hgb dropped but not enough to need blood too.

He has another appointment on Friday to get platelets again.

Plans seem to be that we will be going next Thursday for stem cell infusion YUK!

Where did everyone go? I see his counter going up but no responses on guestbook??


Friday, January 6, 2006 6:27 PM CST


Just a quick update not much going on Carter's counts are still low but not ready for stem cell rescue. He received blood and platelets again this week and will recheck on Saturday.

Jonel, Thank you so very much for the Collectors Motorcycle that was very sweet of you to stop by the clinic and give that to Carter he loves it.

Sandi Crisco, It was very thoughtful of you to think of our children at Christmas time thanks for the gifts Carter thinks he is now a mechanic.

He has been quite a handful lately!

Love Rhonda

Saturday, December 31, 2005 11:21 AM CST

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carter is feeling fine still finishing recovery from his cold but is doing better! His counts are still on the low side but not bottomed out!

He needed platelets once again on Friday they were 4K but everything else is still holding it's own. The docs will decide next week on the stem cell thing! He is still not receiving neupogen to help his white count it is low but not low enough.


Thursday, December 29, 2005 9:00 AM CST


Carter is recovering from his cold he continued to have low grade fevers until Monday but is no longer having them.

Still has a cough and runny nose but for the most part ok. His count are low but he only needed platelets on Monday night. The nurse is coming to the house today to draw again and I think he will be getting blood and platelets on Friday.

I hope everyone had as much fun on Christmas as we all did and a Blessed Happy New Year.


Thursday, December 22, 2005 5:58 PM CST

Good Evening,

Today was a busy day! Carter woke up around 4:00am with a sore throat and has something to drink and fell back asleep. He then woke up with a fever so needless to say he didn't go to school. His temp was 100.9 if he goes to 101.0 or over he will have to be admitted.

So anyway he has a really bad cough so I gave him a breathing treatment this morning and we got ready for the clinic. I also gave him tylenol and his temp came down to 99.4 We dropped off some snacks to 8north for their snack cart then headed to the clinic. His counts were low again!

HGB was 8.2 this is low so they transfused red blood cells
WBC 1.9 white count
PLTS 8K He received 1 unit of platelets hopefully this will hold him till next Tuesday
ANC 900

I talked with our nurse today and they have decided that Carter is to not receive his neupogen shots yet as it is too close to his last treatment. Also they have postponed his stem cell rescue another week. They usually do stem cell rescue when his ANC is below 200 for more than 3 days with him receiving neupogen shots to help. So as you can see he is no where near that. In my eyes he wont ever and hence my hesitation on receiving stem cells.

BUT his platelet count totally sucks and continues to need lots of transfusions so they say they may do it just for those. WHY? Because they want his entire counts to be good enough to be able to go on another treatment. All treatments have requirements and most of them require the platelets to be at least 50K. The entire thing is frustrating.

Anyway it appears that he will be home for the next two weeks making clinic trips every 3rd day for transfusions. This is provided that he does not get any fevers over 101.0.

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for everyone that has donated to the Lunchforlife in Carter's name!!!!!! It is very generous of you all! If you have not already done so you can still go and donate to his tree! The money goes to Neuroblastoma research and it is definately needed! When I last checked it was up to 74K so keep on donating!!!!!!! Pass it to your friends and their friends!!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:37 AM CST

Good Morning,

Carter made his trip to clinic Monday and his counts are not the hottest.

WBC 1.3 (white blood cell fights off infection)
HGB 9.4 (red blood cell hemoglobin)
PLTS 3K ( clotting agent in blood)
ANC 600 (absolute neutrophil count) his ability to fight infection. This number is getting really low and we need to watch for colds and coughs. GET OUT THAT HAND SANITIZER!

He also received platelets yesterday since they were so low he looks like we beat him with a bat or something! Bruises everywhere. We will go to clinic on Thursday again to get platelets again so that he can make it through Christmas.

Thanks for everyone that has donated to the Lunchforlife in Carter's name!!!!!! It is very generous of you all! If you have not already done so you can still go and donate to his tree! The money goes to Neuroblastoma research and it is definately needed! When I last checked it was up to 74K so keep on donating!!!!!!! Pass it to your friends and their friends!!!!

Love Rhonda

Friday, December 16, 2005 1:39 PM CST


Carter has been feeling well! He has been going to school outside of his trips for transfusions.

Thanks for everyone that has donated to the Lunchforlife in Carter's name!!!!!! It is very generous of you all! If you have not already done so you can still go and donate to his tree! The money goes to Neuroblastoma research and it is definately needed! When I last checked it was up to 74K so keep on donating!!!!!!! Pass it to your friends and their friends!!!!

Carter will be going to clinic on Monday for a blood draw and more than likely will need at least platelets. His platelets on Thursday were 39k so he should be really low on Monday.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and sit back and relax and enjoy their families!

Love Rhonda

Monday, December 12, 2005 3:56 PM CST


Just a quick update to let everyone know we made it home at about 4:00pm Monday.

Carter is feeling fine and will be going back to school on Tuesday.

ANYONE THAT IS INTERESTED PLEASE HELP OUT! EVERY TIME YOU MAKE A DONATION TO LUNCH FOR LIFE IN CARTER'S NAME HIS NAME IS THROWN IN TO WIN A TRIP FOR FREE TO DISNEY! HE WANTS THIS BAD HE IS ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT GOING BACK SINCE HE WAS NOT FEELING GOOD ON HIS WISH TRIP. SO ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GO TO THE WEB SITE lunchforlife.org and make a small donation instead of eating lunch some day! Please just enter his giving tree code. If you go into Giving Tree section ont his page it will show each childs tree and how many ornaments we have please help us decorate Carter's tree! If you just want to enter Carter's code I now have it it is: 14936 Thank You all that donated! If you use his code he receives double ornaments! Use that code!

Love Rhonda

Saturday, December 10, 2005 11:07 AM CST

ANYONE THAT IS INTERESTED PLEASE HELP OUT! EVERY TIME YOU MAKE A DONATION TO LUNCH FOR LIFE IN CARTER'S NAME HIS NAME IS THROWN IN TO WIN A TRIP FOR FREE TO DISNEY! HE WANTS THIS BAD HE IS ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT GOING BACK SINCE HE WAS NOT FEELING GOOD ON HIS WISH TRIP. SO ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GO TO THE WEB SITE lunchforlife.org and make a small donation instead of eating lunch some day! Please just enter his giving tree code. If you go into Giving Tree section ont his page it will show each childs tree and how many ornaments we have please help us decorate Carter's tree! If you just want to enter Carter's code I now have it it is: 14936 Thank You all that donated! If you use his code he receives double ornaments! Use that code!

Hello everyone,

Carter has been doing good! He received his MIBG injection Friday and did well. NO problems with heart rate or blood pressure this time. He had some belly upset the entire day but for the most part still eating and drinking. Late last night he did throw up once but felt a little better after he did. They gave him benedryl for upset stomach since he is allergic to just about all the anti nausea drugs. His radiation level was 12 today so they were able to take the catheter out today. He is feeling alot better today. Dad and pap came up today and they are playing with him right now. It looks like his radiation level will fall enough so that we can leave after his MIBG exit scan on Monday.

Will update later. Love Mom

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 10:02 PM CST

ANYONE THAT IS INTERESTED PLEASE HELP OUT! EVERY TIME YOU MAKE A DONATION TO LUNCH FOR LIFE IN CARTER'S NAME HIS NAME IS THROWN IN TO WIN A TRIP FOR FREE TO DISNEY! HE WANTS THIS BAD HE IS ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT GOING BACK SINCE HE WAS NOT FEELING GOOD ON HIS WISH TRIP. SO ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GO TO THE WEB SITE lunchforlife.org and make a small donation instead of eating lunch some day! Please just enter his giving tree code. If you go into Giving Tree section ont his page it will show each childs tree and how many ornaments we have please help us decorate Carter's tree! If you just want to enter Carter's code I now have it it is: 14936 Thank You all that donated! If you use his code he receives double ornaments! Use that code!

Update Thursday December 8th
We made it to philly he will get blood and platelets tonight and then everything starts Friday.
Will update later
On the medical front:
Carter received platelets on Saturday evening. The nurse came out and drew blood on Monday and his platelets were low again already. They were only 21k since his school musical was today I decided that he could refuel on platelets on Wednesday afternoon right before we leave for Philly. His appointment is for 1:00 on Wednesday.

I have to say that going to his musical today was very very emotional for me. I can remember sitting at my daughters 3rd grade musical like it was yesterday of course that was three years ago right after Carter was diagnosed. I remember sitting there and crying and crying and saying in my head that my poor baby would never get to have anything like this. Well it sure felt like a milestone!!!!!!!!! So as I was sitting there watching him I was crying again. This time for joy! It meant so much to me to be able to sit there and watch him sing away! It was a very special day for him and me!

We are leaving for Philly on Thursday morning around 4:00am with Grandma Brenda I think Dad and Pap are coming to Philly Friday night and Pap and gram are leaving on Saturday. Carter will be admitted on Thursday afternoon around 2:00 for his pre meds. Friday morning he will go to surgery to have his foley catheter placed this makes sure that his urine comes right back out so that his bladder does not get messed up with all the radiation. Friday afternoon they will inject him with the radioactive isotope. Last time he was injected his heart rate dropped and his blood pressure rose so please say some prayers that the infusion goes smoothly. After the injection we all walk around with booties, and gowns and have to be very careful not to spend to much time by his bed. Howard and I will have the gieger counters on so that they know how much radiation we are receiving. It sounds horrible but I really don't care they are injecting this stuff into my son! We will then just hang out and wait till he is safe for the public. I am praying that the pooping problems were chemo related and we wont have that problem this time. We shall see.

The plan is to return Sunday or Monday more than likely Monday. About 2-3 weeks post treatment they want to give his stem cells back to him. This means he will be inpatient at childrens in Pittsburgh. So as you see we have some rough couple of weeks coming up and I have to say I am really nervous. I especially wish that I was more prepared for Christmas than I am but Oh well!

It is all about celebrating Christ's birthday anyway! And man do we owe him some many thanks for his blessings!

Please say some extra prayers

Love, Rhonda

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:30 AM CST

ANYONE THAT IS INTERESTED PLEASE HELP OUT! EVERY TIME YOU MAKE A DONATION TO LUNCH FOR LIFE IN CARTER'S NAME HIS NAME IS THROWN IN TO WIN A TRIP FOR FREE TO DISNEY! HE WANTS THIS BAD HE IS ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT GOING BACK SINCE HE WAS NOT FEELING GOOD ON HIS WISH TRIP. SO ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GO TO THE WEB SITE lunchforlife.org and make a small donation instead of eating lunch some day! There is a pull down menu to select his name. He will then have more chances to win! Not to mention it helps out with Neuroblastoma!
If you go into Giving Tree section ont his page it will show each childs tree and how many ornaments we have please help us decorate Carter's tree! If you just want to enter Carter's code I now have it it is: 14936 Thank You all that donated! If you use his code he receives double ornaments! Use that code!

Update: December 4th
Mariah had a wonderful party!
Saturday Greth and I drove out to Ohio for Bubba's service. It is so vey hard to keep in mind that he is now dancing in heaven. You can't help but be selfish and want him here. Shawna and Dan did a wonderful job at holding it together. Dan, bubba's dad wrote a beutiful poem and read it. Not a dry eye in the room. I know it was Bubba giving him the strength to stand up and read what he had written. Please continue to pray for them during this holiday season! www.caringbridge.org/oh/bubba

Also Saturday night Mariah went to see the Rockettes! She loved it!
Mom and Dad took Carter to the hospital Saturday night to once again get his dose of platelets. We were able to see our buddies. Andy and Becky we have not seen them for a long time. Andy and Becky are nurses on 8N at Childrens here. They do such a wonderful job with him. I just don't have it in me to take the good news off the entry yet. Still basking in the good news.



HE HAD A 70-80esponse with MIBG treatment.

