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Feb 14. Happy Valentine's Day! NEW PICTURES ADDED!

Happy Valentine's Day, Brynn! We love you and miss you.

If Roses Grow in Heaven
If roses grow in Heaven Lord
Please pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my Sister's arms
and tell her they're from me.
Tell her I love her and miss her,
and when she turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon her cheek
and hold her for a while.

I found this picture of Brynn and I thought it was good advice. Hugs make you feel so good. So take Brynn's advice and hug a lunatic or just someone you know. It makes you feel great and it is FREE!

Note from Mom:

Thank you for all your donations of time and support for the Brynn Lee feather Fund. It was greatly appreciated.
This year, during a year of distress from natural disasters and economic hardship, we were able to raise approximately $12,000. Two direct cash donations went to research for Brynn's particular cancer and to the diabetes center at the Reading Hospital. The rest will be placed in an endowment established last year to benefit the regional cancer center at the Reading Hospital and Camp Setebaid.
Donations can continue and should be sent to:
Brynn Lee Feather Fund Berks County Community Foundation
POBox 212 Reading Pa 19603-0212
Thank you again

Bless you, my darling, and remember you are always in the heart - oh tucked so close there is no chance of escape - of your sister. ~Katherine Mansfield

And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
- Abraham Lincoln



Please vist Angel Jason. He passed away yesterday from rhabdo. Please stop by and leave a few kind words for his family. Thanks.

I hope that everybody is enjoying the summer. This was Brynn's favorite time of year so she could go to the beach. I have not been to the shore, meaning the NJ shore, this summer. I am planning on going to NC with some friends. We have a house on the beach. It is always fun.

The benefit is really going well. My mom is doing a great job. She had the flyers made up and they look great! This year we are doing a music theme. We have three different bands playing. We are also doing the silent auction and the raffle again. If anyone would like to help out please email my mom (lwlodyka@aol.com) or myself (adt0123@hotmail.com). The benefit will be held Oct 14 at Stokesay Castle. Hope to see you there.

The benefit will go towards the Reading Hospital, Camp Setebaid and to Rhabdomyosarcoma research at the UPenn.

You know when I first learned of my sister's cancer I had her say it a few times because I could not pronounce it. Now it is a word that will always be a part of my vocabulary. I can spell it faster then my own last name.

Please sign the guestbook! We love to hear from you!

Take care,

Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
- unknown

Monday, July 5, 2005

The Second Annual Brynn Lee Memorial Dinner will be held on Oct. 14, 2005 at Stokesay.
To find out more information please visit the Berks County Community Fund at http://www.bccf.org/pages/listofunds.html or e-mail Leslee Wlodyka at lwlodyka@aol.com.


I hope that everyone had a nice Fourth of July. I saw fireworks on Saturday in the city. They always are so beautiful. Not too much is going on. I wish I had more to report. Just don' forget about the benefit. Mark it down. Please leave a message. We still love reading your posts. We like to think that Brynn still checks them out! Take care,


Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:19 AM CDT


Brynn's memorial benefit will be held on Oct 14, 2005 at Stokesay Castle. I hope we have as great of turn out as we did last year. If you would like to help you can contact my mother at lwlodyka@aol.com or my self at the e-mail address below.

I just want to thank everybody for there support.

If you get the chnace please stop by these site and leave them a message in there guestbooks.
Thank you.


Monday, May 2, 2005 7:28 PM CDT



You might be wondering why Brynn is with Mr. Clean. She went to Penn State for hotel management and went to an expo and there was Mr. Clean. It must have been hard to keep a straight face.

Well, I leave for San Diego with George next week. He plans to go golfing and I plan to hit a spa. We are also going to the Zoo. My Dad was in the Navy way back when and was stationed there and he told where to go. It should be fun.

Well, Mother's day is soon so for all those mothers out there, I hope you have a great day.

Take care,

Brynn - We love you and miss you!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 6:46 PM CST


Well, I finally joined the 21st century and got a new computer and printer with a scanner. I added some new pictures to the photo album. They aren't perfect but I am still learning. You would think I would be better at this because I sit at a computer all day and but no.

If any one is interested in donating their time or things for the silent auction we are doing the Second Annual Brynn Lee Memorial Dinner Oct. 14 2005. It is at the same location, Stokesay Castle starting at 6:30. I hope you will be able to attend. Pleas keep you eyes out for more details.

Take care,



Monday, March 28, 2005 2:20 PM CST


I hope that everyone had a nice Easter. I just want to let everyone know that next Memorial Dinner will be held Oct. 14 at Stokesay Castle at 6:30-11pm. If you would like to donate your time or anything for the silent auction please let me or my Mom know. Hopefully we will have a great turn out like last year. Take care.


