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Wyatt and Family-

Thank you for sending me a Halloween Card and stickers. It made me smile. I hope you have a Happy Halloween.


Carly J, /\i/\Samuel J's sister

Pittsburgh, PA - Saturday, October 30, 2004 8:53 AM CDT
Hoping that this finds you doing well.
We'll be keeping you in our thoughts & prayers.

Angel Chris {Gooch's mom} and all your friends at ~ Smile Quilts ~

- Friday, October 29, 2004 6:57 PM CDT
Happy Halloween Rech family! We hope that this finds everyone ready for a fun filled weekend! Can't wait to see pictures of you guys all dressed up for the trick-or-treating fun:)

Big Hugs
Patti & Haley

Patti <www.haleym10@alltel.net>
Panama, Ne - Friday, October 29, 2004 2:09 PM CDT
Wishing you and your family a happy halloween. And thanks for sharing your page to wish Isabelle good thoughts on her surgery. It helped a lot!!

Christy and Isabelle Weyer and Family

Christy and Isabelle
Rice, MN USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 5:47 PM CDT
Love the picture of Wyatt!! I hope he has a wonderful Halloween!! Lots and lots of candy!!! Thanks for the update...always enjoy them! Have a good week!!
Mari & Scott <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Monday, October 25, 2004 10:05 PM CDT
Hi Kris!!
I just came by to check on you. Any time I start to feel sorry for myself, I just think of all that you have to manage...not just the kids, but a DOG too!! Seriously, I hope your dog is okay. In the midsts of crises, animals have a way of being a real stable force.

I hope you were able to enjoy your MEA time with your kids. I hope our paths cross again soon. We'll be doing PT at Children's on Monday's at 10am, for whatever it's worth. :o)

Lori Noah's Page <clowns@myhometown.net>
n st paul, mn - Sunday, October 24, 2004 10:36 PM CDT

~*~ Wyatt ~*~
Hey there guy! wanted to stop by this
morning and see how things were going.
Boy it sure does sound like you have
been keeping pretty busy lately.. I
wish we could have gone to the Mall
of America, but who knows maybe we will
get Dillion's Wish Trip to there, and
maybe we would be able to meet you..
That would be pretty cool!!

Well I hope that you guys are enjoying
the Fall weather, and getting ready for
Halloween. Have you decided yet what you
are going to be.. My kiddos are going to
be Captian America, Cinderella, and Captain
Feather Sword from the Wiggles.. I bet that
whatever you pick will be totally cool.. and
I know that you will have tons of fun getting
treats.. Well I hope that you have a great
weekend. We are thinking of you and sending
lots of love and hugs your way..

Boogie's News and Updates Page

Kimbra and Dillion (Boogie) Craig <okbabygirl20@yahoo.com>
Muskogee, OK - Friday, October 22, 2004 12:20 AM CDT
Thinking of you guys and wishing that I could go to the Mall of America. I've heard that place is cool!

Happy Halloween!



Tuli’s Page <jankin74@hotmail.com>
SLC, UT USA - Friday, October 22, 2004 10:33 AM CDT
Stopping by to wish you a wonderful weekend.
Sending lots of prayer's your way.++++++++++++++++++++
Love LaKota and Debbie.
~*~ LaKota~*~

http://www.caringbridge.org/mn/laplafcan <LaKotaDeb@hotmail.com>
St.Cloud, MN - Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:48 PM CDT
where is that great pumpkin? We will be watching for him here and Bleiz and Zeah would like it if you could send him over after you're done with him. Hope the hunting trip went well and you(Kris) found some time for yourself...Our trip was nice..it got windy but was still warm...If I can figure out my computer I will try to send you pictures. Take care and know that your in our thoughts and prayers. JOE
Joe Rech family <azrech@aol.com>
prescott, az usa - Thursday, October 21, 2004 4:36 PM CDT
Hi - cute picture of the kids! Looks like we missed you at the Mall of America by a day. Al and I took Abe to Camp Snoopy on Sunday - they had a great time on the rides (wimpy mom gets dizzy on the merry-go-round!)

Speaking of keeping kids out of mischief, let me know if you have any useful tips! I've got Trouble #1 and #2 - some people call them Abe and Ben :o) They can be very sneaky.

Hope you all have a great long weekend.


Kelly Fagerstrom <kellyfagerstrom@hotmail.com>
Bemidji, MN - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:37 PM CDT

Hello Everyone,

Glad you are feeling good. You take it easy on that bike so you don't have to add broken bones to your problems. I am sorry you had the nightmare appointments. I wish we all lived closer so we could tag team them on apts. I pray your repeat test turn out with out any bad things. Sorry I have not been by lately, things have been a little chaotic this last month. I heard this saying the other day and thought it applied to our CB world.

Caring bridge families are like stars in the sky.
Even though you can’t always see them;
you know they are always there.

Just wanted to stop by and let you know we are still thinking of you often!
Lots of CB ((((Hugs)))) and ++++Prayers++++ to you and your family!

Sierra’s Mommy *Missy Sierra*
God Speed!

The Johnsons; Larry, Serena, Zachary, Jacob and Sierra

Sherburn, MN stotzke@chartermi.net

. <i@lol.com>
- Tuesday, October 19, 2004 6:27 PM CDT
Wyatt, You sure look like you were having fun at the Mall. I have always wanted to see that Mall. I am happy that you are feeling good and keeping your mom busy. I hope you have a great week!
I am praying for you and your family daily.
God's Blessings to you all,

Rhea Smith
Topeka, KS USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 4:32 PM CDT
Hey guys! It has been a long time since i have written! I am glad you guys are all doing well and that Wyatt has been feeling good. I hope to see you all very soon! I love you guys!!
Jaqueline Green <Shitbrick_18@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, October 19, 2004 1:41 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and all,
This is uncle joe checking in...You all have been in our thoughts lately and I'm glad that all of Wyatts tests turned out okay. Enjoy the fall colors...not much change here. We are going to Mexico on Sunday so you still have time to come down and join us on the beach!!! Take care and we will check in later...Bye for now!

Joe Rech family <azrech@aol.com>
prescott, az usa - Thursday, October 14, 2004 5:09 PM CDT
HIP...HIP....HOORAY!!!! We are soooooo Happy to read that the scans looked good!!!! We LOVE the picture at the pumpkin patch, what a cutie pie you are Wyatt!!! I'm glad that Mom can relax a little now...& I agree with leaving the port in, we will do the same when we get to that point.

We are sending Happy thoughts to each of you...hope that you have a Wonderful weekend!!!

Lots of Love
Patti & Haley

Patti <www.haleym10@alltel.net>
Panama, Ne - Thursday, October 14, 2004 1:16 PM CDT
Hi Kris and Wyatt.
Praying for clear scans today! We've been thinking about you and hope the day went well.
Take care,

Autumn's Page <zickrick@hotmail.com>
St. Charles, MN USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 1:09 PM CDT
Hi Rech Family!! Just checking in on the latest news. Sorry to here about the mess with them cancelling his appointment, Kris I know you were really calm and didn't let anyone have it! COUGH COUGH!!! I hope you gave it to them with double barrels! You ever wonder that if it was their child, they would do it the right way, like how you are TRYING to do it. Instead they put you through more hassles!! I do hope everything is ok with Wyatt! That his scans come back clear also. Happy hunting to the men, good luck Ally with your tournment! Kris keep being the powerful woman that you are!!!!!!!!!
Mari & Scott <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 10:03 PM CDT
Oooo... sounds like you had quite a bit of a mess there. Glad thats over and done with. I'll be praying that the scans will come out good. Take care!
~Joanne's Page~
Care Mail!

Joanne <joanne_173@hotmail.com>
- Monday, October 11, 2004 11:22 PM CDT
Well, just reading about the AFP fiasco is enough to make me fatigued. I don't know how you do it. I guess just one day at a time like all of us.

Hoping and praying that the AFP increase is nothing and that the scans come up clear!!


Janelle <jankin74@hotmail.com>
SLC, UT USA - Monday, October 11, 2004 6:07 PM CDT

Wyatt & Family,
Hello guys.. My goodness I am sorry that it always takes me so long to get around and visit, but we are so busy.. It sure does sound like you guys can totally understand.. I am glad to hear that everything is going ok right now, and look forward to seeing an update tomorrow.. I will say a prayer that all goes well with your appointment..

So Wyatt ~ Halloween is coming up pretty soon, have you decided yet what you are going to be?? My kiddos around here are still trying to decided.. I think Karen is going to be a princess, Jake spiderman, and Boogie a pumpkin.. I am sure that whatever you pick though will be totally cool.
Kris ~ Whenever you are ready to get started just give the word..
well I hope that you all have a totally awesome day tomorrow and a really great week. we will try to do better about getting around to visit more often, I PROMISE.. Thinking of you, and sending lots of love, and hugs from the way too rainy and way too cold state of Oklahoma..

Boogie's Place
Boogie's News and Updates

Kimbra and Dillion (Boogie) Craig <okbabygirl20@yahoo.com>
Muskogee, Ok - Sunday, October 10, 2004 11:27 PM CDT
Busy Busy Busy! :) Hope you are
having a wonderful & restful weekend.

I am praying for all of you,

Cheryl <pray_4kids@yahoo.com>
Georgia - Saturday, October 9, 2004 6:26 PM CDT
Wow ~ football, volleyball, end of chemo parties, b-day parties, sounds like you have an exciting household! Most days, I'm feeling pretty good if we're all dressed and our teeth are brushed :o) Hope Wyatt's appt's went well this week. Have a great weekend!


Kelly Fagerstrom <kellyfagerstrom@hotmail.com>
Bemidji, MN - Friday, October 8, 2004 10:29 AM CDT
Hey Wyatt you are a cutie. Your history resembles my Andrew's with a much happier ending. We noticed his leg length difference at 11 months. We began ultrasounding for Wilms and evaluating for BW. They concluded he did not have BW and that he had just hemihypertrophy. After 3month ultrasounds we were told that he could go to 6 month ultrasounds at 2 years old (very bad advice). At his 8th month (following a move and the changing of pediatricians) scan he had Wilms in one kidney and both lungs. The prognosis was still good but nothing phased the cancer. 13 months after diagnosis, Andrew left our world. We miss his constantly but have learned to continue on without him. I wish we had not been told to move to 6 month ultrasounds. The oncologist said it just grows so fast that 6 months is long enough to take over.

sorry to be a downer. I am happy that everything is going well for you and that Wyatt did well with chemo. I remember that "I don't need a nap stage". Ugh there were days I went somewhere just to make him fall asleep in the car. At least it worked for both my boys!! You know you are too old to have young kids when they stay awake and you fall asleep on the drive!!!!! Come visit Andrew's site.

Valerie Price <valerie_price@hotmail.com www.caringbridge.com/tx/aprice>
- Wednesday, October 6, 2004 8:27 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt! You make me tired just reading how busy you are. heehee! Good luck on your upcoming tests. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Tell your brother HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Lots of hugs, Angelique Parker and girls


angelique parker <pfloyd326@yahoo.com>
ohio - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 9:18 PM CDT
Hope the scans go well. Glad to hear all of the kids are doing great things!



Tuli’s Mom <jankin74@hotmail.com>
SLC, UT USA - Monday, October 4, 2004 10:07 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt and all,
This is uncle Joe checking in on you again. I have been checking in but the computer that I have should have been thrown out in the eighties...I am sorry to hear that Elvis has gone on to the angels...they need dogs to play with too. Things here have not changed...but we did get some rain! We could always use some more...I wish I was there to join the boys blasting the ducks...good luck and I hope you have fun in Dakota. We are going down to Mexico Oct. 17-20 so if your bored why don't you all come down to join us...Wishing you all the best and your all in our thoughts and prayers. Joe,Nikki,Bleiz and Zeah.

Joe Rech <azrech@aol.com>
prescott, az usa - Thursday, September 30, 2004 6:11 PM CDT
Hello Wyatt and Family,

Sorry to hear about Elvis, we love the beautiful photo you have on the homepage with him and the kids. Wow, you guys sure are busy, but its wonderful to hear you having fun and just enjoying normalcy for a change. Congrats to all your awesome kids in their adventures! Stay strong and healthy Wyatt, Praying for you always and send you all LotsaHugs~

*Katey's Site*

Grace and Katey <olsens5@execpc.com>
Waukesha, WI - Thursday, September 30, 2004 9:34 AM CDT
Hi Rech Family!! I have just updated my self on your past journals...it's been awhile since I have had time to be on the computer!! I am so truly sorry about Elvis...Kris I know how you feel, we had to put our yellow lab Brandy down a few years ago. A decision I don't ever want to make in my life again, it hurts too much!!! But, you have to remember you did the right thing!! Good news about staying away from Club Med...good to read your friend Diane FINALLY wrote in the guestbook :>) LOVE to hear ALL the running around, you still amaze me with how many children you have and all the things they are involved in and how in the world you can keep them straight!!!!! The activites...not the children! A great job Ali!!!!!!!!! I understand the need to escape Smackdown!!! Carrie helped Brock at Kwik Trip on the last day of football training, told him that her father loves him. Beth helped Brock and Sable (with a HUGE rock on her finger) at Cabelas last week. Both were so excited. Good to hear Wyatt is doing well! And why can't they make bleachers more comfortable?? Hello to all in the family! Have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!
Mari & Scott <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 9:15 AM CDT
Hi there Rech family long time no sign. I visit oftem but have been so busy. Sorry about Elvis. What a great picture of them all.
Nikkis grandma <cmontan@earthlink.net>
Northfield, Mn - Thursday, September 30, 2004 6:18 AM CDT

my name is anna mcnamara and i love you wed page and i have my own wed page. i have r.s.d and i maed my page because of the rsd from my faily and friend and pepol to go on it
it is
i love doing the updane on it and i do it on mondays or tuesdays and somthtime on wednesdays and i love raeding you updenat and i wish you can go on it. and i hope you can be all haely for live. and i am preat for you 24/7 and and and i do not now if you now the the baend jump5 it is a christan one and i love this sign it call god bless the usa
and here it go
If tomorrow all the things were gone

I hoped for all my life.

And I had to start again

just my family by my side.

I thank my God above

to be living here today.

Cause the flags still stands for freedom

and they can't take that away (e).


I'm proud to be an American

where at least I know I am free.

And I won't forget the man who died

and gave that right to me.

And I'll gladly stand up next to you

and defend ourselves today.

Cause there ain't no doubt of this land [lamb ?]

God Bless The USA

From the lakes of Minnesota

to the hills of Tennessee.

Across the planes of Texas

from sea to shinning sea (e).

From detroit down to Houston

and New York to LA

It's part of every American heart

It's time to stand and say (e).

i love have it go.
may god bless you and you faily


anna mcnamara <amcnamara@entermail.net>
allentown, pa usa - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 8:19 AM CDT
I'm so sorry about your beautiful dog. I have a yellow lab too, and I know how hard it is to put an animal down. Recently, my neighbor's dog, Cinder, was put to sleep, and it hit me pretty hard. Elvis seemed like a wonderful friend
Lauren <AbbaRabbit@Yahoo.com>
http://www2.caringbridge.com/ct/laurenmoynihan, - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 7:33 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt! I am going to send you a little package in the mail. I hope you like what is inside.

To your mom: I am SO sorry to read about Elvis. I have a friend who is the head of the auxiliary at Barnes/Jewish Hospital. I hope the hospital treated you well!

Love and prayers from St. Louis, MO

Mrs. Pam
- Monday, September 27, 2004 6:10 PM CDT
Hello Rech Family,
Linnea has been asking when we can go see Wyatt, I have been thinking about all of you. Ulrik has been RUNNING the household for the last week. Hopefully we can see you soon. We miss you and are glad to see you doing so well. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers
Libby,Thomas, Linnea and Ulrik

Libby Schmit <tlschmit@means.net>
Veseli, MN USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 9:07 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt! Thanks for signing our guestbook. Have fun at the football game and parade. I hope you get some candy. Oh man, I'm sorry about Elvis. Many thoughts,prayers, and hugs to all, Angelique and girls


angelique parker <pfloyd326@yahoo.com>
ohio - Sunday, September 26, 2004 6:05 PM CDT
hi kris and wyatt. you are such a cute little guy!! thanks for visiting ashlees page. we will keep you in our prayers!


Kristy and family <kakakelly@netzero.net>
queensbury, ny - Saturday, September 25, 2004 8:07 PM CDT

Sounds like you guys are very busy, but having lots of good times. That's wonderful! Have a good weekend.


tuli's page <jankin74@hotmail.com>
SLC, UT USA - Friday, September 24, 2004 3:46 PM CDT
Ahhh... "bleacher butt"...
That's what that soft pliable substance is on my backside!! I was about to call my doctor!
I am sorry to hear about your dog. I know that's a toughie.
I sure like reading your site, and how you make everything sound so exciting, even when, I figure it is terribly challenging! I need to take lessons from you!! :o)

Lori Noah's Page <clowns@Myhometown.net>
N St Paul, mn - Thursday, September 23, 2004 10:57 PM CDT
Sorry to hear about Elvis.:(
Hope things are going well. Thinking of you guys all the time.

Mindy Blaschko <Minders78@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, September 23, 2004 1:02 PM CDT

You have been bugging me forever not to just view the page but to sign the guestbook so dont fall over in your chair from shock that I am signing it.

You have been my best friend for 20 or so years. You have been there for me and I hope even during all this when I didn't see you in person and just talked over the phone that I have been a form of support for you as well. Jimmy the rest of the kids, family and friends have all pulled together to endure this life chapter.

I am happy to say that everytime I see Wyatt he looks better and better. He is such a little chatterbox :). I forget sometimes if I called to talk to Kris or to Wyatt cause he just takes over the phone.

If there is anything more I can do to help you know all you have to do is ask and I will do my best.

P.S. Sorry to hear about Elvis! I know he was a big part of the family. That is a lot coming from me and my feelings for dogs.

I love all of you (Jimmy, Kris, Justin, Bryce, Ally, Carter and Wyatt)


Diane Smisek <dsmisek@mn.rr.com>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 12:02 AM CDT
Hi there. Just checking in on the Rech family from Duluth. Sorry to hear about Elvis. Your journal entry brought tears to my eyes. I hope Wyatt's rash will get better soon. Take care and I will talk to you soon.
Susie Dahn <Sluzy009@aol.com>
Shakopee, MN - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:33 AM CDT
I am so sorry about your dog. Pets do become a part of the family. I understand your sadness. We had to put our cat to sleep after 14 years. She was my baby when I lived on my on for the first time. She slept with me. When I was pregnant with all 3 of my children she would always lay near my tummy. She always sat near the babies wherever they were, and if one of them cried she came to me with a Meow. When the kids got older they pulled her around in the wagon and put dress up clothes on her. She was absolutely the sweetest cat. When we had to put her to sleep it was so hard saying goodbye. I cried for days! Hang in there!!!
K Little <kymlittle@comcast.net>
mobile, al - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 5:58 PM CDT
Kris, I'm so sorry to read of your latest journal entry about Elvis. I know how very hard this must have been, we went through the same thing with our sweet Choc lab named Ellie one week before Haley was diagnosed last year and she was just like Elvis a big part of our family. We now have gotten Daisy to fill a void in our family & she is having so much fun with the girls.

The picture of the kids with Elvis is GREAT-what a Super bunch of kids:) They put a smile on my face today!!!

Glad that Wyatt is feeling good & everyone is keeping busy.

