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Thursday, December 21, 2006 11:46 AM CST

Matthew is doing well this morning. He got out of bed this morning and took a walk. Some baseball players (little league) came to visit him and brought him all sorts of stuff. He was quite excited. He is eating well. Keep up the good work Matthew we are very proud.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006 9:22 PM CST

Matthew is out of the intensive care unit this evening on a step down telemetry unit. He continues to do well. He has progressed to eating soft foods and drinking small amounts of liquids. He spoke to Louie, Francesca and Antoinette tonight which cheered all of them up. It is very sweet to see the bonds which have developed between them and the love they share. If all continues to go well, Matthew will be discharged on Saturday and will spend his Christmas at home vegging on the couch. He loves the boy in the Polar express so pajamas, slippers and a robe will be in order for him. As well as a bell under the tree. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.
Love the Surace Bunch

Wednesday, December 20, 2006 11:19 AM CST

Matthew has completed his open heart surgery without problems. He has met this challenge with such dignity and effort. They were able to repair his heart yesterday without problems in the operating room, on bypass, with anesthesia, and coming off the respirator. He is stable at this point. He is a little mad he cant eat yet and is on fluid restrictions, however he is distractable. Francesca, Louie and Antoinette are home rooting for their brother and euphoric everything has gone so well. Thanks to all of our family and friends who are looking out for them. We are very blessed in many ways.

Thursday, April 14, 2005 8:14 AM CDT

Well it has certainly been a long time since we updated our website. Were do we begin. All 4 children are doing well. Francesca now 8 and Louie now 6 are enjoying the wonderful spring weather in Buffalo, and wrapping up 2nd grade and kindergarten with much excitement. Francesca is getting ready for her 4th violin recital and will be playing minuet one. She is also very busy with dancing. She is most excited about the fact that she has figured out how to rollerblade. Louie is completing winter soccer, floor hockey and getting ready for baseball (with dad as the Little League coach), summer soccer, track and of course swimming lessons. He is really reading well and very interested in math and science. Each week he brings home a book from the library with some aspect of science. Fortunately he has not tried any experiments at home. He still thinks often of his dear friend Julia Postons, and asks when he will see everyone again. Matthew is doing very well. He had a somewhat rough winter with his asthma, although most individuals in WNY did as well. He is thriving and getting stronger each day. He has gone thorugh a growth spurt, lost baby fat, and is now running, jumping and climbing stairs. His favorite thing to do by far is play outside, in the little tikes cars, fisherprice power wheels, basketball, and swings. He has not discovered the sand box yet as it is still a little cool. He is enjoying kindermusik as is antoinette, which Lou and I take them to each week. He has great rhythm and enjoys music and dancing. Matthew is attending a special school based program for speech and other related therapies. He has learned over 40 words in sign language. He is starting to vocalize more and is beginning to form new words. Having Antoinette around is very helpful, as she is learning sign language and repeating words in sentences like a parrot. At Matthews school they come up with a name in sign for the child. Because Matthew is always smiling, they sign "smile" and say his name. Louie promplty gave Francesca a sign for curly hair, himself for twirling his bangs and Antoinette for cookie because she loves cookies. It is amazing how quickly children pick up American Sign Language. The goal is to stimulate expressive speech but give Matthew a means of communicating to us as he masters the oral motor coordination he needs for speaking.

Antoinette, what a pistol. She is the classic littlest sister of 4. She doesnt let anyone push her around and is somewhat head strong. She is very sweet, affectionate, and loves to play with cars, trucks, books, puzzles, baby dolls and coloring. It is very sweet to watch Louie and Francesca nurture their baby brother and sister.

Well that is all for now, happy spring. Enjoy the weather and thanks for checking our website.
The Surace Bunch

Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:56 PM CST

Well February is almost gone and the family is doing great. Antoinette is doing something new each day. She is clapping hands and very vocal and she is beginning to crawl like a soldier. Matthew is standing, cruising and has finally learned to crawl. Louis and I feel like two wrestling coaches to have him learn this milestone. Francesca is preparing for her violin recital and Louie is learning to read and write all his letters. He is getting ready to start baseball this spring and is a key player on his soccer team. Sometimes he knocks a kid down on his way dribbling the ball down field but he is a natural. We are looking forward to spring and making plans for all our summer activities. Camping is a definite must. We are also getting geared up for a family reunion in August with over 40 people on the beach. That will be nice after the FANA GALA weekend which we are in the throws of planning. We say our prayers for another successful year. Get ready FANA families for a great time. Fondly, The Surace Bunch!