Monday, March 21, 2005 6:32 PM CST

Only A Moment

How quietly she tiptoed into our world
Softly, only a moment she stayed
But what an imprint her footprints
Have left upon our hearts.

Brynn, we love you so much and you are always tuck so close to our hearts.

Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:01 AM CST

Make sure to drink an Irish Car Bomb for Brynn! I know I will.



Tuesday, March 8, 2005 12:28 AM CST


We are having a weird weather day. Yesterday it was like 70° and today it is snowing and like 20°. March 22, will mark the one year anniversary of Brynn’s death. My Mom has put a memorial in the paper and should be out that day. I will be honest, it has been hard. I remember when she got diagnosed and the time just seemed to fly by before she died and now it kind of just drags. You know how time is broken up into B.C. and A.D., well my life is defined B.C. (Before Cancer), D.C (during Cancer) and A.B.D (After Brynn’s Death). I am taking off that day and plan to do things Brynn and I use to do B.C. Hopefully the weather will be nice.

Well, that is all. Take care.


PS- please go to Cait’s site (below in the link section) and let her know that you are thinking about her. She just finished treatment for Osteosarcoma and just had scans and there are now numerous spots in her lungs. Thanks.

Feb. 4, 2005 7:17 AM CST

Hi Everyone,
Not too much to report. I just wanted people to go to these sites below and give some support. Garrett lost his battle to rhabdo and Karin has had a relapse of rhabdo. Also, if any one is interested, visit the Cancer Warriors link above to purchase Rhabdomyosarcoma Research Car Magnets. The money made will be donated to rhabdomyosarcoma research. Thanks and take care.


Also, please give Brynn some Hugs in Heaven (See the above hug meter)

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 1:47 PM CST

I hope that everyone is getting ready for the holidays.

The Kuhn funeral home where we had Brynn's service had a memorial for all the people who passed away in 2004 on Sunday. It was very nice. They got a tree that they will plant out by the West Reading fire hall. They said that they were doing it for 10 years and they had a big row of them now. They made ornaments with everyone's name that died on them and they let the families put them on the tree. They called us up one by one. A woman sang some really nice songs and a harpist played in the background. A reverend did a small sermon. It was very nice. We were able to take the ornament home and we put it on the tree that Brynn used to have in her apartment at Christmas time. My Mom decorated it with all the decorations that Brynn used. It looks really good.

I found this poem, thought it was a good one.

Christmas In Heaven

© Written December 22, 2003 by Kris Smith

We've shared our hearts, full of Holiday Cheer
and shopped for presents for loved ones this year
The house is dressed up with garland and lights
That sparkle and shine through the Holiday nights

But even with all of this Holiday bliss
There's someone we lost that we terribly miss
And as this Christmas Day draws near
We wish with all of our hearts she was here.

She's living her life way up past the stars
Somewhere past Jupiter, Saturn and Mars
She's spending her Christmas in Heaven, you see
And last night as I slept, a dream came to me

She was standing before me, happy and well
She said to me "I have something to tell…
Heaven's more wonderous than you would believe
It's the greatest of gifts I could ever receive.

I'd like for you all to remember the good…
You know that I'd be there if only I could.
So don't feel so bad that I'm not there
There are so many memories you can share

As you gather together, I'm sure you'll find
The gifts deep within you that I left behind.
Each one is unique and wrapped brightly in love
they shine from your hearts as I shine from above."

A special stocking now hangs from our tree
Filled with our own special memories
And since we can't send her an earthly gift
We're asking God: "Please give her a kiss".

Take care and I hope that everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year

Wednesday, December 1, 2004 9:09 AM CST


I hope that everybody had a nice Thanksgiving. We did have a nice one as well but you could feel Brynn's absence. We kept up the tradition she started and went out to dinner for Thanksgiving. For those of you who did not know Brynn, she was avid restaurant goer and loved to eat anywhere but a home cooked meal. Not that my Mom is a bad cook or anything like that but it is nice that she doesn't have to cook and I don't have to clean up.

Well, I hope that everybody is getting ready for Christmas and started shopping. I am almost done, Thank God! I really hate crowds and the King of Prussia Mall is so packed. Take care.


How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these. - George Washington Carver

Tuesday, November 23, 2004 12:23 AM CST


It has been 8 months and 1 day since we have lost Brynn. We miss her so much but I came across this poem that made me feel a bit better about the situation. Here it is:


by Ellen Brenneman

Don't think of her as gone away -
her journey's just begun,
life holds so many facets -
this earth is only one.
Just think of her as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years.
Think how she must be wishing
that we could know today
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.
And think of her as living
In the hearts of those she touched
For nothing loved is ever lost -
And she was loved so much.

