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Hi Hayden!
I've been checking your website for updates, but I haven't seen anything lately-I assume that means you're having lots of fun! I hope you're enjoying school and getting back to normal. Say hello to your mom and dad, and Jordan and Izzy too!

Andria <aks623@hotmail.com>
5200, PBMTU - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:09 PM CDT
Hi guys, your family just popped into my mind and I thought I'd see if there was anything new on your site. I hope no news is good news and things are going well for you. Love always, Jill
Jill Woodlief <jwoodlief@emscoinc.com>
Angier, NC USA - Thursday, March 30, 2006 3:38 PM CST
Hello Hayden and Family,
I have been thinking about you guys and I hope you all had the most incredibile trip. Hayden , are you just absolutely spoiled rotten from the trip, you should be, you and the rest of your gang only deserve the BEST!!! Let me know that new address, I am so happy for all of you!!!!
Love to all, Laura

Laura Glover <lglover@clinton.k12.nc.us>
Clinton, NC US - Friday, March 17, 2006 9:50 AM CST
Hello Hayden and Family,
I have been thinking about you guys and I hope you all had the most incredibile trip. Hayden , are you just absolutely spoiled rotten from the trip, you should be, you and the rest of your gang only deserve the BEST!!! Let me know that new address, I am so happy for all of you!!!!
Love to all, Laura

Laura Glover <lglover@clinton.k12.nc.us>
Clinton, NC US - Friday, March 17, 2006 9:50 AM CST
Hi Hayden!
I miss you and wanted you to know I have been thinking about you. I look forward to making art with you in clinic sometime soon! Your ceramics are ready to take home and Kerin loves the glazes you put on her business card holder! Enjoy the beautiful weather.
Hugs and love,

Bethesda, - Friday, March 10, 2006 5:43 PM CST
Hi Guys,

My daughter Karin had a baby girl on Tuesday. Her name is Emily Christina. This is my 7th granddaughter - no boys allowed in this family. I really wanted to let you know that Karin donated her cord blood. The nurses said they were able to get a lot. She did that because of you Hayden - so hopefully some other little girl or boy will benefit.
I hope school is going well - at least as well as school could possibly go. But then we always have summer to look forward to.

Aunt Patti

Patti Marino <p.marino@comcast.net>
River Forest, il USA - Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:31 AM CST
Happy Valentine's Day to Hayden, Jordan, Isabella, Snowflake, Coconut, and Natalie and Hassan! Cuties every one.
Also a note of news that I thought you would enjoy. Jesse Angel, Richard and Leslie's daughter has taken up running in a big way and will be running to raise funds for a young girl with ALL. Love, Auntiella

Ella Chatterjee <ella.chatterjee@mspb.gov>
Arlington, VA USA - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:46 AM CST
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! We love you guys and think of you often. Hope everything is going well! Hayden, Anna Quinn wants a kitten... just like yours! She's absolutely beautiful.
Lots of love!

Chris, Sandra, and Anna Quinn <anna1@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC 28328 - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 4:55 AM CST
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to our favorite three little cuties!

We love you all BUNCHES!


Love, Aunt Paige, Uncle Charles, Maddie, Chan & Charlie

Paige & Charles <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
- Monday, February 13, 2006 8:35 PM CST
Hi Hayden,

I hope you are doing well with your return to school! Happy Valentine's Day!


Vanessa Walker <catlady@citynet.net>
Oak Hill, WV USA - Saturday, February 11, 2006 7:14 PM CST
Big hugs to everyone. Just got back from a wonderful trip to New Mexico. Went to Bandalier National Park, one of the homes of the cliff dwellers. Such a beautiful place. Uncle Romir climbed 4 vertical ladders to visit a ceremonial cave 140' up the cliff. I just took pictures of him! Didn't think my shoulder was quite ready for such an adventure. Got some lovely books for the girls there. Will call soon to see when would be a good time for a visit. Love you all and hope that things are going well for Hayden as she returns to the school routine, Auntiella
Ella Chatterjee <ella.chatterjee@mspb.gov>
Arlington, VA USA - Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:18 AM CST
Hi all,
Just wanted to let you know we saw Dr. Kurtzburg on the health channel last week!
Hope all is going well. See you soon,

Patty Porter <Porterjpk@aol.com>
Bethesda, MD - Friday, January 27, 2006 7:34 PM CST
Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to say "hello" and how eager I am to see you. I miss those wonderful hugs, however, I know it is wonderful to be in a semi-normal life again and that is my wish for all of you. I miss you and think about you every single day. You remain in my prayers.
Aunt Kaye

Kaye Bryan <kaye.bryan@sprint.com>
Asheboro, NC USA - Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:09 AM CST
Hoping things are going well with Hayden's transition back to school and everything else. Our clinic visits are more infrequent now so we don't get to see you. Best to you all.
Bobbi Spector <rjspector@rcn.com>
Bethesda, MD - Monday, January 23, 2006 12:16 AM CST
Guess what was pinned on the board when I got to the office today, all of your pictures. Everyone in Special Education was so excited to see the smiles on your faces. Of course they loved your kitten and pup too.

annette zavareei <annettez@hotmail.com>
- Friday, January 20, 2006 6:57 PM CST
I miss you guys already. I guess I'll be on the road again as soon as your parents give the OK. I guess they need you for themselves sometimes. Oh well, I'll just have to send kisses. I love having 3 granddaughters. You guys are so much fun.

annette zavareei <annettez@hotmail.com>
- Friday, January 13, 2006 5:33 PM CST
What a lovely picture of three of my favorite girls. It has a place of honor on my refrigerator door, beside photos of your cousins, Tristan and Liam, and your Baba with Tristan on his shoulders. And Hayden and Jordan, I will never forget the contrast between your New Years eve outfits--Jordan with her baseball cap on backwards, jeans, sweatshirt, and basketball and Hayden with her black dress, tights, Mary Janes, fur cape, silver earrings and glitter bag. Hip Hop meets Glam. And Izzy with Snowflake in tow. That was a real treat to greet the New Year. Love to all of you in 2006, Auntiella
Ella Chatterjee <ella.chatterjee@mspb.gov>
Arlington, VA USA - Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:52 AM CST
Happy New Year to All of You. Got a card yesterday with a picture of all you beautiful girls on it so wanted to say thank you and let you know we think about you always. We enjoyed having Jordan come to see us with Charlie at Thanksgiving amd look forward to seeing all of you again. Saw you on TV--you all looked great, especially Hayden, the star of the program. We pray for a HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2006 for all of you.
Jean Byrd <jeanbyrd@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, January 5, 2006 10:08 AM CST
Happy New Year Hayden, Jordan, Izzy, Natalie and Hassan!
Wishing you a wonderful year of health and happiness. Hayden I cannot wait to hear about your first day back to school! I want to see pictures!
Love, Lori

Lori <lorimackey@comcast.net>
- Sunday, January 1, 2006 2:51 PM CST
Hayden, it was so cool to see you on TV last week. Mommy looked great, too but tell her she has totally lost her Sampson county accent! Hassan, your latest entry has left me sobbing at my desk (yet again). Thank you for always reminding me how precious our babies are.
Penny Lewis Peacock <penny.peacock@med.va.gov>
Dunn, NC - Friday, December 30, 2005 12:13 AM CST
Hello Everyone!!!!
It's Aunt Kaye checking in and wishing all of you an exciting New Year. Snowflake and Coconut are precious. Now, we'll really know how dogs and cats get along. I'm so happy for the norm that I feel is happening in your family. It's times like you've experienced that really puts priorities in place. Family, love and health. If one has those three---life is good. I love all of you and can't wait to see you again. Maybe in the spring we can still plan that trip to the NC Zoo.
Aunt Kaye

Kaye Bryan <kaye.b.bryan@sprint.com>
Asheboro, NC USA - Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:06 PM CST
Hi Hayden!
Absolutely love your new pictures and the new additions to your family. The love of a pet is like no other. I can't wait to meet you in person real soon. Please tell your Mommy and Daddy that I thank them ever so much for their kind card. Looking forward to having Peggy, James, Noah and Mitchell introduce us real soon. Take care my sweetie

Missy O'Neill <dqboneill@aol.com>
New Orleans, LA - Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:18 AM CST
I love your new cat and puppy. I can't wait to give them a big hug.

annette zavareeiannettez@hotmail.com <annettez@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:08 PM CST
Hello Hayden,

I love Snowflake! She is gorgeous. Also, Coconut is adorable. I have four cats, and three dogs of my own, so I am also an animal lover. Take care, and Merry Christmas!

Vanessa Walker

Vanessa Walker <catlady@citynet.net>
Oak Hill, WV United States - Friday, December 23, 2005 8:41 PM CST
I love the new pictures. Especially those with Snowflake and Coconut. I wonder if they like each other! All warm wishes for a very happy Christmas. It looks like all the ingredients are there for the best one ever. Love, Auntiella
Ella Chatterjee <ella.chatterjee@mspb.gov>
Arlington, VA USA - Friday, December 23, 2005 8:57 AM CST
Dear Hayden,

I was unable to see you Mon night. I did see you for just
a minute Tues night. The Dr. was looking down your throat.
You looked great. I really like the pictures of you and
your sisters and Coconut. My little girl is getting a
dog for christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Deanna Melvin and Holly

Deanna Weaver <mhweaver@peoplepc.com>
Clinton, N.c USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 4:49 PM CST
Hi Hayden! I caught the end of the PBS show Monday night and you did great! I'm so happy everything is getting back to "normal". I hope you and your family have the best Christmas ever! Love and good wishes,
Jill Woodlief <jwoodlief@emscoinc.com>
Angier, NC USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 7:29 AM CST
Hey Hayden!! I watched you on TV last night. You are such a big star now. Mom and Dad did pretty good too. Hope your family has a wonderful holiday.
Christi , Jeff, Grant and Blair Naylor <jnaylorsnw@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:55 PM CST
Hayden, you looked great on PBS last night in NC! I'm glad things are going well.
Donna - Hendrick Marrow Program
Charlotte, NC USA - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:05 AM CST
Hayden and family. Just wanted to let you know we saw you on TV tonight. You looked wonderful Hayden. Tell your Mom to give you a big hug from us. Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas.
Nathan and Sue Barefoot <sbfoot@earthlink.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Monday, December 19, 2005 7:51 PM CST
Merry Christmas, Hayden! I hope you have a wonderful holiday! You deserve so much! You are an inspiration.


Vanessa Walker <catlady@citynet.net>
Oak Hill, WV USA - Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:58 PM CST
Snowy greetings to all of the Zs. It was so wonderful to see all of you last weekend and make the gingerbread village at HOME!!! And yes, Hayden, next year I will construct the houses ahead of time, so we can concentrate on the decorations. Snowflake is adorable--for a cat! And I really look forward to seeing Pink. She looks like a puppy who will carry on Pashabella's sweet spirit in your lives. Hayden, your houses survived the trip back to my house, so you can be proud of your construction ability.
Jordan, it was so good to see you doing your high kicks and watching your stretch limo turn into a fabulous truck. Obviously your creative mind can kick as high as your legs! And Izzy, you did a great job decorating your house--a most interesting pattern on the roof.
Hassan and Natalie, what is there to say, other than that I love you both with all my heart. You are my second son and daughter and, like your Mom, I am filled with admiration for your strength, your grace under pressure, the goodness of your hearts, and the wonderful way you have kept your family safe and happy. May you have the best of holidays, love always, Auntie Ella

Ella Chatterjee <Ella.Chatterjee@mspb.gov>
Arlington, VA USA - Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:05 AM CST
Hey Guys!!! I know it's been a while since I've written, but I assure you that ya'll have been on our minds and in our hearts. What an exciting update...! This will be a wonderful holiday season for your family, enjoy every minute!
The Egans <kegan@carolina.rr.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 7:17 AM CST
Hi Hayden,
I’m so glad you are doing so well. Congratulations on being the BEST GIRL OF THE YEAR, I’m so lucky to have such an amazing and strong cousin like you. I really miss you, and I hope to see you very soon after my finals are over.
I love you soo much.

Ghazaleh Zavareh <Ghazaleh_zavareh@hotmail.com>
Morgantown, WV - Friday, December 9, 2005 11:47 PM CST
You are amazing! Congrats on being girl of the year... I am so excited for you. I hope we can see a tape of your TV interview once it airs.

I have missed you these past three weeks and hope to see you today at the art opening. Your snowflakes are on the wall and they are beautiful! If I odn't see you today, I'll see you on Wednesday! (I want to see pictures of snowflake!!)
Hugs and love,

Lori Mackey <lorimackey@comcast.net>
Bethesda, MD - Sunday, December 4, 2005 9:38 AM CST
It's downhill from here, Sweetie! Congrats on the 12 months milestone! I have just lowered the heat under the rice pot to allow the tadig to start forming. It has your name on it.
Mansour Djadali <MDCON@AOL.COM>
Costa Mesa, CA - Saturday, December 3, 2005 10:04 PM CST
Hayden you will always be my girl of the year. Tell your daddy to wake up and smell the coffee. You never lost your voice and you can teach us all something about self confidence. I love you so much peanut.
Nana P.S. say hi to your sisters and Snowflake. Pasha will always be in our hearts.

annette zavareei <annettez@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 3, 2005 2:11 PM CST
Dear Hayden,

We are so glad to hear of all your good news. We can't
wait to see you on TV how exciting. Natalie I don't know
if you remember Ronnie Myers he worked at Cvs in Clinton.
Your parents might remember.His 2 1/2 son has a rare form
of Muscular Dystophy. His caringbrige is nc ethanspage.
They had a golf tournament at Sandy Ridge and did really
well. There is a gospel sing on Dec 9 at Central Baptist
near Dunn. The Anchorman will be there.

Best Wishes with Hayden
Deanna Melvin and Holly

Deanna Weaver <mhweaver@peoplepc.com>
Clinton, N.c, USA - Friday, December 2, 2005 7:46 PM CST
Wow, aren't you excited about being a TV star and Girl of the Year!? Everyone you meet must know how special you are to get all that publicity! I'm so sorry to hear about Pasha and happy you added a new member to you family with Snowflake. Our cat died this summer and we replaced her with a guinea pig (I think you got a better deal). Take care and write again soon. Love,
Jill Woodlief <jwoodlief@emscoinc.com>
Angier, NC USA - Thursday, December 1, 2005 3:48 PM CST
I am just thrilled about your progress!!!! DUKE is a special place and you and Dr. K make a great team!!!!!
I can't wait to see the program!!!
Love, Laura

Laura Glover <lglover@clinton.k12.nc.us>
Clinton, NC US - Thursday, December 1, 2005 1:20 PM CST
We are so thrilled to hear the good news! Please tell Mama Kik to send out a flyer at Timberlake to remind us when the movie star will be on TV!!
Amy Spell <spelltrace@earthlink.net>
Clinton, NC usa - Thursday, December 1, 2005 6:20 AM CST
It is not often that I am at a loss for words, but on this most momentous occasion, all I can say is "One year! Awesome!!!! Congratulations to each and every one of you"

Aunt Patti

Patti MArino <p.marino@comcast.net>
River Forest, IL USA - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 10:23 PM CST
Hello! I haven't left a message in a while but I have been checking in to see if there was anything new going on. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and hope you have an even greater One Year Checkup Hayden! Let us know the news! Love,
Jill Woodlief <jwoodlief@emscoinc.com>
Angier, NC USA - Tuesday, November 29, 2005 2:51 PM CST
Hi Hayden and all the Zs. Just got back from a great Thanksgiving holiday with your Nana and Baba, Aunt Jeannie, Andrea, Azareen, Kevin, Tristan and Liam. We made a gingerbread village at Nana's house because Tristan and Liam had heard all about the ones you have made. I showed them how to make that fabulous car that you created last year out of gummi lifesavers and cinnamon sticks. They were most impressed! Also, I found a frosting gun for you just like the one I have. so you should be all set when we make the village at your house. Tristan and Liam were very excited about seeing you all next week end. I'm sure you will have a grand time together. Much love, auntiella
Ella Chatterjee <ella.chatterjee@mspb.gov>
Arlington, VA USA - Monday, November 28, 2005 10:44 AM CST
Hi Hayden!
I hope you have a Happy Turkey Day! I will see you when you get back from Duke and I get back from Chicago. The art show should be up by the time you return and the reception is on Sunday, December 4th. I hope you and your family can make it!

I miss you!
Sending you a big hugs,

Lori Mackey
- Wednesday, November 23, 2005 2:34 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving,
Im so excided for you with your upoomming 1 year visit and that you will be able to return to school soon. you and your family have been a true insperation for Blake and I keep up the good work.

Blake & Michelle

Michelle Doxsee <mrdoxsee@aol.com>
Catharpin, VA US - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 7:35 AM CST
I hope each one of you have a great holiday weekend together. It has been very busy at my house, Trace was playing in a Dogwood tree and fell and broke his arm, followed by surgery with two pins placed in his arm. PLEASE stay out of trees, make sure you tell Jordan this news. He is pretty much back to himself now, we have three more weeks before a new cast. I can't believe DECEMBER 1ST is almost here!!! You are amazing!!! Tell mom to call me over the holidays and I'll call too!!! Continue to take the best care of yourself and give everyone a HUG!!!
Love to the ZAVAREEIS, Laura

Laura Glover <lglover@clinton.k12.nc.us>
Clinton, NC US - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 2:00 PM CST
Dear Jordan, Hayden, & Izzy,

I'll bet you thought you were finally rid of me and my corny jokes. No such luck. I am back by popular demand. You will have two lessons today. First, we will review the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and then we will practice some math. It is o.k. for the three of you to work together. It is known as cooperative learning. When I was in school it was known as cheating, but kids these days get to turn something bad into something good. Oh well. We will begin with your social studies lesson. Please record your answers (that's teacher talk for write them down)

1. What kind of key has legs but can't open doors?
2. Why didn't the turkey finish his dessert?
3. Why did the turkey cross the road?
4. Why did the Pilgrim cross the road?
5. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?