Lots of Love to each of you
Patti & Haley

Patti <www.haleym10@alltel.net>
Panama, Ne - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 12:07 AM CDT
I'm sorry that you had a rought week. Losing such a loved pet is very hard. Hope you stay out of club med and have a good week.


tuli's page <jankin74@hotmail.com>
SLC, Ut USA - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 2:51 AM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog, it is so hard to lose a pet! I hope you take time to slow down and take a break during this busy week and relax! Everybody needs some me time! Hope to see you soon and take care!
Jaqueline Green <shitbrick_18@hotmail.com>
- Monday, September 20, 2004 7:24 PM CDT
Sounds like you've had a rough week, we're so sorry to hear about your dog. Hope Wyatt is doing well and that this week brings better days for your family :o)


Kelly Fagerstrom <kellyfagerstrom@hotmail.com>
Bemidji, MN - Monday, September 20, 2004 4:43 PM CDT
Sorry to hear about Elvis! He was such a good dog. What's Jim going to do for hunting? You guys take it easy, and I will talk to you soon. Jan
jan thompson <www.janthompson@clarkmhc.com>
bloomington, mn hennepin - Monday, September 20, 2004 2:26 PM CDT
oh, sorry to hear about Elvis. We have two dogs and I don't know what we would do without them. What a great pet he was for the whole family though. I hope wyats rash and/or platelet issue settles down for him. We are fighting the dreaded hand, foot, and mouth disease in our neck of the woods...yuck. anyways, Take care and keep rechargin Wyatt! Its good to see that
Autumn's page <zickrick@hotmail.com>
St. Charles, MN USA - Monday, September 20, 2004 10:04 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt and Family.
I love the picture with Elvis. I feel very sad for you all for the loss of him. That is a very rough time. You all have so much your dealing with now I am sure it makes the loss even worse. My thoughts are with you and your family. You keep smiling Wyatt, you sure are a cutie. And you bring smiles to everyone looking at you.

Sheryl Johnston <johnston_sheryl@mail.dublin.k12.oh.us>
Johnstown, Oh usa - Monday, September 20, 2004 9:36 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt and family, I hope that you all are doing well and Thank you Kris for your support.
Carie Williams <jceldun@yahoo.com>
Elizabethtown, Illinois United States - Friday, September 17, 2004 9:09 PM CDT
Hi Everyone

It has been almost a month since I did rounds, I am so sorry!! Sierra has started DI treatment phase #2 and we have been pretty scatter brained again. Just when you think you are pulling it together. =o) I still think of you all often and all my Caring Bridge friends are in my every prayer. I love the new picture with Noah!! That is great! I am so glad you are feeling well right now. I hope it is long lasting!! I wish you all a wonderful warm and sunny weekend!!

Lots of CB ((((Hugs)))) and ++++Prayers++++ to you and your family!

Sierra’s Mommy *missy sierra*

God Speed!

The Johnsons; Larry, Serena, Zachary, Jacob and Sierra

Sherburn, MN stotzke@chartermi.net

. <lol@lol.com>
- Friday, September 17, 2004 1:56 PM CDT

Thanks so much for mentioning Tuli in your journal entry. It is so nice to have a wonderful support and good friends!

I think you're right about the pain being associated to the vincristine. I don't know it you have ever linked on to Devin's site from Tuli's page, but he has had vincristine as well, and has excruciating pain in his back. They are not sure if it's related to vincristine as well, but listening to your situation it sounds a like too much of a coincidence. I don't know.

Anyway, hope all is well today!!


Tuli's Page <jankin74@hotmail.com>
SLC, UT USA - Thursday, September 16, 2004 9:46 AM CDT
You are all in my prayers and thoughts. God bless all of you, may He give what your heart desires and more. I pray for a speedy recovery. Painless future, happy and bright, just like the awesome little guy you are. Your smile tickles my tummy, because if I see it, I smile too. Lots of hugs and kisses and well wishes.
Rina Noël
South Africa - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 3:14 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt and Rechs,
This is uncle Joe checking in on the little guy...sorry to hear that he's in pain, Praying that the Dr.s figure out what's up. I like the new picture and so does Zeah. I think she thinks she is some kind of celeb seeing her picture on the computer. Take care, your in our thoughts and prayers. Love Joe,Nikki,Bleiz,& Zeah.

Joe Rech Family <azrech@aol.com>
prescott, az usa - Monday, September 13, 2004 1:04 PM CDT
Stopping in to say hello
and to say a prayer for your
sweet family. :)

Everytime I see a pic of Wyatt --
he puts a huge smile on my face!
What a beautiful, sweet face he has. :)

Much Love & Many prayers from Georgia,

Cheryl <pray_4kids@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, September 12, 2004 11:13 PM CDT
Thinking of you...
Tara Herlocher and Drew, BWS <tarany@usa.net>
New York, NY USA - Sunday, September 12, 2004 8:59 PM CDT
Just calling in to say;

Love Viks

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Sunday, September 12, 2004 5:00 PM CDT
Found your son's site through Tumbleweed. What a little cutie pie!!! Please know that you're all in my thoughts and prayers.

Terry Snyder (Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw") http://www.caringbridge.org/fl/jalen <vix207@aol.com>
Royal Palm Beach, FL - Friday, September 10, 2004 6:17 PM CDT
Thanks for stopping by Tuli's guestbook and making me feel a little better about the pox. Tuli did have shingles a few weeks ago, and I think that is where my 2 year old got them. The hospital knows about her pox and Tuli was on acyclovir a few weeks ago for his shingles. They also put my two year old on acyclovir. So all is good with that. It's just annoying.

Hope that this is a GREAT day for all of you!


Janelle <jankin74@hotmail.com>
SLC, UT USA - Friday, September 10, 2004 10:31 AM CDT

Sorry to hear about the pain Wyatt is feeling in his mouth. We hope that the doctors can find out quickly what is causing this. Sending our thoughts to your whole family and especially the brave & beautiful Wyatt.

Lisa, Mark, Benjamin, Samuel & Madeleine (Australia)

Lisa Ainsworth <ainsworth-rice@bigpond.com>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Friday, September 10, 2004 7:02 AM CDT
Hey big guy. You are one beautiful and awesome guy. You are a very lucky guy to have so many people loving and praying for you. Stay brave and we will continue to pray for you and your family (which is beautiful by the way).

sending you many hugs and kisses your way.

Brian, Ann, Zackary, Brianna (BWS) and Makayla

Ann <dolphine_luv03@yahoo.com>
Fond du Lac , Wi USA - Friday, September 10, 2004 2:30 AM CDT
Hi Kris,

Thanks for stopping by and signing Ella's guestbook. Wyatt is a cute little boy and you have a beautiful family. It sounds like he's doing well. I hope you find out why his mouth hurts. Trying to find the source of pain with a little one is like being a detective, isn't it?

Tina Jacks, Ella Barna's mom www.caringbridge.org/tx/ella <tjacks@austin.rr.com>
austin, tx usa - Thursday, September 9, 2004 9:35 PM CDT
Came across your website through links of a patient I know at St Jude's. Thoughts and prayers are with you. What a beautiful family!
Stephanie Dent <dent@tranquility.net>
Columbia, Mo U.S. - Thursday, September 9, 2004 3:45 PM CDT
Hi Guys, I'm not sure if we have entered in here since Haley recvd her package of goodies, but just in case we hadn't.......THANK YOU!!!!! She loved it & of course is like any other kid, loves to receive mail:)

We Love the new picture out there, how cute are those little & Big guys(grandpa)?! Lots of fun to see that!!!

We will continue to pray that the Doctors can get something taken care of with the pain in Wyatt's jaw/mouth. I'm like you, this can't be over looked.

Lots of Hugs to all
Patti & Haley

Patti <www.haleym10@alltel.net>
Patti, ne - Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:41 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt and family.... coming by to let you know we are thinking of and praying for you. Thank you for stopping in on Mickenzies' site. You are just one cool kid. Sending lots a big hugs


Linda grandma, and Michaela mom to Mickenzie <gaaden43@yahoo.com>
League City, TX USA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 11:17 PM CDT
Hi there Wyatt & family! Just wanted to drop by and see how you guys were doing. Thank you very much for continuing to check on us through Masons site. It means so much to us to know that ppl still have him in their thoughts. Give big hugs to wyatt from my family.
Christie, mom to Sonia & Angel Mason <christie95992001@yahoo.com>
KY - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 4:55 PM CDT
Hi - just checking in. Hope you find the source of Wyatt's mouth pain. Abe has been complaining of the same thing this week and we don't see any sores in his mouth either. Hope you get some answers at the clinic. Thanks for the tips on avoiding tape anxiety!! We're going to try the press and seal at our next clinic visit. You're in our thoughts.


The Fagerstrom's <kellyfagerstrom@hotmail.com>
Bemidji, MN - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 4:10 PM CDT
I am praying for you Wyatt! I am
also praying for your doctors to
be able to find what is causing your
mouth pain. You are such an Adorable
little boy! :) I hope you have a day
full of God's blessings!

Much Love & Many prayers,

Cheryl H. <pray_4kids@yahoo.com>
Georgia - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 8:51 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt,
Sorry to hear that you've been having pain in your mouth. I hope that you are able to find what's causing the pain, and find a remedy for it also.
Tuli gets sores in his mouth, a reaction to the chemo, and they are definitely the pits.
We here, are very fortunate to have some great resources at our fingers. We have Primary Children's Hospital, and the Huntsman Cancer Institute & Hospital. But as fortunate as we are, more can always be done to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer.
Anyhow, hope you get to feeling better Wyatt!

Ben, Tuli's dad. <jankin74@hotmail.com>
Salt Lake City, Utah USA - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:44 PM CDT
~*~ Wyatt ~*~
Hey There little buddy.. I hope that you had a really great holiday weekend.. We were thinking about you this morning and wanted to come by for a visit.. I am really sorry to hear that your mouth has been giving you so many problems and I hope that today the doctor's are able to find out what is causing it, and that you will be pain free.. Well little buddy I need to run, but know that you are in our thoughts today, and we are saying lots of prayers for you.. I hope that you have a great day, and a wonderful week.
Love Your Friends,

Kimbra and Dillion (Boogie) Craig <okbabygirl20@yahoo.com>
Muskogee, Ok - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 9:48 AM CDT
Found you on the Tumbleweed page and just wishing you a great week.

Julie Remington <Youthful64@aol.com>
Broken Arrow, OK USA - Monday, September 6, 2004 11:56 PM CDT
Saying a prayer fpr Wyatt.

Claire Crenshaw <ccrenshaw@bufordcityschools.org>
Dacula, GA USA - Monday, September 6, 2004 7:09 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt! I found you on Tumbleweed. I am a Preschool teacher and this year my class has a new project: Preschool Pen Pals. So, we will be sending you a card or picture later this month.
You and your sister and cousin are soooo cute!
love and prayers from Missouri

Mrs Pam
St. Louis, - Monday, September 6, 2004 10:16 AM CDT

PAT NEWTON <pnewt4@aol.com>
NEDERLAND, TX - Sunday, September 5, 2004 6:45 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt!
I found you through The Tumbleweed Foundation. I will be checking on you and praying for you and your family!
Lots of hugs and love!

Kim Pigue <kce1613@aol.com>
Madison, TN - Sunday, September 5, 2004 11:07 AM CDT
Hiya Wyatt! What a cute lil guy you are! My name is Shannon and I help out with the Tumbleweed Foundation. I'm happy to have found your website, because that face of yours gives me the "happies!" ((BIG HUGS!))

Tumbleweed Foundation
PA USA - Friday, September 3, 2004 6:43 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and all you Rechs,
We miss you all. Zeah would like to say Hi Ali! We have a new web address it's azrech@hotmail ... maybe you could send us some pictures and we will talk to you soon. Hope that all is well and you have some free time now that all ther kids are in school....well except for all the after school activities. Take care and we'll talk soon. THE RECHS

Joe Rech family <azrech@hotmail.com>
prescott, az usa - Thursday, September 2, 2004 7:47 PM CDT
~*~*~ Kris, Wyatt, and Family ~*~*~
Hello Everyone, and how are you today?? My it has been a long long time since I have been by to visit, and I am so sorry about that, but as you know Dillion has been pretty sick, and things around here have been pretty chaotic for awhile.. Hopefully now that we are home things will start slowing down though and we will hopefully be able to visit a lot more often.. I am so happy to hear that Wyatt has been feeling well and having fun running around and playing, that is such great news.. I am also happy to hear that his counts looked good.. Sorry to hear about the mouth and throat pain though and hope that you can get it taken care of soon, and that Wyatt is pain free.. I can't wait to see the new revamped page.. I know that it will look great..
Kris ~ I am sorry it has taken me so long, but I wanted to say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU!! The pick me up pakcage that you sent to the kids was just great, and they loved everything.. The stickers, bubbles, and T-shirts are wonderful.. You did a really great job, and sure did bring some big smiles to their faces!! Thank you so much!! We got the package on Tuesday (the day we were released from the hospital) so it was prefect timing to..
Well, I need to run but please know that you guys are always in our thoughts even if we aren't able to come by and visit as often as we would like.. Hope that you have a great weekend
Dillion's Caring Bridge Page
www.ourboogieman.com ~ Dillion's Website

Your Friends,

Kimbra and Dillion (Boogie) Craig <okbabygirl20@yahoo.com>
Muskogee, Ok - Thursday, September 2, 2004 11:47 AM CDT
Kris, Wyatt and family,
We loved the picture of Wyatt, his sister and cousin. What beautiful children they are! We hope that the return to school goes well and the upcoming appointments give you a clear path to follow. Love and prayers from Kentucky!
Stephanie, Bryan and Brooke

Stephanie Clemons
Louisville, KY - Thursday, September 2, 2004 10:45 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt, Kris and family....thank you for stopping by at Mickenzies' site, for the birthday wishes and all the prayers. I am glad everything is going well and you enjoyed your summer. I love the picture of Wyatt, big sister Ali and cousin Zeah, what beautiful children. Sending lots of prayers, love and hugs


Linda grandma to and Michaela mom to Mickenzie <gaaden43@yahoo.com>
League City, TX USA - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 8:50 PM CDT
Hey there! Just checking in again. I figured I better leave a message since I am one of them guilty of not doing it. I hope everything is going good. I know today is the first day of school for the kids so I am sure it was hectic. I will talk to you all soon. And oh by the way-

Little E Rocks!!!!

Susie Dahn <Sluzy009@aol.com>
Shakopee, MN - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 1:49 PM CDT
Hello Wyatt and Family
My name is Jenna and I came across Wyatts page. Wyatt is an inspiration to all and such a trooper. He is a real Fighter and he is in my thoughts and prayers.

Jenna <hockeykid@telus.net>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:23 PM CDT
Hi guys, sorry I didn't get by this weekend. I will be praying all the genetic testing is good and you have no more problems. It is wonderfully reasuring to hear Wyatt is getting to feel a little like a normal kid again.

We will count the days.

We should be back in Rochester the weekend of the 11th. We should try to do a pot luck picnic or something. There is a nice church park in my Sister-In-Laws back yard.

Take Care

Lots of CB ((((Hugs)))) and ++++Prayers++++ to you and your family!

Sierra’s Mommy *missy sierra*

God Speed!

The Johnsons; Larry, Serena, Zachary, Jacob and Sierra

Sherburn, MN stotzke@chartermi.net

. <l@lol.com>
- Tuesday, August 31, 2004 3:57 PM CDT
it's your siblings that start school :) Lucky you, the house and mom to your self!!

Tracey <treed@shaw.ca>
Edmonton, AB Canada - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 1:02 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt,
Hope you enjoy school! My little girl starts school as well. She is so excited! Sending you lots of hugs from Canada!

Tracey <treed@shaw.ca>
Edmonton, AB Canada - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:59 AM CDT
You are in our thoughts and prayers! Hope that you are having a wonderful week!
Ashleigh, Dave, Maddi, Ephraim, Jonah Anderson <revanderson@hotmail.com>
Fargo, n us - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:25 AM CDT
Hi - Sounds like you're busy with fall activities! Our oldest starts second grade on Wed. and is also dragging his feet :o) I think he'll change his mind once he gets there and sees his friends. Abe can't wait to play with all of his older brother's stuff when he's at school! Hope all is well with your family.


The Fagerstrom's <kellyfagerstrom@hotmail.com>
Bemidji, MN - Monday, August 30, 2004 11:20 AM CDT
Hi Kris!
Just came by to check on you.
You know, if you have a kid who doesn't want to go to school, just spend some time at our house! We are the poster family for boredom! They'll be racing to the school bus. :O)

Lori Noah's Page <clowns@myhometown.net>
n st paul, mn - Sunday, August 29, 2004 11:45 PM CDT
We had a great weekend. Hope yours was good too! Clinics and doctors do get old, but I'm glad your day of balancing them wasn't too bad. We went to an amusement park. What a great day for TULI!


Janelle <jankin74@hotmail.com>
SLC, UT USA - Sunday, August 29, 2004 11:24 AM CDT
wow, Kris, you are
busy just like us.

but that's great, better
than being in a hospital
not being able to do anything.

thanks for the extra prayers
for Craig.

sending you lots of love

craig, lauren, and helen


helen <trula1@comcast.net>
- Sunday, August 29, 2004 7:42 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt! I found your site from Katherine's. You and your sister(?) are so cute!! I hope you enjoy the rest of summer. Waiting in dr offices are lousy, I'm glad you were able to get out quick. thoughts and prayers, angelique parker


angelique parker <pfloyd326@yahoo.com>
ohio - Saturday, August 28, 2004 11:26 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and all,
This is uncle Joe and I just wanted to say we miss you already! Wyatt is so cute and the kids just love him. We all had so much fun visiting you all... Kris, thanks for keeping my kids so busy all week...they said they would love to go live with you and uncle Jimmie. Must have been all the neat toys... and the boys. It was nice to spend some time with you and we hope to get up there much sooner this time. Take care and we'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.
Joe and Family

joe rech family <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
prescott, az usa - Saturday, August 28, 2004 7:21 PM CDT
Thanks for always checking in with us, and sorry we're slow to check in with you. Where is the summer going? Oh, wait, it's pretty much gone, isn't it? We've never had the chance to go to Gillette, but it sounds like a good thing - that way we don't know what we're missing, right?! I hope Wyatt's counts come around quickly, and you all can enjoy the post-chemo rebound. Andrew is like a new kid since we quit systematically poisioning him. It's been so great. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Take care,
Melissa, Jeff, and Andrew Barrows

(www.caringbridge.org/mn/andrewbarrows) <barrowsjeffmel@msn.com>
Lino Lakes, MN US - Saturday, August 28, 2004 11:58 AM CDT
Hi everyone,

I hope Wyatt is not ill and didn't catch anything! Sounds like he had a blast over the weekend though. We are getting ready for Autumn's big party. We would be at the pool at night but I think MN goofed up our summer weather:-) Oh well, we would be complaining if it was too hot! Hope you have a great week.
Take care,

Autumn's page <zickrick@hotmail.com>
St. Charles, MN USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 10:42 PM CDT
Hello to all!! LOVE the picture of Wyatt!! Hopefully the Viqueens will do something this year!! So sorry to hear about Mikki, so young...so sad!! I wish I had an Uncle Joe to show me all the pressure points when I was growing up, it would have been helpful with my 3 older brothers!! LOL! Heading to Pioneer Power this weekend? Or does it depend on how Wyatt is feeling? I hope he isn't coming down with anything!! I will be there on Saturday, so if you and your gang are there I will see you then!! All of you take care of yourselves!!
Mari & Scott <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 7:15 AM CDT
Hi Kris,
I am glad you're getting out and having fun. I wish you didn't have to pay for it the next day. I feel like we go through that too. I'm sorry you're still having trouble with the clinic. Sounds like it's time to write to the board of directors!!! :o) We're thinking about you!

Lori (www.caringbridge.com/mn/noahhurley) <clowns@myhometown.net>
n st paul, - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:48 PM CDT
Kris, thanks for stopping by Brock's site. I hope Wyatt does well! Hugs and good wishes to you and your family!


LeeAnn Barnard <lsbarnard@hotmail.com>
Selma, IN USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:30 PM CDT
so glad you
had fun at the picnic.

I love picnics,
always eat too
much though!!!

sending you lots of love

craig, lauren, and helen


helen <trula1@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, August 24, 2004 6:33 AM CDT
Hi there cutey pie!

You and your family (cuzins too) sure know how to have fun! Hope you are feeling like yourself again soon and not have a bad virus. I'm sorry to hear about the flight of another angel, we'll keep Mikki's family in our prayers. Keeping you all in our prayers also. Stay strong and healthy, LotsaHugs to you all~

*Katey's Site*

Grace and Katey <olsens5@execpc.com>
Waukesha, WI - Monday, August 23, 2004 10:54 PM CDT

I'm glad Wyatt had such a good time in the sandpile. What's a little sand in the bed for all of the joy it brings? Priceless. I hope you have more and more normal days like that one.