We love you, Brynn!

Thursday, November 18, 2004 10:28 AM CST


A big "Thank You" to everybody who made this possible! We could not have done this without all of your support.

We have the date picked out for next year. It will be on Oct. 14, 2005.

Not too much is new. We are just getting ready for the holidays and stuff like that. It is pretty uneventful. It is hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner.

For those of you who haven't been able to go to Brynn's grave, the head stone is in. It was put in the week of the benefit. It is the family headstone but we got this green granite that I know that Brynn would like. Green is her favorite color. It is nice and simple. We didn't want to go over the edge and put too much on it. It has a tree on the one side. It is called the tree of life. Our last name in the middle of the stone. We are going to but bronze plaques at the foot of the graves to distinguish who is who.

But that is really it. My friend asked me to be maid of honor in her wedding in July. I am very excited. I have been in a few weddings but not the maid of honor. Hopefully it will be my turn soon (George-BIG HINT). But that is it. Take care and with the holidays coming up please remember to do something for someone else. It is the best gift in the world.


Friday, November 12, 2004 7:57 AM CST


Thank you to everybody who made this possible! We could not have done this without all of your support.

We have the date picked out for next year. It will be on Oct. 14, 2005.

Thanks again.


Monday, November 1, 2004 11:45 AM CST


This weekend was a hard one. Halloween was Brynn's favorite holiday. She would go out of her way to find the perfect costume. I remember last year how we searched for the perfect J-lo costume. We went all over the place looking for a pink diamond ring (it was fake of course) to match what J-Lo had. The year before that she was Gwen Stefani. I wondered what she would have been this year. Maybe a pregnant Britney or spoof on Ashley Simpson with the lip-synch debacle. Maybe Paris Hilton. I know that her costume would be over the top and really awesome. Thinking of her J-Lo costume has just brought back memories of Vegas. We went to the wax museum and saw the wax dummy of J-Lo. I made Brynn pose for a picture with her. I will try to get it posted.

It was also a hard weekend because two more members of Caringbridge went to Heaven. Cheyenne and Connor have both earned their angel wings and are finally cancer free. Cheyenne had a brain tumor and Connor had the same cancer as Brynn did but in his pelvic area. It still amazes me that with all the advancement in science that we still are having children die from illness. Please pray for their families that they are able to get through this.



Friday, October 22, 2004 10:02 AM CDT


Thank you to everyone who made the Benefit such a success. we are still having donations coming in so we haven't made a final tally. It is so great to see how many people's lives have been touched by Brynn. Today it has been 7 months since Brynn left Earth. We miss her so much but know that she is flying high in Heaven. Please continue to pray for Connor and his family. He is in hospice with the same cancer that Brynn had. His birthday is on Halloween.

Thanks for checking in and please leave a message in the guest book.

Best Regards,


Saturday, October 16, 2004

Happy Birthday Brynn!


Happy 23rd Birthday! We miss you so much! Make sure to drink plenty of Irish car bombs in Heaven. We love you!

Hi Everyone,

THANK YOU to all who made the First Annual Brynn Lee Memorial Feast such a success. We haven't tallied up all the money but I am think we made a lot and that wouldn't have happened it it wasn't for all of you. Thank you!


Monday, October 11, 2004 8:28 AM CDT

Urgent prayers need to be sent to Connor and his Family. He has been battling this beast rhabdo for so long. He has had surgery after surgery and treatment after treatment and he cannot rid his body of this disease. He is now considered terminal. His birthday is this month. They are starting hospice and the VP-16 etoposide pill. This reminds me so much of Brynn's story and it breaks my heart that this cancer is taking more children's lives. Please stop by his site and send him your prayers and thoughts.

Brynn's birthday is on October 16. I am planning on going up to the cemetery and releasing some balloons. I am going to write some messages on them. If anyone would like to join me let me know and we can meet up.

The memorial should be in soon. They have laid the foundation and I heard that it should be in any day now. Hopefully it will be in by her birthday.

Thank you for stopping by and please take a minute to sign the guess book.


Directions to Stokesay.