Please record your answers and then proceed to your math lesson.
This math is a little hard so you might want to get your mother or father involved with this cooperative learning nonsense (AKA cheating). Each phrase contains a number and some initials, and you have to figure out the phrase. I will give you two examples. Example 1: (16 O in a P) Answer: 16 ounces in a pound. Example 2: (31= F at B.R.) Answer: 31 equals flavors at Baskin-Robins. Now here is your assignment:
1. 5f o a h
2. 4L on a d
3. 12N on a c
4. 50s in the US o A
5. A S in T S 9
6. 26 L of the A
7. 7D of the W
8. 24H in a D

O.K. I am getting tired so it is time for you to start your cheating....I mean cooperative learning.
Now here are the answers so you can correct your papers.

Social Studies:
1. Turkey
2. Because he was stuffed
3. It was the chicken's day off
4. He was chasing the turkey
5. Pilgrims

Math answers:
1. 5 fingers on a hand
2. 4 Legs on a dog (that's a really stupid one)
3. 12 numbers on a clock
4. 50 states in the United States of America
5. A stitch in time saves nine
6. 26 letters of the alphabet
7. 7 days of the week
8. 24 hours in a day

You can now rest and tell your parents not to feel bad because they couldn't answer any of the questions. This was a very hard lesson.
Great Aunt Patti

patti marino <p.marino@comcast.net>
river forest, il USA - Monday, November 14, 2005 9:48 PM CST
Hi Hayden, Jordan, and Issy
Sorry I haven't written you in awhile but have been keeping up-to-date via the web site as well as Aunt Paige and Uncle Charles. Hayden, just had to let you know how much I love your hair. I am so envious of those curls. Do you know I have to pay good money for curls, and mine aren't nearly as pretty as yours. All three of you girls are so gorgeous. Jordan and Issy, hope you are enjoying school; and we are so happy that Hayden can go back soon. Tell mom and dad hello, and we hope all of you have a Happy Thanksgiving. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
With love,
Mama Jean and Poppy Don

Jean Byrd <jeanbyrd@earthlink.net>
Benson, NC USA - Monday, November 14, 2005 9:02 AM CST
Hi Hayden! I´m your grandmother Annette´s friend Jeanie´s daughter Cheryl, in Mexico, and I´m praying for you. I hope school goes great for you! Love, Cheryl
Cheryl Caprio <ccaprio@catholic.org>
Cuernavaca, Mexico - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 7:53 PM CST
Hello Hayden,

I am so glad you are doing so well! You are certainly a beautiful little girl. I love your curls! Good luck on going back to school!

Vanessa Walker <catlady@citynet.net>
Oak Hill, WV USA - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 6:33 PM CST
Hayden, I don't know what was more fun baking cookies with you or seeing you run toward that ice cream truck when we were at Jordan's soccor game. I love you sweat pea.

annette zavareei <annettez@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 9, 2005 12:06 AM CST
Hayden, I don't know what was more fun baking cookies with you or seeing you run toward that ice cream truck when we were at Jordan's soccor game. I love you sweat pea.

annette zavareei <annettez@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 9, 2005 12:06 AM CST
Hayden, I don't know what was more fun baking cookies with you or seeing you run toward that ice cream truck when we were at Jordan's soccor game. I love you sweat pea.

annette zavareei <annettez@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 9, 2005 12:06 AM CST
Wow Hayden, almost one year since transplant. What a great day that will be. It's great that you are going back to school. I know Jordan will be happy to have you at Wyngate with her. I certainly hope the school will make the necessary accommodations to make it a great experience for you. Natalie, feel free to call anytime if you want to scream or unload. See you soon at the clinic. Best, Bobbi, Jeff, Avi and Ellie
Bobbi Spector <rjspector@att.net>
Bethesda, MD - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 10:00 AM CST
Wow Hayden, almost one year since transplant. What a great day that will be. It's great that you are going back to school. I know Jordan will be happy to have you at Wyngate with her. I certainly hope the school will make the necessary accommodations to make it a great experience for you. Natalie, feel free to call anytime if you want to scream or unload. See you soon at the clinic. Best, Bobbi, Jeff, Avi and Ellie
Bobbi Spector <rjspector@att.net>
Bethesda, MD - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 10:00 AM CST
Did you dress up for Halloween? What were Jordan
and Izzy? I hope that you decided to go with
Cinderquackers!!!!! That would have been a very
cute costume! We have missed seeing you and your
family here in Durham!! Call us when you come for
your next visit!
Love, Marshall

marshall <lmmciver@verizon.net>
durham, nc - Saturday, November 5, 2005 7:31 PM CST
Hello Hayden,
Did you and your family have a fun Halloween? It has been a very busy week at our house. Trace and Jackson are going to be cows in the play Charlotte's Web and it starts tonight. They look really funny and cute, I'll send you a picture. I cannot believe your one year transplant anniversary is fast approaching!!!!! This is a really BIG DEAL!!! I can still remember my dad's first anniversary with his transplant. As always, how proud I am of you!!! Tell mom and dad hello for me!!!

Laura Glover <lglover@clinton.k12.nc.us>
Clinton, NC US - Friday, November 4, 2005 2:00 PM CST
Hi Hayden, I love your beautiful curls I'm so envious I have always wanted curly hair.. The pictures are so good and you are such a beautiful and brave girl...We Love You and think about you everyday... Tell everyone hello...Keep the pictures coming I love looking at them.. Knot, Lynn, Georganne and Hannah
Lynn Underwood <lynnunderwood@murphybrownllc.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 1:27 PM CST
Dear Hayden,
I can not believe the pictures. You are absolutely gorgeous. While you have always been beautiful, that sparkle in you eyes is something else! But don't you think it's about time for you to stop playing hooky and get back to school? Some people will do just about anything to get out of going to school. Rumor has it that your vacation is coming to an end in just a very short period of time. I might have to start giving you some pop quizzes, just to get you back in the flow. Be good and give everyone a big hug for me.
Love, Great Aunt Patti

Patti Marino <p.marino@comcast.net>
River Forest, IL USA - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 9:29 PM CST
We are going to be Captain Hook, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell tonight!!! Have lots of fun today!!!
Trace, Jackson and Laura Catherine

Laura Glover <lglover@clinton.k12.nc.us>
Clinton, NC US - Monday, October 31, 2005 8:19 AM CST
Hi all!! It's been a while, but I've been thinking of you and your family. I love the curls- I have lots of curls too and so does my little girl. We continue to think of your family. Take care and have a fun Halloween.
Christi , Jeff, Grant and Blair Naylor <jnaylorsnw@intrstar.net>
clinton, NC USA - Friday, October 28, 2005 8:48 PM CDT

You sure do look healthy and beautiful! Your hair is gorgeous; those curls are so cute!

We are glad to see you looking so happy and healthy!


The Kellys (Michael, Lisa, Cara and Seana)

Lisa Faircloth Kelly <ljfkelly@aol.com>
Weston, FL USA - Thursday, October 27, 2005 6:38 PM CDT
What great pictures of you, your sisters, friends,
Mama Kik, and Mom and Dad! What are you going to be
for Halloween? I was thinking of being a MARSHmallow!!
What do you think? Get it??? "Marsh" mallow!!! Har Har
Har!!!! Heard any good Halloween jokes, lately???? I'd
love to hear one, if you have any to pass along!!! Miss
you, honey! Tell your mom and dad to get the book, The
Halloweiner, for you, Izzy, and Jordan. It is a very cute
children's book about a funny little dog!!!!

Marshmallow McIver <lmmciver@verizon.net>
Doughberry, NC - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:05 PM CDT
Sister Power! Yes, and the 3 of you are really POWERFUL. I LOVE YOU ALL. Nana
annette zavareei <annettez@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:03 PM CDT
I just love the pictures posted. You are one amazing young lady that I admire and adore. Give all your family a big hug and an even bigger HELLO!!!!

Laura Glover <lglover@clinton.k12.nc.us>
Clinton, NC US - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 12:36 AM CDT
Wow, do you guys take any bad pictures--they are soooo cute! Lovin' the culy hair Hayden-it suits you!

Jill Woodlief <jwoodlief@emscoinc.com>
Angier, NC USA - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 8:00 AM CDT
Hello Hayden, Jordan, Isabella, Hassan and Natalie. Have finally recovered enough from my shoulder surgery to be able to use the computer regularly again. Your new pictures are wonderful. All of you girls look frisky and ready for mischief! Must make an appointment to see you, as I still have wonderful things that I got for you in New Orleans. All the more precious now that that wonderful city and its people have suffered such damage. The masks may be useful at halloween. Much love to all of you! Auntiella
Ella Chatterjee <ella.chatterjee@mspb.gov>
Arlington, VA usa - Friday, October 21, 2005 11:53 AM CDT
Hi Hayden,

Glad to hear you are doing so well! I would like a bracelet too if you have one available. My address is 100 White St. Oak Hill, WV 25901.

Vanessa A. Walker <catlady@citynet.net>
Oak Hill, WV USA - Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:38 PM CDT
Hello Hayden! I love the new pictures of you and your sisters on the website. What I want to know is how can you go from looking just like your mom last year to now looking just like your dad?! It's a win-win situation either way! Glad to hear that you are still doing well!
Penny Lewis Peacock <penny.peacock@med.va.gov>
Dunn, NC - Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:55 AM CDT
Dear Hayden,

I saw your Aunt Vickie and Uncle Danny last Thursday at the
Sandpiper in Clinton. I always ask them about how you are
doing. Your Uncle Danny told me about the banana Bread you
made while they were there. They said it was very good.
Please continue to do well and know we are praying for you.
Do you have any bracelets left? If you do could send us
some. My address is 119 Jefferson St. Clinton N.C. 28328

God Bless You All, Deanna Melvin and Holly Weaver

Deanna Weaver <mhweaver@peoplepc.com>
Clinton, N.c USA - Saturday, October 15, 2005 8:29 PM CDT
What a jouyful Trio! Well, I for one couldn't tell who was doing the peekaboo, but I guess Grandma Nana knows best. Hayden, don't forget we have the best tadig west of the Euphrates!
Mansour Djadali <MDCON@AOL.COM>
Costa Mesa, CA USA - Saturday, October 15, 2005 2:38 PM CDT
My girls are up to their old tricks. You all look great. Hayden did you notice JoJo's eye peeking out of the picture of you alone in the pool. What are we going to do with that girl? Love her!
Love to all Nana

annette zavareei <annettez@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, October 15, 2005 9:37 AM CDT
My family and I were so thrilled to finally meet you (at Lite the Nite) after everything we had heard. You have been everyone's hero and now you are ours!
Love, Huda, Andy, Drew, Ben,Noah,and Lily Montemarano

Huda Montemarano <hudamonte@hotmail.com>
Bethesda, Md USA - Thursday, October 13, 2005 2:40 PM CDT
Hi Hayden! I love the new pictures-you and your sisters are more beautiful each day! It makes me so happy to see you doing so well. I can't wait to see you when you come in November-tell your mom and dad to definitely let me know when you'll be here!
Andria <aks623@hotmail.com>
5200, PBMTU - Thursday, October 13, 2005 1:21 PM CDT
Love the pictures. Glad your doing so well Hayden. Think about you often. Say a prayer for my most recent buddy and his family. Aj lost his battle with Kostmanns Syndrome last Wednesday.


Aly (Best Bud) <alyson.stal&#18730b7ed99ad7b7d7467b8a06e34e5a --> Hayden, you're doing GREAT!!!!! Do you know how hard it is to make platelets??? It usually takes FOREVER for those to come back! Keep writing your own book and show them how it's really supposed to be done! Keep up the good work!
Andrea Martini http://www.alexupdate.com <amartini@glencove.com>
Gig Harbor, Wa - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:25 AM CDT
Good morning peanut! Its Auntie Az again. Just sat down with my morning coffee and thought I'd start my day with a little message to my favorite girl. Lots of activity around the house the last couple of days. Remember my kitchen floor that has been half done forever and a day? Well, its finally getting finished!! Yay! No more cement sheets with Liam's yogurt stains all over it, haha! The only thing is that in order for the tiles to be set correctly nobody can walk on them for 24 hours. What do you think the chances are of me keeping your cousins out of the kitchen that long? Its probably going to be a long day for me kiddo...I'll probably have to stand guard with a broom stick! Wish me luck!!

I hope you have a great day sweetie. I'll have the boys call you to let you know how they did, hehe. I love you bunches!!

Auntie Az

Auntie Az <azareen@go.com>
Charleston, WV 25314 - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 6:58 AM CDT
I'm so glad to hear you're doing better. I love your beautiful photos. I work in a hospital in Chapel Hill, NC and see little ladies like you everyday. You're much prettier than they and have a much prettier smile. Please keep that pretty smile, always. I just want you to know that I am thinking about you while you're in the hospital.
You probably don't remember me but I am your grandmother Vicki's cousin. Take care and give my best to your Mom and Dad and your sisters. Give my love to Grandma Vicki.
Much love,

Joseph J. Baker <jbaker@unch.unc.edu>
Raleigh, NC USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 6:52 AM CDT
Hayden, my name is Sandra Gupton and my husband is Mike, we went to school with your Granddad Danny. Your grandmother's sister Pat Shipp has been keeping us informed about you and how you are doing. You must be a very specail young lady to have so many people loving and praying for you. I knew you mother and Aunt Paige in their younger years. I have a daughter who is 27, her name is Angie. She lives in Charlotte and I have told her about you and told her to keep you in her prayers also. Sounds like you are doing better. You hang in there. With all who love you and are praying for you just in Clinton, we know our prayers will be answered. You are one of God's little angels and he has a big purpose in life for you and he is not done with you yet. God bless you
Sandra Gupton <sandra.gupton@firstcitizens.com>
Clinton, NC Sampson - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 5:46 AM CDT
We have not met Hayden, but if she's half as lovable as the Zavareei's (of course, she is MORE lovable), we are already her fans! Everything will be fine, there ain't no doubt about it! Much love,

Mansour Djadali, Mariam, Yas , and Manoosh (Costa Mesa, CA)

Mansour Djadali <MDCON@AOL.COM>
Costa Mesa, CA USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 0:00 AM CDT
Hi Hayden!
I just wanted to say hello and tell you that all your cousins in Chicago send their love. We have pictures of when you visited for a wedding here and you were of course just as beautiful as you are now. Did anyone ever tell you that when your daddy was a baby he had a real deep voice and when he cried he sounded like a foghorn? He was a cute little tyke- just like you. We all love you!!!!!
Aunt Patti

Patti Marino <p.marino@comcast.net>
River Forest, IL USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:38 PM CDT

I'm so glad to hear that things are going well and that you're managing to have some fun in the midst of all the treatment. Sounds like you'll make a pretty good doctor if that's what you decide to do!

Gullu <gss@llgllp.com>
Santa Monica, CA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:40 PM CDT
Hello Hayden! Greetings from Boston! I am a friend of your Aunt Jeannie's and she's been telling me all about you and your battle with leukemia. You sound like a very strong and brave little girl. I am praying for you all the way up here in Boston and know that you will be strong and healthy again very soon.
Deb Tobin <dtobin1@aol.com>
Boston, MA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:25 PM CDT
Dear Hayden
I hope you are Feeling good today.Guess what I have pink eye. But I am feeling better.GET WELL SOON!!! Love ya! Maddie

Madison Byrd <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest, NC USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 5:12 PM CDT
Hello Hayden,

It's aunt Jeannie, I'm your grandma's sister. I'm thinking of you everyday, and I love your pictures!! I hope that you liked the card that I sent you and will send you more soon. I Love You and pray for you every day!!

Jean Marino <jmarino@capecod.net>
Provincetown, MA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:57 PM CDT
Hi Hayden. It's Aunt Kaye sending a note of love your way. I told you that the Chick-fil-A man in Asheboro was a very nice person and he has gathered lots of Chick-fil-A stuff for you. I can't wait for you to see all the things in the bag. You'll be excited. I love you sooooooooooooo very much and am excited about the GREAT news you're getting from the doctors. You just keep showing them what a strong little girl you are. I love you and hope to see you again soon!!!!
Kaye Bryan <kaye.b.bryan@mail.sprint.com>
Asheboro, NC USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:47 PM CDT
Hayden I am tryin very hard to get you Princess Diaries 2 n I'll be sending you a butterfly box very soon! I love you soooo much!
Kayla <sweet_n_southern721@yahoo.com>
Huntington, WV U.S.A - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:27 PM CDT
My girl knows how to blow bubbles, but what about those great kisses? Nana
Nana <annettez@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:48 PM CDT
Hello sweet Hayden,
We all (me, Fariborz, Pardis, Parisa) wanted to tell you that you are in our heart and we love you much. We would love to visit you whenever is possible. Please tell us if you need anything. Dear HassAli and Natalie: we are back from our trip, just to let you know that we are here for you guys.
With bunch of love,

Farzaneh Zavareei <fzavaree@hotmail.com>
fairfax, va Fairfax - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:31 PM CDT
Hello Hayden,
I am a good friend to all of your Clinton family. I feel like I was a major contributor in helping raise your Aunt Paige. And believe me, that was a job. Just kidding! You are a beautiful young lady and you have a great smile just like your Mom. WE are all praying for you and your family every day. Stay strong and keep up the good work on a speedy recovery. Love ya bunches and bunches, Sharon Strickland

Sharon Strickland <sharonstrickland@murphybrownllc.com>
Clinton, NC US - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 1:24 PM CDT
Auntie Az again, that was quick huh? Tristan and Liam wanted me to add how much they love you and they can't wait to see you again. They had a great time with you this weekend and talk about you often.