Janelle, Tuli's Mom <jankin74@hotmail.com>
SLC, UT USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 2:26 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt, I love your picture with the football flag. It looks like you're a pretty tough little boy! I got your address off another caringbridge page. My daughter was diagnosed with bilateral Wilm's in July 2003 and has just completed her treatment this summer. She has just turned 6. I'm glad to hear you're finished with your treatments! My sister and her family used to live in Cottage Grove, MN. So we used to visit up there sometimes. Love and prayers, Darby Brion

Darby Brion <nbrion@cox.net>
Omaha, NE - Monday, August 23, 2004 1:00 PM CDT

my name is anna mcnamara and i love you wed page and i have my own wed page. i have r.s.d and i maed my page because of the rsd from my faily and friend and pepol to go on it
it is
i love doing the updane on it and i do it on mondays or tuesdays and somthtime on wednesdays and i love raeding you updenat and i wish you can go on it. and i hope you can be all haely for live. and i am preat for you 24/7 and and and i do not now if you now the the baend jump5 it is a christan one and i love this sign it call god bless the usa
and here it go
If tomorrow all the things were gone

I hoped for all my life.

And I had to start again

just my family by my side.

I thank my God above

to be living here today.

Cause the flags still stands for freedom

and they can't take that away (e).


I'm proud to be an American

where at least I know I am free.

And I won't forget the man who died

and gave that right to me.

And I'll gladly stand up next to you

and defend ourselves today.

Cause there ain't no doubt of this land [lamb ?]

God Bless The USA

From the lakes of Minnesota

to the hills of Tennessee.

Across the planes of Texas

from sea to shinning sea (e).

From detroit down to Houston

and New York to LA

It's part of every American heart

It's time to stand and say (e).

i love have it go.
may god bless you and you faily


anna mcnamara <amcnamara@entermail.net>
allentown, pa the usa - Monday, August 23, 2004 8:50 AM CDT
Dear Wyatt, Kris, Jim, and Family,

I found my way to your site from Angel Michaela Brewster's site. I learned of Michaela from Connor Hunley's site. (I have been praying for Connor, who is nine and a half, for about a year.)

I really like your name, Wyatt. I also think you are a handsome fellow. I hope you will be totally well soon!

God bless you all!

Grace and peace,


Clifton Park (near Albany), NY U.S.A. - Monday, August 23, 2004 3:13 AM CDT
Hello Wyatt,
You are a very strong man. My cousin is fighting a wilm's tumor too. I hope that you enjoy football season, and keep that beautiful smile on your face.
Prayers are coming your way.

Jennifer Baney (Josh Brestel's cousin) <jmbaney@charter.net>
North Platte, Ne - Sunday, August 22, 2004 7:43 AM CDT
Glad all is ok these days!!

Cancer and Disease is so limited…
It cannot cripple Love
It cannot shatter Hope
It cannot corrode Faith
It cannot destroy Peace
It cannot kill Friendship
It cannot suppress Memories
It cannot silence Courage
It cannot invade the Soul
It cannot steal eternal Life
It cannot conquer the Spirit.

May you find strength and comfort in the dawning of each day,
and may God grant you the many blessings of His healing and hope.

This beautiful poem was sent to me this week and I just wanted to share it with all my Caring Bridge Friends!!

Hope you have a beautiful sunny filled weekend without worry!!

BIG Caring Bridge ((((Hugs)))) and ++++prayers++++ to you all!

God Speed,
Sierra’s Mommy
*Missy Sierra*
The Johnsons; Larry, Serena, Zachary, Jacob and Sierra
Sherburn, MN

, <lol@lol.com>
- Friday, August 20, 2004 12:04 AM CDT
Hi - we're new to your site, what a little cutie!! Just wanted you to know that we're thinking of Wyatt and your family. Hope that things are going well for him.

The Fagerstrom's

Kelly Fagerstrom <kellyfagerstrom@hotmail.com>
Bemidji, MN - Thursday, August 19, 2004 10:59 PM CDT
I am sooo glad Wyatt is going to get the services he needs. I know it is frustrating. I tried for over six months to get therapies for Savannah. And sounds like the same...by the time they evaluated her, they wondered I hadn't been there months before, and before she got so bad. Go figure. good luck to you all.
lisa www.caringbridge.org/ar/savannah <m-lhurley@centurytel.net>
russellville, ar usa - Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:23 PM CDT
I LOVE the new photo of Wyatt!
What a gorgeous child! :)
Many prayers are being said for
your entire family.

Cheryl H. <pray_4kids@yahoo.com>
Georgia - Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:20 PM CDT
Hi there Wyatt and family,
I come here by way of Lakota's page! Wyatt, you are an incredibely strong young man and it's an honor to meet you and your family. I'll be checking in on you often!
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

www.caringbridge.com/ny/my2angels <rcurk@aol.com>
- Thursday, August 19, 2004 3:06 PM CDT
Thanks so much for signing Tuli's guestbook! It's so wonderful to have a support group out there who knows what is happening and can help you feel better. We will hope and pray and continue to visit often to see how Wyatt is!

All my love goes out to all of you!


Janelle (Tuli's Mom) TULI'S PAGE <jankin74@hotmail.com>
SLC, UT USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 1:08 PM CDT
Hi, I just came to your site from Lakota's. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and I will continue to check up on you.
donna rohm <mtwhitney42@hotmail.com>
reno, nv usa - Thursday, August 19, 2004 12:13 AM CDT
Hi, I found your website through lakota's and just wanted to send some love and blessings to your family. Sounds like Wyatt is doing great, what wonderful news!
Peace to you all,
Angel Maya's Mommy

Cara Pettit <rcsmall1@msn.com>
port St. Lucie, fl usa - Thursday, August 19, 2004 12:00 AM CDT
Wyatt you are sure a cutie. Many hugs and good wishes are sent to you from ohio. We will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Try and keep strong.

Sheryl Johnston <johnston_sheryl@msmail.dublin.k12.oh.us>
Johnstown, oh - Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:37 AM CDT
Hey, Found your site through LaKotas site. Want you to know that we will include Wyatt in our daily prayers. He is such a handsome young man. May the Lord hold you all and keep you safely in his arms until this crisis passas. Hang in there, Hugs, Cin
Our caringbridge is la and johnny. We live in Louisiana, but my husband had a bone marrow transplant here at MD Anderson in Houston. This is where we have been since the beginning of June. Being here away from our family, children and friends has been just devastating. Please pray for us!

Cin Bulger <kingbee3rd@earthlink.net>
St. Rose, La 70087 - Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:16 AM CDT
I found your site through another CaringBridge site. Whew! Wyatt is just the cutest little guy EVER! I am praying for your entire family and will check back often! Take Care :)
Michelle Lyons <lyonzie@charter.net>
Sparks, NV USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:32 AM CDT
Just checking in to see if there is anything new going on in the Rech home! Thank you for the update!! Have a GREAT time at the Rech reunion!! And have a good rest of the week also! Thinking about all of you!
Mari & Scott <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 3:43 AM CDT

Just stopping in to check on Wyatt and
to say a prayer for your entire family.
I wish you a bright tomorrow with showers
of blessings and joy. Sleep well tonight,

Cheryl H. <pray_4kids@yahoo.com>
Georgia - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:07 PM CDT
Dear Rech Family,
We are so glad to hear all of Wyatt's good news and we will continue to follow his progress and include him in our prayers. What an adorable little guy! Much love from Kentucky!
Bryan, Stephanie and Brooke

Stephanie Clemons
Louisville, KY - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 8:43 PM CDT
Way to go Wyatt!!!!! No more Chemo Party-we are soooooo very proud of you:) Sorry we have missed so much here lately, please know that we continue to pray for you & your family. We love the picture of you and your cake-that is such a Great feeling-we hope that we can follow soon & say no more Chemo-no more Cancer!!! Kris, Thanks for all the support with what we are dealing with Haley's situation right now, it makes such a huge difference to have such Wonderful friends/family right there with us. May Wyatt continue to grow his hair back in & get back to what we call a normal routine for awhile. Lots of Hugs to each of you
Patti & Haley

Patti <www.haleym10@alltel.net>
Panama, Ne - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 8:36 AM CDT
Howdy Wyatt!! How has it been for you? I have heard you have been crabby! I hope that changes especially for your mom! I miss seeing you and i wish i could see you at the reunion on Saturday but i won't be there. Well i hope to see you very very soon!! Love ya!!!
Jaqueline <shitbrick_18@hotmail.com>
Faribault, MN USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 10:00 PM CDT
Hey there!

Just checking up on you guys. I hope everyone is doing well. Have a good time with Uncle Joe and family here from Arizona. I will see you next week! :o)

Love, Sus

Susie Dahn <Sluzy009@aol.com>
Shakopee, MN - Monday, August 16, 2004 8:39 PM CDT
thank you, thank you, thank you

so you were our great friends
who sent the stickers. Craig open
them up so fast and trashed the envelope
that i didn't know how to thank.

what a blessing to have people like
you in our lives.

sending you lots of love

craig, lauren, and helen


helen <trula1@comcast.net>
- Monday, August 16, 2004 1:49 PM CDT
Hey there Wyatt & family! Thank you so much for signing Mason's guestbook; we're very appreciative because we know someone out there is still thinking of our Mase-Man.
Glad to hear that you guys are through chemo and are moving onward. Wyatt is such a cutie. Keep striving forward you strong boy! Many hugs to you all.

Christie, mom to Sonia & Angel Mason <christie95992001@yahoo.com>
KY - Monday, August 16, 2004 11:25 AM CDT
Very exciting that you are through with chemo!
Wyatt, you keep fighting little buddy! You have an electric smile!
Hope you and your family continue to do well, and that that clinic up there wises up and realizes what special children they are dealing with!
Best wishes.

Janelle & Tuli <jankin74@hotmail.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 8:37 AM CDT
Hi guys!! Just checking to see if there was any news in your lives!! Love the "No more chemo" cake!!! All of you take care and enjoy whats left of the summer!!
Mari & Scott <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 0:41 AM CDT
Hello, i was watching a couple of new records being set at the Olympics today, so thought i would look up some slightly stranger ones instead of some jokes.

Here's a couple;

Most spoons balanced on the face
Tim Johnston (USA) (b. 1 January 1992), was able to balance on his face (one on each ear, two on each cheek, three on his chin, two on his lips, one on his nose and three on his forehead) and balance them for 30 seconds at on May 28, 2004.

British pub landlord Garry Turner clipped 153 ordinary wooden clothes pegs on his face at the WH Smith bookshop in York, Yorkshire, UK, on September 28, 2002

Love Viks From Post Pals and Bears Who Care

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Sunday, August 15, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
Great photo of Wyatt and his cake!
What a doll.

I am praying for you. :)

Cheryl H. <pray_4kids@yahoo.com>
Georgia - Saturday, August 14, 2004 12:21 AM CDT
Hi Kris,
It was great seeing you at the clinic last week!
I hope you all are enjoying some time away from all of this.
I love the family photo!!!

Lori Noah's Page <clowns@myhometown.net>
n st paul, mn - Friday, August 13, 2004 6:21 PM CDT
Hey Wyatt :-)

Thank you to you and your mommy for stopping by, signing my guest and pointing me back this way! Your site is cool and you are a real cutie! I hope you are finding ways to enjoy the summer. Take care and we'll see you around again soon!


Julianna Banana <tjosephson@shaw.ca>
Winnipeg, Canada - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:48 AM CDT
Just letting you know that you are on my mind and in my prayers. :)

God bless you. Have a beautiful day!

Cheryl H. <pray_4kids@yahoo.com>
Georgia - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 10:21 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt, You don't know me, but I found your page while visiting my great-nephew Travis' page. I just wanted to say I hope everything goes well for you and that you'll be a healthy happy little boy. I'll remember you in my prayers. With Love, Judi Garvey
Judi Garvey <lovergirl_123_@hotmail.com>
Newaygo, MI USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:58 AM CDT
Hi I just wanted ot say I stopped by because I saw wyatt's name on Julianna's site and my last name is Wyatt (also have a nephew Wyatt)and then I was surprised to see you have a justin, since that is my son's name.He's 16 and was born with several CHDs so i know too well th ups and downs of life with a kid who is sick, I will keep wyatt in my prayers, Lyn www.caringbridge.org/nj/justinw
Lyn Wyatt <ddog117@comcast.net>
Stratford, NJ USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 8:40 PM CDT
Hello =o)
Just stopping in for a quick note, hope all is well and your days are filled with bright sunny joy and family love! No Heart Surgery, Horaay! Blessed be.
Lots of CB ((((Hugs)))) and ++++Prayers++++ to you and your family!

Sierra’s Mommy *Missy Sierra*
God Speed!

The Johnsons; Larry, Serena, Zachary, Jacob and Sierra

Sherburn, MN stotzke@chartermi.net

. <lol@lol.com>
- Sunday, August 8, 2004 8:34 AM CDT
Happy to hear there will be no heart surgery for Wyatt. What a relief for you all! Kris, I read your update and know that helpless feeling. My daughter, Ella, (Wilms Bilateral, Stage 4) finished chemo in Dec2003 and is in remission. When I read about another child dying or having a setback, I feel helpless and overwhelming sadness for that family. I hate cancer and what it does to children and families. And I know this sounds crazy, but all in all, it has been an eye-opening experience for me and my family. I will never look at my children or family the same way again! Anyway, hope you have a good weekend. I'll keep you all in my prayers.
Tina Jacks, Ella Barna's mom www.caringbridge.org/tx/ella <tjacks@austin.rr.com>
austin, tx usa - Saturday, August 7, 2004 9:59 PM CDT
Great news about not needing heart surgery!!!!!!!!! Kris... your update made me speechless and tearful! I can only say that I am heading for bed, thankful for my healthy family. With thoughts and prayers of all those young babies dying, and having to deal with their cancer...including their families. I understand the bond you have with other cancer victims families, you are all there...we can't feel your pain because we don't live it 24/7. Or it's set backs. Also, I'm still trying to teach my kids the word "NO"...! Take care!!
Mari & Scott <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 10:39 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt,
I am so happy to hear that you do not need heart surgery. Have a good weekend!

Jaime <Jaime13042@aol.com>
NJ USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 7:41 PM CDT
I had time to check in and what great news!!! Bleiz and Zeah started school today...the fun continues. I just wanted to let you know were helping you celebrate...YEAH! Can't wait to see you all in a couple weeks.
Joe Rech Family <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
prescott, az usa - Thursday, August 5, 2004 1:33 PM CDT

That is TERRIFIC news!

Keep those wonderful updates coming!!!!

Jaime (friend of Missy Sierra http://www.caringbridge.org/mn/missysierra/ ) <jbliesmer@nuwaycoop.com>
Dunnell, MN - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 10:40 AM CDT
We are very happy to hear you do not need heart surgery! Abby and you have something in common, you are both neutropenic(sp?) right now. I told her last night you have to sing "Happy Birthday to You" two times while you wash your hands to do it good. Ha. We will keep you in our prayers!
Stephanie, Scott, Abby and Sam Thoma <ssathoma@aol.com>
Mound, MN 55364 - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 9:17 AM CDT
It sure sounds as though you have been keeping busy. We are all praying that your not going to need surgery and all is well. Try to save some of your energy for Bleiz and Zeah...and we will be seeing you soon. Love, Uncle Joe,Nikki,Bleiz and Zeah.

joe rech <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
prescott, az usa - Monday, August 2, 2004 11:01 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt- We all had such fun at your Celebration Party. You Are such a energetic Sweet little Boy, and were having such a great time. It was so good to see you, and your family. You will continue to be in all of our prayers, as you get better and better as the days go on. Thank you for such a wonderful celebration!! Love, Aunt Edie, Uncle Fred, Kelly, Terri, Erin, Collin and Halle.
Edie Jandro <efkjandro@charter.net>
Owatonna, Mn Steele - Monday, August 2, 2004 9:56 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt, I had a fun time at your dance on Friday night. You are a very special little boy. Sounds like you had a great time at ValleyFair too. Josh is taking me to ValleyFair soon. He wants to get me on all those fast rides to see if I will throw up. Nice kid huh! I'll let you know how I do on the rides. Take care and enjoy the rest of the summer, It's almost over. Janabelle
jan thompson <janthompson@clarkmhc.com>
bloomington, mn USA - Monday, August 2, 2004 8:20 AM CDT
Sounds like you are all having a wonderful summer. Well, maybe not the cleaning part!! I've neglected to keep updated while Jeffrey was home! I am starting to get all caught up with Wyatt & Heidi! I hope Wyatts appointment goes well, you all need good news!!! I haven't been to Valleyfair in YEARS!! Sounds like it is still fun! As the dance did also! Keeping you all in our prayers!!!
Mari & Scott <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Monday, August 2, 2004 0:01 AM CDT
Hi Kris!
How was Valleyfair?
How was the dance?? I would have loved to be there, celebrating with you.
Yes... let's unite. Sid (Syd?) is the new clinic manager, and she really does seem to care. I believe she is the one who probably put the comment card box at the front desk, and I was planning to have her read my last post. Of course, I don't really want the parties involved reading my post, lest they should dispute and refute what I'm saying... But my experience with Sid is that she is really interested in turning things around. For me, it all started going downhill when Lorri (sp?) was gone for her surgery... And it's gotten worse ever since. We'd had a few problems before that, but at least before, people were nice and apologetic and compassionate. Now, they're just defensive and uncaring... 11:00am, huh? I'm hoping we're done by then, but if not, maybe we'll stop by on our way out. How do we find you? (I've never been there). Thanks for your support Kris!

Lori Noah's Page <clowns@myhometown.net>
n st paul, mn - Sunday, August 1, 2004 8:44 PM CDT
Hello Wyatt, Hope you are rested up from all that dancing, playing beachball toss and mostly the HULA HOOP. You were awsome. Will get the pictures back on Tuesday. Have Weds. off if you want to do something. Love Granma Rech
Diane Rech <rechimpala66@aol.com>
Faribault, MN USA - Sunday, August 1, 2004 7:45 PM CDT
HI Bucky!
Just wanted to catch up on the info your mom was telling me about. I hope you had fun at the dance and I am sorry I couldn't make it. But I did have fun with you guys at Valleyfair. If only I could still go on all the rides without getting sick. Take care little buddy. Hopefully I will see you soon. XXOO

Susie Dahn <Sluzy009@aol.com>
Shakopee, MN - Sunday, August 1, 2004 7:24 PM CDT
Hello =o)
Just stopping to start off your weekend (a day late) with wonderful, AWESOME,
weekend wishes! Also to share another beautiful Psalm that was sent to

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice:
Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
Wait upon the Lord: be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen thine heart:
Wait, I say, on the Lord.
Psalm 27:1, 7, 14

May God bless you and keep you in the days to come. Hooray for no more Chemo. Have a great Dance!!

Lots of CB ((((Hugs)))) and ++++Prayers++++ to you and your family!

Sierra’s Mommy *Missy Sierra*

God Speed!

The Johnsons; Larry, Serena, Zachary, Jacob and Sierra

Sherburn, MN stotzke@chartermi.net

. <lol@lol.com>
- Saturday, July 31, 2004 11:00 AM CDT
Hi guys!
I am so glad to hear that Wyatt is done with chemo and it sounds like the dance will be a blast! I hope all continues to go well. Your in our prayers.

Autumn <zickrick@Hotmail.com>
St. Charles, MN USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 9:54 PM CDT
I am so glad to here that you are finished with your treatmnets. Not sure if we will be down friday or not we will try out best. Hope you have a good time if we dont see you. Take care and god bless.
Erik and Heidi

www.caringbridge.com/mn/heidinoraas <egnoraas@sherbtel.net>
Big lake , mn - Thursday, July 29, 2004 7:49 PM CDT
I am stopping by this morning to say a prayer for you.

I hope you have a wonderful day.

