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I just want you to know that I visited Charlie's memorial page today. What a beautiful little boy. I am so sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing your story. God Bless Charlie and all his family. May you all find comfort in keeping his memory alive. Many blessings.
just passing bye
Pa. usa - Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:00 PM CST
Didn't find out about Charlie's page till now but want to say I am sorry but you know where he is now (in Jesus arms). No more suffering and pain but lots of wonderful memories that you can hang on to and appreciate what God has done for you all. We serve an awesome God, one who cares about us and gives us strength to go on. Keep the faith and I am sorry to learn of your great loss. Evelyn
Evelyn M. George <evelyngeorge28@peoplepc.com>
York, SC USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 8:19 PM CST
What a beautiful boy God Blessed you with. Thank you for sharing your story. Stand strong in his loving memory. God Bless your family.
Merry Howard <jingles2445@hotmail.com>
Watkinsville, GA USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:24 AM CST
God blessed you with a precious angel!! Thank you for sharing your story!!! Charlie will always be with each and everyone who believes!!!!
Adrienne Fox <adriennef1979@yahoo.com>
Jacksonville, Al USA - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 6:24 PM CST
To baby Charlie in heaven with the angels!
Sandra Warren <warrenclan2001@msn.com>
Vacaville, Ca USA - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 9:05 AM CST
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep celebrating Charlie!
Dawn Nolan <dawnnolan97@hotmail.com>
Punta Gorda, FL - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 12:02 AM CST
What a beautiful blessing you had in Charlie. In your journal it shows the purpose of his short but wonderful visit here on earth. God has a purpose for everyones life and Charlies it seems was to bring your family closer together and closer to God. A little angel smiles upon you, watches over you and remains in your hearts forever. God Bless you for sharing Charlie. He is a blessing to many others as well. He sure has touched my heart. May the Lord be with you and yours, Kathy
Kathy Paden <cedarcalm@yahoo.com>
Hillsboro, TX USA - Saturday, December 23, 2006 10:08 PM CST
I have 3 sons they are all so special to me and you now have a special little angel in heaven watching over you and your family. My heart goes out to you and your family during this christmas season best wishes
Jody Anderson Allison
Dahlonega, Ga united states - Saturday, December 23, 2006 9:47 PM CST
i am so sorry i lost a 4 month old.
sara dye <dogs13@aol.com>
- Saturday, December 23, 2006 3:24 PM CST
I also have lost a child and my heart goes out to you for your tremendous loss. Our 13 year old daughter died in a car accident on Dec. 29, 1999 due to black ice. Her 16 yr old brother was driving. We look forward to seeing her again in heaven. God's promises get us through. God Bless!
Tammy Crowe <crowebar79@hotmail.com>
Keyser, WV US - Friday, December 22, 2006 11:55 PM CST
I just read your journal and I am so sorry for your loss. charlie was a beautiful little boy and I know he is watching over you from heaven. My parents also lost a baby when he was only a month old,he had kidney problems and was on machines his whole short life. he is my angel who watches over me the way Charlie is for you all.
Catherine <cgbuffa80@gmail.com>
Covington, La united states - Friday, December 22, 2006 8:16 PM CST
I may only be 13 but I know your loss. I lost my dad when I was 3. I've learned that is what god wanted and you will too. It is such a big loss I know, but everyone lives through it. Even Charlie as long as he is in your hearts, he also will live life you wanted him to have. Only he will live it in heaven.
Elizabeth Butcher
- Friday, December 22, 2006 7:15 AM CST
God Bless you and your little angel in heaven. I'm so sorry for your loss. The impact Charlie has made on your lives will be embedded forever, and because of that he will continue to live on in your hearts and minds. His story is very touching. I wish your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...
Jodie Abdou <abdoujd@moffitt.usf.edu>
Land O Lakes, FL - Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:06 PM CST
I just read the story about Charlie; I'm so sorry for your loss. Charlie was and still is a beautiful child; a little Angel! God Bless you and know that your little Angel is always watching over you!
Maryville, TN US - Thursday, December 21, 2006 7:54 AM CST
I just read your story, and am sorry to hear of your loss. He was such a cute little boy!! I check the caring bridge site quite frequently, due to friends of mine have a daughter who is battling cancer. You may have heard of her, her name is Kate Hrischuk, if you have not could you please add her to your prayer list. Again your Charlie Bear was a real cutie and I am truly sorry for your loss, but always remember he is with God and will always be taken care of.
Chris Stock <christinstock06@comcast.net>
Pontiac, Mi Oakland - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:46 AM CST
I just read the story about Charlie and was very touch by it. I had tears in my eyes and since I have a little girl who is 15 months, I can't imagine how hard it must of been for you parents. But, I am sure he is around you each and every day looking over you.
My husband is Cistic Fybrosis and many times I do worry about him passing and leaving me and my daughter. Right now he is doing well, but you never know when things will start to go wrong. Just reading your story, I feel that I should probably start a site for my familly also. Thank you so much for sharing your story and God bless!

Val-des-Monts, Quebec Canada - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:25 AM CST
"Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you..."
stoltzfan <stoltzfan@characterlink.net>
Perry, NY USA - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 10:09 AM CST

God be with little Charlie.

Ellen J. Jackson
Lincoln, NE USA - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 8:14 AM CST
My heart was broken for you as I read your story. My husband and I lost our son June 16th 2001. I was 7 1/2 months pregnant when the cord wrapped around his neck. I know it's a different story but the feelings and emotions you have when you lose a child is still the same. My thoughts and prayers are with you now and through the Holiday Season. God Bless.
Marcy Passmore <tpassmore@centurytel.net>
Judsonia, AR USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 11:24 PM CST
I am soo sorry for your loss. May God Confort you in your time of sorrow. I will keep you all in my prayers. God Bless You.
Irving, Tx Untited States - Monday, December 18, 2006 5:11 PM CST
My Heart goes out for you...You now have an Angel in Heaven.
I lost my Son 10 years ago by a Drunk Driver , he was only 5 at the Time, i know how you feel.
God Bless you and your Family.

Heike <heike69k@msn.com>
Grand Forks, ND US - Monday, December 18, 2006 12:53 AM CST
God Bless you and your family. We have never met but may Charlie's star shine forever...
Rosemount, MN USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 9:32 AM CST
I just read about Charlie, I can not help but cry it was so moving. I will be praying for you all as you draw near to another anniversary. Thank you for letting us get to know a part of you. God bless you so much.
I will be getting a Caring Bridge sight for my illness so thanks for letting me in on your story.
Love Allison K

Allison <artmgr1@msn.com>
Rochester, MN USA - Saturday, December 16, 2006 5:26 PM CST
I justed wanted to let you know how touched I was by your story. I am very proud of you as parents and how you hav celebrated your son and how you have made his spirit live on. We have also lost a child (a daughter)who passed away within 30 minutes after her delivery we celebrate her and do the balloons at the cenetery and her twin sister loves this along with her 2 little sisters. They speak of her everyday and it has really tugged at my heart strings. They may not have known her in person, but I truelly believe they know her spiritually. God bless all of you and keep his spirit growing within you.
Linda Smith <Lindasmith12@sbcglobal.net>
Olathe, KS USA - Friday, December 15, 2006 8:32 PM CST
He is one of the cutest babies ive ever seen. I help his life taught you how much you should really appreciate everything God has given you. His short life is just a beginning of the things you can and will learn from him. No matter what, always consider him your little blessing. God bless your family,
Monroe, NC USA - Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:26 PM CST
Im So very sorry to hear about that!~!
Lindsey <lindsey_grones13@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:55 PM CST
I will remember Charlie Day. You will have my prayers so that God help you every day. My regret is that i didn't know about charlie sooner but he lives in my heart too. God bless!
hoquiam, WA America! - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:13 PM CST
LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:45 AM CST
May God bless you all.
Debbie Miller <damiller3@msn.com>
Zephyrhills, fl usa - Monday, December 11, 2006 2:00 PM CST
Oh how precious your Lil'Charlie is/was. He is such a little angel and I am so sorry that your family had to experience this loss in your family. Just be thankful that you have all of these angels watching over him as he was taken to the pearly gates of HEAVEN. My prayers are with your family.
Stephanie Haines <Lighthouse_lover@adelphia.net>
Spotsylvania, VA United States - Saturday, December 9, 2006 11:15 PM CST
just remember he is in GODS arms now, and you'll see and hold him just as you did before.... GOD BLESS
your family is in our prayers

Magen <pinkflowerpride@hotmail.com>
yakima, WA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 12:50 AM CST
Thank the lord he is better right?

Elizabeth Hugueley <normalea@lctn.com>
halls, TN U.S - Saturday, December 9, 2006 9:56 AM CST
What a beautiful little life! Im glad I got to see him, thank you and God keep you all until you are together again. In Christ, Mattie Blackwell, mom of three
Mattie Blackwell <mblackwell@backroads.net>
Laurens, S.C. USA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 3:59 AM CST
As i read the past journal entries of Charlie i sit here crying. What a precious, loving, beautiful little boy! I am here visiting caringbridge due to my friend being in Columbia adopting a baby girl. I want to comend you, your family and your wonderful two girls for being so brave and couragous. One never can imagine going through that especially with your own child. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family and how great it was to meet a little boy named Charlie!
Lisa Colvin
Eden, ny - Friday, December 8, 2006 8:11 PM CST
DESPLAINES, IL USA - Friday, December 8, 2006 4:53 PM CST
what a gorgeous little baby... i know what its like i lost my brother... sorry to hear the loss...the lord is with you all and a special angel named charlie...god bless:)
yorktown, va - Friday, December 8, 2006 10:54 AM CST
God bless you and your family!
Kristie Wright <kristielynnwright@yahoo.com>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Friday, December 8, 2006 8:53 AM CST
Im sorry for your loss. My friend is very sick so I know what you feel.
jessica westmoreland <westkids@peoplepc.com>
- Wednesday, December 6, 2006 3:37 PM CST
Im sorry for your loss. My friend is very sick so I know what you feel.
jessica westmoreland <westkids@peoplepc.com>
- Wednesday, December 6, 2006 3:35 PM CST
Charlie is such a beautiful little boy! How blessed you must have been to have him while you did.
God's blessings to you and your family!


Maggie Christians <enochchristians@hotmail.com>
Edgar, WI - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 12:38 AM CST


dip <dip@aol.com>
bb, bb bb - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 12:33 AM CST
Sorry to hear that baby Charlie died when he was 6 months old. My neighbor had a baby earlier this year but he only lived for 14 hours because he had a hole in his heart that never healed and he was 2 months early!!!
Kary <karyschneider@hotmail.com>
Westphalia, MI - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 12:30 AM CST
Wow, I sit here planning on writing in my 9 year old daughters journal who has ALL (Leukemia)and I am just crying and crying and so sad for you. I can't imagine what is was like to go through what your family has gone through. Your faith will continue to get your through until you see him again. He is beautiful and I loved seeing his picture on the homepage and I am so glad I looked into learning about your story. May God give you all the strength to raise your girls and love them like there is no tomorrow.
Cathy Rowan <travelcathy@wowway.com>
STELRLING HEIGHTS, mi usa - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:57 PM CST
Hello!I came across your son's care page and I read your journals and I just cried and cried. I have 6 children and pg. with twin boys and we recently found out that one of the babies has a congential heart defect..the twins are due in April 07.. I just want you to know that your story touched my heart sincerely and will pray for your family..

Shannon Grabau <shaygrabau@hotmail.com>
Wykoff, MN USA - Monday, December 4, 2006 10:41 PM CST
i came across your little baby's picture while looking up another story i heard on the news. what a beautiful little boy. he has really touched my heart. god bless you all
lori hanson <www.giovannicleaners@comcast.net>
dearborn, mi u.s.a. - Sunday, December 3, 2006 11:56 PM CST
It's amazing that such a little short life has had such a long lasting impact on everyone who has met Charlie through your site. Thank you for the blessing
Beth Kincaid <ebkincaid@bellsouth.net>
Orangeburg, SC US - Sunday, December 3, 2006 10:20 PM CST
What a beautiful baby boy God blessed you with! I know he changed your lives forever. I just saw a link to Charlie's page while checking another page and I am glad I looked!
Erin <erinpettit08@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, December 3, 2006 5:38 PM CST
What a beautiful, beautiful boy! Thank you for letting me get to know him a little through your site :)
Kate <kate@kateward.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Saturday, December 2, 2006 12:42 AM CST
Petit Charly, il s'est écoulé un peu de temps depuis la dernière fois que je t'ai rendu visite sur cette page. Je reviens aujourd'hui et ton sourire et tes beaux yeux bleus si expressifs me serrent toujours autant le coeur. J'espère que tu as trouvé ta place, que tu y es heureux et que de là, tu veilles sur toute ta famille à qui tu dois tant manquer. Je leur envoie mes meilleures pensées. Affectueusement,


Lisa B. <lisa_vu_75@yahoo.fr>
Paris, France - Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:55 PM CST
I have 3 kids of my own and I can't even to begin to imagine what you were and are going through!! I am deeply sorry for your loss!
By the way, Charlie was a beautiful baby!

brandy sullivan <jinvme76@mchsi.com>
des moines, iowa usa - Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:35 PM CST
Hi Sara!! I'm not sure you'll check back on Charlie's page soon, but wanted to respond to your post. We are SO happy that you did a speech on Charlie and learned more about SMA. We are more happy that you did so well on it! We had a great Thanksgiving with your mom. THanks for sharing her. Thanks also for keeping us, and Charlie, in your prayers. I hope you know that our guardian angel is always watching over you, too! We know that he goes where he is needed most!:) And we pray for good health for you as well!!! Enjoy those buttons. We'll see if we can dig up a few for you so you don't have to share.

We love you Charlie Bear. Keep working your magic!

Kathy Cowan, mommy to Angel Charlie
maple grove , mn - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 9:15 PM CST
Dear Kathy and Jeff, I am not sure if you guys still check this site but I hope you do. I just want to let you know that my prayers are with your entire family. I also thought you might like to know that I gave a speech on Charlie today in my Anatomy class. I got 99 out of 100 so I want to thank Charlie for that. I also never really understood his disease and now I have learned a lot about SMA by doing this speech. I am currently wearing 3 of Charlie's buttons. He is so dang cute I dont want to give them back to Elicia!! Well remember that my prayers are with all of you and hopefully we can see each other soon. I am best friends with Charlie's cousin Elicia so I am sure she will let me know the next time you guys are in town. Until then god bless!!
Sara Pursley <pursleysar@ridgewater.edu>
Litchfield, MN USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 3:38 PM CST
God has blessed you Charlie. May he bless your family more.

Pat Blair <pblair35@hotmail.com>
Bowling Green, Ky USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 9:28 AM CST
On April 5, 2006 my seven month old Great Grand Daughter Lexy, and my seven month old Great Niece Arilyn joined Charlie in heaven. Somehow, it helps knowing these two Little Angels are with other special Angels.
Thank You for sharing Charlie with me.

MaryCannon Apodaca <Amaricah@aol.com>
Van Wert, Iowa USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 3:40 AM CST
Charlie...you are in heaven playing in God's playground...with my two precious grandsons-Dakota and Damian..please tell them grandma misses them very much...and loves them, too...God only calls home the littlest angels when he knows their pain would be too great here on earth. Love and kisses to all God's angels
Della <CIVILLADY7@gmail.com>
Urbandale, IA USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 6:25 AM CST
I am going to a fundraiser for Caring Bridge this weekend and looked at their site. I linked to Charlie's page and found his beautiful picture and story. God Bless your family and your littlest angel always,

Nancy Chard Jones <n_chard@yahoo.com>
West Deptford, NJ USA - Monday, November 27, 2006 3:06 PM CST
I was looking through this site because my mom has a site on here and I happened to find this cute little boy's site. I was drawn to him through his smile the love that emulated from his eyes. i wish i could have known such a sweet little boy. What an angel he is. I know that he is your family's guardian angel!
Kaylee McEwan <gazelle1612@hotmail.com>
- Monday, November 27, 2006 2:58 PM CST
I wish I would have known you, Charlie. I'm sure anybody having met you will never forget those beautiful eyes and that wonderful smile.
Bibbi <bibbieid@ameritech.net>
Greenwood, IN Johnson - Monday, November 27, 2006 5:39 AM CST
When logging into the caring bridge site for my cousins little girl I would always see the cutest baby smiling back at me and wondering what his story is. Thank you for sharing Charlie and his story with us.
Kari Steele <steeleejs@yahoo.com>
Lafayette, MN USA - Sunday, November 26, 2006 12:07 AM CST
Wow what an amazing gift you were given. I will forever remember your story. I have a very good friend with a site. Matt Beveridge, Tx. If you ever get a chance visit, read his story, the strongest young christian i know. God Bless you always
Trey Molina <tresmolina@yahoo.com>
Sugarland, Tx usa - Sunday, November 26, 2006 11:06 AM CST
Dear Charlie's Family, I have just learned of this amazing site. I saw site telling about Charlie and decided to read about his story. I was touched by Charlie's story and honestly I cried trying to read it. I just want you to know that Charlie is in a better place and he is watching over you. He is being cared for by the greatest doctor, God. You and Charlie will meet again one day. I am praying for you and God bless you.
Christi White <wilson_gal22@hotmail.com>
Florence, AL USA - Saturday, November 25, 2006 6:41 PM CST
For Myra,
We are thinking and praying for you. May you find the strength you need to win, and know that your friends will keep in in our hearts and prayers, everyday.

Valerie Bigsby <vbigsby@telus.net>
Edmonton, AB Canada - Saturday, November 25, 2006 1:57 PM CST
Dear Charlie's Family, I have just discovered this wonderful site, caringbridge in dedication for families with sick kids,my friend has a daughter who is bravely battling along and has just set up her site and we just love it. WOW! the strength you showed in your journal was just inspirational. Such pain and sorrow but love for your beautiful little boy and concern for the rest of the family was hard to read but motivation to love and care a little more for my loved ones. My little girls will get extra hugs and kisses tonight. It's been a few years now since Charlie has left you, is time helping those raw wounds of sadness? Wishing you all the peace and happiness that you deserve, Patrina
Patrina Sullivan <star-rain@bigpond.com.au>
Springsure, QLD Australia - Friday, November 24, 2006 6:15 AM CST
Hey Charlie bear...its me again...Happy Thankgiving...I was just sitting here thinking of all the things that I am thankful for and you are one of them...You were only here a short time but, you have touched my life...keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
kathryn baltierra <kbaltierra@yahoo.com>
hemet, ca usa - Thursday, November 23, 2006 7:46 AM CST
Dear Kathy,
After all this time, I continue to think of your family and your wonderful Charlie. I know I will always remember you as your precious son has touched so many. I hope you are doing well. May God bless you during this holdiay season. I know Charlie will be celebrating with you.

Gretchen Kreske
- Monday, November 20, 2006 11:24 PM CST
God Bless the family of Charlie and may they be comforted knowing that he is in heaven looking down on everyone.
Rodney M. Walker <monteriowalker@hotmail.com>
Rochester, ny usa - Monday, November 20, 2006 12:58 AM CST
i am so sorry to hear the death of your son and i am sorry
to hear he has spinal problems i hope everyone ok i wish
the family that i am sorry to hear about your loss and i
am sad for you guys

Charles Eric Schoenfeld <ceschoenfeld20007@yahoo.com>
Port Charlotte, FL USA - Saturday, November 18, 2006 4:55 PM CST
HAYSI, VA DICKENSON - Saturday, November 18, 2006 7:53 AM CST
Charlie accomplished on this earth what it takes most to accomplish in 80! He is now happy, healthy & not in pain. God promised that. Find comfort in your memories and know there are others facing life-threatening illnesses with their children (my little megan, 4, fighting cancer) that are just drawing off your strength. I will praying for your family, and I hope God fills those voids with JOY and REMEMBERANCE and not JUST rememberance.
Love to you all

Amy Fricke <gxfricke@charter.net>
Ida , MI Monroe - Saturday, November 18, 2006 7:20 AM CST
Hello x i found charlie's site and i was amazed reading all the post's that you put on. He sounded like such an amazing baby and you all sound like the best family he could have. It made me cry when i was reading about him but atleast he's pain free now in heaven. I've never seen such a brave baby in my life! Keep Brave x
Danielle Age:15 <lil_dani69@hotmail.co.uk>
colchester, england - Saturday, November 18, 2006 4:04 AM CST
I just recently found the caringbridge site and I am in awe at all of the stories that I have been able to read so far. Your precious Charlie is indeed a little angel and I know that he does send you his love daily. May you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Angel of Serenity <angel-of-serenity@hotmail.com>
Du Bois, PA USA - Friday, November 17, 2006 11:37 PM CST
Blessings to you!
Jan Stoffel
Fargo, ND USA - Friday, November 17, 2006 4:26 PM CST
I have not know about the caring page very long but got knowledge of it through my cousin whose little girl Brenna is on it.
My heart went out to you as I read Charlie's story. I cannot even imagine your grief but you have come through the last year and have done so many things so Charlie will never be forgotten.
Karen Dulany
Omaha, NE

karen dulany <kkdulany@unmc.edu>
Omaha, NE USA - Friday, November 17, 2006 2:50 PM CST
Charlie seem to be a really joyous and blessed child that God would allow you all to spend some time with him before he goes on vacation. I say vacation because if you know God and it sounds like you do. You will get to see him again and the entire family will enjoy the vacation of being with God and away from this world. Be Blessed & Grateful all the time
Loretta Singleton <lajsingleton@gmail.com>
Spartanburg, SC United States - Friday, November 17, 2006 7:45 AM CST
I am truly moved by your story. I trust that Charlie's memory will live on forever. Remember it's not the date of the sunrise or the date of the sunset, but truly the dash in between that has left an imprint in your hearts.

Be Blessed.

LAURIE A. WADE <babysis1964@hotmail.com>
PEMBROKE EAST, BERMUDA - Thursday, November 16, 2006 7:38 PM CST
I just read your story about Charlie. He was surely an angel sent from heaven. I know that the loss of your son must have been the hardest thing for you to deal with but I am, I don't know how to say this, but I am happy that he is not in pain anymore. My cousin recently lost her little 7 year old daughter very suddenly and I can only imagine the pain that is involved with losing a child. I wish you and your family happiness always. PS Your girls are just beautiful.
Cindy Gardner <tomfordmom@hotmail.com>
Melrose, MN USA - Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:35 PM CST
hello I came across your website while I was changing some things on my sons site and i really feel for you and thanks to god that with surgery my son is coming along very well so i could never imagine what you went through. I wish you and your family more happier and healthier years to come and he will be in my prayers!
danielle <dforzono@aol.com>
shohola, pa usa - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 9:01 PM CST
your storie is so sad... But thank you for sharing your nice web site. But your site theres something really nice about your site.

Shawn Stevenson <icesoul1@hotmail.com>
Charlottown, PEI Canada - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 5:04 PM CST
Thank you for sharing your Charlie with us. He went home on my mother's birthday, the day she turned 62. Your angel must have been sent to remind all of us how precious life is, and to make the most of each day. Thank you for your gift.
Lisa Riley <barsgirl83@hotmail.com>
Pocatello, ID US - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 3:10 PM CST
I just got the link to your site from a Caring Bridge email. What a beautiful baby boy you had. I can see how many lives he touched (and still touches) in the short time he was here just by scrolling through your guestbook. People are still leaving comments years after he passed away. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. I think it's absolutely wonderful that you celebrate "Charlie day" with your other children each year. What a beautiful way to remember him and to have that yearly ritual. God bless and keep you.
Yours in Christ,

Naomi Daugherty <hopelovegrace@gmail.com>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 2:53 PM CST
What a beautiful family you are - I've just come across your story while checking on another friend thru caringbridge. God Bless you all. I use to say that our family is like the Kennedys. so much heartache. We've lost children in our family too and no one can ever know what that's like until you go thru it. May God continue to bless you all and give you the strength until you see your beautiful son, brother, again. Take care and never stop remembering.
Brenda Sartori <sartori@slamcoll.com>
East Hartford, CT USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 2:46 PM CST
To a special family in honor of your very special son. He is a very special Angel and in God's loving care.

We pray for a little 3-yr old boy who has Neumoblastoma, and has been in treatment since he was diagnosed March 7, 2006. His name is Ryan Malarkey. Please keep him in your prayers. God Bless you all.

Sara Christjohn <schristjohn@atlanticbb.net>
Bradford, PA USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 2:31 PM CST
Dear Kathy and Jeff:

My name is Lisa Genna and your story about your son Charlie is way too familiar. I too lost my baby to SMA Type 1. She was my 4th child and she was born May 5, 2005 and she passed away on November 28, 2005. Our one year is coming this month and I have no clue what it is gonna be like. I hope I can talk with you and get some advice. I have joined the SMA mothers on the SMAsupport site which has been really nice knowing that there are other people going through the same ordeal even though we never wanted to. I miss my daughter Nicoletta as much as you miss your son Charlie. I hope we can talk again soon and I know that our babies are playing in heaven together with all the other SMA babies that have also passed. Love Always, Lisa Genna and Family.

Lisa Genna <LRGenna@hotmail.com>
Palm Bay, FL USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 2:24 PM CST
What a beautiful angel.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 1:51 PM CST
What a wonderful little boy. I was crying when I reading you story. I think he touched a lot of hearts.

Melissa Grodhaus


melissa Grodhaus <mgrodhaus@neo.rr.com>
Winona, ohio united states - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 1:01 PM CST
Just from reading Charlie's story, he was, by far, one of the strongest and bravest boys I have encountered. Looking at his picture his eyse seem to hold such wisdon and his smile is the greatest. Definitely an angel in disguise and still watching over you! My thoughts and prayers go out to your family. And thank you for sharing your story.
Heather <babydawg1975@yahoo.com>
Panama City Beach, FL - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 12:35 AM CST
I just finished reading Charlie's story - how heartbreaking for your family, but how wonderful to read all the love you all had for him! I, too, am in a sad place now, my husband of almost 20 years passed away in August after battling cancer for almost a year -- he was only 50! I know Charlie passed on almost 5 years ago, which might either seem like a lifetime or a moment ago, but you will never forget him and he will always be in your hearts. I'm sure your daughters were and continue to be a great source of love and help. Bless your family always!
Sue Bedrossian <suebb_2000@yahoo.com>
Bellingham, MA USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 10:58 AM CST
What a beautiful child you entrusted to God.
Bless you for all you did for him during his short life here on earth.

Sandy Sandweg
San Diego, CA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 10:07 AM CST
hello you guys i feel so bad that i have discovered this site early but when i read the stroy of his life it just made me burst out in tears cause i dont think that i would be able to have the stretgh and courage that you must have to put that story out there for everone to read adn i give you my blessing and you and charlie will be in my prayers forever and I mean that from the bottom of my heart and i wish that i could be there just to be for you even though i have never met you or your family but i guess that this will have to do.

Charlies bigest fan,


Christine <christinehatley-n@hotmail.com>
Silverton, OR USA - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 11:43 PM CST
WoW! What an amazing story! I will be praying for you guys, I can't imagine what all you have been through. I'm a mother of a preemie and at one time I don't think they knew if our little guy would make it so I really can't imagine what you have been through. That is how I found your site by going to my sons site and to his little buddies from the NICUs site. You all are so brave and I admire you for having a Charlie Day and never forgetting, I think it is so important to remember!
Carrie <Carrie0508@northstate.net>
Trinity, NC - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:18 PM CST
I read about your story and know what it's like to lose a baby. My mom had two miscarriages before my sister was born, and I had never seen anyone so devestated... I will pray for you and remember you always.
Loving Always
- Tuesday, November 14, 2006 12:36 AM CST
I was reading your story while visiting another child's page who is suffering in our town. I admire you for all the trials you have had to endure and you still seem optimistic. It is wonderful that you are keeping the memory of Charlie alive for your girls. What an inspiration!
Julie Messenkopf <jmessenkopf@yahoo.com>
Boone, NC USA - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 8:20 AM CST
Mr. and Mrs. Cowan, Thank you so much for sharing your story with everyone. I just came across it this morning and have spent the entire day reading all the journal entries. He seems like he was an amazing fighter. His story touched me more than you will ever know.
Jennifer Gillis <chloesmom@bellsouth.net>
Grenada, Ms 38901 - Monday, November 13, 2006 2:48 PM CST
To the Cowan family, thank you for sharing your story, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We visit caringbridge for two other babies and thats how we came about Charlie's caringbridge site, God bless you all, and thank you for your courage and for sharing Charlie with all of us.
Donna McIver <donna 24.1@verizon.net>
Justin, TX Denton - Sunday, November 12, 2006 9:27 PM CST
I have come across Charlie's site for the first time through
another child's site and I cannot stop crying. What a beauti-
ful little person! I am so sorry! I asked the Lord to impress
a verse on my heart for you. This is what comes to my mind from a book my husband and I am reading called "Spiritual Parenting" by C.H.Spurgeon. Matthew 19:14 - But Jesus said, Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. My children and I will pray for you!

Linda Weigner <keithweigner@comcast.net>
Hatfield, PA USA - Sunday, November 12, 2006 7:57 PM CST
I have come across Charlie's site for the first time through
another child's site and I cannot stop crying. What a beauti-
ful little person! I am so sorry! I asked the Lord to impress
a verse on my heart for you. This is what comes to my mind from a book my husband and I am reading called "Spiritual Parenting" by C.H.Spurgeon. Matthew 19:14 - But Jesus said, Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. My children and I will pray for you!

Linda Weigner <keithweigner@comcast.net>
Hatfield, PA USA - Sunday, November 12, 2006 7:57 PM CST
Your family is in my prayers. Just remember you will see Charlie again someday. Keep the faith and God Bless your family.
Tammy Price <tprice0623@yahoo.com>
Campobello, SC USA - Sunday, November 12, 2006 7:47 PM CST
God Bless Charlie. You may not know me but i know how it feels. My cousin named Chris is about to go to heaven because of a cancer called merely leukemia. He is 17 years old and he is trying to fight this but he needs to let go. Let my prayers be with Charlie and Chris.

Elgin, IL SPRING FIELD - Sunday, November 12, 2006 2:07 PM CST
I came across your Charlie's story while reading a profile of a local teenager. I noticed my son's birthday is the same as your Charlie's. It is the grace of God that my Tucker is healthy and well, but he has an older sister in Heaven, so I know the grief of losing a child. I pray God's peace and love on you and your family because even though it's been almost 5 years since Charlie went to Heaven, you still miss him daily. Thanks for sharing. God bless!
JT <jennygthomas@yahoo.com>
Abbeville, SC USA - Saturday, November 11, 2006 9:59 PM CST
my prayers are with you
tn - Saturday, November 11, 2006 9:25 PM CST
i'm sooooooooo sorry i had a best friend who died from cancer and i had cancer too at the same time but i still know she is with me so charlie is alaways going to be with you !!!! god blesss you all
amber age 11
summervill, s.c usa - Saturday, November 11, 2006 8:51 PM CST
God bless you all.
Iowa City, IA - Saturday, November 11, 2006 4:19 PM CST
Dear, Dear friends:
May God bless you over and over again for the heavy burden you've had to bear. I came upon your site while checking updates on a young man from our church who was in a terrible car accident. Thank you for sharing Charlie's story with the world, it has touched so many people very deeply. Thank you for choosing to celebrate (however tearfully) Charlies life! Thank you for keeping hope alive! There's a song by Natalie Grant called "Held" with a message for anyone who has had to live through tragedy and has survived. I highly reccommend it. God bless you all!

Melody Gerhardt <gerh0040@umn.edu>
Albert Lea, MN USA - Saturday, November 11, 2006 8:50 AM CST
Awe, isn't he precious! I'm sitting here looking at your beautiful baby boy, tears streaming down my face. I turn around in my chair to look at my kids sleeping in my bed. It's times like this where I stop worrying about the little things in life and focus on the important. I'll listen to them more, hug them more, tell them I love them more. Your Charlie's life lives on. God Bless you!
Mission Viejo, CA USA - Saturday, November 11, 2006 2:26 AM CST
My heart goes out to you and your families, on this sad occation. There really isn't an answer to why God would let this child and othes to go through so much in such a few days here on earth. God has your child with him to care and love from Him to you all.
Please let me know if there is a donation in his memory. I know that God will comfort you all through this pain. Love to all.

Marian Williams <mfwrewk@yahoo.com>
Carrollton, ky USA - Saturday, November 11, 2006 0:04 AM CST
My heart goes out to you and your families, on this sad occation. There really isn't an answer to why God would let this child and othes to go through so much in such a few days here on earth. God has your child with him to care and love from Him to you all.
Please let me know if there is a donation in his memory. I know that God will comfort you all through this pain. Love to all.

Marian Williams <mfwrewk@yahoo.com>
Carrollton, ky USA - Friday, November 10, 2006 11:57 PM CST
I happened upon your website as I was visiting the site of one of our employees. When I go home to my year old grandson tonight, I will hug him all the tighter. What a beautiful gift you have given to so many through this simple and transparently human journal. Your beautiful little Charlie has, I'm quite sure, affected more people than many who live a life of long years. God's blessings to all of you.

Andrea Lee, IHM
College of St. Catherine

Andrea Lee <ajlee@stkate.edu>
St. Paul, MN USA - Friday, November 10, 2006 5:28 PM CST
WAUKESHA, WI UNITED STATES - Friday, November 10, 2006 12:46 AM CST
To The Cowan Family,
I came across Charlie's page after checking in on my sister's page. My sister Amy is battling breast cancer and is undergoing a double mastectomy today. December 22, 1986, my 5 yr old son passed away from a stroke. I can't say that I know exactly how you feel but I understand your pain. Although 20 yrs have passed, not one day goes by that I don't think of Zachary. Some say the pain goes away with time. They have never lost a child. What I have learned is, it is much like living with a broken leg that never heals. The pain remains but you learn how to keep walking. The love and memories bring laughter and smiles that help move one foot in front of the other. I know that my love for God, all my children and my family is never ending and will carry on forever. I also know my life and the lives of others that were touched by Zachary are richer for having known him, that no matter how selfish I am to rather have him here with me, I know it would have been a loss to have never had him at all. We have continued to celebrate Zachary's life, to hold close every moment, even the last, and to thank God every day for having given us such a gift. My heart is with you and your family.

Donna H
Hempstead, TX USA - Friday, November 10, 2006 12:13 AM CST
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cowan

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I also came accross your site while looking for a little man who is very special to me. I was touched by the fact that after enduring all the pain you have. You still recognized how great God was, in having let you enjoy you son for for six months. As you can see in just six months he made a diference in this world.

God Bless You and your family

Luis Armenteros <armenteros@bellsouth.net>
Miami , Fl usa - Friday, November 10, 2006 11:35 AM CST
You don't know who I am, but I came to your son's website while checking in on a friend's son. What a cutie your Charlie is! I have 2 little boys of my own and cannot imagine what you all have been going through. I know I am very lucky to have my boys in good health, and will do my best to never take that for granted. My heart goes out to you all.
WI - Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:13 PM CST
Dear Cowan family,
I certainly don't know any of you, but I am saddened by your loss. I can't imagine what all you have been through. I came upon Charlie's website while checking on a friend of mine. Charlie's story is very touching. I really need to appreciate the health of my 3 children and my grandchild. I know God will continue to be with each of you. He promised to always be with us and never leave us. I know you all still have a void in your life. But may God help fill that emptiness.

USA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:54 PM CST
I logged on this site to check on a friend and read your story. What a precious child. You have such courage and strength. May you always cherish the memories you have and may God bless and give you the strength to face each day with the knowledge that your Charlie is safe with Him.
cindy parker
marion, ar usa - Thursday, November 9, 2006 8:42 PM CST
That is so sad...i have a 6 month old nephew and i could not imagine that happening to him, even though hes only my nephew it would be the hardest thing to happen.I can't imagine what you and your family members went through. I logged onto the caringbridge site and your article was at the top so i figured to read it....i was checking out chance toders site....he is a lil grade 6 boy from Elkhorn Manitoba. He went to undergo open heart surgery....he ended up having something wrong with is skull also and got surgery done on it also...he is still in the hospital stuggling. He is very stong and always has a positive attitude. He has the whole community of Elkhorn and surrounding area's ending prayers 2 him. If you have time and would like to check out his site, please so do...go to vist another caring bridge site and just type in chancetoder that will get u there and it would be very muchly appreciated if you support the lil boy. He has gone through alot. He has been in there since october 1st and still there. I am sending prayer out to u and your family...so please do so for us for chance....thank you
McAuley, MB Canada - Thursday, November 9, 2006 7:58 PM CST
I have a 6 month old and I can't imagine your pain or loss. We will keep your family in our prayers and thoughts. Continue to keep the faith.
Rachel McMahon <rmcmahon@stclair.k12.il.us>
Fairview Heights, Il USA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 7:41 PM CST
I am very sorry for your loss. May you be able to cherish the precious time you had with your beautiful baby. Sadly you didn't have much time, but I am sure he was surrounded by love each and every moment of his life.
My thoughts are with you and will forever be with you.
Thank you for sharing your story.

- Thursday, November 9, 2006 7:28 PM CST
Although we do not know the master plan, God does, therefore we must trust him always. I lost a daughter 3 days old, so my heart goes out to you and I definitely know how you feel. May you remember you are loved and Charlie is loved always.
Jan Bailey <jan.bailey@kcrint.com>
Kansas City, Mo USA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 2:50 PM CST
My heart goes out to your family. God bless you.
Mary Green
Carmen, OK U.S.A. - Thursday, November 9, 2006 12:16 AM CST
COLUMBUS, OHIO USA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 12:15 AM CST
Hello my name is Desiree Farara and I was here reading on another persons caringbridge site and I saw about charlie i read a little about his story and was moved I am sorry :< for your loss but we know that he is in a better place with no pain and smiling with Jesus. I am a student at forest hills high school please dont be afraid to email me I would love to here from the parents of this wonderful child:)
Desiree Farara <farard@gaggle.net>
Marshville, N.C. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:53 AM CST
Reading the story of your blessed little Charlie brought tears to my eyes. I could never imagine losing a baby, for myself or anyone else. That reality came all too soon this past July when my sister went into very premature labor. They could only hold it off for 4 days. My nephew Lavondre' was born at 1 lb 3 oz. He was doing surprising well, even to the point of being able to breath on his own, which shocked the doctors. Then when they gave him a medicine to close an open heart valve, it caused an air pocket on his lung and a severe bleed in his brain. It was too much for the doctors to repair. My sister and her boyfriend held him as he took his last breath, just as you did with your precious Charlie. My thoughts and blessing go out to you and your whole family. The experience with Lavondre' has to be the hardest thing I have ever went through in my entire life. My sister felt such a void in her life after that. She is now newly pregnant again. She is going to a specialist this time, instead of just a regular doctor. We are all hoping and praying every single day that everything turns out fine this time. This new baby will be born around the same time that Lavondre' was. I think it is a message from God. Maybe Charlie and Lavondre' are in Heaven playing baby games together. Again, I am sorry for your loss, happy for the time you had, and my thoughts and prayers are with you and Charlie.
Shelli Twyman <asebb@galaxycable.net>
Higginsville, MO USA - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 11:17 PM CST
Thank you for sharing your little Charlie. My sister is currently going thru a difficult situation with her 5 week old newborn son.He has been hospitalized for 9 days now, is on a ventilator and the doctors are still unsure of what exactly is wrong. It makes it so hard for me as I am half way across the country and this Caring Bridge site helps so very much. I am sorry for your lose and thank you again.
Joyce Watson <watsont@ptd.net>
East Stroudsburg, PA 18302 - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 10:48 PM CST
thank you so much for sharing charlie's story. what a beautiful baby he was. may god bless your family.
gerra <xgerraxoo@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, November 8, 2006 5:52 PM CST
Thank you for sharing Charlie's story with all of us. It is very touching. Thank you for being the family to share this information with all of us about the diese i know that it must be hard but i think it is very liked.
Tonya Koljonen <koljonen_14@hotmail.com>
New York Mills , MN United States - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 8:34 PM CST
My mother passed away the day before Charlie, maybe I understand Gods plan better now. Maybe, just maybe he took her on that day to be waiting for Charlie.
Jeff C. <jeffc@gwm.sc.edu>
- Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:03 PM CST
May God Bless you ec and everytime you think of him. Let him be in your heart forever. That is where my dad is that died suddenly.
Collette Gage <rcgage@aol.com>
oxford, ma - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 10:45 AM CST
Your online journey continues to encourage and inspire us to make the most of the time that we have with the ones that we love while we're here on Earth.

May God bless you and your family and thank you for sharing Charlie's journey with all of us.

Amy M. Jordan

Amy M. Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, November 6, 2006 10:03 PM CST
You handled the passing of Charlie in such a healthy way. He was so cute. Your daughters are beautiful. May God continue to hold you close as you continue to walk through the valley and up on the mountaintop again. You all have been brave.
Leigh Ann Taylor <rlacw@aol.com>
- Monday, November 6, 2006 9:18 PM CST
Charlie seems like a bright star that will shine forever. Thank-You for sharing your story. I will certainly give my new Grandson an extra hug this evening. God Bless.
Moore, OK USA - Monday, November 6, 2006 6:27 PM CST
Words cannot express.....

He really is an adorable baby, Im sure he is sitting with the rest of the angels !!

