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Friday, September 7, 2007 8:18 PM CDT

The boys are doing wonderful. They are in daycare full time and have been since May they love it there!!! They are both wearing their glasses pretty much full time now and doing well with them. Ryley had an appointment in August with Dr. Ward his muscle specialist and she is so impressed with how well the boys are doing. She doesn't want to see them for 9 months now, whoo hoo finally winding down on some appointments I thought this day was not in the light at the end of the tunnel. They are running around being terror on wheels into everything and talking alot!!! New words, HI, Bye, OK, GO, I need this, outside, dog, dixie and many more developing each day!!!! I cannot believe that they are 2 1/2 already where did the time go? They are still early to bed, if they don't get their much needed rest they are pretty cranky the next day, but up at 6 am for daycare. We are headed to Nebraska at the end of September for a wedding, so hopefully traveling goes well, it is about an 8-10 hour drive and doing it in a weekend because we don't have any time to take off. So all is well here on the homefront, busy all the time.
I will update again at a later date.
Take Care
Scott Family

Wednesday, May 23, 2007 1:10 PM CDT

Hello All, Yes I know it has been quite sometime because I have been extremely busy...and lots of things happening around here.
First off Jon and I are finally getting married after being together for 7 years We are doing the big day on July 21, 2007 yes just 2 months away, so as you can tell that is what's been keeping me busy. Also Jon did switch to days so the boys are now in daycare from 630 to 1230 which is fine they had their first day there on Monday May 14 so they have been doing a good job adjusting to that change.
On to the Little men!!!!! They are growing up so fast I cannot believe that they are 2 already my how time flies when you are having fun!!!! They also go their 1st haircut(more like a buzz) from Mom on Mother's Day they sat so still on the cupboard, I guess whatever it takes to get the job done. We are still attending Dr appointments but much less frequent, Thank God! They both still need glasses which is to be expected Ryley actually wears his about 2 hours at a time but Devonn wants to break his..HAHA They are about 25 pounds now and 34-35 inches tall yes they have Daddy's genes Tall and Skinny!!!!
The little men love to be outside and just running around the backyard, it was so cute on Friday night one of Jon's buddies and his Girlfriend and Daughter came over and we grilled out, well anyways they were getting ready to leave and Ole as they call her her name is Olivia tackled Devonn to the ground to give him a hug and kiss before she left. Mind you she is 2 1/2 so yeah we got a chuckle out of that.
Not much else is new around here just hanging out at home playing with the boys and cherishing how lucky I am!!!! My 2 little Miracles!!!
I will get pictures on here SOON so keep watching
Take Care All
Jon(working as usual), Brandy(getting sleepy been up since 4am) Ryley and Devonn(sleeping)

Thursday, January 4, 2007 8:59 PM CST

Happy New Year everyone! Yes I know it is a little late, life has been crazy around here. We have all been sick with the cold bug that is lingering at our house.
For news on the boys...Ryley is walking, not too stable yet but he can walk pretty much anywhere, he has made so many developmental improvements in the last month it is so unbelievable. He eats like a horse, he will eat anything and everything not a picky eater at all Thank God!
Devonn is walking he has been walking since Early/Mid December, right now he is working on RUNNING, yes walking is not fast enough for him. Also he is working on feeding himself with a fork, he does really well. I can't believe that the boys are already 20 months old, it just seems like we brought them home yesterday my how time flies!
They had a wonderful Christmas, that got a Ton of new toys and new clothes! Santa even made it to a few houses for them, it amazing how he knows where they are going to be(tee-hee).
I am going to be going to start a new job on Monday so Ryley and Devonn are going to be spending the day at home with Daddy and then they will be going with Grandpa for 2 hours until Mom gets home from work. Jon is working 4-midnights now in Inver Grove Heights so he doesn't leave until 2:30 and I will be home by 5, it will be so nice to be able to get out of the house, BUT I am going to miss my babies, I love being at home with them everyday but I need to help out around the house too, so I guess now is as good of time as any! Jon will be happy to have me gone during the day and not driving him nuts too! Just Kidding! Anyways the boys are going to have an adjustment to make(as well as Mom) but I know that they are going to do just fine! And I will have my nights and weekends to spend with them! Well that's all the news for now, oh and by the way we are done with Physical Therapy Oh I am so happy no more running up to Gillette every 2 weeks!
Take Care and Remember to check back for updates
Jon,Brandy, Ryley and Devonn

PS..Hi to our new cousin Kyle Steven Born January 3rd, I am sure you are a cutie

Thursday, November 16, 2006 8:18 PM CST

Well as I told you I would update after Ryley's CAT Scan and Dr. appointment.

Well we had to be at Children's at 10:30am this morning for the CAT scan and Ryley freaked out, as in my Mom and Devonn
could hear him all the way out in the waiting room screaming.
So we finally got that done and over with and we went on our way to Gillette, we got there and of course waited and waited some more,
and when we finally got to see Dr. Partington (Pediatric Neurosurgeon) he was very impressed as to how Ryley's head CT scan looked and to how well he is doing.
So with that yes we have to go back in 6 months BUT we DON'T have to have a CAT scan YEAH!!!!
And then after we got done with that appointment we had a physical therapy appointment for Ryley also at Gillette, and his physical therapist is so impressed as to how far he has come she doesn't want to see us for a month!!! Oh I can't believe this we had a good day all around for Dr. visits!!! Keep praying that everything else keeps going well and that we make it through this winter without getting sick!!! Take Care and I will update soon
Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Sunday, November 12, 2006 8:01 PM CST

Well we finally got rid of our Crash Helmets on Halloween, Tuesday October 31 It was such a great feeling!! The orthosists were so nice they had a little cupcake and balloon party for the boys.
Ryley and Devonn did go trick or treating to Grandma and Grandpa's houses. Ryley was a bat and Devonn was a little stinker!!! It was just to cold out to go anywhere else and they are too little for candy.
On Monday November 5 Devonn took 13 steps all by himself it was so cute and Jon was home and he got it on video camera!! Since then he will pull up to something to stand and then take off walking sometimes it is just a few steps othertimes it is halfway across the living room, he is so funny.
Ryley is still working on standing alone for any length of time, he just lets Devonn master something and then he follows shortly after!! They are sooo much fun, we went today and got them some winter boots so that we can go play in the snow.
On Friday we went to have our 6 month checkup with our pulmonologist(lung Dr.) and he was very impressed as to how they are doing. We have a couple of inhalers that we have to give them everyday because they may have allergies!!! Well if that's all that we have to deal with besides glasses that is great!!! Ryley goes on Thursday November 16 for his checkup with his neurosurgeon/neuorologist to talk about his hydrocephalus and to make sure it is not getting worse. I don't think that it is but we have to go just to make sure! We go to have a CAT scan done first and then we are heading to Gillette for our Dr. appointment.
Pray that all is well for Ryley and that we will just have to keep a watch on this. In case some of you don't remember about this, he was born with this. It happens to alot of premature babies and he is one of them. Sometimes they have to go in a put a shunt in but sometimes they don't. Hydrocephalus is when you have extra fluid around your brain. It can cause some difficulties and that's why they would have to put a shunt in, but in Ryley's case they are not even close to that point we are still watching and waiting for it to go away.
I will update after Thursday.
Take Care
Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Monday, October 9, 2006 10:44 PM CDT

Hello again.
Well I got some good news last week from Gillette about our CRASH HELMETS!!! We have 2 more appointments for them and then we are done. That will put our last appointment for them on Tuesday October 31,2006. I can't believe this day is finally getting closer we have had them for almost a whole year now, but they have done some great work on making the boys heads better!!!:) The boys are doing lots better as far as the illnesses go, we are pretty much over them but it seems like it is going around in a great big circle oh how fun. Well we will update more later and let you know how things are goin
Brandy and Family

