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Karen Ann Mead...I miss you so much! See you in my dreams?!

Liz <ejanousek21@gmail.com>
Maple Grove, MN United States - Wednesday, January 6, 2021 0:23 AM CST
You are with me every single day. Your beautiful smile greets me every morning with your gorgeous picture I placed in the room I start my day.
Love you lots and lots, and miss you so very much!!

MaryKay <mrykys@yahoo.com>
Vineland, NJ - Friday, April 3, 2015 11:16 AM CDT
I love you, forever.
Elizabeth <ejanousek21@gmail.com>
- Monday, January 6, 2014 10:21 PM CST
I think of you so often Karen, but much more this time of the year. I now find myself smiling more than crying when I think of you. I guess time does help somewhat, but I do know by you not being here this world just isn't the same. Love and miss you.
Rosie Storie <rjstorie57@yahoo.com>
Zimmerman, MN USA - Thursday, January 10, 2013 10:30 AM CST

I have not looked at your site for a long time. You now have two beautiful nieces. I think of you often. I think of your family often as well. I often know you are there for each of them when I see the sun shine or see a snowman. I was making a snowman with my kids when I found out about your passing to heaven!

Tracey Landberg <landberg4@mac.com>
nowthen, MN USA - Tuesday, January 8, 2013 8:48 PM CST
My darling daughter,
You have a new baby niece: Annie Kathleen. I wish you were here so that you could hold her and I could hold you. My heart aches for you every single day; I miss you.

Kathy Mead <meadsrus2003@msn.com>
- Wednesday, August 15, 2012 9:14 AM CDT
Woke up this morning and thought of you. I've been meaning to call your mom for some time, so I think this was a little intervention to push me to do it TODAY.
Rosie Storie <rjstorie57@yahoo.com>
Zimmerman, MN USA - Saturday, June 23, 2012 9:38 AM CDT
Hey Karen-

Today a nurse came into Dylan's room crying. We learned that she worked very closely with you through your treatment and was at your funeral. Her name is Holly. Of course she only had great things to say about you. Not that I ever forget, but it is great to be reminded of your character and how you brightened any room you were in. She sat and chatted with all of us for quite a bit today after she put two and two together and realized Dylan was your cousin. Just wanted to let you know you were thought of today :)

Jenna Mead <jennamead4@gmail.com>
- Saturday, February 18, 2012 9:03 PM CST
I still think about you all the time, and miss you even more than I did almost 4 years ago ( I still can't believe it's been that long) Holidays especially are a time that you and your family are on my mind the most. I'm sure you are up there smiling down at all the exciting things that have happened to them these last few months! Merry Christmas up there, I love you!!!

Valerie Stanek <vstan531@yahoo.com>
Minneapolis, MN - Sunday, December 25, 2011 3:57 PM CST
Karen, I had dinner with your mom, sisters, Adam, Audrey & Dean and your beautiful nieces last night. But there was somebody missing. After almost 4 years you are still missed so much. I think about you often. It's always with some sadness, but I find I cannot think of you without smiling, because you brought such joy and happiness to so many people. You were one of a kind and will be missed always. Please VYM. I love you, Rosie
Rosie Storie <rjstorie57@yahoo.com>
Zimmerman, MN USA - Thursday, December 15, 2011 10:11 AM CST
My life is changing, as am I. The love I feel for our family keeps growing and growing. There aren't words to explain it. Then, there is always the sadness I feel. That has also changed. I sometimes feel anger with sadness. There are things I now want to show you, and people I want you to meet. Visit my dreams. I love you.

Elizabeth <lizard_m21@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, July 9, 2011 1:59 AM CDT
We miss you Karen! We say your name in our family prayers each and every day. What a beautiful girl! I know your Mom misses you so very much. Lots of love to you!
Lisa Osen
- Saturday, June 18, 2011 8:56 PM CDT
Hi Karen Anny love u and miss u lots Grandpa Oze
Orland Osen <ozenkaren@comcast.net>
Blaine, Mn USA - Saturday, June 18, 2011 4:27 PM CDT
Hi Karen,
This doesn't happen very often at all, but I had a dream about you last night. It was one of those dreams when you wake up, and wonder if it was a dream, or if it really happened. I walked into a full auditorium type of room, and you stood up, like you knew I was going to walk in. I was in shock, and covered my eyes, not thinking it was real, and started crying. You came up and gave me the hug that you so typically used to do, and wouldn't let go. Thank you for the visit- it's bittersweet when things like that happen. Love you and miss you :)

Whitney Plumedahl <wplum0601@hotmail.com>
Robbinsdale, MN - Thursday, February 24, 2011 8:54 AM CST

You have been in my thoughts so much lately...I seriously can't believe it's been almost 3 years, it just doesn't seem right.

To this day, I feel so lucky to have had you as a friend. You were an amazing person, and I cherished our friendship so much. Even though you may not have known it, you taught me so much about life and for that I am forever grateful!

I think about your family a lot this time of year, and can't imagine how hard it must be for them. But I'm so happy that they have been blessed with another beautiful addition, and I'm sure little Della will be told all the time as she grows up how amazing her Auntie Karen was!

I miss you more than you know Karen, I love you!!!

Val Stanek <vstan531@yahoo.com>
Brooklyn Park, MN - Sunday, January 2, 2011 10:57 PM CST
We are soon to be aunties...again! I dream of you and baby Della every week. It is amazing to see her (someone I haven't seen yet) and you, (someone I don't get to see anymore) together at the same time. I believe the love our family shares grows stronger everyday. (regardless of where we are) I love you and miss you more than I could ever say.
xoxoxo, Your Sister

Elizabeth <lizard_m21@hotmail.com>
- Friday, December 17, 2010 3:40 AM CST
Thinking of you guys. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Amanda Herman
Champlin, MN Hennepin - Monday, November 29, 2010 8:39 PM CST
Hi Kathy,

I don't know if you still read these posts, but these lyrics made me think of you and Karen.

"Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother
She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors"

Megan Peterson <meganreneepeterson@gmail.com>
Minneapolis, MN - Friday, October 29, 2010 9:49 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Karen!
Love and miss you :)

Whitney Plumedahl <wplum0601@hotmail.com>
Champlin, MN - Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:41 PM CDT
Thinking of you all today and sending lots of hugs!
Denise Bunde <denise.bunde@anoka.k12.mn.us>
- Wednesday, October 27, 2010 7:49 AM CDT
Karen, I think about you often. I wonder at the journey you walked here, with grace and beauty and strength. I wonder what your journey is like now. I wonder "why" but know that we are not to wonder why, but to accept that this is your story.
valerie Carlson <vali17@comcast.net>
Champlin, mn 55316 - Thursday, July 8, 2010 6:45 PM CDT
Sister, I am feeling a little tired lately but good. I feel like things are really moving forward for me. You were in my dream the other night, I don't remember it but I woke up laughing. I love you and think about you every minute of every day. I miss you lots.
xoxoxo, your babiest sister

Elizabeth <lizard_m21@hotmail.com>
- Monday, March 15, 2010 9:15 PM CDT
I lost a friend on saturday. Please show her around. I love you and miss you.
xoxoxo, Elizabeth
p.s. maybe you could make my nightmares go away?

Elizabeth <lizard_m21@hotmail.com>
- Monday, January 18, 2010 7:55 PM CST
Hey Little Girlie,
Has been a long time since I have written on here. It was so great to have your Mom, sisters and Evvy come share your birthday with Whitney and I. We just hung out, had dinner, and talked. I knew you were there with us but it wasn't the same as having you sit in the kitchen with us. I often think of you and Whit at that table, dying your hair for the 25th time.... Had lots of laughs (and tears) with you.
I still think of you every time I buy a Cub (County Market to you) chicken from the deli. I look at your smiling face every day on the refrigerator.

I miss you, I miss your family, and I miss having you in Whitney's life. You would be so proud of her. She is a beautiful young woman, just as you would have been. I think of you often, but even more this past week as I remember the visit we had with you on Xmas Eve, just before you left us. A special visit I will never forget.

I love you, Little Girlie. You will be in our hearts forever.

Julie Plumedahl <julieplumedahl@edinarealty.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Thursday, January 7, 2010 1:24 PM CST
Been thinking of you guys all day! Sending hugs and prayers.....
Melissa Schad <kmschad@msn.com>
Champlin, MN - Wednesday, January 6, 2010 11:53 PM CST
I think of you very often...especially as I work as a nurses aid at children's on the hem/onc inpatient floor! I think of how great you would be for all the kids...and I think of how many times your journey humbles me. Everyday I wake up to the wall sign that your mom gave me..and it makes me smile. You are missed...but you will always be in my heart and mind..and inspire me to keep trucking on!
Love always, Trinayani

Trinayani Christiansen <liltt02@hotmail.com>
Saint Paul, mn - Wednesday, January 6, 2010 11:03 PM CST
i just wanted you to know i'm thinking about you and your family. love and miss you karen annie :)
Whitney Plumedahl
Champlin, MN - Wednesday, January 6, 2010 6:43 PM CST
Hello Karen Ann,
I am very angry and lonesome today. I know it's been 2 years, but it still feels like yesterday for me. I miss you more than words can say. The hardest part for me is that you were the one person I could really connect with at a time like this. I find it strange that even though you're gone, my love for you grows everyday. I love you.
forever and always,
Your Babiest Sister

Elizabeth <lizard_m21@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, January 6, 2010 3:09 PM CST
Thinking of you...hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Amanda Herman
Champlin, MN - Sunday, December 27, 2009 11:27 AM CST
Karen Ann, you would have turned 23 last Tuesday. How well I remember the day you were born and so many special days since then. I remember the Halloween when you were four years old. I sewed a witch costume for you, ratted and spray painted your hair gray, and painted your face green. When I held you up to the mirror, you broke out in tears! I remember the last Halloween you went trick-or-treating. We made you a princess costume that year, and you got angry because you kept tripping over your long dress. You came back to the house early and vowed you would never go trick-or-treating again, and you didn't. I wish you were here today to see Evvy as Scooby-Do's Velma. I wish you could see your other goddaughters and cousins. I want to hug you and say, "My daughter," and hear your response, "My mommy," as was our little ritual. I know I'll never stop missing you, but you can't imagine how many other people think of you and miss you too, and how much that helps me get through each day. We are so lucky to have the wonderful family and friends that we do.

I love you, Sweetie. Please visit me in my dreams.


Mom <meadsrus2003@msn.com>
- Saturday, October 31, 2009 8:55 AM CDT
Thinking of you guys today....you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Amanda Herman
Champlin, MN USA - Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7:03 PM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BB SISTA!!! UNBELIEVEABLE THAT I CAN MISS YOU MORE AND MORE EACH DAY! Wish you were here to celebrate with me, of course i know you'll be watching over me today but its not quite the same. I'm so glad we get to share this special day and you really make me realize how lucky i am and i thank you for that everyday. Love you soooo soo much and miss you tons! Today just isnt the same without talking to you. Happy Birthday Karen Annie!!
Jen <enghx020@d.umn.edu>
Otsego, MN - Tuesday, October 27, 2009 12:03 AM CDT
Happy Birthday! Thinking about you today and always. Love you.
Jenna Mead <jmead001@student.ucr.edu>
- Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:26 AM CDT
Happy Birthday. A day doesn't go by that we aren't thinking about you. Auntie Kasey and Uncle Stu
Kay and Stu Ruud <stukayr@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Park, Mn USA - Tuesday, October 27, 2009 11:05 AM CDT
23 years ago you graced this world with your birth. 2 years ago you graced heaven with your passing. I love you, I miss you, happy birthday.
Elizabeth <lizard_m21@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:37 AM CDT
Hey Sis!
I miss you a lot today. I am doing really well in school!! I'm going to graduate this year, hope I have made you proud!
Love you always,

Elizabeth <lizard_m21@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, October 6, 2009 2:02 PM CDT
Hey Karen,

I'm in California now, don't forget to visit.
I made a picture frame for the photo of you and your family that was handed out at your funeral. There is a quote on it that makes me think of you...it states "the idea is not to live forever, it is to create something that will," as you have done through all the lives you've impacted.

continue to watch over us and always feel free to tag along.


Jenna Mead <jmead001@student.ucr.edu>
Riverside, CA - Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:38 PM CDT
The past few days, the open moments have been filled with memories of Karen. I feel it may be alright to share a few, not to dwell on the past but remember the how large an impact she had in a year of my life...

The first things that comes to mind is blue over-alls. She loved that outfit as a 4th grader. That and a small set of Nike's. Two pig-tails tied at the back of her head. That is the image that sticks. She had a special way of rubbing her nose with her palm (I was amused by it at the time...as I grew up in a medical household I had acquired a few stories from Dad to 'help' me be a clean little boy. Ha. Anyone ever succeed with that?). She also carried herself like a future attorney. Not in a bad way, just strong and confident with a direct mission. The only other girl I had met with any such resolve had tried to strangle me in 2nd grade during a football game. I don't remember her name, just that she needed to clip her fingernails-yikes.

She took no lip from the boys. At this point we are almost all sure that the opposite sex has some sort of germs that have permanent hold. What I didn't realize at the time is that the healthy germ is the memory. They don't go away if they are important in your life. Things came to a raucous head at one point during the year. Me and the 'manly' men had our place on the playground while those who felt like spending time with women had their own. Mr. Laabs figured out what was going on and had the most humiliating of solutions: each boy held hands with a girl and walked out (in front of several other classrooms' windows---blushing here I am certain) around a tree on the playground and back. Needless to say, as to avoid a repeat performance, hostilities were dramatically reduced for the entirety of the year. Lessoned learned.

Our weekly report files that we took home to our parents went in special folders. WE got to decorate them 3 or 4 times that year. I don't remember what she was responsible for writing on mine, but I know we traded them to write on each others' (after the aforementioned event).

In the classroom we were direct competitors. Neck and neck the entire year. My strengths above and beyond hers were always balanced by something she did a wee bit better. This was where most of our discussions started: comparing where we were at in our educational path. This is probably why she, more than anyone else from that year of my schooling, remains in my memory. That and she was a cute little girl. Manly-man or not, I noticed such things. Maybe even liked them a little.

As this is getting a little long, I will end with what started the whirl of all my thoughts into the year. To preface, Mr. Laabs had a three-strikes-you're-out system for small annoyances. Each day was a clean slate-a log in sheet where you walked with all eyes on you to sign your name. I know this because I was a daily visitor (I talked-talk-a lot. To anyone. Or, so I have been told). However, there are only two days of punishment which stick out in my mind. One ended in the only detention of my career, but the important one was me talking to Karen. I should stress ME because when Mr. Laabs turned around from the board Karen had just turned her head and replied. I was used to watching him from the corner of my eye, so I was faced forward. She got what I remember as her first trip to the drawer to log in for the year. I felt so badly that I never could figure out how to apologize. Maybe she has/can forgive me? I imagine so...

I can summarize this by saying that she is the ONLY female that I have fond and strong memories of from elementary school because she was so strong and confident. This is not an exaggeration.

Hopefully any who read this find these to be fun short little memories. I had hoped to remind her of them over coffee or something, but this will have to do. I have tons more too, but some are better told than written. To do them justice I will hold them in a special area that they always have been in my mind, now that I realize it has always been there.

Again, my best wishes for the family and friends. I can only imagine that she continued as she was from what I have read briefly of the other entries.

Colin Boettcher <boett096@umn.edu>
Minneapolis, MN United States - Sunday, August 16, 2009 10:24 PM CDT
I was feeling a little nostalgia about people I have known over the years. For some reason, a little blonde girl with tons of spunk from my 4th grade class came to mind. So, instead of studying anatomy (first week of med school at the U of Minnesota), I thought I would see if I could figure out what happened to some VERY OLD friends. I know that a yahoo/google search yields a lot, so I gave it a try.

Wow. I have been hit hard. I thought, 'no, not true.' But the face was unmistakable. My prayers go out to the family of a girl I knew way back in Princeton. May my path in life lead to answers to some of the questions we have yet not solved in medicine.

God Bless,

Colin Boettcher
Old Fourth Grade 'Tormentor' of your Daughter (Mr. Laabs' class) and individual who will carry this story as a motivation to do everything I can to become of use to anyone who must experience the hardest questions in life.

Colin Boettcher <boett096@umn.edu>
Minneapolis, MN United States - Friday, August 14, 2009 0:16 AM CDT
karen annie! so me and majken are totally best friends.... i havent come on this site in a long time and when i do i realize she was just here a few days ago. haha anyways i miss you!! i honestly think about you everyday!! so many times i get sad thinking of everything i should of told you when i had the chance but i know you know how i felt about you. you really changed my life and i hope you know how big of an influence you were/are to me. like majken was saying you visit me all the time in my dreams. i hate when i wake up and realize it was just a dream but it still makes me feel better because i know my memory of you isnt fading one bit. well i miss you so much and just wanted to say hi! love you so much BB Sista!!!

Also meads if you read this i miss you!! hopefully i'll be able to come visit soon when i move back at the end of august!! take care and hope all is well!! love you all!

Jenni <enghx020@d.umn.edu>
duluth, mn - Saturday, August 1, 2009 8:34 PM CDT
well hello there. i miss you so much. i know we all say that every time, but it's true. you have been coming to me in my dreams so much lately and I think it's because i have a hard time accepting everything. I've even had two dreams where I talk to you about how i've been dreaming about you so much. it's weird, but it's nice. my favorite dream i had of you was a couple of weeks ago. in it i was telling you i was unsure in God, Jesus, the works. I asked you if heaven was real and you said to me "Well yah, what else do you think I
do?!" You said it in your "yeah, stupid" voice. Looking back I think it was kind of funny. It's almost as though that was your way of telling me what you're doing now. You're up in heaven.
I started planning my scrapbook I'm making for you today. I was at work and we had one customer in the store and I was super bored, so I decided to write all the ideas down for your book. That didn't last long before I had to go to the back room and call Val. She said she's been thinking about you a lot lately too. She talked to me and helped me cool it so I could go back to work.

There is one quote I distinctly remember you saying that I think about a lot. It was when I was telling you how head over heals I was for Erik. You said to me "I'm glad he makes you so happy," with a smile on your face. I remember we were at Olive Garden that day, and I had brought you some scrapbooks (the nerd that I am) and we filled each other in on our lives. I love you so much Karen and although I know it's not going to be easy, I look forward to making my scrapbook for you. I plan on filling it with quotes, pictures, favorite memories, and more. Hopefully it will help me heal. I know this note is unorganized, but I'm not in the mood to straighten it out. :) I love you, I love you, I love you.

Take care of yourself up there, and your family and friends down here.

~love always,
your captain take forever

p.s. did i tell you i got a tattoo for you? i thought i had, but i didn't see it on here. i know you probably wouldn't fully approve, but I know you'd be happy anyways. It's your signature ( i had the guy trace it from one of the signs you made me) with a pink and yellow captain hat next to it. jen got one with me with your signature and the heart around it.

oh p.s.s.
i'm keeping your quillow company. I'm so glad your mom let me have it. In some spots it still has your smell :)

Majken Carlson <carl2405@d.umn.edu>
champlin, MN United States - Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9:38 PM CDT

I have been thinking of you a lot lately. Your spirit really is an amazing legacy! Although it is bitter sweet I smile when I think of you. I think of you when I see a butterfly, or I hear a certain song on the radio! Thank you for the impact you made on my life and so many others!

