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Wednesday, November 9, 2011 3:24 AM CST

I apologize for the delay in updating! Three kids sure do keep you on your feet!

I cannot believe that it is November already! The summer was great for the kids and we spent a lot of time at the lake. Riese even tried to water ski! It feels like summer was so long ago!

Riese started the 3rd grade at St. Mary's in September. The school year has been going great so far and she is doing fantastic in school...or at least she makes me believe that she is :) She loves to read Junie B. Jones books and I think is starting to like math a little better :) This summer her 2nd grade teacher Ms. Mattheisen was able to tutor her a couple times during the week, and her math sure did come a long way! I am so proud of her and even though she has some learning delays, she amazes me with how hard she tries. I always remind myself how much worse that it could be for her.

On a sad note.....Riese's cardiologist, Dr. Singh retired a couple weeks ago. I cry just thinking and writing about it! It's hard to even find the words of thanks for such a special human being. It was great to see him for her last visit last month and we even made it to his retirement party at the hospital last Friday. Riese painted a canvas picture for him and she did such a great job! He will GREATLY be missed, to say the least....I still cannot believe that he wont be at the hospital when she goes back. Luckily there are lots of others I trust at the Heart Clinic...but there will never be anyone like Dr. Singh. We are so fortunate to have had him when we did.....and for making this journey just a little bit easier and understandable (if that at all makes sense:). We love you Dr. Singh!!!

Riese's health has been doing ok and her heart is looking fine for the moment. I ran through a list of questions with Dr. Singh before I didnt have the chance again! I asked him what he thought of Riese's heart future. He said that she will definitly need a heart transplant (which we already knew), and it could be this year or it could be 10 years down the road. At some point in the future, her right and only ventricle is going to start having ventricular arrythmias. If you dont know what an arrythmia is, it is an abnormal rhythm of the heart. SOme different types of ventricular arrythmias are: Ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrilation, premature ventricular contractions....to name a few. Once we notice an arrythmia, she will need to be placed on the heart transplant list. So, from now until then, they will just keep up with her pacemaker checks every 3 months along with her cardiologist visits to monitor just like they have been doing. It all scares me....to say the least, I just hope that it will not be for a long time.

I brought Riese to see her pediatrician yesterday as well. She has been complaining of headaches the last couple of months and they have been progressivly getting worse the last couple weeks. Dr. Carlsen scheduled an MRI tomorrow at the hospital...so I am praying that it all checks out good. I am sure that everything is ok.....I just dont want her to have to struggle with these headaches anymore.....Tylenol just isnt cutting it anymore and we cannot give her any NSAIDs because of being on coumadin. Please pray for the headaches to go away!!

Other than that, Riese is doing great :) She is in dance and piano....and is trying to convince us that she should take up violin as well :) Watching Riese, Clare and Henry play is just wonderful.......they love eachother so much (well, most of the time:), and I am so glad that they have eachother. Clare is now 3 and Henry almost 18 months....and Riese is so great with them both and they love her so much. Clare calls her "Rieser" and Henry calles her "Rahh." Robb and I are doing great as well!! We are staying busy keeping up with these kiddos!

We hope that you are all doing well! Have a great Holiday season......and a happy and safe 2012 :)


I will try to be better at updating :) Thanks for all of your support this year...you are all truly a gift to our family:)

Monday, April 25, 2011 1:32 PM CDT

Riese is doing well! She has healed and another scare is behind us.....one that I hope her, nor her family will ever have to endure again. Although I know that there will be more scary days down the road.......I am reminded once again to enjoy every second of every day that I have with my children. Another little girl lost her life to HLHS this weekend......I have been keeping up on her mothers blog and I came across this poem from another heart mom.....

When I became a heart mother...

One day my world
came crashing down,
I'll never be the same.
They told me that
my child was sick...
I thought, am I to blame?
I don't think I can handle this...
I'm really not that strong.
It seemed my heart
was breaking...
As, I'd loved her for so long.
I will not give up on this child...
despite your best "advice".
I will give my child a chance...
No matter what the price.
And I will learn all that I need...
to help my child to thrive.
I'll even use that feeding tube...
My child will survive!
Will he require therapy?
What if he can't gain weight?
Alright God I can do this...
I will not curse our fate.
The feeding pump beeps,
at 3:00 a.m.
It serves as my reminder...
How many parents would
welcome that sound?
Tomorrow Lord,
I will be kinder.
Another angel earns
their wings...
and I run to my sleeping
child's bed...
I watch her then, for
quite awhile...
Bend down and kiss her head
Then I cry for the parents
whose lives have been broken,
And I look to God
wondering why?
Oh Lord, I just can't
know your ways...
No matter how I try.
And yet, I trust You to
hold her life,
And guide us through
each day
My mind says savor each
moment she's here...
But my heart whispers,
"Please let her stay".
From... pacing the
surgical waiting room...
to sitting by her hospital bed...
From... wishing for a
good night's sleep...
to learning every med...
From wondering will
she be alright?
to watching her reach
out her hands.
With every smile, my
heart just melts..
despite life's harsh demands
For all who see
that faded line...
I look to them and smile...
You see, my child is
loved so much...
I would face any trial.
That same scar I trace
with my finger...
It's the door to her
beautiful heart
I never guessed how
much I'd love her...
Just as YOU loved her
right from the start
A heart mom is
always a heart mom...
Now wise beyond her years
And for those who have
angels in heaven...
Our hearts share in
all of your tears.
Everyday I will strive
to remember...
You chose me for her
and no other
And I will embrace
that beautiful day...
When I became a "heart mother".

~Stephanie Husted

We hope that you all had a wonderful Easter.........we enjoyed ours to the fullest :)


Friday, March 4, 2011 8:30 PM CST

Riese was discharged from the hospital this afternoon! The doctors discharged her as long as she was close to the hospital....so she is staying the weekend with her dad and Steph in Plymouth. She will be getting her labs drawn through the weekend at Children's to make sure that her INR level is in the range that they want it to be at. I am so greatful that she is able to be with her dad this weekend and be out of the hospital.....but i am having a very hard time being away from her with all that happened this week. I just got off of the phone with Grandma Tammy who is also staying the weekend with her (along with Gramps:) and she said that she is doing great and eating food like a champ. So, I am hoping to get some sleep tonight...knowing that she is in great hands.

I drove home today with my little Hank and he was a gem the whole way home. Those 2 hours that it took to drive home I spent thinking about Monday night and the nightmare that Riese went through. All I kept thinking and wondering was when is this little girl going to get a break? I just want her to be a little kid. A little heathy kid that only has to worry about school and dance class. And all i want to worry about is if she is getting good grades and having good friends. I dont want her to have to worry about her next needle poke or her next surgery or what is going to happen the next time that she is sick. I dont want her to have to talk to me about heaven and tell me that even though she feels better now she would have been happy with Jesus too. But, I am so happy that she can talk to me about those things and that she isnt scared. She is such an amazing little girl and i am so lucky to have her as my daughter. She has taught me so much.....so much about life, love an living. She has once again crossed another hurdle and has shown everyone yet another miracle:)

We have so many people to thank. The whole Children's medical staff was once again wonderful. The doctors, nurses, respiratory therapist, lab staff, pharmacy team.....words cannot even express our gratitude for saving Riese's life once again. To the ER staff at Childrens who had to deal with me.......thanks for handling me the way that you did. And the ER staff at the Douglas County Hosptial......thanks for getting Riese out of there (Krissy:) A special thanks to Janet Bolm......the nursing supervisor on that night at Children's who met me when i got there and i was at my worst. It was so nice that she was working that night......she is from Alexandria and i cannot even tell you how nice it was that she was there. I just want to thank everyone who works at Children's........that place is the best place ever and everyone there is just.....great. Thank you to all of you........all of the prayers and support just mean the world to all of us. I dont know where we would be if we didnt have all of you there as our rock.......just absolutly wonderful.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.....................


Thursday, March 3, 2011 10:01 PM CST

Riese is continuing to get better. She is both very physically and mentally exhausted but she is getting some much needed rest here in the hospital. The docs say that it may take a few weeks for her body to recover from what happened on Monday night. We continue to be in the Cardiac ICU, but we are hoping to be discharged sometime Saturday or Sunday. They are keeping a close eye on her INR level (the thickness of her blood) and will not let her leave unless it is 2.5-3.5 consistantly for a few days.

We want to thank everyone again for all of the prayers and support. It has been a rough and emotional week for all of us and are looking forward to putting this bad situation behind us (although i know it will never be forgoten). I just thank god that she got to Childrens in time and the right decision was made to airlift her...because if not, who knows would have happened if she would have taken the ambulance to the cities.....UGHHH, i am still in shock with all that happened to her.

Please continue to pray for Riese's healing. We are planning on bringing her to Florida next week to get even some more rest and relaxation in the warm Florida sun. We got the ok from the docs as long as she continues to progress these next few days.

I wish that i could thanks all of you each independently, your care and concern has really helped us get through yet another hurdle :)


Wednesday, March 2, 2011 7:56 AM CST

Riese had a wonderful night last night! I can believe that 36 hours ago i didnt know if I was ever going to see her alive again............and i cant believe that those words are acually coming out of my mouth. THe docs rounded this morning and said that we can take some of her IV's out, start giving her some food and get her out of bed to get some excercise. They told her to plan on boredom! They said yesterday to plan on 3-5 days, but it may now be longer and we should know more later today.

Thanks again for all of the prayers, support and nice comments......i just printed off all of the comments to read to Riese this morning....she cant wait to hear them all!

I will update more later!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011 10:59 AM CST

Riese's breathing tube was taken out a couple hours ago and she is resting right now. The first thing she asked was if we called Jeanne at school to make sure that they knew that she wouldnt be there today :) So, we pretty much know that the seizures didnt do any permanent damage. She is still looking a little rough, but all of her vitals are looking good at the moment.

The CT scan looked good, as I said before. So, they believe that the seizures were a direct responce to loosing so much blood (around 2000 mls).

They are going to be keeping her here for 3-5 days to watch the bleeding and make sure that what happened yesterday doesnt happen again. The chance of it happening again is slim and if it does, it will not be as bad as it was yesterday.

That is what i know at this point. THANK YOU so much for your continued prayers and support. I believe that we witnessed another miracle from Riese.

I will update as more information comes


Tuesday, March 1, 2011 4:16 AM CST

Riese was airlifted to Children's hopital late yesterday afternoon. She had her tonsils removed last monday for recurrent tonsilitis and strep throat and did well until yesterday. I kept her home from school all last week, and we decided that she was ready to go back and she felt as though she was strong enough.

I picked her up from school after work and realized that her throat was bleeding. I decided to bring her to the ER in Alexandria. The moment we walked into the ER, she threw up a very large amount of blood...and continued to do so.

Long story short.....they airlifted her to Children's. I got a call about an hour later stating that she was doing great, and i was on my way...about to Monticello. I wasnt able to ride along becuase there was no room for me. As I pulled into Children's i recieved a call from my Dad, who was here in the cities.....saying that Riese was in trouble.

Right after they had called me saying that Riese was doing well, she started to have seizures as they were transporting her through the tunnel from Abbott to Childrens. They brought her to the Emergency Room were luckily my dad and Riese's dad and Steph were able to come and meet her. She continued to Seize and from what i heard was a very very scarry situation with approx 18 people working on her. She was then brought to the OR to stop the bleed in her throat.

I ran as fast as i could to find the Emergency department....the scariest moment of my life to this point. I thought we were loosing he......and by the sounds of it, we were very close

We waited, and waited......what seemed like forever to get a word on how she was doing. The doc finally came up to talk with us, and said that one of the scabs came off and that is what caused the bleed and what happened to her only happens to 1f children after a tonsilectomy. The other part is that she takes coumadin, a blood thinner...which may have made it worse.
Her Hemaglobin was also at a 4......very serious.

The next step was to get her to CT to see why she was having the seizures. Either a blood clot traveled to her brain, she had a brain bleed, she was hypoxic......many different senarios. Luckily, there was no clot. They think that she was hypoxic (her body was deprived of oxygen) and hypovolemic (severe blood/volume loss), maybe hypovolemic shock. We dont really know exactly at this point.....but just hoping that there are no long term effects.

So....we come to this point.....4:15 in the morning. She is intubated (breathing tube), on many meds to keep her comfortable, her heart strong, and lots of blood products. She is starting to wake a little. They will be doing a chest xray soon to see if she has aspiration pnneumonia.....they think that she aspirated blood when she was seizing.

It was the scariest, most terrible day of my life yesterday......and i hope that i, nor anyone else i know has to go through or witness what we all did. I pray that she is ok and that she can recover from this.

Thanks for your prayers and ongoing support......they are all needed right now.

Please leave a message for Riese, as I will read them to her when she wakes up......


Friday, June 4, 2010 9:21 AM CDT

Riese is the proud new sister of a baby brother!!! Henry Robb Buttweiler was born on June 1st at 9:49 PM. He weighed 8 lbs 6 oz and is doing great!!! We will update more and post pictures soon.


Sunday, April 4, 2010 9:53 PM CDT

Wow, it has been forever since I have last updated!! Things have been very busy in our house hold as usual! Riese has been doing great and can’t believe that her school year is coming to an end. We saw Dr Singh a few months ago and everything checked out great. She hasn’t gained much weight in the last year, but that doesn’t seem to be of any concern. It is hard to believe that her last heart surgery was just a little over a year ago, and the fact that she hasn’t had to be cardioverted since then is amazing to me. She is still on lots of meds, mostly for her arrhythmia, blood pressure, congestive heart failure, etc…………………but the meds seem to be keeping her heart working well. I hate the meds myself………the fact that I just know too much about them and what they can be doing to her little body and her organs. I am bothered by the fact that the Amioderone that she gets we stock in our crash cart at work for people who go into cardiac arrest………………..But, I do know that the benefits of them outweigh the risks of what might happen if she doesn’t take them. Sometimes I think that being a nurse makes me more of a worrier than anything because I know too many possibilities. The fact is, she is doing great as far as we can see from the outside…………she is a happy little girl who has very minimal complaints!

Riese continues to be busy with dance and playing with her rough little sister. I have never seen two siblings love each other so much! Riese is so kind and patient with Clare, who is now 18 months old, and you can just see how much they love each other! Even though they are 5 ½ years apart, they play and get along so well with each other. It will be interesting to see what happens when the next arrival comes! I know that Riese will do great, but am clueless on how Clare will react. Once again we didn’t find out the sex of this baby, but we will be finding out in less than 9 short weeks. We will have a busy summer at our house, but at least I will be done with school! I have 5 weeks left and I will finally be done with my RN.

We also brought Riese on her Make-A-Wish trip in the beginning of January. We brought her on a Walt Disney Cruise to the Bahamas. It wasn't as warm as we thought it was going to be, but Riese had a blast and so did we! We did lots of stuff like swimming with the dolphins, going to great plays like "Toy Story," and Riese met all of the characters.........more than once! She even got a private meeting with Mickey Mouse............WOW wat that a hit! It was great to see her so happy and to have so much fun! We left Clare at home with family, so it was nice for Riese to get some one on one time with Robb and I.

We hope that you all had a great Easter! I prayed extra hard for the families who have lost their little ones to HLHS these past few months………….especially little Sterling who was 9 months old and little Hazel who was just 2 weeks old. I constantly am grateful for the 6…………..almost 7 years that we have had with Riese! It is her golden birthday next month, and we can’t wait to celebrate.
We see Dr. Singh next month, so I will update after that!


Sunday, December 27, 2009 8:54 PM CST

Just a quick update!!

Riese is doing well! She had a doctors appointment with Dr. Singh last week and things went well. She hasn't gained any weigh in the last 6 months, but she seems to be growing well otherwise. We are weaning her off of one of the 5 meds that she has been on the last 6 years.....lasix. She seems to be doing fine with it so far! Dr. Singh did put her on weather restrictions....she cant go outside if it is under 20 degrees. Her skin has been so sensitive to the cold weather and it seems to be slowing her down quite a bit. As long as things continue to do well, we dont have to see Dr. Singh until May.

We leave for Riese's Make-a-Wish trip on Friday!!! She will be going on a Disney Cruise to the Bahamas.....she is getting so excited! I will update new pics when we get back!

Some more exciting news.....we are expecting baby #3 in the beginning of June! I am done with school in the middle of May, so I am hoping that the baby waits until I am done!

Not much else is new. Christmas was fabulous and I cant believe that it is over. I will update after we get back from Riese's trip!!

Have a great New Year!


Friday, August 21, 2009 10:41 PM CDT

Happy Summer!! Well, end of summer anyways. Can’t believe that Riese starts 1st grade in less that 3 weeks! This summer has gone by way to fast! Riese is doing well. She is about all done with her summer activities, with the exception of gymnastics which she is in right now. She did all of her usually summer fun activities, but a couple had to be cut out because of a sprained ankle. She was jumping on the neighbors trampoline and came home crying saying that she landed on it wrong. I spent that night making sure that it stayed elevated with ice……that didn’t do much because she woke up the next morning and couldn’t walk and it was three times the size and badly bruised. I brought her in for x-rays and luckily there was no break but she tore all three ligaments in her ankle…which I think can sometimes be just as bad as a break! This all happened in June, and her ankle is still bruised but it has healed!

Riese and her little buddy (sister) Clare are still having a blast together! I swear that Clare has second child syndrome…..she is only 10 ½ months old but thinks she is just as old as her sister! Clare can tend to be like a bully at times…..pulling out Rieses hair, trying to poke her eyes out and the latest……Clare took a large toy car and slammed it across Riese’s face and knocked her tooth out! At 23+pounds and near the 100th percentile for everything, I feel that Clare is going to catch up really quick to little 40 pound Rieser! It is just so much fun seeing them interact and play so well together, they are like little best friends…..I just hope that they continue to like each other for many more years to come!

One thing that Riese has really enjoyed this summer was having Lemonade stands. Each summer we choose a place that we volunteer or do something for charity. Last summer we volunteered at the Humane Society where we played with the cats and walked the dogs and Riese gave part of her allowance to them. This year she decided to have lemonade stands and give all of her money to a charity. She hadn’t chosen anything until last week after she heard that a little boy in Alexandria, Cole Haabala, found out he had cancer and was going to spend a lot of time at Children’s this next year. She decided that Cole and his family should have the money since he is so sick……it brought many tears to my eyes, but it just reminded me what a big heart she has! She made close to $100 on her lemonade stands and plans on doing it next year! Cole needs many prayers…so here is his website if you are interested in visiting…….www.caringbridge.org/visit/colehaabala

Riese was also granted a wish from the “Make-a-Wish” foundation! They came to Alex to visit with Robb, Riese, Clare and myself. They brought both Riese and Clare lots of fun toys and gifts…..even a Make-a-Wish Barbie! Riese either wants to take a Disney Cruise or meet Taylor Swift!!! We will see what happens and I will keep you informed on what she gets! We are so excited for her…she really deserves a special trip just for herself!
Riese’s next checkup with Dr. Singh will not be until December as long as her pacemaker checks continue to look well. It is now 5 months post op heart surgery #6 and I still am amazed how far she has come in these 6 ½ years! She continues to amaze us at home with her silly and somewhat crazy personality…but it sure gives Robb, Clare and I something to smile about every day!

Have a great rest of the Summer! Mine will be over after this weekend, because I too myself will be going back to school. I am finishing my RN and I graduate in May! It will be a long 9 months, but I am looking forward to it being OVER! I will continue to post new pics and update as needed. Take care and have a great start to the new school year!


Thursday, May 7, 2009 8:13 PM CDT

Happy Birthday once again to our little miracle!!!! Hard to believe that Riese is 6! Riese had a wonderful day today. She woke up at 3 a.m. ready to start things off....we told her to go back to bed and all she wanted to do was stay up because it was her birthday day! Luckily, she went back to bed for a couple more hours! We brought her to Travelers Inn for a birthday breakfast and off to school she went....she had a great day at school! We hired "Giggles the clown" for her birthday party today. She had 16 girlfriends over and they had a blast! Riese suggested spagetti for dinner, and it surprisingly went well! I was a little worried, but the girls didnt make too much of a mess! Tinkerbell was her chosen theme, so they all enjoyed a big purple Tinkerbell cake for desert. It was a beautiful day outside, so they also spent a lot of time out of the house playing t-ball, riding Riese's John Deer Gator, playing on the swingset and writing with chalk on the driveway. It was so great to see Riese so happy!

Riese's health has been good! It is now over a month post op heart surgery and she is feeling great! We did have a little tooth incident a week after heart surgery....Riese told me that she had a tooth ache so i brought her in for an x-ray and they found that one of her molars was abcessed. They ended up having to pull it that same day. Riese told us that "it was worse than any of my heart surgeries." And it was! She HATED the novacain, but it was over relatively quickly. We are bringing her in to her dentist in the cities to have a spacer put in, since she wasnt supposed to loose that tooth until she turned 10 or so.

Thanks for all of the Birthday wishes! I will post some new pics of today soon! Enjoy the wonderful weather....I know that we will!


Monday, April 6, 2009 8:46 PM CDT

We have been home one week now and things are pretty much back to normal. Riese started school back up today and had so much fun! The kids were so excited to have her back and she was happy to be back with everyone again.

We had an appointment with Dr. Singh on Friday. He thought that she looked great! They did an X-ray which showed that her heart is more enlarged than before surgery...(which is to be expected with heart surgery) but she also has something called Ascites. Ascites is excess fluid in the space between the tissues lining the abdomen and abdominal organs (the peritoneal cavity). Ascites is typically caused by liver disease, but in Riese's case, I believe that it is associated with her congestive heart failure. Dr. Singh just wants us to continue giving her lasix (a diuretic) twice a day to hopefully make the situation better.

We also talked a lot to Dr. Moga before we left the hospital. He is really happy with the way that Riese's heart is looking and how surgery went. We did ask him when he though Riese's next heart surgery would be and he told us that if everything goes as he wants them too, maybe a decade. WOW! If we could go that long that would be amazing! Now.....that is if EVERYTHING goes as we want them to, so we will wait and see what happens! We will have to get her pacemaker generator replaced probably within 5-6 years.

Riese is still taking lots of medications for blood pressure, anti-arrythmia, coagulation, diuresis, etc., and we will plan on her taking them for quite a while. We are hoping that when the ascites gets better we can maybe back off on the lasix.

It is hard to believe that Riese is almost six and successfully made it through her sixth heart surgery! We are so proud of her and how strong she is. She is so excited about her Birthday next month! She is having a hard time deciding what theme to have......but she did decide that she wants a clown to come over to paint faces and make balloons!

Thanks to all of you for your kind words, support and prayers these past weeks during Riese's surgery and recovery. We really appreciate everyones support!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009 10:43 PM CDT

Just wanted to let everyone know that things are going great at home! We visited Riese's Kindergarten class today and it was great! Everyone was SO excited to see her and I acually had tears in my eyes seeing all of Riese's friends so happy to see her. They were giving her hugs and jumping for joy at the sight of her....we are so fortunate that Riese goes to such a wonderful school and has such a great teacher and friends.

I will update more after Riese's Dr appointment on Friday. It has been a long few days at our household.....not so much because of Riese, but Clare started teething like the second we got home on Sunday. So, off to bed I go and I promise I will update more over the weekend!


Monday, March 30, 2009 10:18 AM CDT

I just wanted to let everyone know that we made it home yesterday! They acually wanted to have us stay another day becuase Riese's INR level was only at 1.5. I talked to Dr. Haun.....the cardiologist that was on over the weekend and she said that we could go home as long as I would give her Lovenox injections every 12 hours for the next few days and also have her blood checked today in Alexandria. Riese is handling the Lovenox shots very well. Lovenox is a medication that thins the blood....kind of like Heparin. She slept great last night, unlike her sister Clare who decided to start teething! She woke up in some pain but, as usual, is handling it quite well!

I am taking her in to get her INR level checked after I am done with class today. I will update with some new pics when I get a chance!