Cheryl H. <pray_4kids@yahoo.com>
GA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 8:19 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt,
I hope you guys have a good time at Valleyfair tomorrow. Keep Bonnie and Clyde in line-but most of all enjoy yourself! Have Katelyn take you into the foam ball factory-it is a ton of fun.
Aunt Valerie

Valerie Villwock <villwock@bevcomm.net>
New Prague, MN US - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:25 PM CDT
HI WYATT, This is my first visit to your web page but I will be back to check on you. You are such a cutie pie. Jesus loves you and I love you. HUGS! Barb
Barb www.caringbridge.org/oh/heidi <babogner@earthlink.net>
Mansfield, OHIO USA - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 6:11 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt,
This is uncle Joe, I just wanted you to know that we are still praying for you. You put up a good fight and and lets all hope that there will not be a "round two". The kids are excited about starting school next week, but are even more excited about coming up to see their cousins. Maybe you could meet us at grandmas to play with the bunnies? Take care and we'll call you soon. hugs and kisses

joe rech family <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
prescott, az usa - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 3:43 PM CDT
Hy Wyatt, just stopping
by to see how you are.

hope the benefit goes
really well. thanks
for checking on Craig.

sending you lots of love

craign, lauren, and helen


helen <trula1@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, July 27, 2004 7:31 AM CDT
This is my first time visiting your site.
What a BEAUTIFUL little boy!
You are all in my prayers.

Cheryl H. <pray_4kids@yahoo.com>
Georgia - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 1:27 AM CDT
Hi Ya Gang!
Whew, no more ball huh?! Bet that will give you a little more free time. I asked Nikki about what else she likes, I got...."Princesses"! Mom says Strawberry Shortcake, Barbie, Carebears. We are looking forward to Friday! Nikki has been driving me CRAZY asking every 10 minutes if it is time to go to Wyatts dance. Friday can't come fast enough for her. I was devastated to hear of Haley. It just breaks my heart. Thanks for letting me know, I was just sitting down to check on everyone when I read your entry. Anyways, we had a rough weekend so I need sleep. See you Friday! Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs and prayers. Take Care,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Monday, July 26, 2004 10:04 PM CDT
Hey guys,

thanks for coming
to Craig's website.

glad you are doing good

have a good weekend.

sending you lots of love

craig, lauren, and helen


helen <trula1@comcast.net>
- Saturday, July 24, 2004 3:12 PM CDT
Hey Gang!
First of all...Ali, Nikki says Hi and sends you big hugs!!
Well, clinic called today and gave me a time for scans. I told the Dr NOT Mon or Tues, as those are the days I work at the office. And guess what, it was for a Tues at 7am. So they had to reschedule. She will have her scans on August 13 at 7am. So we won't have the official all clear til after your dance. What a bummer! But I already told the gang about the dance and we will be there rarin' to go! Nikki can't wait to see Wyatt and Ali again. She asks the nurse every week if you are there! It is too funny! Hope all the games go well this weekend. Not so humid anymore, AMEN! Thinking of you always and sending hugs! Take care,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Thursday, July 22, 2004 2:06 PM CDT

Just wanted to bring you some sweet wishes,

and Happy thoughts for your weekend,

and let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers!!!!

sending you lots of love, and BIG ((( HUGS )))

~ Boogie's Website ~
Boogie's Caring Bridge Page

Kimbra and Dillion (Boogie) Craig <okbabygirl20@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, July 22, 2004 11:04 AM CDT

MUSKEGON, MI AMERICA...ONE NATION UNDER gOD - Thursday, July 22, 2004 1:58 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt and Family,

Great news to hear about clear scans, US, and Xrays, YIPPEEE!!! Time to celebrate all right, have a great time at your Benefit Dance! What a busy busy summer you have goin, we do lots of chauffering also :> Its great to hear the conference went well and that you all are well on your way to the best possible roadmap for follow up. We'll be praying that all continues to go well. Stay strong and healthy Wyatt (and don't forget to give your mommy hugs-n-kisses for all she does for you!) Sending LotsaHugs-n-prayers your way~

*Katey's Site*

Grace and Katey <olsens5@execpc.com>
Waukesha, WI - Thursday, July 22, 2004 1:09 AM CDT
Hey Guys,
Sounds like the conference went well and you got tons of new information. Sorry to hear of the frustration with the clinic. Boy that is weird! :) Well, Nikki is done with chemo! She was very mad that we had to go back because she was under the impression that she was "done"! Hope Master Wyatt is feeling better now that the chemo is done and the effects are slowly going away. So glad to hear you had fun on vacation and were able to enjoy some fun time in St. Louis. Sorry it has been so long. I think I just had a break down and needed to be away from the computer for a while. Anyways, we will be back to check on you soon, and thanks for checking on us. Thinking of you always and sending lots of hugs and prayers. Take Care,
Heather and Nikki
PS...Please let us know more details about the "DANCE". Nikki has asked about it several times since you first mentioned it and we would love to come!

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Wednesday, July 21, 2004 1:19 PM CDT
Hi there. Just checking on my little buddy. Kris- now that all the Dr. visits are slowing down you need to take a break for yourself. Your awesome!! :o) I miss you rowdy people. LOL
Susie Dahn <Sluzy009@aol.com>
Shakopee, MN - Monday, July 19, 2004 10:54 PM CDT
What Wonderful News!!! No more Chemo, very exciting...very scary!!! Sorry that someone(I won't say names) is showing his age!! It must be very tough on you to continue to be a wife, mother, support to so many & than have to direct and play the role of a Dr. Just like you said "you will do what you must do", if that takes changing Clinics-so be it. We hope that this works itself out & that you can relax a little and enjoy.
Big Hugs to all
Patti & Haley

Patti <www.haleym10@alltel.net>
Panama, Ne - Monday, July 19, 2004 2:47 PM CDT
I just wanted to let you know that my husband and I are praying for your son and your family. Keep your faith and God will see you through all things.
- God bless you all

Emily & Chad Mooney <emooney@hsc.unt.edu>
Fort Worth, TX USA - Monday, July 19, 2004 8:12 AM CDT
YYYEEEAAA!!! clear scans
and no more chemo, now that's
something to celebrate!!!!!

sending you lots of love

craig, lauren, and helen


helen <trula1@comcast.net>
- Sunday, July 18, 2004 8:17 PM CDT
I am visiting your site from Katherine Cross's. We go to church with the Cross Family. I appreciate your Italy/Holland analogy. I will keep your son and the rest of your family in my prayers.
Heather <heathergutierrez@hotmail.com>
Spring, TX - Saturday, July 17, 2004 4:09 PM CDT
Hello Rechs I'm happy to hear the news!! Make sure Wyatt comes to Justins game on tuesday me, Brittni and Allysha will be there to play with him!! I wish you nothing but the best, i'll keep you in my prayers!!
Meagan Kodada <meakodada@hotmail.com>
Shieldsville, MN - Saturday, July 17, 2004 3:02 PM CDT
AWESOME NEWS!!! I just wanted to write a quick note while I have a minute. Mom told me the good news last night and we all had a sigh of relief...but we are still praying for you Wyatt. I'm so glad to hear that there will be no more chemo. We are going out for pizza tonight for Bleiz's birthday and we will eat a big piece for you Wyatt. It sounds as though you all had a good time in St. Louis...I heard that Wyatt fell in love with an elephant...and the penguins. Who couldn't? Have a great weekend and we'll be talking to you soon. Hugs and Kisses.
Joe,Nikki,Bleiz,&Zeah Rech <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
prescott, az usa - Saturday, July 17, 2004 11:22 AM CDT
I am a cousin of Adam Kindell I saw your address on his website. Your son is soo handsome I hope and pray that everything stays all clear for this precious little boy, I am sure you do but treasure his little life Adam made me realize how important it is to spend time and to love on your kids. I would give anything to take away Doug and Hollys pain so I pray that God will heal little Wyatt and you will truly live happily ever after.
Tracy Hollinger <john1957@bright.net>
kenton, oh usa - Friday, July 16, 2004 10:13 PM CDT
Way to go Wyatt!!! I am sooooo very happy that you don't have to endure anymore chemo! What a brave little fighter. I can't wait to see you again and to take part in the celebration. :o) I love you Bucky and I sure do miss hearing you say my name a hundred times a day. See you soon.
Susie Dahn <Sluzy009@aol.com>
Shakopee, MN USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 9:02 PM CDT
CONGRATULATIONS! It's so great to read that you are finished with your chemo and all is clear! I hope everything goes well and you continue to receive nothing but good news!

Misty and Ivy <Schiffner4NC@aol.com>
Charlotte, NC - Friday, July 16, 2004 8:10 PM CDT
Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to stop by and tell you we are thinking of you and pray you are enjoying some summer time fun. Take care all,

Thinking of you and wishing you all an AWSOME weekend!

BIG Caring Bridge ((((Hugs)))) and ++++prayers++++ to you all!

God Speed,
Sierra’s Mommy
*Missy Sierra*
The Johnsons; Larry, Serena, Zachary, Jacob and Sierra
Sherburn, MN

. <lol@lol.com>
- Friday, July 16, 2004 7:04 PM CDT
Welcome back! Hope all went well and you all had a wonderful time. So nice to here that the test results so far are good news. My thoughts and prayers are for wyatt in hopes that the rest of them are also good news. Take care everyone and hugs and kiss to everyone.
Heidi Noraas(www.caringbridge.org/heidinoraas) <egnoraas@sherbtel.net>
Big Lake, mn 55309 - Friday, July 16, 2004 4:57 AM CDT
Hi there! Long time no see. I was checking to see if there was any info about Wyatt's Dr. visit today. I hope and pray it went well. I really miss Wyatt's smile already. It is so infectious. I also wanted to say thanks for having me along for the ride to St. Louis and everything else. I am glad I got to spend time with you all. Family vacations need to happen more often. Just don't ask me to go back to Six-Flags in that heat again. I will talk to you soon. Take care Bucky!!!
Susie Dahn <Sluzy009@aol.com>
Shakopee, MN USA - Thursday, July 15, 2004 5:02 PM CDT
Hi, I hope that your trip to St. Louis was a success and gave you some of the answers you needed. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.
Take care,
Melissa, Jeff, and Andrew Barrows

(www.caringbridge.org/mn/andrewbarrows) <barrowsjeffmel@msn.com>
Lino Lakes, Mn US - Thursday, July 15, 2004 12:33 AM CDT
Dear Wyatt and Family,
I have just visited your page for the first time. Your story touched me deeply.
I have also sent you and e-mail asking that you visit a site called MakeAChildSmile.org. Over the past 6 years MACS has brought smiles to many children like Wyatt.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Vicki Scott <kids@makeachildsmile.org>
Prosperity, SC USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 8:37 AM CDT
HI to you all in St Louie. We had 2 in of rain before 10 a.m. but got sunny & hot for our family picnic. Had a great turn out & we all missed you--all asked about Wyatt & still praying hard for you. Sounds like you are having a great time with all the animals at the farm. Must be a great place, hope you shot alot of film. Boys were busy today so didn't see them. Hope to go to Bryces game--he is playing Toms grandson Joe. Be carefull out there!!! Love Granma Rech
Diane Rech <Rechimpala66@aol.com>
Faribault, MN USA - Sunday, July 11, 2004 9:45 PM CDT
Wyatt and family,

Glad you are enjoying your summer.
Have a great week.
~Sheena & Gabrielle~


Sheena <sheenajennings@hotmail.com>
Port Barre, LA USA - Sunday, July 11, 2004 9:43 PM CDT
Dearest Wyatt,
The girls and I are still saying a prayers for you every night. It sounds like you are doing well, I am glad that Dr. Marsh had some good news for you, he is a great man! Kris, you are an exceptional mother, I could only hope to be as strong as you should this every happen to my girls. Best wishes as alway.
Matt, Chrissy, Lexxie and Haylee Rowe

Chrissy Rowe <rowe744@netzero.com>
Eau Claire, wi USA - Friday, July 9, 2004 9:14 PM CDT
Kris, Wyatt, and family,
Enjoy St. Louis. It is a wonderful place to be from. I was there the last two weekends. Over 6-25 weekend, it was chilly. Unusual! Even over the 4th was pleasant.

I love Grant's Farm. Laid back. Cassie and Savannah LOVE the Magic house. In fact, Cassie just asked about it. She tried to go to Grant's Farm, but they are closed on Mondays, so they went to the zoo instead. Tons of free stuff to do there. The Science Center has free admission on Tues, if I am not mistaken. That is a cool place for kids. The art museum is awesome for adults (if you are into that). And the Muny has free seats for outdoor theater. All in or by Forest Park.

Hope all the tests go good. Sorry about the absence. It seems to be getting harder not easier. You guys are in my thoughts.

lisa www.caringbridge.org/ar/savannah <m-lhurley@centurytel.net>
russellville, ar usa - Friday, July 9, 2004 5:42 PM CDT
Hi everyone,
Glad you made it to St. Louis safe. I hope you get lots of good information on your trip. We are thinking of you.
Let us know if you need anything.

Aunt Susie <tmfitcher@att.net>
savage, mn us - Friday, July 9, 2004 2:44 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt,and family,
I am excited for your trip. I hope you have a wonderful time and learn some new things. I cant wait until you all get back home safe and to hear about your adventure. Take care and godbless you all.

Heidi Noraas(www.caringbridge.org/heidinoraas) <egnoraas@sherbtel.net>
Big Lake, , Mn sherburne - Thursday, July 8, 2004 10:29 PM CDT
Hi Watt!!! love the new picture on the boat. You are just too cute for words. Hope all goes well with the trip.
Nikki's grandma <cmontan@earthlink.net>
Northfield, Mn - Thursday, July 8, 2004 8:50 PM CDT
Our daughter Abby was diagnosed with ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) on April 16th, 2004. She is being treated at the MAYO and is doing very well. We feel very blessed. I loved the description of your experience. It was very inspiring.

You and your little trooper will be in our thoughts and prayers. God bless! Scott, Stephanie, Abby & Sam

(Abby's caring bridge site - AbbyThoma)

Scott Thoma <ssathoma@aol.com>
Mound, MN USA - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 8:40 PM CDT
Jim, Kris & family
Been awhile since checked in on the web site. I love the pictures. What a sweetheart Wyatt is. Glad vacation was good and hope the trip to St. Louis is a safe one and that you get lots of information to help you all through this.
We think of you all often and continue to pray for Wyatt and all of you.
Kris I will get all of your stuff back to you. Again thank you so much for all of your help. We couldn't have done it without you. For you to give so much time to us when you are so busy yourself, we can't thank you enough.
Love to all of you,

Joyce Ross <jg6ross@yahoo.com>
Faribault, MN US - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 4:45 PM CDT
KIM CHAMBERS <kas069@frontiernet.net>
WATERVILLE, MN USA - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 1:57 PM CDT
Hi all, Uncle Joe, just wanted to wish you all a safe trip and I hope all goes well. Ali's card is slightly delayed because Zeah wanted to make some "art projects" before we mailed it out. It's taking her much longer than we thought. It sounds as though the fishing trip went well...wish I could have gone. We are going to be coming up August 18-24!!! So keep the fish biting. Have fun in St. Louis bye.
Joe, Nikki, Bleiz, and Zeah Rech <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
prescott, AZ usa - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 10:45 AM CDT
Have a safe trip to St. Louis! Enjoy your free time and I hope maybe the doctors can give you some more information to help you!! Looking forward to hear what you learned!!
Scott & Mari <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 6:18 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt,
My name is Jaime and i just found your caringbridge page. I hope you and your family had a great 4th of July! Have a good week.

Jaime <Jaime13042@aol.com>
NJ USA - Monday, July 5, 2004 8:39 PM CDT
Fishing, hooraayy that is the way to spend the weekend. It was kind of slow biting here as well but there were a few big ones so that makes it all worth it. I hope all goes well with the St. Louis!! I love your picture on the pontoon!!

Happy Monday and have a wonderful week!

BIG Caring Bridge ((((Hugs)))) and ++++prayers++++ to you all!

God Speed,
Sierra’s Mommy
*Missy Sierra*
The Johnsons; Larry, Serena, Zachary, Jacob and Sierra
Sherburn, MN

. <lol@lol.com>
- Monday, July 5, 2004 2:26 PM CDT
fishing sounds like
sooo much fun!!! I
can't catch anything
when I fish, so I gave
up the hobbie. I only
fished one time. Craig
and Lauren like to fish!!

have a good week, Wyatt

sending you lots of love

craig, lauren, and helen


helen <trula1@comcast.net>
- Monday, July 5, 2004 8:14 AM CDT
Just checking in! Nice picture of the 2 boys. Wondering if you will be at the parade tomorrow?? Take care and see you soon!!
Scott & Mari <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Saturday, July 3, 2004 11:36 PM CDT
Hey wyatt and family! i really liked the pictures it looked like you had a lot of fun! Things are going smoothly for the dance which i know will be a lot of fun!! See you all soon!
Jaqueline <shitbrick_18@hotmail.com>
Faribault, mn usa - Saturday, July 3, 2004 6:10 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and Family,

What an AWESOME picture of you and Miss Nikki :> Its great to hear you having fun and that you are already on vacation! We're thinking of you and praying for you to stay strong and healthy with good counts throughout. Just stopping by to say hello and wish you a fun and safe 4th of July, too. LotsaHugs-n-prayers to you all~

*Katey's Site*

Grace and Katey <olsens5@execpc.com>
Waukesha, WI - Friday, July 2, 2004 10:54 PM CDT
Hi everyone! How was fishing? It was nice to hear that you were going to get some use out of some of grandpas fishing gear. I hope you had a great time. It looks as though the river boat ride was a hit. Wyatt is so cute...We all can't wait to finally meet him. I think that we might have to leave Zeah up there for a while...she wants to go live with Ali,Cater and Wyatt.....Were going to try for August or September. Take care of eachother and we will be praying for little Wyatt. Happy Birthday Ali!!!!
We will be seeing you all in a month or so...bye.

Joe Rech <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
prescott, MN United States - Thursday, July 1, 2004 7:50 PM CDT
Love the pictures!!! Hope you ALL have a wonderful time on vacation, enjoy the relaxation of nothing much to do! Scott & I went to the cabin alone last weekend, first time without any children! Strange! Hope you all have a safe trip...enjoy!!!!!!! Love the updates!!
Scott & Mari <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Thursday, July 1, 2004 4:53 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt. I saw Nikki last night and she had to show me her captains hat after I told her how cute you and her were in your web site picture. She talks alot about you and is very excited when she gets to see you.

PS she loves Ali and thinks she is the greatest.

Nikki's grandma <cmontan@earthlink.net>
Northfield, Mn - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 5:30 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and his family,
I saw your web site today...someone wrote about you on another site of someone very special to me that has cancer. Her name is Brianna Hestekin and she is just 8 years old, she is my neighbor and my daughters best friend...she is a very strong, brave, and beautiful little girl...I call her my butterfly, because she flutters around and is always singing and dancing...like a floating butterfly. From the looks of your web site and all the messages on there, you must be a very special little boy who has a lot of people that love him. Your web site is fantastic, the pictures are adorable and the music is great! I loved the Holland story, it brought tears to my eyes. I want you to know that I will be praying for you and continue to pray as I watch Wyatt's site for updates...may God Bless your family and may he work through the many loving hands that will help to heal Wyatt.
Odette Zachrison

Odette Zachrison <odettezach@aol.com>
Wyoming, MN USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 0:58 AM CDT
Sounds like lots of Good things happen' & We Love the cover picture-those 2 are so Cute:) We hope that each day Wyatt makes you smile from ear to ear-what a cutie he is.
Lots of Love to everyone
Patti & Haley

Patti <www.haleym10@alltel.net>
Panama, ne - Monday, June 28, 2004 4:24 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and Family

Awesome picture of you and Princess Nikki. I am glad that you are able to have your much needed vacation. Love and prayers.
PS Wyatt say a big Thank You to your mommy for being there for Princess Nikki mommy.


Princess Nikki's Auntie Jo <bjmadd@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, June 27, 2004 6:55 PM CDT
Hey Wyatt and Family it's me again. I hope you guys have a Really good time on your vacation up north. That place is so beautiful and relaxing. You guys really deserve it! Especially you Wyatt!!
Jaqueline Green <shitbrick_18@hotmail.com>
Faribault, mn USA - Friday, June 25, 2004 7:43 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt, can't wait to see tyhe rest of the pictures from the trip, so glad the moms got to visit, and all had fun, Love the pic of you and princess Nikki, I;ll tell you it looks like TROUBLE x 2. Hoping thursday goes well.
Nikki's grandma <cmontan@earthlink.net>
Northfield, Mn - Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:30 PM CDT
I came accross your site through links from other sites. That's a great story about Italy and Holland. My family landed in Holland almost two years ago and we definitely would not trade the "vacation" for a flight to Italy on a different plane. I hope everything goes well for Wyatt.


