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I love your pictures of Ollie. He is such a beautiful and entrancing baby, and I look forward to seeing all new photos of him.
You all remain in my Mi Sheberach prayers. Seems like you live a yo-yo existence; up one day and in the depths the next, so I pray for your resilience and strength as well as recovery for Ollie-the-Magnificent.

Ruth Myers <pgisha2@idcomm.com>
Denver, CO - Thursday, May 11, 2006 3:57 PM CDT
That's great news! What a relief to see Oli back to his happy self! Miss you and think of you all the time!
Love, Jen

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Thursday, May 11, 2006 3:19 PM CDT
Yeah! Great to hear your latest news!
Nickole Vargas
Hillsboro, OR - Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:49 AM CDT
We are so happy that you get to see such magic. It melts my heart to see Oliver, so happy and feeling good. God bless this day and we will pray for many more like it.
Love, Keely, Ron and Peyton Sapp

Keely Sapp <keelysapp@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR - Thursday, May 11, 2006 1:22 AM CDT
Yahoo! So happy to hear Oli is feeling better. Hugs to both Jacob and Oli.

Laura, Rob, Ethan, Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
Fairfax, CA USA - Thursday, May 11, 2006 0:35 AM CDT
Yeah!!! What a joy!!! Two happy brothers playing together and enjoying life!
Full of hope, love and lots of prayers for you all,
Joshie's mom,

april brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org >
Tigard, OR USA - Thursday, May 11, 2006 0:23 AM CDT
Thinking of you and checking on you every day! We hope each day is better than the last and that you are finding the strength you need to get through such a difficult situation.

We love you!
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Wednesday, May 10, 2006 10:31 AM CDT
Glad you are all home and feeling better. It's got to be so nice to be able to have Oli's treatment at home. Thinking of all of you with love.
Elisa and Colin <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO - Monday, May 8, 2006 9:32 PM CDT
I'm glad to hear Oli is feeling a little better. I will keep praying for all of you!
Kris Herbst <kris@ercolina-usa.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Monday, May 8, 2006 12:21 AM CDT
We are sending well wishes your way. Hope every one is doing better soon. God Bless you all.
Tera, Paul and Kyle <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Monday, May 8, 2006 8:55 AM CDT
We read your journal entries and cannot believe what you've faced and continue to face. God must have big plans for all of you. Stay strong, get healthy, and just know that we think of all of you, and pray for all of you often.
Keely Sapp <keelysapp@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR - Monday, May 8, 2006 1:03 AM CDT
Glad to hear that you are all feeling at least a little better! I heard Oma is coming back for another visit. I am sure she will use some good medicine to make you all feel better! Take care and we are constantly praying for you all!
Love, Katie

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Sunday, May 7, 2006 8:04 PM CDT
COntinuing to check on you guys and glad that Oli is doing a bit better! Hope David and Jacob feel better soon!

Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Sunday, May 7, 2006 0:16 AM CDT
My heart aches for you....I wish you all could sip some chicken soup, sleep for days and days and wake up feeling a whole lot better. Best wishes for you all to bounce back quickly and completely. You are always in our thoughts and hearts.
Traci Pedroza <tjpedroza@msn.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Saturday, May 6, 2006 11:39 PM CDT
Thank you so much for keeping us updated, you are amazing. We hope everyone will be healthy and home together soon. Tomorrow is my birthday, you know what I'll be wishing for. We love you guys. hugs and kisses to you all.
Love, Dave, Meg, Mal, and Kai

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Saturday, May 6, 2006 7:20 PM CDT
Hang in there Trasen family! I do have to let you know that the steroids will also make little Oli a eating/fussing machine. Hopefully he won't be on them for long. Hope that your hospital stay is short and that everyone will be healthy and home soon. Give Oli a great big hug for me!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Saturday, May 6, 2006 5:13 PM CDT
Robyn, whatever coping juice you are on right now ...may it continue to keep you going! You even have the energy to keep us posted. I hope everyone gets better soon, especially you, Oli!! You are always on my mind and in my prayers.
Nancy Mentzer <ncmentzer@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Saturday, May 6, 2006 11:06 AM CDT
Hang in there Oli!
You have conquered so much so far!
You are loved immensely, by your parents, your brother, your grandparents and all of us who are THINKING OF YOU EVERYDAY, wishing you can finally go home to a happy, healthy life!

Gigi and Doug Hurley <gigihurley@myway.com>
Boerne, TX USA - Friday, May 5, 2006 9:33 PM CDT
Please know that Oliver and your family are in my daily thoughts and prayers.
Korin Guglielmi <davekorin@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR - Friday, May 5, 2006 4:18 PM CDT
I'm still praying for Oli! I hope the things they are doing now can get him back to feeling good and being "Oli" soon. Praying for the Dr.s' wisdom in how to proceed.
Kris Herbst - Angels on Earth <kris@ercolina-usa.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Friday, May 5, 2006 2:30 PM CDT
Please know Oliver is in our thoughts and prayers.
Angela*angels on earth* <alisonheathersmama@gmail.com>
Natick, Ma - Friday, May 5, 2006 11:32 AM CDT
We wish there was some magic formula we could send to you to spare all of you from undergoing the pain, the stress, the anxiety, and more. But we are comforted in knowing how much love there is to support you, and hope this alleviates some of the hurt.
We are with you, as always, and forever.
Much love.

Daphna & Rami <dee.avnon@gmail.com>
Youngstown, OH USA - Friday, May 5, 2006 10:09 AM CDT
So sorry to learn of the latest challenges. Wishing you strength, strength and more strength. Love Nancy and Michael
nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, May 4, 2006 6:16 PM CDT
So sorry. I'll lift you up in prayer for strength, answers, healing. It must be so hard with a little guy who can't talk and tell you what's wrong. Frustrating for everyone.
Still hoping with all my heart.
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR U.S.A. - Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:36 AM CDT
Hang on there all of you! Thinking of you.

Ruthie and Family <ruthie@daisy.co.il>
Ramat Hasharon, Israel - Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:35 AM CDT
Praying for all of you. Hang in there little guy!
Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Thursday, May 4, 2006 8:07 AM CDT
I am so sorry that Oli is not feeling well again! I hope the Prednisone works and that he is back to his silly self soon! We love you!
Phil, Katie, Rebekah and Corrine

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Thursday, May 4, 2006 6:53 AM CDT
Hey Oli,
You probably don't remember me, but it's Nurse Betsy from Emanuel. I was thinking about you and your family. I hope that you are feeling better and get to go home real soon! You are very handsome in your pictures! I am keeping you all in my prayers!

Betsy Fleskes <bfleskes@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, May 4, 2006 0:12 AM CDT
Just wanted to say hang in there. Hopefully the prednisone will do its work and Oli will be himself again soon. Love and prayers are being sent your way.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Thursday, May 4, 2006 0:07 AM CDT
Here's hoping happier days are ahead for Oli. We're praying for you.

Lots of love,
Laura, Rob, Ethan, Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
Fairfax, CA USA - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:58 PM CDT
Dear Trasen Family,
I check Oliver's site daily to see how he is doing. I am sorry to hear that he is having a rough time. I am praying that they find the cause quickly, are able to make the appropriate choices, and that you have some peace.
Keeping Oli in our prayers!

Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:45 PM CDT
Dear Robyn & David, please know that your family and especially your sweet little boy Oliver are in our thoughts and prayers ... we pray that he will be home and feeling better soon. I check on you each day,with love Hannah & Dylan's Grandma Kathy in Tucson.
kathy castaldi <kcastaldi@aol.com>
Tucson, AZ usa - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:38 PM CDT
Sorry to hear Oli is not feeling well. Dana and I pray for Oli every Sunday. We pray he bounces back to his happy self.
Neil and Dana Tucker <nat4@dcx.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 9:03 PM CDT
You are all certainly riding the see-saw of life - wish it was not this way. Thinking of you Oliver. Much love Kay George and Devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa` - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 8:42 PM CDT
We're so sorry to hear Oli's not doing well the past few days. We were happy to hear he was back home, and wish he was feeling better. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers - we hope you can feel the presence of all of us; we're with you in spirit.

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 5:09 PM CDT
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Mandy (Angels on Earth)

- Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:08 PM CDT
Praying for Oliver!
Kris Herbst - Angels on Earth <kris@ercolina-usa.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 3:24 PM CDT
Praying for Oliver
Robin Brunet (Angels on Earth) <robinb@neptune.on.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 3:17 PM CDT
Keeping Oliver and your family in our prayers!
Naomi *Angels on Earth*
Plano, TX USA - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 3:12 PM CDT
We are here for you guys! Hope that these symptoms and tough times will pass soon!!

Nickole Vargas
Hillsboro, OR - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 2:40 PM CDT
Glad to hear Oli's is back home!
Hugs to all!

Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Tuesday, May 2, 2006 9:36 AM CDT
Home is where the heart is. So glad you are all back there together!
Nancy Mentzer <ncmentzer@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Monday, May 1, 2006 9:53 PM CDT
Glad to hear Oli is back home once again. We're thinking of you!

Much love,
Laura, Rob, Ethan, Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
Fairfax, CA USA - Monday, May 1, 2006 1:21 PM CDT
Yeah! So happy to hear that Oli is fever free and home again. Take care!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Monday, May 1, 2006 10:50 AM CDT
So happy you are back home and that Oli's fever is gone. Love to all
Elisa and Colin <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO - Monday, May 1, 2006 9:06 AM CDT
Home Sweet Home!
Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Monday, May 1, 2006 0:06 AM CDT
Great news. We can go to sleep more at peace, knowing that Oli is back at home.
Hope this will be a good week for everyone.
Lots of love to you all!

Daphna & Rami <dee.avnon@gmail.com>
Youngstown, OH USA - Sunday, April 30, 2006 9:16 PM CDT
Glad you are back home tonight! Hope you can sleep soundly and that the clinic visit goes smoothly tomorrow! Sweet dreams! Katie, Phil, Rebekah and Corrine
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Sunday, April 30, 2006 8:27 PM CDT
So sorry you all had to go back to the hospital...hope you are home already. Sending good vibes and prayers your way...Luv, Tera
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Sunday, April 30, 2006 6:43 PM CDT
We continue to pray for your precious Oliver and the whole family...prayers for strength and miracles.
God Bless!!

Kim Langer <bklanger@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Sunday, April 30, 2006 12:23 AM CDT
I know this may sound tedious but your children are so precious! They must be the most gorgeous boys ever! I have been following your family's story for some time now but have been at a loss of words to say. I have a brother that also has cancer at the rare age of 19, I find myself looking at your journal everyday, it really helps me to know that Oli, at such a young age has been able to fight this horrible disease. I think about you EVERY DAY.... my thoughts and prayers are with your family... even if they come from so far away. I look forward to your updates, and hope you find solace in knowing there are so many people who feel the same.
Love.... Jordan

Jordan Nichols <jordanjanenichols@yahoo.com>
Storm Lake, IA USA - Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:30 AM CDT
Sorry to hear that Oli is back at the hospital. I hope that it is only for 48 hours so that you can all go home again and be a family together soon. Give him hugs for me!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Friday, April 28, 2006 8:50 PM CDT
Just wanted to send a note to let you know that we are thinking about all of you. I hope Oli is continuing to have more good days.

Erica, Jason and Jackson <marradotts@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR - Friday, April 28, 2006 8:19 PM CDT
Please know that we are riding this rollercoaster with you. Love to all of you.....

the Schwartz/Broms group

Judy Schwartz <judith-schwartz@comcast.net>
Denver, CO - Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:12 PM CDT
I keep praying for a complete recovery and Oli is EVERYDAY in my thoughts.
Hang in there family! I wish you all the best!!!

Gigi Hurley <gigihurley@myway.com>
Boerne, TX USA - Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:01 PM CDT
Just wanted to drop a quick hello to you all. Love the new pics! Take care.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Thursday, April 27, 2006 5:53 PM CDT
Excited to hear your good news! Praying for the next 10 weeks to fly by. Oliver looks so cute in the new picture! I look everyday at your page and look forward to news from you. There is hope, I am heading to the Clinic on Friday for my 12 year cancer (Hogdkin's Lymphoma) free check-up! Enjoy your time home!
Alicia Green <alicia2519@gmail.com>
Lake Saint Louis , mo usa - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:22 PM CDT
I can only imagine how the ups and downs are for you all. We hope Oli will have many more good days than hard days. Give him a big hug from us. XXOO, Tera
Tera, Paul and Kyle Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:02 AM CDT
I am so glad that you are having some good days. I hope Oli continues to improve and that you all can get back to the fun "stuff" of this age! I saw the photo album from Oma this weekend...it is beautiful! Take care and know that there are so many who continue to pray for your whole family!
Love, Katie

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Tuesday, April 25, 2006 9:45 PM CDT
Great to hear the good news! Best to all!
Craig Fales <craig.fales@umb.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, April 25, 2006 2:02 PM CDT
Happy happy day! What wonderful news! Matt's friend and coworker here in CO - I am praying for you daily and for your sweet little boy. There are miracles - I pray that the miracle of full and completely restored health will be Olie's...and yours! You are a great inspiration to many!
Paulajane Moffitt <pmoffitt@gartproperties.com>
Boulder, CO - Monday, April 24, 2006 1:53 PM CDT
I was so happy to read your good news today. I hope Ollie continues to be his happy self and improve each day.
Lynda (Phoebe's mom from Jacob's preschool <ldw_pwuengr@qwest.net>
- Monday, April 24, 2006 1:47 PM CDT
Just wanted to say hello to you all and to say that I hope that things are still going well. I am so happy that Oli is cancer free! Take care of yourselves!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Monday, April 24, 2006 12:54 AM CDT
I am so happy for your family!!! Go Oliver!
Kris Herbst <kris@ercolina-usa.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Monday, April 24, 2006 9:11 AM CDT
We just got back into town and read your latest news! I'm sorry that you went through so much worry the past couple of days. The outcome is fantastic!! We are so happy for you guys. Take care and know that we are thinking of you!
Jen, John, Jack, Luke and Sammy

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Sunday, April 23, 2006 6:47 PM CDT
So happy to hear about Olie's great day and clear tests. How wonderful.
Love, Carolyn

Carolyn Eisen <caeisen@msn.com>
Denver, Co USA - Sunday, April 23, 2006 1:08 AM CDT
Thank God!!!!! The news of NO LEUKEMIA is absolutely fantastic!! YEAH OLI!!!!!

Love you guys!

lisa, marc, jackson and sophie <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Sunday, April 23, 2006 0:08 AM CDT
Robyn & family - The absolute highlight of my week was learning of Oliver's clear test results. The highlight of my Saturday was bumping into the two of you during your morning walk!
All the best, Korin Guglielmi

Korin <davekorin@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR - Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:44 PM CDT
Dearest Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver,
Once again, crying tears of joy for you all. What a journey you all are on. Thank God the tests came out positively. Hugs and Kisses to you all. You are such a brave and wonderful family, and an inspiration to all. We will keep up our prayers for continuous HAPPY DAYS! :) Love, The Chavez's

Tera, Paul, and Kyle Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Saturday, April 22, 2006 11:33 AM CDT
Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Saturday, April 22, 2006 9:56 AM CDT
It did my heart good to see such positive news, especially after Thursday's disheartening news. Hopefully the occasional rays of sunshine (good news) keep you going until the sunny days come for good. Keep the faith!
Charles Hunt
Hillsboro, OR - Saturday, April 22, 2006 3:11 AM CDT
Trasens, so glad to hear the GREAT news. We are so happy for you. Enjoy the good days! I sure enjoy reading about them and knowing the joy that you have. We'll continue to pray for you and check in on you.
Rebekah's Mommy (Frances) <family@helprebekah.com>
Banks, OR USA - Saturday, April 22, 2006 0:00 AM CDT
Wonderful, Wonderful news!!! I was afraid to look up your site today but was SOOOO happy to see good news! Love ,The Rentons
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Friday, April 21, 2006 9:33 PM CDT
WOW! Today is a very GOOD DAY indeed! So happy to read your post! Enjoy, enjoy!
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR U.S.A. - Friday, April 21, 2006 9:13 PM CDT
GREAT, GREAT, NEWS, so happy for all of you. Hope you have a wonderful week-end. Love to all
Elisa and Colin <Elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO - Friday, April 21, 2006 6:12 PM CDT
SO glad to hear the good news today! I hope you are all resting a little easier tonight. Rebekah and Corrine get to go play with Oma and Opa tomorrow night and are looking forward to it! Take care and God Bless!

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Friday, April 21, 2006 6:00 PM CDT
WHEW! Huge sigh of relief! I can't begin to imagine what a wonderful day this has been for all of you, hearing his tests are all clear.

I have been following Oli's story for quite sometime now, but am not sure I've ever signed his guestbook. I first heard of adorable Oli thru "Friends of Allie", I think.

Your little Oli is just ADORABLE! His pictures always bring a smile to my face. My youngest son is just a couple months older than Oli.

I will continue to keep Oli, and his family, in my thoughts and prayers.

Ginny Deegan <jgdeegan@msn.com>
Mtn. Home AFB, ID USA - Friday, April 21, 2006 5:47 PM CDT

Mandy (Angels on Earth)

- Friday, April 21, 2006 4:54 PM CDT
YAHOO!!! We are all very happy for you!! What absolutely wonderful news!!
Glenda Walls (www.caringbridge.org/wi/john) <nedglenda@aol.com>
Wilsonville, OR USA - Friday, April 21, 2006 4:38 PM CDT
YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!! I am so unbelievably happy for you! That is the best news ever! Congratulations!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Friday, April 21, 2006 4:06 PM CDT
Awesome news today! We are always praying for you guys, every day!
Nickole Vargas
Hillsboro, OR 97123 - Friday, April 21, 2006 3:28 PM CDT
You are all in my thoughts & prayers today.
Annie P
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, April 21, 2006 1:04 PM CDT
As I read over all the other messages in the guestbook, I am reminded again how Oliver has touched so many peoples lives. Don't give up, keep the hope, you are such an example of strenght to us all!!
Heidi Johnson <Levinas@aol.com>
Austin, TX USA - Friday, April 21, 2006 12:44 AM CDT
So sorry to read the latest 'news'. Continued wishes for strength, energy and continuing love for your precious children and each other.

Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, co - Friday, April 21, 2006 12:28 AM CDT
Our thoughts and love are with you all.
Daphna & Rami <dee.avnon@gmail.com>
Youngstown, OH USA - Friday, April 21, 2006 10:22 AM CDT
i'll be thinking of you - i wish you all didn't have to go through such a difficult experience.


clandestine (from rebekah's site) <clandestine4u@hotmail.com>
- Friday, April 21, 2006 9:23 AM CDT
Praying for you.

Mandy (Angels on Earth)

- Friday, April 21, 2006 9:11 AM CDT
Praying for you Oliver! Praying that you don't relapse and praying that your family get strength to cope with this. This is the first time I've been to your care page - you're such a sweetie!
Louise (from Angels on Earth/Angel Support) <louisefranks@fsmail.net>
- Friday, April 21, 2006 8:53 AM CDT
Oliver is in my prayers today. As are all of you.
Kris Herbst <kris@ercolina-usa.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Friday, April 21, 2006 8:40 AM CDT
Praying for Oliver.
Robin Brunet <robinb@neptune.on.ca>
Bradford, ontario Canada - Friday, April 21, 2006 7:59 AM CDT
Hang in there my love. You have shown your strength already, just keep on showing us! Hugs and kisses!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Friday, April 21, 2006 0:33 AM CDT
Hey Little Guy,
I pray that you are just going through some 2 year old behavior cause you are way ahead of the curve. Your dear parents are so worried. Just think, your two's will not be so terrible because your family will be so relieved you'll be able to enjoy yourself a bit. I'm keeping you in my heart and watching for you out in the park.

Angelle and Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:45 PM CDT
we are thinking about you and LOVE YOU!!
bec,cor,max ,kai nevers <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:26 PM CDT
We are so sorry to hear that Oli isnt feeling/acting too well the past few days, but encouraged by the initial news that the white blood cells are NOT luekemia. You are in our hearts and prayers as you await the marrow test results. So many people are sending love and positive thoughts your way! We love you!
lisa, marc, jackson and sophie <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:15 PM CDT
Sorry to hear Oli's not himself these past few days. We're praying for good results. We hope you can feel the hugs we are sending you at this moment, we think of you all the time.

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:03 PM CDT
Dear Ones, Just read the latest up-date and feel so bad that Oli's behavior and appearance have changed. Thinking positive thoughts about the test results this week. Thank you so much for the darling pictures. Love to all.
Elisa and Colin <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO - Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:38 PM CDT
This is one hell of a bumpy ride. Our thoughts are with you all. much love kay george and devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:35 PM CDT
I came across your site a while ago through Rebecca's page. It is amazing how much I have came to care about children I have never met in person! I pray every day for Oliver's recovery. It is just not right that a child has to go through this! He looks like such a lovable little guy. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
PS I am a RN at Dornbecher in the Neonatal ICU. Take care

Tiffany Taylor <ttaylorrn@comcast.net>
- Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:32 PM CDT
You are in our prayers constantly and hope that the further tests come back with good results. We wish we could be around to give you a hug, but all of our love and thoughts go out to you - we love you all!
Hanne, Kip, Christopher & Andrew <hkschauer@tronix.com>
Littleton, CO - Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:08 PM CDT
Robyn, David, Jacob and Oli,
I just wanted to let you know that we have been thinking about all of you all week.
Sending love, strength and hope,
Erica, Jason and Jackson

Erica Marra-Dotts <marradotts@yahoo.com>
Portland , OR - Thursday, April 20, 2006 7:22 PM CDT
Oli and your whole family have been in my prayers every day since last May. Not everybody can say they know what you're going through, but I do. My heart breaks at the thought of what you are facing. I'll continue to pray for your beautiful son. He holds a special place in the heart of this family. Hold onto the dream...Maggie's Grandma Sharon
Sharon Trett <bbnk@comcast.net>
beaverton, or usa - Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:56 PM CDT
Robyn and David,
I'm sending my prayers and thoughts for Oliver and you both. I'm sorry to hear about Oliver's behavior. I'm holding my breath. I'm hoping.
Loving hugs,
Joshie's mom

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:45 PM CDT
Thinking good thoughts, saying lots of prayers for you, wishing Oli and all of you well.
Jeanne Maixner <jeanne.maixner@intel.com>
- Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:19 PM CDT
Just checking in to say hello. I hope that everything went well with the marrow today. I'll be thinking of you all.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Thursday, April 20, 2006 0:34 AM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about and praying for you today while you are having tests done!
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Wednesday, April 19, 2006 3:21 PM CDT
Dear Oliver,
We are thinking all positives thoughts for your recovery. We love your picture. You look terrific and we want you feel as good as you look as soon as possible.
Love to all, Bette and Dave

Bette and Dave Poppers <dpoppers@comcast.net>
Centennial, cO uSA - Wednesday, April 19, 2006 10:36 AM CDT
Dear Olilver,
I am keeping you especially in my heart today as you go through a few tests. It will ease your parents' minds and you will be able to get back to all that exploration ahead of you.
Your neighbor,

Angelle <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, April 19, 2006 6:54 AM CDT
You are in my thoughts and prayers
Andrea Russell
OR - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:32 PM CDT
Wishing you nothing but good postive results from Oli's test on Wednesday. Hope the procedure goes smoothly and Oli doesn't feel any discomfort. Thinking of you all.
Allison From Friends of Allie <r3lads@gmail.com>
Bristol, CT USA - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 7:19 PM CDT
Hello Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver,

So happy to hear you're all at home. We'll pray Wednesday's biopsy brings nothing but good news.

Enjoy the comforts of your home!

All our love,
Laura, Rob, Ethan, Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
Fairfax, CA - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 5:40 PM CDT
Oli is the most precious boy I've ever seen! I stumbled upon your site from another blogger, and I am so glad I did. Praying you have the rest of your nights at HOME! :)
Kristin <BlondQt283@aol.com>
IN - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:30 AM CDT
Thinking of Oliver today.
Tina & Lance <lancejrmommy@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:02 AM CDT
The pictures are so terrific. Oli playing in the circle -- what could be better? Happy Birthday, Jake. You're one terrific guy. Love, The Fricklases and Resnicks
Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 10:56 AM CDT
I am so happy to hear that you have that many days at home and hope it continues!!!!!! I will also be saying a HUGE prayer for the bone marrow procedure on Wednesday.
Sara *Angels on Earth* <colinsmamu@tampabay.rr.com>
Seminole, FL - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 10:25 AM CDT
It makes my heart swell to see Oliver so happy in those most recent pictures. Our little ones are such gifts to enjoy every single day with each new thing they learn! Now, you guys can hopefully focus on that and watch him take off! I've thought about all of you every day and were always in my prayers.
Libbey Malone <libbeybuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 10:12 AM CDT
We continue to hold you all in our daily thoughts and prayers. We pray for continued happy news. Love you guys!
Tera, Paul and Kyle Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuqueruque, NM - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:07 AM CDT
To the Trasens - So happy to learn that precious Oliver and the rest of your family is back in the most excellent place of all, HOME.
With love from over by the Tot Lot,
Korin, Dave, Sofie, and Gemma Guglielmi

Korin <davekorin@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 1:43 AM CDT
What a sweet sweet baby!

Congrats on being at home! I will pray that this streak continues!!!!

rebecca fleming (foa) <rektorikfleming@yahoo.com>
ridgeland, ms usa - Monday, April 17, 2006 5:12 PM CDT
I'm so happy you all get to be home! This is surely a nice respite from being cooped up at the hospital. Oliver feeling well is also very healing...seeing him play and giggle and toddle around with no tubes and wires hooked up to him! I hope Monday's visit goes well and I'll be praying specifically for the biopsy. Sending all my love, prayers, peace and hope...
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR U.S.A. - Monday, April 17, 2006 11:10 AM CDT
Still soooo thrilled you guys are at home. What a peaceful picture it is to see Oliver in his home environment! Good luck Wednesday; as always, you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
With Love,
Nickole and Family

Nickole Vargas
Hillsboro, OR - Monday, April 17, 2006 0:13 AM CDT
Dear Trasens, I am so excited that you are at home. That is fabulous. So glad to hear that Oli is doing well and that "life is very good". That is wonderful. I continue to pray for you and keep up to date on how you are doing. May God bless you each day.
Rebekah's Mommy (Frances) <family@helprebekah.com>
Banks, OR USA - Saturday, April 15, 2006 6:27 PM CDT
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!! We are so happy to hear you are home! The boys look great, I can imagine how happy they are to be playing together at home. So happy for you David and Robyn
We love you and are always thinking of you.
Meg, Dave, Mal, and Kai

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Saturday, April 15, 2006 5:01 PM CDT
Tears of joy in me too while reading the latest MOST WONDERFUL NEWS and looking at those beautiful pictures!!!
I've been constantly checking the progress and praying for Oli's health. Thank God for this news!!!
The four of you deserve this happiness to last for a forever loooong time!
Way to go Oli my boy, your spirit is sooo strong!
Much love,

Gigi and Doug Hurley <gigihurley@myway.com>
Boerne, TX USA - Saturday, April 15, 2006 11:15 AM CDT
I hope that things are going well for you all at home. How great is it being home?!? I was so happy to see the new pictures of Oli at home. I love the one with him and Jacob eating. Enjoy yourselves!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Saturday, April 15, 2006 0:29 AM CDT
I just checked on how oliver was doing and found out that you are home. Great. Have a wonderful Easter and ReJoyce with every moment.
Carol Dougall <mitzie50@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, or usa - Saturday, April 15, 2006 0:18 AM CDT
I am so happy for your family and I loved the pictures- thanks for sharing. We will continue to keep Oliver in our prayers.
Mindy Murdock <melinda.s.murdock@intel.com>
Chandler, AZ - Friday, April 14, 2006 12:55 AM CDT
Crying tears of joy for you all. My sister Tanya was on the website yesterday, and called to tell me you all were HOME! Wonderful. I can not imagine how it must feel. Love the pictures. XXOO, Tera, Paul and Kyle
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Friday, April 14, 2006 9:33 AM CDT
Oh my, how more than thrilled you all must be. Oli looks like one happy kid, actually being outside, running around on green, green grass. We are all elated for you. Much love kay george and devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Friday, April 14, 2006 9:14 AM CDT
It is so wonderful to see the pictures of Oli at home!!! Thinking of you....
Love, Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA United States - Friday, April 14, 2006 0:33 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing the photos. Outside - wow! I'm so thrilled for you.
Kim Strelchun <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:37 PM CDT
What good news to hear that all of you are home again! May this be a true Exodus from the land of pain and anguish and a fast arrival in the Promised Land of good health and happiness! Happy Pesach!

Ruth Myers <pgisha2@idcomm.com>
Denver, CO - Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:55 PM CDT
Oliver must be absolutely thrilled to be home! He looks wonderful and it's great to see him outside on the grass! I sensed a samll sigh of relief in your last entry and I'm so happy for you. Enjoy those boys!
Love, Jen

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:35 PM CDT
We have been thinking of Oliver and praying for him.
So happy to see things are getting better and that you are home.
Keep the faith!

Mike McNulty (Intel) <mike.r.mcnulty@intel.com>
Gilbert, AZ - Thursday, April 13, 2006 1:29 PM CDT
Thank you so much for the new pictures of Oliver and Jacob at HOME!!! Im so happy to see that you are all at home and that you still have that "Shalom on the Range" cookbook - that always made me laugh!!! We miss you guys and check on you every day!!!

Lots of Love

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Thursday, April 13, 2006 12:39 AM CDT
Yippee!!!!! I'm sure it is amazing to have the 4 of you home together. We continue to pray blessings for your family.
Have a wonderful weekend together!

Kristen, Ron, Madeline, Abigail and Lauren <kristenscherer@yahoo.com>
Dublin, OH - Thursday, April 13, 2006 12:22 AM CDT
I'm so happy to hear you are home! Keeping you in my prayers to stay there.
Kris Herbst - Angels on Earth <kris@ercolina-usa.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:26 AM CDT
We are thrilled! What GREAT news.
Love you all!

Bec,Cor,Max,and Kai <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:46 AM CDT
We are so happy to hear all of this good news. There will be an added Passover blessing for your family at our Seder table tonight. Best wishes for a happy holiday and continued good progress for Oli.
Love from the Schwartz/Broms group

Judy <judith-schwartz@comcast.net>
Denver, - Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:45 PM CDT
Yae! I'm so happy for you Robyn, and all of your family :)
This is great news!

Lara <camzone@comcast.net>
Banks, OR USA - Wednesday, April 12, 2006 4:34 PM CDT
Enjoying your updates over the last few days.

Go Oli GO!!

Ed, Heidi, Lauren and Bella Smith
Shingle Springs, ca - Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:39 AM CDT
Wonderful news! Enjoy yor time together and even though i am not sure if you are having a seder - it never hurts to say Hag Sameach!

Ruthie and family <ruthie@daisy.co.il>
Ramat Hasharon, - Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:47 AM CDT
So glad to hear you are home.
Molesworth <keith.molesworth@intel.com>
gilbert, az usa - Wednesday, April 12, 2006 0:19 AM CDT
A moment to be alone and at peace - I imagine that felt like finding a buried treasure! What great news that you are all at home together in your own beds. Hope to see you soon on a walk or at the park.
Kim Strelchun <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, April 12, 2006 0:11 AM CDT
To Barbara's family: I am so happy to read your news. Please give Barbara my love.
Marjorie Bayes <bayeswashburn@cs.com>
Denver, Co USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:32 PM CDT
I'm thrilled for you! Enjoy your time at home. I'm so glad you are able to say, "Life is good right now!" It's about time. Soak it in.
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:12 PM CDT
Yeah! I am so glad you are home and I hope you get to stay there forever! I am sure you are tucking your boys into bed as I write this, so "ni ni" and "wuv oo" from Corrine! (And goodnight and we love you from the rest of us!)

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Tuesday, April 11, 2006 9:30 PM CDT
AWESOME! Such great news, I have happy goosebumps all over.
Susie <sws8@msn.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:47 PM CDT
AWESOME! Such great news, I have happy goosebumps all over.
Susie <sws8@msn.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:47 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, Alone in your home -how wonderful! Every mom needs alittle peace and quiet once in a while to keep your sanity[especially you!] How incredible after all Oliver went through that he is well enough to go home already. That's fantastic!! Jill
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 5:20 PM CDT
So pleased to hear that you are home. Prayers that you would all be abundantly blessed with a succesful outcome for Ollie and peace for you entire family.
Tammi Klusewitz <kluseklan@comcast.net>
Wernersville, Pa USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 5:01 PM CDT
Welcome Home!
Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 4:54 PM CDT
excellent news guys!! We're all rooting for you here.
Love katie and Patrick

Katie and Patrick Hurley <katiemhurley@yahoo.com>
Middletown, ct usa - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 4:18 PM CDT
WELCOME HOME! We are SO happy that your family is together again and in the conforts of HOME. We're continuing to pray for Oliver and the entire family - glad to hear he is feeling better and eating!!!

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 2:20 PM CDT
Thrilled to hear such wonderful news! :) Yea! XXOO, Tera
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 9:27 AM CDT
So glad to read your latest update on Oli. Hope you are all home soon. Positive thoughts with you all.
Allison From Friends of Allie <r3lads@gmail.com>
Bristol, CT USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:52 AM CDT
Great and wonderful news. Way to go Oli. Hope you are all heading home. Love to all
Elisa and Colin <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO - Monday, April 10, 2006 10:07 PM CDT
Wonderful, wonderful news. Your news made our day!! Oli, you are a survivor!
Dick & Sharon Mentzer <stmentzer@comcast.net>
Tucson, AZ USA - Monday, April 10, 2006 4:19 PM CDT
Way to go Oli!! I hope you get to head home today and celebrate how far you have come! It is truly awesome!
Jen, John, Jack, Luke and Sammy

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Monday, April 10, 2006 2:56 PM CDT
Your great news brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for you all, I hope you get to go home soon. How wonderful!!!! Oli you are such a trooper!! We love you guys!
Meg, Dave, Mal, and Kai

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Monday, April 10, 2006 2:44 PM CDT
WOW!!!!! INCREDIBLE NEWS!!! Thanks for keeping all of us informed!
May you all have sweet dreams tonight in your home!

Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA United States - Monday, April 10, 2006 2:42 PM CDT
Awesome news! So happy for you guys!
Nickole Vargas
Hillsboro, OR - Monday, April 10, 2006 1:14 PM CDT
Yeah, yeah, yeah!!! So happy to hear that Oli is feeling better. I am so glad that he was finally able to wander the halls. I bet he had a big smile on his face then! How wonderful, too, that he is off pain meds and eating solid foods. Give that sweet boy high fives for me!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Monday, April 10, 2006 12:00 AM CDT
I'm so happy to hear Oliver is on the upswing. I will be praying hard for you to get to go home!
Kris Herbst - Angels on Earth <kris@ercolina-usa.com>
Bettendorf, IA - Monday, April 10, 2006 11:07 AM CDT
Praise God! This is the best news. I will continue to pray for your sweet little angel as well as the rest of your family...
Melissa McNeel <raztaz8249@yahoo.com>
Spring Hill, TN - Monday, April 10, 2006 11:04 AM CDT
EXCELLENT! So happy to hear the good news. Here is hoping you will all be home and healthy soon!
So many prayers answered. May God continue to bless all of you and continue to heal Oli.

Jeanne Maixner <jeanne.maixner@intel.com>
- Monday, April 10, 2006 10:26 AM CDT
That is WONDERFUL news!!! Thank you so much for keeping us informed and updated! I hope that tomorrow finds you all snug in your beds at home!!

Sending lots of love!
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Monday, April 10, 2006 9:50 AM CDT
This is good news! :0) What a bunch of troopers. Much love to you all.

Erin McGill <emacatak2@yahoo.com>
New York, NY 10016 - Monday, April 10, 2006 8:16 AM CDT
That is wonderful news! So many people that I work with ask me (especially Monday mornings) how Oli is doing and now I have great news to give them. I so hope you all can go home today! Opa Paul came down on Saturday and we all had lunch on the back patio, sitting in the sunshine...hopefully you can all do that with Oma! Love, Katie
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Monday, April 10, 2006 6:59 AM CDT
It is not yet 6 a.m. here, and I woke up reluctant to head for the gym---but after reading Oli's news, I am full of energy, happiness, hope and universal love! I will race the treadmill, chanting GO OLI and trust that he will hear me, and you will head home soon to continue his healing.
Much love from both of us.

Daphna & Rami <dee.avnon@gmail.com>
Youngstown, OH USA - Monday, April 10, 2006 4:57 AM CDT
Happy 5th Birthday Jacob! I hope you have a GREAT day!
Josh Brenneman

april brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR usa - Sunday, April 9, 2006 11:19 PM CDT
Hang in there you guys. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brigher and brighter. Follow your gut if you think something is wrong with Oliver, besides the many obviously mood altering situations and surroundings he's been facing the last year of his life. Intuition, and a 'gut feeling' is a powerful thing. Ron and I just had one of those for Peyton and his hemolytic anemia, and we butted heads with the docs, turns out, we may have been right!!!
You are constantly in our thoughts.

Ron, Keely and Peyton Sapp

Keely Sapp <keelysapp@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, April 9, 2006 1:52 AM CDT
Dear Friends,
Just another lurker letting you know that you are often in my thoughts and prayers. I follow Oliver's story and pray for a good outcome for such a beautiful little boy. You are dealing with something i can not imagine and you are doing it with such grace. God bless you all.

Tammi Klusewitz <kluseklan@comcast.net>
Wernersville, Pa USA - Saturday, April 8, 2006 0:31 AM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB!!! You are an amazing 5 year old! We hope that today was a wonderful celebration of you!!
Lots of Love,

Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA United States - Friday, April 7, 2006 10:41 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, Big Brother!!!! XXOO Hope it is a good day, and hope Oli is feeling better. Love, Tera, Paul, and Kyle
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Friday, April 7, 2006 9:57 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Jacob!!! Wow - I cant believe you are already 5!! I remember the day your daddy called to tell us that you were born!! We hope you have a wonderful day - you are such a special, special boy!

Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Friday, April 7, 2006 5:24 PM CDT
Happy Birthday all day long, Jacob! You deserve a great one!!
Nancy Mentzer <ncmentzer@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, April 7, 2006 2:02 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, Jacob, We will be thinking about you all day. Eat a piece of cake for us. Love to all
Elisa and Colin <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO - Friday, April 7, 2006 1:14 PM CDT
I have discovered your story through Rebecca's blog. I do not know either of you, yet I am drawn to your life. I continuously check in Oliver and Rebecca, lifting prayers as I do so. I have a 15 month old myself. I am sure you have heard this many times, but I don't know how you do it!! I can not imagine having an ill child. All I can say is that I will continue to pray for the Great Physician to have His hand in every procedure that Oliver has to endure. I will also pray for your other son, and your family. Your strentgth and honesty truly help me whenever I am feeling the slightest bit selfish or sorry for myself. Love in Christ, Valerie
Valerie <vallyscheer@comcast.net>
East Hartford, CT USA - Friday, April 7, 2006 12:49 AM CDT
Dear Oregon Trasens and Oma Barbara, Celebrating Jake's birthday at the same time you are trying to comfort Oli must leave all of you shifting gears constantly. I would liken it to riding a roller coaster and a really fast merry-go-round at the same time. We'll hope that Oli's outbursts are his way of protesting all that has happened to him in the only way a pre-verbal kid can. However, I understand your concern to try to sort out the source of his distress. Love to all and a high-five to Jake from the "I'm exhausted" Lady
Susan Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Friday, April 7, 2006 12:39 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to Jacob - I remember when you were born - your mommy & daddy were so happy and your daddy came to work with a BIG smile on his face. To Oli - so glad you are doing better. And to Dave & Robyn - continuing to pray for you all - even though I don't say so, you are in my thoughts & prayers daily.
Annie P
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, April 7, 2006 12:16 AM CDT
Here's wishing Jacob a terrific 5th birthday. Funny, i can remember his birth day as if it were yesterday -- during Passover. May you all enjoy the celebration. And then there's the celebration for Oliver and his amazing, miracle body. May more of the same continue and may you all be at home together, again, next week.
Love, Nancy and Michael

nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, April 7, 2006 10:55 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Jacob! Five is the coolest age, just ask Rebekah! Glad to hear Oli's counts are good, we will be praying for you all to go home next week. Hope you can figure out what is going on inside him, don't you wish they could just tell you? Give Jake a big birthday hug from us and have fun at the party! Love, Phil, Katie, Rebekah and Corrine
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Friday, April 7, 2006 6:49 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Jacob! We're sending hugs to you and your entire family.
Kim Strelchun <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, April 7, 2006 1:27 AM CDT

Dee and Ben Trasen <deetrasen@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, April 6, 2006 11:48 PM CDT
Dear David and Robyn, Jacob and Oliver, I worked in the ER at AMC with your cousin, Brook Cason. She asked if our church has a prayer chain and if we would help pray for Oliver. So I have told the ladies in my prayer group about him and made up a few cards and gave to a few people to help remember to pray for him. I'm glad to see him doing so well at this time and will continue to remember him in prayer. Hang in there and keep trusting the Lord for His strength and healing power! Janice Miller
Janice Miller
Stuarts Draft, VA USA - Thursday, April 6, 2006 7:45 PM CDT
Dear Robyn and Dave, It's so nice to see a picture of Oliver looking happy. So much better than before. It's nice to see his true personality come back. Love , Jill
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Wednesday, April 5, 2006 10:40 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that we continue to think about and pray for you daily (and more). The pictures are wonderful, Oli and Jake look so happy and silly! Can't wait to see our four kiddos together again! Love, Katie
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Wednesday, April 5, 2006 9:38 PM CDT
Hi guys,
What a little monkey!! That's great to see. I hope Oli is continuing to feel better and will be able to break free from his room very soon. He sure looks ready for that! Thinking of you all the time... Give the boys a big Colorado squeeze :)

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Wednesday, April 5, 2006 10:07 AM CDT
Just checking in to say hello to the Trasen family. I hope that all is going okay for you. Give Oli big hugs for me!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, April 5, 2006 0:10 AM CDT
Hello Robin, David, Jacob and Oliver.... I am Melissa's Mom (Hannah & Dylan's Grandma in Tucson) We have been thinking of you all and your families so much. Sending you our prayers and good thoughts daily! Please know we have our entire congregation at Temple Emanu-el praying for little Oliver. May God Bless and keep you in his loving care.
Kathy Castaldi and Ron Margolis <kcastaldi@aol.com>
Tucson, AZ USA - Tuesday, April 4, 2006 3:57 PM CDT
You are never far from our thoughts. Your strength is amazing. Keep it up. We miss you. Love and Prayers,
Kristen, Ron, Maddie, Abby and Ellie <kristenscherer@yahoo.com>
Dublin, OH - Tuesday, April 4, 2006 2:55 PM CDT
Love the pictures! Heart wrenching to see the number of days spent in the hospital. I pray he will continue to do well, and get out soon (and never return!). You all take care. You are in my constant thoughts and prayers. Hugs and kisses for Oli.
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, April 4, 2006 8:31 AM CDT
I have been following little Oliver for several months now. I learned of Oli on Rebekha's site. My church, Laurel Community Church has been praying for him and your family for some time now. You are also being lifted up by our prayer chain. My heart goes out to you. You are prayed for every day. May the Lord give Oli healing and the family the strength to continue on this battle.
Jan Bush <jbjmab@aol.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, April 4, 2006 0:03 AM CDT
It's been a while since I wrote last, but I have never stopped thinking about Oli and praying for his complete recovery. The pictures look wonderful and I'm delighted to read that he's feeling better this week!
All our love and best wishes for a perfect engraftment!

Gigi and Doug Hurley <gigihurley@myway.com>
Boerne, TX USA - Monday, April 3, 2006 11:27 PM CDT
What an armload of BOYS! Bet Grandma Dee did an Olympic-style hand-off to Oma Barbara over the weekend. What a lot of days all of you have spent in that hospital room since last May. Those numbers really put the experience into perspective for me. My love and wishes for strength, tenacity and endurance. May Oli's blood and bone marrow be every bit as sturdy as his outside appears in these photos. Sue
Susan Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Monday, April 3, 2006 6:39 PM CDT
So great to see Oli and Jacob looking so happy. What wonderful pictures. We are happy to hear he is feeling better and it sure shows. We love you! "Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming" (Kaiyas favorite movie Finding Nemo!)
Meg, Dave, Mal and Kai

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Monday, April 3, 2006 1:48 PM CDT
Hi Oli, I am so happy to see you smiling...and upside down no less! "Hang" in there!

Barbara Magnoni <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
New York, NY 10028 - Sunday, April 2, 2006 9:01 PM CDT
Super photos---everyone looks in good spirits, which is very heart warming. Grandma Dee, look how loving you are and how loved you are in that photo---just wonderful!
We hope to see more of the same, with Oli getting stronger and better every day.
Much love!

Daphna & Rami <dee.avnon@gmail.com>
Youngstown, OH USA - Sunday, April 2, 2006 7:25 PM CDT
Trasen Family,
Just wanted to let you know (again) that we are thinking of you and praying for you. Glad to hear that Oli is feeling better. The recent pictures with him smiling are wonderful to see. It just breaks my heart to know how much he's been through (and is still going through).

If there is anything we can do, please let us know.


Rebekah's Mommy (Frances) <family@helprebekah.com>
Banks, OR USA - Saturday, April 1, 2006 11:20 PM CST
...just stopping by to say hello and remind you that I continue to pray for Oliver daily. His name is so similar to our daughter's - Olivia --that I'm reminded CONSTANTLY to pray for him! I check your website often and have been here for some time (directed here via Rebekah's Page).
May God bless you as you continue to battle this disease!

Deb Erskine <derskine@hughes.net>
Greenville, PA USA - Saturday, April 1, 2006 8:11 PM CST
Hi all - just dropping by to say "G'day" and to let you know that you are constantly in our thoughts. Thank you so much for the updates and pictures, the boys are so full of what little children should be full of -- spirit, curiosity and imagination. -- love kay, george and devin
kay.bawden@joblove.com <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Saturday, April 1, 2006 5:14 PM CST
Hi Oli and family. I know it has been awhile since I left a message, but I still check your site at least twice a day. I am so happy that Oli is feeling better and I love the new pictures. I hope that you all are doing okay and remember if you need anything just let me know. Give Oli big hugs from me!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Saturday, April 1, 2006 5:10 PM CST
Dear Trason Family,
We are friends of Josh and his family. After April's many references to Oliver, I read all of your entries this morning. Please know we will be praying for Oliver's recovery and your family.

Stockton, CA USA - Saturday, April 1, 2006 2:27 PM CST
I learned of Oli through a MSN support group (I believe, don't hold me to that though). He's so sweet and charming and I'm hoping and praying that we've seen the last of cancer with him.
Simi Valley, CA USA - Friday, March 31, 2006 2:37 PM CST
What's the scoop!? Love the smile on that baby boy!!

with love, <Deirdre40@frontiernet.net>
- Friday, March 31, 2006 6:05 AM CST
I use the Grandma Grapevine to keep up to date on Oli's progress, but I really appreciate the photos and your entries. Your are in my thoughts often. Love, Sue
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:29 PM CST
I just wanted to say hello and that I'm keeping you in my thoughts. I check everyday!
clandestine <clandestine4u@hotmail.com>
boston, ma usa - Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:53 AM CST
Happy to hear Oli is feeling better, Thanks for the updates, and cute pictures. We love you!
Meg, Dave, Mal, and Kai

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:14 AM CST
Glad to hear that Oli is feeling better this week. Hope the positive progress continues! Enjoy the big 5-year-old party next week! Love, Katie
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Wednesday, March 29, 2006 1:33 PM CST
Happy to see that Oli is feeling better. Love the new pictures and thanks again for keeping us all posted with up-dates and the latest photos. Love to all.
Elisa and Colin <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, Colo - Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:26 AM CST
Sending our love and prayers for Oli's complete recovery. He looks like such a doll, bless you all for your endurance. No one knows like our family about the strength you have to have.
Love you, Carolyn Eisen and Gene Zimmerman
Special regards to Dee

Carolyn Eisen <caeisen@msn.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, March 28, 2006 9:53 PM CST
Lots of love and hugs as you continue your journey toward health. The Fricklases and Resnicks
Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Tuesday, March 28, 2006 8:50 PM CST
Hi Oliver and family,
I am a friend of Peyton Sapp and I have been following Keely's links to your page. I will be saying prayers for Oliver, Jacob and the whole family! Sending best wishes for engraftment!!

Tiffany Zimmerman <tiffany100680@hotmail.com>
gresham, or usa - Monday, March 27, 2006 10:49 PM CST
What wonderful photos! We are thinking of all you Trasens and sending as many positive thoughts as we can. Much love from Washington, DC
Michael, Jasper, and Jennifer Oko (aka Janny's NYC roommate)
Washington, DC USA - Monday, March 27, 2006 9:26 PM CST
So happy to hear that Oli is feeling better this week! He really does look great in those pictures - sleeping peacefully and playing with his Gramma Dee! We feel so optimistic and hope you are holding up ok. I know how exhausting it is chasing around a kid that age - Sophie is 21 months now and very busy!! (although the boys are much worse in the hyperactivity department!!) We think of you all the time and send lots of love your way!

Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Monday, March 27, 2006 3:15 PM CST
Hi Robyn, David, Jacob & Oliver,

We're sending happy thoughts and prayers from SF. Hope you're able to cruise the hallways and break free from the room soon.

Lots of love,
Laura, Rob, Ethan, Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
Fairfax, CA USA - Monday, March 27, 2006 12:49 AM CST
Great to see the smiling Oliver. Keeping our fingers crossed and prayers active.

Ed, Heidi, Lauren and Bella
Shingle Springs, Ca - Monday, March 27, 2006 12:19 AM CST
So very thrilled to hear Oli is feeling better. It must be hard to keep an active toddler entertained and happy stuck in a room. God bless you all. XXOO Love the new pictures. Sweet babies.
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Monday, March 27, 2006 8:33 AM CST
just checking in to send an extra hug or two, as I imagine these next few days of waiting are likely very wearing on you all. Hang in there. I just know that very soon we will see the entries of pure joy as engraftment happens.. and it WILL happen!! We think of you all daily and wear our Oliver bracelets proudly.

The Molesworth Family <amolesworth@yahoo.com>
Gilbert, AZ - Sunday, March 26, 2006 0:39 AM CST
Hey you guys. I just keep thinking the turning point is getting closer and closer. We continually pray for you. We wanted to come visit you last week as Peyton had 2 appointments in the clinic, but he was diagnosed with RSV, so he is on droplet precaution. I have faith in the lord that Oliver will be well. I have faith that one day soon this will all be behind you and you will all get to rest and embrace eachother. What a wonderful, supportive family you are. We look up to you all for your strength, diligence and grace while fighting something so intangible, but so tough. You will get it though, just a couple more days. I know how tough those days post-transplant are. You all are a true inspiration to myself, ron and several of our friends and family. Again, let me know if you need anything.
Prayers your way,
Keely Sapp

The Sapp Family <keelysapp@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, March 25, 2006 3:14 AM CST
Hi Robyn!
It's me, Aimee, from Micro class. I just wanted to let you know I have been praying for you guys the whole time and Oli is never far from my thoughts!

Aimee <Aimee.Gardner@comcast.net>
- Friday, March 24, 2006 1:06 PM CST
Hey Robyn and David,
What's wrong with country music!?! As a matter of fact, 2 of my daughter LOVE the Wolf and it's on every morning as they get ready for school. Where this came from...I have no idea! Whose kids are they anyway? There must be a country/western gene somewhere deep in our family genetics! Heaven help us! ha, ha

We've been listening. They are doing a great job.

Oliver, Josh and I hope you are feeling better soon. I hope you have a good day today without any pain. I hope you have a real good night's sleep tonight. Know that Joshie and I are praying for you, your mommy and daddy and Big Brother Jacob all the time. Sending hugs and kisses your way!

Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Friday, March 24, 2006 11:03 AM CST
Hang in there you guys. You are in the bottem of the pit right now as Dr Kurre put it for us. Remember, one day in the near future, Oli will sit up in his crib ready to play like nothing ever happened. I understand how hard it is to helplessly sit and watch your son suffer. I am so sorry you are all having to go through this AGAIN. Please let us know if we can help in any way, call if you just need a break. Keep remembering the day you heard that the neutrophil count has come up. This will come again. And god bless those words to mean continued growth for Oliver and let it symbolize a new beginning for your whole family. You are all so strong. People tell me that I am so strong too, for seeing Peyton through his transplant and complications relating to it. But I don't feel strong all the time. I break down quite often. I think for your family and mine, we are only as strong as we are because of the deep underlying love within the family and the love we have been lucky enough to get from outside support. Please lean on us if you need to take a break. I will be there in a heartbeat. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family always.
Keely, Ron, and Peyton Sapp <keelysapp@hotmail.com>
- Friday, March 24, 2006 2:45 AM CST
Hi buddy! I hope that you are feeling good today. It was so nice to watch you "show off" the other day. I was happy to see you being a normal kiddo playing with your toys (and the remote!) Tell your mommy and daddy that I say hello : )
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:45 PM CST
We are thinking of you and checking daily for updates. I hope the Fentanyl is helping. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
http://rebekahspage.blogspot.com www.HelpRebekah.com

Rebekah's Mommy (Frances) <family@helprebekah.com>
Banks, OR USA - Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:58 PM CST
Oliver is in our thoughts every day. I can't even being to express what an inspiration you all are! We continue to pray pray pray and hold onto our highest hopes!
With Love,

Heidi Johnson <levinas@aol.com>
Austin, TX USA - Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:54 PM CST
More prayers for you all! You are an inspiration to me as a parent! Love conquers all. You sure have tons of love. Keep holding tight to the One who loves you all the most.
Pam in Colorado <homeandschool@msn.com>
Cañon City, CO USA - Wednesday, March 22, 2006 10:57 AM CST
Thinking of you, with lots of love.
Daphna & Rami <dee.avnon@gmail.com>
Youngstown, OH USA - Wednesday, March 22, 2006 8:55 AM CST
We hope that today is a good day for Oli and for the rest of you. Thinking about you always and sending positive thoughts your way. Love to all.
Elisa and Colin <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, Colo - Wednesday, March 22, 2006 7:21 AM CST
I'm hoping today is a better day!! I'm thinking of you all every day and praying for the big 'R' word!!

Playstrong Oli!!!

Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:24 PM CST
I am sorry to hear that Oli isn't feel good. I know that must be very hard on you. I hope he is doing better every day. The pictures are so touching, I just cried my eyes out. I know it must be wonderful to have Jen visiting. You all are so loved, stay strong and brave.
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, March 21, 2006 4:14 PM CST
Hi Trasens,
I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you guys and all my positive thoughts and prayers are for your beautiful family.

Mindy Murdock <Melinda.s.murdock@intel.com>
- Tuesday, March 21, 2006 3:05 PM CST
Joshie and I send out LOVE to you today! Hope your time feeling good and playing gets longer and longer.
Joshua and his mom, April

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR U.S.A. - Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:10 AM CST
Jacob your a wonderful big brother, so brave! Sorry to hear Oli isn't feeling good, hopefully that won't last long and he'll be playing like usual. We are thinking about you always.
Love, Meg, Dave, Mal, and Kai

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Monday, March 20, 2006 8:07 PM CST
Thinking of you guys! Hope Oliver starts to feel better soon! Much love,
Nickole and family

Nickole Vargas
- Monday, March 20, 2006 7:34 PM CST
My heart goes out to all of you during Oli's current treatment. It is so hard to see any little one in pain and/or not feeling well, and that much worse for parents and grandparents. My prayers continue for Oli's recovery, and for your strength and courage to remain undiminished.