From Philadelphia
Take I-76 W to exit 16B toward Valley Forge


Merge onto US-422 W exit 328A toward POTSTOWN/SWEDESFORD RD

Take US-422 BUSINESS exit toward MT PENN

Merge onto US-422 BR W

Turn slight RIGHT onto GLEN RD

Turn slight RIGHT onto HILL RD


(directions from Map Quest)

From Northeast PA
Take I-476 toward I-276 Allentown Portion Tolls

Continue to tkae I-276W (PA TURNPIKE) to I-176 MORGANTOWN/READING exit

Merge onto US-422 E

Take the PENN ST exit towards Reading

Merge onto US-422 BR

Turn RIGHT onto S 2nd ST/PA-183 S/US-422 BR E

Turn LEFT onto FRANKLIN ST/ US -422 BR E



Turn slight LEFT to stay on HILL RD

End at HILL RD and SPOOK LANE. Signs for Staokesay are posted.
Directions from Mapquest

The phone number for Stokesay is 610-375-4588

Tuesday, October 5, 2004 8:53 AM CDT

I decided to change the background to Brynn's favorite holiday, Halloween.

The benefit is soon and I wanted to post directions to Stokesay Castle.

From Philadelphia
Take I-76 W to exit 16B toward Valley Forge


Merge onto US-422 W exit 328A toward POTSTOWN/SWEDESFORD RD

Take US-422 BUSINESS exit toward MT PENN

Merge onto US-422 BR W

Turn slight RIGHT onto GLEN RD

Turn slight RIGHT onto HILL RD


(directions from Map Quest)

From Northeast PA
Take I-476 toward I-276 Allentown Portion Tolls

Continue to tkae I-276W (PA TURNPIKE) to I-176 MORGANTOWN/READING exit

Merge onto US-422 E

Take the PENN ST exit towards Reading

Merge onto US-422 BR

Turn RIGHT onto S 2nd ST/PA-183 S/US-422 BR E

Turn LEFT onto FRANKLIN ST/ US -422 BR E



Turn slight LEFT to stay on HILL RD

End at HILL RD and SPOOK LANE. Signs for Staokesay are posted.
Directions from Mapquest

The phone number for Stokesay is 610-375-4588

If you need any other assitance please feel free to e-mail me or my mother at lwlodyka@aol.com.

Tickets are still on sale and can be purchased through my mother. Just e-mail her at the above address. Also, when sending a check please write a note or in the memo section of the check write how many tickets or if it is a donation. We don't want a mix up. Thanks to everybody who has helped out and perchased tickets or made a donation.



Monday, September 27, 2004 1:01 PM CDT


Yesterday, George and I did the Parkway run/walk. I don't run so we did the walk. For those of you who aren't from Philly it was done on the Ben Franklin Parkway. That is where the museums are. It was fun. There was a great turn out. The proceeds from the run/walk go towards childhood cancer research at CHOP.

Nothing else is really happening. We are keeping busy with the benefit. Ticket sales are starting to pick up and we maybe getting more publicity for it soon. I won't say what yet, just in case it doesn't happen but if it does it is a big deal. It's has nothing to do with Ben Affleck, I wish it did, but it is still a huge deal if it happens.

Well, that is all. GET YOUR TICKETS IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE SO ALREADY!!! Thanks for the support.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004 12:06 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,
Things are in full swing for Brynn's memorial benefit. We have had so much support form the community. THANK YOU!! Again, if you need tickets you can e-mail my mom at lwlodyka@aol.com or get them from Hair on the Avenue or the Autospa. Ticket sales are slow but they are staring to pick up.

Also, please visits Connor's site. He needs some extra thoughts and prayers put towards his way.

It has been 6 months since Brynn has gone to Heaven. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. I miss her so much but when I think about her a butterfly always passes by me and I know that she is free from the pain and is happy again. If you haven't gone to her grave, we have made her official symbol the butterfly, so when ever I see one I feel that she is sending me a little message not to be sad. They appear when I am thinking about her.

Well, enough sappiness. Okay maybe one more sappy thing. Please donate your time or anything to a cause. It is so important that we as human beings help others out. Even if it is something small or just a helping hand it can help change a person's life. It will help to change your life, too. So please take the time to help someone out.

"A candle loses none of its light by lighting another candle."
Author ~ Unknown

"Do good and care not to whom."
Author ~ Italian Proverb


Please feel free to still leave a message in the guestbook. We still check it.

Thursday, September 9, 2004 9:08 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,
Things are in full swing for Brynn's memeorial benefit. We have had so much support form the community. THANK YOU!! Again, if you need tickets you can e-mail my mom at lwlodyka@aol.com or get them from Hair on the Avenue or the Autospa.

Also, please visits Connor's site. He needs some extra thoughts and prayers put towards his way.

It has been almost 6 months since Brynn has gone to Heaven. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. I am making a scrapbook all about her and I hope to have it done by the benefit. I have my good and bad days. It is funny how something like a remote control or something really stupid can trigger a memory about her. But it always makes me smile. I know that someday I will see her again and it will be great. She has taught me so much about life and to make the most of everyday. Thank you, Brynn!

