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Hey Nikki! My name is Chelsea Mule' I am a senior this year at Tartan High and I'm on student council. Our president Trisha had told us about your mom's make a wish idea and I immediatly jumped on board. I thought it sounded like a fantastic idea. You sound like a very strong person and I cant even begin to imagine all you've been through. Hang in there! I'm praying for you.

God Bless,


Chelsea Mule' <cmule007@comcast.net>
woodbury, MN - Thursday, October 11, 2007 5:09 PM CDT
Nikki - Thoughts and prayers are with you as you begin this next battle. Hang in there girl scout!
Dale Radermacher <drradermacher@mmm.com>
Eagan, MN USA - Monday, September 24, 2007 8:40 AM CDT
Mom and I aust wanted you to know you are a very brave young lady. They say if you fight it you'll overcome it but if you give up you'll lose the battle. Your'e great, and we are proud of you. Cindy and Idella
Idella and Cindy Clauson <clauson@frontiernet.net>
Cannon Falls, mn u.s.a. - Friday, September 8, 2006 5:13 PM CDT
Just wanted to say hi, and that I'm thinking of you...
Happy holidays!!!

Heidi Banitt <heidi_joy07@yahoo.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Thursday, December 8, 2005 3:20 PM CST
Hi to all the Schauts from Pastor Kiri! I just wanted you to know that I check in on you every now and then. You are still in my prayers. I'll be praying for you for strength and for the hope to face each new day. You're an amazing family!
Pastor Kiri

Kiri Johnson <kirijohnson@hotmail.com>
St Paul, MN - Thursday, July 28, 2005 1:07 PM CDT
Hi guys.....just thinking about you and hoping all is well. When you are away at Girl Scout camp, Jordan will be learning new tricks at motocross camp in Virginia for his make-a wish. Hopefully he will return home in one piece. You as always remain in our prayers.
Karen Marquis

Karen <kfmf66@sbcglobal.net>
Bristol, Ct USA - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 9:37 PM CDT
Hi, again from the Loida Family.....it's nice to hear your out of the hospital and surgery went well. We are all praying for great results with no chemo..Nikki, YOU ARE SO TOUGH, YOU AMAZE US!!!!!

Dotty Loida <dloida@comcast.net>
No. St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:10 PM CDT
Hey Schauts! WE have been Nikki-News-Less for a week. I spilled water on the computer that we brought on vacation and it spent the week in a computer store being repaired so we were really roughing it! Glad to hear that all is going well. I'm sure you are glad to be tubeless! We took a great photo for Kristi - as soon as you walk into Mt. Rushmore, there is a big Waterous fire hydrant so of course I had to snap a photo!!!
Have a great time with your cousin!

Julie and the Phelps Phamily <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Saturday, June 25, 2005 8:33 PM CDT
I can't believe how fast you came home! Makes me think twice every time I want to complain about some little ache or pain. I can only wish I was as strong as you are. It's great that your cousin can visit you for awhile this summer. Reminds me of when I was a kid--I had no brothers or sisters, so when I got to visit mycousins it was a really big deal. Take care!

Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Friday, June 24, 2005 6:17 PM CDT
So glad to hear that you are home. There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed!!! You are top in our prayer list, we'll keep checking for updates. Tell your mom & dad hello for me!!

Lauri DuBois (Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, ME - Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:42 PM CDT
I am happy that another surgery for you is over. I know, as strong as you are and the support of your family and friends, that you will heal fast. I want to extend my thoughts and prayers to you. My wishes for your speedy recovery.
God Bless,
Kelly Holmes @ Waterous Company

Kelly Holmes
St. Paul Park, MN - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 8:49 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
Yo yo yo! Congratulations on the successful surgery! Haven't seen you in a while. Maybe see you on the 4th?can't wait to see you next. DON'T THINK I'M EMBARRASSING YOU! I WANT THE WHOLE WORLD TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE ALIVE AFTER ALL THAT! You better be happy, otherwise the wet-willy!
Your Homie,
Zachary Mustful

Zachary Mustful <dinobones@msn.com>
Victoria, MN USA - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 4:43 PM CDT
Dear Nikki,
I`m glad that your home with your family! Here`s my new e-mail adress so if you want to e-mail me (alleybear@msn.com)!
Sincerely your cousin,
Alyssa Mustful

Alyssa Mustful <alleybear@msn.com>
Victoria, MN USA - Tuesday, June 21, 2005 4:31 PM CDT
Nikki, you were looking pretty good when I saw you in the hospital yesterday. I don't know if you knew I was there or not at the time. Stay strong, as I know you are, and you will be home in no time! You are in our thoughts and prayers always. We love you!!!
Kim Alstrup <klalstrup@waterousco.com>
Rosemount, MN - Monday, June 20, 2005 12:43 AM CDT
hello schauts
you all have been on our minds constantly. we're happy to hear nikki is recuperating after the long surgery. our love and prayers are with you always. take care, we'll be checking in again soon.

the lebrun's <rlebrun261@aol.com>
green bay, wi - Monday, June 20, 2005 6:27 AM CDT
Hey Nikki-
I haven't seen you in a while. How has the summer started off for you? Not really anything to do around here huh? Hey, how did your surgery go? I know you did well because you are so tough. I know its been hard for you these past couple of years, but I'm always here for ya. Maybe we could hangout some time. Can't wait to see you!

Alexa Paulson
Oakdale, MN USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 6:22 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,

I work with your mom at Waterous. I was so happy to read that the surgery had gone well. I am just in awe of you and your family's courage, strength and faith. Know that you are in so many peoples thoughts and prayers. And tell your mom that any time she would like a fountain drink to give me a call. I can deliver.

Mary Knack <mmkallie@aol.com>
south st. paul, mn usa - Sunday, June 19, 2005 5:38 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, Kristi, and family,
I'm glad that the surgery is over. It sounds like a long and complicated one, but you made it through. I hope you are getting stronger each day and will be out of the hospital soon. Everyone is thinking and praying for you to get better. Tell Mom & Dad we are thinking about them too!
Hope to see you soon.

Diane, Mark, Lauren, & Jenny Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, - Sunday, June 19, 2005 3:24 PM CDT
Japanese legend says that if you fold a thousand origami paper cranes that your wish will be granted. Our school here recently folded origami cranes for Nathan wishing him a speedy recovery. Here's a few wishes sent Nikki's way.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Patty Robertson
Thomaston, ME USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 2:32 PM CDT
Greetings to all!
I have been checking the site every day and am glad to hear that the surgery is over and Nikki is resting. I have been thinking about you 24/7. Tell Nikki that I am praying for her and know how strong she is, and will get through this too. My car may not know what to do on Tuesday and Thursdays-It may still be on auto-pilot driving right to your house! Let me know when you are up for some company.
Take care-Lynn

Lynn Berens <lynnberens@comcast.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Sunday, June 19, 2005 1:23 PM CDT
Dear Nikki
This is Zach typing. How is it going? I'm sorry we couldn't see you when you were going into the hospital. My dad had to work that day. If its going good, please respond to this message with a smiley face (as best you can...). Remember, not to let us all down. If you do, I'll give a wet-willy (Really!!!). You're so brave going through with this (at least 10x braver than me, I'm still afraid of pricks!!)
Advice: If it gets really bad, imagine its the person you dislike the most!

Very Sincerely,
Zachary Mustful

Zachary Tyler Mustful <dinobones@msn.com>
Victoria, MN USA - Saturday, June 18, 2005 2:57 PM CDT
Dear Nikki,
Hi this is your cousin Alyssa. How are you? I`m fine. So how long have you been in surgery? I hope you are O.K. Bye Nikki, P.S. get well soon. One more thing here is my dad`s phone number 952-443-2234.

Alyssa Mustful <poohdetective@msn.com>
Victoria, MN USA - Saturday, June 18, 2005 11:17 AM CDT
Nikki and family, I just wanted to let you know that we have been saying an extra prayer for you the last few nights. We always are checking in on your site and talking with your mom and dad about you and Emily. I know this is a difficult time but you have helped reassure others of how strong you are and your determination to be cured of this disease. You keep up your terrific attitude and keep smiling. You will get thru this like you did before. Best to you all. The Witzels
Dana, Carrie, Rochelle, Gabrielle and Nathan <dcrgn@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN 55128 - Saturday, June 18, 2005 1:46 AM CDT
We are all thinking about you and your family a great deal.Hang in there! You are in our daily prayers.
The Loida Family

Dotty Loida <dloida@comcast.net>
No. St. Paul, MN USA - Friday, June 17, 2005 9:02 PM CDT
You are probably in surgery right now, so we won't call into the OR to interrupt them just to say "Tell Miss Schaut the Phelps clan said Hi!" We will be checking as we can through the week and will call your mom when we get back. Did you remember to ask for colored staples this time???
Julie and the rest of the Phelps Colony <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Friday, June 17, 2005 4:21 PM CDT
The kids are praying and their VBS are all praying. You are all so loved.
Thank you for the reminder of the preciousness of children and family.

Chad and Jo Ann, Maggie, Genna, and Josh

Jo Ann Lizakowski <joannl@merrickinc.org>
- Friday, June 17, 2005 1:20 PM CDT
Thinking of you and your family often. We are always checking your site. You are an incredibly strong person. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Stay positive like you always do, with that and prayers you will be home in no time. We will be waiting for the next update and praying all went well. Keep Smiling you have a beautiful one!!!
The Lohrke's DuWayne, Sue, Heather and Choley <slohrke@jlolaw.com>
Oakdale, - Friday, June 17, 2005 9:46 AM CDT
I will keep you in my prayers, Nikki. It sounds like you have a great attitude and a wonderful, supportive family too! You all hang tight and keep positive thoughts!

Friend of Kim's,

Missey Burton <HiyahChef@aol.com>
MN - Thursday, June 16, 2005 7:16 PM CDT
Nikki & family.. Good luck tomorrow! Care and concern coming from the coast of Maine!
Kevin Robertson <coastalappraisals@adelphia.net>
Thomaston, ME USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 4:30 PM CDT
Nikki and Family. Prayers included with this posting from Ohio. Hope all goes well tomorrow.
Beth and Greg Orgel <bkorgel@bex.net>
- Thursday, June 16, 2005 1:14 PM CDT
Nikki and Family we have had a lot of special prayers going out to you this week. Nikki you have a tremendous amount of strength and courage, that we all admire. Good luck to you tomorrow.
Chris, Patti, Andrea, Tony Yelle <acyelle@msn.com>
North Branch, Mn Us - Thursday, June 16, 2005 9:38 AM CDT
My prayers are with you, Nikki, as you prepare for surgery on Friday. You have been such a trooper and I'm so glad for the opportunity to get to know you through piano lessons. Thanks for the bracelet! It will remind me to pray for you often through the day. Keep the faith.
Ruth Ann Larson <ruthalarson@comcast.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:21 PM CDT
Nikki & family,
Just wanted you to know that we are saying extra special prayers for you this week. Hope everything goes good on Friday, we'll keep checking your site for updates!

Lauri DuBois <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, ME - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 1:18 PM CDT
Just wanted you to know that we're thinking of you this week. We'll send many prayers your way on Friday!!
Ruthie Sjoblom <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN U.S. - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:05 AM CDT
Nikki and family,While following another DSCRT paitent I ran across Nikki's web site. You are a brave and courageous young lady. What a caring circle of family and friends you have. Please know I have been holding you in my thoughts and prayers for months. I thought of you today as I read Romans 12:12b "HOPE--continuing steadfastly in prayer". ---Blessings--Debra
Debra Eckert <deckert@brenhamisd.net>
Burton , Tx USA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:02 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I just want to applaud your courage...You are truly an amazing young lady. Hats off to you. My family wishes to extend our very best to you as you conquer the next hurdle. Always know that the power of prayer is an awesome gift. God bless you and keep up the terrific attitude.

Kelly Holmes <kjholmes@waterousco.com>
St. Paul Park, MN USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 9:42 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,

I work at the same place your mother works. Some of her co-workers just told me of your latest news. My prayers are with you and your family. I don't know you personally, but knowing your mother, you guys are going to get through this too. Your mom may not know it, but she is an inspiration to me and many of us here. And I'm certain she gets hers from you. You are a brave and beautiful girl and I'm sure God has great plans for you and that includes a long life to share with all of us.

God bless you, and I will be praying for you. Go get em!

Denise Hemmer
Prior Lake, MN USA - Friday, June 3, 2005 9:40 AM CDT
Hi Kristi, Nikki, & Family~
Just wanted you to know we are thinking of you and praying for you, all! Now you go and kick some cancer butt, Nikki!
Take Care & God Bless,

Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan <Bryce's Mom @ www.caringbridge.org/mn/bryceb>
Goodhue, MN - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 9:21 PM CDT
What a great picture of Nikki!! I'm sorry to hear about the next "hurdle." You're an amazing family, so there's no doubt that you can get through this next "leg of the race." Our thoughts and prayers are with you daily.
Ruthie Sjoblom <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN Goodhue - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 8:59 AM CDT
What an absolutely beautiful picture of Nikki on your front page! Keep up the great spirit you have always demonstrated.
The girls also seem to have a wonderful sense of humor, so I'm sure you will all manage to have fun along with all that boring hospital routine stuff. Sending smiles and positive thoughts your way for the days ahead!

Patty Robertson <nathan.neal@gmail.com>
Thomaston, ME USA - Saturday, May 28, 2005 12:40 AM CDT
Hi Nikki sounds like you and my son Dustin will be doing the same this summer, we will be starting radiation sometime soon, we will try and make the best of the summer, up here summer is so short in Manitoba, and the mosquitoes are huge!,lol Take care your in our prayers
Denise <denisehickie@hotmail.com>
Morris, MB - Friday, May 27, 2005 3:18 PM CDT
Nikki and Family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. If there is anything that we can do to help please call.

Patti Yelle <acyelle@msn.com>
North Branch, Mn Us - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 5:00 PM CDT
Hi! I am trying to guess the tv character my sister is acting like..is it a Gilmore? It is my plan to have a great day today, because nothing is ever great about a Tuesday, and that is just wrong. From now on I think Tuesdays should be not just be another day in the way of Wed. Plus, I have to go to work and I really don't want to so I need some kind of boost. Just keep thinking "Yes! It's Tuesday!!"....Hope you all have a great Tuesday!
holly w <wilcoxhurdle@wmconnect.com>
chesapeake, va usa - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 5:39 AM CDT
You'll be able the write a book soon to get the next person through this. And you won't even have to do any extra research! I'll try to think of a title for you. Something serious, but catchy. Appealing to your age group, but something that the medical people will read too... How about "How to decorate an IV site in 3 easy steps" or "Best parking at local hospitals." Really, I predict best sellers here!
Julie - sort of acting flippantly like a character on TV who your mother thinks I act like... <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Monday, May 23, 2005 8:29 PM CDT
Hello, I will be one of those friends whom you've never met! My name is Missey and I found out about Nikki through your sister Kim. I know just how important the "extended friends" are since I've been following a five year old friend go through cancer treatment and now a recurrance. (Their family also has many who follow their story.) I will add Nikki and your family to my prayers and I will visit your site to keep updated. What a BEAUTIFUL GIRL!!! Stay strong Nikki and know that many are playing for you!
Missey Burton <HiyahChef@aol.com>
Woodbury, MN - Sunday, May 22, 2005 8:21 AM CDT
It was great to see you all at the play. We have been and will continue to pray for healing. Yesterday I received some prayer requests and now extend them to you and your family.

We pray that wisdom, insight, knowledge will be given to the medical staff so they can successfully treat Nikki's situation, pray that Nikki and you all will FEEL the strength of our prayers, pray for you all to experience God's peace filling your hearts with the His comfort.

The same Jesus that healed long ago heals today.
Healing can occur through the ability of modern medicine and doctors and healing can occur without any human intervention. There are many examples found in our community of His divine, miraculous, and loving touch.

"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD." Psalm 27:14
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1
With much love, Chad & Jo Ann, Maggie, Genna and Joshua

Jo Ann Lizakowski <joannl@merrickinc.org>
Oakdale, MN - Friday, May 20, 2005 2:28 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep fighting.
Rene Brahmstadt (Kim's friend) <neba@wwt.net>
Menomonie, WI - Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:30 PM CDT
This message sends peace, strength, and hope. I pray the surgery went well yesterday. Many, many heartfelt thoughts and prayers!
Sarah Tonn <sarahtonn@comcast.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:58 AM CDT
Schauts - hope everything is going well. We are thinking of you.
Julie and Co. <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Thursday, May 19, 2005 8:55 AM CDT
Nikki and family,
We are so sorry to hear the news about your recent CT scan. We are praying for you!!! We are here for you so call us if you need anything. I haven't seen you in such a long time and I miss you!!! Maybe we can get together sometime when you are feeling better. I am on break right now because of my schools year round schedule. Well, it's getting pretty late and I have to go to bed so I can try to get up early tomorrow. :) Thinking of you-Cassie

Cassie Weeks <casjanmnm@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN - Tuesday, May 17, 2005 11:07 PM CDT
Hello Schaut family,
Just wanted to let you know that you are such a strong family, I know that you will fight whatever this is with all your might-you have done an amazing job so far-you are still as you have been in our thoughts and prayers. We'll keep checking this website to check on you!!

Lauri DuBois (Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, ME - Monday, May 16, 2005 4:34 PM CDT
I just read today's entry and was so sad to hear that something's showed up. I also cannot imagine how difficult it must have been to write that update - I had tears streaming down my face reading it, but when I read further, and you describe Nikki's perserverance and determination and your faith, well, it's so very awe inspiring!!! You will ALL be in my thoughts in prayers as you have been in the past! God bless you and yours!! Barb (Grandpa's barber)
Barb Hondlik <BarbHondlik@aol.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, May 16, 2005 1:33 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that prayers are coming your way. You're an awesome family with much strength and faith. Draw on that now and know that your friends and families are thinking of you and keeping all of you in our prayers!!
Ruthie Sjoblom <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN U.S. - Monday, May 16, 2005 8:34 AM CDT
You are an awesome young lady--your courage amazes me!! Many, many prayers and much love are coming your way.
Sandy LeClair
Cannon Falls, MN - Monday, May 16, 2005 7:28 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,

I ran into your Mom at softball last Thursday. I was glad to hear you are doing so well. I pray that your scans yesterday turned out well! God bless you and your family. Sarah says Hi!

Wendy Sparks
Woodbury, MN USA - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 11:09 PM CDT
Hi Schaut Family. Just wanted to let you know that the Orgels are saying lots of prayers today. Please let us know how the scans turn out. G-d bless, Beth
Beth Orgel <bkorgel@bex.net>
Toledo, OH - Monday, May 9, 2005 10:11 AM CDT
We are still checking this on a weekly basis! See you this summer.
Julie and the gang <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 6:50 AM CDT
Hello, it is wonderful to read your enteries and see how well you've been doing. I hope the day is good for you . . normal . . good . . and fantastic. My son also has DSRBCT. (I wondered too what the 'blue' meant . . so I learned something reading your Mom's Journal. :-) ) Have a great day!!


Patty Robertson <nathan.neal@gmail.com>
Thomaston, ME USA - Saturday, April 16, 2005 3:03 PM CDT
Hi Schaut family,
It is incredible to us how a family that is as busy with your life can give so much to so many others. Thank you for taking the time to be a friend, Scout leader, great parents and cool kids.
Blessings to you!

The Lizakowski Family <joannl@merrickinc.org>
- Monday, March 14, 2005 12:54 AM CST
Hello Nikki! I just want you to know that I am still thinking about you. I have a favor to ask. Could your family pray for one of our third graders who is fighting a battle with cancer. Her name is Brianna Hestekin. She also has a Caring Bridge page. I know the thoughts and prayers are helpful!
God Bless you!
Lots of love and thoughts daily!
Crystal Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Thursday, March 10, 2005 5:48 AM CST
Hi Nikki, Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and we wish you the best of luck with your scans on Tuesday. Sounds like you're doing great, so keep it up!
The Marquis Family

Karen Marquis <kmfm66@aol.com>
Bristol, CT USA - Friday, March 4, 2005 11:35 AM CST
Hi Nikki. I'm so glad to see you've done and been doing so well! You look wonderful! I've been thinking of you, but I admit I haven't been into the site in a long time. (Course part of the reason for that was I misplaced the note I had the link on.) I wasn't sure what to expect when I came in tonite. lol. It's really good to see you're doing soo well!! Although I haven't read all the updates yet - just the latest one your mom put in. I'm really glad to see it...and will continue to think of you. Keep up the good work. :-) Take care and God Bless! And Happy Easter! (Just a reminder...I am a friend/classmate of your mom's.)
- Thursday, March 3, 2005 10:53 PM CST
Hello Nikki & Family!

We are so glad that all is well! We will be thinking of you on the 8th. Please know that our prayers are always with you! I can't wait for our little get-together on the 25th! Can you say PAMPERING?! Wahoo! Thanks for the updates, Kristi!

Take Care & God Bless,

Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan <Bryce's Mom @ www.caringbridge.org/mn/bryceb>
Goodhue, MN - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 9:40 AM CST
Hi Nickki. I wrote on my grandsons bridge (Jordan Marquis) when he was going for his scans that I had my fingers and toes crossed and he was in my prayers constantly. So I am saying the same to you, we just heard back and all Jordan's scans came back clean, no signs of anything. Keep up the fight, you are also on my prayer list.
Dot <mamafargo@aol.com>
Bristol, Ct - Friday, February 25, 2005 10:23 AM CST
Hi Nikki.
Such GOOD NEWS!!!!!
We are so happy for you and your family.
You are so admirable! You are truly blessed.
God blesses you everyday.
Betsy Johnson and family

Betsy Johnson <B.johnson@schmidtgoodman.com>
Rochester, MN USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 9:42 AM CST
I've been thinking about you! Keep getting stronger!
Love, Crystal Rademacher-Huberty

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 6:01 AM CST
Great news Nikki!! we have been thinking of you all knowing some good news was coming soon. Sounds like school is going good too! Take care all.
Patti Yelle <acyelle@msn.com>
North Branch, Mn US - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 12:40 AM CST
I'm glad to see that things are going good for you Nikki. It must be nice to be able to spend some time at school and see your friends. Keep up the good work and tell your mom & dad hello-my computer has been out of service for a bit so I'm trying to catch up on all your good news!!! Take care Nikki!!

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, ME - Monday, January 3, 2005 6:26 PM CST
Hello, Nikki, Kristi, & Family! We are wishing you a very joyous Jesus is the Reason Season! Enjoy your break and make lots of memories! Thinking of you always! Take Care and God Bless,
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan <Bryce's Mom @ www.caringbridge.org/mn/bryceb>
Goodhue, MN - Sunday, December 26, 2004 8:59 AM CST
Happy Holidays to all of you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.
The Hardy Family <jmhardy@aol.com>
Ellington, CT 06029 - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 7:51 AM CST
Happy Holidays! I am glad things are going great at school. I bet you love being out and about! I heard from a former student in your class the other day! It makes me so proud to know that I have been able to teach such amazing kids! You are certainly one of them!
Continue to take things day to day, and keep your spirits high! You will continue to stay in our prayers!
With lots of love,
Crystal Rademacher- Huberty

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 6:20 AM CST
Hello Kristi, Nikki, and Family~

We just wanted to stop by and say HI and Happy Holidays! Your pictures are gorgeous! We hope you are all doing great, you're in our prayers. We're doing great here in Goodhue. Let me know on the dates for the girlfriend/pampering/get-together thing! It's going to be so much fun!!! Take Care and God Bless,

Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan <Bryce's Mom @ www.caringbridge.org/mn/bryceb>
Goodhue, MN - Friday, November 26, 2004 1:57 PM CST
Nikki, The family pictures are great. So glad to hear you are back at school. Hope you like Middle school. Say hi to Mom, Dad, Emile.

Patti Yelle <acyelle@msn.com>
North Branch, Mn US - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 5:38 PM CST
Nikki, you look great! Jenny said she got to talk to you briefly in the hall. There isn't much time between classes! Hope you are starting to get used to the routine of school. I know it won't take long. Had a nice lunch with your Mom this weekend, except I think we both decided Chipolte was not for us!
I hope you have a good week at school and you don't get too much homework!

Diane , Mark, Lauren & Jenny Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Sunday, November 14, 2004 7:00 PM CST
oops! Sorry I put in so many entries! (Below)-accident!
Jenny Hogrefe

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, MN USA, baby! - Saturday, November 13, 2004 5:53 PM CST
Hey Nikki!
How have you been? I hear you started school. But I haven't seen U yet. Hopefully I'll get 2 C U soon! Hope you had a fun week at school, and teacher's weren't too mean. But there's a handful out there who REALLY need 2 take a few "chill-pills". As you have probably already guessed, I'm at DeeDee's house right now. I have homework still 2 do, but I'll hold off on that until tommorrow. I have pictures 2 send to you from waaaay back a long time ago,of you, me and Emily. C U later!
Your friend,
Jenny Hogrefe :)

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, MN - Saturday, November 13, 2004 5:51 PM CST
Hey Nikki!
How have you been? I hear you started school. But I haven't seen U yet. Hopefully I'll get 2 C U soon! Hope you had a fun week at school, and teacher's weren't too mean. But there's a handful out there who REALLY need 2 take a few "chill-pills". As you have probably already guessed, I'm at DeeDee's house right now. I have homework still 2 do, but I'll hold off on that until tommorrow. I have pictures 2 send to you from waaaay back a long time ago,of you, me and Emily. C U later!
Your friend,
Jenny Hogrefe :)

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, MN - Saturday, November 13, 2004 5:50 PM CST
Hey Nikki!
How have you been? I hear you started school. But I haven't seen U yet. Hopefully I'll get 2 C U soon! Hope you had a fun week at school, and teacher's weren't too mean. But there's a handful out there who REALLY need 2 take a few "chill-pills". As you have probably already guessed, I'm at DeeDee's house right now. I have homework still 2 do, but I'll hold off on that until tommorrow. I have pictures 2 send to you from waaaay back a long time ago,of you, me and Emily. C U later!
Your friend,
Jenny Hogrefe :)

Jenny Hogrefe <maragia@google.com>
Oakdale, MN - Saturday, November 13, 2004 5:49 PM CST
Wow! Great pictures! Nikki, you look great. Enjoy school.
Beth Orgel <bkorgel@buckeye-express.com>
Toledo, OH - Friday, November 12, 2004 5:15 PM CST
I am so glad you made it through your first day of middle school. The teachers should be great! Keep up all of your hard work. You are always in my prayers!

Enjoy being a teenager!
Love, Crystal Rademacher-Huberty

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 8:48 PM CST
Nikki I am so glad you had a good first day back to school. Cayla said she has you in a couple of classes but you didn't get much chance to talk. I love your new pictures. You look great.
Kathy Penn <wepenn@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN Washington - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 9:53 AM CST
Hey nikki i hear your coming back to school i'm so excited to see you. i think i'm in a couple of your classes to so i'll be looking for you.

Cayla Penn <slapshotchick10@msn.com>
Oakdale, M.N - Monday, November 8, 2004 4:31 PM CST
You know the prayers will reach you all the way from Ohio, don't you? Please let me know how things are going. Don't worry about school, either. Greg fit right back in. He went from 7th grade and Jr High, right back into High School and 9th grade without a hitch. Nikki will, too.
Beth Orgel
Toledo, OH - Thursday, November 4, 2004 11:36 AM CST
We'll be thinking of you and sending our prayers on Thursday (and always).

It's amazing how that motherly instinct kicks in and we want to keep everyone near us to protect them. Sending kids to school definitely brings that feeling up to the surface. Hopefully after a time, that too will become the new routine and you'll be feeling comfortable. Have to tell you a story about my "motherly instinct," one that won't win me a mother-of-the year award....or at least the boys tease me that it won't. When the boys were about 5 and 7, we were living over by Urland Church and across the road from us, Hernke's had a bull that we were warned about to be careful of. I was always afraid that we'd come home and that darn thing would be out somewhere in the dark. (I got chased by a bull once and that has stuck with me forever.) The kids and I came home one night and as we were walking to the house, there was this noise coming from behind the house that sounded like a bull "growling." I reached in front of the boys, as if I were going to push them back and save myself, and then realized what I did, and swooped them up and ran for the house. Of course the "bull" was only Dave, and he got a real kick out of the fact that I was willing to "throw the kids to the bull" to save myself. I don't know what happened to my "motherly instinct" that time, but I know my "survival instinct" was right up there at the top. :-)

Take care. Know that we're always thinking of and praying for all of you.


Ruthie Sjoclom <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN U.S. - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 10:25 AM CST
We will keep you in our prayers! Good luck back at school! You will love seeing everyone! Keep smiling!
Love, Crystal Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 8:13 PM CST
Glad to hear things are going smoothly. We think of you often.
Jackie, Mel, Rachel and Mikey Hardy <jmhardy@aol.com>
Ellington, CT 06029 - Friday, October 29, 2004 1:47 PM CDT
Wonderful news about your hemoglobin. Keep up the good work Nikki!!! You are always in our prayers.
Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, ME - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 12:13 AM CDT
Good news about the hemoglobin. You're in our prayers! Thanks for letting Genna spend time with you all.
The Lizakowski Family <chadliz@msn.com>
- Tuesday, October 19, 2004 12:09 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,

Glad to hear your hemoglobin is on the rise. That will help your energy level. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll be able to head to school part time in November. As fast as the time seems to go, you'll just get back into school and then be taking off for Christmas vacation. Can't believe that it's only 2 months away already. Take care. Always in our prayers.


Ruthie Sjoclom <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN U.S. - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 10:35 AM CDT
Hi Nikki
I hear you folks have a new deck---this is perfect weather for you to sit out on it. We had our family here all day yesterday for a big bonfire. I suppose it won't be long before we have snow--not my favorite thing. Glad to hear you're getting a little better each day--keep it up!

Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, - Sunday, October 10, 2004 8:02 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,

Hope this has been a good day for you. I haven't been outside, but from the window it looks like a great fall day, so hope you've been able to get a little fresh air. As always, you're in our prayers. We'll remember Jasmine too.


Ruthie Sjoblom <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN U.S. - Thursday, September 30, 2004 1:01 PM CDT
Dear Nikki,

We will keep you in our prayers at Urland Lutheran Church in Cannon Falls. We are praying for your full recovery. The Lord is your hope and strength- always.

Pastor Scott McLaughlin <scmcl@earthlink.net>
- Saturday, September 25, 2004 12:22 AM CDT
Hi again! I was so honored to stop by your page and see my poem there! That was so sweet of you to put it on your main page! I like the new music and cloud background, too! Keep on keepin' on, darlin'. You're in my thoughts and prayers!
Hope & Hugs,
~~The rainbow is worth the storm!~~

Heidi Banitt <bani0021@mrs.umn.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN - Thursday, September 23, 2004 3:00 PM CDT
Blessings to all the Schauts! We love you!!!
Genna, Maggie & Josh with Chad & Jo Ann Lizakowski
- Thursday, September 23, 2004 9:32 AM CDT
Nikki you are a teenager now! WOW! Does this mean your Mom and Dad will get gray hair? We hope you are feeling better. You are a very strong girl. Our prayers are with you all. Take care.
Chris and Patti Yelle, Andrea, Tony <acyelle@msn.com>
North Branch, Mn United States - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:28 AM CDT
Nikki! I almost forgot! HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY!
- Friday, September 17, 2004 5:01 PM CDT
Dear Nikki; So sorry to hear that those stubborn counts won't come up. I know it's hard, and frustrating to wait, but be patient. They will come up, and you know it! Hope you are already starting to feel better, and that the fevers are gone by the time you read this. We have you in our prayers and thoughts, here in Ohio. Beth
Beth Orgel (Greg's mom)
- Friday, September 17, 2004 4:57 PM CDT
Hi Nikki! I just wanted to let you know that we're thinking of you! I know you're going through some tough times right now. Sometimes it helps to schedule yourself a sad/crying time each day-find a safe place or someoone to hold you and let the tears flow-knowing that God is holding you in the palms of his large hands and cradling you ever so gentle, rocking you back and forth, bathing you in gentle words and washing you in messages of hope and love. One day soon you will realize that you "forget" to have your sad/crying time and then you will know that things are going better. You're in our thoughts and prayers! Love, Becky, Les, and Cassie
Becky, Cassie, Les Ashling/Weeks <Rrashling@aol.com>
- Thursday, September 16, 2004 7:31 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, Kristi, & Family! We are checking in, again. I sure hope things are going better! We wish you didn't have to go through ANY of this!! Our prayers are with you, ALWAYS!!!! Take Care & God Bless,
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan <Bryce's Mom @ www.caringbridge.org/mn/bryceb>
Goodhue, MN - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 12:45 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,

Happy 13th Birthday!! Glad to hear that you made it home from the hospital on your birthday, but sorry to hear about the "struggle" last week. I hope you feel stronger every day. You're an amazing young lady (not a kid any more at 13 you know!).