Ruth Myers <pgisha2@idcomm.com>
Denver, COLO USA - Monday, March 20, 2006 6:36 PM CST
I am so sorry to read that Oli is not feeling like Oli. I hope that he starts feeling like Oli 100% of the time really soon! Our prayers continue for ech of you.

Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Monday, March 20, 2006 2:39 PM CST
Oli, so sorry you are having such a hard time. My wish for you is that the 10% and 90% change places real soon. I also hope that all those arms holding you are sending strength to that immune system. I know they are sending much love.
What a wonderful family you have, beautiful boy!
You never leave my thoughts and prayers.

Nancy Mentzer <ncmentzer@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Monday, March 20, 2006 1:08 PM CST
Dear Robyn and David, good morning - you have all been around the world and back again and have learned so much about the human spirit from each other, your children, family and friends. Oli continues to amaze as does Jacob. Family unity and love create, give and sustain, among other things, strength. You guys personify it. Our love and best wishes for a fast and positive return to the best of health for Oli. Much love as always Kay, Geroge and Devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Monday, March 20, 2006 10:05 AM CST
Robyn & David,
I'm so sorry that Oli's having such a rough time. We're always keeping all of you in our prayers.

Anne Burke
Bentonville, Ar usa - Monday, March 20, 2006 8:51 AM CST
Hi all, sorry that Oliver is not feeling good! I hope that things will improve over the next couple of days. We all continue to pray for strength and healing! We love you!
Phil, Katie, Rebekah and Corrine

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Sunday, March 19, 2006 10:28 PM CST
Hooray for Jacob and Oliver! We're praying for all of you.

Laura & all the Riedy boys

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
Fairfax, CA USA - Saturday, March 18, 2006 3:02 PM CST
What a sweet boy! You are all in my prayers!

Shann <shann.kirchman@wscicom.com>
San Angelo, TX USA - Friday, March 17, 2006 1:52 PM CST
We pray for your family to find strength while you wait for engraftment. We pray that Oli's new immune system will be cancer free.
Dick & Sharon Mentzer <stmentzer@comcast.net>
Tucson, AZ USA - Friday, March 17, 2006 8:59 AM CST
Love,Hugs, and Prayers for you all.

Tera, Paul, and Kyle Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Friday, March 17, 2006 8:24 AM CST
Dear Oliver and family-
Josh's mom sent out a prayer request for you on their site and I wanted you to know our family is praying for you all! What a cutie!love the tapparo's

sara tapparo <tnstapp@sbcglobal.net>
vacaville, ca usa - Friday, March 17, 2006 1:20 AM CST
I can't stop thinking of you Oli, you don't know me but you are in my heart. I wish you all the strength you need and all the love you already have.
Barbara Magnoni <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, March 16, 2006 11:18 PM CST
Oliver is the cutest little guy! Our family is praying for him and his family.

- Thursday, March 16, 2006 6:27 PM CST
I learned about your son, from Rebekah's page.
and I just want to say, that I'm praying for him and his family,
God Bless :)

janice <jel8261@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, March 16, 2006 7:33 AM CST
We are SO glad to hear that this transplant went well. We will pray that it now does its work for Oliver!!!
Much love from Ohio.

Ron, Kristen, Maddie, Abby and Ellie <kristenscherer@yahoo.com>
Dublin, OH - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 4:04 PM CST
Grow cells Grow!!!! Way to go Jacob for being such a trooper!

Be well, Oliver and grow some new blood!

Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 3:50 PM CST
With all the wonderful messages of love and support coming your way, may that power bring strength and health to you. Wishing Oli a complete recovery and praise for his brave big brother.
marcia wolf <wolfmarcia@aol.com>
denver, co usa - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 3:12 PM CST
I am continuing to pray for your beautiful little Oliver as well as the entire family.
Kathy Cross, Josh Brenneman's aunt <kayden2@verizon.net>
- Wednesday, March 15, 2006 1:23 PM CST
Way to go Jacob!! Okay cells, it's your turn - GROW, GROW, GROW! We hope Oli is feeling okay today - we're thinking of you.

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 12:30 AM CST
Keeping Oliver in my prayers. GROW CELLS GROW!

Way to go Jacob! You're a hero too.

Kris Herbst - Angels on Earth <kris@ercolina-usa.com>
Davenport, IA - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:52 AM CST
Praying for Oliver!!

Robin Brunet <robinb@neptune.on.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:17 AM CST
Doug and I are SO RELIEVED after reading about Oliver's news from the guestbook entries. I'm praying for his transplant to be the beginning of a wonderful healthy life!
Hang in there Oli! Your parents and brother love you sooo much!!!
Our prayers and all our love are with the four of you!
Gigi & Doug (Hurley)

Gigi and Doug Hurley <gigihurley@myway.com>
Boerne, TX USA - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 7:25 AM CST
We are so glad to hear that you had an uneventful day after this weekend. We all continue to pray for Oliver and the rest of the family. Rebekah wanted to invite her cousin Jake to her birthday party, she thought Oma could just bring him back with her! She understood that he had more important things to do for Oli though! Take care! Love, Katie
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:59 AM CST
A friend sent me this and I'm passing it around:
This is God. Today I will be handling All of your problems for you. I do
Not need your help. So, have a nice day.

I love you.

with love, <Deirdre40@frontiernet.net>
- Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:45 AM CST
Your family is always in my thoughts and prayers.
Mindy Murdock <melinda.s.murdock@intel.com>
Chandler, AZ - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 0:28 AM CST
We're so glad that today went as planned. So many patients celebrate their "new" birthday after a transplant, and I so hope that Oli will spend many, many, many years celebrating this new birthday. He shares this birthday day with someone very special, Maggie May. And I know in my heart she is watching over all of your family and bringing you love, strength and good health.
Kim Strelchun <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 0:12 AM CST
SO glad to hear things went smoothly today.
We have been thinking about all of you and we are so glad that this step is over. Jacob sounds amazing- as he has been all along. We love you-Bec,Cor,Max,and Kai

bec and cor <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 11:54 PM CST
Dear Jacob,
You are a great role model to all kids for being there for your little brother! I don't think grownups need to tell you how you'll understand everything better when you grow up. Your strength and courage shows that you already knew how to uplift your family all along.
Your Neighbors
P.S. In other words, our hats are off to you kiddo!

Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 11:25 PM CST
I just stopped by to let you know I was thinking of Oliver today. I'm glad to hear the transplant was uneventful. Now I can hardly wait to hear about his new cells!! Engraft! Engraft!!
Christy Mensi - www.friendsofallie.org <christy.mensi@gmail.com>
Spring, Texas - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:21 PM CST
I'm glad to hear that today was "uneventful" and things went smoothly. Great job Jacob!! We are all behind you, Oli, as we wait for those cells to work some magic!
Love, Jen, John and boys

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:15 PM CST
My thoughts are with you today. Give both of the boys hugs for me. May this transplant be the day that starts Oli's new journey as a cancer free kiddo.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:00 AM CST
Dear Oliver - As always, we are praying for you, but thinking of you even more this morning. Hugs and love to you and your family today!

Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:19 AM CST
Hugs and prayers for Oliver! I hope he can start having more good days than bad very soon. Prayers for him, and know that hundreds of people are praying for his recovery.
LisaW from Friends of Allie
Morgantown, WV - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:06 AM CST
I come here everyday. You are all in my thoughts on this very important day of your journey! xoxo
clandestine <clandestine4u@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:04 AM CST
Thinking about all of you this morning and hoping all goes well today. Love to all.
Elisa and Colin <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, Colo Usa - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:13 AM CST
What a wonderful boy Oliver is, such a bright boy. I enjoyed spending time with Peyton and Oliver together in the play room last week. I am praying for your family every day. I pray that this bone marrow transplant works, recovery is smooth, infection free, without side effects and without GVHD. I pray that the cells are strong and have the ability to be the roots to sustain a long fulfilling live for little Oliver. He is quite a boy and has truely touched my soul. Please let us know if you need any support during the 1st 2 to 3 weeks after transplant. We will be calling you. Robyn, I think about you all the time. Please call me if you ever want to talk. I will call you too. I would love to come visit you at the hospital, and bring you lunch, or even give you a break. Again, you are in my thoughts and prayers all the time. Oliver is a beautiful boy, there is no way he will not get through it.
Keely Sapp <keelysapp@hotmail.com>
West Linn, - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 0:52 AM CST
Oli, You are a strong little boy and you have quite a fighting spirit. We continue to pray for you and your family. Hang in there....lots of love.
Brooke, Rick and Ben <brookebuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, Va USA - Monday, March 13, 2006 1:11 PM CST
My heart was racing as I read your recent journal entry - I'm SO glad to hear Oli is better. David and Robyn, your strength is amazing - the two of you are AWESOME!We are praying for you constantly and think of you all the time. Good luck tomorrow; Oli - we're thinking of you; you can do it! Jacob - you are our hero, brave and strong!

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Monday, March 13, 2006 12:27 AM CST
Dear Trasens,
I'm so sorry to hear about Oliver's weekend. Just happy to hear that he is doing better today. We're here each day to check up on Oli and send all of you our prayers.

Ed had a great visit with Jacob and David. The girls enjoyed hearing "Jacob stories". Hang in there.
All our love, The Smiths

Ed,Heidi,Lauren,and Bella <edandheidi@comcast.net>
Shingle Springs, CA - Monday, March 13, 2006 12:12 AM CST
Dear Robyn and David -
We are so sorry to hear what happened with Oliver this weekend. I cannot begin to imagine how scarry that must have been for you both. While we ALWAYS pray for Oli's good health and recovery, I want to send extra love and prayers to you both. I see your pictures and admire your strength in the middle of such frightening circumstances. Your smiles must be so reassuring to both boys! They are so lucky to have you as parents! Please try to take care of yourselves...You are both so important and loved!!!

Sending lots of love from Colorado!!!

lisa, marc, jackson and sophie <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Monday, March 13, 2006 10:35 AM CST
Oliver-you are an amazing little boy. My son loves to do the touchdown sign on a daily basis. Maybe some day you and he will cross paths as referees for the NFL.......Our thoughs and prayers are with you and your family.
Siri <reinboldsb@comcast.net>
- Monday, March 13, 2006 9:37 AM CST
Dear Robyn, Yes that was an intensely emotional experience we all had yesterday but I'm so glad you said it was OK for me to stay. I wanted to stay to help in any way possible and also because it would have been so hard to go home not knowing if Oliver was stable. Thank you. Thank you. That evening I did as you suggested and had a nice time with my boys. I took them to their favorite place to eat ,Burgerville, and when we got home I scratched their backs. They were very happy. Love, Jill
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:42 PM CST
Dear Ones, We just read your last update and that had to be so scary for you.
Glad Oli recovered from the reaction and is feeling better. We think about all of you with love.

Elisa and Colin <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, Colo Usa - Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:56 PM CST
David and Robyn,
I am so sorry that you had (another) traumatic moment. Add that one to the list of thinks that Oliver never needs to get again! Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you as you approach the transplant date. We are being prayer warriors for your entire family....

Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:56 PM CST
Hope that you are feeling better Oli. Give your mommy and daddy big hugs for me. I'll be thinking of you sweetie!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Sunday, March 12, 2006 4:04 PM CST
Way to go Oliver! Touchdown!

Robyn and David,
I'm still praying for you two and for Oliver. I'm still checking up on you and hanging onto HOPE. You two are awesome parents having to do what no parents should EVER have to do. I'm sending a HUGE hug to you ALL and so is Josh!
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR u - Sunday, March 12, 2006 10:48 AM CST
Love the touchdown signal! Even after a tough week, Oli's amazing spirit still shines through! We are thinking of you guys as you prepare for the transplant this week and wish Oli and Jake the best! Sending love and strength and prayers your way....
Love, Jen, John, Jack, Luke and Sammy

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:45 AM CST
What a sweet little boy. You have captured my heart and wet my eyes. I wish you all the best and hope for all the best.
Jay <jcro44@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, March 11, 2006 5:42 PM CST
I agree Oli, way to go!!! I hope that this last chemo does the magic trick before your transplant! I will continue to send happy thoughts to you and your family.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Saturday, March 11, 2006 4:47 PM CST
Oliver continues to amaze. I don't believe I've seen any photo in which he is not smiling and prepared to take on the world. Robyn and David, you have two very precious children and have created a simply wonderful family, in the true sense of the world. You all take on these incredibly challenging hurdles one foot in front of the other, and never give up. More power to you. Much love Kay, George and Devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Saturday, March 11, 2006 3:41 PM CST
Must have been the longest 18 minutes...
I can only imagine. Not a day has gone by since this all started, that I have not cried for you, and prayed for you. I can only imagine what you must think and feel every day. You all are remarkably brave. As always, we can continue to pray for you, and wait for good news. We love you.

Tera, Paul, and Kyle Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerue, NM - Saturday, March 11, 2006 11:18 AM CST
Dave & Robyn - I'll be praying especially for Oli tomorrow as he begins treatment - and for peace for you as you await the outcome.
annie p
Hillsboro, - Friday, March 10, 2006 1:33 PM CST
Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. We will pray that the transplant is a success and that you are given the strength to fight this.
Dana and Neil Tucker <dbuncich@aol.com>
San Antonio, TX - Thursday, March 9, 2006 11:46 PM CST
Hi Dave and Robyn,
good to hear the transplant is a go. May the Lord grant you peace and may His Grace be with you always.

Vila & Edwin

Malaysia <vilashini.krishnan@intel.com>
- Thursday, March 9, 2006 9:56 PM CST
Good Morning - I hope you and the boys had a good night and were able to get some rest. Im so sorry you are having to go through this again - I cannot imagine how hard it must be at each stage of the treatment. Our hearts go out to you every single day and we pray that this transplant will be the key to full recovery for Oli! Happy Belated 8th anniversary! We love you!
lisa, marc, jackson and sophie <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Thursday, March 9, 2006 8:11 AM CST
I cannot imagine having to sit there during those 18 minutes and like you, wonder how it could be helping my son. My heart goes out to your family and especially sweet Oliver - you're in my prayers.
Leilani Reiff
Woodland, CA USA - Wednesday, March 8, 2006 2:39 PM CST
Dear Robyn and Dave, Those 18 minutes probably felt like an eternity. I'm so sorry that your family is having to go through this. I've been praying for you all. Love, Jill
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Wednesday, March 8, 2006 2:17 PM CST
Robyn, David, Jake and Oli,
We are thinking of you and praying for you. May God grant you peace, hope and love as you go through this process and bring healing to Oli. We've asked our friends to pray for you as well. I know it is tough to watch your child go through all these treatments, knowing how dangerous it is and yet knowing that it is the only choice. My heart goes out to you.

www.HelpRebekah.com http://rebekahspage.blogspot.com

Rebekah's Mommy (Frances) <family@helprebekah.com>
Banks, OR USA - Wednesday, March 8, 2006 12:11 AM CST
Happy Anniversary (yesterday :)!!! What a beautiful family you have become over the past 8 years. LOVE the family photo on Oli's home page!
With Love,

The Mescher's <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Wednesday, March 8, 2006 11:47 AM CST
Dear David and family,
I check in on Oli's web site regularly, and I am so inspired by the strength and love of your family. My son Andrew, who is almost 4, loves looking at the photos and provides great commentary. He even thought Grandma Dee was Oliver's mom, since she has curly hair and glasses like I do!

You are in our thoughts and prayers,
your cousin Amy (Golden) Johnson

Amy, Peter, Connor & Andrew Johnson <arj@mac.com>
Dexter, MI USA - Wednesday, March 8, 2006 8:30 AM CST
Love the family photo. It is so nice you have all been able to be home together for awhile. We are thinking about you as you begin this next treatment course and keeping positive thoughts and sending positive energy your way. Love to all.

Elisa and Colin <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, Colo Usa - Wednesday, March 8, 2006 8:16 AM CST
We are thinking of you too. Happy Anniversary!

Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, March 8, 2006 3:33 AM CST
We are thinking of you. Happy Anniversary.
Kristen, Ron, Maddie, Abby and Lauren <kristenscherer@yahoo.com>
Dublin, OH United States - Wednesday, March 8, 2006 2:52 AM CST
Happy Anniversary! We have such fond memories of March 7th eight years ago. What a beautiful wedding and handsome couple! And what a lovely family you are now! We think of you so much and keep you in our prayers. So many of our friends and our pastor also keep you in their prayers. All our love, Mimi and Granddaddy.
Ann Tucker <ann.eugenetucker@sbcglobal.net>
Little Rock, AR USA - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 7:23 PM CST
Robyn and David, Happy Anniversary! I hope you are all having a good day and that all goes well in the next week. We continue to pray for you and know that total healing will come in time. Take care! Love, Katie
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Tuesday, March 7, 2006 3:09 PM CST
Dear Trasens,
I'm thinking about Oli and checking his site almost every day. I was really happy to hear today that Jacob is healthy and you will be able to go on with the treatment as planned. I wish lots of luck to both of your boys and strength and hope to you, dear Robyn and Dave

Yula Khalfin, Intel <yula.khalfin@intel.com>
Haifa, Israel - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 2:35 PM CST
Dear Trasens,

I'm thinking about Oli and checking Oli's site almost every day. I was happy to hear today that Jacob is healthy and you will be able to go on with the treatment. I wish lots of luck to both of your boys and strength and hope to you, dear parents.

Yula Khalfin <yula.khalfin@intel.com>
Haifa, Israel - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 2:29 PM CST
Dearest Trasen Family~ So glad to hear that Jacob's bug is gone and you can go ahead with treatment. Super-great job, by the way Jacob-you are so awesome!!! Just wanted to drop a line to let you all know that the Emanuel crew are still thinking of you. Best wishes always...
Nurse Heather <heather_mcfarland@comcast.net>
Wilsonville, OR USA - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 12:38 AM CST

I have once walked where you are now. I know that times ahead of youare scary but please know that I am thinking of you and prayers are being said for you.

Robyn and David, I am now 9 years post transplant.. HOPE is always something to hang onto... Wishing you the absolute best for your little boy!

(Heard of Oliver from the FOA board).

Stacy-Lauren <cappadonas@yahoo.com>
Leominster, MA USA - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 12:30 AM CST
We are all thinking of you and sending best wishes and love during the next weeks.
the Schwartz/Broms group <judith-schwartz@comcast.net>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 11:40 AM CST
Hi Trasen Family!

We're thinking of you and saying lots of prayers for Oli and Jacob.

Much love,
Laura, Rob, Ethan, Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
Sausalito, CA - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 10:29 AM CST
I,m glad you got some extra time at home. We will be thinking about you this week, sending all the positive energy my family has for you Oli. We love you! Stay strong you amazing boys, and mom and dad!
Love Megan, David, Malcolm, and Kaiya

Megan Martelon <Martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 9:16 AM CST
Tuesday, March 7th. This day has dual significance.
Happy eighth anniversary, Robyn and David. Your marriage and your parenting inspire everyone!
We send our love to all four of you every day, but especially today.
Grandma Dee and Grandpa Ben

Dee and Ben Trasen <deetrasen@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 9:03 AM CST
So happy to hear things are going forward. God bless that Jacob! What a special family, I'm praying all goes well!

God bless <Deirdre40@frontiernet.net>
- Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:59 AM CST
I am glad that Jacob has recovered from the bug and that Oliver is doing well. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers as he goes through chemo and transplant. I pray for a full recovery and being cancer free in 2006!
Live Strong, love stronger, never give up, never lose hope!

Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 1:08 AM CST
I can't help thinking about how your Grandma Rose might have reacted to this picture...Here's my own humble late night version: Jacob is so mature and brave. He seems much older than he really is. He could be six or seven. And what a smile, he just glows. It must be all of the love he gets. And Oli, what a beautiful little boy, you would never guess he has spent as much time in the hospital as he has. He is so vibrant, bright, and just stunning.... The boys couldn't ask for better parents. Thinking of you all. love,
Barbara <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, March 7, 2006 0:24 AM CST
Hi Trasen's - I am back on line now. I missed seeing your faces and reading your updates. Kristen and my Mom would keep me updated. Jacob, we are so proud of you...you are so brave!! I have been going thru pics making scrapbooks and came across many pictures of you and Kaitlyn. Jacob, your smiles melts my heart! Please give your adorable baby brother a hug from us (and one to your Mommy, Daddy and Gmas). We miss you, think of you and pray for you daily.
Hugs and Love,
Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan

Liz Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Monday, March 6, 2006 11:20 PM CST
We're praying for strength for your family over the next few weeks. Oli and Jacob are very brave and are heros in our eyes. We're thinking of you daily.
Dick & Sharon Mentzer <stmentzer@comcast.net>
Tucson, AZ USA - Monday, March 6, 2006 10:35 PM CST
Hello! We are Alexandria's (McBurnett) family in Iowa.
We just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and wish you all the best!

Take Care!!!!!

The McCollum Family

McCollum Family <jenandjeremy@southslope.net>
Fairfax, IA - Monday, March 6, 2006 9:51 PM CST
HI, I am a friend of Katie and Phil Redinger's, I check your website regularly to check on Oli and the family. Our family keeps you all in our prayers and we added you to the prayer list at church. Hope the next week is as painless as possible and successful.

Denise Alford <Denise.alford@comcast.net>
Littleton, CO - Monday, March 6, 2006 7:53 PM CST
Well, here you go again! We hope the whole transplant process is a bit easier this time around since you know what to expect. Jacob - you and your Mommy, Daddy and Brother are our heros!! We love you guys and will pray extra hard this week!

Ginsberg Family

lisa, marc, jackson and sophie <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Monday, March 6, 2006 6:34 PM CST
The pictures on the site are to be treasured. Sending love and lots of hugs for the days ahead. We're all thinking of ALL of you. Love the Nowaks, Robert Lewis' and Michael Eber clans.
nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, co - Monday, March 6, 2006 5:03 PM CST
Dear Trasens,
Our family is thinking about you and praying for you.
We have a candle lit for Oliver at church and pray that things stay on track for all of you. Keep the faith.
The McNulty's (Mike knows Dave from Intel)

McNulty Family <mike.r.mcnulty@intel.com>
Gilber, AZ USA - Monday, March 6, 2006 12:58 AM CST
Hi Guys!

Jake you are the man. Touchdown Dance!!

I will be in town Thursday and Friday. Let me know if I can bring anything or do anything at all.

Take care,

Ed Smith <Edward.C.smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Monday, March 6, 2006 11:20 AM CST
Hello all. Just wanting to check in to say hi and to let you know that I think about you all of the time. I will keep praying for you as you return to the hospital for the start to Oli's new journey (and yours!) Take care!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Monday, March 6, 2006 1:07 AM CST
Yeah! That's the picture we've been waiting to see. It's great to see all of you together! Thanks for putting it up. Our church is having a service tonight with prayers for healing -- we've got Jacob and Oliver (and Robyn and David too) on the list. We're praying for you, thinking of you. Hope you're enjoying your time at home. Lots of love.
Melissa Bolin <m.bolin@mac.com>
Belfast, Northern Ireland - Sunday, March 5, 2006 8:32 AM CST
What a simply wonderful family snap - the boys are so full of life and joy and you Robyn and David so very obviously love them dearly. The snap of Dee and Oli is so beautiful. That little hand says so much - comfort, security, confidence and openness. Continue to express the peace and serenity that you both display in photographs and in your words. Live each day to the hilt. Please know that we love you dearly and you are all in our thoughts constantly. Kay, George and Devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Friday, March 3, 2006 2:58 PM CST
What a wonderful family picture! Thinking of you and praying always.

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Friday, March 3, 2006 1:24 PM CST
Thanks for sharing the family photo - it warmed my heart.

Libbey Malone <libbeybuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Friday, March 3, 2006 8:57 AM CST
Hi there, you don't know me. We used to live in Wilsonville, now we live on the East Coast. Our friend Jonathan is going through something similar, and I just wanted to let you know that me and my kids (my son Jacob) have added you to our prayer list and we are putting Oliver on our Church prayer list this weekend. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Meg, Jacob and Abby Wolfe
Meg Wolfe <megjmw34@adelphia.net>
Bangor, ME - Friday, March 3, 2006 8:33 AM CST
Thanks for sharing your family picture. It's great to see you altogether!
Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, March 3, 2006 0:30 AM CST
Jacob's bravery made me cry. I also wanted you to know that Liz's computer has been down for several weeks but she calls everyday to see if there is a new update. ;)
We miss you.

Kristen <kristenscherer@yahoo.com>
Dublin, OH - Thursday, March 2, 2006 4:41 PM CST
Enjoy the time you have at home!
cooking and cleaning can wait 'til tomorrow
for childhood doesn't last, much to our sorrow
so go away cobwebs, dust go to sleep
I'm playing with baby and babies don't keep!

http://spaces.msn.com/mondayswithmolly/ <just.me.molly@comcast.net>
East Coast,, U.S. - Wednesday, March 1, 2006 9:37 PM CST
I am happy that you all get to enjoy a few more days together at home! We will be thinking about you (more than usual) next week! Katie
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Wednesday, March 1, 2006 1:04 PM CST
Yes, amazing Jacob, and amazing Mommy, Daddy, and Oli. Enjoy the week at home, and Happy Anniversary. I still think about what a lovely wedding you had, and how honored I was to be a part of it. Take care.
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Wednesday, March 1, 2006 12:41 AM CST
Wow Jacob, you are amazing! Enjoy another week of home time with Oli and your parents. Jackson and I have been practicing running like race cars. I'll be ready for a re-match soon! Please give your mom, dad, Oli and Grandma Dee hugs from me.

Erica Marra-Dotts <marradotts@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 9:40 PM CST
Way to go Jacob! You must be so proud. What a little man he has become. Although waiting is hard it's so nice to be home. It will probably help Jacob get over his virus sooner. Thanks again for keeping us all updated on Oliver's treatment. Love, Jill
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:19 PM CST
Jacob....What a HERO and STUD you are!!! You brought tears to my eyes as I think of your amazing bravery! Wow!

Robyn and David, I am happy you get some extra time at home together. Enjoy every precious moment. I will be praying that Jacobs virus is gone, so you can start next Tuesday. May you both be filled with peace and strength.
Joshie's mom,

april brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
tigard, or usa - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 3:43 PM CST
Dave and Robyn,
I think about you guys every day and I check this site frequently. I'm glad you have some home time as a family. The positive thoughts and energy are still being thrown your way...

Wendy Nakatani
Portland, OR USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 2:54 PM CST
So happy you have another week at home, and hats off to Jacob for showing great strength.

Enjoy your week at home together!

Much love,
Laura, Rob, Ethan, Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
Sausalito, CA USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 2:07 PM CST
Glad to hear you get a little more time at home, together! Way to go Mr. Incredible - Jacob, you are our hero! :) We're praying for you every day and hope you can feel the love, strength and healing we're praying for.

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:46 AM CST
Happy anniversary and best of luck to all of you next week! Carrie loves to pray for baby Oli- we do it every night! Make sure you get your valentines from the Olsons. Hehe!
Val Kurth
Perrysburg, OH USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:38 AM CST
Bravo Jacob!
You are living up to your nickname - Mr. Incredible.
What a brave and protective big brother you are!
Your neighbors,
Angelle & Bob

Angelle <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:56 AM CST
Well done Jacob! At the hospital here, they call the numbing cream "magic cream"!! Keaton's had a couple of blood draws here. He was pretty brave, but he didn't watch them put the needle in -- wow! Good job.
Melissa Bolin <m.bolin@mac.com>
Belfast, Northern Ireland - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:00 AM CST
Yeah! So happy to hear that you have another week at home ahead of you (sorry to hear that Jacob is sick though!) Give Jacob a big high-five from me for being such a trooper with the blood draw. I hope that everything continues to go well for all of you and I will keep praying for a smooth and successful transplant.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 1:21 AM CST
Wonderful News! Yea! And adorable pictures! So happy for you all being at home together for a while. We pray every night for you all to have a good nights rest to help you cope thru all this. May God continue to bless your family with good news, and comfort you all.

Take care,XXOOOOOXX!

Tera, Paul and Kyle Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Monday, February 27, 2006 7:44 PM CST
Trasen Family,
Great to see the word Remission!!!! We have the faith!

Can I borrow your cool green shoes in your most recent picture? I love em!

Ed, Heidi, Lauren and Bella Smith <edward.c.smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Monday, February 27, 2006 6:35 PM CST
We are thinking about you as you settle back in at Doernbecher this afternoon. Sending much love your way.
-Corey and Rebecca

PS-love the new pics of Oli!

bec and cor <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Monday, February 27, 2006 8:00 AM CST
Dear Ones, We went to dinner w Oma Barbara and Paul tonight and on the way out we noticed Nemo in the aquarium and remembered that Dori kept saying, " just keep swimmin' keep swimmin' keep swimmin'. We think of you all the time. Cute pictures. Love to all. Colin and Elisa
Elisa and Colin <ELisamichael@eaarthlink.net>
Denver, Colo Usa - Sunday, February 26, 2006 10:56 PM CST
The photos are a treasure. Oli looks fine just now... I know you're facing awful and rough decisions, but I hope all the MANY prayers from around the country will help strengthen both of you as well as Oli. The transplant may turn the tide. My thoughts are with you every day.
Ruth Myers <pgisha2@idcomm.com>
Denver, CO USA - Sunday, February 26, 2006 6:48 PM CST
Hi, still praying for your little guy! I'm glad you've had "home time" with him this week. Prayers that all goes well with the transplant on the 7th!

Lisa (from the Friends of Allie group)

Lisa W
Morgantown, WV - Sunday, February 26, 2006 1:48 PM CST
It's wonderful to see the pictures of Oli at your house. I'm glad that he is staying well enough to enjoy time at home with you guys. We have all the faith in the world in this little man!! Thinking of you all the time!
Love, Jen, John and boys

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Saturday, February 25, 2006 11:23 AM CST
Dear Trasens- So happy to hear the great news! Wanted to let you know that the folks at All Saint's Episcopal Church (on Lincoln and 4th, downtown Hillsboro) care very much about Oliver and have him and your family in their prayers!
All the best from your Jones Farm neighbor, Korin Guglielmi

Korin <davekorin@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, February 24, 2006 7:17 PM CST
I am so happy to hear the news. Go Oli Go!
Barbara <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
New York, new york United States - Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:41 PM CST
Remission?!?!? That is the best news - we are so happy that you are home and enjoying some family time on the circle!! Oliver - you are my hero!!!

Love to all!
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Thursday, February 23, 2006 12:38 AM CST
Believing in and praying for Oliver!
Kris Herbst - Angels on Earth <kris@ercolina-usa.com>
Davenport, IA - Thursday, February 23, 2006 10:33 AM CST
Praying for Oliver!

Mandy (Angels on Earth)

- Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:52 AM CST
We believe in miracles! Praying for Oliver.
Robin Brunet <robinb@neptune.on.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:50 AM CST
This is great news! I think of you all many times throughout everyday and, as Anne Burke said, this is the best news I've heard in a long time. I'm so glad you all can be together at home. Love, Libbey :)
Libbey Malone <libbeybuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:13 AM CST
We are so very happy this morning. The new Oli photo says it all. He looks FANTASTIC! Enjoy your time at home, believe in the power of your love and your strengths, and Oli will prove to us all that miracles do happen.
Lots of love

Daphna & Rami <daa47@zoominternet.net>
Youngstown, OH USA - Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:26 AM CST
Wow!!! I'm so excited for you all...how wonderful! This news reminded me of one of my favorite bible verses and I want to share it here...it's a great verse!
Philippians 4:6
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Keep believing in the positive power of prayer!!

Oli can beat this thing!!

Thinking of you all every day...

Cheris McFarland
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:28 PM CST
Crying tears of relief, praying for Oliver and his doctors, and wishing you all a good few days at home. Now I will pray for a cure for your little one....permanant remission. I will pray for all of you during these next few weeks during the transplant....Love......Kim Tucker
Kim Tucker <kimtucker67@sbcglobal.net>
Owasso, OK USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:49 PM CST
REMISSION! What an awesome word that is! Even though the doctors say a "cure" is slim...keep on hoping for a miracle. Oliver might just surprise us all! He is one in a million!

I pray for strength for you both for the upcoming days of radiation and chemo, then transplant. I pray for total, complete, final healing for that precious little boy of yours. Give Jacob and Oliver a kiss and a hug from Joshie's mom. Give them a high 5 from Josh! Enjoy your time at home as a whole family.
Love and prayers,

april brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org >
Tigard, OR USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:02 PM CST
WE ARE SO HAPPY to hear the news!!!!!!! What an answer to prayer! I am sure you are so, so happy to be home for a few days. We are thinking of you and continue to pray.
Love, Kristen, Ron, Madeline, Abigail and Lauren <kristenscherer@yahoo.com>
Dublin, OH USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:39 PM CST
Dearest Trasens,

Just read the good news. REMISSION!! Terrific. So happy for you all. Much love (and a few assorted hugs), Anita, Rich and all the Fricklases and Resnicks.

Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:08 PM CST
Without hope there is no hope!!!
I am praying for Oliver's miracle! Thank God for REMISSION!!!!!!!!!

Sara *Angels on Earth <colinsmamu@tampabay.rr.com>
Seminole, FL - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:56 PM CST
Prayers for Oliver's complete recovery! I learned about him from the Friends of Allie group, and could not help but fall in love with your little boy! What an adorable little guy! I am hoping and praying for his total healing. God bless!
Lisa Weihman
Morgantown, WV - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:26 PM CST
I check on Oliver once (twice, three times) per day, feeling him pull on my heart strings. Imagone my joy when I read todays incredible news...REMISSION. I wanted to shsre some words from Julianna's dad, Terry, (canada/julianna) that made me think of you...the words gave me strength even though we walk another road other than the cancer road.

"When our family history is written, this will be our watershed moment. Our collective gut check. It was the death of the last of our innocence, and the birth of our resolve. cancer is a bitch. Not only does it systematically dismantle your physical health, but it will gladly steal as much of your emotional and psychological well being as you allow. And if you are reading this and you are just starting down your own cancer path, pay very close attention, because I just typed the five most important words in my entire two and a half years of cancer hell…
It can take away your health or your hair, but cancer doesn’t automatically take away your hope, you allow it to. It doesn’t take away your dignity, you allow it to. And it damn well has no business taking away your resolve, unless you allow it to. Every aspect of your coping is yours to control. When you don't make the conscious decision to apply that control, you are making the unconscious decision to forfeit that control to cancer. You may not even realize that you are doing it, but no decision is still a decision, but by omission. And cancer will gladly and greedily take as much as you allow it to.
Don’t let it! Stare your demon square in the eye and yell “NO!” Make the conscious decision to fight cancer on each and every front. Physically. Emotionally. Psychologically. Spiritually. Any ‘ally’ you can think of, draw your line in the sand and spit in cancer’s face! I know first hand how difficult it is to do, and I in no way mean to trivialize what is undoubtedly the defining challenge of our entire lives. But you have to do it, man, you just have to. You and the wonderful people that love you deserve nothing less. Do all the things that make life the beautiful commodity that it is. Love like it’s Valentine’s Day every day. Laugh like you’re Chris Rock’s drinking buddy.
Not because of cancer, but despite it."

Keep fighting, don't let the beast think it has the best of you. Oliver is strong, you are strong even if it means we are all holding you up. Know that in the darkest moments, there is a net of thousands here to hold you up.
Always keeping you in my prayers!

Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:16 PM CST
We continue to pray for family strength and healing for little Oliver. Beautiful picture, sweet boy!
Miracles do happen.
Orenco Mom's In Touch

Kim Langer <bklanger@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:11 PM CST
I check in on Oliver weekly through this website. My sister (Wendy Olson) sent me the link so I could put him on my prayer list. He's a very blessed little boy to have so many friends and family there for him and praying daily.
Julie Driggers <bugsfan2001@yahoo.com>
Chickamauga, GA USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:53 AM CST
Robyn, David, Oli & Jake,
So glad to hear about REMISSION! And that you get to be home. That is fabulous news. We continue to pray for you and ask for healing and a successful transplant. May you have strength, courage and hope to make it through the weeks ahead. Enjoy your time at home!

www.HelpRebekah.com http://rebekahspage.blogspot.com

Rebekah's Mommy <family@helprebekah.com>
Banks, OR USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:43 AM CST
Yahoo! We're so happy about Oli's remission, and we're thrilled you're at home for a few days. Enjoy the comforts of home.

Laura, Rob, Ethan, Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:37 AM CST
Great news!! Enjoy some much needed "home time". Always thinking about you...
Craig Fales <craig.fales@umb.com>
Denver, Colorado - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:21 AM CST
REMISSION!!!! Way to go, Oli! Enjoy your time together at home. We're thinking of you and praying for you always!

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:01 AM CST
So happy to hear the good news. He is such an amazing little guy. I'm so glad you all get to be home for a while, enjoy your time together. We are always thinking about you, I wish we were closer to give you hugs. Lots of love and positive energy.
Love, Megan, Dave, Malcolm and Kaiya

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:06 AM CST
WONDERFUL WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! I am so glad you are catching some home time. We think about you daily and know that Oli will beat this!!!
Alyson Molesworth <alyson.l.molesworth@intel.com>
Gilbert, az - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:48 AM CST
This is the best news I've heard in a long time - from anyone! Remission! What a miracle it seems - God really is with you and hears our prayers. I am so glad you're at home - I'm sure it must be so wonderful for you. We will continue to keep Oli and all of you in our prayers. Enjoy your time at home and with each other. Our love to all.
Anne Burke
Bentonville, Ar USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:59 AM CST
REMISSION! Prayers are being answered. I hope you enjoy your time at home and that little Oliver continues to allow us to see God work miracles through him. God bless you and your family.
Melissa McNeel <raztaz8249@yahoo.com>
Nashville, TN USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:16 AM CST
Oliver, what an amazing little guy you are!

Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:04 AM CST
Was sent over by Julianna Banana and what a cutie pie your Oliver is! Both your boys are in for it, it sounds and I would love the honor of being another prayer warrior for you as well as follow the progress he'll make. God bless.

Deirdre Antalek <Deirdre40@frontiernet.net>
Livonia (Rochester), NY - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:00 AM CST
Hooray! I am so happy for you! I know you will have a wonderful (almost) week at home and we will continue to pray for complete healing. Your boys are the cutest! Rebekah now asks if we can check out "oli.com"! Big hugs to all! Love, Katie
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:59 AM CST
YES!!!!! We are so happy to hear the news. We know how wonderful it feels to be home. Rest easy, if possible. You all deserve some rest!!!! We check on you often and pray, pray, pray for you.
Ron, Keely and Peyton Sapp
West Linn, - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:08 AM CST
REMISSION is my favorite word!!! Hoping for the best for you guys! Love, The Rentons
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:25 AM CST
YEAH!!! So happy to hear the good news. Enjoy this time at home. Many thoughts and prayers are coming your way for a successful second transplant.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, February 22, 2006 0:26 AM CST
So happy to hear the news!
We love you and wish for you some cozy days at home!

bec and cor <bec.cor@verizon.net>
- Wednesday, February 22, 2006 0:23 AM CST
I am so very sorry to hear you could not go home. We are still praying our hearts out for you all. Love, Tera
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:17 PM CST
Hi Oli and family! Just wanted to say hello and that I have been thinking of you all. Still keeping my fingers crossed for good news!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Monday, February 20, 2006 11:35 PM CST
So sorry you were not able to go home for some family time. We're praying for good test results - REMISSION for Oliver! Thinking of you always.

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Monday, February 20, 2006 8:06 PM CST
Great picture and so glad Grandma D is there with you now.
I have high hopes for this little guy because he is such
a fighter. Just know you are in my thoughts and prayers and I am keeping my fingers crossed that you can get a day
or two at home. It would be wonderful for all of you. Hugs, Joanne

Joanne Borg <Jborg49297@aol.com>
Greenwood Village, Co - Monday, February 20, 2006 6:12 PM CST
I'm so sorry that you weren't able to go home. Sending lots of love from NYC. We're heading home tonight; so, I'll see you sometime later in the week.

Erica Marra-Dotts <marradotts@yahoo.com>
- Monday, February 20, 2006 11:37 AM CST
Hi I came from Juliana's page, like many others. My son, Aiden, has ALL. I have a friend whose son (twice relapsed AML) had his third transplant at the new haplo program at St. Jude hospital. She was pleased with the care. Feel free to email if you want contact info. I will keep your cutie pie in my prayers.
Jennifer Bryan <jandjbryan@comcast.net>
Los Gatos, CA - Monday, February 20, 2006 0:19 AM CST
Hello Oliver!

What an adorable young man you are and a brave fighter too :-) I come to you from Julianna Banana's page, a fellow Canuck. We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and sending you all our best prayers and mojo. Keep your heads up high and know that there is always, always hope...let all the love and well wishes of friends, family and even strangers like us help carry you along on this most difficult of journeys. Sending you hugs,

Tracey, Steve, Quinn and Callum Ager xoxo HAB (that stands for 'Hug A Bug', a support group for chronically ill children in Canada) <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, - Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:04 PM CST
Bless your hearts.... I will say a prayer for your sweet, adorable little boy. (I'm from Julianna's page)
Amy <davysmama@comcast.net>
Sterling Hts, MI - Sunday, February 19, 2006 6:29 PM CST
Like all your other many friends, Oli remains on my mind and in my heart along with my daily prayers for his recovery. Love the photos. Oli seems a bit leery of the therapy dog which I find amusing and endearing. My heartfelt best to all of you.
Ruth Myers (Ben and Dee's friend) <pgisha2@idcomm.com>
Denver, CO USA - Sunday, February 19, 2006 4:41 PM CST
Hello Oliver and family,
I stopped by Julianna Banana's page -- and she said that you all were in need of prayers... so I am here lending my voice to the others who are sending good thoughts and prayers for Oliver and your family.

With Love and Joy,

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
"The Mile High City", CO USA - Sunday, February 19, 2006 3:04 PM CST
Can't wait to see that sweet boy. Miss you guys and I am so sorry you were not able to get some time at home. Love the new picture. Sending love and healing vibes your way.

Corey and Bec <bec.cor@verizon.net>
- Sunday, February 19, 2006 11:31 AM CST
COntinuing to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Strength to you, blessings to all. Never lose hope, never lose faith.

Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Sunday, February 19, 2006 11:19 AM CST
Keeping you all in my thoughts and sending you hugs from Massachusetts.... (via Juliana Banana's website)
Jenn Borjeson and family <JennBorj@yahoo.com>
Worcester, MA USA - Sunday, February 19, 2006 8:39 AM CST
I wish you strength and lots of wisdom as you make all these difficult decisions. You have been through so much and I know you are exhusted! I wish I could do something for you, my thoughts and prayers are with you!
Rachel Freeman <rachel.freeman@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO USA - Sunday, February 19, 2006 0:06 AM CST
What a cute picture! I was soooo hoping you would get to come home. Hopefully this infection will pass quickly. Thinking of you all and love to Oliver.

Nickole Vargas
Hillsboro, OR - Saturday, February 18, 2006 10:27 PM CST
So sorry to hear that you werent able to go home yesterday...I am sure that was a huge disapointment. How long do you have before starting the transplant process again? I hope that you get another opportunity for a trip home prior to that!

Love to all!
Lisa, Marc, Jackson & Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Saturday, February 18, 2006 6:27 PM CST
So sorry to read of the latest setback.
Thinking of all of you and wishing you strength to cope with all your challenges.
Love, Nancy and Michael

Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, February 18, 2006 6:01 PM CST
Love the new pictures, the hat is cool! It is so wonderful Oli has grandparents who are so spportive and helpful. Sorry you didn't get to go home; that would have been a nice break from the hospital. We continue to think about all of you with love and positive thoughts.
ms ELISE, GRANDPA COL, MEG, DAVE , MAL AND KI <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO uSA - Saturday, February 18, 2006 5:34 PM CST
I have also come to you from Miss Julianna's site. What a beautiful little guy you are, Oliver!! I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Marcia and the gang, HugABug http://fivegoofs.tripod.com <marciat@sympatico.ca>
Bradford, ON Canada - Saturday, February 18, 2006 3:03 PM CST
Just stopped over from Julianna's site and wanted to let you know I can't imagine the decisions you are facing right now. My prayers are with you and your sweet boy.


- Saturday, February 18, 2006 2:22 PM CST
I came to your site from Julianna Banana's. Your family will be in my prayers. I can't imagine what you're going through right now, and I just hope that everything will somehow work out for you.
Mary <mary-gannon@uiowa.edu>
Iowa City, IA USA - Saturday, February 18, 2006 1:16 PM CST
Lots of heartfelt prayers for your family are heading your way. We have a Jacob and Oliver in our family too! I also found your site through Julianna Banana's:o)
Melissa Arnold <ecco526@aol.com>
Zebulon, NC - Saturday, February 18, 2006 10:53 AM CST
Just came to your site from Julianna's as well.
My gosh, how I wish I didn't read about more babies getting cancer. It just doesn't seem right. As a parent, I cannot in my wildest dreams imagine what you feel right now, but I know that the ache must be great. Wishing you all many more loving moments together as a family. I hope Oliver gets to spend some time at home.
A giant hug from Texas,

Debbie <debbie@tolany.com>
Austin, TX - Saturday, February 18, 2006 9:16 AM CST
I am stopping over from Julianna Banana's site. I am so glad she sent me here. I will definitely be a frequent visitor. Oliver is so adorable. I am a part of a group called Friends of Allie. If you would like to learn more about us, you can go to http://www.friendsofallie.org and see what we have accomplished for LLS. I will be praying for Oliver each day that he beats this beast. I will also be praying for his family to stay strong and feel the love that is being sent your way.
Tracy (FOA-Fundraising Leader) <feeneyd@earthlink.net>
NY - Saturday, February 18, 2006 8:05 AM CST
Dear Robyn and Dave, Our family has been out of town and I just read your letter.I guess you have to make decisions on what information you can get and what you can live with or be at some peace with. We feel for you. Love, The Rentons
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Friday, February 17, 2006 11:16 PM CST
Oliver has been on my mind all day today. My heart goes out to you as parents and I pray that you continue to be strong not just for Oli & Jacob - but for each other! Just remember that miracles DO happen each and every day, big and small, so I will continue praying that Oli will be that miracle child!! Let your faith guide you through the tough days and decisions ahead. My prayers are with you every day...
Cheris McFarland
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, February 17, 2006 10:35 PM CST
Hey sweet little Oliver! Julianna sent me too to see cute little you and offer you some giant prayers. I will continue to check on your cuteness and pray that the "c" monster gets the heck out!
Sarah, Morgan, Grant and Sophia <ssmglewis@aol.com>
Louisville, KY USa - Friday, February 17, 2006 10:32 PM CST
It is unimaginable to have to make decisions like these. We are thinking of you constantly and hope that the retest goes well for little Oliver. We love and support you in every way.
Love, Jen, John, Jack, Luke and Sammy

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Friday, February 17, 2006 9:56 PM CST
What a hard situation. I am praying for your family. I found your page through Julianna Banana site.
Cindy Zorena <all4scouts@sbcglobal.net>
Midlothian, IL USA - Friday, February 17, 2006 8:56 PM CST
Hi, I came from Julianna's site too. Man, are you cute! We are hoping and praying for you.
Kelli and Ben Brew (Ben, 17, has ALL)

Kelli Martin Brew
Gainesville, FL USA - Friday, February 17, 2006 8:55 PM CST
Thinking of you and praying!!
A sweetheart named Julianna directed me to your site.

Stow, OH - Friday, February 17, 2006 8:36 PM CST
Hello, I've come here via Julianna's page. I can't imagine how difficult/impossible making this decision is for you, im thinking of you all. lots of love viks
viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Friday, February 17, 2006 6:11 PM CST
Sweet Oliver -
We are thinking about you today and hoping that your tests went well. You are a sweet, beautiful angel, giving hope and inspiration to so many people! We wish we could reach through the computer with a magic wand and make you better! You are so loved here in Colorado and around the world! How many kids get letters from Ireland, Great Britain, Nicaragua.....? You are so special and loved!

Sending lots of hugs to you!
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Friday, February 17, 2006 5:20 PM CST
I have just "met" you through Javad's page. Know that I am praying for Oliver and your family. What a cutie!!
We live in Oregon too...in Philomath, just west of Corvallis. Where do you live?

Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Friday, February 17, 2006 4:01 PM CST
I hope that you have peace with whatever decision you make...it is a horrible one to have to make.

Take care,
Ones Who Care

P.S. I can from Julianna's site

Christamae Zimpel
- Friday, February 17, 2006 3:52 PM CST
Dear Trasens;

It is Friday and I cannot get you and Oliver out of my
mind. I am hoping for encouraging news and praying for all of you. With hugs, Joanne

Joanne Borg <jborg49297@aol.com>
Greenwood Village, Co - Friday, February 17, 2006 3:31 PM CST
Your position is impossible to grasp- wishing you all the strength possible to make the decisions when the time comes. All the best
Ruthie and family

Ruthie and Family <ruthie@daisy.co.il>
Ramat Hasharon, Israel - Friday, February 17, 2006 3:03 PM CST
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Hopefully today will bring some definate good news!

Molly <just.me.molly@comcast.net>
CT - Friday, February 17, 2006 10:57 AM CST
Yep -- another Julianna Banana fan. Uplinked from her site and Oliver is just a doll. Praying for Oliver and all of you for a miracle. God is in control and your decisions will be the right ones -- just let Him help you make those decisions. I will check on Oliver daily.
Joan Crowson <jcrowson@utmem.edu>
Hernando, MS United States - Friday, February 17, 2006 10:14 AM CST
I came here from Julianna Banana's site.Oliver is adorable!!I will be praying for him....
Michele(nurse from NY)
- Friday, February 17, 2006 10:07 AM CST
One thing I forgot to mention....I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES.

Libbey Malone <libbeybuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Friday, February 17, 2006 9:43 AM CST
Your strength amazes me. I honestly cannot imagine the position you both are in as parents. I think about you all many times throughout every single day and pray for you to have the strength to endure this ordeal and make the choices that you need to. No parent should have to be in this position. I love you all. Libbey
Libbey Malone <libbeybuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Friday, February 17, 2006 9:41 AM CST
Brought to you by Julianna Banana.....Lifting all of you up in prayer! Oliver is just a doll and I will continue checking in on him!!
Angie Manning <amanning@hmpins.com>
Southaven, MS USA - Friday, February 17, 2006 9:02 AM CST
Brought to you from Julianna Banana.
We wish you all the best and pray for your beautiful family.

Travis and Brenda <fsgsmom@gmail.com>
Niceville, FL - Friday, February 17, 2006 9:00 AM CST
Just came over from Julianna's page...

We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers...

~The Tidds

~Robin and Jaxon~ <Heather_Tidd@hotmail.com>
- Friday, February 17, 2006 8:42 AM CST
I came on over from Julianna's site. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Believe in yourselves that you will make the best decisions to be made. God will be by your side always
donna rohm <mtwhitney42@hotmail.com>
reno, nv usa - Friday, February 17, 2006 8:41 AM CST
I also found your site from Julianna Banana's site. You are all in my prayers as you try to make this most difficult decision. God Bless
Praying for you in Kansas
Basehor, KS - Friday, February 17, 2006 8:17 AM CST
Julianna sent me to meet your awesome family.

Please know, feel, sense you are making the perfect decisions for Oliver. Your beautiful son couldn't have more wise, caring and loving parents. Your inner wisdom and love guides you, supported by the experts opinion. We can of course somewhat understand how unbelievably difficult for you to have to make decisisions at all in such times... Please have no doubt you are doing the perfect thing for your son.

First time I see your wonderful radiant Oliver... There are no words to decribe him, are they...

Your whole family is in my thoughts and heart.

Sending love and light from Belgium,

Eva Van den Broeck <eva.michaele@skynet.be>
Brussels, Belgium - Friday, February 17, 2006 4:36 AM CST
Have faith. Miracles are still being performed today. Don't give up no matter what the doctors say. Their knowledge and power, which we thank God for, are limited. I know a God whose knowledge and power are unlimited. I put Oliver and his family in God's sovereign hands. Hold onto faith. I'm praying that the living God will increase all of our faith to believe in a miracle for Oliver.
Marilyn Jackson-Gablreath <mjacksonga@aol.com>
Uniondale, NY USA - Friday, February 17, 2006 0:50 AM CST
I am thinking of you from Managua...I hope home brings some answers or rest or both.
Barbara <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
managua, Nicaragua - Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:08 PM CST
Hi there! I don't know you.. I found your journal through a link somewhere that I cannot remember, sorry.

I am thinking about you and Oliver today. I cannot imagine what you must be feeling, thinking, worrying about, questioning ... I will continue to pray for Oliver and your family. I am excited that you may get to spend a week at home, what a gift that would be. Focus on those days ahead that will be filled with happiness. What a blessing your friends and family have been to you so far in your journey!

Thank you friends and family..it is through you that caregivers and patients can survive!

Praying for peace and comfort from God for all of you!
“My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

Alicia Green <alicia2519@gmail.com>
Lake Saint Louis , MO USA - Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:23 PM CST
Dear Robyn and David -
I cannot imagine how you are feeling today - it must be so hard to live with such fear and uncertainty for so many months. Your update is so hard for me grasp - I dont know how you can make such a choice, but I believe that whatever conclusion you come to, it will be the right one.

Take care of yourselves and dont give up!!

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Thursday, February 16, 2006 6:41 PM CST
We're still praying!!
Heidi, Ed, Lauren, and Bella Smith <edandheidi@comcast.net>
Shingle Springs, CA USA - Thursday, February 16, 2006 3:32 PM CST
I laid hands on Oli's picture and I claimed his healing. In Jesus Name. I believe in Miricles!!! God Bless! I am a friend of Anne Carr.
Kathy Burgess <kathyb524@hotmail.com>
Alexandria, Al US - Thursday, February 16, 2006 1:13 PM CST
No matter what you decide...we will be praying hard. I am sorry you even have to be faced with such a gut wrenching decision. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sara *Angels on Earth* <colinsmamu@tampabay.rr.com>
Seminole, FL - Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:57 AM CST
Dear Family,
We have Oliver in our prayers each Sunday and Tuesday thru Friday at our evening vesper service at St Matthew's Episcopal Church in Gold Beach Oregon. I am a friend of Barbara's who met her when I lived in Denver. Our hearts ache for all of you knowing its not supposed to happen this way for children. Pray you can find a sense of peace in being with him and enjoying him each precious moment.
Faithfully, Kay

Kay Wood
Gold Beach, OR - Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:16 AM CST
Dear Robin, David, Oliver, and Jacob;
You have been on my mind so much of late. I did talk to
Damaris and Joe last week and received the update. It will be wonderful for you to have some time at home. You are good parents who make good decisions for your children and yourself---whatever way you decide to go. This just reminds us of how fragile and precious life is. With love, Joanne

Joanne Borg <jborg49297@aol.com>
Denver, Co USA - Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:40 AM CST
What a cutie pie you have!! My prayers are with you during this difficult time of decisions and waiting. God Bless you.
Michelle & Emily (Angels on Earth) www.caringbridge.org/tx/emilysfight
Mission, TX USA - Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:30 AM CST
I am searching my heart for wise and profound words, but can't come up with anything. I know what ever decision you make, it will be the right one, because everyone is praying for you. God will lead you in doing what is best for your little angel. I do believe in miracles, and I am still holding that in my heart. Prayers, love, and best wishes, The Chavez Family
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:22 AM CST
Praying for you all as you face these difficult decisions.
Angela*Angels on Earth*
- Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:10 AM CST
Dearest Trasens,
Long before all of this and even before that interview for school, I have always admired you both as parents too. It has always been a joyful sight seeing you out playing in the park with your children. I hunch (shouldn't really speak for all) that everyone is so supportive of whatever decisions you make because it is so obvious to the world how much you love Oliver and Jacob. If we had our own children, your strength and grace as parents would be the best role models.
Keeping you in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers

Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:30 PM CST
Dearest Trasens,

I offer hugs, McVities, tea and love to Grandma Dee, and all of you. To Grandpa Ben I offer bad political jokes also. Much love, Anita, Rich and the Fricklases (Resnicks too)

Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:26 PM CST
Oliver, Jacob, Robyn, and David, you are constantly in our hearts and on our minds. We continue to pray for REMISSION and hope the results from the next tests provide some peace of mind. We hope you can enjoy some quality family time at home; no-one deserves that more than the four of you. Stay fever free, Oli! We love you!

