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PLEASE GO TO AMBER'S NEW SITE FOR ALL FURTHER UPDATES @ www.caringbridge.org/visit/amberheiss


Wednesday, August 25, 2010 9:01 PM EST

So today was Amber's third full day of school. Out of those three days, the teacher called numerous times two of the days. Today I needed to work all day and I got calls that Amber was whining. She had pooped and was fine in the morning. I drilled the teacher with questions...did you check her arm splints, give her a drink of water, check her AFOs, lay her down, and on and on. Finally I was able to have Jay go pick her up. He said Amber was very out of it. (Never heard that from the teacher.) She was fine the rest of the afternoon!!! I called the teacher back and told her and I questioned her more. I was determined to figure out what was wrong. At this time the teacher tells me Amber really "pitched a fit" when they made her stand up. AHHHHH! I could scream....I mean, really, the kid obviously had a problem with the AFOs, her legs, her ankles, SOMETHING!! She has no other way to tell us. We have to figure these things out for her!

I am now reminded why I was so frustrated by the end of the school year. How can we be having these problems already?! Amber went to PPC all summer and I think I got ONE phone call.

I am so discouraged by all this. I just don't know what to do. I guess I have to make a checklist, BUT I asked all these things and it didn't seem to help. I asked all the things that I would put on a checklist.

Today was just an all around bad day. Other stuff happened having nothing to do with Amber and then the whole Amber deal has just about put me over the edge. Here's looking at a better day tomorrow.

I am starting a new web page for Amber. I will let you know when it is up and running. It will look nicer, and best of all, loading pictures on it will be MUCH easier. I would like to post more pictures, but this site just doesn't get it for me anymore. I'll try to have it done this weekend. Soon you will see when going to this site it will refer you to her new site.

Anybody out there?

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E-mail Author: tamiheiss@gmail.com


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