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Doni Setiyadi <Doni@gendon.com>
Purbalingga, Laki-laki Indonesia - Thursday, June 25, 2009 9:34 PM CDT
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San Francisco, San Francisco USA - Tuesday, June 26, 2007 12:24 AM CDT
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Toronto, Toronto USA - Friday, June 22, 2007 5:04 PM CDT
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New York, New York USA - Friday, June 22, 2007 6:04 AM CDT
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Washington, Washington USA - Thursday, June 21, 2007 6:32 PM CDT
Hi Ayman. How are you lately? I heard you are doing much better 7amdilah! Inshallah we might visit you all soon. Take care and hold on after all your the strongest boy i have ever known!
Zeinab Ali Noureddine <ze_in_ab@hotmail.com>
burke, V.A. USA - Thursday, November 24, 2005 10:18 AM CST
Hi Ayman this is majed. The boy who gave you the Yu-Gi-Oh cards on the last day I left from America. Alhamdulliah that you are doing just fine. Please email me at artisticboy91@hotmail.com. I will answer you as soon as you send me a message.
Alhamdulliah. I miss you soo much.

Majed Tareck Elass <artisticboy91@hotmail.com>
Riffa, Bahrain ?? - Monday, September 26, 2005 11:53 AM CDT
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
BRENDA My Loving Dad's Site <brurka@shaw.ca>
EDMONTON,ALBERTA CANADA, - Monday, September 5, 2005 9:17 PM CDT
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
BRENDA My Loving Dad's Site <brurka@shaw.ca>
EDMONTON,ALBERTA CANADA, - Sunday, August 28, 2005 2:59 AM CDT
Dearest Ayman,

How are you doing lately? I heard you are getting better! I miss you and your family alot. I know you will be strong and hold it all together after all your the strongest boy i know! Well take care and say hi to everyone for me. I love you more then words could ever express the true meaning of love.

Zeinab Ali Noureddine <ze_in_ab@hotmail.com>
Burke, Virginia USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 12:08 AM CDT
Hello!! Well this is my first time to write to you but i am chassity's cousin, alishia. Well i see you are doing really good today well gtg buh bye

Alishia Flint <cheerhottie@sbcglobal.net>
Brownsville , Texas USA - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 3:00 PM CDT
It is so wonerful to see you doing so well. My niece Hannah (http://www2.caringbridge.org/ga/hannah/) just completed her first round of chemo for stage iv neuroblastoma. It is so wonderful everytime you see someone doing so well. You and your sister are beautiful. I am so happy for you and your family and I will keep you in my prayers.

Alicia Bradford <alicia@aliciabradford.com>
Montgomery, AL - Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:26 PM CST
Salaam Ayman!!
It was nice to see you awhile back when you came to my house!:)) I thank you so much for your gift!:)) You do realize my cell phone still says: "Get Well Ayman!" I haven't changed it yet.... maybe I will maybe I won't!:) Were pulling for you over here but inshallah you seem to be doing great!:))

arab_23 <arabia_786@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, Ont - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 11:09 AM CST
dearest ayman, thank God your doing so well. inshAllah we will see you soon out and about,we will say extra prayers for you! waiting for more good news in april ,inshAllah!!!!! we will plan a really fun fishing trip with you before we leave ,inshAllah! with love from us to you , the Khalils.
soul khalil <soulsplace@hotmail.com>
burke, va usa - Friday, February 18, 2005 3:25 PM CST
We are so so so so happy to hear all of the good news. We knew you could do it!!! Hope to see you real soon when everyone is well enough to visit.
Penny, Heather and Ashleigh <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
Alexandria, Va USA - Thursday, February 17, 2005 5:29 PM CST
Hi Ayman and family,
Just want you to know I am thinking of you and so glad to hear all the good news! Take care!

Cami Frickman
Sterling, VA - Thursday, February 17, 2005 11:03 AM CST
Salaam Ayman -

I hope your appointment went well. We'll see you soon insha'allah.

Basima <basimam@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, February 10, 2005 4:44 PM CST
Thanks so much for checking in on Cedric, and sending us words of encouragment during our difficult time. My prayers will hopefully carry us to where you are right now in the process. I am so glad that Ayman is doing so well...Praise God!! I hope to see you all when you are here on the 7th. That is a Monday, and if we are back on track from this little "slip-up" we usualy go every Monday and Thursday, so hopefully we will see you.
Take care and know that we are thinking of you.

Angee Seldon ~*~Cedric's Page~*~ <angeeseldon@yahoo.com>
Dumfries, VA USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:44 PM CST
Dear Ayman,
Inshallah everthing is getting better, we always think of you and send you our prayers, Sakeyna is missing you alot take care of youself
Khala batool

Batool Nizam <batoolnizam@hotmail.com>
Damascus, Syria - Monday, January 3, 2005 2:24 AM CST
Dear Ayman,
I am so glad that you are doing well. How nice to finally see your picture! Remember that Clermont is your school, and we can't wait until you can join us.

Dr. Tate, Your Principal <Jeannine.Tate@fcps.edu>
Alexandria, VA US - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 10:01 AM CST
Aymooni and aula
This is Nadia from London. I hope you are both doing well and we are thinking of you as always. I am still waiting for that visit ;)

Lots of Love

Nadia Al-Shadhir
London, UK - Thursday, October 28, 2004 4:28 PM CDT
Hi ayman How are you? hope your fine. Its me Zeinab Noureddine. How is everyone around? i bet your happy to go back home! Well to let you know we are all here for you okay take care We are praying for you day and night.
Zeinab Noureddine <ze_in_ab@hotmail.com>
Burke , Virginia U.S.A - Saturday, October 23, 2004 9:47 PM CDT
Hi Ayman,
Get your mom do update so we know how you are doing. I think of you often... my vision I have of you is with a 10cc syringe and spraying me!!! I miss you and love!
Love, Kathie

Kathie Pollard <Pollardz@aol.com>
Clifton, Va - Thursday, September 30, 2004 10:16 PM CDT
Hi Ayman, as many times as ive been to your website i apologize for not signing it!! But i want you to know that i love you and since you're not here in the hospital, i'm glad you're doing well!!! I sure do miss you though!!! love, Lisa
Lisa Olympia <okisunflow@aol.com>
Stafford, va usa - Monday, September 27, 2004 11:07 PM CDT
Hey Ayman,
I was just checking your website to see how you are doing. I think about you all of the time. Tell your Mom, Dad, and sister I say hello!
Love, Kathie

Kathie Pollard <Pollardz@aol.com>
Clifton, vA - Sunday, September 26, 2004 9:02 AM CDT
Just checked the website and am pleased that things are going so well. Andy M
Andre Muelenaer, MD <amuelenaer@carilion.com>
Roanoke, VA USA - Friday, September 3, 2004 12:56 AM CDT
I am so glad that you updated your website. We continue to keep you in our prayers and know that you will be better than ever. We look forward to visiting with you as soon as you are up to it. Penny and Ashleigh
Penny Cummiskey <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 0:07 AM CDT
Hi Ayman!
I have been thinking about you and missing your silly laugh. I hope you are doing well. I am so glad you are back home now:) Send my love to your mom and sister!
Take care! Love,

Cami DeVylder
Sterling, VA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 3:48 PM CDT
Aula and Ayman -- I have been thinking of you and wondering how you are making out. I have not had internet access for a while myself, so I had a lot of reading to do! Sounds like you are all doing well and thinking about normal things (like bdays and weekends at home) which is always a nice thing to think about. Miss you and hope your path stays in the positive direction :o) Take care -- Cindy Briggs
Cindy Briggs <Cinbriggs@aol.com>
Richmond, VA USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 3:16 PM CDT

Your Bibi just told me the good news! Ma shallah your back in the comfort of your own home!:)) I bet your thrilled to be back in VA!! I saw Lujane at the park on Sunday... and I swear to you she's so thrilled to be happy to be going home to see you and ur mom + dad:)) We hope this will be the final bout...:)))

Aula - I spoke to your mom and she said that Ayman is recooperating nicely so far. I bet your glad to be home in VA instead of having to keep relocating:))) Our prayers are with you and the rest of your family. I still have: "Get Well Ayman!!" on my cell phone...

Zeinab <arabia_82@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, Ont Canada - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 1:38 PM CDT
Any updates????
We're waiting to know when we'll see you again inshaAllah!
any news is good news...

Khaleh Mona and Family
Rockville, MD USA - Monday, July 26, 2004 2:01 PM CDT
Hello Ayman, Aula, and Lujane. I bet your counting down the days until you get to go home. About one week left? It will go by fast, insha'allah. How did the operation go today? I hope all is well.

Missing you,

- Monday, July 19, 2004 4:30 PM CDT
Dear Ayman,
I am not longer sucking my thumb, Hassen what do you want to say? (hassen gets a truck toy and says, " I want dis")

three years old and hassen is one years old, Mom I want to say dat.
love you and miss you.

Rockville, MD - Saturday, July 17, 2004 7:01 PM CDT
Salam Ayman,
Did you like the Nemo towel?
I was hoping to get a call from you! We miss you so much.
can't wait to see you soon, inshaAllah.

Khaleh Mona
Rockville, MD usa - Saturday, July 17, 2004 6:37 PM CDT
What terrific news!!!! We are so excited for you Ayman and your whole family. Your body deserves a special treat for making good blood and platelets all by yourself! That is alot of work we know. Ashleigh and I went into your Daddy's new office yesterday on our way to the clinic. He sure misses you, Mommy and Lujane alot. We can't wait to see you all home again. God is SO GOOD!!!

Penny Cummiskey <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
- Thursday, July 15, 2004 3:20 PM CDT
Ahlan ya Ayman - I'm happy everything is going well. Ryan and Lina can't wait to see you and Lujane. We checked your website often while we were away. We prayed for you everyday and will continue to do so. Best wishes to everyone!
- Wednesday, July 14, 2004 8:10 PM CDT
Salam Ayman,
Now I know you were busy last time visiting with all of your best buddies... but don't forget about us, we are dying to see the "Bravest brother" in town. If you come home this weekend, or even if it is two weeks... please make time for us. Especially Samaa who is so overjoyed you are better and coming home.

Hassen is still the same mischievous guy. Tonight he shoved his macaroni dinner into his eye--- yes on purpose--- then cried and then nearly did it again!! Yes, on purpose!! I guess this is how he is learning about the world. Maybe when you come back you can give him some advice! Please! For my sake!

love you!

Khaleh Mona & Family
Rockville, MD 20853 - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 8:03 PM CDT
Ayman & Aula,
I am so happy to hear your good news.I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the 4th of July!
Can't wait til you're back in VA for good:)

Cami DeVylder <CamiDev@hotmail.com>
Vienna, VA - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 11:23 AM CDT
We heard the good news from Carrie and Chass today. We are so excited that you are able to come home if even for just a few days. Everyone will be thrilled to see you guys!!! I know we will see you!!!! Drive carefully!!

Penny Cummiskey <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 11:54 PM CDT

Everyone must be so excited, I know I am!!!
Please keep us posted upon arrival!

Khaleh Mona and Family
Rockville, MD USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 4:28 PM CDT
Dear Aula,
We miss you guys!! Hang in there. We are looking forward to the great bash we can have when you guys get back!! As always, we continue to pray for all of you. Love, Bill, Suzie, Thomas and Robby

Suzie Baird <william.baird4@verizonmail.com>
alexandria, VA USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 11:37 AM CDT
Dear Ayman,
but ummm, we went on the boat with my momma and with khaleh Sara and I did not want to go with my baba. And then my brother was on it too. And nothing else I want to say. We sawed a stork, that's it.
Love Samaa.

Now Ayman this is khaleh mona talking. How are you habibi? We went to the Rio yesterday and Samaa and I went on the boat--- the same one you went on with Amoo Basil. That was all Samaa kept saying.." remember mama, this is the same boat I went on with Ayman" and I told her as soon as you came back she could go with you again, inshaAllah.

Her making cards for you has recently gone to a whole new level... we were at Target yesterday and she starting pushing all these buttons on a computer you use for wedding registry. I told her to c'mon, but she said, "wait I am not done making a card for Ayman yet!"

We love you and (as you can see) think about you everyday. I can't wait to see you, your mommy and that silly Lujane again!

Khaleh Mona
Rockville, MD 20853 - Monday, June 28, 2004 8:04 AM CDT
Salam amo Ayman ,I know it is too late to write to you but I apologise for this delay I've been very busy with other life's issues and your dad wasn't in touch with me because he was busy with you as well,but believe me you have been in our hearts and memories most of the time,me and khala Najla and the kids,we been praying for you, inshalla will see you one day may be you come to Australia or we Come to US or in Karbala near Imam Hussain.I am pleased that you ok now believe me I feel you all the time ,you will be ok soon inshalla,my loves to you and your sister Lujain,Ruda and Mustafa say hello to you, I will send their photos to you soon via the Email.
your dad will tell you who I am.

Amo Hazim <hdhahir@yahoo.com.au>
Newcastle, NSW Australia - Saturday, June 26, 2004 5:27 PM CDT
Salam Aymooni,
Didn't you tell your mom to put some of your birthday pictures on line yet? You know we all want to see you blowing out the candles!!! You gotta keep bugging her or else Samaa will continue to ask me, "what's that yellow wiggly stuff on Ayman???" (she's still not getting the confetti concept!)
We REALLLY miss you, and can't wait to see you soon!
You have done so well so far, MashAllah!!!!

Khaleh Mona and family
Rockville, MD usa - Thursday, June 24, 2004 9:41 PM CDT
Hey Ayman and Aula,
I hope you guys were okay, I was thinking of you guys and yes I have had the baby. Had him on the 10th check out my website. His pics are there www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/jasonsbrother
Take Care and God Bless
Ayman get well soon and kiss Lujane for me.

Charawn <charawn_h@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, June 24, 2004 3:15 PM CDT
salaam aymonti, I have not written to you for a while, have not forgotten you for one moment. Everyone here asks about you and pray for your speedy recovery. Come on get ready young man, you will be going home soon. We all thank GOD for the success of your transplant and inshaallah, your recovery continues for ever. I will see you soon either in Virginia or Canada. Kiss mama for me. Do not forget she is doing everything possible for you and your comfort, so give her a hug she deserves it.
jiddo with love <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, iraq - Thursday, June 24, 2004 0:19 AM CDT

I am glad to hear good news, And I cann not believe how brave you are man, 24 pels a day WAWOOOOOOO. Ali and Lena are doing good, and waiting to see you come home in few weeks insha-Allah. I got you a new real, I am going to put it on one of my experianced fishing poles and send it to you, maybe you and Dad can make it to that park we went to and sink some worms.

Until latter


Amo Hassan <hkhalil@expertwireless.com>
- Monday, June 21, 2004 9:29 AM CDT
Hi Ayman!
Im sooooo glad to hear your doing better! :) We all cant wait for you and your mom to come back! By the way, how is Lujain?? Tell her I say HI! I miss her too! InshAllah we see you all soon!

Tanya (Ryan's Aunt) <xtaniyahx@hotmail.com>
Annandale, VA USA - Sunday, June 20, 2004 9:22 PM CDT
Assalamu Alaikum Aymooni,
I can't wait for you to see what your little brother is up to! He is such a busy body, yet very silly boy, he loves to laugh just like you, it must have been in the secret potion!
He's learned a few animal sounds (like mooooo, and huff huff) and we all get a kick out of that--- except Samaa. The other day I heard her screaming, "NOOOOO" in her room I came in and she was reading Baa Baa Black Sheep and screaming, "THIS IS NOT A MOOO OR A HUFF!!!" Poor little guy he was confused to hear not all animals make those sounds!

Samaa continues making cards for you, her smiley faces have now evolved to balloons (circles with line hanging down). She always starts and says this is for Ayman, but in the end when she is so pleased with the result, she changes her mind and says, "this is for my dad's birthday". I tell her "Samaa your dad's birthday is in November" but being as she doesn't understand time she says,"Yeah I'll give it to him tomorrow on his birthday."

While she is making all these cards for you, Hassen trys to do the same. But that little mischief-maker does not know it should be on paper!! He has drawn on about every wall on the house with crayons, pencils, pens, chalk, EVEN PERMANENT MARKER!!! I hope you can come teach this boy some lessons soon!

We miss you Ayman

Khaleh Mona
Rockville, MD 20853 - Saturday, June 19, 2004 7:33 AM CDT
Assalam Alaikum Ayman,
This is uncle Ayad from Virginia. We hope that you are doing better now and wish you a full and fast recovery.
I have salam to you from aunt Sind and your friends, Ennis, Deena and baby Jenna.
Salam to you Ula and Ridha, hope everybody is fine.
Habibi Ayman, see you soon in Virginia.

Ayad <ayad_sind@hotmail.com>
- Friday, June 18, 2004 2:19 PM CDT

I hope you have a speedy recovery.... guess what? I myself was just discharged from the hospital:(( I was in there because of the stomache flu along with a viral infection. But alhamdullah, I'm being cured so I'm pulling for you as well:))

Arabia <arabia_82@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, Ontr - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 11:46 AM CDT
How are you doing?u INSHALLAH BETTER! So you'll be coming back to Virginia inshAllah around the end of July, huh? I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU! Well i'll be in Amman until August but right when I get back i'll be sure to come see you! Speaking of which... do you or your mom want anything from over seas?!?! Just let me know. InshAllah you have a SPPPPPEEEEEEDDDDDYYYY RECOVERY!

Tanya (Ryan's Aunt) <xtaniyahx@hotmail.com>
Annandale , VA USA - Sunday, June 13, 2004 12:02 AM CDT
dear ayman,
i am in amman i am sick they gave me shots. you know what you do know postopia.com if i win i am going to take you to hollywood. Your friend,

Ryan Majdalawieh
- Sunday, June 13, 2004 9:04 AM CDT
dear ayman,
i am in amman i am sick they gave me shots. you know what you do know postopia.com if i win i am going to take you to hollywood. Your friend,

Ryan Majdalawieh
- Sunday, June 13, 2004 9:03 AM CDT
Hi Aula and Ayman,
I just wanted to say hello. charawn had her baby the other day,,, I think he was 7lbs. Just a little boy. I hear he is doing well and so is Mommy. Aula email me if you get a chance.


Kathianne Pollard <Pollardz@aol.com>
Clifton, va usa - Saturday, June 12, 2004 4:17 PM CDT
Hello Ayman and Aula -- I have been thinking of you a lot lately and wanted you to know :o) Sounds like you guys are hanging in there . . . what more could we ask for ? Take care of eachother -- Cindy
Cindy Briggs <Cinbriggs@aol.com>
Richmond, VA USA - Saturday, June 12, 2004 3:38 PM CDT
Salaam habibi ayman I pray for you every day and soon inshaallah you will recover from this period of long sleeps and start playing and enjoying the company of your mama and lujane. Aula, baba use this time to read books, Quraan to keep you connected to almighty allah swt. My prayer to allah awt to keep you the srenght to deal with all of this. please kiss ayman for me.
jiddo with love <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Saturday, June 12, 2004 0:45 AM CDT
Dear Ayman and Aula,
Our thoughts are with you always, and glad to know you are doing well. With Ayman sleeping so much, this must give you Aula so much time to reconnect with yourself. Meditation, reading, painting.... all these relaxing things that you suddenly have time for. Did you finish that discipline book? I've got others lined up for you, do you want me to send them?

Continue taking it one day at a time... and remember Allah will not give you a burden more than you can bear. You strong, strong woman, Mash'Allah.

Ma'a Salama.

Khaleh Mona
Rockville, MD 20853 - Friday, June 11, 2004 11:03 PM CDT
hey Ayman its Ms Shireen i am very sorry that i havent been writing you frequently but i have been really busy preparing for my high school graduation. Well i know its pretty late and i have been meaning to say this but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! and many more to come INSHALLAH! well take care buddy and Inshallah i will write back to you soon!
Ms. Shireen

Ms. Shireen <smabdelhaq@aol.com>
- Friday, June 11, 2004 10:28 PM CDT
hi ayman im sorry i have'nt wrote to u for a really long time
well how r u.i hope you are feeling better.you havent been writing much offenly.well im typing today on day fifty i hope your excited,there is so much to tell you what is happening with me we sold our house and school is out and im always bored and omran is to well everybody in school is praying for you and for essra's grandfather he is in the hospital because of his heart and has been there for about three weeks now.well I hope you read this.

were do you live now?

gathe kiwan
fairfax, va usa - Friday, June 11, 2004 8:34 AM CDT
Hi Ayman & Aula! I hope you are doing well. I sure miss seeing you all around here and I miss Ayman's "toothless" grin(well the front ones anyways:). I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Just wanted to say hi and let you know I am thinking of you:) Miss you!

Cami <CamiDev@hotmail.com>
Vienna, VA USA - Thursday, June 10, 2004 3:01 PM CDT
Hi Ayman and Aula,
It is great to hear that Ayman is doing well. we can't wait to see you back here. I miss you Ayman.. have you been practicing shooting the syringes?? I have... just wait!
Love, Kathie Pollard

Kathie Pollard <Pollardz@aol.com>
Clifton, Va USA - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 8:50 PM CDT

Sorry for not writing for so long...:)) I swear I've been busy with stuff... not to mention a visit to the hospital myself:)) Relax, nothing major just a check up to see how I'm doing:)) I heard it was ur b-day last week or the 28th of May!:)) Congratulations on turning 8! Wishing you a speedy recovery....

Arabia <arabia_82@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, Ont - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 3:01 PM CDT
Dear Aula and Ayman,
It was so nice to talk with you this morning. We were sorry to hear Ayman has a fever. We will pray that this will pass soon!! We miss y'all!! 50 days!!! Great job, keep fighting the good fight!!! Thomas and Robby send there best. Also, we got some great photos of the send-off party finally developed. I will send them down with Rudy. Love,
Suzie, Bill, Thomas and Robby
P.S. Thanks for the very thoughtful birthday wish:)

Suzie Gonzales Baird <william.baird4@verizonmail.com>
Alexandria, va - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 11:13 AM CDT
Salaam Aymooni & Aula, I hope you feel better today. I think of you both every day, the thought that Ayman is not well and I am not close to you bothers me a lot. Today is the 50th, so from now on you have less days to go, habibi. Inshaallah everything goes well and you get over this fever and start gaining your strength again. My duaa to you both.
Jiddo who can not wait to see Ayman <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 1:47 AM CDT
Salam HAbibi
I am sorry you are not feeling well lately, and I hope insha-Allah that you will get beeter very soon. We had a lot of fun seeing all of you last time we were there, and we hope to do it again soon insha-Allah. I will have Khala Soul call Mama tonight so we can check on you. \

By the way I went down to the lake last week, I took the boat and sailed after the big one. Well I gought few but not as big as the one you cought.