Mike Liston <mliston@makemusic.com>
Richfield, MN - Thursday, June 24, 2004 11:56 AM CDT
You're all in my prayers...
Denise Cardos
- Thursday, June 24, 2004 10:26 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt, Jim, Kris & the gang, I got the pictures back of the golf outing. They are really cute, I'll send them to you. Let me know how Wyatt comes out with everything. Kris, you can find Brianna Hestekin on the caringbridge website. I printed off your thank you note for everyone to read. Let me know when you have the bag of prizes and I will come and pick them up. Have a wonderful vacation and I hope Wyatt stays well and has a great time. Janabelle
Jan Thompson <www.janthompson@clarkmhc.com>
Bloomington, mn Hennepin - Thursday, June 24, 2004 9:23 AM CDT
Wyatt, wow
baoting with
Nikki and Noah!!!

can we come along?

Oh, wait, I think
to get a little sea
sick!!! have fun

sending you lots of love

craig, lauren, and helen


helen <trula1@comcast.net>
- Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:59 AM CDT
Hi everyone. I love the pic of Wyatt and Nicki with the captains hats on. Also enjoyed the slide show. Hope you all have a good vacation and catch lots of fish. I will see you soon to go to St. Louis. Love you all!

I also saw what Kim said about a family reunion and I think that is a wonderful idea. Have we ever had one??

Susie Dahn <Sluzy009@aol.com>
Shakopee, MN USA - Thursday, June 24, 2004 8:58 AM CDT
Hey Gang!
We had such a great time today! You two are just too cute. Once again Master Noah was quite the gentleman. He is soo funny and just cracks me up! The picture is great, I can't wait to see the others! We are hoping to see you tomorrow. Hopefully those counts will be up and Mom can get you all ready for your vacation. (Do you have any room in your suitcase for us?) Thanks Ali for taking Miss Nikki under your wing today, she had a super time and has been talking about you all afternoon! I loved being able to just sit and chat with Mom, it was such a great time. We have to do it again soon! Take care guys, sending hugs and prayers.
Heather and Nikki
PS... The snake is doing great but the spider seems to have reproduced to her cheek, the back of her neck and some how to the back of her leg and her ankle???!!!

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 11:11 PM CDT
Hi Kris!
It was great to meet you today. What a little cutie Wyatt is! I was so touched by his sweet little spirit!

Lori Noah's Page <clowns@myhometown.net>
n st paul, mn - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 10:36 PM CDT
Hi Master Wyatt

Checking in on you and your family. Hope you have fun on the boat trip with Miss Nikki and her mom ( she is an awesome mom) I hope you enjoy your day and have a great vacation..

Love and prayers
(Miss Nikkis great AuntieJo)

Miss Nikki's Auntie Jo <bjmadd@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, June 22, 2004 7:45 PM CDT
Hi Kris,
We'll see you on the boat trip!! Wahoo... Finally get to meet some of you!
I hope Wyatt's counts rebound. You need your vacation!
Noah's Page

lori <clowns@myhometown.net>
n st paul, mn - Monday, June 21, 2004 8:38 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and Family,
Just checking in to see how he was doing. Hope the counts come up a bit and you can go forth in vacation plans. Boat trip sounds like a lot of fun!
Take care,

Melanie <zickrick@Hotmail.com>
ST. Charles, MN USA - Monday, June 21, 2004 3:41 PM CDT
Hey Wyatt,

I hope you
have fun fishing
next Saturday!!!

thanks to mommy
for checking on Craig

sending you lots of love

craig, lauren, and helen


helen <trula1@comcast.net>
- Sunday, June 20, 2004 9:28 AM CDT
Hi Master Wyatt!! Just checking in on you.
Nikki's grandma <cmontan@earthlink.net>
Northfield, MN - Friday, June 18, 2004 8:37 PM CDT
Hi, I just came across your web page, and wanted to send you an electronic hug. And just mention...I've been to Holland & I wouldn't trade it for Italy or anyplace else.

All the best you you all

- Friday, June 18, 2004 5:02 PM CDT
Hi Gang!
Hope little Master is not feeling to yucky from the chemo. We are really hoping it was the last one for you! Hope you have a wonderful trip. Can't wait to see you on the boat ride. Thanks for making the weekly wait go a little faster! Sending hugs and prayers. Take care and God Bless,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Thursday, June 17, 2004 10:28 PM CDT
Stopping by to let you know that your in our thoughts and prayers.
Sending lots of prayers your way. +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Love LaKota and her mom,Debbie
God be with you!!!!!!!!!!
~*~ LaKota~*~

http://www.caringbridge.org/mn/laplafcan <LaKotaDeb@hotmail.com>
St.Cloud, MN - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 3:51 PM CDT
Hey Gang!
Yikes! Sorry it has been so long! It has been crazy around here. Glad to hear Master Wyatt is feeling good (aside from the crabby) What else is new, crabby is the norm in our house. Tomorrow, huh? Thank You! If we see you it will make my wait go SOOOOO much faster. Last week was almost 3.5 hours! Yeah, Nikki will be so excited. We are there at 10:30. Hope all of the games went well, maybe everybody won?! Thinking of you and sending hugs and prayers. Hope to see you tomorrow. Take Care,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:26 AM CDT
Hi Everyone, Just wanted to tell you what good kids you were on Sunday at Dereks Party. They say kids should be seen and not heard, we didn't even see you older kids. What's so interesting in Derek's room????? Love & Prayers sent to you for (hopefully) your last chemo. Granma Rech
Granma Rech <Rechimpala66@aol.com>
Faribault, MN USA - Tuesday, June 15, 2004 8:46 PM CDT
Hi there Wyatt & family! I wanted to stop in and say hello and thank you for signing Masons guestbook. It means so much to us to have families ck on us and leave messages. I wish you all the best & sending many hugs to you. In my thoughts & prayers.

Christie, mom to angel Mason & Sonia Rachelle,9 <christie95992001@yahoo.com>
Ky - Monday, June 14, 2004 9:22 PM CDT
Kris, Wyatt & family~Stopping by sending you BIG smiles:) today. Thanks for your support to other CB families & your update on the money raised by the Relay-I know it is going to a good cause, but it makes more sense for our money to be used in helping treat Childhood cancer, since this is what we are dealing with right now! Continue to be strong & know that we think of you often.
Hugs & Kisses
Patti & Haley

Patti <www.haleym10@alltel.net>
Panama, NE - Monday, June 14, 2004 11:48 AM CDT
Thank you for signing Andrew's guest book! I hope your trip to St. Louis goes well, and that Wyatt's energy and spirit return full force once chemo is over. We are also waiting to see the "real" Andrew return. Take care, and we will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers.
Melissa, Jeff, and Andrew Barrows

(www.caringbridge.org/mn/andrewbarrows) <barrowsjeffmel@msn.com>
Lino Lakes, MN US - Monday, June 14, 2004 10:13 AM CDT
Wyatt you are the cutest sweetest little boy i know. Youo are so smart and talented, never Never give up. Here's a quote from my favorite movie which comes in handy often-
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming just keep swimming!"

Jaqueline Green <shitbrick_18@hotmal.com>
Faribault, MN 55021 - Sunday, June 13, 2004 6:42 PM CDT
Buck your slide show is really cool! The boys really like to watch it. I hope that you have fun on vacation. Hope the rest of the family is doing well and keep strong little buddy, we love and pray for you.
Love aunt carla

Carla and David Miska and family <Clmiska@hotmail.com>
montgomery, mn Lesueur - Saturday, June 12, 2004 2:55 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt!
We have a little friend named Wyatt, but he is a whole lot younger than you are. You are such a cutie! I bet your family and friends just hug and kiss you all day long, huh? We have a little boy named Logan, who has Wilms' too! We found his on Feb. 9th of this year, and he had his surgery on Feb. 11th. You two have a few things in common. Too bad it has to do with this yucky cancer stuff! We know that cutie patootie kids like you two can beat it though, and we are praying every day for you! Keep up the great work, and "Keep Swingin For The Fences"!

Wally, Marcie, and Logan <marciejen@charter.net>
Granbury, TX USA - Saturday, June 12, 2004 8:19 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt!! Glad you all had a good time at the wedding. Just wanted to say hi and let you know I am thinking about you.
Nikki's grandma <cmontan#@earthlink.net>
Northfield, MN - Friday, June 11, 2004 9:59 PM CDT
Hello Everyone,

Sorry to keep this so brief. Bible School ended today and we will leave for Rochester soon for the weekend and Dr Apts. Monday. I haven’t even started packing other than our standby bag for Sierra and I that is always packed!!

But I can not leave without sharing another special weekly scripture that Sierra received from my Sisters Mother-In-Laws Church. How special it is that they include Sierra in this weekly prayer and they have never met her! They are definitely God’s workers!!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones”

Proverbs 3:5-8

This whole journey has humbled me so much and strengthened my faith to a level I never believed existed. I pray my lesson is not the reason for Sierra’s illness only the result!! Amen!

Thinking of you and wishing you all an AWSOME weekend!

BIG Caring Bridge ((((Hugs)))) and ++++prayers++++ to you all!

God Speed,
Sierra’s Mommy
*Missy Sierra*

The Johnsons; Larry, Serena, Zachary, Jacob and Sierra < stotzke@chartermi.net>
Sherburn , MN - Friday, June 11, 2004 12:58 AM CDT

JOE, NIKKI, BLEIZ AND ZEAH RECH <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
PRESCOTT, AZ USA - Thursday, June 10, 2004 6:21 PM CDT
Hello Wyatt, thanks for
checking on Craig. WE will
remember you the next round
of chemo coming up. We know
all too well how hard that is.

sending you lots of love

craig, lauren, and helen


craig <trula1@comcast.net>
- Thursday, June 10, 2004 3:03 PM CDT
Hello Rech family, I have a confession to make, this is the first time that I am signing the guestbook, but I do check the site almost everyday, it's like a ritual. I don't see you guys often, but I do think of you alot. My thoughts and prayers are with you everyday. Your household sounds alot like mine go, go, go all the time. Keeps the world interesting. I really think that we should have a family reunion so that we can catch up on everyone. Bye for now

Kim Chambers <kas069@frontiernet.net>
Waterville, Mn - Thursday, June 10, 2004 1:11 PM CDT
The Rech's - I've been thinking of you all often. Hang in there, so many thoughts and prayers are coming your way. Sounds like Wyatt is one tough little guy. Miss you all, haven't seen you forever! Take care,
Rosann, Amanda & Ashley
New Prague, MN USA - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 2:15 PM CDT
Kris, it sounds like you need a vacation away huh? I'm was so glad to read about all the ball games, we love ball as well & the girls just have so much fun(it is one of the only things that make us feel like we are in our normal routine for one night). Sorry that you have so many troubles at the Clinic & with the not so kid friendly scan man. It sure makes a huge difference for the kids as well as us as parents when they are so good to the kids:) Have a Super trip & enjoy every minute of it, those scans will be here before you know it. We will stop by again & get a new update.
Lots of Love from Nebraska
Patti & Haley

Patti <www.haleym10@alltel.net>
Panama, Ne - Wednesday, June 9, 2004 8:20 AM CDT
Hey Guys!
Hope you are enjoying this wonderful weather. Between the humidity and the misquitos I'm ready to hole up in the AC for the summer! Hope Master Wyatt is feeling good. Sixteen years, good for you! Congrats! We just had our 7th yesterday. I know what you mean about the clinic. It is soooo frustrating. Hope you guys have a great week. Still haven't heard anything on that boat cruise. Thinking of you and sending you hugs and prayers. Take care and God Bless,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 10:51 PM CDT
I got your site off of Nikki's site. My daughter was diagnosed with Wilms in Oct 03 and just finished chemo and had her port removed in May. We will keep you in our prayers.

Melanie <zickrick@hotmail.com>
St. Charles, MN USA - Tuesday, June 8, 2004 9:38 AM CDT
Hi Guys!
Glad to hear things went well any you won't have to go to clinic this week! What a great break. Hope all is well, everyone is feeling well. And I bet you all had a great time at the wedding! Well, enjoy the sunshine while it is here! Sending you lots of hugs and prayers. Take care and God Bless,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Sunday, June 6, 2004 4:07 PM CDT
Hi there Wyatt!!! Miss Nikki talks about you quite often. I hope ypur vacation goes through as planned you all deserve a break.
Nikki's grandma <cmontan@earthlink.net>
northfield, Mn - Sunday, June 6, 2004 9:02 AM CDT
Hi Rech Family,
Just checking in and seeing how Wyatt is doing and the rest of the family!! Can hardly wait to see the pictures of Wyatt in his tux!! They are going to be so cute!!! Kris, I don't know how you do it all!! You are an amazing and organized woman, wife and mommy!! Thank you for updating this site! Looks like more rain this week, I may be sick of so much rain, but heck if it makes it easier for you, bring it on!!!! Take care!!

Scott & Mari Sorgatz <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Saturday, June 5, 2004 11:29 PM CDT
Hey Wyatt,

You're so cute! I can't wait till the next baseball game to play with you. Hopefully it won't be so muddy! Have a great weekend!

Meagan Kodada <meakodada@hotmail.com>
Shieldsville, MN US - Friday, June 4, 2004 8:17 PM CDT
Wyatt, what a cutie you are!!! Sending huge hugs and prayers from Canada. Thinking about you!
Rose <tomandrose@sympatico.ca>
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 8:54 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and Family,

Just thought we'd stop in and say hello. Our 7yr old Katey was treated for Wilms too and is now almost a year off-treatment and remains in remission :> Glad to hear your chicken pox has dried up and hopefully you are feeling better, too. Katey is a flower girl for a wedding this weekend also-BUSY BUSY BUSY! We'll be praying for you to stay strong and healthy, Sending LotsaHugs your way~

*Katey's Site*

Grace and Katey <olsens5@execpc.com>
Waukesha, WI - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 3:36 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and Family,
How's it going Wyatt? Looks like you are in great hands. Pretty soon you will be out tossing the football around with your brothers. Sorry I have not written sooner. Love the slide show you have put together, everyone is growing up so fast. I hope to see you all soon! You are in our thoughts and prayers

Joe Pientka <joseph_pientka@faribault.k12.mn.us>
Faribault, MN Rice - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 11:34 AM CDT
Wyatt, you are one of our greatest and most valiant little guys.
Marky J Martin <markyjay1@juno.com>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 10:06 AM CDT
Hello Wyatt,

thanks for coming
to check on Craig

we are leaving for
Disney tomorrow

we will catch up when
we get back

sending you lots of love

craig, lauren, and helen


craig <trula1@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, June 2, 2004 7:28 AM CDT
Us again! We just watched the slide show all the way through. Nikki squealed like a little piggy when she saw herself on the puter! Thanks for adding the pictures. Take Care,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, Mn US - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 9:50 PM CDT
Hi Guys!
Ready for your weekly wait?? Thanks for the pictures, they are so cute! Nikki loved seeing them. The slide show is great...what a cutie! The bouncy swing is my favorite! Chemo again tomorrow for us. Hope Master Wyatt starts to feel better soon. Thinking of you and sending you big hugs and prayers. Take care and God Bless,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 9:44 PM CDT
As a member of the Beckwith "family", I just want you to know that Wyatt and all of you are always in my heart, on my mind and in my prayers. You have a special strength and I wish that there was something I could do for all of you. Hang in there and know that all of us are praying for you all...and especially little Wyatt.
(Mother of Felicity, 3 yrs. w/Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome & Cross Hemihypertrophy)

Shannon <djdhair5150@netzero.com>
Bradenton, FL USA - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 7:26 PM CDT
Hi again sweetie, Hope you are feeling well, Logan and I think of you often and know what a rough battle you have. We wish you well
Adrienne and Logan <aparsley@mtroyal.ca>
Calgary, AB Canada - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 4:45 PM CDT

JOE RECH FAMILY <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
PRESCOTT, AZ USA - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 10:43 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt. Hurray for good days, even laced with crabby. This weather sure is the pits. Now the ducks don't even come out of there nests. The water comes and goes with the rain, but It is just outside the family room now and again. Oh well, as long as we don't get a drought again. Glad to hear you got to see grandma and grandpa, bet they had a good time with you. WOW mom the grocery store all by yourself, what a treat.
Nikki's grandma <cmontan@earthlink.net>
Northfield, MN - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 7:28 AM CDT
I am here via Savannah's site also. Your little guy is one tough cookie, and cute too!!!!


Ellen Robertson <hellen177@aol.com>
Wyandotte, MI usa - Monday, May 31, 2004 11:52 PM CDT
I am also visiting via Savannah's site. Wyatt is one handsome little guy. I love the picture of him sleeping at the top of the picture page. What a sweetie. I will continue to follow him, if that's ok. My prayers are with your family.


Michelle Hawkins <michellehawkins3@yahoo.com>
Ashburn, VA - Monday, May 31, 2004 8:31 PM CDT
Hi everyone.
Hope all are doing well and that you got time to enjoy the weekend. (Despite the never-ending rain.) Take care!

Susan Dahn <Sluzy009@aol.com>
Shakopee, MN - Monday, May 31, 2004 7:42 PM CDT
Found your site through Savannah's. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Lauri Michelich <michelich@aol.com>
- Monday, May 31, 2004 7:37 PM CDT

I found your son's site through Savannah's and wanted to stop in and say hello. My heart goes out to you and your family. Sorry to hear of the loss of the twins and Wyatt's health issues. Many prayers for continued strength.


Shari and Nicole

Shari McElroy <ShariMcElroy@aol.com>
belen, nm usa - Monday, May 31, 2004 10:29 AM CDT
Wyatt I am thinking of you every day. When you are outside it makes me happy to see that you are feeling good! Get better soon Buck!
From Molly Wick

Molly Wick
New Prague, mn usa - Saturday, May 29, 2004 7:54 PM CDT
Hi Rech Family,
We are glad that the chicken pox are over for you Wyatt! That was not good to hear. Ryan loves to give you rides on his scooter Wyatt! You take care and I hope your mom and dad can rest some... yeah right huh? take care

Roger Amy and family <wrkras@bevcomm.net>
New Prague, mn - Friday, May 28, 2004 9:26 PM CDT
Hi guys just stopping back by to see how everyone is doing....Sorry to hear of the eye troubles, we will cross our fingers that it will work itself out & that the scans come back Wonderful..Lots of Love to you all
Patti & Haley

Patti <www.haleym10@alltel.net>
Panama, NE - Friday, May 28, 2004 11:32 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt

Just wanted to stop by and send my prayers. And say thank you for checking on Nikki. And I am glad that Nikki and Wyatt have had the chance to meet.

Nikki's Auntie Jo

BonnieJo <bjmadd@hotmail.cm>
Fairbaul, MN - Friday, May 28, 2004 0:00 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt!!! I hear that Miss Nikki thinks you are wonderful and just as cute as can be. It sounds like you talked Heather into the boat trip. I HOPE SO!!! Her and the kids will have a great time. Glad all the chicky pox are about gone. Hoping you are feeling great!!!
Nikki's Grandma <cmontan@earthlink.net>
Northfield, MN - Thursday, May 27, 2004 8:01 PM CDT
Hi Guys!
Us again:) We had a great time today! I don't think time has ever gone so quickly...but still 2 hours for counts. AAAAAAGGGGGHHHH! Nikki talked about it all the way home. It was the first time she wasn't running out the door while I was gathering our stuff. She was ticked because she thought we were going to eat fries with Wyatt. The promise of McD's helped alot. Hope all went well with that ultrasound today. I'm sorry to say the "Nikki" bouncy ball did not survive the ride home. It now looks like the "Nikki" pancake! HEHEHE. Can't wait to see those pics. Maybe we will add them to our album! Thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs and prayers! Take care and God Bless,
Heather and Nikki
P.S. Looking forward to the boat trip. Hopefully it will be done raining by then:)

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 10:27 PM CDT
I was told about Wyatt from a friend of mine so thought I'd stop by and check on him. Imagine my surprise--I honestly don't know why I'm surprised--to see so many people I "know" in the guestbook. Well, add me to it, too! You joined an elite group when you became a "cancer mom"--a group no one wants to be a part of. "Welcome" just doesn't work in this situation ... "sorry you're here" is more fitting. Sorry you'll get to know me is more like it!! Tee hee!! I'll have to take some time and read back in the journals so that I can get to know your family. Best of luck this week with "the pox" -- the dreaded pox.
Jodi Hansen http://www.caringbridge.org/mn/rachelhansen <FlyingCook@aol.com>
Lakeville, MN - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 8:08 AM CDT
Hey Guys!
Sounds like the pox have hit the road. That is good news. We can't wait to see you tomorrow. Nikki was very excited when I told her you would be there:) (You won't have to do much arm twisting!) Boy have I got a story for you! Hope you guys are having a great week! Sending you lots of hugs and prayers! Take care and God Bless! See you tomorrow,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 4:19 PM CDT
Hey Wyatt, dropping by
to see how you are
doing. sending you
lots oflove!!

craig, lauren, and helen


craig <trula1@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:02 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and Family,

I know what a great feeling it is not to have to go to clinic. A day off always feels good. I hope you enjoy the summer. My prayers are with you. I love Scooby-Doo too!

sandy jergens <sandyjerg@aol.com www.caringbridge.com/mn/masonjergens>
delano, MN - Friday, May 21, 2004 1:14 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and clan. Glad to see your sense of humor comming through in your page and guest book. I am sure a good sense of humor adds a little bit of sanity to your insane world. Wyatt feel better and good luck at the doctors!
Nikki's grandma <cmontan@earthlink.net>
Northfield, MN - Friday, May 21, 2004 8:37 AM CDT
Hey guys,
I'm not a bad driver. I only drive crazy when I see anyone related to you guys(JK). Molly told me she'd give me 100pts if i hit justin. I told her thats mean and that justin is a nice kid so i'm going for bryce. Oh and justin molly says that your socks don't always match either.(JK) Molly said she'll get a really good babysitting job and pay for your bills. then she was going to build you a shack on one condition, she gets to marry bryce. (JK I added that part) We all miss you and are always thinking of you. Call us anytime.

