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Saturday, July 22, 2006 9:29 AM CDT

Hello to everyone! Sorry it's been so long since my last update. Everything is going great. Bailey had an MRI on July the 20th and the it was clear. We are now 2yrs out of treatment with no new growth. PRAISE GOD! He will have another MRI in January. He is growing so much. He will start a 3 day preschool in August and big sister Morgan will start kindergarten. We went to Myrtle Beach, SC for our vacation and Bailey loved the ocean. This is the first year he played in the water and sand and loved it. I just Praise God for His hands on Bailey I know that at anytime things could go bad. I will continue to have faith that God has healed Bailey and left him here with me for His purpose. We contiue to pray for our caringbridge friends and hope you continue to pray for us. Until next time...

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Saturday, July 22, 2006 9:29 AM CDT

Hello to everyone! Sorry it's been so long since my last update. Everything is going great. Bailey had an MRI on July the 20th and the it was clear. We are now 2yrs out of treatment with no new growth. PRAISE GOD! He will have another MRI in January. He is growing so much. He will start a 3 day preschool in August and big sister Morgan will start kindergarten. We went to Myrtle Beach, SC for our vacation and Bailey loved the ocean. This is the first year he played in the water and sand and loved it. I just Praise God for His hands on Bailey I know that at anytime things could go bad. I will continue to have faith that God has healed Bailey and left him here with me for His purpose. We contiue to pray for our caringbridge friends and hope you continue to pray for us. Until next time...

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Monday, February 27, 2006 2:57 PM CST


Wow today Bailey is 3yrs old. That's hard to believe. He is doing so great. He had an MRI on Wednesday February 22 and all was good. They even decided to start having his MRI every 6 months instead of every 3. That scares me a little, but I will continue to have faith that Bailey has been healed and will never have to deal with this again. He is growing and learning something new everyday. He is a true blessing from God. We will celebrate his birthday tonight with family, friends, and of course a Thomas the Train birthday cake. Lots of Fun! Well hope you all are doing great. We continue to pray for our caringbridge friends and hope you continue to pray for us. Until next time....

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 8:26 AM CST

Hello to all! I have GREAT news. Baileys scan was clean!!! The Dr said it looked good last time and even better this time so we couldn't be happier! Everything went well and he did much better with the sedation this time. I just thank God for another clean scan. God has blessed us so much with Bailey he is our miracle child. I will never forget those word from the Dr that Bailey would only live for 1 yr or so, and just look we are 2yrs and 4mo from that day. Praise God! I know that things can change in an instant, but for now we will live everyday thanking God for our blessings. Please continue to remember those who are still fighting this fight, and pray that Bailey will remain cancer free forever! Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, October 24 7:13 AM CDT

MRI has been changed to November the 7th due to double ear infection and sinus infection. So I have a sick child plus another 2 weeks to wait on results. Thanks for checking in and for all your prayers. Will update on the 7th.

Hello to all! Hope you all are doing well. Sorry it's been so long since my last update, but no news is good news! Bailey is doing great! He started preschool in August and he loves it. He still cries when I drop him off, but he is fine once he gets into class. I guess he just wants to make me feel bad. He has had one or two vommiting episodes since my last entry and we have changed his dosage to see if that will help. He has his 3 month MRI on October 24th. I don't think I will ever have a peace about having MRI's. There is always that thought of the worse. Please pray for the best results! We are in the process of moving right now. I hope to have internet access to update good news on the 24th. Please also pray on the 14th for a little guy name Trey Davis. He will be having surgery to remove his tumor. He has the same type tumor has Bailey. Thanks for checking in on us I have to get back to packing. Hope to update again on the 24th.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 8:39 AM CDT

Hello to All!! Hope everyone is having a great summer, and that all are doing well. I have a lot to update so I'll start with the best news first! On Thursday July 14 Bailey had an MRI that the Dr said was good if not even better than the one before. So we are so thankful for that report! He will have his next scan in October. On to other news we were able to go to Disney World from July the 5th to the 9th and had a great time. Bailey is still talking about the trip. He is a big fan of Thomas the train and we were able to ride a train at one of the parks and before it would leave the driver would say " all aboard" and that is one of Bailey's favorite things to say now. We were able to meet Mickey and Minnie and all the other characters, and Bailey and Morgan hugged and kissed them all. It was a great trip. We are now getting ready for out next vacaction to the beach on July 24th and we are all looking forward to that.

Before we went on our trip to Disney Baily gave us another scare. He had went 10 weeks without any of the vomitting episodes until June the 27th. He started on that Wednesday and he was not better until Sunday. This was the longest episode he has had. Of course there were test done (ct scan etc.) , but all looked good. He ended up getting some fluids on Friday, but that still didn't help. He was so sick, lifeless, and seemed to be in pain. He didn't eat anything until that Sunday, but then he was all better like he hadn't even been sick. They are calling these episodes migraines, and I don't know if they are related to his tumor, surgery, or chemo. I just hope and pray he grows out of them and soon.

On a sad note we lost another one of our CPC buddies, Spencer. He was a sweet brave little boy that suffered and indured more than any child or person should. He will be missed. Please continue to pray for his parents.

Thanks for checking in on us, and continue to pray for us and all the others fighting thier battles. Hug and keep your loved ones close because you never know what life holds.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 8:44 AM CDT

Hello to all! Hope you all are doing well. We are doing great. Bailey has healed up well from the removal of his port. He walked around to people and would pull his shirt up and say "they pulled it out!". I guess he was as happy as we were to have that gone. He has still not had any vomitting episodes so the medicine has worked. He will be taking it for a couple more months and then we will try to take him off. He will have his next MRI in August not sure of the day yet. Monday the 20th was his first year mark of being off of chemo. We are so thankful he has done so good.

We have two summer vacations planned this year. The first trip is to Disney World. We will be leaving on July the 5th and returning on the 9th. We will be going on this trip with my Aunt Tanya. She won this trip and graciously said she wanted to take us with her so this is an all paid for trip. Thanks Tanya! We will also be going to Myrtle Beach, SC for a week at the end of July. It is so nice to be able to go and not worry about low counts, etc.

On a sad note we lost our buddy Gage to CPC. Please remember his family as they live their lives without him. Please also remember Spencer who is on hospice care fighting CPC. There is also a little one named Trey fighting CPC pray for positive scans for him this week. There are so many precious children going through this terrible battle so pray and be thankful for the life you have. Hold your loved ones close for we never know what tomorrow holds.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Saturday, May 21, 2005 12:57 AM CDT

Hello to all! My computer has been down for a week so haven't been able to update. To those of you who don't know Bailey had surgery on Friday to remove his port. It was no longer working so it was time for it to come out. He done really well, and hasn't showed any signs of pain. He was in rare form after surgery. I guess it was the meds. he was very hard to handle. He was kicking, screaming, and even hit me in the eye, but as soon as we got him in the van and turned Jay Jay the Jet Plane on and gave him some juice he was fine. He hates any part of a Drs office or hospital, but I can't blame him. So now we will just have scans every 3 to 4 months. I can't believe that finally after 2 years of going back and forth to the Drs that we only have to go once every 3 months, what a blessing. I almost forgot about the vommiting episodes. Praise God Bailey has now went 26 days without having an episode after starting his medicine. He was having them every 14 days, but the meds seem to have stoped that. While everything is great here I am sad to report that some of our other buddies are not doing so well. I ask that you please pray for Gage and Spencer and their families. It seems that there are no other options for them except to keep them comfortable. I am so heart broken for both families... please just say a special prayer for both families. Thanks for checking in on us and always remember you never know what life holds for you and your family so hug your loved ones and let them know you love them.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 4:16 PM CDT

Hello to everyone! So sorry it has taken so long for an update. On to the good news... The Drs at Duke said Bailey's scans looked great! They said his tumor cavity was still empty, his ventricles looked fine, and they also did a shunt series while we were there and it was fine as well. So I am satisfied now that this vommitting thing is totally something different. Thank God for good news!!! Our next step is to try the amytripyline to try to break this cycle of vommitting. I'm just so thankful this is something we can just medicate and will not involve surgery.

Our visit to clinic on Thursday was bad. We were scheduled for an MRI at 10:00, but the MRI dept had to bump Bailey due to an emergency. Been there done that totally understood. When we got there Bailey's port did not want to flush. It would draw back blood, but would not flush. We tried several things but still did not work. So they had to start an IV which for a 2 year old is not pleasant. When we went for the MRI they started the sedation meds. They used the supositories which was not pleasant and after 30 mins. Bailey decided he wanted them out so out they came. They then had to reinsert them which again was not pleasant. The medicine usually only takes 15 mins to work, but this time it took 1hr and 30 mins. They seem to think he is getting immune to the medicine. I don't know what we will do next time. They also decided to do a scan of Bailey's spine while we were there because he has complained with back pain a few times and I wanted to make sure it was ok, and it was fine.

Over the weekend I was suprised with a 30th birthday party. My husband had gotten it together and it was great. I got alot of nice gifts. My aunt Tanya also announced that she had won a trip with Beauticontrol and that she was taking me, Morgan, and Bailey to Disney World sometime this summer! How cool is that, thanks Aunt Tanya! We left on Sunday for Duke and had a good trip.

