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Saturday, October 7, 2006 5:09 AM CDT


We received terrible news yesterday at CHEO that we have been praying and hoping for the past 4 years that we would never receive. Katie has relapsed. At this point in time all that we know is that Katie has a mass in her belly the size of a plum. She is being sent for further testing this morning and all next week. A year ago we would have been told that all they can do is prolong her life, however. Neuroblastoma has come a long way in the past year and there is some hope. Katie is a fighter and has beat this killer once we will stand along side her and beat it again. CHEO has always referred to Katie as a miracle and she is nothing less.

Please pray for our dear little Katie.

Mike and Lisa

Monday, June 26, 2006 8:41 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

It's been quite awhile since I've had the chance to update Katie's website. I apologize for that. Summer is really busy around our house!

Well only 3 more days left of school. The girls are playing hookey today, they had a sleepover at Nanny's and Poppa's place last night. Katie can't wait till school is over! She's counting the hours now!

Katie has been having a great summer so far. She's a little fish in the water we can't seem to ever get her out of the pool that the Wish Foundation generously donated to Katie. She's also busy with her soccer clinic and of course her Figure Skating Lessons! She's on her fourth lesson and believes by the 6th lesson she'll be doing triple loops! ;o)

Katie enjoyed being on the telethon a couple of weekends ago. She actually talked, we were a little nervous as it was Live. But she did a good job! Of course she got a little reward. A Big thank you to Wayne my grandfather's friend who after watching her story on the telethon and see Katie rolling in on a wagon the big bottle of pennies, called me and gave her 1000 dollars in rolled pennies! Can you believe it. I have placed a call to Robert the child life specialist at CHEO and he will gladly accept the money on Katie's behalf and go shopping for all the crafts and toys that the children need! Katie knows what's important!

Thanks for keeping Katie in your prayers!
I will try to update Katie's page more often!

Take Care,

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:32 AM CDT

Hello Everyone! It's been quite awhile since I've updated! sometimes does that to you! Katie is doing wonderful, she just finished a set of tests, hearing and heart tests, both came back GREAT. She still has the loss of her high pitched hearing but it doesn't affect her everyday life so we are very thankful of that!
Katie is loving the weather! She just got a new bike from her Nan and Papa for an early birthday gift. As far as Katie was concerned she NEEDED it NOW! Like any 6 year old she's a handful. But ONE I love!!!!

Katie was so happy the other day we went to the dollar store with Nan and she got a hair piece one that you can add like a pony tail, anyways my neighbour did up her hair with it and Katie was in heaven, flipping her hair back and forth making sure it would bounce! I hope one day soon her hair starts to grow to a normal length and be thick that she can bounce her own hair!

A real girly girl!

Katie will be starting figure skating lessons soon as MOM forgot to sign her up in time and then there was no more space..OOPS!

Katie will be going on the Telethon this year as a Where are they now.........She will be donating all the pennies she's gotten since she's given them to CHEO back in December or something around that.

Thank you to everyone for sending e-cards, etc. A special thank you to GINA who is so kind and never forgets Katie at special occasions. Katie finally wasn't so shy and actually talked!

The girls are excited for the pool to open up! Well I'd better get going! Take Care!

Please keep praying!


Monday, February 27, 2006 10:01 AM CST

Hello Everyone,
It's been quite awhile since I've updated Katie's web page, we've been busy with Tae Kwon Do, school..etc...Seems that we don't get enough hours in the day to do what we want to do.
Katie is doing well, other than an ear infection which took us to CHEO on Saturday night. The poor angel had a pretty doozy ear infection with her ear drum bulging and about to erupt!!! So far so good though, she's on antibiotics, tylenol and codeine. She's a tough little cookie! I hope that it doesn't burst cause that means no swimming for 10 weeks and she will be starting her Synchronized swimming classes very shortly!
Katie went for her first Tae Kwon Do belt test this past Sat. She did great, had a smile on the whole time she was testing. She received her yellow belt and we were so proud of her. Her big sister Jessica is now a blue belt. Pretty soon, she'll be able to knock her father out in there little wrestling matches!
Well the CHEO telethon is approaching and with that Katie is still looking for pennies and is collecting them. She will be offering up her BIG water bottle full of pennies in June at the telethon, this is the third time she is filling up the bottle. So far she has donated 1029 dollars plus a kitchen set (play one) to CHEO. So start collecting those pennies and send them on over! She will be thrilled, and you will be making many children very happy with such an easy way of raising money! Pennies. Only Katie could think of something like that. She's an amazing little girl! The telethon will be televised so I will keep you all posted!
Take Care Everyone and please continue to pray that Katie will stay in remission and pray for all the other little ones currently undergoing treatment!

Thursday, January 5, 2006 11:56 AM CST

Great News Everyone. Katie has finally done her Chest CT! It's CLEAN. NED!!! ( No Evidence of Disease) What a wonderful way to start the New Year! My big girl did it without sedation as well, she held her breath for 24 seconds. She is so BRAVE! If only some of us could have half her courage!
We had a wonderful Christmas. Katie loved every minute of it as did the other girls! Santa came and the girls were quite happy! Katie's bigger sister Jessica thought she'd start waking us up at 4 am...that was pretty tough..we all ended up sleeping in till 830 though! Katie's favorite gift although she loved all of them was a CD player from her NANA!!!!!! She can't get enough of it! Thank goodness it's pretty much plastic and can't break easily!
The girls are still on holidays and enjoying skating!
Jessica will celebrate her 9th birthday at a Hotel with her girlfriends! It should be awesome! Make up and pampering party!!!! I'm looking forward to it as well!
Papa and I will be going this afternoon to get the James Birrell book written by his father called "Ya can't let cancer ruin your day" I think it will be a must read by everyone. James' father will be there signing the books!
I've got to jet, but thanks for all your prayers your e-cards, your Christmas cards, Everything! Thank You!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:44 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,
Well it's almost Christmas, less than a week away! Katie is pumped, so are the other girls! They are SSSSSSSOOOOOOO excited! We always spend Christmas in Ottawa, Christmas Eve we go to Auntie Kelly's and Uncle Jamie's and this is where we see Nana and Papa! Christmas day we will be opening presents from Santa at home and then go off to spend some time with Nana's family. On Boxing Day we will be spending time with Grandad and his family! So it's a very busy time of year!
All of Katie's results came through except for one. They weren't able to see her left lung clear enough in the CT Scan since then we've tried to do 2 CT Scans but Katie has had a wicked cough! Until her lungs are totally clear it's pointless.................because it will just show up as if she has fireworks on her lungs!
So in the new year we will try again!
A few weeks ago we were honoured guests among 19 other families at the Novotel. This was offered to us through Candlelighters. The girls had a Blast, got to meet some Ottawa Renegades( Football players)! That was fun I must admit ;o) We had the pleasure of meeting many different people and one little boy touched our hearts. He'll remain there forever!!!!
The girls are home from school today we had a sleepover last night do to a Christmas party!!! So they are loving it!!!!!! WE don't usually allow that, but it's a good time of year for it!
At the moment they are all playing hide and go seek....I have a feeling they will wake up Mike!
Well I'd better get going. We would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May you all enjoy the holidays!

Monday, October 10, 2005 6:07 PM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving! We spent a wonderful weekend, doing all sorts of things. We went to Kingston and had a blast at Aunty Dawns and Uncle Bobs! We played with our cousins, Brandon, Hunter, Ryan and Ernest! We roasted marshmellows and played in the leaves! Once I find the CD with the pics I'll add them! They had especially lots of fun getting their Aunty Kelly with leaves!
It was such a quiet drive to Kingston,Nan and Pop have a DVD player in their to get one of those!
A special thank you goes out to Katie's teacher Madame Mellon and classmates as well as Madame Whelan and her classmates who helped Katie roll tons and tons of change. We now have a total for the Oncology ward and the Oncology Clinic. I have also purchased the two kitchens. Each 150 dollars plus tax but one was donated to Katie for CHEO on behalf of Sears. The total that Katie and Mike rolled was 497 dollars and the school rolled 254.03 . Incredible isn't it total of 751.03 which will pay for the one kitchen and the remainder will be split for arts and crafts between both playrooms. We are still collecting pennies and the rest of the money will go to the CHEO Telethon in June.
A big thank you to Gina for dropping of the big jar of change and a special thank you for the Teddy Bears you left for Katie! She loved them!!! She has named them Emily Karen and Michael Jonathan. Sorry we weren't here to meet you!
Thank You to everyone else for your donations. They mean so much to us. It's incredible the amount of support that we have gotten!
Please pray for all the little ones. And pray that Katie stays in remission. It will be a busy week this week for her at CHEO, as she under goes all her tests!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:10 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
Well Katie is doing fabulous on her bottle Fundraiser. So many very generous people out there. Thank You very much to Cole once again and if you read this please send me your picture I would like to add all the pictures on the bottle of all the kids that helped Katie out.
A Big Thank You to Mr. and Mrs. Racicot for all the pennies they gave. As well to Linda, Peter, Amanda and Olivia. Mitchell a classmate of Katie's and to the Roses. I opened my mailbox yesterday and Katie's eyes popped out seeing how many pennies there was.
Thank you to Jessica's Tae Kwon Do friends, Michael and Alex for donating there change.
A little note to let you all know I've spoken to Robert the Child Life Specialist on the 6th floor at CHEO and since Katie's wish is to buy Crafts and Kitchens for both the fourth and 6th floor Oncology Units he has agreed to this so we will roll all the money once done and purchase the kitchens and give the rest of the money to Robert and Manon at CHEO to purchase Crafts. On a very Happy Note, i called SEARS yesterday and told them what Katie was doing and what she wanted to buy for CHEO. I asked if he could give me a discount he said I'll do better than that for Katie I'll give CHEO one kitchen on behalf of her!!!!!!!!! WOW........Thank You Elmer from CHEO.

