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10/21/2010 7:04 PM CST

Still in our grief the family got together and thought on what we could do to make a difference. We each looked up to heaven and asked Michael for guidance and he was quick to answer. We have started a Charitable Foundation in his name to help do research and find cures for both Brain Injury and Seizure disorders. It's a cause we believe in and one we know would be dear to Michael's heart.

Donations may be made to The Michael T Goulet TBI & Epilepsy Foundation C/O of Biddeford & Saco Savings Bank.

We have recruited for Our board his loving family, and

Dr David Seder MD
Dr Peter Morrison MD
Dr Edward Bilsky PHD

10/19/2010 7:03 PM CST

The next few days were like walking in a dream. Visiting Hope Chapel, making the funeral arrangements, family calling and just trying to get through the days and nights.

Michael’s wake was October 18th and his funeral service at most Holy Trinity on October 19th. We got in contact with Fr. Jim Doherty our pastor and friend through Michael's years of faith formation and recovery somehow worked out the details of his final resting place and as a family hugged each other and cried and cried.

The services were very nice. It was amazing the outpouring and numbers of family, friends, co-workers, Michael's college and high school friends and the wonderful staff from St Joseph’s college. We can’t thank you enough for your outpouring of love and support. The days would have been unbearable without you.

10/14/2010 1500 PM EST

Sometime this afternoon the Doctors announced they were bringing Micheal down for an MRI. He had been weened from the meds keeping him in a coma the day before and attempts to wake him or get some sign of reaction were negative. Michael was brought back to the room and the Doctor called us together for a family meeting. We had spent days by his side, praying, visiting with the priest and hoping for his second miracle. Our hearts sank as then MRI image was displayed and explained to us. The damage was just to great, too long without oxygen and the damage extensive. We were devastated as we looked to each other for what to do. The whole family was there and unanimous with what Michael's wishes would be.

It was time to let him go and we all knew it. The doctors described the process and we all held vigil holding him and expressing our love through tears as the ventilator was removed and a morphine drip begun to ease any pain he may have felt and guide him to his final rest. Michael died 10/14/2010 shortly before midnight exactly 6 years to the day after his 2nd Grand Mal Seizure and hours before his sister Danielle gave birth to Mike’s nephew Luke. He had his family around him, devastated and lost hoping this was a dream.

10/6/2010 5:18 PM CST

I got a call this morning from Michael at 6:30 while on my way to work. Michael was excited and he wanted me to get him pictures he took on my phone of the previous evening’s ceremony. I informed him I didn't have my camera but would send them that evening once home from work. Mike was excited as he wanted to post them on his face book page.

The day was a busy work day, back to back meetings and as I was leaving one for another at 2PM I got a call from the Cumberland County Sheriff asking if I was the owner of Mike's car and informing me he was being transported to MMC by ambulance after an apparent seizure. I raced to the hospital thoughts running through my mind how angry he would be when he recovered, the repercussions with school, and a myriad of other things I’d experienced during and after the two previous seizures he had experienced.

I raced to the emergency room and waited anxiously for about 30 minutes before a Doctor finally let me into the room. The scene was high tension, central lines inserted, ventilator, spinal tap for preventative tests and heavy sedatives to keep him calm. He was still experiencing seizure activity but as the Morphine and Propofol took effect his spasms stopped. I held his hand and gently spoke to him through the process assuring him he was not alone and we would get through this temporary setback.

Mike was transferred to SCU and while he was being settled I started making Calls. His Mom and sister Candace were in Germany, Danielle at home and Tina at work. I couldn’t bring myself to call my mom waiting to learn more; praying and hoping to give positive news. I spent the night with him watching the monitors and frenzy working on him a déjà vu of his original accident all over again. He was in a deep coma, hopefully it was from the drugs, and the Doctors described the hypothermia process they would begin to chill his body to counteract the process that begins with lack of oxygen. The days get blurred here but the news never got much better, his organs and muscles were shedding proteins, his blood coagulant factor was gone and his blood pressure was all over the map. Soon I was joined by more family including his mother and sister Candace from Germany, his Grandparents and we began the second vigil for our dear son’s life.
Once when he had his accident in 2003 and again in 2010.

Hours turned into days, days into nights as we took turns by his side holding his hand, massaging his feet and whispering how much we loved him between tears and prayers.

10/5/2010 5:12 PM CST

Michael came to town tonight to share in his grandfathers award for being a Volunteer Fire Commissioner for 20+ years. Everyone joined in, Danielle, Richie, Luke, Nana, Tina, and myself. My dad received his award, acknowledged all his family and after the ceremony most of us left but Michael stayed with my dad, spoke about him to the Mayor, then drove back to school. He was so proud for his grandfather that night. They had developed a bond over the years transferring caregiver status from one to the other with Mike now the concerned adult. He alone could get Pep out of his chair for a walk and he often drove home from school or spent a weekend afternoon taking pep out to lunch and having long talks.

6/1/2010 4:56 PM EST

Dylan & Mike & Mike started out the year in a triple The experience started out great but as time went on his dream of them as the “Three Stooges” withered a little. Each as normal, went about their ways but unfortunately for Michael his “Aura’s” pre-seizure activity increased in frequency. He began keeping diary on diet; sleep habit’s and stress levels. The year progressed, courses got ever more challenging and the “aura’s” increased to as many as 26 per day.

Being 20 now he desired autonomy and confidentially in his medical care. Attempts to reach doctors when events happened were frustrating. He would call but have to leave messages on machines with return calls often a day later during a class. Second semester was our worst; courses most challenging, “Auras” more frequent; and Doctors with few new answers and frankly for Michael no help. I became very distressed as resignation set in that he felt this was a struggle he would maintain for life.

We researched new Doctors and Michael picked his own Neurologist. He was frustrated enough to let me participate once again and I joined him in his visits, as he delivered journals of his days activities and symptoms. We experimented with numerous medications each with side effects Michael insisted he would not endure and the last Topamax. I witnessed him hallucinating after the 2nd dose and the experience was very scary. It was a Saturday and numerous calls to his Neurology group got us little help or direction beyond don't take any more and call your Doctor Monday. This experience led to a sleep EKG study later in the summer a week which failed to deliver any measurable results. It seemed without stress; Physical or Mental his brain activity was normal. Michael even suggested a treadmill but the medical team vetoed that option.

The pre-test period involved a ween off of anti-seizure medications and post test Michael felt better then he ever remembered with improved mood and attitude. He had a fabulous summer taking up both fresh and saltwater fishing, digging clams for bait and enjoying just catch and release particularly at Mallison Hydro tailrace. Once this experience set in Michael discussed with me another option since the "aura's" continued with or without medication. We visited his Dr. in August I think and discussed some acute medication he could take as he felt symptoms coming on. Klonopin was chosen and when Michael finished up a great summer and went back to college for a test phase to see how it would work. He called me regularly and we saw each other at least once a week during the early school year. He re-established a great relationship with his mother and sisters and had a patience and calmness we had not seen since before his accident.

9/1/2008 8:33 PM CST

He was a dean’s list student in his freshman year, anxious to check in at the 1st available hour and to meet back up with his roommate Dylan. He had a great year enjoying every aspect of school; friends, classes, independent life, and the whole experience. He was sorry to see the year end and am home for the summer resuming his job at Saco Hannafords. The summer went reasonably well for Michael but he was regularly plagued with tremors, and seizure activity. He was looking forward to going back in the fall and anxious to try out a triple dorm room with his friends Dylan & Mike.

June, 8, 2008 6:49 PM CST

I'm trying to fill in some blanks because this is still an incredible story and though I wish I didn't know how it ended. I feel compelled to share as much as I can in between.

Michael Graduated high school today and did very well academically. He was mostly a dean's list student working incredibly hard to overcome short term memory difficulty, emotions torn and directed more by anti-seizure medication than he would let on but always his smile and charm let us know everything would be OK. He was required to do a civic internship and he chose mentoring students at Fairfield School. He enjoyed it so much he actually did 3 semesters instead of the one required. He had favorite teachers especially Karen Mackenzie with whom he did two terms. Favorite students but he clearly enjoyed everyone and from the cards, letters, and notes to Mr. Mike it was a rewarding experience for both Michael and the students.
He continued through high school the and traditions started such as bringing his beloved pug "Bubba" to nursing homes at holidays and especially Christmas when "Bubba" was forced to be Santa's Reindeer complete with saddle bags full of candy and choices. Mike bought regular chocolates, dietetic candy, and even those made without any nut products in case someone was allergic.
He attempted a few sports but feeling self conscious as his co-ordination and agility never quite became what it was pre-accident he lost interest quickly. He dated and found the first loves of his life and struggled through those relationships with ups and downs like every teen.
He had a deep desire to do well and worked very hard in a difficult college prep program. Not wanting to be different he mostly refused any special accommodations he was entitled to due his accident as the stigma of being different deeply bothered him. On October 14 of 2006 (his sophomore year) he suffered a Grande Mal seizure while at school and the impact was pretty profound. A hospital stay while his sister was in labor on another floor and more prophylactic seizure medication left him very depressed. Thornton Academy was absolutely wonderful to him especially after this incident. He took advantage of a great social worker, became ever closer to a wonderful guidance counselor Paul Mondor, and developed special relationships with teachers.
Michael continued to progress doing the normal things of a teen completing drivers Ed and obtaining his drivers license in 2006, his 1st job at the new Chili's in Biddeford, and subsequent jobs at Huot's Restaurant, and Hannaford’s in Saco. He was a dedicated employee, always mindful of his schedule and making his best attempts at performing all that was asked of him. Michael suffered a second Grande Mal seizure over the summer of his junior year while at home and this experience had an even more profound effect.
He became depressed that life would deal him so many setbacks and questioned if all the effort to improve his skills and abilities was worthwhile since he felt constantly pushed backwards. His medications were changed, doctor’s appointments became more frequent again and to our dismay he withdrew deeper into himself and more or less shut his family out. We struggled each of us; Linda his Mom, Daniele & Candace his sisters, myself and his Grandmother and Grandfather to get back inside to help. Eventually we realized there was nothing we could do to bring out his joy in life and became a support system to be drawn on rather than mentors.
When it became time to select colleges Michael both exerted his independence and the accepted the counsel of his guidance counselor and parents. He was active in making application, visiting colleges both in his junior and over the summer preceding his senior year. He narrowed the schools to 3; Thomas College, Farmington, and St Joseph's. I visited two with him and his mother visited two. Michael rather quickly selected Farmington after visiting with friends and just as he became certain Farmington was where he wanted to go I suggested he re-visit St Joseph's so he could be absolutely certain of his choice. Michael's faith was very profound and when he returned he announced he had changed his mind and wanted to attend St. Joseph's. I asked him about it and he told me after speaking with other students he went to the Chapel and contemplated his future. He found comfort in the chapel, the faith based education and the feeling the institution was based on fostering the whole person more than just an education. In reflection I can’t help but wonder if the community of the college and proximity to his family who loved him so dearly, and his girlfriend Sarah didn’t influence his choice.
We brought Michael to school in August of 2008 to begin his freshman year already declaring he would be a psychology major. He had completed a lifestyle survey and was paired with a Phys Ed/nutrition major and the fit was perfect from the start. He perked up his attitude, re-doubled his efforts on studies and worked to in involve himself in campus life. This was a struggle for him for though his girlfriend was home attending another college his heart was at St Joseph’s. Sarah and Mike broke up in his sophomore year not because there wasn’t a bond or someone else but because each of them had such a mutual respect they understood the need to allow them selves the freedom to grow in their environments unencumbered. They remained best friends and confidantes.
Throughout this period from graduating high school to college Michael was struggling. His medications were very likely affecting him and changes were very difficult. I became engaged to a wonderful loving woman with two sons. One older and ready to graduate college and one 3 years younger and we made our best attempts to create a parallel family. Today I am convinced Michael’s medications made this more difficult for him than it could have been since I later had the grace to experience his growth without the Depracote, Trieptal , and the other antiseizure meds he later took.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007 9:41 PM CDT

It's been some time since I've been here to Thank Everyone for their prayers, and hopes, and tears you've shared with us. Michael is now a soon to be senior in High School. He has been in a regular curriculum for 3 years, we've struggled and fought and worked very hard and tonight he received 5 awards for both academic and civic success and contributions. We attempted to become re-involved with sports with limited success but still thank God every day for each and every step in this long road. Physically there are no limitations but vanity has taken hold and we seem like an adult less willing to appear awkward.

No matter we are incredibly blessed, loved, and extremely thankful for your support, kindness, prayers, love and concern.

We're going to college, we've turned many corners, and pray we can somehoe repay the grace we've received.


Saturday, February 14, 2004 7:26 PM CST

Exactly one year ago today for what seems like an eternity our hearts stop beating, the world stopped turning, and everything began to seem like a dream. Words can't express how thankful I ma for the fortune God has given us. The tragedy and despair visited for so long to be lifted like a veil of darkness to reveal once again the btilliant sunshine.

We thank you all for your paryers and support. The caregivers with Angel's touch who so delicately brought Michael back to us. Their warmth in caring for him and all our family as we wwaited, breath held for just a brief glimmer of hope and promise.

