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Fr. Tim was my Chaplain in Heidelberg. He was a wonderful pastor and knew how to minister to his flock, but he was just a little nervous about ministering to the US Army Europe Commander in Chief and his staff. It was a tough assignment for so young and so new a Chaplain. None the less Fr. Tim overcame his initial apprehension and drove on. I pray for my friend often and ask for his intercession as I continue to work with soldiers as a civilian contractor and with my parish as a Catholic Deacon.
Lt. Col. (Ret.) Michael W. Drumm, Sr. <mikeandkathydrumm@gvec.net>
La Vernia, TX TEXAS - Friday, May 24, 2019 8:49 AM CDT
Miss you
Anita <abrand71@msn.com>
- Thursday, November 12, 2015 1:05 PM CST
You are in my prayers. Turn your problem to God and his hands.
Rose Mills <rmm816@aol.com>
Westmont, IL USA - Tuesday, January 7, 2014 2:44 PM CST
We would like to learn more about how baby Colton is doing.
Hank Crull
Indian Trail, North Carolina United States - Saturday, December 28, 2013 2:11 PM CST
This message is for Father Tim at Corpus Christi
Pam Rumi <pamrumi@cox.net>
LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA USA - Tuesday, November 19, 2013 9:09 PM CST
Hey Tim. Thanks for taking mom to her Heavenly Home. I am sure you and dad were her first hugs. As you know she met her on Friday November 15 2013 at 11:15 PM CST.
Anita A Brand <abrand71@msn.com>
- Sunday, November 17, 2013 8:28 PM CST
Hi Minnie just wanted you to know think about all the time.
Sherrell Perkins <msperk@att.net>
Martinsville, in Morgan - Monday, August 19, 2013 8:40 PM CDT
We are sending you our love and prayers. Dan is now an angel watching over you and will always be close. much love to all the family. Leticia you are the best and know that you are loved.

Cheryl (Geeter) Will <chermae26@hotmail.com>
Redding, CA USA - Friday, June 28, 2013 3:04 AM CDT
I am Dan Abraham's Mother.
Patricia Abraham
Roseville, Ca USA - Monday, June 17, 2013 4:27 PM CDT
Oh Tim, I still miss you sooooooooo much!!
Barbara Fenton <skatersmom12@yahoo.com>
Woodbury, Mn USA - Tuesday, May 14, 2013 11:11 AM CDT
Sending lots of Love Liz.
Bellingham, - Friday, May 3, 2013 7:34 AM CDT
I miss you. Also missed your birthday. But was talking to Kim and others. We all miss you.
Antia <abrand71@msn.com>
Springfield, Va - Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:38 PM CST
Rest in peace, Timothy!
- Wednesday, June 20, 2012 0:25 AM CDT
Hi Fr. Tim,

It is so nice of Sharon to maintain this site for all of us. God Bless you and thank you, dear Sharon! :)

Fr. Tim, I am thinking of you every day--and that means also missing you, every single day. I am so glad you and your Dad are watching over your Mom with so much love, as Guardian Angels. I took her picture last week after she had her hair done at the beauty shop. She looks wonderful. Thank you for being in my life, Fr. Tim. And thank you for sharing your loved ones with me and so many others. I keep wondering what I did in my life that made me worthy of you calling me into your life.

I loved you then, I love you now, I'll love you forever. Say a prayer or two for me, okay?

How could we ask you to stay when we knew you were going to heaven? But it's still hard without you here. I think you are with us still and always. And for that, I am SO Grateful to our loving Jesus and His Blessed Mother!

Thinking of the date, tomorrow, 3 years ago (already).

Smile down at me, when you can. Feel my love and gratitude, always, Fr. Tim! I shall never forget you--or your smile!!!



P.S. I was honored to sell a few calendars with Fallen Minnesota Heroes in them--and you look wonderful in it, Calendar boy! I also honor all of the fallen soldiers--tell them we know we owe all of them a great debt of gratitude. God Bless all those who serve--always....

Linda Marie Louie
Andover, MN

Linda Marie Louie <LinFromMinn@gmail.com>
Andover, MN USA - Tuesday, June 19, 2012 8:56 PM CDT
Aww, Tim - you always thought you were so clever in your shades!!! Saw Kim last week, she is one of many wonderful gifts you gave me.....there just aren't enough words to tell you how much I miss you.....xoxoxoxo
barbara fenton <skatersmom12@yahoo.com>
Woodbury, Mn USA - Wednesday, May 30, 2012 8:41 PM CDT
Remembering you on this Memorial Day.
Kate Ramunni
Hamden, CT USA - Monday, May 28, 2012 1:36 PM CDT
I don't know when we learned about Father Tim. However, I believe it was when we felt called to pray for our Chaplains in war. One thing led to another, and then we were so blessed to be able to have the chance to fall in love with Father Tim. There were prayers for Father Tim at our church (Shandon United Methodist, Columbia, SC), emails to his family/friends, written messages to him on caringbridge, and pictures drawn and hung in his room at Walter Reed, during our many medical visits there for our child, Matthew, with our stopping to visit Father Tim, too. We have been inspired and blessed by Father Tim's and his friends' and family's faith. We have grieved in his injury and pain to follow for months....and sadness-but joy--in his going home to God. Yet, we have been able to rejoice in how God used all of this for His glory---not wanting Father Tim to be hurt, but using Father Tim's love of God, family, soldiers and their families, and country to inspire us all to love and serve God more. Thank you, Father Tim, and your family for their unselfish devotion to you, God, family, and us. God's Peace and Joy! 1SG (Ret) Larry and Suzanne Wright, Stephen, and Matthew, Columbia, SC
1 SG (Ret) Larry and Suzanne Wright, Stephen, and Matthew <Wright87baseball@aol.com>
Hopkins, SC USA - Monday, April 23, 2012 4:48 PM CDT
Thank you Father for watching over Jim and those he served with. He is due to come home soon. He will also be getting married, so I ask special blessings on that union. Miss you so much and wish you could be here, but know you are watching over all of us.
Pat Lane
Fountain, CO USA - Wednesday, March 28, 2012 9:48 AM CDT
Hay Bro.
Thanks for being my Best Guardian Angel. I am doing so well because of you.

Anita A Brand <abrand71@msn.com>
- Saturday, March 24, 2012 3:05 PM CDT
Happy Birthday today, Timothy! I miss you! Hope you and Bonnie are hanging out together!
- Sunday, January 8, 2012 5:59 PM CST
My Dear Friend Tim ~
I wish you the best...love from one Bohemian brother to another....I know where the Christmas tree is....in heaven with you....pray for the world from your divine place and give to it the care and love you showed the world every moment you had with us.....with love always and forever...your best of friends........ me :)

ps...Happy Birthday until we see each other again....perfection with the best heart I have known.....:)

Paul <iira55@yahoo.com>
Lino Lkaes, Mn Usa - Friday, January 6, 2012 9:35 PM CST
My uncle was the late Bishop Paul Dudley, who died in late 2006. I know he was a friend and admirer of Fr Tim. Bishop Paul left some money to be used for charitable purposes, which I administer. I wanted to let Fr Tim's family know that I am donating $10,000 , on behalf of Bishop Paul, to the Archdiocese for Military Services. I am specifying that the donation is in memory of , and in honor of Fr Tim l
Mike Dudley <Michaeljdudley@hotmail. Com>
New Prague , MN, - Friday, January 6, 2012 1:37 PM CST
angie grover
ollie gibson-lavell <ollie.gibson-lavell@state.or.us>
st helens, or usa - Monday, October 31, 2011 4:27 PM CDT
Inspired by Tim Vakoc's story I am searching for images of him to illustrate an article on him. May he rest in peace and be rewarded for his heroism and service to the Catholic Church.
Kenneth <kmurphy@tfp.org>
Spring Grove, PA USA - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 10:44 PM CDT
Father Tim, I was ordained a deacon in Rome just a few days after your going to the Fathers House. I have prayed for you during your suffering. You are for me a mentor in heaven. I also want to do Gods will; even if it is in the "line of fire", wherever God will place me. Thank you Father and please pray for me.
Father Vito Crincoli LC <vcrincoli@legionaries.org>
Brooklyn , NY USA - Saturday, August 20, 2011 11:42 AM CDT
Thinking of you especially today, Timothy, on the second anniversary of your passing.
- Monday, June 20, 2011 2:14 PM CDT
Though I never knew you, I will never forget you. Happy Memorial Day Fr. Tim.
Kate Ramunni <kateramunni@sbcglobal.net>
Hamden, Connecticut United States - Monday, May 30, 2011 5:34 PM CDT
Miss you so much, and your hugs and assuances. Jim is deployed yet again, so please watch over him and those he serves with.
Pat Lane
Fountain/Ft Carson, CO - Wednesday, May 4, 2011 9:44 AM CDT
Rest in peace, Timothy!
- Sunday, May 1, 2011 11:47 PM CDT
Pray for mom. Heal her heart.
Anita <abrand71@msn.com>
Springfield, va USA - Wednesday, April 13, 2011 2:00 PM CDT
Please Tim, ring Heaven's Bells for April, who could be pregnant - want Don to enjoy some of this before he deploys!!
Barbara Fenton <skatersmom12@yahoo.com>
Woodbury, Mn USA - Wednesday, March 30, 2011 8:37 AM CDT
Will the pain of losing you ever go away I wonder?
barbara fenton <skatersmom12@yahoo.com>
Woodbury, Mn USA - Thursday, February 3, 2011 11:17 AM CST
Happy Birthday, Dear Timothy! We promise to celebrate your birthday "season."
Kim and Bonnie
- Saturday, January 8, 2011 10:48 PM CST
Merry Christmas, Friend Timothy! And also to your family and friends!
Kim and Bonnie
- Thursday, December 23, 2010 1:41 PM CST
Missing you extra today, but you already knew that I am sure. Seems like just yesterday.
The other Barbara
- Tuesday, November 2, 2010 11:44 PM CDT
I had arrived in Minnesotta on June 25th, 2009 from Panama, Republic of Panama for a Divine Mercy conference and then visit with friends for about a week. That evening I called the St. Paul's Cathedral that I had no idea was so close to where I was staying, to find out the daily Mass schedule. Since I had arrived so late that night, I thought to myself, I would be attending the afternoon Mass. The Lord had another idea. I woke up early and decided to take a walk to the Cathedral and pray by the Blessed Sacrament and then later go to Mass. Since I knew I had already missed the early morning Mass. As I kept walking, I saw that there were so many cars, and military personnel, and police, and many people going into the Cathedral. So I asked one of the policemen outside the Cathedral, if the person that had died was someone very well known, or if he knew who it was. He told me. It is for a priest, who died. I felt so moved. I knew nothing about Fr. Vakoc. But, I already knew, THAT was the Mass I had to attend that day. I felt so uplifted by the fact that I was led by the Lord to be there. I immediately started asking for his soul to rest in eternal peace. And I asked for his intercession in my life and prayers. Later, after Mass was over, I spent some time touring the Cathedral and praying by the Blessed Sacrament. I had my Diary of St. Faustina, on Divine Mercy. I felt the Lord strongly telling me to read from entry 1212 in the Diary. It reads: "Today bring to Me the souls of priests and religious, and immerse them in My unfathomable mercy. It was they who gave Me the strength to endure My bitter Passion. Through them, as through channels, My mercy flows out upon mankind."... Needless to say, I was in awe at the Lord's amazing love for us and through Fr. Tim, whom I never met. I do ask for his intercession from time to time, and especially now, as I just happened to open a few articles I had saved and ran into the one from Fr. Tim. He seemed like an amazing person and priest that has blessed so many. May he be enjoying the bliss of heaven that we all long to also share eternally with our loved ones. My love and prayers to the family of this wonderful man of God. May the mantle of Mary, mother of our Savior, protect you all, always.
Berta Briceno <bertabriceno@hotmail.com>
Panama, Panama - Sunday, October 31, 2010 7:29 PM CDT
Please interceed for mom. She needs prayers for healing.

Anita <abrand71@msn.com>
- Sunday, October 24, 2010 11:30 PM CDT
OCT.or 10-10-2010
Niece & Husband having their God-son Jake baptized today.
His Father will soon be deployed also. Difficult for Families & loved-ones everywhere. Your picture of you
holding your God-child is so peaceful. She must be so pleased. Such a blessing.
Please intercede for us Father. Thank you! Jean

Vienna, VA U.S.A. - Sunday, October 10, 2010 2:08 PM CDT
14 years today, Tim. Thanks for your friendship.
Kim and Bonnie
- Tuesday, September 14, 2010 6:48 PM CDT
Greetings Tim. Lots of news. But you know already. Guide them in all the planning for the Big Day. your light will keep shining thru your neices and nephews.

Anita <abrand71@msn.com>
- Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:18 PM CDT
Such a comfort to be able to read your "goodbye sermon"
to your congregation Father Tim. Pray you intercede for
all of us. EWTN is having a beautiful 1st Saturday service,however,do not understand Latin.
Many times wonder "WWJD".Thanks to your Family & Friends for sharing many good lessons you taught them.
May you have Eternal Rest.

Vienna, VA USA - Saturday, August 7, 2010 8:10 AM CDT
I also Knew Father Tim While I was stationed In Mosul and spoke to him only days before his accident. He was a powerful man spiritualy and he taught me so much. I would never have become so well "Grounded" in Christ without his help! God bless you and rest in peace brother, you are always in my prayers.
Michael Cortinas <Shadow_pawn84@yahoo.com>
Killeen, TX USA - Tuesday, July 27, 2010 5:25 PM CDT
would like to view david hoods journal
Glenda J Wamboldt <ggwamboldt@embarqmail.com>
Morrill, Ne United States - Thursday, July 1, 2010 3:16 PM CDT
Its hard to believe its been a year. Miss you!
- Sunday, June 20, 2010 8:38 PM CDT
Rest in peace, Dear Friend, rest in peace...
Kim and Bonnie
- Sunday, June 20, 2010 8:12 AM CDT
FATHER TIM~ Today at 3PM when we have been requested to give a moment of silence. I will remember you.
Thank you for all the great lessons.
PRAY there will soon be PEACE throughout the World!

VIENNA, VA U.S.A. - Monday, May 31, 2010 11:04 AM CDT
Tomorrow, 29 May, would have been the 6th anniversary of Chaplain Tim Vakoc's wounding in Iraq. Sunday, 30 May, would have been the 18th anniversary of Father Tim's ordination as a Priest.

I am so happy that somewhere in the middle of all of that time the Lord blessed me with Tim as a friend.

Kim and Bonnie
- Friday, May 28, 2010 5:25 PM CDT
Hello Vakoc family and friends of Fr. Tim;

just wanted to say how much I miss all of you. I miss Fr. Tim so much. I guess only people who knew about this wonderful man can begin to understand why those of us who came to know him in person can understand why it was so hard to lose him to heaven. It's not that he didn't deserve to be free of his earthly body, free to really do God's work now; it's just that we are missing that wonderful smile and sense of humor! We miss Fr. Tim's way of bringing us closer to God--and God closer to us. He certainly did that for me. I will never be able to fill the void left by my dear friend, Fr. Tim. My heart aches for all of you who feel the same.

Fr. Tim, I don't believe love ever dies. So please know we all still love you and still love your family and friends. Please know I still feel your love with me. You became a part of our hearts, our lives. I think it was no exaggeration to say that when you died, a million hearts were broken.

But for all the hearts you touched and still touch, I think you must be in the spot reserved for God's best, right with Him in heaven. Put in a good word for those of us who knew you, love you and miss you.

It's nearly a year and I still can't get through writing or telling a story about you without breaking into tears. Fr. Tim, you were just the most amazing person I have ever known--and that is saying something. Your funeral was filled with top Church and miltary leaders, but the people who couldn't get into the Cathedral were your people, Fr. Tim type of people, ordinary soldiers, ordinary folks, believers and non- believers. Your funeral was beautiful and eloquent, the music and mass, flawless. But your wake? when Kim read the essay she wrote about you and when she had to come to see you upon arrival from Iraq in Germany, when she had to stand in for your family, and when Kim played your favorite song, "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?" and your nephew slow dances with your mom, your sister Anita and her husband danced, we all were smiling through our tears. For if anyone was to have dancing at a celebration of his life, it was you! At the wake, Kim compiled real letters from people who wrote to you. I was honored to be chosen to read a letter from a military wife that you comforted. With all of us reading aloud for the people who couldn't be there, and even though it was a representative number of the hundreds of thousands of letters and emails you received in your life, well, WE REPRESENTED YOUR people, Fr. Tim people.

No one loved Jesus more than you. No one held a rosary more tightly or reverently than you. No one could show the way---- without words to God better than you, not even St. Francis, I believe.

No one ever was or ever will be like you, Fr. Tim.

And I am only one of many who knows this to be true.

So, as Pentecost came and went this year, I thanked the Holy Spirit for letting me get to know you and letting you get to know me.

Right now I am still filled with the heartache of losing you, though I know there is much joy for you in heaven! I hope the pain I feel will be replaced by solace, one day. You, more than anybody, understood how much comfort God brings me. So I know I will be all right. With a little luck and a little prayer, I will sense you or feel you in the sunshine or another of God's miracles.

I call your Mom "Sunshine," still. She reminds me of you!

We all miss you. you made all of our lives so much brighter, Fr. Tim.

love and prayers, always and forever,

Linda Marie Louie <LinFromMinn@gmail.com>
Andover, MN USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2010 9:35 PM CDT
May you intercede for us Fr.Tim. Please bring many People to an awareness of the meaning of EASTER.
"HE HAS RISEN" was for all humanity. Pray we can understand what is happening in Religion, Educational Institutions and the Political Parties. Must be the reason GOD needed more Angels. Happy Easter for you and your Family.

Vienna, VA U.S.A. - Sunday, April 4, 2010 1:41 PM CDT
ANITA <abrand71@msn.com>
- Saturday, April 3, 2010 3:26 PM CDT
ANITA <abrand71@msn.com>
- Saturday, April 3, 2010 3:25 PM CDT
Hello Fr. Tim and family, since I talk to you nearly every day, Fr. Tim, I also thought I would post something here, so others will know how you are still a part of all the lives you have touched. I miss seeing you, as I told your mom on the phone, yesterday. We also talked about the huge void left since you went to heaven. But I know that you are still with us; I can feel your spirit in so many minutes of my day. I do miss your smile and all the times we laughed together. I pray that you are still making everyone you knew smile, like you do for me. Thank you for always shining a light in my life. Love never dies! Love, Linda
Linda Marie Louie <linfromminn@gmail. com>
Andover, MN USA - Tuesday, March 16, 2010 1:06 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, dear Timothy! And to you Mother and Family, even tho we're sad, let's give thanks for this day!
Kim and Bonnie
- Friday, January 8, 2010 7:09 AM CST
Merry Christmas, dear Tim! I miss being able to call you on the phone. What is it like when all the angels begin to sing "Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to His people on earth," I wonder? I bet it is beautiful! Is it as wonderful as I imagine? Bonnie and I love you! Kim
Kim and Bonnie
- Friday, December 25, 2009 10:39 PM CST
Thank you for sharing of Fr. Tim's service. I continue to pray through Fr.Tim and feel his presence. So difficult to believe it has been 6mos. since his promotion.
Having lost Brothers near the Holiday, may your Family be comforted by knowing what a wonderful promise we had in the Birth of Christ and you have Angels in Heaven.

Vienna, VA U.S.A. - Wednesday, December 23, 2009 9:11 AM CST
Please forgive me but I have just discovered that Father Tim has passed. I had only known him for a short time. I met him while stationed at Mosul Iraq Airfield. I was a new Army arrival in January of 2004 and getting used to the my new surroundings. As a Catholic I was glad to see that a small church, or more accurate a small room, was made into a wonderful little chapel. Father Tim was already well established as a beloved priest. I still remember my first service with him. There were only about 15 of us and with so few you all had a job to do. I remember him being so happy as the base had planned to build a larger chapel. I had talked to Father Tim several times about what was going on and what smaller base he was off to next sunday as mass schedule was sometimes flexible. Unfortantely I remember the day, Sunday, as I was outside my building, that I heard the explosion not far away near a bridge leading back to base. Only a short time later word came that it was Father Tim who was injured. It was a devistating loss to the Mosul area. He was our only chaplain, a friend to many. I only knew Father Tim a short time and I hope his family my heartfelt condolances.
Brian Powers <brian.r.powers@us.army.mil>
Chadds Ford, PA - Thursday, December 10, 2009 8:50 PM CST
This Thanksgiving I am very grateful for your friendship. I miss you.


Kim and Bonnie
- Friday, November 27, 2009 7:27 PM CST
On this Thanksgiving eve I just wanted to wish the Vakoc and Brand families a blessed Thanksgiving. You guys are forever in my thoughts and prayers. I am thankful to have met all of you and feel very blessed to have been able to spend the time I did with Tim. Tim, I miss you every day! Thank you!!!!
Barbara Sherwood AKA The Other Barbara <barb_1128@yahoo.com>
Coon Rapids, MN 55433 - Wednesday, November 25, 2009 7:28 PM CST
I have just discovered Fr. Tim's story, what a blessing his life and ministry was to all the Soldiers he touched and to those who now will hear his story and be inspired.
CH (CPT) Richard A. Hill <richard.arthur.hill@us.army.mil>
Al Anbar Province, IRAQ - Tuesday, November 24, 2009 7:46 AM CST
My condolences to the Vakoc family, he was a great man with great strengths and this battle he fought proved it. RIP and see you in the great battlefield Chaplin Vakoc.
Spc Michael Anderson <saint_zodiac@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, November 12, 2009 1:32 AM CST
Honoring our Veterans on Veterans Day.
Raising a shot of scotch to you.

Anita <abrand71@msn.com>
- Wednesday, November 11, 2009 9:31 AM CST
Thank you
Knoxville, - Friday, November 6, 2009 8:19 AM CST
Timothy, even though today is All Souls day, it is no different than any other for me. I think of you everyday and I miss you everyday. Today as I was praying for you, I thought about the spark in our lives, we call spirit. The spark that God created and placed into these human bodies. There will never be another spark like Father Tim. Just as there will never be another spark like each of us. I thought about all of the souls that have gone on and wait for us on the other side. My parents, my grandparents, on and on. And I thought about you and your Soldiers...all bright sparks. Thanks for being a part of my life, if only for a little while.
Love, Kim and Bonnie <blubonnt@att.net>
- Monday, November 2, 2009 7:55 PM CST
Fr.Tim~YOU gave your earthly life helping others.
Knowledge you are with the Heavenly Father is so comforting. Please touch the hearts of those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Savoir. Pray for all the souls who have no one to pray for them. You are truly missed.

Vienna, VA U.S.A. - Monday, November 2, 2009 10:08 AM CST
We miss you more than I can say. Amara's school will celebrate Veteran's Day next week. Every year she would ask if her "Uncle" Tim could come to her school for this special day. We'd say, "maybe next year." Just one of the many ways we feel our loss of you.

Amara is so very proud of you, very proud that her Godfather was such a selfless chaplain. Last week we had a "Service of Remembrance" at church and Amara placed the photo of the two of you together on the prayer table.

Today, All Saints Day, Amara will serve as an altar server for the first time at a special prayer service this evening on the Eve of All Souls Day. You are not far from our thoughts, always in our prayers and held very deep in our hearts. We miss you and love you Tim.

Maplewood, MN United States - Sunday, November 1, 2009 5:26 PM CST
Dear Fr. Tim,
I learned about your accident in Iraq only a few months back when I received the official magazine of the St. Paul Seminary. Since then I have not stopped praying for you. You were one of my best friends during our days at the St. Paul Seminary. Being a foreign student in your country was most of often difficult, but your friendship and good sense of humor certainly made me at ease and at home. I will continue praying for you Tim. God bless you and your family.

Amado Estonilo <estoniloa@dlsu.edu.ph>
Manila, Philippines - Thursday, October 22, 2009 3:44 AM CDT
A Mass was given yesterday (October 19) for Father Tim at St Thomas More Church in Manhattan, KS.
Dionne Greif
Manhattan, KS USA - Tuesday, October 20, 2009 5:54 AM CDT
Hi Father Tim
I read your main page and would like your support of our website.The site is OURWOUNDEDWARRIORS.ORG
Please feel free to ck,it out and let me know what you thhink.Yours Truly.
Paul L. Fullerton

Paul L.Fullerton <ourwarriors@aol.com>
Erie, Pa USA - Tuesday, September 29, 2009 3:18 PM CDT
To Father Tim's Family,

My name is Steve Hoover and I work at the U.S. Army Chaplain Center and School. My primary job is to be the managing editor of The Army Chaplaincy magazine. We are currently putting together our next issue and would like to do a tribute to Father Tim. I would like for someone to contact me if you are interested in helping with this tribute.