Saturday, March 28, 2009 10:00 PM CDT

Riese is still in at Childrens but we are hoping to be going home tomorrow. Her INR level (the thickness of her blood) was too low (too thick) so they wanted her to have another day of IV Heparin. She also had some extra fluid in her lungs that they are hoping will clear a bit by tomorrow. She is still in a lot of pain at times and she tends to hunch over when she walks, but I did ask for a different kind of pain medicine and that is working wonders! She was just getting tylenol and she was trying to be tough by saying that she didnt need anything at all, but i could just see it in her eyes that she was very painful. I just didnt see that tylenol 4 times a day was enough for a little girl with a huge incision in her chest and two in her belly. So, she is now taking tylenol with codine and it is working wonderful. Riese had been such a trooper! We are so proud of her. She met a 32 year old who had heart surgery the day before her, he has been doctoring at Childrens since he was 4 and also has Dr. Singh as his Cardiologist. Riese found out that he was a doctor so she wanted to meet him and tell him that she wanted to be a doctor too when she grows up. It was so cool for her!

Thanks for all of the continued prayers and support! I will update tomorrow when we know more.

Riese was also tested positive for MRSA, so we are waiting to see another set of results of that. I will explain more about that when I know for sure that it is positive.


Friday, March 27, 2009 12:13 AM CDT

Riese had an ok night last night. She is painful so she tends to wake up often at times. She is in good spirts most of the time though. Especially yesterday after she got a visit from her friends Abby and Clare Ostlie. Thanks Heather for coming!!! It was great to see you guys! Dr. Moga took out the chest tube this morning so I think it will be less painfull for Riese to move around. We are hoping to be going home tomorrow or Sunday depending on how things go. Thanks again for all of the extra prayers!


Thursday, March 26, 2009 1:27 PM CDT

Riese just got transfered to the third floor. She is still doing well but still in lots of pain. She was getting morphine but now we are trying to just give her tylenol. She got her urinary catheter out today and they were going to take out the chest tube but they will be waiting to take that out hopefully tomorrow. I havent seen Dr. Singh yet today but we are still hoping to go home tomorrow......hopefully. Riese wants to that everyone for all of you kind words and prayers! I have to get back to her room now but I will update again when i can!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 5:17 PM CDT

Riese's breathing tube was taken out a short while ago and she is doing great! She was sedated for a while so the anethesia could wear off a bit. She was really uncomfortable when she woke up and the breathing tube was taken out shortly after. She is as always asking for "More Water" and we are slowly giving her sips. It is hard to believe that she is so awake so soon. She is in a lot of pain because of the three incisions she has on her chest, but they are giving her morphine for that. Dr. Singh said that as long as she continues to "wow" us, he might let us bring her home on Friday! He thinks that she would recover well at home and he feels comfortable sending her home in our care. I will be staying with her tonight in the PICU. I will continue to update with more of her progress! Thanks for your prayers!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 1:49 PM CDT

Riese is out of surgery and recovering well. The surgery was a great success and the doctors are really happy. They ended up replacing her pacemaker and inserted a new atrial lead into the right atrium of the heart. She is doing fabulously and Dr. Singh is hoping that she will get her breathing tube out this afternoon. That is it for now, I have to get back to the PICU. Thanks for all of your prayers!!!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 8:24 AM CDT

Riese went off to surgery around 8 a.m. I was able to walk her to her OR where they put her to sleep. It was sad, but I knew that I was leaving her in good hands. We are hoping that she will be done in a few hours or so, but I will update when we know more as the morning/day goes on.


Monday, March 23, 2009 1:55 PM CDT

We are heading to the cities tomorrow for Riese's pre op appointment at 2 p.m. Surgery is scheduled for Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. I will continue to update throughout the day on wednesday with the progress of her heart surgery.

We had a wonderful trip to Florida! It was in the 80's the whole time we were there....just beautiful! We all had a great time!

Thanks for all of your continued support. Please continue all of the prayers for Riese in the next coming days!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009 10:14 PM CST

Just a quick update....
Riese's next heart surgery is scheduled for March 25th. They will be doing a pre-op on the 24th and we will know more about what exactly they will be doing. Keep Riese in your prayers!
We will be taking a trip to Florida the week before for some relaxation with the girls....Riese is really excited to go to the ocean again!
I will update more later with more details as they come.


Friday, January 2, 2009 9:24 PM CST

Riese had a dr. appointment today with Dr. Singh. They did the whole work up....echo, pacer check, etc. I have to say that I was surprised with what Dr. Singh had to say. A few months ago, on my due date, Riese had gotten cardioverted for the 4th time in 2008. After asking Dr. Singh what we do next he told me to go home, have the baby, enjoy the holidays and we will see you after the first of the year and we will talk then. During her pacer check today, they informed us that the battery on her pacemaker only has 2-6 months left. After that, we talked to Dr. Singh and he told us that we have to replace the battery but also the pacemaker lead in her heart that hasnt been working correctly. In order to do this, they will have to do heart surgery. Luckily it will not be open heart surgery, but they will have to open her chest, find the atrial lead in her heart and replace it. It was something that we knew was coming, just hard to believe that this will be her 6th heart surgery and she has to be put through this all again. Her last surgery was in August 2006.

We will be doing pacemaker checks every month to check the status of the battery and plan the surgery around that. We are expecting that they will be doing the surgery after May 7th, Riese's 6th birthday.

On a happier note, Riese had a wonderful Christmas! She said that her favorite present was the Hannah Montana blow up mattress that she got from Santa. Her new favorite color is Blue, so she was also really excited to get her own electric blue Ipod shuffle.

Riese's little sister, Clare, is doing wonderful! She is now three months old and continues to be the best baby ever! She now weighs 13 1/2 pounds and is quite a chunk! Riese is the best sister ever and loves to help out when she can. Clare just moved into her crib from the bassinet and on the first night Riese told me that she would "wake up five times during the night and check on Clare and take care of her." Well, Riese somehow slept through the night....along with her sister!

We hope that you all had a great Holiday season. I will continue to update with more info on Riese's upcoming surgery.......


Saturday, December 6, 2008 10:01 AM CST

We are enjoying our time in Florida!!! The weather has been in the 70's and it is beautiful. We aren't looking forward to coming back to the cold weather on Tuesday! We are headed to the pool, so I will update more next week!


Monday, November 10, 2008 1:21 PM CST

So sorry for not updating sooner!! Things have been going great....but very busy at our household! Clare has been a wonderful baby and Riese is being a wonderful big sister. We also became auntie and uncle again to baby Bergen Kopischke! My brother and sister in law had him October 20th! He is a beautiful baby!

We did a routine pacemaker check on Riese last night, but no word on the outcome...it can sometimes take a couple days. Dr. Singhs' plan is to hopefully not see her in the cities for a couple more months. After I caught her in her atrial flutter for the fourth time this year, I was kind of hoping that maybe they would want to see her sooner.....but I guess now that I just have to trust myself in catching it again if it happens again. They are doing routine pacemaker checks each month though, which makes me feel a little more at ease. She is still on loads of medications, and they are still surprised that the antiarythmics haven’t been working. Dr. Burton said that they haven’t ever had a patient where Sotalol and Amioderone hasn’t worked for them. So, for me it just seems like another waiting game to see when the flutter will return.

We have been having a great fall and looking forward for winter to be over! We are going to Florida after Thanksgiving to visit my mother and father in law and we are also bringing Riese and Clare to Disney world! Should be lots of fun!

I will update as things change! I want to thank my cousin Stacy Kron for taking these recent shots of the girls! She did an amazing job!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Thursday, October 2, 2008 7:43 AM CDT

Riese is a big sister!!! Clare Julianne Buttweiler was born yesterday at 6:10 p.m. She has 10 fingers, 10 toes, and most importantly a 4 chamber healthy heart! I went into labor at around 2 pm yesterday, got to the hospital at 4 and delivered Clare 2 hours later. She is 7 lbs 11 oz and 20 inches long and very healthy and cute!!!!!! Riese is so excited and we are all so surprised because we all thought that she was a he!!! We will keep you updated with info and I will try to put on pictures later today!!! Thanks for checking!

Thursday, September 25, 2008 8:34 PM CDT

They went ahead and did another cardioversion today…her 4th this year. They are trying to figure out why they can’t regulate the atrial flutter with all of the medication that she is on. Dr. Burton, another cardiologist, said that he has never had a patient fail Sotalol and Amioderone (antiarythmic medications). They think that there might be a problem with her atrial lead, and if that is the problem, they will have to do open heart surgery to fix that problem. They did the cardioversion and that worked for now, the flutter is gone. They did a couple of other changes with her pacemaker, which they are hoping will keep the flutter away. The only thing is is that it uses up a lot of the battery in her pacemaker. There was a lot of information that I got today that I didn’t even understand. But, what I think I got out of today was that nothing is working to keep the flutter away. It might be that her atrial lead isn’t working properly, and if that is the case, there will be surgery. If that isn’t the case, they seem pretty much in the dark as to what is wrong and we will just have to wait and see what we are going to do. The atrial flutter is what is making her heart sicker and putting her into even more extreme heart failure….which makes me worry about her having to get that heart transplant.

So, who knows? They have her on monitors for 24 hours to help them determine if it is the atrial lead that is the problem. We will then do another pacemaker check in a couple weeks to check things out again. I guess that I feel kind of in the dark with the situation, but realize, as always with Riese, that only time will tell. And, it might be a while before we know anything or will plan on doing anything different, wether it is with medication or with surgery.

Riese was a very brave girl again today. With all that she has been through, you might think it would get easier to watch her go through these things…but it only gets harder and I could only hope that she wouldn’t ever have to go through all of this again. That is why I wish we could find another alternative to cardioverting her all of the time. I know that this will be a never ending battle, I just want it to be easier and painless for her.

So, that is what I know right now. Riese is home and comfortably sleeping in bed, excited to go to school tomorrow. Me, on the other hand am finally trying to relax after the last couple days. I am very happy that they baby decided not to come yesterday or last night when we were in Minneapolis! My Midwife is planning on breaking my water next Thursday if the baby hasn’t come by then.

I will keep you all updated with more information as I get it. Thanks for all of your support and prayers!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:43 PM CDT

I will be bringing Riese to Childrens tomorrow because they think that her flutter is back. I began to notice some changes in her a couple days ago and thought that things were just not right. I did a pacemaker check over the phone and they called me today saying to have her at the heart clinic at 8 a.m. tomorrow....so we are planning on them doing a cardioversion. So, we are down in the cities tonight because Riese is unable to eat anything and a 2 1/2 hour drive with an empty tummy isnt fun at 5 in the morning....for any of us. I am just hoping not to go into labor! I did go to the doctor before we left and she said that I shouldnt have the baby tonight, so i think that we are safe. So, keep us in your prayers and I will update tomorrow.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008 10:33 PM CDT

Riese survived her first day of Kindergarten!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The picture on the front page is her at breakfast this morning with her pick of food…………Fruit Loops with marshmallows, bacon, a Go-Gort and a banana. She had a wonderful day. The school bus picked her up at 7 a.m. and she got on the bus without even crying, with a big smile on her face and said “bye, I’ll see you later!” Surprisingly, I didn’t cry either! I was just so happy that she was so excited to go to school! But, I really don’t think that it has hit me yet…….and when it does, I probably will cry for days! She got home at 3 pm and was so happy and excited about school and her school bus…..she actually said “I wish I was on my school bus again.” I was really nervous letting her ride the bus, but she really wanted to and she really loved it, so I am glad I made the decision to let her! I can’t believe that she is in Kindergarten, what a big milestone for her! I am so proud of her and so excited to see how she develops in school.

Not much else is new. I still have 3 weeks until the baby comes, but know that it could come any day now. We will let you all know when that happens!!!! Take care and have a great start of fall!!!!!


Sunday, August 10, 2008 10:54 PM CDT

As you can see, we bought another puppy! Call us crazy, but we now have two yorkies......Watson is One and our new gal, Lucy, is 4 months old! Lucy is going to be half the size of Watson, only about 4 pounds or less. Things are acually going a lot better than i thought, the two dogs get along great and are already eachothers best friends! And, of course, Riese is is heaven.....she loves animals!

I had my 2nd level 2 ultrasound and things look great! Dr Singh was there to make sure and he said that he doesnt think we have anything to worry about! Now, only 6 weeks left.

Enjoy the pictures and enjoy the end of the summer!


Sunday, August 3, 2008 10:34 PM CDT

Just wanted to let everyone know that Riese's friend Abby just got a new heart!!!!!!!! If you dont already know, here is her website.....www.caringbridge.org/mn/abbyleigh.

Abby has been waiting over a year on the heart transplant list.....we are so happy for her but we need to continue our prayers that she recovers.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 9:09 PM CDT

Riese’s Dr. appointment with Dr. Singh went well! The flutter has not returned and everything checked out okay. Riese will continue her heavy doses of medications but as long as it keeps the flutter away I guess that is the best things for her right now. We don’t have to go back for 6 months either! It is a good thing, I guess, but it still makes me nervous waiting that long for Dr. Singh to see her. We will continue pacemaker checks over the phone every month or two. I actually have an appointment with Dr. Singh in a few weeks. He is going to be doing another level 2 ultrasound just to make sure everything is still okay with the baby…..he and the perinatologist tell me that they don’t want any surprises……and neither do we! Only 2 more months or so left…..it is going very quickly, but I am happy about that because being pregnant in the summer is exhausting!

We had another wonderful 4th of July here in Alexandria! We spent the weekend with both the Buttweiler and Kopischke families. My parents had about 30 or so visitors at there house so the weekend was busy! We spent the whole time on the lake and at the lake lot and it was such a beautiful weekend. Riese had a great time hanging out with all of her relatives and relaxing out on the boat and pontoon. We took her tubing for the first time this year and she didn’t even hesitate to get on by herself, very different from when I brought her last year when I had to go with her.

The summer has been great so far! She is in Little Squirts Camp this week and all of her other activities have pretty much ended. She continues to go to golf lessons with Robb on Thursdays and also has piano lessons Thursday evenings. Piano lessons are going great and I cant believe how far she has come in 2 months. It is really enjoyable being able to listen to her play for her teacher outside of her lesson room and helping her practice.

We finally moved into our new home 2 weeks ago! It is amazing and Riese is really enjoying all of the extra room both inside and outside. About every morning she wakes up, takes her gator out of the garage and drives to her swing set where she will swing for at least 15 minutes. She has been spending a lot more time outside, except on the very humid days, playing with her water toys, t-ball set, bike and other toys. She met a new friend, Kelsey, who lives behind us. She is 8 years old and stops over at least once a day to play with Riese…..Riese really likes having friends close by to play with!

It is hard to believe, but Riese starts Kindergarten in less than two months! She talked me in to letting her ride the school bus….or at least for now she did. She is very excited about the whole school and bus thing…..but I am very nervous. If she does ride that bus, I am sure I will be following that bus everyday to school for the rest of her life!

Other than that, nothing much else is new. We continue to pray every day that Riese’s friend Abby gets her new heart soon! She is now in St. Louis waiting for her miracle…..I am sure that you all know her site but here it is just in case….www.caringbridge.org/mn/abbyleigh

Please also pray for Danza Thompson, who is the daughter of Randy and Christa Thompson here in Alex. She is having some issues and is now back at Children’s in the PICU. Here is her website …..www.caringbridge.org/visit/thompsontwins

And two more special people that need some extra prayers: www.caringbridge.org/visit/cartertatge (you need a password for the site and that is cdjtatge) and www.caringbridge.org/visit/katelynlangner

Have a great rest of the summer! I will continue to post pictures and will update as needed!


Wednesday, May 28, 2008 10:12 PM CDT

Unfortunately, the cardioversion had to be done yesterday. We got to Dr. Singh’s office at 8:30 for them to do an EKG and a pacemaker check. At first when they checked, they thought that the flutter was gone, but they didn’t know for sure so they turned down the rate of her pacemaker and sure enough….it was still there. So, we headed to the PICU and were greeted by two of Riese’s primary nurses, Sue and Gaylene. Sue had her room already set up and the bed covered in one of the blankets that we had donated to the unit the week before, the princess one….Riese’s favorite. The first thing that I thought of was how depressing it was to have Riese there again, but I felt very fortunate to be in a place that cares so deeply about her. The IV start went a little better than last time, even though they had to try two times to get it in. We waited about 10 minutes before the “team” of about a dozen people arrived to do the procedure. And then, once again, we had to witness something that I hate the most and what just rips my heart right out of my chest……seeing Riese be put to sleep. For one, she hates the Propovol (med that puts her to sleep) because it burns so bad. And we have to see her scream to please have them stop because it hurts so bad……and then her eyes roll to the back of her head and then the respiratory therapists has to take over and help her breath. That is when I have to leave the room and leave everything up to the specialists. I know that it is necessary, but it is so hard that she has to deal with this so often. The cardioversion only takes about 5 minutes and we are back to the room to see her and wait for her to wake up. She cracks everyone up and seems to always make everyone laugh after she wakes up. She is still groggy but so funny at the same time it makes us feel so much better. I talked to Dr. Singh about the future, and it is still unknown. He increased her Amioderone another 5 mg (now 150 mg a day), which is still too much for her to take but necessary to try to keep the flutter from coming back. We have to go back for a check up in a few weeks and we will be keeping a very close eye on her from now on…….not that we ever did?!?!?! Her burns from the patches aren’t as bad as they were last time either……thank God! They “shocked” her at 30 Jules instead of the 50 Jules that they did last time. She does have burn marks but they aren’t half as bad as they were last time.

So, we are so happy that this is over again but the uncertainty of the future pains me each day. Trying to stay positive can be hard sometimes but the miracle that we were blessed with 5 years ago keeps me smiling every day and teaches me not to take one second of each day for granted.

On a more positive note, Riese is doing well and is very happy to be playing outside again! She is done with preschool and we had a sleepover with 3 of her friends at our house on the last day of school to celebrate. It was quite interesting but a lot of fun!! They are all looking forward to being Kindergartners! As for me, the baby is getting bigger and Riese loves to talk to “it” everyday. I am now about 5 ½ months along and this hot weather is already making me miserable at times! Oh well!

Thanks again for everyone’s support and prayers. I will update in a few weeks after Riese’s next appointment and will continue to post new pics. Enjoy the start of summer!


Thursday, May 15, 2008 10:22 PM CDT

Ups and downs have been a part of our lives since Riese was born, and today we struck another down. Mostly every night, you can find me in Riese’s room listening to her heart and checking her rhythm with my stethoscope. It is something that just makes me feel better before I go to bed. Well, two nights ago, I noticed that her rhythm was off and sounded more tachycardic (fast) than normal. I decide to call Dr. Singh in the morning, and they ordered a pacemaker check. They found that she definitely was having a rhythm change and we should bring her in the next morning. We went to Minneapolis this morning and they discovered that Riese was back in Atrial flutter. The plan is to increase her Amioderone and Coreg for the next 10 days and then plan on another cardioversion if the increase of medication doesn’t work. This also happened back in January, her flutter was back, we increased her meds, and it didn’t help….so she had to get cardioverted. So, I don’t mean to have no hope that the medication wont work, but I believe that it isn’t going to help at all this time as well. So, we are planed to go back on the 27th to check the rhythm, and if it hasn’t stopped, they will go ahead with the cardioversion……again.

It is such a bummer that this keeps going on. Riese totally understands what it is all about and she doesn’t seem to mind that she may have to be cardioverted again. Dr. Singh doesn’t really know the plan for her future. Atrial flutter is really hard on her heart and her heart will not last as long as we want if this keeps going on. The medication is really bad for her also, the Amioderone. It is just so hard that we don’t know what the future holds. And I hate that she has to go through this so much.

On a brighter note, we had our level 2 ultrasound a couple days ago and the baby is healthy and has a 4-chamber heart! We go back to Abbott in August for Dr, Singh to do another level 2, just to make sure everything is still okay.

So, we will just see what happens in the next couple weeks. Thanks for all of your thoughts and I hope to write a happier journal next time.


(Previous Journal)......May 7th, 2008

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday dear Riese
Happy Birthday to You!!!!!!!!

Our big girl is 5 today!!!! And what an amazing (and exhausting) day it was! Riese’s day was full of fun and excitement. She woke up bright and early this morning at 6 a.m. sharp. She changed her clothes, made her bed, brushed her teeth, and then came up to say that she was ready for her presents. She had the biggest smile on her face, especially when she opened up her new piano (thanks mom, dad, Kristi, Mark, Jay and Keri!), and a new John Deer Gator that she has been asking us for for the last 2 years! But, much to her amazement, we had one more gift to open…………..a card, with a picture of an ultrasound of her new baby sister or brother!!!!! That’s right, Riese is going to be a big sister!!!! She thought it was a picture of a frog at first, but she was much happier that it was a REAL baby!

After all of that excitement, we went to breakfast at her favorite breakfast joint….Perkins. Then, she was off to preschool for a little learning and more celebrating. Riese then started her birthday party after preschool at the Holiday Inn pool. I have got to say, watching 11 five year olds in three pools isn’t easy! Thank you Amy, Jen and Robb for all of your help….I couldn’t have done it with out you! But, we made it work and the kids all had a blast! Of course, she had a Hannah Montana theme party with lots of pink and purple.

She ended her day with T-ball and swimming lessons, and then a treat at TCBY. We got home around 7:15 and she was in bed 30 minutes later, asking me when it is going to be her birthday again!

It is hard to believe that Riese is five. I often go back to the day she was born, the best and worst day of my life. We are so lucky that she is still here with us, and I thank God for that everyday. Riese is such a bright, fun, talkative, smart, and caring little spitfire that gives so much life to us each day!

On another note, Riese’s pacemaker check a couple weeks ago showed nothing abnormal! We go back to see Dr. Singh and the pacemaker specialists in two months for another check up. She is also having her 5 year check up tomorrow with her Pediatrician here in Alex. They will also be doing her Kindergarten (scary!) screening and shots (5 of them I think). She is actually excited for it!

Like I said before, Robb and I are expecting in September! We actually waited until today to tell Riese about the news hoping the time would go quicker this summer, being that I am half way done with the pregnancy. We go to Abbott next Tuesday for some Genetic counseling and a level 2 ultrasound with a specialist. I am a little nervous, of course, but am expecting that things are going to be okay. I was “advised” by Dr. Singh that it is very, very unlikely to have another child that would be even as close to as sick as Riese is. Another sad reminder of Riese’s condition, but a BIG positive for the new baby, and for us! I have been feeling pretty good, but am not looking forward to being pregnant all summer long! All I have to say is that we will be spending a lot of time at the lake! We also move into our new house next month……….so much going on, but we are all excited!

Riese’s summer is going to be filled with excitement. She starts piano lessons tomorrow with a teacher who specializes with teaching younger kids. Riese loves music so much that I decided that piano would be great for her (plus, everyone tells her what beautiful piano fingers she has!). I think that I have her in about 6 activities this summer, which she is ecstatic about all of them!

Riese’s dad, Brent, recently got engaged a couple weeks ago. I don’t think that they have set a date yet, but Riese is soooo excited and hoping that she will be the flower girl!!!!

We hope that you all have a great Spring! I will continue to update with journals and pics! Please continue to pray for Riese’s friend Abby, who has been waiting one year for a new heart. Her website is www.caringbridge.org/mn/abbyleigh.

Take care and Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful Moms!


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 9:46 PM CDT

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday dear Riese
Happy Birthday to You!!!!!!!!

Our big girl is 5 today!!!! And what an amazing (and exhausting) day it was! Riese’s day was full of fun and excitement. She woke up bright and early this morning at 6 a.m. sharp. She changed her clothes, made her bed, brushed her teeth, and then came up to say that she was ready for her presents. She had the biggest smile on her face, especially when she opened up her new piano (thanks mom, dad, Kristi, Mark, Jay and Keri!), and a new John Deer Gator that she has been asking us for for the last 2 years! But, much to her amazement, we had one more gift to open…………..a card, with a picture of an ultrasound of her new baby sister or brother!!!!! That’s right, Riese is going to be a big sister!!!! She thought it was a picture of a frog at first, but she was much happier that it was a REAL baby!