Until next time,

Auntie Az, Tristan and Liam

Auntie Az, Tristan and Liam <azareen@go.com>
Charleston, WV 25314 - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 12:38 AM CDT
Hello sweetie pie!! I wrote you a long note a couple of days ago and realized that I must have fuddled it up because its not posted. Ah well, you know your Auntie Az sure can be a ding bat, hehe. Just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed seeing you this weekend. It did my heart good to see my special girl, and as AuntieElla will tell you, first neices are oh so special! Of course I love bad JoJo and silly Izzy, but when you were born you transformed the lives of all us around you. How wonderful it was to see my brother, your daddy become the wonderful father he is today...and all because of YOU!! Next time I see you I will tell you some more silly stories of me and daddy growing up. And tell Daddy no more bingo or his eyelashes will no longer be safe, haha!

All right, enough mushy gushy stuff. Kayla is on the ball with your movie request and we should have it by the end of the week. I am so glad to hear all the good news. Keep it up my little fighter, you are a force to be reckoned with! Give Mommy, Daddy, and those goof ball sisters of yours a kiss for me. I'll call and write soon. I love you!!

Auntie Az

Auntie Az <azareen@go.com>
Charleston, WV USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 12:35 AM CDT
Hey Hayden!! We work with your Nana in Nicholas Co. WV. We are hoping and praying for you to get better fast!!! We sure do like having your smiling face on our bulletin board and we look at you and talk about you all the time. Be good and keep on aggravating the doctors and nurses!!!
Kathy, Andrea, Carson, Libby, Sandy and everybody else here!!

Kathy <ksibbett@access.k12.wv.us>
SUMMERSVILLE,, WV Nicholas - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 12:00 AM CDT
Hi Hayden, I sure have been thinking of you alot. This is Hannah I babysat you at momma kik's and poppy's back in january. I can't wait to do it again. It's great that you are doing so good and improving each day. Did you know I was in Aunt Paige and Uncle Charles wedding? Ask mommy to show you some pictures sometime..I was real shy she will tell you all about it. I have always looked up to your mommy and Aunt Paige. Hayden, you keep doing good and I hope to see you soon. Love, Hannah Underwood
Hannah Underwood <lynnunderwood@murphybrownllc.com>
Clinton, NC US - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 10:03 AM CDT
hi hayden. we love your new pictures in your photo album. it sounds like you are keeping the doc and nurses on their toes. we hope you are feeling better every day! love, matt, will, steph, bill, tobe and josie
the angricks <stephangrick@comcast.net>
bethesda, md usa - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:52 AM CDT
Hello sweetpea. I have gotten all sorts of news about you from your Nana and have heard that you are keeping everyone at the hospital on their toes! Good work! Can't wait to see you. Hope to visit you THIS week and maybe we can make something special (not quite as good as the gingerbread houses--but close!) Much love to you, Auntiella
Ella Chatterjee <ella.chatterjee@nlrb.gov>
Arlington, Va usa - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 9:05 AM CDT
CLINTON, NC USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 8:53 AM CDT
Hello Hayden, I'm a friend of your Mom from college and just wanted to tell you to get well soon. My family and I are praying for you.
John Wetherington <jwetherington@cfpwood.com>
High Point, NC USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 8:12 AM CDT
Good Monring HAYDIE! Charlie wants to say a few words to you..... cvhjl;' qweryuop[ zxcvbnmuhjuio jklyuuii o puki8
i love you so much & cvbnm ertyu
Just so you understand, He says he loves you very much and he is ready to come back and see you real soon. Keep telling those Doctors how to fix you up so we can go to the Zoo together real soon.

We are glad you are feeling good and keeping MOM and those Drs busy. I bet your room looks like an ARTIST'S MAGIC GALLERY. Have you been on your stilts anymore? How about those Junie B books? Have you made Mom and Dad read some more of them? I will talk to you later this morning so be sweet and tell those Drs and Nurses to take great care of our special girl! Love ya bunches, Aunt Paige and Charlie

Paige and Charlie <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest, NC USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 8:07 AM CDT
Hi pretty girl. I put your draweing from my hospital gown on my frig. It is hanging there with the 2 pictures you did for me while you visited in July. We love you so much.
Nana <annettez@hotmail.com>
- Monday, August 16, 2004 11:46 PM CDT
Hi Hayden!
My name is Wanda Coleman. I live in Clinton, NC with my husband Joel and our daughters Catherine (12), Margaret (9) and Elizabeth (3)We are lucky because Joel and I grew up with your Mom. She was younger than we were, but she was always so kind and fun. Your grandparents are two of my favorite people! Your Mom's family was part of my church family growing up...they are very special to us....so...that makes you very special also! We are sending many prayers and lots of love to you and your beautiful family.:)

Wanda Coleman <jwcoleman5@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 9:37 PM CDT
Hey there, Hayden....this is Doris...just wanted to say hello......I LOVE the pictures.....you are so BEAUTIFUL!!!....How many Duke hats, and State hats do you have?...lots?.......I talk with your Poppy by email sometimes...he is very proud of you, and loves you very much...I bet he is kinda fun to have around, isn't he?...Well...take good care....hugs to you, and to your mommy and daddy.....and please say hello to Mama Kik for me...I love you all very much......and I say prayers for all of you every day...bye now.....Doris
Doris Hawley Wilson <dori1wood2@AOL.com>
Rock Ridge, NC USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 7:58 PM CDT
Hello Hayden, What's up? I think that I am in the dog house with Aunt Meemie. I was suppose to send you an email the other day to tell you that Aunt Meemie and Uncle Coonie were thinking about you everyday and can't wait for you to get better and get out of the hospital and that they love you a lot, but guess what, I am getting older and I forgot!!! I told Meemie that she really needed to get her computer out of the box and use it before Christmas, if not we were going to wrap it up and give it to her again this Christmas. What do think about that? I bet that you would agree with me. Well before I forget again, Hello from Aunt Meemie and Uncle Coonie and tell your mom and dad and Mamma Kik we said "Hello". Talk with you soon, Tracy
Tracy McCullen <AuntMeemie@needscomputer.hookedup>
Raleigh, NC United States - Monday, August 16, 2004 3:30 PM CDT
Hello Hayden, What's up? I think that I am in the dog house with Aunt Meemie. I was suppose to send you an email the other day to tell you that Aunt Meemie and Uncle Coonie were thinking about you everyday and can't wait for you to get better and get out of the hospital and that they love you a lot, but guess what, I am getting older and I forgot!!! I told Meemie that she really needed to get her computer out of the box and use it before Christmas, if not we were going to wrap it up and give it to her again this Christmas. What do think about that? I bet that you would agree with me. Well before I forget again, Hello from Aunt Meemie and Uncle Coonie and tell your mom and dad and Mamma Kik we said "Hello". Talk with you soon, Tracy
Tracy McCullen <AuntMeemie@needscomputer.hookedup>
Raleigh, NC United States - Monday, August 16, 2004 3:30 PM CDT
Good Morning HAY HAY, We hope you had a good weekend. We missed seeing you but before you know it we will ALL be back up there with lots of special requests surprises we have talked about. I hope you have our theme song memorized. I have been practicing, HAVE YOU?

I liked seeing you on those stilts. They look like fun. A VERY LONG TIME AGO when your MOMMY and I were little girls just like you and JORDI,IZZY,Maddie and Chan your MOMMY and I used to have a pair JUST like those. You will have to ask her about them. I bet she might could still do them, what do you think? I bet you will be better and faster than her ! We all love you lots sweet pea and think of you every second of every day! TELL YOUR MOMMY ( or Daddy or Momma KIK) TO GIVE YOU A GREAT BIG HUG and BUTTERFLY KISS FROM AUNT PAIGE! See you soon sweetie! Aunt Paige & Uncle Charles and the rest of the little Byrds

Paige Byrd <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest, NC USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 11:14 AM CDT
Wow, do you look like your mom?! You're beautiful! Hope you guys are hanging in there and all doing well. This is such a great service, a webpage all about you Hayden and how you're doing. You have been in my(and my family's) thoughts and prayers since Laura told me about your condition. I'm sure it's hard for you not to be at home with your sisters and mom and dad but hopefully the time will pass quickly! Keep getting better. I'll keep checking in on youu.
Jill, Danny, Harrison, Cameron, & Nicholas Woodlief <jwoodlief@emscoinc.com>
Angier, NC - Monday, August 16, 2004 10:41 AM CDT
Hi Hayden,

We wanted to write to you to tell you that we think about often. Riley asks about you all the time and he hopes that you are feeling OK. He thinks you are such a brave person and he loves the pictures of you on your website!

We send our love --

Melissa, PJ, Riley, Madison & Patrick Kemp

Riley Kemp <melissa.l.kemp@verizon.net>
Bethesda, MD US - Monday, August 16, 2004 7:19 AM CDT
Hi Hayden:

Right now we are watching Teen Titans. What are you doing? Watching t.v. or playing doctor? We hope you enjoyed the weekend with all your cousins and family from West Virginia. Our cousins and Gigi and Pape were in town this weekend. My mom and dad are still recovering from it! We can't wait to see you!

We love you! KiKi is waving her paw to you.

Lots of love!

Noah and Mitchell

Noah and Mitchell Hanna <jnoahhanna@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, August 15, 2004 3:59 PM CDT
Hi Hayden, You don't know me but Aunt Kaye told me all about you. I hope all is going well, your mom indicates on her page that treatments are showing great responses. Im very happy; I have a special Chick-fil-A stuffed cow that Aunt Kaye is going to bring to you soon for you to take care of in your room. He is a good listener when you need someone to chat with. Well you keep working hard at getting all well real soon. Bye for now.Sincerely, Sam Ramsey-the Chick-fil-A man where Aunt Kaye eats.
Sam Ramsey <chicken1@asheboro.com>
Asheboro, NC USA - Saturday, August 14, 2004 5:37 PM CDT
Hi Hayden,
I am so glad your parents are keeping a diary for you. You will like looking back at it in the years to come. It is also wonderful for friends to read daily and keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

I grew up in Clinton with your Mom and Aunt Paige. You are from a wonderful family! One of your mom's cousins, Sherry Sinclair, is a special friend and neighbor of mine. I also work with your cousin n law, Heather McCullen, in Raleigh.

Our son, Nicholas, is 9 years old and had lots of heart surgeries and catheterizations before he was 4 years old. We spent lots of nights in the hospital and loved the doctors and nurses. Keep playing jokes on them and it will keep you laughing everyday. Laughter is great medicine.

Keep getting stronger each day. We'll keep sending positive thoughts to Maryland.

Donna (Wilson), Leonard and Nicholas Thagard

Donna W. Thagard <lthagard@nc.rr.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Saturday, August 14, 2004 2:51 PM CDT
Hi Hayden,
Hello from Timberlake! We are neighbors of your Momma Kit and Poppy. They are wonderful people! They are very proud of you and the progress you are making.
You are a very brave and beautiful girl. We are praying for you and your family.

Anthony, Shelia, Ashley and Morgan Steed
Clinton, NC - Saturday, August 14, 2004 2:17 PM CDT
Hey HAY HAY, Chan, Charlie, Maddie Uncle Charles and I are glad you are enjoying all of your fun gifts this morning! Boy all those friends in MOMMA KIK and POPPIE'S "CLint" sure are VERY NICE aren't they? We love all of them and know they all send lots of hugs and kisses to you as we are doing the same thing this RAINY SAT morning.

We hope you are having fun with Momma Kik and Poppy this morning. Make sure you make Poppy watch lots of cartoons today. I know he loves them.

I hear you are loving Chik Fil a NUGGETS alot lately, You are going to turn into to a chicken like Aunt Paige and Charlie. That is Charlie's favorite place to eat too. We eat there many times a week. I am going to go see if I can't find a special COW friend for you to join you in that CLUB BED (It is getting kind a full isn't it) so when you eat Chik FIL NUGGETS you think of us BYRDS back in Wake Forest every time!!! MAKE SURE YOU EAT ALL OF THE NUGGETS YOU WANT! And Cinnabons too! They smell soooooo good almost as good as they taste - yummy too!

ENJOY your Saturday sweet pea and have fun with your sisters. I know they were glad to get back to see you! Give everyone a Hug and Kiss for us and we miss you and promise to see you real soon!
Love ya bunches, Aunt Paige

Aunt Paige <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest , NC USA - Saturday, August 14, 2004 10:14 AM CDT
Good Morning Hayden,
It's Super Saturday! Have you had any chocolate cake yet? (If not, ask your Poppy and Mommy what they did with it.) I hope you enjoy your package that Anna sent. She thought she was going to be able to play cards with you, but I explained that you were not in "our hospital", but one near where the President lives. She shook her head like she knew exactly where I was talking about. I think you girls are smarter today than when your mom and I were little girls. I hope you have a great weekend. Oh, I do hope that you took a picture of Mama Kik wrapped in gause. Did she look like a mummy to you? If you play dress-up, you can use a headband and toilet paper to make a bridal veil. Anna prefers this to her real veil, because the toilet paper veil is really long and can touch the floor. Hayden, you could be the bride, have your Mommy and Mama Kik be the bridesmaids, and Jordan and Isabella could be the flower girls. As creative as Mama Kik is, I'm sure she could make some fabulous gowns out of toilet paper for all of you. Take care and we love you all!

Chris, Sandra, and Anna Starling.... Dixie and Streak <anna1@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC US - Saturday, August 14, 2004 8:53 AM CDT
Dear Hayden,
This is Mary from your Caterpillar class. I am sorry you can't go and play outside at the moment, but anyway it is going to be very rainy this weekend. I have a cousin called Nick and he had similar treatment to you and he kept wearing his hat all the time because he didn't want me to see his head - but also I think he got a bit cold with no hair. Now his hair has all grown back and we are going to see him at Christmas in South Africa, even though he is usually a bit mean to me because I am the youngest cousin....
When I was on holiday in France I finally learned how to swim, so that was a nice souvenir. Can you believe it, I was on vacation for six weeks - starting on July 1st. My best bit of the vacation was in Switzerland with some children called Sarah and Katie and it was really nice because they weren't mean to me like my sister Claire.
I was away for my 6th birthday so I didn't have a party. I remember your birthday too with the bouncy castle which I really liked.
I hope to come and see you - when I have got rid of my germs from England.
Love from Mary

mary butler <hensey@earthlink.net>
chevy chase, md usa - Saturday, August 14, 2004 7:46 AM CDT
Hi to everyone! We hope you're ALL feeling well. We've been thinking about you and wish we were there to give each of you a BIG HUG. We know that this is a difficult time so please be sure to rest your mind and bodies every day.

Recently we stumbled on this and thought of Hayden. You may have read it, or maybe not, anyway here goes...

It cannot cripple LOVE,
It cannot shatter HOPE,
It cannot corrade FAITH,
It cannot destroy PEACE,
It cannot kill FRIENDSHIP,
It cannot surpress MEMORIES,
It cannot silence COURAGE,
It cannot invade the SOUL,
It cannot steal ETERNAL LIFE,
It cannot conquer the SPIRIT!


We'll be out of town and absent from your guestbook from 8/14-8/19. Please know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers while we are gone, and look for us back on the 19th.

Chin's Up, and Hayden keep thoes smiles comming!
Love To All,
The Egans
Kim, Wes, Katherine, Will, and Sophie

The Egans <kegan@carolina.rr.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 9:42 PM CDT
Hi , my Angel,

Just to let you know that I already miss you ... I had a great time yesterday afternoon. See you soon. Love you

Andrea <deapaes@hotmail.com>
Washignton, DC USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 4:54 PM CDT
Hi Hayden, Your Uncle Tracy was telling us about your pretty butterfly hat he gave you. I hope you get better and keep showing those pretty dimples!
Laura Carmickle
Wake Forest, NC - Friday, August 13, 2004 3:19 PM CDT
Hello Hayden! We all here at Matthew's Drug Store in Clinton wanted to send you message and let you know we are thinking of you. Your grandpa, Mr.Henry Britt has told us all about you because you mean sooooo much to him, therefore, you mean bunches to us too! We are very happy to hear you are feeling better. We will all continue to keep you in our prayers and look forward to hearing more good news the next time your grandpa Britt comes to visit us.
Matthew's Drug Store staff <rx@matthewsdrugs.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 3:15 PM CDT
Hi Hayden,
I know your Mama Kik and Poppy and your Mom and Aunt Paige really well. We all grew up together at First Baptist Church. You are a beautiful little girl and very special to many people. I am praying for you daily and hope you will feel God's hand upon you and that you will trust Him to take care of you. Keep your beautiful smile and tickle Mama Kik for me! God bless you, Marcia B. Jackson

Marcia B. Jackson <marciaj@newcenturybanknc.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 11:39 AM CDT
Hi Hayden, We just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you and your family. We live in Wake Forest, NC where Aunt Paige and her family live. You are in our prayers daily. Take care.
Larry, Mitzi, Kristen and Tyler Gibbs <mitzigibbs@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest, NC Wake - Friday, August 13, 2004 10:33 AM CDT
Good Morning Miss Hayden Zavareei! Aunt Paige and Charlie just checking in to make sure you are taking care of Daddy today, okay? I just talked to him and he said you were feeling good and watching lots of movies and listening to him read Junie B. That sounds like a fun day to me! I think he needs some art work on his face like you and Chan did last week to me. Green nose and cheeks? Maybe he could pick his favorite color! Take it easy on him!