Tracey Landberg <landberg4@mac.com>
Nowthen, Mn USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 6:48 PM CDT
My friend's dad was killed recently in a car accident. A bunch of us got together to get her flowers but decided to help her transform a space in her backyard for a flower garden instead of just getting a potted plant. Her dad enjoyed gardening and we plan to get a rock or sign that says "Grandpa's Garden." Thanx for the idea! As we perused the local flower mart, my friend's spirit was lifting with excitement to plant her dad's garden. Kathy inspired me to help my friend do this, based on Karen's Garden. Once again, Karen and the Mead family extend their spirit out beyond themselves and lift others' hearts. You are AMAZING!
CPalm <tczlpalm@comcast.net>
JMS, - Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:45 AM CDT
Hey Karen, I miss you more and more everyday. Someday we will be together again. We went to Tommy's wedding and you weren't there, It was very hard to accept. I love you and will always be close. xoxoxoxo, your sister
Babiest sister <lizard_m21@hotmail.com>
- Monday, June 15, 2009 1:52 PM CDT
Dearest Karen,

So, it is another day and you are still not here, where I need you to be. I knew when I met you in your Levis and Champlin Park sweatshirt that you were something special. Today, I feel angry. --Angry that you are not here to let me watch you grow up. I know you would be an amazing woman; You were an amazing woman. I miss you. I am sad. This never seems to get better. I can only imagine what your mom and dad must feel...

Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, June 9, 2009 8:18 PM CDT
Hey, to our loved ones. Been too long. Yawl are always on our minds. Think of each and everyone of you and Karen especially every time I see a butterfly. Miss you kiddo, but feel you are near always. Our love to each of you. Our door is always open to yawl for a visit. Do come!
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA USA - Friday, June 5, 2009 8:22 AM CDT
Hey, to our loved ones. Been too long. Yawl are always on our minds. Think of each and everyone of you and Karen especially every time I see a butterfly. Miss you kiddo, but feel you are near always. Our love to each of you. Our door is always open to yawl for a visit. Do come!
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA USA - Friday, June 5, 2009 8:21 AM CDT
Still thinking of you each and every day, Karen. I wonder what you would think of all that is going on in the world.
Arika <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
- Monday, April 27, 2009 9:05 PM CDT
Yes, we miss Karen Annie, too.
Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, March 26, 2009 11:08 PM CDT
That poem is perfect. Thank you bro..Been awhile, but doesn't mean I haven't thought of you and the family. I miss you so much. Love you dearly and pray for everyone who knew and loved you. You meant so much to all. I used to tell you 'hang in there' and now it is the rest of us I need to say that to for your loss. 'Hang in there world'
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA USA - Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:26 AM CDT
What a perfect poem! A day doesn't go by that I'm not thinking of Karen. It will great to see the garden this spring. I still have the yellow plant from Grandma Mabel to contribute. You're in our thoughts everyday!!! Love you guys!! Kasey
BROOKLYN PARK, MN USA - Saturday, March 21, 2009 4:04 PM CDT
I love the poem you have posted. I think of Karen's beauty and grace often, and when or if the snow ever leaves us I will think about her with every yellow spring flower I see- a symbol of hope for all of us.
Val Carlson <vali17@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, March 11, 2009 7:59 AM CDT
Kathy, Jim and family.......just wanted to let you know that I think of you and Karen so often. Her pictures (with me) are on my bedroom mirror and I see her every day. She will always bring a smile to me. Love, Mickie (h7000)
Mickie Ehlert <mplsmic@gmail.com>
Mpls, MN usa - Monday, March 2, 2009 0:57 AM CST
wow love the poem meads!! miss you all so much! wish i still lived in champlin so i could visit more, but unfortunatly i never come around due to school and work! hope your all doing well!! miss you and love you so very much!! take care
Jenni <enghx020@d.umn.edu>
Duluth, MN - Sunday, March 1, 2009 7:44 PM CST
What a beautiful poem. I wish there were more time to get together and hang out, but it seems the days are flying by and I am continually further behind with school, home, etc. We definitely need to get together soon. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Denise Bunde <denise.bunde@anoka.k12.mn.us>
- Friday, February 20, 2009 4:01 PM CST
Hi Meads,
Thank you for sharing the poem. I think of your family everyday and how Karen has impacted so many lives including mine. Karen, you are a true inspiration. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Melissa

Melissa Arnfelt <arnfe007@umn.edu>
- Thursday, February 19, 2009 5:21 PM CST
I think of Karen each day. I can see her smiling at all of us. I love you Karen!
Auntie Lisa
- Tuesday, February 17, 2009 3:29 PM CST

it was nice to chat with you briefly this afternoon. I think of you often. I think of Karen often too!


I am so glad to hear you are doing so well in the nursing program! Good for you! I ca not believe Evelyn is going to be three in a few short months! Of course I cannot believe Grace is four either.


I hope things are moving along for you to earn your high school diploma! I know you can do it!

I certainly will stop by in the spring to see all of you! Take care.

Tracey Landberg <landberg4@mac.com>
Nowthen, MN USA - Monday, January 26, 2009 9:25 PM CST
I can't believe you've been gone for over a year. I was in El Salvador on the 6th. I thought of you and talked with a couple of my friends about you, but I'm sure you knew that. I love you and think of you always.
Jenna <meadj@augsburg.edu>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, January 19, 2009 4:53 PM CST
Hi Kathy and family,
I've been thinking about you! I hope you found joy and happiness this holiday season amidst the tears and sadness of missing Karen.


P.S. Your Mary Poppins looks like she might have the same magical powers Julie Andrews had in the movie! What a cutie!

Cindy Heilman <heilm03@comcast.net>
Andover, MN United States - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 9:16 PM CST
I can't believe a year has past without you no longer physically with us. I think of you so often and am saddened sometimes, but I also have to believe that you are no longer in pain and are taking care of all of us left here. I also want to take this time to thank you Karen, for giving me that beautiful sign in August while I was grieving for another friend of mine, who lost her battle with cancer. The butterfly you sent to show me you heard me when I asked you to take care of her meant the world to me. You will never be forgotten. Love Rosie
Rosie Storie <vangaga@hotmail.com>
Zimmerman, MN USA - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 9:06 PM CST
Hi Guys, We've been thinking of you all day. We love you so much!!!! Kasey and Stu
STU AND KAY RUUD <stukayr@comcast.net>
BROOKLYN PARK, MN usa - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 5:23 PM CST
Think of all of you all the time, but today I'm especially keeping you close in my thoughts!
Love, Sharon

Sharon Bray <moibray@juno.com>
Brooklyn Park, MN - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 11:17 AM CST
Jim, Kathy, James, Laura, Liz, and Evvy.......someone from our Jackson family wrote this in a card when my mother passed away twenty years ago.....it continues to comfort me......I hope it will do the same for each of you......

The Day God Called You Home

God looked around His garden
And found an empty space.

Then He looked down upon the earth
And saw your tired face.

He put His arms around you and lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful for He only takes the best.

It broke our hearts to lose you
But you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.

Sandy G. <sandy_gutzwiller@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, January 6, 2009 5:54 AM CST
Jim, Kathy, James, Laura, Liz, and Evvy - someone from our Jackson family wrote this in a card to me when my mother passed away twenty years ago - it still consoles me every time I read it - I hope it will do the same for each of you.......

The Day God Called You Home

God looked around his garden
And found an empty space.

Then He looked down upon the earth
And saw your tired face.

He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful for He only takes the best.

It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.

Sandy G. <sandy_gutzwiller@comcast.net>
- Monday, January 5, 2009 8:37 PM CST
Our Dearest Karen Annie,

The Broken Chain

We little knew that morning, that God
was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you,
you did not go alone;
for part of us went with you,
the day God called you home.

You left us peaceful memories,
your love is still our guide;
and though we cannot see you,
you are always at our side.

Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same;
but as God calls us one by one,
the chain will link again.

author unknown

We will love you forever,
Gram & Gramp

Grandma & Grandpa Osen <ozenkaren@comcast.net>
Blaine, Anoka USA - Wednesday, December 31, 2008 9:50 PM CST
Thinking of you all during this holiday season. Karen will always be in our hearts. Thank you for the bear and the earrings. We enjoy dancing to the bear and praying for Karen. We know Karen is dancing with Jesus.
Natalie Bunde <natbun10@comcast.net>
champlin, mn - Sunday, December 28, 2008 9:52 PM CST
Hey Little Girlie,
Haven't written on here in a long time. I often come to the sight but have a hard time writing. Just wanted you to know that much of my holiday was spent remembering last Xmas Eve as our whole family snuggled in bed with you. You were having a good day and I am so grateful that we were able to share some of it with you. I am lonesome for you and have thought of you alot. You would have been so proud of Whitney when she graduated last week. She celebrated with friends that night and I just kept wishing you could have been there with her. I know you were with her in spirit. Just wanted you to know that you are always in my heart. I love you, sweetie.

Julie Plumedahl <julieplumedahl@edinarealty.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Sunday, December 28, 2008 2:11 PM CST
While memories may bring tears, they can also bring smiles and laughter, and that is my wish for you during the Christmas season. I wish you peace.....God bless you.

Amanda Herman
Champlin, MN - Friday, December 26, 2008 12:43 AM CST
Merry Christmas - may your day be filled with laughter, joy, and peace as you celebrate the birth of Christ......know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and that Karen is right there with you......
sandy g.
Brooklyn Park, MN USA - Thursday, December 25, 2008 10:08 AM CST

Karen Ann
As Christmas fast approaches, we are all missing you so much. My heart just breaks as I think of your family going through the holiday w/o you. You are so lucky to be spending "Christmas with Jesus" w/o the pain and suffering you went through at this time last year.
You are such a fine young lady and I will hold you close to my heart...always!
Merry Christmas Karen...I know you will be with your family
as they Celebrate the holidays with you in their hearts!
Love you all.

- Sunday, December 21, 2008 9:01 PM CST
i shed a tear for u everyday sry i wasn't there for u but u will always be in my heart
Grandpa Mike <www.michaelptrsn@yahoo.com>
mora, mn usa - Monday, December 15, 2008 7:58 PM CST
All of you and Karen are frequently in my thoughts, especially around the holidays. Seeing new pictures of Karen is like seeing a part of her again here on earth. Sharing your thoughts and feelings on Karen's Caringbridge also helps me to stay connected with her and you. God bless you and give you peace through the holidays
Valerie Carlson <vali17@comcast.net>
- Saturday, December 6, 2008 7:54 PM CST
Hi Karen, Liz, Kathy, and the rest of the Mead family,
I've been thinking about all of you a lot lately!
I love you guys so much!
Take care of yourselves!

Amanda Squire <ponypal919@aol.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Monday, December 1, 2008 5:12 PM CST
The picture of Karen is beautiful. We think of your family often, esecially during this holiday season.
Wade Lennox Family
- Monday, November 24, 2008 7:48 PM CST
Hello eveyone. I just wanted to take a moment to say I think of Karen all the time. The photo here with Karen in the blue sweater is the one I have on my desk at work. I have it in a little blue frame and it looks very nice.
I admit I swiped it from Majken but I don't think she'd mind.

Lorna Carlson <lcarlson@ccfcu.org>
Champlin, mn usa - Monday, November 24, 2008 5:59 PM CST
What a great picture of Karen!
She is now paisted to my computor desktop...and enlarged!!! (Now I have to find a way to shrink her down..a bit!)
Kathy....thank you for calling the other night...although we have some bittersweet moments...I charish every moment I have with you!
I don't expect the holidays to be the best for you....as we too are still dragging through them...but you have a beautiful familly...and will have much love and support to share with all!
I Love You, I Love YOu....and Hey....will always be ready for another get together!!
Thoughts and prayers....forever!!
Hugs to all!

Big Stone City , SD - Monday, November 24, 2008 10:08 AM CST
What a beautiful picture of Karen! I think of you often as we head into this crazy time of year. Know that lots of us are thinking and praying for you guys. Lots of hugs.....
Melissa <kmschad@msn.com>
Champlin, MN - Friday, November 21, 2008 3:45 PM CST
Hi Meads,
The new picture posted of Karen is gorgeous. She brings a smile to everyone's face. Thank you so much for the update. Just know you are all in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Your family is an inspiration to me and I am thinking of you during this holiday season. Her spirit lives on through you and all of your friends. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you all. Karen has touched so many lives, including mine.
Love, Melissa

Melissa Arnfelt <arnfe007@umn.edu>
arden hills , MN United States - Wednesday, November 19, 2008 7:39 PM CST

How nice to go to Karen's site and see a new picture of her! What a beautiful girl! I think and pray for each of you often. Karen comes to my mind often through thoughts or in the beauty of God's creations, such as the sunrise this morning! May all of your wonderful memories bring you peace through the holidays as well as your love for each other!

Tracey Landberg <landberg4@mac.com>
Nowthen, MN USA - Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:51 PM CST
Hi Guys, Karen has been on my mind so much lately. How wonderful to see the new picture! I'm so glad you keep up the web site. She's thought of so often by so many people. Just know that I think of all of you everyday!! Love you, Kasey
KASEY AND STU RUUD <stukayr@comcast.net>
BROOKLYN PARK, MN usa - Tuesday, November 18, 2008 1:57 PM CST
Not a day goes by where Karen doesn't fill my thoughts. Her beauiful picture holding Cullen sits in a frame on his dresser. We pray for her and talk to her often.

My heart still aches for her. I wish she were still here with her kind and gentle voice, her cute little ears, and her warm and loving hugs. I am still trying each day to live the way she did. She inspires me still.

All my love.

Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
Chanhassen, - Monday, November 17, 2008 9:01 PM CST
What a great picture of Karen! I have been thinking about the Mead family a lot as we approach the holidays. The holidays can be so difficult when someone we love is not here with us! As much as memories can bring a smile to our face, they can also bring tears to our eyes! Like I've said many times Kathy, I wish I had words to make things better......but I don't. I do continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Amanda Herman
Champlin, MN - Monday, November 17, 2008 7:13 PM CST
Hey Meads,
Thank you so much for updating the website. I love Karen's picture and am glad you put it up. I had forgotten about that one. I had a very special unexpected reminder of her last week. It is the 2nd time she came to me through someone else (will explain later). All I could do was smile, as Karen always made me do. I'm sure I couldn't possibly miss her as much as you all do but I like to think I'm a close second. As we approach Thanksgiving, I will continue to be thankful that not just Karen but the whole Mead family came into our lives. Her spirit lives on through all of you.

Julie Plumedahl <julieplumedahl@edinarealty.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Monday, November 17, 2008 12:04 AM CST
Hi Sister,
I miss you. I am having horrible dreams. Maybe, you can help me with that? I love you.

Elizabeth <lizard_m21@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, November 11, 2008 7:42 PM CST
thinking of you guys often through this beautiful fall season.

Love, Trinayani

Trinayani Christiansen <liltt02@hotmail.com >
saint paul, mn us - Tuesday, November 4, 2008 10:48 AM CST
We have been thinking of you guys so much...with Karen's birthday yesterday and Jim's birthday today. We love you.
Lisa Osen
- Tuesday, October 28, 2008 1:02 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, Karen! I've been thinking of you and your family all day. We love you guys!
The Schad Family <KMSCHAD@msn.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Monday, October 27, 2008 7:54 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Karen!
The Bundes <denise.bunde@anoka.k12.mn.us>
- Monday, October 27, 2008 6:39 AM CDT
Been a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't thought of you. As a butterfly flutters by--my thoughts flutter to yawl. I've been making 'Cancer Awareness Bracelets' and have made many with butterflies in them in honor of Karen Ann. These, of course, are fund raiser for our Relay for Life. I miss yawl so much. W/b back for Thanksgiving at Rob's. Hope we can squeeze a trip up there to see yawl. If not, hop on those 'bikes' and come on down. I'm sure we'll see you during that time. Love/hugs/kisses to everyone
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1:22 PM CDT
It's really hard and rare to see stars in the city, but a few weeks ago there was one above all the lights. I think of you often. xoxo.
Jenna Mead <meadj@augsburg.edu>
Minneapolis, MN - Tuesday, September 23, 2008 5:56 PM CDT
I think of you so often Karen and I saw you in the beautiful sunset today.
Tracey Landberg <landberg4@mac.com>
Nowthen, MN 55330 - Monday, September 22, 2008 9:13 PM CDT
Just sending you a HUG! :)

Melissa Schad <kmschad@msn.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Monday, September 15, 2008 11:13 AM CDT
I went to high school with Karen. Lately I had been thinking of the struggles she experienced her junior year and checked around to see how she was doing. I was so sad to hear her journey ended. Karen always had a smile and a positive attitude. I would see her and complain about something and she would smile and give me positives. I think of her now when I turn a negative into a positive. She really did change my thinking in life. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and I feel terrible I waited so long to check back. God Bless -
Holly McNellis <holly.mcnellis@gmail.com>
Champlin, MN - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 9:31 PM CDT
Not a day goes by that we're not thinking of all of you. We love you guys! Kasey and Stu
KASEY AND STU RUUD <stukayr@comcast.net>
BROOKLYN PARK, mn usa - Wednesday, August 6, 2008 5:43 PM CDT
I am thinking of you guys often...and I hope that your summer has been filled with laughter, and many adventures!

Love, Trinayani

Trinayani Christiansen <liltt02@hotmail.com>
Saint Paul, MN - Monday, July 28, 2008 11:26 PM CDT
I have been thinking of Karen so very much today!! I feel her with us and can see her beautiful smile. We love you Karen!!
- Tuesday, July 22, 2008 3:44 PM CDT
The garden is beautiful and Mike's words, touch the heart. I was so moved by both that words would not come to me. Karen is truly missed by so many. Her presence in our lives was short but will live on as we live on. My thoughts/prayers continue to be with you. I check this site often, but don't write much. I'm somewhat speechless. Her loss has left a large hole in me. I pray for the families healing and guidance. We love you all. Remember Karen is always with us--she's in our hearts--and will always be there. Peace to you all. Love/Hugs/Kisses! Auntie
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA USA - Monday, July 21, 2008 8:46 AM CDT
Dear Meads,

That story is a perfect tribute and amazing truth about Karen. She is part of every decision I make because she has her roots in me as well.

Love always,

Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
Chanhassen, MN - Saturday, July 12, 2008 7:23 AM CDT
The garden is BEAUTIFUL! Amazing job!

I'm always thinkin of you guys and Karen!

Shannon <Shannon02004@aol.com>
Dayton, MN - Friday, July 11, 2008 2:07 PM CDT
Beautiful story....and a beautiful garden.....for a beautiful family. Know that we think of all of you often....
Lots of love,

Melissa Schad <KMSCHAD@msn.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Wednesday, July 9, 2008 11:12 PM CDT
Hi Guys, Mike certainly has a way with words. He knows like all of us what an inspiration she is, and always will be! The garden is beautiful!!! Can't wait to see it. Love, Kasey and Stu P.S. We're lonesome.....
KASEY AND STU RUUD <stukayr@comcast.net>
BROOKLYN PARK, mn usa - Wednesday, July 9, 2008 5:51 PM CDT
Hi Meads!