Well, enough sappiness. Okay maybe one more sappy thing. Please donate your time or anything to a cause. It is so important that we as human beings help others out. Even if it is something small or just a helping hand it can help change a person's life. It will help to change your life, too. I have decided to sponsor a 16 year old girl who has osetosarcoma. I send her gifts and cards and I hope that it can brighten her day, even if it is only for an instance. So please take the time to help someone out.

"A candle loses none of its light by lighting another candle."
Author ~ Unknown

"Do good and care not to whom."
Author ~ Italian Proverb


Please feel free to still leave a message in the guestbook. We still check it.

Friday, August 27, 2004 11:44 AM CDT


Just a small update. Tickets are now on sale for Brynn's benefit. If you are interested you can contact my mother. Her e-mail is list below. You can also purchase tickets form Hair on the Avenue and the Autospa or form my mom at lwlodyka@aol.com. Donations are tax deductible and checks can be made to the Brynn Lee Feather Fund.

We would like to thank everyone who has sent a donation or given their time to Brynn’s fund. It means a lot to us. We really want to make Brynn’s wish a reality and we are definitely on that path. We would not have gotten this far without the support of our family, friends and our community. We are so grateful to all of your help.

Please feel free to still leave a message in the guestbook. We still check it.

Thank you again.


Monday, August 9, 2004 10:16 AM CDT

I just tried to get into the articles on the Reading Eagle and they are no longer there (the links are still down below if you want to try them). If you would like a copy you can either e-mail my parents or me for a copy or if you really want to read it now you can buy an archive copy. It does cost money so I would suggest letting us know and we can send it to you.

The article was so AWSOME! THANK YOU to SUSUAN SHELLY and the READING EAGLE. You guys ROCK!

I can't believe the out pouring of support and feed back that we are getting. THANK YOU BERKS COUNTY! It is awsome. We hope to take our tragedy and turn it around and help others, and I think that we are on that path. We miss Brynn so much but know that she is smiling down on everybody.

Take care and if any one has any questions about the benefit, Brynn, or wants to help please feel free to contact my parents or me. THANKS!!!!!

TICKETS ARE ON SALE!!!! You can contact my parents or me for tickets. E-mail is the best way.

Leslee's e-mail: lwlodyka@aol.com
Jack's e-mail: jwlodyka@aol.com
Bree's e-mail: Bree.A.Wlodyka@gsk.com

Tickets can also be purchased at the AUTOSPA and HAIR on the AVENUE.
Tickets a re $50/person and include a dinner. The dress is semi-formal and there will be live music, 50/50 raffle, silent action, and door prizes. Proceeds are going to the READING HOSPITAL and to other charities in honor of the beautiful BRYNN LEE.
The name of the fund is the BRYNN LEE FEATHER FUND.

Here are the links to the newspaper articles on Brynn. SEE ABOVE




Friday, August 8, 2004 8:05 AM CDT

TICKETS ARE ON SALE!!!! You can contact my parents or me for tickets. E-mail is the best way.

Leslee's e-mail: lwlodyka@aol.com
Jack's e-mail: jwlodyka@aol.com
Bree's e-mail: Bree.A.Wlodyka@gsk.com

Tickets can also be purchased at the AUTOSPA and HAIR on the AVENUE.
Tickets a re $50/person and include a dinner. The dress is semi-formal and there will be live music, 50/50 raffle, silent action, and door prizes. Proceeds are going to the READING HOSPITAL and to other charities in honor of the beautiful BRYNN LEE.
The name of the fund is the BRYNN LEE FEATHER FUND.

Here are the links to the newspaper articles on Brynn. It is a great article and would like to thank the Reading Eagle and Susan Shelly for writing such a beautiful article.
I hope that everybody can access this. If you are unable please e-mail and I can send you a copy.



Friday, July 30, 2004 7:31 AM CDT


TICKETS ARE ON SALE!!!! You can contact my parents or me for tickets. E-mail is the best way.

Leslee's e-mail: lwlodyka@aol.com
Jack's e-mail: jwlodyka@aol.com
Bree's e-mail: Bree.A.Wlodyka@gsk.com

Tickets can also be purchased at the AUTOSPA and HAIR on the AVENUE.
Tickets a re $50/person and include a dinner. The dress is semi-formal and there will be live music, 50/50 raffle, silent action, and door prizes. Proceeds are going to the READING HOSPITAL and to other charities in honor of the beautiful BRYNN LEE.
The name of the fund is the BRYNN LEE FEATHER FUND.

My parents just got back from vacation and they had a wonderful time. It was good for them to take a break and escape reality for a bit.

Again, we can't say enough thanks to all of you. Please visit the websites below, especially CONNOR's, and help some kids through their ordeals with cancer.