It is so nice to see how happy Katie is and to see how much everyone is helping out! She now however wants Santa to bring HER the same Kitchen set!!! Girls...will always be girls!!!!

Please say a special prayer out for Curtis Porter as he waits for news of his scan to see if he can go ahead to Toronto for his transplant.

Thank You Once Again. Please do not hesitate to call 590-7273 or drop off your pennies to 706 Hancock Cres. Orleans Ontario. Please leave a mailing address or a phone number so we can contact you to thank you.

Don't forget to sign the guestbook while your here. Katie loves hearing what people write!

Take Care,

Sunday, September 18, 2005 10:55 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

First off I would like to thank everyone for your support in Katie's one penny at a time Water Bottle Fundraiser for CHEO. A special Thank You to Cole a little three year old boy who saw Katie's picture and story in the paper, along with his two cousins, Mother and Grandmother. Cole came over this morning with his Mom and dropped off tons of pennies along with some silver money and a few bills as well. He emptied his piggy bank for Katie's cause. I have added a picture of the girls pouring the money into the bottle that Cole and his family so generously donated.
It's amazing what everyone will do to help! Thank You isn't even words enough. The smile that lit up Katie's face as her bottle was filling up was worth a million dollars.

As well Thank You to Katie's Aunt Donna who will be having a money pot set up in her hair salon in Kingston to help out Katie's cause with help from her niece Julia.

You are all so thoughtful.

Anyone else who would like to help Katie and her little friends please feel free to call 590-7273 or send it in the mail to 706 Hancock Cres. Orleans Ont. K4A 3M9.

Please give us a return mail address so we can send a Thank You note!

Please continue to pray for all the little ones still fighting this disease a special prayer for Curtis Porter as well as he is going through Transplant. May God be watching over him.

Lisa and Katie

Wednesday, September 7, 2005 9:47 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
Well Katie's fier" I tried to explain that it was everyone's first day and that they were just excited and were all over the place. I told her for today that if she can't find her friends in the school yard to just play and a friend will find her. What else are you supposed to say? Anyhow Mike will be going the last 10 minutes of recess to check on her. I know....overprotective..but....I'm a MOM. It's a big adjustment for her!
I would like to share with all of you a story that really touched my heart. Katie and her two girlfriends were playing outside on our street a couple of nights ago, anyways Katie asked me if she could have the big empty water cooler bottle I said sure. Not knowing exactly what it was for...but how much trouble could she get in with it. Anyhow next thing you know her and her two little friends came out of their respective houses with their piggy banks and started emptying their money into the big water cooler, I knew I had to get involved cause how are three kids supposed to share one big WATER BOTTLE as a piggy bank, so I went over and they had started decorating it I told them that they couldn't all share the one piggy bank or there would be fights Katie looked at me and said "No Mommy this money is for CHEO" our local hospital. I was shocked that they themselves would come up with it, so the little girls started asking our friends and family for money for CHEO anyhow it was such a nice gesture that they gave there last pennies. Anyways they wanted to go door to door to collect for CHEO but I can't let them do that so if any of you have pennies lying around or nickels, nothing big, both these little girls are so determined to fill this bottle please send it our way. Every penny will be given to CHEO and this is our little girls way of helping. Kids helping KIDS. It can be just a roll of pennies. I will be bringing them into the foundation as soon as the bottle is 3/4 full I don't think I can carry it when it's full. I will keep you all posted and I will count the money at the end. Attached is a picture of the bottle. Anything at all would be appreciated.
Our address is 706 Hancock Cres. Orleans Ontario Canada K4A 3M9.
I am planning on bringing it to work, but other than that I really don't have any ideas so if anyone does have any send the ideas my way! Your support will mean the world to these little girls. Please see the picture.
Thanks and please continue to pray for the little ones. Curtis Porter is shortly leaving for Toronto. God Bless Him.

Friday, September 2, 2005 1:52 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,
Well it's been about a month since I've updated so I thought it was time! Katie is doing wonderful, we have pushed back her CT Scan one month because it was the third day of school and I didn't want to have her missing a full day on her first week. Even though I'm very anxious for the results I felt it was best. This will be her last CT Scan as well as her last MIBG/BONE Scan. They feel after they have been in remission for 3 years it is not needed anymore.I will however continue to do 24 hour Urine Collections. There is no harm to her body doing these and it will help me stay focused and not lose my mind. No matter how far out of this we get it is still always really hard! Every tummy ache always seems to be the end!!!! But we try to look on the bright side! She's done fabulous so far so why not!
I would like you all to pray for a little boy named Curtis Porter who will be going for his transplant very soon. He is such a sweet little boy to read more please visit his website at
As well Taylor Watts another little boy who is now in remission is selling bracelets that say FIGHT NEUROBLASTOMA! If you are interested please visit his website at
On a last note Katie will be starting school on Tuesday GRADE 1 can you believe it. I've taken the whole day off, she has to go into the gymnasium all by herself, well with like 500 hundred other students...but I'm still nervous!

Last but not least we have celebrated Katie's 3 year remission on August 26,2005. What a wonderful milestone to pass!
God Bless all the little ones!
Take Care! Don't forget to try and take a minute to visit Taylor's and Curtis's website. Maybe you can post a little note of encouragement as the Porter's head to Toronto for the stem cell transplant!


Thursday, August 11, 2005 7:57 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
It's been yet another month of summer. The girls have really been enjoying the pool that was donated to Katie from the Wish Foundation.
This month we were lucky to receive passes to go to see Avril in box seats at the Corel Centre, kindly donated by Candlelighters in Ottawa. Katie was amazed and enjoyed herself so much!
School is coming up soon. Katie doesn't seem to excited she's enjoying her summer to much.
We just went for her 6 month BMT clinic appointment and everything looks good and we were told that her scans in September will be her last scans. We will continue to hope and pray for good results. They feel that after 3 years in remission that the likely hood of the cancer returning are slim. It's the next step a little nerve racking for me however, doctor's know best. I will continue to do monthly 24 Urine Collections.
We will be going to Camp Trillium from August 23-28 and I am very excited about the trip as are the girls. Dad has to stay back as he can't get the time off of work!
Please visit Tori Carswell's website as there will be a memorial golf Fundraiser in memory of Tori such a sweet angel.
I leart about another patient at CHEO this past month Curtis Porter who will be going for transplant shortly. Please pray for him you can visit his website at

God Bless all the Little Ones!

Enjoy the rest of your summer!


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 9:35 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
It's been awhile since I've updated! Sorry. We've been really busy now that school's out for the summer!
The girls are having lots of fun! They attended Ottawa's Day Camp Camp Trillium this year. They loved it!!!!!
They spend there days swimming and playing outside! We just came back from a weekend of camping at Rideau River, it was awesome! Minus the mosquitos and getting wet!!!!!!!
Katie caught 5 fish! She was really happy!
We will be going to Kingston, Picton and Toronto at the end of the month! The girls are looking forward to the family trip, and Marineland!
Katie is feeling's always in the back of your mind though...will it come back?????????? We pray every single day to keep on living the normal lives we live!
Katie's next scans will be in September, I am not looking forward to those!
I'd better be going! Thanks for all the people that have signed the guest book...keep signing!