Monday October 2,2006
Hello all
Sorry it has been so long since an update. The boys are doing well. They are growing getting so big. Devonn has taken a few steps on his own he seems to take about 4 steps at a time and then falls, it is so cute. Ryley is starting to stand on his own he will pull up to stand next to you and then he will let go and then fall then he giggles. They are both so much fun, I can't wait until they start walking I will be running, good thing we have them pretty much contained to a few rooms in the house. Right now they are just getting over pneumonia, an ear infection and eye infections, I can't believe it's that time of year already, my how this summer flew by. We still have some dr. appts but they are cut way back so that is nice. Yes we are still wearing our crash helmets(haha) but our goal is to have them off by Turkey Day (I CAN'T WAIT). We went and got their pictures done again so I will get some of them on here in the next couple of days. Well that's all the news around here Pretty quiet yet interesting!! :)
Take Care
Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday June 6,2006

Sorry it has taken so long once again for an update...We have had alot going on. Ryley now weighs 15#8oz and Devonn's weight is 16#11oz. They are getting so big and changing so much. They both now have glasses and HATE THEM..it takes alot to keep them on. They are both pretty mobile, not walking yet of course that will come around August probably, but they are both rolling all over the living room, and Devonn is scooting backwards so crawling is not that far away. At this point Ryley has 3 teeth 2 on the bottom and 1 on the top, and Devonn has 4 2 on bottom and 2 on top, with 3 coming in all at once!!!! They have both been sick the last week so we are also dealing with that. Right now I am sitting in the hotel lobby area in Baudette, MN for those of you who don't know where that's at its way up by Canada border in the Lake of the Woods area. Its about a 7 hour drive and we did it in 2 days, this is the boys first BIG trip and they did very well. WE drove from home to Hibbing on Monday and stayed the night at Jon's aunt and uncles' house that is a 3-4 hour drive and we only had to stop 2 times for the boys they did wonderful and then today we drove another 3 hours and they slept the whole entire way!!! Then we went visiting and came back to the hotel and they went to the pool for the very first time and they absolutely loved it!!! Well that's all for now, I will update pics when we get back from our trip!
Take Care ALL

Wednesday March 8,2006
Sorry it has taken so long for an update...We do not have internet right now because we moved about a month ago. So here is a long awaited update on the boys.. Ryley's weight is now 14#8oz and Devonn's weight is 15#2oz They are 27 1/2"(Ryley) and 27" long (Devonn).
We have been to various doctor appointments and everyone is amazed at how well they are doing and gaining weight. They are both rolling over now front to back and front again. Ryley has just recently started sleeping through the night and on Sunday he started teething hardcore messy diapers and all and Tuesday the tooth had finally broke through the gums so he now has his first tooth with the second one already on the way! I cannot believe we will be celebrating their 1st birthday in just a little over a month it is so hard to imagine that almost one year ago we were in the hospital. We went up to Gillete hospital yesterday and got their new helmets yes we are on number 3 they believe that they will have to get one more and then we will be done! yeah:)Well that's all the news for now...oops I forgot one more piece of important information DEVONN HAS GLASSES and amazingly does very well with them! He is nearsighted and has a astigmatism very common in premature babies. Ryley does not have them yet but I am sure he will have to get them too. Take Care
Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Friday Jan 13
Hello all here is a long awaited update on the boys... I have posted all new pictures they are from Christmas. The boys are doing well, we had their 9 month well baby check up on Monday, and their pediatrician is very pleased with how well they are doing. Ryley weighed in at 12#, 24" long, and Devonn weighed in at 12# 14oz and 24 1/2" long! They are getting so big, it is hard to believe they are already 9 months(only act like 5 though). Ryley does need to go see a nutrionist though because he is so active while lying on the floor that he burns off all of his calories, so we need to go discuss with her how we can increase his calories. They are getting baby food 2x's per day morning and night and doing well with that. They are both working on rolling over from back to tummy and they almost get there except they need to figure out how to move their arms out of the way. The boys got their helmets on Decemember 13 and we already had to go in on January 10 and have new ones made because the helmets were too small already! Normally they only have to make 1 sometimes 2 helmets for babies but I am afraid we are going to surpass that and we are going to have to have 3-4 helmets total (once again the boys have proved people wrong..haha)!!!! They are pretty much sleeping through the night except they are teething and I think they are getting close to breaking through the gums so they are kind of fussy, and Devonn has some sort of a viral infection so they are waking up in the middle of the night to eat and Ryley gets up in the middle of the night and wants to play imagine that....doesn't require alot of sleep obviously. Well that's all the news that I have for now, we go to the NICU follow up clinic on Tuesday so I will update after that appointment to let you know what they say..
Take Care

Monday, December 5, 2005 2:29 PM CST

Hope everyone had a good Turkey Day. We did alot of eating but it was nice to be with the family. Ryley and Devonn are getting so big, as of Friday December 2 Ryley's weight is 10#4oz and 22 7/8 inches, and Devonn is 11#9oz and 23 3/8 inches long. They are eating baby food and cereal from a spoon twice a day now, They have already been picky with their foods as Devonn does not like Green Beans or Squash. Ryley is not too picky at least not so far. Also, the boys have to get these helmet things to wear because their heads are flat in the back because they have something called torticolis which is a shortening of the muscles on one side of the neck which causes them to have a favorite side to lay their head on. So they will be getting their helmets, we go tomorrow to meet with the Dr. so I will let you know how that goes. Well that's all for now

Thursday, October 27, 2005 9:02 PM CDT

Well everybody, here is a very wanted update!!! RYLEY AND DEVONN ARE OFF OF OXYGEN AS OF 10/26 AT 5:00PM!!!! This is so much better now that we don't have all of that extra baggage to lug around with us! I suppose you all would like to know some weights and heights huh??!!?? Well, Ryley is 9#7oz and 22" and Devonn is 9#4oz and 22 1/4"!!! They are sure getting big, and Devonn has hit another milestone! He started rolling from tummy to back on Tuesday afternoon, he really seemed to think that it was pretty cool to do that, because as soon as I would put him on his tummy he would roll right back over. oh something else I probably forgot to update about that happened October 7 was the boys started eating from a spoon rice cereal once a day and they really enjoy that! They are getting so big, yes they are 6 months old tomorrow but techically only look like 2 months old! Well check back for updates I will update when more things happen
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, September 29, 2005 1:44 PM CDT

Hello all!!!! Sorry it's been awhile since the last update. Well not a whole lot has happened since then, just a few minor things, we Finally got to get rid of Ryley's moniter that he came home on, We got rid of that on September 9th!!! That was such a relief!!! We also had their oxygen evaluations done yesterday and no they were not able to come off but we got them down to .1 liter of oxygen which is just a little whisper, but they still need it. Dr. Kubic the boys' lung doctor said that they will be off in 4 weeks he had no doubt about that. So we go back up on november 1 for another 5 hours unless the boys decide to chagne their schedules and then we have to go up at night. I suppose everybody is wondering about weights well the last time that we ahd Ryley weighed which was 2 weeks ago, he was 8#5oz and 20inches long!!! Devonn has not gotten weighed for a long time now so I don't have a clue as to how much he weighs, he is bigger than Ryley though. Well that's all the news for now, I will update at a later date so remember to keep checkin for updates!!!!
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn
I will add new pictures sometimes next week!!!