Bridget & Molly <britty_31@hotmail.com>
Montgomery, MN 56069 - Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:05 PM CDT
Good morning! Just checking up on you again! Chicken Pox - hmmm...not very fun! We pray for strength for your family daily and send you a big Texas hug! Take care - we send our love! Greg, Stacy (Jandro), Donald, Tara, & Michael Chester
STACY CHESTER <stacy@riekesglass.com>
West Tawakoni, TX USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 10:04 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt!!! Boy I never met a little boy who seems to love animals like you do. First you win a who's cuter contest, Wyatt or Mr. Bunny and now you are giving the CHICKEN pox a run for their money(MOM too I bet) Just kidding. I'm wondering if grumpy Wyatt is related to Naughty Nikki!! I am taking Nikki out for lunch today if she isn't too tired. I'll bet having a break from the hospital and doctors is great even if it's because of the POX. Nikki was so excited to tell me that she met you at the clinic, MOM Kris talk Heather into taking Nikki and Brandon on the cruise I told her I would take Tyler but she is resisting. I know Nikki would love the outing and Brandon would think it is the coolest thing, Work on her!!! I think they should go.
Nikki's grandma <cmontan@earthlink.net>
Northfield, MN - Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:36 AM CDT
Chris, Jim and Dorks
I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you guys (except bryce because he doesn't like me, JK). If you guys ever need anything call me and I'll try to help. Even if that means babysitting those naughty kids when bryce and justin are gone. Tell allie i miss her hugs. My mom wants you guys to move back here she really misses everyone. She get kind of lonely with out all those kids running around. Molly said that if you move back she'll give bryce and justin all of our twinkies (which they would have taken any how) You guys really should move back cause our new neighbor are really big on loud cars. I was going to tell them that loud pipes save lives. Tell wyatt that if anyone is mean to him I'll take them out (that goes for the rest of the kids)

Bird Shit AKA Bridget <britty_31@hotmail.com>
Montgomery, MN 56069 - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:44 PM CDT
hey hun! you know i am behind you all the way even more than your ugly neighbor gabbie.I know you can get through this with your CRAZY family. Don't give up now, you got this far you can do it. but the hardest part is going to be puting up with your crazy family! well i will keep writing so hang in there.
Bestest nieghbor (molly miller) <molly83@hotmail.com>
montgomery, MN united states - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:13 PM CDT
hey cutie,
glad your makeing it through this good.Stay in there, your doing great! Im behind you all the way!!!!

gabbie miller <babbs_234@hotmail.com>
montgomery, mn united states - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:06 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt we got your site through another Wilm's family member of ours. You are such a sweetie, we are sorry to hear that you have the chickenpox on top of everything else. Continue to be strong & we will stop back and visit you to check on your progress.
Lots of Love from Nebraska
Patti-Haley's mom Wilm's Stage IV Fav

Patti <www.haleym10@alltel.net>
Panama, Ne - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 1:46 PM CDT
Hi. Sorry to hear that Wyatt has the chicken pox. I hope he is better soon. I really enjoyed our visit to your house.
Mirinda Crissman and family
New Prague, MN - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:31 AM CDT
Hi Guys!
Chicken Pox, oh what fun! The wonders of childhood diseases, aren't they great? Wyatt is NOT alone, Nikki has become quite the tyrant lately to! The word no is suddenly not in her vocabulary. Sorry to hear your having a rough time! Hope things get better soon and that you were able to enjoy the nice weather today! Hang in there, you are in our thoughts and we are sending lots of hugs and prayers your way! Take care and God Bless,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 5:27 PM CDT

JOE RECH FAMILY <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
PRESCOTT, AZ USA - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:36 AM CDT
Keep fighting big guy.
Brian Fogal <brian.fogal@montlonsdale.k12.mn.us>
St. Peter, MN Nicollet - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 9:40 AM CDT
Hey, I just wanted to say that I hope that Wyatt gets better and that he can take part in all the school activities his older brothers got to enjoy! Get well soon!!
The charity walk had a good turn out and was fun to do that.

Erica Marcussen <air_marcinsin72@hotmail.com>
Montgomery, MN US - Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:18 PM CDT
Hello Rech family. I just wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with you. I think the walk today was successful. I am an NHS student that participated in the walk/run today. I had fun taking the time to do this for Wyatt. We all enjoyed the beautiful weather and the time with friends. Stay strong and may God be with you!!!
Emily Marcussen <em7717@hotmail.com>
Montgomery, MN USA - Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:12 PM CDT
Jim, Kris & family,
Sorry to hear that you are now dealing with chicken pox on top of everything else. Hopefully it will be a mild case and doesn't effect Wyat to hard. Think of you often and are always in our prayers.
Love, Joyce & Gil

Joyce Ross <jg6ross@yahoo.com>
Faribault, MN USA - Sunday, May 16, 2004 5:39 PM CDT
HI my name is Alicia and I have 3 children with BWS and 2 have wilms tumor. One is in remission from a stage 3 ( he was dx 7-10-02) hes 5 he had his left kidney removed and my daughter is 9 and was dx in January 2004 with bi-lat wilms. Dr. Beckith said that this is soooo rare. (pretty much doesnt happen) I would love to hear from you. I had to learn the hard way. Jacob was dx with wilms way before I knew he had Beckwith-Wiedemann then I dx Hanna and Colin my oldest but he doesnt have wilms. Dr. Beckwith helped me dx all my kids (I only have 3) he couldnt believe that I have 3 with this syndrome. I also have it as well (BWS). Take care and you'll all be in my prayers.
Alicia Greenleaf <cgreenleaf@charter.net>
Duncansville, PA USA - Friday, May 14, 2004 9:10 PM CDT
Hi Guys!
Are you sick of us yet? It was great to meet you guys today. Nikki had a blast playing with Wyatt. That is all she has talked about since we left. I am so glad things went well and you didn't have to have that transfusion after all. Nikki keeps saying Wyatt didn't have to have "surgery". She heard us talking and I think transfusion is just to big of a word for her:) Hope things continue to go well for you and that Wyatt is less of a grump with the break in chemo! Sending you lots of hugs and prayers! Take care and God Bless,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN US - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:32 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and Family!
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling your best right now. Hope you start to feel better soon! We are at clinic tomorrow too! Maybe we will get to see you there! Kris, you aren't alone! We aren't dealing with quite the same things, but if you ever need a friendly ear, know I am here! Thanks for the Riverboat info. I will check at clinic tomorrow for more info! Know you are in our thoughts and prayers! Big Hugs To You! Take care and God Bless,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN USA - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 0:20 AM CDT
Kris, Jim, Wyatt, Justin, Bryce, Alli, & Carter,
I was glad to hear that the benefit went so well!
It was wonderful to see everyone. Your family is growing up. Such a good looking bunch! The girls had a great time playing & visiting. Gracey is still talking about "shooting hoops" and winning a new ball.
Hang in there Kris. I admire your strength.
Mea is looking forward to seeing Alli on Saturday. I'll have her call Alli later this week.
We're praying for you!

Sherry Coultas <Dellyborchard@aol.com>
Lakeville, MN USA - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 7:12 AM CDT
hi wyatt and all...Zeah wanted to let Wyatt know that she got a tan for him in Mexico...but she wasn't sure how to send it. The kids had fun on the beach and wanted to know when their cousins would be able to go to the beach with them. I hope that your feeling better and enjoying the sunshine. We're sending pictures to grandma and grandpa so you can see us all...take care all, your in our thoughts and prayers. Love Joe,Nikki,Bleiz and Zeah.
Joe Rech family <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
prescott, az usa - Monday, May 10, 2004 5:07 PM CDT
HI Wyatt, Nikki' grandma again when I went back to your home page I read something I missed the first time. You have a grandma Diane in Faribault. Does she work in shipping at a manufactoring plant there? I tkink that maybe I might have worked with her for a while. This big old world is shrinking every day.
Nikki's grandma <cmontan@earthlink.net>
Northfield, MN - Monday, May 10, 2004 8:03 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt I don't know who is cuter you or the bunny. Yes I do MR. Bunny you lose ( Wyatt's smile steals the show) Maybe Mr. Bunny could learn to wiggle his ears!! Nope I think Wyatt would still be cuter!!! I am glad that you and your family are getting to know my grandaughter and her mommy Heather. We live so close New Prauge is only about 20 miles from us. I dont' know if you have met Rachel yet but she is four and lives in Webster, not quite halfway. I find it is incredible just how small this big old world can be sometimes. When you grow up and leave your old world behind it seems so far away. When I was little I lived near Lakeville where rachel's family is from. I went to school with her uncle and know her grandma and grandpa. Now my best friend is related to her aunt through marriage or mayber their cousins or something it gets complicated but connected. We moved to a farm near Webster where Rachel and her parents live now. When we lived their I went to New Prague High School and think I may have graduated with your grandpa or uncles or something. Then I got married and moved near Northfield, I found out today that Rachel's mommy was from Northfield. I have neices that graduated from New Prague in the last few years and one that is still in Junior High there. In fact we are coming to New Prague in a few weeks for a surprise anniversary party. It would be super cool if you could get together and meet OUR MISS NICOLE (Nikki) She is one in a million and I am so proud of her. If your mommy shops in Northfield maybe you could get together and play. They live near one of the elementary schools. I think it is cool your grandma works at one of them. I volunteer at the other school, Not the one yoor grandma works for, not the one in Nikki's backyard, but the other one. Confused now I bet. Tell that mommy of yours that I want to thank her for sharing the rivercruise info with Heather. Nikki's grandpa and I went last year, and it was an awesome experience for grownups, I can't imagine how you little people will love it.

Kris, You don't know my daughter be she is quite a person. I always tell Nikki's new Wilms family members that as part of a family affected by Wilm's we are all impacted by this role of fate, but none of us can actually know firsthand the feelings of quilt, fustration, and the unknown you are going through, except other cancer mom and dads. Our family is extremly close (I think you can tell that my Nikki's web page. but you mom's and dads need the support of each other. Sorry to know that Wyatt has this condition but glad to know that you live close to someone that can understand. Heather is a great source of support for many of their new families and I am sure she would be for you!

Nikki's grandma <cmontan@earthlink.net>
Northfield, MN - Monday, May 10, 2004 7:55 AM CDT
Hi There.
I found you on Nikki's site. I read your story...EGADS! My heart goes out to you! And I know what you mean about the clinic... I love our caregivers, and I wonder why they bother making appointments in the calendars. I think I would wait just as long if I showed up unannounced. :o)
I wish you success in your journey. We'll come back and check on you. (and happy mother's day!!)

lori (www.caringbridge.com/mn/noahhurley) <clowns@myhometown.net>
n st paul, mn - Sunday, May 9, 2004 8:55 PM CDT
Hi everyone! I hope Wyatt is feeling good today (and everyday). Just was online checking the web-site for updates and thought I would say HI and Happy Mother's Day to Kris and all the other moms that read this. Take care and I am sure I will talk to you soon. Love, Susie
Sue Dahn <Sluzy009@aol.com>
Shakopee, MN USA - Sunday, May 9, 2004 5:56 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day Kris, I wish I could wave that magic wand and make everything better for Wyatt. I know that would be the greatest gift of all for you. I hope Wyatt is having a good day so you can relax and enjoy your day with all the kids and your family. Have you received any entries for Wyatts Golf Benefit? Let me know. Remember to collect the money at the time of registration if they register through you. If you want more flyers, I can send them to you. Ok, I have to go, but I will talk to you soon. Say Hi to Jim .


Jan Thompson <www.docchow@earthlink.net>
Richfield, MN USA - Sunday, May 9, 2004 11:00 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt,
Thanks for checking in. My Mommy is wondering what the Riverboat cruise is. She is a little out of it lately. If you could fill her in that would be super. Have a great weekend and a Happy Mothers Day!

Nikki Schultz (and Mommy) <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN USA - Sunday, May 9, 2004 0:55 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt and Family,
Just checking in to see how you are. Hope everything went well with chemo and that you are feeling good! Have a GREAT MOTHERS DAY! Sending lots of hugs and prayers, Take care and God Bless,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN USA - Saturday, May 8, 2004 1:35 PM CDT
Hi Kris and Jim and Kids, just checking in to see how it's been going. This is such a nice way to keep track of Wyatt. Thanks for keeping it updated. You are all in my prayers. OOOOOOOOO
Diana Sundwall <iris@LL.net>
Faribault, Mn Rice - Thursday, May 6, 2004 9:47 AM CDT
Hi family. I am in the National Honor Society at MLHS. I am glad that we are doing a walk for Wyatt. I would be more then proud to RUN many many miles for Wyatt. If anyone wants the info it is Sunday, May 16th at 1 pm. it will take place at the New ML track complex. Hope to see many out there.
Student at ML
Montgomery, MN 56069 - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 9:05 AM CDT
Hi all,
Glad to hear your benefit was such a huge success! Hope you are feeling well. Thanks to your Daddy for checking in with us. Pretty cool that he works here in Northfield. Maybe you could send us an email if you are going to be in the area and we can meet at a park and play. You must have a grandma that works at Sibley school. She works with the Mom of one of Nikkis classmates and just mentioned you to me the other day. What a small world it is! Take care and know we are sending lots of hugs and prayers your way. God Bless,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 1:53 AM CDT
Hi Jim, Kris, Wyatt & all,

We enjoyed your Benefit Sat eve. Chris & I brought Karens's boys, Noah & Eli. They really had a good time at the fishing pond! We were lucky to each win a door prize, except Chris! Wyatt, it was so good to see you looking so well, hope you keep feeling better. You are all in our prayers.
Love Aunt Lois & Unc Jerry

Lois Malecha <loism@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN Rice - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 2:57 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt and family,
I had fun seeing all of you at the benefit on Saturday.
I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Connie Theis <ct64@earthlink.net>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 1:56 PM CDT
Dear Justin,
It's Me-a-gan! I'm here for you. I know what you're going through! If you need a hug or just somebody to talk to. You know who to ask! Love Ya!

Meagan Kodada <meakodada@hotmail.com>
Shieldsville, MN US - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 12:15 AM CDT
I read the online edition of the New Prague Times. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to you and Wyatt. What a little cutie.
My thoughts and prayers will continue for a recovery.

Andrea Bauer Gustafson (originally from Montgomery, MN)

Andrea Bauer Gustafson <abauer@foodservicenews.net>
Shakopee, MN - Monday, May 3, 2004 11:33 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt and Family,
Stopping in to say Hi. Hope your benefit was a great success this weekend. Sending you lots of prayers! Take care and God Bless,
Heather and Nikki

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN USA - Monday, May 3, 2004 0:14 AM CDT
Little Wyatt and family,
i am very sorry to hear about wyatts cancer. i have thought about the little guy a lot latley and i hope he remains strong. my family's prayers and thoughts are with you all. if theres anything we can do just let us know. wyatts a tough little guy he'll pull through!

Amber Johnson <ShortySport_919@msn.com>
New Prague, MN 56071 - Thursday, April 29, 2004 8:37 PM CDT
Dear Wyatt and family,
It was sooo good to see you this week. You are an amazing little boy! Gracey, Mea and I will come to your house in the next few weeks for a visit. Gracey would like a ride on that Gator of yours. Us girls plan to be at the benefit this Sat., not sure if Dell will be in town or not. We were glad to hear that you will be there also. Give your Mom & Dad a big hug from us. See you soon!
With Love, Sherry, Dell, Mea & Gracey Coultas

Sherry Coultas <dellyborchard@aol. com>
Lakeville, MN USA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 5:37 PM CDT

PRESCOTT, AZ USA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:42 AM CDT
Hi Wyatt,
We found you in our guestbook. My name is Nikki, and I am 3 3/4. I live in Northfield which is very close to you. Maybe we could play sometime. It is so cool that we live so close together. And guess what...I will be at the clinic tomorrow. I have an ultrasound at 11 and then I see Dr Smith and get my chemo. Maybe we will see each other. Just to let you know, I am already bald, but I think it is very cool. I hope you are feeling good and not to much of the yucky stuff from chemo. My mommy says she would love to talk to you and your mommy. Gotta go, it is bedtime. I will say lots and lots of prayers for you! Take care and God Bless.
Nikki (with help from Mommy)

Heather Schultz <hjschultz@charter.net>
Northfield, MN USA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:57 PM CDT
Dear Jim, Kris, Wyatt and the rest of the family - My name is Char Nelson. I'm a friend of Jenny White's. We work together at my dad's company, Ergotron, and Jenny's son Brandon and my daugher Jenna have the same ECSE teacher. It's a small world sometimes, isn't it? I just found out about your son Wyatt and I bought raffle tickets for the benefit this weekend. Although Jenna doesn't have cancer I know how it feels to be at the doctor all the time. It's no fun. I pray that Wyatt will soon be free of the medications and chemo and will just be a normal little boy again. My dad is going through chemo right now for Stage 4 colon cancer which has metastasized to his lungs and liver. He is a fighter and is an example to everyone who knows him. We recently learned about caringbridge and I think I'm going to put my dad on there. It sure looks like a great way of keeping in touch with everyone. God bless you guys as you keep fighting for your son's life. Don't ever give up.
Char Nelson <cnelson@ergotron.com>
Farmington, MN USA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 1:51 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Jimmy- Hope you have a Good day. We're still praying every day that Wyatt gets well real soon, as we know he is going to. It will just take time. All of you have a Great Day, Love Fred, Edie & Kelly Jandro
Edith Jandro <efkjandro@charter.net>
Owatonna , Mn. Steele - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 12:57 AM CDT
Jim, Kris, Wyatt, & Family,
I want you to know that you have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Wyatt, don't forget you have special angels that watch over you every day. I also want to share with you the name of a 3 1/2 year old litle girl from Northfield that is also being treated for Wilms Tumor. Her name is Nikki. I thought that maybe you might be able to offer some support to each other during some of those rough rodes ahead or just share information and happy thoughts. Nikki also has a website at www.caringbridge.org/mn/nikkismom. I know they would love to hear from you and how you are doing.

Take care and God Bless you all!

Kathy (Novak) Hanek <khanek@frontiernet.net>
Montgomery, MN LeSueur - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 0:34 AM CDT
Hi Everyone! Especially Wyatt. First off, I want to let you know the Golf outing will be Monday, June 21, 2004 at 10:00 am at the Heritage Links Golf Course. We are in the final stages of setting the prices for golf and lunch. I will get you the information ASAP. Second, I want to thank Wyatt for his recent visit to see me. I think he had alot of fun sitting on the forklifts. Mom, bring your camera next time! Wyatt, your little hugs and kisses are so sweet. Third, Kris, don't forget to stop by and pickup the raffle tickets and money. Last but not least, I want to wish Jim a HAPPY BIRTHDAY on Tuesday. We are way overdue for a fun time!!!!! Take care everyone and I will talk to you soon.