We are looking forward to summer time and all the activities we have planned. Thanks for checking in on us and continue to keep us in your prayers. Please also remember Spencer and Gage who are fighting CPC.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:11 AM CDT

Hello to everyone! Hope you all are doing well. Since my last update Bailey has had 2 more vomitting episodes. They are coming every 13 to 14 days. He started last night vomitting and we were up most of the night. They have given him zofran, but it dosen't seem to help. He will have an MRI on Thursday and we will be traveling to Duke on Sunday. It takes around 3 to 4 hrs. so we decided to go down on Sunday since his appointment is at 10:00 am. Hopefully we will get some help from Duke about these episodes. In between episodes Bailey is great. He loves to be outside and loves to watch Thomas the Tank Engine. We are planning to take him to see Thomas in June. I will update as soon as I get results from the scan. Thanks for checking in on us. Please continue to remember Spencer and Gage who are fighting their fights.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Thursday, April 7, 2005 4:56 PM CDT

Hello to all. Bailey went for his upper gi today and it was not pleasant. He refused to the drink the stuff for the test so they had to stick a tube down his nose and throat and then to the stomach. It was awful, but the test were all good. I thought they would be and I wish I would have never put him thru it. On Wednesday the pediatric gastro dr called and worked us in on his lunch break. We went and that is probably one of my favorite Drs now. He was so good with Bailey and seemed to know what he was talking about. He suggested that Bailey had Cyclic Vommiting Syndrome. This is basically a stomach migraine. Bailey has most all of the symptoms, but thankfully a milder case of them. Most cases that I have read about say the children suffer with 3-4 day vommiting episodes and thank God Bailey's just last for a day. He said we should still talk to his Drs at Duke and if they agree then we could put Bailey on amytripyline which is used for migraines. He said that after being on the medicine for a month or two that we could take him off and see if the cycle is broken if so then he's cured if not then we could put him back on. From what I've read it is very rare and children usually grow out of it, but have read cases of children having it until there in their 20's. So it is still hard to make my brain think that his problems are not at all related to CPC of shunt issues. It's hard to say ok I believe this is it when I know that his symptoms fit both shunt and this other syndrome. I just pray I make the right decisions for Bailey. So continue to remember us and Spencer and Gage who are fighting their fight. Thanks for checking in.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Monday, April 4, 2005 6:19 PM CDT

Hello to all! Hope this finds you all doing well. Bailey is back to normal again. We had a visit with pediatrics today and she is sending us for other test. We will go Thursday for an upper gi so pray that goes well. He dosen't like the Drs or any kind of test so I'm sure it will be a challenge. She also referred us to a ped. stomach dr in Asheville and we don't have the appointment for that yet. After these appointments if nothing is found she suggested we gather all his scans and journals of his episodes and go to Duke. She said they would look closer if I was there telling them what was going on instead of scans being sent. So hopefully we are on the road to finding out the problem. So continue to pray for us and also pray for Gage and Spencer who are fighting their fights. Thanks for checking in! I'll update as soon as I have some results.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 12:03 AM CST

Hello to all! Hope you all had a good Easter! Sorry for not updating sooner. I had strep throat one week and then we all had the stomach virus the next. We have all recoverd from the virus and have started to enjoy this nice weather. Bailey ended his antibiotics on Wednesday of last week and has been fine until yesterday. He was really fussy yesterday and started his vomiting thing again last night. He slept all night, but woke up still vomiting and fussy this morning. His peds Dr is off until Monday and I don't want to see another Dr at this point. I called Asheville and they called Duke and asked what they thought about his scans and both Drs feel like his shunt is working fine and that his ventricles are fine. So that leaves me with the ? what is wrong with my child? Why does he continue to vomit and feel bad every couple of weeks? Hopefully his peds Dr will do futher testing on Monday. We have got to figure something out. I feel like I did before his dx. The Drs then didn't know what was wrong and we were repeadidly sent back home with no real answers. Hopefully we will find something out soon. I will not stop until somebody somewhere can fix Bailey. His next MRI will be April the 28th. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Also remeber Spencer and Gage, who have the same thing as Bailey, in your prayers. Pray for God's healing for them both and all the others who are fighting this fight.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, March 1, 2005 4:50 PM CST

Hello to everyone. Bailey had a MRI and gallbladder ultrasound done today. The MRI showed he had another huge sinus infection and thankfully no tumor growth. The gallbladder ultrasound was good. The Dr said he may not have gotten rid of the infection to start with. She also said his ventricles were smaller than they were on the previous scan. She seems to think he may have slit ventricle syndrome. This means that his shunt is working to efficiently and he dosen't have enough fluid around his brain which could cause all the symptoms Bailey has had. She said she would send the scan to Duke and see what they think. If they agree he will probably have to have surgery to replace the shunt. He will have to get rid of the infection before he can have any surgery. I'm just glad Drs are finally trying to find out what is causing this problem. So we will start another round of antibiotics and hopefully get rid of the infection. Please continue to remember us in your prayers. Also say extra prayers for Gage and Spencer who have the same tumor has Bailey. Please pray that their treatment is working! Thanks for checking in on us and all your support.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Thursday, February 24, 2005 6:21 PM CST

Update 2/28 Went to Asheville today and Dr wants to have an MRI done at 7:00am tomorrow. She said she wanted to be sure there was nothing growing before she called Duke. He will also have a gallbladder ultrasound done just to rule that out. They did more blood work today as well. Pray for goog results.

Hello to all. Bailey has not had a good day. He has vomited all day and slept the rest. He has had no fever or any other symptoms. This is the eighth time he has done this in the last 3 months. He has had the scans of the head and tummy and also blood work. No one seems to know what is causing this. He had another ct done today and there was no tumor (thank God), no sinus build up, and his shunt seems to be working. We will go to Asheville on Monday to the oncology clinic for a port flush and they will probably make us an appointment for Duke. The only thing the Drs can come up with is that his shunt is not at the right level for Bailey and that he needs to be evaluated again. Hopefully we will find answers soon. He usually starts feeling better by night time, but he is still asleep. Hopefully he will wake up all better. Please continue to remember us in your prayers. Also please say extra prayers for Gage and Spencer who are going thru treatment for CPC. Thanks again for checking in on us.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Sunday, February 13, 2005 2:38 PM CST

Happy Valentines Day to all of you. Sorry I haven't updated sooner. Bailey is doing great. He had a CT done and his sinus problem is gone. He has had one more episode of vomiting all day and then he'll be fine. Not sure what that is all about. This makes the 7th time and the dr says well the scans are clear so must be a bug. I really don't think he could have the same bug 7 times, but I guess they just don't know what the cause is. If it happens again I will take him back and hopefully get a differnt answer than it's probably a bug. He will turn 2 on the 27th and Im just so thankful to be able to celebrate another year of his life. It seems like for a little while I have put all of CPC behind me, but I was quickly reminded when one of our CPC friends found tumor growth after being clean for several years. I've cried for two days now for them and for my own fears of one day it could be us. Please pray for Gage and his family. Also please pray for Spencer who is also fighting CPC. My heart breaks for both families. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, January 25, 2005 8:29 AM CST

Hello to you all. Hope all are doing well. Sorry it takes me so long to update just hard to find time. Bailey is doing great. He just finished his 21 days of antibiotics and I am so glad of that. He dosen't have a runny nose or anything any more. He will go to the doctor on Monday January 31 for a ct and port flush. Hopefully the ct scan will show that all that sinus junk has drained and he want need tubes. If all is well we will discuss removing his port.

There is a lady who comes and works with Bailey every other Friday. She works on his colors, counting, coloring, etc. She said she thought he was doing great and progressing well. He definately knows what crayons and pencils are. I have walls with his signature in every room. Definately going to have to break him of that. We have went so long with letting him do what ever and have always found it hard to discipline him. I guess if I want other people to treat him like he is a normal child than I better start too. I don't know what people think, but I get questions all the time like, "Do you think he will ever play sports?" or "Do you think he is going to be able to go to a regular school?" My answer is always he can do anything other children do. Most seem to think that since he has a shunt he is no longer normal. I don't think any of us will ever be normal again. It is a terrible thing what we have been through and it has definately change our lives forever. We are happy to just be together and that we are all living and well. Some people just miss that blessing and are always seeking more.

Morgan was 4 on January the 15th and Bailey will be 2 February the 27th. I decided to celebrate their birthdays together this year. They have 4 other cousins with birthdays in January and February so I tried to make it easier on everybody. We plan to celebrate the first weekend in February. Every birthday is such a blessing.

We had a great trip at the first of January. Thanks to Friends of Santa (friendsofsantaclaus.org) Everything was paid for and they even gave us some spending money. Our weekend was filled with things to do so when we started home we were definatley tired, but very happy.

Please keep us and others in your prayers. Please remember Spencer. He has the same thing BAiley had and his tumors are growing instead of shrinking. Pray for his doctors to find the best treatment for him. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, January 4, 2005 9:30 AM CST

Happy New Year to you all! We brought the new year in at our house with friends. Bailey stayed up until 1:00 with the rest of us, and had a great time. It was so nice to see him play and be normal with all the other children.

Since my last update I have had an MRI and things are normal. I had a check-up and the Dr said aslong as I have yearly check ups with my Dr and an MRI every December that I didn't have to come back to see him unless something growed. There is a 10hance that it could come back, but it is so slow growing that any surgery would be along way down the road.

Bailey has gave us a few scars in the past couple of weeks. He had the inner ear infection which caused him to puke and be real sleepy and we thought we had cleared that up. Then the Sunday after Christmas he started the same thing again with the puking and sleeping. We went to the Dr and this time told it was probably a bug and Bailey was feeling better by that night. He felt fine all week and then again on Sunday he started the puking and sleeping thing again. This time I'm saying this is not a bug. So we went to pediatrics and the Dr said that Bailey's ear was still red, but didn't think it would cause him to vomit. So on Monday morning we were sent to Asheville for some test. He had an MRI, ct of stomach, and an echo cardiogram. The MRI showed no tumor growth(THANK GOD), but it did show a huge sinus infection which has been causing the pressure to make him dizzy and to puke. So he will be on antibiotics for 21 days and if that dosent work he will have to have tubes placed to drain that fluid. The ct scan was good and the echo was also normal. The Dr said he just done the echo to cover all bases because the chemo Bailey was on can cause heart problems. So it was a long day yesterday and Bailey was a very sick little boy on Sunday and Monday, but he is up now drinking, eating, and watching his favorite movie, Shrek 2. He will go back on January the 31 to have a ct done to see if the fluid is gone. The Dr said when we get him all better we can get his port taken out, and he said from here on out he believes all we will have to deal with is general pediatric care, music to my ears.

We will be leaving Friday for an all expense paid trip to Charleston, SC. A group of people called Friends of Santa have adopted the Dr office in Asheville and they do a lot for all the patients there. They will be paying for our lodging and 3 meals a day. On top of that all mothers and daughters get a manicure, get their hair done, and the moms get an half hour massage. They will also have a Barney party on Saturday for the smaller children and ice skating for the older ones while the parents go shopping or on an historic carriage ride thru downtown Carleston. We don't have to worry about the children because there is a counserlor for every child and there is also a Dr there. Santa will also be making a visit during the Saturday night party. We were not able to go last year because Bailey had the flu. So we are all excited and ready to go. Thanks Friends of Santa!

Well I hope this new year brings you all good times, good memories, and most importantly good health. Love each other to the fullest because no one knows what tomorrow holds. May God bless each of you this coming year.

Love and Prayers to All
The McCall's

Monday, December 20, 2004 4:20 PM CST

Hello to everyone! Hope you are all doing well. Bailey is doing fine. He went for his check-up/port flush today and he did so much better than before. He was such a big boy. The Dr checked his ears and said he had fluid on both ears so we will start another round of antibiotics and dimetapp to help drain the fluid. He said if the fluid did not drain he may have to have tubes. I hope he dosen't because he's definatley already had his fair share of procedures, but if he does I'm so thankful that we are dealing with normal childhood sickness. We go back January the 17th to check his ears and for his next MRI. Please pray that both are clear. I will be having my post surgery MRI tommorow, and hopefully everything will be clean on mine as well. We are all looking forward to Christmas. It is so much better this year without the worries of being in the hospital for the holidays. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and pray that you are all home and with family this year. Please continue to pray for all the others who are still fighting thier battles.