Michele Di Sanza <mmich5569@aol.com>
Rocakway, NJ USA - Monday, November 6, 2006 7:57 AM CST
I don't know you, but just stumbled across Charlie's page this morning as I stayed home from church with a sick baby girl. I was brought to tears with the first entry. Your journal has allowed me to reflect on how precious life is and how blessed I am to have my wonderful husband and two healthy little girls. Thank you. I am sending a prayed up for your family now in hopes that God will bless you with a beautiful Midwest autumn day and more precious memories of your Charlie.
kokomo, in usa - Sunday, November 5, 2006 8:16 AM CST
Thank you so much for sharing Charlie's story. He was a precious little man. I think the Charlie Day is a great thing, so that the girls do not ever forget what a wonderful little brother they were blessed with.
Stacy Pretty <sdpretty_1975@yahoo.com>
Batesville, AR USA - Saturday, November 4, 2006 9:28 PM CST
I ran into your page through a search. I didn't follow along as you went through all of this but please know the wonderful impact you have had one me today. Thank you for sharing and please know my prayers are wtih you
Lauralee Nicholas <lauraleenicholas@hotmail.com>
Crookston, MN USA - Saturday, November 4, 2006 5:54 PM CST

DAWN LITTLECHILD <sweetmama77@msn.com>
HOLLAND, MI USA - Saturday, November 4, 2006 3:29 PM CST
I was truly touched by your story. May God bless you each and every day.
Lisa Jones <normlisa2004@yahoo.com>
Ithaca, Mi 48847 - Saturday, November 4, 2006 11:30 AM CST
Kelsi has seen this before and cried. She showed Alex this and she was really upset. I hope you feel better and you can e-mail us anytime both please because they're for different people.
Alex and Kelsi <lillalgurrl@aol.com or lillkelsgurrl@aol.com>
Stow, Oh USA - Friday, November 3, 2006 2:02 PM CST
Charlie is such a precious angel. Reading your story has really touched me, just as it's touched so many other people, and moved me to tears. I love how you keep such a devastating situation in perspective, that you emphasize the time you did have with Charlie rather than thinking about the time without him. What a marvelous family and a marvelous little boy. He has accomplished so much by touching and affecting the lives of so many people in his short time on this earth; you must be so proud of your son!
Vicki S.
USA - Friday, November 3, 2006 2:01 PM CST
You are in my heart & prayers. That was a very touching story and thank you for sharing it with us. God bless you and your family forever and ever.
Love, Marie

Marie <macdude@eatel.net>
PRAIRIEVILLE, LA USA - Friday, November 3, 2006 8:16 AM CST
Hey, its Kole again.... I just wanted to sayonce again im sorry for your lost and right now im in a simaler situation. See my friend has cancer and she really really not doing good right now so if you please( i no you have your own life to attend to..) but if youcoud pray for her everyday her name is Kelly and this girl is one of my bestfriends and if she is in pain im in pain because shes in pain (not as much of course but u understand.) So [leas please please pray for hr because right now she need you and the rest of the world and it kills me to write this to tell you the truth im crying and pounds of water are coming out and i no thats how it felt with ur son so please dont let my friend suffer please HELP HER! and may GOD the one and only father and saviour be with you.
LOVE with passion,

kole <kokobal@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, November 2, 2006 7:56 PM CST
Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he sent one of his precious Angels to your courageous, faithful and loving family to serve his short, but meaningful mission on earth. We lost our first child to SIDS 18 years ago. My husband and I just celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. Someone just recently told us that statistics indicate that 80% to 90% of couples who lose a child end up in a separation of marriage,(I had no idea). We are blessed to remain very much in love and with 2 other wonderful children (now, teens). Our 17 year old has skin cancer (he is doing fine and on a preventitive program, but has had 15 moles removed from his scalp and head). As a mother, I know your constant heartache and feelings of tremendous void. It is my personal prayer that on that glorious day when our Father in Heaven places our precious Angels, Charlie and Krystle in our arms, (for eternity)...that you and all other mothers who have experienced the loss of a child will be in the same place to experience that unimaginable, joyous moment! I will keep your family in my daily prayers to ask for continual faith and strength. Thank you for sharing your story. I look forward to meeting your precious Charlie in "the next world." I am certain that those Angels are assisting our Heavenly Father in performing many miracles and other great works. God Bless you all!
Michelle Tine <avtine@metrocast.net>
Belmont, NH USA - Thursday, November 2, 2006 6:07 PM CST
What a beautiful little boy. Your family has truly been blessed having such a giving little boy in your life. As a mother, I can not begin to imagine the pain you are feeling. I have three children and my youngest is just three months old. As I write this I am watching him smile at me and and knowing that my family has been truly blessed with our three little miracles. I hope that you always remember the special times with your angel and know that he is with God looking over all of you. God bless.
Sheila E.
Virden, MB Canada - Thursday, November 2, 2006 4:35 PM CST
Thank you for sharing your story. He is beautiful, your love is beautiful, your choosing to see the blessing in this is beautiful. May the Lord bless you richly until that glorious day that we "can only imagine."
KC Rippstein <kcrippstein@yahoo.com>
Wichita, KS USA - Thursday, November 2, 2006 3:50 PM CST
Beautiful baby boy, good luck and god bless you and your family. You will all be together again one day, until then I'm sure he would want you to live your life to the fullest. Take care and just keep smiling
Deanna Fuentes <deanna_thompson@cable.comcast.com>
san jose, ca - Thursday, November 2, 2006 2:24 PM CST
God bless you and your family! What a wonderful site you created for him!
Krysta Brooks <krystanicole1982@yahoo.com>
St. Louis, mo - Thursday, November 2, 2006 1:43 PM CST
What a very touching story. My heart goes out to your family.
JoAnn Dahlstrom
Shell Lake, wi usa - Thursday, November 2, 2006 8:45 AM CST
What an amazing story, you don't realize that on a daily basis somewhere in the world a child is sick and really just needs love. I wish all children were healthy and strong and we didn't have such horrible diseases and things that cause so much pain. Your story touched me and honestly brought me to tears. I have two girls, who are healthy and I am so very thankful for this. My prayers are with you!
Marjory Betchkal
Sheboygan, WI USA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 9:17 PM CST
Im, sorry to hear the loss of your son. Praise God, you will see him again. Keep the faith and remember the blessed hope we have as believers in Christ Jesus our Lord and King.The word of God confirms that we shall see and be with our love ones in heaven one day. "Oh death were is your sting" Thank God, Jesus Christ has already defeated death. Love you in the Lord.
Vickie Stewart

Vickie Stewart <vstewart542@hotmail.com>
Brazil - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 1:55 PM CST
God Bless you all and beautiful little Charlie. May God shine upon you always
Lisa Blickley
Titusville, FL USA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 10:31 AM CST
Charlie is such a beautiful baby boy! Thank you for sharing your story on CaringBridge. Reading about such a caring family and what you went through puts everything in my life in perspective. My daughter has her own CaringBridge site too. Its a wonderful service. God bless!
Lori Culver
South Bend, IN USA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 8:20 AM CST
My heart reaches out to you all.
Deeadra Thompson
Crandall, TX USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 3:28 PM CST
What a beautiful baby boy! I'm saddened by your story but also inspired. We need to treasure the time we have together here on earth so we have precious memories to hold until we meet again in Heaven. God bless!
Lindsey Abrahamson
MN - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 2:23 PM CST
You have blessed me so richly. I pray that God will rain down His richness upon your family.
Carol C. Harder <carolh@mtlakenews.com>
Mountain Lake, MN USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 1:33 PM CST
God Bless you and your family! I know how hard it is to watch someone you love so much go through something so awful. My husband was diagnosed with cancer a little over a year ago which is how I became familiar with "Caringbridge." Your strength is such an encouragement.
Eunice Flick <unieflick8903@hotmail.com>
Black River Falls, WI USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 12:24 AM CST
Sorry For your loss. Your Family will be in my prayers
Dominique <nayroman40@aol.com>
fredericksburg, VA United States - Monday, October 30, 2006 7:57 PM CST
hi there. first of all i am very sorry for your loss. i may not be in the exact same situation as you, but we share similar situations. i am the step-sister of a very sick little boy named Brendan Wagner. he as well has a site on caringbridge, hence how i found this site. my step-brother is 11 years old now, but we are not sure how much longer he has to live because he has been diagnosed with Metachromatic Leukodystrophy. many of his symptoms are similar to those of your own sons'. he had a G-tube put in a while ago, and although it helps feed him, the acid reflux that he has can sometimes make it defective, burning it until it falls out of his stomach sometimes. he has almost completely lost control over all of his muscles at this point. he can no longer walk and he does not move voluntarily most of the time, making him fall out of bed. his speech has also become very limited and some days he goes without talking at all. there is a nurse now that comes three times a week to help out. she watches him during the night, checking on him every hour to make sure that he does not aspirate. you can learn more if you wish to read his story at http://www2.caringbridge.org/canada/brendanwagner/index.htm im taking him out for Halloween tomorrow and although im so excited, i realize that it will be very difficult to push him around the neighbourhood in his wheelchair, trying to keep him warm at the same time so that he does not get sick.
maybe if you leave a message on the site, Sherri (my step-mother) will email you back and perhaps you can help her cope with all that is going on since you have already been through it. you can understand her on a better level than most people because of what has happened to Charlie.
well i hope that your family is doing well. i may come back on here at some point, but before i go, i would like to leave you my email at the bottom of the page so that if you cannot contact my step-mother, you can contact me. thank you.

Vanessa Ardito <blondbubble_10@hotmail.com>
Mississauga, Canada - Monday, October 30, 2006 6:32 PM CST
I am sorry for your loss i know it's hard both of my grandfathers died 3 months apart from eachother when i was six years old and it seems like yesterday that i got to play with them and sing songs with them and it's hard... Now it's 9 years later and in my Spanish class we are celebrating El Dia De Los Muertos which is the day of the dead and we are learning and in a way celebrating the lives of our loved one's that have passed away... I wish you all the best...
- Monday, October 30, 2006 6:10 PM CST
Bless his heart and yours.
Paula Allen <pjaokla@msn.com>
Norman, OK United States - Monday, October 30, 2006 9:33 AM CST
Oh i forgot Im sorry for your loss but I know if your strong enough to see him go threw pain your strong enough to know that hes in a better place

kole <kokobal@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, October 29, 2006 2:34 PM CST
Hi my name is Kole im 12 years old. I have no i deal what pain your going through not many people do, they think they do but they dont. I dont have cancer but my best friend does aand shes very close to loseing her life and i cry every night because i dont no when i wake up if she will still be their. Your son was very lucky for the few years he lived on earth but what my mom tells me every night is sooner or later we all go and you know what i no your child went to a better placce with God and he will never feel pain again. He missis you very much because evry kid misses their paent even when they say they dont. I wish i could help you some how but i cant. I cant even help one of my best friends and i dont know when shell go but let me tell you somthing this girl is the sweetest person i have ever meat and im sure your son is just as sweet and its hard to see some one you care so much about die but iv only have had one loss in my life and i dont want my friend to be # 2. I belive she can get htrough it if you cantell as many people as you know to pray for a girl and im not gunna give names out but if you just tell people she woullnt have to go maby and then maby you can be one of those people whosaved a lil child life.i hope youknow how lucky you were just to even know your little boy! Im praying for you and your family.
Kole <kokobal@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, October 29, 2006 2:30 PM CST
Hi my name is Kole im 12 years old. I have no i deal what pain your going through not many people do, they think they do but they dont. I dont have cancer but my best friend does aand shes very close to loseing her life and i cry every night because i dont no when i wake up if she will still be their. Your son was very lucky for the few years he lived on earth but what my mom tells me every night is sooner or later we all go and you know what i no your child went to a better placce with God and he will never feel pain again. He missis you very much because evry kid misses their paent even when they say they dont. I wish i could help you some how but i cant. I cant even help one of my best friends and i dont know when shell go but let me tell you somthing this girl is the sweetest person i have ever meat and im sure your son is just as sweet and its hard to see some one you care so much about die but iv only have had one loss in my life and i dont want my friend to be # 2. I belive she can get htrough it if you cantell as many people as you know to pray for a girl and im not gunna give names out but if you just tell people she woullnt have to go maby and then maby you can be one of those people whosaved a lil child life.i hope youknow how lucky you were just to even know your little boy! Im praying for you and your family.
Kole <kokobal@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, October 29, 2006 2:29 PM CST
heyy you dont know me but i hope you are better now.
alyssa hill <blueeyes1973r@aol.com>
fulton, ny united states - Sunday, October 29, 2006 12:23 AM CST
What a wonderful and beautiful child God send you in Charlie, but God needed him back to fulfill his next mission. That mission was to be Jesus's shepard in his kingdom, my heart hurts for your family, I will keep you all in my prayers. One of Charlie's Saints, Cecil.
Cecil Garcia <cgarcialandscaping@msn.com>
Gallup, nm US - Sunday, October 29, 2006 7:46 AM CST
I was reading a story about a little girl named Paige who's grandparents own a restaurant here in Elkhart and found out about this website. I saw Charlie's picture and wanted to know his story. I have a seven month old and four year old girls and I thank God that they are healthy because I read stories like your Charlie's and wonder what is God's plan. I hope your family is well and happy and my thoughts are with you from one mother to another. Thank you for telling Charlie's story.
April Taylor <lovenurse1@verizon.net>
Elkhart, IN US - Sunday, October 29, 2006 6:45 AM CST
My heart goes out to your family. Charlie, had a beautiful smile. I recently found out about Caringbridge when my sister put her daughter (my goddaughter) on the site. Makayla Torres. I read Charlie's story and cried. May God bless your family. Deborah
Deborah Knust <banjopicker384@aol.com>
Springville, IN US - Saturday, October 28, 2006 10:18 PM CDT
Wow, I'm so sorry for what your family is going through! I don't know your family but I know it has to be hard. Good luck to you, I hope things get better and everythings works out for the best!
Much love and care,

Brittany <naughtytawny2010@aim.com>
WI USA - Saturday, October 28, 2006 2:51 PM CDT
hey, this is Lindsey and Caitlin we're both 15 and and from Branson, Mo. we read your story and are both praying for your family. Only God can know the reason for this, tradgedy. We find joy in looking forward to seeing Charlie in heaven some day.
Lindsey Jasper Caitlin Thorn
Branson , mo u.s. - Saturday, October 28, 2006 11:52 AM CDT
Charlie is just one of the reasons I support charities and foundations who concentrate on helping children. I am lucky that my two boys have always been healthy. Because of this I feel I must give back something. God bless all the children who suffer from this, and other, horrible diseases.
Bill Lancaster <lancasterindex@sbcglobal.net>
Franklin Pk, IL USA - Saturday, October 28, 2006 1:10 AM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Mary Whitlock <mmbwhitlock@msn.com>
Mankato, MN USA - Friday, October 27, 2006 12:42 AM CDT
This is my first visit to this caringbridge site and your sweet little man was the first thing I saw and read about. What a courageous little thing as well as a courageous family who cared for him. My daughter spent 2 months in the NICU for being born prematurely and this site would have been so wonderful to keep in touch with so many and to have been such a wonderful keepsake journal as well. I am so sorry for your loss of Charlie and as difficult as that is I hope you are comforted by him now being such a sweet and wonderful little Angel watching over so many just as so many watched over him during his time. He was a beautiful baby boy! All my prayers ~
Kristie Theede <cktheede@hotmail.com>
Fairmount, ND USA - Friday, October 27, 2006 11:02 AM CDT
What a beautiful little boy. I am so sorry for your lose. I am sure he is up there watching out for you. God had his reasons for taking him at such a young age. Keep your gin up someday you will find out why God did this FOR YOU. All my prayers go out to all of you.
Debbie Davenport <angeleyes8028@aol.com>
Englewood, Fl Charlotte - Friday, October 27, 2006 10:17 AM CDT
I just read your story and was so touched. Your family sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing your story. May God Bless.
Denise Roy
Coon Rapids, MN United States - Friday, October 27, 2006 9:02 AM CDT
- Friday, October 27, 2006 0:25 AM CDT
- Friday, October 27, 2006 0:25 AM CDT
Your web page touch my family heart. God BLESS

The pruett's Family

Charles, Ruth, Sandra, Dustin <charlespop1@aol.com>
Poplar Bluff, MO USA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 11:06 PM CDT
My wife has had a site at Caringbridge now for over 15 months and I've never paid attention to the main page of Caringbridge until tonight, while posting information about her current health. It was so wonderful to read about Charlie and how he touched and continues to touch so many people. He is so beautiful and his eyes just dance around like fluttering butterflys. I will never know of your families pain, but I can pray that God is healing you and your family as we speak. Thank you for keeping the site up and allowing everyone to be blessed by Charlie. My wife's site is an older site on Caringbridge.....www3.caringbridge.org/pa/siamezekitten
Michael and Karen Park-Spencer <meezerz@comcast.net>
Chambersburg, PA USA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:11 PM CDT
I,m very sorry for your loss of your very special little angel. I also have my own little angel. I loss my son to ALL he was diagnoised in 2000 and passed away in 2002. To lose your child is very painful. Very nice journal. I will pray for your family.
Cindy <stre8443@localnet.clcmn.edu>
Little Falls, Mn 56345 - Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:35 PM CDT
God Bless your family and all those who are touched by your story. Your faith shines through and is touching people daily.
Denise Marshall <dmarshall029@comcast.net>
- Thursday, October 26, 2006 5:51 PM CDT
Good Morning!
I was just introduced to the Caringbridge website by a friend-I created a site for my sister who is currently undergoing State 3 breast cancer. I came upon your story of Charlie and read it through and looked at his pictures.
Oh! What an absolute ANGEL he is! I can not even begin to imagine what you have experienced or are experiencing-it is just too tragic that Charlie had to leave this earth before he grew up and experienced all the things we always hope that our children experience. I know that it does help to journal our thoughts and emotions-at least it has helped me with my sister. Life is so short and I hope that we all remember to take the time to enjoy our loved ones and TELL them that we love them! For me-I had forgotten that after my Dad died of pancreatic cancer but now with my sister-it has brought it all back for me.
I wish for you peace, love and joy. We will never forget them-they are forever in our hearts and minds and always will be! :-)

Laurie Weisser

Laurie Weisser <bwpt@charter.net>
Menomonie, WI USA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:47 AM CDT
Every day I visit the Caring Bridge site for news and updates on my brother who had a motorbike accident 8 weeks ago. I live on the other side of the world and, because of the slow phone connections, the page only gradually appears on my screen and every day I look forward to seeing the image of your little boy slowly appearing on my screen, first his dark, gentle eyes appear and lastly his wonderful, slightly crooked smile. It always brings a lump to my throat but, ultimately, it always makes me smile too! He is a constant reminder of what is good, kind and loving about all the young souls we bring into this world, no matter how short their stay may be.
Jane <vuka@africaonline.co.zw>
Zimbabwe - Thursday, October 26, 2006 7:22 AM CDT
My heart goes out to you, hold on to your memories, especially the joyful ones.
Sheri Johnson <sajohnson13@msn.com>
Englewood, CO USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:48 PM CDT
Thanks for sharing Charlie's story with the world. What a handsome little guy with a captivating facial expression. May the Lord bless you and continue to give you strength.

St. Louis, Mo. USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 5:21 PM CDT
Dear Cowan family,
Thank you so much for sharing your story. What an inspiration. I am sure there are days that are not easy to go on, but you are strong and do so anyway. I learned about this site when my daughter was born with spina bifida. Your story gave me tremendous strength and inspiration. Maddie (my daughter) and I pray each night for the families of babies that have went to be with Jesus. Thanks again for sharing.
Keri Jo Tucker

keri <liltuck3@hotmail.com>
clinton, IL USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 4:19 PM CDT
What a beautiful little boy! I too lost a child, a son, Randy. He was just six days old. My heart is with you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Tina Owens <tinao@southlakeclinic.com>
Maple Valley, WA USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:08 PM CDT
I just found out about the CaringBridge website and Charlie's is the first one I visited. I am touched beyond words to describe how I feel. Your love for Charlie and each other is a precious gift from God. I am sure that Charlie is laughing and playing in Heaven and still feels the special love of his family.
Elizabeth Jenkins
- Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:02 PM CDT
I was checking in on my nephew Dakotah's site and saw a pic of your beautiful angel! I have one child 13yrs (my angel) I have lost 12, I know the hurt. God Bless you and your family and those that prayed for and with you! My nephew is 14yrs old he was hit by a van. I believe that his caringbridge site has been a factor in his recovery, I have asked friends from across the globe to pray for him... maybe you could too? His site name is Dakotah the password is prayforme GODBLESS and THANKYOU!
Pamela Syverson <p_syverson@hotmail.com>
Jamestown, ND USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:35 AM CDT
I'm sitting here this morning updating my caringbridge site. My beautiful, healthy 5 year old son, Matthew, had a seizure on May 1, 2006.He has been in the hospital since. I pray that I can continue to find the strength and courage that you have endured during your fight for your son Charlie. You are a remarkable woman. Charlie was lucky to have been blessed with you for his Mom. I will keep you in my prayers. Rosemary DiLascio
Rosemary DiLascio <NatMatt2@aol.com>
Muttontown, NY USA - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 5:34 AM CDT
you were blessed by one of God's angels
Patty <pk818state@bellsouth.net>
Natchez, ms 39120 - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 11:00 PM CDT
My heart goes out to all of you....life is truly so fragile and beautiful, as seen in your little Charlie's angel eyes!! I too lost a 5 mo. old son and can feel your loss..it hurts so bad and yet we can go on as stronger, more loving people because of our experience; the love we had for our child can be shared with so many others and can give so many other grieving parents hope that they can go on and still find peace and happiness in life. Thank you for sharing your story!!!
Sharon May
Chaska, MN USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 9:19 PM CDT
May God bless you and your wonderful family. I read your tribute and remembrance of the joy your precious little son brought and still brings to you. It takes very special people to share this with people you do not know. May God give each of us the same dignity. Charlie will be in my nightly prayers.
Judy Carter <judy_carter@cargill.com>
Hopkins, MN - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 3:47 PM CDT
You are blessed to have an amazing son. Although his time here was brief, he continues to touch so many lives. It's amazing that someone so small and seemingly helpless can give so much strength and hope to others. Your family will be in my prayers.
Clayla Hicks
Bauxite, AR - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 2:18 PM CDT
I really loved the pictures of your charlie. He looks very sweet,just like a little angel, charich him forever ok.God Bless You and Your beautiful Family.
Tanya Pfeifer <tanya_302005@yahoo.com>
Atkins, AR Pope - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 2:10 PM CDT
I was visiting caring bridge reading about the son of friend's of ours who was hit by a car a couple of weeks ago as has many, many injuries, along with head/brain injuries.He needs lots of prayers. Then I read about your son and saw the beautiful pictures ~ what a tribute to your special little guy. How very sorry I am for your loss ~ and your ability to try to keep things positive ~ I can't imagine how difficult your journey has been. You sound like very special people, and a special family. You'll be in my prayers to continue your healing. This is such a powerful site to be able to connect with sooo very many people whether or not you know them! Please take care! Terri Neumann, Solon Springs, Wi.
Terri Neumann <firelane@centurytel.net>
Solon Springs, Wi USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 1:39 PM CDT
God bless you and your family. I read your story with tears in my eyes. I have a son who is 14 months old, and I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you. I hope that knowing Charlie is an angel in heaven comforts you and brings you peace.
Amy Dishner <amydishner@charter.net>
Greenville, SC USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:54 AM CDT
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your precious baby boy. My family and I will keep you and your family in our prayers each night. Just remember he has gotten to see the Sweet face of God!
Mandy Ivey <mivey@sepapergroup.com>
Jonesville, SC - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 9:56 AM CDT
i loved the baby pictures. God bless you and your beutiful family.
mary raczka <mraczka@ford.com >
cheektowaga, ny erie - Monday, October 23, 2006 8:05 PM CDT
I was visiting a friend's CaringBridge site when I came across a photo of Charlie and thought what an adorable baby he is. I clicked and read his story and my heart went out to you. Having a son myself, who is turning 1 this friday, I was overwhelmed by the feelings of what I would do if my son was taken like Charlies was. I am so sorry to hear about your loss and hope that you know that Charlie will be waiting for you in heaven.
Jay <bigjay1971@yahoo.com>
- Monday, October 23, 2006 8:27 AM CDT
Hello, My name is Jessica I am 21 and I have lukemia. I also have a caringbridge site. I was going to update mine and I saw the picture of your beautiful son and thought I would read his story. I cannot tell you how deaply sorry I am, but I have been praying for you since the moment I read his story. I know that God is a BIG God and he is an AWESOME God and I hope he is bringing you comfort in this hard time. I know you don't know me but you and your family will be in my prayers.
Jessica Villalobos <laughhehe03@aol.com>
- Monday, October 23, 2006 0:47 AM CDT
hey i am very sorry for what has happened and all you have been through. i am 13 and my father has been in an accident it is pretty serious. your sons story has made me believe no matter what happens they are always with you. i thank you so much. your son has been so inspiring. thanks again.
mercedes <littlepumpkintwinkletoes@hotmail.com>
buffalo, mn usa - Sunday, October 22, 2006 11:55 PM CDT
Charlie is an angel that is now taking care of you!! ...I am a person of the Dominican Republic who read Charlie's story...God bless you both and your family!!

maribel de fernandez <chanojo@hotmail.com>
santo domingo, dominican rep - Saturday, October 21, 2006 6:30 PM CDT
JACKSON, MS. USA - Saturday, October 21, 2006 6:09 PM CDT
What a beautiful baby Charlie was and how blessed you were to have him if only for so short a time.Thankyou for allowing me to visit God bless you all
From Joyce Elliott

Mrs Joyce Elliott <Jelliot5@aol.com>
Derby, England UK - Saturday, October 21, 2006 6:08 PM CDT
I have visited Charlies page and what a beautiful little boy you had even for such short a time.you were very blessed to have him and to hold him to love him and to cherish his memory.I came across your site when I opened a caring bridge site for my little grandaughter Amelia who was diagnosed with Wilms tumour on 17th March 2006.Im glad that I read your messages and viewed your photos.Bless you all as a family and thankyou for allowing me to read your story. Love from Joyce Elliott
Mrs Joyce Elliott <Jelliot5@aol.com>
Derby, England UK - Saturday, October 21, 2006 6:02 PM CDT
God bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!
I felt so overwhelmed by Charlies story and want you all to know that from today I will be praying for this little angel that is taking care of all of us.

Margarita Upegui <margrit@une.net.co>
Medellín, Antioquia Colombia - Saturday, October 21, 2006 4:00 PM CDT
Thank you so very much for "Charlie's story". Is is an inspiration to me, as I prepare to travel to the Mayo Clinic for a stem cell transplant. I know that it will help many others as well.
Nancy Smith <dmncsmith@msn.com>
Duluth, MN St. Louis - Friday, October 20, 2006 6:18 PM CDT
We are praying for you and all of our angels with SMA, (along with their families). We will continue to support the cause and help find a cure for "our" kids.
May peace be with you.
Karen and Tim

Karen and Tim Chies <kjansen@qwest.net>
Champlin , MN USA - Friday, October 20, 2006 6:09 PM CDT
We are praying for you and all of our angels with SMA, (along with their families). We will continue to support the cause and help find a cure for "our" kids.
May peace be with you.
Karen and Tim

Karen and Tim Chies <kjansen@qwest.net>
Champlin , MN USA - Friday, October 20, 2006 6:09 PM CDT
We are praying for you and all of our angels with SMA, (along with their families). We will continue to support the cause and help find a cure for "our" kids.
May peace be with you.
Karen and Tim

Karen and Tim Chies <kjansen@qwest.net>
Champlin , MN USA - Friday, October 20, 2006 6:09 PM CDT
may god bless you and give you stregth to go on every day as as letting his sweet memory be with you always in prayers always and sending lots of love form fort bragg nc
crystal barefoot
fort bragg, nc usa - Friday, October 20, 2006 12:09 AM CDT
I was so touched when I read charlies story. I know It has been a couple of years but one day it will get better and better. may dog bless u.
CHICAGO, IL COOK - Friday, October 20, 2006 8:56 AM CDT
For several months I have been seeing your beautiful baby Charlie on the web site when I check up on my friend, Kassidy Terrio. His story has touched me to tears - thank you soooo much for sharing his story with us - you are truly an inspiration - GOD BLESS YOU !!!
Jane Brignac <kb@rtconline.com>
LA Place , LA USA - Thursday, October 19, 2006 8:52 PM CDT
I am glad that the Lord blessed you with an awesome little boy for a small time on earth. Life is like a vapor so enjoy it to the fullest. Charlie is up in heaven with God in the perfect little body. My nephew had leukemia and beat it he is only 14. Thanks for your story God Bless!!!!!!
Mrs. Julie Woods
Chillicothe, Oh United States - Thursday, October 19, 2006 6:44 PM CDT
What a little bundle of joy! I came across your little Charlie! He is such an angel! God Bless you all! I have a niece on here. She is 12 years old and has NF1.
Terry Gelatt <terrygelatt@aol.com>
Deltona, FL USA - Thursday, October 19, 2006 6:08 PM CDT
I see little Charlie's face everytime I log in to check on a friend. Today I took the time to look at this precious little face that greeted me everytime. I am not going to pretend that I know what your experience was like, but I do feel the love that you have for Charlie. You and your family are very blessed to have him enter your lives and I appreciate the fact that you treasure it so much. God Bless you and your family and may Charlie watch over you forever.
Heather <heather.davis-pickett@wpafb.af.mil>
Dayton, OH USA - Thursday, October 19, 2006 2:30 PM CDT
I was checking on Paige James today and I came to your site, i just wanted to let you know how very touched I was to have read your story. Said a little prayer for your family. The site that you developed means the world to all. Take care and God Bless.
Cheryl garrett <cgarrett@merhow.com>
Elkhart, In USA - Thursday, October 19, 2006 12:26 AM CDT
DEBRA MCCLAIN <dmcclain@verizon.net>
BRANDON, FL USA - Thursday, October 19, 2006 9:16 AM CDT
we know what you are going through we lost our son to a heart diease in 1988 it sure is a lot of sorrow but by the grace of god and time we surived . since then we was blessed with 2 beautiful daughters courtney age 10 ,cara age 8 .we are so thankful for them may god bless you while time heals.
GA ,CARRIE ,COURTNEY ,AND CARA GUTHRIE <cguthrie102168@yahoo.com>
albany, ky usa - Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:49 AM CDT
hey,i read your story i understand what you going through because i have leukiema AML .I been going through it for seven months and none of treatments didn't work out so well. So there for i have to have a bone marrow transplant some time between november and december.Well it was nice to read about charlie and it was nice talking to you Ms Cowans.
Arica Houston 11 years old <blessedyth2005@netzero.com>
Meridian, MS United States - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 8:29 PM CDT
I was on the site checking out a friend's guestbook, and came across your story. What a wonderful way to remember your son, and you are an inspiration to those who are lucky enough to have read Charlie's story. He is beautiful,and safely in God's loving arms. Charlie is eagerly awaiting to see his family in heaven!
Broadway, VA USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 7:14 PM CDT
I am so sorry it had to come to this, but Charlie is an inspiration to me after reading his story, and will always be so, to thousands of people reading on the website.
Charlie, I know you are looking out for your family :-)

atlanta, GA usa - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 5:17 PM CDT
You dp not know me but I am very sorry to hear about what happened with Charlie. Just remeber that God loves you!

- Wednesday, October 18, 2006 3:50 PM CDT
thats so sad that had to happen but now we know that he is in a better place.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Wednesday, October 18, 2006 2:54 PM CDT
Charlie is a beautiful angel. I will pray for all of you
everyday. You are right about our children being the
best part of our lives. You have a beautiful family and
are blessed for having Charlie in your lives.

- Wednesday, October 18, 2006 2:20 PM CDT
Just read the beautiful story about your little boy.. and was very touched.. What a beautiful way to remember him. I don't know how I would survive such a loss. I have an acquaintance with a child in a similar situation and as I really don't know the family well, I am at a loss as to how to help. I just want to send my thoughts and prayers to you and your family as well.
Pat Cavaliere
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 7:59 AM CDT
i am terribly sorry and i was really touch with everything you did for your little boy!! i hope your doing well know and i will be praying for your little boy and you guys!! chershing you in all prayer's!!!
Julie <jewlz_da_playa2010@hotmail.com>
Polo , United states - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:32 PM CDT
i was looking around in the website and i saw this about your little boy i am really sorry and i was really touch with everything you did for your little boy!! i hope your doing well know and i will be praying for your little boy!!
Julie <jewlz_da_playa2010@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:29 PM CDT
Bless you for sharing your story. I hope Angel Charlie is one of the angels watching over my son right now.
Lisa Schaub
Traverse City, MI USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:06 PM CDT
I came to this site looking for the guest book of a local boy injured in an accident and was drawn to the picture of your precious Charlie. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Thank you for that inspiring story that was almost too difficult to read. I will remember your family in my prayers.
Rhonda <rhonda@chattertons.net>
Issaquah, WA USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:04 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your story, really, thank you. Perspective always seems to come at such a high cost.
A touched reader
River Falls, WI - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 8:04 PM CDT
Charlie's story is amazing and heratwarming. When I read his story I suddenly found myself praying for him and your family. Your story has truly inspired me and I want to thank you for sharing his story.
Jillia Tucker <tsk_jat2005@yahoo.com>
Clinton, S.C. US - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 2:05 PM CDT
Bless you for sharing your Charlie. What a precious gift you had and still have in your hearts! May god bless you and your wonderful family...your truely deserve it!
Danni Jorenby <Danni3662@aol.com>
Madison, WI USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 9:37 AM CDT
this story really touched my heart. I am only 14 and I just think of how lucky I am to still be living. Although it's been a while since Charlie met again with Jesus, I've been told that the love of a child never ends; so, I will keep the family in prayer and I really enjoyed reading the testimony that is on this site. God Bless!
Bridget West
- Tuesday, October 17, 2006 8:52 AM CDT
love it
bridget west <babygirl7x1@netzero.net>
- Tuesday, October 17, 2006 8:49 AM CDT
I prayed for you and your family today. May the Lord Jesus Christ make Romans 8:18 a reality in your home and your heart.
Star Lee <star.lee@fbcw.net>
Canton, GA USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:52 AM CDT
It just touched my heart.
God has touched my heart through Charlie. It made me feel how important I am in His sight.

Mary Suguna <msuguna1@rediffmail.com>
INDIA - Monday, October 16, 2006 4:29 PM CDT
SHONNA <snowling@smithtractorco.com>
JAY , FL - Monday, October 16, 2006 2:46 PM CDT
i saw a picture of charlie and i loved it


lauren barnett
johnson city, tn usa - Monday, October 16, 2006 2:31 PM CDT
Just read the story on Charlie and it has definately touched my heart. I thank you for sharing your story!
Samantha Jo Huls <SamanthaJo22@excite.com>
Fargo, ND United States - Monday, October 16, 2006 1:55 PM CDT
I just spent some time reading about your beautiful baby, Charlie. My nephew also had SMA so Charlie's story caught my eye immediately. We too had only 6 short months with our little angel. Reading your entries really brought back alot of those difficult times and the familiarity of what our family went through. It also reminded me of what a sweet little boy our lives had been blessed with. Going through something like this truly changes you forever. May you find comfort knowing that Charlie is safe in the arms of Jesus.
Tammie Maschhoff <tmaschhoff@hotmail.com>
- Monday, October 16, 2006 11:49 AM CDT
Sorry to hear about Charlie. We have a grandbaby at St. Judes with Retinoblastoma she is 6 months old and is just getting atarted on Chemo and treatments. Our situation isn't as bad as yours hopefully one day they will find a cure for all kinds of cancers. We will always keep you and yours in our prayers and thoughts. Much Love Flowers Family
Tom /Lisa Flowers <tflowers6@cox.net>
RoseHill, ks u.s.a. - Monday, October 16, 2006 10:56 AM CDT
Still thinking of you often Charlie Bear..I keep your family in my prayers..Charlie you have really touched my life and i will never forget you. Lots and Lots of Love
Kathy Baltierra <kbaltierra@yahoo.com>
Hemet, ca usa - Monday, October 16, 2006 7:35 AM CDT
Baby Charlie has touched my heart tonight. I just saw the website and really wanted to sign the guest book. Please take comfort in the fact that he is with the Lord and suffers no more.
Caroline Lawson
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Monday, October 16, 2006 3:29 AM CDT
Charlie is a beautiful little angel, I saw his picture and wanted to know more about him, he was blessed to have a family like he had that loved him so much and now you are blessed to have a angel in haven watching over his family, I have a little angel in heaven, he had watched over his brothers and sisters as they grew up and he still watched over all of us, we have had miracles in our family and I know it is because of him, thaks for sharing Charlie, Myra
Myra Gautreau <myramg@eatel.net>
Gonales, LA. USA - Sunday, October 15, 2006 9:49 PM CDT
this is my first time looking at the site of charlie. he is so cute.god is with him all the time and now he is in my prayers too

alisa <tollison1@ yahoo.com>
saltillo, ms usa - Sunday, October 15, 2006 7:58 PM CDT
ELBERTA , AL USA - Sunday, October 15, 2006 2:14 PM CDT
so sorry to hear about charlie
linda cox <linsues@aol.com>
indianapolis, in usa - Sunday, October 15, 2006 3:34 AM CDT
What a marvelous family that I have been reading about and crying with for the past hour or so. I had been following a friend of ours and saw Little Charlie's photo that took my heart away so I decided to follow his story. He was such a beautiful baby and I know from reading his life story that he came from a wonderful family. My prayers are with your family as you go through the phases of your loss of Charlie and your outlook of the promise that he is alive and well today and that with the power of the gospel that you will again see Charlie in Eternity. What a reunion that will be. You did a beautiful job in keeping your family and friends abreast of everything that was going on in Charlie's life and in his death. Those things make him so much closer to everyone involved. Thank you for allowing me, as a stranger to your family, to walk down this path, even though it was afterwards, that you have trod for the past couple of years. You have done a beautiful job with the girls during this time of trials in the family and they are wonderdul children. In Christian Love, Joanne
Joanne L. Fitzgerald <jlfitzgerald@bellsouth.net>
Hermitage, TN USA - Saturday, October 14, 2006 8:53 PM CDT
We were viewing the story about Charlie today at the Henderson hospital in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. We were so touched by this beautiful little boy who fought so hard to stay alive and his wonderful caring family who will miss him so much, but his memory will live forever because of this website that was created out of love. We were admiring the pictures that show what a loving caring family he has and this angel will live in our hearts forever. May God bless his family and everyone who has taken the time to remember this little sweetheart. Love, the staff on ward 396, Henderson Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Elaine Hill <hillel@hhsc.ca>
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - Saturday, October 14, 2006 5:03 PM CDT
you haved touched are heart!!!!
samantha,blake,kelsey Bohnenstiehl <bonplb@charter.net>
collinsville, ILL usa - Saturday, October 14, 2006 2:21 PM CDT
ELIZABETHTOWN , KY USA - Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:20 AM CDT
I have seen the face of your sweet little one each I come to Caringbridge for a friend's nephew. Today I tried to read a brief bit of your story. My husband's aunt had SMA - rather a much more late onset. She had stumbling and balance problems as a youngster and amazed Dr.s that she was not wheelchair bound till midlife. They wanted to put her into a study but needed 10 people like her and could not find them. I nursed her during her final days when all her muscles were too weak to function, including her breathing. I am not as familiar with Type I but I am aware of the disease. I think your willingness to share in Caringbridge is a wonderful thing - not only for you to share with everyone but,as you said, it becomes a lifeline of support and encouragement from all your friends and family.

I am sure your little one made a difference in our world and your sharing will help others when you least expect it - healing in a way by sharing your heart.

Shirley Seymour <jseymour@myepath.com>
New Castle, PA USA - Saturday, October 14, 2006 8:43 AM CDT
Hi, my name is Stephanie Yeats. My cousin is also on this site and I saw the picture of your beautiful child. Reading your story brought tears to my eyes as I cannot imagine what it be like to lose a child. You must have incredible faith and a wonderful family by your side. I have two children, a 12 year old son and a 3 month old daughter. I almost lost her at birth due to her cord being wrapped around her neck. And not that I didn't realize it with my son, but it was at that moment that I realized how much I loved this tiny little person and how different my life would be without her. I thank God everyday for allowing me to be a mother to these two wonderful kids, for how ever long He sees fit for me to have that role. Children are truely a miracle from God and your son will be with you always. I just want to say that my thoughts and prayers are with all of you. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Stephanie Yeats <sdyeats2003@yahoo.com>
Big Spring, TX United States - Saturday, October 14, 2006 2:10 AM CDT
this is lena ashwas from astoria illinois and my friend dalton blakely has cancer and i saw charlies pic on the website. Just wanted to let u know that im thinking of ur family. I will pray for u guys,
Lena Renee Ashwas

Lena Ashwas <libragrl28@hotmail.com>
Astoria, Illinois America - Friday, October 13, 2006 6:30 PM CDT
Hello kathy & family of baby Charlie,
My name is Debbie and i was going through different things on this website, because my friends bay girl who is not even 3 years old yet is in chop right now very very ill with nueroblastoma. She was diagnosed a year ago Oct.10th She has been thru so much , she finished all her treatments only to be suffering now with all the side effects. She went into the hospital Monday night with failing Kidneys and internal bleeding. they did not think she would make it through the night. Well thank GOD she is still here. It is so heart breaking to watch a child go thru so much. I read your story about Charlie and i just began to cry. You all must have such strength which is incredible. My heart goes out to you and your family. Please say lots of prayers for my friend Dana and her baby Alyssa Ricciardi.

Debbie <smidco1@aol.com>
south plainfield, nj usa - Friday, October 13, 2006 5:16 PM CDT
I praise you for your efforts. I don't have kids just yet so theres no telling what there going to be like, What illness could be present, or even what their favorite color is going to be. But I do know from reading your touching story that if I have to face anything similar to what you have I will go about it in a completly different way now. May god bless you and your family for staying so strong. I Feel as if you have done something to help me.
thank you

Rosanna <RosannaCerrato731@hotmail.com>
Cabot, Ar US - Friday, October 13, 2006 1:15 PM CDT
Hi Kathy, Jeff, and Girls, I haven't checked your sight in a long time since I have the address on my computer at school. I am totally touched by the outcries of all the people who continue to send you their prayers. You really are blessed people.
Lynn Rasmussen <richlynn@charter.net>
Sartell, MN USA - Friday, October 13, 2006 10:47 AM CDT
I was signing into CaringBridge when I saw the picture of Charlie and clicked on his picture to read about him, not knowing he had gone Home to be with the Lord. He was a beautiful baby and know he is watching over his Mommy and Daddy and sisters. Thank you sharing his story.