To All of You Please accept our thanks, our love and our prayers for without you we could not have come this far.

Michael is doing extremely well, He's in school full time since just a couple weeks ago. He's been tubing, and briefly attempting snowboarding just in the past few days. We've come so far and realize we will progress more...

Thank You
All Our Love
The Goulets

Wednesday, May 7, 2003 3:33 AM CDT

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 5:33 AM CDT

Monday, May 5, 2003 5:40 PM CDT

Dear Friends and Family

As the page turns, the journey takes a new path, and we seek once again to unravel the mysteries of life; I'm convinced we have lived a miracle. A moment which began in tragedy tranformed into recognition of hope, divine intervention, and the realization of community beyond all imagination.

In todays world we are constantly surrounded by negatives, artificial measures of happiness, and false promises. Everywhere we turn bombards us with what's wrong, what we need, images of success, and fufillment.

This experience has been so profound, time which nevers stopped, ceased moving; what appeared important yesterday, no longer mattered. Focus once difficult to hold, became crystal clear, and the measure contracted to the basics from which it started.

We've experienced a miracle; built on prayer, compassion, friendship, and devotion. Hands which never touched reached out in support, voices never heard whispered comfort in the darkness. Love unbounded and unbridled reached into our hearts spreading warmth and hope from near and far. 41,000 times this site was visited, 41,000 thoughts in this venue alone. Could anyone fathom this kind of energy.

You've all become a part of our lives, felt our pain, shared our tears. Today we rejoice in Michael's recovery, the strength with which you supported us, and give great thanks for your prayers accompanying our own.

To Mike's care givers God bless your hands, our friends, family and supporters God bless your Hearts, our Guardian Angels God bless your presence.

To our son, brother, grandson Michael God bless you; for I'm convinced in the goodness of your heart and the strength of your will we've all been born anew.

Thank You

Sunday, May 4, 2003 4:47 PM CDT

Today is day 79 of Michael's recovery.
Yesterday on Saturday morning we took Michael home. He almost ran all the way down to the elevator. He was just a bit anxious and excited. When we had first arrived at Maine Medical Center we were told 3-4 months. I had set my sights for 9 months. And here we are after only 56 days in Portland. I feel like I have just received the grandest gift. Michael still tires easily and will continue on with his rehabilation at New England Rehab on a daily basis.
I have so many thanks to give. To all of you who have prayed for us daily. For my wonderful family who drove to Bangor so many times to just come and support us. To our wonderful friends who have worked so hard during all of the fund raisers. To Dr. Elizabeth Weiss whom I think of daily. Thank you for being there and providing the medical guidance to send Michael to Bangor. You saved his life.To the wonderful ambulance crew. Thank you for helping to stabilize him when he was so critical. To Dr. Weitman who operated on Michael we owe a debt of gratitude. We will visit you and show you a true miracle.
To Dr. Wood for working around the clock for so many days. You touched our hearts with your care and concern. To all the staff at EMMC. You have so affected us. We walked away with the most admiration for all of you as a medical team.
To all the hard working nurses and therapists at Maine Medical we give special thanks. Michael was a times very trying and we know that your patience was tested on many occasions. To all of the great doctors, and residents and medical students. You have all made such a difference in Michael's speedy recovery.
To all of you wonderful caring folks who have written in.What comfort you brought us. We would look forward to reading all of your entries. They were such an inspiration to us.
Lastly we thank Michael. Through all the pain and suffering and discomfort you have showed such courage. You were so brave and incredibly resilient. You have showed us that humor even at times warped humor can have such a healing potential. You have such a gift. We know that God has such big plans for you. And as every good book must have and end, I am sad to say that we will not have any more entries.
Michael has requested that we close this site. And so we have decided that Wednesday would be the last day. With sadness we all agree. It feels like we are loosing a friend. You can e-mail Michael at MichaelGoulet36@hotmail.com. It would be great to still hear from some of you.
We wish you all a great life.. Our's will be..and Michael's will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2003 1:08 PM CDT

Dear Family and Friends,
This story of courage, hope, and love that we have been writing....that you have been reading will soon be coming to an end. It is getting to that point that we all must go on with our with our lives. Michael will be home in the VERY near future...although we can't say yet for sure.
His personality is almost fully intact, and his sense of humor is purer than ever. Every time that any of his family members enter the room, the first thing he wants is a hug. As his older sister, I love the fact that Michael is a very affectionate thirteen year old boy, and that in this aspect he hasn't changed. I'm sure a day will come when kisses and hugs from his sisters will bother him greatly. For now he still let's us enjoy the affection that we so love.
When this story does end...know that it has only shut out the last chapters, so that michael can have a little more privacy than having this website which tells the world about his life :)... it was a great way to inform all of his loved ones about his condition, to give hope, and inspire some prayer to come when it was greatly needed...sometimes just observing the flower bloom though, and not giving your explanation on it; is the best way to truly appreciate the miracle of it.
We will write again when Michael is home, and tell you of the adjustment.... and for the caringbridge.org/me/michaelgoulet website addicts.... we will try to wean you off slowly...lol
Thank-you for your words of encouragement and love throughout this whole ordeal... from the tragedy to the miracle, to the present. Thank-you for the prayers that were heard and answered. Thank-you for caring enough to check this website one time, or a thousand times. You have all strengthened us in more ways than just one....and all of the wonderful things that you have done to help will never ever be forgotten. We are so very grateful, and I truly do not believe that we can reiterate this enough. Gods blessings to you all!!

Our Angel Prince

Days passed by enlessly, we were
drifting through a dream
We sat by your bedside praying
This couldn't be real it seemed

You awoke from your slumber, and blessed
us with your grace once again
Our faith has never been stronger,
As had been then

Prayers were answered for God
To spare you from your pain
But not to take you away yet,
To let you finish out your reign

Your time to live freely
Has only just begun
You have a large obstacle though
That first you'll overcome

Your strength will be tested
You will fight the battles
soldier, and then you'll be freed

Dream a thousand pleasent dreams
Reach for the highest stars
Our little angel prince
None could be as great as you are

All our love to all of you out there that helped in thought and prayer...and in any other way
Candace Goulet and all of the Goulet/LeBlanc family

Thursday, April 24, 2003 7:57 PM CDT

I apologize for the delay in updating this page. We have been extremely preoccupied with finding the right out patient rehab facility for Michael. And Michael had some reservations about everyone as he so put it reading about him. A very healthy 13 year old comment. We spoke today about the folks who have prayed and wondered and cared. When I told him the number of hits on this site he quickly gave me the OK. My plan is for him to edit and or write in the near future some of the entries.
As far as his progress is concerned, Michael is a true testament that miracles do happen. He is witty, funny, and full of the devil. And everyday his body gets stronger and stronger. He has no slurred speach like some of the other brain injury people. He now speaks a bit more slowly than before but truly that is the only change. As for appearances, only the right eye slighly droops. His left arm remains week and his left leg at times hurts.
Everyday he remembers more and more about yesterday. And once he is reminded about something that happened long ago he then remembers it well.
We realize that we have a road to yet travel. But when I think that what could have been, I feel truly blessed with what faces us as far as rehab goes.
His appetite I may add is up to par and he has gained back most of the weight that he had previously lost.
Michael has a statement to make about the best diet around. Michael's diet.. sure to work..You guessed it... HE calls it the SKI DO diet... They say that humor is the best medicine..even warped humor.
We thank you all for your continued support and we wish you all well.
The Goulets.

Sunday, April 20, 2003 11:04 AM CDT

What a beautiful day we have all been blessed with. The hospital chapel was glowing throughout mass. The Goulets are all in the gathering space of the hospital enjoying the easter dinner that Nana and Pepere prepared for us. Today as everyday we are giving thanks for all of god's miraculous works.
For our friends,and family and for all those special angels that have been watching over Michael helping him along this journey.
Much love to all of you, have a wonderful easter. We hope that you are all surrounded with the wonderful warmth of love on this special day.
"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad, this is the day that the lord has made."
From Brad, Linda, Ray, Jackie, Danielle, Candace, and our angel Mikey

Friday, April 18, 2003 10:28 PM CDT

Dear Family and Friends

Michael comtinues to improve with each passing day. The charming witty young man we all know and love consistantly peeping out from beneath the veil of his trauma. This afternoon we made our second venture beyond the confines of the hospital which for so long has been his home. The trip was quite successful, a ride in the car, dinner at Ruby Tuesday's, engaging with the waitstaff and integrating with the outside world.

He dined on one of his favorites Baby Back Ribs, devouring two racks and commenting on how much better they were when compared to the "Roadkill" hospital food. Candace joined us and when conversation evolved to boys, Michael indicated there would be none to fit his standard for his sister. Our waiter talked about his undergrad work at UNE and how soon he would enter a PostGrad program for PT/Rehab. Michael shared with him his infinate and recently acquired experience with therapy.

We were visited by Kathleen Bloomer this evening one of the group to accompany Michael on the fateful ride. Michael asked questions about the accident and Kathleen shared everything she recollected satisfying Michaels inquiry and filling in many blanks of my own. Listening to the events I couldn't help but reflect on the miracle of Dr Elizabeth Weiss's presence and her willingness to get involved. I cringe at the thought for where we'd be without her intervention. Her presence will always be felt, our gratitude unending, and her healing touch a part of our souls.

Recently we've taken up the task of visiting the local facilities available to continue Michael's rehabilitation. The options are limited and when dealing with such a significant component of Michael's recovery quite frightening. Planning for re-entry to the community, the logistics of the therapies, and reconnecting to the school system before us.

The task seems both scary and great but with the blessing of such a wonderful, loving family, I know in my heart if it can be done; we can do it. The support, love and hope from each and every one of you felt with every step.

On this Holy Weekend, Thank God for the health of our son, Thank him for the grace of this community, the healing hands which have held us so warmly, and never despair. As you walk the weary journey the footsteps you reflect on may not be yours but his carrying you through.

God Bless and Thank You
The Goulets

Thursday, April 17, 2003 8:21 PM CDT

Michael spends his days working very hard and diligently. Everyday he reaches new heights that amaze his therapists and caregivers. He and I walked down the hall the hall today and I had to tell him to slow down. I seriously could not keep up with him.
When not doing his therapies he is very busy catching up on his movie selection. I was very glad to hear today that he did not want to watch the tree stooges AGAIN!! We are instead watching action movies.
The most amazing part of this entire ordeal has been Michael's disposition. He has never complained or whined to go home. He knows that when the time is right and only if he works hard he will get to come home. From the looks of it that will not be too far in the future. Brad and I are looking at Day programs that will provide Michael with the rehab that fits his needs.
Tonight Michaels's French female relatives came by to pay a special visit. He had quite the time entertaining everyone and making fun of our FRINNISH ways as he calls it.
Hermanse told Michael tonight on her way out that God has a special plan for him. And whatever that plan is I am sure that it involves Michael recovering with an even greater zest for life.
We send special prayers tonight to man tante Anna who is recovering from surgery.
Wishing you all a great week...
The Goulets

Tuesday, April 15, 2003 6:47 PM CDT

Dear Family and Friends
We apologize for not updating more often but Michael now spends a normal day engaged and after hours we're sometimes asleep before him.

It's been 2 months exactly since Michael's accident. Saturday February 15 was the fateful day when our world seemed to crumble, hearts stopped, and tears flowed. The vision seems like yesterday; a phone call, bad news but little information, more calls the information increasingly dire, then the full impact. From that point on time apparently stood still, an endless vigil, a constant prayer.

Today Michael and his family ventured from the confines from the Hospital for the 1st time. It was a beautiful day, warm with the hint of summer, Easter the season of hope. He rode in his Mom's Miata to Fort Williams in Cape Elizabeth. We walked to the crest by the Fort and gazed out at the ocean. What an accomplishment. What we all take for granted in our everyday lives had just become something spectacular. It was only an hour, a seemingly insignificant sliver of time but to us a monumental event. He entertained us with his wit, amazed us with his strength, and I know I speak for all when say he lifted our hearts.

Michael remarked when told of the date how he'd slept 2 months of his 13th year away. A memory we hope will fade and be replaced with the joys of growing and experiencing all life has to offer. He asked Danielle what month it was and she told him March, then to Candace what day? She replied Monday. We all had quite a giggle that it is he who should have the memory problems. I do very much understand though because today may as well be February 16; since I just know time stopped the day before.

Michael is progressing incredibly well, for those of you wishing to visit, he is certainly ready. Timid he may be, a little insecure but I know he would welcome the company. I sense with each day a growing spirit within him to put his life back together and continue on. Someday we'll see him doing stand-up; remarking how he was in an accident and making fun of this whole experience.

You have all been incredible to Michael and all of us. We could feel your presence every step of the way, strengthened by your prayers, warmed by your generosity and love, and comforted by your compassion. Thank You so much, a community like this has a whole new meaning to each of us. Something alive and vibrant which is truly special and something to be proud of.