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 8:39 PM CST
Robyn and David,
No parent should have to make those kinds of decisions. How unfair and yet...I KNOW you will make the RIGHT decision. You have wisdom and a love for Oliver that no one else has or can even come close to. Have an awesome time at home together. I pray you feel peace, hope, strength and lots of love. Always praying for a MIRACLE and for Oliver to AMAZE the world! Total, complete, final healing for Oliver.
Joshie's mom

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 6:07 PM CST
Oliver is in my prayers.
Tina & Lance <lancejrmommy@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, February 15, 2006 4:24 PM CST
My heart goes out to you as you face this tough decision. You will make the right one no matter which direction you go. You're decision will be made with love and in the best interest of Oliver. You can't go wrong. I pray that Oliver stays fever free so you can go home for a few days and pray that the additional test will aid you in your decision. Your son is beautiful.

K-C (AOE) <kellychristine.day@citigroup.com>
Westchester, NY - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 4:08 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Robin Brunet <robinb@neptune.on.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2:17 PM CST
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am happy to hear that you may get some time at home!!!

Mandy (Angels on Earth)

- Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2:03 PM CST
Hi Robyn, David, Jacob & Oliver,

Hooray for some time at home! We'll be saying our prayers that Friday's tests give you more answers, that Oliver continues to have happy days, and that you get to go home for a little rest soon.

Hugs to each of you,
Laura, Rob, Ethan, Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
Sausalito, CA USA - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:29 AM CST
Dave & Robyn - Just letting you know I continue to pray for you, Oliver & Jacob. You are never far from my mind.

Anne Poulos
- Wednesday, February 15, 2006 12:14 AM CST
With prayer all thing's are possible and with faith is everlasting life. I pray that God see's you through these troubling times and help's you to make the decisions that are so hard to make. Oliver is such a beautiful little boy and I pray everyday for his remission. You are in our heart's.
Tamm <Nightbyrd45@aol.com>
Charleston, WV USA - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 4:31 AM CST
Continuing to keep you in our prayers. I encourage you to go to Julianna's site (canada/julianna) as her family has struggled down the same road. I will pray for clearer direction and better answers. Have faith, never lose hope.

Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 0:52 AM CST
I just wanted you to know that I think of Oliver and your family often and continue to pray for his recovery! What a truly amazing little guy Oliver is!
Amy Kupperman <kupperma@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:50 PM CST
Robyn,David,Jacob,and Oliver, I am thinking of you all,sending my hope and strength, and praying for a miraculous recovery for precious Oliver.
Melissa Hurst <craigandmelissahurst@msn.com>
hillsboro, or - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:08 PM CST
As always, our thoughts, love, and best wishes are with you.
George, Kay, and Devin <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
Hollywood, CA - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:03 PM CST
We're hoping that everything is ok and that you have/will receive encouraging results from the genetic testing today...Looking forward to hearing from you when you get a chance!

Sending love and prayers your way, as always!
Love to all,
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Tuesday, February 14, 2006 5:42 PM CST
I am praying that you got good test results today! You are all in my thoughts and prayers!

Sara *Angels on Earth* <colinsmamu@tampabay.rr.com>
Seminole, FL - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:28 PM CST
Thinking of you and praying for good test results. We hope you can feel the prayers and hugs being sent your way.

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 2:03 PM CST
Thinking of you and praying for good test results. We hope you can feel the prayers and hugs being sent your way.

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 2:03 PM CST
Hi, just wandered over from Rebekah's site again .. Just checking in to see how the little cutie is doing ... and if there was any word on his tests. You are all in my thoughts and prayers .. and have been seen "meeting" you through this web site. I wish there was something more I could do besides praying and wishing for good news.
warm secure hugs to you all and an extra one for Oliver.

Molly ( http://spaces.msn.com/mondayswithmolly/ ) <just.me.molly@comcast.net>
ct - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 1:36 PM CST
Thinking about you guys today and sending all our love!
Rebecca,Corey,Max ,Kai <bec.cor@verizon.net>
- Tuesday, February 14, 2006 1:29 PM CST
Well, I'm sorry about all of the hardships you guys are having. I am thinking of you all, and am praying for the best on his flow cytometry results. Hang in there....you are such wonderful parents to Oli.

Jaclyn :) <jfive99@hotmail.com>
Salt Lake City, Utah USA - Monday, February 13, 2006 11:39 PM CST
Just thinking and praying for you all tonight! Sleep tight!

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Monday, February 13, 2006 10:09 PM CST
Tomorrow, on Valentine's Day, and on every day, please know that our hearts are really with you.
Love from the Schwartz/ Broms group

Judy Schwartz <Judith-schwartz@comcast.net>
Denver, CO - Monday, February 13, 2006 9:28 PM CST
My son and daughter spent alot of time at the hospital with Peyton Sapp so they also got the pleasure of meeting Oliver. They were sad to hear that he is still very ill. We will be praying for him and for your family.
Sincerely, Jennie,Lauren & Bailey

Jennie Landsgaard <jlblands1@yahoo.com>
portland , OR - Monday, February 13, 2006 8:24 PM CST
David, Robyn, Jacob, and Oli,
You all are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We will be praying for remission and good test results. If you need anything just ask - we are here for you.

The McBurnett Family
- Monday, February 13, 2006 7:40 PM CST
Looking forward to positive test results tommorow.
Go OLI Go !!!

Take care,
Ed, Heidi, Lauren and Bella

Ed Smith
Shingle Springs, Ca - Monday, February 13, 2006 4:07 PM CST
Your family is continually in my thoughts. I am so sorry you are going through all of this and I pray for strength and remission. Oli is still the #1 cutest kiddo I've had the chance to help take care of and the pictures are priceless. Much love.
Tara Hines <hinestara@hotmail.com>
Lakewood, co - Monday, February 13, 2006 10:40 AM CST
Praying for remission....Mark,Kim, Zach, and Aubrey Tucker
Kim Tucker <kimtucker67@sbcglobal.net>
Owasso, Ok USA - Monday, February 13, 2006 7:29 AM CST
Many many thoughts and prayers to you and that lovely little boy O-live-r. Found you through Rebekka's page, and I wil continue to watch and prayer for your little lad


Geoff Wickens <gwickens@bigpond.net.au>
- Monday, February 13, 2006 5:39 AM CST
Your family is in our thoughts and hearts daily. We are sending positive energy your way for clear tests results and remission for beautiful little Oliver.
Molly and Chuck Mickley (Rebekah Adams' Aunt and Uncle)
Portland, OR Multnomah - Sunday, February 12, 2006 2:14 AM CST
Just wanted to say "hi" and let you know that I am continuing to send good thoughts your way. I am so sorry that you were not able to get conclusive test results yet. Try to enjoy your weekend and give Oli a hug from me.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Saturday, February 11, 2006 11:39 PM CST
The hoping and wishing and praying continues and we just know that Oli's wonderfully positive spirit will bring good things.
Much Love,
Jen, John, and boys

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Saturday, February 11, 2006 11:22 PM CST
The prayers and hope will not stop, please God, let the healing for Oliver begin again and never stop.
Jeanne Maixner <jeanne.maixner@intel.com>
- Saturday, February 11, 2006 7:44 PM CST
Dear Trasen Family,

I don't know what "inconclusive" means in the cancer world, but I'm still praying for a miracle for Oliver. He is a living doll! Thank you for sharing him! Much love and prayers for you!


Ann * Proud supporter of the Bubel Aiken Foundation <mommytomatt@aol.com>
Fridley, MN USA - Saturday, February 11, 2006 12:56 AM CST
Hi Oliver and family,

We stopped by to check on Oliver and to let you know we are thinking of your family. I'm so glad Oliver hasn't let this get him down. He has the brightest eyes and smile. I pray he continues to be a happy boy with full remission soon.

Kyle and Darlene (Kyle's mawmaw) <www.caringbridge.org/md/kylespage (dm4462@msn.com)>
Lexington Park, MD USA - Saturday, February 11, 2006 11:17 AM CST
Dearest Trasens,
It must be torture waiting for the test results. I believe the answer is in Oliver's bright and eager smile. He looks so lovable, kissable, and huggable!

Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Saturday, February 11, 2006 9:19 AM CST
Robyn, David, Oli & Jake, we continue to pray for you for news of Remission. Waiting for results is always difficult and I have to imagine that it is even more so for you right now with so many pending decisions. May God grant you peace during this waiting period. We are checking in daily and praying for you.

Rebekah's Mommy <family@helprebekah.com>
Banks, OR USA - Friday, February 10, 2006 10:46 PM CST
Dear Trasen family,
We continue to check on Oliver every day and continue to pray for the news of Remission! Never lose hope, never lose faith!

Shannon (and Javad) Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Friday, February 10, 2006 10:26 PM CST
Close your eyes

Have no fear

The monster’s gone

He’s on the run and your daddy’s here

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Before you go to sleep

Say a little prayer

Every day in every way

It’s getting better and better

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Out on the ocean sailing away

I can hardly wait

To see you come of age

But I guess we’ll both just have to be patient

’cause it’s a long way to go

A hard row to hoe

Yes it’s a long way to go

But in the meantime

Before you cross the street

Take my hand

Life is what happens to you

While you’re busy making other plans

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Before you go to sleep

Say a little prayer

Every day in every way

It’s getting better and better

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Darling, darling, darling

Darling Oliver

- Friday, February 10, 2006 10:05 PM CST
The pictures you have been sending every few days on this site never fit the words you write, because this little guy, Oli, is so wonderful. His smile seems to say "quit getting upset, I'm the greatest!"
I wish, Robyn, life was as easy for you now as it was when you were two and Shelly came over to stomp out the ants in your path to the outdoors! Those ants are mighty big now, but all of us are stomping as hard as we can for you. Hugs, prayers, and good thoughts all the time!
Nancy Mentzer

Nancy Mentzer <ncmentzer@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, February 10, 2006 7:35 PM CST
Oliver is adorable. I will keep you all in my thoughts.
Angela*angels on earth*
Mass - Friday, February 10, 2006 7:21 PM CST
Dear Oli and Jake, How are you guys doing? How is Oli feeling? This part's for Oma: Give Oli and Jake a big kiss for me! I love you! Rebekah
Rebekah Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Friday, February 10, 2006 6:32 PM CST
I am a friend of Ron and Kristen Scherer. My husband and I met your family in Beaverton, back when Jacob was a newborn. I love seeing pictures of Jacob and Oliver. I can't believe how much Jacob has grown! They are precious boys for sure! I just wanted you to know that you are in our prayers. I have a poem to share with you that I have used in hours of desperation:
Have no fear for what tomorrow may bring. The same loving God who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. God will either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imagination. by Francis de Sales. Easier said than done I imagine, but please know you are not alone. Keep the faith. Sincerely, Elaine Rolf

Elaine Rolf <elainerolf74@hotmail.com>
Jasper, IN USA - Friday, February 10, 2006 5:55 PM CST
I am a friend of Ron and Kristen Scherer. My husband and I met your family in Beaverton, back when Jacob was a newborn. I love seeing pictures of Jacob and Oliver. I can't believe how much Jacob has grown! They are precious boys for sure! I just wanted you to know that you are in our prayers. I have a poem to share with you that I have used in hours of desperation:
Have no fear for what tomorrow may bring. The same loving God who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. God will either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imagination. by Francis de Sales. Easier said than done I imagine, but please know you are not alone. Keep the faith. Sincerely, Elaine Rolf

Elaine Rolf <elainerolf74@hotmail.com>
Jasper, IN USA - Friday, February 10, 2006 5:54 PM CST
Dear Trasens and Oma Barbara, Other visitors to this Caring Bridge site have commented on how wonderful it is to be able to see photos of Oli and other family members. I heartily agree. That "O-LIVE-R" personality really shines through. Welcomed Grandma Dee back to Denver for a bit. Thinking of all of you and waiting, as you are, for the results of the tests. Love, Sue
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Friday, February 10, 2006 4:28 PM CST
This is my first posting in your guestbook even though I've been checking in on Oliver for a few weeks now. I found your site from the Friends of Allie MSN board that I frequent. Your precious boy has captured my heart and I just wanted to let you know that many prayers are being said for him and your family. It hurts my heart that children must suffer so cruelly from such a horrible & wicked disease. Thankfully, Oliver has been blessed with a loving family and support system. His radiant smile is proof of that.


Arlington, TX - Friday, February 10, 2006 2:23 PM CST
We are just holding our breath, waiting to hear good news. Continuing to pray and send good vibes your way. XXOO, little Oli, you are so precious!!! Take care, and God Bless you all!! Love, Tera, Paul, and Kyle
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Friday, February 10, 2006 11:19 AM CST
What great pictures! Oli - you sure are adorable!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
- Friday, February 10, 2006 11:02 AM CST
Thank you for posting these beautiful pictures! Oli looks so good, its hard to believe he is sick.... We are hoping todays test results show remission!!!

Sending love and prayers today, as always!
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Friday, February 10, 2006 8:45 AM CST
Still keeping my fingers crossed and continuing to pray for Oli. Hope that all is going okay for all of you!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Thursday, February 9, 2006 11:42 PM CST
We are keeping our fingers crossed and our prayers flowing! Thinking of you today and always!

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Thursday, February 9, 2006 7:36 PM CST
Dear Robyn, David~ Myself and my biblestudy arepraying for Oliver and your family. Love, Ashley Krause
Ashley Krause <akimble27@comcast.net>
Portland, OR United States - Thursday, February 9, 2006 6:40 PM CST
We continue to pray.
Kristen, Ron, Maddie, Abby and Lauren <kristenscherer@yahoo.com>
Dublin, OH USA - Thursday, February 9, 2006 5:36 PM CST
We continue to keep you in our prayers. God Bless!
Beth, Matt, Blake, and Spencer <beth.j.redfield@intel.com>
- Thursday, February 9, 2006 3:35 PM CST
Praying for good test results!!!!!!!!

Sara *Angels on Earth* <colinsmamu@tampabay.rr.com>
Seminole, Fl - Thursday, February 9, 2006 11:22 AM CST
We are thinking about you and sending positive energy your way. We hope yesterday went well, We are wearing our HOPE bracelets and sending hope your way as well. We love you.
Love, Meg, Dave, Malcolm and Kaiya

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Thursday, February 9, 2006 11:08 AM CST
Good Morning Robyn and David -

We are hoping that yesterday went well and anxiously awaiting updates! We are loving little Oli from afar and sending strength to you both!

Love to all
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Thursday, February 9, 2006 10:43 AM CST
Thinking of you and praying for you!

Mandy (Angels on Earth)

- Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:09 AM CST
Our thoughts, our prayers, our hearts and our love are ALL yours these days.
Daphna & Rami <daa47@zoominternet.net>
Youngstown, OH USA - Thursday, February 9, 2006 8:30 AM CST
Oliver, we are praying for you and the whole family.
The Bolin's <rb@fbbt.co.uk>
Holywood, Northern Ireland - Thursday, February 9, 2006 6:14 AM CST
Our son Lucas is in preschool with Jacob, and absolutely adores him:). We are sending good thoughts your way this week, hoping and praying for your family.
Matthew and Kristen Bruce <Kristen_Bruce@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, OR 97123 - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 11:17 PM CST
Thinking of you all, especially today ...sending you our love, and prayers..and more love :)
Lara <camzone@comcast.net>
Banks, OR USA - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 11:06 PM CST
I don't exactly remember how I came across your site but it's probably been a month or more now that I've been visiting Oliver's site..
I pray that you get everything your heart desires and needs and prays for, especially for Oliver..

dianne & baby elmo <ate_di@yahoo.com>
quezon city, philippines - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:44 PM CST
We are friends of Sharon and Dick Mentzer and family. Prayers are coming your way from us in California. We are thinking about Oliver and your entire family. Love and hope to all of you.
Paul and Patti Fieberg <patti@feebs.com>
Dana Point, Ca usa - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:55 PM CST
I'm a frequent visitor from Rebekah's site. My thoughts are with you, as are my prayers, while you await the results of Oliver's testing. REMISSION!! That is what we are hoping for, praying for, wishing on stars for...
Please let us know as soon as you can...
warm strong hugs

Molly <just.me.molly@comcast.net>
CT - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 8:24 PM CST
My name is Linea and I heard about Oliver from my co-worker Sharon (Maggie's Grandmother). I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and precious little Oliver.

Linea <aunt_nea23@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, OR - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 6:43 PM CST
Praying for you today!

Alicia <alicia2519@gmail.com>
Lake Saint Louis , MO usa - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 6:01 PM CST
Oliver -
Haven't stopped thinking of you all day. I am sending great big wishes for REMISSION to you.

Heather Walden <heathwalden@yahoo.com>
Annapolis, MD United States - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 3:46 PM CST
Hi Oliver and family,

We heard your story from Shannon. We want you to know you are in our prayers and we hope all your test go good. You will be in our thoughts each and every day. Wishing you all the best.

Kyle and Darlene (Kyle's mawmaw) <www.caringbridge.org/md/kylespage (dm4462@msn.com)>
Lexington Park, MD USA - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 2:50 PM CST
Hello-I am Kim Savik-Ron Sapp's sister-Our family is continually praying for your family-For peace and strength and a complete recovery-Hang in there**
Kim Savik <kimsavik@comcast.net>
Albany, OR America - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 2:21 PM CST
I don't exactly remember how I found your family, maybe God led me here, but I've been foolowing Oliver's story for a few weeks now. I'm praying for a miracle for your gorgeous little boy! You are such a beautiful family!



Ann * Proud supporter of the Bubel Aiken Foundation <mommytomatt@aol.com>
Fridley, MN USA - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 2:02 PM CST
Dearest Trasens,
You are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. We will continue to pray hard for REMISSION!!!! Kiss Oli for us. XXOO, Tera, Paul and Kyle Chavez

Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:46 AM CST
Dear Oliver,
We heard about you from Shannon and had a look on your website. What a brave little boy you are. All the best for today, and all the days to come.
Sending you lots of strength and courage and health from Haarlem, The Netherlands,

Jacqueline and Robert
- Wednesday, February 8, 2006 8:54 AM CST
Robyn, David, Jake, and Olivier,

You are never far from our minds, and we think of you and pray for you every day. We heard about your difficult situation from Damaris and Joe, and we have been keeping up with you. I have been amazed at the grace, strength, courage, and heart you have all had and shared. We do feel your pain, and I wish there were some way that would help ease yours. We are wishing and praying for the very best possible results today and in the next few days. Keep taking such good care of Olivier and each other!

Michelle, Brian, and Tyler Kitchens <michelle.kitchens@gmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 8:09 AM CST
Dear Robyn and David -

Woke up early with you on my mind. Today is an important day for you and I imagine that you are feeling very scared. I hope you can take a deep breath and find the strengh to get through this day, knowing that you arent alone. I cannot say I understand what you are going through, but I do know whats its like to love your children with every fibre of your being. So much love directed your way must be heard above!

We are holding our breath for REMISSION today!!

With love and the greatest of hope,
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Wednesday, February 8, 2006 6:56 AM CST
Shannon told us your story and we just wanted you to know that we are all thinking of you today and everyday and we are sending good and positive vibes all the way from Buckinghamshire, UK. We really hope and pray that your treatment today is successful.
With our best wishes to you all, Wendy, Simon, Sophie and Zak Hughes
PS: Zak has x-linked Myotubular Myopathy and is now 10 years old.

Wendy Hughes
UK - Wednesday, February 8, 2006 1:21 AM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you tonight and ALWAYS!
Love, Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan

Liz Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
orange, ca - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 11:11 PM CST
REMISSION is what we are thinking. Love to all.

Elisa and Colin <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO uSA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 9:30 PM CST
Hi, Trasens,

Just dropping by with a hug for each of you from each of us. Each hug is filled with love for you. Anita and Rich and all the Fricklases (Resnicks, too)

Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO 80112 - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:59 PM CST
Thinking about you - ALL THE TIME!
Love you much-

bec,cor,max ,kai nevers <bec.cor@verizon.net>
- Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:40 PM CST
Hi Robyn & David,

We're sending our prayers, positive thoughts and good vibes for great test results tomorrow and complete recovery for Oliver! We're chanting "remission, remission, remission" from the sidelines.

Lots of love,
Rob & Laura & Ethan & Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
Sausalito, CA USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 7:53 PM CST
Dave, Robyn, jacob and especially Oliver - All of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Continue to stay strong and know that you can lean on your friends and family at this time. We are all here for you and praying for your beautiful family.
Mindy Murdock <Melinda.s.Murdock@intel.com>
- Tuesday, February 7, 2006 7:02 PM CST
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
The Prayer Bears

sending prayers your way.

melissa <angels4hailee@Cox.net>
cavecreek, az usa - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:30 PM CST
Bette and I have just a notion of the treadmill you're travelling. We spent a few weeks with Scott when he was scalded at 17 months of age. Your sacrifices are heroic. Oliver has the very best parents he could have hoped for for this challenge.
Dave & Bette Poppers
Centennial, CO USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:08 PM CST
Dear Trasens, You want extra prayers , thoughts ,positive energy- You got 'em!! I will be thinking of Oliver all day tomorrow. This beautiful weather has to mean good news. Love, Jill, Dave, Will and Patrick
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 4:51 PM CST
Saying TONS AND TONS of prayers!!!!

Sara *Angels on Earth* <colinsmamu@tampabay.rr.com>
Seminole, FL - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 3:48 PM CST
Dear David, Robyn, Jake and Oliver - millions of extra thoughts for you all this coming Wednesday. I can't believe when I look at this little boy that he is as ill as he is - he sure shows true human spirit. You are all in our thoughts constantly. Much love - Kay, George and Devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 2:49 PM CST
We're on it! REMISSION is what is on our minds and in our prayers.
Jeanne Maixner <jeanne.maixner@intel.com>
- Tuesday, February 7, 2006 12:30 AM CST
Praying for Oliver!
Robin Brunet <robinb@neptune.on.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 11:56 AM CST
Holding Oliver close in prayer these next couple of days!
Kris Herbst - Angels on Earth <kris@ercolina-usa.com>
Davenport, IA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 11:52 AM CST
Robyn and David,
We will be hoping and praying with you these next couple of days and know that the waiting is unbearably hard. We believe in Oliver and we love you guys very much!!
Jen, John, Jack, Luke and Sammy

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 10:09 AM CST
Robyn and David,

My husband Tom and I are friends of Sharon and Dick Mentzer. We live in Denver and will pray for you, your family and precious little Oliver.

Our love,
Jean Merrick

Jean Merrick <jeandmerrick@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 9:28 AM CST
Dear Trasens, This past Sunday the sermon in church was all about healing illness and what role faith has in that healing. The congregation then was asked to pray for any friends or family that are sick and we offered up Oliver's name to be prayed for...for a full and final healing. We will continue to pray until that happens. May God bless you and grant you peace and the strength to get thru this. Candles will be lit and prayers said all over Tampa Bay, Florida on Wednesday! LIVESTRONG!!!
Lisa Sullivan, friend of Alyson Molesworth <llsullivan62@yahoo.com>
Largo, FL USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 9:28 AM CST
Robyn and David,

Remission, Remission, Remission....those words will be constantly sent up and out to God on behalf of you and Oliver for the next few days! Even during our little vacation here in AZ, you all are on my heart. We believe we'll see Oliver in REMISSION...now! Amen.
Joshie's mom,

april brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 9:18 AM CST
You got it...extra prayers coming your way! Dont give up - Oli is so strong and resilient! He is a fighter!! We all pray for REMISSION!!!Miracles happen every day!

With Love!
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:58 AM CST
The prayer chain is going long and strong in the Houston area. We hope you can feel the love, strength and healing we are sending your way. We are praying for REMISSION! We love you and think of you constantly.

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:39 AM CST
Hi Dave and family. Word is getting around. Our thoughts are with you and your family and of course, your son. We are praying for you and your son now. As a new dad, I can't imagine what you are going through. Stay strong and know that you will get through this.

Greg Colton, Intel

Greg Colton <Greg_Colton@yahoo.comh>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:39 AM CST
The prayer chain is going long and strong in the Houston area. We hope you can feel the love, strength and healing we are sending your way. We are praying for REMISSION!! We love you and think of you constantly.

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:36 AM CST
Robyn and David, Please know that there are many people here in Colorado Springs who will be storming the gates of heaven with their prayers over the next couple of days! There are so many people you don't know who are praying for your whole family, I hope you can feel the love around you. Hugs and kisses to the boys from the girls! Love, Phil, Katie, Rebekah and Corrine
PS. Rebekah wants to send Oma an extra hug, please be sure she gets it!

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:54 AM CST
David and Robyn,
I am Sharon Mentzer's brother, Jim. She and Dick have just informed us of your baby Oli's sad situation. Our prayers are out to you and all your family. My wife, Sandy, and myself went through a slightly similar ordeal when our daughter, Tori, was 3 months old. Thank God her condition was finally diagnosed correctly and was treatable. She was a very sick little girl and we almost lost her. We pray that yours will be the same outcome in the end. Miracles do happen. Good luck and God bless.
Jim, Sandy and Tori Trout

Jim Trout <jamesatrout@comcast.net>
White House, TN USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 5:56 AM CST
You and your family are in our heart's and prayers today, as you are everyday since I found little Oliver's site. I pray that everything turns out the way you hope for and that Oliver goes back into remission. The power of prayer is a wonderous thing, so keep the faith, we are all praying for him !
Tammy <Nightbyrd45@aol.com>
Charleston, WV USA - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 5:55 AM CST

Dear David and Robyn,

I clicked on your link on Joshua's site some months ago, and things were going well for all of you, so I had no compulsion to return. Then, recently, on Rebekah's page, they listed Oliver's name right in the middle of the paragraph, so I clicked on it. Well, I didn't leave your website until I had read all of your past journals. It was very hard for me to read, as my son has just finished chemo and his first scan was clear...it was like reading the next possible step in our story - my own fear of the cancer returning spelled out in reality for all of you. I am praying for you and thinking of you all, especially little Oli. May the Lord touch him with His healing hand and give him a long, fulfilling life. I pray for extreme wisdom for the doctors, and for Oli to be protected from infection. I ask for the Lord to give you peace and rest for your hearts during this heavy, emotional time for your family.

Tamra Mattox <snow-.-white@juno.com>
Portland, OR U.S. - Monday, February 6, 2006 10:57 PM CST
You have our prayers everyday and especially this Wednesday. A healthy future for Oli will be our positive thought all day. Stay strong.
Dick & Sharon Mentzer <stmentzer@comcast.net>
Tucson, AZ USA - Monday, February 6, 2006 10:27 PM CST
Dearest Trasens,
Still keeping you in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers.

Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Monday, February 6, 2006 10:14 PM CST
I have been following Oliver's story for a few weeks now, but this is my first guestbook message. There just aren't words....I simply can not begin to imagine all that you are going thru. I certainly will be thinking good thoughts, saying prayers, and keeping all of my fingers and toes crossed on Wednesday..hoping for remission! Oliver is such an adorable little guy. He will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Ginny D. <jgdeegan@msn.com>
Mtn. Home AFB, ID USA - Monday, February 6, 2006 10:13 PM CST
Dear Robyn, David, and the Grandmothers: I wish I could bottle strength (both physical and emotional) and send you a case. Too bad that's not available to "feed" all of you like the TPN is sustaining Oli. Love to all - Sue
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Monday, February 6, 2006 3:55 PM CST
Hi Robyn and David and Jake and Oliver. Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you also, continuing to pray for all of you. Lots of love from the Bolins.
Melissa Bolin <m.bolin@mac.com>
Belfast, Northern Ireland - Monday, February 6, 2006 1:40 PM CST
Dave and Robyn: Words can not express the sorrow and deepest symapthies I feel for what you are having to endure. Know that you have my family's prayers with you as each day brings new and unwanted challenges. Your story has really hit home as to what is truly important in life. Stay strong and do not give up hope! Thank you for opening your lives and emotions for us to share with you.
Brad, Jessica & Aubrey Rice <brice8@comcast.net>
Albuquerque, NM USA - Monday, February 6, 2006 12:47 AM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you muddle through this horrific tragedy. Words can't convey my sorrow at what you're enduring. I think of you often and will continue to have hope and faith for the future.
Tami Greer (Intel College) <tami.e.greer@intel.com>
Chandler, AZ - Monday, February 6, 2006 12:10 AM CST
Dave and family-
My thoughts lately have been completely pre-occupied by Oli and Jacob and what you must be going through. NO PARENT should EVER have to experience this and I can't begin to comprehend it. My heart is very heavy for you. I regret not getting to know you better in the halls of Intel. Seams we have something in common and that is we both have two boys about the same ages. My littlest is Josh (15 mos) and as I read about Oli and all his new words and constant motion it sound familiar. So much the same...yet such devastatingly different circumstances. Your story has absolutely made me a better mother and if nothing else you should know that you really are touching lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and we truly hope for Oli's full recovery and that someday our boys could all run and play together happy and HEALTHY!

Kelly Seagreaves <kelly.seagreaves@intel.com>
Portland, OR Washington - Monday, February 6, 2006 11:06 AM CST
Dave, I want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Many folks at your old schools have asked about you. So you are missed in RTG world still. Unfortunately, I am on the road for the next three weeks. I would be available to come give you and your wife a brief spell on Monday night Feb 20th if you were willing to let a stranger stay and read to your son and be with him for the night. The following week I would have more time to share if I could be of that kind of assistance let me know.
Leon Hammer <leon.hammer@intel.com>
Tigard, OR USA - Monday, February 6, 2006 10:58 AM CST
Hi Dave - I'm new to the College team and have yet to meet you, but Oliver and your whole family are in my prayers.
Leigh Weisshaupt <leigh.a.weisshaupt@intel.com>
- Monday, February 6, 2006 10:22 AM CST
The pictures from the photography website are amazing! Thank you for sharing them with me.
Nurse Alicia <brownali@ohsu.edu>
Portland, Or USA - Monday, February 6, 2006 9:23 AM CST
Hi Dave, Thanks for keeping us updated through this very tough time. We're all thinking about and praying for your family.
Khen Russell
Sacramento, CA USA - Monday, February 6, 2006 9:11 AM CST
Dave and family:
My family's thoughts and prayers are with you, and we are hoping for the best for Oliver.

Scott Fortmann <scott.fortmann@intel.com>
- Monday, February 6, 2006 8:59 AM CST
Robyn and Dave,

Lynn and my prayers are with you constantly. We know it is hard, but keep praying and always think the positive about it all.

Bill and Lynn cooper <william.h.cooper@intel.com>
- Monday, February 6, 2006 8:55 AM CST
Dear David and Robyn,
I came across your website through another website and I was devastated to find out Oliver relapsed. It absolutely took my breath away and my heart has been heavy. My teenage son, Johnathon, went through a bone marrow transplant the same time Oliver did. I recall seeing you both in the Doernbecher hallways and felt like we had an unfortunate connection. This is a journey no one should have to make. You are all in our prayers. I am so sorry.
The Walls Family

Glenda Walls <nedglenda@aol.com>
Wilsonville, OR 97070 - Monday, February 6, 2006 1:50 AM CST
Hi Dave and Oli,
After a long night shift, peeking up at Oliver's window from the 9th floor bridge always makes me smile. It seems like you were both getting some much needed sleep, I'll be back tomorrow night and will stop by again on Tuesday morning. Sending strength, courage, hope and love to all of you.

Erica <marradotts@yahoo.com>
- Monday, February 6, 2006 0:15 AM CST
Hi Guys,
Oli, it should have been your Broncos tonight, but thats ok, we are waiting for you to be playing.

We love you.
Ed, Heidi, Lauren, Bella, and another little girl. (oh my!!)

Ed Smith <Edward.C.Smith!@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Sunday, February 5, 2006 10:24 PM CST
We think of you constantly and pray for you several times a day. As our Leukemia awareness bracelets read: FAITH, COURAGE, STRENGTH, HOPE. Don't forget these and hold them close to your hearts - we are! Give Oli a squeeze for us (and one to each of you too).

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Sunday, February 5, 2006 6:40 PM CST
Dear Robyn and David,
Wishing ALL of you and your families love, love and more love with lots of strength to make the most of each day and deal with each challenge head-on. All our girls, Karen, Julie and Stephanie (and their husbands/beaus) want you to know that their best thoughts are with you, also.
Love Nancy and Michael

nancy and michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, CO USA - Sunday, February 5, 2006 5:05 PM CST
I am praying for you and your family everday. I think about you often. I try to check on how Oliver is doing everynight. I love the web sight. Things are changing at Rosewood. When you have time call me. My Number is 640-1403 or email me.
Carol Dougall <mitzie50@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro , Or USA - Sunday, February 5, 2006 2:04 PM CST
We are thinking of you all this morning and sending love and support. You are an amazing family. We feel lucky to know you!

Corey Nevers <bec.cor@verizon.net>
- Sunday, February 5, 2006 11:05 AM CST
We are old frieds of Ben and Dee. We met David once when he & siblings were quite young. Our hearts go out to your entire family and we wish we lived nearer (Florida is home) so we too could spell you and hug you. Our positive thoughts and prayers are with you. Norma and Arnie Farber
Norma and Arnie Farber
Venice, FL USA - Sunday, February 5, 2006 7:19 AM CST
Robyn and David,
You are all in our thoughts and prayers every day. I truly wish we could help in some way. Your journals are incredible and a great inspiration. Our prayers for continued strength to all three of you, and for healing for Oliver.

Cheryl and Walt Klein <cklein@wka.com>
Denver, CO - Saturday, February 4, 2006 5:25 PM CST
Dave--We've never met; I work at Intel (HR/Rotation Engineer Program Manager in NM and AZ) and received an update in my mailbox and just wanted to pass on loving thoughts to you and all of your family. I will light a candle for you and pray that you are able to find some hidden sources of energy and hope.
Donna <Donna.G.Collins@intel.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Saturday, February 4, 2006 12:07 AM CST
Good Morning...
I wanted to tell you that Oliver has a few little fans here in Colorado. Our children, Jackson (4) and Sophie (19 mos)are very taken by him and LOVE to look at all the pictures you post! Sophie says, "more, more baby" and touches/kisses the screen when she looks at him. Jackson yesterday said, "Mom, I wish I could be friends with that little boy who has a bad cold." Of course he doesnt really understand Oli's illness and, as you know, its hard to know how and what to tell a 4 year old. So he says that he hopes Oli feels better soon and wishes the boys lived closer so that they could be friends!

We really miss you guys and also wish we still lived close by! I hope that someday our kids will become friends through your visits home in the future. They would have a great time together!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you today, as always!
Love to all!

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Saturday, February 4, 2006 11:08 AM CST
Dave and family - as I read your recent entry, tears are filling my eyes. I cannot imagine the pain you are going through right now. Stay strong - you have so many people praying. Thanks for keeping us all updated - I love seeing the pictures!
Richelle Collins <richelle.a.collins@intel.com >
Chandler , AZ - Saturday, February 4, 2006 9:48 AM CST
Dear Dave and family,

I am praying for little Oliver to overcome his huge enemy. Please be strong and keep believing things will be better soon.

Thinking about your family,

Yula Khalfin
Haifa, Israel - Saturday, February 4, 2006 3:24 AM CST
Hang in there! I think of Oli often and wish him the best.
- Saturday, February 4, 2006 1:44 AM CST
Still praying!

Shelly and boys

caringbridge.org/visit/rawlinsboys <mom24wildboys@sbcglobal.net>
Glendale, CA - Saturday, February 4, 2006 0:54 AM CST
Dave and Robyn,
many things are won thru prayer than the world can ever imagine. Have faith and keep on fighting and draw strenght from the Lord. People all over the world are praying for Oliver and your family. Miracles DO happen.


Vilashini Krishnan <vilashini.krishnan@intel.com>
Kulim, Malaysia - Friday, February 3, 2006 10:50 PM CST
Dave...I can not conjure up the adequate words to express how much my heart and prayers go out to your family. Although it may feel that way, you guys are not alone and others are praying/thinking of you daily for health, strength, and courage to continue to press forward.
Charles Hunt <charles.l.hunt@intel.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, February 3, 2006 10:38 PM CST
The Trasen Family,
My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and Oliver. I know these are challenging times. Your last message illustrates how hard it must be to be "up" for Oliver (and each other) with all of Oliver's daily energy, while knowing that his future is not clear. Hold on to joyous and precious moments.

Craig Walker <craig.s.walker@intel.com>
Moscow, Russia - Friday, February 3, 2006 10:31 PM CST
We are sorry to hear that things are not going well.
We are thinking of Oliver and you, and praying for you all every day. Have faith.
The McNulty's - Mike, Mary, Maggie, and Mark
(Mike is a co-worker of Dave's)

Mike McNulty <mike.r.mcnulty@intel.com>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Friday, February 3, 2006 8:50 PM CST
You are on my mind everyday. It's so hard to know what to say, my heart is heavy as I read all that you have been through...I send my prayers and hope for better days soon! love,
Rachel, Brian, and Tovrea Freeman <rachel.freeman@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, February 3, 2006 7:13 PM CST
David and Robyn, You and Oli are in my prayers every day, and I hope that the love and support of your friends and family will help sustain you during this awful trial. Thanks to Ben and Dee, I can keep up with your news.
Ruth Myers <pgisha2@idcomm.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, February 3, 2006 2:42 PM CST
Please know we are praying for you all. It is so hard to see your child suffer and not know the outcome. It is all so tiring and at times giving up seems so easy. Hang in there. The Lord will carry you along.....

Much love
Shelly, Sean and Daniel

caringbridge.org/visit/rawlinsboys <mom24wildboys@sbcglobal.net>
Glendale, CA - Friday, February 3, 2006 0:16 AM CST
While we do not know your family well, (mostly through the Emanuel grapevine) we have been following your story for a while now. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. It may seem easy for me to say right now (we almost lost our daughter over Christmas to liver failure), you can never give up hope and remember, "Faith isn't faith until it is tested."

Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety, or by the handle of faith. ~Author Unknown

Know that you are not alone in this journey. Many people love and care about you and Oliver and continue to pray for a long, healthy life for him.

Many prayers,
The Duval Family

Melenie <MomWUx2@aol.com>
Mulino, OR - Thursday, February 2, 2006 11:46 PM CST
Robyn & David,
We know that it's very difficult to believe in a higher being at these times, but keep praying with us. We're spiritually there with you.
Michael & Pam

Michael Golden & Pam Schackel <mjg216@cybermesa.com>
Santa Fe, NM - Thursday, February 2, 2006 11:11 PM CST
I've been keeping up with Oliver - (directed here from Rebekah's Page). Please know that Oliver is in our thoughts and prayers daily.

Deb Erskine <derskine@direcway.com>
Greenville, PA USA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 7:54 PM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, always! Much LOVE to each of you!
Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 5:04 PM CST
Hey you guys. Ron and I would love to give you some relief this weekend (even over night!!!) and stay at the hospital with Oliver. We are well trained (having spent 2 months in the hospital with Peyton), healthy and know how hard it is on a family. Please, please, please let us know if you would like a break. We would love to help!!! Praying for our babies!!!
Ron, Keely and Peyton Sapp

Keely Sapp <keelysapp@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, February 2, 2006 4:56 PM CST
Transen family, I'm praying for you. I hope Oliver continues to be an active little boy for him and the joy it brings you. I pray for wisdom for you and your doctors.
Karen Green <klgreen27@yahoo.com>
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 3:31 PM CST
We have heavy hearts thinking about what you must be going through. We love you and support you in every way.
Love, Jen, John and boys

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch , CO USA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 3:12 PM CST
Thinking of you guys. I pray for continued strength to carry you through the next few weeks. Much love,

Nickole Vargas
Hillsboro, OR 97123 - Thursday, February 2, 2006 3:00 PM CST
Dave & Robyn - Just want you to know that you are never far from my mind and praying for you and Oli and Jacob every day. The pictures are wonderful, especailly the one of Robyn holding Oli. Hugs to you all.
annie p
- Thursday, February 2, 2006 1:10 PM CST
Just letting you know you're in my thoughts.
Debbie (friend of Rebekah's) <ducky3333@hotmail.com>
Brush Prairie, WA USA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 12:08 AM CST
I will keep Oliver and you in my thoughts and prayers.
Kris Herbst - Angels on Earth <kris@ercolina-usa.com>
Davenport, IA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 12:00 AM CST
There are absolute highs and darkest depths to hope, enthusiasm and strength - you have experienced them all, and then some. Take Oliver's lead - everything is so new to him and he just can't wait to tell you about it all. Stay as strong as you are able. The decisions to be made I can only imagine. You are all so much in our thoughts. Much love - Kay, George and Devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Thursday, February 2, 2006 11:02 AM CST
Oliver is in my prayers tonight.
Tina & Lance <lancejrmommy@comcast.net>
- Thursday, February 2, 2006 10:26 AM CST
Please know you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Angela*Angels on Earth* www.caringbridge.org/ma/heathergrace
- Thursday, February 2, 2006 9:50 AM CST
Just wanted to send you lots of hugs, thoughts, and prayers.

Sara *Angels on Earth* <colinsmamu@tampabay.rr.com>
Seminole, FL - Thursday, February 2, 2006 9:46 AM CST
Simply sending my love and strength.
Kim Strelchun <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR - Thursday, February 2, 2006 9:46 AM CST
Hey Oli, cute pics! I'm glad to hear that you are having good days, but sad to hear that things aren't going well. Give your parents a big hug for me and tell them that I am thinking of you and them all of the time. I hope that tomorrow is a great day for you filled with family, love, and most important...fun! Goodnight sweetie.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Thursday, February 2, 2006 0:49 AM CST
bec,cor,max ,kai nevers <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 11:56 PM CST
David and Robyn,
I cannot imagine how frustrating things must seem right now. The future being unsure is frightening and wearing! Never lose faith, never lose hope, know that there are many walking beside you. You are not alone.

Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 11:17 PM CST
Keep truckn' you guys. Things are going to get better for you and Oliver. You are constantly in our thoughts. We miss being your neighbors on the park. Love, Marc and Lisa
Marc and Lisa Ginsberg <marc@ginsbe.com>
Lafayette, CO USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:23 PM CST
You face such a godawful paradox. Hopes and dreams and fears and reality. What can you do except to be there and to experience your family. We think of you each day. Carry on. Love Elisa and Colin
Elisa and Colin <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 9:02 PM CST
David, Robyn, Jake, Oli,
We are devistated by Oli's condition but understand we can not begin to fully appreciate the challenges you are going through.

Please know we have hope and are sending strength your way daily. Say the word and we will do anything you need.

We love you guys and look forward to going to Monday Night Football with you to watch Oli play.
Take care.

Ed, Heidi, Lauren and Bella Smith <Edward.C.Smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 8:48 PM CST
From girls and cars and swimming pools a young boy at sixteen,
you charmed me with your innocence and many hopes and dreams.
And somewhere in your twinkling eye was something more to see,
a man who knew what's wrong or right, a man much more than me.
And as I look through painful words, I see that man today,
a man who faced with darkness, I know will find his way.

Barbara <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 7:53 PM CST
From girls and cars and swimming pools a young boy at sixteen,
you charmed me with your innocence and many hopes and dreams.
And somewhere in your twinkling eye was something more to see,
a man who knew what's wrong or right, a man much more than me.
And as I look through painful words, I see that man today,
a man who faced with darkness, I know will find his way.

Barbara <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 7:53 PM CST
Dear Trasen family, I know you think you have no more strength to deal with this, but you really do. Please do not forget what the power of love, the power of prayer, the power of the human spitit and most of all, the power of God can do. I pray for your whole family every day. May the peace of God's love wash over you and may He bring a speedy, total and final healing to Oliver.
Lisa Sullivan, friend of the Molesworths <llsullivan62@yahoo.com>
Largo, FL USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 7:19 PM CST
Not a day goes by that we do not think of you and pray for you. We've cried many a tears as well. We continue to pray for healing for Oliver.
We love you.

Ron, Kristen, Madeline, Abigail and Lauren
Dublin, OH - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 7:18 PM CST
Emily Bruder Perlman here. I can't begin to imagine what your days are like. Even when you describe them, I know it's 10 times harder than you are even saying. I wish for you strength to continue enjoying that wonderful spirit that is Oliver. Our thoughts and prayers from Boston..
Emily Perlman <ebpharmony@aol.com>
Needham, MA 02492 - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 7:10 PM CST
I am a friend of Laura Dahill-we used to work together at Intel. I recently learned of Oliver and your famly through Laura. I am so sorry to hear about Oliver's diagnosis but I do know that nothing is impossible with God. My family and I will be praying for Oliver as well as for all of you.
Sheila Weaver <weaverr@verizon.net>
ALoha, OR - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 5:33 PM CST
Your family and Oliver are constantly in my thoughts.
Christy Mensi - www.friendsofallie.org <christy.mensi@gmail.com>
Spring, Texas USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 12:47 AM CST
Hi Robyn & David,

Even though you're tired (understandably so) and your enthusiasm may be waning, you have so many people praying for strength for the both of you and for the continuation of Oliver's fighting spirit. We're praying daily that little Oliver goes into remission. Keep the faith. The prayers of many are powerful.

Much love to you,
Rob, Laura, Ethan, Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
Sausalito, CA USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 12:12 AM CST
David, Robyn, Jake and Oliver; Our family continues to pray for yours and Rebekah has asked for her "Cubbies" group to pray for you too! Imagine a group of 15 three and four year olds praying together...God can't NOT hear them! We love you!
Phil, Katie, Rebekah and Corrine

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Wednesday, February 1, 2006 12:08 AM CST
Sometimes reality is a downer. I am so sorry you are in this place of "reality" right now. Thank you for sharing from your heart. I can only understand just a little bit of what you might be feeling. I'm asking God to somehow give you strength when you feel there is none left. I'm asking for the "heavy" feeling to be gone. I'm asking for you to feel joy and hope in the midst of this horrible, horrible reality. Oliver is strong and I do believe in things happening "against all odds"! May Oliver surprise the WORLD! Praying for total, complete, final healing for Oliver.
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 11:32 AM CST
I can't begin to imagine how painful it must be to make decisions that no parent should ever have to make. I believe in the power of prayer. The bible says "Where two or more of you come together in my name, I am there with you." Matthew 18:20. Let all of our prayers lift you. "Let go, let God." Put yourselves in his hands. He is there with you. I pray he is giving you the courage you need. Much love to you all. Tera
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:45 AM CST
Dear Trasen Family...words don't even begin to express our support and concern. There are sooooo many people praying for your family and for Oliver's full recovery. Dave & Robyn, please do not lose hope or faith during this time - you are both such pillars of strength - continue to think positively. Miracles happen every day! God bless you all.
Cheris McFarland
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:40 AM CST
Dear David and Robyn -

Your latest entry breaks my heart. I cannot imagine what you are going through day after day for so many months. No words can express how sorry we are that all of you have to suffer through this terrible disease - its just not fair. I wish there was more i could say to help you through this - something really profound or comforting. But...the best i can do is remind you how much you are loved and prayed for - that there is a huge web of people - family, friends, friends of friends, friends of family friends, strangers, prayer groups....it just goes on and on - who are sending love and positive energy to you. I like to think that will make a difference.

We love you!
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Wednesday, February 1, 2006 9:43 AM CST
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the update. There is nothing I can say except please know that you and your family is on our minds here, and that we care. Our continued prayers for Oliver's complete recovery and for your and Robyn's continued strength. God Bless.

Jeanne Maixner <jeanne.maixner@intel.com>
- Wednesday, February 1, 2006 9:19 AM CST
I've visited Oliver's page now many time's and continue to pray for you and your family. I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through but I can tell you that you will continue to stay in our prayers and be on our mind's.
Tammy J. <Nightbyrd45@aol.com>
Charleston, WV USA - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 5:57 AM CST
Robyn & David & Family, I wanted to let you know we are thinking about you and praying for you. I check in on you almost every day. I love the picture of Robyn and Oli - it is precious. Oli looks happy. Life is always better (although I know it is not very good for you right now)when the kiddos are happy and acting "normal". God bless you.

I just read your post from today and you'll be even more in my prayers. It is heartbreaking. Please know that you are in our prayers. God is with you. Rely on Him. May He give you guidance and peace as you make these tough decisions and live this life.


Frances Adams (Rebekah's Mommy) <family@helprebekah.com>
Banks, OR - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 2:01 AM CST
Hi Robyn and David-
You are on our minds, in our thoughts and praying for Oli's health everyday. The pictures are so precious and touching. A sweet boy who is fighting so hard.
All our love-
Julie and Michael Eber

Julie and Michael Eber
Washington, DC United States - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 7:39 PM CST
Love the pictures. Hope all is going well. We are thinking about you all the time.


Ed, Heidi, Lauren and Bella Smith
Shingle Springs, Ca - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 5:52 PM CST
What a beautiful picture of the two of you, Oli looks great. We will continue to pray for him, just stay strong you can get through this.
Love always,
Bettina and Celena Dugan

Bettina Dugan <Bettydugan@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, or USA - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 1:11 PM CST
I can across your site though Rebekah's page and just wanted to let you know how much your story touched my heart. Oliver is in my prayers daily as is your whole family. Keep the faith and alway's remember, God is still in the miracle business !
Tammy J. <nightbyrd45@aol.com>
Charleston, WV USA - Monday, January 30, 2006 4:21 PM CST
Hi Robyn, David, Jake, and Grandma Dee, I think Grandpa Joe is there too. Signing in to send love and support. I sometimes am in awe at the medical knowledge you have accumulated along this journey, R and D. I really appreciate the time you take to explain what has happened, even when it is difficult information to convey. I loved reading the Yao Ming untangling story. Again, I send you strength, courage, and the ability to find joy in those moments of wounderous "little boyhood." Love, Sue
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Monday, January 30, 2006 3:06 PM CST
Dearest Trasens,
Just checking in to see if there are any updates on Oli. We hope today is a good day for you all, and pray it is followed by many more good days. Love, Tera, Paul and Kyle Chavez

Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Monday, January 30, 2006 11:31 AM CST
Keeping you always in my thoughts and prayers.

Molly <just.me.molly@comcast.net>
CT - Sunday, January 29, 2006 9:01 PM CST
Dear David, Robyn, Jacob, and Oliver, My friend and neighbor, Kristen Scherer told me about little Oliver's fight. I was so touched by your story that I sent an e-mail out to my friends asking for them to please pray for Oliver to beat the odds and be healed. I also put him on my church prayer chain. I pray every night that a miricle will happen for you guys. The pictues you have shared are just precious. Thank you for sharing them. Please know that you have so many people pulling for little Oliiver.
Melisa Myers <mmyers12@columbus.rr.com>
Dublin, oh - Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:41 PM CST
HI Oli- I just wanting to thank you for letting me hanging out with you the other day. Your strength and energy is SO inspiring. I especially love reading Old Hat New Hat
and watching you play the change your shoes game (I love your green crocs)! Keep up the fight Oli- we are all cheering you on!
One more thing- WE LOVE YOU!!!

Bec,Cor,Max,and Kai <bec.cor@verizon.net>
- Sunday, January 29, 2006 5:40 PM CST
Linda Merrell mentioned the "journey" you and your family are on. May God guide you with grace and comfort during this journey.
Bernadette Dahill
Tampa, FL USA - Sunday, January 29, 2006 5:05 PM CST
Dearest Little Family,
We love you soooo much. God bless and Be with each of you as your fight, this plight ebbs and flows... May healing warmth and light rest on you, in you... bringing health and love... Sweet little Oli, you are a miracle. Miracles happen every day - and we all wish and pray and hope and have faith that Your Miracle is already in action! XOXOXO Love, Katie King (Lincoln's Mom from PreSchool)

Katie King <cnkking@hevanet.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Sunday, January 29, 2006 1:35 PM CST
I also received an e mail from Melisa Myers asking for positive thoughts and prayers for Oliver and every day since then I have been doing just that.Oliver has touched the lives of so many and everyone is pulling for him. I have been on the National Bone Marrow Donor Program Registry for several years and I encourage everyone who reads this to do the same.Call 1-800-MARROW-2 or http://www.marrow.org.
Susan Cart <cart@wowway.com>
Dublin, OH US - Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:00 AM CST
David, Robyn, Jacob, and Ollie,
I just wanted you to know that someone was out here tonite thinking and praying for the complete and final healing of Ollie. I know that Ollie will win this battle. Your journey has touched many people who you will never meet. Ollie is an inspiration. Thank you both for sharing Ollie with us all and opening your hearts for all of us to see. The picture of Robyn and Ollie has to be one of the most breathtaking photos I have ever seen. Stay strong and the love you all have will get you through this all.

Londa Murdock Webster <blwebster6@aol.com>
Cherry Valley, New York - Saturday, January 28, 2006 8:43 PM CST
I just wanted to tell you that I am praying for and thinking of you tonight Oliver. Dream Sweet you sweet little boy.

Siri <reinboldsb@comcast.net>
- Saturday, January 28, 2006 2:47 AM CST
Please know that your family and Oliver especially, are in our prayers. I pray that the doctors have wisdom in treating him and that Oliver make a full and complete recovery. Thank you for sharing so that we can come together from all across the world to pray for you and experience God's love, grace and healing power.
Dan McMillan <dan.mcmillan1@comcast.net>
Plano, TX USA - Friday, January 27, 2006 9:30 AM CST
Happy Friday Oli!

Now I'm hoping that you don't have a room with a view, because all this rain and cold and wind and grayness does nothing at all for the psyche. Perhaps you could cuddle up with a good book, a fuzzy blanky, some hot cocoa and a soft, warm mommy or daddy to pass the rest of January. I'm sure that February will bring the sun... A few more pages into my favorite Dr. Suess story:

"The Waiting Place.....for people just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go
or a bus to come, or a plane to go
or the mail to come, or the rain to go
or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
or waiting around for a Yes or No
or waiting for their hair to grow.
Everyone is just waiting.

So, it seems that's where we're at - ESPECIALLY the rain to go and the hair to grow parts. Tomorrow is a new day - perhaps sun and hair will be peeking through the clouds :> Hugs and kisses little guy.

Traci <tjpedroza@msn.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, January 27, 2006 2:33 AM CST
Tera Chavez is our daughter. She has kept us posted on your precious baby's illness. The pictures are so sweet. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless all four of you!
Margo & Art Ray <margonm05@peoplepc.com>
ABQ, NM USA - Friday, January 27, 2006 0:32 AM CST
Robyn and David... I was heartbroken to hear of your news about Oliver. We have all been so grateful to learn of his amazing progress. He is such a brave and beautiful child to be going through all this pain. I realize, certainly that you must be down, only natural. But, please understand that so many good people are praying for Oliver and I believe, that, along with your unfailing attention will provide the strength necessary to overcome this tragic disease. I feel confident that Oliver will overcome this latest setback and once again regain his precious health. All of my love to you and your family and of course, Oliver.
Craig Fales <craig.fales@umb.com>
Denver, Colorado USA - Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:52 PM CST
Hey Dave and Robyn
I'm saddened to hear the cancer is back. Our (nurses) nickname for Ampho is "Amphoterrible" it works great though. As always my family sends love and prayers your way. Take Care

Heidi (Schauer) Gamber
Longmont, CO - Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:41 PM CST
Robyn and David,
We are just stunned to read the news on Oliver and are aching for you and all you are going through. The love and closeness between you and your boys is so obvious in your pictures. That will get you guys through this. We are full of hope and know that Oliver is such a strong boy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you....
Love, Jen, John, Jack, Luke and Sammy

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:31 PM CST
I am absolutly devistated to hear the horrible news. I have not been on the website since the first of the year. I called your house today, just to say hi, and David told me what was going on. I just caught up with the journal entries. I am so sorry honey. I can't imagine. My prayers are with you. (The photos are unbelievable. Gorgeous.)

Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, January 26, 2006 1:38 PM CST
Dear Robin, Dave and Sweet Oliver...
I heard about your son from the Friends of Allie website. I just wanted to let you know that your family is in my thoughts and prayers for a final healing of Oliver. The pictures taken of you all are absolutely beautiful - thank you for sharing them and Oliver's story with all of us.

Leilani Reiff
Woodland, CA USA - Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:52 AM CST
My friend Melisa Myers sent us an e-mail asking us to pray for Oliver, and he has been in our nightly "Now I lay me downs..." ever since. What an adorable little angel he is! With hope in our hearts, we send you lots and lots of hugs. Take care and God bless.
Ashten (3), Cooper (2), Sammi (1), Eric and Christine Chandler <mommafoodie@yahoo.com>
Red Wing, MN US - Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:13 AM CST
I just received an e-mail asking me to pray for your little boy. I just want you to know that he and the rest of your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I loved the black and white photos. You have two very beautiful children. I look forward to logging back on to this site and seeing how God has worked miracles in this little angels life. God Bless him and your family.
Melissa McNeel <raztaz8249@yahoo.com>
Spring Hill, TN - Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:13 AM CST
Just wanted you to know you are in our prayers. What a beautiful boy and the strength you all have is incredible! I hope he has more great days then bad and you all take care of yourselves. God Bless!
Carrie Castleman <CarrieCastleman@usa.net>
Plano, TX - Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:25 AM CST
Dear Robyn and Dave, Those black and white pictures are so powerful.I'm so glad that your CA friends were so quick to think of this wonderful gift[and that Oli still had hair.] Thank you so much for keeping us informed-we all care very much about how Oliver is doing. Love, Jill
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Thursday, January 26, 2006 1:47 AM CST
Just a quick note to let you know you are being thought of and in my prayers.
hugs to you & your dear family,

Molly <just.me.molly@comcast.net>
CT - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:17 PM CST
Hello Oliver, you dont know me but I belong to a web site called Friends of Allie.. We are praying for you..
Tammy H. <mom2my3kids@gmail.com>
Terre Haute, IN USA - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:12 PM CST
We are praying for Oliver.
Susan Thomason <s_thomason@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR United States - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:41 PM CST
Oliver - You are such a beautiful boy! Know that we are thinking of you, your brother and your mom and dad every day. Stay strong little one! Love, Heather Walden (Lee Wilson's sister)
Heather Walden <heathwalden@yahoo.com>
Annapolis, MD 21403 - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:09 PM CST
Oliver, What an incredible journey your little body has already gone through in your short life. Ms. Elizabeth Nahl at Orenco Elementary School in Hillsboro asked me to pray for you and your family. I lead the Orenco Mom's In Touch Prayer Group and we have been praying for you since the onset of your leukemia. We were so excited when the bone marrow transplant was a success. With the news in January, we continue to pray for you in your battle and lift up your parents for strength.
God Bless you little one,
Kim Langer

Kim Langer <bklanger@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 12:56 AM CST
David, Robyn, Jacob and Oliver.... we think of you every single day and are here in AZ sending prayers, good thoughts, and hugs to Oregon. (I would like to think we even sent that sunshine yesterday, but maybe that was not us!!)
The Molesworth Family <alyson.l.molesworth@intel.com>
Gilbert, az - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:53 AM CST
Robyn and David,

We continue to keep Oilver and your entire family in our daily prayers. I check on Oli every day...stay strong, don't lose faith.

Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 0:08 AM CST
I learned about Oliver from Rebekah's page. What a heart warming picture of you two! Oliver is in my thoughts daily. I pray those medicines will help him and he won't have any more side effects.
Oregon City, OR 97045 - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:00 PM CST
Hang in there one and all - you are constantly in our thoughts. Much love to you - Kay, George and Devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:08 PM CST

I'm going to start thinking of you two as Beauty and the....Beautiful :> Holy Smokes!!! When are you two going to start looking for an agent??

I hope this sunshine is reaching into your room up there and putting a rosy glow of your little cherub cheeks Oli - do you have a room with a view? I bet you can see Mt. Hood on a day like today...

I am sending good vibes your way for your sore little tushie, and I hope that your day is going well.

Traci <tjpedroza@msn.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:09 PM CST
I found your website through Friends of Allie. I just read your journal history and wanted to drop a line letting you know people are thinking and praying for you.

Liz <laliz22@aol.com>
Chicago, il - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:05 PM CST
Your little boy is beautiful. I have thought of your family often. I work with Katie Redinger. She has shared your web page and Oliver's story. May God's awesome presence bring peace to your heart.
Patti Halford <phalford@d20.co.edu>
Colorado Springs, CO - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:34 AM CST
I got linked to Olivers site through Friends of Allie. What a couple of sweet little boys you have!

I will pray for many years of playing, love and laughter for Oliver.

Stay Strong little man!

sherwood park, Alberta Canada - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:20 AM CST
Rode the LIVESTRONG ride here in Portland last summer. Some parts of it were very hard. While I was suffering up the hills, I thought of you and all of the others that I know that have had Cancer. (By the way, they all made it through!) Their fight helped me make it up. Then, I shared in their joy on the ride down. This year when I ride again I expect you and your dad to be coasting down the hills with me. Who knows, maybe we'll see Lance too!

Hang in there good buddy! We think of you every day! Much love, hugs and kisses too.

Corey Nevers <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Monday, January 23, 2006 11:14 PM CST
God bless the little people! Prayers from Texas!
Huckabee Family
Del Valle, TX USA - Monday, January 23, 2006 9:23 PM CST
Hi - O'Driscoll family here in NYC (friends of Janny's from college) just checking in. What a lovely gift from your friends Liz and Charlie! We are praying for Oliver's swift recovery and for strength for your family.
Bridget <b_odriscoll@yahoo.com>
New York, NY USA - Monday, January 23, 2006 8:57 PM CST
What beautiful pictures. You are all so gorgeous. We love you and we are always thinking about you. Keep your spirits up. Robyn, I have been thinking about you a lot of course, and of us playing together with Tommy, Julie and Cindy. My mom had their clothes which brought back memories. I wish I could be there with you.
Love, Megan

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Monday, January 23, 2006 8:24 PM CST
I have learned of your journey through Laura Dahill (I was their caseworker for Ethan and Jackson's adoption). Having gone through cancer I know how very scary all of this can be. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. May God comfort you as you face this challenge.
Lynda Merrill <lynda11842@aol.com>
Bend, Oregon USA - Monday, January 23, 2006 6:30 PM CST
My friend, Laura Dahill, told me of your story. I'm so touched by what you are going through. I can't even imagine how hard it is. I don't know you at all, but I'm sending all the hugs I can your way. Keep hope, eat well and rest yourself too, and know you are thought of!!
Susie Kortes
Portland, Oregon

Susie Kortes
Portland, OR USA - Monday, January 23, 2006 5:53 PM CST
What a breathtaking picture of Robin & Oliver! The one of the boys is priceless! Along w/others, I have tears rolling down my cheeks! Keep the faith, and may God keep you close! You are in our prayers.

Sue & Jim Morris (Liz Mescher's Mom) <jlmspm@hargray.coom>
Bluffton, sc - Monday, January 23, 2006 5:50 PM CST
Beautiful and amazing pictures of a beautiful family! Keep your spirits up!
Love Katie and Patrick

Katie and Patrick Hurley <katiemhurley@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CT - Monday, January 23, 2006 5:01 PM CST
Such beautiful photos. We're thinking of you and saying daily prayers for Oliver. Please know there is a big crowd pulling for you all!

A big, warm hug to you!
Laura, Rob, Ethan, Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lauradahill@yahoo.com>
Sausalito, CA USA - Monday, January 23, 2006 12:59 AM CST
Absolutely, positively LOVE the photo of mommy and Oli. What a beautiful treasure.
Potterville, MI 48876 - Monday, January 23, 2006 12:47 AM CST
What a wonderful thoughful gift your friends gave you and thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Praying for and believing in a miraculous recovery for Oliver.

Jeanne Maixner <jeanne.maixner@intel.com>
- Monday, January 23, 2006 9:53 AM CST
Love the pictures. Thinking about all of you and sending good thoughts your way.
MS ELISE, GRANDPA COL, MEG, DAVE , MAL AND KI <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO USA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:12 PM CST
What beautiful boys you have. Amazing! Ron and I are just sitting here in awe. The picture of you with Oliver is just amazing.
Ron & Kristen
Dublin, OH - Sunday, January 22, 2006 6:09 PM CST
Astounding pictures. Your friend has an excellent eye. We're praying for you guys. Carrie, age 2.5, says "and baby Jesus, please help baby Oli feel better." =) Thanks for keeping us posted!
Val Kurth
Perrysburg, OH USA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:30 PM CST
The pictures are amazing. Oliver is so precious. Thinking of you everyday.
Christy Mensi <christy.mensi@gmail.com>
Spring, Texas USA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 12:21 AM CST
Robyn, David, Jacob, and Oli ~ What a BEAUTIFUL pic on your home page. It brought tears to my eyes instantly. The pic of Jacob and Oli is priceless. I am so happy that everything worked out for Laurie to come to you.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you...always!
Much Love, Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan

Liz Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:38 AM CST
Robyn and David,
I have tears streaming down my face as I look at your photos. What breathtaking, precious, priceless gifts these pictures are. What wonderful friends to think of such a gift. So as I start this Sunday, as I dress for church, as I go through out my day...the Trasen family is on my heart and mind...constantly. You are an amazing family. How I admire you. I pray without stopping for Oliver to AMAZE the world with his life! I pray for total, complete and final healing.
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:30 AM CST
I love the pictures! I can't wait to see more of them.
We love you and are sending our warmest thoughts and prayers your way.

Bec,Cor,Max,and Kai <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, Or USA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:57 AM CST
What a breathtaking picture of Oliver and Robyn! It is one of the most precious images one could see of a mother and her sweet boy. The photo of Jacob and Oliver is precious too! We are thinking of you everyday and pray for each of you - David, Robyn, Jacob and little Oliver. Sending hugs your way!

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:15 AM CST
My God that is the most beautiful photograph! Words fail...keeping you in our hearts and prayers.
Angelle & Bob

Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:13 AM CST
I am a frequent visitor - thanks to Rebekah's site - and just wanted to say that the picture on your home page is absolutely the most beautiful and heart warming picture I've ever seen. It brought tears to my eyes.
always and always you are in my prayers, dear little boy, as is your family.

Molly <just.me.molly@comcast.net>
CT - Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:11 AM CST
Hi Oliver!!
My name is Siri and I came to your site via Rebekah's blog(I found her from Maggie William's site). I just wanted to send you my love and my best wishes for you and your family. You are such a beautiful boy and those pictures that were just taken brought tears to my eyes. You are a beautiful family and each night I pray for God to watch over all of you!!

Siri <reinboldsb@comcast.net>
Poulsboq, WA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 2:34 AM CST
Robyn - Please know that I am praying for Oliver and Jacob and my heart is with you and your husband, David.
(We've met thru. Rebecca and have chatted at the park. I'm also a friend of Melissa.)

Korin Guglielmi <davekorin@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 0:30 AM CST
Hello, again----Thinking of ALL of you, ALL of the time; sending wishes for strength in the days ahead. Love Nancy and Michael
Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:23 PM CST
To Robin, David, and Family;
My thoughts are with you. I know you will do your best
to be strong and stick together as a family to tackle this
one day at a time. Oliver is just the same age as Tyler Kitchens, my grandson. I have you in my prayers for a speedy, total and complete recovery. With love, Joanne Borg

Joanne Borg <jborg49297@aol.com>
Greenwood Village, Co - Saturday, January 21, 2006 2:43 PM CST
Today is my last day in Israel with the Trasen/Nahmias/Avnon/Gross part of the family. We have been thinking, mentioning, caring, worrying, loving you all from afar, and following very closely how Oli and the rest of you are doing. It is always good to read about the good days, and we hurt deeply on the bad ones. We love you and carry you in our thoughts all the time.
Much love!

Daphna <daa47@zoominternet.net>
Youngstown, OH USA - Saturday, January 21, 2006 2:06 AM CST
Hey guys,
It's Friday evening and I'm just thinking about you and wondering how you are.
Keeping you all in my heart and sharing Oli's story with good friends who are rooting for him and you as well.
Much love, always, Erin

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@yahoo.com>
New York, NY USA - Friday, January 20, 2006 7:16 PM CST
Hi Oliver!

I was thinking of what I do when I have a big hill to climb, and it might work for you, too. Instead of looking ALLLLLL the way to the top of the hill (and noticing how much climbing there is ahead), just tuck your chin to you chest and go. Use you legs. Take deep breaths. Sing or hum a fancy tune. Having friends around helps. One step, then another, and another.....Before you know it - you're at the top of the hill looking down!

Try it - I think it will totally work for you, because I have seen those sturdy little legs of yours (and they look MUCH stronger than mine are!)

Traci <tjpedroza@msn.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, January 20, 2006 6:28 PM CST
I was thrilled to see Oliver last night! Robyn, you are an inspiration, I don't know how you stay so strong. I pray as well that today will be a good one, and the next day and the next. Hugs and Love,

Nickole Vargas
Hillsboro, OR - Friday, January 20, 2006 12:19 AM CST
I'm thinking about you and your family Dave. We are all here for you.
Dani <Dani.Napier@intel.com>
Chandler, AZ - Friday, January 20, 2006 12:02 AM CST
It was SO good to see you guys last night. Oliver continues to amaze me with his fighting spirit. He is so dang cute! I hope today is one of the good ones. Thinking about you- all the time. Much love!
rebecca nevers <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, Or USA - Friday, January 20, 2006 11:18 AM CST
Dearest Trasens,

Just a quick hello. Hope today is a good one for all of you. Love, Anita and Rich

Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Friday, January 20, 2006 11:11 AM CST
It breaks my heart to read about what you both are going through. We are wishing you both strength and endurance in this time of need. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Metria Allen
Beaverton, OR - Thursday, January 19, 2006 6:57 PM CST
I can't imagine what you are going through, but I offer a daily "Mi Sheberach" for Oliver's full recovery, and for his family to be sustained by the love and concern of all their friends.I first learned about Oliver from Ben and Dee, people I have admired and loved for many years.
Ruthie Myers <pgisha2@idcomm.com>
Denver,, CO USA - Thursday, January 19, 2006 5:13 PM CST
Robyn, I think of you every day and check on oliver every chance I get through Mom or on his web page. I want you to know I'm sending a lot of love and prayer your way....
Brooke Cason <brookebuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA USA - Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:22 PM CST
Dave - my thoughts are with you and your family. Hoping Oliver is doing well. God Bless! Thanks for the updates on the website.
Richelle Collins <richelle.a.collins@intel.com>
Chandler , AZ - Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:41 PM CST
I just stopped by to see how little Oli is doing and am glad to hear that he's doing Ok and you get to see glimpses of your little boy. My heart, prayers and all my positive energy is going to you and your family to heal Oli completely!

I came about your website through Rebekah's Page which I landed on by chance too. I pray for both of your children and hug mine a little tighter every night.

Lisa <billybobjoejimbo@hotmail.com>
Potterville, MI USA - Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:19 PM CST
Keeping Oliver in my thoughts and sending all of my positive energy in your direction.

I'm glad to hear that the chemo is doing it's job. I hope that his marrow is clear and remission is in the immediate future.


Christy Mensi - www.friendsofallie.org <christy.mensi@gmail.com>
Spring, TX USA - Thursday, January 19, 2006 1:09 PM CST
Dear Robyn,David and Jake - It seems at times like this that there are just not the right words in the language to express the realest of inner thoughts. "Just make it go away"; "Why my baby?"; "it's just not fair" - none of it elegant, but true to the bone. I look at Oliver's birth announcement photograph everyday as it sits on the computer desk above me -- Robyn, I just noticed your eye watching over him. I've never met him, but he knows the close love of his immediate family and beyond. As I sit and put these thoughts together I am filled with emotion, anger and pain. This is not the way for a child to begin his life. I am trusting that your love for each other will get you through this. Add ours as well. Much love Kay, George and Devin
Kay Bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
Hollywood, Ca USA - Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:12 AM CST
I found you through Rebekah, who I found through following different links around the blogging universe. You are all in my thoughts daily. I wish I could somehow make this all go away for everyone. I hope that knowing there are strangers out here pulling for you helps at least a little.


clandestine <clandestine4u@Hotmail.com>
- Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:41 AM CST
My friend Amy Kupperman told me about Oli and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
Amy Cong <kobersak@yahoo.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Thursday, January 19, 2006 0:02 AM CST
Robyn and family, I want you to know that we are checking in on you every day and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. I know this is a tough time for you and I pray that you are given the strength and courage and peace that you need to get through each day, each hour and each minute.
www.HelpRebekah.com http://rebekahspage.blogspot.com

Frances Adams (Rebekah's Mommy) <family@helprebekah.com>
Banks, OR - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 10:58 PM CST
A short entry just to let you know I'm here in Denver, but my heart is up in Portland with all of you. I had a wonderful, long talk with BOTH grandmas last night! Keep Starbucks busy. Love to all of you, Sue
Susan Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:57 PM CST
Robyn and Family,
I am still thinking of you all. My thoughts are with you. Continue to be strong, supportive, and loving parents. What a gift Oliver has to have such a wonderful family that loves him so much. I think of you often Robyn! Jacob is an adorable older brother!

Lana von Tersch (Rock) <rlana1@qwest.net>
Denver, CO 80220 - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:48 PM CST
Dearest Trasens,

Just a quick note to let you know that you are always on our minds and in our hearts. Stay strong. Cry when you have to. The tears will help wash away the pain and give you renewed strength to continue on this journey. Love, Anita and Rich

Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:36 PM CST
Robyn, David, Jake, and Oliver ~
We are constantly thinking of you and praying for good news. Do not get discouraged - Oliver is strong and a fighter. If you need anything please ask - we too know how hard it is and would love to help with anything!

McBurnett Family
Beaverton, OR USA - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 1:22 PM CST
Robyn, David, Jake, and Oliver ~
We are constantly thinking of you and praying for good news. Do not get discouraged - Oliver is strong and a fighter. If you need anything please ask - we too know how hard it is and would love to help with anything!

McBurnett Family
Beaverton, OR USA - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 1:22 PM CST
We are keeping you in our thought and prayers and hope that all is going well. We miss you all so much and hope to see you soon.
Love Bettina and Celena Dugan
*If you need anything we are here.

Bettina and Celena Dugan <Bettydugan@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 1:05 PM CST
We are thinking about you and praying for you.
Hugs to all!
Liz and Charlie

The Meschers <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:41 AM CST
Our deepest thoughts and heartfelt prayers continue for your beautiful family! God looks out for our children!
The Redfields (Matt, Beth, Blake and Spencer) <Beth.J.Redfield@intel.com>
Gilbert, AZ 85233 - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:28 AM CST
Still praying.....always in our thoughts.
Happy things are moving along...may it become better each day. May you have the strength you all need to endure this.

FROGing here for you! (FULLY RELY ON GOD!)

Shelly and Sean

caringbridge.org/ca/sean <mom24wildboys@sbcglobal.net>
Glendale, CA - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:09 AM CST
Hey there sweetie pie! I am glad that you are feeling a bit better today. I hope that you have an uneventful night tonight with lots of sleep for you and your mommy and daddy. Hugs and kisses!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 11:54 PM CST
Robyn and David, I am checking daily for updates, sometimes more as people that I work with ask how you and Oliver are doing. Please know that our thoughts, prayers, tears, and hopes are pouring out to both of you, Oliver and Jacob. I truly wish that I could do something to ease your pain, make life a little easier, or help in some way. Give your boys hugs and kisses (or "hugkiss" as Corrine says) from their cousins, and from us!

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:07 PM CST
Dave and Robyn,

I'm so sorry to hear of this sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Wendy Nakatani <wendy.m.nakatani@intel.com>
Portland, OR USA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 5:32 PM CST
Robyn, I just wanted you to know that your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I look forward to seeing you cheerfull again as Oliver overcomes this setback. Trust in the Lord and know that we are all sons and daughters of a loving Father in Heaven and are in His care at all times. You have been blessed with a beautiful family that is filled with love, and that is a blessing that can last for all eternity.
We (at the pharmacy) are all cheering for Oliver's swift recovery, and will be checking on his progress often. Hang in there!
With love,
(Amy and the staff at the pharmacy in Hillsboro),

Amy Thomas <amyosurx@hotmail.com>
Beaverton, OR USA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 3:10 PM CST
Dear Robyn,
I have been keeping up to date about Oliver through Nickole.

I am so sorry you are going through this! You are and have been in my prayers since day one! It was such a blessing to meet Oliver last Feb. at Nickole's house. He is beautiful!

Love,strength,prayers and a thousand blessings to you and your precious family!

Nickole Vargas's mom,

Patti West <pj.west@verizon.net>
Camarillo, Ca. Ventura - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 2:05 PM CST
Dearest Robyn and David~ I am so sorry to hear about Oliver!! I have continued to follow your journey, keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers...May you find the strength you need to carry you through this nightmare.
Hugs and Prayers, Nurse Heather (from Emanuel)

Heather McF. <heather_mcfarland@comcast.net>
Wilsonville, OR USA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 1:28 PM CST
Dear Family:
I am Carolyn Eisen, a friend of Dee's. I just want you to know that I am keeping Oli in my prayers. This is a very trying time in your lives I know, since I just went through this with my brother. I know he sent you an e-mail also (Larry Silver) and he had much hope for Oli's complete recovery too. Just keep up the good spirits and God will have to do the rest. Our Love, Carolyn Eisen and Gene Zimmerman

Carolyn Eisen <caeisen@msn.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:39 AM CST
Keeping Oli in my prayers. What a beautiful child! May God bring your family peace, comfort and strength and most of all keep his arms around Oli and bring him what he needs to get well.
Jill - Friends of Allie <jdonahue2@charter.net>
Minneapolis, MN - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:28 AM CST
Praying for Oli's miracle... he's such a sweet little boy! I'm so sorry your family is going through such hell. I'm a stranger, found your site through a link on the Friends of Allie website (www.scotthousehold.com is her family's website). Prayers from here (West Virginia) that Oli is completely cured of this illness.
Lisa W
Morgantown, WV USA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:04 AM CST
Dear Trasens,
Wishing you all much strength, love and faith. I'm continuing to pray for a miracle.

Jeanne Maixner -I work with Dave
Laurelwood, OR - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 9:51 AM CST
Dear Robyn and David,
I wish there was some way to make this nightmare go away for you. There are so many people all over the world pulling for Oli. You both are an inspiration for all of us parents out there. You have shown such incredible strength thoughout this nightmare! Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us all informed... it can't be easy.
Please remember we're here for you. Keep the faith!

Heidi, Ed, Lauren, and Bella <edand heidi@comcast.net>
Shingle Springs, CA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 3:14 AM CST
Robyn and David...you don't know me yet, but I will meet you in a couple of days. I was made aware of your situation through your dear friend, Liz Mescher, and because of her, will now have the incredible blessing of meeting you and your family. I've read every entry of your journal and have not been able to stop thinking about you since. I cannot express how much my heart goes out to you, and my prayers for you consume my day. I pray that I am able to capture the incredible amount of love that must flow amoungst your family...and especially, the pure essence of the beautiful soul of little Oli. Your story has touched my heart so deeply...
Laurie Ludes <lauriel@laurielphotography.com>
Vancouver, WA United States - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 2:25 AM CST
Oh my dears, I'm glad to read that Oliver is doing OK. I know that all efforts are being made for Oliver's survival and success. I am so praying for you guys!!!! Love, Jill
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Tuesday, January 17, 2006 0:56 AM CST
Dear Robyn and David,
I spoke with Melissa Hurst today.She is our wonderful daughter-in-law and Craig is our son.We want you to know that Oliver is in our prayers and we are asking others to light a candle for him as well. Stay well and hopeful for that darling little boy!
Mike and Suzanne Hoonan

Suzanne and Mike Hoonan <suzanne@advlearnsys.com>
Bellevue, WA USA - Monday, January 16, 2006 10:11 PM CST
Dear Robyn and David,
I spoke with Melissa Hurst today.She is our wonderful daughter-in-law and Craig is our son.We want you to know that Oliver is in our prayers and we are asking others to light a candle for him as well. Stay well and hopeful for that darling little boy!
Mike and Suzanne Hoonan

Suzanne and Mike Hoonan <suzanne@advlearnsys.com>
Bellevue, WA USA - Monday, January 16, 2006 10:11 PM CST
Robyn, David, Jacob and Oli,
You are all so strong and full of Love. I think about you and cry with you everyday and wish I could do more than send you my thoughts, energy, strength and love. Keep your hope! Oli is a strong boy.
Love Megan, Dave, Malcolm and Kaiya

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Monday, January 16, 2006 9:59 PM CST
We are thinking about all of you and praying for you.
The pictures of the boys are great - cute kids!

Things are so hard, but we know it will get better soon.

Have faith.

The McNulty's

Mike and Mary McNulty <mike.r.mcnulty@intel.com>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Monday, January 16, 2006 9:38 PM CST
Just dropping by to send some prayers and Friends of Allie and Giving Hope love your way.

Ronda <rondamb@charter.net>
Jefferson City, TN USA - Monday, January 16, 2006 7:33 PM CST
Thinking of you and sending hugs your way. There are TONS of wonderful people in the Houston area praying for Oli and the entire family. Robyn and David - you are awesome and so very strong! Jacob - you are an amazing big brother, who we admire VERY much. Oliver - you are a fighter - you can do it!!!

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Monday, January 16, 2006 4:09 PM CST
Continuing to keep you all in my prayers! Never lose hope, never lose faith!

Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Monday, January 16, 2006 3:49 PM CST
I'm praying for you precious Oli, and your family, so glad to hear the treatment is working for now. Your in our prayers. The ladies at Friends of Allie sent me!
Tammy DeBlaay ("Friends of Allie") <tammydeblaay@hotmail.com>
Fort Worth , Tx - Monday, January 16, 2006 3:36 PM CST
Stopping by to check on Oli. I'm so glad to hear that the treatment is helping some. My heart goes out to Oli and your family in the difficult time.


Christy Mensi <christy.mensi@gmail.com>
Spring, Texas - Monday, January 16, 2006 3:24 PM CST
I just wanted to let you know that I will pray without ceasing for this disease to leave Oliver's body forever. This nightmare must end! I am a member of Friends of Allie, that is how I learned of your precious, beautiful boy. (www.friendsofallie.org)

Countless prayers.

Beth Fletcher (FOA) <bethfletcherfoa@comcast.net>
Chesterton, In - Monday, January 16, 2006 3:16 PM CST
Dear Robyn and David -
I read your entries each day and wish that i was there to give you a hug or help in some way. Being a mother of kids the same ages as Jacob and Oli, I can only imagine what you are going through. I dont know how you do it - it seems an impossible task to survive day to day when your child is sick. I can not tell you how much i admire your strength - many people would turn bitter and angry and i see and feel only love and hope from your pictures and updates. It is so apparent how much you love them. The picture of Robyn, Jacob and Oli on the home page right now gives me such a good feeling - Robyn, you truly look angelic - it amazes me! Your kids are so lucky to have you.

We are all hoping, praying, believing in miracles and sending you and your families much love and strength. I wish there was more i could say....

Thinking of you all day every day!!

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Monday, January 16, 2006 3:08 PM CST
Robyn and David, Do not give up HOPE for Oli's recovery. I speak from experience. In 1994 I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and was told I had 2 to 5 years to live. Following a stem cell transplant in 1997 I have been in remission for almost 9 years. I never gave up HOPE and prayed every day that I would beat the odds.

I know how hard it is to face each day, hour and minute with cancer. It must be even harder to face it for your child. But through your fear and pain, please maintain the HOPE that little Oli will recover. Oli is a beautiful, baby boy who deserves a chance at life.

Dick and I pray for you daily.
Sharon & Dick Mentzer (Shelly's stepmom & dad)

Dick & Sharon Mentzer <stmentzer@comcast.net>
Tucson, AZ USA - Monday, January 16, 2006 11:38 AM CST
I heard about little Oli through my sister (in-law) Kristen Scherer. I just read through the updates of the last few days and couldn't stop crying. My heart goes out to you. Please know that you will be in our prayers daily.
Love, Jen and Sam Costello

Jen Costello <zcfjcostello@sbcglobal.net>
Delaware, OH - Monday, January 16, 2006 9:14 AM CST
I read your entry this morning and could not stop the tears. There is not more than an hour that goes by that I do not stop to pray for you and little Oliver. We send our love.
Kristen, Ron, Madeline, Abigail and Lauren
Dublin, OH - Monday, January 16, 2006 8:55 AM CST
I heard about little Oliver through Rebekah's blog.

Keeping Oliver and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

- Monday, January 16, 2006 8:32 AM CST
Hello Robyn,
I am friends with Brian and Julie Burke, and Becky Guthrie. I found your site through them. I can't imagine what you and your family are going through at this time. I also know I have no words that can make any of you feel better. However, I wanted to say that I'm praying for you all. Keep the faith. It looks like you have lots of people praying for you and your precious angel, Oli. Remember that God is with you always. He'll never leave you.

Kim Ransonette <Kim@fumcbentonville.org>
Bentonville, AR USA - Monday, January 16, 2006 8:31 AM CST
We found you because of Javad's awesome mother!

Always praying!

Shelly and Sean

caringbridge.org/ca/sean <mom24wildboys@sbcglobal.net>
Glendale, CA - Monday, January 16, 2006 0:26 AM CST
Hi Robyn:

I only met you once through Erica, but she shared the site and Oliver's status. We'll be thinking and praying for Oliver! Hang in there.

Hau Hagedorn <h.hagedorn@comcast.net>
Portland, OR 97202 - Sunday, January 15, 2006 5:36 PM CST
I am so sorry to here that Oliver has relapsed! Words will never do in a time like this... praying for your family.
Alicia Green <alicia2519@gmail.com>
Lake Saint Louis , MO - Sunday, January 15, 2006 4:46 PM CST
Dear Trasens,
We think about you every day. We are so sorry about Oliver's relapse. We send you love and hugs.
Donna & Howard

Donna & Howard Lutz <dlutz7502@aol.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Sunday, January 15, 2006 4:41 PM CST
Dear Robyn and David,

I have no doubt that you have chosen the best doctors for Oli's treatment, and they are very good at what they do, BUT- luckily, they are not the ones handing out hope. There's always hope....that's why your friends and family are always logged onto this site. There is SO MUCH hope coming your way, you probably cannot even imagine it...Keep believing!

Traci <tjpedroza@msn.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Sunday, January 15, 2006 4:12 PM CST
I'm sorry for this terrible nightmare. I's so GLAD you had 2 girlfriends come stay with you for the day. So what, if you are crying all the time. They truly are good friends to be with you.

Robyn, don't look at the numbers the doctors give you. They are humans who really don't know for sure. Oliver is a fighter! Keep HOPE.]

I'm praying for Oliver to amaze the world!!!

Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Sunday, January 15, 2006 11:39 AM CST
David, Robyn, and Jake,
Keep the faith. Oli is a tough little guy. Let me know when you want me there, I will be there at the drop of a hat.

Oli, keep siging the Monday night football tune! We will all be there to watch you play on Monday night!
We are with you buddy.

Ed Smith <Edward.c.smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Sunday, January 15, 2006 9:56 AM CST
Please know we are checking often and are keeping Oliver and all of you in our prayers...
We are just so sorry you all have to go through this...
Chin up...need to keep that hope alive.

Shelly and Sean

caringbridge.org/ca/sean <mom24wildboys@sbcglobal.net>
Glendale, CA - Sunday, January 15, 2006 3:11 AM CST
Don't be afraid to be hopeful. I'm cheering you on! Barbara
Barbara Magnoni <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
new york, ny USA - Saturday, January 14, 2006 10:53 PM CST
I'm so sorry you are not able to awaken from this nightmare. I wish there was something I could say or do to help you and your family out but all I can offer are my sincere thoughts and my prayers.
I am sure that some how, from some where you will find the strength and courage to battle this new nightmare as you have battle the previous ones.
Stay strong - keep believing - keep dreaming ...
never stop dreaming for that is what will help chase the nightmare away.
I hope you don't mind but I have added a link on my blog to your site. My blog buddies will be sending along their prayers and keeping you all in their thoughts.

Molly <just.me.molly@comcast.net>
CT - Saturday, January 14, 2006 9:09 PM CST
Dear Robyn and family,

My mom and Shelly have kept me informed on Ollie's status and I was devastated to hear that he has relapsed following the good news of a successful transplant. With two little ones of my own it has been hard to force myself to read about Ollie but I finally did and with tears flowing, I just want to say that our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

Ollie is quite a trooper. Best wishes, thoughts and love,
Mari, John, Maddie and little John Babnik (Mentzer)

Marielle Babnik <marmentzer@yahoo.com>
Glencoe, IL USA - Saturday, January 14, 2006 8:23 PM CST
David,Robyn,and boys,
I was told of your battle with cancer by my sister Mindy. To hear her speak of it was heartbreaking, but to read of your journey has been at times heartwrenching, and heartwarming. I have often planned on coming to your site trying to find the right words to try and make you feel a little better, but I know as a parent, there are no words that would make you feel better except for a cure. But, I do think if I told you how your story has changed my life, maybe then you would see you are having an impact on lives. I have quit smoking, thanks to a comment by David about smokers, I just quit, when I felt like I wanted to smoke I thought of Ollie, I was making a choice, he had none. I have more compassion with my little ones, I enjoy most every moment with them, I am not so stuffy with them any longer, I have hugged them more often. My daughter who is 8 has told her class of your Ollie, and many of them are praying and sending possitive thoughts your way. My family has been touched by your family, thank you so much. Please know I have been praying and will continue praying for Ollie and your family. May this nightmare that you are enduring end one day with a happy ending. God Bless You All,

Londa Murdock Webster <blwebster6@aol.com>
Cherry Valley, New York - Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:36 PM CST
Dear Oliver,

A few words that remind me of you, from one of my favorites, Dr. Suess....

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go."

Dream Big! Hang in there little guy - the sun is right around the corner!

Traci Pedroza <tjpedroza@msn.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Saturday, January 14, 2006 3:18 PM CST
Ron, Keely and Peyton are thinking of you all. I am so sorry your family has faced so much pain and heartache. We will say a prayer for you all.
Keely Sapp <keelysapp@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR 97068 - Saturday, January 14, 2006 2:45 AM CST
Dear Robyn and David,
Doug and I are shocked by the news of Oli's relapse. I've been crying non-stop while reading again the whole story of Oli's disease and can imagine the amount of pain all of you are going through.
What an amazing strength you all have! We admire the four of you so much for all you've done so far!
Hang in there Oli! You are such a great kid and you have such a wonderfully loving family!
Know that we have all of you constantly in our thoughts and that I will pray for Oli's definite recovery.

The best possible wishes,
Gigi & Doug (Hurley)

Gigi and Doug Hurley <gigihurley@myway.com>
Boerne, TX USA - Friday, January 13, 2006 11:40 PM CST
The O'Driscoll family is praying for you all. (I am a friend of Janny's from college.)
Bridget <b_odriscoll@yahoo.com>
New York, NY USA - Friday, January 13, 2006 10:12 PM CST
Robyn and David,
You ended this last posting by saying you didn't know how you were going to do this. But you will. You have and you will now. I am a friend of Damaris...back in Chicago, way long time ago. Here we are praying soo, so hard, and we really don't even know you. But, oh, how we have kept you all in our prayers and thoughts. You will get through this because of all your dear friends, family and caring strangers' support and prayers.
What a beautiful and strong family you are.

Jane Oppermann
Barrington, IL - Friday, January 13, 2006 9:45 PM CST
Grandmoms, you are wonders!
David and Robyn, you have incredible strength!
Jake, you are the best brother a guy could have!
Oli, Oli, Oli, you are the true hero here. You teach all grown-ups how to handle bad things. I have been struck by how, through this unfair mess, you just carry on. You have learned to crawl,walk, run,and now your talking, no matter what is being done to you. Keep on singing the Monday Night Football song! Smile that beautiful smile! We get strength from you.

I am so sorry this awful disease is back. Hugs to all. Thank you for your journal entries. I think of all of you all the time and pray for you.

Nancy Mentzer <ncmentzer@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, January 13, 2006 7:28 PM CST
David and Robin - We were shocked to read the news update on the website today. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and always have been. We've added Oliver to the our prayer of intentions at St. Juan Diego again. I'm glad I had a chance to re-connect with David online today. Big hugs to all of you. Love, Melissa, Wayne & Saksen
Melissa Hathaway <wmhathaway@comcast.net>
Portland , OR USA - Friday, January 13, 2006 7:19 PM CST
I'm Lisa Ginsberg's sister-in-law. I just wanted you to know that her entire family (which is very large!) has each and every one of you in their thoughts and prayers. You have beautiful children and we are continually inspired by your family's strength.
Nicole Littmann
Erie, CO USA - Friday, January 13, 2006 6:04 PM CST
Dearest Trasens,
Just to let you know that you are constantly in our thoughts and hearts. We love you all. We hate this disease. We've spoken with Ben several times and will have lunch with him tomorrow. Here's a giant hug for all of you and your wonderful moms. So glad they are with you to share the burden. Rich and Anita

Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Friday, January 13, 2006 6:00 PM CST

Dear Robyn and David, It looks like our previous message of a week ago did not make it onto the site. (At least i did not see it as I perused the site). Since then Michael and I have been to Sun City West, went to Temple there and said Oliver's name out loud during the prayer for healing and for strength (the mishabeyrach). Will do so again tonight at Sinai, after having dinner with Ben. Love to all of you and hello to your wonderful mothers. What amazing people they are (just like you!!!) May it help you to know that SO many people are thinking of you and Oliver and sending love, strength and prayers. A big hug for your darling, beautiful, precious boys. With love, Nancy, Michael and extended family

nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, January 13, 2006 5:47 PM CST

We love you all and wanted you to know we are thinking of you.

So much love,

Dana, Brendan and Milo

Dana Schwartz <daynuh_s@hotmail.com>
LA, CA USA - Friday, January 13, 2006 1:30 PM CST
This is devastating. MY heart goes out to you.
Nancy Kass <nkass@jhsph.edu>
Baltimore, MD 21210 - Friday, January 13, 2006 1:09 PM CST
What a beautiful picture of your three priceless treasures...Robyn, Jacob and Oliver.

Hang in there. We are pulling for you all. We are praying. Wish we could do more.

Joshie's mom,

PS We met little Peyton and his parents yesterday at Emanuel. They said they knew you. Sweet family.

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Friday, January 13, 2006 12:25 AM CST
I am sorry Oliver has relapsed. He and your whole family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Lois (FOA)- http://www.friendsofallie.org
NJ - Friday, January 13, 2006 12:21 AM CST
I am friends with Becky Guthrie and want you to know that my prayers are with all of you.
Misty Cates <mcates@bentonville.k12.ar.us>
Bentonville, AR Benton - Friday, January 13, 2006 10:13 AM CST
Hi Robyn, David, Jake, and Oli, I don't have the right words, but wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Isaiah 41:10 Fear not for I am with you always
Take care, and hugs to all of you.

Becky Guthrie <bguthrie@bentonville.k12.ar.us>
Bentonville, AR USA - Friday, January 13, 2006 9:12 AM CST
Oliver and Family,
You have amazing strength and my thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Mindy Murdock <melinda.s.murdock@intel.com>
Chandler, AZ - Friday, January 13, 2006 0:15 AM CST
Oli, it was so good to see you today! You have grown so much since the last time that I saw you. I will continue to think of you often and pray for you sweetie. Tell your mom and dad that I say hi and to remember that I am here for them if they need anything. Goodnight and sweet dreams!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Thursday, January 12, 2006 11:32 PM CST
Hi Dee,
I just talked to Ben this evening and he gave me the update on Oliver's progress. Please know your family is in my prayers with special prayers for Oliver.
Best Regards,

Sheila McGee <mcgees032003@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO US - Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:46 PM CST
Oliver and Family,
I thought that I would just say that I am thinking about you and wish all of you strength to overcome this. I see a determination in Oliver's eyes that says he wants to be here to share the world with you!

Nikki, Mike, Layna, and Rowan <nikki@bealefamily.net>
Hillsboro, OR - Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:20 PM CST
Dear Robyn, David, Jacob and Oli -
Thank you so much for posting that beautiful picture of Mommy and her boys - it is so reassuring to see your faces!We 'refresh' your site over and over each day anxious for word on Oli. I know its probably hard to get to writing, but we appreciate any words from you! Stay strong and believe!!

With lots of love
Lisa and Family

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:51 PM CST
I have come to "know" your family through Rebekah's page. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Your son's are just adorable! Your strength and love for one another are precious and inspiring. I will be back often to check in but will always have a prayer and a wish upon a star for you. ~hugs~ Wendy
Wendy H. <whhct@comcast.net>
Bolton, ct us - Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:46 PM CST
I went to high school with Katie and Phil who have kept me updated on Oliver and have followed the journal. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. Be strong and hug the boys for all of us!
Denise, Pete, Trent, and Jillian Alford <Denise.Alford@comcast.net>
Littleton, CO USA - Thursday, January 12, 2006 7:56 PM CST
I'm so sorry to hear of Olivers relapse. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Sarah P <spra4321@hotmail.com>
Lakeville, MA - Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:15 PM CST
I'm so very sorry. This must be your worst nightmare. Your son is absolutely beautiful, and you are all in my thoughts.
Tracey R <tracey@friendsofallie.org>
Barrington, RI - Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:22 PM CST
I'm thinking of Oliver today and hoping that he is responding well to treatment. I am SO sorry that you have to see your precious son go through this horrible nightmare. My heart goes out to your entire family.
Christy Mensi <christy.mensi@gmail.com>
Spring, Texas - Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:52 PM CST
Thinking of you quite often today. We are praying for you. LIVESTRONG!
Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:09 PM CST
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his countenance to shine upon you.
I will be praying for you and your son Oliver.

Lynndell Epp
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, January 12, 2006 1:57 PM CST
I just wanted you to know that I'm praying for Oliver and for your family!
Canada - Thursday, January 12, 2006 12:33 AM CST
Just wanted to let you know we are thinking about all of you this morning. Keeping positive thoughts for Oli.
ms ELISE, GRANDPA COL, MEG, DAVE , MAL AND KI <ELisamichael@eaarthlink.net>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, January 12, 2006 11:55 AM CST
We just want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Jesse & Metria Allen <metriarichard@comcast.com>
Beaverton, Or - Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:26 AM CST
Our thoughts and hearts are with you every day in this devastating time. Everything will work out for the best. Sending positive thoughts and lots of love,
Patrick and Katie

Patrick and Katie Hurley <ahurley@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown, ct - Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:09 AM CST
I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and knowing somewhat of what you are going through. Oliver is one special little boy who means a lot to a lot of people. You all are constantly in my prayers. Please let me know if I can do anything at all to help you through this. Give Oli a big hug from all of Maggie's family.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Thursday, January 12, 2006 0:12 AM CST
I am praying for your precious little boy!!! He looks like a fighter!! I'll be thinking of your family!
Kim - Giving Hope Angels
- Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:22 PM CST
My sister-in-law, Denise Alford sent me an email about Oliver and his illness. I'm really sorry to hear about Oliver's illness. My family and I will keep you in our prayers.


Shannon Alford

Wayne, Judy, Shannon and Carson Alford <ksarn@earthlink.net>
Lexington, KY USA - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:55 PM CST
Dear Robyn and David,
I was a classmate of Heidi's a year ago and read your journal through a link with a request for prayers sent out to the APTS community. What a beautiful boy Oliver is~ sparkling eyes and joy filled smile! I am sure your love for him, and Jacob, is boundless. I am so sorry to hear the awful news that Oli has relapsed with leukemia. It is a tenacious and vicious disease.

I want you to know that I am praying and will continue to pray for you all~ Oliver, Jacob, the two of you, extended family and friends and the entire team of caring professionals treating your dear little Oliver. I pray that God grants you peace and strength for your journey, hope throughout the darkest of your days and nights and the comfort and companionship of Spirit to to sustain you. Grace and Peace, lisa knaggs

lisa knaggs <lisaknaggs@mac.com>
Austin, TX United States - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:47 PM CST
Dear Oliver and family,
I came over from another site and read your entry... I am so terribly sorry about Oli's relapse...

I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers... Stay strong...

With Love,

Sherrill Jones <Sherrill@probaglady.com>
"The Mile High City", CO USA - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:31 PM CST
Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver: I felt I needed to check on you and I'm so glad I did. I am so sorry to hear about Oliver and wish there was something we could do for you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. You can do it, Oliver!

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:05 PM CST
Dear Robyn, David, and family,

I was so sorry to hear about Oli's relapse. I'm praying for the restoration of Oli's health and for each and every one of you to find the strength to make it through this horrible time. Kind regards, Heather (Barbara's friend in Australia)

"Beneath everything there is brightness, not dark, even though that light may appear veiled by clouds and mists." (Buddhist wisdom)

Heather Moritz <hmoritz@tpg.com.au>
Coogee, NSW Australia - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:50 PM CST
Thinking of you and praying for you.

Mandy (Angels on Earth)

- Wednesday, January 11, 2006 3:48 PM CST
Dear Robyn and David -
Wanted to send you more good thoughts and prayers. You are on our minds all the time - worrying, praying, admiring your strength... you are both amazing. With every passing moment we hope that things are getting better or showing improvement. We hope that there are times of peace during each day - maybe a laugh here and there at something Jacob does or says or a moment when Oli gives you a smile or look that says, "im going to be ok!!" He has proven himself to be so strong on so many occasions - this is a boy who wants to get better and beat this - I can see that in his pictures and in your updates about things he has done - what an amazing strength to be able to crawl over to you in the middle of the night to let you know he needed help - that is amazing!

With love and prayers!
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Wednesday, January 11, 2006 3:27 PM CST
Dearest Robyn and David - Our heartfelt thoughts are with you as you travel this horrendously topsy turvy trail. I just do not have the words to express my thoughts, but only to say that you have constantly shown tremendous strength, determination and love toward each other and your darling children and no doubt will continue to do so. Please know that you are all in our thoughts.
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:40 PM CST
David and Robyn,
I'm so sorry to hear this lastest news. I love you and am thinking of you all, as always.

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@yahoo.com>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:25 PM CST
Dearest Trasens,
My heart is just breaking thinking of what you must be going through and knowing words aren't enough. If there is anything you need help with...we're your neighbors. You are never far from our thoughts and prayers.

Angelle & Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:23 PM CST
Robyn and David, I have been reading the guestbook for several days trying to find the right words, or say the right thing.....I'm still at a loss. Just know that all of you, especially precious Oliver, are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We love you, Brooke, Rick, and Ben Cason
Brooke Cason <brookebuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA USA - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 1:42 PM CST
Robyn, David, and all family of brave, young Oliver - What a mighty battle this sweet little boy is waging. It is a trial indeed for all concerned. We have been kept aware of Oliver's situation since he was diagnosed with this despicable disease. But Oli courageously scored a 'knockout blow' once before, and can do it again. With faith in modern medicine, admiration for Oli's fighting spirit and trust in a compassionate God we watch and wait for joyous news.
Judy and Larry [Parker.] <Lparker253@aol.com>
Englewood, CO. USA - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 12:40 AM CST
Dear Trasens,
Khyati and I(your neighbors) are saddened to hear these news. You all are in our prayers. We wish him a speedy recovery. Please let us know if you need any help. We will be glad to help.

Hamesh & Khyati Patel <hameshp@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 12:24 AM CST
My dear friends who I've never met -
I work with Matt here in CO. I have followed Oli's road ever since Matt told me about him, and my heart just breaks for what you are going through. My prayer support group and many many friends from my church are all praying for a miracle for Oli, and for strength for you and for Jacob. You will not leave our hearts and prayers for a minute.....

Paulajane Moffitt <pmoffitt@gartproperties.com>
Boulder, CO USA - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:37 AM CST
Dear Trasens,
I am so sorry to hear this news- We will keep thinking positive thoughts for you and your family. Know that we are all thinking of you and hoping for the best during this difficult time.
Michael Oko (Jennifer's husband)

Michael Oko <m1oko@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:33 AM CST
Robyn and David, We are so sorry to hear of Oli's relapse. We are praying for him and your entire family that you may find strength to face the tough days ahead. And, our special prayers are for Oli's recovery.

Shelly showed us pictures from her visit with you last fall. The picture of Oli and Ella was very cute. Shelly says he is a very sweet little guy.

With our prayers, Dick and Sharon Mentzer

Dick & Sharon Mentzer <stmentzer@comcast.net>
Tucson, AZ USA - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:19 AM CST
Dear Robyn and David,
This news and your account breaks my heart. I so feel for you guys and what you have to endure. For some reason though I feel if anyone can make it , it's Oli. I know you won't quit trying, and we won't quit believing. When you are ready we hope to come visit again-we offer any support that is helpful.
Dave Renton

David Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 11:29 PM CST
Robyn and David I am sorry to hear that Oliver has relapsed. You are all in my prayers. If you need someone to watch Jacob let me know and I will come to your house and stay with him. If you need anything that I can help with let me know.
Carol Dougall <mitzie50@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, Or USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 11:25 PM CST
David & Robyn:

Javad sent out a plea via the wonderful family that is Caringbridge...and I received it via Julianna Banana.

Please know that God's heart is full tonight with prayers from my family in Missouri for your beautiful son. Please know that there are people out here that are praying hard and I hope that you can feel it through the haze.

Hugs and blessings from Missouri,

Kim Eplett

Kim Eplett <knadn_eh@msn.com>
O'Fallon, MO USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:36 PM CST
David and Robyn,
I am so sorry to hear about this trying time. I think about Oliver often and have fond memories talking with you guys at Emanuel (an odd place to strike up a friendship, but one none-the-less.) I am glad that you guys have such wonderful doctors that are attuned to Oli's needs. I pray that the meningitis goes out of his system quickly and that he respond quickly to chemo. Know that my prayers are with you always and especially during this time.

Shannon Mashinchi (and Javad)

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:57 PM CST
Robyn, I am at the point of not really knowing what to say. Do you remember when you drove me home a few weeks before Paul and Barbara were married? We were driving and you sensed something about how I was feeling and you touched me on the hand and said, "Sometimes things are hard, but we need to be positive and hopefull no matter what." I will never forget it because you spoke to me like a Big sister. It is times like those and times like these that I grasp for words. I just wish I could touch your hand and give you strength like you gave me. Please know that I remember what you said to me and now I pray a prayer that is stricken with uncertainty but yet sustained with hope.

Heidi Johnson <Levinas@aol.com>
Austin, TX USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:03 PM CST
Dear Trasens, I am a friend of the Molesworth family and I have been following Oliver almost since the beginning. As a mother, my heart is breaking for you. But, being a survivor myself, I can tell you that there is HOPE and to continue to have faith, as hard as I know that is right now. I have everyone I know praying for Oliver and your family and please know that your beautiful little boy is never far from my thoughts. May God bless you and watch over all of you during the next few months.
Lisa Sullivan <llsullivan62@yahoo.com>
Largo, FL USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:13 PM CST
Dearest Trasens and Redingers -- Love, strength and hope. My thoughts turn to you so many times during the day and night. As I said goodbye to Oma Barbara this morning before she flew up to join you, I wished I could offer more. Give Jake a hug and know I care deeply for all of you. Sue
Susan Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, Co - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:00 PM CST
Dear Robyn, David, Jacob & Oliver, Our hearts are completely going out to you. Christopher immediately went to put his OLIVER braclet on and is praying. Like him, we are thinking of you every moment and praying for a miracle for your family. All of our love -
Kip, Hanne, Christopher & Andrew <hkschauer@tronix.com>
Littleton, CO - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 6:33 PM CST
Hi, Oliver I am Kennedy's Auntie. I have heard so much about you and your family. You hang in there little guy, and just know that we are praying for you too.
Caryn <jncstrutzx2@verizon.net>
Gresham, Or. USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:49 PM CST
I am praying for you. Hang in there Oli, keep fighting!! Your parents love you so much.
Karen Green <klgreen27@yahoo.com>
Colorado Springs, CO - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:00 PM CST
Crying and praying for you. I'm so sorry. God does have you in His hands! =(
Val Kurth
Perrysburg, OH USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:59 PM CST
I'm still praying for you. Again I come to the lord and ask you to give these loving parents, hope to the end of this long rode. I pray that you will have strength and wisdom. I pray that the docotor will have the strenght and wisdom. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sarah Mathia <pooh_sbn@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR US - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:58 PM CST
Hi there...I am a friend of the Brenneman Family and just got word about your son Oliver. My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. As April said, there is HOPE!!! You are loved even by people you have never met.
Shana Jabusch <jsjabusch@comcast.net>
Tualatin, OR - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:42 PM CST
Our hearts go out to you guys and to Jakey and Oli. We continue to pray for a miracle. Much love and prayers from across the country.
Kristen, Ron, Madeline, Abigail and Lauren
Dublin, OH - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:31 PM CST
Oh Robyn and David,
My mom and I just read the news, I am so heart broken. We will keep Oli in our thoughts, I wish there was something more we could do. I love you and wish I could hug you and be with you.
Love, Megan

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:37 AM CST
Robyn and David,
I hurt and ache with you. Relapse is devastating. All of us parents live in dread of it once treatment is done. I am so, so, sorry.

I am so glad to hear, though, that there is something the doctors can do. I know from what you wrote it will be very, very difficult.

May God give you strength to get through this next treatment. May Oliver be a shining example of a healthy, loving, happy young man in the future. May the peace of God surround you.

I sure wish I could physically give you a hug, Robyn, and cry with you. Just know I am sending that hug to you and crying with you, even though I am not there.

My mother's heart is breaking, too...but there is HOPE!
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR U.S.A. - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:35 AM CST
We are so sad that this has happened. I cried for you all when I heard. I wish there was something that we could do to help from here. Please know that we are all praying for you and wishing you strength. Take care! Love, Phil, Katie, Rebekah and Corrine
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:29 AM CST
Please know that we are thinking of you and hoping for the best through this next siege of the hard stuff.
the Schwartz/Broms group <judith-schwartz@comcast.net>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:17 AM CST
Robyn and David- We continue to send our love and heartfelt prayers for sweet Oliver.
Melissa Hurst (Dylan's Mom) <craigandmelissahurst@msn.com>
hillsboro, or USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:09 AM CST
Sent here from Rebekah's site. Praying for this precious child and your famliy.
Katie <kpinion7@yahoo.com>
TX - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:38 AM CST
Sending you prayers and love. Debbie Buckley
Debbie Buckley <libbeybuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:58 AM CST
We were all so saddened by Oli's relapse. Know that we are thinking of you over at Emanuel.
- Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:40 AM CST
I know there is absolutely nothing anyone can say right now that will make you feel better or make it go away. Just please know there are SO MANY people out there praying for Oli and his family. We love you. Hang in there...
Libbey Malone <LibbeyBuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:21 AM CST
We will be praying for Oliver, that this new chemo works and that he come thru the treatment with flying colors....
Ellen and Sammi Robertson www.caringbridge.org/mi/sammijean <Scanmom@hotmail.com>
Wyandotte, mi - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:45 AM CST
I cannot stop crying after reading your January 9 journal entry. My heart is breaking for you and little Ollie. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this horrible time.
Potterville, MI - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:36 AM CST
My thoughts are with you all.
Grass Lake, MI USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:44 AM CST
Dave & Robyn - I am praying for you, Oli and Jacob. May you be surrounded by His loving arms during this time. I am so sorry you have to go thorugh this again.
Annie P
hillsboro, or usa - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 1:59 AM CST
Dear Trasen Family,
I am so very very saddened by the news. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Be strong for each other...