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year
The McCall's

Wednesday, December 1, 2004 8:17 AM CST

Hello to all! Hope you all are having a good week. We had a big scare with Bailey on Monday. He went to bed fine, but woke up crying and holding his head. He then started puking and falling asleep. These were all the same signs that he had before dx. He was so lifeless and seemed to be in a lot of pain. His daddy and I took him to Asheville and they did a ct scan and shunt series, and both came back fine. Thank God! I haven't cried or been that scared since dx. The Dr said his ventricles did seem smaller and that his shunt may be working to efficiently. The scans were sent to Duke to let his Dr there look at them. We should hear from that sometime this week. Bailey also has double ear infections which could also cause these symptoms. They gave him some antbiotics and he seems to be feeling better. He has only puked one other time. Hopefully it is only the ear infection and he want have any more puking. His next MRI will be in January. Please continue to pray for us and we will pray for you.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, November 16, 2004 9:46 AM CST

Hello to everyone! Sorry I don't update more often. Bailey had a doctors appointment to flush his port on Monday. He has had a cold and broke out with a bad rash on Sunday. The Dr said the rash was from a virus or from the medicine he was on. He seems to be feeling better today. He hated being at the Drs office. He use to be fine with going there, but now he cries as soon as you put him in a room. We were there about an hour and he probably cried 45 mins of that hour. I guess he knows that the Drs office is not a fun place to be. He got his first busted nose on Sunday. He decided to slide down the small slide in the nursery at church belly first and slid right into a toy nose first. He is growing up so fast. He gets around everywhere. I could let Morgan down and walk with me in a grocery store and she would stay right with me. Bailey on the other hand goes the opposite way and then laughs and runs when I try to get him. It is such a blessing to see him be a normal child. I feel so blessed that he is doing so well. I pray everyday that CPC is a thing of our past. Please continue to pray for us and we will also be much in prayer for you.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 8:27 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!

Great news, Bailey's scans were clear! There was no changes what so ever. Praise God for answered prayers! This was the first scan since ending treatment in June. He done ok, but the older he gets the harder it is. He couldn't eat because he had to be sedated and before they got him to sleep he was not a happy camper. He was pulling at his diaper bag and screaming "I want fish, I want fishhhh!" He loves gold fish and he knows I keep them in his bag, and he was so mad at me for not giving him some. I'm so glad that is over and we can have some peace for another 3 months. His next scan will be in January and hopefully if all is well they will consider taking out his port. I just thank God for the blessings he has given us. Thanks for checking in on us, and please keep remembering Bailey and all the others fighting their battles.

May God Bless You!
The McCall's

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:29 AM CDT

Hello to everyone! Hope all are doing well! Sorry it has been so long since my last update, but all is well. Bailey is doing great. He is growing up and is no longer being called a baby, but a todler. His hair has grown out and you can't see his scars or shunt anymore. So he is no longer looked at strange and people don't ask, "What happened to him!?" He is walking everywhere and loves to play outside. He has also learned how to express himself, especially when he don't get his way. He can also defend himself to his big sister. It is just amazing to watch him be a normal child. He was dx at 4 months so it's like we are just now getting to have real fun, and finding out what Bailey is realy like without all the chemo. I feel so blessed that we have made it to this point. He still has his port and we have to have it flused every 4 weeks, and he will have MRI's every 3 or 4 months. His next MRI is October the 18th. This will be the first MRI since we have ended treatment in June. I feel like the scans will be fine, but you never know until you get those results. So please pray for clear scans on Monday. Thanks for checking in on us I will update as soon as I know the results of the MRI. Hopefully I will have new pictures soon.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, August 31, 2004 9:10 AM CDT

Hello everyone!

Well my surgery went well. The tumor was a not a malignant tumor! (Praise God) The Dr feels like he removed all of it. It was attatched to my nerves, and there was no damage done there. He said my tumor was very rare, and that he wanted to talk with a neuro specialist to see if maybe there was any connection with Bailey's tumor. I am feeling better than I thought I would. I came home on Monday. I didn't see the kids the whole hospital stay so it was so good to see them. I can't pick them up yet, and Bailey dosen't understand. It's hard on me and him, but this is just temporary. I just feel so blessed that there will not be any futher treatment needed, and our family can return to normal once again.

Bailey is doing great! He is finally walking some. I didn't think he was ever going to walk. He is so cute when he starts to walk. He holds his little hands up and laughs with every step. He is such a blessing. He has his next check up on Sept. 13th. Please continue to keep us in your prayers along with all the others fighting this battle.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:08 AM CDT

Hello everyone, hope you have had a good week. Bailey went to Asheville on Monday, and all went well. He just had to have his port flushed and the Dr checked him over. He wasn't to friendly with the nurses at first, but then he warmed up to them. He will go back next month to have his port flushed and then he will go in October for his MRI. He continues to feel well. He seems so much happier and calm since being off the chemo. Just keep praying that this tumor will never come back.

I will be going to have surgery on Thursday August the 26th. I will know then if this tumor is malignant or not. The Dr. doing my surgery said my tumor was very rare and he had only seen a handful of them. I hated to hear that because that is exactly what they said about Bailey's. It is laying on the nerves that go down my right leg. He said that he was going to do his best to take it out without damaging those nerves. Just pray he can remove it with no damage and that it will not be malignant. Thanks again for your continued support and prayers.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Thursday, August 5, 2004 7:43 AM CDT

Hello everyone! Well I made it through my MRI. It wasn't that bad just nothing I want to repeat. The good news is the scan showed that this tumor has not spread. He said the scan looked great except for the one tumor. He said the tumor was back father than he thought so he was going to refer me to an oncologist in Asheville. He said the tumor looked ok, but there was no way to tell if it was malignant until it was looked at under a microscope. The Dr in Asheville wants to stick a needle in to do a biopsy before he does surgery so he knows what he is working with. My appointment in Asheville is Aug. 17th. I'm not sure if he will do the biopsy then or if I will have to make another appointment for that. Just continue to pray that it will not be malignant.

Bailey is doing great. He has his spells when he is fussy, but I haven't met a child yet that's happy all of the time. He has an appointment in Asheville on Aug. 16th to flush his port. That has to be done once a month until it is removed. If he goes 6 months with clean scans then I think they will remove it. I'm sure it will feel much better with it taken out. Thanks again for all your prayers and support!

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Monday, August 2, 2004 5:26 PM CDT

Hello everyone! Hope you all have had a great week. We had a wonderful vacation. We sat on the beach or by the pool all week. It was nice to just do nothing. Bailey didn't care much for the ocean or the pool, but maw-maw was there and she don't like them either. So they had some bonding time while we were soaking up the sun. I am already looking forward to next years vacation.

We traveled to Durham on Sunday so we wouldn't have to get up so early on Monday for Bailey's appointment at Duke. He had a great visit. We seen the oncologist first and he said Bailey was doing great. He said by rule of thumb you take the age when a person is dx and add 9 months and if the person goes this long with no sign of disease that the person has a great survival rate. For Bailey that would mean 13 months and yes we have made it 14 months which he said was a good sign that we have beat this. I know there is always a chance of it coming back, but for now I have hope. We seen the nuero-surgeon last and he said you couldn't ask for better scans. He said the spot where the tumor was removed was clear and the rest of the brain showed no signs of disease. He also said his ventricles were the size they should be so his shunt is working properly. We do not have to go back for 1 year. It was just a good visit and really encouraging.

Now I am going to ask that you pray for me. I will be going to have an MRI on Tuesday. I had been having some discomfort, but didn't go to the Dr until Bailey was finished with treatment. I went to have my yearly check up and the Dr found a lump. I then had an ultra-sound done and the Dr said that I had a tennis ball size tumor that must be removed. The MRI is to check my liver and other organs to see if there has been any damage, and to see the exact location of the tumor. Just pray that this is something that can be removed with no form of the word malignant added to it.

Thanks again for all your support and prayers during Bailey's sickness. Please continue to pray for him and other children who are fightting this battle.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 3:50 PM CDT

Hello everyone!

What a blessed day. Bailey's MRI is clear! Yeahhhhhhh! We don't have to go back to Asheville for a month. They had Bailey a party today at clinic for end of treatment. It was so nice. They gave him two gifts and a trophy. He was so happy that he had everyones attention. They would clap and then he would clap, it was so sweat. We will be leaving Saturday for our trip to Myrtle Beach, SC and will not return until the following Saturday. I'm just glad he had this MRI before so I can go and really have a good vacation without the worries. We will then travel to Duke on August the 2nd for a 6 month check up. Thanks for checking in on us. Please continue to pray for us and others fighting this battle.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Monday, July 12, 2004 3:18 PM CDT

Hello everyone!

Hope you all are doing well. I told the nurses last time we were in for chemo that we would not be back there as a patient. Well I guess I spoke to soon. Bailey woke up on Friday with a fever and not feeling good. So we went on to Asheville and got a round of antibiotics and fluid and thought we would come back home because his counts were good. However, Bailey's fever continued to climb so the Dr decided to put us in the hospital for observation. By the time we got to the hospital his fever broke and he acted fine. On Saturday his labs showed that his counts had taken a crash. His ANC was 2541 on Friday and dropped to 300 on Saturday. His hemoglobin had also dropped and he had to have unit of blood. Bailey was back to normal on Saturday and showed no signs of being sick. Dr said he must have had a viral infection. We got home late Saturday evening, but we had to be back today for follow-up. His counts are getting better, but he still only has an ANC of 500 and platelets are low. Hopefully everything will rebound soon and return to normal. He will have blood work done again on Thursday. He will also have an MRI done on Tuesday the 20th. We then plan on going on our vacation on the 24th. Hopefully everything will go smoothly. Thanks for checking in on us and please pray for a clean MRI.

May God Bless You
The McCalls

Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:02 PM CDT



Hello everyone,

Bailey has finished his last treatment. I thought this day would never come, but here we are all done. Bailey has been really blessed he was able to handle 14 chemo treatments with little problem. It feels different though. Yes, I'm happy, but I really don't know how to decsribe the feelings I am having. It's like having to go somewhere you've never been before, a normal life. I have lived a normal life, but this past year has changed me forever. I guess the further out from treatment we get the better I will feel. Bailey will have his next MRI July the 20th. He also has a follow-up appointment at Duke Medical on August the 2nd. We will be going on Bailey's first vacation from July the 24th-30th. I just thank God that we have made it this far, and I thank all of you for being there for us this past year. Please continue to pray for Bailey as the tumor that he had is known for coming back. Thanks again for all your support and prayers!