Take Care,

Wednesday, May 4, 2005 7:06 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
Once again I'm a little slow at getting updates done!
Katie is doing fabulous! However I'd give anything to be 5 years in remission..........I keep telling myself one day at a time. She will be Three Years in Remission this August!!! Yahoo!
Katie's last tests were in March and no evidence of disease. We are very happy about this. Her next tests will be in September.
Please pray for Judith Lama (Judy) A 32 year old Oncology clerk at CHEO who passed away suddenly. Judy made our days at CHEO more like home. She always had a smile on and always had something funny to say to cheer us up! She of course always had a sucker to offer to Katie. She will be missed. She is with all the little ones who didn't make it and she's making them smile up above!
On a happier note Katie got a new bike this weekend and she is very happy! Finally no hand me down bike from her sister!
Thank you all once again for all the nice mail that Katie keeps getting....Everyday she asks us any mail for me..and of course her bigger sister Jessica enjoys getting the mail to!
Please visit the Ottawa Neuroblastoma website at There is a charity golf tournament in memory of Tori Carswell. A very dear little girl who fought such a courageous battle!
Please visit the photos. I have finally updated them.
Take Care,

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 3:18 PM CST

Hello Everyone!
Sorry it's taken such a long time once again to update! I konw many of you look up to Katie to see how she's doing. Well I have EXCELLENT news for you. All her tests are now done and NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE! We are thrilled with this news! We continue to pray each and everyday that it NEVER EVER COMES BACK!
Her next testing will be in September. We do these tests now every 6 months. At least for the next 3 or 4 months we can breathe a little easier.
We will be spending Easter Weekend in Kingston with Katie's Great Grandma and Great Grandpa!
Katie's report card came home today. I can't wait to see it. Mind you how bad can a SK report card be!!!!!!!!
Please continue to pray for all these little ones!
God Bless you All!
I will add new pics soon! Katie was so proud this weekend. We went skating and she can finally skate by herself! Hip Hip Horray her Daddy's back won't be so sore!
Take Care Everyone!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 6:44 AM CST

Katie is doing fabulous. She is 2 1/2 years since end of treatment! We are very happy! On January 15 she was 3 years post transplant. We received her results yesterday from her 24 Urine Collection. A normal level is 18 any above we start worrying. However Katie's first level was 2 and her second level was 4 so we are thrilled with this news! Katie is now 5 and a half years old. She's already planning her next birthday party! IN JUNE!!!!! She's doing great in school. All her scans are coming up in March so please continue to pray for good news!
I have a little story to share with everyone. I don't believe I've ever shared it before. I've never been a very religious person. But with the way Katie is flying through things( knock on wood) something out there must be helping her along the way! It's unbelievable the amount of people that you don't even know about that pray for your little one. My Aunt works at the Perley Hospital here in Ottawa and she walked into one of the patient's room and she looked at the wall and saw tons of pictures and one of them was of Katie and my Aunt told the lady that's my great niece. The lady said well I read her story in the paper and I thought she needed my prayers! Unbelievable. So never never never give up hope!
Take Care everyone! Please pray for good results for Katie and all the other little ones fighting the disease right now.


Wednesday, December 22, 2004 6:25 AM CST

Well it has been a long time! It's been crazy around the Fuller house. We are all getting ready for Christmas. Can you believe it only a few more days to finish up everything? It seems to just creep up on you!
The girls are off on Christmas break right now. They are loving it..they haven't quite gotten used to the idea that you are SUPPOSED to sleep in when you are on holidays! :)

Well a big anniversary has passed. It was 3 years on December 6 since Katie's surgery to remove her tumor. She is doing remarkable! She's quite the miracle!
On January 15th she will be three years post stem cell transplant. We aren't visiting the hospital as much these days which is really nice, it seems we are finally living a normal life..other than a cold here and there! Our next scans are in March! We are scanning every 6 months now.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Please continue to pray for Katie's remission and for all the little ones still fighting!


I've added new pics...I just love the first one....they learn young!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:47 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Just thought I would take a minute to update everyone! Katie is doing FANTASTIC, other than a minor cold...but those are things we can handle!
She's doing great in school and she had her first spellathon a couple of weeks ago! She got 19 out of 20! She was pretty happy about that!
This is a sad but cute story at the same time. Yesterday Katie came home from school and said that her friend Mikara's Grandma died. She said that Mikara was taking a plane to go and see her Grandma. I said well where did she fly to...Katie with these Big Brown Eyes...said HEAVEN! I said Honey you can't take a plain to heaven..and I went on to explain.....
What a cool plane trip if we could actually do it though!
These children are all so innocent but yet have met challenges and fought such courageous battles that hopefully few of us will meet in this life time.......... at least not at two...three...four...five.etc.
Anyhow Katie is looking forward to Halloween she will be going out as a Unicorn and the count down is on...How many more sleeps Mommy?
Take Care Everyone...and cherish every second!

Thursday, September 23, 2004 6:36 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
GREAT GREAT NEWS! NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE! Katie's CT Scan came back and she's clear! We are so happy!
Katie has been battling coxsivirus! She is finally starting to eat and drink! We've had a few trips to CHEO but last night she seemed to have turned the corner she ate two chocolate chip cookies!
Hope everyone is doing great! Please continue to pray for all the little ones fighting!

Friday, September 17, 2004 9:13 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Well Well Well...Katie's first week of school went very well. Other than the fact she missed two days of school!
Tuesday she had her CT Scan done and well today she is feeling under the weather...she came down with a fever last night! I brought her to the urgent care in Orleans this morning. The doctor said her throat is pink! Looks a bit tender but that could be from when they put her to sleep for her CT Scan. He took a swab incase it is strep now we will just wait and see!
EXCELLENT News!!!!! Katie's bone scan came back clean. Now we just have to wait for results on her CT Scan.
Please continue to pray for Katie's Cousin Roger as the tumor was very aggressive and they are looking to see what options they have...The cancer hadn't spread as of yet though so anything they will be doing will be preventative!
I have just added some more pictures of Katie! Please visit the updated photos!
Take Care and please continue to pray for all children fighting a courageous battle!

Thursday, September 2, 2004 7:47 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Wow...can you believe it's already September. The girls start school next week!
They are both getting excited. Katie will be slowly brought in cause she's going into Senior Kindergarden!
Katie has had a Bone Scan on Monday. We will find out results tomorrow!
Her CT Scan is coming up on the 14th of September!
Please pray for Katie's 20 year old cousin Roger...who was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. He is having tests done right now to determine the aggressiveness of the tumor!
Continue to pray for all the little ones!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:04 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Hope you are all enjoying your summer!
Katie's 24 Urine Collection came back CLEAN! hasn't budged since we did it in June! The doctor thinks she looks great!!!! The doctor also said these tummy pains are probably just normal childhood things! She said if the pains going away when a heating pad is put on her tummy then it's for sure not a tumor! Cause the pain wouldn't go away!
That's all the results we have for now all her scans will take place in September! Please continue to pray for good results!
Katie's enjoying her pool a little more these past couple of days! Thanks to the nice weather! She's starting to get excited for school! Nanny and Papa bought her a new school bag and we are getting all her supplies and clothes ready!
Take Care and please continue to pray for all our little ones!

Friday, August 6, 2004 7:40 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
Well August is already here! Summer has went by so fast so far...where's our warm weather?It's pretty cold out there today!
Our summer has been going good. I've already had two weeks of holidays and we've been to kingston to see Great Grandma and Great Grandpa and to Picton to see Grandma and Grandpa! We went camping for a night..the girls had so much fun with the camp fire! It was real cold at night though! Mike and I froze because we gave all the blankets to the girls! They really enjoyed their first experience with camping!
Katie is doing pretty good..she had quite a bit of tummy pain this past got us a little worked up. I'm sure it was just what she ate......normal child hood things..However your mind always races pretty quick! One day at a time I keep telling myself. We just finished a 24 hour urine collection. Results should be in early next week. All Katie's scans are coming up in the next month! Please pray for excellent news!
Hope everyone is enjoying the summer!
I have updated the pics!

Monday, July 12, 2004 6:59 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Hope everyone is doing great! The girls are fantastic! They've been having a blast this summer! They spent the first week of holidays at Camp Trillium and they just loved it! Their camp councellors Tracy and Jocelyn were fantastic! Last week we were on holidays and enjoyed spending time with Great Grandma and Katie's Aunt's and Uncle's in Kingston! We had great weather and had lots of fun swimming and going to the fair!
I wish all of you the best summer.
Please continue to pray for all children with Cancer. Katie's tests are coming up starting in August!!!!!!!
Please visit to find out about a fundraiser!
Take Care,
I have updated the pictures!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004 6:35 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Hope everybody is doing great! Well I haven't had a chance to sit down and write lately so I thought I would take this early morning opportunity to do so!
First off I'd like to Thank everyone for your kind birthday wishes that were sent through the mail as well as all well wishers who signed the guestbook! Your cards and messages bring smiles to all our faces! Thank You Once Again!
Katie had a fantastic birthday party!!!!! All her friends showed up and they had a blast driving around on the motorized kiddy cars. Her Nana made her a very special Barbie Cake with of course a purple Barbie coming out of the cake! It was for sure a big hit!
Katie has been spending quite a bit of time in her pool, the one that the Children's wish Foundation gave her as they granted her wish! It's so nice to see her so very happy bouncing and playing in the pool! I swear you can hear her laughter a block away!
School's almost out for the summer! The girls are very excited! They will be going to Camp Trillium for a week at the end of June and then we will be heading to Kingston in early July to visit family! Katie loves going there cause we always go to Lake Ontario park! They ride on the rides ALL DAY long!
I will post pictures from the Birthday party shortly!
Take Care and keep smiling!
Please continue to pray for Katie that she stays in remission and pray for all the little ones fighting this terrible disease!