Cheris Mcfarland
Hillsboro, OR USA - Monday, January 9, 2006 11:14 PM CST
We feel we have just been kicked squarely in the gut. We are devistated to hear Oli's Luekemia is back. We love you guys, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know what we can do.

OLI, GO GET EM!! You took this on once before and knocked it out. We are with you buddy.

Ed, Heidi, Lauren and Bella Smith <edandheidi@comcast.net>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Monday, January 9, 2006 11:12 PM CST
I will pray for little Oliver and also for all of the family that they have the strength and courage needed to get through this terrible trying time. That little guy is adorable! Prayers going up right now.
Denise J. Yocom <mskajunkitty@yahoo.com>
Everett, Wa USA - Monday, January 9, 2006 10:08 PM CST
I'm in such a state of shock. I can't understand how this happened,things had been going so well! I'm just shaking with emotion. My heart goes out to you. Awaiting to hear good answers to battling this relapse. Love,Jill
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR usa - Monday, January 9, 2006 7:08 PM CST
Robyn - Words cannot express how sorry I am to hear Oliver has relapsed. My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
Amy Kupperman <kupperma@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Monday, January 9, 2006 6:53 PM CST
Rebekah's page had a pray calling out for you, so I thought that I would leave you one.
Dear God I pray for little Oliver, and that you will heal him from head to toe. I pray that you give the parents strenth and wisdom, same for the doctors. In Jesus name I pray amen.

-Sarah Matha (pooh_sbn@yahoo.com)

Sarah Mathia <pooh_sbn@yahoo.com>
Portland , OR US - Monday, January 9, 2006 6:44 PM CST
You have my prayers. God is good! May His grace be with your family
Steve Sporre <spu1970@iwon.com>
hillsboro, or 97123 - Monday, January 9, 2006 6:19 PM CST
I am devastated that Oli has relapsed. Please know that all the Fricklases and Resnicks are praying for all of you and are sending healing vibes your way. I hope you can feel them. Much love and lots of hugs ---
Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Monday, January 9, 2006 6:00 PM CST
Dear Robyn and David -
We are heartbroken by the latest update - so very sorry to read that Oli's leukemia has returned. Our hearts and prayers are with all of you as are so many others around the world! We will pray for Oli's good health to return and ask everyone we know to pray for him as well. I know this is so horrible for you - its not fair. We love you all!

Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
- Monday, January 9, 2006 5:10 PM CST
CECELIA H. SOSEBEE <cecelia_sosebee@hotmail.com>
MONROEVILLE, AL USA - Monday, January 9, 2006 3:38 PM CST
I came across your site and stopped in to visit. I'm so sorry to hear that Oliver has relapsed. My thoughts are with Oliver and your entire family.
Christy Mensi <christy.mensi@gmail.com>
Spring, Texas - Monday, January 9, 2006 2:57 PM CST
Came to your site via Rebekahspage......praying for little Oliver now, too.
Jodi Tucker <pianojodi@aol.com>
Akron, OH USA - Monday, January 9, 2006 2:32 PM CST
i'm so sorry, I will keep Oli in my prayers, What a beautiful little boy. Lyn www.caringbridge.org/nj/justinw
Lyn wyatt <glwyatt@gmail.com>
stratford, nj usa - Monday, January 9, 2006 1:21 PM CST
We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Angelle and Bob <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
HILLSBORO, OR USA - Monday, January 9, 2006 1:06 PM CST
My prayers for miraculous healing are with your family.

"So Stand up on your shaky legs and take a firm grip with your weary arms. Make level paths for your feet to walk on. Then those who have been disabled will be no longer. Instead they will be healed." Hebrews 12:12

"But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall..." Malachi 4

Yvette Breiter <yvette@familysafeweb.net>
Hillsboro, OR - Monday, January 9, 2006 10:41 AM CST
Sorry to read your update. Praying for Oliver.
Robin Brunet <robinb@neptune.on.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Monday, January 9, 2006 9:57 AM CST
I came across Oliver's site through Rebekah's page and just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for this beautiful little boy and your family. I pray that God give's you strengnth and the miracles you are hoping for.
T. Johnson <nightbyrd45@aol.com>
Charleston, WVa USA - Monday, January 9, 2006 4:18 AM CST
David and Robyn,
I am so sorry to hear about Oli's return of leukemia. Please let us know if there is anything we can do!

Shannon Mashinchi

www,caringbridge.org.or.javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Monday, January 9, 2006 1:04 AM CST
Sending all of our love and prayers to your family. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. We know that angels are looking down on your family, giving Oli (and all of you) the strength he needs to fight this disease.
Kim Strelchun <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Monday, January 9, 2006 0:34 AM CST
I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about all of you.
Erica Marra-Dotts <marradotts@yahoo.com>
Portland, OR US - Sunday, January 8, 2006 11:40 PM CST
We only met briefly one day in Day Treatment at Emanuel, but we have been following your journey and we are lifting your family in prayer during this time. Please know that you are not alone in this and take comfort in the fact that your little Oliver is a fighter. May God grant you wisdom and clarity in upcoming decisions.
Sending healing thoughts,
Melenie Duval

Melenie <MomWUx2@aol.com>
Mulino, OR USA - Sunday, January 8, 2006 11:21 PM CST
Dear Robyn, David, Oliver and Jacob,
With all the prayers, love, and support out there, including us and our extended family we know that you all will make it through this challenge. Sending lots of strength and love your way. Love, Nancy and Michael

nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, January 8, 2006 11:17 PM CST
Robyn & David & family,
Our hearts are breaking for you and your family with the news that Oliver's Leukemia is back. We are praying for you and will continue to do so. Please let us know if we can do anything for you.


Frances Adams (Rebekah's Mommy) <family@helprebekah.com>
Banks, OR - Sunday, January 8, 2006 11:10 PM CST
Robyn and David:

Sorry to read about the set back with Oli. I look forward to reading about his recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Dana & Neil <dbuncich@aol.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Sunday, January 8, 2006 10:55 PM CST
I'm sorry to read this. Oliver will be in my prayers.
Tina & Lance <lancejrmommy@comcast.net>
- Sunday, January 8, 2006 9:27 PM CST
I am so sorry to read this news. Oliver will be in my thoughts, as will your entire family.
Sara, Emily's mommy - http://www.caringbridge.org/ca/emilyalexisrose <waffle13@comcast.net>
Florida, - Sunday, January 8, 2006 8:11 PM CST
You are all in our prayers. We are so so sorry about this setback, but Oliver is a fighter and we can only hope he will overcome this too.
Ann Tucker <ann.eugenetucker@sbcglobal.net>
- Sunday, January 8, 2006 7:51 PM CST
nothing we could say could possibly be enough right now. So we will say we are thinking of you and are here to lend a hand however we can.

The Molesworth family <amolesworth@yahoo.com>
gilbert, az - Sunday, January 8, 2006 7:50 PM CST
You are all in our prayers.
With lots of love, Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan

Liz Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Sunday, January 8, 2006 6:17 PM CST
We are praying for you all right now.
Kristen & Ron
Dublin, OH USA - Sunday, January 8, 2006 5:45 PM CST
Thinking of you!! Don't lose hope!
Sarah (Angels on Earth) <spra4321@hotmail.com>
Lakeville, MA - Sunday, January 8, 2006 4:05 PM CST
Robyn and David,
I don't know what to say. I am so very SORRY. I HATE cancer with a passion!

Robyn, I am there for you sending my HOPE, my LOVE, my STRENGTH...I am standing next to you in spirit giving you all I can. I am wrapping my arms around you as I did that first day we met in the Children's Garden at Emanuel. I ache for you.

Oliver is in my prayers constantly. Know that all the Trasens are in my thoughts and prayers...constantly.

in HOPE and LOVE,
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Sunday, January 8, 2006 3:33 PM CST
Dear Robyn and Family,

One step forward and two steps back. Tomorrow will better than today...keep moving forward. Oli can beat this. You all can beat this. Believe in yourselves. Have faith and hope and DREAM BIG! Hold On. Hold On. Hold On.

Traci Pedroza <tjpedroza@msn.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Sunday, January 8, 2006 2:40 PM CST
We love you guys! All our prayers are with you!!
Nickole, Noel, Sam and Liv

Nickole Vargas
Hillsboro, OR - Sunday, January 8, 2006 1:26 PM CST
Praying for little Oliver.........Love, Kim Tucker
Kim Tucker <kimtucker67@sbcglobal.net>
Owasso, OK - Sunday, January 8, 2006 4:36 AM CST
Sorry to hear that Oli has viral meningitis. That totally sucks! I am sending good thoughts your way and lots of strength Oli's way!

Shannon (and Javad) Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Sunday, January 8, 2006 2:07 AM CST
I hope Oliver has a quick recovery and you can all be home together again soon.
Oregon City, OR USA - Saturday, January 7, 2006 10:42 PM CST
I hope Oliver is better soon, poor little guy.
Angela*Angels on Earth* www.caringbridge.org/ma/heathergrace
- Saturday, January 7, 2006 7:32 PM CST
Thinking of you!
Bec,Cor,Max,and Kai <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, Or USA - Saturday, January 7, 2006 5:30 PM CST
Hope Oli's feeling better. Know that we're thinking of you!
Val Kurth
Perrysburg, OH USA - Saturday, January 7, 2006 4:03 PM CST
We hope Oliver is feeling better. And how is Jake doing? We love you! From, Rebekah
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Saturday, January 7, 2006 3:39 PM CST
Robyn and David,
Know you and Oli are in my thoughts and prayers. I just KNOW Oliver is in good hands! It's NO FUN being back in the hospital, but he'll get the best care!
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR usa - Saturday, January 7, 2006 1:11 AM CST
Dear Trasens, So sorry to read about your set back .I guess we all got all alittle giddy about how well things have gone and forgot how this disease can change our "plans". I'm sure your doc's are being extra cautious and I hope to read that this is all a temporary situation. Love, Jill and Dave Renton
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn , OR USA - Friday, January 6, 2006 11:01 PM CST
Happy New Year!!! We are thrilled to hear that Oli is doing so well and that he even has his own Crocs (Us Boulder-ites are SO proud!!) I hope you had a very Happy Hannukka and celebrated the New Year with good health! Unfortunately its hard to keep all germs away from Oli but im glad that they aren't worried too much about the croup - that is such a scarry sounding cough, isnt it?

Take good care of yourselves and thanks again for providing this link to those of us who are far away!

Lots of Love
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
Lafayette, CO - Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:03 PM CST
Oli looks WONDERFUL in the photos. So happy to hear that everything continues to go well. Have a happy and blessed New Year! XXOO, Chavez Inc.
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Wednesday, January 4, 2006 1:20 PM CST
Dear Robyn and Dave, I'm so happy for you guys! It's great to see Oliver's hair growing back. I wonder if it will come in curly like Will's did. I hope Will's hair stays curly-in a toga I think he would look like a little Greek god. I'll bet you are really looking forward to Wed. The day Will got his Hickman out was one of the happiest days of my life[and I suppose Will's too]. It's such a clear sign that the doctors think Oliver is stable. It will be fun to give him a proper bath. Love, Jill
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Sunday, January 1, 2006 5:50 PM CST
Happy New Year Trasen's!!! So happy to hear that Oliver is doing well and you are all able to resume a more 'normal' day-to-day life. I wish you all a happy and HEALTHY 2006!
Stephanie Nowak <steph_nowak76@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO - Sunday, January 1, 2006 4:57 PM CST
Oliver and all - it's something that only another family going through things similar can appreciate but I just cried and cried this morning as I read that you get to have your buddy (or tubes as Rebekah calls them) out. That is so WONDERFUL and we cannot wait until we get to do so also.

We think about you daily and check up on your regularly. You are most definately in our prayers.

-Scott (Rebekah's Daddy)

Scott (Rebekah's Daddy) <family@helprebekah.com>
Banks, Or - Sunday, January 1, 2006 11:04 AM CST
Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver, Sorry it has been so long since a "post." We are so thrilled for all of you and are hoping that you can have a semi-normal celebration this year. Oma and Opa shared stories and picture when we visited for Christmas a couple of weeks ago. Hope all continues to go well! Love, Phil, Katie, Rebekah and Corrine
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Friday, December 30, 2005 3:08 PM CST
Merry Christmas to the entire Trasen clan! We think of sweet little Oliver often and we continue to pray for him. We hope that you have a wonderful, healthy holiday season.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 0:32 AM CST
Oliver is a champ!! We are thrilled to hear your positive updates and hope you have a wonderful and peaceful holiday together at home!! Love, Jen, John and boys
Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdurtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 11:27 AM CST
I am glad Oliver is doing great. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. You guys are doing a great job with those two boy.
Carol <mitzie50@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, or USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 1:34 AM CST
We are glad that Oli is doing so well! We check on your guys often! Have a wonderful holiday season!

Shannon & Javad Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 4:44 PM CST
I'm SO GLAD to hear how well Oliver is doing! He and Jacob look so good in all the photos! What a blessing. I hope you have a very Happy Holiday and a wonderful New Year! Enjoy each moment as I'm sure you do!
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR U.S.A. - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:39 PM CST
We're all so happy to hear about Oliver's progress. I can't imagine the excitement of hearing the words cancer free, removing his buddy and having some sense of normalcy again. We think of you every day and hope to see you soon.
Kim Strelchun & Family <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 1:56 PM CST
Dear Robyn, David, Oli and Jacob,
Nelson and I are old friends of the Trasen family from Wellesley days. We have followed your unbelievable courage and love from your early entries but this last entry makes us soar. Have a happy New Year with your wonderful family and know there are blessings and love coming to you from us.
Mimi and Nelson Burstein

Mimi and Nelson Burstein <n.burstein@comcast.net>
Dover, MA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 7:49 AM CST
YIPEE!!!! It's so wonderful to read this journal and see how great Oli is doing!!! Glad to hear you all are doing well. We think about you often at "Hotel Emanuel!" Thanks for the updates...hope you have a wonderful holiday season-there is much to be celebrated!!!!! Love, Nurse Heather
Heather McFarland <heather_mcfarland@comcast.net>
Wilsonville, OR 97070 - Friday, December 9, 2005 7:57 PM CST
WOW AGAIN!!!! Continue staying strong and positive in your attitudes and actions. We celebrate with you, all the accomplishments thus far. You are ALL (grandparents included) great 'troopers'. When we sit at the shabbat table tonight with Dee and Ben, we'll say an extra prayer of joy / blessing(the shehechianu). Love to you four. Have a great weekend. :) Nancy and Michael and family
Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, CO - Friday, December 9, 2005 5:36 PM CST
Oli, you have our hearts singing. Out loud.
Love to you, Jake, Robyn and David.

Daphna & Rami <daa47@hotmail.com>
Youngstown, OH USA - Friday, December 9, 2005 5:21 PM CST
Great News! - your positive energies were an important part of the process - hope for all to continue!
Ruthie and the Family

Ruthie and the Family <ruthie@daisy.co.il>
- Friday, December 9, 2005 9:57 AM CST
Again, YEAH!!! Go little Oliver! It is funny how exciting it is to think of a normal bath and not having to worry about getting a line wet. I am so happy for all of you. I will continue to pray that Oliver stays cancer free and that you all have a happy and wonderful life ahead of you.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Friday, December 9, 2005 0:15 AM CST
Such a great and happy post. We are all so very excited at all the good news.
The Molesworths <keith.molesworth@intel.com>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Thursday, December 8, 2005 10:52 PM CST
Great news Trasen Family! Thanks for the update...will use caution when seeing you out & about in the park cause we pick up lots of germs in the schools. Not to worry.
Angelle & Bob

Angelle Neuhardt <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Thursday, December 8, 2005 10:29 PM CST
Oliver and Family!
So HAPPY to hear the GOOD NEWS! YEAH! Hope you all enjoy your Holidays together and have a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Joshie's mom,
April and Josh and the rest of the Brennemans!

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR U.S.A. - Thursday, December 8, 2005 9:36 PM CST
Congratulations, what wonderful news! We are very happy to hear Oli is doing so well. We look forward to more journal entries like these!
Hannah Dismuke <hhdismuke@adelphia.net>
Atlanta, Ga USA - Monday, December 5, 2005 8:51 AM CST
WONDERFUL!!! IT is great to hear such incredible news. Everyone looks so happy in your pictures. Thanks for keeping us updated. What a great gift during this holiday season! Thinking of all of you.....
Love, The Mescher's <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Sunday, December 4, 2005 1:02 PM CST
Hooray! I'm so happy for you =) Oli really looks like Jacob in that picture. What a cutie! Happy belated Thanksgiving!
Val Kurth
Perrysburg, OH USA - Saturday, December 3, 2005 5:43 PM CST
Yea! What wonderful news!!! I have not had a chance to log in since before Thanksgiving. It is an understatement to say that is the best news I have heard in a long time. Yea!!!! God bless. XXOO
Tera Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:11 AM CST
Thanksgiving (formal one) has come and gone, yet we awoke this morning AGAIN so thankful for the good news!
Oli, make everyone, especially yourself, this happy every day, for ever and ever---amen!
Much love to all Trasens and the various branches...

Daphna & Rami <daa47@hotmail.com>
Youngstown, OH USA - Monday, November 28, 2005 6:51 PM CST
Fabulous news. Thanksgiving was extra special this year as we have so much to be grateful for. Keep the good news coming. We love you all.
Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Sunday, November 27, 2005 8:25 PM CST
Yippee!! We're thrilled to read the news.
Melissa Bolin <m.bolin@mac.com>
Belfast, Northern Ireland - Sunday, November 27, 2005 4:11 PM CST
Dear Trasens, We just got back from our Thanksgiving vacation and were thrilled to see the good news! We KNOW how huge this is. We are so glad you heard this news before Thanksgiving so you could really enjoy your meal. Oliver is like the kid from MAD magazine-What me worry? He knew he was fine all along. Love , The Rentons
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Saturday, November 26, 2005 9:54 PM CST
Great news.
Tina & Lance <lancejrmommy@comcast.net>
- Friday, November 25, 2005 4:20 PM CST
Awesome news!! Prayers and a Happy Thanksgiving from Albuquerque.
Brad, Jessica & Aubrey Rice <brice8@comcast.net>
Albuquerque, NM USA - Friday, November 25, 2005 3:12 PM CST
Great news! We are so happy for you and pray for continued strenghth and health! Love to all the family congregated for ThanksGiving!
Ruthie and family

Ruthie and the family <ruthie@daisy.co.il>
Israel - Friday, November 25, 2005 10:45 AM CST
Hurray! We could not have been more excited to hear the great news! We will continue to pray for all of you through the next tests, etc. Happy Thanksgiving! Phil, Katie, Rebekah and Corrine
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Thursday, November 24, 2005 9:06 PM CST
Congratulations!! All the best.
Robin Brunet <robinb@neptune.on.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Thursday, November 24, 2005 8:31 AM CST
WOW!!!What great news!!Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with the family.
Heidi,Ed,Bella,Lauren,plus one more!!! <edandheidi@comcast.net>
Shingle Springs, CA - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:17 PM CST
Way to go Oliver!! I am so happy for your whole family! I know you'll have a happy Thanksgiving...I'll continue to pray for a complete recovery. You made my day!!!
Maggie's Grandma Sharon

sharon trett <bbnk@comcast.net>
beaverton, or usa - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 9:29 PM CST
What wonderful news! The best possible to receive before Thanksgiving.
Sara, Emily's mommy - http://www.caringbridge.org/ca/emilyalexisrose <waffle13@comcast.net>
Angels On Earth, - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:11 PM CST
YEAH - that is the BEST news!!!! Im so happy to get this news on the eve of Thanksgiving!! We now have 1 more thing to be thankful for!! We wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

With Love
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
lafayette, CO - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 7:00 PM CST
Awesome news! Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Angela~ www.caringbridge.org/ma/heathegrace
- Wednesday, November 23, 2005 4:17 PM CST
Congratulations! Happy Thanksgiving.
Michelle & Emily (Angels on Earth) www.caringbridge.org/tx/emilysfight
Mission, TX USA - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 4:07 PM CST
Just imagine: "We are thankful that Oliver Trasen's tests showed no leukemia." being said at many, many tables tomorrow. What a beautiful echo that will be.
Schwartz/Broms group

Judy Schwartz <judith-schwartz@comcast.net>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 3:33 PM CST
Great news and it gives a whole new meaning to this event, Thanksgiving. Love the latest pictures. Oli even looks so much healthier without the sunken blue around his eyes and the great coloring he has in his face now. Wonderful!!!
I am so happy for all of you!!!

Nancy Mentzer <ncmentzer@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:41 AM CST
Yeah!!! I am so excited for all of you! What great news! I wish all of you the best Thanksgiving ever. I am sure that you know how much you have to be thankful for. I will be sending a giant thank you to God tonight in my prayers. Again, I am so happy for all of you.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 0:20 AM CST
Oliver and family,

So glad to hear NO LEUKEMIA. That is GREAT news. We hope that you can have a very enjoyable Thanksgiving. We are thinking about you regularly.

Rebekah's Mommy <family@helprebekah.com>
Banks, OR USA - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 11:54 PM CST
GREAT GREAT NEWS> We'll be celebrating with you, long distance, on Thanksgiving. Hello to everyone. Nancy and Michael
Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, CO - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:38 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to all! We're so glad that this will be the best one yet!
Angelle & Bob

Angelle Neuhardt <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:31 PM CST
Dear ones, Just read the latest news and also got report from Barbara. We are so happy for you. Love the latest picture of Olie. Have a wonderful Thanksgving.
MS ELISE, GRANDPA COL, MEG, DAVE , MAL AND KI <elisamichael@eaarthlink.net>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:16 PM CST
Hi Dave,
I am so glad to see the updates and that Oliver is doing well! The photos are fabulous, and he looks great (so does Robyn).
~ I don't know if you remember Samantha from school, but her little brother had the same procedure at the same hospital (I think - they are in Portland) and he is happy and healthy too! It's amazing, and my continued thoughts and prayers are with you.
Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving with your family, and enjoy the vacation - I'm sure you're looking forward to it!
Love Jen
Your favorite USC friend :)

Jennifer Nichols <baja_jen@hotmail.com>
San Diego, CA - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 11:21 AM CST
It appears that my entry from earlier this week did not make it onto the site. So again, let me wish all of the Trasens (and extended family) a celebratory Thanksgiving, one with special meaning this year. We're confident that the test results will be positive!!! We're continuing with our prayers and positive thoughts and will light a candle of joy/life/thanksgiving at our Thanksgiving table for Oliver. Hello to the whole 'mishpacha'. Love Nancy and Michael
Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, CO - Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:19 AM CST
Dear Trasen Family,
I am so glad to see that Oliver is doing so well! I keep him in my thoughts that all the tests come back clear!

Shannon (and Javad) Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Friday, November 18, 2005 9:42 PM CST
Both Khyati and I are glad to see your recent update. We will wait for the good news next week!
Hamesh & Khyati Patel <hameshp@hotmail.com>
hillsboro, or USA - Friday, November 18, 2005 1:09 PM CST
Thanks for the update! We are holding our breath along with you! So good to see your boys yesterday!
Sleep tight!

Rebecca and Corey <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Thursday, November 17, 2005 8:58 PM CST
All of the Williams' family (and extended family) are crossing our fingers for clear test results!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Thursday, November 17, 2005 6:43 PM CST
Lots of love being sent from AZ today, Trasens. We will be thinking of you and hoping today goes well.
the Molesworths <alyson.l.molesworth@intel.com>
Gilbert, AZ - Thursday, November 17, 2005 8:47 AM CST
Oli, Robyn, David and Jake, I will be thinking about you tomorrow morning and hoping everything is A-okay. I can't wait to see you all next week and eat R's potatoes! Love you guys. Uncle Matt
Matt Trasen <mtrasen@gmail.com>
Denver, co usa - Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:22 PM CST
We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, especially this Thursday.
Love to all,
Angelle & Bob

Angelle Neuhardt <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:27 AM CST
Hi Oliver. Sorry that I haven't sent any notes lately, but I have been checking your site daily. Good luck on Thursday. Tell Dr. Kurre that the Williams family says "hello." I am so glad that you are doing so well! It warms my heart looking at your pictures on the website. Tell your parents "hi" too.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Monday, November 14, 2005 11:50 PM CST
Dave and Robyn,
Best of luck with the visit this week. We are thinking about Oliver and praying for him.

Mike McNulty <mike.r.mcnulty@intel.com>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Monday, November 14, 2005 11:33 AM CST
Your boys are precious! Just signing on to give you a shout from Ohio. Glad all is well.
Love, Kristen, Ron, Maddie, Abby and Lauren
Dublin, OH USA - Saturday, November 12, 2005 3:57 PM CST
The picture of the boys in their Halloween costumes is so cute. I had to laugh, Jake looks much more excited than Oli does. Cuties.
The news about Maggie is just heartbreaking. Please extend our sympathy to her family.

Tera, Paul and Kyle <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, November 10, 2005 9:07 AM CST
Thank you so much for the kind words on Josh's web page! I remember meeting you in the garden as if it were yesterday. I saw the chemo bag hooked up to little Oliver and...I knew... It's so heartbreaking, but look at Oli now!

Jas and I did have a wonderful time in Chicago. What great memories you must have living there for 2 years and shopping with your mom on the "Magnificent" Mile! Oh, to be 18 and young again!!! Where did the time go?

I am SO HAPPY every time I read about Oliver! He's doing so well and so are the rest of you! YEAH! It thrills my heart! Keep lovin' all 3 of your boys!

All my love and hope,
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR usa - Monday, November 7, 2005 9:57 AM CST
Dear Robyn, It was so nice to talk to you last Tues. Seeing pictures of Jacob in his Incredibles costume reminds me of when Patrick had a Buzzlightyear's costume[complete with inflatable wings]. He wore it everywhere.Glad to hear all is well-look forward to more "normalcy" talk. Jill
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Thursday, November 3, 2005 11:23 PM CST
Dear Jacob,
You looked so strong & handsome in your Mr. Incredible outfit last night. It was nice to see you trick or treating with your Mom. I hope you had lots of fun on Halloween and thank you for being so polite.
Your neighbors,
Bob and Angelle

Angelle Neuhardt <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 7:52 AM CST
We are so very sorry to hear about your friend Maggie. I would really like to extend our thoughts and prayers to her family...do they have a caringbridge site? We think about you guys all the time and are so thankful that Oliver is doing well.

Love to all,
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
lafayette, co - Sunday, October 30, 2005 9:23 PM CST
HERLINDA NANDIN <her2@myexcel.com>
DENVER, CO USA - Sunday, October 30, 2005 6:12 PM CST
David and Robyn, Glad to see that Oliver is doing well (loved the birthday photos) and sorry to hear about your friend. Sometime we'll have to do Taco del Mar! :) Talk to you soon!
Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Saturday, October 29, 2005 10:20 PM CDT
Jake and Oma,
How is Oliver feeling? I want to play with you so bad Jake that I feel like playing right now! I hope you get lots of candy on Halloween. I am going to be TinkerBelle. From

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Tuesday, October 25, 2005 7:41 PM CDT
Hey Dave looks like things are progressing nicely. By the look of that birthday cake all over everything, I would say things are going really great! We are keeping our hopes and prayers going for you!!
Khen Russell <kenneth.a.russell@intel.com>
Sacramento, CA USA - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 1:06 PM CDT
Oliver looks great with his birthday cake and i was amazed that he was born on the same date as Neta ( who was 20 yrs old on the 21st!) We continue to pray that things continue positivly!
Ruthie and the family <ruthie@daisy.co.il>
Ramat Hasharon, Israel - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 12:47 AM CDT
HAPPY B-DAY OLIVER! so glad to hear things are going so well - I know it's been a long/hard road. Dave - we are glad to hear you are soon coming back to work! Keep posting pictures.. it's great to see Olivers smiling face :-)
Richelle Pryor <richelle.a.pryor@intel.com>
Chandler , az usa - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 12:13 AM CDT
Hi Dave and family,
It sounds like things are looking brighter, that is such
good news. Oliver is in our thoughts and prayers.

Mike McNulty <mike.r.mcnulty@intel.com>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:55 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Oliver!! I am glad you enjoyed your cake - the picture is priceless!!!
Mindy Murdock <Melinda.s.Murdock@intel.com>
Chandler, AZ 85248 - Monday, October 24, 2005 2:25 PM CDT
Happy HAPPY Birthday, little angel. XXOOOXOXOXOXOXOXXOXXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tera, Paul, and Kyle <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Sunday, October 23, 2005 11:52 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, Oliver!!!
You did the best one year old job on a cake I have ever seen. I sure hope Jacob got a piece before you attacked it!
Good job!!!!
Keep up the great work!
Love, Nancy Mentzer

Nancy Mentzer <ncmentzer@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Sunday, October 23, 2005 9:55 PM CDT
HAPPY FIRST BIRHTDAY OLIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like you really enjoyed your cake! I bet Jacob taught how "to do" birthdays since he has more experience than you! I'm so glad you weren't in the hospital celebrating!

Robyn, thanks for the sweet note. I love hearing from other familys as I'm sure you do too. Josh has so much energy now, it's hard to keep up. It's a good thing he has 3 big sisters at home. At least they keep him occupied on the weekends! Josh is so smily and happy...WE LOVE IT!

Enjoy eachother. Maybe we'll see you in the clinic some time...but not too soon.

All our thoughts and prayers,
Joshie's mom,

april brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR usa - Sunday, October 23, 2005 7:52 PM CDT
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY OLIVER!!! What a wonderful photo!
Hope you enjoyed your day.
Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan

Liz Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Sunday, October 23, 2005 9:00 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Oliver!
Angelle & Bob

Angelle Neuhardt <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Saturday, October 22, 2005 7:00 PM CDT
Dearest Oliver - For my birthday this year, I too would like to cover my face in cake - as an adult, that is truly something to aspire too. You are one fabulous kid - happy belated birthday. Much love Kay George and Devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Saturday, October 22, 2005 3:27 PM CDT
Happy 1st Birthday, Sweet little Oliver! You look wonderful and so happy with birthday cake all over your face!! We are so glad that you are doing well and home for your birthday!!

Lots of love,
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
lafayette, co - Saturday, October 22, 2005 3:15 PM CDT
The photo of Oli in the birthday cake is priceless. Y'all are still in our prayers.
Libby Maus (Charlie and Mary Jane Cash's daughter;connect=Damaris)

Libby Maus <libbymaus@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, October 22, 2005 2:15 PM CDT
Happy First Birthday, Oliver!! You missed a spot on your nose with that frosting!! We love you! Love, Shelly, Dru and Ella

Shelly, Dru & Ella <shellymentzer@yahoo.com>
Seattle, WA - Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:43 AM CDT
Maggie says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVER!" We are so glad that you are doing so good. We love the new pictures. You look so healthy and happy, just like you should be!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:38 AM CDT
Happy Birthday, precious Oliver. We hope your day was as happy and wonderful as ours was knowing you are one year old today. We love you so much.
Love, Oma and Opa

Barbara Redinger <bpredinger@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO USA - Saturday, October 22, 2005 0:13 AM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PRECIOUS OLIVER! I hope your day was as happy and wonderful as ours knowing you are one year old today. We love you so much.
Love, Oma and Opa

Barbara Redinger <bpredinger@earthlink.net>
Denver, CO USA - Saturday, October 22, 2005 0:01 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Oliver! Hopefully your parents will show us one of those cute first birthday photos with frosting smeared all over your face and highchair. If you are like my kids were at one you will enjoy the wrapping paper more than your presents. Well you have had a heck of a first year. I know your parents would appreciate alot less excitement the next year. A boring routine life sounds like bliss to us. I'm glad to hear everyone is healthy. The Rentons P.S. Wish your Grandma happy birthday tomorrow too.
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Friday, October 21, 2005 9:24 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Oliver! I know you all enjoyed the cake! Glad to hear everyone is healthy. Love, Kim
Kim Tucker <kimtucker67@sbcglobal.net>
Owasso, Ok - Friday, October 21, 2005 8:55 PM CDT

Bec,Cor,Max,and Kai <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, October 21, 2005 8:12 PM CDT
YES, YES, YES. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR OLIVER. WHAT A MILESTONE. When we celebrate Grandma Dee's birthday this weekend, we'll sing happy birthday to you, too, and have a 'toast' in your honor. L'chaim. love Nancy and Michael with birthday wishes also from all our 'kids'--Karen, Bob, Julie, Michael, Stephanie, Megan and Adam
Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, co - Friday, October 21, 2005 7:03 PM CDT
Happy first birthday Oliver! Love, cousin erin
erin mcgill <emacatak2@earthlink.net>
new york, ny usa - Friday, October 21, 2005 6:52 PM CDT
Uncle Matt <mtrasen@gmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, October 21, 2005 4:13 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, Oliver. I don't remember EVER being so happy to say those words.
Much love to you and Jacob and your wonderful mom and dad from the Schwartzes and Broms'

Judy Schwartz <judith-schwartz@comcast.net>
Denver, CO - Friday, October 21, 2005 2:17 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Day Oliver! And Happy Day to the entire Trasen Clan!!! You're all still in my thoughts and prayers and I'm thrilled Oli is doing so well and you're lives are beginning to get back to 'normal' (or closer at least).
Stephanie Nowak <steph_nowak76@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, October 21, 2005 1:34 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLI! We are so happy that you all are feeling well and that you enjoy your cake tonight! Love, Phil, Katie, Rebekah and Corrine
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Friday, October 21, 2005 12:56 AM CDT
October 21st:
Our love and kisses, Grandma and Grandpa

Dee and Ben Trasen <deetrasen@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, October 21, 2005 10:44 AM CDT
I do believe today is Oli's first birthday. Happy birthday you little angel...this past year has been rough. This year will bring good things and you'll be able to enjoy being a toddler! Love,

Libbey Malone <libbeybuckley@hotmail.com>
Stautnon, VA - Friday, October 21, 2005 10:42 AM CDT
What a courageous family you are! Now we hope to hear more good news about recovery and returning to a normal, happy life with your two brave sons.

Janny and my son, Rick Engman, go back to Sinai's religious school and their fun in the Jr. Drama plays. Dee and I first met years ago in the temple choir.

You obviously have a wonderful support group giving you the strength to deal with all you've been through.

Marcia Wolf
Denver, Co USA - Tuesday, October 18, 2005 3:13 PM CDT
Congratulations Oli! You are doing great and hurray for your amazing family who will hopefully be getting a little break. I am so in awe of you all.

I'm sorry about Jakey's croup. Emma would get it often whe she had a cold. She called it the barking cough... we always had a humidifier in the room, then the room started to grow mold, so we dropped that. Sitting in a steamy bathroom helps though. Feel better Jakey,


Barbara Magnoni <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
New York, new york USA - Monday, October 17, 2005 10:18 AM CDT
Thanks Ben for passing this on and our prayers are with you family.
Roger & Judie Gershaw <asrentall@msn.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Saturday, October 15, 2005 2:42 PM CDT
It must seem like a dream to have things returning somewhat to normal. May God continue to bless you all. Hope Oli gets over his cold soon. Love, Tera
Tera Brown <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Saturday, October 15, 2005 1:22 PM CDT
Hey Jacob,
Hope you get well soon to go trick or treating for Halloween. We can't wait to see you in your costume!
Your neighbors,
Angelle & Bob

Angelle Neuhardt <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Saturday, October 15, 2005 8:28 AM CDT
That is a fantastic picture of the boys. Made me smile as I'm sure it did everyone who saw it.

We're so happy that things are going well.

Keith, Alyson, Britten and Grayson Molesworth
Gilbert, AZ - Friday, October 14, 2005 1:03 AM CDT
Oli - I just wanted to say a quick "hi" and let you know that I just saw your newest pictures online. Maggie's hair is growing back the same color and the same amount as yours! I love it! I hope that all continues to go well for you sweetie. Goodnight.
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Thursday, October 13, 2005 0:52 AM CDT
Dear All - what truly wonderful, wonderful news. Have not visited the site for a few days and was just so thrilled to learn of such positive changes for you all. I hope that you are now able to let yourselves breath a little easier and begin to enjoy the "coming back to normal" part of life. What a thrill for both Jake and Oli to do the "school" thing. Know that we continue to think of you all. Much love Kay George and Devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:55 PM CDT
Excellent news! We knew you guys could do it!! The pictures say it all. Sending our love,
Patrick and Katie

Patrick and Katie Hurley <ahurley@wesleyan.edu>
- Wednesday, October 12, 2005 11:19 AM CDT
What a darling picture of your two handsome boys. We're thrilled for all of you and will continue our prayers for continued good health and the return to perfect health for Oliver. May this be the sweetest year on record for all of you. All our love and best wishes. Nancy and Michael
nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, CO - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:18 PM CDT
Love all the pictures. It is great to see all of you outside and happy. Way to go.

ms ELISE, GRANDPA COL, MEG, DAVE , MAL AND KI <elisamichael@eaarthlink.net>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 7:07 PM CDT
The new pictures are awesome - you look so happy to have your family home and healthy! Way to go Oli - keep it up! Enjoy your time together and starting over! Hugs to all.
Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 5:43 PM CDT
We are all so happy that Oli is doing so well! He looks so happy and content! Rebekah thought Jake looks "so cool" in his Mr. Incredible costume! Hope you are all starting to feel more relaxed and "normal." Love, Katie
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Tuesday, October 11, 2005 1:07 PM CDT
Great to see things are going well. We are very, very excited. Look forward to seeing you all soon.

David, Do you have a Mr. Incredible costume to match Jacob?
Ed and Heidi

Ed and Heidi Smith <edward.c.smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, ca - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 1:24 AM CDT
We are also thrilled at such a great update. We keep you in our prayers and we send lots of love your way!
Melissa Bolin <m.bolin@mac.com>
Belfast, Northern Ireland - Monday, October 10, 2005 3:58 PM CDT
Wow! What a great progress report! We are so happy to hear the good news. Enjoy those boys!! They must be so glad to have you both home with them. Love, Jen
Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Monday, October 10, 2005 3:00 PM CDT
Hello there Robyn, David, Jake and Oli, What a great photo: this one of Oliver OUTSIDE with a wide grin is definitely worth a thousand words. And I don't think it's awful at all to "send Granny Dee packing." The goal here is for you guys to be able to get back to being a normal two-parent-two-kid family. I bet she's delighted that things a going so well up there that her "crisis" services are no longer needed. I will welcome her back to Denver to the very best New Year celebration I bet she's ever had.
As it is said, I wish you a sweet (apples and honey) New Year. Love, Sue

Susan Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Monday, October 10, 2005 2:32 PM CDT
What wonderful news, may everyday be a new beginning for good health and happiness. Our prayers continue and our thoughts are with you. Best wishes and much love, The Pepper Family
Ed, Marilyn, Bryan and Jill Pepper <peprus@comcast.net>
Englewood, CO USA - Monday, October 10, 2005 1:20 PM CDT
What great news! We couldn't be happier for your entire family. Enjoy the fresh air Oli.

Kim Strelchun <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Monday, October 10, 2005 11:02 AM CDT
We are ecstatic at the latest report---a great beginning to the new year, and may it continue to get better and better!
Love to you all as you return to a more "normal" routine. I am sure that Oli and Jakey are loving it, as are all the adult members of this remarkable family.
Keep it up; we are still with you every single day!

Daphna & Rami <daa47@zoominternet.net>
Youngstown, OH USA - Monday, October 10, 2005 8:08 AM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jacob, and Oliver -
YEAH!! What wonderful news!! We are so happy to hear that Oli is doing well.....reading your entry today gave me goose bumps of excitement and tears of joy!!! We will continue to pray for ech of you. THANKS for this GOOD NEWS update!!! MISS YOU!
Lots of Love,
Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan

The Meschers <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Sunday, October 9, 2005 10:01 PM CDT
I cannot believe that we had not seen this wonderful "guest page", seen all the wonderful photos and had a way to write back. That however is irrelevant compared to today's news and photos. One gorgeous baby, one beautiful smiling Mom, and the happiness of you all jumps from the page and embraces the reader. I just sat down and reread all the entries beginning with Thursday, May 26th. This is a story to treasure. Happy, happy New Year to all the Trasens, especially little Ollie and Jacob. The wonderful gift of life they have given to each other, their parents, grandparents and of course, the world which will be a better place because of it. Dee, I will now dare talk to you on Wednesday when you get home. We have had a zillion mental talks and prayers with you since the beginning. Love to you all. Linda and Phil
Linda and Phil Markell <philmarkell@comcast.net>
Wellesley, MA USA - Sunday, October 9, 2005 7:50 PM CDT
Dear Trasens,
What great news for you to share! Robyn, it was so nice to see you look so happy and relaxed the other day. What a treat for us to see you all soon playing amongst the fall leaves in the park.
Angelle & Bob

Angelle Neuhardt <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Sunday, October 9, 2005 4:29 PM CDT
Woo-hoo! It warms my heart to hear how great Oli is doing. I am so happy that things are going well. I will continue to pray that things stay great and I am sure that they will. Give Oli big kisses from Maggie!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Sunday, October 9, 2005 3:25 PM CDT
Such wonderful news today!!! He looks great!!
Thanks for contiuing to update everyone that cant be there to see you guys in person!

Much love
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Ginsberg Family <lisa@ginsbe.com>
Lafayette, co - Sunday, October 9, 2005 1:30 PM CDT
Dear Incredibles - what a wonderful month October is -- all of those smiles of happiness - so very thrilled for you all. Am loving those numbers. Jacob, you look so very cool as an Incredible 'cos that's what you are. Robin, David and Oli need matching outfits- what a snap that would be. Love to you all Kay George and Devin.
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Friday, October 7, 2005 3:05 PM CDT
Robs, David, Jake, and Oli,

News sounds sooo encouraging. I'm so happy to hear everyone is doing well, especially Oli. The power of prayer is so strong! Our love to all of you....

Brooke, Rick, and Ben Cason

Brooke, Rick, and Ben Cason <brookebuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA 24401 - Friday, October 7, 2005 2:25 PM CDT
Dear Trasens,
We just have to smile! Keep up the good news.
The Rentons. O-LIVE-R

david renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, October 6, 2005 11:24 PM CDT
Hi Trasens, Happy New Year and Congrats on being home, what a wonderful thing. Davey, thought of you while I was at temple this year, getting in trouble for giggling during services. My love to all.
Dana Schwartz <daynuh_s@hotmail.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Thursday, October 6, 2005 3:12 PM CDT
Robyn, What cute pics of you and your boys. We are so happy to hear Oli is doing good, I can't wait to meet him and Jacob! Love you all!
Megan and family

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Thursday, October 6, 2005 10:01 AM CDT
YEA! I bet it is so wonderful to be home! Oli and Jacob are adorable, and Robyn you look SO happy (as well you should be!) Love you. PS: I wear my O-live-r bracelet and say a quick prayer for you all each time I look at it. Thank you for sending it. XXOO
Tera <teralarae@hotmail.com >
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
Jacob Incredible is right. Not to mention Oli Incredible and David Incredible and Robyn Incredible =) I'm so glad things are going so well! Have a lovely Fall. Looks chilly there- love the hat! =D
Val Kurth
Streator, IL USA - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 10:10 AM CDT
SO cute!!!! And the pic of Jacob dressed up is hiLARious!
Love you guys.

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, October 4, 2005 0:10 AM CDT
What an adorable picture of both of you! We are thrilled to hear the great news.
love you all!

bec <bec.cor@verizon.net>
- Monday, October 3, 2005 8:15 PM CDT
What a BEAUTIFUL picture; Oli looks very happy to be home! We are so happy things are looking up for Oli, and the entire Trasen family. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers ; here's to continued health and healing. Peace, Love and Healing.
Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Monday, October 3, 2005 7:33 PM CDT
What a fantastic picture! We are so happy that you are home and all together, and that Oliver continues to improve. He is such a cutie! And Jake is such a wonderful big brother (love the Incredibles outfit). We continue to send good vibes and keep you in our thoughts!
Lori, Brett, and Sami Mason <lorinickla@yahoo.com>
St. Helens, OR - Monday, October 3, 2005 4:46 PM CDT
Robyn, You look sooo happy smiling at Oli in the picure (in front of your house?)Welcome home. Love, Libbey
Libbey Malone <libbeybuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Monday, October 3, 2005 1:36 PM CDT
Welcome Home - - We think of you all often and keep you in our prayers. May this be the beginning of a Healthy and Happy New Year for the Trasen Family. Thank you for keeping us all informed. Our Love and Good Wishes Always. Ed, Marilyn, Bryan & Jill Pepper
Ed and Marilyn Pepper <peprus@comcast.net>
Englewood, CO USA - Sunday, October 2, 2005 6:30 PM CDT
Dear all - that has to be the happiest face I have seen in a very long time, and look at all of those pearly white teeth. The boys are so beautiful. George and I had tears of joy in our eyes as we read of your "going homecoming" and the white platelet count. Keep the faith. Much love - kay george and devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Saturday, October 1, 2005 2:28 PM CDT
Robyn & David - We have been keeping up with Oliver's progress and are so happy and relieved that he seems to be doing so well. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through. Olie is a real doll & looks so happy and healthy in the photos. We think of you all often and keep you in our prayers. Our love to all - Anne Burke & family
Anne Burke
Bentonville, Ar USA - Saturday, October 1, 2005 12:12 AM CDT
Dear Jake, I am glad that Oliver is home. I want to see you guys. And send me a picture of your cow that Oma gave you since it is "C" week at my new daycare. Love, REBEKAH
Rebekah Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Friday, September 30, 2005 5:52 PM CDT
We are very happy that you are back at home and things seem to be developing well. We all wish you a Happy New Yearand continued improvment of health, health , health! All the rest will come of its own!
Ruthie and the family

Ruthie <ruthie@daisy.co.il>
Ramat Hasharon, Israel - Friday, September 30, 2005 3:07 PM CDT
Every day is a step in the right direction! Oliver will continue to get stronger everyday and Jacob will continue to improve his vocabulary (*smile*)

Shannon & Javad Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Friday, September 30, 2005 1:13 AM CDT
So glad to hear that you guys are home! Hope all continues to go well.
Nickole Vargas <westie1220@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, OR 97123 - Thursday, September 29, 2005 4:17 PM CDT
What a GREAT picture! He is so cute =) Again, welcome home!
Val Kurth
Streator, IL USA - Thursday, September 29, 2005 10:17 AM CDT
What great news! The pictures of Oli going home and hanging out with Jacob express the joy we're all feeling at his progress. What troopers you all are! And what a relief it must be to have your family all back home together. We're sending loving thoughts your way everyday. Keep up the great work! :) Love Katie and Patrick
Katie and Patrick Hurley <katiemhurley@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CT - Thursday, September 29, 2005 7:21 AM CDT
Glad to hear that all has gone well and you are going home. May the time ahead of you be problem free!

Shannon & Javad Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Thursday, September 29, 2005 0:31 AM CDT
Seeing Oliver's humungous smile and reading the latest entry of yours, David, makes our hearts sing--loudly. Wishing you all continued strength and may the days ahead be filled with making new memories--all at home together. Our thoughts and prayers continue in Denver, Chicago and Washington, D.C.-- The Nowak's, Lewis' and Michael Eber families
nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, CO - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 11:38 PM CDT
Robyn and DaveyT and Jake and Oli..I know this is a step forward, but it seems like a leap. That smile on your face, Oliver, in the car, is probably matched by everyone in your wonderful family. We will continue to think of you and wish you continued good things. Love from the Schwartz/Broms group.
Judy Schwartz <judith-schwartz@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, September 28, 2005 10:15 PM CDT
Congratulations on going home. It must be the best feeling after so long away. Robyn I am grandma again. Dylan was born Sept 25th. He lives in Redmond Or., so I will have to do some traveling to see him. I have not seen him yet but am planning on seeing him soon. I wish you all well and am praying for you. When you can get out you will have to bring him to Rosewood.
Carol Dougall <mitzie50@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, Or usa - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 9:06 PM CDT
Welcome Home!!! We are so happy to hear that you are back home in your own beds, kitchen, living room...that must be wonderful after 35+ days in the hospital! It sounds like everything is on schedule with Oli's engraftment and the road to excellent health! Jacob is such a little hero - they both are so brave and look wonderful! Sending love and good thoughts!!

Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
lafayette, co - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 8:46 PM CDT
"Home again, home again, jiggity-jig!"
Normalcy has never been my forte, but I hope you all can gain some sense of it back now that you are together at your lovely homestead. I'm soooo happy Oliver's recovery is on the up and up - I just want to reach into my computer screen, grab him and smooch him all over!
Okay, good talk.
Love, Susie

Susan Scott <sws8@msn.com>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 7:37 PM CDT
So glad you are home way to go. Like myself I bet you never thought in a million years you would become a nurse so to speak with all the meds these kids need. Good Luck. Great news!
Michelle & Emily (Angels on Earth) www.caringbridge.org/tx/emilysfight
Mission, TX USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 6:49 PM CDT
Oliver, it was so great to see you VISIT the hospital today and not have to stay the night. I miss your smile but am sooooo glad you are home with a wonderful mom and dad; and a very brave brother:) Take care Trasen Family!!!
Love, Elizabeth <bettz01@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, September 28, 2005 5:02 PM CDT
How awesome is that, you get to go home!!! WAY TO GO!!! I am new to your page but you are too cute not to come back and check on so I will be back regularly! I will be thinking of you and praying for you.

Mandy (Angels on Earth)

- Wednesday, September 28, 2005 4:13 PM CDT
Yeah, Oliver! I was just introduced to you, but know I'll be checking on you often. Prayers for continued improvement! Lots of hugs,
Carole (Angels on Earth) <cmfranklyn@yahoo.com>
Springfield, VA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 3:10 PM CDT
Glad to hear that Oliver is doing well after his transplant. Will pray for continued improvement and his full recovery! All the best.
Robin Brunet (Angels on Earth) <robinb@neptune.on.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 2:38 PM CDT
Oliver & Family...as you can see, our family keeps a careful watch on yours! We are all so pleased at Oliver's progress. I know you are going to be well again soon and have that wonderful life that you so deserve. God loves you & so do all of the rest of us who have crossed your path. Enjoy your home time together. You've all earned it! And Robyn, Beth is right. You will do fine with the TPN. I have watched her (in awe) become quite a nurse in her own right. May God Bless you all ... and sleep well in YOUR OWN BEDS! ... Maggie's Grandma Sharon
sharon trett <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 1:14 AM CDT
Congratulations! Wow, all four of you in the same place tonight. We couldn't be happier for Oliver's homecoming. Beth's right, it won't take you long to get the hang of TPN and medications. Beth has mastered it, and gets to enjoy so much more time with both of her girls now, just like you will. Please let us know if you need anything.
Kim Strelchun <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 0:19 AM CDT
Yeah! You finally get to go home! We are so excited for you. Maggie says that she is happy that you got to go home, and she hopes that you have a great time with your big brother. Please tell your mommy and daddy that it will seem like a lot of work with the tpn and meds at first, but they will figure it out quickly and be able to spend so much time with you and your brother as a family. We will continue to keep you in our prayers. Have a great first night at home sweetie!
Beth Williams and Family <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 0:12 AM CDT
Welcome Home Oli! We love you and are so glad you get to sleep in your own bed tonight. Do your mommy and daddy really get to sleep in the same bed?
Congrats everybody!
much love- bec,cor,max and kai

Bec and Cor <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 9:58 PM CDT
Yay! Welcome home! I hope that the familiar brings comfort and peace as you all get into a new groove at home. Thanks so much for posting your news. Have a terrific week!
Val Kurth
Streator, IL USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 9:29 PM CDT
Dear Oli,

Just returned from my 50th high school reunion. I hope and pray that you will be celebrating yours in the year 2072 -- give or take a year. Your courage and tenacity overwhelm us. Love to all the Trasens from the Fricklases and Resnicks. Home Sweet Home -- How good that sounds.

Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 7:27 PM CDT
Hip Hip Hooray. What a Milestone!!! Mazel Tov to the team: Doctors, Jacob, Oliver, Robyn, David and Grandparents---Wishing you all well and a hearty WELCOME HOME. Have a good night's sleep.
nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, CO - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 6:31 PM CDT
Congrats! We are all so happy that you are all home together. It must be a great feeling! We continue to pray for strength and healing for all of you!Love, Phil, Katie, Rebekah and Corrine

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Tuesday, September 27, 2005 6:29 PM CDT
Hey it looks like Dave beat me to the congratulations! It seems like Ollie sailed through this like we knew he would. I'm so happy for you guys! Jill
Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 5:54 PM CDT
Another big HOORAY from the Rentons. Welcome home! We've always felt Oliver has the wear-with-all to beat this. Keep it up Oli.

David Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 5:00 PM CDT
YIPEE!!!!!! Best possible news, and we are delighted and happy and full of good cheer and love to/for all of you!
Oli, keep it up!!!
Robyn, David and Jakey: enjoy being at home, all together.
Continue taking care of one another and continue posting great photos and good news!
Hugs & grins,

Daphna & Rami <daa47@zoominternet.net>
Youngstown, OH USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 4:54 PM CDT
Welcome home little guy!!!
Your neighbors,
Angelle & Bob

Angelle Neuhardt <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 3:05 PM CDT
WeeeeeeHOOOO! Go Oliver (And Robyn and David and Jacob)!

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:21 PM CDT
Happy birthday Oli, Glad to hear your counts are going up! We're thinking about you everyday. Your an amazing 11 month old.
With Love, The Martelons and Michaels

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 9:56 AM CDT
Glad to see the great progress! Awesome news! Hang in there... you've come such a long way!! Hugs to everyone..

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Sunday, September 25, 2005 12:02 AM CDT
Yeah Oliver! So glad to see that your counts are coming back. I ran into nurse Elizabeth today and told her to say "hi" to you for us. Sorry to hear that you haven't been very happy lately. Hopefully you will be back to your normal self soon. We still think of you alot, and Maggie said to tell you hi. We hope that you will be able to go home soon. That room does get a little old after awhile. We will continue to pray for you. Tell your parents we say hello and tell them that things will only get better! Goodnight sweetheart!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Friday, September 23, 2005 11:51 PM CDT
What a family you are. Thinking about you lots and hoping things keep going well. Happy 11 months to this amazing fighter!

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, September 22, 2005 3:13 PM CDT
Hey Oli, Happy 11 months old. May the month toward the big ONE year old be a month of great gains on this battle you are going to win! What a fighter! Jacob, you are the best brother anyone could have!!! A group hug is in order for mom and dad and all the wonderful grandparents and aunts and uncles! All of you are something else!
I loved seeing Oma Barbara in the picture.Thank you for the time you take to keep us informed.

Nancy Mentzer <ncmentzer@yahoo.com>
Maple Springs, NY - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 8:15 PM CDT
Keep producing away Oli. Jake you are the coolest big brother a little brother could ever have.
Much love Kay,George and Devin

kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 10:50 AM CDT
YEA OLI!!!!!!! So very happy to hear good news! :)
Love, Tera

Tera Brown <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 8:49 PM CDT
Way to go Oliver!!! Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Bob & Angelle

Angelle Neuhardt <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 11:44 AM CDT
We are thrilled to hear that engraftment is beginning! We think of you and pray for you every day... all the way from Ohio. Go Oliver! You're our hero!!!
Kristen, Ron, Madeline, Abigail & Lauren Scherer
Dublin, OH - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:21 AM CDT
Yeah! I am so excited to hear the news that engraftment has started! We will keep praying that all goes well.
Love, Katie

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
Colorado Springs, CO - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 6:55 AM CDT
Dearest Trasens,

Delighted to learn that Oli's counts are going up. That's the absolute greatest news. Much love to you all from us. Anita and Rich

Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Monday, September 19, 2005 6:18 PM CDT

GO OLI GO!!!!!!