WE love you all,
The McCall's

Thursday, June 3, 2004 8:44 AM CDT

Hello to everyone,

Chemo #13 down with only 1 left to go. He done well with this treatment, but did have to receive a unit of blood after chemo. His hemoglobin was low when we started so the Dr said we might as well give it to him while we were there. His next treatment will be June the 21st, then he will have an MRI in July, and then we will go back to Duke sometime in July or August. I can't believe we are almost finished, and hopefully forever!

I keep up with four other children who have the CPC and each one have a place in my heart. I pray for them daily and hope that you will help me pray for them also. Spencer has several new tumors on his brain and spine. He will begin a new drug soon. Marcel also has a new spot on his brain. He will have surgery and possible treatment afterwards. Please pray for these families as they fight for their childrens lives. Also thank God for Gage and Amanda's clean MRI's and pray they will continue to have clean scans. Thank you always for your prayers and support! We could not make it without all of you.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Sunday, May 30, 2004 8:46 PM CDT

Hello everyone!

Hope you all have had a good week! We have had a great week. We went camping last weekend and had a lot of fun. Bailey enjoyed being outside. He had blood work done twice this week and his counts have remained stable. He didn't have to receive blood this round so we thank God for that. We go in patient Monday for chemo #13. Only one more left after this one. Hopefully everything will go smooth. Please continue to pray for Bailey and others fighting this battle.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Monday, May 17, 2004 4:38 PM CDT

Hello everyone,

Bailey had blood work done today in Asheville, and thank God he didn't have to receive blood. This is the first time in awhile. He is doing great! We will have blood work done again on Wednesday to make sure he will not need blood before the weekend. We plan on going camping with some friends of ours over the weekend. Looking forward to relaxing with no blood work, no phone, no tv just family and friends. The next chemo will be on the 31st and the last one will be June the 21st aslong as we stay on schedule. Please say extra prayers for Spencer and family. His MRI results showed 2 new spots. Also pray for the Drs. to come up with the best plan for Spencer. Thanks for all of your support and prayers.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Thursday, May 13, 2004 10:14 AM CDT

Hello everyone!

Well we just completed chemo #12 and only 2 left to go. I can't wait until that day. Bailey done fine this round with no complications. We will go Monday to Asheville for blood work. He usually needs blood on the Monday after chemo. Hopefully he want this time, but if he does I'm thankful it is there for him. Please continue to pray for Bailey and all the others children who are fighting this battle.

May God Bless You!
The McCall's

Monday, May 10, 2004 12:33 AM CDT

Hello everyone!

I am updating from the playroom at the hospital. Bailey's counts were ok to start chemo today. He has done great. He has started fluids, but chemo is not here yet. Hopefully everything will go smooth. Please say extra prayers for Spencer and Marcel having MRI's today. Pray they both have clean scans.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 9:29 AM CDT

Hello everyone!

Bailey has had a great week! We went for blood work on Thursday and Monday and his ANC was in the 1700's both times which is great. His hemaglobin has been at 13 which is also great. His platelets have continued to drop, but not low enough to receive. We are hoping that when we have blood work on Thursday that his platelets will be on the way back up. If that is so we will have made it 2 weeks without having to go up the mountain. As long as his counts stay stable he will go in on Monday for treatment number 12. After this one we only have 2 left. His last treatment is suppose to be on June the 21st the first day of summer. Then our summer will be free. June the 27th will be one year since dx. We are looking forward to taking a big vacation this year! Isn't God good! I just feel so relieved to finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 12:25 AM CDT

Hello everyone!

Bailey's chemo went great this past week. He didn't experience any complications. I took him for blood work on Friday because he looked very pale and had dark circles around his eyes. I was afraid he needed blood before the weekend, but he was fine. I took him for blood work on Monday and his hemoglobin had dropped more so I had to take him for a unit of blood. We got to the Drs office at 11:30am and didn't leave until 6:00pm I have never had to wait so long for a unit of blood, I don't know what the problem was. I'm just glad we were able to come back home. His platelets have dropped, but nothing like they did last time. I'm hoping he won't need platelets this week. Well only 3 more treatments to go and I can't wait!!! We will have blood work done again on Thursday, and hopefully he will be on the up hill side. Please continue to pray for Bailey and all the others fighting this battle.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6:34 AM CDT

Hello everyone!

Bailey had an MRI yesterday and it was clean, YEAHHHH!!! His counts were also stable enough for chemo. He didn't get started until late last night. Everything is going well this far. Please continue to pray and thank God for what He has already done.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Monday, April 12, 2004 2:34 PM CDT

Hello to everyone and hope you had a great Easter. We had a good Easter at home. We were able to go to church on Sunday as a family and spent the rest of the day with each other. Bailey is doing great! We had an appointment today in Asheville, but the dr called and said we didn't have to come because Bailey's counts looked great on Saturday. That just made my day! We don't have to get his blood work done again until Friday so we have a week without all the running up and down the road for dr's visits. We went to Asheville last Thursday and Bailey had to have some platelets and antibiotic for his ear. He said his ear wasn't fully infected, but was on its way so I'm glad we caught it before it got bad. If his counts are ok on Monday the 19th we will go in for chemo #11. He will also have a routine MRI that day. Im sure it will be fine. Please continue to pray for Bailey and all the others fighting this battle.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 8:03 PM CDT


I know the dr was ready to pinch my head off, but I was ready to come home. We got home around 5:00 today and I went straight to bed. We have to go to Rutherford tommorow for blood work, but thats ok because I can go when I get up and not be woke up at 5:30am just for blood work. We will also have to go back to Asheville on Thursday for more blood work and maybe platelets. You never know how good it is to just be home until you spend a little time in the hospital. I can still hear his IV pump going beep, beep, beep in my head, and no matter how many showers you take you never feel clean. I was getting a little upset last night because I was so tired, but I got to thinking and just started thanking God that I do still have my son. God could have taken him, but He didn't and Im thankful to have him even if it means hospital stays, little sleep, separation from the rest of the family, etc. etc. etc. It gets ruff, but there is always someone in worst shape than us. I feel so blessed to have Bailey and the life we have. Never take for granted your children, your home, and all the many blessings God has provided you with. Please continue to pray for Bailey and all the many others who are fighting this battle.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Monday, April 5, 2004 11:18 AM CDT

Hello to everyone!

I am updating from the hospital again. Bailey woke up on Saturday with a high fever and very fussy. We called the dr and she said to bring him on in. We arrived around 11:00 and started the usual blood cultures, fluids, and antibiotics. He vomited after taking tylenol and had 1 bad diaper which tested positive for the roto virus. I've heard that this virus it terrible, but thank God Bailey has done fine. He was lifeless on Saturday and didn't eat anything at all, but by Sunday morning around 5:30am he was ready to go. He's back to eating and playing, but we still can not go home because his ANC is 0. He will receive a unit of blood today and probably platelets tommorow. Until his ANC shows signs of going up we will have to stay here. They said with having a GI tract infection and his counts being 0 he could get septic really fast and it was just too risky. So until his counts start back up we will be here. Please continue to pray for Bailey as he continues to fight this battle.


It is 11:30 and still waiting for the dr to come around. His counts are still 0 so I don't think we will be coming home today. His platelets haven't dropped to bad so he may not need them yet. Just pray we will get to go home soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

May God Bless YOU
The McCalls

Thursday, April 1, 2004 2:16 PM CST

Hello everyone!

We are home and doing fine. We were able to leave around 11:00am Wednesday. Bailey is doing fine. We have talked to the Dr about getting him off his anti-seizure med and it will take around 8 weeks to get him off. After he gets off of that he will only have to take his septra(antibiotic) 3 times a week. We will go back to Asheville on Tuesday for blood work.

I would like to ask everyone who reads this webpage to pray for Cole Price and his family. This family has already been through so much with their youngest son Austin, and now Cole has been diagnosed with leukemia. How much can this family take???? Please just pray for them daily. You can also stop by their web page and offer a word of encouragement.


Thanks again for all your prayers and support!

May God Bless each of You
The McCall's

Monday, March 29, 2004 10:08 AM CST

Hello everyone!
This is the very first time I've been able to get internet access from the hospital. Bailey had bloodwork yesterday and he is ready for chemo #10. We are in the playroom just waiting on things to start. He hasn't started fluid yet. Donnis, Morgan, Bailey, and I got hear around 10:00 and its 11:30 now.......

We now have fluids started. Hopefully we can start chemo soon. I'm going to call the Dr about his EEG soon....

Talked to Dr about EEG results and they said they haven't received it yet so who knows when we will find out. Said to call back tomorrow. Good news talked to the nurse and she said chemo was on its way from pharmacy so maybe we will get started soon. Its 2:00 now...

WEll we didn't get started yesterday until 5:30 and finished around 10:30pm Before starting chemo his line backed out and he had to be reaccessed which he did not like. We slept pretty good up until 5:00am when the nurse had come in to draw labs from his line and could not get a blood return which meant the needle had come out again. So he had to be reaccessed again which was not pleasant at 5:30am. we went back to sleep until the dr came in at 8:30 and said that his urine output was not good and that if it did not increase he would have to have lasix to help. The chemo he had can burn his kidneys up if not flushed out properly so please pray it gets better!

We had to go down for an exray at 1:30 because we were worried that something was wrong with his port because he still has some fluid under the skin where the needle had backed out. The fluid seemed to keep building up instead of going down, but thankfully there is no problem with his line. I guess it is just taking longer for his body to absorb the fluid. WE will get started with chemo around 5:30 and hopefully be done around 10:00 for this round. His urine output has increased so he hasn't had to get lasix. I called about his EEG results and they were normal YEAH now we will just have to wait for the dr to let us know how to take him off his med. slowly. I probably will not update again until tomorrow when we are at home. Hopefully we will get out of here by lunch until then...

Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:03 PM CST

Hello everyone!

Bailey had his EEG done today and he did fine. We will not know the results until Monday because the Dr left after seeing Bailey to go on an anniversary get-a-way; how dare him ha!ha! I guess Drs. have a life too. His bloodwork was fine, but his ANC has dropped form 1000 to 500. It has to be 1000 for chemo on Monday. I guess we will go to ER on Sunday to see if he's ready. I'm sure he will be. Until then.....

May God Bless you
The McCall's

Monday, March 22, 2004 6:42 PM CST

Hello everyone!