God Bless You
The Goulets

Tuesday, April 15, 2003 6:44 PM CDT

It was two months ago that Michael had his accident. At this time 2 months ago I was frantically trying to get out Boston to be with Michael.Not knowing what condition I would find him in . And today I sit with him and I listen to him and I watch him. What a marvelous turn around we have made.
All day long I have told my co-workers how incredibly well he is doing. He is such a miracle. And I will never doubt the power of prayer and the power of hope.
Yesterday I walked in his room and told him that I had been waiting two months for this special moment and told him that I had a wish.
He fullfilled my wish by wheeling me down the hall in his very special wheel chair. His eyes were so bright and he was pushing way too fast!!! A week ago I would have never imagined that he would be walking on his own.
Tonight we took him on a quick trip to Fort Williams. It was a bit chilly but we all enjoyed it the same. We were all there with him even Bubba.
Life is beginning to take on some sense of normalcy. It is such a relief to know that we will return to our lives with Michael.
I think that I enjoy him the most when he laughs at his own jokes. And of course his short term memory is pretty poor and so we laugh over and over again at the same jokes.
Thank you all for sharing in Michael's story.. our story of hope and prayer ..
I can't even tell you how conforting it has been to read all of your words of support throughout this entire time.
The girls were commenting tonight that it feels like a year and not like 2 months.
I close tonight by asking for prayers for ma tante Anna, Michael's great-aunt who is recovering from surgery in Montreal. She is a very compassionate 85 year old who adored Michael.
The Goulets..

Sunday, April 13, 2003 8:26 PM CDT

Dear Family & Friends

Capping off a truly wonderful and promising weekend please allow me to say Thank You and Praise God for the truly wonderful gift of our son, brother, grandson, and friend Michael. We had reached unprecedented levels of despair and today we rejoice in his progress, return, and healing. Each of you who've prayed with us, cried with us, hoped with us, given in generosity, and longed for this moment should give thanks. We couldn't have done it without you! You've warmed our hearts, and amazed us in your spirit, warmth, faith, and Love. None has been forgoten and we promise to try and touch each of you as you have touched us.

Michael has had a truly amazing week! Just Sunday last His Mom and I discussed how slow things were going and the lack of progress in therapy over the past 3 weeks. Despite our apparent optimism on this page we were quite desperate to see some progress in Michael's therapy and level of awareness. We were thankful for how far we'd come but just wanted our Michael back. Back in the sense he was himself as we know him; happy and eager to take each and every step all of us parents wish for our children. We recognized a point of stagnation and were mortified we had reached some pinacle.

Calls were made to the doctor's and it was clear everyone felt changes were necessary. Michael's medication was changed Tuesday morning and from that point on changes have been dramatic. Like a cloud lifted, a corner turned, a flower blossoming in spring. Michael became alert, alive, witty, and whole. Each day waking inquisitive, reflective, and his polite, sensitive self. Sure we have lots to work on and a dificult road to travel but for the first time he's with us there and eager to make that passage.

Today like yesterday was just great. Michael woke at 7:30 and asked where and what day it was. I informed him we were at Maine Medical in Portland and that today was Palm Sunday April 13. We talked about his accident then he remarked what's for breakfast I'm really hungry. This after a three steak fajita dinner the night before. I had the weekend call and told Michael I needed to go to work for a couple hours but would be back soon. He was comfortable knowing his breakfast of scrambled and bacon was on it's way. I was actually gone only an hour and arriving with 2 Boston Cremes from Dunkin Donuts I asked if he was hungry. Telling him I had his favorite donuts left him a little confused as he could not recall what type of donut those were. Game though he asked for one, devoured it then more slowly ate the second. Ever so polite he thanked me and gave me the biggest lift of the day telling me I was the Greatest dad in the world. Melt a heart this boy can and always could.

We chatted, he watching a movie (no matter we'd watched it the evening before), I reading the Sunday paper. His nurse came in shortly and informed me Michael had eaten all his breakfast of Scrambled, bacon, hashbrowns and toast. I looked at him dressed and sitting in a recliner and just glowed inside. Father Pat came in soon and on Michael's request gave him communion. Father told us services would be at noon in the Hospital Chapel which Michael and I had yet to find. Later I asked Michael if he felt up to joining me for Mass in the Chapel. He was eager, so off we went. Two guys in a big hospital asking directions as we went. Really it wasn't bad. Only 3 different elevators and 2 convoluted wards and halls to get there.

Michael and I were the first to arrive. Father Pat greeted us and Michael remarked that Patrick must be a common name for priests as we have a Pat at our church Most Holy in Saco. Father Pat knowing our priest thought that was quite a hoot, especially when Mike added do you have an Irish sense of humor. The priest said yes then the big question; "Do You Sing". We laughed about Irish priests and carrying a tune then let that one go. Clearly we were not winning friends on that discourse. The service was held sans music with Michael, myself, and three others in attendance. The chapel was overly quiet, Mike and I seemingly the only attendees knowing the responsorials.

When Communion was offered Father Pat attended personally the congregation and offered the sacrament to us. Michael not to question authority received again. He remarked later "Dad I thought we could only receive communion once in a day?" I answered from memory and said I thought so too! Michaels next remark was "Well maybe Father Pat needs therapy too as it's only been a few minutes and he gave me communion twice." This is definately the my Michael. Michael commented once on why I was crying in church. I gave him my honest answer that the last time I visited a Hospital Chapel it was in Bangor at EMMC and the memory just brought tears to my eyes.

We left the service and visited the cafeteria for a drink then out to the courtyard for some wonderful sunshine. I on a rock, him in his chair, not a care in the world. We enjoyed the time in the sun then made the trek back to his room. Another movie, more wonderful conversation then his sister Danielle arrived with Bubba. We all giggled how Bubba had pee'd in her truck, ripped her favorite sweater and was so petrified getting on the elevator he seemed much more than his 23 pounds. Michael and Bubba had a great visit. Bubba lying between Michael's legs on the bed once again at home with his buddy.

Michael participated in his therapy and my only thoughts were what a great day. He walked for his grandfather's birthday yesterday, what an accomplishment. Even he told me he couldn't just 5 days ago. Our afternoon was fun, joking with the weekend nurse who just happens to have the same last name as our dear neighbors the Caiazzo's. See the Med student on duty neglected to tell Michael's nurse we had left for services and a stroll in the courtyard. She was mortified thinking she'd lost her patient on the 1st day of her weekend call. The day joke was while you were in the lounge drinking beer we went for a walk. I hope she doesn't feel bad but lately we're desperate for someone to make fun of. Quite the sport she told us not to tell but the hospital only allows 2 beers on break but she was having fun and stayed for a 3rd.

Michael loved her, such fun someone willing to be the butt of a joke. Our afternoon revolved on where she was, in the hospital bar again!!

Tonight we were visited again by Christine and Danielle. Michael entertained us with his wit and humor all the more. Seems while he was asleep this 13 year old boy has ben experiencing all the normal changes of a boy his age only no one noticed. He's got favorite actresses like Katherine Zeta Jones and maybe more for than she can act! Later his cousins Sylvie, Bob, Sarah, and Stacey visited and he entertained each with his wit. This is soooo Michael; on a roll he is.

We're here, we've arrived, we've work to do and people to help. The road may be long, arduous, and rocky, but if you hold my hand, catch me when I stumble, I can finish the journey.
Michael there are more than you even know with hands outstreched, and arms open ready to guide you on this journey to the great things I know you are destined for.

Thank you All
I Love You

Sunday, April 13, 2003 9:37 PM CDT

Today was another wonderful day for Michael. I have been away for a few days and was so overjoyed at his talkative nature.
He walked for me tonight and I cannot even express with words how proud I am of him.
He was so excited to tell me about his dreams and all that he remembered of his past in his dreams. He spoke of his Pepere Leblanc's house and described with detail how the house looked.
Being away for a few days reaffirms how miraculous Michael's recovery is. I am in awe tonight as I share with you his progress. He has this contagious laugh that I cannot seem to get enough of.
I got to see Man of La Mancha over the weekend and thought of Michael throughout the entire play. We are more than dreaming the impossible dream here... we are living it..
I wish for you a week full of joy and laughter..
The Goulets l

Saturday, April 12, 2003 9:40 PM CDT

Dear Friends and Family,
Thank You All for Your Prayers, Hope, Love and Support; they mean the world to all of us.

Michael has had a truly wonderful day and in fact a fantastic week. He has been awake, alert, inquisitive, reflective, and humorous. We celebrated his grandfather's 77 birthday this afternoon in Michael's room. The cake was shared by all and Michael got quite a kick how Pepere has become such a celebrity with the female nurses. In discussing his Pepere with one nurse Mel, Michael remarked Pepere was 77 years old. Mel told him her grandfather was 97. "Well" Michael said "my grandfather was a Marine and he can talk about WWII". "Your's must be really cool as he must have been in the Civil War!"

He had a haircut today and looks quite dapper. Pretty amazing since the cutting happened with 7 of us in the room, while singing Happy Birthday and cracking jokes. The girls reminded him of when he was younger and used to spike the front of his hair using a bar of soap. Michael's sense of humor consistantly shines through. He told stories of days he used to spend with his late Pepere Leblanc. Even remembering how they would talk to each other Michael in broken french accented english, Pepere in broke accented french. They were quite the pair.

He's been working hard with all his therapists and each is amazed with his new attitude and progress. He has been reading more, writing, and tonight we walked the complete circle of the wing just holding hands. His appetite has been just great once we figured hospital food is no better than when I had my tonsils out 40 odd years ago. He dined on Steak Fajita's and Virgin Margarita's this evening after having a large piece of cake. Last nite was Chinese takeout.

This evening after dinner he took a shower by himself, chose the evening movie and nearly narrated the whole thing. Anecdotes about the similarities between himself and Jean Claude Van Damm throughout. We started a second movie but Michael was tired after a long day. We said our prayers (yes, he remembers them all) and he was right off to a peaceful sleep.

Each day I thank God for the gift of Michael's life, the progress we have made, and look forward to the next. Your Love, Support, and Prayers were a large part in helping me keep that faith.

Thank You So Much
The Goulets

Friday, April 11, 2003 4:42 AM CDT

Dear Family and Friends
Michael had a very good day yesterday and in review has had a very good week. The addition of new medication has worked wonders in helping establish the energy to wake up, participate, and motivate. He has bee out of his room every day this week for therapy and review of all the notes indicate much progress was made. In the team meeting with Michael's caregivers everyone felt we had turned a corner. Discussion was even begun about discharge planning, and visiting the facilities available. We understand there are 4 in the area and in time will be faced with the decision on which will be best for Michael.

Yesterday on that gorgeous day Michael dressed and went to the courtyard and walked on different surfaces, ie bricks, cement, grass, and asphalt. I understand he did very well. He continues to show improved strength in his hands, arms and legs. He spent most of the day awake, napping only briefly between therapy sessions. He initiated a telephone call to his grandfather's house and has begun talking life after this hospital stay and before.

Last night Michael was treated by the Delage's to a Shore Dinner. He had asked a couple nite's ago for Fried clams and neither Danielle or I could come up with someplace covenient to the hospital. Dennis & Janice remembered and brought him a huge dinner from Dan's Cafe in Biddeford loaded with Clams, Shrimp, and Scallops. In a word Michael "CHOWED DOWN". The remainder of the evening went quite well. We played a game of checkers and Michael was engaging and entertained to the end. We walked nearly the entire circle of the hall back to our room then settled in to watch a movie. Carl his uncle visited and the 3 of us laughed and laughed watching "Gone Fishing" with Joe Pesce
and Danny Glover. We made it through the movie which ended about 9:30 then called it a day.

Mike got to sleep easily and slept well. Adjustments in the dosages and timings of his medications seem to have helped. His conversations reflect sincere, rational thought, with appropriate emotion. We spoke for a long time while alone, in the earlier part of the evening about how we came to be here, where we're going, and the reflection of why me. It was a very emotional for both of us.

Thank You All So Much For Your Continued Prayers, Hope, Love and Support.