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 6:22 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
Hope everyone is doing well. Katie is doing better than we could have ever asked for...We will have her next tests in seems hard waiting that long but we can do without hospitals till then!
Tonight Katie will be performing in the Piggy Opera! I'm very excited as is she to perform. Her Junior Kindergarten class will be putting on the Opera!!! I'll make sure to take lots of pictures....I have some pictures to add from the fair!!! Just haven't got around to it yet! Please check back though for updated pictures! Katie's getting excited for her 5th Birthday party. She has 4 girls from school going and her sister and two cousins so it should be quite a bit of fun seeing all of them on the Kiddy Kars! Again I will take lots and lots of pics....
Take Care Everybody...and please continue to pray for all the little ones who are in remission and the ones still fighting the awful battle.

Monday, April 26, 2004 6:23 AM CDT

Well Hello Everyone! GREAT GREAT NEWS! Katie's scans came back! Clean! Still in Remission! I don't know exactly when people consider remission for...but all the statistics go from day of diagnosis! In August it will be 3 years since she was diagnosed!
We had a great weekend! Very busy though! Thank you to all who sent birthday wishes Rebecca's way! The girls kept us busy this weekend. Jessica had a pizza party on Friday night and invited 5 girls from her class! It was great! The rest of the weekend we spent painting...I should remove the WE Mike painted I cleaned.....
Last night the girls had a bath and they were all set up in their pyjamas watching Freaky Friday and Mike and I were relaxing watching the hockey game...Katie came down and WOW she smelled REAL PRETTY as far as she was concerned! She managed to get into my perfume and put it all over her hair thinking it was hair spray or something and I guess she liked the smell and decided to do it to her sister! So much for relaxing time.....Back in the shower!
Anyhow hope everyone is well!
Take Care,

Thursday, April 15, 2004 9:14 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
Well today is a very special day. Katie has a brand new cousin...Ryan Matthew Steele born this morning weighing in at 9 pounds 3 ounces!!!! A beautiful baby Boy! Congratulations to Mom (Kelly) Dad (Jamie) Hunter and Brandon....(brother's)
Katie's CT scan went very well on we are just waiting for results!!!! Keep your fingers crossed and pray pray pray!
What a beautiful weekend we had in Kingston....I've added some pictures from the Easter Egg Hunt....The girls had so much fun!
Hope you all enjoyed your Easter weekend and are looking forward to the beautiful weather we will be getting in the next couple of days!

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 5:57 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,
What a beautiful sunny day...but it's still pretty chilly out there.....I'm falling asleep here at my desk...Katie had me up at 4:45 this morning.....this time change is really messing things up in the Fuller household!
This weekend we will be going to Kingston to visit Great Grandma and Grandpa and then taking a drive out to Picton to visit her Grandma and Grandpa. I love Easter time the girls get such a kick out of looking for all the eggs the Easter Bunny left! Katie's in a Doesn't Matter Stage! Last night she wasn't listening very well so I said you know if you don't listen you won't get as much chocolate from the Easter bunny(I know I know...but it works with Santa)anyways.....she said Doesn't matter to much chocolate will make me sick anyways!!! I thought it was so cute!
She had her Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic we are on visits every 4 months now to CHEO....other than the CT Scans......I can't believe it!Katie didn't gain any weight this time which is unusual mind you every time we go she's growing a cm......She's getting to be a very tall little girl!
Well I wish you all a very happy Easter and hope the Easter Bunny is good to you!

Monday, March 29, 2004 7:07 AM CST

Hello Everyone,
Hope everyone is enjoying this spring weather! The girls were out for a couple of hours yesterday riding their bike and skipping!
Katie's next CT Scan is on April 13! Please continue to pray for good results......These are always stressful times for us!
Well....guess who has a boyfriend...KATIE....she came home from school the other night and said MOM I have a boyfriend...his name is Max Caldwell.....and I kissed him on the lips...She was so proud! I just said no more kissing on the lips my dear!!!!! Mike didn't think it was too cute...that's a Dad for you! Wait till she brings home real boyfriends!
Have a Great Week! Enjoy the nice weather!

Monday, March 22, 2004 7:10 AM CST

Hello Everyone,
Please see previous journal for results from the RAFFLE. The final total was 869.71!!!! Thanks to Everyone for Supporting the Ottawa Neuroblastoma Fund.
Well what a great weekend...Once again thanks to our hosts Mike and Anne Carroll! It was really really cold but it was so warm in the are all so very kind! The girls had a blast!!! They were asleep within seconds of leaving.....they played and played and played!!!! We were able to go to a nearby farm and see some baby horses and to actually see the horse that we saw that was not even 24 hours old last time we were up..He's now a year old...His name is INDY!
Check out the new photos I've added from our weekend!
Take Care,

Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:50 AM CST

Hello Everyone,
Well the winners have been drawn. Thank You so Much to everyone who support the Ottawa Neuroblastoma Fund Raffle. I have to recount when I get home tonight....but as it is the total stands at 863.11 raised...Thank You So MUCH!

The Winners are:
Louise Rapagna - Radison Hotel
Suzann Turgeon- Stars On Ice Tickets
Baldev Singh - Avon Gift Basket
Rachel Brown - Hard Rock Cafe Jean Shirt
Scott Leibbrandt - Ottawa 67's Tickets
Pollyanne Brown - Cosmic Adventure Passes
JoAnne Cloutier - Cosmic Adventure Passes
Pierrette Racine - Hand Made Scarf from Katie's Grandmother
Marion Staples - Hard Rock Cafe Collectable Teddy Bear
Dallas Wagner - Bracelet
Bessie Chiu - Beanie Babies
Art Spryszak - Y101 Mystery Gift - Y101 T-Shirt and 2 Cd's!

Thank you to Everyone for you support! A big Thank You to all who Donated the gifts!


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:21 AM CST

Hello Everyone,
Hope everyone is doing well.
The raffle is going well...not as good as I had hoped for though...but better than nothing...we have raised 580 dollars so far......I still have quite a bit of people who are selling tickets for me and I'm waiting for all the ticket returns!!! So I'm hoping we will get 420 more dollars!!! Good Luck to everyone who purchased tickets and THANK you very much for helping support Neuroblastoma Research Fund.
Well here in Ontario it's March's been pretty quiet so far.....On Saturday we had the girls bestfriends over for the afternoon and dinner and we went bowling....Katie beat all the kids!!! She almost beat her father to.......I will add pictures shortly!!!!( I just have to find my camera) Yesterday we spent the day cleaning!! How much fun is that eh? Then we went swimming at the Orleans Recreation Complex last night! The girls love doing that! Today the girls want to take a trip to the dollar store and tonight we are going to Mike's (the girl's Dad) hockey game........It should be quite a bit of fun! They love going and watching DAD!
When is the snow going to stop?
I just caught Katie and her Dog sharing a popsicle!!!!!!She was tickled pink to be sharing it...but the GERMS!
Take Care,

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 11:18 AM CST

Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone is doing well. Katie is doing okay. She had her BMT clinic yesterday! She has an ear infection...It's nice to hear news like that and not some other terrible news! All her scans will be next week and we are praying for good news!
Katie has a sore tummy today so she stayed home from school. She wasn't feeling well last night I'm hoping this will pass quickly!
I have added pictures from the monopoly day at our house! ENJOY!

Tuesday, February 24, 2004 8:07 AM CST

I thought this was very important to everyone to read the information on the following websites...It deals with Neuroblastoma.......Not enough people know how important this stuff really is! Please tell everyone you know! You might save a child one day!

Thank You,

Sunday, February 22, 2004 10:19 AM CST

Well Hello Everyone!
Hope everyone is doing well.....
Things are starting to really get going with the Fundraiser. A Big Thank You once again to Linda Clement my co-worker and a very special young lady Melissa McIntyre who was a very good friend of Tori Carswell and helping out tremendously with this raffle! God Bless You!
Well this weekend has been fun! Katie and her big sister Jessica went outside yesterday to play in the snow! Katie fell into about 2 feet of snow and got stuck!!!! Her boot fell off and she couldn't get out her sister came quickly to the rescue however she couldn't pull her out so out came Mom! Katie was not impressed with her boots and she was determined that I was going to buy her a new pair of boots...thankfully Jessica started shooting snowballs at us through the window and Katie soon forgot about the new boots and started smiling and laughing! It is music to my ears even to this day.........Later on yesterday Mike and the two girls played Monopoly while Rebecca and I and Katie's Great Aunt went and saw 50 First Dates(which was amazing) Anyways Katie loved getting money in the monopoly game and very quickly we learned that she didn't want to buy any property she wanted to keep the money in her least to say she was out of the game very quickly...mind you with a wad of cash in her pocket!!! Jessica enjoyed the game and kept on getting money off of Katie...because she made Katie feel bad for her(katie just kept on taking more out of the bank) Jessica ended up loosing to her DAD after he tried many many times to give her chances she was sure he was cheating....It was cute! The rematch will be today!
All Our Thoughts and Prayers are with you!