Bailey had blood work today at Rutherford. His ANC is up to 1000, his hemoglobin is up to 12.9, but his platelets were very low. The Dr's office called at 12:30 today and said to bring Bailey on up for platelets so off we went. We got there about 2:00, received the platelets, and headed back down the mountain around 4:30. Everything went fine Bailey and I both took a nap while receiving the platelets so time really went by fast. We will go back to Asheville on Thursday for his EEG at 12:00. Please pray it will be normal so he can come off his anti-seizure meds. If his counts remain stable we will go in for chemo on Monday. Thanks for all your prayers and support it really means a lot.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 6:52 PM CST

Hello everyone!

Bailey had blood work on Monday and his ANC is 0 as expected. His hemoglobin was also low so we had to make another trip back to Asheville today for him to receive a unit of blood. This is only the second time he has received blood so not so bad. He use to just sit there while he was stuck, but now as soon as they rub him with alcohol he starts to scream and fight to get away. It makes it so much harder on me, him, and the nurse, but I don't blame him I know he is tired of it. He will go back for more blood work on Thursday hopefully he will be on the up side of things. Please continue to pray for Bailey and others fighting this fight.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Thursday, March 11, 2004 8:12 PM CST

Hello everyone!

Bailey was able to have his 9th treatment this week. He did very well this time. It is a lot easier now that we can get out of the room and go to the play room. I just can't wait until that last treatment is done and things can get back to normal. I don't know what I will do with all the time I will have, but I'm looking forward to it. He will have blood work on Monday in Asheville and here on Thursday. His EEG will be the week after on the 25th. Please continue to pray for Bailey and others who are fighting this battle.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 3:43 PM CST

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing well. We went to our appiontment on Monday and the Dr is going to do an EEG to make sure there is no seizure activity and if not he will then take Bailey off his medicine slowly. We had went to have blood work first so we wouldn't have to wait for results after. It was not pleasant Bailey had to be stuck 3 times before they finally got a vein. We were late for our appointment, and Bailey was tired. After our appointment we went back for the results and was glad to see that his hemoglobin was up and his ANC was up to 700. So we thought we were home bound until the doctor done his normal check and found that Bailey has a double ear infection. Bailey then had to be stuck again to receive IV antibiotics. I wish I would have just let them access his port first and then he would not had to go thru all of that, but you never know with him. He had a good day Sunday and you would have never known he had the ear infection. He is truly a trooper. He hardly ever complains about anything. We will go back for blood work on Thursday and probably chemo on Monday as long as his counts remain stable. Please continue to remember us in your prayers.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Friday, February 27, 2004 2:16 PM CST


Hello to everyone. I can't believe Bailey is a year old. It was 8 months ago to the day that Bailey was diagnosed. At that time I wasn't sure he would live to see his first birthday, but PRAISE GOD he did! My pray is that he will live to see many many more. We will be celebrating tonight with famiy.

He had blood work Thursday and his ANC was only up to 200, but thats better than 0 on Monday. He has an appointment with a nuerologist on Monday to see about getting him off of his ant-siezure medicine. Hopefully, he can come off of it without any problems. He will also have blood work done at the clinic in Asheville while we are there. I will update Monday after his appointments. Until then....



Tuesday, February 24, 2004 3:18 PM CST

Hello everyone!

Bailey had blood work on Monday and his ANC is 0, which is normal a week after chemo. His hemoglobin was 9.4 and platelets were 266 which is normal. We will go back on Thursday for more blood work. We are hoping his ANC will be up because we will be celebrating his first birthday on Friday. I can't believe he is going to be 1. Where does the time go? He gave up his bottle and is eating real food and drinking whole milk. He didn't have any problems just one day decided he didn't want that bottle anymore. I am so glad. I don't think it will be long before he is walking, but that hasn't stopped him from getting around he is crawling everywhere. He dosen't seem to have any delays as the doctors suspected he would, Praise God! We have a new baby in the family. My cousin had her first born, Carson Dakoda, what a precious baby boy Congratulations Sara and Kenny! Well I guess thats all for now. Please continue to remember Bailey and others fighting this battle.


Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:26 PM CST

Hello everyone!

We are back home with treatment 8 down with 6 left to go. Originally we thought we were only going to have 12 treatments, but if Bailey can stand it we will have 14. At the least we are on the down hill side of things. He did well with his treatment, but he did have a stomach bug when we went in. It only lastet about 24hrs. I'm glad that it happened while we were in the hospital because we would have had to go in if we hadn't been there already. We will have bloodwork on Monday and Thursday next week, same as usual. Hope you all have a great week. Until next time...

May God Bless
The McCall's

Tuesday, February 10, 2004 6:03 PM CST

Hello everyone!!

Good news Baileys scans were CLEAR NO NEW TUMOR OR NO REGROWTH YEAHHHHH!!!! It is such a relief to hear those resusts. Thank you God for answered prayers! His counts are still good so we will go on Monday for blood work and if his counts are still good we will go for chemo. Thanks for all your prayers and support, we couldn't make it without each of you on our side!

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Monday, February 9, 2004 6:03 PM CST

Hi everyone

Bailey had blood work today and his counts are high. They may come down some because of the neupogen shots, but should stay stable. The doctors office called today and there has been a misunderstanding with them and the MRI people about the date of his MRI. So we will be going tomorrow at 12. I'm glad we get to go a day earlier to get it over with. Please say an extra pray for him tonight. Thanks for all your prayers and continued support!

May God Bless
The McCall's


A Sleepless Night

Tomorrow our lives could change again
Will the scan be clear, will the tumor return,
now...or never?...
We try to smooth the ups, the downs.
It's been nice breathing calmly, nice not to frown,
But tomorrow our lives could change again,

Tomorrow we'll sit while the bangs and clicks
surround us...engulf us....
staring down the tunnel, waiting for the films
that free us...or damn us...
The probation could last for another four months,
Or find us retreating behind false fronts
That we take out tomorrow to hide the anguish
around us...within us...

Tomorrow our lives could continue on course
or falter...get altered...
It's amazing to think that one simple test has
such power...such impact...
To the world around us the test dates come
one after another, eventually numb
To the fact that tomorrow could leave us again
bewildered...off kilter...

Tomorrow we hope that the treatments have helped
change things...delay things...
Are there further treatments that we can survive
do we want them?... can we stand them?...
Has the Cancer been killed; does it lie there in wait?
Will it show up tomorrow, or some much later date?
Tomorrow a crossroads, or merely a rest stop
on a journey....to eternity...

Tomorrow our lives could change again
Tomorrow our world could be turned upside down
tossed asunder...it's no wonder...
That we dwell in the past, trying to recall the way
That we made it through "tomorrow"
when it was yesterday
And why we hope to face "tomorrow" again and again
~Steve Fass

Friday, February 6, 2004 4:47 PM CST

Hello everyone! I hope you each had a good week. Bailey has had a good week even though his counts are low. His ANC is 0 which means he can't fight off anything, but you sure can not tell. He's crawling everywhere, getting into everything, and eating like there is no tommorow. If he gets fussy at all just put food in front of him and he is fine. He is only 5lbs less than Morgan who is 3. I'm just thankful he wants to eat and play as a lot of chemo patients don't or can't. We have been so blessed that Bailey has tolerated his chemo so well. He will have his next MRI on Wednesday, Feb. 11th. Please pray the scan will be clean. Also continue to pray for Spencer and Marcel, who are also going thru treatment. Thanks for all your prayers and support!

May God Bless
The McCall's


A Sleepless Night

Tomorrow our lives could change again
Will the scan be clear, will the tumor return,
now...or never?...
We try to smooth the ups, the downs.
It's been nice breathing calmly, nice not to frown,
But tomorrow our lives could change again,

Tomorrow we'll sit while the bangs and clicks
surround us...engulf us....
staring down the tunnel, waiting for the films
that free us...or damn us...
The probation could last for another four months,
Or find us retreating behind false fronts
That we take out tomorrow to hide the anguish
around us...within us...

Tomorrow our lives could continue on course
or falter...get altered...
It's amazing to think that one simple test has
such power...such impact...
To the world around us the test dates come
one after another, eventually numb
To the fact that tomorrow could leave us again
bewildered...off kilter...

Tomorrow we hope that the treatments have helped
change things...delay things...
Are there further treatments that we can survive
do we want them?... can we stand them?...
Has the Cancer been killed; does it lie there in wait?
Will it show up tomorrow, or some much later date?
Tomorrow a crossroads, or merely a rest stop
on a journey....to eternity...

Tomorrow our lives could change again
Tomorrow our world could be turned upside down
tossed asunder...it's no wonder...
That we dwell in the past, trying to recall the way
That we made it through "tomorrow"
when it was yesterday
And why we hope to face "tomorrow" again and again
~Steve Fass

Thursday, January 29, 2004 8:58 PM CST

Hi everyone we are back home! Bailey finally got to have his 7th treatment. It was different this time because Bailey is now crawling. They gave us a big mat to put in the floor, and Bailey was everywhere. I had to chase him around pushing his IV pole. It seemed to be a lot less stressful this time. We usually stay in the room the whole time, but this time I took Bailey to the play room so we didn't just see the same four walls for 3 days. I'm not saying I'm ready to go back, but I guess it's just getting easier or I'm just getting use to it. We will have bloodwork on Monday at Rutherford and on Thursday in Asheville. We will also schedule an MRI on Thursday. Please pray it will be clean! I have met another family whose 10 mo old baby boy, Marcel, has the same tumor. Please pray for them as he to is going thru treatment like Bailey. If you have a chance visit his page and leave a word of encouragement. (www.caringbridge.org/ma/marcelhill) Also pray for Spencer starting radiation next week. Thanks so much for your prayers and support! We are so blessed to have family and friends who care so much.

May God Bless You All
The McCall's

Sunday, January 25, 2004 7:01 PM CST

Hello everyone! Bailey had blood work on Friday, and his counts are up. His ANC was 748 on Tuesday and over 2000 on Friday. I guess the vitamins and taking him off his medicines really helped. Now that he is ready the weather is terrible and I am not sure if we will be able to travel up the mountain or not. I will call the Dr in the morning and see what she wants us to do. Hopefully we will be able to go sometime tommorow. Please continue to pray for Bailey and others fighting this battle. Especially pray for Spencer his MRI of the spine showed tumor on his spine. He will be starting radiation soon. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

May God Bless You!

The McCall's

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:58 PM CST

Hello everyone! We made our trip to Duke, and everything went good. We saw Dr. George first and he said Bailey looked great and wanted to see him again in 6 mo. We saw the oncologist, and he wants to take Bailey off all his daily meds. He thinks the septra and zantac may be affecting his counts also. He also wants to take him off his anti seizure med, but we will have to wing him off, and see how he does. He said as long as Bailey's organs and counts could handle the chemo he wanted to do 6 to 8 more treatments. He has already had 6. His ANC was still not high enough for chemo this week. We will go Friday for more blood work to see if he can have chemo on Monday. Just pray he will be ready! Thanks for all your prays and support!