It was really nice to click on Karen's website and see the beautiful memory garden your family constructed in Karen's memory. What a beautiful way to memorialize Karen and all of the beauty she brought into this world!

Tracey Landberg <landberg4@mac.com>
Nowthen, MN USA - Tuesday, July 8, 2008 7:50 AM CDT
Hello Meads,

It was really nice to click on Karen's website and see the memorial garden your family has created with such love! What a special way to remember the beauty she brought into this world!

Tracey Landberg <landberg4@mac.com>
Nowthen, MN USA - Monday, July 7, 2008 10:58 PM CDT
I feel so empty and alone without you. There is a void that can never be filled in my heart. I want to hold you and talk to you. Sometimes when I laugh, I hear your laugh. I miss you and I love you.
See you in the many years to come,
Your babiest,
Elizabeth Marie

Elizabeth <lizard_m21@hotmail.com>
- Monday, June 30, 2008 2:46 AM CDT
Wow...what an incredible story. The garden sounds absolutely beautiful and the pictures look great. Hopefully, I will be able to see it sometime. You all did a fabulous job and I think of you all of the time. I still check the website daily and am reminded of Karen. She has touched numerous lives and will never be forgotten. Thanks for all of the recent updates!
Love, Melissa (Deandra's friend)

Melissa Arnfelt <arnfe007@umn.edu>
- Sunday, June 29, 2008 10:54 AM CDT
The Kentucky garden story was incredibly beautiful and moving. The author was able to put into words the special essence of Karen that is felt by anyone who knew her. The pictures of the garden are beautiful, too.
Valerie Carlson <vali17@comcast..net>
- Friday, June 27, 2008 6:39 PM CDT
Hi Meads!

I was looking at the pictures of Karen's gardedn and can't wait to stop by and see it next time I am home. It looks beautiful!! I cried sitting her in the OR when I read my dad's story about Kentucky Gardens. It is so true!!! Miss you all.

Alishia Roff <alishiaroff@gmail.com>
Minneapolis, MN - Friday, June 27, 2008 2:43 PM CDT
Wow! What a beautiful garden. I don't know what to say Kathy, everytime I want to write I am without the words I want to express to you. I love you and feel Karen and her big smile each day. I check this site often and was treated tonite to see these photos!
Lisa Osen
- Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:26 PM CDT
Hi Kathy, and all of Mead family,

I know God nudged me to stop by on the way home today from school - What great joy it was to see Karen's beautiful garden - absolutely beautiful - I could feel her strong spirit just being in your back yard, and truly a labor of love by all of you - Thanks Kathy for always being around and open to my spur of the moment drop ins - you and your family will always be an inspiration to me, and I am so grateful to call you friends -

Ruth K.

Ruth Kroonblawd <kroon.ra@gmail.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Thursday, June 26, 2008 9:07 PM CDT
Hey Meads...(and friends)
You've done a great job with Karen's garden!
Thanks for the pictures...can't wait to see the real thing!! maybe soon!

Teri & family
BSC, SD - Thursday, June 26, 2008 8:40 PM CDT
Hi Mead's - Karen's butterfly garden and memory stone are beautiful, and to have it in your own yard to look at daily...priceless! I think of you often and continue to keep you in my prayers.
Amanda Herman
Champlin, MN - Thursday, June 26, 2008 7:00 PM CDT
Dear Mead Family,
The garden is beautiful beyond words! Thanks for sharing the pics. Sending you love,


Linda Schiesl <llschiesl@aol.com>
- Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:18 PM CDT
Wow...that is such a great idea. Just know I am always thinking of you, Karen, and your family. You all have made an incredible impact on my life. love, melissa
melissa arnfelt <arnfe007@umn.edu>
- Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6:22 PM CDT
What a wonderful idea. I can hardly wait to see it. I'm thinking maybe wed. would be a good day to stop by with Maya. I'll give you a call and see if that day works for you. Rosie
Rosie Storie <vangaga@hotmail.com>
Zimmerman, Mn USA - Monday, June 23, 2008 3:21 PM CDT
Hi Meads,
You did a beautiful job with the garden. I am happy that Karen's memory stone is right up front. I am very lonesome for her and am sure she is smiling down at her flowers. I look forward to hanging out by it when I need a Karen fix. As always, love you guys lots and continue to wish you all peace.

Julie Plumedahl <julieplumedahl@edinarealty.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Monday, June 23, 2008 11:44 AM CDT
i happened to stop at the mead house the other day and found grandma kathy taking pictures of evelyn in the rock outline of the garden.....jim described to me the tons of large rock that had been delivered earlier in the week and some of the plans for karen's garden......it will be fun to watch the progress.....such a happy, wonderful way to remember karen's spirit,,,,,,,
sandy gutzwiller
brooklyn park, mn usa - Monday, June 23, 2008 7:53 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie, You are thought of EVERYDAY! I look at your picture often on this site. It's just so hard to know that we can't see you whenever we want. I guess we'll just wait until you meet us at the pearly gates. [ Of course I may be making a big assumption that I'm actually going there and not that "other" place!!!! ] Thinking of you everyday, LOVE , Auntie Kasey
STU AND KAY RUUD <stukayr@comcast.net>
BROOKLYN PARK, mn usa - Thursday, June 19, 2008 5:54 PM CDT
OK...I lost my entry again. Must be a sign. Oh well...Just wanted to say 'Hey' and let you know you are truly missed by all. That's it for today. Love you Kiddo!!!! Now I know the error of my ways. Forget to click 'back' in order to make a correction. That's what I've forgotten the last two entries. SM's-old age!
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, w USA - Tuesday, June 17, 2008 8:29 AM CDT
Karen, in some ways it's hard to believe you are truly gone from here and are shining in heaven, but in other ways the earth seems a little less beautiful without you. I think about you, and I think about your family, and think how special all of you are. love Val
Valerie Carlson <vali17@comcast.net>
- Monday, May 26, 2008 9:04 PM CDT
Not a day goes by where I don't think of you and how lucky I am to have crossed paths with you.
Love you.

Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
Chanhassen, MN - Monday, May 26, 2008 6:52 PM CDT
My Dear Karen Annie,
I could never think of the words to describe what a void there is in my life without you. Still can't. It seems so long since I've had a Blizzard and Fries! I really think that made us feel good though! We sure laughed alot while eating it. All the lunches after MRI's or other appointments were pretty great also. Seems we spent our most precious times together in the car. (even if we did get the directions screwed up a bit on occasion.)
You and your Sibs have given both Grandpa and I the best times of our life. Especially around the campfire. It's wonderful to be with your family and feel that you are always with us. Somehow I feel that you are listening when I talk to you, and you will always be here to join in the fun. Your Mom and Dad are the greatest! It's hard for them to be without you, but hopefully they know it's OK to cry, and OK to laugh.
God will help you keep an eye on all of us. We know you are watching.

I will love you forever!!!!!!!!!

Grandma Karen <ozenkaren@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN Anoka - Saturday, May 24, 2008 8:30 PM CDT

I think of you often and see you in so many bright spots in the day. You are missed and loved by so many! Praying for peace for your loved ones daily.

Tracey Landberg <landberg4@mac.com>
nowthen, mn USA - Wednesday, May 21, 2008 10:31 PM CDT
Hi Sweetie, I'm so glad that your folks have kept up this site. It's comforting to read everyones thoughts. You are missed more than you'll ever know! I think about you daily. Your mom and dad seem to be doing "OK". Of course I'm sure it's different when they're alone with their thoughts. I'll keep checking this site because it's such a comfort. Love You!! Auntie Kasey
STU AND KAY RUUD <stukayr@comcast.net>
BROOKLYN PARK, mn usa - Wednesday, May 21, 2008 4:54 PM CDT
Lost my entry and will try again. Haven't been on-line for a while as I've been unable to find words to express our loss. We miss you so much. Butterflies have a whole new meaning to me--think about'cha every time. Even bought a butterfly stepping stone for the garden in memory of you. Oh how I wish hugs/kisses could penetrate our barrier to each other right now. I need a hug from you. Our thoughts and prayers continue for your loved ones to accept your loss. Loosing you has been the hardest trial of life for them. I can't imagine. I'm so glad that you don't feel any more pain and are sitting with Jesus. Tell'em 'Hi' from us. Will close for now, feeling a bit better just communicating through your blog. Love ya, kiddo! You hung in there 'til you couldn't hang no more. Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA USA - Monday, May 19, 2008 2:47 PM CDT
It has been awhile since I read these wonderfull notes from your friends and family. You are loved and missed by many. Iam just proud to be able to say you are my granddaughter.

Love and miss you!!!
Grandpa Oze

Grandpa Oze <ozenkaren@comcast.net>
- Thursday, May 15, 2008 12:43 AM CDT
I miss you nana...I miss you.
Elizabeth <lizard_m21@hotmail.com>
- Monday, May 5, 2008 4:17 PM CDT
As I prepare for my next hospital stay, in a week and a half, for about a week...I think of everything that you went through. I think of all the courage that you showed, and all of the times that you always just kept going. I hope that I can exemplify that in my next attempt to get my heart numbers back up.
I think of you and your family often, and i draw strength from it a bit. Thinking of you guys always!
Love, Trinayani

Trinayani Chrisitansen <liltt02@hotmail.com>
saint paul, mn usa - Friday, May 2, 2008 11:50 PM CDT
I have been thinking of you a lot..and your family. I miss ever so terribly, coming home at the end of the day and checking up on your site..seeing how you have been doing. Every time the sun shines so brightly, i smile and think of you..and think of how great it must be for you, to finally be free of cancer!
I miss you tons and I think of your family all of the time! Love, Trinayani

Trinayani Christiansen <liltt02@hotmail.com>
saint paul, mn us - Friday, April 25, 2008 8:00 PM CDT

I dont know what triggered it, but today I thought about you so much. Maybe its because its finally spring out... i dont know. I just wanted to say that we miss you so much down here. I wish that I got to see you more during your last few months, i never thought that I wouldnt be able to. I still check here all the time to see how your family is doing, i know that you are watching over them and giving them your strength.

Meads, I hope that everything is going good, and know that you are always in my prayers. And Laura, give me a call soon, me you and em should do lunch and catch up! love you!!

Mandy Graske <aegraske@stthomas.edu>
champlin, mn - Tuesday, April 22, 2008 6:25 PM CDT
Today as I was clasping our matching necklaces, I cried. I cried because I miss you so much. I cried because I wished to be able to call you and check in. I cried because I can't imagine how your family must miss you.
God bless you.

Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
Chanhassen, MN - Friday, April 18, 2008 7:20 PM CDT
Dear Mead Family,
I think of you all so often. I saw a little flash of yellow in the tree outside my house today and of course I thought of Karen. Someday I know that will bring a smile to my face, but today I just felt sad. I miss her. I know that you remain strong for each other and hold each other close, but I hope that Karen will meet you in your dreams soon, Kathy and I hope she'll be laughing and smiling and give you that big hug that your heart longs for. I love you all and wish for each of you to have exactly what you need in every moment of every day. We were all fortunate to have Karen in our lives, but remember, she was also very fortunate to have each of you. I'm sending you love.


Linda Schiesl <llschiesl@aol.com>
- Tuesday, April 15, 2008 8:22 PM CDT
Hi Mead Family,
I check this website everyday and I always want to write something, but I just don't know what to say. Know that I am thinking of you guys all of the time and think about Karen and her beautiful smile often! You are all a huge inspiration to me. Karen, you are an unbelievable person and you have made a huge impact on my life even though I only met you a few times. You're personality is so contagious. Thinking of you all!
Love, Melissa (Deandra's friend)

Melissa Arnfelt <arnfe007@umn.edu>
- Wednesday, April 9, 2008 6:39 PM CDT
Hey Karen,
I've kind of realized how comforting these websites are lately. It makes it feel like I can still talk to you. There isn't anything in particular that I wanted to say, just hi, and that I have been thinking about you a lot lately. And I think your family can tell. They made a surprise stop over at our house Easter morning, and Laura sent me a message today. It's so good to see them, and to hear from Laura; you have an amazing family.
Also kinda been thinking about you because my parents packed up everything from my grammas place the other day. Her townhouse finally sold. Before they moved everything out, I went over there with my mom. I just miss both of you guys a lot.
Some exciting news though... I actually will be graduating early for sure! Just so long as I pass all my classes ;) And I also got an internship for the summer. Its at a childrens organization; right up my alley. One of my interviews was with Make A Wish (it was my first choice of internships). Actually, the woman that I interviewed with helped grant your wish. Small world, huh?
Anyways, take care up there and continue to look down on everyone. Miss you and love you so much! :)

Whitney Plumedahl <plwh0601@stcloudstate.edu>
Champlin, MN - Tuesday, April 8, 2008 11:17 PM CDT
I was thinking of you today. Allison stumbled across a VCR tape that was marked Brianna age 4-6. Allison loves to look at photos of Brianna, so I thought she would love to see her sister on TV. The tape started with Brianna's 4th birthday party. What a time of joy to see you and to hear you laugh. At one point on the tape you and your sisters were in a big laughing pile up with Brianna stacked in the middle of your sisterly love! I was crying, but oh so grateful to see you and hear you. I can't wait to share this with Uncle Mark, Brianna and Tyler tonite. I look forward to the day when I can show Allison her Godmother and tell her all about you!

Lisa Osen
- Monday, April 7, 2008 3:56 PM CDT
Hey Little Girlie,
Today marked exactly 3 months since you left us. This morning I kept remembering the phone call from your dad right after you passed away. My heart aches as much today as it did then, mostly for your family. They miss you so much (we all do) and continue to live in the usual Mead style--with strength, courage, and much love for those around them. They still give great hugs and always manage to have a smile for others even when they are sad. I have a woman in my class at the health club that always stands in front (at my right side) and always is smiling at me. I finally asked her what her name was the other day. She replied "Karen." I replied "of course it is." All I could think of was you. I continue to find reminders of you and it gives me a sense of peace. I love you, Sweetie, and will always be thankful that you came into Whitney's life. You are 2 special ladies.

Julie Plumedahl <julieplumedahl@edinarealty.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Sunday, April 6, 2008 6:25 PM CDT
Hello Kathy and family,
I've been thinking of you and wanted you to know it! Here's wishing you all the happy dreams you hope and pray for!
Happy Spring!


P.S. Kathy, we have to get together and talk grandkids. It is so much fun to watch them learn and grow! Gaborik's (15 mos. old) latest is to grunt when he lifts things! Ahh, the joy to be found in the little things in life! Okay, maybe you had to be there to laugh, but I thought it was cute!

Cindy Heilman <heilm03@comcast.net>
Andover, MN - Saturday, April 5, 2008 11:15 PM CDT
I love you Karen. Today we watched a video in one of my classes and my professor had warned us that it was going to be hard to watch, but it was nothing like I had imagined. The video was about cancer and outbreaks of leukemia in children in a specific Nevada town. The families on the video reminded me of my own. Mothers just like yours, trying to cope with the loss of a child. The children were so happy, so carefree. They never questioned their own fate but kept fighting. They reminded me of you. There was this little blond girl that was so giddy, happy and caring; exactly the way I remember you when we were little. You're only 2 months and 2 days older than me, but you were more like a mother. I miss you and think of you each day. I come to the site everyday and try to write, but I never know what to say. I just wanted to say our lunch together meant more to me than you know and I'll never forget the words you said that day. I love you and miss you.


Jenna Mead <meadj@augsburg.edu>
Minneapolis, MN - Thursday, April 3, 2008 3:43 PM CDT
Karen Annie,
Your sister Laura was out in the breezeway today and she let go with a great big laugh. I thought it was you. Suddenly, I remembered how often you laughed. I'm trying to think of specific occasions when we laughed so hard we cried; I know there were many, but the exact memories won't come. I have so many recollections of your last days with us, but I can't seem to get back to happier times. I know it'll come eventually, but it's hard to be patient with this process.
Elizabeth and I saw a bereavement counselor at Fairview, and we're going to attend a couple of sessions on paying attention to your dreams while grieving. I still haven't dreamed about you and I want to so badly. I'm asking God every night to send me a dream with you in it - hopefully a happy one will come my way soon.
I love you, I miss your special brand of sunshine, my arms ache to hold you. Your dad feels the same; we're taking turns being strong for each other.

- Thursday, April 3, 2008 1:46 PM CDT
Kathy, Jim, James, Laura, and Liz,
We love you. We are so looking forward to seeing you at our Easter get together. Our hugs go out to each of you.

Mark, Lisa, Brianna, Tyler and Allison
- Tuesday, April 1, 2008 10:26 PM CDT
Hey Meads,
Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by on Sunday. What a great surprise. I only wish you would have stayed longer. As I sat in church on Sunday, I couldn't get my mind off of Karen. The yellow stained glass above the altar always makes me think that she is looking down on me. That spot use to hold my Grandma Ruby's spirit. Now I imagine that Karen is beside her. Seems to bring me comfort when I need it. Your family continues to be a joy for me and I am grateful for our friendship. You brightened our day with "Easter hugs" and look forward to more. Love you guys lots and hope to ride with you soon!

Julie Plumedahl <julieplumedahl@edinarealty.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Thursday, March 27, 2008 11:42 AM CDT
wow! thanks nicole, thats funny she had a crush on good ol' patrick swayze too. its good to read things on here that make you smile.

karen, i love you as always. its good to know i have you up there watching over me.

majken carlson <carl2405@d.umn.edu>
duluth, mN united States - Wednesday, March 26, 2008 10:29 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you. I hope you are taking care of yourself. You can always give me a call if you need to talk.

Melissa Schuster
andover, mn usa - Tuesday, March 25, 2008 1:40 PM CDT
~To The Family~

Here in Princeton, we heard about this site through the Immanual Lutheran Church. It has been a very long time since we have had contact with your family, and I personally lost contact with Karen a few years back because of address changes. It is never easy to hear news like this and truthfully I'm still at loss for words. I never have been good at saying the right thing at the right time but I do want you all to know that our family is praying for all of you and Karen's journey to a better place! I wish that we could have stayed in better contact over the years. Karen was a beutiful young lady and always had a smile. But I will keep this short for now. Best wishes to you all and we'll have you in our thoughts and prayers... your old neighbors, the Wredberg's!!

P.S. If there is anything I personally can do PLEASE call or e-mail me! I have great ears :)

Tiffany Tomsky (a.k.a. Wredberg) <titters_24@yahoo.com>
Princeton, MN - Friday, March 21, 2008 2:48 PM CDT
Karen, We're thinking of you every day!!! We miss you!!! Kathy and family, We wish there was some way to take your pain away. You're in our thoughts and prayers every day. Count on us for "ANYTHING" you need!!!!! We love you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kasey and Stu
KASEY AND STU RUUD <stukayr@comcast.net>
BROOKLYN PARK, mn usa - Tuesday, March 18, 2008 4:02 PM CDT
karen - your mom has such a wonderful way of words.......this last entry was heartwarming to read....and even though it sounds as it might be the final entry, i will continue to visit your site........i am sure you are reading her journal entries even before she has them completed.......

the new pictures are wonderful.........

i've been able to spend some time with your mom in the last couple of weeks.........we've done some fun things together......

your family continues to amaze - from your dad all the down to evelyn, they keep your spirit alive and live each day in faith and love - just as you would want them to do......

i have a 50 year old nephew going through chemo at the moment for liver cancer......this reading was given to him and his wife by some friends - i read it everyday......

