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Saturday, December 29, 2007 9:41 PM CST

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“Run to win.”

Seasoned long-distance runners have learned to focus on endurance, not just speed. They pace themselves so that as they approach the finish line they can pull out all the stops. Paul says, “I’m running hard for the finish line, giving it everything I’ve got. I’m not going to get caught telling everyone else then missing out myself”. (1Cor. 9:26-27).

For spiritual long-distance runners, quitting isn’t an option. Despite some delays and disappointments along the way, they know they’d never be satisfied just sitting on the sidelines cheering for those who have paid the price to run the race. So if you’re that kind of person – one who needs to attain the hope of your calling and fulfill your God-ordained purpose – than go for it! And don’t forget, Jesus said, “Great gifts mean great responsibilities” (Lk 12:48). Always remember, winning will cost you in terms of pressure, criticism, loneliness and sacrifice, but the victory is ever so sweet!

So, what’s the secret to ‘staying power’? Paul said,
“Jesus finished this race because he never lost sight of where he was headed - he could put up with anything” (Heb 12:2). You’ll only endure the pain when you’ve something to look forward to. God exposes us to opposition and criticism to strengthen our character. That way when greater blessings (and responsibilities) come, we won’t crack. Success comes only when you are committed, and have the passion to cross the finish line. So the question is: can you stand to be blessed?

When the pressure is on will you say like Nehemiah, “My work is too important to stop”? (Ne 6:3). If your answer is yes, get your eye on the goal, “run to win”, and you’re sure to cross the finish line! (By Rick Godwin)

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Well, it’s hard to believe, another year has gone by so fast. The Lord has truly been faithful through it all. I’m getting geared up for another lap. The race continues and like Paul exhorted us, I’m keeping my eye on the prize and running to win.

I hope you enjoyed today’s devotional. When Paul wrote those words, he was writing to a group of persecuted, beaten down, discouraged believers. He wanted to encourage them, no matter what, even when times get tough, to keep moving forward and never give up. If we look to the finish line, we will see Jesus is already there cheering us on.

So, how are we to run this race? The Bible tells us to run it with “endurance”. We are called to press on, not give in, never give up, and just plain ole' “keep on keeping on”.

One of the most perfect examples we have is Jesus. I love the passage in Heb 12:2-4 that says;
“who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame...For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."

I find comfort knowing that it is God who sets a unique course for each of us. Some are longer and some are shorter, but God in His perfect wisdom knows exactly what He is doing, and through Him we can over come all the obstacles that come along way. The key is to keep our eyes on the prize!

Last year at this time I got to witness first hand a very dear friend of ours as he was finishing his race! We all watched and were just amazed as our buddy Brent Nason , got closer and closer to winning his battle and finally crossing the finish line where Jesus was waiting with arms outstretched. This precious child was just so excited about being with the Lord, and got to see and witness things many of us only dream about. This brings so much comfort, and yet I know Link, Tonya, and his brothers are missing him more then ever. His race seemed too short; yet he impacted more lives in his few short years than many others will in a long lifetime.

Please remember to keep the Nason’ s in your prayers as they celebrate Brent’s one-year homecoming on January 2nd. Stop by and let them know you are praying for them. We have been so privileged to have met this family and become so close with them over the past few years. I’m just so grateful for all the ways my life has been touched and enriched because of our friendship.

Tonya, I’m praying for you all right now, and I’m looking forward to your visit down here, where we can get to spend some real special time together very soon.

As we end this year, I want to take a minute to thank
all of you out there
who faithfully come by, pray and leave such sweet words of encouragement for Jordan. This has actually been a great year for Jordan, and we never once take his health for granted. The battle is still on, and we will continue fighting until we find a cure for childhood cancer.

As difficult as things have been in the past, we would never trade one day for all we’ve gained through this race we have been on. We’ve become different people, more compassionate, more aware of the needs of others, and most of all closer to God because of it. We have met some of the neatest families, and continue to be blessed by friendships made along the way.

My prayer is that in 2008, God will continue to reveal Himself to you in greater ways than you have ever known before. May His love surround you, comfort you, and uphold you as you continue in the race set before you.

I would like to end with one of my favorite quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson:

“The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us”.

Running to win,

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Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Stop by and visit Tonya and I at our blogs:

Safe In His Arms His

Thursday, December 20, 2007 5:01 PM CST

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For the One Who has everything:

It’s Christmas. Jesus’ birthday. But what can you possibly give to the One Who not only has everything, but created it all? The wise men probably asked the same question. As scholars, they were astute enough to navigate thousands of miles guided by a star, influential enough to warrant an audience with King Herod, and rich enough to undertake such a long journey carrying expensive presents. But in addition to “gold…incense and…myrrh,” they gave Jesus some gifts that are priceless – note what they gave:

(1) Their time. Long before His birth they’d invested years researching and preparing for it – not counting the two years it took them to travel to where He was born. Do you know what? You are as close to God today as you want to be, planned to be, and took time to be. Want to get closer? Spend more time with Him.

(2) Their worship.. Once they found Him, “They fell down and worshiped Him” (Mt 2:11 AMP). Worship changes us profoundly because when we stand in God’s presence with an open heart and let His Spirit work in us, “We are…changed to be like him” (2 Co 3:18 NCV).

(3) Their hope... While those around saw only darkness these men recognized, “The Light shines in the darkness” (Jn. 1:5 NCV). And that has not changed. God’s healing love shines brightest in the darkness of our dashed dreams and broken hearts. So in the midst of your family celebrations, take time out to be with Jesus: and how about a special gift to His Work? After all, it is His birthday. (By Rick Godwin)

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Merry Christmas to You - My Wonderful Friends!

Sorry I have been lagging on my updates. I've been busy trying to keep up with my blog and a ton of family commitments these days. However, the blog has turned out to be yet another open door for me to share my faith, and get to know so many other wonderful writers and strong Christian moms. My main purpose for starting the blog was to make it my online journal, and if anything ever happened to me, my children and grandchildren would have a written legacy to remember me by. I want them to know what I believed, what I thought, and most of all, who I completely trusted in. I used to journal in a notebook, but I find it so much easier to do it online, and I'm more motivated to keep up with it now. So, if you ever get a free moment, I invite you to take a peak at Forever His ..

Well, it's count down time now. Ready or not Christmas is here! I have been praying for so many of my dear precious friends that I know are having a difficult time during this season. Christmas is always a reminder (and sometimes a painful one) of the joy we shared with those we loved, and are no longer with us. I continue to pray that God will help us all to keep focused on the true reason we celebrate this day, and to take time each day to reflect on the precious gift we have received in the person of Jesus Christ. I heard a person on the radio say this, “He didn't send his son, but he GAVE him to us, willingly and lovingly so we all can have hope everlasting!” Whew, that kind of love is so amazing to think about.

I was so blessed by today's devotional. Pastor Rick Godwin has such a gift of encouragement for the Body of Christ. He knows how to bring home a point and use such great examples to make the Word relevant for us today. I loved the example he used about the gifts the Wise man gave to Jesus. We also have so much to give back to God. Our worship, our time, and our hope in Him.

I would like end by sharing a picture from this past weekend. My middle son, Joseph, graduated from college last Saturday. Normally, at these kinds of events I'm so anxious to get past the commencement speech and all the other speakers, and sit anxiously waiting for my son's name to be called. This time it was different. Dr. David Yeh gave the Commencement Address. Dr.Yeh graduated from UNO (University of New Orleans), and is now a practicing neurosurgeon at a hospital just minutes away from where we used to live before we moved to Baton Rouge! When Dr. Yeh first entered college, he was a music major. He opened the ceremony by playing a wonderful piece by Bach on his violin. Oh my, I was thrilled. He shared about his love for the Arts, and even about a tragedy he endured when he lost his older brother, who was a mentor and role model for him growing up, in a boating accident. I was inspired and so touched, as I’m sure all the graduates were as well. In case you are wondering, yes, I did get to tell him how much I enjoyed his address and music, and got to shake hands after the event. I briefly told him about Jordan and he was so kind to remark, please let me know if I can ever be of assistance. Wow!

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I guess I need to let you go, but I so appreciate you stopping by today. Thanks for your continued prayers and support over this past year. There just are not enough words to express our deepest gratitude to all of you out there. I pray that you will make this Christmas one that you will always remember. Life is so precious, and everyday is truly a gift. I'm so grateful we have an eternity ahead of us to continue this awesome celebration and join in the chorus in Heaven with the multitudes of those who have gone before us.

I'd like to end today with Mary's song as we celebrate Christ's birth:

Mary's Song

And Mary said:
"My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
or he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.

From now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
holy is his name.

His mercy extends to those who fear him,
from generation to generation.
He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.

He has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel,
remembering to be merciful
to Abraham and his descendants forever,
even as he said to our fathers."

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page
Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Saturday, December 8, 2007 9:52 AM CST

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Brent Nason
Timmy Pauxtis
Haley Girl
Jeremiah Averhart
Shae Pierce
Randon Miller
Reid Miller
Jake Raborn
Jacob Duckworth
Spencer Boyer
Emma Grace Hampton
Tony Horton
Dakota Micheal Gay
Maddie Adams
Jessica Randall
Brayden Breaux

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Christmas is coming! Loved ones to see, gifts to give, baking to share. We prepare our homes for the celebration. Yet even more important than this outward preparation is the preparation of our heart. The Christmas season is a beautiful time to prepare our hearts, as we prepare our homes, to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus! Take the thought of the candle of HOPE from the traditional Advent Wreath.

Is your heart filled with hope? Do you have a confident expectation of your tomorrow? What happens when the road ahead is filled with loss and stress weighs your shoulders down? When confident expectation in life's tomorrow dwindles, what can you do? How can you walk in hope when you feel hopeless inside? The God of Hope is your answer.

"May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace, as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Romans 15:13).

* Hope for Help~
We are invited to come to Him and confidently ask for help. Hebrews 4:16 tells us "to come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in our time of need."

* Hope to Overcome~
Things that leave one feeling powerless and hopeless come in many forms. With Christ's strength, you can overcome great obstacles. 1 John 5:4 says "and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith." Faith in Jesus gives hope and help to overcome.

* Hope for Power~
Sometimes in life we find ourselves with a task that simply looks too big for us. We do not just need a cup of God's strength added to our own; rather we need His strength in us to do what we need to do. He will give it! 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, "My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” Seeing our weakness as the entry point of God's strength gives access to His power!

* Hope for Eternity~
When we put our faith and hope in Jesus, it not only gives us help, strength and power where we walk today but it also gives us hope for life after death. It is a confident expectation of the ultimate "tomorrow.”

The God of Hope sent His Son to be our Savior. He is only one prayer away. If you want the confident expectation of His strength and wisdom in your today and His help and hope for your tomorrow, you need only ask. Just tell Him. (by Gail Rodgers)

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Greetings to you my wonderful friends,

Sorry I have been lagging a little bit on updating; things have just been so crazy. Thanks so much for stopping by today. I know Christmas for many of you is such a bittersweet time. For those of you who have loved ones you have lost, it can be a painful reminder of their absence. Many of you have children still in treatment, and the battle can become long and hard. However, try not to get weary, God is with you, and He will strengthen you day by day. My heart and my deepest prayers go out to you.

No matter where you may be at this time, don’t forget the reason we celebrate this wonderful season. I thought the devotional I posted today was so good, because it really reminded me of the daily
we have in Christ Jesus. He is our confident “expectation,” and gives us whatever we need for the journey of life.

I know I have often placed my hope on things that have left me disappointed, but I’m so glad that when God sent His only Son into this world, I was given a Hope that will out last, out weigh, and out live, anything I could ever face in this life. OK, looks like I’m starting to write another sermon, so I’ll try to move on! However, how could we ever say too much about the HOPE that Jesus has brought to us all?

I would like to ask you all to remember my precious friends that are in treatment or dealing with other health issues right now. I’d also like to ask you to pray especially for the Nason family as they are coming close to Brent’s one-year “home~going.” Also, if you will, join me in prayer for Susan Pauxtis, Carol Miller, Trish Hampton, Dawn Pierce, and the Raborn’s, as they need our support and encouragement at this time as well.

Thanks for keeping our family in prayer as well. Jordan has not been feeling very well these days. He was having so many good days after starting his new meds, but lately he has been complaining of headaches, and several other issues that I believe are all related to his hormone imbalance. I think it is time we get some labs done and find out if something if off. It has been such a delicate balancing act with him. It makes me feel so sorry for him when his face is all flush, and he feels so hot, or tired, or his joints are hurting. Keep him in your prayers. Thanks so very much.

In closing, if you get a chance, I had a “Blog Makeover,” and I think it came out so nice! I have been journaling on Forever His fairly often, and have enjoyed meeting so many new friends in the “blogisphere”. One of my favorite days to write is on “Thankful Thursdays” , because it keeps me reminded of how much God has blessed me with, and I also love reading what others are thankful for as well. My blog has become a real faith booster for me!

Sorry, now I’m really rambling on, so let me just say so long for and many you have a blessed week. Take sometime to remember Emmanuel, “God with us.”

Full of Hope,

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Monday, November 26, 2007 10:33 AM CST

“As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.” Jeremiah 18:6 NLT

You are still in His hands!