May God Bless You

The McCall's

Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:36 AM CST

Hello everyone! Bailey's counts are still not high enough for chemo. He feels fine, but his counts just are not high enough. Today is Morgan's Birthday and she is real excited about her birthday party on Saturday! We will go to Duke on Tuesday and if Bailey's counts are good we will go for chemo on Wednesday. Now for prayer request! Please say a special pray for Spencer and family. He has the same type of tumor as Bailey. He went for his gamma knife procedure on Tuesday, but his MRI before the procedure showed that Spencer now has 5 tumors so they could not proceed with the procedure. His next step will be full brain radiation. Please pray that the radiation will work and will not cause any other symptoms for Spencer. Also pray for his parents it is so hard to watch your child go thru these procedure and to watch them suffer. It's also hard to understand why they have to go thru it. So please pray for strentgh and courage to face each day! Thanks again for all your prayers and support!

May God Bless You

The McCall's

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 7:46 AM CST

Hello everyone! We packed up and went to Asheville on Monday for chemo, but Bailey's counts were not high enough so we were sent back home. His ANC was only 300 and has to be 1000 or higher. I guess the flu just really hit his counts hard. We will try again on Thursday. We will be going to Duke on the 20th to see his neuro-surgeon at 10:45 and his oncologist at 12:30. I'm not sure yet if we are going to do an MRI before we go, or if it will be at the end of the month. Just pray that the MRI is clean and we can get his chemo treatment done. I was able to watch my aunt deliver a precious baby girl, Kimerson Grace, on Monday at 6:45 P.M. Congratulations to Tommy and Kim, she is beautiful. Pray for this new baby to be healthy and pray for all the other children who are fighting their battles. Especially pray for Spencer who is having his gamma knife procedure today. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

May God Bless You

The McCall's

Monday, January 5, 2004 4:33 PM CST

Hi everyone! Bailey is doing some better, but still has a cough and runny nose. He had blood work on Friday at Asheville and at Rutherford today. His counts have taken a hit from the flu. His ANC was down to 400 on Friday and has come up to 750 today. It has to be above 1000 to have chemo. He didn't need blood or platelets on Friday. His hemoglobin however has dropped since Friday, but not enough to have blood. He is also trying to cut some teeth so that dosen't help either. I'm just thankful we haven't had to be in the hospital this time. I have to take him back for blood work on Wednesday to see where he is. The doctor said she may still do chemo at the end of the week, but we would just have to wait and see how he does. I took Morgan to the doctor today and she either has a bad cold or the flu. She has the same symtoms as Bailey. They have both done well and not seemed to sick. Just pray it will pass soooon. Bailey has a follow-up appointment with his neuro-surgeon, Dr. George, on January the 20th at Duke. He also has an MRI coming at the end of the month. Please pray it will be clean. Morgan has a birthday on the 15th, she will be 3. It's going to be a busy month, but we will make it with your prayers! Please don't forget to pray for Spencer having his procedure on the 13th.

May God Bless!

The McCall's

Thursday, January 1, 2004 3:25 PM CST

Happy New Year! I bragged to soon on Bailey. He woke up Tuesday morning with a fever of 101.5 and a runny nose. We went to Asheville and they gave him some iv antibiotic and fluid and sent us home. I was up most of the night checking on him. His fever went up to 102.9 during the night. I had to take him back Wednesday and his cultures were negative, but his hemoglobin and platelets were dropping. His nose was still running and she said he had an ear infection. She decided to do a nasal culture to test for a virus. She said we could go home, but to call her today for the results and to let her know how he was doing. He seems to be doing better and his fever has broken, but he did test positive for the flu. I couldn't believe it. He hasn't acted to bad and he hasn't been any where, but church Sunday and out to eat. The doctor said she thought he could fight it. We have to go back to Asheville Friday morning to see if he needs blood or platelets. His counts have taken a hit from the flu so I don't know if he will be ready for chemo or not. Just pray he will get better soon!

ps added new pictures
May God Bless!

The McCall's

Monday, December 29, 2003 3:13 PM CST

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We most certainly did, the children got more than they needed. Bailey had blood work Friday and his counts were high. He also had blood work today and his counts are normal. He will go to Asheville on Friday for blood work, and probably chemo on Monday. Please continue to pray for Bailey as he continues to fight his battle. Also pray for Spencer. He will have a gamma knife procedure on January 13th. I have added his and 2 other links of children with the same tumor to this page. I hope you all have a Happy New Year! We are looking forward to this year in hopes of completing chemo and moving forward. We will never forget what God has brought us thru this year!

May God Bless You!
The McCall's

Monday, December 22, 2003 8:49 PM CST

Hello everyone! Bailey had blood work today in Asheville and his counts are down. His ANC was down to 30 last time a week after chemo and this time it was down to 200 which is better. His hemoglobin is 8.9 which is low, but not enough to receive blood. He seems to be doing a lot better this round! Tommorow is the day that will be the test. For the last two chemo treatments the Tuesday after chemo he runs a fever and we end up in the hospital. We have faith that this Tuesday is going to be fine, and we will be home for Christmas. If we are not we will be fine. We feel like we have experienced Christmas since July of this year. We have been so blessed to have Bailey here on earth with us. God could have taken him, but he didn't and we thank Him for it. We have also received so much support from our family, friends, church family, and community. We feel more blessed this Christmas than we ever have. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Always remember that Jesus is the reason for the season, and don't forget to count your blessings and thank Him for it.

Monday, December 22, 2003 8:49 PM CST

Hello everyone! Bailey had blood work today in Asheville and his counts are down. His ANC was down to 30 last time a week after chemo and this time it was down to 200 which is better. His hemoglobin is 8.9 which is low, but not enough to receive blood. He seems to be doing a lot better this round! Tommorow is the day that will be the test. For the last two chemo treatments the Tuesday after chemo he runs a fever and we end up in the hospital. We have faith that this Tuesday is going to be fine, and we will be home for Christmas. If we are not we will be fine. We feel like we have experienced Christmas since July of this year. We have been so blessed to have Bailey here on earth with us. God could have taken him, but he didn't and we thank Him for it. We have also received so much support from our family, friends, church family, and community. We feel more blessed this Christmas than we ever have. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Always remember that Jesus is the reason for the season, and don't forget to count your blessings and thank Him for it.

Monday, December 22, 2003 8:49 PM CST

Hello everyone! Bailey had blood work today in Asheville and his counts are down. His ANC was down to 30 last time a week after chemo and this time it was down to 200 which is better. His hemoglobin is 8.9 which is low, but not enough to receive blood. He seems to be doing a lot better this round! Tommorow is the day that will be the test. For the last two chemo treatments the Tuesday after chemo he runs a fever and we end up in the hospital. We have faith that this Tuesday is going to be fine, and we will be home for Christmas. If we are not we will be fine. We feel like we have experienced Christmas since July of this year. We have been so blessed to have Bailey here on earth with us. God could have taken him, but he didn't and we thank Him for it. We have also received so much support from our family, friends, church family, and community. We feel more blessed this Christmas than we ever have. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Always remember that Jesus is the reason for the season, and don't forget to count your blessings and thank Him for it.

Friday, December 19, 2003 7:04 AM CST

Hello everyone! We came home from the hospital on Wednesday and Bailey is doing great! God was watching out for us while we were in the hospital. It was on Tuesday and it was time to start his 2nd round of chemo and for some reason we were delayed. It was a good thing because the needle in his port had backed out and his fluid was going under his skin. Bailey was real fussy and I couldn't figure out what was wrong until his pump started beeping. I raised his shirt and it looked like he had a tennis ball under his skin. The nurse said thank God it wasn't the chemo and it was just fluid. The chemo would have burnt his skin underneath and it would have had to been removed with plastic surgery. God is good all the time and all the time God is good! Continue to pray for Bailey and all the other children fighting this battle.

Happy Holidays!
The McCall's

Sunday, December 14, 2003 3:15 PM CST

Hello everyone! We had blood work done today, and everything is normal. So we will go in tommorow for our sixth round of chemo. I just pray that our cycle dosen't continue and him wake up next Tuesday morning with a fever. Just pray we are not in that hospital for Christmas! Please continue to pray for us and all the other children and families who are fighting this battle. Especially pray for Spencer, who relapsed and is facing treatment in January.

May God Bless You All
The McCall's

Monday, December 8, 2003 4:53 PM CST

We went to Asheville today to have blood work. His ANC went from 500 on Friday to 2280 today. His hemoglobin was normal so he didn't need blood. His platelets are still low, but was not low enough to receive platelets. We will have more blood work at Rutherford on Wednesday to make sure his platelets are on the rise. If all remains stable we will have his 6th chemo treatment on Monday the 15th. Thanks for all your prayers and support.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Friday, December 5, 2003 8:03 PM CST

We are home. We have been in the hospital since Tuesday afternoon. Bailey woke up Tuesday afternoon at 4:30pm with a fever of 100.5, and since it was so late we had to go straight to the hospital. When we got there they done blood and urine cultures and the doctor checked him. She said his right ear was red so we think that was all that was wrong. She started him on a different antibiotic than what they had given him last time. On Wednesday his counts were 0 and his hemoglobin was 7 and the doctor said he was going to have to have some blood. He had a third of a unit of blood and seemed to feel much better and his color was better also. I thought for sure we were comming home on Thursday, but Bailey's Counts were still 0 and his platelets were dropping so they wanted him to stay. His platelets are still low, but not enough to receive platelets at this time and his ANC is up to 500. His normal ANC is above 1300 so he is still low, but are on the up-hill side of things. We have to go back to Asheville on Monday for bloodwork and to see if he needs any platelets. This is the first time he has had to have blood since starting chemo. The Dr. said he will probably need it everytime as we go further into treatment. I'm just thankful we are home for now!! Please continue to pray for Bailey and the rest of us we continue on this journey. Also remember a boy name Spencer who has the same kind of tumor as Bailey and has relapsed.

May God Bless You
The McCall's

Monday, December 1, 2003 8:07 PM CST

Bailey had blood work today, and its down as usual. His normal ANC should be 1300+ and it is 30. His WBC should be 6.0+ and it is 0.2 which means his body can't fight off anything. His counts should start to climb by the weekend. We are just praying he dosen't get sick like the last time. Morgan has to have her second flu shot tomorrow and I'm dreading it. We will go to Asheville on Thursday for more blood work. Please continue to remember Bailey in your prayers.