Talk to you soon insha-Allah


Amo Hassan <hkhalil@expertwireless.com>
- Tuesday, June 8, 2004 2:47 PM CDT
Hi mama & Ayman..this is me Lujane.I miss you. I love you. I went hiking last week with Amo Nofel, Khala Neda & everybody. Amourie is so cuuuute..I had a lot of fun playing with Yusser yesterday.I played cops & robbers & I was a cop like Rayaan. Aymoonie I miss u (shes making that cute face when she squishes her nose!!) I miss you baba. I gonna come home soon I think.:))))

Joona jenjoon Testoos Pespoos <borrowing khala nedas3@hotmail.com>
mississauga, Ontario Canada - Monday, June 7, 2004 3:49 PM CDT
Hey Piggie! What's up dude? We hope you get over your fever soon(if you haven't already). How does it feel to be an eight year old? This is Caitlin and Jack's last week of school! Yeaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! We miss you lots. We hope you get to visit at day 60. We'll start counting. We have the internet at home now! Can you believe it?! So, write to us anytime or give us a call if you ever feel like talking. Our email address is kjnhammond@aol.com and our cell phone is (703)725-2238. Hammond's out! See ya', buddy. Love, the goofy Hammond family.
The Hammond Family <kjnhammond@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Sunday, June 6, 2004 4:38 PM CDT
Hey Ayman,
How are you doing?? So I heard it was your birthday a couple days ago! I hope you had fun! I didnt forget about you, Ive just been out of town for a while and I didnt have access to a computer :( Well, HAPPY B-LATED BIRTHDAY!! So how are you feeling? INSHALLAH BETTER! I cant wait to see you again!! OH YEAH, I just talked to Ryan in Jordan and he wanted me to tell you he says HI and that he MISSES YOU!! Well, Take Care habibi!!! Tell your family I say SALAM!

Tanya (Ryans Aunt) <xtaniyahx@hotmail.com>
Annandale , VA USA - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 10:15 PM CDT
hi ayman!
faiza <saphire_indigo@hotmail.com>
fort washington, md usa - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 8:01 PM CDT
SO How was the big birthday??
Is your film at one hour photo?
Have you got a VCR yet, to view the video?
How was the weekend with your friends?
Did you find out where we should stay when we come, inshaAllah?

All my questions can be answered in your next post!

I'm sure you both had fun, we can't wait to hear all about it!

Looking forward to hearing from you, inshaAllah.

Khaleh Mona and Dennis the Menace, I mean Hassen the Menace
Rockville, MD - Monday, May 31, 2004 10:24 PM CDT
Dear Ayman,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG GUY, its late I know but better late than never may each & every wish you made today be granted & may all your prayers are answered. May all your drawers be filed with toys & ur cupboards with Joys.
By the way I luve ur suite u Look great in it :-).

Big Hug to u my lit. friend.

Nourhan <nour_dun@yahoo.com>
Cairo, Egypt - Sunday, May 30, 2004 4:20 AM CDT
Habby Pirthday <---- (Iraqi pronounciation)
Happy Birthday <-----(American pronounciation)
Habby Bersday <---- (Egyptian Pronounciation)

It doesn't matter how you say it, the important part is that you have a GrEat Time on this Special DAy!!!!
Once Again Happy Birthday and inshaAllah many more.

Hadi, Mona, Sadik, Sarah, Noor, Hasan, Husain AlKhafaf <nono138@hotmail.com>
New Orleans, LA USA - Saturday, May 29, 2004 8:59 PM CDT
Salaam Aymen :)

Happy Birthday big guy! have lots off fun.... hugs and kisses to mama ok! from khala nadiea.... and noor and all of the family!

Nadiea & Noor Abbas <nabbas@sympatico.ca>
Mississauga, ONT Canada - Saturday, May 29, 2004 2:41 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Ayman and Hello to you Aula!
I'm so glad to hear that things are looking up and that some special little boy is having a special birthday day! I hope you all have a wonderful time.
THinking of you,
Michelle Dominguez

michelle Dominguez
austin, tx usa - Saturday, May 29, 2004 12:43 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Ayman!!!
You must be really excited cause its your big day!You are so lucky mashallah that u have people wishing u a happy b-day from all over the world!!I hope u have a wonderful day and many great days ahead of u!I always remember u in my prayers!Take care!

Sahar Mahmoud <Sahour76@yahoo.com>
Cairo, Egypt - Saturday, May 29, 2004 9:58 AM CDT
Salam Ayman........... I hope that you had an amazing and very HAPPY Birthday!!! =)=)=)=)=)=)
o o\....….__.....….__ This snake says
\_/.\.…/sss\.. ./sss\ "Happy Birthday Ayman!!!"
. l\ss\_/ssss\_/sssss|

You and your family are always in our prayers! Inshallah I will write soon.

With lots of love and prayers,

Mayce <mayce84@hotmail.com>
- Friday, May 28, 2004 10:31 PM CDT






Jack Hammond <hammondgop@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA - Friday, May 28, 2004 7:40 PM CDT
Happy birthday Aymen!!!!Mashalla u have turned into a man already ;) Take care of ur mommy for me.Speaking of ur mom,havent heard from her in awhile.Hope all is well...please email me...no excuses :)
Mejd Al-Huraimel
Dubai, UAE - Friday, May 28, 2004 7:03 PM CDT
Happy birthday Ayman!!! I have something for you and I tried to get down to clinic to see you today with it but you had already gone. So I'll try again on Sunday, which is the next time I work. Happy birthday!
Jennifer Lumb, 5200 RN <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC - Friday, May 28, 2004 6:32 PM CDT
Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you....happy birth day to Ayman...happy birthday to you!!!!!!
Wishing you many many many many many many many many many more!!!!! love, Penny and family

Penny Cummiskey <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Friday, May 28, 2004 4:52 PM CDT
Dear Aula and Ayman,
Happy Birthday!!! It is exciting to hear that all is going so well there. Eight years old, wow!!! We can't wait till you get back and we can have another neighborhood celebration. We miss you guys loads and keep you in our prayers. The Hammond crew wanted to call and sing Happy Birthday to you. If you get a chance call them on Tom's cell at (703) 597-6919.
Lots of love,
Bill, Suzie, Thomas and Robby

The Bairds <william.baird4@verizonmail.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Friday, May 28, 2004 3:05 PM CDT
It's somebody's birthday ..I WONDER WHO!!!!
Salaam big guy..look whos eight!! I wish u MANY MANY happy returns habibi..& I wish we were there to party on dude!! Hamza & the gang miss u terribly ..

Khala Neda <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, - Friday, May 28, 2004 2:03 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How's it going Ayman? What's up with the updates? We are all curious to see how you are doing. We are leaving to go to Jordan tomorrow but we will keep checking this site to see how things are going. Ryan and Lina will call you today after school. Until then - happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ayman, happy birthday to you! P.S. Please let us know if you need anything from Jordan. Love ya!!
Fairfax, - Friday, May 28, 2004 8:02 AM CDT
Salaam Habibi ayman, today is very special day for you aymonti and for all of us. Happy birthday to you, I wish you many many mnay happy birthdays to come. You know how great it feels when you have children, and then grandchildren who celebrate your birthday, that is what I wish and pray to GOD for you. With the will of Allah SWT, you will grow up to become a man, have children of your own and they will celebrate your birthday with you. The only thing I do not like about today, is that I am not with you to share the happy moments, but I am here and my family, all of us pray for you and your speedy recovery. I understand you will have visitors today, enjoy their company and wish you again a very happy birthday, habibi. Kiss mama for me.
Jiddo who can not wait to see Ayman <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Friday, May 28, 2004 0:39 AM CDT
Salam Ayman,
Are you reminding your mom to show us more pictures? Tell her to process the new ones from this weekend at 1-hour photo, so Samaa (and the rest of us) can see you on your birthday.
She found a small gift today that I bought for you (that we'll bring when we come to visit). At first she thought it was for her... and she likes it so now she really can't wait to see you. She wants me to ask if she can play with it when you get it.

Hassen on the other hand is still pouring water on himself today. You know what is another silly thing he does these days? He climbs up to places and then complains because he can't get down. It is mostly on top of the kitchen table. If I leave him to use the bathroom, Samaa always yells, "Mama, Hassen is standing on the table again!" Know wonder you are brothers, this crazy guy has GOT to be related to YOU!

Aula-- today is a new day... how do you feel?

Miss you guys and hope to read a new update soon.

Khaleh Mona
Rockville, MD 20853 - Thursday, May 27, 2004 4:13 PM CDT
Salam Aula and Ayman,
I am very happy to hear from you,you are on my mind and in my prayer allways. I will see you soon insaha allah.

Madlin Mahdawi
North Potomac, MD - Thursday, May 27, 2004 9:22 AM CDT
hello Aula and Ayman, how are you both doing? You haven't been updating this webpage. Curious minds want to know. :) You will be getting a package in the mail any day now for Aymans B-day. There is one gift for Lujane. I hope you like what chass got/made for you both. Chass is in the hospital getting chemo this week. Hopefully we'll be out by friday. Shes really sick with this chemo. But shes doing good since her surgery. Talk to you soon, Lots of love, Carrie and Chassity
Carrie <flintcx4@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, May 26, 2004 8:11 PM CDT
What is happening doooood, have not heard from you for a while. So are you ready to do some fishing this weekend?
Make sure of You are not goingto beat me again by catching the bigger fish. :) I will see you soon insha-Alah


Amo Hassan <hkhalil@expertwireless.com>
- Wednesday, May 26, 2004 3:40 PM CDT
Ayman & Aula -- Glad things are going along without too many "bumps" in the road :o) I think of you guys often and am so glad that you have this website so everyone can stay updated. Keep up the good work! Take care of eachother -- Cindy
Cindy Briggs <Cinbriggs@aol.com>
Richmond, VA USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:07 AM CDT
salam ayman and aula.
we are still planning to visit this coming weekend inshaAllah (memorial day). We need details about where to reserve a hotel close to your apt. but I cannot find your apt. phone number. Please contact me so we can plan the details.

look forward to seeing you all.

khaleh mona
Rockville, md - Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:38 PM CDT
Salaam aymoonti, How are you habibi, i called yesterday, but you were out with mama to the clinic, so I talked to Bibi & Lujane was there too. So try to walk a bit, feed the ducks, etc... but be careful, do not hurt yourself. I am so happy for your progress and pray always for you. I went yesterday to Al kadhmain, and prayed for you inside the shrine for your speedy recovery. I understand that bibi & lujane are going back to Toronto on Sunday, give them a good hug and kiss before they leave. Salaam for now and do not forget to kiss mama, lujane & bibi for me. love you habibi, see you soon.

jiddo with love <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Saturday, May 22, 2004 0:51 AM CDT
Dear Ayman, What great news about the cells growing!!! We keep you and your family constantly in our prayers. The new photo of you and your folks leaving the hospital made us smile, too. You look so happy to be moving back to a home. Ruth and I plan to call tomorrow, Sat, 22 May, and see if we can see you for a little while. I hear you have a birthday coming up on 28 May. It's so nice to be able to keep up with your progress this way. Chris was in India for a couple of weeks but is home now. The dogs and I missed him. The first thing he asked me was how you were doing. Sam just came in for a pet on the head; there's a storm and he is very afraid of them. Hope to see you tomorrow. We miss you and love you, Connie and Chris
Connie Allen <credsallen@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA - Friday, May 21, 2004 9:33 PM CDT
RUFF, RUFF, RUFF!!! Sorry I haven't "talked" to you in awhile. Mom's been away, and you know my paws are too big for the keyboard. I think about you every day. Mom is planning on stopping by Saturday for a visit, if you are up to it. I'll be in the car, so maybe you can wave to me. Dorothy and I are going to Georgia with mom and Ruth. Dad is bringing Molly and Evil Zac later next week. Zac hasn't atttaked any of us in over 2 weeks! It's storming now, and I am very afraid of storms. I need to climb in bed with my dad. Maybe one day when you're all better you and I can have another play date! I miss you a lot, little Buddy. Mom said the transplanted cells are growing. That's awesome! You are such a brave little guy, maybe you can share some of your braveness with me so I won't be afraid of thunder and lightening. Until later, my best Pal. I love you, Sam "Balou" Allen
Sam "Balou" Allen <credsallen@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 9:29 PM CDT
Hi Ayman,

It is great to see that you are out of the hospital! It takes time to get back the strength after the transplant but keep on moving! The Nets don't seem to be doing too well in the playoffs :0( Are you checking out JK?

Eva Perdahl <Eperdahl@aol.com>
- Friday, May 21, 2004 5:46 PM CDT

How are you doing to day? If you can think of anything you want from here let me know. See you tomorrow insha-Allah.


Amo Hassan <Hkhali01@sprintspectrum.com>
- Friday, May 21, 2004 9:19 AM CDT
Salam Habibi Ayman!
I WAS SUPER DUPER HAPPY to see that you have been discharged from the hospital!!!!! YAAAAAAAYYYY!! alhamdulil'allah!!! You know what sweetie? seeing those pictures of you were so beautiful, and they made me miss you so much!! I'm really glad you got to feed the ducks... I miss going to the park, and enjoying the beauty!! Well I think you've given me an idea of what I will do on the weekend!!! Hey, have you ever tried feeding pigeons? well were I live, there are A LOT OF THEM! so i was thinking of feeding them bread... I've never done it before, and to tell you the truth, i'm kind of scared of them!! so i think i'm gonna feed them tomarrow...we'll see... let me know if you've ever fed them?!!

I love you tons honey

You are always in my prayers :)

Luma <anony117@hotmail.com>
Toronto, On Canada - Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:44 PM CDT
Salam Ayman,
Long time, no write, eh? ... sorry on my part! I'm so glad to hear that you were discharged (alhamdulillah!) and I really hope that you are doing well right now.
By the way, do you like jokes, Ayman? If you do, I'll post some for you! That way you can start smiling like this guy here :-D (except I'm sure that your nose is much smaller than his!!)
Please remember that you and your family are always in my prayers.
with much love,

Mayce <mayce84@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, May 20, 2004 6:58 PM CDT
how are you?I hope your having fun.just wanted to check.well see you soon.
did wwe really visit you who did you see?

Gathe kiwan <mkiwan@hotmail.com>
fairfax, va USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:40 PM CDT
Hi Ayman,
I am going, my mom is going to send me for ballet class.
that's all.
ayman, I want to see more pictures of you.
ummm, that's all.
Now mama you sign him a message what do you want to say?
------- Hello Ayman, khaleh Mona here! I can't believe you were able to go to the gardens! I look forward to going there with you too! We will be there in a week inshaAllah. I can't wait to see you!
See you soon, I will come over and visit.
See you soon cute racoon.

Rockville, MD USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:35 PM CDT
What’s up dood, I see you got a new Yogyo T-shirt, Lucky you.
So how are you doing today, and how is Bebe , Dad , Mom and the little trouble maker JoJo?? I hope they are doing well.
Things here are the same, except for the noisy bugs all over the place. I am sure you have seen them over at your end too. Ali and Lena miss you guys a lot and can not wait to see you. Khala Soul misses you and your Mom's oven fried chicken.

I will talk to you soon


Amo Hassan <Hkhali01@sprintspectrum.com>
- Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:20 AM CDT
Aymoontiiiii, salaam, I read the journals and messages every day. I am so happy for you that you are better now, but you must see your webpage every day to read the messages that are sent to you from all over the world, by people who love you and pray every day for your recovery. I called the other day, you were sleeping, so I had a chance to speak to Bibi who told me about you, alhamdollillah, you are better. I love what you drew yesterday, try again, I am sure next one is even better and prettiyer.

Please kiss mama, lujane and Bibi for me. See you soon habibi.

loving jiddo <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:22 AM CDT
salam Aula and Aiman,
we are all praying for you and we ask that you stay strong and brave as you have held up to all the challenges coming your way, all this time.
We miss you loads , the kids send their regards and ali sends you his best. Inshallah Aiman's health will be better and will improve in the coming days.
My parents send their love and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
I will try to call soon , so take care and pls , if there is anything we can do let us know. By the way, why not let loujane stay with us here? We wouldlove to have her here and she'll have a great time with the kids. Let me know what you think o.k.

Muna <Mounanour@hotmail.com>
VA USA - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:26 PM CDT
Dear Aula,
Hi there i missed you a lot,if only i could do something more please let me know if there is anything we can do.I hope everything works out for Ayman habibi.Our guests are staring to head back to their home ,my aunt Raghda travelled today .Inshallah things will get better for all of you .Hope to see you soon.

rania <r_fawaz@yahoo.com>
burke, va usa - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:09 PM CDT
Salaam Aymoonti & Aula,
I'm sorry Ayman is not feeling upto seeing his webpage, but I sure hope he does..thats why I'm writing you this. I'm just reading all the messages that you have received since this website started..all I can say is WOOOOOOW..U're one popular guy..I know that YOU know that your family & friends from all over the world are thinking of you everyday ..& wishing you the best..I spoke to Jiddo today ..and he expressed how excited he is to come home & see you soon, and how he loves you terribly..Ammo Nofel & I discuss your webpage everyday and we share your stories, and Hamza still refuses to eat popeyes until you can:) We love u tremendoulsy & time passes by quickly when you keep ureself busy, so ..find a toy, or a puzzle or somthing that can occupy u for a short while..maybe a project. I know of someone who started a 3000 piece pizzle ..took them 3 months to finish it. I know 3000 is TOO much..maybe 500 for now? Would u like that ? In teh meantime, keep getting thos hugs from mom..Theyre the BEST!!! and don't forget Jenjoon..Miss u so much Moontie..

Khala Neda <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 9:20 AM CDT
ok Arash, this is boss Aula, that was too cooool to pass so l decided to enter an entry myself. how do u come up with those? Ayman refuses to come to the office to see his website.. can u believe it? But maybe he'll come to see this. l think u gave me an idea.. have him play around a little with the computer and make some of his own. thanx, l'm looking forward to the next one... saddly enough my life has come down to this.... :0) oh so 300 hours huh? all work? u know l'm the tease master, u won't get rid of me HA!
Aula <aulaus4@yahoo.com>
Durham, NC USA - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 8:59 AM CDT


pssst.pssst. Ayman are you there?

Salam. I'm checking to see if Boss Aula is there? Let me know. I guess working 300 hours a week is not enough so that I can spend a few minutes posting a doodle for my buddy!!@#$
Anyways, I hope that you are doing well, and continuing your wonderful progress. We are all waiting to see you back home soon. In the meantime stay strong, pray hard, play hard, talk to those cells, and make sure you make good use of all of the love that is coming your way. I hope you know already, but if you need anything, or if you ever want to talk about anything, just give me a call. You have my number. Everyone sends their love. Talk to you soon.

Arash and Family
Dunn Loring, VA - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:14 AM CDT
Aymoooniiiiii, al hamdillah ala el salameh habibiiii. I am so happy to hear this lovely news and thankGod everyday. I was thinking about you when I was on holiday. I had a lovely time. I wish one day you can see the South of France...Its just gorgeous and I went at the right time as it was the film festival...so loads of very famous people and actors and actresses in Cannes. The most beautiful view was the lasers at night and how the blue sea and white ships and yaughts will change colour with the lights to yellow, blue, green and purple.....I must send you some photos as soon as i develop them. Im happy Im back coz now I can read all your messages again and stay in touch. Aula hayatii how are you doing? My love to khala, omu and the family. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nadia <alshadir@dircon.co.uk>
London, UK - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:42 PM CDT
Salam Ayman!!
Is home so fun you have become too busy to write? We didn't hear from you Sunday, Monday, and now it's Tuesday afternoon... where are you??
We look forward to seeing new pictures too, we have looked at the ones of you leaving the hospital 50000 times already. Everytime we are near any computer (even the ones at the library) Samaa says lets see Ayman again with that sprinkley stuff.
I tried to explain to her what confetti is. I thought she didn't understand until she took a bunch of rubber letters and threw them on her brother saying, "its a party! Confetti!". Now see what you taught her! It's obvious I'll be cleaning up "confetti" messes for a long time to come!

Look forward to hearing from you--- hint, hint--- type new updates! We want to hear all about what you're doing!

Loving you and your momma always.
Okay, I guess that monkey Lujane too...

Khaleh Mona
Rockville, MD USA - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:47 PM CDT
Habibi Ayman,

Alhamdillallah alaa salama, How are you doing now my dear? I was so happy when I saw your pictures. I hope you'll feel better and come to us soon. By the way, did you know that I had a baby girl and her name is Jinan. Yalla get well soon and come to see her. Bye sweetie

Farah, Abdallah & Jinan Noureddine <f_nouredd@hotmail.com>
Burke, VA - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:25 AM CDT
Salam habibi

I am sorry that I have not visited teh site the last week:(
however I was still following your news, and I can not find a better word than Alhamdol L Allah.

I will see you soon insha-Allah.


Amo Hassan <Hkhali01@sprintspectrum.com>
- Tuesday, May 18, 2004 10:37 AM CDT

Salam Ayman,
We are all happy about the results of the DNA test, and loved seeing your new pictures. Keep working hard. and we will hopefully see you soon.

With Love,

p.s. The picture is supposed to be DNA courtesy of jsloan.

Arash | Nicole | Thuraya | Iman | Jennah
Dunn Loring, VA - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:47 AM CDT
Habibi Aymooni, alhamdo llillah, you are doing great. you must be feeling happy now you are ion your way to full recovery Inshaallah. We all keep praying for you. Enjoy the company of Lujain & Bibi. Are you ready now to play with me when I come? ha tell me are you? You little angel, I love you a lot, no a tonn, no a million ton, no even more, I can not wait to come and see you habibi, until then good bye and my duaa to Allah to help you recover fast and without much pain. Salaam habibi.

Listen I will ask bibi when I see here, if you were giving her all those kisses i have asked you to give to her for me, remember that. OK.

Jiddo who can not wait to see Ayman <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:19 AM CDT
Whats up Ayman,
So I hear you are doing well :) THATS GREAT!!! Im soooo glad to hear the good news! InshAllah we get to see you soon. We all miss you over here and CANT WAIT for you to come back!! Now that im done with my exams (HAMDILLAH) ill get to write you more often ;) TAKE CARE HABIBI and tell your family I say Salam!!

Tanya (Ryan's Aunt) <xtaniyahx@hotmail.com>
Annandale , VA USA - Monday, May 17, 2004 9:55 PM CDT
NEW CASTLE,, PA USA - Monday, May 17, 2004 8:23 PM CDT
Those are the world's best pictures!!!!!!!!! Congrats on being discharged. As always, we wish you and your buddies (Ashleigh and Chass) the best. We look forward to seeing you!
Fairfax, VA - Monday, May 17, 2004 7:01 PM CDT
Aula, sorry I missed spell sister, appology!
salem <salem_al_yakoob@hotmail.com>
- Monday, May 17, 2004 6:13 PM CDT
Siter Aula, forget about the address, I got it!!!
Salem <salem_al_yakoob@hotmail.com>
- Monday, May 17, 2004 6:12 PM CDT
Aymmoni, we are all glad that you are now out of the hospital, and the DNA test came back showing all donor cells, (THANKS ALLAH). I am sorry I did not write earlier because I was traveling. In fact, part of the trip was to visit you, but things did not work out. INSHALLAH, we will (offcourse with ABOODEE)visit you sometimes in AUG. Sister, Aula please post the appartment address again, I missed it!!!

