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Monday, July 5, 2010 5:45 PM CDT

This time always evokes a lot of emotion. Lord thank you for loving us just as we are but so much you refuse to leave us that way! We need you desperately in every situation!

Gabriella had her clinic visit with Dr. Hutchinson- she passed with flying colors!!!!!

Praise the Lord!

7 years have zoomed by since this journey began- so much has changed. I never thought I would update only once a year. I just began a blog. This will definitely be updated more often and it will be about all of us- not just Gabriella. This time I will remember the title www.GallegosFamily-Heartprints.blogspot.com

Thank you for your prayers love and encouragement along the way! We will hold you forever close to our hearts!

Gabriella's bright future is in God's hands- EXACTLY where it belongs!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 11:27 AM CDT

WOW! 6 years ago today Gabriella was diagnosed with stage iv neuroblastoma- BUT GOD!!!!! 5 1/2 years ago Our Great Physician healed her body! Praise Jesus!

Gabriella was not created for 2 years or 20 or 200- but for ETERNITY!!!! Our days here on earth are known to God and fashioned by Him before one of them ever comes to be! Psalm 139!!!!

I am so thankful for the physical healing that has taken place in Gabriella! Not one itty bitty cancer cell can alter God's purpose for our lives!

WHY? We won't fully know why these things happen to our babies, our parents, our friends, to ourselves and it might seem confusing and hurtful as to why some are physically healed on earth and others are not- The Word says ALL that came to Jesus were healed- so we pray believing that ALL will be healed! Not out of ignorance or being naive but FROM FAITH!! We are human and it is so common for us to have these questions. God can handle all of our questions- He has really big shoulders! He has even been known to handle our doubts- Lord I believe help my unbelief!!!

We are given a set of circumstances that are unique to anybody elses situation. God's grace covers us to get us through victoriously. Grief, loss, disappointment- we all go through it in various ways at various times- it comes down to how we respond to God's "life line" of love He sends out. Do we race toward Him to be held in His arms and comforted or do we step back disillusioned, putting thick walls around our heart?

Yes I believe it is God's will to heal! Scripture supports it! I believe it is God's will for none to perish but have eternal life- scripture supports that, too. Our physical body wastes away as our spirit is being renewed. Our spiritual health is much more of the urgency- it is a matter of life and death. We are created for eternity!!!

Lord we need you desperately!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009 8:47 PM CDT


Thought I'd at least upload a new pic for now. Promise I will update soon....

Our precious bundle is an adorable baby GIRL!!!!!

Liliana Grace was born on November 29th
at 11:39am
8lbs. 140z.
20.5 inches

She's delicious, sweet & yes a GREAT SLEEPER, TOO!!!!! :o)

GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for still checking in and for being so patient with me. :o)

Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Tuesday, July 1, 2008 1:11 AM CDT

Today we celebrate 5 years since Gabriella was diagnosed with stage iv neuroblastoma, she was given only a 30hance of event-free survival for the next 5 years! BUT GOD!!!!! Here she is 5 years later our happy, healthy 7 1/2 year old, victorious over cancer because of Jesus going to the cross to conquer and defeat all sin, sickness and disease. The grace of God is so sweet! This same God is here for you to defeat the "neuroblastoma" in your life. Turn to Him in every area of your life with your whole heart…… He's been waiting!

Not all childhood cancer stories are the same, not all experience the healing Gabriella has experienced...... this has been a huge question mark in my head and has even silenced many updates I have wanted to share. Many tears have been shed thinking of the sweet babies our paths have crossed in this 5 year journey...... I don't know why kids are allowed to get cancer and I don't know why some are promoted to glory to experience more of heaven while others remain here to experience more of earth. Our finite minds will never be able to comprehend the Greatness of Our GOD!!!! He is big enough to handle our doubts our questions and our fears! I do know this- those precious babies that have been promoted to glory are forever imprinted in my heart, their lives will never be forgotten and their joy is now complete in the presence of JESUS!

Just sharing something on my heart:
I am reading this book with Steve titled "In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson- wow!!!! It is loaded with amazing insight from the life of Benaiah in 2 Kings. One such insight is about how big your God is….. the bigger your God is the smaller your problems become. It in no way means your life becomes problem-free, it simply means that when your view of God is accurate, God is huge and in comparison your problems are way small. You are the apple of His eye and He is so proud of you when you step out and take a risk. The difference between scaredy-cats and Lion Chasers is simply the element of risk taking. Peter walked on water, no other disciple dared to take that risk. Fear of uncertainty, fear of looking foolish, fear of failing, fear of rejection may have held them back. What is holding you back? Fear of _________________ ( you fill in the blank) don't allow what ever is keeping you in the boat to paralyze you and keep you from the adventurous life God has for you. Living for the Lord is not boring! Living the life He has for you is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, but it is never boring and you ARE NEVER ALONE!!!

My mom, Steve and the kids all came with me this morning for the big ultrasound. Baby is measuring 10 oz. has two legs, two arms, 4 chambers in heart, two kidneys… everything looks good and healthy amd simply amazing!!!!! We decided not to find out the gender………. so we will all find out together in less than 21 weeks!

Friday, May 9, 2008 1:55 PM CDT

One of the pics from our Disney Trip is above. Since I don't add pics all the time I forget how to shrink correctly so it is a bit large. The trip was funded by my mom and my sister and her family were also included. What a blessed trip. Every day we were reminded by an airplane sky writer to Turn to Jesus, to Praise God, that Jesus loves us! It was so refreshing to look up in the sky and find our little notes each day. The pool was so much fun for the kids. Gabriella was thrilled to get to spend the week with her cousins Josh, Caleb and Ashlynn, her Aunt Melissa and Uncle Roger, and her Grandma Berckley. Isaiah mastered jumping in the pool without floaties and getting his face wet under water! Christina was hilarious to watch interact with her 4 year old cousin Ashlynn. The week was soooooooooooo much fun and such a blessing to all of us. My mom's generosity and being with family made the trip even better then Gigi's Make a Wish Trip. We went back to Give Kids the World to visit. It was quite special for me to be there again- praising God the entire time as to what He has done and continues to do in Gigi's life!!!!!

We discovered at Gigi's last dental appointment that she is missing 4 adult teeth- thus a referal to the orthodontist. This is a side effect from the chemo. They are molar teeth. Our consultation is next week.... being 5 years healed from stage iv neuroblastoma- we will joyfully enter the world of braces or ???? whatever the ortho may suggest.

Tonight is Gabriella's Lion King performance at school. It is CLA's spring musical and Gabriella will be a lion. She is soooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!! She loves to practice the dance and singing moves! Just a few more weeks of school left and Gigi will be a 2nd grader and Isaih will join her at school as a kindergartener! Whooosh! Time flies!!!!! I am pretty certain we are keeping Christina home one more year before putting her in preschool. I like the idea of keeping things the same as her siblings- just one year of preschool... although that could change..... she is ready!

We have some exciting news- Steve and I will have a brand new bundle of joy in November! My due date is around Nov. 22nd! Just before Gigi turns 8 years old and about 6 weeks before Christina turns 4! WOW- Christina and the new baby will have the same age difference as Gabriella and Christina! Isaiah and Christina came with me to an ultrasound yesterday and were able to hear and see the heart beating! The ultrasound was for measurements for a more accurate due date- Gabriella was 8 pounds 10oz., Isaiah was 9 lbs. 10oz. and Christina was 9 lbs. 4 oz. so the doc is watching the baby size very carefully. I will even have an early sugar test next week- due to my age (!?) I am 33 and will turn 34 just before the baby arrives.

Soon after my last post our sweet friend Rebecca ended her battle with leukemia and went home to be with Jesus- she was honored by OU with a diploma last weekend. She is so very missed! www.caringbridge.org/visit/rebeccamansfield
Please keep her family and her fiance's family in your prayers!

I am working on beginning a family blog site. I have it started I just am not very familiar with it just yet. I will let you know once I have it all down. It will help me so much to be able to post pics that stay up in the history and to log the happenings in our home- especially with adding # 4!!!

Thanks for checking in with us and for your continued prayers for Gigi! You are a blessing to us!

Angie xo

The big question…. "WAS IT PLANNED?" Well to that we say it was planned by God ;o)

I always wanted to have four…. we were open! Soooooooooooo here is an interesting twist to the story. We found out the weekend of Career Conference in March and two days later Gabriella woke up sharing about a dream she had that she feels is from God. She knew absolutely nothing about our news until Disney… but her dream was about the mailman coming to our door with a tiny car seat and two separate pics of a baby boy dressed in puppy dog pj's. Her reaction was….. " I don't know if that means you are pregnant with twins or if we are going to adopt… but somehow baby is coming…. the car seat was too small for any baby to fit in and it was addressed to Angie and Gigi?" Very detailed and very very certain of herself Gigi prayed for the next week asking God to show her what that means.

Well we believe that God can communicate through dreams and for Gigi it happened just that way. Her heart was prepared and excited to rec'v the news at Disney. But she already knew…. now about the whole "twin" idea???????

Thanks for being a part of our life….. I am honored to be able to share the news with you! Please respond back… I'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, March 9, 2008 9:23 PM CDT

The calendar says Spring is coming! So maybe, to keep up with my pattern of updating I will put a Christmas picture up and leave it until July. :o)

Thanks Jill B. for the prompt to update.

Gabriella is flourishing in first grade. Light bulbs are turning on and she is really growing in her reading skills. She enjoys sounding out words. Art, music, gym and Spanish are still her favorite classes. She is full of questions about God and I absolutely love it! Our bedtime dialogue tonight gave me more insight as to how her brain works and understands bigger concepts about God. She memorizes a ton of questions and answers about God and the Bible for school but it's challenging for me to know how much she is really getting. I love her higher thinking questions!!! She is truly getting it!

Gabriella's bone-age test showed that in December her bones were 7 years 10 months. A bit ahead of her real age (in Dec she turned 7 years old). It was not enough of a span to be of any big concern. The endocrinologist asked to see her again in 6 months. The risk is early puberty and a stunting of her growth. The doc shared some stats with me about maturing and she said that caucasions can begin to mature as early as age 8 and hispanics at age 7. When I heard these stats my level of concern dropped dramatically. Steve's ethnic background is Mexican and mine is 1/2 Italian and 1/2 English/German/Irish. I am still very glad we looked into this.

Isaiah got his first pair of glasses last week. He is beaming! He absolutely loves that he can be just like daddy. To me he looks like he grew up over night. He will turn 5 years old on March 23rd. He is actually beginning to put sounds together to form words. He brings books home from school and is able to put words like P-E-T together. It is so much fun for me to see him learning. Anywhere his daddy is you will find Zaya very close behind. He can not wait to be with his daddy when he gets home from work. It is very precious to watch! (He still is very tender and loving towards me... it's just in abundance with Daddy :o)

Christina turned 3 on Jan 4th. She is talking up a storm and very much enjoys playing with her siblings. She loves to pray- specifically for Ms. Rebecca (see below) Christina's facial expressions are precious and hilarious. She says so much with her eyes and mouth- you'd have to interact with her to fully grasp what I mean. She is a strong minded little girl with strong opinions and a quick decision-making ability. Where Gigi tends to be more passive and indifferent about deciding- Christina is all about doing it her way. She often insists upon being the mommy when they play house together. TOO FUNNY! Isaiah is a good balance of both but often gives in to keep the peace with his sisters.

Steve is bald and chooses to be so every morning. It began as a reward for the kids in Super Church. They raised $6,000 for missions last year and Steve agreed to shave his head bald if they did so. Well he realized he liked it way more than he thought he would so he keeps shaving every morning. I of course miss his hair, but I think eventually he will grow tired of shaving his head ( I know I do with shaving my legs :o) Steve is hungry for God, I love how he challenges me to go to the Lord with EVERYTHING and to step out in faith instead of cowering in fear. He has been instrumental in my advancing in my career as a Sales Director with Mary Kay Cosmetics.... we sharpen each other- as he sees me stepping out in faith and facing my giants of fear and failure he is motivated to do the same. GOD IS SOOOO GOOD!

15 years ago today I asked Jesus into my heart! I was a freshman at Oakland Universtiy - I praise Him for saving me and setting me on a path of healing and wholeness found only in HIM! THANK YOU FRANK AND MARY SWASTEK, THANK YOU TRACY GULISH (BROWN), JILL and JIM GULISH, THANK YOU KRISTA BRAGG, THANK YOU KAY WRIGHT, THANK YOU JOEL MAIORANO, THANK YOU MR.DONALD WRAY...... your love for Jesus and obedience to pray for me changed my life! I am forever grateful!!! How can anyone do life without Jesus??? How can anyone walk through the fire that often comes in this lifetime on earth without Jesus? THANK YOU JESUS FOR LOVING ME AND DYING ON THE CROSS FOR MY SINS- BEFORE I EVER LOVED YOU! Thank you for blessing me with a man of God and three amazing children! Thank you for my mom who is truly an example of strength a devotion to her family! Thanks for how you do the "and then some" just because you can!

We are fast approaching Gabriella's 5 years of being healed miraculously from Stage iv neuroblastome. I sooooo want to celebrate and shout from the roof tops what the Lord has done and continues to do in her and through her. She is a special gift from God!

Speaking of miracles CHECK OUT www.caringbridge.org/visit/rebeccamansfield
Rebecca is 26 years old and is battling a very agressive leukemia- BUT GOD! Christina reminds us each day to pray for Ms. Rebecca's body to get all better! TODAY her blood report showed zero blast cells! Please pray for Rebecca when you think about her. God is doing a deep work and He will get all the glory!!!!! WHOOOO HOOOO LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!

Thank you for being so patient with me and for continuing to check in!
Angie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

PS- WE ARE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!! My mom is blessing my sister and her family along with me and my family to a Disney vacation in April! The kids are sooooooooooooooo excited. Gabriella can't stop telling people about Disney and how she will get to see her cousins (Melissa and family live in Oregon- so we do not see each other often enough.) I feel once again so blessed my mom is making this a reality.

Sunday, December 9, 2007 11:02 PM CST

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Gabriella! Happy Birthday to you!

WOW.......... 7 years old!

Today was such a special day- the kid's choir Christmas production (I am so proud of you.... you knew all the moves and confidently sang the words- your light was shining so very brightly up there on stage!), Chinese soup, cupcakes and vanilla ice cream, making more cupcakes with Grandma, hanging out with Papa G and Grandma B, opening birthday presents, opening "just because" presents from Grandma like your Cabbage Patch baby whose name just happens to be ASHLYNN MARY (just like your cousins in Oregon), watching Baby's Day Out, getting birthday phone calls from Grandma B, Aunt Dee Dee, Aunt Melissa, She-Sha, Uncle Michael, Grandma G,and Isaiah & Nina & Mommy, bringing cupcakes to Prims class, getting your birthday bag and ending with "Stranger in the Woods" story- If I could press rewind I would celebrate this day over and over again. Gabriella you are such a blessing to your daddy and I! We praise God for your life and the joy you bring to us each and every day!

I stand in awe at the Lord and His sovereignty. Our days are fleeting and each and every one is a gift from God. It is much to easy for me to forget that. I love you Gigi Girl! Thank you for being you!! May the love of Jesus flood your heart to overflowing. May you always always always know the love of your Father (I know you will have no problem in that area 'cuz your daddy here on earth really really knows how to show you how much he loves you- even if you don't care too much for his nickname for you lil' monkey- he loves you to the moon and back!) You are my shining star!

Happy 7th Birthday!

Medical update: I scheduled an appointment with the pediatric endocrinologist at Mott on Dec 28th. Just questioning my 7 year old baby girl maturing so quickly. I am interested in understanding what role having her adrenal gland removed just before turning three plays out long term for Gigi. I distinctly remember being 8 years old and raising my hand in class to answer a question only to find hair growing under my arms. I was soooo embarrassed and couldn't wait to get home to show my mom. So I am pretty sure it's all in Gigi's genes- her mom is half Italian and her dad is 100exican- need I even take her to this appointment??? hehehe! Dr. Sundar, our pediatrician encouraged me to make the appointment given Gigi's history. He also said that in most situations it is completely normal... he mentioned the talk of hormones in our milk (we have been doing organic milk for that reason) and other components to diet (I know we need to get better at variety and making better choices). My hope is we will have started the ball rolling for "after care" which usually begins at the "5-year" post cancer mark. Gigi is at the 4 1/2 year mark!!! Glory to God in the highest- THANK YOU!

Please keep all the families in your prayers still in the heat of this battle and those families who are greiving the loss of their precious little one!!!!

Some of their stories (and Gigi's, too) can be found on the new lunch for life website. Mark Dungan is once again asking each of us to give up a lunch or two ($10 or more) and donate to this amazing campaign. When you go to the website click on the Giving Trees and then find Gabriella Hope Gallegos (Gigi)- when you donate in her name a virtual ornament will appear on her tree. Each ornament enters her into a chance for a Disney Vacation. So please check out www.lunchforlife.org and take a few minutes to read about some other precious brave little children amd donate if you are able. Studies are underway to beat this monster of neuroblastoma to smitherines- your donation will assist in doing just that!!!!!

Thanks so much for still checking in- it truly just about brings me to tears each time I run into someone and you let me know you are still praying each night for Gabriella- AMAZING! May the Lord bless you 100-fold for your gift of love and thoughtfulness and tender care! May this Christmas season find you all wrapped up in JESUS!!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Tuesday, October 9, 2007 10:08 PM CDT

Happy Fall!

2 months away from Gabriella's 7th Birthday!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Three months away from Christina's 3rd birthday (can you believe that one?) and I finally got Isaiah's pictures taken this evening at Sears!!! He is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are now more like his 4 1/2 year old pics ( I have mentally been attempting to take him for pics since his 4th birthday in MARCH!) :o) Isaiah is really liking preschool- his teacher raves about how well he always listens ;O) Christina is starting to grasp the whole potty training concept!

Our very days are numbered and our steps are ordered!

I was shopping for my dear friend Tonya's baby shower last week. I saw a young man with his mom in the aisle. It was obvious he was in the middle of treatment. I didn't know what to say- I felt very uncomfortable- I could not come up with the words to say. I pondered approaching them both for at least 10 minutes. God is so good! For some reason we were all in the same area for that entire 10 minutes. Gabriella and Christina were with me- I decided to step out and not worry about what I was going to say- the enemy was not going to get the victory... I began to speak and started to share Gigi's story. A smile came across the young man's face Jaron and his mom's too. They are Christians. I asked if we could pray for Jaron who is defeating a brain tumor and is currently in radiation (please continue to pray for his complete and total healing!!!) In the middle of the aisle we did just that. His mom asked me if our church was close to the Ronald Mc Donald house because she is wanting to find a church close for a mid-week service. They live around Flint and stay at the Ronald all week (at Children's Hospital) I was able to recommend Tim Delena's church Revival Tabernacle on Woodward and let her know it was Assemblies of God. She was excited to share that they also attend an AG church. I know that I would have missed a blessing if I would have let myself walk away- How Great is our GOD!!!! I can't put my finger on why exactly I was feeling empty and void of encouragement- but I do know that it feels amazing to be used by God. Stepping out in faith is waaaaaaay more exciting than playing it "safe" and letting your feelings dictate your next move! I know that our paths crossed for a reason and I am so very thankful!!!!

Gabriella consistently rates her school days as "5 star days". She enjoys 1 st grade immensely. She has a good chunk of homework each night including reading for 10 minutes, minute math practice, spelling word practice, diagraming sentences (you read that correctly!!)and memorizing her verse of the week and 1st grade catechism questions. I am blown away with how much her little mind can retain! She has been quite chatty in the classroom and was given a time out for talking when she was not supposed to. (this makes me smile- I know it probably is not an appropriate response on my part- Gigi doesn't know it makes me smile- I was firm with her and told her how important it was to respect her teacher- but in my heart I am so excited she is being a normal child- that she feels comfortable enough and silly enough to be a regular 1st grader- how awesome it feels for this to be the only hurdle we have to get through- whooo hoooo!!!! So many children are battling for their very lives and so many mama's ache to hold their babies that have gone on to be with Jesus in heaven- I will never forget the precious heros that we met along the way- their smile etched deep in my heart- their sweet fighting spirit- I miss them all and desperately want every story to turn out like Gigi's- but too many times it doesn't - cancer seems to win out- but our life is fleeting and our time here on earth is but a vapor- these precious babies are in the presence of JESUS without a care in the world- it doesn't remove the heart wrenching ache that develops because of their absence here on earth- but it does bring hope! Not an empty hope the world often speaks of- but a hope of eternal life through Jesus- just call on the Name of Jesus, repent of your sins and make Him Lord and Savior of your life -there is no other way!!! The Bible says when you do this your name is written in the lamb's book of life!!! Another verse says He has etched your name in the palm of His hands! You are never alone! Plus a place in heaven is being prepared just for you! Don't wait call on the Name of Jesus TODAY!!!!! These precious children are gifts from God! Our babies are entrusted to us for just a short time- some have more time than others- all I know is when things are out of our control- we just must trust JESUS!!! JUST MUST TRUST--- those words can sound so hollow- but then when you add that precious Name, the Name above all names- JESUS, there is a sigh of relief, a release of pressure and a realization I was carrying way more than what was intended for me to carry. You know exactly whay I am saying- it's that decompression that happens when we exhale and truly surrender ALL at the feet of Jesus. Then we truly have the victory- the sweet sweet victory in JESUS!!!!!! Trust in Jesus!

I love each one of you and am thankful you are still checking in on occassion. I have just started a blog- it is very much in the beginning stages- I don't know at all what I am doing- but I am excited that I will have a place to post pictures for you all to see!!! Once I figure it out I will let you know the web address.

May the blessings of the Lord be poured out on you abundantly this day!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:03 PM CDT

Finally fixed the pictures. All I had to do was shrink them a bit more than what they were. Now I'll have to get the pics downloaded from our summer adventures. Thanks Melissa and Melissa and Aunt Dee Dee for letting me know they weren't showing up.

Thanks for still checking in on our miracle baby!!!

Thinking a lot about starting a blog. This way our pics won't be deleted each time I update.

Gabriella is preparing for 1st grade!!!!!!!! I love that I can type that last sentence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! School starts on Sept 5th!

Isaiah will be attending preschool!!! He is so ready!

Christina is 2 1/2- the exact age Gabriella was when she was diagnosed. Very hard to believe!!!

Our friends from church are in Ann Arbor with their son Cody tonight. Please pray a complete healing on his heart. Also for wisdom!

May you be captivated by God's love for you this day!!!

Angie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Thursday, July 19, 2007 8:37 PM CDT

"Smile- don't you know God loves you....... come to think of it I love you too- so take the time to smile at someone and before you are through that someone will be smiling back at you!"

This song just popped into my head- I learned it from my friend Sandra while we were in college. Isn't is true though- SMILES ARE VERY CONTAGIOUS!!!!!

This month marks FOUR YEARS OF EVENT-FREE SURVIVAL for Gabriella!!!!!!!!!!! She was diagnosed with stage iv neuroblastoma July of 2003----------- WHOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!

TRULY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I look at Christina and try to imagine Gabriella at her age. She is now exactly the age Gabriella was when it all started. She was so little and so precious!!!! WOW~

Both Gabriella and Christina are taking a summer dance class. They are dressed alike and have class back to back from each other. Christina is so bold- so brave- so confident- she waits so patiently for the 45 minutes Gabriella is in class- watching and wanting so very much to join her...... then............. it's Christina's turn to dance---- she lights up and runs into the dance room. She listens so well and tries to do exactly as the instructor asks. There are 3 other little girls in her class that are all around 2 1/2- soooooo adorable!!!! Gabriella's class has about 8 girls in it. She enjoys herself but I think she may be a bit bored- I asked her but she did not admit it---- I may have mistaken the look of concentration as boredom----- not quite sure yet. We plan on trying Gabriella in a community soccer team in the fall. She seems interested!

May the blessings of our God surround you everywhere you turn,

Angie xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 3:51 PM CDT


Monday we all went to Gabriella's 6 month clinic visit. She had blood work that was impeccable!!!!! PRAISE YOU JESUS!!!

This is the time frame Gabriella was dx w/nbiv 4 years ago!! SO NOW SHE WON'T HAVE A CLINIC VISIT UNTIL JUNE 2008!!!!

I had so much fun talking with Dr. Hutchinson. I asked him questions like how often does he see this, what does this mean, how long before she is outside the likely range of a secondary malignancy from chemo? radiation?

Chemo- after 4-5 years a secondary malignancy is very low %

Radiation- life time increase risk of secondary malignancy which will constitute very thorough yearly physicals (did you catch that Gigi- just in case you are reading this 15 years from now and are resisting making that appointment!)

He said there are a handful of kids in the clinic doing as well as Gigi but it is definitely not the norm- she is a "fortunate" (not- try BLESSED!!!!!) young lady. He said they do basically the same initial treatment with each child and some respond and some do not- he said it makes you wonder how much it is attributed to what they do and how much is it that "someone else" is doing!!!! WHOO HOO!!! Steve took the opportunity to give glory to GOD and then thank the doctor for all he did to help us through the ordeal!

Such an incredible testimony of the healing power of GOD- can somebody pinch me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you JESUS!

Love you,
Angie xoxoxo

Tuesday, June 5, 2007 11:13 PM CDT

The Kindergarten ceremony was absolutely over the top. Mrs. Smith is the most amazing kinergarten teacher around. Each student recv'd a photo album of their very own plus a tear-jerker DVD slide show with a song I had not heard before "my prayer is to let them be little, let them giggle and let them sleep in the middle......." it went on and by that time my mom and I were doing the "wipe the tear as it strolls down your face before the next one comes soooooooo wanting a tissue for when the nose starts running" move. It was a very special end of the year. So we have a first grader on our hands.......... can you stand it?

I remembered how to shrink the pictures........ so look for some pics of graduation soon. I have yet to learn how to download the current pics off the camera so these newer pics from Easter are a bit more current than the pics with the snow pants- :o)

Medically speaking Gigi's clinic visit is June 18th. Isn't that exciting to read? It took up a whole one line of this update!!!

I am going to director training in Dallas next week and Steve and the kids are blessed by She-Sha to visit Uncle Michael for his birthday in Florida. They will get to also visit with Yamma Gallegos, Ms. Beth, Kyle and She-Sha while in Florida. They are so excited! I have mixed emotions about being in Dallas....... I'm sure going to miss them.

I want to update more frequently........sorry the updates have been so few and far between. Thanks for still checking in.

May the blessing of the Lord be yours this day!
~Angie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Wednesday, May 9, 2007 9:25 PM CDT

Hello to you our faithful web readers!!!

Gabriella is 3 weeks away from graduating kindergarten. How can this be? I praise God for this precious time!

Time is fleeting! A friend of mine has a daughter that is graduating from highschool. On her invite she has her daughter's baby picture next to her graduation picture with the words "we blinked and she grew up". I can soooooo see how that happens!

Gabriella has grown so much this year... in confidence, in stature, in reading skill, in speech, and in JESUS! I love the school she is attending- it's a classical Christian education format. Every week she learns a new bible verse. She is currently learning Psalm 23. She has gone on many field trips, learned spanish, created the coolest art projects, learned to sew, and made new friends. She speaks mostly about Trevor. I think he must be the funny one in class.

She participated in a race for education where she raised money for every lap she walked/ran around her school parking lot. She completed 13 laps which added up to over 3 miles!!!! Isaiah and Christina were hot on her trail. The money was donated to her school! (Thank you to close family and friends who donated!)

In church Gabriella completed Honor Daisies on Sunday night, the kindergarten class on Wed. night and kinderchurch on Sun AM. She will now be promoted to SuperChurch with Steve and I on Sun AM, Prims on Sun pm in the fall, and the first grade group on Wed. CE. Her favorite part is getting to play with her friends in the hallway!

The rest of us are doing good. Steve is gearing up for his busiest time of the year- SUMMER- he is one class away from earning his ministry liscense (earned certification first)! At the end of April, with God's help and the help of many awesome women and the help of my amazing husband, I earned directorship of my very own unit in Mary Kay- I named my unit Angie's Authentics!!!! Isaiah is growing up so fast, full of questions, still very observant and absolutely loves anything to do with ropes- he is going to own a horse and a dirt mover when he gets big!!!! Christina is Miss Personality, she is strong-willed, bold and full of ideas of what to get into next- she keeps me hopping. Isaiah has such a special relationship with her. While Gigi is in school Nina and Zaya hang out together- it is so much fun watching them play.

Sometime in June Gigi has a clinic visit and blood draw. This will be 6 months from the last blood draw and clinic. I know reading other journals on line gets me wondering if we're doing the right thing for Gigi. www.sydneydungan.com is a story about a girl who was dx with the same cancer a month before Gigi... her dad does a huge amount of research and always knows the latest and greatest in treating nb. Because nb is known for it's high relapse rate he has her still on treatment. Gigi has been off of treatment ever since her one round of 3f8's at Sloan-Kettering in March/April of 2003. She was also given the ok to not schedule future scans at this time back in December. Both Steve and I feel at peace about our choices. I don't think we are walking around with our head in the sand........ we know all to well the reality of what nb is- BUT we also know GOD who is bigger!!! We also know the peace that passes all of our understanding and for the most part fear is gone. I still get twinges when Gigi starts to complain about her belly hurting, behind her knees hurting (???), her wrist hurting, but I bring it to the feet of Jesus. Every single day is a gift!! The only thing Gigi remembers about treatment is what we tell her and show her in pictures. She asks questions about when her scars will go away (that will happen in time... the surgeons strategically placed the central line where they feel cleavage will be one day). I share with her that they are reminders for her to tell the world what God has done, how He has healed her body, how He performs miracles and that the scars are badges of honor of all she went through! To God be the glory!

Medically speaking Gigi is still at risk of r------, developing a secondary c-----, a host of other side effects from chemo and radiation she recv'd....... but you know what? By now we know God has the final say and all we can learn to do is TRUST HIM! He created her innermost being while she was formed in my womb, He knows the beginning from the end, He is BIG, He sees the big picture, He is in the heart-changing business, He wants none to perish but for all to beleive on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. So if one person has grown closer to Jesus (which we have), God has turned this ugly battle against nb to good. FAITH-walking is not for wimps! There is a choice we make daily- you do, too.........step out in faith our hide in fear! Who will step out with me?

Thanks for still checking in and for still praying!
Angie xoxo

Saturday, February 3, 2007 8:51 AM CST

Happy February!

Gabriella is quickly approaching her 100 day of kindergarten~ She had to bring in 100 items for display and chose a pretzle necklace. It is incredible listening to her count to 100 and sound out words. She recv'd her report card last week- everything was fantastic!

This weekend she went with Daddy to an event called "Winter Blast" she will get to rollerskate, bounce on jumpers, swim, sleep in a hotel room with her friend Jasmine and some others, & basically hang out with "super chruch" kids and listen to great Bible teaching- just for kids. In June she will be in Super Church SUN AM with Steve and I. She can not wait!!! I know Gabriella and Daddy will come home with some fun stories.

Isaiah and Christina are true buddies! They hang out with me all day, they entertain themselves, they chase each other, the giggle, they challenge me, they fight over toys (Isaiah seems to be the one who quickly gives in with his lil sis) He calls her "baby", too cute! Nina's words are getting more and more clear- she is hilarious when she tries to retell a story of how she bumped her head or hurt her finger, etc. She is confident and determined to get what she wants- no matter what! I know this quality will serve her well as she gets older- but in a two year old.....??? ( I know you completely understand!)Isaiah still asks his thought-provoking questions- last night he asked "Mom, why is the moon following us?" and "Where does the wind come from?"

Steve continues to be an amazing Daddy and husband, how thankful I am for that scholarship I recv'd to go to Oakland University 15 years ago. That scholarship was one of the reasons I accepted Jesus in my heart (at Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship under the leadership of Frank and Mary Swastek)and the reason I met my incredible husband at the little church down the street from O.U. called Auburn Hills Christian Center! (at the same chruch Steve is now the Children's Pastor). God is so good!

January was my first month of "Director'in'qualification" and we did it! Just 2-3 more months to go and my awesome Mary Kay Team will prayerfully be our very own UNIT and I will be driving free, too! This is a huge undertaking and is only happening because of God's provision and blessing, Steve's patience and encouragement, my family's love and belief (especially our precious kids, BooBoo, Melissa, Aunt Lorna, Sandra and my wonderful MOM)and my awesome team pulling together to accomplish the goal!

If you have not watched "Facing the Giants" yet- it is a must own on DVD! God truly gets all the glory for great things He has done!

How thankful I am to my Jesus for all He continues to do in our lives. Who is like the Lord? There is no one. Watching these "special gifts from God" grow before my eyes is amazing. You know the times you start to have a pity party (come on... we all have them at times) start to count your blessings and name them one by one. GOD IS SO GOOD! His grace is sufficient, His love is overflowing, His plans are to grow us all to be more and more like Jesus! "Captivating" and "Changes that Heal" are awesome books that help us grow in our walk with the Lord. But lately Steve has been encouraging me to get into the book of "Joshua" there is nothing like God's Holy Word. It is sharper than any double-edged sword, separating joint and marrow, soul and spirit. It is living and is powerful! There are giants of fear and failure that try to loom over me- BUT GOD! Joshua was told to walk around Jericho one time on 6 separate days and then on the 7th day walk 7 times around and then SHOUT- FOR THE CITY IS YOURS! Joshua and the Isrealites obeyed God, but could you picture yourself part of the group walking around the walls of Jericho with full armor on and then returning to camp for 6 straight days? Would you begin to wonder if Joshua really heard from God? If you were Joshua would you have started to question GOD? His timing? Would you start doubting? How about when Joshua told them to shout- would you have thought WE MUST BE CRAZY? BUT GOD!!!! With the shout of victory the walls began to crumble. The shout came BEFORE the walls crumbled. The walking around for a week came BEFORE the city was theirs. "Your actions will always follow your belief" (quote from Facing the Giants)

With that my dear friends I will end- the day is brand new and I'm ready to believe God for great things! THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE I WILL REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT! Remember to live your life in "day-tight" compartments, giving each day your best and trusting God with the rest!!!!!

Joyful in Hope,
Angie xoxoxo

PS- Have to share a Gigi moment- Gigi was so cute the other day, she started asking what her name spelled combined together. For example she said " what does Gaballegos spell? what does Gabrallegos spell? what does Gabriallegos spell? what does Gabrieallegos spell? Too funny!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 8:02 AM CST

The news is in........ have you heard?

Jesus reigns over all the earth!

Let the whole world rejoice- let the people say... Almighty... Most Holy God.... Glorious Almighty LORD!

JESUS CAME TO EARTH FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gabriella is NED!!!!!!!!

Three years and counting!!!!!!!

Three years ago this week Gabriella was on a journey through the bone marrow transplant/stem cell rescue. Christmas has never been the same. It is so true.... the greater the sorrow, the greater the joy!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve and I were planning the time frame of the next set of scans. 6 months? Could we get the green light for 12 months!!! A thought crossed my mind- maybe the doctor will say see you in 2 years (this would be the 5 year mark). BUT GUESS WHAT? The doctor told Steve he doesn't feel Gabriella will need to schedule any future scans at this point!!!!!!!! We thought she would have yearly scans for the rest of her life and the docotr replied that often is the case- EXCEPT for someone in Gabriella's case! BUT GOD!!!!!!

She will still do 6 month blood draws for the next couple years- but that's it!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!!! Thank you JESUS!

Shout it from the roof tops that OUR GOD REIGNS!!!

A very Merry Christmas to you all!

Love from our home to yours,
Angie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Thursday, December 7, 2006 9:49 PM CST

Christmas Greetings!

Please take a minute to donate your lunch! Lunch for Life (http://www.lunchforlife.org then click on donate and be sure to use the giving code) funds research strictly for finding the cure for neuroblastoma. For every five dollars donated in Gigi's name an ornament is added to her virtual giving tree. Each ornament is a chance at a Disney World trip all expenses paid and when her tree is full a present is put under the tree representing a real gift Gabriella receives in the mail. Then the tree continues to accumulate ornaments and the process repeats. When donating be sure to use the following giving code: 21378 (this gives Gigi an extra ornament on her tree)Be sure to click on Gabriella's Giving Tree to watch her ornaments accumulate! Thank you in advance for your giving heart!

Princess Gigi will be 6 years old on Dec. 9th!!!!!! PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!!!! Rarely does a day go by without catching myself staring at her in awe of what God has done!!!! I am soaking in everything- it goes by waaaaaaay too fast! She is absolutely loving kindergarten and is learning how to read words and short sentences. Her teachers are incredible and all the students in her class are so very sweet.

How can it be December already?

Next week is "scan week" for Gigi Girl. She will get the MIBG scan, 24 hour urine catecolamine, CT of chest,abdomen and pelvis, bone scan, labs and clinic. Her last set of scans were in June and I am pretty sure her next set will not be until Dec 2007!!!!!! Please pray for clean and accurate results!!! Three years ago this month she was declared NED- NO EVEIDENCE OF DISEASE and has been that way ever since.

We've just returned from a week vacation to Madeira Beach, Florida (near Tampa). This trip was made possible by the generosity of Uncle Michael, She-Sha and Grandma Berckley. THANK YOU!!!! We had a very relaxing trip. The kids had so much fun swimming in the heated pool! Gabriella learned to jump in without using floaties. Isaiah learned to use the floaties and kick his legs to stay above water and Christina watched for a couple days and finally decided she would give the pool a chance- and absolutely loved jumping in on the count of three! The kids also enjoyed a trip to the Pier Aquarium, a Christmas Light Boat parade right outside Uncle Michael's backdoor, a journey through the botanical gardens in St. Petersburg (all lit up for Christmas- beautiful!), chasing sea birds and collecting sea shells on the beach, and playing with Kyle and Ms. Beth!!!! This trip was just perfect!!!!

There are some great shots of the kids around the pool and with Uncle Michael. I will attempt to update the pics soon! Thank you for still checking in and for your continued prayers! MERRY CHRISTMAS and may your holiday season be full of JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Friday, November 10, 2006 9:53 PM CST

Fall Greetings!

The last couple months have zoomed by in the Gallegos Abode. Here are some highlights-

Tomorrow morning we have a sneak preview to the movie Happy Feet! The kids are very very very excited! We got the tickets for free on my birthday at the mall when the Penguin snow globe display opened up. Gigi was in school but Zaya and Nina loved walking through the snowglobe and viewing all the penguin characters from the movie. They are thrilled to be going!

Less than two weeks ago Gabriella sounded out her first word!!! We were reading a book about Jonah. She pointed to the word big and said "bah--- ih----gah.....BIG!!!!" She had the biggest smile of satisfaction on her face! We are sooooooo proud of her!!!!! Since then she has brought practice lists home of words she is learning to sound out. A few are sight words that do not follow any rules but the rest are words she can easily sound out! She wants to read so desperately. Some of the kids in her kindergarten class are already good readers and one even wrote a little book. This has impressed Gigi and she can not wait until she can write a book! She said "Mom, really- it wasn't just a squiggly line like I write he really wrote words!" I'm so glad Gabriella is self-motivated to learn... that is something tricky to teach! Gabriella doesn't fully realize she truly is already reading and writing words.

On Tuesday Gabriella was running in gym and collided with another little girl from her class. The other girl's chin jammed underneath Gabriella's eye brow. She thankfully did not need stitches but did need dermabond (liquid glue that adheres to the skin) I am watching for any signs of infection and it seems to be doing well. She loves the pretty color of purple and yellow stretched across her eye lid and is soaking up all the attention she is receiving from the band-aid on her eyebrow. It really does not seem to bother her. Watching Gabriella lay super still while the doctor was trying to work with her swollen eyelid reminded me some of all the procedures she has bravely endured.

On that note- just a quick medical update, Gabriella will be going through scans in mid- December. This will mark three years post-transplant!!!! PLEASE PRAY FOR CLEAN AND ACCURATE RESULTS!!!! NED! To God be the glory for great things He has done!

On Thursday Steve and I sat before an Assemblies of God board to be interviewed for certification level- Steve was approved with flying colors! He is an official certified minister in the Assemblies of God! Now onto licensing! I am so proud of him! The kids and I are soooooooooo blessed to have such an awesome man of God in our midst. He is the best daddy and husband in the world!!!! Happy Birthday Steve!!! (Nov 13th) Thanks Aunt Dee Dee for watching Isaiah and Christina and thank you Christine for picking up Gigi after school- you both are so giving of your time!!!! We love you!

Isaiah and Christina are more adorable than ever.... Christina knows exactly when to turn on the charm! She has this big cheesy smile that literally runs from ear to ear! Isaiah is full of questions.... I know every parent thinks their children are brilliant- but you should hear some of Isaiah's questions- he won't be four years old until the end of March and he asks things like....Is that the bridge we just went over? What does this food turn into? How come you don't have anymore milk for Christina? Are you going to have to go buy some more? (fyi- I stopped nursing Christina a year ago) He is too funny! I absolutely love my brood- I am blessed and so thankful I know it!

What would my life be like if cancer hadn't invaded our precious Gigi. I know without a doubt - a lot different. I absolutely am not thankful for cancer- but sure am thankful to God that He turned it to good! Our culture is living life on the fast forward speed and I just want desperately to press pause and ponder! Would I be conscious of the speed I run every day if cancer had not raised it's ugly head? only slightly. Would I be less patient?- most definite. Would I be ungrateful for all the blessings I have, especially when I fall over in exhaustion from a stressful day with the kids?- absolutely. Would I complain more?- YES! Would I gripe about petty things?- yes. In the hussle and bussle would I have missed the most amazing hand and heart of God that is passionate for His children?- sadly, I must admit yes. Do I get distracted even now- yes. Do I catch myself even now on occasion being ungrateful, griping, running crazy, complaining- yes..... But, it is rarely without a quick reminder of truly what is important!!!!!!!!!! I praise God that He who started a good work in me (and you) is faithful to complete it!!!! We are all a work in progress! What a good deal, wouldn't you agree?- we surrender to God and He works everything out! Does it always work the way we want it- of course not. But who out there feels they would win parent of the year? If your child asks you for a piece of bread would you give him a stone? (of course not- we love our kids and want the best for them) BUT How much more does our Father in heaven love us and want only the best for us- His children? Our love is a small glimpse of God's love. Am I thrilled that Gabriella had to battle cancer at the age of two? NOOOOOOOO. Am I thankful what has come from it being allowed- ABSOLUETELY!

I pray you have the most amazing November and December ever. Make a decision to rejoice in ALL things!!!!!(I read from another website that the key word is "in" and do not mistake it to be "for") I encourage you to press the pause button and truly ponder what blessings the Lord has brought your way! Especially as we all begin to think of Christmas- let it truly be about the greatest GIFT of all- Jesus!!!!!

Please take a moment to pray for all the families who cannot hold their babies here on earth during this Thanksgiving or Christmas Season. It's hard everyday, but I know this time of year has to be even harder! My heart is heavy for all the momma's who are greiving- I know they take great comfort in the assurance that their babies are with Jesus- but I can also tell through their writing- nothing in the whole world is harder or more heart wrenching than letting go for this little while that seems like forever. But GOD!!!!! "Father pour out your love and tenderness and comfort and healing like never before on each of these families- I ask in Jesus' Name!"

So thankful to have this website to reflect and more thankful for you- our faithful support team!!!! and most thankful for Jesus- the lover of our souls! He brings comfort and refuge, He gives beauty for ashes, strength for fear, gladness for mourning and peace for despair! He never ever ever gives up on us-- can I hear a loud AMEN!!!!!

Love a very thankful momma,
Angie xoxoxoxo

Friday, September 22, 2006 8:58 AM CDT

Some Gigi statements over this past week-

"R-E-D red, R-E-D red, I can spell red, I can spell red, fire trucks are red, stop signs are too, R-E-D red I can spell red." set to a catchy tune!

"mom, sometimes at rest time I really really miss you and I almost cry."

"today, Victoria invited me to a sleep-over and I asked about Isaiah and Nina and she said they could come too!"

"I'm thinking of my favorite thing today.... painting! I love painting!"

When I picked Gigi up from school she said "Mom, I'm so glad you didn't lock the keys in the house today!" (yes, that happened one day last week when the kids and I were getting ready to pick up Gigi from school).

Just wanted to do a quick update to share the news of Gigi's first weeks of school. Also to remind us all what an incredible miracle it is she is in kindergarten, 2 years 9 months post transplant when she was declared NED!

God has performed another miracle in Gigi's body! A week ago today she came home from school complaining of her legs hurting. The pain progressed into the next day where Gigi winced as she got out of bed and then spent most of the next afternoon on the couch not really moving. This brought back all the horror of three years three months ago- she pointed all over, mainly her hips, her thighs, the back of her knees. When she firmly patted her thighs with her fist she said that really hurt. The only thing we could use for a reason other than the unthinkable was she had her first day of gym on Friday am. We asked if she did a lot of running and she said she ran a lot. Could our baby be really really soar- like a muscle soarness? I was set and determined to have Gigi prayed over on Sunday morning and convinced to bring her to clinic early on Monday morning! BUT GOD! Sunday morning, all pain and discomfort was gone!!!! muscle soarness? God's miracle healing? With both scenarios we praise our awesome God!!! I wish I could tell you I was at perfect peace through Friday and Saturday, but that would be untrue- fear arrested my heart with each wince I saw on Gigi's face, but how sweet it is to see the wincing gone and a smile return! How sweet it is to remember what a true gift each day is and what victory we have in Jesus! How sweet it is to know that healing comes through Jesus! Isn't it awesome to think of God's magnificent grace- I want to be free from all fear and only walk with joy thinking upon how big my God is and how precious my babies are (like my sister caringbridge mom tx/mitchell) but I learned this week that there is an 11th commandment. :) The 11th commandment is thou shalt not compare thy self to others - God's grace is so sweet! I'm not where I want to be but I am convinced that I will have joy in this journey called life- God's not finished with me yet!!!

I have followed the website of a beautiful and intelligent 5th grader named Christi Thomas (christithomas.com)over the past 3 years. As of this week she is rejoicing in heaven with Ethan and Alex and all the other little ones that have fought the cancer battle, while we mourn and grapple with life on earth without these sweet babies! She was truly a sweet sweet princess here on earth and I'm certain God has special plans for her in heaven. I just sobbed as I read the final moments of Christi's life to Steve.

A friend asked me what I feel as I read the other websites. I feel everything. I feel connected, mournful for the loss of Chrisit here on earth, honored to share the journey, thankful to where Gigi is, humbled by God's miracle touch, cautious of Gigi's aches and pains, saddened for the families that must go through this crazy battle for life, comforted that others understand and know all too well what nb is and elated that other's know with great sorrow comes great joy over the little things. Caringbridge has definitely been my therapy, to laugh, to grieve, to cry, to mourn, to connect, to praise our awesome and might GOD!

I must end this update, I have two very patient babies awaiting a trip to the store. Taken from a fellow caringbridge mom (fl/jacob), "trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly"

Angie xoxoxo

Friday, September 8, 2006 8:32 PM CDT

Gabriella is officially a kindergartener! She attends all day M-F. It brings me so much joy to hear her share about her day. I have shed tears all week- she is definitely ready for school- I on the other-hand completely understand why many of my friends homeschool;) It feels so strange to not have her hanging out with us through the day. Isaiah has stepped up in his big brother roll and has done quite well with the transition, each time I thank him for helping, he says "'cuz Rainbows are helpers- right Mom?"(remember that Isaiah is continuing Rainbows class during Sunday pm service). Christina is also doing just fine with the transition- more adorable than ever!

Steve drives Gigi to school- her school day begins at 7:45am! The kids and I have the pick up duty- and then the 20 minute ride home is spent debriefing about the day. The highlight of her week was getting to sew for the first time. She made a pillow for her rest time after lunch. She also shared about some interactions she had with some of the kids. The first sting of rejection happened yesterday- she asked to sit next to one of the little girls in her class and the little girl said NO. This bothered Gabriella enough to share it with me during the car ride home with tears welling up in her eyes. She then went on talking about the rest of her day and never brought it up again. Today Gabriella told us that this same little girl talked with her all day long "just like everyday, Mom!" (that was an answer to a mommy's prayer) Today she got in the car and said "somthing really sad happened today, Mom." And with tears she explained that a different little girl told her to "stop copying me!" As I questioned her about it I concluded she was watching the little girl color (that sits next to her) and proceeded to choose the same color crayons her neighbor was choosing. She insisted she was not copying but rather just choosing her favorite colors, too. This was definitely a soar spot because today at the dinner table she responded with the same comment to her brother about copying- I reminded her about how she felt when that same comment was made to her and she instantly started crying.

Gabriella has it rather easy in our church with making friends. It comes so very easy and she is extremely confident with her circle of friends. These experiences at school will help in making her more compassionate to others and sensitive to their feelings- even though this is not fun as a little girl (or as a mommy)- I know it is shaping her character. But who can relate out there with the Momma Bear heart that just wanted ro rise up and defend her little cub and just fix it and make it all better!?

There is so many other events of the week- the most special times for me is when I see Gigi's eyes light up as she shares something they did or something they are going to do. She said that one little boy in class sucks his thumb during rest time (something she still does all the time at home). I asked if she told him she sucks her thumb, too and she answered with "No MOM! He might tell all the other kids!!!!" So she has resisted the urge to suck her thumb- but today she said she was really close during rest time, but she didn't!!!(until she gets buckled into the vehicle for the ride home!!!)- too funny!

On her first full day of school Gabriella lost her second tooth. They made a super big deal about it and even gave her a sweet little tooth necklace. The plastic tooth opens up to hold her real tooth. My friend Christine happened to be the lunch helper and pulled it out for her!!! ( it must have been dangling- it was very loose at home the day before!) My other friend Sarah (gym teacher)greeted me with the news- it felt very special to be part of an atmosphere where these precious moments are cherished!!! Thank you Christine, Sarah and Deb for sharing this school with us.

The rest of Gabriella's adventures include attempting to catch butterflies and maufs (moths),picking flowers and getting to save them in a dixie cup to bring home, listening to a really cool story about Giants, tracing letters that make up scripture, creating fun designs with tangram shapes, tracing numbers and learning to skywrite first, getting to purchase chocolate milk for 50 cents all by herself during lunch, watching (to her shock)a little boy eat glue, making a little girl laugh "Mom, I kept forgetting everything I needed in the hallway, my lunch, my backpack- everything, when I finally came back to class I said,I'm so silly (while hitting her head with her hand)and I made Holly laugh!", and finding a barrette on the playground and getting to take it to the office's "found" (lost and found). As you can tell I am soaking in everything- I don't want her to ever stop telling me about her day- think it could happen?

Thank you for rejoicing with us,

PS- I can not end this update without asking for two very important prayer requests. Emily (www.caringbridge.org/mi/emilyaugustyniak), in our church has been in clinical remission for 28 months, a pcr test showed twisted chromosomes which is a sign of relapse- she is getting a bonemarrow re-done on Sept 13th and her entire family and church family is believing the test was not accurate- and for her to be rid of the disease for always!
The other request is for Christi Thomas www.christithomas.com (then click on her blog for the most up to date info) She has battled nbiv for 4 years and has never been cancer-free. The cancer in her body is causing intense pain and she is now completely off of chemo because it is no longer working- please pray that all of her pain would cease- it just breaks my heart!

Monday, August 14, 2006 10:59 PM CDT

Summer is quickly coming to an end- and our sweet little girl is gearing up for kindergarten!! It is so hard for us to truly comprehend the greatness of this blessing. We most definitely do not take it lightly- this is huge!

I can distinctly remember daring to dream about this day. When Gabriella was just 2 1/2 and we were given the news of stage iv nb and "33 percent chance of long term event-free survival over the next 5 years" thoughts and questions raced through my mind. What does this mean? (I don't totally understand what that means even today!) Will Gabriella get to attend her first day of kindergarten? Will she grow-up to be healthy and happy serving God with all her mind, with all her heart and with all her strength? Will she get the opportunity to marry and have children? Will she live life abundantly and to the fullness that God has for her? If you have been reading these updates since the beginning you will recall I quickly learned to live life in day-tight compartments. To know that I know that I know ALL OUR NEEDS ARE MET FOR THIS DAY and leave all other worries and concerns for the future in the future where they belong- AND JUST TRUST GOD with it all!!!! OH that is so very easy to type on this screen, Lord help me to truly walk it out in my heart- DAILY!!!! Little eyes are watching!! (and boy are they watching and absorbing everything- Gabriella does not miss a thing!!!)

You know her daddy has big big dreams for her, you know I do, too! We all do- All our dreams and hopes and desires for Gabriella are met only in Christ Jesus! This first step on her lifelong journey of learning feels so right, so sweet. so awesome!!!! Every good and perfect gift comes down from Our Father in Heaven- Lord, this is good!!! Thank you, for all of your promises are yea and amen!!!!!

Over the past couple of weeks we were blessed to participate in two very special events. The first was through the Make A Wish foundation- WAM 2006. WAM stands for Wish A Mile and it consists of cyclist riding bikes 300 miles across the state of Michigan over a three day journey ending at the Chelsea fairgrounds. Gabriella had the honor of placing medallions around the necks of the great people who rode and raised money in her name. Over $900,000.00 was raised with this one single event!!!! The money goes to providing other children facing life threating illnesses with their heart's desire- their wish. (for Gabriella that was an amazing Disney Trip in Oct of 2004)It was so amazing to see the bikes roll in, one man rode his bike across the finish line with the use of just one arm and one leg. One of Gabriella's riders actually was the founder of the WAM. He suffered a heartattack 11 years ago and this ride was his first one back since then. When the bikers began the race in the Traverse City area he could not start with everyone else. He said because he was overcome with emotion and began to ball like a baby, thinking of Gabriella and being scared for her and everything she had to face (or was facing). He didn't know where she was in treatment and was broken at the thought of a little child battling to survive. He even presented Gabriella with a huge bundle of mylar balloons that read YOU ARE SPECIAL! This rider truly touched my heart in a special way. This is proof that we are all made in the likeness of God! The day was filled with so much fun, face painting, DJ, Carrabba's food, cell phones, Disney shirts, moonwalk's, Clowns, bubbles, arts and crafts all free! The kids had so much fun! What an experience.

The other opportunity was over this past weekend. Beaumont invited Gabriella to their Cancer survivor celebration. This was so special for me because I got to see Gabriella's first three nurses and the doc's that helped Gabriella through so much the first 5 months of treatment (6 rounds of chemo, line placement, neupogen shots, etc.) They were so amazed to see how good she looks. One nurse even said that nobody told her she was supposed to bring her kleenex. The event had soooooo many give aways. You recv'd a ticket when you walked in and chose what drawing you wanted to be a part of. I read all the different choices to Gabriella, some examples were Jeeper's all-day pass for 4, waterparks, Barbie Dress-up, Howard's fine jewelry and dinner for two at 220 Merril Street in Birmingham, etc. Well can you believe Gabriella chose the Howard's jewelry???? It was so special to hear her name called when the drawing took place for the fine jewelry- just too sweet!!!! (Maureen knew Gigi would win from the get-go!!!!- congrats Emily for winning the bike!!) The day included great food, family pictures, carnival games, face painting (Gigi asked for a lion mask to be painted on her entire face- she looked so cute!), lots of prizes and opportunity to reconnect with a special family we met along the journey (MAX) and catch-up with the Augustyniak's (Emily and her family attend the same church as we do). Christina was with us, too and she kept me hopping. She was all over the place!!!! Steve and Isaiah stayed back at Kids for Christ and did some set-up for Sunday morning. Next time they will be sure to come, too! Gabriella won many little prizes and was always quick to say this is for Isaiah or this is for Nina- she is always thinking about her little brother and sister. This just warms my heart!

Well do you think this update is long enough? Thanks for hanging in there, thanks for checking in and thanks for your continued prayers for a happy healthy Gigi Girl!!! We love you to the moon!

With a heart full of thankfulness,

PS- Gabriella used her $25 gift certificate to Howard's fine Jewelry yesterday. She chose a $70 pair of amethyst post earrings (she loves purple). They were discounted to $35 and when the manager realized she got the certificate through the Beaumont Cancer Survivor Day he through in some free jewelry cleaner. NOW all she has to do is get her ears pierced!!!??? I will leave that for another journal update!!!

Saturday, July 1, 2006 4:41 PM CDT

Three years ago today we were walking through something like this---

"Gabriella was extremely crabby and unable to sleep soundly. I could not wait a week. I took her back into the pediatrician on Monday June 30th. He did not like the fever still lingering and the limp so pronounced. He asked us to go to the pediatric hematologist at Royal Oak Beaumont. He squeezed us in the next day (Tuesday July 1st) they found her hemoglobin 7.0 and admitted her to PICU for some bone marrow to be aspirated for testing. They found 50% of her bone marrow to be made up of these immature cells. They could not tell where it was coming from. Through a cat scan they found three tumors (above the left kidney, top part of chest and behind left eye) They could not officially confirm the diagnosis, but it appeared to be Neuroblastoma. More testing was needed- a bone scan was done and the cancer cells were found all throughout her bones concentrated in her pelvis, thigh and rib cage and cranium. This pointed to stage 4 Neuroblastoma, but still more testing was needed..." copied from my update in July 2003.

Along with this news we also were told Gabriella had a 30% chance of event-free (no relapse) survival over the next 5 years... BUT GOD!!!!!!!

Today we celebrate! We celebrate God's gift of eternal life through His son Jesus!!!! We celebrate God's gift of today here on earth!!!! We celebrate 3 years of event-free survival for Gabriella Hope!!!! We celebrate freedom!!!! We celebrate God's healing!!!!!!! We give you LORD all the glory, all the honor and all the praise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by!

With a thankful, hopeful and praising heart,

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:41 PM CDT

Clinic results from today- EVERYTHING LOOKS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoo Hooooooooooooooo! Thank you JESUS!!!!!

Weight 57 pounds!!!!!

Height 44 inches!!!!!

More to come later-

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:34 PM CDT

update on June 13th 8pm- Dr. Hutchinson called this afternoon- MIBG and CT both look good!!! Whoo Hooo Thank you JESUS! Now we just wait until next week for labs, clinic and the urine catecolamine results (from yesterday's 24 hour catch). Gigi did great with the CT- SHE EVEN HELD HER BREATH WHEN THE MAN'S VOICE INSIDE THE DONUT (Scanner) ASKED HER TO!!!! I am so proud of her! I am also so thankful for God's continued blessing of healing in Gigi's body- it is truly amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Always a lot of emotion stirred up as we journey to University of Michigan Mott Children's Hospital. This week Gabriella had her MIBG scan(Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) We don't go again until next Tuesday for her CT scan and then the following Tuesday for labs and clinic. Not sure why it is so spread out?

Gabriella did fabulous- once again!!!!!!!! The techs always comment on how still she remains throughout the entire scan. At one point I asked her a question, but she couldn't quite hear me- Gigi's response "Ask me again later!" barely twitching a muscle!!! I read books to her while her head is being scanned and then as soon as her face can pop out from under the machine they put a movie or cartoons on for Gigi using this handy little screen that can move directly over her head. Gabriella was still for about an hour today and an hour and a half yesterday. I am so proud of her!!!

We voyaged through the maze to clinic to pick up a jug for Gigi's 24 hour urine catecolamine test. She was hilarious as we walked through the hallways. Gigi had this huge smile on her face and was loudly singing a song from strawberry shortcake and would run ahead of me to hide and then jump out infront to yell "BOO". She enjoyed the attention she was getting from the others in the hall. Just too funny!!!! So unusual for her personality, but so welcomed by this mommy who watched her baby's insides light up on the screen the hour prior!!!!

As far as the "lighting up on the screen" comment..... well you know by now I am not the best interepreter of the monitors- but I did ask questions and learned the position of her liver- to me this was the brightest- I know this MIBG "stuff" uptakes more in certain areas of the body than others- I just forget what areas are normal and what are not. I looked carefully at her knees and ankles and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. These are the spots that she consistently complains about- behind the knees and all around the ankles??????? Also on occassion head, back, eyes and abdomen- (then add to this a bladder infection two weekends ago and 4 vaccines last week where she got a very intense headache and even limped for half of the day??????? JUST NORMAL KID STUFF- RIGHT???????????) You can only imagine I am most thrilled to be having these scans done!!! This is the first time Gigi will not have the bone marrow aspriations done. I am mixed in that area- so happy about no general anesthesia and pokes in her hip bones, but concerned that we have enough diagnostic data to support NED. THIS IS WHERE YOUR PRAYERS FOR ACCURATE (NED)RESULTS COME IN TO PLAY!!!

Thank you for checking in- there are a lot of cute pictures to share from Rainbow graduation, last day of preschool, dance recital, etc. I will add those with the next update! (as long as Steve is around to remind me how to shrink)=)

Believe with me that no weapon formed against Gigi will prosper and that she will again be given the NED (no eveidence of disease) report!!! I wish you all could have heard Gigi in the car ride home- she was loudly singing praise and worship songs from the CD she recv'd from She-Sha. Such an awesome reminder for me that we serve an amazing God! "Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that you're my GOD! You're altogether lovely.... altogether wonderful to me" So precious coming from the mouth of babes!

Love, Angie

Thursday, May 11, 2006 0:21 AM CDT

Thank you Leonya for the nudge to update!

Some fast fun facts-

Gabriella has lost her very first tooth!!!! The tooth angel very generously left $5 (thanks Papa G) and even got confused and left $10 more at Grandma B's house (thanks mom!)

Gabriella's dance recital is Saturday- she is absolutely adorable on stage wearing her hair in pigtails with a yellow fufu dance outfit "ballet"-ing to the song from Pinnochio about the dolls not having any strings to hold them down (or something like that) I got a sneak peak at her rehersal on Tuesday! Waaaay cute!!!!

Last day of preschool is May 25th and we have decided to go ahead with the enrollment/application papers for CLA (Christian Leadership Acadamey) for kindergarten!!!!!!!!

Rainbow's graduation is coming up at the beginning of June-I will be sure to take pics and share with all of you who still faithfully check in. Gabriella is an Honor's Rainbow earning 18 badges over her Rainbow's career (3 years old- present) These badges represent class time and memory verses!!!

June will be scan time again- This will be pretty significant because when we meet with the doc to get results it will be a week shy of three years since diagnosis. A HUGE AND AMAZING BLESSING THAT CAN ONLY COME FROM THE LORD'S HAND- those of you who know anything about nb understands what a miracle this truly is. Please join us in praying for clear, accurate results that once again say NED- NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May your Heavenly Father meet your every need and may you truly know how special you are in His eyes!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommy's reading this quick update!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:12 PM CST

HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY ISAIAH MATTHEW!!!!!!!! Mommy and Daddy love you sooooooooooooooooooooo much. I know you had a lot of fun hanging out with "all the guys" at Chuck E Cheese today. You were so cute opening your gifts- I loved all your expression!

Isaiah had a party today with his friends from the church nursery- his "class". When I asked him who he would like at his party he said "all the guys, mom". It was so cute seeing him with the other little boys. He is now officially out of the nursery and will begin Rainbows (3-5 yr olds) with Gabriella on Sunday evenings, Little Lambs (3 yr olds) on Sunday morning and C.E. (3-5 yr olds) on Wednesday evenings. Isaiah will love Sunday nights the best because he will get to go to class with Gabriella. (he actually snuck into Rainbows last week and made his first Rainbow craft- they are earning the Kitten badge. My fridge has two pictures of kittens playing with yarn that was glued on a ball- he is soooo proud of his masterpiece!!!!!)

Gabriella has not complained about any aches or pains since my last update- praise the Lord!!!!! Yesterday was pajama day at preschool. She loved wearing her Cinderella slippers and bringing her doll to match. She painted the most beautiful flower for the "art show" in her classroom and named it - FLOWER DAY by Gabriella. I really love her preschool. So where to go for kindergarten? We are praying for direction on this one. Our neighborhood school? Charter school? Christian school? I'll let you know when a decision has been made. Gabriella is sooooo excited for She-Sha to come for the weekend she can hardly stand it- "I'm so excited She-Sha's coming home tomorrow mom!!!!!" Gabriella and Steve's sister Melissa (She-Sha) have quite the special connection.

Christina is spunky and completely adorable. It is precious to watch her light up when daddy comes home from work. She starts making her Nina sound "ooooh, oooh, oooh"-drops whatever she was playing with and makes a bee line to greet her daddy with a big hug.

I will try to get Steve to do his magic with the pics. I know I am way over due for some updated pictures of the three little kiddos! Thanks for checking in and may you have a phenomenal, outragoeous, joy-filled, faith-filled, praising Jesus kind of day!

Thanking my Lord - for every good and perfect gift comes from above,

PS- An adorable little girl from Micigan named Ashley was diagnosed with NB a year after Gigi. She is not doing good at all. Her site is www.caringbridge.org/mi/ashleigh . The disease has spread and they are making her comfortable on hospice. How can this be? It makes me so very sad. Another little girl named Christi has been fighting for three years and has never attained NED status. The disease progressed and she tried a couple different chemo regimens- the most recent has helped her remain stable- she is such a sweet girl!! www.christithomas.com her mom blogs quite frequently. I mention these two sweethearts to ask you to pray and drop them a note in their guestbooks. It helps way more than I can express!

Friday, March 3, 2006 10:26 PM CST

Incredibles on Ice with BooBoo,Mommy, Zaya and Nina, Kindergarten open house with Grandma and Mommy, birthday party for Madde, church, preschool, play date with Rachel, dance with Hannah, McDonalds and hanging out with Grandma, Baskin Robbins date with her mommy, Anne of Green Gables (2nd half) with TiTi, Zaya, Nina and mommy at church, grocery shopping, cleaning up toys each evening, helping mommy with Christina, learning how to spell each of our names and clearing off the dishes from the table after each meal, singing her favorite songs, playing dress-up and dancing to loud praise and worship music about sums up Gabriella's week. (Christina and Isaiah were right along for most of it doing a great job keeping up with their big sis.)


Steve has been gone for a week at a training involving the new after-school program our church is starting. We all have missed him!!! I think I see it most in Isaiah (whom by the way is turning THREE on the 23rd of this month!!!!!!!). Steve figured out how to use his phone to send an e-video clip. So each morning we recv'd a message from daddy and could actually see his great big handsome smile on our computer screen. The kids really looked forward to hearing what Daddy had to say. The four of us are so very blessed to have such a super man of God pouring into our lives. He adores the kids and is not shy about expressing his affection! We will have quite the grand reunion tomorrow evening in the Gallegos Hacienda! (I know many of you reading this experiences their spouse being gone for the week rather consistently OR you are doing the parent "thing" alone- for YOU, I am certain there is a special reward waiting in heaven). The week has been fun but I am so thankful Steve returns tomorrow!

Gabriella has mentioned a few times this week about some discomfort. The leg pain is between the two tendons behind her knee and somehow involving her achilles, she speaks of it at night and it's always gone in the morning. The other strange discomfort starts in the middle of her sternum and radiates out to her armpit always involving her "boobie" area- yesterday it was her left side and today was her right side. Growing pains? She put on a pair of pajama bottoms from last year and it is truly amazing how much she has grown! Could it be something else? We will just monitor the strength and frequency and continue to pray over Gigi Girl.

The healing that has happened in her 5 year old body is truly a miracle and gift from the Father's hand. I will not allow small aches and pains rob me from the joy that is ours! Our bed time routine ends with a little song, a verse and Gigi's made up request- it goes like this "When I am afraid I will trust in You, I will trust in You, When I am afraid I will trust in You- GOD whose WORD I PRAY!!!! For You have not given me the spirit of fear- but of POWER, LOVE, and a SOUND MIND-AMEN!- Leave the door open, leave the closet closed, leave the light on and let me stay up" (an agreement between her and her daddy????) By then she drifts peacefully to sleep usually preceded by her baby sister and brother. SO I SHARE THIS TO REMIND ME that Gabriella belongs to God (as do Christina and Isaiah) He has entrusted Steve and I with their precious little hearts to mold and shape and love on for HIS glory! Fear has absolutely NO ROOM to grow- so I command it to leave in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

There is honestly not a day that goes by where I don't examine Gigi's little face, her eyes, her temples, just wanting the assurance that ALL IS WELL! Sometimes she looks pale to me, sometimes she looks more tired than I think she should be, sometimes I wonder if I should get a blood draw to be sure, all the time she looks so precious. I never want her to think her mommy doesn't believe she is all better, I never want her to think she's anything less than the special gift from God she is. I never want her to think her mommy is walking in fear. THIS PARENTING OF A CHILD THAT HAS BEEN MIRACULOUSLY HEALED FROM A NASTY BEAST THAT TRIED TO TAKE OVER HER ENTIRE BODY BEFORE ANYBODY KNEW IT, IS SUCH A TRICKY FEAT! I see Christina and she looks so vibrant (well except for the constant dripping of her nose going on this week) her color looks "right" and she has a lot of energy. I see Isaiah and he is strong like bull, thick dark hair, great balance and completely determined to do everything his big sis does. I see Gabriella and I see a walking miracle and then I see a fragile human, then I see a creative 5 year old who loves to think, then I see all the other sweet precious kids who have also fought cancer- all of them healed- some in heaven and some on earth, then I see Gabriella as a young tween trying to grapple with the reality of everything, then I just decide to give it all a rest!!!!! TRUST IN HIM and try desperately to just stay in THIS DAY!!!! There is so much comfort in THIS DAY!!! EVERY NEED IS MET IN THIS DAY! ALL THAT IS NEEDED HIS HAND HAS PROVIDED IN THIS DAY!!!!!JESUS CAME TO GIVE YOU LIFE AND LIFE IN ABUNDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Lord I do.... I lay this all at your feet and ask you to help me do so each time I take on more than what you have for me to carry. Your yoke is easy and your burden is light. Please free me from all fear and fill me to overflowing with FAITH! Help me to focus on what is important and not the distractions. These precious babies are only little for such a short time. Their days are numbered and their steps are ordered. You know their beginning from their end. Such comfort is found for me even as I type this prayer- Father You are so faithful to meet me no matter if my mind has strayed from your TRUTH! Forgive me for doubting, forgive me for allowing the enemy to distract me from my purpose. I love you Jesus and I am so thankful You provided a way for me to come boldly to the throne room of grace! Once again I give Gabriella to you, I give Isaiah and Christina as well- work out Your perfect will for their life. Help Steve and I encourage them along the way in the giftings and talents you have poured into them. I thank you for medical science and all the knowledge and wisdom that has been revealed to us to help our bodies heal. I know even just 10 years ago Gabriella would not have been able to turn 5. You have a plan and purpose for her life and if it is to live to a ripe old age of 95 not one cancer cell will be allowed to stop her from doing so. I pray this all in the Mighty Name of Jesus- Amen!

Thanks for hanging in there through this lengthy update- I love you and am thankful for your continued prayers and encouragement.

A thankful mommy,

Friday, February 10, 2006 0:02 AM CST

Winter Blessings to you!

I know I know I know it has been waaaaaay too long since updates. My problemo (or at least one of them) is that I want the best update covering every day of the last two months- OK so I would at least be able to settle with some up-to-date pictures. ????? I just spent an hour trying to change the pictures and it is simply not happening until I get some basic computer picture updating 101. I finally found the pictures in our computer but then the tricky part is shrinking the size to fit this web site specifications without scaring you with magnified eyeballs and the such.....