Maddie and I went out movie shopping for you last night and some of your requests are a little tough to find. But there are some good ones coming your way and a special BUDDY for the CLIB BED. His initials are S B S P? Can you guess? He is square, yellow, orange and very porous and he lives in a pineapple under the sea? Who could that be? As we talked about ... one more hint ... he is our mascot for the GIRLS CLUB... remember now? Have a good Friday sweeetie pie! Love ya Lots! Aunt Paige and Charlie BYRD

Charlie Byrd & Aunt Paige <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest, NC USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 9:49 AM CDT
Dear Hayden,

We just wanted to let you know that the Angels (your cousin Chandler's soccer team) are saying lots and lots of prayers for you. We have heard a lot about you from your Aunt Paige and Chandler, and want you to know that we pray for you to get well very soon. Keep smiling!!!

Love and blessings,
The Angels

Angels Soccer Team <mounts24jcs@cs.com>
Raleigh, NC - Friday, August 13, 2004 9:16 AM CDT
Hayden and "all your family",
I am from Clinton and have known your Poppy and Mama Kik for a long time. I worked with your Poppy many years ago. Please know that my family will be praying for you and your family everyday and we know that God will take care of such a beautiful young lady. I have a little girl who will soon be 19, so I know how special little girls are...... you are your sisters and so special and beautiful!

Joe, Judy and Courtney Barefoot <barefootj@sboil.com>
Turkey, NC USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 7:40 AM CDT
Hello Hayden, I work with "Poppy" in the telco business, my name is Randy and I'm from Concord, NC. You are such a beautiful little girl and "Poppy" was right, you are a "Golden Star". We have you in our thoughts and prayers. Get well soon so you can be with "Poppy". We all love you.

Randy Cline <grcline@vnet.net>
Concord, NC USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 6:59 AM CDT
Hi Hayden!

Greetings from Oregon! My Aunt Lucy told me about you in an e-mail. I think a friend of hers in North Carolina may be a distant relative of yours. When I got her e-mail yesterday I wrote her that I would begin to pray for you. In fact, Every Monday evening I meet with two friends and we walk and pray together. I will ask them to pray for you also. During my past travels as a missionary I have seen God do great miracles and am trusting Him to do one for you. I will check your message board often to see how you are doing. Do you like animals? I have two cute dogs and one fat cat! They like to lay here at my feet while I write e-mails. Shane Walter and Happiness Long Nose both say woof-woof ... get well soon!

Melinda Rossow

Melinda Rossow <m_rossow@hotmail.com>
Salem, OR USA - Friday, August 13, 2004 1:04 AM CDT
Hi Hayden, I live in Cinton and I knew your Mother and Aunt Paige--haven't seen them in a long time! All of you will have to come see me the next time you visit you Grandmother and Granddaddy Britt. I have a granddaughter that is in the Children's Hospital in Chicago. She is getting much better--she has been there four weeks. She had just gotten her driver's license when she go sick so she is anxious to get back home in Indiana so she can drive her car. Her name is Brandy. Hayden, you are as pretty as your mother!
Get well soon. I will be thinking of you.

Marjorie Woodall <woodall@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 8:16 PM CDT
Hello Hayden,
This is Henrietta, the mother of Mary from your Caterpillar Class. We only just heard that you were in hospital because we have been away for 6 weeks in France, Austria and England. Mary's cousin Nicholas had chemotherapy earlier this year and we went over to see him (he lives in South Africa). His hair all came out too and the chemo made him feel really sick, but now he is back at school and playing the saxophone again and seeing all his friends. Do you think it's strange that he is at school in August? In South Africa it is winter now, so they only have a very short vacation. His long summer break is in December and January when it is hot and sunny there.
Mary is fast asleep in bed right now, but she will write her own message to you another time.
Lots of love, Henrietta Butler

Henrietta Butler <hensey@earthlink.net>
chevy chase, md usa - Thursday, August 12, 2004 8:14 PM CDT
Hi Hayden,
Your poppy and his family were some of the first people I met when I moved to Clinton about 20 years ago. Every time I see him, he talks about his daughters and his grandchildren!! How lucky you are to have such a loving family to take care of you these days. I'm a retired music teacher and I used to teach all the little children in Clinton to sing and love music. I hope you have a CD player and lots of good music to listen to, dance to and sing along with in your room. Some folks say that "music is the best medicine". It helps people rest...and makes them feel better too! What do you think?
Keep a song in your heart, dear.
Much love and good wishes.....
Ellen Tew

Ellen Knox Tew <LNTOO@earthlink.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 7:52 PM CDT
Hello Hayden,
We used to live next door to Aunt Faye and Uncle Coonie and have been family friends for lots of years. Here's hoping you are having a good week. We will continue to keep you and your family in our prayers. Hugs and kisses..
Nathan and Sue Barefoot

Sue Barefoot <sbfoot@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 7:10 PM CDT
Hello- The Byrd's from Clinton are just checking in to see how your week has been. We continue to keep you in our daily thoughts and prayers. It seems you have quite a bit of "fan mail" from Clinton, NC. The town will have to throw you a Welcome Home Party when you come to visit. Take care-

Chris, Miriam and Andrew

Miriam Byrd <Miriam.Byrd@ncmaial.net>
Clinton, NC - Thursday, August 12, 2004 6:07 PM CDT
Hello Hayden,
My name is John Clark. I live in Clinton and grew up here and went to school with your mother and your Aunt Paige. I met you one day in Kaleel's restaurant in Clinton. You are a beautiful young lady. I have a four year old daughter named Abbigail and a two year old son named John Litton. We just want you to know that every night as we say our prayers we say a special prayer just for you. I hope we see you back in Kaleels soon.

John, Tina, Abbigail and John Litton.

PS Can we call your granddaddy "Poppy" too?

John Clark <johnc@sboil.com>
Clinton, , NC USA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 3:49 PM CDT
Hello Hayden. You don't know me personally, but I am friends your Grandma Vicki and Grandpa Danny. I also stay next door to your Grandma and Grandpa's old house, where Ms. Maydell Warren lives. Ms. Maysell says to tell you hello and she loves you. I have been thinking about you a lot, and keep you in my prayers every day. I hope you feel better soon and are able to get back home and to school soon. Be a good girl and keep those doctors straight!

Dianne Henderson

Dianne Henderson <dhenderson@sampsonrmc.org>
Clinton, NC USA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 3:30 PM CDT
Danny, Vicki, Natalie, and Hassan,
You are all in our prayers daily and we know that God is in control. He is the "Great Physician" and He is almighty and He IS bigger than AML! May you feel His presence and know His peace. We love you.

In His Service,

John, Marcia, Jaimisson, and Nicholas Jackson

Marcia B. Jackson
Clinton, NC USA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 3:29 PM CDT
Hello Hayden, I know your grandparents in Clinton and how much they love you, so that makes me love you, too! Remember that God loves you, too! Hope you can soon feel much better and keep that beautiful smile on your face like the one in your picture! :)
Brenda Warren <bwarren@sampsonrmc.org>
Newton Grove, NC USA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 2:44 PM CDT
Hello Hayden,
Our names are Charlie & Mary Honeycutt..We wish to let you know each day you are in our prayers. Remember always that God loves you and you are in his care. It is with much love from Clinton , N.C., and many friends thinking of you, your Mom, Dad and family each day.

Mary Honeycutt <spunky@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC Sampson - Thursday, August 12, 2004 2:26 PM CDT
Hey Hay Hay, Just checking into say I love you! See you soon. Be sweet! Paige
Paige Byrd <paigeunc@hotmail.com >
Wake Foest, NC USA - Thursday, August 12, 2004 1:49 PM CDT
Hi Hayden, My name is Dama and I'm from Clinton and have known your Mom and grandparents for a long time. I hope you are having a good day and enjoying those Sponge Bob movies. There are alot of people here along with me that are sending you lots of love and wishes. Take care
dama apperson <mycoda@hotmail.com>
clinton, nc usa - Thursday, August 12, 2004 12:59 AM CDT
Hello Hayden!

My name is Lisa(Faircloth)Kelly and I went to school with your mom. We were in the marching band together, too.

I saw your pictures and you are just as pretty as your mom, and I bet you are as sweet, too.

I hope that you will continue to respond well to your medicine. You have so many people thinking about you every day. It sounds like you have a positive attitude, and that will help you a lot. Keep up the good work!

Michael, Cara, Seana, and I all pray that you will feel better very soon.


Lisa Kelly

Lisa (Faircloth) Kelly <mlckelly@comcast.net>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:39 PM CDT
Hello Hayden......You are just as beautiful as your "Poppy" said. Your Aunt Ann Starling is in my Sunday School Class. She has kept us updated on your progress. You have a "huge" support system in Clinton. You are in everyone's prayers for a speed recovery.

Brownie Spell <spell3@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:27 PM CDT
Hello Hayden.......Just want to let you know that we are thinking of you, and praying for you....We had a Fellowship Supper at our church tonight...and we always end our evening with prayer.....we all asked God to watch over you, and your mommy and daddy.....and I am sure that He will do that. Hugs to all of you.....sweet dreams...Love, Love, Love, Doris and Woody......
Doris Hawley Wilson <dori1wood2@aol.com>
Rock Ridge, NC USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 8:32 PM CDT
Hey Hayden!

We were just sitting here thinking about you and wanted to say "hello"! We hope you had a very good day. We enjoyed seeing the pictures of you and tell your Mommy and Mama Kik we said Hi! We love you.

Heather and Tracy <handtmccullen@juno.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 7:20 PM CDT
I hope you are having a good day. I think about you and your family all the time. I spoke with your Poppy today and confirmed his departure time from Clinton on Friday. Anna and I did a little shopping and we have a surprise to send to you. I want you to know that you are asked about often. Lots of people are praying for you! We know you have a long way to go, but keep smiling and we will keep praying!! Anna wants to know if you have a boyfriend.... I told her I did not know, but I would ask? Take care and tell everyone we said HELLO. Love you guys!

Chris, Sandra, and Anna Starling <anna1@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC US - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 6:38 PM CDT
Hello my beautiful Hayden!! It was great talking to you yesterday even though you think Mama Kik and I talk too much. It's really Mama Kik--not Aunt Kaye. You have just got to quit tickling Mama Kik so much--you know what happens when she gets tickled. Talk to you soon. Love, Aunt Kaye
Kaye Bryan <kaye.b.bryan@mail.sprint.com>
Asheboro, NC US - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 4:34 PM CDT
Hey Hayden,
This is Amelia your cousin!I hope you have had a great day today and are doing really good.
Amelia Jackson

Amelia Jackson <ljackson@intrstar.net >
Autryville , NC United States - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 4:29 PM CDT
Hey Hayden,
This is Amelia your cousin!I hope you have had a great day today and are doing really good.
Amelia Jackson

Amelia Jackson <ljackson@intrstar.net >
Autryville , NC United States - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 4:29 PM CDT
Hi Hayden we cant wait until you are better and can come back to Clinton to visit Mama Kik and Poppy. Please tell them hello for us and we are sending you good thoughts everyday!!!
Kristi, Jason & Olivia Williford <kristiwilliford@hotmail.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 1:31 PM CDT
God will provide you comfort when you are troubled, strength when you are weary and courage when you are frightened. We continually lift all you up in prayer.
Kettrell Strickland <kettrell.strickland@nc.usda.gov>
Clinton, NC USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 12:48 AM CDT
Hello! My name is KIley (KileyBug) and I am 7 years old today! My Mama Emma knows your Poppy and Mama Kik. I live in Clinton. I just wanted to tell you that I hope you feel better soon, and you are on my prayer list at my church, Immanuel Baptist in Clinton. I like your pictures. I will write to you again soon. Love, Kiley Bug
Emma & Kiley Jones <kileybug@intrstar.net>
Clinton, N C USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 12:10 AM CDT
Hi Hayden,
I went to school with your mom and Aunt Paige in Clinton. I saw you and your mom one night with your grandparents out eating supper in Clinton. You are such a beautiful little girl and I think you look alot like your mom did when she was a little girl. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Cindy Osborne Faulkner <cindyfaulkner@murphybrownllc.com>
Clinton, nc USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 8:35 AM CDT
Good Morning Hayden! Hope that someone at the hospital made you a YUMMY breakfast today! Your Poppy emailed us some pictures of last weekend. Looks like you had an action packed time. I love your room! Look at ALL of your games and art supplies. By the time you're out of there, I'm sure that you will have created at least ONE masterpiece. Please remember all of us when you're rich and famous. ~:)) We hope you have a good day. We'll be thinking happy thoughts about you here from Charlotte.
Kim Egan <kegan@carolina.rr.com>
Ch, NC - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 8:18 AM CDT
Good Morning, Hayden. Hope your day is going good. Just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We live in Clinton and are good friends with mama kik and poppy. We're in the same Sunday School class. Mama kik and I graduated from High School together a few years ago. Our Sunday school class got together last evening for a prayer session for you and the family (poppy was there). You take care and we'll continue praying for you and the family. Tell mama kik (Vickie) and the rest of the family hello.. You are a special little girl.
Dale & Elaine McLamb <dmclamb@sampson.k12.nc.us>
Clinton, NC USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 8:00 AM CDT
Hi, Hayden! My name is Frankie (King) Sutter. I went to school with your mom and we were lifeguards together for many years! I ran into your granddad last night. He was developing pictures of you! He shared these with me and my family. You have such beautiful eyes! I have a five year old named Gray who really digged your hair cut. You have a lot of people thinking about you and wishing you well! Hope today is a good one!
Frankie (King) Sutter <fsutter@sampsoncc.edu>
Clinton, NC USA - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 7:50 AM CDT
Hello Hayden! I am a secretary at First Baptist Church in Clinton. I remember putting an announcement in the church newsletter when you were born! I am also a cancer survivor. That was almost 10 years ago. God was with me all the time, and I know He is with you. Everyone here in the office is keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Ruth Ann Johnson <rajohnson@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 9:05 PM CDT
Hayden, we know your grandparents Danny and Vickie Britt and also Vickie's sister and brother-in-law Faye and Coonie McCullen and their sons Zackie and Tracie. Natalie, you may know our sons Robie and Daren Lucas. May God be with all of you during Hayden's illness. I pray for her complete recovery. Love, Joyce and Gerald Lucas
Joyce and Gerald Lucas <GJLUCAS@MSN.COM>
Kure Beach, NC New Hanover - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 7:54 PM CDT
Hey HAY HAY! Just checking in to tell you that we are searching for those special 2 movies. Your specific requests are making Aunt Paige do a little searching but we will find them! Take care of MOMMA KIK and MOMMY for me tonight! I think they need your help to get some rest! Have fun sweetie and keep doing lots of artwork for our CLUB BED!

Maddie wants to say a few words..
Hi Hayden...have you started reading another Junnie B Jones book?Oh guess what my friendis having Her birthday this Friday the 13!!!!! Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take care and eat lots of Fruit Roll ups for me too!
See ya later alligator! Maddie

Love ya lots ! Aunt Paige

Aunt Paige <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 6:48 PM CDT
Hello Hayden,
Just wanted to let you and your family know we are praying for all of you each day. Keep that beautiful smile and with all the prayers being said for you, the Lord will see all of you through these trying times. Hugs and kisses are being sent your way.

Nathan and Sue Barefoot <sbfoot@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 6:41 PM CDT
Hi Hayden and Natalie,

It must take all day to read your mail; isn't that a wonderful problem to have? I just found out about the website, and I think it is such a great idea.

The reports sound good, and your weekend with the cousins must have been so much fun. Keep smiling and get better every day. Many, many people are praying for you, and I know that will help.

Hayden, I love your haircut, and I think you are as beautiful as your mom was as a little girl.

I hope the rest of the week goes well for you.

Mary Lou Faircloth

Mary Lou Faircloth <mlfaircloth@earthlink.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 5:01 PM CDT
Hayden, You are a very special little girl because everyone I work with is thinking and praying for you and your family. I know you don't know me, but I have a niece who is now cancer-free after going through all that you may have to go through. It was not easy, but Jesus helped her just like I'm sure He will help you. If I may be so bold as to say a prayer for you, "Lord, hold Hayden in the palm of your gracious hand and let her know she is loved by you, give her the peace that passes all understanding, and send down your Holy Spirit to comfort her and her loving family. I offer this prayer in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen."
Bill Scott <bill.scott@firstcitizens.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:40 PM CDT
Hi Hayden,
You do not know me but I was one of your mommie's college roommates. I could tell you lots of funny stories about your mom. Your pictures are beautiful, (you look alot like mommie)
I think it is amazing how brave and strong you are. Keep getting better.
Natalie-- Leigh has been keeping me updated over the past weeks. I just want you to know that Jack and I have you and your family in our prayers every day.
We love you lots
Hugs and kisses to Hayden, Jordan, and Izzy
Karen and Jack Pooley
(that's Crow if you couldn't remember my new last name)Ha.