Always in my prayers, Ruthie

Ruthie Sjoblom <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN U.S. - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:20 AM CDT
Happy 13th Birthday! I hope you start feeling better soon! Enjoy your first day of school! Lots of Love and prayers!
Mrs. Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Monday, September 13, 2004 6:31 PM CDT
Happy Birthday! I can still remember the first time I saw you--your mom brought you into work (Waterous) when you were very, very tiny. What a beautiful baby you were, and what a beautiful girl you now are. I feel blessed just knowing your strong family. Keep up the good work!
Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Monday, September 13, 2004 4:43 PM CDT
So many times
In the brief moment between
I find myself winking at the sky
Or just smiling
Looking upwards
Because I know it was
Your love I just felt
Soak into my skin
With a thousand raindrops,
Or just one
That’s all it takes for
To cleanse me and
Cure me and give me

Hi Nikki! My name is Heidi, and I am a granddaughter of your grandma's neighbor, Sandy LeClair. I'm a sophmore at the U of M, Morris campus. I included a short poem I wrote some time ago about those little moments in life, where in spite of everything, you feel God's love streaming through your veins. I truly believe that it's these little moments, more than anything, that make life worth living...they're little foreshadowings of the peace and joy that Christ won for us in heaven. God blesses the world with people like you to inspire us with your courage and grace under fire. You are truly an inspiration and make the world a much kinder and lovelier place just for being you. Thank you for sharing your story! You're in my thoughts and prayers, young lady! OH, and happy belated birthday, baby! (Or should I say teenager...hehe)
With a bushel of hugs & a field of hope,

Heidi Banitt <bani0021@mrs.umn.edu>
Morris, MN - Monday, September 13, 2004 12:58 AM CDT
It was so nice of you to write to Keegan -- even if he doesn't appreciate it I do -- I hope Nikki is feeling a bit better by today. What a great idea the prayer on your home page and some of the other DSRCT patient websites listed. Would you mind if I use the prayer and websites as well.
It's often hard to remember that our children are in God's hands and it isn't always what we want to see. Keep the Faith. Lisa & Keegan and Family

Lisa Webster-Ott <lisa.webster-ott@sendit.nodak.edu>
Cooperstown, ND USA - Sunday, September 5, 2004 11:01 AM CDT
Well, I can finally use the computer without waiting hours between page changes. Chemo ending and school starting, good transition you planned there. And the 13 part, Hannah is jealous, she wants to be an official teenager too and you will always be ahead of her. Have a good week.
Phelps and Co.
Cannon Falls, MN - Sunday, September 5, 2004 8:29 AM CDT
Hello! We are keeping you in our prayers this week. I cannot believe you are going to be 13. It seems like yesterday when you were just a little fourth grader in my class reading ALL of the Animal Arc books! Keep positive. Good luck with home school next week!

Lots of love, Crystal Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Blaine, MN USA - Sunday, September 5, 2004 8:09 AM CDT
Hi Nikki! We wanted to you to know that we think of you all the time! I know your Mom has told you about me and that we giggled alot together last month. I can't wait to giggle with you in October or November when we get to pamper you a little! We hope your feeling better, soon. There are lots of people out there praying for you and your family!! Take Care and God Bless,
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan <Bryce's Mom @ www.caringbridge.org/mn/bryceb>
Goodhue, MN - Saturday, September 4, 2004 9:48 PM CDT
Nikki-- Hello from Montana. My daughter who is also twelve was diagnosed with DSCRT in July of 2004. We would like to get in contact with you. Our current oncologist at Denver Children's Hospital is suggesting a second opinion and possibly of seeing a doctor in Minneapolis.
Darla Hoffman <2hoffman@nemontel.net>
Opheim, MT USA - Saturday, August 28, 2004 10:21 PM CDT
Hello everyone!
We missed you at the Pine Tree Apple Tennis Classic last weekend. We knew you must have had low counts or been sick, cuz you would never miss a party....right? I'll be dropping off goodies from the event this week. I haven't checked your page in quite a while, but love it! The music is GREAT and the pictures are SUPER! See you soon.
The Loida Family

Dotty Loida <Dloida@comcast.net>
No. St. Paul, MN USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:00 AM CDT
Hello Schauts, It had been awhile since checking the website due to vacations. Wow! Great pictures and have you all been busy. It is wonderful to hear Nikki got through the fever and chemo O.K. You are in our prayers! Chad, Jo Ann, Maggie, Genna and Joshua
Jo Ann Lizakowski <joannl@merrickinc.org>
Oakdale, MN - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 8:28 AM CDT
Nikki Hi
I opened up the paper this morning ( I always try to read the headlines,the weather and the Express section before I go to work)and there you were! Not often I know anyone in the paper
hope all continues to go well
Mary wilcox

Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, Mn USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 10:30 PM CDT
Hello Kristi & Nikki! Our prayers are going out to you,...loud, strong and lots of 'em! I really enjoyed getting to know you yesterday, Kristi. Your family is GREAT!! We'll be checking in on you, often. Take Care and God Bless,
Tim & Susie Breuer, Mitchell, Logan, Bryce, Joel, & Ethan <Bryce's Mom @ www.caringbridge.org/mn/bryceb>
Goodhue, MN - Sunday, August 15, 2004 1:36 PM CDT
Hi Nicole! I am glad to hear you are home again! Hospitals are the pits. (I certainly do not have to tell you or your family that!) I went to my new school today! I am going to have 3rd graders this year! Yikes! I have never taught third grade, so I am quite nervous! It should be ok! I have loved 4th and 5th!
Alex has been up to trouble like usual! I bet your mom remembers when you were in that stage! He is already 1 and 1/2. They sure do grow fast!

Keep your spirits up! I would really love to see ya sometime!
Mrs. Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:03 PM CDT
Hi Nikki
Wow! You sure lead an exciting life! Glad to hear you ae so much better--take care, and know we are thinking of you and continue to pray every day for you and your family. Meanwhile, I have to tell you about some people who came here last week to buy a puppy. The older son is 6'10"!! He had to bend way over to get in our door--everyone pulled up a kitchen chair to sit down--he walked over to the counter, bent DOWN and sat! That's tall! His mom said they have remodeled both of their houses to accomodate his height--he has a special bed, and special orders all his clothes. He's so skinny if he stands sideways you can barely see him.
Once again, take care, and love to all of you.`

Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
- Wednesday, August 11, 2004 10:16 AM CDT
Hey Nik, How you doing?! Do you get to go home yet from the hospital? I know you are anxious to get out of there and I am sure it will be soon. You and your mom could use to relax at home. The kids really miss you and Uncle Larry sends you his wishes as well. I hope we can get together sometime soon before your birthday. Speaking of birthday, is there anything specific you would like for your 13th? If so, please let me know. Keep up the good work, I know you'll be back on your feet soon. Love Always, Aunt Kim (& family)
Kim Alstrup <klalstrup@waterousco.com>
Rosemount, MN 55068 - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 12:16 AM CDT
Hi Nikki, this is your New Jersey prayer group letting you know that you & your family remain in our thoughts & prayers. You may not remember me but I'm a life long friend of Sandy LeClair. Our church of 2000 members is praying for you as are the many prayer groups in the church. I was at a weekend of Creative Memory scrapping when someone I hardly knew asked me if I had asked for prayers for you because she was one of the people who had made a page for your scrapbook that our C.M. group sent to you. She was most anxious to hear how your spirits are. Sweet love you are a fighter, may the good Lord continue to hold you in His arms. Many, many blessings to you. Much love & a host of hugs, Audrey Tippin & prayer partners
Audrey Tippin
Delran, NJ USA - Monday, August 2, 2004 9:19 PM CDT
Hang in there girl. It sounds like your week is not the best. You can get through it! You are an amazingly strong young lady! We have been very busy around here! Boy Alex sure is a stinker lately! He is keeping me on my toes! If there is anything you need let me know!
Love, Crystal Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 9:23 PM CDT
Sorry to hear you are having a bad week-I hope this passes soon for you so you can enjoy the rest of your summer-I hope your weather is as nice as it is here in Maine-we are finally getting summer weather-we have seen alot of rain up to this point, our garden is certainly enjoying the rain :):) Keep up the good work Nikki! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Say hi to Mom & Dad for me and congratulations on the new little baby cousin. Enjoy her this weekend.
Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, Maine - Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:38 PM CDT
Hi Nikki. Glad to hear you are doing well. Keep up the good work. Please tell your mom to check her e-mail. I just sent her a note. Two, actually.
Beth Orgel, Greg's mom <bkorgel@buckeye-express.com>
- Wednesday, July 14, 2004 1:41 PM CDT
You are back from camp and the Phelps kids just left for camp. I know that your low hemoglobin makes you tired, but it sounds like your Mom needs a nap. See if you can convince her to do that. If she won't, threaten to have your nurses check her hemoglobin! I'm sure you had a great time camping. My neighbors have a bonfire going and the smell of the wood burning makes me hungry for S'mores. Hope your CT went well today.
Julie Phelps <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cottage Grove/Cannon Falls, MN - Tuesday, July 13, 2004 10:48 PM CDT
Hi nikki,
I haven't seen you in a while I just wanted to say.I was also wondering if you are going to be at school this year? I think we all missed you last year.well any ways hope to see you soon.

Cayla Penn <slapshotchick10@msn.com>
Oakdale, M.N - Monday, July 12, 2004 12:35 AM CDT
Hello! Your web site looks great! It was nice to see all of the pictures! I am glad you are enjoying your summer! Keep getting better. Alex, my son has now learned to say Nicole when we look at your website together. (It sounds like coley!!!) It certainly is sweet! I would love for you to meet him someday!
Lots of love, Mrs. Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher (Huberty) <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Saturday, July 10, 2004 8:27 AM CDT
Great slideshow. The pics look great.
Hope you have a great 4th of July weekend and get to see some fireworks.
Have fun at Lakamaga next week. Hope you have sunny weather and NO bugs...

Diane, Mark, Lauren & Jenny <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Friday, July 2, 2004 2:24 PM CDT
Thought I'd check your web site tonight and there was great sound and photos AWESOME
Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@yahoo .com>
CannonFalls, MN USA - Thursday, July 1, 2004 8:10 PM CDT
Cool Picture thing, and you've even got the make a wish photos on!
We went there today, to look at boring things like washing machines. Hannah was hoping they'd have a big banner that said "the Schauts were here" so she could say she knew you.

Julie P
Cottage Grove, MN - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 11:22 PM CDT
Hi, Nikki. We've been following all of the entries but still do not have the internet, except at my job. I print out the entries for Jen to read. We hope your shopping trip was a blast! We are always thinking about you and praying for the whole family. Take care. P.S. The waitress at TGIFridays (June) is married to my cousin. She is great!
Lisa Hogrefe
Oakdale, MN - Monday, June 28, 2004 12:41 AM CDT
Nikki we are so glad you got to meet June the (best waitress in the World!!) while you were at TGI Fridays for your wish. June is very special to us. We are so glad you got out to enjoy yourself.
If you need anything or we can help in anyway please contact us. We will be here for the summer while our son completes his bone marrow transplant.

Mel, Jackie, Rachel, Michael Hardy <jmhardy@aol.com www.caringbridge.org/page/rachel>
Woodbury (normally Ellington,CT), MN USA - Saturday, June 26, 2004 7:37 AM CDT
Hello Nikki, Enjoy your day on Friday we can't wait to hear about all your fun. How exciting. You are all in our prayers.
The Yelle's

Patti Yelle <acyelle@msn.com>
North Branch, Mn. 55056 - Thursday, June 24, 2004 9:21 AM CDT
Have fun on Friday - even if your platlets make you stick to the old 'Mommy phrase # 417' - LOOK, DON'T TOUCH!REMEMBER THAT YOU LOOK WITH YOUR EYES, NOT YOUR FINGERS.
Jullie and Co. (who touch no matter WHAT I say)
Cottage Grove, MN - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 7:30 PM CDT
Hello Nicole! It sounds like you have a big day of fun coming your way! Shopping!!!!! Enjoy yourself! I just found out that I am going to be at another new school next year! I will be at Wyoming elementary (The same school district)! I am not sure what grade yet!

See ya! Crystal Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Monday, June 21, 2004 12:47 AM CDT
Hi Nikki. Have a GREAT time shopping! It is definitely a girl thig...... Don't tell your Mom I said so, but make sure to get all the stuff your parents don't want you to have........LOL. Seriously, have a wonderful time! Greg's Make A Wish gift was a big screen TV for his room. He uses it all the time, even when he's supposed to be asleep. At least the screen is bright enough that his Dad or I can see it from our room, and we can make him turn it off......Enjoy all your new "goodies".
Beth Orgel <bkorgel@buckeye-express.com>
Toledo, OH - Saturday, June 19, 2004 4:59 PM CDT
Limo's and shopping. The two sound like they go together VERY well. Have a great time! HMMM, it is my birthday that day, do you think I could talk Chr's into letting ME get a limo to go shopping?? Yeah right, he would think that a bigger car would mean a bigger shopping trip. I hope you have fun filling a limo! The Phelps parents celebrate 50 years of marriage today so the whole family is going out to Chanhassen to see a play based in Muncie, Indiana, where Keith lived. The girls are looking forward to it. We follow you and one other girl on these web sites. I am pleased to report she is also doing well!
Julie P <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cottage Grove, MN - Saturday, June 19, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
Hi Nikki
I'm waiting to see a photo of the paint job in your bedroom--it sounds awsome!! Tell your mom to put one in the photo album. Maybe she's waiting for all the stuff from Make-a-Wish before she posts it. Tell your friends that wrote in here they wanted to see the neighbors' horses that they are welcome anytime we're home. Those horses love to be petted, and we don't always take the time to do it. Take care,

Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Saturday, June 19, 2004 9:55 AM CDT
I am happy to see and hear that you are doing well with your recently therapy treatments. You are looking fabulous and WOW have you grown since the last time I saw a photo of you. Take care and continue to grow. You are beautiful.

Kelly Holmes <kjholmes@waterousco.com>
St. Paul Park, MN Washington - Thursday, June 17, 2004 8:45 AM CDT
Hi Nikki and Kristi.
Hope to hear from you when you return from your vacation. You certainly earned it! My son Greg has DSRCT, too. He is doing just fine right now. Please visit us at caringbridge.org/page/gregorgel.

Greg's Mom, Beth <bkorgel@buckeye-express.com>
Toledo, OH - Sunday, June 6, 2004 9:55 PM CDT
Nikki! Your room sounds beautiful! We need to paint our entire upstairs. I do not think Alex will be a great help for that! He is certainly into everything! I am proud of how strong you have been through this experience! You are certainly an amazing young lady!

Enjoy the sun! (finally)
Lots of love and prayers!
Crystal, Eric and Alex Rademacher(Huberty)

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Thursday, June 3, 2004 8:38 PM CDT
I bet your Memorial weekend was as wet as ours. We camped with some pleasant buffalo and some nasty snakes. I'm sure the snakes were really very friendly, but they don't even bother to say 'excuse me' when they sneak up on you. I doubt they were out to get us, and they posed nicely for pictures, but it just seems to gross to be walking where they are slithering!!!! Use alot of sunscreen this summer. We haven't moved yet, so we are hanging around. We will go to Cannon nearly every day for stuff, so let us know if you and Em want to hitch a ride to Grandma and Grandpas. Eliz still wants to go talk to the horses at the neighbors house.
Julie Phelps <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cottage Grove, MN - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 6:23 PM CDT

So glad to hear that things are going well for you, Nikki. You'll have so much fun on that shopping spree, and how exciting to be going in a limo!! Your "new" room sounds beautiful. If you talk to your grandma and aunts, tell them that I've been trying to get my bedroom painted for over a year and would love the help. :-) Take care. Ruthie

Ruthie Sjoblom <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN U.S. - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 10:30 AM CDT
Hello Nikki & Family,
We hope you enjoy your little break from treatment. You will have all kinds of fun and find a way to stay busy. Enjoy the warm weather. We can't wait to hear what that special wish will be, how exciting! Our thoughs and prayers are with you guys! take care.
Chris, Patti, Andrea, Tony Yelle

Yelle's <acyelle@msn.com>
North Branch, Mn Isanti - Thursday, May 13, 2004 12:18 AM CDT
Hi, how are you doing? I'm fine. Today we cleaned out the garage, but it was not that exciting. are you doing anything this weekend? Have you been doing anything interesting within the last few weeks? Well I have to go see you later,

- Wednesday, May 12, 2004 7:59 PM CDT
Hi Nikki& family,
I just wanted to say thanks for the beading idea this weekend. Marlee and I enjoyed it, in fact I think she would make things all the time now if she could. It was great to see you, Emile and your mom having so much fun together! I forget how creative your mother can be, you are a pretty lucky kid to have her.

Well I hope you are enjoying your break from all your appointments and but not to much fun! Parker misses you and wants to come for another game of "stinky socks" so we will have to schedule something.

I love you! I read a few of your messages and it is sure nice to have all these people thinking of you! Know we do as well!!!!!!!! We love you and all your family!

Aunt Robyn and family

Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:43 AM CDT
Sounds like things are going good. It sure is nice to have some warmer weather. Tell your family all hello
Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, Mn USA - Monday, May 10, 2004 7:37 PM CDT
Hello Nicole! I am glad things are going well. I keep you in my prayers daily! God Bless you!
Lots of love, Mrs. Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@attbi.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 11:30 AM CDT
Squirt guns one day, and they predict snow the next. We're mowing the lawn today before we have to anticipate shoveling the driveway. Before you leave radiation, you need to think of one hum-dinger of a conversation for your radiation buddies to overhear. Looks like you could have a pretty smooth summer, going to ball games, couple appointments here and there, OK well, more than a couple maybe, but maybe your mom can talk them out of a few. Pretty cool to have a wish that you can make true. Make it a fun one. (Hannah's standing over me telling me about division. I have no idea what she is talking about.?!)
Have a good day.

Julie and Co. <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, May 1, 2004 8:21 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
This is Hilly, Kimmy, Brad, and Brooke. We wanted to write you a letter. We all love you and miss you! We hope you get better. look forward to seeing you soon!

hilly, Kimmy, Brad, and Brooke <holliz@greenbaynet.com>
Green Bay, wi - Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:52 PM CDT
Hope you start feeling better soon. I am just hoping for a little sunshine, it has been rainy and cold here and I think we all deserve a little warm weather, don't you??? Just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you and that you are in our prayers every day!!! Tell your mom & dad hello for me!!

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, ME - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:23 AM CDT
Just a quick note to let you know that we're thinking of you, and you're always in our prayers. Take care.

Ruthie <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN 55009 - Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:47 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I hope things are starting to pick up a little bit for you this weekend. It sounds like the week has been pretty tough. We are all wishing for this stage of your treatment to go fast and that you will be feeling better again real soon. I love the entry that your friend Dan wrote. I hope that you can take comfort in the fact that you have many people that keep you and your family in their prayers. Hopefully more fluids and medication will help with the radiation and its after effects. Hope you are feeling a bit better next week.

Dana, Carrie, Rochelle, Gabrielle and Nathan Witzel <cdwitzel@team100.com>
Oakdale, MN 55128 - Saturday, April 17, 2004 9:22 PM CDT
We have a Flat Stanley (Flat Alan) visiting us, so we are off to show him the sights in Minnesota today. Too bad that the newest Snoopy statues aren't all around yet. I know there is an older one over by United/Children's or Regions so we will go hunt it down to take a picture with Flat Alan. He really needs a little food, or fluid (!) He's so skinny he folds up into a pocket. If it were a windy day, we'd lose him!
Julie, Flat Alan, and Co.
Cottage Grove, MN - Saturday, April 17, 2004 7:58 AM CDT
Hi Nikki and Kristi,
Thank you for writing to me on my wife's website (Jodi Cunningham). I have thought many times about the fact that young people have to battle this disease called cancer and your entry brought that home to me. One thing I have learned with our struggle is that I do not want to hear people say they are sorry. So, I will not. I want them to say that we have hope..and you do. I want them to say they believe in miracles...and I do. I want them to say that I will have a good life...and you will.

So, my message to you today is that miracles do happen. My wife has a few magnets on our bulletin board that I have reflected on over the past several months. One of them says "There is no place like hope". That is true. Always remember as long as we are breathing, we are living. There is no person who is dying. There are just people living and there are those that are dead. YOU ARE LIVING!!! Live life large. When you feel up to it, have a big ice cream shake. Run out in the rain. Have a picnic on the living room floor. Find joy in all that you do, whether you are sick or feeling well.

Life is a great gift and it is given out one day at a time and one minute at a time. My favorite magnet of my wife's is the following: "Never place a period where God has placed a comma." I believe in the power of prayer. I will pray for your family and for your complete recovery. God loves you all and I am proof that he can walk you through any circumstance in life.

Thank you again for taking your valuable time to send me a note and to brighten my day. I hope that you feel the warmth I am sending your way and that you have great days ahead.

God Bless and know that you have another that will be talking to God for you often.


Dan Cunningham <dgcunningham1@mmm.com>
Lino Lakes, Mn USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 11:06 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, We continue to keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. It is amazing all that has happened in this last year to you, your family, and all of us that you have touched and inspired. It is always so wonderful to read about your progress and the many obsticles that you have overcome. It is wonderful to hear that you are outside more and that your tests showed no tumor. Keep on doing what you have been doing, and we will all keep you and the many others your mom has mentioned in our thoughts and our prayers. Enjoy the wonderful weather the next few days.
Dana, Carrie, Rochelle, Gabrielle and Nathan Witzel <cdwitzel@team100.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 10:37 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,

I hope this next test goes well. We'll say lots of prayers for you! And no, I haven't gotten a new kitten yet. But spring is the time when there are lots of them, so I may go looking soon!

Pastor Kiri, Holy Cross Lutheran Church <pastorkiri@holycrosslc.org>
- Tuesday, April 13, 2004 10:38 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I hope you and your family had a nice Easter. I just wanted to say hi and to let you know I pray and think of you often. I check your site regularly, and although I don't always write, I am thinking of you. Keep up the good work! Take Care.
Love, Betsy and family

Betsy Johnson <B.johnson@schmidtgoodman.com>
Rochester, MN USA - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 8:54 AM CDT
Good morning,
Just wanted to let you know that you all continue to be in our prayers. I pray that the PET scan results will ease your mind and find nothing but fluids that have built up. You guys are VERY STRONG and just keep moving ahead. With that attitude and prayer, how can you lose.
Have a great day! We're thinking of you. Ruthie

Ruthie Sjoblom <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN 55009 - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 7:14 AM CDT
They are pretty cool over there at Radiation aren't they? Have fun listening in on the gossip!! Maybe you can get some conversations started on fashion, or new bands coming to town, or the best girlscout cookies, or the trials of the newest easter egg dye kits. If your conversation partners are up to it, bring your homework!!
Have a good Easter, snow and all!!

Julie, Han, Shan, Eliz
Cottage Grove, MN - Friday, April 9, 2004 8:53 AM CDT

I just read your most recent entry. Hope all is well as you wait another week to start the next round. We pray for you every week, Nikki!
Pastor Kiri

Pastor Kiri, Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Oakdale, MN - Friday, April 2, 2004 2:29 PM CST
Good to see you are enjoying the weather. So is Frank the dog, but sometimes he enjoys mud, too, much to my dismay. Maybe he'd like to join you for company at radiation. I'm sure he'd be a complete angel, NOT.
Julie and Co.
Cottage Grove, MN - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:23 PM CST
I dreamed last night that your dad got a deal on a roller coaster and put it in your house. It was right next to the stairs and we came over and your family showed us how it worked. It had a side rail between it and the stairs painted to look like a city and the cars looked like train cars. Your mom said that there was a really fast car, but your Grandpa O was coming over and they had to put it away because he didn't think the fast car was very safe, because to stop, that car had to thump into the wall right next to the front door. The wall looked fine, I did check it out in the dream. We couldn't wait to try it out. Of course, I woke up before we could. So, give us a call when your Dad gets that roller coaster installed and your Mom gets it painted, and you guys learn how to stop it, and yeah, we'll come have a ride!
Julie and Co.
Cottage Grove, MN USA - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 8:55 PM CST
Hi Nikki! It's amazing to me that you conquered the pill thing--I'm such a baby when it comes to pills. I'll never again be able to complain, after reading how many you have to take! Keep up the good work. Are you getting spring fever ? I am soooo anxious to get out in the garden and begin planting! Hope you get to Green Bay soon
Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, - Friday, March 12, 2004 1:41 PM CST
Hello Nikki! Although we have never met, I would like you to know that you are in my families thoughts and prayers. My daughter, the oldest of 4, was diagnosed with Luekemia 2 years ago and so we have been down that road before and know how important it is to keep your eyes focused on the future, placing one foot in front of the other. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and that life is so much worth fighting for. I read that you are having a hard time with swallowing your chemo pills. My daughter, who was 6 at the time, had to swallow large pills and we tried many things before we found something that worked. If you are open to suggestions here is what we did. We would crush the pills, place them in an empty capsule that you can get at the pharmacy, placed the capsules in a small dish of her favorite yogurt to let the coating soften a bit (not too much otherwise it will split open) and scooped it up with a spoon and down the hatch it would go. Give it a try, otherwise, good luck, we wish you well and take care of you!
Anissa Schilling <anissa.schilling@wellsfargo.com>
West Lakeland Township, MN 55082 - Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:48 AM CST
Dear Nikki,

A year of the hardest work we all hope you will ever have to do has passed. I am so very proud of you. You were an ignited little girl when I first met you almost 7 years ago. The only change is the young lady that glows through your smile now. But, still fiery, just as your mother says.

That fire is a gift. I expect to see even greater things from the heat of your commitments as a woman. You inspire me. Thank you for sharing your stories of strength here with us all.

Julie Huggett <photographs4life@aol.com>
Woodbury, MN 55129 - Friday, March 5, 2004 10:02 PM CST
Wow Nikki Looking good
It's raining here tonight Hope it doesn't turn to snow

Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@ yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, MN Goodhue - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 7:49 PM CST
Well Good Evening Schaut Family,
The kids are asleep and Grandma O. just called to let me know to check the website. It seems like you have just come a portion of the way through your journey with this but I got to tell you - YOU HAVE SURE SHOWN HOW STRONG YOU ARE (all of you) and I just know things will continue to go well. You have alot of people thinking/praying for you all. I love you all very much and know I am here for you (whenever).

On a lighter note: Parker is continuing to wrestle around the house in preparation of his next visit to see Nikki. At least he has now learned if he steps off the carpet he has to count to 10 before attacking again. (Thanks Kris, at least I can catch my breath now before being jumped on again!) As for Marlee now I am supposed to keep Parker away so she can have GIRL TIME. Talk about challenging.

We had a fabulous time visiting on Saturday and look forward to the next time.... Again I love you all very much.

Take care, Robyn

Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 9:56 PM CST
Good Luck on your 'executive conferences' Tuesday! Tuesday's are always good days. They never fall on a Monday, they are never first or last in the week, you're already going into the week, but not to the point where you can't wait for it to end, and they say that less detention is given out in schools on Tuesdays.
Julie P
Cottage Grove with a great deal of driving to other cities and towns, MN - Monday, March 1, 2004 6:44 PM CST
Pink is definately your color! You look great!!!!
Hope all goes well with the update Tuesday.
Diane, Jenny, Laruen, and Mark

Diane Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Monday, March 1, 2004 5:18 PM CST
Nikki how great to see your smile. You are amazing, and very strong. Get your rest, If you want to get out of the house, drag Mom, Dad and Emile up. We got a new puppy last week and he really loves to give kisses.

The Yelle's <acyelle@msn.com>
North Branch, MN USA - Monday, March 1, 2004 2:29 PM CST
Hi Family,
We are having a great time. Saw a mother whale and baby just off our sail boat on Wed.evening. Yesterday we went for over 4 hours on dune buggies. Into the mountains and through a river. Lots of dust, water and most of all fun! Then we came back through the city at 45 mph! That was a challenge! The Olsons did well and were complimented at the end for their driving skills!
How is school going for you? Have you started again? What is Miss Emile up to ?
We will be home late Sat. evening and will talk to you then.
Love you guys!
Grandma and Granpa Olson

G & G Olson <wastedofarms@citlink.net>
Cannon Falls, Mn USA - Friday, February 27, 2004 11:16 AM CST
Hi Nikki,
We are so happy to see you are at home! What great news! Kristi...SUPER JOB keeping up with all the information! We will continue to keep all of you in our prayers.

The Loida Family

Dotty Loida <dorloi@aol.com>
North Saint Paul, MN USA - Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:49 PM CST
So, you can't arm wrestle your Dad, but it says nothing about your Mom...? She is not as tough as she thinks, and you can take her down quickly so it is OK to arm wrestle her??? What about Emile??? What if I came over??? Arm wrestling is not something I've practiced, but I'd offer to let you try me. I should start practicing with the girls...
Julie P <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cottage Grove, MN - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 5:20 PM CST
Hi to all the Schauts!
This is Grandma and Grandpa from Nuevo Vallarta!. I can hardly type my eyes are filled with tears. You are home and with such wonderful news. We are all praying every day for continued strength and support. Tonight we sail on the ocean and have dinner. Grandpa has seen whales (or thinks he has)! Please let everyone else know we are fine.
Kristi, I will let you know how I can help you when I get home.
Emily, how long did it take Nikki to find her gift? Did you have to help her? I hope you have had some fun with the gift also.
We will check in each day to watch for any more news!
Love you! Please check with Robyn to make sure our critters are not too lonely.
Love all of you!
Grandma and Grandpa Olson

Grandma and Granma Olson <wastedofarms@citlink.net>
Cannon Falls, MN USA - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 12:28 AM CST
Glad to hear you are home Nikki, I'm sure your own bed feels much better than the ones at the hospital. Keep up the good work on getting better. We will keep the prayers going. Tell your mom she is doing such a great job keeping us posted on your progress!!!!
Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, Maine - Monday, February 23, 2004 10:07 PM CST
All right! got rid of the NG already! Frank has a new friend in the neighborhood. It is a puppy so little that it keeps slipping into a neighbors yard between their fence rails. Its' kids are trying to play with it in the snow.

Julie P
Cottage Grove, MN - Saturday, February 21, 2004 11:24 AM CST

Just wanted to let you know that we're thinking of you, and as always, you are all in our thoughts and prayers. You're doing great Nikki!! Ruthie

Ruthie Sjoblom <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN United States - Friday, February 20, 2004 4:09 PM CST
Wow!! I can't believe how fast you are progressing! God is good. Keep it up and we'll keep praying for you. Your mom is also phenomenal--she updates this journal so faithfully, so we all know how you're doing. Lots of love

Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Friday, February 20, 2004 12:03 AM CST
I have tears in my eyes... I am so happy for you and your family! I wish you a speedy recovery, and will keep praying for you. Congratulations on the good news! You should be so happy and proud of yourself!
Betsy Johnson and family

Betsy Johnson <b.johnson@schmidtgoodman.com>
Rochester, MN - Thursday, February 19, 2004 3:19 PM CST
Good news from yesterday! Mark,I'll tell people here at work!
Mark E. DeShaw
lake Elmo, Mn - Thursday, February 19, 2004 2:37 PM CST
Keep it up Nikki! You are strong and determined!
Lots of love,
Mrs. Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, mn usa - Thursday, February 19, 2004 9:57 AM CST
Nikki and family we are so happy to hear the good news. Our prayer continue to be answered. I'm sure you will be up and moving around soon. You are an incredible girl so strong and willing to fight. Well it has paid off. Keep up and good work. Keep Smiling you have a beautiful one!!!

DuWayne, Sue, Heather and Nichole Lohrke <slohrke@jlolaw.com>
- Thursday, February 19, 2004 7:03 AM CST
We are so excited to hear the wonderful news today. We're glad your surgery is over and now you can look forward to a complete recovery! God is so good! We will continue to pray for you and your family!

Tim and Renee Merkouris <reneemerkouris@usfamily.net>
North Branch, MN USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 11:49 PM CST
What good news, we're all so happy for you, Nikki, you have worked so hard to get where you are today. It was good to see you last Thursday, Cassie enjoyed spending the afternoon with you and your family. God is watching over you and your family and you're in our thoughts and prayers!
Cassie, Becky, and Les Ashling/Weeks <Rrashling@aol.com>
- Wednesday, February 18, 2004 8:23 PM CST
Awesome news... will pray for a fast recovery. Say hi to your dad for me. God Bless
Tony Price <taprice2001@yahoo.com>
Cannon Falls, - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 6:52 PM CST
Glad to hear everything went well today!!!!!
Soon you and the weather will both be doing better.