Watch the line rise!!!! Lets see the power of Jakes stem cells.

Touchdown Dance JAKE!!!!
Your buddy,

Ed Smith <Edward.C.Smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Monday, September 19, 2005 4:44 PM CDT
I've been praying for Oliver's recovery. It was very exciting to read that his white blood counts are increasing. I'll continue the prayers. I met David and Robyn some time ago in New Mexico.
Diane Smith (Ed's Mom) <dsmith2581@cox.net>
Fountain Hills , AZ US A - Monday, September 19, 2005 4:36 PM CDT
GO OLI GO!!! WOW!!! Thanks for the update. We continue to pray for your family!! Hope to hear more good news soon! Love, The Mescher Family
Mescher's <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Monday, September 19, 2005 10:26 AM CDT
Just what everyone was anxiously waiting to hear -- things are looking up thanks to Jake's "super" marrow!!
Libbey Malone <libbeybuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Monday, September 19, 2005 9:51 AM CDT
Glad to hear that things are finally looking "up!" *smile*
Go Oliver Go!

Javad (and Shannon) Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Monday, September 19, 2005 0:40 AM CDT
We are so happy that Oli's count is headed in the direction. Your family is in our prayers each day. Lauren and Bella wear their O-Live-R wrist band with such pride! Thank you!
The Smith Family <edandheidi@comcast.net>
Shingle Springs, CA - Monday, September 19, 2005 0:15 AM CDT
Yeah! It is only fitting that on Oli's Great Granddaddy's 85th birthday that good news would come! Oli's good numbers bring a big smile to all of us back here in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. We all remain optimistic with you and keep you all in our prayers.
Ann Tucker <ann.eugenetucker@sbcglobal.net>
Little Rock, AR - Sunday, September 18, 2005 11:40 PM CDT
Yea! The neutrophils are the main cell we watch for engraftment - more indicative than the WBCs. Engraftment will happen quick over the next few days. I'm looking forward to see you all in October.
Love, Shelly

Shelly Deiner <shellymentzer@yahoo.com>
Seattle, WA - Sunday, September 18, 2005 9:01 PM CDT
Great news. Way to go Oliver; thanks to Jacob!!!
Take care of yourselves. We'll keep the prayers going.

nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, - Sunday, September 18, 2005 8:48 PM CDT
Rami and I are so happy to read this evening's news. We are with you in (guarded) optimism, and we have faith that "guarded" will soon be discarded...
Way to go, Oli!

Daphna Avnon-Amit <daa47@zoominternet.net>
Youngstown, OH USA - Sunday, September 18, 2005 7:23 PM CDT
Keep waiting to hear the exciting news that th transplant is grafting! Keeping you guys in our thoughts!

Shannon (& Javad) Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, or USA - Sunday, September 18, 2005 0:39 AM CDT
Hey guys. Julie and I have not posted on this site before, but we keep up little here on the site from time to time, and through my mom, too. I just wanted you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you and wish you strength.
Brian Burke <bburke45@cox-internet.com>
Bentonville, AR USA - Saturday, September 17, 2005 2:27 PM CDT
AAAH...the waiting game. Sorry that you are having to go through this. I can remember doing the same thing, and then suddenly it happened! We weren't able to check the computer while we were out of town, and I was anxious to check and see how little Oliver was doing. We think about you often, and Maggie even asks about how Oliver is doing in her old room. We will continue to pray for all of your family, and hopefully you will see those new cells soon!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Saturday, September 17, 2005 0:19 AM CDT
Hello Trasens - Constantly thinking of you all and check in frequently. Oli sure is a trooper. I love the photos of him at master control headquarters, he's quite the electronic guru - kids are just so amazing! Your patience and strength continue to inspire. Much love Kay,George and Devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Friday, September 16, 2005 2:30 PM CDT
Dearest Trasens
The pictures are WONDERFUL! Gorgeous family. I luv U, and hope you are doing well. The power of prayer is amazing,and we continue to pray every day for you all. Hope Oli is felling better day by day. XXOO

Tera, Paul and Kyle <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:16 PM CDT
Hi Robyn, David, Jacob and Oli,
Glad to hear all is going as expected. You all look wonderful, what great pictures. We think about you always. You are all amazing, what strong wonderful boys you have. We're wishing you smooth days ahead. With love,
The Martelons and Michaels

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Thursday, September 15, 2005 2:29 PM CDT
Dear Robyn and Dave,
At one years old many kids erupt their first baby molars. They can experience bad diaper rash , swollen lymph nodes , fever, and waking up at night . Or they have no symptoms. It lasts for about a week and a half . We wonder if this is Oliver's short-termed problem.
The Rentons

Jill Renton <duckdaver!@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Thursday, September 15, 2005 0:21 AM CDT
Your pictures are incredible! You guys look amazing. I know we only met briefly when we visited the Olsons in March, but we're praying for you too and are so glad to be kept up on Oli's progress. I can't even imagine what you've gone through. Please hug those boys SO TIGHT for us. Hang in there!
Val Kurth
Streator, IL USA - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 4:13 PM CDT
Hi Dave and Robyn,
There is a person at our church that works for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Oregon and wants to know if you would like her to contact you regarding counseling or support services for families going through what you are experiencing. If you like, I can get her contact information for you. Or do nothing, just an offer.
Wishing you all the best.

Jeanne Maixner <jeanne.maixner@intel.com>
- Wednesday, September 14, 2005 1:22 PM CDT
Hi All, Sorry to hear you are confined to the room! Hope you are staying well rested and that Oliver is feeling better soon. Please know that we continue to pray for you every day and many of my teacher comrades are praying and rooting for you as well. Give the boys kisses and hugs from the girls!
Love, Katie

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Tuesday, September 13, 2005 5:41 PM CDT
The below entries say it ALL. Keep up your strength; you just seem to KNOW HOW to do this experience. You are truly amazing, Robyn and David. What lucky little boys you have. Wishing that Oliver's discomfort goes away FAST and that smoother days will be here soon. We're thinking of you all continually and 'waiting', long distance. Thanks for the wonderful 'updates'.
nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, CO - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 3:48 PM CDT
I'm sorry to hear you're in the phase of stuck in the filter room. I remember Beth feeling so closed off from the world while there. I hope silly clowns come to play in your window as they did for Maggie. Laughter is definitely the best medicine. And although the Maggie Entourage isn't there to wave in the window everyday, please know that we still think of your family every day and look forward to seeing little Oli walking!
Kim Strelchun <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 9:56 AM CDT
Having spent some time in Oli's wonderful space a little over a week ago, I understand the sensation of feeling a little left out of the world. Just realize that there are people from all over this world thinking and pulling for you all up there on the 10th floor on the hill at OHSU. The world will still be there for you when everyone is back to health and able to savor it. We love you, hang in there mom and dad, Oli feeds off of your endless spirit! It was great seeing you David and getting to hold Oliver.
Corey Nevers <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 1:28 AM CDT
David, Robyn, Jacob, and Oliver,
We continue to keep you all in our thoughts during this time. Oli has proven to be a strong boy and you have all proven to be a strong and united family. We keep Oli's name linked on Javad's site...hope to talk with you soon!
Shannon & Javd Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, or USA - Sunday, September 11, 2005 2:14 AM CDT
Hi everyone. I'm wearing Oliver's bracelet - Barbara sent some to my mom - and wearing it proudly. I'm so proud of my precious 2nd cousins. I look forward to looking at new pictures posted when I log on to the website every day. Love, Libbey
Libbey Malone <libbeybuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Friday, September 9, 2005 9:08 AM CDT
We're thinking about you all every day. Violet is chewing the O-live-R bracelet with her two teeth, and stands up every morninng in her crib in solidarity. Great work with your efforts in supporting each other through this intense time. We're with you in spirit and look forward to seeing you when we can. Love Jay, Normandie, and Violet.
Jay, Normandie, and Violet Rainwater <normandiehyatt@yahoo.com>
Montpelier, VT United States - Thursday, September 8, 2005 7:54 PM CDT
Dearest Oli, Robyn, David, & Jacob...I'm so glad to hear that things went well! We've been thinking and praying for you at Emanuel. Jacob-you are SOOOOO brave! Great job kiddo! We'll keep sending our good thoughts your way!-Nurse Heather
Heather McFarland <heather_mcfarland@comcast.net>
Portland, OR Multnomah - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 8:34 PM CDT
Dear Trasens,
I am just back from being away for a bit and am so amazed by your strength. Jacob, what a gift you have given your baby brother. One day you will know but for now, enjoy your lovey time with mom and dad....Oli has grown so much since this all first started. What an amazing little boy. Have you tried Panaten diaper creme from Germany. It's serious stuff! Love, Barbara

Barbara Magnoni <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 8:06 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Robyn, Jake and Oliver - We love you and are praying for you every day. It is so hard to be far away and not able to provide everyday-type support. The love and smiles that show on your boys faces are absolutely priceless! Thank you for your notes and pictures as you journey through this. You are amazing parents!!
Hanne, Kip, Christopher & Andrew Schauer <hkschauer@tronix.com>
- Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:01 PM CDT
Dear Robyn - to let you know, I still coddle my big Mr.Devin (now 6 feet tall) when he's not feeling on top of the world or just needs that little bit of extra attention - I even let him beat me a backgammon (at least I think I do). You continue to be an inspiration as I read your updates daily. You sure do have an amazing group of people around you, visiting you and e.mailing you. The world and it's people can be so uplifiting and you are truly experiencing it. Much love as always - Kay George and Devin.
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 6:28 PM CDT
I read your most recently entry regarding coddling Jacob. I think that ALL of you deserve unbelievable amount of coddling with all that you are going through. Your family is amazing. Wishing Oliver and the rest of you the best.

Mindy Murdock <Melinda.s.Murdock@intel.com>
Chandler, AZ - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 5:21 PM CDT
Just to let you know I'm out here in Denver reading the latest news and thinking of you. Jake is a trooper, but sometimes "you just need your mommy." And Robyn, some days it's not about being supermom, but rather just about putting one foot in front of the other until it's time to go to sleep. One more day on the plus side towards One Hundred, huh? Sending love and strength.
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 4:41 PM CDT
David and Robyn,
I have to tell you a little story. Yesterday, I took my kids to our local playground along with another dear family's kids. One of our friend's kids told me that there was a new girl in her 1st grade class: "her name is Aria, and last year she had leukemia, and her brother saved her life". This story made me think of you guys, of course, and the bond, gift, love, etc., that this Aria kid clearly has already communicated to her whole 1st grade class about her big brother!!!
Lots of love
Nancy Kass

Nancy Kass <nkass@jhsph.edu>
Baltimore, MD 21210 - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 3:37 PM CDT
Dear Trasens,
What brave and strong little boys! So happy things went well. I pray Jacob's discomfort will melt away soon. What amazing pictures. I am confident God is there with you all to give you the strength to make it though. Love and Kisses, Tera, Paul, and Kyle

Tera, Paul and Kyle Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 12:06 AM CDT
Dear Trasens,
What brave and strong little boys! So happy things went well. I pray Jacob's discomfort will melt away soon. What amazing pictures. I am confident God is there with you all to give you the strength to make it though. Love and Kisses, Tera, Paul, and Kyle

Tera, Paul and Kyle Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 12:06 AM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jacob, and Oliver- Mom, Dad, Brooke, Rick, and I have been thinking of you guys a lot over the past few days....especially Friday. Thank you for sharing these past months with us. The pictures are amazing, especially the one with you holding Oliver while receiving his new marrow. I just keep thinking of how, when they get older, your two boys will look back on this time when a true act of love was performed. Your Jacob is a heroic big brother. We love you guys. Libbey
Libbey Malone <libbeybuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Monday, September 5, 2005 11:12 AM CDT
Jake Buddy,
I am so incredibly proud of you. Words can not express the pride and admiration I have for you.

Big touchdown dance!!!!
Your friend, Ed

David and Robyn,
Your strength amazes us. You are in our thoughts and prayers and we can not wait to see all four of you soon.
Take care,
The Smith Family


Ed Smith <Edward.C.Smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Monday, September 5, 2005 9:18 AM CDT
Dear Oliver, Jake, and Family: Sending love and best wishes from Australia for Oli's continued recovery. Jake --what a wonderful gift you've given your brother -- I hope you feel better soon. Kind regards, Heather (Oma Barbara's friend)
Heather <hmoritz@tpg.com.au>
Coogee, NSW Australia - Sunday, September 4, 2005 11:00 PM CDT
Know that we love you all. You are so brave. What an amazing family. (This includes all grandparents and aunt and uncles.) What beautiful children. Healing prayers to Oliver, Jacob and the two of you.
Your Cousins, Michael and Pam

Michael Golden and Pam Schackel <mjg216@cybermesa.com>
Santa Fe, NM USA - Sunday, September 4, 2005 6:16 PM CDT
We are wishing you all lots of love and healing and strength. What brave kids you have!!! I have been so proud of Keaton this week starting "real" school in another country. Reading about Jacob really does warm my heart. It's such a huge gift, and he was so brave going in. I know it's so different, but I've really been thinking about 4 year olds this week and what kinds of things really stretch them and how differently they all react. You two are doing a great job with both boys! Our church here in Belfast had prayers of healing at their evening service -- we've said special prayers for all of you tonight.
Melissa Bolin <m.bolin@mac.com>
Belfast, Northern Ireland - Sunday, September 4, 2005 3:42 PM CDT
Wow! It is absolutely amazing to see the actual cells that Jacob donated and to know that Robyn was able to hold Oli while he received them! Those are beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing them! We hope both boys are doing well today!

Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
Lafayette, co - Sunday, September 4, 2005 9:22 AM CDT
It's great to hear that things went well! We have been thinking of you constantly and are so happy for you that yesterday is over and the healing can begin! Your boys are true fighters!!! Love to you all... Jen, John, Jack, Luke and Sammy
Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirt@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Saturday, September 3, 2005 10:27 PM CDT
Thanks for the detailed procedural account. What a special little guy Jacob is, but that's no surprise to anyone who knows him, i'm sure. Here's hoping he returns to his full strength and no discomfort FAST and that the engraftment does its 'thing'. And you, dear parents of these two little boys, may you continue to have the strength and love for each other to help you endure. You, two, are also amazing!!! Keep up the good work and 'stay strong'.

Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, CO - Saturday, September 3, 2005 3:24 PM CDT
So glad this part is behind you all. The prayers continue for ease of pain for Jacob, great healing for Oli and rest for you Dave and Robyn.
May God Bless

- Saturday, September 3, 2005 12:40 AM CDT
Big hugs to your brave little boys!Cooper says hello and we all send love to all of you. You all have amazing strengh! We hope Jakey continues to feel better over this weekend and that his"super juice" will be just what his little brother needed. We love you guys!! Jacob,YOU are a SUPERHERO!!!

Brooke <brookemorr@peoplepc.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Saturday, September 3, 2005 12:24 AM CDT
Jake! What an amazing dude you are! Josh is very proud of what you've done for your little brother, Oliver! You are an awesome role model! I hope the hurting goes away quickly. What great parents you have too! Give them a giant hug from us, the Brenneman 7!

We pray all will go well with Oliver's grafting and the rest of his treatment.

Tell your parents, we just got back from dropping our oldest daughter, Jasmine, off at college, but we thought about you the whole time...knowing what a brave thing you were doing, knowing how stressful it all is for your mom and dad. The Trasen family are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
tigard, OR usa - Saturday, September 3, 2005 12:12 AM CDT
Hey David and Robyn,
I'm glad things went well yesterday. You guys are quite an amazing family! With much love,

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Saturday, September 3, 2005 12:08 AM CDT
Woohoo Charmerboy!! Jacob, you're a stud. Strong and confident, yet sensitive and in touch with your feelings. Yesterday you performed an act of tremendous courage, and everyone is super proud of you! You, and your little brother, Resiliantot, are very special indeed. I hope your parents, Wondermom and Intrepidad, can now combat that awful villian, Stress, with the healing power of Sleep.
Ya did good, kid.

P.S. Thank you for my O-LIVE-R bracelet! Uncle Matt said you wanted me to have one, and I wear it ALL the time.

Susan Scott <sws8@msn.com>
Denver, CO - Saturday, September 3, 2005 11:56 AM CDT
Way to go, Jake. Glad that part is over. Now it's up to you, Oli. We're here for you all the way. Lots of love from all of us.
Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO usa - Saturday, September 3, 2005 11:34 AM CDT
YEAH!!! So glad to hear this day is over. Jacob, we are so very proud of you, what a brave little boy!! Thanks for this update!
Lots of LOVE - Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan

clmescher@socal.rr.com <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Saturday, September 3, 2005 9:04 AM CDT
Iam glad everything went so good now just the best to come for all of you see you soon.
Sherry Alcala <Shrkimalcala@aol.com>
Hillsboro , OR - Saturday, September 3, 2005 8:04 AM CDT
We are so glad that everything went so well today. Importantly, this day that you have been dreading and also wishing for is now OVER! We will continue to pray for both Oli and Jacob's recovery.
Ann Tucker <ann.eugenetucker@sbcglobal.net>
Little Rock, AR - Saturday, September 3, 2005 2:22 AM CDT
Congratulations family on a job well done. How proud you must be of Jake. And isn't it amazing that this miracle comes into your room as just one little bag to run through an IV pump? I know that God is watching over your family and healing both of your boys this weekend, and your hearts. We continue to send you our love and prayers.
Kim Strelchun & Family <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Saturday, September 3, 2005 1:32 AM CDT
Jake, I really want to play with you. I am going to see Oma at the cabin. I want to ask her how you are feeling. How's Oli feeling? Give him a hug and a kiss for me! Love Rebekah
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Friday, September 2, 2005 7:27 PM CDT
We love you-
Bec,Cor,Max,and Kai

Bec and Cor <bec.cor@verizon.net>
hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 6:45 PM CDT
Thinking of you ALL and sending love and positive thoughts.

Your courage is amazing; your love even more so.

Peter & Jean Guthery <pguthery@aol.com>
Denver , CO U.S.A. - Friday, September 2, 2005 6:45 PM CDT
Although we think of you each day, you are in our thoughts even more on this Friday September 2nd. We hope things went well for both of the boys and are sending hugs and prayers your way. Wish we could do more. Peace, Love and Healing.
Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 5:50 PM CDT
Glad this part is OVER. The prayers continue. Feel the strength coming from near and far. Thanks for keeping us all informed. :)
Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, co - Friday, September 2, 2005 5:48 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope the kids are doing well after their long day.
Kim Tucker <MANDKTUCKER@AOL.com>
Owasso , OK USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 4:40 PM CDT
Congratulations to Jakey - the man of the hour! You all look so beautiful in your newest posted pictures, it's hard to believe that Oli even has to be there...I hope you feel all of the good energy, positive thoughts and wonderful prayers that are coming your way today. XOXO
Traci Pedroza <tjpedroza@msn.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 2:56 PM CDT
HAPPY NEW BIRTHDAY OLIVER!!!! This is a bittersweet day for all of you but one that you can look at as a new start. I know Jakey and Oli will do great. Big hugs to all of you.
Love, Shelly, Dru & Ella

Shelly Deiner <shellymentzer@yahoo.com>
Seattle, WA - Friday, September 2, 2005 12:20 AM CDT
Trasens, All good thoughts are with the boys (and the whole family) today as those wonderful blood cells pass through that IV. Wishing Jacob the swiftest of recoveries and Oli a wonderful new start to his new life.
the molesworths <amolesworth@yahoo.com>
Gilbert, AZ - Friday, September 2, 2005 10:30 AM CDT
Good Morning David, Robyn, Jacob and Oli,
Today is the day! Oli is going to receive Jacobs 'super cells' and be on the road to good health! We are thinking of you from the moment our eyes opened until we hit the pillows tonight. Love and prayers coming your way!

Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
Lafayette, CO - Friday, September 2, 2005 8:00 AM CDT
Today is the big day, and we awoke with all of you in our minds and hearts. We will continue to be with you, today, tomorrow, and forever!
Daphna & Rami

Daphna Avnon-Amit <daa47@hotmail.com>
Youngstown, OH USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 7:52 AM CDT
Oliver...tomorrow, as always, I will say a prayer for you and your family. I have wondered at the circumstances that have brought you into our lives. Was it fate that you were Maggie's fellow patient at Emanuel? And how odd that you should be her Aunt Kim's neighbor. Then you followed Maggie to Doernbecher. You have shared the same doctors and even the same hospital rooms. I believe that God has given us your presence in our family's lives to remind us of hope, for I am sure that you will grow up to be one happy, special little boy. Good night little friend....Maggie's Grandma Sharon
sharon trett <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 1:58 AM CDT
Hey guys,
Just wanted to let you know that I think of you often! Your little Oliver has touched and inspired many. We still have Oliver's "late night" Polaroid pictures up in the lounge! SO ADORABLE!! Emanuel nurses will be thinking of and praying for your entire family.

Tara Hines <hinestara@hotmail.com>
portland, or usa - Friday, September 2, 2005 1:18 AM CDT
Hello there Oliver. I'm sorry that we didn't get to say goodbye to you the other day. Your blinds were closed and there was a note on your door that said that you were asleep. Maggie wants you to know that the transplant itself, for you, will be pretty boring. Hard to believe that all of this build up is going to be over. We too hope that you never have to have chemo again. That just isn't any fun. Tell your brother that we say "hi" and wish him well on his part tomorrow. We will be thinking of your whole family all day tomorrow, and saying lots of prayers for you too. Goodnight sweet Oli!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Friday, September 2, 2005 0:21 AM CDT
We, too, are thinking of you all this evening as you approach the big day tomorrow and those crucial ones that follow.
Love from the Schwartz's and Broms'

Judy <judith-schwartz@comcast.net>
Denver, CO - Thursday, September 1, 2005 10:43 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver
You bet!! The good vibes and positive thoughts have already started and will continue, especially, throughout the day tomorrow (Friday). Yes, Jacob, is VERY wise--probably knows exactly what's going on. What a trooper he is--you have two unusually precious little boys. Hoping you are able to get some rest tonight.
All our love, We're ALL rooting for you and the doctors.
We're also praying for Maggie!!!!
The Nowak's, Lewis' (in Chicago) and Eber's (in D.C.)

nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, September 1, 2005 10:22 PM CDT
Thinking about all of you with much love. The Michaels and the Martelons
ms ELISE, GRANDPA COL, MEG, DAVE , MAL AND KI <elisamichael@eaarthlink.net>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, September 1, 2005 7:31 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jacob, and Oliver --

Just a short note to let you know that you are constantly in our thoughts and hearts as you approach the BIG DAY. Much love to all of you from all the Fricklases and Resnicks.

Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Thursday, September 1, 2005 6:35 PM CDT
Dear Oli and family,
You are so close! May tomorrow be the day that all of your dreams come true. We will be praying for all of you as you enter the next step on this journey. This is the turning point, and I know that Oli and Jake are going to be troopers through it all. What an incredible gift Jake is about to give and what wonderful parents you are as you guide your family on this journey. Although there won't be instant gratification after the BMT, know that it is not far away. Our hugs and prayers to you.

Kim Strelchun & Family <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Thursday, September 1, 2005 6:01 PM CDT
I wanted to make sure you all know that we are thinking about you on the "night before." Stay strong and know that you will prevail.
Love, Katie

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Thursday, September 1, 2005 5:30 PM CDT
Thoughts cares and prayers are with all of you. Keep up the good fight!
Laurelwood, OR - Thursday, September 1, 2005 4:40 PM CDT
Dear Trasen Family -
Our prayers are with you as you approach day zero! Oli and Jake are such incredible little boys, and you are such amazing parents. Thinking of you - Lots of Love and Hugs -Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan

Liz Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Thursday, September 1, 2005 11:45 AM CDT
We are keeping our fingers crossed for all of you!
Ruthie <ruthie@daisy.co.il>
Ramat Hasharon, Israel - Thursday, September 1, 2005 11:06 AM CDT
We are all behind you!! Stay strong and your little Oli will soon be on the road to recovery! Jake, you are truly a Superhero!! Lots of Love, Jen, John & boys
Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Thursday, September 1, 2005 10:36 AM CDT
Dear Trasens,

Good luck on Friday!! You guys are amazing! Keep chugging along and always believe. Hope is a powerful drug.

Patrick and Katie Hurley
Middletown, CT - Thursday, September 1, 2005 8:16 AM CDT
Hello all - George, Devin and I are now back in the US, but kept tabs on the goings on while we were all over the planet. Will certainly throw huge thick chunks of healthy thoughts and vibrations your way this coming Friday. You are all travelling along a very tough road, one that I can only imagine. I can see that Jacob and Oliver have the most enormous of parents and you Robin and David, the most enormous of sons. The four of you are a group to be reckoned with and I am so very proud of you. Every now and then I re-read this journal,intermittent pieces, and it shows your absolute determination, grit, sadness and happiness, strength, tremendous support of each other and true family intimacy. It is not a cliche to say how truly inspirational you all are. It comes through in your thoughts and in the smiles we see on the faces of your boys. May whatever powers that be continue coming your way. Much love - Kay, George and Devin.
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:30 PM CDT
Oli, Jakey, Robyn, David and rest of the family:
Our never-ending positive thoughts, hugs, good wishes and so much more are with you all.
We know these are rough days, and wish we could make them easier for each of you, especilly Oli.
We are comforted by the fact that Oli is receiving such excellent medical care, and with everyone's support, we know all will be well. A special extra hug for Jakey who is such a wonderful brother to Oli!
Daphna & Rami

Daphna Avnon-Amit <daa47@hotmail.com>
Youngstown, OH USA - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 7:37 PM CDT
Dear Trasens,
Prayers and Best Wishes for this week. I am sure all will go well. We will include Maggie in our prayers. XXOO, Tera, Paul, and Kyle

Tera Brown <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Wednesday, August 31, 2005 2:20 PM CDT
Dear Trasens All -- Sending strength, courage, energy, and love. I am so impressed with how you are communicating with Jake about his part in this Family endeavor. May that "good blood" go right to work on Zero Day. Sue
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
- Wednesday, August 31, 2005 1:48 PM CDT
Robyn and David, just want you to know that all of you will be in our thoughts and prayers (as you are each day) but especially this week. We hope everything goes just as it should. We just love seeing the pictures you post of your family. Oli is a sweetheart and so so precious!
Ann Tucker <ann.eugenetucker@sbcglobal.net>
Little Rock, AR - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 9:32 PM CDT
Trasen team - I'm in Portland today but don't want to bother you, so I wanted to send my thoughts and prayers to you all through this guestbook. You were all such a nice part of my own childhood. I am thinking of you and sending hugs from across town.
Linda Appel <linda@greatcleaners.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 7:22 PM CDT
Dear Trasens,
Bob and I have your family in our thoughts and prayers, especially as the big day approaches. We can't wait to see you out playing in the park with Jacob and Oliver in the near future. As parents, you have passed on your amazing strength to your little ones.

Angelle Neuhardt <aneuhardt@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR U.S.A. - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 4:29 PM CDT
As with everyone else - I am just continuously inspired by your strength. You're doing an awesome job!! Keep it up...

Sending many prayers AND good vibes your way.

Robyn-Happy Belated Birthday!! I should have known you were a Virgo!!

Cheris McFarland
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 4:21 PM CDT
Hi Oliver & family-
It was such a joy to see you up & around at the hospital today. You are such a happy little guy, with smiles for everyone you pass in the halls. I know Maggie enjoyed your visit with her this morning. A familiar face is always nice to see. Keep smiling and give lots of hugs to mom & dad....
Maggie's Grandma Sharon

sharon trett <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR usazb - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 0:54 AM CDT
Hi Guys,
Just want to let you know we're thinking of you. James has told me such great stories of Oliver. I can totally picture him racing around on his hands and knees with a big toy in his mouth. Go Oliver! I'm very much looking forward to getting him and Violet together. I think they have complimentary personalities.
For Jake:
Your uncle Jay says one of the best parts of his visit out there was hanging out with you. He keeps talking about how much fun it was.
All my best, Normandie
We just read the updates and ugh, it sounds so hard. Squeeze the boys for me and tell Jakey I'm thinking about him. In love and support, Jay

Normandie and Jay <normandiehyatt@yahoo.com>
- Monday, August 29, 2005 8:50 PM CDT
Someone below wrote that Oli will not remember last night's awful events, but you will, Robyn. What an onslaught! I take heart that the hospital staff had something to offer at each juncture to relieve symptoms and/or reduce discomfort FOR OLIVER. But I find myself thinking of you, Robyn and David, at those times when your natural instinct is to keep your child out of harm's/pain's way, and there is no alternative but to be with him while he goes through all these side effects of the powerful treatments he is being given. I guess all you can do is think of the BIGGER ENEMY the chemotherapy is fighting. These drugs, with their horrible side effects, are your baby's weapons in this battle. But how hard for you to stand by while those weapons do their job. I send you moments of peace, moments of rest, moments of joy with Oli and Jake even in the midst of this raging battle. May these moments offer you parents a bit of relief in the same way that the side-effect medications offer Oli a bit of relief.
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
- Monday, August 29, 2005 6:45 PM CDT
Happy Belated Birthday Robyn. You are a remarkable mommy, and a strong woman. Not a day goes by without me thinking about you and your family. I am so sorry to hear about Oli's night. I pray he will be feeling better soon. Take care of yourself. I love you, dear sweet Robyn.
Tera Brown <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Monday, August 29, 2005 5:47 PM CDT
I know this is a big week, just wanted you all to know that we are thinking of you and sending you lots of love.
Dana, Brendan and Milo

Dana Schwartz <daynuh_s@hotmail.com>
LA, CA - Monday, August 29, 2005 3:42 PM CDT
happy belated birthday, Robyn. May the days ahead become easier and easier; and may you continue to find the strength you need to endure. love is continally being sent your way, for ALL of you, from us.
Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
- Monday, August 29, 2005 3:07 PM CDT
Robyn, David, Jacob, and Oliver: Good morning from Colorado! I hope Oli got some sleep last night, I am sure he needs it. Please know that your extended family here keeps you in their thoughts and prayers every day. Corrine sends her love by looking at the pictures of Oli and saying "Hi baby!" I can't seem to keep my girls away from your boys, we are looking forward to a time where we can see you all in person again. Take care of everyone and know that we love you!
Katie, Phil, Rebekah and Corrine

Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Monday, August 29, 2005 7:23 AM CDT
I am sorry to hear that Oliver had such a rough night and that you guys are back to "ships passing in the night" (or day as the case may be!) We continue to think about you guys all the time!

Shannon Mashinchi (& Javad)

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, or USA - Monday, August 29, 2005 0:24 AM CDT
I am so sorry Oli isnt doing well tonight. I can only imagine how horrible this is for the whole family. But i hope it gives you some comfort to know that he is so young and so strong and that he will grow up and have no memory of this time. Its always harder on the parents in so many ways - each fall, cut, scrape stays in our minds far longer than it will in theirs! The next 90+ days are going to be very tough, but there is so much to look forward to when its over. I keep having this vision in my mind of Jacob and Oli hanging out together as adults, with a bond far stronger than that of most siblings. Take good care of yourselves! You are wonderful parents and grandparents!! We love you guys!

Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
Lafayette, CO 80026 - Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:20 PM CDT
Hi, Every day I check your site. I am in New York state hanging out with my 91 year old mother. Shelly and Ella were here this week. Shelly told me a little of what was going on medically. We are in awe of Oli's attitude! He is showing us how to face difficult times with courage. Thanks for keeping us posted. You are amazing! Warm thoughts, prayers, and much love, Nancy
Nancy Mentzer <ncmentzer@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Sunday, August 28, 2005 5:35 PM CDT
Robyn, David, Jake, and Oli -- You are always in our thoughts and hearts, and will be especially so in these next several months. We love you all very much and appreciate your taking the time to keep us informed. All the Fricklases and Resnicks send exceptionally good wishes. You are all so special.
Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 7:28 PM CDT
I'm an old friend of Barbara's, just heard about Oliver, and am sending huge amounts of love and prayers and hope.

Marjorie Bayes <bayespurcell@cs.com>
Denver, CO USA - Saturday, August 27, 2005 10:12 AM CDT
Hi Everyone and Happy Birthday to Robyn. Thinking about all of you. Our cheer is "Go Oli Go". Thank you again Robyn and David for taking the time to keep us all updated. It's wonderful to feel so close to you. Love Ms Elise, Gandpa Col, Meg and Dave
MS ELISE, GRANDPA COL, MEG, DAVE , MAL AND KI <elisamichael@eaarthlink.net>
Denver, CO - Friday, August 26, 2005 7:04 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Robyn! I wish I was there to give you a big hug and kiss to wish you Happy Birthday in person. I am sorry you are facing this very difficult time right now. But, pls know you are an incredible mom, wife, and friend. We ALL want to celebrate today...to celebrate YOU and the day of your BIRTH! You are an amazing person, and I feel so fortunate to have met and hung out with you while living in Portland. We continue to pray for all of you ech day. Thanks for this wonderful web site and the heart felt words!
We LOVE you, David, Jacob and Oliver!!
Charlie, Liz, Kaitlyn and Ryan

Liz Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Friday, August 26, 2005 4:17 PM CDT
Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Robyn... who I love so much and hurt for so much and I wish that I could take the pain away from her for just one day. Happy 34th Robs!! You are an amazing woman and mom... Can't wait to see you and am still planning on coming when you say GO!! Love, Jen
Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Friday, August 26, 2005 10:20 AM CDT
TODAY IS ROBYN'S BIRTHDAY. Dear Oli's Mommy, We know this will not be a particularly happy birthday, but it is a very important day. We are so glad you were born! We are so glad you and David fell in love! You are a remarkable young woman. You are an exemplary wife and mother! In the face of this unimaginable nightmare, you move forward with grace and determination and always, always with love. We are very proud of you. You are a gift to Oli and to all of us. Happy Birthday, Robs, with much love and many kisses from Dee amd Ben
Dee and Ben Trasen <deetrasen@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, August 26, 2005 9:45 AM CDT
Oliver and family...I am so glad that things are going as scheduled. That is great. We will be back at clinic on Monday, and we will stroll by to see if your blinds are open. Oliver...Maggie thinks that it is so cool that you got her old room. She can't wait to come by and wave at you as so many did to her while she in there. Robyn...take care and know that everyone is praying for your family. Maggie has done so well so far, I just know that it will be the same for Oliver. Hope to see you soon!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 11:46 PM CDT
Dear Trasens,
We are thrilled that you received your bracelets early, what perfect timing! We hope they provide a little morale booster. We cannot describe what an honor it is for us to do something helpful to a family that is going through a very difficult time. When we got the leukemia diagnosis for Will last Jan. we got a terrific outpouring of support from friends,family and people we did not know[as we know you did too, aren't people wonderful?] we'll be thinking of Oliver this week. Jill Dave,Will,and Patrick

The Rentons <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 11:18 PM CDT
We are wearing our bracelets and thinking of Oliver. Go OLI! He is such a strong little guy- Amazing.
We love you all!

Rebecca and Corey <bec.cor@verizon.net>
hillsboro, OR USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:09 PM CDT
Hello Trasen Family,

You're in our thoughts and prayers as you enter this last stretch of Oli's treatment. We're cheering for you and Oli from the sidelines.

Much love,
Laura, Rob, Ethan, Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill <lddahill@comcast.net>
Portland, OR USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:53 PM CDT
Dearest Trasens,
Your strength and courgage continues to inspire me everyday. I cry every time I log in to catch up on things. You all are amazing. Take care and God Bless.

Tera, Paul and Kyle <teralarae@hotmail.com >
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, August 25, 2005 3:21 PM CDT
David -- What a strong and loving father to be able to cry WITH your son! No one out here thinks you "lost it" when this happened. Quite the opposite: You gave Jake permission to express his feelings and to have those validated because Daddy is sad too.

Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, - Thursday, August 25, 2005 1:39 PM CDT
Hi all,

Good luck on the start of your latest (and hopefully last) journey down this stressful road. You guys are doing great and we know everything will turn out alright! We're thinking of you and sending love from Connecticut,
Katie and Patrick

Katie and Patrick Hurley <katiemhurley@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CT - Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:19 AM CDT
I'm so happy to hear that you moved into "Maggie's Room" at Doerbecher. What a loving connection these two young souls have. It may have been something unexpected that brought them on this journey, but this journey has shown both of these families so much love, patience and strength. Please know that we continue to pray for you and a safe, successful transplant.
Kim Strelchun <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:58 PM CDT
started to cry again tonight reading about you coming home, and your conversation with Jacob. But it's all tears because of the incredible love you guys all share. So corny to say, but so true. Love to all of you
Nancy, Sean, Rachel, Molly, Noah

Nancy Kass <nkass@jhsph.edu>
Baltimore, MD US - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:54 PM CDT
Oliver and all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am a member of the Oxy group that Barbara helps to facilitate. Please know we are sending love your way--hoping and praying with all our hearts for a safe transplant (what a brave and loving brother!) and a speedy recovery.
Ruth Woodliff-Stanley <ruthws@aol.com>
Denver, - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:41 PM CDT
David and Jacob,

I am sorry for your tears and I understand. Tears are cleansing and good for us. I think I've cried more this year(since October) than I ever have in my life before!

Know that you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers, especially this next few weeks. I wish we could do more. I'm glad Oli gets to be in Maggie's room! I'm glad it's large and roomy. Those rooms at Emanuel can feel so cramped, especially when they are filled with Pirate Stuff!!

Josh's counts are going down today and it makes me feel sad, but I keep reminding myself...this is the last time!

Take care...the Brenneman 7 send their love.

Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
tigard, OR usa - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:56 PM CDT
Hi Jake, I hope Oli feels better and I want to play with you. Give Oma a big hug and tell her it's from me. Also hug Oli from both me and Corrine. Love, Rebekah
PS: Prayers and hugs from the rest of the family too!

Rebekah Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Wednesday, August 24, 2005 5:56 PM CDT
Dear Oliver and Family: I am a friend of Oma Barbara. I am praying for you and your whole family. I have not met you but I love you and will keep you close to my heart in prayer.
Sandy Bearg <sandybearg@aol.com>
Commerce City, CO USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:26 PM CDT
ok, daveyt, robyn, jake and oli.......here we go on the big roller coaster ride. although there is no way that we can feel the same extremes that you will feel during the next 100+ days, i just want you to know that we are riding along with you, hanging on your every word, and sending you love with all our hearts. schwartzes and broms
judy schwartz <judy_schwartz@hotmail.com>
denver, co - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:45 PM CDT
Hi Guys,
I am so happy to hear that Oli's body is setting up the perfect scenario for his transplant. It is amazing to hear how the doctors have planned his 3rd round of chemo and predicted his recovery time right to a tee! It sounds like Oli is definitely in good hands.... I know that the next couple of weeks are going to be extra tough and we wish that we could relieve you of some anxiety. You have put Oli in the best possible situation and he and Jacob are going to do great! Hugs to all :) Jen

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Higlands Ranch, CO USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 2:32 PM CDT
Thanks again for keeping us informed. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Praying for a wonderful OUTCOME :)
Jeanne Maixner
Laurelwood, OR USA - Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:36 AM CDT
Here in Denver thinking of all of you. I once again want to say what a wonderful serivce the Caringbridge is for all of us far away, but so wanting to be "near" you in spirit. Between today and September 2, especially, I want to send thoughts of strength, courage, resilliance and encirciling love towards Portland many times a day. I want to mark the 100th day on my calendar, too. I am particularly wanting Jacob to know that I'm thinking of him. Let him know that the "I'm ex-sawsted" Lady is excited to hear about his newest interestes: hockey? trucks? golf? other games with balls? preschool?
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
- Monday, August 22, 2005 4:59 PM CDT
Hi Sweet Trasen family,
So glad to get your updates and here that your boys are doing well. We think of you always, it is amazing how resilient you all are. Glad to here you had some nice "alone" time, its so important.
We'll be sending our positive vibes your way! We love you.
Meg, Dave Malcolm and Kaiya

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Sunday, August 21, 2005 5:27 PM CDT
I continue to keep you guys in my thoughts and feel confident that things will go great! Jacob is a brave boy and some time in the future will realize what an incredible gift he has given is brother!

Shannon and Javad Mashinchi

www.carignbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Saturday, August 20, 2005 9:17 PM CDT
Hi Trasens! So glad to hear Mommy and Daddy took some time to have a date! :) Happy to hear that Oliver and Jacob are doing well. You have such a wonderful and supportive family, God Bless you all. We think of you often, and pray for you all everyday. Take care. Much love, XXOO Tera
Tera, Paul, and Kyle <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerue, NM - Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:34 AM CDT
Just thinking of you and wanted to say hello. Oliver - you have the brightest, most beautiful smile! :)
Have a great day guys!!!

Kristen, Ron, Madeline, Abigail & Lauren Scherer
Dublin, OH USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 8:09 AM CDT
Little Olie and Family,
Our prayers continue to be with you, glad you are all doing well and Olie is cooperating. My brother, Larry, is in critical condition with his leukemia, but I came here to pray for all of you and him too at the same time. God has a big territory and we want him to cover it all together. Best wishes from Denver and keep up the positive attitude, I have and I know it is going to WORK!
Carolyn Eisen and Gene Zimmerman and families

Carolyn Eisen <caeisen@msn.com>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, August 18, 2005 0:50 AM CDT
Hello there Oliver and family. It was so nice to see you at the big hospital last week, although I am sorry that you have to be there. Maggie and I were looking at your photos, and we saw your big brother playing with doctor stuff. That is Maggie's favorite thing to do. She is sure that Jacob will like playing doctor stuff with Susan, the ChildLife person. Hopefully we won't still be at OHSU when you guys get up there, but if we are, please stop by and say hi. As always, you are all in our thoughts and prayers, and we will pray extra hard next week when you and Jacob start your big journey. Goodnight sweetie-pie!
Beth and Maggie Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Wednesday, August 17, 2005 1:58 AM CDT
Dear Trasens,

It's been awhile since I have checked this website but I am soooo happy to read that things are going well for Oliver. Although I may not be checking this site frequently, you guys are always in my thoughts. I'll continue to send positive vibes your way. Take care.

Wendy Nakatani
- Tuesday, August 16, 2005 6:31 PM CDT
I had not logged on in over a week due to my office moving from one building to another. I did, however, talk with the Denver grandmas several times to keep up to date. Tell Jake I really like his buzz cut, and even Uncle Ran looks as though he has a short haircut to keep up with Oil's fashion statement. Now, trying to convince Uncle Jay to do the same could be a challenge!! I am so glad that David and Robyn got to have a "real date" even in the midst of all the medical appointments. Please remember how special this was, and keep building them in as you are able. Caring for the Caregivers is an important goal as well. Love to all of you. Cyber hugs all around.
Sue <sconnell@du.edu>
- Tuesday, August 16, 2005 2:27 PM CDT
Hi Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver,
Michael and I are in Victoria. We think of you often. Especially, when we see the Victoria Express arriving, ride our bikes or go to Spinnaker's Pub. It seems like a long time ago. Yet, I can still picture the two of you arriving, riding (saddle sore) and enjoying Spinnaker's.

I loved seeing Jacob playing doctor. Play is certainly a wonderful way for him to express himself. I wonder if this is another way the grandmothers are helping out.

Oliver looks so beautiful (as does his big brother) and strong. What an amazing little guy he is. Bless his heart.

Hang in there Robyn and David. Love and prayers continue your way. I just think the love and strength in your family is amazing.
Love and Hugs,
Your cousins, Pam and Michael

Pam Schackel and Michael Golden <pkschackel@cybermesa.com>
Santa Fe, NM USA - Monday, August 15, 2005 3:35 PM CDT

Hi Trasens all! Hello again from Flushing, N.Y. We spoke to Dee last night for the first time since Oliver was diag-nosed and it was so good to hear directly from her how things are going with you all. We hope to see her this week while she is in N.Y.C. We don't pray, but hope as hard as we can that everything goes smoothly with Oliver. We love your frequent messages and savor them. We have made copies of every message you have sent and have such a strong sense that all will go well. Our thoughts are always with and of you, as are Leonard and Ann's.
With all our love, Aunt Betty and Uncle Lou

Betty and Lou Joblove
- Monday, August 15, 2005 3:11 PM CDT
Rami and I have enjoyed seeing Oli's recent photos; HE seems to be comforting US, the worried ones! He looks so cheerful and content. David and Robyn, you both write so eloquently and from the heart; the diary is a real treat for us, who are so far away geographically, yet feel so close to your lives emotionally. May things continue as they are now, and we will see Oli in good health soon!
Keep up your great spirits and remember that so many of us are constantly cheering you on, every day.
Our love to you all; special hugs to Jakie and Oli.

Daphna & Rami Amit <daa47@zoominternet.net>
Youngstown, OH USA - Sunday, August 14, 2005 3:42 PM CDT
Dear Trasens - I am a friend of the Molesworth family and have been keeping up with Oliver via the web site. You are an amazing family and I am in awe of your strength. I am a cancer survivor, so I know a bit of what you are going through, although I am quite sure that when it is your child that is sick it is a million times worse than when it's yourself. Prayers are being said all over Florida as I took the liberty of putting your family on several prayer lists. As you go into this phase of treatment I hope it comforts you to know that there are people out there that have never met you that are praying and praying for Ollie's full recovery. It will happen. Not up for discussion (as a good friend and fellow cancer survivor says)! Best wishes for the best transplant EVER.
Lisa Sullivan <llsullivan62@yahoo.com>
Largo, FL USA - Sunday, August 14, 2005 8:27 AM CDT
David, Robyn, Jacob, and Oliver
I think of you guys often and I marvel at what a strong family you have. I love looking at your pictures and seeing Oliver so happy. You guys are doing such a great job during such a hard time. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys!

Mindy Murdock <Melinda.s.Murdock@intel.com>
Chandler, AZ - Friday, August 12, 2005 6:25 PM CDT
Hi Trasens
Just checking the site. The latest photos of Ollie are adorable.
We are thinking of you guys in DC.
Much love,

Jen Cohen Oko <jenafred@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC - Friday, August 12, 2005 12:17 AM CDT
Your dad called today to check on my latest email address and filled me in on your situation. I can appreciate, on a much smaller scale, the emotions and fears as Scott was in Children's Hospital at 17 months of age for burns. Taking turns at bedside and returning to an empty house was tough.

We are thinking of you and yours and will keep up with this web site. Positive vibes are definitely being transmitted.

Dave & Bette Poppers <dpoppers@comcast.net>
Centennial, CO USA - Thursday, August 11, 2005 5:43 PM CDT
Hello Trasen Family! I just got back from vacation and was checking in on Oliver's status...look at your chuncky, healthy-looking baby!!! Sounds like things are moving along as well as possible on your side and it's great to read all about it. Thanks for the updates.
Thinking of you all often.

Stephanie Nowak <snowak@pepsicenter.com>
Denver, CO - Monday, August 8, 2005 10:04 AM CDT
Oli---How are you? I hope that you and your family are getting ready for the trip to Doernbechers...You better let me know if they don't treat you right up there! I have been thinking about you guys and miss seeing you around, but am very glad that you are getting your second chapter of treatment. I hope that you want some visitors up there! Take care. Nurse Betsy
Betsy Fleskes <bfleskes@hotmail.com>
Beaverton, OR - Sunday, August 7, 2005 10:37 PM CDT
Hi everyone, We think Oliver's new hair cut is great. So glad that Jacob's blood work went well. Thinking about you.
ms ELISE, GRANDPA COL, MEG, DAVE , MAL AND KI <elisamichael@eaarthlink.net>
Denver, CO USA - Saturday, August 6, 2005 12:44 AM CDT
Dear Trasens,
I love the new hairstyles! Will liked being bald. He says his friends think he looks better bald. He is mad at me because I won't let him shave his head right now. Being the mean mom that I am I say no because I want him to have hair for his school picture. I will let him shave his head at the charity event St. Baldrick's next spring.
I'm so glad that you are trying to get some physical exercise through all of this. I think it is really important to keep yourselves healthy.
I know how scary this process is but it sounds to me that Oliver is responding as he is supposed to .Best Wishes, The Rentons

Jill Renton <duckdaver@hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Thursday, August 4, 2005 0:48 AM CDT
Hi Everyone -
Wanted to say hello and tell Oli and David that you both look very cute with your new hairdo's! Thanks so much for keeping this site current! It means so much to us to be able to check in with you everyday and hear how the family is doing. We think about you all the time!

Love to all!
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie Rose

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
lafayette, co - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 6:07 PM CDT
Hey Superfamily - Wondermom Robyn and Intrepidad David!

You guys rock. I wish my parents would have given me a seditive whenever it was time to face a needle, or go to school. Jacob, aka Charmerboy, and Oli, aka Resilientot, are amazing little creatures! It's so good to hear Oli is making great progress with his treatments, and that you two are recapturing some time for yourselves. Three cheers too for the Great Oma Deelight and Oma Barbarella (with or without the cult classic costumes)! Keep up the good fight, Superfamily. Lots of love (and that mysterious invisible positive energy stuff only superhumans can see) - Susie

Susan Scott <sws8@msn.com>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 3:43 PM CDT

I sure wish I could have seen you and your family at the clinic yesterday, but, as you know, Josh and I were out of there in record time!!!

I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers, especially for these next three weeks as the doctors must time this next treatment phase for Oliver just right.

I'm sorry you had to experience the deja vu with the waiting with Jacob, but am so thrilled his blood looks good!!! I remember discovering a lump in Jordyn's neck just after Joshua's cancer diagnosis and rushing her to the pediatrician's office about 9 PM at night! The doctor took one look at my face, examined Jordyn quickly, then grabbed my hand and got in my face and said loudly..."April, It is NOT cancer!" Thank God! It turned out to be just a little infection. Oh! The trials of being a mother!

Oliver and the Trasen family are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers.

Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tualatin, OR usa - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 12:04 AM CDT
Dearest Trasens,

Oliver looks absolutely adorable with his new hairdo. Hope he fairs well with his hospital visits -- and Jacob too. Think about you all the time and wish you every good wish there is. Much Love, Anita and Rich

Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 4:13 PM CDT
Dearest Robyn, David, Jacob, and Oli,
Wanted to just pop in and say HI! Thank you again for the updates. I cry everytime I log in and read the journal, and see your wonderful pictures. Oli's strength is amazing and inspiring. I will continue to say my prayers for you all. I will say an extra prayer for sweet Jacob. Miss you, and wish I could see you. Please know you are in my thoughts daily. Take care. LOVE, Tera

Tera, Paul and Kyle <teralarae@hotmail.com >
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 3:43 PM CDT
Robyn & family - just wanted to let you know that I continue to think of you all and Oliver. Kids are so resiliant!! To look at his pictures one would have no idea what this little guy is battling right now!
Karen Shaw <kshaw@oakwood.com>
Wilsonville, OR USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 1:15 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

I am glad that Oliver is holding out...what a strong young man! I am sorry that you are having to get Jacob in under some false pretense, but what a gift he is giving to his brother!

Shannon & Javad Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo@gmail.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 0:23 AM CDT
get well soon baby oli we love you oli vaey mush love willow and bella we re 6 and7
willow and bella <edandheidi@comcast.net>
ca usa - Monday, August 1, 2005 8:02 PM CDT
Go Oli, Go Oli, Go Oli....

I haven't been able to check this site in a while, so I was delighted to see things are going so well. Thanks for keeping the site updated with notes and photos. Regarding your comments on deceiving Jake...keep in mind the fact that neither of the boys will really remember the details of this ordeal as they grow older. The only details Rylan really remembers from his open-heart surgery is smelling grape as he fell asleep and that he got to roll a Nintendo cart into his room!!

Continued best wishes for your family. Take care...

ps...I'll figure out the Amazon thing when I return to work in a couple of weeks.

Cheris McFarland <cheris.mcfarland@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 10:57 PM CDT
DEAR ONES, Great picture of Oliver at the window. Sorry about the diaper rash, hope it is getting better. It's nice that you can all be home for now.
Thanks again for the up-dates, it's so nice of you to keep us all informed.
Thinking about you.

MS ELISE, GRANDPA COL, MEG, DAVE , MAL AND KI <elisamichael@eaarthlink.net>
Denver, Colo USA - Saturday, July 30, 2005 11:14 AM CDT
Hi Trasens, Glad to hear that your visit with Aunt Janny was a good one. The family support via actual visits to Portland in the upcoming months is impressive -- your own private village. All the rest of us form a larger circle around that inner circle, so I hope you feel the huge set of hugging arms around you at all times. Love, Sue
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
- Tuesday, July 26, 2005 6:05 PM CDT
I have Caringbridge on my computer toolbar so I can look at beautiful o-LIVE-r's face. Both of your children are beautiful. I frequently send the pictures to my sisters and friends to remind them to pray for your family. I think of you daily and am so glad that you take the time to post any news about your family. With love......Kim Tucker

Kim Tucker <MANDKTUCKER@AOL.com>
Owasso, OK - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 0:48 AM CDT
Dear David,Robyn, Jacob, and Oliver,
You are going through a rough patch right now. It will get better. Will had some unpleasant side effects from his medications last week but after talking to Drs. Olson and Norwood and using some of my own judgement we got things worked out. This surviving cancer thing is a process. Love, Jill

Dave, Jill ,Will and Patrick Renton <duckdaver@ hotmail.com>
West Linn, OR USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 10:33 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that even though we aren't around the corner any longer we still check on Oli every day.

Continued best wishes,

Keith, Alyson, Britten and Grayson Molesworth <keith.molesworth@intel.com>
Gilbert , AZ - Monday, July 25, 2005 5:25 PM CDT
Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver: Glad to hear things are still going well! We are continuing to pray for you all every day and are confident that you will get through all of this. Rebekah loves looking at the pictures of her cousins and wants to check the web site a couple of times a day just to see how cute Oli is! Take care of yourselves!
Katie and Phil Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Monday, July 25, 2005 12:52 AM CDT
Hello Robin and David. Oliver is such a beautiful baby boy. Your family has been in our thoughts and prayers. We will continue to pray for Oli's recovery. Thanks for the pictures we enjoy looking at them. I can't wait for the opportunity to meet Oliver. God bless your family.
Neil Tucker and Dana Buncich <NAT4@dcx.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Sunday, July 24, 2005 6:29 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that we think about you all of the time and we are praying for you and your family. Maggie is very excited for you to come to the new hospital with her. She really liked the picture of you and Dr. Norwood. We hope that you and your family get to really enjoy the time that you have at home together. We hope to see you soon for the next big step to your cure. Again, we will be praying for you.

Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Saturday, July 23, 2005 0:22 AM CDT

Happy belated birthday David! We all loved the new pictures Oli and family. So happy to hear that you're home again. Ed has turned into a "training machine"! He looks great but feels the pain. Lots of love from CA.

Heidi Smith <edand heidi@comcast.net>
Shingle Springs, CA - Friday, July 22, 2005 12:51 AM CDT
Our best wishes to you, David, and your beautiful family (whom we have not met). Since Linda let us know about Oli a couple of months ago we have kept the 4 of you in our hearts and prayers, and checked your website regularly. We wish you a wonderful outcome. He is a gorgeous child, along with his beautiful brother (who certainly looks like you as a child). Not to mention their beautiful mother. So, just wanted to let you know that the Appels are all pulling for you! I know things will go well. Best to your parents as well. Love from Denver
Elaine Appel <elaine@greatcleaners.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Thursday, July 21, 2005 6:17 PM CDT
Dear Trasens,
Thank you for keeping us updated, it really helps. It seems as though this first part is finally over. May the rest be a breeze. Please take care of yourselves.