Friday, September 9, 2005 3:54 PM CDT

OK OK here is another update...Ryley and Devonn are doing well. I can't remember if I wrote on here that Ryley came home on this heartrate moniter and we were suppose to have it through the end of September, well anyways we were able to get rid of it today, almost 1 month after discharge because he didn't have but 2 alarms. Yeah Mom and Dad are so proud of you Ryley. So they are both wireless except for the oxygen of course. And hopefully we will be getting rid of that at the end of September when we have to spend 5 hours at the clinic for their oxygen study. I suppose everybody is wondering how Mom and Dad are fairing at home after almost 1 month of having the boys home. Well the days are pretty fun for Mom and the boys, we take naps, listen to music, read, and lay on the floor and play. It is so much fun to have the boys home and spend all of my time with them both. Also, Mom has managed to venture out with the boys every once in awhile before the weather starts to get icky and we are stuck in the house for fear of the RSV season, if you are unfamiliar with that it is a season between November through April that is very traumatic on Preemies and we as Parents have to be especially picky about who comes to visit and where we go. So just to let everyone know you are more that welcome to come visit, but nobody can be or have been sick or they cannot be around alot of little kids. If they get this virus it can be deadly if not caught soon enough and of course we would end of back in the hospital. So from November on we will be hibernating for a few months. I thank everyone so much for all of their support during this time in our lives. Remember to check back often for updates.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:32 AM CDT

I am sure everybody is wondering how we are all doing at home. Everything has all been a little hectic around here especially at night, Ryley seems to get really crabby at night and doesn't want to sleep, so there has been a few sleepless nights since he has been home. I can't believe that they have both been home over a week now. How time flies when you are having fun! It is so nice not to have to drive to the hospital everyday to see the boys. Devonn is doing good also. He is sleeping through the night for the most part and waking around 830 am to get fed and then he is awake for a little while and then back for a nap. It's alot of work to eat you know. They had their first pediatrician appointment yesterday and they both got 4 shots, they are such great babies, they cried just when the needles pricked them and then they went back to sleep. They are so used to getting poked I think. Ryley's weight as of yesterday was 7#!! Devonn's weight was 7#4oz. That is so great, I am so glad that they gained weight and didn't lose in the big transition of coming home. They sure enjoy going for walks in their stroller and especially going for car rides.
Well that is all for now.
I will update when we have another dr appointment.
Thanks everybody for all the great encouragment and prayers through all of this ordeal, they are very much appreciated.
Remember to check periodically for updates.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:50 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Ryley got to come home yesterday at at weight of 6#12 1/2 oz!!! He was so happy to come home and finally be back with his brother, he is on a moniter just for a month though and he is doing fine with that. Devonn is still doing good, adjusting to home and the new surroundings. Mom and Dad are finally so happy to have both of them healthy and HOME at last!!! :) Well I will be updating only when they have doctors appointments so that all of you are aware as to how they are progressing! So I will write later.

Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Saturday, August 13, 2005 5:16 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. They both had their moniter screenings last night and Ryley didn't do so good, so they are keeping him until Monday and will get sent home on a moniter. Devonn got to come home today!!! He is doing fine, Mom and Dad are so happy!!!! It seems quite weird not to bring Ryley home too but this might be easier just to have Devonn home for a day before Ryley comes home. They are both eating well. Taking 2 ounces per feeding every 4 hours. Well that is all for now.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:36 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well....Ryley's weight today is 6#7oz and Devonn's weight today is 6#8oz....They are both doing wonderful with the bottling....when they are working to drink a bottle that is equivalent to us running a mile,WHEW THAT'S ALOT OF WORK... Also, they both will be getting circumsized tomorrow at 1pm. Also, they will be getting their feeding tubes out tomorrow sometime and seeing how they do with drinking from a bottle full time. Let's pray that this goes well. Also, they are hoping to get the moniters off of them on Friday and then they can go down for the carseat test and the nurse practioner is pretty confident that they will be coming home on Sunday!!!!!! Let's pray that this happens Mom and Dad cannot wait any longer!!!!!! well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 8:22 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Ryley took three bottles in a row this morning..and he did wonderful. Devonn is doing good with the bottling also but he just needs to be a little more awake with feeding.. They switched the nipples for both of them, the other ones must have been to long so they were having a hard time with that. They both will be getting circumsized this week. OUCH!!! Also, they will be hopefully coming home in the next week or so. Let's pray that they can come home soon Mommy is going nuts!!! They both need to pass their moniter test for 12 hours and they they will schedule the car seat test for them and moniter them for one hour. They both also had their routine eye exams today all both of their eyes are healing well.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Monday, August 8, 2005 6:07 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well...eating from a bottle every other feeding....Ryley's weight today is 6#4oz and is 18 inches long. Devonn's weight today is 6#3oz and is 18 1/2 inches long... WHOOO HOOOOO
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Sunday, August 7, 2005 8:13 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. They are eating from a bottle every other feeding now and tolerting that pretty well. It is pretty tiring for them though...Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Friday, August 5, 2005 4:37 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well today...I fed Ryley is bottle today and he did fabulous...The speech therapist fed Devonn and he did fabulous as well....Ryley's weight today is 6#2oz and Devonn's weight today is 6#4oz....Yeah....Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:10 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Ryley's weight is 6#1oz and Devonn's weight is 6#4oz. They had their swallow studies done today...and they did fine with the thickened formula...they have refulx and that is something that they will outgrow...They are getting bottled once per shift through tomorrow and then they will bottle them when the boys tell them that they want the bottle....they are on very minimal oxygen and will probably come home on it....Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 3:51 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing fine today, they both had their bottling done this morning at 8 and 9 o'clock, they both drank their full feedings which were at that time 48cc....they both kind of coughed and were choking a little bit, so they go down to have a swallow study done on Thursday morning just to make sure their is nothing wrong with their airways...If they are still having a hard time with it all that they will do is thicken their formulas with rice cereal!!!! YEAH I hope this goes well for them, this is not a major thing just to make sure everything is working like is should which they have no doubts about it.. Ryley's weight today is 5#14oz and Devonn's weight today is 5#14oz. they are both weigh the same number in grams. They had another routine post operative eye exam done today, and the Dr. says that all looks well and they are healing just like they should, Devonn will still get drops in his right eye until next Tuesday when they are checked again only because it is not completely healed yet, but the Dr. said that it is on it's way it's just a little slower than his other eye. Ryley's eyes look good, no more eye drops for him.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Monday, August 1, 2005 1:04 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing fine. Ryley's weight today is
5#11 1/2oz...Devonn's weight today is 5#12oz...I can't believe that they are not very far from 6 pounds...It didn't seem that very long ago they were just a little over a pound...Well no other interesting news...
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Saturday, July 30, 2005 9:55 AM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Ryley's weight is 5#7oz..Devonn's weight is 5#9oz. They are both at 48cc every 3 hours for their feedings and getting a bottle once a day. They are still struggling with the suck,swallow,breathe issue, but that will come with time.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 3:38 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well today...They had another bottle run today to see how they would do, speech is going to continue to work with them. Ryley's weight is 5# 2.5oz and Devonn's weight is 5#5oz!!!! YEAH WE ARE NOW THE PROUD PARENTS OF 2 FIVE POUND BABIES!!!! Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 4:53 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing fine, they are still struggling with the whole bottle thing, remembering to breathe,suck and swallow all at the same time, other than that they are doing well. The eye Dr. came and checked their eyes today now after having the surgery, he said that they will be able to see and that the eyes are healing well on both of them. YEAH!!!! Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Saturday, July 23, 2005 12:59 AM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well, they are finally starting to wake up after their eye surgeries on Thursday. They got switched back to the high flow nasal cannula today and they are loving that. They also finally started to eat again today!!! I bet that they are happy.....Ryley's weight today is 4#13oz and Devonn's weight is 5#!!!!!!! YEAH Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, July 21, 2005 6:30 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. They both had their eye laser surguries today and all went well. They were really crabby before they went to surgery because they were not able to eat!!! But after surgery they both were sedated and resting away....They should both be extubated in the morning. They will have their eyes rechecked in one week or earlier to see how their eyes are doing. Hopefully all went well. Let's pray and cross our fingers that it worked!!
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 5:07 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing fine, they are not going to be getting their bottles for a couple of days because they had a speech consult today and they are still having a hard time with remembering to breathe and suck at the same time! They also had their eye exams done today and they will be having their laser surgery done on Thursday. This is a quick 15 minute laser surgery and they will do fine. Ryley's weight today is 4#13oz and we can now say that we are the proud parents of a 5#1oz baby Devonn!!!!!! YEAH hopefully Ryley will hit that mark in the next couple of days!
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Sunday, July 17, 2005 3:15 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Ryley's weight today is 4#8.5oz and he is now getting his bottle twice per day.
Devonn's weight today is 4#14oz and he is getting his bottle 3 times per day.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Saturday, July 16, 2005 5:08 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. WE GOT A NEW ROOM TODAY WITH A WINDOW VIEW!!!!!YEAH!!! Ryley got his first bottle today and it went well. GOOD JOB RYLEY!!!:)Ryley's weight today is 4#8oz.
Devonn also got his bottles increase to 1 bottle per shift.He is doing very well with that. Devonn's weight today is 4#13oz!!! In the next week the boys will be taken off of intensize care status and changed to convolescent care status!!! YEAH
well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Friday, July 15, 2005 5:12 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Devonn is still on the bottle one time per day and doing well with that. Ryley is now switched to the nasal cannula as of 3:00 and he is doing fine. I will update tomorrow
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:24 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well today. Devonn started seeing the occupational therapist today all they do is play with them, exercise their muscles he really enjoyed it. Devonn is doing good with his bottle they are only trying it once per day. No other changes were made today
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:08 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well today. Ryley was sleeping while I was up there today. He was pretty content and happy. Devonn got his first bottle today and after he tried it he seemed to enjoy it, so they will continue to try it once per day as long as he remembers to breathe and suck and the same time, seems so easy to us, but to their little bodies that is alot to concetrate on and think about. They also only have to get their blood pressures once per shift now instead of every 3 hours!!!! YEAH WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS!!
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 8:24 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Ryley is still just on the nasal cannula type thing getting only oxygen. He now weighs 4#2 1/2 oz and that is because he had alot of urine output yesterday and because he doesn't have all of that tube weight from the ventilator. He had his eye exam today and his eyes are showing the retinopathy of prematurity which means that the blood vessal is seperating. They will check him again in 1 week, and he may have to have surgery eventually but it is not a major surgery, it is just a laser surgery but that is only if it gets worse.
Devonn is doing fine still on the nasal cannula. He now weighs 4#9 1/2 oz! He also had the eye exam today and he is showing the same thing. This is a common thing in preemies. It is nothing to be worried about. Well we got the ok to start to try to bottle feed Devonn so we are going to start tomorrow YEAH I AM SO EXCITED LET'S PRAY THAT HE DOES WELL WITH HIS SWALLOWING!!! :) Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Monday, July 11, 2005 8:10 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing fine. Ryley got extubated today and is doing fine with that. He is really happy and sleeping away!!! Devonn is now at 40cc every 3 hours for his feedings and loving that.
Well that is all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Sunday, July 10, 2005 7:28 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing fine today. Ryley had his first actual bath in a tub last night, he loved it alot. Ryley now weighs 4#5oz and the plan is to extubate him tomorrow and put him on the CPAP so hopefully all goes well!!! BE STRONG RYLEY!!! Ryley is now up to 37cc every 3 hours for feedings.
Devonn is doing well and he had his first bath in a tub tonight and could have stayed in there for hours the nurse said!! Devonn now weighs 4#6.5oz and is up to 38cc every 3 hours for feedings!!! Devonn is still on the nasal cannula and doing good with that.
Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Saturday, July 9, 2005 1:39 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Devonn is still on his nasal cannula..GREAT JOB DEVONN!! The plan is to extubate Ryley on Monday!!!! Let's pray that all goes well and he will handle it well. Ryley is still at 35cc every 3 hours for feedings and is doing fine with that. Devonn is at 36cc evry 3 hours and is doing fine with that. Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Friday, July 8, 2005 4:36 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing good today. Ryley is still doing fine with 35cc every 3 hours for his feedings. Not much news on him. Devonn is doing good, he has been off of his cpap on on his nasal cannula since 330 this morning and very low oxygen settings!!! WAY TO GO DEVONN!!:) Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, July 7, 2005 9:36 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Ryley's feedings are now up to 35cc every 3 hours and he is doing fine with that!! He is still in his Crib!!! YEAH
Devonn is still at 36cc every 3 hours and still in his crib. He is on the nasal cannula 2 hours per shift!!! YEAH KEEP IT UP!! Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:17 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. They are still in their cribs!!!! YEAH BOYS!!! Ryley's weight today is 4#2oz and on Sunday he was 15.5 inches long!!! Devonn's weight today is 4#1oz and on Sunday he was 16 inches long!!! Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, July 5, 2005 2:27 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well today!!! They are both now in CRIBS!!! yes I said CRIBS!!! YEAH!!!:) And also I can say that Jon and I are proud parents of our 4pounders!!!! Ryley's feedings got increased yesterday to 34cc every 3 hours!!!! They are both doing well and getting so big!!! They are all snuggled in their cribs and enjoying life!! Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Monday, July 4, 2005 5:33 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are dong fine today. Devonn is up to 36cc every 3 hours and Ryley is still at 32cc every 3 hours. Ryley's weight today is 3#13 oz and Devonn's weight is 3#15oz. Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Sunday, July 3, 2005 7:10 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well today. Ryley is at 32cc every 3 hours for feedings and handling them well. Devonn is at 34cc every 3 hours and doing well. They tried to wean him into a crib yesterday but he was to stressed out, so he is back in an incubator. They are also putting him on a nasal cannula 1 hour per shift, so far he is loving that. Well that's all the news for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Friday, July 1, 2005 4:36 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing fine today. They increased their feedings today. Ryley is now at 30cc which is 1 ounce. YEAH Devonn is at 34cc. They are both doing fine. Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, June 30, 2005 6:59 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Ryley weighs 3#9 oz, but he will lose a little tomorrow because of retaining some fluid. Devonn is 3#11oz so he is almost to that 4 pound mark!!! Ryley has a urinary tract infection but he is doing fine, they caught it early enough and started him on an antibiotic, he is not acting sick at all. They are talking about extubating him early next week sometime. Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 6:13 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing fine today. Ryley weighs 3#2 oz and Devonn weighs 3#10 1/2 ounces but I am sure he will come back down tomorrow. They are still doing fine with their feedings. They both had their shots last night and they tolerated them well. They cried just a little bit. Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 6:14 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing fine. Ryley got reintubated this morning because he was using 100% oxygen. This is the same thing that Devonn did when he got extubated for the first time, so hopefully they will try it again in a couple of days and he will do as well as Devonn is doing. Devonn is doing fine, still at30cc every 3 hours for feedings and liking that. They both had their eye exams done again today to check for retinopathy of prematurity and Ryley's eyes still are premature so they will check him in a week. Devonn has the disease in his right eye, it is mild so they will recheck it in a week, this is a common thing for preemies, let's just hope that it stays the same or get's better and not worse. They are both getting their 2month shots today, so I am sure that they are going to be a little crabby tonight. Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Monday, June 27, 2005 8:35 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well today! Ryley got extubated this morning so he is on the CPAP, he is doing well with that. Devonn is on an aladdin CPAP which just gives him oxygen to keep his airway open. He is doing fine with it. They both had their head ultrasounds done today and they look normal so there will be no repeat!! YEAH!!:) Devonn and Ryley are both 15 inches long!! Devonn is 3#2oz and Ryley is 3#6oz. But I am sure that Devonn will catch up tomorrow. They will be getting their 2 month shots this week sometime, and depending on how they handle that they will possibly be in a crib by the weekend or early next week!!!! They are both maintaining their body heat well. Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn
oh and I will put new pics on tomorrow of Jon holding Devonn for the 1st time!!!!:)