Results are as follows
Shoulder GONE
Knee and Femur GONE
Right hip spot has decreased
Left hip 1 spot gone other spot decreased

This is wonderful news!!!!!!!!!1

We are going to be coming back to Philly for another round of MIBG looks like on December 8th! Dr. Maris is pleased with the results!

Carter is getting his blood and hopefully we will be back on the road to Pittsburgh!



Please stop buy our dear friends page and give them support. Our deerest friends have lost their little angel. Bubba we will always love you little guy! Shawna and Dan Hang Tuff!


Love Rhonda

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 5:53 PM CST

They made it safe and sound to Philly. Carter needs blood, but that's no big surprise, he has been white and grayish for the last 4 days. So he will receive blood tomorrow.

He had platelets right before he left and thank god because it looked like we kicked the crap out of him. He had bruises all over his body. So anyhow his ANC is really low for being so far past treatment so I am a little concerned about that. The last thing that i want is for him to have another Stem Cell Rescue.

Anyhow, tomorrow is the big day, he get's his scans and we will be able to tell exactly how well the treatment went. I am scared like a little baby as usual and barely slept last night. But I am ok with being a baby it is MY child.

Big prayers from everyone please these scans are very imporatant for the future of Carter and his battle, and which way we have to go.
Thank you Lord for all the Blessings
that you have bestowed upon us. My prayer is that you continue them.
Please watch over my baby and my love while they arJust wanted to say thank you Lord for all of the Blessings e away.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:19 AM EST

Rhonda left at 4 A.M. this morning for Philly, with Uncle Rob and Carter. I am sure she will update if she gets a chance.

Wish them a safe journey.

Friday, November 25, 2005 2:58 PM CST

Happy Thanksgiving!

We sure have alot to be thankful for! Carter has been feeling great! We went to clinic on Wednesday afternoon and his counts were good! I thought for sure he was going to need platelets but the were 49K. I am thinking he may be on the rebound finally!

We had a wondeful thanksgiving dinner with Howard's family! We had our sweets with my family and it was sooooo good. Of course that is my favorite part of the meal. As if you can't tell!

Carter and I will be heading for Philly with my brother on Tuesday about 4:30am so that we can make it there for his appointment on Tuesday. He will receive his MIBG injection Tuesday afternoon and see Dr. Maris. Wednesday morning around 8:30am he will have his scan and then we will me with Dr. Maris again. After that we are back on the road home! I am praying for good results!

Please keep our dear friends in your prayers Gretchen and I went to visit on Wednesday morning! Please stop by their site and give them some uplifting words of encouragement!

Love Rhonda

Monday, November 21, 2005 8:01 AM CST

I probably should not update this journal today but my heart is saying I must!

Why? I am feeling very angry today at Neuroblastoma and this horrible disease. I have not felt alot of anger in awhile so I guess I am over due.

Carter's nurse came in the am on Sunday to draw blood. Again he needed platelets. So we went to the hospital around 1:00pm and sat and sat and sat. He finally received his platelets and we were off to the races to get home around 6:30pm.

I am so sick of this taking so much time up! I mean if he needs platelets they take an hour to infuse so we should go to the hospital and get them in an hour or even two but be on our way back home. It is bad enough that we practically live at the hospital as it is! Why add more time because of people thinking there is no rush! I was severely irritated yesterday.

Then I read my list serve of parents of NB and read my emails and another two of our precious angels have passed! I am soo freaking sick of this crap! It is just not fair! These kids fight so hard. Then I read our friend Bubba's web page and he had his scans in Philly last week and two new tumors pop up on the screen! I am so angry I could just scream for hours! This illness is so sneaky one minute your child looks great and the next day they are telling you your son is doing horrible! These three boys fought so hard it just is not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please if you get time please please sign into their pages and give some comfort words!

Sorry for upsetting anyone I beleive I just needed to air this out! And I do understand that I need to take every day and be happy and cherish it!

Love Rhonda

PS please sign our guest book if you visit!

Friday, November 18, 2005 9:12 AM CST

Happy Friday!

Carter had his blood draw Thursday evening! Laura we have your thermometer! His counts are as follows:

HGB 10.3
WBC 3.7
ANC- 2,050

He seems to have developed a little cough and runny nose but for the most part is feeling fine! He complained a couple times of chest pain but not sure if this is because of school or not. I am going to wait and see if he complains this weekend.

The weekend looks like it will be pretty calm. The home care nurse will be coming Sunday morning to check his counts again. Hopefully if he needs platelets we can get them in on Sunday!

Thanks to all who sold tickets for Carter! We will have our winner tonight!

Love Rhonda

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:46 PM CST

Hello Everyone,

Well Carter had his blood drawn at home on Monday night and they called a few hours later and said that His counts were

HGB 7.4
and that he would need both blood and platelets So we could either go down Monday night and get the blood and platelets all through the night or go tuesday. Since he was running around the house like a nut I decided that Tuesday would be fine. I called the clinic in the am and they told me to come down at 1:00pm? WHAT? Now this is what I am thinking but did I say it no. I thought that there was a perfectly good reason that they were having us come in so late.

Needless to say we showed up around 12:45pm and about 3:00 pm we were getting platelets. They took about an hour to give him and after that we got his Pamtamadine which is another hour infusion. This is medicine that he gets every two weeks to make sure that he doesn't get sick. So it was about 5:00pm and the clinic was closing for the day. So we were then sent to the floor to wait for the blood. It came around 6:00 and two hours later we were able to be dishcharged. It made for a very long day! We made it home around 8:00pm and I stuffed some dinner in us and he did a sheet of homework and off to bed he went.

Wednesday Carter went back to school. He crashed early tonight watching Madagascar (spelling?) Anyway he was pooped and hopefully gets a good nights rest. The home care nurse is coming Thursday after school to check his counts again. Hopefully his counts will be on the rebound soon. He is also still receiving neupogen shots every day to boost his white count.

As for myself I spent the entire morning trying to figure out medical bills. I know that I don't work but all of this cancer stuff is sure a full time job! I wonder how parents do it that work too?

I am really getting antsy about these tests coming up. With him having no symptoms before treatment there is nothing to base wether or not it is working or not! THE FEAR OF THE UNKOWN! I really hate that!

Anyway I am really rambling on so I must go for now. Please pray that Carter's counts begin to come up on their own and he will not have to receive his stem cells back!


Sunday, November 13, 2005 9:22 PM CST


What a wonderful Ceremony! It was so nice everyone did such a wonderful job! Special thanks to all those that helped to make this such an evening to remember. Thanks to Pastor for letting us use the church. Thanks to Rob for hosting the ceremony! He did a great job. Thanks to Melissa for her speach on Neuroblastoma. Thanks to all the behind the scenese workers. Donna W., Donna, Mary, Debbie, Mary Hollis. Thanks Keith for the use of the punch bowl. Thanks to all the award presenters! Special thanks to Holly and Hannah Hannum Holly you were wonderful! Thanks to everyone that baked.

I wish that I could catch a glimpse of this for anyone that wasn't able to attend to share it with you! The sparkle in Carter's eyes just lit the room! He truly is a hero! I could not have asked for a more beatiful evening! I am just so impressed with the outpouring of love and support that was in the church last night! We are truly blessed! It really makes us appreciate every day that we have with our little angel! I cannot say it enough that life is very precious and you should try and take it all in and cherish so much while we are here for this short stay on this fleshly earth! God has huge plans!

Thank you so much for everything that everyone has done for us! I don't think that words will ever be enough to show how truly thankful we are!

Love Rhonda

Saturday, November 12, 2005 8:43 AM CST

Good Morning,

Carter needed platelets on Thursday! All went well. He made it through an entire week of school! It worked out perfect! I was able to get things done for tonight.

Today is the big day Carter will be presented with his Braver and Courage awards from the Kids Cancer Connection.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Love Rhonda

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:18 AM CST

Good Morning,

The week has started off good. Carter has made it on the bus two days in a row without crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His counts are really dropping. He is now getting the neupogen shots to help his white count and his red count is dropping about a point every 3 or 4 days so unless he starts rebounding he might need a blood transfusion also. Sunday morning the nurse was here for his blood sample and about 2 hours later they called and said that he needed a platelet transfusion.

We are going to the clinic Wednesday afternoon for the weekly check we will see what that brings.

Just wanted to remind everyone that you do not need an invite to attend the awards ceremony on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday at Hillside Christian Community 7:00pm
Please join us for some fun and sharing!
If you did receive an invite and no someone wanting to attend bring them along!

PS Anyone that has tickets please let me know so that I can make arrangements to get them! If paying by check please make it out to The Carter Finger Fund.

God Bless

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:18 AM CST

Good Morning,

The week has started off good. Carter has made it on the bus two days in a row without crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His counts are really dropping. He is now getting the neupogen shots to help his white count and his red count is dropping about a point every 3 or 4 days so unless he starts rebounding he might need a blood transfusion also. Sunday morning the nurse was here for his blood sample and about 2 hours later they called and said that he needed a platelet transfusion.

We are going to the clinic Wednesday afternoon for the weekly check we will see what that brings.

Just wanted to remind everyone that you do not need an invite to attend the awards ceremony on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday at Hillside Christian Community 7:00pm
Please join us for some fun and sharing!
If you did receive an invite and no someone wanting to attend bring them along!

PS Anyone that has tickets please let me know so that I can make arrangements to get them! If paying by check please make it out to The Carter Finger Fund.

God Bless

Wednesday, November 2, 2005 8:31 PM CST


Carter and I went to clinic Tuesday morning. His counts were good again. Except of course his platelets once again he received a transfusion. We are still not needing any neupogen shots his anc (absolute Neutrophil count) is still really good.

Carter finally made it to school today and stayed the entire day. Provided we bribed him with Chuckee Cheeses tonight.

He is off school Thursday and Friday so he is really excited.

Not much going on for the weekend it looks like we will be ironing out some details for the November 12th ceremony.


Friday, October 28, 2005 11:17 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Quick update!

Carter and I went to clinic yesterday. His counts were for the most part good. White count was good Hemoglobin was good Platelets? Stunk! They were 15k so he needed to get a platelet transfusion. Anyway after 6 hours in the clinic we were headed home. I was a little irritated. Since Carter has been having runny poops we did a stool sample for c dif and it came back clear. They think it is just from his last round of chemo. He put up a fight for school this morning until I got him into the school then he was fine. As he was walking away he yelled happily see ya after school! He is such a playa!

Anyway I am still working on details for the ceremony on November 12th anyone is able to attend it starts at 7:00 not sure how long it will last.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Love Rhonda

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 5:55 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

We are back from Philly and Carter has been feeling a bit crappy! Saturday he was running to the bathroom and it was coming out both ends. Thankfully Dr. Orlando called in some Zofran for nausea and it helped with the throwing up. He has continued to run to the bathroom alot and I am not sure why.

Sunday night we had Carter's cousin's over for dinner and Carter decided that he was going to rest and go to sleep and not eat. That is totally not Carter! He ended up falling asleep while we had company.

Monday we went to the hospital to get counts done. His counts were pretty good except for platelets which were 24k. So we are going to have to go back on Thursday to see if he needs a transfusion.

Today I took him out with me to sams club and lunch and he didn't eat much and as soon as we got back he slept for about 2 hours.

I would have to say that he is not himself lately and not ready to go back to school.

Everyone else is back to the usual Dad started his new job on Monday and Mariah is going to school and baton. Mom is busy doing maid stuff I mean mom stuff. Ha Ha

Anyway just wanted to update everyone. Thanks to Carter's Kindergarten class for the lovely cards they sent him while he was inpatient at philly. It really made his day.

Anyone that has tix for Carter and cannot sell them please let me know right away so that I can redistribute them. Also if you sold all your tickets you can drop them off or call me and I can pick them up.

Also I will be sending out invitations for a very special celebration for Carter on November 12th at 7:00pm at the Hillside Christian Community Church. Carter will be receiving several awards for his bravery and courage through all his treatments. Thanks to Holly Hannum who nominated Carter he was selected to receive these special awards. I will give more details later.