On to more important "stuff" - we are investigating all the kindergarten possiblities for Gabriella- YES, can you believe it? Our Gigi Girl is going to kindergarten in the fall! Is this real? Can somebody out there pinch me? (thanks Deb M. for the big AMEN!) I am just a wee bit excited :) :) :)- can you tell? Two and a half years ago kindergarten was this big life event we could barely imagine. Gabriella could not have made it this far without God's touch of supernatural healing in her body and without all of you interceding in prayer on her behalf. I can not tell you how it makes me feel when you take the time to tell me that you are still praying for Gabriella. You, our church family and friends, our extended family, and our aquaintances will stop us on occassion and share how you still pray for Gabriella - some of you even add the words "EVERY NIGHT"!!!!!How can this be? I am deeply touched beyond words and only God knows how many others of you (who choose to stay silent) are praying and interceding. What an amazing network!


Gabriella is doing fabulous! I was excited to french braid her hair for the first time last Friday night. We went to a Anne of Green Gables movie night at the church together and I thought braids would be fun. She loved having the same hair style as Anne. Gabriella enjoys having her days all planned out and always asks me "What are we doing tomorrow?" and has recently added "and how about the next day, Mom?" A normal week in the life of Gigi Girl consists of dance on Monday afternoons (with Hannah- she gets to have her first sleepover at Hannah's this Saturday after going to opening day of Curious George), preschool on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday early afternoon ( she is learning lower case letters and how each letter makes their own sound), kinderchurch Sunday AM (loves to sing the best little worship songs and share about the bible stories learned), rainbows on Sunday PM (earns badges, memorizes verses) and Wednesday CE class (learning the Lord's prayer). No clinic or scans until June or July!!!!! Just normal 5 year old happenings!!!

Christina turned one on January 4th and took her first couple steps on the 7th. On February 4th she took 11 steps all in a row. She is simply irrisistable! Isaiah loves riding on his skooter and doing everything his big sis does. He says everything with this adorable almost three-year old voice that just makes your heart melt!

I want to share so much more with you.... once again it is quite late- so I leave you with this- we can not for one minute know what next week will bring- we can not know why certain life-altering events are allowed to happen, why precious little ones are allowed to have cancer ravage their bodies, or why so many are called home waaaaaay before we think it is time,----- BUT we can do something about today, we can choose to be alright with unanswered questions, we can learn to live in today and everything God has waiting to reveal to us- TODAY! We can know God.... truly know Him and not just about Him, we can rejoice in knowing the God of all hope who created us so delicately in our mother's womb, who knew sin would separate us from Him yet still loved us, who knows the very hairs on our heads and the words we speak even before they form on our tongue, who so lovingly made a way for each of us to spend eternity with Him. Jesus! Worship Him today- that's what we were created for! Even when it doesn't all make sense, even when the "feelings" aren't there- God is still here calling your name- ever so gently wanting more for you in this earthly life and beyond than we could ever ever imagine- so just for this moment join me in laying aside the "busy-ness" and all the distractions and disappointments, take a deep breath of surrender to God and allow the Holy Spirit to refresh you. God is calling each of us to come closer to Him than we are to the things of this world. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. Cast your cares on Him for HE cares for you!

With thanksgiving to my Creator, the Savior and Lord of my life,

PS- These little songs have a way of reminding me what is really important- especially latley when I hear them coming from two of the sweetest voices in the whole world- Gabriella and Isaiah sing the song with the word- "Pa-WaaaAze Him"

"Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him in the morning and praise Him at the noon time, Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him when the sun goes down!"

"God is so good! God is so good! God is so good, He's so good to me!"

Wednesday, December 28, 2005 10:26 PM CST


It is with great joy and thanksgiving to our JESUS, and appreciation for your continued prayers, I share the contents of Dr. Hutchinson's messsge left on our voicemail today- "Hi this is Dr. Hutchinson and I'm calling to let you know ALL THE REST OF GABRIELLA'S SCANS are good!! I will try calling you on your cell phone, Good- bye!"

We did not get to speak directly with the doctor because an intense game of Glow Golf (miniature golf or put-put) was taking place- Gabriella's first (and what a phenomenal and focused put-putter she is!!!) and we did not even know we got a call until returning home! But that message on our voicemail speaks for it's self- wouldn't you agree?!!!

So it's official- GABRIELLA is NED for 24 months and counting!!!!

LORD-We are sure to give You all the praise and all the glory- for great things You have done!!!!

I actually have learned to do some picture downloads from our new digital camera (thanks MOM)- so when you get some time check out the photo album.

I'm finding time flies so quickly and I'm updating less and less. I rarely make time to reflect- so this year I want to capture more of what happens within our home, more of what our children say, MORE OF GOD'S BLESSINGS IN OUR LIFE and for me this website is the most efficient and easiest way- and I think it's a great way to keep updated with those of you we don't see very often. Thank you for taking the time to check- in on Gigi (and the rest of her family :) and thank you for caring!


In Christ's Love,

Saturday, December 24, 2005 8:34 AM CST

Merry CHRISTmas!!!!!

Thank you to all who donated to lunch for life in Gabriella's name- 126 ornaments!!!!! Could that be $630????? I will have to find out exactly how many were bonus ornaments. AMAZING!!! I will be sure to let you know if her name is drawn tomorrow!!

What we all have been waiting for..... NED NED NED NED NED NED NED NED- NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE!!!!!!!

(I was waiting to update until all the tests came in- but I just couldn't wait any longer. The only tests pending is the bonemarrow biopsy/aspiration and half of the urine.)

Echo- normal
CT- normal with a scar on left kidney (remember her surgery in November of 2003)
MIBG- normal
blood work- normal
bone scan- normal
urine catecolamines- normal (still waiting for half of test results)
bonemarrow- still pending (probably just a back up in the analysis -a lot of little kiddos to look at)

Thanks for checking in- this has been such an answer to prayer!

THANK YOU GOD FOR SENDING YOUR SON JESUS- this healing is all because of JESUS!

Please enjoy your Christmas Day and remember it's all because of JESUS- DO YOU KNOW WHAT GOD WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS? go to www.WhatGodWantsForChristmas.com

With love and thanksgiving for all God has given,

Friday, December 16, 2005 7:03 AM CST

Today is the big hospital day. Steve and Gabriella left at 6:30am and will return at 5:pm (at the earliest) She has the injection for the bone scan at 8am, bone scan at 10am and bonemarrow biopsy/aspitation at 1pm along with general anesthesia. I woke her up early so she could eat a light breakfast- she can not eat past 7am this morning. Tuesday the 20th is clinic and the day we should hear results from most of her scans. Thank you for checking in and for praying!


PS- Gabriella had a bumper bowling Christmas party with her preschool yesterday. She absolutely enjoyed herself! It was the first time she ever bowled. She got a spare on the first frame (with a bit of help!) and I cheered for her .... you know the typical mom cheer "whoo hoo!!" or something like that-- well anyways you should have seen her face. She had this emabarrassed look and quietly proceeded to ask why I just yelled "whoo hoo!" I explained and she promptly requested that I not do that again!!!! hehehehe:) DID MY BABY JUST TURN 5 or 15???? She quickly saw other cheers from other mom's and got a bit more comfortable with her ol' mom clapping and cheering. (I'm not going to stop cheering--- never ever ever ever!!!!) She is growing up so quickly and I am going to try and savor every little moment!!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2005 4:13 PM CST

Day 7 of 10 for Lunch for Life -there is still time to donate. $46,870.00 and counting- THREE DAYS LEFT! THREE DAYS LEFT!!!!!
giving code 14916

Gabriella's Giving Tree is up to 77 ornaments- THANK YOU!!!!

When going to the Lunch for Life website please put the following giving code in the appropriate box. This gives Gabriella a bonus ornament and every $5 donated gives her another ornament! giving code:14916 Please go to this website to donate your lunch ($5) and then ask 5 of your friends/family to do the same!!!www.lunchforlife.org -Your $5 dollars will go towards funding research that will defeat neuroblastoma!!! The ornaments turn into chances to win a Disney World vacation!!!!

Praise Report- Yesterday Steve brought Gabriella to U of M for CT scan and MIBG injection. She was nervous the night before the scan because she "didn't want to get sick in the donut" Last time, to everyone's surprise she vomitted just after the contrast went into her IV. We said together "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!!" and told her she doesn't have to get sick again just because she was sick last time!!!! Well by God's grace she did not get sick!!!!! She was even able to just get one poke because they put a hep-lock on the IV she recv'd in CT for the injection in Nuc Med!!!!! I am so proud of Gigi and so thankful to God for His power at work in Gabriella! Today Gabriella and I went to the hospital for the 1st day of the MIBG scan. All went well.... of course weird things always light up that make me pause and wonder----then I just put it down at the feet of Jesus (where it belongs!!!!!) I'm not the one who is skilled to decipher these test results and I'm not the One who healed Gabriella on the cross 2000 years ago!!!

Tomorrow is the last day for MIBG and an Echo on Gigi's heart! Friday is the big day------ Gabriella's 5th birthday!!!!

Believing for NED and thankful for "eyes that are opened to see the whole world" (Gigi's words from last update),

Please pray for NED (no evidence of disease) with all of Gigi's scans. Please also pray for all the other children battling cancer and for all the families who do not have their child during this Christmas season- especially the Jackson's, the Connolly's, the Lonero's, the Welch's, the Rutter's, the Rodriquezs' (all families we have met personally on this journey)!

Thursday, December 1, 2005 11:49 PM CST


Happy belated birthday to the best daddy and husband in the entire world! (Steve turned 30-something on Nov 13th) Gabriella will turn the big 5 years old on Dec 9th. She is excited to say the least! Thanksgiving was celebrated in Indiana with Grandma Gallegos and She-Sha. The kids had so much fun getting up early and going downstairs to wake Grandma up (who was probably already up) so they could watch cartoons. Scans will be stretched out over two weeks- Decemebr 6th, 7th, 8th , 16th and then the 22nd. Please pray for an awesome report and continued NED status!!!!! Christmas time is approaching quickly and we are savoring every minute. The kids are so much more into Christmas this year than any year prior- it's exciting to watch the little wheels turn as they discover and try to grasp at their level why we are celebrating Christmas. It's so innocent and so pure and so awe-inspiring! (I think this could be the way it was all intended to be... what d'ya think? ;)

Today marks the beginning of Lunch for Life 10 day fundraiser- where you give up a lunch and give the money you would have spent and then ask 5 friends to do the same. Mark Dungan has done a fabulous job setting up the website and adding a bunch of little perks to tally all of the donations to help find a cure for neouroblastoma. I checked Gabriella's giving tree and she has four ornaments on it. Every five dollars given in her name puts another ornament on the virtual tree. Pretty fun! (She even gets her name put in a drawing for Disney World for every ornament on her tree, too.)

There is so much to share about just normal life. But normal is defined so differently than before July of 2003. It's special, it's not taken for granted, it's cherished- can you still call it "normal"?

My part of the update will be short but I just had to share two things. First, please take a minute and donate to Lunch for Life www.lunchforlife.org in Gabriella's name. (if you would like more details on how it's going to work read to the end of the update.) The other thing I just had to share before I forgot was Gabriella's words tonight... we went to cut down our very first Christmas tree at a farm, then we had a training at church and didn't get home 'til very late. Gigi and Zaya both begged to be able to stay up and watch daddy bring the tree in, and then begged again to watch it get set it in the stand and then begged again to see the star put on the top. As the night was winding down Gigi said (while holding her eyelids open), "Eyes- don't make me sleep... I want to see the world!!!"

With thankfulness for another day to see the world,

PS- I don't know how to put those cute little links directly in the text- but incase you are curious this is the address that will take you right to Gabriella's giving tree. You could also find it from the home page of lunch for life! Thanks for checking in.

This year, Lunch for Life is getting into the holiday spirit! Thanks to the efforts of CNCF and an anonymous donor, your giving will translate not only into desperately needed research dollars, but also into gifts that will brighten the lives of these children. And one child will receive an all-expenses paid dream vacation to Walt Disney World, with the help of some incredibly generous donors .

Here’s how it works: Each child has his or her own virtual giving tree, and your donations will decorate those trees with ornaments and (ultimately) presents. Every donation has three effects: 1) the tree of your choice receives 1 ornament for every $5 you donate; 2) every donation generates a Giving Code which can get you bonus ornaments when your friends type it in; and 3) each ornament placed on a child’s tree creates one entry for that child into our Disney World giveaway. For example, if I donate $15 to a specific child’s tree, then that places 3 ornaments on his or her tree, creates 3 contest entries for that child, and generates a Giving Code for me to pass along. When a tree is full (500 ornaments), those ornaments transform into a present underneath that tree, and the decoration process begins all over again. For each present, the family can elect to receive one of several donated prizes for the child (including board games, stuffed animals, a gift card to Toys R Us, or even the ability to turn multiple presents into a portable DVD player or other bigger gift).

The Giving Code allows you to earn bonus ornaments for a tree by passing on the code to your friends. They will be able to donate their money in honor of any child they wish, but by entering your Giving Code, your chosen tree will receive a bonus ornament for each ornament they donate. For example, when I donated $15 in the earlier example, I received a Giving Code of 123456. I emailed that to several friends with the encouragement to donate to a child’s giving tree, and told them to enter my code so I’ll get bonus donation credit. One of my friends gives $10 toward a different child’s tree, which buys 2 ornaments for that tree, but because he entered my code while making his donation, it places 2 more ornaments for free on the tree I chose. He’ll then get his own code that benefits his chosen tree, which he can pass onto his friends, and so on. This way, for every friend or family member you get to donate, you’re giving that much more in prizes and contest entries to your chosen child. Talk about happy holidays!

Finally, on December 25th, we will hold a virtual drawing, where each child has a chance to win the trip to Disney World. For each $5 donated in that child’s name by midnight Pacific time on December 24th, he or she will receive 1 entry in this drawing. For example, if $5000 total was donated in a child’s name, then that child would have 1000 entries in the contest. Each entry is assigned a unique number, and the computer will randomly select one of those numbers at Noon Eastern time on December 25th. We will post the winning number to the website immediately following the drawing, and the child associated with the winning entry will receive a free, all expenses paid trip to Disney World, including airfare, lodging, tickets to the theme park and shows, special front row and backstage passes, and many, many other perks!

Remember, now your lunch money can help save these children’s lives by funding scientific research on Neuroblastoma, while also bringing smiles to their faces with their own virtual trees and real presents. Please help make these holidays special for these wonderful children in need.

Disclaimer: Because we live in a litigious society, some rules and conditions apply. For purposes of the presents and the contest, credit will be given only for those cash, credit card, or PayPal donations processed before midnight Pacific time on December 24, 2005. In the case of personal checks, the funds must clear to the official CNCF-designated Lunch for Life bank account prior to the December 24th deadline in order to be credited toward the creation of ornaments/presents or contest entries. This means you should get donations in early to make sure they count for contest purposes. For a list of full contest rules, click here.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 2:07 PM CST

New pictures in photo album as of Wed. Nov 9th!

November in Michigan is usually quite chilly- not the case today! It is sunny and beautiful- low 60's! (for us Michiganders anyways this is rather nice). Harvestfest (Oct 31st) was also decent weather. The kids enjoyed themselves so much. Gabriella was jasmine, Isaiah was a train conductor and Christina was minnie mouse. I am working on getting my hands on some pics to post. They were so cute all dressed up. We had over 900 people attend!

Christina just turned 10 months old and has already learned how to climb down the stairs in our home. She is so spunky and full of life. Isaiah is 2 1/2 and has quite the vocabulary. He has figured out how to use the phrase "on purpose"- "Daddy you did that on purpose!" Too cute! Gabriella is 1 month away from her very special 5th birthday. She has told everyone she knows to come to her birthday party. Soooo on Friday December 9th you are all invited to..... I am not exactly sure where we are going, but she thinks it is for sure Chuck E. Cheese's. So it just may be exactly that (or possibly just in our home). Gigi knew my birthday was last week so she helped Steve make me a brownie cake. When I picked her up from preschool she asked who was coming over for the party. When I told her it was just us she couldn't understand why nobody would be there -"Mommy it's your birthday and I want other people to eat the cake too for your party. How can there be a birthday with out other people and cake and presents?" She is so adorable. I answered with how only sometimes you have a big party when you get older - but it is still a birthday and it is still special - in a different way.

Just wanted you to know all is well! (scans are still set for December)Please keep praying for Gigi and the other children battling cancer and for the families who do not have their babies here on earth to celebrate with during the upcoming holidays!

Thanks for checking in and for all the encouragement, too (especially you Susan V)!

Love you,

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 9:04 PM CDT

Update on Wednesday Oct19th AM-
The alkaline phosophatase levels are in.....thank you sweet Jesus, Our Great Physician......265 (remember the level was elevated to 1000 and a normal number is 350 or below)!!!!!!! This is nothing short of yet another miracle!!!!!! Thank you for praying! Thank you for faithfully checking in on Gigi! Nothing medical until December!!!!!!!!!!!!!woo hoo!!!!!!!*********************************************************************************************************************

Happy Fall!

Clinic today went mah-valous!! Thank you God for your healing touch on Gabriella. She weighed 48 pounds and 42 3/4 inches tall- whoo hoo thank you Jesus!!! Blood draw went smoothly and blood counts were all superb! We waited for the chemistry (including the new alp count) to come back and finally Dr. Hutchinson said he would call with the results. I will just call tomorrow. I know everything is just fine. Once again everybody commented on how great Gigi looks!!!!!! After clinic we went to Chuck E.Cheese and the kids had sooooo much fun! I remember almost two years ago celebrating Gigi's 3rd birthday there. She looks so different. Steve had her sit for a computer generated portrait sketch. We did this also on her third birthday and I can vividly remember her sweet bald little head. I want to somehow figure out how to put both pics in the guestbook.

I did ask the doc about why he thought the alp had been elevated last month and he said nobody knows. He has seen kids with many thousands elevated and it came back down - not indicating neoplast. It was so great for me to hear this!

Scans are tentatively planned for mid-December. I will update tomorrow about the alp levels! Just had to let you know about today!!!!!

Praising our Great Physician,

Monday, October 10, 2005 10:15 PM CDT

"Mommy in 10 more days Kaitlyn is coming over my house"
"Mommy in the morning time Anna and Lily are coming over my house"
"They are all coming to my birthday party (turning 5 on Dec 9th)!"
"We need Zayah's milk (soy) and my milk from the store mommy."
"Aren't you so glad we have a baby sister- Mom- she's by the stairs- mom where's the diaper bag?"

Do you think God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave me Gabriella? She is such the observant-planner-organized type. I really do need her to be reminding me of these things. She is just too precious! She absolutely loves school, church and "ballet". She lights up each time she sees one of her many teachers or friends!!!! I want to be a little fly on the wall when she is interacting with others in her sweet adorable way!

Christina is just about free standing and has two teeth- she is now already 9 months old and simply irrisistable!! Isaiah is singing, counting, praying, saying his abc's just like his big sis and so much a daddy's boy- he practically does a happy dance when daddy enters the room- I love watching Steve and Isaiah interact! Steve is getting ready for the annual "Harvestfest" at our church that usually draws about 700 people from the community, juggling work and family and being super supportive as I venture off in my 2nd month of qualification for Mary Kay directorship. It is fun and exciting!

Gigi has a clinic appointment on the 18th. She will be seeing Dr. Hutchinson just to be sure all the paperwork is in the proper place for scan time (Dec time frame). We are completely transferring Gigi's care over to U of M. It just got way too confusing when we were sharing care between Beaumont and U of M.

When we here the "all is well" statement from the clinic appointment Gigi's scans will be scheduled for December. I can't explain to you how amazed and thankful I am for my big little miracle. Your continued prayers have been answered time and again. I am just blown away with her decreased alkaline phosophatase. God is good and so very faithful. Thank you thank you thank you for agreeing with me in prayer for an awesome report. I can't wait to pick the nurse and doc's brain asking them their synopsis of the decrease in alp. Miracle! Miracle! Miracle!

I love you and appreciate each of you so very much!

Learning to trust Him more and remembering to count my blessings,

Two very exciting praise reports- Cameron Lynn Bates was born on Oct 6th to Susan and Kevin!!!!!! Cathy D can now walk after being in a wheel chair for close to a year!!!! Thank you Jesus!!

Thursday, September 29, 2005 9:23 AM CDT

7:15pm update- Nurse Deb called and shared Dr. Hutchinson does not feel Gigi has to go through the scan next week!!!! Why was the alp elevated- we don't know- but because it has come down to close to normal the doc feels Gigi can wait until our next clinic with him on Oct 18th. When the counts are all normal at clinic, Gigi will be able to wait for her orignal set of scans in December. I really am so relieved, so thankful to Jesus & so glad my husband never looses his confidence in the miraculous healing God has done in Gigi's body!!!!!! I so appreciate you still checking in, still praying and still encouraging!

Are you ready for some awesome news? I called U of M today to find out about Gigi's blood counts. The alkaline phosophase was 516 - decreased by half!!!! This is a big AMEN!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOU PRAYERS FOR GIGI!!!! Keep them coming. I asked if Gigi still had to do the MIBG scan next week and the nurse said she will check into it. Dr Hutchinson is pretty cautious so I am pretty positive he will still have Gigi scanned. I would be just fine if we could wait until December. I will update as soon as I have some definitive news. Thank you mom, Aunt Dee Dee and Renee for offering your help next week. Isaiah and Christina are going to love hanging out with you while Gigi and I are at the hospital!

So thankful for God's healing touch on my baby girl,

PS- Jacob is finally home after 58 straight nights in the hospital!!!! www.caringbridge.org/fl/jacob

Sunday, September 18, 2005 10:24 AM CDT

Tuesday Afternoon on the 20th- I spoke with Nurse Brenda (I really like her) She said an MIBG scan was ordered for OCT 4, 5 and 6th. It was determined the alkaline phosphsase is coming from Gigi's bones. I challenged the MIBG because the nb in Gigi's body at diagnosis was not diagnosed with a confirmation of a MIBG scan- 10 percent of nb does not uptake the MIBG. Brenda already knew and thought she would mention a bone scan to Dr. Hutchinson (this sometimes brings false alarm because it picks up every little "bump or bruise"). She thinks it could very well be nothing but a growth spurt - BOY DID I LOVE TO HEAR THAT!!!! I asked if we could just check Gabriella's blood one more time before the scan and she encouraged me to do so. Gigi will get a blood draw locally on Monday. I was told by Brenda not to be alarmed if the number is even higher- it is known to do this and it could be nothing. If the number is lower and in the normal range the further testing will still be done as a precaution. Believe with me that the healing in Gigi's body is complete! Thank you so very much!
********************************************************************************************************************* Quick update on Tuesday morning the 20th- a nurse responded to my call yesterday and informed me the results from Mayo will not be in until Thursday or Friday- Trusting in Him!!! Angie
PS- Gigi loved her first class of "ballet"!!!


Steve and Gabriella went to clinic on Friday. She has gained 7 pounds and grown 1 inch since June !!! Nurse Brenda was so impressed with how good Gigi looked. Her hemoglobin was 13.1, platelets 350- something, all within normal range!!! The concerning news for me was an elevated alkaline phosophase level in her blood- like 4x's the norm. They really didn't speculate to what this means. Gabriella's blood sample was sent to Mayo clinic to determine where the ALP is coming from. The liver and bones are the primary places this enzyme is secreted from. I have done some research and it really could be anything. From a vitamin d deficiency to.... the unthinkable. The info from Mayo should be at U of M by Monday or Tuesday. I will update when I know more. Please pray for the healing touch from God on Gigi's body to continue all the days of her long life. Also pray for the peace of God to rule in my heart- perfect love casts out ALL FEAR!!!!My emotions have been all over the spectrum- I am dealing with some intense pain the doc thinks is mastitis (infection of the breast tissue)Today is the last day of antibiotic and I had another two hour episode of pain- I didn't even go to church this morning, Isaiah and Christina have some kind of virus causing watery stool and Gabriella complained of leg pain last night- which is my highest reason of concern.

On a happier note- Gigi loved her first week of preschool! I received her first progress report and it told me who she played with and what she enjoys doing in class. Her favorite is circle time and the teacher ended with "she is a sweetie!" I am very happy with her teacher!Thank you for checking in on us. Tomorrow afternoon begins "ballet" with Hannah (it's not dance class mommy - it's ballet!)

"trust... Trust in the Lord... lean not on your own understanding... in all- all of your ways acknowledge Him and He'll make your path straight!" A song that was on my heart all day Thursday... preparing me for Friday!!! God is Good!!!!

Trusting in the GREAT PHYSICIAN,

Friday, September 2, 2005 10:05 AM CDT

Amazing! Awesome! Almighty HOLY GOD!!!! The God who gives hope to the hopeless, beauty for ashes, faith for fear, gladness for mourning and peace for despair-

I have often requested prayer for precious children appearing to be losing their earthly battle against cancer. Jacob was one of those children...... PLEASE read August 31st update on caringbridge.org/fl/jacob He was given a few days to a week because the cancer had spread rapidly in just two weeks time.... - BUT GOD!!!!!!! (your faith will be encouraged!)

Please remeber to pray for the Louisianna- Mississippi areas!

Gigi update- Last night we registered Gabriella for Creative movement 2. She will start dance classes the week of Sept 19th & Preschool the week of the 12th- OH how thankful we are to Jesus that Gigi is doing so well- she even rode her bike 2.2 miles to Dairy Queen!!!! (almost getting carried by mosquitos half way through the voyage!)

Yesterday started my DIQ (Director in Qualification) process in MaryKay. I am excited for what the Lord has for our family through this awesome opportunity God first, Family second, Career third). I couldn't even think of doing this without the support of my "husband of the year"! We are a team!!!!

Even with Gigi doing so well- there is always those questions in my mind each time she says her leg, ankle, shin or foot hurts. So I intentionally lay these concerns at the feet of Jesus- HE can handle it!!!!!

We were recently blessed by an old friend from high school. He works at a hotel and gave us two free nights and a friend and family discount for the third night- All of us stayed in Merrillville IN. to visit with Steve's side of the family. His aunt and uncle celebrated their 35th anniversary and Steve officiated the renewal of their vows! It was so incredible to see- I love when I see committment, devotion, selflessness and love!!!! We were also able to see SHE-SHA, Grandma G, Auntie Margaret and Catherine, Uncle Michael and Ms. Beth and so many more of Steve's cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents! It was such a relaxing get away!

Thanks for checking in-
Joyful in Hope,

Friday, August 19, 2005 10:30 PM CDT

Jesus... the Solid Rock I stand... all other ground is sinking sand... all other ground is sinking sand. What would life be like without Jesus as Lord and Saviour of my life.... I just don't know!

My heart is full of belief and doubt, faith and fear, hope and grief, love and love and love and deep compassion- how can all of this co-exist in my heart tonight? WHY?.....Maybe it's because I just read about an amazing little triplet boy named Jacob www.caringbridge.org/fl/jacob fighting a relentless cancer that won't give up.....maybe it's because I am following the most brilliant and precious little girl Christi www.christithomas.com who is fighting relapsed neuroblastoma and in just 7 weeks her LDH levels (showing cancer in her body)doubled and a scan showed nb EVERYWHERE. Maybe it's because both of their mommy's love them so very deeply and can communicate it so well.

Here is a clip from Christi's web page:
"If you have children, please remember that they are truly gifts and I hope that at least once a day, the love that you feel for them takes your breath away. Tell them how special they are and how much you love them. Remember how lucky you are to have them even when they may be out of control or trying. I ask this of you.

With a broken heart and a tremendous loss of hope,

....or maybe it's because of all the other children Gage, Demetrius, Sydney, Sydney, Trevor, Ryan, Carter, Alex, Alex, Ryan, Ethan, Emily, Alex, Gabrielle, Gabriella, Hayley, and so many more... that have battled cancer or still are battling cancer.....
..... or maybe it's just because cancer doesn't make sense... and cancer in children????? (well I think we all feel the same about that)....maybe it's because Steve has been on a mission's trip to the LA Dream Ceneter since Sunday and I have had A LOT of time with my babies....maybe it's because I am just lingering too long on the question Will the cancer that was in Gabriella's body ever come back? ..... I don't know, but kind of like all at the same time I feel....blessed, afraid, sad, humbled, confused, thankful, tremendously in love with my kids and husband, angry and tender-hearted.....I have just sobbed and sobbed as I read Christi's and Jacob's stories, as I was sobbing I was asking the Lord to heal them. I was thanking God for healing Gabriella. I was wondering if Gigi is really done with the battle. I look into her eyes and see a beautiful, sweet, thoughtful, sensitive and precious little girl.... is she really healed? oooooh Lord- let it be so!!!!!!! I look into Isaiah's eyes and see a handsome, sweet, tender and playful little boy..... how will his life be impacted by all that Gigi has gone through? (hopefully he won't even really know except by pictures) I look into Christina's eyes and see a sweet, precious, curious, and playful little girl....I hope she will always know the love and guidance of her big sister and brother. I hope they will always be close!

Why am I sharing all of this on a very public domain? I didn't want to forget what I was feeling and this was the fastest way to get it in writing and actually know where I put it :) ....and I just want you to know that without Jesus being the ONLY thing I am sure of I would be just a bit .... looney!!! OK I know what you are thinking... you are just a bit looney... you are too- it's what makes us unique... there is not one person like you in the whole world.... God has a specific purpose for just you... join me in surrendering everything to Jesus and come just as you are... let Him sort it out... He can handle it!!!! Please let everything that happened to Gigi and what is happening to kids around this world touch you in a way that you are never ever ever the same. Don't just think about being a blessing to someone....just do it! Don't just think about encouraging that one person- just do it!!! Don't just think about giving your heart to Jesus and living for Him- just do it! Don't just think about writing in the guestbook- just do it!!!! Yes- even you!!!!

Life is just too short... enjoy every moment! (and DAILY let the love you feel for people in your life take your breath away)

Gabriella- I love you so very much! Daddy occasionally even thinks you hung the moon! You are sooooo very special to us and to many others- but most importantly GOD!!!! I desperatley (sp?) want you to be reading this when your 18, 38, 58, 98.....when you have many great grandchildren sitting on your lap listening to you tell stories of your JESUS!!!! The GREAT PHYSICIAN that saved your life here on earth, that allowed you to battle cancer, to help others save their life for eternity!

Loving, hoping, believing,

PS- I'd love to hear from you!!!!!!

Monday, August 8, 2005 3:11 PM CDT

Hi Special and Faithful Family and Friends, and those who don't identify yourself but still check-in anyway, (I know this because I do it too),

All is Well!!!! Gabriella is flourishing!!! I praise my Awesome and Mighty God!!! She is so sweet and so smart- her mind is always wanting to know what is coming next. "Mommy what are we going to do in the morning time?" "Mommy can we watch a movie when we get done with breakfast?" "Mommy can we go over my friends house later on after lunch?" "Mommy what are we going to do today?" and my absolute favorite "Mommy I so glad we have a baby sister!" She is my treasure!

Gigi loves to sing and dance- this year she wants to be in ballet!!! She will start preschool next month. I am cherishing these speical moments---

Isaiah is so adorable- before he used to just copy Gigi when interacting with Nina. But now he is doing his own thing- he is such a sweet older brother to Christina!! I am shocked weekly at what partial sentences Isaiah comes up with- "Momma, MOM, Papa come over?" Momma, Daddy's truck!!!" "Look Mommy- upside down!" He is my treasure!

Christina is just too precious. She is eating solid foods, getting up on all fours, babbling "HY DADADADA", she giggles, she smiles- she is just so sweet! She is my treasure!

Steve- He was voted "Husband of the Year" by the Mary Kay unit I am part of. He won a sweet note and a Starbuck's card (his favorite!) That award truly sums it up--- I was at seminar with Mary Kay in Dallas, Texas for 5 days and he held down the fort- WITH NO COMPLAINTS!!!!! He is such an wonderful daddy, too!!! He is my treasure!

Medically speaking- Gigi will have a clinic appointment in September and scans in December- so .... comparing this August with August 2003 Gigi is doing NOTHING medically speaking!!!!!! EXCEPT GETTING BETTER AND BETTER EVERY DAY- BY THE GRACE OF GOD!!!!!

One resounding message is being sent my way time after time this last month and that is to have an attitude of gratitude. Be thankful always for all things!!!! I want to be more thankful with everything I am blessed with! Thank you God from whom all blessings flow!!!!! Thank you for salvation, Gabriella's healing, having one handsome husband, having three beautiful children, health, family, friends, provision, being future director in a company that puts God first, Family second and career third, and being part of an awesome children's ministry and church!!!

Thanks for checking in on us!
Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxo

PS- Thanks for praying about my Dad- He called my sister on her birthday and called me a couple days ago!!! Thanks Cheri for the email note!

Sunday, July 24, 2005 9:32 PM CDT


The conference was fabulous. Adorable little kids, great volunteers, great kids room with a ton of activities, great people, great families, great doctors, great speakers, great dinner dance, etc. Just over two years ago my prior knowledge of neuroblastoma was "..... what-blastoma?" Now-I could follow most of the speakers with their doctor-lingo. The founder of the CNCF (children's neuroblastoma cancer foundation), Pat Tallugan (sp?) had a son who battled nb, several years ago- he went to heaven. This foundation is a way Pat can help other families by providing information, tools, comfort and hope. The whole conference was filled with HOPE!!!! We ended with the lights dimmed and every family represented holding a lit candle. It was so moving!!

As usual I have to be sure to put all the information I gathered through the faith-filter. The reality of all the kids who are in the fight of their life, all the kids who have relapsed and are once again fighting and the kids who ended their battle and are now in the arms of Jesus can get my mind wandering. The Why's? ( Why couldn't have I noticed and identified this beast at stage 3? - the chances of event-free long-term survival would have been much better. Why Gigi? Why not me? Why is cancer invading so many childrens' bodies?)& the What-if's( What if there are some stray nb in Gigi's body?) can quickly turn my faith into fear. I know I am not alone... even if it is not cancer you are dealing with... there is something that is trying to oppose your faith. Together lets choose to walk in faith, one step at a time, one day at a time. If for some reason you find yourself paralyzed with fear- CRY out to Jesus and He will carry you- one step at a time- one day at a time. You are not on this journey alone!

Remember... faith is the substance we hope for and being certain of what we do not see!!!! Even if things have not worked out the way you and I think they should have worked out - let's choose to hold on and to trust in JESUS!!! I know and I believe He sees the bigger picture (parenting can help us understand this a bit - sometimes our children do not understand why we won't allow them do something- we know they will understand as they get older).

So with faith I write: (and ask you to pray & believe, too)
God has touched and healed Gabriella's little body now and for 100 years. She is a cute, fun-loving and smart 4 year old. God's plan for her life is great and magnificent! Her high-frequency hearing loss will soon be healed. She will not suffer from any other side effects (learning disability, growth problems, infertility, relapse, 2nd malignacy, etc.) Everything has happened for a far greater reason than I could possibly grasp! There will soon be a cure for cancer! Each one of us touched with Gabriella's journey (and other's like it) will forever be changed, filled with great faith and closer in our walk with Jesus than ever before!

I hope you can hear my heart in this. I love you and so appreciate you taking the time to keep up with us & signing the guestbook & for still praying!!!


PS- This has been on my mind a lot lately- I must ask you to pray for my Dad (Papa Zottolo to Gigi) He has isolated himself from both of his children (my sister and I) and all of his granchildren (Joshua, Caleb, Ashlynn, Gabriella, Isaiah, & Christina) He lives by himself and will not answer the phone. I have sent him a couple notes to no avail?????!!!!!???? He answered and then didn't speak to me when I called last week. He has been like this since April. If you have spoken to him recently please let me know how he is doing. If you want to know what to pray for- 1. That he would go to God and surrender all of his anger, hurt and unforgiveness at the feet of Jesus- 2. That he would know and experience the love of Jesus like never before-!!! Thanks so much!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:16 PM CDT

Thursday morning we load up the Vibe and travel to the NB conference near Chicago!!!!(kids, too!!!) We really enjoy meeting all the wonderful families in person (since we know them so well from their web pages). It will also be a time where we get encouraged by hearing stories of NB survivors!!! We will also be able to encourage others and love on those who do not have their babies with them. Please pray the Lord uses us in a mighty way!!!! Last year we experienced such a comfort level- because everyone there understands and knows what Gigi has gone through and what we have gone through. Everyone also knows what an amazing miracle it is that Gigi is 19 months NED---- it will even be more amazing when she hits the 5 year and 10 year NED mark. Many Many kids do not get to hear NED and others quickly relapse within the first few years. Please continue to pray for Gigi!!! Also remember the other sweet children who are still battling NB. We appreciate you!

Joyful in Hope,
PS- Has anyone read the book called "The Grassfire Effect" by Steve Elliot???? It is a must read!!!!! It is about the opportunity you have to change your world with just one spark of creativity, with one idea, with one thought!!!!! Your influence travels even through generations!!!! I'd love to hear from you either way- I miss reading everyone's messages.

Saturday, July 2, 2005 1:24 PM CDT

Update July 2 @ 11:59pm- I just got an email about Ryan C. He went home to be with Jesus yesterday, July 1st. Please pray for Linda and Pat, (Ryan's parents) and please sign their guestbook to let them know you are praying. www.caringbridge.org/mi/ryanc

Today we were glancing through the kids' scrapbooks. Gigi's is complete through age one, Zayah's is complete through age 6 months, and Nina's is complete through age 3 months. My goal is to have their individual books through age two and a family book after that. (thanks Jill!) ANYWAY.....Isaiah's book has the first two and a half months of Gigi's diagnosis and treatment. (diagnosed two years ago yesterday) It is rather amazing, humbling and exciting to see where Gigi is today!

I have been reflecting a lot this week and thanking God that Gigi is still here. I miss all the other sweet babies that are not here with us- especially Ethan. I so desire a complete healing and restoration in every child's body that fight's cancer (adult, too) Especially- Sue M., Bob K, Ryan C, Ryan, Gage, Nathan! Lord God- heal them like only You can- I ask in the Mighty Name of Jesus!!!!!

Please thank God this weekend for our country, for your family, for your job and for your life as well as your eternal life if you have asked Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour. Let's not take even one moment for granted. I love you guys and hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend!!!!

Thanks for checking in!

Joyful in hope,

Friday, June 24, 2005 10:47 AM CDT

JUNE 28th UPDATE!!!!!!!
Bone Marrow Aspiration= NEGATIVE!!!!! Normal!!!!!! Thank you Sweet Jesus!!!! NED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blood counts= awesome and all within normal range
CT Scan of head and orbit= NO EVIDENCE of DISEASE
CT Scan of chest and abdomen= NO EVIDENCE of DISEASE
24 hour- Urine catecolamine test= all numbers normal
Bone Marrow Aspirate/Biopsy= Still waiting for results??? (should know today or Monday)

On July 1st Gabriella Hope Gallegos will be at two years since diagnosis.

This month Gabriella is 18 months NED!!!!!!!!(pending the bonemarrow results) I give you permission to stand up and do a little halleluia dance thanking our awesome God. This truly is a miracle!!!! (I thank you Jesus for being Our Great Physician)it is only by His touch Gigi has come victoriously to this point.

I still follow kids on the web and too many times they relapse and are sent home on hospice. One special little boy named Jaime (beebo.info)is at this exact point. His parents have a website with all neuorblastoma angels/warriors. Gabriella has been on this website for about 19 months. Jaime was diagnosed a couple months after Gigi. This breaks my heart---- at diagnosis he was given a 20hance to live for the next 5 years (Gigi was given a 33hance) Numbers are just numbers... Just 10 years ago the numbers were even worse and we met that sweet 14 year old girl at Beaumont who survived with just a high-frequency hearing loss (like Gigi) and a bit small in stature.

God knows the numbers of our days. We are all here for a specific purpose and for a certain amount of time. He created us to worship Him in all that we do. Each day is a gift! There is only One who knows what tomorrw holds- or even what may be part of this afternoon. God promises a lamp to our feet NOT a huge spot light on our highway. We can trust Him with our tomorrows because He loves us and He is already there.

I appreciate you and will update as soon as I hear about the bonemarrow. Please keep Ryan, Gage, Ryan C and Jaime in your prayers- their parents, too.

So very thankful for today,

Monday, June 20, 2005 9:25 AM CDT

mini- update: June 21, 2005


This is a link to a newspaper article on Ryan C. The family is asking everyone to sign-up for a slot in the continous prayer that is happening for Ryan. Please take a moment to check it out.


Gigi finished Tues- Fri scans victoriously. Tuesday was the injection for the MIBG scan and she said to her daddy "I thought it was going to hurt a little bit, but it didn't at all!". Wednesday was CT scan and MIBG scan. Gigi vomitted from the contrast during the CT (known to cause the patient to have a metal taste in mouth, to smell a strange aroma and to have a really warm feeling throughout the body- all this just one hour after drinking contrast-laiden apple juice on an empty stomach????). The radiologist gave her a hospital gown to wear instead of her soiled clothes.... she loved the gown!!!! The MIBG scan was rather easy for Gigi. I saw this lit up area on the screen and asked what it may be. The technician said it was most likely Gigi's full bladder. (it concerened me a bit because she had just voided her bladder 30 minutes earlier)???

Thursday was more MIBG, 24 hour urine collection, blood draw and clinic visit where we saw Dr. Yanik. We found out on this day that Gigi's CT scan was NORMAL!!!!!! All of her blood counts were NORMAL!!!!!! We also found out Gigi would not have to have her bone scan on Friday!!!! Dr. Yanik does not feel very strongly about the bone scan- he feels the MIBG will suffice. He also gave us an after-care plan!!!! Gigi will have her VERY LAST bone marrow aspirate in December 2005 along with her other routine scans (24 months post-transplant). The next time she will need scans will be in Dec 2006 (36 months post transplant), Dec 2007 and the very last ones in Dec 2008 (60 months post transplant). This is such a wonderful suprise- because I thought she would have to get them once a year for the rest of her life. As long as Gigi is feeling and acting fine she will not need scans after her 8th bithday (5 years post-transplant)!!!! Can you tell I am just a little bit excited??!!!

On Friday, Gigi had a bone marrow aspirate under general anesthesia. All went as planned! Gigi even felt well enough afterward to spend the night at Yamma's with her brother while Steve and I used a gift card to Papa Vino's. (I received the card from my secret sister in Mom's group for our 6th anniversary-). If you read this update Secret Sis- thanks sooooo much- you are too kind and so thoughtful!!!

We will know results of the MIBG and bone-marrow aspirate sometime this week. The results of the urine catecolamine may not be available until next week. During the clinic visit with Dr. Yanik I also decided to just get Gigi's blood draws done at U of M. It is too confusing going between two hospitals. She will have her next blood draw in Sept 2005 and then in Dec 2005 with her scans and then not again until June 2006 and then Dec 2006 and then not again until the next Dec 2007, and then Dec 2008. The drive will not be bad at all when it is spaced out so beautifully.

Thanks for praying and keeping up with us. I will update as soon as I know results. We are believing for NED (No Evidence of Disease)!!!!

Joyful in Hope,

PS- can you believe Christina is already 5 1/2 months old? I will hopefully get new pics soon! Isaiah is 2 years 3 months and Gabriella is 4 1/2 years old !!!!! They are such precious gifts from God!!!!

Friday, June 10, 2005 10:24 PM CDT

I came home early this afternoon to find Gigi and Daddy in the kiddie pool (Gigi's love language is quality time). It was just too adorable. I wish I had taken a picture. Gigi was beaming- her love tank was FULL!!!!

Check out the pics- isn't God amazing?!?!

Please pray for Ryan C www.caringbridge.org/mi/ryanc and Ryan R. Both children are from MI, fighting neuroblastoma and being treated at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC.

I wanted to let you know the scan schedule for Gigi. I find sooo much comfort in sharing this with you, my family and my church family. God NEVER leaves us nor forsakes us. I love all of the faith statements..... keep them coming. I love all of the comments about prayer, "we are still praying for Gigi!!!!!") Gigi is truly a walking miracle and a testimony to the healing touch of God!

Tuesday- MIBG injection
Wednesday- CT and MIBG scan
Thursday- MIBG scan and clinic visit w/blood draws.
Friday- bone scan and bone marrow aspirate/biopsy (under general anesthesia)

Thank you so much for checking in and praying!!!!!

A thankful mommy,

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 10:58 PM CDT


One of my favorite little girl's to follow by web page went home to be with Jesus. www.caringbridge.org/ar/emmagrace

Emma was ahead of Gigi in treatment by about a year if I remember correctly. I know when everything started with Gigi- Emma's story was the light in the darkness. I feel sad and disappointed... I know she is not suffering anymore... I know God has the BIG PICTURE and we only see in part....

Today was a park play date with our Mom's group at church. Watching Gigi at the park in June reminded me of a park play date two years ago. It was just two days before Gigi began to limp. She was energetic and playful and completely "healthy" on Tuesday and then Thursday came???? I am soooo thankful that Gigi can be playful and energetic today. God does heal!!!! I don't know why other sweet little children have a different story.... Ethan, Emma, Alex R., Alex P., Gabrielle, and soooo many others. Lord I do know you know why and I do know they are healed too- I just wish we had more time with these precious ones here.

I ventured through old pictures and I want to figure out a way to show a progression of each month of Gigi's life in one update. It is truly amazing what Gigi has been through. When I understand how to make it work I will let you know.

Next week are Gigi's scans. I am reminding myself that God has the entire week in His hands and He is already there taking care of everything. I love you guys! Thanks for all of the prayers.

With faith believing,

Friday, June 3, 2005 6:50 PM CDT


Gigi had fun visiting with her extended family last weekend. It was so good to see everyone. She expecially enjoyed the park by the water with Yamma and Isaiah!!!! Thanks MOM!

Gigi is battling the worst cold ever. She has a constant cough and runny nose. Please pray for a speedy healing. Gigi has scans coming the week of June 14th. The cold has spread to mommy, yamma, Isaiah and Christina!!!



We love you and are so thankful for your continued interest and prayer support.

Love, Angie

Friday, May 27, 2005 11:26 PM CDT


We are having quite a busy week!!! Aunt Melissa, Uncle Roger, Joshua, Caleb and Ashlynn are visiting from Oregon. She-Sha, Auntie Margaret and Uncle Joe are visiting from Indiana. Uncle Michael and Ms. Beth are visitng from Florida and Gigi is loving every minute of being with everyone!!!!!

Congratulations Boo Boo on your high school graduation!

We all were blessed to attend Mary Gallegos' graduation this evening- it was beautiful.... the kids were perfect and it was so special hanging out with family!

Just wanted to let you all know Gigi is doing good. Although she did have her first bout with pink eye last week and a runny nose and cough this week. Ohh... and she will be the first to tell you "FOUR SHOTS!!!" (vaccinations) earlier this week. Other than that Gigi is growing up to be such a sweet young girl. She plays so good with Isaiah and Christina (who learned how to roll over this week for the first time!!!!!)

Scans are finally set up (long story) for the week of June 14th with U of M. I will keep you updated!

Check out the pics!

Joyful in hope,

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:20 PM CDT


Please keep ryan and emma grace in your prayers

Gigi had her preschool presentation at church this evening. It was so very precious to see her up on the platform reciting Jesus loves me, John 3:16 (abbreviated) and the B-I-B-L-E song with her friends and teachers.

Friday evening is Gigi's very first dance recital. Monday was the rehearsal and Gigi wondered why they only went through the song once. Good question!!! Every week her tap practice contains 30 minutes of dance- why would the recital be any different!!!???!!! I love to see the world through her eyes.

I will update soon with dance recital pics! Gigi is dressed in a penguin outfit and taps to "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow".

Thanks for checking on Gigi!

With a thankful heart,

Thursday, May 5, 2005 10:11 AM CDT


We had a wonderful vacation in Florida. Our schedule has been so busy I have not made the time to update. Gigi and Isaiah are playing outside and are asking for help with their bikes. I only have about 30 seconds.... I just had to take this time and ask all of you faithful prayer warriors to pray for ryan connolly. We met his parents last year at the neuroblastoma conference. They live in Fenton and are getting treatment at Sloan-Kettering in NY. www.caringbridge.org/mi/ryanc his liver is growing rapidly, he is chemo resistant and they are set for radiation tomorrow. Please pray for another miracle!!!!!!!!!! Thank you sooooo much!

I will share pictures as soon as we get them developed!

In Faith Believing,

Saturday, April 9, 2005 10:39 PM CDT

Quick update Monday, April 11, 2005-

The urine catecolamine results are in-

VMA 1.1 (normal 1.0 - 5.0) Feb. was 2.3
HVA 2.9 (normal 1.0 - 2.5) Feb. was 4.3
Dopamine 184.2(norm. 40-260) Feb 308.8

Great news on the eve of our vacation to Florida!!!! Thank you for praying and checking in. Thank you Jesus for your healing touch upon Gigi!



Check out the new pictures in the album!!

Our two day get-a-way to Frankenmuth was so very refreshing. Thank you Mom for watching Gigi and Isaiah! Guess where we are going on Tuesday? We will ALL be visiting Uncle Michael! Who remembers where he lives? .............FLORIDA!!!!! We will be gone for a week. Gigi is very excited!(as are mommy and daddy, too!)

The plane tickets that were purchased a year ago for New York expire on April 22nd. Since Gigi has been HAMA positive we have not returned to New York. So if we don't use the tickets we will lose them. This motivated us to look into transferring the tickets from the New York destination to FLORIDA!!! New York hotels are quite expensive and you definitely can not beat FREE!!!!! We will stay with Michael's girlfriend who is so very generous to open her home up for a week!!! She has a house in Seminole very close to the beach.

I called the hospital about Gigi's urine results. They asked me to call back on Monday and everything should be in. I am thinking it just might take a bit longer. Check in anyway- I will update if I get the results! She is doing great except for some nasal congestion, sneezing and some coughing. Weather change?

Gigi has her very first dance recital coming up on May 15th. Today Ms. Jenni dropped off the dance outfit. It is an adorable penguin outfit. I can't wait to see her on stage. She is a social butterfly when she feels comfortable (at church, with friends, with family). Hannah is her buddy and will be dancing along side of her. This should be good!

Hannah took Gigi on her very first carnival ride- (the YAK ATTACK ride at Jeepers) and she loved it. Gigi could not get enough of this ride. My stomach was getting queasy just watching her go round and round with Hannah and Ms. Jenni. I love that I can write about fun happenings in Gigi's life!!! There is so much more I could write, but also so much I need to do- so for now I must stop.

Thanks for checking in on her- thanks for caring- thanks for praying- thanks for loving!!!! You are so very special to us!

God has blessed each of us with today- live it with excellence giving it your all- THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE - I WILL REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT!!!

Joyful in Hope,
Angie xoxoxoxo

Saturday, March 26, 2005 8:14 PM CST


Happy 2nd Birthday Isaiah (March 23)- I love you cutie!

Thursday Gigi had a clinic visit. She weighs 18 kilos (39.6 pounds) and is almost 3 feet 5 inches tall(I think that's 103 cm). Her blood counts were wonderful-
wbc 7.51 neuts 2.82 hgb 12.3 plt 398. She is pretty much through being sick- besides the forever watering left eye and frequent runny nose. She looks great!

While in clinic I asked Dr. Jamil his opinion on when her next scans should be. He said the 6 month plan works for him. I then asked about her elevated dopamine levels from her urine results in the beginning of February and if the levels would constitute a repeat urine before July. (I had called in for the results about a month ago and was told by a nurse that the VMA was normal so they were not worried about the dopamine being slightly high). Dr. Jamil said to hold on while he went to check the results. He came back to our clinic room with some information I am concerned about. He said he is suprised they had not requested another repeat urine before this point.(??) Here are the numbers from Feb 4, 2005 for any medical buffs- Dopamine 308.8 (normal 40-260), HVA 4.3 (normal 1.0-2.5) and VMA 2.3 (normal 1.0-5.0) Dr. Jamil proceeded to show me a trend print out comparing the urine at diagnosis (July 2003)to now. Dopamine was 547.5, HVA was 5.9 and VMA was 3.6 (the VMA was even normal then with full blown neuroblastoma).

So at first I was just very concerned for Gigi. We got the "diet can contribute to false readings on this test" speech. No bananas, chocolate or alcohol. Well I don't remember what her diet consisted of in early February, but it seems to me she had lost her interest in bananas, she never liked chocolate and well... alcohol??? So I wanted to repeat the urine immediately but can you believe I remembered her eating half of Isaiah's banana on Wednesday? The urine test is 24 hours and once it is completed you must return the full jug immediately and the lab is closed Saturday afternoon and Sunday. So we are delayed by a banana!!!! This Monday and Tuesday Steve and I are out of town, so the urine catecolamine test will be done on Wednesday March 30th. Just today, my little girl who had quite the distaste of chocolate, endulged in her easter egg hunt "chocolate" candy. Hopefully 3 whole days is enough time to get it out of her system.

After I returned to the car (with all three of my kiddies **@@!!??) my concern for Gigi changed to frustration towards the clinic doctors and nurses. WHO IS MEDICALLY FOLLOWING MY GIGI GIRL? The BMT docs in Mott Children's at U of M turned us over to Beaumont this past July. I requested we still do all scans at U of M, which had happened every three months during the first year post transplant. The docs at Beaumont seem to be relying heavily on what telephone info I can attain from the opinions of the docs at U of M and bascially I feel NO MEDICAL PERSONNEL is really keeping tabs on GIGI. Well except for billing (just kidding!!!)

I know that if I was still getting all copies of all tests as soon as they became available I would have caught this earlier. I know I am Gigi's advocate and I must be diligent. I can't trust that all is well from a quick phone call reporting urine results from a doc who hasn't looked at Gigi's file in months. I must trust that all is well from my God who is our GREAT PHYSICIAN. I must rise up and take back my "Mama BEAR" role and not allow even one drop of fear to remain. PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT ALL FEAR! FEAR IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF FAITH! Gigi Girl is whole, she is healed, she is covered by the blood of Jesus. I was faltering in my understanding of what healing means. I don't know why God does not heal everyone on this earth and it grieves my heart to know there are momma's I have met along this journey that are not holding their babies tonight. It doesn't make sense in my finite thinking. But I do know GOD HEALS! I do know Jesus was beaten and nailed to a cross and died to pay a debt for our sin and infirmity we could not pay. I do know Jesus then rose after three days conquering death and the grave. Death no longer has a hold on us because we know where we go- into the loving presence of our LORD!!!! I must keep my gaze fixed on my LIVING GOD- I will not look to the left or the right- I will have laser focus. Our life on this earth is so very short and time is of the essence. I must remember the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy BUT JESUS HAS COME TO BRING LIFE ABUNDANTLY!!!! No matter what- Jesus is alive- not even death could keep Him down- it's not just a really cool story- it's real and so is the WORD of GOD.

I am standing on a rock solid foundation, walking in victory, proclaiming the works of the LORD, defeating all schemes of the enemy, and casting down any strong holds of fear in JESUS' NAME. I know you know me by now and this last statement is definitely a FAITH statment. I am not there ALL THE TIME- but I am getting there. YES, I let fear creep in- we all do from time to time, but raise your hand if you want to let it stay? Fear is the exact opposite of FAITH and I don't know about you, but I choose to walk in FAITH. So I am watching what I say and who I say it too. The enemy can not read our minds, but he can watch and see if the seeds of fear and doubt he has planted are growing by simply listening to what we say. The words we speak have power to lift up or tear down. I want the Holy Spirit to have full reign in my life with no hinderances and no excuses allowed!!! Whose with me?

I have Easter clothes to set out and a brunch to plan! I love you guys and so desperately need your prayers to step out of all comfort zones and live radically for Jesus. He has given me Gabriella, Isaiah and Christina as precious gifts to be opened up and cherished and loved on. If I am walking half paralyzed in my spirit because of fear I am holding back from them, from Steve and from God. I want all God has for me and for them and for you in this day! That is all we are responsible for- to walk focused on Jesus and loving on His creation- TODAY! No time for self-doubt and over analyzation- I'm stepping out- too many lives are on the line!

Please put Gigi (NED with elevated urine results), Ryan (relapsed and on ICE treatment), Nathan (NED with leg owies that come and go), Alexia (relapsed), Sydney (NED after a relapse!) in your prayers. For their parents to have that perfect peace that passes all understanding- NO MATTER WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! and for their little bodies to continue to defeat neuroblastoma once and for all!

Living for Jesus,
Angie xoxoxoxo

Monday, March 14, 2005 10:34 AM CST

Hi Family and Friends!

Check out some new pics in the photo album when you get a chance!!!!!!!!!!

Gigi has been very sick with a yucky bug. She is constantly coughing and sneezing and blowing her nose. Ever since last Wednesday evening both Gigi and Isaiah have been fighting the cold I gave to them. On Friday she began re-immunizations and her cold was just viral (both Christina and Gigi received five pokes of vaccinations in the thigh ). Over the weekend her fever continued, she vomitted twice and ate/drank very little. Today she is going back to the pediatrician and just maybe something will be prescribed. Isaiah seems to be fighting it a bit better and is still eating and drinking without a fever. That's the part that makes me a bit nervous with Gigi. I know it doesn't take much to become dehydrated.

Last Wednesday Gigi was able to visit the preschool she will most likely be attending in the fall. She loved it!!! Thanks Aunt Lorna for watching the baby and for the yummy lunch and videos.

Please pray for all sickness to be gone in the Gallegos abode! We appreciate you checking in on Gigi. Congrats to Susan and Cindy who are each pregnant with #3!!!!!!

Angie xoxoxo

Saturday, March 5, 2005 1:01 AM CST

Please pray for Ryan www.caringbridge.org/mi/ryanc. The neuroblastoma that has invaded his body is very stubborn- he needs a miracle!!!


Gigi and Isaiah are spending the night with Yamma and Papa Berckley!!!!! Steve and I each were able to catch up on some things. Christina and I went to craft night and Steve went to Starbuck's and Border's. I made it my mission to catch up on all the pictures for scrapbooking- hahahahaha- it didn't happen, BUT I did get most of the pics in a book. Gigi's transformation is amazing and honestly some of the pics from last year took my breath away. I truly can not comprehend the magnitude of what she went through- and I was right there every step of the way. There is still so much in my heart that I have to allow God to deal with- it's those questions again.... God isn't surprised with our questions... He isn't even shocked.... "In His presence is fullness of joy" Lord how I long to be in your presence... I think then all the "questions" will be answered.

You awesome women of God at craft night listened as I rambled about one of my questions. Since July 2003 I have read so many stories of kids relapsing and then leaving this earth to be with God, and then it hit really close to home with sweet Ethan. So "How do you pray about the really big matters like relapse and sicknness?" The answer I liked best was "pray in faith believing". We continue to approach our Healer, our God, our Creator with our requests, praying His will. I can not and do not believe it is God's will for there to be sickness. So I can still ask God to heal people on this earth and if He does or doesn't is up to Him. Our days were numbered before any of them existed. He is God and He is sovereign and He sees the big picture we can not see. So I stand upon the Word of God, because I know God does not lie. I know I desperately needed your prayers as we walked through the past year and a half. I could feel the support of all who sincerely did battle for us in the spirit. So thank you! Please keep praying- God will lead all of us in the specifics!

I need to schedule Gigi for just a routine clinic appointment this week. She also needs blood work drawn for HAMA. I wonder if Dr. Kushner at Sloan-Kettering still wants us to continue sending Gigi's blood to him in New York. She has been HAMA positive for so long. I really like it that way. Well that is about it- oh one more thing- another question... "VACCINATIONS"????- I have questions. Just keep praying!

Can you tell I am a little tired? It is just way too late for me to be awake. I love you all and appreciate your visits to Gigi's web page. She is so sweet- next time I will have to start earlier so I can share some Gigi, Zayah, Nina stories.

Saturn is doing a fundraiser for bone marrow typing. All you have to do is sign up for two free red bracelets and they will send $.50 up to $34,000.00 to help people find bone marrow matches. Just go to the link below.

Thank you,

PS- Congratulations Tammy and Mike with baby #3!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2005 2:20 PM CST

Greetings friends and family,

I can finally update with some news about Gabriella's bonemarrow. The "pathology people" at U of M saw No Evidence of Disease!!!!!!

Gabriella's bonemarrow report per a phone call earlier this afternoon "no metastatic neuroblastoma seen"!!! I am so very thankful for God's continued hand of healing in Gigi's body- I am also glad we can be done "waiting" for awhile. There are still questions, but I am at peace and know that Gabriella is healed!!!!! Thank you for checking the website and thank you for praying so faithfully!!!!

With overhelming thankfulness,

Sunday, February 6, 2005 4:27 PM CST

***Feb. 7th- quick update & New Photos***

Dr. Yanik called at lunch time today and suggested we just WAIT until their pathology people look at the bonemarrow smear (end of next week). His initial response was, "this looks good!"??? So he said it could be absolutely nothing (this would be good) which he has seen with many "kiddos", it could be the immature nerve cells on their way to maturing into normal mature nerve cells which is a process called differientating (this would be good), it could be dying neuroblastoma cells (this would be OK), it could be mature neuroblastoma cells to which he would suggest putting Gigi on accutane (we don't want to do this, but it helps the cells to differientate) or it could where pathology finds an actual neuroblastoma cell (which we definitely do not want). As far as LA is concerned and Dr. Seeger's lab, he told me they sent an email in December saying they no longer can handle the great volume of bonemarrow being sent to them and are only allowing the kids on study to be analyzed. So Gigi's marrow was being sent to LA before, just not anymore. So we definitely got some answers. So there you have it- I truly am at peace and am trusting God. Thank you for praying! Thanks for waiting--- now we will wait together for the urine results and U of M's analysis of the marrow biopsy. God we thank you for perfect peace, Your healing touch, and Your precious children who pray and encourage!!!!


Hi Patient Friends and Family!

We have hit a bit of a bump in the road, but are determined more than ever to trust God! There truly is no other way than to trust and believe God for what His Word says!

Basically we are waiting.... and waiting....and waiting.... I was waiting to update until I heard back from the doctor, but we are still waiting so while I was waiting I thought I would update and wait a bit longer with more prayer support on Gigi's behalf!!!!

Now that you have "waited" until the third paragraph to even know what I am babbling about I will try to condense what we know. This round of scans consisted of bonemarrow aspirate/biopsy, CT scans of head-orbit-chest-abdomen, MIBG scan, EKG and ECHO of the heart, 24 hour urine catecolamines collection, spot urine, blood draw CBC, and a one year post BMT doctor consult. We are waiting for the 24 hour urine results, we have clean results for Gigi's MIBG and CT scans, the urine spot check and CBC were all awesome and within normal limits and pending the bonemarrow aspirate/biopsy Gigi was given a NED status. Then after inquiring of the results last Wednesday I recv'd a phone call back from Dr. Jamil (Beaumont) and he said the rt aspirate/biopsy was clear and the lft aspirate was clear, but the lft biopsy had some suspicious clustering of cells. My heart started racing as I listened to Dr. Jamil explain a staining process they put the marrow through to identify neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma cells like to hang-out with "buddies" as he put it, but when they stained the slides- nothing happened. The cells didn't stain!!!! So "awesome" you may be thinking- right? Well of course it is awesome that the cells didn't appear to signify neuorblastoma and I am thankful, but what are they and why are they there? Is there only one test neuroblastoma goes through to be identified? I thought all her bonemarrow biposies were being sent to Dr. Seeger's lab in LA to be analyzed in further detail, but Dr. Jamil said since Gabriella is not on a study it would be too costly, so has her marrow gone there or not? We followed the study very closely but were not allowed in the study because the month Gigi was diagnosed it was a closed-study only to re-open a month or so later. I know I am writing horribly with a bunch of run-on sentences and thoughts, but basically this is where we are at.... remember we are waiting.... the waiting comes into play with U of M and Beaumont. Since the marrow is not being sent to LA, Dr. Jamil asked if I would like him to send it to U of M to which I quickly responded YES!!!!! So after we got off the phone I tried to reach Dr. Yanik at U of M and then on Thursday and then again on Friday only to find out he has been on vacation. On Friday we dropped off the 24 hour urine at Beaumont and asked the front desk if the marrow was sent and it was just going to be sent FED-EX that afternoon so U of M would not have the marrow until Saturday anyway???? So all this to say Dr. Yanik is back on Monday and I am thinking we will know our next step by Tuesday.

What I am hoping to hear is- "OH this is very common with 3F8 mouse antibody therapy-nothing to worry about" or "Neuroblastoma ALWAYS stains so it simply can not be neuroblastoma", but I know all too well how sneaky this disease can be so I don't want to wait and do nothing. So I am asking you to pray first of all by releasing Gabriella into God's hands because she belongs to HIM!!!! He has placed Steve and I over Gigi as her parents and has trusted us to love her and to teach her to love God with her whole body, mind and soul, and to make wise decisions on her behalf!!! So also please pray that Steve and I would do just that! Finally pray for God's continued miracle healing in Gigi's little body. It is God and God alone we have made it this far in this battle against neurobalstoma- way too many kids relapse- way too many kids do not even make it out of their first year- we know it is only God and His awesome plan of redemption through His Son Jesus and His awesome plan for Gigi's life that she is even able to walk, eat, laugh, run, and play. A year and a half ago she wasn't doing any of these things. All we know is to trust God with today- to be confident that today ALL OUR NEEDS are met- to be thankful for GIGI- to have "faith for today", and to remind ourselves to "not worry about tomorrow"! There simply is NO ROOM FOR FEAR when we live God's way! Isn't that awesome? Was there fear that rose up in me last Wednesday- you bet! Was that God that met me faithfully at the alter during worship at church- WEDNESDAY? you bet!!! He reminded me that He NEVER leaves us, that His grace is sufficient and HIS PERFECT LOVE casts out ALL FEAR!!!!! This journey is lived out step by step, I struggle with looking into tomorrow, or next month or next year... that is why I know one of the biggest lessons I have learned through this all is to STAY IN TODAY! I know this sounds way too simple, but when I do this all is well, God is on the throne in my heart, there is peace in our home, Gabriella, Isaiah and Christina are lavished in love and there is joy in my heart! So remind me to ALWAYS STAY IN TODAY- God has my back and He is already there (in next month, next year, next decade) so just TRUST HIM!!!!!

I will update when I know more- Gigi is healed!!!!

Love, Angie

Tuesday, January 25, 2005 11:44 PM CST


So far so good- I wanted to update quickly to give God all the glory- MIBG results are negative and CT scans are negative!!!!!! Negative meaning NO CANCER!!!! The possible "lytic lesions" area that is always questionable in her left orbit is "unremarkable" NOT SEEN AT ALL!!!!!! So whatever it may have been- it wasn't neuroblastoma!!!! (or it was and she was healed??? Only God knows!) The bone marrow aspirations went very well, but we do not have results yet and we still have to collect a 24 hour urine for analysis, but so far we can say NED!!!! The meeting with Dr. Hutchinson and Nurse Brenda went very smoothly and we even got to see Dr. Yanik. They feel Gigi can now go 6 months in between scans with blood work done every couple months!!!!!

Thank you Sweet Jesus- I am so ecstatic these results have confirmed Gigi's healing. I am thankful for today and excited for what God has for Gigi's future. Once again I am reminded this journey is lived out DAY by DAY and our needs are met for THIS DAY!!!! Only by God's grace can our Gigi Girl go through 6 days of tests and scans without a tear- even with the general anesthesia??!!?? She is our miracle baby and I am honored to be her mommy!

There is so much more I could share- Isaiah is talking constantly and so connected to his daddy- they are inseparable and quite adorable! Christina is awake more showing off her big brown eyes and is as sweet and precious as any 3 week old could ever be!!!! well.....zzzzzzz! (they say I am supposed to sleep when Christina sleeps- I am thrilled to share she has slept 6 hours through the night already!!!!)

Giving glory to God and thanking Him with all my being,

PS- Thank you all so much for praying! Please remember to keep praying for the Jackson's and all the other families grieving the loss of their sweet child and those that are still in the heat of this cancer battle- especially Ryan Connolly www.caringbridge.org/mi/ryanc and Sydney Dungan www.sydneydungan.com. If you meant to donate a lunch for life to help fund neuroblastoma research and haven't as of yet there is still time www.lunchforlife.org! Thank you so much for those of you who have already donated- you guys are the best!!!

FYI- Some more pictures are in the photo album.

Monday, January 17, 2005 11:44 AM CST

Jan 18th- quick update:

Gabriella, Isaiah, Christina, and Mommy ventured out by themselves this morning. Our destination was Gigi's Tap dance class. Everything went really well and I even got to meet a woman who has been praying for Gabriella. (Thank you Maureen for your neighborhood prayer group)! Steve and Gigi will be staying overnight at a hotel because of the snow that is scheduled to come in the early hours of the morning. Gabriella's scan is set to start at 8am tomorrow morning and this is just easier. Thanks for your prayers and enjoy the pics!!!!!

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for your kind words and sweet gifts for "Baby Sister" a.k.a. Christina Joy. Today is our first day with just mom and kids. So far so good. We are a little slow, but we are all dressed, breakfast and lunch are done (thanks to Jessica for the yummy pasties), play-doh mac n' cheese was played with (thanks to the Paula's) and Cinderella was watched. Naps are next on the agenda. Isaiah and Gabriella adore their little sister and she loves when they talk to her and kiss her. We are all adjusting to this sweet little bundle! She is such a huge blessing and a special gift from God!!!!

Just wanted to write a quick update to let you all know that tomorrow Christina is already two weeks old and it is the start of 6 days of hospital scan days for Gigi Girl. The 18th is MIBG injection, 19th is MIBG scan, 20th MIBG scan, 21st CT scan, 24th blood draw, clinic, and hearing test, 25th is bonemarrow aspirate (which means general anesthesia), ekg, echo and urine catecolamines test. Please pray for clean scans and NED status for Gabriella. The 25th is done at Beaumont and all the other days are at U of M. I have some questions about this and would also like prayer to be able to communicate to the doctors. Steve will be taking Gigi on most of these days and flexing his work hours. Our week proves to be a busy one!!!!

More pictures to follow. (believe it or not I still do not know how to download the pics to the computer....?????)

In His Love,

Monday, January 17, 2005 11:44 AM CST

Jan 18th- quick update:

Gabriella, Isaiah, Christina, and Mommy ventured out by themselves this morning. Our destination was Gigi's Tap dance class. Everything went really well and I even got to meet a woman who has been praying for Gabriella. (Thank you Maureen for your neighborhood prayer group)! Steve and Gigi will be staying overnight at a hotel because of the snow that is scheduled to come in the early hours of the morning. Gabriella's scan is set to start at 8am tomorrow morning and this is just easier. Thanks for your prayers and enjoy the pics!!!!!

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for your kind words and sweet gifts for "Baby Sister" a.k.a. Christina Joy. Today is our first day with just mom and kids. So far so good. We are a little slow, but we are all dressed, breakfast and lunch are done (thanks to Jessica for the yummy pasties), play-doh mac n' cheese was played with (thanks to the Paula's) and Cinderella was watched. Naps are next on the agenda. Isaiah and Gabriella adore their little sister and she loves when they talk to her and kiss her. We are all adjusting to this sweet little bundle! She is such a huge blessing and a special gift from God!!!!