Mary wilcox <mjswilcox2001@yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, Mn usa - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 6:45 PM CST
We are so happy to hear that things went so well today. We said a prayer this morning hoping that things would turn out great, and the prayers have been answered. You are a wonderful girl and I hope that you have a speedy recovery. We will keep on praying and I know you will be up and around in no time. Best wishes to you always. The Witzel family
Carrie, Dana, Rochelle, Gabrielle and Nathan <cdwitzel@team100.com>
Oakdale, MN 55128 - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 4:45 PM CST
We are so glad to hear your wonderful news! Take care of yourself so you recover quickly. Christie call if you need anything.

The Penn's <wepenn@prodigy.net>
Oakdale, MN - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 4:06 PM CST
Nikki, I work with your mom and I am so happy to hear that everything went well with your surgery. I thought about you and your parents all morning. I know that you have gone through a lot and now its time for things to start moving in a positive direction. You are such a strong person. I'll keep praying for you and your family.

Renee Dybedahl <Dybedahl@comcast.net>
Inver Grove Heights, MN - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 3:56 PM CST
So glad the surgery went good. We have been saying alot of prayers today to try and help you along. Give mom & dad big hugs from Maine.

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, Maine - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 1:18 PM CST
I'm so glad to hear surgery went well and you are doing so good! You are such a strong girl and will get stronger each day. Hi to Mom and Dad and Emile. We will talk to you soon.

Diane Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 12:39 AM CST
Nikki our thoughts and prayers are with you today. We hope you get plenty of rest for a speedy recovery. Take care you are a very strong girl.
Chris and Patti Yelle, Andrea, Tony <acyelle@msn.com>
North Branch, Mn USA - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 9:13 AM CST
We're praying for you and hope your surgery goes really well....also, for a fast recovery!
Keep your eyes on Jesus!

Tim & Renee Merkouris <reneemerkouris@usfamily.net>
North Branch, MN USA - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 10:07 PM CST
We will be thinking of you this Wednesday.....Praying for you as always. Be strong.
Todd and Betsy Johnson and family

Betsy Johnson <B.johnson@schmidtgoodman.com>
Rochester, MN - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 8:46 AM CST
Hi Nikki
We sent to the Omni Theater with your grandparents yesterday--it was awesome!! Have you been there? It made me close my eyes a few times, it was so real. We'll be thinking of you this week, and hoping the recovery time goes quickly.

Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
- Monday, February 16, 2004 3:53 PM CST
You are in my thoughts and prayers Nicole! Good luck on Wednesday!
Love, Mrs. Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <Chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Sunday, February 15, 2004 8:58 PM CST
We will be thinking of you this week as you have your surgery. We know you will do awesome as you have with all of this! Good luck! We will keep you and your family in our prayers.

Loretta and Amanda Giese <Lorettagiese@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN - Sunday, February 15, 2004 8:56 PM CST
Hey Nikki!
How are you? I had lots of fun last Saturday and Sunday did
you? Did you eat a lot of candy on Valentine's Day? I only got 2 Valentine's and 1 piece of candy because with 7 classes it's kind-of hard to exchange with everyone! Good luck with your coming-up surgery! Hope to see you soon!

Alexa Paulson <karichuck@juno.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Sunday, February 15, 2004 6:44 PM CST
Hi Nikki,
Just wanted to let you know that you and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers next week and I think the neon staples is a great idea, what do you think your doctors would think???? Tell mom & dad hello!!!

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, ME - Sunday, February 15, 2004 8:48 AM CST
I'm still voting for the neon colored staples...
Happy Valentines Day! Are your Mom and Dad going out on a date or anything romantic like that?

Julie and the crew
Cottage Grove, mn - Thursday, February 12, 2004 5:10 PM CST
Hey Nikki! This is Amy Evgen I'm in your Social Studies, Mathematics, Quarter class, and Physical Education (phy ed.) It really sucks that we don't get to really spend anytime with you! I think you went to Julie Lodges daycare or it was Linda Helmgren I really can't remember but I was in one of you daycares! You were a sweethart!! I hope surgery goes really well and all of the classes that I'm in with you- Everyone misses you!
Hope to talk to ya or better yet, see ya soon,
Amy Evgen

Amy Evgen <MajorFashion411@aol.com>
Maplewood, MN United States - Thursday, February 12, 2004 3:39 PM CST
Hi Nikki
Know surgury will go just fine next week.
Eat lots of chocolate on Valentine's Day just in case you don't feel like eating anything right after surgury
Mary Wilcox

Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, Mn USA - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 7:56 PM CST
Dear Nikki and family,
Good luck with your surgery next week! Wow! You have all come so far! The surgons at St. Paul Childrens are awesome, so we know you are in great hands. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Love you all, The Loida Family

Dotty Loida <dorloi@aol.com>
North Saint Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, February 10, 2004 9:41 AM CST
Nikki - Just wanted you to know that they sell neon colored staples at Office Max now. (Just in case you want to freak out your surgeon, you could bring some and tell him you want them to use these in your surgery to dress up the incision a bit. Tell him you want it them in an alternating colored pattern!) I hope your surgeon isn't reading this site!!
Call me if you or your parents need magazines or dinner that week or the next.

Julie P
Cottage Grove, MN country? more like the suburbs - Saturday, January 31, 2004 11:00 AM CST
Hi Nikki I haven't written in here for quite awhile, but I haven't forgotten you! How was the camping trip? When my girls were your age I was a Girl Scout leader too, and we loved winter camping--especially the snowshoeing. I also made our girls cook outside, even in the cold. Speaking of cold, we have puppies right now, and I really feel sorry for them ! They're in the barn, with heating pads and heat lamps, but even so, it's really cold. They get excited when I bring them in the house to play.We'll keep you in our prayers for your upcoming surgery--I'm sure you';ll do just fine. You have such a good attitude, and are quite an example for others to see. Love to your whole family!
Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Friday, January 30, 2004 3:44 PM CST
Hi Nikki, Glad to here things are still going well. It is amazing how far and strong you have gotten. Keep up the hard work you are an extremely brave girl. How was your camping trip? Hope you had a blast! Our prayers are with you and your family always. If you need anything we are just a phone call away.
Sue, DuWayne, Heather and Nichole Lohrke <slohrke@jlolaw.com>
- Thursday, January 29, 2004 7:48 AM CST
Hello Nikki! It sounds like you are on your way to a wonderful recovery! You remain in my prayers daily!
How was your Girl Scout trip? It sounds like fun!

Keep getting better!
Love, Mrs. Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 5:59 AM CST
Well I can't say how proud I am of you Nikki and your family! You guys amaze me everyday with how strong you are and getting more everyday.

Parker, Marlee and the whole family misses you very much so I thought I needed to get a message to you on the website. I have gotten away from it lately and I am sorry for that but know we think of you daily!!! I just love hearing about how well you are doing from your mom.

We are looking forward to our girl scout cookies! Parker is probably looking forward to them the most since he thinks cookies are a meal in themself. Take care and know how much we love you and are praying for you!

Your aunt Robyn and family.

Robyn Berg <prb@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN USA - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 10:23 AM CST
Camping in the cold, well, good luck and may you stay warm. I'll think of you while I am tucked in bed with my heating pad!! I think I pulled a muscle in my neck while surfing the web. Yes, I am a real armchair athlete, but at least I am warm. Have a fun trip.
Julie and co.
Cottage Grove, MN USA - Friday, January 23, 2004 6:16 PM CST
Hello Kristi and Nikki,

Thanx for signing Kate's guestbook. Nikki, hang in there sweetie, we will be praying for all the upcoming decisions for the next step of your treatment and surgery. We'll be praying for you and your family for strength for this journey. LotsaHugs to you all~

P.S.-Kristi, the music and slideshow on our site is a free service through www.zeocast.com. The site walks you through how to set this up. Feel free to email me if you have any other questions. Take care of you~

*Katey's Site*

Grace and Katey <olsens5@execpc.com>
Waukesha, WI - Friday, January 23, 2004 0:28 AM CST
Hi guys,
We were hoping to get over to see you in January, but Bob has gotten carried away on house projects, so we won't make it--watch your mail! We're so happy to hear of the progress Nikki's making-it's amazing what faith and the human will can get you through. You are all in our prayers each and every day that goes by. Callie and Riese are chomping at the bit to have another bake sale in your honor, of course it is a little to cold for it right now, but they are getting all the planning done, making up the list of treats they want to make and making up the grocery lists with some the neighborhood kids. We miss you all so much and hope to make the drive over there very soon. Take care and know that you are always in our hearts. Love from the LeBrun's

Bob, Jackie, Callie, Riese, Roni <rlebrun261@aol.com>
Green Bay, wi - Monday, January 19, 2004 11:13 AM CST
Hey guy's!!!! Just letting you know were always thinking of you and always here if you need anything. Our prayers are always with you!!

Lisa, Pat, Hayley and Alex too!! :)

Lisa Turnquist <lisat613@msn.com>
Woodbury, MN USA - Monday, January 19, 2004 10:04 AM CST
Hi, it's Rachel in Mrs. Rademacher's. I went to MI for Christmas. On Christmas I had a big dinner with all my
unknow and know rellittives. I got everything I liked.
I wounder what you got for Christms? I hope you get better soon. May the Lord bless you.

Rachel Gay <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, M USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:40 AM CST
Dear Nikki
what did you do for christmas? I hope you had fun. Do you have any pets ? I do i have a cat named Abby. she is very fun to have.Do you have any brothers or sisters ? Ihave one brother and he is very weird.
Do you like to read ?I dont like to that much but if i have to i will read the lizzie mc Guire books. I hope you have a good new year .
your freind Betsey

Betsey <Crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forst lake, mn USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:40 AM CST
Dear nikki,
Hi this is kyle how was your Christmas mine was great I got yogio cards and a game what did you get some dolls or something
I heard you got more chemo you are probly starting to like it

Kyie Boulineau <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest lake, MN USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:39 AM CST
Hi I am Brooke from Mrs Rademacher's class room . How was your Christmas ? what did you get ? Did you get what you wanted ? I got just what I wanted . My Grandma tricked me on christmas eve and she said that my dvd player was a fish finder for my grandmpa chiist mas preasant . Mrs Rademacher tell the class all about you . You sound like a real nice person. Like I said I have a brother and a hole lot of cosins . No girls but I stil love it when ther at my house.


Forest Lake , M.n. USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:39 AM CST
Hi Nikki, my name is Trinity from Mrs. Rademacher's class.Did you have a good Christmas? I did.what did you get for Chistmas?One of the things I got was a Paint ball gun. Did you have a fun Christmas and New year?I know Idid.Do you have a pet ?I have a cat her name is Abby.
Trinity <crademacher@forestlaek.k12.mn.us>
forest lake, mn usa - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:38 AM CST
Hi,Nikki! My name is Anthony Tuller. I am in fifth grade in Mrs.Rademacher's class.How was your Christmas? I had a good Christmas.I got a few things I wanted like a mocantrol cars and I got 12 remotecontrol cars at my house.

I hope you feel a lot better. Did you have a good New Year? I had a good New Year with my family.Over Christmas break I sleep into 10:00 I was tired.How was Christmas break for you.

Anthony Tuller <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, MN USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:37 AM CST
Hi, Nikki! My name is Jacob Marshall. I am in 5th grade in Mrs.Rademacher class. I hope your feel better and have a fun Valentine's. Did you have a fun New Years?It was fun to watch the ball drop. I'm turning 11 in February.I heard that your getting chemo. We're in volley ball for gym. How old are you? One of the kids in our class fell down and spraned his knee.
Jacob Marshall <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, MN USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:36 AM CST
Hi, Nikki, this is Stephanie Ohmann from Mrs Rademacher's class. I hope you get healthy soon.
I bet you miss Mrs . R. alot. .Hey can we be friends? happy new year and
a merry christmas.

Stephanie Ohmann <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, MN USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:34 AM CST
Hi Nikki,
Its Jalayna.How are you doing? I'm fine. What was your favorite thing that you got for Chirsmas? my favorite thing that I got for Christmas was my own yugi-oh cards and my polly mall and my polly mall.My brother got yugi-oh cards too.He also got hot wheel cars .
your friend,Jalayna

Jalayna Mattson <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, mn U.S.A. - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:34 AM CST
H, it's me Daemon from mrs.Rademacher's class.I was wonder what you got for X-mas.I got a lot of stuff like a clock and a boom box and a Basket ball.My best friend Lucas K. he got a lot of cool stuff like tony hawk pro skater under ground.Do you like video games as much as me? If so what games do you have.I have football I'm the best at it.Luke comes over to play it with me.We made a team.What is your favorit sport.I heard you might have to have chemo again.Well bye.
Daemon Mecham <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
forest lake, mn U.S.A. - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:33 AM CST
Hi this is Ryan from Mrs. Rademacher's class. How did your Christmas go? I got a T.V. It is one os those Toshibas. My brother got a Lord Of The Rings game for gamcube. And my other brother got a Ninga Turtle game for gamecube.
Guess what happened to me. Me and my basketball team went to the Womens Gopfer game for a celabration for our good practices. The game was going great but then it was halftime. There maskot Goldy was throwing T- shirts and little basketballs. He threw a basketball over where I was so an adult tried to jump for it he diddn't catch the ball ohhh no he didn't he fell straight on my leg. I screamed BIOODY MURDER. They had put me in a wheelchair and rolled in to the first aid. They had to put oxgen on my mouth to calm me down. The aid ladies we very nice to me . Than goldy came in he gave me a basketball and a bat so that was a fun day I can't wait for the next game. BYE

Ryan Corcoran <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, MN U.S.A - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:32 AM CST
Hi ,im Nick from Mrs. Rademacher's class.I have herd alot about you.What did you do for x,mas? I whet to Iawo for x,mas. I got a rc hummer for x,mas. What did you get for x,mas? I have a guinne pig named nibles.Do you have a pet?
Nick Axelsen <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest lake, MN USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:31 AM CST
Hi, I'm Tswjfwm {Chew-fum} From Mrs.Radamacher's class.My name is a little hard but that's all I can do.So what did you do or get for Chistmas.I'll tell you what I got for Chistmas.
I got two racing cars but there all the same freeqense, and a play station two with games.So what is chemo again? I hope you got cool items and presents.

Your friend, Tswjfwm

Tswj fwm Her <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, MN usa - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:30 AM CST
Hi , im Phillip from Mrs.Radamacher' s class. I have heard alot about you Nikki. What did you get for Christmas? I got an r.c. hovercraft for Chistmas.
Is life hard for you when you have chemo.What did you do for Christmas?

your friend, Phillip

Phillip Quehl <Crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake , U.S. Minnisota - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:29 AM CST
Hi, this is Brandon from Mrs.Rademacher's class. I had a good Christmas. Did you have a good Christmas? I got really cool toys and board games.Did you get any board games? I got a lot of cool hot wheels.

Have you been doing good lately? I've been doing ok lately. On Sunday my friends Tony and Phillip went with me to the park we brought our remote control trucks to the park. Tony had a huge H2 Hummer .We went sledding on the big hill by the church. hope you get well soon

Brandon <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
forest lake, mn usa - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:28 AM CST
Hey Nikki,
I am form Mrs.Rademacher's 5th grade class at Forest Lake Elem. My name is Jaysa Bobrowski. How are things going? I hope they are going well! I hope the chemo is helping. Things are going fine for me.
What did you get for Christmas? I got a t.v, a dvd player, books, cds, coleths, and alot of other stuff also. I hope you got all of the things you wanted.
Your Friend,
Jaysa Bobrowski

Jaysa Bobrowski <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, MN USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:27 AM CST
Hi this is Tyler from Mrs.Rademachers class.How did your Christmas go?I had a good Christmas.What did you get for Christmas?
I got a new slide from my Uncle.My sister got some brats dolls.My dog a couple of treats and stuffed animals.My dog opened one of my presents.
Sincerely, Tyler M

Tyler massey <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
forest lake, mn U.S.A. - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:27 AM CST
Hi Nikki,
This is Luke from Mrs. Rademachers room. I hope you liked my last note. I heard the news that your getting another round of chemo, that must be helping! That's great. I hope you get much better. Anyways HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! What was your favorite thing you got for Christmas? Mine was that I was going to be an uncle!!! But a couple weeks later the baby died. So that stinks.

Lucas Koren <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, Mn USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:26 AM CST
Hi, Nikki,
it's Katie. I wrote you some letters earlier. I'm in Mrs.Rademacher's class . How was your Christmas? Mine was great. I got some clothes, and a really cute snowman from my Grandma. What did you get for Christmas. Well I hope you get better! Best Winter wishes!

Katie Kumerow <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake , MN U.S.A. - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:24 AM CST
Dear Nikki,

Hi,my name is Emma I'm in Mrs.Rademacher's fifth grade class she is great!!!
Hay Nikki! I hope you had a Merryful Christmas! I hope you got everything you wanted because you have been going through lots of worries and all thoes gifts you get could take away some of your worries!I hope that you don't have to have surgery.

Emma Haseman <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, mn USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:23 AM CST
Dear Nikki,

This is Kyle Thielke from Mrs.Rademacher's class. How are you doing? I am fine. What is your favorite thing that you got for Christmas? Mine is my Crossman .177 calibur BB/pellet gun.

How has your chemo been going. I hope if you have surgery it goes well.

Sincerely, Kyle L Thielke

Kyle Thielke <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest lake, MN USA - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:22 AM CST
To Nikki . How are you doing? I am good. How was Christmas? Good. I hope so . My Christmas was good write soon.

from Samuel kohs

Sam Kohs <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, mn usa - Friday, January 16, 2004 11:20 AM CST
Weather girl (Hannah) is waiting for a snow day so she can karoke around the house. Do you think she will ever get it? The girls are worried about riding the bus next year. They have never had to ride the bus to school before. Good deal on talking them into the out-patient chemo again. Maybe you can just request out-patient surgery. Tell them you have a social life you are in a hurry to get back to.

Need to go check the weather reports, again...

Julie, Weather girl, and co.
Cottage Grove, USA - Monday, January 12, 2004 6:42 PM CST
I am so happy that things are looking good, and that you are doing well. This is your year Nikki....you are so couragious and strong. God is on your side. He is helping you through this. Believe.....
Thinking of you,
The Johnson's

Betsy Johnson <B.Johnson@schmidtgoodman.com>
Rochester, MN - Monday, January 12, 2004 11:18 AM CST
Hi Nikki,
I am so glad things are going good for you and the results of all your tests are good. Keep up the good work. We are keeping you all in our prayers. Tell your mom & dad hi!!!

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, Maine - Monday, January 12, 2004 9:45 AM CST
Hey, Nikki! I bet you had a cold head the last few days. I even wore a coat!!!! In one of my schools, a little boy moved here to Minnesota from HAWAII and he had to start school on the coldest day of the year. He was not happy at all. He begged his parents to take him away from this state. I bet he has never even worn a coat before and look how cold it was. It must have seemed crazy to him!!!
Have a great week,

Julie and co.
Cottage Grove, MN - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 7:17 PM CST
Happy New Year to the whole family! We will continue to pray for your strength and health. When we as a family reflect back at everything that you have faced this year, and I mean faced, head on. We are so greatful that things have been going as well as they have. Reading your past journal entries and seeing you from time to time I can only tell you that you are amazing. My kids have asked me how you can be happy and even strong when you are so sick. I tell them it is attitude and belief. You keep doing all that has strengthened you so far and we to will keep all the prayers poing your way.
Carrie, Dana, Rochelle, Gabrielle and Nathan Witzel <cdwitzel@team100.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Monday, January 5, 2004 11:19 PM CST
Hi Nikki,
We are wishing for you a happy, healthy New Year! Hope the holidays didn't wear you out too much.
Praying for you,
Betsy and Todd Johnson and family

Betsy Johnson <B.Johnson@schmidtgoodman.com>
Rochester, MN 55904 - Monday, January 5, 2004 2:19 PM CST
We wish you the Merriest of Christmas and a bright and healthy New Year! We continue to pray for you. All our best.

The Peterson's (Mark, Pat, Katie, Amy & Emily)

Pat Peterson <pjpeterson4@mmm.com>
Oakdale, MN 55128 - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 10:19 AM CST
Merry Christmas
MaryWilcox <mjswilcox2001@yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, Mn 55009 - Monday, December 22, 2003 8:40 PM CST
Hi Nikki!
I am glad to hear that your chemo time has been cut. It is nice that you can be home as much as possible. Todd and I and the kids wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
You are doing GREAT!
Love, Todd and Betsy Johnson and family

Betsy Johnson <B.johnson@schmidtgoodman.com>
Rochester, MN USA - Monday, December 22, 2003 3:00 PM CST
Sounds like your chemo time really got shortened Good deal
Looks like we might get more snow, its raining here right now so we'll probably have ice in the morning
Mary Wilcox

Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@yahoo.com>
Cannon falls, Mn Goodhue - Monday, December 15, 2003 8:07 PM CST
Sounds like your chemo schedule has gotten better. Hope your Mom and Dad have all their christmas decorations up! My first day to drive to and from my new job and looks like I will drive home in snow. Just my luck!!
Julie P
Cottage Grove, MN - Monday, December 15, 2003 5:45 AM CST
hi! how are you? i had a lot of fun last friday and it would be so much fun to do it again. hope you had a good day and see ya'later.
Alexa Paulson <karichuck@juno.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A. - Thursday, December 11, 2003 7:22 PM CST
We are so happy you had a nice time in Green Bay. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers as usual. Blessing, Chad, Jo Ann, Maggie, Genna and Joshua Lizakowski
Jo Ann <chadliz@msn.com>
- Thursday, December 4, 2003 1:02 PM CST
Hi Nikki-
I'm a friend of Tricia's. She & I went to law school together. I don't know if you remember meeting me. I came up to the cabin with Tricia at the end of last summer. I logged into this site after I received your family's Christmas letter [Thanks!]. I'm so glad to hear you're making it through all this tough stuff. My mom & dad both went through chemo, and even though I've never been through it myself, I know it's not easy. I hope you enjoy the holiday season. I'm sure continuing improvement is on the top of your wish-list. I pray that God grants you that. I sincerely hope the holidays find you and the rest of your family in good cheer. God Bless.

Kris Olen <kolen01@hotmail.com>
Saint Paul, MN - Monday, December 1, 2003 2:58 PM CST
Nikki- Keep up all of the hard work and determination! You can do it! I love your pictures from the Marshall Fields Display. Remember when we read that book in class?

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <Crademacher@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN USA - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 9:55 PM CST
Hey Nikki,
It is sooo good to hear that you are gaining strength and your appetite is improving. You've come a long way Nikki! Sounds like school and your therapies are going well. That is fabulous news! :)
We want to wish you and your family and wonderful Thanksgiving! We all have so much to be thankful for. Especially good friends and family!
Take care kiddo. Have a great time in Green Bay.
Kari Paulson :)

Kari Paulson <karichuck@juno.com>
Oakdale, MN - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 10:58 AM CST
Hope you get to Green Bay! Chr's is stuck at the airport right now. First snow, you know, everything has to slow down, I bet he wishes he still worked in Green Bay so that he could just drive there. He didn't even wear a jacket when he left, I guess I have rubbed off a little on him. We gave Frank some weird bone - and he is out to the bathroom ALL THE TIME and driving us crazy. He has the worst stomach ache. Can dogs get food poisoning???
Julie the dog door opener
Cottage Grove, - Sunday, November 23, 2003 5:48 PM CST
Hi Nikki,
Guess what, did you know that my auntie Meghan is in Africa in the Peace Corps? Well, if you didn't now you do! Anyway, my exciting news is that she is coming home for good next week, on Thanksgiving. We're all really excited. I'm going to go to the airport with my mom and sisters and grammy to pick her up. We can't wait!! She is going to stay with us for a little while, too (I think). As you know, I have Mr. Z for a teacher this year. I think he is really nice. I got an "A" on my September & October book projects. It was mostly for my creativity. It was so fun to come to your house for the pumpkin carving contest. I love your bedroom. It's so cool! I like all of the stuffed animals and your bed! It was fun to watch a movie with you. I was thinking maybe Alexa & I could come over and we could all watch a movie together sometime? Let me know. I think Alexa would love to come over, too. I think it would be fun! We could bring the movie and some treats.

Good luck at chemo this week.
Maddie Wolfe

Maddie Wolfe <madeline_wolfe@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 8:03 PM CST
Hey there Miss Nikki! Sounds like you are doing well this week ~ good to hear:) Hope you get to travel to Green Bay next week...it sounds like a lot of fun. We're staying here in the twin cities, which is just fine with me. By the way, you looked adorable at bowling on Saturday. Blue is your color;)

Take care, kiddo.

Taylor Wolfe <tnoelle1271@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN Washington - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 7:51 PM CST
Hi Nikki!
Amanda thinks about you often and again today was thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. We check the web-site for updates, but thought we should really send you a note too! She too is getting ready for Christmas and making out her list............I, on the other hand, wish we had a few more months before the holidays! (preferably sunny, warm months!) Great job on your math! You should be really proud of doing all you are AND doing so well in school too! Well, we think of you often, and hope that you are feeling better all the time. Talk to you soon!

Amanda Giese (and Loretta) <Lorettagiese@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 3:44 PM CST
Hi Nikki! great pictures, Andrea loves your necklace. Great to hear that your feeling better, and getting stronger. GOOD LUCK this week our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Have fun with your wish list. Take care.

The Yelle's <acyelle@msn.com>
North Branch, Mn United States - Monday, November 17, 2003 1:29 PM CST
If you are having any pre-Christmas excitement, you need to stop in at the Phelps house. We got out the Christmas dishes. Had a long discussion about the living room furniture and how it does not conform to the Christmas tree and now have to figure out how to get the Christmas village somewhere, as well as a gigantic manger I picked up. We may have to move out of our house and into yours after we finishing decorating as there won't be room for us anymore. We're working on the theme of 'Tropical Christmas' this year, so that makes for a few other interesting glitches - like where do you get a palm tree and can you hang lights on it? We already bought leis for the snowmen we intend to build. And, our house is rocking with half learned carols on the piano, and there is that Hilary Duffy Christmas CD... Get your home-school teacher in on the action and have her give you Christmas spelling words, or write a social studies assignment on Christmas in other countries. Aren't we helpful, telling you to tell your teachers what to do - I'm only getting in the holiday spirit (skipping over thanksgiving, but then again, I never did manage the cooking thing, so I figure the next best thing is to forage ahead, and pour my heart into December)
Phelps Holiday Decorating Crew
- Monday, November 10, 2003 8:57 PM CST
Hi Nikki!!!
I have finished my 1st quarter in school. I am now on break until December 1st!!! I had to finish a big S.S./L.A. project about Selby-Dale (an inter-city area in St. Paul ). We had to choose a topic and find out about how people use it in Selby-Dale. My topic with some other students was art. We went to the College of Visual Arts. It used to be a mansion. It is said to be haunted! It was fun. I hope things are going well for you. The week after next I will be taking some fun extra classes called Intersession. They are cake-decorating, African Drumming, Migration Stories and Espanol with children from Urgurary with a visiting teacher from there called Senor Nikko. I like reading your updates. I think of you often.

CJ (formerly known as Cassie) Weeks <Rrashling@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN - Saturday, November 8, 2003 1:28 PM CST
Hi Nikki!!!
I have finished my 1st quarter in school. I am now on break until December 1st!!! I had to finish a big S.S./L.A. project about Selby-Dale (an inter-city area in St. Paul ). We had to choose a topic and find out about how people use it in Selby-Dale. My topic with some other students was art. We went to the College of Visual Arts. It used to be a mansion. It is said to be haunted! It was fun. I hope things are going well for you. The week after next I will be taking some fun extra classes called Intersession. They are cake-decorating, African Drumming, Migration Stories and Espanol with children from Urgurary with a visiting teacher from there called Senor Nikko. I like reading your updates. I think of you often.

CJ (formerly known as Cassie) Weeks <Rrashling@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN - Saturday, November 8, 2003 1:28 PM CST
Hello Nikki! It is Mrs. Rademacher's class. Some of us wish we were getting A's. We are glad that you are feeling better. Your pumpkin contest sounds fun. We had a pumpkin decorating contest in our building. Emma got 1st place for 5th grade and Jake got 3rd. Mrs. Rademacher got 2nd for the teachers!

We hope you have a good week! Happy Halloween!
Love, Mrs. Rademacher's 5th grade class at Forest Lake Elementary

Mrs. Rademacher's Class <Crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, MN USA - Friday, October 31, 2003 6:36 AM CST
Congratulations on the wonderful grades. It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job on your school work and your therapy. What kind of faces did you end up with on all your pumpkins-we just did ours tonight, Matthew wanted one to be a dragon (I am not an artist) I told him we should just stick to the regular face for this year-I guess I should figure the dragon out by next year??? Keep up the good work Nikki and say hi to your family!!!!
Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, ME - Thursday, October 30, 2003 9:00 PM CST
What is a fashionable ghost?... A cool ghoul!
What does a skeleton ride?... A bony pony!
Knock Knock,
Who's there?
Boo who?
I didn't mean to scare you!
Where do vampires go to party?...A dark park!
What do you call a ghost that is too close to a fire?... A ghost roast!
What did one cool ghost say to the other cool ghost?... Get a life, dude!
What do ghouls eat for breakfast?... Ghost toast!
What do vampires stand on when they get out of the shower?... A bat mat!

Julie and Co.
Cottage grove, MN - Thursday, October 30, 2003 8:41 PM CST
Hi Nikki,
A's in math! You go girl! Jenny is doing well in math too. It looks like you girls are getting so smart you will have to teach us parents!!!! I'm glad your schooling is going well for you and it sounds like you are getting up and around more and more. Keep going and you will get stronger each and every day. You sure made me laugh at the G.S. Halloween party. I guess spiderman couldn't fool you!
Have a Happy Halloween! Hi to Emile too!
Diane, Mark, Lauren, & Jenny

Diane Hanson
Oakdale, MN usa - Thursday, October 30, 2003 4:31 PM CST
Hi Nikki
I haven't written in here for awhile--did you hear about our horse that fell into the creek overnight? It was awful--she had to be pulled out with Jack's tractor. She was so cold and tired--she slept fort 2 days afterwards, but she is fine now. Today the workmen are tearing the siding off our house--it's blowing all over the yard. I hope they can get the new stuff put on before it snows. Sounds like your home schooling is going well--keep up the good work! Love to your whole family.

Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, - Thursday, October 30, 2003 2:31 PM CST
Hey you guys!! Were always thinking about you and wishing you the very best of things to come!! God bless all of you.
You are always in our prayers. Please call if you need ANYTHING!!!

Love you!
Lisa, Pat, Hayley and Alex Turnquist

Lisa Turnquist <lisat613@msn.com>
Woodbury, MN USA - Thursday, October 30, 2003 1:20 AM CST
Hello Nikki! How are you feeling? My class is writing you letters! I thought I would check your website while they do that! Were you able to have another round of chemo? My class has been very busy working on a Native American project. They have to write a report and make a sample of the type of home they live in. It is a lot of work.
We hope that you have a good week. Keep getting better!
Love, Mrs. Rademacher and class

Crystal Rademacher <crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, mn USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 11:10 AM CST
Tell your Mom she needs to change the picture, maybe to a Halloween one??
The girls had fun at your house! Hannah sure had a weird carving idea.
Frank is freaking out with the change in the weather to cold. He can hardly stand outside long enough to 'you know.' And for anyone reading - Frank is the DOG!