Karen Crow Pooley <kcrow1@tampabay.rr.com>
Tampa, FL USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:39 PM CDT
Hi Hayden, You don't know me but I know your Poppy and Mama K. Your Poppy and my husband are members of the Hiram Lodge #98 in Clinton. We just want you to know we are praying for you to get well and return home soon. Now that I have found your web site I will visit you often.
Love, Peggy Carter

Peggy O Carter <pcarter@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:45 PM CDT
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
CLINTON, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:23 PM CDT
Hi Hayden, My daughter, Amelia is about your fourth cousin. Her father is Charles Wayne, I'm sure your Mom can tell you who he is. We are glad to hear you are doing well and will continue to keep you in our prayers. My Sunday School Class and Amelia and I have sent you a couple small packages that you should get soon. Just know we're thinking of you daily. Love, Lorrie and Amelia Jackson
Lorrie Jackson <ljackson@intrstar.net>
Autryville, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 12:48 AM CDT
Hi Hayden, i just saw your poppy at lunch and he was telling about your progress and this web site.I work at First Citizens Bank and so glad you enjoyed your surprise package(maybe we can send you another).I'll be checking on you another time.Until then we have you in our prayers.
Diana M Cox <danddcox@intrstar.net>
clinton, nc usa - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 12:13 AM CDT
Hi Hayden, I talked with Aunt Paige and she said you want to come to St. Augustine to ride on Flipper and go to Disney! I can't wait, We love Disney and Space Mountain is still my "Favorite Ride". It really scared Captain Dave when he rode, because he sat in the front. When you come down we will let him sit in the front again and be scared so we can laugh at him. Captain Dave said there was a dolphin that almost jumped on our dock yesterday while he was chasing fish. He said it made a Big Splash. You are just going to have so much fun when you get here. Love Myra and Captain Dave
Myra Gaskins <captaindaveandmyra@hotmail.com>
Saint Augustine, FL USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 11:20 AM CDT
Dear Hayden, I know that you don't know me but your mom used to take me to school when I was in high school. My name is Crystal Falatovich Wells. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I am so proud and amazed at your upbeat attitude. Keep it up. I teach third grade and you are now on the prayer list with the 23 children in my room. Good Luck!!
Crystal Wells <cwells@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 9:46 AM CDT

DUNN, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 9:25 AM CDT
Hi Hayden-we live in the same neighborhood as your Poppy and mama Kik-They have always shared how much they love you and how proud they are of you. You are such a special little girl and brave too!!!we keep you in our thoughts and prayers-
G.K., Dianne, Katie and Kelly <DNelmsinc@aol.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 9:20 AM CDT
Hi Hayden, This is Ms. Lynn a good friend of your mommies, mama Kik and Poppy. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful weekend and didn't get into to much trouble. Hayden, you are such a special little girl and Loved so much. I hear you are being so brave, you just try and keep Poppy and mama Kik straight..We are thinking about you everyday in our prayers. Love You.
Mike, Lynn, Georganne and Hannah Underwood <lynnunderwood@murphybrownllc.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 7:55 AM CDT
Hi Hayden,

We heard that you and your Daddy are now twins! We think about you everyday and hope we can come play with you soon!

Lots of love,

Hilary, Brian, Riley, Alexander & Algae

Hilary Munson <hbmunson@comcast.net>
Bethesda, MD USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 7:25 AM CDT
You are in our thoughts and prayers, and We Love You Lots!!!
Debbie Oates <doates1955@hotmail.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 6:23 AM CDT
Hi Hayden. You don't know us but we live in Clinton and have known your Mama Kik, Poppy, Mom and Aunt Paige for a long, long time. Mama Kik and Poppy are in our Sunday School class. We'll tell you something, Hayden. Your grandparents are really big "braggers"! You know they are always telling us how wonderful, how smart, how beautiful and how truly SPECIAL their grandchildren are. And you know what? After seeing your beautiful picture and reading ALL the mail you have received from so many people, we know they really are telling the truth!!! We are so excited to hear about your good news. You just continue to be the brave girl we've heard about and remember that you have many, many friends praying for you. We love you and we love your family and we look forward to hearing more good and exciting news from you. It really sounds like "Poppy" needs help with his laundry, doesn't it?
Debra and J.A. Reeves <debrareeves0628@netscape.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:07 AM CDT
Hello Hayden, My name is Lea ann and I am a very good friend of your aunt Paige. She told me all about you: how beautiful you are, how brave you are and how much she loves and adores you. I just saw your picture and I have to agree, you are very beautiful. I wanted to write and tell you about a website that sells great hats! The web address is: http://www.hip-hat.com/ I think you will find that nightcap you have been searching for as well as some very neat hats. You stay brave and remember, everyone is praying for you so you must be very special. Love, Lea ann
Lea ann wimmert <Leawim65@tampabay.rr.com>
Tampa, Fl USA - Monday, August 9, 2004 9:28 PM CDT
Hayden there is great strenght in all of the prays and blessed thoughts. Continue to stay strong.
Julie Williams <jrwag@intrstar.net>
Newton Grove , NC usa - Monday, August 9, 2004 9:09 PM CDT
Hi Hayden, have you recuperated from your busy weekend yet? It sounds like you had a blast. Your weekend was far better than ours, we spent it cleaning and doing chores around the house. ~:(( Any luck on the tobogins? We'll keep our eyes out for some cool ones for you and your Dad. Keep your chin up SWEETIE and SMILE as BIG as you can, the bright sun will shine again.
xoxo, The Egans - WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Kim, Wes, Katherine, Will and Sophie <kegan@carolina.rr.com>
Charlotte, NC - Monday, August 9, 2004 8:28 PM CDT
Hi Hayden'
I love your new hair cut. You do have a beautiful face. I think about you a lot everyday. You are a super girl. My love to you and all of your family. Give Mom and Dad a hug from me. Love, Mrs. Anapolle

Robbin Anapolle <krshark@erols.com>
- Monday, August 9, 2004 5:12 PM CDT
Hi! We are friends of the Egans and have heard about what a brave girl you are! We wanted to send you a little note and let you know that we are thinking of you. We hope you are feeling better and continue to do so well. We will say lots of prayers for you!! Love, Kelly & Becca

Kelly and Rebecca Preston <kdpreston@carolina.rr.com>
Monroe, NC - Monday, August 9, 2004 4:57 PM CDT
Hello, Hayden! This is Paul from across the street. I hear that you and your dad are trying out my haircut. It really isn't so bad once you get used to it; just think of all the time you'll save not having to shampoo and brush!

Lisa, Allison and I are thinking about you and can't wait to see you soon.

Paul Mandell <pmandell@yahoo.com>
Bethesda, MD - Monday, August 9, 2004 12:42 AM CDT
Hey Sweet Pea, It sure was good to hear your voice this morning! I know you said you were not tired yesterday but you know that Chan sure did sleep on the way home. You two are used a lot of energy to GET IN TROUBLE!!!!

How is the "HAYDEN's CLUB BED" looking? Any new art work been added to the collection yet? I guess if he is real GOOD you might could let Daddy be like I guess the MASCOT and the only BIG BOY in the Club? What do you think? I know us girls do sometimes need a BIG BOY to help us do stuff in our club.

I just talked to Aunt Myra and guess what she says she is going to send you a picture of her BIG BOAT named FLIPPER and as soon as those good Doctors tell us we are going to ride on that BIG BOAT and go out and see those really beautiful DOLPHINS you and Chan talked about yesterday.

Charlie says to remember that we have to all 6 wear life jackets even Maddie remember? I hope Daddy is reading the JUNIE B book as well as Maddie. Ask Daddy if hs is a CHEATER PANTS? We are silly aren't we?

Don't forget to have a swishing and spitting contest with Daddy. I bet you will WIN because I saw you beat Chan this weekend 2 times and I know you are a THE BEST SWISHER!!!!

Charlie says HELLO. He is standing here singing and practicing SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS!!!SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS! SPOOOOONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS!!!!! HayHay we HAVE to learn all the words to this song! Keep Practicing and rewinding and watching your DVDs and I know we will get it right really soon!!!

We love you lots cutie pie! Tell Jordi and Izzy we love them SOOOO MUCH too! BE SWEET TO MOMMY AND DADDY and MOMMA KIT TOO! Listen to Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Shad and let them "check you" and I JUST KNOW we are ALL going to be on our BIG trip really soon! The whole family!
Love Aunt Paige

Aunt Paige <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest , NC USA - Monday, August 9, 2004 11:20 AM CDT
I heard about Haydon from Mrs. Ann Starling. I would like to express my best wishes and hope to Hayden and her family.
Melissa Bentley (Regional Waterproofing) <homemortgage2@hotmail.com>
Zebulon, NC US - Monday, August 9, 2004 11:00 AM CDT
Hi Hayden,

Read your journal entry. Sounds like you had a blast over the weekend. Keep up the good work in getting well. God is with you and your family.

Tammy Standridge <tstandridge@lewisking.com>
Knoxville, TN Knox - Monday, August 9, 2004 10:32 AM CDT
GAIL SMITH <rejecteacher@hotmail.com>
CLINTON, NC USA - Monday, August 9, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
Good Monday Morning, Hayden! I was soooooo happy to hear that you had a wonderful weekend with the Byrd's, especially Chan!!! I hope the two of you didn't get into too much trouble---but I know the both of you, maybe, too well. That zoo animal we talked about is getting anxious to visit you. He wants to meet you so you can give him a name--(don't tell him I told you but he wants a BIG HUG from you too). Can't wait to see you soon!!! Love, Aunt Kaye
Kaye Bryan <kaye.b.bryan@mail.sprint.com>
Asheboro, NC US - Monday, August 9, 2004 9:00 AM CDT
Hi Haydie:
I was so excited to hear the good news that the doctors say you are doing better than expected. We are not at all surprised because of all the prayers going up for you. In the Bible in the book of Isaiah God says, "I have carried you since you were born; I have taken care of you from your birth. Even when you are old, I will take care of you. I made you and I will take care of you." We have an awesome God who loves you very much.

Sounds like you, Maddie, Chan, and Charlie had fun this weekend. You and Chan are quite a pair. Give love to Mom, Dad, Jordy, Izzie, and Mama Kik and tell them we are praying every day for them as well. With love from Maddie, Chan, and Charlie's Mama Jean and Poppy Don

Jean M. Byrd <jeanbyrd@earthlink.net>
Benson, NC US - Monday, August 9, 2004 8:09 AM CDT
We at First Baptist are keeping you all in our prayers. Wish we could be close enough to physically assist with your needs.
Pastor Cava <pastorcava@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Monday, August 9, 2004 7:20 AM CDT
Hi Hayden, We've never officially met; however, I knew you before you were born. I even have a picture of you when your mom was pregnant with you. From reading the postings it sounds like you are doing some good work to feel well. Keep it up! I put you on a prayer list at my church.

You don't know how silly I look right now. I'm sitting in an airport crying as I read all of the great things that people had to say to you and about you. The people sitting around me are really looking at me like I'm weird.

Stay brave. Love to your mom, dad, and sisters.

Lisa Bazemore <lwbazemore@rehabcare.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Monday, August 9, 2004 6:34 AM CDT
Mama Kik told me that your hair had come out and that your daddy shaved his head (with your help - bet that was fun)but that both of you had problems with your head getting cold. We will have to see about some toboggans for you both (matching ones.) She also told me how great you are doing and how good you are, but I am not surprise. You are a butterfly angel.
Mama Kik told me you like cats. I have one that is spoiled.
He thinks our house is his and he is just letting us paid for it and stay with him. He is a big cat. I will have to send you some pictures of him.
Hugs and Kisses to everyone.
Love in Christ,
Lyman, Beth and Meredith Horne
Brian, April, Kyli and Paige Hartman

Beth Horne <ehorne@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 9:26 PM CDT
Hey Hayden, Natalie, and Hassan.....Woody joins me in sending more good wishes, and prayers your way.....I check your webpage every day to read about your progress, Hayden, and to learn what you have been up to!....sounds like you had a great visit with your cousins....We see Chan, Maddie, and Charlie every September at the Thornton Family Reunion...and your Aunt Paige, and Uncle Charles too.....so I know they are GREAT fun!!...It is really special to have cousins....I have LOTS of cousins...do you?....We hope you have a really good day tomorrow.....I will check in on you again tomorrow night.....Hugs and kisses to you, mommy, daddy, and also to Jordie and Izzy.....I look forward to seeing ALL of you sometime soon.....Your Poppy and Mama Kik send us a Christmas card EVERY year with a picture of you, Jordie, Izzy, Maddie, Chan, and Charlie....We look forward to that card every year.....Mama Kik and I laugh at how many "snaps" we have to take to get a good picture
Doris Hawley Wilson <Dori1Wood2@aol.com>
Rock Ridge, NNC USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 8:19 PM CDT
Dear Hayden
You are somebody's friend -- Mitchell and Noah
Let us know if you want us to bring you a hot dog or whatever you want. We'll be over there in a minute.

Sweet Dreams. My mom enjoyed seeing you today and watching you and Chan make the "potion." How did it turn out?

Lots of love,

Noah and Mitchell

Noah and Mitchell Hanna <jnoahhanna@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 6:51 PM CDT
Natalie Porter, Cristin George's cousin and your neighbor on Melvern, says Get Well Soon and we are sending you all healthy wishes. Katie hopes that you are home as soon as you can be! We are so glad you had a good weekend and hope your Monday is even better. Peace & Prayers to you all, the Porters

Patty Porter
Bethesda, MD - Sunday, August 8, 2004 6:18 PM CDT
We are friends of your grandmother and grandfather from clinton, nc. We are praying for you and your family.
Kenneth, Eileen Boone <keboone75@msn.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 4:39 PM CDT
Hey Hayden- I'm not sure if we have ever met, but my Nandy and your Poppy are cousins and I have seen him at the Thornton family reunions at the park in Goldsboro. Have you ever been to that park? Maybe when you get better we can go there and play together!! Guess what else, I call my Grandpa Poppy too, isn't that funny? Do you like horses? I love My Little Pony. Maybe I can send you a movie of them or something would that be o.k.? My Mama read me some of your journal entries and you have two little sisters, right? I have a little brother, his name is Justin. I would like a sister, but my Mama says I can't have one, oh well!!! I will let you go now, take care and I am keeping you in my prayers. I love you!!!
Mattie High
Be strong Natalie and Hassan, we are praying for you!!!
(Sheldon, Tracy, Mattie and Justin High: Doris and Woody Wilson's Daughter, Tracy)

Mattie High <high2k@ripline.com>
Sims, NC USA - Sunday, August 8, 2004 2:01 PM CDT
I found out about Hayden today as her name was listed in our bulletin prayer list at church. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Laura filled me in on all the details and told me about the website. We will be in touch.

Barbara Werner <bdwerner@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC - Sunday, August 8, 2004 12:25 AM CDT
Hello Hayden, You don't know me but I am Connie Bishop, I have done alterations for several of your family members in Clinton. I wanted to say hello and I hope you are having a wonderful day! My daughter, Tori and I wish you the very best and hope you are well real soon. You and your family are in our prayers. " MAY GOD BLESS YOU "
Connie Bishop <sew_sweet_2000@yahoo.com>
Clinton, N.C. Sun. 8/7/2004 - Sunday, August 8, 2004 9:52 AM CDT
Hayden - My daughter, Amy spell, and her family live near your grandparents here in Clinton. Some of the cards you probably received from the kids at Timberlake were done right here in my home. They were made one day when I was watching them. We hope you enjoyed seeing their coloring. We continue to pray for you daily. Just saw your new haircut and love it. Tell your mother and father hello for us.
Willie and Mary Ann Hobbs <nanamaryann@earthlink.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Saturday, August 7, 2004 9:20 PM CDT

CLINTON, NC - Saturday, August 7, 2004 9:02 PM CDT

I was with your Poppy all day on Thursday and he could not stop talking about how brave you were and how much he missed you. He was REALLY looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Even when he's not with you, you are always on his mind. You are in the thoughts and prayers of a lot of people. Even a lot of people you have not met. You must be a very special girl to be so loved. My family is certainly keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!

Sandy Sanderson <hwsjr@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC - Saturday, August 7, 2004 3:37 PM CDT
Wow, Hayden! What a popular young lady you are! My name is Hilda, and I am another one of your Poppy's cousins. When I was a little girl, I visited him at Great-grandma and Great-grandpa Henry's house lots of times, especially in the summers. Being away from home was a little scary, but I always had fun playing with your Poppy and his brother. You are such a beautiful little lady. I wish I knew you better. When we grow up, our families don't see each other as much. But, the love and family ties are still strong. You can tell that by all the emails you are getting. Bet you didn't know how many people love you! Continue to be brave and strong. We will all keep praying for you to get better every single day. Please tell your mom and dad hello for me. I don't think I have ever met your dad. Maybe some day I will! Love,
Hilda Hawley White

Hilda Hawley White <hilbilly@coastalnet.com>
Lucama, NC USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 10:07 PM CDT
Hello Hayden! You don't know me but i used to be neighbors of your Poppy and Mama Kik! I just wanted to tell you that we all here in Clinton hope you get to feeling better real soon! Keep your Poppy straight!
Donna, Brian, Carroll, & Kay Royal, & Martha Daughtry <donnadroyal@hotmail.com>
Clinton, NC US - Friday, August 6, 2004 9:36 PM CDT
I love your haircut. You look a couple years older with your new hairstyle. I read where your hair is coming out, but that is alright because you are a beautiful young girl on the inside as well as the outside.
We continue to pray for you and your whole family. Give Poppy and Mama Kik a big hug for us (tell them it is from the Hornes in Timberlake.) Give hugs to everyone and send our love to all. We are keeping up with you on your website. Thanks to your parents and Caringbidge for this
opportunity. I will not call, but I will send you messages all along.