Salem Al-yakoob <salem_al_yakoob@hotmail.com>
kuwait, - Monday, May 17, 2004 6:09 PM CDT
I hear that you are 100% donor!! Great news! I am glad everything is going well with you!!!
Jennifer Lumb, 5200 RN
Durham, NC - Monday, May 17, 2004 6:02 PM CDT
Ayman and Aula,
Wow you sure have alot of really nice friends that are praying for you and sending well wishes. They are so nice that they have started sending them to me and Chass too. That is a big deal to have people praying for you around the world! Thank you friend. I still have my tooth hanging on. I will send you a picture when it comes out. Say hi to Lujane for us too. love, Ashleigh (www.caringbridge.org/va/ashleigh)

Ashleigh Cummiskey
Alexandria, VA USA - Monday, May 17, 2004 1:48 PM CDT
Hey ayman i am so sorry i havent wrote in a while. My schedule has been a little full but i havent forgot you. you are always on my mind and you will always be in my heart. You are a great kid ayman and i pray and think about you everyday.i am so delighted to see that you are doing very well and i hope to see you very soon!!! SALAM!!!
love always,
Ms. Shireen

Shireen Abdelhaq <smabdelhaq@aol.com>
- Monday, May 17, 2004 12:36 AM CDT
Ummma (that's the way Hassen imitates us saying Ayman)
hufff, hufff, mooooo, moooooo, moooo.
whaaa dattt? whaaa dis?
moo, mooo.
wow! Wow! Was dis? Was dis?
hapoo, happo (this means dog in Farsi).
Was dis?

Your Little Bro, Hassen Basil Eldadah, age 1
Rockville, MD USA - Monday, May 17, 2004 8:50 AM CDT
But why do you have that yellow sprinkley stuff? ummm, ummm, uhhh, I already have a mask like yours Ayman. AL Ham do lillahhi you're feeling better and you came out of the hospital.

I like you look in the pictures with your mommy and daddy.Ummm, alhamdulillah you're better.

ummm dat all.
See you soon cute raccoon.

Samaa Amna Eldadah, age 3
Rockville, MD USA - Monday, May 17, 2004 8:46 AM CDT
Alhamdulilah Ayman,

We are very glad that you are progressing in the right direction. It is wonderful being outside the hospital and stay with mom and dad. God bless all of you. Good luck.

Ammo Amer

Amer Alshekhlee <aalshekhlee@yahoo.com>
Westlake, Ohio - Monday, May 17, 2004 7:18 AM CDT
Dear Ayman Salam,
I am so happy to hear the good news. You have done a marvelous job so far. Keep it up. Yesterday we had the party for Jennah's 1st birthday. We had lots of fun with all of our friends, but we missed you. Cheeks was asking about you the whole time. (I made that up)

Anyways, how is the apartment, or condo or wherever you are staying at now? Is it nice? We want to come see you soon. I would like a non-smoking room with a king size bed. Let me know if you have one. I am going to go to Las Vegas at the end of this week, do you need anything from there? If you do just let me know.

Love and miss you.

Arash | Nicole | Thuraya | Iman | Jennah
Dunn Loring, VA - Monday, May 17, 2004 6:09 AM CDT

ALEXANDRIA, VA USA - Sunday, May 16, 2004 5:59 PM CDT

ALEXANDRIA, VA USA - Sunday, May 16, 2004 5:58 PM CDT
Congratulations Aymen!!!!!!
You are finally able to leave the hospital.Im sure you are super happy , and excited that you will be able to chill out at home ,and sleep in your bed and do whatever u wana do!!!We are so proud of you,you have come along way , keep it going, and in no time ull be back in virginia :)
Lotsaaaaaa hugsssss and high fives

Mejd Al-Huraimel
Dubai, UAE - Sunday, May 16, 2004 5:42 PM CDT
Alselam Wealiekum Aula and Ayman:
We are very happy to hear that Ayman is out of the hospital!!!Alhamdulilah and Mebruuuuuk!
Muzit and family

Muzit Hagos
Alexanderia, va usa - Sunday, May 16, 2004 5:35 PM CDT
You are doing great dear Ayman. You are as brave as the galadiators. Keep on doing like that!!! The best thing that could happen is to go to sleep out of the hospital, even if it is for some time because you need to have some changes, you deserve it!!
Luis and Mayada

Luis Casares <luismayi@msn.com>
Havana, Cuba - Sunday, May 16, 2004 3:06 PM CDT
Hi Ayman,
I'm really happy your home now. I bet it feels really good huh? I cant wait until I get to go home or at least to the Ronald Macdonald House. We took pictures at different places in New York and we will send you some when we get them developed. So I hope you are feeling great today and having lots of fun. Is Lujane staying with you and your mom more since you are out of the hospital? You have to check out Ashleigh's webpage... www.caringbridge.org/va/ashleigh
they just set it up but its really good. Soon I will be signing thousands of guestbooks daily...I have met soo many people with a caringbridge page...even in NY. Well I hope to see you both real soon!!
Much Love,

chassity <bsktballchic108@aol.com>
the plains, va usa - Sunday, May 16, 2004 1:30 PM CDT
Habeebee Aymoonee...I was SO happy to hear that you got discharged on friday. You got by this far so well with a lot more courage than most people have! Alhamdulilah, I have faith that you will make it through this a lot easier now that you are out- and everything that happens now will soon become distant memories. All of us here miss you so much as usual and we can't wait til you come and visit us again! (especially Hamza) Take care sweets!!

khala Noor <ucanfindnoor@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Sunday, May 16, 2004 10:51 AM CDT
Wow!I am soooo happy to hear that u finally got to leave!I bet you are super excited about that!!!!The pictures look great and you look wonderful mashallah!Now u can get to sleep on your own bed!!Inshallah u will feel all better soon and won't have to go back and forth to visit the hospital. I am praying for you!!!Take care of yourself!

Sahar <sahour76@yahoo.com>
Caiiro, Egypt - Sunday, May 16, 2004 7:58 AM CDT
Habibi ayman,
I just saw the photos ,i am happy for you that you are out of the hospital,you know what i was so happy with the shirt you were wearing ,i am glad you liked it,thank you habibi,and God give you the strength to continue .
We are all with you in heart and mind.Salam to your mom

rania <r_fawaz@yahoo.com>
burke, ve - Saturday, May 15, 2004 10:42 PM CDT
Sorry that I didnt emial you messages for a long time.I miss you alot and its still not fun without you come back soon so we could have fun together.And I wish you the best of luck.

Habibi Ayman,
How are you doing ,we miss you a lot ,can't wait to see you back with us,hang on dear .If you need anything just let me know and i ,ll try my best to make it true.Take care of yourself.
abdulghani,s mom.

Abdulghani & Rania <r_fawaz@yahoo.com>
burke, va - Saturday, May 15, 2004 10:35 PM CDT

Hey little buddy! Glad to hear that your out of the hospital:)) I would've written sooner, but I got busy with stuff. Listen were still pulling for you in Canada!:)) And yes I still have my cell phone message saying: "GET WELL AYMAN!!" Listen it's really getting late for me as I am going to fall asleep at the keyboard...:)) I'll still continue to write:)) Aula... you need to get some rest but were praying for u:))

Arabia <arabia_82@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, - Saturday, May 15, 2004 9:15 PM CDT

We're sooooooo happy to see you leave the hospital. And even though you were wearing a mask, I could just about see the smile on your face from ear to ear. You've been a super trooper.

Meanwhile, the cicadas are starting to come out around here--perhaps they're buzzing around your place as well. Have you SEEN those BUGGY RED EYES!!! Mmmmm, delicious! And the noise they make?! You thought Lujane was loud!

We look forward to seeing you very soon--2 weekends from now to be exact. Khaleh Mona will work out the details with Mom. Until then, Samaa will continue to make you colorful and staple-ful cards.

Salams to everyone.

Basil and Family <eldadahb@yahoo.com>
Rockville, MD - Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:29 PM CDT
Hi Ayman and Aula!
We are so happy to hear that you make a break from the hospital and have settled into the apartment. Even if you have to go back and forth to the clinic, you still have a chance to feel like you aren't locked up. Keep up the good work growing those cells and the Virginia clinic will be thrilled to see your smiling faces when you return. Ashleigh finally got her website set up today so she can send pictures and news when her wiggly tooth falls out. We sure do miss you all. Penny and Ashleigh..

Penny Cummiskey <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
Alexandria, va usa - Saturday, May 15, 2004 4:55 PM CDT
Salaam Alaykum,

Dear Ayman,
Alhamdulilah you are out of the hospital and at home; by looking at the pics it appears you're happy, so if you're happy... I'm happy. I'm sure that there is a lot more work to be done, but you're a strong young man so no worries there. Well champ I just wanted to send you and your family my salaams and to see what is up. Know that you are always in our prayers and ad'iya, and that you can always rely on Allah SWT. Take care.

Wasalaam Alaykum WRWB,


Zaid Al-Mosawi <cirus@yorku.ca>
Markham, ON CANADA - Saturday, May 15, 2004 4:52 PM CDT
Hi Ayman, I'm one of Zeinab friends. I'm sorry to here your sick. With a bit of hope everything will turn out okay 4 you :)
Katrina Levasseur <katrina_levasseur@hotmail.com>
Toronto, Ont Canada - Saturday, May 15, 2004 2:35 PM CDT
Salaam Ayman and Aula - I hope all is well. I am happy to hear that you are finally being discharged. Hopefully you'll be coming home to VA soon :) I know we can't wait. Take care - Love ya
Fairfax, VA USA - Saturday, May 15, 2004 10:23 AM CDT
Hey Ayman and Aula,
I hope you are home now...well the apartment!! I have been pretty sore from my surgery but they have had me on a morphine drip so it hasnt been too bad. The only thing bad about morphine is that it make me itch like crazy so then I have to get benadryl wich makes me sleep forever. I have been walking a lot and sitting up...they said if I keep it up I might be discharged around Tuesday.....thats great though. I just wish you guys could come back to VA and be the couch people agian. Penny said it gets pretty boring there without all of us. Well I will talk to you guys later!
Much Love,

chassity <bsktballchic108@aol.com>
the plains, va usa - Saturday, May 15, 2004 6:58 AM CDT
Hi Ayman and Aula,

I am writing from home now. Ken helped me enter all the caring bridge sites so now maybe it will be easier to send notes to each other. I hope you have gone back to the apartment. I will be waiting to read that good news. Take care. Margy

Margy Jost
Burke, VA USA - Friday, May 14, 2004 7:51 PM CDT
hey ayman and aula
once we heard that u were leaving today we were so happy. good luck aula its going to be alot of work once ayman gets discharged, but dont forget to take of ur self.

sarah + family
toronto, ont canada - Friday, May 14, 2004 12:44 AM CDT
Hi Ayman and Aula,

Thank you for the great card. I have been showing everyone your creativity and great note. We all miss you too. The play table is not the same without you. I got back the makit plates that you and your sister did a while back. They are really nice. I will try and send them to you. I tried to call your hospital room a little while ago but you did not answer so maybe you have already been discharged to the apartment. I will try and call you soon. Take care and please send more cards.


Margy Jost <kjost@attglobal.net>
Burke, VA USA - Friday, May 14, 2004 11:43 AM CDT
Hello Ayman and Aula -- Thanks so much for your nice goodbye comment, it really means a lot to me :o) How exciting discharge can be, but at the same time kind of stressful learning all of the new skills you need. Keep up the good work and remember to take some time for yourself AULA !! I am sure Ayman will be glad to sleep in a regular bed for a change!
Best Wishes -- Cindy

Cindy Briggs <Cinbriggs@aol.com>
Richmond, VA USA - Thursday, May 13, 2004 11:44 AM CDT
Ayman Habibi,

The whole family here are so happy that you are doing well.
You are a brave man and I can not wait to see you. Hopefully in Damascus.
we all do Dua for you at Hazrat Zainab and Ruqia.
It was nice talking to you the other day on the phone. Keep up the good spirit and may allah protect you and make you healthier and stronger.
Rudy, oula and loujane we all love you so much. Hope to see you soon.

Zafer Nizam <zafernizam@hotmail.com>
Damascus, Syria - Thursday, May 13, 2004 9:01 AM CDT
Ayman Habibi,
I am so glad to hear you are doing so well, You are a very brave boy. Remember to take care of your sister and not to hurt her when you become very strong!!! Salam to Mama and Baba, and kisses to Lujain. P.S. Zaid sends his salam.

Ali Alkateb <aalkateb@aol.com>
London, England - Thursday, May 13, 2004 6:08 AM CDT
Ayman and Aula,
It is wonderful news about you getting discharged so soon because of your terrific progress. Keep it up Ayman, it's because you have so many people that love you and pray for you. You and Chass have so many angels watching over you, there is no chance that you will find any excuses for staying away longer than you need. We all miss you..keep up the good work!! lots of hugs..All of the Cummiskey's

Penny Cummiskey <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:59 PM CDT
Salaam Ayman and Family,

This is Nabil again (Ryan's Uncle) I read this site daily, and all of the fan's comments :). I don't know if you moving is going to discontinue this site but it's important to all of us that it keeps going, if ever you think this page is not going to be available go to http://geocities.yahoo.com and you can make a free site with a guestbook. I will gladly help you guys with this and make it easy on you insha'allah (god Willing) if you need help. We all want to be with Ayman until he is fully recovered which insha'Allah will be soon. Ask my sister Basima for my contact info. God Bless

Annandale, VA USA - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:20 PM CDT
My computer has been down with a virus and it took me a week to get it back to normal. I don't want to tell u how happy I was when I read the journal and found out you will be leaving the hospital inshallah!Congrats, keep up the good spirit and inshallah all of what you are going through will be just a memory!You have inspired so many people and made them appreciate the simple things in life even more!Take care of yourself and Ola, don't worry about administering the meds, I am sure u can do it!Rabena yehfazak we yeshfeek!I'm still waiting for you to feel better Ayman so u can come for a visit to Cairo and your Mom and I can catch up!!Take care of yourself and GROW CELLS GROW!!!!!

Sahar Mahmoud <Sahour76@yahoo.com>
Cairo, Egypt - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:48 PM CDT
Habeebe I was so excited when I found out you were leaving the hospital soon. I did a sajdat shukur for you to thank God because we've all been praying really hard for you and I'm very happy that its going well for you. Inshallah the rest of the way will be easier on you and much faster :)
Take care Ayman and stay as strong as you've been so far. Our thoughts are all with you.


London, Canada - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 2:15 PM CDT

Well little buddy you did it:)) Your finally leaving the confines (ask your mom what it means) of the hospital and going home.. Alright!!:)) Ayman, that was the first part of your recovery:)) Second part is at home... sleeping and relaxing and yes of course you must abide by the doctors and listen to your mom to take your meds:)) Listen Habbi you made this far and were right with you! From all the Azouz family:)) GROW CELLS GROW!!

Arabia <arabia_82@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 7:11 PM CDT
Aymooni habibiii, tommorow he leaves:) tommorow he leaves:))) Well done my little angel. Im so so happy for you and for your whole family. I leave tommorow on holiday so I wanted to say my last goodbyes until next week. Aula habibtiii...my love to you and the whole family.....well done:)

Chass and Carrie, forgive me if im wrong but i cant remember if it was you having a transplant....My prayers are with you and I wish you the best of luck. Stay strong and God will see you through this......Take care darlings and please keep us updated....Please post your website so we can send you some messages.

Lots of love to all

London, UK - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 5:45 PM CDT
how are you I hope your having fun.I guess your excited you r getting out of that hospital.you look much better and can tell that you are loosing teeth.any ways are you 8 or 7 I hope you read this and answer me.I'm always making duaa for you and hope i will see you before i go back to syria well once again GOW CELLS GROW!!!!!!

are you going to come back to the same house you used to live in?

Gathe kiwan <mkiwan@yahoo.com>
fairfax, va usa - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 5:21 PM CDT
Salam Big Brother,

I knew the "special stuff" was making you strong!! I can't wait to come to see you and give a nooogie to your little head! I am so thankful Allah has chosen for you to be discharged... I am sure you are too!

Samaa is still making you pictures. She has moved on to watercolors now and always ends with, "wow, it's so beautiful, Ayman will love it!"

Amoo Basil is out of town, but when he comes back, we are sending you a special surprise, you're gonna really love this one inshaAllah!

May Allah (swt) continue blessing you and making those CELLS GROW!!!

All our love to you and your momma.

Khaleh Mona and Family
Rockville, MD USA - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 3:35 PM CDT
Salaam Moontie...
I am so excited for you now that u're leaving the hospital. You're one LUCKY DUDE!!! You know why ? Well, for many reasons, first, there are zillions of people who are checking on u everyday, even if they dont actually write..people from all over the world. PLus, people have been praying for you so much that a small miracle has happened..and even more importantly than all of that, God has given you such an amazing mom!! You could not be luckier..and u could not be in better hands. Habibi, as hard as this gets, thank God that Mama has always been by ure side, & that mama will be there taking care of you every step of the way . I told ya !! YOU ARE ONE LUCKY DUDE!! And tomorrow..u get to actually lay on ure own couch & just CHILL:))
Enjoy babes..u deserve it ..love u tonnes..kisses & hugs to ure mom & Joonem when u see her

Khala Neda <nedas@hotmail.com>
Toronto, - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:07 PM CDT
Aymooni, we are all glad that you will be discharged tomorrow. Inshallah you will be very fine and go back to Alexandria to watch DAD play soccer (Grow Cells Grow). Sister Aula, please post the address of the apartment you are staying at in NC.
Salem <salem_al_yakoob@hotmail.com>
Kuwait, Kuwait - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:00 PM CDT
as salamu alikom
How r u ayman. we r very glad that u r progressing well (alhamdu lillah). we'll keep praying for u day and night. Ayman we know u r brave and strong and with God will u w'll be out of the hospital soon.just be more patiant and keep praying every night before u sleep and u will see the next morning is full of surprises. Give your mom ahug and a kiss for me and send my salam and wishes to bibi ,Lugain and dad.

Aunt Thikra and family <thikra_murtatha@hotmail.com>
mississauga, Canada - Monday, May 10, 2004 10:31 PM CDT
hi ayman and aula
i am gald that ayman is feeling better. i am anxiously awaiting the day he is fully recovered. i and the whole family is watching how ayman is doing via the internet and via noor. our hearts and prayers are with you, may god bless u all. we will be waiting for um wasam's arrival to pearson airport on the 24th. neda has yet to tell me the flight info.luv u all, take care.

khalo mohammad, sarah and family <ansary_al@hotmail.com>
thornhill, Ont canada - Monday, May 10, 2004 8:42 PM CDT
Dear Ayman and Aula:

I got a very nice phone-call today from one of your doctors. They are very pleased with how well you are doing and will send you "home" this week!

You have been a very good patient and, so far, everything has gone as smooth as it can. The home-pump is "nothing".

Continue the good work and stay in touch!

We miss you sooooo much.

Dr. P.

Eva Perdahl <Eperdahl@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Monday, May 10, 2004 5:32 PM CDT
Ayman and family,

We are so glad that Ayman is doing better, insha allah. We are following with the web site and hoping that he will be discharged on Wed in good health. Happy mother's day Ula-- Ayman, we hope you will get big and strong to pay your mom "perhaps your dad too?" the love and care. We wished be able to send some pictures on this guest book. We will send them on e mail. We saw your pictures, Lujane is very cute, and your dad is getting younger??!!!.

Once again, we hope you will get back home soon and live healthy with your family and friends.

Ammo Amer and family
Westlake, Ohio - Monday, May 10, 2004 7:03 AM CDT
-----In The Name Of Allah-----

Salam and Good Morning Ayman and Family,

I hope that you all are doing well, and this post finds you in good health and good spirits.

Ayman, it was great to talk to you yesterday! The girls were thrilled to talk to you. We are all happy to hear that you are progressing well. Insha'Allah you will continue to get healthier every day.

I will talk to you soon.

p.s. Don't forget to ask about my "special request" cells!!

Arash and Family
Dunn Loring, VA - Monday, May 10, 2004 5:45 AM CDT
Hi Ayman and Aula, I met your Grandma/mom tonight. She had Lujane playing on the swing set. I was out with Evil Zac, so I climbed the fence and introduced myself. Lujane gave me two hugs, one from her and a big one from you. Your Grandma told me all about your health and the progress you are making every day. We keep you all in our hearts and prayers. I'll stop by and see you the week of 22 May, but I'll call first. We love you, Connie and Chris, Sam, Dorothy, Molly and Evil Zac
Connie Allen <credsallen@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA 22310 - Sunday, May 9, 2004 8:27 PM CDT
Hayatiii Aymooni,
Sorry I havent been writting, Ive had a couple of busy weeks at work but you are always on my mind. I read your updates all the time and al hamdillah you are getting there. Keep up the good work my darling. Your such an inspiration to us all. Your strength and determination mashallah. I will be going away next week for a few days. When i get back inshallah I will get in touch again. God bless you and your family.

Aula hayati, I hope you are doing ok. Keep up the strength and we are all thinking of you. I will be in touch when i get back from holiday.

My love to all


Aunty Nadia <alshadir@dircon.co.uk>
London, UK - Sunday, May 9, 2004 7:20 PM CDT
Salamunalaikum Ayman, Aula and Family,

It's been a while since the last time I've seen you, but I'm glad to hear that things are going well. Ayman, I spent some time with your sister a few weeks ago, and lemme tell you, she's a tough cookie! And I know you are too, you're doing an awesome job buddy.
I'm sorry for not writing to you earlier. I'm not sure you remember me Ayman, so here's a little info about myself. My name is noor al-mosawi (same first name as your aunt, so easy to remember!) and I'm 23 years old. Right now, I'm a self-defense instructor, but I plan to go back to school next year. Anyway, I don't want to bore you with too many details...
I'll write to you soon. Keep smiling.

noor al-mosawi <quikisoft@hotmail.com>
Markham, ON Canada - Sunday, May 9, 2004 12:01 AM CDT
As salaamu alaikum, Ayman, Aula and family,

Alhamdulillah, that the cells are growing. I am sure it is to be expected to pause every now and then. We just have to instensify our dua'a! What a blessing all this praying and remembering Allah is for all of us!
The butterflies came out over the weekend and when the children came in on Monday they were flying around (they were in a big netted cage). We were instructed not to let them out since they were not from this area and would "weaken the gene pool." We are feeding them sugar water by soaking little balls of tissue in a solution and leaving them on the floor of the cage. They are called "Painted Lady" butterflies and are very colorful. Subhana'Allah, it is amazing to think they were transformed from tiny worms into these beautiful delicate creatures! Allah is Most Powerful, Most Merciful!