Julie and Frank
Cottage Grove, - Monday, October 27, 2003 3:47 PM CST
Hi Nikki, tomorrow we are going to have a field trip come to our school and after lunch they will set up one culture in each of the 4 5th grade classrooms. Have you done anything fun over the last few weeks? Are you going to do anything fun this weekend? Are you going to go trick or treating? I'm going to be PAIGE DAVIS FROM TRADING SPACES and get two other people to be one of the teams. My neighbor's grandma has a trading spaces shirt (red) and I'm going to borrow that. Are you going to be anything for Halloween? See you sunday, bye.
Cottage Grove, - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 8:47 PM CDT
Hello. No one's posted since I posted last (unless they post while I'm writing this). I have volleyball practice tonight, I'm on Ben's team again. I bet you miss volleyball! A couple of games ago, my overhand serve made it over 2 times!!!! I'm happy!!!!! Sara Durst is on our team again (brown hair, glasses) and so is Kali Marcino. We've won ALL of our games so far--not 'cuz we're good, but the other teams are bad!!! (I'm so mean!!) I guess we are a good team, if you think about it--only about 3 girls' serves can't make it over too often, and only 2 NEVER make it over--that's okay! At least EVERYONE can bump & stuff. Except not everyone can set. But I forgive, I forgive. (JUST KIDDING! I'M BAD AT SETTING TOO!) And no one can spike really. And I'm the only one who's overhand serves made it over. OH WELL!!!!!!
When I look back at myself a year ago, I had almost no friends, but was making friends with Lizzy, Jenny, and Lindsey (deep portage, remember?) (And Liz came later).
By the way, Liz Theisen thinks it's an insult to call someone NORMAL. :) 'Cuz if you call someone smart "stupid" or if you call someone average "shorty" then it's an insult, but IT'S NOT TRUE!! Like calling someone "normal" can hurt BUT ITS NOT TRUE, but usually calling someone "weird" hurts more AND ITS TRUE. So the truth hurts more. But not for Liz (a.k.a Zil)!!!
Right now, I want a pickle. Just a thought.
I hope to see you someday soon. I really want to see you again, not in photographs. WE ALL MISS YOU.

Cecilia A. Moline <soccermonkey614@comcast.net>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 4:28 PM CDT
Nikki, hello. This is Ceci Moline, and I'm sooooooooo sorry I didn't write for a ton of months! It's just I've been so busy 'cuz school started. Hehehe. Sorry. I know that's no excuse, but still. This is Ceci we're dealing with, Ceci the forget-a-holic. Hehehe. I'll write a long letter as an apology. Please read the whole thing. Even if you don't understand 5 words of it other than these "words of wisdom":
I think that you rock.
But anyways, I'm doing ok, and Jenny and Lindsey and Stephanie and all those folks are doing just fine. I wonder who the other 5th grade teacher at Eagle Point is (you know Mrs. Johnson retired)...I really have absolutely no clue, but as soon as I find out I'll tell you.
I miss 5th grade. 6th grade is so fast, so harsh, but it is SO fun because you get to learn all sorts of cool stuff, weird stuff, and totally useless-but-cool stuff (like do you know what a harpsichord is? By the way, it's an instrument). And you meet about 200 new people (well, I don't know everybody yet. Only the people on the red team and people I knew before). I made a lot of new friends, but mostly I am better friends with my old friends (who are younger than me! Which doesnt make sense if I'm going to call them old). Everyone is just a part of a BIG HAPPY TEAM. But there are 2, the red and the purple. Confusing, eh? We don't really separate ourselves into groups by our old schools anymore, just by teams (Lindsey and Stephanie are on purple, me, Jenny, and Liz are on the red).
Anyways, where was I?
There's a huge competion between the teams, just like who's better and stuff. Lindsey says her teachers are better, I say they're not. I don't even know her teachers, but ours are much better anyways, even if they're not!!!! That makes no sense! Hehehehe.
I once read this book where this girl rides on a polar bear and TALKS to it and stuff. But all the polar bears can talk. And they wear armor. And it's my favorite book. But not 'cuz of the bears. It's called the Golden Compass. I forget the author.
Well, that's it for CECI'S RANDOM THOUGHTS!!!! Come back next time, please!

Cecilia Moline <soccermonkey614@comcast.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Monday, October 20, 2003 8:01 PM CDT
Well, the super funny email I was trying to send to you, and everyone else, encountered a virus or something and it wouldn't send!!! Trust me, it was so funny!! Someone from Children's is coming to one of my schools to do a talk on diseases kids get. Hannah got rid of her retainer today - well, the dentist got rid of it for her. Their cousin, Sam is visiting for break and we took her to Noodles, and Cold Stone for supper. She had never been to either of those before. She really liked Cold Stone ice cream. We are going to Cannon to rake leaves on Saturday at my Mom's house. They have more than enough leaves to make up for the fact that we have none in our yard. Have a good weekend. Call Hannah on Sunday if you get bored.
Julie and Co.
Cottage Grove, - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:52 PM CDT
Hey Nikki!
I haven't seen you in like, forever! Well, I started school, and it's actually pretty fun! On Monday I start health, and say goodbye to P.E. for a while! Yay! I have health and P.E with Mr. Adams. He is a really fun teacher! And so is Mrs. Lenard. She's the science teacher. There's a ton of homework. Sorry that I haven't mailed you in a while. I am at DeeDee's right now. Could you tell? If I had a computer with internet, i'd be mailing you every day! But, that will happen soon(When I get the internet!)
Well, gotta go!

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, MN USA! - Saturday, October 11, 2003 7:28 PM CDT
Hi, Chr's is liking his new job in New Jersey, but he thinks they are the worst drivers. We all missed the Trading Spaces show last Sunday, so we're planning on watching the rerun tomorrow night. We were going to do a bonfire tonight, but not if it stays so windy. Our neighbor is a fireman and he doesn't think it's a good idea. I know he had to go on a call last night, so maybe he just needs some sleep. I have the funniest email clip for you to watch. It will have you rolling on the floor laughing. I will sign off here and send it to your house.
Julie and Co.
Cottage Grove, MN - Friday, October 10, 2003 4:37 PM CDT
Hi Schauts! Just writing to let you know you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers and we keep on reading the entries to see how everything is going. Our continued support is always with you!
Scott, Jenni and Maxwell Pearson <sjcosmo@comcast.net>
Maplewood, MN - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 2:29 PM CDT
Nicole, Hello ! This is Mrs. Rademacher's fifth grade class at Forest Lake Elementary. We are going to be sending you letters. We have talked about what cancer must be like. We think you are very brave. We will keep you in our thoughts!

Love, the fifth graders

Crystal Rademacher <Crademacher@forestlake.k12.mn.us>
Forest Lake, MN USA - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 11:08 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Your Mom told me you are going to go out for Halloween. Do you know what you are going to be? Jenny still can't decide what to do. I told her she better decide soon because Halloween is only a few weeks away, plus we have our Girl Scout party. Gee I guess I'd better come up with something too! Maybe our "mystery guest" can show up again this year.
The snack you made with all the fruit sure sounded good. I'll bet you and Emile will be great cooks just like your Mom.
We all know she makes the best treats!
Hope your school work is going well. Jenny seems to like Math and English best this year.
Take care!
Diane, Lauren, Jenny, and Mark (and Lucas, who thinks kids on Halloween are really stopping by to see him!)

Diane Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Sunday, October 5, 2003 9:13 PM CDT
Trading Spaces was not as great as Hannah hoped , so we hope you and your Mom were watching something else. On Sunday, though, they are going to do a $100,000 room trade!! You and Hannah should write in to redo your room (with the periwinkle paint) and hers (with her new favorite color, lime green.) Think how much paint you could buy for the grand decorating budget of $100,000. We'll be popping popcorn for that show. Our piano teacher just moved to South St Paul, very close to your Mom's job and her kitchen is done in fruit. She's lived there a week and her whole house looks great.
The Phelps Decorators <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cottage Grove, - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 6:14 PM CDT
Hi Nikki I finally got my computer back from the shop, so wanted to let you know we're still thinking about you. Did your grandpa tell you that Jack has mowed big paths al through your grandpa's land, that's by our house? It's really fun to walk back there now. We take our puppies for walks back there. Yesterday we saw 9 turkeys there, and signs of where the deer had been, as well as the pheasants. Guess I'll head out there now, see if the turkeys are back.
Sandy LeClair
- Sunday, September 28, 2003 2:16 PM CDT
Hi Nikki!
I just wanted you to know we are thinking about you. Looks like you had a nice birthday, balloons and all. Best of all, I love the SMILE :)!
Keep it up!

Betsy Johnson and family
Rochester, MN USA - Thursday, September 25, 2003 1:17 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, We're glad to hear your doing good. We had a good time at your birthday party, haven't went bowling in a long long time. Been very busy around here, have to work 10 hours over time this week so i'm very tired by the time i get home, don't want to work sat. Heather passed her drivers test and have not seen the car since... they must of been to the mall 6 times since friday... i think its time she gets a job to pay for the gas. I don't know if you notices we left our tooth brushes their? we'll get them whenever... well got to get back to work, look forward to seeing you guys soon. love always shelly and family.
Shelly Zambrowicz
green bay, wi - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:43 PM CDT
hi Nikki, next mon. you can watch trading spaces they hated it from 8:00-11:00. i know you like trading spaces so i thought you might want to know.
from ,

Hannah Phelps
- Tuesday, September 23, 2003 6:55 PM CDT
hi, hows every thing going with you? im fine today we had to do a me box in school.we had to put things that represented us. i put my piano trophy, my pin cousin,and a japanise doll because my birthday is on a japanise holiday for girls. we're doing alot of things in school that are sort of fun but also sort of borring. well enough about my life. i've got some questions about your life. hows homeschool, or haven't you started yet. are you still watchingtrading spaces/ well i better get going.
from hannah

Hannah Phelps
- Monday, September 22, 2003 7:40 PM CDT
Happy belated birthday, Nikki! We were so glad to hear that your treatment is continuing to work for you,that is really good news! It is really beginning to feel like autumn now, even our tomatoes have slowed up in production. Cassie's bus ride is finally on a fairly regular schedule so that helps us all in our daily routines. We will be thinking of you this week and hoping your treatment goes well again for you, it is amazing how you are meeting your challenges right on, you and your family are teaching us so much by example. Take care!
Becky, Les, and Cassie Weeks
- Sunday, September 21, 2003 7:50 PM CDT
Happy 12 and one week birthday! God bless, the Lizakowskis.
Maggie, Genna, Joshua, Chad and Jo Ann
Oakdale, - Friday, September 19, 2003 3:17 PM CDT
Dear Nikki,
What a great birthday picture of you and your sister! You look GREAT! Congrats on all the good news too. What a great idea to mix the contrast in Dr. Pepper! I wish we had thought of that when Jen went through chemo. She would get part way done and start gagging.....and we would say "Don't you dare!" All our thoughts and prayers are with you guys....keep up the good work and keep thinking positive! Love you all, The Loida Family

Dotty Loida <Dloida@Juno.com>
North Saint Paul, MN USA - Thursday, September 18, 2003 6:17 PM CDT
Congratulations -- what absolutely wonderful news. We couldn't be happier for you and your family. We will continue keep you in our prayers.

God Bless all of you!!!

The Peterson's (Mark, Pat, Katie, Amy and Emily)

Pat Peterson <pjpeterson4@mmm.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 6:52 PM CDT
Congratulations! We are so happy to hear your good news. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Nikki, Cayla hopes to see you Saturday.
The Penn's
Oakdale, MN Washington - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 12:49 AM CDT
Nikki & family,
Congratulations on the good news, so glad everything is going good. With all the wonderful people you have saying prayers for you how could it be anything but good!! Hope everything else is good and hope Emile is feeling better too:):) We don't like upset tummies. Keep up the good work Nikki!!

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, Maine, ME - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 9:47 AM CDT
I am so glad to here Nikki is doing much better. I have so much respect for you and your husband. The way you are handling the whole ordeal is wonderful! You should be very proud of yourselves and happy to be part of a loving family.
Take care and let me know if there is anything I can do.
GREAT JOB NIKKI. You are a beautiful young lady!

Kelly Holmes
- Tuesday, September 16, 2003 9:27 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Nicole! Mrs. Rademacher
Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@attbi.com>
Blaine, MN USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 7:48 PM CDT
Nikki Hope your birthday was really fun Great picture
Mary Wilcox

Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@ yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, Mn 55009 - Sunday, September 14, 2003 8:33 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
All of us wanted to wish you a very Happy Golden Birthday! Yeah 12!!!!
Even Lucas says woof woof or Happy Birthday.
Hope you received lots of nice gifts ( I see you got your birthday balloons), and had a great day.
You look great!
Mark, Diane, Lauren, Jenny and Lucas

Hansons <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 10:15 PM CDT
Happy birthday!!

The Phelps Phamily
Cottage Grove, MN - Friday, September 12, 2003 10:12 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, Nikki! ! ! I wanted to wish you the happiest of Golden Birthdays. I will see you tomorrow so I hope it will be a good one! LOVE YOU BUNCHES!
Kim Alstrup <klalstrup@waterousco.com>
Rosemount, MN - Friday, September 12, 2003 4:33 PM CDT
Hi Nikki
I hope the rest of the week goes well for you!
It was so hot in Cannon Falls yesterday they let school out at noon.I don't think they've ever done that before. It also was to help save energy.
Tell you family all hello
Love Mary Wilcox

Mary wilcox <mjswilcox2001@ yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, MN Goodhue - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 9:21 PM CDT
Hey Nikki,
Happy Monday! It sounds like you had a fun weekend with your family. I wanted to write to you last week but forgot to go online. It was so nice to see you and your parents at Skyview's open house. Gosh,you looked fabulous!!! :) Alexa came home after her first day at Skyview and was very concerned that you hadn't shown up for classes. She was going to call and make sure everything was ok until I reminded her that you will be home schooled for awhile. I hope you are able to start your home school program soon. Well Nikki, it is time to get back to my studying. I have a big exam to take tomorrow. Yikes!
Alexa would love to have you over or she could come to your house again. We will have to plan a date. Have a good week Nikki.
Kari P. :)

Kari Paulson <karichuck@juno.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Monday, September 8, 2003 9:31 AM CDT
Hi Nikki!
This was my 1st week of school and it was very tiring. My bus would pick me up at about 8:45 and I would usually miss homeroom except the day the bus was 1 hour late so my Dad took me to school. School gets out at 3:55 but my bus woudn't come to pick us up until 4:30 and then I'ld get home at 5:30! One day my bus didn't even show up and a bus driver that didn't even know our route took us home in his bus! I got home at 5:4o that day. Besides the bus, school has been great.
I couldn't figre out how to do my locks until the person I sit next to in period 8 told me I had to go to the 2nd number twice :).
Well, I guess thats it for now. Write to you later.I miss you Nikki, when you would like some company, give me a call, okay?

Cassie Weeks
- Saturday, September 6, 2003 3:15 PM CDT
I know that you will have stories about your first days of home school this year, I thought you'd like to hear about the first week at my schools; one broken bone, one stitches, way too many bee stings, three throwing up, two taking naps, I had lunch with a first grade, lost my name tag once, accidently stole a notebook, and ran over a roll of tape with the van, had my finger pricked 4 times,toured two bathrooms (don't ask) and had a ton of meetings. All in all, I thought we were doing well, and I'm ready to go back for week two!
Julie P
Cottage Grove, MN - Friday, September 5, 2003 8:49 PM CDT
Hi Nikki!I had to start another year of school! Yikes! I have a very big class this year. I still really miss Eagle Point. How did you like Skyview at your open house?
I am glad that things are going well. You should like homeschool. (I wish I could stay in my pajamas for school if I wanted to!!) My class decided that they wanted to write to you, so in the next few weeks you should se a bunch of e-mails! I am thinking about you!
Mrs. Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@attbi.com>
Blaine, MN USA - Friday, September 5, 2003 7:59 PM CDT
Hi Nikki and family, Hope things are going good for you guys, its been very busy getting the girls ready for school, hillary cried on the first day, scared starting middle school but holli cheered up before she got off the bus, they now all take the same bus. hillary misses you guys very much, you spoiled her to much.. we look forward to seeing you on your birthday.... well better get back to work, take care love ya ... see ya sat. shelly
shely zambrowicz
green bay, we brown - Friday, September 5, 2003 2:30 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Today was my first day of school at Skyview. But I only got my locker opened four times by myself, it's hard with all the noise. But the rest of the day was fine.
I hope you feel better and can make it to Skyview later in the year.

Jenna Peterson
Woodbury, mn U.S.A. - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 8:32 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Hope you had fun at the fair... It was so hot.
We are going to our Babcia's (Grandma) cabin to help paint it this weekend. Then it is back to school. It is so fun that Genna will be in Emile's class. They face each other so Genna plans on have a good time making faces. She promised Mama she would be good, though.

It will be interesting to see how Home schooling goes for you. I bet it will be easier than regular school.

Hope all goes well with your chemo run this time.

You and your family are in our prayers,

Maggie, Genna and Joshua, Chad and Jo Ann, too

the Lizakowskis <chadliz@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN - Thursday, August 28, 2003 9:56 AM CDT
Hi Nikki! We have been busy painting our kitchen and seeing family members. Even when we have lots of things going on, you and your family are right there in our thoughts and we're wishing you the best! We decided to put some color in our kitchen and so we painted it peacock feather blue and one wall in pencil yellow.The blue is very dark at night but when the sun hits it during the day, it is quite beautiful. Cassie kept saying she couldn't believe it was our kitchen as we've always had the walls beige or white. Now we have curtains to sew and chair cushions to cover.We think there is a lot more work they don't show us on the show, "Trading Spaces" as it took us two whole days just to prep and paint the kitchen. We hope this round of treatment goes very well for you and you'll soon be home, Nikki, take care! Love, Becky, Les, and Cassie
Becky Ashling
Oakdale, - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:15 PM CDT
I know you are in there getting poked and prodded again, and those weeks you do are not the highlights of your summer. Just think, if you were a lobster, your one and only summer highlight would be to get out of the ocean and get poked and prodded on someone's dinner table just before you were eaten. (I can think positively about anything, have you noticed!) Our girls have school open house tomorrow night - here they are to say Hi - Hi from Shan, Hi from Han, Hi from Eliz, who wants everyone to know that she and Shan got fish today - they are not very talkative, they are folding laundry. Have a good day,

Julie and Co.
Cottage Grove, MN - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:34 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
It sounds like you are feeling much better. I am glad to hear that you are out and about. The State Fair sounds like alot of fun. I haven't been there in years. We are hoping to get to the Renaissance Festival this year.
I LOVE the picture of you and your mom! Tell her it is too a nice picture of her as well!
Please keep up the hard work....I know you will beat this!
You are always in our prayers!

Betsy Johnson and family
Rochester, MN USA - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 2:40 PM CDT
It sounds like you are all doing well. I love the picture -- Nikki, you have a beautiful smile. Good luck as you start the new school year. Keep strong!!

Love -
The Peterson's

Pat Peterson
Oakale, MN USA - Monday, August 25, 2003 3:44 PM CDT
Glad you are feeling like going to the fair. We went yesterday and ate our way through it. We also went on the sky ride thing, and I had to go alone. I had heights anyway and I had pretty sweaty palms by the time we got off.

Julie and Co. <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cottage Grove, MN - Saturday, August 23, 2003 10:34 AM CDT
Hi Nikki and family
See you are having a benefit at Spring Garden Church would like to stop out I have to greet at my church and probably won't get out until after 11 maybe I can run out for a minute Glad to hear things are going along good we have had a busy summer Mary Wilcox

Mary wilcox <mjswilcox2001@ yahoo.com>
Cannon Falls, Mn US of A - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 9:39 PM CDT
Hi Nikki! I am Mr. Adams. I am a physical education/health teacher and 6th grade Dean of Students at Skyview. Along with Mrs. Miley I was able to meet your parents and learn about you. Your strength and courage is amazing! Keep your head up and continue to fight. I look forward to meeting you at school.
Jon Adams <jadams@isd622.org>
Oakdale, MN USA - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 10:32 AM CDT
Hey Nikki,
It was great to see you at your grandparents farm. We can see why you love to visit there so much! :) Sounds like your strength is improving a little bit everyday. That is so cool. I am typing this message for Alexa as she has a cast on her left hand and wrist. She took a major spill while riding my bike and broke one of her carpal bones (that is OT lingo for wrist bone) on her thumb side. We had intended to come to visit you last week but her injury put a cabosh on that. She's tough though so with a cast now in place she is back to her wild and wacky self! We will have to try to visit again soon.
Did you get a chance to check out Skyview yet? I can't believe open house is next week already. Alexa and I went last week to purchase school supplies, clothes etc. so I think we are ready for September 2. Are you going to the open house? Maybe we could go together. Stay cool.
Kari & Alexa :)

Kari & Alexa Paulson <karichuck@juno.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Sunday, August 17, 2003 10:53 AM CDT
Hi Nikki It must be exciting to think about starting school soon. Two of my granddaughters have left for college--one of them is Mandy, who is going to Montreal, Canada, so won't see her until Christmas, and then not until June!!! We will really miss her. The other one is Heidi, and she is going to Morris, MN, so she can come home often, if she wants to. We went wild blackberry picking with 2 of our grandsons a few days ago. It was on a VERY hot day--had to walk half a mile through cornfields to get to the patch--then got ripped to shreds by the thorns, and back the half mile again. We stopped at the store on the way back home to get cream to put on them--the checkout lady looked at me so funny. Then I realized, my arms were all bloody, and so was my face! Today I'm freezing green beans and corn, and it is way too hot for these activities. Wish I hadn't started. I'm taking a break to write this to you. Keep up the good work.
Sandy LeClair
- Saturday, August 16, 2003 4:26 PM CDT
Hi Nikki - and family,
Sorry I haven't written for awhile. We went to our cabin last week. We had a good time. Alyssa loves to be in the water and go tubing. She was the only one who wanted to be on the tube the last day. She was trying to go all over the water. She made a hand gesture that we thought meant she wanted to be done, turns out she was singing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and the spider had just been washed out. Anyway, the tube came to a stop and she slid off in front with the tube flipping on top. She kept her head and swam out from under - all was good. We had a good time. Alyssa also finally lost her front tooth, about time. Zachary doesn't care for lake water so driving the boat is good for him. Well, I am glad to hear you are getting up and about. We would love to have you at the cabin if you ever feel up to it. Take care and we will talk to you soon.
Love you, Aunt Kim (and family)

Kim Alstrup <klalstrup@lightblast.net>
Rosemount, Mn Dakota - Friday, August 15, 2003 4:11 PM CDT
Lizzy the cat had baby kittens and didn't show Lizzy the kid! She is so disappointed!! She is still talking about coming to your Grandpa and Grandma's house and 'talking' to Piper for them. They told her it would be helpful to him, and she's very serious about helping animals. Tonight, 2 dogs showed up on our porch and wanted to get in the house. We gave them treats and water and waited. then we called the police and left a description of them in case the owners called. Lizzy had leashes on them and introduced them to Frank and we all sat in the yard and waited for the owner to find them. About an hour later, a lady drove up, and we knew it was the owner because the dogs were so glad to see her. Our Lizzy kissed the dogs goodbye and told them she was glad they were found and didn't have to be adopted, or arrested. It made everyone laugh. I'm glad they got back home, or Lizzy might have adopted them herself.
Julie and Co.
Cottage Grove, MN - Thursday, August 14, 2003 11:00 PM CDT
Hey Nik!
It is aunt Robyn, so how are you doing? Giving your mom any trouble these days? I was so impressed to see how spunky you have gotten last weekend. You know what the kids found at Grandma & Grandpas house on Tuesday? 4 baby kittens that Lizzie has brought to the house for everyone to play with, there are 3 black ones and 1 white/gray one. The kids play with them and they are at the playful age. You are supposed to name them, the kids decided that. For now they call them all blacky (even the white one)

Well I hope to see you soon, take care and know we are just a phone call away if you need something.

Love you,

Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN - Thursday, August 14, 2003 9:00 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
My name is Mrs. Miley and I will be your school counselor at Skyview. I really enjoyed meeting your parents yesterday and I am very excited to meet you next Friday when you come with your parents to look around. We will practice your locker combination and show you around the school so that you feel comfortable here. I will also enjoy seeing you at Open House on August 28th.
I spent the morning reading through your journal and I am amazed at your strength and courage. You are definitely a very special girl. Enjoy your last days of summer vacation and I'll see you next week!

Mrs. Miley <jmiley@isd622.org>
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:36 AM CDT
It's FRIDAY! One more week of this behind you. You don't want to be out in the 87 degree weather today anyway. Hannah doesn't feel well this AM, I'd better go check her. The TV is on a show she hates, and she's not even getting off the couch to change it. It will be a shame to miss breakfast, I screwed up panacakes and made coffee cake instead, but it really is good. No, really, it really is good.
Julie P
Cottage Grove, MN - Friday, August 8, 2003 7:52 AM CDT
Hello Nikki! It sounds like you had a fun weekend! I have never been to Green Bay! Chemo sounds long, but it sounds like you handle it like a champ! I have a ton of sunflowers that bloomed over the weekend! They are everywhere and beautiful. I only have a very small garden in front of my house, but it is packed full of them.

I will keep you in my prayers! Lots of love, Mrs. Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <chuberty@attbi.com>
Blaine, MN USA - Tuesday, August 5, 2003 4:06 PM CDT
Hi Nikki! We think of you and your family a lot, we're so glad you all got to go on a trip out of town, its a good feeling to just get away for awhile and I bet the scenery is quite beautiful this time of year with everything so green and all the annual flowers in high bloom.We are in conflict with all the little insects and critters that want to move into our house with us, we're going to have to take a firmer stance against them-we have a large hornet's nest five feet from the front door, 4-5 inches off the ground on a drain pipe, now with only a few hornets left in it and a few bee's nosing around it,mice in the garage, two chipmunks that try to get into the garage everytime the door is open (although something tells me they can get in and out just fine without the door, and like everyone else, rabbits that nibble freely at any and everything in our yard. We were surprised to see that our fencing around the garden had 3-4 large holes chewed through the plastic type netting that is suppose to keep deer and rabbits out-when we saw the two chipmunks running freely close to us we knew who the real culprits were!The only thing they haven't ate is the tomatoes and they're very picky eaters, they have to take a bite or two out of every cucumber and pepper, instead of eating a whole one or two and leaving some for us. :) You're doing such a great job with your treatments-we're with you in thought and spirit, take care! Becky, Les, and Cassie
Becky Ashling
- Tuesday, August 5, 2003 3:20 PM CDT
Nikki, read the description of how your chemo goes. I bet it is REALLY boring sitting there. I know you wanted to repaint your room and redecorate - what do you think they would say if they put you in the room for the chemo, and the next time they came in - you and your Mom are painting it, putting up a new border, hanging pictures... What color would you use? I bet it is some kind of basic 'beige' now isn't it?
Take care! (and don't drip any paint on the carpet...)
P.S. for your evenings - FYI, Good sale at Kohls

Julie and Co.
Cottage Grove, MN - Tuesday, August 5, 2003 8:26 AM CDT
Dear Nikki, I hope you are feeling better soon. I liked having you as my Fifth Grade Buddy, and I miss you. From your First Grade Buddy, Alexa.
Oakdale, MN - Friday, August 1, 2003 8:39 AM CDT
Hi! I'm at DeeDee's house. I haven't e-mailed you lately because I haven't been able to go to Dee's house very often. Today we are having a garage sale at her house and it's going to be from thursday to saturday. It's going to last from 10:00 to 4:00. By the way, I went to your benefit. I had a really fun time! I went to it with Liz, and we met Steph there. We came too late to see you. Well. I gotta go set up the stuff for the garage sale!

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, mn USA - Thursday, July 31, 2003 8:02 AM CDT
Hello Nicole! I wanted to say hello and let you know that you are in my prayers everyday! I sat down yesterday and found pictures of us from our classroom. I will be sending them to you. I was unable to make it to your fundraiser! I appologize, but my dad was in a car accident and I had to run him around.

I would love to visit you when you are feeling up to it. I would love for you to meet my son Alex.

(I loved all of your pictures! I got to see your big smiling eyes that I have not been able to see since fourth grade was over!) Continue to stay positive. You are a trooper. You always have been!

You and your family are in my prayers. God bless!
Love You, Mrs. Rademacher

Crystal Rademacher <Chuberty@attbi.com>
Blaine, MN USA - Monday, July 28, 2003 8:59 PM CDT
Hi Nikki!
How are you doing? I am sorry I haven't written lately. The benefit was so much fun, it was great to see you. You looked great! I am so proud of the progress you are making and how strong you are. Keep up the good work! Please tell the rest of the family Hi and I will talk to you soon. Maybe I will see your mom at work, she is in awfully early though, I have a tough time with hours like that.
Love you and the rest of the family! Love, Aunt Kim

Kim Alstrup <klalstrup@waterousco.com>
Rosemount, MN Dakota - Monday, July 28, 2003 2:04 PM CDT
Hello everyone! I love you and I miss you!
Holli Zambrowicz <holliz@greenbaynet.com>
Green Bay, WI United States - Saturday, July 26, 2003 10:28 PM CDT
Hi Nikki

We had a great time at your benefit, and I got the gift I wanted! Our last baby horse was finally born this morning, and she is driving Jack and her mom crazy! She is very tiny, and she keeps going under the fence, and can't get back in, and we have to go put her back. Hope she gets over that habit soon. Jack calls her "Button"--I don't know why. Funny name, I think. Say hi to all the rest of your family for us. Sandy and Jack

Sandy LeClair
- Friday, July 25, 2003 6:27 PM CDT
Hi, Kristi & Family Thinking of you all..
Diann Johnson <ddjohnson@waterousco.com>
Hastings, MN Dakota - Wednesday, July 23, 2003 3:22 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
It was fun to be a part of your benefit. We had so much fun and Genna won, too!!! We are excited to be able to go to Jellystone for extra days because of you and the silent auction. You look so much like your Mom, WOW! We hope you feel better and better everyday. We pray for you. Say "hi" to Emile!!

Maggie and Genna Lizakowski, Mama, Daddy and Josh, too <chadliz@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN - Tuesday, July 22, 2003 9:35 AM CDT
I heard your benefit was a huge success. Wish we could have been there. My little boy Matthew would have enjoyed all the happenings!!!! So glad to hear that your treatment is going good. You are such a lucky girl to have so many people that love and care about you. Keep up the good work Nikki!!!
Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, Maine - Monday, July 21, 2003 10:07 AM CDT
WOW, what a great Day! I wanted to thank all those great planners in the cities,all your hard work and dedication was sure appreciated but our family. Nikki, you are surely a loved little girl! It was a priviledge to be a part of this wonderful day! I love you, Aunt Robyn
Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN 55027 - Monday, July 21, 2003 9:38 AM CDT
We are so happy to hear all your good news. We had a wonderful time at the benefit and we are glad it was such a great success. Remember we are just around the corner. Let us know if you need anything.
The Penns
Oakdale, MN USA - Monday, July 21, 2003 9:20 AM CDT
We had a great time at your benefit! Good food, too! Chr's can't wait to use his raffle prize at Robot World. It was an honor to be there for you today.
The Phelps
Cottage Grove, MN - Sunday, July 20, 2003 9:51 PM CDT
Hi Nikki sorry I didn't write to you at school I was typing stories. I hope you feel better.
Jenna Peterson
Woodbury, MN USA - Saturday, July 19, 2003 10:04 PM CDT
Dear Nikki,
This is a note from Ms. Symington. It was fun to see the new picture of you and Emile. Glad to hear your treatments are going well and you are taking a few steps. I know this journey is one little step at a time, and requires a great deal of persistence on your part. Keep up the good work and hang in there! Would you please tell Emile that I am at my dad's house in Iowa and will not be able to come to the benefit tomorrow. My dad is 88 years young and is still living in his house alone. I am trying to help him out by making some changes, so he hopefully can continue to live there. He doesn't want to move, but some things are quite difficult for him. I wish I could be in Oakdale for the benifit, but since I can't, I was wondering if Emile would like to go with me to Como Zoo, instead, after I get back to Minnesota. She could also bring a friend. Please ask Emile if this would be ok. Tell her I will call her when I get back in town. Take care and God Bless!!
Ms. Symington

Sarah Symington
St. Paul, MN - Saturday, July 19, 2003 12:02 AM CDT
PS: it was really sweet, Cassie came around the block to deliver the page about the Benifit today, its nice to see so many people who love you! Talk to you later Nikki, love you!
Shaylin Lodge
oakdale, mn usa - Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:52 PM CDT
Hi Nikki! You're looking so tall! I can't believe it! We're looking forward to seeing you on Sunday (I dont know if you're going to be there?) We all love you Nikki, and you are in our prayers. I know you will get well soon!
Shaylin and Ellie Lodge <gjse@aol.com>
Oakdale, mn usa - Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:46 PM CDT
Our prayers and hearts go out to you Nikki (and your family). Take care care of yourself. The pictures look great!
The Berube's (Ben, Shelley, Alea, Ethan, & Erika)
Oakdale, MN Washington - Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:04 PM CDT
I understand about the Cheetos need, being a Cheetos junky myself... and let me know if we have a date in August for eggs (and cookies,) with a little ketchup.
Julie P
Cottage Grove, MN - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 3:03 PM CDT
Hi Guys
Happy to hear chemo is doing good, hillary tells me your going to the mall of america? We had a nice time at your house. Hope Hillary is behaving. I'm not forsure but we might be driving up sunday and going home sunday, i have to see what John's schedule is, i'll let you guys know. Have a good rest of the week, love ya and talk to you later. We're all thinking and praying for you nikki. love aunt shelly

Shelly Zambrowicz
green bay, wi 54313 - Wednesday, July 16, 2003 11:24 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I hope your treatment is going well this week. I know it's not fun to be away from your own bed at home but hopefully it's only for a couple of days. It sounds like you are going to be a busy young lady this weekend. I hope you have a wonderful time-ask your mom to put pictures on the website, I would love to see all the fun!!! Have a wonderful time Nikki and stay strong. Say hello to your mom & dad for me!!