Jeanne Maixner
Laurelwood, OR - Thursday, July 21, 2005 9:43 AM CDT

HILLSBORO, OR USA - Thursday, July 21, 2005 1:34 AM CDT
Happy Birthday David!! Wishing you many happy days ahead!
Enjoy your time.....home TOGETHER!
Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn, Ryan

Mescher's <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 11:17 PM CDT
Happy birthday, David. May the year ahead be everything you want it to be. You certainly deserve it.
What a PRECIOUS picture of my dear friend, Dee, and your precious Oliver. Wow. Want to frame that one!!!!
Wishing you all the best of everything. Give a special hug to Jacob, your other most precious child.
All our love,

Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:25 PM CDT
Dear Trasens, I just caught up on the last ten days' entries. Glad you are through the last round of chemo. Sounds as though the roll around on the bed with big brother Jake was also healing. I remember when Lilah had one of those "back pokes" (what an understatement!) when she was hospitalized at 17 months. Ugh! I love hearing the updates on Oli, but I am also wanting to hear that David and Robyn are taking care of themselves. Hope you are getting MOMENTS of R&R yourselves. Love to All, Sue
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
- Wednesday, July 20, 2005 1:03 PM CDT
Welcome Home again Oliver!!

Happy Birthday David!! Enjoy the day wiht your family.
Take care,

Ed Smith <Edward.C.Smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 12:59 AM CDT
Hip hip hooray Oli, Jake, Robyn and David!!! You guys are doing great! Keep up the good work and know we are all sending our love your way.
Katie and Patrick Hurley <ahurley@wesleyan.edu>
Middletown, CT USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:14 AM CDT
We're so happy to hear that Oliver is responding well and that he too will be moving up the hill soon. We pray that you have healthy days at home and get to enjoy some of this Oregon sunshine before the move to Doernbecher. I check the website everyday after checking Maggie's, and I always enjoy the new photos.
Kim Strelchun <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 11:40 PM CDT
Oliver - you are such a cutie!!! We are so glad to hear you are doing well. We log on everyday to look for you and pray for you everyday as well. We hope you are on your way home from the hospital today. Much love from Ohio,
Kristen, Ron, Madeline, Abigail & Lauren
Dublin, OH USA - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 3:51 PM CDT
So glad to hear that Oli is doing well! :) I know we all continue to pray for you all, and we are thrilled to hear that blessings are heading your way. What a strong little guy. The pictures are so cute! He is a gorgeous child. Give him hugs and kisses for me. Again, thank you for taking the time to update us all. Take care, and may God continue to bless you all. XXOO Much Love, Tera
Tera, Paul, and Kyle <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 12:11 AM CDT
Hi!, We're Will Renton's grandparents. Jill was talking with us about your treatment at Emanuel. We are with you all the way. Knowing what wonderful care Will had at the hospital, we know that you will be winners in this campaign. He is a beautiful baby and with just his pictures we're in love with him. Midge and Bill Renton.
Midge Renton <wlrenton@magick.net>
Grants Pass, OR - Monday, July 18, 2005 10:04 PM CDT
Dearest Trasens, we root for you all every day and send all our love. Mike and Pucci
McGill <puccim@aol.com>
Hartsdale, NY - Monday, July 18, 2005 7:35 PM CDT
I was Dee's roommate in New York City all those years ago - I have watched all their children grow - it has been a wonderful experience - each and every one are special and unique - and now along comes the next generation - just as special and beautiful! Thank you for this website - I read it every few days and I love seeing the photos - especially of the two brothers together - Kisses and hugs to each and every one of you....
Annette(ala) Shear <annette.shear@tiffany.com>
New York, NY USA - Monday, July 18, 2005 5:08 PM CDT
Hello everyone in Portland, Just reading the journal entries is enough to make one's heart sing. We, too, continue praying for Oliver and continue wishing ALL of you (Robyn, David, Jacob and terrific grandparent support system) strength and good health. We'll thank God for little favors, e.g., most recent good Dr. report and thank you for taking the time to update the rest of us. The WORLD is watching and sending good energy your way. Love Nancy and Michael
Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, July 18, 2005 10:18 AM CDT
Way to go Oli! So glad things are going well.
Oli looks adorable!We are praying that everything keeps going smoothly and your home soon.
Much Love- Rebecca and Corey

Bec and Cor
hillsboro, OR USA - Monday, July 18, 2005 9:04 AM CDT
WOW! Oliver, you are such a strong little boy. We continue to think about you, talk about you, and pray for you everday. Thanks for the good news update!
Hugs and Love - Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn, Ryan

Mescher's <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Sunday, July 17, 2005 9:27 PM CDT
Way to go Oliver. Thinking about all of you all the time. Thnaks so much for
the updates, love the pictures.

ELISA, COLIN, MEGAN AND DAVE <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
Denver, Co USA - Sunday, July 17, 2005 7:30 PM CDT
Way to go Oliver, Thinking about all of you all the time, Thanks so much for the updates. Love the pictures.
ELISA, COLIN, MEGAN AND DAVE <elisamichael@earthlink.net>
DENVER, CO USA - Sunday, July 17, 2005 7:17 PM CDT
Dear Trasens,
What a delight it was to meet you all yesterday. Oliver looked great-all those lovely rolls of baby fat!How wonderful that his grandparents are able to help the way they are.I was thinking about what you said about Oliver and bathing. Will took a shower every day he had his Hickman catheter in. The nurses taped a biohazard bag over the Hickman to keep it from getting wet and we never had a problem. Perhaps you could do that with Oliver and just fill the tub up to just below his waist so it does'nt get submerged. They have a bathtub there. Hopefully Oliver won't have to be deprived of the simple pleasure of a bath once in a while. Of course (and I know you would) you'd want to get permission from the doctors first.
Sincerely, Jill Renton

Jill Renton
West Linn, OR USA - Sunday, July 17, 2005 12:57 AM CDT
Hi All,
I am Dee and Ben's neighbor in Denver and very happy to have them as my friends. Ben was very kind to send me your website so I can follow Oliver's progress. Oliver and Jacob look like great little boys. I know you are very proud of them.
Please know that I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers and will also send positive energy for Oliver's healthy recovery.
Best Regards,
Sheila McGee
P.S. Hi Dee.

Sheila McGee <mcgees032003@yahoo.com>
Denver, CA US - Sunday, July 17, 2005 12:36 AM CDT
Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver -- Glad to hear Oli is doing well! We will continue to pray for all of you! Rebekah loved the pictures Jake sent and wants to send more....we'll get to that later I'm sure! Lots of Love! Phil, Katie, Rebekah and Corrine
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
- Friday, July 15, 2005 9:34 PM CDT
Wish you lots of luck - you are in our thoughts daily!
Ruthie and family

Ruthie <ruthie@daisy.co.il>
Ramat Hasharon, Israel - Friday, July 15, 2005 2:21 PM CDT
Dear Robyn,
I just read your journal and the numerous e-mails with tears in my eyes and an ache in my heart. Please know that I am praying for your family and have put Oliver on the prayer line at my church. He is a beautiful little boy; looks just like you. God bless and keep all of you.

Suzanne Spencer <spencersp@hevanet.com>
Hillsboro, Or Washington - Thursday, July 14, 2005 4:14 PM CDT
We're so happy to hear that Oliver has been having good days. Return of the appetite is a good thing! We'll be thinking of you as you check in for your next round this week. Please send our love to Oliver and all of our friends at Emanuel.
The Strelchun Family <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Thursday, July 14, 2005 1:23 PM CDT
Dear All - our very best of super positive thoughts for the upcoming chemo round. Oliver James, "may the strongest of forces continue to be with you" - all our love -Kay, George and Devin
Kay Bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
Los Angeles, Ca USA - Thursday, July 14, 2005 1:56 AM CDT
Wonderful photos and so good to hear that Oli has been feeling well the past few days. Good luck for the next week in Emanuel; we know you have the strength and resilience to go through it all, and we continue to pray for Oliver's victory!
Daphna & Rami

Daphna & Rami Amit <daa47@zoominternet.net>
Youngstown, OH USA - Wednesday, July 13, 2005 9:23 PM CDT
Hi Robyn and David,
Just a note to tell you.....I want to reach out into these pictures to give each of you a hug and kiss, I LOVE seeing the new pictures! Thank You! We continue to think of you daily....Much Love and Prayers to all - The Mescher Family

Liz Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:10 PM CDT
Dear David, Robyn & Boys,

We are so appreciative that David's Dad, Ben, contacted us and let us know also about this site. Mike, my husband worked with Ben at Technadyne and they have remained in touch though we just moved to the Phoenix area. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Your sons are absolutely beautiful. Our very warmest wishes to all of you!
Mike and Dorothy Anderson

Mike & Dorothy Anderson <mmikea@att.net>
Surprise, AZ USA - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 1:37 PM CDT
Dear D, R, J and O -
Im just checking in on you and enjoying your latest pictures! I hope your spirits are up and that you are feeling good about the treatment little Oli is getting at Emanual (also a temple where im from!) and Doernbecher. I wanted to ask if you get a chance - would you post some more information about the upcoming transplant - when, Jacobs part in the hospital, how long it takes to see results...? I know so very litle about how what will happen. We are thinking about you so often and hope to be able to see you when we are in PDX next month!

With Love
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
lafayette, co - Monday, July 11, 2005 5:11 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, David and Boys,
I try to check every day to see how the boy is doing and of course talk with Damaris. As so many have said it is unbelievable that he is as ill as he is when he is the picture of a beautiful, health boy.
I admire your courage and your strength to share your depths and highs of emotion. With so many people praying and thinking positive thoughts for you all he is bound to get well. Keep encouraged. Love - Essie

Essie Anderson <pombichon@sbcglobal.net>
Fayetteville, AR USA - Monday, July 11, 2005 11:10 AM CDT
Hello, amazing Trasen's in Portland,
Just 'happened' to check the photo page today and saw, 'hot off the press' pics. One would NEVER know what's going on inside little Oliver's body. Wishing you all continued strength. We're keeping positive thoughts in our heads and wish the same for you. Will be thinking of you this week as you embark on another 'adventure' at Emmanuel (that's a synagogue in Buffalo to me, not a hospital, for whatever that means.) The whole Nowak clan continues to wish you well. Just spoke with Dee (in Vail). She's sounding good. Enjoyed the wedding, she said.
Nancy, Michael,Karen, Bob, Megan, Adam, Julie, Michael, Stephanie

nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Denver, CO - Sunday, July 10, 2005 3:15 PM CDT
We think of you daily and you are always in our prayers. You are an amazing family - Livestrong!
Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer

The Schauer Family <aschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX - Sunday, July 10, 2005 11:42 AM CDT
Hi Dave & Robyn...
Just checking in - and glad to see things are going so well. I continue to keep your family in my thoughts while enjoying my sabbatical. I'll check back regularly...it seems like you have everything covered - but if I can do anything for you, please don't hesitate to ask!!

Cheris McFarland <cheris.mcfarland@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Saturday, July 9, 2005 11:47 PM CDT
Robyn and Davey T., Jake and Oliver.....
Just a note to say that we think of you and talk about the love and strength that is getting you through this. You are amazing.....as we have always known.
Love to all of you from all of us: Judy and the Schwartz/Broms group

Judy Schwartz <judith-schwartz@comcast.net>
Denver, CO - Saturday, July 9, 2005 5:18 PM CDT
Hi lovely Oli,
Wanted to let you know we all think about you and your family all day, everyday. We went to Meeker CO. for the 4th and my family all bought purple HOPE bracelets from the American Cancer Society thinking of you. We wish we were there to help you all out and give you all hugs. Thank your mom and dad for the updates and darling pictures, it really helps to know how you are doing. We send you our love.
Love, Meg, Dave, Malcolm and Kaiya, Ms. Elise and Grandpa Col.

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, July 8, 2005 4:37 PM CDT
I'm so happy to hear you had a short visit at Emanuel on Tuesday. That's great! Every little step in the right direction feels so good on this journey. I hope your visit today goes smoothly. I wanted you to know that we check Oliver's site daily and are thinking of your family and keep you in our prayers.
Kim Strelchun <kim@strelchun.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, July 8, 2005 9:11 AM CDT
Hello from Denver to Portland. I had lunch with Grandma Dee today, and so was kept posted on the latest news from her visit. Now you've go the Oma grandma -- Hi Barbie. I feel I'm learning so much as you travel this journey. I cannot envision all the "bags of stuff" that are going into Oli, but I'm glad that the technology is in place to keep him relatively stable while the treatments do their job. I assume you have an Asian-style ceremony of taking shoes off before people come into your house to keep the floors as free of outside pollutants as possible while Oli crawls over them. I always thought that people in Asia had it right about that. Love to all, Sue
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
- Thursday, July 7, 2005 5:31 PM CDT
Rami and I think of Oliver and the rest of the family EVERY single day, and we are certain you feel and know this, but just in case, we are signing in to put this in writing! The diary is so helpful, and seeing Oli's pictures is very heartwarming---he is gorgeous and so obviously a courageous, sweet child.
Our special love to you all, Oliver,Jacob Robyn and David.
We are with you constantly.
Love, Daphna & Rami (Naomi's grandparents)

Daphna <daa47@zoominternet.net>
Youngstown, OH USA - Thursday, July 7, 2005 12:11 AM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jake and Oli,

Our hearts are touched by your willingness to keep this wonderful journal going. It helps to know how you all are doing, and the photos bring tears every time. I feel like we're becoming close friends, although it's sort of one-sided. Our weekly worship group keeps you in their prayers. Thank goodness for the grandmas and all your other support people. And there are many more of us out here, too far to bring in the meals and do the laundry and hug those precious boys and their parents. We send warm wishes for strength and courage and whatever else it takes until Oli is well again.

Much love and prayers from Robyn's brother's parents-in-law, Garry and Judy Hyatt

Judy Hyatt <judyhyatt@comcast.net>
Huntingdon Valley, PA - Thursday, July 7, 2005 9:12 AM CDT
I guess the third time's the charm. I REALLY wanted you guys to get my last message so you got it three times.

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 11:13 PM CDT
hi hi hi.

love, erin

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 11:10 PM CDT
hi hi hi.

love, erin

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 11:09 PM CDT
hi hi hi.

love, erin

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 11:08 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, David and boys:
thinking of you all today and everyday! My hopes and prayers are for Oliver's full recovery. God Bless you all!

Debbie Van Dyne
Hillsboro, OR - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 5:31 PM CDT
Sending you love and healing energy.
Larry and Margaret Ballonoff <meerab22@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 1:59 PM CDT
Hi Oliver. It is your old Emanuel neighbor, Maggie. I just wanted to let you know that I have moved up to OHSU and the nurses are pretty nice here. I hope that all goes well for you with your next round of chemo so that we can be neighbors again real soon so that we can both get better and be happy little kids again. My family is praying for you.
Maggie May <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR USA - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
Hope you are all having a good 4th! We went to the pool with Oma and Opa on Saturday, it was good to see them. Rebekah drew a picture for Jacob today, I'll mail it to him later this week! Give your boys kisses from their cousins...Love, Katie and Phil
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
Colorado Springs, CO - Monday, July 4, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
David, Robyn, and boys,

I hope you are able to spend some time at home over the fourth and not at Hotel Emanuel (said with a vry slick French accent!) We think about you every day and hope Oliver (although bruised) is doing well!

Shannon (and Javad) Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, or USA - Sunday, July 3, 2005 11:21 PM CDT
Dear Trasen's,
I was checking in on my nightly check-in, our babies are in bed, and we've said our prayers...which include ech one of you. Just wanted to drop a note to tell you we are thinking of you and sending our love. Thanks for the pictures, it is so great to see Oli's smiling face with his big brother, Mom and Dad, and Grandparents. We appreciate you taking the time to share them with all of us.
Much Love - The Mescher's

Liz Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Sunday, July 3, 2005 10:57 PM CDT
Hi, Just checking in and want you to know we're thinking of you. Love, Normandie & James
James and Normandie <normandiehyatt@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, July 2, 2005 5:53 PM CDT
Hi Trasens. We are headed to Denver tomorrow for a summer visit -- looking forward to seeing Joe and Damaris while we're there. I too have been checking for your updates every day. I put Avery in bed and then check in to see if there's any news on how Oliver and the rest of you are doing. We'll be keeping up with your updates while we're back in Denver. Good luck with next week.
Melissa and Frederick Bolin <m.bolin@mac.com>
Belfast, Northern Ireland - Saturday, July 2, 2005 12:55 AM CDT
Hi Guys,
I am so glad to hear that you are home this weekend. What an exhausting week you have been through. Have a happy and quiet 4th together and kiss those boys for us!! You are in our hearts and on our minds every day! Talk to you soon....
Love, Jen

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.com>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Saturday, July 2, 2005 10:47 AM CDT
Team Trasen,
Enjoy your weekend together at home, we will be thinking about you and praying for you. Jake time to do the touchdown dance and make everyone smile.
Happy 4th.

Ed Smith <Edward.C.Smith@intel.com>
Shingle Spring, Ca - Saturday, July 2, 2005 0:39 AM CDT
Dear Trasens',
It was good to see you at the clinic today. You are both AWESOME parents traveling down a VERY TOUGH road. I'll be praying that Oliver's counts go up QUICKLY.

Have a GREAT weekend laying low at home. We've discovered that the times together as a family are precious...to be cherished...a time to make good memories...even if we are struggling with a sick child. Enjoy each other.
Love Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
tigard, OR usa - Saturday, July 2, 2005 0:01 AM CDT
Dearest Family:
I was sitting here thinking about my brother who is in Seattle at the Hutchinson Center as we speak, having just had his "bone marrow transplant" last Tuesday, for his AML and we pray every day that it will engraft and we will have him home again here in Denver............well. So, therefore, I thought of little Olie, and just had to send my love and prayers and know completely well after about 6 months of Larry's battle with Leukemia, what you are going through. We are praying for your all and know little Olie will soon be well again too. Bless you all and stay strong, because it is a long hard road...but one that we must indure.
Carolyn Eisen (Grandma Dee's friend)

Carolyn Eisen <caeisen@msn.com>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, July 1, 2005 11:48 PM CDT
Trassen Family,
we check in every day to see how things are going and we send lots and love your way when we pass by your house. We are just around the corner (for a few more weeks) and if you need anything, please don't hesitate to call. More than happy to have Jake over to play or go shopping for supplies or whatever. I know that from my step brother's battle with Leukemia this is a long hall, but I just know that Oli is going to come through this because of all the strength his parents and big brother (and all the extended family) are giving him.

Alyson, Keith, and the boys <alyson.l.molesworth@intel.com>
hillsboro, or - Friday, July 1, 2005 9:19 AM CDT
I know how distressing those bruises are.That's how I knew my son Will had leukemia. He was on the swim team, that's how I saw them. When we brought him in his platelet count was 19. I understand that Oliver's only symptoms were an ear infection. What a horrible shock that must have been.Oliver's counts will improve.
Jill Renton
West Linn, OR USA - Friday, July 1, 2005 3:39 AM CDT
Hi Trasen family,

My mom keeps writing to you all, and I didn't want you to think she's the only one thinking of you and checking on Oliver's status daily. You are all constantly in my thoughts and I'm so happy you've been able to be at home as a family for the past week!!!

Stephanie <snowak@pepsicenter.com>
Denver, CO - Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:42 PM CDT
Oliver is the most beautiful thing in the world. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with your family. This website is incredible...what an amazing circle of love and strength. And you can see in the photographs that Oli knows how very much he is loved. I am thinking of you.
Kim Intagliata <kimberly.intagliata@state.co.us>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:30 PM CDT
Oliver is the most beautiful thing in the world. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with your family. This website is incredible...what an amazing circle of love and strength. And you can see in the photographs that Oli knows how very much he is loved. I am thinking of you.
Kim Intagliata <kimberly.intagliata@state.co.us>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:30 PM CDT
Thanks David and Robyn for keeping us updated. It keeps us from bugging your parents with 'news'. The good news is so heart warming. Beautiful pictures of a sweet, beautiful baby. Sending more warm fuzzies your way. Love Nancy and Michael
Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:00 AM CDT
Just wanted to say hello-let you know we were thinking of you. Hope your family is settling into the apartment. How wonderful to have their tremendous support. Let me know if you came up short on any supplies. I'd be happy to help out. hugs to all of you-much love!! Brooke
Brooke Morrison <brookemorr@peoplepc.com>
Hillsboro, OR - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 6:26 PM CDT
Great to see Oli is still at home! GO OLI, GO!!
Ed Smith <Edward.C.Smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 1:50 PM CDT
Hi Lovely Family:
Just a note after putting the little ones to bed and before I go there myself. As summer blesses us with new beginnings and fresh flowers, we hope it also blesses Oli with healing and growth from within. Not a day goes by where we do not talk about you all and send positive thoughts your way.
Much Love.
Corey Nevers

Corey Nevers <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR us - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 0:31 AM CDT
Have a GREAT day today, even though you are visiting the clinic and Children's Day Treatment Center. Give your mommy and daddy an extra big LOVE today!!

Joshie's mom,

april brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR usa - Monday, June 27, 2005 7:11 PM CDT
Hope today wasn't too grueling and that there are positive results for Oliver. The prayers continue. May you all go from strength to strength.
Love Nancy and et

Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, co - Monday, June 27, 2005 5:41 PM CDT
My love and prayers are with all of you on a daily basis. Oli is so precious - your pictures are wonderful. I went to school with Barbara, Joe and Damaris, just in case you would like to know where I "fit in". There are many here in California that you don't know that have you in their prayers too. Hugs to all of you.
Ann Anderson Edwards <nathanwa@aol.com>
Harbor City, CA USA - Monday, June 27, 2005 5:41 PM CDT
The "Oli Through the Bannister" photo is wonderful! I'll give Grandpa Ben a call tonight or tomorrow to get his updated information. Hope today's appointment goes okay, and that the transfusions give him back his pep. I will get the t-shirts exchanged today and get them in the mail to Jake and David. Love Lots. Sue
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
- Monday, June 27, 2005 3:51 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jacob, and Oliver,

I'm a friend of Oma Barbara's now living in Australia. Part of the time I'm a yoga instructor/devotee and as such, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be dedicating my metta practice to Oli and his family until he recovers completely. Thinking of you down under, Heather Moritz

Heather Moritz <hmoritz@tpg.com.au>
Coogee, NSW Australia - Sunday, June 26, 2005 8:51 PM CDT
Wow Oliver! You have so many people thinking about and praying for you. You sure are a lucky little boy! I got to see you again yesterday at your Emanuel neighbor (Maggie May's) garage sale. You seemed so happy to be out and about on your stroll with your mommy. I hope that you get a lot more of those between your chemo treatments. Maybe I can see more of you at Emanuel or OHSU if you and Maggie May end up being neighbors again. My entire family has added you to our prayers. Tell your mommy that Maggie's mommy says hi! Best of luck to you and your family sweetie pie!
Beth Williams <zbeth10@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR - Sunday, June 26, 2005 12:07 AM CDT
You're right, you'd never know Oli was going through all of this - he looks great in the photos! What a beautiful family. I'm glad to see all the smiles. I promise to come down soon. Love, Shelly
Shelly Deiner <shellymentzer@yahoo.com>
Seattle, WA - Saturday, June 25, 2005 0:34 AM CDT
Hello to All in Portland. I was with Oma Barbara last night. She told me about Intel Man, Jake's gift of strength and special power to Oli. What a great big brother! Glad to hear that Oli has not let this "inconvenience" get in the way of his exploring the environment and making developmental leaps, even if it does mean that you parental babyproofers have to keep one step ahead of his inventiveness. I think he is growing his first tooth just so he can bite off bigger chunks of life.
Love and hugs to all of you. Sue

Susan Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Friday, June 24, 2005 1:31 PM CDT
Hi guys,

Dear Oli, you are such a strong little boy. I am so proud of you! I am glad to hear your grandma Dee is there with you this week. I know she will shower you and Jakey with love (it's her specialty!)I hope mom and dad get some rest. Thinking of you, love, Barbara

Barbara Magnoni <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:09 PM CDT
Dave, Robyn, Jake, and Oli:
Kip and Hanne forwarded your web site. Looking at Oli's big eyes it is hard to believe he is sick. Best wishes for a successful treatment and a speedy recovery.

Paul, Diane, Robert, Erika, and Elise Schauer <p.schauer@comcast.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 10:15 PM CDT
Davey, Robyn, Jakey and Oli,

Just stopped by to check in. Glad to hear Ben and Dee are with you, wanted you to know I'm thinking of you all and sending much love and good wishes.

Love, Dana Schwartz

Dana Schwartz <daynuh_s@hotmail.com>
LA, CA USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 5:05 PM CDT
I know you are glad to be home. Kyle , Paul and I continue to pray for you all daily. You are a remarkable family. I admire you all for your strength and courage. I can't imagine how hard the ups and downs of all this must be for you. Take care and stay stong. Love you guys.
Tera Brown <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:51 AM CDT
I know you are glad to be home. Kyle , Paul and I continue to pray for you all daily. You are a remarkable family. I admire you all for your strength and courage. I can't imagine how hard the ups and downs of all this must be for you. Take care and stay stong. Love you guys.
Tera Brown <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:50 AM CDT
Dr. Rainwater showed me this web site. I am the Secretary/Scheduler for the Cath Lab at P/SL. Oliver is such a precious little boy and I pray that he will do well with his long road ahead. I appreciate Dr. Rainwater so much for showing me his pictures. What a little cutie! God will give you strength.
Charlie Will <caribbean_charlie@hotmail.com>
Aurora, Co USA - Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:15 AM CDT
Thinking about you tonight and hoping all is well. Keeping my fingers crossed for a new entry saying that Oli is handling the 2nd round of chemo well.

Love to you and the boys!

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
Lafayette, co - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:21 PM CDT
Dear Robyn and David,
Your journal entries show so much courage and determination. I'm sure that's making a big difference for Olie. And I am so glad to know Dee is with you again. Please give her a big hug for me. Sending positive vibes and lots of love cross country to you all, Amalie

Amalie Kass
- Wednesday, June 22, 2005 8:33 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jake, Oliver and ALL the grandparents (some whom we know better than others),
As others have so aptly said, 'you are in our thoughts daily' and especially as we light Shabbat candles, which we do again this Friday with the Guthery's (missing Dee and Ben as we do so -- and Judy). If only all the loving, tender, caring messages could bring Oliver back to good health. That is what our wish is, as well as that the rest of you maintain your health and find ways to laugh and ease your pain. For those of us who have suffered personal family tragedy, we have an idea of what you are going through, but only you know the true intensity of the pain. May the treatments ahead be successful and may you find continued strength to cope. Your attitudes are an inspiration to all. Your love for one another is amazing. With love and best wishes. nancy, michael, karen, bob, julie & michael eber, and stephanie

nancy & michael nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, co - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 8:21 PM CDT
Thank God (however we precieve that entitiy)for doctors and nurses that care, for research that saves lives, for miraculous recoveries and for such supportive wonderful families. You continue to be in our prayers. Thank you for the updates, with all you have going on, it's very kind of you to keep us up to date.
Jeanne Maixner
- Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:25 PM CDT
Dear Robyn and David, Not a day goes by that I don't think of you! I drive by your house daily hoping things are going well. You are very strong loving parents with wonderful family support. Remember you said one day at a time! Sending you all Loving healing thoughts Lisa and Pete
Lisa Suttner
Hillsboro, Ore Usa - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 5:29 PM CDT
I just stopped by to check on Oliver. It sounds like that chemo is some BIG stuff, for all those precautions! I hope it does it's job. Hang in there, and know that a ton of people are praying for Oliver.
Sara and ~Emily~ <waffle13@sbcglobal.net>
Southern California, - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 1:19 PM CDT
Hi, Robyn, David, Jakey and Oliver,
I looked at the picture of Robyn and Oli for the 10th time, and I realized that Intel Man is in the crib at the hospital! Jakey, that is so very generous of you. David, I hope you had a good Father's Day, one I'm certain you'll never forget. You are an amazing father. Your sons are so lucky, and, of course, so is Robbie.
Love, Oma

Barbara Redinger <DocOma@AOL.com>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 10:10 AM CDT
Hi Trasen Family!

Just wanted to let you know we're thinking of you and praying the 2nd round of chemo is over soon. Sending lots of hugs to you all.

Much love,
Laura & Rob & Ethan & Jackson & DiMaggio

Laura Dahill
Portland, OR USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 0:53 AM CDT
Hi Robyn, David, Jacob & Oliver,
We are all pulling for you with positive thoughts and special wishes that you will all be well soon. Please call if you need anything. All our Love
Lea and the Staff at Rosewood Park

Lea Winslow <lea@rosewood-park.com>
- Tuesday, June 21, 2005 3:04 PM CDT
Greetings from Barb Gallivan (Oma Barbara and Paul's neighbor). I saw your Mom this morning trotting along with Henry. I think of all my many blessings and how hearing about Oli's struggle only reminds me how dear life is. And sometimes how unfair life is. Hold on tight Oli - beat this thing and go home soon to play with your big brother and come visit us in Denver. Sincerely, Barb
Barb and John Gallivan (neighbors) <gallivanj@msn.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 9:10 AM CDT
Hi Robyn, David, Jake, Oli, Dee and Ben -- I'm up early trying to let cool air into the house before the heat of the day hits. Such a simple thing to do to adjust to Nature. Then I see all the medical equipment in Oli's room, and read about your trip to OHSC, such a complex system to fight the worst of Nature. I thought your analogy comparing the buildings at OHSC to a huge spaceship was so apt. It IS as though you are on a ride through space to another planet. A planet with its own language (medical jargon), its own laws of physics and chemistry,its own history and future. And you have to learn this language,its systems,what it has done and what it can do. You have to figure out how to breathe its air to survive there. What a journey!--- I will talk with Oma Barbara later today, hug her and hold her, hoping that some of that love travels to you through her.---To Oli: keep pulling yourself up and looking into that treasure chest for just the right toy to get you through this. Love, Sue
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Monday, June 20, 2005 7:26 AM CDT
Happy Father's Day, My Davey. You are and awesome daddy! We (J, O and I) are so fortunate to have you. Oli's sleeping...I'm taking my 10 minute "computer" break. See you tomorrow, love. Good night.
Robyn <robyntrasen@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, - Sunday, June 19, 2005 11:59 PM CDT
Happy Father's Day David. I'm so sorry you have to spend it in the hospital with Oli.

You are an awesome father. I can tell from your writing on Oliver's web page. Stay strong for Robyn, Oliver and Jacob.
You are in our prayers.
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 10:47 PM CDT
Happy Father's Day David.We are thinking of you. Give each other a hug from all of us. Hi Robyn-miss you and think of you so often.Good Night. Brooke

Broooke <brookemorr@peoplepc.com>
- Sunday, June 19, 2005 10:26 PM CDT
Happy Father's Day David! Just want to let you know that we have you and your family in our prayers.
Alena Cloud (Ed's little sis) <alenacloud@yahoo.com>
Chicago, IL United States - Sunday, June 19, 2005 10:20 PM CDT
David, Happy Fathers Day buddy!
You have two amazing little boys, a fantastic wife, and friends and family who would do anything for you. I hope your day was a good one.

Ed Smith <Edward.C.Smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Sunday, June 19, 2005 10:13 PM CDT
Robyn and David, I just can't tell you how much the journal updates and photos mean to all of us so far away. Mimi and Granddaddy were over tonight and I showed them the latest update and photos and they were just thrilled to be able to see your precious family. I read them all the updates and try to print the photos, but when they could see the wonderful clear photos on the screen, they just loved them. In Granddaddy's blessing before dinner, he particularly asked for blessings for Jacob, Oli and you both. We all want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. Your faith and strength give us all so much hope. You have two precious boys and we just love seeing the photos! As you have said many times, Oli looks so good, you can't imagine him being so ill. Hip Hip Hooray for Oli pulling up. It won't be long before you will be running after him! With all the positive good thoughts and prayers coming to you, we can only think that you will get good news for Oli!
Ann Tucker <ann.eugenetucker@sbcglobal.net>
Little Rock, AR USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 0:11 AM CDT
Robyn and David,
The pictures of Jacob and Oliver are beautiful, it is wonderful to see their smiling faces. They make us smile when we look at them. Thanks for posting these great pics. We are sorry about the latest news, our prayers are with you. Much love! The Mescher Family

Liz Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 0:02 AM CDT
Dear David, Robin, Jake and Oliver - You boys are just so beautiful, happy little guys. We are constantly thinking of you all and trusting that with all of the positive thoughts and prayers from so many people coming Oliver's way that the best is yet to come. You are truly amazing parents, so supportive and loving of your two boys. The faith and trust the boys have in you both is so obvious. Our love to you all - Kay George and Devin
Kay Bawden, George and Devin Joblove <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
hollywood, ca usa - Saturday, June 18, 2005 4:23 PM CDT
Robyn and David, I don't even know what to say...we are praying madly that Oli is ok and that you are all holding up well. I wish there was something, anything, we could do! Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers every day and that we can't wait to see you again!
Katie Redinger <Froggybee@aol.com>
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Saturday, June 18, 2005 1:59 PM CDT
Robyn and David,
I'm so sorry to hear this news. My heart aches with yours. Don and I KNOW what this rollercoaster feels like. It is NOT easy. You are all in our prayers. We ask for strength, hope, peace and comfort for you.
Joshie's mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 11:53 PM CDT
David and Robyn,
I'm so sorry to hear this latest piece of news. Still thinking of you all (ALL the time) and, of course, sending my love and strength to you.

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 8:57 PM CDT
Rebecca Nevers told me about your beautiful baby and his illness. My prayers are with you and your family. I fail to find the right words that would ease the pain that your entire family is/will be going through. Take care of one another and lean on the ones that love you to help you through the times ahead. God Bless You.
Michelle Doctor

Michelle Doctor <chellidoc@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR - Friday, June 17, 2005 8:35 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I would love to come hang out at Emmanuel with you anytime as you start this next round. Let me know and I will be there.
Much love-Rebecca

rebecca nevers <bec.cor@verizon.net>
hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 4:34 PM CDT
Hello All,
We are thinking of all of you as you are raising these beautiful boys while living through this rough situation.
Oli and Jake look so loveable. Oma looks good too!

Margy Stewart and Jon Dennig <margys@qwest.net>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 10:51 AM CDT
What a doll Oliver is! You are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Thank you for being such wonderful parents and grandparents! With a support team like that...remission and recovery are just around the corner. Love to all from Sharon Crumpton, Friend of Barbara's since 1956
Sharon Silcott Crumpton <scrumpton@Lindsey.com>
Fayetteville, AR USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 8:39 AM CDT
The pictures are wonderful! The kids look so good! You are truly great parents. I can't imgine how hard it's been and I'm glad that you have the silly moments every now and then.
Love, Barbara

Barbara Magnoni <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
New York, new york United States - Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:25 PM CDT
Glad to hear that things are going well. Oli is a strong you man! :)

Shannon (& Javad)Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:46 PM CDT
Robyn and Davd,
I heard about little Oli from Megan. Oliver is adorable, and he sure is fortunate to have such a loving family! I know that times have been very hard for your family and it is wonderful to read all the messages of support and love. I will think of you often. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Lana Rock <rlana1@qwest.net>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:38 PM CDT
Oliver looks wonderful! He seems not only to be responding to the chemo, but to all the love he receives. I'm so grateful that you can be together as a family in support of this little guys adventure. Hard to belive that someday you will have to tell him about it because he won't even remember. In the mean time you remain first and foremost in our prayers.
Jeanne Maixner
- Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:27 PM CDT
Good news that Oli's marrow is responding to the chemo and now producing blood components so he has not needed a transfusion. I'm so glad you have had some time at home together as a whole family. Bet that feels good. I'll send Grandma Dee off with a kiss and a hug, and welcome Oma Barbara home with the same. What troopers! Love, Sue
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:09 PM CDT
It's so inspiring to see how your family is responding to this tragic illness! I'm convinced that little Oli will come through all this just fine, given the love and caring from all his family and friends, and as a result Oli will be a stronger person. There are many, many people out here directing their prayers, positive thoughts and health-inducing vibes Oli's way. Best wishes to all the Trasens, and especially to Oliver!
George Dallas <george.dallas@intel.com>
Gaston, OR USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:04 PM CDT
Thanks so much for keeping us updated via this website - the latest news sounds great - I hope Oliver keeps going strong!
Richelle Pryor <richelle.a.pryor@intel.com>
Chandler , AZ - Thursday, June 16, 2005 2:36 PM CDT
Great news! We will keep our fingers crossed that he doesn't get that ear infection! Hopefully, you will get to rest at home for awhile. I think of you a million times a day and love you guys very much!
Love, Jen

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 8:33 AM CDT
We are so glad to hear the good news! Shelby and I have been keeping up with the journal everyday and we are so happy that he is doing well! I knew Oli was a fighter! We look forward to more good news and hope you all know we are thinking of you guys constantly!
Much love- Hannah and Shelby

Hannah Dismuke <hhdiz07@comcast.net>
Wayne, PA USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:11 AM CDT
Just a quick note to say hello and how happy we are to hear that Oli is doing better. Sounds like his spirits are pretty good and that for the most part he is able to just "be a baby." He looks great in the pictures - its so hard to believe anything is wrong. Those pictures of Oli with his mommy, daddy and brother are beautiful - I love them! We miss you and think about you all of the time. Take good care of yourselves! Love to all the family and Grandparents!

Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
Lafayette, co - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 5:40 PM CDT
YEAH! I love to read about good news. So glad the first results back looking good! We loved hanging out with Jacob and Oma today and hope we can continue our playdates when Grandma Dee comes. Jacob seems to be doing really well- you guys are doing such a great job with both of your sweet boys.
Lot's of love- Rebecca and Corey

Rebecca and Corey <bec.cor@verizon.net>
- Wednesday, June 15, 2005 5:22 PM CDT
I hope that the fact that there have been no enteries since monday means that you are busy at home just being together. Keep the strong spirit!

Ruthie Gross <ruthie@daisy.co.il>
Ramat Hasharon, Israel - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 2:52 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, Dave, Jake, and Oliver;
We have met and I am a friend of Damaris and Joe's. Please
know that the fact that Oliver is sick and you have to go
thru this breaks my heart. You are in my thoughts and
prayers and your strength will carry you thru one day at a time. I send you all big hugs.

Joanne Borg <JBorg49297@aol.com>
Greenwood Village, Colorado USA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:16 AM CDT
Hi Dave and Robyn, We have you all in our prayers and our family is sending postive energy to yours. Glad to hear you are back home.
Allen Stephens <allen.c.stephens@intel.com>
Portland, Or USA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 0:55 AM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jacob, and Oliver -
Just a note to tell you that we continue to pray for ech of you. We appreciate your heartfelt journal entries and pictures....although, they make me tear up everytime I read them. They make the distance not seem as far. I love seeing pictures of ech of you. Thanks for all you do to keep us up to date! HUGS to all from California! Love, Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan

Liz Mescher <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 11:01 PM CDT
Robyn, Oliver and family,
We are praying for you everyday. I'm glad you were/are able to be home. I love reading your guestbook. There are so many loving, caring people. The entries make me cry, just as the entries for Joshie's guestbook make me cry.

Joshie goes in for round 11 of chemo today. He will be in for 3-4 days. If you would like to stop by, please do. No pressure, but if you are up for it, it would be good to say hello.

Robyn, I keep up with your journal entries too. We are mothers whose sons are in a fierce battle for their lives. We are here to help our little warriors fight the good fight.

Bless you and Oliver, Jacob, and your husband, David,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:30 AM CDT
Hi Robyn, Just a quick note to let you know how much we appriciate your updates, we are all thinking about you and Oli and your family all of the time. You and your boys are all so beautiful, we love you and miss you .
Love, Megan, Dave, Mal, and Kai, Colin and Elisa

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:23 AM CDT
Hey guys,

Just a quick note to let you know that you remain in our thoughts and prayers - hang in there!

Much love,

Rushton Hurley <rushton@hotmail.com>
Santa Clara, CA USA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:14 AM CDT
It was so WONDERFUL to see Oliver. He is so adorable and looks great!!! I am sending big hugs with this message :)
We are praying for Oli and the rest of you and look forward to our playdate with Jacob! Sleep tight!

Rebecca and Corey <bec.cor@verizon.net>
hillsboro, - Monday, June 13, 2005 11:06 PM CDT
Hi! I am a friend(and former neighbor) of Kip & Hanne Schauer's in Colorado. They let me know about Oliver since I am running the Nike Marathon in San Francisco in October (fundraising) for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I just wanted to let you know I will be wearing Oliver's name every step of the way & that he and your whole family will be in my thoughts & prayers.
Love to you all-Laura Zgoda

Laura Zgoda <lauramgz@yahoo.com>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Monday, June 13, 2005 8:42 PM CDT
The entry below made me cry. Its amazing how many caring people are in the world. Oliver, we think of you everyday.
Love, Your friends from Ohio

Kristen <kristenscherer@yahoo.com>
Dublin, OH USA - Monday, June 13, 2005 6:19 PM CDT
Oliver & Family...You don't know me but my granddaughter Maggie is in the room right next to Oliver's. Maggie is 3 years old and also has leukemia. They share the same doctors and nursing staff (they are wonderful). They even share the same wall. We know exactly what you are going through. Our hearts go out to each of you. You will be in our thoughts & prayers. Gina & Suzanne are a wealth of information & resources, but if we can help with anything at all (fundraising ideas, insider info on the hospital, or just a shoulder to cry on) come knock on Maggie's door. Someone is always there with her. Oliver seems to be quite a fighter like Maggie. He will give you all the strength, hope and courage you will need to get through this. God Bless You....Maggie's Grandma Sharon
sharon trett <zbeth10@comcast.net>
BEAVERTON , or usazb - Monday, June 13, 2005 6:08 PM CDT
Dear Oliver,
Your parents will probably save this guestbook and someday, you'll read all of these wonderful letters. And when you read this one, you will know how much I want you to get well. There are so many things we will do ! We will go places and we'll play and grow up together. We will play golf and baseball in the circle and have so much fun. You, Jacob, and I will make a great threesome ! And, of course, I will spoil you !

Get well soon, my grandson.
I love you.

Grandpa <btrasen@comcast.net>
Denver, CO - Monday, June 13, 2005 2:46 PM CDT
Hey! Glad to hear that Oli is home!! I just LOVE your beautiful pictures. I know that these past few weeks have been the the most difficult of your lives and it makes all of us focus on the the many blessings that we share. Oli and Jake are so lucky to have such loving and caring parents. Little Oli will certainly continue to make headway fighting this terrible disease and the match with Jake is truly a miracle that will be a special bond between your boys forever. We are all praying for your family.
Craig Fales <cfales@realpeoplebank.com>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, June 13, 2005 1:56 PM CDT

Even though we have never met I want you to know that you and your family will truly be in my thoughts and prayers as you go thru this journey. You were always such a pleasure to speak with on the phone when we set up the housing for your families when Oliver made his debut into this world. I was just speaking with two of my colleagues, Michelle & Sue and they remembered you as well and were surpsised as well to hear about Oliver. Wheter or not we are able to help you out in regards to housing this time around you and your family will be in all of our thoughts. I will check in via your website to see how everything is going.

Karen Shaw <kshaw@oakwood.com>
Wilsonville, OR USA - Monday, June 13, 2005 12:04 AM CDT
What a beautiful little guy!!! I'm happy to read you are home. We sure enjoyed seeing Jacob at Max's party and talking to your mom,Robyn. You, and of course your whole family are in our thoughts every day. We miss you and hope you know you are in all of our hearts. Hugs to all and Good Night! Brooke
Brooke Morrison <brookemorr@peoplepc.com>
Hillsboro, OR - Sunday, June 12, 2005 10:59 PM CDT
Great to see Oliver at home. Take care, I hope to see you guys this week.

Ed Smith <Edward.C.Smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Sunday, June 12, 2005 9:56 PM CDT
Hi Robyn & David,
Glad to hear that you're all back home and Oliver is doing better. More people have been praying all around Malaysia for you guys so have faith that you'll look back a few months from now and see how victorious you've all been. Peace and strenght of god be with you always.

Vila and Edwin - Malaysia <vilashini.krishnan@intel.com>
- Sunday, June 12, 2005 9:23 PM CDT
Much love to Oliver and your whole family. We are sending good chi and prayers your way.

The Bulgers
MB, Steve, Laura, Kevin, James
New York

Mary Beth Bulger <Msviv3@aol.com>
Clifton Park, NY 12065 - Sunday, June 12, 2005 4:55 PM CDT
Glad to hear that you are home. Hopefully it will be for a few days.

Love, Kim Tucker

Kim Tucker <MANDKTUCKER@AOL.com>
Owasso , ok - Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:21 AM CDT
ilove you guys good night you guys i am 7
isabella smith <heidissmith@comcast.net>
Shingle Springs, CA usa - Friday, June 10, 2005 11:05 PM CDT
David and Robyn, Many years from now Oliver and Jacob are going to look back at this time in their lives and realize how UNBELIEVABLE their parents are and were. Your boys are so very lucky to have you two looking after them. Keep up the good work and know that all my love is with you and the boys. MLT
Matthew <mtrasen@gmail.com>
Denver, CO US - Friday, June 10, 2005 8:04 PM CDT
Great to hear Oli is going home again, even if the stay may be short. Have a wonderful weekend. I hope to see you guys again next week.
Take care, Ed

Ed Smith <Edward.C.Smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Friday, June 10, 2005 6:08 PM CDT
We posted several weeks ago but for some reason it did not show up. Just want you to know that we are thinking of you and praying for you and for Oliver. We check the web everyday for an update and continue to pray for a miracle! Please let us know if there is anything we can do. Anything. We miss you and wish we were still on Parksedge Circle with you so we could help.
Lots of love from Ohio,
Ron, Kristen, Madeline, Abigail & Lauren Scherer

Ron & Kristen Scherer <kristenscherer@yahoo.com>
Dublin, OH USA - Friday, June 10, 2005 4:06 PM CDT
Hi Robyn and family.
My prayers are with you and your family at this time. My brother had lukemia 29 years ago. He has been in remission for 29 years. I hope Oliver has the same luck that my brother had. If there is anything that I can do let me know you know where to reach me. love carol

Carol Dougall <mitzie50@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, Or USA - Thursday, June 9, 2005 10:20 PM CDT
Prayers for Oliver and the whole Trasen family. We hope Oli makes a speedy recovery.

Peace, Love and Healing!

Tim, Angie, Allie and Lucas Schauer <timschauer@houston.rr.com>
Katy, TX - Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:59 PM CDT
Hi Oliver and family,
We came across your site through Javad's. You are such a cutie. We wish you and your family the best of luck. We will keep you in our prayers.

Kyle and Darlene ( Kyle's Grandmother) <www.caringbridge.org/md/kylespage (dm4462@msn.com)>
Lexington Park, MD USA - Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:12 PM CDT
There is nothing I can say except, so many people are praying for Oliver and you all. As Ed said so well, we need to get you back to being able to be concerned with the silly things. God's grace, peace and strength to you all.
Jeanne Maixner
- Thursday, June 9, 2005 1:57 PM CDT
Dear Robyn,David and Big Brother Jake - was cleaning out paperwork yesterday from my hugely messy desk and came across a photo of Oliver. It now sits on top of the computer and every time I sit down to do some work, which is constantly, I look at him and smile. He is such a cute little baby. Babies are such amazingingly mercurial little creatures with such enormous strength and power. May Oliver use his to get through this. I know we have not seen each other in eons, but please be aware that our hearts are with you all. Much love Kay George and Devin
Kay Bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
Hollywood, Ca 90068 - Thursday, June 9, 2005 10:45 AM CDT
Dear David, Robyn, Oli and Jake,
Every time I read your journal entries, it brings tears to my eyes that such a special family should be going through such a hardship. Your love for each other, your honesty and your ability to see humor in a dark situation will help you triumph over this. And really, we all need more beer and juice sometimes, right?
Sending our love,
Katie and Patrick

Katie and Patrick Hurley <viennahorse@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CT USA - Thursday, June 9, 2005 10:08 AM CDT
Dave & Robyn,
I don't know Susan, but I have to agree with her....you are both remarkable parents!! It's something I keep saying to myself every time I check the site. I'm astounded at the strength that's coming from you - although I'm sure from your end it doesn't feel that way. I know both Oli and Jake are taking comfort in that strength. It's wonderful that you're so candid with your thoughts on this website - and that you have such an amazing support network both near and far!! Keep your spirits high and just take each day as it comes. God Bless - you're in my prayers and my thoughts daily.

Cheris McFarland <cheris.mcfarland@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 11:41 PM CDT
I saw Grandma Dee yesterday, less than 24 hours from when she left Oregon to fly to Denver. She is physically in Denver, but still so very much there with all of you. Hope you can feel that love, energy and strength being sent your way. Though I have not spoken to her, I imagine that Oma Barbara is glad to be able to be with you, to "pitch in" and help with some of the practical, day to day routine tasks while giving lots of attention to Jake. The roller coaster of events and emotions that you are riding can only be sensed by those of us at a distance. Please know that even if it feels dizzying and terrifying to you, I certainly can think of no way you could be handling this better. You are quite remarkable!
Susan Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 11:12 PM CDT
Dear David and Robyn,
Just read your entry of today, David, and marvel at your ability to find humor (and share it) at a time like this.
We're praying that the bone marrow news bodes well and that little Oliver and you can go home this weekend. We're there with you in spirit and you are in our thoughts on a regular basis. More later.
Nancy and Michael

Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
englewood, co - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 10:59 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jacob, Oliver and Family,
We are very happy for the positive match and are keeping our fingers crossed that the final marrow tests will show positive results. We think you of every day and send our love and hugs. We are so very sorry that you are going through this very difficult time.
Donna & Howard Lutz

Donna & Howard <dlutz7502@aol.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 9:45 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Robyn, Jacob, and Oliver,

While I have never met you, and have only spoken on the phone to Dave once (we work together in College), I have been following your journal entries closely. As a parent myself, I cannot imagine how incredulous you must have felt at being told your son had cancer. That is just simply not a word parents should ever have to hear in relation to their children. Your words and emotions speak to the type of wonderful, graceful family you must be. News that Jacob is a match will hopefully be the first of many good things to come. Your family has a permanent place in my prayers.

Katherine Webster-Goldberg <katherine.webster-goldberg@intel.com>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 5:33 PM CDT
Hi guys! I'm very sorry to hear what ya'll are going through. It's a beautiful thing to read through this log and see how many friends and family you have supporting you at a time when you need it most. And most important, for baby Oli that he has three incredible people in his parents and big bro at his back helping him through this thing. I'm in the woods in Wyoming again for the summer, so I'm pretty out of touch. But I will be thinking about ya'll the whole time and I'll check for updates every chance I get. Much Love, ACK

Andy Klein <ack_spain@yahoo.com>
Jackson , WY - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 4:29 PM CDT
I am back in Denver, but my heart is there with you. I'll be back soon. All my love, Mom/Dee/Grandma
Dee Trasen <deetrasen@comcast.net>
Denver, CO US - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 10:30 AM CDT
Robyn and David,

I am so sorry to hear about everything you are going through. I am thinking of all of you. You are such a strong and caring family. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know. I have missed seeing you. Its been too long. Jen keeps me up, but its not the same as chatting. Just wanted to tell you we are sending our love and support.

Ashley, Dave, Aspen and Avery

Ashley Csaszar <aaacsaszar@comcast.net>
lake oswego, or 97034 - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 9:31 AM CDT
dear robin and david - this is such a tough journey to be travelling. The best of our thoughts and most positive energy are with you all, constantly. much love kay, george and devin
kay bawden <kay.bawden@joblove.com>
los angeles, ca usa - Wednesday, June 8, 2005 1:31 AM CDT
Hi Robyn,
I'm so sorry that Oli is feeling so bad this week. Take lots of pictures when he perks up to remind you during the bad times that he will . I am thinking of you all. I hope you are able to get some rest. Love,

Barbara Magnoni <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
new york, NY USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 10:10 PM CDT
You don't know me really but I am a longtime close friend of Damaris in Dallas. I am praying for Oliver and all of you. I am well aware of the strain on the whole family, since my sister had aplastic anemia when I was 12 years old.
Just continually pray for God to give you strength and He will!!!

Libby Maus <libbymaus@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 10:01 PM CDT
Hi Robyn & David,

I'm so tremendously happy to hear Jacob was a match. We continue to keep you in our daily thoughts, and of course, we're praying for strength for Oliver. We love you!

Laura & Rob

Laura Dahill
Portland, OR USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 6:34 PM CDT
Hi there again. Just writing to let you know we're checking your entries all the time. Thank you for letting everyone know what is going on -- even as it has gotten rough. We think of you often and continue to pray for all of you.
Melissa and Frederick Bolin <m.bolin@mac.com>
Belfast, Northern Ireland - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 4:57 PM CDT
We're sending all the positive energy we can muster. Keri and I think about you all daily and hope for Oli's speedy recovery.
Bryan & Keri Boettiger <bryan@storkradio.com>
Tucson, AZ USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:22 PM CDT
Dearest Robyn, David, Jake and Oli,
You continue to be in our constant thoughts and prayers. I am happy to know Jake is a match. I hope Oli is feeling better day by day. Thank you for keeping us all updated through the website. The pictures of you all are wonderful. God Bless you all. Love, Tera

XXOOOXXOO, hugs and kisses for Oli

Tera, Kyle and Paul Chavez <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 2:24 PM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear about Oli getting sick. Yes, this is kind of what cancer is like, but I think each child is different and each situation is a little different. I've watched everything change for Joshie in just a matter of 30 minutes. It's pretty much up and down, up and down, up and down. A roller coaster ride of emotions and tears and...believe it or not...laughter and joy. I don't understand it all and I wish I could take it away from Oli , from my Joshie, from all the children out there with cancer, but...

Hang in there Rodyn. Stay strong. I wish I could take it away from you too. I totally understand how you feel. Know that I think of you and Oli often and send up a prayer each time. I hope you get to go home tomorrow.

Joshie's Mom,

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 11:01 AM CDT
Hi guys. Janny called me Thursday night to tell me about your new situation. Since David once regarded me as his "other" sister, I was deeply touched to hear about Oliver. I could go on and on about how I've worked with families in your situation, but what matters is you guys. Please don't let the breezy attitude of the health professionals there upset you. We forget that what we see all of the time is the first time for you. The only thing I know is that I have seen such strength and wisdom in kids like Oli. This first patch is rough, but then you'll see him blossom (even if he is miserable). You and the team will learn more from him than you ever could imagine. I'm thinking of you guys, and my family has you in their prayers.
Cary Lehnertz Clarke <clcclarkee@aol.com>
Denver , CO USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 9:43 AM CDT
Dear Oli,
I am so sorry for your pain! It is not fair. You are a very brave baby boy! I hope you feel better on Wednesday so your beautiful smile comes back, Jacob can laugh at you, and Mommy and Daddy can hug you at home. Those are my wishes. I know Mommy and Daddy hate not being able to make you better. Tell Oma Barbara I got her phone message after I left Denver and I will talk to her real soon. All of us grandmothers worry about, cry over, pray for, and love you little people so much, especially when you are hurting. I think of you all the time with good thoughts!

Nancy Mentzer <ncmentzer@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 7:36 AM CDT
Robyn and David,
Mark and I just moved from Monroe,LA to Tulsa, OK, so we have been without a computer for a couple of weeks. You have been in our thoughts and prayers. I cannot believe you are going through this nightmare. It does sound like you have a great team of physicians on your side, and I was glad to hear Jacob is a match for the marrow transplant. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Your daily entries will let me know what exactly to pray for each day. Hopefully Oli will be out of the hospital very soon. More later and all of my love,
Kim Tucker

Kim Tucker <MANDKTUCKER@AOL.com>
Owasso, OK USA - Tuesday, June 7, 2005 4:11 AM CDT
Hi David, Robyn, Jake, Oli:
I read through the journal entries, which made me teary, but what really did me in was the photos. They're priceless. At times like this, the normal life portrayed in the photos is a reminder of how precious every day life is. You have built such a wonderful family. You guys are amazing. We're sending as much love and strength as we can.
Nancy, Sean, Rachel, Molly, Noah

Nancy Kass <nkass@Jhsph.edu>
Baltimore, MD USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 9:45 PM CDT
Im so sorry to hear that you are back in the hospital but so thrilled to hear that Jacob is a match - that is the best news!! Jacob is going to be a little hero and I know he will be so proud one day when he fully understands what he gave to his beautiful brother. I can imagine that will make their bond even greater throughout their lives.