God Bless You.
Robin Glazis

Robin <gglazis@yahoo.com>
Glazis, TN USA - Friday, October 13, 2006 7:41 AM CDT
I came to leave a post on a friends site and found Charlie. In tears,I write this. I hope that his mom has let the light of faith continue to shine and had another baby, or just let her girls sustain her. Children give us so much life but when they go they take the best part of us. I hope God Blesses your family everyday for the rest of your lives.
Baldwinsville, NY USA - Friday, October 13, 2006 7:40 AM CDT
Such a touching story and a beautiful baby. May his story touch a new heart everyday.
Meghan Kasper <bradshaw02@aol.com>
- Friday, October 13, 2006 2:37 AM CDT
Came on the caring bridge website to type a message for a family that just lost a loved one and I saw this cute picture of a baby boy on the front page. I had to click on it and read of him. what a touching page you have typed. I will look at the pictures next. Have a Blessed Day, always and forever.
Lisa Erlandsen <yaa_lisa@yahoo.com>
Tampa, FL USA - Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:33 PM CDT
God bless you and the precious memories you have of Charlie Bear. One day, on the other side of this life in eternity, you will know the joy of hugging him again.
Blaine, MN 55434 - Thursday, October 12, 2006 7:08 PM CDT
I have been to caringbridge many times since Alexandra Paxton's Mom set up her site. This is the 1st time I noticed Charlie's site. My heart goes out to you for the loss of your son. I am thankful for your faith and the beautiful way you celebrate Charlies Day. God Bless you all, till we meet in heaven, God Willing. Beverly J Zuvers
Beverly J Zuvers <bdzuvers@cass.net>
Morenci, MI USA - Thursday, October 12, 2006 7:01 PM CDT
Charlie is the cutest baby!!! What expressive eyes! I'm so sorry for your loss but you will all see him again. Thank you for sharing his story. He is precious.
Karen Hicks
Meridian, MS USA - Thursday, October 12, 2006 9:22 AM CDT
Aunt Joan (Great Aunt of reesebehnken) <bob_joanrsg@msn.com>
Hazlet, N.J. USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:54 PM CDT
Hi you dont know me but i read you story and i was touchred i hope he gets better real soon and to the parents stay strong we had to go throw this with my cousin and she came out ok but i want you to know i will praying for your family and hopefully your beutiful baby boy will be home to stay real real soon i will have my church pray for you remember you are not alone..
Kaylyn <babydoll_01@sbcglobal.net>
Kaukauna, WI United States - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:28 PM CDT
my thoughts are with you all
ellen fryday <ellanfryday@aol.com>
kent, england - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 4:29 PM CDT
I was at CaringBridge looking at a friends site. I saw Charlie's picture on the home page and he is such a beautiful baby! I was drawn to it and read his story. You are such a strong family. What a sad story, but I was touched when you asked for prayer for a comfortable tomorrow the day before he died. God granted that prayer. He is so very comfortable in the arms of Jesus now!
Laura Hoevener
Milford, OH - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:52 PM CDT
I myself lost my child and i still think about it everyday to this day i will never forget him although he was only with me for three short days but it meant so much to me . i wish i would have known about this site during that . Your webpage fo Charlie is beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss i know that it does not mean much. But i do understand your pain.
kimberly young <kimberlypuff19@aol.com>
saint louis, mo usa - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:12 PM CDT
I just looked at Charlies guest book for the first time,my prayers & thoughts are with you. I have a 19 month old grandson and sometime we forget how blessed we really are.May God be with you
Sylvia Jones <anjsmom20@aol.com>
Beckville, TX United Stayes - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:19 PM CDT
my sympathies.
debbie e. <buffalopine@netzero.net>
in. U.S.A. - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:48 AM CDT
My heart is breaking for your family as I have gone back to read about your precious little baby boy. Yet at the same time, as hard as it is, Charlie is in the arms of Jesus....free of pain & suffering. Your family will be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing your journey.
Amber <amberfly00@hotmail.com>
MB Canada - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:25 AM CDT
Thank you for blessing me with the story of your baby boy. Our God is an awesome God and your faith is truly inspiring. Bless your family. Kim
Kim Abernathy
Altus, OK USA - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:47 PM CDT
My heart goes out to your family. You all now have a beautiful guardian angel looking over you.
Lori Graham <lgraham@airkem.ca>
Kirkland Lake, ON Canada - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:29 PM CDT
I hope that you keep up the smiles and prayers for yourself and Charlies spirit. GOD BLESS YOU!

Mother of Brandon Michael Pollard caringbridge website author,

Amber <pollard0808@yahoo.com>
De Queen, Ar seveir - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:22 AM CDT
What a testament of Charlie's life! May the joy he brought to your lives be multiplied 10 fold!
Karen Hughes-O'Steen
Orlando, Fl U.S.A. - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:50 AM CDT
I am so very sorry for your loss.
baltimore, MD USA - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 0:39 AM CDT
Im am so sorry to hear that had to happen to you and your family because 2 years and 6 days ago as of today was when we lost my 1st neice to the same thing.... was that the worst time of my life.. I did a lot of blaming because i was really mean to olivias mom and i thought god was punishing me for how mean i had been.. i go to her grave often and its still really hard but i know she wouldnt want me to be sad because she is in a better place i am really sorry that happened to you and im sorry it happened to me but knowing someone else out there went threw the same thing makes me feel a little less qilty.it makes me grow a little stronger each day. thanks for the story!
Carman Preston <Carmie141605@msn.com>
Corcoran, Mn Hennepin - Monday, October 9, 2006 8:44 PM CDT
Im am so sorry to hear that had to happen to you and your family because 2 years and 6 days ago as of today was when we lost my 1st neice to the same thing.... was that the worst time of my life.. I did a lost of blaming because i was really mean to olivias mom and i thought god was punishing me for how mean i had been.. i go to her grave often and its still really hard but i know she wouldnt want me to be sad because she is in a better place i am really sorry that happened to you and im sorry it happened to me but knowing someone else out there went threw the same thing makes me feel a little less quilty.it makes me grow a little stronger each day. thanks for the story!
Carman Preston <Carmie141605@msn.com>
Corcoran, Mn Hennepin - Monday, October 9, 2006 8:42 PM CDT
I am prying for you.
May GOD bless you.

Bethany <joy6890@comcast.net>
Portland, OR - Monday, October 9, 2006 7:28 PM CDT
You are so brave
- Monday, October 9, 2006 3:24 PM CDT
May God keep you! Keep the faith, God will see you through.
Angie Hoskins <angie_redbone@hotmail.com>
Water Valley, MS USA - Monday, October 9, 2006 10:07 AM CDT
Bless You All
RC <rcrosby1@netzero.com>
- Monday, October 9, 2006 7:55 AM CDT
May God bless you and your family, your sweet little boy Charlie and Charlie's memory.
Chicago, IL - Sunday, October 8, 2006 8:59 PM CDT
As i read this site tears streamed down my face, reading the last memories that yall had with Charlie are just like when my 21 yr old brother passed in May of 06.I pray that God will lead yall thru this rough times and heal you and your family..but that day will come someday that you will met up with Charlie again..that is how i go on everyday is to remeber them words someday because it will happen...Yall will be in my prayers..
Hannah <hgpink@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, October 8, 2006 3:19 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. Have you ever wondered, though, what it would be like to see him again? John 5:28, 29 talks about how all of the memorial tombs will be opened and you will see your dear charlie again. There will be a time when you can live with your son forever on the earth. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and this is the wonderful hope that the bible holds out for the future to all of mankind.
Colleen Olson <crazy4you06@hotmail.com>
Inver Grove Heights, MN USA - Sunday, October 8, 2006 2:13 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. Have you ever wondered, though, what it would be like to see him again? John 5:28, 29 talks about how all of the memorial tombs will be opened and you will see your dear charlie again. There will be a time when you can live with your son forever on the earth. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and this is the wonderful hope that the bible holds out for the future to all of mankind.
Colleen Olson <crazy4you06@hotmail.com>
Inver Grove Heights, MN USA - Sunday, October 8, 2006 1:55 PM CDT
You both have touched my life as well as other's by keeping everyone informed about Charlie and your daily plans. God Bless you both always.
Carol Ann Parker-Burr <ll9burr@conwaycorp.net>
Conway, AR usa - Sunday, October 8, 2006 7:13 AM CDT
God bless your family. You give others the courage to go on. Your little angel is smiling down on you in heaven. You will get to be together some day but for now just enjoy all the wonderful memories you have of him. Your story has truly touched my heart and soul. Your little one will forever be in my thoughts.
ashley simons <ansimons96@comcast.net>
hermitage, tn usa - Saturday, October 7, 2006 10:50 PM CDT
I just found your website tonite. I just thought I'd drop a few lines to say your family will be in thoughts and prayers. I hope all is going ok. It's a blessing for these websites because I think they let all of us open our eyes and realize there is still people out there and care. We are miles apart but prayer travels in many directions. Keep your faith, courage and strength up and take one day at a time. God Bless you and your family!!!
Peggy <leigh_peggy@yahoo.com>
Sailor Springs, IL USA - Saturday, October 7, 2006 10:45 PM CDT
God Bless your family. You know by now that Charlie's life had a special purpose even if it meant you and your loved ones going through such difficult times. He was in life a beautiful little boy but the wings he wears now I'm sure make him even more beautiful. Charlie's story touched a place in my heart even if I never knew him.
Christina Selke
Redford, MI USA - Friday, October 6, 2006 4:58 PM CDT
I just found out about the Cambridge site after watching the Montel Williams show today. They had the father of Kelsey Roberts who was smothered to death by her mother on his show. I saw and read about your preciuos Charlie and my heart opened up to you and your family. God knew Charlie was going to be special and sent him to a family that he knew was special. God only sends us challenges that he know we can handle. I have to think that way because I have been told I am terminal. I just wanted to sign you guest book and to wish you well in the future. Sassy Daniel
Sassy Daniel <ellie_mite@mchsi.com>
Panama City , Fl. U.S. - Friday, October 6, 2006 3:33 PM CDT
Bless you all.
Juli Griswold <jgris58@hotmail.com>
Alma, MI USA - Friday, October 6, 2006 10:58 AM CDT
I envy the strength you and your family posess. God knew what he was doing when he sent Charlie to you all. The loss is great, but it seems that you gained much also from such a short time you were given. I cried for you all when I read Charlie's story. I didn't cry out of pity, rather I cried because I'm so proud of your strength and understanding. I wish your family all the best.

Pamela <despresp@msn.com>
Englehart, on Canada - Friday, October 6, 2006 8:46 AM CDT
you have such a cute baby i hope he gets better. we are glad you brought him into the world. he will do great things when he gets better.
alex hager
- Thursday, October 5, 2006 8:26 PM CDT
i read this whole site and I cried for you. It is a beautiful fall evening and the leaves are gorgeous. Your boy was so beautiful. In his second picture his eyes look heavenly. His gaze looks like that of an angel. May God richly bless your family and may your heart continue to heal. I thought also of how Charlie is running in heaven and playing without a care in the world tonight. Peace.
- Thursday, October 5, 2006 6:32 PM CDT
I just read your entire journal. I sat at my computer and cried and cried and cried. I'm so sorry this happened to you and your beautiful family.
Jacqueline <jkbonneville@yahoo.com>
Menomonie, WI USA - Thursday, October 5, 2006 1:42 PM CDT
I pray for your continual strength in Christ
Neidre Fears
- Thursday, October 5, 2006 12:41 AM CDT
Reading your story brought tears to my eyes but Charlie's courage and that of your family is amazing. My heart goes out to you and your family and you will be in my prayers
Debbie Russ <druss3@sc.rr.com>
- Thursday, October 5, 2006 11:15 AM CDT
Charlie's picture is amazing...He looks so wise. It is like is is looking at us saying-"Oh , it is ok, I am fine"
He just looks like an "old Soul"
What a beautiful baby and what a beautiful story you have shared with us. Thank you and God bless.

Amy Webb <lawsonneelmedbank@rose.net>
Thomasville, Ga USA - Thursday, October 5, 2006 10:40 AM CDT
While reading Jimmy Meyo's journal, I came across Charlie's journal. My friend's grandson was diagnosed with Leukemia and I was at a loss of words. By reading Charlie's story I found the strength to keep the faith alive in God. My heart goes out to your family and I will keep your family in my prayers. Your story has reminded me on how grateful I need to be for my family's good health.
Bernie Arias <rickminn@hotmail.com>
Crookston , MN United States - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 9:40 PM CDT
Hi I just wanted to say how sad I was after coming across your story on Caring Bridge. May god bless you and your family.
MA USA - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 5:35 PM CDT
I have never been so touched in my life. This happened years ago, and somehow I came across it and just cried. God bless you and your family.. and Charlie. He'll always been in my thoughts because of this.
Christina Davis <christina.davis@hotmail.com >
Berryville, VA USA - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 9:56 AM CDT
May God bless you and your family.
Jennifer Meister <jrkrkr@yahoo.com>
Sherman, IL Sangamon - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 9:19 AM CDT
God bless you
yana <yanabrooklyn@yahoo.com>
brooklyn, ny - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:50 AM CDT
God Bless You All!!!!!

Pam Carpenter <pamcarpenter@frontiernet.net>
Marlinton, WV United States - Monday, October 2, 2006 9:35 PM CDT
Good morning.A friend told me of this page.I thank God daily for our good health.After all it is our most valuable asset.
Gervis Miller <gervis@bellsouth.net>
Scott, LA USA - Monday, October 2, 2006 7:14 AM CDT
Hello sweet family, I was so touched to read Charlie's story, he was absolutely an adorable little boy. I hope you know that God had other plans for your little angel. Just knowing that he is not in pain and is very happy to be with Jesus, is a blessing in itself. God bless
you all.

Susie Butler <susiedbutler@bellsouth.net>
Madison, AL USA - Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:12 PM CDT
I found your site on CaringBridge because of a friend of mine who has Lukemia, but the reason why I am signing your guestbook is because I know all about SMA. I have 2 cousins with Type 1 - Casey & Colin O'Neill, and I just wanted to say hi and express my apologies about Charlie. Thank you for sharing your story on here, God Bless you.
Jessi Dumas <jdumas@muskingum.edu>
Cambridge, OH - Sunday, October 1, 2006 8:11 PM CDT
Precious, Precious Little Angel!!! Our prayers are with you for your great loss.
Sherron Grantham
Houston, Tx. USA - Sunday, October 1, 2006 6:55 PM CDT
I'm sorry for your lost, may God continue to bless you and your family.
Donna Christley <dchristley@sbcglobal.net>
west memphis, ar united states - Saturday, September 30, 2006 10:32 PM CDT
I have to say that as a mom when I read your entries it brought me to tears. It absolutely overwhelmed me to think of what you must have gone through. BUT when I looked at Charlie's pictures, my smile grew from ear to ear.Charlie's eyes seem so wise and so knowing that I can only think that God's plan for him was so much greater than the time he could have spent here on earth.
God Bless you and your family and little Charlie who I'm sure is watching over each and every one of you.

Beth Allen <eba@bellsouth.net>
Clarksdale, MS USA - Saturday, September 30, 2006 8:22 PM CDT
God Bless you and your family, what a beautiful family it is. I found your site completely by accident, and though I thank God daily for the blessing of my 2 children, I will thank Him extra tonight. My heart goes out to all of you, may Charlie be your guardian angel that guides you through the rest of your days until you meet again!!
West Milford, NJ 07480 - Saturday, September 30, 2006 8:18 PM CDT
I am so sorry but God gives and takes away and God will give to you guys soon enough, believe it or not. Oh, I forgot to tell you my name. I'm Kirsten and I will be praying for you.
Kirsten <twirlsgurl@yahoo.com>
Spartanburg, SC USA - Saturday, September 30, 2006 8:17 PM CDT
What a wonderful thing you did by setting up this great
website. We have a friend who has a new great nephew who
is having some big health issues and his parents are
utilizing the caringbridge website. I'm sure Charlie is
looking down and smiling.
Fran LeRoux

Fran LeRoux
Venice, FL USA - Saturday, September 30, 2006 1:30 PM CDT
I am so touched. And thanks to you and your strength for sweet little Charlie this website has been created. My twin sister was given the dreadful news her 4 month old son has Menkes Syndrom and has a few months to a year. He will turn 10 months tomorrow. Anyways through this site we are able to keep the prayer chains going and our family and friends updated. May God bless you and your entire family. Take care.

Amie Dalton <amiedalton@yahoo.com>
Orange City, Fl - Friday, September 29, 2006 9:50 PM CDT
I am sorry about yor loss. I didn't know. (other entry) He was a very special boy. You're in my thoughts and be strong i know how you feel. (my grandma) God Bless You ANd Charlie. Please email me Thank You
Daniel Weaver <danjoweaver@comcast.net>
Hingham, MA United States - Friday, September 29, 2006 4:04 PM CDT
Hi guys. My name is Dan Weaver and im 14. I hope charlie gets better soon. he is so cute. If you can, email me! You're in my prayers. Take Care! 8)
Daniel Weaver <danjoweaver@comcast.net>
Hingham, Ma United States - Friday, September 29, 2006 4:01 PM CDT
God has certainly blessed your family in giving you such peace as to inspire others through your precious loss. Thank you for sharing your inner soul with us.
Fredda Greer <greer@salisbury.net>
Salisbury, NC USA - Friday, September 29, 2006 3:29 PM CDT
I found you tribute to you beautiful son touching and wonderful. your struggle is an inspiration to those who have lost anyone, but espectally someone so young. May God bless you and comfort you.
Ariel <arielmoore@gmail.com>
Centreville, VA Fairfax - Thursday, September 28, 2006 8:43 PM CDT
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby boy. I am touched by the wonderful memories that are kept here. Even though we have never met, we can share these with you. God bless you and may you be drawn ever closer to the One Who loves you so and holds you in His Everlasting Arms.
Joanie Cook <hausnerjoan79@yahoo.com>
Dodgeville, WI USA - Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:43 PM CDT
What a beautiful little man. We are only seperated for a short time and one day you will be with your son again. May the lord give you strength to cope with your loss. God bless you all.
Karen <walsh62@blueyonder.co.uk>
Birmigham, England - Thursday, September 28, 2006 2:07 PM CDT
Charlie truly is a beautiful angel. I enjoyed reading about his story and am happy that God blessed your family with such a beautiful little soul. May the Lord bless you and keep you safe always.
Monique Matthews <damita98@mts.net>
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Thursday, September 28, 2006 1:43 PM CDT
I did not know about this website until a friend of mine recently became ill with cancer and it has been such blessing how everyone has been kept so informed on her condition.
I was so touched by Charlie's story. I have no words except to say God Bless your family and tell you that your little angel was one special and BEAUTIFUL child.
Cindy Petty

Cindy Petty <cindy_11667@msn.com>
Blue Ridge, GA USA - Thursday, September 28, 2006 12:24 AM CDT
Charlie's story touched my heart so much as I sat here and read his story. I am in awe of this special little boy and his family. I know that charlie is sitting on Jesus' lap singing the wheels on the bus. God Bless your family...and know that Charlie is smiling that big smile every second of everyday.
Betsy Bonner <keb04001@cub.uca.edu>
Vilonia, AR USA - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 8:47 PM CDT
EVELYN NORRIS <enorris@alltel.net>
NEW EDINBURG, ARK USA - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 5:47 PM CDT
May God bless all of you.
Cherie Templet <jolena@eatel.net>
Gonzales, La - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 1:58 PM CDT
I nearly started crying after I read what had happened to your little boy. I visit this site all of the time, and my heart goes out to all the mothers and fathers who have to deal with things like these. Your little boy was a cutie pie no question about it. Just remember that he's in a better place now.

Amanda Bailey <panda_express2007@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, September 27, 2006 12:52 AM CDT
I can't express my sympathy enough to you and your family- I personally can't imagine it- I have a 16 month old daughter named Shyann and as I sit here and write to you I have tears rolling down my face. I know how special this little girl is to me now that I'm a mom and I couldn't ever imagine losing her! Stay strong and good luck to you and your family!
Stacy Leppla <leppla@1stplacemortgage.com>
Shiocton, WI - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:35 AM CDT
I am very sorry for your loss. You are a very strong family. I have a 21 month old son who is so dear to me and I couldn't even imagine that happening to me. After reading this I see how people take a lot of things for granted. It makes you want to hold on to your child forever and never let them go or grow up. I will pray for you and your family. God bless you.
Radonda K. Pierson <radonda.pierson@greatwesternbank.com>
leon, ia decatur - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:24 AM CDT
I was in the caringbridge website to see who had signed my
son's questbook, and was drawn to Charlie's picture. They say God has a reason for everything and as I was reading I realized Charlie had touched more people in
a short time than most people do in an average lifetime. God gives "special" people "special" children, and you sharing Charlie's story makes you SPECIAL. Thank you, and God Bless your family.

Bobbi Canada <larrycanada@tds.net>
Pittsboro, In USA - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 8:08 AM CDT
I know You do not know me but I was visiting another person's websight on carinbridge & I came across lil Charlie's websight..I am soooo sorry for your loss,I have an angel son whom I lost during pregnancy so I know what it feels like to loose a child,I also have 2 children as well..Reading Charlie's story made me cry & seeing his pics made me cry still,what really broke my heart is that You went & sang his favriote song to Him..Again just remeber that lil Charlie is looking down on You all the time & he sends his kisses to You..
Sara Austin <dolphinzrcutemy2babiez@yahoo.com>
Mercer Island, WA 98040 - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 11:41 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing Charlie's story. I am in the depths of depression with the fear of losing my own very sick little boy. Your grace and strength give me something for which to strive. I applaud you for honoring him in such a beautiful way.
MaryLee Underwood <mperry@kasap.org>
Lexington, KY USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:11 PM CDT
Our prayers are with you and your family as you are taking care of precious Charlie.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Quint
Palmetto, Fl USA - Monday, September 25, 2006 7:43 PM CDT
You and your family are in my prayers, it is hard to lose a child, We lost our beautiful Raymond when he was only 9 years old, and it is still hard today, One really hard time was when we went to visit Ray's grave and realized that he had been gone longer than he lived. But we know GOD is in control and we are so thankful we were allowed to be with Raymond for the years we were given. We all wait to be with Raymond again and know that by accepting The gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ it will happen for us. since Ray's passing, his grandparents have also gone to be with him, and they too are waiting for the rest of us there. Ray is not alone. May God bless all who have lost a child.

Raymond Bradley Gray's Parents and family

Barbara <chippewabear@yahoo.com>
Martinsville, Indiana USA - Monday, September 25, 2006 4:29 PM CDT
I am also a parent of a baby girl (Desiree) whom lost her precious life to SMA Type I - I was visiting this site to read about a co-workers son and came across little Charlie's story.
Laura Luna-Elizaldi <elizaldi@grandecom.net >
Corpus Christi , Tx USA - Monday, September 25, 2006 3:42 PM CDT
Hello your story is such inspiring to me i have 4 kids ages 9,7,4and 4months and do they grow up fast you never think when you have your children that something this horrifying would happen I dont know how or if i could get something like this but you do what you have to do to get through especially when you have other children is involved my prayers go out to you and your family my heart truelly deepens when you hear of something happening to a baby like this i came up on your sons story when i was looking up a story about a 5 year old boy in my town who has kidney cancer.
Jeannie Headings <Stairway2heaven1997@yahoo.com>
Norwood, MO USA - Monday, September 25, 2006 2:45 PM CDT
I want to say that you have truly inspired me to continously update my daughters journal. Our baby Lydia has been diagonsed with cancer for a second time in her 7 years of life. I thank God for her everyday and I will continue to update her journal every chance I get.
May God Bless you and your family.

Sabrina Garza <sabajean1@aol.com>
Murphy, TX - Monday, September 25, 2006 9:23 AM CDT
Just wanted to say we have the same last name maybe we are Kin..........LOL You all are very blessed and I hope that each year you can have a wonderful day for Charlie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOD Bless You All

Stephen and Kim Cowan
Monterey La 71354

Kim and Stephen Cowan <s_cowan@bellsouth.net>
Vidalia, La usa - Monday, September 25, 2006 0:54 AM CDT
I am now the proud author of a caringbridge site. My son was diagnosed with craniosynostosis. I know that isnt as sever as what many other people are here for but the smallest issue can become devestating to any mother dealing with it. I came across charlies page and that is what made me make andrews page. Your story touched me and I realized that while we are in the hospital for andrews neurosurgery that this is a wonderful way to communicate with friends and family. I thank you for sharing your story with the world and i am sure that the charlie star will be shining bright for an eternity!


Rebecca <rswerock@hotmail.com>
Langley AFB, va USA - Sunday, September 24, 2006 6:19 PM CDT
hello to you and your family, I know that you don't know who I am but I came across this site when I was getting ready to check another very special girls site. I just wanted to say that your family is so strong and it might not seem like it but you guys help me and so many other people get through their days...I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and your family...Charlie is looking down at his family and smiling down...he was so lucky for the life he was blessed with...keep the faith and the smiles coming! lindsey
Lindsey <lindsey_noll@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, September 24, 2006 3:41 PM CDT
hay i know yall don't me but i saw his web site and i thoght that was sad
hannah montana <www.sgacheerchic@yahoo.com>
jackson, ms. - Saturday, September 23, 2006 6:57 PM CDT
I am so sorry about Charlie!
My grand-daughter has Type 1 SMA also and she will be 3 years old the 29th of Sept.
We thank God everyday for her!!

Jeanna <fightingforlizzy@our-sma-angel.com>
IL USA - Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:19 PM CDT
i first heard of sma,at work a man brought a donation jar to the store the lil babey has it,didnt know whaT SMA WAS LOOKED IT UP ON THE INTERNETcame across fsma ,every night i pray they will find a cure .im so sorry for your loss and for all the other parents loss,
josette h <destinyx69x@hotmail.com>
newton, ia - Friday, September 22, 2006 10:10 PM CDT
i first heard of sma,at work a man brought a donation jar to the store the lil babey has it,didnt know whaT SMA WAS LOOKED IT UP ON THE INTERNETcame across fsma ,every night i pray they will find a cure .im so sorry for your loss and for all the other parents loss,
josette h <destinyx69x@hotmail.com>
newton, ia - Friday, September 22, 2006 10:09 PM CDT
I dont know you all but I can say i can almost know how you feel. I am not sure which one is worse, having still birth like I did or them going away like charlie did. Either way I totally sympathize with you. Its a really hard thing to go through, and I wish you the best of luck I am so sorry this had to happen to you guys. I hate for it to happen to any one. Its a sad thing when your babies go b4 u!
Alexis Patterson <LSUhottie18@yahoo.com>
Forest Hill, LA USA - Friday, September 22, 2006 9:39 PM CDT
I came accross Charlie's story when a colleague of my started a site for her nephew. Charlie's BEAUTIFUL smile drew me into his site. He is an incredible baby with a very loving family. I admire your strength and I still pray for Charlie. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
- Friday, September 22, 2006 4:28 PM CDT
I just stumbled across your story this morning. He is beautiful and precious and will always remain that way, forever. You were blessed, very very blessed. I admire your strength.
Kristen Calarco <kristenlee29@hotmail.com>
batavia, ny - Friday, September 22, 2006 7:56 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing your son's journey. He is your angel
now watching over you.

God bless you.

- Friday, September 22, 2006 7:42 AM CDT
Wow, what do you say,after reading some of the guestbook and fighting back tears, I decided to check out the photos. What
beautiful pictures that will be forever memories. Sorry to hear of your loss and please know that your family is in our prayers.

mike and paula cross & family <crossfamily93@mchsi.com>
lena, il stephenson - Thursday, September 21, 2006 7:48 PM CDT
WOW..this story has really touched me! I couldnt ever imagine the pain u are goin through! You are in my thoughts and prayers..and most of all ur in my heart! I know many people are here 4 u and little Charlie will never be forgotten!! Hes always been an angel..now he has his wings!..Much Love
Chelsea <chelseaLeShea_2006@hotmail.com>
Rushville, IN USA - Thursday, September 21, 2006 3:54 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your child with me. Know that God put Charlie on this earth for a very special reason. Even with Charlie's passing the reason is still going on now today. God is so awesome and real. Keep the faith and much love to your entire family.
Vette Sinclair <vette2fly@yahoo.com>
Charlotte, NC US - Thursday, September 21, 2006 1:01 PM CDT
I was looking on the caringbridge website and I saw little Charlie's picture! He is so adorable. And I was curious as to why a baby would be on here, and then I read all of your journal entries, and I couldn't stop!! I know this happened a while ago, but I am really truly sorry to hear about your loss. I am only 20 years old and don't have a baby but I could not imagine going through something like that. But I DO believe that he is heaven with OUR Father. I will start praying for you guys that you will ALWAYS have the strength to go on. And it sounds that you have a very lovely family. And that at least his family got to see him and love him before he went to heaven. I do truly look up to you and your family by being so strong and commited after this has happened. But I did want to let you know that your story truly touched me, and reading your journal entries really made me feel all emotions! God bless each and every one of you. And may your days be brighter and your baby will ALWAYS be with you! Thank you for sharing your story.
Kim <kah_04@hotmail.com>
Colman, SD USA - Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:12 AM CDT
I can't even imagine going through that tragedy, charlie was such an adorable little boy, I am praying for your family!!

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future"
Jeremiah 29:11

Ashley Stobaugh <ashley.stobaugh@gmail.com>
Little Rock, AR United States - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 10:50 PM CDT
your baby is soo cute...god never gives you things that you cant handle...i recently had a family member in an acident and her kids have made a site for family and friends...this web site is so touching and i will pray for your family..and like i said god never gives you things that you cant handle and he always has a reason for things...i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers
Brittany Loosbrock
Adrian, MN - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:49 PM CDT
charlie's beautiful face touched my heart. may your family, friends and all those you meet continue to be blessed by his short but very blessed and purposeful life. god bless.

lisa marie warren <gclw2722@yahoo.com>
haskell, nj usa - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 8:25 PM CDT
At work today I seen a picture of a baby girl tacked up on our information board. I was interested so I read her story on the Caring Bridge website. My heart goes out to all the individuals who posted their article. One that really caught my attention and heart was the story of Charlie Cowan. It made my eyes swell with tears to read the story of his short precious life. Being a mother of two and one on the way, it hurts my heart to hear of such a struggle a little one had to go through. To Kathy Jeff, Maggie, Abby, and the family, it was amazing how you coped with such a tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with Charlie, and his family forever. Take care and keep the faith!!
Redwood Falls, MN United States - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11:25 AM CDT
At work today I seen a picture of a baby girl tacked up on our information board. I was interested so I read her story on the Caring Bridge website. My heart goes out to all the individuals who posted their article. One that really caught my attention and heart was the story of Charlie Cowan. It made my eyes swell with tears to read the story of his short precious life. Being a mother of two and one on the way, it hurts my heart to hear of such a struggle a little one had to go through. To Kathy Jeff, Maggie, Abby, and the family, it was amazing how you coped with such a tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with Charlie, and his family forever. Take care and keep the faith!!
Redwood Falls, MN United States - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11:22 AM CDT
I ran into this site because I was on a site that gives things away called freecycle. A lady answered my email and she has a place on this site for her sick daughter.My heart go's out to you all. Little Charlie is with all the other little ones God has chosen to take away from us so quickly.
Jenny Gardenhour <j_gardenhour@yahoo.com>
Waynesboro, Pa USA - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 7:09 AM CDT
I just found out about the caringbridge website on 9/15 because a colleagues son is battling leukemia. When I saw Charlie's beautiful baby face I just had to read his story. My own beautiful first born child passed away in April 2005. I was blessed to have him with me for 27 years. No matter what the age the pain of losing a child is the same for any mother. Not a day goes by when I don't think of him. I wish we would have known about this website during the long difficult 4 months that he battled the disease of colon cancer. I'm sure it would have helped us get through it a little better.
May God bless you and keep the rest of your children safe.

- Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:33 PM CDT
WOW I am so sorry! I can't even begin to understand. My heart breaks everytime I hear these stories. I found this site because of my cousin Chloe Murphy
Kala <jo_dancer_88@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:25 PM CDT
I will pray for you all and I hope that such a beautiful family knows that your precious angel only knew love in his short time here. Charlie will forever have that gift.
Birmingham, AL - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 9:22 PM CDT
I'm sorry to here about your son, but I know that he is in God's hands. My mom has a friend, and their daughter is battling cancer. She has a brain tumor. We pray every day for her.I will continue to pray for your son. I would like you to e-mail me any time.The little girl with cancer, Also has a caring bridge sight. Well I hope you have a great weekend. ASHLEY
Ashley Raye <ashleymraye@hotmail.com>
Duluth, GA Georgia - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 4:06 PM CDT
So, sorry to heare of your son's struggle with that disease. I will continue to pray for your family, and your son is with you every minute of the day. Just keep your memories of him and help others learn of this disease. i had no clue what it was at first.
linsey <linze94@hotmail.com>
mtn grove, mo united states - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:54 PM CDT
my name is barbara gore. i lost my only daughter december 2004. she didnt have cancer but she was severely handicapped. god blessed us with her for 19 years and the empty space that is there will never go away. but with support of friends and family and prayers helped us through this. thank you for this web sight and what it means to those who benifit from it.
david and barbara gore <lydandbgore@peoplepc.com>
rt 1 box 94 c mantee, ms usa - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 12:59 AM CDT
YOur such a Beautiful Angel...now you can watch over mommy and daddy.
Jennifer <Jennifer@applevalleyredcross.org>
Wenatchee, WA USA - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:27 AM CDT
Your famly was chosen and you are an inspiration to all those who have been strugglingwith the loss of a child..Celebrating "Charle Day" what an awesome family affair. My prayers are that you will continue receiving HiS GRACES
Indialantic, Fl USA - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 9:14 AM CDT
I have just discovered this site, thank you for sharing your story, I'm sure it has helped many others come to terms with their loss. A dear friend has terminal cancer, much older than Charlie but oh, so special.We will get through it and we know we will see her again. Thanks again for sharing.
Hilda Ellzey <hildaellzey@yahoo.com>
Rusk, TX USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 1:20 PM CDT
Our Cousin Lee Bledsoe is fighting cancer and is on the Caringbridge site. I have seen Charlie on the home page many times, and finally had to read his story. What a beautiful angel child Charlie was, and my heart goes out to you and your family for losing him. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sure it has helped many others who have found themselves in similar circumstances.
Karen Ambrose <tambrose@bellsouth.net>
- Monday, September 18, 2006 8:57 AM CDT
I was really touched by hearing Charlie's story. I too have known the blesing of the Caringbridge. It has allowed my mom to keep people updated on my progress. If you would like to check it out, mine is caringbridge.org/tx/seancarter
Sean Carter <SCarter83@aol.com>
Dallas, TX - Sunday, September 17, 2006 9:54 PM CDT
I saw your Charlie for the first time today. Thank you for sharing your story to encourage others and give praise to God and our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Dianne McGarr
Eupora, MS USA - Sunday, September 17, 2006 2:21 PM CDT
I saw Charlies photo on the home page while looking for my neighbor's brother's site that has cancer. Your family is beautiful! Your son, Charlie, precious! I can't imaging loosing a child and the void you feel. I have lifted you and your family up to the Lord in prayer. My daugther was diagnosed with Leukemia in 1995 and went through chemo and is now doing fine. I am sorry your ending did not turn out like ours but I rejoice that you know the Lord and you know you will see Charlie again someday and now he has no suffering.
Gina Tynes <randygina@bellsouth.net>
Morgantown, KY USA - Saturday, September 16, 2006 4:38 PM CDT
I saw Charlies photo on the home page while looking for my neighbor's brother's site that has cancer. Your family is beautiful! Your son, Charlie, precious! I can't imaging loosing a child and the void you feel. I have lifted you and your family up to the Lord in prayer. My daugther was diagnosed with Leukemia in 1995 and went through chemo and is now doing fine. I am sorry your ending did not turn out like ours but I rejoice that you know the Lord and you know you will see Charlie again someday and now he has no suffering.
Gina Tynes <randygina@bellsouth.net>
Morgantown, KY USA - Saturday, September 16, 2006 4:38 PM CDT
I want to thank you personally for the gift of your giving and how wonderful it is to be able to share in honor of Charlie.
I am a cancer survivor of a childhood cancer/Wilm's Tumor/at age 15 months old. My right kidney was removed and I have since enjoyed a full life at now age 46.
Recently, I had a mastectomy and now am getting ready to face the adventure of Chemo.
My sister, Denise, set up my website and I am truly blessed every day when I read the emails.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the strength and encouragement that this caringbridge helps me cross on a daily basis with the love from my family and friends...and yes...many people whom I have never met.
This is one of the most incredible parts of my journey and I am forever grateful to you and your family for allowing us all who cross this caringbridge to cross together.

Dyana Butler-Peeler <southwindpromo@aol.com>
Brentwood, TN USA - Friday, September 15, 2006 11:40 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing Charlie story with us. Reminds us that even a short life has meaning. God Bless you all
Fran Lotz <Frankie456@aol.com>
Downers Grove, Il USA - Friday, September 15, 2006 2:59 PM CDT
ALEXADNRIA, AL USA - Friday, September 15, 2006 1:39 PM CDT
hello my name is curtis shoemaker and i relly feel your pain i was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic lukememia(A.L.L.)and it has been really hard on me the past 8 months since my family got dragged into this its been really hard on us. so i know how hard cancer can be but i will pray for you all and im sorry about your son.
Curtis Shoemaker <silent_hill182006@yahoo.com>
chatsworth, GA United States - Friday, September 15, 2006 1:27 PM CDT
I happened on this page looking for a family members page. As I have no children or young family members, and have no idea about the disease, I cannot understand fully, but I sympathize. This site has truely touched my heart, and made me cry a lot. I am sorry for your loss, but am very happy that you have such a positive attitude. Hopefully other people can look at this site and learn to cope and have such a great attitude as you do. Thank you!
Jess Bevins <bevs2004@hotmail.com>
Fargo, ND USA - Thursday, September 14, 2006 11:15 PM CDT
I found your site while visiting a friend's. You and your family demonstrate such strength and faith in our Lord. I am so sorry for your loss. I have a son that just turned one year. I can't even imagine losing him at the age you lost your son. It's wonderful that you have so many beautiful memories of him. His smile is so precious. It brings peace to mind imagining him smiling down on you from up above. May God bless your family richly!
Carianne Webb <ccw20@cvip.net>
Fresno, CA USA - Thursday, September 14, 2006 10:14 PM CDT
May God continue to richly bless your family, the memories and experiences Charlie added to your lives. He lives in each of you. I can see why the two pictures are your all time favorites... and what a neat and priceless family photo.
Deb Klopp <deb.klopp@mchsi.com>
IA - Thursday, September 14, 2006 4:45 PM CDT
You have such a beautiful family, and Charlie was so precious, he looked just like his daddy! My heart goes out to each of you for the loss of your precious baby boy! I hope it helps to know that your all in my thoughts and prayers! He is a little angel, Tammy Brasher
Tammy Brasher
Oak Grove, La 71263 - Thursday, September 14, 2006 3:32 PM CDT
Reading your story when I saw the pictures of Charlie I was immediately drawn to his eyes and smile. Nobody could ever doubt that heartfelt look of LOVE and HAPPINESS. God Blessed you with Charlie and He Blessed Charlie with a loving family on earth. All of you will be in my prayers and your touching story of Hope and Faith will forever be in my heart! God Bless you all!
Cristina Griffin <seminoles0416@hotmail.com>
Ponte Vedra Beach , FL USA - Thursday, September 14, 2006 9:48 AM CDT
Iwas reading your story this morn, was so touched and moved. I just sit and cried. My son had a brain tumor in Mar 2002 and we traveled a scary road also. I'm so sorry for your loss of your precious baby. he truly was a angel and I haved prayed for your family this morn, to continue to have faith, courage strength to move forward as a family. I could relate with you so much as I read your journal.Words are hard to find to explain all the emotions
you can have during that time in your life, but with gods guidance you can do it. My son is fixin to be 9 and he is doing great I still worry about him. His tumor was malignant and can reoccur but I seen so many miracles take place I truly believe that that want ever happen. But whatever comes our way in the future we know we are so blessed to have our 2 sons. May God bless you and your beautiful family and Know in your hearts that your little
one is in a beautiful place waiting for you all to see it too. We are checking the caringbridge everyday for updates on a little boy we know. This is wonderful way of communicating, I wish we had this when Jacob was going thru his journey. god bless Becky

becky hyatt <jimmyh@urisp.com>
blountsville, al united states - Thursday, September 14, 2006 9:17 AM CDT
Thank you for your sharing. Charlie is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. His outward look to the rest of us is so loving and compassionate. His gift to us all. It is with love that we live.
Margaret Whitehead
Wartburg, Tn USA - Thursday, September 14, 2006 6:33 AM CDT
Well, I don't know you or your family, but you have just touched my life deeply by your entries here... they are a beautiful witness of faith and the rawness of what its like to deal with this disease. Thank you for sharing your hearts with us!

Your family is beautiful and you were truly blessed to have Charlie as part of your lives... as I often say about my little Elayna (she has a chromosomal abnormality), we need her more than she'll ever need us, and that is why God has blessed our lives with her presence.

I can only imagine the roller coaster of emotions that your family still endures, so know that you will be in my continued thoughts and prayers, especially on Jan 26... That day is my husband's birthday, too, so we will be sure to remember to pray for you on Charlie's "birth-into-heaven-day" especially.

Blessings and Peace!

Carmel, IN - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 11:22 PM CDT
Hello all -

I just now found your story on the CaringBridge website. I am deeply sorry for your loss and want you to know that you are all in my prayers.

I would like to say that your last entry was just beautiful, and I think it is a wonderful thing that you choose to celebrate the life more than mourn the death. I believe that is so important - for when we love and remember someone they are never truly gone. They are only away.

God bless and keep you all -

Dixie Brooks <dixieb@playland-inc.com>
Carrollton, GA USA - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:14 PM CDT
You are obviously a loving and caring family and Charlie
was and is lucky to have you. Caring thoughts are with you.

“Everyone can master a grief but he that has it.”
William Shakespeare

Gerry Rosenberg <gerrose3@aol.com>
Minneapolis, MN Hennepin - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 2:36 PM CDT
I am sorry. I hope your baby gets better
Conyers, GA USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 6:39 PM CDT
Hi Kathy this is Olivia Watson from Spartanburg Sc I am 14 years old and i just was so touched by charlies story that i just had to write i know charlies is gone but i know he is a better place i can't tell you how it feels to lose a child but i just want you to know that my prayers are with you and your family god bless you and I love you and so does God.
Olivia Watson <c8zygurl@yahoo.com>
Spartanburg, sc united states - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 3:43 PM CDT
Hi you don't know me but I have recently learned about caring bridge. I have a neice at Kosair's Childrens Hospital in Louisville with ALL and also has the Philadelphia Chromosone. Your Charlie is a beutiful baby and I am so glad that you have shared your story. My thoughts and prayers will always be with you. Tamara Willett. Henderson, Ky.
Tamara Willett <tamarawillett@yahoo.com>
Henderson, kY United States - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:53 AM CDT
I feel some of your pain I lost a twin baby boy 21 years ago,thank God his identical brother made it and I get to look at both of them threw him.
Jeanie Harman <jj.harman@earthlink.net>
Lexington, nc us - Monday, September 11, 2006 9:26 PM CDT
Charlie was a gift from God who called him home for a very important job. He is an angel now and he will always be inyour hearts forever. Isabel's Grandma(she starts chemo tomorrow for her brain tumor)
Lenore Neidorf <neidorf@sbcglobal.net>
Encino, CA USA - Monday, September 11, 2006 9:05 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your son Charlie with us. He was a beautiful baby boy and I'm sure he's a beautiful shining star in Heaven now. I pray that God is helping to ease your pain over the years and that your family continues to celebrate Charlie every year. God Bless!
Kerri Stiger
Liberty Township, Ohio - Monday, September 11, 2006 5:49 PM CDT
I came upon your touching tribute to your sweet Charlie on accident this evening. I had never heard of SMA before this past weekend when I was talking with a new friend who's son has SMA type 3. I am so sorry for your profound loss and I'm touched by the photos of your beautiful son. He's was a beautiful angel while here on earth, so I can only imagine how he shines in Heaven. God Bless and keep you and help to heal your pain.
Jan Ries <madsop2@hotmail.com>
Clinton, IL United States - Monday, September 11, 2006 0:44 AM CDT
Hi,I just read about Charlie and cried again. I have a neice awaiting a double lung and heart transplant in St. Louis. She is 16 years old. Please pray for her. Charlie is with GOD and watching over us all now. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
Paulette Blankenship <pbship2@aol.com>
Lexington , Tn U.S.A. - Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:22 PM CDT
You don't know me, but I heard about Caring Bridge just recently. I have a nephew at Duke Hospital now. He has just had his 2nd open heart surgery. His Mom,Dad, and Grandma are with him in PICU. The rest of us get there and visit or help with my sister's other children. Charlie is the first face you see when you log on. I thought I would read his story, I am sorry that he died, that must be very difficult to bear every day. I just want you to know that I believe and trust in GOD and that he has Control of all situations. We don't always understand WHY things happen, but our God does. Look at all of the people that Charlie is still touching. May God Bless your family in a great and mighty way.