The Goulets

Wednesday, April 9, 2003 6:10 PM CDT

We apologize for missing yesterday's update. Michael was started on a new medication to keep him awake. It worked so well that he had his father up until 2 in the morning.Brad was kept very busy with Michael and so did not manage the time to update.
We marvel at the newly discovered Michael who is now performing for his therapists with a new enthusiasm. He has been staying awake most of the day. I knew that he would be back to himself when he asked me to play one this three stooges tape. And I too am becoming a three stooge fan. They can make Michael laugh.. They are pretty spectacular. Two months I have waited for that laugh. Three stooges here we go.
The Labbe's came by to visit tonight and had a truly wonderful visit. Michael was comical and full of wit as usual.
He read several of his books today and especially enjoyed his Dog Breed book. It is so exhilirating to witness him being interested.
We watched Rob the Drummer tape tonight and he was a bit overwhelmed by the dedication in his honor.
He and Danielle tried to lick their elbows.. Mr. Shaw will be happy to know that they could not do it. It was a sight to watch the two of them trying to prove Mr. Shaw wrong. Danielle came very close...
I watch with awe at the newly found OLD MICHAEL and find myself wondering if this will truly last. It is the most difficult feeling to express.. a fearful joy ...
I only pray that this is truly our new path to Michael's recovery and that progress is inevitable.
We meet with all of Michael's caregivers tomorrow and hope to find a happy medium where Michael is alert and awake for his sessions and yet manages a restful night.
Michael tells me often throughout the day to thank everyone for the cards and gifts and donations. Hopefully soon he will thank you himself.
Wishing all of you a wonderful day.
The Goulets l

Monday, April 7, 2003 6:30 PM CDT

Mondays are best seen as a clean slate, or a fresh start. After a long and frustrating weekend for Michael today was undeniably a fresh start. His nurses and therapists were extremely satisfied with the effort Michael exerted today in all of his activities. He gets very frustrated when he cannot perform many of the every day tasks that we all take for granted but he doesn't give up. His perserverance is an inspiration to us all. Upon arriving tonight we asked him what he had done during the day, he attempted to recall his activities and then questioned why he cannot remember things. I reassured him that this is one of the effects of brain injuries and then it lightened his spirits when his nurse helped him to remember 3 events of the day. Tonight he requested fried clams but after several attempts to fullfill his request he settled for chicken parmesean. Tiring easily he asked to get back into bed and rest. We bartered 20 minutes of rest for a stroll around the floor after.
Mikey continues to show us all his immeasurable strength and ability to overcome this struggle. We believe in our hearts that he has derived this strength from all of the positive thoughts, prayers, and energy you all are continuously sending his way.
God Bless you all and once again many thanks for your support.
Much Love- The Goulets

Sunday, April 6, 2003 8:19 AM CDT

Michael continues to make small increments of progress on a daily basis. Today he ate half of his breakfast by himself while sitting on the edge of his bed.
He is getting a bit temperamental about his situation and keeps asking us to pinch him so that he can decide if this is real or a dream. It can at times be so confusing for him.
This morning he asked to be left alone for a while. The nurse and I decided that these demands are very normal and natural. Especially for a 13 year old.
His friend Preston visited him yesterday with his parents Dennis and Janice. A wonderful visit from all concerned. I really think that the visits are good for him. He forgets for a while about himself and is able to joke and talk about wonderful past experiences.
Megan and Sylvie also came by and Megan who had not seen him in three weeks could not believe the change. Three weeks ago he was not talking. He is talking now and he can certainly say what is on his mind!!
He watched a dog show this morning with me and of course knew almost everything about each dog presented.
We wish you all well and of course thank you again for your maintained support.
The Goulets

Friday, April 4, 2003 9:48 PM EST

Dear Family & Friends

Michael had a pretty good evening. We went to the cafeteria tonight to get a bite and watched some "Wheel of Fortune" on the tube. Mike got quite a kick out of watching people in a game show. Actually he thought they looked pretty ridiculous and given some thought so did I. It's amazing how foolish game shows can look from a somber perspective.

We played a few minutes of Air Hockey and Foosball but it was difficult to break into Michaels mood. After attempts at games we settled in to watch a movie. Michael did perk up watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". We watched the whole movie holding hands and giggling at the ethnic humor. He particularly liked Tula's brother & cousin's pranking Ian with Greek lessons.

The evening passed quickly and now he's resting peacefully.

For All our wonderful friends, old and new, Thank You so much for everything you've done. Your thoughts, prayers, words and Deeds are truely appreciated.

With Love
The Goulets

Thursday, April 3, 2003 8:18 PM CST

Today is day 46 of Michael's recovery. It seems like an eternity at times yet when we think that we have been at MMC 4 weeks today, it really is amazing to see his progress.
We met today with all of his caregivers to discuss his progress and everyone present agreed that he is doing remarkably. This week especially, Michael has turned a corner. He is awake more of the time and has gained a healthier appetite.
His visit today with his two friends Coty and Ryan was a wonderful experience. They chatted and joked and Michael even entertained them with his warped humor.Mr. and Mrs. Lambert marveled at the change in him since their last visit.
Friends, I think are like a breath of fresh air. The visit sort of left us all energized.
Another visit from the French relatives Claudette and Sylvie had Michael commenting on our methods of conversing.
One sentence in French one in English.. He said that we speak Frinish. Half french and half english.. We all laughed with him. His gifted wit is still present. God I am so thankful for that.
He is tonight very very tired and is re-charging for tomorrow.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Mary Wiggin who worked so hard organizing the silent auction. She did a remarkable and amazing job. As well as Bill Zaferson and all of the parents. To all of Michael's classmates and fellow students. You are so AMAZING! Thank you for the the help you provided to Mrs. Wiggin.
Michael is so lucky to have all of you who care so much.
And we are eternally grateful.
The Goulets

Wednesday, April 2, 2003 8:56 PM CST

Dear Family and Friends

A Truly Special Day it Was. On arriving today I met a camera crew from WGME walking away from Michael's wing. I gave it very little thought until I heard one remark to the other, "Cool he can update his webpage from there". The reference was to a computor in the waiting area outside Michael's wing. A thought went through my head "could they have visited Michael?" Walking toward the room I met Michael's Mom and Sister Danielle all flushed and excited. How come you weren't here sooner they asked. We were just interviewed for TV. They were laughing and joking about the feeling of being interviewed.

Michael's grandfather was with him and similarly all abuzz with the thought of making the evening news on TV. Danielle Mike and I sat to watch, Michael not really believing he would see himself. A story began about a young man hurt. Danielle exclaimed "This is you Mike!" We sat with baited breath as the story began about a young soldier. Michael remarked with some choice words about Saddam Hussein. He was very alert and had quite the sense of humor.

Danielle stayed with Michael while I went to Saco Middle School for an auction on his behalf. The sight and feeling was quite overwhelming for all of us. The event was incredible. So much work, so many concerned friends and community members. Your generosity, hope, love and prayers are an incredible ray of brilliance for us in this difficult time. Truly I have no words to express our gratitude to everyone. The students and Michael's friends, teachers and staff, our friends and family, community leaders, neighbors. You are all so wonderful we really do appreciate each and every thought, word, and deed.

Returning to the hospital I spoke with Michael about the event. He was alert and quite taken that so many would make such considerable effort on his behalf. His remarks? "Pinch Me" Please Thank them for Me". He watched the remainder of the 3 Stooges Anniversary show then asked to shut off the TV. Together we said our prayers giving thanks for the gifts we've received in body and all of the wonderful people who've shared and cared so much.

As I close tonight thanking God for the wonderful progress Michael's made in his healing; I also want to thank him for the wonderful gift of You! The most incredible community family anyone could ever dream of.

God Bless You All
The Goulets

Wednesday, April 2, 2003 7:03 AM CST

Yesterday was April Fool's Day.
Michael took advantage of that and played a few pranks on his therapists. He told Melissa, his OT that she had something black on her nose. She walked over to the mirror and of course there was nothing there. Gotta love him.
He also loved the stories that his sisters told him about how they wrote all over their parents cars and decorated them with toilet paper as a prank for April Fool. Gotta love them too!!
His therapies went fairly well. He does get very mad at the physical therapists when they make him work harder.
A little anger management in the works maybe?????
Last night was the 75th anniversary special of the three stooges. He got to watch half of it and was giving his nurse Jeanne all of the details.
This morning I had to tell him all over again where he was and why he was not home. He does not remember the accident at all and needs to be reminded daily what is going on in his life. He promised that he would work hard and not call his therapists bad names.. hmmmmmmmmmmm..
Tonight at Middle School we will be attending the Silent Auction to benefit Michael.
So many thanks go out to all of you for this incredible outpouring of support.
As Michael says '"We'll never be able to Pay it forward".
thank you again and wishing all a good day
the goulets.

Monday , March 31,2003 9:30PM EST

Dear Family and Friends,

Michael was truly amazing tonight. His sister Danielle and I arrived at the hospital around 4PM to find Michael napping from his afternoon sessions. We woke him just to say hello and assumed he would sleep for a more than an hour. Shortly after we settled in he called us over and began asking questions about time and whether he was dreaming or if this was real.

We assured him he was not in a dream and discussed some of the time that's transpired and a little about his accident. I remembered a book he was looking for around christmas time and informed him that I'd found it and had it with me in the hospital. The book is a story written and illustrated by Daniellle about Michael as a small boy and his best friend a stuffed animal named horns. He asked to see the book and proceeded to read it aloud in it's entirity, (approx 20 pages) including the glowing forecast for the budding author. Mike laughed and joked about the predictions Danielle had written about herself in the forward.

Dinner arrived shortly Michael still sitting in a lounger proceeded to feed himself the entire meal displaying both a healthy appetite and good dexterity with the utensils. Once he was finished eating he indicated he was tied and would lika another nap in bed. This suprised neither Danielle or myself as we were thrilled to have him up for 45 minutes. Assuming hed would sleep I left to make a call and Danielle settled in to do some school work. Michael laid in bed and beckoned her over to talk some more. When I returned we all talked for another 20 minutes about home, school, and the progress he had made. Numerous times he asked to be pinched to verify he wasn't in a dream.

After chatting a while he closed his eyes for just a couple minutes indicating he needed rest. After just 4 or 5 minutes he opened his eyes again and started up our conversation where we left off. We talked more about home and his desire to get out of the hospital and back there and how he'd missed his school vacation. I mentioned all the wonderful cards his friends and classmates have sent and Michael asked to see them. I brought out a huge bag of cards and notes and he and I proceeded to go through them. Michael read about 30 of them aloud and told anecdotes about each sender he recognized. Seems the predominate them in his classmates cards were his sense of humor and multitude of jokes. He and I laughed quite a bit about this
deciding it was pretty nice being remembered for all the smiles we bring.

Michael then said he would like to try some Thai food which was brought for my dinner and again sat in his chair and fed himself. He ate egg rolls, sausage filled dumplings, curry, and rice. I asked what he'd like to dirnk and on my offer of soda he replied "What's That". I brought him some sprite and he immediately remembered the taste of carbonated beverage. When finised eating I had hoed to get a walk in but by this point he was really tired. He had been awake, alert, and engaging for 4 hours!

Michael slept very peacefully last nite and hopefully after I left for work he got up and spent a productive morning session in therapy at 8:30. It's amazing just when we expect little he gives us so much. Thank You Michael for a truly amazing, stupendous evening. Oh one more thing yesterday during a session with a therapist native to Australia, Michael asked her about "Echidna". She and her partner asked more than once what he was talking about and wondering what he had mispronounced. He told them about a small toothless ant-eater from australia and even gave the correct spelling. On completion they had to check the dictionary to learn about this species neither had ever heard of. Check it out "Echidna" Your Truly Amazing Michal.

Thank You All So Much for Your Prayers, Love, Generosity, and Hope

With Love
The Goulets

Monday, March 31, 2003 12:38 AM CST

Michael had a good weekend. Sunday's highlight was a visit from the infamous pug Bubba. The elevator ride up to the sixth floor made him very nervous. But after a quiet moment he was able to greet Michael with a big wet kiss.
I played a game of Planet Hollywood with Michael. He not only showed me how to play, but beat me unmercifully. Love it when the old Michael shines through.
He has learned to barter for favors from his therapists and is now the master barterer.
The biggest accomplishment that I have noticed this weekend is his initiation of conversation. His thought processes are changing. He now will ask why he is in the hospital and why he is not in school.
He woke me up last night to tell me that he had a dream that God had given him a pillow. He does seem to dream a lot and always thanks us for being a part of his dream. What a wonderful dream I say: to be surrounded by all these women who care and tend to your needs. He agrees..
He continues to work hard with speech therapy.. and stumped the girls today when asked to give 3 words that begin with the letter E. One of his words was erinacea.... any takers out there as to what this word means.
Nice try Mom but the word was echidna. It is a porcupine anteater from Australia. Michael informed us tonight that it was a long tongue like a lizard and is small like Bubba. Sorry Mr.Shaw but it wasn't echinacea, nice try though and better luck next time!
We wish you all well...
The Goulets.