Steven Hoover <steve.hoover@us.army.mil>
Fort Jackson, SC USA - Friday, September 18, 2009 2:49 PM CDT
my mom is a resident of st therese of new hope.my dad was a resident there until jan of 2009 when he passed away. they both were touched so much by father tim. dad always talked to him after mass. they felt how close he was with Jesus. mom was very sadden to hear of his passing. she had been very sick when he passed and did not understand until about a week after that he had passed. thank you to father tim for the spiritual closness to Jesus that you brought them. may you rest in peace in the Lords arms, thank you
monica jungwirth <hairrae@hotmail.com>
columbia heights, mn usa - Friday, September 18, 2009 2:09 AM CDT
To Fr. Tim's family: what a beautiful legacy Fr. Tim left you. He loved and is loved by many people who never knew him. I hold him in my heart for his dedication to his priesthood and to our country. He made the ultimate sacrifice. May we all be better Catholics because of the example of Fr. Tim. I wish you God's peace and His love. I thank God for the life of Fr. Tim.
Charlene C Duline <ccduline@gmail.com>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Friday, September 11, 2009 12:51 AM CDT
I never knew you Father Tim but I wish that I did. I am going to suggest to my pastor that the next time his sermon is interupted by a crying baby that he go pick him up! You are one of God's treasures and now I am sure that you know how your faithful and loving witness to the faith brought many people back to a loving relationship with God.
If I throw myself on God's Divine Mercy and make it to Heaven, I am going to look you up.

Jim <jimmyvino@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:19 PM CDT
Dear Father Tim,
You are still with us and though we miss you very much, we know you are joyfully and peacefully at home with Our Lord. Please pray for us and help us on our journey toward our final reward. We love and miss you and thank you for the impact you have made in our lives.

Terry and Carolyn <wtmccain@comcast.net>
Fairfield, CA USA - Wednesday, September 9, 2009 12:00 AM CDT
Greetings to all.
Grieving is a process.
I pray that we all grieve for the lose of Father Tim and release this grief. That is what he would want us to do. Pray for all ....
I thank all for your prayers and support during this process.
Hey bro save a big hug for me!

Anita <abrand71@msn.com>
- Tuesday, August 25, 2009 11:40 PM CDT
Dear Friend, we all miss you terribly but know that you are free and whole again! I imagine that you are laughing, telling jokes, and exploring all of heaven and earth right now. And I know, of course, that you and your Dad are together too. When I think of the times the two of you must be having, I smile.

Bonnie and I miss you...

Kim and Bonnie
- Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:55 PM CDT
Father Tim was an amazing man. I lived in Fort Carson part of my life and it was where I was born (I'm 17). Other than my baptism as a baby, I probably first attended church at the age of 6 and Father Tim was the priest there. I remembered he loved little babies and he would always grab a crying baby from the church and rock it to get it calm while he was doing the homily. I just loved how he did that (probably explains my love for little kids). He was a caring man and even though I didn't know him for too long, I will certainly miss him. :(

God bless his family.

Samantha Cox
- Friday, July 31, 2009 11:54 PM CDT
Dear Father Tim and your family,
Since your injury in Iraq, I followed your journey. Though I never met you in person, you were a tremendous inspiration to me in my faith. Though you never spoke to me directly, you taught me lessons to carry in my life. Your family, friends, brothers in priesthood and military family cared for you deeply and showed great examples of love and compassion, strength and duty.
When I heard you speak on the Star Tribune slideshow, my soul leapt with joy!
Father Tim, your last few years strengthened my belief that every life is precious and every life has some ability in some form to be productive to Heaven and Earth.
You have certainly earned your reward in Heaven. Thank you.

Lino Lakes, MN - Friday, July 31, 2009 11:26 PM CDT
To Father Vakoc's Family:
I am writing this with tears in my eyes. I was hoping to schedule a time to meet with Fr. Tim,if nothing more than just to pray for direction. (My husband and our family are facing another possible deployment to Afghanistan.)
We have been out of town for the past few weeks, and were not aware of Father Tim's passing.
My name is Geri Cox, and my husband just returned on May 26th from a years' deployment in Iraq. I attend mass at St. Therese regularly, since the incense at most churches triggers my asthma. I introduced my husband to Fr. Tim on Sunday May 31st, 5 days after his return. Please be aware that my husband has a difficult time with religion in general, but I felt like a little of that disbelief chipped away when Fr.Tim laid his hand on him to bless him. My husband Taylor is an Inspector General and he and Fr. Tim shared a laugh when Taylor said that in Iraq the chaplains and the IG's were the only people who could talk with each other about anything because they both had confidentiality constraints with everyone else! ( Well, Fr. Tim had a slow nod and grin on his face).
Father Tim, we didn't have a chance to tell you how grateful we are to you. Thank you for all of your prayers, and for all that you've done for military families like ours. We are praying for you and your family now.
God Bless you all,
Geri, Taylor, and Sianmairead Cox

Geri Cox <taylor.cox@comcast.net>
Robbinsdale, MN USA - Saturday, July 25, 2009 8:41 PM CDT
To Father Tim's Family, our deepest sympathies go out to you all. It was an honor to serve both the lord and country along side Fr.Tim at Fort Lewis. Fr. Tim will be missed but he is now at peace in our father's arm amen.
Marjorie Clouden <rotiface@hotmail.com>
Fairfax, VA USA - Tuesday, July 21, 2009 8:40 PM CDT
Five years ago I stumbled upon this website after reading a story about Fr. Tim's injuries. Maybe it touched me because we were so close in age -- he was only a year older than me. But for the next five years I logged on frequently to check out his progress, the last time being shortly before his anniversary Mass last month. So logging on today and learning of his death was a shock, to say the least. We may never have met but I mourn his death like the loss of a friend. He has had a profound impact on my life and I will never forget him or the sacrifice he made, both to the Church and to the country. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon him.
Kate Ramunni <kateramunni@sbcglobal.net>
Hamden, CT 06518 - Sunday, July 19, 2009 8:59 PM CDT
Father Tim and Family, Thank you for your sacrifice. I got a chance to recieve the Eucharist from you at Camp Freedom April 2004, as a new Catholic. I was hurt by an IED 5 weeks before you were between Mosul and Tal Afar, and I was evacuated from Iraq. When I returned 5 months later, I learned that you were hurt and I followed your progress over the internet since then. I do not know why you were hurt worse than I and why I was spared, but please know that I will follow your example and try to lead a better life than I did before. Matthew Delk, SC Army Guard
Matthew Delk <mattdelk@hotmail.com>
Weddington, NC USA - Tuesday, July 14, 2009 11:39 AM CDT
Father Tim,
Thank you for your witness of faith in Christ and love for people. I felt your presence at St. Therese as your organist for Sunday Mass and miss you very much. Thank you for your last blessing which I received. I treasure that memory and the memory of you with your fellow priests at the healing mass at St. Raphael's church. You are still interceding for all of us, in heaven. Continue to bless us every day.

Amy Glasscock <amyglass_99@yahoo.com>
Plymouth, MN USA - Saturday, July 11, 2009 11:27 PM CDT
July 10, 2009, We were shocked to learn of the passing of Father Tim. Our computer had been in/out of the shop for a few weeks, so we were very happy to have it operating again, so we could, again, communicate with Father Tim. Our sorrow is great in learning of his passing. For a brief history of how we learned of Father Tim, we share this---We were friends with a Chaplain and his family here in SC. With the Chaplains' School being here at Ft. Jackson, SC--as well as in our being a Retired Military Family--we felt God's leading us to especially pray for Chaplains...with our shortly coming across Father Tim and his horrific injuries. We were humbly honored to be on the 24 hour world-wide prayer list. He was on our church's prayer list, too. While at Walter Reed for Matthew several times, I (Suzanne) was so very humbly grateful to actually be able to visit with Father Tim in his ICU Room. Matthew was, of course, too young to actually go into his room, but he would faithfully draw pictures for the windows in Father Tim's room so they could be put up for him to know he was well-loved and prayed for. It truly is horrible how Father Tim was injured. However, it truly is wonderful to have been able to be so touched by his loving, courageous heart and that of is family and friends, too. We generously thank his family for including us in their lives. May all feel God's special hand of loving care at this time of grief. We give thanks, too, for God's promise of being with Him in Heaven. Loving thoughts of comfort to all. Suzanne and Family
1SG (Ret) Larry and Suzanne Wright, Stephen, and Matthew <Wright87baseball@aol.com>
Hopkins, SC USA - Friday, July 10, 2009 11:03 AM CDT
I was one of the privileged Soldiers who received Mass and blessings from Father Tim from Feb - May 2004. He was an amazing inspiration and I will never forget the Easter Mass he performed at FOB Sykes, April 2004. Father Tim - you touched my life through your life and death and I wish you and your family peace. I thank you for your sacrifice from the bottom of my heart. God bless you forever.
Dawn <dlshook@cox.net>
Fairfax, VA USA - Thursday, July 9, 2009 1:54 PM CDT
Carl, Cecilia and I knew Fr. Tim in Heidelberg, Germany for a brief 12 months in 1997/8. During that time his impact on me personally and the Catholic Military Community at large was subtle but most profound. As I reflect on those happy times, I recall celebrating his 5th Ordination of Priesthood in Lourdes, France. It was a most special Mass, across from the Grotto, near the crystal clear spring. A small group of us seated in a circle on the grass. There were guitars, songs and lots of love. It was heaven on earth. There are many more stories I will hold in my heart, but for now, if feels like my heart is going to break in two.

God's blessings and prayers to Fr. Tim's family.

Kathleen Riester <kathleen.riester@gmail.com>
Madison, AL - Wednesday, July 8, 2009 4:18 PM CDT
My heart literally stopped beating inside my chest when I read of Father Tim's passing...I have gotten in the habit of checking his page every couple weeks to see how his recovery is progressing. I met Father Tim in 2003 at Fort Lewis. He was the Chaplin to my Friend SGT. Sapp. Father Tim & I spoke numoreous times in person & over the phone & I quickly came to know that this man of God was very compassionate & I had a hard time understanding HOW that could be considering EVERYTHING he saw & dealt with on a daily basis. Now having come back to my own walk with God I understand that Father Tim saw EVERYONE he came into contact with Jesus' eyes. He loved them with Jesus' heart & compassion as well. My Life will forever be changed because of being blessed enough to have met Father Tim...THANK-YOU GOD FOR BLESSING ALL OF US WITH YOUR CHILD TIM!!!!
Marguerite A. Crawford <MargueriteC1973@yahoo.com>
Tacoma, WA USA - Tuesday, July 7, 2009 4:20 AM CDT
I was the installation chaplain at Fort Carson, CO, when Fr. Tim was assigned there as a chaplain. He was a wonderful priest with a compassionate and loving heart. His passing is a great lose to the Army family.
Chaplain (COL) Herb Kitchens, U.S. Army , Ret <h_kitche@bellsouth.net>
Jonesboro, GA USA - Saturday, July 4, 2009 8:07 PM CDT
I remember you asked me once if I thoght you'll be a "Good Priest". Learning about how many lives you have touched the answer you where looking for would be quite obvious. I am honored to have known you and will miss our talks. God bless. See ya later.
Charlie <charlieashley@qwest.net>
Glendale, AZ - Friday, July 3, 2009 5:52 PM CDT
Dear Phyllis,
How proud you must feel knowing that your son, the one you prayed into the Priesthood, your son, Father Tim Vakoc, is now standing before our High Priest Jesus Christ, our Savior, interceeding for us poor souls. Besides the medals and the kind words from Planet Earth, Father Tim hears the most important words from Jesus : "Well done, my good and faithful Servant". And what a Servant Father Tim was and is. There is no better, there is no stronger, there is no comparison to his desire to be in the "Center of God's Will". I was there, at Our Lady of the Lake in Mound, when he said these words, with you Phyllis and your late husband and many of our parishioners attending daily Mass. Faithfully have we prayed for your son, Father Tim, and all of our Military, since his injury, and as sad as we all are about his tragic death, we are still rejoicing, knowing that Father Tim is now sitting in front of the Ruler of Heaven and Earth, Jesus Christ. What a priviledge to walk on Streets of Gold. By the way, Father Tim, when you see my Twin Brother, Charles H. Aschwanden, (he died 2 months ago in a tragic motor cycle accident on 4/28/09 and was buried at OLL, Mound on 5/9/2009 by Father Stan), walking on the same Streets of Gold (it is fitting: we are both Jewelers by trade), be kind to my Twin Charles.I know that I will see all of you again. In the meantime, send the Angels to Earth to remind all people of good will that "PRAYER IS THE FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE". I salute you, Father Tim, you are an inspiration, but more so I give you Phyllis the biggest hug and the softest kiss on your cheek. You are THE inspiration and driving force behind your wonderful family, and JESUS loves you so much. "The LORD has spoken only when your heart is broken, with pain as deep as an Ocean, so that HE can fill you with HIS Emotion (=The Holy Spirit). With all my Love, Monique

Monique Yannotti <Monique@MoniquesWhiteDiamonds.com>
Mound, MN 55364 - Thursday, July 2, 2009 8:11 PM CDT
I will miss Fr. Tim. We met in 1988. He over saw my wedding in 1995. I never knew faith like the faith he showed. I know he is safe. I love you Tim my friend!!
Michael Neises <mikejjjjn@yahoo.com>
Jordan , MN - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 4:17 PM CDT
I was working the TOC in Tikrit when the report about Chaplain Vakoc came in. He served with one of our subordinate Battalions. I'm out in Ft. Lewis, now, and just saw a newspaper clipping about his passing.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

MAJ T. Parshall, USAR
- Wednesday, July 1, 2009 12:21 AM CDT
Thanks be to God for Chaplain Fr. Vakoc's faithful shepherding of our troops and their family members. He practiced what he prayed. We remember him and the entire Chaplaincy Team with great prayer and thanksgiving.
Chaplain Conrad N. Walker, COL. Ret.
National Chaplain Military Order of the Purple Heart
National Chaplain 173d Airborne Association

Chaplain Conrad N. Walker, COL, Ret. <cwalker7@satx.rr.com >
San Antonio , TX USA - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 11:33 AM CDT
Father Tim officiated at our wedding in Colorado Springs in November of 2000. He added warmth and humor to our ceremony and is forever immortalized in our wedding album and our hearts. We have continued to think fondly of him over the years and our families still remark on the spirit that he shared with us on that day. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends.
LTC and Mrs. Karl Klein <carrie.h.klein@us.army.mil>
Aurora, CO USA - Tuesday, June 30, 2009 7:16 PM CDT
As one of the pray-ers from across the Atlantic who never met Fr Tim, I hear this news with sadness for all you who knew him and loved him. Loss stinks. But praise be to God that he is now liberated from his damaged body of flesh and now has a new heavenly body. And we can be sure that he is going on celebrating God's great victory!

1 Corinthians 15 (NIV): 50 I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54 When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory."
55 "Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?"
56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Charles Kirke <charleskirke@yahoo.co.uk>
- Tuesday, June 30, 2009 9:50 AM CDT
The LORD is good,
A stronghold in the day of trouble,
And He knows those who take refuge in Him.
Nahum 1:7 (NASB)
Thanks Chaplain

- Tuesday, June 30, 2009 7:53 AM CDT
Our prayer today for a brave man and a priest who gave himself so selflessly for the God he loved. May he rest in peace
Nicholas Tay <adetayyl@singnet.com.sg>
Singapore , - Singapore - Monday, June 29, 2009 6:11 PM CDT
Thank you for being a Role Model for so many young men serving in our Military and all the young men of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity.
Stuart Umberger <soup465tke@aol.com>
Hugo, MN USA - Monday, June 29, 2009 5:29 PM CDT
Thanks Fr. Tim for your sacrifice. I never met you, but your story is so inspiring. You are the true definition of man, soldier, and priest. May you and all of the faithfully departed, rest in peace.
- Monday, June 29, 2009 4:26 PM CDT
My condolences to Father's family, and our only consolation is that we will all meet again in heaven.
Ena Tinkham <ena_tinkham@yahoo.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Monday, June 29, 2009 4:09 PM CDT
To the Vakoc family: Your treasure is now in the Lord's hands - may your hearts follow after him and bless you.

In memory of Tim:

The tumult and the shouting dies
The Captains and the Kings depart
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice:
A humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet
Lest we forget, lest we forget...
- Rudyard Kipling.

I look forward to seeing our prayer leader at the gates; See ya, later Tim!

Dea Schmidt <dea.allyn.schmidt@us.army.mil>
- Monday, June 29, 2009 10:24 AM CDT
To the Vakoc Family,
Just to let you know that prayers were offered last week by the Rector of Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica here in Ottawa for Tim and for you...and eventhough I was not able to travel to St. Paul to be with you on Friday, I was there in prayer as I attended Mass at the same time as Tim's funeral. I also wanted to let you know that a Mass will be said on Sunday, August 9, 2009 at noon at Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica in Ottawa on Sussex Drive in memory of Tim --- it is the Sunday closest to the Feast Day (August 4) of St. Jean Marie Vianney, Cure of Ars and patron saint of priests. Anyone who is in or near Ottawa is welcome to attend.

TKE has lost a true brother in our Bond.

Brian C. M. Barrett <bbarrett@nrcan.gc.ca>
Ottawa, ON Canada - Monday, June 29, 2009 9:00 AM CDT
I prayed for you and with you every morning when I came to my computer. You said "for our homework we were to pray and I did". I still do, God bless you Father Tim, you will always have a place in my heart and my prayers. I have three heroes(Granddaughter, Navy twice in Iraq, there right now--Grandson twice in Iraq---Grandson Air Force) You were my fourth HERO, God Bless you, rest in peace, love and prayers, Mary Anne
Mary Anne Melvin
Fort Wayne, In 46825-3602 - Sunday, June 28, 2009 11:33 AM CDT
Fr. Tim,
Though I never met you in person, your Spirit and Love lives on here in Ft. Lewis, WA. Many of our Parishioners remember you and pray for you since you deployed out of Ft. Lewis. You were a special gift from God to your family, friends,fraternity of brothers and sisters in your diocese and our service men and women in the military. You will always have a special place in our hearts. Eternal rest grant unto your servant O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Amen!

Fr. Charles Kanai <charles.kanai@us.army.mil>
Ft. Lewis, WA - Saturday, June 27, 2009 1:43 AM CDT
A great American - a greater saint. Thanks Tim.
Chaplain (LTC) Steve Walsh <chaplainwalsh@yahoo.com>
Fort Sam Houston, TX USA - Friday, June 26, 2009 10:51 PM CDT
May God bless Father Tim and welcome him home to a special place in heaven. He was a good and faithful servant, and all Americans, especially the men and women of our Armed Services, are forever in his debt. He will not be forgotten here at Epiphany parish in Coon Rapids.
MAJ (Ret) John Holland and family <hollandj@usfamily.net>
Coon Rapids, MN USA - Friday, June 26, 2009 10:17 PM CDT
TO the family my prayers are with you. I had the great honor of serving with Father Tim in Iraq. I know he has gone on to a better place. I will always remember his sermons and him saying your homework for the week is.... May God Bless you
Michelle Gonzales <michelle.gonzales@us.army.mil>
- Friday, June 26, 2009 9:59 PM CDT
Canadian Military Chaplains who serve throughout the world in ministering to deployed military personnel join with Fr. Tim's friends and family in offering our prayers to our loving Father that Tim will forever rest in peace. Fr Tim and his family will be remembered in the daily cycle of intercessions by Canadian Chaplains today, the day his family gathers to celebrate the Mass of the Resurrection. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him, may his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Rev Colonel Lawrence D. MacIsaac, Principal Chaplain Roman Catholic, National Defence Headquarters <lawrence.macisaac@forces.gc.ca>
Ottawa, Ontario Canada - Friday, June 26, 2009 7:00 AM CDT
My two older boys, Omar and Victor Sutherland did their first communion at Fort Carson in front of Father Tim. My boys loved the way he said his Homily and walked around the front of the church. We always think of him and will pray for all his family and friends during this time of grief. I know we now have another ANGEL watching all of us that knew him.
Maria Sutherland <maria_suth@hotmail.com>
North Pole, AK United States - Thursday, June 25, 2009 4:04 PM CDT
My deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Father Tim. I applaud his service to God and our country. I didn't know him personally, but saw the posting on Books For Soldiers. If he was associated with them, he had to be a fantastic person. No one knows God's plan for each of us, but I'm convinced that he touched many lives and will now be receiving the highest reward now in heaven. God bless his family and watch over them at this difficult time. May the thoughts and prayers of others be a comfort to you.
amy wyatt <ynoteaerp@hotmail.com>
austin, tx usa - Thursday, June 25, 2009 3:14 PM CDT
Fr Tim was and always will be an inspiration for us all. You his Family and Friends are also so much of an inspriation to dedication and sacrafice for all. Thank you all for all you did in Service to Our Lord.
Chuck Kiser <charles.kiser@us.army.mil>
Alexandria, VA USA - Thursday, June 25, 2009 1:46 PM CDT
I am very sorry to hear of the loss of this wonderful priest. May god comfort his family.
Corky O'Sullivan <cjos@cox.net>
Lakewood, oh USA - Thursday, June 25, 2009 12:53 AM CDT
To Anita and all of your family,
I just read about Father Tim in the Arlington Herald; I am so very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Beth Stevens <bethstevens2@verizon.net>
Annandale, VA USA - Thursday, June 25, 2009 12:26 AM CDT
I did not know Fr. Tim personally and I joined the Army 5 years after the attack on his HMMWV but his courage is one of the things that kept me going during my past deployment to Iraq. Fr. Tim, you will always be in my thoughts and I ask that you pray for not only me, but all of the military that is in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Stateside. We will miss you Fr. Tim.
Paul Smith <smithusarmy@gmail.com>
Fort Riley, KS USA - Thursday, June 25, 2009 11:06 AM CDT
May God Bless You Fr Tim and may he hold you in his loving arms for ever. You are held in the highest esteem by all of us. I Honor you and your family

Rex A. Gustafson PGR <ragadon@mchsi.com>
Hibbing, MN USA - Thursday, June 25, 2009 9:53 AM CDT

Dear Fr. Tim
These caring bridge entries are such testimonies of how deeply you affected so many people in your lifetime. No matter where you were or what stage you were in life, others seemed to benefit from your kindness and convictions. I thank God that I got to know you during these past few years. You so inspired me with your determination from day to day. You made me laugh with your shananigans. It was comforting to me when you"d listen to what was going on in my life- I knew you cared, which felt like a prayer in and of itself.
I'm happy for you that you are joyous and free and whole now but I will miss you so.

Keep blessing us all, Fr Tim, we need you now as much as ever.

Dianne M,

To Phyllis, Jeff, Anita and family,
I am so sorry for your loss. Words fall incredibly short in describing the sympathy I feel for you.
I pray for you for healing of your grief over time and that you'll be strengthened by the love of one another, friends and the wonderful memories you have of Fr Tim.
Prayers and Love,
Dianne M.

Dianne Makozak
Robbinsdale, MN makozak12@aol.com - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:36 PM CDT
Father Tim... you are a hero to many people and your courage is an inspiration. You were a warrior for God on earth and now you are a warrior with Him. Peace be to you...
Doug Bley - MN Patriot Guard <dougb@mnpatriotguard.org>
Plymouth, MN USA - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 9:22 PM CDT
May God Bless you Fr. Vakoc.
Tom Armbruster <tarmbruster1@adelphia.net>
Simi Valley, CA Ventura - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 8:57 PM CDT
May the Blessed Mother and Jesus take him to his heavenly reward. He will be in our prayers
Gerald Kryznefski-National Commander - Catholic War Veterans <cccgak@gmail.com>
621 Centre St. -Nutley , NJ - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 7:23 PM CDT
The world is better because Tim was with us. My prayers go out to his friends and family, and are joined by all those lives that he touched and enriched by his ministry. He will be sorely missed.
CH (COL) Art Pace
Seoul, Korea - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 6:55 PM CDT
Rest in peace dear soldier of Christ, as you are laid to rest this day. Your battle of earthly life is over. The holy angels have spirited your soul to heaven, as we grieve your passing.

Our thoughts and prayers are with your family, friends and all who love you, as your life has touched us in a very special ways in the service to your country.

Mary Campbell, (American Legion Post 264) Rainier
Yelm , WA USA - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 5:06 PM CDT
thank you father for your service to the men and women of the Armed services and the nation. Gods Speed!
Ronald & Angela Kimmel <kimmelangel@aol.com>
Eagan, MN - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 3:09 PM CDT
Just learned of Father Tim's passing this afternoon. Deepest condolences to his family and many friends. I remember CH V as he passed through the Chaplain's school sometime before deploying to Iraq: he usually bore the ready smile of a joy-filled co-worker in Christ. Following Tim's journey home since his devastating injury, he has proved a remarkable man of faith, an example of courage, ever in the presence of God. Tim will be missed by all who knew him here, but there is much rejoicing as he takes up his new, permanent residence with the One who called him.
CH (LTC) Jack Shedd <john.shedd@us.army.mil>
Ft McPherson, GA USA - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 3:00 PM CDT
Though not knowing Father Tim personally, I can see that we who remain in our earthly lives, have lost a true man of God and a real patriot.
May he know the Loving Embrace of our Father in Heaven and may knowledge of Father Tim's presence with God our Father, comfort them.