Just a quick note if anyone is local and wanted to purchase an entertainment book Mariah is selling them for $25 each. I will be picking them up next Tuesday. If your interested let me know right away.
Love Rhonda

Friday, October 21, 2005 8:45 PM CDT


Sorry for not updating. I wasn't able to at the Ronald house for some reason and the internet wasn't working at the hospital.

Monday we were admitted into the room around 10:30pm it was a very long day.

Tuesday morning everything was set up for the injection including placement of his foley catheter At 1:30pm Carter received his MIBG injection for about 1 1/2 then 1/2 flush. During his infusion it was very scary. His heart rate dropped and his blood pressure rose. After the infusion his heart rate returned to normal and about 6:00pm his blood pressure finally went back to his base line. Tuesday night he began to have alot of neck pain. They gave him pain meds.

Wednesday morning he awoke with a very swollen neck and alot of pain and a soaked bed from his high fever. He continued to run a fever all day Wednesday and continued to have alot of pain from his neck. Docs ordered blood cultures from his medi port since he was still running a fever. And started running an antibiotic. Wednesday night he was still having alot of pain using alot of hot packs and still soaking the bed with chills and sweats. He also had a really bad case of the runs Wednesday night. He just didn't know when it was going to come out. Needless to say it was a rough night!

Thursday morning he still had a fever but it was coming down. By the afternoon it had finally broke and they were still running antibiotics. He received pain medicine in the morning for his neck but the swelling had started to go down and he seemed to be having less pain. Still having the runs alot they gave him some Immodium and that seemed to slow down.

Friday morning the swelling was gone in his neck no more fevers and he was off to Nuclear medicine for his exit scan. It was very quick and we were back in the room. He took a quick shower and we were dishcharged from the hospital by 11:30pm.

His radiation levels dropped very quickly. They measured him from 3 feet away every morning to see if he was able to leave the hospital.
Tuesday his level was 43
Wednesday his level was 14
Thursday his level was 8
Friday his level was 5.6
In order to be released from the hospital you need to be under 7. Anyway we made it home and Carter will follow up at the hospital on Monday for a check up.

Love Rhonda

Monday, October 17, 2005 4:17 PM CDT

Good Evening,

It is Monday at 5:17pm and we still are not admitted to our room yet. We came at 1:00pm were seen by the nurse and attending had blood work done and met with the anest. team for his foley catheter placement on Tuesday morning.

Looks like everything is a go. He is going to get blood and platelets tonight and drink some nasty stuff to protect his thyroid during treatment. Tuesday am he will go to surgery to have catheter placed then for his MIBG injection. I hear it takes about 1 1/2 hours for the infusion then we sit and wait until he is not longer radioactive. Maybe we will get out late Thursday or Friday evening.


CT scan - shows nothing
bone marrow biopsy/aspirates show negative they only do the back two hips here.
MIBG scan shows the same spots. Both hips, femur/knee, slight shoulder and maybe his rib? Not sure we have yet to speak with Dr. Maris on the MIBG scan.

We had a wonderful weekend to the zoo on Saturday to Finnians Rainbow play on Sunday and lots of playing and reading books. Carter is so happy he is out of school but always want to work on school work. Figure that one out?

Anyway things are good and hopefully they continue to get better. I pray that this treatment works for Carter!

Please pray for our friends the Cronins they just received some not so good news and were here getting MIBG treatment right before us. They need uplifted in prayer!! To visit his site it is www.caringbridge.org/oh/bubba

Also please pray for my wonderful friend Donna Weaver she had surgery today to remove her thyroid please pray for a speedy recovery for her.

Love Rhonda

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 10:05 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Just a quick update to let everyone know that we made it here and we even got a room at the ronald mcdonald house!!!!!!!!!!!

Today we are meeting with the doctor and having a ct scan done.

We are in room 32 at the ronald house.


Monday, October 3, 2005 7:34 PM CDT


Things are still going ok. Carter completed his 4th round of chemo on Sunday after church. He is doing ok with it. He has to go potty alot but for the most part he is doing fine. He is still running a low grade fever. He went to the school nurse today and complained of leg pain which he later revealed that it wasn't anything bad. He just wanted to come home. But the nurse took his temp and again it was 99.8 so not sure what is going on in his little body.

We were finally able to take all the snacks that we collected from Carter's party down to 8north childrens to fill up their snack cart for the kids there. Carter had a blast helping the nurses fill it up with all the snacks. Mariah helped too. The nurses their couldnt get over how tall the kids got.

Well the plan is to leave for Philly on October 11th. From what I have been hearing the Ronald house there is full. I really hope we get a room there. Not looking forward to paying for a hotel. I would much rather pay 15/night at the Ronald house than 70 at a hotel a night. Keep your fingers crossed.


Anyone interested in selling raffle tickets for Carter please let me know via email at bubbs1972@comcast.net


Thursday, September 29, 2005 6:15 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Well just when you think things are great something happens. Carter has been having some aches and pains here and there and he has had some low grade fevers 99.7.

Anyway since he has had these things going on everyone thinks it was best to not wait till the 17th of October to have treatment again.

I picked Carter up from school yesterday afternoon and he started round 4 of his chemo. He will have the last 4 days at home after school.

Everything is still going smoothly just a little bump in the road and I am stumbling a bit but I shall have the Lord pick me up and get me back on track. I know that he will I just need to listen to him and let him guid me.

Love Rhonda

Friday, September 23, 2005 7:51 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Things have been moving along very smoothly! Carter is still going to school everyday except for a few tears yesterday but he got on the bus and was fine. Today I promised him I would eat lunch with him since he was very good about getting on the bus all week.

Looks like the kids are going camping this weekend hmmmm what to do with myself all weekend?

Medical News:
We were thinking about starting chemo this week so that he would have enough time to recover for his MIBG therapy but it just does not seem to fit in with his counts taking so long to come back. I am very nervous about not having any treatment until the 18th of October. In the meantime if he continues to feel fine we will go on with life as if there is not cancer!

I pray that everyone enjoys your weekend and please tell someone that you are close to that you love them. Life is just way too short!

Love Rhonda

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:08 AM CDT

Good Morning,

I know I know much overdue!I just didn't know what to write. Things have been going great! Carter has been going to school and up till today has given me no problems. I think today was just from him getting to bed late last night. Anyway we have been having so much fun with qaulity time and enjoying life as if Carter did not have cancer!

He probably will start his next round of chemo on the 25th of September. After that treatment we will be off to Philly to receive MIBG therapy. Carter will have scans first to have a base line then the next Monday he will be admitted and a catheter placed. He will receive the radiation and then inpatient until he is no longer glow in the dark. He will be placed in a lead based room with shields around the bed to protect visitors. The process should be about 3-5 days depending on how his levels drop. From there we will be discharged to go home provided his health is good.

Once home we will have blood count checks alot. If it appears that his bone marrow is not recovering he will need a stem cell rescue. These are the cells that were taken out in 2003 and frozen. I hope that he is able to recover without them but we shall see. As far as side effects the main one is low blood counts.

We had his birthday party last weekend and he had a wonderful time getting everything that he wanted. This included Playstation 2, hermit crab(yuck) a scooter and many many other toys. He was soooo excited and had a wonderful night playing with all his toys and friends.

As for the rest of us Mariah started baton lessons this week and school seems to be going well. She gets her braces on Thursday so I hope that all goes well.

Howard is great busy busy trying to complete Mariahs room in the third floor. It is definately coming along nicely. He is doing a great job considering he never did anything like this.

Myself I am enjoying the entire day by myself with moments of missing the heck out of the kids. I was actually able to go to the gym yesterday with my girlfriend and plan on going everyday. Everyone knows this is much much needed.

Thank you very much for visiting with us and please say lots and lots of prayers that this next treatment is a huge success in killing some of Carter's disease that just dont seem to want to go away. Please pray for all of the children battling this horrible illness.

Love Rhonda

Thursday, September 1, 2005 7:54 PM CDT


HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carter is doing fine he will finish his round of chemo on Saturday. I think we will be doing radiation to his shoulder once he recovers a little from chemo.

I hope Wednesday we get all sorts of info from Dr. Maris!

Thanks for checking in on us!

Love Rhonda

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 5:47 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Carter started school on Monday and seems to really like it. I am so glad that he does not give me a hard time getting on the bus. This week and next Tuesday they have 1/2 days so he is doing fine. We will see how he does next week when he starts the entire day.

Carter has been feeling fine he started chemo yesterday after school and so far so good. It looks like Dad and I are heading to Philly to meet with Dr. Maris next Wednesday for a consult.

Carter's birthday is Friday and due to my lack of planning I have not put together a party. What a horrible mother I am. I can't beleive he is going to be 6!

We are busy pretending things are normal right now.

Love Rhonda

Friday, August 26, 2005 9:42 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Well Bone Marrow results are in and Dr. Kushner emailed me and said that the samples that he took are clear!

There are still bone spots on his shoulder, hip, and leg so Dr. Kushner said we are to radiate his shoulder and continue with two more rounds of this chemo.

We went to Kinder/orientation last night and Carter really enjoyed himself and really seems excited about starting school!

The walk is tonight and I hope to see many of you there tonight!


Thursday, August 25, 2005 6:28 AM CDT

Good Morning,

We made it home around 1:10am last night. Yesterday was a crazy day. Carter and I left the Ronald house to go for his MIBG that was set up for about 11:00am. They ended up not taking us back for his scan until around 12:00 or a little after. When we finally made it back into the scan room they said that they were going to do a full body scan and 2 specs which means all the way around his body about 30 some pictures twice. We finished the first 1 1/2 of the test and we were on the last leg when we had about 10 minutes to go and the machine broke. So Carter was now laying still for 2 hours and we still didn't have the test completed. They took us to another room and re did the last leg of the scan so he did it and I am so very proud of him he laid still for 2 1/2 hours. After that we had to go upstairs to meet with Dr. Kushner. It wasn't an appt we just needed to let them know we were there and he would see us. Well it took awhile to wait for that too. Meanwhile I am thinking I need to get my car out of the parking garage in NJ by 5:00pm and it was 3:00 and I had not seen the doctor yet.

Well we finally made it in to see the doc and he indicated that Carter's MIBG showed uptake in his hip,leg, and shoulder. And proceeded to say that he is stable but we need to discuss future treatment. We talked for along while and went over treatment options but the bottom line is we need to wait for biopsy results and urine to make sure everything is stable. It looks like we will be doing two more rounds of this chemo for now but that could change witht he biopsy results.

Not sure what all this means but I will update when I know more. I am tired and I have to take Mariah to the dentist at 9:00am to have her teeth pulled to prepare her for her braces. YUK


Tuesday, August 23, 2005 9:54 AM CDT


Just a quick note to let everyone know we made it to NY. We ended up driving to NJ then taking the transit to Penn Station then a cab to the Ronald McDonald House.

Carter had his bone marrow biopsy/aspirates this morning and then decided to throw a huge fit in the clinic. He was given a dose of iv dilaudid but I think he thought if he carried on enough that they would give him another.
It did not happen and Gram and Carter headed back to the Ronald house while I am waiting to talk to Dr. Kushner.

I will update again once we get home.

Love Rhonda

Sunday, August 21, 2005 6:53 AM CDT

Good Morning!

Just wanted to let everyone know what is going on! Carter's counts are ok and holding there own. We leave for NY on Monday for an MIBG scan and bone marrow biopsy. We will becoming home Wednesday.

Carter has Kindergarten orientation on Thursday and he is really excited. I will update when I know more about the scans take care!

Love Rhonda

Monday, August 8, 2005 5:39 PM CDT


Carter is doing fine. He finished his second round of chemo and still feeling ok. He has had some serious bruises due to his low platelets. He started his second round of chemo with his platelets being 24k and they keep hanging out around 22k and 24k. Since he has had so many bruises they transfused him on Friday with platelets. His counts today came back good. His WBC was 7.8 and HGB was 9.7 and his Platelets were 54K. We will be going to NY on the 22nd to find out if this chemo is working and what will be the next step.

We are definately making the best of the summer!

THERE WILL BE A WALK ON AUGUST 26TH AT 6:30PM AT CARLYNTON HS TRACK. I Now have the sponsor sheets so if you plan on attending please email me so that I can mail you one out. My email is on the bottom of the web page. Or you can call me if you don't have email at 412-278-3730.