What Cancer Can Not Do:

cancer is so limited -
it cannot cripple love,
it cannot shatter hope,
it cannot corrode faith,
it cannot destroy peace,
it cannot kill friendships,
it cannot suppress memories,
it cannot silence courage,
it cannot invade the soul,
it cannot steal eternal life,
and it cannot conquer the spirit.

your spirit lives on........

sandy gutzwiller <sandy_gutzwiller@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, March 18, 2008 2:46 PM CDT
Dear Jean,
I am not sure I am on the right site but I am just thinking about you tonight. I am just asking a blessing on you and your family. I ask these next three days you can see God and not pain. We love you.

gwenfreed <gwenfreed@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, March 13, 2008 10:13 PM CDT
Hey i was also noticing in Majken's comment that Patrick Swayze has cancer...thats so sad, i didnt know...well i just wanted you (majken) and everyone else who doesnt know that Patrick is Karen's Great Grandma Lennox's (other) husband....she's always had the biggest crush on him.
If you dont believe me ask her, its so funny her response and thats something big i remember about going to Grandmas was all the poster's she had displayed everywhere of him.......just a little thought to make everyone smile!!!

Cuzin Nicole Lennox <nicole.lennox@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, March 12, 2008 8:32 PM CDT
hey cuzin's i was just stopping by to check out your update and new pics, they are wonderful. i had an extra second at work to think about you all and let you know. Laura i still really want to get together...i wish you were old enough for the bar...well between my mom and i schedule we are trying to pull something together to have dinner with you all...as soon as i figure this out i will be looking for to sitting with you all and sharing a meal...it's been sooo long but i can still remember all the lunch's when you babysat us kathy. well ill be in touch, i misses you all!!! Love, hugs and kisses, Nicole and Jaymes (Griffin)
Cuzin Nicole and Jaymes <nicole.lennox@yahoo.com>
Richfield, MN USA - Wednesday, March 12, 2008 8:25 PM CDT
Hey Meads,
I looked at the website on March 5th when I got back in town (after visiting my Mom & Dad) and saw the update. However, I did not look at the pictures. Whitney brought my attention to them today. I am honored that our Christmas Eve visit made it into your photo album. I love the picture but feel so sad when I look at it. It still does not seem real that Karen is gone. I read something last week about grieving that reminded me that the only way to work through grief is to allow yourself to feel it. We all miss her so much but I am grateful that I still have the rest of the Mead family to hang out with and hug. I see a little bit of Karen in every one of you. Hope to see you soon. Much love to you all...

Julie Plumedahl <julieplumedahl@edinarealty.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Friday, March 7, 2008 1:39 PM CST
Karen, I miss you so much. I feel really lonely and sad. When i am trying to fall asleep at night, I play yatzee and cuddle a teddy bear. I just miss you. I wish I had taught you how to play guitar. I am really angry. This is not fair. If only the days would go by faster. I still haven't had a dream about you. I was listening to th dixie chicks cd a few days ago and I heard a song that made me think of you. I feel selfish because I didn't want you to go. I would have taken care of you forever. I love you.
Liz <lizard_m21@hotmail.com>
- Friday, March 7, 2008 12:27 AM CST
Thinking of you guys!
Deandra <dpensini@gmail.com>
- Thursday, March 6, 2008 9:03 PM CST
its been two months already and i miss you so much. just a little bit ago i was watching tv and it said that patrick swayze has cancer. just that little sentence about an actor i don't even know, made me start to cry. i have to be honest, i don't let it out as much as i should. i just miss you so much, and its hard. i feel like i have to pace myself. but little things trigger it, and im left with no choice.
i've been looking through all the nice things people have to say about you and your family, and it makes me so happy. you guys have touched so many people in this world. thats such an amazing gift. we are all so lucky to have had you a part of our lives.
oh, and i wanted to tell you, me and val stopped at your house two weeks ago. we hung out with laura and liz and it was so nice. spending time with your family makes me feel closer to you. and, laura is letting me adopt chloe! im coming home again this weekend, so if all goes well i'll pick her up! im so excited.
well karen, i love you and i miss you soooo much. take care of my captain coconut.

love always,
your (and jens) captain take forever

majken carlson
duluth, - Thursday, March 6, 2008 6:56 PM CST
Kathy and family,
I thought of Karen when I saw this poem:

When God calls children to dwell with Him above,
We mortals sometimes question the wisdom of his love.
for no heartache compares with the death of a child,
who does so much to make
our world seem
wonderful and mild.
Perhaps God tires of calling the aged to his fold.
So He picks a rosebud before it can grow old.
God knows how much we need them
and so He takes but few,
to make the land of Heaven
more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult still
somehow we must try.
The saddest word mankind knows
will always be "Goodbye."
So when a child departs we
who are left behind,
must realize God loves children,
Angels are hard to find.

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
Love leaves a memory
No one can steal.
Your love and memories will
live forever."

Love, Cindy <heilm03@comcast.net>
- Saturday, February 23, 2008 5:12 AM CST
I just want to let you know I think about all of you all of the time. I still check this site everyday, and I have been wanting to leave a note, but I didn't know what to write. Karen has changed my life in so many ways and I can't even put it into words. Even though I only met her a few times, she left a huge impact on me. Your family is unbelievable and such an inspiration. Karen will never be forgotten.
Love, Melissa (Deandra's Friend)

Melissa Arnfelt <arnfe007@umn.edu>
- Thursday, February 21, 2008 4:02 PM CST
It seems like as the days go by since you've been gone, I think about you more and more. It still doesn't seem real that you are gone. And I continue to check this website daily becuase it has been such a habit for so long! This last weekend I was going to stop by and visit your family, and I feel so horrible for not doing so, but each time I drove by your house, I couldnt get strength to stop because I don't think I was ready to go there without you there. I'm going to try again this weekend though! Anyways, I'm going to stop rambling...I love you and I miss you so, so much Karen!!

Val Stanek <vstan351@yahoo.com>
Champlin, MN - Thursday, February 21, 2008 10:05 AM CST
Just letting you know we're thinking of you daily and our prayers continue to be with you. We miss Karen Ann so much but know she is in a better place. Our love to each of you. Take care. Love/Hugs/Kisses...Auntie & Uncle Stan
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA USA - Thursday, February 21, 2008 5:05 AM CST
Sending a hug to all of you!
Denise Bunde <denise.bunde@anoka.k12.mn.us>
- Tuesday, February 19, 2008 1:51 PM CST
Hi Guys, A day doesn't go by that we aren't thinking of you. Every day I look at the picture of James, Karen, and Laura. [sorry Liz, you weren't born yet] It's hanging in bedroom. They were so little!!!! But it's one of my favorites!!! We know she's in a better place but it's still doesn't take away the hurt. More importantly we worry about how all of you are doing. You know we're here for you!!!! We love you all!!!!! Take care, Kasey and Stu
KASEY AND STU RUUD <stukayr@comcast.net>
BROOKLYN PARK, mn usa - Tuesday, February 19, 2008 11:34 AM CST
hi meads!
Just wanted you to know i've been thinking of you all a lot! i miss you guys and hope to see you again soon. Karen has visited me in my dreams almost everynight and she tells me how she is an angel watching over us. i love seeing her face and her beautiful smile again. take care

Jenni <enghx020@d.umn.edu>
- Monday, February 18, 2008 11:07 PM CST
Sending love to all of you. Not a day goes by that I don't think of Karen and miss her presence here. Not a day goes by that I don't send love to all of you and wish you strength.
Love, Linda

Linda Schiesl <llschiesl@aol.com>
- Saturday, February 16, 2008 7:10 PM CST
Hi Gang,
Whtiney brought home the CD for me to listen to. She was right--it would make me cry. However, I have to agree with Whit, it was comforting to listen to Karen's voice. It made it easier to picture her smiling face as her tears rolled down her cheeks during her interview. I know she didn't want to cry but she was so moved by her experiences that I'm sure it was tough not to. I can picture her in heaven with her arms wrapped around the other kids that left this earth much earlier than we wanted them to. As always, we love you lots and want you to know that Karen is in our thoughts daily, as are the rest of you. See you soon.

Julie Plumedahl <julieplumedahl@edinarealty.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Friday, February 15, 2008 12:46 AM CST
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA USA - Thursday, February 14, 2008 8:57 AM CST
Hey Meads,
I just wanted to let you all know I am thinking about you. And that I found something today. It was a cd of the recording when you went to the KS95 for Kids RadioThon with Karen. I was in Arizona with my mom when you guys did it, and had emailed Van and Cheryl to see if I could buy a copy of it because I missed it. They sent me one in the mail only a few days later for free. I had listened to it a few times when I got it, and really haven't since.
I found it today in my stack of cd's and listened to it, and cried the whole time. I never knew then how glad I would be that I have it now.
Karen- I got to hear your voice again. Your laughing and your crying, and it was really comforting. Cheryl said you had an infectious quality about you, and she was so right. No one could resist being around you. I miss you a lot, and think about you every day. During the RadioThon you talked about how you wanted to be a pedicatric nurse. Instead of doing that here, I know you are watching over those kids you adored in the hospital and taking care of them as a guardian angel. Love you so much :)

Whitney Plumedahl <plwh0601@stcloudstate.edu>
Champlin, MN - Wednesday, February 13, 2008 11:51 AM CST
i think of your family often...and hope that you guys are okay. You guys are always in my heart.
love, trinayani

trinayani christiansen <liltt02@hotmail.com>
saint paul, mn usa - Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:02 AM CST
Dear Kathy,
Just wanted to thank you for the very lovely thank you card you sent. It was so personalized and from your heart.
Although I never had the honor of knowing Karen Ann, I consider her mother and maternal grandparents to be very special people, and from what I learned at Karen's memorial service, she was truely amazing too. I have had Karen and your family on my mind a lot lately and my heart goes out to you.
Love to you and Jim and your family, Diane Hiniker

Diane Hiniker <backwoodsnellie@msn.com>
Blaine, MN USA - Friday, February 8, 2008 8:39 PM CST
Karen, I miss you and I think about you all the time...I just want to hold you again. I am kicking butt in school and i know you are proud of me. I will see you in my dreams, sweetie!
I love you!!!

Your babiest sister, Elizabeth
- Wednesday, February 6, 2008 12:55 AM CST
Just a 'Hello' from the 'Great Northwest'. I think we brought your weather back with us. It's been cold, snowy, windy, but...not as bad as back there. From our house to your house we greet you. You're ever on our minds. Love you all so dearly. God be with you!
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan Rice <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA u - Tuesday, February 5, 2008 7:20 AM CST
Hi Meads,
Thanks for letting Whit and I stop by on Friday. I so miss getting and giving hugs with Karen, however, I am thankful that you are all generous with your hugs as it helps to soften how much we miss her. And thanks, Kathy & Jim, for sitting with me in church yesterday. It was nice to have you by my side. Your strength is very uplifting. I look forward to lunch or dinner soon!

Julie Plumedahl <julieplumedahl@edinarealty.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Monday, February 4, 2008 12:21 AM CST
Kathy, It was so good to hear your voice the other day. I had put off calling for too long, but I really needed to be in a good place when I talked to you. I wanted to be the supportive one, but once again your strength has helped me. I'm looking forward to a coffee date. Next week is crazy for me. So let's look into the following week. I will call and let you know what day works and hopefully it will be a good day for you also. Love you, Rosie
Rosie Storie <vangaga@hotmail.com>
zimmerman, mn USA - Saturday, February 2, 2008 9:15 AM CST
kath - thanks for spending some time with me today......it was also good to see laura and evie......

karen - once again, your family has done an incredible job - your final resting place is beautiful....but then you already know that......

however, i certainly hope that your mom's liking for ketchup on potatoes didn't get passed onto you or your siblings......

sandy <sandy_gutzwiller@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, January 30, 2008 4:18 PM CST
Kathy, Jim and family,

Just thinking about you, as I have many times since Karen's beautiful service. Karen and you will always be in my heart. God bless, Mickie Ehlert

Mickie Ehlert <mplsmic@peoplepc.com>
Mpls, MN Henn - Wednesday, January 30, 2008 1:38 PM CST
Glad to hear you are going to be home with/for the family. You've got one wonderful family. I'm so glad you are part of it. My prayers continue to be with all of you and God's Blessings be with you. I know yawl miss Karen so much--we do too, but yawl...........I love you guys. You're an inspiration too. "What I cannot do for myself, God will do for me". Time heals all wounds..Take it one day at a time..One step at a time..Love knows no boundaries. Take care. Miss yawl very much and thank you again for being a part of our lives.
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA USA - Monday, January 28, 2008 8:51 AM CST
I am hoping that this time without teaching will bring the energy back to your body and spirit. We will carry on, but miss you here at school. Our journey continues, but we are never alone. I am impressed by all the truly great friends your family has. We are all blessed through each other. I send a hug.
Frank Meuers <frank.meuers@anoka.k12.mn.us>
Champln, MN USA - Friday, January 25, 2008 3:03 PM CST
Kathy, you are NOT done being Karen's mother, you are her mother in a different way now. I truly believe Karen's spirit and love is with all of you. I'm so glad that you are continuing this website, it makes me feel a little closer and more connected to you and to Karen. love Val
Valerie Carlson <vali17@comcast.net>
- Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:06 PM CST
Hi Meads,
I was so glad to see your note on here today. To be honest, I have tried to put a note to you on here many times but have not succeeded. As you said Kathy, there are no words. We are still waiting for your "package" to arrive at our house and will deliver it when it does. The card to go with it still remains unsigned. One of these days I will have to find the right words. As sad as I am, I know it doesn't begin to compare to your what your family is going through. I had to laugh this weekend when I was going to make eggs. Whenever Karen slept over she would shove the rest of our family aside to make scrambled eggs the way the Meads do. And when I picked up my Cub chicken last week she was in my head, too. For a long time she thought the only thing I ever served for dinner was my County Market chicken. Her big smile will forever be in my head. We sure miss her hugs!

Julie Plumedahl <julieplumedahl@edinarealty.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Wednesday, January 23, 2008 12:51 AM CST
You are all still in my thoughts and prayers constantly. I am so happy Kathy is staying home for the remainder of the year. You all need time to heal and there is no better way to do it than being together. Please take time for yourselves - you all need it! Give Evvy a hug and give me a call when you are ready for company.
Denise Bunde <denise.bunde@anoka.k12.mn.us>
- Wednesday, January 23, 2008 11:58 AM CST
Dear Mead Family,

We continue to send prayers to our Heavenly Father asking him to comfort you and heal the hurt in each of you. Kathy, I am glad you are taking some much needed time for yourself and for your family. Elizabeth your solo at Karen’s funeral was beautiful! As I read my devotional for today the writer referred to Luke 1:78-79….”By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace”.

Love to all, Tom & Jean
- Wednesday, January 23, 2008 10:37 AM CST
I've been checking this several times each day and reading your entry today has left me filled with tears and my heart filled with love for each of you. I love you guys and think of you nonstop throughout each day. I feel Karen around us each day. I look forward to hugging you soon.

Lisa Osen
- Wednesday, January 23, 2008 7:56 AM CST
Jim, Kathy, James, Laura, Liz, and Evvy,
I miss Karen terribly. I wasn't ready to stop being her honorary big sister. My heart hurts.

Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
Chanhassen, MN - Tuesday, January 22, 2008 7:07 PM CST
I'm so glad to hear that you are going to take the time you need and deserve to take care of yourself and your family. My prayers are with all of you daily. I know that the difficult journey you have all traveled throughout the past eight years continues for you. I pray for peace and comfort for all of you.
Lots of love,

Jacqui Thone <jacquithone@adventlutheran.com>
Brooklyn Park, MN - Tuesday, January 22, 2008 5:10 PM CST
I love you guys too!
Deandra <dpensini@gmail.com>
- Tuesday, January 22, 2008 4:32 PM CST
I think of your family daily. Your in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything I can ever do, please let me know. I would love to do anything I can to help.

Your family has always had a special place in my heart. Karen has always been such an inspiration, and even though I didn't talk to her much, I will miss being able to relate some of my stories to hers. And your family has always been an inspiration to me...whether it be different conversations that i have had with laura...or just watching you guys care for eachother. Please know that you have a permanent spot in my heart..and won't easily be put out of my mind.

Love, Trinayani

Trinayani Christiansen <liltt02@hotmail.com>
Saint Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, January 22, 2008 4:26 PM CST
Just a quick note to say that you guys have been in my thoughts...
Melissa Schad <KMSCHAD@msn.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Monday, January 21, 2008 11:32 PM CST
We finally got home yesterday. Out of the deep freeze into WA cold--not as cold as MN/IA.
Thank you for allowing us to share in your life and your journey. A journey I would not put upon anyone, but you did endure and did 'hang in there' until God said to let go and 'Come Home' my child. You are and will always be the missing link in our family along with A.J. Have you two met? I know he's only 13 1/2, but you are cousins. I know you two are looking down on all of us, laughing when we laugh, crying when we cry or you just listening and whispering words of love to us. You surround us along with God. Thank you for being an inspiration. We miss you so, so-o-o much. See you when we'll all get Home in Heaven. God's blessings on Mom/Dad/James/Laura/Elizabeth & Evvy. We miss all of you too. Sorry our visit wasn't under different circumstances, but...life is life. Here's to all of you and thanks for all the wonderful meals, love and friendship we felt.

Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA USA - Monday, January 21, 2008 1:57 PM CST
Hi Mead Family - Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you all and continue to pray for you. Elizabeth you did an amazing job singing "Angel!" Take care.
Amanda Herman
Champlin, MN - Sunday, January 20, 2008 11:03 PM CST
Dear Kathy, Jim and family,
You're in my thoughts each day. Just wanted you to know.
Love, Linda

Linda Schiesl <llschiesl@aol.com>
- Saturday, January 19, 2008 10:09 PM CST
Mead Family,

I am so very sorry about the passing of Karen. I am happy that she is suffering no longer and is now able to watch over all of you.

Those of us who had a chance to know her, even for a brief time were lucky. She always came to class with a smile and she was a very kind person to all around her.

I will never forget her beautiful smile!

Chris Osborne

Chris Osborne <rcosborne@insightbb.com>
Greenwood, IN USA - Saturday, January 19, 2008 12:05 AM CST
Jim and Kathy,
I am sorry to hear about your loss. My prayers go out to your family.