Sylvia Hicks
Thomasville, NC USA - Sunday, September 10, 2006 7:35 PM CDT
Charlie is an amazing child! He brings hope to me and my family. My brother has cancer. And reading this story truly brings light to all around. You are strong and charlie is always with you.
- Sunday, September 10, 2006 6:25 PM CDT
God Bless you all and continue to give you strength and faith. Your ANGEL is ALWAYS with you & watching over you.

Karen Hornbake <1blbsis@verizon.net>
Belle Vernon, PA - Saturday, September 9, 2006 7:56 PM CDT
Charlie, I never met you but your site is very well put together!
Liz Warren <lylsavana3@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, September 9, 2006 7:30 PM CDT
I just wanted to say that I am sorry for the loss you have faced with losing little Charlie. I do not know you but I was just reading your story and it touched my heart. May God bless you and give you peace and the hope that one day you will meet Charlie again and never will have to say "goodbye" again. Just remember that he is safe in the arms of Jesus for now.
Sara Morgan <rebelcowgirl_112889@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, September 9, 2006 3:49 PM CDT
We just found out about Baby Charlie and we are so so so sorry that Charlie had past and the family had to endure this tragic moment.
The Knicely Family <prknice@earthlink.net>
Kimball, NE USA - Saturday, September 9, 2006 1:31 PM CDT
he is a beautiful baby
Laura <leb_jaramillo@hotmail.com>
San Juan, PR Puerto Rico - Saturday, September 9, 2006 12:12 AM CDT
Hello, my name is Becky and I just read Charlie's story. I've seen his picture every day since I began coming to CaringBridge and signing a friend's guestbook. Although I don't know about SMA, I can tell that Charlie is/was a beautiful boy who is loved very much. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Becky W.

Becky W.
MA USA - Saturday, September 9, 2006 11:03 AM CDT
I have just finished reading your story. I am sorry for your loss.. I had twins in 1989--boy and a girl which were 3 months early as you can imagine they both stayed in the hospital 3 months. My little girl had a mild case of cerabal palsy which affected her legs and her walking. We just came through her 3rd surgery on both hips and she has made alot of progress. Thanks for sharing your story. God Bless you and your family. I pray protection over your family and that all of you will fullfill God's plan for your life.
Tammy S <tsanders7777@yahoo.com>
Ga US - Saturday, September 9, 2006 10:23 AM CDT
I just finished reading Charlie's story. My heart goes out to his family. I have a grandson that will be 3 the end of this month. He was diganosed with epilopisy when he was 5 months old. He has seizures on a daily bases. He had one that really scared us this past Wednesday. His mouth drew up and his whole body shook. His mother gave him his distat. This stopped the seizure and he went to sleep. I could go on forever about my grandson. Again my heart goes out to Charlie's family. May God Bless and keep his family.
Kathy Oster <osterhk47@yahoo.com>
Wichita Falls , TX United States - Saturday, September 9, 2006 3:53 AM CDT
I just read Charlie's story and my heart goes out to his family. I have a grandson that will be 3 years old the end of this month. He was digonaised with epilopisy when he was 5 months. He has seizures on a daily bases. This past Wednesday morning he had one that really scared us. His little mouth drew up then his whole body began to shake. My daughter had to give him his distate. Which stopped the seizure and he went to sleep. He is very developementally delayed. I could go on forever about him. Again my heart goes out to Charlie's family. May God Bless you.
Kathy Oster <osterhk47@yahoo.com>
Wichita Falls, TX United States - Saturday, September 9, 2006 3:23 AM CDT
We have a daughter that is undiagnosed Neurologically. With that said, it is so hard to plan or try to prepare for the worst. Your strength is so amazing to me and I just pray that if something were to happen to either one of my children, I would think of it as being blessed to have had them at all.
Lisa O'Hara -- www.rylishope.org
Littleton, CO USA - Friday, September 8, 2006 7:45 PM CDT


HUDSON, WI USA - Friday, September 8, 2006 6:40 PM CDT
Hi, I'm a former friend of Ashlyn Lankford she died of cancer yesterday night!!It is sad when people you love move on but we've got to stay strong!!!!I'm srry about yr son he was a cute baby!!!!
With love

Jordan <materialxoxglam@aol.com>
Battleboro, NC United States - Friday, September 8, 2006 1:38 PM CDT
I am sorry for your lost. I read Charlie's story and was very moved.
Susan Posluszny <susieq1919@hotmail.com>
Baltimore, MD United States - Friday, September 8, 2006 11:45 AM CDT
thoughts and prayers go out to your son and family
vince byrd
huntington, wv usa - Friday, September 8, 2006 8:48 AM CDT
May God continue to watch over and bless you and your family
Melissa Abernathy <mabernathy76@yahoo.com>
Anderson, SC USA - Friday, September 8, 2006 8:29 AM CDT
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. You and I were close in our due dates. However, my first son was born on September 14, 2001. His name is Wyatt and he's doing good. When I read Charlies Story, I couldn't help but write to you and say that my hear truly goes out to you. May God be with you! With Much Love, Dawn Van Camp
Dawn Van Camp <dawnvc@centurytel.net>
Poplar, WI USA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:53 PM CDT
I read Charlie's story when i was visiting the site because of my friend's child. I couldn't resist looking at his pretty face and reading his story. I hope that God is taking care of you and i also hope that your other kids grow up to be strong as you are.

Abby Ofori <abigailofori@yahoo.com>
Manassas, VA USA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 9:48 PM CDT
I also am sorry for your loss. I hope you continue to be strong for yourselves and your precious daughters. Help them keep him in their hearts always. Continue to teach them the power of love and life. I hope they grow up to be as strong a parent as the two of you. I wish you all the best and God Bless your family.
Linda D. <girltazz@bellsouth.net>
Redland, FL USA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 9:09 PM CDT
I'm sorry for your loss and celebrate the joy you had for 6 months and 6 days. Godspeed to you and the girls
Elizabeth Meister
Elk Grove Village, IL USA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 8:15 PM CDT
27 years ago, my Aunt lost both of her children to SMA. The first child passed when he was 18 months old and the second child passed when she was 6 months old. You're son is beautiful and forever will be. God bless you, your family and the precious angel that now watches over you.
Chicago, IL - Thursday, September 7, 2006 4:56 PM CDT
I just learned about Caringbridge today and read about your wonderful little "Charlie". My heart broke and my eyes welled with tears. God Bless you and your beautiful family.
Wendy Mingee <wmingee@wcia.com>
- Thursday, September 7, 2006 4:33 PM CDT
I was on Caring Bridge to check on a friend of ours, and saw the adorable picture of your sweet little man, Charlie. What a beautiful child. May God continue to watch over you while you wait to be reunited in eternity with your precious Charlie.
Michelle Kurtz
Grove City, PA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 3:13 PM CDT
I just saw Charlie's story today, I am so sorry for your loss..It absolutely broke my heart! What a beautiful baby boy! God Bless your Family!
Deneen <poetrygirl32@yahoo.com>
Aberdeen, Md USA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 2:38 PM CDT
god bless you and your family
trina qualls <jeffsgirl1975@yahoo.com>
hodgen, ok leflore - Thursday, September 7, 2006 2:25 PM CDT
He was a beautiful child and now he is a beautiful angel. Keep the faith.
Laura Unger <lunger@entergy.com>
Luling, La - Thursday, September 7, 2006 1:27 PM CDT
SEFFNER, FL US - Thursday, September 7, 2006 10:45 AM CDT
I just saw your story today and it breaks my heart. Such a beautiful baby and wonderful family. May god bless each of you until you meet again..
Mitzi Dorsey <mdorsey@wlafire.com>
Dallas, TX - Thursday, September 7, 2006 9:08 AM CDT
My son has SMA type I. His name is Ethan Spivey. I have a site for him on Caringbridge also. I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in our prayers. Ethan will be 3 on Sept. 12. He has scared us so many times,but everyday is a gift with these children!! God bless!!
Joel Spivey
Lake View, SC USA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 8:37 AM CDT
I read Charlie's story for the first time tonight. I have to tell you that your little boy is very much alive in your hearts and now because of your sharing, he lives in mine as well, even though I never met any of you in person. Your family has a place I will keep for you and Charlie. God bless you and may you always feel HIS loving arms around you.
Laura Wimberly <laurelmichelle@netscape.com>
Idabel, OK USA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 3:22 AM CDT
I just saw this page for the first time when i went to update my daughters page. He was a beautiful child. We did not have a child die but had to mourn the loss of her as she was a near drowning victim. When she awoke she was a different child. We have been down a very long road but it has been good. Thru god all things are possible. As no mother wants or asks for a broken child we surely have been blessed thru her. All things are for the good and glory to god. God bless you all, The Isaacson's
Deanne Isaacson <johnisaacson01@msn.com>
Brush Prairie, Wa USA - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 10:29 PM CDT
I had not seen Charlie's page until tonight. I understand
your plight and am thankful you printed this. May God hold
you close and let you feel his presence until you meet him
again in heaven. God bless you all. Evelyn of S.C.

Evelyn George <egeorge28@peoplePC.com>
York, S.C. US - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 9:13 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear about Charlie, how devastated you must all be. My prayers are with you and your family
Jodi Mulder <muldermomof3@yahoo.com>
Brandon, WI USA - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 6:27 PM CDT
I visited this website for the first time today. i am honored that i got to know your child before you ended your journal today. please know that your family and friends are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. good luck with the new website. know that god will guide you in every way. you are courage and wisdom for everyone your life has touched. continue to be strong and let god lead you.
jennifer hardin <loulou5898@yahoo.com>
tallapoosa, ga 30176 - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 4:34 PM CDT
Hi I saw his story on this site and it broke my heart. I hope you all find comfort in his loss.
Alissa, Minnesota

Alissa <alissa_062010@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, September 6, 2006 4:07 PM CDT
Charlie was absolutely precious and it looks like he has touched a great number of hearts, including my own. I wish your family all the best...
Baltimore, MD USA - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 12:50 AM CDT
What a wonderful blessing that baby was to your family and
keeps continuing to watch over you. We never know how much
time we will have with each other, I have learned so much by reading all the stories on caringbridge, I can tell you I do appreciate more the little things like hugs and kisses
and the sweet looks. I almost don't mind it as much when they act up, cause I know what a blessing it is they are here. May God bless your family, what a beautiful baby boy.
dana joiner

dana joiner <joinerdm@earthlink.net>
kosciusko, ms USA - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 10:49 AM CDT
Hi Charlie Bear! Yesterday was the first day of school for your sisters, and it seemed that all i could really think about is how you would have been starting kindergarden. It saddened me to no end! I walked Maggie to class, then I walked all the way home sobbing. I miss you and love you more and more each day. Please continue to do great things up there in heaven, and continue to watch over all of us! Love you infinity little boy!!!! Mommy
Kathy Cowan, Angel Charlie's mommy
maple grove, MN - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 10:48 AM CDT
This touched my heart. I have a 5 year old boy and it just breaks my heart to hear stories like Charlies.
Tracie Landers
Seffner, FL Hillsborough - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 9:52 AM CDT
my thoughts and prayers are with you always may your little angel watch over you always.
belfast, ireland - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 3:47 AM CDT
What a wonderful boy...I love his pictures. As the mother of two young boys my heart breaks for you and your loss. Thank you for sharing.
LeAnn <leannog@yahoo.com>
Montana, - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 4:53 PM CDT
I am really sorry for your loss... I know that can fix what happened but remember that God has a plan for everything. You and your family are in my prayers.
Courtney Parris
Boiling Springs , sc usa - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 4:47 PM CDT
Charlie is just the cutest- I had to write and tell you- what a super cutie-patootie! So sorry to hear of your story and loss but it's nice that his memory lives on.
Abbotsford, Canada - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 11:48 AM CDT
After viewing the website for the first time ever and reading your story...I sit back and realize how every minute you spend with a loved one is special!! Life is taken for granted sometimes!! I am a young mother of 3 and I cherish everyday I wake up to their smiling faces as I know you do as well!! You story really touched me!!
Rachel McDaniel <tworottenkidz@yahoo.com>
Bucyrus, OH USA - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 0:31 AM CDT
OMG! What a cutie patooty! He was absolutely adorable! It sucks, what happened, but ya done good Mom and Dad. Ya done good.
Renee Lee
MN - Monday, September 4, 2006 9:52 PM CDT
Dear Cowan Family,
Once more your Charlie has touched another heart and reminded me that love is what remains after all the worry and the tears. God bless you.

Kathleen Murff-Whiting <RKMURFFWHITING@aol.com>
Gainesville, FL USA - Monday, September 4, 2006 3:44 PM CDT
Im so sorry about Charlie. I'm really not good at this but i hope just me taking the time to sign your book and give my condolances will ba enough. I also have someone in my life who has a caringbridge site: www.caringbrdge.com/visit/calliecaylor I hope your loss gets less and less painful even though the pain will always be there let it inrich your lives and give you faith that god has a GREAT place for him up in heaven.
Mallory Melton <malloryamelton@sbcglobal.net>
Grand Prairie, TX United States - Sunday, September 3, 2006 5:09 PM CDT
Hello there, You have the most beautiful family that I have ever seen! I am a "Nan", myself, and am viewing this site for the first time. What a beautiful Little Man that Charlie is- and still is, always will be. You were so blessed with such a special Little Angel. May your lives continue to be blessed and may you all be wrapped in the love of each other and our Lord.
Judy O'Brien <judyob@995.ca>
Elko, B.C Canada - Sunday, September 3, 2006 4:31 PM CDT
Iam very touched by your story, i just read it after learning of a passing of a little boy who was just 7 in my home town. I have 3 children and they are my life. It's nice to know people have places to go and learn about the illness. God Bless you.
Donya Moyer
Hagerstown, MD United States - Sunday, September 3, 2006 9:32 AM CDT
I have posted several comments on here about Charlie. Just looking at him and I can almost feel his presence even though I don't know him. I think that he is living in us all.. I think that that baby is watching over you and your family.. I think he is your guardian angel. And I am so sorry for your loss.. but from what I feel from reading this and looking at the pictures.. he is not suffering anymore.. He is rejoicing in the hands of god right this second. I will be praying for you and your family. Charlie will not be forgotten. I do not even know him and I still think about him. If you need me please feel free to email me. And I will try to do my best to help you.

Thank you.

Melissa Chambers <Sweety123157@Yahoo.com>
Goldston, NC USA - Sunday, September 3, 2006 6:55 AM CDT
I have been updating my husbands caringbridge site and decided to read about Charlie. What wonderful memories you have, thank you for sharing them.
Gail Snow <gsnow1@hughes.net>
Rogue River, OR USA - Saturday, September 2, 2006 11:51 PM CDT
Charlie was awesome.
JS <Jassie26@hotmail.com>
Middleton, wi united states - Saturday, September 2, 2006 10:06 PM CDT
your baby"s story makes everyone give their children an extra hug knowing the Lord can take them home any day!
debbie weiblen <rose.diva@yahoo.com>
bay, ar usa - Saturday, September 2, 2006 6:55 PM CDT
I have not met you but my thoughts are with you.
Eugene A. Dufault <genedufault@rrv.net>
Crookston, MN USA - Saturday, September 2, 2006 11:05 AM CDT
Hi I just wantend to say that you had a wonderful blessing. Like an angel. God Bless your whole family.
- Friday, September 1, 2006 6:42 PM CDT
Charlie is in a better place. God bless you and your family. I was touched by Charlie's story.
Ebony <lbrown9598@charter.net>
Spartanburg, SC United States - Friday, September 1, 2006 4:19 PM CDT
Your whole family has our deepest sympathy & we are thinking about you.
Betty & Jim Sigman <jimbetty@train.missouri.org>
Cabool, Mo. USA - Friday, September 1, 2006 1:28 PM CDT
I'm sos sorry to hear about your lost

charlie's story touched me in a very special way

God Bless you

Kathy Pogue <kathyp456@yahoo.com>
Tulsa, ok USA - Friday, September 1, 2006 11:34 AM CDT
There is hope... you will someday be reunited, and this time no one will take you away! you will be together forever!

Kathy Levy <kathylevy@yahoo.com>
Sterling, VA Loudon - Friday, September 1, 2006 9:28 AM CDT
This is an excellent website. My prayers go out to all of the families who have lost a loved one to this devastating illness.
cincinnati, ohio USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:35 PM CDT
Saw YOUR ANGEL'S Story while signing in on one of the children that I had in Pre-School. The Dr.'s found out in March 2003 that she has AML. She still is fighting hard. My family prayers for hers every night and now we have a new angel's family to add to our list.
It takes a lot of courage to go through all that you have and may God always bless you family.

The McCracken Family <mikeandbrandy2@verizon.net>
CROSBY, Texas - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:33 PM CDT
i just read the first entry page and i fell that charlie is a blessing to all who have read it .
An Angel he truly is

Emma Kimbler <be92797@hotmail.com>
Newberry, FL us - Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:11 PM CDT
You have an ANGEL up there. God be with you all.
Marirose Dris <osmaroj262104@yahoo.com>
Richfield, MN USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 7:30 PM CDT
My heart goes out to you and your family
Melissa Simpson <simpsonjrj@cox.net>
Tiverton, RI 02878 - Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:08 PM CDT
I heard about the caringbridge web site on television. I can't remember where though, unless it was from Sheryl Crow when she was on The Larry King Show one night. I visited the web site, and read all about your little Charlie. When I finished, I felt like I've known him forever. I know I will remember him forever. I sent a donation in his name, and I pray to God they find a cure for this terrible disease. God Bless you and your family.
Carol Artrip <treesie2000@aol.com>
Columbus, Ohio United States - Thursday, August 31, 2006 5:39 AM CDT
Though the ones we love may leave life as we know it, in our memory, the love we knew will always carry on. Your son was a precious gift from God and I am so sorry for your loss.
Mary Allspach
Bevier, Mo USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:17 PM CDT
I have felt the pain of not being able to have children and I don't know which is worse. All I can think is that "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"? Blessings to you and your family and best wishes for a full and happy life.
Jean Higgins <jsh293@msn.com>
Needham, MA USA - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 12:25 AM CDT
May God be with you and your family. Thank you for sharing your story and pictures with us.
Kelli <kellisdomain29@peoplepc.com>
Rayville, LA USA - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 12:23 AM CDT
You were blessed to have enjoyed this beautiful little boy.
Thank you for sharing your story.

Sandy <ejy@bright.net>
Wapakoneta, oh usa - Monday, August 28, 2006 9:27 PM CDT
Hi. I noticed Charlie's story when I was on the caringbridge website viewing a family member's site. He was a beautiful boy. I'm very sorry for your loss of him, but he's in Jesus's arms now and is watching over you. God Bless
Duluth, MN US - Monday, August 28, 2006 7:20 PM CDT
I went to Caringbridge website and your story took my attention quickly. I am so sorry for your loss.
My baby girl was having problems and was tested for SMA. I had never heard of it and was devasted to read about it on the internet. Her neurologist was certain that she would test positive. I have never been more scared in my entire life. I read many stories online about families whose young babies had this awful disease. I cried for each and every one of them.
Fortunately, my daughter did not have SMA. We went down a long road of testing for other things, but were never able to get a diagnosis. Today, she is a beautiful, healthy 2-year-old and I feel so blessed.
Thank you for sharing your story about your beautiful son.
I pray that a cure is found so that no one will suffer from this dreaded disease again.

Janet Henderson
Houston, Tx USA - Monday, August 28, 2006 3:23 PM CDT
I am a NICU nurse and every day see the strength and will both the families and little ones possess. It's truly amazing. I know your sweet angel fought so hard and sounds like he lived life to the fullest. His pictures are beautiful! I'm so sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing your gorgeous baby with us!
- Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:46 PM CDT
Sorry for the loss of your son; and brother, Charlie. I was also on the site for a relative; Larry Johnson, and read your guestbook entry. My husband was diagnosed with leukemia in Nov. 2004. We learn to take one day at a time and with the help of family and friends. He is fighting hard because he has to walk our daughter down the aisle in Spring 2007, and our 3rd grandchild any day now to keep him going. God bless you all.
Mary Hanneken
Washington, Mo. USA - Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:42 PM CDT
As others note, I was visiting another person's site when I saw Charlie's adorable face and eyes staring back at me. I had to read your story. Immediately the tears came and filled my heart with sincere appreciation for the small child I've been blessed with and with sorrow for your most difficult loss. Four and half years later, I pray you all have found peace and comfort in remembering and celebrating Charlie and know that you have touched millions with your personal journey. God bless you.
MN - Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:21 PM CDT
I was visiting CaringBridge for my friends baby OliviaJenkins who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
I came across Charlies sweet beautiful face and read your story. I am still crying.What an angel Charlie is.
God Bless your family.

Donna Petersen <donnapetersen@yahoo.com>
Round Lake, IL united states - Saturday, August 26, 2006 9:46 PM CDT
God Bless you and your family. Little Charlie is safely nestled in our God's almighty arms and I'm sure you'll someday...in Gods time spend many happy hours together again.
Kiel Hess <intheboz@yahoo.com>
Dover, DE USA - Saturday, August 26, 2006 8:17 PM CDT
Hello, I was at another Caringbridge Site and saw Charlies picture on the main page. I looked at the wonderful pictures and read the entries, and I wanted to visit but after reading the other comments, I thought what more could I add? and just wanted to say that our Lord Jesus has a special place in heaven for children just like Charlie. God Bless you and all your family, and remember Jesus loves you.
Helen Bachmann <hmacb@fidnet.com>
Isabella, Mo. 65676 - Saturday, August 26, 2006 8:00 PM CDT
Charlie will always have a special part in your heart
A friend
- Saturday, August 26, 2006 4:24 PM CDT
Hi my name is Terry Eason. I was diagnosed with AML (Acute Mylosis Leukemia) and I Know it is not easy going through cancers and different diseases but I wanted to tell you and your family. My family and I are praying for yours because of what happened to charlie and we hope you start to feeling better because we know it is hard. I have a website if you want to visit my website mine is Terry and I am on caringbridge. I don't mind I hope ya'll are feel better.
Terry Eason

Terry Eason <www.prncchrmng4990@aol.com>
Four Oaks, Nc United States - Saturday, August 26, 2006 2:50 PM CDT
I was logging in to write to my nephew and had seen Charlies face so I clicked on and read your journey. My heart cried for all your family. You are a very strong family. Abbie and Maggie I bet you are the best big sisters in the world. I will pray to Charlie as often as possible.
Jeanne Ramirez
Parker, co usa - Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:58 AM CDT
I came across your story of Charlie and it truly touched my heart. What a precious little boy. Jesus is taking such good care of Charlie. I have 4 sons, and after reading your journal I am so thankful for them and I pray that God always keeps them in good health. Children are gifts from God, and He can take them away at any time. I can't imagine the grief you carry in your heart, I pray that the Lord will heal this grief and carry this burden for you. When there are times it feels like you can't live through the pain, I know He will walk with you, because His light in you can never be put out. May God bless you and keep your family safe.
The Lord will be your everlasting light, and the days of your mourning shall be ended.
ISAIAH 60:20

Laura Vaughn <Lauras3bzybyz@bellsouth.net>
Winter Springs, FL - Friday, August 25, 2006 9:59 PM CDT
May God Bless You And Your Family. That was very good that we have people out there with heart to write and send prayers out and I am praying for your family.
Robertha Powers <bertpwrs@yahoo.com>
Whiteville, NC Columbus - Friday, August 25, 2006 2:43 PM CDT
May God Bless You And Your Family. That was very good that we have people out there with heart to write and send prayers out and I am praying for your family.
Robertha Powers <bertpwrs@yahoo.com>
Whiteville, NC Columbus - Friday, August 25, 2006 2:38 PM CDT
What a precious Baby Boy. Thank you for sharing your story. May God continue to bless you and keep you in his arms. Your story is so touching.
Melanie <brnid30@yahoo.com>
Willow Wood, OH - Friday, August 25, 2006 12:03 AM CDT
May God bless you and continue to give you strength.
RaeAnn Latko
Chicago, Il USA - Friday, August 25, 2006 1:03 AM CDT
I am a Pediatric nurse in Louisiana, read Charlies' story and cried, what an angel you both had, I am very sorry for your loss and I will keep not only him in my prayers but you all as well. God Bless you.
Lynn Sooter <Sooter1113@aol.com>
Alexandria, , La. U.S.A. - Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:43 PM CDT
So sorry for your lose, your story has and will touch many lives. Thanks for sharing Charlie with us..
God be with you.

coshocton, ohio united states - Thursday, August 24, 2006 12:19 AM CDT
You are an inspiration to others, on how, by sharing your sadness, you were helping in your grieving as well. Your precious Charlie is with God now. What a blessing for him. God is the only one that we can depend upon and have hope again for our future with Him in Heaven. I hope you are a Christian, if not, please accept that Jesus is the Son of God and died on the cross for our sins, to give us hope again for our lives, that someday we will all be there with Him and you can see your precioua little Charlie again. May God bless you and your family.
Girnell Land <nana.land@netzero.com>
Hoover, AL USA - Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:52 AM CDT
Wow! What an amazing journey. I saw Charlies' page while visiting another and could not help but stop and read and cry and read and cry!
Leigh Ross <lross@rose.net>
Thomasville, GA US - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:09 PM CDT
God bless you and your family. Your strength is overwhelming. I visited Charlie's site after visiting a friend of ours that was recently diagnosed with lymphomia. My prayers are for all the children.
Kelly Brandt <ksbrandt513@comcast.net>
Bel Air, MD USA - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:51 PM CDT
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX NUECES - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:04 AM CDT
GREENACRES, FL - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:32 AM CDT
Hi!My name is Holly,I have Congenital Muscular Dystrophy and a friend with SMA. Your story is incredible,god bless you.
- Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:28 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing your wonderful story. It will be a year on the 10th of October 2006 that I lost my son (he was 24 yrs old) but still my baby boy. Your story has helped me to come to accept the loss of Steven. I was truly lucky to have him for such a long time compared to your loss. Thanks again for sharing such a beautiful angel with me. From one mom to another God bless you all. Until we all meet together in a much nicer place.
Sandy Seelye Connick <sporter6@gmail.com>
Mayfield, N.B. Canada - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:58 AM CDT
I am so sorry about your loss. You have such a great attitude during such a difficult trial. I truly believe that families can be together forever after our life on Earth. I know you will be reunited with your sweet Charlie again someday.
Lora Bascom
Redlands, CA - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:15 PM CDT
It shows how much people care..that they couldn't stop writing on charlie's guestbook...three years after you stopped jornaling...your story is extremely touching!!..thank you for sharing it!!
Emily <tennis_chick_03@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:08 PM CDT
I read your story, I couldn't help but to cry. Your words are so intense that for a brief moment I could feel what you felt. You have a very strong family, i congratulate you for that...always remember him
New York, NY USA - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3:48 PM CDT
Heaven needed another angel and you sent them yours. God Bless You.
Linda <nana10221026@aol.com>
- Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:44 PM CDT
Love we share
will never die.
Once we shall meet
each other again.
The one, who we miss here
is already at home.
On the hand of God
peace will never end.

-A-M Kaskinen´s poem
freely translated-

Paula S. <paula.markku@luukku.com>
Järvenpää, Finland - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:04 AM CDT
God bless each of you. Charlie sure did more in his 6 months on Earth than many will in 100 years!
Peace to you.

Kathy Kelly <olgcmom@aol.com>
Plymouth, MI Wayne - Monday, August 21, 2006 6:11 PM CDT
I have seen your beautiful baby every time I visit a friend of ours who has had a rough road with intestnal problems. This happened to have been the first time I read your story. God Bless you and your family!
Sharon Aukes <slaukes@iowatelecom.net>
Baxter, IA Jasper - Monday, August 21, 2006 5:27 PM CDT
You know that right now Charlie is looking down at you.
A Friend
- Monday, August 21, 2006 8:21 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss i know how you feel because my dad died of a heartattack but that is tottaly different but it is the same they are both in heavan watch us
Tami Montgomery <TamaraLynn93@aol.com>
Spostylvaina, Va Usa - Monday, August 21, 2006 7:46 AM CDT
I am sorry for your loss of your son.
candice marshall <tippytoes@e-garfield.com>
spotsylvaina, va usa - Monday, August 21, 2006 7:39 AM CDT
Charlie is with our heavenly Father now and is very well taken care of.

Tom & Linda Watson <tomlinwat@bellsouth.net>
Orlando, Fl USA - Monday, August 21, 2006 7:14 AM CDT
You were blessed for just a short while, but his memories will stay with you forever..That beautiful smile...God Bless your family
Donna <tigernellie@pressenter.com>
- Sunday, August 20, 2006 7:50 PM CDT
PHOENIX, AZ MARICOPA - Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:55 PM CDT
Hello beloved family, I lost my child 3 yrs ago when she was 13. I still think of my family's loss. But reading your last entry really made me see how blessed I was because I had her for 13yrs. You lost yours so early in life and you give thanks for that time. I'm sure that you and your family and friends will be eternally blessed. I have a bird that visited me alot after her death and now we have many that come daily.
They are definetely around us always and send signs through nature. Keep watch of nature. God bless you all!

Maria Diaz <mdc_garcia@yahoo.com>
Juncos, Puerto Rico - Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:31 PM CDT
He was a true angel!!!!!!!!
Janice Ballard
Falmouth , Va US - Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:18 PM CDT
I hope you still feel God's presence in your lives and know that Charlie is in a wonderful place and will be waiting for each of you. God bless you all! Thanks for sharing your story.
Marilyn and family
Scott Twp, PA USA - Saturday, August 19, 2006 9:47 PM CDT
Charlie has such a sweet almost calm look in his eyes and I know having a loving, uplifting home during his vacation from heaven :) was a large factor. Thank you for your upbeat words about someone who looks like he changed the world around him, something adults seem to forget to do...thank you again for sharing your son's triumphant story on why we're all here, which is to make this world better.
Tianne Miessner <tmiessner@hotmail.com>
Idaho Falls, Id 83402 - Saturday, August 19, 2006 1:18 PM CDT
I've just read about your "Precious Charlie Bear." Thank you for sharing this beautiful yet heartbreaking story. He looks so precious in those pictures. I know you have helped many people by sharing. You have a beautiful family. I'll always remember little Charlie. God Bless and watch over you always. Olivia
Olivia Close
Laguna Niguel, CA USA - Saturday, August 19, 2006 12:15 AM CDT
Thankyou for sharing the heartbreaking story of Charlie. May he always be remembered.

Australia - Saturday, August 19, 2006 0:30 AM CDT
i'm so sorry for your loss. i lost a friend last november to cancer. i know how much it hurts to lose somebody you love. thanks for the inspiring story.
kari paul

kari <pvfrogluvr92@aol.com>
bettendorf, ia usa - Friday, August 18, 2006 11:20 PM CDT
You have a beautiful family. I share your pain in the loss of my son. Braden Joseph Genet, born with heart defects. We were blessed 17 months with Braden's "always happy" personality, his sweet, sweet smile and mesmerizing blue eyes. And, like you with Charlie, we cherish every moment. God has a plan, we just don't always know what it is until we get there. Until we see you again our special babies, God bless.
Broken Arrow, OK USA - Friday, August 18, 2006 1:10 PM CDT
Many thanks for sharing such a touching story. God Bless, Stephanie
Stephanie Lawson
- Friday, August 18, 2006 9:25 AM CDT
I was in the CaringBridge website and read your heartwarming story. I wish the best for your entire family. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us.
Carol Wagener
Waconia, MN - Thursday, August 17, 2006 11:34 PM CDT
Thank you for your touching story. It has made me appreiate my two children more, and thank God for every day we have with each other.
Sabrina Harrison <sharjr209@aol.com>
Hurlock, Md usa - Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:40 PM CDT
Your little baby boy Charlie is so beautiful. After reading Charlie's story I appreciate my two children more each day and I could not imagine life without them. I am so sorry about your loss.
Lacey Forderer <laceyf@bis.midco.net>
Mandan, ND - Thursday, August 17, 2006 12:59 AM CDT
I was just reading Charlie's story, and was moved to tears. What a beautiful little Angel you had. God Bless your family and keep you safe.
Jenny Shelton <dizzyupthegirl71@hotmail.com>
Wichita Falls, TX USA - Thursday, August 17, 2006 12:52 AM CDT
Your little baby boy Charlie is so beautiful. After reading Charlie's story I appreciate my two children more each day and I could not imagine life without them. I am so sorry about your loss.
Lacey Forderer <laceyf@bis.midco.net>
Mandan, ND - Thursday, August 17, 2006 12:48 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing Charlie with us. I lost my first son after 3 days. That was 28 years ago. How I wish Caring Bridge had been around to help me through that time. May you walk with peace.
Hilda Wallin <wallinsc@netzero.com>
Simpsonville, sc - Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:22 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing! We care for you and your family and may the Lord comfort you each and every day. John 3:16
Ron and Jean Hinebaugh
New Concord, OH USA - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:08 PM CDT
Charlie is so beautiful...Your family was lucky to have him for the short time he was here...I wish you peace and hope that you are all doing well.
Raechel Brady <raechelbrady@hotmail.com>
Tualatin, OR USA - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:01 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear about Charlie. I am 34 yrs old and have SMA III. You have such a beautiful story and I appreciate you sharing it with us!
Tricia Kuemper <chadandtrish@msn.com>
West Fargo, ND USA - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:01 PM CDT
While visiting the website, I came across Charlie's story. What a heartwarming story, I can't even imagine losing a child and while reading your journal entries I felt as though I was right there. God Bless
Kim Melheim <kmelheim@yahoo.com>
Cedar Rapids, Ia United States - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 3:07 AM CDT
Bless you heart. I know what is is like to loss a child. Your Charlie is an Angel. I'm sure he gave you alot of love in such a short time. I always am thankful for the time I had with Elizabeth. Her Mom ,Jennye
JennyeJames <jennyejames@sbcglobal.net>
New Madrid, Mo USA - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 4:30 PM CDT
While looking through caringbridge, I saw Charlie's story and was deeply moved. Thank you, so much, for sharing. I can not imagine the pain of losing a child, but i do know that it takes more strength than anyone could dream of.
Tonight I'll say a little prayer for him, your little tropper. :)
If it means anything to you, Charlie's story has inspired me to appreciate more the wonderful family and friends I have.
Again, thank you!

Ryan S. <MeFenree@aol.com>
St. Paul, MN USA - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 2:49 PM CDT
Godspeed. Know you are not alone, and prayers are answered. Sometimes we don't understand the answer we're given, but please know that God's plan includes us all, and things do work out to His will in the end.
Patty S. Kowalczyk <PKowalczyk2@aol.com>
Peru, IL USA - Tuesday, August 15, 2006 12:12 AM CDT
Dear Charlie's Family,

Always remember that Children are a blessing from God. You try to understand why God took such a precious baby at such a young age. I cannot not answer that question, but God has a plan for each and every one of us.

I pray for your family and send my blessings to you, that God bless you with another beautiful son.

Tonya Tucker

Tonya Tucker <msunique_2@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, August 15, 2006 7:40 AM CDT
Your little guy gave you many smiles in his little life. God gave him to you for a reason. He is a beautiful baby boy. Keep him close to your heart at all times. Thanks for your story, our prayers are with you at all times.
Laura Munn <laura.munn@gmail.com>
kingsford, MI - Monday, August 14, 2006 10:36 PM CDT
May God bless you and your family. I check in daily on Caring Bridge to look in on a friend, and am amazed at the amound of support it provides to those in need. May Charlie forever be your angle, and protect both you, your husband and his siblings.
God Bless you for your courage.

Dayna Goetz <dcgoetz@earthlink.net>
Manitowoc, WI USA - Monday, August 14, 2006 3:27 PM CDT
Dear Charlie's family,
While visiting this website for a friend who's child was just diagnosed with a disease I came across Charlie's story. I'm so sorry of the pain and sorrow you have had to deal with. But my what a beautiful baby he was! In his pictures he has alot of expression in his little face for one so young. I was deeply touched by yours and Charlie's story. I have said a prayer for you all and have asked the Lord to bring you to my mind to countinually pray for you. I look forward to meeting your son when I reach heaven. May God continue to be with and bless you all.

Kari Nerness <nernesdverde@sbcglobal.net>
Springfield, Mo. U.S.A - Monday, August 14, 2006 10:56 AM CDT
This is the first time to visit this site and your darling son, just caught my attention. You are so sweet to share your story with everyone whether you know them or not. Thanks for sharing and may God be with you and your family.
Joan Foster <joan75007@yahoo.com>
Murphy, TX USA - Sunday, August 13, 2006 7:35 PM CDT
Hi this is my frist time coming to this site.May god bless you and your family,I lost my little when she was 6 months,Little charlie is in heaven singing alone with her.My paryers will always be with you.Bless you for sharing your story.
Angela Garcia <tiggerMaMa62@hotmail.com>
tampa, fl hillsbrough - Sunday, August 13, 2006 3:05 PM CDT
so sorry about your baby i to lost a baby he was 5 he passed july 24 06
katrina <mommy641@msn.com>
brownwood, texas brown - Saturday, August 12, 2006 5:24 PM CDT
Your son was such a sweet little angel from heaven..Thank you for sharing your story for all to read..God bless each & everyone of you..
- Saturday, August 12, 2006 2:57 PM CDT
Through you and your words and others like yourself I came to appreciate and make a caringbridge site for my child, KaraK. Thank you for sharing that vulnerable part of you that helps each of us parents when we are ready to read and talk-moment by moment.
r k <starsister84@aol.com>
Peckville, Pa USA - Saturday, August 12, 2006 1:12 PM CDT
Your family is beautiful!! I am so sorry for your families loss of Charlie. He TRULY looks like an ANGEL in those pictures!! I hope and pray EVERY DAY that they find cures for ALL childhood illnesses. I CANNOT IMAGINE what pain your family endured while watching Charlie get weaker and weaker. Losing a child--I just cannot imagine. You have a very strong and special family. I will be praying for your family. Take care and I know Charlie is in HEAVEN playing with the ANGELS.


- Friday, August 11, 2006 6:40 PM CDT
I am so sorry to read the story of this gorgeous and goodlooking baby boy. He was such an adorable baby. Always remember that God is always with us even when we think he has forgotten about us. He also likes good people like(Charlie), and this was according to his will. Charlie is up there watching over you, he's your guiding angel. You are in my prayers.
Patricia Margaret <trinakariuki@yahoo.com>
Clearwater, fl USA - Friday, August 11, 2006 5:07 PM CDT
I accidentally came across Charlie's story which brought tears to my eyes. What a handsome baby. May God Bless you and your family and give you strength.
Rita Little <rlittle2@woh.rr.com>
Dayton, OH USA - Friday, August 11, 2006 2:27 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your story about Charlie. I love how you call him Charlie Bear what a cutie pie. I can't even imagine loosing a child. You are one strong family, stay close and GOD BLESS YOU.
Cindy Dorr
Maple Grove , MN USA - Friday, August 11, 2006 11:29 AM CDT
God has blessed you and your family with Charlie. I came to your page while visiting the page of Jack Noble. Jack is the 3 year old son of a friend of mine who recently lost his 18 month battle with cancer. I cannot imagine anything so terrible as losing a child. This website has opened my eyes and my heart to all the families who are suffering and recovering a loss. I will pray for you and Charlie.
Maureen Nolting <nolting28@insightbb.com>
Springfield, IL - Friday, August 11, 2006 11:17 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing your story. I wish that we would have known about this site when we lost our infant son. I will be sure to pass it on to others. I will keep your family in my prayers.
Charise Smith <charisemsmith@yahoo.com>
Zahl, ND USA - Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:38 PM CDT
Thank You for sharing your story. It helps give me strength, as my daughter fights everyday. Charlie was very lucky to have a stronger mother, like yourself.
Amber Hall
Aberdeen, SD USA - Thursday, August 10, 2006 7:12 PM CDT
this is my first time being on his site!
he was an adorible little boy you had!
ill try to visit this site more offen.
god be with you, Jessica

Jessica Sanders <101jess@alltel.net>
Danlonega, GA United States - Thursday, August 10, 2006 5:35 PM CDT
My 26 year old daughter starts chemotherapy for a malignant brain tumor this coming Tuesday. We are all still in shock and someone told us about this site. My husband is buying her a laptop so she can make entries and keep her mind active and busy. Thank you for sharing your story.
Joan Arnold
Raleigh, NC USA - Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:21 AM CDT
This is My first time visiting Charlie's CaringBridge site today.
What an awesome website!!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today as I read Charlie's story.

Jane Anderson
Rice, MN USA - Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:14 AM CDT
I started out this morning checking on the Herrin twins in Utah. Some how, through various links, I ended up here. I read each entry from the bottom to the top and was crying by the time I reached Jan 24. My heart aches for you and your loss, but I can see that you are strong. Charlie was so blessed to have such loving and courageous parents. I know he is waiting for you with a warm embrace!
Shay Vaughn <parkwoodmama@midsouth.rr.com>
Southaven, MS US - Thursday, August 10, 2006 8:35 AM CDT
I just read the entry on little Charlie and plan on reading past entries also. I found this website from keeping up on a little girl Cassidy who passed this past april, and I have since became friends with her family. What a sad thing to happen to a little guy just starting out in this world. I have a little girl 4 and a baby boy who will be 8 mo this month and I can't imagine losing my little guy. God Bless and thanks for sharing.
Kerry A Foote <footewiggles@aol.com>
Brunswick , Oh USA - Thursday, August 10, 2006 6:41 AM CDT
Thanks for sharing. God bless.
Lisa Cook
Clyde, NC United States - Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:49 AM CDT
May God Bless you all and give you the strength to get through. Charlie will always be in your hearts. It is very nice that you have shared your story with so many people.