Alex's Lemonade Stand Hosted By the Lonero's August 27th at Giant Eagle in Irwin from 10-6 Please come and show your support!

Love Rhonda Howard Mariah and Carter Finger

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 7:46 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Carter is doing great! He finished chemo on Saturday and still continues to eat and drink and play. He looks like someone beat him up though. He has bruises all up and down his legs and arms. His platelets on Saturday were 24K and on Monday they were 22k so they are hanging on. The nurse is come Wednesday to check again.

The neighbor came over last night and took out 3 of the 4 stiches in his head. The last one is under a scab and with his platelets being low we didn't want to mess with it.

I finally broke down and mentioned school to Carter and he was sooo excited. We stopped and got him a pencil box and a folder or two and a back pack. I pray that he will be able to go when it starts on the 29th. We are to go to NY on the 22nd of this month to do scans to find out if the chemo is working to stop the progression of the disease. It would be great if it decreased it so please say lots of prayers. Hopefully we will talk to Dr. Kushner about future treatment options too.

Life at the house is still crazy with the construction we are adding a bedroom in our attic for Mariah since we only have a two bedroom house and it drives me crazy having guys in and out all day. It totally throws my entire routine off. I know I am weird. Anyway please say prayers that this chemo is working wonderfully and that Carter can begin school like all the other children.


Alex's Lemonade Stand Hosted By the Lonero's August 27th at Giant Eagle in Irwin from 10-6 Please come and show your support

Thank you again for all the prayers and support each and everyone has given us!!!!!!!!! We are so thankful for all of the support that we receive.

Love Howard, Rhonda, Mariah & Carter Finger

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:46 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Carter's platelets are still lagging but Dr. O decided to start chemo anyway today. So he did and he is feeling fine.

His platelets were still only 24k so I am not sure what this means for future treatment.

Please say prayers that this chemo is working. After this chemo we are heading to NY for scans.


God Bless

Sunday, July 24, 2005 9:05 PM CDT


We had a wonderful weekend with one accident! We got to go to the rodeo Carter and Mariah loved it! Of course we did too.

We also got to go quad riding for the first time. We all had a blast Mariah and dad got a little bit muddy but they had a blast. Carter ended up with four stitches to his left temple area but he still had fun and wanted to go back and ride again once he got his stitches in. He is one crazy dude.

Medically Carter's counts on Thursday were still down as a matter of fact his platelets were only 23k so we still have not started chemo. I am a little worried about his because I beleive that his platelets need to be in better shape to qualify for the MIBG therapy. If his counts are better Monday we should resume chemo so lets keep our fingers crossed. He is really enjoying his summer being a typical boy!

Please pray for our buddy Isaac and his family he is also receiving the same treatment as Carter and relapsed when Carter did. Please pray that this chemo is working for them and all of the other children battling the beast!!!!

God Bless
Love Mom

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 2:42 PM CDT


Anyone interested in NB Hope bracelets contact Sherri at 412-854-5514 we have 50 and they are going fast!!!!!!!

Carter is doing good. We went to clinic yesterday and were supposed to start our second round of chemo but his platelets are not ready. We will have another blood draw on Thursday to see if we can start.

Things are crazy around here our house is upside down with the construction going on.

I will update again when we get his counts Thursday.

Love Rhonda

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 7:14 AM CDT

Good Morning,

All is well and we had a wonderful camping trip. Carter was truly amazed at the fire and had a great time. One night the kids were in the tent and Howard pretended to be a bear and I think Carter pooped his pants. It was really funny. Now he is telling everyone that there was a bear at the camp grounds. He was really upset at the fact that he could not swim in the lake but I beleive he had a great time.

Medically Carter seems to be handling the chemo well. He went swimming yesterday and was playing in the yard with his cousins. The nurse is coming today to do his counts.

Home life is good. We have a huge hole in our roof and a lovely green dumpster out front to accent our house. We have decided despite everything that is going on with Carter to make the other bedroom in our attic anyway. Mariah could really use the pick me up and Carter as well. Thank God for Home Equity loans!!!!!!!!! It really wasn't in the financial realm of things but we decided that this would give the kids a morale boost since lately they have been pretty angry at the new news with Carter. Howard and I are so tired of this horrible illness telling us how to live our lives.

Anyway, things are good and we will appreciate each day as it comes and thank the wonderful Lord for the precious gifts he has given us!

My cousin Sherri ordered 50 more bracelets due to the late demand! So if your interested please call her and order yours today so that she can hold them for when they come in! 412-854-5514!

Love Mom

Thursday, July 7, 2005 7:26 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Things are moving along quite well. Carter finished his chemo on Sunday and has been feeling great! The nurse came Tuesday to draw blood for his counts. His counts were ok. I beleive that they are coming today again to check.

We are planning on going camping this weekend with the Lonero family. It has been so nice to have Gretchen as a friend. It is a horrible circumstances how we met but I am truly thankful that the lord brought the two of us together. Gretchen and I are planning on attending the Neuroblastoma conference next week. I am so excited to go.

I finally spoke with Dr. Kushner from NY yesterday. He indicated that the bone marrow biopsies came back and the only spot that came back positive was the right front hip. He indicated that it was there but not alot. Also he said that we will begin another round of chemo around the 20th of July and head to NY right after for scans to see if the NB has stopped growing or responded to the chemo. I could not beleive it for once he sounded optimistic about this treatment plan. Once again he threw out the term chronic neuroblastoma. That is ok I will take chronic cancer that can be treated. I know that sounds horrible but with the options and statistics we have been given this is at best! So with that I pray that Carter's disease will be stable or decreased enough to continue with treatment. I am not ready to give my baby up!

My cousin is selling NB Hope bracelets and she had said that the response could be alot better. So please give her a call to get yours today. Sherri 412-854-5514 I would really appreciate it. We really need to raise some awareness.

Please pray that Carter continues to feel well and is able to enjoy a fun filled camping weekend fever free! Please pray that this chemotherapy is working so that he can continue his battle with this illness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Rhonda

Saturday, July 2, 2005 10:22 PM CDT


Carter had his treatment at the clinic on Friday what a day! We were to arrive at 11:00am and so we did. When we got there they said that they did not have the chemo so if we wanted to go to lunch and come back we could. So the four of us went to Presby for lunch and came back. The chemo finally arrived at around 4:00pm. We were all getting a little impatient. So in the meantime they gave him a dose of pantamedine. This is IV bactrim since his immune system is suppressed.

When we were in the clinic on Friday Dr. O said that we had to come to the hospital to get Saturday and Sunday's dose because the the home care service could not get the chemo. So we were thinking that we would be spending some time in the hospital this weekend. Well when we arrived home late Friday nigt( we stopped at Gram's for her birthday) We had a million messages from the home care service trying to deliver his chemo and we were not home so they set it in the back of our house. So once again Dr. O had no idea what was going on. It really frustrates me that the doctor has no clue as to what is going on. I know he has alot of patients but he is supposed to be leading and directing us.

Ok I vented. Anyway the nurse ended up coming to the house today and gave him his chemo and all went well. She will be coming Sunday too. Things have been pretty good he is not getting sick and still eating like a champ. Not much for plans for the weekend just hangin out at home.

I hope everyone has a nice 4th!

Anyone interested in purchasing NB Hope bracelets please contact Sherri at 412-854-5514.


Love Mom

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 5:03 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Anyone interested in purchasing Neuroblastoma Hope bracelets please contact Sherri at 412-854-5514.

update :
Chemo went well we were released from the hospital Thursday night. He has not gotten sick or the poops yeah!!!!!!!

We are having outpatient chemo Friday at the clinic then at home Saturday and Sunday. I pray that chemo keeps going this way!

Today is the big day and I know I am nervous.

Anyway Carter had an ultra sound yesterday to see where they are going to place his port today.

We are to arrive at Childrens at 8:00am this morning and surgery should be around 9:00 9:30 to place his mediport.

After that we are to be admitted to the floor to begin chemo.

I will update as soon as I can.

Anyone wanting Neuroblastoma Hope Bracelets please contact Sherri Fluman at 412-854-5514.

Love Mom

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 10:26 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Anyone wanting Neuroblastoma Hope Bracelets please contact Sherri Fluman at 412-854-5514.

New Photos Added Please take a look
I know most of you are looking at the home page going What???????? Carter has wanted a mohawk for 2 years now and he said now is the perfect time because "My hair is going to fall out anyway. So after church today that is what we did. He loves it!!!!!!!!!!! It is amazing what you will do for your child to make them happy.

Also I wanted to thank all of the family and friends that came to church with us and the wonderful extended family at church!!!!!!!!!! We have been truly blessed by the generosity of prayers and support!!!!!!

I am sorry for not updating sooner! I was not sure how to write the latest news and was a little angry and didn't want to update the page until I felt a little better about what was going on.

No news is not good news in this situation. Carter had his MIBG scan on Saturday last weekend. Needless to say since I am used to being in the room and some what able to see spots on his scan I kinda knew what was about to happen.

Carter has 3 new progressed spots of NB. First being his head a new spot on his other hip and a new spot on his knee. So We finally spoke to Dr. Kushner on Monday evening and he comfirmed that Carter's disease has progressed. He was no longer able to receive 3F8 Antibodies. Monday was his last day for treatment. Tuesday we spoke with Dr. Kushner about what his guess would be as far as treatment and it looks like we might be doing a high dose of Ironitecin (spelling?) and Cytoxin at home. Then maybe 4 low doses of Ironetecin and Temodal spelling not sure of yet. This is not set in stone he will speak with us today to confirm what the game plan is.

Needless to say Carter's disease is no longer stable and considered progressed. I am very scared as to what the future holds for my little baby. Carter is also very upset and angry. His behavior has been somewhat out of hand and he has been lashing out and showing signs of being angry at the news. He said last night that he just got his mouth cleaned out and now he has to go back to throwing up. This just breaks my heart to hear my son of 5 speak this way. He keeps asking why the cancer is back if he feels ok. How am I to answer this if I don't have an answer. Once again very heart breaking. He also said that the pain with 3F8 treatment here in NY is better than having to go thru chemo. He is just way too knowledgeable.

As far as Mariah she seems ok now that we have a game plan. Dad seems to be ok other than Heart broken.

What does this all mean? Anybody and everybody that you know please pass the word for prayers prayers and more prayers. Not just for a miracle for my baby but also for the knowledge of the doctors to come out with new drugs to help him. We are quickly running out of options and to be honest this scares me the most.

So again I beg that everyone begin praying praying praying. I will be honest I know I have to be strong and be there for my son but I am feeling very tired and drawn. I am tired of trying to pretend that everything is ok in our lives and trying to live normal when inside our hearts are breaking and hope seems very dim.

Well I am waiting for the doctors to take Carter back for his bone marrow biopsies and aspirate tests. It appears that as soon as we get home sometime soon that a mediport will be placed and chemo will begin.

Please pray!!!!!!!!!!! Once again God shall carry us through our next journey in this cancer filled life. I know he will it is just very hard for me to live that and trust in him. I know that is all we have and it is completely out of our control but very hard to live on a daily basis.

Thank you for your prayers and support!!!!!!!!!!!! Please sign our guest book so that we know that you are with us.

Love Rhonda, Howard, Mariah and our baby Carter

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:13 PM CDT


Today went well at clinic. Carter ended up taking out his line out of his hand last night. He absolutely does not like when they stick him in his hand! This morning we prayed for one poke in his arm and Loise did it. Thank you God!

Carter is still having pain with treatment. He needed two rescue doses of dilaudid today. He took a nice long nap while Aunt Jackie and Scott and Kevin went down to Battery Park and the World Trade Center. When they got back we went to the pottery place and Scott and Carter painted.

Tonight they are having a dinner for us here at Ronald and we will be staying in tonight. Hopefully we can get to bed early. Carter has his CT scan tomorrow morning before treatment so he has to drink the contrast for the test before 7:00am.