Jeremiah was told by God to go down to the potter’s house and see how he makes his vessels: “The jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so [the potter] crushed it into a lump of clay…and started over” (Jer. 18:4 NLT). Who crushed it? The potter! Why did he crush it? To make something better out of it! Here is the good news: life may have crushed you, but you are still in God’s hands! Your family and friends may think you are beyond repair but God does not, and His opinion makes the difference. Your life may seem to be out of control today, but in reality, you are still on the potter’s wheel. “As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.”

One day a friend of Michelangelo saw him working on a piece of marble he had found on a rubbish dump near Rome. When he asked the master sculptor what he was doing, he replied, “There’s an angel inside and I’m going to bring him out.” How wonderful! From a rubbish dump to a showcase. From a piece of reject marble to a priceless work of art. That’s what our God does! Hannah said, “He raises the poor from the dust…To set them among princes” (1Sa 2:8 NKJV). When Jesus called His disciples, He said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Mt 4:19). You are not born qualified – you become qualified. How? By spending time with Jesus! So stay where the Lord has you today and let Him keep working on you. Tomorrow you will be glad you did. (By Rick Godwin)

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We’re Home!

We had such a wonderful time at Disney World, but actually, we are glad to be back home. Thanks for all your prayers. Jordan did great. Really, I’m just amazed at the difference in his energy level these days. Maybe we should not have waited so long to put him on cortisol. However, regardless of that the meds are working just fine. (Keep Jordan in prayer as he works at Wal-Mart this busy season, he’ll need lots of energy and patience as well!)Image and video hosting by TinyPic

We did rent a motor scooter for him each day, which helped him get around the parks. I’m sure without that, he would have given out real early. Now that we are back I would not recommend going to Disney at Thanksgiving it was very crowed! Image hosting by TinyPic Nevertheless, we survived, and had a good time with the family despite the lines, etc.

I hope you enjoy some of the pictures. Between all the cameras, we had well over 500 pictures, so it was hard choosing which ones to share. Hope the slide show is not too long for you, but I wanted to give you a glimpse at some of our adventures.

I missed you all, and I pray everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving holidays. I know that for many of you it was your first Thanksgiving without your child, or maybe even your second or third one. No matter which one it was, I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for you. I want you to know I thought of you all, and prayed.

Now that Christmas is approaching, it's another hurdle for you, please know I'll continue to pray for you and your precious families. I pray this season all of our focus will be on Jesus. He is truly the reason we celebrate. It was the gift of God’s Son that has given us hope for our lives both now and for the future.

I really enjoyed this devotional today, and I pray you will as well. I love how God sees and uses everything placed in His Hands. Let’s place our lives, our hopes, and our dreams right there and watch what He can do. He is the potter, and oh, what a master potter He is!

I've got to get back to catching up here at home, so I pray for God's love, comfort and hope to be with you all. I’ll look forward to hearing from you!

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PS I’ll be having a blog “makeover really soon”, keep checking, it’s going to be really nice! Don’t forget to check Tonya’s as well!

Forever His

Safe In His Arms His

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page
Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 10:17 PM CST

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The Journey
by Max Lucado

I drove the family to Grandma’s last night for Thanksgiving. Three hours into the six-hour trip, I realized that I was in a theology lab.

A day with a car full of kids will teach you a lot about God. Transporting a family from one city to another is closely akin to God transporting us from our home to his.

A journey is a journey, whether the destination be the Thanksgiving table or the heavenly one. Both demand patience, a good sense of direction, and a driver who knows that the feast at the end of the trip is worth the hassles in the midst of the trip.

For me, six hours on the road is a small price to pay for my mom’s strawberry cake. I don’t mind the drive because I know the reward. I have three decades of Thanksgivings under my belt, literally. As I drive, I can taste the turkey. Hear the dinner-table laughter. Smell the smoke from the fireplace.

I can endure the journey because I know the destiny.

For some of you, the journey has been long. Very long and stormy. In no way do I wish to minimize the difficulties that you have had to face along the way. Some of you have shouldered burdens that few of us could ever carry. You have bid farewell to life-long partners. You have been robbed of life-long dreams. You have been given bodies that can’t sustain your spirit. You have spouses who can’t tolerate your faith. You have bills that outnumber the paychecks and challenges that outweigh the strength.

And you are tired.

Let me encourage you with a parallel between your life’s journey and the one our family took last night.

It’s worth it.

As I write, the Thanksgiving meal is over. My legs are propped up on the hearth. My tablet is on my lap.

I have every intention of dozing off as soon as I finish this chapter.

The turkey has been attacked. The giblet gravy has been gobbled. The table is clear. The kids are napping. And the family is content.

As we sat around the table today, no one spoke of the long trip to get here. No one mentioned the requests I didn’t honor. No one grumbled about my foot being on the accelerator when their hearts were focused on the banana splits. No one complained about the late hour of arrival.

Yesterday’s challenges were lost in today’s joy.

God never said that the journey would be easy, but he did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.

Remember this: God may not do what you want, but he will do what is right … and best. He’s the Father of forward motion. Trust him. He will get you home. And the trials of the trip will be lost in the joys of the feast.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll close my eyes. I’m a bit tired from the journey, and it feels good to rest.

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I'm just so grateful for all of you my precious friends!

I'll be back soon to fill you in on our Disney Vacation!

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob

Shae Pierce

Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Saturday, November 10, 2007 2:03 PM CST

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So Far to Go

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Phil 3:12

There is a sign along an airport runway that says, "Keep moving. If you stop, you are in danger and a danger to those who are flying."

The same could be said of Christians. We always need to keep moving forward spiritually. We cannot rest on our laurels.

Even the apostle Paul said he could not live off his past experiences. He needed to keep moving forward. He said, "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me" (Philippians 3:12). Here was one of the greatest Christians of all time saying that he had not yet attained. He was saying, "I have not arrived at some supernatural plane that is not available to other believers. I have so far to go."

If anybody ever knew God, it was the apostle Paul. He had led countless people to faith. He had established churches. He had written epistles. Yet he said of himself that he had so much to learn and so far to go.

Imagine Paul sitting around with a group of Christians. One person might say, "God inspired me to say something to someone today. It was wonderful." Another might say, "I heard God speak to my heart once."

Paul could say, "God gave me inspired letters to write called epistles that will make up half the Bible. Also, I've actually died and gone to heaven, and then I was sent back to Earth again."

If anyone could boast, it was Paul. Yet he did not boast. He said, "I have not attained. I have so far to go." By Greg Laurie


Greetings to you my faithful friends,

Wow, this week surely has passed by very quick. Things have been busy as always over here. I pray you all had a nice week, and like us, are enjoying this wonderful weather. Now, I guess that depends on where you live, huh? But it sure has been great down here in Louisiana!

Monday is a "very special day", (hope I remembered this right?) but I believe it's TONYA NASON'S 29th birthday! Please stop by and wish her a Happy Birthday. While you are there, you can be sure you will be blessed and encouraged by the awesome words she shares with us.

I’m just so thrilled to tell you how much better Jordan is feeling now that he is on his cortisol. Just so you can understand what it is, and how it works, I went and got some info for you.

'Cortisol is a corticosteroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex (in the adrenal gland). It is a vital hormone that is often referred to as the "stress hormone" as it is involved in the response to stress. It increases blood pressure, blood sugar levels and has an immunosuppressive action. In pharmacology, the synthetic form of cortisol is referred to as hydrocortisone, and is used as an antagonist in the treatment of allergies and inflammation as well as substitute supplementation in cortisol production deficiencies.'

He has so much more energy these days. It’s wonderful to see the old Jordan I use to know. The only downside to this is he will have to take this for the rest of his life. Well, until the LORD HEALS him - I meant to say! Image and video hosting by TinyPic?

I’m so excited to share some great news with ya’ll. We will be leaving for Disney World next weekend. Yep, we are taking all our children and I can hardly wait to see my grand-daughters enjoy the Magic Kingdom. They already believe they are princesses, so we’ll have lots of fun watching them meet Snow White, Cinderella, and all the many characters they adore. Be prepared for a major slide show when we return.

I pray you enjoyed today’s devotional. I’m always challenged to keep pressing on in my faith walk with the Lord. He is calling us to come nearer to Him each day. This is something we must work on. Like any relationship, for it to be special, it takes TIME . Time in the word, time in prayer and time in fellowship. We could never have a great marriage, or relationships with our children or friends, if we didn’t invest our time into them. So, I’ll leave you with a challenge. Make time to spend with the Lord this coming week, and I promise you, no matter what the circumstance you may be facing, it will seem much easier if he is there walking right beside you.

I’m just so thankful for you taking your time to come by here and check in on us. An especially for your prayers and words of encouragement. We love you all, and give thanks for you each day in prayer.

Still so far to go, but heading in the right direction!

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

Here are some neat places to visit:

Tonya’s Blog: “Safe In His Arms”

My new blog: “Forever His”

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Thursday, November 1, 2007 5:48 PM CDT

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“I will guide them…I will not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16 NIV

Blind skiers

One day when he was skiing in Colorado, Peter Lord said he saw some people wearing red vests with the words “BLIND SKIER.” He thought, “I have a hard enough time skiing with two good eyes, how can they ski with none?” The answer was – they had a guide whose instructions they totally trusted and followed! As the guide skied beside them, he would tap his ski poles together and assure them he was there. Then he would say, “Go right! Turn left! Stop! Slow! Skier coming up on your right!”

What a picture. Life is like skiing downhill blind. We cannot even see five seconds into the future. We can’t see the struggles to come or all the other skiers who might run into us, or over us. And those fears are heightened when we recall how often we have been blindsided by people we trusted and circumstances we did not see coming. Humanly speaking, it leaves the strongest of us feeling vulnerable. That’s when we must place our confidence in the God who never changes and never fails. Here’s what He has to say to you today:

“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths. I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them” (Is 42:16 NIV).

What is it that gets you through the unfamiliar places, the dark places, and the rough places in life? God’s rock-solid promise: “I will guide you…I will not forsake you.” And His assurance is all you really need! By Rick Godwin

Greetings to you my wonderful friends!

Oh, what an incredible word for today! I pray this devotional ministered to you as much as it did to me. I loved it when Rick Godwin said,

"And those fears are heightened when we recall how often we’ve been blindsided by people we trusted and circumstances we didn’t see coming. Humanly speaking it leaves the strongest of us feeling vulnerable. And that’s when we must place our confidence in the God who never changes and never fails."

I do not think there is a person alive that has not experienced this feeling at some point in their life. I'm just so thankful that I have the Lord to put my confidence. Even when I don't understand why I’m having to face difficult circumstances, and it seems my prayers are not being answered, I know He remains faithful and will eventually guide me back to a place of safety.

Our walk with the Lord has to be one of faith, and total trust, knowing that in the end, all things will work together for the good for us. One day we will understand all of these things more clearly. Amen? (Whew... guess that preacher in me came out a little!)

Things have been well here at the Amato household. We are really enjoying the beautiful weather down here, and Jordan continues to plow away at his job at Wal-Mart.

The last time I updated I mention his meds had to be increased once again, that was his thyroid medication, and now he is officially on cortisol. His levels have been on the low side for some time now, but we are grateful his body is at least producing some, even if it is at a low level. However, now that they have remained low, the doctors have decided it was time to provide Jordan with a supplement. I pray this will help him feel better over all.

Without sounding like a broken record, because of the location of Jordan's tumor, his hypothalamus is damaged and does not produce the hormones he needs to function and just enjoy an over all feeling of well-being. The human body is just so amazing and so complicated. If just one hormone is off, it can play havoc on a person's system, so try to imagine what we are facing with Jordan’s entire hormone production not working! I'm not a doctor, but geez; they really have their hands full trying to do a balancing act to get all these things right. I believe that one day Jordan will not have to take all these medications, and God will totally HEAL him! Meanwhile, I will continue to thank God each day I still have him here with me.

Well, speaking of Jordan, he just called on my cell phone and I have run over to the store to pick him up from work! Bless his sweet heart, he does not drive and would love to more then ever.

I hope that all of you will have a wonderful weekend. Please keep our special friends in prayer that are still in treatment, and especially remember our friends that have children who have graduated to Heaven. The holidays are never the same without them, and it brings an avalanche of emotions. Try to remember to pray for these families daily. They will need it more than ever as we move into this holiday season.

Never forsaken,

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PS - Oh my, how could I forget to share some very exciting news with you? Tonya has finally started her blog! Now you just have to go right over there and see what she is up to these days. I promise you will be so BLESSED and ENCOURAGED. Tonya never ceases to amaze me. I'm just so grateful the Lord brought her and her beautiful family into my life. You can view her blog at Safe In His Arms His.

And here is the link to my blog … Forever His. Forever His Tonya and I have been having fun with our blogs!

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 8:22 PM CDT

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“The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” Judges 6:12 NIV

The reason for the battle

If you have been under attack lately, get ready; God’s about to show you what the fight is all about! The level of warfare over your life tells you what God is going to build in and through you. Sometimes the devil is more aware of who we are, than we are. Gideon was hiding in a cave, afraid of the Midianites. Yet God calls him a “mighty warrior.” God sees things in you others do not; that even you do not! Our God, who is “the beginning and the end” sees things in their completed state – including your ultimate victory.

Somewhere in your life you should have a vision that humanly speaking makes no sense, something you know could never happen without God. When you first receive it something inside you will say, “I will,” while everything around you is saying, “you can’t.” It will take you beyond your own competency and make you realize that it’s “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord” (Zech 4:6). Quit asking people who they think you are. Ask God! When He endorses you, what difference does their opinion make?