Please leave a message in the guestbook. We are still checking the site often and always like hearing from people.

Thanks again.


Tuesday, July 20, 2004


I just wanted to update everyone about the benefit. Tickets are going on sale starting July 26th. It is at Stokesay Castle from 7-11pm on Oct 15 2004. They can be purchased for $50/person at HAIR on the AVENUE, located on Penn Ave; the AUTOSPA, located on State Hill Rd. Wyomissing or from my parents, just e-mail them and they will send them to you. Their e-mail is lwlodyka@aol.com or jwlodyka@aol.com. It is really starting to take shape. There are going to be a 50/50 raffle, a silent auction and many other exciting things. It should be a great time. My parents have been working hard to organize it. There is going to be an article about the benefit and Brynn in the READING EAGLE on Aug. 8.

We would like to thank the Hill Family for collecting donations for Brynn's fund at their BBQ. It was a very nice gesture which has touched us deeply and means a lot to us.

I have gotten Brynn's site posted on other sites and hope that out of our tragedy we can help other families through their horrible ordeal. I know that Brynn would love for people to look at her site. We again, would like to thank all the people who have extended their kindness to us during this transition. It means a lot to us and allows us to see how many lives she has impacted, even those who have not met her. We miss her terribly but know that she is with the angels.

I have been looking at other sites with children with rhabdomyosarcoma and have come across too many that have this despicable disease. There are two boys in particular, their names are CONNOR and CRAIG. Their sites are listed below in the link area. I encourage you all to go to the sites and keep them in your thoughts. Leave them a message and pray that they can beat this. There is a list of kids on their sites that need some good thoughts sent their way as well. Please don't feel funny about leaving a message of hope. You can't imagine how the prayers and thoughts of strangers can help out.
Thanks again.


Tuesday, June 22, 2004 8:24 AM CDT

Hello All.

I just wanted to update all of you on the status of the benefit. It is going well and the planning is at full steam ahead. We are working on getting sponsors and prizes to auction off. The time for the benefit is still to be determined but it is definitely at Stokesay Castle. There is going to be an article written about Brynn and the benefit and will be in the Reading Eagle on July 18.

Not to get to philosophical, but my parents and I have been getting signs that we are interpreting that they are from Brynn. I know that may sound crazy but it gets us through the day. We feel that she is telling us that she is okay. I know that she is probably living it up in Heaven or has been reincarnated as some rich heiress that won't ever have to worry about anything. I just wanted to share this because we know that some people are having trouble with Brynn's passing (as are my parents and I) and wanted to let people know that we think that Brynn is doing well and that yes, we will see her again. I guess what I am trying to say is keep your eyes and your hearts open. She maybe is leaving you a sign to let you know she is all right.

Also, there has no been a new guestbook entry since Brynn passed away. My family and I would like to hear from people. If you want to leave a message or a story about Brynn we would really appreciate. PLEASE feel free to leave an entry.



Monday, June 21, 2004 12:39 AM CDT

Hello All.

I just wanted to update all of you on the status of the benefit. It is going well and the planning is at full steam ahead. We are working on getting sponsors and prizes to auction off. The time for the benefit is still to be determined but it is definitely at Stokesay Castle. There is going to be an article written about Brynn and the benefit and will be in the Reading Eagle on July 18.

Not to get to philosophical, but my parents and I have been getting signs that we are interpreting that they are from Brynn. I know that may sound crazy but it gets us through the day. We feel that she is telling us that she is okay. I know that she is probably living it up in Heaven or has been reincarnated as some rich heiress that won't ever have to worry about anything. I just wanted to share this because we know that some people are having trouble with Brynn's passing (as are my parents and I) and wanted to let people know that we think that Brynn is doing well and that yes, we will see her again. I guess what I am trying to say is keep your eyes and your hearts open. She maybe is leaving you a sign to let you know she is all right. Thanks.


Monday, June 21, 2004 12:39 AM CDT

Hello All.

I just wanted to update all of you on the status of the benefit. It is going well and the planning is at full steam ahead. We are working on getting sponsors and prizes to auction off. The time for the benefit is still to be determined but it is definitely at Stokesay Castle. There is going to be an article written about Brynn and the benefit and will be in the Reading Eagle on July 18.

Not to get to philosophical, but my parents and I have been getting signs that we are interpreting that they are from Brynn. I know that may sound crazy but it gets us through the day. We feel that she is telling us that she is okay. I know that she is probably living it up in Heaven or has been reincarnated as some rich heiress that won't ever have to worry about anything. I just wanted to share this because we know that some people are having trouble with Brynn's passing (as are my parents and I) and wanted to let people know that we think that Brynn is doing well and that yes, we will see her again. I guess what I am trying to say is keep your eyes and your hearts open. She maybe is leaving you a sign to let you know she is all right. Thanks.