The McCalls

Saturday, November 29, 2003 12:49 AM CST

Hope everyone had wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a great day! Bailey is doing really good! He will have blood work on Monday at Rutherford and Asheville on Thursday. I'm going to keep him home to make sure he dosen't get sick this round. He may still get sick, but we are going to take all the precautions we can. Please continue to pray for Bailey and all the other children who are fighting their battle with cancer.

May God Bless
The McCalls

ps added new pictures to photo album!

Wednesday, November 26, 2003 5:43 PM CST

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We are back home from the hospital and Bailey did great! Thanksgiving day will mark 5 months since Bailey was diagnosed. We have so much to be thankful for. Tears come to my eyes when I think of how blessed we are. Five months ago we were told our precious baby boy had a mass on his brain that he may not survive from. It has been a long road, but thank God he has survived! I will never forget how good my family, my church family, and this county has been to us. I am so thankful for each and everyone who has sent a card, said a prayer, gave money, and just been there for us. I remember 11 years ago on Thanksgivig day I lost my father, and I didn't feel I had anything to be thankful for especially on Thanksgiving. This year I feel like I can't say thank you enough. Even though I have a son that is in and out of the hospital, and a daughter that gets left with friends and family, and a husband that has to pick up where I left while I'm in the hospital, I can't praise God enough or be thankful enough! I could be left here without my son. I just can't stress enough to be thankful for what God has given you, and to live everyday like it could be your last. God could have taken Bailey 5 months ago, but He left him here for a reason. I don't know the reason, but I'm sure thankful for it. If I hadn't said already I am so thankful everyday for what I have, and for how God has blessed our lives. My prayer for you is to feel as blessed and thankful as I do. Happy Thanksgiving!


Friday, November 21, 2003 4:03 PM CST

Bailey's blood work wasn't as high today as it has been, but it's still high enough for chemo. So we will have to be at the hospital at 10:00 am on Monday. This will be his fifth treatment with 7 more to go. We are looking forward to the day when we don't have to have anymore treatments. I just feel blessed that Bailey has made this far and has done as well as he has. He is living proof that God still performs miracles!

May God Bless You!
The McCall's

Thursday, November 20, 2003 4:36 PM CST

Hello All! It's been a rough week. Bailey woke up Tuesday with a fever of 101.9 so I had to take him to Asheville. They ran cultures and gave him some iv fluids and an antibiotic and he was ready to go. However I have been sick with a stomach virus since then. I feel some better and was able to get their pictures made today, but still not able to eat. He seems to be fine. We will have blood work on Friday, and if all is well chemo on Monday and Tuesday. Please continue to pray for Bailey.

The McCalls

Saturday, November 15, 2003 12:32 AM CST

Bailey's counts are back up! His ANC went from 0 on Tuesday to 2139 on Friday. He is amazing!! We will have blood work on Monday and Thursday next week. If his ANC stays at 1000 or above we will have chemo the week of Thanksgiving. Thanks for all your prayers!

May God Bless
The McCalls

Wednesday, November 12, 2003 3:26 PM CST

Bailey had to go to the doctor in Asheville on Tuesday because he was running a fever and had a runny nose. I packed a bag because a thought they would keep him, but they said he looked so good that they thought it would be ok to go back home. So they gave him an iv antibiotic and some fluids and we came back home. We had to go back again today for another round of antibiotic and more blood work. He dosen't have anymore fever or runny nose so maybe we are all better. However his blood work is still down. His ANC is 100 and should be 1300 or above. So we will be home until his counts come back up. We go to Rutherford on Friday for blood work. Morgan also went to the doctor today for runny nose and congestion and she is also on an antibiotic. Maybe they will both get cleared up soon! Until then we will be at home. Please continue to pray for our family.

May God Bless You
The McCalls

Wednesday, November 5, 2003 6:18 PM CST

Bailey had chemo on Monday and Tuesday. He did great! He hasn't been sick at all! Praise the Lord! His eating has slowed down, but thats normal. We will have blood work on Friday at Rutherford. Then we will start again with blood work here on Mondays and in Asheville on Thursdays. We are getting use to this and it seems almost normal. We thank God everyday for blessing us with Bailey, he is such a joy to have around. Until next time.

May God Bless
The McCalls

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 3:14 PM CST

Bailey's MRI was sent to Duke, and the Dr said that the scans were fine! I haven't talked with Dr Bottom to know exactly what was said, but she wants him to go ahead and have chemo on Monday so everything must look ok. We are so thankful! Morgan had a well check at Rutherford Peds. today and she is fine. That was the first time they had seen Bailey since he was diagnosed and they couldn't believe their eyes. They said he looked amazing and was truly a miracle. Thanks again for all your prayers and support!

With Love
The McCall's

Monday, October 27, 2003 5:26 PM CST

Bailey had an MRI today and PRAISE THE LORD IT WAS CLEAN!!!! There was no new tumors and no regrowth. However his ventricles seemed to be enlarged which means his shunt may not be working right. We will know for sure on Wednesday. The Dr is going to fed-ex the MRI to Duke so they can compare it to the last one. I'm just glad they are not enlarged because of a tumor like last time. If they are truly enlarged we will be going to Duke to see what we need to have done. If they are not enlarged we will be going back to Asheville on Monday to have chemo. We thank God for answered prayers! Bailey is truly a blessing from God! Thanks for all your support and prayers! Please continue to remember Bailey!

May God Bless You
Scott, Becky, Morgan, & Bailey

Saturday, October 25, 2003 8:04 AM CDT

Bailey's appointment with the therapist went really well on Thursday. They could not believe how well he was doing. They called him the miracle baby, and we of course said he most certainly is. They didn't feel like he needed any therapy and said he was doing great! The only thing we have to work on is to put him on his stomach more so he can start to crawl. We went to Asheville on Friday and Dr. Bottom wants to do chemo on Monday, however his counts are not high enough yet. I'm going to take him Sunday for blood work to see if he is ready. On Monday and Tuesday of last week Bailey vommited after his morning bottle and has been a little more fussy. It may be nothing, but this was the symtoms he had in the begining. The Dr said with him doing this in the morning that it was more worrisome because that is when his pressure would be higher. If he has anymore vommiting she is going to do an MRI before his chemo just to make sure the tumor hasn't come back. Bailey was put into God's hands from the beginnig and that is where We are going to leave him. It is still an everyday struggle not to worry. Please continue to pray for Bailey and for us to keep our faith. If you haven't signed the guestbook lately please do so, we could always use some encouraging words.

May God Bless You
Scott, Becky, Morgan, & Bailey

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 8:18 AM CDT

Bailey had blood work Monday and his counts were good. PACT( Parents and children together) are coming over tommorow to assess Bailey. It is an early intervention program for children from birth to age 3 who have special needs or who have been through surgeries like Bailey that could cause developmental delays. There will be a speech, physical, and occupational therapist and a pediatric doctor. I'm so glad they can all come to our house, and we don't have to go to several different appointments. We will go back to Asheville Friday for more blood work. Thanks again for all your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for a clean MRI on November the 6th.


Thursday, October 16, 2003 8:22 PM CDT

Bailey went back to Asheville today and everything went well. His counts are low, but not as low as they were last time. His ANC had dropped to 0 the week after his last treatment and it has only dropped to 1100 this time. PRAISE THE LORD! His normal level is between 1300 and 8100. We go back to Rutherford on Monday and Asheville on Thursday for blood work. They finally got his MRI scheduled for November the 6th. We should already be in the hospital having chemo so that will be convenient. Please continue to pray for Bailey, and always thank God for what He has done.


Wednesday, October 8, 2003 2:59 PM CDT

We are home from the hospital. Bailey was able to receive his chemo treatment this time, and done very well. The doctor came in while he was receiving the treatment and said that Bailey wasn't supose to be so happy during chemo, but he was sure glad he was. We will have to have blood work twice a week and then chemo in 4 weeks. He will also have an MRI done at the end of the month to make sure the tumor hasn't come back. Please start praying now that he will have a clean MRI. We thank God for what he has done for Bailey and our family.


Monday, September 29, 2003 11:49 AM CDT

We went to Asheville again today, but his counts are still not high enough to have chemo. Doctors said not to worry we would try again next week. Just keep praying! Please pray for Donnis and family. Her father passed away last night.


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:07 PM CDT

Bailey went to Asheville today to have his 3rd chemo treatment, but he could not have the chemo because his counts were to low. The doctor said that the shots make his counts rise artificially and then they bottom out again and then his body produces new ones. He said they should start coming back up on their own. We are scheduled to go back on Monday to have the chemo done. I was ready to get it done, but I was glad to come back home. Please continue to pray for Bailey!

May God Bless Each of You!
Scott, Becky, Morgan, & Bailey

Monday, September 8, 2003 2:19 PM CDT

Bailey had blood work today, and thank you Lord it is back to normal. We don't have to stay stuck in this house anymore. I Praise God that we didn't have to be in the hospital this round. God is so good to us. Thank you all for praying for Bailey. His next chemo will not be until September the 23rd. We may have to have blood work done, but shouldn't have any other doctors appointments until then.

Keep praying and always thank God for what He has already done.

Love You All
Scott, Becky, Morgan, & Bailey

Thursday, September 4, 2003 8:54 PM CDT

Bailey went to Asheville today. The good news is his hemoglobin was normal and he didn't need any blood. The bad news was that his absolute neutrophil count(ANC) was 0. This number tells us how well Bailey can fight infection. His number should be between 1300-8100. Since Bailey's ANC was 0 the doctor said we should stay at home with no visitors until Monday. We go to Rutherford on Monday for blood work, and hopefully his counts will be back up. Just pray that his counts will rise quick, and that he dosen't get sick before they do.

May God Bless Each Of You
Scott, Becky, Morgan, & Bailey

ps added some new pictures to photo album.

Tuesday, September 2, 2003 8:18 PM CDT

Bailey's counts were low on Monday. Hopefully they will start to climb soon. He has a neupogen shot for 10 days to help his counts increase. We go to Asheville on Thursday for more blood work. Bailey has no signs of being sick. He is a happy growing baby.

The American Red Cross was able to collect 58 units of blood in honor of Bailey at the blood drive at our church. Thanks to all who gave.

Keep Praying and May God Bless Each of You!
Scott, Becky, Morgan, & Bailey

Thursday, August 28, 2003 11:15 AM CDT

We are home again! Bailey is amazing. He done great with his chemo and being in the hospital. We will go to Rutherford on Monday for blood work and to Asheville on Thursday. While we were there the physical therapy person came by and done an assesment on Bailey. He scored 91 out of 100. She said Bailey did not need therapy and that he was not behind at all. Praise the Lord! Thank you all so much for your prayers and support.