When God calls you He shows you what you have, then empowers you to use it. When Gideon said, “I don’t have what it takes,” the Lord replied, “Go in the strength you have” (Jdg. 6:14), and “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites” (Jdg. 6:16). There is an important truth here: you must start where you are and use what you have, then God will give you more. If you are unwilling to move until you get more, you may wait forever! By Rick Godwin

Greetings to you my faithful friends,

This will be a short update, I just wanted to share some neat pictures from a great concert we attended this past Friday night. “Mercy Me” has always been one of our favorite bands. If you are not that familiar with them, they are the band who wrote the awesome song, "I Can Only Imagine,” and countless other great hits. Truly, this group makes Christ the center of attention as they lead the audience strait to the throne room of God through their worship. We had a great night with Jason, Kristin, and Kayla.

Something else very special happened that night as well. I have met a new friend in "blogland" named Amy from In Pursuit Of Proverbs 31. She has been such a major blessing to me, and has assisted me greatly in getting my blog up and running on a technical level. She is truly one patient woman of God! (I am a slow learner - for sure!). Thanks Amy for being so patient and such an excellent teacher.

Anyway, we had two extra tickets for the concert and the Lord brought her and her husband to mind. Oops, I'm getting ahead of my self, I found out of all things that she lives right her in Baton Rouge! (That in itself is another story...chances of us meeting online!). What a small world. Well, she was excited to attend, and as it turns out Mercy Me is one of her favorite groups too. What a "God thing". If you get the chance to go over to her awesome blog, you can check out the story behind the concert invite. You will really enjoy reading the whole story. I really enjoyed meeting Amy and her husband face to face. Sorry, we were so rushed before the concert that I didn’t get a picture to include in this update. However, you can meet them on her blog.

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Enjoying every song!

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Singing “Hold On”…what an awesome song!

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OK, leave it to Jordan to be the first in line to get a signed poster!

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This is the drummer from the band, Jordan wanted his drum-sticks!

Jordan is feeling much better these days. His shingles is now behind him. Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. I have a very busy schedule this week (what’s new?). So I'll be getting back soon with some more news from the home front. In the meantime, I am also trying to keep up with my Blog daily, it has been a lot of fun!

Didn't you think the devotional for today was awesome? I love the verse,
“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.”
It has kept me going when I felt like giving up. I pray God will give us all have a heart like Gideon as we go out into the battle.

Let’s remember to keep all the families affected by the fires in California in our prayers. We had a similar type of thing down here after Katrina, and it is very stressful to have to evacuate on a moments notice, leave everything behind, and have to come back to nothing. May God strengthen and comfort them.

God's mighty warrior,

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha, and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis. In the short time that they have been here, they have been so busy helping lots of families who are in such need of assistance. I am just honored to know and be able to support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Friday, October 19, 2007 8:14 AM CDT

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"Beauty for Ashes"

To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. Isaiah 63:1

Isaiah 61:3–4 promises that God "will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory. They will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago. . . . "

God will bring joy instead of mourning and beauty for ashes. For the person who has had to face tremendous struggles and trials in his or her life, and all that was once so beautiful seems to have been burned into ashes, so to speak—God says, "I will bring beauty." For those who are suffering because of pain and sorrow they may have had to endure for a season, God says, "I will bring praise instead of despair."

Only God can take what seems to be a tangled mess in our lives, turn it around, and transform it in such a way that it brings glory to Himself. But not only that, He will cause such a transformation in our lives that it will give hope to others looking on, who may still be struggling or be in pain, to have hope that their deliverance can also come. So hold on to God, for He will, “give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning...and rebuild the ancient ruins, and cities destroyed long ago!” Pastor Greg Laurie

Greetings to you my precious friends,

It’s hard to believe a week has slipped by on us. Since we’ve been home Jordan has been very busy
continuing his birthday celebration!
He went and spent the weekend with my sister Mary and had the best time with her. He also got to go and visit some special friends from back home while he was there. He has really missed living down in Covington since we have moved away. Jordan is truly a social person, and had so many close friends that just loved him so much! Image hosting by TinyPic

When I told Jordan I would be updating his page, he asked if he could say something to all of you. So here it is…

“Hi this is Jordan. Thank you for praying for my MRI at St. Jude. We got a good report! I really like to read your messages; they make me happy. I had a great birthday. I am feeling better now. God bless you all very much.”

Ahhh, I was so touched when he walked in here and asked to do this! He does appreciate all the prayers and many kind things you say to him. I wish more then ever all of you could get a chance to meet Jordan. I’m almost sure he would put a big smile on your face; like he does to almost everyone he meets.

We went to Jordan’s neurologist the other day and went over his MRI & CT report from St. Jude, and the lab work we had done a few weeks before. (We will have to be adjusting his meds once again.) There were a few things in the "written report" I was a little concerned about, but after going over it with his doctor, she put my mind at ease. When we viewed his MRI at St. Jude with his oncologist we did it quickly. It’s really nice because we get instant results. Once I’m home the written report follows with a copy of his scans. Then “Dr. Amato” goes over each and every word, and sometimes it seems the radiologist’s descriptions can cause fear to creep in. I think I’m going to leave those things to the real doctors and just continue celebrating all our good news, and give thanks for all God has done! Amen?

I hope you enjoyed today’s devotional. I love the promise God gives us, “beauty for ashes”. I cannot begin to tell you how many times since I’ve become a Christian God has taken the ashes of my life and turned them around for HIS GLORY. Yes, I believe the greatest thing we can be assured of is God’s faithfulness to us. It never changes, it does not wax or wane. He loves us just as much on our worse days as he does on our best. He never removes His mercy, love and grace from us. He patiently waits for us to turn back toward Him whenever we loose sight. His arms are always opened wide to comfort and strengthen us. I love the promise he leaves us in Hebrews 13:8,
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
May we always trust in His unfailing love.

For those of you who don’t know, I’ve decided to start a blog. I will be posting there daily. Stop by and check it out! FOREVER HIS

Holding on to this anchor of Hope,

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Thursday, October 11, 2007 10:22 AM CDT

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Happy Birthday Jordan, we love you!!!!

“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” -Colossians 4:2

Prayer is our occupation. It is not meant to be a halfhearted, wishful endeavor, but rather it should be wholehearted, intense, fervent, and devoted. What a privilege it is for us to engage in the one thing that will change everything!

Epaphras was a mighty prayer warrior who wrestled in prayer for the Colossians (Colossians 4:12 NIV). The word wrestle means “to agonize,” or “to contend, as in a wrestling match.” In Epaphras’s day, wrestling was one of the most intense athletic events in the Olympics, and for Paul to describe Epaphras’s prayer as “wrestling” shows the passionate intensity with which this brother labored in prayer.

Epaphras’s fervent prayer was that the Colossians might be “strong and perfect, fully confident of the whole will of God” (v. 12). Satan is continually opposing the will of God in our lives, and only through wrestling, agonizing prayer can the will of God be accomplished. Epaphras was willing to agonize in prayer over the Colossian church. This is where the real battles are won.
Let us wrestle, watch, and agonize in prayer daily. Our families and friends are depending upon us.
Pastor Larry Stockstill – Bethany World Prayer Center

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Greetings to you all my wonderful praying friends!

As you can only imagine we are overjoyed with this awesome report. God has truly answered all of our prayers! Jordan did not move once during sedation, and this is the first clear MRI in over 18 months! Can you imagine? I was ecstatic, and then to see that tumor beginning to shrink, oh my, I could not ask for more. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Jordan’s hearing has remained stable as well! God is so good.

We were so blessed to meet some new friends, Di Di Ross and son Zach
and Julie Dietz, (Westin’s mom) and also visit some of our old friends. We got to spend lots of time with Amy and Collin, another brain tumor family. She is just the sweetest person ever, and her son is precious. They also received a good report this week as well. Amy,it was so much fun being with you guys! Another major highlight was getting to spend time at the Hope House, where Mark and Mylissa blessed Jordan with a special birthday party. Thanks so much Mylissa, you are such a blessings to us.

We got to see our favorite nurse Joni, and my very special friendDawn Pierce Shae and Mason's mom(the beautiful blonde in the picture with Jordan!) She blessed me with a “happy” (our little code word for a surprise gift) and Jordan got some green stuff in his birthday card. Oh yes…he was already spending some of it at the airport on the way home! Dawn, I really appreciate that you drove all the way up to the Hope House to spend time with us. You hold a very special place in my heart, I’m so grateful for you. Jordan loved playing with Mason; he’s just adorable. I already have plans for his future wife! (We’ll discuss this more in detail later…)

We did have some unplanned events on the trip. Jordan complained of pain in his back the day before we left. I didn’t think much of it, and gave him some Tylenol. Before he left he showed me some red spots on his back. It looked like some kind of bug bites, so I rubbed some antibiotic cream on it and assumed we were “good to go”. He woke up the morning of his scans in lots of pain, so when we got to clinic I showed his doctor his back. Well, he looked at it, and then he began calling in the Infection Specialists.

Well to my surprise a team of doctors walked in and began to examine Jordan all over. Of course, now I’m starting to think, “What’s going on here?” After they all had a good look, the consensus was Jordan had shingles! While it’s no problem for normally healthy folks to be around, kids with very low immune systems because of chemo, it can be very contagious and life-threatning. Oh boy…so now we have a “mini-crisis” on our hands, and Jordan was put in
That’s like trying to tie down the Ever~ready Bunny. To put it mildly, Jordan was NOT a happy camper. As it turns out, we were blessed that we had plans to leave that evening to head over to Mark and Mylissa’s Hope House, otherwise we would have been restricted to stay in our room at the Grizzly House for the remainder of the day!

The next day we an outside consult at the University of Tennessee with a movement disorder specialist. That was also a blessing, because he got to leave his room to go to the appointment. In the end, because of the shingles, St. Jude moved our flight back home up from 7:00pm to 2:00pm and sent us to the airport in a cab. It’s like that feeling when you know you have worn out your welcome. (He He…) Really, I was so impressed the way they handled this situation. With so many immune suppressed children on those grounds, no chance was being taken.

Well, this quick update has turned into a mini epic! Thanks for hanging in here with me. Please pray that these shingles do not linger, and Jordan will get over this condition quickly.

A special announcement!!! - Friday is Jordan’s 22nd birthday! Can you believe it? We will have so much to celebrate. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Oops, one more thing. I finally took the plunge and started a blog. I’ll be posting there also, so if you would like to stop by and check it out here is my link: Forever His

So grateful for you all,

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page
Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, October 3, 2007 7:21 PM CDT

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“Let us go over to the other side.” Mark 4:35 NIV

Keep strokin’!

Sometimes you only learn to swim by being thrown into the deep end. When that happens you discover that:
(a) If you let it, your fear will take you under.
(b) You can only tread water for so long.
(c) When you get to a certain point there is no turning back, you have to keep going. (It’s fatal to stop or give up in the middle of the process).
(d) What God has put within you (the air in your lungs) will sustain you and keep you afloat if only you learn to relax, trust God, and keep strokin’!

If you’re serious about getting to the other side – you’ve got to take what’s in front of you and keep pushing it behind you. In other words, keep strokin’! You might be crying while you’re swimming, but keep strokin’. Your heart may be about to come out of your chest, but keep strokin’. It’s when you feel backed into a corner with nowhere to go, that you’ve got to reach down, take hold of what God put within you, and keep strokin’.

“The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force” (Mt 11:12). Notice the word “violence” – sometimes you have to rise up in faith and fight your way through, confident that God is on your side. The waters you’re in don’t determine your destiny; they can either carry you over or take you under. Your faith has to rise up and fight your fear. If you quit, God can do nothing more for you. So whether you’re doing the breaststroke, the backstroke, or some other kind of stroke nobody’s ever heard of – keep strokin’. You’re going to come out on the other side victorious – just don’t ever give up.

Greetings to you my faithful friends,

Sorry this update has been so long in coming. We’ve been busy strokin’…Image and video hosting by TinyPicYes, I think that is what life is all about, fighting in faith, pressing on, and keeping focused on the prize that lies before us. For me, the secret is keeping my eyes fixed on the Lord. That’s where I find peace, safety, and STRENGTH to keep on going! If I start looking at the waves and wind, I’ll start sinking. However, when my gaze is fixed on Jesus, He leads me through every storm.

Well it’s that time again; we’ll be heading back to St. Jude on Monday of next week. I know I’ve shared this countless times, but no matter how far down the road you get, “scan time” is always a time of uncertainty (A time to keep my eyes on Jesus). Image hosted by TinyPic.com Truthfully, I really have peace about this visit, but I never take anything for granted. In fact, I’m excited about the great report I know I will bringing back! However, let’s not let down our guard and our prayers. I don’t want to give an inch of the ground that we have conquered back to the enemy.

I’m excited to share with you that Jordan’s doctors have agreed to attempt the closed MRI once again. The plan is that we will be giving Jordan a nice dose of his meds for his movement disorder before sedation. Please agree with us in your prayers that this time we will leave St. Jude with a nice clear scan that reveals his tumor is shrinking all up, and the cysts are evaporating away. Hey, why not ask for our hearts desire Image and video hosting by TinyPic?

We will also do labs and check Jordan’s hearing. I’m believing for good news in this area as well. I’m still waiting for the results of all the labs that we did here at home two weeks ago. It seems like we always have a long wait from this doctor! (Why is God always teaching me patience?). I’ll keep you posted on that.