Tom Wagner <twagner@braunintertec.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Friday, January 18, 2008 10:36 AM CST
Kathy, I was unable to go to the services last saturday but my thought and prayers have been with you and you family. I am very sorry.
Cheryl Schue <cheryl.schue@anoka.k12.mn.us>
- Thursday, January 17, 2008 1:17 PM CST
Karen, I'm sure you were looking down from heaven on Saturday and feeling mighty proud of your "our" wonderful family. Evelyn had on one of your dresses. She looked so cute! Liz sang and so many friends got up and talked about you. It was a day to remember. There won't be a day that goes by that we won't think about you. We love you SO MUCH!! Auntie Kasey and Uncle Stu
STU AND KAY RUUD <stukayr@comcast.net>
BROOKLYN PARK, mn usa - Tuesday, January 15, 2008 5:07 PM CST
I am so sorry about your loss. Words can not express the sympathy & heartache I feel for your family. Please find comfort in knowing that KAREN’S LIFE made a HUGE, positive impact on so many. As a nurse, who had been given the opportunity to be in the presence of KAREN, was truly a great honor. I will always remember Karen…..
Nurse Mary

Mary Kielty <maryjorn1@aol.com>
- Tuesday, January 15, 2008 3:20 PM CST
Karen was such an inspiration to all of us here at Abbott Northwestern. She was always a joy to take care of, so strong and always pleasant. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Karen and her family.
Merete Larson, CNA <Merete.Larson@allina.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:58 PM CST

When I saw you at the service on Saturday I wanted to say something comforting but was too choked up to speak. You did all the talking. You thanked me for Majken and said such nice things about her I was speechless and overwhelmed. I could only nod my head. I have so many memories of Karen and Majken and they keep running through my head. Every morning on the way to work I drive by your house and cry a little bit. I'll never forget Karen. A compliment I pay to people I really like is to say they are a good egg. Karen was the best of eggs.

Love, Lorna Carlson
PS.Elizabeth did a lovley job of singing "Angel"

Lorna Carlson
Champlin, Mn - Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:45 PM CST

I have been thinking of you all day and just wanted to write to you here one last time, don't worry I will be talking with you often just not here. Anyway I wanted to say how beautiful the celebration of your life was Saturday! It was truly amazing to see how many life's have been touched by you. You were so wise beyond your 21 years. You really knew what the important things in life were and cherished every moment of them. I remember visiting with you in the hospital last fall and how at peace you were with your circumstances. You said to me, "at least I am not stuck anymore. I have been stuck for too long!" While you will be missed greatly here on earth you will forever live in the life's of all those you have come in contact with. I love you beauty and will see you each day the sun shines! Love, Tracey

Tracey Landberg <landberg4@mac.com>
Nowthen, MN USA - Monday, January 14, 2008 9:03 PM CST
Karen all I can say is you got me! You got me good. All I could hear in my head at your service was you saying GET YOUR LITTLE BUTT UP THERE and I did it for you, you always knew how to get me to do something haha thats one of the best things about you! I thought going to your service, being as it was the first funeral I've ever been to would be way to hard for me, but you know what? It was a great day because as soon as I started driving home my favorite beatles song came on, Here Comes the Sun and guess what you did? You came out as the sun! I knew it was you too cause it was so bright and so pleasing and you followed me all the way home! And every day since you've been out shining on all of your loved ones and that just proves to me how happy you really are now up there in heaven hanging out with your grandpa and getting taking care of by God. I hope you realize I have so much talking to you that I have to make up for for the lost time so you'll be hearing from me :) I love you forever and for always missy and I can't wait till I get to be reunited with you in the future! Kisses and Hugs
-Stinski (what you always called me haha)

To Karen's family I just want to say how beautifully you all did on saturday I really love how close your family is and how you all keep together so well for one another there is nothing stronger than a family and you are definently a solid rock of a family. I have karen's cell and your house phone number in my cell phone under Kare Bear and I plan on keeping it that way and I will keep in touch with you. Thank you all so much for helping me feel better about everything you really did make me feel good!
Love to all of you!
God bless.
Jenna Stinski

Jenna Stinski <jerder020@hotmail.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, January 14, 2008 2:37 PM CST
I am thinking about you guys nonstop. What an incredible day Saturday turned out to be. I could feel Karen's love in the church and in my heart. I wish I could have one more of those big hugs from her. Thanks to all of you for making me feel welcomed into your family from the first day I met you, which was at Grandma Mabel's when I was a young one of 19! We all love each of you!
The Osens
- Monday, January 14, 2008 2:14 PM CST
To the Mead Family,
We are so sorry we could not make Karen's funeral Saturday. Kathy, I want you to know how much I have been thinking about you and your family. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless!

Gregg, Christy, Blake and Abby Carlson <ccarlson223@msn.com>
- Monday, January 14, 2008 12:30 AM CST
Mead family,
I attended the service for Karen on Saturday. It was an amazing celebration. Liz you did an outstanding job singing and I can't wait to see you back in school. Continue to take care of yourself. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Melissa Schuster <mschuster@usfamily.net>
Andover, MN USA - Monday, January 14, 2008 8:32 AM CST
karen (captain coconut),
yesterday your service went beautifully. your family could not have done a better job showing the love they had for you and the love you had for everyone. although yesterday was one of the hardest days i have ever had, it was nice to be surrounded with all the people who love you. i've already come to miss you so much, and it makes me feel even closer to you when i'm with the people you cared the most about. to be honest, what really got me to come on here just now, is i just listened to three voicemails from you that i had saved on my phone. in them, you told me you loved me and i wish i could replay those words over and over. as much as i complain about technology, if it wasn't for my phone, i would have never been able to hear your voice again. it was truly a blessing. i again saved the messages, and it's something that i'll cherish forever. words will never express how much i miss you. i love you so much karen.

jim, kathy, james, laura, evelyn and liz,
you show how beautiful a family's love can be for eachother. it is so inspiring to see you together. i am so glad that karen had such an amazing family to love and support her through all of her endeavors. i pray for you every night and i truly feel that you will find strength from eachother, karen, and God. thank you so much for allowing me to share so much time with karen and with you. i love you all.

love always,
majken (captain take forever)

majken carlson <carl2405@d,umn.edu>
- Sunday, January 13, 2008 6:59 PM CST
random thoughts......as i sat in church this morning, thinking back on the wonderful celebration of karen's life, i realized that the circle of life is always around us.......

we sang happy birthday to a 90 year old gentleman who is receiving hospice but was at church even as he completes his life on earth......

sitting in front of me was a 3 month old girl named lucy - she was beautiful and more than happy to smile at anyone who might be watching her.....

this past monday, i was at the funeral of the 88 year old father of one of my best friends......the mass was wonderful as the priest was able to intertwine the scriptures with dale's life.......

yesterday, i found out that on thursday a nephew was diagnosed with cancer that affects the liver/bileducts - he just turned 50 last year......

watching evie yesterday - those gorgeous eyes and captivating smile....i think she is 1 1/2 now......

and then of course, the beautiful celebration of karen's life yesterday - a 21 year old young lady who had the world in front of her......

3 months - 1 1/2 - 21 - 50 - 88 - 90.....all in the span of one week......and all of us in between.....

we all know that karen is being well taken care of......and i dare say that jim, kathy, james, laura, liz, and evie will be just fine as the strength, courage, love, and compassion that karen had within her, is absolutely within all of them......

karen, thank you for allowing me to ramble on - i wish i had known you better, but through your mom, i feel i have a good sense of who you are and always will be......

everyone, make sure that you let the people in your life know how important they are to you......the circle of life continues to turn and we all need to grab hold of every day and run with it.....

sandy gutzwiller <sandy_gutzwiller@comcast.net>
brooklyn park, mn usa - Sunday, January 13, 2008 3:02 PM CST
Dear Jim, Kathy, James, Laura, Evvy, and Elizabeth,
This morning Brent and I discussed Karen. Brent expressed to me how much she changed his life through my knowing her. He feels he owes it to her, especially after attending her celebration yesterday, to live a more full life and to continue her legacy. Not only did we long ago decide to name our second child after her someday (no, I am not pregnant, but hope to again someday be), but we have also decided that we will honor Karen each day by framing her picture with Cullen and placing it in his room, and last, we will do some sort of special service project as a family each October to celebrate Karen and live as she would have for all the days of her life.
I cannot tell you the impact she has made on me, my family, and every single person I know.
Much love, hope, and peace,

Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
Chanhassen, MN - Sunday, January 13, 2008 9:58 AM CST
May you know how many peoples lives you've touched, and what a blessing you were to all of us. From you i have learned what true strength is, and i dont think many people could do what you have done over the years. You will be missed, but I am happy that you dont have to hurt anymore. God has another beautiful angel looking down on all of us. He only accepts the best...

Rochelle Berentson <bere0071@umn.edu>
Champlin, mn - Sunday, January 13, 2008 0:20 AM CST
To the Mead Family,
I feel bad that I could not make Karen Ann's funeral today. I would have liked to have been there for you to let know all know in person how much I have been thinking about you guys and the pain that you must be going through. I know that God has Karen wrapped in his arms feeling no more pain. She was a blessing here on earth and she will NEVER be forgotten from anyone that knew her! You all are in my heart and prayers that God will get you through this! Take care

Pam Melby <apmelby17@aol.com>
Farmington, MN USA - Saturday, January 12, 2008 9:43 PM CST
Jim, Kathy, James, Laura, and Liz,
The service today to celebrate Karen's life was amazing! I have been thinking of you all so often it was great to give you a hug. Please know that in the weeks to come my thoughts and prayers will be with your family as always. I thank God that Karen was a part of my life. May God comfort your family during this difficult time.
Love you all,

Christine Walytka <cwalytka@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, January 12, 2008 7:37 PM CST
Karen Ann,

I have your picture by my desk and and your yellow rose drying. Your service was so beautiful today. All of those people sharing such great memories and thoughts of you and there would have been many more if time would've allowed. Just know that you will always hold a place in the hearts of everyone's lives you have touched. You are an amazing person and I hope that you will watch over me and always feel free to tag along. We miss you.

xoxo. Jen.

p.s. getting into a little trouble never hurt anyone...I'm glad we crossed LaGrande.

Jenna Mead <meadj@augsburg.edu>
Minneapolis, MN - Saturday, January 12, 2008 6:56 PM CST
Jim, Kathy and family, the celebration of Karen's life today was beautiful and so heart felt. Thank you for sharing this day with others. Karen certainly is loved by many as are all of you. Please know that each of you will be in my thoughts and prayers daily during this time of grieving. You are truly an amazing, loving family. I am grateful for your friendship and for being able to have known Karen for the past several years. Love, Tracey
Tracey Landberg <landberg4@mac.com>
Nowthen, MN USA - Saturday, January 12, 2008 5:20 PM CST
The Mead family.
My deepest sympathy to all of you. We were unable to attend the funeral, but you have and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Karen is gone but she will always remain in our hearts. She will always be around you in your daily activities. Love and Prayers Bonnie From Advent

Bonnie Meindl <bmeindl@comcast.net>
champlin , mn - Saturday, January 12, 2008 4:59 PM CST
Dear Mead Family,
I was reading the obituary of a family member and noticed Karen's smiling face and was drawn to her obituary. I read about her caringbridge site and cried my way thru your posts from day 1 to her passing. She endured more procedures, surgeries, pain and suffering than any child should ever have in a lifetime. My heart aches for Karen and you, her family, to witness her earthly sufferings. I believe Karen is now in Heaven looking down and smiling to be cancerfree at last. Someday you will all be reunited in Heaven. Through your postings, I can see that Karen was truly a wonderful person-brave and strong as well. God only takes the best. Certainly our loss, but Heavens gain. My condolences to your Earthly loss of Karen.

Bloomington, Mn - Saturday, January 12, 2008 4:20 PM CST
Well Karen,
This is my final goodbye to you...
Tim and I were lucky enough to attend your celebratory service today. If I may just say, as I'm sure you already know, your family did an outstanding job on it! It seemed that they thought of every detail, including having pictures of you and your family in a basket for us to take!
I saw a wonderful picture on one of the picture boards of you and Amy and you know, that's the one thing I said to you today when I saw you for the last time - please say hello to Amy and Laura for me. I'm sure they were both there to greet you when you arrived!
One last hug to you from me (((((Karen)))))....Love, Sharon

Sharon Bray <moibray@juno.com>
Brooklyn Park, MN - Saturday, January 12, 2008 4:03 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with your family, I will never forget what an amazing person Karen was. I met her as a freshman in high school when we had advisement together. I remember not really knowing anyone in the class and Karen immediately turned away from her large group of friends to openly introduce herself and her friends, she never wanted anyone to feel left out. I always looked forward to the days Karen was able to come visit us and I will always remember that unforgettable smile.
Paige Palma <paige.palma@mnsu.edu>
Brooklyn Park, MN - Saturday, January 12, 2008 3:37 PM CST
Jim, Kathy, James, Laura, Lizzy, and to the newest member of the family (I dont remember her name!)

As I am unable to attend your celebration of Karen's life, I wanted to take this chance to say how deeply sorry I am for your loss. Karen truly was a wonderful gal. When I hung out at your home more often, years ago, she was always so kind to me. She would offer to make me food, get me something to drink, just little things like that to make sure I was comfortable at your home. Things like this always do seem to happen to the best people, but I really believe god has his reasons. Karen was his child as well. I have prayed for Karen and you guys all week, as have my mom and dad. We sympathize for your whole family, as I have also suffered a similar loss. My brother's battle with cancer ended when I was in 2nd grade, and he in 6th. I know what you have all been through, and from what I have heard, Karen was more brave than I can imagine. You have a wonderful family, and I know that with time, life will get better and better for you all.

Once again, my prayers are with you all. God bless.

Ben Manthey <bmanthey@gmail.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Saturday, January 12, 2008 11:37 AM CST
Dear Mead Family, I am Grandma Karens friend and I would like to add my sincere wish for peace and strength to this long list of sympathies you have recieved. I have followed Karen Ann's struggle these past 8 years. She was full of love and she had amazing courage as she faced her disease. I am so sorry for your loss.
Nadene Dahmen <ndahmen@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Park , MN Henn - Saturday, January 12, 2008 9:48 AM CST
Dear Mead Family:

From the time she was a little girl, everyone I know who ever met Karen talked about her in superlatives. She was just that kind of person. Perhaps she came by those attributes through the grace of God, but I also think it was because she was surrounded by a loving and supportive family. She will always represent sweetness and light to me.

Rick Peterson <rickpeterson@izoom.net>
Elk River, MN USA - Saturday, January 12, 2008 9:29 AM CST
Dear Coach, Kathy, James, Laura, and Elizabeth. I send my deepest thoughts and prayers to you all. Karen, you will be missed more than words or any picture could explain.God Bless Meads, Pat Cassidy
Patrick Cassidy <chimaira1069@hotmail.com>
Dayton, MN US - Saturday, January 12, 2008 4:04 AM CST
Dear Mead family this is the Servaty's from Princeton we are so sorry for your loss our thoughts and prayers are with you through this hard time
Robert, Becky, Jenna, and Alisha <jjohnsonmn@gmail.com>
Princeton, MN - Saturday, January 12, 2008 0:03 AM CST
Hi Jim.this is John Hentges.I dont know if you remember me but we wrestled at blaine high school. Im so sorry to hear of the passing of your daughter.Im sure the day will come when you will see her again,and your dad.take care, you are in our prayers.
John Hentges <JHen367517@comcast.net>
Ham Lake, mn U S A - Friday, January 11, 2008 8:59 PM CST
I didn't know Karen, but yet, I knew her through her grandma and namesake Karen Jo, and have followed her struggles and hopes for all these many years. The struggle is now over, and I pray that God's peace will be with you and your family. I admire the closeness, strength, and love that your family lives.
Judy Anderson <jjband@comcast.net>
- Friday, January 11, 2008 6:25 PM CST
My family and I would like to say how sorry we are for your loss. I believe God chose Karen for a purpose because she was such an amazing person. She was admired by many and will be missed by all. We are so lucky to have known her. Peace be with you and yours.
Karen, Carlo Roam and Family <roamkaren@msn.com>
Champlin, MN - Friday, January 11, 2008 5:57 PM CST
The Mead family- Although I have been a way at school you guys have always been in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry about your loss, and I am blessed to have known Karen. She is just such a wonderful person I can remember the first time I met Karen, I knew right then how amazing she really was. The closeness of your family is so beautiful. Love you guys.
Jessica Stokes <stokesj@uwstout.edu>
Champlin, MN - Friday, January 11, 2008 5:48 PM CST
To Karen and Family,
I know in my own life sometimes God draws you to a challenge that you are not sure you can do, and I marvel at your courage and strength over such a long time. Karen and your family are heroes in many ways, and the love and compassion that you have shown and that you share with others I admire. I pray for God to bless you in all ways and give you peace. I honestly believe that Karen has a special place in Heaven.

Sharon Rother <sharonrother@yahoo.com>
Brooklyn Park, MN - Friday, January 11, 2008 5:27 PM CST
I just read over all the entries and read all about Karen's journey. I remember when I first met Karen in fifth grade and her and I quickly became best friends. I only wish we could have kept in touch and still be as close as we were then. I might not have known Karen very well these past few years but I know that she was a wonderful person and everyone loved her very much. I know that heaven has gained someone awesome and someone that can watch over everyone above with so much love. I can only wish the best for everyone in her family, and say I'm sorry for your loss. I know you probably hear that a million times a day... but one more couldn't hurt. I wish you all the best.
Kelly Rosengren <kro1313@hotmail.com>
Brooklyn Park, MN - Friday, January 11, 2008 4:12 PM CST
I am so sorry to hear of Karen's passing. My memory of her is a spunky, lanky, 4th grader with a great smile and quick wit. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you!
Darin Laabs <darin.laabs@princeton.k12.mn.us>
Princeton, Mn USA - Friday, January 11, 2008 3:18 PM CST
Last night Whitney had Majken, Val, Jen & Laura over for dinner. It was so great to listen to them reminisce about all of the great times you shared, and all of the wonderful things they loved about you. I am so proud of all of them and you. You have truly left a legacy and hope you find comfort in the fact that your spirit is continuing to renew and strengthen friendships. I love you, greatly miss you, and thank you for what a wonderful friend you have been to Whitney and all of the other kids. You have obviously enriched their lives.

Julie Plumedahl <julieplumedahl@edinarealty.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Friday, January 11, 2008 1:47 PM CST
Jim, Kathy and family - You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Brian & Julie Ruud <imruud@yahoo.com>
Minong, WI USA - Friday, January 11, 2008 1:11 PM CST
Wishing you all strength and peace. Here is a poem for you.