After all of that excitement, we went to breakfast at her favorite breakfast joint….Perkins. Then, she was off to preschool for a little learning and more celebrating. Riese then started her birthday party after preschool at the Holiday Inn pool. I have got to say, watching 11 five year olds in three pools isn’t easy! Thank you Amy, Jen and Robb for all of your help….I couldn’t have done it with out you! But, we made it work and the kids all had a blast! Of course, she had a Hannah Montana theme party with lots of pink and purple.

She ended her day with T-ball and swimming lessons, and then a treat at TCBY. We got home around 7:15 and she was in bed 30 minutes later, asking me when it is going to be her birthday again!

It is hard to believe that Riese is five. I often go back to the day she was born, the best and worst day of my life. We are so lucky that she is still here with us, and I thank God for that everyday. Riese is such a bright, fun, talkative, smart, and caring little spitfire that gives so much life to us each day!

On another note, Riese’s pacemaker check a couple weeks ago showed nothing abnormal! We go back to see Dr. Singh and the pacemaker specialists in two months for another check up. She is also having her 5 year check up tomorrow with her Pediatrician here in Alex. They will also be doing her Kindergarten (scary!) screening and shots (5 of them I think). She is actually excited for it!

Like I said before, Robb and I are expecting in September! We actually waited until today to tell Riese about the news hoping the time would go quicker this summer, being that I am half way done with the pregnancy. We go to Abbott next Tuesday for some Genetic counseling and a level 2 ultrasound with a specialist. I am a little nervous, of course, but am expecting that things are going to be okay. I was “advised” by Dr. Singh that it is very, very unlikely to have another child that would be even as close to as sick as Riese is. Another sad reminder of Riese’s condition, but a BIG positive for the new baby, and for us! I have been feeling pretty good, but am not looking forward to being pregnant all summer long! All I have to say is that we will be spending a lot of time at the lake! We also move into our new house next month……….so much going on, but we are all excited!

Riese’s summer is going to be filled with excitement. She starts piano lessons tomorrow with a teacher who specializes with teaching younger kids. Riese loves music so much that I decided that piano would be great for her (plus, everyone tells her what beautiful piano fingers she has!). I think that I have her in about 6 activities this summer, which she is ecstatic about all of them!

Riese’s dad, Brent, recently got engaged a couple weeks ago. I don’t think that they have set a date yet, but Riese is soooo excited and hoping that she will be the flower girl!!!!

We hope that you all have a great Spring! I will continue to update with journals and pics! Please continue to pray for Riese’s friend Abby, who has been waiting one year for a new heart. Her website is www.caringbridge.org/mn/abbyleigh.

Take care and Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful Moms!


Monday, March 10, 2008 9:08 PM CDT

Riese had her Dr. appointment last week with Dr. Singh and her pacemaker specialists….Tait and Dr. Perry. Everything went ok and the flutter is not back!!!!! We don’t have to go back until June but she will have a pacemaker check in about a month. They have kept her on the large dose of Amioderone and continued with all of her other meds except one. She is now down to 8 meds a day and continues to take them well!!! She has continued to be her spunky self since the cardioversion and doesn’t seem to stop all day!

We just bought tickets for another trip to Florida at the end of this month! We are so excited to get out of this state and get some much needed sunshine. Riese is really excited and wants to swim with the dolphins this time……or go to Busch Gardens. I don’t really care what we do…..as long as it’s nice!

Riese is looking forward to this spring and summer. I have already registered her for swim lessons, gymnastics, t-ball, we-camp, and vacation bible school……so it will be a couple of busy seasons for activities! She continues to be in dance and continues to love it…..she could dance for hours! Preschool is going well also and her last conference her teacher said that she is doing wonderfully and is ready for Kindergarten next year. She got accepted to St. Mary’s catholic school here in Alexandria and she is so pumped to go! She keeps insisting that we should allow her to ride the school bus all year next year, but I think that might have to wait until she is in the 1st grade……..or 8th!!! The whole school bus thing makes me so nervous!!!!

So, that is about it for now. We will be moving into a new house in June so we are planning on a very busy couple of months. Our new house is beautiful and luckily only a half of a mile from our house now! So, it will be nice not to have to move everything across town!

I will continue to post new pictures frequently and will update after Riese’s pacemaker check in April. Enjoy the end of winter and the beginning of spring!


Monday, February 4, 2008 9:14 PM CST

We are back home tonight and Riese is sleeping peacefully in her bed. The cardioversion went pretty quick this morning and it was successful. The whole morning was another reminder of how sick Riese’s heart really is. Having to see her get an I.V. and cry in terrible pain as the Propovol (the medication that puts her to sleep) goes through her vein and then roll her eyes back as she passes out was heart breaking to see at the least. I hate that she has to go through that and it seems so unfair that she has had to do it so many times. She was such a good patient the whole morning, she loved being in the PICU to see her old “home” and all of her nurses and doctors. The cardioversion was quick, like I said before and we were able to be in her room as she woke up. She thought that it was pretty cool that she didn’t feel anything and wanted to get out of bed ASAP! She was a little impatient, as she usually is when those kinds of drugs wear off, but after about 15 minutes she was able to sit up without felling dizzy and falling over. She then got to walk up to the gift shop with her nana Donna to pick out her first “Webkinz.”

We were able to talk to both Dr. Singh and Dr. Moga after the procedure. They started her on another medication called Amioderone in hopes to keep the flutter away!!!! She is on a very high dose, 200 mg a day which is 40 cc’s (or ml’s) or 1 1/3 ounces of just this one medication. There are a lot of negatives to the use of this drug, but the positives way out those negatives. The side effects can be nasty, including lung damage and problems with her Thyroid but they are also hoping that she doesn’t have to be on it forever………..which is a very slim chance. With the history of her atrial flutter, Dr. Singh thinks that she may have to be on it forever. They will be keeping a close eye on her as long as she is on this medication by checking labs often.

Riese’s future is kind of a big question mark. Dr.Moga wouldn’t like to do any kind of procedure or surgery for at least 2 years in hopes that her body can keep recovering from the last 5 heart surgeries. Her heart has been stopped and started so many times, that he doesn’t like the fact that it will have to be done again. He is thinking that she will need another “Maze” procedure and will also need to get her metallic valve replaced in 10 years. What will really happen in that time, lord only knows, but we pray that she can grow up and grow strong so she can handle whatever is put in front of her.

Riese has pretty much done a 180 since the cardioversion. She seems like a totally different kid. They say that atrial flutter can really make a person cough uncontrollably, crabby, not sleep well, not feel well in general…….and Riese was all of those things and more. She now seems to have a constant smile and isn’t so lethargic or depressed looking. So, although today was really sad to see, something good came out of it.

I saw her x-ray this morning and it looked good. She still has severe cardiac enlargement, which is scary, but mothing has really changed. Her heart is so big that is acually takes up almost her whole left side of her chest and about 1/3 or more of the right side. It is scarry and really hard to look at each time I see them.

We went 6 months this last time without seeing Dr. Singh, and I don’t think that we’ll be doing that anymore! We actually have to go back in 3 weeks and then I don’t know after that….probably every 3 months.

We appreciate all of your extra prayers!! Riese now asks me to read the entries that people write just about every day…..so keep them coming, they put the biggest smile on her face!

I will update after the next appointment!


Monday, February 4, 2008 9:50 AM CST

The cardio-version is done and the flutter is gone. I have more to update, but have to go back down to PICU with Riese. She is doing well! I will update more later today or tonight. Thanks for all of your extra prayers!


Friday, February 1, 2008 4:17 PM CST

Riese’s check-up with Dr. Singh didn’t go as well as we would have wished. They did a pacemaker check on her first and noticed that her Atrial Flutter is back and in “full gear.” They tried for a long time to get her out of the flutter by doing some different things with her pacer and nothing worked. Our plan is to increase her flutter medication over the weekend and then recheck her on Monday. If the medication doesn’t work, they will be doing a cardio-version on her Monday morning. If you don’t know what a cardio-version is, it is normal used when a person goes into cardiac arrest and they get “shocked” to try to restart their heart again. They will put her to sleep for the procedure and it shouldn’t take too long. She is getting admitted to the PICU at 7 am Monday morning.

We kind of knew that something was up with her the last two weeks. She has been waking up a lot in the middle of the night not knowing exactly why. She has also had a terrible cough, without any cold symptoms, which is because her lungs aren’t getting enough blood supply. This is also due to right-sided heart failure.

So, Riese needs some extra prayers over the weekend! I will update after things are done and put new pictures up……..she just got a new haircut that she is soooooo excited about!


Thursday, January 17, 2008 12:11 AM CST

Just a quick update....Riese is doing well! We see Dr. Singh at the end of the month. I am hoping that he will be doing an echocardiogram to check the function of her heart. About a month ago I noticed that her heart was beating irregularly. Since she does have a metalic valve, it is really easy to hear. They did another pacemaker check and noticed that her atrial flutter was back. Dr. Burton (another cariologist at Childrens) looked at the strips and thought that it wasnt anything to worry about at this time. So, we will know more about that at the end of the month.

Please pray for the Thompson family who is from Alexandria. Krista gave birth to twins at 23 weeks gestation and have already lost one of the twins. Danza, the other little girl, is doing okay but needs lots of prayers. there website is www.caringbridge.org/visit/thompsontwins

Also, please keep Riese's friend, Abby, in your prayers as well. She is still waiting for a new heart! www.caringbridge.org/mn/abbyleigh

That is about it for now. The picture of Riese on the Home page is from her first dance recital. We will update after her dr appointment...Take care


Sunday, December 16, 2007 6:16 PM CST

We returned from our very sunny trip to Florida and things couldn¡¦t have gone better! We stayed with Robb¡¦s parents in Venice and we had a wonderful time. The highlight of the trip was going to Sea-World, but we did a lot of other fun things like visiting the ocean, swimming in the pool, shopping and eating really good food! Riese did awesome on the plane, although she did say about a thousand times ¡§I want to be in Florida!¡¨ I was a little worried about going through security with all of Riese¡¦s meds and her pacemaker, but things went pretty slick. She did get her own digital camera from her Grandma Donna before we left, so that was a big hit with her on the trip¡K.she carried the thing practically everywhere! We had such a great time and we can¡¦t wait to go back!!!

Preschool is going wonderful again this year. She is going three days a week and she absolutely loves it! She is so excited to start kindergarten next year, I cant believe that time is coming so fast! She is also in Just for Kix and they had their Holiday show a couple weeks ago. The girls all did great and it was so entertaining!

We can¡¦t believe that Christmas is almost here! Riese is so excited this year about Santa Clause and is just waiting every day for his arrival! She asked him for the Rose Petal Cottage, Barbie Island Princess and the new Carrie Underwood CD¡K¡K¡Kher favorite singerƒº We brought her to see him this past Friday and it was so funny to hear her talk to him, she was so excited that she told him that she forgot what she put on her list!

We don¡¦t have to see Dr. Singh until January or February, the longest we have ever gone without seeing him. Her health has been pretty good lately, with the exception of a couple little ¡§bugs.¡¨ She did have a pacemaker check in November and that checked out good, no evidence of any more atrial flutter!

We hope that you all have a very merry Christmas and New Year! Please continue to pray for Riese¡¦s heart buddy Abby. She is still awaiting a new heart and she really needs everyone¡¦s prayers. Her website, if you don¡¦t already know it is¡K¡Kwww.caringbridge.org/mn/abbyleigh

Take care and have a happy and healthy 2008!


Monday, December 10, 2007 11:07 AM CST

We have returned from our trip to sunny Florida! I will update and put some new pictures up later on in the week!


Monday, October 8, 2007 4:30 PM CDT

Hello to all! The wedding on the 22nd went wonderfully! Nothing could of gone better, we had beautiful weather and Riese was the best flower girl ever! Some of Riese's nurses from Childrens in Minneapolis were even able to attend, and also a few of the heart moms and dads....we were all so happy to see all of you!!! Not much else is new. I did post some new pics from the wedding and i will put some other new ones up from the wedding when i get some more. Thats it for now! We hope you are all enjoying your fall!


Monday, September 17, 2007 9:59 PM CDT

Well, I am finally getting a chance to update, so sorry for the delay!

We had a wonderful summer and we can’t believe that it is already September! Riese was really busy this summer with bible camp, golf and swim lessons and gymnastics. She had a blast and said that she already can’t wait until next summer.

Riese had her 4 month checkup with Dr. Singh and things went great. Her atrial flutter is gone and the size of her heart looks okay. She is still on a ton of meds, but Dr. Singh really wants her to stay on them. Although she still has to go in every month to get blood drawn, we don’t have to go back and see Dr. Singh until February! We got a new device to check Riese’s pacemaker over the phone and it has been working well so far. We do that every 3 months, it is really interesting how it works!

Riese is now in preschool 3 times a week and she loves it! She also started dance class and is really pretty good! The last week though, she has been focusing on being my flower girl for mine and Robb’s wedding this Saturday. She fills her basket with flowers and she makes me sing as she practices walking down the easel in my living room, it’s hilarious!

We were able to go to Riese’s friend Abby’s house last week. Abby is the little girl who is waiting for a heart transplant. Riese had so much fun playing with Abby and her two little sisters and it was great to visit with Heather. We are hoping that Riese will be able to go over and have a sleepover sometime soon! Heather, since you brought that up, she will not stop talking about it!!! Abby was able to go home not to long ago to wait for her heart. If you haven’t already, visit her website at www.caringbridge.org/mn/abbyleigh.

Well, that is about it for now! I will try to be better about updating sooner! We hope all is well with you and your families. Have a great start to the fall and a Happy Halloween……can’t believe that’s just around the corner!


Monday, May 7, 2007 10:15 PM CDT

Happy 4th Birthday Riese!!!!!

It is hard to believe our little gal turned 4 today! She had 2 birthday parties yesterday and had a blast! Once again we went to Pizza Ranch, one of her favorite places. She was able to eat and open presents with some of her little friends and family. Some of her favorite presents were a Barbie Laptop, a tee-ball set and a new “real” set of golf clubs. Oh yeah….and a new Doodlebops dvd and wiggles stuff. This morning she asked if I would bring her to “birthday breakfast,” so we went to another one of her favorite places…..Brass Lantern. She had a fun filled day today as well, we went shopping, to the park and she made her own birthday cake….of course with a little help from mom!

So, other than her birthday news, she has been doing pretty well. She still has her cough that doesn’t seem to go away and she had about a week with a pretty bad stomach flu, but that finally went away. She only has a couple weeks left of school and she will plan on going to school three days a week next year….so she is pretty excited! I also brought Riese to get her ears pierces a few weeks ago. I was a little nervous about bringing her in, but she really wanted to get them done and she did well, with only a few tears before they were pierced. Riese is growing up so fast and it seems that she is 4 going on 13! She is having a fun Spring being able to play outside with all of her toys and enjoying the weather. She has a pretty busy summer coming up. Gymnastics, swimming lessons, bible camp, another week long camp at an elementary school here in Alex, and a wedding in September! If you haven’t heard already, Robb and I are getting married Sept. 22nd this fall, so we are all getting ready for that! Riese is going to be the flower girl, so she is about just as excited as we are!

We did have an appointment with Dr. Singh and Tait (pacemaker guy) a couple weeks ago. The appointment went well. Riese’s atrial flutter is still gone and her heart is looking okay. Her chest x-ray showed some fluid in her chest cavity, which is probably why she is coughing so much, but we hope that will get better on its own, with a little help of us doing some “back slapping” to loosen it up. With the exception of pacemaker checks, we don’t have to see Dr. Singh until August!!!!! She is still on a ton of meds, but maybe the next time we see Dr. Singh we can get rid of some!

On another note, I would like to tell you about Riese’s friend Abby. If you don’t know her story, she was born with the same heart defect as Riese, and is only a few months younger. She got really sick a few months ago and has been in the hospital ever since. Her heart is really sick and is waiting to see if she can be a candidate for a new heart. Please visit her website at www.caringbridge.org/mn/abbyleigh. They are going to be doing a fundraiser for her June 9th and they also have bracelets that they are selling in honor of Abby and her fight to get a new heart. Please visit her website and donate if possible, I know that her family would really appreciate it!!!

Well that is about it for now! I will try to do a better job of updating her journal more often! Thanks for checking her site, and I will continue to update new pics often!!!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007 7:57 AM CDT

Just a quick update since DECEMBER. Riese has been doing outstanding. She has been staying very busy and is full of energy. She has been going to school,daycare, and lots of fun shows. She just recently had her ears pierced, which she is very proud of. Not much else to report...everything is going great with her. One of us will update with more detail when time permits. Thanks for checking in.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006 11:24 AM CST

The cardioversion went well and the atrial flutter is gone, at least for now. We will continue with our monthly checkups with Dr. Singh and pacemaker checks with Tait and Kim. They dont know if the flutter will come back, but there is a good chance that it is going to be a never ending problem. Riese will also continue all of her medications, including the Sotalol for her flutter. Hopefully the cardioversion worked and the Sotalol will also work, or else she will be on that med for a long time. As far as a transplant, we hope that we can go a long time without one, but the flutter damages and scars the heart increasing the chance of a transplant sooner.
The cardioversion burned her skin were the pads were placed, so she is a little itchy and irritated, but it seems to be getting better each day.

On a happier note, Riese is doing well and waiting for Christmas! We brought her to see Santa last Friday and she acually sat on his lap! She has been deathly afraid of him forever, so we were quite surprised she liked him so much. She asked him for a "Dora driver thing."

We hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I will continue with updates and pictures. Enjoy the holidays!


Sunday, December 17, 2006 7:53 PM CST

Just a quick update.....riese is sceduled for a cardioversion tomorrow morning. They need to shock her heart to get rid of the atrial flutter. They noticed about a month ago that the atrial flutter came back. They increase one of her medications to see if it would work, but it didnt. So, they dicided to do this cardioversion tomorrow. I will update when we know more about the atrial flutter and if it has gone away......


Sunday, November 26, 2006 1:40 PM CST

Well, I am finally getting a chance to update Riese’s page! It is hard to believe that we have been home from the hospital for over three months. Riese has been doing well and her doctors appointments have been going well up until last week. Riese’s heart went back into atrial flutter and her atrium is now fluttering at 240 beats per minute. Dr. Singh increased one of her meds and sent us home until the middle of December, when we have to go in for her next check up. We are hoping that increasing this med will do the trick, but if it doesn’t, we don’t really know what is next. Her heart is already in heart failure and this atrial flutter is what makes it worse. In August after Riese’s heart surgery, Dr. Moga had said that the atrial flutter is what is going to make her go into heart failure even more and increase her chances of getting a heart transplant sooner. So, as scary as this is, I am trying not to worry about it until we learn more in December.

On a happier thought, Riese has been doing amazing! When we got home from the hospital, she got rid of her “Nu-Nu,” (aka pacifier). She put all of them in a bag, hung them in a tree and the “Nu-Nu Fairy” came after she fell asleep and left her a Dora bike. I thought that this was going to be so hard, but it only took one night and she hasn’t had her “Nu-Nu” since! She also started preschool in September, which she absolutely loves. She goes every Friday for 2 ½ hours, she loves to go and can’t stop talking about all of her new friends! We had a wonderful Halloween and Thanksgiving, and we are really looking forward to Christmas. She even has her own little Christmas tree in her room that she just had to have! It is a white tree with blue lights……her favorite thing right now!

Not much else is new! If you were wondering about that TV program that Riese is going to be on on HGTV, it starts tonight! Here are the dates and times that it will be airing:
• November 26, 2006 9:00 PM ET/PT
• November 27, 2006 1:00 AM ET/PT
• November 28, 2006 9:00 PM ET/PT
• November 29, 2006 1:00 AM ET/PT
• December 02, 2006 8:00 PM ET/PT
• December 03, 2006 12:00 AM ET/PT
• December 07, 2006 1:00 PM ET/PT
• December 09, 2006 2:00 PM ET/PT
• December 14, 2006 4:00 PM ET/PT

+Note that the times are Eastern time
+For more information, go to Tyler’s site at: www.caringbridge.org/mn/tylerschnacky

Well, that is it for now. We hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I will update in mid December with more news on Riese’s heart. Thanks for checking in again!


Monday, October 16, 2006 8:28 AM CDT

Riese had a Check-up with Dr.Singh on the 13th. Everything checked out and she's doing excellent. She's full of energy and acting like sometimes naughty 3 year olds act. She loves to tattle on people and sometimes she acts as if she's more like 5 or 6. Its amazing how far she has come. We are so thankful that all is going well. Besides her 6-7 meds she still takes twice daily, she is a normal bouncing of the wall little girl! Thanks for taking the time to check in , we'll try to post new pics soon.


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 2:36 PM CDT

Riese is doing excellent! There's not a whole lot more to say. The fluid in her chest seems to be gone for most part and she's starting to be able to eat normal again. She still takes 6-7 meds twice a-day but she is use to that. She is spunkier and crazier than ever.Thats about all for now, hopefully things stay this good for a long time. Sorry for the quick update, Lindsey will post new pictures in the near future. Thanks for checking in.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:58 AM CDT

The fluid in Riese’s chest cleared up substantially over the weekend. It seems that the extra diuretics are helping, so chest tubes are no longer in the picture. She is still on her “fat free” diet which is not so easy but she is coping with it. Other than that, not too much else to report, she is starting to get back to being her goofy self and hopefully things keep going in this direction. Thanks for checking in and we’ll keep you updated on how things are going.


Saturday, August 19, 2006 8:33 PM CDT

We saw Dr. Singh on Thursday and Riese still had a lot of fluid in her Pleural Cavity. He increased her diruretics for over the weekend and we go back on Monday to see if the fluid has gotten any better. If not, I believe that they will have to put in a chest tube to get rid of it. She has been quite crabby and hasn't been sleeping much because she is uncomfortable. This has been a really long week getting used to new meds, she is now on 8 twice a day and we are also trying to get used to the fat free diet. She has been doing pretty good with it but it is hard when she can only have 2 grams of fat per day.

I will update on Monday after her appointment.


Monday, August 14, 2006 4:06 PM CDT

Riese is home! Her potassium levels balanced out and she was discharged today at about 2:00. What a miracle to think she was admitted only 10 days ago for open heart surgery and she is already going home! I don’t think anybody, including all of the doctors and nurses that cared for her expected her to recover this fast. Thanks again to all that showed so much support and said an extra prayer for Riese. She is a truly blessed little girl to have so many people love and care for her. Lindsey will update again in a few days after things settle down and we have a check-up with Dr. Singh. Thanks again!


Sunday, August 13, 2006 7:12 PM CDT

Update-Aug. 14 8:00 AM

We got the ok to go home this morning and then her potassium got checked and she was severly hypERkalemic-sevely high potassium level. They just gave her some lasix and are going to check her potassium levels in a few hours and then we plan on hopefully going home. I will let you all know what happens


Riese is doing well right now but they just took a blood sample and found that she is severly hypokalemic. This means that her potassium level is severly low. This is a very dangerous condition, but they imediatly started her on an IV potassium replacement. We dont exactly know why this is happening but hopefully it will go away.

Now we dont know if we will be going home tomorrow or not, but they will be checking her blood probably later tonight when the IV is done and then again tomorrow. I will update when anything changes.....please say an extra prayer for Riese tonight!!!


Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:10 PM CDT

Just another day at the hospital. These days keep getting longer and longer! Riese is doing well with the exception of that fluid in her chest. Her x-ray this morning was the same as yesterday. They started her on a new diuretic along with her lasix hoping to dry her out some more. She got a dose of it a few days ago and they gave her another dose today, so hopefully her x-ray will look dry tomorrow so we can go home! She is doing alright with the fat free diet that she is on, but you can tell that she is loosing weight. We will find out tomorrow if we have to go home on the fat free diet and how long.