Al Kotkin <alkotkin@aol.com>
Park Ridge, NJ USA - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 2:56 PM CDT
I only recently heard of Fr Tim and he will be in my daily mass and rosary intentions. Hearing his story brought to mind a China Marine Corp chaplain's assistant, Crescenzio DeFazio, who after his stint in the corps was ordained in the diocese of Birmingham, AL May 25, 1957 and died on Feb.4, 2007 at age 84. I had the privilege of caring for him for the last 10 years of his life beginning with his heart attacks and subsequent diabetes with toe and partial foot amputations which complications sent him home to God on a first saturday. Pray for our priests living here or passed into eternity for Fr D used to always tell me, "There is nothing more dead than a dead priest." But I have proved him wrong so far with daily mass and rosary intentions for two and a half years running and still counting! God Bless you Fr Tim! We will be remembering you at the altar of Sacrifice as well. Semper Fi
Phillip Rumore <PhillipRumoreALABAMA@Gmail.com>
Birmingham, AL USA - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 1:35 PM CDT
Anita, Phyllis, Jeff and other Family, members:
Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of sorrow. I was privileged to meet Tim and be ministered by him, when he was a patient at Walter Reed. Today, our hearts grieve with his moving to a place where there is no more pain or limits. Blessing to you this day.

John McRae, Chaplain (Colonel) Retired <john.mcrae@us.army.mil>
Coeur D'Alene, ID - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 12:50 AM CDT
What a wonderful and inspiring story.
Fr. Tim was called first to the priesthood.
He was called a second time to the chaplaincy.
He has been called a third time to his eternal reward.
Each time he was called he always answered yes in spite of all the challenges attendant to his work. May we all be fortunate enough to be blessed by such priests and chaplains as this good and dedicated man.
Fr. Tim, his family, friends and comrades in arms will remain in my prayers. Thank you for priests, chaplains, their comrades and all those who support their very difficult work.

Richard Porteus <rjporteus@aol.com>
Bronx, NY USA - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 12:08 AM CDT
To the family of Father Tim:
How difficult it is to lose a loved one, but especially one who was so good. I hope you find comfort in knowing that he brought Jesus to many and many now celebrate his life in Heaven and here on earth.
I personally want to thank him for his service to all of us in his priesthood and in his life. Remember that our loved lives are not over, just changed. One day if we live according to God's law's we will be with them for all eternity.
Father Tim, may the angels greet you, may you rest in the arms of the almighty father. Amen

Ann Nicolos-Foose <annfoose@verizon.net>
Phillipsburg, NJ USA - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:07 AM CDT
Padre Tim and Family,

May the Lord bless you and keep you and continue to shine upon you. I am ever-grateful to have served with such an extraordinary friend and spiritual guide. May the peace of our Lord be with you and let us rejoice as he goes to our Lord.

Jose Moreno, CPT, US Army (Served with Fr Tim in Germany, Bosnia, Ft Lewis and Iraq) <jose.a.moreno1@us.army.mil>
Fort Gordon, GA USA - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 9:43 AM CDT
Fr. Tim......Now there is no more suffering as God promised for His faithful... I pray you are hearing His words..
"Well done, My good and faithful servant"..

To Fr. Tim's family..

I pray you find peace in knowing your loved one was all our precious Lord created him to be... He was Christ to so many...

May Fr. Tim's life of dedication, courage, faithfullness & suffering .. be a Holy example to all..most especially God's beloved Priest's..

His grace and peace be with you ...

Marie Vasta †

I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.
From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me, which the Lord, the just judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but to all who have longed for his appearance.
2 Timothy 4:7-8

Marie Vasta <poorclair@aol.com>
North Bergen, NJ U.S.A. - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 7:09 AM CDT
May Fr Tim rest in peace from his labours.
God bless and reward him;and grant peace and comfort to his family and friends.

Marie Mununga
Falkirk, Scotland - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 5:02 AM CDT
God Bless Fr. Tim and his family. Your many years of sacrifice have touched and inspired people around the world. Thank you for sharing his faith and ministry. Peace on earth to all!!

Sue Maloney, Army Wounded Warrior Program, AW2 Seattle Advocate <suzanne.maloney@us.army.mil>
Tacoma (Fort Lewis) , WA USA - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 2:16 AM CDT
Father Tim, you will be missed. You truly gave us the gift of kindness and caring. I don't think I could have made it through my command, especially when we were in Iraq, without your mentorship and countless hours of reassurance that at the end of the day, everything will be alright. No matter what life's challenges are and how unfair things may appear to be, we somehow find ways to overcome all of it and become much stronger. Thank you for being a friend and I hope that I will have the opportunity to pay if forward the things you've taught me and to buy a cup of coffee with a plate of Baklava to someone who simply needs a friendly ear.
MAJ John Pratt <john.w.pratt@us.army.mil>
Ft. Hood, TX USA - Wednesday, June 24, 2009 1:02 AM CDT
Fr Tim's Family and close friends: Heard today about Tim's passing and my heart sank at first then responded with hope that as we believe in the Resurrection Fr Tim was free of pain and suffering and in the presence of Christ actually as he had always been in the Eucharist. I often prayed for him you all tho not a friend--a Colleague, Army Chaplain.
Chaplain (Lieutenant Colonel) Bill McCoy <wmccoy548@hotmail.com>
Kaiserslautern, Germany - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 10:26 PM CDT
News of Chaplain Timothy's passing arrived here today, 06/23/09. Our Lord began to take Father Tim home right after Mass in Traq, but then had more for him to do. Just think of the additional souls he came to know! My Mass and Communion and the Divine Mercy Chaplet will be offered for Father Tim tomorrow. I drove for Chaplain Colonel) Paul H.Maurer, with IX Corps in Korea, 1950-51; so, I praythat Father Tim's driver survived without wounds or other injuries.
D. P. Dunbar <Goldstar32679@aol.com>
West Hartford, CT USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 10:16 PM CDT

You will be truly missed. I was your gunner on convoys not all the time but alot,so I could see my husband who was stationed at another FOB there. You were always very supportive of us. You always made us smile and made everyday a better day. I remember when you bummed us a ride on a UH 60 back to Mosul instead of convoying back. Wayne and I talk about you all the time and how much you touched our lives. I have told your story of Faith and strength to everyone that I meet and I will continue to do so. My children Sean and Jase, who is 3 ( you always told us to have another child)will always know about you and how you touched our lives.
You will always be OUR Chaplian!

Judith Strand <judith.strand@us.army.mil>
South Korea - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:25 PM CDT
Dear Fr. Tim,

I am praying that you are now enjoying seeing God Face to
Face and thanking Him for calling you to His Eternal
Priesthood and sharing in His Passion. It is so awesome
to know that we will live with God and His loved ones
forever and ever and share in His Life throughout eternity.

Sister Barbara Smithhisler <goodshepherd@catholic.org>
Shoreview, MN USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:44 PM CDT
To Father Tim's family:
My deepest sympathy for the loss of your son. Our country also lost a true hero. I was so honored to visit Father Tim when he was at the VA hospital. I know that Oliver North had been to see him the day before and spent about a half hour with Father Tim. I prayed with and for Tim. I know that he has already heard the words from Jesus when he entered the gates, "Well done my good and faithful servant".
Thank you Father Tim for all you did for our soldiers and may God comfort those he left behind. I am a military mom and will be visiting you at Fort Snelling National Cemetery as I visit the gravesites other fallen hereos from Minnesota.

Patricia Boyd <ed.pat@comcast.net>
St. Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:18 PM CDT
To Father Tim. I don't know you personally but I feel that I have always known you. My husband is serving in Iraq now as a civilian after retiring from the Army 22 years and still give the support as you did. Many have said how great of a man and soldier you are. You will always be our SOLDIER here on EARTH and will always be GOD'S Soldier in HEAVEN. You will be sadly missed by many that knew you and don't know you and love you as you are. You will always be in our hearts and prayers.


Donna Banks and William Banks <donna_starbanks@yahoo.com, william.banks@iraq.centcom.mil>
Harrisburg (Charlotte), NC United States - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 6:49 PM CDT
To Father Tim's family,
My son served with Father Tim in Iraq. Trevor was killed on 5/1/04 and Father was there for Trevor's fellow soldiers. We have followed Tim's progress and have prayed for him since his injuries occurred. I pray for you now that Father Tim has 're-deployed' to heaven. May you find comfort and encouragement in that. God bless you.

Debi Win'E <debiwine@sbcglobal.net>
Orange, Ca USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 6:44 PM CDT
To Father Tim's Family,
Our deepest sympathies go out to you. Father Tim was a great and selfless servant to God and our country. My husband was in the 44th CSB with him at Ft. Lewis and in Iraq. He took care of my husband, the families and soldiers just like they were his own. The last time I saw him was when he came to talk to the family members of my husband's unit two days before the unit was to deploy in Nov 03 and he had had a rough day. He showed up in his PT uniform, just finishing the packing of all of his household goods. But even though he was obviously tired, he counseled and prayed with all of us. He can now go join his battle buddies! Thank you for him! He will be missed!

Tiffany Pratt <pratt_tiffany@hotmail.com>
Harker Heights, TX US - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 6:18 PM CDT
Several of us seminarians have had the privilege of visiting Father these last few years. What a tremendous example of priestly service for us to imitate, especially in this Year for Priests. I think of him often when I must do things I’d rather not do. Knowing him has strengthened my vocation. God Love You, Fr. Tim. Thank You. Pro Deo et Patria!
Ben Little <benjaminrlittle@gmail.com>
St. Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 5:19 PM CDT
We just heard the news of Father Tim going to be with his heavenly Father. My husband served with the 44th and Chaplain Vakoc during 2004. We remember going to a Yankee game w/ Chaplain. Our hearts go out to all his family and friends and we know that he touched the lives of many.
The Keith Family (SFC Keith)
Okinawa, Japan - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 5:13 PM CDT
I've kept him in my prayers and thoughts since I learned of his vehicle being blown up. More Catholic Chaplains such as him will be a welcomed and strengthening comfort to the troops.
Father Armand L. Bud Brooks <revbud4@msn.com>
Hankinson, ND usa - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 5:04 PM CDT
To the family of Fr. Tim,
My very deepest sympathy on the loss of your son, brother and uncle.My high school classes (Bishop Feehan High in Ma)prayed often for him after he was injured.
Your hero has returned to the God whom he served for so long and so well.God's peace.

ANNE CARROLL <ACEpcfriar@aol.com>
ATTLEBORO, MA U.S.A. - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 5:00 PM CDT
Dear Vakoc family and friends,

I want to express my sincere sympathy on the loss of a true Catholic hero! My brother is a Catholic Priest/Marine chaplain who served in Iraq at the same time as Fr. Vakoc and he shared this story with me. I also have many relatives who have served in Iraq in various branches of the military. I know that it was due to the countless prayers and support of our Chaplains that helped them through! Please know of my prayers and my gratitude for everything that Father Vakoc has sacrificed in this life! May he rest peacefully in the afterlife knowing that he made this world a better place by sharing his love for God and his love for others! Thank you as well for the sacrifices you have made as his family and friends. You cared for him, supported him and no doubt prayed for him. These are the true heroes of our world! May God Bless you for your courage and conviction!

Colleen <cdonohoe24@aol.com>
Boston, MA USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 4:50 PM CDT
May the Love of Christ fill the hearts of every family member, and I thank God for our Brothers sacrifice. I have been blessed by the many pictures and I trully believe that he was a true blessing to many others.Thank you again.
Rafael Ramos
Brooklyn, NY - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 4:21 PM CDT
I never thought it possible to mourn and rejoice at the same time. Fr. Tim Vakoc was one of the finest chaplains I ever served with and one of the best I ever had work for me. Tim was a leader I could count on to help pick up the load when it began to overwhelm me as Regimental Chaplain. On my wall is a flag he made for me from our time together in 3 ACR and it remains one of my most cherished treasures. For Patti and myself, our last memories of Ft Carson are of dinner with Tim. He exemplified selfless service and more than anything else I am priviledged to have known him as a friend.
Chaplain (LTC) Joel Harris US Army (Retired) <joel.harris@citadel.edu>
Charleston, SC USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 4:16 PM CDT
Sorry for your lose he well be missed
Ethel Ward <rward91499@comcast.net>
Lakewood, WA United States - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 4:00 PM CDT
Though I never knew you. I appreciate your sacrifice. There are 5 military persons in my family. It is a priest, like you, that nourished them in very trying times. Thank you for giving your life for your fellow men/women.
Theresa Charbonneau Arias <terryarias@yahoo.com>
Satellite Beach, Fl USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 3:34 PM CDT
My husband a retired Marine, myself, along with my three sons, want Father Timothy Vakoc's family to know that we will always appreciate Father's service to Country and to God. We are a family, strong with our Catholic Faith because of the Catholic Chaplains. As we mourn Father's death, we celebrate the man he was and thank God for men like Father Vakoc. Men who give all to Country and to God. His service will never be forgotten by military families. Another Saint in Heaven to pray for us, thank you Father Timothy Vakoc. You will always be a hero to me and my family.
Denise Loftesnes
Okinawa Japan

Denise Loftesnes
Okinawa, Japan - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 3:34 PM CDT
May the peace of Christ be his and may angels speed him to Eternal Rest.
Pray for us, Father Tim, and keep watch over our soldiers overseas.

Marge Hansen <Bay88Watch@aol.com>
South River, NJ USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 1:34 PM CDT
Dear Family, Colleagues and Friends of Fr. Tim,
May the courage and commitment of this wonderful priest shine brightly and may his example encourage us to be men and women of hope, healing and peace. Fr. Mike Graham - Padre - Delta Company - Essex and Kent Scottish Regiment - Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Fr. Mike Graham <mgraham@rcec.london.on.ca>
Windsor, Ontario Canada - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 1:07 PM CDT
Thanks be to God for Fr. Tim and all other chaplains in our armed forces. Blessed be his memory. I did not have the privilege of knowing him, however my son has spoken highly of the chaplains he has known during his service. My sympathy to his family and friends, He is Healed.
Proud Mom
Southern , MN USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 1:00 PM CDT
Though never having the honor of knowing this fine and truly heroic man,I bow my head in humble gratitude for him and his service. May he receive the rewards due such a faithful servant, and may God kindly grant consolation to his family, friends and brothers-in-arms.
irondale, al USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 12:37 AM CDT
It was a shock this morning when I checked my Facebook account and saw an entry by Fr. Price Oswalt indicating Tim's passing. Tim was a selfless person who cared genuinely about people. As a Teke he cared about his fraters---as a priest he cared about the people in his flock --- as a soldier he sought to bring peace to those suffering. On a visit to Ottawa as a TKE staff person we attended Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica --- prayers will be offered there for Tim and his family and friends in gratefulness for the gift that Tim was and continues to be. May we continue to learn from his generosity of spirit and courage and strength in adversity. May the Father of All welcome our brother Tim with open arms.

Brian C. M. Barrett <bbarrett@nrcan.gc.ca>
Ottawa, ON CANADA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 12:29 AM CDT
Fr. Tim,
In this Year of the Priest I will pray for you. Because of our faith, we believe your reward from the Ultimate Father will be great due to your ultimate sacrifice.

Wallace Ciepiela <wciepie@arl.army.mil>
Crofton, MD USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 12:07 AM CDT
The prayers of all Purple Heart recipients are with Fr Tim and his family. His service to God and his country will never be forgotten; he has touched many who needed his counsel and prayers and that will live with them throughout their lives.
Jeff Roy National Commander Military Order of the Purple Heart <jroy@vw-du.net>
Longmont, CO USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 11:45 AM CDT
I have donated a copy of Newt Gingrich's "Rediscovering God in America" in honor of Fr. Tim Vakoc to my library in Huntsville, Alabama.
I never knew Fr. Tim, but I have been touched by his dedication to our troops.
May God give his family and friends peace, as only He can give. May He give you courage and strength and may you be comforted that your sacrifice of Fr. Tim to serve our troops is honored and deeply appreciated by the country that he served.
This man has touched more lives than you will ever know.
God bless you~

Linda Henderson
Huntsville, AL USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 10:44 AM CDT
The race is won all now is peace
Join the crowd 'round the throne
Blush not for your crown
it's but a reflection of Christ's
as was your life,
by God's great mysterious grace.

God Speed, Padre.

SSG Wm. McCormick
- Tuesday, June 23, 2009 10:01 AM CDT
We want to Thank Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother for this Priest. May, Fr. Tim's family, know that Our Holy Mother, is surrounding them with Her Mantle of Consolation
We did not know this Priest of God, but read about Him on Zenit news and wanted to send our sympathy, Jack & Patricia
Duggan, Combermere, Ontario, CANADA

Jack & Patricia Duggan <dugganpatricia@aol.com>
Combermere , Ont. CANADA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:54 AM CDT
Found this to be an inspiring story of commitment and self sacrifice. Visiting USA on vacation. glad to recognise the quality of military chaplains and their willingness to lay down their lives for their brothers.
Fr Peter Devlin, Derry Diocese, Ireland.

Fr Peter Devlin <pnd4680@eircom.net>
Derry, Ireland - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:40 AM CDT
To the family and friends of CH V;
My prayers are with you. I will never forget what he did for his battalion in Iraq, and am very saddened by his passing. He was well loved by all there.

COL Gordon MacKenzie <gmackenzie@briemeng.com>
Chesterfield, MO USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:38 AM CDT
To the family and friends of CH V;
My prayers are with you. I will never forget what he did for his battalion in Iraq, and am very saddened by his passing. He was well loved by all there.

COL Gordon MacKenzie <gmackenzie@briemeng.com>
Chesterfield, MO USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:37 AM CDT
Reading Father Tim's obituary and about his last visit brought tears to my eyes even though I didn't know him personally. What an inspiration he was to so many. It makes me extremely proud to be an American and a Christian because of people like Father Tim. May God Bless and keep him and his family.
Tisa Clements
Stafford, VA United States - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:49 AM CDT
I have followed Fr. Tim's story for the past 5 years and am saddened to hear of his passing. However, I believe he is in heavenly peace. I did not know Fr. Tim but he was an inspiration of how to keep hope when life sends you a curve ball. Peace to his family
Betty Harlow <ndharlow@cableone.net>
Fargo, ND USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:46 AM CDT
My condolences to the family and friends of Father Tim. I did not know him personally, but the recounting of the last visit with him brought tears to me eyes. I am continually amazed at the strength that faith brings to allow us to confront life's challenges with courage and conviction. May your time of grief be short and your pleasant memories of Father Tim be eternal.
Jerry Walling <jsquarew@gmail.com>
Beavercreek, OH USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:39 AM CDT
My prayers are with you.
I did not serve with Major Vakoc but am medically retired Navy Chaplain. God bless you.

Paul Soderquist
Chandler, AZ USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:38 AM CDT
I have a son in the army who is serving as a chaplins asst.in a combat zone and these men and ladies do a wonderful work keeping the moral of the troops high with words of inspiration and hope. I know that this job sometimes goes overlooked but I will say this that most of these serving our country away from our shores certainly do appreciate what these chaplins do. To that they will never be forgotten. God bless and keep you.
a brackett <ab5infam@yahoo.com>
lebanon, me usa - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:35 AM CDT
I was extremely touched to read this. My bf is serving with the 82nd Airbone out of Ft. Bragg, NC. He is on his second tour of Afghanistan and he has been to Iraq twice as well. Everyday I do not hear from him,is a day of pain staking wonder. He is a wonderful man and he has been a inspiration to me. Just reading about this wonderful Priest shead a light, that there is hope and good in a world that seems chaotic. I thank you all for the prayers for the fathers overseas and for the children missing their parents. And most of all I am thankful to have read and learned about a wonderful man such as he.
Karen <scgirl_74@yahoo.com>
Hartsville, SC USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:33 AM CDT
I am saddened by this story.......though I never knew this man, my heart goes out to the lives he touched while on this earth. He was without a doubt a selfless person who gave to others in war. May he and his work never be forgotten.......Rest in peace, brother
Steven Browning <stevenbrwnng@yahoo.com>
Richmond, va usa - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:30 AM CDT
My prayers and thoughts are with this family at this moment and will be on Thursday. I am a Veteran,(79-82) and it was always comforting when a chaplain was around. I am Native American, of the Dakota Nation, direct decendant of a spiritual leader of the middle 1800's who accepted the ways of the bible and eventually became a minister, the Rev. William Saul, who passed on in 1909. Peace and rest and comfort again I must say to this mans family, especially his sister.
Mr. Carmen L. Saul <Redwing200043@yahoo.com>
Niobrara, NE USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:28 AM CDT
I just read the update on Xenit about Father Vakoc and am deeply saddened to learn of his passing. However, he will now be saying Mass everyday with our Heavenly Father. His funeral Mass is on the 22nd anniversary of my commissioning. As I head to Baghdad in just a few weeks for a year assignment, I will keep Father Tim in my daily prayers for him to look down upon us troops to keep us safe. God bless his family at this time.
Jim Weingartner <jimiwine@aol.com>
Woodbridge, VA USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:24 AM CDT
Our great loss and one of heaven's greatest gains. Thank You is the least and a hug would be the greatest. Our prayers to you and your family.
Boston, MA USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:17 AM CDT
My deepest sympathy to the friends and family of Father Tim, I did not know him personally but I know that he deeply touched and inspired many people including my daughter Barbara. The world is a much better place because of him.

Thank you for your service and sacrifice for God, country and mankind. Thank you for defending my family, myself and all the rights that we enjoy an American citizens. Most of all thank you for being the man you are and being an inspiration to be the best that we can be and to do whats right regardless of the cost to ourselves. Rest in peace Father Tim you are a true American Hero.

Thom Sherwood MSgt, USAF (Ret) <imnotadoc@centurytel.net>
Hope, MI USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8:09 AM CDT
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon him. Go in peace, God's Warrior.
Catherine Breheny <catherinebreheny@msn.com>
Madeira Beach, FL USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 7:50 AM CDT
May God receive this magnificent warrior and priest into His kingdom, and may he rest in eternal peace.
Mrs. John Moore ( Catholic widow of a retired Marine Colonel)
Virginia Beach, VA USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 7:36 AM CDT
God bless to our hearts the memory and service of this servant of God. He will be missed.
CH (LTC) Terry Austin <terry.w.austin@us.army.mil>
Fort Belvoir, VA USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 7:33 AM CDT
It was with great shock and sadness that I read this morning of Father Tim's death. He was an inspiration to the world. His service, courage, and perseverance are a wonderful example to us all. My family extends our sympathy to all who loved this good man and good priest and take comfort in knowing that his journey is done and he is in heaven.
Mike McCarthy. Commander US Navy - retired
Middleborough, MA USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 7:18 AM CDT
Fr. Tim personifies all that is good in our country and in our Church. In service, he has given comfort and solace to those who have been in harms way and we give thanks for his life.

We pray for his soul, for all chaplains, and, for consolation for his family.

Thank you Fr. Tim !

Charles and Daine Eble <cfae@sbcglobal.net>
Indianapolis, Indiana USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 7:14 AM CDT
Father Tim was a wonderful man, who left a footprint on one's heart He will be Greatly missed by family, friends, and even strangers. Rest in Peace. He reached the ultimate goal he is in the hands and arms of The Lord Most High Rest in Peace Father Tim
Cindy Orzehowski
Latrobe, Pa U.S.A. - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 6:30 AM CDT
Thank you Father for serving our church and our country. My prayers and sympathy are with your family.
Richard Dungar <rdungar@centurytel.net>
La Crosse, Wisconsin USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 6:13 AM CDT
I have been blest to learn of this Holy Priest who like St Maximilian Kolbe went home on a special feast of Our Lady.
Reading all the journal entries allow me to experience, in some way, Fr's very human uniqueness.
What a Good God who lifts up such a Holy Soul to assist us in our prayers for Peace and Freedom and whose mission is to be Christ to our guardians of freedom. I will continue to seek Fr Tim's intercession.

Elizabeth Vandenberg <jandevande@gmail.com>
Ventura, Ca USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 4:26 AM CDT
My prayers are with all of Father Vakoc's family and friends.

I thank Father Vakoc for his brave service to our country.

B. Laughlin
WA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 2:05 AM CDT
May our Heavenly Father wrap you in His loving arms, Father Tim. Stand down, Major, your mission here on earth is complete. Thank you for your service to our great nation, and to our soldiers and their families.

My prayers are for the comfort of your family and friends.