Sweet Dreams,
Lyman, Beth and Meredith Horne
Brian, April, Kyli and Paige Hartman
Clinton, NC

Beth Horne <ehorne@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 9:05 PM CDT
Hey Hayden, how does Poppy look in Polka Dots?......... Give him a kiss anyway, he's a boy and they just can't do some things. Happy weekend, and enjoy your visitors!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Egans

Kim, Wes, Katherine,Will, & Sophie <kegan@carolina.rr.com>
- Friday, August 6, 2004 9:04 PM CDT
We are so excited to read that you have received a miracle from God through medicine. Our entire church has been praying for Hayden.
Alfredo and Samantha DiPinto <southernstyle@intrstar.net>
Clinton, nc usa - Friday, August 6, 2004 8:36 PM CDT
We are thinking of you all and praying for God to bless each one of you.
Joe and Janice Anders <jranders@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 8:24 PM CDT
Hi, it's me...Ashley! I read the note that Poppy sent you about getting black spots all over his laundry and not to tell Mama Kik. Well, you can tell Poppy that Mama Kik turned your soft fuzzy pants that were supposed to be white..pink! I bet he'll get a kick out of that! At least I thought it was funny! It sounds like you're feeling better and that makes me happy. Keep smiling!
Ashley Bryan <ashleyk1211@yahoo.com>
Charlotte, NC - Friday, August 6, 2004 6:18 PM CDT
Hello Hayden, It's Friday and Aunt Kaye is at work but is ready to go home. I have been telling everyone I see about you and how wonderful and beautiful you are. Everyone is sending up special prayers for you. I know you are getting excited about your company this weekend, Maddie, Chandler and Charlie coming to see you. I hope you have a great time visiting with your cousins. I love you and hope to see you real soon! Love, Aunt Kaye
Kaye Bryan <kaye.b.bryan@mail.sprint.com>
Asheboro, NC US - Friday, August 6, 2004 5:02 PM CDT

CATINA HESTER <catinahester@yahoo.com>
CLINTON, NC US - Friday, August 6, 2004 3:55 PM CDT
We're thinking of you all and praying for you!!
Jeff, Sharon, Tyler & Christian Hawley <jkhawley@comcast.net>
Fort Collins, CO USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 3:55 PM CDT
Hello Hayden! This is Maddie from down the street. I live on the corner of Melvern and Lindale. I have the cute little cocker spaniel named Sabrina. I wanted to write to you to let you know that I have been thinking about you. I heard that you weren't feeling well and I wanted to send my best wishes to get well soon. Maddie Minarich
Madeleine Minarich <m_minarich@hotmail.com>
Bethesda, MD USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 2:50 PM CDT
Hi Hayden, My name is Aundria and I work with your Poppy at Star. He has been telling us what a brave young lady you are. We are very proud of you. We are so glad to hear that you are feeling better. We have been praying for you and your family and we wish you all the best.
Aundria Grady <agrady@atmc.net>
Clinton, NC Sampson - Friday, August 6, 2004 2:21 PM CDT
Hey Hayden,
I work with your poppy and know your grandma. You are a very special little girl and the good Lord has used you for a special mission and you are doing a wonderful job at it. Keep up the beautiful smiles. God bless.

Penny Melvin <pmelvin@stmc.net>
Clinton , NC US - Friday, August 6, 2004 2:12 PM CDT
Hi sweetie ! You don't know me but I also work with your Poppyat Star Telephone. I saw your picture & you look so beatiful, we are all here praying for you & hope you get to come home soon. We are so proud of you. I have a litlle girl, her name is Celine & when I told her about you she wanted to go see you & visit for a while but I told her I would e-mail you & tell you hello from both of us because you are a little far away. We heard the good news & we are so happy for you. We are praying for you honey & thinking of you. Keep showing that beatiful smile of yours. Lots of hugs & kisses to you & your family. We love you too darling !!!
Alva Marrison <Amarrison@stmc.net>
Clinton , NC USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 2:12 PM CDT
Hi Hayden!
You don't know me either, but I'm another one of those folks in Clinton who knows "Poppy" and "Mama Vik." (Who doesn't know them?) I went to high school with your Poppy, and he was just as much fun then as he is now. Plus, I even remember when Poppy and Mama Vik were dating! They were so cute, and boy could they dance! I also know Tracy, I used to teach Zack, and now I'm teaching his son Zeke. I know that makes me sound almost as old as Poppy, but no way! You are a beautiful little girl, and I'm so glad your Poppy let me know about this website. With the wonderful doctors and nurses in your hospital, along with all the prayers God is getting for you, you're just bound to get better! I'm praying for you and all your family.
Love, Susan Nance Sautter

Susan Nance Sautter <ncgirl77@aol.com>
Clinton, NC 28328 - Friday, August 6, 2004 1:35 PM CDT
hi, hayden! I'm bijan zavareei's mommy. The last time we saw you was more than two years ago in Washington, D.C., when Bijan was just four months old. We're in Seattle now, and we both send you lots of hugs and kisses from afar. We loved the pictures of you on your web site. You look so beautiful and happy, and we hope that you're feeling that way a lot really soon. We think of you often with love in our hearts, and we want you to feel our love as you work to get better. Ready? Here it comes.... XOXOXOOX love, bijan and susan
Susan Kelleher <skelleher2000@yahoo.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 12:21 AM CDT
Your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Through God's healing, she can be healed. This message will reach many people. Your family will receive many prayers and well wishes. God bless!
Paige Reppert <preppert@lewisking.com>
Seymour, TN US - Friday, August 6, 2004 12:08 AM CDT
Like many others that have sent notes, you don't know me, but I know a lot of your family. I have met your dad, but I know your mom and most of her family. I even recently saw your Grandaddy Britt at a meeting in Wilmington NC. Anyway, I recently heard about your situation and as I just read the update from yesterday (Thursday) I am so happy to see that good news about you. Best wishes sweetie from a good family friend and someone who really cares. Our thoughts, prayers and love are with you. P.S. I don't have much hair either !!!
Chris Jones <chris.r.jones@mail.sprint.com>
Rocky Mount , NC USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 12:08 AM CDT
You don't know me, but I know your wonderful Aunt Kaye. She told me about you and this website. You are a very special girl with a whole lot of love! You and your family are in my prayers. God bless you!
Amy Rudisill <amyr@asheboro.com>
Asheboro, NC US - Friday, August 6, 2004 11:08 AM CDT
Yes its been a long time. She is beautiful just as you always were! Hope you and your family continue to be strong -- HANG IN THERE THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!! Love Dana
Dana Sykes Thornton <dhk@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC Sampson - Friday, August 6, 2004 10:42 AM CDT
Hi Hayden!
You do not know us as well, but our daughter, Paige plays Soccer on your Cousin Madison's Team. Your story has truly touched our family. We have had experience with this illness in our family and we want you to know how much we will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Just remember... there is so much good news available with each passing day. Make sure that your cousins don't sneeze on you this weekend! I wish that I could shave my head... it has been such a hot summer in North Carolina! (Your face is a lot cuter than mine, however!) Have a great day! :)
Donna, John, Paige, and Ali Iapalucci

Donna Iapalucci <Donna1007@aol.com>
Wake Forest, NC USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 10:39 AM CDT
Yes, its been a long time. Hope you and your family continue to be strong -- hand in there the Lord will provide!! Love Dana
Dana Sykes Thornton <dhk@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC Sampson - Friday, August 6, 2004 10:37 AM CDT
Hello Hayden,

My name is Beth Cox. I work for your Aunt Kaye at Sprint. I have heared so much about you and your family. I know that she loves you all very much.

I am so glad to hear you are doing so well. I love the picture of you with your new haircut. Tell your dad that when he shaves his head that the two of you have to have a picture posted here so everyone can see.

Well you keep doing as well as you are. You are in our prayers.

Beth Cox <liz_27203@yahoo.com>
Asheboro, NC 27205 - Friday, August 6, 2004 9:19 AM CDT
Good morning peanut! Auntie Az here. Wow, you sure are popular huh? I could have sworn I clicked on Miss America's website! Just wanted to let you know that we'll be coming to see you next Sunday. I can't wait to give you a cuddle and see your bright smile. If there is anything special you want me to bring tell daddy to let me know. I love you sweetie. Keep that gorgeous dimpled chin up.

Auntie Az

Azareen Mullins <azareen@go.com>
Charleston, WV 25314 - Friday, August 6, 2004 9:15 AM CDT
Hello Hayden - I work with your "Uncle" Tracy here at Sprint and he's been telling me all about you! You are such a beautiful young lady and have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen! I just wanted to share with you that I had breast cancer in 2002 and I lost all of my hair too. But you know what, it was actually fun being able to wear all kinds of different hats and bandanas. And as pretty as you are, I'm sure you will look great in anything you put on! And guess what, when my hair grew back, it was even prettier than it was before I lost it! I'm so glad to hear you got good news yesterday; I'm keeping you in my prayers, and it sounds like God is taking good care of you. Keep smiling, and I hope you continue to get good news and feel better!
Sandra Wilkerson <sandra.wilkerson@mail.sprint.com>
Henderson, NC USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 9:12 AM CDT
Hi Hayden, You don't know me, but I grew up and rode the school bus with your Mama Kik. I thought she was the best thing since ice cream,she was always so "prissy", with her hair fixed "just so" and her make up and clothes "just so". But she was always kind to me and that made her special. Enough about her!! I was so thankful and pleased to read your good news!! Just in case you didn't know it,the church your Mama Kik grew up attending, has been having special prayer for you at every service, your name is brought before God, and we are so pleased to see the evidence of His love and care for you in these reports.
I've been through the Chemo too! I know how bad it feels sometimes, but Hayden, just remember that you are loved by so many people, and God is smiling on you today, so you remember to smile too!! I hope you post a new picture after
Mama Kik shaves your head. I think you will be even more beautiful then!! Don't forget to SMILE!! It will make the doctors and nurses wonder what you"re up to!!

Gail Smith <rejecteacher@hotmail.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 8:48 AM CDT
Good morning, Hayden. I just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you. You are surrounded by a lot of love. I pray that you will be feeling really great very soon.
Elaine Ruth <elaineruth@comcast.net>
Knoxville, TN USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 8:34 AM CDT
Good Morning, Hayden! I work with your Poppy at Star Telephone and know your Mama Kik. They are both wonderful people, and love to share your beautiful pictures and stories about you. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I just know God will take care of you and make you well. Love, Frances Carr
Frances Carr <execsec@stmc.net>
Clinton , NC United States - Friday, August 6, 2004 8:29 AM CDT
Hello, Hayden. My name is Miriam Byrd (no relation to your Aunt Paige). I am married to Chris Byrd, whose brother is David Byrd, who is married to Leslie... Joshua, Luke and Rebekah are my nephews and neice. We live in Clinton and Leslie told us about your website. We (Chris, myself and Andrew- our 11 month of son) continue to pray for you everyday. I have a special neice, Bethany, who just turned 5 years old on July 25. She was born very premature (she weighed only 1 pound and 9 ounces). That was in 1999. A lot of prayers were spoken for her and she is doing fine. Just as you will be. God has a special plan for you... remeber he loves you. Hope you continue to improve and can get home real soon.

The Byrd's

Miriam Byrd <Miriam.Byrd@ncmail.net>
Clinton, NC - Friday, August 6, 2004 8:23 AM CDT
GOOD MORNING Sweet Pea!!!!! I hope you are feeling good this Friday morning! MOM SAYS YOUR WERE A VERY GOOD BIG FIRLS YESTERDAY!!! AUNT PAIGE IS SO PROUD OF YOU! I KNOW YOU ARE SOOOOO STRONG!!!! Get lots of rest today and eat really good because you know why...I am bringing 3 VERY EXCITED cousins to see you tomorrow morning! We are all getting packed tonight so we can leave early and see your smiling face as soon as possible on Saturday!

Momma Kik told me she is coming to see you today and I KNOW YOU GUYS WILL HAVE FUN! Get some sewing done and I even bet Momma Kik will act silly again, what do you think?

Guess what Hayden ... Last night after I showed ChanChan your cool photo of you and your new haricut and you and Jordi watching movies in bed she wanted to go see you right then!!!! She took your new picture and put it up in her room with all of her favorite thngs! You know all those stuffed zoo animals you guys play with! The other special photo of you and her goes to school in her book bag everyday. She said she is telling her ALL OF HER friends about how brave you are and now of course about the cool bandanas she has for you! They are WAY COOL-she said like the big girls wear! We all think about you HayHay alot, all day, everyday! HUGS AND KISSES (BUTTERFLY OF COURSE) til tomorrow! Have a FUN FRIDAY!!! BE SWEET! LOVE AUNT PAIGE and Charlie (Oh and don't tell Jordi but Charlie has her an AWESOME Spider Man PRIZE) SEE YOU TOMORRWOW ANGEL! LOVE YA SOOOO MUCH. TELL MOMMY AND DADDY & THOSE 2 LITTLE SISTERS THAT WE LOVE THEM SOOOOOOO MUCH TOO!!!!

AUNT PAIGE & CHARLIE <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
WAKE FOREST, NC USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 8:06 AM CDT
Dear Hayden, I read your Mommy's letter on your website and am so very happy for the good news that you had recently. I know things are hard when you are sick and doctors have to do things that are painful to you. When I was your age (a very long time ago), I had polio and had to have an operation on my back. I was in a body cast for over a year. A cast is very hard plaster that protects your body while it is healing. But it means that you can't do anything or move even -- so I can understand that things are hard to go through. BUT, bad things are only for a time, and not for all time. Good things happen and make you laugh and that laughter helps you heal. God will take care of you, Sweetie, and He will change the bad things into GREAT BIG WONDERFUL THINGS! I work with Dona Underwood and I completely agree with her -- God loves you and He wants to see you running, having fun, laughing, and being a healthy beautiful girl ... You and your family are in my prayers that the bad will go away and be replaced by the exciting GOOD, GREAT, WONDERFUL, WOW!
Linda Mowles <lindamowles@knology.net>
Knoxville, TN USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 8:05 AM CDT
May God bless your family and continue to heal Hayden.
Shelia Williams
Powell, TN USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 6:51 AM CDT
It's Fantastic Friday (as Anna's GG calls it)! I just read the updated newsletter that your mommy wrote and was thrilled to hear your good news! We hope you have a good weekend... sounds like you will have lots of company coming. I don't know if Aunt Ann has seen this website, but I will make sure she does before the weekend is over. She will enjoy seeing your pictures. Tell your family we said hello. We are praying for a speedy recovery. Lots of love!
(Ask Mama Kik if we need to do Poppy's laundry for him!?!)
Anna's Poppy and GG (Sam and Gurley Quinn) also send Get Well Wishes from Clinton! TAKE CARE EVERYONE!

Sandra Quinn Starling <anna1@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC US - Friday, August 6, 2004 6:50 AM CDT
Hayden: Hello honey. You don't know me but I am Amber Crouse's Mom, Dona Underwood. I live in Knoxville, TN but grew up in West Virginia. I have two girls and one granddaughter so I really love little girls. You certainly are one brave little girl and beautiful to boot. Our prayer group here at work will be praying for you and your family. I know God is watching over you and He loves you very much. He knows how many hairs are on your head (or not on your head, ha ha) and He even knew your name BEFORE you were born. If you ever feel any pain honey, just remember that that it won't last forever and there is lots of joy and happiness in your life. God bless you sweetie (and her family). Dona
Dona Underwood <lvgod777@msn.com>
Knoxville, TN USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 6:28 AM CDT
Hayden, We are so glad you had a great day! My name is Mary and I am Peggy's best friend! We met in the second grade. My little boys Austin, age 8 1/2, and Michael,5, already started school! We live in Plano, Tx, where James grew up. It is very hot here and our new puppy doesn't like to go outside. Peggy told me that you love dogs. I will send you a picture of Sheldon...he is crazy. We are so proud of your courage and I hope you have a great day. Love, your friends in Texas, Mary, Robby, Austin, Michael and Sheldon
Mary Reeves <Mary.Reeves@comcast.net>
Plano, TX USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 5:47 AM CDT
Hi Hayden
We have never met, I am a friend of your auntie Az and I know your Mom and Dad. I am so happy to hear you are feeling better. I will keep you in my prayers and my Mom and all of her friends that she works with are praying for you too. Wow, you know your a special girl when you have all of these people thinking about you. Stay strong!!

Hassan and Natalie, ask your doctor about using Melatonin (over the counter) to boost her immune system. I've read a couple of books on it, and they suggest it for chemo patients. It's a suggestion worth asking or reading info about. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers. Send me your address and I will send Hayden one of my fused glass pendants, what is her favorite color?

Amber Crouse <goodgertie@yahoo.com>
Blaine, TN USA - Friday, August 6, 2004 5:25 AM CDT
Hooray, Hooray... I just read the wonderful news! Keep up the good work Hayden! ~:)) Now I'm off to bed too.
Sweet Dreams!

Kim Egan <kegan@carolina.rr.com>
Charlotte, NC - Thursday, August 5, 2004 10:33 PM CDT
Hi Hayden, you probably don't remember me, but I am Mama Kik's cousin. It has been a long time since I have seen you, but I wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Ask Mama Kik to tell you some stories about all the crazy things we used to do. Take good care of yourself, so you can get real strong and go home. Tell your mommy and daddy and sisters hello for me. I'll write again real soon. Love, Rhonda
Rhonda Normandin <rnormandin@mindspring.com>
Durham, NC USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 9:43 PM CDT
Hayden - It was so great to see you again tonight. You are so brave and we are all so proud of you. Noah and Mitchell (and Uncle James) are looking forward to visiting you very soon. We love you and your entire family.