Tuesday, February 3, 2004 1:37 PM CST

Well the Surace bunch is surviving the winter wonderland here in WNY. Matthew gets a kick out of snow on his long eyelashes. Francesca and Louie have been snow tubing a few times. We have exhausted all our snow days in Lockport. Lets hope we do not need anymore, as we will have to go to school longer in June when we need to be swimming and camping. Matthew is pulling to stand, eating like a champ, chopped up table food whatever we are eating, no more baby food or bottles. Antoinette is doing great, she has her first tooth, is very vocal, eating well, sitting and rolling all over the place. She is beginning to attempt crawling. Francesca has settled back in to school nicely and is enjoying 1st grade. She just turned 7 and is so mature. Louie is just great. He misses some of his Colombian friends, but is enjoying school and getting ready for do you believe Kindergarten registration and screening. He is playing soccer (indoor) and has signed up for Little League. Have a great winter season, as the groundhog saw his shadow, so a longer winter is ahead of us. The Surace bunch

Tuesday, December 9, 2003 1:14 AM CST

WE ARE HOME!!! We arrived safe and sound 1/2 hour early. Francesca, Matthew and Antoinette traveled very well. We arrived to all of our family and many FANA friends waiting. Louis and Louie were interviewed in our home by Channel 2 news. They followed our story through the homecoming. Elizabeth was a godsend for us, she is a very calm traveler. The entire Surace family was excited to meet her. All of our FANA friends were thrilled to see her.

I was able to tuck Louie in to bed tonight, after 4 weeks of missing that, he surprised me and read me a story for the first time. Louis has been very busy creating a winter wonderland at our home, finishing his honey-do list, and teaching Louie to read. Matthew and Antoinette are tucked in their cribs, fast asleep. Francesca and Elizabeth are asleep in her castle bunk bed.

We wanted to thank everyone for attending the homecoming. It was truly a spectacular site and quite emotional at that to see all of you waiting as we arrived. It was wonderful to see all of you and sense your support for our journey as a family of 6. All of the children here seemed to have grown so much, since we last saw them at Halloween if that is possible. I for one am almost unable to pick up Louie. We wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. We are spending our time together as a family, and it will be a wonderous Christmas.

Feliz Navidad

The Surace's

Sunday, December 7, 2003 10:37 PM CST

Well we are all packed and ready to leave. As I said goodbye to everyone this evening, I had many wonderful memories to reflect on. Francesca has really enjoyed Colombia and seeing all her FANA friends. She was quite emotional saying goodbye to everyone, as was her mother. We wanted to take some time to thank all those who have touched our lives these past 5 1/2 weeks. Betty and Raffa we have had a marvelous time in Bogota, at your residence and in your company. You two knock yourselves out to help everyone. We will never forget your warm hospitality as well as all the laughter and tears. We will miss you, but will not say goodbye as we hope to visit sometime.

Mercedes, Arturo, Elena,Cesar, Maria Lucia, Maria Paola, Antonietta, what a wonderful family. We have been touched emotionally by your hospitality and support. Our family is blessed to know all of you. Mercedes especially, thank you for your support with our adoptions, and overseeing the wonderful care the children received before we arrived as well as during our stay. We feel safe and loved at FANA.
We are dedicated to continuing to assist your efforts through Families of FANA,WNY. We pray for these efforts to continue in Bogota as well as in WNY.

The staff at FANA, for all their wonderful care and committment to the children there. There is no other place that we know of like this and we are proud to continue our efforts to help such an organization. The pediatricians and nurses at FANA, thank you for all your assistance with Matthew as well as Antoinette during our times of need. You are all top notch, and we respect your clinical expertise. Flor, Marina, Maria Teresa, Anna Cecilia, and Monica, thank you for all the support with documents, our second adoption and following our cases in court.

Steven Roney, what do we say. When we decided to adopt Matthew and called Jerri from Bogota, we were informed you were already assisting us with Immigration and our completion of our Visa documents. We will never forget this, as you are truly dedicated to our group. Matthew will always know of his guardian angel in Immigration.

Jerri, you never cease to amaze us. You are a shaker and mover and always a positive light for us. Thank you for our family.