Maggie Goff <MaggieGoff45@gmail.com>
Bisbee, Az - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 0:14 AM CDT
I received notice of Fr Tim's death via a ZENIT article. What a glorious testimony of suffering and courage and caring. RIP Fr Tim. I pray for you and your family
Astrid Castenfelt <astridc@webmail.co.za>
Cape Town, South Africa - Monday, June 22, 2009 11:48 PM CDT
A good priest is near the one who suffers, and one who suffers he can understand better others. We priests are never alone, we have GOD in US! May ths priest rest in peace
Msgr. George Grima <gfp@euroweb.net.mt>
Malta, Malta - Monday, June 22, 2009 11:45 PM CDT
I do not know Fr. Vakoc, but received news of his death via email prayer request. I am moved by his life of sacrifice and service to Our Lord by bringing the Sacraments and the Hope of Jesus' Merciful salvation to those in dark battlegrounds. May God bless the Vakoc family, the Holy Spirit bring you comfort, Jesus hold you close to His Sacred Heart, and our Blessed Mother intercede for you... and for all who knew and loved Fr. Tim.
Rebecca Thompson
Dallas, TX United States - Monday, June 22, 2009 11:42 PM CDT
Anita, Phyllis, Jeff and Family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of sorrow and always. Please let me know if there is any thing I can do.
Father, I miss you terribly but dont worry I will continue to do "the homework". I will continue to follow the example you set for everyone. You try bend the rules a bit in heaven and I will continue to bend them (just a little) here ;-).
Love ya,
Your other Barbara

Barbara Sherwood <barb_1128@yahoo.com>
Coon Rapids, MN - Monday, June 22, 2009 10:49 PM CDT
I will keep all of Fr. Vakoc's family and friends in my prayers. Thank God for the time the lay faithful had with Fr. Vakoc. Now he is with our Lord who is rewarding him for his faithfulness. Now we need to ask Fr. Vakoc to intercede for us that we may remain faithful and for our country and its elected representatives that they may put our Lord first in all they do.
Maryanne Linkes <catholicsintruth@gmail.com>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 10:42 PM CDT
Deepest sympathies to Father Tim's family, caregivers and friends.
St. Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church
Canyon Lake , Tx USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 10:36 PM CDT
Brave men are brave from the very first. Only today I came to know Father Tim when I read in Zenit, that he has passed to eternal glory. We are grateful for a man who has had a rock solid faith in the Saviour which in turn strengthens our own faith. Please accept our sympathies at this difficult moment but also treasure in your heart always, that this was an extraordinary crusader in the vineyard of the Lord who went all the way and signed in blood! May his sould be raised to the alters of the Lord!
Our fervent prayers for his soul and family!

Ronnie Dissanayake <ronniedissa@yahoo.com>
Colombo, Sri Lanka - Monday, June 22, 2009 10:35 PM CDT
We join the Church worldwide in prayers of thanksgiving for this very special Priest-Hero.

Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace. ...

National Chaplain - Military Order of the Purple Heart - Ladies Auxiliary
Denver, CO USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 10:22 PM CDT
Deepest sympathies to Father Tim's family, caregivers and friends. I first met him nearly 30 years ago when we worked at TKE. Years later, as a priest, he provided warm counsel. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him and of his example of selfless love. I will always remember my good Frater in the Bond of TKE.
Gary LaBranche <1983glkl@comcast.net>
Evanston, IL United States - Monday, June 22, 2009 9:25 PM CDT
Reading the comments of many friends and well wishers makes me realize that not knowing Father Vakoc is certainly my loss. As a retired Chaplain, i still feel very much a part of the Army family and any loss in that family causes me profound sorrow. Yet as I read how much he lives in the lives of so many people, it reminds me that life indeed goes on and on and on even after our death in the influence we leave.
Ch (LTC) Richard McLean, USA (Ret)
Plano, TX - Monday, June 22, 2009 8:43 PM CDT
Dear Brother (Father Tim), You were one of the best Army priests I was privileged to work with in Bosnia. Your great sense of humor helped me many many times. Your were the Army's "Red Skelton"! You are in my thoughts, Prayers and Masses.

Your Brother Army Priest from Bosnia (Tuzla Main),
Fr Ron Francis Stevenson

Fr Ron Francis Stevenson <frmacstevenson@mac.com>
Sacramento, CA USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 7:52 PM CDT
With deepest sympathy.
Rhonda Moore
Bethesda, MD United States - Monday, June 22, 2009 7:42 PM CDT
With our deepest sympathies for you at this time. We continue to pray for you and for Fr. Tim. We miss him.

God bless you.

The Morrisey Family
Texas - Monday, June 22, 2009 7:22 PM CDT
Our paths crossed for one year while attending St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. We had some good visits then and over the past five years those visits continued through the thoughts, words and prayers of many people from around the world who knew Fr. Tim more recently and were inspired by his priesthood and ministry. He was a great gift to the Church and our country. May God bless him and reward him for his life, witness and Christian love. Let us always be grateful citizens for the sacrifices he and so many others have made to share their faith, their service to our country and their patriotism.
May God bless his family and let them continue to know of our prayers and consolation. May God grant Fr. Tim eternal rest, peace and happiness.
Fr. David Zimmer
St. John the Apostle Church

Fr. David L. Zimmer <dlz852@min.midco.net>
Minot, ND USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 4:16 PM CDT
Mrs. Vakoc,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, who along with Henry inspired all of us with your love. You and Henry Sr. gave a special gift to all of us. May peace heal your heart. I know his Dad and his Father were there to meet him.

Steven Walesch <swalesch@gmail.com>
Maitland, FL USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 4:03 PM CDT
In June of 2004, we believe that we prayed for Father Tim while our grandson Paul Charles Mardis in the same area at Walter Reed. Paul died July 15 of his injuries sustained in Iraq on May 19. Our deepest sympathy to all Fr. Tim's family.
Pastor Renee Lawrence <reneelawrence4541@mac.com>
Port St. Lucie, Fl US - Monday, June 22, 2009 3:58 PM CDT
It is with deep sadness that I learn of Fr Tim's passing. I thank God for his ministry to our soldiers and I thank his family for sharing him with us. Thank you for your sacrifice.
CH (LTC-ret) Karen J. Diefendorf <kdiefendorf@hotmail.com>
Lincoln, IL USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 3:27 PM CDT
Oh, my heart is heavy with grief and disbelief, but joy that you are free, Fr. Tim.

How do I begin to express the gratitude to you, dear Fr. Tim, for calling me into your life? I am one of a million broken hearts, now. Yet I know you are still close to us from heaven, helping us now, as you are free from infirmity. I am forever grateful. And I'll love you forever. Thank you for the gift of you giving me the sign language sign of "I love you" on Thursday. What a precious gift for me, forever. You are forever in my heart.

As to you, Phyllis, Anita, Jeff, all the family and all the dear friends of Fr. Tim's who have become my friends, I cannot begin to describe how sad I am for the loss. We are blessed to have known this amazing man. Thank you for letting me come to know him, too. You all have been a "Fr. Tim Ambassador" to me. I tried to bring that to others, in my daily contacts.

Now I guess we'll just have to tell people how Fr. Tim would want us to continue to bring people closer to God by works of love, understanding, compassion and acceptance, just like Fr. Tim did every single day of his life.

Now God is really holding you in His hands, Fr. Tim! Enjoy being free of earthly pain, sorrows, troubles, war and suffering, as you continue to serve God in your new heavenly life.

Thank you for bringing me more joy than I can describe in the years I have been blessed to know you.

You, more than anyone I will ever know, modeled Christ's love in practice to me, every single day. What a humbling gift. May your inspiration live on in this life. How we needed you in our lives.

All my love and prayers,

Linda Marie Louie <LinFromMinn@gmail.com>
Andover, MN USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 2:41 PM CDT
SISTER MARY BOSCO AMAKWE,HFSN <eberebosco@hotmail.com>
IRVINGTON, NJ USA/NIGERIAN - Monday, June 22, 2009 2:17 PM CDT
God bless all Father's family. I know you are sad to let him go, but we can be sure he will intercede for us, which I ask him to do for my family. He made the ultimate sacrifice for the troops and God will honor that.
Sandy W.
San Diego, CA USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 1:57 PM CDT
God Bless Father Tim, may he rest in peace and have the perpetual light shine upon him. I was so saddened to read of the loss of this dear man, priest, son, brother, and friend to all who had the pleasure of knowing him. God bless you all,
Teresa Irwin <teresa.boron.irwin@dgs.ca.gov>
Fair Oaks, CA USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 1:23 PM CDT
Dear Anita, Mrs. Vakoc, and your whole family,

Our hearts and prayers are with you at this time. With our love,

Jim and Beth Bulger
People of Praise, MN

Beth Bulger
Burnsville, MN USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 12:54 AM CDT
My heart goes out to all who knew Tim. We will all miss him very much. I had the great privilege of getting to know Tim ("Henry") during our year in Aalborg, Denmark. I will miss his quirky smile.... May he rest in peace.
Marie Goodell <marie.goodell@sbcglobal.net>
San Francisco, CA U.S.A - Monday, June 22, 2009 10:57 AM CDT
Vakoc family, I am so sorry for your loss. I knew Tim as "Henry" back at SCSU...long ago! He was a truly wonderful person...and loved the Lord so much! My regret is that I never visited with him when I had the chance.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time.

Cherie (Klingbile) Sellers <thesellers@centurytel.net>
Dresser, WI USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 10:53 AM CDT
Father Tim always brought a smile to my face. We will miss him. Forever higher Father Tim. Janet from Booksforsoldiers
Janet <bfsjanetca@gmail.com>
- Monday, June 22, 2009 10:50 AM CDT
Father Tim, as a combat veteran I followed your path and story with interest and pride. Your service and dedication to both the Army and our Faith can not be underestimated and I thank you. Your story’s ending is very sad and brings tears to my eyes. I know our Lord has heavenly plans for you. May you forever remain in our thoughts and prayers. Till we meet again...
Robert E. Peterson - SJN <repeters57@hotmail.com>
Eagan, MN USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 10:46 AM CDT
Our prayers and condolences to Father Tim's family. He was our priest when we arrived at Fort Carson, Colorado from Germany. Father Rutherford in Germany knew Father Tim and said you will enjoy him. We not only enjoyed him, we grew to love him!! He presided over our son's confirmation at Fort Carson. We will not forget you! God Bless you and keep you.
John and Kathy Barker <kathy.barker@umit.maine.edu>
West Enfield, ME USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 10:35 AM CDT
Prayers for Chaplain Tim, his family, and all those whose lives he touched.

Sandra Dent
Severn, MD USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 10:19 AM CDT
I had lost Father Tim's CB site some time ago. It is with deep sadness that I read of his passing, yet I know he is now glorified with Our Father in Heaven.

God's blessings to Father Tim and his family.

Roxann <horsesetc@msn.com>
Audubon, MN USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 9:25 AM CDT
My prayers go out to family of Chaplain (Major) Vakoc; I never had the opportunity to meet Chaplain Vakoc. However, I feel I’ve lost part of my family as well.

Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2), Finance

Ron Perry <ronald.eugene.perry@us.army.mil>
Indianapolis, IN - Monday, June 22, 2009 9:21 AM CDT
I attended Father Tim’s last service in Mosul, at FOB Freedom. I very much remember the point of his last homily; some people cry, because other can’t. He then reached into his pocket, took out his Benchmade automatic Stryker knife, poked holes in the top of a water bottle, blessed it, and then walked around blessing the small congregation of Soldiers. Father Tim, I’ll continue to do my homework, because I know you are still grading it.

So we shall ride back to drink again with friends at Fiddlers' Green,

MAJ Bob Baumeister <robert.baumeister@us.army.mil>
- Monday, June 22, 2009 8:54 AM CDT
To Phyllis and the Vakoc family,
From one mother to another, my heart is with you. Father Tim's story and my meeting you, Phyllis, was especially meaningful to me since my son was probably ministered by a chaplain such as Father Tim. So Father's sacrifice in leaving his family to minister to soldiers touched me deeply. I will never forget you. You are loved and treasured much as so many were touched by your generous spirit. God Bless you.

Suzanne Nelson mother of SSgt Andrew P Nelson KIA 29 Aug07
Moorhead, MN USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 8:54 AM CDT
To the family and friends of Father Tim, all of us at CaringBridge send our thoughts and prayers. Its been an honor to help in some small way. His journey has been very inspriational. I personally cross-path with so many that know and love Father Tim. He was a blessing to all of us.
Sona Mehring
Founder of CaringBridge

Sona Mehring <sona@caringbridge.org>
Eagan, MN USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 8:53 AM CDT
I met Father Tim when I was a member of TKE Fraternity at St.Cloud State. As the years went by and I moved up to president of our fraternity, Tim would stop by and see how things were going with his old fraternity. He would make special time to meet with me and help me keep the fraternity moving in a positive way. His smile and laughter would fill our house each time he stopped by. He also became a friend of my girlfriend (now my wife) as the years went by. All of us at TKE knew he was a great person, we just never new how great he was until he became a priest and went to Iraq. All of us TKE thank him for his service and he will be greatly missed. I am the one who is blessed to have known him and considered him a friend. God bless his family and friends.

Lance Streff #433 Tau Kappa Epsilon St.Cloud State

Lance Streff <lstreff@mchsi.com>
Chanhassen, MN USA! - Monday, June 22, 2009 8:51 AM CDT
He is a great leader and will be greatly missed. He will never be forgotten here at the Theta Rho chapter of TKE. My sincerest condolences to the family.

Zachary Dorholt <zacharydorholt@hotmail.com>
St. Cloud, MN USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 8:26 AM CDT
To the family and friends of Father Tim, Paul, Noah and I send our deepest condolences and heartfelt prayers of support and comfort at Fr. Tim's passing. It has been a long journey these last five years, filled with pain and joy, heartache and miracles. You have all been so dedicated to helping him recover and continue his ministry. He has truly been blessed by your wonderful support over the years, just as you, and thousands of others, were blessed having him in your lives.
- Monday, June 22, 2009 7:49 AM CDT
Dear Family of Father Tim,
I was very saddened to hear of his passing. He has gone home to Jesus in Heaven and will pray for all of us. I will always remember him sitting in his chair right outside my Dad's room at St. Therese' as I walked out to call family members to tell them of my Dad's passing. I felt a great comfort in seeing Father Tim and knew that somehow, someway, Jesus was telling me that my Dad was in Heaven. God Bless you all and God Bless Father Tim for giving the ultimate sacrifice! He truly is a Saint!

Mary Wolkerstorfer <mary.wolkerstorfer@baesystems.com>
Brooklyn Park, MN USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 7:31 AM CDT
Goodbye Henry.
You will be missed by many.

Brian Opitz <brian.opitz@merrillcorp.com>
Red Wing, MN USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 7:12 AM CDT
Dear Anita and family:
I was so sorry to hear about Father Tim going home to God. My prayers are with you all during this sad time. He joins Father Cappadono, the grunt padre during the Vietnam War, in the hall of heroes.

God Bless,

Judith Branagan <judithbranagan@hotmail.com>
Burke, VA USA - Monday, June 22, 2009 7:06 AM CDT
thank you Father Tim for making the ultimate sacrifice, for fighting the good fight, for becoming a example of faith and a source of pride for priest and soldier alike. You will be missed. Remember us in the Kingdom.
Jose Herrera <jose.g.herrera@us.army.mil>
- Monday, June 22, 2009 2:33 AM CDT
An inspirational story that touched my life in such a positive way.
Minneapolis, MN - Monday, June 22, 2009 0:34 AM CDT
Thank you for your service to a country CH(MAJ-R) Vakoc. I am sure you will be missed by all those you touched.

Very Respectfully,

1SG Anthony Knight
Bamberg, Germany

1SG Anthony Knight <atkpha@gmail.com>
Bamberg, GE Germany - Monday, June 22, 2009 0:04 AM CDT
Father Tim, you have fought the good fight of faith and completed your mission. You've received the ultimate promotion. Thank you for your life of faith. See you in eternity someday.
CH (CPT) Paul Lynn
2-505 PIR
JSS Loyalty

Paul Lynn <paul.lynn@us.army.mil>
Baghdad, Iraq - Monday, June 22, 2009 0:03 AM CDT
Dear Father Tim, We first met when we served together in Germany. You presided over my daughter's first holy communion. Most importantly, you created a wonderful Catholic Community in Hanau, Germany. We pray that the Good Lord will keep you in his Tender Loving Care. Be now at Peace.
Joseph DeAntona <joseph.deantona@us.army.mil>
- Sunday, June 21, 2009 11:48 PM CDT
Thank you for serving your country and our wonderful Heavenly Father. I know our Lord Jesus will accept you with open arms. May God bless the family also during this time of loss....
James L Smith <jameslarkensmith@yahoo.com>
Baytown, Tx USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 11:08 PM CDT
Dear Phyllis and family,
We are saddened to hear that Henry passed away. Heaven has a new angel. We're glad to have known him and enjoyed his company so many times. Fr. Tim has been an inspriation, a gift to many during the last 5 years. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Jay and Eileen Taylor
Bloomington, MN j - Sunday, June 21, 2009 10:39 PM CDT
Rev Tim

Thank you for your service and sacrifice to ensure that our military men and women stay spiritually fit.

You and your actions will never be forgotten.

Kelly DeBardelaben <>< - founder Operation Celebration <kdizne@gmail.com>
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:58 PM CDT
RIP dear hero---

When you were born, an angel smiled,
As you became a child, an angel sat on your shoulder.
When you became a teen, an angel held your hand.
As you went to war, an angel walked down the road with you,
And, when you died, another angel got their wings.

Soldiers' Angels will contiue to fly wingtip-to-wingtip with you!

Shelle Michaels <shellemichaels@soldiersangels.org>
Grand Forks, ND USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:50 PM CDT
Now you can sing with the angels Father Tim. It was a pleasure to have known you at St. John Neumann. As you now touch the face of God, Please pray for us as we have prayed for you.

Your journey was a blessing to me and I am eternally grateful for your sacrifice. Godspeed my brother.

Chuck Geist <mnscouter@comcast.net>
Ham Lake, MN USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:18 PM CDT
It was with the greatest sadness and tears that I read of Tim's passing. We spent countless hours together in high school in the photo lab, print room, playing games, and just hanging out. We always managed to keep in touch afterward and he was a frequent and very welcome visitor at our house whenever he was in the neighborhood or just passing through. Even the sky wept today.
Bill Seurer <Bill@seurer.net>
Rochester, MN USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:09 PM CDT
Thank you for your service to our Lord and the men and women in our military.
USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:07 PM CDT
Dear Phyllis & Family; I am so sorry to hear about Henry. I will never forget his smile and his humor. He was certainly a bright spot during our Denmark program in '79/80! His positive attitude and will to live was truly an inspiration to me. I'm happy that he is now in peace and with his dad in Heaven.
Jeannette Coty <jcoty@cotyconsulting.com>
Plymouth, MN - Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:01 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear of Henry's passing. I too studied with him in Denmark. He was always such a compassionate person. He will always be remembered fondly.

Robb Fort <robbfort@nauticom.net>
Cranberry Township, PA USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:01 PM CDT
Our family never met Father Tim, but the stories of love and hope are as much a reflection of the man he was - as they are the family he came from. We grieve for your loss and the passing of such an amazing soul. We keep all of you in our prayers.
The Alvite/Beaudet Family
Woodbury, MN 55125 - Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:57 PM CDT
To the family: Bless you. I'm sorry for your loss and for the loss to our nation and to believers and non-believers everywhere who have been touched by this man. I work at a newspaper and just saw the story of his passing on the wire. I'm placing this story on a page in our newspaper tonight, because I want his life and sacrifice to be honored. I just heard this scripture drift through my mind and want to share it with you. "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."
Ellen Kimbro <ekimbro@jacksonsun.com>
Jackson, TN USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:48 PM CDT
I did not know him but I know he was a very holy priest and a brave soldier. He did give up his live for his friends as he went to harms way to be sure the Holy Eucharist was there. Prayers go to you, the family, and for the respose of Fr. Tim's soul.
Kathie Boelkes
Seymour, MO 65746 - Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:48 PM CDT
Phyllis and Family:
We are saddened to receive the news, but we know that Tim is now pain free and at peace. We can picture him "assigning homework" to all the angels in Heaven! Know that all of you remain in our daily thoughts and prayers.

The Novacks <polly.novack@yahoo.com>
Inver Grove Heights, MN USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:38 PM CDT
May god bless this brave soul
mark <fas098@hotmail.com>
north bennington, vt u.s.a - Sunday, June 21, 2009 7:56 PM CDT
I knew Fr. Tim as Henry as we studied together in Denmark.

It was with great sadness that I learned of his passing today. I remember his consistant friendship and ability to accept all.

I know these are hard times for your family as you deal with his passing.

He was a very kind and understanding person.

Your friend,

Earle Olson <earleolson@verizon.net>
Hershey, pa usa - Sunday, June 21, 2009 7:51 PM CDT
Dear Anita and Family

Our hearts and our prayers go out to you. We were gone for most of the day for fathers day....And it was given to us by my mother in law that Father Tim passed away, we are very sorry to hear this....Please let me know if there is going to be a wake and when the funeral will be...we may be able to make the wake but not the funeral....Father Tim was very special to me and on his last day at our church I hugged him and I begged him not to go, but he said "it was his duty and it was what God was telling him to do" We kept him in our prayers every night and lite candles at church for him....Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you...We know that now you are at Pease

With Gods Love and Prayers for you and your family
Marilyn and Tony Wilkes Sr

Marilyn Scott-Wilkes <mnsnowmouse@msn.com>
Burnsville, MN Dakota - Sunday, June 21, 2009 6:57 PM CDT
Tim - May you rest in peace and thank you for all you have done. I will remember with fondness the fun times we had in high school together. God Bless You!
Marilyn Peller Nelson <mpn46@msn.com>
Golden Valley, MN USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:08 PM CDT
Father Tim's mission is complete.He has gone home.He is an American hero.God Bless the Vakoc family.You also are an inspiration.
Muriel Broderick <mmjbroderick@aol.com>
The Villages, FL USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 4:53 PM CDT
Tim's family and friends; We grieve with you and ask for God's hand to console you during this time. Fr. Tim married us in 1992. He was an amazing man and will be missed - heaven just got a little brighter.
Kristin and Andrew Slavik <kslav@aol.com>
Lexington, KY - Sunday, June 21, 2009 2:37 PM CDT
May I offer my deapest condolences to Fr.Tim's Mother and Family. Especially Anita Brand, his Sister who I feel I know
through the messages since Walter Reed. Fr.Tim must have felt a need to help his fallen men and answered GOD'S call. Such a shock, perhaps I should wait for my eyes/emotions to clear before sending you any message. May GOD & HIS ONLY SON JESUS,give all of you comfort. GOD'S WILL BE DONE.

Vienna, VA U.S.A.. - Sunday, June 21, 2009 2:02 PM CDT
Heaven is rejoicing greatly! Glory to God for His gift of Father Tim! May the peace of the Lord be upon all of Father Tim's family, friends, caregivers and all the soldiers he loved so well.
Mary Alvestad <mary.alvestad@gmail.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:33 PM CDT
Rest in peace and God bless you, my friend.
Barbara & Jeffrey Hamilton <jemihami@msn.com>
Blaine, MN 55449 - Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:30 PM CDT
To Anita Vakoc Brand and Mrs Vakoc and family--my thoughts, prayers and support are with you...Father Tim Vakoc was a a true hero and patroit--I thank God for his example of Christ. His broken body is now free and whole and rejoicing with God our Father. My love and prayers,
Lisa Tychsen <ltychsen@cox.net>
Falls Church, VA USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:22 PM CDT
I am very sorry to say that I did not know Fr Tim, yet I am deeply saddened by his passing.

Last evening, a very dear friend gave me some prayer beads, that Fr Tim had blessed. She gave them to me because I have been struggling with difficult times due to my son's current deployment....many too many losses in his unit.

As my son was on a mission last night, I was grateful for the beads, praying for the safety of their mission. They returned safely back to their COP.

I will always treasure these beads, and remember the kind and gentle man that bless them.

Father Tim, thank you for the gift you have given so many people. I know you will watch over us all.