Jan Thompson <www.docchow@earthlink.net>
Richfield, MN Hennepin - Monday, April 26, 2004 4:59 PM CDT
Hi, I can't imagine what is like for you guys always being somewhere. And I loved Bryce's speech on Thursday. I gave him an A+!! Ashlea Pan

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. We pray the Lord looks kindly on your family so you may have a long and happy life together. Tammie Pan

Ashlea and Tammie Pan <tammie@usfamily.net>
montgomery, MN U.S.A - Saturday, April 24, 2004 12:19 AM CDT
Hey there all! Finally made it to mom's house to check out the web-site. Wyatt I hope you are feeling good. Love the pictures. My mom (Aunt Jeanne) printed me one of Wyatt with Ali and Carter with the bunnies. Krissy- remember you can call me anytime and remember that I can always come with on Thursdays. I would love to see you guys. Miss you and love you lots! Take care little Wyatt. You all are in my thoughts and prayers! Love~ Susie
Sue Dahn <Sluzy009@aol.com>
Shakopee, MN Scott - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 6:13 PM CDT
Hi Everyone from West Virginia. I,ve been shoping till I dropped. It is so green here & all the trees are in bloom. Will be back Thus p.m.. Will call you then miss ya Granma Rech & Bev says Hello
Granma Rech <rechimpala66@aol.com>
Kearneysville , WV USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:13 AM CDT
Dearest Chris, Jim and your "Beautiful Family"
My Thoughts and Prayers are with you....

Judy Claffey <ecrosby@frontiernet.net>
Kilkenny, MN LeSueur - Sunday, April 18, 2004 6:34 PM CDT
Hello Wyatt and everybody,
It is so nice outside today I hope your feeling well enough to go out and get some fresh air. You looked so good at Easter glad you likes the noodels! Let us know if you need anything!

Aunt Susie <tmfitcher@att.net>
savage, mn usa - Friday, April 16, 2004 1:42 PM CDT
Hello cousins! We were happy to have Grandma Diane ("Auntie Di" to us) visiting with my mom, Lois, the weekend before Easter. We heard all about you guys, and just want to check in and tell you our thoughts and prayers are with you. P. S. That is an exceptionally cute Easter picture -- but what kind of name is "Roadkill" for a bunny?! That must have been Grandpa Jim's idea...
Ginny and Bill Cade
San Diego, CA USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:28 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt, how are you doing? I am glad you are feeling ok.
These are the religion kids and we all wish you well along with your family. We think you are a brave little boy!!!!!
The religion class

the religion class <wrkras@bevcomm.net>
new prague, Mn. - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 7:00 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt! Although we haven't met in person, I have heard a lot of great things about you from Grandma and Grandpa Villwock. Your mom is so proud of you too! I am a cousin of your Grandpa, and Grandma Mary is my Godmother! Your mom and I grew up playing together, and Your Uncle Jon and I are the same age too! I am so proud of you for all you have been through. I hope that you are feeling better, and can play outside! I just wanted to say Hi, and tell you that we are thinking about you and your family, and want to send you love and blessings from Owatonna! Hope to meet you sometime! Have a great summer! Love, Eric Jodi & Parker
Eric, Jodi & Parker Erickson <ericnjod@charter.net>
Owatonna, MN Steele - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 4:45 PM CDT
Scott & Mari Sorgatz <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 2:36 PM CDT
Happy to hear that Wyatt is doing fine, and we love you. Happy Easter everybody!

Delbert & Betty Sorgatz <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Waterville, MN USA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 2:34 PM CDT
Hello Wyatt,
I sure hope you are feeling better very soon. I bet the easter bunny will be at your house bright and early. Don't eat to much candy you should save some for me. I hope you have been practicing your Kung Fu fighting dance (laugh). Happy Easter everyone you are in my thoughts daily.

Heidi Noraas <egnoraas@sherbtel.net>
Big lake, mn sherburne - Friday, April 9, 2004 7:07 AM CDT
Hello Rechs,
This is uncle Joe just writing to wish you all the best and a happy Easter. I hope you get to go play with Grandpas bunnies and have some nice spring weather this weekend. We are all praying for you every day Wyatt. Jim and Kris I hope that this all will come to an end soon and you both can return to your normal routines. Have a great Easter and maybe I'll be talking to you on Sunday. Lots of Love! Joe and family.

Joe Rech family <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
Prescott, AZ USA - Thursday, April 8, 2004 10:38 AM CDT
The Rech Gang,
We were happy to see Wyatt was out of the hospital, and is mobile with such beautiful weather! Sorry to hear about the vomiting though. He seems like such a little fighter! There isn't a day that goes past that we don't think of Wyatt...and his Mommy, Daddy and siblings! Hang in there. Happy Easter! Scott & Mari

Scott & Mari Sorgatz <smsorgatz@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 10:38 PM CDT
Hello Jim, Kris, Justin, Bryce, Ali, Carter, and Wyatt:
I hope you are feeling better Wyatt. I check this web site almost everyday to see how you are doing. I also can't wait to come and watch Justin's baseball games so that I can see and play with you.

Well I can't wait to see you:

Abby Pumper <Abbylynn101@hotmail.com>
Montgomery, MN USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 6:47 PM CDT
Bob, Brenda, Kayla, Nicholas, and Emily Stiernagle <bbstier@frontiernet.net>
Kilkenny, MN - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 3:41 PM CDT
Kris, Jim, and family~
You have been and continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Valerie let me know about Wyatt's illness ,along with this website. It's a wonderful tool to use to stay informed on his condition. Stay strong.

Carrie Petersen <clynnpete@hotmail.com>
Faribault, MN USA - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 9:38 PM CDT
Hi Wyatt-
Love the picture of you with Ali, Carter and the bunny. We just got back from Las Vegas, and clicked on to see how you were doing. So Sorry to hear you were in the hospital. We know you are going to get better. Stay strong. You are always in our daily thoughts and prayers. We love you. Fred, Edie and Kelly Jandro

Fred, Edie Kelly Jandro <efkjandro@charter.net>
Owatonna , Mn. USA - Friday, April 2, 2004 10:35 PM CST
Hi Wyatt,
Hope you are feeling better today...great picture-love the bunnies.

Valerie Villwock <vrvillwock@hotmail.com>
Northfield, MN - Friday, April 2, 2004 3:42 PM CST
Hello, it was sure nice to see you this morning Wyatt. I hope you drank your juice and ate your bannana. I enjoyed coming to visit with you today , but I would rather visit you when you are at home. Get well soon. We are thinking of all of you. Hang in there all.
HeidI Noraas <egnoraas@sherbtel.net>
big lake, mn - Thursday, April 1, 2004 8:59 PM CST
Jim, Kris & family,
Sorry to hear that Wyatt had to spend time in the hospital. We continue to hold all of you in our prayers. Stay strong and know that there are many people praying for you. If you need anything, just ask.
Love, Joyce & Gil

Joyce Ross <jg6ross@yahoo.com>
Faribault, MN USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 8:31 PM CST
We were sorry you were in the hospital again Wyatt. We are glad you are home. I bet momma has better popsicles anyway. I hope you will be out motoring around in the cul-de-sac soon.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

Roger, Amy Whitney Ryan and Katie <wrkras@bevcomm.net>
new prague, mn - Thursday, April 1, 2004 6:02 PM CST
Jim, Kris and family,
We are so sorry that your sweet little baby is feeling sick again. We hope he's home from the hospital soon! You are all in our prayers!

Love, Jane, Dave, Molly and Saydee

Jane Armstrong-Wick <djmswick@aol.com>
New Prague, MN USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 1:16 PM CST

So sorry to hear you are back in the hospital. Hang in there and be the tough little man that you are. God is watching over you and your family and you are all in our prayers. Hopefully we will get the chance to see you all soon.

Andrea and Steve Vogelsberg <avogelsberg@yahoo.com>
Faribault, MN - Thursday, April 1, 2004 10:22 AM CST
Hello Wyatt, I sure do like the new picture is really cute of you all. I will keep you in my prayers and the rest of your family think of you alot and wondering how you are doing. Grandpa keeps me informed about you. Say hi to daddy and mommy. I am a cousin of grandpa you take care now and maybe sometime when you are at grandpa Rech I can stop in and see you. Love Marcella Von Ruden
Marcella Von Ruden <cella60@charter.net>
Faribault, MN usa - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:17 PM CST
Jim, Kris and family,
Our prayers are with you and your family. Wyatt looks like a pretty determined little boy and we know he will beat this! It is so great to be able to get updates and see pictures. We love the Swenson picture with the rabbits. Keep them coming...

Bill and Candy Meyer <cmeyer@s-sm.org>
Faribault, MN - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 8:31 AM CST
Wyatt, Kris & Jim,
Hi! It was great to see you and your family on Sunday! Hope Wyatt is feeling good today, he is in our thoughts and prayers, as you all are. Love the pictures!!!! Take care!!

Scott & Mari Sorgatz <smsorgazt@cvtel.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:50 PM CST
wyatt your picture is very cute. was gald to see you on Sunday. Hope you are feeling better and can enjoy your Easter.
Love Dave and Carla and the kids

Carla and David Miska and family <Clmiska@hotmail.com>
Montgomery, mn Lesueur - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:20 PM CST
Hello Wyatt and all, This is uncle Joe just letting you know that I'm trying to take good care of grandma and Aunt Lois while they visit. The pictures of you and the bunnies are just wonderful. I hope that you are feeling better and are able to enjoy the spring weather. Take care and we will probably be calling you tomorrow. Lots of love & prayers. Joe,Nikki,Bleiz,and Zeah.
Joe Rech family <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
Prescott, AZ USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 11:19 AM CST
Hi Wyatt,
Sorry we missed meeting you at the benefit breakfast, you had gone home before I got there. You sure are a cutie. I hope you are feeling better today, missed seeing you. I am looking at your pictures on the computer today and reading about you. You are in our prayers.
Pam Bremer and family

Pam Bremer-maiden name Sorgatz <pdbremer@hickorytech.net>
605 2nd St. N.W. Waseca, Mn United States - Monday, March 29, 2004 3:32 PM CST
Hello to the Rech family! I hope all is going well! I just wanted you to know that your family is in our prayers! If you need anything call me!!! I would love to help anyway I can! Love, Cris (Knish) Young and Family
Cris Young <cknish@frontiernet.net>
Le Center, MN USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 10:33 AM CST
Hi Everyone,Kris & Wyatt, So sorry to hear you spent the noc in the hospitol. Hope you are feeling better after all your I.V.'s and meds. I'll miss you but will give Bleiz & Zeah the hugs you gave me for them. Will call you from Az. Hope all goes well Sunday and you get stonger Wyatt. Love Gran
Granma Rech <Rechimpala 66@aol.com>
Faribault, MN USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 4:07 PM CST
Jim, Kris, Wyatt-
Hope all is well at this time. My thoughts are with you.

Aunt Jeanne

Jeanne Marnoff <jmarnoff1@msn.com>
Jordan, MN USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:59 PM CST
Hello Wyatt,
Glad to hear you're getting better. Linnea and Ulrik are finally healthy. They have been waiting to come play with you and Carter. Hope we can come play soon. Give Mommy and Daddy hugs. I asked Zachary to help Emilie and Randy keep you safe. They are doing a great job. Keep smiling.

Thomas, Libby, Linnea and Ulrik Schmit <tlschmit@means.net>
Veseli, MN Rice - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:36 AM CST
Wyatt So many prayers are being said for you and you have touched so many hearts. You are sooooooo cute. Would love to hug you . Stay as brave as yolu have been You are a trooper. Jim and Chris-Know I care and that I am Praying for all of you. love joanna
Joanna Angell <jangell@ll.net>
Faribault, Mn USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:21 AM CST
Hi Wyatt,
I hope all goes well for you. You are in my prayers stay strong and you will get through this. Hang in there mom & dad you are doing great. I don't know how you do it I'm praying for you guys.

Vicki Kanzenbach <realifecoop@charterinternet.net>
Faribault, MN Rice - Monday, March 22, 2004 10:03 AM CST
You are in thoughts and prayers.
Brad, Karen & Linda Chambers <bcconstr@frontiernet.net>
Waterville, MN USA - Sunday, March 21, 2004 2:30 PM CST
Hi Wyatt, I hope your Thursday goes well and you don't have any bad reactions. Hope you are feeling well for Justin's B-Day party Sunday. I'll bring you some Easter cut out sugar cookies. Love and Prayers, Granma Rech
Granma Rech <Rechimpala66@aol.com>
Faribault, Mn USA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 9:09 PM CST
Hi Wyatt,
This is uncle Joe, I just wanted to say thank you for calling. It's great to hear your voice. Zeah really enjoyed talking with you, Carter, and Ali. I hope that you actually got to say something...Enjoy the nice weather and hang in there tough guy, There are many prayers being said for you and your family. We are still trying to find our way up there this summer so I hope to see you soon.
Lots of love, Uncle Joe, Nikki, Bleiz, and Zeah.

Joe Rech family <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
Prescott, AZ USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2004 3:32 PM CST
Hi Wyatt, Chris and Jim,
Can't tell you how much we feel for all of you, we are praying for all of you and hoping that you will not have to go through anymore visits like you just had. If you ever need us to do anything just call please....I know Wyatt and I have sort of the same darn thing going on , but I am able to help you when ever you need it. I wish I could take it away from Wyatt and switch places. It just seems so wrong what he is going through. Remember our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Heidi and Erik

Erik and Heidi Noraas <egnoraas@sherbtel.net>
Big Lake , mn sherburne - Saturday, March 13, 2004 9:19 PM CST
Jim,Kris and Family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. We look forward to sunny spring days when we see Wyatt's smiling little face outside enjoying life! You're wonderful neighbor's! Please let us know if we can help in any way.

Jane Armstrong-Wick
New Prague, MN USA - Thursday, March 11, 2004 1:22 PM CST
Hey Wyatt- Hope you are feeling good!Did you get the wagon the last time you went to the hospital? If not...grab it before someone else gets to it first:)! Hang in there tuff guy-we think about you alot!
Jon, Valerie, Jordan, Britny, Zach and Katelyn Villwock <vrvillwock@hotmail.com>
Northfield, MN - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 4:53 PM CST
Hello Wyatt,
I hope you are having a good week. I have ben thinking a lot about you. My thoughts and prayers are with you daily. Jim and Chris if there is anything we can do let us know.
Hang in there guys.

Heidi Noraas <egnoraas@sherbtel.net>
Big Lake , MN Sherburned - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 3:38 PM CST
Hello Wyatt,
This is your uncle Joe and I just wanted you to watch the mail because Bleiz, Zeah, and I went toy shopping for you. You should be getting it this week and I hope it will help you pass the time. We are all praying for your safe recovery.
Jim and Kris I pray that you are remaining strong through all of this. We are thinking of you all every day and again, if there is anything that I might be able to do for you please don't hesitate to call.
Lots of love....brother Joe and family.

Joe,Nikki,Bleiz, and Zeah Rech <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
Prescott, AZ USA - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:26 AM CST
Having had a child with cancer, I know what a scary time this is for you. I also know the odds are in Wyatt's favor. I will keep Wyatt in my prayers and I will pray that the Lord will give you strength at times when you don't think you have any. Take care!!
Kathy Hazzard (mom to Rachel -BWS, Wilms) <hazzard4@comcast.net>
Mantua, NJ USA - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 7:13 AM CST
hey little guy, this is uncle Jason. We just spent the last couple of hours with the Carla and Dave, and of course the three t's. hang in there, get well, we all miss you're company. take care, I love you.
Jason and Jasmyne Villwock <carlscol@frontiernet.net>
Kilkenny, mn USA - Sunday, March 7, 2004 8:54 PM CST
hey cutie, I'm glad you made it through surgery.
love always,
Your favortist neighbor ever, Molly Miller

molly miller (bestest neighbor) <molly83@hotmail.com>
Montgomery, mn united states - Sunday, March 7, 2004 1:43 PM CST
Hi Wyatt! You're one tough little guy! Hang in there.
Tom and Barb Walker <tomwalkerjr@yahoo.com>
Eagan, MN USA - Sunday, March 7, 2004 1:16 PM CST
Jim & Kris - Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. It is nice to be able to stay updated. We continue to hold you all in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know the information on the fundraiser. If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know. Love, Joyce & Gil
Joyce Ross
Faribault, MN USA - Friday, March 5, 2004 8:48 PM CST
Wyatt, Kris, and Jim, our prayers are with you. We ask that God would restore Wyatt's health and give your family strength as you go through this ordeal. God's blessings!
Pastor & Diana Wallace <wallacmd@cvtel.net>
Morristown, MN - Friday, March 5, 2004 11:20 AM CST
Wyatt, our prayers for a speedy recovery and good health are being said for you, Jim and Kris our prayers for strength to endure go up for you both, we also pray for the knowledge to understand what and why this is happening for all the family. Have faith and you'll get thru it all. We send our love and don't give mom to much grief with the meds. Your a great kid.
Kathy & Lenny Headline <headline@hickorytech.net>
Faribault, MN USA - Thursday, March 4, 2004 10:09 PM CST
Hey Wyatt, Tyson thinks you are so cute! (he seen your picture). Take your medicine little guy, it will help you and will eventually make you feel better. Dave and the kids send their love. Remember that we love you! Think Easter Bunny! Good Luck Buck!

Carla and David Miska and family <Clmiska@hotmail.com>
Montgomery, mn Lesueur - Thursday, March 4, 2004 6:27 PM CST
Hi everyone: Your updates on Wyatt's condition are appreciated. I think its remarkable the way everyone is reaching out to you and your family during Wyatt's difficult battle. Kris and Jim, I hope your taking care of yourselves too. It's so easy to forget about taking care of yourselves when a child is seriously ill. Wyatt needs you two to be strong and healthy for him. So take care and I hope you know that I am thinking about all of you guys and I will continue to check Wyatts website. If you need anything at all, please call me. I wish Wyatt a speedy and full recovery. Give Wyatt a hug from me.
Jan Thompson <docchow@earthlink.net>
Richfield, MN USA - Thursday, March 4, 2004 6:05 PM CST
He is so beautiful!!!Hopefully we will make it to the family reunion this year Jimmy, so I can meet your family and you mine. Take care, love you and my prayers are with you always.
Tammy (Eli's daughter)

Tammy Bell (Jandro) <TBell@pacdoc.com>
Grand Prairie, TX Dallas - Thursday, March 4, 2004 4:35 PM CST
Hey Silly Boy. this is your old grandpa sending you this hello on this beautiful evening. Grandma and I just got home from the movie "The Passion". Very good movie. Praying that you are getting along well with your medicines and your family. I know that sometimes it may seem that they are being a little bossy, but they are just doing what is best for you. I pray that every one will ask God for the understanding and help in dealing with the illness that you have. Grandma and I pray for you and your family all the time. We Love you all.
Grandpa Villwock <carlscol@frontiernet.net>
Kilkenny, Mn usa - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 10:00 PM CST
Jim and Kris and all the family: We are thinking of you all and send our very best. A hug to little Wyatt.
Ken and LuAnn Villwock <kandlvillwock@compuserve.com>
New Prague, MN USA - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 6:19 PM CST
Just checking in on you guys. Derek had a good time seeing you at Grandma Rech's house, said you looked real good.
Your in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know if you need anything.

Aunt Susie <tmfitcher@att.net>
Savage, mn usa - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 3:26 PM CST
Hang in there big guy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always. We are thinking of all of you!
Heidi Noraas <egnoraas@sherbtel.net>
Big Lake, MN Sherburne - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 2:59 PM CST
We wish Wyatt a speedy recovery !
Clara, Beppe and Pietro (bwschatgroup)

Clara Giordano <c.giordano@omgsrl.com>
Feletto, Italy - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 3:22 AM CST
Dear Wyatt, we are thinking of you and wishing you all the best. You are an amazing little boy!
Bettina, Ewald and Lena (BWS, 8 months) from Vienna

Bettina Kohlweiss <curlybetti@yahoo.com>
Vienna, Austria - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 2:57 AM CST
glad to see your hanging in there, i would have wrote in sooner but I really dislike computers. Stay tough,and remember I am thinking of you every day. Good things come in time Wyatt and just remember you have big strong family that loves you. Kris and Jim, if there is anything I can do, night or day, call me, do not be shy to call. I wish the best of luck to all of you.
There is a little girl that I am sure would love to play sometime,she could probally even try reading a book or cooking for you. Take care, just remember we are thinking of you.