Monday, February 16, 2004 9:06 AM CST

Hi Everyone,
Hope everyone is doing well! It is just freezing here in Ottawa...wish I was still at home all snuggled in...but no I'm at WORK!
The Raffle is starting to really come together thanks to Stephen Adler from CHEO and one of my collegues Linda Clement. Don't forget tickets go on sale March.1!!!!!
We had a great weekend....Katie and her Big Sister Jessica went to Nana's and Papa's for a sleepover.......they had a blast, they sure do get spoiled from them! The girls were pretty excited with their ice cream floats and Green Milk! Leave it to Nana to get creative!
Mike and I had a nice Valentines at home with a nice fondue and of course the hockey game! Our Dog Jaws enjoyed the fondue as well, plus he enjoyed eating the cork from our wine bottle! Don't know who had more fun him or us!

Take Care Everyone and please pray for all the children who are fighting! A special prayer goes out to ZOE and her family!

Friday, February 6, 2004 2:37 PM CST

Well Hello everyone....hope everyone is coping with this big snow storm that has come our way.
A little note for those of you who don't know. We are holding a raffle on behalf of the Ottawa Neuroblastoma Fund. The tickets will go on sale on March 1. We need support to make survival for these children a reality. Please visit the web site where you will see details of the research and the children that have been affected in the region. We need to find a cure and by your support is the only way we can fund this research! Please if anyone is interested in buying tickets.........they are 1 for a dollar and 3 for 2 dollars they will go on sale March. 01 and the draw will be held at CHEO on March 19. So far we have prizes from the Hard Rock Cafe, Cosmic Adventures, the Ottawa 67's, Avon, The Radisson Hotel, A hand made scarf from Katie's Grandmother Marlene Steele, Beanie Babies from Heather from BEARS WHO CARE, A beautiful Bracelet hand made from another BEARS WHO CARE.....You are all so very kind...Any donations can be presented to me through email at and if you are interested in buying tickets the same email address................We plan on getting even more donations........

Thanks for all you SUPPORT!
A Fighting CANCER Mom

Thursday, January 29, 2004 7:15 AM CST

Hi Everyone,
Sorry it has been so long since I've updated this page! Been busy with work, homework and the girls!
We attended the service for Tori Carswell on Saturday and it was a very nice service but very tough...don't think there was a dry eye in the place. It was so nice to see that the Carswell's had so much support.
Well Katie is doing well other than a cold she has picked up......She kept me up on and off last night till about 3:45 in the that point I woke up Mike to take over....I wake up around 5:30 for work and I needed some interupted sleep! Hopefully she feels better today she's staying home with Dad.......if she gets a fever we will have to bring her in.......
Hope all is well with everyone.
Can you believe January is almost over?
I just wanted to let everyone know what we have collected so far for the raffle.....donated by many generous people....
From the Hard Rock Cafe in Ottawa a great Jean-shirt and an adorable little white with pink outfit collectable teddy bear and of course the lady was kind enough to bring one along for Katie.
From the Radisson Hotel in Ottawa a one night complimentary stay.
From the Ottawa 67's 4 tickets to any game.
Katie's grandmother will be making a beautiful scard to keep someone very warm during these frigid temps.
We are still awaiting more donations.... A big thank you to those who have supported us!


Monday, January 19, 2004 9:11 AM CST

Please visit for more information regarding the loss of Tori Carswell.

We desperately need donations for the Ottawa Neuroblastoma fund. I will be holding a raffle draw within the next month and any support would be appreciated. Whether it's a craft or a T-shirt, A CD, DVD or even just a poem or a gift certificate we would appreciate any donations to be sent to:

Lisa Fuller
706 Hancock Crescent
Orleans, Ontario
K4A 3M9

We need funds in order to beat this deadly disease and I thought this was one way of raising funds.

If you want any information on this fundraiser please visit

Thank You,

Friday, January 16, 2004 11:49 AM CST

Please pray for Tori Carswell and her family at this difficult time as she lossed her battle with Neuroblastoma last night.


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 7:31 AM CST

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to all the people who have taken time out to send wishes to the girls!

Wow what a great weekend! Jessica had a fantastic girl slumber party and beauty party....we had so much fun! Mike and his buddy went out and played hockey obviously the girl stuff was a bit much for them.....Ha Ha Ha!!!!

Two more days and it's the big day!!!!! 2 YEARS!!! Wow!!!!Another Cake to Make!!!!

Hope everyone is doing well, and please continue to pray for all our little ones that have this awful disease.

Check out the pictures....they've been updated they are pictures taken from the party!


Wednesday, January 7, 2004 8:39 AM CST

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!

Hope everyone rang in the New Year with joy this year!

Well a few milestones are coming up this month. On January 12th it is Jessica's 7th Birthday. This is an extra special day because two years ago on Jessica's 5th Birthday was the day Katie ended her last dose of Chemo. It was a day of many celebrations. As well this month on January 15th will be Katie's 2 year Stem Cell Transplant Anniversary! We have come so far in these last 2 years it feels so good!

A special Thank you goes out to ALL THE BEARS WHO CARE, your kind words and little gifts mean so much to the girls as well as us. You put a smile on all our faces.

Please continue to pray that Katie's disease stays in remission and please pray for all the children fighting Neuroblastoma and all cancers!


Sunday, December 28, 2003 9:29 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

Hope you all had a great Christmas and got everything you asked for from Santa. Katie was sick with an ear infection over the Christmas holidays....we ended up going to CHEO Christmas Eve because Katie just couldn't get to sleep she was crying and crying of pain in her at 1:30 in the morning we took her in...however when we got downstairs on our way out the door...Katie saw that Santa had come and her eyes went so big....she was so happy...she quickly looked to see if Santa ate his cookies and drank his milk and that the reindeer ate their carrots......least to say she was pumped right up....when we got home around 3:30 in the morning....Her sisters heard us come in and go figure they thought we were Santa so came barreling down the stairs only to find out it was us but as soon as they saw what was under the tree that was it.....however we convinced them just to open their stocking and one present and then get back to bed....(considering I hadn't slept yet)they were kind enough to sleep in till 8 a.m. It is never dull around the Fuller house......

Now it's time to get ready for New Year's!!!!

A special prayer goes out to the Carswell family during this time. We are thinking of you all and praying for all of you.

Friday, December 19, 2003 7:10 AM CST

Hi Everyone,

The next couple of days will be pretty busy so I thought I would take a quick moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We will be busy throughout the holidays, starting tomorrow we will go visit Great Grandma and Great Grandpa in Kingston and then Daddy has a hockey game on Monday evening and since there is no school the next day all the kids are going. Christmas Eve will be spent at my brothers house with Katie's cousins......We have started a tradition now after we celebrate on Christmas Eve with my family we go down to Taffy Lane it's a street in Orleans that is decorated so pretty. It's the best street in Ottawa. Santa is even out there handing out candy canes to the children.Then Christmas day we'll stay pretty quiet until dinner then see my parents at night and then on Boxing day we celebrate with Mike's side of the family.

Katie is looking forward to Christmas.....she's written Santa Claus and he wrote her back. She's really getting into it as her Big Sister Jessica is.

Merry Christmas to You All and Happy New Year!

The Fuller Family

Wednesday, December 10, 2003 11:48 AM CST

Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for the Christmas holidays which are just around the corner. December 6 marked the 2 year Anniversary of the day Katie's tumor was removed from her Abdomen and it was celebrated with great news from Dr. Johnson that Katie's CT Scan came back clean. We are thrilled with this news. The thing that showed up in her lung was called Adalectatip(spelling???) it's where a lung collapses.....anyways it's fine and it will come back to normal with time.Thank You to all who prayed for her...your prayers worked...keep them up.

We decorated our tree the first weekend in December it was so nice to watch Katie and her sister hang all the ornaments they have such joy in their little it's the count down till Santa comes......It was so cute I will share the story with you...Katie was full of beans the other night and wouldn't settle down for the I was lying in her bed with her...telling her Santa was in the sky and that he was watching her...well she was questioning it until she heard an airplane fly by and I said Santa was in it and he knew she was not asleep she immediately put her thumb in her mouth and grabbed a hold of her blankie and close those eyelids!!! It was so cute...a perfect video moment....

Hope everyone is doing well and we will continue to pray for all of you!


Wednesday, November 12, 2003 7:26 AM CST

Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well. We had a great time in Kingston this weekend. The girls loved seeing all their cousins and playing with them for hours on end!

I have uploaded pictures for all of you to see!

Please continue to pray for all our little friends fighting Neuroblastoma....Please send an extra prayer out for a friend of the Family...Katherine who is only 32 years old and was diagnosed with Full Blown Breast Cancer and Beat it to only find Cancer has returned to her Spine! Pray for some miracle.


Tuesday, November 4, 2003 8:31 AM CST

Hi Everyone,

Halloween was great. I will update pictures this evening for everyone to view...Katie got tons of did her bigger sisters, Jessica and Rebecca.