Cindy McLean <glitter1021@comcast.net>
Coon Rapids, MN USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:17 PM CDT
I too am at a loss for words. Such conflicting emotions--grateful for getting to know Fr. Tim as a friend, sad at losing a friend, grateful at his service to our Father in heaven, happy that he is whole and at peace. Please continue to pray for all of us Fr. Tim--that through the love and healing power of our Lord we may each find peace and spread that peace throughout the land. Love, Teri
Teri Heyer
St. Paul, MN - Sunday, June 21, 2009 12:54 AM CDT
Well, this would be the time on Sundays I would come down and pull off all your mail - before Rudy and I would visit you tonight. I'm not going to be able to get to your new address for awhile - so until I can - I want you to know you are and always will be my hero, and my friend! You are healthy and whole now - you are with your fallen soldiers and you will be there to greet the new fallen as they cross heavens threshold!! I love you Tim!! And, oh, how I will dearly miss you!!!!
Barbara Fenton

Barbara Fenton <skatersmom12@yahoo.com>
Woodbury, Mn USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 12:41 AM CDT
I just heard this morning at the Church of the Epiphany in Coon Rapids about Fr. Tim's passing. May God bless all of you. Please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Lisa(Wanchena) Raddatz <danandlisa_2000@yahoo.com>
Coon Rapids, MN USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:22 AM CDT
I am John Casey, brother of Kim Casey. My prayers are with you and your family tonight. Our Sunday School class at Riverbend Church in Austin, Texas has been praying for Tim all these years and our prayers are with you tonight. He was a good guy. I had the privlege of meeting him once several years ago when he visited my sister in Houston. God be with you.
John Casey (brother of Kim) <jcasey3@austin.rr.com>
Austin, Tx USA - Saturday, June 20, 2009 10:35 PM CDT
My prayers to the Vakoc family and all those who worked so diligently over these past five years to help Father Tim continue God's work despite his challenges after his Iraq injuries. I am just at a loss for words over his passing tonight. May he rest peacefully and keep watch over his family, friends, and fellow soldiers from Heaven.
A MN Friend
Minneapolis, MN - Saturday, June 20, 2009 9:41 PM CDT
Gracious God, I thank you for the life, laughter, and gentle spirit I called Timothy. I called him friend, You called him "child." He brought love and joy to my life in a kind teasing gentle way. Thinking of him makes me smile even through my tears.

I am deeply grateful that he is at last at peace and whole again.

I ask you to surround his mother, brother, and sister with your gentle presence during this difficult time. And I ask that you comfort his friends and his Soldiers with the knowledge that Tim is with You at last.

I love you, Timothy!

Kim and "Bonnie"

Kim and Bonnie <blubonnt@att.net>
- Saturday, June 20, 2009 9:28 PM CDT
Hi, Timothy,
It was 101 degrees here today. We all keep saying..."And it's only June, the hottest months are still yet to come!" So we are hunkering down in our air conditioning, PTL!! Bonnie goes out in the yard for short "business trips" no playing around.

Hope you are fully recovered from all of your excitement last week! I heard it was great!

Blessings to you and your family!

Love, Kim and "Bonnie"

Kim and Bonnie
- Wednesday, June 17, 2009 7:05 PM CDT
Looking forward to visiting with you tonight. It's been too long. Love you.
Sue Kaiser
Edina, mn - Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:47 AM CDT
matt alcantara - sending you positive vibes. the leslie's
patricia leslie
san diego, ca - Saturday, June 6, 2009 11:34 AM CDT
Dear Father Tim,
I have read about your story from catholicmil.org and the Military Archdioces web site. I want to thank you for your service to this country and to me and my families' freedom. May God grant you recovery. I will have a mass intention said for you at Ascension Catholic Church in Boca Raton, FL.

Mark Gavino <markgavino@aol.com>
Boca Raton, FL USA - Tuesday, May 26, 2009 1:01 AM CDT
THANK YOU FR.TIM FOR ALL YOU HAVE CONTRIBUTED FOR OUR WELL BEING. Parish Priest, Military Chaplain, Daily inspiration while you are healing. Very thankful you are sharing the
positive greetings you receive from all over the world.
You are giving us so much positive HOPE for the future!
Now keep wiggling your toes!

Vienna, VA U S A - Monday, May 25, 2009 10:36 AM CDT
Catholic homeschoolers in New York have you and all soldiers fighting to protect jutice with God's guidance and blessings. May He bring much healing and grace.
The Larson Family
Mdbg, NY USA - Sunday, May 24, 2009 10:12 PM CDT
Timothy, just a couple of days and I will be there to visit. Can't wait! Bonnie's already in the kennel. She said to tell you that it is a sacrifice she's willing to make in order for me to visit you. She even licked me when I said, "I'll tell Uncle Tim hello for you."

Kim and Bonnie <blubonnt@att.net>
- Saturday, May 23, 2009 7:55 PM CDT
My prayers are with you and I know the Lord will heal you quickly. Peace and love and prayers are coming to you
laurel larison <larisla@verizon.net>
manassas, - Friday, May 22, 2009 2:36 PM CDT
Father Tim,
greetings from the 34th Infantry Division ministry team.
We are in Iraq and hard at work. We send our prayers on your behalf and welcome yours for us.

CH Morris

CH (LTC) John Morris <john.joseph.morris@iraq.centcom.mil>
Basrah, Iraq - Monday, May 18, 2009 6:28 AM CDT
Father Tim,

It is hard to believe that nearly five years have passed since that tragic day in Mosul. Being your friend and the first surgeon to care for you after your injury, I have not forgotten you....your courage, your compassion and the strength with which you lifted up the troops. I have thought and prayed for you often and I will keep those prayers in my heart as long as I live. Hang in there my friend. God Bless You.

Brian Eastridge, COL, MC, USA <brian.eastridge@amedd.army.mil>
Ft Sam Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, May 12, 2009 3:12 PM CDT
Hello Fr. Tim,

Although we have not met personally, your story of healing and recovery, and your determination in continuing to minister as God's priest fills me with hope and gratitude to our most loving Lord.

Please know that you, your family, and your caregivers are always in my prayers. I pray especially that St. Michael may keep watch over you and defend you during your continued recovery, and that God will send St. Raphael to walk with you, and lend you aid in His name, as you continue your journey.

Please know that you are touching many people for Christ.

David Fofanoff - Catholic War Veterans of the U.S.A. <cwvnationalweb@gmail.com>
Coeur d'Alene, ID USA - Monday, May 11, 2009 7:11 PM CDT
Carol & Bob,
It was great seeing you. We had a ball. Will have to get together soon. Bob - I would like you recipe for pulled pork, and Carol - Jim ate all that cake before going to bed. If you get a chance, I would like that recipe also. Sweets!! the easiest way to get to a man's heart.
Mary Pat Kloster

mary pat kloster <mkloster@kc.rr.com>
- Monday, May 11, 2009 5:06 PM CDT
Fr. Tim, I will be joining the community of brothers and sisters who will be praying for you during your recovery. I will make sure to ask my children to pray for you too. God Bless you - and thank you for your prayers and for being there and serving the Catholic and military community.
MAJ Patrick Brennan <patrick.j.brennan@us.army.mil>
Stuttgart, Germany - Sunday, May 10, 2009 0:23 AM CDT
Frater: Just to let you know you remain in my prayers. I'll send a note soon. YITB
(Fr) Patrick Resen <presen@juno.com>
Knoxville, TN - Friday, May 8, 2009 2:51 PM CDT
Hello Fr.Tim,
Thinking of you. The girls and I certainly misses your sunny disposition. You are always in our prayers.

Marjorie Clouden <rotiface@hotmail.com>
Fairfax, VA USA - Thursday, May 7, 2009 11:30 PM CDT
Hi Tim!
I am glad to see things are moving in the right direction. We will be in MN for a week or two at the beginning of July and would love to bring the clan to see you. ..I will work out the details and keep you posted. We miss you. The Condons

Frank Condon
Caste Rock, CO USA - Wednesday, May 6, 2009 11:24 AM CDT
Greetings Fr. Tim,
It's been a long time since the Hanau days. I remember what a GREAT Chaplain you were and still are. I remember the dinner a group of us DRE's attending a Chaplain's conference near Sonthofen, Germany shared with you after you just got back from Bosnia. I did visit you at Walter Reed not too long after your arrived. You have made such progress since then and are such an inspiration. You continue to be in my/our prayers and thoughts. May the Divine Physician bring you to full healing. With HIM all things are possible. God's choicest blessings and love,

Gerri Merkel
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD USA - Wednesday, April 15, 2009 6:21 PM CDT
Happy Easter, Father Tim! It's hard to believe it has been almost 5 years since your accident. I can remember the last time seeing you (in person) like it was yesterday. You came to our unit's predeployment briefing, exhausted after packing up your household goods all day:) A trooper as usual. Just remember everything has a purpose and although your path has changed, you are still changing lives!
Tiffany Pratt <pratt_tiffany@hotmail.com>
Harker Heights, TX US - Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:03 PM CDT
Wishing you all the blessings of this holy season!
We continue to "enjoy" the usual Pacific Northwest weather, although the April snows have been interesting!
You are in the prayers of many here at Saint Michael Parish in Olympia.
Fort Lewis is "busy" to say the least. We ask Saint Michael to intercede and protect all of our military men and women and their families!
May we all feel the love of the risen Lord at Easter and always.
Bob and Doris Smith Olympia, WA

Doris Smith <smithrada2@gmail.com>
Olympia, WA USA - Saturday, April 11, 2009 12:43 AM CDT
Bonnie and I are thinking about you, your family, and all of your friends this week. I wish each of you a wonderful Easter!

Love, Kim

Kim and Bonnie
- Friday, April 10, 2009 10:42 AM CDT
Dear Father Tim,
We wish you a Blessed Holy Week and a Happy Easter. May our Risen Lord heal and keep you in His loving care.

Terry and Carolyn <wtmccain@comcast.net>
Fairfield, CA USA - Tuesday, April 7, 2009 5:45 PM CDT
May your healing process be swift and may God continue to lead you in the path of his great design.
Raul T. Telles Jr. <raul.t.telles@us.army.mil>
El Paso, Texas USA - Monday, March 30, 2009 0:53 AM CDT
Fr. Tim, God bless you. I met you while I was serving as a civilian employee at Fort Carson. I used to be a lector at Saturday Mass and a sometimes fill-in altar boy when needed. I remember your talks with us at homily time. You always made me think, even when I didn't remember to do your assigned homework. I remember a baptismal ceremony you conducted in the pool behind the altar. Quite the fashion statement you made in your Hawaiian print shorts! I was so sorry to see you leave Fort Carson. A short time later, I left Fort Carson for Heidelberg, Germany, where I learned that you had just left and were down range. I remember how sorry I was to learn of your injury. Michelle Magrini and I corresponded about you and she provided me with your web address, which I check from time to time. I don't have a photo right now but I'll get one to you. I'm tall and skinny and have big ears if you need a description until the photo arrives. May God keep you safe. You are an inspiration to me.
Pat Crotty <patrick.crotty@sd.usda.gov>
Brookings, SD USA - Wednesday, March 18, 2009 4:23 PM CDT
Dear Father Vakoc,

We are sorry that it has been too long since we last wrote. Matthew and I visited you several times in Walter Reed, not too long after your horrible injury and every time we had to return to Walter Reed (from SC) for Matthew. We promise to do better in writing, although, you can be assured that in between our last writing you and now, you and your family have often been in our thoughts and prayers. You won't believe how tall Matthew is now----5' 10" tall! WOW! He was not even 5', I don't think, when we visited you then, and he drew pictures for you to put on your windows....and left a little bear, filled with hugs and kisses from us all. You'll love this. It's so funny--When we picked up Matthew this afternoon after church--in his having been on a retreat---we asked him how his new water-proof jacket worked, in that it had rained all weekend. He said that he liked it, but that he still got wet. When we expressed our being sorry for such, he added something, which was typical of the way kids say things when trying to give information, but with its turning out to be simply hysterical instead---He added that it did work pretty good...until he fell out of the canoe and into the lake! Isn't that just like a boy?! So funny! Well, we'll close, sending our always thoughts and prayers and love.

ISG (Ret) Larry and Suzanne Wright, Stephen and Matthew <Wright87baseball@aol.com>
Hopkins, SC USA - Sunday, March 15, 2009 7:51 PM CDT
Timothy, loved talking to you last night! You sounded so strong! I am very proud of you for fighting back from being so sick last year. As I told you on the phone, "You are one strong dude!" Your answer was, "Yeaaahh!"
Bonnie and I love you!

- Thursday, March 12, 2009 11:08 AM CDT
Dear Father,
You remain in the Houghton family prayers. Our Andy was at Walter Reed during the time you were there. He, too, suffered traumatic brain injury and lost an eye. To give us hope, the chaplains told us of your circumstance. Andy answered our Heavenly Father's call to come home on Aug. 9, 2004. Our hope continues to soar, for we know Andy is whole again and some day, with thanks for God's grace, we will see him again. In the meantime, we continue to lift you in prayer.

Karon Houghton Mathews
Utica, MI USA - Monday, March 9, 2009 11:38 PM CDT
Hi Henry,

Been thinking about you lately.
Your fellow Denmark Kamper

Delores (Price) Mordorski <skinnypaulm@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:55 AM CST
Hi Fr. Tim!
Wow, what a wonderful picture of you, your mother and your friends om the Caringbridge web homepage! My students ask how you are. They enjoyed making the Christmas cards for you. Please thank Mrs. Fenton for us for delivering the mail to you! Already 2009 is going by fast. Robyn sends her love. She's still going to college in London. As always you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Remember to work when you're supposed to work and rest whenyou're supposed to rest. My prayers continue for your improving health and therapies. May God bless you, your family and your dear friends. In Christ's love, Maureen & Robyn

Maureen J. Shea <maureen.shea@eu.dodea.edu>
Lakenheath, Suffolk England - Monday, February 23, 2009 11:12 AM CST
God Bless You Father! I have been praying for the day you are able to offer the Mass again!
Frank Ugolini <opygump@aol.com>
AL USA - Saturday, February 21, 2009 0:37 AM CST
Dear Father,
I have thought of you over the years since your injury. May Mother Mary cover you with her mantle and bring you the Lord's powerful healing. I pray that you will be able to swallow and I understand this need. My father, a retired Navy Captain, was able to do this the last year of his life, after spending two years with a feeding tube. I remember being on my knees the day of his swallowing test and know that prayer works! God bless you abundantly!

San Diego, - Monday, February 16, 2009 5:06 PM CST
Fr. Tim~ May the "Feast Day of St Valentine" bring you much happiness. All the guestbook entries throughout your recovery proves you are loved and prayed for all over the World. Pray your progress of healing continues. As always~ keep wiggling those toes.
Vienna, VA U.S.A. - Saturday, February 14, 2009 9:59 AM CST
Dear Fr Tim -
We just buried our wonderful father who was a WWII veteran. It was a touching and heartwarming moment when the Vets gave him the full Honor Guard tribute complete with the gun salute. He would've been very proud. Tho he was awarded medals, this humble man never felt like a hero, but said men like you were the true heroes. He's right about that. I know he and all of us prayed for you and I'm sure he will continue to offer his prayers and watchful protection over you and all those serving our country, from Heaven. God bless you!

Rita Wind
Maplewood, MN United States - Saturday, February 14, 2009 0:48 AM CST
Hi Henry, sorry it has been too long since I checked in to say hello. The picture of you in your electric wheel chair makes me smile, as I can imagine you tooling around the halls. We do think and pray for you often. Keep inspiring us all with your faith and inner strength.
Steven Walesch <swalesch@gmail.com>
Maitland, Fl USA - Tuesday, February 10, 2009 8:16 PM CST
dear rev. vakoc, thank you for answering God's call to you,,,to the priesthood. i am sorry that you were injured while on duty. i pray that God blesses you,,and your family,,,with all He knows you need,,,all your days. w/prayers., and w/best regards,
celia marie
elk river, mn usa - Monday, February 9, 2009 0:13 AM CST
Hey Father Tim,
We never forget about you and often pray with you as you labor from your sacred place. We continue to do the pastoral work in the US Army that you did when on active duty. You're still one of us!

Chaplain (LTC) Bill McCoy <wmccoy548@hotmail.com>
Kaiserslautern, Germany - Sunday, February 8, 2009 2:01 PM CST
I'd like you to know that I pray for Fr. Tim several times daily when I do the Hours. I include all those around him also. You are a very special person, Fr. Tim.
Maggie Goff <maggiegoff45@gmail.com>
Bisbee, AZ United States - Sunday, February 8, 2009 1:24 AM CST
I’m Chaplain Rivera (92ND MEB) from the Puerto Rico Army National Guard, I meet CH Tim in our C3 (Now C4) course. We have good time during this training together and remember always his friendship. He was always with his camera taking photos, shearing his jokes and particular friendship. Thank you because for those hundreds of photos we have good memories for the future. When this happen to you CH Tim I was in Kuwait and remember when one of our Catholic chaplains was sent to the Iraq to cover the catholic support because some chaplain was hurt, but I did know were you yet. After a few months I receive the information about you was that chaplain. Is hard to know when one of us is hurt, but more if we know the chaplain, and that what happen to me. Now when I see your photo I celebrate your recuperation and pray to our God to bless you in your recuperation process. God bless you, the medical personnel and your family. No vemos amigo, desde PR Dios te bendiga. CH Rivera
CH (MAJ) Hector A. Rivera <hector.rivera8@us.army.mil>
San Juan, PR - Friday, February 6, 2009 7:07 AM CST
Fr Tim, I am the Catholic Parish Coordinator at Ft Story in Virginia. We have had your name on our prayer list for many years now. I periodically check this site to check your progress and report it to the parish. I was so pleased to read today of your continued progress. Know that we continue to keep you in our prayers, along with all service members. We pray for your continued improvement. Have a blessed day.
Mary Lewis
Virginia Beach, VA 23459 - Saturday, January 31, 2009 9:07 AM CST
Hello Fr. Tim. I learned of you today from a dear woman in Pennsylvania. Her story of how you spoke with her on the phone was heart rending. I will pray to the Saints that they will guide your healing. Thank you for your courage and your example of hope. You inspire us all.
Lawrence Pauly <lcpdfot@gmail.com>
Cincinnati, Ohio 45208 - Tuesday, January 27, 2009 3:10 PM CST
Dear Father Tim,
You are in our thoughts and prayers and we ask you to keep us in yours. We participated in the awesome Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco yesterday and feel you were there in spirit. We are delighted to hear of your improvement. May Our Lord continue to keep you in the palm of His hand giving you renewed strength every day.

Terry and Carolyn <wtmccain@comcast.net>
Fairfield, CA USA - Sunday, January 25, 2009 10:34 AM CST
Dear fr Tim,

You'll never know how glad I am that finally I've found your website and can reach you to tell you that I've prayed for you everyday several times a day since I learned of your sickness in Issara, a Redemptorist's magazine (Thailand). I'm so happy to learn today that you're recovering. I hope you'll visit Thailand someday. May our Mother Mary and Saint Bernadette keep blessing you. Have a merriest 2009 now.

Maria Bernadette Prapaisri Kane Tantigranont <Prapaisri@danceman.co.th>
Bangkok, Thailand - Monday, January 19, 2009 4:10 AM CST
A happy belated birthday to you Fr. Tim!!! And now you're singing "Jinle Bells"? Awesome!!!!!
What a way to start the year. Great picture of you, your Mom and a lot of other people you care about YOU very much! I wish I could come by in person to say "Hello".
Hope you like th pictures and cards of the kids I teach.
I'll soon be teaching art and as well as special education. Been a very busy year sof far!
Robyn is back to college in London now. She's very excited.
Keep up the great work in getting better! I hope you hear you singing in person some day - so keep practicing!!!
Take care & God bless you and your family. AGAIN - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Maureen Shea <maureen.shea@eu.dodea.edu>
Lakenheath, Suffolk England - Sunday, January 11, 2009 10:43 AM CST
Happy Birthday! Elvis and Fr Tim born on the same date, all of us at Fort Carson remember you telling us that fact and now it makes it quite simple to remember.Elvis is 74 and you must be ?? It is far too late for my tired brain to add. Hope you had a lovely birthday. And many many more!
Pat Vacik, Kathy Wallace, Kit Whitehead, Erika Wittman, Fran Jacobs <patvacik@comcast.net>
Ft Carson, CO USA - Friday, January 9, 2009 2:29 AM CST
Dear Frater Tim,
On this Feast of the Epiphany -- may Christ's light that showed itself to all the world continue to shine brightly through you. You are ever in my prayers and you will be especially remembered on Founders' Day (January 10) as I celebrate with our fraters here in Ottawa.

Brian C. M. Barrett
Ottawa, Ontario CANADA - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 10:10 AM CST
Fr Tim ,please keep up the good spirit,we are praying for a full recovery for you.
Dr Ann Barry

Dr Ann barry <dr.annbarry@yahoo.ie>
Dublin, Ireland - Sunday, January 4, 2009 4:25 PM CST
Fr.Tim, May this New Year 2009 be blessed with continued recovery towards good health and much happiness!
Keep wiggling those toes...

Vienna, VA U.S.A. - Thursday, January 1, 2009 0:34 AM CST
Father Tim

Your chaplain colleagues continue to pray for your recovery. We are honored by your faithful service to our Soldiers, inspired by your struggle against injury and illness, and moved by your genuine spirituality. You are a hero to all of us.

May our Lord continue to bless and watch over you.


Chaplain (COL) Charles Howell
Walter Reed AMC, DC USA - Tuesday, December 30, 2008 8:44 AM CST
Tim, you look so great in that Santa hat. I hope you have one at St. Therese. I so happy you are getting stronger. It must be that Minnesota winter. :-)

Have a wonderful and sacred holiday!

Love, Kim and Bonnie

- Monday, December 22, 2008 8:44 PM CST
Padre' Tim, thank you for your continued service to our Lord. You continue to make a great impact on those who know you and are a blessing. Thanks for your prayers as we pray for you.
Chaplain Mark Thompson
Cottage Grove, MN USA - Monday, December 22, 2008 2:07 PM CST
I will pray for Father Tim, and his family, and his Soldiers and their families, in my daily prayers from now on. I am so grateful to our God for men like him, who sacrifice so much for us.
Maggie45 <mmgoff@earthlink.net>
Bisbee, Az United States - Sunday, December 21, 2008 9:59 PM CST
Dear Father Tim,
May our newborn Savior be with you always. You are always in my prayers and I am also glad that you are back at St. Therese'. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Mary Wolkerstorfer
Brooklyn Park, MN USA - Monday, December 15, 2008 3:54 PM CST
"Brothers and sisters:
Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing.
In all circumstances give thanks,
for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus." 1Thes 5:16-18

Dear Father Tim, this part of the reading reminded me to not give up in my prayers and to give thanks to all the little miracles God sends along the way. You already live this scripture in a tangible way :-) May God's peace be with you and your family this Advent season - a season of hope!


Beate <Beate.in.tx@gmail.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Monday, December 15, 2008 10:16 AM CST
Dear Padre: I havn't met you, but you have the prayerful support of the VA Catholic Community in this small VA hospital in SOuth Texas. God Bless you and grant you healing....Fraternally,
Fr. Joe Anthony
Kerrville, tx usa - Saturday, December 13, 2008 10:53 AM CST
Dear Fr. Tim,

December is bringing winter weather down under. So cold today but it is supposed to be a hot Aussie summer. Maybe it will be cool enough for a hot Christmas day dinner this year. The turkey is on order!

Most people have salads and cold fare or just take off to the beach to enjoy a very relaxed day to celebrate.
Thinking of you often and hoping that your lead up to Christmas day will bring grace full moments and continued blest healing for you in every way.

Off now to put some Christmas cooking and decorating into play today.
Bless you, Trish in 'OZ'

Trisha <trishrd@hotmail.com>
Australia - Thursday, December 11, 2008 7:06 PM CST
Hello Fr. Tim,
I have never met you but have followed your journey through periodic newspaper articles etc. Today I had the distinct pleasure and honor of meeting your mother at the Holy Innocense Chapel in Robbinsdale. Together, with about 30 others who gathered at the Chapel to pray for an end to abortion, we prayed the Rosary for the unborn and then said a very special prayer for you (and your mother.) Your mother is a most impressive woman, with an obvious heart of gold...very atractive, intelligent and entertaining. Your Mom's optimism and acceptance of our plights in life is very inspiring, attributes that I admire and hope to incorporate in my own life. May God be with with you and your monther as you journey together with love, dignity and forever unfailing faith in God. Bless YOU and yours.

Barb Laurance <Barbalou45@aol.com>
Plymouth, MN - Sunday, December 7, 2008 8:22 PM CST
Fr. Tim,
I just found this site on a link from the Archdiocese of the Military Services web site. I have read much of the journal posted here from the beginning. Looking at the story all at once, I was struck by how far you have come. You are an inspiration to me, that through perseverance and prayer, a little every day, even the greatest challenges can be handled. May God continue to give you His strength to persevere toward healing. Love and prayers in Christ, Mary Clare

Mary Clare Imparato
Woodhaven, NY USA - Friday, December 5, 2008 4:29 PM CST
Father Tim,
Our prayers and thoughts are with you this Advent and always. In this time of renewal and preparation, we will pray for a renewal of your strength and health. May God bless you, and thank you for allowing your faith to be a light for our soldiers and for the world.