I will update tomorrow as soon as I can! Riese says hi to everybody!


Saturday, August 12, 2006 5:12 PM CDT

Well, just another boring day at the hospital. But, we were able to go outside a couple times for a little while. Riese slept pretty good last night but woke up around 4 with a tummy ache. She is feeling pretty well right now, but is a little crabby, I think that she is sick of being here. Riese's X-ray looked better today, there is still some fluid on her right side of her chest but it seems to be drying up from the diuretics.

We still plan on going home on monday morning unless the fluid doesnt go away. I will update tomorrow.......


Friday, August 11, 2006 1:08 PM CDT

Riese's day is better today. Her x-ray was better this morning and Dr. Singh said that they are going to watch her over the weekend and hopefully send us home on Monday. Not much more news, Riese needs me at her bedside ASAP so I better go!

Thank you so much to Claudia and little Abby for visiting, it was so nice to meet the little gal! And also to the Schnacky family, it will be fun to see us on TV in a few months!

Take care and I will update tomorrow with some new pics.


Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:23 PM CDT

Well, we ran into a little set back this morning and arent planning on going home tomorrow anymore. This morning I noticed some oozing coming out of Riese's incision. I didnt think that it was a big deal but Dr. Singh looked at her X-ray this morning and she has built up some fluid on the right side of her chest. They started her back on IV lasix (diuretic) to "dry" her out. They also started her on an antibiotic just in case her incision was to get infected. She is quite crabby but is starting to feel a little better. They also started her back on potassium because the fluid loss decreases her potassium level. This medication is just terrible tasting but the pharmacy sent up some sprinkle potassium which did the trick in some ice cream.

I am going to try to get her down for a nap soon. There is going to be a film crew from HGTV coming to her room to interview her. One of her friends Tyler and his family are going to be on a TV show for HGTV and they wanted to come and meet Riese. So, Riese is going to have her "fifteen minutes of fame" this afternoon. The show is going to air Thanksgiving thru Christmas so i will let you know when that is going to be.

Please keep Riese in her thoughts and pray that this fliud goes away and so does an infection.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 11:57 AM CDT

Riese had another great night last night. Her x-ray looked good this morning but there was a little bit of fluid in the lower right quadrant of her body, but Dr. Singh doesnt seem to be worried about it. I was going to update earlier, but the Minnesota Zoo came to the hospital to visit. Riese had a wonderful time looking at the animals!

Not much else is new. I want to thank Heather, Abby and Clare Ostlie and also Judy Lund for coming to visit. Riese loved the gifts and the food is great! Riese acually had Heathers spagetti for breakfast this morning.....thanks Heather, it was a lifesaver!

Thanks everyone for checking in, I will try to update in the morning!


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:32 AM CDT

We had a pretty good night on the 3rd floor. Riese slept pretty well, waking only to go potty. She is doing well today but is complaining of a tummy ache. Dr. Singh was in this morning and said that her x-ray today looked good. He said that if things keep going well, we might be able to go home on Friday!!! They are going to be turning off all of her IV meds this morning and the one thing that Singh is woried about is fluid retention. THey are switching her to oral lasix instead of the IV, so we will be watching closely for that fluid retention. Not much else is new! Riese is doing good and now that she is kind of in the clear, so are we. Thanks for all the prayers! I will get some new pics up soon after they turn the IV's off.


Monday, August 7, 2006 2:56 PM CDT

Riese’s progress continues to amaze everyone! Her chest tubes and catheter were removed early this morning and we moved up to the 3rd floor! We all cant believe how well things are going and everyone in the hospital seems to be in as much shock as we are! We just continue to pray that things keep going in the right direction. Riese deserves this so much with all that she has gone through in the past. Her heart is in good condition now and Dr Moga hopes that it will stay that way for a while. One thing that he is concerned about is her atrial flutter. She isn’t in it right now, but that something that will be concerning for her heart. I asked him about the heart transplant and if it is still inevitable that she will have to get one, and he said that her heart could keep up for three months or twenty years…..he just doesn’t know. He would just like her to get as old as she can before that decision has to be made.

Not much else is new. She continues to want water at all times but she is getting more patient with that as time goes by. She is eating only little bites of food (she is on a fat free diet), so we need to get her appetite up. I will update whenever we get new news, but I will continue to put up new pics! Take care and thanks again for all of your guestbook entries and your prayers…..they mean a lot!


Sunday, August 6, 2006 8:59 AM CDT

As you can see Riese continues to do well! She did great throughout the night last night and rested very well. She only had one dose of tylenol the last 12 hours because she keeps saying that she feels good and that she has no pain. I honestly cannot believe it! Two days post op and she woke up this morning looking wonderful and asked to eat some cereal. She had a few bites and then was back off to sleep. There is not much else to update about. The doctors haven't done theie rounds yet. But, if you were to ask me, things are going great and we hope to be moved upstairs to the 3rd floor soon! Thanks for your prayers!


Saturday, August 5, 2006 9:27 AM CDT

As hard as it is to believe, this picture was taken 4 hours after Riese came out of major open heart surgery! She was doing so well that they took her breathing tube out 2 hours after surgery. Things are just going better than we all expected, including the doctors. She slept about 5 hours last night with the help of some Ativan (narcotic). She is quite crabby at times because all she wants to do is drink water and we cant give her much. We just got the order from Dr. Singh that she can have 2 ounces of Gatorade every 3 hours. She could probably drink 2 bottles every hour if we let her! She is now resting in her room thinking that I went to the Kitchen to get her something to drink. She seems to do better and rest better when we aren’t in the room. We wish we could be in there every second, but we just want to get her healthy and get her home. Thanks for all of the prayers and support from you all, they mean so much to us! I will update later today.


Friday, August 4, 2006 3:07 PM CDT

Riese is recovering and doing well. She is already waking up and responding with shaking her head yes or no. They think that they are going to take the breathing tube out either tonight or tomorrow. We just cant believe how well things are going. She is pink for the first time in her life.....her lips, fingers and toes! Her saturation levels are at 98% right now which is great but a little too high for her. Dr. Moga wants them in the high 80's to low 90's. Things are going great but we were reassured that things can change in an instant, so please keep those prayers and happy thoughts comin'. I will update if anything changes tonight, if not...I will update tomorrow.


Friday, August 4, 2006 2:06 PM CDT

The surgery is over and Dr. Moga is closing up her chest right now. We will be able to see her in about 40 minutes. Dr. Singh told us that her numbers right now are looking good. But, with the Fontan things can look good for one minute and the next minute it can change........so lets keep praying that everything stays good! We will update later with more news and more pics.............


Friday, August 4, 2006 12:58 AM CDT

Dr. Singh just stopped by with an update……….they just finished getting through her chest cavity, which took about 2 ½ hours. There is so much scar tissue from her other 4 heart surgeries that makes it difficult to get through easily. They also just put her on the heart/lung bypass machine, which they usually don’t do with the Fontan surgery, but they felt it was necessary for her. We were reassured this morning by Dr. Moga that this is a risky surgery for her. The risk for a normal Fontan is 3 %, but after looking at a recent echocardiogram, the risk for Riese is 20%. He knows that she will be able to pull thorough this, he just doesn’t know if her heart will. So, please say extra prayers for our little one, she needs them……….


Friday, August 4, 2006 8:55 AM CDT

They took Riese in at 8:45. She was doing well when we left her. There is not much else to say but please say an extra prayer for her. This is going to be a long day, we will update when we find out more.


Friday, June 9, 2006 6:51 PM CDT

The Cardio-version went well and the atrial flutter is gone…..at least for now. Dr. Singh started her on another medication to hopefully keep that flutter away for a while. Like I said yesterday, they did the cardio-version because she was in atrial flutter. This is when the atrium flutters instead of taking normal beats. When they checked her pacemaker yesterday, her atrium was fluttering at 300 beats per minute. But, since she has a pacemaker, her heart is in heart block and her ventricle is mostly what matters……..if that makes sense?!?!? She has been pretty crabby and irritable the past month and a half or so and they believe that the atrial flutter caused it because it makes her cardiac output very high. So, hopefully this new med will work and there will be no more cardio-versions before the next heart surgery……..which brings me to the next topic. They scheduled Riese’s 5th heart surgery for August 4th. They are going to be attempting the Fontan. So a couple more months of enjoying the summer before back at Children’s. It is hard to believe that at that time it will be a year and a half since Riese has had heart surgery, a new record!

Another not so fun thing happened yesterday after we got back from Dr. Singh’s office. Riese’s puppy, Rocco died. She is more fine about it than I am, she just keeps asking when she can have another puppy!!! Maybe next year.

Well, we hope you all enjoy your summer. I hope it goes as slow as possible, we are not looking forward to August at all. We will update with any more info as it comes, but until then take care and keep checking in for new pics!


Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:18 PM CDT

Riese had her Dr. appointment with Dr. Singh and it didn’t go as I thought that it would. She had a pacemaker check first and they found out that Riese was in Atrial Flutter and that her atrium is fluttering at about 300 beats per minute. She is doing well and we are home but she is getting admitted into the PICU tomorrow morning at 7:30 to get cardio-verted, that is when they use the paddles to shock her heart. Her ventricle is beating normally between 90 and 180 beats per minute with the help of her pacemaker, which is good. This is all so hard and complicated to explain, but after tomorrow I will update with a better explanation. Her weight is still the same at 30 pound and is about 37 inches tall. We were also kind of shocked when we found that her saturation level was at 63%, a normal person ranges 98-100%. Well, I better go, we have to be up at 4 am tomorrow to get to children’s on time so I should get Riese to sleep! Once again, I will update as soon as I can with a better explanation and hopefully good news……..

Take care, Lindsey

Sunday, May 7, 2006 10:44 PM CDT


It is hard to believe that our miracle is 3! I think about what we were all going through three years ago at this time and I just can’t believe how far Riese has come. Riese had a wonderful Birthday today. She had two parties that were full of fun. We brought her to Pizza Ranch for lunch (her favorite place) and she just had a blast! After lunch we went to the park where she opened her presents and played with her friends Andrew and Conor.

She got lots of fun gifts, including an Italian Greyhound puppy that I just couldn’t resist…I had to get it for her. She loves him and she named him Rocco, which fits this little Italian perfect! The best thing about it is that he doesn’t shed or bark and he can be easily liter trained.

Riese gets bigger and more grown up every day. I upgraded her toddler bed to a twin sized and she is sleeping wonderfully in it. She is completely potty trained (YEAH!!!) and she is so proud that she can do it all by herself.

We see Dr. Singh in June. The plan is to do Riese’s 5th heart surgery sometime in the beginning of August. The schedule for the OR for the late summer hasn’t come out yet, so we are hoping to get an exact date when we see Singh in June.

Once again, we thank you all for all of your prayers and support these past 3 years. They mean everything to us. We hope that you all have had a wonderful spring as you prepare for a hopefully warm summer. Take care!


I put up some new pics, there is even one of Riese and her new puppy Rocco!

Monday, April 17, 2006 5:29 PM CDT

Riese’s procedure is over and we are home! Everything went really well today. They ended up only putting caps on 2 of her molars. The dentist thought that the enamel on those two teeth were defective and that was why they were so easily prone to getting cavities. They also did an echocardiogram and nothing has changed since the last time. Dr. Singh wants her to have her next heart surgery (fontan)in July, but the exact date has not been set yet.

Nothing else is new. Thanks for the extra prayers for Riese! I will get some new pics on soon. Take care…..


Monday, April 17, 2006 8:07 AM CDT

We are at Childrens for Riese's oral surgery. We see Dr. Singh at 9 and I guess that we will go from there. Please say an extra prayer for her. We will update later as soon as we can.


Monday, April 10, 2006 9:23 PM CDT

Riese’s oral surgery is scheduled for next Monday, April 17th around 11 a.m. We have to be at the hospital at 9 so Dr. Singh can look her over. We are not exactly sure what they are going to do with all of her teeth until they put her out. We do know that she has at least two cavities and they are going to put caps on, do root canals or remove them.

Riese is surprisingly looking forward to going to the dentist. I keep reminding her that she is having surgery, but it doesn’t faze her. I am sure that she will change her mind when we arrive at Children’s. Every person that she sees, no matter if we know them or not, she tells them “I am having oral surgery on Monday.”

Riese is still being her spunky self! She got a new playground for an early birthday present and she absolutely loves it. We have been outside enjoying the wonderful weather quite a bit this past week! She is also POTTY TRAINED!!!!!! FINALLY!!!! It took about a week and a half of “potty training boot camp,” but she did very well and we are all so proud of her!

Not much else is new. We will update after her surgery. We are also going to find out when Rieses heart surgery is going to be scheduled for the summer, so we will update as soon as we can!

Take care!


Sunday, March 12, 2006 10:52 PM CST

Well, I wish that I could say that Riese’s dentist appointment went well, but before preparing her for her next heart surgery, we have to prepare her for oral surgery first. During the oral exam, the dentist could see that she has at least two cavities, and maybe some more. They won’t know all of the problems with her teeth until the day of surgery when she gets put under and they can do some x-rays. The two known cavities are her upper two molars. They plan on just capping one, but the other one they are either going to do a root canal or remove the tooth. They are worried that if they don’t do one of the two to the more damaged molar, the infection could get into her blood stream which could lead to endocarditis. Endocarditis is a life-threatening inflammation of the lining of the heart muscle and its valves. It is caused by a bacterial infection. Although endocarditis can occur in anyone, it is more common in people who have heart valve disease, have had heart valve replacement surgery, have a congenital heart defect, or have had recent heart surgery. So, as most of you know, Riese has had heart valve replacement surgery, a congenital heart defect and had 4 heart surgeries before the age of two. All of this information is so scary, but if we get those teeth worked on soon, everything should work out just fine. The surgery is going to be at Children’s in Minneapolis and recovery could be a few days and hopefully no longer than that. We are hoping to find out this week when the surgery is going to be. So, just a reminder of how important it is to go to the dentist!!!!!!!!

Riese also has an appointment in April to see Dr. Singh. At that time, we will be sceduling Riese’s fifth heart surgery for this summer. This is the first time in my life that I want winter to stay and spring and summer not to come. Time is just going by too fast and I just wish that I could stop it, but I can’t. So, all we can do is keep enjoying every day, every second of the day.

Riese is still fun as ever!!! She is enjoying everying, especially painting and getting her hair cut (obviously I have to pretent because she doesn’t have much hair to cut!). I am on spring break this week from school, so Riese is starting “potty training boot camp” tomorrow when she wakes up. She is acually excited and can’t wait to start! She has been using the potty chair once in a while, but it has been really hard getting a routine down since we are up by 5:30 a.m. so I can get to school and it is the last thing on her mind when I pick her up when school is over. So, I am hoping that this week stricktly at home and having a routine will help.

Not much else is new. I will let you all know when the surgeries are going to be when I find out. Please pray for the Ostlie family, who’s little girl Abby had heart surgery last week. If you get a chance, visit her website at www.caringbridge.org/mn/abbyleigh and leave a note, I know that they would appreciate it!

Take care, hope you are all doing well!!


Thursday, February 2, 2006 12:33 AM CST

Riese's last Dr. appointment with Dr. Singh went well. We don't have to go back for another check-up until April. At that time they are going to be scheduling her next surgery...the Fontan. Dr. Singh said that she will probably be able to wait until after July 4th.....so then we can have a little time to enjoy another summer.

Riese has a Dentist appointment in Edina the end of February, so that will be quite interesting. We are bringing her to Dentisty for Children who has a Dentist who specializes in doing dental cares for kids with disorders and diseases. She really doesn't know what to think about going to the dentist yet, but I keep telling her that she will get a new toothbrush, and that makes her more comfortable.

Not much else is new. I will update the end of February after Riese's first dentist appointment. We hope you are all doing well......take care!


Sunday, December 11, 2005 6:46 PM CST

I know that I told all of you that I was going to update last month, but things, as always, have been very busy. Riese has been doing well, with the exception of having some flu like symptoms this week. She did get her flu shot again this year, so we know that it isn’t that, but she was throwing up earlier this week and hasn’t had a normal stool in six days. They did a blood test Thursday to check her electrolyte level and it came back normal. We brought in a stool sample to the hospital yesterday so they can check for Rotavirus, but we wont know those results for probably a few days.

So, back to October when Riese had her heart cath. As I told you in the last entry, Riese’s heart cath went well. Her CVP level was at a normal range, so they are planning on doing the Fontan. Dr. Singh also said that it is very possible to wait and do the surgery when I am done with nursing school, which is in mid June and Riese will be three years old. He just told us that she can’t gain anymore than five pounds, or they will have to re-evaluate. So, this is great news. I had a terrible feeling before the heart cath that they were going to tell us that she was going to need a heart transplant……but she doesn’t yet!!!!!!!!!

We had a great fall and are having fun with the snow! Riese is talking like an 8 year old and people can’t believe how well she talks! She can say her ABC’s, count to ten in English and Spanish, and her sentences are anywhere from 5-15 words long! She also enjoys talking on the phone. She can hold a conversation with someone for more than five minutes and then gets mad at me when I ask for the phone back. I sometimes think that I should get her her own cell phone because those play phones are just not good enough, that is what she tells me……….yeah, she is a little high maintenance! Riese is also enjoying singing songs and saying her prayers, she knows them all by heart!

As you might imagine, Riese is so much fun! I am loving her age right now, even though she tends to be a little naughty at times. She has been a very good girl, but has made quite a few trips to the naughty step……..but she likes the step so much that she now asks to be put on time out! Although I have been very busy with work on most weekends and nursing school with 22 credits that I am taking, Riese and I have been getting used to the busy schedule. I am so grateful for Rieses great-aunt Debbie for doing day-care for me and for Rieses two grandmas for also helping out……they are wonderful!

We wish you all a happy holiday season and a healthy 2006! Riese’s next appointment with Dr. Singh is in January so I will update after that. But keep checking back for new pictures!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:34 PM CDT

Just a quick update......................the heart cath is finished and Riese is now recovering, which is why I don't have time to write much. The overall procedure went well. Her CVP level was at 9-10, which is great!!! So, Dr. Singh said that we can plan on doing a Fontan (and not a heart transplant) and that we can wait until I am done with Nursing school...which will be mid June. So, GREAT NEWS!!!!! I wish that I could write more, but I have to get back to Riese! I will update in a couple days with a better update.

Thanks for all of the prayers


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:13 AM CDT

Riese went in for her heart cath this morning at 9:45. I will update later when we find out some more news. Thanks for everyones support!


Sunday, August 28, 2005 3:07 PM CDT

It is hard to believe that the summer is almost over! Riese’s last appointment with Dr. Singh went well. We have scheduled her heart cath for October 26th, and at that time they will determine where her CVP level is at. We will then find out about her next heart surgery. Dr. Singh thinks that they will be doing the Fontan with a bigger fenestration and not a heart transplant, but we won’t know for sure until they are done with the heart cath.

Riese’s summer has been great! She has spent a lot of time on the lake and still enjoys biking and taking walks. She is walking all over the place and she sure keeps us on our feet! Riese also got her first haircut, and I was so happy that I was the one who got to do it!

Not much else is new. I start nursing school tomorrow, so it is going to be a pretty interesting fall getting used to going to school again. We hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer and have a great fall! I will update in mid October after Riese’s heart cath. Keep checking back for new pics!


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 6:26 PM CDT

Hi everyone! I apologize for not updating last week after Rieses appointment, but we had a busy end of the week and we just got back from vacation in Wisconsin. Riese’s appointment with Dr. Singh went well. This was the first Echo they have done since we left Children’s after her 4th heart surgery in March. Her new metallic valve is looking good and her heart and liver have decreased in size. They also checked her pacemaker, which also looks good, and made a few minor adjustments with that. Dr. Singh is happy with her overall progress. We don’t have to go back for a check-up for two months. Then a month after that, they will plan on doing a heart cath, where they will decide if she needs a heart transplant or if her heart could ever handle the Fontan. So, now we are going to enjoy our summer, and try not to think of what the next year could bring.

Riese has been doing well these past few weeks! She is walking and talking more than ever. She has a few bruises on her head from falling so much and I am sure that those are the first of many! She repeats everything you say and her favorite word is “awesome dude!” She is also sleeping great, rarely ever waking up in the middle of the night. I think that it’s about time…she is 2 years old! She is growing up so fast, she even asks to put on my make-up and talk on my phone!

We hope that you all have had a great spring! Enjoy the summer, I know that we will! I will update in a couple months after her next appointment, but keep checking back for new pics. Take care and keep in touch!


Wednesday, May 18, 2005 3:47 PM CDT

Just a quick update.......Riese is walking!!! She is still a little nervous to let go of things, but she is doing it all by herself! She is still doing well. We see Dr. Singh June 1st. They will be doing an echocardiogram and the basic other things like x-ray and checking her oxygen levels and her blood. Please pray that everything looks good!!! I will update after that appointment! Hope all is well with all of you....check out the new pics!


Sunday, May 8, 2005 6:10 PM CDT

Well, our little girl turned two yesterday!!!!! Although the weather didn’t cooperate, we had a wonderful day. She got lots of fun gifts and Barney even showed up! It is hard to believe how fast these last two years have gone. Riese is doing very well! She is getting closer to walking by herself and her favorite new thing to do is color. We had a checkup with Dr. Singh this past Tuesday. It went very well. Her heart is finally shrinking in size and so is her liver. Her oxygen levels are also the highest I think I have ever seen them, they usually run in the high 60’s to 70’s and they were in the low 80’s this time! Her weight is also increasing! She is now 23 lbs. 4 oz. She is finally starting to get a little belly and some meat on her bones!

I would like to write more, but Riese wants to go play. Happy Mothers Day to all of you moms! It was a beautiful day in Alex today and I hope that you had as nice of weather as we did. Take care and I will update in a few weeks after Riese’s next Dr.’s appointment with Dr. Singh.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:06 PM CDT

Riese had her doctor’s appointment on Monday and things went well. Her heart is still enlarged but Dr. Singh said that it should slowly start to shrink. Since the heart is still quite enlarged, he wants to wait about 6 months to do a heart cath in order to get an accurate CVP level reading. As most of you know, the CVP level will determine if she could handle the next surgery….the fontan or if she needs a heart transplant. So, we won’t really know anything about Riese future until the end of summer or early fall. We will now have monthly visits with Dr. Singh until then, unless he thinks that we need to do the heart cath sooner.

We thought that Riese was going to have to get her blood checked to see where her coumadin level was. Thank goodness Dr. Singh said that we could wait until next month! It is one of the worst things watching 4 people hold down a 22.11 lb. little girl trying to get blood out of her arm. We are hoping that we will be able to get a device that checks her blood with just a prick of her finger which is almost painless and something I can do at my home. Since she will have to get her blood checked every month or more, it would be so much better for her.

Riese has been doing wonderfully since we got home from the hospital! She is eating everything you put in front of her face and has gained 11 oz. in the last couple weeks…….and it is not fluid!!! We really think that this last surgery was what she needed! Although she doesn’t like to sleep much (sometimes not going to bed until 2 a.m and waking at 6 a.m.) she has been acting like a happy, healthy, normal almost 2 year old. We are so proud of her!

It is hard to believe that Riese is going to be 2 in less that a month!!!! We thank you all again for everything you have done for our whole family. I will update in a few weeks and will put new pics up once I get some cute ones!!!

Congratulation to the Ostlie family on having a new baby girl named Clare!!!! Clare’s bigger sister Abby also has HLHS. Visit her website at www.caringbridge.org/mn/abbyleigh. We are happy that everyone is healthy!!!

Hope all is well with everyone!!! Check back for new pics!!!


Thursday, March 31, 2005 4:15 PM CST

We are home and Riese is doing well! Besides the fact that she isn’t sleeping very well, she is getting better every day. We were discharged from the hospital on Tuesday around noon and we were so excited to get out of there.