Be strong Ayman. Know that every day and every effort you make brings you closer to recovery! And remember that Allah is with you at all times.

The whole school makes dua'a for you every day after noon prayer.

With lots of love!

Sr. Mary, El-Iman Learning Center
Springfield, VA USA - Sunday, May 9, 2004 6:51 AM CDT

Hey buddy!:)) Sorry I haven't been writing to you for a bit, just got caught up with work and been pretty busy lately:)) It doesn't mean I don't come and check your website for updates..:)) You know your a strong kid for putting up such a strong fight:)) In shallah you'll be cured and were gonna be with you all the way:)) GROW CELLS GROW!

Arabia <arabia_82@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, Ont Canada - Saturday, May 8, 2004 8:33 PM CDT
Dear Ayman,
I hope you are doing well. My daughter, Mrs. Kolovos, has kept my wife and I informed of your situation. She tells us that you are a wonderful young man and that we should pray each day that you will improve. We have been doing that since we learned that you were to have the transplant. We all think of you regularly and wish you well. Mrs. Kolovos sends you hugs and kisses. We guys know that sometimes we have to accept those hugs and kisses even though we think it's just for girls. She really thinks you are special! So hurry and get well, so that she can get back to teaching you all the wonders of the world. I also heard that you had a really nice birthday party, recently. Mrs Kolovos had a wonderful time being there. Again, I send my best wishes and hope for a speedy recovery.

Charles F. Dugan <Charlied125@att.net>
New Castle, , Pa - Saturday, May 8, 2004 4:54 PM CDT
Salaam Sweet Ayaman and Ula,
I miss you both so very much. Words can't describe what an inspiration you have been. I am just put to such tears of joy seeing how strong you are. I am so proud of all your courage. God Bless you both. You are in my prayers. May Allah SWT continue Blessing and protecting you always
I love you very much

Toronto, Canada - Saturday, May 8, 2004 3:04 PM CDT
Salaam Alaykum,
Dear Ayman,
This is my first time visiting your website, and after reading all your entries and viewing your pictures, I must say you are truly an inspiration to us all. Your stength, courage, and humour is a motivation for us to want to be better people. You teach us how to live, think, and feel again; these are things that no education system can provide, subhanallah. I want you to know that you are in our prayers and dua's; and if we are not there with you physically, we are there with you in spirit. By the way, if you ever need to write to anyone concerning anything, you have my email. Do not feel that I am a stranger, eventhough I am one in some respects. I have a lot of personal experience in dealing with anger, frustration, being on constant medication, from dr. to dr., in that respect I am no stranger. I thought you might want to know about me, since you are probably wondering who is writing to you. (I hope this does not sound like a personals ad! =p) My name is Zaid, I'm 19yrs old.. goin on 20. 5'11, 155lbs...ya. Currenty I attend York University in Toronto, where I am taking Global Political Studies... ( i hope im not boring you... dont sleep on me!). Inshallah after university, I plan to go to Hawza, hopefully in Najaf, inshallah to specialize in philosophy and politics (now i know you're snoring!). Right now, I have 4months off school, so I am working full time at Sheridan Nurseries. The end. ok.. you can wake up now. If you are wondering how I know you, ask your mother, inshallah she will have only good things to say =p. Well this is good bye for now, keep working hard, you're a true soldier.

Wasalaam Alaykum WRWB,

Zaid Al-Mosawi

Dear Aula,
I have to say I love that pic of you and Ayman on the front page of his website, it is real sweet (sniff, sniff). I do not know whether I should be comedic or serious; on the one hand the former feels like I am being insensitive, and on the other hand, the latter feels like I am depressing you. And I'm not so good at taking the middle road =p. So I appologize if anything I have said has come out in a negative light. All I can say is to keep up what you are doing, and keep relying on Allah SWT, He is The Provider. And the same goes for you, if you want to talk about anything, you know where you can find me, I maybe young but I hope to try and assist in any way possible. Any way, tell Ayman about me and how I used to sit in your lap as a baby; time passes by quickly, I'd probably crush your leg if I tried that now! Take care.
Always in our prayers.
Wasalaam Alaykum WRWB,

Zaid Al-Mosawi

Zaid Al-Mosawi <cirus@yorku.ca>
Markham, ON CANADA - Saturday, May 8, 2004 1:39 PM CDT
Ayman and Aula,
We are still "taking over New York"...hope you guys are doing good. We are going to see the Statue of Liberty on Tuesday. We will be sending you guys pictures. Well we hope all is going well....
Carrie and Chass

Carrie and Chassity <flintcx4@yahoo.com>
the plains, va usa - Saturday, May 8, 2004 11:46 AM CDT
Assalmu Alaikum Aymooni, Aula and Rida.
Every morning, after the kids leave for school, the first thing I do is check your website to see that there are improvements. My heart is with all of you and I wish that I was close by to give you all the help I could...My continued Prayers to everyone. AULA- HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! you proved TRUE MOTHERHOOD!! and inshallah you will have the continued strenghth and "iman" until "salamet Ayman" and the leaving of the hospital! SaLams to everyOne!

Um Sadik- Mona AlKhafaf <monawee62@hotmail.com>
New Orleans, LA USA - Saturday, May 8, 2004 11:26 AM CDT
Ruff, ruff, ruff!!! Hi Ayman, I miss you. Mom reads your updates everyday and shares the news with all of us "kids." It sounds like you are making strides every day. I know you must be impatient for the next couple of months to pass. I'll be here waiting to play ball when you feel better. We had a really bad storm tonight. I am very afraid of thunder and lightening. Mom kept petting me and telling me to be brave and strong like our Ayman. Those words helped calm me down. Well, Little Buddy, I have to go to sleep now. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you. Oh, mom has Evil Zac in dog training so he won't be so mean to me. Seems he is a fast learner and actually sits and stays for up to 30 seconds. Vast improvement over not doing it at all. He is 2 years old this month. I remember your birthday is 28 May...talk to you later. I love you, Sam "Balou" Allen
Sam Balou Allen <credsallen@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA USA - Friday, May 7, 2004 9:13 PM CDT
Hi Ayman,

It is me Amargy writing you from my sister's house in Wisconsin. She helped me find your web page so I could send you this note. I just want you to know that we all miss you very much and think of you everyday.. we know that you are working very hard to feel better and get well so you can come back to the playroom. It is not the same without you. I am still planning to go to Red Lobster with you when you are back in Virginia. Tell mom if she has a chance to write back to me and after I am back in Virginia next week, I will call you again on the phone..When I called last week you were asleep and I had a chance to talk with your mom. She told me that you have my phone number up on your wall. Take care, Ayman

Love, Margy

Margy Jost
- Friday, May 7, 2004 8:09 PM CDT
Hey buddy!

Did u read my cards I sent you? Hope you did. And hope you feel better too cause everyone misses you. Especially me. I MISS YOU ALOT! No offense. Hope to hear good news from YOU. You little angel. I miss playing YU-GI-OH duling with you. Soon we'll be having fun again. Don't worry. I'll look out for ya.

Layla Mohammed <cutie_angel_92@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, Canada - Friday, May 7, 2004 5:13 PM CDT
Hey Piggie!

Abu says you are doing great but you miss your friend Jack. He misses you too! Another weekend of soccer and baseball. Before you know it, you'll be home and swimming with Jack. I know he can't wait!


Abu Jack

Tom Hammond <hammondgop2@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Friday, May 7, 2004 3:49 PM CDT
Salaams Ayman and everyone,

you do not know me, but i used to know a girl older than me at school (Nadia) who passed this homepage on to me. Just wanted to give my salams and say Allahi yashfeek wa ya3foo 3ank, Inshallah we all hear very good news about you in the near future, may Allah bless you and protect you,

bishifaa inshallah,


London, UK - Friday, May 7, 2004 3:09 PM CDT
May 7th, 2004

Salam Ayman and Aula

Eid mubarak to day is the birthday of prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h). Ammu Hassan and I always pray for you and the whole family. We saw the photos and u both are cute. Aula be careful u may have many admirers. Noor did not get any info from your Noor regarding Aymans’ E-mail. Ayman habibi insha’ Allah your cells will grow like speedy bullet and recover soon. Take care of your self and mama. Aula I would rather talk to u on the phone because I hate computers.

Khala Farida. Salam to everyone.

Khala Farida and ammu Hassan <faridanoorallah@hotmail.com>
Markham, ON Canada - Friday, May 7, 2004 2:57 PM CDT
Salam Ayman and family,
Alhamdulillah it seems Ayman is doing much better now. inshallah he continues to show progress and growth. May ALlah give you and your family the strength and patience to get through this and reward you for your attitude.
Rim Ouaida

Rim Ouaida (Noor Mohamad's friend) <bebe_48@hotmail.com>
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Friday, May 7, 2004 8:50 AM CDT
salam love, we miss you !!! thank ALLAH you are growing cells. kiss juju-be and mama for us.
aunty soul,ali lena,amo hassan <soulsplace @hotmail.com>
burke, va usa - Thursday, May 6, 2004 11:03 PM CDT
Ayman and Aula,
We miss you guys so much. Carrie and Chass are taking over New York and you guys are holding up the South. Wow, we will try to stay away from "Camp Fairfax", that's the best we can do. We'll have a big party for all those great new cells when you guys return! Prayers always! Penny and Ashleigh

Penny Cummiskey <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Thursday, May 6, 2004 9:45 PM CDT
Hi Ayman and Aula,
I hope you guys are having a little fun. I cant wait to see you guys. Im having fun here in NY, sightseeing and all...I wish you guys were here with me. Or how about all of us at "Camp Fairfax" the hospital...we could hoola hoop!! haha that was so much fun. And you can teach me more about kosher food. I hope those cells keep growing...keep up the good work Ayman and you will be back in no time.
Much Love,

Chassity <bsktballchic108@aol.com>
The plains, va usa - Thursday, May 6, 2004 7:43 PM CDT
Salaam Handsome....

U are lookin better and better by the days... keep up ur looks and the fight... sry for night writing often..... i was buzzzzzy praying 4 u..... bye 4 now.. my dear..

thinking bout u alwayzzzzzzz.....

noor abbas

Noor Abbas <nabbas@sympatico.ca>
mississauga, ONT Canada - Thursday, May 6, 2004 4:42 PM CDT
Salam aymoonti,
how r u habeebi, inshallah better. I saw ur pics and they are lovely especially the one with ur family. I hope u will get better within the next few weeks and back on ur feet.Our thoughts and prayers are with you and ur family all the time!!! Take care habeebi and keep those cells growing!!!!!!!!GROW CELLS GROW!!!!!!
send my salam to ur mom, dad and bibi!!!
khala zena and the whole gang.

zena al ali
mississauga, canada - Thursday, May 6, 2004 4:05 PM CDT
hi ayman and family how is everything? i try to check ur webpage everyday to see how u r our prayers are with u
hope to see u soon

sarah <bluedaisy5sarah@hotmail.com>
toronto, CANADA - Thursday, May 6, 2004 12:18 AM CDT
as salamo alikum:
how are u aymen.we r all praying for you.insha'a allah you'll go over this pain and you'll go home safe and happy again with your family. you know aymen I think you'r a very strong and brave guy and allah will be with you all the time because you never lost faith in him. I saw your pictures and they are so nice specially the one with Lujain. all the best and our prayers for you all the time.Our salams for mom,dad Lujain and grandmom.

thikra and family
mississauga, canada - Thursday, May 6, 2004 7:30 AM CDT
I am so glad you liked your little treat. Mom you need therapy to you know. Please take care and I will talk to you soon.

Tiffini <tiffini@brytr.com>
- Thursday, May 6, 2004 7:26 AM CDT
Salaam aymoonti, I am very happy for your progress, Inshallaah in no time you will be running around again, and make me tired & sweety playing your favorate police game, ha. i know you will beat me everytime. But I will have new ways to keep you in, next time, what did you say??????? Shino yoj3ak.
Everyone here say salaam to you and pray for your speedy improvement. I do not know when I can leave Iraq, but I am telling you i will come to see you as soon as I get to Canada. Give mam, dad, lujane & bibi lots of hugs & kisses for me.

Jiddo with love <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Thursday, May 6, 2004 2:36 AM CDT
Hi Aula & Ayman,
I have been a lazy guest, I check on your webpage everyday, but this is the first time I have written! Know that everyone here is thinking of you :o) all. I am going to try and call you before I leave for Richmond on Friday, I am sorry I will not be here when you return :o(
Take good care of eachother -- Cindy

Cindy Briggs
Arlington, VA USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:39 PM CDT
Salam Ayman,
How are you habibi?! I finally got the address for your website and I wanted to write to you right away!! I miss you so much and of course I am always praying for you! Just hang in there, Ayman, and you'll be feeling better in no time!
I will write again soon inshallah!

With much love,
Mayce (you remember me, right?)

p.s. let's hope that Jason Kidd and those Nets can come back on friday and cream those Pistons!!

Mayce <mayce84@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, May 5, 2004 5:25 PM CDT
Salaam Moontie, I heard u're feeling better today. Glad to hear of it!! And those cells have been ordered to grow by so many people, I think they're responding!! Or are they scared that we will all beat them up if they dont start growing soon..what do u think???
Well, good news is that its been 14 DAYS ALREADY !!!Can you believe it babes..14 DAYS..that means 85 days remaining( I took a day off for good luck :)))) So, before you know it , we'll be in the 70's and then..in a blink ..YOU"RE OUTTA THERE DUDE!!!! Keep those cells growing, keep walking, and keep giving your mom lots of hugs & kisses..love helps the cells grow too ..lotsa love always

Khala Neda <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 1:26 PM CDT
-------------In The Name of Allah

Dear Ayman Salam,
I am so happy to hear the good news. Alhamdullilah. Insha'Allah they will be new cells. I am so sorry I haven't written to you for a few days. I have no excuses, so I am sorry. Yesterday was my and auntie Nicole's anniversary! We have been married for 2, 3 hundred years or something like that! It's ok, Don't be upset. You can give me my anniversary gift when you get back home. Nicole, Thuraya, Iman, and yes, Jennah send their love and hope to see you soon.

May Allah Bless you,

Arash | Nicole | Thuraya | Iman | Jennah
Dunn Loring, VA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 12:46 AM CDT
HI Ayman!

Great to hear about the white cells. I'm also happy to hear that it is easier for you to breath now. Keep on walking and exercising those lungs!
You are in our thoughts. We know it is going to be a little while before you come back and we can't wait!

Keep up the good work!

Dr. P.

Eva perdahl
Fairfax, VA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 6:15 AM CDT
Hi Ayman, this is Nick, Teacher Heather's husband. It was great to meet you at your BBQ. Teacher Heather and I checked your website tonight and I just wanted to say hello and let you know we are thinking and praying for you and looking forward to the next time we can see you.

HI Ayman! This is teacher Heather. I am so exicted that you have some white cells growing! All our prayers are working! I love the pictures of you and LuJane in your photo album. She looks so happy to see you. Keep your spirits up and know that we think of you every single day and are waiting for more good news about your white blood cells. Lots of love to you and to your mom and dad and LuJane too ! GROW CELLS GROW!!!!!

Heather Kolovos <Heather.Dugan@fcps.edu>
Alexandria , VA United States - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 9:53 PM CDT
I really really really miss you.

Ashleigh Cummiskey <ash22april@aol.com>
Alexandria, va usa - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 7:32 PM CDT
Salaam Aymooni-

Alhamdulilah you are feeling better - its wonderful news! Ryan and Lina say hello and can't wait to see you again. Its great that you are getting all your anger out, I am sure that well help the healing process. Any new pictures for us to see - I can't wait :)))

Love always,

Basima Majdalawieh <basimam@yahoo.com>
Fairfax, Va USA - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:29 PM CDT
Asalamu alaikum,
how are you, you look cool in the 3D glasses.Its cool that you have a playstation 2 in your room.are you having fun?I hope you are feeling well are you seeing the playoffs?unfortunatly the nets lost.well who do you think is going to win?I hope you will be better soon.Once again I say:GROW CELLS GROW!!!!!!!!!!!!

gathe and his sisters <mkiwan@yahoo.com>
fairfax, va usa - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 4:32 PM CDT
Hey Ayman and Aula,
I am in New York right now! It was a lot of fun flying. But I cant wait til Im home so maybe I can come visit you guys. I hope Ayman is starting to feel lots better. Him and Lujane look so good together. Best of luck!
Much Love,

Chassity <bsktballchic108@aol.com>
The plains, va usa - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 3:29 PM CDT
no more crickets today. Aadam keeps looking for more, he found the one yesterday, and screamed out "COCKROACH" ..of course , I just died when I heard that, coz I'm thinking, great, thats all I need ..bes, it was another cricket. Its funny that Aula you would say let the Geckos go and they'll catch them..thats what Nofel said last night too. And I told him what I'm telling you now..My Geckos are so lazy, they barely eat the cricket if its right infront of their noses. Let alone, chase after them..not likely. I'm back to my original idea, waiting for Lujane to come back so she can chase them down for me, after all she thinks theyre cute:))))) Love you always & yes Hamza will call after school as promised.
Kepp growing those cells champ..coz u're the dude, dude!!!

Khala Neda <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 12:16 AM CDT
Dear Ayman,

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatu Allahi wa Barakatuh

Your are such a brave young man, all our prayers are going out to you.

God Bless you.

Tayma Auchi
London, England - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 7:29 AM CDT
Asalamo alaykom we rahmat ALLAh ya Ayman,

I am a new friend insha'allah and I must say I am very proud of you, young man. You have fought what you are going through very bravely. Keep it up! And insha'allah next time I will share with you stories of brave men (just like you) who have remarkably fought their way to victory.. Keep fighting...& we'll pray for those cells to keep on growing. Take care...& don't forget that ALLAH has chosen you because you are the one up to it, so don't give up, 'cause u can do it! :)

Mariam Mahmoud <maryouma581@forislam.com>
Cairo, Egypt - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 5:07 AM CDT
salamo 3alako ayman
i am very happy to hear that u feel better we all love you and we will always pray for u to become better take caree:)oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxox

sarah saeed <minnie_winnie83@yahoo.com>
egypt, cairo - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 3:27 AM CDT
I am really glad to hear you are feeling better!! That is really good news... Keep growing those cells.
Since you know alot about Dogs... Here is a real tough riddle for you: What bone will a dog never eat?

A trombone.

Uncle Tariq Syed <tsyed@ca.ibm.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Monday, May 3, 2004 11:08 PM CDT
al7amdullah...this is a veryy nice news to hear...mashallah ayman YOU ARE THE man....so tell me what did you have to draw today....i think i am gonna start doing this idea of drawing the things that i have but i guess i need a LOT of paper...khir inshallah ,GROW CELLS GROW

Hassan Masri <hass83@yahoo.ca>
mississuga, ON Canada - Monday, May 3, 2004 10:51 PM CDT
salam ayman,
hey its me Ms. Shireen again and i love your new shades. I am so happy that you are doing a lot better stay strong habibi. love Ms Shireen and all your tae kwon do teachers!!!!

Ms. Shireen <smabdelhaq@aol.com>
- Monday, May 3, 2004 9:06 PM CDT
Ruff, ruff, ruff!!! Ayman, my favorite pal, I hear you are feeling better. That makes me happy and I'm sending you a big, wet kiss! I need my back scratched and to play ball. I'm saving all my play dates just for you. It's rained a lot here, so I keep having to have my perfect paws (my dad says I could model in dog magazines because my paws are so perfect :) wiped off with towels. What a hassle, but it keeps mom happy. My mom says we could write a book together when you come home. We can email each other about our days and she'll turn it into a book. Then you can draw pictures of you and me to illustrate it. What do you think? We could call it "Ayman's and Sam's Cool Adventures." Or, anything you'd like to call it. Let me know. Ruff, arf, bow wow (I love you in dog lingo.) Sam "Balou" Allen
Sam "Balou: Allen <credsallen@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA 22310 - Monday, May 3, 2004 8:11 PM CDT
Hello Ayman, I am sorry for not writing sooner. I am so very proud of you there are no words that can ever express it. You are such a strong guy. David ask's about you often and says that he is praying for you. You two are such strong little men. I know you wish this was all over buddy and soon it will be. Know that your our in our heart our prayers and on our minds daily. Mom, you take care and try to get some rest although I know that it is impossiable when your baby is feeling sad. I will talk again soon. We miss you and our times in the hall. All our love Tiffini and David.
Tiffini <tiffini@brytr.com>
Sterling , Va USA - Monday, May 3, 2004 1:53 PM CDT
Dear Ayman:

I just found out how to work Caringbridge.

Dr. Martin told me he is happy with your progress.

We miss you and your family.

Draw us a picture, or take a picture and send it.

Lots of hugs, kisses and high-fives from all of us.

Dr. Perdahl

P.S. How are those Nets doing in the play offs?

Dr. Perdahl
Fairfax, Va - Monday, May 3, 2004 12:56 AM CDT
hi aymen this is rasha i miss u sooooooooooooo much i cant belive u almost got heart failure irealy miss you and tell ure mom that i sarted wearing hejab and if you dont now who i am ask ur mom and tell her whos rasha noureddine bint ali noureddine! dont forget imiss youn very much this Whole week iv been praying for you and i now your gona get better loven always rasha noureddine
P.S. saleem ala mama for me.
PP.S.tell your nmom to writte to me from my eamail

rasha noureddine <Rashanoureddine@hotmail.com>
- Monday, May 3, 2004 10:19 AM CDT
Salam Habibi
I hope you aree doing better today. Sorry we did not write over teh weekend, but we have no phone line at home. Something is wrong with it , and the phone company has not come to fix it yet. So how are you feeling today, is
Jojo- bee feeling better?
Say salam to everyone at your end, and kiss your self for us. I will talk to soon insha-Allah.

Amo Hassan <Hkhali01@sprintspectrum.com>
- Monday, May 3, 2004 9:38 AM CDT
Salaam Moontie..
Guess what!!??? I found another cricket last night!!! I hope none are having baby crickets under my cupboards or someting!! I spoke to baba last night, he says u're doing better. U actually ate pizza..wooow..Lucky you. Hamza still promises : NO POPEYES UNTIL AYMAN GETS BETTER !! SO , u hold on & hurry back over here buddy. We miss you terribly as usual. I just saw the pictures of you & Lujane..I miss my little monkey, just for your big fat information dude, I'M KEEPING HER.. SHES MINE:)))))))) You can tell mama that. OK dude, will call later & check up on you big guy. One last thing ..GROW CELLS GROWWWWWWWW..
All my love always

Khala Neda <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, On Canada - Monday, May 3, 2004 8:25 AM CDT
Salaam Aymonti, Here is Jiddo again from Baghdad. I hope you feel better today, and those cells have grown a little more by now. I have just got unexpected visitors, Jaafaar, his wife Reem & son Hashim. Hashim is very cute 8 months old, makes a lot of noise & moves alot. Also I have here my nice Huda & nephew Ahmed. Everyone here send their regards and best wishes for your speedy recovery. get well soon habibi so you can come here & visit your family,

My prayers for you. talke to you soon. Kiss Lujane and bibi for me.

jiddo with love <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Monday, May 3, 2004 6:07 AM CDT
Hii Ayman

Wish you a very quick recovery ISA, so you can return to all your friends who love you :). You don't know me but hope U can take me as your friend, i will try to send you eveyday a mail with a story in it wait for the 1st one tommorow deal ;-),

Nourhan Aly <nour_dun@yahoo.com>
Cairo, Egypt - Monday, May 3, 2004 4:22 AM CDT
Dear Ayman

salamu alaikum,

Everyone wants you back at School. Please come back. Sorry, it took me for ever to send you an e-mail but I was doing duaa everyday with all our friends at El-Iman school.
Alhamdulilallah your hair has grown. I will never forget you. Thank you for sending your pictures.