In Blackwater Woods

Look, the trees
are turning
their own bodies
into pillars

of light,
are giving off the rich
fragrance of cinnamon
and fulfillment,

the long tapers
of cattails
are bursting and floating away over
the blue shoulders

of the ponds,
and every pond,
no matter what its
name is, is

nameless now.
Every year
I have ever learned

in my lifetime
leads back to this: the fires
and the black river of loss
whose other side

is salvation,
whose meaning
none of us will ever know.
To live in this world

you must be able
to do three things:
to love what is mortal;
to hold it

against your bones knowing
your own life depends on it;
and, when the time comes to let it go,
to let it go.

by Mary Oliver

Diane Hovey <diane@aheartt.com>
Maplewood, MN USA - Friday, January 11, 2008 12:36 AM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I had a premonition to read the obituaries and saw this. What great parents and people the 2 of you are. I can't imagine what it would be like to walk the path that your family has.

with respect, Mark Howard

Mark Howard <hwrd0315@aol.com>
Andover, MN USA - Friday, January 11, 2008 11:05 AM CST
We are so sorry to hear the very sad news, we just heard yesterday. Karen and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers daily. She was such a sweet and beautiful girl. We will be thinking of you and praying for your family to have strength to get through and peace in knowing she is in such a wonderful place.
Sarah and Michael Larson <sjl116@gmail.com>
Champlin, MN - Friday, January 11, 2008 11:01 AM CST
Mead family- I was saddened to hear of Karen's passing. I know it has been many years since we have been in each others lives, but the feelings I have for your family have never changed! That sweet, cute little blonde-haired girl sure grew into a beautiful young lady. I read about 3 years worth of your journal today, and it was no suprise to hear of a Mead that exhibited great strength, courage, and grace as Karen did. You are all in my thoughts & prayers! God has blessed the Mead family!!
Dave Michaels <cwdave@hotmail.com>
Blaine, - Friday, January 11, 2008 10:41 AM CST
We smile through our tears, because it's the thing we most remember about Karen. She was my mentor and source of strength as we shared thoughts about this journey called "Life." She will remain a part of all of our lives forever, as we now journey to where she resides.

Frank & Ginny Meuers

Frank Meuers <Frank.Meuers@anoka.k12.mn.us>
Champlin, MN USA - Friday, January 11, 2008 8:12 AM CST
I'm sorry I didn't get to spend time with you. I never can make up for that. You were always in my thoughts and prayers Karen. There were times I would just sit and cry when the thoughts of you came to me. I just wish no pain for you. You were so brave and took life, and made the best of it. I do remember all the times you would come over and all the cousins would have a big slumber party. 7 of you all close in age. Halloween was the best in your cute costumes. I look back at pictures and wish for those times back when you little ones didn't have a care in the world. Who would ever think that you would ever go through what you had to. You never lost hope and your spirit. How beautiful your smile was when you walked into a room. The shining blond hair. Your stunning looks. Always a kiss and hug to give me, full of life. What a happy person you grew up to be. Your easy going and just making the best out of any situation will live with me forever. What a angel you are as I look at your star. You have never been out of my thoughts Karen Ann. God has Blessed us to have shared the time we had on earth with your beauty. I'm glad I got to be apart of your life. The memories live on forever. I will continue to pray and have God in my life to help me get though the what I am dealt. I have you to thank for that. I look up to you. You were dealt alot and handled it better then anyone I have ever known. You will be truly missed. I do love you. Jim, Kathy, James, Laura and Elizabeth my deepest sympathy goes out to you. Your a close family and have each other to lean on. God will guide you through this. God Bless you all.
Vicki Mead <tanner0029@yahoo.com>
ST PAUL, MN USA - Thursday, January 10, 2008 9:16 PM CST
Karen you are so loved. I keep thinking of you in your white flower girl dress and your blond hair and blue eyes at our wedding. I also keep seeing the soccer magnet of you with your pony tail on Grandma Karen's refrigerator. What a beautiful, sweet, amazing girl!!
Lisa Osen
- Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:34 PM CST
Dear Mead family you don't know me. My name is Julie and I am a CT and Mri radiographer at Suburban Imaging in Maple Grove. We scanned Karen many times. She had a cruel disease. She touched all of us with her courage in spite of it. We remember her grace and shining spirit of love. I (we) mourn her passing. I pray for peace and warm memories to fill your hearts. Sincerely, Julie Kuehn
Julie Kuehn <douliekn@q.com>
- Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:30 PM CST
Dear Mead Family and every one who is reading this,
Karen is a big part of our lives and she always will be, she has touched our lives and our hearts. Her spirit will always be with us, forever in our hearts and as we look up to the sky, in the stars, for there Karen Ann Mead lives forever.. Love, Uncle Eric Schuler and Family

Eric Schuler <emschuler6@msn.com>
North Branch, MN Chisago - Thursday, January 10, 2008 7:37 PM CST
Dear Mead Family, I am so sorry to hear of Karen's passing. I think of you often , I can't imagine what all of you are feeling , many mixed emotions I am sure. But, I am sure all the loving memories you have will continue to keep you strong. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Kitty Skoog <kitten@comcast.net>
Champlin, Mn USA - Thursday, January 10, 2008 6:49 PM CST
Mead Family-
It's been awhile since I have seen you all and I'm sorry for that. I hope you guys are holding up well. I've been praying for Karen and you guys ever since I found out. I can't help but remember the Middle School years at Fred Moore and how Karen,Jenni, and Whitney were basically my only friends other than Casey and I couldn't wish for any better ones at that. Karen was also the only person I had to hang out with at all those wrestling meets. I've been going to school at North Hennipen, and not too long ago i decided to make a surprise visit and it was soo wonderful to see her. I wish I had more friends that were as good of an influence on me as she was. I even took her to Casey's bon fire which was a blast but was interrupted by that awful storm and that was the last time I saw her. I wish it hadn't been. This is kind of hard for me to write, or even think about, I havn't ever had anyone close to me pass away and its hard, I cant even imagine what everyone else closer to her is going through. It does comfort me to think that she has gone somewhere way better then here and does not have to fight anymore. God Bless you all, you're all in my Prayers.

Serianne Williams <trackandfield23@hotmail.com>
Anoka, MN - Thursday, January 10, 2008 6:09 PM CST
i just couldnt beleive when i heard the news from my mom today...i remember growing up with karen, when aunt sandy couldnt do daycare, it was usually cousin cathy that watched us....i still remember when my dad was building the house in andover, we used to play all the time back then, im so sorry that we all have grown so far apart throughout the years, i named my son partially after james mead because we share the same birthday, thats something i always think about when my birthday comes around is how you all are doing. karen was more like my first cousin, even though she is my second, i remember calling cathy and terry my aunt's until i was about 14 and my mom finally explained they are my cousin's. i cant believe the strength you had karen you were a true soldiar in my eyes! I wish there would have been more time together, i wish our parents would have stayed closer throughout the years after my dad passed. but we cant take back time so you will always be in my thoughts, I love you and will miss you!....say Hi to my daddy as soon as you see him, i know hell be waiting!
and dont be catching all the fish now you will make great grandpa and my dad jealous!!!!!!

Cuzin Nicole Ann Lennox <nicole.lennox@yahoo.com>
Richfield, MN USA - Thursday, January 10, 2008 5:10 PM CST
Dear Kathy , I was deeply saddened when I read about Karen this morning. Karen was courageously strong, yet a sweet and kind person, and I am truly lucky to have met her. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I will never forget her. Linda (H7000 nurse)
Linda Fritzke-Smith <lindafs@comcast.net>
Eden Prairie, MN Hennepin - Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:52 PM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family at this difficult time.
May God bless you.

The Clemons Family
- Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:37 PM CST
Kathy,Jim and family, I was so sorry to hear of your loss and my thoughts are with you. I know that if Karen was anything like her parents, she lived and fought with her mothers grace, her fathers tenacity and both of their sense of humors.
Tim Larson <t_d_larson@yahoo.com>
Ramsey, MN - Thursday, January 10, 2008 2:29 PM CST
Mead's...I'm so sorry to hear that you have lost Karen. Her life was filled with a unique grace and spirit that touched many people. That spirit has inspired people...even people she never met. She will always be a symbol of kindness, strength and love in our family.
Brent Mareck <mareckb@hotmail.com>
Chanhassen, MN - Thursday, January 10, 2008 12:36 AM CST
I have thought of you and your Karen, quite often since hearing of her illness so long ago. I truly hoped this disease would spare her and am devastated for your loss. You and your family have been in my thoughts each day. I want you to know that you are the epitome of what a mother is. A true inspiration to other mom's like me. You are so strong and faithful. Thank you for being you. I wish you all continued strength during this difficult time.

Jessica Greenwald <jessicaanngreenwald@yahoo.com>
Otsego, MN - Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:49 AM CST
I know you are in a better place now, and now heaven has the opportunity to witness that Million-watt smile of yours, and cloud nine personality. I am a better person from knowing you and for that I thank you. I'll keep it short since there isn't anything I could say that everyone doesn't already know.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

Sincerely, Adam

Adam Choe <achoe@wisc.edu>
Champlin, MN USA - Thursday, January 10, 2008 1:10 AM CST
Dear Kathy, Jim and the entire Mead Family,
Rachel told me yesterday about Karen. I am so sad to hear that news, but thanked God that her suffering is over. I can not imagine the pain and sorrow your hearts are feeling and I'm praying that God holds you all really tight for a while. I remember so long ago when Karen first had back pain. It has been such a tough journey for her and you all. Your faith has been amazing and will carry you through. Please take care.

Screaming Eagles Friends of the Past

With love always, Candy, Paul, Rachel, Josh and Nick Pella

Candy Pella <candypt@aol.com>
Champlin, MN 55316 - Wednesday, January 9, 2008 3:12 PM CST
Kathy and family: I am deeply saddened to hear of Karen's passing. I don't know if there's ever been a tougher struggle waged in a such a dignified, loving manner. Know that she is missed.
Bill Turcotte <wturcotte@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, January 9, 2008 1:57 PM CST
To the entire Mead family,We are so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Karen.We met Karen at the U of M in Radiation therapy.She gave Dave a big hug on a day that he really needed it.It had a lasting impression on him.She was an amazing young woman, and you are an amazing family.We will continue to keep you all in our prayers.
Dave and Jenny Hinz <boop54@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, January 9, 2008 9:31 AM CST
Kathy and family,

What a sad day here on earth, but a glorious day in heaven!
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Karen and wanted you to know that I have been praying for your family and will continue to do so during this very difficult time.

Lori Voxland- former JMS teacher <lbvoxland@earthlink.net>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Wednesday, January 9, 2008 7:58 AM CST
The Waterbug Story
By Elaine Tutterrow
Down below the surface of a quiet pond lived a little colony of waterbugs. They were a happy colony, living far away from the sun. For many months they were very busy, scurrying over the soft mud on the bottom of the pond. They did notice that every once in a while one of their colony seemed to lose interest in going about with its friends. Clinging to the stem of a pond lily, it gradually moved out of sight and was seen no more.

"Look!" said one of the water bugs to another, "one of our colony is climbing up the lily stalk. Where do you think she's going?" Up, up, up it slowly went... Even as they watched, the water bug disappeared from sight. Its friends waited and waited but it didn't return...

"That's funny!" said one water bug to another...
"Wasn't she happy here?" asked a second...
"Where do you suppose she went?" wondered a third...
No one had an answer. They were greatly puzzled.

Finally one of the water bugs gathered its friends together. "I have an idea. The next one of us who climbs up the lily stalk must promise to come back and tell us where he or she went and why." "We promise" they said solemnly.

One spring day not long after the very water bug who had suggested the plan found himself climbing up the lily stalk. Up, up, up he went. Before he knew what was happening, he had broken through the surface of the water and fallen into the broad and free lily pad above.

When he awoke, he looked about with surprise. He couldn't believe what he saw. A startling change had come over his old body. His movement revealed four silver wings and a long tail.

Even as he struggled, he felt an impulse to move his wings... The warmth of the sun soon dried the moisture from his new body. He moved his wings again and suddenly found himself above the water.

He had become a dragonfly. Swooping and dipping in great curves, he flew through the air. He felt exhilarated in the new atmosphere.

By and by the new dragonfly landed happily on a lily pad to rest. Then it was that he chanced to look below to the bottom of the pond. Why, he was right above his old friends, the water bugs! There they were scurrying around, just as he had been doing some time before.

Then the dragonfly remembered the promise.
Without thinking, the dragonfly darted down.
Suddenly he hit the surface of the water and bounced away. Now that he was a dragonfly, he could no longer go into the water...

"I can't return!" he said in dismay.
"At least I tried. But I can't keep my promise.
Even if I could go back, not one of the water bugs would know me in my new body.
I guess I'll just have to wait until they become dragonflies too.
Then they'll understand what has happened to me, and where I went."

And the dragonfly winged off happily into its wonderful new world of sun and air...

Dear God, please remember those who have left the pond we live in...and remember me...

Karen...Now, You Fly

Megan Thomas <meg_thomas06@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, January 8, 2008 9:24 PM CST
The Mead Family
There are no words to explain how sorry I am for your loss....you have been and will remain in my thoughts and prayers...
Michelle Herman

Michelle Herman <mteachmath@hotmail.com>
Jackson Middle School, MN USA - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 7:13 PM CST
Miss you and your smile Karen Ann!! You are in a better place now and I hope you are watching over for me. Love You Cuz!
Adam Mead <meada@augsburg.edu>
Saint Francis, MN - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 5:07 PM CST
Jim & Family,

My deepest condolences to all of you. Jim, as I have told you in the past my prayers were with you and I will continue to hold your family in my thoughts.

God Bless you all!

Don Utterback <dutterback@gmail.com>
Crown Point, In - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 2:23 PM CST
Jim, Kathy, James, Laura, Liz & Evvy,
You are a very special family and I am so sorry for your loss. Karen is an inspiration to all of us. God Bless

Jill McKenzie-Svoboda <jill.svoboda@anoka.k12.mn.us>
Maple Grove, MN USA - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 2:18 PM CST
Jim, Kathy, James, Laura, Lizzy & Evie too~
Our hearts feel for your family at this time!!
When we think of your family from years back, we think of all the love you have shown towards each other and everyone around you.
When the Mead's were around, there were always lots of hugs, piggy backs and plenty of smiles.
Kathy, I remember you referred to Karen as your family's angel, long before she became ill.
You are all so blessed to have had Karen. We all are lucky to have known such a sweetheart, and learn from your family's love.
Embrace your loving memories. She will live forever and ever in your hearts.
May God continue to bless the Mead Family.
With loving thoughts,
The Camarata Family

The Camarata Family <camaratamm@aol.com>
Champlin , MN - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 10:47 AM CST
My duaghter Erica Weber had Karen"s mom for a teacher at JMS (I only know mom as Mrs. Mead) and Erica and I were lucky enough to meet Karen and Mrs. Mead at Target on a very rainy day this summer. Erica, I and our family would like to convey our deepest sympathy and our prayers are with your family in there time time of sarrow.
Lisa & Erica Weber <mlweb90@msn.com>
Champlin, Mn USA - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 9:13 AM CST
The strength it must take to say good-bye for now to your Angel, now in Heaven. We all belong to God and on our chosen day we will return to be with Him - free of our Earthly sufferings. I will remember Karen as the bubbly, smiley and positive girl on the softball field! What a Blessing to have been touched by her incredible life! Prayers for strength are with your family and to feel God's Hands as they carry you through these very tough days!

Sandy Delgehausen <delge5@aol.com>
Champlin, Mn USA - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 8:52 AM CST
Mrs. Mead,
The advisors told us today that Karen passed away. We were all very sad to hear the news. You are so great with us middle school kids, so we know that you are a terrific mom! We pray that the smile you brought to school every day comes back to you soon!
Love, Kate Ellena

Katelyn Ellena
Champlin, MN United States - Monday, January 7, 2008 10:17 PM CST
Mead family, Words cannot make yourloss any better, but I,m going to try. You need to remember that we are all God,s children, and are all in his hands. When somebody passes on we mourne, but we should rejoice that they are in a better painfree place.For now it is not goodbye forever, but see you later. Our thoughts and prayers will always be with your whole family
Mike & Teresa Marjama <blastmarco@aol.com>
Ham Lake, MN - Monday, January 7, 2008 8:39 PM CST
To The Mead Family:
My daughter is an 8th Grader at Jackson Middle School, and her teacher told her today about Karen's death. I
just received your card and pictures today Kathy. They
are so beautiful!
I want to share a song with you that has brought me much comfort over the years. I am sorry for your loss, and you will continue to be remembered in my prayers as I make Prayer Shawls for people forever. All your needs are lifted up to God in Heaven. The song is called:
"You Are Mine"
I will come to you in the silence,
I will lift you from all your fear.
You will hear my voice,
I claim you as my choice,
Be still and know I am here.

REFRAIN: Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you each by name.
Come and follow me
I will bring you home;
I love you and you are mine.

I am hope for all who are hopeless,
I am eyes for all who long to see.
In the shadows of the night,
I will be your light,
Come and rest in me.


I am strength for all the despairing,
Healing for the ones who dwell in shame
All the blind will see,
The lame will all run free,
And all will know my name.


I am the Word that leads all to freedom,
I am the peace the world cannot give.
I will call your name,
Embracing all your pain,
Stand up, now walk, and Live!

Do not be afraid I am with you.
I have called you each by name.
Come and follow me
I will bring you home;
I love you and your are mine.

May the Peace of Jesus be with you and may you feel God holding you in the Palm of His Hands.

In Christ's Love and Peace,

Brenda Dubay (friend of Val Carlson)

Brenda Dubay <brenders2000@yahoo.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Monday, January 7, 2008 8:11 PM CST
Jim,Kathy,James,Laura & Elizabeth,
Our hearts are aching deeply for you at this time. Karen is finally at peace in His arms. We pray for strength and healing for all of your family.
The Manselle Family

Carol Manselle <lakesrus@charter.net>
- Monday, January 7, 2008 7:30 PM CST
Dear Mead's,
Sorry to hear of your loss and I'm very sorry I could not be home to say bye. I did not think she would leave so quickly. Karen will stay in my prayers. Much Love!!!

(S)Sgt Timothy Elwood <oldpuddlejumpers@hotmail.com>
Great Falls, MT 59405 - Monday, January 7, 2008 6:21 PM CST
Dear Meads:
I am very sorry for your loss and cannot even imagine what you are going through right now. You and Karen are all in my prayers, along with many others.
God bless you.

Heidi O'Keefe <heidzobabe06@aol.com>
Albertville, mn - Monday, January 7, 2008 5:24 PM CST
Jim,Kathy,James,Laura, Elizabeth- We have just learned of Karens passing. Our hearts ache for all of you as we know this has been an incredible journey. Karen is now forever peaceful, embraced with Gods love. We pray for healing for all of your family. Karen was an extraordinary inspiration! Jim and Kathy, as parents, you are the epitome of strong faith, courage, and endless love as you have traveled this journey. With love and prayerful thoughts, The Coomers
Melissa Coomer <chuck@izoom.net>
- Monday, January 7, 2008 4:48 PM CST
To the entire Mead family,
I am so sorry to hear of Karen's passing. After fighting for so long, she is finally at peace in God's arms. God bless you and please know that you're in our hearts & prayers.

Bethany Steinke/Olson (JMS) <bethanyanne7@hotmail.com>
Edgerton, WI - Monday, January 7, 2008 4:26 PM CST
My heart just breaks for your and your family. Stay strong and know you are in our prayers.
Sherry Tupa <sherry.tupa@medtronic.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Monday, January 7, 2008 4:21 PM CST
I was Karen's advisor. I thought of her and wondered about her this Christmas break. It must have been God's way of letting me know that she would be joining Him soon. I remember Karen's smile, her bravery, and the way she cared about friends and they for her. I'll be praying for you all now as you say good-bye.
Susan Oltman <Susan_Oltman@anokak12.mn.us>
- Monday, January 7, 2008 2:57 PM CST
Meads, I am thinking of each of you and praying that you are finding comfort in one another as well as knowing that Karen is pain free now! Karen, your memory and inspiration will live on in the lives of so many. You are a beautiful angel that now has wings! I love you beauty and Grace says she loves you every night when we pray together!
Tracey Landberg
Nowthen, MN USA - Monday, January 7, 2008 2:09 PM CST
To the Mead family-
My heart goes out to you as you grieve the loss of your beautiful Karen. You are in my thoughts and prayers always.