Sunday, March 30, 2003 9:07 AM CST

Dear Family and Friends,
Last night Michael and I had an AMAZING NIGHT together. We went outside for the first time since his accident, and we called our grandparents, parents, and sister to tell them how windy it was outside. He seemed to really enjoy the fresh air for a change. After that he had a really thorough phone conversation with his sister, and brother-in-law. He answered everything Richard
(his brother-in-law) asked him, and he even told him he was in the hospital, bec he's really sick. He told Richard and Danielle that he was getting better, and he told them to have sweet dreams, and that he loved them. He was so alert, and responsive it just absolutely awed me.
After he got off the phone, he wanted his cards read to him, and he even read some of them himself. Before going to bed, he asked me of our late grandfather, most of you know him as pepe're leblance. He said "I really miss him" and I asked who, his answer was "Pepe're LeBlanc, but Pepe're Goulet makes up for it." I was so touched by the conversations that I had with Michael last night....he IS
getting BETTER!!
He asked again why he was in the hospital, and I told him. Although it confuses him as to why he's there, and most of the time he tries to convince himself that he's dreaming and will wake up in his own bed, he repeats all of our praises of his wonderful recovery so far. He needs to hear that he is getting better, and if he continues trying really hard he will be home in no time.
He thanked me over and over again for all of the wonderful things that have been done for him, so I'm thanking YOU, because Michael knows what has been done for him, and he is so grateful. The last thing said to me before he drifted off to sleep was "Thank-you Candace for visiting my dream, you and everyone else that has. Thank-you for loving me, and for caring about me." My reply was "No Michael thank-you for bringing the sunshine and happiness into my life." He replied "I bring the sunshine into your life, thank-you for telling me that." -our sweet boy is still the same sweet boy, and don't ever doubt that he will be back to normal some time soon-

if not for your grace I'd not be saved, if not for your grace i'd lose my way...I'm forever grateful that you have been faithful to me lord with your amazing GRACE

Friday, March 28, 2003 3:19 PM CST

Dear Family and friend,
We had the most amazing day today... Michael got visited by the Portland Pirates!!!! Matt Libby went earlier, and when I was there one of the players
(Mel) came and brought Mike an autographed picture, and a hockey stick that belonged to one of the other players nicknamed Boomer. Mike held the stick, and told us he was going to sleep with it;)
He sat up, shook Mel's hand and said thank-you. He also told Mel of how he spends most of his ice time in the penalty box for picking on the littler kids. Lol, he was in good spirits for most of the day. We talked of his friend Josh, and Mikey reminded us of how Josh owes him money....he's getting back on track all right!! We asked him why Josh owes him money, and they said bec Josh pays mike to keep him out of trouble :) That was so cute.
It was a wonderful thing for the hockey players to stop by today, they promised to play with Mikey when he's better, and that is a great motivator that we think he needs right now.
Thank-you to everyone who put time and energy into mikey's recovery, we will remember your kindness until the end of time
all our love,
the goulet's

Thursday, March 27, 2003 2:43 PM CST

Dear Family and friends,
I had a wonderful surprise when I got to the hospital today. Michael, pepe're and mike's PT's were going for a walk around the lobby. (Mike was in his chair). When we got up to the room, he was very tired and wanted to lay down. Pep wanted him to play cards, so I told mike to say, I'd win anyway, and he did. That only made pep want to challenge him more, so mike said "I wouldn't want embarass you pepe're." His nurse updated me, and he had a great dinner, breakfast, and lunch today so still NO FEEDING TUBE!! He's sleeping soundly right now, and I have to leave him, but nana's here. We got the most beautiful card from one of my cousins, and I wanted to share it with all of you, for not just mike but for you as well.

I prayed for you today. I sent you good thoughts, surrounded you ith hope and faith and love. I asked your guardian angels to protect you and keep you safe from any harm and to blanket you with joy and contentment and peace and prosperity. I asked that you be guided with the wisdom to make choices to enhance yoru life and the awareness to make changes that are in your best interest. I wished for you a storehouse of oppertunities, the ability to meet your goals, and the joy of your own approval and acceptance. I wished for you your heart's desire, every need met, every prayer answered, and every dream come true. I prayed for you today. I asked that you be prepared for whatever life hands you or whatever you're going through. I asked that your spirit be strong and lead you and guide you each step of the way down every path you take. I asked that the universe confirm for you that you're someone special. I asked the earth to be good to you, and I asked God to show you HIS PERFECT WAY. I prayed for you today.
Donna Fargo

God's blessings to all of you!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2003 2:05 PM CST

Good Afternoon Family and Friends,
Michael had the same routine he has had everyday, physical therapy and speech therapy twice a day. I walked in to his room today to see him sitting up in a chair, telling his therapists about a trip he wishes to take to Arizona. I've already started planning it :) He explained to them that the Grand Canyons are in Arizona. Then he told them of how Colorado isn't just Mountains, it also has grasslands. Michael is still our little history buff. He is now getting up with the aid of his nurses and going to the bathroom on his own!!! He's also been eating enough so the feeding tube is still out.
I left his room after reading him a book, with him sleeping soundly. He looked very handsome, very peaceful.

I just got a phone call telling us about the silent auction that is being held for him next wednesday, and would like to say again from the bottom of our hearts, THANK - YOU for all the time that you are putting in, for all the love that you have shared, and for all the thoughts and prayers. Michael (and all of us) are very lucky to have such truly amazing friends and family
Gods Blessings to you all,
The Goulet's

Tuesday, March 25, 2003 2:22 PM CST

Dear Family and Friends,
Michael is sure exhausted today, he isn't talking as much and seems to want to sleep all day long. He loves to sleep in anyways, but it takes much effort today for his nurses to get him to wake up. About an hour ago his PT's took him for a shower (he sits down, but uses a shower head) and she said that he did almost everything himself. Marisa, the PT he decided to fire yesterday (he really does like her alot), was very proud of him, and told him so. He gave her a double thumbs up before she left his room.
He isn't hungry for food today, but he drank a shake and juice. Yesterday he took in 2100 calories, which is exactly how much he needs, so that his caretakers here at ME MED don't put the feeding tube back in. He really disliked that. We did manage to keep him awake to watch some of that GREAT video that was made for him from the benefit dance. I have to say, that was such a great thing! Mikey gets to see what went on for him, and can thank all of you for this when he is better. That was very special... we all really enjoyed watching it.

God's Blessings to You All,
All our gratitude and thanks,
The Goulet's

P.S. he has been talking alot of his friends, and of bubba (just to let you know that he cares about you, and thinks of you too)

Monday, March 24, 2003 12:57 AM CST

Dear Friends and Family,
Michael was very humorous today. He ate well for his nurse Jeanne, but only because for some reason he didn't particularly like her today, and she promised to leave the room if he ate. (It's not unnormal in recoveries of this sort for the patient to be upset with some people for no reason).
I layed down next to him, and he was very pleasent with me. He showed me much brotherly love especially when he told me my breath smelled of barf and nicotine. LOL... I asked him if he was joking, and he said yes.
He walked all the way down the hall for his PT's as well, but not before firing one of them for making him do it. He told her first thing tomorrow morning he was going to report her. The physical therapists definately make Michael do work that he isn't in the mood to do,especially after having a full day of it. This is what is helping him to progress at such an amazing rate though. The chance for recovering patients like Michael to get back to their normal activities, is a much greater percentage with therapy. (Michael is getting the best).
He wants to help us to make thank-you cards when he is ready, so we are holding out a little bit. We know they will mean much more if Mikey signs them. Thank-you once again for all that you have done, you have been a GREAT support system.
God's Blessings to you all,
The Goulet's

Sunday, March 23, 2003 10:02 AM CST

Dear Family and Friends,
This is a much happier note than the last one.... Last night Michael's sense of humor was fully in tact. His mother, older sister, brother in-law and I (Candace) were in the room. We have an inside joke where dad has a nick-name, mike has a nick-name, and danille has a nick-name, and we realized that I don't have one. When I asked him what mine should be, he replied with a smirk "Air-head girl." We laughed so hard our sides ached.
Then Danielle asked Michael a question that we always ask when the other sister is not around "who's your favorite sister?" Apparantly Danielle had asked him earlier, and he said that she was. This time, he looked at her, and pointed at me. It was SO funny. She asked him "Why's that Mike?" and his reply was "She lives closer."
It was definately a wonderful thing to see Michael actually laughing. The sound of his chuckle isn't the same yet, but it's still the most beautiful sound our ears have ever heard. He was joking along with each and every one of us... (he's lucky we have a good sense of humor) because we were all the butt end of the jokes!!
Hope the fact that mikey's disposition was of a humorous kind at least last night makes all of you reading this smile. Bad days do come, but with days like yesterdays, we will be able to handle the bad days better, knowing something else is just around the corner.
Have a nice day!!
Thank-you for everything that you have done,
We will never forget your kindness.
All our love,
The Goulet's

Saturday, March 22, 2003 8:12 AM CST

Dear Family and Friends
Last nite was a very restless nite. Michael's level of awareness and the rawness of stimulation increase with each day. He finally rested well from 2 this morning to 7.. The good news is the restful sleep left him awake and with an attitude. He drank water & juice from a cup ate some of his reconstituted french toast.. yuk. Actually after giving him 3 bites drenched in maple syrup he said. "No more, I'm sick of that sh-t. I had his nurse Marie look for a sip cup for us so Michael could drink on his own. She provided two, one yellow/green and one blue. On asking Michael what color the yellow one was he replied. "Yellow, What are you Blind"

Whether attitude or sense of humor I think he may be gathering he has lots of lattitude in what he says. Hopefully this will not be a problem later but for right now its just great to hear him talk.. He is with his speach therapist right now.. She's really sweet and even made a special trip to the kitchen to get him scrambled eggs and corned beef hash. These are both his favorites. We did eat some but quickly lost interest.. His NG tube is now out (self directed) and hopefully to stay. Assuming he takes in the appropriate amount of food and fluid it is no longer necessary.. I bet that will change his perspective on eating when I tell him..

Physically he is incredibly strong for over a month in bed. He has an awesome wheel chair which unfortunately he's already mastered the seat belt to. He channel surfs just like before seemingly going so fast each channel is a blur..

I hope to take him outside today to get some fresh air. Maybe we will be blessed with sunshine. Isn't it funny it shines only on workdays..

Thank You all for your continued prayers, Love Hope and Support. They mean the world to Us

God Bless
The Goulet's

Friday, March 21, 2003 8:09 AM CST

Michael had a productive day on this first day of spring.
His therapies are back in full swing and with the aid of his collar he is better able to control his neck muscles. He is able to walk little distances with someone at his side. He is also eating a bit more each day. Hopefully the NG tube will be past history soon.
Yesterday he was able to read a few of his get well wish cards from his home room.
He remembered who owed him money and that a certain girl was in his English class.
His memory seems to be improving by leaps and bounds. He even corrected me on how many channels we have available at home.
He still sleeps most of the time asking for his room to be dark. All in all we are all very pleased with his progress.
He truly is in my eyes so amazing and full of promises.
Thank you..
The Goulets

Thursday, March 20, 2003 8:51 AM CST

Yesterday was for Michael again a very exhausting and fatiguing day.
The impact of his injury has left him with weak neck muscles and we suspect damaged tendons as well.
Because he cannot hold his head straight after all of this time, the doctors ordered an MRI to rule out ligament damage. He was anesthesized before the MRI. I was so devastated thinking that Michael would have to undergo surgery to repair any neck injury. The MRI however did not show ligament damage and we are hopeful that he will regain muscle control with the aid of his collar as well as further therapy to help him get stronger neck muscles. Yesterday was a wash as far as his therapies go and today we start anew again.
We fitted him for a brand new chair yesterday which can accomodate him much better. He was mad and called me a traitor and said that I was on their side because we would not let him rest until he had tried out the chair for size.
The fact that he showed me his attitude is definitely a good thing.
Thank you
The Goulets

Tuesday, March 18, 2003 8:57 PM CST

Michael again had a very busy day. He went for x-rays and a Cat Scan. He also had his therapies throughout the day. So tonight he is very sleepy. And he managed to eat quite a bit of his pureed lunch. He also managed to yank out the NG tube one more time.
He spoke to Danielle on the phone earlier this evening and told her that he missed and loved her. She melted of course.
He speaks in fuller sentences but still in a hoarse whisper. He does however make himself clearly understood.
All in all we are making good progress. He is such a little trooper and the nurses are just nuts over him. Just like we all are.

Hope you all have a good week

The Goulets

Monday, March 17, 2003 7:40 PM CST

There are many stages of recovery for brain injuries. I am told that there are 12. We are on stage 4. This stage consist of frustration, anxiety, and anger. And that is what we are dealing with. This little boy who is so lucky to be alive is trapped in a world that he does not recognize at times. Today is certainly one of those days.
His friends cannot understand it and we at times are bewildered by it.
And so we continue on with Michael's recovery as we learn more and more about his condition and the proper path to rehabilitating him.
We know that he cannot handle too many visitors at a time. It is simply to overwhelming for him to process. And so we find ourselves reverting to a more subdued and quiet environment because that is what he prefers.
Now on a more upbeat note: Today he spoke a full sentence.. He ate mashed potatoes which Lorna knows are his favorite.He also walked several steps down the hall with the help of his wonderful PT girls.
We thank you all for your support

The Goulets

Sunday, March 16, 2003 5:48 PM CST

Michael had a pretty good day today. He slept most of the day and we have discovered that he gets overly anxious when tired. He tells us now that he wants to sleep.
We will hold back on visitors until he is better able to cope. It does seem to be too overwhelming for him at this time. Even the visit from Bubba today was counterproductive. Michael was not ready and Bubba was pretty disoriented.
The doctors and nurses tell us that his rest now is the most important aspect of his recovery.
Thank you all so much for your requests to see him. We will let you know when the time is right.
We wish you all a good week and we look forward to another week of progress with Michael.

God Bless,
The Goulets

Sunday, March 16, 2003 11:01 AM EST

Dear Family and Friends

Michael spent the night watching the Cheverus/Bangor basketball final and did not fall asleep until the last couple minutes of regulation. He had a relatively busy day with therapy in the morning and a few visitors in the afternoon. He got quite fatigued by days end and spent the early evening restless. We wrestled with the feeding tube actually pulling it out 3 times during the course of the night. His nurse Kate was quite patient in putting it back..