Sunday, June 26, 2005 12:13 AM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well today. They switched Devonn to an Aladdin CPAP this morning so that is a step in the right direction for him YEAH!!! Ryley will be getting extubated today sometime so let's all pray that this goes well for him!! Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Saturday, June 25, 2005 12:19 AM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. They extubated Devonn on Thursday and put him on the CPAP, they started out by giving him some breaths but as of today, he is doing all of the work himself. He is still getting some oxygen but no breaths!!!! YEAH!!!!Devonn is getting 30cc every 3 hours, so he is getting 1 ounce every 3 hours. Devonn's weight is 3#5oz!!! Devonn is also starting to use a pacifier and is doing well with that!! KEEP IT UP DEVONN WE LOVE YOU!!!
Ryley is doing well, they are planning on extubating him tomorrow. So let's all pray that he does well with the CPAP! Ryley is eating 28cc every 3 hours and is doing well with that. Ryley's weight is 3#4oz!!!! WAY TO GO RYLEY!!! WE LOVE YOU!! Well that's all for now I will write later
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:46 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Ryley's feedings are at 26cc every 3 hours, he is tolerating them well. Devonn is at 28cc every 3 hours and is tolerating that well. They had their eye exams done today, and there was nothing abnormal!!! YEAH So they will recheck in 1 week to see if there is anything. Well that's all for now I will update later.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 2:20 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well today. Devonn is up to 32cc every 3 hours for his feedings he is tolerating them well. Ryley is at 24cc every 3 hours and is doing fine with them. Well that's all for now.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Monday, June 20, 2005 3:54 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Ryley's feedings are still at 24cc every 3 hours he is handling them fine. He is 15 inches long and weighs 2#15oz. YEAH!!! Ryley will have his 2 month eye exam tomorrow. Hopefully that goes well. Devonn is doing fine is is 15 inches long and weighs a little bit less than 2#15oz KEEP IT UP!!!:) Devonn will be up to 32cc every 3 hours by midnight tonight!!! YEAH that is 2cc over 1 ounce!!!!OH yeah one more thing, they are talking about extubating Ryley next week sometime. They might try extubating Devonn later on this week. Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Sunday, June 19, 2005 1:13 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well today..Ryley is still at 24cc every 3 hours on his feedings. He is tolerating that well. Ryley's weight today is 2#13oz he gained 10 grams since yesterday. Devonn is getting his feedings increased 1cc up to 17cc every 3 hours. He is handling his feedings well. His weight today is 3#!!!!!! YEAH I can now say that we are the proud parents of a 3 pound baby!!!! Well that's all for now.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Saturday, June 18, 2005 12:27 AM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well today!!! A+ day for them from the doctor. Today they are 52 days old. Ryley's weight today is 1250 grams or 2#12oz. He is doing fine on his feedings of 24cc every 3 hours. He will stay at that for today at least.
Devonn's weight today is 1300 grams or 2#14oz. He is getting 16cc every 3 hours and is tolerating that well. In 8 days they will be getting their 2 month shots!!! YEAH
well taht's all for now.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Friday, June 17, 2005 9:26 PM CDT

Today Ryley and Devonn are doing well. Ryley's feedings have increased YEAH...he will be going up to 24cc sometime tonite, they spaced his feedings out to every 3 hours because that is how often babies normally eat, but they don't do that until they are at a higher rate which finally was today!!! So tonite he will go up to 24cc every 3 hours (30cc is 1 ounce)!!! YEAH FINALLY. Ryley's weight today is 2#12oz.WAY TO GO RYLEY!! We love you.
Devonn is at 16cc every 2 hours and his calorie intake got increased to 24 cals per feeding. So if all goes well with that they will also increase his feeding amount tomorrow and they will space him out to 3 hours also. YEAH YEAH...He had his permanent iv line removed today, I think we are finally on the uphill climb!!! Well we are finally at the 32 week mark!!!! Devonn's weight today is 2#13oz. KEEP GOING DEVONN.
We love you
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, June 16, 2005 4:47 PM CDT

Today the boys are doing well. Ryley is 2#11oz and at 15cc every 2 hours for feedings, he is tolerating his feedings well. Devonn is 2#12oz and at 16cc every 2 hours, he is tolerating his feedings well also. Devonn's antibiotic got stopped today for his infection, so hopefully he will probably get his iv out tomorrow and be almost wireless. Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 2:21 PM CDT

Another good day today!!! YEAH!!!:) Ryley is doing really well on his feedings, he is now at 15cc every 2 hours, and he is tolerating them well. Ryley's weight for today is 2#9oz. KEEP GROWING RYLEY!!
Devonn is going up to 16cc every 2 hours, he his having some trouble digesting all of his formula but otherwise it is not bothering him. He is now 2#13oz!!!! He is getting another dose of his medication for his infection because it is still there but it is getting smaller. KEEP GROWING DEVONN!!! WE ALL LOVE YOU BOTH!!!
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 4:15 PM CDT

Well today Ryley and Devonn are having a really good day, Devonn was extubated last night at about 10pm and he was doing really good and then he was started to get really exhausted doing everything himself so at 330am they intubated him again, but at least he was able to have the tube out for 5 1/2 hours which is a step, they will just wait to try it again until he gets a little bigger. He is now at 13cc for feedings and will go up in a couple of hours to 14cc which is his max feeding for his size. WAY TO GO DEVONN!! We love you!!:)
Ryley is doing fine he is still at 13cc for feedings he will probably go up tomorrow to 14cc. KEEP GROWING RYLEY!! We love you:)
Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Monday, June 13, 2005 6:41 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing well today, they will be extubating Devonn tonight about 830 so I will let you know how he does with his CPAP tomorrow. He is now up to 10cc of feedings every 2 hours. WAY TO GO DEVONN!!!! He is now 14.5 inches long...Devonn will be getting rid of most of his IV wires tomorrow except for his feeding tube, and his antibiotic!!!!
Ryley is now at 13cc every 2 hours for feedings, and he is also 14.5 inches long. Ryley almost completely wireless as of today, except for is feeding tube and his ventilator tube. YEAH RYLEY KEEP IT UP!!!! Well that's all for now, I will update later
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Sunday, June 12, 2005 12:48 AM CDT

Today Ryley and Devonn are diong well!!!!! The word is that tomorrow they will be extubating Devonn and putting him on the CPap machine which is something that people with sleep apnea use. This is so awesome. Also they increase Devonn's feeding times. He is still getting fed every 2 hours but they will be increasing his amount 1 per shift instead of every 12 hours, so this will get him to his maximum faster. YEAH!!!! Otherwise Devonn is doing well and telling the Doctors and Nurses that he is ready to get off of the ventilator. KEEP IT UP DEVONN WE ALL LOVE YOU!!!! Ryley is doing fine with his feedings he is still at 12cc of formula every 2 hours and handling that well. They are talking about extubating him within the next week and switching him to the CPap machine as well so they will officially be breathing on their own!!!! YEAH!!!:) He will be getting the broviac catheter removed tomorrow sometime, this is something that both of the boys had put in when they were in surgery for their PDA's, it is something that they can draw labs from, give them blood, and do many other things with so they don't have to continuosly poke them to get these things done....Devonn's came out awhile ago because it was fishing itself out. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK RYLEY WE LOVE YOU!!!!:)
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Saturday, June 11, 2005 6:48 PM CDT