Brenda Lavik (JMS) <bkarasek@yahoo.com>
Blaine, MN - Monday, January 7, 2008 10:52 AM CST
I know that you are in a better place now, but I am going to miss you so much. You were the strongest, bravest person I knew and whether you knew it or not, you taught me so much about life. I am going to miss our visits.. everytime I saw you, you made my day so much better! Even though your gone, your smile and all the memories I have with you will remain with me forever. Thank you for being such a great friend over the years. I love you Karen!

You raised Karen to be the person she was, and for that, I thank you. She was a loyal friend, and the kindest person I have ever met. You are such an amazing family, I am truley grateful to know you guys. I know these times are hard, but stay strong and know that so many people are here for you. I love you all so much!

Val Stanek <vstan531@yahoo.com>
Plymouth, MN 55442 - Monday, January 7, 2008 10:09 AM CST
Kathy and Family
Our hearts go out to you at this time - it was such a blessing to have known Karen, to witness her strength. How kind of her, how enduring of her, to hold on through the Holidays - so you could have those wonderful last few days of good memories. She was thinking of you and the family until the end. Karen is a person worth admiring. And now she is free of physical limitation. Someday you will join her and then have all of eternity together. All of eternity. The time remaining here on this earth is but a fleeting moment. Be strong. Continue with this life the best you can. Soon and very soon we are going to see the King.
Love always
Larry and Pam Sayler

Larry and Pam Sayler <LPSayler@aol.com>
Brooklyn Park, MN USA - Monday, January 7, 2008 10:07 AM CST
Dear Mead family,

Below are the words apparently written by a Welsh poet, that I read in a book several years ago, called “September” by Rosamunde Pilcher. They continue to be very comforting to me. They reflect what I feel about the death of my parents and others I have loved. These words make it seem as though they’re speaking to me. I hope they will bring some comfort to you as well.

“Death is nothing at all. It does not count. I have only slipped away into the next room. Nothing has happened. Everything remains exactly as it was. I am I, and you are you, and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by the old familiar name. Speak of me in the easy way that you always used. Put no difference into your tone. Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was. There is absolute and unbroken continuity. What is this death but a negligible accident? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well.”
Author is an unknown Welsh poet

My heart and my prayers are with you all. May God bless you and give you peace.

Marie Wagner (Arika's mom) <mariewagner@mtolivet-plymouth.org>
Maple Grove, MN USA - Monday, January 7, 2008 10:01 AM CST
Dear Mead Family,

I am deeply sorry to hear of your loss. I cannot begin to imagine the road that you have walked throughout Karen’s life. Although the death of a loved one is one of the hardest things for those left behind, Karen is with the Lord, where no pain, anger, frustration, fear, or time exists. She is now in a far far better place than we are. I have found some bible verses that have brought me comfort when I have experienced a loss of this kind, and I hope the Lord speaks to your heart, just as he spoke to mine in my time of need.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever."
Psalm 23

I will pray for your healing and comfort.


Kellie Clemmer

Kellie Clemmer <kclemmer@waldenu.edu>
Zimmerman, MN - Monday, January 7, 2008 9:07 AM CST
The Mead Family,
Your family truly is the definition of the word "Family"!! You should be so proud of everything you have done for her and given to her! She was lucky to have you, as we were all so very lucky to be blessed to have her in our lives!! She is such a beautiful girl and she will never be forgotten.

Beth Johnson <beth.johnson@rbcdain.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Monday, January 7, 2008 8:16 AM CST
Dear Mead Family-
Arika Mareck informed me of Karen's passing. I have tears running down my face even though I have never meet Karen. I feel I know her and your family through Arika and this site. Karen was an amazing strong person and know your family is in my prayers.

Nicole Mareck <npmareck@comcast.net>
Plymouth, MN - Monday, January 7, 2008 8:14 AM CST

For Karen:

Hello There Nice Person
Did Anyone Ever Tell You,
Just How Special You Are
The Light that You Emit
Might even Light a Star

Did Anyone Ever Tell You
How Important You Make Others Feel
Somebody out here is Smiling
About Love that is so Real

Good Morning My Dear Friends,
Just had to share this with you, as I thought of Karen when I read it....and of course she knew this!
Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your "family"!
We are truley blessed to have you in our lives.
Until we are together, here is another e-mail hug!!
We love you

Teri & family
Big Stone City , sd - Monday, January 7, 2008 6:12 AM CST
I love you baby girl! I love you!
Deandra <dpensini@gmail.com>
- Monday, January 7, 2008 0:26 AM CST
I know that I have written any entries lately...but it doesn't mean I haven't thought of you guys. I checked on the page daily and always prayed for you.
I know that this is so hard. And I know that nothing I could say or anyone could say could make it any easier.
Your family has been a great inspiration to me. Karen will always inspire to work hard and just try new medical things, because she was always fighting and always willing to do what it took to beat this. I don't know if I can ever convey the effect that she had on me, or even how I make my medical decisions...but it's a huge one! I will think of her spirit all the time.
And your family inspired me because you guys were always there for each other and her..and that's so amazing how you were all able to stick together.
I pray for and think of you often. And I hope that if there is anything I can do, you can let me know.

Trinayani Christiansen <liltt02@hotmail.com>
Saint Paul, MN USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 11:35 PM CST
im sorry it had to end like this. Thank you for coming up to me in sixth grade and being the first of few to talk to me that year. when you introduced yourself, i knew that you were the sweetest girl i have ever met, and this is true til' this day, your smile lighted up everyones life around you, You are the strongest woman i know and you will always be in my thoughts and prayers.

Joe Hansen <Joseph_lamoine@charter.net>
Elk River, MN United States - Sunday, January 6, 2008 11:07 PM CST
I could write a book on what a wonderful, amazing person Karen was.. She, i believe, is the closest that i will ever come to meeting an angel...I love you Karen thank you for being a part of my life, you will always be in my thoughts and prayers as the most wonderful woman i have met..

emma peterson <emmalyne_peterson@yahoo.com>
champlin , mn united states - Sunday, January 6, 2008 10:49 PM CST
It hasn't even been a day that you are gone and I already miss you more than you know. I had read the website this morning about the update Friday and kind of had a feeling. No more than half an hour later your dad called. It's going to be weird not making a visit 'to see Karen' anymore. Don't worry, I'll still be making trips to your house though. I feel like there is so much to say but I don't know where to start. You have been an amazing friend to me and there is no way I could have ever repaid you for it. Like my mom has said to me, we were friends that just knew. We never had to say anything to each other to know what the other was thinking. Thank you for all the times we had together, they are forever memories; and for the birthday present this last year. The angels are on my dresser :) But now I have another angel, and I look forward to seeing you again someday. I love you.
Jim, Kathy, James, Laura, Evvy and Liz,
You guys have been nothing short of amazing, and like we were a second family to Karen, you have always been a second family to me. You guys mean so much to me and the rest of my family. You have all been in my prayers for so long now, and you continue to be. May you find some comfort in knowing that Karen is in a place without pain now, and that she touched so many lives in ways you will never know. Thank you so much for everything and know that I am (as well as the rest of my family) here for anything you need. I love you guys.

Whitney Plumedahl <plwh0601@stcloudstate.edu>
Champlin, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 10:42 PM CST
Mead Family,

It seems like forever since I was able to see Karen's smiling face. It was the summer after Evelyn was born, and I finally got to come and visit with both her and Laura. She was an amazing person, and I am so greatful to have had her in my life. My prayers are with you and your family through this hard time, and I am sure that Karen is smiling that beautiful smile down on us all.

Prayers and Love,

Mandy Graske

Mandy Graske <aegraske@stthomas.edu>
Champlin, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 10:39 PM CST
As I sat tonight, feeling sad for my dear friends, Mark and Lisa Osen, a woman on the show I was watching caught my attention by reciting part of a poem by Mary Frye. I thought I would write it down here. God bless Karen and her family.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sun on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn rain.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there, I did not die.

Jenny Swenson <swenson5@charter.net>
LAKEVILLE, - Sunday, January 6, 2008 10:11 PM CST
Mead Family-
I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of all of you during this difficult time. I hope you find comfort in the memories you have with Karen and I know she is in a better place-free of pain. Your family is a huge inspiration to so many people including me. I am so sorry for your loss.
Love, Melissa Arnfelt (Deandra's friend)

Melissa Arnfelt <arnfe007@umn.edu>
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 10:05 PM CST
Karen, you sweet and beautiful angel, in the short time I've known you you have held your head up and been so brave. I will never forget you.

Kathy I have never seen such true love between a mother and a daughter. You and your family are true heroes.

To all of the Mead Family, I can't imagine your pain right now. I wish I could express how I feel for you but I just can't. I am praying for all of you. God Bless You.

Angie Brucker <abrucker28@msn.com>
New Brighton, MN USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 9:47 PM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Elizabeth Burda and Family
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 9:38 PM CST
Life had so restricted you
your spirit is now free
to go explore the universe
for all eternity.

We'll all miss you so much Karen. Peace and Love Meads.

Megan Peterson <meganreneepeterson@gmail.com>
Big Lake, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 8:46 PM CST
My dear friends - Kathy and Jim, and your dear children James, Laura, and Liz . . . hearing the painful news of Karen's passing today I immediately thought of this song by Chris Rice - I know all of you have heard it - lyrics to follow.
I do believe as Sandy G stated that Karen knew her time. I am so glad that you were all together over the holidays, and I do believe she flew into Jesus's loving arms. I pray for unimaginable strength for all of you in the days to come - that you will feel the warmth of God's love and presence. Karen is now home and finally at peace.

Weak and wounded sinner
Lost and left to die
O, raise your head for Love is passing by

Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus and live

Now your burden's lifted
And carried far away
And precious blood has washed away the stain

Sing to Jesus
Sing to Jesus
Sing to Jesus and live

And like a newborn baby
Don't be afraid to crawl
And remember when you walk sometimes we fall

Fall on Jesus
Fall on Jesus
Fall on Jesus and live

Sometimes the way is lonely
And steep and filled with pain
So if your sky is dark and pours the rain

Cry to Jesus
Cry to Jesus
Cry to Jesus and live

O, and when the love spills over
And music fills the night
And when you can't contain your joy inside

Dance for Jesus
Dance for Jesus
Dance for Jesus and live

And with your final heartbeat
Kiss the world goodbye
Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side

Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus and live

Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus and live!

Always your teammate -


Ruth K. <ruth_kroonblawd@yahoo.com>
Champlin, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 8:44 PM CST
I don't have the words right now, but I sure do have the tears! I love you all so very much. Hugs and kisses from our house to yours.
Audrey <audrey.french@milaca.k12.mn.us>
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 8:34 PM CST
I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to your family in this hard time. Karen was a great person..God has gained one amazing angel in her.
Love, Lindsey

Lindsey Rasmussen <lindz2785@hotmail.com>
Andover, MN USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 8:30 PM CST
Fly free and strong, Karen. I love you.

To Kathy, Jim, James, Laura, Evie, and Liz,
I pray that your family will be able to feel the loving arms of God wrapped around you during the very difficult time ahead. May you feel love and peace even in the midst of the pain. I love you all.


Linda Schiesl <llschiesl@aol.com>
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 7:38 PM CST
Jim, Kathy, James, Laura and Liz,
I am so sorry for your loss. Karen will be deeply missed by so many.
I pray for comfort for your entire family. May God Bless you all.

Christine Walytka <cwalytka@hotmail.com>
Coon Rapids, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 7:34 PM CST
As I heard about Karen passing I felt a sense of relief for Karen. I knew she is finally at rest and peace. I pray that during this time you too will find rest and peace. You are all in my thoughts a prayers. I cannot be blessed more than to have Karen and your family as an inspiration.

Love always,

Jennifer Ruffing <scruffyruffy44@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 7:26 PM CST
The Mead Family - Our Hearts and Prays go out to you in this time of sorrow, Karen is now in a much better place in God's arms. Where she no longer has pain and suffering of her earthly body. I am sure she is looking down on all of you with much love and tenderness for all the care you have given her.
Just know that you continue to be in everyones prayers in these days that follow. Our son also has Osteosarcoma of the pelvis and even though they say he is cancer free for the moment. The fear that it will return or come back is a endless daily thing. Godspeed. The Reamers

Jill Reamer <jjanr@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 7:21 PM CST
Kathy and family,
We're praying God will give you strength during this difficult time. We're so sorry for your loss.

Cindy and Marty <heilm03@comcast.net>
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 7:14 PM CST
Our family is so sorry for your loss. May the Lord guide you through this time and hold you close to Him. We will continue to keep your family in our prayers.
Love the Johnson's
Sarah (from JMS), Mike, Olive and Graham

Sarah Johnson <sarahj.johnson@anoka.k12.mn.us>
Andover, MN Anoka - Sunday, January 6, 2008 6:27 PM CST
Karen Annie *BB sista* *captain coconut*
Im so sad you are gone but i know your in a better place. i love you with all my heart and miss you everyday. thanks for being such a great friend and i will never forget all the great times we've had. your the strongest women i've ever known. i love you.
Mead family,
im so sorry for your loss. karen was such an awesome girl and i know she'll be watching over all of you. i love you all so very much, and thanks for everything in the last 8 years or so. she was such a blessing to my life, thank you for that.

Jenni Engh <enghx020@d.umn.edu>
duluth, - Sunday, January 6, 2008 6:24 PM CST
With love and a prayerful spirt we wish all of the Mead family comfort and peace.

Psalm 73:26
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Rob and Cheryl Voss <birdfolder@gmail.com>
Des Moines, Ia USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 6:19 PM CST
I am sorry to see Karen go, but I am glad she is at peace. Amidst this sorrow, I am overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude. Your family's inclusion of us in this journey is a great gift. By sharing the trials and tribulations of the past nearly five years, you've allowed us to be changed in a deep and personal way. We can't thank you enough.

Looking back and noticing the entry where you told us about Jon and his family naming a star Karen Ann, I am reminded of a poem inspired by an Eskimo legend:

Perhaps they are not the stars,
But rather openings in heaven
Where the love of our lost ones
Pours through and shines down upon us
To let us know they are happy.

There's a bright star shining through my window right now, and I know Karen is happy.

Julie Blaha <julieblaha@aol.com>
Ramsey, MN USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 6:15 PM CST
At church this morning I turned in a (another) prayer request for Karen, and your whole family, Kathy. I asked for strength, comfort, and peace for all of you. Soon after we got home we got word from Tom Sullivan about Karen's passing. I know she is in such a GLORIOUS place now and all her pain and suffering have ended. I know she is with Jesus, and He is holding her in his loving arms. It's just that I wish I could express my deepest sorrow for you all and all you have gone through, and I'm sending all my love (and hugs) and prayers for today and a LONG time to come. I'll be in touch and will be helping you in the days and weeks ahead. All our love and prayers. Bev, Jim and family
Bev Davis <bev.davis@anoka.k12.mn.us>
Brooklyn Park, MN USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 6:09 PM CST
I love you Karen Ann. I'm sorry you had to go through all of this. You were always so strong through all of the struggles. I hope you have found peace. I guess this just goes to show that life is not fair, and our time on earth is never a guarantee. As for the rest of my family, I love you all. Hope you're watching over us girl. xoxo.

Jenna <meadj@augsburg.edu>
Minneapolis, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 6:01 PM CST
you were one of the best friends anyone could ever ask for. thank you so much for allowing me to have you in my life. i love you so much. i know you're up there watching over us all, and i couldn't have asked for a better angel. i love you forever captain coconut.

majken carlson <carl2405@d.umn.edu>
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 5:42 PM CST
By John R.W. Stott-
I could never myself believe in God, if it were not for the cross...In the real world of pain, how could one worship a God who was immune to it? I have entered many Buddhist temples in different Asian countries and stood respectfully before the statue of Buddha, his legs crossed, arms folded, eyes closed, the ghost of a smile playing round his mouth, a remote look on his face, detached from the agonies of the world. But each time after a while I have had to turn away. And in imagination I have turned instead to that longely, twisted, tortured figure on the cross, nails through hands and feet, back lacerated, limbs wrenched, brow bleeding from thorn-pricks, mouth dry and intolerably thirsty, plunged in God-forsaken darkness. That is the God for me! He laid aside his immunity to pain. He entered our world of flesh and blood, tears and death. He suffered for us. Our sufferings become more manageable in light of his. There is still a question mark against human sufferings, but over it we boldly stamp another mark, the cross which symbolizes divine suffering. The cross of Christ is God's only self-justification in such a world' as ours.

Lots of love...

Julie Campion <julie.campion@anoka.k12.mn.us>
Ramsey, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 4:54 PM CST
As Kaley and I left yesterday, she looked at me with tears coming down her cheek and said, "Mom, why does something like this have to happen to such a nice family?" I didn't have an answer for her, and have wondered the same thing. But I do know Jesus loves Karen and each of you, and has you in His care.

A song that has given me comfort was written by Kim Noblitt, "If You Could See Me Now."

"Our prayers have all been answered
I've finally arrived.
The healing that had been delayed
Has now been realized.
No one's in a hurry,
There's no schedule to keep
We're all enjoying Jesus,
Just sitting at His feet.

If you could see me now
I'm walking streets of gold.
If you could see me now
I'm standing tall and whole.
If you could see me now
You'd know I'd seen His face.
If you could see me now
You'd know the pain's erased.

You wouldn't want me to ever leave this place.
If you could only see me now.

My light and temporary trials
Have worked out for my good.
To know it brought Him glory
When I misunderstood.
Though we've had our sorrows
They can never compare
What Jesus has in store for us
No language can share.

If you could see me now
I'm walking streets of gold.
If you could see me now
I'm standing tall and whole.
If you could see me now
You'd know I'd seen His face.
If you could see me now
You'd know the pain's erased.

You wouldn't want me to ever leave this place.
If you could only see me now."

We never want our loved ones to leave us, but knowing they are in a perfect place with no pain or limitations, and more love than we can imagine, is comforting. You're in my thoughts and prayers! You are an amazing, special family.

Amanda Herman
Champlin, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 4:32 PM CST
It has taken me awhile to compose myself before I made an entry. Karen, Craig & I were so glad to have spent some time with you yesterday. Kathy & Jim, thank you for your unselfishness, by letting us have some of that precious time. Heaven has certainly gained a wonderful asset. I know Karen is already taking on the social calendar, and making sure no one is left out. She was always so thoughtful and mindful of others. Kathy&Jim, you must be so proud. Not just of Karen, but James, Laura, Liz & Evvy. Just remember they are a reflection of the way they were raised. I've said it before and will say it again, we are so proud to be considered your friends. Love Rosie & Craig
Rosie Storie <vangaga@hotmail.com>
zimmerman, mn USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 4:25 PM CST
Hey Liitle Girlie,
I love you and you were such a gift to our family. Thank you for sharing your life and your family with us. Till we meet again...