Lydia & Nick Wilson <lydiarwilson@hotmail.com>
Upper Marlboro, MD USA - Wednesday, December 3, 2008 2:08 PM CST
Hi Father Tim,
Our prayers continue for your complete recovery. We are expecting you to return to Fort Carson --- anytime would be wonderful. The new Chaplains are in need of your expertise for sure, they still do not know about how to quiet the crying babies by holding them on their shoulders as you did so well.
MCCW is alive and well. The Jacobs and Whiteheads send their love as they still do not have email. Our Thanksgiving feast was delicious and we are looking forward to Christmas.
Stay well and out of the hospital! And work on that right arm for your 2009 New Years Resolution! Love and Lots of Hugs, Pat and Arnie Vacik, Fort Carson, Colorado

Pat Vacik <patvacik@comcast.net>
Fort Carson & Colorado Springs, CO USA - Saturday, November 29, 2008 3:50 PM CST

VIENNA, VA U.S.A. - Thursday, November 27, 2008 11:59 AM CST
Dear Father Tim,
I met your mom on retreat two years ago this fall. She is such a beautiful woman! She shared your life story, and I felt so close to her. I promised to pray for you and for your family, and all who are serving our country. I told her at the time, that I would love to come and meet you in the VA Hospital - yet time kept passing by. Then one morning, my husband Bob and I were praying the rosary on the way to work, and I heard God ask that I share with you "to hold the cross tightly, and press it upon your thumb". I emailed so quickly to meet with you, and shared a pearl rosary with the cross on the staff of Pope John Paul. Do you remember? When I visited you, you held the cross so tightly in your hand, and lifted it up so high, I was afraid you would hurt your arm, so I removed it from your hand, and placed it beneath your arm.
I was so amazed when God asked, and even more when you held the cross so tightly and raised it up. I am thankful that you met with me that day. I was so glad to see how much you are loved. I hope the cross continues to give you hope, and that through it you feel God's great love - for you. You are within my prayers of the rosary every day, and I wish you - a very blessed Thanksgiving. I hope I can meet with you again.
Love and Prayers, Patrice

Patrice Zangs <pzangs@gardnerwhite.com>
North Branch, MN - Monday, November 24, 2008 8:53 PM CST
Dear Tim,

Hello! I haven’t checked in for quite a while but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I hold your friendship close to my heart. A group of Befrienders from St. John Neumann were planning a visit this past summer but unfortunately, that was during the time when you were battling infections. We shall continue to storm the heavens for strength and healing so you can get rid of those infections once and for all! I don’t know when I’ll get back to the Twin Cities for a visit, but I will continue to pray for you, my friend.

Rochester, MN USA - Monday, November 24, 2008 4:33 PM CST
Hello Fr. Tim.........I read about you in the National Catholic Register and tore out the article. I keep it with my bills so as to keep praying for you regularly. I just got on this website and almost fell out of my chair to find out you are back at St. T. Please know you are loved and prayed for by so many. Thank you Fr. Tim for
being a priest. Blessings to you now and always.

Barbara Lenard <lenlady3@gmail.com>
Lafayette, IN USA - Saturday, November 22, 2008 10:05 AM CST
Fr. Tim,

Thinking of you, especially this Veteran's Day, and continuing prayers for you, your family and caregivers.

Linda <linda.higbee@us.army.mil>
Sparta (Ft McCoy), WI - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 8:03 AM CST
Timothy, tomorrow is Veteran's Day. In every National Cemetery both here in the United States and overseas, Americans will remember. This is an important day. It's a day when we say "Thank You" to all veterans for the sacrifice, the bravery, the dedication, and for the love you have shown for this Nation. We can never show enough gratitude or appreciation. All we can do is try to "pay it forward." Bonnie and I love you. We will remember you all during the day tomorrow as we do every day!
Kim and Bonnie
- Monday, November 10, 2008 10:42 PM CST
Dear Father Tim, It is SO great to hear how well you're progressing! Praised Jesus!!! Recently I received an email from Maryellen Pienta.(former Heidelberg teacher, now stationed in Sicily) which showed her daughter, Allison, (from your Heidelberg parish) now stationed in Iraq, with the Chapel choir and !!!! FR. JOE HANNON in full vestments. Isn't it wonderful to be part of this great Army family!! We're here, we're there, we're every where!!! My 31 years of teaching my beloved "Army Brats" ended on 1 July 2004. I would have stayed longer but they sent me a paper that said I needed to get 5 more graduate hours to renew my teaching certificate and I said, "I'm seventy years old, I've been teaching 50 years and I need to go back to Grad School??? I don't think so! At least not in this life! Send me my retirement papers!" so they did and I'm now living in Kalida, OH reading and relaxing, at least when I'm not traveling, which I do alot. I'm also working with the local county to get a "Habitat for Humanity" going here. In August 2007 we had the "flood of the century" and then in Febrauay 2008 we nearly had a repeat of same. Well, there's nothing like a massive natural disaster to point out weak infrastructures in the local community! So we got on it and within the next couple of months we should be up and running. And there's MUCH to do so I'm rarely bored. Thank God! Have to go for now. Sorry I'm such a lousy correspondent but know that you are loved and prayed for here in Kalida, OH. May the healing Spirit of Love be upon you!
Anne K. Yore

Anne K. Yore <yore_annie@yahoo.com>
Kalida, OH USA - Monday, November 10, 2008 10:02 AM CST
Fr. Tim,
As the mother of a Catholic Soldier serving in Iraq I thank you for your own service, especially your priesthood. I pray for God's healing for you and for strength for your family.

Susana Tyler <Setyler7607@aol.com>
Winchester, Va 22602 - Wednesday, November 5, 2008 4:54 PM CST
Hi Fr. Tim,
I'm so glad you're feeling better and that you're back at St Theresa!
Wow also to hear you one an award! Congratulations!
As always, you continue to be in my prayers.
Take care and God bless,
Maureen & Robyn

Maureen Shea & Robyn Kriesel <maureen.shea@eu.dodea.edu>
Lakenheath, Suffolk England - Wednesday, November 5, 2008 12:11 AM CST
FR Tim, As one of your fellow SM who was with you in Iraq I am glad to see you are doing better and I think and pray for you alot because thanks to your help you were able to get me through rough times as well. I really appreciate everything you helped me with.
Dianna Royal <diabiolique@yahoo.com>
Camp Zama, Japan - Monday, November 3, 2008 9:50 PM CST
Thank you, Fr. Tim, for your service, both to our great Church & our great country. May God help you during your recovery and know that you are an inspiration to us all. My brother is a 1st Lt. in the USMC, and my family & I certainly appreciate all the sacrifices military men & women make for us everyday. God bless you in all that you do.
Megan Reilly
Brighton, MA USA - Monday, November 3, 2008 11:18 AM CST
Father Tim,

Thank for your sacrifices as a priest and for service to this country in the Military. My family cannot THANK YOU enough for all you have done. You are in my prayers. Take Care and God Bless.

Jason Kopp <bubbakopp@yahoo.com>
Mukwonago, WI USA - Monday, November 3, 2008 9:13 AM CST
All Saints Day 2008

Congratulations on receiving the Father Washington Award from the Catholic War Veterans of America! Strong work! Our prayers are with you. Oremus pro invicem.

Richard A. Watson,M.D. <RAWatsonMD@aol.com>
Mountainside, NJ USA - Sunday, November 2, 2008 8:08 PM CST
Father Tim - I think about you often. I served in Iraq at FOB Marez from Feb 04 - Jan 05. We were so shocked and upset when your convoy was attacked. Who can make reason out of so much hatred? I pray for those who attack us as well. I loved attending your Sunday mass and hearing your weekly "lessons." They helped maintain a sense of normalcy in so much sadness and chaos. Please know that you were an inspiration and that you were/are loved. God bless you Father Tim and may He continue to work through you to touch so many lives.
Dawn Shook <dlshook@cox.net>
Fairfax , VA USA - Saturday, November 1, 2008 10:35 PM CDT
Hi, Timothy, Happy All Saints Day!!

These days are lots of firsts for me. I voted in early voting on Friday. This was my first Presidential election to actually vote in a voting booth in perhaps over 20 years. I have always voted absentee when I was in Germany. It was really rather exciting for me.

Last night was my first Halloween in the United States in at least 12 years. It was fun handing candy out to all of those little gobblins. They were just so cute. I'd forgotten what a big deal Halloween is in the United States.

Do you remember what Germany is like on All Saints? The Catholic cemeteries are lit up with candles on each grave. It is really lovely at night. Today I was reminded of walking around in the Berchtesgaden cemetery. It was very cold in the Alps this time of the year. The old cemetery there had beautiful old gravestones. The light from the candles glowed with an aura in the low lying fog. There was quiet talking as people walked through the cemetery in the darkness. There were fresh sprays of flower arrangements on the graves placed their by loving families. I remember being amazed to see Eidelweiss in some of the arrangements.

Today I stood on my patio in 80 degree weather thinking about holidays and traditions. The really do enrich our lives, don't they?

Bonnie had surgery yesterday and is wearing a little Elizabethan collar. She was really mad about having to wear it. The vet techs were all laughing about how totally disgusted she was. They said "if looks could kill." She was has finally accepted it. She is learning how to walk around without tripping over it.

I'm excited as Thanksgiving approaches. It is my favorite holiday. I have lots for which to be grateful!

Hang in there, you are such an inspiration!

Love, Kim and Bonnie <blubonnt@att.net>
- Saturday, November 1, 2008 8:32 PM CDT
Padre Tim I read that you are back at St Teresa's and that is great news.
I will pray for you tonight!


Jim Kotwicki
Stafford, Va - Tuesday, October 28, 2008 4:35 PM CDT
Dear Fr. Tim,
Back at St Theresa's. VERY good. Familiar surroundings and friends are best for any of us and I am so happy that you are home from hospital now. Prayers for your recovery as I type this...Big prayers but little note!

Kind regards from Australia...

Trisha <trishrd@hotmail.com>
Australia - Friday, October 17, 2008 7:37 PM CDT
Dear Fr. Tim,
I am glad that the surgery went smoothly and that you are in the nursing facility to give you the best care. I just wanted to say that I continue to pray for you, think about you, and check on your progress. I know that it is a heavy cross and do sincerely hope that you receive healing in all your physical needs.

MS - Thursday, October 16, 2008 9:13 PM CDT
This is Darlene Brunner in Culpeper, VA. Don and I have been praying for you and your surgery. May God send His healing graces to you. Tim, You may remember our son Jeff and his wife Jane..they are expecting twins!!A boy, Kelson Alexander, and a girl, Chloe Lynn. They are due sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will be with them in N.J. from Thanksgiving on. Thank you for praying for them to have children. They Lord has indeed answered your prayers! May God continue to bless you and heal you. We love and miss you so very much! Thanks to all the special people and family that take care of you and your needs.
Love,Darlene and Don

Darlene & Don Brunner <mitsymine@yahoo.com>
Culpeper, VA USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2008 2:19 PM CDT
May God always Bless you and guide you in everything you do. Your good work as an instrument of God at Memorial Chapel during your tour of duty at Fort Carson will always be remembered.
Jorge Espinosa <jorge.espinosa-cruz@live.com>
Fountain, CO USA - Saturday, October 11, 2008 10:58 PM CDT
May God always Bless You and guide you in everything you do. Your good work as in instrument of God at Memorial Chapel during your tour of duty at Fort Carson will always be remembered.
Jorge Espinosa <jorge.espinosa-cruz@live.com>
Fountain, CO USA - Saturday, October 11, 2008 10:49 PM CDT
Hi Fr. Tim,
You were very much in my prayers today for oyur healing! May Jesus and Mary heal you to completeness!
A little FYI... thought you might like to know, today is "little" Robyn's 20th birthday... I know hard to believe. God is always renewing us. May He heal YOU very soon.
You and your family are in my prayers.Take care and God bless.

Maureen Shea & Robyn Kriesel <maureen.shea@eu.dodea.edu>
Lakenheath, Suffolk England - Wednesday, October 8, 2008 11:12 AM CDT
Father Tim,
We prayed for you during the MCCW Worldwide conference over the weekend. We love you and will continue to pray for you.

Joanne Scully <jbs716@comcast.net>
Lakewood, WA - Tuesday, October 7, 2008 1:42 PM CDT
Dear Father Tim,
I heard about you and your suffering today through Capt. Jose Moreno and I cried to heard what you are going through. What a great example of faith and courage you are to us! We will be praying for you and for a quick recovery.
I am the blessed coordinator of Military Support Ministry at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Modesto, CA. A three year old ministry that started offering prayers and moral support to military personel and their families. But for the past two years we been blessed sending up to 320 Care Packages to our beloved soldiers overseas, thanks to the wonderful love and response of our Pastor, Fr. Joseph Illo and all our parishoners. We are very blessed and priviliged to serve our brothers and sisters overseas who sacrificed end endure such danger and hardships for our safety and comfort! Nothing we do is enough to pay for your sacrifices! You and our soldiers are like Christ, who offered His life for us. God keeps you in His loving care and restore your health soon so you can continue your wonderful labor. We send you our love and prayers.
Sincerely yours in Christ, S. Nasise- Military Support Ministry- Modesto, CA.

Susana M. Nasise <smorales49@hotmail.com>
Modesto, , CA USA - Saturday, October 4, 2008 5:20 PM CDT
Padre Tim,
Our prayers are with you as you go through this next surgery. You are always in our thougts my brother in Christ. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ that surpasses all understanding be with you, your family and the medical providers as you continue to progress in your healing. For us, we are still in Iraq with a few more months to go. May God bless you and keep you. In the love of Christ,

Jose Moreno, CPT US Army <jose.a.moreno1@us.army.mil>
FOB Kalsu, Iraq - Friday, October 3, 2008 7:23 AM CDT
God bless you Fr. Tim,
I just heard you going back into surgery today,(10-2). Please know we are still praying for every day. You were remembered with the fondest memories at the class reunion in July. You were missed by all who were there. May you continue to heal and I pray for your peace.

Lisa(Wanchena) raddatz <danandlisa_2000@yahoo.com>
Coon Rapids, MN - Thursday, October 2, 2008 12:10 AM CDT
Fr Tim, Words seem so empty and powerless at times, yet, the promises we have in His Word gives us strength and hope. I pray you find more strength today and peace in your spirit that surpasses all understanding, because Christ Jesus is ever present.
Chaplain Parson <troy.parson@us.army.mil>
- Friday, September 26, 2008 12:08 AM CDT
Hi Fr. Tim,
It is spring in Australia! Still a bit chilly at night though. The possums have eaten all my veggie seedlings as they are still winter hungry.
We have a new little kitten in our house named Cluny..His papers will read Myshan George Cluny! Strange things we do to amuse ourselves. The breeder thought he was named after George Clooney! BUT no..just a quiet little cistercian Cornish Rex cat of the lilac point variety. He is 13 weeks old and very handsome but sharp of claw. I hope you have pets at St. Theresa's.

So hospital is no place to be in autumn or any time. Get well quickly and off to be with friends and family and to enjoy the rustic Fall colours and sunshine!

Still thinking of you so often recovering and working hard up there!

Good wishes and many blessings to you.

When you are home again and feeling a bit better I would appreciate it very much if you could remember a very dear friend of mine at prayer.

If you get to play on the internet at all you might like to visit 'google earth' and stop by The Blue Mountains, Katoomba or The Three Sisters. Nice Aussie country. If you would like something a bit more spectacular try going to Uluru the Aboriginal name also known as Ayers Rock.

Enjoy the scenery.
Love Trish

Trisha in Oz <trishrd@hotmail.com>
Australia - Thursday, September 25, 2008 10:01 AM CDT
Father Tim,
I have followed your story for many months now. You are such a wonderful witness to Christ, and you take the phrase "Do not give up" to a new level. My prayers are with you always, and may God Bless you!

John <thelordsservant@gmail.com>
St. Louis, MO United States Of America - Friday, September 19, 2008 10:53 AM CDT
Tim, Chaplain Jay Hearn here. We were together back in Hungary, a long time ago. I recently got back from Iraq where I stayed for 14 months. I pray for you regularly and your recovery. This has been a long struggle for you but by every indication you are touching people with Christ's love even while suffering with your war-torn body. May the Lord continue to strengthen you, your family, your friends that help minister to you and everyone touched by fun-loving Father Tim! Blessings, Jay
Jay Hearn <jay.hearn@us.army.mil>
Savannah, GA - Monday, September 15, 2008 5:44 AM CDT
Now continue to wiggle those toes!

Vienna, Va U.S.A. - Sunday, September 14, 2008 8:28 AM CDT
You have been on my mind recently for no particular reason I can figure out, so today I finally had to do something about it. Got to Caring Bridge, and lo and behold I found the answer. So you are in the hospital again? Thought we discussed this and you were planning to stay away from hospitals for a while !! Get out of there Hollywood !! Also read with delight that you are tooling around in a motorized chair, can't wait to see that. Guess it has been a while since I've been to see you. Let's make a deal, you get out of the hospital and I will get some Kampers together for a "wisit". Take care of yourself Henry. You're in my prayers.

Larry Smiley <larrypsmiley@comcast.net>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Thursday, September 11, 2008 2:38 PM CDT
Hang in there Father Tim! You are in my prayers tonight.


James Kotwicki
Stafford, Va USA - Wednesday, September 10, 2008 7:54 PM CDT

VANCOUVER, WA CLARK - Monday, September 8, 2008 10:21 PM CDT
Continued prayers from Madison AL
Renee Gardiner <reneesuz82@msn.com>
Madison, AL - Sunday, September 7, 2008 4:22 PM CDT
Father Tim, taking a deep breath, I know the Holy Spirit is filling your spirit with new strength with every breath you take. Thinking about you as you move through this last move.
Sister Dorothy Ann Barloon <dbarloon@hotmail.com>
New Prague, MN USA - Saturday, September 6, 2008 9:31 PM CDT
Father Tim...My name is Don Thiede. From August 2000 to December 2002 I was a Dept of Army civilian engineer at Ft. Lewis working on the Stryker vehicles being prepared for deployment. I was able to attend Mass on my lunch hour in the chapel most days. You would say Mass there periodically. I wanted you to know that your short mini-homilies had a very positive affect on me. You have been in my prayers and thoughts during these past six years, and I just came across this web site today. I am so happy you are making progress in your recovery. My prayers are with you and your family. May the Peace and Love of Christ always remain with you.
Don Thiede <dthiede@cox.net>
Chandler, AZ USA - Monday, September 1, 2008 7:01 PM CDT
Henry, thinking of you and your family as you battle another trial to return to health. Our prayers are with you always. Blessings to your Mom. Hope to get back to MN to visit you soon. With love, Steven, Liz, Hilary & Matt
Steven Walesch <swalesch@gmail.com>
Maitland, FL USA - Saturday, August 30, 2008 6:07 PM CDT
Dear Henry,

Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers today! Please know that when I think back to the time we shared in Denmark and upon our return to St. Cloud that I do so with a smile! You are a great guy!!! I will continue to pray you and hope that you will grow stronger with each passing day!

With love and concern, Cindy

Cindy (Ebert) Wishart <cdietz@hickorytech.net>
Mapleton, MN USA - Thursday, August 28, 2008 8:12 AM CDT

Wishing you healing, comfort, rest and serenity. I am "holding" you in gentleness and care.

Your fellow "Kamper,"

Patti Correll-Syring <ptcorsyr@centurytel.net>
LaCrosse, WI USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 9:33 PM CDT
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Godspeed.
Your DK roomie,

Robb Fort <robbfort@nauticom.net>
Cranberry Township, PA USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 7:21 PM CDT

Wish I could be there . . . but you have been in my thoughts and prayers.

Your friend


Earle Olson <earleolson@verizon.net>
Hershey, PA 17033 - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 3:50 PM CDT
Hi Henry, I am so sorry to hear about your continuing health problems, but I'm happy to hear that your spirit is still strong. I will continue to keep you in my prayers here in San Francisco. I wanted to let you know that I returned to Denmark last October for a lovely visit with my Danish family. One day, we went to Legoland (which I had never visited). The next day, we went to Silkeborg to see the tallest place in Denmark -- barely a little hill :-). Of course, I also went to Aalborg, where I bought a new tea kettle, since my previous one had broken. I think of our year there so fondly! With love and prayers.. Marie (Hofmeister) Goodell
Marie (Hofmeister) Goodell <marie.goodell@sbcglobal.net>
San Francisco, CA 94131 - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 1:57 PM CDT
Hi Henry--
I am sorry to hear you are not doing well now, but happy to read that you were able to visit the Cathedral of St.Paul,etc. I went to the Messiah concert there last Dec and it was such a fantastic setting for that beautiful concert.
You'll be happy to hear that my boyfriend and i just returned from a visit to Denmark. We stayed with my "Danish Family" and had a wonderful time. They had fun watching my boyfriend eat rygbrod with liverpaste and pickled beets for breakfast! We went to Skagen to stand where the 2 seas crash together, to the largest WWII German bunker on the West Coast, got rained on in the Danish Desert and went to the Smukfest; the most beautiful concert in Dk! Eric Clapton played, but the Danes preferred the Danish bands! The "new" food at thier festival was Mini Donuts...made with machines made here in Plymouth, MN! My Danish sisters had never had a "donut" before!

I saw a whole other side of Dk this time; it's sooo beautiful and the people seemed much more open than before. I didn't realize how much i loved the food and the traditions of "setting the table" and eating at the table for every meal or just for coffee.

Good luck with healing, Henry. My thoughts and prayers are with you, are they are from all of your Denmark friends.


Jeannette Coty <jcoty@cotyconsulting.com>
Plymouth, mn - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 12:07 AM CDT
Hi, Timothy, I have been thinking about you and Germany all weekend. Remember the Stuttgart Wine fest where we celebrated your first anniversary on active duty and my (too many to mention) years with the Army? That was fun wasn't it? I am reminded of it because I think 31 August is your active duty anniversary. 2 September is my civil service anniversary. That was 1997 so it will be 11 years for you very soon.

Bonnie's been sick. I just picked her up at the vet. She'll be fine in a few days. I am so glad that you get to see Rudy, your other dog buddy, every once in a while because I know how much you enjoy dogs.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the volunteers that so faithfully visit every week. You certainly know how to attract wonderful friends! I enjoy communicating with all of them when I do the calendar each week.

So rest and heal. I'll call you for your anniversary!

Love, Kim and Bonnie <blubonnt@att.net>
- Wednesday, August 27, 2008 11:26 AM CDT
Dear Father Tim, when I opened our Internet connection, your website leapt on the screen! We think of you often and keep you, your family, and your caregivers in our prayers. May Our Lord give you strength. May our beloved St. Padre Pio intercede for you. May Our Blessed Mother give you comfort.
Terry and Carolyn <wtmccain@comcast.net>
Fairfield, CA USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:45 PM CDT
Fr Tim, I think of you and pray for you often. You had a profound impact on my life while you were the Catholic Chaplain at the Blue Factory and Tuzla Main while in Bosnia in 1998. You especially enter my thoughts while I am working at Walter Reed. I will continue to pray for your recovery and for your loved ones. As you have inspired me, I strive to inspire others.
Al Porambo <rambodadal@comcast.net>
Rockville, MD USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:05 PM CDT
Father Tim, I just got back home from a one-year tour in Djibouti. During that time, I often thought of you and prayed for your continued recovery. We were in Mosul together and you gave me your blessing at your last service at FOB Freedom. Now that I'm back home, I hope you will recover soon so I can come up for a visit. God bless, and thank you for your courage.
LTC Steve Rich <stevan.rich@us.army.mil>
Placentia, CA - Sunday, August 24, 2008 10:18 PM CDT
Hi Henry, you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Your Kamper friend.

Delores (Price) Mordorski <skinnypaulm@yahoo.com>
- Friday, August 22, 2008 12:01 AM CDT
Fr Tim,
I have been praying for you for a long time. I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will touch you with his healing touch. Almighty Father, I comme to you in Jesus precious name, I ask that you touch Fr Tim with your healing touch, from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. Your would says that you are the Lord our healer. By your stripes we are healed. So let your healing power flow through him Lord. Fill him with your peace that passes all understanding. Comfort him Lord Jesus. Let him know that you have not left him Nor forsaken him. Meet each and evry one of Fr Tim's needs. In Jesus name, Amen and Amen God bless, CH Mike Henderson BIAP Iraq

Chaplain Mike Henderson <chaphenderson@yahoo.com>
BIAP, Iraq - Friday, August 22, 2008 3:29 AM CDT
Thanks for the trust and confidence you have in the Lord.
I promise to pray for you during my 3pm divine mercy prayers and Rosary,
In Jesus,Mary and Joseph.

Rysie Kemboi < rckemboi@yahoo.com>
Webster, MA USA - Wednesday, August 20, 2008 9:40 PM CDT
Thanks for the trust and confidence you have in the Lord.
I promise to pray for you during my 3pm divine mercy prayers and Rosary,
In Jesus,Mary and Joseph.