Katie's next CT Scan is scheduled for November 24 it's scheduled early because of the tiny little mark that showed in her lungs....However we have some news for you all now. Katie went for her BMT Clinic and they decided to give her an XRAY to see what was going on. I know that you can't compare and X-Ray to a CT Scan however GREAT NEWS...nothing showed up on the with lots of hope and prayers we continue to believe it was a glitch in the CT Scan.
Keep your prayers coming our way.

We will be going to Kingston this weekend to visit Great Granny and Great Grandpa......The whole family will be getting together.....our neighbour has been kind enough to watch Katie's Dog 'Jaws' as last time he went down to Kingston...he totally destroyed my Aunt's custom made we thought it would be best that he stay home and be dog sat!

Hope you all had a great Halloween. Please continue to sign Katie's guestbook as she looks forward to hearing all the updates!


Wednesday, October 8, 2003 11:42 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry I haven't written in awhile I've been pretty busy with the girls...between bath's, Homework and work there isn't much time for anything else!

Katie's CT Scan results came in. Her abdomen was perfect no sign of anything however on her lungs something appeared it is very small and doesn't look like anything we should worry about. Her Oncologist feels it is not cancer but will do a CT Chest earlier than expected to make sure it's nothing! It's still really hard to sit back and wait though because all those what if's come into play. The Radiologist would not rule out Neuroblastoma so can everyone say a little extra prayer for Katie and our family during this stressful time.

Katie's loving school she comes home every night and talks non stop...about her day! I'm so proud of her and all my children.


I will keep you updated...and I'm just waiting for a new computer for at home and then I will update the pictures!

Monday, September 15, 2003 9:21 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Today has been both a good day and bad day. I'll start off with the good news....

Katie started Junior Kindergarten today. She was real pumped to get out the door and off to school. She was determined to wear her back pack even though it was very heavy. Once we got to school she was a little nervous...however a little girl named Stephanie came over and introduced herself and the two girls became instant best friends...In Katie's words school is fantastic and fun!
When Mike went to pick her up Katie didn't even want to leave!!!!! It was one big special day in our many special days ahead to come.

Tomorrow we will be arriving at CHEO bright and early for Katie's CT Scan follow up please pray for clean results.

A little bad news and many prayers needed for the Charron family. I work with a guy named Patrick and his little girl was brought into CHEO last Wednesday night. They are running many tests and they are waiting for results on these tests. It is not looking to good however we must stay positive and pray that everything will be fine. Please keep Marie-Lou and her family in your prayers as they go through this difficult time.



Tuesday, September 9, 2003 1:45 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated this page. We've been busy with getting ready for school...Katie will be starting this upcoming Monday. JK !!! I can't believe it! It's another milestone! It feels incredible.

Katie's tests will be on September 16, please pray that these tests will come back clean.

Katie has been busy playing with her friends and spending lots of time with her sisters. She's just getting over a cold. Nanny has it now!

Please continue to pray for all children with Cancer!


Monday, August 25, 2003 5:47 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!'s been a long time since I've had the chance to update the web site. Where to begin?

Our trip to Kingston was fantastic. We had wonderful weather and it was great to spend time with our Aunt's and Uncles and Katie and Jessica's Great Grand-parents. We spent lots of time by the pool and even more time at lake Ontario park. Katie was so grown up this time and actually went on all the big kid rides at the amusement park.....and if you could have heard her laugh the whole way through the rides it was like hearing was so beautiful.

We spent lots of time when we got back from Kingston with friends and in the pool. The girls were quite tickled pink when Mom only when back to work for a day and then the big black out happened. They've had me all to themselves for the last three weeks...we've enjoyed lots of quality time together.

Jessica and Katie will be going to school very soon, I'm trying to get them in a routine at night however that is easier said then done.......THey however are all set for the new school year.

Katie's big tests are coming up in September please say an extra prayer for her that these test come back clean.

Little did I know that you are considered in remission at the end of your treatment and not from day of transplant which I considered was her new beginning but with that Tomorrow August 26th we will be a year in remission. Only four more to's seems like a life time away however I've been told by a smart man at the beginning of Katie's diagnosis to take things one day at a time.

All our love to all of you.


I will try to update the pictures soon with pictures from our trip.....


Monday, July 28, 2003 8:01 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well. Hope you all enjoyed a beautiful weekend.

We were quite busy this weekend. We had Jessica's soccer game on Friday night and she almost scored a goal...she hit the goal post. Saturday we went to good friends of the family for a BBQ and all the kids had a blast on the 4 wheelers and tractor. Sunday we went to a BBQ Birthday party and had lots of fun.

Next weekend we are off to Kingston to visit Great Grandma and Great Grandpa we will be going on a boat ride and to the Lake Ontario Amusement Park...the kids are very excited because we will be taking the train down.

I have added new pictures from our weekend in Chapeau with the Carroll's. Ryan the little boy in the pictures has what Katie has and is doing fantastic. Bless them both and pray that they continue on their way to victory.

Please say a little prayer for Tori and hope that her Chemo will bring her back into Remission. To read more on Tori please visit her web site at

Thanks and Have a Wonderful Week!

Don't forget to check out the pics........

Tuesday, July 22, 2003 6:14 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Just thought I would give an update on our weekend! It was a busy one but fabulous one! Mike and I will be celebrating our 6th wedding Anniversary next Saturday so this past Saturday Nanny and Papa took the girls for a sleepover they loved it, they had lots of fun and the girls told them any little secrets we had which was pretty cute! Meanwhile Mike and I had a very nice evening at the Hilton Lac Leamy and Casino with friends! It's nice to do something like that every once and awhile! Early Sunday morning we headed up to The Carroll's Home and were once again treated like Gold. We went for a boat ride, fishing, roasted marshmellows and have a very good time. I took lots of pictures so I hope to update them shortly for all of you on the website.

A Special thank you to Anne and Mike Carroll as well as Josie Pynn for lighting a candle in honor of Katie at this years Relay for Life. It means so much to us.

Please continue to pray for these children suffering this awful disease and take time out to say a special prayer for Tori Carswell who's going through a rough time right now. If you would like to offer them moral support please go to the website !

God Bless


Monday, July 14, 2003 7:08 AM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Hope you all had a great weekend! We had a pretty good weekend. Saturday we went to the Capital Horse Jumping Show as guests on behalf of the Children's Wish Foundation. The girls were thrilled. We were seated at the front table and were able to see all the horse jumping and dog relay races......It was the first time any of us had seen something like that live. It was pretty exciting. Katie and her sisters Rebecca and Jessica were asked to be in the lead of the Parade with the President of the Capital Horse Jumping Show...they got to ride in a convertable and wave to all the fans.....they were truly in heaven! Thank you very much to Jane Brennan from the wish foundation for allowing us to be part of the event.

Yesterday we spent a day with Nanny and Papa.....we went shopping and down to the beach. Katie collected a ton of rocks.............which I had to carry. It was a beautiful day for it.

Please say an extra little prayer for Tori this morning as she is now doing Chemo. Please pray that it pulls her into remission once again. She is such a beautiful little girl with one big huge smile. If you would like to read more about her and send a message of support you can do so by going to . Click on Tori to read more about this little girl.

Thank you

Tuesday, July 8, 2003 6:46 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Just got back from holidays and I'm busy busy busy! Thought I would take some time out to write a little journal since I haven't written in awhile.

Our Holidays were a blast of course not long enough, we spent time around the pool swimming and lounging around and just having lots of quality family time. We visited Papanack Zoo, Katie was pretty amazed at all the animals! We had a Canada Day Party at my house and boy was it packed 13 kids plus all the parents but it was a good time.....We were just about ready to head out to the Fireworks when are adorable little puppy got loose through the front door and actually got hit by a car amazingly enough our good friend Kurt who is a veternarian was on the scene and believe it or not he only had a little bit of road burn........Jaws as we call him is doing just great!

Katie's CT Scan came back clean! Yippee we are very very thrilled with this news as I'm sure you all are. It looks like we have quite a few guardian angels looking over our house.

Hope you All Have a Great Week!


Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:17 AM CDT

Hello Everyone, Hope everyone is doing well. Katie and I had a cold last week and it has now turned into we are trying to mend ourselves.....Doctor has us on some antibiotics. Katie is staying quite busy with all her birthday presents and treats.

Please continue to pray for all the children with Cancer.

Katie is now officially a year and a half post transplant!


Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:12 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for all the Happy Birthday Greetings! Katie had a wonderful birthday. On her actual Birthday we went out to Kelsey's her favourite restaurant. We had Our Neighbours Dwayne, Lisa, Justin and Matthew join us. It was a wonderful meal, the staff sang a birthday tune to the song from the Flinstones...Katie was pretty shy and had those big brown eyes of hers wide open! On Sunday was her Birthday party she had over 20 guests. Her and her sisters and friends went swimming it was a beautiful day for her. She received many presents from friends and family. A special Thank you to Nanny and Papa for the make up set I'm still trying to get the nail polish she applied on me off!