Just wanted to write a quick update to let you all know that tomorrow Christina is already two weeks old and it is the start of 6 days of hospital scan days for Gigi Girl. The 18th is MIBG injection, 19th is MIBG scan, 20th MIBG scan, 21st CT scan, 24th blood draw, clinic, and hearing test, 25th is bonemarrow aspirate (which means general anesthesia), ekg, echo and urine catecolamines test. Please pray for clean scans and NED status for Gabriella. The 25th is done at Beaumont and all the other days are at U of M. I have some questions about this and would also like prayer to be able to communicate to the doctors. Steve will be taking Gigi on most of these days and flexing his work hours. Our week proves to be a busy one!!!!

More pictures to follow. (believe it or not I still do not know how to download the pics to the computer....?????)

In His Love,

Saturday, January 8, 2005 10:12 PM CST

Gigi was right... "it's a girl- she's my baby sister!"

Christina Joy Gallegos is here!

Our special and adorable gift from God arrived Jaunary 4, 2004 at 9:33am weighing 9lbs. 3oz. and measuring 20 inches long.

Love, Angie

Thank you for checking in on Gigi- her scans start on January 18th- please keep praying for clean scans (NED) and for a very special family, the Jackson's, as they grieve (along with so many of us) their extraordinary little Ethan. www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan

Thursday, December 30, 2004 10:36 PM CST

This morning at 11:52am Ethan Azariah Jackson went home to be with Jesus! Please pray for Reggie, Leslie, Ella and Reggie Jr. during this intense time. Please also take the time to sign their guestbook.... I know this will be such a blessing later on when the shock wears off. www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan

Gabriella asked questions when we told her. She first related Ethan going to heaven just like Yamma's mommy and Papa's daddy then she asked why Ethan went by himself? We said Jesus was with him. She asked if Ethan was 5 and we said he was almost 4. Then she said he was 4 just like her and shared about a time when Ethan came into her class at church. Then she said she liked Jesus and was going to eat pizza with Him when she turned five. She also talked about a time Ella and Reggie Jr. came over our house and how much fun they had and how she wanted them to come back to her house. I am not really sure how much she understands but I wanted to write it down before I forgot.

I was at the hospital today just after Ethan went home to be with Jesus. My friend Mary and I went together... we were already planning on visiting before we even knew anything. I have never experienced this before. I felt privledged to even be in the room. There were such private moments...the most profound was watching Leslie hold Ethan for the very last time. I am trying to understand all of this, I am trying to make sense of it all- YES there are questions...I know God is still God and that HE IS GOOD! I wrote in their guestbook about Ethan and his impact and it is so very true. In less than four years Ethan learned to love Jesus, worship Him, sing praise songs, and dance through intense pain AND intense joy- Ethan taught us to keep things simple and just praise GOD! A couple weeks ago the song he kept singing was "I lift my hands in the sanctuary"- No matter what our hope is in Christ alone!!!! Ethan we love you and we know you are having a party singing your heart out and dancing and praising- we will see you soon!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxoxo

Thursday, December 23, 2004 2:24 PM CST

1 year post- bone marrow transplant for our Gigi Girl!!!!

Today is a day of celebration! As Trevor's mom put it a "re-birthday". Gigi is healthy, happy and in Jesus' Name CANCER-FREE!!!!!!! (all her scans are coming up in January)

Gigi was at the University of Michigan Mott Children's Hospital receiving her stem cells back into her body on this day in 2003. These stem cells brought new life to her beat up little 29 pound body. Gigi was glowing from the malphalan chemo, she was puffy and bald. Her life was hanging so near death and we really didn't even know it. The near future was to bring high fevers, mouth sores, bloody-drool on her pillow and over two more weeks of life in the hospital. It seems like a lifetime ago. Steve and I would alternate staying with her at night and staying with Isaiah in the Med-Inn connected to the hospital. All the rest of the details are documented in the history of this web-page and imprinted on our memories. Steve and I feel so strongly about visiting U of M during Christmas on the transplant floor this year. We hope we can bring Gabriella, we also want to bring Starbuck's coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts and most importantly JESUS! I want the families going through transplant to know that this could be them next year! We all know the statistics and percentages, and I am well aware that every story is not like Gabriella's, but only God knows what happens in the end and this is where Jesus comes in- we hold on tight for today and we trust Him with our tomorrow! It is day by day!!!

From one grateful mommy I bow my knee to you MY LORD! I thank you for the miracle of life that is growing inside of me (due in just 4 days)! I thank you for the miracle of life as I watch our 21 month Isaiah run and play and talk and snuggle and kiss. I thank you for the miracle of life as I watch my 4 year old little Gabriella tap dance, snuggle, read stories to little babies in the nursery at church, play with her little brother and dance with her daddy! I thank you for the miracle of life that we celebrate during this season of CHRISTmas! God became man and lived among us, NOT only to die for our sins, but to show us how to live while we are here. Jesus was never too busy for people, He was never self-consumed, He was never hard-hearted, He was always about love, He was always about touching the people, He was always about pointing people to Our Heavenly Father! Father God make me more like Jesus in 2005! I thank you for the miracle of life you gave me on March 9, 1993 as I surrendered my heart to you on the campus of Oakland University in Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship under the leadership of Frank and Mary Swastek- for had this not happened- WHERE OH MY LORD WOULD I BE? How could I have gotten through these past 18 months without you? How could anyone walk through a diagnosis of cancer and then have the person hit with it be your 2.5 year old daughter and stay sane? You are my Lord and Saviour, my God and King, my loving Father? So many days I felt numb, so many times I battled unbelief, so many moments I felt afraid- BUT GOD! You were there Lord in each of those times, patiently and gently calling me into your embrace, where it is safe! No matter what tomorrow held for my family we were safe. We find shelter in the shadow of your wings even now- when Ethan's life appears to be so fragile, when I intercede on behalf of his little body to be restored- be Leslie and Reggie's shelter and sweet embrace! God you are faithful, we hold on tightly to Jesus for today and trust you with our tomorrow!!!! Thank you for coming to bring life and life abundantly!

One grateful mom who is joyful in Hope and wishing you a Merry CHRISTmas,

PS- I am wanting to put a picture collage up documenting Gigi's journey. I am not certain how best to do this, but be looking for a picture update soon! We love you all and pray God's best to you in 2005!

Thursday, December 2, 2004 4:13 PM CST

Quick update December 5th- Just to clarify.......Thanks Renee for bringing to my attention the "boy"/"girl" confusion from the update below. Gigi THINKS THE BABY IS A GIRL BUT WE DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE!!!!!!! But very confidently, with much certainty, Gigi goes around telling everyone that she is having a sister. Hope this makes everything clear!!!! hehehehe

If you have not read about Gigi's amazing MAKE A WISH trip please click on "history" below and read the Nov. 2nd entry!!

PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR ETHAN- all Chemo is stopped, all radiation is stopped, he is walking, and we are all waiting for his miracle--- BUT GOD!!!!! www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan


Greetings on this day 344 post-transplant!!!!

Gigi had an outstanding clinic appointment at Beaumont today. While we were walking towards "Rose Cancer Center" Gigi was excited telling me all the things she wanted to say to the doctors. (To Gigi EVERY employee of the hospital in scrubs is a doctor). She wanted to be sure they knew she was turning 4 on December 9th, that she was going to have a birthday party with her friends and that she went to Disney World and that she was going to have a baby sister in a few weeks. This little princess is just too funny!!!!

Gigi needed blood drawn for HAMA testing in New York, drawn also for a routine cbc, and also drawn for "tither" (sp?) to see what she may still be immune to. This will determine what immunizations she will need to get. So when we entered the lab there were at least 7 tubes waiting to be filled with Gigi's blood. She sat on the little couch all by herself and allowed Sandy to poke her in the arm without even a whimper. Sandy is always truly amazed at how cooperative Gigi is with the whole procedure. So each tube was filled with Gigi's blood and then we were brought into a room for her check-up. This is where everything gets good. She weighed in at a whomping 37.5 pounds or 17.0 kilos and she measured at 39.5 inches or 100 cm!!!!! Gigi has gained over 11 pounds since this whole ordeal started (July 2003). While in the room we received her blood counts and saw that everyone was well within normal range!!!! (wbc 12.88 neut 9.01 hgb 11.2 plt 326 for all of you medical buffs) Then Doctor Ammanullah said we didn't need to come back for 2 or 3 months- whohoo!!!!! She looked great and have a good Christmas!!!! So that was Gigi's amazing clinic visit!!!!!

As many of you know we are still at The University of Michigan for all of her scans. She will be getting them done in January instead of Decemeber- and WHEN we get back the results and hear the sweet sound of NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE (With hope believing in the mighty NAME OF JESUS!!!!)we won't have to go back for 6 months!!!!!! Can you stand all of this awesome news?

The only other medical issue is the 3f8 anitbody study Gigi is part of at Memorial Sloan-Kettering in NYC. She will still have to get her blood drawn periodically to be sent to New York City for HAMA testing. As long as she remains HAMA positive we will not have anymore trips to New York -EVER!!!!! (well at least for medical purposes- hehehe!)

So we praise God and give Him all the glory for great things He has done!!!! This would have been absolutely impossible to get through with our own strength--- BUT GOD! I will end with writing the lyrics to one of Gigi's favorite songs- "What a mighty God we serve, What a mighty God we serve, Angels bow before Him, Heaven and Earth adore Him, What a mighty God we serve!!!!"

We love you and are looking forward to receiving updates about your family throughout this CHRISTmas season!!!

Joyful in Hope,

Tuesday, November 2, 2004 12:56 AM CST

Urgent update- NOV 9, 2004 www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan
Please keep Ethan in your prayers. The docs have stopped chemo. We are believing God for a miracle- tonight there is a prayer service at our church just for him. Please agree with us in prayer for Ethan's complete healing!


Hi Everyone!

I realize that the more time I wait to create this PERFECT update the more details I am going to miss (now that I am thirty and all hehehehehe). So Lord please help me remember all the blessings of this magnificent week....

Tuesday morning October 5th- UP AND AT 'EM the limo will be here by 7:30 am to transport us to the airport. Our driver arrived and Papa and Titi video taped our departure as we headed for destination DISNEY WORLD! Gigi and Isaiah were so excited to ride with Mommy and Daddy and not have to be buckled in their car seats. (I wonder if we were breaking any laws???)

For some reason we decided not to bring our own stroller and we didn't get smart until we missed our flight (after a yummy breakfast of course! hehehehe) Steve found a wheelchair and zoomed the three of us around until the next flight arrived. Imagine the sight... 28 week pregnant mommy with 18 month old Isaiah on one leg and 3 year old Gigi on the other with Daddy pushing the chair while carrying our purple carry-on backpack stuffed to capacity. Needless to say Steve got the work out of his lifetime and Mommy and kiddies were comfortable and relaxed smiling at all our on-lookers.

We boarded our plane and took our seats all three in a row. One woman was asked to move and did it joyously so we could sit all together. Since Isaiah is not yet two he did not need his own seat. Gigi was at the window, Steve in the middle and myself in the aisle seat while Isaiah jumped between the three of us. The flight was non-stop and went quite smoothly, Gigi loved looking at the clouds and Isaiah loved playing with the tray that comes down from the seat in front of him (sorry to the patient person that sat there). We arrived in Orlando and did not see our greeter. So after calling Make A Wish we met up with him. He missed us because we took the elevators to baggage claim (wheelchair and all hehehehe) and Don our greeter was waiting by the escalator. He was so very cordial and friendly and walked us over to Avis rental car. After Avis blessed us with a full tank of gas and the keys, Don gave us directions on how to get to Give Kids The World Village (GKTW) and instructions NOT to fill-up the van on our return date.... it was already covered. We were only 8 hours into our vacation and already felt like royalty!!!!

We began our 30 minute voyage to GKTW in Kissimmee, Florida. As we traveled it was quite easy to see the places that were devastated by the hurricane. Houses were boarded up with writing on the boards saying "Go away IVAN!" Trees and brush and limbs were in strange piles and just about half of the store signs were torn or completely gone. The hurricanes blasted through just a few weeks prior to our visit and it was obvious. Please keep Florida in your prayers as they rebuild. How thankful we were for God's timing on Gigi's trip!!!!

As we arrived at GKTW we were greeted by a friendly volunteer (1 of 70 volunteers that are needed to run the village in any given week) Gigi was given a stuffed Mickey and Isaiah was give a stuffed Shamu. We were given some information and told to come back at 7:30pm for orientation. The volunteer drove Gigi and I in a golf cart to our villa. Daddy and Isaiah drove the mini-van with our stuff and parked in our drive-way. As we walked up to our villa there was a sign with a rabbit holding our last name "GALLEGOS" written on it. The rabbit is mayor of the village. His name is MAYOR CLAYTON. Our villa was directly next to one of the three pools! It was beautiful- as we walked in we saw a kitchen with a basket full of goodies on the table and a fridge with some pop, a washer and dryer with TIDE and BOUNTY in the closet, a family room with a pull-out couch and chair and television with many stations, a bedroom with a king-size bed and a bathroom across the hall, and another kid bedroom with two twin beds and an attached bathroom with a stand-up shower and whirlpool bath. We were definitely being spoiled!!! We unloaded our stuff and walked to the Gingerbread House where everyone was invited to eat dinner (and breakfast). The gingerbread house was full of kid tables and chairs and many volunteers to help. You walked through a buffet-style line and were served your food of choice while another volunteer asked what your drink preference was and helped you to your table. All around us were other families with children who have battled or are currently battling life threatening illnesses. It was so very humbling and all we could do was thank our Sweet Father in heaven for such an awesome trip and for healing our Gigi Girl. We finished dinner and headed to the theatre where 101 dalmations were going to be played. As we walked from our villa to the Ginger bread house we go past a pond with a water fountain, many other villas, the theatre called ----------, Amberville (play area), the information center called House of Hearts, the Ice Cream Parlour, the chapel, the Castle (play area with a carousel and magic mirror and many toys and crafts) and then the Gingerbread House with other villas and two more pools on the other side. The entire time you are walking you are stepping on stones with children's names and city and state info carved into them. (We learned later for a minimum of $250.00 donation you get a stone in your child's name). Our eyes were instantly drawn to any Michigan cities and one even said Auburn Hills. As you walk Disney music is playing and garbage cans are talking. A clown and an elephant garbage can want you to feed them, so Gigi put some napkins in the elephants nose and he said thank you. We get situated in the theatre after getting our free popcorn and snacks and pop. Steve was only going to stay with us for 20 minutes and then head to the House of Hearts for the orientation, during that 20 minutes we were surprised buy Uncle Michael (Steve's brother). He drove from TAMPA to see us! Steve went to the orientation and Mike and I took the kids to Amberville play center. Inside were many games for the kids to play. Isaiah LOVED any games with balls- EVEN the heavy SKEE-BALLS and Gigi liked playing air hockey with Uncle Mike and riding the motorcycle with him, too. We left Amberville to meet Steve after orientation and then walked back to our villa. We started to unpack some more and watch TV and read up on the info Steve received in orientation. One thing I read in the book Make A Wish sent us way before we left was about character breakfasts. It said to call and schedule up to 90 days in advanced. I was disappointed I hadn't called on it, but Steve encouraged me to just call and see what they say. So 10 pm at night I called the number and a nice woman named HOPE answered. She learned of our story and tried everything she could to squeeze us in and everything was booked. She said she was going to try to add another table to the Cinderella royal breakfast in the Castle on Satruday morning. Her boss would call us tomorrow to confirm!!!! I was so excited!!!! Uncle Mike spent the night in the kids room with Isaiah in the crib and Gigi slept with us in the King Size bed and we all had some good rest that first night in Kissimmee at Give Kids the World Village!

Steve had received all our tickets at the orientation. The tickets were for Sea World, Universal Studios, and a three day hopper to any of the Disney theme parks including Animal Kingdom, Epcot Center, Magic Kingdom and MGM Studios. We also had other parks to choose from if we so desired. We requested Busch Gardens for the Monday we were leaving because it was in Tampa (where Uncle Mike lives) and we considered some other ones, but soon realized we were not going to get to them all in just one week's time. Steve also recv'd info on Mayor Clayotn's tuck-in (we signed Gigi and Isaiah up for Friday night), Character visit with pictures in the theatre (Gigi's time slot was Thrusday morning), a pink button to be worn by Gigi at the parks, horse back riding opportunity, coupon for a magic pillow, and a gold star to write her name on and have her make a wish upon (this star gets stuck onto the ceiling in the castle and every child who came to the village is remembered). This ceiling is full of stars- it is truly amazing to think of all the children and to wonder what their wishes were. We told Gigi to ask God for something special- but I don't think she quite understood (or she just didn't want to do it?????) So I did it with her and then showed her where her star was going to be. They truly think of every little thing in this village. Steve even got information on Parent's night out- we receive a gift certificate to a special restaurant in the area while our kids are watched by volunteers inside the castle, at the ice cream parlour and in the Gingerbread House. Your children must be potty trained so we didn't think we would do it because of Isaiah. But Uncle Michael saved the day by hanging out with Isaiah in the same place Gigi was playing with the other kids and her volunteer. This really stretched Uncle Michael (because he had never changed a diaper before)... he got his chance and I am sure Beth will thank us later for providing him with some experience in the diaper department- hehehehehe!

So Wednesday morning we wake-up and decide to go to Animal Kingdom and Epcot Center. The weather was beautiful!!! Very warm and very sunny, but not unbearable because of how strategic the parks are with providing shaded areas and water sprays and water fountains to play in. Animal Kingdom was fun! We learned quickly how helpful Gigi's pink button would be. Park workers are trained to seek us out and make us feel special. We recv'd handicapped parking, free double stroller rental, priviledges to go to the front of every line (even LONG CHARACTER meet and greet lines!!!). While at Animal Kingdom we saw Meeko from Pocohantus (sp?) and mice from Cinderella, and King Louie from Jungle Book. Children were running up to the characters with a small blue Disney book with blank pages and a Mickey pen asking for a picture and their autographs. Gigi soon caught on and asked for her very own blue book and pen!!! She was so excited and had so much energy- we were so happy to see her running around!!! Because just 9 months earlier this wasn't the case with Gigi- she was recovering from 6 rounds of med-high dose chemo, a surgery to remove any residual tumor in the left adrenal area, the bonemarrow transplant (Stem cell rescue), had extremely low counts, mouth sores, a central line with daily cleanings, TPN (feedings through the IV at night), Bacterim and Accutane (oral chemo) and a trip to New York for extremely painful 3F8 anitbody treatment. So Wednesday in Oralndo at Animal Kingdom was a dream come true!!!! Our Gigi was back and full of life and we do not in any way take this for granted!!!! (Epcot Center was nice but not very exciting for the kids, infact they both zonked out in the double stroller for most of our time at Epcot). Wednesday ended with dinner a trip to the ice cream parlour and a video- thank you God for all good gifts come from you!!!!

While at the ice cream parlour we met a special family with a little girl (2 and a half) named Clara a mommy named Angie and a daddy named Wade. Their story gripped my heart, Clara had heptablastoma (???) cancer that was in her liver it went away and then returned. She had a liver transplant and was recovering from that when just two weeks prior to us meeting them in the icecream parlor they were told that the cancer had returned and was in her lungs and she would soon go to be with Jesus!!! They rushed the planning on her Make A Wish trip and got her to Orlando in one weeks time. Then I found out her very favorite character was Cinderella......my heart was instantly moved and I so desperately wanted her to come with us to the Royal Breakfast. I told them it was a possibility and that I just had to talk with Michael (we had seats reserved for him and his girlfriend and her son). Clara and family were so excited and so thankful, I went home and called Michael and he of course agreed to give up his seats at Cinderella's Royal Breakfast and it was scheduled for Clara and family to meet us at the Castle Saturday morning!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!

Thursday morning came bright and early because our shceduled time for pictures with Mickey and Minnie was at 8:30 am and we wanted to go to breakfast, too. The Village has a deal with Disney and twice a week characters come for pictures and meet and greets. Gigi was able to meet her favorite STITCH (whom she asked where LILO was and he responded with the motions to "sleeping"), Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Cruella and I am sure a few more. Isaiah and Gigi loved seeing the characters and our day was off to a beautiful and sunny start!!! We decided to go to Sea World (boy was it a hot steamy day while at Sea World). Gigi and Isaiah loved seeing the Shamu Show- it was amazing!!!! We also saw a sea lion and walrus show and went to feed the dolphins. Gigi was supposed to get a free tray of fish to feed the dolphins, but we missed the feeding time so they gave Gigi a special time and a special spot to get up close and touch the dolphins (again, because of that wonderful pink button!!!!) Gigi loved feeling the dolphins side, but didn't want to touch it's mouth. She giggled when the dolphin blew air out of the hole at the top of his head. It was such a special time!!!!! Thursday night we raced backed to GKTW for a special Christmas celebration. Inside the castle in the village was Santa and Mrs. Claus, crafts and gifts and Christmas songs!!! Beautiful!!!! We went back to our villa exhausted and so very thankful for such a wonderful day.

Friday morning came and we decided to go to Universal Studios. It was a great day and Gigi was brave and adventurous with riding a Woody Woodpecker rollercoaster twice!!!!!! We ate in Universal at Motown Cafe' mmmmmm-delicious! Friday night was our scheduled time for Mayor Clayton's Tuck-in. At 9pm he arrived with a helper to tuck-in the kids. We knew they would wonder who this huge bunny was in their house so we decided to have Mayor Clayton in the room with the King-size bed. It was so cute to watch Isaiah's response- he had his finger in his mouth and his eyes fixed on the bunny. Then Gigi was talking to the bunny through Isaiah and then finally the bunny fell to pretend sleep and was woken up by Gigi and Isaiah tickling and tackling. It was another special touch by Give Kids The World Village!!!

Saturday morning we woke up very early to get to ride the horses at the village. Gigi decided to just ride the pony and then Isaiah did the same. It was so great to see him on his first pony ride and to see Gigi with her big smile riding LITTLE JOE!!! We quickly headed to Disney's Magic Kingdom for our Royal Breakfast with Cinderella!!! It was incredible and Clara was there with Wade and Angie and everything went perfectly. Gigi met Cinderella, Mary Poppins, Belle, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, we ate a delicious breakfast and then said good-bye to our new friends. As we were leaving the castle they caught up to us and said that one of the workers invited Clara back at 4pm for a very special and very private meet and greet and they wanted us to come too!!!!! We were so excited!!!!! After a fun-filled day at the magic kingdom riding the Winnie the Pooh ride, hearing Belle read a story with Daddy being chosen to play the part of the Beast, uncle Michael hanging out with us, and going into the Disney Philar Magic 3-D show where water really sprayed you and wind blew in your face we returned to the castle. They opened these huge doors and standing right behind the doors were all the characters you could imagine- 16 to be exact all standing in a big group just like a surprise party. I almost cried! Every character signed Gigi's autograph book and spent special time with Clara, Gigi and Isaiah. They were the stars- Gigi got pictures with so many of the characters and we were even able to get one group shot. WOW!!!!! We were definitely back to feeling humble and thankful and like royalty. We blessed Clara with the Royal Breakfast and they returned the blessing with our very own time with all the characters!!!!! God is sooooo good!!!! Please keep Clara in your prayers, she was going home to start some special kind of protocol. They are such a special family!!!!

We ended Saturday night with a spectacular parade and a fabulous light show complete with music timed perfectly at the Magic Kingdom. We were able to eat at an all you can eat place in Liberty Square where more characters come to greet you at your table!!!! Saturday for me was the most fun out of them all!!! Gigi went boldly and confidently up to the characters and even sought them out to say good-bye when dinner was over. Goofy was so gentle, he got down on Gigi's level and gave her this huge embrace.... I could have cried again just from feeling so overwhelmed with blessings.

Sunday morning we were going to go to MGM, but were just so very exhausted. We decided to just relax and skip the theme parks for the day and that night was Parent's night out. Steve and I were blessed with a gift certificate to crab shack and the kids had fun back at the village. Thank you Uncle Michael for watching Isaiah and Gigi!!!! We love you!

Monday we were scheduled to depart from the village. It was bittersweet. It was also raining for the first time on our trip. They transferred two days of our trip onto DVD for us and gave it to us on the last day (we were able to check-out a video cam corder for two days). We also got our Disney character picture, and an invitation to go to any park in the world one time for free in the next year. I looked up Michigan and CJ BARRYMORE'S was one of the parks so that will be easy to get to. We couldn't believe it was over, we still could go to Busch Gardens if we wanted but we looked closer at it and it was definitely for older kids, so we thought we would use our third day od our hopper pass, but it was raining so we just drove to Uncle Michael's in Tampa. We thought we would return for one last hurrah at MGM on one of the days left in Florida. It rained for most of the day as we ventured to Tampa. Uncle Michael met us and let us into his apartment, but then toldus we were going to stay at his girlfriend's Beth house. She lives right by the ocean and was house sitting for her parents and would not be home very much. It was like having our very own 2nd home in Seminole, Florida!!! She was so generous and had such a big heart to allow us to stay in her home. Her son Kyle was so much fun for Gigi and Isaiah to play with. One day we went to the beach and swam in the gulf and another day we went to Beth's parent's house and swam in their pool in their backyard that overlooked the gulf. BEAUTIFUL, MAGNIFICENT, FABULOUS!!!! Sometimes words don't really capture the big picture.

Uncle Michael went above and beyond to make our time with him special!!! Thank you for being such a great uncle and for being an awesome brother and brother-in-law. Thank you Beth for sharing your home with us!!!!!!

We did get to go back to Orlando to use up our last park day on the tickets. We decided to go to MGM, but felt like we could have definitely spent an entire other day at Magic Kingdom. MGM was fun, but nothing like Magic Kingdom!!!! We still enjoyed the day and were again thankful for sweet blessing from above!!!!

Before we left Make A Wish sent us a box with an expense check. The money was for food, gas, souveneirs, tips to the limo driver and spending. It was a very generous check and we were able to make it stretch even into our four extra days with Uncle Michael. What a blessing to think of this trip and how much it would have cost us. We simply would not have been able to go to Disney... limo ride, plane tickets, 6 night/7 day stay at GKTW, food for each day, park tickets, parents night out, stroller rental cost, parking cost,...... it is so humbling to be the recipients of such an outrageous gift!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who helped make this trip possible, and thanks to all of you for your unceasing prayers for Gigi Girl's complete healing and for not giving up even when it didn't look so good for Gigi! Finally thank you God for knowing exactly how to bless us, for knowing exactly how much we could handle and knowing exactly how to heal Gigi's body. You created it so of course you know how to make it work properly- we are humbled and grateful we still have Gigi with us active, healthy and alive!!!! Lord we ask you to do the same for Ethan- nothing is too big for you to handle- you are good and your mercies endureth forever!!!! Please lift the burden from the Jackson's heart and heal Ethan completely and for always, for you "it will only take a second"!!!!!!! What seems impossible for man is possible in YOU!!!!! We love you SWEET JESUS- thank you for going to the cross so we could experience a direct relationship with GOD through YOU!!!!! You took our sin and our sickness ---willlingly! We love you Jesus!!!!!!

We sing this song in Super Church with our 1st grade -- 5th grade children on Sunday morning... "You are faithful to all that you have promised, loving in all of your ways, but still... with all of my failures, you love me, you love me, you love me!!! nanana naanaana naanaa...." I woke up with this song on my heart this morning (my 30th birthday) and I knew I needed to get this update logged and do some reflecting of what God has done for me and what He has brought us through!!!!! Your love is amazing!!!!!! I love you Lord!!!!! Thank you for capturing my heart over 10 and a half years ago- I am forever grateful!!!!!

Joyful in Hope,

Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:18 AM CDT

Hi all of you patient & wonderful family and friends!

We truly had the most amazing, relaxing and wonderful time in Florida. I haven't updated because I don't want to miss even one detail. For you, but even more for us so we can look back and remember every little precious detail. So a detailed intense update is coming- soon!

Yesterday Gigi had a check-up at Beaumont. All blood counts look great and so does Gigi!!!! She weighs 16.2 kilos which is a bit over 34 pounds. She is 100 cm tall which is just shy of 39.5 inches. Her white blood count was 6.1, neutrofils 3.1, hmg 11.5 and plt 255. All within normal ranges.

Please don't let up praying for Ethan. They found some more cancer cells and there is some kind of a "meeting" set up for Friday. We will believe the "report of the Lord"! PRAISE REPORT: BOTH OF ETHAN'S RETINAS HAVE REATTACHED- the docs are amazed at how well he can see!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GREAT PHYSICIAN!!

I praise God for each of your tender and compassionate hearts. I love you!

Joyful in hope,

Tuesday, October 5, 2004 7:23 PM CDT

Quick update-

Yesterday Dr. Hutchinson called and said the CAT scan looks exactly like it did before!!!! So this means...... NO NEED FOR AN MRI!!!!! This was splendid news on the eve of Gigi's big Make a Wish Trip. God is ALWAYS right on time!

The limo came to pick us up at 7:30 am with plenty of time to catch our 10:15 am flight. We casually walked through the airport and even got a delicious breakfast at National Coney Island. Steve knew we would be cutting it close so he started speed walking to our terminal while holding Isaiah. Gigi and I walked as quick as we could too- but to no avail. When we got to A74 the door was closed and the airplane was preparing for take off and Daddy and Isaiah were no where to be found. The lady at the desk said they went to look for us ?????? I wasn't sure why 'cuz he knew we were right on their tail- either way we still missed the flight and were blessed to get the very next flight out- 12:40 (I think)... we arrived in Orlando after a wonderful plane ride - with no turbulence! A man named Don met us to walk with us over to the AVIS car rental where we were blessed again with a brand new white mini van...... I could go on- but everyone is waiting for me to finish so we can go hang out back in our VILLA- (We arrived at Give Kids The World Village at 4pm, ate dinner at the gingerbread house and saw part of 101 Dalmations in the theater- and of course we stopped at the open all day icecream parlor- mmmmmm! More to share later- Gigi was singing "God is so good" and that about sums up today!!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 2:06 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Believe it or not we are still waiting for some of Gabriella's test results. I decided to update just so you knew specifically what to pray for. We are still waiting for the results of the bone marrow aspirate. All the urine markers look good, as do the results from the bone scan and MIBG scan. The CAT scans of the abdomen and chest look clear, but the CAT scan of Gigi's head and orbit area showed a suspicious area. This area is behind her nose (if I understand the explanation that was given).

This same area has showed up with every CAT scan since just before bone marrow transplant. We do not know if it was there before because any scans from Beaumont did not cover this specific area. Thus far the docs have concluded it to just be an area we watch, because every other scan is clear in this area (bone scan and MIBG scan) and the bone shows no evidence of this area being cancerous. When we got Gigi's scans done at Memorial-Sloan Kettering in New York City they were not worried one bit. In fact they said it is VERY VERY common for kids who have gone through the same chemo regimen Gigi has gone through to have "neoplastic tissue" in this area (????????) I am going from memory here so my wording may be incorrect. Basically they said the kids seems to have some sort of chronic sinuitis in this area and it definitely does not signify a relapse of neuroblastoma.

So every scan time Gigi has been declared NED (no evidence of disease). Yesterday when the nurse called, she said we need to set up an MRI????? I wish it were Dr. Yanik who called, I could have picked his brain. I need to call back to understand more of the WHY behind the decision. Ever since I got off the phone with the nurse all of these questions have been popping up.... Does this mean something looks different? Does the bone appear to have changed? Why the decision to do the MRI this time opposed to doing the MRI the past three scan times? Anyways she said she had called the nurse at Beaumont and they would be calling me with an MRI date and time. I said I would prefer to stick with scans at U of M. They have her records from the last 9 months, they can compare past pictures and they understand what they are looking at. The nurse at Beaumont wasn't even aware that we had transferred care(??????) We haven't seen that particular nurse yet, so maybe she was just going from memory. I sure hope she wasn't looking in Gigi's chart.

Gigi has never had an MRI and I am a bit nervous. Anesthesia or just a light sedation or nothing at all? I heard it is very tight and very loud and very long. Gigi has stayed still for over an hour but she was not entirely enclosed for that period of time. Machines have come right up to almost touch the tip of her nose and she still did not budge. No scan so far has been loud. So the decision is to have anesthesia on stand by, just in case she needs it. Maybe if I can read her a story she will be OK..... do you remember way back in February with radiaiton???? Gigi wouldn't let me read into the microphone. Radiation was so very fast- like 5-7 minutes not 60 minutes..... so these are some things to pray about.

Believe with us the MRI will show exactly what New York has found..... sinuitis or better yet.... completely normal tissue because of the Lord's restoration in this area. God is a good God and what He does is for our good so we can trust Him (from marriagae retreat with our church). This is an easy statement to make when everything is going good, but much harder to declare when things are cloudy. Shadrach, Meshach and Abendigo refused to bow their knee to King Nebuchanezzer and the consequence was to be thrown in the fiery furnace. They determined to not back down and were confident that God could rescue them even from the furnace. Then they said (Angie's paraphrase) "But if not, we will still praise Him!!!!" They were thrown into the furnace and when the king peered in he saw four men, when he opened the furnace door out walked the three men and they did not even smell like smoke. The Lord protected them and this caused the king to worship the One True God!!!!! Our pastor said something last week that really got to me.... he said "we could speculate all night what the Lord was saying while in the furnace with these men.... but something I think He said is "Thanks guys!" Something was pricked in my heart so deeply I can barely put it into words. I know at the end when we are welcomed into heaven we will hopefully hear "well done good and faithful servant", but there was something about being in the fire and hearing the Lord say thank you that was so gripping to me. Those men could have bowed their knee, there was absolutely no guarantees they would make it out of the furnace, but they knew that they knew that they knew the intimate and loving God they served and there was no backing down...... so we are in this to the end.... we trust God with Gabriella's life and we hold on to the hope of complete life long healing and know that we know that we know our intimate and loving God will not abandon us- EVER!!!!!!!!

So I am waiting for a phone call with the date and time of Gigi's MRI from U of M. It will be after October 15th because October 5th- October 15th we will be in Florida on Gigi's Make a Wish Trip. I really can't believe these dates are next week already.

Gigi just woke up from her nap and I need to get her in her tap attire. We have to leave for dance class in less than an hour. We love you dearly and thank you so much for remaining faithful in checking in on Gigi and for praying.

PLEASE continue to pray for Ethan. Just last week the docs found that he has relapsed yet again. His eyes are cancer-free, this time it is in his spinal fluid. We are believing God for a miracle in Ethan's life!!!!!

Angie xoxoxoxoxoxo

Friday, September 17, 2004 2:31 PM CDT

Greetings Family, Friends and Faithful prayer warriors,

medical update:

Gigi's counts all look good. Her platelets were 275 (perfect), whites, neutrophils and hemoglobin all in the low end of normal. (If I had the paper in front of me I would type the counts in exactly, but this update would not get finished until next week sometime, because I know I would get distracted.) She weighs a bit over 34 pounds. Today she was to start Accutane and as I started to type this I realized we have not filled the silly prescription- oops!!!! We will get it for her to start tonight.

I called New York on the way to one of our daily treks to U of M this week and the report is still HAMA positive!!!! Her blood will be sent out again in a couple months to be tested and this is said to continue for 2 years from the start of the 3f8 antibody treatment. So for Gigi it will be March 2006 when (I speak in faith) she will no longer need bi-monthly blood draws or anything of the sort.

Scan week has medically gone smoothly- no results yet and still one more day (Monday) of scans left. Gigi has faced the week bravely!!!!

Scan week has emotionally been draining. For me it is a combination of driving back and forth and being reminded at every corner what the last 15 months have been like. It is so easy to forget the intensity of everything when you are not bombarded with medical "stuff" daily. I am so thankful for the help we had each day for Isaiah (Sarah on Tuesday, Renee on Wednesday, Aunt Dee Dee on Thursday and Daddy on Friday). I am also thankful for Steve and his listening and supportive ear last night as I cried my eyes out. It was a bit much to watch my little girl crying her eyes out while wearing a mask that sprayed out stinky nail polish smelling gas to put her to sleep and then coming to with so much intense emotion after the procedure was done.

I know now to just ask for the IV (she never cries for the IV) and then the meds that can go directly into the IV to put her to sleep. This is all new for us because last scans Gigi still had her vaxcel (central line) to access for the meds. I prepared her for the "poke" and then going to sleep for the bigger pokes on her back (bone marrow aspirations). When we walked into the room a bed was waiting, I had her lay down and then realized it was going to be different from what I was telling her. The IV would come after she was sleeping and the mask would be what puts her to sleep. Gigi did not like this at all. She cried until the REM breathing started (very intense to hear her breathing this way) and then I was asked to wait in the waiting room. Aunt DeeDee and I waited until nurse Brenda came out with the good news that Gigi did great and the marrow came out with no problem (only after expaining the gruesomness of it all- punching a needle through her bone and wiggling it to break the bone open to get to the marrow ???????) This was way too much of a word picture for me, but the worst of it all was going back to Gigi in recovery to find her sobbing uncontrollably even after I was holding her in my lap???????? They thought she was in pain and had already given her an extra dose of morphine. I asked her if she was hurting and she kept saying no. So I, too, said "no" when the nurse asked if I thought she needed yet another dose of morphine. I realized she was just upset about me not being right by her side. It wasn't until today that I was able to understand from Gigi she didn't want me to leave. The real reason for all the tears is really an unkown. She hasn't been put under anesthesia since March. I told her everything about the procedure that ended up NOT being true, it was our third long day at U of M in a row,.... so I don't really know- you pick. I do know next time we will do the IV first!!!!

So last night I was able to deal with all the intensity of the day by just crying. It felt sooooo good. I think this was more grieving of the fact my Gigi Girl ever had cancer, ever had a bone marrow transplant, ever had been given a 33 percent chance of long term survival, etc. Then when the crying was done it felt so good to recieve God's incredible peace. He truly has been my strength though this entire ordeal, and when you are in the hospital "mode" things like this week don't really bother me that much, it is just that we have had so much of a break and then it's "boom" back in your face. Remember what we have all heard a bunch of times? God does not give us more than we can handle. So God knows I need to grieve in bits and pieces, too much at once and I would lose my marbles, not enough and I would be hard as stone!!!! It all comes back to trusting God in each moment and remembering He has my back, and Gigi's back and Isaiah's back, ...etc and if God is for me WHO CAN STAND AGAINST ME???? anesthesia? scans? long waits? are soooo worth it when you glance at Gigi and see truly what the Lord has brought her through and is bringing all of us through.

So step be step He leads us--- onward to the goal, we travel through mountain tops and valleys with God holding us up through it all. We are forever changed!!!!

Joyful in hope,

PS- you should hear Isaiah talking up a storm as of late!!!!! When you say "1...2...." he says "three". When you say "ready....set...." He says GO! Then he can say things like, shoes, fish, big ball, basket ball, juicy, "voom" sound while playing with his cars, uh-oh, daddy, mommy, papa, ti-ti, Dee Dee, Gigi, amen and I am sure there are some more words I can't think of right now. He is almost 18 months and such a cutie.

Friday, September 10, 2004 12:11 AM CDT

Happy September,

I hope you know by now that God adores you and desires nothing more than to be in relationship with you. He truly knows the desires of your heart and as you delight in Him He will give them to you. When situations look to be absolutely impossible, unbearable and completely overwhelming God is surrounding you with this bear hug that shelters you through the storm. You come out of the storm different, never the same, renewed, strengthened and rooted in God like never before. It is in those valleys and storms our character is formed and if we allow Him to God molds us into Christ's likeness. Not so we are clones, but rather an extension of the Lord's tender and loving hands to a hurting and love-starved world.

"Cancer" hits all walks of life, saved and not yet saved, old and young- "cancer" if left untreated is known to fester and eat away at even the healthy parts of your body, similar to sin that goes unconfessed eats away at your heart. Sin can be disguised and look to many as they are doing "good"- things like self-reliance instead of God-reliance, running to an addiction (exercise, diets, food, entertainment) instead of running to God, people-pleasing instead of God-pleasing, and of course the ones we all know- not telling the truth, killing, stealing, not honoring our parents, etc., basically sin is sin and sin separates us from God and separation from God leads to death- UNLESS- we confess our sin and receive His forgiveness. Even those of us who have Jesus in our heart and walk daily with Him can allow sin in without even realizing, and then our walk grows continually dim and we wonder why... all that is needed is a cleansing that can only happen supernaturally- no "if I can just be a good person" works in this realm- it is a simple acceptance and ackowledgement that we strayed from God in this area and we need Him desperately. Because of God's incredible plan we have God's complete forgiveness through His Son Jesus Christ and then a promise that He who started a good work in you will be faithful to complete it!!!! We can not change ourselves, but we can be intentional about using the tools God has already given us, HIS WORD, HIS FAMILY (the church) and HIS SPIRIT.

I love you guys and many times fail at expressing what's really in my heart. Life is not a game and we have Gigi still here on this earth with us because of God's incredible grace and deep desire for you to draw close to Him! I wonder what the future holds for Gigi Girl and I can come up with some gander "what-if's", but for now I choose to trust my Heavenly Father with THIS DAY and believe He has everything all worked out... similar to our clinic visit yesterday....

Yesterday was an early morning appointment at Beaumont. This appointment was just a blood draw to send to New York. When we got there the blood draw person asked what tube the blood was supposed to go in- I DON'T KNOW..... U of M did all of that for us. She said they leave it entirely up to the parents to know. So I spent the next 45 minutes trying to get a hold of someone in NY- nobody was available because it was before 9am. Then I called U of M and my contact there was also not avaialable before 9am..... needless to say my husband's message on Sunday morning was so extremely fitting for the events that unraveled in the clinic waiting room. His message was on Clockstoppers, not being so focused on completing the task that you miss out on the moment, boy was I focused and "driven" to get Gigi's blood drawn and leave the clinic. I was fighting back tears in the clinic just waiting for SOMEONE to call me back. The only other people in the waiting room was a mom and her teenaged daughter. The mom started to comment on Gigi's hair and how beautiful it was and then went on to share that her daughter's hair came in the exact same way and they styled it the same, too. I smiled and thanked her and continued to be stressed out about this whole silly blood thing. Then the mom said there is a new addition on this place everytime we come. I responded with you must not come here very often. She said only once a year for scans. Then she asked what kind of cancer was Gabriella fighting. I said neuroblastoma stage iv and she said her daughter did, too. Remember I said this girl was a teenager, well she had nb stage iv when she was 2 1/2 and is now 14 years old!!!!!!!! I was blessed beyond words to meet her, they only come once a year and we were there on the exact same day at the exact smae time. Do you believe that God orders our steps, or what? It has been the desire of my heart to meet and talk with someone who is now a teenager that had the same cancer and same staging at the same age as Gabriella did. If everything with the blood draw had gone smoothly we would not have been in the waiting room talking with this mom and daughter. The only problem her daughter is dealing with is high frequency hearing loss and a speech impediment. Her scans through the years have brought many scares and almost always involving her maxilary bone, nose and sinus area (just like Gigi just before transplant)but all is well. Just another reminder to appreciate those small moments and all those seemingly "big ticket items" will be worked out in God's timing. Oh, by the way- all blood draws being sent for HAMA go in the red tube with the red top- hehaheha!

We left the hospital and went directly to UPS to send the blood overnight (also something U of M takes care of) and another adventure awaited us.... but nothing that wasn't worked out. The rest of the day was rather uneventful, just watching my precious little girl and adorable little boy playing and interacting.... then after they went to bed Steve and I went grocery shopping.... well that's just a whole other lesson I won't go into...... (Papa Gallegos and Ti-Ti still live with us and are able to watch the kids, so no, we do not leave our kids alone at night while they are sleeping hehehehahaha)

We will know next Wednesday about Gigi's blood. HAMA negative we go to NYC September 20th, HAMA positive we continue doing what has been planned, scans on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 20th at U of M and the start of Gigi's last two week round of Accutane on the 17th finishing up on September 30th, THE END OF TREATMENT!!!!! ( we will still have to send blood to NY every couple months and scans will still be done, but I am not sure how often).

Please pray for this upcoming scan week! We are believing for NED and also for that weird uptake in her kidney area to be functioning normally this time. They really didn't have a clear explanation other than ruling out a cancer reoccurrence. Restored hearing would be an added bonus, too!

Gigi's wish trip to Disney is scheduled for the beginning of October (7th- 13th) we are adding a few days on at the end to visit Uncle Michael. We will arrive home on the 17th! Let's hope and believe for good weather (although DisneyLAND doesn't sound THAT BAD!!!) hehehehe

As you can tell all is well, and we are sooooo thankful to OUR GREAT PHYSICIAN, JESUS!!!!!!! We love you and are also so thankful for your prayers!!!!!!!!!

FYI-Ethan's Disney World trip has been canceled due to hurricane Ivan........ and rescheduled for DisneyLAND in California!!!!!!!!! They are leaving early tomorrow morning and will be there until Friday!!!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

We finally have some new pictures in the album!!!!

Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxoxo

PS- I'm now 6 months pregnant with a precious baby that loves to move, maybe gymnastics is in the future! December will prove to be an exciting month!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2004 11:03 PM CDT

Please keep praying for Ethan. It looks like he will be discharged On Sunday and allowed to go to Disney. www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan


September is Pediatric Cancer awareness month. We are so thankful for each day we have with our sweet Gabriella. Neuroblastoma stories are rarely like Gabriella's- very few have happy endings. Gabriella's fight is not over, she will not be considered in remission until 5 years of "No Evidence of Disease" (NED) status have flown by. Please continue to pray the awesome victories Gigi has experienced will continue.

To feel like we are helping and giving back in some way, Steve and I have given up a lunch for life. Please consider doing the same. It is just one lunch. If everyone donated, the goal of ten million dollars would be reached and neuroblastoma research will have been advanced 10 years. Donations can be made on the web site and in Gabriella's name. Please go to www.lunchforlife.org You can also send your friends and family to this site and read about Gabriella's story and many others. Sign the guestbook or just browse through, but please donate.

We missed the second day of the neuroblastoma conference because of Gigi's fever, but some good info was shared. Lunch for Life started last year and is now being done in a greater scale this year. Lunch for Life funds Neuroblastoma research. At the Conference an example was given of how important private funds for reasearch are. One of the key components to Gabriella's treatment was taking Accutane in high doses. The Doctor who did the study on Accutane told all the parents at the conference that it took him several years to be able to do the study. He could not get any funds for his reasearch until he finally got a grant from a private foundation. Accutane increased survival rates by 10 There is so much the researches do not know about Neuroblastoma. The more research that can be done, the
sooner a more effective treatment or even a cure can be found.

On to more personal news- Gigi has completed her 5th round of Accutane. Just one more round to go! This time her hands literally molted like a snake. I am glad she has a two week break. This Thursday Gigi will get some blood drawn for the HAMA testing. It's a bit earlier than planned, but at my request. The other date conflicted with her taking her last dose of Accutane and I just wanted to stay on track. So Next Wednesday we should know if a trip to New York is in the plan. Like ususal we are VERY CONTENT to stay put, but know that the 3F8 antibody treatment is said to be very effective in beating neuroblastoma for good. All of Gigi's scans are being scheduled for September 14,15,16,17 and 20. Pray for accuracy and continued NED status!!!!

Gigi is also starting her first dance class on the 14th with her friend Hannah. They are 50 days apart and are just too cute to watch play together. Tap dancing should prove to be exhilerating and fun for our little princess girls.

Steve is preaching in the adult service tomorrow morning- I am excited to get a sneak preview- so off to listen to my hubby!!!!

Joyful in Hope,

Monday, August 23, 2004 11:16 PM CDT

Urgent prayer request update- August 26-

Ethan Jackson- leukemia and CMV scar tissue has been found in the back of his eyes- his spinals are still clear- so their prayer is of course for healing, but also that they will still be able to go to their Make a Wish Disney trip in the beginning of September. www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan

Ryan Connolly- Three spots on his liver have been found through an MRI. They are planning to go in and biopsy. Please pray these are benign and also that he will be well enough to attend his fundraiser at Trinity Lutheran Church in Fenton on September 12th. (We met the Connolly's at the conference, but have been following Ryan since Gabriella was first diagnosed.) www.caringbridge.org/mi/ryanc

Hi Faithful Friends and Family,

You guys are the best! I feel blessed to know you still peak in for an update and are still keeping Gigi in your prayers. She is getting more adorable with each passing day. Isaiah is hot on her tail refusing to miss a beat. He wants you to notice when he is doing something a big boy would be doing. So he repeatedly calls your name to watch him- even if you have already acknowledged his endeavor 70 other times (LOL)!!!!!! He loves to drink from a straw and he loves to dance and twirl around in circles. He turns his head to the left and focuses his eyes over his shoulders and begins to spin in circles. It is so cute because he is so serious when he does it. He really has to focus or he will fall down half way through the first spin. Today little guy is 17 months old! Gigi simply adores her little brother- they are perfect for each other!!!!!!

Gigi's clinic visit at Beaumont went very smoothly. No surprises! Gigi's blood was taken from a finger poke that she actually winced at. In the beginning days Gigi was so very stoic when it came to pain or discomfort so I actually was glad to see her show some of what she was feeling. Dr. Jamil gave us the royal treatment like usual. I had forgotten what it was like. He goes above and beyond to help us get through the clinic routine. I think because I always went to clinic with both Gigi and Isaiah and he could see an extra hand would be a blessing. He even takes Gigi's shoes on and off for her weight and height measurement. It is so sweet for me to watch my angel baby cooperating and doing whatever it is the doc is asking her to do. In the beginning days Gigi would cry just when she was asked to lay down on the table. Our next visit will be the week of Sept. 20th and this will be to check counts and send a blood sample to New York for HAMA testing. In this same time frame Gigi will also be scheduled for scans. They haven't called me yet with the exact dates, but I do know it is a Monday- Friday ordeal including, anesthesia for the bone marrow biopsy, bone scan, MIBG injections and scan, Cat scans of head, chest and abdomen and possibly a hearing test, echo, EKG and GFR to test Kidney function. I know everyone says how much stress scan time brings and I have to agree the butterflies start flying in my abdomen, but it is such a good feeling when what you are believing for is medically confirmed by the test results of NED!!!!!

Gigi has started her 5th round of accutane- (just one more round scheduled). The dry skin started immediately. Dr. Jamil gave us some brand new product to sample. If I don't see it start to work soon and very soon I am going back to the plain old vaseline. She truly loves taking these pills. Her favorite part is to sneak the pill in her mouth and drink it down with water while we are praying over our breakfast food. When I open my eyes she opens her mouth to show off the fact her pill is already gone!

This past week was filled with many fun memories of Gigi visiting with her cousins and her Aunt "Ma-Yissa". Joshua is 7, Caleb is 6 and Ashlynn is 8 months old. Gigi adored hanging out with her cousins. My sister Melissa and her husband Roger live in Oregon with my two nephews and only neice. We rarely get to visit with each other in person. It was such a great time and so much fun for the kids. We will miss them so much!!!! I will hopefully get some new pictures up soon- this time I will ask Steve to teach me how to download from the camera directly. (Usually he just does it and then I load the pics on the web.)

Hope you are enjoying this last little bit of summer. Take a moment and thank our Precious Lord for your significant other, job, kids, shelter, provision, health, etc. and then trust Him to continue the work He has started in every area of your life- emotional, physical, spiritual ....

Trust in the Lord always and lean NOT on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight!

Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:56 PM CDT

Hi Awesome Child of God!

Gigi has had a great past week.(The dry skin is clearing up-thanks to VASELINE!) Today she even got to hang out with her friend Hannah and dance around in her pretty ballet outfit and ballet shoes. We have decided to sign Gabriella up for her first dance class! (Thank you so much Lord) She will be in the same class as her friend Hannah and it will be Tap at the Mt. Zion school of dance. It is 30 minutes every week for an entire school year and they let you pay in 3 installments. I think I am even a bit more excited than Gigi. I was not (and still am not) graceful in the dancing department, so I went the softball route through school. I am looking forward to how Gigi responds to this new activity. She certainly loves to dance at home! I don't plan to sign-up Gigi for every thing possible, but I do want her to be exposed to the possibilities- so I think her first softball mitt should be on her birthday list for this year. (ha-ha)

Yesterday Gigi spent the afternoon with Papa and Yamma Zottolo at a park in Lapeer. Daddy tried flying a kite at the park, but it just didn't get off the ground. Isaiah tried yet another time at going down the slide by himself, but it is just too scary for him still. (as are baths???) He loves putting on sunglasses and dancing (he looks a bit like Stevie Wonder when he does this). He is such a joy!!! (I forgot to share that two Saturdays ago Zayah came down with Roseola- baby measles).

This past weekend Gigi visited with Yamma and Papa Harkleroad (Great-grandparents)and cousins Katie (16) and Ricky (15) (from California)at Papa and Yamma Berckley's house. She really liked Katie and boy did Isaiah like Ricky! (Can you tell Gigi is blessed with a lot of Yamma's and Papa's?)

We have just two more Saturdays left for Kids For Christ and Gigi loves every minute of it. Kids for Christ is a sidewalk Sunday School at a park in Pontiac. Steve and I began this outreach ministry 8 summers ago and at the end of the summer the kids get a brand new backpack stuffed with school supplies. We have given out 300 the past three years!!!! (Thank you Jesus!) It just blesses my heart to overflowing to see Gigi as one of the kids who sits on the blue tarp and responds to an altar call (that she doesn't quite get yet). She loves being one of the "big" kids and talks about the fun games and seeing her friends for the rest of the day. She is such a sweet and beautiful little girl.

The ultrasound last week was amazing. Everything looks good and the baby is weighing in at the 50th percentile (10 oz.) for the 19th week. I truly love being pregnant, but this time something with my thyroid is off. The doc says I have a very over-active thyroid and is giving me 6 more weeks before he feels I will need to start medication (PTU). I read up on this and it seems safe, but honestly I would just prefer to be healed and be able to skip the whole medication thing. For you medical buffs my TSH is .05 and normal is between .3 and .5 so the pituatary gland slows it's production in hopes to get the thyroid to stop over-acting. Symptom wise I experience heart palpatations and am ALWAYS hot. Well enough about me...

Gigi has her first clinic visit at Royal Oak Beaumont since November. This should hopefully be just a finger poke!!!!!! Only a finger poke, you say??????? Yes you read it correctly, we will not have to send blood to New York for HAMA testing until the week of September 20th. Whoo Hoo! Gigi now has about 8 weeks in between her blood draws for New York. Remember that she is still HAMA positive and as long as that remains she can not return to NY for 3F8 antibody treatment. I know the benefits to this antibody treatment, but I have to be honest.... I absolutely love being home and not having to fly to the East coast!!!!! New York is a great city to..... VISIT!!!

Great news with Ethan Jackson- the docs only found one cancer cell in two whole slides- so this week we are believing for REMISSION!!!!! (We love you Jackson's- you bless everyone's socks off, especially my sister-in-law Sarah, when you faithfully sit in your third row boldly singing praises to our God! You are walking through fire and are shining brightly as gold!!!!)

We love you all so much and truly could not be on this journey without your awesome support. Please remember to sign the guestbook- I can't wait to print all the entries off the computer for Gigi to read when she truly understands everything she has gone through!!!!!!

Joyful in Hope,

PS- I am tossing around this idea of a grand celebration in honor of Gigi's one year of "new life" being cancer-free (bone marrow transplant). In my mind it is a huge celebration with all of you there. The logistics still are in the baby planning stages... a big dilemma is Gigi's transplant was on December 23rd!!! The baby is due on December 27th and everyone knows how busy Christmas time can get. I have looked at the calendar and have zeroed in on December 18th- just FYI. This may amount to just a great idea (I am sure good at the "great idea", but many times do not get it into the follow-through mode). I think MAYBE, if I type it here, it just might happen!!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2004 4:37 PM CDT


Things have calmed down and Gigi is back to her normal self again!!!! That is except for this really intense dry skin on her face. The dryness is even over her eye lids. Even the moisturizer with no fragrance or dye stings- so I use it sparingly. A few other brands have been recommended that we have yet to try. The dryness does not seem to bother her one bit. We have one more week of Accutane for this 4th round. If I calculated correctly Gigi has just two more rounds left. She will complete her Accutane on September 30th!

If you talked to me on Tuesday I was convinced Gigi contracted Rubella from Isaiah's MMR vaccine. Rubella is the German Measles and a rash lasts for three days with tender lympnodes in the back of neck, headache and a mild fever. Everything on the web about Rubella fit Gigi to a tee. Dr. Levine talked me out of it. He said if it were Rubella she would be the only known case documented. The vaccine is live and he recv'd it 9 days ago. My theory was proven wrong when Isaiah came down with a fever last night. I'm thinking it is not Rubella since he was vaccinated last week for it. Part of me just wanted to be nosey and get Gigi to have a blood test.... but that would just mean another poke..... not really worth it. For now we are still limiting Gigi's exposure with other kids because "Rubella" is contagious for a week after the rash shows up. (All the docs we talked to are in agreement with it being nearly impossible for Gigi to have contracted this from Isaiah- they do say other viral infections do show up with red splotchiness on the face).

Steve will be back tomorrow evening and we are all very excited for his return. He has had a full and fun week at camp leading his group of boys. Next Wednesday is the ultrasound for baby #3- I will be in my 19th week- wow, time sure flies....

Zayah and Gigi are patiently waiting for dinner so I need to go! PLEASE REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR ETHAN- the cancer does not appear to be responding to this chemo- We are believing for a miracle in his body!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Monday, July 26, 2004 11:07 PM CDT

Hi Guys!

God is so very real and close to the broken-hearted... I was scared, crying, anxious, jumping into five months from now with my thoughts of what may be in store for Gigi---and on the bathroom floor in the middle of the night at the Hyatt, God met me and spoke to me through His Word in Jeremiah. It was so real and so for me! The next morning (Saturday) I awoke with that incredible peace God is so faithful to give and an assurance that God will get Gigi through (and the rest of us, too- victoriously!)

Our Chicago trip was cut a day short because of a pesky fever and a major headache. Friday afternoon Gigi awoke from her nap and said her head hurt, after dinner it still hurt and a fever showed up, she was crabby, tired and out of sorts. She wouldn't even dance at the dinner with a DJ on Friday evening (those of you who were at Jessica's wedding know that's just not like Gigi). The fever only got as high as 100.6 (100.5 is the magic number for an ER visit, but only if you have a central line- Gigi no longer has one) for about a half hour and then stayed in the 100.2 range. Steve and I decided to get a "good" night sleep and wait and see how Gigi would be in the morning. She tossed and turned and radiated heat all night and made Steve massage her head and pray for her headache to go away all through the night, too.

In the morning we decided to call U of M instead of Beaumont, because they are just more familiar with Gabriella and we haven't been back to Beaumont since last November (we will get there). The fever reached 101.7 and the fellow (along with Dr. Yanik) would not approve us driving 4 1/2 hours. They highly suggested we get Gabriella seen at Children's Memorial in Chicago. We just couldn't do it- so we defied the doc's and ventured back home. (I just know the ER in Chicago would have taken forever.. history.. insurance... out of state..... and they would have kept us a day or two just for precaution sake and that just wouldn't do - because Steve was leaving Sunday afternoon for Kids Camp and we would be stuck in another state with no family or friends around to help). All that to say once we got to the ER at U of M, everything went very smoothly. They have a pediatric ER and were very well prepared. They kept us up to date on Gabriella's culture status and after some fluids and 3 1/2 hours we were driving to the Gallegos Abode- home sweet home. Basically Gigi's blood and urine culture grew nothing and she did not have a fever once we got there. They knew we gave her tylenol, but still saw no real reason to keep her overnight. They thought it could possibly be a viral thing going on. We were told to call on Monday to make a follow-up appointment.

Well today was Monday and Dr. Levine decided via my phone update to not have Gabriella come in to be seen. She played at the park last night and kept her energy at fair levels. He thinks it is still probably just a viral thing... what do you think? She still has an occassional headache, she turns her head a certain way and says her neck hurts, this evening she broke out in red splotches over her cheeks and right eye lid (different than her allergic reactions) and around 9:45pm vommitted (after eating like a horse... it's mommy's good cookin' that does it everytime- Meatloaf, mashed potaotes- that she wouldn't touch, Zucchinni, corn, applesauce and milk). Her fever seems to be only in the 99.5 range at it's peak today and she is sleeping peacefully in Mommy's bed as I type this(a special treat 'cuz Daddy is gone for the week). Pre-neuroblastoma I would have blown this off as just a bug. I learned so much at the conference and I just wonder..... that is exactly how I got into the frenzy I was in on Friday night so I will stop trying to guess the ending (like Steve says I always do when we watch movies). I will keep trusting God to lead in our decisions, guide our doctors and their decisions, and heal Gigi in every way from this whole ordeal. It's day by day that the victory is won- Let God arise and the enemy be scattered!!!!

When I get it all sorted out I will share a bit of the Word from Friday night----- God is so amazing and so loving!

Thank you She-Sha for caring for Isaiah and Gabriella while at the conference. You do such a great job with both of them and they love you so much!!!!!!The conference was great. I really wish we got to hear the second day of speakers. We listened to a lot of different doctors from across the country as they shared what the latest treatments were for neuroblastoma- basically for us- since Gigi is NED and HAMA positive, we have done everything that is out there to treat it as best as medicine knows how. We loved meeting all the great families who could really relate to what our last year has been like. I will tell you more later- it is getting late!

Please pray for Ethan and Lexy (tx/alexiaflory), and for Gigi Girl, too! Pray that this "viral thing" is just that and it would quickly flee her body. Also pray cancer would never again be allowed in her body (that she stays NED for a century) and that there would be no complications or side effects from the intense treatment Gigi has recv'd.

I love you all- thanks for checking in on our princess!

Joyful in Hope,

Thursday, July 22, 2004 7:19 AM CDT

Good morning!

Dr. Yanik called at 7:30am this morning to tell us all was fine with Isaiah's urine test last week. In fact his VMA was 2.5 (normal is 12.5)!!!! We will re-check him in 6-12 months or so.

Last week's clinic was our last at U of M we will continue Gigi's monthly clinic at Beaumont. Her counts we all really good and basically we just get blood checks. Of course we will be returning to U of M for scans (2 months) and any big questions we have about Gigi and her steps to complete healing.

We are off to Chicago!

Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 11:05 AM CDT


Gabriella has had an awesome week. On Thursday we will all leave for a Neuroblastoma conference in Chicago. We are looking forward to meet other families who are battling or have battled this disease. I have read many stories from web sites but have only met a handful of other families who battled neuroblastoma.

Speaking of reading stories from the web- dear Michaela Ann went to be with Jesus last Thursday. Thank you for your prayers and continued prayers for her family.

We need to flood heaven with much prayer for Ethan. Last week a spinal showed cancer cells that have returned (ALL). This is his third relapse. Reggie and Leslie have to make some big decisions on what avenue to choose. They know this is not the end they are just not sure how God is going to heal Ethan. There is no doubt in their minds that Ethan will be healed- read for yourselves www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan Leslie is such an encouragement. On Sunday Gabriella and Ethan were playing in the sanctuary at church. It was so sweet to watch them both run around with big long balloons from the three year old teacher Ms. Ajano.

I am now going to hopefully put new pictures on the web! Check out these smiles!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, July 14, 2004 4:49 PM CDT


When we started this battle a year ago I found caringbridge. Through this amazing free web page I was able to find little girls and boys with the same disease. Some completely conquering it and some sad stories that were not. One of the web pages I found was Michaela's. I have kept up on her all year and today's entry just broke my heart. It may even be tonight that she goes home to be with Jesus. I instantly started praying for her mommy and of course a miracle in her body. I felt I must mention her in today's update. Michaela has a very loving mom and dad and two brothers. www.caringbridge.org/pa/michaelaann She relapsed from stage iv neuroblastoma and has fought a brave battle. It is surprising the connection you can feel to someone you have never met. But then my thoughts wander back to the Lord.

On Sunday Pastor Shannon mentioned in worship to take our focus off our problem and place it on God. So many times I can come to God with a laundry list.... have I really spent time with Him. On two different occassions over the past two weeks God has shown Himself to me in such real ways. Both times were in my car driving by myself. I KNOW that God is real. I KNOW that He is patient, gracious, and tender towards His children (me and you) I KNOW things do not happen "by coincidence" and I KNOW God has a loving plan for each of our lives. The more we spend time with Him the more we develop His character and the more we can "be Jesus with skin on". So why do I often take something so wonderful for granted? Why do I try to face the day with my own strength? Jesus has come to bring life and in abundance! All He wants in return is our hearts. I say all this to remind myself in ten days or ten years to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and "all these things shall be added unto you".

I am forever grateful for what the Lord has done in Gabriella and through so many of you. I am soo thankful for His compassion and grace and His healing touch. He is a God who heals. I simply do not say thank you enough- to God, or to you my awesome family and friends. THANK YOU! Why this healing does not come to all and why it's not when we want it and why kids even have to fight a battle for their life is simply not in the parameter of my understanding. I do understand and am understanding more and more that grace is given for this day to accomplish all God has for you. Some tasks tear your heart out and some send you flying high on cloud nine and some are just mediocre tasks that are mundane and seem futile- BUT each event in our life is part of the refining process, allowed for a bigger reason than we can't comprehend. Naomi lost her husband and two sons and sent her daughters-in-law away to return to their families. Ruth refused to return and committed to stay with Naomi wherever she went. Naomi set Ruth up with the family member closest in relation to her (as was tradition) Ruth then married BOAZ and conceived a son who later grandfathered King David (and we know later in the line came Jesus). Through this horrible situation a bigger story was unraveling. One Naomi simply could not comprehend!

Well Gigi and Isaiah are up from their late naps and church is in less than an hour. I need to go- Gigi and Isaiah have clinic tomorrow! I'll update again soon!

Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Friday, July 9, 2004 4:30 PM CDT

Hi Guys!

Just a quick note to say all is well! Even better than well- Gigi has gone "swimming" twice so far. One time off Yamma and Pappa Berckley's boat last weekend (we put a big piece of tegaderm over the site) and one time today in her new kiddie pool. The little piece of tape that was over the opening (from where the central line came out of her little chest) fell off yesterday. So today marks the first day Gigi Girl does not have to be concerned about her lines getting wet, or her site getting infected, or pulled, or..... she can just be a three year old who takes regular baths and gets to go swimming! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Next Thursday is a clinic day. Gigi will get her blood drawn for the first time in a long time from her arm. Isaiah will get another urine catecolamine spot check done and then we will wait for the HAMA results from New York. I really wonder if there comes a time when Sloan Kettering says, "Let's just check for HAMA every six weeks". Wouldn't that be fun?!!!!?!!!! We would have longer breaks between clinic visits. Right now it is every three weeks and we are truly blessed- last year at this time we were going two times a week with every 21 days inpatient for the chemo cycles.

I wonder what it will be like when Gigi starts to notice her scar across her belly and the one on her chest. I hope I can come up with a really grand explanation that will help her feel special and not self-conscious. Even better I hope with all my heart that it will be just a faint memory and Gigi will never-ever have to actively battle this disease again. Please continue to stand with us in prayer believing she is cancer-free for always!!!! Please pray that my complete trust is in God for this miracle to happen and not the "medication". It feels good that Gabriella is still taking an oral chemo. I feel like we are still battling the monster and making it so weak it could never retaliate. But truth be known- the medical field has not successfully conquered this beast. No fancy concoction of chemo cocktails thus far gives anymore than a 33 percent long-term survival rate. BUT GOD!!!!! His gracious amd healing hand is upon our Gigi Girl and I do not take this for granted for one second. This beast has already ravaged through little bodies of sweet children we know to the point of death and I can not think for one minute the drugs are keeping neuroblastoma away alone. The big picture does not make sense to our finite thinking. Why are some children spared and others chosen to go be with our Lord? Maybe the latter is the better and we are just really clueless. For now I am very thankful for another day with Gigi. Steve and I have learned so much and have grown so much in the realization that life is very precious, God is truly in control and He gives us exactly what we can handle for THIS DAY (not for tomorrow or next week or next decade).

I have more to share but Zayah and Gigi are patiently waiting for me to get off the 'puter!

I love you and am so thankful for your prayers and support!

Joyful in Hope,
Angie xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 2:45 PM CDT


Tomorrow will be one year since Gigi was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. Today at 8:00 am she got her vaxcel removed!!!!!!! (central line) Last night we spoke with Dr. Yanik and we got the go ahead after he reviewed the CT results- CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR!!!!!! This means I can type that really cool acronym NED NED NED NED NED NED NED NED NED! This means there is absolutely no evidence of disease showing up on her scans. Steve reminded me today that God has already healed her- I need to hear this because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God! Jesus is holding Gigi so tenderly in His arms- she awoke from anesthesia VERY CALMLY and made two statements (in this order) "I want my mommy and I want water". Any sedation before this always found Gigi VERY UPSET until we got to her bedside. I was so thankful for the PEACE OF GOD that reigned in our hearts and in that room!!!!!

Thank you for your prayers- thank you to each one of you that continue to come faithfully to the web site and thank you for all of the notes of encouragement in the guestbook. I have just a short time before dinner and then church so I need to make this short- I just had to tell you about Gigi's lines!

On a more serious note, I also would like to update everyone about Paige. Early this morning, after a brave battle Paige Rutter has gone to be with Jesus. Please pray for her parents Andy and Sandy. www.paigerutter.com - Also pray for Ethan who is getting his lines out today because of a horrible infection. By now you all know how wide spread childhood cancer is (or cancer at any age) so please also pray for the countless others who are battling this disease.

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Saturday, June 26, 2004 3:15 PM CDT

Day 186 post transplant (stem cell rescue)
Day 360 since diagnosis of Stage IV neuroblastoma
Day 1825 (that's 5 years) married to my wonderful hubby!

Today is our 5th wedding anniversary- I love you Steve! He made our celebration very special with a night at Cobblestone Manor in Auburn Hills. It is a Bed and Breakfast with all the special amenities of a hotel but with TLC (like world famous blueberry pancakes!!!) I am so thankful and so blessed by God to be traveling on this journey with you!

I am bewildered and blessed (????) A year ago we were wondering what could possibly be wrong with our little Gabriella. She was limping, not eating, not sleeping very well, hemoglobin at a low 8.3, and a fever of 100.5 on and off. These symptoms accumulated over a span of 19 days.