Linda Fensore <bellalinda21@aol.com>
Thornwood, NY 10594 - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:27 PM CDT
May God give you the peace and comfort that passes all understanding
Carol Lowderman <bobandcarol@lowderman.com>
Wichita , KS USA - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 7:51 PM CDT
May God Bless you and your family. I have just read the story about little Charlie and it broke my heart. I also have a little boy that will be 18 mths old this month and I can not imagine losing him. I admire you all for being so strong and sharing your story with others. Just remember you will see Charlie again one day in a better life. May God Bless you all.
Christine <cmfarrington30@yahoo.com>
West Jefferson, NC USA - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 1:37 PM CDT
May God continue to protect and look over your family, and may you find comfort knowing that one day you will be reunited with your precious Charlie. Thank you for sharing your story.
Ruth Caffery
Orlando, FL 32837 - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:10 AM CDT
Charlie's sweet smile invited me to read on...and I finished with tears running down onto the little angel on my lap. I know that God gives us these beautiful babies until He decides to bring them to His home. But it tears at my heart, still. God loves you!
Martha <galacticbuilder@yahoo.com>
Gilford, nh USA - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 6:15 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing Charlies life.God Bless you and your family.
Nancy Goff <northforklodge@yahoo.com>
McLain, Ms. USA - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 4:52 PM CDT
I just came across your story and that was very touching. You have to be very strong to be able to deal with that and for that I truly look up to you and wish you and your family all the fortune in the world.
akron, oh us - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 3:23 PM CDT

CHARLESTON, SC UNITED STATES - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 1:57 PM CDT
I'm so very sorry about what happened to baby charlie. I will pray to help you.
Macy Barlow
Nacogdoches, Tx USA - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 12:59 AM CDT
wow i dont know how to begin... well reading your story has made me cry and love my kids much more then i already do, which is alot! Your charlie does look just like an angel and im sorry about your lose. God bless you and your family and may he continue to give you strength and may he full your heart with all the love you have for your beautiful baby. i will pray for him and again i dont know what to really say except that im truly touched by your story. godbless
grizel colon <grizelpoitevien@aim.com>
brooklyn, ny - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 11:28 AM CDT
Hello, I was reading my cousins journal and just happened to come across Charlies's story. I have to tell you that I probably read his story while visiting this site previously, but at this time I feel that I should write to you. I just recently watch Home Extreme Makeover, and there was a little boy that had this same disease, and was 5 yrs old. It was remarkable that he has lived to be 5. Until I watched this show, I was not aware of this disease and its horrible statistics. Being a mother of 3, you would think that I was educated about it, unfortunatly I wasn't. I cant even comprehend the pain that your family has been through, but please know that you are making the public aware of this awful disease. I am very sorry for you loss. Your sweet baby boy is watching all of you and must be so proud of you. As you continue to make it , day by day, just know that you have touched and educated another person. Thanks and God Bless,
Marci Morgan

Marci Morgan <marcimorgan0023@aol.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 2:10 AM CDT
So sorry for your loss.
Diane Gray <dmgra3@wm.edu>
Williamsburg, VA USA - Monday, August 7, 2006 11:10 PM CDT
Your son was soooo handsome. His story really touched myheart. He looked so healthy. I beleive he was a Angel Baby, thats why God took him back home. He was only meant to be here for a while. Now he is back in heaven, there he will wait for you. One day you will see your Angel Baby again But in the meantime. Continue to be strong, and love one another.And always pray together. The family that prays together will stay together.Bless you. I will always remember you in my prayers.I saved Charlies pictures and I have one on my computer as a background.I hope you do not mind.He was such a beautiful baby, and have really touched my heart. [love ,peace]And much happiness.
Alnita Davis <nivea2@charter.net>
roanoke rapids, nc united states - Monday, August 7, 2006 7:59 PM CDT
I have recently become aware of this site due to the fact that my nephew's youngest son is currently being treated for cancer, working in a pediatric office, seeing newborn babies daily, one cannot imagine the loss of a child thank you for sharing your child with all of us!

Char Jensen
Island Lake, il usa - Monday, August 7, 2006 7:05 PM CDT
that ls sad
Lake Asbry, FL jacksinvil - Monday, August 7, 2006 4:13 PM CDT
God Bless You!
Barbara Lippoli
Rushville, OH USA - Monday, August 7, 2006 3:53 PM CDT
Thank you for posting the life of that wonderful little boy, he has touched mine with his story.
Sandy Coleman
Orem, Ut - Monday, August 7, 2006 3:22 PM CDT

BUFFY YORK <ZechariahY620@aol.com>
JACKSONVILLE, FL USA - Monday, August 7, 2006 2:12 PM CDT
Im not gunna say i no how you feel because i dont - i am 15 years old and i no how it is to loose some one but i have never had a child so i dont know. All i no is i read this this book called the Christmas Blessing--and there was a little boy named charlie who passes a way and it just made me so sad i cant imagine if it actually had happened to my family. My support is with you and just rember God has plans for everyone just believe! God Bless

Sara Jane
jamestown, Nd - Monday, August 7, 2006 1:55 PM CDT
When I read your story it touched my heart. I have a son who will be 18mo on Aug. 14,2006 children are truly miracles from heaven and wether we have them for a long time or only a little while there spirit lives on in the hearts of those that know and love them. my prayers are with you and your family. God Bless you!!!
Amey & Jordan <ameyloo@yahoo.com>
TN USA - Monday, August 7, 2006 10:07 AM CDT
A classmate/friend from Litchfield HS sent me your site today. After reading your story, know prayers are with you today. I update a CB site for Lance (husband) with metastatic colorectal cancer. We both graduated with Jeff. This is not the end...only the beginning, with faith! God bless you.
Deb Ahlrich
Clearwater, MN USA - Monday, August 7, 2006 7:42 AM CDT
This is the first time I have read about Charlie's story. And, here it is August of '06 and you thought the website would close a long time ago. I hope you find comfort in people reaching out to acknowledge your sweetheart. You've gone through the unimaginable. Christ knows that and is very sorry too. Remember, Our Father who art in Heaven......Charlie is with Him, in His Kingdom.

Peace of Christ be with you,

Andrea <pacethree@aol.com>
Richland, Mi USA - Monday, August 7, 2006 3:38 AM CDT
I can't imagine what you have been through, but God will keep you strong and watch over you and your family, especially little Charlie. He was a beautiful baby. My granddaughter was diagnosed with leukemia Dec. of 2005 and it was very heartbreaking. She is doing better now. Her name is Mackenzie Zeger and that is how I found out about your precious little Charlie. My heart goes out to your family. May God always be with you.
Gina Powell Cole
Galion, Oh USA - Monday, August 7, 2006 3:19 AM CDT
I am so sorry. It's really sad that he passed away. I pray that you guys will be able to get through this. <3
- Sunday, August 6, 2006 1:05 PM CDT
hello charlie's family, i had a 5yr old neighbor who died a few months ago and when i go to caring bridge i see charlie's sweet sweet face and pray you and your family are doing well. i can share in your grief but i also see you have 2 beautiful children with you. i'm sure you cherish every moment with them. thinking of you

ruthann <freddie322@yahoo.com>
New York, ny usa - Sunday, August 6, 2006 9:58 AM CDT
I read your letter today...... What joy parents of these terminally ill children have.... U celebrate each day u had... not each day u don't. U have all taught me this as I am the parent of 2 children that are deceased. I thank u for all u have done for me ... giving me the smile that I didn't possess for my loss

Cathie Bresnahan <Jumpedit@aol.com>
Suffolk, VA USA - Sunday, August 6, 2006 9:06 AM CDT
What a little cutie pie Charlie was. I can't imagine how your heart must ache. This web site is a wonderful tribute to a precious life. My wish is that more people would take time to apprciate what's really important in life. Thanks for sharing Charlie with us.
Penny Zdanski <penzdanski@comcast.net>
Bethesda, OH USA - Saturday, August 5, 2006 11:51 PM CDT
Thank you so much for sharing your story. May our precious Lord give you the peace and comfort that can only come from Him.
- Saturday, August 5, 2006 7:08 PM CDT
oh I`m sorry to hear about charie . hope he gets better soon . thank you patricia
patricia frances salazar <tricia81851@yahoo.com>
azusa, ca los angleles - Saturday, August 5, 2006 3:56 PM CDT
I just stummbled upon your story, and with tears I just finished reading it all. I have a son that was born in Aug. of 2001... we are celebrating his 5th b-day tomorrow and I will definetly have Charlie and your family on my mind. You guys are obviously a very strong family and I will pray that you are staying strong! God bless all of you. I am so sorry for your loss... I thought my boys were cute... holy smokes Charlie was one of the cutest babies I have ever seen!!!!!
Melinda <melinda3k@hotmail.com>
Lakeville, MN - Friday, August 4, 2006 10:26 PM CDT
my heart is mixed with sadness and joy. thank you all for sharing so deeply
robin headden <rheadden@flg.com>
memphis, tn u.s.a. - Friday, August 4, 2006 5:16 PM CDT
I read Charlies story every time I visit and update my son's website. You are an inspirational person to all of us who are still fighting the hard battle. May you find comfort knowing that your precious angel is looking down on you today, proud that you were his parents.
May God Bless your family!

Kristi Cannon <klw02@grh.org>
La Grande, OR Union - Friday, August 4, 2006 12:40 AM CDT
God Bless Get Well Soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!
brittany <bsteblein@comcast.net>
bensalem, pa United States - Friday, August 4, 2006 9:42 AM CDT
God Bless you for being so strong to help Charlie thru this! And he is an angel!
Brenda Milligan <Madelinesgranny@msn.com>
Des Moines, Ia - Friday, August 4, 2006 7:21 AM CDT
hey, this is shea . i got your link from the caringbridge main site . i am so sorry for your loss . i have an 8 month brother of my own, and couldn`t IMAGINE life without him . your story brought me to tears when i thought that it could`ve been him . but i am so sorry . i hope that all is well, and youu hopefully will not forget, but slowly get over the loss, and remember the happy times youu had with little charlie . thanks for your time .
Shea <no_more_drama729904@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, August 3, 2006 9:47 PM CDT
Dearest Angel, 8/3/06

The Lord was with You at all times, he knew how much he Loved You!! Your Mom , Dad, and family Loved you too!!
It was hard for Mom, Dad, and Family to let go, because you were a part of their Love!!

Your smile was part of the Lord's Light that shown through You!!

Love was there for all to see!!

God is with all!!

Dearest Love One You were so Brave!!

Your'e in the Family of God!!

I'll be praying for Your Family to realize that God's Love, caring, understanding is there for them!! He will be near, uplift them all!!

I'll pray for Your Family to know that You have Joy, happiness with the creator ( Lord ).

For your family to keep going on and to know one day that they will be called Home, to see Your smiling face again!!
Dearest Little One!! All Love is around You!!

With Love,

Love Ones Pray for me, Don ( husband ), daughters and the whole family, because My sister Kathy has cancerous tumor in the brain.

I believe in Miracles and the Lord has the Power to Heal her!! God healed her before!!

I'm praying that I can hold steadfast,be strong!!

I'll need to lean more on the Lord for his help!!

JoAnn <lighthouses515@zoominternet.net>
Youngstown,, Ohio United States - Thursday, August 3, 2006 7:22 PM CDT
I came across Charlie's story when I was viewing a friends page that is fighting bresat cancer. I want you to know that your story touched me in so many different ways I lost a child Feb. 12 2001 your attitude, and positive outlook on life just made me hold my head up higher and realize that I am not alone and that Everything is going to be okay and they are going to be just fine!!
K McCord <jpandkmccord@bscn.com>
Monette, AR United States - Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:47 PM CDT
I came across Charlies story while reading my brother in laws story who is dealing with lung cancer. It is so hard reading about this especially when it is about a child. Just isn't fair. God Bless you and your family. Especially Charlie, he is in good hands.
Michele Webb <mwebb@tycothermal.com>
Redwood City, CA USA - Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:22 PM CDT
What a beautiful boy. I just came across this site and his story, my thoughts and prayers are with you and may Charlie's story continue to touch people all over the world. May each passing day bring your family one less tear and in its place a smile brought by a happy memory.
Erin Kash <erryiann@yahoo.com>
North Syracuse, NY USA - Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:28 AM CDT
I pray you are comforted by the fact that Charlie is now free from pain & illness...and that you will see him again one day! In Charlie's honor,
Donna Leone <dleone@southwestern.com>
Nashville, TN USA - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:49 PM CDT
The story you tell makes us appreciate the things too many people take for granted every day. Your Charlie is Gods right hand man now and his work will go on forever and ever as he waits to see you all again one day. God Bless....
ROCHESTER, NY - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 2:37 PM CDT
Stay strong...and remember GOD has a plan for Charlie. God Bless.
Maria Sanchez
Cicero, IL USA - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 1:53 PM CDT
Yours sons story was very touching.It makes everyday life just that more precious so thank you. You will stay in our prayers.
stillwater , ok united states - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:38 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing your story, one that is almost too heartbreaking to read. Thank you, too, for the reminder of how precious time spent with our loved ones is. I'm so sorry for your loss. May God bless you all . . .
Connie <Kosieroa@Earthlink.net>
Lecanto, FL 34461 - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:09 AM CDT
Hi, I just read about your son and I'm sorry to hear that he passed away but, I just want you to remember that he is watching over you and your family and will contuine to watch over your family and friends that are out there. Hope that your family has now recovered over your loss. Again, I'm sorry to hear about your loss since he was so young.
Miki <spider5078@aol.com>
Easley, SC United States - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 5:06 AM CDT
Very touching journal! My niece who turns 6 months tomorrow was recently diagnosed with Type 1 SMA on 07/10/06 & we are trying to learn everything we can. She will be going to CA starting 8/23 to start the clinical research study with hydroxurea for 18 months so hopefully that will help. God bless your family.
Sandi Potempa
Fox Lake, IL - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 11:04 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your story. My 14 month old niece is undergoing treatment for liver cancer and it is so hard. Although your journal entries broke my heart, they were encouraging.
Mandie Lenzo <jlenzo@harbornet.com>
Tacoma, WA - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:27 PM CDT
Let God bless your family and your little boy
Kylie Danielle
Greencastle, In U.S.A - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 10:44 AM CDT
I read your journal having no idea what SMA was and can only say that you are a family of inspiration. Charlie was as fortunate to have you as his family as you were to have him as your son. Kathy, the entries in your journal could not have been easy to write. Though I imagine you did find solace in your writings. You told Charlie's story with such compassion and though this dreadful disease has affected your lives, you seem to have found a lot positives in your 6 month/6 day journey as well. Loss is hard no matter how you look at it...and I am very sorry for yours.
Karen Sharp
Sarasota, FL USA - Monday, July 31, 2006 11:49 PM CDT
BLAINE, MN ANOKA - Monday, July 31, 2006 10:03 PM CDT
I've just read Charley's story and it brought me to tears. I have a precious 3 year old nephew and I can't imagine my life without him. I'm very sorry for the loss of your beautiful son and will pray for the family.
Sabrina Markel <louisiana-rain@se.rr.com>
Palatka, Fl US - Monday, July 31, 2006 8:51 PM CDT
God bless you and your family... and of course, little Charlie!
What a wonderful site and testament to his life. I'll keep him in my prayers!

Tara Pitschka
Sauk Centre, MN 56378 - Monday, July 31, 2006 2:28 PM CDT
Your friends in CANADA send you well wishes for a very brave boy and his family.
SCOTT ROSS <ttocswell@hotmail.com>
LONDON, ONT CANADA - Monday, July 31, 2006 11:44 AM CDT
I was just browsing on the caring bridge web page and came across this page so decided to take a look. It put me in tears when i read the story about your son and your family. Thank you for sharing your story with me and everyone else in the caring bridge comunity. Cherish the memories, and NEVER STOP SMILING! =D
Ashley Knott <aknott_08@hotmail.com>
MN USA - Monday, July 31, 2006 9:52 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing your story with me and with others who care. I am new to the site, but pray for each and every small one that I read about. I have no children, but have a great love for them all! Blessings be with you and may you have strength to endure!!!
Saleena Frazier
Charlotte, NC USA - Monday, July 31, 2006 7:59 AM CDT
Thank You for sharing your son's life with us all. I have 2 healthy chilren ages 5 and 2. This makes me appreciate them more and also how blessed I am to have them.
May God bless you and your family and may he keep Charlie close until you are all reunited again.

Brenda <brenpappy@yahoo.com>
West Warwick, RI - Monday, July 31, 2006 6:59 AM CDT
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It gave me goose bumps. I too have a son (who will be 2 in a couple of weeks) who was born with some complications. He spent the first 11 months of his life in a children's hospital while I stayed at a Ronald McDonald House near by and his dad commuted back and forth for work. We were told several times that he wasn't going to make it. The Dr.s let him come home with us believing that he wouldn't live much longer. Kaden, however, is doing very well. He still requires a trach and the ventilator, but the hospital staff is just amazed at how good he is doing. It's weird how things play out, but all of these sick children are truly miracles. They go through so much pain, but fight so hard to share the love they have for you, while at the same time receiving all the love they could possible ever know. God blessed you and your family with a beautiful miracle, and He definately blessed Charlie with such a warm and loving family. Again, thank you for sharing your mirale with us, and loving him as much as you do.
Junction City, KS United States - Monday, July 31, 2006 0:55 AM CDT
Susan Griffin <susan92196@msn.com>
Baltimore, MD U.S.A. - Sunday, July 30, 2006 9:10 PM CDT
This is such a touching story. I am so sorry for your loss. I have an 8 month old son and cannot imagine what you went through. I admire your strength for going through such an ordeal. Thank you for sharing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and with Charlie.
Nikki <angelluv_05@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:03 PM CDT
Looking at Charlie's picture I think you named him perfectly. When I think of the name Charlie it only holds happy thoughts and smiles for me. Your sweet baby is in a better place free from suffering and earthly trouble. I pray that thought brings you some comfort. God Bless You
Randall B. McCraney
Birmingham, Al United States - Sunday, July 30, 2006 6:08 PM CDT
Hi. My name is Martha Clinkscales. I signed on to the Caring BRidge site to contirbute money for a woman in my community who had a life changing accident.

I had the opportunity to see your beautiful boy, and noticed he just had a birthday! I know you are proud of your angel, and see by the amazing journal entries that his life, and your family's, touch many. I am reminded of God's promise to Abraham that he and Sara's legacy will "outnumber the stars..." I believe that your son's legacy, and the gift of his story that you so generously share, will touch a number greater than the stars. His life, your lives, make such a difference!

Thanks for sharing. Martha

Martha Clinkscales <mclinkscales@personalcare.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, July 30, 2006 2:16 PM CDT
Before I read this account I never heard of someone being born without stomach muscles. I work with children with disabilities and this one was a new one for me.
K. Schulz <ks_585@hotmail.com>
South Oropouche, Trinidad and Tobago - Sunday, July 30, 2006 8:01 AM CDT
i am a mom of 6 with my youngest being 4 months,and i could never imagen lossing any of them in such a way.my heart goes out to all of you.
tanya patnode <mrspatnode@hotmail.com>
becker, mn usa - Sunday, July 30, 2006 0:23 AM CDT
Thanks for sharing your story. As I read the journal today it is a sad day for me. We lost our little girl, Emmy 13 years ago today at age 7 months. There is no sorrow like a mother's loss but God has richly blessed our lives tenfold.

Blessings to you -

Jackie Schiller <jackie@tekstar.com>
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 - Saturday, July 29, 2006 7:27 PM CDT
this is a touching story
Lacy LeBlanc <jurseyjean@hotmail.com>
East Grand Forks, MN United States - Saturday, July 29, 2006 12:40 AM CDT
I just read your story from a link from the site. I do not know you through anyone, but was brought to tears from your story. It seems your family was incredibly blessed by your most wonderful child and that you really have a deep faith and appreciation for the time you had with him. I think that's incredible. I am so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for being so open with your son's life. I think you sound like a wonderful family! Best wishes to you in the future!
Kelly Irvin Richtarich
- Saturday, July 29, 2006 11:02 AM CDT
You have such a special and touching keepsake . I have been so touched by your story. Charlie is your beautiful angel. May God bless you always with good health and happiness .
Anita Gribben <eire84@optonline.net>
Levittown, NY USA - Saturday, July 29, 2006 8:11 AM CDT
You have such a special and touching keepsake . I have been so touched by your story. Charlie is your beautiful angel. May God bless you always with good health and happiness .
Anita Gribben <eire84@optonline.net>
Levittown, NY USA - Saturday, July 29, 2006 8:05 AM CDT
that was a realy touching and sad story sorry about your los
athens, al u.s - Friday, July 28, 2006 10:07 PM CDT
I came to this site, just having learned about the CaringBridge. Charlie's page is very touching. Thank you for opening your heart and sharing with us all. I am so thankful that Charlie's life inspired you to turn to the Lord, rather than away from Him. May God bless you and keep you as you walk in His ways... By the way, is Charlie named after a preacher/author named Charles Cowan? : )

Jeana Miller <>< Luke 12:34 <Num1mwmom@bellsouth.net>
Taylorsville, KY USA - Friday, July 28, 2006 9:31 PM CDT
Praying for you.
SC USA - Friday, July 28, 2006 1:40 PM CDT
Hi Charlie Bear! Thank you for such a wonderful SMA fundraising event. It was such hard work, but it was so rewarding. I love catching up with the families, seeing the children, and telling your story again, again, and again. I was so glad to be on the radio and share you with the airwaves! You are an incredible inspiration and I know how proud you are of us and Charlie's Angels! We have such admiration for you, that it makes it all worthwhile. Thank you for helping daddy get through all of his tough things, too. He did GREAT! I know you are proud of him, too. We miss you more and more each day. I LOVE the poem a guest left for me! it was just wonderful, and I had not seen it before. Thank you so much!!! We will meet again. And I know you are always just a step behind me, I just wish I could turn around and scoop you up in my arms. Someday!!! Love infinity little boy!!! Mommy
Kathy, Charlie's mommy
Maple Grove , MN - Thursday, July 27, 2006 8:30 PM CDT
May God continue to bless you and your family. What a wonderful tribute to Charlie!
Minneapolis, MN USA - Thursday, July 27, 2006 3:40 PM CDT
HI family I read your story and I just cried my eyes out. I just love babies. Every time I see a baby I just want to hold it and I know what you are going throw. My prayers are with you and your family.
Lynzee Cullum <Lrc9106@yahoo.com>
Indianaplois, In - Thursday, July 27, 2006 11:40 AM CDT
To Charlie's Parents & Family,
I cannot understand your loss, but I know it must hurt as I have a 10 month old son. I hope this poem will bring you comfort as it always does for me.

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.
Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of
his life there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the very
lowest and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it: "LORD, you said that once I decided to follow
you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life,there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."
The LORD replied:
"My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."
written by Mary Stevenson

Best Regards,
Ry@n, Fiona & Ronnan

Ryan Alexander <ryanalexander@rediffmail.com>
Mississauga, On Canada - Thursday, July 27, 2006 11:27 AM CDT
May God strengthen your family, and thank you for sharing the story of your precious Charlie.
Rachel Cobia

Rachel Cobia <racheljcobia@bellsouth.net>
USA - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:19 PM CDT
May God watch over Baby Charlie's famliy forever.
Dorothy Harms <djharms2002@yahoo.com>
Chenoa, Il McLean - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:05 PM CDT
Hi. My name is Nicki Rezac and I am a cancer survivor, a mother, a wife and a nurse. I voluteer my extra time to fundraise for children's terminal illnesses. I came across Charlie's site today and I am amazed at your courage, strength and faith. I wanted to include this poem. I am sure someone has already sent it your way, but just in case. Take care. Charlie was a true Godsend.

Nicki Rezac


"To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; here is just eternal love.

Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I'm with you every
morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through,
God picked me up and hugged me and He said, "I welcome you."

"It's good to have you back again, you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on.
I need you here badly, you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man."

God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do,
and foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight,
God and I are closest to you... in the middle of the night.

When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years,
because you are only human, they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.

I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
But if I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o'er.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.

There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;
But together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too....
That as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.

If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain,
then you can say to God at night... "My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented.... that my life has been wothwhile,
Knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.

So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low,
Just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street, and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in you footsteps only half a step behind.

And when it's time for you to go.... from that body to be free,
remember you're not going.... you're coming here to me.

Nicki Rezac <nrezac@frontiernet.net>
Riverdale, NE USA - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:23 PM CDT
Hi. My name is Nicki Rezac and I am a cancer survivor, a mother, a wife and a nurse. I voluteer my extra time to fundraise for children's terminal illnesses. I came across Charlie's site today and I am amazed at your courage, strength and faith. I wanted to include this poem. I am sure someone has already sent it your way, but just in case. Take care. Charlie was a true Godsend.

Nicki Rezac


"To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; here is just eternal love.

Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I'm with you every
morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through,
God picked me up and hugged me and He said, "I welcome you."

"It's good to have you back again, you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on.
I need you here badly, you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man."

God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do,
and foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight,
God and I are closest to you... in the middle of the night.

When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years,
because you are only human, they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.

I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
But if I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o'er.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.

There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;
But together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too....
That as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.

If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain,
then you can say to God at night... "My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented.... that my life has been wothwhile,
Knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.

So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low,
Just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street, and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in you footsteps only half a step behind.

And when it's time for you to go.... from that body to be free,
remember you're not going.... you're coming here to me.

Nicki Rezac <nrezac@frontiernet.net>
Riverdale, NE USA - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:59 PM CDT
I cannot imagine the pain you are going through. My youngest son was born with a hole between his esophagus and trachea, and has had multiple surgeries to fix it. He just happens to be special enough to be in the 1% of children that get recurrent fistulas(holes). So we set up a caring bridge site for him, what a great help it has been for me, with trying to update family and friends. I applaud you for your trust in the Lord, your strength to share your story with others, that you might find a cure for SMA. My thoughts and prayers are with you dear Cowan family and little Charlie as well. What a special gaurdian angel you have now. May God Bless you always.
Michelle Sparks <momsparksx3@wetherelt.myrf.net>
Stevensville, MT USA - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:55 PM CDT
I just read your family story and I am in tears. What pain your family must have gone through and I'm sure are still going through. Your strong hearts are an inspiration to a new time mother. God bless your family and thanks for sharing your story.
Kim Othoudt <kimbie3857@yahoo.com>
Princeton, MN USA - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:54 PM CDT
Your son was an angel, I'm so glad you shared your story.
You're in our thoughts and prayers.

Sarah Richardson <siggy_40@hotmail.com >
Arkansaw , WI USA - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:01 PM CDT
I just read your story for the first time due to a friend's son (Kevin Mcclane - Maryland) having passed away after over two years of dilignet entries on caringbridge and another friend's daughter undergoing treatment for a brain tumor (Mackenzie Stuck). We have been so moved by the web site that we have chosen to make quarterly contributions to it to help with expenses. This is a beautiful thing developed by beautiful people - in honor of a beautiful child. You are an amazing family and I am honored to have read Charlie's story.....he is surely in a special place, waiting for you all to join him one day.
THe Hamill's <sammy351@comcast.net>
MD - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:24 AM CDT
I just learned about caringbridge due to my husbands daughter is now in beaumont hospital and is paralyzed from the neck down and is facing many roads ahead she is going into surgery tomorrow july 26 and hopefully she will regain some motion affter they fuse her neck and release some pressure off the spine. that is when i read your story about baby charlie what a beautiful boy and i have to give you courage for being so brave but god has blessed you and helped you through those rough times and also lets you know that he is still with you through your hearts My prayers go out to you and your beautiful family and keep the faith and all the beautiful memmories

god bless you and your family

lindalake <lllake@voyager.net>
CHARLEVOIX, MI USA - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:39 PM CDT
What a beautiful baby boy & family.

Marla Kracke

Marla Kracke <Rapturerdy1@cox.net>
Moore, ok USA - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:12 PM CDT
I just finished reading Charlie's story. It pulled at my heartstrings. How much pain you guys must be going through. I will pray for you guys.
I'm so sorry

Heather Whitson <tengoquebailar17@aol.com>
Knoxville, TN USA - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:29 PM CDT
I just read Charlie's story.
He was a beautiful boy.
His memories will be with you forever.

Thank you for sharing his story with the world.

Ed Garris

Ed Garris <2keddie@edgarris.com>
Rochester, MN USA - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:03 PM CDT
This is the 1st time I read Charlie's story. I am sure you
have been an inspiration to alot of people..God Bless...You have a beautiful family..

Debbie <debalee59@hotmail.com>
SD - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:51 AM CDT
You are so blessed to have had him for that 6 onths and 6 days.I think you really know that.
GOd Bless you and your entire family

Carmen <logan8058@bellsouth.net>
- Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:56 AM CDT
I know this is late, but this is the first time I've viewed it. I am so sorry about your son. I pray for peace and strength for your family.

God Bless,


phillip ward <phil.ward@tenethealth.com>
dallas, tx u.s. - Monday, July 24, 2006 4:01 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your story about your son Charlie. Sometimes we forget to be thankful for what we have and you just reminded me to be. I have a son that was born 2/25/00 with a genetic disorder called deletion 8p syndrome. I can surely understand the feelings you had when you found out about your son's diagnosis. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Hillyer Stevenson <hillyer5801@hotmail.com>
Jacksonville, AL United States - Monday, July 24, 2006 11:22 AM CDT
My name is Sammie and I just read Charlie's story. I have another friend that had a site on here and when I finished there I saw Charlie's picture and just had to read his story. Well, I have been at the computer now for almost two hours and I almost feel like I went through this with you and your family. I have almost completed my box of Kleenex and wanted to sign your guestbook. It is July 24, 2006. I sometimes feel like I have it so hard but then I read stories like this. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I know that through knowing, loving, and believing in the Lord Jesus I will someday get to meet Charlie. Abundant Blessings to you and your family.
Sammie Orr <sammieorr@yahoo.com>
Edgemoor, SC USA - Monday, July 24, 2006 8:41 AM CDT
Hello I just read your story for the first and in touched my heart .
Angie <love4meinlife@yahoo.com>
vale, nc usa - Monday, July 24, 2006 0:56 AM CDT
I look at the beautiful pictures of Charlie and he looks so happy and so content. His life may have been short but I have no doubt that your lives were made better because of his precious life. I will remember ya'll in my prayers. Till you meet up with Charlie in heaven, God bless your family.
Sherri Strange <sstrange@bellsouth.net>
Birmingham, AL USA - Sunday, July 23, 2006 9:43 PM CDT
What a beautiful, precious son! My heart aches for your family....but rejoices in knowing he is safe in his Heavenly Home. My thoughts and prayers will be with all of you.
Cheryl <reichhartbc@comcast.net>
Fort Wayne, IN USA - Sunday, July 23, 2006 5:08 PM CDT
hi my name is mary lou im so sorry about charlie i also lost my baby and i know what you went through.
mary lou salinas <funny_texan@hotmail.com>
grafton, nd walsh - Sunday, July 23, 2006 2:30 PM CDT
What a beautiful family. Your littlest angel is next to Jesus now.
Ruthann <kendallmn@yahoo.com>
Austin, TX USA - Sunday, July 23, 2006 12:51 AM CDT
hey my name is Maranda and i'm so sorry for what happend to your baby if there is one thing in the world for me to do just e-mail me i'm always right down the road!!! i will pray for you and your family night and day just because we all love you if you need us we are always right here i sure hope in the near future every thing works out swell!!! mmm may i ask for one favor can you please pray for my little cousin who haas got cancer thank youso much

maranda starita

Maranda Starita <ruledprincess1992@yahoo.com>
magee, MS united states - Saturday, July 22, 2006 10:46 PM CDT
your hansome baby boy is now at peace
Amber Mcclellan <Cheerbabes93@yahoo.com>
FoxLake, IL UnitedStates - Saturday, July 22, 2006 10:35 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing the story of your Charlie: the Man of the Hour -- my heart goes out to your family.
San Juan Capistrano, CA USA - Saturday, July 22, 2006 1:17 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing the story of your Charlie: the Man of the Hour -- my heart goes out to your family.
San Juan Capistrano, CA USA - Saturday, July 22, 2006 1:16 AM CDT
I am a nurse and I sit with a little boy that will be 3 in Sept. He was diasgnosed with SMA when he was also 2 mo. old. Your little one is so precious, and you are in my prayers. I wish ya'll would also pray for this child. He is doing well right now! Keep your fingers crossed. God Bless every child.
Dawn <tdstroud@sccoast.net>
Nichols, S USA - Friday, July 21, 2006 3:23 PM CDT
I have a grandson that is Charlies age now, I can't even imagine your pain. I thank God for him constantly, what a blessing he is in our lives everyday. I am very sorry for your loss. God bless you and your family.
My friend frequents your web site almost daily her name is Pam. I don't think she signs your guest book, but Charlie is in her heart always.

Tara Smoot <radiologytara@yahoo.com>
Quitman, Ar. USA - Friday, July 21, 2006 2:47 PM CDT
What a precious gift the world was given for those 6 months and the many lives that were touched because of that smile.
Serah Larkin <sunshynne9@yahoo.com>
Oklahoma City, OK USA - Friday, July 21, 2006 1:53 PM CDT
this was my first visiting this website and it warmed my heart it read about hte "MAN OF THE HOUR".
kelly mccarley <kellym4usa@yahoo.com>
phoenix, arizona 85307 - Friday, July 21, 2006 2:49 AM CDT
Hello, im really sad to hear what has happened to your son. im 14 years old and i have a little brother Jaden who was born June 1st 2004. I was very excited when he was born and couldnt wait to get him home. everything was going perfectly, unitl one day it was a thursday, i came home from school. i was walking home with all my friends and got to my front porch, my mom wasnt there and then the next thing i know i saw her on my neighbours porch crying. i didnt know what was going on so i ran over. my baby brother now only a couple weeks old was blue. he wasnt breathing wasnt moving no sign of life. i was terrified and blanked out. i had been swimming for 9 years and i knew CPR like the back of my hand. but i just forgot everything. i did what any other person would of done. i started to cry. i freaked out. my neighbour had called 911 but it seemed like an hour before they showed up. my brothers friend has a dad who is a police officer. he was trained with first aid and knew CPR and how to handle situations like this. he had done CPR of my brother before the paramedics showed up. if it wasnt for him my brother wouldnt still be here with us this moment. my brother was taking to the hospital and had many tests done. he was there for a couple days but was on regular check ups for months. he was diagnosed with epilepsy. they did many tests, cat scans, and EEG and many more. my mom didnt believe he was diagnosed and decided to get a second opinon. it turned out my brother had a blood clot of his left side of his brain. he was put on medication for a year. the medication did help with the blood clot and now he's living a normal little boys life. im very happy to still have him here with us today but unfortunatly it breaks my heart to hear your story. i have gone through the same experiance even though im only his sister i still care for him as if i was his mother. there is a big age difference between us but the brother sister bond we have is so close and invincable. im praying for you and your family. Love Shannen P.S Those who come into our lifes leave footprints, even though some are only there for a short period of time. But even though we cannot see them we know they are growing with us and loving us with all there heart. May angels protect your family and your sons spirit. he really did make a difference in the world and he left his footprint in my heart
Shannen <sady_mclean@hotmail.com>
London, - Thursday, July 20, 2006 10:25 PM CDT
He is so adorable. I will be praying for him.
Cherish <rbg1215@yahoo.com>
ok USA - Thursday, July 20, 2006 8:55 PM CDT
May you always keep the songs in your hearts,for Charlie
Aurora, Ontario Canada - Thursday, July 20, 2006 7:29 PM CDT
MEMPHIS , TN 38115 - Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:39 PM CDT
I was looking on the site for information and came upon your beautiful little boy's story! What a sweet & precious little man God blessed you with. May the Lord give each of you strength in the days and years to come. Charlie will always live through your memories and others will be blessed by his story. Tell Abby that my son Hunter and I use the term "infinity" to tell how much we love each other. (he always tries to beat me!) My prayers are with each of you!
Vicki <vwlogan@yahoo.com>
Gaston, SC USA - Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:46 AM CDT
CHARLIE is now an angel watching you from heaven. May GOD bless you and your family. Keep the faith!
Donya V. To <mommy_donya@yahoo.com>
Davao City, Philippines - Thursday, July 20, 2006 3:23 AM CDT
This is not the first or the last time I willl read Charlies beautiful story of his life.... and cry, cry cry! The tears I cry are mixed with happiness and faith and yes a lot of sadness. I love the last entry from you mommy. I don't think you could have narated with any more depth than you did, it made me feel as if I were in your shoes feeling what you felt. Although , No one will ever be able to capture the same feeling as you have, you gave this beautiful angel life, and everlasting love. It sounds like he too gave you and your family alot of love,as well. He just may have been your path closer to the man above. I wish Charlie a very happy belated 5th birthday in heaven! I would love to read more enteries... is there another site?
Amy Klein <myalynn949505@comcast.net>
Lino Lakes, Mn. - Thursday, July 20, 2006 2:47 AM CDT
I was truly touch by Charlies story, I have a baby girl with cp and I could not imagain being you. We all my love and Gods Grace.
Shelly Szymanski <shellyszymanski@comcast.net>
Warrenville, il 60555 - Thursday, July 20, 2006 0:50 AM CDT
To The Cowan Family:
Hi and God Bless All of You! I was looking for someone else on this site and happened to come across Your "Beautiful" little ***CHARLIE***! It brought tears to my eyes and can't even imagine the pain your family all suffered from losing this ***PRECIOUS LITTLE BOY CHARLIE***! He is an inspiration to me and a deliteful looking little boy. God has wrapped his arms around CHARLIE and will keep him in his tender care! I love your "CHARLIE DAY" and we all will remember him...***CHARLIE WAS & ALWAYS WILL BE A *STAR*!*** Hugs & Love to you LITTLE CHARLIE in HEAVEN,also Mom,Dad,& Girls

Alvina Moyars <morosie@charter.net>
Tracy, Mn. USA - Thursday, July 20, 2006 0:09 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing your inspiring story with me. May God bless you and your family throught infinity.
Frieda Borntrager RN <fmb@maplenet.net>
Middlebury, IN USA - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:34 PM CDT
There can be no greater pain, than the pain of losing a child, and after reading everything that happened to him in his short life, It helps put things into perspective for those who have "normal" everyday problems. I think that Charlie was here for a very special, special reason. What a very special gaurdian angel you have watching over all of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you, God Bless.
Michelle Sparks <momsparksx3@wetherelt.myrf.net>
Stevensville, MT USA - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:10 PM CDT
Our prayers are with you! WE came across charlies page from by accident. WOW what an impact it made on us!! I am so sorry you lost charlie :( I actually cried today after reading charlies story. It will tug at your heart strings!!!! My god and charlie look over all of you!!
Brian and amy

Brian Conner
Hurt, va 24563 - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 2:21 PM CDT
Charlie, I am sorry I am late with your birthday wishes. I am sure that my daughter, Wendy made up for my mistake. Today was the first day I visited your site. I had the privilge of having my daughter for 16 years and I truly believe she knows you and has made your home in heaven more comfortable. To Charlie's parents I am sorry you had to let him go. I know it is a difficult time for you now. Wendy's birthday is tomorrow and she would have been 30 years old. So you see she is taking very good care of Charlie and many more. She loved children. Please never give up. Keep him alive in your heart.

- Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:43 AM CDT
Hi: I just read Charlies page and had to write and tell you that Charlie is now with God and there are so many angels singing around him. I'm glad for the time you had.
Lady Care <ladycare@rogers.com>
Nepean, ON Canada - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:04 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Charlie!! How ironic that I would come across this website from a friend of a friend on Charlies birthday. I couldnt help but go to his website when I saw the advertisement on the homepage. I too have a son named charlie.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of Charlie-I can not even being to imagine how hard that must be. My prayers are with you.
Our Charlie, or Chuck as he likes to be called, looked very similar to your Charlie's picture at his age. It touched me to read Charlies story and reminds me not to take time with him for granted and inspires me to be a better mom.
I cant help but think that your charlie and our chuck would have been great buds! Something about the name suits our son perfectly as I'm sure it did your son too!

Alicia Barnick <barnickboys@yahoo.com>
Mankato, MN usa - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 6:31 PM CDT
Happy Birthday you beautiful angel, your 5 years old now. Keep watching over your mommy and daddy and the rest of your family Big Guy. I know they all love you and miss you so much. everytime i go onto to caring bridge site and see your cute little face i smile even though it makes me sad for your family that your gone, although i am sure your having a great time up in heaven with GOD all the other precious angels. GOD BLESS
Brigette Gates <cll8d@allstate.com>
- Tuesday, July 18, 2006 4:05 PM CDT
Happy 5th birthday in Heaven, Charlie! I love seeing your pictures! I know your family misses you so much, sweetie. Have fun with the other Angels.
Sue O'Neill <theoneills@our-sma-angels.com>
- Tuesday, July 18, 2006 3:49 PM CDT
Happy 5th Birthday in Heaven Charlie. As always are thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Enjoy you big day with all your angel friends.
Kari Eveland <kari@cfclease.com>
Ballwin, MO - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 1:03 PM CDT
Happy 5th Birthday in heaven to my favorite Angel Charlie Bear. We are trying our hardest to celebrate for/with you today. You are in our hearts as always! We miss you terribly, but know we will be with you some day! Our love infinity little boy! Enjoy the balloons!
Kathy Cowan, Angel Charlie's mommy
maple grove, MN - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 12:19 AM CDT
5 years old! WOW, Charlie would have been such a BIG boy! I know you guys miss him terribly. Wanted you to know that we still remember, and still think of Charlie.