Mariah and Aunt Sharon and Jack and Marissa will be driving up to Ny and staying in a hotel until Sunday they plan on doing some sight seeing until Sunday. Uncle Jack will be taking Aunt Jackie and the boys home on Sunday and Aunt Sharon and Mariah will be staying through the next week.

Carter has his CT Thursday morning. His MIBG injection on Friday and the scan on Saturday morning. His bone marrow biopsies are set up for the Monday following treatment on the 27th. I am trying really hard to have them done the Friday 24th after his treatment so that we don't have to stay another entire weekend for just one test. Everyday I ask another nurse to find out. Please pray that they change it.

I am so thankful that this is round 7 of antibodies. Dr. Kushner said Monday that he doesn't understand why Carter got hama so quick the first time. And he certainly does not understand how we made it this fare this time without hama? Yes Carter is a puzzle and always has been. Please pray that we can continue to receive 3F8 treatment all the way till the end without getting hama. The more treatments the better.

I am so thankful to God that he has given us so much time with Carter and I pray that he continues to lift him up and healed!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have seen so many families lately having such a hard time with treatment and treatment failing it breaks my heart! So many children that Carter has treated with and relapsed with have passed and it makes me feel so awful words cannot tell! It is just not fair that these children have to go through this! Please keep praying for all the children and their families. This effects the families so much!

I know on Monday when they were poking Carter time and time again I finally broke down and started to cry it was so hard to see him try to be so strong. I usually do really well I guess I was just having a moment. But thanks to the nurses they gave us a break since both of us were so upset.

Thank you again for visiting our site and please sign our guest book so that we know you stopped by.

Love Mom

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 11:53 AM CDT

Good Afternoon,

I am sorry for not updating once we made it here.

We are here in NY we arrived around 5:00pm on Sunday and unpacked and had dinner.

Monday was a very stressful day. Carter needed 5 pokes to get his line in and it ended up in his hand where he hates it to be. After a discussion with Dr. Kushner it has been agreed that a mediport be placed after this round if he is hama negative since his veins are not good to get for a line.

His treatment yesterday was very painful and he was very aggitated all day.
Today it was nice he only required 2 rescues of dilaudid for pain and he isn't nearly as cranky today. I think we are going to take the kids to the Central Park Zoo today.

Not much going on just the usual NY stuff.

Our lemonade stand was a huge success! We raised 1500.00 and Walmart will be matching us up to 1,000.00. Thanks to all of the Volunteers that helped and put alot of time in. Thank you to Keith for the machines! Thanks Aunt Val for helping to clean everything up in advance. Thanks Brenda for the donated water.

Love Mom

Wednesday, June 8, 2005 8:34 AM CDT

Good Morning,

Carter's Hama test came back Negative so we are heading to NY on Sunday the 12th to start round 7 of 3F8 Antibodies
We will be there for 2 weeks and also receiving testing ct scam mibg and bone marrow biopsy.

Please come and join us on June 11th for Alex's Lemonade stand 2100 Heidelberg Raceway Plaza Wal-mart.

Time 8:00am - 8:00 pm
Where: Wal-mart

Please come and make a donation to benefit pediatric cancer research. It might save a childs life!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless

Friday, May 27, 2005 6:36 AM CDT

Good Morning!

Carter is doing well. We returned from New York last Friday. He went back to school on Monday and graduated Preschool on Tuesday. The show was very cute. Robbie (Carter's) cousin and him were right next to each other on stage and sang. It was soooo cute.

Carter will have his blood draw on Thursday June 2nd for hama for New York. I pray that he is not hama positive. I beleive that he will be having tests done while we are in New York. We are supposed to go on June 12th provided the hama comes back negative.


I am holding our Alex's Lemonade Stand on Saturday June 11th from 8:00am to 8:00pm at Walmart in Scott Township. If your interested in helping please email me the time that your interested so that I may begin to put the day together. I am really hoping to do well this year.

Anyone interested in helping with Fundraising for Carter please let me know we currently have lots of volunteers selling Home Interior candles and it is a great profit going on right now.

Thank you very much for all of your prayers and support! This web page has been truly a blessing of support and encouragement for us.

God Bless

Friday, May 20, 2005 8:49 PM CDT

First off I have to apologize for not updating while in NY. Just not in the mood lately.

Please say a prayer for My Aunt Sandy's family as my aunt passed on Thursday in her own home. Cancer is a horrible thing for the sick and for the family. Please pray for her daughters and her husband and my dad as they journey through these next few days.

Carter's treatment went well he had pain the entire two weeks however it dwindled towards the end.

Last weekend Uncle Rob and Aunt Melissa came up with Aunt Linda and the kids and we did a huge amount of site seeing on Saturday it was alot of fun.

Carter is doing well. We are to start Accutane on Monday for cycle 6.

Looks like if Carter is not hama we should be heading back to NY for round 7 of 3F8 on June 12.

Love Rhonda

Friday, May 13, 2005 11:04 AM CDT

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to let everyone know that the week went well we had pain the entire time. Which sounds horrible but is a good thing.

The kids and I are enjoying ourselves and are looking forward to my brother and family and Aunt Linda coming late tonight for the weekend.

We are going to have a blast.

God Bless,

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:17 PM CDT


Just a quick update to let everyone know we made it here on Saturday. We ended up driving my van with my dad and Aunt Michele. They cancelled our flight Friday night. Dad and Aunt Michele went home on Sunday morning.

The kids and I had a wonderful day on Sunday. We went to two different parks and had ice cream and walked down by the Hudson river. It was very nice and I had a wonderful Mothers day!

As for treatment Carter had alot of pain on Monday and not so much today but enough to know that it was there. Mariah is doing good with everythign it has to be hard for her to see her brother in so much pain. I pray that all of these life expierences help her to become a stronger woman. She is such a sweet and caring daughter. She made me a card for mothers day and the words she wrote made me cry and cry. She is such a joy to have as a daughter.

Carter is going to have blood drawn to see if he can begin his immunizations again. We will know in about two weeks if we can start this process again. As far as what we have been doing: parks and parks and more parks the kids are playing so hard they are asleep by 9:30 every night.

As for me I am ok I wish things could be better but you cannot wish your life away you must enjoy each day you have and cherish it. It is just hard to live by that every day. I pray that God shall give me the strength to get through these journeys.

As for Dad he is in the hospital again and I ask that you pray for God to enter into his heart and give him strength to heal in these trying times.

God Bless
Love Rhonda

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 7:40 AM CDT

Good Morning to everyone,

Where to start first of all we are waiting on Carter's blood work for NY to see if he is hama negative. Which I am almost positive he is. Our flight leaves this Saturday at 10:00am Mariah Carter and I are going. Carter has been getting better every day and the cough seems to be going away. Mariah on the other hand is still coughing.

I wanted to let everyone know that on June 11th I am holding an Alex's Lemonade stand in front of Walmart in Heidelberg Raceway Plaza from 8:00am to 8:00 pm and could use all the volunteers possible. If your interested in helping please email me so that I can start putting together my list for the day. I am hoping it does well.
If you cannot help that day please spread the word that this is coming and tell your friends tell your church tell everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alex's Lemonade Stand Goal this year is 5 million and I would love to help reach that goal.

Love Rhonda

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:49 AM CDT

Prayer requests are needed for one of our NB families. Greg and Dawn Flory have lost their little baby girl. Please lift them up in prayer and pray for strength for them to get through this difficult time. Your words of encouragement/sympathy would be great for them please visit her site at www.caringbridge.org/tx/alexiaflory/

Please pray for another family that recently lost their son this week we have been chatting for quite some time with this family and they are wonderful people. Please pray for Mason Brown's family as they get through these next couple of days. Mason we love you and wish you were still here. You can visit his page at www.caringbridge.org/asia/masonbrown/

I am so sick to my stomach and feel so horrible for these two children recently passing. I felt as if I knew them personally even though we never met. My heart is aching for these families please pray for them.

Carter went to clinic yesterday for blood draw for hama and he is wheezing quite a bit in his back so they did a chest x-ray and put him on another antibiotic. I am still waiting for results

Love Rhonda

Monday, April 25, 2005 7:53 AM CDT


It is Monday morning and I feel like it is. The weather hear is cold and wet yuk! It is supposed to be spring!

We had a busy weekend. Saturday Carter played his first soccer game in the rain and mud he had a good time. I think he liked running in the mud more than playing soccer. Mariah had her usual baton lesson on saturday afternoon and we fell fast asleep watching a movie saturday night.

Sunday I awoke Carter to go to church and man he was a total crab! He was very tired and cranky. I swear that the accutane makes him even more irritable than he already is sometimes. Anyway we went to church then to our friends house for "viva la puppy" birthday party. Viva is a wonderful little pomeranian dog owned by my dear friend Donna Weaver. Anyway it was a big event around 30 some people with food and presents and Viva loved all the attention. The kids really had a wonderful time also. They played games and trivia and ate. Carter was walking around with a blue face from the icing off of the cake.

So as you can see we have been pretty normal lately Carter is taking his accutane and we are preparing for our next trip to NY on May 8th and we will be there for 2 weeks I hope!

Mariah cannot wait to get out of school so that she can join us in our journeys to NY she loves it there.

I wanted to extend a personal thank you to Mr. McGalla and Mr. Welding for such a wonderful success on the talent show and also Mr. Perich. And also the students without you there would not have been a talent show. Thank you very much for all that attended participated and lended a hand that day.

God Bless

Monday, April 18, 2005 4:37 PM CDT


Carter's MIBG scan results are in and I am not sure what this means if it is good or bad.

There is no change from his last MIBG which means that the spot in his right hip is still there. Still there from last June? Unchanged since last June. He has had radiation since his last scan and it is still unchanged.

I don't know what this all means but at least it is unchanged and not growing.

I don't know if this is good or bad.

Well gotta run I cannot keep up with this kid.


Saturday, April 16, 2005 10:26 PM CDT

Good Evening,

Just wanted to say that we are home and I am sorry I have not updated yet.

Friday could not have went any better for us. We stayed at Sloan inpatient on Thursday night again. Friday morning Gram came back early to the hospital so that I could go and blow the stink off early Friday. I left right away when she arrived. Carter was still asleep.

When I got back at 10:30am they were coming in to say that they wanted Carter for his MIBG scan an hour early. So off Carter and I went to Nuclear med. while i was there they called me and said did Carter eat anything yet and I said no why? They said that his culture from his line on Wednesday came back positive again for infection and when they told Gram that back at the room she told them that no matter what happened we were leaving NY on Saturday morning! Which is what I asked her to tell them. So they said that they were going to try and fit him in the or schedule to have his port removed but it might be hard to get him in. Anyway we got back from the MIBG and then they were there right away to do his 3F8 treatment. Which went well and he made it through with only two small dilaudid rescue doses. He then slept for 1/2 hour and they came in to get him for surgery to remove his port.

I prayed Friday that everything would go smoothly that day and it sure did we were dishchared with an oral antibiotic and no port by 5:00pm Friday. I was soooo happy.

We were able to get home by noon today and we had 4 tickets to the circus in the mail for tonights show so off we went at 6:00pm to see the Shrine Circus it was alot of fun but I have to say that I am dragging butt now.

Anyway we are home and God is worthy and he listens and answers prayers. Please pray that things continue to go sooo smoothly.

Love Rhonda

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 7:55 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

This just in I saw it on the guestbook and thought I would post it for anyone who is interested. There is going to be a talent show on Friday night at Chartiers Valley Highschool. 7:00pm all proceeds go to the Carter Finger Fund please visit this web page for more information http://www.exhalations.org

It is 9:00pm on Wednesday night. Carter started Tuesday off with a fever. They immediately drew cultures from his line and gave him tylenol and a round of iv antibiotics.

His fever came down and he was able to get his treatment. They made us stay until 3:00pm to see if he would spike a fever again. And guess what he did. So Carter bought himself a room at slodie Bag
All Donations or pledges over 50 receive a t shirt
All Donations or pledges over 75 received a pair of passes for Destinta Theatre
Pets are welcome to join Rain or Shine

Please pre register and get those pledges up!!!!!! I hear Lauren has raised over $200.00 all by herself way to go Lauren!