We are looking forward to visiting the
“Hope House”
when we go to Memphis. Jordan is all excited about that. We will also be meeting up with his friend Collin and his sweet mom Amy. Another major highlight will be seeing “Princess Elli” who is now getting ready for transplant. Jordan and I will run up to the second floor and visit nurse Joni as well.

Going to St. Jude brings back so many memories, it’s always bittersweet… Nevertheless, no matter what we have had to face as we have gone along on this amazing journey, in the end we are so much better for it all. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

So, as I wrap this one up let me just say, I really appreciate knowing I have so many people who pray, care, and continue to walk along this path with us. We have been so blessed through it all. Now, I’d like to end with one of my favorite promises in God’s word:

“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”
James 1:12

Wanting that crown to lay before His feet,

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, September 25, 2007 7:07 PM CDT

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Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.
...John Wesley

Greetings to you my friends!

I’m just so blessed and excited to share with you how
Lake Harbor Middle School
joined together to support St. Jude!

Last Thursday my daughter-in-law, Kristin, e-mailed the teachers to ask them to support St. Jude by going to Chili’s on Monday.
Well, the idea exploded. Almost every teacher ordered lunch out with help from the office staff to pick up the orders. (Keep in mind this is a very BIG school!)

The support didn’t end there. Kristin also e-mailed the parents’ of her students and put a note about the fundraiser in the Monday School Memo. She wore her Chili’s “Support St. Jude” t-shirt on Monday to remind the kids to dine out for a good cause. Students colored chili peppers to show their support as well.

Kristin and her friend, Tammy, continued the party at Chili’s after school. (Yes, twice in one day.) They saw so many teachers and students there joining in for such a wonderful cause! I’m so grateful for Kristin taking the ball and running with it. I’d like to pin this on you Kristin:

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I’d also like to thank Mrs. Patin, . the Principal of her school, who allowed this to happen. We appreciate this huge outpouring of love and support for Childhood Cancer. In June of 2006 Chili’s committed to the largest donation in the history of St. Jude’s. Part of the money went into the Chili’s Care Center, a six-story, 325,000 square foot, state-of-the-art building that now houses St. Jude’s Department of Radiological Sciences and The Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium. Naturally we are very excited about this addition to the hospital, and for the first time Jordan will be going there for his follow up scans.

Please remember to keep us in your prayers as we fly out to St. Jude on October 8th for Jordan’s MRI, CT and many other tests. We are believing that this tumor will continue to shrink, and shrink, and one day we will be able to say it’s GONE! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Thanks again and to all of you who went out to Chili’s on Monday to support St. Jude. The fight is not over for childhood cancer, and research is badly needed. Thanks so much for stopping by today!

Please remember to keep all those children who are fighting this battle against cancer, and for the families that have children in heaven now.

Holding on to HOPE,

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 6:45 PM CDT

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Perseverance - by Paul Faulkner

Many things have been said about the value of perseverance. We all know the old fable about the tortoise and the hare. And the great preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, "The snail would never have made it on the ark, except through long perseverance!” Winston Churchill led an entire nation through World War II with his grim determination to go on to the end and never surrender or give up.

The book of James puts it this way, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:2-4 NIV). The crown comes after persevering through the fight!

Paul the Apostle speaks about persevering when he says, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day -- and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing" (2 Timothy 4:7-8).

The crown comes after persevering through the fight and finishing the race. So with God's help, let me encourage you to "keep on - keeping on."

Greetings to you my precious friends;

I pray this week finds you doing well, and pressing in deeper still! Yes, I guess that will be the new thread for my daily life these days, pressing in, persevering, and continuing to fight the good fight of faith! I am still praying and mediating on all the powerful teachings from our recent women’s conference, and missing my friends like crazy!

Jordan went to see one of his favorite doctors, well mine too, yesterday. Jordan saw Dr. Vargas who works out of Children’s’ Hospital in New Orleans. He is one of the “team of doctors” Jordan sees on a regular basis. When your child is diagnosed with a brain tumor, so many issues are at hand. Because the brain is divided into so many regions that each control specific functions throughout the body, a tumor in a particular area of the brain is likely to have a big impact on the functions it governs. And as most of us know, with a brain tumor, there really is no “good place” for it to be. Let’s face it, the real estate in our heads is very valuable, and there really isn’t very much room for growth! Jordan’s tumor is a midline, set deeply in his brain, and because of that location, it was classified as "inoperable.” The area it has caused most havoc is in his endocrine system. OK, if you don’t mind I will do a quick course on how this functions:

“The endocrine system is a complex group of glands. Glands are organs that make hormones. These substances help to control activities in your body. Hormones control reproduction, metabolism (food burning and waste elimination), and growth and development. Hormones also control the way you respond to your surroundings, and they help to provide the proper amount of energy and nutrition your body needs to function. The endocrine glands include the thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, ovaries, testes, adrenal, pituitary, and hypothalamus.”

Jordan has a condition called “panhypopituitarism.” Basically, this means all of his glands are unable to function properly because they do not receive the proper signals from the hypothalamus. So Jordan takes many medications daily to regulate and replace these vital functions. Now, you just completed Endo 101! Thanks for hanging in there with me. Now you know how to pray specifically for this part of his healing!

We will do some extensive lab work this week. Jordan must be fasting for several of them, so with his DI, thirst/sodium disorder, it is always a major challenge. Jordan wakes up several times a night to DRINK! .” He does take meds for this, but it’s still a major issue on balancing his sodium levels. So keep that in your prayers that we make it through the night with the fasting.

OK, let me move on to another topic!

I have some very exciting news for you. Little Elli , our precious friend from St. Jude who recently relapsed with ALL, is now in REMISSION! .”
I got a call this weekend, and oh my, there were tears of JOY! We will get to visit Elli when we go back in October for Jordan’s check up. She has grown up so much since we last saw her. I’m sure that I will be posting pictures of them together once I get back from Memphis. Please continue to keep her in prayer as she begins procedures for transplant now.

Well, I think I will let get back to your busy day now. I really appreciate you coming by, and we would just love to hear from you! You will never know how much your little notes minister, encourage, and just lift up our spirits! We also love to meet new families as we journey on.

I would like to end with a neat quote I found recently. There was not any author mentioned:

“When one is grateful for every LITTLE THING,
one realizes that nothing is a LITTLE THING.”

Going deeper still,

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PS Don’t forget to put it on your planning calendar to take a friend or the family out for lunch or dinner to Chili’s this coming Monday - Sept. 24, 2007! St. Jude will receive 100% of the profits for all of their sales on this day. More on this special event in my next update!

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 6:09 PM CDT

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“We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands.” 1 John 1:1 NLT

Someone needs what you have!

Someone close to you today needs what you have. They may not know it or even want it, but they need it nonetheless. And what is it they need? Christ! “We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands…now we testify…to you that he is the one” (1Jn 1:1-2 NLT). But before others will be attracted to Christ, they must first see Him working in your life.

After his life-changing encounter on the Damascus Road, God told Saul (Paul) of Tarsus, “I have appeared to you to appoint you as my servant and my witness…tell the world about this experience” (Acts 26:16 TLB). Understand this: every experience you’ve had with God has one purpose – to better equip you to be His “witness.” That is our assignment! And if you’re serious about it, you will guard your heart, because out of it flow the true issues of life! The church is a hospital where Jesus, the Great Physician, makes wounded people whole again. So what is our job? Simple put, to be His servants and to bring the sick and hurting to Christ, the “One” you have seen with your own eyes and touched with your own hands – and He will do the rest!

Greetings to you from one fired up mom!

I first want to apologize for taking so long to update! It is just hard to type when your feet are not touching the ground. Image hosting by TinyPic My body has returned from the
“Deeper Still Conference”
, but whew…my heart and spirit are still there with all my precious “sista's" in Christ.”

There is so much to share with you about this special weekend; I don’t know where to go or how to begin, hmmm… I think the best way I can let you know what happened is by asking you to read Mylissa’s entry on Habitat For Hope's Blog I could not summarize it any better than Mylissa did, so please take a moment to read her update, and get ready to be BLESSED!

Thanks Mylissa and all the volunteers at
Habitat for Hope
for making this weekend possible. We were all one big group of pampered, loved, and well taken care of moms. There is just no way to express my gratitude. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I would like to share a few of the highlights from this weekend for me personally. I must admit although I knew a few of the women coming,but I was still very, very nervous about the whole weekend. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Gosh, my back nearly went out the day before, and I was dealing with some major headaches. I had asked some friends here at home to pray for a miraculous healing, and would you believe it...? – It was granted! Well, I woke up in the wee hours of the morning on Friday feeling better then I have in a LONG time!

Trish Hampton greeted me at the airport along with Chris, both moms’ of two of the most beautiful little girls that are now in Heaven "dancing and singing" down those streets of gold. When Trish heard my
accent, she got the biggest kick out of how I talked. She was so funny as she "MADE FUN"... I forgive you Trish, you are greatest and I love you more now then ever before! Chris blessed me with an awesome CD that was made of her daughter Christal. Oh my…you just have to hear this child sing!

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Being crazy with Trish and Tonya!

Then off we went to the hotel. I was greeted there by my precious buddy- Tonya Nason and nurse Joni. OK, I’m getting choked up just writing about this. My heart is so full of love for Tonya, Image and video hosting by TinyPic and it was just as if we saw each other yesterday! I will forever thank God for that special bond of love He has so graciously put between us.

Now about Joni…as you know she is one of the most popular nurses at St. Jude! She was so much fun to be around, beautiful on the inside and out. God is truly using this young woman in a mighty way. Her work is her ministry, and you cannot help but see God’s hands all over her. I love you Joni!

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Joni, Tonya and me

We were barely in the room a few minutes before I got the call for us to go down and meet Carol Miller. My heart was racing. After all these years of emailing each other, we would finally meet face to face. When I got downstairs, she was sitting there on the couch smiling, and it only took a matter of seconds before I felt like I have known her most of my life. Carol, I had so much fun spending time with you, and truly, this was one of the major "highlights" of this whole weekend event for me.

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Carol, Dawn and me

It was such a blessing meeting the other moms too! Naturally getting to see Mylissa was such a treat. She is so wise beyond her young years, and has such a heart of compassion for so many people. Personally, I know it’s God’s amazing grace that guides and carries both her and Mark as they lead Habitat for Hope Ministries. What an awesome ministry they have raised up in Memphis.

I cannot end with out sharing what a joy it was to see Dawn Pierce again, Shae’s mom. I will never forget the first time we met at St. Jude for lunch on one of Jordan’s visits. I was so touched to think she would walk back down those l-o-n-g halls after losing her son in that very same hospital. Dawn has a HUGE heart, and she is a constant source of encouragement, and support for so many St. Jude families. She is a true servant that has taken her greatest pain and heartache, and used the experience to bless and help others (just like I posted in the devotion above). Dawn, you are so special to me, I love you girlfriend!

As you can see, I am one very RICH woman. God had blessed my life with so many wonderful friends. My heart is full, and I am eternally blessed and grateful for their friendships.
Here are two more pictures:

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Going Deeper Still with my precious friends...

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Thanks again Mylissa for making this dream come true!

Many of you reading these updates are facing your own battles right now, and yet you still you continue to stop by and let us know how much you care and pray for Jordan. That is so kind of you and I really appreciate it with all my heart. I only pray that one day I will have the privilege of meeting many more of you face to face.

I would like to end by asking you to agree with me in prayer that the Lord would continue the work He so graciously begun in our lives this past weekend. We learned so much about trusting God when our worlds fall apart, and how to praise and trust him even when we don’t understand what is going on around us.

I think Joni Eareckson Tada put it best when she said:

“One of the most wonderful things about knowing God is that there is always so much more to know, so much more to discover. Just when we least expect it, He intrudes into our neat and tidy notions about who He is and how He works, and reveals Himself in new and greater ways.”

If you would like to see an awesome video that was made on God-Tube of our special weekend please check out the Deeper Still Blog . I promise you, you will be blessed and want to attend one yourself! Thanks for patiently waiting for this update and stopping by today!

Going Deeper Still,

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 8:24 PM CDT

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And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people.
Acts 6:8

I think we have lost the meaning of the word "hero" today. We throw it around so casually. Everyone is called a hero, from athletes to singers to actors. But a hero is really someone who does something sacrificial or courageous.

Acts 6 tells the story of Stephen, the first martyr of the Christian church, a true hero of the Christian faith. As we look at Stephen's life, we don't see a life wasted. We see a life well-invested. We also learn some important principles about the kind of person God uses today.

As God looks for a man or a woman to put His hand on, what qualities does He look for? What kind of person does He select? In Scripture and in contemporary history, one thing certainly stands out. It seems that God has always gone out of His way to use people who had no apparent potential.

The Bible says, "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him" (2 Chronicles 16:9). It doesn't say God is looking for a strong man or a strong woman, but a loyal one. When God put His hand on me, I didn't seem like a person with great potential. But God uses ordinary people so that He might get the glory, so that no one can boast in His presence (see 1 Corinthians 1:26–29).

So if you feel that you are an ordinary person, if you feel that you don't have any great abilities or skills and wonder whether God could ever use you, the answer is YES! Just watch what the Lord will do when you dedicate yourself to Him.