Melissa <melissa.brock@blockbuster.com>
TX - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 10:31 AM CDT
Happy 5th Birthday In Heaven Charlie! I have read your entire heartwrenching story in the past. Tonight, I was drawn again to your site. When I realized that tomorrow is a special day, I felt lead by God to encourage your entire family to keep hope and faith that someday we will all be in heaven reunited with our loved ones and praising Jesus for his love and grace. May you have a blessed day remembering your precious son.
Mindy Carnes <MindyBrad@hotmail.com>
Leo, IN USA - Monday, July 17, 2006 10:36 PM CDT
Wow! What a true testimony for Charlie and his angels.. Amazing that life goes on thru faith, love and perseverance.
Leigh Ross <loss@rose.net>
Thomasville, GA US - Monday, July 17, 2006 9:51 PM CDT
Hi Charlie Bear! It's almost here, your 5th birthday! I bet you and your angel friends are getting ready to celebrate. We are too! We will be dreaming about you tonight! Love you infinity. Mommy
Kathy, Charlie's mommy
Maple Grove , MN - Monday, July 17, 2006 7:53 PM CDT
Hello! You dont know me but i logged onto careingbridge and then saw charlies story! A remarkable and sad story but you seemed to handle it with your other kids amazing! Iim srry about your loss but happy for charlie to go to a better place!! Just remember how ucky you were to have that 6 months with him!
with all my love

Lindsay <lkwolfie@aol.com>
- Monday, July 17, 2006 7:51 PM CDT
Hi, you don't know me. I first learned about a site for children in Texas that is called Carepages. It is the same as caring bridge. I have a friend there who has started his own foundation. Snowdropfoundation.org. It is for children suffering from cancer. I am in awe of the words you write about Charlie. I am a mother of two and don't know how you did it. I know it is important to stay strong for your child but it must have been so difficult. I think these sites are wonderful. You had him for the time you did and cherished every minute.
Kelli Blac <soccer421@charter.net>
Collin, IL USA - Monday, July 17, 2006 12:03 AM CDT
Hello, I was introduced to the Caring Bridge website by one of the doctors at my work. When I read Charlie's site I couldn't help but shed tears. What a courageous and inspirational story and what a gorgeous little boy. Your family was fortunate to have him in your lives even if it was for a short time. He will live forever in the hearts of all who read his story. Happy 5th birthday Charlie!
Michela <michela_mm@hotmail.com>
Melbourne, vic Australia - Monday, July 17, 2006 11:25 AM CDT
I was visiting the site of another child and happened across your story of Charlie. I truely do not know what to say, other than your strength and love for your family is a true inspiration.
Matt DeCamp <majdecamp@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:31 PM CDT
You do not know me and I am ony 12, but I saw Charlie on the Caringbridge home page. My little sister has SMA Type 1 and is about 3 months old. She is on a ventilator but it will be romoved tomorrow so we have to say goodbye to her. I was inspired by Charlie's story!


Suzanna Wymore <SMWymore@aol.com>
Waconia, MN United States - Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:51 PM CDT
Hi! I want to say Charlie is a beautiful little Angel. I am here because of my little niece Alexandra "Alex" Grace Minvielle. You have a beautiful family and I will kepp your little angel close to heart as I journey with little Alex.
Wanda Palmer <wanda_5@charter.net>
Walker, La. USA - Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:27 PM CDT
I log on to the CaringBridge Website daily to communicate with a patient I use to take care of. I love the site and I know it helps this young man to cope with the day in and day out of hospital living.
I stumbled across Charlie’s website today and it brought tears to my eyes, for more than one reason. Charlie and I share the same birth date and it was very emotional for me to know that this sweet little child won’t be blowing out his birthday candles. Don’t let this stop the party for Charlie in your heart. Celebrate your love for him, as I will, on our birthday. My prayers are with you, Charlie and your family. May God bless you all.

denise spence <denisejoi@msn.com>
teaneck, nj usa - Sunday, July 16, 2006 7:40 PM CDT
hi to charlies mom and dad and sisters abbey and maggie, you have a beautiful site, your entry about the 1 year anniversary made me cry. i'd never heard
of this condition until i read your story and it was through another friends site that i came to know of caring bridge. you truly are great and wonderful
people. i only wish i could see his photos but i cant. i am blind. i am 26 years old. i bet he was beautiful though. many hugs and good wishes,

shirley <shirley1980@imagine.ie, >
cork, ireland - Sunday, July 16, 2006 2:58 AM CDT
Hello, I was reading the journal of a little girl I know and came across Charlie's story. I read its entirety and cried deep tears for him. He was a precious little boy and is now a precious little angel forever! Reading his story truly puts life into perspective and from one Mom to another (Kathy), I admire your courage and strength through everything you've had to endure. I don't even know you and I feel as if you are my hero! I can only imagine you've heard every comforting word there is to say over the last 5 years and all I can add is that one day, you'll get to be with him again in heaven. He'll be waiting. God bless you and your entire family.
Mary Dodson <cutezee@neo.rr.com>
Akron, OH USA - Saturday, July 15, 2006 11:01 PM CDT
kathy and family,ur son is so precious,and what a handsome little guy, i am a first time mom of a 3 month old boy named drew,who is the biggest star in my world. i don't know what it would be like to lose him and i am sorry for your loss. i try to get to caringbridge as often as possible but as you know i have my hands full. everyone kept saying to me you never know what love is until you have a child, and they were right, please know that you are thought of and i will say a prayer and a hello at night to charlie when i put drew to bed
Dena <tweety_742001@yahoo.com>
Albert Lea, mn usa - Saturday, July 15, 2006 10:54 PM CDT
Your son was so beautiful. I will be praying for your family.
Rachel Akers <rmakers@iowatelecom.net>
Cambridge, Ia U.S.A - Saturday, July 15, 2006 7:16 PM CDT
I'm am so so sorry about ur little angel 1st time i have ever been to caring bridge ur story was the first i seen an an cried prayers are with you
Lyn <lync373@aol.com>
hixson, tn hamilton - Saturday, July 15, 2006 6:00 PM CDT
I was touched by charlies story!
Amber Curry <AmberCurry000@hotmail.com>
Waverly, mo USA - Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:55 PM CDT
My prayers are with your family.
Jamie <jbusby@forklifting.com>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, July 14, 2006 11:25 PM CDT
Your little Charlie is such a handsome little guy. My dear friend lost a niece to SMA at the age of 5 months. A few years ago, I had a little boy in my 3rd grade class who also had SMA. I know that these children have a special place in God's kingdom.
Lori McDevitt
Charlotte, NC USA - Friday, July 14, 2006 7:59 PM CDT
Hi Charlie Bear, we have all been thinking about you so much lately. Charlie's Angels is hard at work getting ready for the big SMA fundraiser event, and of course, trying to prepare for your BIRTHDAY. We just cannot believe that you would be turning 5 next week. You would be starting kindergarden in the fall. You would be terrorizing your sisters, and getting into all of their girl stuff. I wish with all of my heart that that would be what we were busy doing now. I miss you with all of my heart, and I will forever. Thank you for continuing to send me signs that you are watching over me. I love them! I will post again, as your BIRTHDAY gets closer. Daddy and I will be visiting you at the Angel Park, and your sisters will be picnicing with you at the cabin. It will be a different CHARLIE DAY, but we will definitely be celebrating you on this day! Love you infinity little baby boy!
Kathy, Charlie's mommy <kathycowan@comcast.net>
Maple Grove , mN - Friday, July 14, 2006 6:46 PM CDT
I was just reading the story of baby Asher and Jacob. I went to the home page and saw the story of Charlie. He was a handsome little fellow. He was a chubby little guy. Just remember that one day you will be reunited with by the grace of GOD. Reading this story kind of puts things in order for me. You and your family are in my prayers.
Kay Garcia <kaydease2@yahoo.com>
Rock Hill, SC 29730 - Friday, July 14, 2006 11:51 AM CDT
I was just reading the story of baby Asher and Jacob. I went to the home page and saw the story of Charlie. He was a handsome little fellow. He was a chubby little guy. Just remember that one day you will be reunited with by the grace of GOD. Reading this story kind of puts things in order for me. You and your family are in my prayers.
Kay Garcia <kaydease2@yahoo.com>
Rock Hill, SC 29730 - Friday, July 14, 2006 11:50 AM CDT
I was crying this morning over money or the lack of. I then recieved a call about an old friend who has a page on this site. But as I am sure SO many people have, I was struck by the BEAUTIFUL baby boy I saw and needed to know more. I read his story will tear filled eye. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for blessing me to remember what is TRULY important. God is so GOOD!!!! You are all in my prayers.
Jennie Malko <Jenniesellshomes@aol.com>
Atlanta, Ga - Friday, July 14, 2006 10:26 AM CDT
I was crying this morning over money or the lack of. I then recieved a call about an old friend who has a page on this site. But as I am sure SO many people have, I was struck by the BEAUTIFUL baby boy I saw and needed to know more. I read his story will tear filled eye. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for blessing me to remember what is TRULY important. God is so GOOD!!!! You are all in my prayers.
Jennie Malko <Jenniesellshomes@aol.com>
Atlanta, Ga - Friday, July 14, 2006 10:16 AM CDT
I've been greeted by Charlie's sweet smile (on his face and in his eyes)each time I've come to this site to check on my little great niece, Megan Foster, who is fighting a life threatening battle with "HLH" at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital in Nashville, TN. I've read his "story" and have wanted to write you. Thank you for sharing Charlie's story. We too have experienced the loss of a precious son. Our hearts go out to you. Even though we had our son, Nathan,secondborn of four sons, for 17 years, 8 mos & 25 days; it wasn't enough. We are, however; grateful for the time that we had with him.

We know that the birthdays can be difficult, and Charlie has one coming up soon. We'll be keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers, and we'll be burning a candle in honor of remembrance of your special son!
Hugs & Sunshine, from our hearts to Yours,

John & Brenda Manz <b1manz@bellsouth.net>
Charlotte, NC USA - Friday, July 14, 2006 8:15 AM CDT
your baby boy is beautiful, i came across this site when visiting another, although it has been awile since your beautiful angel went home, i am sure you still miss him. I know he is watching over you. To read your journal brought me to tears. He is just so beautiful.

God bless you and your family

Brigette Gates <dsjag1@sbcglobal.net>
Indianapolis, IN United States - Friday, July 14, 2006 0:18 AM CDT
I don't know what else to say, but I'm sorry for your loss. I had never heard of this heartwrenching disease until today. Charlie was a beautiful boy, and is well taken care of in Heaven. I hope your family and friends continue to support you in this endless journey, and know that your strenght will live on in memories, and in the Lord. God bless you and your family. And please remember that through your struggle, you are continuing to open up the eyes of people around the world.
Laura Hage <Laura8484_6@hotmail.com>
Maple Grove, MN USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:25 PM CDT
Your little Charlie is so adorable with the chubby cheeks and big blue eyes. I am very sorry you didn't get to spend more time with him. I'm sure you look forward to seeing him again. Best of luck to your family.
Christy <sendchristymail@yahoo.com>
Franklin, In - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:35 PM CDT
I am so very sorry for the loss of your little guy. we almost lost my two year granddaughter to a seizure. we still have no idea what caused it. but i was very blessed she has not had another one, your were also blessed for the time you had with charlie. your family will be in my prayers
molligene oliver
luling, tx usa - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:02 PM CDT
My daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia 1 month ago today. The hospital provided us with a book of resources, one of them being caringbridge.com where I was lucky enough to read about your son.
The hospital in NY also participates in carepages.com-where I have made my daughter Simone's page for all to read.
It truly helps to "write your feelings"-instead of reliving them with each conversation.
My heart, prayers and thoughts go out to you, your strength is inspirational.

Vici Schultz <Vschultz515@optonline.net>
Warwick, NY USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 12:54 AM CDT
I am so sorry that your son died. I thought I would write in the guestbook because if my son died I would want someone that I did not know to write in the book. Again I am very sorry
Elizabeth Ewing <laycieewing@bellsouth.net>
Duluth, GA - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 11:09 AM CDT
What a beautiful child and family. Even through your lose you are so truly blessed. Lose is so difficult and the pain you have when you watch loved ones go through things like this, is just as difficult. Your strength and support and thoughts in the journals are incredible inspiration to all. Thanks for sharing. Soon it will be the anniversary of Charlie's birthday I hope the girls have fun making him a cake and you can celebrate his now pain free life in heaven! Thanks again for reminding me that "bad" days really aren't that bad. God bless you all!
WI - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 11:08 AM CDT
What a handsome child. Your family was truly blessed to have him in your lives for such a short time. May God bless you and your family and know Charlie will always be up in heaven watching over his family.
Ron Lovelace <Rlove103@netscape.com>
Powder Springs, GA USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:57 AM CDT
What a beautiful baby boy!!!!!!!!
I read your story with tears falling full flood. My heart just broke for the loved ones that handsome little baby left behind. God bless you each and every one

Becky Jordan <auntiebec@hotmail.com>
Kingwood, Tx USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:52 AM CDT
May God bless and keep you.
Glenn Davis <gdavis@flmail.dsc.k12.ar.us>
Hot Springs, AR USA - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:58 PM CDT
I know what its like to lose a child. I was 5 months pregnant when I lost my son. It's not exactly the same as having him here. The way i look at it,I had him for 5 short months and A memory for the rest of my life.I'm sorry for your loss and just always keep him close in your heart.
Amanda Jackson <mandajacksonroc@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:43 PM CDT
God Bless all...keeping you in my prayers. I know how it hurts to lose someone you love. When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
Billie Hurt
Middleburg Hts, OH USA - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 12:34 AM CDT
My prayers are with you and your family
Amy Cushman <chewchewsmom@aol.com>
Eastover, SC United States - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:02 AM CDT
Bless you all. I cannot imagine the pain in your hearts. I have two young sons and losing them would be the end of me. I am in awe of your strength and dedication. Please never stop sharing Charlie's story and touching people's lives.
Ellen <latemezzo@hotmail.com>
- Monday, July 10, 2006 8:55 PM CDT
i was just getting on this sight to check out my nephew's page and i came across charlie's sight .. his big eye's and cutest little smirk caught the most of my attention!! i am sorry to learn about the loss of Charlie, but you are right, "God does take the ones he loves 'most', first!" just know, he is in a better place and has a great amount of attention i'm sure and he is watching over you ever second of your life! keeping charlie and his family in my prayers ~
Megan <mvalsvig10@yahoo.com>
Webster, SD United States of America - Monday, July 10, 2006 11:07 AM CDT
I was touched to read about Charlie and your family and friends tribute to him. My wife and I had a son with Vernig-Hoffman and had a wonderful 6 months of his life to spend with him. We know he was a part of our lives for a short time but he has changed so many lives with his rememberance. God Bless to all.
Kevin and Melody Day <2daysrus@direcway.com>
Dewitt, Va. USA - Monday, July 10, 2006 7:07 AM CDT
my heart feels your pain deeply as i pray you find peace one day very soon....
You are in my Prayers...

remasa casanova <remasacasanova@aol.com>
mckinney, tx usa - Monday, July 10, 2006 5:05 AM CDT
I found your 'Man of the Hour's story while reading others.. it sure has touched my heart.. I wish I had had the opportunity to visit with you when he was still with us. I am going to read his journal and watch for the site that is coming.. I know that as I read 'his story' he will be in my heart.. as well as you and your family.

God Bless You .


North Dakota

Sharon Hart <sharzo56@yahoo.com>
Knox, N.D. USA - Sunday, July 9, 2006 10:51 PM CDT
Wow...what an amazing little boy Charlie was! I found your site by mistake and had tears in my eyes as I read all the entries. I have never lost a child...and can only imagine the pain that you have gone through. He is a star shining upon you right now! It was great reading about how you have kept his memory alive! God Bless you!
Sara Connell <sjconnell@aol.com>
Shakopee, MN USA - Saturday, July 8, 2006 11:01 PM CDT
I was looking at a friend's site and read the journal on your precious son and your family. My son was born near the same time as your Charlie. You have had to endure a parent's worse nightmare. I just want you to know that my prayers are with you still.
ann woosley
morgantown, ky - Saturday, July 8, 2006 10:50 PM CDT
I am so glad that Charlie is not hurting anymore. I am mother of a six month old and could never imagine losing her. But I know where he went is to a better place. My brother and sister in law lost there baby during labor she was still born because her cord was tangled around her sternum and up around her neck so when she made her final drop. it killed her. I had such a hard time (i was only 4 months pregnant at the time) on why god would take a baby from them A healthy beautiful little girl but She was just to special to be here on earth is what my brother and sister in law came to terms with their lose, but it was still so hard. Anyways thanks for sharing your story. and my heart and prayer go out to you and your family.
sara hutchison <sararoseer01@yahoo.com>
Sheboygan, wi 53081 - Saturday, July 8, 2006 7:27 PM CDT
MONROE, NC USA - Saturday, July 8, 2006 1:48 PM CDT
Oh Charlie...and family i too was about to write to grac or ross minor a really sad story as well the dad killed one son himself and the one that survived is blind now i cant even begin to imagine you might want to write them her knowing the loss of a child...sorry i got side track as i got on there was Charlie such an awesome beautiful little guy...he may be in Heaven but for sure his beautiful powerful presense lives on through those eyes and the smiles havent veiwed the photo album yet im still waiting for the tears to dry just from looking at this little cutie pie...he is precious and im sooo glad God shared him w/your family if onlyfor a short while heaven is a better and more beautiful place w/Charlie there no doubt about that...God Bless you dear folks your in my prayer Be Strong in the Lord and in His Power and His Might thats the only way to get through Life and all that happens in it amen...May God con. to wrap His Loveing arms around your family and may you feel His Presence Daily love you little Charlie you are sooo precious...xoxo in His Love (Jesus Love) Diane Rusz.
Diane Ruszkowski <Kowski@cetlink.net>
York, SC USA - Friday, July 7, 2006 6:10 PM CDT
I was looking up my aunts site and came across this one. I instantly felt for you. I have never lost a child but it is sad when it happens. My prayers are with you and your family. You seem to be very strong!
PLAINWELL, MI USA - Friday, July 7, 2006 5:14 PM CDT
I was visiting another friend's guestbook and ran across this one by mistake. My heart ached. We lost our baby boy in 2005 and it is now almost a year and a half later and it still feels so raw for me. I miss my son. My 3 year daughter is still confused by it all. It is a long journey. But I am thankful for the time I had with him and appreciate you sharing your son with other mommies and daddies out there who feel a loss similar to your own. I wish you nothing but goodness and hope.
Alexandra T.
Issaquah, WA USA - Friday, July 7, 2006 3:33 PM CDT
I was visiting my friend's little boy's site, and I ran across this site. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I seen the photos and your children are beautiful. And I know god is taking good care of your little angel. He is so precious! About a month ago, we found out my friend's son has two brain tumors and his spinal chord is covered with cancer cells. He is under going radiation now. Please feel free to visit his site.
His name is Jabin Lawrence. And keep him in your prayers as
you and your family are in mine. Little charlie's story has
deeply touched my heart forever. thank you for sharing his story! Keep faith in the lord and his love will endure forever! God Bless!

Lacey Doyle <ldoyle@dss.state.la.us>
Glenmora, la united states - Friday, July 7, 2006 2:24 PM CDT
I was on a Caring Bridge Website of my friend's daughter and I happened to see a link for Charlie's Caring Bridge site. I believe it is no accident that I saw this but rather God's hand because I have lost two babies to SMA Type 1. I know your pain and I've travelled down the same road as you have. My heart goes out to you all. Feel free to email me if you'd like.

Peace and blessings,

Lesley <sbongs1@aol.com>
- Friday, July 7, 2006 8:19 AM CDT
Charlie is beautiful! Thank you for sharing him.
Kelly Carr <kellycarr@marykay.com>
Gardner, Ks usa - Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:33 PM CDT
FAYETTEVILEE, GA USA - Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:03 PM CDT
im so sorry i knowhow you fell because i have a friend that is sick had has seizies almost every day.godbles you and your family.you guys are a beatiful family!
ashley richardson
spokane, wa - Thursday, July 6, 2006 6:51 PM CDT
LESHAE SIZEMORE <leshae@carringtoninns.com>
CORBIN, KY USA - Thursday, July 6, 2006 12:16 AM CDT
It is a very hard thing to lose a child. I have had a miscarriage and that is the closest thing to losing a child for me and I know how sad I was. I have had friends that have lost children and have seen what they have gone through. I know that Charlie will be watching over you! Hope all is well.
Kimberly, WI USA - Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:39 AM CDT
Hi, I read your story and I feel so bad, for Charlie. He only lived for 6 months and 6 days. My brother has a brain tumor, so I kind of know how you feel. It is very scary.
Stephanie Sampson
Fergus Falls, MN US - Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:51 AM CDT
I was visiting this site to post for my best friend, who is on her second organ transplant. I am a teacher, and your story touched my heart.
Greenville, SC USA - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 9:12 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your story of Charlie. This was the first time for me to come to this website. I have a friend whose son has a terminal diagnosis and I don't know what to say or how to help her. I heard about this website and thought it might be a way. Thank you for your love and honesty.
M Carr
Nashville, TN USA - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 12:35 AM CDT
My nephew was diagnosed with SMA when he was 2yrs old. He has Type IV..He is 8 now and doing very well. He is a very active little boy and we are thankful for everyday that he can play with his brother & sister.. When we found out it was living in a nightmare that never ended! Thank you for leaving this website...Hopefully with research somebody will find some kind of cure or help with this disease...
Jean <Bean3573@aol.com>
Waterbury, CT USA - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 9:31 AM CDT
I read Charlie's story because I was visiting Stephanie's website. I didn't know Charlie but I feel so much love for him and I will keep him in my prayers because he is such a beautiful angel. I am a grandmother and I love my children and grandchildren so very much and I know the love you have for your child will always be just as strong. May God bless all of you.
Diana Rivas <drivas2@satx.rr.com>
San Antonio, TX, TX United States - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:59 PM CDT
I used to think there was nothing harder than losing a child. But having witnessed the struggle of coping with the aweful effects of SMA (some very dear friends have a beautiful son who is fighting with all his little might) I realize that watching your child suffer, knowing that he will die and THEN losing him is worse. I admire your ability to persevere. Stay Strong.
Kelly K. <happymom@sympatico.ca>
Ontario Canada - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 3:01 PM CDT
Life on Earth is a blink of an eye.
Life in Eternity is when eyes are opened forever.
One day of Love, lasts a lifetime
and the most subtle beauties in Life are invisible and inaudible.

Love to All*

Mark Sullivan <sullivanmd@att.net>
Salisbury, Ma. - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:25 AM CDT
Hi i am deeply touched by your son's story and i know how hard it must be for you two to loose your son. I check the caringbridge website daily because a friend of mine only 17 years old was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia just 1 month ago. That is how i came about your son's story. So you can e-mail me i would be glad to keep in contact with you two.! ajwalker03@yahoo.com
THANKS i am soo sory for your loss!

Andrea Walker <ajwalker03@yahoo.com>
Old Fields, WV US - Monday, July 3, 2006 8:35 PM CDT
I knew about the caringbridge network and came accross your son's story. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May God bless your "little angel".
PBenson <Benson0514@aol.com>
Smithfied, NC - Monday, July 3, 2006 2:02 PM CDT
I was touched by your son's story. I came to caringbridge as i'm a prayerroom chaplin of an online prayer website and there was mention of this site as there had been a prayer posted for a girl who had passed on from cancer. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. This brought tears of sadness to me as i'm a mom of 3. I will be praying for you and your family. May God Bless your family!
Jessica <Jessica4_god@yahoo.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, July 3, 2006 10:11 AM CDT
I just learned of this web area today via the Cincinnati Enquirer. Your Charlie's story was the first I saw posted. I am also helping someone with a terminal illness whose birthdate is july 18 (though 1946). I just want to tell you that my heart is with you and your little boy. Thank you for sharing with others, and know that you re giving comfort. May you also be receiving it and many many blessings to you and all your family.
r vanhart <rbanhart33@yahoo.com>
mason, oh usa - Sunday, July 2, 2006 7:44 PM CDT
I have seen Charlies picture on this site many many times as i check the CaringBridge site to check on a friend and co-worker. I lost a child this past February, 2006, and my thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. I finally read Charlies story, and of course with tears in my eyes as i think of my own daughter, it brought good thoughts of the love i will always have of her and the joy our children bring. May god be with you all.
Karen Gooderum <gooderumk@hotmail.com>
Crystal, mn USA - Saturday, July 1, 2006 4:14 PM CDT
God bless your family and dear sweet Charlie. What beautiful loving angel eyes he has. I'll keep Charlie and your family in my prayers and in my heart forever.
Kim Clay
Somerdale, NJ U.S.A. - Friday, June 30, 2006 5:49 PM CDT
Charlie's family, I happened on to Charlie's site while looking for another child's site. I am so glad. Charlie looks like I think an angel looks,such a beautiful baby. I have two babies in heaven so I kind of know how you must feel. I have a son and 3 daughters,8 grandchildren,5 great-grandkids and we are expecting 2 great- grand-daughters in Sept. and Oct. I look forward to joining my little ones in heaven. I will be praying for you and your's.
Joanne Baker <tonimae@swbell.net>
No.LittleRock, Ar. - Friday, June 30, 2006 8:05 AM CDT
May God be with Charlie's family. My little friend,I call her my Granddaugher, Chanci Risso, asked me to visit this site of her nephew. I will come again, I don't have time to read all and what I have read is so touching. My heart goes out to all of the family.
Doreen and Dan Richardson <danordoreen2002@msn.com>
Puyallup, WA United States - Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:20 PM CDT
Wow! What a strong baby Charlie was. I'm sure he's having a blast in Heaven right now ;-). May God continue to bless you and your familyl. Thanks for sharing Charlie with all of us.
Clarissa Jackson <rissaj@hotmail.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:16 PM CDT
Wow! What an inspiration you are little Charlie and you didn't even know it. Your story brought tears to my eyes,as I have 3 little boys, that I need to be more thankful for everyday. I take for granted that we are healthy and God's blessings everyday. Thank you for opening my eyes to be more conscience of this. May your family be blessed always and remember the wonderful 6 months and 6 days you were in their lives. I look forward to meeting you one day in Heaven to personally thank you for what you have done in my life and all the other lives you have touched through Caringbridge. Much love to you and your family Angela
Angela <domdar2@hotmail.com>
Paris, Tn usa - Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:03 AM CDT
CONNERSVILLE, IND US - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:51 PM CDT
Hello, I was on the caringbridge site looking at my baby cousin abby's page (she's waiting for a new liver)...and i read about charlie. what a beautiful child and how blessed you must feel to have had him in your life even for such a short time..... and what a wonderful tribute to his life...by setting up this web site for others to use in their time of need is nothing short of a miracle. It was charlies purpose here...today, because of him, people are supported, loved, nurtured and find comfort and hope through the caring bridge. thanks charlie :)
- Wednesday, June 28, 2006 8:54 PM CDT
AUDUBON, MN U.S.A - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 11:12 AM CDT
May God Bless your family.
Meghan Rudnitski <meghanrudnitski@yahoo.com>
Stanchfield, MN USA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 11:00 AM CDT
God Bless you. God gave Charlie a wonderful family to love and be loved by while on his short but powerful journey on earth. Through you Charlie has changed lives and will continue to through the compassion and knowledge you have to offer from him.
Patti Bruno <pbruno@pppl.gov>
East Brunswick, NJ USA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 7:51 AM CDT
It is beautiful to be able to give God praise in such a time. God's blessings on you and peace.
Patty Blackman <pab20@cornell.edu>
Harford, NY usa - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 7:57 PM CDT
What a beautiful child God gave to you, if only for a little while. I know you cherish the memories and so you should. Sometimes we do not understand Gods' plan, however if we keep our Faith in God we will some day know.
Charlotte Hearn <char@alabamatortlaw.com>
Gadsden, AL US - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 4:14 PM CDT
i am so sorry about your sons problem
stephanie freng <stephanie_freng@hotmail.com>
alvarado, mn united states of america - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:19 AM CDT
What a beautiful child. Our hearts go out to you and your family. May God bless you and your family in the years to come. Thank you for sharing his story.
raleigh, nc - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:08 AM CDT
Ur son is so adorable! I wish the best for him! Im praying for u!

briana <bttrflychk@aol.com>
clever, mo us - Monday, June 26, 2006 11:49 PM CDT
What a beautiful thing you are doing by sharing your son, his story and his life with everyone. Thank you, Kathie
Kathie Dazell <mamakat87@hotmail.com>
Stanley, ND USA - Monday, June 26, 2006 4:47 PM CDT
Thanks so much for sharing Charlie with me! This a wonderful way to remember another of God's littlest angels. May God bless you and keep you in his care!

Sandy Denney <sjdenney@juno.com>
Sherman, TX US - Monday, June 26, 2006 2:38 PM CDT
Thank You for sharing Charlie's Story,God Bless You.
Donna Johnson

Donna Johnson <djj729@yahoo.com>
Burkesville, Ky America - Monday, June 26, 2006 1:43 PM CDT
Thank you for being so brave and for sharing Charlie's story. He is a beautiful angel boy. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. God bless you all.
JoAnn Gardner <joanngardner74@hotmail.com>
Aynor, SC - Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:29 PM CDT
Thank you for being so brave and for sharing Charlie's story. He is a beautiful angel boy. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. God bless you all.
JoAnn Gardner <joanngardner74@hotmail.com>
Aynor, SC - Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:29 PM CDT
What a great way to remember your son and angel Charlie. I wish there would have been a site like this 18 years ago when we lost our first child Tyler Paul Tewes to Group B Strep. He would have graduated this year and we still think about him everyday. Thank you for this beautiful site as I use it to keep in contact with my sister whose son and my god son was in a motorcycle accident. I can keep in touch with her and check on the progress of my nephew. Thank you again.
Laurie Tewes <thetewes@ncn.net>
Sioux Rapids, IA USA - Sunday, June 25, 2006 10:38 AM CDT
Thank you for being so brave and sharing Charlie's story. He is an absolutely beautiful angel boy. The description of his burial site is just breath taking. My thoughts and prayers go with you and your family even though it has been some time, I know you still think a lot about Charlie and celebrate in your heart all the love he provided to all of you.
Melinda Merritt
Chico, TX USA - Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:17 PM CDT
he stays near,smiling and waiting for the day your all together again.he sees your life journeys,espically the girls and hes happy.you made his time here loving,special and happy.know you have an angel watching over all of you.
katherine kiker shields
aberdeen, ms. us - Saturday, June 24, 2006 10:29 PM CDT
Thank you for the warm and loving story of your son. Rest in the fact that Charlie is with God. I also have lost a child and that simple fact, knowing that he is with God in paridise,is what keeps me going day to day. God bless you all!
Vicki Pitcher <vpitcher@hotmail.com>
Rio Rancho, nm USA - Saturday, June 24, 2006 5:15 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your beautiful boy and family with strangers. May you be blessed and comforted by the memories of your sweet angel.
Kristin R.
LA, CA USA - Saturday, June 24, 2006 1:46 AM CDT
What a wonderful way to communicate with families - bless you for doing this for everyone.
Brenda <bsm412@insightbb.com>
Louisville, KY USA - Friday, June 23, 2006 8:31 PM CDT
I was so sorry to see the story about the loss of your beautiful son Charlie. My heart and prayers go out to you. I will save your story on my Pc. Your family has been through a very rough time and only the Lord can heal your broken spirit! I will continue to keep you in my prayers!

Judy Sanford <judyssanford@aol.com>
Buffalo, S.C. United States - Friday, June 23, 2006 4:08 PM CDT
I thank you for sharing your beautiful little boy's life with us. When I read this I know I have no problems. May God Bless you.
- Friday, June 23, 2006 3:42 PM CDT
My son, Kevin was diagnosed with an immune deficiency when he was 7 yrs. old, he was not thriving. (He had been a healthy baby). He needed a bone-marrow transplant. Thank God his little brother, Kyle, was a perfect match! Kevin is now 14 yrs. old and doing well. Kevin just graduated 8th grade, losing a classmate a few weeks earlier to Luekemia, and another one 3 yrs. ago. We can only imagine what you have been through. I know one thing for sure, Charlie has many other little angels to play with and watch over him. May you be at peace with loving memories of Charlie.
Kathryn Middleton <katjm@sbcglobal.net>
Bristol, CT 06010 - Friday, June 23, 2006 11:27 AM CDT
It's because of stories like yours that I am going into the field of gene therapy on genetic diseases. Just wanted to let you know that there are people out there trying to find an end to your story and all stories like it. God bless.
Hollie Gallagher <hollie.gallagher@wpafb.af.mil>
Waynesville, Ohio United States - Friday, June 23, 2006 9:32 AM CDT
Just a few hours ago our Charlie was born. And I find myself looking at the net while his new Mommy & Daddy visit with him and discovered the story about your little angel. If you truly believe in God, your Charlie is in a far better place and you all will be together again.
Nancy <njbtoday@gmail.com>
Boston, MA USA - Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:21 PM CDT
God Bless you all.. Hope You are all doing well. Your story touched me in many ways. Thank You.
Susie Krause
Superior, wi usa - Thursday, June 22, 2006 8:17 PM CDT
I was checking on a family friend and came across your story. I had tears running down my cheeks as I read your Charlie Bears story. Having two boys of my own I cannot imagine losing one of them. Thank you for sharing your story and your strenghth with us. May God continue to bless you and may Charlies star shine ever so brightly on your family and all of those that loved him.
Kathleen M. Chambers <chambers_k@bellsouth.net>
Peachtree City, GA Fayette - Thursday, June 22, 2006 12:57 AM CDT
Winston-Salem, nc US - Thursday, June 22, 2006 10:40 AM CDT
God Bless!!!
ana martinez <latinbelle64@yahoo.com>
greenfield, WI 53220 - Thursday, June 22, 2006 7:33 AM CDT
You have the best parents and family! Your memory will live on because you inspired this great web site! I'm sorry I did not have the chance to meet you, but we will meet when God calls me home!
I have a son who has a site here and there has been an overwhelmingly positive response about you and your web site. As your mother said years ago, it's theraputic to see the messages everyday, to let others know about your progress, and to be able to focus on your child or loved one.
Keep sending your family those "messages"! They know that you are with them!
God Bless!

Josh Miles <jcmiles97@comcast.net>
Nashville, TN US - Thursday, June 22, 2006 0:41 AM CDT
You will never know how many lives Charlie has touched. Thank you for sharing him with us.
Patty Snider <pss1950@hotmail.com>
Newnan, ga usa - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 8:43 PM CDT
I'm so sorry about little baby Charlie.I know how terrible it is to loose some one close.My Great Grandmother died on Thanksgiving in 2005.I was devistated for weeks.You had so little time with Charlie.And i wish you could have had more time.
Taylor Straub

Taylor Straub <cheerlvr303@aol.com>
Indianapolis, IN United States - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 4:57 PM CDT
¢¾I know how it feels to loose someone close and dear to you. My Grandma Gloria passed away on April 7, 2006 I am sure Charlie was such a sweet little boy. Now rember that he is up in heaven wathing your every move.¢¾
Shelbie Greene <tatertot22@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, June 21, 2006 3:38 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing such a touching story like Charlie's. I just had a baby boy in April and pray everyday that god looks down on him. You have made me realize how special every moment is with our little one. Thank you for that. My prayers will go out for Charlie and his family. May he bless you all with great memories and smiles.

Samantha Williams <sammyannewilliams@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL US - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 2:54 PM CDT
I happened upon your site today after checking on a little boy and girl that have sites here as well. As a parent of a 2 year old myself, I can say that my appreciation of my son and my knowledge that I never know what tomorrow may bring has been boosted by stories such as your own. I know that nothing I can say will take away the pain of losing something so dear, but without even knowing you or meeting Charlie, he has helped me to appreciate every minute I have with my own son. I will keep you in my prayers.
Mike Ryan <mikeryan20@comcast.net>
Pt. Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 1:32 PM CDT
I have a site on caringbridge too and today I visited CHarlie's site. As I read your journal entires I just coudn't imagien what your life has been like. I pray that with time your pain will subside. The picture of him is absolutely adorable. What a precious smile.

You and your family are an inspiration to me. God Bless

Beth Robinson <brobinson@maconga.org>
- Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:46 AM CDT
hi there .... I heard about your son from a friend and immediately put him on our church 24 hour prayer chain. I heard from him yesterday that the greatest thing that could happen occured, Jesus wanted Charlie with him !! Know in your heart there was great jubilation in heaven yesterday, another one of Gods children has come home ! Every pain and worry the Lord has taken from little Charlie.
Praise Jesus for the newest little angel !!

William Thury
Ham Lake, MN Anoka - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:15 AM CDT
I just wont you to know that i just learned of this site.I will always pray for you and your family.My step mother has her story on here is how i learned of this.God will always be with you.God bless each of you.

Tammy Moore <btmoore2006@sbcglobal.net>
Harrisburg, Ark. United States - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 7:38 PM CDT
I just learned about this web site. My friends son is on the site his name is Miles Crawford. He is struggling with cancer and we are all praying for his recovery. Charlie was an amazing little boy and your family was blessed with the time you had with him. You and your family will always be in my prayers.
Pat Barton <pbspoint@nep.net>
Susquehanna, Pa USA - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 5:34 PM CDT
I have only just learned of this wonderful website actually through another little angel who has joined Charlie in heaven. Her name is Erika Kate Maynard. It is through her website that I learned of this wonderful tool of communication. Today is the first I have learned of the passing of your beautiful Charlie. What an expressive little face. One could almost write a book from what his little face is trying to say. My heart breaks for what you have gone through and continue to endure. I will think of your little Charlie often as I remember his sweet little face. Thank you for sharing. God Bless you, your family and all your friends who stood by you and continue to give you strength. Vikki Curry
Vikki Curry <curryv@allsteeloffice.com>
MUSCATINE, IA USA - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:40 AM CDT
To the family of Charlie,.... today is the first I read about you beautiful beautiful baby,and my heart is swollen with emotions. I pray that Strength may be give to you each day and that God bless you through this. sincerely Michelle
Michelle Myers <Larkspur1016@yahoo.com>
Hollis , NY - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:30 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing your story and for keeping Charlie alive. Such beautiful eyes and smile have to be shining in a better and peaceful place. Yours in prayer.
Sihle <sihle.zulu@daimlerchrysler.com>
East London, EC South Africa - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:02 AM CDT
May thoughts and prayers are with your family. May God always bless you.
Elaine McDaniel
Rock Hill, S.C. USA - Monday, June 19, 2006 6:23 PM CDT
Dear Cowan Family,
You don't know me, but i came across your caringbridge site as I was logging on to look at another. On February 22, my best friends brother,Jarrett Boston, died at age 17. Reading the journal entrys from his mother and from Your family have brought to my mind the significance of life. Your sweet little boy brought joy to your lives and still continues to do so, as Jarrett did also. My prayers are with you and I hope you will continue to do such a great job of preserving all of your boys legacy.

With Love,
Maggie Huys

Maggie Huys <maggiehuys@bellsouth.net>
Lawrencevill , Ga United States - Monday, June 19, 2006 2:14 PM CDT
I am sorry.......the site listed below is correct but the poem is on the 1st page of the site......www.jamesbrowne.net
Jeanne Gorman <j_gorman830@yahoo.com>
Phoenixville, Pa 19460 - Monday, June 19, 2006 10:09 AM CDT
I found another poem you might like to read....it is actually about another child who passed away at age 3, Rhianna. This was in tribute to her...but you can easily replace the name with Charlie...what a beautiful angel he is.....Here is the site & the poem for the Cowan family.

Jeanne Gorman <j_gorman830@yahoo.com>
Phoenixville, Pa 19460 - Monday, June 19, 2006 10:02 AM CDT
I just want to let ya'll know that god is always there for you at this special time.You should also turn your eyes on him when you feel down and he will lift you up with his right hand. John 14 always seek him with all your heart he is there listening to your prayers I will also try my best to keep your family in our prayers.
Because He Lives,
Margo Joyce Clark
Lisa Elaine Clark

Margo Clark <flo2shortie@yahoo.com>
Reidsville, Ga U.S.A - Sunday, June 18, 2006 7:54 PM CDT
I lost my dad 20 years ago the monday past, and today I celebrate Father's Day. I read your journal with a heavy heart to begin with. I am so sorry for your loss, but little Charlie was needed elsewhere, to look after your family. Keep strong. Time doesn't heal all wounds, but it helps them hurt less.
Kristen <naturallyred411@hotmail.com>
Enola, PA USA - Sunday, June 18, 2006 7:36 PM CDT
he is soo cute
cheyenne <greendaylovescheyenne@yahoo.com>
west springfield, ma usa - Sunday, June 18, 2006 6:21 PM CDT
I needed to read your story today. I found it quite by accident, but since there are really no accidents in life, I must know I was meant to find it. My husband, two sons, and my own Father have passed. (All way too young.) This is not my best day, but then I thought of the beautiful memories I had and how important they become in our lives for eventually they are all we have left. Thanks for letting me share a window of your life so that I might better live mine.
Laurie England <lengland@aol.com>
Salt Lake City, UT USA - Sunday, June 18, 2006 3:41 PM CDT
What a beautiful brave little boy!
I'm so sorry for your loss, you all will be in my thoughts and prayers X

Clare Shannon <busterscircus@yahoo.co.uk>
Donegal, Rep Of Ireland - Sunday, June 18, 2006 3:03 PM CDT
The pictures of Charlie are just darling. Such a beautiful baby. God Bless You !!!!!
Cairo, Illinois USA - Sunday, June 18, 2006 0:40 AM CDT
What a beautiful baby! I was visiting my friend Jose's site and found yours. I read your entire journal and didn't have a dry eye when finished. I can't imagine the pain you and your family feel. My children are all grown, 25, 21, and 20. We have a beautiful granddaughter Sierra and enjoy every minute we can, she just turned 3 years a couple of days ago. I melted when I saw the pictures of him. His eyes tell it all...what a very happy baby he must have been. It's hard to let them go, but just remember he is in God's hands and looking down on your family with those big eyes. Remember and cherish the good times you and your family had with Charlie. You have a beautiful family. God bless each and everyone of you.
Carol and Russ Clark <rcjlt@eagle1st.com>
N Woodstock, NH USA - Saturday, June 17, 2006 3:29 PM CDT
I was visiting another sight and I saw Charlie's picture. As I began to read, I realized that Charlie died from the same disease that took away my sister Monica and my brother Christopher. They were diagnosed in 1978 and 1984 respectively. Monica lived 5 months and CHristopher lived 8 months. I am so sorry your loss. I was just touched by your story becuase SMA is very rare. I hope that God has filled your hearts with peace.
Eva A Cooper <evacooper@cinci.rr.com>
South Lebanon, OH 45065 - Saturday, June 17, 2006 2:49 PM CDT
May Charlie live forever in your hearts and memory.
Mary Watkins <mebrmb@itlnet.net>
Mangum, OK USA - Saturday, June 17, 2006 8:24 AM CDT
when i read your story it touched me in ways i could never explain. thank you for allowing me to read it. God bless you and keep you.
Daphne LaCourse <timdaf1@yahoo.com>
Bushnell, IL US - Friday, June 16, 2006 4:25 PM CDT
i too have had a loved one die in my arms, the best thing someone said to me was you cant think of it as death, but think of it as a rebitrh, a birth into an angel that will be protecting and watching over you forever.
shawn groeneweg <s_groeneweg@hotmail.com>
clarks grove, mn usa - Friday, June 16, 2006 9:41 AM CDT
WOW! What an amazing lil boy!! I was so touched by his story it made me cry but i know deep inside that God is taking great care of him. He is so cute and he truly is an angel sent from heaven. You guys are a great inspiration to others. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
God bless you and your family.