And speaking of heros - D and R - you are (as you have been from the day Jacob was born!) such loving and strong parents. These boys are so lucky to have you.

As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers each and every day and we cant wait to see you in August!

Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
Lafayette, co - Monday, June 6, 2005 5:44 PM CDT
Hello Robyn and family,
So sorry to hear you are back at the hospital. Hope that Oliver is resting comfortably. thank you so much for the updates through your journal, we have you all constantly in our hearts and minds. we are so glad for the help of the two grandmas and other family, what a blessing that they are able to be here for you now. we are always here for you and whatever you need, anytime. much love to you all, we miss you guys!

Nickole Vargas <westie1220@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, OR 97123 - Monday, June 6, 2005 5:28 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, and the rest of your beautiful family. I just wanted to drop a note to let you know that myself and my family are thinking about you and praying for you everyday. Your support system reaches a very long way, and for that I am grateful. I'm very happy that Jake is a donor match, and I'm sure all will go well. Peace be with you, and you have all of our love, Molly, John, and Austin.
Molly Jourde (Woodard) <Mjwoodard71@yahoo.com>
Highlands Ranch, Co USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 4:34 PM CDT
Robyn and David,
So sorry to hear that you are back at the hospital, but I'm sure the doctors are taking great care of Oli. That must have been frightening for you. Thank goodness Dee is there to help! Kiss that sweet boy for us and keep your spirits up. Your positive attitudes will be so reassuring to Oli. He is lucky to have such wonderful parents to take care of him!! Great news about Jake being a matched donor.... good things are sure to come.
Miss you,

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Monday, June 6, 2005 3:43 PM CDT
To All Trasens: We think of you constantly: your strength and love for each other. We wish you only good things from now on. Love from the Schwartz/Broms group
Judy Schwartz <judith-schwartz@comast.net>
Denver, CO - Monday, June 6, 2005 1:07 PM CDT
David, Robyn, Jacob, Oliver:
God Bless you moment by moment each day and gift you with a pillar of strength and positive motivation at this time in your lives. Even though be have hurdles in life that are unforeseen, we learn to appreciate the most precious moments that we normally take for granted.
The greatest gift of all is our families, care, concern and great health. All of you and your family are in my prayers daily.

Marlene Horn - Intel <marlene.d.horn@intel.com>
Portland, OR Washington - Monday, June 6, 2005 12:55 AM CDT
Dear David, Robyn, Jakey, Oli and Oma Barbara -- I will welcome Grandma Dee back to Denver, and sent Oma Barbara off on Saturday with a big hug after a workout at Curves. Wish I could send some of the Chicken Marengo I've cooked for Dee and Ben up to Portland. Wonderful news about the bone marrow match! Sorry you are back in the hospital, but hope the antibiotics and fluids have helped Oli perk up again. Love to all, Sue
Susan Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Monday, June 6, 2005 11:43 AM CDT
Hi to all of you! Robyn, I doubt that you remember me, but I'm one of your mother's friends in Denver. I'm sorry you have joined the same club I joined some 30 yrs ago, but I want you to know that you can do this, all of you. Medicine has improved so much, and families are so much more involved now. From reading all these messages, it looks like you have enomous support and love. Lo those many years ago, transplants were just getting started. It is such a gift that you have a match and all the facilities you need. I want you to know you can call on me for anything. I am keeping you all close to my heart and my prayers.

Martha Pearse <MPearse@aol.com>
Denver, CO USA - Sunday, June 5, 2005 4:25 PM CDT
Just want to say hello again and send hugs your way. Sorry to hear that Oli had to return to the hospital. I have the latest picture of him and Jake on my bulletin board (refrigerator) so I can see their darling faces every time I pass by. All the Fricklases join us in sending love and good wishes your way.
Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Sunday, June 5, 2005 1:00 PM CDT
Dearest Robyn, David, and Jacob,
The news that Jacob is a match is the best news so far. We returned from L.A. on June 2, but were following your progress reports while there, and appreciate them so much. Our positive thoughts are with you all and we love you so much. Aunt Betty and Uncle Lou in Flushing

Betty and Lou Joblove
Flushing, NY - Saturday, June 4, 2005 11:51 PM CDT
Hello dear Trasens,
This is Emily Bruder (and Melissa, Melanie, and Jerry) in St. Louis. We are all keeping you in our prayers and our thoughts. We're so sorry this is happening to you, and we wish you continued strength and courage.

Emily Bruder Perlman <ebpharmony@aol.com>
Needham, MA USA - Saturday, June 4, 2005 10:07 PM CDT
Dave and Robyn,
What great news regarding Jacob being a possible donor match, it sounds like the Drs there are very enthusiatic about it as well! Sorry to hear that Oliver had to go back into the hospital so soon. I can't even imagine the emotional roller coaster you guys are on, and again if there is anything you need - please don't hestitate to ask. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with your family and especially Oliver.

Mindy Murdock <Melinda.s.Murdock@intel.com>
Chandler, AZ 85248 - Saturday, June 4, 2005 7:10 PM CDT
Hi guys- I hope you are having a cozy weekend together!
Just wanted you to know we are thinking about you!
Lots of HUGS!
Bec and Cor
p.s.. Robyn give me a call if you feel up to meeting for coffee or you just want to chat-bec

Bec and Cor <bec.cor@verizon.net>
- Saturday, June 4, 2005 4:46 PM CDT
Dear Robyn and David, (This is from Mimi and Granddaddy. Their computer is down and I'm posting this message for them). Ever since Joe called to tell us about Oli's illness, the four of you have been in our prayers and thoughts almost constantly. We wish, of course, that we could be close enough to help in some way, yet we know proximity does not necessarily mean we could help. We know our prayers and loving thoughts are about all we can do at this point. If there are ways in which we may be of help, please let us know. We love the four of you so much, and we are so proud of you for the mature way you are using the journal and the questbook to enable those of us who love you to keep up with Oli's condition. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and God bless you all. Love Granddaddy and Mimi.
Ann Tucker <ann.eugenetucker@sbcglobal.net>
Little Rock, AR USA - Saturday, June 4, 2005 3:18 PM CDT
Hi, Robyn, David, Jakey, and Oliver,
It was GREAT to see those photos of you all at home. Paul and I think about you and talk about you so many times a day. I'm looking forward to seeing you very soon. The news about Oliver is very good. We love you so much. Help is on the way!
Mom and Paul

Barbara and Paul Redinger <DocOma@aol.com>
Denver, CO USA - Saturday, June 4, 2005 11:55 AM CDT
Brooke Morrison <brookemorr@peoplepc.com>
Hillsboro, OR - Saturday, June 4, 2005 11:27 AM CDT
Hello! This is Aimee from Micro class. I am so happy to hear the news about Jacob being a match possibly. What a gorgeous family you have! You and Oli have been on my mind all week and know that I have said lots of extra prayers. Please know I meant it in my e mail that if you need anything or a break to just call me. I've been there and I know how hard it is to reach out to friends or even talk to them during a time like this. I'm here for you for what ever you need. Take care!

Aimee <Aimee.Gardner@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR - Saturday, June 4, 2005 1:59 AM CDT
WOW- What GREAT news. We are thrilled to hear Jake is a match. I sure it is a relief and scary at the same time.
So glad things are going well at home. His first real crawl-what an amazing little guy!
We love you all and will continue to pray for continued good news!

Bec and Cor
- Friday, June 3, 2005 8:49 PM CDT
Robyn & Family, Shelly shared your journal website with us. We are very sorry about Oli's illness. We will keep all of you in our prayers. I (Sharon) am an 8 year survivor of a stem cell transplant for mulitple myeloma. I understand the fear, anger and sadness you are experiencing. There are many, many cancer survivors living today and Oli will be a survivor too! Our wish is for strength for your family during this difficult time. Dick and Sharon Mentzer
Dick & Sharon Mentzer <stmentzer@comcast.net>
Tucson, AZ USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 7:39 PM CDT
Robyn and David,
I returned from Israel today and was so glad to learn that Oliver is at home; all of us have been following your diary entries and photos. You have a whole team in Israel rooting for Oliver, as are Rami and I wherever we are! You are a remarkable family (now part of ours, hurrah!) and your strength, courage and openness during this difficult time is inspiring. We are truly grateful to you for keeping us updated---you are continuously in our thoughts.
Our love and hugs to you all, and extras of everything good to Oliver and Jake.
Daphna (Naomi's grandma)

Daphna Amit <daa47@zoominternet.net>
Youngstown, OH USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 7:28 PM CDT
Robyn,David,Jake,Oliver--so happy to hear you are home-this should be a little more comfortable. Everytime I read your messages I can't help but get a little choked up,but this morning the tears flowed.What a complicated time for Jacob. Please tell him Cooper says hello and sends big hugs!! Robyn-- I hope you know I think of you often everyday and I feel so horrible that you have to go through this. I've tried calling the hospital a few times and was honestley glad when no one answered because I think I'm a little scared also to talk to you, but at the same time I want you to know I would love to talk to you and am here for you anytime.Please hug each other from us and continue to give each other strength, support, and lots of love . We are with you!!! LOTS OF LOVE Brooke, Steve,Cooper, and Kade
Brooke <brookemorr@peoplepc.com>
Hillsboro, OR - Friday, June 3, 2005 6:45 PM CDT
TrasenFamily Hi this is Sherry from Busy Bees Iam thinking of your family all the time and enjoy seeing your mother with Jacob.He is doing very good in class always smiling and having fun. If there is anything you need from me let me know you can reach me daily at school from 12:00 to 2:00.

Sherry Alcala <Shrkimalcala@aol.com>
Hillsboro, OR - Friday, June 3, 2005 5:35 PM CDT
Hey there, I am sooooo glad you are at home with Oli and Jake. Thanks for posting the photos - your family is beautiful. Enjoy some sense of normalcy this weekend - you deserve it. Hang in there! Ella sends a big smile to you! Love, Shelly, Dru & Ella
Shelly Deiner <shellymentzer@yahoo.com>
Seattle, wa - Friday, June 3, 2005 5:09 PM CDT
Dave, Robyn, I'm so sorry to hear about Oliver's illness. I work with Alyson Molesworth and she asked me if I would relay my own son's cancer success story (2 weeks done). My 17 year old son was diagnosed with Stage 3, Hodgkin's Lymphoma in early March. He went through 4 cycles of chemo (3 wks each) and as of last week was deemed "cancer free." Also, he finished his last chemo treatment this week and already he is a new kid (talkative, kind, funny, etc). Although we'd thought chemo side affects would take a couple more weeks to get him to this point, we're surprised on the quick recovery. Please do hang in there. My prayers are with you and your family. Our faith in Christ was a pillar of strength for us. Fortunately, these diseases are much more treatable then in the past. Often the road to recovery is long and hard, but there is much success to be had. God Bless, Steve Thomas
Steve Thomas <steve.b.thomas@intel.com>
chandler, AZ USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 4:53 PM CDT
Dave and Robyn,

Burke Walls here. I have worked on and off with Dave for 10 years in both Fab 11 and in Staffing. My heart breaks for you guys and you have been in my prayers ever since I found out about Oliver. Please know that a lot of people are pulling for you.

Burke Walls <burke.a.walls@intel.com>
Colorado Springs, Co USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 4:31 PM CDT
Hey David and Robyn. Just wanted to say hi (again) and let you know that I'm thinking of you (still). LOVE the pics, glad you're home (if only for a short bit of time) and hoping you have some moments of "normalcy" while you're there.
Much love to you, Jacob and Oli, as always.

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 3:35 PM CDT
Hi Robyn and David,
I am glad that you guys got to go home and that the carpet company was able to go above and beyond to help you guys. The transition home is often difficult, but as you know people are here for you. Please feel free to give me a call if you need someone to vent to or there is anything I can do to help!

Shannon Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashintwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 3:14 PM CDT
Dear Dave and Family,

It sucked the wind out of me to hear the news of your son. I just wanted to remind you there is a very large ring of supporters who are here to help you in any way. Being a new dad myself, it really put things in perspective and I admire your strength and courage. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you at home or work.

Sean Oase <seanoase@yahoo.com>
Beaverton, OR - Friday, June 3, 2005 3:14 PM CDT
Dave, Robyn, Jake and Oliver,
Wanted to say how happy we are that Oliver is home. And we're hoping there are no trips to the ER.
I also wanted to mention this to everyone here: Here is the website for the National Marrow Donor Program.
I know matches most often come from close relatives, but you never know. It's really easy to register, a simple blood sample is all that is required. Just thought I'd pass it along.

Keith Molesworth
Hillsboro, OR - Friday, June 3, 2005 1:45 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Dee, Jake and most of all, Oli: I am so glad you are all together AT HOME. The appreciation for a normal dinner and bedtime ritual may seem like so little to others who have this daily, but for all of you this is now a special, treasured time. It is message to all of us to treasure such simple, mundane moments in our lives, too. I have printed off the photo of Oli in his playpen, and put it on my bulletin board over my desk at work. I feel that every time I glance at those eyes I can somehow send waves of comfort and impart some of my own tenacity into his little mind and body. Love to all. Sue
Sue Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Friday, June 3, 2005 11:13 AM CDT
You are HOME! There's no place like home!

Robyn, it's ok if you aren't up to talking to friends and relatives. Take your time.

Enjoy eachother, enjoy every second!

I'll pray that you have NO ER visits, that Oli doesn't get any infections what so ever! I am so happy for you all...to be home!


April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 10:34 AM CDT
Hi Robin and David- can you elaborate on the bone marrow need for matching - do you need volonteers? I am following following your journal daily and strengthen you from afar in all that you are going thru. Shabat Shalom! Ruthie and Oded
Ruthie Gross <ruthie@daisy.co.il>
Ramat Hasharon, Israel - Friday, June 3, 2005 10:13 AM CDT
We just have gone through the website, so many beautiful messages and pictures. Robyn, I can't believe how much Oli looks like you, those wonderful eyes! You both need to know how very loved and cared for by all of us, and by so many. Your whole family is really being held in many arms now. Carie and I are constantly praying and sending our love.
Debbie and Carie <cariebuckley@msn.com>
Staunton, Va - Friday, June 3, 2005 9:36 AM CDT
No offense, none taken. [We liked your last entry] You don't know us but we heard about your situation from another Emanual mom. Our 11 year old son was diagnosed with AML M3 last January [It's treated differently from other subtypes of AML] We remember the paralyzing fear we felt at the beginning. We did do a 2nd opinion to reassure ourselves and our family. We have come to trust and enjoy Drs. Chu,Olson,and Norwood. We pray for the best for your beautiful baby Oliver. If you want a moments diversion you could check out the photos on our caringbridge site under willrenton to see Dr. Norwood getting his head shaved for a charity event last March. Sincerely, Dave, Jill, Will, and Patrick Renton.
Jill Renton
West Linn, OR usa - Friday, June 3, 2005 1:45 AM CDT
Hi miss you guis Roryn i rember bakeing cookies with you !now i`am 9 I am so sorry welcome home i miss you all good night! love, lauren
lauren smith <heidissmith@comcast.com>
CA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:22 PM CDT
goodnight baby oli i hope you git betr soon love bella smith
bella smith <heidissmith@comcast.net>
Shingle Springs, CA usa - Thursday, June 2, 2005 10:55 PM CDT
Hey guys,
I am thrilled to hear that Oliver's first round of chemo was such a success! You must be relieved to be going home to Jake and excited that the boys will be reunited. They will both be so happy to have their playmate back! As I read through your entries each day, I am so astounded and grateful for how candid you both are about your feelings. Rob, we've been friends for ... wow...17 years now and when I read your journal, I can picture you saying the words as if you are in front of me. Thank you for bringing us closer to Oliver and for letting us into your hearts.
With that said, the boys and I have blown up and printed off that adorable picture of Oli sitting on your mom's lap. What a beautiful little guy he is! We hung it up on the fridge and while we eat breakfast or lunch or just walk by, the boys and I will talk about how sweet he is and how we just know that those doctors are going to make him better! He is truly an inspiration. Love you guys.... Jen

Jen Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 8:29 PM CDT
Dave, Robyn, Jake and Oli,
I will be in town on the 9th in Hillsboro and will be downtown Portland June 14-16, would love to see you and play football with Jake. Let me know if you are up for a visit or a beer out or anything at all. (Happy to take Jake out as well if you and Robyn would like an evening)

Dave, If you would rather spend the time escorting the individuals from outside of the hospital upstairs, I would be happy to accomodate.

Please call at 916.719.5906 (cell) or 530.676.6044 (home) if you are up for this.

Keep your spirits up, we are with you.

Take care, give everyone a hug for me.

Ed Smith <Edward.C.Smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:37 PM CDT
Robyn I just heard today about Oliver at Busy Bees. Oliver is such a beautiful, sweet baby boy. Please know that Oliver and your family are in our prayers. Dylan would love to have Jacob over to play. I think you live in our neighborhood. We live on 9th dr near Rogahn in Jones Farm. Please let me know when I can bring dinner over for your family. If there is anything else I can do to help please let me know.
Melissa Hurst (Dylan's Mom) <craigandmelissahurst@msn.com>
Hillsboro, OR - Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:13 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

Thank you so much for keeping us informed on Oli's condition, as he is in our thoughts and prayers. I can't believe that cute little boy is so sick! Both Lauren and Bella are on this site daily for updates and pictures. You maybe receiving emails from a 7 and 9 yr old. Robyn, Lauren is very happy that she remembers baking cookies with you in Albuquerque. But Bella is upset that she can't remember you both meeting her within hours of her birth!

I just wish we lived closer. I know you have a wonderful family and as shown with all the emails, a supportive group of friends. But if you need any help, I'll be on the next plane.

Huge huggs,
The Smiths

Heidi Smith <heidianded@comcast.net>
Shingle Springs, CA USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 3:49 PM CDT
I am Michael and Pam's cousin, Anna Carol, from Kansas City. I am keeping all of you in my prayers. I am so very very sorry that you have been dealt such a hard blow. I believe in doctors; I believe in the power of prayers; and I believe in the positive energy that those around you are capable of generating. Know that I love you and will keep you very close to my heart.
Anna Carol Lampe <alampe@hallmark.com>
Kansas City, Mo - Thursday, June 2, 2005 3:33 PM CDT
Robyn, David, and Jacob,
Matt keeps us updated on you guys. He's such a proud Uncle. Please know that we are thinking about little Oliver and wish him strength to beat this. We will keep the entire family in our thoughts and prayers. What an impressive website! Matt sent it on to us. With love, Carman, Matt and Landon James in Pasadena, CA

Carman, Matt, and Landon James <carmanjames@earthlink.net>
Monrovia, CA USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 3:23 PM CDT
Hi Guys- We have you all in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Thank you for keeping us up to date on Oli's progress via this website. You both amaze us with your energy and strength. We are here for you whatever it is you might need. Please let us know how we can help. We are available for footrubs,playdates,food and wine!!
Love you- Rebecca,Corey,Max and Kai

Rebecca and Corey <bec.cor@verizon.net>
Hillsboro, OR - Thursday, June 2, 2005 1:25 PM CDT
I just heard about Oliver today while dropping Evan off at the Busy Bees Preschool. Please know we are thinking of your family during this difficult time and we will be praying for Oliver's recovery!

Amy, Matt, Michael, & Evan Kupperman <kupperma@comcast.net>
Hillsboro, OR - Thursday, June 2, 2005 12:45 AM CDT
Dear Robs and David,

Its taken me a while to sign in to your guest book because I'm at such a loss as to what words may provide any comfort during this terrible time. It seems so trite to write to you via email...I wish I could express how I feel face to face with hugs and tears. I've never met Oliver, but he exudes such joy, innocence, pure love, and happiness...I hope to meet him! Rick and I pray for him ever day and please know that many friends in Virginia are doing the same. Love to you and the boys. You are so strong and wonderful parents....

Brooke Cason <brookebuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 12:01 AM CDT
Robyn & David,
Thank you for sharing your lives with us. We want you to know that we shall continue to care for Jacob with love and tenderness here at Busy Bee's. Jacob's classmates and instructors made a poster today for your family to enjoy when you come home from the hospital. We are thinking of you thoughtfully.

Suzanne & gang at Tyson

Suzanne Dale <suzannedale@ci.hillsboro.or.us>
Hillsboro, OR usa - Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:51 AM CDT

This is April here. I met your beautiful wife, Robyn and sweet, chubby little guy, Oliver, in the Children's Garden the other day. We too are journeying through cancer with our 4 year old son.

I just read your journal entry for today and I couldn't help but comment...about your anger at the smokers in the front of the hospital.

I have the hardest time with the young teenage, eating disorder girls...some with feeding tubes in, just like my Joshua. I see them up on 3500, some in wheel chairs, because they've taken their beautifully, healthy bodies and almost starved themselves to death! Some of them get so bad they lower their heart rates to 26!!! I want to have them look at my son, an innocent little boy, struck with a terrible disease. Here they are deliberatly destroying their otherwise healthy bodies! It angers me! Sorry, I just had to get that out.

I'm so happy, Oliver is doing as well as he is!!! YEAH! I hope you get to go home SOON! I loved the new pictures. What handsome boys you have! You are in our prayers.

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:41 AM CDT
Dear Robyn, David and Dee

We've not met too often - I am married to Nancy Kass(Dee's niece) and we live in Baltimore. I just wanted to let you know that we are sending our love and positive thoughts to you all while you are moving through this difficult time. You clearly have a wonderful network of friends and family to give you strength, and that will surely make this all much easier. Thank you for the wonderful, sweet pictures of Oliver.

Sean Tunis <sean.tunis@netzero.net>
Baltimore, MD - Thursday, June 2, 2005 11:41 AM CDT
Dearest Tracen family,
My thoughts are with you often throughout the day. I cant imagine what you are going through, and I'm so sorry. We are sending you are love and continued prayers.
Your strength and courage is amazing, every one of you. So glad to hear of Oli's good progress.
Please, let me know if there is anything I can do to help, anytime.
Keep smiling,
Lara,Tony,Jalen & Bret

Lara Cameron <camzone@comcast.net>
Banks, OR USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 11:42 PM CDT
Hey there, You guys sound like you are so strong and that Oli is taking it all so well. I am blown away at how big he is and how many teeth he has for only being a few weeks older than Ella!! He's absolutely adorable and I love the pic of Jake and him on your lap. It sounds like you're in great hands down there. I think about you every day and have shed my own tears for you. Lately my line of work has hit me close to home and once I heard your news too I've really been stunned. I know everyone is offering, but honestly I am more than willing to come down for a weekend to help out or even to just hang out and visit with you all. Thanks for the updates - I'm glad to hear he's taking it ok so far. Huge hugs to all of you!
Love, Shelly

Seattle, WA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 11:11 PM CDT
Robyn and David,
Today I took a photo of Oliver from the website to our pastor friends. Having a photo helps people to picture your beautiful, Oliver, when they include him and your family in prayers of the church.
Our love to you all. Your Cousins, Pam and Michael

Pam Schackel & Michael Golden <mjg216@cybermesa.com>
Santa Fe, nm USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 10:46 PM CDT
Dear Robyn and David and Jakey and Oli and Mrs T and all of you out there. Once again, I am blown away by your strength, compassion and closeness. My thoughts are with you and your beautiful children. love, Barbara
Barbara Magnoni <bmagnoni@mindspring.com>
new york, NY USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 10:27 PM CDT
Dear Dave, Robyn, Jake, and Oliver,

I have read many stories of amazing people (Teddy Roosevelt is a good example) who early in their lives had a difficult health challenge. It seems that the love of family is often what that person needed, and with all the wonderful comments here, Oli clearly has that. Know that Tabitha and I are thinking of you with love and prayers.


Rushton Hurley <rushton@hotmail.com>
Santa Clara, CA USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:43 PM CDT
Dave and Robyn,
My heart goes out to you both. I will definitely send "positive energy" your way and wish the best for Oli.
And you guys make sure you take care of yourselves as well!

Wendy Nakatani
Portland, OR USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 4:38 PM CDT
Dave and Robin, It has been a long time since I have talked to you guys and I am deeply sadened to hear about Oliver. I am also now a father of an 11 mo. year old girl and can not imagine what you are having to go through. Stay strong and know that our family's prayers are with you. God bless.
Brad, Jessica & Aubrey Rice <brice8@comcast.net>
Albuquerque, NM USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 4:05 PM CDT
Robin and David: I have never met either of you, but know of David through working in College at Intel. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. I have two boys of my own, and there's anyways something to worry about and never too much love to give. You sound like very brave and wonderful parents! I will continue to keep you and your family in my heart and in my prayers. God Bless you!!
Beth Redfield <Beth.J.Redfield@intel.com>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 3:52 PM CDT
Dear Robyn and David, You do not know me, so I will introduce myself: I am Grandma Dee's cousin, NINA, (Michael Golden's sister), living in Israel. As a grandmother of nine, I can certainly feel your pain and concern for your baby. He is very young and I am sure that his chances for recovery are good. I, along with my family, send you my prayers for your baby's complete recovery; we are thinking of you, Nina and Gabi Adari, Israel
Nina Adari <ninaadari@walla.co.il>
Upper Galilee, Israel - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 1:45 PM CDT
Dear team, and you are a team, I check your diary daily to follow Oli's progress. The most recent photos are truly amazing - the children obviously adore each other and are so beautiful - what a great job you are doing. You are right David, to see that smiling, happy little fellow, it's just so hard to comprehend his illness. The apparent strength of you all is truly inspiring. Know that you are in our thoughts in the most positive of ways. Much love - Kay, George and Devin (who just turned 14 and is 5.11"- a tad bigger than the little guy who slid across the dance floor at your wedding!!).
Kay Bawden
Los Angeles, Ca USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 12:12 AM CDT
Robyn, David, Jake and Oliver... I am so sorry to hear that little Oli is so ill. His pictures are adorable and he looks so strong to fight the battle ahead. If I can be of any assistance to you, please know I would like to help. This website is a wonderful way to communicate with all of us who love you and your family. I will check it often. I will continue to keep Oli in my thoughts and prayers each day. I just know that he will prevail, rest assured that he has so many fine people pulling for him with all their hearts. Love,
Craig Fales <cfales@realpeoplebank.com>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 12:04 AM CDT
Hi Robyn, David, Jake and Oli,
Sending all our thoughts and love your way. We're sorry we're so far away from you all! Oli looks like he's doing great and we know that he'll make it through this. Keep up your strength and know how many people are thinking of you and praying for you. If there's anything we can do, know that we'll happily do it.
Love, Katie and Patrick

Katie and Patrick Hurley <viennahorse@yahoo.com>
Middletown, CT USA - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 8:09 AM CDT
Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver,
You are in our prayers. We wish Oliver a speedy recovery. Please let us know if you need anything.

Hamesh & Khyati Patel <hameshp@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:40 PM CDT
Robyn and David,
The pictures of Robyn and the boys are beautiful. Grandma Dee, too! You all remain in our prayers. Rabbi Helman said you are in his prayers and miracles do happen.
Love your cousins. Pam and Michael

Pam Schackel and Michael Golden <mjg216@cybermesa.com>
Santa Fe, nm uSA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:19 PM CDT
Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver:

I am holding you all in my thoughts and prayers many times each day. Thank God you all have eachother and will get through this together. Oliver looks like a fighter and a winner to me. This web site is wonderful. Thank you for keeping all of us who love you informed so well. Sending love and encouragement,

Carol Schifferling <caroling8@aol.com>
Portland, OR USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:17 PM CDT
David and Robyn,
Our prayers are with you both, Jacob and Oliver...If you need anything please do not hesitate to call ..All our Love
Lea and the Staff at Rosewood Park

Lea Winslow
Hillsboro, OR USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 6:24 PM CDT
Dear Dave & Robyn, I just learned today about Oliver's illness. I am unable to express how my heart goes out to each of you. I am praying for your family to have the strength to get through this, a perfect match for the bone marrow with Jake and Oliver's miraculous recovery.
Jeanne Maixner
- Tuesday, May 31, 2005 6:10 PM CDT
Dear Dave and Robyn,
You don't know me, but I am a friend of Dee's, your son's grandmother. I just wanted to let you know our prayers are with you as you proceed with the curing of the Leukemia. I have to tell you that my brother Larry is in Seattle Washington as I write this, getting a bone marrow transplant and so we certainly know what you are going through. He has had 4 rounds of Chemo and looked the picture of health before he was diagnosed. I know it will be successful and he will be running around like good as new very soon. Just keep up your spirits and we will be thinking of you and praying as we are praying for Larry. This is a tough road, but keep telling him about the "Little Engine that Could" until there is only a positive I know I can! Bless all your family and we will keep in touch and get the updates.
Our Best, Carolyn Eisen and Gene Zimmerman

Carolyn Eisen <caeisen@msn.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 6:08 PM CDT
Dave & Robyn - I can only imagine what you are going through - my thoughts and prayers are with you. Be strong for Oliver..he needs to see your smiles. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you!
Richelle Pryor <richelle.a.pryor@intel.com>
Chandler, az USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:51 PM CDT
Dave, Robyn, Jacob, and especially Oliver,
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time. I see the pictures of Oliver and can tell he certainly is a fighter! He also has a great support system with his family and friends which will help him on his road to recovery. God Bless.

Mindy Murdock <melinda.s.murdock@intel.com>
Chandler, AZ 85248 - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 5:14 PM CDT
Hello David, Robyn, Jake, Oliver, Dee, and Barbara, in no particular order! It's Linda writing, I talked to Susan yesterday afternoon and had an e-mail from Ben this morning. We are so distressed by this news! And now we're taking all that distressed energy and turning it into prayers for all of you as you deal with this. The photos are wonderful, we're glad to see that Oli seems to like his doctor as evidenced by his big smile. The updates by you all are so helpful, we'll keep checking them. Oliver, your mission is to fight, fight, fight! Our mission will be to pray, pray, pray! Love to all of you!!!
Linda and Steve Wakefield <snowtoad25@aol.com>
Dillon, CO USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:56 PM CDT
Thanks for letting us share this difficult time with you. We are praying for the success of the treatment. Oliver's pictures are great and we hope that the effects of the treatment will be positive. Thinking of all of you!
Warmest regards
Ruthie and the family in Israel

Ruthie Gross <ruthie@daisy.co.il>
Ramat Hasharon, Israel - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:50 PM CDT
Dear Trasen Family,

Oliver's name has been passed on to me and I want you to know that a prayer group here in Charlotte, NC and another one in Jacksonville, FL are lifting Oliver up in prayer and we are believing for a miracle of healing for that little guy. We are praying that your family stays strong and know that a mighty hand is on all of you and may you feel a peace. Blessings from all of us to you.

Jill Owen <jre47@aol.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:33 PM CDT
Hey David and Robyn. Sending out all my love to you, Oli and Jacob. I'm thinking about you LOTS and continuing to hope for the best. What a beautiful, happy looking kid he is in those photos!
Big hugs.....erin

Erin McGill <Emacatak2@earthlink.net>
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:15 PM CDT
David, Robyn, Jacob and Oliver-
When we heard about Oliver, our hearts went out to all of you at that very moment. Know we are thinking of you and praying for his health to return to normal. May the support you have from those near and far surround you and give you strength each and everyday. Sending our love and warmth you way.
Julie and Michael

Julie (Nowak) and Michael Eber <jewelslynn@juno.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:58 PM CDT
Dear Oli, Jacob, Robyn, and David,
We are thinking of you guys and sending as many positive thoughts as possible in your direction. If there is ANYTHING we can do, please don't hesitate to let us know (Janny knows where to find us).
Much love and hope,

Jennifer Cohen Oko and Michael Oko <jenafred@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:33 PM CDT
Hi Robyn and David: our prayers and thoughts are certainly with you and your family in this difficult time. God works through all situations for good, even when it does not seem to make any sense. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know.
Edmund Torkelson <etorkelson@pol.net>
Portland, OR USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:28 PM CDT
David and Robyn,

I'm so sorry you and your family are facing this difficult time and horrible disease. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Keep up your strength for your little boys and we'll do whatever we can in Denver to support your family here.

Love, Stephanie

Stephanie Nowak <snowak@pepsicenter.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:56 AM CDT
Dear Oliver,
I met your parents the other day at Emanuel and am glad that I was able to touch base with them. You are such a cutie! :) Keep fighting and keep strong. You have a wonderful family!

Shannon (and Javad) Mashinchi

www.caringbridge.org/or/javad <smashinwo66@yahoo.com>
Happy Valley, OR USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:46 AM CDT
I am so glad to have this "bridge" to all of you in Portland. What a great service for families of kids in hospitals. I think of all of you so many times a day, and now I can just log on to let you know without having to guess if a telephone call might interrupt something...like a much-needed nap. I will try to see Grandma Barbara (Omah?) this evening after work. I will follow Oli's progress daily, but also want to send cyber hugs to Robyn, David and Jake. I can come up to Portland this summer to cook, clean, do laundry, dishes, and even windows. I love going to parks, playgrounds, zoos, etc. with big boys, though my soccer and baseball skills are not great. Love to all. Sue
Susan Connelly <sconnell@du.edu>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:04 AM CDT
Dear Oliver, Robyn, David and Dee:
Wish I could be there to wrap my arms around all of you, but since that is impossible, please know that my love, prayers and thoughts are with you. I spoke with Jacob and Grandma Dee yesterday and will check in regularly. Love, Marion

Marion Goldstein <mtanag@aol.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:42 AM CDT
Dear Oliver,
Hang in there, Little Guy. I know the strength of your family and friends will hold you up during the difficult road ahead. We are saying prayers for you and sending lots of good thoughts your way.

Elizabeth, Rep, & Will Burks <elizabeth.burks@aporter.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:47 AM CDT
Dear Oliver's Family, I am a friend of Damaris and just received her e-mail and link to this site. With your permission, I will include Oliver on our church prayer list. Our congregation at All Saints Lutheran Church in Palatine, Illinois, believes fervantly in the power of prayer. Each Sunday we silently say the name of everyone on our quite long prayer list. So please know that every Sunday Oliver's name will be whispered, asking God for healing and strength for everyone. And then, just as Oliver's birth was, expect a miracle.
Jane Oppermann <jsopperman@aol.com>
Barrington, IL - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:57 AM CDT
Whatever we can do, please ask us to. In the mean time, we will keep praying for you and worry. You will get through this.
Rick <rb@fbbt.co.uk>
Belfast, Northern Ireland - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:18 AM CDT
Dear Oli,
We hope you get better soon. We loved your pictures, you are so cute. How are you doing? We are very sorry you are not feeling well? Is your bed comfortable? What kind of food do you eat at the hospital?

We are praying for you.
Lauren and Bella Smith

Lauren and Bella Smith <HeidiSSmith@comcast.net>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Monday, May 30, 2005 10:49 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jake and Oli,
We heard the news about little Oli and he has been in our thoughts ever since. He is such a cutie and sounds like a strong little fighter. It sounds like he is surrounded with loving friends and family and wonderful doctors- we wish your special family the very best during this time and we will continue to check in on his progress. You are in our thoughts and prayers...Give little Oli a big kiss from all of us...Much Love

Brian, Kim & Chloe Fallin (Fales) <kimfallin@msn.com>
Scottsdale, AZ USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 10:41 PM CDT
Hi, Guys -- I'm back in the U.S. and will call you tonight - give that baby a big kiss for me (and one to Jakey, as well) - Love, Banany
Janny <janjan237@yahoo.com>
New York, ny USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 9:44 PM CDT
Baby Oli....we send our love, strength and warm good wishes to help you along the way to health. Love and kisses.
Essie and Bob <pombichon@sbcglobal.net; robert.groom@sbcglobal.net>
Fayetteville, AR USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 9:02 PM CDT
Hey guys- Our thoughts and prayers are being sent every day from PA! Oliver looks so happy and wonderful in the pictures and I can tell he is a fighter! I just spoke with my mom and she mentioned how well he is responding to the treatments- what excellent news! We will definitely hope for Oliver's strength and that Jacob is a match. Please know that if there is anything we can do we will be there in a second. Thank you for taking the time to update through the website, we look forward to good news! We are thinking of you all, all the time and our hearts go out to yours!
Love, Hannah and Shelby

Hannah Dismuke <hhdiz07@comcast.net>
Wayne, PA USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 8:48 PM CDT
We have been thinking about you all nonstop. We put a care package in the mail on Saturday, with fun, distracting things to occupy your time in the hospital and recovery. Mom (Barbara) let me know that you might like my help. I can come for a long weekend and do whatever you want. I understand that it will be best to not have kids visit, particularly if Oliver's immune system is delicate, so Norm and Vie will stay home. I'll get a car and accomodations and be your errand/babysitting/diaperchanging/cooking/shopping whateverman. Mom will let me know about dates but she's thinking Julyish. Love. Jay
Hi this is Normandie now. We're thinking of you all the time. I spoke to Barbara on the phone today and it sounds like Oliver is handling the chemo well. He looks very vigorous in the photos. Go Oliver! I hope the hospital scene is treating you all right. I know that can be crazy-making in itself. All my best wishes, Normandie

Jay and Normandie and Violet <normandiehyatt@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 30, 2005 6:35 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver,
Others have said it so well. It's painful to know you as adults are hurting, having to watch your precious, gorgeous, so healthy looking baby deal with his illness. We know the spirit and strenght of you and your family only too well and are confident that Oliver will come through this with flying colors. We, too, are sending our love and good energy and prayers and strength to ALL of you during this difficult time. Yeah for modern technology so that we can stay updated. Thank you for taking the time to keep us all informed. If there is anything we can do for you or your parents, please let us know. we are 'there' for whatever is needed. Our girls send their love and best thoughts also. I will be forwarding this website to them, so they can be kept abreast of developments. Until later,
all our love goes your way.

Nancy and Michael Nowak <nannowak@msn.com>
Englewood, CO USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 5:58 PM CDT
Dave & Robyn - my heart goes out to you! Thank you for updating all of us. The pictures of Oliver are so cute! It's great to see a smile on his face. I can only imagine how hard this is on the entire family - know that you have a lot of people praying for Oliver's quick recovery!
Richelle Pryor <richelle.a.pryor@intel.com>
Chandler , AZ USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 4:57 PM CDT
Dave, Robyn and Jake,
I just heard this morning, I had heard some talk at work about hospital, but didn't have any more info. Each time I drive by your house I look for you guys outside playing in the circle park, but I haven't seen you. Now, I know why.
I don't even know what to say, but we are sending you all our best and all our hopes for Oliver's full and speedy recovery.
Please let us know if we can help, and if Jake wants to come over and play football or meet up in the Circle Park, let me know.

Keith, Alyson, Britten and Grayson Molesworth <keith.molesworth@intel.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 3:35 PM CDT
Robyn, David and Jacob -

So glad to hear that things are going well so far and that the Dr is feeling good about Oli's progress. He is SO adorable and cuddly - I cannot wait to hold him and kiss him in August when we are in Portland! We would love to take Jacob out while we are there - he and Jackson would have a great time together! I hope you both are ok and taking good care of yourselves - eating, sleeping....all the things a good Jewish Mother would want for you! We are thinking about you every day and very appreciative of your updates. I would imagine writing is therapeutic...

Sending much love & positive energy from Boulder County!
Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie

Lisa, Marc, Jackson and Sophie Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
Lafayette, co - Monday, May 30, 2005 12:57 AM CDT
Dear Robyn and David,

Rod and I were deeply saddened by the news of Oliver's illness. Your family will definitely be in our thoughts and prayers during the difficult months that lie ahead.

The photos of Oli are heartwarming -- looks like he's quite a trooper! We will pray for his full recovery.

Linda and Rod Tuenge (Lisa Ginsberg's parents)

Linda Tuenge <lrtuenge@msn.com>
Boulder, CO - Monday, May 30, 2005 12:04 AM CDT
Robyn and David, We just want you to know that all of your Arkansas family are praying for you, Jabor and Oli. Mimi and Granddaddy, Mark and Kim, Neil and Dana and Eugene and I have all had you in our daily thoughts and prayers. We appreciate your daily updates and not having seen any rcent photos of Oli, we just loved the photos! He is just so precious and we can see his joy and spirit shining through. We just wish we were closer to help in any way we could and we all love you and wish you great daily reports and continued improvement for Oli.
Ann and Eugene <ann.eugenetucker@sbcglobal.net>
Little Rock, AR USA - Monday, May 30, 2005 0:00 AM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jacob, and Oliver - Our hearts break with the news of Oliver. We wanted to let you know that we are thinking and praying for ech of you and the doctors taking care of Oliver. We know that Oliver is strong and will fight this illness...It is so hard being away from Portland now...only wishing we were back so Kaitlyn and Jacob could have LOTS of playdates, and my ears for Robyn and David just to listen (still happy to lend an ear over the phone anytime!!)....Jacob, you are still like a big brother to Kaitlyn, she loves and misses you! We have our first care package ready to send out to you. PLS let us know if you need ANYTHING for the next one! We will do anything big or small, just ask. Here are hugs from all of us to ech of you. All our love, Liz, Charlie, Kaitlyn and Ryan Mescher
The Mescher's <clmescher@socal.rr.com>
Orange, CA USE - Sunday, May 29, 2005 10:48 PM CDT
Dear Trasens,
We are so sad to hear your news but hopeful about the prognosis and treatment. We continue to pray for you and think about you. Love Susie (Fricklas) Resnick and Family

Susie Fricklas Resnick <susjon@aol.com>
- Sunday, May 29, 2005 8:29 PM CDT
Dear Robyn, David, Jacob, and Oliver,
We were devastated to hear the news from Nancy. We have seen your mom a lot, always hearing about you and looking forward to seeing you and meeting you beautiful boys. We are thinking about you all the time and sending our thoughts and positive energy. Please let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do to help. Oliver is a darling boy. We miss you and love you.
Love, Megan David, Malcolm, Kaiya, Elisa and Colin

Megan Martelon <martelonm@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Sunday, May 29, 2005 8:08 PM CDT
Dear Robyn,
It was so wonderful to meet you and Oliver in the Children's Garden at Emanuel. As a mom of a 4 year old boy going through a similar journey for 8 months now, I can truly say I am so sorry and I understand. We also never dreamed we would be walking this difficult road called cancer. As parents, we would gladly take it on ourselves rather than have our little ones have to go through it. You have a GREAT doctor in Dr. Norwood. He told me you were a "sweet" family. As you know, he and I have had our differences, but over all he's a very good doctor.

One other tough aspect of this journey is meeting other families with children who have cancer. It seems so unfair and it hurts. I believe in prayer, so know that we (the Brennemans) will be praying for you and your entire family. We hope to see you again around June 14-15 when Joshua goes back into Emanuel for round 11 of chemotherapy. But maybe we won't see you as you and Oliver will be home! I hope!

Take care and God bless,
Don, April, Jasmine, Joy, Jubilee, Jordyn and JOSHUA

April Brenneman <april@sportsoutreachinst.org>
Tigard, OR USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 2:22 PM CDT
Dear Robyn and David. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. You are all so loved by so many!!

Kathy Rudy <mamakrudy@aol.com>
Lonr Tree, Co USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 12:28 AM CDT
Robyn, David, Jake and Oliver,
We are so saddened by your sudden news about little Oli. We love you guys so much and are praying and hoping for your strength during this most difficult time. Oliver is such a strong and happy baby that I'm sure he will respond wonderfully to his treatments. He just has a special twinkle in his eyes. I wish we lived closer so that we could visit and help with Jake, but please know we are here for you and would love to be a listening ear. We love you Oliver and we're rooting for you!!

Jen, John, Jack, Luke and Sam Pezdirtz <jpezdirtz@qwest.net>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 9:39 AM CDT
Hi everyone! We're so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well, Oliver. We hope all the medicine helps you stay strong and feeling like the sweet, happy baby we got to meet on our vacation! We know how much the Olsons love you guys & we wish we could be back there to help out too! Take good care! We & our friends are praying =)
Scott, Val, & Carrie Kurth <We3Kurths@verizon.net>
Streator, IL USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 9:14 AM CDT
Our best wishes are with all of you. Oliver, we look forward to meeting you when you're all better!
George Joblove, Kay Bawden, and Devin Joblove (2nd cousin to Oliver) <joblove@imageworks.com>
Hollywood, California USA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 0:33 AM CDT
Baby Oli,
How sweet you are! Your eyes so bright and your smile so beautiful. How can all this be? It's so hard to believe. Keep on fighting those bad cells! When you get tired remember- there is nothing more strong than your mama's love, there is nothing more calming than your daddy's arms, and the best medicine is a smile from your big brother! Hang in there! We send our love to all of you, the Freemans...

Rachel Freeman <rachel.freeman@earthlink.net>
Denver, Co - Sunday, May 29, 2005 0:10 AM CDT
We are very encouraged by the advances being made in this condition and feel very strongly that Oliver will come through this with flying colors. We are thinking of you all and know that all who love you will help pull you through this terrible time. These positive thoughts are coming from your East coast family and you know what a strong influence we have with the powers that be.
We love you all and appreciate your updating us.
Aunt Betty and Uncle Lou

Betty and Lou Joblove
Flushing, N.Y. - Saturday, May 28, 2005 8:27 PM CDT
Dave,Robyn, Jacob, Oliver, Please know that you are in our thoughts during this difficult time.
Carl Rimby <carl.rimby@intel.com>
- Saturday, May 28, 2005 8:17 PM CDT
Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver -- Thank you so much for posting this website. It makes us feel even closer to you. We love you all so much. Please know that there is nothing too great or too small for you to ask. We are always here for you and your family.
Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 7:49 PM CDT
Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver -- Thank you so much for posting this website. It makes us feel even closer to you. We love you all so much. Please know that there is nothing to great or too small for you to ask. We are always here for you and your family.
Anita and Rich Fricklas <anita@fricklas.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 7:47 PM CDT
Robyn, David, Jacob and Oliver, and your extended families,

My deepest and strongest wishes for a speedy and full recovery!

David Cohen <Davidscohen@mac.com>
Denver, co - Saturday, May 28, 2005 7:00 PM CDT
David, Robyn, Jacob & Oliver - We are praying for you and hoping that with each passing day Oli's body begins healing. We know that this is devestating and want you to know that many people are praying for you all and sending peaceful thoughts your way!
Hanne, Kip, Christopher & Andrew Schauer <hkschauer@tronix.com>
Littleton, CO - Saturday, May 28, 2005 7:00 PM CDT
Many sweet thoughts for a little cousin I didn't even know I had. I am sending warm thoughts, good energy, and much love to all of you from the soul of New Mexico and from deep within my heart,
Your cousin,

Bonnie Golden <baddog@newmex.com>
Taos, NM USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 6:03 PM CDT
Robyn and David,
We are sending our thoughts, prayers and our love to all of you. Actually, Oliver is on many prayer lists all over Santa Fe. Your cousins, Pam and Michael

Pam Schackel and Michael Golden <mjg216@cybermesa.com>
Santa Fe, nm uSA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 5:22 PM CDT
Dear Robyn and David,

Doug and I can only imagine the pain and stress that both of you must be going through during these days!
Oliver does indeed look wonderful in those pictures and we hope, with all our hearts, that he will hang in there during the next difficult steps to be taken.
I am a spiritual person and will be praying for his complete recovery from this day on, until I learn that he's all right.
Doug joins me in sending you both, Jacob and Oliver our warmest thoughts and wishes for good, happy times to come back into your lives again!

Gigi and Doug Hurley

Gigi and Doug Hurley <gigihurley@myway.com>
Boerne, TX USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 5:00 PM CDT
Hi Robyn & David. It looks like you know that people all over are thinking of you all and praying for you -- including us. We are sending every good thought we have to you. Thanks so much for taking the time to post the updates and put pictures up also. Oliver is lucky to have you both and Jacob too!
Melissa and Frederick Bolin <m.bolin@mac.com>
Belfast, Northern Ireland - Saturday, May 28, 2005 4:53 PM CDT
Robyn and David-
Our thoughts are with you and your family during this time.

Steve, Debra, Andrew, and Rachael Guthery
Park City, UT USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 3:57 PM CDT
Dear Robyn,David,Jacob,and Oliver-We all want to let you know we are thinking of you and hoping for the best. Give little Oliver a kiss from us and please let us know what we can do to help out.We would be happy to have Jakey come play anytime. Hugs to you all. Much love- Brooke,Steve,Cooper,and Kade
Brooke Morrison <brookemorr@peoplepc.com>
- Saturday, May 28, 2005 2:55 PM CDT
Hi David and Robyn,
I am so sad to hear that Oliver is so sick. I hope it gives you some peace to know that I am faithfully praying for Oliver, for all of you, and for the doctors.-- Heidi

Heidi Johnson <Levinas@aol.com>
Austin, TX America - Saturday, May 28, 2005 2:52 PM CDT
Robyn, David, Jacob, and Oliver
Thinking of you all often. Please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Benjamin Hurley <benjamin_solo@yahoo.com>
Los Angeles, Ca United States - Saturday, May 28, 2005 12:26 AM CDT
Robyn, Dave, Jacob, and Oliver~

You are in our thoughts daily. We are sending strength and happy thoughts your way. Thank you for keeping us posted. Love, Amy & Luis

Amy Pizano <Pizano2004@yahoo.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 10:35 AM CDT
Robyn and David,
There inst much that we can say, we are thinking about Oli and are praying for him. He looks great in the pictures and seems to be handleing it well. Celena and I are here if you need any help with anything. Thank you for keeping us updated. Stay positive and well.
Bettina & Celena

Bettina & Celena Dugan <Bettydugan@hotmail.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 10:18 AM CDT
Robyn, David, Jacob & Oliver -

We just heard the news last night and our thoughts and prayers are with you - as always. You know you have a good Intel family network. Just let us know what you need and we'll take care of it for you. Thanks for sending us the website - it's a good way for us to keep up to date on Oliver's progress. As with everyone else on the guestbook, please don't hesitate to call if you need anything.

Melissa, Wayne & Saksen

Wayne & Melissa Hathaway <wmhathaway@comcast.net>
Portland, OR - Saturday, May 28, 2005 10:15 AM CDT
Dave & Robyn...
My heart and prayers go out to you. I am adding your family to our prayer list at church and know that miracles truly come in small packages - so hang in there and be strong for both Oliver & Jacob. This website is a wonderful way for all of us to follow what's happening - thank you for sharing it. If there is anything that you need from any of us at Intel - please call and you know we'll be there in a heartbeat! Emmanuel Children's Hospital and its staff are wonderful - I know from experience, so you're in good hands. Take care - and God Bless!

Cheris McFarland <cheris.mcfarland@intel.com>
Hillsboro, OR USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 10:19 PM CDT
Robyn and David,
We just got the news about Oliver in an e-mail from Damaris -- very upsetting news. Be sure we will be thinking of you all and praying for a happy ending to this story. Being 1,500 miles away and not being donor candidates, that's about all we can do. Hope it counts for something.

Linda (Damaris' cousin) and Mike Hall <tajma@cox.net>
Topeka, KS USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 9:24 PM CDT
Dear Robyn and David,
Shelly sent me your website. I am so sorry that such a wonderful baby is going through this mess. Remember to use Shelly as a resource and help because this is her field. The Fred Hutch in Seattle is a good one. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Grab strength from that happy baby. Keep yourselves well.
Love, Nancy Mentzer

Nancy Mentzer <ncmentzer@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, May 27, 2005 4:17 PM CDT
Robyn and David, it must be so difficult for you make these entries, but I imagine it is therapeutic. Both of you, Jacob, and Oliver are forever on my mind these last few days and it's so kind of you all to be sharing with us Oliver's progress. I wish I had some wisdom to share with you, but from my MSW internship experience working with adults and pediatrics in the cancer center is that they were much wiser than I! I wish all of you strength and courage as you begin this 12 month process. Love, Libbey
Libbey Malone <libbeybuckley@hotmail.com>
Staunton, VA - Friday, May 27, 2005 1:03 PM CDT
Robyn, David and Jacob-
Oliver has a strong, loving and healthy spirit full of fight, and his body will catch-up to it. I'm sending you all thoughts of courage, endurance and love. I visualize Oliver surrounded with beautiful healing energy, becoming strong as an ox, and easily as big as one too. I also visualize many trips to the hospital vending machine, so I will be sending you guys care packages. Please let me know if there are any Colorado comforts you crave.
Lots of love, Susie

Susan Scott <sws8@msn.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, May 27, 2005 11:56 AM CDT
David, Robyn, Jake and Oli,
Thanks for the update, we are still shocked but happy Oli is playing and enjoying the day. You are in our thoughts and prayers, please let us know if there is anything you need. We are here 24/7.
Ed, Heidi, Lauren and Bella

I will be in town Thursday June 9th, how about a pizza run and some football? Ask your Mom and Dad if they will let you come play with me on the evening of the 9th.
Your buddy,

Ed Smith <Edward.C.Smith@intel.com>
Shingle Springs, Ca - Friday, May 27, 2005 10:44 AM CDT
Robyn & David, Please know we are all thinking about you and I know what you're going through as I see it every day in my job. However, I can only imagine how devastating it actually is. The Hutch is an excellent resource for you and if the time comes for a transplant please look at coming up here if suggested. Visit our website if you need any more research (www.fhcrc.org or www.seattlecca.org). I work closely with our Unrelated Donor Program Medical Director and she is one of our main pediatricians so I will get as much info as I can for you. I know it is a long road, but you both are strong and sounds like Oli is too. Please bear in mind that children are extremely resilient and are much better patients than adults. Also, look into the program called Super Sibs which is for siblings of cancer patients - they are a great resource. I'll find their website for you. Please let me know if I can come down to visit or help with Jake in any way.
Our thoughts are with you. Love, Shelly, Dru & Ella

Shelly <shellymentzer@yahoo.com>
Seattle, WA - Friday, May 27, 2005 1:24 AM CDT
Dearest Robyn and David,
I am so shocked and sorry this is happening to you; I can hardly find the words. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Kiss sweet Oli for me, Robyn. I will pray night and day for strength, healing and comfort for you all. I feel so very helpless so far away, but if you need anything, do not hesitate to let me know. Please continue to give us updates when you get a chance.
Love, Tera, Paul, and Kyle

Tera Brown <teralarae@hotmail.com>
Albuquerque, NM - Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:33 PM CDT
Dear Robyn and David -

Thank you so much for sending us a link to this update. We are thinking about you all the time and asking everyone we know to keep you in their prayers. Im so sorry this is happening - I wish there was something we could do to help you. Please let us know if there is ever a time when a non-related donor could be of help...

Love to you and your families,
Lisa and Marc

Lisa and Marc Ginsberg <lisa@ginsbe.com>
Lafayette, CO - Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:59 PM CDT
Robyn and David,
Thanks for this update. As I just mentioned in my voicemail message tonight we're thinking about nothing but you three and Oli. Damaris is out of school and available if you need her beginning tomorrow. I'm able to drop everything and be there anytime you say. I'm hoping today wasn't too traumatic for cheerful Oli. I might share with you the well documented impression among cardiologists dealing with sick infants the fact that it's only the most beautiful and most engaging of kids who seem to get so sick. Love, Pa & Damaris
**Addendum: Damaris came home from school today having had people there volunteering to be a marrow donor. I'm aware that the donor needs to be closely related but she quotes this person and that person who cite anecdotes involving unrelated matches. The number of people who would do anything they could to help is astounding. Pa

Joseph Rainwater <jrainwater@earthlink.net>
Denver, Colorado USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 8:18 PM CDT

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