The families at Betty's place during our stay, Berra's, Henrichs, Postons, Cummings and Jones'; we have enjoyed your company and our children have had a blast together. To Carolyn and Craig Postons you were always there to lend a hand with the kids. Francesca will miss Julia very much. Our stay would have been a lot more difficult without your help. We are proud to have met and spent time with such a remarkable family. Paul Cummings, thank you for making us laugh when things got tough, and for all your attention to the kids. Please enjoy your son Nathan as you to will turn around and he will be bigger.

Louis, Donna, Debbie, Rocco, Ron,Margaret, Gene, Mom, and Mom, Joanne, Keith, Marybeth, Suzanne, Donna. Thanks for all the support on the homefront for this is something we rely on often and are proud to know that the support is there for our children and family. We cannot wait to meet you all.

Farewell to Bogota for now, and thank you for wonderful memories.


Louis, Barbara, Francesca, Louie, Matthew, and Antoinette.

Friday, December 5, 2003 7:02 PM CST

As I sit here with Francesca and get ready to come home, we have many things to reflect on. We have had a wonderful 5 weeks in Bogota. Beginning with the adoption of Antoinette and then Matthew one week later, celebrating Matthew's first birthday at FANA, watching couples become parents, presenting many babies, visiting FANA many times, getting reaquainted with the staff at FANA, taking many day tours around Bogota, and having the opportunity to learn Spanish, our days have been full. Francesca had the opportunity today to attend school at the Collegio Neuva Granada, an American school in Bogota. She has had a teacher from this school come to the residence almost daily. Her last day of school in Colombia we thought it would be nice for her to attend school. I accompanied her in the taxi to school at 7:30 am. She was both excited and nervous, just like anyones first day in a new school. She became excited when she saw her teacher Paulina Gomez, who has taught at this school for over 25 years, waiting for her at the gait. She met some new friends and exchanged addresses with them. She was picked up at the end of her day by Aunty Betty, whose children have also attended this school. Pictures will need to be developed. One thing is for sure, Francesca has had a wonderful experience in Colombia. She is very attentive to her brother Matthew and sister Antoinette. We hit a little bump in the road with Antoinette and have needed to stay an extra week. Francesca's response was one of dignity and maturity and identified we needed to stay because her sister needed us to.

I have been very proud to watch this experience through my 6 almost 7 year olds eyes, and I hope with pictures she remembers every moment here.

We are scheduled to leave Monday and will be arriving in Buffalo with a very special guest from FANA who is accompanying me on the trip. This person has been a guardian angel to all 4 of our children at one point or another. We are anxious to show her our family and home as well as the Buffalo area.

We wanted to take the time to thank Mercedes and the staff at FANA for all their hard work and dedication to all the children. We are truly blessed to know them. They extend themselves above and beyond the call of duty to make you feel like family. We also would like to thank Jerri Wegner for without her, Families of FANA, WNY would not exist. She has helped us become a family, and is truly an amazing person to know and work with.

We look forward to going home, but will be back some day not to adopt but to visit Colombia with the children when they are bigger.

Francesca would like to continue her studies in Spanish as she has learned quite a bit these past 5 weeks. This will not be hard to arrange. Adios for now.

Sunday, November 23, 2003 10:16 AM CST

Just a short note to let everyone know Matthew, Antoinette and Francesca are doing very well in Bogota. Matthew has been with us for two weeks tomorrow and Antoinette 3 weeks already.

They are growing stronger every day. Matthew stood up in his crib for the first time on friday. Antoinette is really babbling and blowing rasberries. She wakes up every morning cooing and singing.

Matthew is babbling more and more everyday. He is enjoying all the different table foods he is being introduced to in Colombia.

Francesca went to Villa De Leva on Saturday with all the children in the house and the parents of course. They were able to see a dinosaur half excavated from the ground. The tour drove 3 hours north of Bogota through the Andes mountains. She is also enjoying all the foods of Colombia. With this altitude her appetite is great.

She has had a teacher working with her from the American School here and she is learning a lot of Spanish.

Still no word when we will sign, but the weather is beautiful.

We will be celebrating Matthew's first birthday at FANA on Tuesday. He is getting his first haircut in honor of his birthday tomorrow. I cant forget to save his hair for his baby book. Stay tuned for pictures.

We wanted to wish everyone who is traveling for Thanksgiving a happy and safe holday. We are making an American Thanksgiving here and inviting all of our Colombian friends.

We have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, as we have four beautiful children. What a blessing.