Thursday, June 3, 2004 11:29 AM CDT

We are planning a benefit in Brynn's memory on Oct. 15, 2004 (the time is still to be determined) at Stokesay Castle. Some of the proceeds from the benefit will go to the Reading Hospital. The Reading Hospital is building a new oncology floor. The rest of the proceeds will be placed in a fund in Brynn's name where we can make donations to multiple charities. If anyone is interested in volunteering please e-mail my parents or myself.

I have also posted a new picture of Brynn in the photo album.

Monday, April 26, 2004 10:13 AM CDT


It has been a little over a month since Brynn has passed away. My parents and I miss her a great deal but we know that she is in a better place. We would like to thank everybody for the outpouring of support we have received during these difficult times. We would also like to encourage people to leave thoughts or memories of Brynn. I was recently going through some photos and find one of us at Disney World. Brynn and I were young, she was about 11 and I was about 15, and I remember how we ran into Raven Symone (the little girl from the Cosby Show). We found her hotel room and went up there. Little did we know that she was outside and we got to hangout with her briefly. We thought we were so cool. But Raven was a little brat.

The Reading Hospital is building a new cancer ward and we are going to be doing a fundraiser for it in Brynn's memory. Brynn wanted a feast or banquet in her memory. She always loved a fancy dinner.

Again, I would like to thank everybody for all there support throughout this. It was amazing to see how many lives Brynn touched. She was very special and I know that she is looking down on all of us with an Irish Car Bomb in her hand.

Thank you,

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:09 PM CST

Brynn passed away last night. She was in no pain and it was very peaceful. She was surrounded by family and friends when she died.

The viewing is going to be at Kuhn Funeral Home (739 Penn Ave, West Reading, PA 19611) from 6-8 pm on Thursday, March 25. The funeral services will also be held at Kuhn Funeral Home on Friday, March 26, at 11 am. In lieu of flowers, donations to Camp Setebaid and the American Cancer Society can be made.

We would like to thank everybody for his or her support and love through these difficult times. The Wlodyka Family

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:09 PM CST

Brynn passed away last night. She was in no pain and it was very peaceful. She was surrounded by family and friends when she died.

The viewing is going to be at Kuhn Funeral Home (739 Penn Ave, West Reading, PA 19611) from 6-8 pm on Thursday, March 25. The funeral services will also be held at Kuhn Funeral Home on Friday, March 26, at 11 am. In lieu of flowers, donations to Camp Setebaid and the American Cancer Society can be made.

We would like to thank everybody for his or her support and love through these difficult times. The Wlodyka Family

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:26 AM CST

We just wanted to up-date all of you on Brynn. She is currently in the Reading Hospital for an eye infection caused by her tumor. We needed to start antibiotics and learn the proper way to treat the infection. She will be in the hospital for a few days and then come back home to start hospice again. For the most part she is comfortable but you know how hospitals are. She would rather be home. She really appreciates that people are calling and stopping by but her condition is progressing and it is hard for her to talk and sit with people because she is so tired. So, please realize that she would love to talk to everybody but it is hard for her so the best thing is to e-mail or drop messages through the website. Thank you all again for the support and prayers, you don’t know how much they mean to us.

Monday, March 8, 2004 9:25 AM CST

I just wanted to update all of you on Brynn’s condition. She is doing well and is very comfortable. She really appreciates all the prayers and thoughts that everybody is sending. She sends her thanks and her love to all of you.

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 11:34 AM CST

We wish that we had some better news to report but unfortunately we do not. Brynn has started hospice. She is not in any pain and is very comfortable. Her sprits are very high and her will power is overwhelming. She is a trooper. We would like to thank all family and friends for their support through all of this. Without you, we don’t believe that Brynn would have made it this far. We are still checking this website daily so if you would like to send any prayers or thoughts to Brynn feel free to do so. Thank you all again. The Wlodykas

Thursday, February 19, 2004 1:15 PM CST

Hello. Brynn is going to be trying a new chemotherapy next week, which is very aggressive. A doctor in Boston is consulting with her current doctor at Reading Hospital and this is what he suggested as the next step. Hopefully, because this treatment is more aggressive then the other treatments she has been receiving lately, it will put a larger dent into the tumor and ultimately cure it. Her spirits are high and she is doing well. We are planning a trip to New York City to see Conan O'Brein. It should be a fun time.