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
manchester, Maine - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 3:34 PM CDT
Hey Nikki & Family,
Well we started selling those raffle tickets yesterday. Your Uncle Kerry sold 100 (that was all we gave him!) to his boss. Linda didn't even think Kerry would get rid of 10 let alone 100 - we decided he did so good that we gave him another 50 to sell today. He commented that it is easy for him because people all want to do their part to help and this is an easy but effective way to do it. Not to mention they could win great prizes.

Marlee and the boys will finish swim lessons on Friday and then we will have a small gathering for Parker's 3rd birthday. He thinks he should get a horse (I seem to remember some girls in you family thinking they would like one too!). He might have to settle for a toy one?

Well I am really looking forward to the weekend - is there anything special you would like???? Please let me know. Otherwise stay strong in the hospital, keep up your good spirits and know that WE LOVE YOU TONS!!!!! Again I am so proud of you and your family.

Take Care and SEE YOU THIS WEEKEND- Aunt Robyn (the Bergs)

Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 8:58 AM CDT
Sorry you have to be stuck back in the hospital for a few days. Maybe you could try to look at it as experience. You're having all these tests, and scans and infusions. What if you can invent a new, easier way to do it someday? A way that would make a stay in the hospital a little more fun. Keep your thinking cap on. (Imaginary thinking caps have no effect on echo and x-ray machines, but I've heard they do sometimes screw up the MRI's!) Let us know if you need anything to make your stay better. See you this weekend.
Julie Phelps <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cottage Grove, MN - Monday, July 14, 2003 9:52 AM CDT
Hi Nikki, Well one more week till the benefit for you and your fabulous family. The buzz is in the air because I have heard people talking about it. I say a prayer every night that we will reach our goals and that you will be able to be there and see all of the people that send you notes and all of your family and friends. I wanted to let you know that it has been a very special thing be able to work with so many wonderful people organizing the benefit, and that next weekend we will all come to together to celebrate YOU....you and your family have been an inspiration for so many people to get out of their comfort zone and do things they didn't think they could do and organize something in a short time that will make a impact for a very long time. We all look forward to seeing you next weekend and pray for good results from your tests on Monday. Take care, The Witzel Family
Dana, Carrie, Rochelle, Gabrielle & Nathan Witzel <cdwitzel@team100.com>
Oakdale, MN - Sunday, July 13, 2003 8:58 PM CDT
Dear Schauts,

Your are in our prayers. We will see you on the 20th. Paula misses you and girlscouts. Paula sends her love and concern. Kristi please let me know if you need anything, we are just down the street.

Julie & Joe
Amanda & Paula Tucci

Julie Tucci <Turbo2c@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN Washington - Sunday, July 13, 2003 11:45 AM CDT
Dear Schauts,

Your are in our prayers. We will see you on the 20th. Paula misses you and girlscouts. Paula sends her love and concern. Kristi please let me know if you need anything, we are just down the street.

Julie & Joe
Amanda & Paula Tucci

Julie Tucci <Turbo2c@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN Washington - Sunday, July 13, 2003 11:45 AM CDT
Dear Schauts,

Your are in our prayers. We will see you on the 20th. Paula misses you and girlscouts. Paula sends her love and concern. Kristi please let me know if you need anything, we are just down the street.

Julie & Joe
Amanda & Paula Tucci

Julie Tucci <Turbo2c@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN Washington - Sunday, July 13, 2003 11:45 AM CDT
Good morning Nikki! It is such a beautiful day outside today,we hope you get a chance to be outside for awhile and soak up some of those vitiam D rays! You're in our thoughts a lot and if you concentrate hard, you probably can feel all the love and warm wishes and support being sent your way from all the people around you who are cheering you onward. Take care!
Becky Ashling and Cassie Weeks <Rrashling@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN - Saturday, July 12, 2003 9:47 AM CDT
cheryl schaut
wrightstown, wi brown - Friday, July 11, 2003 9:09 AM CDT
Hi Nikki ~

I don't know if you remember who I am, I used to work with your dad at 3M. At any rate, through the wonderful notes that your mom has written, I've been able to catch up and read how you've been doing. Sounds like you're doing well, I'm so glad to hear that. Whenever I go for a walk, I think about you and your family and say a little prayer.
I'm going to try to get my family to your benefit! In the meantime, keep your chin up and keep smiling! See you on the 20th!

Cindy Campbell <cinny51374@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, July 10, 2003 8:38 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with your family. I'm sure they all loved to see that beautiful smile of yours. It sounds like you might be running circles around your mom and dad if keep up the good work, that's good it will keep them on their toes :):):) Hopefully you have received your hats from Maine, if not they should arrive this week. Anyways, just wanted to check in on you. Keep up the good work. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family every day. Take Care and tell your mom & dad hi.

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
manchester, Maine - Wednesday, July 9, 2003 1:13 PM CDT
Hey nikki!
you were doing great last time i saw you( which was last week)and soon you will be riding your bike. that will be loads of fun! it was fun to see you.
p.s. did you get your root beer float? :)

alexa k. paulson <karichuck@juno.com>
oakdale, mn usa - Wednesday, July 9, 2003 12:25 AM CDT
Hi Schaut family,
I was listening to KTIS recently and heard them talking about how the manufacturers of lifeboats always have many chambers that need to be inflated/deflated. This is done as a safety measure even though it is a hastle to have to blow up each chamber. If one chamber were to deflate while on the water, the other chambers would remain filled and would keep you afloat. Sometimes, our bodies or life seem to deflate a part of us, but God had a plan. He has other chambers within us to keep us afloat, even if just barely. Keep your hope and faith alive, God is with you all through each and every step of this journey. It is so easy to see all the difficulties but as you have so often and beautifully acknowledged you have all grown from this. Our prayers are with you.

Chad, Jo Ann, Maggie, Genna and Joshua Lizakowski <chadliz@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN - Wednesday, July 9, 2003 8:58 AM CDT
A prayer for Nikki, God of Hope, Healing and Peace, Hear our prayers, Reflect on the words of HOPE, and how we speak hope to others. We seek a heart that is other-centered, motivated by the love of God, Freely giving til it hurts, joyfully surrendering selfish whims, peacefully touching life with beauty, gently walking in God's way.

We pray today, to loosen the grip of pain,
And soothe the suffering, in Jesus' name.
Read with your eyes, but listen with your heart,
A "Schaut for Hope" is where we start.
Nikki, God's child, needs to know we care,
Partner's in healing, this family's burden we share.
Linking our passion with courage, to build on the common concern,
We must present as a community to others in need,
responding with support in turn.
With GODS breath of inspiration and the eyes of an enlightened heart, we see,
The HOPE to which we are called, that we may serve the Schaut's whole family.
Throwing open a path of kindness, with sweet serenity and a compassionate heart, continuing the mission of love and healing, in which we can all take part.
Pray each day for Nikki and the SCHAUT FAMILY TOO,
People in this health ministry, "Schaut for HOPE",
GOD's calling each of you.

GOD's Speed in your recovery,Always thinking of you and your family.

Carla LaFavor, Holy Cross Parish Health Ministry <cjlafav@aol.com>
1335 Granite Lane North, MN USA - Monday, July 7, 2003 2:22 PM CDT
Loving, Caring and Determined are the words I think of when I think of you. Stay strong and Know that my thoughts and prayers are always with you.

Love, Uncle Larry

Larry Mustful <laurence.mustful@usa.xerox.com>
Victoria, MN USA - Monday, July 7, 2003 1:07 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
It is aunt Robyn and I wanted to thank you for making the 4th of July extra special this year. I don't think I have ever had so much fun than sitting with you for the parade and having you to the house. I am still picking up the remnants of the water balloon fight! Believe me it is worth it just to see everyone getting so wet and hoping that you would protect them. Nice to know your dad still tried to get them even around you.

Marlee loves the necklace, in fact she wore it to the lake on Saturday. I am not even sure if she took it off for bed. She kept asking when you could come and swim with her. We had a nice time at the lake and then we barbacued with some friends who were camping there. Next time you come with ok.

Your mom is supposed to call this week so we can plan an afternoon up there. You remind her for me ok.

I love you and thanks again for making it such a great holiday weekend. Keep up the good work.
The Berg Family

Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN - Sunday, July 6, 2003 6:30 PM CDT
I am a member at Holy Cross and I have been praying for you and you are also always in my thoughts. Keep up the good work sounds like you are a real trooper. Hope you will be good to go to the benefit as I am looking forward to meeting you, Emile and your mom. I have talked to your dad a few times at church and ask him about you. My thoughts and prayers are always with you. See you soon.


Dorothy Frank
Oakdale, Mn. Washington - Saturday, July 5, 2003 9:34 PM CDT

It was so good to read about the good news from the last round of treatment. It's those prayers and positive thoughts at work! From the message it sounds like you have been up and moving around a bit, bumming around as it's called. I also liked to see the picture of you with the rest of your family, especially the big smile on your face. Your smile has a way of lighting smiles of everyone around you. I'm sure the doctors, nurses adn other workers enjoy working with you because you share that smile and work so hard.

I look forward to seeing you very soon. The benefit is coming up soon and from the planning that has been done so far, it should be a great day. If you are up for a visitor, let me know and I'll do my best to stop by and say hello. You and your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Mr. Z.

Jeff Zupfer
- Wednesday, July 2, 2003 10:48 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, I'm so glad to hear your treatment went well. Heather recieved the b-day card you guys sent her, left message on machine, we will try calling later this week to see if you have the harry potter book. You look good in your picture. Hope you are enjoying the nice weather, its nice here but somedays are alittle muggy. The girls are enjoying the summer but i think some days they are bored. Steve & Linda just put in a pool so somedays they ride there bikes over and swim. well back to work. We think and pray for you everyday, we look forward to seeing you the week-end of your benefit. Love aunt shelly & family
shelly zambrowicz
green bay, wi 54313 - Wednesday, July 2, 2003 1:51 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, I'm so glad to hear your treatment went well. Heather recieved the b-day card you guys sent her, left message on machine, we will try calling later this week to see if you have the harry potter book. You look good in your picture. Hope you are enjoying the nice weather, its nice here but somedays are alittle muggy. The girls are enjoying the summer but i think some days they are bored. Steve & Linda just put in a pool so somedays they ride there bikes over and swim. well back to work. We think and pray for you everyday, we look forward to seeing you the week-end of your benefit. Love aunt shelly & family
shelly zambrowicz
green bay, wi 54313 - Wednesday, July 2, 2003 1:47 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, Keep up the great work you are a strong fighter. It is so exciting to hear you are taking some steps on your own. Keep up the hard work. See ya soon
The Lohrke's DuWayne, Sue, Heather and Nichole
Oakdale, - Wednesday, July 2, 2003 11:08 AM CDT
We Love You
Robert & Jackie LeBrun <rlebrun261@aol.com>
Green Bay, WI USA - Wednesday, July 2, 2003 8:44 AM CDT
Hi Nikki! We're so happy to hear how well you are doing! Keep it up, and we hope we'll see you at the benefit. Guess what? This morning I went out to the kennel, and one of our dogs had 9 puppies!! They are really cute. Now we're just waiting for our second foal to be born. Wish I could attach pictures to this, and I'd show you what all our babies look like. Have a great 4th.
Sandy LeClair
Cannon Falls, MN - Wednesday, July 2, 2003 7:37 AM CDT
Dear Nikki I hope Emily is not teasing you again. It was good to see you on Saturday and I hope you are feeling good!
Love Alyssa

Alyssa Mustful <poohdetective@msn.com>
Victoria, MN United States - Tuesday, July 1, 2003 10:40 PM CDT
OAKDALE, MN USA - Tuesday, July 1, 2003 1:50 PM CDT
Hi Nikki and all...

We're just checking on your progress and it looks like you're doing great. Keep up the good work!

Makenzie (and Mom) Johnson <kmjohnson1@mmm.com>
Oakdale, MN Washington - Tuesday, July 1, 2003 11:09 AM CDT
Bumming, huh? I'll never get too old to learn new terminology! Hannah and Elizabeth and I went to the fair yesterday for Hannah to enter a blanket she made. She's making another one for your benefit. A newspaper reporter from Red Wing talked to us and took pictures, and we told him about the other blanket for you. Then I made Hannah run all the way back to the car to get one of your flyers for him. We hope he puts you in the paper!
Julie and Co.
Cottage Grove, MN - Tuesday, July 1, 2003 10:03 AM CDT
Hi Nikki and family,
It's so nice to read great news on the site. I'm so happy to hear you are getting stronger each day. Keep up the good work! Sounds like you're having fun "bumming"!
Hope to see you guys soon. We think and pray for you everyday.
Diane, Mark, Lauren & Jenny

Hanson's <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Monday, June 30, 2003 10:00 PM CDT
Good Morning Nikki,
Wow you have so many people emailing you! That is really great! So did you have a nice weekend and are you looking forward to the 4th of July? We didn't get back from the lake (Curts cabin) until late afternoon yesterday. The kids had a blast (maybe you guys can come sometime) I did some checking and there is super resort down the road with horseback riding and a water park. It is called Camp Dels and I think your mom and I looked into it for a family vacation before. It is only about 1 hr from the cities and our house. Something to think about when you are up to it.

Did you make it to Jonathons graduation party? Uncle Kerry and Shaun had a good time. Well I talked to him last night about his 4th of July picnic and I believe he said we could do it again. I will take care of alot of the food so I will be calling your mom this week to plan if you guys are coming.

Take care and I love you!

Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, Mn USA - Monday, June 30, 2003 8:33 AM CDT
Hi Nikki!
I want to say "Hello" and let you know that I've been thinking of you everyday! I went to Cassie's band concert last night and really enjoyed the concert. We were glad it was such a cool night-last year it was really hot when there was the concert.I'm getting Cassie to help me make a birthday bullentin board tonight for the children I work with.I hope things continue to go well for you!

Becky Ashling
Oakdale, - Friday, June 27, 2003 6:48 PM CDT
What'cha up to? I am at Dee Dee's house right now. And Lindsey, if you are reading this message right now, whenever I am e-mailing Nikki, I'm at DeeDee's because I don't have internet at home, and the only place I can mail nikki, is at DeeDee's house, thank you very much. I went to Liz's sleepover, and there was some major fighting going on. I mean, not violently or anything, but in another way. Ok, so Lizzy was telling a story, and Kaylana kept interupting, and a lot of us got mad at her. But, Kaylana Taylor and Lindsey were laughing at Kaylana's interuptions. I mean, I wasn't mad at lindsey and Taylor, but I was mad at Kaylana. So, Kaylana, Taylor, Liz and Lindsey went in the other room to tell scary stories. Well, I knew that they weren't telling scary stories. Then I told Lizzy to stop with her story and we all listened to what the were saying in the other room, and this is what Kaylana said: "Oh my gosh! I was almost about to FLICK, when Jenny rolled her eyes at me!" Then I said, "THANK YOU!" and she said "You're welcome!" Then they all came back out. See, before all of this happened, They were going to put people into trances, and me and Lizzy didn't want to, because to because it was night-time. So me and Lizzy wanted to call our parents and have them pick us up. So when Kaylana came back out, she said, "You guys, we should just do trances. Lizzy and Jenny were like, "I wanna call my mommy!". And that was ehat Kaylana said. Then I stepped in and told her:" Number one, It's none of your buisiness if I want to call my mom. And number two, go ahead and do trances. I don't care." Then Taylor said,"We need to stop fighting. I mean, rolling our eyes at people. We need to stop." Then we all stopped. I guess all of Kaylana's family is mean. Well, at least Kaylana. Taylor is pretty nice. I mean, the morning after the fighting. We jumped on the trampeline, like all day! Well, G2G!
Your friend,
Jenny Hogrefe

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, mn USA - Friday, June 27, 2003 3:28 PM CDT
What'cha up to? I am at Dee Dee's house right now. And Lindsey, if you are reading this message right now, whenever I am e-mailing Nikki, I'm at DeeDee's because I don't have internet at home, and the only place I can mail nikki, is at DeeDee's house, thank you very much. I went to Liz's sleepover, and there was some major fighting going on. I mean, not violently or anything, but in another way. Ok, so Lizzy was telling a story, and Kaylana kept interupting, and a lot of us got mad at her. But, Kaylana Taylor and Lindsey were laughing at Kaylana's interuptions. I mean, I wasn't mad at lindsey and Taylor, but I was mad at Kaylana. So, Kaylana, Taylor, Liz and Lindsey went in the other room to tell scary stories. Well, I knew that they weren't telling scary stories. Then I told Lizzy to stop with her story and we all listened to what the were saying in the other room, and this is what Kaylana said: "Oh my gosh! I was almost about to FLICK, when Jenny rolled her eyes at me!" Then I said, "THANK YOU!" and she said "You're welcome!" Then they all came back out. See, before all of this happened, They were going to put people into trances, and me and Lizzy didn't want to, because to because it was night-time. So me and Lizzy wanted to call our parents and have them pick us up. So when Kaylana came back out, she said, "You guys, we should just do trances. Lizzy and Jenny were like, "I wanna call my mommy!". And that was ehat Kaylana said. Then I stepped in and told her:" Number one, It's none of your buisiness if I want to call my mom. And number two, go ahead and do trances. I don't care." Then Taylor said,"We need to stop fighting. I mean, rolling our eyes at people. We need to stop." Then we all stopped. I guess all of Kaylana's family is mean. Well, at least Kaylana. Taylor is pretty nice. I mean, the morning after the fighting. We jumped on the trampeline, like all day! Well, G2G!
Your friend,
Jenny Hogrefe

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, mn USA - Friday, June 27, 2003 3:27 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Well I was going to write yesterday but got busy. Grandma, Linda and myself went around to Cannon Falls, Zumbrota and Wanamingo the other day with flyers. It was very successful. Special thanks to alot of local businesses for donating for the benefit. It is great to see such a great response for you. Many people ask about your mom and how the family is doing so maybe more people will sign the guestbook here.

I am so proud of how you are doing this week! Keep up the strength and know we are here for you whatever you need. I hope your mom and dad are finding some time to rest as well. It will be nice for them to have your Grandma/Granpa Schaut in town this weekend. I love you!

Take care,
Aunt Robyn

Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN USA - Friday, June 27, 2003 6:57 AM CDT
Hi Nikki!
It is aunt Kim again. How are you? Sounds like you are doing great this week! I am so happy to hear that! I am putting up flyers this week at work for your benefit. The kids got a new puppy at their dad's house. Maybe he can bring her by some time for you to see. The kids are very excited, her name is Whitney, if I remember right. I hope to see you and talk to you and the family soon. Love you!!

Kim Alstrup <klalstrup@waterousco.com>
Rosemount, MN - Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:34 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Glad to hear that the chemo is going well. I hope the rest of the week goes the same. Hopefully you'll feel well enough to enjoy the time with your Grandpa and Grandma while they're visiting. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you every day. Ruthie

Ruthie Sjoblom <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN US - Thursday, June 26, 2003 10:45 AM CDT
Hi Nikki, I'm relieved to read that chemo has been going ok for you so far this week. I find myself looking on this site daily to see how you are doing. We have talked alot about some of the things that you go thru, like the pt and now the chemo. The kids in our family and in this community are reading about your experiences day by day. We talk about how strong and courageous you are. It is so great to see the picture on the site and see that beautiful smile on your face. I just wanted to let you know that we continue to pray for your strength and appetite to come back and also that you keep getting healthier everyday. Keep on smiling. The Witzel family
Dana, Carrie, Rochelle, Gabrielle & Nathan <cdwitzel@team100.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, June 26, 2003 0:01 AM CDT
Hi Nikki, Your aunts came into the flowershop that I help in today and had a flyer for us to post in the store for your benefit. I was very surprised to hear that you aren't feeling very good. My husband and I graduated with your mom in Cannon Falls and she was in our wedding. We met you and your sister at the 4th of July parade last year or the year before. You are the same age as our daughter Harlie. Maybe you two can email sometime. We really hope you are feeling better soon!! Maybe you'll be able to come to the parade again this year, we will be riding or walking with the ambulance, since Greg drives it every year in it. Maybe see you there. Hope all goes well and we are thinking of you in our prayers.

The Millers

Lisa & Greg Miller
Cannon, MN - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 7:34 PM CDT
Hi Nikki!
It's me again! I see that Jenny sent you about a thousand e-mails. And about three-fourths of those messages were at Dee-Dee's house. She must have been desperately bored. I don't get why she was at Dee-Dee's house so much. I'm watching The Proud Family right now. It's a pretty good episode. But I've got to pack, sice I'm going to be at my grandma's house for four days. So when I get back, my parents will have to do some major unspoiling! But anyway, are you feeling any better that you did when I last e-mailed you?
Talk to you later!

Lindsey Lancette <ma.lancette@attbi.com>
Oakdale, Minnesota U.S.A - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 3:47 PM CDT
Hi Nikki!
I haven't heard from you for a long time. How are you? Are you feeling any better? You looked really good in your pictures! E-mail you later!

Lindsey Lancette <ma.lancette@attbi.com>
Oakdale, minnesota usa - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 3:31 PM CDT
Great that you had a good Monday. I always think that when your Monday goes well, the rest of the week will go well, too! Maybe it is just a Julie theory, but, we can attempt to spread it world wide ... Keep going on the PT. You've got to come see Lark, the puppy next door, she's getting taller, and she and Frank 'talk.'
Julie and Co.
Cottage Grove, MN - Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:23 AM CDT
Nikki, you are a beautiful girl. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.
Sandy Klun <sandy_klun@hilton.com>
Farmington, MN US - Monday, June 23, 2003 3:41 PM CDT
Hi Nikki!
I am so glad to hear you are feeling a little better....You look GREAT!!!! We are thinking about you all the time, and praying for a speedy recovery!!!
I am glad to hear you are getting a little bit of an appetite back, and getting out and doing some of the things that make you happy. SMILE alot....for when you smile, it can only bring good things. Smiling is therapeutic and healing. I am glad to see you smiling!!!!
Keep up the good work!
Todd and Betsy Johnson and family

Betsy Johnson <b.johnson@schmidtgoodman.com>
Rochester, Mn. USA - Monday, June 23, 2003 3:16 PM CDT
hi, nikki i'm glad to hear you are feeling better, we pray for you everyday. i have not e-mailed you because we need to get a updated computer at home. did you get the new harry potter book? i can send it to you if you'll like. the girls are happy to be out of school but some days i think bored. well take care talk to you later. love shelly
shelly zambrowicz
green, wi brown - Monday, June 23, 2003 2:01 PM CDT
Hi Nikki and family!!
It was so nice to spend Father's Day weekend with you! We had a good time and the kids enjoyed being able to see and talk to you. I was excited to hear you went out a got a new swim suit, Nikki. I bet it felt so good to be outside in the sun. I hope all of you are doing OK. Keep up the strength this week. I know you will do great! We miss you and I am thinking about you always. I will be busy this week getting ready for Jonathan's graduation open house. It will be a small crowd but nice. We hope we can see you there.

Take Care - All our Love! ! !
Aunt Kim and family

Kim Alstrup <klalstrup@waterousco.com>
Rosemount, MN - Monday, June 23, 2003 11:19 AM CDT
Hi Nikki and family!!
It was so nice to spend Father's Day weekend with you! We had a good time and the kids enjoyed being able to see and talk to you. I was excited to hear you went out a got a new swim suit, Nikki. I bet it felt so good to be outside in the sun. I hope all of you are doing OK. Keep up the strength this week. I know you will do great! We miss you and I am thinking about you always. I will be busy this week getting ready for Jonathan's graduation open house. It will be a small crowd but nice. We hope we can see you there.

Take Care - All our Love! ! !
Aunt Kim and family

Kim Alstrup <klalstrup@waterousco.com>
Rosemount, MN - Monday, June 23, 2003 11:19 AM CDT
Good Morning Schauts!

I was just thinking about you all and thought I would send a short note. Chemo today? Keep up the strength Nikki, you are doing so great. I contacted some of my old co-workers at the Mayo clinic last week about your benefit, some of them are making some things to sell and my good friend Ruth donated alot of Partylite stuff & Mary Kay items. Everyone wants you well!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who helps out however they can!
Linda and I are going to go around and hang up flyers, get donations, ect. on Wednesday so I will probably be pretty tired at the end of that day. Probably more from keeping up to Linda than all the running around. I miss you tons and Love you very much.

Love always to you and all the Schauts!
Aunt Robyn (family too!)

Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN 55027 - Monday, June 23, 2003 8:14 AM CDT
Hey Sweetie,
This is Grandma again. We had such a busy day for Shaunah's graduation party. Everyone is asking about you and your family. It was great to fill them in on all of your accomplishments this last week. Including the new two piece bathing suit!
Marlee, Parker, Robyn, and I are busy taming 2 new baby kittens. (I couldn't find them today so I suppose the mother has moved them away.) One is black and the other white. They will be named Night and Day or Sunrise and Sunset. So far the kids can't decide which it will be.
We are getting lots of people interested in the benefit and thinking it will be fun to go. I hope you will be feeling pretty good at that time so you can see what goes on also. I will be seeing you later this week! Love to all of you!
Grandma Olson

Olson, Grandma
Cannon Falls, MN USA - Sunday, June 22, 2003 8:37 PM CDT
Hi Nikki!
I'm glad to hear you are feeling better! I think of you every day. Do you like the Harry Potter books? I like them. I've read the 2nd and 3rd books twice and the 1st and 4th books once. I can't wait to read the 5th one. It's almost 900 pages! And I thought the 4th one was long (700 pages). Tonight I'm going to a Harry Potter party at Borders. It starts at 11p.m.! The books don't go on sale until 12:01 though.
Well, I better go now and take a nap so I won't be too tired tomorow.

Cassie Weeks <casjanmnm@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN - Friday, June 20, 2003 7:07 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I just sent this same note to your mom's e-mail address, but thought maybe this is where you look. You don't know who I am, but I'm an old family friend of your mom's family (actually my dad is a cousin of your great grandma Renae). Robyn works at our church, and she sent me your website. I was reading the note that was written yesterday and am glad to hear that you are feeling stronger. I worked in Oncology for 4 1/2 years at the Mayo Clinic and was always so amazed at the kids who'd come in for chemo. You guys seem to bounce back from whatever gets thrown at you. Poops us "old folks" out!! Just wanted you to know that you're in my prayers, and I'll be thinking of you more this week when you go through the chemo treatments. Take care. Ruthie

Ruthie Sjoblom <sjoblom.ruthie@mayo.edu>
Cannon Falls, MN US - Friday, June 20, 2003 4:56 PM CDT
FOREST LAKE, MN WASHINGTON - Friday, June 20, 2003 4:29 PM CDT
I am STILL at DeeDee's house. I'm desperate. CalL ME!!!!!

Oakdale, MN USA!!! - Friday, June 20, 2003 11:09 AM CDT
I am still at DeeDee's house. Feel Free to call me at DeeDee's house. Her phone number is 702-6303.

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, MN USA!!! - Friday, June 20, 2003 10:55 AM CDT

Jenny hogrefe
Oakdale, MN USA!!! - Friday, June 20, 2003 10:48 AM CDT
I must be really bugging you. I AM STILL AT DEEDEE'S HOUSE!Sorry, I just thought that those words should be capitlaized. How are you doing? I hope fine. Because I am too. If there's anything my family and I can do, feel free to call me at 773-9937. Oh no, people are going to be calling me now. Really, if there's anything I can do. We'll be here waiting for things we can do. Ok, next subject please. Do you like reading all of this e-mail. Cause if you don't i'll stop this very instance. I don't think you mind, so I'll just keep going here. Well, what is there to say. SHould I write a small one or a short one? I'll write a long one. Whenever we can play, I'll tell you what was going on the past few weeks of school. That's funny. Because, whenever i write to you, i wait a little while and go on different web-sies, and when i get back, there's one more e-mail before mine. People just have to mail you. Oh yeah, I'm onme of those people. Oh well. Oh no, there I keep going with the oh wells again. Oh well. Oh goodness!
I'm gonna check and see how much i've written. Wow! I'll write back in a minute. G2G

Jenny hogrefe
Oakdale, MN USA!!! - Friday, June 20, 2003 10:44 AM CDT
Hi Nikki and Family,
I am very happy to hear things are getting better and your feeling better. Summer is here and things will be alot brighter I hope for all. Glad to see your eating a little more. Keep up your strength. Hope you all have a good weekend. Prayers are always with you.

Pam Brehm
White Bear Lake, MN Ramsey - Friday, June 20, 2003 9:25 AM CDT
I am still at Dee Dee's house. It is really boring. I've been on the computer, for, I don't know how many hours. I should have e-mailed you like a bunch of times while I was on here, but I wasn't thinking. Will you forgive me? You have to come over. Our house looks really different from the last time you saw it. Everybody's doing fine. Bob and mom and doing good. Remember how you alwys used to call my dad bob? That was funny! We call him billy bob now.Also funny! It takes me like just 30 minutes to read one of the entries that people send you. It takes me like a whole day to read all of them. I think that they should give you a choice about if you want to have yours out in the open, or not. Isn't it cool to have your own web-site? Once my family gets internet on the computer, I will be e-mailing you 24/7. If you don't mind. It must be fun to know and see that so many people care about you. Especially your friends and family. HAVE FUN!!!! (AS I SAID BEFORE)

Jenny hogrefe
Oakdale, MN USA!!! - Friday, June 20, 2003 8:49 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I am so glad that you are recieving PT and OT services at home. As much as they make you work, they are the right folks who can help get you stronger. It sure sounds like you have had a great week. That is awesome. I have checked this site frequently and can see that you have many family and friends pulling for you. You are a very special girl. Thank you for sharing the photos. I love your bright smile! Sometimes we take for granted the little things in life.
I am almost done with my internship at United. I will keep tabs are your where abouts next week. Hopefully you will be home but if you have an overnighter I will look you up.
Alexa and I will visit you at home soon, you can count on it!!! Happy Friday to you and your family. :)

Kari Paulson <karichuck@juno.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Friday, June 20, 2003 7:51 AM CDT
Whatcha up to? I am at DeeDee's house. A different day, then from the last day I e-mailed you. Today I have a lot to do, so I can't play. I can't play today, or tomorrow. I have birthday parties to go to . When I was at DeeDee's yesterday, me and Steph looked at all the e-mails, and Steph's e-mail was really short. I thought that she would write more. Oh well. That's her own decision. I probably just spelled that word wrong. Oh well. I say that alot. Oh well. There I go again! I better go, before I say oh well again. OH NO! ..... HAVE FUN!!!

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, MN USA!!! - Friday, June 20, 2003 6:49 AM CDT
Hey, I'm glad you're doing better than before. I hope to see you soon maybe friday when your mom comes over.We might be in the basment but there is a really comfy chair oyu can be in.I hope you enjoyed your last visit to my house!

your friend,

Hannah Phelps
Cottage Grove, MN - Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:27 PM CDT
Nikki I asked my brother and his wife who are traveling from Texas if they would look for a hat for you on their way here They brought more than 1 I will give them to Julie Phelps,if she thinks she will be seeing you, or mail them to you
Hope the trip to Chuckie cheese was fun
Mary Wilcox

Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, MN USA - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:45 PM CDT
'Sup? Me and Steph are at DeeDee's house, and we are e-mailing you. duh! Ceci is obviously obsessed with you. You called me today, but said that you had a doctors appiontment. I hope that we can play tomorrow. I was wondering if Steph could come? Oh yeah. I don't even know if you can play. DeeDee says that she loves you. Scary! I also saw that my mom mailed you. I didn't even know that she did. She goes on your website like every single day. Well, lets just say, alot. Everybody is interested in how you are doing. You are cared for a alot. I'm sorry that me and Stephanie were mean to you last year. I don't know what we were thinking. We slept over Lizzie's house for her birthday party, and we had to sleep on the wooden floor. It didn't do much good to my back. But, I survived it. We swam all day, and i have a major sun-burn. So does like every body in my family. G2G! (Got to go!)
Jenny hogrefe

Jenny hogrefe
Oakdale, MN USA!!! - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:18 PM CDT
Hi Nikki! I hope you get better soon! We missed you in Sunday school!