Greetings to you my Dear Friends,

Hope you enjoyed today's devotional. I thought the timing of it could not be more perfect. Many of us feel like "ordinary people" and surely not like the courageous heroes we read about in the paper or see on TV! But truly, God can use anyone whose heart is loyal to Him, and has the desire to make a difference in life of someone else.

The month of September is a very special month for us. There are many different cancers I found recognized during this month, but today I would like to talk about "Childhood Cancer". I'm so grateful for the beautiful collage Heather Duckworth made in honor of the many children who are battling cancer, in remission, and those that have won their battles! Thanks Heather, for being on the frontlines in this battle! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I also want to recognize a dear friend of mine, Susan Pauxtis, who will be sponsoring a special bike ride in honor of her son Timothy to raise support for" Pediatric Brain Tumors. If you live in the New Jersey Area, please don't miss this awesome opportunity to get registered for Timmy’s Tour de Shore.

Another friend I've made recently through Caringbridge has begun a foundation called
"The Brayden Breaux-B's Buddies Foundation"
. Brayden is from Louisiana and his doctor was the first neurosurgeon that Jordan saw after he was diagnosed at Children's Hospital in New Orleans. Brayden was a very brave little boy who also won his battle not long ago. His mom Andrea has a "HUGE" heart and has been so busy blessing other children that are still fighting the beast. If you click over to Brayden's CB page, you will see that she has posted all kinds of wonderful ways you can help observe cancer awareness during this month of September. Thanks so much Andrea!

So, my definition of a hero is not only these children who are bravely fighting cancer, but also their parents who are making such a difference in the lives of so many others, even as they journey on without their precious children. I know it's only by God's grace, His amazing strength, and their great love for this cause that keep them going. There are many others out there doing foundations, Lemonade Stands and many wonderful things that support the fight to cure childhood cancer, and I'm so grateful to ALL of you who are involved at every level!

Well, the time has almost come for me to leave for the. "Deeper Still Conference" in Nashville, Tenn.! Now am I excited?? Well that would be an understatement. Image and video hosting by TinyPic This trip to Nashville is going to be one of the most exciting events of the year for me. First of all, as most of you know, my dear friend Tonya Nason and I have not had the chance to see each other in quite awhile, and I’m just busting at the seams with anticipation of getting together with her on this trip. It's been way too long since we’ve had the chance to spend time together, and Tonya just better be ready for lots of hugs from me.

I'm also so excited to be with another great friend, Mylissa Horrocks. Most of you know that she and her husband Mark oversee “ Habitat for Hope Ministries” in Memphis. Oh my, if you have not visited their website yet, you must do it now! They left everything back home in Florida to answer the call of God, and moved to Memphis to establish a full-time ministry to support the many families in need at St. Jude. I love Mylissa and can hardly wait to spend time with her also. I'll also get to see Dawn,Shae Pierce's mom as well. Dawn also works closely with Mylissa with Habitat for Hope.

I will FINALLY get meet my dear sister in the Lord, Carol Miller. Yep, Reid & Randon’s precious mom! Dawn and I are really thrilled about this! By the way she is the mom of the famous "Montana Girls!" (You have to check out the video they made). And finally, I’m also going to get to meet someone I have faithfully kept up with over the years through CB, and that is Trish Hampton. Trish is Miss Emma Grace’s
mom. I loved Trish from the very first time I read her journal. She is a fireball for Jesus and has such a wonderful sense of humor! I'll be meeting her at the airport along with another very special St. Jude mom named Chris.

Oops, I can't forget to mention that Joni will also be with us. I think she has to be one of the. MOST POPULAR nurses at St. Jude! Brent definitely had eyes for her! There are also many more precious sisters in the Lord coming to this event, all of which I can hardly wait to meet.

Now I think you can understand why I’ve been so excited about this special weekend. It’s going to be like a family reunion, and then some!! One thing for sure, we won’t be getting very much sleep with all the catching up that will be going on! So, I promise to fill you in on all the details of this awesome weekend, which the Lord was so kind to open up for all of us to go to and be blessed.

Now about our dear Jordan. Jordan’s seems to be feeling much better now that the he has increased his iron and thyroid meds. He will be seeing his endo doctor when I return. Next on the agenda is in October, we will be off to Memphis for Jordan’s six-month scans and the usual battery of tests. Please keep that in prayer. More on that trip a little later.

Let's remember to keep all the children we know who are fighting cancer in our prayers each day, and for all the brave parents who stand in the gap for them and are advocates for these brave little warriors.

Be blessed my precious friends and thanks so much for taking time to stop by today!

Dedicated to Him,

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 4:28 PM CDT

Warrior Ethos

The U.S. Army Warrior Ethos is a set of standards that all U.S. Army soldiers are encouraged to live by. It is meant to be the core embodiment of the soldier's mission. It is cited in the second section of the U.S. Soldier's Creed.

I am an American Soldier.

I am a warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values.

I will always place the mission first.

I will never accept defeat.

I will never quit.

I will never leave a fallen comrade.

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills.

I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.

I am an expert and I am a professional.

I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.

I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.

I am an American Soldier.

Greetings to you my faithful friends,

I pray that this has been a good week for you. I hope you enjoyed the slide show from Jason’s Army Officer’s Candidate Graduation. There are just no words to describe how exciting this was, and how proud we are of our son Jason. We are so grateful for all the brave young men and women who are serving our country now. Our nephew Mark Martin is now stationed in Korea, after serving a year in Iraq. Each day many sacrifices are made for our freedom. Let’s not forget to lift them up in prayer for God’s protection over their lives.

It was no surprise to us, Jason would join the military and desire to go further. He is our firstborn, and truly a leader. From his earliest years we saw these gifts and callings on his life. We are so blessed this dream has come true for him.

Jordan had a wonderful time this weekend, and was not shy about wanting to meet Jason’s instructors, Majors, Generals, and many other military men there. Bless his heart, he was just smiling ear to ear the whole night. He was also very excited to wear his new LSU tie! Yes, this was Jordan’s kind of night. Thanks for all your well wishes for Jason!

Some of you have asked about the song playing on this page. The song is by Chris Tomlin and is called “Unfailing Love” . If you would like to see a neat video with the words to this song you can go to: (clip and paste this code) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_MyC6kJzPg . I think you will be blessed by reading the lyrics. It is truly by God’s “unfailing love” we continue on our journey of Hope each day.

I mentioned last time about something exciting coming up, and I promise on my next update I would will go into more details. But I will not leave you hanging again. Just so you’ll know what I’m planning for now, it’s a “Women’s Conference” by Beth Moore in Nashville, Tn. I’ll be going with some very dear friends of mine, all St. Jude Mom’s! And... another CB mom I’ve been praying to meet for YEARS! Now, how special is that?

Please continue to keep Conner Smith in your prayers, little Logan, Elli and another precious little girl named Regina who has recently relapsed with brain tumors. I know their parents would greatly appreciate your prayers and encouragement as they are going through some very rough treatment right now.

Don’t forget to keep remember all of our special mom’s and families that have children in Heaven now. No matter how recent or long ago their precious ones went on to heaven, they are continually missed and the feeling of their loss is always present.

Thanks once again for stopping by to check up on Jordan. I appreciate your love, your prayers, and especially your support. We love hearing from you!

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 7:44 PM CDT

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“You will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.” (Philippians 4:7 TLB)

Peace “In Spite Of” - By Rick Godwin

Catherine Marshall writes, “A king once offered a prize to the artist who could paint the best picture of peace. Many tried, but there were only two the king really liked. One was of a calm lake. It was a perfect mirror for the peaceful towering mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. The second picture had mountains too. But they were rugged and bare. Above them was an angry sky from which fell rain, and in which lightning played. Down the side of the mountains tumbled a waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all. But when the king looked closely he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest.

There, in spite of the rush of angry water, she sat on her nest – in perfect peace. Which picture do you think won the prize? The king chose the second picture. When asked why, the kind explained, “Because peace does not just mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or difficult circumstances. Peace means that you can be in the middle of all these things and still be calm in your heart.”

At some point we all discover that there is no safe harbor free from storms; that peace is not the absence of storms, but

1. The assurance of God’s presence and protection in the midst of them,
2. The growth of our faith and character because of them, and
3. The knowledge that we have His rock-solid promise to bring us through them stronger and wiser.

Greeting to you my faithful friends!

Did you take the time to read today’s devotional? Oh my, if you haven’t, please stop now and go back and read it. You won’t want to miss this powerful word for your life today. PEACE, who does not need it? Storms… they seem to rage everywhere. When I see the pictures of Hurricane Dean out there in the Gulf, I can’t help but feel anxiety. Some call it “Post Katrina Stress” , . My heart truly goes out to all those who have been affected by it and those who are trying to prepare for its arrival. But the fact is we all will face storms, but wisdom would teach us that we cannot wait until the storm is upon us to make preparations. Instead, we must daily keep watch over our hearts. The Bible teaches us to…

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”
Proverbs 4:22-24 (NLT)

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-8 (NLT)

There are many of you reading this waiting on scan results, tests, and just dealing with the issues life bring about daily. How easy it is to allow “peace” to be far from our lives. Yet in the midst of it all Jesus continually beckons us to come away with Him in prayer each day, and He promises to give us that “peace that passes all human understanding”.

To be honest, I’ve experienced facing the storms both ways. There are times when I have struggled on my own, and times when I have relied on God and "His grace" to protect and carry me safely through them. Talk about a wonderful feeling when you have the assurance that” He is there, and you have put your trust in Him! I can’t think of anything greater than looking back and knowing that is was God that carried you through. I pray today all of you who are reading this message will experience God’s peace and His rest for your soul. Don’t let those forecasts of the approaching storm rob you of the assurance that God is a refuge and a rock upon which you can stand. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

“My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior.”
2 Samuel 22:2-4 (NIV)

OK, now that I’ve had the chance to preach to you once again, I can move on to some other news! First of all, I’m very excited to share that this coming weekend, my son Jason will have his” “Officer’s Commissioning Ceremony” , as he gets his gold bar and officially assumes the rank of "2nd Lieutenant". Image and video hosting by TinyPic

They will have a formal graduation, dinner, and Black Tie Gala Ball after! I can not begin to tell you how proud I am of our son! Get ready for lots of pictures on the next update. You know me; I’ll try and capture every moment, if possible!

Next up are Heather Duckworth and family that are now in Guatemala to pick up their baby, Allie! Oh boy, I’m just so excited for this family. What a blessed little girl she will be to have such an awesome family, and yes, be loved to the max! You really need to go check out Heather’s new blog, if you haven’t already! This family is seeing lots of
these days!

I’m getting geared up for another very exciting event coming up the first weekend in September. I’ll save that story for next time. Meanwhile, I just want to thank you all for faithfully praying, encouraging, and just staying on board with us as we journey on.

Jordan is doing well, and will be seeing his endo doctor soon. I think his meds need some fine tuning; he’s been a bit sluggish these days. With all the hormone issues, low iron, and thyroid, you never know what’s off. Then we’re off to Memphis the first week of October. I won’t start thinking about that just now.

Be blessed my friends, and please continue to visit, pray and encourage those on my “special friends” list. I’d like to ask for special prayers for Conner who is now in transplant. We’ve known this precious family many years now, they are counting on all the support they can get! There are so many more I could add to this list, and I’m going to figure out a way to do this!

And finally, we send out lots of big hugs to Susan Pautixs, Carol Miller, Dawn Pierce, Tonya Nason, Trish Hampton and all the mom’s who are waiting for that ”GLORIOUS”l day to be reunited with their precious children. Although they are not physically here with us now, their spirits live on in our hearts and lives daily. What brave and valiant warriors they were. Praise God for the HOPE we have and the promise that “soon and very soon” we will all be together again! I’ve learned so much from all these families and I hope you will join me to continue to pray and remember them everyday!

Walking in His peace,

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 6:45 PM CDT

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“Jordan and His cousin Katie and niece Grace”

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”
--Lamentations 3:22-24

God…is…faithful. Allow me to restate that again. God is faithful! He will do what He says He will do!

And not only is God faithful and reliable, but He is committed to your spiritual growth and maturity. I Thessalonians 5:23-24 says, “Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.”

I love that! The Scriptures promise you and me that God is constantly working on us…creatively, constructively, and continually. The Spirit of God is working in your body and in your soul, and His purpose is to make you more like Him!

Remember when you were a teenager and you couldn’t wait to grow up? That’s how we feel sometimes as Christians. We may be wondering if we will ever grow up. We may wonder how long it will take until we will be truly responsible and obedient in our Christian life. It is a struggle, and often we may become frustrated with ourselves and the progress we are making in our Christian journey!

But we need to stop and remember that God is patient…and that God is persevering. According to Philippians 1:6, “He (God our Father) who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” When God gets through with you, you’re going to stand complete and perfect in the glory of Jesus Christ. One day we will arise and be fully conformed into His likeness. What a glorious day that will be…when we look into His face!
That’s God’s goal in your life and mine…and He will be faithful to perform it!


Greetings to you my faithful friends,

So sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you all. It’s been a very busy week, but praise God, He has helped us get through it, and hopefully life will return to normal. OK, so what is “normal”? Well, anyhow, I’ve missed chatting with you, and thanks for being so patient.