Rysie Kemboi < rckemboi@yahoo.com>
Webster, MA USA - Wednesday, August 20, 2008 9:22 PM CDT
Fr Tim,

You were a friend of mine when you were at St. John Neumann in Eagan MN. We had many talks, and a breakfast at Hardee's right before you left. I gave you a St. Christopher medal, you said that I should keep it, but I wanted you to have it. You took it.
I hope it still gives you strength and courage, and know that you are always in my prayers. Love..

Mary Hartenstein <thymetravel@sbcglobal.net>
- Monday, August 18, 2008 6:03 PM CDT
Frater Tim,

Thank you and god bless you for your service! Your a great American and an inspiration for all that serve! May you have a speedy road to recovery.


Greg Tarancon
Alpa-Eta 800

Master Sergeant Gregory Tarancon <gregory.taranconiv@us.army.mil>
Alexandria, VA USA - Friday, August 15, 2008 2:22 PM CDT
Father Tim - greetings from a little town on the southern Oregon coast. I found you by "accident". Isn't the internet great! I was actually reading Bishop Vasa's column and linked to your site. What an amazing Bishop.

I pray for our military (I'm a Navy brat), especially thinking of those on the battlefield, but never thought of our Catholic priests. God forgive me. My prayers are with you and all the clergy who are serving the Lord so valiantly.

God's speed.

Sheila Wight
Coquille, OR USA - Saturday, August 9, 2008 3:11 PM CDT
Hi Fr. Tim,
You are in my prayers especially to fight this pneumonia. May Our Lady's Special Blessings be with you as she protects you with Her Mantle. She's the "Ultimate Nurse" as Jesus is the "Ultimate Doctor". My prayers continue with the awesome people surrounding you, especially your family and the great medical people looking after you. In Christ's love,
Maureen & Robyn

Maureen Shea& Robyn Kriesel <maureen.shea@eu.dodea.edu>
Lakenheath, Suffolk England - Saturday, August 9, 2008 5:47 AM CDT
A few years ago I met Father Tim at the VA and was asked to give him a special gift. Father Tim is a fraternity brother of mine. I was asked by TKE Fraternity's CEO to give Tim a copy of the TEKE magazine, which had an article written about Father Tim, and a Teke guide signed by the CEO. I have to say meeting Father Tim was not only an honor but also a humbling experience. There was an obvious presence in the room, and Father Tim was kept alive for a purpose, to show that miracles truly due exist. I am glad to see he is doing better, and I hope that his health improves every day. Hopefully I get a chance meet up with Father Tim some time in the future and see how he has progressed.


Michael Brink
Minneapolis, MN USA - Tuesday, August 5, 2008 2:04 PM CDT
I am sorry to hear of this latest battle for you, Father Tim. My thoughts and prayers continue daily for your healing and strength. You hold a very special place in Jesus' heart. God Bless You!
Mary Wolkerstorfer
Brooklyn Park, MN USA - Tuesday, August 5, 2008 11:25 AM CDT
Father Tim,
Just want to let you know that to this day I still think of you, We met in 1989 on a confemation retreat for Mary Mother of the Church of burnsville became what I consider a great friend. You married my wife and I six years later then this happened to you . I pray for you now and then and wonder if things are alright ! If I know you and your strength, Your soul and faith God will see you though .. God bless all my love ...Michael Neises

Michael Neises <mikejjjjn@yahoo.com>
Jordan, mn scott - Monday, August 4, 2008 11:37 AM CDT
Fr. Tim. Just a quick aloha from Hawaii to let you know we continue to think of you! We'll fight that recent infection with our prayers! Stay strong!
Jim, Wanda, Byron, and Joy Lin

The Scofields <coconuts@hawaii.rr.com>
Kailua, HI USA - Friday, August 1, 2008 2:49 AM CDT
Hi Fr. Tim,
Just checking in again... it's great to be able to read about how you are doing! Keep up the good work. You are always in my prayers. Please say "Hello" to your family, friends and all the other great people with you.
It's finally summer weather here in Britain. Robyn and I will be taking a little trip to London to do some last minute paperwork before she takes off for college there. Hard to believe she's going, huh? She's also practicing to drive in the U.K. Well, hope you're enjoying summer weather there. Remember, work when you're supposed to work and rest when you're supposed to rest. Take care and God bless.
Maureen & Robyn

Maureen Shea & Robyn Kriesel <maureen.shea@eu.dodea.edu>
Lakenheath, Suffolk England - Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:11 AM CDT
Hi Fr. Tim!
Fantastic news about your improved health!!!! You continue to be in our prayers as always! If you can, please pray a few prayers as Robyn will be moving to London in August to begin college --- can you believe she's 19? I hope you're able to enjoyt the summer weather where you are; it's actually very nice here in England!
Take care and God bless to you and your family! Maureen

Maureen Shea & Robyn Kriesel <maureen.shea@eu.dodea.edu>
Lakenheath, Suffolk England - Saturday, July 26, 2008 6:41 AM CDT
Hi Father Tim,

We are happy to read the latest update of your progress. I want you to know that you are included in our daily family prayers and the prayers of our parish at Mary Immaculate of Lourdes in Massachusetts. Your work as a priest continues but in a different way than imagined. The account of your visit to the Cathedral and to St. Therese's is inspiring. Please remember my famiy in your prayers as well.

Mike McCarthy, CDR USN Retired
Middleborough, MA - Thursday, July 17, 2008 12:19 AM CDT
Hi Father Tim and family. I looked in for an update and am glad you are holding your own through the adversity of illness and infection. Here is a prayer for your support and in reflection upon your continued vocation. Behold the great confessor who in his life propped up the house, and in his days fortified the temple. By him also the height of the temple was founded, the double building, and the high walls of the temple. In his days the wells of water flowed out and they were filled as the sea above measure. He took care of his nation and delivered it from destruction. He prevailed to enlarge the city and obtained glory in his conversation with the people: and enlarged the entrance of the house and the court. He shone in his days as the morning star in the midst of a cloud and as the moon at the full. And as the sun when it shineth, so did he shine in the temple of God.
MS - Tuesday, July 15, 2008 7:07 PM CDT
Hi Fr. Tim,
Wow, with World Youth Day ,it is a smaller world! Many of our kids from our church in England went! It will be great to hear what they thought of it and their experiences there!
Just thought I'd swing by and say "Hello!" Robyn is off to see a movie with a friend, and I'll be hitting the gym myself pretty soon. We can't get back to the States this summer, but YOU are in our thoughts and prayers! Hang in there - get rid of those infections!We miss you very much.
God bless you and your family!
Maureen & Robyn

Maureen Shea & Robyn Kriesel <maureen.shea@eu.dodea.edu>
Lakenheath, Suffolk United Kingdom - Monday, July 14, 2008 11:17 AM CDT
Hello again Fr Tim, Today Sydney was filled with pilgrims here for World Youth Day. An exciting time for all the young and not so young who have come from every part of the world to celebrate.
Thinking of you and your progress over time and thankful for your fortitude and holiness in meeting each day as it comes.

Caring thoughts and prayers, Trisha in Oz.

Trish <trishrd@hotmail.com>
- Monday, July 14, 2008 5:16 AM CDT
Talofa Vakoc man!

Greetings from the islands of Samoa! Just today I happened to read the St. Thomas magazine, Spring 2008, at the Chancery lounge while awaiting a meeting and shocked but also touched sincerely by your story. I have always wondered how to contact you and our other classmates again to see how each of you is doing, since after our class in SPSSODUST. Then I remembered your comment that you said when we went in to see Father Charles Froehle at one hospital in St. Paul in '93. After he told us his story about his cardiac arrest and how he was flown into the hospital by a helicopter, you said, 'it's amazing what some people will do, just to get a helicopter ride'.

Tim, your story touched me and I'm sure everyone who read it. All I can offer you are my humble prayers all the way from this corner of the world.

You have been very generous to me when I was a lonely student from Samoa among your midst for so many years. You seem to cover for me whenever I could not afford most of things I had wanted, eg. our studies in the middle east. How about 'can I use your car?'

Now is one of my opportune times to say thank you very much Vakoc for being a good friend and brother. God knows I have never forgotten your generosity. You are a man of God.

I am sad to learn of what happened, but as you once said to Father Froehle, 'it's amazing what some people do just to get a helicopter ride.' You have touched life of this Samoan man, and I do not doubt the fact that you have touched so many lives positively in whereever you ministered, and even to this point.

If you are able to drop me a line, please do so. If not, I understand. But know that you will be kept in my humble prayers.

May the intercessions of Our Blessed Mother be upon your recovery. And may Our Lord Jesus Christ's mercy be abundant as your recover.

much alofas


Puletini Molesi Tuala <archdiocese_dev@samoa.ws>
Apia, Samoa - Tuesday, July 8, 2008 9:34 PM CDT
Fr Tim,

I can't believe how much time has passed since my last note (and my visit). We're all well here in DC. We just went on leave to Ohio to check out Catholic Family Land (Debbie found out about it). Even though it rained all but two days (we were there for a week-long 'family fest'), we had a great time. [For any Catholic family that might be reading this -- check into it, I highly recommend.] The kids are growing so fast, with Anthony's birthday back in June we're all caught up in the 'odd year' (Maria 11, Alison 9, Elizabeth 7, Corbin 5, and Anthony 3) until Maria turns 12 in Nov when the b-days start all over again... I can't lie to you, Tim; it pains me to read about your set back and I know you'd brush me off for feeling so, to try and make me feel better, but I'll feel better when you get better! We pray for you every day (I've been getting good use from the Rosary you gave me in '91 -- we pray a family Rosary every night). When was the last time I thanked you for the profound impact you've had on my life? You're a treasured friend, Tim and you're in our thoughts and prayers.

Jeff, Debbie, Maria, Alison, Elizabeth, Corbin, and Anthony

Jeff Poisson <jeffrey.poisson@us.army.mil>
Woodbridge, VA USA - Monday, July 7, 2008 10:42 PM CDT
Hey there, Father Tim! Robyn and I heard about what happened on June 1st! Congraduations! Stay strong in faith!
We are praying for you!

Maureen Shea and Robyn <maureen.shea@eu.dodea.edu>
- Monday, July 7, 2008 11:20 AM CDT
Henry, you're in my daily prayers as is your Mom. Be well, we need you.
Steven Walesch & Family <swalesch@gmail.com>
Maitland, FL USA - Sunday, July 6, 2008 6:51 PM CDT
Fr. Vakoc,
I promised you last year sometime that I'd trundle out there (from Maine) on my motorcycle or some damn thing and visit you this summer. I'm recanting. For one thing, people don't want to talk to me a second time because I only repeat what I said the first time. I think we had our chat on Marez. Something about "the glory of God is a man fully alive"--Ireneus. Only those unafraid of dying are ready to live, etc., etc., but, as Stephen King's new book, Duma Key, reminds us (I'm not getting a cut for touting it), death is no joke to be wallowed in. Life is for singing. For another thing, my other reason for going west, to visit the Tabasco factory in Louisiana, home of the hot sauce, strikes me now as the venture of an idolater. Pilgrim of consumerism.
So here I'll sit, and wish you well.
What do you think of Obama?

Christopher Rushlau <chrisrushlau@msn.com>
Portland, ME Land of the Living - Friday, July 4, 2008 5:03 AM CDT
May the Lord bless you, Father. You are in my prayers.
CPL Adam Woodill
Chicopee, MA USA - Thursday, July 3, 2008 9:37 PM CDT
Dear Father Tim,
I was just looking at my brother's wedding album from 10 years ago. You presided over the beautiful ceremony that joined my brother, Mike Gill, to his beautiful wife, Niki Zimmerman. I will never forget how special you made the occasion and how much you meant to the two of them and to all of us. We pray for you and you're recovery - God Bless You!!! Marla Gill Ferguson

Marla Gill Ferguson <ferguson51@msn.com>
Ft. Meade, Md USA - Monday, June 30, 2008 10:16 PM CDT
Father Tim, Thank you for all your caring ministry, both to the Needy Religious Families and the Military Services. You have again reached many with the Witnessing for Christ by sharing your favorite hymn, how thoughtful. I will continue to pray for you and your Family. May you continue to bring us the Inspirational updates while "Living for Jesus".
VIENNA, VA U.S.A. - Monday, June 30, 2008 8:52 AM CDT
Father Tim,

Keep fighting the fight!! Know that thousands are praying for you, your family and caregivers.

Linda Higbee <linda.higbee@us.army.mil>
Sparta (Ft McCoy), WI USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2008 1:19 PM CDT
Hi Henry,

I went to a Twins game on Sunday with Skippy and Michelle. I hadn't seen them in about two years; it was great fun.

You continue to be in my prayers.

Your fellow Kamper friend - Delores

Delores Mordorski <skinnypaulm@yahoo.com>
- Monday, June 23, 2008 11:56 AM CDT
Hi Fr. Tim,
I just read your update... You're in my thoughts and prayers! I'm praying for complete healing for you and that you get over this infection very soon! Heard you got Robyn's graduation pictures. Wish we could be there to hug you in person but for a now a "virtual hug" will have to do. Get better soon so you can play computer games with vistors! All our love,Maureen & Robyn

Maureen Shea & Robyn Kriesel <maureen.shea@eu.ddoea.edu>
Lakenheath, Suffolk England - Saturday, June 21, 2008 9:31 AM CDT
Hello Fr. Tim,
We think of you often and praying for a speedy recovery. I missed doing the readings at the Saturday's 5:00 pm mass at Fort Lewis with you because the service was always so uplifting. I miss your infectious smile.
God Bless,

Marjorie Clouden <rotiface@hotmail.com>
Fairfax, Va USA - Friday, June 20, 2008 8:40 AM CDT

I have thought about you often today...please know that you are in my prayers! It was about this time in 1998 that you came home from Bosnia. Friends of mine are leaving next week for a driving tour of Bosnia and Croatia. You should be very proud that you helped make this freedom possible.

Keep fighting those bugs! Remember, you're "Army Strong!"

Kim and Bonnie <blubonnt@att.net>
- Tuesday, June 17, 2008 7:22 PM CDT
Dear Father Tim, it's been awhile since you've heard from us but don't think that's because we haven't been thinking of you. Terry's been busy teaching NJROTC and I've been busy with church and work. But we think of you often and you were on our minds this past Sunday, Father's Day! You are truly a Father to all of us, showing us how to live our Catholic Christian Faith. You are in our prayers always and we ask that you keep us in yours. We hope you are feeling much better soon! Pax et bonum.
Terry and Carolyn <wtmccain@comcast.net>
Fairfield, CA USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2008 12:34 AM CDT
Dear Father Tim,
I am praying for your quick recovery from this latest infection. I pray, too, that Pope John Paul II will intercede for you to Jesus. May God bless you and keep both you and your family in His love.

Mary Wolkerstorfer <mary.wolkerstorfer@baesystems.com>
Brooklyn Park, MN USA - Monday, June 16, 2008 2:11 PM CDT
Hi Father Tim,

Long time, no see! I am hoping to schedule a visit soon.

Gosh, time sure flies. Our daughter Michaela is a sophomore in college already! She is a marketing major and is working and attending summer school. I really miss her! Get this … She is dating a TKE! He is President of his chapter so I guess he can’t be all bad. Ryan is working full time in the lab at Mayo this summer and will be getting his RN degree next year. Todd is still working on his doctorate but will be done with school in December. (Yippee!) I’m still doing clinical research and find time for a little music and theatre for fun.

Can you believe our children have grown up so much?! You presided at their first communion celebrations.

I’ll look forward to our next visit.

Love and prayers,

Rochester, MN 55902 - Friday, June 13, 2008 3:50 PM CDT
Dear Chaplain Vakoc, I am thrilled to read that you are improving. I remember your kind visit with us right before you got on the road that day. Even then you found the time for a last minute check on part of your "flock". "Rest Assured", even after your departure you remained the 44ths Chaplain. You just left a pair of boots a few sizes to large to fill... I am sure that even in your time of extreme difficulty your prayers guided us safely home. I wish you a continued recovery and all the best to you and your family. MSG Martinez, Mosul 04'
Michael Martinez
Roy, WA United States - Friday, June 13, 2008 1:32 AM CDT
Peace, Fr. Tim!
I recently read your story in "St. Thomas" magazine. I, too, an a "Tommie" ('77) and am now serving as pastor of Holy Rosary parish in Flint, MI. Thank you for your service to our country, and for your service to the Church. I will pray daily for your continued progress in health and spirit, and will also reccommend your story to the people of the parish. God Bless you, Fr. Paul Schwermer

Fr. Paul Schwermer <pjwerm@aol.com>
Flint, MI USA - Thursday, June 12, 2008 11:31 AM CDT
Peace, Fr. Tim!
I recently read your story in "St. Thomas" magazine. I, too, an a "Tomomie" ('77) and am now serving as pastor of Holy Rosary parish in Flint, MI. Thank you for your service to our country, and for your service to the Church. I will pray daily for your continued progress in health and spirit, and will also reccommend your story to the people of the parish. God Bless you, Fr. Paul Schwermer

Fr. Paul Schwermer <pjwerm@aol.com>
Flint, MI USA - Thursday, June 12, 2008 11:23 AM CDT
Father Tim and family. I am so very pleased to read how well you are doing, with many steady improvements. Prayers and continued thoughts sent to you. Yours in Christ.
MS - Friday, June 6, 2008 12:40 AM CDT
Dear Frater Tim - Congratulations on the anniversary of your ordination as a priest. Along with many of your fellow Fraters in the Bond, I pray for you often, as does my wife Karen. Along with our daughter, Catie (age 9), we live in Evanston, Illinois. I visit your web site at least weekly, and am so glad to know you are feeling better. You continue to inspire us all.

Yours in the Bond,
Gary LaBranche, Past Grand Prytanis

Gary LaBranche <1983glkl@comcast.net>
Evanston, IL USA - Friday, May 30, 2008 9:37 PM CDT
Dear Fr.Tim,
We are praying each and every day for you. Just to update you on our family..our son Jeff and his wife,Jane, are finally expecting..twins!!! Jane joined the church this past Easter and got pregnant within two weeks!! It was an answered prayer for them after many years of trying to have a child. God does answer prayers!! I have retired from choir directing and am enjoying just singing in choir. We miss you and pray for you each day. God Bless you on your 16th Anniversary! Darlene and Don Brunner

Darlene and Don Brunner <mitsymine@yahoo.com>
Culpeper, VA. USA - Friday, May 30, 2008 6:43 PM CDT
We pray for you every morning. We have your web site on the computer and we say a prayer for you. God love you and we do, too. God bless, Mary Anne and John Melvin
Mary Anne and John Melvin
Fort Wayne, IN USA - Thursday, May 29, 2008 9:57 AM CDT
Continued prayers for you, your family and caregivers.
Linda Higbee <linda.higbee@us.army.mil>
Sparta (Ft McCoy), WI USA - Wednesday, May 28, 2008 9:50 AM CDT
Dear Father Tim in Christ,
I am a Catholic Seminarian for the Archdiocese of San Antonio. I want you to know that you are in my prayers. And please pray for me, too; as you well know, seminary life isn't always easy. But looking at the priesthood and how I will be able to help others especially by means of the sacraments and spiritual direction, it is well worth it. I wouldn't give up my vocation for anything.

David Varella <xristus2007@aol.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 11:42 PM CDT
As an ex-Religous Program Specialist with the United States Navy, I know what it's like out in the field. Thanks for your service to the troops. Fr. Tim, I am praying for you and your health. Get well.
Gary Shain <gary.shain@dfeh.ca.gov>
Lancaster, Ca United States - Friday, May 23, 2008 3:27 PM CDT
Fr. Tim,

All the kids at Queen of Peace Catholic School in Ardsley, PA remembered you in our loud speaker prayers today. God Bless you, and all of our military personnel.

Mike Patterson, Principal <principal@qofpeace.org>
Arsdley, PA USA - Friday, May 23, 2008 1:51 PM CDT
KEN EBACHER <ebacherk@yahoo.com>
FORT HOOD, TEXAS USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2008 9:47 PM CDT
Fr Tim,
It was a pleasure and an honor to meet you last Saturday. To refresh your memory, my name is Bill Lee and my father-in-law, Bill Morgan is also a resident at St Therese. He and I are both former Marines, he served in WWII and I in Vietnam. I look forward to greeting you when ever I get to Saturday Mass at St. Therese. Again, thank you very much for your service to our Lord, our country, and for the cross that you carry. You are a true hero to me and I will keep you in my prayers.

Bill Lee <lee9844@msn.com>
Anoka, MN USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2008 10:18 AM CDT
Dear Friends, Saturday, 17 May is Armed Forces Day. Let's not forget the wonderful young people in uniform who serve our nation all across the world. Remember also their families, near and far! If you have children, stop and tell them what this day means, have them research it on the internet, don't let it go by!
- Friday, May 16, 2008 11:41 PM CDT
Hi, Timothy! I've very happy you are back home in your own space. I'm counting the days until I start my "roadtrip" up through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, and then Minnesota to visit you. Can't wait!
Infections are tough but we have a tough God so hang in there!

Love, Kim and Bonnie
- Thursday, May 15, 2008 10:30 PM CDT
Fr. Tim, When I read on Sunday that you were back in the hospital, I got in touch w/our parish Youth Coordinator. She sent out an e-mail to all the kids in Kate's Confirmation class requesting prayers for you and your family. We will continue to pray that you overcome this infection quickly. A big thank you to those individuals who update your web-site. We appreciate the recent reports. I will send you a favorite story called "The Bike Ride". It's a story about how life is like riding a tandem bike w/God. Just a couple lines "I don't know when it was that He suggested we change places, but life has not been the same since..." "When I had control, I knew the way. It was rather boring but predictable." "But when He took the lead, He knew delightful cuts up mountains, and through rocky places and at breakneck speeds; it was all I could do to hang on!" "Even though it looked like madness, He kept saying "Pedal, Pedal!" "And when I am sure I can't go on anymore, He just smiles and says, "Pedal..." Love and prayers, Debbie Eskridge
Debbie Eskridge
Canyon Lake, TX USA - Thursday, May 15, 2008 12:25 AM CDT
Fr. Tim, When I read on Sunday that you were back in the hospital, I got in touch w/our parish Youth Coordinator. She sent out an e-mail to all the kids in the Confirmation class requesting prayers for you and your family. We will continue to pray that you overcome this infection quickly. A big thank you to those individuals who update your web-site. We appreciate the recent reports. I will send you a favorite story called "The Bike Ride". It's a story about riding a tandem bike w/God. Just a couple lines "He knew bike secrets, knew how to make it bend to take sharp corners, jump to clear places filled with rocks, fly to shorten scary passages." "And when I am sure I can't go on anymore, He just smiles and says, "Pedal..." This will all make more sense when you read the whole thing. Just keep pedaling. Love and prayers, John and Debbie Eskridge
John and Debbie Eskridge
Canyon Lake, TX USA - Thursday, May 15, 2008 11:39 AM CDT
Dear Father,
Checking in from Chicago!
Be assured of our continuing prayers and love.

Chicago, IL US - Thursday, May 15, 2008 0:19 AM CDT
Dear Father Tim,
I met your after a mass one Sunday in April of 2003 at Fort Lewis in Tacoma,Washington. Thank you for your inspiration,encouragement and support after being called up for active duty for Iraqi Freedom. I hope you get well soon. I will pray for you. Thank you, John

MANSFIELD, OH USA - Monday, May 12, 2008 11:08 PM CDT
Dear Fr. Tim,

Just wanted to let you know that I, too, am praying for you and your family for your full and complete recovery. I pray that Jesus and His Mother will hold you close as you heal.

God Bless you - and thank you for all you are doing for us.
Oceanside, CA

Kathey Truschel
Oceanside, CA U.S - Monday, May 12, 2008 6:15 PM CDT
Fr Tim, special prayers are with you for this healing. You continue in our daily prayers, as always, God's blessings to you.
Charlie & Mary Pyeatte <purplethumb@msn.com>
Chandler, AZ USA - Monday, May 12, 2008 10:46 AM CDT
FR.TIM~ The Carmelite Sisters of the Society Of The Little Flower,Darien,IL are praying for your recovery. May the GREAT PHYSICIAN quide your Medical & Surgical Staff. Pray St.Therese of the Child Jesus bring comfort to your Mother and Family during this challenge. (Wiggle those toes...).
VA U.S.A. - Monday, May 12, 2008 9:38 AM CDT
Father Tim,
May Our Savior bless you with His healing love. I am praying for you!

Mary Wolkerstorfer
Brooklyn Park,, MN USA - Monday, May 12, 2008 9:35 AM CDT
God bless you for your work and efforts. I hope you, with God's Help, recover soon!
Barbara and family
Rialto, CA USA - Monday, May 12, 2008 8:39 AM CDT
Hi Fr. Tim,
You are in my prayers! I've been in touch with Barbara. Wow, what a great lady! She said I could send you some mail via her. Its a surprise - but it's ok if she's already told you.
I finally got a comuter that takes this site. It's frustrating that I can't get to a computer that will... so sorry I haven't written in a while....