Katie had her CT Scan yesterday and will be having her Bone Scan on Friday please say an extra little prayer for her as these are very trying times for us and we pray for good results! It's will be a year and a half officially on June 15,2003.


Thursday, June 5, 2003 8:15 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

The Telethon went great! Katie was still quite shy again this year however she's getting better. Katie will be celebrating her 4th birthday this weekend with a pool party!
We are hoping that the weather pulls through for her and all our family! This birthday means so much as her last did we remember when all we wanted was her 3rd birthday to come....she loves getting birthday cards and having people sing to her and of course the blowing out of candles... Everyday means so very much to us to have Katie with us but Birthday's are very special around our please if you get the chance sign the guestbook with a little message to Katie!


Please continue to pray for all the children suffering from Cancer. A Special Prayer goes out to Tori Carswell who is in New York receiving the 3F8 treatment. You can read more from her website at

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Friday, May 30, 2003 8:11 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick note before we start our weekend. Let's hope the weather agrees with all of us!

The pool is finally up and running! The girls actually had enough guts to go swimming on Wednesday night......of course we only let them swim for about 10 minutes while Mike and I watched on the side lines! The deck is coming together we have a wonderful class from The Ottawa Technical Learning Centre putting it together with their teachers Tony and Jeff. Many thanks to all of them as well to Jane from the Children's Wish Foundation. We will have many happy years ahead.

A reminder Katie will be on The CHEO Telethon this weekend on Sunday between 12 and 1. They will show her story as well we will be giving an update on Katie!

All our Love,
Lisa, Mike and Family

Please continue to pray for all these brave Children with Cancer who are undergoing treatment at the moment. Please pray for the ones that are currently in remission as well.

Thursday, May 22, 2003 9:57 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all well! Katie is doing great we are really pleased with her progress....every single day is a gift from God! She's full of smiles and laughter and TROUBLE!

This weekend we will be going to Chapeau to spend time with our friends Anne And Mike (Ferris) to spend an evening of fun without the children. It will be the first night away we've had in almost 6 years and well deserved. The girls will be going to their Aunt Jennifer's house and are very very excited!

I have added new pictures to the website they were taken this past weekend in Kingston.

Please continue to pray for all the children suffering this awful disease.

A Special Prayer goes out to Jenn and Chris that things will go great. WE are thinking of you!


P.S. If you haven't signed the guestbook yet please do so...Katie loves hearing from all of you!

Thursday, May 15, 2003 8:22 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Just a little note before the weekend. I hope everyone will enjoy the great weather that is supposed to come our way. We are off to Kingston to celebrate Katie's great Aunt's 25th Wedding Anniversary. It will be nice to have the whole family together and just have a whole lot of fun. We will be staying at her Great Uncle and Aunt's house and Katie is really looking forward to that cause they will be getting their pool all heated and ready for us.

Please continue to pray for all the children who are dealing with cancer. They need your prayers!

Also don't forget Katie and us will be on the CHEO Telethon on June 1st between 12 and 1.

Have a Great Weekend!

Stay Safe,

Monday, May 5, 2003 9:07 AM CDT

Hi, hope everyone had a great weekend and got a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather.

We had an enjoyable weekend, played outside most of the weekend and on Saturday night we took Katie to her first movie at the cinemas.....once the excitement of the people around her, the lights lighting up the floor and she was done her popcorn and cherry blasters it was time to go.....she'd had enough! Oh well we got our money back and her sister wasn't to disappointed because we went shopping afterwards with the money Nanny and Poppa gave them.
On Sunday we went to Katie's cousins first communion and Katie was loving the singing and the priest.....if he'd lift up his hands she thought she had to lift up hers to and she was bowing in the aisle and everything it was so cute!

Katie will be on the telethon for Cheo again this year she will be on T.V. between 12 and 1 on June 1st. Be Sure to Watch.

Take Care and keep praying for all these little ones.


Monday, April 28, 2003 12:15 AM CDT


Hope everyone is doing well! It is so nice to read all the entries in the guestbook if you have not already done so please sign the guestbook.

Katie is doing fantastic. We are doing her 24 hour Urine Collection presently and are hoping for great results. She is almost a year and a half post transplant. Most relapses will happen during that time so we are anxiously awaiting the next scans which will take place in June.

The Wish Foundation as you know have Granted Katie's wish for a new pool and it is being installed tomorrow. A BIG THANK YOU to Jane and all the Staff at the Children's Wish Foundation and all the people who help support the Wish Foundation. Katie has been walking around with her life jacket since she received it from her Nana and Poppa on Easter. Jessica was walking around the yard with her goggles on yesterday.


Thursday, April 17, 2003 7:03 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well. Katie had her monthly appointment on Monday it went very well, even though it took four people to hold her down. But what can we do....she's a tough little cookie.

The girls are very anxious for the Easter Bunny to come this weekend. They are already talking about where they think he will leave the eggs.......(Hopefully Jawsie the new pup around the house) won't find them first!

Katie has raised so far 224 dollars for the Relay for Life.
We would like to thank everyone who has donated so far every penny adds up.

Please continue to pray for Katie and other children fighting this disease, Ryan Carroll, Tori Carswell, Morgan, Zoe, Taylor and all the many other children.

Happy Easter and may the Easter Bunny be good to you!!!!!


Thursday, April 3, 2003 6:46 AM CST

Hello Everyone,

Hope all is going well. Things at the Fuller House are busy as usual. Katie and her sisters were busy painting this past weekend. It is very nice to see the weather getting above Zero! The family is anxiously awaiting the installation of our pool, donated to us from the Children's Wish Foundation. Katie just passed her first swimming lesson. Now it's on to Preschool two.

Katie received her 2 month DPT injection. After the high dose of Chemo she received it was discovered that she was no longer immune to any of her previous injections. By the time she enters school this spring she will have at least had 3 injections.

Please remember if you can support the Canadian Cancer Society and The NRF Fund which you can read more about at we would all really appreciate it. We have entered a Relay For Life and Katie will be doing the first Victory Lap. If you can support us please send a cheque which can be post dated till June 6 to Lisa Fuller at 706 Hancock Cres. Ottawa Ont. K4A 3M9. Please make the cheque payable to the Canadian Cancer Society. Please note that all donations 20 dollars or more you will get a receipt and you can claim it. So far we have raised 98 dollars.

Thank you very much for your continued prayers and thoughts.

Please remember to sign Katie's Guest book.

Lisa and Mike

Friday, March 28, 2003 3:00 PM CST

9Hi Everyone,

Almost the end of March can you all believe it? It just flies by so fast.

Anne Carroll (Ryan Carroll's) mother and our good friend is organizing a Relay For Life Fundraiser for The Canadian Cancer Society. A part of the Yuk Yuk's fundraiser will go directly to the OTTAWA NEUROBLASTOMA RESEARCH FUND.

We will be walking, running....for a period of 12 hours 7pm to 7am. Katie along with other Cancer Survivors' will be walking the first lap. We are trying to raise as much money as we can. If any of you can contribute please go to and you can pledge through there. You will have to pledge under my name Lisa Fuller or if you feel like sending a cheque you can address it to the Canadian Cancer Society and mail it to 706 Hancock Cres. Orleans, On
K4A 3M9.

Thank you for your continued prayers and Please remember to sign the guest book.

I will keep an update on how much money we have raised.

So far today is Day 1 and we've raised 38 dollars....not to bad for day 1.....

Take Care!

Friday, March 21, 2003 12:47 AM CST

Well the first day of spring has arrived. We are bringing it in with very good news. Katie's results have all come back, and she is squeaky Clean! We are very happy! Katie is keeping us real busy. She is so FULL of Life and Love for everyone around her. You just look into her eyes and sometimes just can't believe what this child has endured. She is such a strong little girl.

Please continue to pray for Katie and all children who are dealing with Cancer.

Thank you for all your continued thoughts and prayers.


Thursday, March 6, 2003 7:26 AM CST

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all doing well. We had a fantastic weekend in Chapeau. Our Hosts Mike(Ferris) and Anne were just so nice to us. We went snowmobiling, sliding and for a sleigh ride with Clydes Dales. When we went to the farm the girls actually got to see a pregnant horse and during the night the baby was born and the girls were just so tickled pink to actually get to see a baby horse less than 12 hours old. Katie and Jessica couldn't get over the snowmobile rides....she would sit on it just waiting for an adult to take her for a ride. It was such an amazing weekend. We enjoyed spending time with Ryan and his family he is such a cute little boy.

The girls were whipped by the end of the day and all went to sleep in sleeping bags...big slumber party!!!!

We are hoping to get back up there at the end of March beginning of April for the Maple Syrup time.

I will be adding pictures as soon as possible from the weekend. My Dad usually puts them in the correct format and size and presently they are soaking in the sun in Costa it might take 2 weeks.....

Katie's Cat Scans and Bone Scans are next week. Please pray for her and pray for great results.