Sweet Dreams!
Love, Peggy

Peggy Hanna <jnoahhanna@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 9:20 PM CDT
Hello Hayden....My name is Doris.....your Poppy is my cousin.....so....your mommy is my cousin too...AND......you are my cousin too!!!....and Jordan, and Isabella are my cousins..I have a granddaughter named Mattie, and she is 4 years old, and I have a grandson named Justin who is 2 years old.....and I have another granddaughter named Callie who is 10 months old.....and you know what?....they call their grandfather Poppy too!...and they call me Nandy...I just wanted to say hello, and to let you know that ALL of us are praying for you...take care....say hello to your mommy and daddy, and to Mama Kik....Be brave....there are SO MANY people that love you...I will write to you again soon...Bye now.....Doris
Doris Wilson <Dori1Wood2@aol.com>
Rock Ridge, NC USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 8:56 PM CDT
Hey Hayden,It's me Chandler. How are you doing now. I am coming to see you in two days.I can't wait to see you. Mom showed me your short hair and I think it is way cool. I am bringing you and I purple bandanas so we can match. WON"T WE BE TOO COOL!!!! I am also bringing us some cool dvds to watch as we lay in your bed and listen to them on the speaker. That sound cool. Mom told me that you have your own remote and speaker right in your bed. Get lots of rest and I hope you feel better. I LOVE YOU, CHAN CHAN!!!!! SLEEP TIGHT!!!!
CHANDLER BYRD <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
WAKE FOREST, NC USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 8:46 PM CDT
Hey Hayden! This is Leslie and I just wanted you to know that first of all Joshua, Luke and Rebekah are all praying for you. I received several e-mails tonight from people in our church wanting your web site so they could see your beautiful pictures I've been talking about. I was so happy to hear that you had such a great day yesterday. I love the new pictures of you and Jordan. Your haircut is so cute. I wish Mama Kik could make mine look that good. HAHA Well Aunt Ann wanted me to tell you that she and Uncle Bud love you very much and they are praying for you everyday. I love you Hayden and God Bless You All!!
Leslie Byrd <lesliebyrd@intrstar.net>
Clinton, nc usa - Thursday, August 5, 2004 8:20 PM CDT
Hello Haydie...this is 'Ol Poppy..one more time! I'm really, really missing all of you guys with me being back in NC this week. Tomorrow is Friday, Hooray!!..and I'm coming to see you again, as fast as I can...with lots and lots of good stuff to help you feel better, all just for you, from your Mommy's, Mama Kik's and 'Ol Poppy's friends.... and something really special for you from Aunt Meemie, especially just for you....you'll really like it!
Everywhere that 'Ol Poppy goes, there are so, so many wonderful and caring friends that are asking about you, your Mommy, your Dad, JoJo and Izzie!!! Haydie, you guys have so many, many friends that are thinking about you and praying for you a whole, whole lot!!! Everyone wants "Ol Poppy to give you a REALLY, REALLY BIG HUG from all of them(I will get ALL the Butterfly Kisses, OK?) and also wish that you will be home real soon!

Now, let me tell you a funny story...'Ol Poppy is having to do his own laundry since Mama Kik is hangin' out with you guys for a while....after I washed a bunch of my shirts, Bermuda Shorts, t-shirts, etc., I put everything in the Dryer...when everything was dry, I opened the dryer.. and to my surprise.....GUESS WHAT, HAYDIE???? EVERYTHING HAD BLACK SPOTS...BLACK SPOTS EVERYWHERE....Well, 'Ol Poppy had forgotten to take a felt tip marker pen out of the pocket of my Bermuda Shorts... WHAT A YUCKY, YUCKY MESS!!!!Just don't tell Mama Kik, it's a secret, OK? You, JoJo and Izzie will have to call me the 102nd Dalmation because everything has Black Spots....
Haydie, Poppy will see you tomorrow night, Bye Bye for now...Sweet Dreams, Be Brave and God will take good care of you so we all can have another 'tea party' at Mama Kik and Poppy's House real soon..I LOVE YOU THE MOST!

Poppy (Danny Britt) <dannybritt@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 7:49 PM CDT
Hello Hayden! I don't personally know you but I know you are very special because so many people speak of you and pray for you and you are from such a special family. I have known your grandparents for ages. Your granddaddy was my next door neighbor and your grandmother and I use to play when we were little like you.I also know your Mama. I can remember when she was going to Kindergarten and always came to school dressed so nice. She was cute as a button. I see you like the Junie B Jones books. I am reading the one about Junie B Jones and the first grade to my first grade class. Did you read that book yet? Take good care of yourself and listen to your doctors and your parents. I am praying everyday for you. Love, Sue Smith
Sue Smith <sues@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC - Thursday, August 5, 2004 6:59 PM CDT
Hi Hayden,
I remember when you were in the Caterpillar Class and I was your teacher, while Ms Heidi was spending time with baby Duncan. You used to give me the best hugs! I wish that I could give you a hug now and tell you how much everybody is thinking about you, and how proud we are of you - and Jordan and Isabella too! Being in hospital and everthing that is happening must be pretty scary but I know how brave, and strong you are. I'm sure that you have made the hospital much prettier with your beautiful smile.
Lots of hugs,love and prayers,
Ms. Rosemary

Rosemary Johnson <rosemarybcns@hotmail.com>
Bethesda, MD USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 4:19 PM CDT
Hi Hayden
I hope that you are feeling better. I really love your new haircut. You look so pretty. Give your mom and dad a big hug for me. I wanted you to know that we are all thinking about you and hoping you get to go home from the hospital soon. Heather is moving into her own apartment next week and is starting graduate school in two weeks. I remember when Heather and I used to visit your mom when she lived here in Raleigh. Jimmy and Heather said to tell you hello and hope that we can see you real soon. We love you very much. Tell Jordan and Isabella hello for us.

Frankie Stephenson <frankie_stephenson@ncsu.edu>
Willow Spring, NC USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 3:25 PM CDT
Dear Hayden,
Your Aunt Kaye asked me to pray for you and I will so you can continue to be strong and for you to know that God loves you and He is completing a good work in you. The way your Aunt Kaye speaks of you, you must be a very special girl! Some day I hope to meet you!

Mark Wertz <wayfarer1014@yahoo.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 2:53 PM CDT
Hi Hayden, I was talking to Aunt Mimi and told her about your picture with the new haircut. She wants me to mail her one so I printed it and am mailing it to her today. I called Mama Kik's phone earlier but she didn't answer so I hope you are having a GREAT day. I love you, Sweetie!!
Love, Aunt Kaye

Kaye Bryan <kaye.b.bryan@mail.sprint.com>
Asheboro, NC US - Thursday, August 5, 2004 1:55 PM CDT
Hello Hayden, I was just sitting here at work and had you on my mind. I went out and looked at your pictures and I just "Love" your new haircut. I wish my hair looked as good as yours does. I hope that you are having a good day, I talked to Momma Kik this morning, and your dad said that you have been running and jumping all around your room, as if you had ants in your pants. I pray that you continue to have good days. I hope to see you soon. Tell everyone I said hello and that I have been thinking of them. Love Tracy.
Tracy <G.T.McCullen@mail.sprint.com>
Raleigh, NC - Thursday, August 5, 2004 1:29 PM CDT
Good afternoon Hayden. Katherine and I were just checking in and saw your new "hair do". Is IS sassy! Lately Katherine has been begging me to let her get her hair cut short. Until now I've resisted, but after seeing yours I just might give in to her requests. It is VERY CUTE, Mama Kik did an awesome job!! Hope you're doing well today. Lots Of Love!!!!!!!

feeling well

Kim and Katherine Egan <kegan@carolina.rr.com>
Ch, NC - Thursday, August 5, 2004 1:09 PM CDT
HAY HAY! This is Aunt Paige. I love your new Haircut! Momma Kik just told me to look at your photo gallery and what a surprise! You are just precious! Like Auntie Az says "Short and sassy!" I hope you are having a good day and getting lots of rest and smiling that beautiful smile!!! Have fun watching movies and doing your art work! I am sitting her looking at your pictures and thinking about you alot! I love you sweet pea and send you tons fo BUTTERFLY KISSES and HUGS! SEE YOU SOON! Aunt Paige
Paige Byrd <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest, NC 27587 - Thursday, August 5, 2004 11:55 AM CDT
Hello Hayden,
My name is Tonya Colwell better known as "Killer" by your mom's family. I hope that you will be feeling a lot better soon! Keep that beautiful smile and know that so many people are praying for you and your family. You are a very special girl and are part of an extremely special family.

Tonya Colwell <tonya_pe24@yahoo.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 11:39 AM CDT
Hi Hayden!
We work with your POPPY at Star Telephone. We have heard what a special little girl you are. We just wanted you to know that you and your family are all in our thoughts and prayers. May God continue to bless you and we hope you will be feeling much better soon!

Brenda Scott, Sara Boyer, John Wengert <comrelsec@stmc.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 11:36 AM CDT
Hi Hayden!!!!
Hope you are having a good and sunny day!!! My name is Angie and I have been with friends with your Mommy and your Aunt Paige since we were little girls like you. We used to have fun slumber parties at your Granny Kiks house all the time.
My little girl's name is Virginia and she is looking forward to playing with you soon!!!! We can meet at Granny Kiks in Clinton and have the best time.
You take care of yourself and know we are thinking about you and sending you prayers, hugs and kisses from South Carolina!!!!

Angie Caldwell Buxton <angbuxton@hotmail.com>
Charleston, SC USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 8:45 AM CDT
Good morning, my beautiful Hayden. I bet it was fun playing with Mama Kik yesterday. She is soooooo funny and silly and I know she makes you laugh. She even makes me laugh. I can't wait to see you again and I will bring you that zoo elephant stuffed animal we talked about. I hope you have a great day today. Love, Aunt Kaye
Kaye Bryan <kaye.b.bryan@mail.sprint.com>
Asheboro, NC US - Thursday, August 5, 2004 8:22 AM CDT
Hi Miss Hayden, sounds like you and Jordy had a fun day yesterday. I would like to see the doll dancing on Momma Kiks head. That just sounds way too funny!!! I am sending my hugs and kisses to you with Aunt Paige. Hope you have a wonderful day today. Love Myra and Capt. Dave
Myra Gaskins <captaindaveandmyra@hotmail.com>
St. Augustine, FL USA - Thursday, August 5, 2004 8:17 AM CDT
Dear Hayden,

This is Bello Macedonia, the handsome brown poodle from up the street.

Pasha told us you were in the hospital and we wanted to write and say hello! You may not know this, but Pasha sometimes comes up the street to visit us. Sometimes she comes right in and plays with us. This makes us extremely happy. We think she is the most beautiful dog in the world! I think her eyes are especially pretty, but Winter (he's the silly little white poodle) thinks her wavy wavy hair is the source of her great beauty. Please don't tell Winter, but I'm pretty sure Pasha really likes me the most.


Oops, sorry, Winter got the keyboard away from me for a moment. Anyway, all the dogs on Melvern Drive say hello (Bogie and Garrett aren't quite as smart as us poodles, so they just say woof woof, very loudly!), and so do Aaron, Mary Kate and Ray. Big sloppy doggie kisses,

Bello (dictated to mom, Jane Macedonia) <cribloc@aol.com>
Bethesda, MD USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 9:22 PM CDT
Hayden, Guess what...? We just talked with your Poppy in Clinton tonight. He's bringing HUGS AND KISSES from all of us Egans. PLEASE make sure he gives them to you. They were only meant for you. ~:)) Keep that beautiful smile!!!
P.S. Hey Hayden, Katherine wants to know if you like Hilary Duff (ie Lizzie Mcguire)?

Kim, Wes, Katherine, Will and Sophie <kegan@carolina.rr.com>
Charlotte, NC - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 9:10 PM CDT
Hi Hayden, My name is Sandra Pope and I am one of your "Poppy's" cousins from Clinton. My husband, Mr. Preston, and I have been kept updated on your recovering process from your PaPa and Granny Britt. They love you very much. Our prayers are with you and we just know that you will soon be home with Jordan, Isbella, your Mom and your Dad having great fun!! Would you please tell your "Poppy" and MaMa "Kik" that we love them.
Sandra & Preston Pope <ppopesandra@aol.com>
Clinton, NC USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 8:35 PM CDT
Hey Hayden,
I just wanted to write and say that I already miss you. I enjoyed spending time with you watching movies and coloring (even though I had to do all the boring brown tree trunks hahaha). Did you finish coloring all the butterflies yet? And did your mom remember how to help you finish the bracelet? I can't wait to come and see you again. Maybe I'll give you a call next week. Tell your mom, dad, and pesky little sisters I said "hi." And tell those nurses that I said to be nice to you or I'll have to come up there just to stick my tongue out at them, OK? And be careful leap frogging back into that really tall bed of yours.
Love you,

Ashley Bryan <ashleyk1211@yahoo.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 5:30 PM CDT
hayden we hope you are having a great day. we are sending you a basket full of goodies.You are in our ever prayer.
Michelle williams,and girls <rainbow_girl09@yahoomail.com>
Clinton , N.C 28328 - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 4:30 PM CDT
hi hayden! we hope you are having a good day. we hope you received the pictures from our pizza party. poor tobe the cat. she was being hugged by all the kids - you, izzy, jordan and will. hopefully you can visit the cats when you are feeling better. matt says he misses you holding him when he was only one month old! we all miss you - will, matt, tobe, josie, steph, and bill
will and matt angrick <stephangrick@comcast.net>
bethesda, md usa - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 4:22 PM CDT
hi hayden! we hope you are having a good day. we hope you received the pictures from our pizza party. poor tobe the cat. she was being hugged by all the kids - you, izzy, jordan and will. hopefully you can visit the cats when you are feeling better. matt says he misses you holding him when he was only one month old! we all miss you - will, matt, tobe, josie, steph, and bill
will and matt angrick <stephangrick@comcast.net>
bethesda, md usa - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 4:22 PM CDT
Hey Hayden! It's Miss Julie, I'm mommy and daddy's friend from daddy's old job. I'm also (baby) Lydie's mommy, and Caroline's mommy, too. Remember you came to Lydie's ice cream party and Miss Mara took a bite of your ice cream without even asking you first??!?!?! Well, when you get out you, me, Lydie, and Miss Mara will have to go out for ice cream and we'll get Miss Mara her OWN ice cream so she doesn't take yours. Lydie and Caroline and I stopped by your house last night and saw your sisters and brought them brownies and dinner. If they ate up all those brownies and didn't share, just tell me and I'll make sure your own special batch comes straight to the hospital. Give your mommy and daddy a hug and a squeeze, and we'll see you soon! Julie
Julie Zebrak <Julesz2308@hotmail.com>
Bethesda, MD - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 1:24 PM CDT
Hayden: Here's a joke for you:

Three men are at the doctor for a memory test. The doctor says to the first man, "What is two plus two?" "274," was his reply.

The doctor says to the second man, "It's your turn. What is two plus two?"

"Tuesday," replies the second man.

The doctor says to the third man, "Okay, your turn. What's two plus two?"

"Four," says the third man. "That's great!" says the doctor. "How did you get that?"

"Simple," says the third man. "I added 274 to Tuesday."

Gullu <gss@llgllp.com>
Santa Monica, CA 90404 - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 12:28 AM CDT
HELLO HAY HAY! Charlie & Aunt Paige just want to tell you good morning (I know it is 11:59 & you have been up since 6:30am - no surprise you are THE early riser) Just wondering how you are doing today? Any fun Art work going on? How about Stiganona? I bet you are watching it again for the 1000th time. We are going to come to see you soon as long as you keep feeling good so listen to those Drs and MOMMY and DADDY too. We love you and I look at your picture everyday all day just to see that beaurtiful smile that we all LOVE so much!

Charlie is on the phone right now talking to you little sisters. They are a mess! I hear you and Jordy watched movies together yesterday? I bet that was cool!

We love you lots sweetie and we can't wait to see you this weekend. I just heard you and Mama Kik had fun yesterday too. I think you are becoming quite a little sewer!!! That Mama KIK is a fun COOL GRANDMA isn't she? I am talking to her now and she says she LOVES YOU! SOOOOO MUCH!!! LOTS OF HUGS and KISSES! Aunt Paige and Charlie

Paige Byrd <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest, NC 27587 - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 11:02 AM CDT

I work with your Granddaddy(Poppy) at Star Telephone in the marketing department. Myself and all of the people here at work are thinking about you and your family. Get better soon.

Kyle, Marcus, Brian, Kris, Lori, Tonya, Gary, Cathy, Patricia, Melissa
Clinton, NC USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 10:11 AM CDT
Hi Hayden, its Liam. I hope you feel better soon. I love you and we'll be friends forever.
Liam Mullins
Charleston, WV 25314 - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 9:31 AM CDT

You don't know me, but I went to school with your mother and your aunt Paige--yes, I'm old like them. I just wanted to tell you that you are in the thoughts and prayers of everyone in Clinton. We can't wait for you to feel better so that you can come back to Timberlake and play in the pool.

Sandy Sanderson <hwsjr@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 9:30 AM CDT
Hello Sweet Hayden. Auntie Az here. It did my heart wonders to speak to you today, you really made my day.You are so brave and strong, I am so proud to be your auntie. I miss your smile and bright eyes, but I want you to know that you are with me in my heart and you can keep me in yours. Can't wait to see your spiffy new hairdo...did daddy tell you that I chopped all mine off too? Yep. No more long hair for Auntie Az, just short and sassy. I love you Haydie, and I'll call soon.