I read your update. My prayers are with you that you feel better soon. I'm sending a "virtual hug".
Robyn and I miss you a lot. Hug your Mom and Barbara for me...Have to go for now, but watch for the mail!
God bless.

Maureen Shea & Robyn Kriesel <maureen.shea@eu.dodea.edu>
Lakenheath, Suffork England - Monday, May 12, 2008 6:22 AM CDT
Dear Father Tim,
I read of your trials in the newspapers quite a while ago. Today, Pentecost Sunday, I remembered you and googled your story again. I see you are in special need of prayers at this time. The Holy Spirit has guided me to you. I am praying for you and will continue to do so. You are special and deserve divine healing and mercy. May our Father comfort you and your family and team of friends and caregivers. I hope for renewed faith and strength for you.
God Bless you so.

Erica Larson
Centerville, MN USA - Sunday, May 11, 2008 9:32 PM CDT
Greetings from sunny Fort McCoy, WI.

Continued prayers for you and your family Tim. I pray your pneumonia is getting better and that you will be up and about soon, "laying rubber" from your electric chair.
I met up with Kim last week at Ft. Carson, CO. I was attending CAST (my first and civilian at that) and Kim was there for a site visit. Was good to see her again. Hadn't seen her since my visit with you at the VA in Mpls....seems as though it was eons ago :)

Take care Father and do your homework.

Linda Higbee <linda.higbee@us.army.mil>
Sparta (Ft McCoy), WI - Friday, May 9, 2008 1:25 PM CDT
Greetings from sunny Fort McCoy, WI.

Continued prayers for you and your family Tim. I pray your pneumonia is getting better and that you will be up and about soon, "laying rubber" from your electric chair.
I met up with Kim last week at Ft. Carson, CO. I was attending CAST (my first and civilian at that) and Kim was there for a site visit. Was good to see her again. Hadn't seen her since my visit with you at the VA in Mpls....seems as though it was eons ago :)

Take care Father and do your homework.

Linda Higbee <linda.higbee@us.army.mil>
Sparta (Ft McCoy), WI - Friday, May 9, 2008 1:25 PM CDT
Hello there Father Tim,

Thank you so much for helping our troops through this war time. May God heal you 100% soon.

My brother is in Iraq his 2nd tour. I am very proud of him and my eldest Brother was in the military for over 25 years and we were all raised and are Roman Catholics.

May God Bless you and your family always.

From Maureen
( A long time Catholic and military family member

Maureen <moeeastdee@yahoo.com>
Seattle , WA USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 8:49 PM CDT
Father Tim,

I was privileged to attend the Theta Rho chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon Father Tim Vakoc Scholarship Dinner last night.

The dinner bagan with a blessing which used several Hebrew names for the Lord Almighty. The prayer ended and the TKE emcee for the evening announced with a bit of irony, "We will now be serving pork chops."

I guess you joined the Theta Rho chapter of TKE about the time my wife and I were married, 1979. We probably crossed paths because my wife, Rita, and I remained in St. Cloud while she finished Nursing School 1979 - 1980.

I will pray for your continued healing.

YITB and Yours in Christ,

Larry Mihm
- Scroll number 316 (as in John 3:16)

Larry Mihm <larry@larrymihm.com>
Rochester, MN 55901 - Sunday, May 4, 2008 9:09 PM CDT
Father Tim,

Last night, the Theta Rho Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon hosted a dinner for Brothers, Family and Friends. Money was raised to add to the schlorship fund in your honor.

We are looking forward to the day that you will be in attendence to lead the blessing again at a Fraternity event.

Until then, I remain...

Yours in the Bond,

Joel Starzecki

Joel Starzecki
Hermantown, MN 55811 - Sunday, May 4, 2008 8:12 PM CDT
Dear Fr. Tim,
I have never written to you or even met you though I have prayed for you since your injury. Fr. Joseph Angotti told us of you while we were in Germany and we have since moved several times - currently I am in CA while my husband is in Iraq. I have Mass offered for you and for all of our priests serving our troops regularly - and I would like to let you know that today's Mass here at St. Joseph's was for all chaplains and tomorrow is for you specifically. Many blessings to you for your selfless service to our soldiers. Our prayers will continue for your recovery.

Tamara Trask <traskzoo@yahoo.com>
Crescent City, CA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 1:57 PM CDT
Father Tim, I was in exile (from family and friends) for one year through the work that I chose. It turned out to be a blessing, one that maybe you too are now undergoing. The alone time, the quiet time, even the lonely times provided moments of prayer that were impossible when I lived in the noisy world. My prayer for you, if you are not to be completely healed, is that you will use these quiet moments to pray for those who do not pray for themselves. God bless you all ways and always.
Dianne Zalewski <diannezalewski@yahoo.com>
Bratislava, Slovakia - Tuesday, April 29, 2008 3:11 PM CDT
I pray that you will continue to know progressive healing through all the prayer petitions given on your behalf. God's grace and peace to you!
Delores C.
Blaine, WA - Tuesday, April 29, 2008 8:56 AM CDT
Dear Father Tim, my dear friend Diane sent me this link, she is always sending the most inspiring sites. We lost our nephew in Iraq last month and we are feeling the sadness of the tragedies of war. My husband Tom and I "SING" the rosary every evening and we will ask our blessed mother to intercede for you with us. May God keep you safe in His loving arms!
Jane and Tom Buckland

Jane and Tom Buckland <eyefitcls@aol.com>
Greenacres, Fl USA - Tuesday, April 29, 2008 8:16 AM CDT
Hello Fr. Tim, A friend send me your website today. I have prayed for you and for your recovery. I pray that you do receive the ability to again receive our Lord in the Eucharist. I know that he smiles down on you as you go through your daily struggles. I have had many, not such as yours, but have had them. I also know, that He is always with me to comfort and guide me. I wonder if you are aware of the ministry that you are providing to those who connect with you via email. You are sharing your struggles with them and giving them the courage to fight as you do. Keep up the good fight, for many out there are with you, but most of all our loving God is with you. God bless
Geneva, Il USA - Monday, April 28, 2008 3:58 PM CDT
Dear Fr. Tim,
I came across your site by accident but I much rather think that the Lord did it on purpose and is just letting me think it was by accident. Nonetheless, be assured that you will be in my daily prayers for your healing.
Thank you for your service to our country and to our Lord.

Diane Gale
Palm Harbor , FL USA - Monday, April 28, 2008 2:38 PM CDT
Fr.Tim~ Have sent a petition for St. Therese of the Child Jesus (Little Flower Society, Darien,IL) continue to intercede for you. May you recover soon from your pneumonia and a successful operation be past history in the very near future. Thinking of delay, may have been a blessing during allergy season...
Vienna, Va U.S.A. - Monday, April 28, 2008 8:48 AM CDT
Praying that today's surgery will go smoothly and that it will be successful.

Renee <reneesuz82@msn.com>
Garmisch, Germany - Friday, April 25, 2008 3:22 PM CDT
Hi Father Tim,

It is a beautiful spring day in Massachusetts. We will include you and your surgeons in our prayers at our parish, Mary Immaculate of Lourdes as well as in our family prayers. We are looking forward to reading about your continued progress.

Mike McCarthy (CDR USN retired)
Middleborough , MA USA - Wednesday, April 23, 2008 11:09 AM CDT
Dear Father Tim, I just came upon this site and am so happy to pray for you! My son is in the Air Force too. I will be praying for your operation Friday and will offer my Mass for your intentions that morning. God bless you, Pam
Pam Grady
Columbus, OH USA - Wednesday, April 23, 2008 11:01 AM CDT
Hi Father, I have been thinking about you even though it's been awhile since I last wrote. Kate's Confirmation class meets tomorrow and I will let them know about your upcoming surgery. We'll be praying for you and the medical team. Love and prayers, John & Debbie Eskridge
John and Debbie Eskridge
Canyon Lake, TX USA - Tuesday, April 22, 2008 10:55 PM CDT
Dear Father Tim,
You are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Families in Fort Carson, Colorado pray for your well being. We love you and hope someday you will return to us.

Mr & Mrs Guadalupe Estrada <j51370estrada@msn.com>
Colorado Springs, CO United States - Sunday, April 20, 2008 4:52 PM CDT

Vienna, Va U.S.A. - Saturday, April 19, 2008 12:55 AM CDT
Hey Dude,
Greetings from your favorite sister! I had the privilege yesterday to be at the reception for the Pope at the White House because of you. I was so blessed to be there. You did not pray hard enough I did not get to shake his hand. TE HE He is such a holy gentle loving pastor.

Anita <abrand71@msn.com>
- Thursday, April 17, 2008 5:27 PM CDT
Hi Fr. Tim! You had dinner at my house in Duluth one Easter Sunday on Skyline Parkway. You said you found the house because you saw Donna Effinger's "artistically rearranged" car in the yard! Know that you continue to be wrapped in my prayer. Pax et Bonum!
Peg Gawne-Mark <peggawnemark@gmail.com>
Roseville, MN USA - Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:42 PM CDT
Hi, Timothy, I haven't written to you in a while so thought I'd send a greeting on this Sunday evening. As you know, I am finally settling down here in San Antonio after a long move from Germany. Bonnie made the trip really well and loves her little yard here. I do have a little concern about the summer heat and how she will do. She is 14 now. Can you believe it? Do you remember when you first saw her, she was barely two.

I'm very proud of you, Timothy, you sound so strong on the phone. The other night instead of your usual "hi," it was "Hey, Gal!" I laughed out loud. I could tell you were really feeling good.

I hear you are really good in the electric wheelchair too! When I come to visit you, you'll have to take me on a tour.

You know that I continue to pray for you and your family. I'll talk to you soon!

Love, Kim and Bonnie <blubonnt@att.net>
- Sunday, April 6, 2008 11:54 PM CDT

LINK TO: The Triumph of Humility,
A play written by St. Therese of Lisieux,
translated by Rev. John Russell, O.Carm. & Prof. Helen Bailey; first published in The Downside Review, Downside Abbey, Bath, Catholic Records Press, Exeter

Washington, DC - Tuesday, April 1, 2008 10:18 PM CDT

We pray, no longer silently but as a great number…. We enlighten each other. We carry each other along. We depend on our faith in Jesus… —Pope John Paul II

"... true love sets no conditions; it does not calculate or complain, but simply loves." -Pope John Paul II

Mark 3:31-35 ... “Your mother and your brothers and your sisters are outside asking for you.” But he said to them in reply, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking around at those seated in the circle he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”

Lk 24:35-48 ... about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled.” ... “the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.”

Washington, DC US - Tuesday, April 1, 2008 10:11 PM CDT
God's complete SHALOM Peace, Health, Agape, and Blessings to you and through you. Thank you for extra special duty as assigned by The Lord of all of your prayers, past, present and future. Happy Easter Season, and Divine Mercy "season", and 3d anniversary of Pope John Paul II's trip to Heaven. He still prays for us too.

Catholic since 2006.
Praying without ceasing,

Washington, DC US - Tuesday, April 1, 2008 10:01 PM CDT
Hello Father Tim,

I have heard quite a bit about you as I am Nathan Copas' wife (he was your assistant in Iraq), and he thinks very highly about you. I hope that each day makes you stronger, and I hope to meet you someday. Please take care, and God Bless,

-Amanda Copas

Amanda Copas
Schofield Barracks, HI USA - Saturday, March 29, 2008 9:41 PM CDT
Fr. Tim,
I'm a member of the Catholic Online Forums, and when I saw a post about your injury and recovery, I was absolutely touched by the story. I'm a 15 year old aspiring to be a priest, and your story has given me lots of inspiration! Please get well soon, Father!

John <thelordsservant@gmail.com>
St. Louis, MO United States - Friday, March 28, 2008 9:11 AM CDT
Good Morning Fr Tim, I hope that you have a wonderful Easter Sunday. Daffodils out as yet or is it too early this year? I recall an Easter Sunday when we went to Church in the snow...a long time ago! All those lovely hats and bright colours!

Prayer for you today and for all your loved ones.

Trisha in Oz

Enjoy the day

Trisha <trishrd@hotmail.com>
Australia - Sunday, March 23, 2008 8:02 AM CDT
Fr Tim~ How wonderful to read of your progress today. Prayer for your continued recovery is such an easy request after knowing of all you have done for our military while serving the LORD. Continue to wiggle those toes.
HAPPY EASTER to you, your Mother and the family.

Vienna, VA U.S.A. - Friday, March 21, 2008 9:01 AM CDT
Father Tim,

Happy St Patrick's Day from the heart of Irish America. We pray for your continued recovery daily. I ask you to please remember in your prayers the 8 year old son of a friend who is terminally sick. Please pray for his recovery and for the his family. Thank you so much for your service to our country and the sacrifice you continue to make.

Mike McCarthy
Boston, MA - Monday, March 17, 2008 10:46 AM CDT
Happy Saint Patrick's Day Fr Tim.

We are having a day off from our uniforms tomorrow at my work and wearing green in honour of St Patrick down here in Australia. I think they had the parade in town today but we had an afternoon tea hinting at Irish. Guinness Chocolate cake! We had a lovely time with friends.

I hope you have a great day and that warmth of Spring is on the way. To be sure! you will be thought of tomorrow.

Trish in Oz

Trish <trishrd@hotmail.com>
Australia - Sunday, March 16, 2008 7:45 AM CDT
Thinking of you Father Tim!
God Bless,


James Kotwicki
Stafford, VA 22554 - Monday, March 10, 2008 2:57 PM CDT
Father Tim,
Just wanted to let you know we're thinking about you. All is well for us in Virginia.
God bless you.
The Kelliher Family

Ann Kelliher <kelliherann@hotmail.com>
Burke, VA USA - Sunday, March 9, 2008 9:21 AM CDT
Sunny greetings from wonderful Wisconsin :)
Just dropping a note to let you know my prayers and thoughts continue to be with you, your family, caregivers and all Soldiers, especially those in harms way.

Linda <linda.higbee@us.army.mil>
Sparta (Ft McCoy), WI USA - Friday, March 7, 2008 1:28 PM CST
Sunny greetings from wonderful Wisconsin!
Just dropping a note to let you know my prayers and thoughts continue to be with you, your family, caregivers and all Soldiers, especially those in harms way.

Linda <linda.higbee@us.army.mil>
Sparta (Ft McCoy), WI USA - Friday, March 7, 2008 1:25 PM CST
Hi Father Tim,
This is Barb Didier, your former coworker from St. John Neumann and BSM alum. I just wanted you to know that I think of you often and pray for your continued healing. My mom attends St Raphael's and prays for you daily too. Keep up the good work and being a great inspiration to all who've known you over the years.

Barb Didier <bdidier@paxchristi.com>
Minnetonka, MN USA - Wednesday, February 27, 2008 10:47 AM CST
Father Tim,
greetings and the peace of Christ from CH (LTC) John Morris. I think of you often and pray for you.
Keep growing....
God bless

CH (LTC) John Morris <john.joseph.morris@us.army.mil>
Aftn, MN USA - Monday, February 25, 2008 1:37 AM CST
Sunday, 24 Feb 08
Hi Father, I just had another joint replacement, this time my shoulder and you missed visiting me again, darn. Maybe for the next one! What are you doing for Lent? Fr Goellen gave us our homework to do acts rather than give up things. So be extra nice to your care-givers. Try hard to avoid their toes in your chair and do not spit out yucky food! We all know what mischief lies behind those kind expressions. Keep praying for all of us here at Ft Carson expecially those deployed as we pray for you to be our Chaplain Pastor once again. Lots of Hugs from all the MCCW Pat and Arnie Vacik

Vacik <awvacik@comcast.net>
Ft Carson, CO USA - Sunday, February 24, 2008 7:28 PM CST
Tim, Wishing you God's blessings, His many kindnesses, and Divine Comfort. Please get well for us. Thank you for you ministry and service to our Nation.
Grace and Peace,
Chaplain Dean Bonura

Dean Bonura <dean.bonura@us.army.mil>
Warren, MI USa - Thursday, February 21, 2008 1:32 PM CST
Hello, Father Tim, Happy President's Day! Are you breaking speed limits with the electric wheelchair? Hope you're enjoying it but not running anyone down! We ask that you keep us in your prayers. This being a particular month of Our Lady of Lourdes, we are asking her to intercede for your healing and keep you and your family in her loving tender care.
Terry and Carolyn <wtmccain@comcast.net>
Fairfield, CA USA - Monday, February 18, 2008 5:16 PM CST
Hi Tim,
Happy Valentine's Day!
I am so happy to hear of your progress.
You are in my prayers and thoughts very often.
Very often I remember the CPE program in summer of 1989, in Sarasota, FL. Have a great day and God bless you.

Fr. Andrew Baranski <baranski@syracusediocese.org>
Syracuse, NY USA - Thursday, February 14, 2008 2:04 PM CST
Happy Valentines Day to you my dear friend. I have not posted for a while, but you are never far from my thoughts. Time just seems to fly by these days, especially with the granddaughters so close. They sure to keep us running. We finally got them baptised, as we finally had everyone necessary home. Father Goellen did the honors, and the girls did really well. Of course now Trinity thinks that Father Goellen is the only "Father" because he poured water on her head....and baby sisters too. :) So when Father Goellen doesn't say mass, she wants to know "Where is Father?" Please know that you were in our thoughts during the baptism, and wish you could have done the honors, but also know that you were there with us in SMC in spirit. God Bless, keep up the wonderful progress.
Pat Lane
Fountain/Ft Carson, CO - Thursday, February 14, 2008 9:13 AM CST
HAPPY VALENTINE DAY! FATHER YOU HAVE MANY FRIENDS AND KNOW YOU ARE LOVED. Inspiring to hear of your recovery progress. Encouraging reading how many lives you have helped in your service as a Priest/Chaplain. Thank you.
Keep wiggling those toes...

Vienna, VA U.S.A. - Thursday, February 14, 2008 4:56 AM CST
Hi Fr. Tim,

I just tried calling you but your line was busy. I just want you to know that I think of you often. Distance has not made me forget you. I'm glad you're feeling better. God bless you my friend.

Mary <msmarymak@gmail.com>
Cheltenham, England - Tuesday, February 12, 2008 3:04 PM CST
it's been too many years since i had contact with you...but I wanted you to know that i've started my classes here in Tempe...want to finish what you and I started all those years ago in Iraq. god bless you and thank you for showing me the way!!

Ben Herman <benjamin.c.herman@gmail.com>
Tempe, AZ USA - Monday, February 11, 2008 11:39 PM CST
We will keep you in our prayers.
Deacon Fred & Marge Jones <fredbjones@yahoo.com>
Copperas Cove, TX USA - Monday, February 11, 2008 9:45 PM CST
God bless you Father, I have your web site in my Favorites, click on every morning, and say a little prayer for you.I read your student assignment, add your name and say "through the intentions of Pope John Paul II". May you continue to heal through the Grace of Jesus and his Sweet Mother Mary, love and prayers, Mary Anne Melvin
Mary Anne Melvin
Fort Wayne, Indiana USA - Thursday, February 7, 2008 5:52 AM CST
Hi Father Tim,

Kim tells me you were feeling under the weather. Will pray for quick recovery so you can continue to move forward in your healing (homework) process. You are thought of often and always in my prayers,

Linda Higbee <linda.higbee@us.army.mil>
Sparta (Ft McCoy), WI USA - Wednesday, February 6, 2008 1:31 PM CST
Dear Father Tim, were you praying for the Giants yesterday? Hope you got to see the game! We think about you a lot and hope you're working hard on your therapy. Love and prayers.
Terry and Carolyn <wtmccain@comcast.net>
Fairfield, CA USA - Monday, February 4, 2008 6:47 PM CST
Greetings. May the best team win. Wish I could watch the Super Bowl with you. I'll have a bruskie for you and a bowl of chilli.

Anita <abrand71@msn.com>
Springfield, Va - Sunday, February 3, 2008 4:57 PM CST
Dear Father Tim,

My thoughts and prayers are with you as we begin a new year. You continue to inspire my life. The Lord's plan for you continues to be revealed and it certainly includes me and my family. Thank you for your courage and May the Lord Bless you in your recovery.

Chuck Geist <mnscouter@comcast.net>
Ham Lake, MN - Wednesday, January 30, 2008 10:27 PM CST
Dear Father Tim: It's been almost 30 years since we graduated from high school together. I know you'll get a kick out of this. Joe Seiter's mom and my dad are going to get married so the Seiter's and the Williams' will now be one family. Lots of love
Carole Williams Briggs <cwbriggs@briggslaw.com>
Columbia, CT USA - Tuesday, January 29, 2008 8:24 PM CST
Fr. Tim, Our family is praying for your full recovery -- thank you for your service.
Michael E. Lynch (U.netSA, Ret.) <michael.lynch01@comcast>
Boiling Springs, PA USA - Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:42 PM CST
Father Tim

It's been years since we were together at a couple of AMS priest gatherings. You are an inspiration for many and be assured that you are in my prayers.

Rt. Rev. Lawrence Gosseli, USAF (Ret) <frgoselin@aol.com>
Lansing, MI USA - Monday, January 28, 2008 6:46 PM CST
sorry father tim... I goofed. WWII was long ago and i typewrote WWI .. Apologies..... Even at that WWII i was in hi school so I am no kid.
God Bless You,, I shall be praying for you every night and at our NeoCatechumen Liturgy and Mass.And Every day Mass in Lent.

Dee <dshe182228@aol.com>
Framingham, ma 01702 - Saturday, January 26, 2008 11:56 PM CST
I am a priest from Brooklyn, NY (studying in Rome at the moment)and will be entering AD and wanted to tell you that you are in my prayers as I celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Alter. God bless.
Fr. Anselmo Hernández, L.C. <ahernandez@legionaries.org>
Rome, Italy - Saturday, January 26, 2008 9:33 AM CST
Hello Father Tim,
I have asked Father Fernando Suarez to pray for your healing. God Bless you and I pray for you too.

Christine Trollinger
Gladstone, MO USA - Saturday, January 19, 2008 4:27 PM CST
Hi, HTV3,
Just checking in to tell you that all is well. I hope that you had a marvelous birthday...remember how you told me it is the Whole Month to Celebrate. I have been painting portraits in oils...and loving it. Albuquerque is a great place to unlease hidden talents. I wanted you to know that I think of you every day and all of the wonderful times that we shared. I will check on you this summer when I come up for a wedding. Peace and Love, MKO1

Mary Kay <makatie5@msn.com>
Albuquerque, NM USA - Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:53 PM CST
Father Tim, Your story has come to me through your good friend Dana. I pray for you daily and wish blessings for you always.
Janeen Leick
Inver Grove Heights, MN USA - Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:31 AM CST
Happy Belated Birthday Fr. Tim!

Hope you had fun celebrating it!!!
Barbara told us you received your Christmas cards from my homebase. The kids ask about you. We wish we could come by with Happy Birthday balloons! That would be so cool.Perhaps think of them as "virtual" birthday balloons. I have a friend in Germany who I have "virtual coffee time" together after work.Perhaps we could all get together for that!

God bless! You are always in our prayers and thoughts.
Maureen & Robyn

Maureen & Robyn <maureen.shea@eu.dodea.edu>
Lakenheath, Suffolk England - Sunday, January 13, 2008 10:00 AM CST
Fr Tim,
I hope to make it up to see you some time. Memories of times we served God and Country together are treasured to me. You are an inspiration

Michael Cavalier <michael_cavalier@yahoo.com>
Pressath, Germany - Wednesday, January 9, 2008 6:26 PM CST
Fr Tim,
ALthough we never met, your are in my thoughts frequently. Tonight I caught up on the journal and I am grateful that our prayers for your revoery are in the works. Keep up the good work because your are an inspiring ministry in action.

Lea Poso <sisleap@hotmail.com>
Lakewood, WA - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 9:01 PM CST
Fr. Tim,
Happy Birthday! Your card will be on it's way shortly. It's from us and all the kids in Kate's Confirmation Class. We continue to keep you in our prayers.

The Eskridge's, John, Debbie and girls
Canyon Lake, TX USA - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 6:08 PM CST
Our prayers continue to go your way!!
I believe today is your birthday.
Have a Happy Birthday!!

Charlie & Mary Pyeatte <purplethumb@msn.com>
Chandler, AZ USA - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 9:38 AM CST
Dear Father Tim, we're dropping by to wish you a Happy New Year filled with continued healing. We pray you continue to move forward with your therapy. Your example inspires and motivates us. Our love and wishes for a great year ahead for you, your family and wonderful medical support team!
Terry and Carolyn <wtmccain@comcast.net>
Fairfield, CA USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 2:42 PM CST


Richard A. Watson. M.D., COL MC USA (retired) <RAWatsonMD@aol.com>
Mountainside, NJ USA - Tuesday, January 1, 2008 7:22 PM CST

VIENNA, VA - Tuesday, January 1, 2008 10:15 AM CST

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