Today the boys are doing well. They are both eating, Ryley is still at 12cc every 2 hours, and Devonn is currently at 5cc every 2 hours for 12 hours and then they will increase him again. They will be removing Ryley's broviac catheter in the next week probably. Well let's all pray that they continue to stay on this great path and continue to get bigger. Ryley's weight today is 2#6oz and Devonn's weight is 2#7oz Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Friday, June 10, 2005 1:11 PM CDT

Today Ryley and Devonn are 6 weeks old today. They are both doing fine, Devonn is in about 30-50% oxygen. Ryley is still about 30-40% oxygen. Ryley is 2#7oz. today and Devonn is 2#5oz. Devonn is still at 2cc every 2 hours on his feedings, and they are going to increase it 1 cc every 12 hours same thing that Ryley did. They will go up to 13cc. Ryley's feedings are going well and still the same. Well that's all for now I will update later. It's amazing what a week can do for these boys.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:11 PM CDT

Here's a GREAT update!!!! Devonn was taken off of the oscillator and put on the regular ventilator!!!!! Also, he is at ROOM AIR or 21% oxygen!!!!!! KEEP IT UP DEVONN WE ALL LOVE YOU!!! :) Also, Devonn started eating again today, they started him at 2cc every 2 hours so far he was handling it well.
Ryley is also doing well, he is still eating 12cc every 2 hours which he is handling fine. He is doing fine on the ventilator about 30-40% oxygen. WAY TO GO RYLEY!!!!
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Wednesday, June 8, 2005 2:24 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing good today...Ryley is getting fed again, they started him at 6cc every 2 hours for three feedings and if he handles them fine they will bump him back up to where he was before at 12cc every 2 hours. His oxygen needs have been pretty much in 40% all day today. There is still no infection that has showed up on his cultures so that is a good thing. WAY TO GO RYLEY KEEP EATING!!!!! :)
Devonn is doing fine, the infection was still there when they did a culture today so he got another dose of medication for it. They will check the culture again in a couple of days and see if it is still there, if it is he will get another dose of medication. He has been coming down on his vent settings today, so the lower he gets on his vent settings the closer he is to coming off of the oscillator and back on the regular ventilator. KEEP GROWING DEVONN!!!! :) Devonn's weight for today is 2#7oz and that is a true weight without all of the extra fluid. That's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 7:02 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing fine today. They stopped Ryley's feedings today because his stomach had dark spots on it when the did the ultrasound so they just are making sure that it is not anything to worry about and they will probably put him back on his feedings tomorrow. They did some cultures on him to check for infection because he wasn't acting liek himself today, so they are jsut making sure that there is no infection. So far they have shown nothing which is a good thing. Devonn is doing fine. He has been at pretty much 40% oxygen needs today. There is nothing new otherwise...Ryley gained 10 grams today, and Devonn lost 60 grams which is ok because he still is losing some of the fluid that he was retaining. Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Monday, June 6, 2005 5:14 PM CDT

Ryley and Devonn are doing good today THANK GOD!!! I can now say that we are the proud parents of 2 2pound babies!!!! Ryley has officially broken the 2# mark he is 2# 3.5 oz. all them feedings are going well. He is officially off of the extra IV nutrients because he is getting enough formula..He is now on an a special formula, one that helps build their bones!!! We are still attempting the breastmilk thing but that is not going so well at this point. Ryley is also 35.5cm which converts to 14 inches so he has grown 2 whole inches since he was born!!!! WAY TO GO RYLEY!!!!!
Devonn is doing good he is peeing great!!!!! They have discontinued his diuretic meds and also his blood pressure medication!!!!!! Devonn is 12 grams short of 2#9oz which will be probably lowering in the next couple of days he will lose because of all the fluid that he retained when he was not peeing, but he will still be above the 2# mark...Devonn has also grown a whole 2 inches he is 14.5 inches!!!!! KEEP IT UP DEVONN!!!!! That's all the news for now I will update later.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn :)

Sunday, June 5, 2005 7:20 PM CDT

Well today was a good day for Ryley and Devonn...They were baptized this afternoon. They handled that very well. Ryley is still handling his feedings very well WAY TO GO RYLEY!!!!!:)
Devonn is still peeing very well and he looks alot better today not so puffy and he also lost some weight from retaining all of that fluid. They discontinued some of his medications that he was on to help him pee and also one that helps control his blood pressure. KEEP IT UP DEVONN WE ALL LOVE YOU LOVE MOM AND DAD!!!:) well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Sunday, June 5, 2005 1:01 PM CDT

well the boys are doing better...Devonn is now peeing but he is peeing too much but they are not going to complain He is doing fine otherwise. Ryley is doing fine he is now up to 10cc every 2 hours and he is handling that fine. Other than that there is nothing new. Keep up the good work We love you Ryley and Devonn.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Saturday, June 4, 2005 7:35 PM CDT

OK So here's the update.....Devonn finally started peeing right after rounds hopefully he keeps peeing!!!!!!And his oxygen needs came down to about 50% his blood pressure is good...so let's all keep praying for Devonn so that he continues to get better...Ryley is doing fine he is at 8cc every 2 hours..if he continues to do fine with that he will go up to 9cc at 200am...the maximum amount that they will go up to for right now is 12cc every 2 hours..Well that's all for now I will update later..KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK RYLEY AND DEVONN MOM AND DAD LOVE YOU!!!!:)
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Saturday, June 4, 2005 2:10 PM CDT

Well, Devonn's blood pressure is where it should be, his oxygen needs are not too high they are in about 70%. He still is not peeing, he had a little bit in his diaper but it is nothing consistent. The next 24 hours are going to be critical because he needs to pee!!!! They are going to give him another diuretic that will go along with the one that he is one and hopefully that will work.When they did an ultrasound of his kidneys they had good blood flow and there was urine in his bladder but they are unsure as to why it is not coming out. WELL LET'S ALL PRAY THAT HE STARTS PEEING SOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!
Ryley is doing fine he is now up to 8cc of feedings and his max for right now is 12cc....he is doing fine. Well that's all for now I will update later
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Friday, June 3, 2005 3:00 PM CDT

Okay everybody we need the prayer chain going in high gear....Devonn is not doing so well today...he has some kind of infection in his lungs on his ventilator tube, they are giving him the best medication for it but there is a chance that he could not survive it. He also has not peed since last night so they are giving him a diuretic to make him pee, his blood pressure has also been kind of low, but they put him on the blood pressure medication and since then his blood pressure has been pretty good. SO LET'S ALL PRAY FOR DEVONN THAT HE MAKES IT THROUGH THIS INFECTION...
Ryley is doing fine, his oxygen needs are in the 60's which is higher then they would like him but he is doing fine otherwise..he is now getting fed 6cc every 2 hours as of 2:00pm and they will increase it again at 2:00am if he is handling them well. Just to give you a little description of how much 6cc is, well 30cc is 1 ounce...so he still has a little ways to go but he is slowly getting there....KEEP IT UP RYLEY!!!! We love you both...
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, June 2, 2005 9:33 PM CDT

Well 5 weeks old today!!! Ryley is doing fine, they increased his feedings today to 4cc every 2 hours and instead of waiting until the next day to increase his feedings they are going to increase them every 12 hours...so at 200 in the morning he will be up to 5cc WAY TO GO RYLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Devonn is still on the oscillator his oxygen needs are up and down still, they started him on a muscle relaxer tonight to relax him so that he will not fight the oscillator that is better that he stays calm...Well that's all the news for now. I will update later
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:17 PM CDT