I hope you will feel better and better.

Rym Bensalem <shbnl@juno.com>
Springfield, VA USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 7:40 PM CDT
Hi Ayman, It's Chris and Connie. How are you feeling today, our brave little one? We hope you are feeling stronger by the day. We are so proud of you and tell everyone about the bravest little boy we have ever met. You are always in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers. I found you and Lujane something really cool, one each. I'll keep you in suspense until I can drop them by Duke the 22 or 23 of May. I look forward to another hug from you, so don't give them all away. I know Lujane and your Grandma have been great gifts for both you and your parents. All our dogs miss you terribly and want you to hurry home to play with them. We love the photos of you and your family and friends. What a great way to stay in touch with all of us. I'm looking at your house right now and can see you home in a few more months. Our love and prayers, Chris and Connie
Christopher and Connie Allen <credsallen@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 2:24 PM CDT
Ruff, ruff, ruff!!! Ayman, my "mom" was out of town so I couldn't write. My paws are too big for the keyboard. My dad is s-l-o-w on the keyboard and couldn't keep up with my good wishes for you. So, I had to wait for mom to come home. The yard just isn't the same without you and Lujane to "Ruff" at. I miss playing ball and seeing your beautiful, smiling face and hearing your kind words for me and my pals (well, except maybe Evil Zac.) Zac, by the way, hasn't beat me up in about two weeks. He has to start dog discipline school (AGAIN) this week. Mom says he thinks he's top dog, but he is soon going to learn she and my dad are the top "dogs." I ate a bone today that mom said was from you. Thanks!!! It's great to know I am in your thoughts, too. You are never out of my heart. I can't wait for my little buddy to come back home. I'll "write" more later. Good thing my mom understands "dog talk," huh?
Ruff, arf, bow wow (that's dog for I love you), Sam

Sam Balou Allen <credsallen@cox.net>
Alexandria, Va USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 2:17 PM CDT
Dear Aula:
Alselam Walikum: This is Muzit,Omar and Ali Ghoramah's mom.We have been following Ayman's webside and our hearts are with you,Ayman and the rest of your family.Omar likes Ayman a lot and he always remembers to pray for him and he decided that every day he is going to check on Ayman before he does anything else on the computer.InashaAllah Ayman will be ok and soon we will hear good news about his condition.Sister Aula: I think you are one of the strongest people I have ever seen,may Allah give you more "eman" and make you even more stronger.

Muzit Hagos
Alexandria, Va USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 11:47 AM CDT
Sorry, I haven't been writing to you for a few days, but I've been very busy. It doesn't mean I haven't been checking your web page for updates:)) Alhamdullah, it's good to hear that your fever came down. From the pics you look really drained and tired, but I hope alhamdullah that your spirits aren't gone..:)) Listen Ayman you're a fighter! GROW CELLS GROW! Ayman, tell Lujane that I miss her:)) and I also miss you too:))

Salaam Aula,
I hope everything is going okay with you. Listen, I need to ask a favour out of you. I want to send some stuff to Ayman to keep him occuppied for awhile while he's in the hospital, where should I send it to? If you (take your time) can get back to me on this one I appreciate it. My email: arabia_82@hotmail.com

Zeinab Az <arabia_82@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, Ont Canada - Sunday, May 2, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
Hey Old Man Ayman we miss you so much at Fairfax Hospital. I pray for a speedy recovery for you so we can see you soon. The girls miss playing UNO with you. So sharpen up your skills because when you get back we'll have a tournament. Many blessing and Prayers to the Juburi Family.
P.S-If you are wondering, yes I am still pregnant:)

Charawn <charawn_h@yahoo.com>
Upper Marlboro, MD USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 8:12 AM CDT
Ammoni habibiiiii, im glad al hamdillah that u r getting better hayati. We are counting the days with you and we follow your progress every single day. I love your photo with Lugane, you are such a gorgeous young man, and she is so cute. I especially like the last one with the family. Aula hayatiii, my love to you and to khala and my salam to Ritha. I hope with God willing we will all be together someday soon.
Lots of Love

Aunty Nadia
London, UK - Sunday, May 2, 2004 7:19 AM CDT
Hi Ayman,
Its me, Mohammed. Sorry I haven't written but its final exam time, and my father told me that you had a website a few days ago. I saw all the pictures in the gallery. I hope you get well soon so that I can visit you again.
P.S. I have been following the New Jersey Nets and your friend Jason Kidd is doing a good job.

Mohammed AlYakoob <malyakoo@indiana.edu>
Bloomington, IN USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 11:26 PM CDT
Hey Ayman,
Whats up kiddo? How are you doing? Ive been meaning to write you, but I have been caught up with studying for my exams. I wanted to check up on you to make sure you were okay. So I heard you have a Play Station 2 in your room. LUCKY YOU!! Do you have all of your favorite games?? Or is there a game you would like to have? Please let me know! We are all praying those cells will grow FAST so we can see you again!! Take care habibi! :)

Tanya (Ryans Aunt) <xtaniyahx@hotmail.com>
Annandale, VA USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 9:33 PM CDT
Dear Ayman,
Hey Buddy, how are you doing? I dont know if you rememeber me, but I know I can never forget such a charming boy whos smile lights up a room. I hope everything is going well with you, your in my prayers and inshallah I will be able to see you soon. Take Care!

Love Always,

Noor Khazali (Tanya's friend) <nkhazali615@yahoo.com>
Springfield, VA USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 9:23 PM CDT
Hi aiman i am wishing you goodluck and i know your giong to get the best of luck.my family and i miss you very much so dont forget to come over to my house because its not fun without you.I will keep on reading your messages.

your best friend
Abdulghani Fawaz

Abdulghani <agfawaz@hotmail.com>
burke, va - Saturday, May 1, 2004 4:59 PM CDT
Dear Ayman,
Wemiss you a lot habibi,can't wait to see you back here with us.Of all the kids i know you are the strongest ,i admire you dear .I just finished your shirt i will try to send it soon.Hope you like it .

rania <r_fawaz@yahoo.com>
burke, va - Saturday, May 1, 2004 4:51 PM CDT
Aymen, I wish you a fast and a wonderful recovery. We miss you
Noor Alathari <alathari@aol.com>
Falstaff Road, VA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 4:44 PM CDT
salam Aiman and ola, we miss you loads..You are always on our mind, we pray that aiman recovers soon inshallah. Nice to be able to check on aiman's progress. Take care and may God bless.
Mouna <mounanour@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, May 1, 2004 12:51 AM CDT
Hello Ayman, Hope you're feeling better very very soon. Alisha, my 3 yr old daughter , and I will be praying for your speedy recovery.
A big hug from us,

Sanjida <sanjidam@hotmail.com>
los angeles, CA USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 10:50 AM CDT
Ahlan Ayman!
Its me Zeinab I hope you remember me. I miss you alot
and hope that you will get well very soon. I am praying
that you inshallah will not be sick anymore and i hope to
see you better soon.

Zeinab Noureddine
- Saturday, May 1, 2004 10:18 AM CDT
dear aymen,
i miss you, i will be checking your web site every day. I hope you get well soon!!!

rasha noureddine <rashanoureddine@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, May 1, 2004 10:10 AM CDT
Habbibi Ayman,
We are happy to see your face in the pictures and to hear the fever is coming down. We are all praying for you here. We all went to Makkah and Madinah recently and made a special prayer for you and your family.

Ali Noureddine <ahnoureddine@yahoo.com>
Riyadh, KSA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 5:27 AM CDT
INSHALLAH you will be better. GROW GROW GROW WHITE CELLS, GROW GROW GROW WHITE CELLS. I hope to see you when we will go to canada in the summer. I hope you will get out of the hospital soon.
ABDULLAH SALEM AL -YAKOOB <salem_al_yakoob@hotmail.com>
KUWAIT, KUWAIT - Saturday, May 1, 2004 4:47 AM CDT
Aymooni - how are you? No update today? Inshallah khair. I hope you are feeling better. Please keep us updated.

Love always,

Fairfax, VA - Friday, April 30, 2004 8:01 PM CDT
Amooooni, hayati, i hope you are feeling better today, u know because I live in England i dont get to read your messages that you and mama post until the next day. I pray and think about you everyday. I miss the family and am dying to see you and Lugane, I can see Lugane has Aula in her when she was a child:) Your both gorgeous. I wish you will get better very very soon. Today is Friday so i expect bibi to come and see you right? Let us know how it goes. My mum is going to call up in a short while as well:) I'm reading the messages from your friends at the hospitals and wish them all the good health, happiness and success. Hang on in there girls:) You have all our love and support:)

Aunty Nadia
London, UK - Friday, April 30, 2004 6:53 PM CDT
Hey Ayman and Aula,
I got this web page from Chassity so I thought that I would just write a quick hello from everybody up here at Fairfax Hospital.....We are all thinking of you and love you and wish you a speedy recovery.....
Much love to you both,

Kelly <kellylaura00@hotmail.com>
- Friday, April 30, 2004 2:12 PM CDT
Hey Ayman!!
We all miss you sooo much! I hope you are feeling good today! We were talking about you and how great you are at the office today. Margy says hi and asks about you everyday. I set up a caringbridge website for me too!! I think Ashleigh should set one up too... You should check mine out when you are feeling better while I'm in New York...I leave on Tuesday. I'm a little bit nervous but I'll be ok once I get there. My website is: www.caringbridge.org/va/chassity
Maybe when I get back, before my transplant, I can come and visit you! I will write back later!
Much Love,

Chassity Flint <bsktballchic108@aol.com>
Fairfax, Va USA - Friday, April 30, 2004 1:21 PM CDT
Assalam Alaikum,
Habibi Ayman just be strong and say YaAllah and God will be with you all the time. I wish you all the best.
Salam. Amo Ayad
Salam to you Aula and Ridha.Allah ma'akum.

Ayad Alsaadi <ayad_sind@hotmail.com>
Springfield, VA - Friday, April 30, 2004 11:21 AM CDT
Good morning Habibi
Last night was OK, I am sure dad have told you all about it by now. The thing I missed most is hearing your joks after a heavy dinner. Ali was asking about you , and I think he did not believe the fact that you R in the hospital until yesterday. When he saw Jojo , Bebe and Baba he asked , about you and he got very sad. We would love to come over and see you but I do not know if that is allowed. Why don't you find out for me if we can come and wave from across the room at least. On another note, I really like your cool glasses, you look like a raper.


Help Ayman gets better very quickly so we can have him back with us here.


I will talk to you soon insha-Allah.

Amo Hassan <Hkhali01@sprintspectrum.com>
- Friday, April 30, 2004 9:18 AM CDT
Sorry Ayman,
The formatting of my previous post got messed up when it was posted. The artwork is supposed to read: GROW CELLS.

- Friday, April 30, 2004 6:55 AM CDT

___________________IN The Name of Allah_____________________

Dear Ayman Salam,

I am sorry again to hear that you are going through some rough time, but Insha'Allah it will quickly end with complete recovery for you. As you can see the artwork of the day is to encourage you to talk to those cells and get them growing. May Allah bless you with a long healthy life.

We love you,

Dunn Loring, VA - Friday, April 30, 2004 6:47 AM CDT
Hi Aula-
I heard that today has been a tough day. I hope things are getting better. I'm thinking of you and your family. I hope things start improving very soon

Michelle Dominguez
Austin, TX USA - Friday, April 30, 2004 0:46 AM CDT
Salaam Aula and Ayman - I loved the pictures!!! Alhamdulilah your fever has gone down - I hope it means all else is starting to go well - GROW CELLS GROW! Know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Love always

Basima <basimam@yahoo.com>
Fairfax, VA USA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 9:00 PM CDT
in the name of allah:how are you ayman,we are sorry its been a long time since we've written to u.we have been very busy with the new baby.alhamdulillah she is a healthy girl.I hope you are strong as usual as we know you and let those cells grow!!!!!!!!!!!!everybody at school and especially us are always thinking of you and make duaa for you after prayer.Gathe says are you seeing the playoffs.im not seeing most of them because theres no time but im listening about them alot,well once again :GROW CELLS GROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
s. raghdah/gathe/rofida/salma <mkiwan@yahoo.com>
fairfax, va usa - Thursday, April 29, 2004 4:47 PM CDT
dear ayman, we all love you so much. we support you from all our hearts and pray for you all the time. we want you to get good so that we can come and see you play soccer(or football) with your friends and score many goals. we cant say this enough... we love you, we love you, we love you very very much. have high hopes. bye.
Farah, Hana, Um Hashim, Abu Hashim, and Hashim Alkhafaf <alkhafaf@hotmail.com>
New orleans, America - Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:52 PM CDT
Amooniii habibiiiii, I just saw your lovely photos with Lugane, they are gorgeous:) my love to you dearest one and we pray for your speedy recovery everyday. I cant wait to see you soon in London inshallah and you will meet all these lovely new friends you are making. Lots of love to you and my biggest hugs to mama


Aunty Nadia
London, UK - Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:39 PM CDT
salam ayman. how are you? i hope you are feeling well. i just wanted to tell you that i am praying for you and wishing you good luck. you will get well real soon, dont worry. ma3asalama, i will talk to you later.
Qasim Alkhafaf
america - Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:38 PM CDT
Salaaaam BIG guy.
mashallah you are such a brave man, i wish that everyone is as stong as you. get well soon and inshallah those cells will grow GROW GROW and GROWW..... and in case you are like who is this :-) it is hassan from mississuga i got this from noor( she is my friend from one class that we took once in utm..... she is mashallah a great person just like YOU .. aight big guy get well soon and inshallah i wish ya the best ya 7abiby

Hassan Masri <hass83@yahoo.ca>
ON Canada - Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:00 PM CDT
i hope u get well soon!!!!!!!
halah zenhom
fairfax , va usa - Thursday, April 29, 2004 2:44 PM CDT
ok ..I meant to say ..HOLD them the whole ride home. I dont have no gold dude!!!! MUAAAAH on those nice sheeks of yours:)))
Khala Neda <nedas3@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:40 AM CDT
Salaam Moontie..
No more crickets jumping around..so far!!! Did I tell you about the time I took Lujane to buy the crickets. We went to teh pet store & bought them ..and she carried them to the cash counter. after we paid for them, she wanted to gold them the whole ride home. She kept saying .."Khala Neda, theyre so cute!!!".. don't know about u dude, but crickets ARE NOT CUTE!!! After we took them home, Lujane helped me feed the Geckos. She thinks they're cute too..Your sister dude, she is CUTE!!! I miss her terribly..and I miss you too. Mama been telling me your fever is coming down just a bit. Thats great. Keep hanging in there galub, you shall see..days will go by in a flash, & these will all be blurry memories inshallah . Love you always ..and GROW CELLS GROW

Khala Neda <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, On canada - Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:38 AM CDT
Good morning big guy.
How R U feeling today , I hope much better than yesterday. Dad, bebe and Jojo are coming to ourr house tonight for dinner, we will miss you and Mom, but the good thing is, you will see all of them tomorrow insha-Allah. Regarding your question about shark fishing. I have never gone fishing to catch sharks, however we often catch them when we are fishing deep, and We usually let them go. maybe when you come back we can make such a trip, and just maybe you will catch one, I am sure you will have no problem doing that since you R the Bass master and all.
Well I will talk to you later today, and we will call you tonight insha-Allah.

Love you

Amo Hassan <Hkhali01@sprintspectrum.com>
- Thursday, April 29, 2004 10:03 AM CDT
habibi aymooni, i am following your condition throguh these pages and by talking your mom. the doctors expect your ulcers to clear soon, & inshaallah you will start eating normally again. keep your spirit up habibi, we all pray for you, allah (swt), profit mohammed (PBUH) & all Imams (AS) are with guarding you during these days and always. soon this is going to be over inshaallah and you will start enjoying popeyes once more.
jiddo with love <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
baghdad, iraq - Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:49 AM CDT

Salaam and Good morning!:)) I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad day yesterday:(( No one deserves to be sick. Inshallah you'll get better soon with a speedy recovery. Ayman want to know something? On my cell phone I have up to written: "GET WELL AYMAN!!" as my opening message.. because I'm hoping you have a speedy recovery. You just need to keep fighting this battle and were with you every step of the way. GROW CELLS GROW!!



Zeinab A <arabia_82@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, Ontario Canada - Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:08 AM CDT
_________________In The Name of Allah__________________


Dear Ayman Assalamu Alaikaum, and Good Morning,

I am sorry to read that you had a rough day yesterday. Insha'Allah today will be better. We all love you and are proud of you.

So, from what your mommy says, looks like you are not an aficionado(an enthusiastic admirer, a fan) of renaissance art! I find that very hard to believe. I KNOW how cultured (A high degree of taste and refinement formed by aesthetic and intellectual training) you are. In fact I think you are so cultured that you only know the Mona Lisa by its french name: La Joconde. Well, today's artwork is a special request by your buddies, Thuraya and Iman. When they heard that you had a rough day they wanted me to "paint" a heart to show that they love, and miss you.
By the way I am sure that Jennah also was asking me to draw the heart, but most of the time I have no idea what she is talking about :)

I have to sign off now. Keep up your wonderful spirit, Keep talking to those cells, and keep LAUGHING :)

You are in all of our prayers, Please pray for us,
May Allah Bless You,

Dunn Loring, VA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:25 AM CDT
dearest ayman,INSHALLAH better days will come. i went to see khala farrah today,she and baby girl are are doing well! the miss you and say salam. ali says hey dude, cowabunga:) guess who is coming over for dinner? lujane, bibi,and dad. i am getting ready for them . hope bibi likes my cooking:) ok dearest ,i must sleep now. I LOVE YOU ,goodnight.
khala soul <soulsplace @hotmail.com>
burke, va usa - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:30 PM CDT
Hi Ayman,
I met you through Ali and Lena's mom. I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope that you are feeling better and that your fever goes down very soon. I really liked the pictures of you and your sister, they're very sweet.

Hello Aula,
I know it has been a long time since we have spoken but I wanted you to know that I keep you and your family in my heart and I send you all warm wishes and hope. I hope to see you and everyone again soon, eating delicious food at Soul's house and just chatting away.
My heart is with you all.

Michelle Dominguez
Austin, TX USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:30 PM CDT
checken buckets o ya by the way who's anas
Anas <s_hussein2000@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:30 PM CDT
Just know that we are all praying for you to get better and for those little cells to grow.
London, UK - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 5:58 PM CDT

ALEXANDRIA, VA USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 5:49 PM CDT

I am really sorry U R not feeling well today, I pray that tomorrow and teh days to come will bring health and comfort. The pictures of you, jojo-bee and Bebe looks great. I love your outfit. I so dad yesterday, but I did not see JoJo nore bebe. Maybe we will see them before they come to see you insha-Allah. I will be looking farward to read your good news tomorrow. I praying hard that you get better soon , you know before the fishing season is over,so we can go fishing togather. This time we will go for a real fishing trip on a big boat. And I will let you drive some too. Until tomorrow

Fee Hifz Allah

Amo Hassan

- Wednesday, April 28, 2004 3:13 PM CDT
I'm sorry to hear that you're sick buddy! I pray for you every single day and I'm hoping you make quick recovery. Lujane looks really good in the pictures, too bad she's wearing the mask though... but inshallah it'll be over soon and you can hug her:)) Aula, thanx for keeping us updated. I know you must be stressed but you are not to be forgotten:)) Just ehimdi Allah (s.w.t) (sorry for the spelling) that you got a beautiful son and daughter. The doctors are doing everything they can to help him. With the help of Ruda, (correct spelling?) and your mom and everyone who knows you the whole family will fight this til the end. Aula, I by the way do have yahoo and if you feel like talking to me, maybe just to relieve some stress just email me:))

Zeinab <arab_chick_82@yahoo.ca>
Mississagua, Ont Canada - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 2:51 PM CDT
Assalamu Alaikum,
Thank you so much for the pictures of Lujane visiting. It was such a special time for you all, and I was so happy to witness it. Although after Samaa saw Lujane wearing the mask, she said, "oh no, now Lujane is sick too!" (LasamaAllah) transliteration is so difficult!

Aymooni, Samaa makes card for you everyday. I have not sent them because they are sooo silly. She says, "Okay, we have to make Ayman a really pretty card, so he can feel happy and be better." Do you know shat her card looked like yesterday? A few scrap pieces of paper with two lines on it, (in highlighter, nonetheless) and about 500000 staples. She finished by saying, "Beautiful. I know Ayman will love it."

She is here with me now, and says, "Ummm, Ayman when I am going to sleep I am going to come to your house. Ummm, Ayman can you get well soon from the Hospital please. (Now this is directed to me--- "Mom, I want to go back to that picture of Ayman and Lujane wearing a mask, that looks really funny to me.") "Ummmm. Uhhhh, Ayman, why is Lujane wearing the mask? And Mama, ask Ayman, can you get one mask for Hassen too? I think he wants one, like me. I already have a mask, it's a fish mask. Ummm but, Ayman, can you feel better soon please, inshaAllah, okay Misses Aymooni?"

That is really what she had to say. I don't know why she called you Misses. I don't think she knows what that means. But on this subject, why is everyone writing rudy's name as Ruda? Aula, You wrote it in your update, and then I saw in his guestbook entry he signed his OWN name as Ruda. Is that short for Rudolf? Is that your Dad's English name now? :) I can't wait to see what he changes it to next week, this is fun!

I miss you all, and hope you're feeling better today, Superman.

I love reading your updates and look forward to visiting soon, inshaAllah.