On June 10th Gigi was playing at a park with our Mom's group completely a normal healthy 2 1/2 year old and on June 12th she started limping slightly. She also got a slight fever over the weekend so we went to the pediatrician on June 16th (?) and an x-ray was taken to rule out any kind of a break or fracture to Gigi's hip. There was no explanation and no real reason to assume anything other than a pulled muscle and allergies. The limping stopped by mid week and the fever was here and there. She started getting up in the middle of the night wanting to sleep with us saying her leg hurt and she wasn't eating so good. We set up an appointment with our chiropractor on the 23rd and he couldn't identify anything majorly out of place, he gave us a list of health foods to try so Gigi would get the vitamins she needed. We were going to Inidana to visit Steve's family and celebrate our 4th anniversary so on the 25th we went back in to the pediatrician because her limp returned and she wasn't eating and she was still getting up in the middle of the night. He ran blood work and called us on the 26th before we left for Inidiana with results saying she was anemic (hemoglobin of 8.3) which could be diet at the very least, maybe rheumatoid arthritis, but we were to come back in a week to retest her blood. We left for Indiana and experienced the absolute worst weekend we had ever experienced with our Gigi Girl. She continued to not eat, didn't sleep very well, VERY CRABBY, limping and complaining about her legs hurting- needless to say when we returned to Michigan I immediately made an apppointment to come in Monday to the pediatrician. He called Beaumont and they squeezed her in on Tuesday July 1st. The pediatrician felt an urgency to get it done before the big July 4th weekend. Tuesday Gigi's hemoglobin was 8.1 and nothing else signaled "cancer"- except for the fact of how sickly Gigi looked (both docs thought it to be rheumatoid arthritis), we found out later that Dr. Ammanulah (hem/onc doc) asked for the bone marrow aspiration just from a hunch. So on July 1, 2003 Gigi got her first of many medical procedures. We stayed over night and waitied for the results. The preliminary said 50% abnormal or immature cells they thought possibly leukemeia but that kind of cancer usually shows up at 70% abnormal or immature cells, so Dr. Jamil (hem/onc on rounds) said more tests would be done to confirm exactly what kind of cancer it could be. We were shocked, I cried, we really could not believe this was happening to our sweet little girl. We stayed another night and more tests were done- urine catecolamine, bone scan, cat scan and then the confirmation of what kind of cancer was inside of Gigi's body. The scans showed cancer all throughout her bones and marrow, a mass originating near the left adrenal, top part of her chest and another behind her left eye. July 2nd it was most likely neuroblastoma and on July 3rd it is definitley neuroblastoma in the 4th stage. This kind of cancer is very rare and it comes with a 33 percent event-free survival for the next 5 years. It is a malignant cancer of the sympathetic nervous system. I cried really hard this time and then the nightmare continues. We were released on Thursday July 3rd for the weekend and would return on July 7th for the start of Gigi's treatment. The weekend was not an enjoyable one, but we tried to make it fun- but Gigi was just not a happy camper and neither were we. On Monday July 7th a triple lumen broviac was put into our baby girl's body and on July 10th she recv'd her first of 6 medium-high dose chemotherapy rounds. The rest of the story is found in the history of these journal entries and in the hearts and minds of Gigi's awesome support system!

I really did not plan on going into all of this detail, but it was quite therapeutic. So in 19 days Gigi went from a healthy little girl to a little girl who must battle a cancer that invaded her body. The most commonly asked question as of late is "How did you know?" Well there you have it- (of course you guys arent't the ones asking this question because you already know). The above is a very long answer that I tell in abbreviated fashion when I am asked that question.

So on to recent "stuff"-
The test results are in...... Isaiah's VMA is at 12.5 (last month it was 23), normal is anything under 12!??!?? So Dr. Yanik does not think it is anything but suggests that we continue to check him until we are blue in the face. So in three weeks he will have yet another urine catecolomine test. We have certain chemical secreted in our urine and if you have neuroblastoma these chemicals do not register at "normal" levels. This is why we will continue to test Isaiah.

Now finally Gabriella, which is why you came to this web page- her MIBG scan was normal and her bone scan was normal, EXCEPT for this strange cluster of dye that accumulated in one of her kidney's. The dye is what they inject into Gigi's body for the bone scan. Dr. Yanik said we could redo the bone scan or get a cat scan. This Monday Gigi will get a Cat scan of her abdomen and pelvis to take a closer look at the area in question. The doc does not think this is anything of concern. We will also do a 24 hour urine collection for Gigi's catecolamine test on Tuesday. On Wednesday June 30th Gigi is scheduled to get her double lumen vaxcel (central line) removed! Gigi also started her third round of accutane pills (oral chemo). Keep praying against any long term side effects from the treatment Gigi has recv'd. Also for the neuroblastoma to never return or any other cancer either!

Thanks for hanging in there through this long update! you guys are the best most faithful support team. I love you!

Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, June 23, 2004 4:30 PM CDT

I am "patiently" waiting the scan results. We still have not received a call from Dr. Yanik. The women I spoke to today said she would leave the message for the doctor to call in the morning (it was my fourth phone call this week).

We do have the HAMA results back......... she is HAMA positive! Most of you know what that means- we get to stay home for another three weeks. We will enjoy being home for July 4th especially!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Friday, June 18, 2004 5:32 PM CDT


Gigi weighed in at a womping 34.8 pounds (highest ever) and 38 inches tall!!!!!!! We ran into two hospital staff that have not seen Gigi since bone marrow transplant. They were completely stunned at how good Gigi looks!!!!!!!

Scan week is OVER!!!!!! Gabriella's counts are AWESOME!!! Her hemoglobin climbed from 9.4 to 10.9 (still on the low side, but no where close to a transfusion) Her platelets are completely at a normal number (254) and so are her white's and neutrophils (7.1 and 3.9)- THANK YOU JESUS!!!! We will have scan results back on Monday and Gigi is actually scheduled for LINE REMOVAL on the 30th of JUNE!!!!!!!!!!!! We will find out on Tuesday if we go to New York on the 28th- so obviously if we go to the Big Apple her line removal will be delayed (but just by a bit)! Pretty exciting news!

Now for Isaiah.... I called U of M on two different occassions for his urine test results. Since I did not receive a return phone call I made the "assumption" that everything was fine. Well it is fine, I know it is- but..... Dr. Levine told me on Thursday during Gigi's clinic that Isaiah's urine catecolamine test was abnormal?????? I asked why I didn't get a phone call (it's been at least 4 weeks since the test) the doc said that we definitely should have gotten a call and that it was wrong that nobody followed up with us. I was actually pretty shocked at the whole thing. We left clinic with the understanding Isaiah would come to clinic on the 30th for a urine test re-do, while Gigi gets her lines removed. As I was driving home I realized that 2 weeks with wondering would not do. We have been surprised by this disease once and I am not going to stand by wondering! So I called the hospital back and got Isaiah set up for this morning (while Gigi was getting her bone scan).

The reason for the re-do false positives are common in one year olds. The test is sensitive to diet; vanilla and bananas could throw the numbers off. Isaiah can only drink soy milk and during one time frame I bought the vanilla soy and he does like bananas. So please keep Isaiah in your prayers, it is very rare for siblings to be diagnosed with neuroblastoma.

During the ride home yesterday I held to what you shared Christine- Isaiah is fine!!!!! The Word also says that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and we shall not die but live and proclaim the works of the Lord!!!!! Isaiah is covered by one act of obedience- Jesus dying on the cross for our sickness and disease and sin. We have victory because He conquered death and rose again to provide the way to Our Father in Heaven!!!!!

So this week has been full and exausting, but it feels so good to know Gigi is healed and Isaiah is protected!!! Did I mention SCAN WEEK IS OVER!!!!!!??????

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Thursday, June 10, 2004 10:26 AM CDT


Gabriella has just one more accutane pill to take for this two week cycle! YEAH!!!!!!!! She did an awesome job! Her face looks soooo much better, so I will definitely use the extra emoilient night cream (Mary Kay) from now on. The best and most exciting news is from Gigi's dental visit. NO CAVITIES!!!!! NO CAVITIES!!!!!!! No CAVITIES!!!!!!!

You know all those prayers that were prayed and are being prayed for Gigi and her being protected from the ill- effects the chemo is known to bring? Well this is one big example of those prayers working. The protocol Gigi was on is known to erode the enamel of Gigi's teeth causing many cavities. Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!! Something that sounds so little in writing, truly was big in my heart. I can't explain it completely other to say I am in awe of God's faithfulness.

Gabriella is doing great. She loves to swing on her swing in the backyard, walk to the park, play with her brother and tell people about her sister that is coming. heheheha Next week is our busy hospital week- MIBG scans, bone scan and hopefully a date for her line removal. A week from today is also clinic where Gigi will get her blood drawn for New York (yes, it is that time already). I feel a bit more ready for the possibility of leaving for New York this time. Maybe that means we are going. Either way I love that it is in God's hands.

Yesterday was Alex's funeral. I really wanted to go, I even mapped it out on Map Quest. It just didn't work out. Gretchen is such a special person and I wanted her to feel the support of friends and family around her. She was in New York with her husband PJ the same time Gigi and I were there. We both stayed in the Ronald McDonald House while in New York. Gigi and Alex had scans the same week and started the 3f8's the same two weeks we were there. It meant so much to me when Gretchen would call and check in on me. The phone calls were to invite us to coffee and cookies, sight seeing, just to check in and also to see if we needed any groceries. She knew I was by myself with Gigi- those phone calls spoke so loudly to me "You are not alone, we are doing this, too." (Remember that nothing you do for someone else is "too small" God uses it in a mighty way to bless you and the other person.) One time Gretchen even came to deliver some headache medicine for me. When I recalled everything that happened those two weeks, I realized I was so thankful the Lord sent a sweet sister to walk through it with me. God always provides! So all this to say I really wanted to go to the funeral. Since I didn't I was wondering if any of you reading this ever received something really wonderful as you were grieving a loss (I need an idea for Gretchen).

I praise God for you are fearfully and wonderfully made!
Joyful in Hope,
Angie xoxoxoxoxo

PS- Ethan is home from the hospital!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2004 9:11 PM CDT

Monday June 7th- update
I just got on Alex's web page- I read he went to be with Jesus Saturday night in his sleep. Please pray for his family and sign their guestbook during this time of great loss and sadness. We know he is present with the Lord, but his presence here on earth will be greatly missed. www.caringbridge.org/pa/alexp

Hi Everyone!

Gigi is doing really good- minus some REALLY DRY skin. (from the accutane) Her skin is peeling on her chin, forehead, and even her ears. I have been putting Lubriderm on her face, but tonight I am going to try Mary Kay's extra emoilient night cream. It is VERY thick and hopefully will help some.

I have been struggling in the food department with both Gigi and Zayah. Gigi will love salmon, broccolli and rice one day and then when it's served for lunch she will act like she never ever liked it in the first place. So it's hard to know what she is going to eat really well at any given time. (well... except for mac-n-cheese). With Isaiah, he is really stumping me. He has allergies to milk, eggs and peanuts (like Gigi) and on two occassion over the last week he has vomitted after eating chicken. It was cooked really well (I cooked it), I am trying to figure out if it was from something else, because the doc said a chicken allergy is very uncommon. He will have a few bites of cheerios and soy milk for breakfast, then the rest of the day is up for grabs. Hot dogs, potatoes, and pizza seem to be to his liking (occassionally) meat (turkey, beef, pork) sometimes and always bananas, grapes pretzles, ritz crackers, graham cracker sticks and soy milk. Not very balanced. Any ideas?

All of Gigi's scans are set up for the week of June 15th at U of M Tuesday- Friday. MIBG injection (Tuesday), MIBG Scan (Wednesday), MIBG scan (Thursday), Clinic (Thursday), Bone scan injection (Friday), Bone scan (Friday). I also really want her lines taken out, but I guess we will discuss it in clinc on the 17th. Dr. Yanik questioned why we want it out so early. He was thinking of New York. I think IF we go back to New York Gigi will be able to keep a peripheal line in for the week. Both Steve and I are really looking forward to a line free Gigi Girl.

Please keep Alex, Paige, Ethan, Miles and Bob in your prayers. Alex went into a coma last night, Paige is experiencing more pain, Ethan is still battling the pancreatitis, and has been in the hospital this time for over three weeks, Miles was born without a pituatary gland and wasn't suppsoed to live past 10 and he is 12 struggling with the side effects and Bob has found out he must start chemo immediately the cancer has spread to many places in his body. Please pray they would feel the tangible presence of their "Abba-Father" carrying them through and healing would come quickly.

Cancer and what it leaves in it's wake is a very difficult journey. We don't get it, we don't understand, we don't know why- But, we know God, we trust His heart, we fall back on Him for strength!

I love you-
I praise God, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made!
Love, Angie

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 8:53 AM CDT

Please remember to pray for Ethan, Alex and Paige! www.paigerutter.com www.caringbridge.org/pa/alexp ethan's is below!


Thank you for your kind encouragement about baby #3! Gigi is doing good. The little bumps on her chin started to peel and left dry skin on Sunday. Today a few spots on her chin have scabbed over. It doesn't seem to bother her. She also has tiny bumps on other areas of her face, but so far their stable. She is still taking her pills twice daily like a pro. As far as emotional issues- after the first two days it seemed to subside. So maybe it was just in my head. Gigi is sweet and cooperative (usually!!!!). She is not eating nearly as much as she did while on her first round of Accutane. So there goes my theory of the oral chemo making her hungry. She is still eating ok, but just not as much. Gigi is on day 6 of 14 for this second round of accutane. Two weeks from tomorrow she will go to clinic, we will draw blood and send it to New York. Three weeks from today we will know if Gigi goes to start her 2nd round of 3f8's. If we do go she will start on June 28th. Sometime before this I will get the schedule for her scans and tests, I'll let you know when I know more.

I am very thankful for this time! Normal, carefree days!

Steve and I are going to a Neuroblastoma conference in July. It is held in Chicago. We are both looking forward to this. A year ago we would have said neuroblas-what? As probably would you. We sure have all been educated on this monster and what it can do in it's wake. Our eyes have been opened to a whole new world! But also to a whole new awareness of God's character! His promises hold true from generation to generation.

Thank you for checking in on us-
Joyful in Hope,

Saturday, May 29, 2004 10:06 PM CDT


I keep forgetting to tell about Gigi's 2nd round of Accutane. She started Friday morning and will take it twice a day for 14 days. It could just be in my head but these past 48 hours have been a bit "emotional" with Gigi Girl. She also has these tiny bumps on her face, with the majority concentrated on her chin. I assume this was a late effect from her first round of accutane, but I have not called the doc about it yet. So please continue to keep Gigi in your prayers with this whole oral chemo deal. She still takes the pills like an adult- very quickly with just a sip of water!!!!!!!! I really hope this round is as smooth as last round.

I called U of M on Wednesday with a request to schedule her MIBG scan and bone scan (routine every three months for the first year) and then also I asked for her lines to be taken out!!!!!!!! I know Gigi will absolutely love taking a real bath and getting to swim this summer. If we do go back to NY it won't be until June 28th ... so her lines are not being used at all (except for monthly blood draws). No dates are scheduled as of yet!

Early Friday morning Gigi Girl and I visited our old stomping grounds! Royal Oak Beaumont! Gigi seemed to not remember anything!!!!! They told us this would be so... but I guess I didn't believe it at the time. We were at that hospital from July 1st - November ???? on and off. Gigi was just 2 years 7 months when we started. I guess most of our earliest memories are not until 3 or 4!!!! We went to the pediatric floor and visited a couple of Gigi's favorite nurses from last year. They were ooohing and ahhhing over her. It was great to see everyone again. Even our favorite DR. Jamil was there!!!!

Well are you wondering yet why Gigi and I were at Beaumont early Friday morning???? It wasn't just to reflect and ponder on all the Lord has done this past year... although it did turn into that.... we were there for an ultrasound..... sonogram... you know.... the picture that's taken of a baby when it's within the womb.... you read it right.... we are expecting baby number three late December or early January. On Monday I will be 10 weeks pregnant. The baby was already moving all around and kicking it's little leg and arm buds. The heart was beating, too! It is truly an amazing miracle!!!!!!

We've know since Mother's Day and I was very excited to share with everyone right away..... but, we decided to wait until after the ultrasound. It was very hard for me to not share as soon as we found out, but I survived and it was kind of special keeping it between us. Well that is until Gigi started telling people. Renee was the first to know- Gigi informed her while she was babysitting. (I was at the OB, but Renee didn't know). Gigi told her she is going to have a sister, it's growing in her mommy's belly and it's going to take a while. Is she just too funny. We do not know if it is a girl or a boy, this ultrasound was just to get an accurate due date. We don't find out the sex anyway! I love surprises!!!!!

Well it is getting late- thanks for checking in- I love you all and just had to share the good news!!!!!!!

Joyful in Hope,
Angie xoxoxoxxo

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:45 PM CDT

Hi Everyone!

Check out the new pics in the photo album!

HAMA POSITIVE HAMA POSITIVE HAMA POSITIVE!!!! Gigi's blood is HAMA positive! What does this mean? Is this good or bad? What's next? I don't know I don't know I don't know!!!!! BUT WHAT I DO KNOW IS Our family is together for another 4-5 weeks!!!!!!!! I am just a bit excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also know (as Barb told me on Sunday) God knows how many 3F8 treatments are needed. June 28th will be the earliest we would be in New York (if at all). I have a call into to Dr. Kushner to find out exactly what this means and what do we do next. My guess would be to start her second two-week round of accutane (oral chemo), wait a week and then draw Gigi's blood again to send for HAMA testing. Remember the HAMA is the antibody level still in Gigi's system. HAMA is what you want, but according to the NY doc's not this early. I read a web page last night that said "I am thankful for every 3f8 treatment my daughter gets". i need to remeber this! I do know that even with remission Gabriella still only has a 1 in 3 chance of long term survival (medically speaking). This is the reason we decided to give Gabriella every medical opportunity out there to help her be victorious, thus the 3F8's. Deep down I feel like she has beaten this thing. I know the promise we stand on is for TODAY! Tomorrow is not promised for any one of us. So for today all our needs are met! God is already in tomorrow and the next day and the next. Our faith is built with the daily steps we take, with the first step being surrendering your heart and life to JESUS! Have you? Who would pass up an opportunity to be forgiven of every bad thought or deed you have ever done? Who would pass up an opportunity to know your eternal destination of heaven is decided? Most importantly who would pass up an opportunity to know intimately your Creator and Lover of your soul? I got side-tracked for YOU! Please ask Jesus into your heart to be Lord and Savior of your life. Get to know Him more by reading His living Word! Find a church home that will provide an atmosphere to grow in! I love you- I thank you for checking in and if this last part was not for you, then your job is to pass it on!!!!! Be BOLD!!!! Be strong!!!! For the LORD thy God is with YOU!!!!!

Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxoxo

Monday, May 24, 2004 10:24 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!

Thursday's clinic appointment went really good! Gabriella weighed in at a womping 32.8 lbs. (14.9 kilos). This is up 4.2 lbs. from the vomitting episode a month ago. Her wbc is 4.9, hgb 9.7 (I would really like to see this go up and stay up) plt 227 (awesome!) and anc 3.9 (I think). Her counts are good and according to Dr. Levine Gigi could get her lines taken out anytime. We will wait and see what the blood results are with the HAMA testing in NYC before we jump into anything. It would be so wonderful to take her central line out, but then that would mean monthly pokes for blood draws. It would also mean a peripheal line for the 3F8 anitbodies so.... we'll just wait a bit. (I only asked because I thought it would be great if Gigi could go swimming in September when we go on the Make a Wish Trip to Disney.) We will know on Wednesday if we will be trekking off to New York on Monday!

The clinic visit was exptremely long because we also got Isaiah tested to rule out neuroblastoma. Zayah had a bag around his penus area for THREE HOURS!!!!!!! It took him until 12 noon to urinate. They will test his urine for normal levels. I really am not concerned- like Christine said it is just for peace of mind. She also blessed my heart by sharing with me she was praying about it and just knew Isaiah is just fine!!!!!!!

Ethan is still going through it. INTENSE! www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan. This weekend they found out he has pancreitis (enlarged pancreas). This is VERY PAINFUL! They do nothing about it, except just wait and give pain meds. He is just drinking water and began vomitting again this weekend. The diarreah has returned. He is getting a CT scan done as I am typing this. They will evaluate to see how enlarged the pancreas is and also check out the hematoma to see the size and to figure out what is going on. Everything is pretty much inconclusive. Please pray for a complete healing in Ethan's body. Also for Leslie and Reggie as they journey through this. Ethan also has a brother and sister Ella and Reggie Jr. - PLEASE PRAY!

Alex has been having some pretty good days www.caringbridge.org/pa/alexp both Alex and Paige (www.paigerutter.com) along with their families could use your prayers, too!

On the home front- Gigi is doing marvelously! She is one energetic, playful and beautiful big sister. She is so tickled with Isaiah and his new walking ability. For two weekends in a row Gigi and Zayah have spent the night at Yamma and Pappa Berckley's. They both have so much fun while they are visiting. Gigi had her buddies over on Friday evening and when they left she was moping around with her head down saying "I miss my friends"! She is going into her classes at church and liking her teachers. It is so sweet for me to hear Gigi tell me what she learned in class. We prayed for Ethan just a bit ago and she said "My teacher already prayed for Ethan last night in class!" I am loving every minute of this!

Thanks for checking in-
Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Monday, May 24, 2004 10:24 AM CDT

Tuesday May 25, 2004 update-
HAMA POSITIVE HAMA POSITIVE HAMA POSITIVE!!!! What does this mean? Is this good or bad? What's next? I don't know I don't know I don't know!!!!! BUT WHAT I DO KNOW IS Our family is together for another 4-5 weeks!!!!!!!! I am just a bit excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also know (as Barb told me on Sunday) God knows how many 3F8 treatments are needed. June 28th will be the earliest we would be in New York (if at all). I have a call into to Dr. Kushner to find out exactly what this means and what do we do next. My guess would be to start her second two-week round of accutane (oral chemo), wait a week and then draw Gigi's blood again to send for HAMA testing. Remember the HAMA is the antibody level still in Gigi's system. HAMA is what you want, but according to the NY doc's not this early. I read a web page last night that said "I am thankful for every 3f8 treatment my daughter gets". I do know that even with remission Gabriella still only has a 1 in 3 chance of long term survival. This is the reason we decided to give Gabriella every medical opportunity out there to help her be victorious, thus the 3F8's. Deep down I feel like she has beaten this thing. I know the promise we stand on is for TODAY! Tomorrow is not promised for any one of us. So for today all our needs are met! God is already in tomorrow and the next day and the next. Our faith is built with the daily steps we take, with the first step being surrendering your heart and life to JESUS! Have you? Who would pass up an opportunity to be forgiven of every bad thought or deed you have ever done? Who would pass up an opportunity to know your eternal destination of heaven is decided? Most importantly who would pass up an opportunity to know intimately your Creator and Lover of your soul? I got side-tracked for YOU! Please ask Jesus into your heart to be Lord and Savior of your life. Get to know Him more by reading His living Word! Find a church home that will provide an atmosphere to grow in! I love you- I thank you for checking in and if this last part was not for you, then your job is to pass it on!!!!! Be BOLD!!!! Be strong!!!! For the LORD thy God is with YOU!!!!!

Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxoxo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi Everyone!

Thursday's clinic appointment went really good! Gabriella weighed in at a womping 32.8 lbs. (14.9 kilos). This is up 4.2 lbs. from the vomitting episode a month ago. Her wbc is 4.9, hgb 9.7 (I would really like to see this go up and stay up) plt 227 (awesome!) and anc 3.9 (I think). Her counts are good and according to Dr. Levine Gigi could get her lines taken out anytime. We will wait and see what the blood results are with the HAMA testing in NYC before we jump into anything. It would be so wonderful to take her central line out, but then that would mean monthly pokes for blood draws. It would also mean a peripheal line for the 3F8 anitbodies so.... we'll just wait a bit. (I only asked because I thought it would be great if Gigi could go swimming in September when we go on the Make a Wish Trip to Disney.) We will know on Wednesday if we will be trekking off to New York on Monday!

The clinic visit was exptremely long because we also got Isaiah tested to rule out neuroblastoma. Zayah had a bag around his penus area for THREE HOURS!!!!!!! It took him until 12 noon to urinate. They will test his urine for normal levels. I really am not concerned- like Christine said it is just for peace of mind. She also blessed my heart by sharing with me she was praying about it and just knew Isaiah is just fine!!!!!!!

Ethan is still going through it. INTENSE! www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan. This weekend they found out he has pancreitis (enlarged pancreas). This is VERY PAINFUL! They do nothing about it, except just wait and give pain meds. He is just drinking water and began vomitting again this weekend. The diarreah has returned. He is getting a CT scan done as I am typing this. They will evaluate to see how enlarged the pancreas is and also check out the hematoma to see the size and to figure out what is going on. Everything is pretty much inconclusive. Please pray for a complete healing in Ethan's body. Also for Leslie and Reggie as they journey through this. Ethan also has a brother and sister Ella and Reggie Jr. - PLEASE PRAY!

Alex has been having some pretty good days www.caringbridge.org/pa/alexp both Alex and Paige (www.paigerutter.com) along with their families could use your prayers, too!

On the home front- Gigi is doing marvelously! She is one energetic, playful and beautiful big sister. She is so tickled with Isaiah and his new walking ability. For two weekends in a row Gigi and Zayah have spent the night at Yamma and Pappa Berckley's. They both have so much fun while they are visiting. Gigi had her buddies over on Friday evening and when they left she was moping around with her head down saying "I miss my friends"! She is going into her classes at church and liking her teachers. It is so sweet for me to hear Gigi tell me what she learned in class. We prayed for Ethan just a bit ago and she said "My teacher already prayed for Ethan last night in class!" I am loving every minute of this!

Thanks for checking in-
Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:09 PM CDT

Wednesday May 19 Update-
I found out while Ethan was getting the procedures done on Monday he started bleeding. This is why he was admitted into the PICU. They are hoping for CMV and not GVHD (I think?) God knows- so please just keep Ethan in your prayers. ________________________________________________________________________________

"Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that You're my God! You are all together lovely, all together holy, all together wonderful to me!" (a worship song I can not get out of my mind today)

Hi faithful friends and family,

The time we have had these past 19 days is so cherished. Gabriella has done wonderfully. The only thing that happened from the accutane were just a few tiny pieces of dead skin on her lips slothing off. It wasn't even noticable the next day, I thought her nose was peeling, but that again was gone the next day. My heart's desire is for every cycle of the oral chemo to be that non-eventful. Thank you God for caring even about the little things! You know even when a sparrow falls to the ground!

Gabriella has this perfect circle on her left cheek. She was at my mom's and very excited about a song Papa Berckely put on in the garage. She ran from the mail box to the garage in her Sunday best. As she was running/dancing she slipped and fell flat on her face. The scab is gone, but you can still see a perfect circle where the scab was on her cheek. This will fade, but it was rather intense for Yamma, Daddy and Papa to watch it happen.

Thursday we are getting Isaiah tested for neuroblastoma. There are no signs or sypmtoms, (there usually isn't with neuroblastoma until it's already at stage IV), we just think it wise to do this. Never has our doctor seen stage four running in the family... but I was on line and found a brother and sister who both battled neuroblastoma. It is unclear if the little girl was stage IV, but the little boy definitley had stage IV. www.caringbridge.org/ar/elijah and www.caringbridge.org/ar/hosanna

We will also draw Gabriella's blood on Thursday and send it for HAMA testing in NEW YORK. I know it sounded in the last update I don't want NEW YORK.... and I really don't... but when we thought Gabriella had possibly relapsed in her head or stomach last month I was sooooo thankful we had gone to New York. I know I would have been so frustrated with myself if I hadn't risen to the occassion that was set before us. The part of me that doesn't want to go is the part that just wants to be done with all of this and put all this battling cancer "stuff" behind us.... I know Gabriella will have to carry this around with her for the rest of her life, "I had a chilhood cancer" but directly following that statement will be a "BUT, GOD...." and I know God has put New York in our path for a reason so it will be part of the story when we share it 20 years from now. SOOOOOOO many other little children have not made it to this point. I am most definitely not complaining!!!! Neuroblastoma is mean, but our God is mighty! He will only allow so much time to be in this heated battle, for every one it is different. Some fight and have the victory. Some fight and have the victory! (yes, I repeated myself- on purpose) One victory is healing on this earth and the other is healing in heaven. God is Our Stength in both scenarios. OF course we all want the victory here on earth, but sometimes for a reason we will only know fully when we stand before Our Lord in heaven, the other victory is chosen. My heart cries and breaks for the momma's of these children. www.caringbridge.org/pa/alexp Gretchen,who in the medical field has been given 1-2 weeks to be with her son, and Sandi www.paigerutter.com who has also been given a small amount of time in the medical field to be with her daughter. Both children struck with neuroblastoma stage IV just like Gigi. Both children with hospice as an only option. Please pray for these families.

Ethan Jackson needs your serious prayers, too. I do not know the entire story yet, but I do know last night he was put into the PICU at Children's. He was scheduled to get an upper and lower GI yesterday to figure out what has been causing his month of diarreah, The results were not favorable. I don't know what this means, but just please pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know this has been a heavy update, but fighting CANCER is heavy stuff! But thanks be to God we have the VICTORY!!!!!! satan can't win when we look to Jesus! He cowares in the shadow of our unyielding focus when we ignore him and choose to see JESUS! No matter what it looks like around you- Your Heavenly Father has your back! A story in the old testament tells it best. Elisha (or Elijah?) is standing on a roof top with a small number of men. The enemy army has surrounded the roof top and the men are discouraged, defeat and death is looming and certain. Elisha (or Elijah) asks God to open his men's eyes to see and right before their eyes appear the Lord's host of angels bigger and more in number than the enemy army. The victory was won- the focus was not on how big the enemy was, but on HOW MUCH BIGGER OUR GOD IS!!!!!!!!

I love you all very much! You have been recruited into God's army of prayer warriors for Gabriella, but I am also asking you to add, Paige, Alex and Ethan to your list!!!! There are so many others I could list, but these needs seem the most urgent! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! (don't forget to sign their guestbooks, too... during the dog days of transplant I would check multiple times each day to see if anyone was thinking about us and decided to let us know by signing Gabriella's guestbook. Those entries were soooo meaningful and soooo necessary for me in getting through a super intense time... you can even sign more than once!!!)

Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxoxxoxo

Thursday, May 13, 2004 10:45 AM CDT

Please continue to pray for Alex and Paige www.caringbridge.org/pa/alexp and www.paigerutter. They were both diagnosed very close to Gigi and are still actively fighting neuroblastoma. Thank you for signing the guestbooks you guys are great!

Today at approximately 5:30pm Gigi will take her last pill of her first round of cis-retinoic acid (accutane)! She is victorious by the grace of God. NO MOOD SWINGS! NO PEELING OF HER SKIN! NO TANTRUMS ABOUT TAKING THE PILL! The last few days Gigi has taken the pills in 10 seconds flat!!!!! Just last night I noticed two pronounced creases on her lips. Let's pray these creases do not split open or start to peel!

Gabriella will now have 14 days free from pills!!! She still takes bacterim two times a day M T and W, but this is in liquid form. The bacterim will be taken to prevent some kind of pneumonia. She will take this for a year from transplant.

As far as New York is concerned... no new news. A week from today Gigi has a clinic appointment. Her blood will be drawn and sent to New York for analysis. They will determine if her blood is HAMA positive or negative. If it is negative a trip to New York will be planned. I figured out if her blood is negative for the anitbody the earliest her next treatment with 3F8's will start is on Memorial Day. If the blood is still positive then I am assuming they will ask that Gigi does her 2nd round of accutane and then draw her blood to send back to New York and then the cycle continues.

I have been very blessed these past two weeks with no clinics or hospital visits for Gigi. It would be so wonderful if for some "God" reason Gigi's blood is and will continue to be positive with HAMA. I know they say the treatment is most effective if they can do four cycles... (Gigi has only had one two-week cycle) but either way God promises all our needs to be met for THIS DAY!!!! New York seems so inconceivable because ... we are not there yet! If another round of anitbody treatment is needed we will go-confident the Lord is leading us!

I just wanted to say thank you to a few high school friends of mine. Marla S., I cried with your card of encouragement. Thank you for taking time out to let me know you are praying and reading about Gigi's journey. Tricia R., thanks for signing in and letting me know you are also keeping up on Gigi. Melissa W. thanks for the encouragement from the beginning of this journey. You guys are the best, even though we haven't seen each other in a long time- please know it means so much to me that you care and are praying. If there are any more of you from Armada keeping up on Gigi, please let me know.

Susan, Jenni, Sandra, Mary, Jill, Tonya, Lisa, Mom, Don, Steve Sr., Sarah, Dad & Kathy, Carmen, Michael and Melissa the bit of time we have spent together the past month has been priceless. Thank you for helping me jump back into "normal" and being reminded to exhale (as Steve said a few days ago). Gigi loves hanging out with your kids, she loves hanging out with you and she loves knowing something fun is on the agenda. Park play dates, babysitting, scrapbooking, glow golfing, watching 13 going on thirty, and just being around people who love us is so refreshing. THANK YOU!!!!

God is the same God He was on July 1, 2003 when our world as we knew it was shaken. Gigi was full of cancer then and is NED now!!!!!! But God is still the same God. Jesus is our Strength and makes being here in this world worth it. He provides beauty for ashes, strength for fear, gladness for mourning and peace for despair. He is the REAL THING!

Enjoy this day! All your needs are provided for- RELAX! (a reminder every bit for me as it is for you)

Joyful in Hope,
Angie xoxoxoxo

Saturday, May 8, 2004 11:23 PM CDT

We are so enjoying this three week break from clinic, doctors, tests, scans, blood draws, etc. Gabriella continues to take her pills like a big girl. The last three days she takes about two-three minutes to get it down. When she is done there is still a little celebration in the Gallegos' Abode. I am ever so thankful to the Lord for all good gifts come from above!!!! Yesterday I noticed some peeling on her nose, but today it is gone! Gigi has completed 9 days of accutane (cis-retinoic acid) with just 5 more to go.

Today we were blessed to attend a mother-daughter laou (sp?) at the church. My mom (Yamma Berckley) and Gigi Girl were both there. I felt honored to be at such a function and very grateful to be accompanied by my brave daughter and my supportive mother. My grandma went to be with the Lord one year ago this week- so these moments are very special and not taken for granted. We went to the cemetery yesterday to honor my grandma's memory and reflect on her life. We were pretty silent except for Steve trying to trigger Gigi's memory of her Great Grandma Ledbetter (Doris May). My mom took us out to Red Lobster after (a place we took my grandma on a few occassions). My heart is filled to overflowing and again I am soooo thankful to you Mom!

While I am in the thanking mode I must say thank you to my husband. Steve very thoughtfully set up a one hour massage at our chiropractor this morning. He then ended the day with a back and foot massage and light music in the background. (an early mother's day gift) Did I already share that my heart is filled to overflowing. I am blessed and I know it. (to whom much is given, much is required hehehehe) Just kidding! I didn't even have to give Steve a massage back. (those are the best kind).

Happy Mother's Day to all of you awesome mommmies out there!

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:06 PM CDT

Day 134

Finally new pictures!!!!!!! Steve showed me how to change the pictures! I will hopefully keep the pics more up to date! I looked at the pics I deleted to make room for the new ones and... wow... Gigi changed so much in just 2 months.

Gabriella is doing mah-velously. She is still taking her cis-retinoic acid pills (today completes 6 days- just 8 more to go for this first round of oral chemo). Usually the pill goes down with one tiny sip of water, but on three different occassions Gigi drank about four gulps before it went down. Each time she accomplishes this amazing task she grins from ear to ear. We are so very proud of you Gigi Girl.

No side effects are seen from this intense drug!!!! Whoo Hooo thank you Lord. I can guarantee two Tuesdays ago would have been blamed on the accutane, if she had started it. (hahahahaha) She had a complete melt down in the mall telling me she wanted to go to Jeepers "NOT LATER.... NOW!!!!!". Elayne told me tonight, the melt down probably happened before she started the drug so I would know it wasn't from the pill. I agree with her completely. I haven't read up on when the side effects are known to show up, but I do know there is such power in the prayer covering that surrounds Gabriella. She is doing great- thank you for praying about this specifically.

Speaking of praying- Thank you once again to those faithful web surfers who got on Alex's page and signed the guestbook. www.caringbridge.org/pa/alexp
You are the best! He is home from the hospital now, with a patch on to control the pain. Please keep up the prayers and encouragement.

Yesterday Isaiah took 6-10 steps on different occassions!!!! He was so proud of his accomplishment. He walks to Gigi, Steve and I with this big grin on his face and then starts clapping! You are getting so big Zayah! We love you, Little Guy!

Tomorrow is Pappa Zottolo's birtday. Happy Birthday Dad! Gigi will be very excited to call you tomorrow and sing the birthday song on the phone. Enjoy your trip to Indiana!

That's all folks (hehehaha)

Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxoxo

Saturday, May 1, 2004 9:52 PM CDT

Oh, Happy Day!!!! Daddy's home!!!! Gigi is doing great- no side effects seen. Gigi just completed day 2 of her first round of oral chemo. (She will be doing this for 2 weeks at a time for 6 months). Step by step, day by day... today Gigi decided to take the pills all by herself. I wish you could see my little three year old Gigi Girl standing next to the kitchen table, water bottle in hand, pill in the other hand. God You truly are a God of blessings and miracles! (check Thursday's update if you are clueless about what I just typed hehehaha)


While in NYC for treatment we met one family with one special little boy, Alex (age 4). (Even though he was getting a different kind of 3f8 treatment while in NYC, Gigi and Alex shared the same start date of the intense anitbody.) Alex was diagnosed a few months earlier than Gigi w/ NBIV, but had transplant the same time she did. His cancer is the extreme stubborn kind and just won't leave his body. Today I received an e-mail from Gretchen, his mom, and she shared an very heart wrenching update. I cried my eyes out as I read what has happened to little Alex since our treatment in March. Alex was experiencing leg pain on and off. They went to NYC for the start of treatment number two (he was HAMA negative). Before Memorial Sloan Kettering hospital does another round they do bone marrow aspirations. Alex's cancer has progressed significantly and he no longer qualifies for the treatment. He was breathing irregularly and a chest x-ray showed a tumor on his lung. (it is also in other places, lympnodes and his right thigh). Alex's lung has collapsed. He has been given radiation to the area, just to make breathing less of a chore and has been sent home on pain meds and oxygen. My momma's heart is crying out and I am asking you to pray for little Alex, his mom Gretchen, dad PJ and little bro Neil. PLEASE SIGN THEIR GUESTBOOK!!!!Again I can not explain how much of an encouragement this is for the momma (and others).


Thank you does not say enough!
Love, Angie xoxo

Thursday, April 29, 2004 10:39 PM CDT

Friday April 30, 2004 mini-update-
Gigi did it!!!!!! Whoo hooo- thank you Jesus!!!!!!!! Gigi took her very first oral chemo pill this morning (accutane). She blesses my heart. I spoke with Steve last night and we decided together to start today. (Steve is a first born, too hahahaha). I knew Gigi was going to swallow the yellow pill I just never imagined it would be with such ease!!!! Gigi woke up, came downstairs and asked to eat some cheerios. She proceeded to point to the pills sitting on the counter (as if she has been taking them her entire life). I casually opened up the packaging and popped out the yellow pill. I told her not to bite it, but only swallow. I put the pill towards the back of her tongue and gave her some water. I said "swallow it, Gigi swallow" and she said very calmyly "I did already!". There was a big celebration in the Gallegos' home this morning!!!!!!! Thank you for praying- you guys/gals are the best (Gigi says, "Mommy, I'm not a guy!!!!)

Please pray for Paige Rutter (Gigi and I met Paige and family last week while inpatient), she will be three in June and is also fighting the stage iv neuroblastoma beast at Mott Children's Hospital at U of M. Today was her very last day of chemo... it has to work in getting the cancer under control so the MIBG Therapy can begin. Please sign her guestbook to let them know you are praying www.paigerutter.com

Day 128

wbc 5.5
hgb 9.9
plt 236
anc 2.5

Believe it or not the nurse and doctor wondered why we were in clinic today. I reminded them about the start of accutane and how Dr. Yanik told us to make an appointment for Thursday (and how I wanted results from the bone marrow and urine). I am elated to tell you that we are planning to be clinic and hospital-free for the next three weeks. Gigi's next appointment is not scheduled until May 20th!!!!!! The urine test showed NED, the CT showed NED, the MIBG scan has been put off until June (because Gigi is no longer vomitting) and the bone marrow biospsy is still pending. The bone marrow aspirate is clear, but the biopsy says a lot more. We know this too will be pressured to comform to the rest of it's little scan friends and show NED NED NED!!!!!

However.... we are not medicine free. Dr. Yanik suggested starting the accutane (oral chemo) on the 1st and ending on the 14th. It is an easy system to remember- Gigi will be on the accutane the first two weeks of the month. HOWEVER, being a first born and really liking to follow what the directions say, I do wonder about the months with 29, 30 and 31 days in it. Gigi is to take the accutane for 14 days and then rest for 14 days. So if we do the 1st-14th and rest 15th-30th, she will be resting a few more days. This could be very welcomed. But it also will delay our "6 months" on the drug. All this to say I called the clinic back just to be sure the extra days of rest are acceptable. Of course they are... so unless Steve and I decide something different when we talk tonight on the phone (yes, on the phone because my Awesome Man of God is at a Children's pastors retreat in Springfield Missourri for the entire week) Gigi will start the accutane on Saturday morning. I picked the pills up from the pharmacy today. They are yellow and the size of a jelly bean (not the jelly belly's either). I expected the little buggers to be smaller so they could slide down my THREE YEAR OLDS TINY LITTLE throat with more ease... you know like the size of a mini- M&M or something. No matter the size I really feel like Gigi is going to swallow this drug like a girl 5 x's her age could. (Please agree in prayer this would be so!!!) The alternative is squeezing the goods out of the gel capsule and mixing it with Hawaiian juice or sherbert (neither which are on Gigi's list of foods she loves or even likes for that matter...) While I am on the prayer subject- please also pray this accutane does it's job (seek, kill and destroy any stray neuroblastoma's that are not seen on the scans) and does not leave in it's wake any silly side effects. I have read about children who breeze through this and then I have read other stories. The big side effects are dry skin and peeling lips (Gigi loves to pick at her lips) and the side effect a bit less common than the dry skin is mood alteration (depression, rage, anger). So we will lube Gigi up with chapstick and lubriderm and pray we will be counted as one of the children who "breezed through accutane".

OK- this week has been a bit lonely with Steve gone. I miss him tremendously (it's true- absence makes the heart grow fonder). We have kept pretty busy visiting friends and family. Monday with Leah and family, Tuesday with Hannah and Jenni, Wednesday with Pappa Berckley (his birthday), Ian and family, then back to Pappa's for the cake, Thursday clinic and hanging out with Yamma and Pappa Zottolo and tomorrow Collin and family and Pappa and Ti-Ti Gallegos. Gabriella and Isaiah have loved every bit of this week's adventures. They have been especially irristable- Gigi knows all the right things to say- you know, like... "Mommy you look pretty!" and "Mommy I like to snuggle with you!" I am liking all of this extra attention, too. When daddy gets back I must dutifully (hahahahaha) give back my daughter's affection to her first love- HER DADDY!!

A new chapter has begun in Gigi's life- HER LOVE FOR ICE CREAM!!!!! I never thought in a million years my daughter would ask for an ice cream cone while getting a happy meal after clinic today. It is her third cone this week. In the past Gigi has despised anything really cold (jell-o, popsicles, ice cream, etc.) We thank Hannah for this new found love and thanks also goes out to Great Lakes Crossing Mall for scooping out free cones on Tuesday!!!!! She can now join the ranks with her mommy as ice cream conissuere (sp?) that is if I can get her to try something other than "white" or vanilla!!!!!(jamoca almond fudge and anything choclatey and nutty is the way to go- hahahahah hehehehehehe).

I know this update must have you in complete stitches... I am just too funny this evening (hehehehahaha). I'll end it while I still have your attention. Thanks for praying and for checking in on us. I give my biggest thanks to my JESUS for making it possible for Gigi Girl to be healed. He defeated sickness, sin and death at the cross. I am just beginning to grasp what that really means for us today, over 2000 years later.

Joyful in hope,
Angie xoxoxoxo

Sunday, April 25, 2004 10:48 PM CDT

Day 124
(counts from Day 121)
wbc 4.8 (normal range 6.0- 15.0)
hgb 10.5 (normal rangee 11.0-14.0)
plt 226 (normal range 150-450)

Gigi is doing much better. I forgot to put her counts up on Thursday. As you can see her platelets are the highest they have ever been. The normal ranges are for the average child that has not recv'd chemo and radiation. I am very pleased with her counts.

Gigi has kept down the little bit of food and drink she has consumed since Thursday night. This morning she did inform me her ankles were hurting. She is still a bit cranky and I just wonder if it is her way of controlling something. She is very capable of doing the stairs and walking when she is happy and excited or just content. The refusal to go up the stairs or walk comes when she is determined to not walk. I really don't get it.... however I honestly believe Gigi is cancer free.

Saturday was the kind of day I wish we could have enjoyed BC (before cancer-battle). It was the typical clean the garage, mow the lawn, clean the house, clear off the counter, go for a baskin-robbin's 31 flavors jamoca almond fudge milkshake, play on the swing set, blow bubbles, write with side-walk chalk kind of a day. The hospital situation from just a day prior was ancient history and the pain and memory from the barbaric bone-marrow aspirations were both absolutely gone..... isn't God good.... Gigi has absolutely no pain from the two aspirations. She hasn't limped either like she has done in the past with the same procedure. I am humbled and full of thankfulness to know God is the best parent there is- even when we make mistakes- God makes up for it in abundance!!!!!

Sunday Gigi went a bit hesitantly into class. She made it clear in the morning she was only going to her class at the "Green-church and not the Brown-church". The colors refer to the color of the roofs at her own church (green-roof) and the church we visited while in Indiana (brown-roof). I love how three year-old minds are complete sponges. Gigi learned how God made the mountains, trees, clouds and sun. Thank you Ms. Jenna for your devotion to our little three-year olds.

After church Gigi and I picked up Yamma Berckley to attend my cousin's bridal shower in St. Clair Shores. We were able to visit with Papa Berckley's sisters Aunt Dianne, Aunt Debby, Aunt Sharon, and Aunt Lisa. We also visited Tammy (her son, cute little William) and Jessica and Nick (newly-weds to be), all my cousins. It was so good to see everybody.

The day ended with evening service where Gigi attended her very first Rainbows class (similar to girl scouts in that they earn badges) I was very excited about this, even though the class ends on May 23rd. Daddy dropped Gigi off and it wasn't pretty. She cried similar to how she did in the nursery. But, it was so fascinating what she said through her tears. She said "I wait for my daddy and YOU hold me" (as she pointed to the co-teacher Ms. Jeniffer in class). She stopped crying at this point and clung to Jeniffer the rest of the time. I was so glad she stayed, but a bit sad she did not join the other kids while playing. i know in time this will come. This was her first class on Sunday night ever.

Well, as you can tell by reading this update- the weekend was rather normal and uneventful..... I LOVE IT THIS WAY!!!!!! Thank you again for checking in on Gigi. I will end with something Pastor Cal said this morning, "Things happen when you pray that wouldn't happen if you didn't!" Keep praying-

Prayer Requests- (God knows the specifics)
Roy S., Bob K., John B., Ethan J., Christopher B., Andrew G., Drew H., Emily A., Alex L., Paige R., Max, Anna, Trevor M., Gabrielle, all from Michigan- all needing a physical healing.

With Thankfulness,
Angie xoxoxoxoxoxo

PS- I forgot to mention Gigi is scheduled to begin her oral chemo on Thursday. She will take it orally. I added some info so you could understand more about it. So if you are interested read on.....



Trade name: Accutane®
Other name: 13-cis-Retinoic Acid

Chemocare.com uses generic names in all descriptions of drugs. Accutane is the trade name for isotretinoin. 13-cis retinoic acid is another name for isotretinoin. In some cases, health care professionals may use the trade name accutane or other names 13-cis retinoic acid when referring to the generic drug name isotretinoin.

Drug type: Isotretinoin is an anti-cancer drug. This medication is classified as a retinoid. (For more detail, see "How this drug works" section below).

What this drug is used for:

Being investigated for use treating various different cancers.
Treatment of severe acne.
Note: If a drug has been approved for one use, physicians sometimes elect to use this same drug for other problems if they believe it might be helpful.

How this drug is given:

By mouth in the form of a soft gelatin capsule, capsule sizes are 10, 20 and 40mg.
Protect capsules from light.
Take capsules with a meal and a full glass of liquid.
The amount of isotretinoin you will receive depends on many factors, including your height and weight, your general health or other health problems, and the type of cancer you have. Your doctor will determine your dosage and schedule.
Side effects:
Important things to remember about the side effects of isotretinoin:

Most people do not experience all of the side effects listed.
Side effects are often predictable in terms of their onset and duration.
Side effects are almost always reversible and will go away after treatment is complete.
There are many options to help minimize or prevent side effects.
There is no relationship between the presence or severity of side effects and the effectiveness of the medication.
The following side effects are common (occurring in more than 30for patients taking isotretinoin:

Typical retinoid toxicity: (symptoms that are similar to those found in patients taking high doses of vitamin A): Headache, fever, dry skin, dry mucous membranes (mouth, nose), bone pain, nausea and vomiting, rash, mouth sores, itching, sweating, eyesight changes.
These are less common side effects (occurring in 10-29for patients receiving isotretinoin:

Back pain
Pain in muscles and joints
Allergic reaction
Abdominal pain
Poor appetite
Numbness and tingling of hands and feet
Hair loss (thinning)
Dry eyes, sensitivity to light (see eye problems)
Decreased night vision, which may persist after treatment is stopped
Swelling of the feet or ankles
Low blood counts. Your white and red blood cells and platelets may temporarily decrease. This can put you at increased risk for infection, anemia and/or bleeding.
Abnormal blood tests: increased triglyceride, cholesterol and/or blood sugar levels.
Increases in blood tests measuring liver function. These return to normal once treatment is discontinued (see liver problems).
Rare but serious possible side effects of isotretinoin:

Blood clots. Blood clots rarely can lead to pulmonary embolus or stroke - potentially life-threatening conditions.
Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) is a rare side effect. Mainly noted in blood tests that return to normal after therapy is discontinued. Rarely may be severe causing symptoms. Symptoms of acute pancreatitis include pain in the upper abdomen that worsens with eating, swollen and tender abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever, and rapid pulse. If these symptoms occur notify your health care professional immediately.
A very serious side effect that has been observed in patients that have taken medications similar to isotretinoin for treatment of leukemia, is called APL differentiation syndrome. This syndrome is a reaction between the drug and the leukemia. It is preventable with proper monitoring and immediate treatment. This syndrome produces fever, difficulty breathing, weight gain, lung and heart problems. It is generally treated with high-dose steroids. Be sure to let your health care professional know if you experience fever of 100.5F or 38C, difficulty breathing, or sudden weight gain.

Friday, April 23, 2004 12:22 AM CDT

Update 9:30 pm

Gigi is sleeping peacefully in her Casa'!!!We arrived home at 7:40 pm!!!!!!!! Gigi has not vomitted since yesterday! Today she kept a turkey sandwich down and believe it or not milk, too. (I know...I know....).

Thank you again for your continued prayers and all of your encouraging notes in the guestbook- We are so thankful to Our Great Physician- Jesus Christ! I am in awe- He astounds me. We will never completely understand WHY cancer is allowed to invade, but it is oh so sweet to travel this rollercoaster adventure with the Lord as Your Protector, Faithful Friend, and Lover of Your Soul!!!!! Gigi's steps are ordered and He adores her.

Steve shared something so profound on the way home from the hospital. He said, "This is just me, but I believe that through all these horrific stories we hear about babies being beaten to death or abandoned in the garbage cans or murdered, God is there supernaturally holding their spirit and protecting them- their body may remain, but the Lord spared them from the pain." He said this because he believes that is what God is also doing with Gigi. Supernaturally He is protecting her from the pain. He watched her get the bone marrow aspirations while still awake. They gave her versed and fetanol, but these drugs did not put Gigi to sleep. So when the huge needle went in to her hip bones, Gigi cried and was completely aware of what was happening. but literally minutes later she was playing with two brand new beanie babies and all was well in her world!!!!!

Isn't God soooo good?

Have a great weekend!

Update 3:00pm-

The bone marrow aspirations were done while she was screaming and let's just say it was a good thing Daddy was in the room with Gigi! Dr. Yanik apologized and said "believe me I am going to get some heads to turn.... I will speak to someone about this... my orders were for her to be sleeping"

.... and now for the good news!!!!!

We spoke with Dr. Yanik about the results. He was almost jumping for joy in Gigi's hospital room. He is very happy with the CT findings. He knows for sure that there is not a tumor in her brain or pressing on her stomach to cause her vomitting. It really could have been a bug, that lead to dehydration, that lead to more vomitting that lead to a very cranky little girl who decided she just wanted to snuggle and not walk that much. The bone scan has been canceled because the doc does not see the necessity. Gigi bears weight and has not been in pain for days in her legs and the X-ray showed nothing. The MIBG scan is what he is scheduling for the beginning of May,(just to be safe) when the radioactive isotope comes in from Canada. For now Gigi has a clinic appointment for Thursday and will not start her accutane until then. (It is known to cause vomitting). As I finish this mini-update I am thankful and amazed at the Lord's faithfulness and grace. (He never gives up on us- even when we allow fear to creep in.) The results will be conclusive by Thursday. We are still standing firm and believing the urine and bonemarrow will support the other findings- "Gigi is still NED!" Please continue to pray. One of my Caringbridge families said it best- Praying is EVERYTHING!- (You will be encouraged www.caringbridge.org/tx/mitchellmartin)

So it looks like we will be discharged after her urine collection is complete (6pm). I loved typing this update... it feels so good and is such a relief there is not a huge mass growing anywhere!!!!

With peace and hope believing,
Angie xoxoxoxoxo
Day 123
Praise reports-

*I walked into the room this morning and Gigi is back- really back- smiling and excited to see her brother (the fluids have done their juob of re-hydrating!!!!!!)

*X-ray and CT of Gigi's body shows all clear! (They are doing bone marrow aspirations right now and also collecting a 24-hour urine to rule out Neuroblastoma. Isn't this going to be fabulous to find out it was just from dehydration or a bug???!!!!????)

*Emily Augustyniak is in molecular remission!!!!!!!

*Gigi wants a turkey sandwich and the dietician hand delivered one!!!!!!!!

(I wrote an entire update and I did one of my famous poofs! and deleted it completely!!!!! So I will write more later)

Prayer requests-

Pray complete healing and victory in every way for: Gigi Girl, Bob K., John B., Emily, Ethan, Andrew, Drew, Christopher, Max, Paige, Trevor, Michaela, Alex, Morgan, Kaitlyn, Joshua, Nathan, Gabrielle, and all the other families battling a sickness or disease. (especially childhood cancer)

Beleiveing, Trusting, and Hoping in Christ alone,
Angie xoxoxoxoxo

PS- Steve and I have an incredible peace---thanks so much for praying!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2004 12:40 AM CDT

Update 7:00pm

I forgot to mention that Gigi is down to 28.9 pounds. She has lost 2.6 lbs. in just 7 days. I also asked Dr. Yanik if the vomitting has ever been associated with a neuroblastoma R------. He responded with YES if the tumors are pushing against the stomach or in the head. He is especially concerned about her head since the cancer originally showed up there in July. He also said there was a little patient that he thought had completely relapsed, just two weeks ago, and after the scans it was absolutely NOTHING!!! I know we all hope and pray and believe this is the case for GIGI GIRL!!!! She has kept down 140cc's of contrast for the CT set for late this evening. Thanks for your prayers!

"Some may trust in horses, some may trust in chariots, but we will trust in the Name of the Lord Our God!"

"You are may strength when I am weak, You are the treasure that I seek, You are my All and All. When I fall down You pick me up when I am dry You fill my cup. You are my All and All. I seek You as a precious jewel,Lord to give up I'd be a fool- You are my ALL and ALL. Jesus Lamb of God, Holy is Your NAme, Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is the Lamb!"

Day 121

Room #f7690

Gabriella has been admitted to Mott Children Hospital at the University of Michigan. Mainly because of her constant vomitting (to get IV fluids), but also to get all the scans done quickly. If they schedule as outpatient getting a slot for each scan takes a bit longer. Dr. Yanik (who is such a wonderful guy) said he may be able to squeeze in the CAT scan, bone scan, bone marrow aspirations today and tommorrow. I will update more when we know more!!!!!!!


Angie xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, April 21, 2004 8:17 PM CDT

Day 120

I called Dr. Kushner's office today to find out what time Gigi's aspirations were and also to see if the blood tested positive for HAMA. To my disbelief she said Gigi would not be coming to New York because her blood tested positive for HAMA. With the results that Sloan-Kettering have gathered, getting HAMA after only one treatment is not the best case scenario. The ideal is to not get HAMA until after 4 treatments. The HAMA develops from the infusion of 3F8 anitbodies- we want HAMA, but just not yet! I really do not know what this means in the long run. All I do know is that I was shocked and baffled that we were not leaving Thursday morning for New York. Everything was planned, and in a family fighting childhood cancer "PLANS" are usually not kept. I am reminded to once again just be thankful for THIS DAY. It is so hard to remember that our needs FOR THIS DAY are taken care of!

Gigi is still not up to par. Infact she vomitted again today. She is still tired, walking a bit slow and complaining of aches in her "belly" and back???? I don't know what this means either. I made an appointment for clinic at U of M 11:00am tomorrow morning. I am going to request bone marrow aspirations, bone scan, CT scan and MIBG scan. I am pretty certain they will also want these tests done.

Dr. Kushner said to start Gigi on Accutane (oral chemo for two weeks straight) as soon as possible and then wait a week to draw her blood and send it to Sloan-Kettering for HAMA analysis. He really thinks that we will be back in New York in about 4 weeks. Many times the children who get HAMA early lose it and the treatment can continue. I have so many mixed emotions about all this! I am also reminded that our steps are ordered of the Lord. My Jesus is with me right now and if He wasn't I am positive this would be much to much to bear. I love you and appreciate you emails (Sue and Carol). Thank you Vicki for the $ to go see Beauty and the Beast in New York. We will still go to see it, ... I am just not sure when.

Prayer Requests:
*Gigi is still and will for always be cancer free.

*Gigi is healed from this "bug".

*Ethan's blood counts show absolutely no CMV!

*Carol's husband and Amanda's Daddy to be victorious in every way over the cancer that invaded his body.

*For Gigi's parents to decide what supplement program to put Gigi on for cellular regeneration and to help with the toxcity of the radiaiton and chemo she has underwent.

*For Gigi's mom to understand what it means to be in "God's will" but to still read "by the stripes of Jesus you are healed"

Praise Reports:

Gigi did not complain of leg pain all day!!!!

Gigi has had so many healthy care-free three year-old days since diagnosis in July 2003.

God is so faithful to never ever leave us!

Our financial needs have been met through Our Awesome God who has provided, a wonderful insurance plan, a secondary insurance and awesome generous family, friends, and strangers. (we are even blessed to receive treatment from another state)

I really need to focus on these praise reports and others right now- it really really helps to remind yourself what the Lord has done!!! Because He is the same yesterday, today and for always. Once again we are coveting your prayers and are so thankful for your faithfulness.

In Hope believing,
Angie xoxoxoxoxoxo

Monday, April 19, 2004 9:23 PM CDT

Day 119 (Tuesday)
Gigi has kept water and pedialyte down since 10pm last night. She is still sleeping a lot this morning, but she smiled a bit and played with her cash register from Aunt Ruth and Uncle Carmine. She is definitely feeling better. I am not sure if this was a ploy to get her dad out of bed this morning or what, but Gigi did say her ankle and the area behind her knee hurt. She hasn't complained since early Saturday. We are still waiting back to hear from New York, but as of now Gigi will start the GM-CSF (leukine) shots on Wednesday at home. We will fly to New York on Thursday and Friday she will get bone marrow aspirations (they were already planned). I am feeling a bit uneasy about the results of these aspirations. I want it so desperately to be clear, still NED no evidence of disease. Gigi is set to start her 2nd round of 3F8 monoclonal antibody treatment on Monday the 26th in New York. Isaiah will stay with Gigi and I in NYC this time. We will see how it goes. Friends are coming to help. Thank you Papa Gallegos, Aunt Dianne and Jennifer for helping with air fare. We love you all!

Day 118 (2nd update)

Well, we had two choices- go to the ER or work with our pediatrician. We chose our pediatrician. He gave us a one hour time frame for her to urinate and then to the emergency for IV fluids if necessary. (Gigi only urinated once in the morning and not again all day.) She had until 6pm. We gave her some pedialyte via a syringe and just waited. Gigi ended up urinating at 5:30pm and we were so relieved. However the vomitting has not ceased. She is exhausted and still very lathargic. She just said good night to me and I asked her how she felt. Gigi said "I feel good." I asked her if she was tired and she said yes. I pray for sweet sleep this night for my Gigi Girl.

By the way DO NOT give your child milk while they are feeling nauseous. It is not pretty. It has been 36 hours of vomitting for Gigi. I really want this bug to leave. Yesterday while traveling home from Indiana Gigi felt sick. We pulled over and got her out of the truck. The wind was crazy strong and can you guess what happened----- you guessed it----- the truck was sprayed inside and out with Gigi's vomit---- another not so pretty site. ( and can you believe she was worried about us cleaning it up?) I so desperately want Gigi to be done with this!!!!!!!!

Speaking of Indiana, Gigi visited with her Yamma Gallegos, She-Sha and Uncle Michael over the weekend. It was her Yamma's birthday. Gigi loves birthdays and she loves her She-Sha and Yamma (Uncle Michael, too). While we were there Gigi played at the park on two occassions. The weather was beautiful. Gigi loved being in Indiana but thought it was a very long ride back home. It sure was... besides Gigi's episode Isaiah felt a bit left out and thought he would spit up. So a 4 hour drive took us 6 hours (with a few stops).

Keeping this web page updated has been great therapy for me. I hope to give copies of it as a gift to Gabriella maybe when she is 16. It blesses me to read your guestbook entries and to hear about those of you who keep up to date on this battle. However I realized something the other day. As I write and share my heart you get to know me but I don't get to know you. It is very one-sided. I would love to hear about normal every day "stuff" that is happening in your life. Please don't hesitate to share prayer requests or just update me on what is going on. You could even just e-mail your thoughts or any questions or comments you may have about what we are walking through. (some of you get nervous when you are writing for all to see and choose not to sign in the guestbook. Some have decided to send small personal email messages - thank you Carol). My e-mail address is below and I would love to "jump" into your life and get to know you better. I hope this makes sense. I also hope you are taking what is on these updates to the Lord in prayer. Sometimes I catch myself getting on web sites for simply just the latest and greatest and not once offering up prayer for whom I am reading about.

Our God is soveriegn and our steps are truly ordered of God-BUT families with an invasion of childhood cancer could really use your prayers to be carried through.

I feel like I was pretty scattered and possibly did not get across what my heart is feeling. But just know I appreciate all of you who have verbalized and expressed your love and concern for Gigi and our family. It means the world to me. I also appreciate you who are "behind stage" and quietly interceding for us!

Thank you for stopping in. I can't wait to see Gigi's response when she is old enough to realize how many of you love her and have prayed for her!!!!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxox

PS- Isaiah took his first real steps today!!! Three steps toward his daddy. He is sooo adorable. He points with his little finger and uses his voice fluctuations to get our attention on a certain item. Zayah's latest is "ah-oon" as he is pointing to a mylar baloon. He is a blessing!

Monday, April 19, 2004 10:13 AM CDT

Day 118

Hi Everyone!

Just a quick update to ask for your prayers. I am waiting for a call back from U of M and New York. Gigi is just not herself. She has vomitted 7 x's since yesterday. She is not eating or drinking very well and her energy level is very low. Please ask the Lord to heal her!

I'll update again later when I know something and I will share a bit of Gigi's weekend.

Update- 4:20pm

Nurse Esther called us back from Memorial Sloan-Kettering in NYC. She is going to relay Gigi's symptoms to Dr. Kushner and then let us know if we ARE STILL COMING????!!!!??!!?? I was pretty suprised to hear that. I really feel like we are still going. I know the item of concern... the leg pain. Gigi had it again a bit on Thursday and a lot on Friday and a bit on Saturday. She hasn't had any since. Our plane leaves on Thursday (NorthWest- not Corporate Angel).

Nurse Brenda called back from University of Michigan and expressed concern of dehydration. Gigi is very lathargic and not urinating very frequently. Although wouldn't you know it when Nurse Brenda called back after speaking with Dr. Hutchinson Gigi drank some milk with her swirl straw and ate some grapes. So we are watching her closely and if she vomits some more we really need to take her in. She is resting peacefully - so far so good..........OK-Seriously exactly when I typed the last sentence she vomitted -EVERYWHERE!!!!! So I will let you know what happens next- I have to go- PLEASE PRAY!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxo

Thursday, April 15, 2004 1:17 PM CDT

Day 114

wbc 5.2
hgb 10.2
plt 185
anc 3.6

Today Gigi had clinic at U of M. We saw Dr. Hutchinson and nurse Diane. They kept commenting on how good she looked. I did have them look at her site where the vaxcel is and they took a culture to see if anything grows. The discharge was a thick light brown color, but the skin looked good. I am mixed about the whole vaxcel thing. If it is infected then it gets to come out- yipeeee!!!!! However theis means "pokes" for anything at the clinic- blood draws, 3F8's, transfusions,... so I am leaving it in God's hands (where it belongs anyway). They also drew blood at my request to rule out any blood infections. The fever is still looming at 99.3 (I know it is not big,,,, but it wasn't in July of 2003, either) The amoxicillin seems to be starting to work. I know it is a sinus infection. Gigi weighed in at 31.5 pounds- I am not sure what she was the last time we weighed her but I think she was almost 32.5 pounds. I am going to watch this more closely.

I asked about their long term follow-up care, specifically about speech. Gigi seems to be making the "Y" sound for "L" and "D" sound for "TH". This may be very normal, but I will feel better after the speech pathologist examines her. She will be evaluated in the near future and I know it is better to catch things early than to try to canoe up stream. I think the "TH" sound is one of the softer sounds she may be only hearing when everything is quiet (high-frequency hearing loss).

Well, I just remebered I have a vial of blood that needs to be fed-ex'd to NYC today. They are going to check for HAMA. I also have to pack for our little get a way to Indiana. So that is all for now!!!!

Thank you all for praying.

Love, Angie xoxoxo

PS- Steve booked our flights yesterday for next week and today Corporate Angel called with a flight leaving exactly when we need it to!!!!!!! What to do????? I'll let you know what happens.

Monday, April 12, 2004 10:13 PM CDT


Gigi had an awesome Easter celebration! She found 34 Easter eggs at our church's Egg Hunt. She went into her Sunday School class and visited with her family at Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Carmine's house and played with Yamma Berckley, Pappa Berckley and Aunt DeeDee while we were there. She had a great time (didn't eat or drink very much and had a bit of a fever- but still had a great time!)

JESUS IS ALIVE!!!! We serve a living God!!!!! I really need to be reminded of this even just today- only 24 hours after a wonderful celebration of Jesus' ressurection and conquer over sin and death!!!???!!?? I am sure glad God is God and that I'm not- He is soooo gracious!

Gabriella has had a low grade fever for a few days. The highest it has reached- 99.8 She also has irritation around her vaxcel sight and green coming from her nose and is today deciding to barely eat or drink. I know it is just a sinus infection...... but when you combine it with dark circles under her eyes and occassional complaints of pain in her head and abdomen my mind starts to "go there"- I SIMPLY CAN NOT THINK every little cold is the neuroblastoma returning. That would be living my life in constant fear and up until today it was a faint thought in the back of my mind- but nothing that even had words. When I called the clinic and described her symptoms... something clicked in my head and everything sounded just way too familiar for me-similar to the day that started this whole battle....not eating, dark circles, and.... and.....and....I guess that is it? See just typing this makes me feel better. It helps me get out my jumbled thoughts. I know that I know that I know this is a sinus infection.. I have one, too, right now- so this is what Dr. Yanik will tell me on Thursday when we go. For now he prescribed amoxicillin and this will hopefully clear Gabriella's stuffies. We are planning to go this weekend to Yamma Gallegos' in Indiana for her birthday (and She-Sha's, too)- Please pray we are all healthy by then. We did decide to start up Isaiah's antibiotics-his cough just lingered too long and I started to hear him coughing a bit at night.

Well this was a window inside my thoughts I allowed you to peak through. This "cancer" world is real and I don't always have my thoughts in the right place. Her last scans were a month ago and Gigi was squeaky clean in all areas (even from Sloan-Kettering's view point)... but in so many other children's battles one month changed everything. Like I said before neuroblastoma is sneaky.... But God!!!! He has, He is and He will continue to be OUR STRENGTH and our firm foundation. FEAR YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN THIS PLACE-PERFECT LOVE CASTS YOU OUT!!!

Besides Gigi's high frequency hearing loss she is a regular three year old. She is cancer-free, growing, thriving, loving life. Children battling this disease make it to this point, but many do not. Honestly some brave fighters still have it lingering in their body, picked up by the scans. I know we are very blessed with where Gigi is right now- what more could I really want. Well.... there is something .... God's voice shouting at me (so I can hear) Gigi is through with cancer forever... so don't be afraid!!!!!! The Bible is God's Word "shouting so we can hear" and it says "I am with you... so don't be afraid" God did not author this cancer but He sure is the remedy. What is your "cancer"? He's with you!

On a lighter note Gigi played at a park today... it does feel good to watch her climb and swing!!! When I came back from my dentist appointment this morning Gigi was wearing her Dora the Explorer winter boots around the house- it made my heart smile because this is truly "normal" three year old occurrences!

Thanks for checking in... today was one of those lonely and in deep thought days... Thank you for coming with us on this journey. It blesses me to read your comments in the guestbook, to hear how you and your children have been praying, and being on the receiving end of your kind gestures- I wish I was on top of my thank you cards- then you could all feel personally appreciated!!!!!

Tomorrow's agenda- HOME SWEET HOME!!!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Friday, April 9, 2004 2:45 PM CDT

Day 108

Gigi is doing great. She is very excited about our Easter Egg Hunt (10,000 eggs) tomorrow morning at 10 am. I know the next step is to get Gigi's blood drawn and UPS it overnight to Memorial Sloan-Kettering so they can test it for HAMA. I was going to try to explain it again and then I realized I didn't understand it enough. So I decided to investigate a bit. If you have some time please refresh yourself on what neuroblastoma is and why it has to be treated so aggressively- EVEN AFTER THE CANCER IS "GONE".

I just cut and pasted from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering web page. If you have already gone there this is all a repeat. Even though I read this all before - reading it at this stage of the game I comprehended it a bit more clearly. I also added info on 3F8's and HAMA.

Thanks for checking in. Please pray Gabriella is protected from getting this cough Isaiah has and cold that I have. Also please ask for protection over Gabriella's body in the long term. I was reminded again today of all the possible side effects that she may encounter because of all the high dose chemo and radiation she recv'd. (learning disabilities, infertility, short stature (we are not very tall anyway), kidney problems, heart problems, liver problems I know I missed some.... Above all else please ask the Lord to never allow this cancer or any other to return to Gabriella's body- so many relpase in just the first year and still more over the next 5 years. So Gabriella really is doing great and I know she will continue to do so- the battle is not finished and I don't want us to let our prayer guard down. We are here by God's grace and mercy and I am thankful!