Today the boys have had a pretty good day for the most part. Ryley was using 100% oxygen at one point and they were talking about putting him on the oscillator and he must have heard them because he quickly changed things around. They also switched the size of his ventilator tube and gave him a bigger one and that has been working better for him. He has been between 40-50% oxygen since then. I also got current weights and lengths on the boys and it is so amazing on how much they have grown.Ryley is now eating 3cc every 2 hours. Ryley is 1#14oz and 13.5inches long so he has grown 1.5 inches since he was born YEAH Ryley Keep it up!!!!!
Devonn has also had a pretty good day he was sleeping and relaxing all of the day. He is handling the oscillator very well, he is in approximately 60% oxygen. Devonn's weight is 2#5oz and also 13.5inches long he has grown 1 inch since he was born!!!! His weight will probably go down a little bit tomorrow because he was retaining fluid, he was deciding not to pee again...but they were also talking about catheterizing him and he must have heard them and very quickly decided to pee and the nurse said he had a large POOP so that is good too. So he will probably be down around 2# tomorrow but that is ok KEEP IT UP DEVONN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well that's all for now I will update later.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn
They will be 5 weeks old already tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! Time flies

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:18 PM CDT

Well things have changed since the last update...Ryley is doing fine, he has an urine infection of some sort, he is getting 1 antibiotic to treat it, he is handling it fine. He started getting fed again yesterday, he is now up to 2cc every 2 hours. On Sunday night when he was measured he was 34.5cm which converts to 14 inches, so he has grown 2 inches. Devonn however was put on the oscillator last night, because he was requiring alot more help than what the conventional ventilator could give him. He is ranging anywhere from 43%-75%for O2 needs. He is getting medication for infection in case that is what is causing all of this. He is getting medication for sedation to keep him calm and not so agitated. Well that is all for now. I will update later.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Sunday, May 29, 2005 6:21 PM CDT

Ryley was having a rough night and morning today...He was pretty agitated, he didn't want to be messed with. They stopped his feedings again in case it is an infection and they are also giving him antibiotics to make sure if it is an infection that they are helping him fight it. Devonn is doing fine today, his feedings are now 2cc every 2 hours. When I called this afternoon to check on the boys, Ryley was settled down and being pretty good, he is still requiring alot of oxygen but that could be possible infection. Devonn was still doing fine when I called. That's all for today. I will update later.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Saturday, May 28, 2005 1:59 PM CDT

Well Ryley and Devonn are doing fine today...They increased Ryley's feedings to 3cc every 2 hours. Devonn is still getting fed 1 cc every 2 hours. Devonn got put back on a regular ventilator yesterday he is handling that well. I finally got to hold Devonn today, and I can hold Ryley today. Well that's all the news for now.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, May 26, 2005 5:30 PM CDT

Happy 1 MONTH BIRTHDAY RYLEY AND DEVONN...Ryley and Devonn had their 1 month head ultrasounds done yesterday, they looked good. They have had a good day, pretty quiet and relaxed. There are no changes for today. Ryley is still getting fed via feeding tube 1cc every 2 hours. Ryley's weight was up 10 grams, he is up to 665 grams which is 15 grams less that 1#8oz. Devonn's weight is still around 2 pounds...Yeah they are getting bigger that is good. Well that's all for now, I will update later
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 4:45 PM CDT

Sorry it's been a couple of days since the last update, but the boys have been doing fine. Ryley is eating as of yesterday, he is eating 1cc every 2 hours, they will maybe increase it tomorrow. He is doing fine since his surgery. Devonn is on a different ventilator now, it is called a jet ventilator, it gives him rapid mini breaths instead of a constant pressure, he seems to be tolerating this ventilator a lot better now. He will maybe be eating by the end of the week, but that is not a definite. Well that's all for now, let's keep up the prayers!!!
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn
Just to let you know that there are new pictures on here.

Saturday, May 21, 2005 1:32 PM CDT

Well finally the surgeries are over..they all went well. The boys are doing well today still have a long ways to go before they are able to come home. Well that's all for now
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Friday, May 20, 2005 7:42 PM CDT

Just a quick update...Devonn had his surgery and all went well, it took a little bit after be got back from the operating room for them to get him comfortable but he is doing fine now. Ryley had his surgery after Devonn and his went well also, he had his eyes open when I got up to look at him. He is doing fine. I will update later.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Friday, May 20, 2005 9:32 AM CDT

Ok so every day is changing all the time...I just got off the phone with the dr. they are also do Ryley's surgery today after Devonn's. Thru the night last night he was showing signs that this PDA was stressing him out. so they have decided instead of waiting until Monday when his condition could be worse they are just going to get it done tonight. So that's all for right now, I will update later. Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, May 19, 2005 4:50 PM CDT

Well ok so alot has changed since the last update...the surgery was not today as they were originally planning...they were going to try and wait it out until absolutely necessary because when looking at Ryley's Heart echogram his looked like it was starting to close he is actually doing fine but it's the big picture that they look at with his labs and xray's and o2 needs and everything. Devonn's didn't look any smaller but they wanted to wait until maybe they got a little bigger.But today, they were looking at Devonn again because his O2 needs were increasing and he's just not getting any better, they would rather do the surgery now than before he gets any worse and it has to be an emergency surgery instead of a planned surgery. Ryley's suregery is tentatively set for 1130 on Monday, his depends on his weekend. If his labs come back and they are not very good that would be a factor, also his xrays and many other things. So 400 on Friday is when Devonn has his surgery, the actual surgery takes less that 1/2 hour the part that takes the longest is getting them warm and keeping them warm. So that's it for now I will update tomorrow as soon as possible.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn
Let's keep the prayers going:)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 4:50 PM CDT

Hello all...Here is just a quick update...Let's get our prayers going...Ryley and Devonn need to have surgery to close their PDA (this is a blood vessel that is outside of their hearts when they are inside of the womb) They will be going in to surgery on Thursday morning starting at 11:30 and Devonn will be at 12:30. This is a common surgery for preemies because this generally doesn't close on it's own.It is generally suppose to close on full term babies after they are born but it generally doesn't close on preemies. Today they are both stable..The reason Ryley has to have surgery is because the left side of his heart is enlarged, yes he is still in the low 20's for oxygen use and he is not showing any signs of this PDA complicating anything but with the left side of the heart enlarged means that this PDA is putting to much stress on the heart. Devonn is getting blood flow stolen from the lower half of his body because of this PDA. Well that's all for now everyone.We thank you all for all the thoughts and prayers that you are doing, I will update later...
Love Jon,Brandy Ryley and Devonn

Monday, May 16, 2005 7:49 PM CDT

Ryley is doing fine...He is in the low 20's for oxygen. He really did a turn since last week...Devonn on the other hand is not doing so good...His oxygen needs are up it could be because of the PDA, that has opened back up, could be because of an infection at this point they are unsure but they are treating him for infections until they get the results back. They will look at how he is doing in the next couple of days to determine if he needs surgery or not to close his PDA. Ryley's PDA has also opened back up but he is not showing that it is bothering him in any way. Well let's all pray for Devonn that his PDA closes on it's own..I will update later
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Friday, May 13, 2005 3:36 PM CDT

Ok...So Ryley is handling the ventilator very well...he is really happy on it...He was at 21% room air up until 300pm and then they had to bump him up a little bit because his O2 sats were starting to drop down. His last blood sugar that they did was at 90 that is really good.
Devonn is doing fine...They were just up to do another heart echo to look at his PDA and it is bigger in size so they are going to decrease his fluids and they are going to give him Lasix and see if drying him out a little bit they said that sometimes helps. On Monday they will reassess the situation and give him another heart echo and if it doesn't look any better they will have to go in and do surgery but it is a simple surgery of just going in through his left side and tying off that blood vessel and putting a couple of steri strips on the cut... So lets pray for Ryley and Devonn and make sure that everything goes well...
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Friday, May 13, 2005 12:44 AM CDT