I appreciate all your well wishes for our recent anniversary. We didn’t do anything really “special” this weekend, as you know I had my Women’s Retreat. It was nice to get away, and just spend time with the Lord, and a very dear friend Cyndy who came along with me. The grounds of the retreat center were so beautiful, but what can I say, it was
last week! Thank God for air-conditioning - is all I can say!

I was excited to get home and back to church on Sunday. This week our Pastor announced he will be teaching a series called “My Kids”, oh my, just what I learned this week on “Shaping the Will” was enough to cause much thought, conviction, and a new determination to be obedient to God’s word. Really every thing he shared confirmed what this devotional spoke of today. It’s all about our “spiritual growth” and maturity in HIM.

Our pastor had us open our bibles to Hebrews 15:5 & 6 which says,
“My child, don’t make light the Lord’s discipline, and don’t give up when he corrects you. For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he corrects each one he accepts as his child.”

Whew…And the agony started there. Discipline, why is that word still hard to deal with after all these years? No matter how long you have served the Lord, it’s an area He continues to deal with in our lives. But the good news is this… “He calls those he loves – sons”. And he promises us that He will complete and perfect that which He started in our lives. The whole goal of discipline is to be MORE like Him, and to save us from so much pain and agony in the end.

God was so gracious to finally allow me to talk with my sweet buddy - Tonya Nason. Image hosting by TinyPic We have been missing each other’s calls lately and what do you think we talked a long time about today? The very same topic! (Now, you have got to go read her latest update!) When God speaks and wants us to learn something, He sure knows how to keep our attention for sure. It’s so good to have a sister in Christ I can share all my thoughts, my heart and my weaknesses with. Thanks Tonya for taking the time to call and fill me in on all God is doing in you and Link’s life. God is so good, so faithful, and I’m so GRATEFUL!!

Oh, one last thing before I go. My oldest son, Jason, just completed Phase III of his Officer Candidate Training (OCS) program this week at Ft. Lewis in Washington State. It was a grueling three week program, but with God’s help he made it through and is now a 2nd Lieutenant in the Louisiana Army National Guard. We are so proud of this accomplishment, which he has worked so very hard to achieve over the last year. His formal commissioning ceremony will be held on the last weekend of August, and we are all excited to attend this great occasion in his and Kristin’s life. Go Jason – You made it! God bless you and God bless America and all our Troops.

I have so many other exciting things to share with you, but I must go for now. I promise to write more in a few days! Hope you all have a wonderful week in the Lord. May you continue to feel God’s unending mercy, steadfast love, and faithfulness each and everyday.

Please take time each day to remember our brave warriors Logan, Ellie, Regina, Scotty, Conner and the others which are too many to mention here. Also remember all those who have won their battles and are now with Jesus, receiving their rewards!

Thanking God for His patience

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, August 7, 2007 8:23 PM CDT

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“But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”
-- Isaiah 40:31

Today’s verse is a promise from God that I’ve put my trust in for many, many years. Because so often when we’re in a “wait” mode in life, it’s tempting to push providence. Let me explain what I mean.

The word Providence isn’t a word we use much today, but you can think of it like a “video”…that God can see the future and what will happen in our lives. But not only can He see what’s going to happen, He’s leading us and working all things together for His glory and our good!

Perhaps today…

…You feel like you’ve been treated unfairly.
…That business deal you just knew would go through disappeared.
…That promotion you were expecting didn’t happen.
…Someone made a promise to you and didn’t keep it.
…You’ve prayed for your health or the health of someone you love and nothing has changed.
…All the doors you prayed to be opened seem to have been shut!

Maybe you are wondering, “Where is God in the midst of my trials? How am I to respond to these things going on in my life?”

If God has you in “wait” training today, remember that eventually patience and perseverance will win out over every adversity. Know that all of the trials and tests are also providing you with the possibility of amazing breakthroughs beyond what you could have imagined in your life! So don’t give up. Wait on God and trust in Him today.

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12).


Greetings to you my good and faithful friends!

Wow, where did this past week go? We’ve been cramming in so many “end of the summer” things to do before school starts up again. I hope it’s been a good week for you. I pray you enjoyed this devotional. Isaiah 40:31 ranks right up there as one of my top favorite scriptures in the bible. I’ve always loved the part that promises us that “we shall run and not get weary, walk and not faint”, but the one part I’m still working hard on is the “waiting upon the Lord” . Truly this is the main key to this promise! Yes, there is a very special blessing out there for those who truly “wait upon the Lord”. In chapter 30:18 of Isaiah God says it another way:
“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him”!

Can you imagine, the God of our universe is out there “longing” to show his graciousness to us? He never slumbers the word says, or sleeps, so day and night, He eagerly waits for us to come to Him. OK, I’m sorry I went off on this, but wow, I’m just so grateful to know no matter what comes our way, God is there waiting to uplift, uphold, and many times carry us when we can’t even walk on our own!Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Well, from that little sermonette you can begin to see why I need to get my blog going. I always love to share the many things that the Lord often speaks to me about from the Word. I need another outlet to get it all out there!

This past weekend my husband Rick and I took a quick get-a-way for our 29th wedding anniversary. Our official anniversary is on August 12th, but I’m going to a ladies retreat that weekend, so we had to bump it up one week. We decided to take a trip to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. We have not been there since Hurricane Katrina hit. There is so much work to be done, but I must say they have the beaches looking good again and there are many really nice hotels that have re-opened. Business seems to be doing really well. There is also a very nice outlet mall close by. So needless to say, we (or should I say) had a great time there. (There’s nothing like a little “retail therapy” to help you relax and unwind!). Yes, I have a wonderful, and patient husband who hung in with me as I hunted for those special deals. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Rick, here we are going into our 29th year together, and I must say I’m more in love with you now then the day I first fell in love. I love your friendship, your humor, and all the many little ways you continue to show me how much you care. I could never be where I am today if it were not for you! Thank you sweetie, you are simply the best husband, dad, and now adoring Popsy! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Life has not always been easy, but with you by my side, and Jesus as our anchor, we have been able to weather the storms. I love you! (Ok, now I’ll get him to read this update for sure!)

Well, I can not close this update without telling you about the perfect ending to our awesome weekend. Before we checked out of our hotel we went to the huge Breakfast Buffet. Hmmmm, my favorite meal of the day!

Well, as we were standing in line to pay before we went in to eat, I heard someone yell out, “Oh My God”! I looked up, and yes, nearly fainted. I was looking strait into the eyes of someone I had come to love like a true sister, but have not seen in years! It was Charlene (Shonda) Averhart, Jeremiah’s mom! She immediately ran out from behind the counter and gave me the biggest bear hug, and then another one, and then another one! All the people in line were laughing as we kept saying, “I can’t believe it’s really you...I can’t believe it's you”. They must have thought I had found my best friend in the whole world. We were so EXCITED to see each other after being apart for so long!

We meet Charlene and Jeremiah while we were at St. Jude for treatment. I will never forget meeting her son Jeremiah for the first time in that radiation waiting room. To know Jeremiah is to LOVE this child! He was a riot, and he and Jordan became inseparable the whole time we lived together at the RMD house! Jeremiah is now with Jesus, and I know Heaven is not the same! Charlene lost everything when Katrina hit. She lived close to the beach in Mississippi, but let me tell you, there is not a thing in this world that can steal her “joy”. She knows Jesus; she serves Him and loves him with all her heart. Truly He continues to carry her, strengthen her, and the “joy of the Lord” is her strength! What a special gift from God it was to bring us together in Biloxi last Sunday! She sends her love to all of you who knew her and loved Jeremiah. Here are two pictures we took during our days at St. Jude:

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What a treasure I found in Charlene’s Friendship!

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Our precious Jeremiah, as he would always say, “you should be ashamed of your self”…

Well, this is now an official epic so I better wrap it up. Sorry for keeping you so long. I really do appreciate the time you find to come by and visit with us. Please know there isn’t a day that goes by that I do not pray for you, your precious children, and for all those who are longing for the day when they will be reunited with their babies in heaven.

Learning to wait upon the Lord,

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, July 31, 2007 12:51 AM CDT

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Grammy’s Precious Girls…Am I a proud Grammy or what?

Whose weakness was turned to strength.” - Hebrews 11:34 NIV

You are significant!

Joni Erickson Tada writes: “In her quiet sanctuary Diane turns her head slightly on the pillow, toward the corkboard on the wall. Her eyes scan each photo. Every torn piece of paper carefully pinned in a row. She’s praying. The creeping limitations of multiple sclerosis encroach further each year. Her fingers are curled and rigid. Her voice is barely a whisper. People might look at her and say, ‘What a shame. Her life has no meaning.’ But Diane is convinced that her life is significant; that her labor of prayer counts.

She moves mountains that block the paths of missionaries, helps open the eyes of the spiritually blind in Southeast Asia, and pushes back the kingdom of darkness that blackens the alleys of the gangs in East L.A. Diane is on the front lines, advancing the Kingdom of God. This woman sees her place in the world. It doesn’t matter that others may not recognize her significance.

In fact, she’s not unlike Emily in Our Town who signs her address as: Grover’s Corner, New Hampshire, United States of America, Western Hemisphere, Planet Earth, Solar System, The Universe, Mind of God. In the ‘mind of God’…that’s about as significant as you can get! Someone has said, ‘Being counts more than doing, the singer more than the song. We had better stop looking for escape hatches, for this is our hatchery.’ It’s my prayer that you will discover the significance that has been yours all along as a child of the King. You may not be able to know the full meaning of every event, but you can know that every event is meaningful – and that you are significant!” By Rick Godwin

Greetings to you my faithful friends,

I pray this past week has been a good one for you. Like the one described in the devotional I shared above - a week full of "significance"! I love when Pastor Rick Godwin said, “You may not be able to know the full meaning of every event, but you can know that every event is meaningful!” I’m so encouraged we have this ‘blessed assurance’, and know that one day everything will make perfect sense.

I recently read this incredible article by Tony Snow. As most of you know he is the press secretary for President Bush. Tony Snow has cancer and one year after his treatment was finished - he relapsed. He wrote an article about his journey with cancer, which he referred to as an “unexpected blessing”. Can you imagine what courage it takes to write those words? He said something so profound and so true:

, “We get repeated chances to learn that life is not about us—that we acquire purpose and satisfaction by sharing in God's love for others. Sickness gets us partway there. It reminds us of our limitations and dependence.” Isn’t that an awesome perspective?

Once again I’m just so grateful for all of your many prayers and words of encouragement. You are so kind and so caring. I wish more then anything that one day I will be have the honor of meeting many of you “in person”. It takes a very special kind of person that can look past there own needs and still see the needs of others. I know there is not one of you reading this today that doesn’t have issues of your own to deal with, yet you still take the time to care about us. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

So, here is a praise report from Jordan’s Corner. His gum surgery went perfect, and it’s healing up real good. Now, when we got there, Jordan was not in the best of moods. Image hosting by TinyPic I guess you never get used to going to the dentist, and Jordan has had some pretty extensive work done over the past several years! Not to mention all the many other surgeries, treatments, daily shots, and the list goes on and on for him.

Well, when he saw the tray sitting next to his chair with so much stuff on it, he became very nervous. He was ready to GO HOME right then and there, and just call the whole thing off. But, we were so blessed to have such a caring team of doctors at the LSU School of Dentistry, and I must say, very patient ones too. They decided because Jordan had all this anxiety they would not do the skin graft, but just remove the tissue and hope it would heal well without one. Now, taking tissue off your palate and placing it on your gums sounds pretty painful to me! So actually, I was kind of glad they opted to try the procedure without the graph.

The dentist took time to explain to Jordan all about the new laser machine that LSU recently acquired. This was really some “high tech” stuff, and it helped to settle him down! Jordan had to wear special glasses, and I was asked to leave the room because of the laser beams. When I was called back in, he was all smiles. The doctor took pictures of the procedure to use as a teaching tool for other dental students, and even allowed Jordan to take one of himself with his cell phone! Now this was very cool! He was sore for a few days, and had packing on his gum, but he survived. Today we went back for a check-up, and the doctor said it was healing nicely. PTL! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Jordan was very interested in the high-definition digital camera the doctor used to take the pictures, and wanted to look it over real closely. He was so cute, he said, “Boy, my mom would love a camera like this”. I then stood up and checked it out myself. It had a special lens to take real close ups. Hmmm, my little mind began to think of so many neat things that I could use that camera for! Well, the doctor was so kind and asked Jordan if he would like to take a picture with him. So here is Jordan and Dr. Houssam.

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I want to end by letting you know about our little friend Elli who has had a good week so far with her chemo. They are hitting her really hard so please continue to pray for this precious little girl. Our buddy Logan, who is also facing the same battle, will be having another port placed in today. He had problems with his first one. His counts are low, so hopefully they are able to proceed with this. Let’s keep our “prayer wall” up for them.

Also, please continue to remember all the many families that have children in heaven now. There isn’t a day that goes by we don’t miss them, especially one of our very dear friends, Brent Nason. We know he is now whole, healed, and has finished the race that God called him to run. But he is still missed more then words can say. We love you Link and Tonya, and we pray for abundant showers of God’s grace to rain upon you each and everyday.

Thanking God for His perfect plans and purposes for our lives


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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Elli's Page

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Monday, July 23, 2007 6:43 PM CDT

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“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”—Ephesians 2:10

A traveler was visiting a logging area in the Pacific Northwest and was interested to see how logs were chosen that eventually would be used for furniture. As the logs came down the stream, the logger would suddenly reach out and hook one, pull it up, and then set it down. He would sometimes wait for a few minutes before grabbing another. There didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to his choices.
After a while, the visitor said to him, “I don’t understand what you are doing.”