Friday, February 28, 2003 3:45 PM CST

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to wish you all a great weekend. We will be going away to Chapeau this weekend. We will be going to The Carroll's house. Ryan Carroll is one of the children who was on the same protocol as Katie. We were mentors to one another and we have all become very close. We look forward to going ice fishing, sliding, snow mobiling and of course for a sleigh ride. Katie and our whole family is really looking forward to a weekend full of laughter and fun.

We all deserve it.

I received an email from Tori's Mom Kim and Tori is in Remission and is currently in New York receiving treatment. Please continue your prayers for all these children.


Tuesday, February 18, 2003 6:22 AM CST

Hi guys, sorry it's taken so long to get a little update on Katie...I've been swamped in my new position along with studying for a competition and well with two little ones they came me pretty busy. Katie had a blast at Winterlude. Candlelighters really know how to treat these kids like miracle children. They make life so fun for them........Her sisters and cousin Brandon enjoyed sliding so did her Auntie Kelly and Mommy as well......we got to be on T.V. and do the weather forcast with JJ Clarke.....they were tickled pink. We had sleigh rides and ran into our dear friends Sylvie and Ivar along with Katie's famous hospital roomate Kora. They are just wonderful people.

We've been worried about all Katie's tummy pains.....we just received results back yesterday from her 24 hour urine collection and all is clear. YIPPEE! Joanne our case manager at Cheo is so great and getting information to us so promptly. I find sometimes it's harder after the fact.

Please continue to pray for Tori as I believe she is in New York at the moment receiving treatment or on her way home.

All the Best to all of you. Please continue prayers for all the children who suffer this terrible disease and all diseases of this nature.


Monday, February 10, 2003 12:05 AM CST

Hi everyone,

A little update for you. Katie had her Ultrasound done last Tuesday and everything is fine. However they had seen something in December that was .9x.9 however they hadn't seen it again until her ultrasound on Tuesday. We were of course worried because she was complaining so much about pain...which first led us to diagnosis. Anyhow what it is is Hemongina(sp) more or less a birth mark that will only show up if the blood is running through it a certain way. Which explains why it only shows up every so often. We were very happy with this news as it was always in the back of our heads. In no way does it cause Katie any pain. We are waiting news on her 24 hour urine collection. Will post results.

Katie is looking forward to the Candlelighters Winterlude Fun Night tonight. They close off the whole thing to the public and all the Kids get to have a blast with sleigh slides.....I will make sure to take pictures and post them.

Hope everyone is doing well and please continue to pray for Katie and all children.


Tueday, February 4, 2003 7:30 AM CST

Hi, Hope everyone is well. Katie had her post Bone Marrow Check up yesterday. She has this done once a month. She has been complaining about tummy pains along with leg pains we have been worried but when we saw the doctor yesterday she felt that Katie had quite a bit of gas in her stomach...she could actually feel it rolling around. Her legs are probably in pain because she has grown 1 full cm. She's getting to be quite a big little girl. As for all her other pains...legs, arms, head....they feel she has the flu. Considering she just had her Ct Scan and Her Bone Scan done in the last month and a half they feel that an ultrasound will be sufficient just to ease our minds and to see how much gas is in her little tummy......So even though it seems like nothing please pray for her and all other children. Like Katie's doctor all common childhood diseases...flu..fevers..turn our lives upside down cause we always expect the worst...However as we all know there will be all the common things for many years to come.

Katie is looking forward to Winterlude here in Ottawa. Candlelighters have a special night that will be hosted by the RBC Royal Bank and the NCC. They close the park down to the public for the evening for all the Candlelighter children and families to enjoy it to the FULLEST. We'll make sure to take lots of pictures!

A special prayer goes out to an amazing young man named Cory Maestrello he passed away at the age of 17 on January 21,2003. He touched so many lives while he was with us and may his parents be so proud of him. He was always full of love and always had a kiss for Katie's forehead(as she was to shy to offer a cheek). He made some difficult days easier on us. He was very Strong and we are very proud to have known him and have had him by our side through our journey, we will never forget this special young man.


Monday, January 20, 2003 at 12:11 PM (CST)

Hi All,

Hope everyone is doing well. We had a fantastic time going out for dinner on the 15th to celebrate Katie's One Year Post Transplant Anniversary. We were a small group but had lots of laughs and Katie enjoyed herself...especially the ice cream with sprinkles and the pick from the treasure chest.

I have added a picture of Katie from her sister's Birthday Party. She had so much fun at Midway and ran through all the tunnels....nothing was in her way.

Katie got a haircut this past weekend and was very thrilled that her hairdresser put in GEL......prounced around the house all day like a princess. It's looking good......just a couple more inches and we can say she's got a bob cut....

Katie's sister Rebecca gave her an old game boy and Katie was playing it most of the weekend. She loves Bugs Bunny and Ms. Pacman.....

Thank you to all who have signed the guest book and all your continued prayers and support for Katie and all our little friends.

Have a Great Week everyone!


Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 12:40 PM (CST)

Hi, hope everyone is doing well! Well today is a big day. Katie is one year post transplant! I can't believe it has been a year already! We will be going out to dinner at Kelsey's tonight to celebrate....she is very very excited! She is spending time with her sister and cousins this afternoon so by dinner time I'm sure she will be pumped. Just in time for the anniversary we found out last night that Katie's wish has been granted from the Children's Wish Foundation. We will be getting a new pool installed in the Spring just in time for her 4th birthday. Thank you very much to everyone who supports the Wish Foundation as well as the Wish Foundation for granting Katie's wish. You've made a little girl so happy! :) Have a Wonderful Day!


Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 12:40 PM (CST)

Hi, hope everyone is doing well! Well today is a big day. Katie is one year post transplant! I can't believe it has been a year already! We will be going out to dinner at Kelsey's tonight to celebrate....she is very very excited! She is spending time with her sister and cousins this afternoon so by dinner time I'm sure she will be pumped. Just in time for the anniversary we found out last night that Katie's wish has been granted from the Children's Wish Foundation. We will be getting a new pool installed in the Spring just in time for her 4th birthday. Thank you very much to everyone who supports the Wish Foundation as well as the Wish Foundation for granting Katie's wish. You've made a little girl so happy! :) Have a Wonderful Day!


Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 08:23 AM (CST)

Hi Everyone!

Well results are in for December Test Results. Katie's Bone Scan and CT Scan are clear! We are very happy with this news. We will be having tests done every 3 months for the next year to determine if there is any relapse.

One of Katie's Friends Tori will be going to New York at the Beginning of February for treatment. If you would like to find out more about this courageous little girl please visit her website at ! There is another little girl Morgan who is now getting ready for Transplant you can learn more about her from her web site

Well tomorrow is a very big Day for us. Katie is One year Post Transplant. Katie's wish for tomorrow is to go out for dinner at Kelsey's. She's very excited and can't wait to go.

I have added a picture of Katie tobaganning. We did this 2 weekends ago and it is the first time that she's actually went tobaganning down a really big hill. She LOVED it as did her sister and her cousins.

Thank you to the many people who have signed Katie's Guest Book and all your continued support and prayers.

Take Care,

Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 07:56 AM (CST)

Hello Everyone,

The next few days mark incredible successes for Katie. On January 12 which is her older sister Jessica's 6th birthday will be the anniversary of Katie's last Chemo treatment. I remember when the nurses came and took away the last Chemo bag from her IV Pole. It was like Heaven on earth. We were so thrilled. I have a picture of Katie with the biggest smile imaginable and her doing a big thumbs up. You must stay positive and believe that you to will see your little one get there. I will try and scan that picture and get in placed into the photo album for all of you to see. After the big High of no more Chemo came transplant day we were very scared however things went amazingly smooth no problems whatsoever.
It's unbelievable that on the 15th of this month will be a year since her transplant. She has come a long way since being diagnosed in August of 2001. We will continue to pray for those of you who are now undergoing treatment and those who are getting ready for transplant.
Thank you to the many people who have signed the guest book your words have brought not only Katie and her family but many other parents of children who are going through treatment loads of encouragement.


Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 08:29 AM (CST)

You can read a little bit about Katie from the annual report distributed by Cheo at this website:

You will have to copy and paste into your internet web browser address and then click on enter.

Her story starts on Pg. 5 you will have to scroll down a little to get to it.

I hope this article will show positiveness and help you through some difficult days.


Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 02:53 PM (CST)

Hi, just wanted to let you know you can sign our guestbook and ask any questions or just tell us about your family.
All these children including Katie need your prayers. Please pray for them.


Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 02:48 PM (CST)


Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 02:27 PM (CST)

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Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 02:31 PM (CST)

Hi many people have emailed me and have asked if I can help them get through these hard times. My daughter Katie Fuller was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma Stage 4 in August of 2001. As different from the other sites I will update you on Katie's remission and her day to day activities. We as people dealing with cancer don't always get to see alot of ups or how some children are doing after treatment I thought this was the perfect idea to have this website as a place where any of you may come and ask questions on what to expect or just vent. I hope you all enjoy this website and it might make you smile on one of those really hard days.

Lisa A Mom!

Date & Time

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