Julie Plumedahl & family <julieplumedahl@edinarealty.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 4:01 PM CST

The next place that I go
will be as peaceful and familiar
as a sleepy summer Sunday
and a sweet, untroubled mind.
And yet…
it won’t be anything like any place I’ve ever been…
or seen…
Or even dreamed of in the place I leave behind.
I won’t know where I’m going,
and I won’t know where I’ve been
as I tumble through the always
And look back toward the when.
I’ll glide beyond the rainbows.
I’ll drift above the sky.
I’ll fly into the wonder,
without ever wondering why.
I won’t remember getting there
Somehow I’ll just arrive.
But I’ll know that I belong there
and will feel much more alive
Than I have ever felt before.
I will be absolutely free of the things that I held onto
That were holding onto me.

The next place that I go
Will be so quiet and so still
That the whispered song of sweet belonging
will rise up to fill the listening sky
with joyful silence,
and with unheard harmonies
of music made by no one playing,
like a hush upon a breeze.
There will be no room for darkness in that place of living light,
where an ever-dawning morning pushes back the dying night.
The very air will fill with brilliance,
as the brightly shining sun
and the moon and half a million stars are married into one.

The next place that I go
won’t really be a place at all.
There won’t be any seasons-winter, summer, spring or fall-
Nor a Monday,
Nor a Friday,
Nor December,
Nor July.
And the seconds will be standing still…
while hours hurry by.
I will not be a boy
or girl,
a woman
or a man.
I’ll simply be just, simply, me.
No worse or better than.
My skin will not be dark
or light.
I won’t be fat
or tall.
The body I once lived in won’t be part of me at all.

I will finally be perfect.

I will be without a flaw.
I will never make one more mistake,
or break the smallest law.
And the me that was impatient,
or was angry,
or unkind,
will simply be a memory.
The me I left behind.
I will travel empty-handed.
There is not a single thing
I have collected in my life that I would want to bring
The love of those who loved me,
And the warmth of those who cared.
The happiness and memories
and the magic that we shared.
Though I will know the joy of solitude…
I’ll never be alone.
I’ll be embraced
by all the family and friends
I’ve ever known.
Although I’ might not see their faces,
All our hearts will beat as one,
and the circle or our spirits
Will shine brighter than the sun.
I will cherish all the friendship
that I was fortunate to find,
All the love and all the laughter in the place I leave behind.
All these good things will go with me.
They will make my spirit glow.
And that light will shine forever
In the next place that I go.

~Warren Hanson~

My heart goes out to all of you during this difficult time. You're in my thoughts and prayers. She is finally free...

Megan Thomas <meg_thomas06@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 3:35 PM CST
Heaven has gained an AWESOME angel!
Lorrie Roff <ashutterbabe@yahoo.com>
Champlin, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 3:34 PM CST
Our prayers for Karen's comfort are answered, praise God. Karen's beautiful spirit will stay with us, especially with you who she loved the most, her family. I'll keep you in my prayers. There are no words for all the feelings.
love Val

valerie carlson <vali17@comcast.net>
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 3:33 PM CST
The journey your family has, and is facing, is tremdous. Let God hold your hands, spirts, and hearts to guide you through this. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
The Erlandsons

Mandy Erlandson <muss0021@hotmail.com>
Ramsey, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 3:19 PM CST
After Church today, Zachary wanted to light a candle for Karen and your family. How did he know?:) The miracle Karen has blessed us all with--How would we all have recognized HIS presence in the littlest moments these past years? Been thankful for some of the most insignificant details? Would we have come together with visits and tokens of love for our family and friends without Karen's miracle in our lives? She has left behind so many wonderful blessings, and yet we recognize that she was the biggest blessing of all. Karen, you will be thought of daily by many, reminding us to hug our kids a little tighter, and to treasure every moment--even the not-so-good ones, as a blessing that we are together as family and friends.
God bless the Mead family--a true inspiration of faith, hope, and love for us all!

Cindy Palm
Jackson Middle School, - Sunday, January 6, 2008 3:18 PM CST
Dear Mead Family,
I'm thinking of you all & keeping you in my prayers. I remember Karen as always being such a happy person & I would love running into her at local stores and just stopping to chat for the bit we saw each other. Please let me know if there is anything I can do, I'm just a phone call away.

Amanda Squire & Family
Champlin, MN USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 3:18 PM CST
One night I dreamed I was walking
Along the Beach with the Lord

Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.

Sometimes there were two sets of footprints
Other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because i noticed that
During the low periods of my life when i was

Suffering from anguish, sorrow, or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints

So I said to the Lord "you ptomised me,
Lord, that if i followed You,
You would walk with me always.

But I noticed that during the most trying periods
Of my life there have only been
One set of prints in the sand

Why, When i have needed you most,
You have not been there for me?

The lord replied
The times when you have been only one set of footprints
Is when i carried you.

We were soooo sad to hear of Karen's passing =(
There is comfort knowing that she is pain free & with Jesus.
You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!

Kaley & Aaron Herman
champlin, mn USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 3:05 PM CST

It was difficult to hear the sad news that Karen Ann is no longer with you. Although we are relieved to know that she is no longer suffering, we will miss her terribly. We are praying that the Lord will surround you with his love and that his presence will fill you with peace.

Much love and lots of hugs from the Kauma and Cox familes.

"For I the Lord God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, 'Fear not; I will help thee.'" Isaiah 41:13

The Kauma & Cox Families <lkauma@hotmail.com>
Coon Rapids, MN USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 2:49 PM CST
To the incredible Mead family......

I do think that Karen had this planned out for quite a while.....she was going to celebrate her 21st brithday......she was going to have another Christmas and New Years.....and then she was going to leave so she can now watch over her family and friends from above in peace and with the heavenly Father.....

"Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing......
And when you have reached the mountain top, then shall you begin to climb.....
And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance."
Kahil Gibran

May God's presence be in your hearts as you grieve but at the same time rejoice for your beloved Karen.......

Sandy Gutzwiller <sandy_gutzwiller@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Park, MN USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 1:59 PM CST
Dear Karen,
Although you are with God, I know you can hear me now. This morning at church, the song "Shine on Us" was performed. The last time I heard this was at my wedding when my dad and uncle sang this. At that time, I was working at Advent -- the place where we met. You were at my wedding. You looked radiant. That is how I will ALWAYS remember you. You are the world to me. You always will be. The song says, "Lord, shine your light on us. In our darkest night, shine on us. Lord, shine your grace on us. Lord, shine your love on us."
I love you all. I am so, so sorry.

Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
Chanhassen, - Sunday, January 6, 2008 1:48 PM CST
He Only Takes the Best

God saw she was getting tired
And a cure was not meant to be,
So He put His arms around her
And whispered, “Come with me.”
With tear filled eyes we watched her
Suffer and fade away.
Although we loved her dearly,
We could not make her stay.
A golden heart stopped beating,
Hard-working hands laid to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us…
He only takes the best.
- author unknown-

We are so sorry! Your family continues to be in our thoughts and prayers. Know that lots of us are here for you to lean on during this time!

Melissa Schad <KMSCHAD@msn.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 1:38 PM CST
Fly away, fly away little girl. Fly high and soar with the eagles. You're free. We shall miss you dearly. Our love and deepest sympathy to the family for their loss. We love you and you did 'hang in there'. Peace now. You are at peace.
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 1:25 PM CST
Mead Family, I am praying for the unknown strength it must take to continue this journey. I cannot express how sorry I am for the loss of someone so beautiful on the inside and out! My prayers will continue.
Kesti <kkesti@comcast.net>
Blaine, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 1:20 PM CST
Dear Karen, I am thankful to God that you are free of the earthly pain you have been enduring for so long. I can see you smiling down on us through the sunshine that is coming through my front window. May God hold Jim, Kathy, James, Laura, Liz and Evelyn in his hands and bring them peace and comfort during their grief as well as all of Karen's extended family. You are all a example of grace and beauty. Please know that each of you are in my thoughts and prayers! May God bless each of you. Love, Tracey
Tracey Landberg <landberg4@mac.com>
Nowthen, MN USA - Sunday, January 6, 2008 1:14 PM CST
Dear Karen,
Although you are with God, I know you can hear me now. This morning at church, the song "Shine on Us" was performed. The last time I heard this was at my wedding when my dad and uncle sang this. At that time, I was working at Advent -- the place where we met. You were at my wedding. You looked radiant. That is how I will ALWAYS remember you. You are the world to me. You always will be. The song says, "Lord, shine your light on us. In our darkest night, shine on us. Lord, shine your grace on us. Lord, shine your love on us."
I love you all. I am so, so sorry.

Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
Chanhassen, - Sunday, January 6, 2008 1:04 PM CST
Love, Prayers, & Peace to our Karen Ann and Family. We are so with you in spirit today. See you soon!
All our love,

MaryKay, Bob, & Megan <mrykys@yahoo.com>
Vineland, NJ - Sunday, January 6, 2008 12:55 AM CST
Mead Family and Friends,

My prayers are with you. This was a hard journey for all of you. Lean on your family and friends now. We are all here to help you get through the next part. God Bless you!

Deidre Hoffman <ghoff76037@comcast.net>
Champlin, MN 55316 - Sunday, January 6, 2008 12:53 AM CST
Goodbye Sweet Karen!
While I'm ecstatic that you are finally free of pain, I am so sad that you had to leave here to accomplish that!
I am keeping you in my prayers, as well as your wonderful family! Love, Sharon

Sharon Bray <moibray@juno.com>
Brooklyn Park, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 12:28 AM CST
Love to you!!! God Bless you Karen.
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 12:28 AM CST
Words cannot describe the sadness we all feel. Karen is a shining star!
Bunde Family <denise.bunde@anoka.k12..mn.us>
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 12:16 AM CST
I'm praying for you all. Much love.
Julie Campion <julie.campion@anoka.k12.mn.us>
Champlin, MN - Sunday, January 6, 2008 12:03 AM CST
Can't stop thinking about you all...
Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, January 6, 2008 1:36 AM CST
I am thinking of you and your entire family all the time.

Trinayani Christiansen <liltt02@hotmail.com>
Saint Paul , MN usa - Sunday, January 6, 2008 0:06 AM CST
I am so sad to read your last entry....know that we are all praying for Karen and for your family. You guys are in our thoughts daily! Sending you lots of love! I'd love to come by and visit, but we have the "awful crud" going around our house...... So, I'll send you a *HUG* here! :) Lots of love...

Melissa Schad <KMSCHAD@msn.com>
Champlin, MN USA - Saturday, January 5, 2008 10:51 PM CST
We are praying for you with all of our hearts. We send you love and wish we could help ease things for you. I wish I knew what else to say.
Lisa Osen and Family
- Saturday, January 5, 2008 9:16 PM CST
Kathy and family,
I just read your latest update and I cannot imagine the heartbreak you all are feeling. May your love and trust in God help you during this difficult time. You have been and will continue to be in my prayers. God Bless.
Cindy Block

Cindy Block <cjblock@comcast.net>
Coon Rapids, MN USA - Saturday, January 5, 2008 8:15 PM CST
Hi Mead Family, I just learned of the awful tragidy that has struck your family, I am sorry I did not know. Anyway , thankfully , I met Denise Bunde, but as the Lord works in many ways I was told of this, I am so sorry for what has happened and will pray for piece and comfort for Karen and strength,piece and comfort for all of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Kitty Skoog

Kitty Skoog <kittenr@comcast.net>
Champlin, Mn USA - Saturday, January 5, 2008 7:11 PM CST
Hello to you all,
Just saying Hi and letting you know you are loved.
Karen Coddington

Karen Coddington <karencoddington@adventlutheran.com>
Maple Grove, MN USA - Saturday, January 5, 2008 5:58 PM CST
Dear Mead Family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you all ....
Merilee Jahnke

Merilee Jahnke <maj4kids@aol.com>
Toledo, OH - Saturday, January 5, 2008 4:42 PM CST
Karen and Family - I'm a friend of Arika Mareck's and am keeping you all in my prayers during this diffcult time. Blessings and Love,
Erin Hall-Westfall

Erin Hall-Westfall <erinjhall@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, January 5, 2008 2:55 PM CST
I am so saddened by the latest news. I wish that I was an eloquent writer. If I was, I would surround all of you with words that would strengthen, comfort, and bring peace. Words fail me now, but know that my heart and soul are with you in this journey. I pray that God will give each of you exactly what you need in each moment.
Love, Linda

Linda Schiesl <llschiesl@aol.com>
- Saturday, January 5, 2008 11:17 AM CST
We are deeply saddened with the news of Karen. Our hearts go out to you and your family.
Wade Lennox Family <wclennox@izoom.net>
- Saturday, January 5, 2008 10:39 AM CST
Hi Mead family - Like I've said to you many times Kathy, I wish I had words to make you feel better. I think of your family often and you are all in my prayers! I pray for peace and comfort for Karen and your family. Amanda
Amanda Herman
Champlin, MN - Saturday, January 5, 2008 10:16 AM CST
Sending love and prayers to the Mead family and to sweet, wonderful Karen. May God grant comfort and peace to all of you.
Melissa Noble
Medina, MN - Saturday, January 5, 2008 10:06 AM CST
Hi Karen,

I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles and I am praying for your peace and comfort. I think it's absolutely wonderful to know that the newly named Karen Ann Star will continue to shine forever.

I saw you the other day when you came to the Pain Clinic with your dad and you do look more comfortable so I was happy to see that.

My mom and I talk about you daily and are praying for you and your family. God bless all of you!

Angie Brucker <abrucker28@msn.com>
- Saturday, January 5, 2008 9:57 AM CST
Dear Karen and the Mead family,
Thank you for having Cullen and me over on Thursday. It was so nice to see you and to be with Karen. I feel so fortunate to have visited with her and been able to hold her hand and tell her how much I love her. I know I don't need to tell you, but Karen is my angel. She has been a source of inspiration, strength, and courage. (Since day one -- she was this way before anything bad happened to her.)
I love you all. I am always here for you. You are in my thoughts, prayers, and dreams.
Arika (Cullen and Brent, too)

Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
Chanhassen, - Saturday, January 5, 2008 9:55 AM CST
After reading your mom's newest update from last night, I don't know what to say, and so I'll just send a big hug ((((((((((Karen)))))))))) to you from me.
You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers - take care sweet girl. Love, Sharon

Sharon Bray <moibray@juno.com>
Brooklyn Park, MN - Saturday, January 5, 2008 9:16 AM CST
The last entry is heartbreaking. I pray for peace and comfort for your entire family. Please give Karen a kiss from me.
Christine Walytka <cwalytka@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, January 5, 2008 8:03 AM CST
Hi Karen,
I hope your journey to the U yesterday went well. It sounds like you got to travel there in style? :--) Were you up to doing any visiting up on 5B?
It's nice to read that the new med is helping with your pain, but I'm sorry to hear about the side effects! Geez, if someone could just invent a good pain med without major side effects!
I hope your weekend is wonderful...Love, Sharon

Sharon Bray <moibray@juno.com>
Brooklyn Park, MN - Friday, January 4, 2008 12:42 AM CST
Sorry I haven't called, but it was bedlam Christmas Eve and been too busy for words since, but my thoughts & prayers continue to be with you always. We love ya, you little nipper snapper. Snap to it. Love/hugs/kisses to each and everyone of you. Glad Christmas and New Years was good to you too. Love always...Auntie & Uncle Stan
Auntie Illa Rae & Uncle Stan <stan_illa@wavecable.com>
Camano Island, WA USA - Thursday, January 3, 2008 7:08 PM CST
Happy New Year! Glad to read an update from you! It's so nice to have extra time off this year from school! The coolest thing at our house (next to babysitting Gaborik, and watching him learn to walk) has been watching the deer feed in our back yard. We know they come around, but we haven't seen them in broad daylight before. Take care. Love from the Heilman house!
Cindy Heilman <heilm03@comcast.net>
- Thursday, January 3, 2008 11:11 AM CST
Thanks for the update Kathy! We love you so very, very much!! May God bless all of you!

The Osens
- Thursday, January 3, 2008 9:40 AM CST
Great to hear you got the "Costco Food Packager" - you'll find it just pays for itself. I added the "Coborn's Deli Bucket-er" and the "Cub Foods Shrink Wrapper" to my kitchen and now I'm quite the chef.

Happy New Year!

Julie Blaha <julieblaha@aol.com>
Ramsey, MN - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 9:43 PM CST
Thanks for the update! Glad to hear that so many of the family could get together over the holidays to celebrate the season and Karen. Hope you are all staying warm! As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers. See you soon.

Alishia Roff <alishiaroff@gmail.com>
Plymouth, MN - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 8:51 PM CST
Hi Meads!
It is so nice to get the updates on Karen. As you know, she is such a special part of my life. Please know that Brent, Cullen, and I (and so many others) love you and pray for you.

Arika Mareck <arikamareck@hotmail.com>
Chanhassen, MN - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 6:26 PM CST
Thanks for the update. We thought about you often during the holidays; knowing you would find a way to fill your house with joy, peace, and love. As always, we're wishing you the best.
Wade Lennox Family <wclennox@izoom.net>
Mora, - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 5:13 PM CST
Dear Meads,
Sending you love!
Karen Coddington

Karen Coddington <karencoddington@adventlutheran.com>
Maple Grove, MN USA - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 5:03 PM CST
Hi Meads!
Thank you for the update Kathy...I look at the webpage everyday just to see Karen's picture! I am glad to hear that your family had a nice holiday. I am impressed that James bought gifts from Karen also. He is such a gentleman...give him a big hug from me! I am thinking of you all and praying for comfort for Karen!

Christine Walytka <cwalytka@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, January 2, 2008 3:02 PM CST
Hi Karen, Just wanted to send lots of hugs and kisses your way. It was so good to see over Christmas!! We're thinking of you every minute. Kasey and Stu
KASEY AND STU RUUD <stukayr@comcast.net>
BROOKLYN PARK, mn usa - Wednesday, January 2, 2008 10:19 AM CST
Happy New Year to the Mead's......

it is a bit chilly outside today so will be curling up with the latest Patricia Cornwell book - she is one of my favorite authors.....i have all of her books.....

i hope you had a wonderful Christmas - if i remember correctly, you were having like 25 people over on Christmas eve......you are much braver than i am!.......

i would like to stop by sometime next week - i hope that will fit into your schedule......i will be sure to call before i come.......

stay warm.......always......sandy

sandy gutzwiller <sandy_gutzwiller@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Park, MN USA - Tuesday, January 1, 2008 2:45 PM CST
Hi Mrs. Mead!
I hope you had a GREAT Christmas and a Happy New Year!! I miss you at school! We had a lot of fun at the Guthrie! We continue to keep your daughter and family in our prayers! Love, Kate Ellena and Family

Katelyn Ellena <nlkse@yahoo.com>
Champlin, MN United States - Tuesday, January 1, 2008 2:27 AM CST

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