Khaleh Mona & Samaa
Rockville, MD USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 2:05 PM CDT
Aymoonti ..I'm so sorry you're not feeling so well. It makes me so sad to hear that you're sick. But lemme tell you a funny story to cheer you up. This morning , while we were having breakfast..Guess what was crawilng across the kitchen floor??? TAKE A WILD GUESS!!!
CRICKETS!!! AParently one of the crickets got out & was crawling or jumping around in the kitchen. Rayaan saw it first & started screaming...so I went & picked it up( Brave of me don't u think?!!) and put it in the Geckos tank & the gecko gobbled him up. SO ..I'm packing up, and guess what else I found????? GUESSSS?!!!!!!
Another cricket bouncing around next to the fridge!!!!!! Ok so now YOU KNOW I'm freaking out!! I knew I should have counted them !!!SO I picked that one up & put it in the tank too. My only problem is now, I don't know how many are really bouncing around!!! I guess we'll find out sooner or later :))))))))
All my love & can't wait for u to get better soon Inshallah

Love always

Khala Neda <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:43 AM CDT
Hello Ayman,
I am Fatimah from Kuwait (Salem and Hana are my uncle and aunt :D) ... I don't think you remember me but i saw you once two years ago in mississauga.. I hope you get well soon and I will say du'a for you in my prayers enshalla...

Fatimah <Ba6mo84@hotmail.com>
Kuwait, Kuwait - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 3:58 AM CDT
dearest ayman, aunt farrah had a baby girl today. she is doing well. they don't have a name yet...maybe you can help:) i am sorry you are having a tough day,i hope tomrrow is better.we will pray for you! LOVE ,ali,lena, auntie soul and amo hassan.
auntie soul <soulsplace@hotmail.com>
burke, va usa - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:52 PM CDT
Our prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. You are a very strong young man with a lot of family and friends who love you. All the best Insha-Allah.

Thamer & Sarah Saleh
Mississauga, ON Canada - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:02 PM CDT
In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be with you Ayman and Aula!

It was good to see the pictures on the website. This is such a great idea! Subhan'Allah! Ayman, you and your mom look great masha'Allah!

We are trying to grow butterflies at school. We started with caterpillars. Now they have made cocoons and we are waiting to see if the butterflies come out. We will keep you posted!

Everyday we make dua'a that Allah (SWT) will make the new cells grow. Allah has power over all things.

We miss you!

Wa salaam,

Sr. Mary, Teacher El-Iman Learning Center
Annandale, VA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 9:46 PM CDT
Dear Ayman,
You probably don't remember us, because you only saw us once. Everyone at Eliman is talking about you. We can't wait until you get better and come back to school so we can all see you again! and don't forget GROW CELLS GROW!!

Falls Church, VA USA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:55 PM CDT

Salam Kramer:It's dady from home
Ayman as soon as we got in the driveway,Lujane opened her door and told me she want to play with little Biz(Elizabeth),and oof course i took her to thier home and Trexy(their do) went all over Lujane kissing her and licking her legs,Now I have to give her a bath...

We missed already and can not wait to see you with me in the car,

Salam to Aula,

Love !!

Ruda Juburi

Ruda juburi <raljuburi@yahoo.com>
Alexandria, VA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 4:30 PM CDT
assalam alaikum
i wish from God to be beside u in every step in the way ya batal.I don't know how can i help but i swear i'll pray 4 u every moment and we all beside u.God forgets no one be sure

Dodyhou Shaker <dodyhou@hotmail.com>
Bekaa', Bar Elias Lebanon - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:53 PM CDT
Salam Ya Batal

How are you feeling today, I hope you got some rest last night. As for the game I have no clue what are you talking about, but I am sure I won. Any way I do not like to brag about it, but I really wipped the other team. Oh bythe way what game were we playing????.
I will talk to you soon insha-Allah.

Salam, and have a great one.

Hassan the second Bass Master <Hkhali01@sprintspectrum.com>
- Tuesday, April 27, 2004 1:01 PM CDT
Aymoonti, I can't believe howmany people write to you!!! You sure are popular!! Guess what ? We changed the basment around, now Hamza & Doomie have their own room ..and Rayaan has her own room .. she shares it with Mejeed & Amir on the weekends. Hamza can't wait to show you the new place..Yallah habibi get better so u can come over!! OK so let me know here dude..what day are we on..94? 93? dude..its going fast ..before u know it cells all grown up & you're ready to move out & back home :))) As ususal give your mom a huge hug & kiss..and believe me, moms hugs are the best :) Love you always & inshallah we shall see you soon..

Neda <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 12:37 AM CDT
Salam Ayman,
Elhamdallah for your health and Inshallah will be a history from your life. We prayed for you and asked our Imams (p) to get your health back and return to your normal life soon inshallah. Do not warry in your in Allah hands and Mohamed (p) and his family(p).
Inshallah we will vist you at home soon.

Our best wishes and regards to you and your family.

Salam Allaikhum.

Mohamed, Hussain, Ibrahim Makki $ Zahra Khalaf

Mohamed, Ibrahim & Zahra <rhodon@emirates.net.ae>
Rochester, MN USA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:47 AM CDT
We are on our way to the clinic and are taking pictures from your website with us...everyone sends the best to you and 6 days have already passed! hugs to you all. We miss you. the Cummiskey's
Penny Cummiskey <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 9:38 AM CDT

Salam and Good Morning Ayman,
Every morning when I get to work, The first thing I look forward to is reading your journal. I hope that you had a good day yesterday, and I wish you a wonderful start to this beautiful day. Oh, how do you like my Mona Lisa? It puts Leonardo to shame, doesn't it? I will try to put more art masters of the world to shame in the next few days. Are you laughing again??? Well they say laughing is good for health, so keep laughing, and i will talk to you later.

Dunn Loring, VA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:28 AM CDT
aymooni, i want to see your picture with lujane, do not forget to post it, ok.
Jiddo <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
baghdad, iraq - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 1:11 AM CDT
Salaam habibi Ayman, This is Jiddo again writing from Baghdad. I talked to dad yesterday and I am happy that you are keeping the good work, do more of those laps. All your freinds and relatives here remember you every day think about you and pray for you. I read your messages & those sent to you by all those people who know about you even you have not meet them. I can do one thing only, that is be so proud of you and pray more for you. Inshaallah, healthy Lujane will be back this weekend, and you will have more time to play with her. Give her a good kiss & hug for me. mmm yah ok, give bibi a good kiss & hug for me too (tell her this is from jiddo). Miss you all, see you soon. my du3a to you.

Jiddo who can not wait to see Ayman <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, iraq - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 1:08 AM CDT
salam 3alikom wa ra7meh....
dear ayman you are a strong person and inshallah the hardest will be as easy as drinking water BE EDNELAH....
i just wanted to write you to let you know eventhough i have never seen you or talk to you befor , i feel like i know you and i wanna talk to you and be your friend... inshallah this summer me, hashime, qasim, my brother, farah and hana (your cousins) will come and visit you and have some good time together......and i also wanted to tell u that over here in new orleans we all love you and eveyone is praying for you....hey by the way keep up with the art ... you are doing a good job ... i wish i can draw that good:)...yalla habibi take care and inshallah i will keep writing for you...

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana U.S.A - Monday, April 26, 2004 11:20 PM CDT
Hey ayman!

its me Sara, i dont know if u remember me, i'm the girlthat lives in mississauga you came to my house one day and i videotaped u singing {Here I am} by Bryan Adams, and played marco polo with you and ur khala Nada's kidds! i was watching the video yesterday and i missed u, so i asked noor how ur doing and she gave me this webpage, i got so happy,,,i want u to know i love u and i'm miss u, and i hope u come to visit me when u come to mississauga feeling way better. i'm so proud of u and i pray that u get really well,,,

xoxo, with so much love,,

Sara <immortal2ssks@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, On Canada - Monday, April 26, 2004 11:06 PM CDT
Assalmu Alaikum
DEAREST AYMOONY AL WARDA!! MashALLAH... you have grown up! We left you when you were only 2 years old- and even though we moved away, our hearts are still very close! It seems like you have everything under control!!! and keep up the good work in the exercises-. Inshallah the time will pass very quickly and next time we meet you can tell us about your experience as if it was a fairytale!
*Here we have your old friends... Hasan and Husain ( you probobly don't remember them because you were very young! but believe us- you guys had some fun toddler times and we have pictures to prove it :)!)
Take care and you are aLwAyS in our Prayers!

Abu Sadik,Um Sadik, Sadik, Sarah, nOoR, Husain, Hasan <nono138@hotmail.com>
NEW ORLEANS, LA USA - Monday, April 26, 2004 10:46 PM CDT
dearest aymooni, we miss you sooooo soooooo much!!!! you would not believe it ,but all weekend we had no phone service. this afternoon the phone company fixed it. yea:) any who enough about us. ali and i are sending you a gift, we hope you like it! guess what aunt farrah is going to have her baby tonight,lets pray for her:) it is so boring here without you and your mom....come back soon. we are saying prayers for you everyday , INSHALLAH YOU WILL GROW STRONGER and BE BACK WITH US SOON!!!!!! HANG IN THERE TOUGU GUY;) ma salam:)
ali,lena,soul and hassan. <soulsplace@hotmail.com>
burke, va usa - Monday, April 26, 2004 10:33 PM CDT
Salam Habeebe Ayman,

I'm mama's friend, Eisar. Your webpage is soo cute :) We miss you so much here in Canada! We're all praying that you'll be feeling better very very soon so that you can visit us again.. it's always great to see you! Take care of yourself habeebe.

Lots of love and kisses,

Mississauga, Canada - Monday, April 26, 2004 9:15 PM CDT
dear ayman
salam 3ailkom wa ra7matolah wa barakato.. i hope you feel batter as soon as possible and we will always pray for you.. inshallah you eveything will get better and be a Positive person that eveyone likes to look up too...
keep ur hopes and always look up

a friend <mwd85@hotmail.com>
new orleans, Louisiana U.S.A - Monday, April 26, 2004 8:20 PM CDT
Salaam Alaykum, This is Monira one of your Khala Nada`s and Noor`s friend. I heard about your website and spent the last half and hour reading all the lovely messages you have received. This web system is great for you and your loved ones to exchanged messages. I pray for a healthy and quick recovery, you are a strong and courageous man and Insh`Allah you will be home with your loved ones soon. Hang in there and remember to stay positive, your mind is very powerful, Al-Hamdullelah.

Monira <monira_k@hotmail.com>
Ottawa, ON - Monday, April 26, 2004 6:06 PM CDT
No sooner had I posted the question, came the answer. I am so proud that you made it to 10 laps again today!

don't you worry about being too tired to talk, we will do all the talking - there is enough of us posting messages so that you can just listen for a while...

London, UK - Monday, April 26, 2004 4:32 PM CDT
Hi Ayman

I hope that you have been keeping busy with more fun activities, although having visitors sounds like you might be having all the fun you can handle!

So, how many laps did you manage to do today? I am hoping that you have managed to break your current record and made it past ten. We are all still praying GROW CELLS GROW so that you can make it happen.....so don't forget to keep us updated, we are all keen to know!

Elvira Doghem-Rashid
London, UK - Monday, April 26, 2004 4:00 PM CDT
Salaam hayatee,

Aymen... how are you today? keep growing those cells honey {GROW CELLS GROW} hey only a few more weeks... ayman... you are lucky to have soo many ppl who love you.. especailly ur jidoo and bibi and ur aunts.. and khaloo? am i right:) that's what makes this battle much easier.. knowing that you have millions of people loveing you praying for you! take care my sweetie..



Noor Abbas <nabbas@sympatico.ca>
Mississauga, ONT Canada - Monday, April 26, 2004 9:59 AM CDT
Salaam Aymoonti, How are you this morning? 10 laps ..and 5 the day before!! Man before u know it , u'll have big huge muscles !! I'm sorry that u didnt get to give Lujane any hugs & kisses, but seeing her again must have been cool. You know that she misses you terribly too and she probably is about to burst she is so excited to see you!! :)))) In no time she'll be in ure room taking over your 3-D glasses & ure PS2 and ure paints & EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Day 10 eh?? so when is that ? According to my calculations thats sometime this weekend. I pray that it will pass as smoothly as possible. Mama keeps telling me how brave you are & how proud she is of you. Habibi we are all so terribly proud of you. No words can describe how we feel but inshallah time will be on our side & we will have all the oppertunites to share many many more special accassions. Now you have 2 new step cousins to play with. Unfortunately that does mean MORE BOYS!!! Rayaan isn't too happy about that, but I know that Hamza & Aadam are extremely delighted. SO inshallah the next time you come, there will be even more kids to play with. And wait till you see Amir, amo Nofels little baby ..HES SOOOOOOOO CUTE!! You will enjoy playing with him ALOT I know!!! I don't need to tell you how much Hamza misses you. Inshallah we'll call when he gets back from school today. In the emantime, keep moving, get those laps done & of course..GROW CELLS GROW!!!!!!!
Love you always

Khala Neda <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, On Canada - Monday, April 26, 2004 9:20 AM CDT
Salam Ayman,
I hope that you are feeling better today, with lots and lots of energy. Don't forget to meditate, and talk to those cells everyday. Keep telling them to grow, and Insha'Allah they will do soon.

Thuraya, Iman, and some of your other friends have made some cards for you. They will be there soon.

I haven't downloaded all of our pictures yet, but as soon as I do I will email some to you. Make sure you don't post them to your site, they are copyrighted!! You have to pay me some money first... Why are you laughing?? I'm not joking:)

Well I better go back to work now!!

We Love and Miss you Dearly.

With Allah's Blessing,
Arash|Nicole|Thuraya|Iman|Jennah aka "Cheeks"

Arash|Nicole|Thuraya|Iman|Jennah aka "Cheeks"
Dunn Loring, VA - Monday, April 26, 2004 8:37 AM CDT
Salam Aymooonee,
Wow!! Ten laps? That's pretty good Ayman! Keep it up doode...Inshallah it'll get better and better and you'll be seeing Lujane real soon. I miss you habibi. Take care.

Khala Noor <ucanfindnoor@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Sunday, April 25, 2004 10:05 PM CDT
Grow cells, grow!!!!!! Hi Ayman its Ryan. The basketball game is good. I saw Jason Kidd and the other Nets players. How do you like the game? We miss you and Lujane and look forward to playing with you guys. Tell Lujane I hope she feels better so she can give you a BIG hug. I read that you were feeling tired. Keep listening to your dad and walk around - it will make you feel good. My mom wants to know where the pictures of you in 3D glasses are. Until next time - GROW CELLS GROW!!!
Ryan Majdalawieh <basimam@yahoo.com>
Fairfax, VA - Sunday, April 25, 2004 6:49 PM CDT
Saalam Ayman..:))
I know being cooped up in a hospital isn't really fun believe me! Yes you get your own room and your own t.v and phone, but the feeling of being isolated from society really sucks. Want to know how I know?:)) Well like you, I use to be in the hospital a lot when I was a child. It wasn't fun but the doctors and nurses did everything possible to help me fight whatever it was that got me sick. That's exactly what they're trying to for you little buddy. All you need to do is follow there (the doctors and nurses) instructions. Ayman, believe me when I say this it's no fun being cooped up in a hospital with nothing to do. You need to thanx Allah (s.w.t.) for giving you great parents one who is a doctor!:)) and a beautiful sister who are with you every step of the way as you continue to fight this. You have aunts and uncles, cousins and friends who come to your website on a regular basis (myself included) to see how well you are progressing. With Allah's help you can fight it Ayman! I'm with you (in spirit) every step on the way and one more thing: GROW CELLS GROW!:)) This message is being delivered from me and my mom to you and your family as they help you battle through it!:))

Zeinab Azouz <arabia_82@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, Ontario Canada - Sunday, April 25, 2004 5:34 PM CDT
Hello my name is sarah, and I have two little boys Zack 3, JJ 1yr 8 months we heard about you from our aunty Elvira so we thought we would send you our love and best wishes in an email also zack sends you this joke
Why have giraffes got such long necks?
because they have smelly feet!!!
London is warm and sunny today! Good Luck and God Bless

sarah <sarahrashid1@aol.com>
London, - Sunday, April 25, 2004 4:13 PM CDT
I am soo happy to hear from a person like you. God inshallah will make you feel better soon. You don't know me, but I think I met your Mom before in Saudi Arabia. I will introduce myself. My name is Sahar and i come from Egypt. I am married and I have Mariam, 2 & 9 months and Youssef, 1 and 2 months old. I hope we become friends and we stay in touch. Maybe u can come to Cairo for a visit soon and get to see the pyramids and have a Nile Cruise. I wish u the best of health and I will try to write u soon!Take care!

Sahar Mahmoud <sahour76@yahoo.com>
Cairo, Egypt - Sunday, April 25, 2004 3:29 PM CDT
Habibi Ayman...I'm Khaled Anas's uncle...we talked over the phone..but I think you don't remember me..anyways I'm going to be different and share a joke with you..........
A magician was working on a cruise ship in the Caribbean. The audience would be different each week, so the magician allowed himself to do the same tricks over and over again.

There was only one problem: The captain's parrot saw the shows each week and began to understand how the magician did every trick. Once he understood he started shouting in the middle of the show:

"Look, it's not the same hat"

"Look, he is hiding the flowers under the table"

"Hey, why are all the cards the Ace of Spades ?"

The magician was furious but couldn't do anything; it was, after all, the captain's parrot.

One day the ship had an accident and sank. The magician found himself on a piece of wood in the middle of the ocean with the parrot, of course.

They stared at each other with hate, but did not utter a word. This went on for a day and another and another.

After a week the parrot said: "OK, I give up. Where's the boat?"

Be happy buddy....GROW CELLS GROW....

Khaled <calabraham@aol.com>
New York, NY U.S.A. - Sunday, April 25, 2004 2:51 PM CDT
Hello Ayman,
How r u doing today.We r sorry we didn't write 2 u before,our computer wasn't working but now we r using our dad's lap-top.We miss u very much and we wish u were here.
hope u feel beter soon.

Anas and Fatema <s_hussein2000@yahoo.com>
Falls Church, VA U.S - Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:12 AM CDT
Dear Ayman, We love the new photo of you and your Dad and Emily. Looks like you had a great time painting! We're glad the have activities to help the time pass more quickly. I bet today was a big day with Lujane and your grandparents visiting. You probably had to try to keep Lujane from climbing all over the bed and helping with your care :) The photo of you and your mom on the opening page of the website is beautiful! What a great way to welcome everyone into your world. Ayman, you are loved by so many people around the world. With all the prayers to God to make you well, we'll see you playing with Sam before you know it. We miss you and keep you and your family close in our hearts and prayers. We love you, Connie and Chris
Connie <credsallen@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA USA - Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:30 AM CDT
Ruff, ruff, ruff, That's secret code between you and me, my favorite little guy in the world. I miss you! Mom tells me you are feeling better and she tried to show me your photos. But, you know, with me being a dog and all, I don't have much of an attention span. I licked the screen though, so I tried to send you a sloppy, wet kiss. The yard just isn't the same without seeing you across the fence playing. Get well fast so we can play again. You are my pal forever and ever. I love you, Sam
Sam "Balou" Allen <credsallen@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA USA - Sunday, April 25, 2004 7:26 AM CDT
Ohhhhh Aymoooni how are you my little angel? This is Aunty Nadia from London. Wow i read through your website everyday. I always have my computer on hoping to hear from you. You keep us going with your lovely messages habibiiii, did u know that? Everyone misses you so much and you have made so many lovely friends around the world,

You have an invite to London (Where mama was brought up- Aula do not forget your roots ;-))))) you have an invite to go to Egypt and see the Pyramids and the Valley of the Kings, an invite to go to Sunny Dubai and see all the fun parks they have with loads of games, even to Kuwait and meet some heros just like yourself:) You are a very special young man Aymooni and hope your doing well:) We pray for you everyday and wish you speedy recovery. We are doing the countdown with you as well:) and not long to go ehhh???

My mama, baba and Asaad send our love and hugs to YOU, Mama, Bibi and Khala Neda, especially little Lujane...and last but not least to lovely Jidoooo who sounds like he misses you all ;-) Hahhhhhhhhh Omuuuuuuuuuuu??????? hahahahaha

Aunty Nadia
London, England - Sunday, April 25, 2004 5:48 AM CDT
Salaam Jiddo, I always remember you & pray for you that today and every coming day will be easy on you, no pain, no complication until the cells grow & you recover well.Everyone here is doing the same, follow your news through this beautiful website. I read all the messages to you & feel proud of you that you have so many people pray for you . You are in our minds all, and I am sure allah subhanaho Wata3ala, looks after you too. please take pictures of you and Lujane when you meet her, write to us about your meeting. Salaam to mama, baba & bibi ( I tell you a secret, u must not tell anyone else, promise?) i miss BiBi a lot. shshshsh keep it just between us.

loving jiddo <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Sunday, April 25, 2004 4:56 AM CDT
Salam Ayman,I hope you are well. I am a friend of Nadia in Kuwait, and when she showed me your website I was really impressed how smart and brave you are.Am in the Army and we have many Heroes.I wanted to tell you that it takes hard work and courage to become a hero and in my book you are the HERO.So our Hero now in Kuwait is Ayman:)I'm proud of what your doing to fight this and inshallah my thoughts and payers are with you and I really hope you get better soon.Take good care of yourself and keep up the good spirit! I wish we are all as half as brave as you are Ayman.Say hello to the family and friends.

Take care

your NEW friend
Khaled :)

Khaled Almana
kuwait city, kuwait kuwait - Sunday, April 25, 2004 4:26 AM CDT
Salam Ayman, I'm one of Nadia's school friends....Hope you and the family are well today. Once you get better haboub, I want you to e-mail me and then we can arrange for you to come and visit us in Dubai...There's plenty of fun things to do around here. I will pray for your speedy recovery b'izn Illah and I look forward to seeing you before long insha'Allah.
Much love,

Wadah Abu-Sin <wadah.abusin@barclayscapital.com>
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Sunday, April 25, 2004 3:38 AM CDT
Salaam habibi....

how are you today? i am sorry to hear that you have been in a bad mood!! :) it willl get better inshalaah! aymen i pray for you everyday sweetheart :) and i wish you can come back to canada as soon as possible to visit us... send lots of hugs and kisses for lujane.. and your mommy :):):)

always in my thoughts,


NOOR ABBAS <nabbas@sympatico.ca>
Mississauga, ONT Canada - Saturday, April 24, 2004 8:31 PM CDT
Salam Ayman...Shlonek
This is Ammu Abu Nofel. Inshallah you will get better very soon!! We wish you all the best!
Take care
Ma3il salama

Abu Nofel
Montreal, Qc Canada - Saturday, April 24, 2004 5:06 PM CDT
hello habibi,

My name is Maria i am a good friend of Nadia who sent me this email, your a brave boy and we are all praying for you with the grace of God i am sure you can recover once again!!you take care of yourself and stay positive, we all believe in you.

God bless you sweety, maria x x x x

Maria Uchi <angelmaria444@aol.com>
london, Britain - Saturday, April 24, 2004 4:45 PM CDT
Dear Ayman,

I hope you are feeling a bit brighter today. I'm Auntie Farrah, your mom's friend from high school! Although I never had a chance to see you, we have met your family several times. Tell your Jiddo and Bebe that my mom and dad send their regards and give your mom an extra special hug and kiss from me. I love her and hope God sees both of you through this.

How many days left to your countdown?