We got permission yesterday to bring Mike's 1st Love Bubba in to see him today and hopefully this will bring some cheer. This morning he ate some Ice cream during his session with the SLP then took a nap. He was very tired when Marissa came for PT but cooperated to appease her. Attitude is definately something which Michael's learned to show.

We continue to be extremely pleased with his progress, and look forward each day. We are also ever thankful and mindful of how far we've come..

Your Prayers, words of Hope, generosity and Love carry us ever forward

God Bless You
The Goulet's

Saturday, March 15, 2003 8:42 AM CST

Michael slept very well last night.
When he woke up this morning I told him that it was Saturday, March 15. His favorite day. Cartoon Day. He watched a good hour of Nickoledeon and was very alert the entire time.
Lisa ,his Saturday speech therapist had a session with him.
She said over and over again how UNBELIEVABLE Michael's progress has been in one week. She was most amazed that he knew that this is March. He recognized many items when asked.
He is eating ice cream which shows great improvement. Hopefully in one week we will get rid of the feeding tube.
Last night he got really mad and said, "take the tape off".
I was so elated.
And so here we are on our one month anniversary of Michael's accident.It is such an amazing journey that this little boy has had. A journey of courage, hope, prayer and most of all LOVE. You have all played such an important part of Michael's healing. You have lifted us with your words of hope and encouragement.
We thank you eternally.

Michael is asking to see friends. He is able to manage one or two visitors at a time. We'll try to set up times that coincide with his therapies.

Here's to many more bright days of progress...

Friday, March 14, 2003 10:07 AM CST

Dear Family & Friends

Check it out 2 entries today. I updated the page this morning with the wonderful progress we saw yesterday then went to visit Michael before work. What I learned and saw brings me such joy I've been on a high all day and just had to update you again..

Last nite while Nana, Danielle, and Candace were there Michael graced everyone with a few words. Simple ones spoken soft but clear, music to their ears. Hearing this on my morning visit I couldn't wait to see if Michael would speak to me. He was very alert at 6 this morning and in quite a good mood. I got a morning hug, then after giving him a rubdown; I asked him if he liked them more because he hadn't spoken to me and he clearly answered "NO".

Then testing the waters about visiters I asked if he'd like to have some friends visit soon and I got a clear "YES"
Simple words but so full of meaning in the progress path we follow...
This afternoon, with the help of his PT's Michael walked across the room from his bed to where his pepe're was sitting. This is an amazing accomplishment!!! He also ate a whole bowl of chocolate ice cream today, his appetite must be huge. Michael made my day just as he made Candace's nite last nite

Thank You for Your Prayers and Support
God Bless

Friday, March 14, 2003 4:12 AM CST

Dear Friends & Family

Thank Yo so much for your continued Prayers, Love, and Support. You truly are awesome!

We met yesterday with Michael's support team at the hospital to review his progress and discuss paths forward. Michael is doing very well considering the severity of his injury. Being young is his number one asset. He continues to improve every day recently moving from bed to a chair by supporting some of his weight and pivoting into it. We and the PT staff are working dilligently to keep his muscles supple for the eventual time when he can do this himself.

He is very agitated by the NG feeding tube and requires constant attention to keep from pulling it out. Michael tires very easily but has moments throughout the day when he is very focused and aware. Other times he is aware of everything said around him but seemingly unfocussed to his surroundings. All these are to be expected for where he is in the process.

In our meeting it was reported by the PT staff that Michael has said a couple words to them, ie Yes/No. This much to the dismay of his Speech Therapist and family who mostly get an uninterested stare. He smiles more often in the course of the day, usually at the expense of when we make fun of one another ie comparing a stuffed Hippo to his grandfather. We passed a ball around for a few minutes last nite garnering another smile when I challenged him to hit me in the nose.

The speech therapist is working hard to determine when he will be able to take fluids by mouth and hopefully we will be trying some soft foods by the end of next week. His Nana brought him some spiffy TA clothes last nite and he's lookig pretty sharp outside of his hospitol garb. A haircut is in the works to try and even out the half Mohawk left from the initial surgery. I wonder what he'll think of the look.

We understand how difficult this is for some of you who have wished to visit and apologize. I believe shortly, perhaps this weekend we can begin this process. Weekends are a better time since therapies are only once a day. Should you desire to visit please call 1st (Brad 229-4707,,,
Linda 294-1270) and for parents please make sure to accompany your child. It would be good to be able to talk to them on the way home. Michael does get very fatigued and quite often so please understand if we ask you to come another time. Each day brings improvements and hopefully in the near future we will not have to be so protective.

Every card, letter, and email has been lovingly shared for michael when he's ready to fill in the pieces. Should you desire home video's, audio tapes, and photographs would be great for him now.

With All our Love, & Thanks
God Bless You
The Goulets

Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:31 PM CST

Dear Family and Friends
We can't thank you enough for all your generosity, Love, support, and prayers. A large part of how we've come so far is through your support.

Michael had a pretty good day. He is getting quite rambunctious, he's thrown his pillows on the floor, pulled off his socks, and stripped the sheets off the bed numerous times. Tonight we took a lounger cruise to the Atrium again and read a story. Michael fell promptly to sleep. He is very aware of everything going on around him and even channel surfs with the remote control. We've given him sponges soaked in juice and he seems to like to play tug of war with his teeth. He's also taken a doslike to his feeding tube and after a first attempt only pulling out a couple inches mangaged a real good pull and yanked about 6". His nurse Ken had to pull it out and now I know he will be disappointed when they put in a new one..

They took an x-ray of his clavicle tonight looking for a fracture but so far the read was negative. He very much favors the left side of his neck... Seems frustration is the message of the day being displeased with the whole situation.. Candace tried so hard to get a smile from him but apparently those are saved when laughing at someone else's expense.

Tonight he was visited by a couple therapy dogs and he looked at them quite curiously before patting a Golden Retriever. Hopefully we can bring Bubba to see him soon.

Thank You again for all You've done.

God Bless You
The Goulets

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 1:34 PM CST

Dear Family and Friends,
There is not much new to write, but we know you check the website for new updates so I'll try to give you new news of encouragement.
Last night Michael's mononcle had him smiling and laughing as he shared with the family humorous stories. He rested well, which is nice to see... Today he will be visited by occupational therapists, speech therapists, and physical therapists. He fell asleep just before the speech therapist came in this morning at 9:00, and I swear he did it on purpose...lol
It must be tiring to do so much work, while his body is still working so hard to heal, so we like to see him get some rest.
He also had his first taste of ice cream yesterday, oirange sherbert to be exact, and a taste of iced tea. Although he has a very long way to go, he has definately come a long way since three weeks ago. Your love hope and prayers have meant everything to us....and we would like to thank all that were involved, either actively, or in thought and spirit....God Bless you all
The Goulet's

Monday, March 10, 2003 7:03 PM CST

Another day of progress for Mikey. His dad brought in a mechanical arm robot for him and he was able to move the controls forward and backward. A picture was brought in from his bedroom that had hanging up, of dogs sitting around a poker table, and Michael seemed very pleased to see a familiar object. He kept pointing to it, as though he knew exactly what it was. His sense of humor seems in tact, because when his grandfather cracked a joke, he grinned from ear to ear, something we haven't seen yet.
The progress every day seems slow, but steady. It seems every day we wake to hear of some new accomplishment. Michael Tyler is such a strong boy, and is trying his hardest to get better. The occupational therapists got him to lift a spoon to his mouth today, and he seems daily more alert. We sense his effort to communicate with us...and it is difficult to see his frustration that he can't do so yet, not in all the ways he used to. Despite the frustration though, his perseverence continues to push forward. The struggles only make him stronger, and he is winning this tiring battle. Michael is definately a soldier, a fighter with his amazing will... Please continue to give him your prayers, it only helps to make him stronger. God Bless All...
Good night,
The Goulet's

Sunday, March 9, 2003 7:14 PM CST

Today was another exciting day for Michael, full of people making him respond to their requests. The nurses had him sitting up in a wheeling chair, and my father pushed him into the sunny atrium so that Michael could see new sights, and Michael immediately fell asleep.
Tonight Danielle and I went up to visit, and he was still sitting up in the chair with his eyes open the widest I have seen them yet. He looked so alert, it was amazing...so I asked him if he could show us a smile, and he did!! It was kind of a silly smirk, where the right side of his lip curled up, but it was a WONDERFUL sight. I also asked him if he could give me the peace sign, he did that as well. Michael is progressing daily it seems, and I know that all of our prayers are being answered. We owe much thanks to all of you out there that have helped in any way... love, prayers, donations, coordinating benefit events, and with the care of the medical staff and his family...All of the things that have been done for him will never be forgotten. To all of you that have taken even just a moment out of your day to focus your energy on Michael, you have made a tremendous difference.
To all of you that helped out at the scene, Dr.Weiss, the people in the ambulance, helicopter....then to the doctors and professional staff at EMMC, and now MMC, thank-you from the BOTTOM of our hearts, I hope it makes your professions worthwhile to know that you have saved our lives in saving our Michael. You have all been angels...may God bless you always, and return all of the goodness and love that you have shown to us.
*He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble we can comfort them 2 Corinthians 1:4*

Good night and god bless you all,
All our love and gratitude,

Saturday, March 8, 2003 10:05 PM CST

To all of you out there that checked this website once,and to those of you that check it religiously; to those of you that send your prayers and words of love for michael, and for us....to all of you that made generous donations, attended the dance and benefit supper this evening, donated bottles, and/or to those of you that made all of it happen....thank-you from the bottom of our hearts. Honestly, no words could ever express our gratitude, and the warmth that you brought to our hearts from the beginning of this journey, to tonight. (We know you will continue to bring it to the end as well). Our family was very grateful to be able to attend this evenings events, and actually see the effort that people have put forth for the same cause, Michael's recovery.
I went to the hospital after, and shared with Michael all of the wonderful things that have been done for him. I shared your words of love with him, and I sent him all of your regards...while I was telling him, he squeezed my hand. To me, that was a sign of thanks....and I hope this brings even the littlest bit of joy to your day, to hear that michael knows of everything that has been done for him.
As for the update on him...he has been getting FULL use out of all of his limbs today. He kicks his legs all over the place, which the nurses like to see because he is exercising them. His older sister today got him to hold up his thumb, pointer finger, etc. He listens to commands, and follows them which is a tremendous step. He will have full days of occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech lessons...so he'll be working pretty hard. We hope that he will be ready for visitors soon, we know it will bring comfort to see him, and touch him.
Once again we want to thank you from the bottom of our humble hearts, you have all been angels in our lives....and I have faith that your good deeds will be returned to you in multitude. God's blessings to each and every one of you.

Friday, March 7, 2003 7:15 PM CST

Michael is continuously making progress little bits at a time. Today he was visited by the Occupational Therapist, the physical therapist, the speech therapist, and the teacher. They are filling up his daily routine with rehabilitation activities.
Tonight Mikey is surprisely alert. At times his big brown eyes are open,and his legs and arms are moving all the time. All these bitty steps fill our hearts with rejuvenated hope and joy.
We will continue to utilize this website to inform you all about Michaels daily progress. It has been such a wonderful resource for us and for all.
Again we want to thank all of you for all your love and support during this difficult time.
Good Night and God Bless!
With All Our Love-The Goulet Family

Thursday, March 6, 2003 4:42 PM CST

Michael safely arrived at MMC around 2:30. He was transported via ambulance and settled into his new room in the Barbara Bush ward. Although we are all glad to be closer to home we will greatly miss all of the wonderful individuals we encountered in Bangor. Many of Michaels caregivers came to wish him farewell this morning, it was a bittersweet goodbye.
We have met many new faces here at Maine Medical Center. Michael will start his physical, occupational, and speech therapy tommarrow. We are all preparing ourselves for the long, and arduous road ahead. We know in our hearts that through all of your love and support our faith, hope, and strength will be sustained.
We hope that you will all get together on Saturday to celebrate Mikey's Miracle. The Bean Supper is being held at the Most Holy Trinity Parish Hall from 5:00 to 7:00, following the supper is the family dance at the Holiday Inn, 7:30 to 10:30.
Much Love To All Of You- The Goulets

Wednesday, March 5, 2003 7:55PM

Michael's overall had a very good day. He is responding more and more to physical therapy.We are planning on taking Michael to MMC tomorrow . Many of his nurses and caretakers have visited today and said their good byes to us. Through this wonderful website they will be able to stay in touch with Michael's progress. Family friends and family are planning a benefit supper and dance for Michael on Saturday night. I cannot find the right words to thank all of you who have worked so diligently to put together this event.
I promised the organizers that I would post on this web site.
Here are the details:
Benefit Dance for Mikey and family
Hiliday Inn Conference Center (Saco)
Saturday March 8th 7:30-10:30
This is a community event and all ages are welcome.
Tickets aer $5:00 and must be pre-purchased at the following locations.