For information or preregistration call Kossman Development at 412-921-0716 Ext 112

Sunday, September 5, 2004 4:25 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Carter's Counts

HGB 9.0
WBC 0.1
ANC -0-

Carter had a very ruff night last night he was up alot in pain and they finally upped his morphine to every 2 hours and a rescue dose every hour if needed.

Today he seems to be doing better he actually attempted to eat some tuna! I was very pleased to seem him try.

As for mom and dad we are very tired and strung out! Sleeping just does not happen often here.

I am not sure how long we will be in since his white count is soooo low and he has no premature white cells even growing. He did have blood in his urine yesterday and they are not sure if it was because one of the chemos causes bladder irritation or if it was because his platelets were so low but they are keeping an eye on it. Also all if his cultures have not grown anything so that is also a good sign.

We will keep praying for a white count and pray that God shall rid this horrible disease from him once and for all!!!!!! Please say a prayer for Carter and all the other children fighting. Also please pray for Gretchen and PJ as they continue to cope with our buddy Alex's passing.

Love Mom

Dates to remember:

Sunday October 3rd Walk a Thon
10:00am Registration
11:00am Walk
Chartiers Valley Shopping Center
All preregistered walkers by September 17th receive a Goodie Bag
All Donations or pledges over 50 receive a t shirt
All Donations or pledges over 75 received a pair of passes for Destinta Theatre
Pets are welcome to join Rain or Shine

Please pre register and get those pledges up!!!!!! I hear Lauren has raised over $200.00 all by herself way to go Lauren!

For information or preregistration call Kossman Development at 412-921-0716 Ext 112

Friday, September 3, 2004 5:28 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Well lets see where to start? Carter got to go home yesterday from the hospital for his birthday. We left 8north around 2:00pm and headed over for radiation. We met with Dr. Deutsch and he received his markings and his first round of radiation.

As we were waiting for our ride home he began to feel yucky and just not himself very clingy and very tired. We dropped off Aunt Michele and picked up a cake and by the time we got home he was really not feeling well complaining of chest pain and very tired. I took his temp and it was 102.5 so I called the docs and they said check him in an hour and then if he still has fever bring him into the er.

Well we had cake and opened his present from Aunt Patti adn Uncle Tom and then as mom and dad began to prepare for our trip back everyone kinda hung out with him.

We finally made it in our room around 1:00am and they are guessing the chest pain is from mouth sores moving down into his chest. He is now on morphine and benedryl and fortez/antibiotic for the fever which was 103 once we got to the er. He also had a very low reading of hgb /red blood cells so all thru the night he was transfused and very whiny and very yucky feeling. So hopefully tonight things will be better.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and I hope to have a big party for him once his counts recover.

Thanks Robbie/Melissa/Rylie for making his day today.

Love Mom

Thursday, September 2, 2004 8:07 PM CDT

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carter was released from the hospital today and we are now heading back in with a fever will update tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 31, 2004 6:57 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Carter's Counts

WBC 4.1
This is all I have for now.

Carter has been quite a pistol these past couple of days. He is on morphine just about every 4 hours and after he receives his dose 2 hours later he is screaming that his throat hurts. Notice I said screaming. If his throat hurts that bad he would not be screaming. I think he is having pain and he does have some thrush going on in his mouth and a few mouth sores but I really beleive he is looking for the buzz off the morphine and benedryl that he gets.

He has not eaten since Saturday afternoon. So I am hoping that he begins to eat soon. He started drinking yesterday so at least he is drinking. Carter finished his chemo on Sunday and we are now here to be monitored for mouth sores and pain. There has been some discussion about sending us home tomorrow. I am a little worried that they will because he is doing ok. I say worried because tomorrow is day seven post chemo and he usually gets a fever. I have this feeling they will send us home tomorrow and he will get a fever tomorrow night and we won't be able to get a room on 8 north again. We shall see what happens.

He is very excited about his birthday and manages to tell everyone that it is coming. I am not worried about staying in the hospital for it because we will celebrate once he gets out. I received a call today that we are to be in radiation on Thursday at 2:00pm to begin his radiation to his left femur. The spot did not show up on the last scan but they still want to radiate it.

Please say a prayer that Carter's marrow does not take too long to recover from this chemo! Please pray that he continues to hold up well and be his energetic self.

I also wanted to take this time to thank everyone that helped with the Oz Fest!! and apologize for it being so hot and so short handed. Holly and Gretchen and PJ you guys are so nice to have helped us. As too everyone else.

I will update as to when we are leaving as soon as I know but I would be willing to bet that we will be here for at least the rest of the week. I told the doctor that this morning that his fever was coming tomorrow and he said lets try and be positive. We shall see.

Love Mom

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 10:16 PM CDT


Guess who will be 5 on Thursday? Yep Carter Feel free to send him a Card!!!!!

Quick Update
Carter had a very hard night. He was sick the entire night. And awoke with pain in his jaw and legs this morning and he is now on morphine for the pain and benedryl with it since he gets so itchy. Also since he is getting sick our options of anti nausea medicine are very limited since his reaction from transplant last year. So they are going to do the best they can to make him comfortable.

MRI results of the questionable spot on his head came back clear it is nothing!!!!! Once again. Praise God!!! Please don't stop praying!

We made it to our room and chemo has started and so far so good. We are in a room with another little boy that is 5 and Carter is making himself right at home.

We had a very long day today. We had to be at the hospital at 1:45 to begin registration for his MRI. Carter was a bear in the morning he kept asking to eat and was helping himself to the fridge I needed a helmet and shoulder pads to warn him off. He was bound and determined to eat. Needless to say we finally made it and he didn't eat. So once we got to the hospital we sat and sat and sat and sat and sat and sat Carter was finally put on the table for his MRI at 5:35 pm. From there he was in there until 7:00pm the machine was malfunctioning so it took longer. I had to go because I had a doctors appt at 6:30 so dad came straight from work and I left for my appointment I was late but they still saw me. Thank God I would have ripped someones head off at that point.

Tuesday was definately a nice day we awoke and packed up the van and went to Idlewild with Grandma and Pap Megela and Aunt Stacy we had a wonderful day and Carter truly enjoyed himself.

Thursday we will be admitted to the hospital to begin his high dose chemo Cytoxin/Topetecan/Vincristine He will receive his chemo over 5 days as inpatient they will monitor him since it is so high doses. I am really nervous this time it is though I am out of touch from all of this since he has done so well with the low dose chemo since he relapsed. He has not had high dose chemo since last June for transplant. I am really scared. Carter is ready to go and glad that we are spending the night in the hospital.

I have to finish packing so I must go now. I will update in the hospital to let everyone know how he is handling this chemo.

Dates to remember:

Sunday October 3rd Walk a Thon
10:00am Registration
11:00am Walk
Chartiers Valley Shopping Center
All preregistered walkers by September 17th receive a Goodie Bag
All Donations or pledges over 50 receive a t shirt
All Donations or pledges over 75 received a pair of passes for Destinta Theatre
Pets are welcome to join Rain or Shine
For information or preregistration call Kossman Development at 412-921-0716 Ext 112

Love MOm

Monday, August 23, 2004 9:33 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Today is Monday and it feels like Monday. First I wanted to thank Jamie and the Pittsburgh Bottle Cafe for the Golf Outting.

I have called Dr. Orlando about chemo this week and left a message. I hope that he can be admitted on Thursday to begin his five day high dose Cytoxin and topetecan. Aunt Patti had won us free tickets to go to Idlewild and we have not used them yet. We were hoping to use them tomorrow since we will be in the hospital for the remaining time that it will be open.

Carter will have his MRI on Wednesday to see what is going on with the front part of his head. Everything is pretty much wait and see and it is driving me crazy.

Carter will be 5 on September 2nd I am not sure what we will be doing for his birthday yet.

As far as everything else I cannot say much but wait and see wait and see.

We went to Gretchen and Pj's on Saturday and it was a very nice picnic/party. Gretchen and PJ still need our prayers for strength.

As far as anything else that is going on We have the Oz Fest Concert on the 28th and I have all the day people thanks to Aunt Patti Aunt Val and Amy Stevens. As far as evening it is all up in the air if you had said that you could do it please email me definate first and last names so that I can email those to them so they will let us in at the gate. I know it isn't till Saturday but I wanted to get this nailed down before we were admitted for chemo. I really don't want to worry about that later in the week. We also still need volunteers for that evening so if you can definately do it please let me know via email. HOlly if your still interested please let me know.

Dates to remember:

Sunday October 3rd Walk a Thon
10:00am Registration
11:00am Walk
Chartiers Valley Shopping Center
All preregistered walkers by September 17th receive a Goodie Bag
All Donations or pledges over 50 receive a t shirt
All Donations or pledges over 75 received a pair of passes for Destinta Theatre
Pets are welcome to join Rain or Shine
For information or preregistration call Kossman Development at 412-921-0716 Ext 112

Please don't stop praying
Love Mom

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:13 AM CDT


New Photo's

New Update 10:20am Monday::::::

I just spoke with the Dr. and I have tears of joy!!!!!! Carter's Urine test came back normal his bone marrow biopsy/aspirates came back clear meaning no evidence of disease. His MIBG scan showed a lighted area at his biopsy site in his back but they are not concerned they feel it is from the damage to the bone when the did it. His CT showed a spot on the front of his brain but they are not concerned either they say it is nothing and we will have a MRI here to confirm that it is nothing. As far as they are concerned Carter has no spots of concern and is doing wonderful with his treatment. PRAISE GOD PRAISE GOD PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We will be doing some more tests this week to test his heart and hearing and the MRI to confirm everything is ok. If all is good it looks like we will move forward with more chemo/high dose and radiation. Please keep up the prayers for our miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so I know everyone is waiting for the update with the tests results. Well guess what we are still waiting imagine that!

We had a wonderful time on Saturday with our Lemonade stand! We will never be able to compare to Alex's success but we will sure try. We were able to make 1500.00 and all of that money will go to pediatric cancer research to Alex's fund. I wanted to thank everyone that participated and stayed and helped either standing at the doors or serving lemonade or just helping to keep the kids busy. What a wonderful time and I was so happy that it turned out. I was really nervous. I also wanted to take this time to thank everyone that came and donated!

We also made a stop at the Christian Life Church yesterday to donate blood for the blood drive. I heard from Gretchen last night that out of 59 people that showed around 47 were able to donate and that is great. I am hoping to put one of these blood drives together myself you don't realize how hard it is to put something like this together unless you have done it. Gretchen's mom Cheryl is an amazing woman and she really has a talent for doing something like this. There was a wonderful article in the Trafford paper written about their little Alex and Carter it was sooooo sweet! I was also able to pick up one of the cookbooks they are selling and it is really cool!!!!! I can't wait to try some of the recipe's out.

Our buddy Isaac did not get to go on his wish trip due to the hurricane so please say a pray that they will be able to go soon. He definately deserves it!! Please also say a prayer for my dearest friend Gretchen Lonero (Alex's Mom) please lift her up and ask for strength and knowledge to get through these extremely hard times after Alex's passing.

The common phrase that you always hear as we go through these journeys is "I don't know how you do it?" Well let me tell you we don't do it alone. First and foremost we are led by God through this journey and carried along the way with pray and the help of friends and family. Without all of this together we would not be able to do it! So again I say thank you for all the love and support and prayers that everyone sends our way.

Please pray for good tests results!

Please if there are any golfers out there please read the golf outting info at the bottom.

God Bless you! Love MOM

August 22 Golf Tornament for Carter if your interested call Jamie at 412-279-0187 We are in need of alot more foursomes so if you can rally together some people please do so by this week and give Jamie a call he needs to know right away.
Starts at 9:00am
Where : 84 Golf Course
If your a golfer please come and support this great event that Jamie and the Pittsburgh Bottling Cafe have put together. They need your support to make this a great event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 28th Concert I still need people for the evening so if your interested please let me know.

Please pray for good results on these tests.

Thursday, August 12, 2004 5:52 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

We finally made it home around 6:30pm after being on the train since 6:30am. It was a very long day and I am very glad to be home.