The plan right now for Riese is this…..we are going back to see Dr. Singh in a week and a half for a post-op evaluation. In about 3 months we will then go back to the hospital so Riese can get a heart cath. They want to do the heart cath to see where her CVP levels are at. If the level is low, she will probably be able to get the Fontan. If the levels are still high, they will probably put her on a heart transplant list. It can take about 2 years to get a heart if she waits at home, but if she is admitted to the PICU she is moved way up on the list. So, right now we know that we won’t know much for another few months….all we know is that there will be another surgery in the near future.

We thank you all once again for all of your support during Riese’s last surgery and ask you for your continued support and prayers while we wait for more news. We will keep you all updated with new pictures and news as we get it. I will update after her post-op evaluation in a couple weeks.

Thanks again to all of you!!!

Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 12:17 PM CST

We are going home!!!! I wish that I could write more but Riese REALLY wants to go home! I will update soon


Monday, March 28, 2005 12:35 AM CST

We hope you all had a great Easter. Although Riese wasn’t able to be home, she still had a great day. She was in a fabulous mood and even went on an Easter egg hunt. She has been doing well these past few days and we are hoping to go home tomorrow. I would write more, but Riese is waiting in her wagon and keeps saying “ride”, “ride”. I will update more tomorrow! Thanks again for everything


Friday, March 25, 2005 2:33 PM CST

We are on the 3rd floor! For those of you that don’t know, the 3rd floor is a great sign that we will be going home soon. The 3rd floor is the step up from the PICU. Riese will no longer have one on one nursing care, it is more like a 2:1 ratio. She has no more I.V. medications on, all that is being pumped through her I.V. is her TPN and lipids (nutrition). Her eating is getting better each day. Her liver is still really enlarged so it is hard for her to eat a big full meal. Her heart, lungs, pacemaker and everything is sounding good. The only thing that is holding us back now is the Coumadin. They keep upping the medication each day hoping that we will find the exact dose soon. Dr. Singh said that we will probably be able to go home sometime next week, probably in the middle of the week. It is a major bummer that we won’t be home for Easter, but as long as we get to go home, I don’t mind.

It is so nice to be on the 3rd floor. Being in the PICU gets draining and more heartbreaking each time we are there. Please keep those children and families in your thoughts and prayers as they heal and get ready to go home hopefully soon.

We thank you once again for the ongoing support you have given Riese and our family. Please keep Riese in your prayers as we get ready to go home……hopefully soon!


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:21 PM CST

Riese is looking better every day! Most of her fluid weight has past, her lungs are mostly clear, and her heart is sounding better. The chest tubes are still in but planned to be taken out tomorrow morning……we will see about that. She still has a leak and they don’t want to take them out too soon. She did develop Rotavirus a couple days ago. It is a gastro intestinal virus which makes it hard to hold any food or liquid “down” or “in”, if you know what I mean. It is very contagious so we have to be careful when we change her pants or clean up her throw-up. We are hoping that will only last a few more days. The Doc’s also started her on Coumadin today. Coumadin is a blood thinner that she will have to take because of her valve replacement. The drug is what is probably going to hold us up at the hospital the longest. They have to find out her exact dose before we bring her home. They have to make sure her blood isn’t too thick or too thin. And Coumadin is more effective when the patient is eating normally, so Riese needs to start eating and holding it in.

That is about all for now. They are going to be putting her on Bi-Pap again tonight to clear her lungs some more. I am hoping that she is going to let us keep the mask on her face, she is starting to be her feisty self and I am not quite sure she is going to want it on!

Thanks again for everything. All of your support keeps us going every day. Take care and I will update in a couple days


Sunday, March 20, 2005 3:48 PM CST

As you can see by this picture, Riese seems to have done a complete 180 from two days ago. Her lungs are clear of mucus and now only has one night left of Bi-Pap! She went all day today without Bi-Pap and could probably go all night too, but they want her to get some more rest so they decided one more night on it would really help her. She is still very, very weak though. Her body parts shake whenever she tries to lift them and has hardly enough energy to do anything. They started her on TPN and lipids, which is nutrition that goes through her I.V. Her tummy hasn’t been able to handle anything, not even water or juice. She hasn’t had anything to eat for 6 days, so they had to start her on some kind of nutrition to get her energy and strength back.

Dr. Moga (her heart surgeon) was in this morning and decided that he still wants to leave the chest tubes in. There is still some kind of leak and if he were to take them out, her whole body would fill with air and they would have to put chest tubes back in. He is hoping that he will be able to remove them tomorrow.

Riese has once again been such a strong little girl. She has actually gone more that two days without any pain medication with the exception of some ibiprophrin (I know that I didn't spell it right). Her saturations (oxygen levels) are in the upper 70’s to lower 80’s which is really really good for her (a normal person is about 100%). Her heart is not quite as enlarged, her new valve and pacemaker are sounding good and her liver is starting to decrease in size. We just pray that everything keeps going good!

Once again, thanks to all of you for everything. Hopefully if everything keeps going smoothly, we will be home by Easter. Please keep praying for Riese’s recovery and strength!!


Friday, March 18, 2005 5:04 PM CST

Well, I don’t really have good news but not really bad news either. We just hit a little bump in the road. Riese had an x-ray last night around 6 and it showed that her right lung was full of mucus. They were really close to intibating (breathing tube put in) her again but decided to put her on a machine called a Bi-Pap. As you can see by the pictures, it isn’t very fun to look at or very comfortable for her. But, after getting used to it, it doesn’t bother her that much. They Bi-Pap is kind of like a ventilator without having to put a breathing tube down her nose. It is supposed to get air to her lungs to help get rid of the mucus. It seems to be working, while she is on it her oxygen levels are in the 80’s….which is really good. She just got another x-ray and it showed that her lung had cleared a little bit since morning, but not enough to take her off Bi-Pap. So, we are hoping that over night her lung will clear, if it doesn’t they will have to do a bronchoscopy which is a probe that will go into her lung to get rid of the mucus. They also had to put a catheter back in her last night because she wasn’t peeing. They did an ultrasound on her tummy and she had 500 cc’s (ml’s) in her bladder. Dr. Moga also plans on finally taking out her chest tubes tomorrow. They usually take chest tubes out within two days, but since this is her 4th heart surgery, she has extra blood and air in her chest so they are unable to remove them.

So, we are now praying that this lung clears, if not she will have to get intibated again. Please pray for her strength, she doesn’t have very much right now. We know that she will come around again, but it is so hard to see her like this and not be able to do anything about it. She is a strong and feisty little girl and we know she will fight back soon. Thanks to every single one of you for your ongoing support. Your phone calls, e-mails, guestbook entries and all of your thoughts and prayers really help us get through these tough times.

Please pray extra hard for Riese’s lung!!! I will update hopefully tomorrow with any changes.


Thursday, March 17, 2005 3:48 PM CST

Riese got her breathing tube out around 11:30 this morning. They also went ahead and turned on her own pacemaker, which seems to be working well for her. They weren’t able to take out her chest tubes because they were still draining blood and air….they plan on taking those out tomorrow. She is still very puffy, she can barely open her eyes, so they are giving her more lasix hoping that she will go pee.

Not much other news right now, we are just praying that she gets more stable so she can go home next week! Thanks again for all of the support. We will update tomorrow sometime.


Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:24 AM CST

Just a quick update.......Riese will be getting extibated (her breathing tube taken out) any time now. We just have to wait until she wakes up. She also got her temporary pacemaker turned off and her permanent pacemaker turned on. That is all for now, I will update as soon as I get a chance!


Tuesday, March 15, 2005 2:40 PM CST

Riese successfully made it through her 4th heart surgery. Although they only did the valve replacement and not the Fontan, the doctors are very happy. They decided to not do the fontan because the pressure in her lungs were too high. They are supposed to be around 15 or so and they were at 30……way to high for a successful fontan. They also decided to put in a pacemaker because her heart isn’t beating at a normal rate (it hasn’t for most of her life). So, now the plan is to let her heal and go home and then they want to see her in 3-4 months. During that check up they will be doing a heart cath which will determine what the pressure is like in her lungs. After they do that, they will then decide if she could handle a fontan procedure……if not, they think that she will need a heart transplant.

She is looking very good for what she just went through and the doctors are very happy with her. They feel that this valve replacement and the usage of the pacemaker will help her grow and be much more happy. Dr. Moga said that before this surgery, she was like an 85 year old going through heart failure……pretty hard to believe.

We want to thank you so much again for your kind support and prayers, they mean a lot to us. Please keep praying for Riese, the next 24-48 hour will be very critical for her. We will update either tomorrow or the next day when we hear more news.

Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 11:27 AM CST

Riese went into surgery this morning at 8 a.m. We just talked to Dr. Singh and he told us that they are probably just going to do the valve replacement. They don’t think that her body is ready for the Fontan yet because the pressure in her lungs is too high. So, they are replacing her valve right now and when they are done doing that they will look at her numbers again and reassess if she is ready for the fontan when they close her heart up. If they don’t do the fontan, we will probably be back here in 5-6 months to do a heart cath to see when she will be ready for the fontan.

We will update more when we find out more. Thanks for all of your prayers and support.

Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Wednesday, March 9, 2005 5:37 PM CST

It is hard to believe that in just six days Riese will be having her 4th heart surgery. It’s coming up so quickly. The plan for her is as follows……She has a pre-op this Friday in the cities with Dr. Singh. Then, on Sunday they want to admit her into the hospital to prepare her for surgery on Tuesday. They want to do this to make sure that her heart is definitely ready for what it is about to go through. They are going to be replacing her Tricuspid valve and also decided to go ahead and do the Fontan…the last stage surgery of the Norwood procedure. This is what the Fontan is……….The blue blood from the lower part of the body is sent to the lungs. This is done by using the inferior vena cava, the right atrial wall and artificial material. A tube is placed through the top right part of the heart and connected to the right pulmonary artery branch. This rerouting of the blue blood allows it to enter the lungs without being pumped to the heart. The heart remains available to receive the red blood from the lungs and then pump it to the body. Some small holes are placed in the tube to allow the heart and body to adjust gradually to the new blood flow system. These small holes (fenestrations) close off on their own a few months after surgery. The surgery goal is to: separate the red and blue blood, have the blue blood enter the lungs directly, have the heart as the pump for oxygen rich blood and then replacing the only valve that she has…the Tricuspid valve with a metallic valve.

The plan last month was to only replace the valve this surgery and then do the Fontan sometime next year. But, they feel that she needs both of these now, and having 5 heart surgeries between the ages of 2 and 3 is very risky for her.

I know that all of this information is very confusing….trust me, it took me a very long time to understand it and I am still learning. But, all we really need to know is that Riese really need all of us now. This is a very risky surgery for such a young little girl. They usually don’t do a Fontan until the age of 3 and 30 plus pounds, and she is 22 months old and only 21 pounds. Although she is little, we all have faith that she will pull through. The doctors told us that she has the “spunk” and the “attitude” to get through this, and they probably wouldn’t have done this if she didn’t.

So, with all of that said, I will ask this of you again……please pray for Riese, the doctors, the nurses and or family. This is going to be another difficult time for all of us….especially our little girl.

We will keep you all updated with her progress in the hospital. We will try to update this page on Tuesday probably after her surgery. The surgery is scheduled for 7:30 in the morning and I don’t expect that we will see her until 5 p.m.

Thanks again to all of your for your support.


Friday, January 28, 2005 11:20 AM CST

Well, I wish that I had good news, but I don’t. They did an echocardiogram, EKG and an X-Ray on Riese yesterday at her appointment and Dr. Singh wants to do another heart surgery in a month. The plan is to replace her valve. Her right and only ventricle is just getting to weak, do to her leaky valve, to wait any longer. The original plan was to replace her valve and to do the fontan (the final stage of the Norwood procedure) at the same time sometime this summer. But now they are going to do two separate heart surgeries. Dr. Singh is hoping that the fontan can wait a year after the valve replacement.

It is hard to believe, I know. We just hope that she recovers as well as last time and that she doesn’t spend very much time at the hospital. This will be her 4th and I wish I could say final heart surgery. The things that this girl has gone thru just amazes me every day, and she is not even two years old.

The plan is to do the surgery on March 15th. If the plans change I will let you all know. Please keep Riese in your thoughts and prayers as she prepares for her next surgery. I wish that I had more info and more to talk about, but since yesterday I am kind of speechless.

Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Monday, December 27, 2004 7:53 PM CST

We hope that you all had a great holiday season!!! Ours was pretty busy; having about 6 or 7 Christmas parties was exhausting, but so wonderful to see everyone. Riese has been doing pretty well. She was a very spoiled little girl for Christmas, getting everything from a Magic cook kitchen to a Video Now DVD player. She loved opening gifts, but she hated Santa Claus! I suppose the beard reminds her of Dr. Singh, her cardiologist (no offence Dr. Singh, you know we love you!) Maybe next year she will warm up to both Santa and Dr. Singh!

We have an appointment with Dr. Singh on January 27th. I think that we will find out more about her next surgery that is supposed to be coming up this next spring or summer. It is hard to believe that we have to go back there again so soon. Part of me just wishes that I could fast forward to next Christmas so that I wouldn’t have to see what she has to go through again.

We want to thank all of you so much for the prayers and support you gave Riese and all of our family this year. We hope that you continue to do the same this year, because we don’t know what we would do with out it!! I will continue to update you all on Riese’s upcoming surgery information and of course new pictures every couple of weeks! Once again, we hope you all had a great holiday season and have a Happy New Year!!!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Tuesday, November 30, 2004 5:02 PM CST

We hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!!! Sorry for not updating sooner, but things have been busy since I went back to work. We had a check up with Dr. Singh yesterday. He said that things are looking alright. Her Right atrium isn’t quite as enlarged anymore and her valve isn’t any better, but it isn’t any worse. He said that they have done everything they could for her valve, and unless some kind of miracle happens and it grows tighter on its own, they are going to have to replace it with her next surgery-the Fontan. When we left Children’s after this last surgery, they said to plan on her next surgery to be late next Summer or Fall, but now they are telling us to plan on next Spring or Summer…….way too soon, I think. But, they know best and doing surgery sooner rather than later is the best plan for Riese and her heart. Dr. Singh also told us that she needs to put on some weight…..trust me, I am trying!!! Ever since her last surgery she hasn’t been eating much at all. She has lost 1 ½ lbs in three weeks (some of it was fluid from surgery) and is down to 21 ½ lbs. He said that her weight is pretty good especially for having such a serious heart condition, but the fatter she is for her next surgery…the better!

Please pray for the Miller family who lost there daughter, Riley, to HLHS, she was only a couple weeks old (caringbridge.org/mn/rileyelizabeth). And also for Riese’s 2nd cousin Gavin, who just found out he has diabetes.

Thanks again for all of your support and prayers. We don’t see Dr. Singh for 2 months, but I will update again around Christmas time. Have a happy holiday season!!!!!!

Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Wednesday, November 3, 2004 4:35 PM CST

Wow, it is such a great feeling to be home with Riese! She is still pretty sick and recovering from surgery, but she is getting better each hour that passes. I made a nice big bed for her in the living room so she can rest and watch Elmo. Her body is pretty sore so we aren’t able to hold her very much, so we have been “vegging” out and relaxing the last couple of days.

Before Riese went in for surgery, her heart surgeon came to talk to us about what was going to happen in the surgery. Dr. Moga had never done this exact surgery before. He didn’t question his ability to perform the surgery, but he told us that he just hoped that they didn’t wait to long to do the surgery. If they had waited to long, her heart could have failed and there was a chance of loosing her. Those were the hardest words we could have ever heard. We knew that the surgery was major, but we never knew that there was such a big chance that her heart could fail. Those six hours that Riese was in surgery were the longest six hours of our lives, but we knew that Dr. Moga was the best and we would see Riese again. When Riese came out of surgery, Dr. Moga was really happy with how she did. Although she just got out of surgery and was hooked up to numerous machines, she looked great.

As far as the surgery went, the doctors are pretty happy with the outcome, but wish that it would have been a bit more successful. Her right ventricle function is better because of the maze procedure they did to get rid of her irregular heart beat, but her valve is still leaking. They aren’t too worried about the valve right now because it is better than it was before, but they are thinking that it will have to be replaced when she gets her next heart surgery. They are going to be watching her closely and are hoping that her heart can make it a year before her next surgery.

We are going to the cities on Friday to see Dr. Singh, and then we have to go back a couple weeks after that. Riese will probably be having numerous check ups in the coming months so they can watch her heart function and make sure that it doesn’t get too weak. If it does, they inserted two more pacemaker wires in her during surgery just in case she does need a pacemaker before her next surgery.

We want to thank so many people. Thank you to all of the doctors and nurses for taking such good care of our little girl again, you are soooooo special to us. Thank you to Claudia, Judy, Judy, Heather and Mark, and Robbie and Angie (parents of other heart kids) for coming to the hospital to visit and all of the special gifts that you gave Riese and us. Thank you to all of our family and friends for the wonderful support that you give us during Riese’s surgery and after. And to anyone else that I didn’t mention, you are all so special to us. A million thank you’s to each and every one of you.

The Echo Press (Alexandria Newspaper) is doing an update on Riese is this Fridays newspaper. So, check it out! Thanks again to all of you! I will update in a couple weeks.

Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Monday, November 1, 2004 9:09 PM CST

Just another quick update for all those that are wondering what’s going on. We were discharged from the hospital today (Monday) at about 1:00. They did an EKG and an Echo this morning and everything looked fine. Riese is still feeling a little under the weather but that is to be expected. What a great feeling it is to only be at the hospital for six days and not six months WOW! Again, we would like to thank everyone for all the prayers and support, it’s absolutely amazing! We’ll update in more detail in a couple days when things settle down and start to get back to normal. Thanks for everything

Brent, Lindsey, and the Amazing RIESE !

Monday, November 1, 2004 10:34 AM CST

Just a quick update. Riese is doing well and we are hoping to go home today. She had an echocardiogram and an EKG earlier this morning and the docs are looking at them right now. I will update when we find out more about her heart and when we get to go home!

Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Friday, October 29, 2004 9:53 AM CDT

Riese continues to get better as the hours go by. She is starting to be awake a lot more and starting to get her normal spunky little attitude back. She has been watching a lot of Elmo and eating popsicles and cookies when she wakes up. We even managed to get a smile out of her last night, which is really amazing considering what kind of condition she was in just 12 hours before that. We are absolutely amazed at how fast her recovery process is going. Dr. Singh (her cardiologist) said we might be able to get out of here as early as this Monday, which would make our stay here less than a week! Even though we are very excited about this and her rapid recovery, we are still not sure of the outcome of her surgery. At this point all we really know is that it didn’t make anything worse, we probably won’t find out the real accurate results until they do an echocardiogram. They say they’re going to do that right before we’re ready to leave. Overall, things are looking very positive right now and we pray that it keeps moving in this direction. Thanks again for all the prayers and support, it’s very comforting to know that there are so many people that care. Talk to you soon.

Brent, Lindsey, and Riese

Thursday, October 28, 2004 11:37 AM CDT

Riese’s recovery process is starting to pick up and we are making some major progress. This morning she got her chest tubes out and was extibated (breathing tubes removed). She also had her catheter removed and some other additional lines that were in her. She was taken off the morphine for the time being and is starting to wake up occasionally. She is still “out of it” but is starting to come around. We’ll keep updating as her progress continues. Thanks for the prayers and support it is truly amazing!

Brent, Lindsey, and Riese

Wednesday, October 27, 2004 11:03 AM CDT

Please pray for Riese right now as she recovers. She isn't very happy and is now on even more medicine. I will update later in the day when we know more about what is going on with her.


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 3:53 PM CDT

Riese made it through surgery and is now recovering in the PICU. All of the doctors and nurses are saying that she is doing very well. I have to admit that I was so scared letting Riese go this morning, handing her over to the anesthesiologist and into the surgeons hands. There was and is a risk of Riese having heart failure and that was so devastating to hear. But, now she is out of surgery recovering well, I think a lot better than everyone expected. Thank you all again for your prayers….your support means the world to us! I will update again tomorrow with better detail, but until then, we are off to spend time at Riese’s bedside. Please keep praying for Riese during this critical time of recovery.

Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:37 AM CDT

Riese went into surgery this morning at 7:30 and we just got word about 20 minutes ago that the procedure started. They are going to try to repair her valve first and then take her off the heart/lung machine and then do an echocardiogram to see how it is functioning. If it doesn’t look very good, they will have to put her back on the heart/lung machine and replace her valve. There is also a pretty good chance that she will be getting a pacemaker put in. Dr. Moga (her surgeon) is just hoping that her heart will be able to handle all of this stress and also that they didn’t wait to long to fix her heart. Please pray for Riese and pray extra hard that her heart doesn’t fail. We know that Riese is a very strong little gal and she will try her hardest to pull through this very risky surgery. Thanks to all of you for your support, prayers and guestbook entries……they mean a lot. I will update this afternoon after she comes out of surgery.


Sunday, October 10, 2004 8:02 PM CDT

Riese’s next heart surgery is scheduled for October 26th at 7:30 in the morning. This is sooner than we thought, but the doctors think that it would be better for Riese if they did surgery sooner rather than later. Right now the plan is to either replace or repair her valve (they will decide that probably when they get into her heart and see exactly what her valve looks like), remove part of her heart that is enlarged and they also want to do a procedure that will get rid of her irregular heart beat (atrial flutter). Dr. Singh told us that this is going to be a major and risky surgery. He also said that if the surgery goes well, we could even make it a year or more before we have to go back for her 4th heart surgery (the fontan).

It is really hard to believe that last year at this exact time we were getting Riese ready to leave the hospital after being there for almost 5 ½ months. And now, one year later, we are bringing her back. I have to admit that this surgery is going to be really hard. It is going to be hard to see her again with all of those tubes and I.V’s and monitors and wondering what she really feels like…….is she in pain? Does she know we are here? Is she going to remember? But, what I know is that she is going to be fine. I tell myself this because she is a really strong and feisty little girl and will try her hardest to recover from this surgery.

Riese is finally back to herself after her heart cath a week and a half ago. After we came home from Children’s, she got pink eye and a respatory infection which was probably from the breathing tube that she had. But, the last few days she has been happier than ever. She loves talking and her new favorite thing is Elmo……she LOVES Elmo!

Please pray for our precious little girl these next coming weeks. We thank you all for your guestbook entries…they give us hope and make us feel better. We will update when Riese goes into surgery on the 26th. Thanks for your support!


Friday, October 1, 2004 3:24 PM CDT

Hello everyone, I am so sorry for not updating sooner, but Riese didn’t do as well as we thought that she would. The anestisiologists had a hard time putting her out for her heart cath, and they also had a hard time putting in the lines. They had to put a line in her groin and a line through her neck. They had a difficult time doing that because most of her veins have been used up from all of the other surgeries that she has had. Once she fell asleep and the lines were in place, there were no problems in the heart cath lab. But, after it was all over (it all took about 5 hours) and she started waking up, her heart was beating in the 200’s and she was very stressed out. Brent and I went into the PACU (post anastisia care unit) to try to calm her down. After about an hour and a half, her heart started beating more normally and she became a little more relaxed, and then we headed to the PICU. Her cardiologist wanted us to go to the PICU so she could get some extra care because she wasn’t doing as well as we all thought that she would. We ended up spending only one night there and then Dr. Singh released us the following morning.

Now that the heart cath is finally over, we have to wait 10-14 days to find out what is next for our little Riese. The doctors told us that they need this time to think about what would be the best thing to do for her. Dr. Singh (her cardiologist) and Dr. Moga (her hear surgeon) told us that Riese’s heart is one of the most complex hearts that they have had to work with and operate on and they need time to decide how to take care of her the best that they can. I asked Dr. Singh what he thought would happen, and he said that he sees her being back to have surgery in Mid November. And in that surgery they would probably to three things: replace her valve, operate to make her heart beat normally, and remove some of her heart. They want to make her heart beat more normally so she can get off some of the meds she has been on for so long. They want to remove some of her heart because it has gotten to be so enlarged from the leaky valve, the stuff that they will be removing is not being used, it is just extra heart that is taking up too much space and adding pressure.