Keep Praying
May God Bless Each of You!
Scott, Becky, Morgan, & Bailey

Friday, August 22, 2003 10:24 AM CDT

Bailey has had a great week! It has been wonderful to not have to go to the doctor this week. We have to be in Asheville @ 8:00 a.m. Tuesday. They will access his port at the doctors office to do blood work and probably a kidney test. We will then go to the hospital and he will receive fluid, and then the chemo will run for over 4hrs. Please pray that Bailey will do as well as he did last time. Hopefully we will be home late Wednesday or early Thursday.

There will be a blood drive at Crestview Baptist Church on Thursday August the 28th from 3:00 until 7:30 p.m. in honor of Bailey. Bailey needed blood after his surgery and may still need blood if his levels drop after chemo. The blood suply is at a critical state right now. If you are eligble to give please come by the Church to give the gift of life. Thanks!

May God Bless Each Of You!
Scott, Becky, Morgan, & Bailey

Saturday, August 16, 2003 8:41 AM CDT

Bailey's lab work came back normal on Friday. He will have his 2nd chemo on August the 26th in Asheville. He does not have to have any blood work or Doctors visits until then, PRAISE THE LORD! This will be the first week that we will not have had to see a doctor since June the 20th, our first visit to Rutherford Peds. It's hard to believe that it has been 2 months since we got the horrible news of Bailey's illness. I just thank God that he has spared Bailey's life. You just never know what God has instore for you so like our Pastor said on Sunday we better have quite time with God before the storms hit so when they do we will be ready. I don't know how we would have made it thru without God by our side, and having the best church family praying us thru it all. Even though we have had to watch our child go thru so much we have truly been blessed with Bailey's presence, and the out-pouring of so many peoples love. We can't thank each of you enough for all you have done. We love you all!


Tuesday, August 12, 2003 5:01 PM CDT

Bailey went back to Asheville today. His counts were normal. We have to go Friday to Rutherford Hospital for more blood work. I think he is getting use to it he didn't even cry this time when they stuck the needle in his arm. The doctor wants him to see a physical therapist to work with his legs. Bailey don't seen to want to stand up on my lap, he draws his legs up when I pick him up.

It wont be long until his next chemo. Keep Praying!



Monday, August 11, 2003 6:47 AM CDT

We are home again! Bailey is doing fine. Bailey's neutropil level went from 200 on Thursday to 8900 on Saturday. The doctor said WOW! She couldn't believe that Bailey had done that well. People were praying and God answered! He will go back to Asheville on Tuesday to have blood work done. I'm sure it will be fine.

He will have his next chemo treatment at the end of August in Asheville. I am so glad that I don't have to drive to Duke again this month. God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!!

Keep praying and may God bless each of you!

Scott, Becky, Morgan, & Bailey

Friday, August 8, 2003 6:42 PM CDT

Bailey has not had a fever today and his white clood cell count is climbing.

His neutrophil count which was 200 yesterday climbed to 1200 by 6:30 this morning. The normal neutropil count is supposed to be between 1300 and 1600.

There are different types of white blood cells, but it is the neutrophils that are the most important in fighting dangerous bacterial infections.

His hemoglobin count is still low. If it does not climb soon, he will have to have a blood transfusion.

Becky had Dr. Bottom call DUKE and talk them into letting Bailey have his next chemo at Asheville.

1 to 1-1/2 hour drive is a lot better than 3 to 3-1/2 hours.

All of Baileys cultures came back negative which means there is no sign of infection.

If everything goes well tonight and in the morning, Bailey should get to come home tomorrow.

Keep Praying!

Thursday, August 7, 2003 5:26 PM CDT

Becky had to take Bailey to Rutherford Hospital this morning for more bloodwork. His blood count was at 200 and is supposed to be 500 or above.

His temperature was up to 100.8 this morning. Then it went up to 101. Becky called Duke this morning and they said it was ok to take Bailey to Asheville.

Scott just spoke with Becky on the phone and Bailey's temperature is at 102.8

There is a strict handwashing for anyone who visits with Bailey.

They are running an I.V. with antibiotics right now and Bailey will have to stay at least 48 hours before he gets to come home.

Pray that Bailey's fever will come down and he will have a safe return home.

Thanks for all your prayers and keep praying for the family.

Monday, August 4, 2003 6:04 PM CDT

Bailey's appointment went well today in Asheville. His doctor, Dr. Bottom, use to work with the brain tumor center at Duke. She was really good with Bailey. They faxed me the results of his lab work after I got home. As expected his white blood cell count was 2.2 which is low. The normal count should be between 6.0 and 17.5. This means his immune system is very low. If he runs a fever of 101 or above he will have to be hospitalized. We believe God is watching out for Bailey, and he is going to be just fine.

The BBQ was a big success! We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all the workers and everyone who came. Our church family could not be any better. We are very blessed to have them.

Please continue to pray for Bailey. His next chemo treatment will be August the 26th at Duke.


Thursday, July 31, 2003 9:47 PM CDT

We are home! Bailey done great with his chemo. He slept right through most of it. He will get his next chemo on August the 26th. He has an appointment on Monday in Asheville with the doctor who will give him his chemo treatment in September. He will have to have blood work done every Monday and Thursday at Rutherfor Hospital to keep a watch on his blood counts. The doctor suspects that Bailey's white blood cells, which fight infections, will be at its lowest on Tuesday of next week. We will probably be staying at home all of next week to avoid any germs. The only restrictions we have are to avoid anyone with or who has been around anyone with a cold, and to avoid contact with small children.

We praise GOD everyday for what He has done for Bailey. Bailey is proof that prayer still works and that God is in charge. When the doctors first told us that the tumor was malignant they said Bailey would only live 1 to 2 years. They are very optimistic now since his MRI showed that the tumor was completely removed and that his spine and spinal fluid was free of cancer cells. Our prayer now is that the chemo will kill any cancer cells and that it will never come back. We thank God everyday for giving us Bailey, and allowing us to be his parents. He has been an absolute blessing to our family.

We plan to attend the Bar-B-Q on Saturday as long as Bailey is feeling weel. Hope to see you there!



Tuesday, July 29, 2003 4:27 PM CDT


Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:02 PM CDT

Bailey has had a great week! To see him you wouldn't know he was sick. We have to be at DUKE on Monday the 28th. He's surgery will start at 3:00. They will put in the porta-cath and do a spinal tap. He will then receive his first chemo treatment.

Please pray that Bailey's MRI results will show no cancer and that he will do well with the chemo.

May God Bless You
Scott, Becky, Morgan, & Bailey

Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:26 PM CDT

Bailey went back to DUKE today. He had an MRI of the brain and spine. We will know the results on Monday. He will be admitted on Monday the 28th to have a porta-cath put in and to get his first round of chemo. We plan to enjoy the rest of the week at home.

Pray that Bailey's MRI will show that the cancer has not spread.

Thank you for all of your support and prayers!

Scott, Becky, Morgan, & Bailey

Tuesday, July 22, 2003 5:46 PM CDT

Bailey went back to DUKE today. He had all of his stitches and bandages removed. He will go back tommorow for a MRI. On Monday he will have a porta-cath placed, spinal fluid drawn, and will be admitted for his first chemo treatment. Hopefully he will do fine and we will return home on Tuesday or Wednesday. He will have chemo treatments every 4 weeks. Some will be at DUKE and some at ASHEVILLE.

Keep Praying!

Sunday, July 20, 2003 9:59 PM CDT

Bailey was discharged today and was able to come back home for a couple of days. They will be headed back to DUKE on Tuesday as long as everything goes ok the next couple of days.

Scott and Becky brought Bailey to church services tonight. It was an awesome service. Kim and Mackenzie sang "I Rest My Case At The Cross". Mackenzie wanted to dedicate the song to Bailey.

It was just amazing. Becky went down to pray with Bailey during the song and then everyone went down to pray for Bailey. It was just a special time and the song fit right in.

"I Rest My Case At The Cross"

"There's a covenant sweet, it was written for me.
It's a promise that I could be healed
From all my sin and my shame, even heartache and pain.
It was signed and confirmed on a hill

So I rest my case at the cross
For now I have someone to champion my cause
I've been justified, satisfied, oh, I have it all
So I rest my case at the cross.

Don't feel sorry for me when you see I'm in need
There's a judge who grants mercy and love
All my burdens He lifts, all my sins He forgives
Every trial is won through His blood

This covenant is binding by His blood and His word
Everytime I'm in trouble, my cause will be heard."

Even though there may be hard times ahead Scott and Becky know they can rest their case at the cross.

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

1 Corinthians 1:3-4

Keep Praying!

Saturday, July 19, 2003 10:46 PM CDT

Scott and Becky had to make an unexpected trip back to DUKE today. Fluid started leaking where the shunt was put in. They are not sure if it is a blockage, infection or something else.

They went ahead and admitted Bailey into a room and they are going to try and find out where the problem is coming from.

Keep Praying and Trusting in the Lord!


The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.
Nahum 1:7

Friday, July 18, 2003 10:20 PM CDT

Bailey is at home and everything is going great. Just being at home after three long weeks in the hospital, is a great relief for the family.

They will be going back to DUKE on Tuesday, July 22nd for a couple of Doctor's visits. Just pray that Scott and Becky will get good news from the doctors and that their trips back and forth from DUKE will be safe.

Still not sure if they will start chemo on the 22nd or if they will set another appointment for that.

Keep checking back and we will let you know.

Keep Praying and Trusting in the Lord!


The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.
Nahum 1:7

Thursday, July 17, 2003 11:10 AM CDT

Bailey gets to come home today. He will return to Duke in a week or two for testing and chemo.

Keep Praying!

Wednesday, July 16, 2003 9:15 PM CDT

This has been a long road so far for the family. Still in ways it is hard to believe that this can happen to your family.

Bailey had been sick for a week before the doctors found out what was wrong with him.

On Friday, June 27, 2003 Bailey had a Brain scan and it came back that there was a mass on his brain and fluid build up. The doctors sent him by ambulance to DUKE Medical Center. They started immediately with a tube draining the fluid off of Bailey's brain.

On Sunday, June 29, 2003 Bailey endured a 9 hour surgery to remove the tumor. The tumor was sent off to be diagnosed.

Thursday, July 3rd, 2003 the doctors came in with the news. A rare brain tumor called Choroid Plexus Carcinoma.

Friday, July 4th, 2003 the doctors gave Bailey's parents Scott and Becky the news of a One to Seven year life expectancy with this type of tumor.

Wednesday, July 16th, 2003 Bailey had a successful shunt placement.

Keep Praying!

Wednesday, July 16, 2003 8:28 PM CDT

Bailey has a successful shunt placement today.

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----End of History----