Professional DJ&Light Show
Raffle & Special Video taki8ng for Mikey
Refreshments and Munchies
For more information please emai pcarson1@maine.rr.com

Also we understand that the move to mmc is brings excitement to many. We are sorry to make you wait yet longer, but mikey is still not yet ready for visitors. We promise to inform you when he is, but right now only immediate family is still being let in for visits. Patience is definately a difficult virtue, but at this time it is of essence. I'm very sorry if this causes any disappointment

Wednesday, March 5, 2003 8:43 AM CST

Michael today is pretty much like yesterday. The staff is working efficiently to keep his lungs well aerated and functioning to their best capacity. The respiratory therapists visit him every two hours.
His nurse Jackie has him sitting in a very upright position which he seems to tolerate very well.
The staff has to our knowledge done all of the arrangements for his transfer.
It is with a sense of relief yet sadness that we prepare to leave. We will so miss all of the wonderful caretakers that have crossed our paths.
Family friends and family are planning a benefit supper and dance for Michael on Saturday night. I cannot find the right words to thank all of you who have worked so diligently to put together this event.
I will post more details about the combined events as soon as I receive all of the details.
Have a great day..
The Goulets

Tuesday, March 4, 2003 2:41 PM CST

Michael's day today was very reassuring
First and foremost is the fact that he is breathing on his own without difficulty. Yesterday was a bit difficult for him. Today he breathes with much greater ease.
We have removed even more equipment today. These happenings all add greatly to his comfort level.The physical and occupational therapist spent some time with Michael trying to make him respond to their commands. Overall, he performed quite well.
His neurosurgeon, a man of few words, again reitterated today that Michael is progressing along finely. Another doctor who is NOT a man of few words gave us the thumbs up signal.Worth a thousand words!!
We will be transporting Michael to MMC at the end of this week.
Michael has made remarkable progress here. He remains, however still unconscious. It will take some time for him to fully wake and be aware of his surroundings.
We promise to let you all know when he is ready for visitors. Until then, please do not stop praying for our little man. We are certain that you have all played an important role is his recovery with all the energy generated by your prayers.
Thank you
The Goulets

Monday, March 3, 2003 3:13 PM CST

Dear Family and Friends,

Michael is finally breathing on his own without the interference of the intubation tube down his throat. The tube was removed around 3 this afternoon and he is doing beautifully. It's so wonderful to now see his whole face without the strap and tube in his mouth. I'm certain he is much more comfortable without them. He had another Cat Scan this morning and the read basically the same as his last, which is very good. Right now he is sitting up faily straight waiting for a respiratory tech to do his PT. He really isn't too cool on these beat your chest treatments but they are necessary to help clear his lungs.

This morning Michael had his 1st visits from the Occuptional & Physical Therapists. They will visit him daily while here each doing treatments to work on his cognitive skills and keep his muscles supple. From this point out it appears this will constitute the majority of his treatment. He's now being more agressively moved about the bed and repositioned and from what I'm told with the vent out they may get him up for a moment tomorrow..

Planning is now in the works to move to a different facility closer to home with the move to possibly occur before weeks ends. Though we will very much miss the wonderful caregivers here the thought of our own beds is attractive to all. I anticipate Michael will move to a pediatric unit at Maine Med and hopefully shortly those of you so patient waiting will be able to visit..

Thank You again for Your Love, Prayers, and Support. It's in a large part because of you we've been able to persevere.

May God Bless
The Goulets

Monday, March 3, 2003 5:56 AM CST

Dear Friends & Family

Michael's night was a little bit restless. He is much more active, moving his limbs and grabbing for things in his sleep. He has yet to open his eyes but we know in our hearts this too will be coming soon. He has been breathing on his own since yesterday morning with the ventillator standing by should he need it. I believe today after he has his Cat Scan an attempt will be made to remove the intubation tube which should make him much more comfortable.

This removal will be a mjor step for Mike because it signifies the last of the life support which ties us to EMMC. Looking forward we are exploring the options for where we go next to determine the optimum place for Michael's continued recovery. We recognize this will be an arduous and long road but with all the support and love you've so freely given know in our hearts the progress will be steady.

The Warmth and Love in all your hearts truly reflects the depth of compassion in the world and with this strength we can conquer anything.

All Our Love
God Bless
The Goulets

Sunday, March 2, 2003 5:32 PM CST

Another day behind us. Michael remains on the respirator but is breathing on his own. We are talking of removing the respirator tomorrow.
He has moved on his own much more today as compared to yesterday. He moves both sides of his body equally.
He squeezes our hands with a much firmer grip. His level of sensitivity we find is much more heightened.
It is definitely small levels of progress and we welcome them with joyful hearts.
His sisters have reluctantly left to return to college today.
Brad and I remain by his side cautious yet very hopeful.

Special thanks to all of you..

the Goulets

Sunday, March 2, 2003 8:44 AM CST

Michael again had an uneventful night. His blood pressure and heart rates were better regulated with the room being dark and quiet.
Amy returns today as his nurse. We know that she is falling in love with him. She hovers around him constantly and worries about him even after her 12 hour shift is completed.
We are very hopeful that Michael will be off his respirator within the next several days.
We'll be sure to update you on any new progress.
God Bless
The Goulet Family

Saturday, March 1, 2003 11:33 AM EST

Dear Friends and Family

It's now Saturday and nearly exactly the time of Michael's accident 2 weeks ago. His progress has been rocky and slow but it appears we have rounded a major corner. The sedatives are down to a bare minimum and from looking at the monitor he definately responds to voices as well as touch. Holding his hand or softly brushing his face always gets a reaction albeit sometimes a negative one. He has moved all 4 limbs, can wiggle his toes, and this morning seemed occupied scratching his belly.

I've offered him a milkshake, a ride in a Humvee, and just plain money to open his eyes. I can tell he's holding out for something bigger. Right now he's listening to the soundtrack from "Good Morning VietNam" and I'm certain to himself he's reciting all of Robin William's one liners.

The Sun is shining through his big picture window overlooking the Penobscot and the room is filled with Balloons, Cards, & Comfort Foods. For all of this love and support we are so thankful.

We Sincerely appreciate all of your Prayers, Wishes, kind words, deeds, and Love.

May God Bless Each Of You
With Love
The Goulet's

Saturday, March 1, 2003 8:51 AM CST

Today will be two weeks since Michael's accident. It seems like a million years ago and yet it so feels like yesterday.
Last night was again uneventfull and reassuring. He responded to his nurse everytime she asked him to squeeze her hand or move his feet.
And again this morning he responded to his grandfather's voice and parent's encouragement.
Amy is his nurse today and he responds very well to her.
We received the GET WELL poster with all of the SMS kids signature. We would like to extend a special thanks to all of the kids for their efforts and hard work. And of course to all of the wonderful folks who have acknowledged Michael.
We wish you a good day.. The Goulets

Friday, February 28, 2003 7:22 PM CST

Michael had a reassuring day today. His doctor commented that his progress is very reassuring.
There remains throughout the day moments where is blood pressure is elevated and he shows a level of discomfort.And these moments are disconcerting to us. There are other moments though where he gives us these wondrous gifts of improvement.
Today he has been able to move his hands and feet on demand to a even greater degree than yesterday.
He even took a few breaths on his own for his godmother. I cannot even express the joy and elation in our hearts when we witness these little moments of progress.
It has been a very long two weeks. You ,I'm sure feel the same way. Michael's progress is shared by so many and we are so touched by all the responses that we have received.
God Bless you all.
The Goulet Family

Friday, February 28, 2003 5:59 AM CST

Dear Family & Friends

Another nite has past and in small increments things seem to improve. Gail Michael's nite nurse rearranged his room and removed many of the pieces of equipment which we sat and watched for many a day. The room looks completely different.

His remining machines deliver tylenol for a fever, antibiotics for his lung infection and nutrition. He rested quietly throught most of the night with a few coughing spells here and there. This morning he had a chest x-ray to check the status of his lungs. The remainder of the week will be a watch and see, hope and pray.

Accomplishments remain occasionally wiggling his toes, rotating his feet outwards, and fluttering of his eyelashes..

Thank You All So very much for Your Prayers, Support and Love.

We Truly Feel Blessed
The Goulets

Thursday, February 27, 2003 5:44 PM CST

Michael had a good day today. They removed most of his sedating drugs.
His wonderful nurse Amy was able to rouse him a bit today.
She was able to get him to move his toes slightly. She also placed some pressure on his fingers and he pulled back slightly.
It was quite an exhilarating moment for us all. It was our little miracle of the day.
He remains in a coma but responding more and more to external stimuli.
We love you all and bless you all from the bottom of our hearts.
With so much gratitude
The Goulet Family

Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:01 AM CST

Michael spent a fairly stable night. His caregivers continue to reduce his sedating meds and he appears to be tolerating it well. A very very slow process it is and we do see miniscule progress.
His nurse Amy assured me this morning that he is making progress.
He remains surrounded by all of us. And he is always surrounded by your healing thoughts.
I want to say a special good morning to all the students at SMS and to all the staff members. We thank all of you for the special messages, prayers and efforts to help our family.
Michael's Web Page has become it's own little community of love and support. And as you already know has played a very big part in strengthening us.
Love the Goulet Family

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 5:34 PM EST

Dear Family & Friends
The day has gone reasonably well, I do not have any significant improvement to comment on but the lack of dynamic changes is something to welcome. Michael's ICP's have remained steady throughout the day and other than during his coughing spells he appears to be resting peacefully.

Michael remains in a coma induced by his trauma under a modest amount of sedation. It is believed the amount of sedation and extra oxygen he is receiving from his ventilator is suppressing his need and desire to breath on his own. We believe this will correct itself once he is stimulated by reducing the extra oxygen the machine is giving him. Our goal is to get him to a state where the doctors can conduct a neurological exam without significant agitation to do it. A small positive is witnessing his BP and Heart rate increase as the Morphine is backed off without collateral increase in his ICP.

We continue to be hopeful, pray constantly, and derive great strength from reading your words of encouragement and Love.

Thank You all so much for your kindness.

With Love
God Bless
The Goulets

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 5:24 AM CST

Dear Family and Friends,

Michael's night went reasonably well, his sleep somewhat fitful with coughing spells from all the sedentary time. His caregivers are wonderful and patient, endowed with tons of compassion.

He has a slight fever again today, and feels warm tot he touch. His ICP indicates response to noise and words, a sign which we feel is positive. He continues to sleep peacefully aided by a drip of Propofol sedative. They did not reduce the other sedatives last night hoping to get the fever under control first. I would so like to give you more positive news but remain ever hopeful this too shall come.

Your support with prayers, words, and deeds is truly amazing. It's significance not just in how much Love there is in this world but in how many lives our brave young man has touched. Those of you who know him understand what a compassionate person he really is. I recollect numerous stories of Mike getting in trouble for intervening when he felt an injustice was being done. A young man of incredible intuition for his young years.

We continue to hope and pray for his speedy recovery but also gather strength from your words for the journey on the road ahead. Once Michael is able to leave the ICU unit he will be transferred to the Portland area to begin re-developing skills he may have forgotten during his extended sleep. God grant that these be few....

Thank You once more for all your Love and Prayers and may God Bless and Keep Safe Each and Every One of You.

From the deepest reaches of our hearts
The Goulets

Tuesday, February 25, 2003 7:37 PM CST

Dear Friends and Family,

Today Michael has continued the progress of weaning his body from the sedatives which have kept him in a deep sleep in order for his brain to heal. The process is slow as the amount and their nature are such that his system would be distressed should they be abruptly stopped. We anticipate stopping these meds by late tomorrow and should he tolerate this be able to conduct a neuro exam from that point. Clearly the signs indicate Michael is reacting to the slowdown of the meds and different medications are being given to bridge this gap.

Michael's heart remains strong and we've begun to notice some spontaneous reactions in his muscular system. This should increase over the next 24 hours.

His family continues to be overwhelmed with the outpouring of Love and support from our community of friends and family both near and afar. Your words hopes and prayers are a beacon from which we all draw tremendous support.

A suggestion was made today about the collective power of prayer and in that the concept of something simultaneous.
I'd like to propose that each of us with a mind to pray for Michael concentrate just 1 or 2 minutes at 9AM and again at 9PM hoping that in unison our combined voices will be heard.

Thank You from the bottom of our hearts
With Love and Gratitude
The Goulets.

PS I hope to have some photo's of mike up soon. In the meantime I've put up his worrying friends at Home...

Tuesday, February 25, 2003 8:13 AM CST

Today is Day 10 of Michael's recovery.
He had a fair night last night. His dad was by his side all night.
Today the doctors plan to decrease some of the sedating meds even further. He will also be getting another Cat scan this morning.
He has a wonderful caring nurse today named Jackie who will tend to his every need for the next 12 hours.
We know that he hears us when we speak to him. We remind him often throughout the day and night of all the many friends and family members who have sent their love and good wishes.
He is beginning to look more and more like the handsome boy that we know.
We will eternally be grateful to all of you for all your love, support and prayers. Our strength is gathered from all of the beautiful words that we read daily.
Your love for Michael is overwhelming and we thank you.
The Goulet Family.