I know this is probably very confusing for you all, I know this because it is very confusing for us. Please keep Riese in your prayers these next coming months. Right now Riese is a little sick. A lot of fluid built up last night so it is hard for her to see because her eyes are so puffy, and she has a very sore nose and throat from having a breathing tube in on Wednesday. Please pray that Riese will get better soon, we miss her happy little self and hope she is back to her self soon. Thank you so much for checking in and all of your kind words and prayers. I will update as soon as we hear from Dr. Singh, which will hopefully be in a couple weeks.


Monday, September 6, 2004 6:17 PM CDT

UPDATE: Monday Sep. 13th

Dr. Singh called me last week and informed me that they want to do a heart cath before they decide on anything. That will be sceduled on Sept. 29th at 9 a.m. We will update as soon as we find out if she has to have surgery on her valve. Thanks for checking in! Check out the new pics!

UPDATE: Monday Sept. 6th

Well, I wish that I could say that Riese’s check-up on Friday went great, but we got some unexpected news. The whole appointment went pretty well right away, but after the x-ray and the echocardiogram, Dr. Singh came in the room to talk to us about how everything looked. He told us that everything looks pretty much the same……her heart was still enlarged and her valve is still leaking, news we were actually expecting to hear. I then asked him when we should bring her back to have the heart cath, which we were planning on having around the time she turned 18 months. The heart cath would have given us a rough estimate of when her 3rd hear surgery would be. He then told us that he thinks that it would be a good idea to repair or replace her valve before the third stage surgery, which is supposed to be around her two year birthday. I then asked him when……..he told us within 3 months. He said that he wanted to talk it over with Dr. Moga (her heart surgeon) and he would get back to me this week. So it is not a for sure thing yet, but we should know before Friday. It was really unexpected news and we were shocked and are now very scared. Replacing a valve is a major heart surgery, just as risky as the last two that she had. And knowing that Riese might have to go through 2 more major open heart surgeries within the next 3-9 months makes me sick to my stomach. Dr. Singh said that if there isn’t anything done with her valve, it could be really bad for her in the future when she grows up. I know he knows what is best for her, and I know these doctors will make the right decision on what to do, so now is the time to just trust the experts and pray that this is what is best for Riese and her heart.

On a happier note, Riese is still Riese!! Happier and Bubblier every day. She is now pushing herself up to a sitting position and even pulling herself up on furniture. She is sooooo close to walking by herself, and when that day finally does arrive, we are going to be in big trouble!!! She loves to eat apples, which is pretty easy for her since she now has 16 teeth! She hasn’t been gaining too much weight, although she eats like an animal! She now weighs 20 lbs 14 oz. Dr. Singh said that it is normal for kids with heart defects to find a weight and stick with it for a while. We are not worried, because she looks as healthy as any other kid.

Thank you for checking in! I will let you all know what Dr. Singh tells me this week. Please keep Riese in your prayers!


Sunday, August 29, 2004 3:42 PM CDT

Hello everyone! We are going to the cities Friday to have a checkup with Dr. Singh. I will update on Sunday and let you all know how everything goes. He will be doing an echocardiogram on her to see how well her heart is working, so say an extra prayer that he says everything is well. Depending on how her heart is looking, he will be scheduling a heart cath for either that day or sometime in the future and that will determine when her next heart surgery will be. Riese has been doing well lately…she now has 16 teeth and her favorite new thing to eat is apples!! Thanks for checking in and I will update on Sunday!


Sunday, July 25, 2004 7:01 PM CDT

We hope you all are having a great summer! I am sorry for not updating this last month, but since moving into our house, things have been pretty crazy. Riese is having a wonderful summer. I often think about what Riese was going through at this moment last year. Last summer at this time she was recovering from her 2nd open heart surgery. She had run into a few problems with her heart beat which led the doctors to “shock” her heart a few times, also known as cardoverting. They had also found that during her surgery, her diaphragm had been paralyzed……which lead to another surgery (diaphragm placation) only about a week later where they also placed a pacemaker wire into her right atrium. They were also getting ready to extibate (remove the breathing tube out of her nose) her and reinsert her trach. She was only eating between 1-2 ounces every few hours and ended up having horrible drug withdrawals which kept us in the hospital even longer. This list could go on and on with these setbacks that she had.

And today, if you took one look at this smiley little girl, you would never think that it was possible that she went through what she did. As I read our journal entries from last year, I am reminded of all of the things that we had to see Riese go through……and thank god that we are home enjoying a beautiful summer.

Riese now has 13 teeth and is working on 3 more which will probably pop out any day. I don’t think that I have ever seen a baby her age with so many teeth! She has been a little cranky the last couple days and developed a fever today, but we think that is due to her new teeth. She has been “tummy” crawling all over the place, walking around furniture and loves to walk when you hold onto her fingers. She is still getting occupational therapy and is getting better at her motor skills every day.

We hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer! Riese is going to go see Dr. Singh next month, so we are hoping for a good check-up! I will keep putting new pictures on and will update a lot sooner than I did this time! Take Care


Monday, June 7, 2004 10:40 PM CDT

Riese’s Cardiology appointment last Thursday went well! Dr. Singh said that she looks very well! They took a chest x-ray and he said that her heart was a little enlarged, which is due to her leaky valve. He told us that this is normal with kids who have valve leakage and that it is nothing to worry about. We got the okay to stop Didgoxin, which is a heart med for heart failure. She is still taking 6-7 meds a day, but eliminating one is actually really exciting. I just hope that one day she will not have to take any! We will be planning a trip to see Dr. Singh again in 3 months. At that appointment, they will do an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart). After they take a look at that, Dr. Singh will probably schedule a day to do the heart cath. Depending on how her heart looks, they could schedule a heart cath for that day or a couple months later. Then, after she gets her heart cath, we could be scheduling a date to have her Fontan….her 3rd heart surgery.

Riese is still doing very well at home! She is 13 months old today! She is still over 20 lbs and is eating very well. She has 12 teeth now, so we have been experimenting with many different finger foods. She is probably one of the pickiest eaters I have ever known, but she is getting used to “big” people food more and more each day! She still isn’t crawling or walking, but she is scooting all over the place. Her Occupational Therapist and I are working very hard to make all of this happen! I still think that she will be walking before crawling though…….she takes many steps when she holds on to your fingers. She is still very smiley! She would smile at a snake if she had the chance! It is so wonderful to have a baby that smiles just about every second of the day! Sometimes I think that all she wants to do is show everyone how beautiful her 12 teeth are!

Not much else is new here. I close on my first house this Thursday, and plan on moving in all weekend, so things have been busy and are about to be really busy these next couple weeks. Thanks for checking in! I will be putting her 1 year pictures up as soon as I get them, but until then, enjoy these new ones!


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 9:05 PM CDT

Just a quick little update…..Riese went to the pediatrician and she now weighs 20 lbs. 3 oz. and is almost 30 inches long. He said that she is looking and doing really good! She sees Dr. Singh (her cardiologist) next Thursday, June 3rd, so I will update after that! Not much else is new! Riese is becoming quite independent! She is eating well and growing fast! Thanks for checking in and I will update again next week!


Sunday, May 9, 2004 4:40 PM CDT


Miss Riese turned one on Friday! It is hard to believe that last year at this time, we were preparing for Riese’s first major open-heart surgery. She has come a long way and we are blessed for every day we get to spend with her.

We had a big birthday celebration yesterday! She had a big sheet cake all to herself and she absolutely loved it! We had to take it away from her because she didn’t want to stop eating it! There were a lot of people here to celebrate her birthday. We think about 200 people showed up at her party. She had a smile on her face the whole day! We want to thank everyone who came to celebrate her special day!

Riese has been doing wonderful lately and is getting so big! She has eleven teeth and her chubby cheeks are getting even chubbier! She is getting really close to crawling and she loves to stand up. We will be seeing her pediatrician within the next week for her 12-month appointment, so we will get a current height and weight posted on the next journal entry. She will also be going to see her cardiologist, Dr. Singh in a couple weeks, so I will update after we see him.

The Echo Press (Alexandria newspaper) did a wonderful story on Riese for her birthday and Mother’s Day. If you would like to read that story, I put the link down below at the bottom of the page. Just click on the link and it will bring you right to the story.

Thank you all again for your wonderful support this past year. I will post some new birthday pictures within the next day or two and I will update in a couple weeks after Riese’s cardiology appointment. Thanks again and Happy Mothers Day!!!


Monday, April 19, 2004 10:03 PM CDT

Hello again! Riese is still doing wonderful! She did get really sick a couple weeks ago with pink eye in both eyes, an ear infection and a cold, but is now back to herself! She saw the pediatrician last week and she is now over 19 lbs. She also has 9 teeth and another about to come in. She is getting so big and it is hard to believe that she is going to be one in a couple of weeks!

Please say an extra prayer for the Ostlie family. Their daughter Abby, who has the same condition as Riese, and was in the PICU when Riese was, is back in the hospital. We hope that she recovers quickly and gets to go home soon. If you would like to visit her website and write her family a note, her address is www.caringbridge.org/mn/abbyleigh. We hope you get better soon Abby!

Thank you all for checking in! I will update again around her 1st birthday!!!


Monday, March 22, 2004 10:17 PM CST

As you can all see by the new pictures, Riese is still her smiley self! She did get a little stomach virus a couple weeks ago, but we are happy that has now passed! She lost a little weight, but her eating habits picked up again and she is now almost 18 lbs. Along with the virus, she was in the process of getting new teeth. She now has four on the bottom and the top four are all coming in at the same time. I thought that she would be a lot more unhappy, but as the new teeth came in, they didn’t seem to bother her one bit. It doesn’t really surprise me though; she is a lot tougher than a lot of us!

We don’t plan on going to the Heart Clinic to see Dr. Singh for a couple months. I am sure he will do the usual check-up and then we will probably schedule her next heart cath. Dr. Singh said that when they do the heart cath, he will have a better idea of when Riese’s next heart surgery will be. He said to plan on having the heart cath when she is about 18 months and then her third heart surgery around 2 years. It is so scary to think that next year at this time, we will be preparing to go back to Children’s Hospital. I just pray that our stay will be a lot shorter that the last.

It is hard to believe that Riese is going to be 1 in May! I never expected a year like this, but I can’t stop thinking what a little miracle she really is. Thank you all again for your ongoing support! I hope that you enjoy the new pictures and I will update soon!


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 9:52 PM CST

Our little girl is growing up so fast! Riese is now 9 ½ months old. She has developed quite a personality lately. She smiles just about 24 hours a day and loves to play all of the time. She rolls everywhere around the house and is sitting up all by herself and just lately she started standing! We think that she will start walking before she starts crawling! Riese also got a new tooth! So, she now has 3 teeth on the bottom and no teeth on top, it is kind of funny looking, but she is still the cutest thing ever! She has grown up so much this past month and we look forward to all of the new things she will start doing in the months ahead.

We had a doctor’s appointment with Riese’s cardiologist today and things went very well. She had an x-ray and an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) done while she was there. Dr. Singh was very pleased with the way things looked. He said that the x-ray of her heart was better, saying that her heart wasn’t as enlarged as it was a few months ago. He also had good news about her echocardiogram. He said that her left ventrical function was looking really good and that her valve leakage is moderately leaky. Two months ago her valve was moderate to severely leaky, so this is really good news. If her valve would of stayed severely leaky, there was a possibility that she would have had to get her valve replaced this year, which would have been another serious heart surgery. So let’s keep praying that her valve continues to grow together! Dr. Singh is thinking that her 3rd heart surgery (the fontan) will be around her second birthday.

Riese is still eating like a champ! She now weighs 17 lbs. 6 ½ oz and is almost 28 inches long. We still wish that she was a little heavier, but her doctors say that she is healthy (and you can see how healthy she looks if you look at her cheeks!) so that is all we care about! Riese is also FINALLY sleeping better!!! She usually only wakes up once a night and there have been a few nights where she has slept 8 straight hours, I never thought it would happen!!!

We hope you all had a happy Valentines Day!! Enjoy the pictures!

Love, Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Thursday, January 1, 2004 4:23 PM CST

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a great holiday season! It was a pretty hard and eventful 2003 to say the least, but we made it through. After being blessed with a baby girl on May 7th, we found out that the road ahead of us wasn’t going to be easy. After spending over 5 months in the hospital and seeing Riese go through what she had, we are so grateful to have our precious little girl home with us.

We want to thank each and every one of you for what you have done for us this past year, because without you, we don’t know how we would of made it through. We want to thank Riese’s doctors, Dr. Moga, Dr. Singh, Dr. Overman and numerous others for making such a sick heart better. Riese’s nurses, Sue, Kim M., Kim S., Gaylene, Jenny, Jamie, Jeanie, Deb and all of the other PICU and NICU nurses who not only made Riese feel better, but us too. And to everyone else a Children’s, the RT, physical therapy, occupational therapy and the Chaplaincy staff…thank you. And of course we want to thank our families who spent many days at the hospital with us. Both of our parents, our grandparents, our sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles and cousins, we thank you for your visits, prayers and ongoing support not only in the hospital, but now. And to all of the families and their children that we met in the hospital, Caleb, Jack, Alex, A.J., Devon, Tyler, Caden and numerous others, we thank you for your friendship and support. And last but not least, we thank the rest of you including all of our friends who pray for Riese everyday and all of entries on this sight not only mean a lot to us, but also will mean a lot to Riese when she gets old enough to read them herself. This list could probably go on forever with people we want to thank, so to anyone whom I didn't mention, thank you.

We will never forget this very special Christmas and New Year. Riese was able to spend the holiday season with many family members and friends. She has been doing great lately also. She has finally started to roll over to her tummy! She loves to laugh and clap her hands and play pat-a-cake! She is eating great and still loving her cereal, bananas and sweet potatoes.

Thank you all again for what you have done for us this past year. We hope you enjoy the new pictures of Riese! Have a great 2004!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Friday, December 12, 2003 8:42 AM CST

Hello, just a quick update to let everyone know how Riese is doing. Sorry its been so long but we have been very busy with Riese. The past few weeks have been very good! Since the last update we have been back to the hospital twice. The first time to get her broviac removed ( a line that was left in her so they could draw labs) and the second time (yesterday) to get her stoma or her “trach hole” fixed up. Dr. Sidman, a pediatric plastic surgeon did the procedure and promised us that you won’t even be able to see the scar where her trach had been, so that is great news. Other than that we are leading a fairly normal life with Riese with the exception of the daily meds she has to take. She now weighs just under 16 lbs. and seems to be getting bigger every day. She is really starting to take off developmentally as well. We are very excited to keep watching her grow and develop into the rambunctious little girl she is becoming. From now on we will try to update the site every few weeks to a month to keep everybody posted on what is taking place in Riese’s world as she continues to grow and develop. Again, thanks to all that have said their prayers for Riese, they really seemed to help. She is definitely a real “miracle baby” and we are very blessed to have her here for the holidays and the many many long years to come. Thank you and we wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season!!!

We will try to get some new pictures up in a couple days!

~ Love Brent, Lindsey, and Riese

Monday, November 24, 2003 12:50 AM CST

We are sorry we haven’t updated sooner, but Riese has been keeping us busy these past couple of weeks. Although we have been busy with her, things are going great! She had her first trip to the Mall of America and to Bubba Gump Shrimp. She was so good the whole time we were there, we were so proud of her. She also sat up for the first time by herself last night! Even though it was only for about 10-15 seconds, she was very content and did very well.

We had one of her last home nursing visits this past week. Riese weighed 15 lbs and is almost 27 inches! Her nurse was very impressed by how chubby she is getting and how great she is looking!

We are still planning on having her surgery for her stoma closure and broviac removal on December 11th. We still don’t know if we are going to be able to come home that same day or not, but as long as we don’t have to be there for more than one day, we’ll be happy.

We thank you all again for checking her website and leaving such nice messages. We will update the day of her surgery and let everyone know how everything goes. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Make sure to check out the new pictures, including the ones in her Bubba Gump onesie and the one of her sitting up for the first time!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Thursday, November 6, 2003 9:42 AM CST

We have some exciting news!!!! Riese’s teeth have arrived! Both of her lower teeth came in this week…….finally! She is even cuter than she was before!

She has had another good week. We went to Alexandria again for Halloween. Although she wasn’t too happy with it, we dressed her up as a ladybug. We didn’t go out trick-or-treating, but we had some very nice visitors who brought treats for her.

We had planned on going back to the hospital next week to get her stoma closed up, but now we are planning on 2-3 more weeks. They want to give it a little more time to close up, and then we will go back and get it closed. We don’t plan on going back for a check up with Dr. Singh until then either, which is kind of nice. We are trying to stay away from that place for as long as we can.

Her eating has also been going great! We started her on some cereal and she is taking that really well. She doesn’t like it plain, so with some advice from my grandma, we have been putting a little bit of bananas or peaches on the tip. It is a great “trick” and she seems to love it. Her sleeping has also been getting better. We think it is a combination of the cereal before she goes to bed and also her teeth seem to not be bugging her like before. We are hoping that she will soon be sleeping through the night, although we aren’t getting our hopes up too high!

We hope that you all enjoy the new pictures! Thanks for all of the wonderful messages! We will update again within the next week or two.

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Thursday, October 30, 2003 9:17 AM CST

It has been two weeks and two days that we have been home as a family and things are going wonderful! She is finally getting used to home and used to normal things. She is still getting us up about three times each night, usually to eat, but her sleeping is getting better every night.

Riese had her first check up yesterday with her cardiologist, Dr. Singh. He was very pleased with how she is doing. Her oxygen levels were a little lower that normal (they were in the 70’s and they are usually in the high 80’s), but he wasn’t too worried because her coloring is so good. Our next check up isn’t going to be for 3-4 weeks. We are going back to get her Stoma closed up. Her Stoma is the opening in her neck where the trach was placed. It has closed a lot, but there is still air coming out of it, which is normal. The doctor that did her tracheotomy, Dr. Sidman, recommends this so that it will be virtually impossible to see when she gets older. It is supposed to be a simple procedure, which will probably include sedation and some stitches. We are planning an overnight stay at the hospital, but there is a possibility that we will be able to leave that same day.

Her eating is still going awesome! She is eating between 27 and 30 ounces a day (which is 800-900 cc’s) We are so very proud of her and pray that she keeps doing this well! Her weight and height are also up! She was 14 lbs yesterday and 26 inches!!! She is getting so big!!!

We are so blessed to have our little angel home and we look forward to each and every day that we get to spend with her. We thank you all for the ongoing support while we are home, it makes every day brighter than it already is. We hope that you enjoy the new pictures and we will update again next week.

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 9:14 AM CDT

It has been one week that we have been home with Riese, and things are going wonderful! There have been a couple nights that she kept us up at night, but it hasn’t really bothered us a bit. We are enjoying her so much and haven’t taken one second for granted.

She is getting nursing visits once a week at our home, and those are going great as well. But, it seems that Riese knows that there is a nurse here to “pick” on her and she gets a little sassy! She gets all of her vitals checked like her weight, blood pressure, heart rate and things like that. The nurse has been here twice since we have been home and all of her vitals are looking great!

Riese has been eating the most that she ever has! At the hospital, she was getting about 720 cc’s each day, and now that she is home, her intake has even reached 950 cc’s! Her weight has also reached 13 lbs 3 oz. She seems to be doing better with everything as each day goes by. We think that the transition from hospital to home will take a little time, but we are being patient and know that she will soon forget about the hospital and start realizing that our home is where she belongs.

We thank you all once again for everything. We will update again next week!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:30 AM CDT


After five months and a week at the hospital, we finally spent our first night home with Riese. We had an enjoyable ride home from Minneapolis to St. Peter all by ourselves and as a family. We left the hospital around 2 p.m. today, October 14th, and returned to our home a little over an hour later. Riese really enjoyed her first ride in her car seat and in a car. She was really calm and slept most of the way. A couple hours after we got home, she took her first nap in her own crib. She woke up smiley as always and ready to play. After we played for a bit, we put in one of her favorite Baby Einstein movies. She loved it as always!

Since we got home, she has been taking the bottle and her meds really well. She went to bed around 8 p.m. and we are really looking forward to figuring out her sleep schedule. Since we are writing this journal entry at 9 pm on Tuesday night, we are unsure of how much she will be waking us up at night. No matter how much she does wake us up, we are ready and looking forward to it (at least for a while!). We finally get to start being parents!

We would like to thank you all once again for your ongoing support these past 5 months. They have been difficult, but your thoughts and prayers helped us get through those times. We really cannot thank you enough!

Even though we are out of the hospital, we are going to try to update the website weekly and also put up new pictures as often as we can. Thanks again!!!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Saturday, October 11, 2003 10:05 AM CDT

It has been another wonderful week for the princess!!! She has no more tubes connected to her and she is definitely ready to go home! Her trach has been out since Monday and her breathing is going very well. Her Milrinone has also been shut off since yesterday and she is handling that very well also. Yesterday was the first time we have been able to hold her with no cords or tubes connected to her since she was born. She finally seems like a normal baby.

She did pull out her feeding tube a couple days ago. We were maybe going to end up going home with it in, but we think that she will be able to eat well on her own. So, with no feeding tube she is eating pretty good, taking about 500 cc’s a day (she would get more than 700 cc’s with the feeding tube). Her weight has stayed around the 13 lb. mark, so she is doing pretty well.

We are planning on leaving the hospital on Tuesday afternoon!!! After five months of being in this place, it seems unreal. We are really going to miss all of the people who have taken care of her all of this time, including all of the nurses, surgeons, her cardiologist and a list of others. But, we sure are ready to finally start our family out of the hospital.

We will let everyone know how Tuesday goes! We also wanted to let you all know that even though we are leaving the hospital, we still plan on updating the sight every week or so. So, make sure to check in!!!

We thank you all again for the ongoing support. The last five months wouldn’t have been the same without you all! We added a few pictures, so check them out!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Monday, October 6, 2003 10:06 AM CDT


It has been such a wonderful morning for Riese! They had originally scheduled Riese to go to the OR at 11 this morning, but they had a cancellation and she went in at 7:30. They did a bronchoscopy first to see if everything was still healthy, and it looked excellent! So, they decided it was time to remove the trach! She was a little crabby when she came out of the OR, probably because of the anastesia, but she has been very smiley the last hour.

We are really looking forward to getting out of the hospital. We are planning on getting discharged next week sometime! We cannot wait!

So, now that the trach is out, we are now going to start weaning her off of the milrinone (for her heart), which is the one drug that we cannot go home with. We are thinking that will take anywhere between 3-7 days. After the milrinone is weaned, we are going to stay at the hospital for a couple days just to make sure that she is ready to go home.

Our little princess is going to be five months old tomorrow! It is hard to believe! So, happy birthday Riese!

Thank you for all of the support again! I will update soon.

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Monday, October 6, 2003 10:06 AM CDT


It has been such a wonderful morning for Riese! They had originally scheduled Riese to go to the OR at 11 this morning, but they had a cancellation and she went in at 7:30. They did a bronchoscopy first to see if everything was still healthy, and it looked excellent! So, they decided it was time to remove the trach! She was a little crabby when she came out of the OR, probably because of the anastesia, but she has been very smiley the last hour.

We are really looking forward to getting out of the hospital. We are planning on getting discharged next week sometime! We cannot wait!

So, now that the trach is out, we are now going to start weaning her off of the milrinone (for her heart), which is the one drug that we cannot go home with. We are thinking that will take anywhere between 3-7 days. After the milrinone is weaned, we are going to stay at the hospital for a couple days just to make sure that she is ready to go home.

Our little princess is going to be five months old tomorrow! It is hard to believe! So, happy birthday Riese!

Thank you for all of the support again! I will update soon.

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Wednesday, October 1, 2003 11:41 AM CDT

Riese has had such a wonderful week! We were able to go outside once again and every day we take a walk around the hospital. We are getting so excited because we think that we are going to be able to go home in a couple weeks! We are trying our hardest not to get our hopes up too high, but it is really hard not too!