We had alot of fun in New York. Since Mariah went with us we did alot more than we usually do. After we met with the doctor on Monday we walked to Central Park and took the kids to the zoo. From there we rode a horse and buggy around Central Park. The kids got NY t-shirts too.

Tuesday we had to be at the hospital at 7:00am and Carter had biopsy's and aspirates done. He needs to be put to sleep for this. This is when they go into his hips two holes in the front and 4 holes in the back. They take a peice of the bone out of each and also pull out marrow to test for evidence of disease. Tuesday afternoon the kids were in a talent show in the clinic. Mariah showed off her talent with making tye dye art. Carter of course did some break dancing with the worm and spinning on the floor and had everyone in the room yelling Go Carter! Tuesday night we went on a double decker bus tour. We were able to sit on the top of the bus so we had a wonderful view. The tour took us all thru NY down Broadway thru Chinatown, Harlem, Queens. It was very informative and we had a blast.

Wednesday we had to be at the clinic early again Carter had his CT scan and then onto his MIBG scan. This is the test were he has to lay still for 1 45 minutes. He did great! So needless to say a trip to Toys R Us was in order. This is his reward for laying still for his tests without having to be sedated. So the kids made their own bears stuffing them and picking out their outfits. Wednesday night consisted of the kids running around the ronald house while we did laundry and repacked everything and cleaned the room. We were up and moving by 4:30am to leave for the train.

So as you can see we were really busy but all in all we had a great time. Please start praying that the tests come back great!

I have some dates at the bottom here and if you can please attend or help with any of these things please email me.

Well gotta run and catch up with the kids running around in the play room unsupervised.

August 14th Alex's Lemonade stand. We are still looking for some Water coolers if anyone has some. We could also use some volunteers. If your interested please email me. Alex has raised 700,000 her goal is 1 million please pass the word so that we can help her reach her goal. All the proceeds go to Pediatric Cancer Research

August 16th Blood Drive in Memory of our wonderful buddy Alex and the blood will be donated in Carter's name. Gretchen and PJ are such wonderful people please help make this a success and come donate. I am begging you to donate these kids lives depend on it please please donate!
To make an appt please call Cheryl at 724-864-0632 it will be held at Christian Life Church

August 22 Golf Tornament for Carter if your interested call Jamie at 412-279-0187 We are in need of alot more foursomes so if you can rally together some people please do so by this week and give Jamie a call he needs to know right away.
Starts at 9:00am
Where : 84 Golf Course
If your a golfer please come and support this great event that Jamie and the Pittsburgh Bottling Cafe have put together. They need your support to make this a great event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 28th Concert I still need people for the evening so if your interested please let me know.

Please pray for good results on these tests.

God Bless Everyone if your interested in seeing pictures from NY please email me so that I can add you to our photo list.

Love MOM

Monday, August 9, 2004 6:27 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Update from NY We are here finally. There was a train derailment by Lewistown so we had to take a bus to Harrisburg and then take the train from there. When we got here we only received 1/2 of our luggage. They split it up on two trains. We had to wait 1 1/2 longer to get the rest of our luggage from the next train. So needless to say we finally made it to our room at 12:00pm and we were all very tired and very cranky.

We met with Dr. Kushner today and everthing is up in the air as far as treatment. However, he did suggest that if everything is the same or better that we might do 2 more rounds of chemo of cytoxin and topetecan but stronger doses and then on to radiation and then antibodies again. Which leaves out a transplant which I was happy to hear.

Well gotta run and catch up with the kids running around in the play room unsupervised.

Here are some dates to remember.

August 14th Alex's Lemonade stand. We are still looking for some Water coolers if anyone has some. We could also use some volunteers. If your interested please email me. Alex has raised 700,000 her goal is 1 million please pass the word so that we can help her reach her goal. All the proceeds go to Pediatric Cancer Research

August 16th Blood Drive in Memory of our wonderful buddy Alex and the blood will be donated in Carter's name. Gretchen and PJ are such wonderful people please help make this a success and come donate. I am begging you to donate these kids lives depend on it please please donate!
To make an appt please call Cheryl at 724-864-0632 it will be held at Christian Life Church

August 22 Golf Tornament for Carter if your interested call Jamie at 412-279-0187

August 28th Concert I still need people for the evening so if your interested please let me know.

Please pray for good results on these tests.

Love Mom

Thursday, August 5, 2004 12:18 AM CDT

Hello everyone,


Carter received blood and platelets yesterday and things look good so we are leaving by train Sunday Morning and will have all of his tests done there and come home on Thursday evening. Please pray pray pray that the test show us our miracle!!!!!
Things have been crazy here lately. We are home and Carter is on antibiotics at home. He is still receiving his Neupogen shots/makes his white count come back up.

Carter will have his counts drawn on Friday to see if he needs transfused before we leave.

I have been really busy with trying to get the Lemonade stand ready.

We will be leaving for NY on Sunday and returning Thursday the 12th so as you can see I wont have much time once I get home to prepare.

I hope that we get more calls for the blood drive!!!!! Hint Hint ! I don't think everyone realizes how important it is for these kids to have donors. Please if you can I am begging you please come to the blood drive.

Well I have to run!

Here are some dates to remember.

August 14th Alex's Lemonade stand. We are still looking for some Water coolers if anyone has some. We could also use some volunteers. If your interested please email me. Alex has raised 700,000 her goal is 1 million please pass the word so that we can help her reach her goal. All the proceeds go to Pediatric Cancer Research

August 16th Blood Drive in Memory of our wonderful buddy Alex and the blood will be donated in Carter's name. Gretchen and PJ are such wonderful people please help make this a success and come donate. I am begging you to donate these kids lives depend on it please please donate!
To make an appt please call Cheryl at 724-864-0632 it will be held at Christian Life Church

August 22 Golf Tornament for Carter if your interested call Jamie at 412-279-0187

August 28th Concert I still need people for the evening so if your interested please let me know.

Also if anyone is interested in helping out the Lonero's they are selling cookbooks for 12.00 call Cheryl 724-864-0632

Love Mom

Saturday, July 31, 2004 7:20 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Tuesday Update
Carter is still in the hospital. His culture came back positive yesterday for a staph infection of the blood. They added another antibiotic and he should possibly be able to come home on Wednesday.

Just a quick update as of Saturday night Carter has been admitted for fever. He was transfused on Sunday morning with platelets and he is feeling great even though he has low counts and a continuous fever. It is with great sadness that I tell you that Alex Scott has passed on to the heavens definately earning her angel wings. She was and will be always a true inspiration to us all. I still plan on holding my lemonade stand to support her cause she is such an angel. Please say a prayer for her family.

Let me start by saying that Carter's counts took a dive. We were at the clinic on Thursday and he needed blood and platelets. Needless to say his white count is just about completely gone. He did fine we were there all day and he got everything he needed. Mariah played in the infusion room and Gram made keychains and Carter and I were watching Rush Hour the movie and dozed off for a little while. When we woke up they were serving Rita's in the clinic it was so nice.

Carter is still feeling good he continues to run around and play. He is not complaining of any pain except his ear which he has been complaining of pain in his right ear for about a month and they keep checking it and nothing is wrong. I am not sure what that is all about. The pain comes and goes and it is not unbearable for him.

We went to a free movie in the park up the street again to see Monster's Inc. Carter laid still and watched it with his Cousin Robbie as if they did not even see it already 300 times. It was nice and the rain held off. Once we returned home Carter was quite awake not sure why (might have something to do with the fact that him and I took a 3 hour nap yesterday waking up at 6:00pm) Carter was wide awake watching tv and chowing down on cereal and plums ect. I took his temperature and it was 100.9 nothing like hanging on the ropes. 101/we have to call the doctors and go to the er to be admitted since he has no white count. I kept taking it every 1/2 hour praying that it would not go up. I just hate going to the hospital for a fever. They never find an infection and we end up there for 72 hours just hanging out. His fever never moved and about 2:40am I said to him lets go mommy will lay in your bed with you. We did and not 2 minutes later he was sound asleep. I fell asleep not soon after that. Of course the dog woke me up at 7:30am barking. Everyone else is still sleeping now so I figured I had the time to update.

As for news we will be leaving for New York Sunday the 8th and be returning the 12th we will be taking a train this time. Mariah will be going along too. She is soooo excited. Once we are there we will have a clinic appt on Monday with Dr. Kushner and Tuesday he will begin his testing. He will have a Biopsy around 7:00am Tuesday morning then we will come back for the MIBG injection around 3:00pm. On Wednesday we will have a CT scan around 10:00am and right after he will have his MIBG scan. All the while we will be collecting his urine for HVA/VMA testing also. Once we return to Childrens of Pittsburgh he will have an echo done and a audiology test to see if his heart is ok from all the chemo and also to see if he has any continued hearing loss. I beleive the plan is that once he completes all his tests and if everything is ok he will then either do radiation or go in for his stem cell transplant/bone marrow.

I spoke with Gretchen/Alex's mom Thursday I called to see how she was doing. You have to stop by and read her page it is so amazing the things you go through and how strong she is. I definately admire her will and strength. Please visit their site.
Alex's page

Also on her page I found a link to a little girl named Shelby she definately needs some prays as too her family. You can visit her site at

Please pray pray pray. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

Here are some dates to remember.

August 14th Alex's Lemonade stand. We are still looking for some Water coolers if anyone has some. We could also use some volunteers. If your interested please email me. Alex has raised 700,000 her goal is 1 million please pass the word so that we can help her reach her goal. All the proceeds go to Pediatric Cancer Research

August 16th Blood Drive in Memory of our wonderful buddy Alex and the blood will be donated in Carter's name. Gretchen and PJ are such wonderful people please help make this a success and come donate. I am begging you to donate these kids lives depend on it please please donate!
To make an appt please call Cheryl at 724-864-0632 it will be held at Christian Life Church

August 22 Golf Tornament for Carter if your interested call Jamie at 412-279-0187

August 28th Concert I still need people for the evening so if your interested please let me know.

Also if anyone is interested in helping out the Lonero's they are selling cookbooks for 12.00 call Cheryl 724-864-0632

God Bless
Love Mom

Wednesday, July 28, 2004 7:58 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Carter is still feeling well since he finished his chemo last Saturday. I cannot wait for school to start! Is anyone with me? Please let me explain. Carter is so used to being number one attention and now I have to split up the time. I don't think he likes it. So needless to say he is constantly fighting with Mariah and hurting her. Mind you she sometimes initiates it but most of the time it is him.

I finally spoke with a Therapist at Childrens and he is going to meet with our family on the 3rd all of us. I am really hoping to work with him to get thru some of these issues of dicipline and temper throwing. Oh almost forgot seperation anxiety. He seemed pretty nice and I cannot wait to meet with him since things could only get better.

As far as treatment Carter had counts yesterday and they are getting low but not quite transfusion level yet. He will have his counts drawn again on Thursday and probably be transfused then.

We will be heading to NY Memorial Sloan Kettering the week of the August 9th to start testing. I am truly not sure of the game plan from there. I just have this horrible feeling that Carter will be in the hospital for his 5th Birthday. I pray that he will not and we can enjoy a wonderful party with him.

Please pray that Carter continues to do well and can stay out of the hospital with no fevers! Please pray that the chemo is working and that the cancer is gone.

Here are some dates to remember.

August 14th Alex's Lemonade stand. We are still looking for some Water coolers if anyone has some. We could also use some volunteers. If your interested please email me. Alex has raised 700,000 her goal is 1 million please pass the word so that we can help her reach her goal. All the proceeds go to Pediatric Cancer Research

August 16th Blood Drive in Memory of our wonderful buddy Alex and the blood will be donated in Carter's name. Gretchen and PJ are such wonderful people please help make this a success and come donate. I am begging you to donate these kids lives depend on it please please donate!
To make an appt please call Cheryl at 724-864-0632 it will be held at Christian Life Church

August 22 Golf Tornament for Carter if your interested call Jamie at 412-279-0187

August 28th Concert I still need people for the evening so if your interested please let me know.