Lots of love, Farrah

Farrah Haddad <opium_fh@hotmail.com>
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Saturday, April 24, 2004 12:36 AM CDT
DOOODE...THAT PAINTING IS LOOKING KEWL...now the competition is ON!! Isn't painting so much FUN?! Maybe you would like to do a painting with me someday? Aymooneee..you look GREAT and I'm sad to hear that you're feeling tired BUT those exercises should be good for ya...get all those cells flowin in your body! I pray everyday that you will feel better the next day and inshAllah in NO TIME you'll be outta there and having a blast! Lujane CAN'T WAIT to see you..I think she's gonna squeeze u so tight when she comes today that your cells will HAVE to get moving!! hahaha
much x a gizillion
take care shnukums!
p.s. Are you giving mama daily hugs and kisses? I think she'll like that A LOT!

Khala Noor <ucanfindnoor@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Saturday, April 24, 2004 11:42 AM CDT
Hello Ayman. I am a friend of Nadia's who passed on the adress of your web page. You are very brave and set a high standard for all of us to live up to. I wish you a speedy recovery, and may your current hardship turn into a tale to tell (tseer swalif). God bless you.
Maysoon Al-Damlji <aldamluji@aol.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Saturday, April 24, 2004 11:32 AM CDT
Allah kareem, ill tell my relatives in iraq to go to karabala and najaf for him and my relatives in iran to go to mashhad and qom for him, and i will pray for him.
sayyid Ali zaidi <zaidi10_fr@yahoo.com>
toronto, on canada - Saturday, April 24, 2004 10:52 AM CDT
Hi there Ayman!
This is ur Auntie Mejd.Im a very good friend of ur mama since we were teenagers.You may not remember me , but i met you when you were only afew months old.And mashalla have u grown into one strong young man.

You have been such an inspiration to everyone.So many people look up to your strength.Continue being strong,and in no time ull be back in virginia playing with ur lujain and ur baba.

love always mejd

Mejd Al Huraimel
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Saturday, April 24, 2004 5:59 AM CDT
Hi Ayman
I was so impressed to see your website, Mashalla you are so brave and handsome. I am an old friend of your mum's, we studied together many years ago and I just got this website sent to me. I feel priveleged that you are sharing your experience with us. I will remember you in my prayers and inshalla all goes well for you.

Mina Al-Oraibi <mina_aloraibi@hotmail.com>
London, United Kingdom - Saturday, April 24, 2004 5:56 AM CDT
Hay aymooni, Tho (so) you lotht(lost) another tooth. Now you can thay (say) thimthim (simsim) and every one can understand it, right? Did the tooth fairy visit you? what did you get this time?
haha, i almost forgot, tell your friend Alvira, that your mom is beatifull because of me, right? you think so too, right? Do not ever say to anyone that she is beatiful because of BIBI.
Love you habibi Ayman.

Jiddo <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Saturday, April 24, 2004 4:11 AM CDT
Salaam Aymooni, This is Jiddo from Baghdad. I follow your website every day, pray for you and keep talking to those cells to grow fast, so you can leave the hospital, forever inshaallah.
Man you look funny with paint on your face. keep smiling you look so good when you smile. In fact your smile put a big smile on the faces of all the people who look at your website. I can not wait to come and see you, play your favourate POLICE game. See you soon habibi.

Jiddo who can not wait to see Ayman <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Saturday, April 24, 2004 3:09 AM CDT
Salaam Ayman,

This is Nabil, Basima’s brother and Ryan’s uncle. I first said I was jealous of you because of your courage and second I was jealous of how handsome you are, now you added a third category to be jealous of Masha’Allah, your popularity. I want an autograph.

Masha’Allah 3layk

Annandale, VA 22003 - Friday, April 23, 2004 8:35 PM CDT
Hi Ayman

I have had a browser open all day with your website on it, and I keep refreshing in the hope that I'll get to see a new picture or message from you.

You cannot believe the smile you put on my face with your new photos. I love the balloons! They look so cool and the painting looks fun too. With the new pictures now it is not hard for me to see how come you are such a special young man..... You should tell your mother that she is beautiful; it was a pleasure to see how happy she was to be with you, you must be very special.

I have been thinking of you a lot and praying and willing those cells to grow, so you take care of them and exercise them regularly.


Elvira Doghem-Rashid
London, UK - Friday, April 23, 2004 4:08 PM CDT
Salam Aymannn!!! This is Zainab, Nofel's sister. I saw u once at your grandfather's house in Toronto, do u remember mee?? its ok if u dont. Inshallah I will see you soon once you come and visit again :)
Mashallah your a very strong boy and I know you can make it through!!
Take care and keep smiling :)))))

Zainab <najafia84@hotmail.com>
Montreal, Qc Canada - Friday, April 23, 2004 3:32 PM CDT
Hello Ayman,
I hope you are well. I am a friend of Nadia in London, and when she showed me your website I was really impressed how smart and brave you are. I am a Science teacher so if you ever get stuck on your science prep please write to me and I will help you along!
I have two little boys of my own, one is 7 years old and one is 5. I will show them your website and tell them how brave you are!
God bless you and may God make those CELLS GROW!!



Panos Fellas
London, UK - Friday, April 23, 2004 3:04 PM CDT
Salaam Aymen...:))

Little buddy, for someone who's celebrating a b-day really soon you sure have a brave heart!:)) I'm proud of what your doing to fight this and inshallah your in my prayers. I may not have battled this experience like you did, but I can only imagine what it is like going through it. I'll keep coming back to your site! Send your salaams to your mom, dad, and your sister!:))

Zeinab <arabia_82@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, Ont Canada - Friday, April 23, 2004 2:48 PM CDT
Dear Aymmoni, this is 3amo salem from kuwait. I have been calling dad (Abo Ghazee) to check on you, until he recently gave me your websit. Aymooni you are a hero and INSHALLH you will be very fine and we will all (INSHALLAH) play together in your basemeent very soon. Aymmoni, please convey our regards and prayer to your hero and dedicated mother (sister Aula). Bye for now, we all love you. (Salem, Hana, Abbodee, Meeme, Alwaee)
salem Al-Yakoob <salem_al_yakoob@hotmail.com>
Kuwait, Kuwait Kuwait - Friday, April 23, 2004 2:14 PM CDT
Habeebi Ayman,
We are pleased with your progress and high self esteem. We all praying for you, We miss you and Insha'allah see you soon at your home. Very nice pictures of yours, show us more!, Salam from Ennis, Deena, khala Sind and me.

Ammu "AYAD" <ayad_sind@hotmail.com>
Springfield, VA - Friday, April 23, 2004 12:45 AM CDT
Hi Ayman. I'm a friend of Nadia's. She sent on an email with your website which is great!
My thoughts and payers are with you and I really hope you get better soon. I wanted to send you something on email to cheer you up so please send me your email address.
Take care for now,
Reema xx

Reema <reema@wgsn.com>
London, UK - Friday, April 23, 2004 12:43 AM CDT
Dear Ayman Young people like you are looked after and guarded by angels. You look pretty and smart. Bless you. I pray for you to get well very soon. Be happy.
Hiyam Haddad
London, Single England - Friday, April 23, 2004 12:10 AM CDT
Hey Mr. Popularity, can I get your autograph? :)
Basima <basimam@yahoo.com>
Faifax, VA USA - Friday, April 23, 2004 12:02 AM CDT
Salaam Ayman
Shlonak?, inshallah u get out very soon in a healthy perfect body, dont worry we all r praying for u to get better, and inshallah we will see u as soon as u come to Toronto or Montreal, we will have alot of fun, yalla take care and do what the docter says ok ;)

Mohamad Mahdi <moman_hawke@hotmail.com>
Montreal, Qc Canada - Friday, April 23, 2004 11:00 AM CDT
Hbiby Ayman,
Hope you are doing well and wishing God that you get better. I am a friend of Nadia Al Shather.I am please to see your photo you look very well and inshalah all will be fine. My husband Zaid had cancer last year and he too had chemo, but he is much better al hamdou lilah. As long as there is a strong wills there is surely a hope... so keep up the good spirit.

If you need anything please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Wishing all the best.

From Lamya and Zaid.

Lamya <lamya_latif@hotmail.com>
London, UK - Friday, April 23, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
salaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamun 3alaikum AYMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONI,
OK I wanna envy u for all those people that u know all over the world, from Baghdad to Havana(where my soul is flying over to visit again w. my lovely wife "Neda"). Also u are surrounded by a wonderful family around u, w. their hearts & souls.
I saw Lujain this morning & she cant wait to come & see u bachir. she gave me kisses & I told her to give u kisses from me as well.
If u want the 97 days to pass by so fast, here is a trick don't ever think about live ur days normally, try as much as possible. Inshaa Allah u will get better soon so u can come & visit us here in Toronto.

Amo Nofel
Toronto, ON canada - Friday, April 23, 2004 10:17 AM CDT
Aymooni, you do not know me, we have not meet yet, my name is Ahmed, i am son of Sadeq, your jiddo's brother. I heard about you a lot from umo abo wesam, wesam & umo nasir, when they came to iraq. We all wish you speedy recovery, get the 100 days finished & come to visit us here in Iraq, you have a huge family down here all waiting to see you soon, and make up for the passed years. so we can play together.
ahmed sadeq <sadawi2003@hotmail.com>
baghdad, Iraq - Friday, April 23, 2004 9:42 AM CDT
Salaam habibi ayman...

we miss you and we wish you the best recovery in the world... ayman you might not know me....my name is "Noor" the same as your khala noor... but i am your khala zena's neice, you came to our home once or twice when you were in Canada... and that was one of the happiest days for me.. because i got to see you! :) ayman.. honey... you are the bravest little man.. in the whole wide world... and never forget that .. you are a very specail big boy...... and... take care sweetie :):):) you are looking good in those pictures.... plus man have you grown or what.. keep growing those muscles and bones ok...... bye for now.. my dear..... i'll write to you everyday!

thinking about you all the time,


Noor Abbas <bigbluebear85@hotmail.com>
MISSISSAUGA, ONT CANADA - Friday, April 23, 2004 9:03 AM CDT
Salam , Habibi and my fishing buddy.
We all really miss you at this end and hope to see you soon insha-Allah. I hope you are doing well and you will always be.
I will check on you soon


Hassan the Bass master <Hkhali01@sprintspectrum.com>
Burke, v fairfax - Friday, April 23, 2004 8:52 AM CDT
HI Ayman: This is Gayle from Jiddus office just to say hello and tell you that we are all praying for you here in Mississauga. We have been doing that since you were 8 months old. Glad to here you have started the transplant. Everyone here says GROW CELLS GROW. Love you and your mom and dad very much. We will keep you in our hearts
Gayle MacArthur <gaylemac@canada.com>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Friday, April 23, 2004 8:49 AM CDT
Salaam Aymooni,
Lujane didnt want to go to school today. She kept saying "Airplane NOW NOW NOW!!!" I think shes too excited to think about anything else except seeing u & mama & baba!! I wonder why???? Everything she says is about her "bwoder"..do u know who this BWODER is ???
Guess what ??!! 98 days !!! thats right..one more gone & 98 left..its like that song, 98 days of hospital left, 98 days of hospital, if one of those days would finish so quick, there would be 97 days of hospital left!!!! Love u moooooot & ure in all of our thoughts 24/7. Don't forget to give mama tonnes of hugs & kisses, i think she needs some too :):)))))))))

Khala Neda <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Friday, April 23, 2004 8:38 AM CDT
Salam Aymooni,
How are you? I am so proud of you young man!! I saw ur pics,I saw what a brave hansome young man u r. We are all praying for you here and inshallah the 100 days go by quickly and u will back on ur feet like a TIGER!!!!
Layla, Yusser, Amir & Mehdi send their salams to you and wish u all the best.

love always,
Khala Zena

Zena mohammed <bestzena@yahoo.com>
mississauga, on canada - Friday, April 23, 2004 3:13 AM CDT
Hi Ayman: We are friends of Neda who live in an small island south of United States called Cuba and she told us a lot about you when she was here. In our home from now on we will repeat 100 times every day GROW CELLS GROW because we know they will really grow just because you deserve it.
Even so far from you we love you and we will keep in touch.

Luis and Mayada <luismayi@msn.com>
Havana, Cuba - Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:48 PM CDT
Hey Ayman,
How are you? I hope that your feeling better now!! DOnt worry sweetie, eventually everything will be fine, apparently your one special kid :)..woooow....meen adak, ya ba7'tak!! Ana I have heard a lot about you, and they say that your are sweet and nice!! I wish you all the best young man. Yalla, take care!! salam

Salma <salmoshkaa@hotmail.com>
North York, On Canada` - Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:29 PM CDT
Dear Ayman,
We talked to your Dad today. We were so happy to hear you are coming along so well. Hang in there! We are all cheering for you. Thomas and Robby send their best wishes and want me to tell you they need another basketball player to make their teams even so get better soon! Also, Alley has been sitting on her favorite spot on the couch whisking her tail back and forth, constantly (well, that is, if Louie isn't trying to chase her). I think she misses you too. Talk to you soon. Tell your Mom we are thinking of her too!

The Bairds <william.baird4@verizonmail.com>
Alexandria, VA usa - Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:26 PM CDT
and one more thing......GROW CELLS GROW!!!!!!!!
Heather Kolovos <Heather.Dugan@fcps.edu>
Alexandria, VA United States - Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:44 PM CDT
HI Sweetie! It's Teacher Heather! Boy do I miss seeing your smiling face but I looked at your photoalbum online and thought you looked great the day of your transplant! I spoke to your new teacher yesterday and she sounded really nice. She told told me that you are reading Amelia Bedelia books! They are sooo funny! I can just hear you laughing about all the crazy things Amelia Bedelia does! Your new teacher told me that she thinks you are very funny...when she said that I remembered the eyeball trick that you showed to Miss Moyer and the Vice Principal. I hope you are feeling well and can't wait to see you in 100 days!I'll keep your desk ready for when you get back. Take care sweetie!
Teacher Heather

Heather Kolovos <Heather.Dugan@fcps.edu>
Alexandria , VA United States - Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:39 PM CDT
Hi Ayman, This is your dad's friend, Andy. (Dr Muelenaer) I heard from your dad this morning. They better be treating you right at Duke. That was where I was working when I met your dad in 1991. Tell your doctors that I said hello. Give your mom a hug for me and keep up the great work! GROW CELLS GROW, GROW , GROW!!!
Andy Muelenaer <amuelenaer@carilion.com>
Roanoke, VA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:12 PM CDT
Hey Ayman,

This is Akil from Canada (Neda's friend) She was kind enough to send me your web page where I could read all the letters that people are writing. Love your pictures, you are a handsome boy! It's amazing how much love you are getting from around the world. You will always be in my prayers. Speedy recovery! GROW CELLS GROW!!

Toronto, ON Canada - Thursday, April 22, 2004 8:41 PM CDT
Hi there Aymooni - Its Basima, Ryan and Lina's mom. So you weren't in a good mood today. That's okay, I'm sure tomorrow will be better. Just stay strong, everything will be fine insha'allah. So where are your Spy Kids pictures? I'm sure everyone would love to see them, just as much as we love reading your journal entries. You're a special kid Ayman and always remember that. You have people writing to you from all over the world and last time I checked, people went to your website over 680 times to check on you. Why? Because we ALL love you. So get rid of that cranky mood and make room for all the happiness in the world:) Take care Ayman and give your mom a huge hug for me.

Love ya!

Basima Majdalawieh <basimam@yahoo.com>
Fairfax, VA USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 6:01 PM CDT
I think that we would all like to see that photo of the 3D glasses..... ;-)
London, UK - Thursday, April 22, 2004 5:47 PM CDT

Hello Aymooni;It's your dad again,just missing talking with you.

I know you are not in very good mood today,but tomorow will be a better day!!You know why because I will be there.
And even more day after will be even better!You know why? because Lujane and Beebe are coming from canada!!!

So keep it up 7ebeebe and will see you tomorrow morning.

Ayman Is there anything I can get you in my way?

Love you.

Baba Retha

Rudy Juburi <raljuburi@yahoo.com>
Bryan's road, MD USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 5:13 PM CDT
Hey Ayman,
I just recieved an Email from Reem Mansour to visit your web site! I checked your pictures and guess what! you are such a handsom boy! I really admire the way you are handeling yourself and your situation, no one can be as brave as you are! and it is really impressive to see how many friends you have! you can easily be elected as a presedent once you get out of the Hospital ;)
Take good care of yourself and keep up the good spirit! I wish I was as half as brave as you are.. and as good looking as you are,, girls would be all over me if I was :)

Wael El-Gendy <dwgendy@yahoo.com>
Cairo, Cairo egypt - Thursday, April 22, 2004 4:45 PM CDT
Hi Ayman,
This is Noor, (Noor's friend)we have the same name! Inshallah you will come out of this stronger than ever and accomplish whatever you dream of. Keep your faith in God and I will keep you in my prayers.
Noor AL-Hasso

Noor <neenawa@hotmail.com>
mississauga, ONT Canada - Thursday, April 22, 2004 4:31 PM CDT
Dear Aymooni,
So many people love you!!! I never imagined so many people would have written already!!! Maybe all of their positive energy is what has helped you stay so strong.

I know you are really brave because you drank the special potion, remember?? Hassen does. He will never forget, you are his big bro!

I loved seeing your picture. Please send more, so we can continue smiling and not miss you so much!

Samaa asks about you all the time. Whenever we go to Sunday school she asks, "Is it Ayman's party again?"

You stay strong, patient, and remember Allah, and before you know it, it WILL be your party again, your "Welcome Home" party, inshaAllah.

We all love you, and look forward to visiting you in NC soon. Have fun with Lujane this weekend, and kiss that little monkey for us!

Khaleh Mona, Amoo Basil, Samaa and Little Bro Hassen
Rockville, MD USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:57 PM CDT
Hi Ayman,

I knew about you from Reem, and Egyptian friend, and a friend of your family. I'm glad to know you slept through most of your transplant. I remember doing an operation years ago, and once the doctor gave me something to sleep, he asked me my name, and I couldn't even complete it. I said: "Khaaaaa...", and the next thing I know is that I'm awake from the operation and all my family around me. :-) It was a piece of cake, but I was feeling much better after this operation, and I'm sure you're feeling the same way now, no? :-)

I wish you the best habibi.

Hugs and prayers..


Khaled <khaledreda@mail.com.eg>
Cairo, Egypt - Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:44 PM CDT
hey Aymen,
My name is riam, i'm 17 my mum's friend nadia told me about you, you are a very brave boy, and you look very well for someone who just had a transplant.i just want to wish you all the best, hope you get well soon inshallah, so you can go out and play with all your friends. XxX (",)

Riam D <riam_tan@hotmail.com>
London , UK - Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:07 PM CDT
hey Aymen,
My name is riam, i'm 17 my mum's friend neda told me about you, you are a very brave boy, and you look very well for someone who just had a transplant.i just want to wish you all the best, hope you get well soon inshallah, so you can go out and play with all your friends. XxX (",)

Riam D <riam_tan@hotmail.com>
London , UK - Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:06 PM CDT
Salamat Aymooni, This is jiddo's eldest sister um bashar, I saw your pictures and we are all happy for you and pray for your speedy recovery, come on aymen get well soon & I want you to bring mama, baba & your little lovely sister and visit us here in Iraq. we love you very much , and counting the days for you, . today is thursday, 98 days left. My salaam to mama & baba. will talk to you again, and wish to see more pictures. take care strong man, fee amanillah.

Auntie Um bashar & family <iraqipaint@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Thursday, April 22, 2004 1:57 PM CDT
Hello Ayman,

My name is Elizabeth and I am a friend of your Aunt Noors. She told me about your web site, so I had to check it out. I love the turtles and the pictures of you are your transpant day are great. You are a very brave and special young man. I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Make a speedy recovery:-)

Elizabeth Mangos <elizabethmangos@hotmail.com>
Caledon, ON Canada - Thursday, April 22, 2004 1:50 PM CDT
Dear Ayman,
My name is Danuta and I am from Poland. Now I live in the US. I am your Dad's patient and I've heard a lot about you. I like your website very much. I feel honored I can be one of your guests. You look great on the pictures. I have a little son, Andrew. He is 3 years old. His Daddy had cancer too. But he is fine now. And I am sure you will be fine too. I wish you a speedy recovery. You are in my thoughts and my prayers.

Danuta Bagniuk-Libby
Arlington, VA USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 1:06 PM CDT
hey... salamat....hope you get better soon....we r all hoping for the best....only 99 days to go...you have r best wishes and Dua'a.
McLean, VA USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 12:46 AM CDT
Salam Ammoni, You are so lucky you have your own website. There are tons of messages just for you. I wish I was as popular as you are. You look great in your picture too. My son Zaid misses you and want you to promise to visit him in London soon. He wants to show you his new soccer moves. Slam habibi, have fun, see you in London.
Ammu Ali Alkateb <aalkateb@aol.com>
London, U.K - Thursday, April 22, 2004 11:59 AM CDT
Dearest Aymooni,

This is Aunty Nadia again from london. How are you my angel? I hope you are good today and feeling better, I spoke to Mama last night and then we called your grandma and Khala Noor. I cant wait to see you some day soon. I also hope you are smiling at all these lovely messages. You are loved by so many people. Keep your strength up my dearest young man:) and post us a message soon.

My love and kisses to you and to Mama.

Aunty Nadia
London, UK - Thursday, April 22, 2004 11:11 AM CDT
Dear Aymoon,
You don't know me, i am a friend of aunti Nadia, she passed your web page to me, i really like your photo, you look so handsome, i wish for a child just like you, keep it up and inshalla you will leave the hospital in no time, best wishes to you and may God be with you.

Rula Al-Jadir <rula_@hotmail.com>
London, UK - Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:45 AM CDT
Hey Aymen, you don't know me, but i am an old friend of your mothers, She has always kept me upto date with your progress and how you have been keeping, She also tells me that you are a very strong person and that nothing can get you down, except when she shouts at you, heheh, but inshallah you shall understand just how much you mean to her and to all of us, You are alot more special than you think, YOU ARE WORLD WIDE as we say in arabic Alamy, hehe, yalla inshallah everything shall be fine and one day we shall meet, in the meantime get well soon and hope your road to recovery is a very sucessfull one.
Take care.