We are up to 16 hours of trach collar today and still plan on getting up to 24 hours on Friday. If Riese does well this weekend on her trach collar, she is scheduled to go to the O.R on Monday at 11 a.m. and get her trach removed!!!

If she does get her trach removed on Monday, we have to wean one of her heart meds (milrinone) before we can leave. They think that it will take 3-4 days. After the milrinone is weaned, they want to watch her for a couple days and then we can probably go home! HOME HOME HOME!!! After being here at the hospital for almost five months, it is hard to even imagine!

Her feeds were increased to 95 cc’s every three hours. Her weight is just under 13 lbs, so they decided it was time to increase again so she can gain some more weight.

Thanks aging for all of your continuing support. We ask you all again to pray for Riese as she continues to do well.

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Friday, September 26, 2003 7:23 PM CDT

Our little one has been having a wonderful week! We haven't been able to go outside again because of the cold and windy weather, but we have been able to walk around the PICU unit and the hospital. She loves to get out of her room and look at new things!

She has been doing wonderful on the Trach collar. Today she did it twice, four hours each time. If she keeps doing this well, we are going to go ten straight hours on Sunday. Our other goal is to get to twenty four hours next Friday. So, if Friday goes well, the doctors will figure out what they want to do next. They don't know yet if they want to take the Trach out first and then wean some of the medications, or wean some of the meds first and then take the trach out. She is now on 12 different medications for her heart and other things. We know that we are going to have to go home with some of them, but we don't want to go home with all of them.

Riese has still been eating well. She weighed 12 lbs. 14 oz. today. It seems that her weight has been staying between 12 1/2 lbs to 13 lbz. 3 oz. She is looking healthy as ever.

Thanks once again for your continuing support!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Monday, September 22, 2003 4:43 PM CDT

HAPPY, HAPPY DAY!!!! Riese got to go outside today for the first time since she was born!! It was so wonderful!! She went on Trach collar this morning again and we decided that it was time for her to enjoy a little sunny weather. She absolutely loved every second of it. She seemed to be a little confused and suddenly realized that there was more to life than being stuck in an 8 x 8 room. She loved the light wind and the sunlight on her face! We just pray that we can have more days like this one soon (and we know that we will!)! We thank Riese’s primary nurse Sue and another nurse named Deb for the wonderful experience.

She had a wonderful weekend! She is now on C-PAP constantly and we are doing trach collar twice a day for an hour and a half. We will be increasing the time by a half-hour probably every day. It doesn’t even seem to phase her when we switch from C-PAP to trach collar, which is a really good sign!

We are still weaning the Methadone, very slowly. They went down to .20 ml three times a day. She seems to be doing really well with it!

Her feeding gets better and better each day! She is bottling anywhere from 60-80 cc’s each feeding. She is also at a good weight, weighing 13 lbs. this morning!

We thank you all for all of your prayers and support! Everything is looking up here and it is wonderful that Riese is doing so well. We ask you to keep her in your prayers as she gets better! Thanks!!!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Thursday, September 18, 2003 2:54 PM CDT

Miss Riese has been having a wonderful couple of days!!! She is now on 24 hours of C-PAP today and is doing wonderful with that! We also did a trial today on the trach collar. We didn’t want to push her, so we only went for 20 minutes. She did alright, but it is going to take time to get used to it. It took her about 3 weeks to get her to 24 hours of C-PAP and we are hoping that it won’t take much longer on the trach collar.

Riese’s rhythm is also back on track! The atrial flutter is gone and we hope is stays gone for a long time! It seems that ever since it went away, her bottling gets better and better! She has been taking 50-60 cc’s or more every feeding.

She also keeps on gaining good weight! She weighed 13 lbs 3 oz today! She is getting chunky!

We are going out of town for the weekend, so I will update again on Monday. Kristi, Jay, Brent and I are heading to Notre Dame to go see a football game! We will hopefully get some new pictures up early next week too.

Thanks again! Hugs and kisses from Riese!

Love, Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Monday, September 15, 2003 3:28 PM CDT

Hello everyone! We are so sorry for not updating sooner, but we actually got to go to Alexandria for the weekend. Everything in the hospital is going alright. Slowly but surly we are getting closer to getting out of here.

Riese did have to get cardioverted (when they use pallets and “shock” the heart) early last week. Her heart went back into the Atrial Flutter. Atrial flutter is a rhythm disturbance of the atria that results in regular tachycardic ventricular waveforms, which means that her atria is “fluttering” instead of taking nice beats. If any of you remember, this happened a couple days after her 2nd heart surgery. After they cardioverted her that time, it worked. But this time it didn’t, so we are waiting for it to get better on its own. It seems that every day it gets better, so that is good news.

Yesterday she did 14 hours of C-PAP! She did wonderful and we are doing 16 today! We don’t know for sure when we are going to start trach collar, but we think really soon, maybe later this week! Every day we get closer to getting that trach out and being able to hear her voice! We can’t wait for the day until we can hear her again!

Riese’s bottling isn’t going very well, but we think that could be because of the irregular beating of her heart might be bothering her a little bit. We also think it could be because of her teething, she chews on everything especially her fingers!

She gets bigger and bigger every day! She weighed 12 lbs. 6 oz. today! She has finally grown out of her newborn clothes!

Riese is still smiling a lot! She tells me to send you all hugs and kisses!!!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Sunday, September 7, 2003 4:25 PM CDT


It is hard to believe that Riese is 4 months old already! She has been doing wonderful. The wean from the vent is going very slow but well. We are still on C-PAP (when she breathes on her own with positive pressure) and we are increasing the time by 30 min. every other day. Right now she is on C-PAP 3 times a day for 2 ½ hours each time. She has been doing really well with breathing on her own and we are looking forward to starting the trach collar very soon!

They also started to wean her off of that nasty drug Methadone today. She seems to be doing very well with the wean and we are hoping that we don’t have to see her go through drug withdrawal ever again.

We have also figured out that she is teething!!! She seems to be doing very well with. She started chewing on her nook instead of sucking on it and has also been chewing on her hands and drooling all over the place.

Riese is still eating very well! She weighed 12 lbs. 2 oz. today and measured at 25 and 1/8th inches! She is growing so fast. She is still getting 90 cc’s every 3 hours. Her bottling is going great, she has been taking between 70 and 90 cc’s at each feeding!

We are so happy that Riese is going in the right direction! She is so smiley and so happy! We wish that we knew when we would be able to bring her home. We can’t wait to walk out of this hospital and start being a family!

Thanks again for all of your prayers and support!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Sunday, August 31, 2003 3:57 PM CDT

Well, as you can see by the new pictures, Riese has been doing very well! We have realized that our stay here is going to be longer than we thought. Since we took so many big steps backwards last weekend, we are going to have to take smaller steps forward.

We were originally going to start her on her trach collar one hour twice a day, but we are going to have to start over with the C-PAP (positive pressure), which is the step before the trach collar. We are doing C-PAP twice a day for 90 minutes. She has been doing extremely well with it, so we are hoping to start trach collar soon. We think that it will take about a month to wean her off of her vent and then she will hopefully get decanulated (trach removed).

We are also working on weaning her off of that nasty drug Methadone. Dr. Singh (her cardiologist) said that it could take even a few months to wean her off of it, but the good thing is that we can go home with it. We are going really slow with that wean, so she will hopefully not even notice.

Riese weighed in this morning at 11 lbs. 4 oz. She has been eating like a champ! They did increase her feeds to 90 cc’s (3 ounces) every three hours. Each time she gets to bottle, she takes between 50 and 65 cc’s each time! She has been doing wonderful!

We will keep you all updated on her progress as we slowly wean her off of everything. Thanks again for all of your support! We hope you enjoy the new pictures!!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 1:58 PM CDT

Well, the last couple of days have been good, but Riese had a really tough weekend. She kind of told us that we were going a little too fast, and she just wasn’t ready. So we had to take a couple steps backwards. On Friday, one of her “happy drugs” (methadone) was taken away from her. She was really irritable and inconsolable for a few days, so the docs started her back up on it. She will be getting it 3 times a day for a few weeks and maybe even a few months to wean her off of it again, but Dr. Singh (her cardiologist) told us that we can go home with it. It is so sad knowing that she is addicted, but she is so much more comfortable now. The wean is going to be slow, but she will hopefully be done with it soon.

Another setback that we had was the vent wean. We went back up to a rate of 15 breaths per minute and we are only doing 1 hour on the trach collar twice a day. Since she was so irritable, we kind of had to start over with everything – her drugs, her vent wean and even her feedings. We also had to put a feeding tube back in. We want her to be as strong as she can be when we wean her off of the vent. She was taking her bottle great, but she just wasn’t eating as much as we wanted.

We are positive that she will be home soon and will be getting the trach removed soon. Almost everyone believes that the methadone is the main culprit here. I wish that we would of known what she wanted sooner so we didn’t have to take all of these steps backwards.

But on a positive note, Riese was back to her normal self yesterday after she got her “fix” of that nasty drug methadone. We are now back on track and again looking forward to HOPEFULLY be home in a few weeks.

Thanks again for all of the support! We will be putting new pictures up soon, maybe after the weekend!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Friday, August 22, 2003 7:07 PM CDT

We have great news!!! Riese had her Bronchoscopy at 4 o’clock this afternoon. Dr. Sidman came back with the wonderful news that everything looks great and as soon as she gets off of the trach collar, the trach will be removed!!! Dr. Singh came in the room soon after Riese returned and he said that the trach could be gone even in a couple days. Even though we aren’t getting our hopes up that it will happen that quickly, we are relieved that everything is healed and we will be going home without the trach! He also told us that we may be home within a couple weeks!! It is so crazy to think that we are actually going to be out of this hospital soon and living a normal life!!!

She is still gaining her weight every day. She was 11 lbs. 5 oz. this morning. They did remove her feeding tube when they did the broch, so we are going to try our hardest to get her feeds and meds down orally instead. She is still eating every 3 hours, so it might be a long night. The meds that she is getting don’t taste very well (our primary nurse Sue, made Brent and I taste them) so we are hoping that she will take them. But, since we are going home soon, she needs to get used to them and taking them orally.

Thanks again for all of your support and extra prayers, they really mean a lot!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 4:37 PM CDT

Little Miss Riese has been improving quite well these past few days! She is still on the vent, but the weaning is going well so far. She is now off C-PAP and now on the trach collar….the next step closer to being off of the vent. The difference between C-PAP and trach collar is that on C-PAP, the vent was still connected to her trach giving positive pressure, but with the trach collar, the vent is taken off of the trach giving no ventilator or pressure assistance. We are doing the trach collar twice a day for two hours at a time. We were going to try to go all day today with the trach collar, but the doctors and nurses said that it would be better to just take our time and increase an hour or so every couple days.

We are going to have another big day on Friday. Riese is going to get another Bronchoscopy. This means that they are going to take an instrument with a light and camera and look at her airway. This is going to determine if there is any damage and if the trach is going to be able to be taken out after she is weaned off of the vent. So we are going to need extra prayers that day!!! The Bronch isn’t scheduled until 5 p.m. but we will hopefully be able to update you all on the news.

Riese weighed 11 lbs. and ½ ounce today!!! She finally graduated from her newborn diapers after she had an extremely large blowout and pooped all over me. It wasn’t fun, but Riese and Brent sure had a laugh!

Thank you all again!! Please pray for Riese extra hard on Friday!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Saturday, August 16, 2003 2:43 PM CDT

Our little princess has once again had a few good days! Her vent rate is down to 10 breaths per minute and we started her on C-PAP. On C-PAP, Riese will breath totally on her own with positive pressure coming from the vent. At the moment, we are only doing C-PAP for 15-30 minutes twice a day. The nurse said that when kids can handle being on C-PAP for around 4 hours, it is likely the vent isn’t needed. Riese’s first trial on C-PAP was this afternoon around 1:15. She went the full 30 minutes and she did very well! Dr. Singh (her cardiologist) was very impressed and he hopes that maybe the ventilator will be gone in a week or so!

We are still feeding her 70 cc’s every 2 hours (2 1/3rd ounces). We are hoping to get her up to 75 cc’s. She is still bottling fairly well, between 20 and 45 cc’s every feeding. Whatever she doesn’t eat we are still putting it down her feeding tube. The little stinker spit up this morning and the feeding tube came right up with it, so they had to put a new one in. We can probably say that getting a new feeding tube in her nose is one of her least favorite things (and probably one of ours too!).

She is also still gaining good weight! She weighed in this morning at 10 pounds 10 ounces! I think that all of the weight is going to her cheeks, they are so chubby! She is still skinny mini though. She is still wearing newborn diapers and newborn to 3-month clothing. But she is looking healthier than ever!!! It seems that her color gets better every day!

We thank you all again for all the support and prayers. All of your kindness makes us stronger every day!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 1:18 PM CDT

Well, little Miss Riese has been doing really well these fast few days! She got over her last surgery (diaphragm placation) really fast! Now we are on the road to recovery and getting her home!

They started weaning her off of her vent a couple days ago. The vent was giving her 20 breaths a minute, and they decided that they are going to decrease those breaths one every twelve hours. Today she is on a rate of 16 and will go down to 15 this evening. We are hoping that she will be off the vent within a week, or maybe even less (and we pray not more). After the vent is gone, we will hopefully be able to decanulate (remove her Trach) soon after. After her Trach is removed, we are going to have do wean her off one of her heart meds and after that we will hopefully be heading home!!! I guess we can’t get our hopes up too much, but we really believe that one day we will get her home!!!

She is also bottling really well too! She is getting 70 ccs (which is 2 and 1/3rd ounces) every two hours. She took a record amount today from the bottle...45 ccs!!! It seems that every day she gets better and better!! She also weighed in this morning at 10 lbs. 7 oz! Her skinny little legs are finally getting a little meat on them!!!

She is smiling more and more every day. Even though she seems a little worn out (who can blame her) she is looking really good and healthy. We just pray and pray every day that it keeps going this good!

Thanks once again for all of the wonderful support you have given our families and us! It means the world to us and we don’t know what we would do without you!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 1:15 PM CDT

Well, little Miss Riese has been doing really well these fast few days! She got over her last surgery (diaphragm placation) really fast! Now we are on the road to recovery and getting her home!

They started weaning her off of her vent a couple days ago. The vent was giving her 20 breaths a minute, and they decided that they are going to decrease those breaths one every twelve hours. Today she is on a rate of 16 and will go down to 15 this evening. We are hoping that she will be off the vent within a week, or maybe even less (and we pray not more). After the vent is gone, we will hopefully be able to decanulate (remove her Trach) soon after. After her Trach is removed, we are going to have do wean her off one of her heart meds and after that we will hopefully be heading home!!! I guess we can¡¦t get our hopes up too much, but we really believe that one day we will get her home!!!

She is also bottling really well too! She is getting 70 cc¡¦s (which is 2 and 1/3rd ounces) every two hours. She took a record amount today from the bottle¡K¡K45 cc¡¦s!!! It seems that every day she gets better and better!! She also weighed in this morning at 10 lbs. 7 oz! Her skinny little legs are finally getting a little meat on them!!!

She is smiling more and more every day. Even though she seems a little worn out (who can blame her) she is looking really good and healthy. We just pray and pray every day that it keeps going this good!

Thanks once again for all of the wonderful support you have given our families and us! It means the world to us and we don¡¦t know what we would do without you!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese ļ

Friday, August 8, 2003 12:18 AM CDT

We are proud to announce that our little miracle girl made it through another surgery! She went into the operating room this morning around 8:45 a.m. and was out at about 10 a.m. They successfully fixed her diaphragm and put in an atrial pacemaker lead and ended up not putting in the pacemaker. She is looking good but in some pain. They numbed up the area where they did the surgery and are giving her some morphine and chloral (a pain med) to numb the pain. She will hopefully be herself in a couple of days, so we can’t wait to get some more smiles out of her! We hope you all enjoy the pictures! She was being a little stubborn and would only smile when the camera was out of her face. We thank you all once again for all of your love and support. Hopefully we won’t have to go to that operating room again for a long time! We realized today that she has been in there 7 times, it’s hard to believe! Thanks again!!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Tuesday, August 5, 2003 1:30 PM CDT

Well, it looks like we will be heading into the operating room once again this week. They have decided that they are going to go ahead and do a diaphragm placation probably this Friday. The doctors feel that since she is doing good, they would rather not wait and just get it done so we can maybe go home a little earlier. The other news that we got is that they are going to be putting an Atrial Pacemaker wire in her right atrium. They feel this is necessary because her heart is still beating irregularly and just in case she does need a pacemaker, the wire will be there, ready to go. So that leads us to another possibility, they might be putting in a pacemaker too. Dr. Moga (her heart surgeon) said that he wants a couple days to think about it and wants to run it across Dr. Singh (her cardiologist). It is a very scary thought, but I was reassured that the pacemaker would be there to help her heart function a little better and beat at a more normal rate. So even though she could probably live without it, it might be the best thing for her and maybe we can get home a little more quickly. They also told me that if it is put in, she might not need it forever, so that’s another plus.

She is still her smiley self! She weighed in this morning at 10 lbs. 1 oz. We are feeding her about 2 ounces every three hours, so she is getting bigger! We’re still working on that bottle and hopefully before we come home Riese will have the bottling thing down and the feeding tube out of her nose!

As I said last week, Riese will be three months this Thursday! We will be taking more pictures and putting new ones up on the site! We would like to thank everyone again for all of your ongoing support! We love you all!

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 3:16 PM CDT

Riese is 12 weeks old today! As good as she looks, we were surprised to get some bad news yesterday. She went in for an x-ray in the afternoon and they realized that the right side of her diaphram is paralyzed. Dr. Singh (her wonderful cardiologist) doesn’t believe that it is going to get better. So within a couple week they are going to do another x-ray, and if it doesn’t look like it is getting better, they are going to have to do another operation. They will go in from her side and put some stitches in her diaphram so it will stay down. As depressing as this is, they hope that they can take her off of her ventilator a couple days after the surgery. So even though it is really bad news, hopefully some good will come out of it. If she doesn’t need the ventilator, she doesn’t need the trach, and then hopefully we can make some plans to get out of this place!!! She is back to her smiley self and is adorable as ever!!! She weighed 9 lbs. 14 oz. today, so she is getting beefed up! Thank you all again for your support, we love you all !!! Riese will be 3 months old next Thursday, so we hope to get some more wonderful new pictures up on the site! So make sure to check back!

Love Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Friday, July 25, 2003 10:41 AM CDT

Hello everyone!! Riese has been doing excellent these past few days. There were a couple setbacks in the beginning of the week, but they don’t seem to stop her from wanting to get better! On Monday morning they had to shock her heart because she was having an atrial flutter (an irregular heart beat), as scary as that sounds it seemed to work and the flutter is gone, hopefully for good! She also had her pacemaker wires hooked up to the pacemaker for a few days to help that flutter too, but that is now turned off also. Her weight did get down to 8 lbs.13 oz. yesterday. She is only getting 6 cc’s (ml) an hour of formula which is only a little bit more that 1 oz. every six hours, but soon we will start bottling again and beefing her up! They also took her breathing tube out of her nose yesterday and put her trach back in. She is so much more comfortable now and hopefully soon we can start weaning her off of the vent and we can take that trach out! There seems to be less and less wires and cords everyday! She looks so wonderful and we can’t wait to hold her in our arms again. We want to thank all of you again for all of your love and support. We are now on our road to a hopefully great and speedy recovery! Thanks again, we love all of you!


Lindsey, Brent and Riese

Tuesday, July 22, 2003 12:53 AM CDT

Riese is recovering fairly well from her surgery. She has had a few minor problems but nothing that seems to be too serious. She still has not really woken up yet, they want to keep here as calm and as still as possible so she is able to recover without any added stress. Overall the doctors seem to be pleased with her progress. We can only hope and pray that things keep going at a somewhat steady pace and hopefully there won’t be too many surprises along the way. Thanks again for your support and we’ll keep you updated on the recovery process.

Love Brent, Lindsey, & Riese

Friday, July 18, 2003 7:09 PM CDT

I am proud to announce that our little miracle girl did it again! Riese has successfully made it through the surgery and is now back in her room starting her recovery process. The doctors said everything went as planned and went very smoothly, which is exceptional considering this rare procedure. It’s absolutely amazing to think that just a few hours ago she was on an O.R. table with her heart stopped and that the doctors were making incisions in her tiny little heart. It is just incredible what they can do. We are still kind of in the hot seat for the next few days during her recovery. Like the first surgery the following 24-48 hours after the surgery are very critical. This is when the chances of something going wrong are the highest. We have a very positive attitude that she will keep improving now and start sailing through her recovery at a fast pace. I think we deserve that and we all know she REALLY deserves that. Enough of this hospital mumbo jumbo we are ready to get her well and get out of here. This is like the start of a whole new phase, and we expect things to go smoother in this round. The past few days Riese seems to have such strong determination to get better it’s just amazing. We know she wants to get home and finally start her (our) normal life. So lets all keep praying for a good, fast recovery and to let this little bugger get home! Thank you all so much for the extra prayers and the support the last few days, we know that was part of the reason everything went as planned. Thanks!

Love Brent, Lindsey & Riese

Wednesday, July 16, 2003 4:11 PM CDT

Riese’s surgery is now scheduled for Friday the 18th at 1:30 p.m. The doctors feel it’s necessary to bump the date up due to her heart enlargement and other complications she is beginning to have. They told us a long time ago that we’ll be able to tell when she needs her next surgery. We are now starting to be able to see the signs that she needs the surgery. Mainly just in little things like her irritability and color, and we can also tell that she is starting to look a little uncomfortable more often. The good news is that she now weighs 9lbs 13oz and the ideal weight for the second surgery is around 10 pounds, so she is going into this at good solid weight. The doctors have explained to us what exactly they will be doing during the surgery and how they will do it. They assured us that they both have done numerous Glen’s (second operation in the series of three) and many valve repairs. But… here’s where it gets kind of scary, they have not done both of the operations combined but maybe once or twice. Infact a hospital in Michigan that has done the most of these combined Glen and valve repair surgeries have maybe done a total of 8 or so. It is a very rare case that you would need both of these surgeries at the same time, but in Riese’s case, due to her severely leaky valve they are going to have to perform this procedure on her. Even though it is rare and they have not done many of the procedures anywhere, they still feel somewhat comfortable doing the operation and they believe she has a fairly high chance of making it through the surgery. So lets all hope and pray extra hard for our little Riese on Friday and hope that everything goes smoothly during the operation and that she has a good recovery. We will keep everyone posted on how she does on Friday. Take care.

Love Brent, Lindsey, & Riese

Monday, July 14, 2003 10:42 AM CDT

Hi everyone, Riese is still doing good. She continues to grow and now weighs 9lbs 9oz. She is really starting to get used to bottle feeding too, she takes a good portion of every feeding through her bottle now. The doctors have set a date for the next surgery, which will be on Monday July 28th. But, this morning they said they may have to do it a little sooner (possibly end of this week or early next week) because her heart is really starting to enlarge due to all the extra work it has been doing. We’ll find out for sure in a day or two when it will be done. Along with the Glen surgery (the standard second surgery out of the three) her valve continues to leak severely, and they will definitely have to try and repair that during the surgery as well. They actually have to stop the heart with a bypass machine when they do this procedure so they can have a somewhat “dry field” to work in. This seems it would be a complex and risky operation, and it is to a degree but the doctors seem to know what they have to do in order to fix our little Riese up. As for now that’s about all the new updates we have for you, we’ll keep in touch and let everyone know when the surgery will be for sure.