Auntie Az

Azareen Mullins <azareen@go.com>
Charlston, WV 25314 - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 9:28 AM CDT
Hayden - my name is Mary Ann Hobbs and I live in Clinton. My husband, Willie, and I have known your Aunt Faye, your mother, your grandparents, and really, the entire family for many years and love them very much. Aunt Faye has told us about you and how much she loves you. We have been praying that you will be much better real soon. You are a very brave girl.
Mary Ann Hobbs <nanamaryann@earthlink.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 8:51 AM CDT
Hey Hayden! My name is Amy Spell. I live at Timberlake in Clinton near your Poppy and Mama Kik. I hope you got the cards that my girls and the other kids in the neighborhood drew. We are thinking about you daily and praying for you.
Love, Raymond, Amy, Corey and Taylor Spell

Amy Spell <spellar@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC usa - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 8:44 AM CDT
Hi Hayden! I am Mr. Harold. I am an old man, just like your Poppy, and this computer stuff is all new to me, but I wanted to tell you that Mrs. Millie and I love you and hope you are having a wonderful day. Keep smiling that beautiful smile with those beautiful brown eyes! You have our love and prayers.
Harold and Millie Starling <msbass2@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 8:24 AM CDT
Hey Hayden! I work with your Poppy at Star Telephone and have known your Poppy and Mama Kik since I was a little girl like yourself. You are a very special little girl and your picture is absolutlely beautiful. Poppy gives me an update everyday and talks about how brave and strong you are. He also tells me that you are very smart. I have a little boy, Connor, who is 7, and he saw your picture and said you were a very pretty girl! Connor says a prayer for you each night and hopes that you feel better really soon. We hope you enjoy the Junie B Jones books Connor sent to you in the care package from Star...they are really funny!!!! They are some of Connor's favorites! We love you and please know that you are in each of our prayers each day and night. Give kisses to your Mommy, Daddy, and sisters, Jordi and Izzi. You are quite the "STAR" in Clinton.
Jeffrey, Melissa and Connor Bass <mbass@stmc.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 8:18 AM CDT
I'm praying for you daily
Mandy Jones
Clinton, NC US - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 8:04 AM CDT
Hello Hayden! You are quite a celebrity - I can tell from what a beautiful young lady you are and from all those emails from everywhere! You must be quite a special person for so many people to be thinking of you!

I know your great aunt (Kaye Bryan) who works at Sprint in Asheboro, North Carolina. We are both members of the Board of Directors for the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce. She told us yesterday how very smart and brave you are and that she is so proud of you. She also loves you very much!

We all hope that you are having a really good day and that you are "all smiles!"

Kathy W. Harris
Troy, NC USA - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 7:59 AM CDT

Poppy keeps us informed on what is going on with you and your family. This website is great so we can visit it anytime we want. Prayers are going out for you and your family everywhere. We ask people we know and people we have talked with to pray for you (and they have - will continue.) God is listening to those prayers.
We feel like we know you because your Poppy and Mama Kik talk about you alot!! They love you and their family so much. God Bless You with a wonderful family.
Take care and we are praying for you.

Sending our Love and Prayers,
Lyman, Beth and Meredith Horne
Brian, April, Kyli and Paige Hartman

Lyman and Beth Horne <ehorne@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 10:26 PM CDT
Hi Hayden! To look at your guest book one might think that you are a celebrity. The truth is that you are a very sweet and much loved little girl!! We thought about you lots today and hope that you had a good one. We also hope that your mommy is feeling better. Tell her thanks for calling the other night, I know she is busy and very tired. Please tell everyone else hello too. We like your website and especially like that we can emial you whenever we want. Remember... keep your chin up high and smile as big as you can. WE LOVE YOU!!!
Kim, Wes, Katherine,Will, & Sophie <kegan@carolina.rr.com>
Charlotte, NC - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 9:54 PM CDT
Hello Hayden,
Get well wishes from Clinton! We have been inquiring about you daily and today we found out about your website. What a wonderful way to keep in touch. We hope and pray that each day is better than the day before and that you are on the speedy road to recovery. You, your Mom and Dad, Jordan, and Isbella are in our thoughts and prayers.

Take care and feel better soon!!

Chris, Sandra, and Anna <anna1@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC US - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 7:38 PM CDT
Hi Hayden -
YOu are my sunshine. Thanks for playing the game in Mexico. It was a fun game -- the castle game in the pool. You're the best!

Friends forever,


Mitchell Hanna <jnoahhanna@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 6:51 PM CDT
Dear Hayden -
I enjoyed being in Mexico with you. It was fun going on the Super Jump with you. It was fun at the Club and fun swimming in the pool that was at the rental house. Do you want to play Battleship with me? Let me know and I'm on my way.

Your Friends,
Noah and Mitchell

Noah Hanna <jnoahhanna@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 6:49 PM CDT
Dearest Hayden -

I have only met you twice, so you may not remember me. I am a friend of your dad's from college. I last saw you a little over a year ago. Along with my own daughter, Meg, you are about the most precious girl I have ever met. You are being so brave. Everyone is thnking about you, hoping that you are not in too much pain, and praying for a quick recovery.

All Our Love,

Al, Tori, Win, and Meg Mordecai

Al Mordecai <amordecai@primecap-mgmt.com>
San Marino, CA USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 5:28 PM CDT
Hi Hayden. I'm Tay, one of your Daddy's friends that hasn't seen you in awhile. Maybe you remember my little boy Nicky, from when we met at Duke. Thank you so much for sharing your website so we can keep track of how you're doing. My whole family is thinking about you every day and praying for you to feel better. You are a very special and brave young girl. Sending lots of love.
Tay Sandoz <tsandoz@cgcinc.org>
Newport Coast, CA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 4:29 PM CDT
Hi Hayden! My name is Jane and I work with your Aunt Kaye at Sprint in Asheboro, NC. You are so very pretty, just like Aunt Kaye said. She also says you are a very special loving girl that likes to cuddle. She loves you very much! I hope you are feeling good today. I will keep a check on how you are doing. I will pray for you everyday!
Be sure to tell your Mommy and Daddy thanks for the website so we can keep up with you and your family. Love to you.

Jane Smith <dimeladie@earthlink.net>
Asheboro, NC USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 2:58 PM CDT
Hi Hayden. We love your picture. Thanks for the update. We are glad that you are feeling better. We have been thinking of you a lot and hope you know how special a friend you are to us. Love, Emma Soler and her family
Emma Soler <suesoler@yahoo.com>
Bethesda, MD USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 2:52 PM CDT
Hey Hayden, I work with your 'poppy' at Star. He is very proud of you and loves you very much. I hope you are feeling better real soon. Do what the doctors and nurses tell you to so you can come home to your family really soon. We love you and are praying for you everyday. Stay strong honey, god is with you.
Kim Heath <rheath@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 2:43 PM CDT
Hi Hayden,

I work at Star with your Poppy. I have heard so many great things about you. It is so nice to get to see a picture of you. You are such a beautiful little girl. I am so proud of you for being so strong. You are in my prayers everyday. I can see why your Poppy loves you so much. I know that God will take care of you and keep you strong everyday. I hope to get to meet you oneday. Take care and I will write again soon! Love and Prayers,

Glenda Daw <sgadaw@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC United States - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 2:31 PM CDT
Hi Hayden, Uncle Charles here I was just looking at your beautiful picture on this website, I hope you are doing well and wanted to let you know that we can't wait to get up there and see you. You are in our thoughts and prayers every day. See you soon.
Charles Byrd <charles.byrd@hughessupply.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 2:31 PM CDT
Hi Hayden,
I have a picture of you and me on a swing in your back yard from a long time ago. I like this picture on the web, too. You are still darn cute, but I haven't gotten any better looking. I'm a friend of your parents and I just moved to Virginia, about four hours away from you. I am looking forward to visiting when you feel better. Keep thinking good thoughts and laugh whenever you can. Give your family my love.

Doug Jackson <djackson81@cox.net>
Roanoke, VA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 1:24 PM CDT
Hello Hayden,
I'm a friend of your great aunt, Kaye Bryan. Aunt Kaye & I are on the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce Board together, and she told us how to get to your website today in our meeting. I hope you're doing well with your treatments and that you get better soon!! You and your family are in my prayers! Take care...

Marion Garner <mgarner@firsthealth.org>
Troy, NC USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 1:15 PM CDT

This is Gullu, I haven't seen you for a long time, but maybe you remember when I visited about 3 years ago. Anyway, I've been friends of Hassan and Natalie since way before you were born and I'm thiking about you every day, and counting the days to when you'll be feeling better. Then I'll be visiting y'all soon! Take care, you father says that you're being very strong and brave - so keep up the good word. Cannot wait for you all to come to California and visit me!

Santa Monica, CA USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 12:48 AM CDT
Hi Hayden, My name is mary and i work with your "Poppy". We have worked together for a loooooooong time. Your Mama Kik is a great lady also. Your Mom, I've known since she was a wee little girl.

Your Poppy is so proud of the way you are handling being sick. I am proud of you too. You are a beautiful little girl. My greatest wish for you is to hurry and get well so you can run and play again. I know being in that bed is not any fun. That bed is only fun when you're sleeping.
I am at work with you Poppy, so I had better close and go back to work.

You take care and I send you love and prayers.

Mary B Moore <gumbranc@intrstar.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 12:20 AM CDT
CATINA HESTER <catinahester@yahoo.com>
CLINTON, NC US - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 10:51 AM CDT
Hi Hayden,
I work with your Poppy here at Star Telephone. He talks about you all the time and he shares his pictures of you in his office with all of his co-workers. Poppy is always telling us stories about you. He loves you very much!! We hope you enjoyed the care package we sent you last week. We are all sorry you are feeling bad and hope you are feeling better soon. God loves you very much and he will take care of you. If you need anything, please let us know.

Phoebe McGavock <phoebem@stmc.net>
Elizabethown, NC USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 10:21 AM CDT
Hi Hayden,
I work with your Poppy here at Star Telephone. He talks about you all the time and he shares his pictures of you in his office with all of his co-workers. Poppy is always telling us stories about you. He loves you very much!! We hope you enjoyed the care package we sent you last week. We are all sorry you are feeling bad and hope you are feeling better soon. God loves you very much and he will take care of you. If you need anything, please let us know.

Phoebe McGavock <phoebem@stmc.net>
Elizabethown, NC USA - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 10:19 AM CDT
Hi Hayden -- This is Kristine Garfinkel. We are good friends of the Hannas and I've met you a bunch of times, but you probaby don't remember. You came over to my house for New Years eve one night. You and Jordan played with my girls Emma and Abby. If I remember correctly, I think you guys spent a lot of time upstairs playing music and jumping on the beds -- then you all got very tired. We'd like to do that again with you girls. We have moved, but still live pretty close to you. I'm glad that your parents have set up this website so that we can keep up with you. We just wanted to let you know that a lot of us are thinking about you and your family often.
Kristine Garfinkel <kristine.garfinkel@bcbsa.com>
Chevy Chase, MD US - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 10:17 AM CDT
Good morning, Hayden. Aunt Kaye hopes you enjoyed having Ashley stay with you last week. She really enjoyed being with you, Jordan and Isabella. Let Aunt Kaye know if there is anything you want that you haven't received already and I will get it for you. If you would like a zoo animal, let me know which one is your favorite and it might just show up in your room. I love you very very much and can't wait to see you again real soon.
Aunt Kaye <kaye.b.bryan@mail.sprint.com>
asheboro, NC US - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 8:52 AM CDT
Good Morning Guys! Just checking in to say Hi and we love you! Have a Great DAY! Maddie is fussing b/c she has to go to school. SHe says she wants to go see Hayden instead! TYPICAL MADDIE! You are on our minds all the time! Lots of love and hugs from all of us! We can't wait to see you real soon!
MADDIE, CHAN & CHARLIE <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
WAKE FOREST, NC 27587 - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 7:01 AM CDT
Hi Hayden!!! We're so glad to be able to chat with you on line. Remember us the Egans... we had a great time visiting you about a year ago at your home. Recently we sent a care package for you with LOTS of fun things to do. Hope you like it. Katherine even made a special butterfly for you. She's cute! ~:)) Keep that beautiful smile of yours for everyone to see and before you know it you'll be back home where you belong. We love you!!!!
Kim, Wes, Katherine,Will, & Sophie <kegan@carolina.rr.com>
Charlotte, NC UNITED STATES - Monday, August 2, 2004 9:39 PM CDT
Dear Hayden--Mayan Ruins -- I had so much fun with you in Mexico. Can't wait for you to feel better and help me to chase Kiki around. I will come visit you in the hospital very soon. Noah wants to know if you want play Battleship with him.

I love you and can't wait to see you. Glad you enjoyed Lido's tonight. I am sure it's much better than my mom's spaghetti.

Love you, Mitchell and Noah

Mitchell Hanna <jnoahhanna@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, August 2, 2004 9:03 PM CDT
HEY HAYDEN! Poppy has just called to tell us about your web page. We were so happy to see that beautiful picture of you. Hope you are feeling better soon!! We are all praying for you and hope to see you soon. Joshua, Luke and Rebekah are praying for you also. I found the cutest picture of you and Luke at Madison's birthday party. I will try and get someone to scan it so I can send it to you. I love you baby and God Bless You All!!
Leslie Byrd <lesliebyrd@intrstar.net>
Clinton, nc usa - Monday, August 2, 2004 8:02 PM CDT
Hey Hayden!

Sorry we didn't get to see you this past weekend, but we have a goodie box for you on the way. Tell your mom and dad that we had it delivered to your home and they better bring it to you as soon as it gets there. We hope that you are feeling better and will be home soon. We love you.

Heather and Tracy <handtmccullen@juno.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Monday, August 2, 2004 7:44 PM CDT
HI HAY HAY! Aunt Paige her just checking in to say I love you and let you know the Junie B Jones Books are on the way this weekend when we come visit. I am also bringing you that homework I promised you! DON't GET TOO EXCITED! I hope you had fun sewing today with Momma Kik. I can not wait to see the puppets you made! LOVE YOU LOTS SWEET PEA! TELL DADDY & MOMMY TO GIVE YOU LOTS OF KISSES AND HUGS FROM THE BYRDS!!!! HEY, HAY HAY- HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU HAVE NOW! I BET THAT MONEY FLOWER IS GETTING VERY BIG! SEE YOU REAL SOON! Charlie says HI and he loves you too!
AUNT PAIGE <paigeunc@hotmail.org>
WAKE FOREST, NC 27587 - Monday, August 2, 2004 5:10 PM CDT
Hello... to my 'Butterfly Kissing' Grandaughter. I have just placed your photo on your website for everyone in this world to see just how beautiful you really are.... just like 'Poppy' has already told them, many, many times! I just want you to know that everyone in Clinton is thinking about you and praying for your speedy recovery...we're all pulling together and you will be home all comfy and everything...with Jordan, Isabella, Mommy and Daddy (Pasha too!) real, real soon. I love you very, very much and will see you this Friday night! Save me a 'Butterfly Kiss".... Okay?
Love, Poppy

Danny E. Britt <dbritt@stmc.net>
Clinton, NC USA - Monday, August 2, 2004 4:45 PM CDT
HI HAYDEN! We're friends of your cousins Madison and Chandler. We just wanted to tell you that we're praying for you and hope you are feeling better soon!
Jonas and Elizabeth Black <heyblacks@aol.com>
Wake Forest , NC USA - Monday, August 2, 2004 3:51 PM CDT
Hi Hayden, This is to let you know that Poppy Don and I are sad that you are not feeling well and are having to be in the hospital for a while. We are glad that good doctors are there to care for you and help you get well. We, along with all our friends in Benson, are saying prayers for you and your family every day. We love you and your family very much. With love from Madison, Chandler, and Charlie's Mama Jean and Poppy Don
Jean M. Byrd <jeanbyrd@earthlink.net>
Benson, NC US - Monday, August 2, 2004 1:18 PM CDT
Hi, Hayden, Hello from Captain Dave and Myra. We want you to get well so you can come to Saint Augustine and play on our boat. Every day we see dolphins that swim in the water behind our boat. We even named our boat Flipper after the dolphins. You can also see lots of pelicans & seagulls fly around too. Right now we have wild parrots that are the prettiest bright green color that visit our neighborhood. They don't talk with real words, but boy do they make a lot of noise! Madison, Chandler, and Charlie have been here and we want you, Jordan, and Isabella to come visit with them and your Mommy & Daddy too. Charlie Byrd is a Real Pirate when he visits Captain Dave. We love you. Give "Momma Kick" a big hug for us too. Love,Myra & David
Myra Gaskins <captaindaveandmyra@hotmail.com>
Saint Augustine, FL USA - Monday, August 2, 2004 9:13 AM CDT
hi Hayden.I MISS YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!I hope you are doing well.And I hope you get out of the hospital soon.Chandler Charlie and I are making more pictures for you to hang up in your room.I bet you can't wait to see what I look like without glasses.Can you eat candy? If you can eat chocolate.Well I can't wait to see you!!!!
madison <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
wake Forest, N C USA - Sunday, August 1, 2004 8:44 PM CDT
Hey Hayden, It's Chandler. Can you call me when you feel like it? I liked talking to you today. I really want to see you. Hopefully we will get to come see you on Saterday. I hear your room has lots of pretty pictures in it. I am going to make some more for you this week. Good Night! Sweet Dream! Love Ya! Chan Chan.
Chandler Byrd <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest, NC USA - Sunday, August 1, 2004 8:32 PM CDT
Hey Hayden, It's Chandler. Can you call me when you feel like it? I liked talking to you today. I really want to see you. Hopefully we will get to come see you on Saterday. I hear your room has lots of pretty pictures in it. I am going to make some more for you this week. Good Night! Sweet Dream! Love Ya! Chan Chan.
Chandler Byrd <paigeunc@hotmail.com>
Wake Forest, NC USA - Sunday, August 1, 2004 8:32 PM CDT

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