Asaad Al-Shadhir
london, uk - Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:24 AM CDT
Aymooni..99 days left!!! We're counting them too :):))))) I hope today is better than yesterday & tomorrow is even better than today. Jooni is so excited about coming that she didnt want to go to school today. I told her 2 more days of school ..she said NO SCHOOL !! I WANNA GO SEE AYMAN NOW!!!..I don't think she understands that we can't make time go faster..If we could, I'd make tomrrow day 100 & u'd be outta there in a flash :) Love u mostest & give mama a big hug & kiss from all of us(I think she needs one too)
Khala Neda <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, on Canada - Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:06 AM CDT
Hi, Ayman. I am a patient of your dad's and we have been hearing about you for a while now from him. I used to have cancer, too, and know how scary it can be sometimes. But I was very fortunate and got through it, and now have a son of my own! I hope and pray you continue to do well so you can become a daddy someday yourself. Best Wishes, Mark Libby
Mark Libby <libbymw@hotmail.con>
Arlington, VA USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:06 AM CDT
We love the pictures. You look terrific...just like the same guy that left here! I am making copies of the webpage and pictures and they are posting them in the office for everyone to see. You are a real celebrity and everyone wants to see your GREAT progress. It makes everyone Happy!
We pray that the next 99 days go by quickly and you get back here so we don't have to miss you. lots of hugs
Penny and family

Penny Cummiskey <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 8:05 AM CDT
Hey Ayman,

You are a very popular kid..there are about 50 messages for you from people that care about you all around the world.
I am your aunt Noors friend from university. I was looking at your picture and you look a lot like her.
I wish you all the best. And I pray that you get better soon. God answers all prayers!!

Iman Issawi <imanisa83@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, canada - Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:29 AM CDT
Salamat in sha Allah,,, may Allah open new doors and new life without suffering. You may not remember me, I'm Dad's friend since only many years. I saw you when you were a baby. Masha Allah you are grown now and bacame a man. The pictures are pretty. Hope will visit you one day. Get stronger. Say salam to mom and dad.

Ammo Amer

Amer <aalshekhlee@yahoo.com>
Westlake, OH cuyahoga - Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:03 AM CDT
Hey there brave boy,

You don't know me, my name is Reem I'm your Aunty Nadia's friend from Egypt. My prayers are with you. I have a candle that my mother brought me from a famous church in Lebanon, I was saving it for a special occasion, so I will light it especially in celebration of your transplant day!!! Keep it up and Inshallah, when you feel up to it you have an open invitation to come visit the Pyramids and Valley of the Kings.

Take Care

Reem Mansour <reem.man@link.net>
Cairo, Egypt - Thursday, April 22, 2004 6:20 AM CDT
Dear Ayman

Insha'a Allah these comning 100 days will pass and you will emerge a stronger and more healthy young man. I think that you are a really special person to be finding the energy and emotional strength to share this part of your life with your friends and family, even the friends like me around the world that you don't even know you have yet!

I was in hospital recently for a few days with a minor condition and shared a room with some people that were being fed through a tube, in the same way that you soon will be. If the machines are the same as in the UK, you will find that they make a rhythmic sound while they are on......I found one of the ways to stave off boredom was to imagine which songs the sound was similar to. After a while it will become like having a radio!

I'll be thinking of you.

Elvira (a friend of your Aunty Nadia)

Elvira Doghem-Rashid
London, UK - Thursday, April 22, 2004 3:22 AM CDT

Good Thursday morning Aymooni"

See anoher day was over already.
You know what Ayman,don't let those cells ( Stemm cells)get lazy and sleep long,they already inside your bones now.
They are probably hiding inside your arms and leg bones right!!So what we need to do is to wake them up..cool.

Now how to do that? You need to think sleepy head!!!

Any idea?

Ok,you gave up!! I will tell you...I think by keep exercising every day..moving your arms and legs..walking in the unit and biking will wake up those sleepy,baby cells.

Don't you think this is a bright idea from smart cooky dady?

You remeber little Jerry?
Also,you remeber what beebee says when she is concerns?

I saw the Hammonds yesterday and they wrote you an e-mail from our home,they missed so much,also Carlos asked me about you.

Aymooni :I will see you tomorrow inshallah and will see Lujane(teest,talameest)day after tomorrow,I can not wait to see tyhe cooke smart.

Your dad with all the love in the world.

Juburi(Ayman's father) <raljuburi@yahoo.com>
Alexandria, va usa - Thursday, April 22, 2004 3:07 AM CDT
Salaam Aymooni, This is Jiddo, I am such a lucky jiddo to have such a brave grandson. You look so good in the pictures, that is Ayman I know, hansdome, brave, strong and soon Inshaallah very healthy too. I pray for the days that you do not need Chemo anymore. I hope I will finish my work here in Iraq and come to see you, and play our games. What did you say? Shino yojaak!!! shshsh do not say the word.

I talked to your other jiddo, they all pray for you. All the family here is praying for you, every day. See you soon habibi.

Aymen's Gradfather. The world proudest Grandfather <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Thursday, April 22, 2004 0:54 AM CDT
hey ayman 7abiby. you don't know me but i'm a friend of tant noor's and i've been hearing all about you. you look like you're doing really well. you're so brave. stay strong ya 2amar, we rabena ma3ak. love nashwa. :)
nashwa <literati@hotmail.com>
mississauga, on canada - Thursday, April 22, 2004 0:48 AM CDT
Habibi Ayman

I just recieved today your web-page addresse thru Ammu Nawfal, I am glad that you getting better, I always prayed for you and your family.

I want you to get better and better in order to reach your goals in your life, Inshaallah you will reach them.

My special salams and love to you and your family, tell your dad and mum that we miss them.

Ammu Abu Hadi & Family

Maytham Alsaad <maytham4@hotmail.com>
Dubai, UAE - Thursday, April 22, 2004 0:10 AM CDT
You know Aymen is one of my favourite names...;) Hi Im Mina, I got your guestbook through your newly discovered Auntie Nadia...And I was so impressed with your writing and your strength. Being in hospital must get pretty boring huh...well now you have all of us to write to :) I really enjoy your writing so please tell us all your details because believe me, You are a charismatic writer thats for sure.

Well Im so happy that youre getting better! Its important to always keep a smile and always believe in yourself.

Take Care Aymen, Post us a message sooon.

Love, Mina

Mina Sahib <minabrit16@yahoo.com>
Mississauga, Ont Canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 11:49 PM CDT
salamun alaikum Ayman

allahu'yashfeek I was a bit concerned when I heard you had leukemia but then after reading what everyone has to say about you...dude you seem strong enough to pass this test and pull through insha'allaah. Rock ON!

Salman <blackflags@netzero.net>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 11:21 PM CDT
heyy AYMAN...salam lil bro! hope all goes well with you! however, i have no doubt it will. you seem to be lookin pretty good in your pics..ur a handsome lil fella arent you..hehe! well take care!
Nazia Hussain <shygrlnaz@hotmail.com>
mississauga, on canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 11:17 PM CDT
We are all pray for you and sick children may Allah cover them in his wide mercy and give them the health and faith to be support for their family, people and country.
All the best and InShaAll you get recovered quickly.

Ali Al-Habbobi
Scarborough, On Canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:05 PM CDT
Salaamu Alaikum Ayman,

My name is Nabil, I am Ryan's uncle. I never met you but my sister's Tanya and Basima know you and they always talk about you. They make me wish I knew you and insha'Allah I will get a chance. They tell me how strong you are and how much courage you have, and I wish I had as much as you do. Know that I am your brother even though you do not know me and will insha'Allah keep you in my prayers always. My nephew Ryan loves you so much, he talks about you often as well. I saw your pictures masha'Allah such a handsome guy, that's another thing you made me jealous of ;). Ok habibi, I look forward to getting to know you more and I ask you to keep me in your prayers as well.

Your Brother,


Nabil (Ryan's Uncle)
Annandale, VA USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:46 PM CDT
Assalam wa alakoom,
hey tough guy whats up. Well i cant even tell you how proud i am of you. I am happy you are doing well, and i enjoyed your pictures. Your a courageous young boy with a big heart and dont let anyone take that from you. stay smiling and remember to thank Allah for all your blessings. well kid stay strong and remember we are all thinking about you.
love always Ms. Shireen

Shireen (Tae Kwon Do teacher) <smabdelhaq@aol.com>
- Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:30 PM CDT
Salam alaykum Ayman! Kaif halek ya sadeek? Baloo told me that it was your birthday today. I told him that he was all mixed up. You were born on May 28th. But Baloo kept insisting that all the dogs in the neighborhood were passing the woof word through the doggy grape vine that it was your birthday. Man, those dogs can sure get dates mixed up. What should I tell him?

Baloo says that Evil Zack has not been picking on him. We think it is because Zack knows that you will protect Baloo. He has heard that you are very brave.

Hurry home so you can continue to teach me my Arabic. Mah salama! Allah is watching over you and all of us. Chris

Chris Allen <allenc@ndu.edu>
Alexandria, Virginia USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:21 PM CDT
Assalamu Alaikum Ayman,
Its Tanya. (Remember? Ryan's aunt.) How is everything going? I ask about you and Lujane ALL the time!! I heard about your transplant. Mashallah you are ONE STRONG KID :) Keep it up. Your doing GREAT! I saw your pictures. They are very nice! I really liked the one of you and your mom. I cant wait for you to come back so I can get to know you better!! Inshallah ill see you soon. TAKE CARE!! :)
Love always- Tanya

Tanya AbuGharbieh <xtaniyahx@hotmail.com>
Annandale, VA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:10 PM CDT
Ayman, we miss you very much and hope you get better soon. You and your mom look really good. Tell her we miss her too. Chassity and I are going to NY on May 4 to May 15 for her surgery. This is the first time we will be on a airplane. Chassity is a little scared. Hopefully we'll get to do some sight seeing before she has to go into the hospital. We'll take some pictures and send you some. We will write you again soon. Love, Carrie and Chassity
Carrie and Chassity Flint <cflint4@aol.com>
The Plains, Va USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:47 PM CDT
This is Uncle Tariq, It was totally cool meeting you today... Your father is right you are one really strong boy.... I'll bet you are stronger than the 'Spy Kids'. You better practice your xBox and Game Boy cause the next time I am in town you will have to try and beat me. Wow! look one day gone already... You'll be up and about in no time at all. See you soon!!
Tariq M. Syed <tsyed@ca.ibm.com>
Toronto, ON Canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:22 PM CDT
Hi Ayman, This is your friend Liz. I saw your pictures on the Internet. Happy Transplant Day! When are you coming back so we can ride our bikes together. What is it like at the hospital? "Ruff Ruff" from Trixie. My Mom says we wish that you feel better and get well soon.
Liz Piper <liz@virginiasoftware.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:51 PM CDT
Hey Ayman! COWABUNGA!!!! How are you dude? I hope no vampires find you -- they might want to drink up all that new good blood of yours!! Hey, dude, this is Jack speaking and did you know that I lost another tooth. I look like a Jack-o-lantern freak. I had my first baseball practice tonight. Good thing I caught the ball or I would look like the headless horesman. "Roger that. This is Caitlin speaking, now" Knock Knock. Who's there? Boo. Boo Who? Don't cry, it's just a joke." This is Mrs. Hammond now. "Caitlin's jokes aren't very funny are they????" We miss you back home. The cul-de-sac seems boring without you, so hurry up and get that new blood working and come home and play with us. Love, from the Hammond family and by the way, Will sends his piggy noises to you with love!!!

Caroline says see ya' dude! We'll write again soon. Our Dad's email is hammondgop2@aol.com. bye bye for now!

Jack Hammond <hammondgop2@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:21 PM CDT
Dearest Ayman,
You don't know me but a good friend passed me your details and i felt compelled to write you. You are indeed a brave little boy. In shallah tgoom bissallamah and hope to see more pictures of you bouncing around and having a jolly good time.

I hope this message finds you as it leaves me; with much hope, joy and happiness for the future.

Our prayers are with you.

Saad Jassani <saad.jassani@beazley.com>
London , - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 6:35 PM CDT
Salam Ayman,
This is Thuraya and Iman. We miss you a lot. We Can't wait until we see you again. We hope you are doing well. When you get better that you can have visitors, we want to come see you. That will be fun. We love you very much. Also, we are going to send you some pictures tonight.

Ayman, Jennah (Cheeks) also wanted to say something to you. I am going to let her type it herself. Here is Jennah: m/./;xm smgbkmkfvc.vkfi89bdc89.,fs vmklmkkiol;90of';[p]p5b\uiiihghtyyerdxz555frkfrt[=fr.f=

Talk to you soon,
with Love Thuraya, Iman, and Jennah

Thuraya, Iman, and Jennah
Dunn Loring, VA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 5:36 PM CDT
My dearest Ayman, you have never met me before but i do hope you know about me. Our families go back 35 years or so, my mother and your grandfather are even related so that sorta makes us related:) I am your Aunty Nadia. One of your mothers long long long time friends. We grew up together in London for the first 15 years of our lives just before your mama's family started travelling around the world. You can even ask mama for some photos. So you have a picture of us and see the fun we had with our holidays together:) The second you were born you grew in our hearts especially as Aula was my first friend to ever give birth. I miss her very much:( and I hope one day to come out there and to see you all. You have been in our prayers dear Ayman and I pray and look forward to the day you will play with my future children and grow up and love each other just the way our families do.....be strong little one and my kisses to you and to mama. I hope to see you very soon. Love as always Aunty Nadia xxxxxx
London, England - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 5:00 PM CDT
Salaam Ayman -
We miss you and Lujane soooooooooooo much. We can't wait to see you again. We help you get well fast so we can play basketball and other sports together. Stay strong and Allah will help you feel better. We love you!

Ryan and Lina Majdalawieh <basimam@yahoo.com>
Fairfax, VA US - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:24 PM CDT
Salaams.Will remember you in my duas,inshallah.May the Almighty keep you strong and grant you a complete and speedy recovery,Ameen.
Abubaker Vawda <avawda@telkomsa.net>
Durban, South Africa - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:23 PM CDT
Salaams Aymaan
My name is Fatima. I'm your Khala Neda's friend from South Africa. She's told me wonderful things about you, and today I got to see your picture too. It's great!
I hope u feel better soon, and that the next 100 days go really fast and really well!
Neat turtles on ur webpage - we've got loads of those down here in Africa - in fact I saw a really huge one crossing the road as I drove through the countryside the other day. We have a legend in Africa. You see turtles can live for a very long time, people believe this is possible because turtles love living in new places all the time.
In fact, they love travelling so much, that they even carry their houses with them - so they can sleep where ever they go! Since u like them, I hope u also get to travel all over the world someday! I will remember u in my dua's, Aymaan and inshallah someday, u can travel to Africa and visit me here! Lots of Love, Fatima.

Fatima Seedat <seedatf@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:21 PM CDT
I NEVER HEARD OF YOU BEAFOR.But I KNOW you story.I am 8 years old.And I am new to aliman.so I hope you feel beter.

nour abdelkhalek
falls church, va usa - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
Salaam Ayman, this is amo Nofel, Khala Neda's husband, i wish you all the best & insha Allah you will get better, & come & visit us here. I have been praying for you all day, & insha Allah we will continue w. our prayers. you have beenn fighting this for long time & keep going. you & your mom look very good in the picture, so keep it up, & we will keep writting for you.
Amo Nofel
Toronto, ON canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:02 PM CDT
Salaam Ayman,
This is Bibi. I prayed for you all day today & made Dua'a for you. You & your mom in th epicture made me happy because you both look so good. I know you are a brave boy who can handle thi stough situation. Everybody here asks about you all the time & pray for you. We all love you so much & I will see you in a few days inshallah..

Bibi <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, on canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:45 PM CDT
Salaam Aymooni,
This is Lujane. I love you. I love mama. I love baba. I miss you all. I saw your picture with mama, and it was nice. You look good & I want you to get better soon so we can play again. Anyway, two more days & I see you. I can't wait.

Lujane..Your sister, who misses you!!! <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, on canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:42 PM CDT
dear ayman,
i miss you alot i wish i could see you.everybody at school wants to see you.you look much better better in the picture i saw you grew hair now.Me and my family always think about you and pray for you.Omran told me that you met alot of people.I hope you are having fun.we will never forget and always pray for you I hope those cells grow fast

with love,

Gathe,Rofida,Salma kiwan <mkiwan@hotmail.com>
fairfax, va USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:39 PM CDT
you do not know me but i am a new student at eliman i have heard about you and seen your photo on your website i am 9 and i am in 4th grade and i have known that some of my friends know you i howp that you get past what you are going throw. and i will try to send you more in your website. asalam o amykom ayman.
seif abdelkhalek
falls church, v.a. usa. - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 3:33 PM CDT
Salamun Alaikum Ayman,
We miss you a lot, how are you doing? We hope your stem cells grow soon. We saw your pictures, the stem cells look like blood! You look Good, we noticed your hair grew in the pictures. Get well soon. We pray for you and love you.

P.S. Your Yu-Gi-Oh certificate and t-shirt is really cool!

Hamza and Rayaan <Idonthaveone@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 2:40 PM CDT

Salam Aymooni:
It's your father here!!
You know what Ayman,you are the bravest young man I have ever met in my life.You braver than Tarazan and even braver than me,myself!!Can you believe that?

I missed you more than ever although I was beside you yesterday.

Aymooni,You look so strong in the pictures,please keep it up...remeber when we were palying with the airplane and it did not work first and we kept trying,trying and trying and eventually I gave up...it is not going to work...I said,but you kept trying while I was watching you till you managed to fly it and you told me...((Baba never give up ))!!

so Ayman never give up and remeber Allah is with you and his angels all around you,we all praying for you all over the world and round the days and nights .

Oh by the way John Fox is here in my office and brought some gifts for you.

Rudy Juburi <raljuburi@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 21, 2004 1:46 PM CDT
DEAR KNUCKLE HEAD.i just heard you got a web site, what a lucky dog you are. Speaking of dogs, I just read a message someone called ruff ruff sent you. Is that a dog or a zebra. I have a question. What came first, the chicken or the egg? If you know the answer please tell me because I don't know the answer. Take care of yourself, my prayers are with you so we can go bowling together soon. We might even take Lu Jane with us i she is good. Your friend, John
JOHN FOX <raljuburi@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, April 21, 2004 1:36 PM CDT
Salaaam Aymoonti!! I'm very happy to hear from you, I'm really glad you're doing OK and excited about your first day (day 0). I hope it goes well and I know you are a very strong boy! I really, really, really miss you and so does Lujane - she asks about you EVERYDAY, especially before I tuck her into bed..she says "I don't want to sleep here, I want to sleep near Ayman NOW NOW NOW." lol...She's counting the days and I just know she's gonna have a BIG smile on her face when she comes to see you on Saturday. You're always in my prayers Ayman...love you. Take care kiddo.
Khala Noor <ucanfindnoor@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 12:14 AM CDT
Selam Ammo .. this is uncle shiekh Nasir .. I hope you are doing well or going to be anyways .. I pray for your fast cure ,, miss you ... remember when you laugh when me and you say .. chicken pocks .. hope to see you soon..
Shiekh Nasir <nasirmoha@hotmail.com>
toronto, - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 12:02 AM CDT
Salaam Aymunti,
Toopi misses u so much, but she is lucky enough to see you soon. We cant wait. I'll make sure I pass this on to Hamza & have him write you messages as much as possible.. We all love you sooooooo much & can't wait to see you . Be brave, I know you are , and I know that inshallah this will be a great summer. We're counting teh days ..lotsa love always

Khala Neda, amo Nofel & the gang :)

Neda Baksh <nedas3@hotmail.com>
Toronto, on Canada - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 11:23 AM CDT
Dearest Ayman, Chris and I think of you and your family daily. This website is way cool; they should have dogs on it instead of turtles, or at least that's what Sam thinks! :) It was so great being able to spend some time with you and your folks. We know God is watching over you and that you will soon be home with us. The 100 days will go quickly, you'll see. We'll all be here waiting to welcome you home. We plan to stop in and see you the weekend of 27 May-31 May. God bless and keep you in his hands. We love you, Connie and Chris,and Sam, Dorothy, Molly and Evil Zac
Connie Allen <credsallen@cox.net>
Alexandria, V USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:01 AM CDT
Ruff, ruff, ruff, It's me, Ayman, Sam! :) I sure do miss you. I look over the fence everyday for you and can't wait for you to come home and throw a ball for me. the other dogs miss you, too. They are jealous because I am your most favorite dog in the world. How is Sam Junior? I hope he can keep you company while you are away. Mom gave me a bone and said it was from you. Thanks!!!
I'll see you soon and will check up on you from time to time. Know that I miss you so much..and love you more. Sam

Connie Allen <credsallen@cox.net>
Alexandria, VA USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:56 AM CDT
This is Jiddo, i am very happy for your progress inshaallah you will get well very soon indeed.
I was in samarraa yesterday and said a lot of DUAA for you neer imam hadi , Askari & Al mahdi

Jiddo <ahmedmo7@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:30 AM CDT
Assalamu Alaikum Ayman,
It is so great to hear/read about you. I love your website. Thanks for filling us in on what has been happening. And thank you for Jennah's birthday wish. Insha'Allah you will tell her soon yourself. WE MISS YOU VERY MUCH. I don't think that there has been one night where Thuraya and Iman have not included you ,and the rest of the family, in their bedtime prayers. In any case by the grace and mercy of Allah, we wish you a wonderful day "0" tomorrow. And Insha'Allah we will celebrate with you until day "999999922226%%%@##@!!@@##$$J87689^^32!!" Since you don't know that much college level advanced molecular mathematics, let me tell you that is what in scientific language we call "A Lot" of days!!

Talk to you soon,
With love,
Arash|Nicole|Thuraya|Iman|Jennah :)

- Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:20 PM CDT
In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

I wish you and your family all the Peace and Blessings of Allah during this holy time. May Allah and His angels be with you every step of the way and guide the all doctors and nurses who are sent to care for you!

Alhamdulillah, it was so good to see you and have you over our house before you left. We really enjoyed the evening. Sr. Raghdah and the family have come back from Syria for a visit. They were sorry they missed you, but insha'Allah they will see you when you get back.

We are all praying for you to get well soon. Make sure your do all your homework!

Your website is great!

Sister Mary
El-Iman Learning Center, VA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:09 PM CDT
Salam, Ayman. Farah and I hope the days will go by quickly. Hang in there. We know if anybody can, you can. We're praying for you everyday. By the way, we are glad Lujane is coming this week and we hope you enjoy her company. We look forward to read your journal everyday. Hope to see you soon, insha'Allah.
Abdallah and Farah Noureddine <anouredd@ureach.com>
Burke, VA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:36 PM CDT
salam I realy miss you ayman I hope you will be alright. I feel realy bad for you YOU HAVE TO STAY IN BED ALLDAY!!!!!!! That must be horrible. I hope you are having a good time may allah be with you.
omran musa el-khatib <abuomranjr@aol.com>
springfield, va u.s.a - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:27 PM CDT
We are counting down the 100 days with you. We are trying to hold down the place and look forward to seeing you real soon....so feel great and do what they tell you.
Hugs and lots of prayers!

Penny, Mike and Brendon Cummiskey <mrsjmcdds@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6:52 PM CDT
We all miss you and I can't wait to see you again. I played UNO with Margy and Allie at the office, but I would like to beat you again. We will keep sending you cards, they are fun to make. I love you and miss you. You are in all of our prayers to feel better real fast.

Ashleigh Cummiskey <Ash22April@aol.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6:48 PM CDT

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