Also if anyone is interested in helping out the Lonero's they are selling cookbooks for 12.00 call Cheryl 724-864-0632

God Bless
Love Mom

Monday, July 26, 2004 7:01 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Sorry I have not updated but nothing new here. Carter finished his chemo on Saturday. He is still feeling fine. We will go to the clinic Tuesday and Thursday for counts.

We had a nice weekend did not do much just hung out.

I am still waiting for NY to call with the dates of his tests for scans and biopsy/aspirates. I will update once they come along.

Here are some dates to remember.

August 14th Alex's Lemonade stand. We are still looking for some Water coolers if anyone has some. We could also use some volunteers. If your interested please email me. Alex has raised 700,000 her goal is 1 million please pass the word so that we can help her reach her goal. All the proceeds go to Pediatric Cancer Research

August 16th Blood Drive in Memory of our wonderful buddy Alex and the blood will be donated in Carter's name. Gretchen and PJ are such wonderful people please help make this a success and come donate. I am begging you to donate these kids lives depend on it please please donate!
To make an appt please call Cheryl at 724-864-0632 it will be held at Christian Life Church

August 22 Golf Tornament for Carter if your interested call Jamie at 412-279-0187

August 28th Concert I still need people for the evening so if your interested please let me know.

Also if anyone is interested in helping out the Lonero's they are selling cookbooks for 12.00 call Cheryl 724-864-0632

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 7:59 PM CDT


We were off to the clinic this morning. They checked his counts and everything checked out ok so they started chemo today in the clinic. I wasn't prepared but that is ok. Carter did great and he met a new buddy Isaac he too has NB stage IV he has also relapsed.

You could not even tell that Carter had chemo he is running around and still playing. Please pray that he continues to do well and the scans show good results.

Please pray for Isaac, Phillip, Andrew,Mason,and many other children fighting the beast once again. Please also say a pray for all of those families who are without their loved ones.




Love Mom

Monday, July 19, 2004 10:26 AM CDT


Carter had a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!!!! I think mom and dad ruined him though in the beginning of Kennywood. We took him on the Jackrabbit for the first ride and scared him for the rest of the day. We then had to slowly build up his confidence once again. I guess we thought he was more of a dare devil than we thought.

Anyway we had a blast! They were calling for rain yesterday so we are guessing that is why there were no lines. But it was so nice it wasn't hot and there were practically no lines. Carter and Gram and Aunt Linda and Robbie rode the whip 4 times in a row. We had such a wonderful time everyone was able to ride what they wanted and everyone was so relaxed it was nice. I have to say Mariah and her cousin Robbie are crazy riders they will ride anything that they can get on!!!! So to sum it up we could not have asked for a better day!!!!

AS for treatment Carter is going to the clinic tomorrow to check on his counts and make sure he recovered from his teeth surgery. If all is well he will start chemo on Wednesday. Will update then.

Love Mom

Friday, July 16, 2004 7:06 PM CDT


Carter did great today! We had to be there at noon and his surgery was set up for 1:00pm I was a little worried about waiting so long to eat but once again he never complained and was such a wonderful boy. He finally went in at 2:00 and Dr. Martin came out to talk to us around 3:30pm.

Everything went well he has 4 teeth on the top that were filled with white fillings and 4 teeth in the front on the bottom that were filled with white fillings. The entire rest of his mouth is sillver crowns. As Carter would say he now has rapper teeth. He came out of surgery and said wow mom they are soooo hard. We were in recovery for awhile he ate two popsicles there and then went back to same day surgery for awhile. There he ate some pudding and one more popsicle.

Once we were home around 6:30pm he was fine with some discomfort playing with super balls on the sidewalk out front. He continued to eat at home he had an ice cream cone. He simply amazes me it was like he didn't even have surgery today. I am soooo proud of him.

It appears that we will be going to Kennywood on Sunday since he is doing so well YEH!!!!!!!!!!

Well tonight there is a moving playing at the park up the street so we will be grabbing our lawn chairs and going up to watch Looney Toons Back in Action. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Please pray that Carter continues to feel well and we can resume chemo next Wednesday. Also please pray for other children and their families battling this horrible nightmare. I pray that God leads us to the end of Journey with Carter being healed forever!

Love Mom

Wednesday, July 14, 2004 6:55 AM CDT



Carter's Counts
HGB -9.4
WBC - 3.1
so as you can see Carter's counts are finally starting to recover.

Since his counts are doing so well he will have surgery on Friday to fix his teeth. We will go back to the clinic on Tuesday to get ready for his next round of chemo.

Carter has been doing wonderful. He has been playing and running and swimming swimming swimming!!!!! Did I say swimming? You can't keep him out of the pool. He looks great and is getting soooo chubby!

We are hoping that he makes a quick recovery from his teeth so that we may be able to go to Kennywood on Sunday.

I wanted to say thank you very much to Bonnie Beal for the Clown Car Wash you truly are a sweetie! And thank to all that attended!!!!!

I also wanted to thank Gretchen Lonero (Alex's Mom) for visiting us last week in the clinic and for giving Carter the Guardian angel sculpture. Your such a wonderful person and I am always praying and thinking of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as the concerts I am really aiming to fill the slots for August 28th I will need 10 in the am and 10 in the pm if you think that this is something you can do please email me right away so that I can turn in the names.

Friday, July 9, 2004 1:54 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Carter's counts
WBC 2.5
HGB 10.2
PLTS 90k
ANC 900 his immune is slowly recovering

We visited the clinic today for his counts. We also made a trip to the Childrens Hospital dental clinic. Dr. Martin there wants to do surgery on Carter's teeth next week. So I am going to call them Monday and make the arrangements. They will be filling what they can and capping most of his teeth to try and save most of them. They said that if they need to pull some they will if they are not going to be able to be saved.

As far as the weekend we are not doing much we will be going to the Car Wash in the morning and to Carter's cousin Rylie's 1st birthday party.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dont forget to bring the kids for some fun and get your car washed!!!!
CLOWN CAR WASH*******************

At Parkway Center Mall July 10th from 10:00am to 3:00pm please come by and enjoy the festivities. There will be clowns crafts, and play games

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Love Mom

These are a list of Concerts that I need help with serving at the food booth at Post Gazzette Pavilion.

July 18th at least 10 people
July 30th at least 10 people
August 5th at least 10 in the am and 10 in the pm
August 28th 10 in the am and 10 in the pm
Please email me if your interested so that we may fill these slots as soon as you know.

Rhonda bubbs1972@comcast.net

Tuesday, July 6, 2004 1:06 PM CDT


Carters Counts
HGB - red cells 11.1
WBC - white cells immune - 2.5
PLTS - clotting plasma - 50K
ANC 600 absolute neutrophil count which is his total immune system count should be at least 1500 to be able to fight off infections

We had a wonderful weekend Carter went to see Spiderman II at the drive in since we are not in a enclosed space and not around people. Last night we took him to Butler Fair to watch the demo durby it was fun.

He is still feeling great and we are now waiting for his counts to recover so that he can begin his next round of chemo cytoxin/topetecan hopefully they will start it on the 19th since we have plans to go to Kennywood on the 18th. He has never been there and I want him to enjoy hisself. As for tonight mom is off to work at star lake with 9 gracious people that offered to help.

We will be at the hospital again for counts on Friday and Carter meets with the dentist to see what they are going to do with his chemo teeth as we call them.

I hope everyone had a nice fourth! Please pray for all the families struggling with this horrible illness and those who have lost their battle and pray for their families.

CLOWN CAR WASH*******************

Anyone wishing to help with this event please email me by Thursday evening!!!!!!!!!

At Parkway Center Mall July 10th from 10:00am to 3:00pm please come by and enjoy the festivities. There will be clowns crafts, and play games.
There is an add in the Pittsburgh Parent Magazine for Carter I just found out today.

Friday, July 2, 2004 8:59 AM CDT


Carter continues to feel well. I finally figured out what all the confusion was with his blood draw. Since our home care nurse does not supply the neupogen for Carter after his chemo they cannot do his blood draws post chemo. Now from what I understand we have been lucky these past 11 chemos to have the nurse come. Anyway since they could not come Dr. Orlando was going to have Quest Diagnostics come out well when they did not call me yesterday by 11:00am to set something up I called them and it turns out that they do not do finger sticks in the field and they were going to be coming and sticking him in a vein. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I called the clinic and turns out they didn't know that either. So off we were to the clinic yesterday at 2:30pm to have his counts done. He ended up needing platelets so since it was so late in the day we went up to 8north to receive those we finally made it home around 7:30pm. So from now on we will be going to the clinic for blood draws 2 days a week.

As far as everything else we are just waiting his counts to return to begin our next round of topetecan /cytoxin.

Not much really going on around here we will be just hanging out around the house this weekend maybe even spend some time in the pool. I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July weekend.

Benefit News:

CLOWN CAR WASH*******************

At Parkway Center Mall July 10th from 10:00am to 3:00pm please come by and enjoy the festivities. There will be clowns crafts, and play games.
There is an add in the Pittsburgh Parent Magazine for Carter I just found out today.

Also if anyone is still interested in working at Star Lake please let me know right away I want to email the list this afternoon of our ten people. This is for July 6th we have to leave at 4:00pm and work till around 12:00pm Thank you

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 3:36 PM CDT


New Photos

Hello again it is Wednesday morning now I spoke with Dr. Kushner last night he called me at home and he had indicated that he has had no discussion with Dr. Orlando he is not sure what the mix up is. Anyway he had indicated that we should go ahead and do the next round of chemo here and once we start it to call him and his sec will start setting up all of Carter's scans and tests in NY so as you can see once we finish this chemo we will be heading to NY for Carter's tests. In speaking with Dr. Kushner he indicated that he will be able to reveiw Carter's test from March since they were done there and look at his new ones and decide what to do next. He also stated that Carter is a good canidate to receive antibodies again w/beta glucan and we would need to prepare for that and get ther right away this time. So that is where we stand I am just soooo furious that we were lied to. Oh and to top it off we were supposed to have a blood draw today at home and there were no orders for today they were set up for Thursday. So I called this morning and they told me that there were 60 patients coming in today that I should just sit tight and wait till tomorrow. I am sooooo sick of mix ups and laid back attitudes! THIS IS MY SON!!!!!!! NOT JUST ANOTHER NUMBER AND I AM GETTING REALLY UPSET!!!!!!

We are home and Carter is feeling good. He will have his counts drawn from the home care nurse Wednesday. As far as our meeting with Dr. Orlando I am not sure what to think.
He first indicated that he spoke with Dr. Kushner/NY doctor. We will be doing another round of the topotecan cytoxin chemo once his counts come back up. After that round of chemo they will do a complete workup on Carter. They will be testing his hearing, heart/ekg, ct scan bone scan mibg scan and take a look at where he is at. If those tests come back that the cancer has not spread we will continue to do radiation maybe 3 or 4 days to the femur which is the only spot that is showing up right now. After that they want to give him High Dose Chemo of Cytoxin/Topotecan and then use his own stem cells to rescue him if his own marrow does not recover. So after meeting with Dr. Orlando I was not quite convinced that he spoke with Dr. Kushner because I am a parent and want what is best for my child. So I emailed Dr. Kushner myself and asked him if we could meet with him for a second opinion and sure enough he said Absolutely just have your Docs give me an update on Carter. Well to me that sounds like he really did not talk to him. So Dr. Kushner is going to call me back to let me know what it is he actually needs prior to our meeting. I will go no further than another chemo with Carter's treatment until I get a second opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So of course in speaking with us for the 1000 time he proceeds to tell us that reccurent Neuroblastoma usually does not have a good outcome and that we need to remember that. I am soooo sick of hearing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As Carter's parents we know that and are aware of how deadly this cancer is for crying out loud stop beating us down with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So that is where we stand and we will continue to fight and pray and fight and pray until our baby cannot fight anymore. I am not giving up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please say a prayer for all of the children fighting.

Benefit News:

CLOWN CAR WASH*******************

At Parkway Center Mall July 10th from 10:00am to 3:00pm please come by and enjoy the festivities. There will be clowns crafts, and play games.

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