“These logs may all look alike to you,” said the logger, “but I can recognize that a few of them are quite different. The ones that I let pass came from trees that grew in a valley. They were always protected from the storms. The grain is rather coarse. The logs that I pulled aside are from high up on the mountain, where they were beaten by strong winds from the time they were quite small. They toughen the trees and give them a fine grain. We save these logs for choice work. They are too good to be used for ordinary lumber.”

It was through the trying and testing that the logs were prepared for choice work. The same could be said of us as Christians.

If you were to ask Moses how he became who he was, he would remind you of his trials with Pharaoh and his times of testing in the wilderness. If you were to ask Peter, he would probably point back to his denial and how he learned many important lessons.

Maybe you are going through something similar in your life today. Could it be that you, like the believers of old, are being prepared for a choice work by God?
Always remember - we are His workmanship!

Greetings to you my friends,

Thanks for your prayers and words of encouragement for Jordan’s mishaps! He’s doing much better now. This week we go in for his gum surgery, this is not supposed too be bad. At least that’s what they told us. But, I’m always grateful to have so many of you out there who keep us in your prayers, and check up on Jordan and our family.Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Today I have two things to share with you. First of all, some great news. While we were in treatment in Memphis and living at the Ronald McDonald House, we made many friends. There is a “bond of love” that has kept us close over all these years. It must be something like when soldiers go to war, they form a bond with their fellow soldiers. Well, we were fighting against the same foe, cancer. Our worlds were all shook up, and it didn’t take long for us to start caring deeply for each other. We became a family. I shared all that to say, when something wonderful happens, we all get very excited! Every victory no matter how big or small counts.

One of our friends, Courtney Barnett just finished her course of treatment for ALL. Image and video hosting by TinyPic She had her “No More Chemo Party” last week at St. Jude. You might remember that Courtney is the girl who got in the car accident a while back. She has fully recovered, and now is ready to get on with her life. Courtney will be starting college in a few weeks. She is already thinking of being a nurse or doing something to give back! We are so excited for this family!! We love you Courtney and we are so proud of you! We’ve made some very special memories while we were together, and look forward to seeing you again in the near future.

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Way to Go Courtney!!!

After receiving this awesome news, we also received some news that just broke our hearts. I’m sure you’ve noticed that beautiful little girl on Jordan’s banner above. I’ll never forget the first day Elli and her family came in the Ronald McDonald House. They had the same look most of us did upon arrival. "SHELL SHOCKED"... Elli was a happy little 2 year old who had just been diagnosed with leukemia. We fell in love with her instantly. She was so precious, and so much fun to be around. I’ll never forget watching her being pulled around in her red wagon each day. Her parents were great, and she was blessed with grandparents who were by her side day and night!
Jordan became one of the many “boy~friends” Elli had, what can you say, she was a popular little girl! Elli had been running some low grade fevers and came to St. Jude last week to check and see if she needed a transfusion. Elli was at the end of her treatment, only one more month to go. On the very same day Courtney celebrated her treatment completion, Elli’s parents were told she had relapsed! Joy and sadness, so many emotions, so many questions… ?

Please join with me to begin praying each day for Elli’s miracle. She will begin a very intense block of chemo, and possibly be doing a transplant as well. Pray for her parents Teresa and Jamie, for her grandparents, and the entire family. Their whole world is being uprooted. My heart goes out to them. I know we serve a mighty God who was not surprised by these results. He is in control, and He has a plan.

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“Our precious little Elli”

If you will, drop by and leave a word of encouragement to this family. Elli's Page I’ll keep you updated. Thanks for taking time to stop by today. I pray you have a blessed week ahead. Hope the devotional encouraged you. I do believe God is always doing a “choice work” in our lives as we live on this earth. I want Him to be pleased with the results. He sees and knows us all, better than we know ourselves.

Being prepared for His works,

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, July 18, 2007 8:39 PM CDT

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This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the cloud.--Genesis 9:12-13

There’s something beautiful about a perfect rainbow stretching across the morning sky, greeting you with bright colors. But did you realize that it takes a storm as well as sunshine to bring about a rainbow?

That’s why I think a rainbow is a perfect picture of our lives. In order for something beautiful and wonderful to happen, we often must go through the storm before we can come out on the other side into the sunshine!

The rainbow was a promise from God to Noah that storms would never destroy His creation again. And He makes that same promise to you personally today! The rainbow is God’s assurance to all of us of His goodness and faithfulness.

And remember that the rainbow was not a “one-time” promise, but a promise “for all future generations.” I hope that every time you see a rainbow you will think of God’s never-ending grace, love, and forgiveness. It is a reminder to everyone of His eternal presence fact, the next time you see a rainbow, stop right there and thank God for His faithfulness and goodness. And never doubt God’s promise that the sun will shine again, no matter how dark the storm is that you may have to endure!


Greeting to you my Faithful friends,

I pray you are enjoying your summer and having some of those “lazy days”. We’re working hard to find a few of those days over here, but as of yet, can’t seem to find them. Jordan stays busy with work, doctors, fishing, and then we have lots of those “special events” thrown in the mix all the time!

One of our most recent one happened last Thursday. I got called from his job soon after dropping him off in the morning. Jordan was frantic, he hit his head on the corner of a cabinet in the break room and it was bleeding badly. Ouch… Oh boy, well it was mom to the rescue.

Everyone was nervous, (this was a “work related injury”!) They already had ice and towels on his head when I arrived and Jordan was sitting down. He had calmed down and actually asked if he could come back to work as we headed off to the Urgent Care.

Now, the cut turned out to be rather small, but deep. He only required three stitches, but what an event that was. We were there for over 2 hours and then he had to be taken across town for a drug test. This is a Wal-Mart policy when someone is injured on the job. So, this took most of the day! The hardest part was the shot they had to give him…yep, right into the wound. I was even a little queasy.

Then Jordan discovered he could not wash that area of his head. I think that was worse then the shot! As you may have noticed from many of his pictures, Jordan is “well~groomed” at all times (even when he goes fishing). Some of you may have picked that up already. Anyway, we go back next week to get the stitches removed, (even though Rick volunteered to do it – Jordan didn’t want Dr. Dad to get his hands on him), and hopefully we are the first patients that day!

Yesterday was Jordan’s visit to the dermatologist. Jordan suffers with dry skin (probably a side effect of his meds), and every few months we have to go get him a steroid shot to get things under control. While we were there we discovered Jordan had several little bumps that were staph. He is a carrier of MRSA. So we were given antibiotics for that and our famous Bactroban cream. I could own stock in that company by now! He also has a bad ingrown toenail that has been bothering him. And the list goes on. Dear Lord, give me strength.

Well, I just wanted to give you a glimpse into the life and times of my precious Jordan. Never a dull moment around here.

I’d like to end by asking for continued prayer for ourOur buddy Logan as he is on his second treatment for ALL. He was having problems with his port and it had to be removed the other day. His mom April is pregnant, (we are so excited for you April), but very tired and still sick, so please keep her in your prayers as well.

I’d like to end on a major praise report! If you haven’t been to The Amazing Jacob’s site, you need to head over there next. Heather got the long awaited call yesterday evening that she will be bringing home baby Allie from Guatemala in the next few weeks! There was a lot of celebrating at the Duckworth house last night. Heather has been through so much and her attitude continues to AMAZE me. I am so blessed and honored to know this family.

She also has started a blog now, and you should stop by and check that out as well. Speaking of that, I’m working on some ideas right now myself, and will be starting a blog in the near future. I want this to be a place to bring glory to the Lord, and yes, another avenue for me to share my thoughts and faith with all who care to stop by! OK, OK, a place to preach, he he…I just can’t help myself. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I feel this CaringBridge site is for my journey with Jordan, I would like my blog to be a place more about my other children and my life in general. I’ll keep you posted on the progress of this endeavor.

Hope you enjoyed the devotional today. I’m so grateful God left us the rainbow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one and have not been taken back by its beauty. Isn’t it amazing that no matter how often we see a rainbow, we are always captured by it, even if just for a moment? And that’s the way God wanted it to be, a sign to capture our attention and remind us that He is and will always be faithful and true to His promises.

I love Charles Spurgeon’s take on life:

“There are no crown-wearers above in heaven that were not first cross-bearers down here below”.

Looking for those rainbows,

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, July 18, 2007 8:39 PM CDT

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This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the cloud.--Genesis 9:12-13

There’s something beautiful about a perfect rainbow stretching across the morning sky, greeting you with bright colors. But did you realize that it takes a storm as well as sunshine to bring about a rainbow?

That’s why I think a rainbow is a perfect picture of our lives. In order for something beautiful and wonderful to happen, we often must go through the storm before we can come out on the other side into the sunshine!

The rainbow was a promise from God to Noah that storms would never destroy His creation again. And He makes that same promise to you personally today! The rainbow is God’s assurance to all of us of His goodness and faithfulness.

And remember that the rainbow was not a “one-time” promise, but a promise “for all future generations.” I hope that every time you see a rainbow you will think of God’s never-ending grace, love, and forgiveness. It is a reminder to everyone of His eternal presence fact, the next time you see a rainbow, stop right there and thank God for His faithfulness and goodness. And never doubt God’s promise that the sun will shine again, no matter how dark the storm is that you may have to endure!


Greeting to you my Faithful friends,

I pray you are enjoying your summer and having some of those “lazy days”. We’re working hard to find a few of those days over here, but as of yet, can’t seem to find them. Jordan stays busy with work, doctors, fishing, and then we have lots of those “special events” thrown in the mix all the time!

One of our most recent one happened last Thursday. I got called from his job soon after dropping him off in the morning. Jordan was frantic, he hit his head on the corner of a cabinet in the break room and it was bleeding badly. Ouch… Oh boy, well it was mom to the rescue.

Everyone was nervous, (this was a “work related injury”!) They already had ice and towels on his head when I arrived and Jordan was sitting down. He had calmed down and actually asked if he could come back to work as we headed off to the Urgent Care.

Now, the cut turned out to be rather small, but deep. He only required three stitches, but what an event that was. We were there for over 2 hours and then he had to be taken across town for a drug test. This is a Wal-Mart policy when someone is injured on the job. So, this took most of the day! The hardest part was the shot they had to give him…yep, right into the wound. I was even a little queasy.

Then Jordan discovered he could not wash that area of his head. I think that was worse then the shot! As you may have noticed from many of his pictures, Jordan is “well~groomed” at all times (even when he goes fishing). Some of you may have picked that up already. Anyway, we go back next week to get the stitches removed, (even though Rick volunteered to do it – Jordan didn’t want Dr. Dad to get his hands on him), and hopefully we are the first patients that day!

Yesterday was Jordan’s visit to the dermatologist. Jordan suffers with dry skin (probably a side effect of his meds), and every few months we have to go get him a steroid shot to get things under control. While we were there we discovered Jordan had several little bumps that were staph. He is a carrier of MRSA. So we were given antibiotics for that and our famous Bactroban cream. I could own stock in that company by now! He also has a bad ingrown toenail that has been bothering him. And the list goes on. Dear Lord, give me strength.

Well, I just wanted to give you a glimpse into the life and times of my precious Jordan. Never a dull moment around here.

I’d like to end by asking for continued prayer for ourOur buddy Logan as he is on his second treatment for ALL. He was having problems with his port and it had to be removed the other day. His mom April is pregnant, (we are so excited for you April), but very tired and still sick, so please keep her in your prayers as well.

I’d like to end on a major praise report! If you haven’t been to The Amazing Jacob’s site, you need to head over there next. Heather got the long awaited call yesterday evening that she will be bringing home baby Allie from Guatemala in the next few weeks! There was a lot of celebrating at the Duckworth house last night. Heather has been through so much and her attitude continues to AMAZE me. I am so blessed and honored to know this family.

She also has started a blog now, and you should stop by and check that out as well. Speaking of that, I’m working on some ideas right now myself, and will be starting a blog in the near future. I want this to be a place to bring glory to the Lord, and yes, another avenue for me to share my thoughts and faith with all who care to stop by! OK, OK, a place to preach, he he…I just can’t help myself. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I feel this CaringBridge site is for my journey with Jordan, I would like my blog to be a place more about my other children and my life in general. I’ll keep you posted on the progress of this endeavor.

Hope you enjoyed the devotional today. I’m so grateful God left us the rainbow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one and have not been taken back by its beauty. Isn’t it amazing that no matter how often we see a rainbow, we are always captured by it, even if just for a moment? And that’s the way God wanted it to be, a sign to capture our attention and remind us that He is and will always be faithful and true to His promises.

I love Charles Spurgeon’s take on life:

“There are no crown-wearers above in heaven that were not first cross-bearers down here below”.

Looking for those rainbows,

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, July 11, 2007 5:30 PM CDT

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So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said. -Acts 27:25


Purpose can make a huge difference in a person’s life. The crew of Paul’s ship had given up all hope of being saved (Acts 27:20) after being relentlessly tossed in a mighty storm for two weeks. Still Paul was not moved. He knew he had a purpose to fulfill, for an angel had spoken to him, telling him that he would “surely stand trial before Caesar” (v. 24). Believing that nothing could defeat what God had determined, Paul encouraged everyone around him that all would be well.