Cadie michel;s <cmiche12@student.cvtc.edu>
Chippewa Falls, WI USA - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:05 PM CDT
My heart is with you guys. By me reading this story make me want to cry. But, the good thing is that he's with God and that's all it count. No more pain and he's happy, you guy did everything for him. So may God be with you and the family.
Sai Vang <saivang@hotmail.com>
Saint Paul, MN - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:32 PM CDT
God Bless You & your family! My heart is crying!
Jeanne Gorman <jeagorm@hotmail.com>
Phoenixville, Pa 19460 - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:59 PM CDT
Your story brought tears to my eyes, what a sweet little guy and your family, I am greatly sorry for your loss. I came across your story when I visited the caringbridge site to check on my cousins critical condiditon(she was in a car accident). I seen a sweet lovable little boy on the main page and I had to read more......I am a new mother to a 20 week old boy and I could not imagine going throught what you did.. But after reading your story your family is in my prayers. Take care
Tonya Johnson
Cumberland, WI - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:51 AM CDT
As a father of an 18 month old son, (Noah) I was deeply touched by your story. Charlie is an absolutely beautiful little guy! We both know that it is sometimes impossible to apply logic to the things that happen in this world. I could not imagine losing my little man. What I do know for sure is that Charlie, along with all the other children who pass at his age are in Heaven with our Lord. I love that you celebrated his life. What strength you possess. If the Lord dwells in your heart you will undoubtedly be reunited with your little Charlie someday for eternity. We look forward to meeting your wonderful son too! God bless you all! You are an inspiration to so many.
Bill Dennison <bdennison@yahoo.com>
Duncannon, Pennsylvania - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 0:34 AM CDT
After reading your story...words fail me. I am so very sorry for your loss. I know that he is never far from you. God bless your family.
Kimberly <kimberly.mantlo@us.randstad.com>
Cedar Hill, TN - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:47 PM CDT
Your baby is beautiful! And those eyes! That precious smile just tugs at your heart. I found his site while viewing one of a friends that passed away just the other day. I'm sorry for your loss. It's amazing how many lives he is still touching. God Bless and keep you in his care.
Lori Blake
Springfield, MO USA - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:03 PM CDT
What a precious angel you have in Heaven. He is absolutely beautiful. We never know why things happen sometimes, but we cannot help but realize that these special children make us much better people. The lessons learned are more than we'll probably ever learn in a life time. Nobody's story is ever the same, but the pain can be shared. One year ago I lost my son at 14 months old. He had many special needs, but oh, the joy he brought us. Not a day goes by that I don't think of my special angel and wish him everything in Heaven that he couldn't do here on earth. May your angel spread his wings and fly as he will always watch over you and your family.
Michelle Williams
Reserve, LA 70084 - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 6:31 PM CDT
It is wonderful to see that Charlie is still touching so many peoples lives! What a beautiful baby boy he is and how strong he was! You were blessed with an angel!
Andrea Wiegert <johnsonand@hotmail.com>
Howard Lake, MN - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:27 PM CDT
I discorvered this site during a class dicussion in a Nursing graduate school
henry bossa
san francisco, ca usa - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:22 PM CDT
How hard it is to lose a child, Mine was only 27 hours old and it was the most difficult thing I had been thru in my 17 yrs of life. I think yours had to be even more difficult because you had months to become attached to your precious child. either way a parent should ever have to bury a child. My heart goes out to you and yours.
Jan Beckwith
- Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:54 PM CDT
I was here to visit a bridge site of a dear friends daughter when I found CHarlies story. I am saddened by your loss but encouraged by your strength. I am praying for your family. I know that only time and the faithfulness of our Lord Jesus Christ can hold you uip. Bless you and your family and all who love Charlie..

Denyse Reilly <Reillymama2@yahoo.com>
Binghamton, NY USA - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 11:30 AM CDT
I came across your website while visiting the CaringBridge site. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my niece to SMA in March of 2000. She was just 28 days old. They said that it was rare for a child to be born so advanced with the disease, but the blessing is that she did not suffer for long. She was a beautiful little girl, her name was Ariel, which means - angel. Who knew when they named her, she would become our little angel in heaven. We still miss her deeply, but are comforted to know that she is not forgotten and we will meet again one day. My best to you and your family. The road is long and not always what we expect, but the end is better than the beginning.
Sandi Dingle <sandi.dingle@metc.state.mn.us>
St. Paul Park, MN USA - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:00 AM CDT
I found Charlie's site while looking up a medical term for a class. I really don't know what to say, but I feel moved to say something. It hurts to think what it would be like to lose a child. I nearly lost my daughter, but at the time I didn't allow those thoughts to enter my mind. Reading all of this makes me want to go get my children out of bed just so I can hold them. I am definitely going to share this story. Thank you for being strong enough to educate people about this disease.
Fargo, ND USA - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 1:38 AM CDT
I've only read your last entry but I'm going to go back and read some more about your adorable Charlie.
Sandy Thompson <cat2322@yahoo.com>
Henderson, TN U.S.A - Monday, June 12, 2006 9:36 PM CDT

Hi, I am carly cain I have a site to. I had bone cancer in my left femer. I am 121/2. I just finished chemo last december. It is gone now. I am sorry about your son charlie. I will keep ya'll in my prayers. God bless!

Carly <fmfmsjc@netzero.net>
placerville, ca usa - Monday, June 12, 2006 11:03 AM CDT
I guess God needed another Angel. God Bless you and your beautiful family. I will never look up in the sky at the stars again without remembering what I read about your precious son. May the memories give you strength. You don't know me but I just happened to stumble upon your darlings story while checking on an update on another child.
Cheryl Proto <cproto@hotmail.com>
Aberdeen, nJ USA - Monday, June 12, 2006 7:45 AM CDT
You have a beautiful family. And Charlie definetly has to be a beautiful angel!! It should remind all of us,that children are a gift from God to be treasured always!!!
Pam T. <Kattee014@aol.com>
Elyria, OH USA - Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:58 PM CDT
Thank you for your story. My sweet little girl Jaydie passed away on November 23. It is so hard and we miss her so much. We will be with her again and we know she is an angel watching over us. We are blessed to have her as our. She has taught and continues to teach all of us. May your heart be filled with love, as we as parents to these sweet angels are blessed to have them forever! jaydielynnking.com
Cami King <phxcam@msn.com>
- Sunday, June 11, 2006 12:50 AM CDT
Thank-you for sharing your story of your beautiful little boy!! I happened to come across your story while visiting another web-site. I don't know what to say to you and your family, since I am a mom myself of two wonderful children. All I can say is, we are so blessed with what we have for as long as we have it for. You have a beautiful family and as I have read you have enjoyed your little blessing and continue to keep him close to your hearts and in your lives. How strong you must be!! I am very sorry for your loss and I feel your pain through my tears as I read your story. Take care and Keep up what you are doing, you are an inspiration. Yours truly, Bonnie
Bonnie M. Pineo <vpineo@panax.com>
Columbia Falls, ME USA - Sunday, June 11, 2006 10:27 AM CDT
I came across your sight,while looking at an article about caringbridge, My heart goes out to you and your family,I got goosebumbs reading your story and seeing the pictures of your beautiful little Charlie, he is indeed an angel.
God Bless you for sharing your memories and this sight with others.

Rita <dakota02@madisontelco.com>
Edwardsville, IL - Sunday, June 11, 2006 1:15 AM CDT
As I wipe the tears on my face, I have really abosrbed your words when you say to rejoice of the time we have and not the time we don't. Your strength is an inspiration to many, in sharing your experience you help others heal.

God Bless You!

Failure is NOT an option!!!

Beth De La Cruz
S, - Sunday, June 11, 2006 0:11 AM CDT
I happened on your site while reading about a friend. Charlie is a beautiful baby and looks incredibly healthy. What a beautiful angel he must be. Your family picture is just so wonderful. Thank you for sharing your precious child with so many.
Woodbridge, VA USA - Saturday, June 10, 2006 4:29 PM CDT
Although we are strangers, I happened upon your Charlie's story while visiting the website of a former student and couldn't resist reading about your beautiful angel baby. I am so sorry for your loss but I'm certain our Lord & Charlie are watching over all of you. God's love is unending - may He continue to bless & keep you.
Dot :) <dsatrom@arvig.net>
Detroit Lakes, MN USA - Saturday, June 10, 2006 2:13 PM CDT
charlie is a beautiful baby boy and the little smile on his face is heartbreaking, i came across charlie's story while looking for another. there were tears while i read it, God bless you and your family, i'm sure charlie is watching over you now.

gina steele jorgensen <chessie_3@hotmail.com>
Fairmont, MN - Saturday, June 10, 2006 10:57 AM CDT
just wanted you to know we are thinking about you.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Saturday, June 10, 2006 1:39 AM CDT
I was on the Caring Bridge website and they mentioned Charlies site on the main page. I couldn't help but read it. I have a friend that used to have a website on Caring Bridge due to Amylodosis. It is a rare blood disease. She is now in remission and we continue to pray for her but I have a closer connection to your situation. I have a brother that passed away when I was 7 years old. He was 4 months and 13 days old when he passed. He was born with Spina Bifida and I remember many things about him like it was yesterday. I am now a mother of 3 healthy beautiful chidren and I don't know how a mother could handle going through what you called a "tough" day. I think I have a tough day when my 10 year old gets mouthy. I guess this has taught me to rethink what a "tough" day could really be! Thank you for the story and the reality check!
Debbie Anderson
Brooklyn Park, MN - Friday, June 9, 2006 11:51 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your son! I came to his website while visiting a student's site from my school. What an absolutely adorable little man! I smile just looking at his photo. I appreciate your strength and wisdom. Something silly happened tonight with my six year old son and we were too hard on him (as parents sometimes are). Charlie's story refocused me and gave me perspective ~ thank you. I am headed upstairs to give him a kiss as he sleeps.
A mom of 2
DE - Friday, June 9, 2006 8:58 PM CDT
Hello to charlie's family, thanks for sharing charlie's life with us. I had a son Ian who is an angel now, he was 6 months 9 days when he passed away. It has been 16 years now, but a day doesn't go by that I don't think of him and remember the short time we had with him. We also have two older sons. A support group (SHARE)I go to has a memorial in May and I release a balloon for Ian and the other little Angels out there. Thanks for letting others share there thoughts and prayers for Charlie.
Debbie Hinkle <thinkle@comcast.net>
LEBANON , pa usa - Friday, June 9, 2006 4:08 PM CDT
I read your story of your beautiful son Charlie while visiting Caringbridge for another person. My family & I will keep Charlie in our prayers even though he has left this place and is at peace in heaven. He now is an Angel that will continue to watch over all of you. I am so touched about "Charlie Day". It really makes me smile to know you celebrate him. May God bless all of your family and keep you close to Charlie.
Susan Peplow <spep7@sbcglobal.net>
Hanover Park, IL USA - Friday, June 9, 2006 3:33 PM CDT
It is through happy tears that I am writing to you!!! I found this site while visting another one and just had to read it. I just want you to know that you are a very strong person, and CHARLIE will forever be with you and your family. I pray that you receive strentgh each and everyday!! You are an inspiration to people and I pray that you countinue to educate and strentghen other people. Your story will forever touch my heart.. With thoughts,and prayers from Natchez, Mississippi Crystal Davis
Crystal Davis <crystal.davis@unitedmsbk.com>
Natchez, MS USA - Friday, June 9, 2006 10:44 AM CDT
I happened upon you journal while creating a site for my grand child, Ava. I hope to oneday have the strength and courage that you possess. I'll keep you and Charlie in my thoughts and prayers.
Tina Bulliard <t_bulliard@hotmail.com>
Parks , La USA - Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:08 PM CDT
I wish I had some great words of wisdom to write to ease your pain and sorrow. He was a beutiful baby boy. To lose a child is not the natural order of things. My husband and I expected one day we would lose our partents (which are all alive and in the 80s) or one of us would be the one would die first, but never one of our children. Ten years ago on the fourth of July our son was killed in a car wreck. He was 25 years old. After a failed marriage he had been living at home with us for the past 5 years. I feel fortunate that the Lord let us have him for that long. He left smiling and came home smiling. He was the special one that brought the family together. I have 3 more children left but that doesn't make my love any less than if he were an only child. He has two children I look into his sons eyes and can see him and he acts like him too. Jeremy is 17, 18 in Oct. Megan will be 16 this month. I have a little left of him in them. Some days it seems like yesterday and sometimes like a life time ago. The pain is and will always be there but it gets a little easier to live with. After ten years I still cry and mourn my son. I know I can't bring him back but I can live for the Lord, so one day I can go to join him. He wasn't perfect but he had been saved. So I know he is in heaven, as your son is also, and they now have no pain or worries.
I try to keep his memory alive for his children. What you wrote was beutiful and I know he will always be alive in your memories. May God be with you all always.

Jeannie McNew <djmcnew@mounet.com>
Dungannon, VA USA - Thursday, June 8, 2006 11:43 AM CDT
God Bless you and may Charlie always be in everyone's thoughts and prayers
Christine Rogers
Clear Lake, MN USA - Thursday, June 8, 2006 11:33 AM CDT
CHARLES M CHRISTNER <dj10206@hotmail.com>
VAN METER, PA US - Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:23 AM CDT
What an inspiration your story has been to me. Our son is 17yrs old and was diagnosed with stage 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma on Apr.15, 06. Our Faith has been strenghtened because of it and we live daily knowing and believing that God's Will is whats best for our son. Though we know the journey is long we continue to stand on the promises of God. Thanks for journaling your story I find it helpful for myself as well. May Charlie's story help many other families. God Bless your family.
Cindy, Marvin & Troy Terawaki <kinikiat@msn.com>
Beltsville, md US - Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:09 AM CDT
What amazing strength Charlie has given all of you. You are a beautiful family, and have a beautiful angel up in heaven.
Tracy, NICU RN
Indianapolis, IN USA - Thursday, June 8, 2006 0:00 AM CDT
What a beautiful baby boy - I will always remember Charlie's story and will share with others the wonderful way you shared his life with the world.
Brooks Turner
Raleigh, NC 27605 - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:15 PM CDT
It is with a heavy heart that I leave this message. I pray that God will always remind you of your precious angel in heaven.
Leslie Smith <grubbsmith@yahoo.com>
Laurinburg, NC USA - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:08 PM CDT
Tears came out of my eyes, as I read his story, Charlie is in a better place and for sure he is a beautiful angel. To his Mommy, Daddy and sisters, He is you Guardian Angel.
Jenny Melara
Lancaster, CA USA - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 5:10 PM CDT
Hi little Charlie,My prayers are with You and your Family,I will be Praying for God and his Angels to smile down on you and to help you recover from this tragic time in yours and your families lifes.
Jackie White <kasay101056@yahoo.com>
Griffin, Ga. United States - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 2:19 PM CDT
Charlie was a beautiful baby and I know he is now a beautiful angel. Thanks for sharing his story. I know his life story will touch many lives and be a bright light in the darkness.
Patti Clanton <pattilynn1213@yahoo.com>
Lexington, TN United States - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 1:34 PM CDT
I came accrossed your site while visiting a friends site. I saw Charlies little face and just had to come on and hear his story. I realize it has been 3 years since his passing, but I am so sorry for your loss. At only 6 months of age what an inspiration. And through your site continues to be an inspiration. Thank you for sharing his jouney. Charlie seemed to be an amazing baby whom through this site I can see what his purpose on this earth has been and continues to be in heaven. Sent with huge hugs!!
From a mom of 2

- Wednesday, June 7, 2006 12:09 AM CDT
I came to the homepage quite by accident while trying to visit a page for my cousin's young son. I am happy for the detour and the chance to meet Charlie and his family. I hope you are all healing and doing well.
Kristen <baymaur@yahoo.com>
VA - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:38 AM CDT
He IS so beautiful! What a blessing it is for you to have experienced having him in your life. If he can't be with you right now. I can't think of any other place that is better than heaven,constantly looking down on your family!
Bridget Huston-Thomas <brijaye2@yahoo.com>
Birmingham, AL - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:25 AM CDT
I just finished reading your journal and I had tears in my eyes after I was done. I have two sons so I CAN not immagine what you and your family have went thru.It has given me some knowledge of what his disease was, so loseing your son will help others, have some comfort knowing this. May you continue to remember your little angle as well as the rest of the world! May God hold you close to his heart.....
Rhonda Fischer <wentwest@nntc.net>
Butte, NE. U.S.A. - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:03 AM CDT
I had never heard of such a tragic disease, Your son was so beautiful and I am deeply sorry for your great loss.
Kristine Stark <kstark@paulbunyan.net>
Bemidji, MN united states - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 7:52 AM CDT
What a beautiful little boy. I could not even image what you must have gone through. God bless you all.
Kim <Ache4@verizon.net>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 9:31 PM CDT
Dear Charlie, Kathy and Jeff,
I read about Charlies story and i hope that he feels better in any sickness he has. Inshallah!

Mehak Qureshi
St. Catherines , Ontario Canada - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 6:39 PM CDT
I was taken aback when I saw Charlie's photo. My sister's two children died from SMA Type I in '88 and '89. Charlie looks just like my nephew, Jacob! So little was known about the disease back then. We have learned so much about SMA in the last two decades. My love and prayers are with you and your family members.

Our family is on a national registry for SMA carriers. I read any info I come across regarding research to help this very sad genetic disease. They are making more and more progress every day.

Gretchen Luessenheide <gluessenheide@lindquist.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 9:12 AM CDT
i was visiting a website for a little boy in my son's preschool class (Austin Moreno) when i saw your son's picture. he is beautiful. i will pray that God blesses you and your family and friends forever.
susan andro <susanandro@hotmail.com>
allen, tx usa - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 1:38 AM CDT
I was visiting my grandson's journal(Tanner Sharon)when I saw Charlie's photo and story. What a beautiful little angel! My prayers are with you and your family and may God bless you all.

Gail Sharon <blondiewoman@bellsouth.net>
Stokesdale, NC USA - Monday, June 5, 2006 10:42 PM CDT
Our thoughts and our prayers are with you and your family. We are truly sorry about your son. But you and your family will become stronger as time goes on. He is with God safe and sound, and in no more pain. May God Bless You, and your family !!!
The Taylor Famliy <ttaylor@bcraiders.com>
Alma, Ga Unites States - Monday, June 5, 2006 9:43 PM CDT
As I was entering the caring bridge site for a dear friend of mine, I came upon Charlie's story. I know you must have been heart broken at the loss of your beautiful son, but you must also be so greatful for the time you had to spend with him. I know that some day you and your family will be re-united with Charlie in another place. Thanks for sharing and celebrating his life with the rest of us.
Kathy McManus <kmcmanus13@yahoo.com>
Jamison, PA USA - Monday, June 5, 2006 1:05 PM CDT
BOLINGBROOK, IL USA - Monday, June 5, 2006 11:33 AM CDT
Hi...happened on your son's story while browsing. I'm sorry for your loss and sincerely touched by your strength. Lovely to read about your family celebrating your son's life. So much in life to be grateful for. Best wishes. God bless. May your little angel keep spreading strength and touching lives with the memories of his existence.....
Wendy <wwllms@hotmail.com>
Grenada - Monday, June 5, 2006 9:36 AM CDT
Hey I just happened to pass by and saw your about Charlie I'm Kayleigh ! I'm so SORRY!!!
Best Wishes,

Kayleigh <ARogers20@sc.rr.com>
Myrtle Beach, sc - Monday, June 5, 2006 9:12 AM CDT
TUSCALOOSA, AL 35473 - Sunday, June 4, 2006 4:05 PM CDT
Hi, I too have come across the story of your beautiful son while checking on a site of my son's classmate. As I read your journal entries I re-lived many of your emotions with tears in my eyes - we lost a our son, Tommy, born only one year early July 18, 2000 with a similar condition - technical name "Werdnig Hoffman" disease. He passed away August 11, 2000 I just wanted to let you know someone out here understands your story and your love and sends prayers your way. Time has healed a huge heartbreak for us and we feel blessed we had Tommy in our life the brief time we were allowed. God Bless you and your family.
Iowa - Sunday, June 4, 2006 1:56 PM CDT
Charlie seemed to be an amazing boy. God has a reason for everthing
Taylor Anne Martin <gulf5driver@msn.com>
Lithia, FL United States of America - Sunday, June 4, 2006 11:34 AM CDT
To Charlie's family, I am so sorry for your loss. I came upon this page when I went to look at a friends site. I cant even imagine what you have went through having 2 children of my own. I just wanted to say that Charlie had a beautiful spirit and you can see it in his eyes.(they are gourgeous) He is watching over you I am sure. God Bless you and your family. Prayers will be sent your way.
Noreen <norby272@aol.com>
nj - Saturday, June 3, 2006 8:26 PM CDT
Hey there.
You don't know me but i was visiting the site for my mom who just had colon cancer. She survived but i'm so sorry to hear that your little boy did not. I don't know the feeling of losing a child. I'm only 15 years old and that really makes me hurt inside to know that your little boy isn't in your arms and it doesn't seem fair. I really don't know what to say to make you feel better but the truth is the only thing that can make you feel better is yourself. You have to look at the bright side of things. Charlie is in heaven now and God is taking care of him and you didn't really lose him because he is in your hearts. So tonight i will put in a pray for your little angel, Charlie. And remember good-bye isn't always for ever, you will see your little boy again someday, up there.

Ashley Marie <ashsatt12@yahoo.com>
Savage, MN America - Saturday, June 3, 2006 12:17 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. I just lost a client who was 21 months old to SMA 1 (James Armstrong RIP). Please everyone pray for a cure for this terrible devestating disease - SMA!
Julia Salazar <julie@familypartners.net>
- Saturday, June 3, 2006 12:16 AM CDT
My prayers go out to you and Your Angel Charlie. You don't know me, I came across your website while visiting my friend Shelia's who passed away April 23, 2006. I have never had the experience of having a child die, so I cannot know how you are dealing with such a horrible thing. I do feel that the more prayers sent the higher in Heaven your Angel will fly watching over you and your family. My paryers are with you.
Judi M. M.
Galesburg, Il USA - Friday, June 2, 2006 10:43 PM CDT
My name is Terry, I just signed the guest book, I am sorry about the date my mom passed away is was 2005, not 2006,it is still so hard to deal with, I just looked at the beautiful pic. of your boy, he was gorgeous, my prayers are with you,this is such a nice site.
Terry Holland <terrylee_69@hotmail.com>
Jonesboro, Me. U.S. - Friday, June 2, 2006 8:35 AM CDT
Hello,just heard about this site, and was reading about your little boy,,I lost my mom 6 mons.ago,11-12-06,so I know my mom is watching over him and is giving him love, she loved babies so much..he is in good care
Terry Holland <terrylee_69@hotmail.com>
Jonesboro, Me. U.S. - Friday, June 2, 2006 8:24 AM CDT
I just read about your son while I was writing an entry in for my friend that is about to move on. I'm so sorry for your loss and will pray for you
Whitney McCaffrey <whit_mcc24@yahoo.com>
Vona, CO - Thursday, June 1, 2006 11:47 PM CDT
First, I would like to begin by saying God Bless Charlie. Charlie in my heart is an angel in heaven. Just by reading Charlies story. I have never lost a child, but I have lost my father 21 years ago at the age of 16, I go thru life knowing that I have an angel watching over me daily. As I think Charlie is watching over his family. God bless you all and Charlie. For God so love the world that he gave his only son. My prayers are from this day forward with Charlie and your entire family
Lisa Carter <Mckaycarter@yahoo.com>
Dallas, Tx USA - Thursday, June 1, 2006 8:41 PM CDT
I just read about your son Charlie and the last journal entry you wrote. I am truly sorry for your loss - he appears to be a complete angel.
Molly Betts
Des Moines, IA - Thursday, June 1, 2006 3:15 PM CDT
Hi. I was just reading your story. I'm so sorry for the loss of your little one with the big flirty eyes. I thank you for sharing your story.
Melanie Stegner <whizchick@hotmail.com>
Appleton, MN USA - Thursday, June 1, 2006 10:17 AM CDT
I just read about your little boy and got tears in my eyes. But at least you'll always have your little "bear" watching over you now and forever! I will keep you in my prayers.
- Thursday, June 1, 2006 10:13 AM CDT
Hello! I'm so sorry about your son. I don't know you but i have a cousin that was in a serious accident and is in rochester and is hopefully able to go home with in a week. I read your story about your son. He sounded like a wonderful person. Just think..you have an amazing angel looking down on you always and forever. Best of luck with your other kids
Katie Marlette

Katie Marlette <katiemae_2008@yahoo.com>
Boyceville, Wi United States - Thursday, June 1, 2006 8:48 AM CDT
I am so sorry about your child. I may not Know you but I have also been going through a hard time. Me and my sister have gotten In a car accident and she is in P.I.C.U. She hasen't wooken up yet. I am so sorry to hear what happened. He sounds like a cute baby.
Akron , Ohio - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:43 PM CDT
What a beautiful little baby,big eyes, looking around seeing Mom and Dad and his sisters, what a joy he was, and Charlie is doing the same in heaven with Jesus, looking around, but he's pain free. I know that he will be missed, but now Jesus will be caring for him. So sorry of your loss, but to let you know Charlie is in a much better place with Jesus, playing with other baby's and having a ball, so don't worry Mom and Dad, Charlie is doing great.
MaryJeanne <mjbasket@usfamily.net>
West St. Paul, MN USA - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 3:43 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your heart warming and heart wrenching story. Although Charlie had a difficult life physically, he obviously never felt anything but love from his wonderful family. God bless you all.
Charlene Rushing <carsmom12351@bellsouth.net>
Vidalia, LA USA - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:29 PM CDT
You have a wonderful way of looking @ what seems such a sad situation. May God keep you in the palm of his hand as you beam his true beauty in this story. God Bless!
San Antonio , TX USA - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:58 PM CDT
Mr.and Mrs.Cowan,
My name is Taylor Gardner. My friend Jaron Bennett has a caring bridge website and everytime I go in the caring bridge homepage, I always see a picture of your baby and it says read the charlie story and I see it and I've never read the story, well today I just wanted to see what had happened. I am so sorry for the loss of your baby boy. I'm not old enough to be a mom cause I'm only 14, but, I couldn't handle it if I lost someone that close to me. I know that God is with you through your time of sadness and I admire you both for still having this site and looking at the journal entries and, you both just touch my heart. I absoutly love the picture of your baby boy. He is still cute til this day. I love you and your family and I am praying for you everyday.

Love in Christ,
Taylor Gardner

taylor gardner <blue_t010@yahoo.com>
oxford, alabama usa - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:38 PM CDT
Mr.and Mrs.Cowan,
My name is Taylor Gardner. My friend Jaron Bennett has a caring bridge website and everytime I go in the caring bridge homepage, I always see a picture of your baby and it says read the charlie story and I see it and I've never read the story, well today I just wanted to see what had happened. I am so sorry for the loss of your baby boy. I'm not old enough to be a mom cause I'm only 14, but, I couldn't handle it if I lost someone that close to me. I know that God is with you through your time of sadness and I admire you both for still having this site and looking at the journal entries and, you both just touch my heart. I absoutly love the picture of your baby boy. He is still cute til this day. I love you and your family and I am praying for you everyday.

Love in Christ,
Taylor Gardner

taylor gardner <blue_t010@yahoo.com>
oxford, alabama usa - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:37 PM CDT
Your Charlie Bear story has bought tears to my eyes. What a handsome and beautiful little character he was. I will go home tonight and hug my baby angel Sofia (13 Months Old) that little tighter and that little bit longer. My thoughts are with you all.
Eva Lavelle <eva.l@tacinc.com.au>
Hobart, Tasmania Australia - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 5:42 PM CDT
I was sooo touched by your story. I just wanted to let you know that you are still in my thoughts and prayers!
Misty Walters <sheila.walters@kentuckyvalley.org>
Blackey, KY - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 5:12 PM CDT

WARRENTON, MO US - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 2:48 PM CDT
What a sweetheart your Charlie was! His story and your family's is very heartwarming. Thank you for sharing it.
God's blessings to your special family.

Sue McAlpin
- Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:16 AM CDT
Your story has touched my heart. I am wiping away tears as I sit here and type this. Your story has reminded me that we never know how long we will have our children and to cherish ever moment we have with them. I have a very dear friend who was killed in an auto accident in 2003 and know that he is an angel just as your little Charlie.
May God Bless you and your family.

Dawn Janssen <jdjanssen@surfsota.com>
Albany, MN United States - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 6:20 AM CDT
I am touched by your story and saddened by your loss. Your story has reminded me to cherish what time we have with our children.
Chandra Vig <chandravig@shaw.ca>
- Monday, May 29, 2006 9:11 PM CDT
your charlie is an angel I was so touched by your entries from you and your family it brought tears to my eyes and down my face more than once while reading I am so sorry for your loss I will pray for your family .SENT WITH LOVE AND HUGS
Cassandra Hersemann <thunder_rainclouds@yahoo.com>
Creve Coeur, IL - Monday, May 29, 2006 8:57 AM CDT
I came across your little angels website from another Caringbridge site and want you to know what a handsome little boy he is! I have a daughter Macey, who was called to be an angel in Sept of 04, I am sure they are busy up there playing away and keeping an eye out on their families. I am sorry to hear about the loss of him, as nobody truly knows what it is like to lose a child unless they have experienced it.

Take care of yourselves, your other 2 children are beautiful as well in the photos.

Michele Wallace (www.caringbridge.org/ca/macey) <mysunny24@verizon.net>
Lompoc, CA - Sunday, May 28, 2006 11:57 PM CDT
sorry to hear about your son and he is a angle of god and he is in the right place with his heavaly father and he is still always in your family's life with the meorys you have of you son god bless you and your family

michelle shanley <michelleshanley@sbcglobal.net>
KC KS , KS USA - Sunday, May 28, 2006 11:54 PM CDT
Your courage, your strength and your son will never be forgotten. Thank you for sharing him with us.


Love, light and many blessings to your family..always.

- Sunday, May 28, 2006 3:34 PM CDT
I have a friend who is in the hospital and her parents set up caring bridge site for her im sorry abou your little boy
Jacci murphy
spotsylvania, V A - Sunday, May 28, 2006 9:47 AM CDT
Hello. I just wanted you to know that your little boy's life and your family's courage continues to touch people you will never meet. Thank you for helping me to remember to count my blessings.
KC Curry <kz1231@netscape.net>
- Sunday, May 28, 2006 4:01 AM CDT
God Bless you and your family
Southbury, CT USA - Saturday, May 27, 2006 8:36 PM CDT
I was checking on my grandson's site and decided to visit Charlie's first - his smile is definitely that of an angel, a cute one at that ! Cherish everything of his, especially his memories. They will be with all of you forever. He's in a good place, with lots of friends to take care of him and play with him. In Christian love, Nancy Creyer
Nancy Creyer <my3angels@fast.net>
Northampton, PA USA - Saturday, May 27, 2006 6:43 PM CDT
What a tough little boy he was! Its always sad to hear those news. But, we all know he is with our Lord and is now an angel watching over! you were some great parents to him, and i bet if he could-he would say "i love you" tons of times!
Jessy B,
- Friday, May 26, 2006 8:40 PM CDT
I saw your story on the caringbridge home page. I was searching for a friend's page. Her 6 year old daughter died today after a very courageous battle with Ewing's Sarcoma. After visiting her page and signing her guestbook, I looked at yours. What a BEAUTIFUL boy! And an even more gorgeous angel, I'm sure! Thank you for sharing your site and your story. I pray you are finding comfort in memories...
Amy, Pediatric RN <brettnamy@prodigy.net>
- Friday, May 26, 2006 6:32 PM CDT
LARIMORE, ND GRAND FORKS - Friday, May 26, 2006 6:13 PM CDT
I was on the caringbrige website reading about the two twin girls that were conjoined and had surgery to seperate them. And I just read your story and I'm sorry to hear about your son. It's hard to lose someone, especially so young. May you continue to grow strong and remember that you had 6 wonderful months with Charlie. God Bless!! I lost my father at the age of 50, 6 years ago from a brain tumor and I still think about him, especially today being his birthday. Always remember the good memories.
Kelly <kellybluml@yahoo.com>
Brooklyn Center, MN United States - Friday, May 26, 2006 3:43 PM CDT
My prayers are with you and your family. What a wonderful site. I started one for my little girl yesterday. It will be a great way to stay in touch with friends and gather strength from them. God bless you and your family. What a beautiful child, I'm sure you treasure every day you had with him.
JoDee Horob <jodeehorob@yahoo.com>
Williston, ND 58801 - Friday, May 26, 2006 1:39 PM CDT
I know Charlie is up in heaven playing with our little girl, God bless you and your family and stay strong.


Chelle Anderson <chelle.anderson@yahoo.com>
Virginia Beach, VA USA - Friday, May 26, 2006 10:42 AM CDT
greetings to you, I would like to wish you and the family all the best, and too; also thank you for sharing this story here with us, do forgive the late response.

I know Cahrlie is with our Lord and I pray for the day you all will be reunited with him in spirit. glory be to God.

oswald sam <tthruth4@yahoo.com>
miami, florida usa - Friday, May 26, 2006 10:19 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing your son with the world. What a blessing this site is I just heard about it yesturday while at the clinic with my son at his Chemo treatment. Our son Davey was diagnosed with Lyphoma on April 27,2006. I turly admire him. Thanks so much.
Blessings Tammey

Tammey Arnott <Tammey9197@yahoo.com>
Newark, oh USA - Friday, May 26, 2006 6:57 AM CDT
I have only heard of caring bridge tonight as a good friend shared her page of her son with me. I was interested in this website and what it was about.
I then came accross your page. You have a charming little boy with big bright eyes. He is a little angel above. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Fairbanks, AK - Friday, May 26, 2006 0:55 AM CDT
Iam soory about your son
Matthew Nelson <Mattnelsqaud@AOL.com>
Taylorville, AL Tuscaloosa - Thursday, May 25, 2006 8:44 PM CDT
What a beautiful family. What a beautiful testimony. My prayers are with you today. Thank you for sharing Charlie with me.
Diane Teague <dteague@microfibres.com>
Lexington, NC USA - Thursday, May 25, 2006 7:08 AM CDT
Thank you for sharing your angel Charlie with the rest of us. You are blessed to now have the cutest angel in heaven looking down on you. Although I don't know your family you have touch my heart. God bless and keep smiling.
Leia Decierdo <decie001@csusm.edu>
Rancho Mirage, CA USA - Wednesday, May 24, 2006 4:19 PM CDT
No matter how long he was here, he was an angel sent from God. God just needed him back, so he could be your family's guardian angel.
Jessica Wolfe <jessica07teddybear@yahoo.com>
Moorefield, WV United States - Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:47 AM CDT
so sorry for the loss of your beautiful son. you truely are remarkable the way you kept going. All my love and prayers to your family. God Bless
Shelley Hanson <S.L.H@mchsi.com>
ROCK ISLAND, IL U.S - Wednesday, May 24, 2006 3:24 AM CDT
We serve an awesome and wonderful God. Your faith shines through your journals. I pray that the strength you have gained through this will help your love for the Lord to spill over to many. God Bless You! How remarkable to keep getting journal entries daily.
Jodi Felkins
Fayetteville, AR USA - Tuesday, May 23, 2006 10:23 PM CDT
Remember angels come in all forms. Your angel is Charlie. What a heartbreaking but ever loving story. God be with you and your familey
Carol Zuber <cshockey@hardynet.com>
Moorefield, wv usa - Tuesday, May 23, 2006 8:00 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your beautiful Charlie with us. What an amazing little guy. He will live forever in your hearts. I DO believe he sends you messages every day. What a blessing it is for you to hear them! May God continue to blass you and your family.
Donna Phelps <donnamarie1111@cox.net>
Scottsdale , AZ USA - Tuesday, May 23, 2006 2:29 PM CDT
hi! so sorry for your loss of such a beautiful baby boy, i have a 3 year old girl with dandy walker syndrome, severely disabled, but i don't know what i would do if i ever lost her.
tami demarr <tdemarr2003@yahoo.com>
hayward, wi usa - Monday, May 22, 2006 10:57 PM CDT
To Kathy and Family
Me and my wife hearts are with you and your family god be with you always we just want to say how sorry that we are to hear about little Charlie he'll never be foregotten.

Jerome and Stacey MacNeil <jerbear_68er@shaw.ca>
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Monday, May 22, 2006 4:20 AM CDT
To Kathy and Family
Me and my wife hearts are with you and your family god be with you always we just want to say how sorry that we are to hear about little Charlie he'll never be foregotten.

Jerome and Stacey MacNeil <jerbea_68er@shaw.ca>
Winnipeg, MB Canada - Monday, May 22, 2006 4:19 AM CDT
Words simply can not express how moved I was by Charlie's story. As a new mom, it touched my life and the relationship I have with my daughter. Thank you. God Bless!

Sarah <sarahvan44@hotmail.com>
Grand Rapids, Mi. - Monday, May 22, 2006 1:09 AM CDT
Jeff, Kathy, Abby, & Maggie -
I'm very sorry for your loss. I too lost a dear child to SMA. Although, I did not birth this child, Justin held my heart in his little hand and took a piece of it to heaven with him. May God Bless you and keep you.

- Sunday, May 21, 2006 4:34 AM CDT
Hello Kathy, Jeff, Abby, & Maggie,

Until tonight, I'd never heard of Caringbridge. I came upon this site via a MSN Group member who mentioned the recent death of a young lad and a link to his Caringbridge page. Upon reading part of his journal, I then became curious about Caringbridge that eventually led me to Charlie's page.

What a beautiful son you have! No, Charlie is not dead; he has only passed from one dimension to another. He is most assuredly resting blissfully in the arms of Jesus Christ, the LORD.

A parent, such as myself, that has not experienced the lost of a child cannot begin to know and understand your deep sorrow; therefore, I can only say that I am terribly sorry. It is my hope that the God of Glory will strengthen and comfort your heart today and always. Because Christ lives -- Charlie lives. Hallelujah!

Tylertown, MS USA - Sunday, May 21, 2006 3:57 AM CDT
I, too, am saddened by your loss of Charlie. I lost my granddaughter at birth on Nov. 1, 2001, and can honestly say there is nothing like that feeling of hopelessness. I just happened across Charilie's site because I was looking for another site. I am so grateful to CaringBridge for providing this site for family and friends of our little loved ones. And I'm thankful to you for sharing your story.
Sheila Helleson <hellesos@iw.net>
Tracy, MN - Sunday, May 21, 2006 3:14 AM CDT
YORK, SC US - Saturday, May 20, 2006 11:49 PM CDT
I came across your webpage while looking at another one. I dont know what to say, what can you say to someone who has lost a child. What a beautiful boy Charlie was.
Alison Exelby <askexelby@hotmail.com>
Tuakau, south Auckland, New Zealand - Saturday, May 20, 2006 7:41 AM CDT
I first learned about this web site through a friend who's best friend was dying from cancer. I can see why you spent time making your entries for Charlie on the site what a comfort. I lost my son in 1986 suddenly, he was 3 days from 16 and just as handsome as little Charlie with a full life ahead of him. My comfort over the years is from the many friends my son Brad had that visit and share their priceless memories of Brad. Little did I know that he had not been forgotten even though you feel that way sometimes when you see life going on around you and you are in one of your ruts. I know your pain and I truely send God's blessings to you and your family as you all strengthen over the many years to come and cherish the priceless memories of Charlie. Peace be with you all, Sandi Russell
Sandi Russell <sammisami51@aol.com>
Dewitt, Ia USA - Friday, May 19, 2006 9:18 PM CDT
I came across your website when I was checking my cousins website. She is 17 days old and is having some problems. She is doing ok so far and making a very slow recovery from her surgery on Mother's Day. Her name is Ava Tilleskjor. I have been going around on other wobsites and reading the stories and it just amazes me how strong all of you are. God Bless!!
- Friday, May 19, 2006 11:40 AM CDT
Dear Kathy, While looking at the website for my nephew's site, I found your beautiful picture of Charlie. May God bless you and keep you. It's not easy to understand why things happen, I found this song, and it seemed appropriate.
When you see Charlie once again, he will be whole, he is with the angels, and my heart goes out to you. I know you miss him. God Bless you and your family.


In my dreams, you are alive and well
Precious child, precious child
In my mind, I see you clear as a bell
Precious child, precious child

In my soul, there is a hole
That can never be filled
But in my heart, there is hope
'Cause you are with me still

In my heart, you live on
Always there never gone
Precious child, you left too soon
Tho' it may be true that we're apart
You will live forever... in my heart

In my plans, I was the first to leave
Precious child, precious child
But in this world, I was left here to grieve
Precious child, my precious child

In my soul, there is a hole
That can never be filled
But in my heart there is hope
And you are with me still

In my heart you live on
Always there never gone
Precious child you left too soon,
Tho' it may be true that we're apart
You will live forever... in my heart

God knows I want to hold you,
See you, touch you
And maybe there is a heaven
And someday I will again
Please know you are not forgotten until then

In my heart you live on
Always there never gone
Precious child you left too soon
Tho' it may be true that we're apart
You will live forever... in my heart

Edgewater, FL USA - Friday, May 19, 2006 11:29 AM CDT
I came across your beautifull babie's site while making my 10 year old daughter's site. She was diagnose with cancer in 2000. I know what it feels like to have to watch your very own child suffer so much. You are alll in my prayers! : )how to get to 10 year old Leslie's site: click visit site, scroll to bottom of page and enter the e-mail adress:
caren2004@aol.com after that, click the name : Leslie Smith you should then get her homepage!

Caren smith <caren2004@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:57 PM CDT
IM SORRY!! MY EMAIL IS: caren2004@aol.com
Caren Smith <caren2004@aol.com>
- Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:55 PM CDT
I came across your beautifull babie's site while making my 10 year old daughter's site. She was diagnose with cancer in 2000. I know what it feels like to have to watch your very own child suffer so much. You are alll in my prayers! : )how to get to 10 year old Leslie's site: click visit site, scroll to bottom of page and enter the e-mail adress:
carensmith2004@aol.com after that, click the name : Leslie Smith you should then get her homepage!