Love Brent, Lindsey & Riese

Monday, July 7, 2003 2:39 PM CDT

Riese is two months today! She is still hanging in there and doing what she is suppose to be doing, growing! She now weighs 9lbs 1oz and continues to gain a little weight almost everyday. She is starting to really get the hang of bottle feeding too. She is learning more each day on how to do it, hopefully sometime she can get that feeding tube out of her nose and do it herself. There is really nothing else new besides that, her progress is staying stable and she is always smiling and awake. She is almost on a normal sleep schedule where she is awake most of the day and sleeps most of the night. I have put new pictures in the photo album but kept the one on the front page the sane because she looks so darn cute. We’ll keep you updated.

~Love Brent, Lindsey, and Riese

Tuesday, July 1, 2003 4:09 PM CDT

Riese had her heart cath this morning to confirm what the doctor’s thought was wrong with her. They mainly did it to look at the leaky valve, and to see how serious it was. Well, we were told that the leak was very severe and it will definitely need to be altered. They will try and fix the valve when they do Riese’s next heart surgery which will probably be around 3 to 4 weeks. The risks goes up tremendously when they are dealing with a valve like this because they actually have to open the heart up and try to alter this main valve. We do have faith in the doctors that they will do everything to the best of their ability, but even they are not certain of what the outcome will be. Doing this type of procedure is very risky, especially on an infant. Until then we can only hope that she keeps gaining weight and doing as good as she has been doing these past few days. She seems to be so normal and in such good spirits as you can see by the pictures, she has a long tough road ahead of her and we hope and pray that she will pull through this and keep being the amazing little girl she has already proven to be.

Sunday, June 29, 2003 1:07 PM CDT

As I read back the last journal entry to myself about three or four hours after I had written it, I realized that it was basically just not true. That’s how much things can change inside of a day down here. They are now planning on keeping Riese on the vent for sure until her surgery. It’s just way too difficult for her to do it on her own right now and they really want her to gain weight for her surgery. They are going to be doing a heart cath on her on Tuesday morning to find out what is going on with her. The doctors think that this “leaky Valve” is causing the majority of her problems, by doing this heart cath they will be able to tell what is really happening in there. This in itself is considered another operation, but not one that involves a lot of risk. From my understanding they inject a colored die into the bloodstream and then are able to see with a type of ultrasound machine where all of her blood is flowing and how much is getting to certain areas and so on. The scary part for us is that this will tell us the truth about what is going on with her heart. It could go either what right now, either good to fair news or very bad news. This will really determine when her next operation will be and it will elimainate this kind of guessing game the doctors are doing trying to find out why she is so irritable and having problems breathing on her own. So Tuesday’s a big day, and we are hoping for things to go in that good to fair category instead of going the other way. We will let everyone know what we find out after Tuesday. Take care

~ Love Brent, Lindsey, & Riese

Monday, June 23, 2003 11:28 AM CDT

Riese’s progress is staying consistent. They take her off the ventilator for 5 hours and then put her back on for 5 hours. They’re trying to slowly build the strength in her lungs so she can be on her own, which will probably be in a few days to a week. She is doing everything the way she is suppose to right now and things are definitely heading in the right direction. It is amazing to see how alert she is and she’s always awake and starting to smile a lot too. They are thinking that she will get moved up stairs in a few days. That means that she doesn’t have to be watched as close and that she is getting to be more stable. It also means that we will be able to spend more time with her without nurses and doctors always over our shoulders, we are looking very forward to this. We’ll keep in touch.

~Love Brent, Lindsey & Riese

Thursday, June 19, 2003 10:30 AM CDT

Riese continues to take steps in the right direction. She is gaining weight at a good pace and is more alert and awake than ever. We have really learned to take the news day by day around here, everyday we usually here something different on what is going to happen in the future. Now they say there is a slight chance that Riese will be able to come home for a couple of months before her next surgery. They want to start weaning here off the vent and try to maybe get the trach out before the next operation as well. It all may sound a little repetitive and confusing, it’s just that everyday her condition changes and the doctors all have different opinions (educated guesses) on what to do with her and how she will recover. Only time will tell what the real outcome of everything will be. As for now she continues to make good progress and things are going real smooth for the most part. She should start to recover a lot better now, as of Monday she has one more angel watching over her. Riese’s Great Grandpa Kluver passed away and we know that he will tell everyone up there to keep their eyes on her and make sure she gets better. Thanks for all the support and we’ll stay in touch.

~Love Brent, Lindsey, & Riese

Sunday, June 15, 2003 3:14 PM CDT

Riese has been doing pretty good the last couple of days. The doctors looked at her trachea on Friday and said everything looked really good and the damaged tissue was all healed up. They said if it were not for this leaky valve in her heart they would probably take the trach out and get ready to send her home, but as long as were going to be here until the next surgery they will probably just leave the trach in until she is ready to go home after her second surgery. We really have not gotten word as to when her next surgery will be. They say it could be as soon as a couple weeks or as long as a couple months. The longer the better, she needs to gain as much weight as possible and try to get stronger before this next surgery. So now we just hope that she can hang in there with this leaky valve for a while until she gets big enough for her next surgery. She continues to be in good spirits most of the time and is always awake and very alert. She loves to suck on her little nook and look at her bug mobile. Take care and we’ll update again in a few days. ~Thanks

Love Brent, Lindsey & Riese

Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:41 AM CDT

Sorry about be not updating all the time, I will probably only update about one or two times a week from now on. I have been trying to get home and work a few days a week and Lindsey is staying very busy here with Riese. We have found out some rather depressing news the other day. The doctors want to keep Riese here until here next surgery, which will be at least a couple more months. She has a valve in her heart that is not closing all the way when it is suppose to and this is causing her to work a lot harder than she should be. She needs to stay here so she can keep getting the medication she needs to keep this little valve working. I am not sure yet if they plan to fix this valve during her next surgery or do a separate surgery for this, this was not part of her original diagnosis. Whenever she reaches 10 pounds or so she will have her second operation (The Glenn). It was a big shocker for us to here this news but it is only for the best I guess. We will make sure to stay in touch with everyone down this long…long road, in the mean while there is nothing else to do besides sit around, wait and pray.

~ Love Brent, Lindsey & Riese

Saturday, June 7, 2003 4:28 PM CDT

Riese is one month old today and things continue to keep going well for her. She has recently been taken off all of the IV tubes and drugs she has been on. They continue to give her a med or two orally a few times a day. It is so nice to see her without those big needles and tubes in her. She seems much more happier and content with the trach in as well. We are all kind of getting used to it being there now, and it’s all worth it when you can look at her and just see how much more comfortable she is. We have also been starting to feed her with a bottle the last couple of days, but she is still getting the majority of her food supply through a feeding tube that goes down her nose. It is going to take a little time for her to get used to eating normally because she has never really had a chance to do it before. Hopefully things keep going in this direction and she keeps getting stronger and better.

~Love Brent, Lindsey & Riese

Wednesday, June 4, 2003 5:34 PM CDT

Hello everyone, sorry about the updating delay, we both have been busy the last few days. It’s hard to believe that we have already been here four weeks today, Riese will be a month old on Saturday already. She is now finally starting to move in the right direction. She is still hooked up to the ventilator, but she has been breathing on her own the whole day so she is making good progress in that area. She will probably be taken of the ventilator tomorrow if things keep going well. We will not know for sure how long she will have the trach in until next Friday. Hopefully some of the damaged area in her trachea has healed a little and maybe just maybe she will not have to go home with the trach in. She also has been taken off many of the different meds she has been on and just has a couple of I.V tubes left in her. So yes, things are starting to look up a little bit now, but we still have a ways to go. She still is just a little bitty thing only weighing in at about 7 ½ lbs. She is starting to be very alert now and awake a lot more often. We hope that things keep moving in the right direction and there are no more surprises this time around. Thanks again for the support and prayer’s, we will continue keeping you informed on Riese’s progress.

~ Love Brent, Lindsey & Riese

Saturday, May 31, 2003 12:13 AM CDT

Believe it or not, it has gone from bad to worse. After Riese was put back on the ventilator, the doctors suspected something was irritating her throat or her trachea(breathing pipe). The did a procedure where they go in and look down her throat with a small camera. They found out that because of the breathing tube being down her throat for so long it was starting to wear down the skin and cartilage around her trachea. The only option that we were faced with was to have a Tracheastomy performed. For those of you who do not know what this is, it is a tube that they insert in the lower- middle portion of your throat to help you breath better, she needs this tube in so that her worn down skin and cartilage around her trachea can have time to heal. As that skin heals and her trachea looks good again they will remove the trach. This could be as soon as 2-4 weeks, or it good possibly have to stay in until her next surgery or even longer. The good part is that it is only temporary, she looks a lot more comfortable now, but it’s not the most cosmetically pleasing thing to see. We sure hope that this down hill snowball we are in stops pretty soon, she has kind of been going in the opposite direction that we want her to be moving in, but hopefully it will turn around sometime. This will definitely extend our stay here at this glorious hospital a couple more weeks at least. Thanks to all of you for keeping the support and prayer’ s flowing, even though it may not seem like they are helping her condition improve much, it is making all of us stronger down here. Hopefully some day this bad dream will end and we will have her back in our arms at home.

~ Love Brent,Lindsey & Riese

Thursday, May 29, 2003 3:20 PM CDT

Here we go again, Riese was unfortunately put back on the respirator machine this afternoon. She did really well through out the night and everything was looking good. When we arrived at her bedside this morning she was starting to struggle a little bit, as the afternoon progressed she started to have more troubles with her breathing. They tried to put her in a little oxygen tent and that did not work very well. We waited and waited to see if she would come out of it and start breathing good again on her own and unfortunately she never really got to that point. They had to put that big annoying tube back in her nose and down her throat. She looks a lot better now than she did a few hours ago when she was struggling for breath, her color is back to normal and things are looking stable again. The doctors say that she will probably have to be on the machine for about another week. Let’s hope that the third times a charm. This has been a pretty bumpy recovery process so far, we know that things could be going worse, but they also could be going a lot better. We can only hope that things start to improve from here.

~ Love Brent, Lindsey & Riese

Wednesday, May 28, 2003 2:49 PM CDT

Hi everyone, Riese is doing really good right now. She was taken off the resprirator machine early this afternoon. She is doing everything on her own now and seems to be doing a great job at it. It is SO NICE to see her without any tubes going down her nose. She seems to be awake and alert too. I think she really enjoys not having those tubes run down her throat. She has been getting cut off many of the drugs that she has been on as well. Hopefully all goes well this time around, she is back up to her normal weight and things are looking good. As you can see I also put some new pictures up, they were taken right after she was extibated. We Hope you enjoy the new pictures and we will keep you updated on Riese’s progress. Thanks for everything!

~ Love Brent, Lindsey & Riese

Tuesday, May 27, 2003 4:20 PM CDT

Hello, Riese is still hanging in there. She continues to improve and is starting to really be more awake and more alert. The doctors think they will be extibating(taking her breathing tube out) tomarrow morning or the next, after that hopefully things will go a little bit smoother than the last time. I am confident that everything will work out this time, she is a little bigger and stronger than she was a week ago. As for now that's about it, so take care and keep praying for a good recovery.

~ Love Brent & Lindsey

Sunday, May 25, 2003 2:15 PM CDT

Hi everyone, We just got back to the hospital this afternoon. We decided to go home for the weekend and try to have a little fun. We had a really good time just being home and seeing everyone again. Riese is doing good, she is still hooked up to her breathing machine but will hopefully be off of it within a day or two. She is looking really good and still has her spunky little attitude. I think she really wants to get home and finally meet all of the great people that have been waiting to see her. We all know that she has had an outstanding amount of people praying for her to get better, it is really helping her and us get through this. Thank you all so much for all of the support and the gifts, it is incredible to know that there are so many people that care. I will make sure to get some new pictures up very soon, she sure looks a lot different than she did when she was born. She just keeps getting cuter by the day. We’ll talk to you soon.

~Love Brent & Lindsey

Friday, May 23, 2003 11:40 AM CDT

Hello and Happy Memorial Day weekend. Little Riese is starting to come around again after she has been put back on the respirator. They say that it could have been a number of small things that caused her to be put back on the machine. It may have been due to drug withdraws, they are trying to wean her off all of the meds she is on, and maybe they just did it a bit to rapidly. In any case, she is now doing a little better and is starting to be more awake and alert again. We are praying that this will be the only set back she has in the battle of trying to get through this mess. We have now learned that we have to take one step at a time and not get ahead of ourselves, this is a long and extensive recovery process and things may not go as well as we would like them to go all the time. It came to mind today that this is our 16th day of being down at the hospital, it really does not seem like that. Hopefully time keeps going fast and Riese heals up so we can get home and see all of the great people that have been giving us support and prayers throughout this difficult time. Again, we would like to thank everyone for their support and prayers, and also thank all of the people that have came down here to visit Riese. So… THANK YOU and we appreciate it very much.

P.S. – They say that only 1in every 5000 babies are born with HLHS (Riese’s condition), is this a sign that we should take a trip to Vegas when this is all over?

Thursday, May 22, 2003 11:16 AM CDT

Hello everyone today is not starting out to be such a good day for Riese. The doctors took her off the respirator yesterday afternoon and she was doing really well until last night. We a call at about 2:30am that said they had to put her back on the breathing tube because she was having trouble breathing on her own. So she is now back on the respirator machine and will probably continue to be on it for another week or so. This will really slow her recovery time down as well. She was suppose to get moved to the seventh floor tomorrow, which are kind of the recovery rooms, but they say now it will probably be at least a week before we can do that. It is not the worst thing that could have happened, and with a major operation like this I guess you almost have to expect some bumps along the way. They are in the process right now of trying to find out what is causing her to behave this way, hopefully it won’t be to serious and she will keep zipping through this like a little champ. We will be saying an extra little prayer or Riese today and hoping that she will get over this obstacle in her recovery process. Thanks again for the support and prayers, it’s very much appreciated.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003 1:55 PM CDT

Hello everyone, Sorry about not updating the journal in a few days, we have been doing a lot of running around lately. Riese is still doing very good. She continues to get her meds weaned and is starting to be alert and awake more often. Tomorrow is a big day, she will be getting the breathing tube removed and will be on her own for the most part. Believe it or not we are really excited to be able to hear her cry again, she has not been able to make any noises because the tube was between her vocal cords. This is just another big step towards her recovery and being able to bring her home. We are looking SO forward to the day when we can load her up in the car seat and head back home. We are hoping that by the end of next week we can maybe do that, if all keeps going as well as it has been. I will also try to get some new pictures up within the next couple of days. Again, thank you so much for your support, it is really making it easier to get through this with all of the prayers and support you have given. It’s greatly appreciated, Thanks!

~Love Brent & Lindsey

Saturday, May 17, 2003 11:57 AM CDT

Hi everyone, Little Riese is still doing good and starting to get weaned off more and more meds as time goes by. She keeps pulling through and is proving to be the tuff little bugger we knew she was when she was born. Other than that, I really don’t have a whole lot to say today because it’s quite and those quite days mean good days. So let’s keep hoping and praying that everything keeps going smoothly. As always, thank you for your support and prayers. Hope everyone can get out and enjoy the great weather today. Take care.

~Love Brent and Lindsey

Friday, May 16, 2003 10:16 AM CDT

Hello again, As another day goes by little Riese is getting closer and closer to being able to come home and meet all the nice people that have been supporting her through this tough time. Today we have made it over yet another very important hurdle. After Riese’s surgery doctors actually left her chest open so it would not put so much pressure on her heart, it was basically covered by gauss and tape. Today at about 7:30am she went into the operating room to get stitched up. They do the stitching from the inside so it will leave less scaring. We haven’t seen the actual incision yet but we are told that it will look very clean and neat. The doctors do a great job with that, as well as everything else they do. So now, we just have to watch, wait, and pray for her recovery. She will start to slowly get weaned off the IV’s and the meds she’s on and start to bounce back into being the spunky little girl we know she is. Again, thank you all for the support and prayers, it means a great deal to us.

Love, Brent & Lindsey

Friday, May 16, 2003 10:16 AM CDT

Hello again, As another day goes by little Riese is getting closer and closer to being able to come home and meet all the nice people that have been supporting her through this tough time. Today we have made it over yet another very important hurdle. After Riese’s surgery doctors actually left her chest open so it would not put so much pressure on her heart, it was basically covered by gauss and tape. Today at about 7:30am she went into the operating room to get stitched up. They do the stitching from the inside so it will leave less scaring. We haven’t seen the actual incision yet but we are told that it will look very clean and neat. The doctors do a great job with that, as well as everything else they do. So now, we just have to watch, wait, and pray for her recovery. She will start to slowly get weaned off the IV’s and the meds she’s on and start to bounce back into being the spunky little girl we know she is. Again, thank you all for the support and prayers, it means a great deal to us.

Love, Brent & Lindsey

Friday, May 16, 2003 10:13 AM CDT

Hello again, As another day goes by little Riese is getting closer and closer to being able to come home and meet all the nice people that have been supporting her through this tough time. Today we have made it over yet another very important hurdle. After Riese’s surgery doctors actually left her chest open so it would not put so much pressure on her heart, it was basically covered by gauss and tape. Today at about 7:30am she went into the operating room to get stitched up. They do the stitching from the inside so it will leave less scaring. We haven’t seen the actual incision yet but we are told that it will look very clean and neat. The doctors do a great job with that, as well as everything else they do. So now, we just have to watch, wait, and pray for her recovery. She will start to slowly get weaned off the IV’s and the meds she’s on and start to bounce back into being the spunky little girl we know she is. Again, thank you all for the support and prayers, it means a great deal to us.

Love, Brent & Lindsey

Friday, May 16, 2003 10:13 AM CDT

Hello again, As another day goes by little Riese is getting closer and closer to being able to come home and meet all the nice people that have been supporting her through this tough time. Today we have made it over yet another very important hurdle. After Riese’s surgery doctors actually left her chest open so it would not put so much pressure on her heart, it was basically covered by gauss and tape. Today at about 7:30am she went into the operating room to get stitched up. They do the stitching from the inside so it will leave less scaring. We haven’t seen the actual incision yet but we are told that it will look very clean and neat. The doctors do a great job with that, as well as everything else they do. So now, we just have to watch, wait, and pray for her recovery. She will start to slowly get weaned off the IV’s and the meds she’s on and start to bounce back into being the spunky little girl we know she is. Again, thank you all for the support and prayers, it means a great deal to us.

Love, Brent & Lindsey

Thursday, May 15, 2003 10:18 AM CDT

Hello everyone, as time goes by little Riese is getting better and better by the day. She is one week and one day old today. The doctors say that she is starting to recover good. They started to take her off some of the meds that make her not move and she is starting to open her little eyes and wiggle her little toes every once in a while. We cannot believe how strong she is, well actually we can! She has been a little fighter since the day she was born. The nurse’s said that she has a little attitude already, I wonder where she gets that from? The doctors say that we will be able to see some very noticeable changes within the next couple of days. We are looking very forward to watching her progress through her recovery. Again, we thank everyone so much for the support and prayers, we cannot believe how many people are sending their prayers this way, it means the world and we appreciate it immensely.

~Love Brent & Lindsey

Wednesday, May 14, 2003 11:32 AM CDT

Hi everyone, it is day two after surgery and Little Riese is doing very good. We have gotten through some of the most crucial time of recovery. The doctors say she is doing as good as she possibly can be doing at this point. She is making a great recovery. It is unbelieveable how strong she is. She will slowly start getting off some of the different meds and machines she is on, but we still have very important weeks to come. We hope and pray that every thing keeps going as good as it has been and that she makes a speedy recovery. Your prayers and support are really helping us get through this and we appreciate it greatly. Thank you all!

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 8:53 AM CDT

Hello Everyone. We made it through night one after surgery, the most important hours. The doctors say that she is looking very well and are very pleased with how she is recovering. The Doctors down here are absolutly incredible, It seems god as put them on this earth for one reason, to fix little babies. She had a long, strenuos day yesterday but she pulled through it with her incredible strength and everyone else's prayers. We really want to thank everyone for all of their support and prayers, it is really helping us get through this. We will keep updating as time goes on, in the meantime keep those prayers going, I have a strong feeling that's why little Riese is doing so well right now.THANK YOU ALL!!!
~Love, Brent and Lindsey

Monday, May 12, 2003 3:39 PM CDT

Hello Everyone!! We just wanted to tell you all that we have made it through the first hurdle!!! The surgery took approx. 6 hours and they will be bringing her into the recovery room in about 15 minutes. They did have a couple complications late in the operation and it made us a little nervous, but little Riese prevailed!! We were told by the doctors that she is doing well but these next couple of days are crutial and will be tough for her. We want to thank you all for all of your thoughts, prayers and support. Keep praying for her, she is a tough little bugger!! We love you all!!

Monday, May 12, 2003 10:17 AM CDT

Riese is doing well. She went into surgery this morning at 10:00am. She she has a long day ahead of her and a lot of surgery to go through, but she is looking good and is really strong. We will let everyone know the outcome of the surgery and in the mean time we will all be praying and hoping for the best.

Sunday, May 11, 2003 12:26 AM CDT

Hello everyone. I thought that by making this website it would be a good way to keep everyone informed with what is going on with our daughter Riese. She was born on Wednesday May 7th at 10:19 am. At he Douglas County Hospital. She Weighed 8 lbs. 10oz. And was 21 ¼ inches long. She has dark black hair and looks just like her Daddy. She is a beautiful little girl and is already getting spoiled. Lindsey is doing great for just having a baby (especially having it naturally with no epidural) She has been up walking around from the day she delivered Riese. She is very strong and doing well.
After Riese was born the Doctors found a problem with her heart. After many tests and doing an ultrasound on her, she was transported by helicopter to the Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis. When we arrived at Children’s later that night the Doctors had already figured out what was wrong with Riese and they knew what they had to do to repair her. We were told that Riese has a severe heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). The bottom left heart chamber is very poorly developed, and the valve from the bottom left heart chamber to the main artery is poorly developed. The aorta is narrowed as well. There are two surgical options for HLHS, cardiac transplantation, and the Norwood Procedure. Riese will be having the Norwood Procedure. The Norwood Procedure is a series of 3 operations, with the first Surgery being the most important and extensive. The next two are the follow-up surgeries.
One advantage going into this surgery is her good size. She is a healthy little girl right now and with god’s grace and everyone else’s thoughts and prayers, we know Riese will make it through this and live a normal happy life.

Sunday, May 11, 2003 12:26 AM CDT

Hello everyone. I thought that by making this website it would be a good way to keep everyone informed with what is going on with our daughter Riese. She was born on Wednesday May 7th at 10:19 am. At he Douglas County Hospital. She Weighed 8 lbs. 10oz. And was 21 ¼ inches long. She has dark black hair and looks just like her Daddy. She is a beautiful little girl and is already getting spoiled. Lindsey is doing great for just having a baby (especially having it naturally with no epidural) She has been up walking around from the day she delivered Riese. She is very strong and doing well.
After Riese was born the Doctors found a problem with her heart. After many tests and doing an ultrasound on her, she was transported by helicopter to the Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis. When we arrived at Children’s later that night the Doctors had already figured out what was wrong with Riese and they knew what they had to do to repair her. We were told that Riese has a severe heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). The bottom left heart chamber is very poorly developed, and the valve from the bottom left heart chamber to the main artery is poorly developed. The aorta is narrowed as well. There are two surgical options for HLHS, cardiac transplantation, and the Norwood Procedure. Riese will be having the Norwood Procedure. The Norwood Procedure is a series of 3 operations, with the first Surgery being the most important and extensive. The next two are the follow-up surgeries.
One advantage going into this surgery is her good size. She is a healthy little girl right now and with god’s grace and everyone else’s thoughts and prayers, we know Riese will make it through this and live a normal happy life.

Sunday, May 11, 2003 11:44 AM CDT

Riese is doing well

Sunday, May 11, 2003 11:44 AM CDT

Riese is doing well

Sunday, May 11, 2003 11:32 AM CDT

Sunday, May 11, 2003 11:31 AM CDT

this website does not work very well

Sunday, May 11, 2003 11:22 AM CDT

Riese is doing well

Sunday, May 11, 2003 11:22 AM CDT


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----End of History----