Jason and Jasmyne Villwock <carlscol@frontiernet.net>
Kilkenny, mn usa - Monday, March 1, 2004 6:24 PM CST
Silly boy, did you have fun outside? Ready for some green grass? Feed your fish? Grandpa and I love all of you. God bless.
Kilkenny, Mn LeSueur - Sunday, February 29, 2004 7:13 PM CST
Just a note to let you know we are thinking of you wyatt and your family. Our prayers are with you.
Roger Amy and family
new prague, mn - Sunday, February 29, 2004 4:20 PM CST
Matthew 21:18-22
Early in the morning as he was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it, except leaves. Then he said to it, "May you never bear fruit again!" Immediately the tree withered .
When the diciples saw this, they were amazed . "How did the fig tree wither so quickly?" they asked.
Jesus repiled, "I tell you the truth , if you have faith and do not dought, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree , but you can also say to this mountain , 'Go, throw yourself into the sea, 'and it will be done . If you belive , you will recieve what ever you ask for in prayer.

Jeff Villwock <funnysmellymonley@hotmail.com>
Waterville, mn usa - Sunday, February 29, 2004 11:42 AM CST
Wishing you many smiles and happy days. We hope you feel better very soon.
From your BWS friends in MN

Christy, Craig,Isabelle, Abigail, Cassie, Adrienne, Caitlyn, and Kendall <weyeredone@aol.com>
Rice, MN USA - Saturday, February 28, 2004 11:11 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know that Jake and I are thinking about you. Hang in there, if there is anything that you need let me know. Love you guys: Kari and Jake
Jake Schultz and Kari Ross <ross_kari@hotmail.com>
Faribault , Mn - Saturday, February 28, 2004 4:25 PM CST
Hello "Silly Boy".
Just a note to let you know that when you are ready to ride on one of those tractors we will get it out of the shed for you to go.Maybe you can steer and I can ride. Remember Wyatt, God loves you and so do I. See you later Silly Boy"

Grandpa Villwock <carlscol@frontiernet.net>
Kilkenny, Mn Le Sueur - Saturday, February 28, 2004 3:15 PM CST
Hey little man! Hope you feel better soon. You look like you need another couple of cats or kittens. Have we got a deal for you. See you soon.
Jeff Villwock <funnysmellymonley@hotmail.com>
Waterville, Mn the only one with health care like this - Saturday, February 28, 2004 2:39 PM CST
Hello little man,
This is your uncle Joe, I just got your address from grandma so I'm checking up on you. Nikki, Bleiz, and Zeah want me to let you know that we are all praying for your safe recovery. You look like you might need some really noisy toys to pass the time so I'm going shopping for you tonight. I hope you feel well enough to give us a call soon.
Jim and Kris if there is anything that I might be able to do for you from down here don't hesitate to call. Your in our thoughts and prayers.
love ya, Brother Joe and family.

Joe ,Nikki, Bleiz, and Zeah Rech <bleiznrech@yahoo.com>
Prescott, Az USA - Friday, February 27, 2004 2:29 PM CST
Wyatt your new pictures in clubphoto are such a joy to veiw. One would think you aren't ill at all. Looking forword to your & Carter's overnoc stay tonight. I've got chicken kiev for you both. Love Gran
Gramma Rech <rechimpala66@aol.com>
Faribault, MN USA - Friday, February 27, 2004 9:47 AM CST
Get better soon wyatt. Stay positive Kris.
With all my Love

Chastity Hoheisel <choheisel4@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, February 26, 2004 9:17 PM CST
Wyatt and Family,

You are all in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Wyatt, you are such a brave and strong little man! We hope for you a speedy recovery, and want to offer our love and support to all of you! Please take care of yourselves.

Andrea and Steve Vogelsberg <avogelsberg@yahoo.com>
Faribault, MN USA - Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:07 AM CST
Wyatt, you are such a strong and admiring little boy. My family and I are thinking of you daily and keeping you in our prayers.
Susie Baker (Mother of Zane - BWS - 3 mo old) <susieb6@sbcglobal.net>
Dennis, KS US - Thursday, February 26, 2004 9:16 AM CST
~Hi Wyatt,
You are an amazing little boy. The things you have went through all ready are incredible. You are so young and yet stay so strong through all of it. Remember God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle. Stay strong for all of us. Our prayers are with you.
With lots of love and high hopes for a speedy recovery
Cousin Erin

Erin Jandro <ziggy132@homtail.com>
Lanesboro, MN USA - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 9:08 PM CST
Jim, Kris & family, Just want to let you know that we are keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers. Wyatt has stolen our hearts, he is such a sweety.
Joyce & Gil Ross

Joyce Ross
Faribault, MN USA - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 7:57 PM CST
Hi Jim and Chris. Jack and I have certainly been praying for Wyatt. We keep in contact with Jim and Diane so get news quite often. But we'll keep checking his site and praying. Love from both of us.
Bev Tutak <btutak@co.rice.mn.us>
Faribault, mn USA - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 2:44 PM CST
Wyatt, you are such a brave little boy. Collin and Halle (and the rest of us) have added you to our nightly prayers, asking God to watch over you and with the help of Him and your angels, a speedy recovery. We want to visit you this summer, go swimming and play at your Grandma Di's house(they remember this from pictures Auntie Edie had. Take care little man, and remember God is with you!
The Scott's

Kevin, Terri, Erin, Halle & Collin Scott <ktscott@acegroup.cc>
Lanesboro, MN USA - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 7:11 PM CST
Hi Wyatt,you are a very courageous little boy! You have a wonderful family and a lot of people who love you. We're all thinking of you.
Tim Jandro <tjandro@startribune.com>
Fridley, MN - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 4:19 PM CST
We are so sorry that you and your family are having to go thru all of this. You are such a little doll and hope you will be feeling good as new really soon!!!
Hillary, mommy to Ethan BWS
Boaz, AL United States - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 9:13 AM CST
Wyatt- We are thinking of you every step of the way. You are such a little "HERO" to all of us-keep taking your meds for mommy and daddy so you feel better soon. We love you lots! BIG HUGS! P.S. See if you can steal that cool wagon the next time you are at the hospital...I am sure that Bonnie and Clyde would love to pull you around in it at the ballgames this summer!
Uncle Jon, Aunt Valerie, Jordan, Britny, Zach & Katelyn <vrvillwock@hotmail.com>
Northfield, MN - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 6:45 AM CST
My family, friends, and I are all praying for little Wyatt. I was introduced to his story through my cousin-in-law, Libby Schmit. I have told my prayer group about Wyatt and he is part of our daily thoughts. God loves His little lambs...we all pray to Him that Wyatt is able to fight this and grow strong and FRISKY!!!!!
Stacie Mills <stacjm74@yahoo.com>
Waterloo, IA USA - Monday, February 23, 2004 6:29 PM CST
Kris, Jim and the kids,
The picture on the first page is soooo cute! We just told the kids today and they are asking a lot of questions. Like why is Wyatt on the computer! They were impressed. Hey all of you stay strong, he needs you all. Remember that Wyatt has a very special angel watching over him!
Love you all, Carla

Carla and David Miska and family <Clmiska@hotmail.com>
Montgomery , Mn Lesueur - Monday, February 23, 2004 5:36 PM CST
Wyatt, You are not alone, we all love and think of you.
Adrienne, mommy to Logan BWS
Calgary, AB Canada - Monday, February 23, 2004 9:25 AM CST
Dear Wyatt, I want you to know that you are in my daily thoughts and prayers. You look so big and strong and tough in that wagon! Keep strong and trust in God. Soon this will all be just a memory and you will be back at home playing. May Godspeed your recovery.

Martha Bowen aka Grandma1bws <bowenfam@bellsouth.net>
Atlanta, Ga USA - Monday, February 23, 2004 7:44 AM CST
Dear Wyatt
Best wishes from Margaret, Bergur and the mom Sigga from Iceland. You are in our minds and prayers. We will watch your recovery on the BWSchat.
You are a very handsome and brave little man.

Sigga Bergsdottir
Reykjavík, Iceland - Monday, February 23, 2004 3:56 AM CST
Hi Jim, Kris, Wyatt & all;
Wyatt, you are so cute, I enjoyed your pictures so much. Don't give up hope, no matter what the future holds know that God is with you. We hold you all in our thoughts & prayers.
Love, Aunt Lois & Unc Jerry

Lois Malecha
Faribault, MN USA - Sunday, February 22, 2004 6:51 PM CST
Hello Wyatt. You're such a beautiful and brave little man. I hope you are feeling better really soon. Big hugs to you and your family.

Kelli (mum to Megan 17mo BWS - Brisbane, Australia) <halek@bigpond.com>
- Sunday, February 22, 2004 6:41 PM CST
Hi Everyone, Just got photos of Wyatt in the hosp. You are amazing. Always that big beautiful smile. I'm working on you scrapbook & stopped to read you questbook. After wiping tears away I'm writing to thank everyone for all the wonderful expressions of love and sending prayers from all over the world. God bless you all. Wyatt's Grandma
Granma Rech <Rechimpala66@aol.com>
Faribault, MN USA - Sunday, February 22, 2004 5:52 PM CST
Dear Sweet Wyatt,
Just wanted you to know that people around the world are praying for you and your family, and you're in our thoughts constantly!! Hang in there, handsome fellow (hang in there, Mommy & Daddy, too!!)! BIG HUGS TO YOU ALL!!

Tracey McGillivray <mach1@ilos.net>
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Sunday, February 22, 2004 3:21 PM CST
Hello all:
Just wanted to let you know you all are in our thoughts and prayers. We remember the days at Children's and how difficult it can be, but I'm sure the love and support of family (our BIG family!) and friends will help you get through this difficult time.
Let us know if there is anything we can do to help; we're close by!
Karen & Ralph, Noah and Eli

Karen Malecha <karen_d_malecha@bluecrossmn.com>
Bloomington, MN Hennepin - Sunday, February 22, 2004 3:14 PM CST
Hi Jim, Kris, Wyatt, Carter, Ali, Bryce & Justin, We want you to know that we are thinking about all of you. Kids be sure to help mom and dad alot and also Wyatt. They need your help and support to see your brother through this illness. Kids, don't forget that mom and dad love you too, but right now Wyatts needs will occupy most of their time, so be understanding and good and your strength as a family will pull Wyatt through his illness.
Your website is wonderful, Wyatt is such a cutie. We wish you all the best. Talk to you soon.

Steve, Jan, Josh & Rex <docchow@earthlink.net>
Richfield, MN Hennepin - Sunday, February 22, 2004 10:24 AM CST
Just want you to know I am thinking of you. Wyatt is a very beautiful little boy, he forever has a place in my heart.

Heather Burns <daisygirl20033@yahoo.com>
Spanish Fork, Utah USA - Sunday, February 22, 2004 8:44 AM CST
Wyatt, you are in my thoughts every day and I'm sending all the positive vibes I can muster that you get well very soon. I know this can't be fun for you to get chemo and need surgery, but I hope it passes quickly for you and your whole family. Hang in there brave little boy....we're all rooting for you!
Julie (Mommy to Brit, Zach and Meged)
- Sunday, February 22, 2004 6:03 AM CST
hey hope you get better realy soon Wyatt. Well
I hope I see you soon! bye

allyson aka bubba <funnysmellymonley@hotmail.com>
fairbault, mn united states - Saturday, February 21, 2004 10:57 PM CST
What a brave and wonderful little man you are. Everyone is so proud of you. You are very, very handsome too.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Marky - Granmum to Aaron (aka Mr. Doo) 3-1/2 year old BWS-slight hemi

Marky J Martin
Houston, TX USA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 6:13 PM CST
Hello Wyatt,
We hope your feeling better. Linnea has been waiting to come and play with you and Carter. Tell Mommy and Daddy to take care. We will keep praying for you sweet little man.

Thomas, Libby, Linnea and Ulrik Schmit <tlschmit@means.net>
Veseli, MN United States - Saturday, February 21, 2004 5:49 PM CST
Wyatt, Kris and family
Sending you good wishes and lots of hugs.

Cathy Holland (and Jessica - BWS) <hollandc67@yahoo.com.au>
Brisbane, Australia - Saturday, February 21, 2004 4:34 PM CST
Hi Wyatt~
You are a cutie! We are praying for you to get better. Listen to the doctors, take your medicine... you are a brave boy! Our thoughts and prayers are with your family too! We love you,

Jocelyn, Corey, Stefan & Chloe Einarson <einarson3@aol.com>
Prior Lake , MN USA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 4:25 PM CST
Hello Wyatt,
I want you to open your arms really big because I am sending you a great big hug all the way from snowy Montreal. It is so big that I want you to share it with your mom and dad. We are all praying for you and sending you lots of well wishes. You are such a brave boy!

Angie Rompotinos <aromp@videotron.ca>
Montreal Quebec, Canada - Saturday, February 21, 2004 3:36 PM CST
Hi Wyatt...my name is Katie. I also have BWS and I had cancer when I was less than a year old. I am now almost 4 years old, and really healthy and doing great. My mommy is praying for you , and so is our church, so that one day soon...you , too...will be really healthy and completely cured! I hope we get to meet each other some day. I also had one of those port things in my chest for almost 2 years, but it didn't bother me one bit. The one thing is...tell the grown-ups to be a little careful in that area when they pick you up to give you lots of hugs and kisses...other than that, you can do anything you want with it! Even go swimming with the summer is here! Well, my twin brother, Cody is calling...gotta go....LOVE, KATIE
Katie Casserly (and her mom, Tracie!) <tlcbws@aol.com>
Ft. Lauderdale, FL - Saturday, February 21, 2004 2:16 PM CST
Dear, sweet and courageous little Wyatt: We are rooting for you all the way from Israel, and wishing you a swift recovery. Wishing strength to your mommy and daddy.
Yaki Beja <ybeja@netor.co.il>
Israel - Saturday, February 21, 2004 12:22 AM CST
Hi Wyatt- Grandma Di has told us what a brave polite little boy you have been in the hospital and at home. God and your angels are with you all of the time. You have such a loving Mom and Dad, and brothers and sistes. People you don't even know are praying for you every day and night, Jimmy and Kris- Put it all in God's hands, and a miracle will happen. Love to you all Fred, Edie & Kelly.
Edie Jandro <efkjandro@charter.net>
Owatonna, Mn. USA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 11:15 AM CST
Hugs from Faribault! Hang in there Mom and Dad, it will get better soon. Tell all of the kids hi from me and give them a hug. The angels and I are praying!

Love Diana Sundwall

Diana Sundwall <iris@LL.net>
Faribault, MN Rice - Saturday, February 21, 2004 10:28 AM CST
Dear Jim,Kris,and family,

Thanks to Auntie Di sending this address we are able to be there with you...We are praying for y'all daily! Our God is a mighty God, He will give you all the strength you need, and the doctor's all the wisdom they need! Wyatt, you are a strong little man! God bless! Love, Greg, Stacy, Donald, Tara, and Michael

Stacy (Jandro) Chester <stacy@riekesglass.com>
West Tawakoni, TX USA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 8:53 AM CST
Wyatt and family,
Hang in there, this is just a detour in the big plan for Wyatt. Soon, this will be past.....and on with his bright future!

Juli Noll <julnoll@aol.com>
Lindenhurst, IL USA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 8:01 AM CST
Hello Wyatt,
You look really cute and smart; like you're teaching a class! What a brave boy you are!
Sincerely, Brenda C. Billiot(mom to Summer, 4 years old w/BWS & right Hemi.

Brenda C. Billiot <broonda7@bellsouth.net>
Houma, La. U.S. - Saturday, February 21, 2004 6:50 AM CST
Hi Wyatt!! We are thinking of you everyday, and praying for your whole family. You are being such a brave little boy. You are a tough little bugger and are going to come through all of this with flying colors. We love you Wyatt!!
Jennifer White <jenjerwhite2003@yahoo.com>
Farmingotn, mn USA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 6:47 AM CST
Wyatt, I am thinking about you every day, from all the way down here in Australia. When you're a bit bigger you'll know that my daytime is your night-time, so that means you've got someone thinking of you, and sending thoughts of strength, power, peace, ALL DAY AND NIGHT to you and your family - no matter what time you wake, even if you feel lonely in the middle of the night Little Man, there are people all around the world there with you in spirit. -Sarah
Sarah Gaden <sgaden@netspace.net.au>
Melbourne, VIC AUSTRALIA - Saturday, February 21, 2004 6:24 AM CST
Wyatt you are such a beautiful little boy. You can tell that you are full of gutsy spirit, and this will just be a little hurdle in your life. You will be in my thoughts and I hope you are all better soon.
Mari Gregorio <gregorio@pipeline.com.au>
Geelong, Vic Australia - Saturday, February 21, 2004 4:42 AM CST
What a precious little boy! I have been praying for your family daily, and I know God is answering the many prayers being said for Wyatt.
Ruth Ann Bowen <rarbowen@insightbb.com>
Bowling Green, KY USA - Friday, February 20, 2004 11:02 PM CST
Wyatt, We are so glad your home again. You are so loved. I 'm sure all the prayers sent your way will keep you strong. Your family is doing a great job of caring for you & hope you all stay well. OXOXOX Gran & Gramps
Granma Rech <rechimpala66@aol.com>
Faribault, MN usa - Friday, February 20, 2004 10:47 PM CST
Hey Wyatt,
You haven't met me, but me and my family care very much for you. We hope we are feeling better. I know it is no fun to take you medicine, but it is soooo good for you. My daughters Lexxie and Haylee can't wait to get the chance to meet you. Lots of Love. Matt, Chrissy, Lexxie and Haylee Rowe.

Chrissy Rowe <rowe744@aol.com>
Eau Claire, WI USA - Friday, February 20, 2004 10:10 PM CST
Hi Jim and Kris,
We just want to let you know that we are praying for you and Wyatt. We do believe that we serve a God that heals!
Miracles do happen! Do not hesitate to call on the name of Jesus, during this desperate hour. He is here for you! God loves you guys and Wyatt more than we could possibly imagine. It says in the Bible that He "God" will restore those on their sickbed! We believe that He will restore Wyatt completely. Please call us so we can get together.
We love you!

Jay and Nancy Harmon
Le Center, MN Le Sueur - Friday, February 20, 2004 8:17 PM CST
Wyatt is beautiful! I expected to see a sickly little boy & instead see a rosy cheeked strong young guy! He's going to do just fine Kris! Hang tough, our prayers are with you!
Donna Stacy <brianstacy@mail.ev1.net>
Dallas, Tx Dallas - Friday, February 20, 2004 7:57 PM CST
651.224.1408, that's the number that's really great! I know it's a lot to ask, but give us a call when you're at Children's. It's a five minute drive for us (the St. Clair exit instead of Grand Ave. on 35E) and we can walk over there in 15 minutes when the snow breaks. We can come see you there or you can come see us. There's lots of good food around here (ice cream & jello too), musical instruments, puzzles, playdough, paint, movies, kids to hang out with; Milani 9 months and Peyton 2 years old, there's a cute little library with in 5 blocks of here that we go to and also a McDonalds playland. Of course there are kids' computer programs (or high speed DSL connection for Mommy to surf medical info.) Maybe the jacuzzi tub in the downstairs bathroom with a candle and a half hour of peace and quiet might be in order for Mommy Kris to recharge.
Michelle Pettit de Dimayuga <michelle@dimayuga.net>
Saint Paul, MN USA - Friday, February 20, 2004 7:52 PM CST
Kris, he is a beautiful little guy and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Kathy (BWSChat site) <Lindzsmom02@aol.com>
New Bedford, MA USA - Friday, February 20, 2004 7:35 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know how beautiful Wyatt is ...what a nice idea to keep everyone informed (I've also heard that the power of prayer works wonders)let us hope that Wyatt's recovery is as painless and speedy as possible.
Wanda Luck <scruffypup2003@yahoo.ca>
Hammonds Plains, NS Canada - Friday, February 20, 2004 7:33 PM CST

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