Enjoy this awesome weekend and reflect on what the Lord has done for you in your life and before you were even born. He loves you passionately- you are precious and honored in His sight and He loves you. He sent His Son to die for your sins and to rise again in complete victory over sin and death. It has no hold!!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Here is the info-
Mainly affecting children, neuroblastoma is a relatively rare cancer of the sympathetic nervous system -- a nerve network that carries messages from the brain throughout the body. Each year about 600 children in the United States will develop neuroblastoma. Generally developing in young children, it accounts for half of all malignancies in infants. These solid tumors, which take the form of a lump or mass, begin in nerve tissues in the neck, chest, abdomen, or pelvis, and most commonly in the adrenal gland. The adrenal glands, located above the kidneys, are specialized glands that release hormones which maintain blood pressure and respond to stress.

The cause of neuroblastoma is unknown, though most physicians believe that it is an accidental cell growth that occurs during normal development of the adrenal gland. Increased awareness and improved screening has contributed to a recent increase in the detection and incidence of neuroblastoma.

Neuroblastoma's first symptoms are often vague and may include fatigue and loss of appetite. Still there are a variety of potential symptoms of neuroblastoma, each depending on where the tumor started growing. A child with a tumor located in the abdomen may develop a "swollen belly" and constipation. Tumors originating in the chest may cause the child to have difficulty breathing and trouble swallowing. In some cases, a child may experience weakness in the legs and trouble walking, caused by the tumor pressing against the spinal cord. Close to half of all of these tumors have already spread to other parts of the body by the time suspicions are raised and a diagnosis is made.

Since neuroblastoma's symptoms frequently are similar to other, more common diseases and health complaints, an initial diagnosis can be complicated. An oncologist or pathologist familiar with neuroblastoma will be able to make an accurate diagnosis after reviewing samples from a biopsy, or a urine and blood test.

A screening test is available for neuroblastoma. But recent studies have found that screening children for neuroblastoma before their first birthday has reduced neither neuroblastoma deaths nor the incidence of late-stage disease. As a result, screening newborns for neuroblastoma is generally not recommended.

Neuroblastomas are highly diverse in their behavior. Some will go away without any treatment; others can be treated effectively with surgery alone. Nearly half of these tumors spread quickly to the bone and bone marrow and require one or more of the following treatments: chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy, and bone marrow transplantation. The treatment each child receives depends on the age at diagnosis, tumor location, stage of disease, and tumor biology.

Our Approach & Expertise
In 2001, Memorial Sloan-Kettering saw more than 80 children with neuroblastoma -- more than any other hospital or medical center in the country. We have extensive experience treating all stages and types of neuroblastoma, including the advanced, aggressive varieties.

Building on our successes with multi-modality therapies, we initiated protocol N8 in 2000 to maximize survival while reducing late relapses, metastases to the central nervous system, and second cancers. Protocol N8 integrates past successful methods with promising new approaches. It brings into play all the best known methods for attacking this disease: strong doses of chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, surgery to remove large tumors, radiation therapy to prevent disease from regrowing in high-risk sites in the body, immunotherapy using monoclonal antibody 3F8 to get the body's own immune defenses to attack neuroblastoma, and isotretinoin (also known as Accutane and cis-retinoic acid) to cause the cancer cells to behave like normal cells. And plans are underway for the development and introduction of Protocol N9.
What is the theory behind antibody therapy?
All of us fight bacteria and viruses with our immune system, which is made up of cells and antibodies. Antibody seeks out what it views as harmful to the body and destroys it. Chemotherapy does not select for tumor cells. It, therefore, destroys a substantial part of the immune system, diminishing the body's ability to fight well. When we administer antibodies, they travel in blood and visit various organs to find the residual tumor cells and to eliminate them. Antibody relies on the body's white cells and complement proteins to fight tumors. As the body regenerates its immune system following chemotherapy, it can be taught to fight these tumors on its own.

What is 3F8?
3F8 is the name of a substance called a monoclonal antibody. It attaches to GD2, which is a marker on the surface of neuroblastoma cells. 3F8 is produced by white blood cells of mice, and it must be carefully prepared for use in people.

How does 3F8 work?
When 3F8 is injected into the bloodstream of patients, it travels to sites of neuroblastoma and attaches to the GD2 marker on neuroblastoma cells. The attachment of 3F8 to a neuroblastoma cell serves as a signal to the patient's own immune system (for example, the white blood cells) to attack the neuroblastoma and kill it. In other words, the 3F8 focuses the patient's own immune system (which usually acts only to control infections) against the neuroblastoma.

Chemotherapy weakens the immune system. With time, as the body's own immune system becomes stronger, 3F8 treatments may help the body learn to fight tumors on its own.

How do we know 3F8 gets to neuroblastoma in patients?
We have attached a radioactive isotope (131-iodine, which is also used for metaiodobenzylguanidine [MIBG] scans) to 3F8 and injected the 131-iodine-3F8 into patients. Then, when patients are scanned (just like with a bone scan or MIBG scan), we see radioactivity (from the 131-iodine-3F8) in areas we know contain neuroblastoma but not in other areas in the body.

How long have 3F8 treatments been used?
Since 1986, more than 5,000 infusions of 3F8 have been safely used in more than 200 patients.

How is 3F8 given?
3F8 is given intravenously (IV) over 1 1/2 hours through a Broviac, Hickman, MediPort, or peripheral line. When being treated with 3F8, patients usually need to be in the clinic for 3 to 4 hours. This period includes about 30 minutes for giving medicines to prevent possible side effects, the 1 1/2-hour 3F8 treatment, and approximately 1 to 2 hours to monitor the patient for late side effects.

What are the common side effects of 3F8?
Pain is the main side effect and it occurs in all patients. The second most common side effect is rash (hives, with itching), which is an allergic reaction. Pain can lead to a fast pulse (rapid heart rate) and sometimes causes high blood pressure for a short period. Less-common side effects include fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. These problems can usually be taken care of in the outpatient clinic but sometimes a patient needs to be admitted to the hospital for an overnight stay. In the neuroblastoma outpatient clinic at Memorial Sloan-Kettering, we routinely treat 10 to 12 patients a day with 3F8, and manage side effects of the treatment without much difficulty.

Why does 3F8 cause pain?
3F8 attaches to GD2, which is present on some nerve cells as well as on neuroblastoma cells. When 3F8 attaches to a nerve cell, a message is sent to the brain, and the patient feels pain. The pain usually starts toward the middle or end of the daily 3F8 treatment and lasts a short time (usually from a few minutes up to an hour) and does not last for the full 1 and 1/2 hours of treatment. Sometimes discomfort or minimal pain continues during the hours or even days after the treatment. We use medicines to prevent or control the pain (usually morphine or Dilaudid) and the allergic reactions (usually Benadryl or Vistaril). Ativan and Zofran are other medicines that can help.

We have followed patients who were treated with 3F8 beginning in 1986, and we have not seen any permanent side effects on their nerves.

What is HAMA?
HAMA stands for "human anti-mouse antibodies." HAMA measures how strongly the body's immune system is reacting to 3F8. 3F8, like most monoclonal antibodies, comes from a mouse white blood cell; this means that 3F8 looks different from a human antibody and a human will form antibodies (HAMA) against 3F8. If a patient has HAMA, there is no point in administering 3F8 treatments because the HAMA will block the 3F8 from getting to neuroblastoma cells. However, HAMA can disappear; when that happens, we can resume 3F8 treatments. We check for HAMA by a blood test. Patients with HAMA do not have pain or other side effects of 3F8 treatment, but patients without side effects sometimes do not have HAMA (and can continue to be treated with 3F8).

Is HAMA good or bad?
HAMA might be a sign that a patient is developing an immune response against the neuroblastoma -- and that is a good thing. It is probably best that a patient receive at least four cycles of 3F8 treatments.

Most patients who have received chemotherapy only a short time before 3F8 treatment do not make HAMA because their immune system is too weak. In Memorial Sloan-Kettering's protocols, our aim is to give repeated treatments with 3F8 until HAMA is made. It appears that the best chances for cure exist when multiple cycles of 3F8 treatment are given and the patient begins to form HAMA. We continue to study HAMA to gain a better understanding of its role.

Is 3F8 made at Memorial Sloan-Kettering?
No. An outside company produces it for us under GMP (good manufacturing practice) conditions. Private funding is needed to pay for the production of 3F8 and for carrying out tests to meet the many safety requirements of the government. We do not charge our patients for 3F8. While we have been successful in securing government (grant) funding for much of our laboratory science, these agencies do not support the manufacturing process.

When are patients eligible for treatment with 3F8?
We have 3F8 protocols for almost any patient who has high-risk neuroblastoma -- as long as the cancer is not rapidly growing and there are no large tumor masses. Memorial Sloan-Kettering and other institutions have found that antibody treatments are not effective against rapidly growing disease or very large tumor masses. [See our online clinical trial database for eligibility criteria and other information about specific protocols.]

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 4:49 PM CDT


Day 106 Wednesday April 7th-
I forgot to say thank you to some very giving people. While we were in New York my dad and step-mom, susan, mary, and tonya eached watched Isaiah on different days- THANK YOU!!!!! My cousins Jason and Monica invited us over to their upper west-side apartment for dinner during our second week in NYC- THANK YOU (Gigi got to play with her cute cousin Madeline!!!!) My friend of 11 years Mary S. booked a flight to help in NYC for a week, another friend, Leanne booked a flight also for a week- THANK YOU!!!!!!! Isaiah will be with us next time so it is very crucial we have someone with us to help watch him while Gigi and I are at the hospital! Well I couldn't let another day go by without expressing these thank yous! Our support is rock solid and it feels so good!

Day 105

Hi Everyone!

Steve has changed over the computer in our home to a new-used computer. It took a couple days to transfer everything so I had to wait patiently for a time to update and now is the time. The kids are sleeping and Steve is at work- so here it goes......

Last Thursday (day 100) was a "regular" 3F8 day. Gabriella got the pain, the hives and the sleepiness from the drugs, slept a good few hours and then was hungry. Around 4pm she communicated one of her famous lines "Mommy, I wanna eat sumthin'" We ventured out on the town for our last evening in New York City. We ate at Delizia's and had a yummy meal. We then walked to Starbuck's where I got my favorite "caramel macchiatto with whip"!!!! and Gabriella found a pink thermos-like cup that she just had to have! There was quite a line at Starbuck's so it took some time to get served. A man infront of us was watching Gabriella explore. He caught her picking up a pink cup that had fallen over on it's side and then proceed to put it back where it belonged. He turned to me in awe and said, "Now I have been watching her and she did not push over that pink cup, but it's pretty amazing that at her age she knows to do that." (Gabriella definitely gets this from her daddy!) I was so thankful that man put into words what he was thinking. Do any of you have too much encouragement in your life?!!??!!? This stranger's comment reminded me to not be stingy with edification and encouragement. It also helped me to stop and watch God's Creation- we are made in His image, we are valuable, precious and cherished in His eye's- the task at hand is never more important than the people around you- it often feels more important doesn't it?

Well back to Gabriella.... Thursday night ended fabulously with a Peter Cottontail musical drama. God truly knows the desire of my heart. I really wanted to take Gabriella to a musical or play of sorts to celebrate her Day 100. As we were walking into the Ronald McDonald House I read the board that tells you what event is happening that evening. At 7pm the WestPro Production was coming to perform. It was wonderful, singing, acting, people dressed up as vegetables, music, professional and it was all FREE!!!!! Thank you God- for all good gifts come from You!!!!

Friday 3F8's were incredibly different than any days prior. I felt similar to how I felt the first day of 3F8 antibody treatment but for a different reason. I wanted to go home and never ever return voluntarily to receive such intense treatment. Gabriella got the pain, she got the hives, but both on a smaller scale. The most intense part was her allergic reaction this time, it was not only hives, but a cough. A cough that started dry and sporadic and ended constant and flemmy. I was so fearful. Fearful mostly about the next round, will the cough get worse, will she need to be hospitalized, will they catch it in time. Does your mind work this way? We are either walking in faith or we are walking in fear there is no middle ground.

The nurse said next treatment Gabriella will start taking Claritin and it should nip it in the bud before the coughing episode starts again. The children receiving 3F8's that begin to cough often complain of something in the back of their throat they can't get out. This is exactly what Gigi said, "I can't get it out!" (The coughing stopped and we were off to catch our plane and arrived home safely Friday afternoon.) We are here at Sloan-Kettering because this is the best treatment out there available to Gigi to seek out any stray neuroblastoma cells that could possibly be in hiding, not seen on any scans and to beef up her white counts and teach them how to fight better. I remind myself this often. Too many kids relapse in the first year after being declared NED! We simply can not stop with just the chemo and the transplant. This is available and it is feasible- God is making a way- We can do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength.

I find myself on this journey mostly faith walking, but at a drop of a hat my mind will start wandering and fear will try to make it's way into my thinking. There simply is just no room for fear. Feeling afraid is common- but we in no way have to stay there. I am reading The Purpose Driven Life and the writer speaks of meditating on the Bible. He said if you can worry then you know how to meditate. Worry is thinking about the same thing over and over again and meditating is reading (or recalling, if you are good at memorizing) a scripture over and over again, letting it sink into your heart -level. God's Word is life to your soul, it sinks way deep down where the hurts are buried and is a healing balm to the wounds. Counseling is helpful and needed, identifying past hurts is key in realizing what God is healing you from, but nothing can set you more free than God's Word. It is alive and cut's sharper than any two-edged sword. The bible says it can even divide bone and marrow. So it is in no way an old, ancient irrelevant book. What ever your question, the answer is there. Everytime you read it something knew is there for you to grasp. The fear is replaced with faith and our journey continues. So please pray I put all this advice to practice and READ READ READ the Word Daily, not just when I feel like it. Thank you- OK with that said here is the weekend in a nut-shell.

Friday evening Steve had cherry coke, snacks and all my scrapbooking "stuff" already at the church for our First Friday of the month craft night. Steve and Isaiah picked Gigi and I up from the airport and we headed to BD's Mongolian Bar-B-Que for dinner. Grandfather Gallegos and Ti-Ti met us there. This was a great reunion! You know the saying "You don't know what you got until you don't have it anymore" or something like that. It felt and feels very good to be home. They dropped me off at church for the craft night and then headed to see the movie Home on the Range. Gigi had a lot of fun and Isaiah enjoyed the play area at the mall with Grandfather. He didn't last very long in the movie (we were very spoiled with Gigi, she was in movie theaters from two weeks old and was always very quiet and very interested). Steve's Dad has been an incredible help through this whole time and especially the past two weeks. Every night he took Steve and Isaiah out to dinner. The guys spent the evenings hanging out while Gigi and I were gone. I am thankful!!! Craft night was a good time with friends, chatting and trying to get Isaiah's first year into a scrapbook. I am not sure when I will complete it, I am still only in the end of May and he was born March 23rd. Oh-well it is good therapy anyways.

Saturday Steve and I pulled together everything for Isaiah's party and the kids stayed home with Ti-Ti and Pappa Gallegos. Sunday we celebrated Isaiah's first year of life- (and what a year it has been- Gigi was diagnosed when Isaiah was three months old.) Everything was last minute, but everything went so smooth- Thank you Jesus! My mom, My Dad and Steve's Dad are so very generous with occassions like this (and every other occassion you can think of). Everything was covered in full, subs, loot bags and crafts for the kids, cake, veggie tray, fruit tray (you get the picture) and Kathy my step-mom, Barb like-my-mom, My mom, Katherine like-my-grandma and My Aunt all helped out in great ways. I love you guys!

Sunday it was so sweet to be in church AS A FAMILY!!!!! The first Sunday of every month is family Sunday. This means children age 4 years and up get to sit with their family and this also means the Children's Pastor does, too!!!!! That's Steve incase you didn't know! hahahahaha

Gigi has been doing great- her face is red at times and we are not sure what from. Isaiah has a horrible cough. Dr. Sundar gave us some anitboiotics to sit on in case it gets worse. Today, I got to go to my first mom's group in forever and Gigi went into her class like she has been attending for years. This is a bigger blessing than you realize, because she would cry and scream when it was time to go into the nursery, before all this neuroblastoma comquering happened. Isaiah stayed with me because of his cough, but thankfully fell asleep so I could listen to an amazing speaker Elise Arndt share her secrets of being married for 41 years.

Basically things are back to normal for now and it feels good. In less than three weeks we will be back to New York City getting bone marrow aspirations and starting round two of 3F8's antibody treatment, before then the GM-CSF (leukine) shots Gigi gets from me will start up again, but for now we are home and loving every minute of it!!!!!!

Thanks for hanging in there through this very long update. Thank you more for caring, reading, signing the guestbook and PRAYING!!!!!!!!! We could not do this without God and He has put you into our lives to help us "do this". Dr. Sundar said today "You are getting your strength from somewhere!!!!" He is almost right-I say SOMEONE and that SOMEONE is JESUS!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:36 PM CST

Day 99 (tomorrow is the big day 100!!!)

Today was much better than yesterday and my back is back to normal. Thank you so much for praying!!!! It is literally like a sauna in this computer room so this again will be quick. I just want you to know I love you. Gigi is doing really well and was back to herself by 4:30pm today. We are planning on a 1:50 flight out on Friday. I want to do something special with Gigi since tommorrow is her official day to come out of isolation. I'll let you know what I pull together. Gigi is waiting so very patiently for me to finish so I will update again on a different day, probably when we get home!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:43 PM CST

Hello everyone!

Angie has not had an opportunity to enter a new log so she asked me to type a few lines.

Well today was the hardest day of this 3F8 treatment for GiGi. The pain was really intense and the nurses gave her additional medication to help manage it. This caused her to be very groggy and cranky.

We are asking everyone to pray for the pain to be reduced and eliminated as her treatment continues.

Pray for Angie's lower back to be relieved of pain. (she hurt it last Saturday)

Pray for our family unit to be strengthened during these times of separation.

Angie will update you later. Thank you for your love and care. God bless.


Sunday, March 28, 2004 3:23 PM CST

Day 96

Greetings! Just want to let you know Gigi has had a great weekend. There was a bit of a concern about withdrawl from the dilaudid, but after getting sick Saturday morning she was fine. We went to the park and I did a number on my back. This is the most pain I have had since child birth... I wonder if this is comparable to what Gigi feels during the antibody infusion. I am walking very slow! Times Church Square was nice.... but it sure wasn't like home. Auburn Hills Christian Center here we come!!!!! Next Sunday Gabriella will join our church family for the first time in months and months!!!! I love you all. I know these updates have been short, but the computer lab is hot and stuffy and Gabriella just waits for me to finish.

I just have to tell you something so adorable. Gabriella was playing with a battery operated beauty and the beast mirror. She pushed a button and you could see an image of Belle. Gabriella says, "look mommy, I see daddy.... just like Belle saw her father!" Does she know how to watch a movie or what?

Love, Angiexoxoxox

Friday, March 26, 2004 5:51 PM CST

Thank you all so much for signing in. You are the best, most faithful friends and prayer warriors around. Thanks Dad and Kathy for watching Isaiah today in Michigan. Thanks also for the big box of goodies- you both are very generous and very thoughtful. Thank you also for those of you who offered to help with the airfares. You all are such a blessing.

Gigi did as expected today. She experienced the pain in her stomach today. She is very drugged on dilaudid and benadryl during the treatment so it is supposedly taking the edge off. I thought we would end the evening watching a movie at a theater or maybe going to see Beauty and the Beast off broadway.....nothing good was showing and the beast tickets were $99.00 a piece.... so we made some pasta and we will watch a shirley temple movie this evening.

I love you all.... have fun at the pinewood derby tomorrow- wish I could be there!!!!! Gigi says hi! We have the weekend off from treatment and start beck on Monday!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:38 PM CST

Please remember to pray for the Welch's. The viewing of little Sydney was heart wrenching and amazing. People wrapped around the funeral home waiting to hug Kelly and Charles. Sydney was amazing and I see now she really got all of her "amazingness" from her parents. Kelly hugged me in tears and said she is in a good place. Nurses came, other patients came and family and friends came to celebrate the life of Sydney Welch. Thank you Mary for coming with me and making the trek to Ohio last Sunday evening. I love you sister!

Day 93

wbc 4.1
hgb 8.0
plt 150
anc 3.2

Gigi Girl got a transfusion today. I am not really sure she needed it- but I am sure it will help. We walked three blocks to a pizza place and Gigi ate a big piece of pepperoni pizza. She is complaining of her hands hurting tonight. Each day has been a bit different than the one before. Monday Gigi had intense feet pain, Tuesday she had neck pain, Wednesday she had shoulder pain and today her hands. It is supposed to be a tingling sensation- similar to when your feet fall asleep,butmuch worse. She has been so brave through this. I absolutely love when she feels back to her regular wonderful self. The clue today was when she blew bubbles into her cup full of water with her straw... I knew we were in the clear!!!!!!! Gigi did not break out in hives later in the afternoon like she has done previously. So she was back to Gigi Girl a lot sooner than before. The benadryl really makes her groggy and sleepy.

I really can't explain how it is to sit in the outpatient rooms and hear all the screams. They are not all at the same time, it is intermittent depending on where the child is in their infusion. It is usually always toward the end and then for a bit after it is all done. How can the nurses work here day in and day out? The social worker said if this works then in the long run it is all worth it. I am comforted in one small piece of info- we are giving Gigi the absolute best there is to fight this disease on earth- now we just must stand firm in what the Truth says. Jesus is with us always. He is faithfulin ALL situations. He loves us more than we can conceive. He cares even about the little things!

Thanks for checking in on us. We sure do miss Steve and Isaiah. Thank you Renee for watching Zayah today! We couldn't do this without all the awesome people the Lord has put into our lives.

Please pray for Ethan, Leslie,Reggie,Ella and Reggie Jr. Ethan is fighting pneumonia and it is the CMV kind. Sign their guestbook when you get a chance and please sign ours, too. It brings a smile to my face- especially now when Gigi and I are here in NYC by ourselves.

I love you!

Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 8:39 AM CST


Happy 1st Birthday Zaya!!!!

Well Monday was a long day. We got up at 2:45am and we were out the door at 3:50am headed for the airport. God is so good! He chartered a Citation 10 (an 8 passenger corp jet) for us to fly to New York free! We just couldn't stop smiling at each other and thinking about how awesome it is to be children of the King of kings.

The plane ride was the highlight of the day because the hospital visit was long and hard. We were dissappointed because a lot of things we were told by the doctor was incorrect. (gotta go, to be continued)

Day 92 (Wednesday March 24 at 8:00pm)
wbc 3.1
hgb 7.7 (transfusion tomorrow)
plt 120
anc 2.9

Angie here-

Steve and Isaiah flew out of LaGuardia and into Detroit about three hours ago. Gigi and I miss them already. The computer lab is closing in 10 minutes so this will be quick. Yesterday we spent the evening in Times Square for Isaiah's first birthday. Gigi sure knows how to give good gifts to her brother. We went to Toy R Us in Times Square- and we went to the StartDust Diner where the wait staff sings. They whole restaurant sand happy birthday to Zayah.... he loved it!!!! We also walked to Central Park and watched horses drawing carriages. New York is a very busy place!!!!!

On a more serious note and please turn the info into prayer requests:
The 3F8 treatment is very intense. So much so I would have flown home on Monday evening if Steve were not with me!!!!!! We both decided to give the treatment a few more days to see if it gets any better. It's easier, but definitely not busy. Gigi suffers severe pain towards the end of treatment. Her feet, legs, shoulders and neck have hurt so bad her pulse has skyrocketed into the 190's and her oxygen level has plummeted into the 80's. Gigi alsp breaks out into hives even a couple hours later. Like I said this is intense and unfortunatley, all very common. To help with everything Gigi gets a tube blowing oxygen near her nose- this helps A LITTLE. She also gets dilaudid (similar to morphine), benadryl to help with the hives and zofran to help with the nausea... I will update more later- the place is closing down!!!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2004 9:17 AM CST

Day 88

Greetings! Thank you for the notes on Sydney's page. You are the best! Please remeber the Welch's in your prayers.

I read some of the older updates and I realized I keep forgetting to tell you how Gabriella is really doing..... she is energetic, sweet, playful, smiley, TALKATIVE, and smart. She loves to dance and sing songs and of course watch movies. She also enjoys identifying letters and spelling her name- she gets to "I" G-A-B-R-I . I am so proud of her ability to accept everything that comes her way- even shots to her thigh! She enjoys going to her clinic visits and seeing her doctors and nurses. She makes my heart smile and my eyes fill up with happy tears- I am so thankful to the Lord for giving Steve and I this precious little girl!!!!

This week involved a hearing test and clinic on Monday, a true rest day on Tuesday (you know like the kind most of us never get- the kind you just stay in your pj's all day and do NOTHING!!!!!) I never take a day like this, but I heard a great speaker Elise Arndt say you should do this once a month- I think I like that bit of advice!!!!!! Wednesday was a trip to Beaumont for Gigi's first injection of Leukine (GM-CSF)- HomeMed delivered the doses to our home, but the first injection of anything must be in a doctor setting incase an allergic reaction develops. No reaction... until 9 hours later- Gabriella got an intense headache (which she never gets) a low grade fever 99.5 and vomitted once, then had a sleeples couple hours until 1:30am with a headache. On Thursday Gigi woke up completely fine, but I called Sloan-Kettering just to be sure it wasn't anything dangerous. A nurse named Esther said that vomitting is not a usual side effect so we MUST take Gigi to get swabbed to rule out RSV, Flu bar and something A and B. Friday Steve called Beaumont (to save some drive time to U of M) they would not swab her because of "a protocol from U of M" (I do not get that statement??????) Steve then called our pediatrician at home and he said it would be no problem to take Gigi into his office, he would call us by Sunday with the results. Steve and Gigi got to the pediatrician office and were directed to St. Joe's for the swab because the viruses are out-of-season and they did not have the kits. So off to yet another hospital went Steve and Gigi. Gigi has been completely fine since Wednesday night- even with two more days of shots---- so maybe it was a 12 hour bug????

Early Monday morning (like 5:15am) we are flying on a corporate jet (8 seater) to New Jersey and then taking a car from the Night and Day Service into New York. The jet trip is free! It is through Corporate Angel Network. We are very blessed. Steve, Isaiah, Gigi and I will be together in New York Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, then Steve and Isaiah will return to Michigan Wednesday evening. Isaiah is turning one on Tuesday so I am so thankful we will be together as a family!!!!I decided this first time was such late notice to get friends to come to New York and next time will be easier to plan. So this first two week trip will be just Mom and Gigi. Next time will be Isaiah and a guest.

If you would like to be a big blessing- here is an opportunity. We have people available to come to New York with us to help with Isaiah, but just not to sure about the finance end. The plane ticket is $175.00, one parent ticket and the child's is free, So Gabriella and I do not have to worry. We will be going 3 more times and I would love to bring Isaiah, but we need a helper- the weeks of April 26th & May 3rd, June 1st & June 8th, July 1st & July 8th, then an 8 week or so rest (and maybe no more trips to New York.) If you are able to help please let me know. I know this is not directly for Gabriella, but it would sure help out whoever comes to help us. Of course if we are blessed with a Corporate Angel Flight then we would not need to worry about the finances- these corporate flights are in no way a guarantee- even Gabriella and I are supposed to have a back up incase the flight is cancelled. So there is the need- I hestitated typing it on here- but I know it was just pride getting in the way.

I will hopefully be able to update in the "HappyMeal House" as Gigi calls it. (The Ronald McDonald House). The computer room is opened only if staff are available- so it is not a guarantee I will have computer access. Hopefully Steve will update if I can't.

Please pray for our trip. Gigi will begin the anitbody treatment on Monday. It is supposed to be painful, please pray it is managed with the pain meds. Or better yet, no pain at all.

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

PS- My cousin, Tammy just had a baby ten days ago.... she called me up on Thursday and wanted to know what she could do to help- US. (I told her I was supposed to be helping her!!!!) I could not think of anything so we chatted a bit and then got off the phone. Tammy called back with a great idea.... she wanted to get dinner for us... so Papa Romano's was delivering pizza, pasta and a salad later on that evening. What a blessing this was!!!! Tammy lives in Berkley and we live in Auburn Hills, and even with a new born baby she wanted to help- THANK YOU Tammy, Mike, Grace and William!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 6:37 PM CST

Day 85

Early this afternoon Sydney Lynn Welch was called Home by her Father in Heaven. She was almost 11 months old. Gigi and Sydney were next door neighbors during their transplants. Sydney has touched so many lives in her short big life. We connected at the heart level with the Welch's! Gigi told Papa on the phone that "Sydney is up in heaven with Jesus". She is right- and we know she is rejoicing and leaping and singing before the Lord- but my momma heart still breaks!

Please pray for Kelly, Charles and Justin Welch and family as they journey through this heart-breaking grief.

We love you- please hug your kids!

Love, Angie

PS- Gigi did well with her GM-CSF shot - no allergic reaction. Today was the first shot of many. We will know tomorrow if we are going to New York on Monday. I just can't type anymore tonight. More info to come.....

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 7:50 AM CST


****New Photos as of 3/16/04****

Day 84

wbc 3.3
hgb 8.7
plt 156
anc 2.8


Gigi has once again received the status of NED (no evidence of disease)!!! This time it is from the scans done in NYC. Steve talked to a woman named Maria- so we have not officially spoken with the doctor- but the word is NED NED NED!!!! Thank you Mighty Lord! ( I am very curious about the area in her sinus cavity- is it still thickened? Will this doc wonder if its cancer- we will soon find out).

The bonemarrow test will take a few more days to come back- but we are believing for another clean scan! It really feels good to have another scan show NED! Once Gigi has been NED for 5 event-free years her percentages in the medical field significantly increase. But no matter the percentage of long term survival- our hope and our firm belief is that God truly performs miracles and Gigi is healed completely and for always!

Yesterday, Gigi and I went to U of M for clinic and a hearing test. Isaiah accompanied us, too. The clinic was informative and high stressed- I cried, Dr. Yanik listened, I cried, Dr. Yanik responded, Isaiah cried, Gigi got tissues, I smiled! The whole discussion with Dr. Yanik was about the radiation suggestion by Dr. Kushner in NYC. Dr. Yanik said it is very common to radiate every area there were masses. ????!!!!??? I was shocked because this never came out of any discussion we have ever had with him. He continued to say that all radiation decisions are usually made by the radiation doctor and your primary doctor at diagnosis. I explained to him how we decided to stay here a long time ago. (I think we made that known, but maybe not). So who truly is our doctor? Dr. Jamil would always refer to U of M when I asked questions, U of M assumed we were going back to Beaumont and now we are heading off to New York! This gets a little confusing and all I want to know for sure is that SOMEBODY in the medical field is looking out for Gigi. Dr. Yanik apologized and said Dr. Hutchinson and himself would be the ones making the calls. I felt better and so thankful he cares and truly listened!!!!!

Dr. Yanik called the doctor who performed the radiation on Gigi. The decision to not radiate her upper chest was because it was metastic from the original tumor near the left adrenal and it was a lymph node. They typically do not radiate this kind of area as long as it had disappeared before transplant- Gigi's was gone!!! The mass behind her left eye and a bit behind her right eye is quite a different story. This area is not considered lymphnodes and it may very well be a second primary site! He says it is very rare, but possible. Neuroblastoma is known to return to the areas it has been two-thirds of the time. Radiation is ideally supposed to stop this from happening. It does---- SOMETIMES!!!! So what is known for sure is that out of 50 people at least 5 will get a secondary malignancy from the radiation. All will experience a stop of bone growth in the area radiated and in many the cancer will still reoccur it the area that received radiation. So her forehead and cheek bones would grow but her orbits would cease growing. She will be at risk for getting cataracts and vision impairment. So the verdict is in- at least until we find out more info- Gigi will not receive radiation behind her eyes or in the top part of her chest. We do not feel it is a necessity. Please pray for confirmtion with this decision. Dr. Yanik suggested the radiation doc from U of M and the radiation doc from Slaon-Kettering conference about the situation. In every decision you must always weigh out the pros and cons and a big con is how often neuroblastoma is known to come back. So this is the latest on the radiation decision.

The hearing test went well. Gigi has not lost any more of her hearing. She is stable. She still has the high frequency hearing loss. It does not effect her hearing at the level of speech. She hears fine when people are talking. The audiologist said later in a classroom situation Gigi may not be able to hear clearly. Especially if there is noise- they could give the teacher a lapel microphone and have speakers on each side of the room so the voice is loud and clear. At this time they will not do any kind of intervention- it is not necessary! I am thankful- but I know on the whole spectrum of life and death hearing aides are very minimal. I am still thankful Gigi is hearing well. They will check again in about 6 months.

Tomorrow Gigi will start GM-CSF shots at home. She will get them through Sunday and then continue at Sloan-Kettering for the next two weeks. These shots are known to bring fevers and much bone pain. Please pray against both. So we are unofficailly starting the 3F8 antibodies next Monday the 22nd. We should get the confirmation today or tomorrow.

Times Square church here we come! We will hopefully be able to attend on the 28th it will be just 4 days before Gigi's day of liberation. Her day 100. The day she gets to join the world of three year olds!!! The day she gets to interact with children once again!!!!!

Thanks for checking in- please continue to pray and check in on the other awesome children including precious Sydney! www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxoxo

PS- for those considering joining us in the Big Apple please look at your schedules. I was thinking about breaking it up into 5 day segments. 5 days is much more doable. Two weeks away from your family just seems like a very long time. So starting the 22nd of March we will be there for two business weeks. Then we will be home for three weeks and then return for two weeks and the cycle continues four times. M-F is when I need the most help with Isaiah. I can handle the weekends, but you are more than welcome to stay the weekend, too. Steve will be able to come here and there so just let me know what is best for you. I really wish we could pay for your flight and food but the only thing covered would be where you sleep. Thank you for considering coming to NYC. Isaiah is offically weaned- he now drinks soy milk (he's allergic to cow milk and goat milk) but I still can not imagine leaving him for two weeks. My dad said to try it out the first two weeks and see how it works out. If it doesn't he is willing to have Isaiah for the two weeks (thanks for the offer), but I still can not imgaine leaving him for all that time!!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2004 8:17 PM CST

Day 82

Hi Friends!

Tomorrow is a clinic day for Gabriella. We are still going to U of M for these visits. She also has a hearing test tomorrow. Please ask the Lord for healing and complete restoration to her little ears. We still do not have any info from the docs in NYC. Patients,OH- I mean patience!

God has been using Gigi to teach me some life lessons this week (child-like faith and unconditional love). It amazes me how completely and uninhibited she loves. She has absolutely no reason to hold back. She loves unconditionally. Another word picture of God's intense love for His children and how we are to love Him because He first loved us- For who He is and not for what He does! He is Jehovah-Jireh, My Provider, Jehovah-Nissi, He Reigns in Victory, Jehovah-Shalom, My Prince of Peace and I worship Him just for who He is!

Most days I can see the good that comes out of Gigi's fight against neuroblastoma. Relationships in my family are being restored, my faith is growing, and I believe God is getting glorified! Some days are lonely and I feel as if I don't have a friend in the whole world (us girls can understand that last statement.) and then God reminds me of His Word that is hidden in my heart! "Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and ALL these things shall be added to you".

Other days I just want to be done with this fight and get back to a regular life. But just like that first year of college---- life is never the same! Things are just different and it always will be! This is good- Then there are days like last night- I realize something I was believing that was not true- My faith (or at least my understanding of my faith) says our kids are exempt from a disease invading their little bodies! They are innocent! I can identify disappointment. This is not an absolute truth! But Then I remember - sin- and how truly wretched it is! The torture that Our Lord went through for Gigi and You and I. The punishment for sin is truly death- we can not pay it any other way- so Jesus paid it for us. We chose this separation- I know some try to blame Adam and Eve, but if you or I were there I am most certain we would have fallen into the same trap. God's plans are BIG! He is always faithful to what His Word says! We live wholly for the Lord, ask Him into our hearts to be Our Lord and Savior, repent of our sins and receive His forgiveness and all of His promises. The big one is living eternally with Our Saviour forever in heaven completely restored with new bodies!!!!! Others include-HE WILL TURN ALL THINGS FOR GOOD! His way and in His time! Not my will Lord, but Yours be done! Then I remember the war that is waged for our souls- "the lion" that is ready to devour at any moment the enemy of our soul wants to get us distracted, looking at our problems instead of our eyes fixed on Our Problem-solver. "In this life we will have trials, but I (Jesus)have overcome the world!!!" I know full well God is a Miracle Working God! I come boldly to the throne room of grace and ask the Lord for a miracle healing and restoration. I now understand nobody is exempt from the ravage consequences of sin- even innocent children. But I also understand God's tender mercies, patience, forgiveness and loving kindness like never before. I understand that He desires that not one perish (die without asking Jesus to be Lord of their life) and He will go to all measures to get our attentions and He is relentless in His knocking on our heart's door! If you haven't PLEASE ask Him in!!!!!!

Thanks for reading the update! Please pray for our family- we need desperately to keep God first on a daily basis no matter what we are walking through, no matter what we may be feeling! Thank you!

Love, Angie xoxoxo

I was not very clear in my last update. Gigi Girl was on the PLANE riding through turbulence- intense turbulence when she just smiled and said "whoa"! That is an example of child-like faith!!!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:53 AM CST

Day 79
(counts as of Monday Day 76)

wbc 2.6
hgb 8.7
plt 160
anc 1.8

Gigi and I arrived home last night on the 4:15pm flight from LaGuardia to Detroit at 6:10. We were delayed and actually got off the plane at 6:40. Steve picked us up and we were home home by 8:15 pm. It is GREAT to be home.

Monday morning our flight left at 10:15am and arrived at 12:10pm. Gigi loved the plane ride- the woman next to us said she is the oldest of 7 children- only girl and one of her brothers is 3. She said Gigi was amazing!!! Her brother would have been running up and down the aisles and kicking the seats and loud!!!! Thank you Gigi Girl for behaving so wonderfullly! Our cousins Jay and Monica moved to New York City about 20 months ago. Monica was so generous with her time and offered to pick us up at the airport! I was so relieved!!!! They live on the upper west side of Manhatten and we stayed on the upper east side. It was raining so Monica drove us to the Ronald McDonald House to drop off our luggage and then 5 blocks down to the hospital for our consultaion with Dr. Kushner.

While in the waiting room I am watching families from all ethnicity interact. The common denominator is CANCER. There are Jewish, Indian, Caucasian, Latino, Asian & African American. Two little boys in the waiting room had transplants in December just like Gigi. They also stay at the Ronald McDonald House and one family will be starting antibody treatment at the same time. They are from Pennsylvania and their little boy is 3 1/2 and named ALEX. The nueroblastoma is still in his lymphnodes-please pray for it to be destroyed and to never return with these antibodies. We meet Dr. Kushner and Gigi is completely comfortable with him and is smiling and interacting (a miracle). He says that you can not tell one bit that she was (yes WAS!) sick. He said it just looks like I was tired of cutting her hair and went to the beauty shope to get it buzzed!!!!! He and two other doctors deal only with Neuroblastoma!!!!With that said he also told us that every child that comes to Sloan-Kettering from diagnosis gets radiation in every area the tumors appeared (not what I wanted to hear). It is known to reoccur in those areas. Gigi only got radiation in the area it originated. This means Gigi may get radiaiton to the areas behind both of her eyes and in her upper chest. (at this time we are not going in this direction- but are again praying for God's will and the right decision).

We go "home" to the Ronald McDonald House and get the tour. Our first night in New York City is coming to a close.

Everything is small and close and crowded in New York City. The Food Emporium was a recognizable grocery store. I walk in and can barely fit Gigi's stroller down the aisle and around to the next aisle. EVERYTHING is more expensive... ex. Capri Sun drinks normally 1.99 in MI and 4.19 in NYC. The Pizza we had deliverd to the House was cold and soggy- YES in NYC! Then we went to sleep in our room. Similar to a hotel room but you can not have any visitors in your room and you can not eat in your room and you have to clean everything when you are done, throw out the garbage, bring your own everything- (except toilet paper and cleaning supplies, wash the sheets (unless you bring your own- which we did) and pay a mere $20.00 a night, while getting pop from a vending machinge for 25 cents and play video games in the play room on old arcade style machines for free and use a kitchenette with one shelf in the freeaer and one shelf in the fridge for a $10.00 deposit!!!!!! The sleep was good, but we missed the comfortableness of being at home!

We woke up on Tuesday morning and walked the 5 New York blocks to the hosptial. Every part of the ped oncology area was in disarray at Sloan-Kettering because Thursday they are moving up a couple floors. Boxes were every where, we had to step around garbage bins, waited in this small play room and then waited again for over 50 minutes in this small hallway before our starving Gigi got her bone marrow aspirations, while the whole time nurses and doctors came in and out of a room and slammed the door every time- right next to our ears!!! Gigi could not eat until 3pm because she had to have anesthesia for the 4 aspirations. YES FOUR!!! Both hips, both sides! She is still limping! Neuroblastoma is known to hide in pockets in the marrow. Then we went to Nuc Med for her injection for the MIBG scan. Then our Tuesday at the clinic came to an end and we met Monica and Madeliene and ate at Star Diner and got a coffee and watched Monica get a cab so I would know how to do it on Wednesday to get to the airport.
I had to clean everything and check out on this night becuase we had to leave before anyone would be avaiable in the morning to check us out and we wouldn't be back until after the final time (2pm) to check out. I had to call for an inspection- WE PASSED!

Wednesday morning came and we were off to get the MIBG scan-Gigi again stayed still for over an hour- NO anesthesia!!!! Everyone there was amazed and the Doc said that they make them tough in the MidWest!!!! We had a bit of time and got a quick bite to eat and then to the CT Scan- another 40 minute time of staying still- she actually fell asleep!!!!! We completed all scans required and were able to catch a cab and fly home. The catching the cab part was sooooo easy! This time Gigi got the window seat and asked if the clouds were on the ground!!!! The ride was VERY bumpy and all Gigi did was "whoa" and gave a big smile! The woman next to us just kept breathing deeply and gripped onto the arms of the chair- apologizing the whole time. I shared with the lady that God wants us to have child-like faith! Gigi was totally at peace and she has no fear about being hurt or about not being taken care of completely. Even with a childhood cancer invading her body she does not have all the extra worries adults have! The battle field is often times in our minds... is it not?

Thanks for praying us through this time and thank you so much for taking the time to sign the guestbook and offer your help. This means so much to me. Gigi is waiting patiently to play with me- she has her McDonald cash register and her drive-through head phones on asking me if she could take my order!!!! Zayah is patiently talking in his crib waiting for Gigi and I to get him! Life is "normal" God is in control and we are hanging on for the ride- the whole time being held in Our Father's embrace!

Love, Angie xoxoxox

PS- we do not have the results from the tests- yet and we do not know when we are starting the antibody treatment. The doc's guess was the 22nd of March. We would be there for two weeks straight and then be home for three weeks straight to return for two weeks and the cycle continues until she develops the anitbody. We are praying for four cycles (less than this is not very effective). After four cycles we have an 8 week break and the two weeks there and then an 8 week break and the cycle continues for up to 2 years from the start of anitbodies. The 3F8 attaches to GD2 that is known to be on the neurobalstoma. It is very painful during the infusion because it involves the nerve cells. GM-CSF is given to boost the white blood cells and teach them how to fight better. I will write more as I understand more!!!- Love you!

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 6:45 PM CST

QUICK UPDATE FOR NEW YORK TRIP--------------------------------------------------
(Sunday March 7, 2004 at 10:35pm- Day 75- Gigi and I will be flying out tomorrow morning at 10:15am and be returning home Wednesday evening at 8:00pm. Our cousins Monica and Jay have been so gracious to offer being our chauffers to and from the airport on the New York side (thank you thank you thank you!!!!!) Please pray for safe travel and great test results. Thank you for all the pointers from you veteran New York NB Families- (Cathy, Linda and ?????) I am not sure if I will be able to update, but I will be talking with Steve so maybe he will relay what is happening. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR SYDNEY and also sign her guestbook if you get the chance!!! www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney You guys are the best!!!!!

PS- Monsters Inc. on Ice was wonderful!!!!! Thank you to The Palace of Auburn Hills for the generosity and thank you to all who shared the evening with us!!!! FYI- GIGI weighed 32 pounds last week and has not been on TPN in a week!!!! So far so good!!! Thank you Jesus!

Hi Friends,

Here's the latest!

Gigi is doing very well!!!!!! Thank you Jesus! We got to visit her old doctors today form Beaumont to pick up a urine jug (this saved about an hour of road time--- we din't have to go to U of M)

Today is day 71 post transplant and we received approval from our BMT Doc to fly commercially. So on Monday morning Gabriella and I will fly to New York (Upper East Side of Manhatten). So the verdict is in.... we are going!

Children's Special Health Care of Michigan (CSHC) is amazing. This is our secondary insurance, our primary covers for all the outpatient procedures while we are there. Praise the Lord! CSHC pays for the child and one parent to fly commercially! Praise the Lord! They pay $32.00 a night for where we stay (we will stay at Ronald McDonald House that only charges $20.00 a night) Praise the Lord! They also pay $12.00 a day for food for both of us. Praise the Lord! They also pay for mileage if we drive and cab fee's if we don't!!!! Praise the Lord! Like I wrote yesterday the gates have been opened and we are walking through.

This is a lot to take in! We will only be gone for three days this first time- so Isaiah will for sure stay home- but I can't imagine leaving him for two whole weeks- Does anyone want to go to New York anytime in the next several months???!!!!??? (hahahahhahahahaha- just thought I'd see if there are any takers!!!!!)

Tomorrow I will be collecting Gigi's urine for a 24-hour catacolamine (sp?) and on Friday Gigi will be undergoing another bone scan and echo. The tests must be done within 2-3 weeks from the start of treatment. This is why we can not use the tests from last month. If you are wondering what Gabriella will be receiving in New York and why NY please read yesterday's update (3/2/04).

While we are in NY we will meet Dr. Kushner on Monday, get a MIBG scan and bone marrow aspiration on Tuesday, and MIBG scan and CT scan done on Wednesday. We will arrive home at 8pm Wednesday evening!

This is very much an adrenaline rush- I'm sure everything will hit me later, but for right now I am sooooo amazed this is all falling in place- just think a home town girl from ARMADA, MICHIGAN will be venturing to the big city with her little girl- hahahahahahahahahaha!

One of the big decisions to go involved the fact there are no big side effects. Just intense pain for 30 minutes during each infusion that they try to manage with pain meds. Another big item that helped us decide was the incredible peace we felt with actually going and the lack of peace we felt with staying! So New York here we come with an army of prayer warriors at our side (figuratively speaking).

We love you dearly and are so thankful you are on this journey with us- we COULD NOT do it without the Lord and the awesome people he has put into our lives. My mom said yesterday that what ever we decide she knows it will be the right decision and she is behind us 100 percent- cry my eye out! Thanks MOM!

Please continue to pray for Sydney- she had a big day today and they are praying specifically for surgery, heart, lungs and GVHD (I also think Kidneys to)! Incase you haven't heard yet ETHAN is coming home tomorrow!!!!! YES, LORD!!!! Day 30 post transplant and NO TPN!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxoxo

PS- FYI-Gigi's MAKE-A-WISH trip has been postponed from MAY until SEPTEMBER, because of the 3f8 antibody treatment.

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 10:43 AM CST

(I added the clinical trial at the bottom- Dr. Kushner called back this evening and said there are no other side effects except pain, and it is only for 30 minutes during the infusion each day- thanks for praying!!!)

Day 70

wbc 3.4
hgb 9.1 (YES!)
plt 176 (YES!)
anc 2.9

Hi Guys!

Yesterday's clinic went well. NO TRANSFUSION ONCE AGIAN!!!!! Thanks Renee for coming with us! Dr. Yanik told us the official results of the head ct showed thickening in both sides of the sinus cavity. No tumors were found and the bone has not been effected. Neuroblastoma is not known to behave in this way. The thought is it is most likely sinuitis and not neoplastic (cancerous). Gigi will start 4 weeks of augmentin antibiotic and get another ct done to see if the thickening is decreased. SO there you have it- inconclusive. I do know Gigi had a runny nose for like 9 weeks and it is just starting to stop- time will tell. She is also supposed to start cis-retinoic acid also called accutane- an oral chemo next week and be on it every two weeks for six months.

Then the phone call....Dr. Yanik called this morning and told us he received an e-mail from Dr. Kushner's office (Memorial Sloan- Kettering New York) stating Gigi has been accepted into the 3f8 antibody clincal trial!!!!?????!!??!!?? He wants everything started ASAP. (I'm not sure what this means time wise.) Re-testing is the first step (I sure hope her scans from a few weeks ago are sufficient.) I have a call into Dr. Kushner's office to get more specifics of the side effects. We know pain is the most common. We also know this treatment is also for two weeks at a time. She would get a 1 and a half hour infusion of the antibody (derived from a mouse) everyday for two weeks out of each month. After four months, and if she still has not developed this antibody (HAMA) Gigi will then go every 8 weeks for two weeks at a time for up to two years. I know this is all scketchy, but just please pray for us to have confirmation this is the right direction to go in. We know if it was offered in Michigan she would already be signed up for it... so then it is just the logistics of New York... we know God will work it all out. Steve was on the phone yesterday with the insurances and everything went smoothly... too smoothly and so very easy....

The bonus of this treatment is for Gigi in the long term. Ideally her body will learn how to fight the dreaded cancer if it would try to return. (50 percent relapse in just the first year) Right now if we stop with treatment Gigi's percentage numbers for long term survival are in the 30's and with this treatment she will jump into the 40's (I know it's not a for sure fix). But GOD is! Even just a decade ago the outlook for long term survival was grim- and just two decades ago Gigi would not have lived past two months. So we know GOD has blessed the medical field with the knowledge of what will best treat cancer... there is not a cure- YET! We know whose report to believe and I feel right now this is just another step in the victorious journey to complete wholeness for Gigi Girl. I am in no way putting my trust in these antibodies- MY TRUST IS IN CHRIST ALONE- ALL OTHER GROUND IS SINKING SAND! I just feel this is a wise step. Steve is now going in this direction, too. We must be in unity or this will not work. So I can confidently say we will not stay here or go to New York unless we COMPLETELY agree with each other and with what we feel the Lord has put on our hearts!

If I had my own way Dr. Kushner's office would have denied us. That's the part of me that just wants to put all this behind us and be done. The part that can not bear leaving my home for two weeks at a time. But then I know that I know that I know Our Precious Father is leading us and allowing doors to open so we can step out of all comfort zones and put our faith totally in Our Savior and Lord!

We love you all and so appreciate you! I will update as soon as I know anything new!

Angie xoxoxoxoxoxo

PS- for all you inquisitive ones- CHRISTINE! I cut and pasted this from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering web page under clinical trials-


Purpose :

Neuroblastoma is a solid tumor that mainly affects young persons and can be very difficult to treat successfully. Although a combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery can help patients with advanced disease achieve remission, many patients experience a relapse of their disease. Because of this outcome, as well as the side effects associated with treatment, doctors are continually pursuing new, more effective and safer therapies.

In this phase II study, doctors at Memorial Sloan-Kettering are evaluating a treatment regimen for patients with neuroblastoma that is resistant to chemotherapy or radiation therapy. They are assessing therapy with a monoclonal antibody called 3F8 in combination with a substance called GM-CSF, which can boost the power of the immune system to destroy the cancer cells.

3F8 has been shown to kill cancer cells in some patients. 3F8 attaches to neuroblastoma cells and helps focus a patient's own immune system -- especially white blood cells -- to attack the neuroblastoma cells. Granulocytes make up one class of white blood cells. GM-CSF increases the number of granulocytes, and makes them better killers of cancer cells. The treatment is provided on an outpatient basis.

An earlier study with 3F8 and GM-CSF administered differently showed promising results In that study, GM-CSF was given intravenously. In this study, it will be given through an injection under the skin (subcutaneously). Investigators hope that this new way of giving these agents will be more effective by improving a patient's overall immune function, but they do not yet know if this will happen. The new treatment will also be easier to administer and could be made more widely available.

Eligibility :

To be eligible for this study, patients must have a confirmed diagnosis of neuroblastoma that is determined to be high-risk. They cannot have progressive disease. 3F8/GM-CSF is available for patients in complete remission after transplant and for patients whose neuroblastoma has not responded completely to other treatments.

For more information and to inquire about eligibility for this study, please contact Dr. Brian Kushner at 212-639-6793 or Dr. Nai-Kong V. Cheung at 212-639-8401, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or at 212-639-7900 at all other times.

Saturday, February 28, 2004 8:57 PM CST

Sunday Feb. 29th
Please pray for Jordan- he has been sent home from the hospital with 1 week to live. He has been battling stage iv neuroblastoma since May 2002! www.caringbridge.org/tx/jordanluke


PLEASE SIGN HER GUESTBOOK www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney

She went into a cardiac arrest and stopped breathing on Friday. She is stable at the moment- but needs a healing miracle from our Lord!

Thank you,
Angie xoxoxoxo

Ps- Gigi has clinic on Monday- but no more daily treks to U of M and I am just a bit excited!!!!!

Gigi had a great time playing with Pappa gallegos and Ti-Ti on Friday and Saturday while I went to a Women in Ministry conference and Steve went to a SuperChurch 101 training- REFRESHING! CHALLENGING! INSPIRING! "I just want to shout Hallelujah! thank you Jesus- Lord you are worthy of all the glory, of all the honor and all of the praise" (a praise and worship song we sing at church that just won't leave my mind- I love it!) I love you all and want to encourage you to go see the Passion. (as long as you are older than 14 or so) Amazing- incredible- the Lord knew you and loved you before you were ever born and sent His Son Jesus to die a death on the cross for your sin (and mine) to pay a debt we could absolutely not pay! Please open your heart to receive from the Lord- His forgiveness, His mercy, His love, His compassion. You are precious and honored in His sight and He loves you!

Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:51 PM CST

Day 65
wbc 2.9 same
hgb 8.3 down a bit
plt 155 same
anc 1.7 same


Just returned home to a clean house and a cared for baby boy! Thank you sooooooo much Tonya! I am discovering more and more what you did today! Kitchen, vacuuming, dusting, dishes....what a blessing!!!!!!

Well today marks the 12th and final day of radiation!!!! The tech asked Gigi if she wanted to take the mold of her body home and she said "NO- it goes over 'dere!" (referring to the area they stored it these past three weeks) They will just throw it out and that is quite alright with us. We were given a free pass for lunch while we waited for her blood count to be put into the computer. Gigi LOVES pasta and juice!!!!!!!

While we were in line for some lunch Dr. Levine was there, too. He got our attention to tell us a preliminary result of the head ct showed "all clear"!!!!!! There is still some thickening, but because it was less than last scan it is considered a little sinuitis. We will know more on Monday (clinic). Woo Hoo or as Becky signed in the guestbook "whew hew" Thank You Jesus!

Love Angie xxoxoxoooxxoxox

Tuesday, February 24, 2004 8:01 PM CST

Day 64 (Wednesday, Feb. 25. 2004) Update-
Radiation went smoothly and quickly. Just one more day to go. Please check out the new pictures. (Steve fixed the picture problems from earlier)################################################################################

Day 63- New pictures have been added!!!

(counts are dropping from the radiation- two more days left- please pray her white blood cells and neutrofils rebound quickly and her hemoglobin and platelets rise)

Radiation 10 went smooth. I still can't get over the radiation sound and red square that blinks on the computer screen while the radiation is being administered to my Gigi Girl!?!?!? I am ever so thankful though to My Jesus, for His perfect peace that surrounds Gigi and His ministering angels that encamp around her as she is in the room all by herself (well in the natural realm, anyway- I can just imagine the army My Daddy has surrounding Gigi in the spirit realm- whoo hoo!- praise You Mighty God!)

The CT Scan was once again WITHOUT ANESTHESIA!!!!!! That's another whoo hoo- thank You Jesus!!! She was on the table VERY STILL and even allowed the tech to lower her head, more so than her horizontal body, as the machine changed angles to get a good view of the orbit and nose area! Gigi did have to starve for 20 hours and wait paitiently for 2 hours in one room- just waiting and waiting and waiting- all for a slot in anesthesia, (that she didn't need) But that is quite alright- no anesthesia is fine with me.... AND GIGI! Please pray for NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE for now and for always!

During the drive home Gigi vomitted after eating two chicken nuggets. Radiation? Chicken Nuggets? Over-hungry? Combination? I'm not positive what caused Gigi to get sick. We had to pull over on I-275 while I stripped her down and gave her my pull-over I was wearing. Gigi looked sooo cute with the huge over-sized zipper shirt and her Dora winter hat. When we got home she ran down stairs and told Yamma and Papa 'Tollo that she was a rapper!!!! I seriously have no idea where she picked that up, unless I said something to her, but I REALLY don't remember saying anything!!!???!!??

Well, after not being able to eat for so long and then getting sick in the car- can you believe she ended up eating (and making with Yamma 'Tollo) home-made pepperoni pizza, fresh broccolli, watermelon, orange juice, bread and butter!!?? I sure hope next week the dietician tells us Gigi can cease having any fluids pumped into her through the night. She has to drink five cups every day. To be sure TPN stays off she needs to eat 1100 calories a day. She is 37.5 inches tall and 31.1 pounds. Please pray she maintains and gains- that's easy to remember!!!!

Also remember sweet Sydney, Ethan, Emily, Clay, Dakota, Max, Jocelyn, Demetrius, Christina, Alexia, Michaela, Isaiah, Mitchell, Kaitlyn, Sydney D, Morgan, Shane, Ben, Paige, Chandler, Alex, Trevor and so many others whose young lives have been invaded with childhood cancer- WE SERVE A MIGHTY GOD- who is able to do above and beyond ALL THAT WE ASK OR THINK!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxox

Monday, February 23, 2004 8:55 PM CST

****New Photos 2/24/04****

Day 62

wbc 2.4 (low, but expected from radiation)
hgb 8.6 (low, but no transfusion until in the 7's)
plt 156 (great!)
neut 1.7 (neupogen starts once the counts are below 1.0)


Happy Birthday to Ethan!!!!

Clinic went good, although Gabriella's white counts and neutrophils are starting to drop. This is expected due to the radiation. (please pray they will rebound quickly and NO FEVERS or trips to the hospital result from the low counts) Steve had today off and was able to see Gabriella stay still for the radiation. He took some really good pictures and just maybe I can get him to download them onto the web page tonight (I know... I really do have to learn how to do it myself!!!!) Dr. Yanik told us if Gabriella was his little girl he would most definitely look into getting the 3F8 antibodies at Sloan-Kettering in NY. We are still praying for doors to open and close and God's will to be done!

Tomorrow is radiation 10 of 12 and then a head CT w/ anesthesia. Please pray for clear scans and accurate results.

Some other brave fighters and important prayer requests---
Please pray for Paige. She was diagnosed with exactly what Gabriella was in the same exact month, but her cancer is not responding- they are sending her into transplant with a big mass in the abdomen because her cancer is growing in new spots way too quickly to wait for a surgery and recovery. Please do what you do so good- PRAY and sign her guestbook- PLEASE!!!! www.paigerutter.com

A beautiful teenager was on the floor fighting GVHD while we were in for transplant. Her name is CLAY and her mom is VAL. Sadly her lymphoma has returned. Her mom desperately wants Clay to be able to return home to live out her last days. Pray the radiation does the job- and for a miracle!!

Sydney is stable, but still battling in PICU - keep praying!!! www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney

Ethan has this pesky fever that comes and goes and also is dealing with nausea and vomitting, keep praying!!!!

Salutations (from Charlotte's Web)

I love you guys - you are the best!!!! Thanks for the encouraging words in the guestbook- Yes, Steve did preach a powerful message last night- God used him in a mighty way- thank you Jesus!!!!

Angie xoxoxoxoxoxo

Saturday, February 21, 2004 10:51 PM CST

Hello Dear Ones,

If you read our guestbook you will see my Grandma wrote about Gigi's Make A Wish trip. I keep forgetting to share the blessing that is planned to happen in May. The Make A Wish Foundation is giving us a 6 night 7 day stay at Give Kids The World in Orlando Florida- and passes to all the theme parks and a limo ride to and from the airport, rental car, spending money....!!!!!!! We are all excited! Gabriella keeps saying "I going to see Mickey Mouse at his house!?!?! Where's his Mommmy?" She will hopefully be able to have lunch with one of the characters and so much more!!!!

I am humbled and thankful!

Radiation days 4-8 were last week (Thank you Sarah, Dad & Kathy, Aunt Dee Dee and Sandy for your help with Isaiah). Right before getting on the table Gabriella ALWAYS says "When I all done I go home?" EVERYTIME. She is so precious. She really likes to call the shots and have some sense of control. (hmmmmm? definitely not like her mommy- hahahahaha)

Well, as I type this both of my babies are at my mom's. This is Isaiah's first time spending the night away from us. Thank you Mom and Don for making so much fun for Gabriella and Isaiah this weekend. We are blessed!

This week we complete radiation- just 4 more days to go....I have been reading "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren and on day four he writes, "The closer you live to God the smaller everything else appears". I want that- I want to put this trial wholly in the hands of God- I want my "sound mind" to conquer my emotional rollercoasters. My sound mind says everything is OK because God is in control, my husband is the best, my daughter is healed for always, my purpose is clear, my emotional mind says everything the opposite- Joyce Myers (my favorite speaker!!!) has a book titled "Controlling your emotions instead of them controlling you" (paraphrase) I received that book a few Christmas' ago and I have yet to read it... maybe I'll go find where I put it-thanks for praying! I love you all!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, February 18, 2004 4:45 PM CST

Day 56

Hi Everyone!

Just want to let you know the last two days of radiation have been good. (thank you Yamma and pappa "tollo" and Aunt Dee Dee for helping with Zayah). Gigi is still cooperating and no side effects are seen. Six days down and six days to go!!!!! The whole time the tech pushes the radiation button I pray the Lord is covering Gigi's body and protecting it from any complications from the radiation. The doc asked today if she was eating because they are radiating very close to her stomach. After we left, Aunt Dee Dee and I took Gigi and Zayah to Bellaccino's for pizza. Gigi ate two pieces!!!!!!

Tonight is Gigi's last night of TPN!!!!!!(They are going to try this and see if it works- she has been stuck on eating only half of her daily needs- hopefully not getting it from the TPN should make her hungrier) Tomorrow she will just be on fluids. This is a precautionary measure to ensure her hydration. She has to eat 1100 calories a day and drink five glasses of fluid (she is doing about half this)- then she can be off all IV fluids!!!!

Thanks for checking in. Please keep praying for no side effects from the radiation, for making the decision of what treatment direction to go in and for Sydney and Ethan!!!! www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney and ethan below.

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Monday, February 16, 2004 11:04 PM CST

Day 56

wbc 4.8 (low but still good)
hgb 8.7 (low but no transfusions until 7)
plt 165 (awesome!)

Gigi was so courageous once again! Radiation day #4 went well, she was offered a prize for her cooperation and she picked a talking "boots". After radiation we went to clinic and found out her counts were good. We were told radiation could dramatically drop her blood counts. We also found out the scans of her face need to be redone. She was moving ever so slightly and it messed up the pictures. So in the next couple weeks Gigi will either get another CT of her head (with sedation) or an MRI. The bone marrow aspiration was the last test we needed results from and everything proved to be negative from disease !!!!!!

Dr.Yanik also told us she would starts her cis-retinoic acid (oral chemo), also called accutane, about two weeks after radiation. She will take this drug over a 6 month time frame.

I stand amazed at all that has been done by the Lord's hand! Our three year old little girl lies perfectly still in a room all by herself - AWAKE- while she receives radiation!!!! Her body has fought hard and by God's grace evicted cancer from it's temporary dwelling. She is comfortable with the docs and nurses and accepts with willingness our daily trips to the hospital. Gabriella truly knows no different life. But I am ever so thankful for her cooperation and how she handles what each day brings. I have learned sooo much. We are not done with this battle by a long shot- BUT- we are certainly enjoying this "siesta" of sorts. (can daily treks to U of M be called a siesta?????)

Steve did some investigating about Monsters Inc. on ice coming to the Palace of Auburn Hills. They are coming at the beginning of March which would put Gigi at around Day 70. She is not supposed to be in public places until Day 100. Well anyways, Steve called up the Palace and asked if there were any suite tickets avaialable for purchase (a more enclosed area). He told the woman about Gabriella's situation. She called back with an entire suite and 12 free tickets!!!!!!! Gabriella will be thrilled!!!! Thank you Lord!

Sydney www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney is SLOWLY improving. Thank you for praying and for signing her guestbook. Ethan is doing amazingly well- thank you Abba Father- DADDY for being so good to us and giving supernatural peace and strength in the midst of intense trials!!!! Thank you for strategically placing prayer warriors around your beloved children to rally in intercession! Bless them in a mighty way I pray!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxo

PS- Have you bought your tickets to "The Passion"? It looks like it's going to be intense and life changing- For Christians and non-Christians alike!

Sunday, February 15, 2004 6:21 PM CST

Day 54

Hi Everyone!

Tomorrow is radiation day # 4, (12 total) and clinic day, too. Gigi is doing really good! Her hair is growing in just as dark and thick as before.... time will tell about the curly-ness.

Happy Birthday Yamma Berckley (Feb 14th)- and thank you so much for watching the kids today while I went to church. Thanks Pappa Gallegos for watching Isaiah and Gigi yesterday while Steve and I went out.

I saw Leslie today at church and she had just received some news Ethan did not have a very good night. He was vomitting a lot and some infection is brewing. Please pray and sign their guestbook www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan and please keep praying for Sydney, too www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney.

Eileen is a very good friend of ours. (Steve and Eileen graduated high school the same year from the same school.) Her mom, Rosemary, has been battling cancer and hospice is the next step in this journey. Please pray for Eileen, who is a great mommy to Olivia (2 years old) and pray for Rosemary!

Thanks for checking in on us. Hope you had a good weekend. God has great and wonderful plans for each of us! Our part is to trust Him to work everything out for good and to completely surrender our EVERYTHING to Jesus!

Love, Angie xoxoxo

PS- The MRI results came back about our nephew Caleb! No local seizure- just a tick!!!!! Thanks for praying!

Thursday, February 12, 2004 2:49 PM CST

Day 52 (Friday, Feb.13, 2004)

Gigi was a brave little girl once again!!!! She made it through radiation day 3 without anesthesia (9 more to go) No lights, No music, no talking.... all on her 3 year old terms, but she did it!

Thank you Pastor Chris and Renee for watching Isaiah!!!!!

Thank you Sandra for listening!
Day 51 (we even parked in parking spot 51)

Today's radiation went magnificanto!

Thank you for all of your wonderful encouragement in the guestbook, it makes me tear up with joy at the love behind your words! Thank you also for your ferverent prayers!!! I "feel" much better today!!!

Dear Lord I thank you for your tender mercies and loving kindness and for your infinite grace!!!!!

We left Isaiah at home with Papa and Yamma Zottolo. (thank you sooooo mcuh for caring for Isaiah and hanging out all day!) Gigi did not want to leave she was having so much fun playing with her fun guests. I literally peeled her away and our 1 hour journey began. We left at 11:40 and were home by 2:30!!!!! Gigi kept so very still without even one tear!!!!!! She refused any music, she did not want even one light on and she absolutely did not want ANYONE (not even MOM) talking to her through the speaker. I was able to watch her (through a video camera) so bravely face being all alone in a room with machines. I am so thankful to the Lord for His peace that was within her and all around her! I am also soooo proud of Gigi for facing her fears! NO SLEEPY JUICE!!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxox

www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney please ferverently pray and sign their guestbook!!!!! Precious Sydney needs a miracle!

Wednesday, February 11, 2004 7:03 PM CST

Day 50

Today was Gigi's very first with radiation. It took a total of 25 minutes with only about 2 minutes of actual time radiating. But it sure felt like 25 hours. Gigi screamed the entire time. She wanted me right up next to her. Anesthesia was on standby and I am most certain tomorrow they plan on putting her under (they told me to be sure she doesn't eat anything). Please pray this won't happen. I know she can do it. (Thank you sooo much Danyale for coming with us to watch Isaiah)

Last night I was doing some investigating on-line about the 3F8 antibody treatment at Memorial Sloan-Kettering in New York, New York. Everything I read seems to allow Gabriella into the trial. There was actually a line that read "available for patients in complete remission". We heard back from Sloan-Kettering today, they need a two page summary of her treatment thus far. Once Dr. Kushner from Sloan reads the summary he will determine if she is eligible.

I honestly do not want her treatment to be stretched out another 4 months to 2 years. But I most certainly do not want to think I stopped short of everything that was available to beat this neuroblastoma. The door was closed to receive antibody treatment here in Michigan- so we know God is opening and closing doors. We desire peace in making this decision. We are pretty sure our insurance will not cover this treatment. (although you have not because you ask not) We have not even gone there yet! Please pray for wisdom and for the decision to be made upon faith and NOT FEAR!

Today was a high stressed day and I did not deal with it very well, Gigi kept begging for pizza at a restaurant, Zayah threw up on the way (we think he has some car sickness), Gigi cried the whole time she was in the radiation room, I am tired of preparing the TPN at night, the whole decision about New York, tired from driving 56 miles one way, just plain sad and irritated. I know God is on the throne, but I am walking (or driving) as if it is all up to me. Please pray I would truly release all of this "yuck" to the Lord. (I do it in faith right now as I type this) I stopped for a second while I was getting dinner ready and really looked at my kids. Zayah is growing up without anyone noticing, he is so darn cute and so strong! I feel like I am failing as a mom and as a wife. I need your prayers more than ever.... but then there are sooooo many more important situations to pray about (sydney www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney, ethan www.caringbridge.org/ethan, Gabriella, Michaela, Kaitlyn, Ryan, Mitchell, Chandler, Sydney, Christopher, Trevor, Emily, Andrew, Shane, Morgan, Nathan, ....the list is much longer... this is completely why I am not God and why God is God... HE can handle it ALL.... I can't!!!!!!!

I love you all, thank you Aunt Lisa and Uncle Gary for the beautiful flowers, thank you Carmen for the delicious meal, thank you Jenna for setting the meals up, thank you Jenni for taking time to hang out, thank you Jill for listening to me "complain", thank you Dad and Kathy for coming tomorrow to watch Zayah, thank you Mom for designing our new bench (and Don for building it) and Mom for making our pillows and for caring for us with all of your heart.

Love, Angie xoxoxox

PS- please take a moment to pray for my nephew Caleb (he is going to be 6 years old). He had a very serious seizure last year and just recently has developed a tick of sorts. It is in his neck area and involves his head. My sister, Melissa, took him to get an MRI yesterday (he did it without anesthesia!!!!!) The doc's are trying to rule out the possibility of the tick being a local seizure. Please pray for wisdom and healing!!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2004 8:37 PM CST

Tuesday update (Feb. 10th day 49)-
Today Gigi and Isaiah went sledding with Hannah and Miss Jenni. It was so much fun!!!! Please pray for Gigi Girl as she starts her first day of radiation tomorrow. The big side effect is stunting of her sitting posture and a secondary malignancy 10 to 20 years down the line. The other side effects include nausea, vomitting and diarreah. Please pray against these side effects and also for perfect peace as Gigi bravely stays still as they radiate (without anestesia!!!!)