Sarah Score
- Wednesday, June 18, 2003 3:45 PM CDT
Hello Nikki....
I am so happy to hear that you are getting out a little Shopping/going to your Grandparents farm...
I just got back from Wyoming...I had a great time except for the Mountains...I did not enjoy driving over them...I am
terrified of Heights....We went to Yellowstone Park and the Buffalo come right up to your vehicle (I got some pretty neat pictures of that) we also saw some Moose/Elk/Deer ... No bears maybe next time...Well I better get back to work...
My boss keeps walking pass me....I will See you soon...
Love you lots

Saucey Schaut <sschaut@rms.moore.com>
Green Bay, WI 54313 - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 2:07 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I don't know if you remember me, my name is Jacquie and I am the church secretary at Holy Cross. I have seen you and your sister and Mom and Dad at church. I just wanted to let you know that my prayers are with you and will continue to be always and that you continue to improve.

Jacquie Kehren <jacquie@holycrosslc.org>
Oakdale, MN - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 12:22 AM CDT
Nikki --

You are so beautiful in the picture with Emile as well as your family picture. Keep smilin -- it's contagious. Keep the faith -- our prayers and best wishes are with you each and every day.

All our Love --
Mark, Pat, Katie, Amy and Emily Peterson

Pat Peterson <pjpeterson4@mmm.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 11:31 AM CDT
Hi Nikki, it was so nice to read that you went down to the farm. It sounds like a fabulous place to be. How wonderful it must have been to see your aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. We were also happy to here that your appetite is coming back a bit. I heard that your taste buds have changed since you started your treatments. Just keep hanging in there and soon you should be getting your strength back. We are glad that you have been able to spend more time at home and also going places with your family. You keep on fighting and working with your physical therapist and most of all keep on smiling. We will continue to keep you and your family in our daily prayers. Take Care, The Witzels
Dana, Carrie, Rochelle, Gabrielle, & Nathan <cdwitzel@team100.com>
Oakdale, MN - Monday, June 16, 2003 11:58 PM CDT
Hey Nikki - yes thinking about 'what will the therapy people do?" is kind of scarey, but I bet if you ask around, alot of people do some kinds of therapy. I'll bet your grandpa had physical therapy for his back. I just showed my Dad some physical therapy for his arms, Elizabeth has PT and OT, and sometimes gets cool stuff when they tell us that this kind of ball or these funky pens will help you get stonger, or write better. And Hannah is weird, and she has 'tongue therapy,' so she doesn't bust her braces. At our house, if someone has to do some of their therapy - everyone who is there has to do it, too. So all of the neighbor kids know how to do these lip exercises and tongue pops with Hannah, and have tried coloring and writing with Eliz's funky pens. Try what they want you to do, and have your friends try it with you. It makes it more fun. If you have to try standing, make it tough for your friends and have then try standing on one leg with their eyes closed. (Just tell them it will help their balance!)
Have a good day!

Julie and Co.
Cottage Grove, MN - Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:04 AM CDT
Hey Nikki,
Keep up the hard work and keep getting stonger! I'm always happy to hear when your out and about. It sounds like you had a nice trip to Target the other day. Pretty soon you'll be walking around yourself and won't be getting those free rides from dad anymore.

Holly Kress
- Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:00 PM CDT
Hi Nikki! It sounds like your physical therapy is a real challenge,the best part of it is that they will help you do it in small steps and you may be surprized at the progress you make.When I (Cassie's Mom) had knee surgery, I thought I would be the only one in the Whole world whose knee would never mend because I could barely stand on it first. Then I started going to PT, I was very scared the first time, I was sure that the physical therapist would want me to move my leg in certain directions that I knew I couldn't do without a lot of pain. I soon found out though that my physical therapist had worked with a lot of patients who had surgery just like mine, she had me do movements that I already could and by doing them over and over again, I got strong enough to move on to a new exercise. One day they even had me get on an exercise bike, we all laughed because on that day I could only move the foot pedal back and forth a few inches. It took some more days of PT and then one day after going back and forth higher and higher, I finally went all the way around in a complete circle! It felt like I had reached the top of a mountain after climbing higher and higher for days. The reason I'm telling you this Nikki, is that even though it sounds silly now, I really thought I would be the only and first one ever that couldn't move their knee ever again after surgery and I wished someone had told me they felt that way at first too and it is scary to try when it hurts but the physical therapist always went slow and I could tell her to stop any time it hurt too much. I was surprized at how much progress I could make by doing my exercises at home too. Cassie and my wish for you is that you will find that PT and OT helps you as much as it did for me...we think of you often and send warm and healing thoughts your way Nikki! Becky and Cassie
Becky Ashling <Rrashling@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN - Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:10 PM CDT
Hi Nikki
Your grandpa Olson just drove his truck by and honked his horn at me--I was out in the yard in my pajamas!! The reason was--our horse, Betty, just had her baby--a week early. We usually put the mom in a separate pen to have the baby so the other horses don't bug her. Betty had her baby with all the other horses there, so Jack and I were trying to get her and the baby into the pen. You would be surprised at how strong a new baby horse is!! We finally got both of them in a pen all by themselves, but what a lot of work. The baby is a girl,light chestnut, with 4 white socks and a huge white blaze that covers her whole face. She is sooooooo cute!! For awhile, she thought I was her mom, and didn't want to go by her mom. Now she's figured out where she should be. We'll have to think of a good name for her. Any ideas? Guess that's all for now. Sandy and Jack

Sandy LeClair
Cannon Falls, MN - Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:26 AM CDT
Hi Nikki and family,
Gee, I wish I would have been there to see you riding on the loveseat as Mom moved the furniture! Fun ride! So those moving men really do work..
Hope all went well today with your transfusion. Hopefully this will give you some more energy to move about.
We hope to see you again soon.
Diane, Jenny, Lauren, Mark

Diane Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 2:20 PM CDT
Hello Nikki, I just wanted to let you know that I think about you all the time. I don't really know you that well but I look forward to it more in the future. Keep smiling!
Tamy Marshall
Brooklyn Center, MN - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 12:35 AM CDT
Nikki and Family --
Keep up the progress -- you go girl!!!! We think of you always and wish you a speedy recovery.

The Peterson's (Mark, Pat, Katie, and Emily)

Pat Peterson
Oakdale, MN US - Tuesday, June 10, 2003 12:24 AM CDT
Hi All! I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how glad I am that you are doing as well as possible!! I check the site every day, and I have to tell you, there are days when things just don't seem right in my world, and going on-line to Nikki's site puts EVERYTHING in perspective for me!!! My troubles are so miniscule when compared to what you are all going through. And going through with an incredible amount of grace, dignity, courage, and so much love!! I hope I would be HALF as brave as you have been! May God bless you and continue to watch over you all and thank you so very much for the updates and for helping ME, and you guys have never even met me! Isn't that beautiful to know that you have helped someone, and my guess is I'm not the only one, and you've never even met me! Thanks again and take care of yourselves!! With love and prayers, Barb Hondlik (Your goofy Grandpa's barber)
Barb Hondlik <BarbHondlik@aol.com>
Minneapolis, MN us - Monday, June 9, 2003 11:32 PM CDT
Hi Nikki!
I see that Jenny sent ya an e-mail. How R U doing? I saw ya at the award ceremorny. I was in jean shorts, a Pj top, and fuzzy lepard slipers. If Liz had her hat, you could have seen her right away. She was gonna wear a tin foil hat, and I bet that everyone in the entire fifth grade would have atleast smirked. Anyway, are U feeling any better? I hope so. I miss you soooo much.
I'll e-mail ya later!

Lindsey Lancette <ma.lancette@attbi.com>
oakdale, minesota usa - Monday, June 9, 2003 2:35 PM CDT
Good Morning to the Schauts! Especially Nikki!

Well summer is officially here for you and Emile, what will you guys do first? I hope that you get out a little bit and encourage that energy of yours to come back. It seems that it is making a strong comeback and that is GREAT!! I always knew you were determined Nikki but now I really know how STRONG AND BRAVE YOU ARE (I think all that comes from the strength your mom and dad give you through love).
I sure MISS you alot and think about you often.
I will check in with your mom this week and maybe drive up to see you guys. Since Paul is home for a while!

I gotta run - Love you bunches and remember I am praying for you guys every day!

Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN USA - Monday, June 9, 2003 9:27 AM CDT
I am at Liz's house rigt now, and she slept over for two days. Sorry that I haven't been writing to you, but my computer doesn't have internet yet. Today we went to go see Finding Nemo. It was really funny! Sorry, gotta go.
Jenny Hogrefe BYE!!!!!

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, MN U.S.A. - Sunday, June 8, 2003 9:53 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, It was so great to see you at school yesterday. I thought you looked wonderful. My kids said they couldn't believe how good you looked after reading everything you've gone throught. You have been an inspiration to them by seeing how strong and brave you are. I think your mom, dad, and Emile are pretty awesome too. We continue to keep your family in our prayers. Keep up the great work and hopefully you will get some strength back and be able to get around a little more. Take Care and keep your spirits up. The Witzel family
Dana, Carrie, Rochelle, Gabrielle, and Nathan <cdwitzel@team100.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, June 5, 2003 10:36 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
It was so nice to see you stop by school today. I heard your classmates enjoyed seeing you. Hope you got your yearbook signed from everyone. I heard Mr. Z was sad to see the school year end. I think he really enjoyed his first year with your class. You had a great class!
We hope to see you soon!
Diane, Jenny, Lauren, & Mark

Diane Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 7:12 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,

This is a note from Emile's class. We are very glad to hear that you are home from the hospital. We bet that Emile is being a great sister and helping you out a lot. Bet it will be nice to have Emile home all summer to watch TV with you. XOXOXOX


Emile's Class
Oakdale, - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 5:33 PM CDT
Hi Nikki! I cannot believe that this was the LAST DAY of SCHOOL!!!! (Is that a good thing...or not?) Jenny Hogrefe and I were crying and we hugged Mrs. Romanchuk. We are going to visit next year.
I have a gazillion bug bites :( It itches!!!!!!!!!!! *Laughs*
Anyways, how are you?? I am pretty good. I am sad/happy because the school year ended. Mostly happy. How are you? Happy? ...Or not?
You know how I posted a poem? I was signing your yearbook and Mr. Zupfer was like, "Why don't you write one of your poems in her book?" I was embarrassed!!!!!!
Brandi was like, "Nice poem." (!!!!!) Oh well....

Have fun, be happy.......

Ceci Moline <soccermonkey614@attbi.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A. - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 4:44 PM CDT
Dear Nikki,
You don 't know me, your mom works with my husband. Our 15 year old went through chemo at St. Paul Childrens in 1992 and 1995. Her doctor is Chris Moertel. We are all praying for you and your family and know that you have the BEST care anywhere! We hope you get your strength back soon so you can hang with your friends. Lots of love from all of us.
The Loida Family

Dotty Loida <Dloida@Juno.com>
North Saint Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, June 4, 2003 12:48 AM CDT
Hey nikki,

hope u are feeling better. everyone hopes so. ;) :) :] :} / loke at the pictures sideways.


Tyler Peltier <megatbone02@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A. - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:22 AM CDT
I love you
Brandon Yapel
- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:21 AM CDT
hey nikki,

It is so good to hear that you are feeling so much better.

sincerly, cayla

- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:20 AM CDT
Dear nikki,
Today we are having a button party.
Were going to play softball and hot box.

oakdale, mn usa - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:20 AM CDT
Hi Nikki I hope your felling well. I was hopping you would come back before the end of the year but that didnt come true. I hope I can see you next year when your feeling beter good luck next year.

your friend who misses you Tori

- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:20 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
I`m glad you are out of tretment now. I hope you fell better by the end of the summer. Today we are having a button party. Also the 4th graders are going to pick up the trash on the side of the road. I hope you fell better!

Kelsey Linder
Oakdale, MN - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:19 AM CDT
Dear nikki,
nikki the whole class wants you to come back before the end of the school year and i hope you will get well soon

Jason Ngwesse
- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:18 AM CDT
Hey nikki, sounds like you're feeling better and are eating a little. hope you keep improving on your health and I hope to see you tomorrow. get well quickly!!!

sincerely, eric thayer

Eric Thayer <goalieboyz39@juno.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:18 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
I hope your feeling up to come in tomorrow. I am excited to go to middle school next september. I heard you are starting to eat and I wondered how I wouldnt eat a long time like you have done.

Eric Hoebbel
Oakdale , MN - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:17 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
Its me Jordan. The class hopes your feeling better. We wish you were here right now.

- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:16 AM CDT
Nikki hope your getting better. Hope to see you next year.
Ryan Thoemke.

Ryan Thoemke
- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:15 AM CDT
Nikki get well soon and I hope you get better. We are having are button party today. GET WELL!!!!!!!
Dalton P.

- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:15 AM CDT

Hey nikki, sounds like you're feeling much better. Sounds like your eating a little, too! I hope you keep inproving and get better soon. See you tomorrow on the last day of school!!!

Eric Thayer <goalieboyz39@juno.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:11 AM CDT
Dalton Johnson
- Tuesday, June 3, 2003 10:11 AM CDT
Hi Nikki and family!!!!
I am so glad you are home. We have been thinking of you and praying for you. I know you are a very strong and brave little girl, and will be able to get through this with the love and prayers of family and friends. Know you are LOVED!!!!
Thinking of you.........
Betsy and Todd Johnson and family

Betsy Johnson <B.johnson@schmidtgoodman.com>
Rochester, MN Olmsted - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 8:50 AM CDT
Good Morning Nikki!
Greetings from Goodhue! Glad to hear how well things are going this week, your mom was pretty impressed with it right now and I am sure you will have lots of fun at school on Wednesday. I asked your mom about coming to visit but it seems you have a pretty full schedule this week so we will play it by ear. Know we are thinking of you all the time and cant wait to see you!
Yesterday Uncle Paul was home sick, the kids didn't give dad much of a break though. He said he probably would have gotten more peace and quiet at work!!!! I think so too

Well gotta run, love you bunches.
Aunt Robyn

Robyn Berg
Goodhue, MN Goodhue - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 8:45 AM CDT
Hi Nikki It's me Tori I realy miss you please call me next year when your feeling good

your friend Tori

- Monday, June 2, 2003 2:56 PM CDT
Dear Nikki,
Today we went to the Maplewood Commuity Center. We went down the water slide a couple times. We went at 10:00 and got back at 1:45. You could go to the pool or you could go to the gym. I was in the pool all the time.

Kelsey Linder
Oakdale, MN - Monday, June 2, 2003 2:56 PM CDT
HI HOW ARE YOU DOING............ I HOPE YOU AHH NEVER MIND MAKE A LONG STORT GET WELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dalton Johnson
- Monday, June 2, 2003 2:55 PM CDT
I hope you get better and don't get sick again. We earned are button party. I hope you can come and visit us on the last day of school.
Dalton Pavel

Dalton Pavel
- Monday, June 2, 2003 2:53 PM CDT
Hey nikki,
I'm sorry I havent writing to you yet ,I just had surgerey on my ear. I hope you liked your gift I got you. I hope your feeling better I'd love to come over and play some games with you.
your friend cayla

cayla penn
- Monday, June 2, 2003 2:53 PM CDT
Dear Nikki,
I will be excited when you come in on Wednsday. Hope you get better!

Eric Hoebbel
Oakdale, Mn - Monday, June 2, 2003 2:51 PM CDT
Dear nikki,
today we went to the Maplewood community center. We got to go on the water slide and went swimming in the pool. Some of the kids went in the gym to play basketball and vollyball. We got to eat at any time.


oakdale, mn - Monday, June 2, 2003 2:50 PM CDT
Hi nikki jason here how are you feeling are you feeling better hope you are I read that you are back at home and hate beeing at the hospital well get better


Jason Ngwesse
- Monday, June 2, 2003 2:49 PM CDT
Hi, Nikki
I hope your feeling in tip top condition and are dancing and jumping. So you can come back to school nextr year.

Zach Albrecht
Oakdale, Mn USA - Monday, June 2, 2003 2:48 PM CDT
Hi Nikki we realy miss you I hope I'll see you soon

your friend Tori

- Monday, June 2, 2003 2:46 PM CDT
Hi did you get my Ecard??! Well have a good day!!
Jenny hanson
- Monday, June 2, 2003 2:46 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, We're glad to hear you are home again and your treatment went much better this time around. Heather and Nichole are looking forward to seeing you the last day of school. We continue to pray for you and your family. Keep eating and getting stronger and don't ever stop smiling you have a beautiful one!
Love The Lohrke's

DuWayne, Sue, Heather, and Nichole
Oakdale, - Sunday, June 1, 2003 11:36 PM CDT
We are so glad to hear you are home from the hospital and that your treatment went well. It's so exciting to check your updated web page and hear such good news! We are praising God for answered prayers! We continue to pray for you often!! Keep eating so you get stronger! God bless you and your family!

Tim & Renee Merkouris (C-P Systems)
- Sunday, June 1, 2003 9:50 PM CDT
Hi Nikki.
You don't know me, I grew up just a couple miles from your grandma and grandpa Olson. I was childhood friends with your Aunt Tricia. I just recently learned about your illness and this address. I can see just by reading all these emails how brave you are, and there are so many people praying for you. I just wanted to tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers also. God bless you and your family.
XXX000(that was from my little girl, Abby..she's 3.)

Christine (Melhouse)Collins <cscollins@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN - Saturday, May 31, 2003 9:38 PM CDT
hi nikki,
wuts crackulaking???

Brandi Damsgard <brandibran92@aol.com>
- Saturday, May 31, 2003 11:48 AM CDT
Hi Nikki and family,
Nice to hear a good update and we hope you will be able to come home tomorrow. We think about you daily and pray for your recovery. We hope to be able to visit you soon. School is over this week. Hopefully with the nicer weather you can get outside more. Take care. You have a lot of people praying for you!
Diane, Jenny, Lauren, and Mark

Diane Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN usa - Saturday, May 31, 2003 10:45 AM CDT
Hi Nikki. I've been thinking about you a lot. I ask my daughter (Holly Kress) about you all the time, and I'am always glad to hear when you are doing well. Keep it up! As a step granny to Megan, I like to get in trouble with her. Maybe you can help think of some mischief!!
Mary Huizel <huizelmk@hotmail.com>
Coon Rapids, MN - Friday, May 30, 2003 12:27 AM CDT
Hi Nikki me again. Guess what today we have our talent show! It is going to be great. It's at 1:30pm if you want to come. There will be a number of different talents and skits going on, there will be piano playing and other insturments to. I hope you can make it.
Your Friend,

Zach Albrecht <Albykids2@aol.com>
Oakdale, Mn U.S.A. - Friday, May 30, 2003 11:23 AM CDT
Hey Nikki,
Well I wanted to let you and your family know I am thinking about you today! Know I love you and that we think of you everyday. Grandpa, Kerry & Linda are supposed to stop and see you today. I know Grandpa misses you alot and was looking forward to seeing you. Grandma is enjoying Milwaukee but can't wait to get back to see you either. I have been put in charge of making sure Grandpa gets his meals and the chores done around the farm this week. Good thing the kids like going to the farm.

Continue to be brave like you are and know we are all here for you no matter what you need. Take care and love always!
Aunt Robyn

Robyn Berg
Goodhue, MN Goodhue - Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:53 AM CDT
I just wanted to say tht I wish I knew you more so I can say things about you that only a person that knows you can say.
The new student,
Brandi D. Damsgard

Brandi D. Damsgard <Brandibran92@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN United States - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 11:31 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, Emile, Kristi and Mark! Im writng you to let you
know that your family is in our prayers. My mom put Nikki on the prayer list at St. Thomas so every Sunday she is mentioned and is prayed for. We think about your family often. If you need me to come over and do cuts or anything else please let me know. I realize you all are busy and haircuts are the last thing your thinking about Im sure!! :)
But please let me know if I can be of any help to you.
By the way, we had a little boy on May 3rd. His name is Alexander Edward Turnquist. He was 6lbs. 14oz. and 21in. long. He was born at 7:57am. Keep in touch!

Love you all!!
Lisa and Pat Turnquist
Hi Nikki, How are you? I hope you get better soon. I want to come see you again. Please let me know when I can come over. I love you and miss you.

Love, Hayley

Lisa Turnquist <Lisat613@msn.com>
Woodbury, MN US - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 4:26 PM CDT
Hey Nikki, hows it going? Your class keeps remembering you like you were still here. I hope you can come visit again sometime. Today Mr. Humphry came in to sub and we finished off the button jar again!
It would have been more fun if you were here.

Zach Albrecht <Albykids2@aol.com>
Oakdale, Mn United States - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 2:21 PM CDT
I'm glad that you have come home and got to go to a movie! I hope you get better real soon so we can do something this summer. Again get better soon!

Hannah Phelps
- Tuesday, May 27, 2003 8:41 PM CDT
It was such great news to here that you're at home again! Keep up the good work. There are soooo many caring people out there praying for you, it must feel so good reading these e-mails. Hopefully you can enjoy some of this nice weather we're having. It sounds like your gradually getting your energy back. We have a friend that is in the Air Force and has been stationed in Oman since March. He is coming back next week and we told him to get you a hat. He said he's going to get some things together and bring them home for you. Wouldn't that be cool? We'll be sure to get a hold of your dad and get it to you. Well know that we are constantly thinking and praying for you and your family.

Mike and Jaime Smith (C-P Systems)
Hugo, MN - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 2:37 PM CDT
Hi Nikki -
I am glad you got out for a while yesterday. Did you like the movie? We talked about going to that but we haven't gotten around to it. I am so happy you were able to eat a bit yesterday, keep it up and I know your strength will be back in no time. The kids are just about done with school and they are going to live with their dad this summer. They will be with me every other weekend. I know I will miss them. If it is OK, could I stop over after work sometimes to see you? We will arange some extra time for the kids to be around because I know they want to visit you as well. I wish you and the rest of your family well. I miss you all and love you very much!!

Aunt Kim <klalstrup@lightblast.net>
Rosemount, MN Dakota - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 12:23 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,

I was very anxious to get to work this morning to find out how you are doing and its great news! I'm so glad to hear you are home and feeling better and even going to the movies! I wanted you to know that Brittany, Joey and I pray and think about you everyday. We think you are an amazing girl with so many people who love you and are praying really hard that you will be back to your old self again very soon. Keep your chin up and know we are thinking of you. Kristi, I know you have lots of offers but please let us know if there is anything at all we could do to help you and your family during this time.

Chris, Joey and Brittany Frederick <Christine.I.Frederick@Healthpartners.com>
Woodbury, MN - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:49 AM CDT
I am sooo glad you got to go out to a movie yesterday! We just stayed around the house and did some odd jobs. Yesterday we went to the lake all day and once again your auntie got sunburned. It is so surprising everytime it happens. Parker drank the gross lake water and Marlee decided to go swimming in her overalls. They need their Nikki & Emile to keep them in line. Hopefully we can make it up there this weekend to see you if you are up to it. Just keep up the good work and try to do a little bit more everyday. Keep smiling, I hear you have no problem with that you just need some insentive (for instance a look at Grandma Pat after a day of motorcycling, something about helmet head).

Grandma should have brought you a bag of goodies from Marlee this morning. Let me know if you don't get it! I guess I should go!

Know we love and are thinking of you all the time! Your mom & dad & Emile too!

Love Always, Aunt Robyn (& family!)

Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepeyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN USA - Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:22 AM CDT
I have been praying for your family. I know that this is tough but i also know that you are ALL strong! And that this is a test of faith, hope and love. So keep up your great support for one another. I will contuine to think and pray for you. --DeLissa
DeLissa DeShaw <delissadeshaw@yahoo.com>
Lake Elmo, MN USA - Monday, May 26, 2003 11:49 PM CDT
Hi Nikki
We are both so glad you are doing better this week. We will continue to keep you in our prayers so all continues to go well and improve.
God Bless You

Len and Becky Utecht <Lenbecky@aol.com>
Oakdale , mn usa - Monday, May 26, 2003 9:45 PM CDT
Hi Nikki and family! I was so glad to get the update that you are finally home and doing better. I've had some experience with hospitals, but not nearly what you have, and personally, they aren't much fun!!! I've been reading some of the entries in your journal and you sure have a lot of people who love you! I know you're as special as your grandpa says you are! Keep the faith and hang in there, all of you! With love and prayers, Barb Hondlik (Grandpa's hair gal)
Barb Hondlik <BarbHondlik@aol.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, May 26, 2003 2:39 PM CDT
Hi Nikki and family,
I believe your off to a movie today. Let me know what you saw and if it was good. We've kind of started a "girls movie night" where the Higgins girls, Emile, Meg and I go to a friday night movie every month or so. I'd really like to have the whole group together so keep your eyes open for any upcomming movies you'd like to see and we'll plan it for a time that is most convenient for you and Mom. I hope your enjoying you days at home and the nice weather.

Holly Kress <hollykress@hotmail.com>
Oakdale, MN - Monday, May 26, 2003 12:46 AM CDT
Memorial Weekend Monday, we slept in. Poor Frank really had to go to the bathroom when we got up! Watch for a package from MA. My sister Karen lives there, and even people there are thinking about you! The Phelps girls say 'hello.'
Julie and Co.
Cottage Grove, MN - Monday, May 26, 2003 9:18 AM CDT
Hey Nikki,
I wish you DAD would have told us about this web site LONG AGO. We're very glad your home - Bob has been missing his sunday swimming partner so strengthen up soon. We stopped by on Saturday, but you were sleeping - I couldn't help but notice how much your looking like your mother now! I hope you know we were there and we think about you every single day.
With Love, The Kress Family

Megan and Holly Kress
Oakdale, MN - Sunday, May 25, 2003 9:03 PM CDT
hey nikki whats cracking???
Brandi, Ana(brandis sister) and Lizzie <brandibran92@aol.com>
- Sunday, May 25, 2003 3:13 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I can't tell you how happy and excited I was to hear you got to go home!! Prayer is powerful!!! Put your trust in God and He will give you His wonderful peace!! I hope you are having a great weekend with your family. Are you enjoying the pretty weather outside? I hope to get my flowers planted today. I am so excited to update my Bible Study friends...letting them know you are doing so much better! They will share in my excitement!! God bless you, Nikki! Love,

Renee Merkouris
- Sunday, May 25, 2003 2:09 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
So glad to hear you are home and starting to feel better, I think you have alot of movies to catch up on. You are a strong young lady and you just keep on showing everyone that you can fight this. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. I think my son Matthew would like to meet you when we come to Minnesota, he's wondering who this Nikki girl is that we keep saying prayers for at night :):) Keep up the good work Nikki and tell your mom & dad hello for me.

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, Maine - Saturday, May 24, 2003 11:08 AM CDT
Hi Nikki and family,
What great news to hear you are back home! I'm also so happy to hear things are looking up and you're doing better. I will add the names you mentioned to my prayer list. I firmly believe that this works miracles. Nikki, you have so many people praying for you! I hope your strength continues to improve. Keep your chin up! We all know you can do it.

Diane, Jenny, Lauren, Mark <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Saturday, May 24, 2003 10:18 AM CDT
Nikki, you are in my thoughts. You looked beautiful last time I saw you, and I am eager to see you again. You are a great friend and I hope to grow closer to you over the summer.
Ceci Moline <soccermonkey614@attbi.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A. - Saturday, May 24, 2003 10:06 AM CDT
hi Nikki,
I am helping Cindy and Idella send you a message. They will be checking in as often as possible. I had to make a stop on Radio Drive today to let a mother and father goose with 5 goslings cross the highway! They were not one bit concerned. Love you guys! talk to you later.
Grandma Olson

Grandma and Grandpa Olson
MN - Friday, May 23, 2003 8:17 PM CDT

DESHAW'S <deshaw@pro-ns.net>
- Friday, May 23, 2003 5:42 PM CDT
Hey i'm at home now so you can e-mail me
Brandi Damsgard <brandibran92@aol.com>
- Friday, May 23, 2003 4:49 PM CDT
I hope you are feeling better and better! You don't know Brandi the new girl but she is nice :) and I think you may just be friends. So whats up? Well today was the Track & Field day, but only half of it because "The ground was wet." :( Anyways I was in the gunnysack race and I didn't do well--at all! I think I got in last *giggles* anyways,

Dreams are wishes
Of hope and peace
Dreams you have
When you sleep
Or think
Dreams are good
And happy
So dream
I will.

Ceci M. <soccermonkey614@attbi.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A. - Friday, May 23, 2003 4:11 PM CDT
Hi nikki
i wanted to meet you so much then when i saw you i said WOW how dose she stand it?
the new student,
Brandi Damsgard
P.S. Get well soon

Brandi Damsgard <BabyB_92@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN United States - Friday, May 23, 2003 3:41 PM CDT
Hi Nikki
Hope you're feeling a little better now. I'll check with your grandma Olson in a couple of days to see how it's going. Kristi, after June1 (Heidi and Mandy are both graduating next week, I'm doing the food) Jack and i would be honored to do anything we can to help you out--cooking, cleaning, laundry, errands, lawnmowing, etc. All you have to do is let us know what we can do! Love and prayers, Sandy

Sandy LeClair
Cannon Falls, MN - Friday, May 23, 2003 3:22 PM CDT
I was so happy to see you last Sunday!! The kids were happy to see you as well, even if they didn't get to talk to you much. They ask about how you are doing often. I look forward to seeing you at home soon. I hear you are making great progress, keep up the good work. I know you will fight this thing. There are so, so many people that love and care about you!! I am so happy to see all of the emails to you, that should keep you busy reading them. I wanted to send you love from me and the rest of the family. I hope to see you again soon, I would like to see some of these hats I keep hearing and reading about. Hugs and kisses to you and the rest of your family. Love, Aunt Kim

Kim Alstrup <klalstrup@waterousco.com>
Rosemount, MN Dakota - Friday, May 23, 2003 11:12 AM CDT
Dear Nikki sorry you missed the Civil War reanactment we got to see the toys children played with during the Civil war.In a book Iwas reading it was right after the Civil War and they had some of the toys we saw.We also got to see herbs that they used for medicine and try it.Today is track and feild day but it got cancild for the morning so we will only do the morning today and the morning next Thursday.

Jenna Peterson
- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:36 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
I hope you get well soon! Cayla is out having ear sugery. She said she had some kind of hole in her ear. I heard you had to go back to the hospital. I have been praying for you and your family before I go to bed.

Kelsey Linder

Kelsey Linder
- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:35 AM CDT
Dear nikki how are you felling today i hope you are the class and i just wanted to tell you we are be hind you all the way the civil war renacment was fun ecpecially the canon today is track and field day but it is only afternoon activitys and i am not signed up for any bye for now
P.S. get well soon.

Jason Ngwesse
- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:35 AM CDT
Nikki I have been praying for you every night. I wish you could have been at the cival war renactment it was awsome. hope YOU feel better. Peace out gotta go.
Dalton Johnson
oakdale, mn US - Friday, May 23, 2003 10:35 AM CDT
Hi Nikki! How are you?How did the visit go with my mom? I'm sure my mom is going to tell me all about you. We miss you at school and we would love to have you come back. I also hope that you can come back on the last day of school for a while because I am going to bring in Cookies(the rat.) Hope to see you again soon!

Alexa Paulson <karichuck@juno.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A - Friday, May 23, 2003 10:34 AM CDT
Hi nikki,
I really miss you your missing out on all the fun things but were always thinking of you . You would of loved the civil war reandactment there was this cough metecine that tasted nasty im sure you would hate too

your friend Tori

- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:34 AM CDT
Hi Nikki it's Ryan. It's been lonley and quite with out you here. the Cilvil war was great and you would have loved it. Hope you liked our cards. were all thinking of you.
Ryan Thoemke

Ryan Thoemke
Oakdale, MN USA - Friday, May 23, 2003 10:33 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
This is Jordan Cocchiarella. I hope you 're feeling better. The Civil War Reenactment was fun. The cannon was the funnest. Washing clothes is hard back then. Get well soon.

Jordan Cocchiarella
- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:33 AM CDT
I hope your feeling better! Last Monday the Civil War reenactment group came in. Due to the weather we had it inside. Anyways, is it fun not having to go to school? You will be in my thoughts and prayers!
Get well soon, we all miss you!

, Your friend,
Jaime Kahler

Jaime Kahler
- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:33 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
Me and every body in our class are hoping you are doing well and going to get better soon! WE hope you are able to come in sometime!

Tyler Peltier

Tyler Peltier <megatbone02@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A. - Friday, May 23, 2003 10:32 AM CDT
Dear nikki I hope you get well soon and lhope to see y@ soon your freind Nick F.
Nick Franco
- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:32 AM CDT
Hi Nilkki,
I hope you 're starting to feel better I think you'll be better in no time. I also think that you'll have a nice year of school next year.