Thursday, February 19, 2004 1:15 PM CST

Hello. Brynn is going to be trying a new chemotherapy next week, which is very aggressive. A doctor in Boston is consulting with her current doctor at Reading Hospital and this is what he suggested as the next step. Hopefully, because this treatment is more aggressive then the other treatments she has been receiving lately, it will put a larger dent into the tumor and ultimately cure it. Her spirits are high and she is doing well. We are planning a trip to New York City to see Conan O'Brein. It should be a fun time.

Monday, January 26, 2004 10:48 AM CST

Back from Las Vegas! We had a great time. The Bellagio is a beautiful hotel. We saw some great shows and ate at some great places. We were sad to leave the sunny Strip and come back to the cold snowy weather. Pictures will be posted very soon.

Brynn is in great sprits and we see the doctor tomorrow about another possible chemo protocol. We are keeping our fingers crossed.

Sunday, December 14, 2003 5:20 PM CST

I cannot beleive Christmas is almost here. I'm so excited-I plan on going to my grandparents house in Quechee, Vermont and spending time with them and my aunt and cousins. We're going snow tubing guys so get ready! The house is full of the smell of cookies and cranberry bread-sometimes I think my mom goes way out of her way, but hey, it's Christmas, why not.
Monday I am starting the VP-16 oral chemo pill. The other stuff was not working, so pray that this is the "cure" we have all been looking for. I have also been seeing an acupuncturist who treats me right now for pain management. Soon though I think that I will get him to actaully start treating the cancer. He is also specialized in herbs, so maybe I will try to see what he can give me. It seems to be working so far, I definately feel the "chi".
I want to thank everyone who visits and just checks out my page. Remember, I may not see or talk to everyone on a daily basis but you are all part of the support group and healing process. I think about you all probably as much as you think of me. I love all you guys!!
Quick update-Vive Las Vegas Baby! My sister and I also have a trip planned to New York in March-We got Conan O'Brian Tickets. I'm gonna be on T.V.....

Thursday, November 27, 2003 6:28 PM CST

Hope everyone is stuffed with turkey at this point. I know I am. I cannot believe that Christmas is only around the corner-and that means only 1 month left till I leave for Vegas. This trip is gonna rule.
Short update-The tumor is increasing in size. It is now moving up towards my right temple area in my face. Sometimes I have numbness and pain at the same time in my face. It is so weird how this thing grows and what side effects come with it. Crazy stuff...
Anyway, as always, I get a kick out of reading the messages that everyone leaves. You guys all rule and I love you all very much.

Sunday, November 16, 2003 9:54 PM CST

***Picture finally posted***

Sorry guys, I'm a little computer illiterate, but I finally got some help a put a picture in the photo album. Yes, it is of the J-Lo costume. I just finished my two weeks of chemo and am so excited to eat Thanksgiving dinner.
Also found out I am taking a trip to Las Vegas, January 21-25. My sister and I are going. We are staying at the Bellagio. This trip is gonna be unforgettable! Hope everyone has a fun and safe Thanksgiving!


Sunday, November 9, 2003 4:42 PM CST


Please keep comments in the guestbook to a PG-13 rating.(Relatives may not appreciate explatives.)

Brynn has another week of chemo lined up and then will be taking her two weeks off to enjoy her Thanksgiving holiday. Her grandparents and aunt are making the journey from Vermont and Michigan to visit her.Thanks everyone for leaving messages and giving so much support.

Tuesday, November 4, 2003 7:11 PM CST

Today Brynn talked with her onocologist, Dr. Nick Leasure. They discussed the results of her C.T. scan. The scan showed that the tumor had not gotten any bigger but it also did not get any smaller. We do not know if chemo is working again at this point.
Some options were discussed; a chemo pill called VP 16, surgery and just stopping treatment all together. At this point Brynn knows she is not going to do surgery. She is contemplating her other options at this point.
Just to let everyone know, Brynn is so excited about this webpage! She was so excited to see all the hits she had and that everyone signs her guestbook. So keep up the good work everyone-I know Brynn really appreciates it.

Friday, October 31, 2003 6:30 AM CST

Today is Halloween and Brynn is doing great. She has a kick-ass costume. She is being J Lo with the fake butt and everything. It is great to see her spirits so high and that she is feeling good.

She had a CAT Scan on the 30th and we hope to see that the chemo she is doing is working. We will know on 4th of Nov. and we are keeping our fingers crossed.

Tuesday, October 7, 2003 11:46 AM CDT

Brynn is doing chemo again to shrink her tumor before she has surgery. It is an experimental combination of Navelbine and CPT-11. She was also informed that surgery will be moved up to the fall and not after the holidays that we had hoped for.

Her birthday is coming up and I can't wait for her to open up all the gifts I bought for her.

She is so amazing. I can't believe that some one can be so strong. I pray that she comes out of this and is able to get her life back in order.

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