I found out some stats.... 70 percent of kids with neuorblastoma make it this far. 30 percent have already gone to be with the Lord. In one years time 35 percent of the original number replapse and go on to be with the Lord. Steve said today we would call New York to see if she qualifies for their study and if not.... we will not be concerned about the numbers! We know God is well able to heal Gabriella completely and for always. We thank Him for bringing Gigi this far- we keep trusting, we keep praying, and we keep looking to Our Father for HOPE! He shall supply all of our needs, God is in the blessing business - more than we can ask, think, or imagine! His ways are higher than ours- We praise Hime!
Please pray for Ethan he is now on morphine for the painful mucositis!!!!

Day 48
wbc 5.2 -good
hgb 9.1 -good
plt 150 - great!


Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Jesus!!!! For who He is and what HE does, for giving hope, for restoring Gigi's body, for ______________ you fill-in the blank!

Gigi is NED! NED! NED! NED! No evidence of disease! (Steve made sure he asked the doctor to clarify the exact meaning!!!) He asked the doc if this means remission and he said "YES, you could say that!"

So we do say it - REMISSION!!!!! REMISSION!!! REMISSION!!!

Honestly the moment was filled with mixed emotion. It was hard to imagine we had only 12 business days of radiation left and then six months of an oral chemo cis-retinoic acid (accutane). I know these are two very serious hurdles to jump through... but looking at our last 7 1/2 months... with God all things are possible!!! (this seems to close our New York door, but I will let you know more when we find it out!)

There were two small glitches with the findings. One was a small spot they saw on her lung. It confirmed their suspicions of last week... a little viral infection? They were not concerned one bit. The other glitch was once again the findings in her face. I asked what the suspicious activity was before transplant, the doc, who really has not been following our case very closely, guessed it was just a sinus infection. He then conferred with our main doc and decided they would look more closely at Gigi's head CT to be sure it went down far enough. If for some reason it did not scan the suspicious area Gigi will have to be re-scanned in the head ( to be sure of accurate results.)

So Steve called all this a victory with a "swinging chad". LOL! It really is just a practicality.... the MIBG showed absolutely no uptake! (there is a small percent of neuroblastomas that do not absorb the radioactive isotope in the MIBG- but we know whose report to believe!!!!)

For some reason Gigi's first day of radiation was moved to Wednesday.... we get a day off tomorrow!!!!! I asked about why radiation after the transplant and not before. The answer had to do with something involving the marrow grafting. The protocol is written for radiation after transplant based on what they have learned along the way. The radiation is necessary to burn the area in an attempt to prevent the neuroblastoma from returning in the area it originated. (for Gigi this is left adrenal, left kidney area)!

We thank you for your faithful prayers, encouragement in the guestbook and help with meals (thank you Jenna!)

We were able to visit Sydney today.... please keep praying www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney Her parents are soooo incredibly thankful for the prayers and the entries in their guestbook. Keep up the awesome work!!!!

We also ran into Kisha, Christopher's mom (tlcontact.com and his page is christopherb) in the hallway. Please pray for Chris' heart- he is fighting hard- God is good! We love you all!

Saturday, February 7, 2004 0:21 AM CST

<><><><><><<<>>>>><><><>>URGENT PRAYER REQUEST ><<><><><><><><><><><><<><><>

Sydney Welch needs our prayers more than ever before! She is in the ICU at Mott Children's Hospital (She was our precious little neighbor while Gabriella was in the hospital for bone marrow transplant. Her parents Kelly and Charles have been in the hospital with their precious daughter for over two months straight (have been battling AML for over 6 months) and Sydney is now suffering from GVHD and other life threatening side effects from the transplant. Please pray and sign her guestbook- it truly brings soooooo much encouragement!!!! Please ask the Lord for a miracle healing in little Sydney's body!!!!!www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney


Day 46

Gabriella had a victorious and wonderful day!!! She faced all the scans today with confidence and joy WITHOUT anesthesia. Bone Scan, Ct Scan AND Radiaiton Simulation!!!!! Victory... sweet victory in Jesus!!!!! Only by the grace of God was this possible- she was acting like she was at the best amusement park ever! She was jumping and smiling and popping bubbles......and when it was scan time she stayed perfectly still... NO SLEEPY JUICE for my big girl!!!!! All the results will be shared with us on Monday.

Next Tuesday starts the 12 business days of radiation... I can not be in the room.... another hurdle we need to jump, but with God providing the "pogo stick" it is sooooo possible. I can tithe and believe God to supply all of our needs, I can believe God for peace, divine appointments, caring for our every need and working all things together for good.... but today I still can not even believe Gigi made it without anesthesia (ahhhhh I think I finally learned how to spell it- thanks Jill!) But with God this and everything else we find ourselves fretting about is so possible! He is our loving parent and He knows way more than we do so trust, TRUST, T R U S T in CHRIST ALONE!!! I desire to praise Him on the mountain tops as well as in the valleys... so today is a definite mountain top and it is easy to praise Him! I want to be rock solid and steadfast and praise Him just because He is God and is worthy of all our praise! I have heard it said "You are either in a storm, coming out of a storm or about to go in one" So do you know the One who has it already worked out? Do you just know of Him or do you know HIM intimately? We do not journey the storm alone- Amen AMEN A M E N !!!! Jesus is with us ALWAYS!!!Lord Your perfect will be done and may You be glorified in this battle and ultimate war against the one who brings sickness, disease, chaos and deception everywhere he goes. The end is written satan is defeated- please help us rise victorious in our daily battles- big or small, whatever they may be! (like Angie being patient with radiation nurses or more seriously Sydney's complete recovery from GVHD and the other side effects to the BMT).

I appreciate you taking time out to read and pray for these requests. (Truly more than I can express into words)- Thank you Trevor for the beautiful valentine gift for Gabriella and Isaiah (thanks, Jennifer!) Thank you Lisa for the delicious meal! Thank you Aunt Dee Dee, Tonya, and Renee for watching Isaiah!

Thank you God for making a way where there seemed to be no way, for loving kindness and tender mercies that are new every morning, for peace that passes all understanding, for healings in the body, soul and mind, and for taking our sins upon you at the cross and for interceding for us at the right hand of Our Father and making it possible for us to have sweet communion with Our Heavenly Father daily and for eternity!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Thursday, February 5, 2004 4:35 PM CST

Day 44

wbc 12.2 (normal)
hgb 9.3 ok
plt 118 (a little lower, this could mean she is fighting an infection)
anc 9.2 good

Well today was an incredible, awesome, tiring, victorius day in the LORD!!!!! We were told by anestesia (that always looks wrong when I type it??) that they would not put Gigi Girl under. Their reasoning was the crackling they heard in her lungs. The doc said if they were to put her under she would have a high risk of getting a breathing tube and a visit to the ICU!!!???!!! SOOOOOOO we voted for no anestesia. A chest X-ray was ordered to rule out pneumonia, an all clear was given. However ... are you ready for this?....... Gigi did the MIBG scan without anestesia!!!!!!! We are so proud of her and thankful for the peace the Lord gave to her!!!! Jesus is so wonderful! She was on the table, they strapped her in (they called it seatbelts) and even taped her head to the table. I read and read and read from two books, one about a dinosaur and one Winnie the Pooh. Gigi stayed perfectly still for 40 minutes!!!! We praise our Father for divine appointments.... a little 6 year old boy walked out of the room we were going in to get the test and talked to her about how easy it was and how it was NOT going to hurt!!!!!! I truly feel she was able to receive it coming from a six year old! His name was Matt and also is fighting neuroblastoma!!!! Thank you sweet Jesus for little Matt!!!!!

Gigi continues tomorrow and anestesia is pretty certain they will not put her under. So pleeeease pray for the peace of God to surround Gigi Girl all through out tomorrow while we try the scans without being under. She is scheduled for bone scan, ct scan and radiation assimilation. It is suppose to happen between 10am and 1pm! Also pray for a complete healing in her chest and awesome test results that are accurate!!!! No Evidence of disease!!!!!! We know that sometimes we have not because we ask not! God is our Father and is anything too difficult for Him? We can not understand the WHY, but we can stand firm in the promises of His Word! By His stripes Gigi is healed!!! He will be glorified in this entire situation! Abraham never waivered in his faith but looked at the reality of his 100 year old body and his wife's womb and believed God and what He said! Isaac was born!!!! In the natural this would not be possible... BUT GOD!!!!!!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxoxo

Please remember to pray for:
www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan and www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney and www.caringbridge.org/ne/kaitlyn and www.caringbridge.org/ga/chandlerbooth

Wednesday, February 4, 2004 8:02 PM CST

Day 43 (Steve added new pictures yesterday)

Hi Awesome friends, family and E-buddys,

Gigi needs your prayers. When she woke up from the anestesia her cough was worse. The recovery nurse heard some crackling in Gigi's right lung. A lot of different people listened to her breathing and then it was decided we would wait until tomorrow to do any x-ray or decide if we need to delay. The consensus was as the day went on Gigi would clear up. Well, she is now sleeping, but the cough is still there and so is a new hip pain. This pain is from the bone marrow aspiration. The nurse took the marrow out of the bone, from the front part of both hips, because she was laying on her back for the MIBG scan. Besides this pain she also has a fever 100.1 (ugh!) Remember 100.5 is when we need to bring her to the hospital.

No results are known yet from the scan. Tomorrow is another scan day plus clinic and blood draw, too. The scan tomorrow is the last part of the MIBG. Friday has the CT and Bone Scan with the radiation simulation. Please pray Gigi will face all this with peace and joy. Also that she will not have a delay in the radiation or this MIBG (she has radioactive substance in her for tomorrow). But as always it is all in God's timing.

Please continue to pray for-

Thank you all sooo much! I need you and am so thankful the Lord has put you in our life to pray, encourage and help out!!! I hope one day we can all gather to celebrate and reflect on what the Lord has done and continues to do!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxox

Ps- by the way all of Gigi's mouth sores are gone and have been gone... I just forgot to write about it- thank you for praying!

Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:41 PM CST

*****New Photos Feb 4, 2004*****

DAY 42 (for real)


Updates from past entries- Gigi is still on TPN (12 hours every night), she is eating a little bit (like 500 calories- she needs to be at 1100 to be off the TPN), She never had an upper respiratory infection, she has no fever, and no fluid was found in her lungs!!!! Please e-mail me if I have forgotten anything else that you have beeen wondering!

Today Gabriella was the best three year old in the whole world!!!!!!

First Gigi had her hearing tested. She cooperated with the audiologist by throwing balls into a basket everytime she heard a bird tweet. We were in a sound-proof room and spongey contraptions were connected to her ears. Unfortunately we were told Gigi's hearing is worse. The hearing loss is now in the range of "normal talking". She is hearing the "ch" "sh" and "f" sounds, but barely. If this does not change in 6 weeks (when she is re-tested) Gigi will be getting hearing aides. This hearing loss is an extremely common side effect from her chemo regimen. But we all know ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible with Jesus. He is the same yesterday, today and forever- He was and still is in the healing business!!!! (body, mind, & soul).

Next Gigi was laying on a bed in a dark room getting an echo. It is very similar to an ultra sound, warm gel and all. The results here were "Gigi has a healthy heart!!!!!" Thank you Jesus!

Gigi's next appointment was an EKG. This was over in 30 seconds. Several black stickers were applied to Gigi in the chest area and clips were connected to each sticker, a button was pushed and a printed version was sent out of a "printer" of sorts. The results will be sent to our doctors at the cancer clinic.

The final destination was Gigi's MIBG injection. This is a radio active isotope that is brought to the USA in a truck from Canada. It was injected into her arm. She was upset when she realized they were going to poke her. My little three year old baby said, "NO, use the vaxcell (her central line)". They are unable to access her vaxcell because it will light up in the scan and they want to be sure her heart is free from the cancer with no false light-ups to confuse the results. The scan is to determine where any cancer may still be lingering. She was injected today and then is scanned tomorrow and Thursday. Neuroblastoma absorbs this radioactive isotope and it lights up on the screen. Of course I know we will all be praying her body is cancer-free and no silly lights show up. Also pray the test to be accurate, because 10 percent of neuroblastomas do not absorb. Since Beaumont does not do this MIBG test we have no base line to work with--- except our AWESOME GOD, who knows EVERYTHING!!!!!!

Well that was today -OH and I forgot to mention our wonderful friend Tonya who came to watch Isaiah... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!

You are the best!!!! Thank you for checking in on us and for praying- We love you! Steve says HI and so does Isaiah (he is such a cutie!!!)

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

PS- A few more prayer requests- Gigi has a bad cough and runny nose (still)- it is a concern when being put under with anestesia- please pray no harm would be done and the cold clears up. Gigi will be put under for the next few days. Also pray she will not have to be put under for radiation next week.
Ethan's transplant day was today and he continues the whole recovery process the next couple weeks (web page below)
Sydney's healing of GVHD and other side effects from the transplant www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney

Monday, February 2, 2004 10:33 PM CST

Hi Friends, Family and E-Buddys,

Tomorrow, (Tuesday) our daily trek to Mott Children's Hospital begins. This week involves scans and tests with a Friday grand finale entailing radiation simulation. Then next week Tuesday begins radiation to the site where the tumor originated.

Please pray for:
-incredible test results showing no evidence of disease.
-Gabriella will breeze through radiation with no need for anestesia and little to no side effects.(thank you Jennifer for the creative ideas).
-for deciding what is best for Isaiah (coming with us or staying home?) I am going back and forth to what is best in this situation. For next week I have some people lined up to come with us and care for Isaiah at the hospital. (thank you Danyale, Sandy, Maggie and Renee!!!)
-Ethan's actual bone marrow transplant Feb 3rd!

More updates to follow.....

Sunday, February 1, 2004 5:08 PM CST

Day 40 (post transplant)

Gigi has had a great weekend! Thank you Mom for watching the kids for yet another Sunday morning so I could go to church- and everyone said an AMEN to that!!!!

Hi Family, Friends and E-buddys,

This week Gigi is approaching a "milestone" in this protocol she is following very closely (but not enrolled- ? for some reason the protocol was closed through the summer by the FDA and was re-opened just before the fall- Gigi was diagnosed with neuroblastoma stage IV in July????) Well anyway this milestone is "day 49 scans". All this "milestone" means is Gigi will be getting re-scanned all week. Next Monday, Feb 9th we will get all the results and consult with doctor to see what is next. If (when!) all scans look good- Gigi will begin radiation to the tumor bed (left adrenal, kidney area) and start a 6 month oral chemo. She will also be re-scanned in 3 months, 6 months and then 1 year. If something abnormal appears on the scans then Sloan-Kettering in New York is a big possibility. They have 3F8 antibody treatment- not available anywhere else. The antibody treatment could last 4 months to 2 years.

The big question is why raditation after the transplant???? I will try to remember that question during her next clinc on Thursday. I asked the radiation question before, but I can not recall the answer.....

Another question we have been hearing a lot is.... "We thought she was all done!!!????!!!" (question?). Neuroblastoma is a very rare childhood cancer. It typically responds very well initially (like Gigi's), but sadly is known to come back often (but not always), sometimes quickly and always more resistent to chemo. So the doc's have learned, from the brave warriors with this disease who have fought before us, that fighting it HARD is a neccessity. Really just 15 years ago there was nothing that fought Neuroblastoma that well. Medical science now has the survival rate up to 30 percent, but only with very aggressive treatment (and tons of prayers).

SO NO - GIGI IS NOT ALL DONE WITH TREATMENT! But I am soooooooo thankful for another day with my sweet Gigi- NOOOOOOOOO I am not giving up- just looking at the whole situation a bit differently, how blessed we truly are to be in 2004 and not 1984. Gigi is truly doing good- and I can not think of the what ifs! God has soooooooooooooo much love for His creation. He has this entire situation all figured out. I don't get why He has allowed this, but I do stand strong in the truths of His Word! This will all turn out for good- this did not happen in vain, God is always with us- no matter what!!!!!!

This week's tests include- MIBG Scan (radioactive isotope is used to detect any neuroblastoma), Ct Scan, Bone Scan, EKG, GFR, ECHO, 24 hour urine, hearing test, bone marrow aspiration, & chest x-ray.

Please pray for the test results to show complete accuracy and a cancer- free Gigi with healthy organs and ears! Also pray for Isaiah, too as I start to wean him and as he is at home with loving babysitters.

Please continue to pray for Sydney www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney and Ethan (address below). We also have another little boy from church, Christopher Brown, who is being healed from a heart defect, his web page is tlcontact.com and the name is christopherb.

I am convinced the Lord has allowed us to come this far in recovery- so victorious, from your intense hell-defeating prayers and from your sweet, diligent and faithful prayers- thank you for carrying us through.

Love You,
Angie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Friday, January 30, 2004 0:16 AM CST

Day 37
wbc 7.0 (normal)
hgb 7.8 (got a transfusion- thank you to whomever donated 1/2/04- again PERFECT timing- this is the first transf. since 1/2/04!!!)
plt 138 (approaching normal!!!)

Today (Thursday the 29th) was clinic for Gigi. Renee so graciously watched Isaiah for over 7 hours and then got relieved by Grandfather!!!!!!- (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!) Steve met Gigi and I at clinic for the radiation consultation. The appointment was at 2:30, but we didn't get seen until 4:20!!!???!!! Steve and Gigi left to go back to clinic for her blood transfusion about 4pm and missed the radiation doc (long story). Dr Tsien (sp?) explained the radiation procedure and side effects.

Basically she will be in and out in 15 minutes over 12 days. That is IF she can do it without anestesia. I was told parents can NOT be in the room and I responded with "then she will most likely need anestesia" (but how do I know for sure?) The sedation - if needed- will lengthen our time at the hospital each day (probably by a few hours). During the time frame of radiation Gigi may be nauseated and battle bouts of diarreah. Radiation will start in a couple weeks. The biggie side effects that are possible: (also can be made into prayer requests)
1. A secondary malignancy,up to 20 years later, of the muscle or tissue called sarcoma. (separate from the possible malignancy caused from the high-dose chemo called AML)

2. Stunting of growth in the torso area.

3. Injury to the kidney and liver.

This is of course just believing the left kidney and adrenal area is the only area in need of radiation. (remember the suspicious finding in the nose and sinus area?) We will know more next week from the scans. The doc is pretty sure the findings are not neuroblastoma. She said it is not behaving like nb-

Please continue to pray for and encourage Ethan and family (web address below)- he is in transplant! Also please continue to pray for and encourage Sydney and family www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney there seems to be some glimpses of smiles- she is fighting GVHD (from the transplant) and some other complications.

Our Lord is Great and Greatly to be praised! He has been so faithful to us and patient with me. I struggle with seeing Gigi all grown-up (but isn't that what I was praying for earlier in this battle - just to stay in this day!!!???)Most of the time I see her as a healthy 3 year old that needs to frequent the hospital for check-ups. Can this be true for the rest of her life? I read other web pages and they have had to make important decisions based on quality of life involving hospice. (I know some of you are saying - well don't read those web pages) But I completely relate to their journey- I cry, I laugh, .... I relate to their victories and defeats, I understand their frustrations and ... it just feels good to get a glimpse of others battling this disease-especially those with the Lord at the center! It's my "support group" of sorts. Sometimes I leave messages and desire the Lord to use me as some encouragement. This sounds all good.... however, there are times where the info is way too much for me, especially the stories where the precious child was in remission for many years and then relapsed and left this earth to be with Jesus! I am just simply not ready to let go... and yet my "sound" mind the Lord has given me says it is a false sense of control so just LET GO and GIVE IT UP and ENJOY THESE PRECIOUS MOMENTS WITH GABRIELLA. She is a gift given by God! Don't worry about 10 years or 20 years from now... Jesus is already there and in control!

Today on the way to Ann Arbor Gigi kept pointing to her head with her index finger. At first I had the music on and couldn't understand what she was saying. Even after turning the music off I had difficulty trying to figure it out- finally very loudly Gigi said "SOUND MIND!" and then it clicked. She was asking to listen to one of Kirk Franklin's songs. Little kid voices are heard as they pray this prayer ".... For God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind- AMEN!" Thank you Lord for Gigi and her reminders! FEAR is the opposite of FAITH!!!!!

I love you all and appreciate you so much!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Monday, January 26, 2004 4:18 PM CST

Day 34

wbc 14.0 (the high end of normal is 15.0!)
hgb 8.2 (slowly falling, but still OK)
plt 127 (increasing steadily)
anc 12.0 (very high, but very OK!)

Today was LONG! Tonya very graciously came to watch Isaiah. (Thank you so much) He did not cry even once!!! She watched him from 9:15 am to 3:00pm while Gigi and I went to clinic. Gigi started off getting blood drawn to check her counts, then up to clinic for her 11:00am appointment, here it was discovered her temp was 100.6 in her ear and 97.8 under her arm?????????? (the bmt nurse said wax can throw the number) either way it was decided she had a low grade temp. They listened to her lungs and sent us down to x-ray to rule out any kind of pneumonia. We came back up to clinic and got marching orders to go back down to the blood draw area. (This was to rule out any infection in her lines.) Thankfully the blood draw area was our last stop and we got to return home with an appointment on THursday to see how she is doing. The doc's guess is a viral infection. I did not take even one second of our time to ask why 100.6 and no admission- that was absolutely fine with me!!!!!!!!(they will call if anything starts to grow in the blood culture or if the x-ray shows pneumonia).

Gigi was eating wonderfully until Saturday afternoon- then she stopped cold turkey. The TPN person told us she must drink at least two glasses of fluid to compensate for the decrease on TPN or she may get dehydrated. Since we have been home this evening Gigi has drank some water and eaten a half piece of dry toast (?????)

I heard a conversation on the radio about prayer and something jumped out to me... intercessory prayer is a burden not yours you are willing to bear! How thankful I am for all of you prayer warriors- you are willing to bear a burden that is not yours! I am so proud of our church family- you have stepped up to the plate and are praying for and encouraging Sydney, Charles and Kelly www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney. I am so blessed to read her guestbook and see all of you who have taken the time to sign it- it truly brings tears to my eyes even as I type this. Keep praying for Sydney, I read today and it looks like there are some other complications even besides GVHD- and please don't forget to pray for Ethan- his day -8 starts today, transplant is in 9 days. www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan

I love you all and am honored to be part of your family or counted as one of your friends!!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Saturday, January 24, 2004 10:44 PM CST

Day 32 (post transplant)

This evening Steve checked Gigi's temp and it was 100.3 degrees. When it reaches 100.5 she gets an automatic trip to the hospital. It has been a while since we were dealing with a fever outside of the hospital. PLEASE PRAY it goes away and healing for whatever is causing it. Gigi's daddy, mommy and grandfather prayed over her and praise God...I checked her fever before she went to bed and it came down to 99.0 degrees. She has had this wet cough and runny nose for weeks. I really want it to go away! I completely forgot about the possibilties of fevers and three day hospital stays. A flood of emotions come back (especially since we watched home movies from this past summer).

I am so thankful we have had these past 6 1/2 months with Gigi, there are so many other precious little children that do not make it this far- a very special woman has created a list of what she calls "angels" and I think "warriors" . This lists consists of children with web sites who have battled or are battling neuroblastoma. www.caringbridge.org/ne/kaitlyn . Kaitlyn is right now in transplant battling neuroblastoma. Please pray for her!

On a lighter note....Gabriella is having a wonderful time playing with her Auntie She-Sha. They played in the snow for about an hour. Melissa came to visit this weekend from Indiana. (Thanks for all of your help watching Zayah and Gigi while Steve and I went furniture shopping and out to lunch!!!) Gabriella had a couple three year old moments- (wanting to watch tv and not wanting to put her pj's on), but other than that and a threatening fever, today has been a typical day in the Gallegos abode!

Oh- I so want to open my eyes and see this was a very intense dream. As long as I stay in this day everything seems normal and peaceful. I love you all so much and hope one day we can all party together at Gigi's victory party- when I take a moment to think of each person who extended a hand to help these past 6 1/2 months- I am humbled, I am thankful, I am blessed! One day you will receive a proper thank you card (at least that is our desire), but for now, please know you are truly helping us on this journey and we are forever thankful!!!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxo


Please pray for Ethan Jackson and complete healing from ALL.(www.caringbridge.org/mi/ethan) Monday he is being admitted for the start of his bonemarrow transplant. Pray for peace and strength for his parents Leslie and Reggie and siblings Ella and Reggie Jr.

Please pray for Sydney Welch (www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney) she was in transplant while Gigi was and she is still there. She has GVHD (graft verses host disease) and they are administering the very last medication available (the others have not worked)- in the medical field this is it- it has to work! Her parents names are Kelly and Charles, they were in the very next room at the hospital while we were there.

PLEASE PRAY FOR A MIRACLE and please sign Ethan and Sydney's guestbook to let them know you are praying!!!!!(it brings more encouragement then you know when you read a note from someone you don't even know and they are praying for your child!!!!!!)THANK YOU!!!!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2004 2:34 PM CST

Please pray for Sydney Welch (www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney) she was in transplant while Gigi was and she is still there. She has GVHD (graft verses host disease) and they are administering the very last medication available (the others have not worked)- in the medical field this is it- it has to work! Her parents names are Kelly and Charles, they were in the very next room at the hospital while we were there. PLEASE PRAY FOR A MIRACLE and sign their guestbook to let them know you are praying!!!!!(it brings more encouragement then you know when you read a note from someone you don't even know and they are praying for your child!!!!!!)THANK YOU!!!!!!

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for praying and signing Sydney's guestbook. You guys are the best-

The person who schedules all appointments for children who have gone through a transplant at Mott called two days ago and gave a list of days Gigi will be at the hopsital for scans and tests.
Monday, January 26- regular clinic appointment
Thursday, January 29- consultation with radiation doc
Monday, Feb 2- consulation with radiation doc at Beaumont
Tuesday, Feb 3-
Wednesday, Feb 4-
Thrusday, Feb 5-
Friday, Feb 6-
Monday, Feb 9- meeting scheduled to review results of scans

Feb 3- Feb 6 consist of MIBG injection, MIBG scan, hearing re- eval, Bone scan, CT scan, GFR, EKG, Echo, possible MRI.

So getting up today and not having a clinic appointment was extra sweet!!!!

Today Gabriella's fatty lipids are removed from her TPN. She will still have TPN at night through her central line for 12 hours, but the amount will be less and the consistency and color will change. It now will consist of just proteins and sugars and be yellow in color.

Thank you for checking in on our Gigi Girl! Thank you Aunt DeeDee for hanging out all day yesterday and helping- you are the best!- Thank you Gloria and Terese for the delicious meals. We love you all and appreciate your faithfulness in prayer!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Monday, January 19, 2004 2:09 PM CST

#####PRAYER REQUEST###### Jan 20, 2004######### PRAYER REQUEST-##########
Please pray for Sydney Welch (www.caringbridge.org/oh/sydney) she was in transplant while Gigi was and she is still there. She has GVHD (graft verses host disease) and they are administering the very last medication available (the others have not worked)- in the medical field this is it- it has to work! Her parents names are Kelly and Charles, they were in the very next room at the hospital while we were there. PLEASE PRAY FOR A MIRACLE and sign their guestbook to let them know you are praying!!!!!(it brings more encouragement then you know when you read a note from someone you don't even know and they are praying for your child!!!!!!)THANK YOU!!!!!!
Day 27

wbc 4.5
hgb 8.7
plt 75
anc 3.9 (?)

Today was a great day in clinic. Ti-Ti Sarah was off from school (MLK day) and was able to come to clinic with us. Again- she is such a blessing- Thank you Sarah!

Gigi is doing so good the doc offered us the choice to do check-ups at Beaumont. I just feel a little nervous about going somewhere that does not do transplants. The big side-effect is called veno-occlussive disease (liver problems) Dr. Levine said she is far enough out of transplant so no need to be concerned for her liver to malfunction. The things they are loking for are her blood counts- Beaumont is very capable. We will go back eventually to Beaumont, just not yet!

Believe it or not absolutely no transfusions were needed !!!!! Gigi is holding her own!!!! The scans will be scheduled for two weeks from now. We will also have a consultation with the radiation/oncology department to start her radiation.

WE DO NOT HAVE TO GO BACK TO CLINIC UNTIL NEXT MONDAY!!!!! Gigi's recovery is happening so quickly! It feels good! We have only had this much of a break from going to clinic one other time in the past 6 1/2 months. Thank you for praying!

Please keep praying- NED forever! Neuroblastoma is sneaky! It can come back in strange places and very quickly.

Thank you June, Tonya, and Sue for offering to babysit Isaiah! It looks like we will only be going once a week to clinic- so I will let you know if we need you.

Just a reminder to hold off on donating blood. We had a few pints on the shelf for Gigi close to expiring. I asked for the pints to be released to be used for someone else before they expire. Thank you for giving- and just think the Doc said we wouldn't be able to keep up with the directed-donor blood! (he obviously was thinking Gigi was going to need a lot more blood products!)

For the past few days things have been feeling different around here.... lighter... more peace....more joy! Well I did feel like I had the flu yesterday afternoon, but that sick feeling is gone- today! (thanks mom for listening while I talked your ear off last night). Life is changing daily- for the better. Having cancer invade your child's body is life changing. You look at things different. You appreciate family and friends more. You value special moments more than ever! You realize in deeper ways all the promises the Lord gives in His Word- and you stand on those promises!

Thank you for your support. Thank you for the grace you have shown me. Thanks for offering to help. It means more than you know- and I will always remember!

May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxox

Saturday, January 17, 2004 7:58 AM CST

Hi Everyone!

It's Saturday morning... we're watching cartoons, eating breakfast, folding clothes, running the dishwasher...etc. you know... all the NORMAL things to do on Saturday mornings!!! thank you thank you thank you thank you- JESUS!

Gigi is still on 12 hours of IV nutrition (TPN). This usually means three visits to the potty in the middle of the night- not last night I slept straight through!!! (Steve did get up with Gigi once at 3 am- I didn't hear a thing!) All four of us woke up refreshed and ready for the day!

Today Gabriella ate Crispix and milk without one complaint about her mouth hurting and last night she sampled mostaccolli, apple sauce and mixed veggies- pretty soon I will be able to lay my chemist hat down and not have to prepare the TPN at night. In a way it is comforting to know she is getting most of everything she needs- especially protein- for her young marrow to grow strong and healthy. I have read long term TPN is hard on the kidneys and liver, but for now it is serving a great purpose!

Isaiah had his 9 month almost 10 month check-up yesterday. He is 29 1/2 inches long and 21 1/2 pounds. He has definitely slowed down in the weight department. Dr. Sundar said it was because he is so much more active than he was at 6 months. He has 4 teeth on the top and one tooth on the bottom (all erupted in the last 4-5 weeks). He is furniture surfing and climbing up the steps! We have nine steps going up and he has cruised up more than once. Gabriella is back to herself interacting with Zayah- it feels really good. She loves to feed Zayah his baby food. He loves his big sister's attention!

Rumor has it Steve and I are going out on a "date" this afternoon. Ti-ti Sarah is coming over to watch the kids. This will be our first time out in a while. Sarah is 16 and is such a blessing. She has offered us her Saturdays anytime we need her!!!!!!

If you are on the blood donation list hold off donating for Gigi until Susan B. or I call you. We have a few pints waiting for Gigi already- it is looking like Monday she may possibly need a transfusion. If the transfusion is needed it will be the first one since Jan. 2nd. We are not needing as much as we first thought. But by all means please feel free to donate blood in general- I heard the nations supply is low.

We love you- thanks for checking up on us!

Please pray for:

Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:40 AM CST

Day 23

wbc 5.4
hgb 8.8
plt 48
anc ? probably around 4.0

Today was a clinic visit. Gigi is doing well- Dr.Yanik said she is fairing better than expected with the kind of transplant regimen she receieved. She is snacking a bit and this is sooner than expected. Her temp was 99.2 this morning. She also has a continuous runny nose and cough. The Dr. gave some amoxicillin for a possible slight upper respitory infection. He also had blood drawn from her lines to be sure no bacteria is festering. We will return on Monday.

Thank you so much Eileen, Brad, Leslie, and Susan for your encouraging words! I feel much better just putting words to what I was feeling. Also to surrender once again to the Lord is so freeing and liberating. Clay Cross sings "I surrender all my silent hopes and fears..... and this is what I must do constantly on this journey. I love Gabriella so much , but Jesus loves her more!!!!!!! Once again I am reminded to focus on the Lord and not to worry about tomorrow- step by step He leads me, day by day!!!!!

I love you and appreciate your prayers!!!!!

Thanks for checking in on us-
Love, Angie (Steve, Gabriella and Isaiah say HI!)

PS- We are looking for a few local family or friends to watch Isaiah at our house on clinic days for the next couple of months. (Mondays and Thursdays) He can not be around children under 12 (at least until isolation is over on day 100). Let us know if you are one of those special people!

Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:29 AM CST

Update: 2:00pm Gigi is being as silly as ever. She is making Zayah laugh, eating a half of grilled cheese sandwich, and even brushed her teeth without tears streaming down her face!!!! Thank You Jesus- into Your hand's I give this battle!!!!!

Day 22 (post transplant)

wbc: 2.1
hgb: 9.3
plt: 51
anc: 1.4
(all counts are low, but expected based on her very young bone marrow- just 22 days old)

Hi Everybody,

Tomorrow marks one week at home! (Praise God! no fevers!!)
Yesterday Gigi was able to play outside in the snow with the Imbrunone's. What a great idea Mary! Thanks!

On Monday Gigi had her first clinic visit. We left at noon and got home around 6pm (to celebrate Ti-Ti Sarah's sweet 16th birthday). All Gigi's blood counts were OK. No transfusions needed. Her last transfusions were on Jan. 2nd. I was really thinking she would need a lot more blood products through this healing process. Gigi's clinic days will be on Mondays and Thursdays. Radiation should start sometime after her day 42 scans. (It spans over a two week time frame Mon-Fri, weekend break, and then Mon-Fri).

We are looking for a few people to alternate watching Isaiah at our house on clinic days for the next couple months. We have wonderful people offering to babysit. The problem is most already have children during the day. Isaiah is not allowed to be around children under 12 because of the risk of infection for Gigi. My dad and step-mom Kathy are available when needed but they live in Cass City. We are looking for a few local friends or family to alternate watching Isaiah at our house on clinic days for the next couple months. (unitl we get past this time of isolation- day 100). Let us know if that special person is you!

I have had a really hard time this past month. I feel tired and ready to be done with this fight. I know other situations and trials have lasted longer- like the Jackson's 16 month battle and others life battles. I am in awe of their faith and committment. I am bothered that I am having this pity party. I don't like one bit that my daughter has this fight with cancer. Images of her little face after surgery, and wincing in pain from the mucositis keep floating around in my head. I realized I have stuffed a lot of these feelings and they just finally came to the surface. I know I have been carried by God's grace, I know He has been my strength, I know He has given peace that passes understanding- I just think now the emotional side of me is needing some healing. The part of me that is the Momma Bear, the part of me that is putting Gigi in God's hands and then taking her back and then putting her in God's hands and then taking her back. God knew I couldn't handle these emotions in the heat of it all, but HE also desires healing in body, soul and spirit. Stuffing feelings no matter if you realized it or not is not healthy. The Lord brought my friend Susan and I into this phone conversation- she asked questions that caused me to really put words to these thoughts and feelings. It was like the steam in the pressure cooker was starting to be released. It felt so good- and it helped me see what I have been focusing on. The situation and not GOD!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2004 11:32 PM CST

Day 18

YES, we are home! Thursday, January 8, 2004 Gigi was discharged. Mott Children's Hospital at University of Michigan was our home for 24 days straight. The stem cell rescue/bonemrrow transplant went great- it's all the high dose chemo Gigi received just prior to transplant that has made her recovery slow.

Each night Steve and I hook Gigi up to the TPN (IV nutrition). For the time being Gigi is on TPN for 12 hours through the night. The nurse came out Thursday and Friday to show us how to add the vitamins, run the pump, etc. The TPN must be refrigerated in a separate fridge- so we have a big white refigerator where our endtable used to be. Gigi is not eating because of her mucositis (intense mouth sores). She is healing, but her tongue still has white patches along the top. As soon as Gigi is sble to eat the TPN will be adjusted to a lower amount to make her hungry and thirsty.

This is all very overwhelming... I just can't seem to get back into a routine since the hospital ( I know it has just been three days). The hospital was a safety zone of sorts. I think the hardest part of this whole transition abck to home is for me to really see the toll this battle has taken on Gigi. After every chemo Gigi would come home from the hospital and instantly be back to her cute self. This is just not happening after the transplant. We returned home and ... nothing! No smiles, no eating (except for the bits she tries to chew and then quickly spits out to then declare she is NOT EATING!!!), no drinking, no being silly, tantrums for bath time, small little careful steps when walking, and etc. I must say this morning a smile was on my face from ear to ear when I heard my little girl call from the kitchen that it was time for me to GET UP- daddy had breakfast made! Hearing her voice call my name with such enthusiasm and spunk brings hope in this difficult time. She did not stay perky all day, but it is clear improvement and every little bit helps.

Thank you for praying and checking in on us. We really need your prayers. There is a big decision in the near future about anitbodies. Gigi is not eligible for the anitbodies here in Michigan- so if the Lord leads us in this direction the only possible place she could receive this mouse antibody is at Sloan-Kettering in New York. The treatment she has received so far is to blast out what is already present in her body- it does not keep it away. Researchers injected neuroblastoma into mice and found they have a natural anitbody that fights it off. For close to a decade they have worked with this mouse antibody. It seems to be the only thing medically that will actually help Gigi fight this cancer off and keep it away. We desperately want to follow the Lord's direction- neuroblastoma has a very high relaspse rate so it has to be fought hard- in prayer and with what wisdom and knowledge the Lord has given to the doctors and researchers in the form of treatment. Steve and I are asking for the right doors to open and the right doors to close, we also are asking for peace in the decision.

As of right now Gigi's treatment lasts about another 8 months (as long as her next set of scans show NED No Evidence of disease.) She has a bit more time to heal, 12 days of radiation and 6 months of an oral chemo. The anitbody treatment could be as short as 4 months or as long as two years. Treatment is done once a month about 10 days at a time. All this information is what I have gathered from other children's battles. We are asking the docs to shed insight on these studies and clinical trials, and also for information and what direction would be best for Gigi.

We know God has lead us this far and He promises to NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US! We trust in God alone! He is faithful! HE is our hope!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Wednesday, January 7, 2004 10:18 PM CST

Day +15

wbc 4.8
hgb 9.6
plt 31
anc 3.3

We have the doctor's ok- tomorrow (jan 8th -Thursday) we are heading home!

More to share later.....

Angie xoxoxo

Tuesday, January 6, 2004 9:56 AM CST

Day 14
wbc 5.4
hgb 9.6
plt 24 (she is starting to produce her own!!!!!)
anc 3.3


Gigi's pesky little fever returned early this morning. 38.5 which is 100.6. This is a whole degree lower than the day before, but a fever none the less. We are here for another day! to be continued- Gigi is calling for me....

8:45pm- I'm back! We had an adventure filled day. The doc encouraged us to go outside and get some exercise. We bundled up and headed for the courtyard. In just a few minutes we ventured back in because of the cold. As we were returning to the room Gigi asked if we could go to the play room!!!! We spent a good couple hours outside of room 7694- and boy was it refreshing!!!!!

You are right Leslie- we are not still here just for the fever... there is a bigger reason!!!!! Thanks for the reminder and encouragement. Thank you again Aunt Dianne and Aunt Debby for the ribs- they made excellent leftovers!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxox

Sunday, January 4, 2004 10:04 PM CST

Day 13- (JAN 5th update at 7:15pm)
Thank you Aunt Dianne and Aunt Debby for delivering the delicious rib dinners from Applebee's. The desserts were scrumptious!!!!!!! You both are so giving!

Day 13 (Jan 5 update at 4 pm)
wbc 3.3
hgb 9.6
plt 17
anc 2.2
The latest news- morphine is completely unhooked, blood counts sustained again today with no need for transfusions, nothing of any great concern has grown in the urine, they are taking her off of vancomyacin and trying a different oral antibiotic. They have determined the fever stays gone the entire day and appears again between 3am and 5am. There is some reason for this and they are trying to determine what it may be. (it is possible the fever is medicine induced) If Gigi can stay 24 hours fever-free we can leave and venture home!!!!!! Thank you for praying- 3 of the 4 main requests have been answered!!!

(FYI- This is a long one!)

Day 12 (Sunday Jan 4th)

Thank you for your faithful and persistent prayers and encouragement!!!!! Thank you Jesus for making Gigi whole!

wbc 5.7 (day 11 was 7.0)

hgb 9.6 (day 11 was 7.8 which they say was a counting error)

plt 22 (day 11 was 54, which means prayer request is being answered- Gigi hasn't had a platelet transfusion since Friday)

anc 4.0 (day 11 was 4.9, which makes it 3 days straight over 1000- another prayer request answered)

The next two prayers requests were for the morphine and fever. The morphine bolous has not been pushed in 21 hours and the continuous has been turned completely off. The fever has been around 99.5- 100.2 (not considered a fever) since early this morning!!!! Thank you Lord!

Steve and I have been so incredibly blessed. My mom came over yesterday in the early afternoon and stayed the night. Steve and I were both able to leave the hospital for the night and attend church this morning! Thank you Mom! We were so comfortable leaving Gigi in your care! What would I do without the most incredible Mom in the world??!!!??? Thank you Don for sharing Mom with us- you are one special Papa!

We have also been blessed with Steve's dad and sister Sarah! They have made an enormous committment to spend their Christmas vacation at the hospital as much as possible. Steve Sr. has visited 17 out of the past 20 days! Thank you Grandfather and Ti-ti for playing with Zayah!

I went home last night for the first time since the 15th of December. I walked into a completely different home. Our friend Tonya painted our main floor and lower level. Thank you so much- Tonya. You are such a servant! What you did in that first week we were gone saved us three months time! You are talented and speedy with a giving heart to boot- thank you again. I love the green and am getting ideas from TLC and HGTV for the Almond Beige or "dark yellow". May the Lord return blessings to you a hundred-fold!!!

If you read the last update you heard about the clean catch of urine that was gathered for lab purposes. Today something grew and tomorrow they should be able to identify what antibiotic is best to tackle the bacteria. Please pray this unwanted substance would flee Gigi's body and take the "infection" with it!

This is for all you serious prayer warriors that are a treasure and blessing- please pray for:
- Gabriella's continued healing from neuroblastoma.
-Emily Augustyniak's complete healing from AML M3. mi/emilyaugustyniak (10 years old)
-Ethan Jackson's complete healing from ALL- he will be going through a bone marrow transplant on Feb. 3rd. mi/ethan (almost 3)
-Andrew Gilbert's complete healing from a heart defect. mi/andrewgilbert (1 1/2 months old)
-Michaela's complete healing from her neuroblastoma relapse. pa/michaelaann
-Alexia's complete healing from her neroblastoma relapse. tx/alexiaflory
-Sydney's complete healing from AML- she is in the room next to us undergoing transplant. (8 months old)
-Sydney Dungan's complete healing from neuroblastoma- she just completed her transplant and her dad began the "lunch for life" fumdraiser. www.sydneydungan.com
-Chandler's complete healing from neuroblastoma- he is undergoing a tandem transplant. ga/chandlerbooth
-Christina- complete healing from a wilms tumor. (4 years old)
-Max- complete healing from a wilms tumor. (3 years old)
-Shane- complete healing from his relapse of neuroblastoma (senior in high school) mi/shanerezmer
-the following web pages are for kids that also were diagnosed with neuroblastoma and in need of continued prayers- some are in remission and some are even done with treatment:

These are just a few of the people I have crossed paths with on this battle against cancer. Some of them I met just thorugh their web page and the others we know personally.

The thought of going home is filled with mixed emotion. This time at the hospital was hard. Seeing your daughter in pain really puts you on a mission to ceasing her pain. You are focused and driven! I am actually going to miss being here. It was a "get-a-way" of sorts. People come in to care for your daughter, serve you food, clean your room... you share three intense weeks as a family unit and then reality sets in- "real life". Steve goes back working daily, food needs to be cooked, house needs to be cleaned and the children need to be loved on and cared for- while at the same time all the "comfort" a medical facility brings when your child is sick is gone. We will still have to frequent the hospital three times a week for blood counts, but we will not have to live here. I know this sounds pretty crazy- I am very excited to leave- I really am- I just know things are going to be changing. (for the good- I know!) This year neuroblastoma and cancer will be defeated by the blood of Jesus!!!! It will face an eviction notice from every home it has invaded- IN THE POWERFUL NAME OF JESUS- BE GONE! Lord if your are willing all of these precious ones CAN be healed!!!! You are a miracle working God! So much good has already come out of this intense pain. You have showed us your love, care, provision, healing, peace that passes understanding and much more! I will never understand why this is allowed- but I will always stand firm- by your grace- that you will turn ALL things for good and when you are lifted up You will draw all men (and women) unto You!

Your eyes are really opened to a whole new world when your child is diagnosed with cancer. It is a world unimaginable even for the most compassionate and tenderhearted soul- unless they too have battled childhood cancer.

Comfort is found in knowing Jesus bore every disease and sickness and sin while on the cross so we could have a free passage into heaven. All that is needed is to make Him Lord and Savior of your life by confessing your sin and asking the One who knows you best and loves you most into your heart!

Lord take your place in my heart once again as my first love in 2004, please do not let me place anything or anyone before You! Help each one of us to love You with all our mind ,with all our stength, and with all our heart, and to love our neighbor as ourself! I love You! Thank you for placing such wonderful family and friends into our life! Thank you for sending your Son Jesus!

In Jesus' Name- AMEN!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Friday, January 2, 2004 4:44 PM CST

Update (day 10 at 11:59 pm)
Please pray for Alexia and Michaela. They are two beautiful little girls that have both recently relapsed from this ugly cancer. tx/alexiaflory and pa/michaelaann

This evening I was able to talk with our neighbors in the room next door. Kelly is the mother of Sydney (8 months old with AML- in for bone marrow transplant). Kelly and I were in the laundry room and we shared bmt experiences and prayed. The Lord enveloped us with His sweet presence- God you are so good!

Funny Gigi stories-

Today I had to get a "clean catch" of Gigi's urine for lab purposes. The time came when she had to "go potty". I had to wipe her clean with warm soap and water and try to catch the urine mid stream. Gigi started to urinate and she saw I didn't have the cup under her. My little three year old stops her urine, scoots back on the seat and cries out, "Mommy, catch it... catch it!"

I was getting Gigi ready to take her bath several mornings ago and the doc walked in. I stopped and just held Gigi in my arms and talked to the doc. Gigi rested her head on my shoulders and closed her eyes. Once the doc left, I proceeded to tell her it was bath time. She lifted her head, looked me straight in the eyes and said "I am still sleeping" and then put her head back on my shoulder. She did this two more times and then when she saw I wasn't backing down she tried saying "almost.... not yet.... pretty soon!" Where does she pick these sayings up from???? hmmmmmm- surely not her mommy (hahahahah- she did get her bath)

The last little story was from in the beginning of transplant. It was time for Gigi's nap- I closed the blinds and she started to whine and said "No nap mommy! No nap!...... Don't close that.. I CAN'T SEE THE SUN!!!!!!"

Isaiah sure doesn't get highlighted very much on this web page. So this is for Zayah.... He is just so silly. He turned nine months old and has quite the personality. The nurses are so taken by him (and he by them). He could be sqwauking and bored in the room and in walks a nurse... all his attention and energy goes to the nurse including a huge two-teethed grin and a wave or high five. (yes- during these past few weeks in the hospital Zayah got his two front teeth.) I am so proud of his cooperation... he is definitely a boy- and that is how it is supposed to be. I adore him and everything he brings into our family- smiles, laughter, joy, belly laughs, and so much more! God again knows exactly what we needed. Isaiah brings so much life and excuberance into this journey. He is such a precious son and an awesome big little brother! Gigi greeted him this morning with a HUGE smile and a "ZAYAH...ZAYAH..... (he looked at her) HI ZAYAH!"

I must share a few thoughts about my incredible husband. He is amazing! The nurses comment all the time about how well he flows with what is happening. A nurse said most dads are all thumbs in the hospital- but not Steve. Another mom saw him ironing his shirt for church while he was warming up Christmas dinner and said he is so resourceful. Gabriella's mommy says he is an awesome man of God, patient, loving and compassionate. We tag team with the nights in the hospital and he is always ready to bless me with what ever I ask for. (water, pop, lunch, fold clothes, wash clothes, take Isaiah, stay with Gigi while I scrapbook with friends, etc.) I am soooo thankful for Steve's servant heart! I love him and appreciate the wonderful daddy he is to Gigi and Zayah!!!! Steve, you make this adventure so "bear"able- thank you!


Day 10
wbc 3.0 (triple from yesterday)
hgb 8.0 transfusion
plt 14 transfusion was needed
anc 1.9 (that is over triple from yesterday)

Gigi needed blood today. It is only the third time since we have been here. It was o negative blood and again I am asking you to identify yourself!!!! Thank you so much! (My guess is Christine or Joye). She also needed platelets.

We are so proud of Gigi- she again astounded me with her cooperation. She got a cat scan today and they did not have to put her under anestesia!!!!!! Steve was able to hold her hand the entire time- all she needed was a little verset. Gigi requested Aunt DeeDee come with her to the scan. (We were so thankful for the visit and the help with Isaiah- thank you Aunt DeeDee!) The results came back from the scan. They found everything to be absolutely normal in the chest, abdomen and pelvis area- no infection!!! (They are looking for a reason the fever is still persisting.)

The doc said in order for dicharge to transpire we need four things- So we are asking for prayer in these areas!

1. no fever 2. only needing platelets every other day instead of every day 3.anc over 1000 for three days straight 4. weaned entirely from morphine

The morphine was truned off from continuous and is available as needed.

The fever was gone until 6am this morning and then returned as 101.1 for the rest of the day (no tylenol was given).

She has needed platelets for the past three days straight.

Her neutrophils (anc) are 1.9 and may go down a bit from stopping the neupogen shot!(it is as needed basis)

Thank you for checking the update. We love you and appreciate your prayers, calls, cards (thank you Hannah) and support (Sandra and the prayer chain at Community Weselyan and AHCC- you guys are the best!)

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxo

Friday, January 2, 2004 8:27 AM CST

Day +10
wbc 3.0
hgb 8.0 (transfusion)
plt 14 (I guess they are waiting unitl tomorrow)
anc- not in yet but they will be at least 1000 !!!!!!!

Please pray for Jill! She is 21 years old with AML. Today they are sending her home on hospice. She needs a bone marrow transplant, but they can not find a match for her. She has three little kids. Steve visited her yesterday to pray and share Jesus with her. She already has a relationship with the Lord. There is nobody on the bone marrow registery list to date that matches. I am so thankful Leslie and Reggie had that bone marrow drive and the church. It is the only reason Steve and I are on the list. Are you on the bone marrow list? You could be a match for someone who is looking. You could save a life!

Gigi had a fever-free night!!!! At 6am she spiked a fever again and needed tylenol. The doc hasn't been in yet to let us know if we are going to get a cat scan. It is supposed to show where the fever is stemming from. I just want the fever to leave!!!!!!

I will update again soon- Gigi is doing better this morning... she greeted Isaiah for this first time in a while! Thank you Josette and Charlie SHelton for visiting yesterday- you guys are the best!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxoxo

Wednesday, December 31, 2003 9:27 PM CST

(Update Jan. 1st at 6:30 am)
Day 9
wbc 1.0
hgb 8.4
plt 15 (transfusion needed)
anc .6 (600 neutrofils- tripled from yesterday!)

Just had to let you know what the counts were this morning!!!!!! Thank you Jesus for bringing in those white blood cells and those neutrofils!!!!

Happy New Year 2004!!!!!!
Sayoonara 2003!

Day 8
wbc .5 (yes Lord!!!!!)
hgb 8.2
plt 9 (needed a platelet transfusion today)
anc .2 (200-Gigi hasn't had neutrofils since Dec. 14th)

What a year!
First of all I want to say praise God from whom blessings flow! How awesome it is to go through deep valleys knowing the Lord is with you being your strength!

Gigi is ringing in the New Year with white blood cells and we are so excited! There is even a rumor that she may be ready to go home by the beginning of next week!!!! She has to be rid of all fevers, weaned off the morphine, infection-free (like she has been this entire time!!!!)and an ANC of 1.0 (1000) sustained over three days!!! It could happen!!!!

We were told today to expect going home on the TPN (IV nutrition. We will also have to return three times a week for blood count checks and possible transfusions as her counts recover. I will share all that "stuff" later....

For now we are so blessed! Mary Imbrunone visited and spent the night yesterday and we ate pizza and scrapbooked, today Grandfather, Ti-ti and Boo Boo came to share the New Year, I cried... they brought yummy Starbuck's coffee, biscotti cookies, hazlenut creamer, 4 Olive Garden entrees, and sparkling grape juice to toast at midnight.

FYI- Ti-ti brought Taboo so we could play tonight. Gigi got a hold of the buzzer and has been beeping it for over three minutes.... "normal" is quickly returning!

Love, Angie xoxoxo

Ps- I posed my question to Mary about How can God be getting glorified in the midnight hour when Gigi is crying out in pain..... do you know what she said???? "He most certainly is being glorified... your daughter is crying out for you to PRAY and REALLY PRAY from your heart- you are learning how to really pray!" She is right.. the times I half heartedly touched Gigi's cheeks and said " Jesus Jesus Jesus..." Gigi stops me and says "NO-... PRAY, Mommy!" AMEN and AMEN!!!!!

Wednesday, December 31, 2003 7:12 AM CST

Day 7 (Tue Dec 30th)

W.B.C: 0.2
HgB: 8.6
Plts: 31

Well today Dr. Yanik said that it was the first time he had seen GiGi and she did not look worse. He believes GiGi has peaked with the side affects. She still had a temp but it was not as high. Her cheeks are swollen and her mouth still bleeds but not as much. I guess the best indicator of GiGi’s improvement is that she is not covering her mouth with both her hands and tears are not streaming from her eyes from the pain. She is still in some pain but we do not have to push the morphine button as much. Praise God!

You are awesome Lord and for whatever reason my baby girl is going through this ugly, unfair (Unfair because she is a baby, my baby!) and painful battle, I know it’s because You are preparing her to do something big. The enemy had a plan to take my daughter out with neuroblastoma, but You Lord hold the master plan that says You have created each and every one of us with a specific purpose (Jer 29:11, Pro 16:4, Eph 1:11, 2Tim 1:9). What was meant for evil You have turned into good (Rom 8:28). Continue your perfect healing on her body. We look to You for our hope and strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Monday, December 29, 2003 8:47 PM CST

Day 6
wbc .1
hgb 8.8
plt 9 (transfusion)
anc ----

Today was the most intense day ever.... but then something happened....Gigi was drooling with mucous & blood all night and into the morning, Steve change her pillow case several times through the night, she had high temps, her face was swollen... and then a turn around transpired. (thank you Almighty Awesome God) I hope this stays! No fever, No drool, reduced puffiness, no head pain, more alertness, better pain management. Has she peaked? Did we hit the worse today and then start our time of awesome recovery? Will there be white blood cells tomorrow morning????(the doc did say the small one time dose of hydrocotizone would reduce the swelling and the fever... is this just temporary or are we on the upswing?) Either way it is a glimpse of "normal" and I am hopeful!

To be continued......

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxoxo

PS- Thank you soooo much Carol Berousek for identifying yourself! The O negative blood was perfect and timely!!!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2003 7:24 PM CST

Day 5
wbc .1
hgb 9.2
plt 32
anc ---

The Dog Days of Transplant....

That's what our doc calls these past few days. It's not fun! (however, everything that is to be expected) Today Gigi is running a fever of 104, she is drooling a thick mucousy substance tainted with blood & they found blood in her stool, she is retaining a bit of water, her girth has grown from 48 cm to 49.5 cm, her weight has gone from 13.4 kilo to 14.0 kilos, her mucositis is now clinically a level 3 (there are four levels- skin on the roof of her mouth is starting to come off and this is what put her in a level three), it is very difficult for her to talk, it is very hard to get a good night sleep, her morphine has been increased to .3 continuous drip with a bolous push optional every 8 minutes, she is on a bunch of antibiotics (precautionary), the only culture that grew anything was her urine (I think it is another not so clean catch), and tomorrow the doc is considering giving her two doses of neupogen to stimulate those white blood cells.....

On a good note, Yamma Berckley spent the night to help with Isaiah while Daddy went home to get ready for Sunday morning ministry "stuff". She was a great help!!!!! Gigi even talked to Yamma and let her take her potty. Yamma has offered to stay next Saturday night so Steve and I, along with Isaiah can go to church together!!!!!!

I am hopeful that today we cross over the half way mark. (although, my mom is pretty certain we are more than half way done with transplant). We have just completed our 13th day in the hospital and 5th day since the stem cells were infused. The end of this transplant adventure is in sight. However this cancer fight is not over by a long shot. After transplant we still have about 7-8 months more of treatment. (of course this is believing for NED (No evidence of disease) status on day 49 scans).

I am sure of this..... God is on the throne and in control... no it does not always FEEL that way, especially in those moments in the middle of the night when my baby girl cries out in pain. In my finite understanding I struggle to see how God is being glorified in this situation! But no matter what I FEEL- the Word of God is unfailing and a popular saying goes something like this "when you can't see God's hand... trust His heart!" His heart is one of love and compassion toward His creation. He wants not one to perish! HE desires a close initimate relationship with each one of us and in the end this will ALL make sense. (Even Gigi's fight against cancer) I am convinced this is why it is called a faith journey! Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see! (just, yet) (Heb 11:1). Jesus is here holding Gigi and the rest of us ever so tenderly in His arms of love!

"A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured of his leprosy." Matt 8:2-3

Lord, if you are willing, you can heal Gabriella! I believe it and I know there is a bigger plan for her life than I can ever imagine. I trust You and pray your perfect and complete will be done!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Saturday, December 27, 2003 11:14 AM CST

Day +4
wbc .1
hgb 7.4 (transfuse under 8)
plt 12 (transfuse around 10)
anc ----

Yesterday (day +3) was another intense day. Gigi would occassionally shake from the chills. She basically just watched t.v. For a few minutes I did get her to color with her new lap desk and she also learned how to play Frogger on the Play Station.

Today the doc came to examine Gigi she is stable. No worse no better. He said usually the kids retain a bunch of water at this point and he doesn't see that happening with her. He also said the mucositis gets so bad the kids can't even close their mouth and their cheeks get very puffy. He doesn't see that happening with Gigi either. (thank you Jesus) Dr. Yanik will know tomorrow if Gigi has peeked in severity of mouth sores and fevers. I sure hope she has peaked.

I am very glad she is sleeping most of this time away. Like Jenni keeps reminding me- one day this will be just a vague memory!!!!!!!!

On a really exciting note...... today she will need both platelets and red blood. At three in the morning the blood bank called our nurse to say her first directed donor blood had arrived!!!!! What perfect timing! It was O negative blood... I would love for you to identify yourself. Just know we say thanks from the bottom of our hearts and also know you were obedient to the Lord's timing and direction- thank you!

Bye for now... or as the doc says "see ya later alligator, crack a smile crocodile....."

We love you,

Angie xoxoxoxoxoxoox

Thursday, December 25, 2003 7:31 PM CST

It's 4:30am on Friday morning! Gigi just woke me up so she could use the potty. Her little body was radiating some intense heat so I took her temp. 104.4 I went to get the nurse and she re-checked and got 103.3. Gigi had to take some tylenol and did it with ease and no complaining. Lord, her temperature has never been at these levels. You never promised this would be easy- only that you would be with us every step of the way. So right now I ask for hee temp to return to normal, and I ask for your peace- still my mind. I trust Gigi into Your hands of love. The doc said chemo is like throwing a hand granade into a room trying to kill a fly. You can succeed at getting the fly but blow out everything in it's wake. In 50 years people will not have to endure chemotherapy. My Gigi's body is what has endured this "explosion". Please restore every bit! I want Gigi's body whole. I know when shadrack, meschack and abendigo were thrown into the firey furnace by the king they were not alone and infact when the king peered in the furnace he saw four people! The king opened the door and out walked the three people completely whole! Protected by YOU! No burn marks, no charred clothing, no smell of smoke (at least in Rance Allen's rendition of the story in the Old Testament)God you are the same God yestereday today and forever. Please do for Gigi what you did for "Rack, Shack and Benny". I pray Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you (GIGI), declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you (GIGI) and not to harm you (GIGI) plans to give you (GIGI) hope and a future!!!!!!!!" I love you Jesus! Thank you for your presence, thank you for stilling my mind, thank you for peace that passes understanding, thank you for returning GIgi's fever back to normal!!!!!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Jesus is the best gift of all and the whole entire reason for this season! Have you opened His FREE gift of salvation?

Day 2
wbc .2
hgb 9.7
plt 9 (u of m transfuses under 10)
anc ----

Today was quite the day. We were visited by Yamma Berckley (My mom), Aunt DeeDee, Aunt Dianne and Uncle Jon, Grandfather Gallegos, Ti-ti, Grandpa and Grandma Zottolo. Grandma 'Tollo (as Gigi affectionately call her) made some delicious pasta and meat balls! It hit the spot!

We are definitely in the heat of it all. Gigi is still not eating or drinking (which is completely expected). Gigi's night was not very good. She slept on Steve the entire time. At one point she grabbed his hand and put it on the outside of her cheek and said "Daddy, pray!" This brought Steve to tears! This morning we asked for an increase in the morphine. The drip was doubled to .2 an hour. She also needed a transfusion of platelets. Her tongue is swollen, her taste buds are gone, her fever is looming (102.2) and she only urinated twice the entire day. The doc said her mucositis should peak in about three days. He says he doesn't see any sores and her mouth looks pretty good considering! (I found one on her right cheek when she was screaming her head off as I was bathing her.)

Through all this rigamamore (sp? is it even a word?) Gigi still tries to communicate and even cooperates when taking her tylenol and getting her neupogen shot!!!!!

I am a little biased- but I have the best little girl in the entire world! She has complete permission, in my eyes, to kick and scream and yell and cry and even just plain be ornery..... but she doesn't. (usually she doesn't anyways) Isaiah was hitting her head and arms as he was playing and she tolerated it for a minute and then very slowly and very directly she said "move, Zayah!". I love my Gigi Girl-!

Please pray protection over Gigi's Liver, Lungs and kidneys (LLK). The doc said these are the biggies they are keeping a close eye on. (this is true even after transplant, too). We also want any suspicious activity that was going on in her sinus area and orbit to completley be obliterated (if it is neuroblastoma). Hopefully it was just a sinus infection and all will be clear at Day 49 tests and scans!!!!!!!

We are blessed once again beyond words by family and friends. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, your generosity, your prayers, your help in time of great need. We are humbled, we are grateful, we are.... without words!

Love you,
Angie xoxoxo

PS- Isaiah seemed to wake up this morning with joy and excitment... could he possibly know at 9 months old that today was Christmas morning? (His very first Christmas!)hahahahahahah

Wednesday, December 24, 2003 9:37 PM CST

****New Photos 12/24/03****

Day 1
w.b.c.: 0.1
HgB.: 9.6
Plts.: 24
A.N.C.: 0

Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Today GiGi is dealing with more pain in her mouth. She has stopped eating and drinking. As a result, the doctors put her on IV nutrition at 9pm last night. We gave her Tylenol to help with the pain but it did not seem to do much so she started a slow morphine drip around 5pm today. The doctor says that GiGi will stay with a low immune system for about 10 days. She looks so sad and subdued. It is going to be difficult to see her like this for that period of time.

Today Grandpa and Grandma Zottolo came into town to see GiGi and Zaya for Christmas. They brought us some good eats and kept Zaya occupied while we tended to GiGi. They will also be with us tomorrow for Christmas. Thank you Grandma & Grandpa Zottolo!

I am glad we opened gifts last Saturday because that was the last real good day GiGi had with out pain. “Lord, please touch Gabriella and relieve her from this pain. Help her to enjoy the day tomorrow. She is only a little girl and should not have to deal with things like this. I thank you for blessing us with this precious little treasure. You are awesome and I know You will complete what you have started. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

It is a bit lonely here being away from home, friends, family and fellowship during this Christmas holiday, but I know that GiGi is getting better and that God is with us always. We are so rich with His love and the love all of you have expressed in so many ways. I hope you all have a blessed Christmas celebration. Celebrating the birth of our savior JESUS! “Thank you Lord for the gift of everlasting life through Your son.”

In His Hands,


Tuesday, December 23, 2003 11:06 AM CST

Day 0 (update 11:25 PM)
Please pray for:

1. For God to get all the glory in Gigi's situation and for every single heart reading this update to soon accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their life. Also for all the rest of us to be drawn closer to Jesus than ever before!

2. For every bit of sneaky neuroblastoma cells to be evicted from their temporary home in Gigi's body with a notice served in the Name of Jesus for them (or any others like them) to NEVER NEVER RETURN! (and in the body of every other child and adult it has trespassed on!)

3. The white blood cells (wbc) in Gigi's body to come back quickly.

4. For absolutely no infection or sickness or fever to invade her body during this time she is so immunocompromised!

Day 0 (update 9:45 pm)

Merry Christmas! God we are forever grateful for the gift of your Son JESUS!

The rest of the day was uneventful (thank you Jesus). They did start the TPN, which means Gigi is now getting a 24 hour drip of electrolytes and fatty acids. She will get this until she starts eating on her own again. Our brave little Gigi attempted to eat chicken and broccoli, but spit them out once they were chewed. Her saliva is very thick and her mouth is very red. Can you believe she took both of her meds tonight.... amazing! One thing I forgot to mention was the intense smell. Gigi Girl is exhaling the preservative and it smells very similar to garlic creamy corn mmmmmmmmm! I wonder how I will like creamed corn when we are through this?
Love you,
Day 0
wbc .3
hgb 10.0
plt 58
hct 28.5
anc ----

Hello Faithful family and friends,

Wow! It's over! The stem cells arrived in what Steve referred to as a "keg", they were frozen in DSMO and thawed very quickly in a basin of saline solution. The bag was flat as a pancake and red (Similar to the pack red cells she receives in a transfusion when her hgb falls). Doctor Yanik commented again on how many stem cells were harvested from Gigi in August. He said 28 million was a fantastic amount and it was great that they were able to freeze three bags. They need two million for an adequate transplant- Gigi has an abundance. (this will aide in a speedier recovery!) The nurse began to push the stem cells through the line. GIGI did a fantastic job!!!!! A couple times we thought she was going to vomit, but she held it in! (until everyone left and then a bit of bile and mucus came up). 9,300,000 stem cells were infused through Gigi's vaxcel over a 17 minute period. From 11:25am to 11:42am. Yes- it was anit-climatic. Steve was video taping, the BMT nurse was holding Isaiah, Doctor Yanik, nurse Carol and the lady who brought the frozen stem cells were in the room, and Gigi was lying in bed with me watching A BUG'S LIFE! (thak you to the Mettler's for the movie)

It's over- now we wait for the cells to begin to graft into the bone and become marrow! Dr. Yanik says Gigi's mouth is at level two mucositis- it is red. He says she is quite a trooper with a high threshold to pain. He said if it was an adult their mouth would be wide open unable to swallow or talk.... not our Gigi girl!!!!! (Thank you Jesus for sustaining her!) The morphine is ordered and so is the TPN. The TPN should start this evening (IV nutrition). All of these side effects are from the chemo- not the stem cells. They are bringing Gigi new life and rescuing her from the death the chemo brought. The chemo killed the cancer, but also Gigi's ability to make her marrow (where the blood is made). Today December 23rd Isaiah turns 9 months old and Gigi starts fresh- free from cancer in JESUS' NAME! There is more to share, but for now please know we love you and could not be on this journey without the Lord and the fabulous people HE has put into our life!!!!!
Love, Angie

PS- Thanks again Aunt Debby and Grandma Harkelroad for the special visit and the generous gifts! I cried- so touched by your thoughtfulness!

Monday, December 22, 2003 2:37 PM CST

Quick Update (midnight)- We decided not to chnage rooms.... we really like having this computer and hepa filter, and actually we have just started making this room feel like home. We were blessed to overflowing this evening with Grandma and Grandpa Harkelroad and Aunt Deb and Uncle George. Grandma and Grandpa made Gigi this gorgeous wooden stool with her name carved on it. Aunt Deb and Uncle Geroge adopted us for Christmas!!!!!! We were blown away with their generosity- THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!(they visited us this evening) I have been crying all day (tears of joy from being so blessed and so loved). Gigi ended up surprising us and ate some pizza this evening. She looks like a beach princess with a tan glow all over (from the melphalan). Here are some specifics to pray about:
For all Neuroblastoma cells to be obliterated by the chemo. For the stem cells she is receiving to be completely disease-free. For no nausea or vomitting while getting the cells (common), For no allergic reaction from the perservative, for protection over Gigi's healthy body (mouth, ears, heart,liver and digestive tract), for her stem cells to graft and find their homes quickly in the bone to become marrow and for Gigi to heal quickly and for her counts to rise quickly- come on white blood cells GROW IN JESUS NAME!!!!

Day -1
wbc 1.0
plt 108
hgb 10.2
hct 29.2
anc 1.0

Hi Everyone!

Tomorrow is Day 0 "bone-marrow transplant day"! It will begin around 11:00 am. The doc says she will probably feel pukey from the perservative used to freeze the stem cells. Please pray this is as anti-climatic as the NB families who traveled this road before us says it is! A big question as of late is "Did you find a donor?" The answer is in an August 2003 update. Gigi's stem cells were harvested from herself after two rounds of chemo!!!! 28 million and 3 bags full!

The bone marrow biopsy results are back..... NO EVIDENCE OF metastic Neuroblastoma!!!! CLEAN!!!! CLEAR!!! Thank you again JESUS!!! and thank you again for all of your persisten and faithful prayers!!!!

Yesterday (Day -2) was full of fun for Gabriella. Steve and I were able to attend the staff and board Christmas Party. While we were gone Gigi was visited by Yamma Berckley who just returned home from visiting Ashlynn and family in Oregon. Gigi had so much fun looking at the adorable pictures and playing with Yamma. When Yamma left She-Sha came to play! Zayah was watched by Ti-ti, Uncle Michael, Grandfather and Yamma Gallegos back at the hotel room. Steve and I were so blessed to be able to go out and have our children in such good hands. Honestly, at first, I felt really strange leaving the hospital. It is quickly becoming our second home.

We asked today if it would be possible to change rooms. We really want a room with a bath tub!!!!! Gigi fights and squirms every morning when it is bath time. There is a tub room down the hall, but she refuses to leave her room. (I think it is because of the mask she would have to wear) I am hoping with an official bath tub she will be more cooperative. Although knowing her she may still insist on bathing in the small little pink basins. The nurse returned in about 20 minutes informing us tomorrow afternoon will be the switch!!!!! THANK YOU LORD!!! We will be moving to room 7684- just down the hall. With a bath tub!!!!