Louis and I will be married 16 years this Friday, honey, we will have to celebrate when I come home.

Happy 20th Anniversary to Lynn and Bobby, Happy 61st Anniversay to Aunt Connie and Uncle Joe. We are thinking of all of you.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, much love,

The Surace Bunch

Tuesday, November 11, 2003 0:27 AM CST

On Monday November 10, 2003 Matthew Ralph (born 11/25/2002) was presented to us and joined our family. We were surrounded by the many who were his FANA family over the last year, as well as our Betty's Place Family (the Postons, Berras, and Henrichs). It was truly an emotional day. Thank you to all who have supported FANA to make the care Matthew has needed there over the last year possible. We extend our deepest gratitude to the entire staff of FANA, especially Elizabeth who has helped Matthew tremendously during his stay there. God bless Mercedes for giving us the gift of Family.

Sunday, November 9, 2003 10:15 AM CST

WOW!!! Yes it is true, we are now a family of 6!!! There we were, touring FANA with Louie and Francesca, and there Matthew was in a play room with some other children. We (as most of us in FANA groups)knew of this child and his quest for a family. Upon our first embrace with him our hearts simultaneously grew another knotch and we knew he was meant to be with us. It was at that moment that it appeared as though a cloud was lifted over FANA. I say this because as most of you know when a child at FANA is presented there is both joy and some sadness from the staff as they all grow so lovingly attached to each one of these children. Well, with Matthew being there almost a full year, you could imagine the excitement as the news spread and the sun began to shine inside FANA with the entire staff gleaming with joy as they came out to congratulate us and Matthew.

Sunday, November 9th, 2003

Our Journey continues. Betty's Place is more enjoyable than ever. Like ony other "building" it's not the place but the people that make it a truly enjoyable experience. We have had the good fortune of meeting the Berra's and Postons', and in sharing in the presentation of their children at FANA yesterday. Best of all was watching the older siblings light up as the baby's entered the green room.
Between feedings and naps (of the babies that is)we have settled in. Louie got his hair cut yesterday in a race car chair while he played video games, and we ventured out and found some great playgrounds to let loose in. Right now we have 6 parents, 4 older siblings, and 3 infants rooming at Betty's. The older kids have been getting along great as their imaginative play has taken them everywhere from the beauty salon to playing house to acting out their own FANA presentation with eachother. The baby stuff shopping has officially begun.
Thanks to Lou's winning GALA Auction Bid He had the opportunity to golf with Arturo on Monday. The foursome included myself, Arturo, Cesar, and ringer Craig Postons. The course was spectacular as it sat ~6000 feet above sea level, carved out of the Colombian Andes about 90 minutes outside of Bogota. I was sure to take advantage of every inch (or yard) of this wonderful opportunity by maximizing my score as much as possible.
We also enjoyed an afternoon tea with Mercedes and Arturo last Sunday, showing how they not only share their hearts in their labor but their homes as well. Consistent with Colombian hospitality, Alonso Castallanos (from Amigos de FANA Colombia) visited us at Betty's last night and shared some great stories with us. In their 2 year existence this group has become instrumental in their support of FANA. Alonso will be taking us all to a festival this Saturday.
Needless to say, the people surrounding this entire process are truly dedicated as the Passion continues.
We are looking forward to the Heinrich's arrival tonight (especially Louie as their son will be joining us as well). Stay tuned...

Saturday, November 1, 2003 12:44 AM CST

On Friday, October 31, 2003 at 12:30 pm we received our beautiful baby girl, Antoinette Bianca. We were truly blessed as Antoinette was placed in our arms. Our feelings were more than words could describe, yet they were just as joyous as when Francesca and Louis were presented to us. However, the difference this time was being able to share this moment with Louis and Francesca and watching their hearts grow right along with ours the moment Antoinette arrived.

Thursday, October 23, 2003 0:36 AM CDT

Antoinette Bianca was born on July 6, 2003. She weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces and was 18 inches long. Mom, Dad, big sister Francesca and big brother Louie are very excited and can't wait to hold her in our arms. We especially look forward to sharing this journey with Francesca and Louie as they live out their own stories through Antoinette's eyes. We want to thank the many of you whose support has made this one more blessing in our lives possible. Please check back as we update you on our first moments together next week.

Sunday, July 27, 2003 9:18 PM CDT

This page has just been created. As we await notification of our newest addition to our family. Please check back for additional updates.

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