Monday, February 24, 2003 7:47 PM EST

Dear Friends and Family

Michael's day has gone well. He continues to have stable numbers despite shifting his positions and some other rather uncomfortable manipulations necessary. The Staff caring for him is exceptionally patient crossing the T's & dotting the I's fro both the clinical and comfort measures.

Tonight they have turned off the cooling machine which helped control ICP's by lowering his body temp to 96 deg. We hope and pray this is tolerated so that onece again we feel the warmth of his skin when holding his hand and rubbing his back.

Michael is continually surrounded by his family and in our hearts we just know this brings him a measure of comfort. We look forward to reporting more promising news tomorrow.
From the bottom of our hearts we thank each and every one of you for your prayers, support, love, & Hope

God Bless You
The Goulets

Monday, February 24, 2003 1:29 PM CST

Dear Friends and Family

We continue to receive great strength and support from your prayers, kind words and anecdotes about Michael. Thank You all so much. The value is Priceless...

Michael had his first decent night after a couple of very hectic days. Though still on a ventilator and heavily sedated we find much to be thankful for in his condition. His cranial pressures have stabilized and at least for the last 20 hours have maintained w/o the use of "for lack of a better word" cranial diuretics. This is a great sign as we seemed nearly totally reliant on them before. This development means his brain can now begin managing some of it's own caretaker functions like electrolyte balance. He also now tolerates movement significantly better which allows him to be placed in positions to maintain skin health and his lungs to drain better. It appears he responds to or at least tolerates touch which if not a comfort to him is a godsend to his loved ones..

It so precious to now be able to rub his back, hold his hand, and speak softly to him. His be is filled with a managerie of stuffed animals given with such love. Though not certain how he'd react to them sharing his bed he has bears, pugs, a hippo, and even a platypus.

We continue to have faith and hope, truly thank God for the blessings today, and pray constantly to have our son, grandson, brother, and friend back with us..

Your words, wishes and prayers are with us throughout the day as it's clearly evident this precious young man has touched more lives than our own..

Thank You and God Bless
Mike's Family
The Goulet's

Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:30 PM CST

To Our Dear Friends and Family,

The support of words, prayers, and wishes has been so overwhelming. We sincerely appreciate each and every one. This has been a very difficult experience both from the initial reaction to the severity of Michael's injuries and the ups and downs of his recovery. Yesterday was a tremendously difficult day for all of us. Michael was not responding to the protocol of medications which had worked before and alternatives were minimal and very risky.

Though no moment passed where we had lost hope it took every ounce of each of our strengths to hold things together. Your words and prayers were a major part of that glue.

Last Night and today we seem to have turned a corner from the darkness of yesterday. Vital signs are once again manageable and we look forward to a few days of stability before making any changes. Michael is still breathing with the aid of a ventilator, he is heavily sedated and on a multitude of nutritional and electrolyte solutions. His heart is very strong and he is pretty much managing his own blood pressure now. We continue praying both for Michael and the hand of these wonderful caregivers. They are an amazing group performing in a very difficult situation.

To My Michael

I presume there was a time of my life before you,
Though what it was like I cannot imagine.

The 8 days that past since I last saw your smile,
seems an eternity.
The sound of your infectious laugh, the sparkle in
you eye as you conjur a joke, the warmth in your voice
when you ask how my day was..

They are all such special parts of you, which define my life as well as yours.

I now sit, hold your hand, and pray to experience those once more.

Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:48 AM CST

This is Day 8 of Michael's recovery.
Yesterday is behind us and today we continue our vigil with Michael. Last night was a quiet night for Michael. He remains stable at this time. He is always surrounded by his loving family.
We convey our strength to him through your words of encouragement and through your prayers.

Saturday, February 22, 2003 7:53 PM CST

Good news this evening, Michael is doing wonderfully. His numbers look good, and he has had wonderful caretakers all day. Everyone at this hospital seems to give him their best, so he is in good hands. I just wanted to take this time to thank everyone for all of the support they have given to us. The cards, the gifts, the prayers...we have received it all and are very very grateful. Knowing that there are so many out there giving us their support gives us great strength. So have pleasent dreams, and we will update you again tomorrow. I hope with all of my heart that we have good news to share with you tomorrow. God Bless you all.

My Angel Mike

If Tears could be collected,
You could sail across their Sea.
Prayers turned into Angel's wings,
What new heights there would be.
The warmth you feel, the sweet soft sounds,
surround you from above.

Your room is overflowing with
your friends and family's Love.
We'll wait for you forever,
For one more chance to say,
Just how much we all Love You
Forever and a Day

Saturday, February 22, 2003 5:54 PM CST

Day 7 seems to have been the most difficult for us yet. The methods that were being used to stabalize mikey didn't seem to be working anymore, and the doctors were trying to determine a new direction to try. The nurses and doctors remained positive though, and urged us to keep our faith and hope up. Finally late this afternoon they tried new medicines that are working. I know that all of our prayers were answered yet again today, and I thank everyone for all of the support and encouragment. Itis from all of your messages of hope that gives us our strength. Our little man is stable now, and resting peacefully. Although it seems impossible, we all just have to have patience. As we have been told over and over again, these things take time. God bless all of you, and god bless our michael tyler goulet.

My Angel Mike

If Tears could be collected,
You could sail across their Sea.
Prayers turned into Angel's wings,
What new heights there would be.
The warmth you feel, the sweet soft sounds,
surround you from above.

Your room is overflowing with
your friends and family's Love.
We'll wait for you forever,
For one more chance to say,
Just how much we all Love You
Forever and a Day

Saturday, February 22, 2003 5:40 PM CST

Day 7 seems to have been the most difficult for us yet. The methods that were being used didn't seem to be working anymore, and mikey's doctors were trying to determine a new pathway to try. The nurses and doctors remained positive though, and urged us to keep our faith and hope up. Finally late this afternoon they tried new medicines that are working. I know that all of our prayers were answered yet again today, and I thank everyone for all of the support and encouragment. Itis from all of your messages of hope that gives us our strength. Our little man is stable now, and resting peacefully. Although it seems impossible, we all just have to have patience. As we have been told over and over again, these things take time. God bless all of you, and god bless our michael tyler goulet.

My Angel Mike

If Tears could be collected,
You could sail across their Sea.
Prayers turned into Angel's wings,
What new heights there would be.
The warmth you feel, the sweet soft sounds,
surround you from above.

Your room is overflowing with
your friends and family's Love.
We'll wait for you forever,
For one more chance to say,
Just how much we all Love You
Forever and a Day

Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:33 AM CST

This is Day 7.
Michael remains stable yet still critical. His neurosurgeon today told us that the Cat Scan showed no obvious changes. He emphasized again that this is a roller coaster ride and that progress is slow to come.
We have received several requests from close friends who wish to pay a visit to Michael. It is yet too soon for Michael to receive visitors. The doctor's advise only immediate family at this time.
We look forward to your words of encouragement. They have truly sustained us in this very difficult time.

My Angel Mike

If Tears could be collected,
You could sail across their Sea.
Prayers turned into Angel's wings,
What new heights there would be.
The warmth you feel, the sweet soft sounds,
surround you from above.

Your room is overflowing with
your friends and family's Love.
We'll wait for you forever,
For one more chance to say,
Just how much we all Love You
Forever and a Day

Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:21 AM CST

Today Michael looks better, his viewable bruises are going down, and he looks very peaceful. My parents are in a meeting with the doctors right now, and hopefully they will shed some light on our situation. I know you all want to be updated on his condition, but things seem to be changing so slowly that at this point there is no new information for me to share with you. I just wanted to say thank-you for your love, and thank-you for your prayers. Honestly its giving us the strength that we need right now, and when mikey is able to read all of the beautiful messages that you have left he will know how loved he is.

Thank-you for keeping him in your heart and in your prayers. He truly is an amazing young man with a heart of gold. He seems to bring light into the lives of all those that he knows, and your messages have shown us that. Michael is a fighter, and like someone wrote to us "it's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, it's the fight in the dog." -Mikey has alot of fight in him. God Bless

Saturday February 22, 2003 3:55 PM CST

This is Day 7.
Michael remains stable yet still critical. His neurosurgeon today told us that the Cat Scan showed no obvious changes. He emphasized again that this is a roller coaster ride and that progress is slow to come.
We have received several requests from close friends who wish to pay a visit to Michael. It is yet too soon for Michael to receive visitors. The doctor's advise only immediate family at this time.
We look forward to your words of encouragement. They have truly sustained us in this very difficult time.

My Angel Mike

If Tears could be collected,
You could sail across their Sea.
Prayers turned into Angel's wings,
What new heights there would be.
The warmth you feel, the sweet soft sounds,
surround you from above.

Your room is overflowing with
your friends and family's Love.
We'll wait for you forever,
For one more chance to say,
Just how much we all Love You
Forever and a Day

Friday, February 21, 2003 10:45 AM CST

Today is Day 6 of Michael's recovery.
Last night was a difficult one for Michael. We had to re-introduce the meds that have sustained him over the last several days.
It is difficult to realize this set back. Yet we are told that this is not uncommon.
He went for a Cat scan this morning and we have yet to get results.
I have been told by a very special someone that Michael's brain needs to sleep to heal. I am taking that as a guide to stay calm and not be overly anxious.
I have also heard the most miraculous stories of survival and recovery and know in my heart that this also will be Michael's story.
We love you all and would not be able to maintain our strength and courage without you..
We promise to update soon.

February 20, 8:00 PM

Today was a fairly stable day for Michael. The nurses have continued to taper off some of the meds. It is a very very slow process.
An eye exam also showed no obvious damage. This little bit of good news encourages us.
We cannot wait for Michael to wake up so that we can read to him all of your wonderful words of comfort and hope.

With special thanks , The Goulet Family.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003 3:49 PM CST

Our Prayers Answered

Dear Friends,
Today after fairly steady numbers some of the support medications were weaned down. At approximately 2:45 Michael took a few spontaneous breaths, a small step but one which lifted all our hearts and raised hopes. His ventilator is set for 13bpm and by 3:30PM Michael's lungs were pumping a strong 21-22 bpm (breaths per minute).

We all feel a great sense of relief and much of our prayers answered. With hope and God's will they will continue to wean some of the meds which have him so sedated and we will be blessed with some spontaneous movement. We sit and watch with higher spirits now able to touch, hold him, and talk to him without adversely affecting his recovery.

Thank You All So Much for Your Support and Prayers. I know in my heart they make a tremendous difference for Michael and they most certainly make a difference to us. We're keeping a scrapbook of each and every message and promise to return all the Love and kindness you so freely have given.

God Bless You All
The Goulet Family

Wednesday, February 19, 2003 6:01 AM CST

Dear Friends
Today is day 4 of Michael's recovery. He remains on life support systems. Doctors and nurses seem most hopeful about his level of stability. They have started to slowly reduce his dosages. We hope to soon be able to see some signs of movement. We are reminded that it may take some time for him to regain consciousness.We have adopted patience as our virtue. We will be sure to update you all shortly.

Your words, prayers and kindness, are more valuable than you'll ever know. They provide each of us with comfort and solace, moments of reflections on time spent with you, and are a constant reminder how precious Love is in this world.

Thank You Again
God Bless
The Goulets

Tuesday, February 18, 2003 5:13 PM CST

Tonight things are about the same. We wait hope and pray that tomorrow and the next few hours will bring noticable signs of improvement. Caregivers remind us these things take time but when it's someone you love so dearly a moment seems too long.

We thrive on your kind words and prayers hopeing each moment to be able to report some great news back. Thank You all so much for writing and thinking about us. The words are shared by all and once able Michael will have a wonderful testament to how much he's truly loved and Missed..

God Bless

Mike, Brad, Linda, Candace, Danielle, Richard, Jackie, & Ray

Tuesday, February 18, 2003 6:06 AM CST

Today is the beginning of day 3, Mike is stable and had a pretty decent night under the loving touch of his nurse Anna. Looking at the rows and rows of monitors and myriad of numbers the correlation between positive values and her touch is readily obvious.

Michael is receiving wonderful care here. The personalization of service, compassion, competence are readily evident each moment. He's been visited numerous times by his Lifeflite nurse, OR Trauma physician, and has numerous calls throughout the day from his offshift nurses checking on his condition.

We his family gather strength from your words, wishes, and prayers.

Monday, February 17, 2003 11:32 AM CST

As you know Michael is recovering from a snowmobiling accident. He suffered a severe brain injury and underwent surgery to remove a blood clot. The surgery lasted 1.5 hours and the surgeon is hopeful that Mikey will recover in time.
He was in Northern Maine at the time with family friends. He was on his last mile home when he lost control of his sled. Miraculously a doctor was present with Michael shortly after the accident. She was a cross country skiier who had ventured from her other fellow skiiers. We are so grateful to her and we consider her Michael's angel. He was flown by helicopter to Bangor upon her request.
He remains in critical condition. He is being cared for by an exceptional team. We so appreciate all of your prayers and will try to update his condition on this web site. I want to especially thank our family for the incredible love and support that they have shown us. We are so truly blessed to have all of you in our lives. The Goulets

Monday, February 17, 2003 11:25 AM CST

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----End of History----