Gigi is slowing down a little. She still painted, played with her new monkey rings, wrote a story in her new notebook, played with her new horses, and put on her new lip gloss using her new gem mirrors!!!!! But she definitely has slowed doen on her eating. In fact today all she has consumed is one bite of banana and several sips of water. The doc says she will probably be on TPN in one or two days. (nutrition through her IV). She woke up this morning with a very dry mouth! The outer layer on her tongue and cheeks is starting to slough. The taste buds are breaking down...... the doc says HOLD ON!!!!!!

Today Steve and I were able to catch up on the mail while Zayah and Gigi were taking a nap.... can I please just say "cry my eyes out!" You all are so precious to us. The notes of encouragement in the Cristmas cards are so heartfelt and received with joy. I am blessed beyond words! Thank you Aunt Dianne for including us in your Christmas letter, thank you Grandpa Mawn for your sweet note, thank you Frank Swastek for inviting me to the "drama", thank you.... to everyone else who thought of us during this special season of "new life"

Love, Angie xoxoxoxox

Saturday, December 20, 2003 0:06 AM CST

Day -3 (Dec 20 at 11:15pm)
wbc 2.9
plt 219
hgb 10.0
anc 2.9

The high-dose chemo was completed this morning between 6am-7am! Gigi sailed through with flying colors.... thank you thank you thank you JESUS! Now Gigi gets a few days of rest and boy o boy does she deserve them!!!!!!

Today we celebrated Christmas- Jesus' birthday! Christmas Day falls just two days post transplant- we are told Gigi will not feel like celebrating. So we are having Christmas early! Gigi was so excited and very blessed by all the gifts she opened. We shared the day with Uncle Michael, She-Sha, Yamma G., Grandfather & Ti-ti. (Thank you for all the special gifts and for being such an awesome family) Isaiah got to experience his first Christmas! His big sister showed him the ropes by opening almost all of his gifts! (Thank you also Aunt Melissa, Uncle Roger, Joshua, Caleb & Ashlynn, June Craft, Nicole Silliman & Donte' Anger for your generous and thoughtful gifts). Steve made it really special by hanging up a string of lights down the center of Gigi's room and buying pre-cooked chicken, frozen green bean casserole, pumpkin pie and cool whip from Kroger (thank you to the anonomous baker who sent Steve home from church with home-made banana bread). The celebration was perfect! Christmas tree and all.

Unfortunately Gigi vomitted twice today. The effects of this intense chemo are starting to show. She also has very watery stool. She did not eat much all day. When she was hungry enough she told us she wanted a hot dog. Something so simple- but what an adventure it was to get. The cafeteria closes at 2 pm on the weekends, dietician went home for the day, front desk said it would take a couple hours, the food deliverer told us her supervisor had to be notified and a special paper had to be signed saying it was alright for Gigi to eat a hot dog??? (choking is more likely for children under five years of age), and still no hot dog. Finally Grandfather left with Uncle Michael and they bought a whole pack of "beef" hot dogs WITH freezer bags so this will not happen again! Now you know just five minutes after they left to go to the store, the hot dogs arrived from food service. Gigi only left two little bites.... she meant business.

Steve wrote an update yesterday and he did a super job! I left it connected to this update 'cuz I wanted you to get a chance to read it. I am not sure how many of you go back and read old updates you may have missed. This one was too special to click into the archives just one day after being posted.

Our steps are ordered by the Lord! Did you catch the sunset today- spectacular!!!! Gigi looked out the window as the horizon was turning a blazing pink. God knew we would be in this room on this day and I believe He painted the sky just for our viewing. A reminder He is a God of order and not chaos! He cares for us and loves us and is covering Gigi with His blanket of protection and loving kindness.

Love, Angie xoxo

Day -4 update (Dec 19)
No Blood Work Today

Steve here, its my night to stay with my darling GiGi girl so since I am up getting clothes washed I guess I will punch out a few words about the day.

First of all I have to give God all the glory for how he has sustained GiGi during this hospital stay. In the past she would just shut-down psychologically and be somber and subdued with little activity and interaction. These past 4 days have been so different than all the other chemo stays. She is so full of life. She wants to get about and do things like: go to the playroom, play games, color, read books and of course watch movies. She acts silly and says things that really surprise us. She for the most part cooperates well in taking her meds and getting washed up. Her eating and drinking is not the best but she is doing much better than past hospital stays. To see her this way is such a blessing to us and makes this long stay in Ann Arbor so much more enjoyable.

GiGi woke up this morning excited because she new her Uncle Michael, Aunt She-Sha and Grandma Gallegos were in town to see her. She could not wait to see them so she gave each of them a wake-up call by phone to get them to her room faster. I am so happy to have my mom, brother and sister in town. They are a great help and GiGi really has fun with them. Today GiGi got sick but that did not keep her from enjoying the day. She played long and hard with her Aunt She-Sha most of the day, watched “A Christmas Story” and read some books with me before going to sleep.

Having a daughter is such a wonderful thing. Anytime she looks into my eyes with that great big smile and those beautiful brown eyes of hers, my heart just melts and for that moment in time she could ask for the stars and I would do everything in my power to give them to her. I love watching her sleep. She looks so peaceful. I could just squeeze her so hard. I often wonder what great things she would do when she gets older. Will she sing? Dance? Maybe she would play an instrument. She has such beautiful hands and delicate fingers just like her momma. I don’t know what she will do but I am sure of this, it will be something great and I am going to enjoy all that God has in store for her.

I am so blessed to have a relationship with my Father in heaven through Jesus Christ. Because it is through that relationship we receive good gifts, a covering of protection, love beyond your imagination and much, much more. I know without a single doubt that my daughter will be healed. There is no fear because His perfect love casts out all fear. God is the master planner for each and every one of our lives. He knows what He is doing, and for whatever reason my daughter has to go through this challenge, I trust Him completely with GiGi’s life. She is in His hands so what better assurance is there? There is no other. "Thank you Jesus for making a way to the Father." Thank You Lord for loving us with such perfect and unconditional love. YOU ARE GOD AND THERE IS NO ONE LIKE YOU!

Steve Gallegos

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:30 PM CST

Day -5 update (Dec. 18)
anc 2.0
hgb 10.2
plt 268

I once again just wrote over an hours worth of update and poof! Disappear-0! What is that definition of insanity again?????? Today was another great day for Gigi. (answers to all of those prayers you are sending up) She was playing, eating, dancing, and visiting with her special Uncle Michael, She-Sha, Yamma and Grandfather! She was so excited to see everyone. Thank you for praying for us here on the 7th floor of Mott Children's Hospital at U ofM! More daily updates to come!


Day -6

In 6 1/2 hours Gigi will have completed 2 days of chemo with 2 days to go. Then three days of rest before the actual transplant (bmt). This is where the doc will give back (infuse) the stem cells they harvested after round 2 of chemo. The actual bmt will last just a few hours. Please pray Gigi’s body would welcome their long lost buddies back into her bones with out a big rucous and that they are clean, clean, clean!!!!

We are counting down to transplant day (day zero) and then back up to complete restoration of Gigi’s body. Day 49 is a complete redo of all her scans. Around Day 70 is the start of her radiation- pointed directly to the original tumor site….. but we will cross that bridge when we get there. Sorry for the repeat info. I am trying to make it crystal clear what Gigi is going through. She is a fighter!!! I am so thankful for that.

Gabriella had another really good day. She took her meds with no problems, ate good, and is actually sleeping right now. We had a bit of a dilemma tonight with one of the Chemo drugs, Etoposide. The I-VAC started beeping telling us there was some air in the line. (This is common) When our nurse, Erica, came to fix the line, she noticed the drug was turning cloudy. The doc came in to tell me that it can start to “crystallize”. It would not harm her, but it would stick to the lines. So the line was stopped and a new bottle was ordered. Thank you Jesus for an observant nurse!!!!!!

Just for those chemo buffs out there the other two drugs in this chemo regimen are Carboplatin and Melphalan. The chemo is infused from glass bottles!!! She is tolerating it quite well. Dr. Yanik said effects of this high dose chemo will be most intense the week of Christmas and the week following.

This evening Grandfather Gallegos (Steve’s Dad) came to help out while Steve attended a Christmas Party with all his faithful Wednesday night teachers and helpers. It was a special and peaceful evening here at the hospital. We turned on the disco ball and danced to Christmas music! We played Dominoes on the mat and we watched Charlie Brown’s Christmas. I savor these moments! Gabriella loves to dance (thankfully she has more of her daddy’s rhythm).

Please e-mail me with specific questions or ask them in the guestbook… you will not be bothering me. This will actually help me see where there are holes in the story

A thought or two-
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened… if you, then…, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!” Matthew 7:7-8,11
This says EVERYONE who asks receives. God does not ignore us… He ALWAYS answers… right on time! As we are seeking direction we find JESUS patiently waiting for our complete surrender to our Creator! As we knock the door WILL BE open. (not always immediately)…. He is faithful to ALL of His promises- they are YEA and AMEN! He can give only good gifts!

I am believing that in this refining process Gabriella will be healed and God will be glorified and we will all be drawn deep into the arms of Jesus by the renewing of our mind and complete surrender of our heart! (It is in my mind where the battle is being waged. My mind can only be renewed by reading God’s Living Word and spending time with Jesus. My hope is in Christ ALONE!) On the surface we are all praying for Gabriella’s complete and total recovery from Neuroblastoma, but I believe God is using these moments of prayer, and this whole situation, to deal with our own heart and soul issues. As much as I long for the Lord to restore Gigi’s physical body- God longs more for our hearts! He will go to great lengths and will never stop pursuing, but as a gentlemen He will never force a relationship with you. It is a decision we make to daily take up our cross and follow Him. To daily confess our sin and allow Jesus to truly be Lord of our life! That is what it is all about! In the end our bodies will be gone (we will get new ones in heaven) but our soul will live forever with Jesus- (only if you make Him Lord and Savior of your life).

I love you- Jesus loves you more! Thanks for reading the update and for praying! God is doing an awesome work in Gabriella Hope and in ALL OF US- that means you, too!

Love, Angie

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:02 PM CST

Day -6 (Decmber 17, 2003 update at 2:45pm ********************************

Gigi's attitude is still great! Thank you for those specific prayers. She even ate fairly well at breakfaast and lunch. We met Dr. Yanik this morning, He is so fun! We get him for the next two weeks. He said based on the hundreds of chemo regimens like Gigi's he has given, the first day says a lot. Since Gigi has tolerated the chemo so well the next few days of chemo should be similar. He also said that everyone of them gets mouth sores. Then the BMT nurse chimed in and said the last two children got a somewhat mild form of the sores. We know whose report to believe... we shall believe the report of the Lord!!!!!!

Hello Everyone,

Day -7
wbc= (white blood count)= 4.6
anc (absolute neutrofil count)= 4.0
platelet= 264
hgb (hemoglobin)= 7.6 (transfusion needed)

The nurse takes the blood in the early am. These results were just prior to the start of chemo. The intense high-dose chemo will make her counts drop drastically.

Gigi started the high dose chemo at 6:00am today. It is quite strange....at times throughout the day I even forgot it was dripping into her veins. I know it is easy to do when she is feeling so good still. She had to have a blood transfusion because her hgb dropped to 7.6 (I have signed you up at the Red Cross if you contacted me about your blood type being 0 positive or 0 negative- my friend Susan will be contacting you). Gigi did get sick one time around 9pm. She was taking her nightly meds and.... up they came. We are waiting for the nurse to bring some more. Unfortunately the only bit of food Gigi ate today was her bowl of cheerios and a couple bites of pizza along with her juice....

I will hopefully update more when Gigi falls asleep...

OK- she is finally laying down. It is close to midnight- She got into such a good mood after she vomitted for the second time and even wanted to eat Triscuits. So I just sat next to her and cuddled while she ate. Her blanket is once again "fresh and clean" and so is Gigi (we are so thankful for a washer and dryer on the floor!!!!!!!!) On a chemo-intensity scale from 1 to 10 I would say today was a 5. We are all trying to adjust to our new living arrangements- even Isaiah. It is so different changing hospitals... I have to learn the ropes around here.

Gigi decorated her first Christmas Tree today. She loved unwrapping the Nativity to put under the small tree in her hospital room. She also enjoyed hanging the ornaments. She is soooooo into detail (just like her daddy). She is hilarious to watch as she copies Steve (Adjusting the lights and moving the ornaments until they look just right). The room is starting to look a bit more cozy.

I have been reading two other stories of children with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma on the internet. They are in transplant right now, too. www.caringbridge.org/ga/chandlerbooth and www.sydneydungan.com. Both of the families do a great job updating and explaining. Chandler's familiy are strong Christian's and give God all the glory. It is quite encouraging for me! Sydney's family has done a ton of research and it helps me to read another parent's questions, fears, and hopes.

I want to ask you to pray:
no mouth sores, no sores up and down her digestive tract, no damage to the kidney, heart, liver, or any other organ, a clear picture of the healing the Lord is doing in Gigi's left orbit and sinus area, and the Lord's covering over Gigi's entire body while the chemo obliterates any little bit of NB there may be. Also for me to press into God and His promises instead of looking to hear some man-made number or percentage from the doc's to calculate. There is nothing wrong with information, but I feel I have been walking the fence in this faith department. I simply have to believe that God is doing this and then watch in hopefilled expectation of the miracles God will perform through our little Gabriella. I know what the Word says and I must believe NOW AT THIS MOMENT..... NOT WHEN IT HAS COME TO PASS. (beacause that would definitely NOT be faith) I do not know what tomorrow holds, but I do know who is already there... JESUS! He will never leave us in this journey of peaks and valleys.

Thank you- really.... thank you for those prayers! We love you!

Love, Angie

Monday, December 15, 2003 9:04 PM CST

!!!!Photo Update 12/16/03!!!!

Hello Everyone!

CONGRATULATIONS MELISSA & ROGER! It is a beautiful baby girl! We have our very first niece. Ashlynn Mary Jane Hasselbach. She is 8 lbs. 4oz. and 20 1/4 in. She was born this morning! I will have more details following!!!! Thank you Lord for a safe delivery!

Today Dr. Hutchinson put Gigi in a "very well response" - meaning 90f the Neuroblastoma has responded to the treatment. This is what we want to hear. The only area of concern is the orbit and sinus area. Basically pray over the area! There is some soft tissue near the sinus which could mean sinus infection or residual tumor. There is also calcified spots around the left orbit. This is just preliminary results. The preliminary results from last week were not accurate! In fact the news is even better. Not only were her bones clean, but so is the lining of her bowels. I wrote last week the area had calcifications. But the final result says "no evidence of abnormal bowel wall thickening" and "within normal limits". This could be true with the final reading of the head CT, too. We are again learning to BE PATIENT. The Lord is working through your prayers and His divine will!

Can you believe that Steve wrote a detailed update and the computer timed out on him...... then I wrote a detailed update and the computer timed out on me. Hopefully we will figure out the problem and fix it. Just know we will update with more detail very soon. Our hope is to update daily! The computer is in our room.

Today is day -8. She will have 4 days of intense high dose chemo and then three days of rest before the stem cell rescue. (day zero- December 23rd) A lot of side effects are expected. But if God be for us WHO can be against us! HE is so faithful to give us peace that passes our understanding and strength for each day. He is in the healing business! (body, mind, & soul)

Gabriella is so happy. She even seems excited to be here. You should have seen her down this king-size portion of antibiotic along with her normal dose of bacterim. She is so active and even wore a mask in the hallway so she could get to the play room! We are so proud of her!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Friday, December 12, 2003 5:56 PM CST

Hi Everyone!

Results are in.... are you ready for this amazing news?!?!?!

As Gigi would pray "God is great! God is good! Let (yet) us thank Him for this 'food', by His hands we are 'fed', give us Lord (Yord) our 'daily (dayey) bread' - amen!" Jesus sustains us daily and provides for our every need! We thank You Lord for great things You have done!

Cat Scan- Clear! No tumors are seen! In the messentary lining (? what holds the bowels together?) spots were found here and there. These spots are calcified which shows the neuroblastoma responded to the chemo. They can take some time to clear out of the system. This is NOT live cancer!!!!!!

Bone scan- absolutely positively CLEAN! Boney lesions are usually one of the last places to clear. This is wonderful news. Once tumors have invaded the bones "scars" are left behind (and common for several months to a couple years), but nothing is seen in or on Gigi's bones... absolutely nothing!

I will follow with more specifics from our consultation. I just had to share this awesome news!

Please pray for healing from Gigi's newly developed cough and for the runny nose she has had for over two weeks.

Thank you for praying- they are working! The Lord is answering our prayers!(I know He always answers- but it feels so good to get such great news). I will update again very soon!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Sunday, December 7, 2003 10:05 PM CST

*************Monday December 8th Update******************************** Gigi's counts were great today! She got her three year old portrait taken and also had her first visit to get her teeth cleaned! No cavities!!!! Well, tomorrow, December 9th is Gabriella's 3rd birthday! How incredible... already three! We love you!


Monday December 15th the Lord is blessing our family with a brand new baby girl!!!! My sister Melissa is delivering Ashlynn Mary Jane Hasselbach via C-section. Please keep her in your prayers, and also pray for my mom and step-dad as they travel to Oregon to help in this joyous occassion!!!!! I wish I could be there Meliss!

Gigi had a great weekend and I mean GREAT!!!!!! Thank you JESUS for your provision. Friday started out with a finger poke at the clinic to check her counts. Her weight went up a little to 29.7 pounds (not quite up to her high before surgery which was 31 pounds) All her counts were really good except those platelets. We found out Gigi needed a transfusion. She was down again to 25 platelets. We left our house at 10am and returned at 5pm. The platelets were infused and all went well! A couple hours later Yamma and She-Sha arrived (Steve's mom and sister). They came to celebrate Gigi's birthday. (She will turn 3 on Dec. 9th). Gabriella was so thrilled to see them both.

Saturday was the big day. We had a birthday bash at Chuck E. Cheese. Gigi kept talking about her friends. She knew everyone was there just for her and they were her "friends". It touched our hearts to hear her talk about this party all last week. She told every nurse and doctor that came into her room she was going to be three and her friends were coming to her party! Chuck E. Cheese provides a server, pizza, tokens, cake and goodie bag. Everything we needed to have a no-fuss party (thank you, Yamma B. and thank you Papa G.)

Our server, Alisha did a great job! (I recognized her as a student I taught when she was in 7th grade. She is now a 12th grader- it is a small world!) Gabriella won soooo many tickets playing the games she was able to get a disco ball, which meant for a fun dance party with the fam later on in the evening (with the lights off of course!) Thank you for being our awesome family and friends- you guys are truly the best around. Thank you Yamma and Papa Berckley, Papa and Yamma Zottolo, Grandfather Gallegos, Boo-Boo & Ti-Ti, Yamma Gallegos & She-Sha and thank you to our faithful friends. How wonderful it is to have such a dynamic support system!!!!!

Gigi even got to go to church this morning. She went to Daddy's class (the first graders) and made some really neat ornaments! This evening Gigi worked on her thank you cards and played with some of her brand new toys. Tomorrow is another count day and also dressing change day. (the clear sticky bandage called tegaderm gets taken off her vaxcel site and changed once a week, at U of M they have the parents do it every three days) Speaking of U of M- we are there twice this week (Tuesday and Thursday) for tests pertaining to the stem- cell transplant (BMT). On Tuesday Gigi will start at 7:30am with pre-transplant work up labs, 8:00am renal scan (to check kidney function), 9:30am first blood draw for GFR (renal scan), 11:30am second blood draw for GFR, 1:00pm audiogram, and 2:00pm echo and EKG. Wednesday we will be at home collecting a 24 hour urine specimen checking catecholamines, homovanillic acid and VMA (??????). On Thursday Gigi will start at 9:30am with a bone scan injection, 12:00pm bone scan, 1:00pm Cat scan of chest, abdomen and pelvis (I will be asking why not her head, too) and 3:30pm stem-cell transplant (BMT) consultation. Yes- it looks like we will be having one busy week..... and then a week from tomorrow..... the start of the transplant......

I am learning a lot about it and right now just PRAY! Especially over her kidneys and mouth sores. The sores are called mucositus and the skin can actually peel away from the gums and tongue and cheek. The mouth care involves a form of peroxide and nystatin.... can we say "OUCH"? The sores basically run along the digestive tract from mouth to anus. The other area I am asking prayer for is the actual 4 weeks in the hospital with Gigi Girl. I really need to be creative with the routine and have the determination to follow through! I am often times way too flexible with routine while at the hospital. We end up watching a movie instead of interacting with some toy, game, book, ball, etc. and of course please pray the Lord's protection over her entire body inside and out. After Thursday's consultation I will have more specifics of what to expect and what to add to the prayer list.

We love you all sooooo much! My heart is so tender lately towards everything....

God, I feel like you are plowing up any hardened ground in my heart and to that I say thank you. Take anything Lord that is not of you out in Jesus' Name. Have your way in me, Lord! Pride, self-sufficiency, insecurities, unbelief, unforgiveness, bitterness, Holy Spirit shine your light on every area of my heart and reveal to me any area I have not completely surrendered. I ask you to shine through me Lord! Open my eyes to see people as you see them...You are no respecter of persons each one is precious, valued and loved just because you created them...(even me, Lord... help me to truly receive the intense love you have for your creation) Continue the refining process in me. I desire more compassion, more faith, more of you and less of me. I ask for Steve and I to stand strong through this.. for you are our strength- Abba Father "Daddy". You, Lord are our everything... You are Jehovah-Jireh our Provider, Our Healer, Our Prince of Peace and we can come boldly to your throne of grace! Thank you for making a way where there seems to be no way! Gabriella is once again laid at your feet Lord. I surrender her into your hands and I know there is absolutely no safer place than being held by the One who formed her in my womb!!!!!!!!!! You are truly WONDERFUL and AMAZING- My Sweet Jesus!!!! I love you!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2003 9:21 AM CST

Hello to All,

Thank you so much for your encouragement and prayers!

Gigi is home sweet home! We had a two night, three day stay at the luxurious Royal Oak Beumont. Monday December 1st was count day at the clinic and we found out Gigi was extremely low, She recv'd three transfusions (one platelett and two packed red blood) Two hours before discharge she spiked a temp and that gives a pass for a minimum 48 hours stay. None of the cultures grew (except the urine) and her temp stayed away so we were let go yesterday (the 3rd) at noon. The urine had something growing that may indicate a urinary tract infection, but the doc said to double up on her bacterim and they will know more on Friday. (He says clean catches are many times not so clean- it may just be how the urine was put in the cup) Last night she was able to attend the Christmas festivities with so/so counts. Thank you Jesus! She had a marvelous time. She has always taken to Dr. Jamil and last night was no exception. When she saw him she whispered to me, "I saw him at the hospital!" She was really surprised to see people from the hospital there. We saw her old roommate friends Demetri, Max & Kristina (Debbie Siira's neighbor if you can believe that!!!!) We are due back Friday morning for another count day at the clinic. The doc said she may need more platelets. /lL/yjo78;o6 u4y7534fh rhrhth jthtjhj5h5tj5hh6h 56 65j6h5j6jyhy6h6hy That was Gabriella saying Hi!!!!!!
We love you!

Love, Angie and Gabriella xoxoxoxo
Ps. Please keep those prayers a rolling for good counts, no fever, and no infection- on Saturday we are having a small birthday bash for Gigi at Chuck E. Cheese!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2003 11:08 PM CST

Hello Dear Ones,

Quick update:

Today was a clinic day for Gigi Girl. Her temp was an excellent 98.6 but crept up as the day went on. The blood counts were dangerously low, 2 (2000) platelets, 6.1 hgb, .06 (60) neutrofils. So we stayed the day at Beaumont while Gabriella recv'd life saving platelet and red blood transfusions. With just two hours to go before discharge Gigi spiked a fever of 101.6. This warranted a call to the Doc on call (Dr. Main) and he issued the big three antibiotics to be started. We are in for a minimum of two days. PLEASE pray nothing grows in the cultures they took this evening. Steve and I want Gabriella to attend a very special Christmas party on Wed. evening (of course depending on her counts). This party is given by the Pediatric cancer clinic. Gabriella will miss many celebrations over Christmas because she will be getting her stem-cell transplant (bone marrow), so we reeeealy want her to be part of the event on Wednesday. Besides, having a temp in Gabriella's immune compromised body is not good. Please agree with us in prayer the fever will disappear as fast as it started and nothing grows in the culture.

Gabriella is 0 positive. We will be needing some more blood very soon. If you are 0 positive just let Steve or I know and we will put your name on the red cross list. Blood lasts for 4 weeks. Platelets last for only 5 days. But both are so important to give. So even if it is not for Gabriella just give! IT really does save lives. Gabriella is living proof.

On a Personal Note:

When trauma hits people cope in so many different ways. The whole grieving process is amazing to me. It is part of life whether you are going thorugh it now, have been or will soon be. Change happens! I am clinging to what I know is true in my head, but many times the information makes some U-turns before reaching my heart. God is the rock and anchor of my life, but I have by no means arrived to the level of intimacy I know is available to all who call on the name of our Lord. So in this sanctification and refining process, the Lord is once again gently saying "cease striving and know that I am Lord", another translation, "be still and know that I am Lord". It is really hard for me to accept my multitude of shortcomings. I just want to be all fixed, but I don't want the process to hurt. Many have already heard the statement about change... Change will not happen until the pain of staying the same hurts more than the pain of change. Not too many people like change. In the world it's that uncomfortable journey of getting from point a to point b only to see point c just around the corner. The beautiful thing about doing it God's way and not the way of the world is the peace experienced in knowing as we surrender daily to God HE does the changing. We do not have to feel like we are desperately paddling to just stay afloat, or grasp for some sense of false-control (like cleaning or eating or working or....!) We can rest comfortably knowing He is carrying us! It is so easy for me to get caught up in the "works" and forget the "grace" I am under. I can not change me, but God can and HE is! (No this does not get me off the hook from doing my part- remember God desires obedience over sacrifice.) So as I daily surrender to the Lord HE will show me the areas I need work on and will give me the courage to take the next step.... in this fight against neuroblastoma, in my marriage, as a mom, as a friend, as a child of God, with eating right and exercise, with prayer...... you name it- God's got your number (and mine). WHERE THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS THERE IS FREEDOM!!!

So yet again I am reminded our life is lived out day by day. It's so much easier for me to praise and serve God when my little girl is home jumping and singing and dancing and squeezing her brother tight giving "big hugs". It is so much more difficult to praise and serve God when my little girl is laying in a hospital bed fighting cancer and a silly fever. Many stop right there and say- Why serve God when there is so much suffering in this world? I say how can we not? This is where we as Christians are the light of the world- not at all because of our works or because we have some "pat" answers but because of our surrender to allow the Lord to shine through us and His willingness to give us His heart of compassion on the lost, the hurting, the grieving, and the sick to show THE WAY to our Father in heaven. Where we are promised no more tears, no more suffering, no more sickness, an eternal home with our sweet JESUS and peace, hope, and joy until we get there! No we do not have all the answers, but we do have hope! God does not give up on us ever. Before this I had problems even empathizing with my husbands back pain or headache much less trying to imagine what it's like for a little one and their family to fight this ugly monster called cancer! God knows exactly what He is allowing, nothing sneaks by Him. We must trust Him and daily walk obedient to the call He has placed on our lives!

Thanks for praying for Gabriella's healing! This journey is not one I would have chosen but it is truly drawing all of us closer to Him- and that is what it's all about! I love you and appreciate you more than I can put into words!

Love, Angie xoxoxo

Sunday, November 30, 2003 1:21 AM CST

Dear Lord,

I can't sleep... my brain will not turn off. I don't feel afraid, just concerned. Is this a really bad dream????? Will I wake up soon and all be back to normal? This cancer battle really does take your breath away. Lord, are you sure we can handle this? Consolidation Chemo (the high dose chemo at transplant time) seems so fierce. I know we can ask You anything, but I don't want the answer to be NO! Is this doubt? I know.... it's not my will but Yours be done. That is quite a statement of surrender. Am I there yet? I don't feel like I am. I do in faith at this moment surrender my Gabriella (once again)to you Jesus. I ask in faith for You to make Gabriella whole from the top of her head to the soles of her feet and for every bit of cancer to flee and never return! I can do nothing to change this except to trust You, My Lord! I want to be the best mom to Gabriella and Isaiah that I possibly can... making the most of every opportunity to show them You! You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Light?) No one can come to the Father except through JESUS! How thankful I am that You captured my heart in March of 1993- Lord, truly, where would I be at this point without You? Your Grace is overwhelming- when I am farthest from You in my mind and my heart (because of the clutter I allow to accummulate in my thoughts) Your embrace stays strong- You never let me go! You are constantly reminding me I am not alone!!!! Thank you my Sweet Jesus! Thank you that when I am weak You are strong! How can people say you are "just a crutch"? You are not just my "Crutch", - your my Life Line, my Strength- (with a crutch you are still standing on your own). You are my Abba Father "Daddy"- You lift me up and carry me- So again I surrender to Your will. Your direction. Your plan. Gabriella's name is etched in the palm of your hand- you know best. How can anyone truly be at peace apart from YOU? I love you!

Good night, Lord!

Wednesday, November 26, 2003 8:42 PM CST

day since diagnosis: 148 (4 months 25 days)
entry: 42

Greetings friends and family,

Jesus reigns on high in all the Earth! He is close to the broken-hearted and reveals Himself to those who diligently seek Him. He is faithful in all things and He will never leave us nor forsake us! No matter what we are feeling or what we are walking through HE KNOWS. He was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights in the desert and was fully man (He can relate to our difficulty). He is fully GOD! (HE provides the remedy and the way out of our difficulty) All the time!!!! Even if for some reason we can't see it or feel it at this present moment. HE's there in the mist of it all sustaining us, loving us, forgiving us and making a way where there seems to be no way. You can cast ALL of your cares on Him for He cares for you and is crazy about you! As Maureen reminded me JOY WILL COME IN THE MORNING!!! The Word of God says it and I believe it!!!!!! Gabriella would not have made it this far (and neither would mom and dad)! God is good- all the time (even when I think I have a better way to go about something) He has a purpose for everything He allows. He does not inflict sickness, disease or infirmity, but we all know He does allow it! I know not one person who understands WHY all the time (especially when kids are involved), but we know through it all God will be glorified, His people will be strengthed and the gospel will be preached! And in the end every knee will bow and every tongue confess that JESUS IS LORD!!!!!!! In 1 Peter 4 the Bible says not to think it strange this fiery trial you are facing, but instead rejoice we are partaking in Christ's sufferings and when His glory is revealed we may be glad with exceeding joy.

Quick update-

(Bone Marrow Transplant/stem-cell rescue scheduled December 15th- January 14th in Mott Children's Hospital at U of M)

Today was clinic day for Gigi Girl- her blood counts were....so-so. She is still on the down swing from chemo.
Neutrofils: 870
Hgb: 8.3 (7.0 is transfusion)
Platelets: 89 (>20 is transfusion)

Like usual we have to watch her very closely for bruising, bleeding gums and/or fever. We are still hopefully going to Yamma and Papa's house for Thanksgiving (small family gathering). It will be a fun and relaxing day! Please pray the chemo would do it's job with booting out the cancer while leaving everything else alone (ears, kidneys, heart, mouth sores, stomach and esophagus sores). Also for her to be completely healed of neuroblastoma, and to stay infection-free, fever-free and transfusion-free. Also hospital-free until December 15th-(bone marrow transplant)

Gabriella is doing wonderful! She looks great and seems to feel really good, too. You should see how fast her eyebrows, eyelashes and the hair on her head grew. She was out of chemo for 6 weeks and it showed!!!! It will fall back out again at transplant time, but at least we know it will definitely grow back!!!! Isaiah and Steve are under the weather and have been for a week! Please pray this cough and congestion flees quickly and it would not infect "the girls".

Some details: (this is a long one)

Yesterday I read through the past updates. I found some loose ends I'd like to tie up...

PRAISE REPORTS- Your prayers are most certainly working.

Weight Gain: Gabriella lost two pounds in one week (surgery) and as of last week gained one of those pounds back. (She was not weighed today but I know she has even gained a bit more). Last week she was 30 lbs.

Bowel Movement: It has returned to normal!!!! No fear, No anxiety. (Gigi still asks for medicine after she goes???)

Hospital stays: Chemo (6 stays of 4-5 days), Infection (2 stays 36 hours and 8 days), Transfusions ???? (I'll get back with that number- my guess is 5 different days), Surgery (3 stays: broviac placement 3 days, vaxell placement with stem cell harvest 1 day, resection of residual tumor 3 nights). The transfusions and infections are completely expected but not planned. We are thrilled to realize she was in the hospital just twice for the dreaded fever and infection- keep those prayers a rollin'!

Lunch for Life: sydneydungan.com started the idea and it spread rapidly. Sydney is another little girl at the same exact point as Gigi in her battle against Neuroblastoma. Her daddy keeps up her web page- it's great! He thought of asking people to give up one lunch $5.00 and send it to the Neuroblastoma Children's Cancer Foundation- So far it has raised over $125,000 and growing!!!!!

Hospital-free days: At one point Gigi had 8 days in a row free from having to be in the hospital- just a couple weeks ago she blew by that record and made it to 12 days in a row without being in the hospital- FOR ANY REASON WHAT SO EVER!!!!

Misc: The Lord lays the most thoughtful issues to pray about on so many of your hearts. We have truly reaped the benefits of prayers prayed we never asked for and many times don't even know about. Marriage relationship (thank you so much for that prayer covering Sandra!!!), Gabriella enjoying hospital and clinic visits, Isaiah being such a great baby at the hospital, being healthy (until last week- thank you sooooo much Renee' McCorkle and Cathy Powell and Grandfather Gallegos for watching Isaiah). Thank you Lord for giving us a private room to boot!!!!!!!!! We praise God for our insurance, Steve's job, our family, our friends, our church. We are truly thankful!!!!!!!! There are so many more praise reports- meeting the best families around (MAX, Christina and Demetri) having great nurses and good doctors (go- Docka 'Meel and Eva... and Jeanine, and Kendra, and Jen, and .....) dealing with the best staff while in the clinic (Melissa, Sandy, Norma, Karen, Diane) OK so I could go on and on and on.... and maybe one day I will.....

Yes- Gabriella is doing phenomenal- (Thank you JESUS for sustaining her each and every day, for her amazing strength and determination and for ridding her body of the tumors.) but she is not in any way out of the woods. This bone marrow transplant is intense! She will be in the hospital at U of M for 3 to 4 weeks straight!!! Even though she just completed her very last round of chemo she is still faced with 5-6 extremely intense days of heavy, heavy, heavy high-dose chemo Dec.15th-Dec.21st called myoblative therapy (I referred to this time as Chemo #7- THE BIG ONE, even though it is considered part of the trnasplant). This rids the body of old bone marrow and prepares the body to accept the new bone marrow (stem-cells). She will get the new bone marrow (the actual rescue)on December 23rd. At this point many side effects could have hit her (I will share those as prayer requests as soon as I know them ALL) I do know there is a 10% mortality rate in the transplant process alone 80% of this is caused by infection from the child's own bacteria in their body. Mucositis is a biggy- painful sores that start in the stomach lining, go up the esophagus and into the mouth- so for this reason Gigi will have to complete mouth care 3-4 times a day. She will also have to get squeaky clean once a day to rid her body of natural bacteria on the skin. Another side effect is from the substance used to protect the stem-cells while frozen. But like I said I will share a more thorough side effect/prayer request list when I know more specifics!!!! After the transplant she will need radiation, and oral chemo, and much prayer for us to determine how aggressive we want to get. We really want to be done at this point, but there are so many stories that show this relapses so quickly and so soon (Aaron and Lexi are two children I follow on their web site and they relapsed just this week. Lexi after one year and Aaron I think after just a couple months). Sloan-Kettering in NY is the main hub for Neuroblastoma (NB). They have this antibody treatment that is proactive against NB. We just want to know in our hearts we were obedient to the Lord's direction and took advantage of everything the Lord has blessed medical science with in the fight against NB, but still give Gigi a "normal" life!!!! More discussion about this to follow!

OK- I know this was a long one! Thanks for hanging in there and reading it to the end. I hope you have a better understanding of everything. I would love for you to ask any questions you have on email or in the guestbook. As a prior science teacher I can tell you there are no "stupid" questions. I also know if you have a question someone else most likely has the same one. I want to be as complete and thorough as possible so #1 you can pray, #2 we can hopefully help other families going through this battle find some comfort of what may happen to their sweet baby during the journey to healing and #3 for us to have documented everything the Lord carried us through in Gigi's journey (for her to read as an adult child of God and survivor of NB).

Some Special Gigi Girl Moments:

Gigi is soooo smart! You should see her play her new game Memory. Gigi is also secretly quite the performer. We were at an Italian restaurant after church last Sunday. The background music was very ethnic and you should have seen Gigi..... She was, with much emphasis, keeping time with her hands in the air and bouncing her head to the music beat. Daddy said it was those Italian roots coming out (Papa Zottolo is 100% Italian so I guess this makes Gigi... 25%) and the gentleman at the next table kept saying she definitely has some dancing and singing and musical insturments in her future. She was such a ham and definitely loved this special attention. Also, last week at the hospital I walked up to Gigi's bed to over hear her talking. No one was in the room. Before I could say anything she said "I ask God!" I asked her what she asked God and she said "????? Zayah" I couldn't make out the first words she used and then I realized what she said. She prayed for Isaiah to be healed!!!!!! It was our first day in the hospital without him and she knew he had a bad cough!!!!! Now you know I was one proud beaming Momma to know my baby girl prayed and asked God something all by herself!!!!!!

We love you truly, madly, deeply!!!! (lyrics from a song Steve chose for the first dance we shared as husband and wife 4 years and 5 months ago today). We thank you for praying and ask you to also keep Ethan Jackson and Emily Augustyniak in your prayers this next month (both children from our church battling Leukemia)and also Baby Andrew Gilbert from our church who just had heart surgery. Emily's treatment is most intense these next two weeks and Ethan is approaching bone marrow transplant mid-December with an unrelated donor (but still a match!!!!!!) This kind of transplant is similar and also a bit different than Gabriella's. From a medical standpoint it takes longer to recooperate because of engraftment of this new marrow (because it is not his own). God will be glorified! The enemy will be defeated! Our babies will be healed in Jesus' Name! By His stripes they are healed!!!!! Lord we ask for a supernatural healing in each situation!!!!!

Love, Angie

Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:10 PM CST

Day since diagnosis: 145

Hello Awesome Children of God,

(The date has been put into U of M's books. December 15th looks to be the time Gigi will be in for stem-cell rescue/bone marrow transplant.)

We are all HOME SWEET HOME (as of 10:15pm last night)!!!!! Gabriella has completed her 6th round of Chemo. She perks up so quickly at even the mention of returning home. She talked non-stop to the nurse that unhooked her from the IVAC about going home. She is such a sweetie.

Gabriella had a primary nurse while we were at Beaumont. Her name is Eva. Eva bought a cake for Gabriella and a bunch of the nurses and staff that cared for her came to sing "Happy Last Day of Chemo to You!" IT was very thoughtful although Gabriella didn't quite take to the idea... she began screaming hysterically (too many people at one time). When the nurses left she quickly opened the gifts they brought and would not stop talking about eating her cake at home with candles. Thank you to all of you for a job well done! (look for updated pictures of the happy event in a future update)

Our last Chemo stay at Beumont went OK. Gabriella vomitted once the first morning and that was it. She did not eat or drink except a couple pieces of bacon, a few bites of banana and some juice just to wash down her medicine. She played in the play room a couple days and visited with Aunt DeeDee, Aunt Ruthie, Grandfather, Ti-Ti, Yamma Berckley, Brad Bonner, Pastor Cal & Sandy, Pastor Steve, Bob and Ruth Kusiak, and the Augustyniak's. PLEASE PRAY FOR EMILY AUGUSTYNIAK. You will find her web page link at the bottom of this update. She is a sweet 10 year old girl at our church who has just been diagnosed with AML Leukemia. It looks like Ethan (also from our church) will be undergoing a bone marrow transplant at the same time as GIGI. Please keep him in your prayers, too!

THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE IS PRAYER!!!!!! We appreciate you and we love you! There is a lot more to share, but we are off to church for a speed-the-light pie auction- yummy!!!!

Happy 8 months old Isaiah- We Love You Buddy!!!!!

Love, Steve, Angie, Gabriella & Isaiah xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, November 19, 2003 5:03 AM CST

***New Photos As Of 11/19/2003***

Hi Everyone,

At Gigi's post-op visit we found out the tumor was 50iable neuroblastoma tissue. The other nodules Dr. Geiger found had some viable NB tissue, too. (So half of the remaining olive-sized tumor was live cancer cells.) This is more confirmation for having had the surgery. The doc told us the scar is healing nicely.

This morning we are off to Royal Oak Beaumont for Gigi's 6th and final round of chemo! It is truly hard to believe 4 1/2 months have zoomed past. We were told at the beginning of July, Gigi would face 6 rounds of chemo and then a bone-marrow transplant/stem-cell rescue. It felt like such a long time away.

Please pray again for the chemo to do it's job! Pray for Gabriella's complete healing, no side effects, for any microscopic NB to be obliterated and never to return, for Isaiah to be healed from his yucky cold, for a smooth transition into the hospital (we have not been in for chemo in six weeks), and a special covering over her ears, heart, kidney, mouth, esophagus and stomach lining.

We are thankful to the Lord for His amazing grace, beauty for ashes, strength for fear, gladness for mourning and peace for despair. It has been quite the whirlwind, but the presence of the Lord has sustained us and the prayers of His people have carried us!

This war against neuroblastoma is not over- but the smell of victory in each of the battles thus far is SWEET!!!!! THANK YOU KING JESUS for being our strength and thank you friends and family for the weapons of prayer. You are tearing down the works of the enemy's hand. For this we are forever grateful.

We love you!
Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxoxo

Monday, November 17, 2003 10:45 PM CST


Gabriella is doing wonderful- she really is! It is truly amazing to think just under two weeks ago she had abdominal surgery. All praise to JESUS for great things He has done!

Gigi's post-op visit with Dr. Geiger is early tomorrow morning. She is scheduled to begin her 6th and final round of chemo before bone marrow transplant/stem-cell rescue on Wednesday. We found out the scheduling of all scans before transplant may delay the start day. They also want the chemo to have it's full effect, so the transplant may not start until mid to late December. Just one of those things that will be in God's perfect timing. Of course December seems to work best for us, we really just want to get this behind us. It is in the Lord's hands. (Thanks Mary I. and Sandra!)

Gabriella gets a radioactive isotope injected for the MIBG scans. This isoptope is delivered by truck twice a month from Canada. All available time slots are full, but the clinical care nurse is trying to bump somebody who just gets a yearly test to January. We will let you know.

This weekend was full and relaxing- Yamma Gallegos and She-Sha visited from Indiana, we watched Aunt Melissa's baby shower video at Yamma and Papa Berckley's house (Gabriella recv'd her first birthday gift for this year- a brand new Dora bike!!! thank you so much Yamma and Papa), we went to church am/pm, we went to the mall to play at Jeepers and the play area... and just had a really good weekend. Gabriella loves seeing all of her friends at church. By the time we are ready to leave church she is running all over the place with a crew of doting friends all around her. She is one truly blessed little girl!

We love you all and thank you again for your faithful prayers!

Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxoxo

Thursday, November 13, 2003 8:47 AM CST

Happy Birthday Steve!

Gabriella is doing great this morning. Just 8 days post surgery and she jumped off her favorite step!!!!! Some wonderful person delivered 5 very delicious turtle cookies to Gabriella for a "speedy recovery" from "your many friends at church". How "sweet"!!!! Thank you to whomever you are!!!!!!

This day is a celebration of the Lord blessing our family and this world 36 years ago with a chubby little baby who has since grown into a caring and wonderful man of God. My man of God, Gigi and Zayah's daddy- Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxox

Wednesday, November 12, 2003 3:47 PM CST


Today was a check-up day at Beaumont. Gabriella sailed through with flying colors. She is so cooperative during the dressing changes to her vaxcell site (in the beginning this was not so). As long as her blood counts make it our visits are short and sweet. Gigi Girl did lose 2 lbs. since surgery (from 30.9 to 28.9 in just one week.) I hope she gains it just as quickly.

WBC= 6.4 (6,400)
Neut= 5.9 (5,900)
HGB= 8.9 (low, but no need for a transfusion)
PLT= 366 (366,000)

Gigi's next step is Chemo round #6. This will most likely take place on Wednesday, Nov. 19th and end on Saturday Nov. 22nd. Twenty-one days from Nov. 19th is Dec. 10th and this should be the start of the bone-marrow transplant/stem-cell rescue. The first six days is the intense chemo and on the 8th day is the actual stem-cell rescue. We could be at Mott Children's Hospital at the University of Michigan for 3-4 weeks. Our stay depends on how quickly Gabriella's counts rebound from the HIGH-DOSE CHEMO (Myoblative Therapy).

So here is a recap (if the Lord wills):
Nov. 19th-22nd- Chemo round #6
Dec. 10th-16th- myoblative therapy (high-dose chemo)
Dec. 18th- stem-cell rescue
A couple weeks of wait time for Gigi's counts to rebound.

Then there is still supposedly a 100 days of isolation???radiation and oral chemo. Then tests every 3 months for the first year. Then every 6 months and then once a year.

As you can see Gigi is still faced with a lot of procedures. So far I feel the surgery has been the hardest of all the procedures to this point. She is very careful when she walks and she holds her tummy throughout the day and says, "OWW... Mommy pray the ouch away!" So we stop and pray and then go about our day. Today she woke up just about back to her old self. A huge smile on her face and climbing up and down the steps!!!!

We so appreciate your prayers and encouragement. Some days are so easy I can even forget (almost!!??!!) Other days are so hard.... and then there are those days that are just regular old days. But our God is the same yesterday, today and for always! HE carries us through when we are weak and when we are strong. We must live this moment for the Lord with all of our heart!

Some days I feel reserved, cautious and distracted, consumed with the daily-ness of getting through the day. I reflect on those days and feel sad that I missed out on rejoicing ("rejoice in the Lord always, I say again rejoice."), I missed out on experiencing the joy He has for me, I missed out on really connecting with Steve, Isaiah and Gabriella and other special people in my life. I missed out because I wasn't focused on the Lord. (most likely I was worrying about what tomorrow holds)

God truly does so much for us.... even if we are distracted and not looking at Him. It's His character and in His nature to make a way where there seems to be no way, to forgive, to bless His children with friends and family and to most of all saturate us with His love! All He wants in return is for us to love Him back and grow in our intamacy with Him. We can't love Him just when it is convenient. It's all day with all of our heart. With any GOOD relationship in our lives- it only grows when you make time and invest our whole heart. Whatever little moments we get we must live them with all of our heart unto the Lord. Live with purpose and make the most of giving baths, making dinner and doing the whole bedtime routine(or lack thereof)! "Because what you have done for the least of these you have done unto me!" The Lord came to give life and life abundantly! It is never too late, Angie (this is all for me you know?!?).... start now! Then when you have that next distracting day... start again! Our lives will be full and satisfied because our relationships will have been nurtured vertically (w/God) and horizontally (w/family and friends). God's way is so perfect and it works ALL THE TIME! Love Him with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself! Even when you are just grocery shopping, or cooking, or cleaning, or _________ fill-in the blank.

So this day I will choose to focus on the Lord! ("Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you") I will love, honor and respect my husband (it's his birthday tomorrow), I will help my children find joy in the little things, I will be glad for today and count my blessings!

Ok- so Gabriella is home! Isaiah is hilarious! Steve is another year older!!!!! My mom is the best! My sister is going to have a baby girl! My church is wonderful! I am forgiven and Jesus is preparing an eternal place for me before my Father, My friends are awesome children of God (and very forgiving when I don't call them back- hahaha!) and tomorrow will be here before I know it - so why worry about it?

Friends- Thanks for hanging in there through this crazy journal update. Just know I love you! Gabriella I am so proud of you... your beautiful smile and tender hugs towards Isaiah melt my heart!

Love, Angie

Sunday, November 9, 2003 9:33 AM CST

Hi Everyone!

Thank you so very much for praying! Praise be to our Great and Mighty God! Great in power and Mighty in deed!

Gabriella is home sweet home (and what a sparkling clean home it was… thank you so much Ms. Barb and Amy and Shawn Vine). Last night she ate her first food of any real substance and watched “Finding Nemo” in the comforts of her own home! (Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Berckley) It was such a great feeling to see her talking, singing and laughing once again!

God is an amazing God! He intricately designed our bodies to function and heal! She is making huge strides to complete recovery from her laperotomy (Wed. Nov. 5th). The incision is just above her belly button and about 6 inches long. Just this morning Gabriella climbed off the couch, walked over to her brother and climbed down the stairs. Gabriella is a brave and determined little girl. She will be jumping off the steps in no time.

For more detail on surgery and recovery please read the last few journal updates.

We are so thankful most of all to our King of Kings and Lord of Lords, our Great Physician and Wonderful Counselor- JESUS!

Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxo

Saturday, November 8, 2003 4:42 PM CST

Hasta la vista Motts Children's Hospital. GiGi's house, here we come! 5:45 p.m.

Friday, November 7, 2003 8:29 PM CST

Hello Dear Ones!

Please check the last few journal updates for more info on Gigi's surgery and recovery.

We found out Dr. Geiger completely resected any tumor that was visible (about the size of an olive and a few small nodules that were probably where the tumor connected itself) and the left adrenal gland. The right adrenal gland will be sufficient for Gabriella. It provides the hormones to your body and the doc said your really just need one. So a complete resection would make the surgery a success! Thank you Jesus! They did tell us a chance always exists of microscopic cells being left behind. But we will just stand believing that while Jesus was on the scene He swept the area clean! We are doing all we know to do and firmly believe Gigi is always in God's care. We also remember to trust not in man's wisdom, but in God's power.

Today Gabriella walked from the bathroom to her bed (about 15 small steps), ate a few bites of cheerios and about 1/2 of an apple. She drank sips of OJ through the day (mostly after her oral meds). The morphine was turned off and an oral oxycodone was started for pain relief. She is also on colace (stool softener) and anzamin (sp?) an anti-nausea medicine she gets through her vaxcell. The anzamin can cause a low grade temp. which Gigi has had on and off the last 24 hours (99.9-100.2). At one point last night the fever spiked to 101.2 so the nurse took blood cultures from both of her lines in her vaxcell. The 24 hour check showed no bacteria growing. It's very likely the temp is just from the med.

She takes her meds so wonderfully and so bravely tells me she has to use the potty. It is so very painful for her to move, I am so proud of her for still using the potty. I don't think even most adults would have that same determination. The nurse said even most 10 year olds in similar conditions just use a diaper because of how painful it is to move.

Gigi has a private room this round. It worked out wonderfully when Steve and Isaiah stayed the night. But we are very excited about a room in the Med-Inn. It's a hotel on the 5th, 6th and 7th floor. It connects to Mott Children's hospital at the 7th floor (Gigi's room is 7696). Steve, Isaiah and Papa (Grandfather) Gallegos went there to stay the night. They have all the anemities of a hotel. It provided me a clean, cozy and quiet place to take a short nap and a quick shower this afternoon. We feel so blessed to have gotten a room so close. It is great to just stroll over to the room with Isaiah and not have to worry about driving and parking.

Today Gabriella received her very first piece of mail while a patient in the hospital. Thank you to the Moore family! Gigi is guarding her special Pooh stickers very closely.

The clinical care coordinator for bone marrow transplants stopped by to visit today. She said any where from 10-14 days post surgery Gigi could be ready for her last round of med-high dose chemo. This is the last step before coming back here to U of M for the myoblative therapy (very high-dose chemo) and the stem-cell rescue. Since the stem-cells are her very own they do not have to wait until her counts are down to zero before giving them back to her. She has less of a chance of rejecting her own cells. I also found out she will not be getting a certain med that excretes from your pores. So 4 showers a day are not necessary. (info I read from other stories).

This is more proof for the mommy to just be at peace and know God will equip me for the day at hand. AND LEAVE TOMORROW ALONE!!!!! Today has plenty of concerns of it's own. God has it all worked out and promises to not give more than what we can handle. It is obviously not always helpful to read other people's stories from a medical standpoint. Especially old Bone Marrow Transplant stories. The medical field has made so many advancements in the last decade.. it it truly amazing.

I stand in awe of GOD! He is leading us through this journey and He truly does make a way even down to the smallest of details. We found out today there are some significant differences between hospitals. One of the big differences involves the surgery. Praise GOD He lead us to get a second opinion... Praise God at diagnosis Gigi's tumor looked too entangled to resect so the surgery happened at the right time in treatment and at the right place with the right doctor and with our perfect God orchestrating it all... Praise God for peace that passes our understanding....Praise God for family and friends like you- this has not been easy, but if God is for us who can be against us? Gabriella Hope has a FUTURE and a HOPE and God leads her to it one day at a time. Like us all.. it's step by step, day by day... as we surrender to our Maker we become clay on a Potter's wheel... carefully molded more and more into the image of Christ by His touch and in His time! Let God arise and the enemy be defeated in the Mighty Name of JESUS!

We love you!

Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxo

Friday, November 7, 2003 9:27 AM CST

Hi Everyone!

The last couple days have mini updates on Gabriella's surgery and recovery. Please check out the past updates for anything you may have missed.

We are happy to report at 8:00am we got a smile. It was brief, but definitely a gorgeous smile!

Since then the pain has seemed to intesify a bit. Soon Gabriella will be completely off the morphine drip and on an oral pain reliever called Oxydone (sp?). She told us her shoulder is hurting, too (most likely a gas bubble from surgery).

Gigi is allowed to eat a normal diet. She ate a couple mouthfuls of Cheerios, a few sips of OJ and her meds. (after a 59 hour fast)

Thank you so much for praying and checking in on us! Until later.... May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you peace!!!!

Love, Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxo

Thursday, November 6, 2003 7:28 PM CST

Hello Everyone!

Greetings! Gabriella got her N-G tube out at 4:30pm. She took a sip of apple juice and a sip of water and that was all. The catheter was taken out at 9am, she did not urinate for the rest of the day. Her feet and hands were swollen so the nurse paged the doc's. They ordered the foley-cath to be put back in. We all we're quite disappointed... especially Gabriella. So right before they inserted (7:30pm) I asked her again for the bizillionth time if she needed to go to the bathroom. This time through tears, Gigi said YES!!! Truly music to my ears (and the nurse's). My brave little girl mustered up the strength and courage to sit on the potty- and she actually saved herself from another catheter. Thank you Jesus!

She still has not smiled! Who would actually be able to smile with just 27 hours post major abdominal surgery and morphine pumping through your veins? I know I am asking for a lot. But to me it will be a true sign that she is getting back to normal. I am happy to report she has just of recent taken up the thumb sucking again. This is how we are used to seeing our Gigi Girl in the hospital... Snuggled next to mom or dad, with her "ki-ki" and her thumb while watching a movie. "Normal" is starting to return... We thank you Lord for keeping Gabriella in the palm of your hands and for being our strength.

Steve, Angie, Gabriella & Isaiah xoxoxoxo

PS- We have a room in the Med-Inn for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Tonight we will be snuggle bugs again ... I like it this way because we are all togehter. A special thank you to Papa for walking the halls with Zayah! Until next time...

Thursday, November 6, 2003 2:21 PM CST

Hi Sweet Prayer Warriors,

We need those prayers.... Please know they are bringing comfort and peace to us all (even Isaiah). We have been on the waiting list for both the MedInn and Ronald McDonald House. Steve and Isaiah just stayed in the room with us last night. Usually one of us leaves with Isaiah and the other stays with Gabriella. It was an interesting night. Isaiah slept peacefully in his stroller the whole night, and Gigi did great until around 5 am. She has a PCA available to her for extra doses of morphine so I hit it 5 times between 5am & 7am and at least every hour since. You are allowed to hit it every 12 minutes. There is some amount she is not to exceed in a four hour span... we are not even close. Steve slept on this little couch and Gabriella wanted me to sleep with her. I was very cautious not to bump anything attached to her. So I was practically hanging off the little bed and did a number on my upper back and neck. I know it completely pales in comparison to Gigi's pain, but it definitely is keeping me compassionate to her discomfort. I truly can not imagine what she is feeling.

We are waiting for a complete healing to happen in Gigi's body. She is very uncomfortable. The catheter to catch the urine was taken out earlier, but she still has the NG-tube (naso-gasteric)until further notice. It's job is to suction any bile out of her stomach. This allows her bowels to stay in sleep mode and continue the healing. She also has a little stretchy band-aid with a red light wrapped around her finger to monitor her oxygen levels. Believe it or not she is not sucking her thumb. She ALWAYS sucks her left thumb and holds a corner of her blanket made by Great Grandma Sanusky. I know she is very uncomfortable if she is not doing this. She is pretty afraid to even move. Gabriella is so brave. She also has this amazing pain tolerance. She is such a trooper.

I am secretly waiting for a little smile to light up Gigi's face. She looks so very somber and very serious. She even occassionally grimaces. Gabriella asks me to pick up Isaiah and asks to watch TV, but this is about all she says. We are able to hold her, but ever so gently. The more she moves around and even walks the quicker her healing, but we are not pushing anything today. Please continue to pray. We love you!

Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxo

PS- Thank you everyone for all of your support! Special thank yous to....Thank you so very much for hanging out all day Mom and Sandy. Thank you also Steve Sr., Mary and Sarah and Pastor Cal for visiting. Thank you Evelyn for picking up my Mary Kay Box. Thank you Amy for the fruit basket and the cleaning!

Tuesday, November 4, 2003 4:24 PM CST


Hi Everyone!

Attention family, friends and prayer warriors!!!!!

Gabriella will be having surgery tomorrow morning (11-5-03). We are to report at 9:30am and the surgery is scheduled for 10:30am. A long, horizontal incision will be made above her navel. Dr. Geiger at University of Michigan will go in and hopefully make a complete resection of the tumor/scar tissue. He will also look at other areas in the vicinity to see if the cat scan missed anything. The remaining tumor is located near Gabriella’s blood vessels that go into her left kidney. The left adrenal gland is no longer involved. We originally thought laparoscopy would be done, but when the doc’s reviewed they said it would not be best.

Doing surgery with laparoscopy limits what the doc’s can see. They use a scope to look through and can not see the surrounding area very clearly. The surgery could happen the laparoscopic way if they were going to just resect a tumor strictly contained in the adrenal gland (Gabriella’s was not contained in the adrenal). But the historic reason for the surgery is to get what is left, and look thoroughly at the surrounding area of the original tumor site. We knew surgery was needed from the very beginning of diagnosis. But it does not make it any easier to deal with. We held on to a glimmer of hope, we really did not want Gabriella to have surgery!!!!! The Lord even allowed us to walk on the path of “no surgery” for almost a week…. But we just did not have peace about it- thus the 2nd opinion. (God knows what is best).

There is still so much that is unknown about neuroblastoma, especially the role surgery plays. There has not been a study that shows results from children who were operated on compared to those who were not. We were told about a study that showed results from a complete resection compared to a partial resection. The children who had a complete resection of the tumor had a 5etter chance of long-term survival. Gabriella’s tumors have responded so well to chemo and she still has another round. So WHY do the surgery? #1. The remaining tumor is pretty strong to still be there after 5 rounds of med-high dose chemo’s- so resecting it is best. #2. Just in case something has been missed by the scans. Cancer is ugly and surgery is a very minute step when you keep in mind ultimate healing (I’m trying to talk myself into being OK about Gabriella’s muscles being cut and every breath she takes at first to be painful… I don’t think its working)

We truly do feel at peace about it, but my heart is breaking. I don’t want my baby to be in pain. I tried explaining it to her on an almost three-year-old level. I don’t know how well I did (there is a slight possibility she thinks they are taking JESUS out of her belly… haha). I told her Jesus would be with the doctors when they take the cancer bump out of her belly. I told her the cut would hurt and Jesus would help her feel better. She said “JESUS out my belly… JESUS out Mommy’s belly and Daddy’s and Zayah’s, and Vincent’s, and Emily’s, and Seth’s and Leah’s (some of her friends).” We will revisit our little conversation tonight and on the way to U of M in the morning… maybe Daddy can shed some light on the subject. I just don’t want her to be afraid when she wakes up to a long incision on her abdomen.

We love you and again appreciate all of your prayers. God is truly opening and closing doors. He allows us to go down the path we think is the desire of our heart (no surgery). He even let’s us stay awhile, until we realize it’s not truly what we want or what is best.

No- I do not want my daughter to have surgery or nueroblastoma and God knows that. He is just saying trust me with her, I created her, I knit her together in your womb, I know where every little blood vessel is located and I know exactly how many cells are in her body. Most of all I love her and have great plans for her!!!! JUST TRUST ME- ANGIE- surrender Gabriella’s life into my hands and I will turn this all around for good!!!! She is the apple of my eye; I died for her disease and rose again conquering death. I have made a way for you to have sweet communion with the Father- just come and rest on my bosom, let me hold you as you cry! I know your pain and I rejoice in your victories! I am with you always. You are my beloved and I am yours!

Please pray for: complete resection of tumor, no damage done to the left kidney, no lymphatic leaks, no uncontrolled bleeding, no complications, smooth surgery, smooth recovery, no uncontrollable pain, (or even no pain) and also anything the Lord leads you to pray. I have one friend who told me she is praying for Gabriella as she comes to grips with the whole concept of having HAD cancer. (How awesome is that?….. having HAD cancer… I love it!)

We love you-
Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxoxo

**** Surgery Update**** 11-05-03
We are in room #F7696
Phone number is 734-763-7442
Praise God! The surgery is done and finished!!! It was long...Just under 5 hours. Most people have one renal artery attached to their kidney... some people have two, but Gigi Girl had three renal arteries attached to her left kidney. Dr. Gieger had to be very careful in these areas. He resected an olive size piece of tumor and a few small nodules. Everything was sent to pathology to see if any of it was still the cancer lingering. The doc was very thorough and we are very thankful!!! Please pray for a smooth recovery. We will update more later. (We have a computer right in Gigi's room!) We will probably be here 3-7 days.

Monday, November 3, 2003 9:47 PM CST

Ok here is the latest and greatest!

After gathering information and opinions from U of M today the verdict is in..... we have the peace that passes our understanding that can come only from God!!!!!!

Gabriella will be put in the books for surgery at University of Michigan Mott Children's Hospital (probably not until next week- this week if we can help it). Laperscopy (sp?) is the means to resect the remaining tumor/scar tissue. She will have four x-mark incisions on her abdomen. One for the scope and the other three for the instruments. The doc at U of M said most likely the left adrenal gland will come out, too. It is about the size of a walnut. The adrenal gland provides the hormones for the body and because Gigi still has the right adrenal she will be fine in the hormone department. We learned a lot today and will share our findings in our next update.

Please pray for the surgery to go smoothly, for a great recovery, for Gabriella to stay free from fever and infection, blood counts to stay in a good range, for surgery to be God's timing and (not us rushing it) and for God to be glorified in Gigi's life and through this situation.

We love you and thank you so much for checking in on Gigi Girl!!!!(thank you Pat and Linda Connolly for all of your helpful advice with the Neuroblastoma and surgery facts)

Love, Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 7:47 AM CST

Hello everyone!

"New Pictures As Of 10/30/03"

*** October 30th (Thursday) UPDATE- Dr. Jamil said the surgeons have decided not to operate. They said there really isn't anything to go in and get. I have heard two sides to this.... 1. Go in and get whatever it is no matter what & 2. Weigh the pros and cons to what is best for patient. We go to U of M on Monday morning for 2nd opinion. Please pray for wisdom in making the best decision. Gabriella's platelets and hemoglobin are both really good!!! Her neutrofils are 680, not that great, but Jamil said most likely based on her mono #'s she is on the upswing! Thank you for checking in on us... you are the best!!!!!!

Quick update:
God is good and His mercy endures forever! Gabriella's tumors have been obliterated! (there may be one small remnant of 5mm x 3mm left). Surgery seems to still be the next step. We are seeking a 2nd surgical opinion from U of M. (they see this more often). Gabriella is strong, energetic, & full of life!!! Please pray this ugly cancer or any other never ever returns, for Gabriella's healthy body to be protected from the effects of chemo (especially heart, ears, kidneys), for infection and fever and colds to not invade Gabriella's body, and for a wise & timely decision by the medical professionals to be made about the surgery and next chemo. We appreciate you!

A bit more detail: (OK- QUITE a bit)
Last Thursday Gigi's hgb was 8.0 and she recv'd an all day blood transfusion. Her neutrofils were decent which allowed us a fun-filled Friday. We woke up very early for her Cat-Scan. She was so brave! She drank the barium and apple juice like a real trooper! The scan lasted about 35 minutes and as Gabriella came to, she vomitted. The tube was still down her throat so supposedly Gabriella was protected from any fluid aspirating into her lungs. (This was a reminder that just because it was her 3rd cat-scan we still must pray about everything involved... not just good results). Anytime you are put under anestesia it is a serious thing!!!! BUT GOD'S GRACE IS SUFFICIENT EVEN WHEN WE DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO PRAY ABOUT! Our Friday continued with lunch out with Grandfather and the fam and a movie "Good Boy". Gabriella was so excited to go to the movies and Isaiah did pretty well.

Our Saturday began rainy and uneventful until we made the call to the doctor for cat-scan results. Dr. Amannullah was on call and told us he would call us if the results were put into the computer. The phone rang a couple hours later and we were told the best news. The tumors in her chest and behind her eye were not there and the main tumor was "barely perceptible... there may be a small remnant of 5mm x 3mm" (smaller than a pea). PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!

On Sunday Steve preached his first Sunday morning in the "big" service. The kids stayed in the main sanctuary with their parents and Steve was God's mouth piece in "What can we learn from our children?" (The Lord used him mightily!) If you missed it copies of the message are available! Thank you everyone for all of your kind words of encouragement to Steve and expressions of joy for Gabriella's scan results. I was in such a "funk" and did not know why- I identified it to be fear and I think it was that our awesome prayer support would begin to wane or possibly the results were just too good to be true. I know this sounds pretty petty in the face of such awesome news. Everyone was so excited, but I was so reserved! UNTIL SUNDAY EVENING!!!! On the way home I sang "I can see clearly now the rain is gone!" There was seriously this huge sense of a gloomy cloud lifted! Pastor Steve Silliman preached on Ezra 4 and this was the exact passage the Lord gave me July 23rd during the first month of Gabriella's treatment at the hospital when this all began. (Ezra is not a book in the Bible I have frequented in the past). This message was my answer from the Lord. I was forgetting the authority I had in the Mighty Name of Jesus. I can boldly tell the enemy to leave and listen to ALL OF GOD'S PROMISES instead of the enemy's lies. In Ezra God's children were building the temple and the enemy hired couselors to frustrate them for 15 years. The story is fascinating and Pastor Steve Silliman did a great job preaching the Word! (copies available if you missed it). He explained interesting facts about a decree and once the King makes it nothing can turn it around! (The Bible is God's Word and He is the King of Kings) Not one of God's promises can be turned around.... He does not go back on HIS WORD!!!! FEAR IS THE OPPOSITE OF FAITH. So Sunday morning I was reserved because of fear... for whatever reason it was fear and it is not from GOD!!!!!! Gabriella has this memorized "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind." Perfect love casts out ALL fear. Thank you Jesus for answering me so quickly on Sunday. I truly did not like what I was feeling Sunday morning, but by Sunday evening I had the victory in JESUS!!!

On Monday Gabriella's counts were still decent- her platelets were on the lower side, but nothing that needed transfusion. Dr. Jamil told us the cat-scan results were very good. The tumor was no longer encased around the renal artery (thank you Jesus!!!) He said we would be getting a call about the surgery. I asked him if we could do the 6th chemo and see what happens with the tumor. He said that it was not a typical way of proceeding. Even if they did not see anything at all on the scans they still like to go in and see. We set our appointment for Thursday for blood count check and will wait PATIENTLY for a call.

Tuesday was terrific!!!! Gabriella and Isaiah went on their first hayride, Gabriella went pumpkin hunting, fed apples to a white horse and even got to sit on this fascinating horse creature. (She was truly mesmerized.... there is hopefully horse back riding lessons in her future). Thank you Michele & Jim for opening your humble abode for us to enjoy. After this great AHCC mom's group adventure we headed over to pick up Steve. Destination: pediatric dentist Dr. Renee Fraser. Dr. Renee and her wonderful staff put together a fund raiser for "whatever you need it for" (ie. parking, food and the like while at the hospital). It was a in-house fundraiser just for the staff because they love parties. They had a purse party and jewelry party. The food was donated by Manhatten Marketplace. Gabriella had won Dr. Renee's heart over a year and a half ago and she wanted to do something to help! How special- instead of taking the 20% given to hostesses to purchase more items they made a deal with the consultants and the money equivalent was presented to us- all $620.00 of it! (what a blessing- and so very humbling). This was our very first fundraiser money & it went directly into Gabriella's special fund for emergencies. (Thank you Dr. Renee, Barb Martin, Manhatten Market place owners, Spilada jewelery, and all who came to support this special fundraiser- you guys are great!). God shall supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory! Thank you, Lord!

Tuesday late afternoon I called U of M and spoke to our bone marrow transplant clinical care coordinator. She gave me so much information. She said if Gabriella was strictly their patient they would encourage the second opinion. She said it was smart. I liked that!!! I found out our insurance doesn't cover 2nd opinions, so I called Gabriella's other insurance (CSHC)that is supposed to cover whatever our insurance doesn't cover. Hopefully they will take care of it. I still proceeded to leave a message for an appointment with the doc's at U of M. I was especially encouraged by the clinical coordinator when she shared a little girl's story from last week. The little girl had Neuroblatoma and the tumor was still residing in her neck. They decided, based on where the tumor was, not to operate just yet and give the 6th chemo. They scanned her after the chemo and found there was nothing there to resect. The little girl is skipping the surgery & going straight to bone marrow/stem cell transplant. Yes, I have to admit this did give me a glimmer of hope. Even though their stories are different.... just maybe Gigi girl won't need the surgery. Looking at it through Angie's eyes I have some concern with either scenario (surgery- or no surgery). God knows what is best and we will continue to trust Him in leading us through these decisions. I also found out that when Gabriella begins the 6th round of chemo the transplant will be scheduled in U of M's appointment book.

I am writing this update on Wednesday morning. Steve was working out with an exercise ball. Gigi went to get her beach ball from Grandpa and Grandma Zottolo and tried copying everything Steve was doing with the exercise ball. She was just too cute!

We love you all so much! We appreciate your consistent and faithful prayers!

Love, Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxoxo

Saturday, October 25, 2003 3:46 PM CDT

Hi to all our precious family and friends!!!!!