Brandon Yapel
- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:31 AM CDT
Hi Nikki! this is Jenny.Did you get my moms comments there kinda silly:) I hope your doing better and get well soon!! We only get to do the aftornoon stuff beause the ground is wet this morning for track and field.
Your friend, Jenny

Jenny Hanson
- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:31 AM CDT
Hay Nikki how are you doing? Today we learned about what happend and everybody was worried. On Monday we had the Civil War reenactment come. Even though it was raining they shot off the cannon. The five stations were laundrises that followed the army doing their laundry, there was the enlisted tent were you got to see what a soldier carried his stuff in and you also got to see some of the firearms they had. There was a womans tent where you learned about remidies and what woman wore. There was an officers tent where you saw things soldiers would have in their tents like whisky and other drinks.
Hope you can visit again,
Zach Albreacht

Zach Albrecht <Albykids2@aol.com>
Oakdale, Mn United States - Friday, May 23, 2003 10:30 AM CDT
HI Nikki,
I hope you feel better and get well soon. I'm sorry that you missed the civil war reenactment.I hope you feel better soon!!!
Dalton P.

Dalton Pavel
- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:30 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
The comunity isnt the same with a person missing. The whole class wants to see you come in and visit. Lately on Monday we had the civil War Reenactment. Today we would have had Track and Field but we will have the afternoon events. What have you been doing in the hospital? I would be bored the first day.I hope your enjoying yourself

Eric Hoebbel

Eric Hoebbel
- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:29 AM CDT
Hi nikki, I just wanted to say hi and I may not know you but I hope you feel better during the summer.
: )

- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:29 AM CDT
dear nikki,
I hope you are getting better. Today the moring avents are not going to hapin because it's to wet out side but will do the afternoon avents.
P.S. Are you drawing yet.

oakdale, mn usa - Friday, May 23, 2003 10:29 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
Hi, i'm sorry you had to miss the civil war reenactment but Mr.Z said he would give you some pictures.

- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:29 AM CDT
- Friday, May 23, 2003 10:25 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
I think you are a strong girl, like a heroine. Except you are a true story, not like the stories of Amazon warrior women or Hercules. I hope you feel better and better and you can visit Eagle Point, then next year (because we only have 8 days of school left!) go to it. :)


P.S. Today is Track and Field day! Woohoo! :)

Ceci Moline! <soccermonkey614@attbi.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A. - Friday, May 23, 2003 8:02 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie,
It's Grandma again! I was so glad to see you resting today with another set of special grandparents from WI. Your Mom and Dad are certainly proud of you and how well you are doing despite all the challenges thrown your way! Prayers work miracles!I just watched Lizzy play catch with her babies. They run and play on the deck of the barn. Such characters. Parker and Marlee came to feed the sheep and Parker couldn't believe that Uncle Ohwee got a spanking from Granma! Boys will be boys!
I am busy planning the refill of your "Surprise Board". The next one will be very special! Shaun comes next week and we are all looking forward to see how tall he has gotten.
Love to you and your family!
Granma Olson

Grandma & Granpa Olson
MN - Thursday, May 22, 2003 10:05 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
How are you doing? I hear you are doing better. Hope you can come home soon. I keep getting calls from people checking to see how you are. You have a lot of people praying and thinking about you daily. Jenny says tomorrow is Track and Field day at school. She is going to do the long jump. I told her to jump like a frog!
Kristi, please let me know if you need anything. I hope you are doing ok too. If you ever get a chance for a few minutes to go out, let me know. I'd love to take you out to lunch, snack, dinner, errands, etc.
Hang in there Nicole. I know you can make it through this.
Diane, Jenny, Lauren, Mark & Lucas

Diane Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, May 22, 2003 8:12 PM CDT
Hi, Nikki!! This is Ceci, posting once again.
I really want to know how you are feeling with updates! It is cool to know so many people care so much about you. People from your class say that it is not the same without you. So true! I miss you sooooo badly, please come to school!
Maybe we can be friends over the summer? I dunno...I gotta go!! See ya!!
Lots of happy thoughts,

Ceci Moline! <soccermonkey614@attbi.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A. - Thursday, May 22, 2003 8:03 PM CDT
We are thinking about you and your family everyday.We wish and pray for good things to happen for you!On my way home from dance class last week,my Mom and I were surprised to see first one small red fox playing a short distance from the road. I begged my Mom to turn around to see it again. She did and as we watched the little fox play, another little fox came out and played with him! It was fun to see them playfully try to nip at each other and bite the other one's tail. My Dad said he saw a red fox around his workplace too. I guess because there is so many rabbits that we're starting to see foxes! We have a bird nest right on the outdoor light by our front door. The mother bird doesn't like it when we use that door or are on the front porch. She sits in the tree in the front yard and scolds us until we go away.Sometimes she will attempt to fly at our heads. We try to use the garage door the most until her eggs hatch.I hope you don't run into any birds like that!We hope you're feeling much,much better very, very soon.
Cassie Weeks and family

Cassie Weeks and family
Oakdale, MN - Thursday, May 22, 2003 4:27 PM CDT
Hello Nikki, We don't know each other, but I heard about you, and wanted to say I care about you, and God will help you get through all of the uncomfortable things you are going through. I have heard you are a strong, beautiful girl, and your family is lucky to have you!
Jeanine Bailey <owners@b-cooltattoo.com>
St.Paul, MN - Thursday, May 22, 2003 3:03 PM CDT
Hi, Nikki. This is Lisa, Jenny's mom. I'm at work on lunchtime right now, but Jenny just showed me your website address last night. I am so glad you have this. This is cool! I just wanted to let you know that you looked as pretty as ever yesterday. Bob (Bill) and I hope you are feeling better and hoping you get home soon. Jen is always talking about you and says she will walk over in the summer to visit with you. We finally got a computer but we still need to get the internet. Jen keeps pushing her dad to get it quick so she can send you e-mails. You are so brave and strong. You are definately an ANGEL!!!
Kristy: If we can help in anyway, whether by having Emile over or helping with chores, just let us know.
God Bless all of you.

The Hogrefe Family <Lisa.Hogrefe@state.mn.us>
Oakdale, MN - Thursday, May 22, 2003 12:54 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
This is Eric H. back at school Mr. Z told us the news today and I hope you get better soon!

Eric Hoebbel
Oakdale, MN - Thursday, May 22, 2003 12:20 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
Hello!! This is Ceci just giving you an update of Eagle Point. On Tuesday, the 5th grade teachers had a meeting and we all had subs. Your class had Mrs. Undem (I do NOT know how to spell it!!) and Mrs. Benson was Mrs. Johnson's sub and my class (Romanchuk) had Mr. Humphrey. The choir concert was Tuesday also. After the concert we did art. I wish you were there!!
Maybe if you are feeling better you can come to Eagle Point again? I haven't seen you since the time you came before. Neither has Lindsey, and we really miss you!! I am glad you have this web site. It lets me talk to you.
May the sun give you kisses,
May the moon give you eyes,
After each day unfolds,
May you have a surpise!
(Original Poem, by ME!)

Ceci M. <soccermonkey614@attbi.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A. - Thursday, May 22, 2003 8:23 AM CDT
Hey Nikki!
How are you doing? My mom told me you are in the hospital again. I hope you feel better soon. I have your school picture taped up in my desk so I can be reminded of you anytime! I'll give your Big Pooh Bear back to you (I still have it from when we had a sleepover!), but just so you know, my sister Tharon sure loves it:) She is going to be one year old tomorrow at 1:58pm (May 22). That means that exactly one year ago we were all at the same hospital that you are at, visiting my mom and new baby sister! She was so tiny then - only 4 pounds and 10 ounces! Now she's chubby and fun to play with:)
Well, I gotta go to bed-it's so late!
love, Maddie W.

Madeline Wolfe <madeline_wolfe@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 10:03 PM CDT
Hey Nikki,
How are you today? Everyone in our family is thinking about you so much...and you are always in our prayers. And last night you were even in Maddie's dream! When she woke up she told me that she had a dream that you grew all of your hair back and it was really long and you were all healthy again! AND, in her dream she brought your Pooh Bear back to you. Did you know that your Pooh bear is at our house? I don't know how we got it, but Maddie would like to make sure you get it back. I think we'll drop it by your house for you. Maddie LOVES Pooh, so she thought it might cheer you up if you had it back.
Feel better soon and please know that we think about you all of the time and keep hoping and praying for your good health to return!

Taylor Wolfe (and Scott, Maddie, Ellie and Tharon) <tnoelle1271@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 9:50 PM CDT
Hi Nikki! My name is Barb and I cut your Grandpa's hair and have known him for some time. He was in today and told me about what's going on with you. I am so terribly sorry that you have to go through this! I have no idea how hard it must be. What I do know though, is that your Grandma and Grandpa love you so much!!! I started to read the guestbook and then realized I'd be on-line until next month because there are SO many people who obviously love you!!! What a wonderful thing!!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers, as well as your family, and I will continue to check in on you!!!! Keep your chin up as best as you can! Barb Hondlik
Barb Hondlik <BarbHondlik@aol.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 7:42 PM CDT
Did you get moved to a regular room yesterday? I hope you are feeling a little bit better and stronger today. The sun is shining today but it's cool outside. I'm praying for you and your family! It's not easy to be apart like this. Hopefully, it won't be too much longer and you will be strong enough to go home. God bless you, Nikki! We're praying for you every day!!

Renee Merkouris
- Tuesday, May 20, 2003 1:34 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Well it is your Aunt Robyn writing in to say Hello. I miss you and was so glad to see that beautiful smile on Friday. You have no idea how much that meant to me. Marlee keeps asking when she gets to see you, maybe when you are feeling up to it I will bring the kids to see you. Grandpa told them yesterday they needed to talk to the sheep everyday or they would get lonely, would you believe at 6 AM this morning they felt they should go over and say good morning. Sometimes that Grandpa, what a help! Anyways we miss and love you very much. Take care and remember I am praying for you everyday. Miss you too Kristi! Thanks for being such a great sister, I enjoyed the talk on Friday! Forever counseling me aren't you! Love Always, Robyn.

Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN USA - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 10:43 AM CDT
Hope you are feeling better so you can get outside. They have a little garden with benches outside of Children's. Some of my sisters live in other states and they've begun searching for hats for you. Pneumonia would be a good spelling work for your class!
Julie Phelps
Cottage Grove, MN - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 6:30 AM CDT
Dear Nikki, I was so sad to hear that you have been in the hospital all weekend. We all hope that you will be feeling better and able to enjoy the things you like to do real soon. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers daily. I hope you realize how many people are praying for you. You have been a true inspiration for many of the kids at school. They read about what you are going thru and then see you at school and know how strong and courageous you are. Please keep thinking positive and we will keep praying for your recovery.
The Witzel Family.... Dana, Carrie, Rochelle, Gabby & Nathan <cdwitzel@team100.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Monday, May 19, 2003 9:11 PM CDT
Nikki, I know I just posted, and I hope I am not like posting utterly useless messages to you. But have you heard of Neopets.com? It is a great web site where you sign up and get a pet. You earn Neopoints to feed it and buy stuff for it. There are over 15 million (!!!) people on Neopets. If you are already signed up, or if you do sign up, my account name is celestial_dragon_.
Ceci (Cecilia M.) <soccermonkey614@attbi.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A - Monday, May 19, 2003 5:06 PM CDT
Hello, Nikki. I already posted twice, but I feel like posting again!! :) I am talkative so just sit back and listen to me talk talk talktalktalk...
I hope you get a ton of stuff and happy eMails. I hope you have happy days. We just had the Civil War Reenactment (did I spell it right??) group come in and pretend to be people from the Civil War. It sounds, well, odd, but it was very fun. We split into groups of about 16 but we had 15. Know why? They put you in our group. I was soooooo sad you could not come, I was teary-eyed. *Laughs* Anyways, my dad says "Hi," and I miss you and I pray for you. We miss your smile. I truly hope you eMail me.
Thanks for listening to me chattah,

Ceci (Cecilia M.) <soccermonkey614@attbi.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A - Monday, May 19, 2003 5:02 PM CDT
It was so good to see you today. You're a beautiful young lady...you look just like your mom!! It was fun to visit with you and your dad! Say "Hi" to your mom and Emile for us. Maybe next time we will get to see them, too! Keep smiling! We're praying for you!

Tim & Renee Merkouris (C-P Systems)
- Monday, May 19, 2003 4:37 PM CDT
Hey Nikki,
We just found out that you've been ill. We're thinking about you and praying for you. Here's hoping that the days ahead are filled with sunshine to warm your heart and put a smile on your face.
Love from: Pat, Susan, Amy, Jenny & Ben

The Pierce Family
River Falls, WI - Monday, May 19, 2003 3:58 PM CDT
Hi Nikki and Kristi,
Sorry to hear you're still in the hospital over the weekend. I was praying you'd be able to come home. I know they are taking good care of you and you will be able to come home soon.
We're all thinking about you and praying you'll be feeling better soon!
Diane, Jenny, Lauren & Mark

Diane Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, Mn USA - Monday, May 19, 2003 1:45 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, just wanted to let you know we have been thinking about you a lot and praying for you and your family. Hope you feel better soon.

Scott, Jenni and Max Pearson <sjcosmo@comcast.net>
Maplewood, MN - Monday, May 19, 2003 1:05 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,

Just wanted to send our love and let you know how much we care. We pray for you and your family everyday. I hope you can feel all the love and strength from your family and friends. You are one special kid.

God is with you every step of this journey. He loves you very much.

Jo Ann and the Lizakowski Family <chadliz@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN - Monday, May 19, 2003 10:04 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
It sounds like you've had a pretty hard week and not feeling so well. You have been in our thoughts and prayers every day. I hope you start to feel better soon so that you can enjoy some of the beautiful weather that should be coming. I live in Maine and we have been having cold, rainy weather, however this last weekend it was in the 80's and today (Monday) is well on it's way to 80 again. I guess we should be happy that it's not still snowing, right. Well I must go for now, but wanted to say hello-keep trying to smile and stay strong-Say hi to your mom & dad for me! Love, Lauri DuBois & Family

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, Maine - Monday, May 19, 2003 8:19 AM CDT
Hi Nikki Just a quick note to let you know we are thinking of you and hope every day goes a little better for you
It was so nice outside the last couple of days we even went on a picnic yesterday
One of the Phelps' girls cousins(Sydney) bridged from Daisy Scouts to Brownie Scouts tonight CF has alot of scouts now at least it seemed like a really big group
Dennis and Mary

Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, MN USA - Friday, May 16, 2003 9:42 PM CDT
Hi Nikki
Just came in from planting flowers all day, with my puppy Kate helping me. She learned 2 very important things today. The first is, when the cat is sitting on my lap, she should NOT try to get up there too!! There was all kinds of hissing, spitting, yowling, and fur flying for quite a time, with me in the middle. The second thing is, DO NOT chew on the electric fence. She cried for a very long time after getting quite a shock. I'll have to remember to turn off the fence when I take her out with me. Say hi to your mom, dad, and Emile for me. Love and prayers, Sandy

Sandy LeClair
Cannon Falls, MN - Friday, May 16, 2003 6:20 PM CDT
Kristi Thinking of you and your family, saying prayers
Head high, enjoy simple things, God Bless.

Diann Johnson <ddjohnson@waterousco.com>
Hastings, MN USA - Friday, May 16, 2003 3:08 PM CDT
Hi Nikki!
Just wanted to invite you to our Sunday School Celebration. May 18 is our last day of Sunday School for the summer and we're celebrating with ice cream sundaes. Everyone in Sunday School says hi and we miss you. Guess what the older kids don't have to sing in church any more this year. Thought you would be happy to hear that.
We pray for you Nikki all the time. Keep staying strong young lady! Can't wait to see you in some of your hats!

From all the kids in Sunday School at Holy Cross

Dianna Weum <dianna@holycrosslc.org>
Oakdale , MN Washington - Friday, May 16, 2003 2:45 PM CDT
Hi Nikki.
You don't know me, but I think your mom may remember me ;-)
I am a friend of your mom's from school. We went to school together in Cannon Falls and we also worked together for a few months at Midwest Importers after school. I only just recently found out about your illness and my heart goes out to you. Reading through your guestbook here, you are certainly one special and loved little girl.....but maybe not so little if you're anything like my son. :-) I have a boy exactly your age - 11; he just had a birthday a couple weeks ago. He's in the 4th grade this year and nearly as big as me. (Actually, his school gets done next Wed.)
When I was a little girl, just a year older than you, I was sick too and had to have a surgery. I had something wrong inside that gave me a really really bad sideache (but it wasn't the appendix, although they did take that out too). My mom & dad gave me a real cute stuffed green mouse while I was in the hospital....I know, sounds awful doesn't it - a mouse??? But he's really cute - and just like a teddy bear actually. I named him "Lime Sherbet" cuz that's what I had with my lunch that day...green lime sherbet. :-) He really helped me and kept me company while I was in the hospital; and I still have him, even now! Well, I certainly hope you'll be feeling better real soon! You have lots of friends and family rooting for you - here's 1 more to add to that list!

GOD BLESS YOU, Nikki....and your family.

Kim Nack <neesa36c@yahoo.com>
Hancock, MN - Thursday, May 15, 2003 7:23 PM CDT
Hey Nikki how are you doing. We have just finished writing letters to our buddies. Our class feels very uncomplete without you here.
Zach Albrecht
- Thursday, May 15, 2003 12:18 AM CDT
hey nikki,
I hope you get well soon.we relly miss you

steven nielsen
oakdale, mn usa - Thursday, May 15, 2003 12:18 AM CDT
Hey Nikki how are you doing. We have just finished writing letters to our buddies. Our class feels very uncomplete without you here.
Zach Albrecht
- Thursday, May 15, 2003 12:18 AM CDT
Hi Nikki
Hope you're feeling better and feeling up to coming to school again.

Brandon Yapel
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, May 15, 2003 12:18 AM CDT
Hey Nikki-
I just wanted to take a moment to say hello and check up on how you are feeling. After reading the message from Tuesday I couldn't help but think about how strong and courageous you are. You are an inspiration to me and the rest of our classroom community! We continue to talk about you in class and your friends ask about you often. When you get the chance and are well enough, we would love to have you stop by to say "Hi".
We have had a very busy week and will be busy again next week. We took our final Reading Theme Test, everyone seemed happy about finishing on Thursday. Next week we have a Civil War Reenactment coming to school on Monday. If the weather is nice we will be outside and they are planning to shoot off a cannon from the Civil War. It should be pretty exciting. We really miss you, this spring has been tough because our classroom is just not the same without you. I miss your smile and hard work. Make sure you don't get into any trouble!!!

Keep Smiling-
Mr. Z.

Jeff Zupfer
- Thursday, May 15, 2003 12:11 AM CDT
Hi Nikki!
How are you feeling. I heard that you were back in the hospital, so I thought that you might like another e-mail. Jenny Hogrefe is up at a cabin for a week, so she'll be back soon.
Talk to ya later!

Lindsey Lancette
oakdale, minnesota U.S.A - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 4:00 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I hope you are feeling better today. We had Girl Scouts last night, but only two people came. We missed you! And your Mom too! The prizes for cookies came in. The bears are really cute. The girls made a little something that I will have Lauren bring over when she watches Emile. We all hope you can come home soon. Be patient and stay strong. We are all thinking and praying for you.
Diane, Lauren, Jenny, & Mark

Diane Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 7:47 AM CDT
hi nikki! how are you? i hope the infection will be over soon. today was a really fun day because the patrols went to the patrol picnic and johnson's class split to go to either zupfer or romanchuck. plus we did an art project, and learned a new kick-ball game called "big base."
i really do hope you are feeling better and that you can come back to school, or better yet come back to visit again and again because it's nice to see you again. also, whenever i go to church, i think about every time when my pastor says it's time to pray, i say to my mom or dad "pray for nikki." hope to see you soon.

your friend,
alexa p.

alexa paulson <karichuck@juno.com>
oakdale, mn u.s.a. - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 7:46 PM CDT
Dearest Nikki...you probably dont remember me, but I met you once when you were very little. I went to school with your mom and became very good friends with her. I recently heard about your illness and my heart goes out to you and your entire family. I know its never easy going thru a difficult time, but from reading all the loving and supportive emails listed here, it is very obvious you are one very loved young lady. Was going to say "little girl", but you arent so little anymore. From what I have been told, you have grown into a very beautiful young lady as well. And I am sure that with all those very stylish hats you have received from those that have sent them, you will be the envy of everyone around you. Please give your whole family a very large hug from me and tell them that I am thinking of you all every day.

I saw your Grandpa Olson this afternoon and he gave me the address to this website so when I got home, I had to come here and say hello. Like I said Nikki, you probably dont remember me, but I have heard nothing but wonderful things about you as you have grown, and knowing how you have conquered every battle you have come across like a true warrior, am confident that you will conquer this one as well. If there is anything I can do for you or for your family, please let me know.

God Bless you and your family...

Jeanna Olson (Simon) <jeasimon@hotmail.com>
Red Wing, MN USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 1:26 AM CDT
Mark 5: 21-43
Cathy Kates <cathykates@yahoo.com>
Philadelphia, PA USA - Monday, May 12, 2003 9:18 PM CDT

MARK AND PUNKY <deshaw@pro-ns.net>
LAKE ELMO, MN - Monday, May 12, 2003 9:08 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I just got an email from my friend, Audrey, who sent you the box of hats. She has asked her friends from her church to pray for you, and they were so impressed with how hard you are trying to get well that they are working on a gift for you! I don't know how long it will take, but it will come sometime! Meanwhile, my new puppy got a real treat yesterday. Jack says dogs don't belong in the house, but said if she would stay on my lap, she could be in while we had our kids over. She was such a good dog--just sat on my lap and watched everyone. We will be having 2 foals, in June and July, and puppies about then, too. Maybe you'll feel well enough then to come see them when you visit grandma and grandpa Olson. Love to your family, Sandy

Sandy LeClair
Cannon Falls, MN - Monday, May 12, 2003 4:19 PM CDT
Good Monday Morning Nikki & family,
Just thinking about you and wanted to send our love and prayers. I hope you are feeling better and the kids really miss you. Marlee wants to type a message now so be prepared (she can't spell yet but she is going to try)

marlee loves you! ( she just typed that)

Take care and love from all the bergs

robyn <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
goodhue, mn goodhue - Monday, May 12, 2003 11:24 AM CDT
Nikki, I was just forwarded your name for my prayer list and wanted to let you know I will begin praying for you. Hang in there; we're all pulling for you. :)
alli in NJ
- Monday, May 12, 2003 8:04 AM CDT
Hay Nikki,
I miss you alot I hope that you come to school agen soon.

Deverie Weis <ln-7@msn.com>
Oakdale, Mn U.s.a - Sunday, May 11, 2003 12:07 AM CDT
Hi Nikki!
I hope you are feeling a bit better. I just got my braces on Thursday. It takes awile to adjust to having something stuck to your teeth!!!Love,Cassie

Cassie Weeks <casjanmnm@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN - Saturday, May 10, 2003 10:06 PM CDT
Nikki, I'm sorry to hear your tummy is still upset. Tomorrow might be the day you feel lots better! I hope so. I pray for you every day! Say Hi to your Mom, Dad and Emile for us. Remember coming out to our farm? You'll have to get your Dad to drive you out here again sometime soon. We'd love to see you!! Remember...Jesus is always with you!
Renee Merkouris
- Saturday, May 10, 2003 10:05 PM CDT
Dear Nikki,
I miss you not being at school.Ihope the shirts that we singed helped you. You are in my whole faimlys thoughts and prayers.Ihope that you come to visit us at school agen,i love it when you do!! Keep smilling. I know that you will get better really soon. YOUR STRONG!!

Deverie Weis <ln-7@msn.com>
Oakdale, Mn America - Saturday, May 10, 2003 12:16 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
I miss you not being at school.Ihope the shirts that we singed helped you. You are in my whole faimlys thoughts and prayers.Ihope that you come to visit us at school agen,i love it when you do!! Keep smilling. I know that you will get better really soon. YOUR STRONG!!

Deverie Weis <ln-7@msn.com>
Oakdale, Mn America - Saturday, May 10, 2003 12:16 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
I miss you not being at school.Ihope the shirts that we singed helped you. You are in my whole faimlys thoughts and prayers.Ihope that you come to visit us at school agen,i love it when you do!! Keep smilling. I know that you will get better really soon. YOUR STRONG!!

Deverie Weis <ln-7@msn.com>
Oakdale, Mn America - Saturday, May 10, 2003 12:16 AM CDT
Hey Nik - How you holding up? I bet you are glad to be at home!! I thought I would send you a note since I haven't gotten to see you and I think of you, your mom, dad, and of course, Emile, all the time. I know you will be better and fight this because you have so much of your mom and dad in you and I know they are very strong!! I hope to see you soon. We love you very much. Zachary and Alyssa started soccer this week. They have practice on Tuesday, Thursday, and a game every Saturday. They have to get up early for their Games. I think they like it and they seem to be having fun. Well, I will go, but know that I am thinking of all of you often. Hollar if you need something and I will be there. LOVE YOU!!
Kim Alstrup <klalstrup@lightblast.net>
Rosemount, MN Dakota - Friday, May 9, 2003 10:18 AM CDT
Hi Nikki! My name is Jaime and my husband Mike used to work with your dad when he worked at CP Systems. You are one brave and strong little girl. You are in our thoughts and prayers, and we hope you feel better soon. Keep strong!
Jaime and Mike Smith <jsmith@olsen-thielen.com>
Hugo, MN USA - Friday, May 9, 2003 7:44 AM CDT
Nikki, I pray that you get better soon. Know that many people are praying for you and thinking of you. God Bless You!
Melissa Corbin <melcor1008@yahoo.com>
Moorestown, NJ - Friday, May 9, 2003 7:05 AM CDT
Nikki, hope you get better soon.
Shannon P
Cottage Grove, MN - Thursday, May 8, 2003 7:33 PM CDT
Hi Nikki;
I think of you all the time and I pray that you will soon be back to your old self. I heard a funny little story and thought it might make you smile.
A truck triver was driving along the highway when he came upon a sign that read Low Bridge Ahead. Before he knows it , he gets stuck under the bridge. cars are backed up for miles after a short time. Finally a Patrolman comes,gets out of his car, walks around the truck and laughs at the driver a bit and finally says " Stuck Huh ?" The trucker replies " No I was delivering this Bridge when I ran out of Fuel ! " Take Care Nikki I'll talk to you soon. Marcos

Marcos R. Varela <icestation52@hotmail.com>
St. Paul, MN. Ramsey - Thursday, May 8, 2003 7:29 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I'm glad to see you are home now. I'm sure it makes you feel better to be back home so you can be with Dad and Emile too! Sorry to hear that your medicine makes your tummy ache. I know it's hard, but everyone is so proud of you for going through it. Everyone I know asks about you from Girl Scouts to others from Eagle Point. We are all thinking about you and praying for you. I just know everyday you're getting better. Stay strong and brave. Hi to your Mom and Dad too. Jenny and Lauren say "hi" and hope to see you soon:)

Diane Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 4:31 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Sup? This is me again!! Me and Steph want to see you really bad! Sorry that last summer I didn't see you at all. But hopefully you will be out by then. I saw that Ceci sent you like a million messages. I don't know if Steph has mailed you yet or not. That was fun when we went to that 3-D show with Santa Clause and the Snowman. I hope we can go to something like that again in the summer. It's too bad that we weren't in the same class. I think Mrs. Rademacher split me, you and Steph up. I looked at your mail and like a million people gave you mail! You are so popular!! We all knew that you would get through cancer because you are a strong person!! This letter is wayyyyy long, so I'm gonna go! Talk to you later!!
Jenny Hogrefe

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, MN U.S.A - Thursday, May 8, 2003 4:18 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Sup? This is me again!! Me and Steph want to see you really bad! Sorry that last summer I didn't see you at all. But hopefully you will be out by then. I saw that Ceci sent you like a million messages. I don't know if Steph has mailed you yet or not. That was fun when we went to that 3-D show with Santa Clause and the Snowman. I hope we can go to something like that again in the summer. It's too bad that we weren't in the same class. I think Mrs. Rademacher split me, you and Steph up. i looked at your mail and like a million people gave ypu mail! You are so popular!! We all knew that you would get through cancer because you are a strong person!! This letter is wayyyyy long, so I'm gonna go! Talk to you later!!
Jenny Hogrefe

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, MN U.S.A - Thursday, May 8, 2003 4:17 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Sup? This is me again!! Me and Steph want to see you really bad! Sorry that last summer I didn't see you at all. But hopefully you will be out by then. I saw that Ceci sent you like a million messages. I don't know if Steph has mailed you yet or not. That was fun when we went to that 3-D show with Santa Clause and the Snowman. I hope we can go to something like that again in the summer. It's too bad that we weren't in the same class. I think Mrs. Rademacher split me, you and Steph up. i looked at your mail and like a million people gave ypu mail! You are so popular!! We all knew that you would get through cancer because you are a strong person!! This letter is wayyyyy long, so I'm gonna go! Talk to you later!!
Jenny Hogrefe

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, MN U.S.A - Thursday, May 8, 2003 4:16 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Sup? This is me again!! Me and Steph want to see you really bad! Sorry that last summer I didn't see you at all. But hopefully you will be out by then. I saw that Ceci sent you like a million messages. I don't know if Steph has mailed you yet or not. That was fun when we went to that 3-D show with Santa Clause and the Snowman. I hope we can go to something like that again in the summer. It's too bad that we weren't in the same class. I think Mrs. Rademacher split me, you and Steph up. i looked at your mail and like a million people gave ypu mail! You are so popular!! We all knew that you would get through cancer because you are a strong person!! This letter is wayyyyy long, so I'm gonna go! Talk to you later!!
Jenny Hogrefe

Jenny Hogrefe
Oakdale, MN U.S.A - Thursday, May 8, 2003 4:15 PM CDT
Hi Nikki!
I sent you a message, but we didn't see it on the screen, (when I say we, I mean Jenny and I). I guess that I dind't click on the right things, since I had to leave in like five seconds, or otherwise I'd be late for lunch, which is my favorite school subject, so I'm sending you another one.

Best Wishes,

Lindsey Lancette
oakdale, MN U.S.A - Thursday, May 8, 2003 4:05 PM CDT
I sent you a letter, but It didnt show up. I miss you. Did you see the new girl in your class? She seems really nice. I am at Lindsey's right now and we are watching Sponge Bob. I hope you feel better soon!

Jenny Hogrefe
oakdale, MN. U.S.A - Thursday, May 8, 2003 3:59 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, this is Liz, Watcha up to, around here every things the same, schools still boring and Jenny and I are still acting wierd and very strange. Do you know when you'll be well enough to come back to school? Or if you'll make it here by the time Eagle Point ends. Well wish you were here, get well soon. your friend Liz.
Elizabeth Theisen
Oakdale, MN America - Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:11 AM CDT
Hi Nikki, this is Liz, Watcha up to, around here every things the same, schools still boring and Jenny and I are still acting wierd and very strange. Do you know when you'll be well enough to come back to school? Or if you'll make it here by the time Eagle Point ends. Well wish you were here, get well soon. your friend Liz.
Elizabeth Theisen
Oakdale, MN America - Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:10 AM CDT
Nikki, I am sorry you are in the hospital!!
This is Ceci, you know me! From Deep Portage!
When did you start to feel sick?
I had strep throat last Friday--I know how it feels to be not feeling well.
I want you to send me an Email, but you don't have to.
This is at school, at computer time.
Do you miss school?
Do you miss computer time?
I bet you miss your friends!
We are making Mother's Day cards with flowers.
Your class is too.
Well, I hope you have fun and I hope you feel better.
Forever Friends,
:-) Ceci

Cecilia M (Ceci) <soccermonkey614@attbi.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S. - Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:10 AM CDT
Hi, Nikki!!
This is Ceci, remember, from Deep Portage? I don't really know you, but I hope to know you more and I hope you get better as soon as possible!!
Please email me!

