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-Christopher Robin

Breanna was diagnosed with stage IV Neuroblastoma, a cancer of the nervous system, in 1998. Her best chance for survival meant continued travel to Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York City where she had nine rounds of aggressive chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, and antibody treatment. She was in remission for almost 5 years when she relapsed this September at age 12. She is currently being treated at Sloan Kettering Memorial in NYC and SUNY Upstate in Syracuse.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The Gold Ribbon has become the unifying symbol ~ The precious nature of all children and the golden flame of hope that burns brightly for childhood cancer patients, survivors, families and loved ones. For free gold ribbon pins, bookmarks, stickers or more info about childhood cancer go to www.childhoodcancerawareness.org

~ Currently,one in every 330 children are diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday. On average, that is 46 children, or two classrooms of children every weekday in the USA who are diagnosed with cancer!

~ Cancer is the number one disease killer of children. More children die of cancer than AIDS, asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and congeital anomalies COMBINED.

~ On average, 1 in every 4 elementary schools have a child who is being treated for cancer. The average high school has 2 students who are current or former cancer patients.

~ In the USA, childhood cancer as a group is the 6th most common type of cancer.

~ Unlike many adult cancers, the cause of the majority of childhood cancers are unknown and cannot be prevented by a lifestyle change (smoking, diet etc)

~ Childhood cancer occurs regulary, randomly, and spares no ethnic group, socioecomoic class, or geographic region.

~ Currently in the USA, more than 1 in every 900 persons between 20-45 years of age is a survivor of childhood cancer.


Monday, March 8, 2004 8:04 PM CST

Hi everyone. Thank you for writing to me. I'm learning how to work on my page so I can write in it sometimes.
I just finished my last round of chemo and I am about to start antibodies and radiation soon. Glad I am thru chemo!! I think thats the worst part about it...loosing your hair and not being able to go to school. Its hard because I am entering those teen years. But I hope to hear from all the nb people. I also went to Florida with my godparents over February break. My favorite ride at Disney was Space Mountain. I went to a swimming party with Camp Good Days too which I liked cause I got to do some laps. I use to be on the swim team. Enough for now. Bye :-)

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