Well let's all pray for Ryley...He is now off of the oscillator as of 12:15p.m. today, he was put back onto the regular ventilator so hopefully he does fine with it. Ryley's weight is 1#8oz so he weighs more than what he did when he was born..Devonn is doing well with his feedings, they are increasing him to 3cc every 2 hours. His weight is the same as yesterday, which is 1#10oz. more than his birth weight. They are going to be giving him another blood transfusion because his hemoglobin is borderline..the Dr. would like to see it at least 12 and his was at 10.4 this morning. They are going to do another heart echo today to see if his PDA has changed in size, when the Dr. listened this morning she said she could still hear it, it was loud but that could mean that it is smaller, they are just checking it out agin to make sure. So today is a big day for Ryley and he is taking a big step going off of the oscillator..and Devonn is getting to eat more!!!! Thanks all for your thoughts and prayers for us and the boys..
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, May 12, 2005 1:10 PM CDT

2weeks old today Well I finally got report...Ryley is doing about the same...They are hoping to get him off of the oscillator in the next couple of days, the are going to gradually turn his settings down and try and get him back on the normal ventilator. He had to get more blood last night because his hemoglobin was low.
Devonn is doing fine, tolerating the feedings fine. He had to get blood this morning because his hemoglobin was low also. Well that's all for now will update later.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, May 12, 2005 10:51 AM CDT

Ok, I haven't got a Doctor report yet today.But I just got here and they are both about the same as yesterday. Ryley's blood pressure is just about the same, still up and down, but otherwise he is doing fine. Devonn is still doing fine, eating 2cc every 2 hours. Today their weights are Ryley almost 1#8oz, and with him not eating that is good, Devonn is 1#10oz so he is gaining weight. It is so hard to tell if it is fluid weight gain. Well that's all for now, I will update you more later after report.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 2:03 PM CDT

Well another day....Ryley is plateued his blood pressure has been pretty stable for today. He is back done to 44% on his ocillator. To begin with he was using 100% of oxygen, so 44% is a much better number. His blood sugar has been up and down since Monday night but now it is pretty much stable. He needs to be sedated so that he cannot fight the machines, when he is awake his blood pressure is too high and he tries to breathe on his own, but when he is sleeping his blood pressure stays at a good rate and he isn't fighting anything. Like I said they are both our little fighters!! At the report today they are hoping that he will be able to be off the ocillator and back on the other ventilator in the next few days, but his O2 needs need to come back done closer to 21%. He is not eating right now of course so when he gets to go back on the other ventilator he will be able to start eating again. Devonn is doing fine, he is eating 2cc every 2 hours and they might increase that in the next couple of days depending on how he handles the 2cc. So far he is handling it very well. The goal is to get him bigger before they try and challenge him again with the cpap machine. Well that's all for now. We appreciate all the praying that everyone is doing for us. We thank you!!
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:27 AM CDT

Well it's kind of a down day for Ryley, he was put on an ocillator last night because his color was not good, his blood pressure was low and his heartbeat was up and down....He is not eating while he is on medication for his blood pressure.He is sedated so that they can get everything done to him and he is comfortable. Devonn however is doing fine he is now eating 2cc every two hours. Well that's all for now I will write more later.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Monday, May 9, 2005 12:30 AM CDT

Well another day, The boys are doing fine..Ryley and Devonn are both getting fed 1cc every two hours. Today when the nurse was doing Ryley's cares he had his eyes wide open the majority of the time. Devonn has an infection so he is getting an antibiotic. Well that's all for now.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Sunday, May 8, 2005 5:16 PM CDT

Just an update for today...Ryley and Devonn are doing fine. I held Devonn today he responded very well to it. He opened his eyes alot today. Ryley also was opening his eyes alot today. Well I will update later that's all for now.
Love Jon,Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Saturday, May 7, 2005 2:46 PM CDT

Just an update for today....everything is going fine with Ryley and Devonn, I just got done holding Ryley for an hour and a half. I will hold Devonn later on today.
Be back later for another update
Love Jon, Brandy, Ryley and Devonn

Friday, May 6, 2005 1:55 PM CDT

Just another quick update...Devonn now has an infection, he is getting an antibiotic for it. Ryley's pda is not closing on it's own it is still the same size as it was the other day so he will start the medication and they will stop feeding him for a couple of days. They will recheck it again in a couple of days to see where it is at in size. Devonn's pda is smaller in size than it was the other day, so the medication has helped it. They will check it in awhile again and see where it is at. It is closing with the help of the medication so that is a good thing. He will start eating in a couple of days again. Ryley and Devonn are intubated, they will try and extuabte them next week sometime. More updates as soon as I get some more.
Love Jon, Brandy, Ryley and Devonn

Friday, May 6, 2005 10:46 AM CDT

Just a quick update for right now, Devonn had to be put back on the respirator this morning at 630 he decided that he didn't want to breathe again, I think that he is rebelling because they are not feeding him because of the medication that he is on. I will give another update later.
Love Jon, Brandy,Ryley and Devonn

Thursday, May 5, 2005 2:10 PM CDT

Well yesterday was kind of a day of tests. They had their chest ultrasounds and head ultrasounds. The reason for the chest ultrasounds was because the Doctor heard a heart murmur on both of the boys. I got the results back for that last night. There is a little spot in the heart that is suppose to close by the time that babies are born and with premature babies it generally does not close and that is the case with the boys, Ryley's spot is moderate in size so the Doctor's are hoping that it will close by itself, if it doesn't however he will be put on medication. Devonn's spot however is a little larger in size and he is on the medication, it is a 3 dose medication and while he is on it he is not able to be fed. He is mad, he sucks on his respirator he is so hungry. We got the results for the head ultrasound today at 12:45 and Ryley has a little spot in his head where there is bleeding, the Doctor said that with it being so little the body usually clears it up, they will be doing another head ultrasound in 1 week to see where it is at. Devonn's head ultrasound looked Perfect that was the Doctor's exact words. Also Ryley has an infection that the nurses need to gown and glove for just as a precautinary measure. Today Devonn's glucose has been all over the board, he is now getting some blood work done because he was high again. Ryley is getting some more blood today because his hemoglobin was low again. This is a common occurance in preemies. Well that's all for right now. Next update I get I will be sure to update all of you.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
Love Jon, Brandy, Ryley and Devonn

Wednesday, May 4, 2005 1:38 PM CDT

Today the boys are doing fine, what a rollercoaster ride though. Yesterday afternoon they were putting a pict line in(permanent IV) in Devonn and they gave him a sedative so that he would not be anxious through this and he decided that he did not want to breathe anymore, so they had to intubate him again, he should get that taken out again by the weekend but remember that he has pretty much been breathing on his own since Saturday. Ever since then he has been doing fine. Ryley is doing fine, he has an infection that they found on Friday so the nurses just have to take a little more precautions and wear gloves and gowns when they are doing anything with the boys. When the Doctor was listening to them this morning they heard a heart murmur on both of the boys. There is a little spot in the heart that generally closes by the time that they are born but sometimes it does not so they are going to do an ultrasound today and see what it is. Also they are getting there head ultrasounds today, what they are looking for here is to see if there is any bleeding in the head. This is something they do all the time. Well there is an update for today. Other than everything that has been going on they are doing pretty good.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 1:33 PM CDT

Today the boys are doing well. Ryley started eating Monday May 2, 2005. As of today they have increased the amount that Ryley is eating, he is eating 1cc every two hours via IV. Ryley is still on the respirator. Devonn is off the respirator as of Saturday April 30, 2005. He is doing well with the Cpap machine. He is eating 1cc every four hours via IV because of the cpap machine(breathing on his own) he is not digesting all of his food between feedings. Today while the nurse was changing his diaper, we had the other door open on the isolette and he was making noises also had both eyes open.

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