Ceci <soccermonkey614@attbi.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 11:01 AM CDT
Hi Nikki, I had fun doing crafts with Emile and Nichole yesterday. I liked seeing you at school. I love you and pray for you every night with Maggie, Joshua, Daddy and Mama. Your family is so fun. I miss Scouts with your Mom. I want you to get better real soon. Jesus loves you!
Genna Lizakowski and my family <chadliz@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 8:15 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,

We've been watching your web page for updates and we are so glad to hear you've gotten through your treatment and are home now. We've been thinking about you and praying about you alot. You are so amazing and brave just remember to stay strong and know that so many people are thinking about you everyday! We look forward to seeing you again soon-Hi to your Mom and family.
The Fredericks (Brittany from Girl Scouts)

Chris Frederick <Christine.I.Frederick@Healthpartners.com>
Woodbury, MN USA - Thursday, May 8, 2003 8:07 AM CDT
Hi Nikki. I am Sheri Banitt and my mom and dad live next door to your Grandma and Grandpa. Your mom knows me because we used to ride the school bus together. You sure have a lot of people praying for you and your family and I know that will make you all even stronger. I read about people sending you hats from their area and I think that is a fun idea. I hope you get lots and lots. When I was a little girl, I was very sick too. I had something wrong inside that I couldn't go to the bathroom right and that made me sick because my blood got poisoned. Now I am an old lady- 40 years old! I can remember times in the hospital when I just didn't want to drink any more red kool aid! But I did, and I got well. I still have my stuffed dog Cuddly, he really helped me through the scary times. You are lucky to have a website, people didn't even have computers when I was young. My wish for you is that you get rest and feel better and that through this website you will feel the love that even people you don't know have for you. God Bless You. Sheri
Sheri Banitt <jwbanitt@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, MN USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 7:39 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, It's Audrey Tippin, Sandy LaClair's friend. My husband works for JEVIC transportation, a trucking company. He told them about you & how brave you are. They wanted you to have a JEVIC hat & they gave him a little something special from them as well. As Sandy said, start watching for a box to arrive soon. There just might be a few hats in there as well. I hope everyone who knows you has a friend in another state that can find a great hat for you. If they don't fit, you can hang them on the walls as decorations knowing that each one represents oodles of love from the sender. God bless....... What a precious soul you are. Consider yourself hugged by a grandma who has much hugging experience.
Audrey Tippin
Delran, NJ - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 9:36 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,

Hope you're feeling a bit better now that the chemo is done for a few days. You're in our thoughts and prayers. Many people at church are asking about you and send their greetings.

Pastor Jon <pastorjon@holycrosslc.org>
Oakdale, MN USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 7:47 AM CDT
Hey Nikki,
I just sent an Email to Miss Tricia and asked her to call me! Mom's like to hear from their kids and I havn;t spoken to her for more than a week and we need to discuss Mother's Day. I finished the boxes I started when I was with you. I will bring them with me on Thursday so you can see how you inspired me!
Grandpa is hauling corn and sat in line for 5 hours yesterday. He gets a little inpatient with that.
I spotted a pair of orioles this morning! The finch numbers are increasing and bird watching becomes quite a pastime for me and Grandpa.
The kittens watch the birds too! If the birds are not fast enough they will become lunch for someone! Not a happy thought yet so far the birds are winning!
I have a surprise board for you! That is all I will tell you. Parker and Marlee think it is cool and probably think they could use one also!
Rest well beautiful girl! (Your dad is so lucky to have 3 beautiful girls in his family!)
Grandma and Grandpa love all of you!

Grandma and Gerandpa Olson
Cannon Falls, MN USA - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 6:37 AM CDT
Hi Nikki
Tell your mom to watch her mail at home for the next few days--a surprise should be arriving soon. Sandy

Sandy LeClair
Cannon Falls, MN - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 7:52 PM CDT

I have been thinking about you a lot over the past 4 days. It sounds like the treatment has been tough, but I know with your smile and support from your family that you will get through it! You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead, I look forward to hearing about you going back home.
It was so good to see you last week. Everyone in class was very excited to see you and get caught up. We really enjoyed signing the shirt. I hope that it helped get you through the treatment! We look forward to having you visit us again when you feel up to it. We have also enjoyed keeping up with your progress on the website. Students ask each day about how you are doing. Our classroom is definitely different without you! Keep listening to those doctors and make sure you stay out of trouble!

Talk to you soon-

Mr. Z.

Jeff Zupfer
- Tuesday, May 6, 2003 3:08 PM CDT
Hi Nikki--I work with your dad and brought you the fairy dust and the Tinkerbell from Disney World. Do you believe in the fairy dust? I think it could work... I want you to know that I think you are are a very brave young lady, and pray that your courage will be rewarded soon. I have a grandson just your age and 6 other grandchildren. There are 2 babies--Emma is 7 1/2 mo and Zach is 4 1/2 mo--but they live in KS, so I don't get to see them. I will continue to ask your dad every time I see him how you are doing and hope that soon he will tell me you are home and feeling much better.
Colleen Renk <mcrenk@yahoo.com>
Hastings, MN Dakota - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 2:28 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I hope you are feeling better today, you must be a very strong young lady to put up with all this medicine stuff, but just remember that it is going to help make you better. You are in our thoughts and prayers every day-I guess I had better get to shopping for a hat from Maine for you!!! Stay strong Nikki!!!

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, Maine - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:18 AM CDT
Good Afternoon Nikki, greetings from the Bergs. Marlee & Parker miss you much and wonder when we can see you? Hopefully soon. I am very proud of how you are dealing with all this and know I admire your strength! We love you and pray for you daily (Marlee says them when she goes to bed). Feel better and remember just take it 1 day at a time like you are. It is remarkable at how much you can do that way. I love you and miss you!

Aunt Robyn (Paul, Marlee & Parker)

Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN Goodhue - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 12:05 AM CDT
Nikki - I work with your mom and am so amazed at you and your family's strength and courage as you deal with your illness. May God carry you through all of this and give you good health again soon.
Deb Benson <dkbenson@waterousco.com>
Savage, MN USA - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 10:40 AM CDT
Hey Nikki!!! My grandma Sandy told me about you the other day. Wow, you are such an amazing girl! Okay, I suppose you're wondering who's writing this...I'm 18 and I'm a senior in high school. I have one little sister named Dana, she is 14. We have tons of pets (just like my granmda & grandpa!). 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 horses and a whole bunch of fish. Do you like animals or have any pets at home? ...I'll keep you in my thoughts & prayers...stay strong, girlie! Love ya! --Heidi
Heidi Banitt (Sandy & Jack LeClair's granddaughter) <heidi_joy03@lycos.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Tuesday, May 6, 2003 9:19 AM CDT
Hey Nikki
I know I already wrote in here today, but I just had to tell you what happened--Jack brought me a new puppy tonight! She's an English Setter, like our others, and her name is Kate. She's really cute--sat in my lap for a long time, and then she had to go outside in her kennel. She's crying right now, and won't eat her supper. Hope it's sunny tomorrow and i'll take her outside to play. Sandy

Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Monday, May 5, 2003 9:38 PM CDT
Hi Nikki
Yesterday two of my grandkids were confirmed, and afterwards, at the party, I told the whole family about you. They all agreed, you are very brave, indeed. We're all proud of what you are able to do, and all of us include you in our prayers. Sandy and Jack LeClair

Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Monday, May 5, 2003 11:14 AM CDT
Nikki, I am sorry to hear this treatment is so awful. Stay strong!! The family misses you and can't wait to see you again. Always know we are praying for you always and we love you very, very much. We are always here if there is something you need. All our love!!

Kim Alstrup & family <klalstrup@lightblast.net>
Rosemount, MN Dakota - Monday, May 5, 2003 7:53 AM CDT
Dear Nikki; Just a note to say all of us at Waterous are praying for your speedy return to good health and happier times. We know from your problems a few years ago that you're a fighter and will beat this illness, too. Keep your chin up and keep smiling. Things will get better if you keep thinking they will. God bless you.
Dave Waldo <drwaldo@attbi.com>
So. St. Paul, MN USA - Monday, May 5, 2003 6:13 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I hope you get back home soon. It was great to see you at school. Hope to see you soon.

Jenny Hanson <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN 55128 - Monday, May 5, 2003 6:05 AM CDT
We hope this time in the hospital goes by very quickly. Hopefully, you'll be feeling better soon. It was fun to hear you were able to visit school. It sounds like you have LOTS of friends that miss you very much! Say "Hi" to Mom, Dad and Emile for us. We're praying for you!

Tim & Renee Merkouris
North Branch, MN - Sunday, May 4, 2003 10:03 PM CDT
Hi Nikki and family, We pray every day for you and your family that you get well. With Love, Sherman & Carmen
Sherman Branum <scbranum@hotmail.com>
Oakdale, Mn Washington - Saturday, May 3, 2003 10:25 AM CDT
Hope your treatment time goes by fast Tell your family hello we think of all of you often
Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@ yahoo.com>
Cannon Falls, MN USA - Friday, May 2, 2003 8:59 PM CDT
Hi Nikki. It's me Zach from your class. I hope you can visit more often, because when we see you it's fun.
Zach Albrecht <Albykids2@aol.com>
Oakdale, Mn United States - Friday, May 2, 2003 7:13 PM CDT
Hi Nikki, Heather and Nichole both saw you at school last Friday. They said your hat was really cool and you even had your name on it. Did you make it? You are always so crafty. I was happpy to hear you had your great big smile back!!! Everyone can't wait for your next visit to school. Our prayer are with you always. I hope your treatment going by fast. Keep Smiling!!!!!! It's totally you.
The Lohrke family-DuWayne, Sue, Heather and Nichole
Oakdale, - Friday, May 2, 2003 7:56 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
I hope you get well soon. YOW! Sorry I just got into a fight with the razor. Later days!!

Zachary Mustful <dinobones1@msn.com>
Rosemount, MN USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 9:04 PM CDT
Dear Nikki,
I hope you are OK in the hospital. I hope it goes by fast so you can be back home soon. Hopes and dreams. Love Alyssa

Alyssa Mustful <poohdetective@msn.com>
Rosemount, mn - Thursday, May 1, 2003 8:51 PM CDT
dear nikki, get well soon

from steven

steven c n
oakdale, mn usa - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:37 AM CDT
Hi Nikki, this is Deverie Weis. I heard that you are doing ok. I hope that you are doing ok, and you will be able to come to school real soon. I miss you not being there.
Hope to see you soon!

Deverie Weis < ln-7@msn.com>
Oakdale, Mn U.S.A - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:35 AM CDT
Hi Nikki! How are you doing? We all wish you'll come back to school!! Get well soon!
Jenny Hanson <bear367love@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:33 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
School is going fine every body is waiting for you to come and visit. I hope you are feeling better!
Eric H.

Eric H.
Oakdale, MN - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:33 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
I hope you're getting better.It must really stink.
It was fun when you came to the class.

oakdale, mn usa - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:32 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
Hope you feel better soon.Every thing is going good at school. Hope you get better
Dalton P.

Dalton p.
Oakdale, MN - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:32 AM CDT
Dear nikki hope you are fealing better just to let you know we are be hind you every step of the way. keep fighting and i have you in my prayers
jason ngwesse
oakdale, mn - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:26 AM CDT
Dear Niki,

I'm happy your at home now and feeling better!!!
Hopefully you'll get back to school before the end of the year. When you came into school last week, you were lookin' pretty good. Just to let you know, you are in my family's hopes and prayers. While I'm at school Mr. Z. always gives us the scoop on how you're doing! Sounds like your getting better every week, if not days.

All of us at school hope you will feel in tip top shape soon. By the way, we have a new kid in our class and I think she wants to meet you soon.

Hope you like being home and I hopeyou are feelling well.



Eric Thayer <goalieboyz39@juno.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:25 AM CDT
Dear Niki,

I'm happy your at home now and feeling better!!!
Hopefully you'll get back to school before the end of the year. When you came into school last week, you were lookin' pretty good. Just to let you know, you are in my family's hopes and prayers. While I'm at school Mr. Z. always gives us the scoop on how you're doing! Sounds like your getting better every week, if not days.

All of us at school hope you will feel in tip top shape soon. By the way, we have a new kid in our class and I think she wants to meet you soon.

Hope you like being home and I hopeyou are feelling well.



Eric Thayer <goalieboyz39@juno.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:22 AM CDT
I hope you are feeling better soon and that you will be back in our room soon too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brandon Yapel
Oakdale, Mn USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 12:21 AM CDT
Hello Nikki; We are cousins of Jack and Sandy LeClair who emailed us about you. I know you're not having any fun with this disease but keep a optimistic attitude and that goes along way to recovery. We'll keep you in our prayers.

Jan and Larry Johnson <larryrayj@charter.net>
Simpsonville, SC USA - Thursday, May 1, 2003 11:19 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
The 3rd graders are at music so thought I'd drop you a line. Mr. Z gave me your address.
I wish you well, and we miss you at E.P.
Your 3rd Grade Teacher
Mrs. Proulx

Marge Proulx <mproulx@isd622.org>
Oakdale, MN Washington - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 10:37 AM CDT

I met you when you were very very little. Your mom, is friends with my sister, Julie Phelps, and we all met at a McDonalds when you were much younger. My girls have also been out to your Grandparent's to see the "live stock". I would like to see "Holes". Do you recommend it? I liked the story, but the boys look kinda' cute! Hope you are keeping up your strength and your spirit. Our prayers are with you and your family.

Lisa Wilcox - Erhardt <erhardt@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, MN 55009 - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:04 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
I just read the last couple of entries and if you think hats from different parts of the country would be good, let me know and we'll send you a few from Maine-we have some pretty cool ones. We are keeping you in our prayers and hope that your next treatment goes ok. Tell your mom & dad hello.

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, Maine, Maine - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 10:21 AM CDT
Hi Nikki
I'm so glad to hear you are having some good times before going back for treatments. I see my good friend Audrey offered to send you a hat--tell your mom what you want, because Audrey's a gal who means what she says. She did a scrapbook page for your aunt Kim's book when I told her I didn't have any ideas for it. Sat. I was pulling weeds from my flower garden and putting them in a great big trash bag. When I was done I picked it up to dump it in the burning pile, and it felt sooooo heavy. I looked inside, and there was my cat!!!! Good thing I looked before burning! Lots of love and prayers, Sandy LeClair

Sandy LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:03 AM CDT
Dear Nikki,
A very dear friend of mine, Sandy L., whom I've known for 44 years, mentioned you in an e-mail today. I live a very long distance from you but I wanted you to know that I too was very sick many - many years ago. Thank the good Lord, it's but a dim memory now. I wanted you to know that there are so many people praying for you. People that you may never even meet but who care about you. Is there a special hat I can send to you from here? We're just outside of Philadelphia & not far from the Jersey shore, so there are Phila. Phillies baseball hats & the Phila. Zoo plus all of the shore points. Wouldn't it be fun to receive hats from different areas of the country? Maybe you would like an Old Navy hat from here. It would warm my heart to be able to send one to you. Ask your mom to tell Sandy what your wishes are. Much love & many hugs.

Audrey Tippin
Delran, NJ USA - Monday, April 28, 2003 9:58 PM CDT
Nikki I belong to a book discussion at the Cannon Falls libary and we read HOLES I would like to see the movie Do you think I'd like it I liked the book
Glad you are doing better

Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, MN USA - Monday, April 28, 2003 8:44 PM CDT

I was very happy to hear that you came in to school for a visit last Friday. I felt bad that I was not around to see you as we had an appointment for Max. We talked about you a lot this morning at our class meeting. Everyone was excited to see you and many students talked about how good it was to see you smile!!! I look forward to seeing you soon. I hope and pray that you had a good day today. You are in my thoughts and prayers each day. We really miss you!

Keep Smiling-

Mr. Z.
Oakdale, MN - Monday, April 28, 2003 3:37 PM CDT
Greetings Nikki
My name is Becky Utecht. I know your Dad, because we used to be on church council together and his name I could never forget cause Mark is my son's name also, in fact my Mark is probably just a couple years younger than your Dad. Our Mark is a car racing fan also. I understood your Dad watchs a lot of racing on TV. Tomorrow my daugther in law will pull their racing car out to to Ontario California for a race, our Mark will fly out Thursday(he needs to be at work till then)to drive the races and quick fly back. Oh well enough about us. I see by your web site you got some hats to wear. If you want to check out a different web site about hats try,"REDHAT SOCIETY.COM" or so. It is mostly about old ladies that get together were purple dresses, red hats and have lunch together of just plain act silly. I hope this day finds you feeling ok and you feel like getting out for some of our better weather. We will be thinking about you.
Love Becky

Becky Utecht <VSCRUTEC.VBA.va.gov (work) Lenbecky@aol.com(home)>
Oakdale, mn usa - Monday, April 28, 2003 1:13 PM CDT
I am so glad to here you are feeling well enough to go out once in awhile. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know. Mom, trust in the Lord and your family will do great. Take care and God bless.

Kelly Holmes
St. Paul Park, MN USA - Monday, April 28, 2003 10:18 AM CDT
Happy Sunday Family!
What a great anniversary gift, to have Nikki home and eating! Thanks to the family for the quilt Kristi made for us. Through all these challenges, giving to others is such a beautiful gesture. We love all of you. Nikki, you should have seen your mom's beautiful smile and radiant face Saturday evening. She has so much love for her family and is proud of all of you. Emile is a trouper, Dad sports a new do, and you are focusing on getting better.
It was a joy for me to spend Friday AM with you. I will be looking forward to more of those days. We should plan to do something together. You let me know what we should undertake and I will get supplies for a project!
Sleep well our Schaut family. The angels are watching ! Pastor Pat spoke on angels today and my heart is full of joy and comfort to think we have them watching over us and helping in times of need.
Talk to you soon! Love from Granma and Grandpa Olson

Granma & Grandpa Olson
Cannon Falls, MN USA - Sunday, April 27, 2003 9:28 PM CDT
Hi Nikki
It was so nice outside today. I really like to be outside.
I have been riding my bike because when the Phelps' girls come for summer visits they like to go on long bike rides, and I have to get in shape to keep up with them!!!
Love Mary wilcox

Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, MN USA - Sunday, April 27, 2003 8:11 PM CDT
Hi nikki,
You prabably dont know me but my name is sara and i go to your church! Everybody that knows you misses you and so do I!

Sara <Mnwolfgirl14@aol.com>
Oakdale, mn usa - Sunday, April 27, 2003 6:39 PM CDT
It was fun seeing you at school again and I,m also glad to see you feeling better. I was wondering if you were interested in reading a book with me and being reading partners. (:
Alexa K. Paulson <karichuck.@juno.com>
Oakdale, MN U.S.A - Sunday, April 27, 2003 11:43 AM CDT
Hello Nikki, I have never met you, but I knew your Mom most of her growing up years. Your Grandma and Grandpa Olson are good friends to me, and with our busy lives, we aren't in touch as often as we should be. Only today did I learn of your illness.
Tonight as I looked at your web site I saw what you see every day.. the many people that are thinking of you, praying for you. Could it possily get any better than that?
If you are like your Mom, I know you are a very special little girl and that you have her strength and determination, and more important the FAITH that will get you through the tough days.
I sure envy you with your new hair do.. I'd do the same too but I'm afraid I have "gunboats" for ears and I'm much too vain! So I guess I'll leave it to you to make the fashion statement. :o)
What a great Dad you have, to get a matching "do."
Please tell your Mom hello.. I too will be praying for you and your family.

Judy (Melhouse) Schneider <emeraude@qwickconnect.net>
St. Paul, MN USA - Sunday, April 27, 2003 0:05 AM CDT
Hi Nikki
I am glad to hear you are feeling better
I bet you picked out some neat hats

Mary Wilcox <mjswilcox2001@yahoo.com>
CannonFalls, Mn USA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 8:49 PM CDT
Hey Nikki~
I'm so glad to hear about yesterday and how you went to talk to your class. I know your freinds miss you a lot. along with many others. I know it always helps to see freinds, when you havent seen them in awhile.I'm so happy to hear you're doing so much better. We were so happy to see you come for Zachary's birthday party. It meant a lot to us. I know what it's like to be in the hospital and being very sick. When i was younger I was constantly in the hospital for my asthma, and it sure isnt fun! Remember to stay strong and everyone loves you so much. You have so many people supporting you and your family. You have made a difference in all of our lives. You're a brave young lady, and i'm proud of you! I love you very much and remember that i will forever keep you in my prayers. Feel better, and luv ya!
Love always, Kristi
p.s. If you ever want to talk to someone who isnt an adult and has spent a lot of time in the hospital feel free to call me( you can ask Kim or my dad for the number)

Kristi Alstrup <gcdancer@lightblast.net>
Eagan, MN USA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 5:38 PM CDT
It is still spring, but luckily, you and your family have a friend like Lisa to help out with your summer hairdo's! Your Mom has always liked hats, so I bet you'll look great in them, too.
Julie and Co. <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cottage Grove, MN - Saturday, April 26, 2003 12:37 AM CDT
Hi Nikki!
I was so happy to see you at school today! I miss you a lot.I hope you will be able to visit again soon. I was watching for you to come to school during recess and lunch.We are mailing a package for you tomorrow. Love Cassie

Cassandra Weeks <casjanmnm@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Friday, April 25, 2003 4:16 PM CDT
Hello-I have been thinking about you all so much. I hear that Michele dropped off the Easter basket and I sure hope she liked it. The kids in our troop enjoyed making cards for her and they are sure keeping you in their prayers.

Keep us posted and let us know if we can do anything to help.

Thinking of you--

Sharon Kavanangh

Sharon Kavanaagh <sharon.kavanagh@westgroup.com>
St Paul , MN USA - Friday, April 25, 2003 2:24 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
My name is Cindy and I work with your mom. I wanted to let you know you are being thought of even by people you don't know. My children and I think of you often as I get updates on your health from others at work. My mother has been cancer free for over 2 years now and I attribute a large part of that to optimism. Keep your chin up and always remember that people far and wide are out there routing for you!

Hammer's (Cindy, Samantha & Jake) <ckhammer@waterousco.com>
South St. Paul, MN USA - Friday, April 25, 2003 1:12 PM CDT
Hi Nikki & family,
so glad to hear you are home, it's much more comfortable in your own bed than those old hospital beds. By reading all the entries, you have so many wonderful people praying for you to get better. I think I would like a haircut like yours-I just might have to shave mine off-too much work to fix it every day. Say hello to your mom & dad for me! We will keep saying prayers for you and keep up the good work at getting better.

Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, Maine - Friday, April 25, 2003 1:07 PM CDT
I am so glad you are home!! I know it will be much nicer to be in the comforts of home. Keep working hard on getting better, everyone misses you and can't wait to be together again!! We love you bunches and if we can do anything or get you anything, let us know! LOVE YOU!!

Kim Alstrup <klalstrup@lightblast.net>
Rosemount, MN Dakota - Friday, April 25, 2003 10:34 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,

I'm so glad that you are at home and getting your strength back. After reading all of the good wishes on this website, it is clear that you are indeed a very special person. God knows that, and He will help you to get better. I pray for you and your family every day. Keep smiling and get better soon!! Tell your mom that if there is anything I can get you or help her out, that she should just let me know.

Denise Hemmer (I work where your mom works) <dlhemmer@waterousco.com>
Prior Lake, MN 55372 - Friday, April 25, 2003 10:12 AM CDT
Just wanted to send our love. So glad to hear they the family is looking beautiful again, especially Mark... We are praying for you all. We are happy to help in any way.
God bless,

Jo Ann Lizakowski <joannl@merrickinc.org>
Oakdale, MN USA - Friday, April 25, 2003 10:00 AM CDT
Hi Nikki, We are very glad to hear you are home. You sure are a brave little girl. We pray for you every night and miss that smiling face at school. I hope you liked the blanket the Girl Scouts made you. Get lots of rest and keep drinking that pop! Thinking of you and your family often. Kristi and Mark if you need anything please don't hestiate to call.
The Lohrke's (DuWayne, Sue, Heather and Nichole)
- Friday, April 25, 2003 7:53 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
We're glad to hear that you are home tonight. Hope you like your new blanket that the Girl Scouts made for you last week! We think about you alot and hope you get better & feel good very soon:)

The Wolfe Family (Scott, Taylor, Maddie, Ellie & Tharon) <tnoelle1271@msn.com>
Oakdale, MN - Thursday, April 24, 2003 10:22 PM CDT
Dear Nikki,

We were very sad to hear that you are not feeling well but very happy to hear that you are getting much better. We are thinking of you often and praying that you will be back to your old self again very soon. Brittany looks forward to seeing you in Girl Scouts again and we wish you a speedy recovery. We are hoping you'll be reading this from home today! Take care of yourself and we'll see you soon,
The Fredericks

Chris and Brittany Frederick <Christine.I.Frederick@HealthPartners.com>
Woodbury, MN USA - Thursday, April 24, 2003 3:30 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Glad to hear you will be coming back home, maybe you are there already!
Hope you are feeling better. Keep your spirits up and be brave. You're doing
a great job. Jenny and Lauren say "Hi". We hope to see you soon.
Diane, Lauren, & Jenny

Hanson's <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN Washington - Thursday, April 24, 2003 3:06 PM CDT
Hi Nikki!
Hope today is a good day for you. We talk to your Grandma and Grandpa Olson often, and also your aunt Robyn, to see how you're doing. I know they are all hoping it won't be long before you can come for a visit to the farm. Take care, and know you and your whole family are in our prayers.

Sandy and Jack LeClair <keeper@rconnect.com>
Cannon Falls, MN - Thursday, April 24, 2003 12:35 AM CDT
Good Morning Nikki,

Paul & I were just reading your journal entries. It is sure nice to have so many people praying and hoping for your health. We sure miss you and cant wait til you get home or come to the farm to visit. Grandpa is buying lots of neat summer activities (tee ball) for you kids to play with. Think of all the fun and I could sure use another set of eyes to watch over Parker. (He can be a hand full). Tell your mom to call me soon and let me know if she needs anything. Miss You and Love You Much!!!!! Aunt Robyn - Uncle Paul and the kids

Robyn Berg
Goodhue, MN - Thursday, April 24, 2003 11:05 AM CDT
Hello Nikki!! Glad your going home. It is so good to hear your doing better. Keep your chin up.
Chesapeake, VA USA - Thursday, April 24, 2003 8:24 AM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Grandpa was so pleased to be able to spend some special time with you. I am looking forward to my day to happen soon. We have many people calling to find out how you are doing and they all are praying for you. Your Mom and Dad are so happy when you take your medication. It is very brave to make yourself do something that is hard for you.
Sandy and Jack LeClair have a gift for you and your Mom. We will bring it up as soon as possible and I am looking forward to visiting you at home. The kittens would appreciate some Nikki attention. They come to the patio and play, just waiting to be petted. Perhaps as you get better, we could see what you could do to help us out with that little task.
Rest, take meds, SMILE, amd get better for all those who love you. This is a selfish bunch of family that misses having you with us! ALL OUR LOVE!
Grandma & Grandpa Olson

Grandma & Grandpa Olson
Cannon Falls, MN USA - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:57 PM CDT
Hope you get well soon and get back home and stay there for a while.
your friend,

Hannah Phelps
Cottage Grove, - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 8:58 PM CDT
Hope your doing okay and our prayers are with you so you get better and go home real soon.

Pamela, Mike and Mackenzie Brehm <pmbrehm@waterousco.com>
White Bear Lake, MN Ramsey - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 2:47 PM CDT
Nikki! The kids really were glad to see you at Zachary's birthday party! I have some party favors I forgot to give you, I am not as good as the party thing as your mom. You stay strong and be home soon!! We love you and if you need anything, let us know. LOVE YOU!! Aunt Kim
Kim Alstrup <klalstrup@lightblast.net>
Rosemount, MN Dakota - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 1:08 PM CDT
Hey Nikki -
Just wanted you to know that everyone at Holy Cross is pulling for you. We've prayed for you every Sunday, and people keep asking how you're doing. Thanks for having this website!

Pastor Kiri, Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Oakdale, MN - Tuesday, April 22, 2003 10:13 AM CDT
I hope you had a great Easter.Jenny and I hope to come
see you some time.

Stephanie <See1953ad@aol.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Monday, April 21, 2003 9:46 AM CDT
Hi Nikki
I was so sorry to hear that you were sick. Jessie said she just talked to you a few weeks back at sunday school. All of the kids from sunday school and your girl scout troop are praying for you. Were all hoping that the medicine your are taking will make you feel good again. Your an amazing little girl. Jessie and I would like to come over to your house and visit when you feel up to it. I'll give your mom a call and see what time would be good. You take care. We all miss your smiling face.

Jessie and Barb Blossom <barb.blossom@nwa.com>
Oakdale, MN USA - Monday, April 21, 2003 7:30 AM CDT
Hi Nicole,
Just wanted to say what an inspiration you are to me, if a little girl like you can fight what your fighting, I feel like I can do anything. I learned about you through a close friend of mine. I hope you had a WONDERFUL Easter!!! Your in my prayers sweetie!!!
God Bless,

Jackie DeWolfe <crackerjack_18@hotmail.com>
Nisswa, MN US - Sunday, April 20, 2003 11:07 PM CDT
Hi Nikki,
Happy Easter! Hope the bunny was able to visit your house. How is Emilie?
We searched for eggs this morning and got a Easter basket filled with some candy.
Lucas even got an egg with a dog treat in it! He thought that was pretty neat.
We all hope you are feeling stronger each day. Take care and we will see you soon!
Jenny, Lauren, Diane, Mark & Lucas

Hanson's <hansondr_17@qwest.net>
Oakdale, MN USA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 7:55 PM CDT
Hey Nikki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How are you? I am great!!! HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!! Get Well Soon!!!!!!!!!! I miss you!!!! Did you like our gifts?!
GTG,(Got To Go)



Sara Narducci <nard4@attbi.com>
- Sunday, April 20, 2003 8:11 AM CDT
Hey Nikki it is your godmother checking in on you! I sent your email address all the way to Texas (Shaun)!! Hopefully you will get a new message. I am glad to see you are doing better and I hope to see you Saturday or Sunday, whatever works. Paul is sitting here to but he can't type so well so he says Hello!!! Take Care & WE LOVE YOU!~
Paul & Robyn Berg <prb37830@sleepyeyetel.net>
Goodhue, MN Goodhue - Friday, April 18, 2003 12:13 AM CDT
Hey Nikki;
We're happy to hear your home! Spring is here just in time for you to enjoy. Our Best Wishes to you!

Marcos R. Varela <icestation52@hotmail.com>
St. Paul, Mn. Ramsey - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 8:44 PM CDT
We love YOU!! Glad you are home. It was great to see that smile on Grandpa's birth day! Everyone is hoping you feel up to Zachary's celebration and a little bit of Easter as well. Whatever you can manage is all that is expected. Say hi to Emile for us.
Grandma and Grandpa Olson

Olson Grandparents <www.wastedofarms@citlink.net>
Cannon Falls, MN USA - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 8:25 PM CDT
Welcome home Nikki, so glad to hear that you will be home for Easter. I've been saying many prayers for all of you since I saw you in the hospital. Can you believe that the people here in Maine call pop soda???? Strange people out here. Ask your mom for a soda and just see what she brings you :):):)
Lauri DuBois ( Quale) <lldmnme@yahoo.com>
Manchester, Maine, Maine - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 8:12 PM CDT
This is pretty cool....to have your very own website! WOW!!! So glad to hear you are home from the hospital! Did you get to play in the playroom at the hospital? Our daughter, Kristina, had a brain tumor 9 years ago, and she was in a room very close to the one you were in. I remember they had fun things to do in the play room there. Our favorite was the Ms. Pacman that you could play without putting money into it!! Kristina is doing really well now! You and your family will have to come up to our farm this summer! One of our cows had a calf a few weeks ago...and we have a few more coming. It will be fun to see you! We are all praying for you to get better! I have many friends praying for you, too!
"Happy Easter" to you and your family!

Renee Merkouris <reneemerkouris@usfamily.net>
North Branch, MN Isanti - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 4:52 PM CDT
I am so glad to hear you are at home to spend Easter with your family!!! You will be in our Easter prayers to get well soon :)
Dawn Hawkins <dmhawkins@waterousco.com>
Inver Grove Heights, MN - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 2:24 PM CDT
Hey Nikki!
Glad you're home! We're praying for you in Sunday School. Ya hoo for pop! Popcycles are good too. My favorite is orange, they come in rootbeer too.
I'm going to let the kids here know about your website. Pretty cool Nikki!

Dianna Weum Holy Cross Lutheran Church <dianna@holycrosslc.org>
Oakdale , MN WA - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 2:15 PM CDT
I am glad you are at home. You are a very strong and special little girl. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. May I offer to supply some puzzles, color books and crayons, books to read, etc.? Take care and God Bless.

Kelly Holmes
St. Paul Park, MN United States - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 12:01 AM CDT
We think of you every day!!
Becky Anderson <bfanderson@waterousco.com>
Cottage Grove, MN - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 10:45 AM CDT
Joanne Huppert
cottage grove, mn washington - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 7:19 AM CDT
Glad you are home!! Go ahead, talk your Mom out of all the pop you can!!
Julie Phelps <julie_phelps@yahoo.com>
Cottage Grove, MN - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 10:38 PM CDT

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