We have some awesome news!!! Thanks for praying! The neuroblastoma tumors in Gabriella's left orbit (eye area), and chest are unremarkable- (not found) !!!!!!! YES- your read it right!!!! The tumor in her left adrenal has shrunk 87% from the beginning and is now 5mm x 3mm. Results from the last scan show that the tumor was 9mm x 18mm and when first diagnosed it was 40mm. We praise Jesus for great things He has done!!!!! There is still quite a road ahead of her, but "if God is for us, who can be against us?" We will continue to believe God for great things in Gabriella's life. We CAN be sure that He is always faithful to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good!!!(It is already happening-!)God will never leave us nor forsake us!!! He is always with you and He is always with Gabriella!!! He will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever give to you or I more than what we can handle (remember this even if we FEEL like throwing in the towel- God knows you and I better than we know ourselves) .We pray and believe God will be glorified in Gabriella's life and in Jesus's Name He will be faithful to complete what he started!!! We love you sooooo much and depend on your prayers more than you know!!!!!!!! Thank you!

Love, Steve, Angie, Gabriella & Isaiah xoxoxoxoxoxo

PS- We will update again soon with some thoughts & a bit more detail about the cat scan experience and what may happen next. We will also add some new pictures!

Monday, October 20, 2003 9:51 PM CDT

Hi Everyone!

*** Update**** Cat-scan is set for 8:30am Friday morning!!!! Lunch for Life has raised over $80,000.00- thanks so much for responding!!!!!!

Quick version:
Today Gabriella, Isaiah & I spent the day at the hospital. Gabriella's counts were low: Neuts 680, Plt. 11, & Hmg. 8.2. The resident came to let us know she would be rec'ving both red blood and platelets.... I cried and through tears challenged the red blood (since usually they transfuse at 7.0) The resident agreed and went to talk to the doctor... the tears worked (hahahahah) Gabriella only had to get the platelets.(and didn't even complain once) I know there is a high possibility on Thursday she will get red blood- but that is OK. Two transfusions is such a long day (cross and check of her blood to the platelets and red blood, ordering the blood, nurses on lunch, flushing, waiting an hour before you start the next transfusion... it just makes for such a long day)I was not prepared for a 10-12 hour stay.... today went from 9:30-3:30 for just one transfusion. So we will face Thursday's counts on Thursday. Today I just felt too weary. (I know it is about Gabriella's health and not me- so I did tell them to do what ever is best for her) I still think the tears persuaded them to hold off!

So for now Gigi is neutropenic- we will continue the neupogen shots for a few more days and then the counts should be ok for a while. The re-evaluation (cat scan and bone scans) are still being scheduled. Doctor Jamil said the longer the chemo has to work the better the results from the scan. Gabriella continues to dotingly love on her baby brother (whom is almost 7 months old already!) laugh and dance and be silly! Thank you Jesus for our little girl!!!

Some thoughts:
I am looking forward to these scans because after the 2nd round of chemo her tumors shrank in half. God does not start a work and then leave it half done. He is faithful to complete it!!!!!!His way and in His time- and that's OK! It really is... even when it doesn't FEEL OK! That is what faith is all about. If God worked the way I told Him to work He would not be God.... He would be a genie. Instead I ask, believing that I will receive, waiting "patiently" (on good days), expecting God to work miracles only He could work in the hearts of everyone touched by Gabriella Hope's life. The Word says it.... and I believe it!!!! He will make good what the enemy meant for evil.

Faith is not a feeling- it is a decision, which I am so thankful to JESUS for His example. At Gethsemane in the garden He fell on His face and prayed "O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will." He was fully man and fully God. So imagine..... He felt great agony "my soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death." of what was to come and knew the suffering on the cross had to happen for God's plan of redemption to be fulfilled. "O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done." (MATT 26:36-46). This is God's intense love for us in action. We can not get to heaven by our own works because it is not by works we are saved, but by grace. We can not earn a place in heaven, we must receive it as a gift. Because Jesus went to the cross for all of our sins, diseases, infirmities and sickness, we can come "boldly to the throne room of grace" we can go directly to God through Jesus. He died and rose again, to provide a way for Gabriella, Angie, Steve, Isaiah & You to get to heaven. He paid the price for our sin. "For the wages of sin is death" and we have all sinned "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" SO the payment was made and now we need to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, confess our sins and we are saved. It truly is that easy!!!! We are promised an eternal home and peace that passes understanding, promised when we pass through the waters He will be with us, when we walk through fire we will not be burned, nor will the flame scorch us or when we walk through rivers they shall not overflow us. The key word is WHEN... God does not promise a life without trouble, but He does promise to never leave you nor forsake you..... and this is the faith I am standing on. I am not strong in myself... in fact today I have been having quite the pity party.... but I know when I am weak HE IS STRONG!!!! The Lord is my strength! Faith is not a feeling it is a decision-- to serve Jesus even when I feel weary, even when I feel lonely, even when I struggle to make sense of it all. I do not have the answer to why this is happening to my sweet Gabriella, but I trust God will turn it for good. (HE has the answer) My mother's heart is asking for big healing here on earth...as Abraham surrendered Isaac, his promised son to the Lord, I do the same. There really is not too much to decide.... trust God with Gabriella's life or worry and stress and freak-out at the slightest problem that arises hmmmmmmmm! What would you pick???????? God is.... GOD and I am Angie... God can create life from nothing and Angie can make puffy letters on some paper.... God can make a way when there seems to be absolutely no way and Angie can...sulk because she didn't get her way... God never leaves Gabriella and Angie has to take some breaks..... well you get the picture!!!! So I choose to believe on the Name that is above every name- JESUS! He conquered Neuroblastoma over 2000 years ago... by His stripes Gabriella is healed!!!(and mommy is comforted)!!!

Thanks for taking time to read the update, thank you more for your faithful and persistent prayers and thank you also for signing the guestbook! If you haven't yet, please take time just to say HI! It brings such encouragement and a smile to my face to see who is on this journey with us!!!!

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo

Saturday, October 18, 2003 6:49 AM CDT

Hello to all our Special Family and Friends,

Just a quick update to let you know Gabriella's Neutrophils were 11,900 (even above normal)at her Thursday appointment. Doctor Jamil said this round of chemo has not hit yet. Her hemoglobin was holding at 9.4 and plateletts fell to 99 from 150 (they do not transfuse unless hemoglobin hits 7.0 and platelets hit 20). We gave Gabriella some zofran for Monday and Tuesday (anti-nausea medicine). She has been free from any stomach upset ever since!!! She is doing good-however we want to ask for prayer in the area of her bowel movements. (if you are eating luch right now you may want to read this later)haha! When she feels the urge to have a bowel movement she starts to get very anxious and scared. She cries out for medicine and thinks by putting this form of perscription desitin on her the stool will not come. After the 2nd round of chemo she had a heart wrenching time with some very hard stool. I think this is what is causing all the anxiety. We have her on Milk of Magnesia to keep it soft. Please pray for wisdom on how to deal with this...she gets so upset and it unfortunately very quickly steals my joy. Also pray that if anything needing medical attention is going on in that area it will be revealed. She is very loud and upset and then I ask her if it is hurting and she says NO! (it is also very messy) No matter if this situation with her stool is psychological or physical- WE NEED PRAYER! We are so very thankful for the Lord's sustaining hand upon her. We do know how important your prayers are and hope you know, too!!!

On Thursday we were able to go to the STORE!!!! (Wal-MArt to get Gigi's Aunt Melissa's baby shower gift to send) I hope Gigi girl's counts stay high.... it is such a good feeling to be interacting with the public and visiting friends and family. I know we may have many long days ahead of low counts with the transplant so we are ever so thankful for these special moments of "normal"!

Thank you JESUS for our little girl!

Love, Steve, Angie, Gabriella & Isaiah xoxoxoxoxoxo

Monday, October 13, 2003 3:26 PM CDT

Hello Children of the King!

(***Oct. 15th Lunch for Life total $80,017.00 Thank you so much for giving.
Gigi has been feeling great and enjoying these last few days at home... tomorrow is count day -Thursday 16th***)

Quick version:
Gigi is home and round 5 of chemo is complete. Neupogen shots start tonight. Her counts are low (neutropenic)so we stay away from malls, movie theaters, fresh fruit and veggies, and hopefully hospitals for a bit! Her last time home lasted for 14 hospital-free days. (a week delay was good for something). We hope to avoid the dreaded fever and infection. Please pray for her counts to rebound soon and for the chemo to only destroy the cancer. Our next step is the cat-scan and bone scans. These scans will probably not happen for a couple weeks, then surgery (if needed) and her last round of chemo before the bone marrow transplant. She is so happy to be home! I am so very thankful to be home together as a family once again! (today marks 7 years from our first date...7 short years ago Steve took me to walk Oakland University's campus and to eat at TGIFridays... the romance continues...!

Some details:
GABRIELLA HOPE is HOME!!!! She has bravely faced chemo round #5. All day Sunday she was very lethargic and her mind seemed to be a million miles away. She awoke this morning in a very similar condition. I was concerned and wished she could communicate what she was feeling... she did muster a very forced "today I go home to Gigi's house... yeah." (She always managed to put a smile on her face when she first saw Isaiah- that was such a blessing)!

When we were driving home she vomitted for the first time this round. We then dropped Steve off at work. I so desperately wanted to know she was OK. I asked her if she would like to go say hi to her fried Leah, who lives right by the church. She actually said no. I was quite suprised. She just wanted to go home! HOME was just the right medicine! It took about 10 minutes and she was jumping off the steps, dancing to Isaiah's ultra-saucer music, asking "to eat somethin'", wanting to watch a movie, and jumping from one cushion to another. She ate some lunch and then vomitted for the second time... and continued to eat her lunch. Nothing was going to get her down.... she was HOME!!!! We then went on a Nature Walk, collected pretty leaves and crunchy leaves and played at the park in our neighborhood. The weather is so beautiful and the trees appear to be on fire with all the vibrant color bursting forth. Gigi climbed up a small hill and approached a weeping willow tree. She excalimed, "Mom, look, it's a jungle!" Today, like everyday, was a gift from the Lord! I got to share it with my special gifts from God, Gigi and Zayah!

Thank you all for praying for strength- this was a hard chemo for us all and we are SOOOO glad it is over. Onward and Upward to the next adventure that awaits! With days like today it is so easy to enjoy the journey and not be consumed with conquering the cancer. Remind me of this when the days grow cold and the weather bleak. The joy of the Lord is our strength! He is the same yesterday, today and for always!!!! All of His promises are Yea and Amen! So I praise Him for the great things He has already done and the great things He will do and just for who He is!(Creator, Artist, Father, King, Healer, Provider, Lover of my soul, ...etc). We love you Jesus! We love you friends and family! Gigi says "thanks"!

Love, Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxo

Friday, October 10, 2003 1:13 AM CDT


**(See 10-11-03 Lunch for Life update from another parent that has a child with Neuroblastoma)**

REAL QUICK.... It is 2:12 am, I have typed two detailed-filled updates and as I get to the end I push a wrong button and....POOF... it disappears into cyber-space! (twice) So the definition to insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So to prove I am not insane I will graciously sign-off and update again really soon! (Not tomorrow because it is my turn to stay at the hospital) But I must ask for prayer over my Gigi Girl's ears and heart and every other part of her body to be protected against chemo (yes, her neutrophils doubled, 1.69, and she started chemo round #5 today at 3:30pm) and also for her to have pain-free bowel movements (she seems to be afraid to go) and for the ugly little tumor (what is left of it) to loose it's hold on the renal artery so the surgery (if needed) will be 100% successful and of course for Gigi to be declared NED (NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE) and for it or any other kind of cancer to never ever ever return!!!!

Please if you have not given to "Lunch for Life" go to www.sydneydungan.com for details.

Love, Angie xoxoxoxo


Well, we aren't going to reach $10 million in 10 days, much to no one's surprise, I suppose. But what has occurred in these short days has been nothing less than phenomenal. We have received phone calls from as far away as Western Australia. They've also come from Geneva, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The mail arrives in sacks, and the foundation office is getting so many calls they had to buy a new telephone! Donations are pouring in, and the momentum is building across the country and, obviously, beyond.

And while this effort is definitely about the money, for me it's about so much more. It's about giving hope to hopeless families. It's about giving purpose to grieving families. It's about unifying families in similar battles and dealing with similar heartaches. It's about fulfilling the personal missions of so many otherwise helpless parents, all of whom are struggling to make sense out of their child's fate with this horrible disease. Most importantly, it's about saving lives -- real lives of real children. They look just like your children -- angelic, healthy, happy. They're normal kids just like everyone else's kids...except for this monster that is inside of them. This monster can kill them, and does kill too many of them. It causes much trauma to the others and to their families. Yes, Lunch for Life is all about beating this monster. Which brings us back to the money. I wish it wasn't about money. I hate asking for money. But we, the PARENTS, have to fight for our kids because if we don't, no one will, so we have to ask for your money, and for the money of your friends, their companies...whomever will give so that our children have a chance to live. It stinks all the way around. But we have to do what we have to do. If I have to ask for your $5 (or more if you are so inclined) so that these kids can grow up, graduate from high school, live their lives, well, then I guess I have to.

So our Lunch for Life effort will continue beyond Day 10 because it has to. Remember, we as parents of these kids have to change the world. We may not have been able to do it in 10 days, but mark my word, we'll do it.

--Kristin Connor (mother to Brandon)

Saturday, October 4, 2003 9:36 PM CDT

Oct. 8th- Gigi has been having an incredible week. Playing at the park, swinging on swings, sliding down slides, climbing up jungle gyms, going on a picnic, visiting with her friends, watching her Tia Mary play powder-puff football...(all things outside, because fresh air is really good for her and the low counts) It is so easy to forget her little body has been invaded by Neuroblastoma. So I praise God for today and thank Him for the great things He is doing in her body and the special times we have shared despite Gigi's week delay. Tomorrow we will go in to receive Chemo round #5. (If the Lord wills). PLEASE PRAY long-term FOR HER BODY TO BE DECLARED "NED" (No Evidence of Disease) AND FOR IT TO NEVER COME BACK! For this weekend please pray for the Chemo to go directly to the cancer and leave everything else alone! Also pray for a special protection around her ears, heart, kidney, intestinal lining, mouth and bottom.(she has been holding in her stool this week and waiting until the last possible moment... were not entirely sure WHY?) Thank you for stopping in and reading these updates. I really appreciate it! (especially those encouraging words in the guestbook). I've learned quite a bit of the medical definitions and will be sharing them very soon.

As of yesterday (Day #7) the Lunch for Life total was $30,662.00. Thank you if you have already given the $5.00. If you still intend to do it please try to call it in before the 12th. This is the end of the 10 day fundraiser (I am sure they would love your donations at anytime).

Oct. 6th- Gabriella's counts remain low and chemo #5 is delayed a bit longer. Her neutrophils increased to 700 but still not to 750. We will go back on Thursday - hopefully Gabriella will be admitted to start her next round of chemo- please keep praying!!! We love you!


Gabriella is having a wonderful weekend. Thank you Jesus! Nothing medically new to report from Thursday (see October 2nd update for latest news). I just felt compelled to let you know of this fantastic opportunity in the fight against Neuroblastoma.

Please read all about it in the following information I copied and adapted from www.caringbridge.org/mi/ryanc. (Ryan's family informed us about getting Gabriella a web page. We are from the same pediatrician office in Clarkston)


The goal : 10 million dollars in ten days

The action: I ask you to make a donation to the Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation in the amount of five dollars - just the cost of lunch for one day - right now. Please do it for Ryan (& Gigi), for the thousands of parents crying for a cure, or do it for the thousands who are yet to be diagnosed. Do it because you are our friends and family. Whatever reason you find. It can be because of the statistics - because Neuroblastoma is greatly under funded. Do it because of our story. Do it because of somebody else's story.

Whatever your reason, please do it, and do it now.

Think of it as giving up one lunch this month for a cause that is important to some one who is close to you.

I then ask that you call 5 of your best friends. Friends that you can trust and people that will do this favor for you as you have done for me. Give them the information, tell them the story, inspire them and ask them to do the same as I have asked you. Ask them to call five of their friends and pass on the challenge.
Your donations will go to research to cure Neuroblastoma. It goes to an organization that is lead by parents and medical professionals dedicated to the cause whose sole purpose in life is for the love of their families, these children, and the cure of Neuroblastoma. It is a tax deductible contribution to you.

You can give directly to the CNCF here http://www.cncf-childcancer.org , it is a secure web site.


You can mail your check to this address:
P.O. Box 6635
Bloomingdale, IL 60108


You can call this 800 number and give your gift by phone

P.S. You can designate your donation to the Children’s Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation in honor of Gabriella Gallegos.

Thank you,
Steve, Angie, Gabriella & Isaiah xoxoxo

Friday, October 3, 2003 3:33 PM CDT


Quick version:
"Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.' Why, YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TOMORROW. ... instead, you ought to say,'IF IT IS THE LORD'S WILL, we will live and do this or that.'" James 4:13-15).

I really don't know what tomorrow holds!!! I have to continue to be thankful for this day and that all our needs are supplied!!!

Well chemo # 5 has been delayed. Dr. Jamil told us Gabriella's counts were not high enough. Her platelets and hemoglobin were great..... it was just those neutrofils. They had dropped to 630 and must be at least 750 to start. Gabriella even left saying "No Eva at the hospital?" Dr. Jamil responded with "Oh, Gigi likes going to the hospital?" to which I said, "We just talk it up on the way here." (Eva is one of her favorite nurses.) So, we try again on Monday (if it is the Lord's will).

Some thoughts:
At first I was tearfully diappointed, we were sooooo ready. I still don't have the why.... especially since I just wrote how thankful I am we are on track. I know there is a reason and I must trust the Lord with the whole thing. As I was writing Monday's journal it did cross my mind to say if it's the Lord's will. But I didn't because "I" was SO SURE! HA! ( a reminder to listen to those Holy Spirit promptings!!!)

So now I see it as a very special weekend together as a family! No bacterim (anitbiotic), no neupogen (to increase her counts after chemo),no milk of magnesia, no zofran(nausea),no decadron (steroid for nausea), no cisplatin (chemo), no vp16 (chemo), no hospital bed, just a regular weekend. Of course, we still must watch for fever and infection and clean her vaxcell lumen (central line tubes). I also asked to redo her 24 hour urine specimen because we missed three due to loose stool. They agreed so we will start gathering again on Sun AM.

I want to share what's around the corner (if it's the Lord's will). Chemo #5, Bone scan, Cat scan, a whole re-evaluation, surgery to remove any leftover tumor, Chemo #6, a humungous heavy chemo #7, Stem Cell Transplant (3-4 weeks in the hospital) and then Christmas. (YES, I do hope to be home by Christmas)and then radiation, accutane (oral chemo).

Pray: Protection over Gigi's entire body (especially ears, kidneys, heart & skin from intense high dose chemo), Healing from Neuroblastoma, for it or any other cancer to NEVER EVER RETURN (50% relapse in the first year), and for her counts to rebound quickly, and for no fever or infection!

God is in control and He is ALWAYS right on time!!!! I really feel the peace of GOD. I know God will get the glory. I know that we are the parents of a precious joy-filled little girl and a special smiley little boy. I know we are thankful for every single day we get to share with them. I know we have the best family, friends and church around, I know we are forever grateful for your prayers...PLEASE don't stop praying!!!!!!

We love you!

Steve, Angie, Gigi & Zayah xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, September 30, 2003 8:41 PM CDT

Greetings in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

Steve updated our pictures last night (9-29-03)!

Quick version-
Gabriella is doing so good! She is so smart, and so silly! She loves to dance and watch Veggies "Little Joe". She captures me more and more everyday! She truly makes me laugh and I am so crazy about her. She simply adores Isaiah and likes to feed him his liquidy cereal and loves to get him laughing. Gigi and Zayah are my special gifts from God!

Gabriella will be in for Chemo round #5 on Thursday Oct.2nd. I am so happy her counts are good enough to keep going forward in this "adventure". Tomorrow (Wednesday) we have to collect a 24 hour urine sample for evaluation. I am pretty sure they will be checking on her kidney function. Please pray for healthy kidneys and for the chemo to go directly to the neuroblastoma that is lingering (if any)and leave ALL other parts of her little body alone! I really stand amazed at our Lord's sustaining protection, healing, grace and power. We were told to expect delays- and thus far she has been on track!!! The doctors are not concerned about a delay. So it really is not a big deal if she had been delayed, but for me the Momma, it is, and I am so thankful to Jesus she is on track. These next few weeks will be loaded with a lot of procedures, including cat-scan, bone-scan, and a surgery, if needed (which it usually is needed to be sure ALL of the ugly monster called Neuroblastoma is gone).

Some thoughts:

I was reminded tonight while praying over Gabriella and Isaiah to have nothing in my heart higher than God. It is considered an idol, even if it is a precious little girl. I know that loving God first and most allows me to love Gabriella & Isaiah more than I ever could imagine. (it's always a good reminder for us doting parents).

My heart's desire is to have Gabriella completely healed from this disease. I want it to happen in such a way that only GOD gets the glory!!! I desire not even one side effect to plague her the rest of her long and healthy days on earth.!!!!!(2nd malignancy, kidney failure, hearing loss, infection, infertility) Some say pray God's perfect will, (they are right), some say come boldly before the throne room of grace (they are right). Some say the miracle has already happened (they are right). God has it already worked out and the victory is ours. The end is written! But it will be done GOD's way and not how Angie thinks God should do it!

All we need is the faith of a mustard seed. So whatever amount of faith you have PRAY! I feel there is no wrong way to pray- except to not pray at all. As we are praying God will change us and our prayers! God's Word is sharper than any two edged sword and divides bone and marrow, it is living and breathing. Everytime you go to read the Bible it's fresh and new!(if it's not ask God and He helps you see) The Bible records Jesus walking the Earth and many coming to Him for healing (all were healed) He turned no one away. I do recall the one that the disciples tried to heal and it could not come out without prayer and fasting. (yes, I am being challenged). I do also recall that I can not make one dark hair turn gray and I am not to worry about God's job. (our try to hurry Him, up!)

I must not get consumed with the destination that I miss out on the dailyness of life. I am responsible for me- not Gabriella's healing, not my family's salvation, not for what the future holds. I am called to love God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and to love my neighbor as myself. He works out all the rest. Yes I need to intercede for others, walk in obedience, self-control, faithfulness, gentleness, etc., but if I am truly loving God with my everything- the rest follows. Is this always the case- NO. Is this my desire- YES!!!!(and Steve says AMEN!!!!!)

I am so in awe of those of you who get this without a tragedy happening! I knew this before, I walked this before, but not with such a hunger to know God and His Word! Lately, my 10 1/2 years (3-9-93) of hearing and reading the Word is really coming in handy. I read these verses before, I even memorized them here and there, but they meant nothing to me like they do now. How do people go through something like this without God. I read a lot of other web sites with children going through NB stage IV and the ones without God are so......empty.

Thank you for coming to read this web page. I am humbled to be on the receiving end of so much love. I thank you more for praying- Gabriella needs it- we all need it! Mom- you are the best mom and Grandma ever! Don- You are such a wonderful Grandpa! Dad- we have come such a long way and I am thankful for the healing that is happening in our relationship. Auburn Hills Christian Center- I stand in awe of the body of Christ truly working together, praying, encouraging, serving, blessing in abundance- you are the best "family" around. JESUS- I am overwhelmed, thank you for loving me, for interceding for me, for preparing a place for me, for saving me, for holding my little girl and loving her more than I can, for blessing me with such a patient and forgiving and loving husband, for giving me such an adorable and precious son, for working all things out for good! I stand on your promises- no matter what good or bad the doctors have to say. You are my Rock on which I stand all other ground is sinking sand!

Love, Angie xoxo
(Steve, Gabriella and Isaiah, too)

Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:30 PM CDT

New Pictures!!! (Sept. 30, 2003)

To our wonderful family and friends!

"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name." Psalm 100:4

I was reminded on the way home from the hospital tonight to praise the Lord in ALL things. (Robin Sullivan 103.5 fm)

Quick version:

Gigi girl is in the hospital for transfusions and "fever", there is also redness around her vaxcel site. No bacteria growing in the culture after 24 hours. UA (urine analysis) came back negative. No fever since we have been in the hospital. After platelett and blood transfusion her counts are great and color is back in her face. Her neutrofils are on the rebound (50 yesterday to 470 today). We should be able to come home tomorrow (Wed. Sept. 24th)! We finally have the pathology back from the tumor and it is non-amplified!!!!! (thank you JESUS). The weekend was filled with family and celebration. Today Isaiah is 6 months old!Trust God with everything!!

Some thoughts:

Gabriella had a temperature starting on Saturday that was slowly creeping up. For her 100.5 is a trip to the hospital so I checked her frequently. It got as high as 100.1 on Sunday night. She woke up and it was 98.8, but at the appointment (Mon. AM) it rose to 100.6 and her counts were alarmingly low (but typical after high dose chemos). She was put into an isolation room at the hospital and the big three antibiotics were started. The fever has not returned. We don't get why this happens. Dr. Jamil said fever is commmon with low counts and doesn't necessarily mean infection. He also believes the redness around her vaxcel will go away after her counts rebound.

I cried at first and felt the weekend was quite selfish on our part. Then I talked to Steve and he helped me see we could be in the same boat even if we sat home all weekend. She does not have a "cold" that was caught by someone sick and the redness around the site wasn't from being exposed to someone sick. It just happened. It is important for Gabriella to be a little girl and live! This weekend she attended her cousin's wedding, visited her great- grandparents from Texas and spent the night with her Yamma Gallegos. She was also able to hang-out with her Uncle Michael and She-Sha (both in Indiana and Michigan). Then she was present as her baby brother Isaiah Matthew was dedicated to the Lord Sunday night at church. We celebrated afterward at Cooker and she played with her cousins 'Talia (Natalia) & Stevie and friends Ian, Kaela, & Annalise. Gabriella was also able to see other close family members & friends she doesn't see everyday!!!! (Believe it or not Pappa Berckley even sat through the entire church service!). I am so very thankful for this weekend & I praise the Lord in all things.

The pathology of the tumor is finally in our hands. Gabriella's neuroblastoma has these findings in risk group factors: INSS Stage- Stage 4 (which was already told to us and explained), MYCN- Not Amplified, Shimada Histology-Unfavorable, Ploidy- 1.08. So far I know it is really good to be "not amplified" and to have 1.08 as the ploidy #. I also know it is not good to have unfavorable and stage 4. As I understand this more I will explain. Again I remind myself to trust in God with everything.... even the above factors.

Do you truly know how compassionate our Lord is to you and your situation? (no matter how big or small it feels) Jesus tells a parable about a shephard leaving the 99 sheep to go look for the one lost wandering sheep. Last night, by the Lord's direction I was in the right place at the right time. I was talking to a nursing assistant after she brought some fresh sheets into Gabriella's room. I recognized her from several weeks ago in Chemo round 3. She began to leave the room and turned around to share with me (a stranger) a very personal situation she is going through. I listened and then I prayed with her. After the prayer she said no one had done that for her in 9 years. A hurtful situation transpired while very involved at her old church. Not one of her friends from church called her and she has felt judged and been very bitter. She knows that she needs to get back planted in a church and felt so blessed by the prayer. I was the fourth person in the past week God has put in her path to remind her of His unfailing love!!! He never leaves us or forsakes us! I am truly humbled! The Lord is amazing and full of love, mercy and grace to all who call upon the Name of Jesus! Again the Lord shows up and I "shut-up". I admit I was grumbling at the thought of being in the hospital again, but situations like this help me get a glimpse (just a glimpse) of the big picture. God is in control and I am not! He works out for good what the enemy meant for evil. ALWAYS!!!

I was talking to our pastor's wife, Sandy, today on the phone. She shared a story about her neighbor's little girl and a medical situation the seven-year old is faced with. The parents were wrestling with a decision to go forward with a certain treatment. The Lord led Sandy and Pastor Cal to pray with them this weekend. Long story-short.... the little girl was in the room directly next to Gabriella!!!!! This truly helped the mom (and me) to see God's hand in everything.

Not one little minute detail slips by the Lord. He knows all and allows things for good reason. He will be glorified. Even when we don't understand we must trust the One who does! My God is holding Gabriella closer than I could ever imagine. He is with her now as I am typing this. He never leaves her. He is "crazy" about her. The same intense love He has for Gabriella HE also has for you and me. "Your love oh, Lord... is like a mighty mountain, it reaches to the heavens and stretches through the sky". Take some time to sit at the feet of Jesus today, cast your cares at His feet and receive the love He gives freely!

Watching my sweet, adorable, little girl fight a disease bigger and meaner than her is not easy. It tests my faith and tears at my heart. Seeing my little Gigi safe and sound in the arms of Jesus, protected by His love and healed by His sacrifice on the cross brings peace that truly passes my understanding. It's a daily battle we could not fight without you upholding us in prayer. God is our strength!

"Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

We love you more than we can put into words and are beyond thankful for those faithful and persistent prayers!

Steve, Angie, Gabriella & Isaiah (the big 6 month old)xoxoxoxo

Thursday, September 18, 2003 1:20 PM CDT

Hi Everyone!

Quick version:
Gabriella's counts work for us to go to Indiana! Thanks for your prayers and thank you Lord for your loving kindness and tender mercies that are brand new every morning!!!!

Per a Monday conversation with the bone marrow transplant nurse at U of M-
Gabriella is tentatively getting chemo round 5 Oct. 2nd, Cat scan & surgery (if needed) either the week of October 13th or 20th, Chemo round 6 tentatively on October 23rd or 30th and stem cell transplant around Thanksgiving and possibly out of the hospital by Christmas. Then about 3 weeks of radiation to the tumor bed at 70-100 days post-transplant. Then accutane two weeks on and two weeks off. (not sure for how long). This of course is all subject to change, but just thought I'd share my new findings with you inquisitive ones!!!!! (like me!)

Some more details:

Gabriella's appointment this morning showed borderline counts, but no real reason to stay home. She did not need a transfusion. I feel a little unsure about leaving, but Steve has reassured me that we will respond the same way in Indiana as we would if we were home. A good children's hospital is fairly close. If she gets a fever we will get her checked out. Again please pray for Gabriella to be completely healed, infection-free, fever-free, for the chemo to go only to the cancer and do it's "thing", and a quick recovery from her low counts. Only God knows.... but just maybe she is already on the rebound and is on the rise from her lowest this round!!!! "Some may trust in horses, some may trust in chariots, but we will trust in the Name of our God"!!! Jesus your Name is power and healing! My good friend, Susan, said yesterday we will trust in God and not in man's wisdom!!!(psalm 118). Jesus is our Great Physician and He has given wisdom and knowledge to our doctors, but ultimately the healing comes only from the Lord!

Gabriella's last hospital roommate, Kristina, had a soccer ball-sized tumor removed from her kidney. (Wilms tumor, just like Max our first roommate). Praise God- her mommy found the tumor sticking out last Wednesday and it was removed the same day. Today I found out she has been diagnosed with stage 1 and medically a 90% chance at survival. When I saw her today in the office I almost cried. IT is so great to get news like that. Kristina's mommy and I prayed in the playroom last Sunday and have made a heart-connection!!!!!!

Well it looks like we will be leaving for Indiana in a few hours. The wedding celebration and time in Indiana will be a great time with family!

On Sunday, September 21st, in the pm service, Isaiah Matthew will be dedicated to the Lord (officially). We are looking forward to this special time.

We love you!
Steve, Angie, Gabriella & Isaiah xoxoxoxo

Monday, September 15, 2003 11:04 AM CDT


Praise be to God for great things He has done!!! Thank you Jesus! Gabriella has bravely faced and conquered victoriuosly Chemo round #4! She walked in with the victory and she left with the victory! We can learn so much from her. She was jumping while exclaiming "selda!" (from DOra the Explorer) as we were leaving the hospital. You should have seen her- right in the middle of the hallway. She was so happy to be going home! Gabriella talked to whomever would listen and showed off her color picture she made.

Well, the stay at the hospital was joyfully uneventful. She was not sick even once!!! Dr. Jamil said she is responding above average! He walked in while she was dancing with her new "transistor" radio from Grandma Berckley.

Please pray for the next weeks before chemo round 5 (Oct. 2nd) to be infection-free, fever-free, & hospital-free and for her counts to recover quickly!!! I know we are asking for something big after 4 high-dose chemos, but we serve a BIG God - and it could happen!!!!!

We love you soooo much and truly appreciate those prayers!!!

We hope to attend Steve's cousin's wedding in Indiana this weekend. It all depends on how Gabriella is doing. It would be so great to see family we don't get to see that often!!!!

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgibving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phillippians 4:6,7

Love, Steve, Angie, Gabriella & Isaiah xoxoxoxo

Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:19 PM CDT


Quick version-

Thank you Jesus! Gabriella Hope experienced 8 hospital-free days (our longest since diagnosis). Thank you to our Great Physician, Our King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Gabriella started chemo round #4 at 5:50pm, today- September 11th (smiles and all)! Her plateletts and hemoglobin counts were great, but her neutrofils just made the cut-off. (1.21) 1,210. One thousand is considered neutropenic and she would not be able to receive chemo until next week. At the office she was weighed and measured 29.9 lbs (13.5 kilo) and 36.25" (92.7 cm). For all of you medical buffs today her chemo drugs consist of doxarubicin, vincristine, cytoxan and mesna. The mixture of dox and vin drips for 72 hours. This round is exactly like round 1 and 2.

Thank you for agreeing in faith for Gabriella's complete and total healing. We want the cancer cells to soak up the chemo and die!!(and never come back). As always there are a buco number of side effects possible with this chemo (mouth sores, organ damage, nerve damage, hearing loss, etc.) But we know "The God of Peace will soon crush satan underneath His feet" (for all Chi Alpha/OU alumni!)Please ask the Lord to direct the chemo to ALL cancer cells (even those playing hide and seek)and to protect all Gabriella's healthy cells from damage or harm!!!!

Some thoughts-

Gabriella amazes me when we walk onto the pediatric floor. Today she asked for "Docka 'Meel" and "Eva", her favorite doctor and nurse. She was greeted by Dr. Jamil and tickled by Eva. She giggled and smiled so big! She also affectionatley played with her lil' bro saying "Hiii, Buddy!" "Big Hug" "Momma, Zay'ah's smiling and lookin' at Gigi". To a casual on-looker we appear to be checking in to a hotel for a fun-filled weekend. God is good! Gabriella did not complain once about going today. When we woke up this morning she said, "Gigi goin' to the hospital" We had not told her directly- but she sure picks up on what's happening around her. We are blessed to have such a precious little girl!!!

God knows everything! I was not aware the neuts had to be above 1,000. God did! The doctor was surprised we have not been delayed. He said it is VERY common for infection or low counts to delay the start of the next chemo. Thank you Lord for your sustaining hand upon Gigi Girl's little body. The doctor said to expect fever, low counts and possible infection before round #5 begins. I choose to believe Isaiah 58:8 "Your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard". In Matthew 8:17 Jesus "took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses". I must pray and not give up! Please continue to pray.

Last night Gigi was playing at her friends house and two little girl's that live next door came over to see Gigi. Her friend began to explain about Gabriella being sick and even lifted her hat to show her lack of hair. My heart broke! They were just curious kids! Gabriella looked at me and I tried to muster a smile to let her know it would be OK. The girl's were told that only Gabriella can take her hat off. They seemed to be alright with that and so was she. It didn't seem to phase Gabriella, at all. She continued to play like nothing had happened. I cried at the sting of rejection- for a fleeting moment I felt a bit of what God must have felt when the Israelites were spitting on Jesus, His One and Only Son!!!! ( I do not mean for one minute to trivialize Jesus going to the cross. But allow me to compare the feeling of a parent seeing their child rejected. ) One of the little girls came running back from where they were all playing. She was afraid she would "catch" what Gabriella had and her own hair would fall out. I cry right now thinking of it. I really didn't know what to say..... I am so glad Gabriella is two and not seven.

I need you to pray for my faith to grow. I keep peaking into the future at the ugly round # 7. I have heard it is harder than all of the other six rounds Gabriella will undergo. It is in conjunction with the bone marrow/stem cell transplant. Each time I think of it fear wells up. I KNOW that fear is the exact opposite of faith. If I am not believing with faith then I am believing with doubt- so why beleive? I must ask and believe whole heartedly. The outcome is entirely up to God. I am the kind of person who watches a movie and wants to guess at what's going to happen. If I guess then I won't be taken by surprise. Life is Not a movie and I must trust Gabriella's life entirely to God and believe BIG!!! I know this in my mind, but walking it out in confidence has been hard these past few days. Jesus must be Lord of ALL!!! God is a BIG GOD and nothing is impossible. HE created Gabriella's DNA (thanks Brad B.)

Stormie Omartian (thank you Eileen K. and Mary I.)highlights these verses at the end of the chapter she wrote on health in "The Power of a Praying Wife". I have not yet read these verses in context, but they sure were encouraging.

"I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you." 2 Kings 20:5

"I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth." Jeremiah 33:6

"They cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." Psalm 107:19,20

"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases." Psalm 103:2,3

Steve has been amazingly strong, Gigi and Isaiah are full of life, and I have my emotional moments, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord! (thanks, Laurie S.)

God is truly relentless (thanks Pastor Cal) for us! If this situation draws one wayward hurting soul to His arms of love- how awesome that would be! If it brings one mommy to her knees in total humility before her Maker- how awesome that would be! If it woes some calloused unbeliever to ponder their destiny- how awesome that would be! If it captures one stuck in "religion" to experience a true relationship with the Lover of their soul- how awesome that would be! If God uses this to completely heal one little girl from neuroblastoma- how awesome that would be! To God be the glroy for great things He has done!!

You are the best friends and family around- ever!!! We need those prayers... it's making all the difference!

Love in Christ Jesus,
Steve, Angie, Gabriella & Isaiah xoxoxo

Thursday, September 4, 2003 2:48 PM CDT

Great News!

(For a more detailed update of our past week please see September 4th AM update) NEW PICTURES HAVE BEEN ADDED!

U of M just called and told us the results were back from Gigi's stem cell check. Several weeks back they gathered 28 million stem cells and a sample was sent to California totaling 1,006,000. The cells were sent to determine if they were neuroblastoma-free. They found no neuroblastoma cells!!!! Thank you all for praying- thank you Jesus for your healing touch on Gabriella's bone marrow. It is very important for the stem cells to be free from cancer because the doctors will reintroduce them into her body through the transplant in November or December.

Thanks again for your faithful prayers! Just a little bit ago Gigi was singing "This little light of mine" Her annunciation was so perfect.... she sang "I'm gonna shine, I'm gonna shine" She IS shining for Jesus! We love you!

Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxoxo

Thursday, September 4, 2003 8:22 AM CDT

Hello to all our faithful friends and family,

Quick version:

Gabriella had a great "normal" Labor Day weekend. Thank you, Lord! She laughed & giggled constantly with Dave Woodward at the Children's Workers Appreciation picnic. Went on Papa & Yamma's boat and spent the night, too.(thanks Mom & Don) Ended the weekend at Frankenmuth with Uncle Ernie and family. Tuesday was count day and everything was borderline (platelett 20 and hgb 7.9, neutrifil 2.5 and wbc 3.8). Gabriella received platelett transfusion and blood transfusion on an all day (9:20am-10:00pm)excursion at the luxurious Royal Oak Beaumont (ha ha). Gigi got to spend all Wednesday with Aunt DeeDee (thanks Aunt DeeDee-what an eventful day). We are due back Friday, Sept. 4 for another count and dressing change. (we hope for big numbers)! Gabriella Hope Gallegos is a true gift from the Lord! We are so very thankful for her strength and joy and all of your encouragement and prayers! (By the way Steve wrote on Saturday August 9th!!)

Some thoughts:

There hasn't been a lot to update medically since the cat scan. We are waiting to hear back from U of M to see if the stem cells were clean. The 4th round of chemo is set to start on Sept. 11th (72 hour drip). We continue to monitor her vaxcel site for infection. She is so careful to not pull on the tubes and even helps when we clean them. She is getting to be such a big girl. THe hardest part lately has been the neupogen shots. She had quite the meltdown yesterday when I tried to give her the shot. I had to wait until Steve got home. She was just not going to be still for me to do the shot.

Speaking of yesterday.... what a day. Are you familiar with the book "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" by Judith Viorst. If you are part of the Mom's group at AHCC you may remember Heather Gross reading it to us at the start of her message. It is hilarious. Well, my day was just that. It started with trying to leave Gabriella with Aunt Dee Dee while Isaiah and I went to my Uncle Frank Zottolo's funeral(please pray for my Aunt Bernie as she begins the greiving process). I really wanted to take Gabriella, but her counts just weren't high enough. I didn't want to risk her catching something. I pulled out of our garage and smashed into Aunt DeeDee's car. Boy, did this teach me to use my rearview mirror. I couldn't just leave so I went back inside to tell her. She handled it wonderfully (maybe she was in shock). When I tried to leave, Gigi had a meltdown. She flopped herself at the door crying out for mama. (10 minutes and then she was fine). Many of you know how it feels to leave your baby crying. Well the day continued with trying to find the funeral home. I didn't get the name or what street it was on- just the cross streets (9 mile & Kelly) I found it just in time. We went from the funeral to the cemetery to the luncheon. (It was great to see family we hardly get to see). Then it was time to leave. I got loss on the way home, finally found my way by asking a lady at the gas station (I think on Martin and something). Once I got home I began to make dinner. I put Isaiah on the floor with one of his favorite toys. About ten minutes later I went to change him and I saw on his face an allergic reaction to some unkown substance. He got hives around his mouth and a couple by his eye. I called the after-hours nurse and found out I could give him Benadryl. He fell asleep for about 30 minutes and woke up with NO HIVES!!!! I tired the shot thing with Gabriella she screamed, cried, wet her pants and almost fell down the stairs in her fit. Once everything was calm she was carrying her bowl of cut up watermelon and banged her head on the corner of our counter-top... instant bump... The day finally ended on an up note. Steve brought home some gifts from church. We were given some pasta with home-made spaghetti sauce straight from Italy (thank-you Doris Scorzelli) and a huge gift basket from Dave & Maryann Sopko. (thanks so much). In this basket was everything you could imagine- including some delicious cookies and much needed kitchen towels. Gigi even got some new Dora PJ's!

The book ends with Alexander's mom telling him some days are just like this. My mom said tomorrow is a brand new day! We ended our night together, safe and sound, eating cookies and milk!

God is our refuge! He will accomplish all that concerns us! Trust Him and surrender your everything. Days like yesterday happen. It's just distractions from the big picture. Fix your eyes upon Jesus and all of these things will grow strangely dim in the light of His mercy and grace!!! We love you!!

Steve, Angie, Gabriella & Isaiah xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:04 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Quick version:
Home from hospital, today. Stay was OK for Gabriella, long for mom. Gabriella got sick twice. Cat Scan finally happened today- preliminary results show each tumor considerably shrank. Tumor above kidney in adrenal gland went from 40mm in diameter to 9mm by 18mm. Tumor in top part of chest went from 22mm to 9mm. Tumor behind left eye also quite smaller (no measurements given before or after). Next appointment on Thursday. Doctor sounded very pleased at results. Steve was very thankful for the report. All of us VERY happy to be home as a family!!!!! God is big!

Some thoughts:
A lot has happened since last Thursday morning. The short version is God is God! He has His plan- and it is big! Neuroblastoma is too big of a monster to fight with just medicine and man's wisdom (or a mama bear's protective presence). Nothing I can do will rid Gabriella of these tumors. I have to simply trust God! It sounds easy- pray! It just sounds too easy. But God changes me as I come close to Him. My focus must be Jesus - and not "how soon we can leave the hospital" or "what nurse Gigi is going to get" or even "the tumors". I can not come up with the formula to complete physical healing. All I can do is believe on the Word of God. Daniel did not get to supernaturally jump away from the lions. But I can promise you he was not alone when he faced them. He must have walked away from the situation confident in the Lord, stronger in his faith and at peace with whatever came his way. To be kept safe and sound when hungry, roaring lions surrounded you all night... could you imagine?

Last night I wanted desperately to be at home. We only stayed because Gigi's Cat Scan was delayed- or so I thought. This one last night in the hospital allowed Gigi and I to experience a little six year old boys first night of chemo. He was our roommate. Please pray for Dimetri (sp?) and his family. He has a very rare cancer and must go through at least a year of chemo. I was so thankful to quietly pray for Demo and his mom and dad as they struggled through the night. They watched their baby vomitting from a medicine that is supposed to help him get better.???????? Earlier in the day she mentioned the bible verses on our wall and before we left I put one special verse on top of her suitcase. (paraphrase because I do not have my Bible in front of me. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own uderstanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight...Do not be wise in your own eyes, but Fear the Lord... this will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones). She was there for me and I was there to pray. I was also there to see the genuine concern on my Gigi's face as the little boy was vomitting. She said "boy getting sick, momma?" "boy's momma gonna wash him all clean?" Her little face showed she understood all too well what he was going through. Last night was significant for me and I pray the Lord will help me understand and better put it into words.

I can now write I am thankful for the results of the scan. Honestly at first, and for most of this day,I was disappointed. I wanted them entirely gone... I wanted Gabriella's little body to be tumor-free and for the doctor's to be surprised. A win/win situation, Gigi is that much closer at being entirely healed and God gets the glory for it. But I see now my formula is not God's. It's not time yet- in His perfect time we will ALL come out of this fire refined as gold. Forever changed, molded more closely to the likeness of Jesus!

I could share so much more.... for now this is enough. Thank you all so much for remembering to pray and believe God for a miracle.

We love you- Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxoxo

(ps- I am sure you figured this out already, but I am usually the author of these updates (Angie) except for one time. Can you figure out which one Steve wrote?)

Saturday, August 23, 2003 2:34 AM CDT

WOW! I just read another little girl's story through her webpage. The beautiful little girl's name was Gabrielle. I haven't finished reading- but I have to stop! It is 3:30am and I have to get to the hospital very early tomorrow. Steve is distributing the 300 backpacks at Baldwin Park and he has to be at the church early. (thank you Mary Imbrunone for all the behind the scenes work you did to make this happen and to everyone else who has helped).

Gabriella is thankfully doing great. She wouldn't let me leave and so I had to hang out until she fell asleep. I am so thankful for Steve and how we are able to tag-team the nights. Tonight is number two of 4 nights of chemo. We decided to keep her on decadron every 8 hours to reduce and eliminate nausea and vomitting. It seems to really be working. She hasn't been sick once! The CAT Scan has been ordered but is not scheduled yet. We are assured it will happen before we leave from this 5 day stay. We are looking forward to the results. This Chemo #3 has a lot of flushing involved. Each of the days have about 9 hours of chemo and the rest flushing. (very different from the 72 hour continuous drip in chemo 1,2,4 & 6). Chemo 3 & 5 are the same.

Please pray for us to draw closer to God than ever before and for His Word to be spoken and read constantly in our home AND at the hospital. It cuts sharper than a two-edged sword ... dividing bone and marrow. We trust soley in our Lord to heal Gabriella's body! We thank Him for the PEACE of God that passes our understanding and for the hope that is found in Christ alone!
-quick recovery from low counts
-infection-free body
-chemo to destroy cancer cells ONLY
-strength and energy and laughter to continue
-for all of us to enjoy each day as a true gift from God

We love you and again appreciate all your prayers. There is so much I want to write, but I really do need to go to bed! Our hope is in Christ alone!!!!!

Love, Steve, Angie, Gigi and "Zayah" (affectionately named by Gabriella) xoxoxoxoxo

Tuesday, August 19, 2003 6:55 AM CDT

Greetings, (today there will be new pictures!)

Hi Everyone! This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Pastor Cal mentioned this in one of his messages "Miriam praised the Lord AFTER the Isaraelites crossed the Red Sea on dry land. If you ask me she praised Him on the wrong side of the Sea." We need a song in our heart and praise on our lips BEFORE we see the hand of God move. We need to praise Him simply because He is God and is worthy of our praise! We trust Him because He is our Father! He is holding us close and will NEVER let us go as we are surrendering our all to HIM!

We have had quite an adventure through Blackout 2003 and the days following. Grandfather Gallegos said it the best when he said "During the Blackout when we were all hanging out and Gabriella was dancing to THe Bear Neccessities and Winnie the Pooh, Chemo and Cancer was the farthest thing from our minds!" How true that statement is- Gabriella is so full of life!

Gabriella spent Thursday playing with her friend Hannah. She had so much fun! The Blackout was spent with Grandfather, Ti-Ti and Boo-Boo over her house playing. She loves sharing time with them. On Saturday she went to Yamma and Papa Berckley's and got to swing on her favorite swing and go on Papa's boat for a ride. Isaiah went swimming for the first time. At first he did not like the cold feel of the water, but soon got used to it and enjoyed this first experience. Gabriella had fun with Grandma splashing us with their feet.(she could not swim because of the vaxcel and thankfully did not even ask.) On Sunday morning we ALL went to church and Sunday evening we were at Bald mountain Park for our yearly outside baptism. THis time was all so special!!! The best part was having Gabriella so strong and seeing all of our family and friends!

Yesterday, Gabriella had her first office visit since the vaxcel was put in and everything looked great. Her counts are good, and we are set to report for Chemo #3 this Thursday August 21st. (on schedule). This round is three new medications with a different set of possible side effects. It will be five days in the hospital with an 18 hour flush. Please pray for no side effects and for Gabriella to bounce back quickly from her low counts experienced from the chemo. (We have noticed what hits her hard after chemo is the mouth sores and low counts.)

After the office visit our friends Kevin and Susan Bates kindly came over to babysit and Gabriella got to play with her friend Collin. Steve and I went out for a delicious dinner at Montana's (you have to try Charlie's fried cheescake with caramel sauce). It is so wonderful having Gabriella able to play and visit with her friends and family.

On Thursday Gigi will also be having a Cat Scan. This is the first scan since diagnosis. We are wanting it to show the three tumors shrank and completely gone! Well that's all for now... we love you dearly! Thank you so much for your prayers - they are making the difference.

Steve, Angie, Gabriella, & Isaiah xoxoxoxo

Thursday, August 14, 2003 6:26 AM CDT

Good Morning!

Gabriella received her vaxcel yesterday at 8:15 am in Mott Children's Hospital at U of M. It was put in on the opposite side of where her broviac was with a much smaller incision. They even tunneled the tubing to come out near her original scar. THank you Lord for a smooth surgery and for guiding the doctors hands!!

By 11:00 am the big machine that harvests stem cells was rolled into Gabriella's room. I kept referring to the cells as T cells but I misunderstood. The stem cell is what is needed for the bone marrow transplant. The T cell is some different part entirely. An x-ray was taken to confirm the vaxcel was placed in the right spot. Then the machine was hooked up to the two lumen (tubes) vaxcell hanging out of Gabriella's chest. One was taking blood out of her body and the other was returning it back. Before it was returned the blood was spun inside the machine. Every part of your blood weighs differently, so as it was spinning it was separating in to layers. THe layer where her stem cells are most likely traveling through is extracted through a tube and the rest of the blood is returned to Gigi's body. Very Fascinating!!! For three hours the machine was working on this process and slowly the bag of stem cells, that will eventually bring life to Gabriella's body, was accumulating. Now it was wait time!

A tiny sample of the stem cells was taken to the lab and counted. We needed 2 million but they really wanted 5 million. If they did not get the minimum, we would have to stay and repeat the process the next day until they got what was needed. When the count was complete our nurse came in with the sweetest sounding words- "You are going to love me... they got enough and you can go home!" Instantly tears came to my eyes. THank you Jesus!!!

Before we were actually discharged the doctor came to tell us they didn't get 2 million, or even 5 million, but 28 million stem cells. They were able to divide into 3 parts to store in liquid nitrogen. (God gives abundantly, more than we can ask, think or imagine!)

Please pray all 28 million are clean and free from neuroblastoma. Also pray Gabriella's vaxcel remains in the entire time it is needed (free from infection)!!!!

Thank you! We love you more than we can express and appreciate your prayers. They are being heard by our loving and compassionate God! He adores GABRIELLA and He adores YOU!!!

The Gallegos Family
Steve, Angie, Gabriella & Isaiah

Tuesday, August 12, 2003 10:00 PM CDT


We were back from the hospital in 30 hours-thank you Lord!(once we got to the hospital absolutely no infection and no fever!!!!) They had to wait 24 hours for the urine specimen to be free from bacteria...and it was.

Gabriella got to spend some special time with her Yamma Gallegos, Uncle Michael and Auntie She-Sha (Melissa) this weekend. They came to visit from out-of-state. She also shared some time with Papa Gallegos, Boo-Boo & Ti-Ti. Gabriella loved all this extra time with her family! She even got to ride her battery operated 4-wheeler (thank you Smither's) after her daddy gave it some TLC, it looks brand new. (check out pictures from this weekend.)

Yesterday was a very long day at the hospital. After her counts were taken in the office we found out her platelets were very low. She needed a transfusion...everything took about 11 hours!!!!

Today her counts were fabulous and Gabriella got to go to the Zoo with She-Sha. She really liked the birds, zebras, giraffes and hippos. It was Isaiah's first time at the Zoo and he enjoyed it (when he wasn't sleeeping).

Tomorrow (Aug 13) is a big day. We are scheduled to report to U of M Hospital at 6:30am for GiGi's vaxcel operation at 7:30am. By early afternoon, she should be hooked up to the machine that will harvest her T-cells which will be stored for her bone marrow transplant later.

We can't thank you enough for the awesome support system our family has at this time of need. We are thankful for som many tangible things (beautiful cards, generous gifts, yummy meals, special visits, thoughtful phone calls, lawn mowing, house cleaning, great insurance, good doctors and nurses), but we are most thankful for YOU and your prayer support that is surrounds us. All good gifts come from the Lord and all our highest appreciation and thanks go to Jesus-who knows what we need before we even ask!
We love you!!!
Steve, Angie, Gabriella & Isaiah xoxoxo

Saturday, August 9, 2003 2:27 PM CDT

This morning at 3am, Steve had to take GiGi back to the hospital because she was running a temperature. This is a serious thing when her white blood counts are low, as they usually are after chemo. Her temp. went back to normal around 4am. Praise God! We are still waiting for the urine culture test results. They should be in on Sunday sometime. If it is negative and her temp. stays normal, she should come home Sunday 8/10. Fortunately Steve's mom, sister and brother are in town for the weekend so they are helping out with whatever we need. God always provides. Well, that's all for now. We will give you an update as soon as we hear anything new. Love, Steve & Angie P.S. We really appreciate all of your kind words of encouragement written in our guest book

Thursday, August 7, 2003

Greetings to You!

Steve and I worked on a brand new web page last night. From now on anytime you would like the latest and greatest of Gabriella's situation all you need to do is log onto www.caringbridge.org/mi/gabriella (thank you Tracy Cromwell and Elizabeth Brand). On this page you will have an opportunity to sign her guest book, view a few pictures and read a current journal entry as well as all past entries. We would love to hear from you. Especially if you haven't responded to let us know your are praying. We love hearing about all the people our updates have been forwarded too. I was shocked and so blessed to hear the wonderful people who printed her picture out to have a visual when praying. You all are the best friends and family we could ever have!!!
Gabriella is truly our little girl- we are so enjoying every moment with her. With the exception of her hair being gone she looks and acts like our little girl again. Today she so sweetly sang (unprovoked) "Yes, Jesus loves me.... Yes, Jesus loves me....Yes, Jesus loves me... the BIBLE tells me so". How beautiful that song was coming from the mouth and heart of our little babe. She has also mastered counting to ten in Spanish! We don't pretend to think the hardest part of this battle is behind her-( we know we have to hit this monster with everything medical science has to offer and then triple slam it with EVERYTHING THE WORD OF GOD HAS TO SAY), but we do know God is on our side and the enemy is defeated and Gabriella is healed in the mighty Name of Jesus!!! Keep praying with the measure of faith God has given you, with your whole heart, trusting God, and knowing He is listening intently to the apple of His eye- YOU!

A couple days ago we went to U of M for info on the harvesting of Gabriella's bone marrow. From this meeting we found out Gabriella is to be at U of M next Wednesday August 13th at 6:30 am. On this day she is scheduled for a 7:30am surgery to put in a Vexcell (sp?). This Vexcell is an updated broviac that is hardier to withstand the bone marrow harvesting process. By early afternoon she should be hooked up to a machine through the Vexcell. This machine will take her blood in and out 6 times over a four hour time frame. They hope to gather all t-cells needed to transplant and have some for backup. It is a fascinating process because there is a narrow window of opportunity to gather these cells from the peripheral blood. If they wait too long, her counts go up and all the cells have found their home back in the bone. If they do it too soon there are not enough of the cells-period. So they said it is not an exact science but they are pretty good at figuring out the best day to harvest. With Gabriella's second chemo behind us and the third approaching in a couple of weeks this is the best time for her. If for some reason they do not gather enough on Wednesday we may have to stay Thursday and do the same.

The bone marrow transplant itself will not take place until late November or December. We also found out she is actually getting 7 chemo's total- the last one is right before the transplant and it is hard and long . We will share more info later about this whole process. We are waiting and praying for her counts to go up and for all infection to stay away. Please also pray for the Vexcell implant and the harvesting to go smoothly next Wednesday. WE love you! Please check out her new web page!!!!

Replace "you" with Gabriella and then replace "you" with your name- We serve an Awesome God!!!
"For I know the plans I have for you , declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future, you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart I will be found by you!" Jer 29:11&12

Love, Steve & Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxoxoxo

Tuesday, August 5, 2003

Hello & Greetings to the best family and friends around!

Thank you for your prayers- Thank you Jesus for your healing touch upon Gabriella!

Round 2 Chemo went smoothly. The pic line was put in last Thursday at noon, Chemo started Thursday @ 7:30pm, Friday morning was really rough on Gigi Girl (and Mommy)- she got sick 4 times all in a row, the rest of the time went VERY well,Chemo ended 10:00pm on Sunday, the pic line was taken out Sunday @ 11:45pm and we were discharged and home sleeping in our own bed by 1:00 am. It was so wonderful waking up at home as a family under one roof!!!!!!!!

I wish you could see her RUNNING, laughing, smiling, bending over to pick up her toys and books, pain free, sleeping through the night, eating, being silly and giving "BIG HUGS". Gabriella has truly been touched by our HEALER, our GREAT PHYSICIAN, our LORD!!!Just a month ago she was not able to do any of the above- Thank you Lord- only YOU!!! only YOU!!!!!!

Today we are off to U of M for a 2 hour consultation on harvesting and transplanting of the bone marrow. We will know so much more this evening on the projected timing of everything. We love you soooooo much and covet your prayers for a COMPLETE HEALING of Gabriella's body from Neuroblastoma and the side effects of Chemotherapy on her little body. Also pray diligently for it NEVER to come back! A friend of ours who walked through a similar experience encouraged us to pray for the disease of Cancer to leave Gabriella's body and go to the feet of Jesus- and then go where HE commands you to go AND NEVER COME BACK!!!!!!!! Another person encouraged us to do the same with the spirit of Cancer.

We continue to trust the Lord in this situation. We do not have any answers- but we know intimately the ONE who does! HE loves Gigi Girl even more than you do and even more than we do!!! What the enemy meant for evil God will change for GOOD!!!! What is impossible for man is possible for God! We commit our lives into your hands and trust that you are in control and we are not!!!! Thank you for being our strength and the ROCK on which we stand!!! We love you Jesus!!!! We trust not in man's wisdom, but in God's power!!! (it may sound like a bunch of great cliches but it is TRUTH).

Jesus came so we may have life and have it abundantly!!!( I believe it is "life" of our spirit eternally in heaven when we confess our sins and accept Jesus in our heart as Lord and Savior, but also our physical body here on earth) We can ask God for anything- He is our Father. Here is a paraphrase from one of the gospels- If our child asks for some bread, who would give him a stone? and how much more does our Father in heaven desire to give good gifts to His children!!! We trust Him no matter what!

Well off to get ready and pick up Steve from work and then U of M. Please pray- WE LOVE YOU!

Love, Steve, Angie, Gabriella and Isaiah xoxoxo

PS- We found out last week that Gabriella is going to have a brand new baby GIRL cousin. My sister MElissa H. is due at the end of December!!!!! Thank you Lord!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Hi Everyone,

We are home! We were discharged Monday evening. Gabriella is able to take an oral anitbiotic that works the same as the IV antibiotic. Thank you Jesus! The second and last nose swab showed absolutely no infection!!!! Again, another lesson in getting strength and grace for THIS day. I was peeking into next week and feeling overwhelmed with the thought of 8 more hospital days. I didn't even have to let my mind go there. Just worry about today, tomorrow has enough worries of it's own. We are due back at the hospital tomorrow morning at 8:30 am for her blood counts to be tested and her scheduled chemotherapy #2 to take place. Please pray that the two lumen pic line will be put in successfully and there would be no leaking of the IV and also for Gabriella's little body to take the Chemo successfully with little to no side effects. We are also looking for clean bone marrow (remission) after this chemo. Of course it would be great for all the cancer to be declared in remission, but especially the bone marrow because on August 13th Gigi is tentatively going to U of M to get her bone marrow harvested. It will be frozen and reintorduced after all the chemo.

Ok- so that's the latest. God is so good! We have gotten these past three nights at home and we are so thankful. He knows what we need before we even ask. We love you all and appreciate your prayers!!

Saturday, July 26, 2003


We are all waiting for the antibiotics to run their course. Every blood test is turning up negative for the staff infection- including a nasal swab test (which is the last place the infection will leave). Praise God! Tomorrow Sunday, July 27th will mark 8 days down and 8 days to go. All Gabriella's counts are going up and her immune system is up and running. She has 12,000 white blood cells and 6,500 neutrophils, (both on the higher end of normal- Thank you Jesus). Please pray her hemoglobin 10.1 and platelets 58 will continue to go up to normal levels. She feels good and is enjoying all her new gifts.

Her Yamma Berckley gave her a pair of NEMO shoes that light up when she walks- she loves stomping around the room! Her buddy Collin Bates brought Gabriella her very first water colors set- she painted for quite a long time today! So far her favorite hat is the pink Hello Kitty one given to her by her friend Olivia Lee. "Dora the Explorer" seems to be an overall theme for Gabriella. Some of her favorite Dora gifts these past two weeks have been- some cool DORA slippers from her friend Hannah Sopko, a DORA sleeping bag & pillow case from her friends Hannah Sopko, Ben Waldecker, Ian & Kaela McLeod, a Dora movie from Mei Mei and Hepe Pilka, a Dora stuffed pillow from Hannah's Yamma and Papa and Dora coloring books and stickers from other friends and family. Gabriella's hospital room is sure starting to look cozy from the homemade cards sent by her friends. What a blessing!!!!!!!

Many of you ask what you can do to help- PRAY!!!!!!!! and then pray some more! We need you!
Thank you for being a special part of our lives- we love you!

Love, Steve and Angie xoxoxo

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Hi Everyone!
Well we are back in the hospital for 14 days for a very bad infection that showed up in Gabriella's central lines (broviac). It is a very stubborn kind so the 14 days are mandatory for the antibiotic to be administered through an IV. Her soft little tendrils began falling out on the 21st and last night Steve and I cut it really short. The beautiful thing that happened when we went to the mirror to see "her new haircut" was this amazing smile that lit up her face. What a blessing! Thanks for praying! We love you!

Love, Steve and Angie xoxoxo
PS- Isaiah is 4 months old today! He is adorable and such a chunk! His doctor's appointment is on Friday and I'm guessing he weighs in at 18 or 19 pounds. He is so womderful for Gabriella!

Friday, July 18, 2003

Hi Everyone,

Thank you again for all the love and support you are showing during this time!!! We appreciate you! How wonderful it is to have so many loved ones praying for our Gigi Girl's complete recovery. Some questions have come back from the first email I sent out so I will answer them here. It will probably help everyone understand a little bit better.

A big question is how is she doing now? Right now Gabriella is resting peacefully in our bed taking a nap. Yesterday was our first doctor's appointment to check the levels in her blood. We found out her counts are extremely low (which is expected during Chemotherapy) and we will have to limit her exposure to others until our appointment next Monday. No malls, grocery stores, etc. because she is very susceptible (sp?) to infection, her line of defense is just about non existent. We have to give her a shot of Neupogen for 10-14 days after Chemo to boost up her white blood count. So next week it should take affect and her counts should go up!!! Gabriella's first round of Chemo started 10:30 pm Thursday July 10th and finished 2:30am Monday July 14th. We were discharged and home by 4:00 pm that day. The chemo rounds are spaced out every three weeks. So her next chemo is tentatively set for July 31st. When I write her counts are low, I understand it to mean just about everything in her blood. Neutrifils, white blood count, platelets and hemoglobin are the big ones they check. Her hemoglobin was 10.6 (thank you Lord!) and she did not need a blood transfusion! The other parts were low so we are watching her closely for bruising, bleeding and sign of infection. This is where your specific prayers make the difference in our journey. Each day we get to be at home I am so excited. I thought for sure yesterday would be need for a transfusion. Gabriella would have to be admitted to the hospital and receive the transfusion through her broviac (also heard it called port or pic line or catheter). Thankfully we got to return home! Her broviac is affectionately referred to as Charlie at the doctor's office- we have not adopted that name just yet. This helps her not to be poked all the time and allows her to receive chemo and later a bone marrow transplant. Basically it is an open I.V. at the top part of her chest.

Another common question is how did you know something was wrong? Neuroblastoma is diagnosed in 2/3 of all patients in the 3rd and 4th stage. Gabriella is in stage 4. The signs began on June 5th. She woke up with a limp. On June 6th we had her 2 1/2 year check up so our pediatrician had us go and get an x-ray to be sure nothing was broken. He came back the same day and told us there were no breaks and more than likely it was ligaments. She also had a temp of 100.5 and it was probably just allergies. Well we were going to our chiropractor on Monday to see if he could see something wrong, but by Sunday her limp was gone. We decided not to go to the chiropractor. Later on the next week (June 12th or so) the limp returned slightly and with it came the start of sleepless nights. She began experiencing pain as she tossed and turned from side to side and I would watch her wince as she moved in her sleep. We decided to take her to the chiropractor. He felt her hip a little out of alignment and suggested getting some nutrition supplements at the whole foods store to help fight infection and help her body to heal. Her fever lingered so we took her back to the pediatrician on June 23rd. There was no obvious reason for the fever so he suggested we get some blood work done. He called on Thursday June 26 (our 4 year wedding anniversary) telling us Gabriella's hemoglobin was 8.3 which is anemic. He wanted us to come back in about a week or a week and a half to recheck her counts and see if it was accurate. We were scheduled to visit our family in Indiana. Steve's brother was visiting home from Florida and he had not seen Isaiah yet. So we left and returned home June 28th. The weekend was horrible. Gabriella was extremely crabby and unable to sleep soundly. I could not wait a week. I took her back into the pediatrician on Monday June 30th. He did not like the fever still lingering and the limp so pronounced. He asked us to go to the pediatric hematologist at Royal Oak Beaumont. He squeezed us in the next day (Tuesday July 1st) they found her hemoglobin 7.0 and admitted her to PICU for some bone marrow to be aspirated for testing. They found 50% of her bone marrow to be made up of these immature cells. They could not tell where it was coming from. Through a cat scan they found three tumors (above the left kidney, top part of chest and behind left eye) They could not officially confirm the diagnosis, but it appeared to be Neuroblastoma. More testing was needed- a bone scan was done and the cancer cells were found all throughout her bones concentrated in her pelvis, thigh and rib cage and cranium. This pointed to stage 4 Neuroblastoma, but still more testing was needed. Surgery was going to be needed to take a biopsy and hopefully the whole tumor above the kidney. It was Thursday July 3rd and nothing was going to happen over the holiday weekend so we were discharged and set to return on Monday July 7th. (I am thankful for that weekend.) Monday came and the surgery did not (which I was so relieved). The tumor was around two main arteries leading to her kidney and there was a good chance of kidney failure if they operated to remove the tumor. Gabriella did have surgery for her broviac to be installed. While they were in her neck and chest area they were able to get some of the tumor in her chest for testing purposes. This saved her from having a huge needle put through her back to reach the tumor above her kidney. With the biopsy they retrieved the diagnosis was confirmed. Neuroblastoma. The protocol (or steps for treatment) is 6 chemotherapy rounds, after round 2 going to U of M to get bone marrow/t-cells (still learning about this ) retrieved to be frozen in liquid nitrogen, a possible surgery after 5, bone marrow/t-cells to be reintroduced through a bone marrow transplant using her own bone marrow at U of M, a long time of healing and finally retinoic acid to go into her system to cause the straggler neuroblastoma cells to mature and become benign. With all of this treatment the doctors have medically given a 40% survival rate. We are believing her treatment will be cut short because of the radical disappearing of the cancer!!!

The above is all the very technical stuff! I know some of you have received way too much info. But if you are like me you want to know all there is to know. Our God is a big God! Nothing is too big for Him! Gabriella is in the palm of His hands and He has BIG plans for her life. She is a gift!

On the personal side we are so thankful for the change we see in Gabriella, she is smiling, playing and pain free. She is sleeping so much better and is even getting braver with her walking (she was carried all the time for the past 3-4 weeks because of the pain in her hips and leg). She adores her Daddy! Gabriella loves to play with Isaiah. He is such a blessing!!! Keep praying, keep trusting, keep hoping! We love you!

Love Steve and Angie xoxoxoxoxox

Saturday, July 12, 2003

Hello Everyone!

Most of you know, but I would like to give an update. First of all we love you very much and know the Lord is with us all. He NEVER leaves us nor forsakes us! Gabriella is loved by so many and it blesses us to be on the receiving end of so many blessings. Thank you so much for the calls, the visits, the cards, the food, the encouragement and most of all the time you have knelt before our Father in heaven interceding on behalf of Gabriella Hope.

Gabriella (Gigi) has been diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma. It is a form of cancer that has spread to many areas in her little body, a tumor has been found in the adrenal gland above the left kidney, at the top part of her chest and the back of her left eye. It has also been found in her bones and in her bone marrow. To learn more about it a friend sent me a great website http://www.andrew.sheard.ukgateway.net/ Gabriella began Chemotherapy 10:30pm July 10, 2003. She is receiving treatment at Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital. A bone marrow transplant is in the near future... hopefully in about 4 months. First the cancer has to get out of her bone marrow. So far she has received an operation to get a line put in directly to her heart. We were given instruction on how to care for this pic line and also how to give her a shot daily for 10-14 days after each Chemo treatment. Today she vomited twice. The doctors estimate discharge from the hospital on Monday the 14th or Tuesday the 15th depending on Gigi girl's blood counts and overall response to the Chemo. This has been quite an ordeal, but Steve and I have experienced faith Gigi will be healed, peace with the decision to start Chemo, hope that Gigi is in the palm of His hands and grace & strength for each day!!! Thank you Jesus!!!! Please pray specifically for: Salvation to come to entire family, a complete healing, eating good food to get strong to keep immunity up, shrinking of each tumor and total removal of cancer with Chemo, but preferably supernaturally. There are some more details to share but it is getting very late and I want to send this out so you can be updated to pray specifically for a miracle... Who's report will you believe?.... we shall believe the report of the Lord! His report says Gigi is healed, freed and full of the Victory!!!!! I love you all so much!!!!!
Love, Steve & Angie xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, August 6, 2003 10:19 PM CDT

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