Caren Smith <carensmith2004@aol.com>
u.s - Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:51 PM CDT
Your memories of Charlie will be with you forever.I lost a daughter when she was 4 years old.That was 32 years ago and I still have my precious memories.God bless!
Jewel Brown <conansable@adelphia.net>
Culpeper, va usa - Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:05 PM CDT
You have a wonderful outlook on life, you are much stronger than i could be, he is beautiful.
Brooke Bivens <mayfieldsledge@yahoo.com>
portland, tx - Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:33 PM CDT
I happened on your site as I was checking for information on the Carlsen twins who were separated last Friday at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I too lost a son over 25 years ago and remembering the time we had together is wonderful. We had him for 18 years, until HE decided he didn't want to be here anymore. The sadness has been replaced with happiness in the memories we have of him. Each anniversary of his death is filled with sadness and also joy, sharing moments with people who knew him and also recall the good times we had. Keep the faith, and remember your son with love.
Deanna Sanden <dsanden@hbci.com>
Winona, MN USA - Thursday, May 18, 2006 7:01 PM CDT
I just came across your site today as I was adding a site for my father (michaellschieffer). It is so unbelievable how strong you were through this whole thing. Charlie was a beatiful baby boy and one day you will hold that precious child in your arms again. I will pray for you and your family and hope you can do the same for mine.
Donna Rangitsch <rangitschmd@hotmail.com>
Dickinson, ND Stark - Thursday, May 18, 2006 5:34 PM CDT
Dear Kathy, I have just read Charlie's story and with great sadness realized that he passed. I have also a little Charly ( girl ) who was diagnosed at 6 month with a metabolic/genetic desease called Hurler syndrome. She is right now going through a bone marrow transplant and we, of course, hope for the best. A nurse told me about this website yesterday and I wasn't sure if I wanted to do something like that but now because of you and your little angel, I will do it for sure. thank you. my heart goes out to you and your family.
Karine Roman <ksdroman@earthlink.net>
los Angeles, ca USA - Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:41 PM CDT
I just want to say stay strong and keep your heads up. God does everything for a reason. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. He was a beautiful child of God.
Kim Blakely <lilkimbo82@yahoo.com>
greer, sc united states - Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:36 PM CDT
My prayers are with you and your family. May God bless you on your journey ahead.
Jacksonville, FL Duval - Thursday, May 18, 2006 2:45 PM CDT
What a beautiful young man! I am so sorry to read about such a precious child. My prayers are with your family.
Sharyon Lipscomb <slipscomb@att.net>
Baton Rouge, La USA - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:50 PM CDT
Just read the web sight for your little Charlie. I just can't ever imagine going through anything so heart breaking.I have three children of my own, all grown, and two beautiful grandchildren and I just can't imagine ever having to deal with anything like this. My thoughts and prayers will be with you all forever. Always remember the joy he bought into your lives for the short time he was there. And I am sure he bought many happy moments. Are prayers are with you.

Tim and Susie Anderson

Tim and Susie Anderson
Grand Forks, ND USA - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:50 PM CDT
Hey my name is ericka i was just visiting this website cause someone very special to me was diagnosed with cancer..... he is very special to me ... the baby is beautiful .... i love you ... you are in my prayers
Ericka Medders <crazydazie2006@hotmail.com>
Woodland, MS United States - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:01 PM CDT
Hello. We came across this site visiting our friend's site.Her name is ElizabethClement. I am Nicole. We think your little man is beautiful! You all are. Please be encouraged that we will keep your family in our prayers. I am a big sister to a little brother, Ian, myself.
Nicole orth and elizabethclement <jaorth@mtaonline.net>
Wasilla, ak USA - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 11:32 AM CDT
How very sad. Wondering why such horrible things have to happen to such young children. My grandmother would say "don't question what God does; someday you will understand". My heart and prayers to Charlie and his family.
Mary Ellen Garay <mgaray@rahway.net>
Rahway, NJ USA - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 7:58 AM CDT
Hi, I am Rachel. Charlie is the most beautifull child I have ever seen! You just cant get over those eyes, and his SMILE!!!! I am sure your babie's story has truely touched peoples' hearts, all around the world. I pray you and your family a special prayer!
god bless,
Rachel B.

Rachel <drummergirlwicked@yahoo.com>
warren, oh us - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:16 AM CDT
Hello kathy, my name is Marlana Peeples and I am 25 years old. My mother that is 45 has just been diagnosed with breast cancer and is also having a lot of liver complications. I went on to sign my mother up and I could not help but to see charlie's precious face... I read charlie's journal and it touched my heart so much! I have a 10 month old girl, and I know how special they are. I know you miss him so very much, but one day you will cradle him in you arms and will never have to let go... I will be keeping up with charlie's journal, and he will always have a special place in my heart.
Marlana Peeples <marlanapeeples@yahoo.com>
Greenville, ms untied states - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:42 PM CDT
Hi you don't know who i am im laura connolly i saw charlie on the front page. i go on carig bridge because my friend ashlyn lankford has leukemia (bone marrow cancer.)ashlyn is ten i'm nine. ashlyn found out she had leukemia desember before cristmas. I hope charlie gets healed i know he's important to you.
Laura connolly <cherylconnolly@.net>
Rocky Mount, nc usa - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:12 PM CDT
The Nguyen Family <Jimmy2512@comcast.net>
Smyrna, TN - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:05 PM CDT
I'm very sorry to hear about your special son. It touched me and made me cry. The Lord will forever cradle him and one day you will see him again. Take Care.
Daniel Cafourek <dcafour@yahoo.com>
Maple Grove, MN USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:49 PM CDT
What a touching story of a very handsome little boy. I know you miss him terribly. I found this verse--I hope you like it. "Perhaps they are not stars, but openings in the Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines upon us to let us know they are happy." Unknown

Love to all of you.

Kay Beams <beamsk@parknicollet.com>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:44 PM CDT
I am very touched by your personal story! There is no doubt that Charlie is an angel looking down on your family! May God Bless each of you!
Elizabeth Peck <epeck@chestateestatebank.com>
Cumming, GA - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:17 PM CDT
I came across charlies website while visiting another. What a beautiful baby boy. What a gift God gave you. May god bless your family, and may your little angel rest in the arms of the lord.
michelle anderson
mn - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:04 PM CDT
FLO <dave7238@bellsouth.net>
Monterey, LA - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:46 AM CDT
I read Charlie's story for the first time today. I admire your family's love for your dear son and each other. I adore that you continue to celebrate your son's life and to make it a joyful affair. May he continue to make you smile each and every day through the memories, love and pictures.
Bluffton, sc USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:39 AM CDT
I found Charlie's story while visiting a freind's site. You had a very beautifull baby boy! I hope that you all had a wonderfull mother's day!
Rachle B.

rachel <drummergirlwicked@yahoo.com>
warren, oh us - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 2:17 AM CDT
I was looking at another site. I cam across your baby boy! He is so cute and now has no pain. I pray for you and your family. I had a daughter born with a tumor but she is now healthy. She is now 6 and in Kindergarden.
Sunshine <godschild_25@msn.com>
Spokane,, WA USA - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:42 AM CDT
I am so sorry to hear about youir precious loss. I was looking at another site and came across Charlie. He is an angel and is cured now. I lost my 10 years old cousin (Alice Jillah) 5-8-06, she had a 4 1/2 years battle with Leukemia. I say when our little ones go, their body is the vessel, but their soul and spirits stay with us ALWAYS.
Below is a little prayer we said for Alcie at her funeral this past weds.'
God saw you were getting tired, and a cure was not to be.
So he pu this arms around you and whispered "come to me"
With tearful eyes we watched you, and saw you pass away.
Although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to us,
he only takes the BEST.

Hope this little prayer, think about how little is in a better place.

Bibi Shaneeza <Shaneeeza@gmail.Com>
Kissimmee , Fl US - Monday, May 15, 2006 5:41 PM CDT
I cannot imagine the pain and agony that you all are feeling. You are such an amazing family. God bless all of you.
Samantha Tyson <samantha.tyson@agedwards.com>
St. Louis, MO USA - Monday, May 15, 2006 4:23 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing your story about your son, Charlie. I am in awe of your courage. May God bless you and your family.
Sally Spencer <Sally_Spencer@MarshallFields.com>
Minneapolis, Mn - Monday, May 15, 2006 4:12 PM CDT
God Bless you and your family. your story is so touching .
Lucinda Chapman <chapman00@yahoo.com>
Logan, Ohio Hocking - Monday, May 15, 2006 2:04 PM CDT
I lost my son at 33 from Cancer about the same time you lost Charlie. He left us a precious angel that was only two years old. He is our joy today. I see my son each time I look at him. I was lucky that I had my wonderful son for 33 years but the pain is the same at any age. Charlie was an adorable baby!!! I guess the most important thing is that they were loved dearly during the time they were here.

God Bless,

Dinah Bogert
Horn Lake, MS Desoto - Monday, May 15, 2006 12:19 AM CDT
Your story is so touching. My 5th child has a site (emmarushmeyer) and I was updating it when I saw this one about Charlie. My 2nd child was born 8 wks. early and a few months and a few hundred doctors we learned Madison had a genetic disorder and there was really nothing we could do to help her. She was a trooper and we loved every minute with her that we had. Madison was 9 months old to the day when we had to let her go. It was by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do and 8 yrs. later I still have tears when I remember that day. It was like yesterday. You don't realize how strong you are until you are faced with a trial so big. The Lord was there for me and helped me survive and keep wonderful memories of our sweet angel Madi. We have 5 children and our daughter Emma was born Nov. 2005 at the same hospital as her sister and even had the same primary nurse. Emma did not have the same genetic disorder but had 1/2 of her left lung removed due to a large C-Cam. it was difficult to find ourselves back into the same environment but we were very trusting and comfortable with the care Emma received. I thank you for sharing your story about sweet Charlie and think he is a beautiful boy who is perfect and healthy with our maker God himself. What a wonderful feeling knowing one day we too will be with our children again and they will be perfect and have no pain.
Stacey Rushmeyer <srrushm5@yahoo.com>
Brainerd, MN US - Monday, May 15, 2006 9:47 AM CDT
I was in the caring bridge website looking up another story & happened to see your son's beautiful, captivating eyes & I just had to read your story! I am so sorry for your loss but commend you for being so brave to share such a story with us. Thank you- you all have touched people's hearts in so many different ways!
Tavia <tavia.marshalljohnson@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 15, 2006 9:01 AM CDT
Your site is SO incredible. What a beautiful baby boy that you have shard with us. Thank You so much for letting us get to know your precious Charlie as well.
God Bless You all.

Diane Sambdman
Davenport, Iowa USA - Monday, May 15, 2006 6:46 AM CDT
May God and Charlie Bless you in the years to come. Happy Mothers Day!!!
Cameron Bradshaw <sleepy1208915@tds.net>
Grandville, MI USA - Monday, May 15, 2006 0:23 AM CDT
I am sorry to hear about your loss. Your baby is beautiful. It is hard to lose someone you love so much. He is an Angel in Heaven smiling down. God Bless your family.
Kelli Benjaminson <kel_benj@yahoo.com>
GF, ND - Sunday, May 14, 2006 10:48 PM CDT
You don't know me but I was reading about your precious Charlie. He is a beautiful baby and those eyes just reach out and hold your heart. I am very sorry.
Minneapolis, MN - Sunday, May 14, 2006 9:37 PM CDT
I was looking at your website of charlie, and he was precious. Today, I bless you with a beautiful Mother's Day. It would of been also a very beautiful day for him to having a mother like you. Even though you have been through so much with charlie and he has passed on to heaven,he will always be with you wherever you go. God Bless you always, Kaloni

Kaloni Kelley <kelleykaloni@yahoo.com>
Hudson, FL USA - Sunday, May 14, 2006 12:12 AM CDT
I know you don't know me. I just felt moved to write you. I have a friend of mine that lost her son Micah to the same thing.Today is her first Mother's Day without him. She made a caringbridge site for him. Now she has a caringbridge site of her own called lisajourney. She was diagnosed with leukemia. She still isn't in remission,but she has a strong faith in God.

May God bless you and all other mothers who have lost loved ones today and always.

Lori Whitten <davlor97@ juno.com>
Roanoke, IL USA - Sunday, May 14, 2006 9:48 AM CDT
Thank you for saring Charlie with us.
Annette V. Dahlberg
Eagan, MN USA - Sunday, May 14, 2006 6:28 AM CDT
My friends daughter has SMA its so sad...I'm real sorry for the loss of your son he was very cute..im sure hes looking down on you
Tanya <brokenheart10685@yahoo.com>
IL USA - Sunday, May 14, 2006 2:57 AM CDT
Jeff and Kathy~ This is Stephanie from Centerville S.D, I don't know your family, but reading Charlie's story really touched my heart, and I think it is truly sad about what happend. Out of all of the people that live in this world, it probably makes you think about "why me, and my family" but things happen.
I think I kinda know what you guys are going through. My cousin Donella died Ocober 22nd 2005, from Lung Disese, and she meant alot to me. Im 14, so I dont have any kids..but losing ANYONE in your family is extremely sad! My thoughts are with you, and I am sure Baby Charlie is looking down at you guys, and reading what people are writing, and I'm sure he is happy for what family he had for 6 months and 6 days.
My heart is with you

Stephanie Kieffer <kieffer_70_6@hotmail.com>
Centerville, S.D U.S.A - Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:32 PM CDT
I feel so bad. I know you can get through it.
Bismarck, N.D. us - Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:20 PM CDT
Happy Mothers Day!
Geri-Anne Zubich <gazecc@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:35 PM CDT
I came across charlie's webpage while making my daughter's. She was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer called ppb back in febuary. Charlie's story has really touched me and the fact that you continue to write in the journal. you and your family are truly an inpiration.

April hamm <hamm930@yahoo.com>
Cabot, AR USA - Saturday, May 13, 2006 4:04 PM CDT
I will keep you in my prayers. Charlie was a wonderful little baby and he still is. Take care of yourself and your family.
Rebecca Butler <rlbutler0521@iccms.edu>
Amory, MS United States - Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:52 AM CDT
Charlie's family,
What a beautiful little angel!! One look in those eyes and you are in love. I am so sorry for your loss and pray that God has comforted you in many ways. You have two beauriful little girls that must be the joys of your lives... Hello girls!!!
Thanks for sharing your story!!

May God continue to hold you in his arms and bring you peace! Isaiah 26:3-4

Cheri Crank <crankacctpro@yahoo.com>
Minneapolis, mn USA - Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:29 AM CDT
I read your web page this morning about Charlie. We do not know why these things happen. You can be comforted by the fact that your child was so beautiful and so loved by all of you while he was with you. Please know of my sympathy and caring.
Fargo, ND USA - Saturday, May 13, 2006 9:15 AM CDT
What a looker he was! God bless, and thank you for this web site.
Taylor Olson
Rochester Hills, MI USA - Saturday, May 13, 2006 8:02 AM CDT
I happened upon this site by accident. what a wonderful page! What a beautiful child Charlie is! Just as you do, i believe Charlie is watching us tonight while he is being held in the arms of our Almighty. He is safe and secure until you meet him again! With the love of our Jesus, Marion
Tucson, az - Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:28 AM CDT
Hello, I came upon your site when I was viewing Lauren Newman's. I don't know you but I know your pain as I have lost a baby also, only mine was through miscarriage at one month along. I was devastated as I know you were. Just know you were loved by Charlie as much as you loved him. My nightmare came upon me when I went to have my first ultrasound on a Friday- which showed a heart beating half as many beats as to what it should. I went home and started researching miscarriages. The following Monday, when I went for the next ultrasound, the baby had disappeared. As though I had gotten myself prepared for that moment, I couldn't believe I had lost my baby- I was at a stage of shock.It was a week before my 24th birthday and I had been so excited that my 2 yr. old daughter was going to be a big sister, that I just couldn't understand why God took my baby but God does things for reasons unknown to us. I cry everytime I see a pregnant woman or baby and hope everything is fine for them. I know you wonder what Charlie would be like today- WONDERFUL is the answer because you loved him so much for what little time you spent together was God's gift to you; a new life that you brought into the world will be missed everyday allday for as long as you live and I know this because I would have had my baby this august and I wonder everyday what my baby would have looked like and whether it was a girl or boy but I will never know. I never got to hold my baby unlike you- just remember those precious times that were spent together and cherish them forever. My prayers are with your family as well as with Charlie who I know is watching over you. Sincerely, Christy Mitchell
Christy Mitchell <mitchell38954@yahoo.com>
Sidon, MS USA - Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:01 AM CDT
I came upon your website for Charlie by mistake, but I stayed to read some of your journal entries and I couldn't leave. I just had to say that my heart goes out to you and your family. You have a really beautiful son and daughters too. Take Care.

Jena Kraft <precious@drtel.net>
Forman, Nd USA - Friday, May 12, 2006 11:06 PM CDT
My granddaughter has a very rare liver disease and my daughter keeps reminding me that children are on loan from God to their parents only for as long as God chooses. Charlie may have only been on loan for 6 months and 6 days, but he was very blessed to have you and you were very blessed to have him. All of you are in my prayers.
- Friday, May 12, 2006 8:58 PM CDT
Your family is beautiful and you are so lucky to have had such a precious little baby boy. Charlie's story touched my heart. God Bless You!
- Friday, May 12, 2006 4:51 PM CDT
While reading about the conjoined twins in N.D., I came across a picture of the most precious baby boy, with bright shining eyes and tender smile. After reading the story of Charlie, my prayers and thoughts go out to his family and friends and the love that surrounds each of them. May God Bless you and keep you strong in your love for each other and for those around you. Happy Mothers Day to you, the mother of the little angel who touched my heart!!!
Frankie Hathaway <frankie3192@hotmail.com>
Helper, UT USA - Friday, May 12, 2006 4:10 PM CDT
God Bless
Marie Nolan <Cj3298@earthlink.net>
- Friday, May 12, 2006 3:50 PM CDT
I came across this website today and was immediately drawn to Charlie. He has such wonderful eyes and the brightest smile! What a sweet baby.
I read Charlie's story and as others have said it is hard to express your emotions. You have such an amazing family! I am sure Charlie is watching over each of you from Heaven! God Bless you and your family!!

Melissa Yates <yateshi@earthlink.net>
Big Prairie, oh usa - Friday, May 12, 2006 2:36 PM CDT
I am very sorry to hear about the loss of Charlie. He was so cute! I pray for all infants and their familys that are going or have gone through this.
Maggie H. <dancinchick096@hotmail.com >
Batesville, AR USA - Friday, May 12, 2006 9:02 AM CDT
I pray for the family and friends of charlie,even though it's been a few years ago it still hurts. I still grieve over the pain of losing my nephew over sids.He was a month and 6 days old when he passed,god bless you and your family!
Jennifer <mama_to_joselynmae23@yahoo.com>
St.cloud, Mn Benton - Friday, May 12, 2006 2:59 AM CDT
I came across the caringbridge website through another story, but was drawn to the picture of Charlie featured on the website's homepage. I don't quite know how to explain what hit me about his picture, but he seemed so full of life and charisma. Reading your journal entries and looking at the photos drew out a variety of emotions and I wanted to express how beautiful I think all of you are and how adorable Charlie is. I wish you many blessings and continued strength.
Lindsay Craigo <lcraigo@comcast.net>
Fort Collins, CO USA - Friday, May 12, 2006 0:12 AM CDT
I happened upon the story of Charlie accidently and I am very touched by your entire family, beautiful in every way. The comments in the guestbook have expressed my feelings probably better than I can myself. I pray that you will all stay strong and be happy.
E M Dimon <edimon2001@aol.com>
Palm Coast, FL US - Thursday, May 11, 2006 8:09 PM CDT
I just wanted to say what a beautiful little boy you have....such sweet eyes, im sure you miss him deeply but always remember he is with you and watching you. May god be with you always....... happy mothers day from one mom to another .
laurie odell
canandaigua, ny usa - Thursday, May 11, 2006 3:36 PM CDT
Just wanted to wish the "man of the hour's" mommy a Happy Mother's Day, I am sure Charlie Bear will send a special sign to know that he is with you on this day....I first read Charlie's story in April of this year...Our second daughter was born 4 days after Charlie's passing....I think of your family and Charlie daily, especially when one of our three children are ill in some way or just misbehaving as kids will do and remeber that we have been blessed with them and we need to live each day as if it was our last with each other...You have been an inspiration to me as a mother and family and I take that with me everyday.....Take Care and have a wonderful Mother's day......
Nikki Komraus

Nikki Komraus <nikkikomraus.4seasons@midconetwork.com>
Rockham, SD USA - Thursday, May 11, 2006 1:45 PM CDT
I just saw your beautiful pictures of Charlie. What a beautiful boy he is. Love, to your family and all those who love Charlie, God bless you and he is always there with you. Take care Leslie Kowalski
Leslie kowalski <lakjpk629@aol.com>
North Hollywood , Ca U.S.A.. - Thursday, May 11, 2006 12:28 AM CDT
Hi I just read Charlie's story. I was so touched. He has a face of an angel.

I found your story through a website of a child that goes to my son's preschool. I have a special needs son and I enjoy every moment with him too. Charlie was so lucky to have such a wonderful family. I think God has blessed us with these special children for a reason. I know for my family it has taught us patients and to enjoy each day as if it is your last. We like you have also strengthened our faith with God and what a blessing that is.

God bless you and your wonderful family. I will never forget precious baby Charlie and his angelic face.

Gina Johnson (Gavin's Mommy) <ginaandkids@sbcglobal.net>
Corona, Ca USA - Thursday, May 11, 2006 12:04 AM CDT
WOW! What a story. I will pass your site onto others. What an emotional thing for your family to keep up with-but comforting to others. You have beautiful children.
Smile and know you have a healthy angel looking after you daily!
God bless and Happy Mother's Day.

Lehigh Acres, FL USA - Thursday, May 11, 2006 11:13 AM CDT
God heal you and your family. What you did on your website
shows a true mother's heart. Happy Mother's Day!
With Christ love,
Sheila Childress

Sheila Childress
Alexandria, Al USA - Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:44 AM CDT
May God be with all of you as I am sure it is very hard losing a child,brother,nephew,and grandson. I just lost a loved one in the last week and the pain is horrible, it was not one of my children but someone I loved dearly and I'm sure a child is alot different as I can't imagine what i would do without mine,but its been very difficult.
You truly are an inspiration and I'm so sorry for your loss.
Kathy, just know on Mother's Day he will be smiling down upon you....May God be with you all!! Your Lil Man was truly a fighter!

Ralph and Melissa Masters <wmwife711@aol.com>
orange city, fl usa - Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:37 AM CDT
What a beautiful family and what an incredible baby boy. The faith your family has in the Lord is truly truly amazing. I read your story and little Charlie's story and I thank the Lord he is no longer suffering. Wow, what a fighter. I am a first time Mom, she is three months old and my heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I hope you have a very special Mother's Day...I KNOW Charlie is there with you and your family. God Bless all of you and my prayers will always be with you!
Mandy Hess <wanna_be_surfin_hawaii@yahoo.com>
Inwood, WV USA - Thursday, May 11, 2006 9:34 AM CDT
Okay....now I truly believe we have all lived in another life. The eyes tell it all. Charlies eyes are so serene, so knowing. He has amazing clarity and a calm love about him that usually only comes with age, but this time it came packaged in an infant to bless your days. Infinity, indeed. I agree with his big sister. I ache for your loss,but am thankful a place such as Caringbridge exists for beautiful families like your own. A coworker of mine is a client there, recovering from a skiing injury and I happened upon Charlies little face and I just melted. Peace and love to you all.
Annemarie Bedard <Jamboree58@aol.com>
Averill Park, NY USA - Thursday, May 11, 2006 7:26 AM CDT
Thank you for being such a true inspiration to others. I know that wasn't your plan, but I thank you for truly allowing God to make something good of something so sad. I have no doubt that God smiles down on the light that you have been to others and I'm sure he has Charlie on his lap while he is doing that!
Avon, IN - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:55 PM CDT
He was a handsome baby. My prayers go out to oyu
Michelle Sherman
Lindstrom, MN USA - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:04 PM CDT
Wow.. I just read your story and am very sorry for your loss!! He had the sweetest little face.. May God Bless You!!
Paris, TN - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 7:11 PM CDT
What an absolutley beautiful, beautiful child.
May his light always shine upon you,his parents; his sisters; and all his family.
I know that he will always be with you.

- Wednesday, May 10, 2006 1:23 PM CDT
CAROL DICKISON <Muskie@ll.net>
FARIBAULT, MN US - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 10:54 AM CDT
Hey there Charlie bear..I think about you often..and you and your family are in my prayers...I cant believe how you have touched my life..I will never forget you or your cute little face..you will be in my prayers for the rest of my life...
Kathy Baltierra <kbaltierra@yahoo.com>
hemet, ca usa - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 5:40 AM CDT
TONYA <dios@mebtel.net>
MEBANE, NC USA - Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:49 PM CDT
I know that your heart still aches for Charlie. He was a beautiful little boy. The journey that he and his family took during his short life is an inspiration to us all. Jesus has His arms around Charlie now. Your family was truly blessed to have Charlie even for such a short time. You will all see this precious one again.
Lottie Staggs <lvstaggs@cableone.net>
Vidalia, La Concordia Parish - Tuesday, May 9, 2006 1:02 PM CDT
I was entering some information for a friend of mine; her son has ALL. He is 7 and his name is Nathan. I saw Charlie's picture on the front of caringbridge and decided to take a look. What a beautiful little boy he was. I am so sorry for your loss. I know it will take time to grieve and I hope that time for you goes by quickly. As you know, he will always be in your hearts and around.
Again, he was a beautiful little boy. Take care.

Cindy Holzschuh & Family <cholzschuh45@earthlink.net>
Clayton, NC USA - Tuesday, May 9, 2006 12:56 AM CDT
I lost a baby at birth and even though I never got to hold her in my arms, I have held her in my heart for 42 years. Charlie will always be with you and with the memories you have of his sweet smile, you are so blessed. God bless you and your family.

Shirley C. Lott
Greenwood, MS USA - Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:58 AM CDT
I am Really sorry for your son..It's depressing..
Danielle <dannie_leshae2005@yahoo.com>
Marion, In. Unted States - Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:36 AM CDT
I clicked on caringbridge to check on a young lady from our area that kids in my husbands youth group know and I saw sweet Charlie's smiling face. It immediately grabbed my attention because my son's name is Charlie. He is 4 1/2. I read your story and tears just rolled down my eyes. What a special gift you were given in your son. How wonderful that you got to spend such special time with him. He was truly a gift from God. I will keep your family in my prayers and know that everytime I look at my Charlie, I will think of your Charlie and your family. Praying that God continues to give you the grace that you need to get through each and every day. Thanks for touching my heart.
Genie Blazi <rgblazi@bellsouth.net>
Whitesburg, GA USA - Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:08 AM CDT
I know of Charlie through Marshall Potter and am so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you got to love your son so deeply and that you continue to remember him with joy. You have touched my life.
Dawn Nolan <dawn.nolan@bvhs.org>
Punta Gorda, FL USA - Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:29 AM CDT
Thank you for this web site. My 5 year old grandniece was diagnosed with leukemia 4 weeks ago. Her parents make entries that keep us informed of how things are going. Your little Charlie is helping so many people - and so are you.
Karen McDonald
- Monday, May 8, 2006 7:13 PM CDT
I just read the journal and I am in tears over the loss of Charlie. he seemed like such a joy to have around and the heartache you must be feelign right now. The weird thing is,is that 2 years after Charlies 2nd birthday I had my son on July 23 and yor birthday is 2 days after mine. Strange huh.
My baby will be 2 this July 23 and I will think of Charlie as he has the same birthday as my grandfather.
I would love to see a picture of his headstone, it sounds beautiful and perfect for him.
I will continue to pray for you and your family.

Lynn Milelr <lmiller@businesscredit.com>
Anoka, MN USA - Monday, May 8, 2006 4:25 PM CDT
I'm at a loss for words, I am truly touched by your story and you seem so strong in everything you have been through, I can only imagine!
I have a little girl that was born around the same time as Charlie, she turns 5 this year!
I pray that this family is still holding strong and doing well...what a blessing Charlie was to you, what a sweet boy!

- Monday, May 8, 2006 2:29 PM CDT
Charlie's Story is very inspiring and touching!
Joy Dela Cruz
North Brunswick, NJ USA - Monday, May 8, 2006 2:28 PM CDT
Thank you for sharing Charlie's story. What a lucky little angel to have a family like yours.
Pam Herron
Kingsport, TN USA - Monday, May 8, 2006 12:20 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Wanda Abercrombie <abercrombie1@cox.net>
Newport News, VA - Sunday, May 7, 2006 11:38 AM CDT
I just wanted to say that you and your family are in our prayers. God gave us a grandson on January 24 of this year. A day I will never forget. We lost a grandson on
4-6-2004 he was only 3 1/2 hours old. After reading what you do for your little angel Charlie, on 1-24. I would like to do the same for our little angel Isaiah.
Thank you. Charlie was a beautiful little baby.

Janet <jlwheat@hughes.net>
Arley, Alabama - Sunday, May 7, 2006 7:58 AM CDT
My heart aches for you. Keep your heads up.
J <boneknuckleskin@gmail.com>
- Saturday, May 6, 2006 8:31 PM CDT
I just read about your dear Charlie and I just started to get the shivers when he passed away at only 6 months and 6 days.... I have one nefew and two neices and another baby on the way.I don't know you, but God will Bless you and watch over you!
Kambria Raisanen <raisanen_1@hotmail.com>
Cokato, MN U.S.A - Saturday, May 6, 2006 1:19 PM CDT
We just wanted you to know we are thinking about you.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Friday, May 5, 2006 11:05 PM CDT
Charlie was an adorable little baby. A friend of mine also lost her baby boy named Charlie 7 months ago. He was diagnosed with liver cancer when he was just 10 days old and fought a courageous battle for 9 months. She went through a very rough time, as I am sure you have. God bless your family.
Jennifer Dowd <jenni.d@insightbb.com>
Peoria Heights, IL USA - Friday, May 5, 2006 8:52 PM CDT
I have looked at Charlie's picture everyday while going to Lindsay Grubbs' guestbook but today I stopped and read your "story". What a wonderful family and such a precious baby. God Bless!
Judy C. Colgate <JCColgate@sc.rr.com>
Myrtle Beach, SC Horry - Friday, May 5, 2006 2:10 PM CDT
I came upon the website by accident, but so glad I did. As I am struggling as a single mother of two. After reading about Charlie, it lets me know that even when times are tough, I am so blessed that my children are healthy. You were bless too, by having Charlie in your lives for 6 months and 6 days. God Bless
Rhonda Bolton
- Friday, May 5, 2006 11:40 AM CDT
I know your lives are richer and more joyful for having had a precious 6 months and 6 days with your angel, Charlie. God bless you for the inspiration you have brought to so many other families.
Katie McFadden <kamcam74@aol.com>
Mundelein, IL USA - Friday, May 5, 2006 11:13 AM CDT
Just read about Charlie. What a cutie! I was sadden to read on that he had gone to be with God and the angels. You have a great looking family. God bless you all and know that others feel the pain, yet the joy of Charlie. He will live on and remember when you get to heaven your "little Charlie" will be there with open arms. I have nephews that are there with him to coo and cuddle with. They too were babies! God Bless...
Sharon Flower
- Friday, May 5, 2006 9:17 AM CDT
I have just read your journal and my heart is heavy. I do know that Charlie is looking down from heaven and smiling on mommy and daddy. I have never lost a child so I don't imagine the hurt and pain. May God be with you both as you both heal. Blessings from heaven and the state of Tennessee.
Barbara <sweetandsour54@yahoo.com>
Sevierville, Tn United States - Thursday, May 4, 2006 8:14 PM CDT
I have been logging onto Caringbridge since last September to receive and share with my Niece's family. I always see this beautiful baby Charlie on the Home Page. The other day I clicked on Charlie's Story. My husband and I were so touched by your story.
Last year on a beautiful New England Autumn afternoon I stood beside my father's grave and I recalled the same site 28 years earlier. It also was a very cold winter afternoon. The snow was falling and the wind blowing. It does seem like yesterday, but today the sun is shining and the colored leaves are falling. Thank you for Charlie's Story. You have a beautiful family.

Nancy Daigle <ndaigle@san.rr.com>
San Diego, CA USA - Thursday, May 4, 2006 3:49 PM CDT
We came to hear about CaringBridge through my little cousin, madelyngurganus. A beautiful child that is being treated at Duke for initially an infection around her heart. She has been hospitalized since Good Friday.
Thank you for allowing us to meet your Charlie through this website. We do not always know why things happen as they do, but we know the Lord does and He's never made a mistake. May God bless you and your family, The Camerons, Kinston, NC

Susan Cameron
Kinston, NC - Thursday, May 4, 2006 8:54 AM CDT
My name is Julie Potter. I am the mother of 6 month old Avery. We have a new caringbridge webpage that has been a blessing in a very trying time. I was going through the website when I saw your story. As I read about your journey, I shed many tears of understanding and compassion. Please find comfort in knowing that God put Charlie here to touch many, many hearts as he touched mine tonight. Thank you for sharing your touching story.
Julie Potter
Burns, TN USA - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 8:25 PM CDT
My name is terry I was a cancer patient I have a site on CaringeBridge site I was reading your pag e and I was thinking about how it is because it is not easy.I had a rough time to,I will keep you in my Prayers.We need to love each other like we love others because we don't know what might happen to us.
Terry <www.Prncchrmg4990@aol.com>
Four Oaks, Nc Four Oaks - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 12:59 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. Charlie was such a beautiful baby. I pray that with the passing of time, peace returns. I had a nephew who passed away 9 months ago from leukemia he was diagnosed with 1 year prior, and yet it still seems so recent when we saw him for the last time. I pray for his immediate family every day and I will also be praying for yours. The girls are just beautiful little dolls, I hope they are doing well. With a big family myself, it is stories like yours which remind me of how things can change instantly and appreciate every moment. Thank you for the tears, I needed them. Thank you for the gift of Charlie, his spirit still lives and is touching so many. Well done good and faithful servant.
Vickie Mck <bhamstjohns@aol.com>
Pinson, al usa - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 12:31 AM CDT
I have been signing into the Caring Bridge site since October 2005, when a dear friends 5 year old boy was diagnosed with leukemia. I sign in every few days to check in on Cole and see how he is doing. I think this in the best service for an outlet for you and to keep relatives and friend up to date. I know your Charlie was loved very much and because of this he is loved and taken care of by other angels. Please know that your boy is with you all the time and every hug that you receive, it is your Charlie sending his love through others.
Dee <dee1806@aol.com>
Boston, MA USA - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 8:50 AM CDT
With two new grandsons my heart is heavy after reading your journal. God has blessed us with two healthy babies and we are so greatful. I will continue to pray for your healing.You should smile.... your sweet baby boy is being held tightly by the angels and is smiling that sweet smile down on all of you. He is a beautiful little boy and I am thankful that his suffering is replaced with peace.
Time heals the heart and faith will keep you strong. God Bless all of you.

Jennifer Nichols <JuneBug12357@Yahoo.com>
Pinson, Al USA - Tuesday, May 2, 2006 1:10 PM CDT
Through random browsing of the caringbridge website, I came across your journal. Like many before have said, it was the eyes of your son that made me enter the site. You have incredible faith and a inspiring way of looking at time and life. I am currently a student at the University of Iowa hoping to enter med school focusing on pediatrics. From the few experiences I have had with ill children- I have learned lessons that the wisest could never teach. It is those lessons and children's stories like your sons that makes me determined to make it through the stressful nights of study and feeling like it is an impossible mountain to climb- after all if they can do what they have done at their age, then my tasks are frankly quite simple. I can only imagine what you have all gained from the experience...Best of luck and well wishes
Ryan Langel <ryan-langel@uiowa.edu>
Iowa City, IA - Monday, May 1, 2006 1:49 PM CDT
I was sent here by a friend of a friend, and your story has touched my heart more than I could ever tell you. I cried my way through the journal and then felt compelled to sign your guestbook. I've been blessed with two healthy babies, but I strive to never forget how fleeting the time is with them. Thank you so much for sharing your lives with so many people online. What an inspiration your little family is! That sweet baby is smiling down on you, and I'll bet he's more proud of his Mama and Daddy than you will ever know. :)
Becki <belinda213@hotmail.com>
Louisville, KY USA - Sunday, April 30, 2006 9:37 PM CDT
Hi, I'm allie. My brother was just diagnoed with leuklemia and it's people like you that keep me going everyday. Charlie will forever remain in my heart. Thank you for keeping the world strong.
Grand Blanc, MI United States - Sunday, April 30, 2006 3:02 PM CDT
Your little Charlie just drew me in, and I had to read about him. His precious face was so sweet!!! I pray that you are being strengthened today, by knowing people you don't even know are praying for you, and being encouraged by your lives! We are praying for our friend who's little girl has had another heart surgery this week, and she's only 2 1/2 yrs. old. Prayers are being answered, and her parents are keeping faith. Her site is
www. caringbridge.com/visit/abbyjones
God bless you all!!!

debbie priest <priestgang@hotmail.com>
okla. city,, ok usa - Saturday, April 29, 2006 9:34 PM CDT
DESIREE <yosistades@yahoo.com>
ST. LOUIS, MO USA - Friday, April 28, 2006 3:49 PM CDT
Hi! I have never met you but admire how you can share your story! What a beautiful baby boy. My precious son, David, was in horrible car accident back on Dec 12, 2005. He suffers from a severe traumatic brain injury and is in the recovery stages of a coma. He is 17 and an amazing kid. We have no idea what the future holds for him and it's scary. Thanks again for sharing your beautiful son with all of us and know that your family is in my prayers.

Karen Swain <bkswain88@yahoo.com>
Hewitt, MN USA - Friday, April 28, 2006 2:54 PM CDT
Blessings and prayers to you and your family. Charlie was a beautiful child and I am sure he felt all the love that he was given.I have prayed for my sweet mother who is in heaven to keep a watch on Charlie. She LOVED little boys. I hope that with time you find peace and understanding. You are in my prayers. Ann Smith
Ann Smith <annsmith@adideas.net>
Montgomery, Al USA - Friday, April 28, 2006 2:33 PM CDT
May God and all the Angels be with you and your family. I have tears just thinking of your little boy. What a lovely tribute this web page is and and will stop back to say a prayer for your family again.
Brenda <brendasmith@justice.com>
- Friday, April 28, 2006 10:45 AM CDT
My heart truly is with you, I lost a brother in 1999 and I still cannot believe is has been so long. Your story touched my heart deeply. Keep the memories alive forever, remember they are always with you, forever.
Mindy Rehbein <cowboy1@bevcomm.net>
New Prague, MN USA - Friday, April 28, 2006 8:17 AM CDT
I just read about your precious little Charlie. I know it has been so hard for all of you. I pray for you and your family....I know he was an adorable sweet little fellow and I know he is with the angels now.....May God continue to be with you and your family. I admire you for all you've done. Wendy Moore, Kinston, North Carolina
Wendy Moore <wendee03@yahoo.com>
Kinston, NC USA - Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:16 AM CDT
i am sorry your son died. it was a very sad way he died too. i wish i could say more that may be able to help but i don't have anything that i know of that could help.

geraldine, alabama united states of america - Thursday, April 27, 2006 10:11 AM CDT

SAN ANTONIO, TX BEXAR - Thursday, April 27, 2006 9:37 AM CDT
I read the story of your beautiful little boy and was moved beyond my limited ability to adequately express. His courage and your great love for him are truly inspirational and I will always remember him and your family in my prayers. God bless you until you see Charlie again.
Don Gregg <donald.gregg@us.army.mil>
Purcellville, VA USA - Thursday, April 27, 2006 9:23 AM CDT
Just wanted to let you know, that your son's beautiful.Your journal is an inspiration to me.And has drawn me to come back and read it again. From one family to another God Bless you all. I'm a mother of five boys. my youngest son is James and he has sma1.(and I am in the process of setting up his web-site,.)Your son was an angel right from the time of his birth. you and your family are in our prayers, take care Helene and baby James and family
Helene Armstrong <az2stay5@msn.com>
Peoria, az united states - Thursday, April 27, 2006 2:15 AM CDT
I was touched by your story greatly. Charlie will always be giving his blessings from heaven! God bless your family.
Ben Schodowski <benschodowski@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, April 27, 2006 0:00 AM CDT
I was browsing through these webpages and i came across yours.. Your has to be one of the most touching of all. I went and read all the entries you posted. And BOY'O'BOY did i CRY! You Have to be one of the strongest families ever. You always seemed to look at the 'glass is half full' theroy which i respect you for that. It takes alot of strength to keep from having an emotional break down, i too have seen someone die right in front of me. and its VERY hard to cope with. But you needed to stay strong for the children. And now you have a little angel watching over you :) . take care and god bless!

Holly <sassyhg5@aol.com>
Fort Myers , FL USA - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:46 PM CDT
I was very touched by your story I have a seven month old daughter, and I can understand how hard it would be. God bless you what an adorable little angel. Now in heaven:)You will be in my thoughts and prayers god bless!!!
Tiana Bergstrom <cosmogirl_19@rock.com>
Willmar, MN usa - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:41 PM CDT
You don't know me at all but I was so touched by your story and pictures. What a beautiful family. You were truly blessed with the birth of Charlie. It is evident that he has been an inspiration to everyone including me. I am a grandma and it would be so hard to lose someone you love so much. My neice's child Gabe is also using caringbridge. It is so neat to be able to stay in touch.
Marlys Cuvelier <marjim@mchsi.com>
Parkersburg, Ia USA - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 5:12 PM CDT
I am a complete stranger, One who was like so many others drawn to your page from the picture of your beautiful son. I was saddened to read his story, and shed more than a few tears when I read your beautiful celebration of his life. As the mother of four, my youngest just 8 months, I can't even begin to imagine what strength it takes to be in your position. Because of your wonderful son, I am reminded that every day with my children is truly a blessing, and I'll never take that for granted again. God has blessed you with such a joyful and grateful attitude, You are an inspiration to us all, Kerry Coryell
Kerry Coryell <KerryCoryell@cox.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA USA - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 2:02 PM CDT
Making my daily visit to CaringBridge. Learning about and learning from a dear child everyday. What a sweet angel you have in Charlie.
Kristi Champ <Kristi.Champ@harris.com>
- Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:53 AM CDT
To the Cowan family -
I was immediately drawn into your journal by Charlie's beautiful eyes and gorgeous smile. Your writing was so eloquent and heartfelt that it brought many tears to my eyes. Charlie truly was so blessed to have you as parents, just as you were blessed to have him as your son. I know he will always live on in your hearts. God Bless you and your beautiful angel.

Erin Rea <ejoy1202@hotmail.com>
Chicago, IL USA - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 5:13 AM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Charlie was a very special boy. Now he is an angel sending his love to your family. Its sad what happened to him. Stay strong.
Ashley Price <cutie_155797@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, April 25, 2006 10:55 PM CDT

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