When the circumstances of life fail to line up with your expectations, you can feel trapped, and the world becomes a hopeless place. God, however, has a plan for you, and when you find His purpose for your life, adverse circumstances become meaningless. No matter the difficulty, Satan cannot destroy you before you fulfill your purpose.

In Acts 27:28, when all hope seemed gone, suddenly a slight change appeared: the depth of the water lessened. As you cling to your purpose and God’s promise, suddenly the battle will begin to turn. It may seem almost imperceptible at first, but nothing will stop God from fulfilling His purposes.

That’s exactly what David experienced. After all the years of his trials with Saul, the day finally came when God removed Saul from the scene and “turned his kingdom over to David son of Jesse” (1 Chronicles 10:14).

Keep sailing. God is not finished with you yet! Pastor Larry Stockstill

Greetings to you my faithful friends,

I thought I’d update a little early and surprise you! We have some busy days ahead, so while I have the time I wanted to check in with you all. So “how are you”? If you have a minute, drop me a line and let me how things are going with you, and if you ever have a prayer request for me, I’d be more then happy to pray for YOU!

I hope you enjoyed the devotional above. Our pastor has a daily email with an encouraging word each day. He and his son just got back from a very exciting event in Nashville this past Saturday called “The Call” Over 50,000 youth gathered in the Titan Stadium in Nashville to pray, worship and intercede for our nation. Pastor Joel (his son) said “This 12 hour marathon of prayer and intercession was like no other event I have been to in my 28 years on earth. There was a sense that we were truly wrestling for the soul of our great country”

Wow, can you just imagine how powerful those services were? Another close friend of mine that also attended the event told me they will be having another gathering on 08~08~08 in Washington, D.C. next year and they are believing for 1 million people to attend! I would love to be among those prayer warriors. Our nation truly needs our prayers like never before.

When I read today’s devotional I was so encouraged. Yes, we all are in some kind of battle. For many reading this, it’s cancer, but for others it could be your finances, your marriage, your children, and your job. God knows, and I believe He has a plan and is always in control. One day we will understand why we had to deal with all the circumstances, and I believe just what God did for David he will do for us. God will ultimately turn things around, and His purpose will surely be fulfilled in our lives.

Please continue to pray for all our friends who are in treatment right now. These children just continually amaze me. Please also pray for their parents. I can think of nothing more difficult than to watch as your child is battling for their lives. And always remember to pray for the families of those who have already won their battles and are spending eternity with Jesus. Let them know you think of them. It would mean so much.

Well, I think I’ll let you go…for now! I pray you have a nice weekend, and always remember what Paul wrote, “So, take courage”….God is with you.

I'd like to end with a prayer for you that Paul prayed:

"May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loves us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." (2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17).

Sailing on,

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Friday, July 6, 2007 2:30 PM CDT

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Wow, is this machine cool or what? Jordan’s brother Jason sells these, anyone need a Cat?

“As the Spirit…works within us, we become…like him.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 TLB

Are you striving to become more like Jesus, but some days it feels like two steps forward and three back? Growing up spiritually isn’t easy, that’s why Paul encourages us not to “grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Gal 6:9 NKJV).

You don’t notice yourself growing older physically till you look at an earlier photo, then it hits you. And it’s the same with spiritual growth; it’s hard to gauge how far you’ve come till you look back and see where you were before Jesus saved you and turned your life around. The Bible says, “As the Spirit…works within us, we become more…like him.” But growing up involves growing pains!

One day a high-rise construction worker slipped and fell from a scaffold 40 floors up. As he plummeted past the 20th floor a woman in an office shouted, “How are you doing?” The man replied, “So far so good!” Never forget that you’re on a life long spiritual journey. You’re making progress and instead of seeing how far you have come, the devil will always look for ways to remind you about how far you still have to go. Don’t listen to him! Jesus said: “There is nothing truthful about him…everything he says is a lie” (Jn 8:44 CEV).

If you get discouraged and want to give up, Satan wins. Paul says, “Conquer…rebellious ideas…teach them to obey Christ” (See 2Co 10:5 NLT). Learn to live beyond your feelings, to dig down inside to where God’s Spirit lives. And take heart! It may not always feel like it, but every day you’re maturing and growing stronger in Christ. So don’t even think about throwing in the towel! By Rick Godwin

Greetings to you my faithful friends,

Hope you all had a nice 4th of July. Ours was a very wet one, but nice to be with family and friends. One of my sisters had a family gathering and we were able to visit with a lot of our relatives that we have not seen in years! It’s amazing how a big family can get so spread out over the years. Many have moved to other states, and even the ones who live close by, we just don’t seem to take the time to get together as often as we once did. Well, I’m so blessed we all did this year, and in spite of the weather it was a beautiful day. Many special memories were made.

After the 4th of July party, we had the honor of taking our granddaughter Kayla home with us for her first “sleep over”. If you wondering which one she is, it was our little lip~stick~diva! She was so cute and just has the best personality. Now her mom, Kristin, wasn’t as happy to see her leaving with us. Image and video hosting by TinyPic That first all-night away from home is never easy. She kept calling to check up on her. But everything went great, and Grammy and Kayla enjoyed snuggling up together to go to bed. Oh, it seems like yesterday I was a young mom like Kristin, worrying about my sons when they were away from home.

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Hi Mommy, I just had a nice long bubble bath, I’m fine, really…

Jordan continues to do well, and he especially enjoyed spending time with his Aunts and cousins. Jordan is a people person, and is so loved by everyone. He is also a hard~worker as well. I don’t think he sat down once, (other then to eat…yes, he does enjoy that!). He kept helping out all day. Everyone wants to take Jordan home, he loves to clean. When we got home he knocked out immediately.

We have a busy month as usual, full of doctor apt’s. He’ll be seeing his dermatologist soon, continuing on his dental work, and going to his neurologist too. His stomach is much better now that he is on Zantac. It’s helped out tremendously. Thanks so much for your prayers.

I hope you enjoyed today’s devotional. Boy, can I identify when he said, “some days it feels like two steps forward and three back?” That applies to so many areas in my life. The main thing is not to lose heart, and keep focused on how far we have come. When I read that sentence, I could not help but think of our journey with Jordan. It started at a very young age when he first went into puberty at age four. Then we found out he was learning disabled at five. The following year his lymph nodes were swollen and we were sent to a surgeon who asked us if lymphoma ran in our family! Praise God, it was just an infection, and as you all know 9 years later we discovered his brain tumor!

Through all these experiences, we had to draw on God’s grace and hold on real tight. We learned what it truly meant to trust in the Lord and not lean on our own understanding! I would not trade anything in this world for all we have learned during this journey. Not to mention all the wonderful people we have met, and most of all to have experienced the most amazing love of God, which has carried us this far. I’m so grateful for all of you reading this journal now; we consider each of you as a precious gift to us from our Father.

Well, I’ll stop for now. My prayer for you is that you will continue to become more and more like Jesus as you journey on in your life. We all have a story to tell, and I don’t know anyone who at some point in their lives doesn’t have to deal with disappointment, loss, and at times knew it was only God that could have brought you through! Hold on my precious friends; keep your eyes on that prize; each day you are growing stronger and stronger.

I’d like to end with a beautiful statement a mom wrote in her blog the other day. Heather is a young mother who was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor herself. She wrote:

"I have come to depend on my Savior more in the last year than ever before. He never left His throne through all of this. He simply brought me closer to it."

Yes it’s true…that it’s all in the way we view our lives and circumstances that makes the difference.

Please remember to pray for our special friends and our brave children who fought so valiantly and WON their battles. Yes, they are at the feet of Jesus now, but their moms are missing them so much.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many! Check out the the Habitat for Hope blog:
Habitat For Hope's Blog

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, June 27, 2007 8:49 PM CDT

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”Feeding my niece Karli”

It is my prayer that your love may abound more and more. --Philippians 1:9

The Christian life is not a self-improvement plan or a do-it-yourself project. It’s letting Christ take control of your life as you cooperate with Him and allow Him to do His perfecting work in you.

Perfection in the Christian life doesn’t mean we never sin, but it does mean that we are becoming more and more like Christ. And since love is at the heart of what it means to be like Christ, Paul’s prayer for the loving church at Philippi is that they would grow even more in their love for Christ and for one another.

My friend, we need to pray for and encourage one another in this process of growing in love. This prayer of Paul’s is for the whole church; the words in today’s verse are plural. We can’t do it alone. We need our brothers and sisters in Christ who God has put around us in the church.

And when the church is functioning as it should, the results are spectacular. The word picture in Philippians 1:9 of the word abound suggests we are standing under a gigantic waterfall with the love of Christ just pouring on us, and splashing over us onto other people. Whether it’s your love for God or for people, you can’t love too much!

May your love abound more and more!

Greetings to you my wonderful friends,

It’s been a busy crazy week, but a great one indeed. I finally brought Jordan back to the dentist, and we are going to schedule his gum surgery very soon. Oh by the way, the area where his implant was done is looking really good! Thanks for your prayers; I know they helped get us past this hurdle. Getting back to the gum surgery, I don’t know the exact name for the procedure he needs done, but there’s a connective tissue we all have between our lower lip and gum that’s not right with Jordan, it is "kind of" a birth defect and they will repair this part with a new high tech laser machine. The doctor almost sounded excited to use this machine. There are only a few dental schools with this equipment in the country. The dentist told Jordan it’s like “Star Wars”, and Jordan got excited about that! Personally, no procedure in that chair sounds good to me! He He…Image hosting by TinyPic

I have a very exciting story to share with you. In April of 2002 our world fell apart. O.K., you know what I’m taking about, our “D-Day”; the day we found out Jordan had a brain tumor. This is a day no mom or dad ever forgets. The shock, the panic, and the fear all-rushing in at the same time. Then the questions and the researching began. The first place I found was the "American Brain Tumor Society". They had a place on this site that would match you up with another child around the same age who was going through what you were. Basically a place you could contact a mother as desperate as you! Image hosting by TinyPic

Well, I was matched with a very dear lady who lived in Florida. Her name was Bruni. She had a 15 year old son named Gilbert. Gilbert’s tumor, a pineoblastoma, was located in the center of his brain. This was a high grade tumor, in a bad location. Most doctors will not even try a resection there. Well, it had been almost a year since his surgery and if I’m not mistaken, he was in rehab when I met her. Bruni was such a source of comfort, strength and knowledge for me. She was also a nurse, so that was an added bonus! I asked her so many questions … and we wrote back and forth very often. She was faithful to be there for us. I was so grateful the Lord brought her into our lives. Well, now it’s been 5 years and we are still in touch. The miracle is that Gilbert is doing "GREAT". He’s beat the odds, and now in college learning to be a chef. He’s had many obstacles to overcome, but he faced them with determination and confidence.

I shared all of this to let you know that yesterday I finally got to meet Bruni for the first time “in person” after all these years! We tried getting together several times, but it just didn’t work out. Bruni, her husband, and daughter were on the way to Tennessee for vacation, and drove out of their way to come through Louisiana to visit us while they were on the road! When I met her it was as if I knew her all of my life. She was so easy to talk to, and funny and we had the best time catching up. We had a wonderful day together, and my husband got home in time for us to all have dinner together. Here is a picture of Bruni and I.

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A faithful friend!

Now, I forgot to mention my daughter-in-love Kristin came out that day as well. She went with me to Jordan’s dentist apt., and came back to the house after. During one of our conversations, my granddaughter was outside. After noticing she was gone for a while we checked to see what she was doing. Well, she was being a real good girl, as she dug in her mom’s purse and decided to put a little lipstick on! Oh my… now is she not precious, look at that smile:

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Hi Mommy, do I look pretty?

We all laughed and immediately checked mommy’s brand new car (one day old) to see if she left traces of her good time there on the seats. Thankfully the damage was minimal! Kayla you make your Grammy so happy!

Well, I think I’ll wrap this one up for you now. Thanks so much for taking time to stop by and check up on us. I appreciate your prayers, and the many kind and encouraging words you leave behind. You will never know how much they mean to us.

I’ve shared this quote a long time ago, but it fits so perfectly now.

We are all as pencils in the hand of a writing God, who is sending love letters to the world. -- Mother Teresa

Thank you for being instruments of love to us!

Please remember to pray for all those who are in the heat of the battle right now, and for those who are waiting to be reunited with their children who have gone before them.

May your day be filled with His love,

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Habitat For Hope's Blog

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 8:00 PM CDT

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He remembered our utter weakness. His faithful love endures forever. -Psalm 136:23

The One who remembers us in our times of trouble also remembered Elijah and Peter at their lowest points. Elijah was suffering from burnout after fighting the victorious battle on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 19:4), but an angel of the Lord came and strengthened him. God gave him new vision and direction for his life. Peter, also in dire straits, had an angelic visitation and was rescued from prison the night before he was to be executed.

You can learn from these examples that God remembers you in your human frailty when you are worn out in mind, body, and spirit from the fatigue of spiritual warfare. When you are at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. Help is on the way!

God receives the greatest glory when His servants come to the end of their resources and can only look up. Ask Him to strengthen you today in your weakness, for His love truly endures forever. Pastor Larry Stockstill

Greetings to my faithful friends,

I pray you all enjoyed your Father’s Day weekend! I know some of you were in much less desirable places like hospitals caring for your young warriors, and for other you may have come to another “first” without your precious child or even your own father. I read one CB page, where a woman mentioned it was her second Father’s day without her dad and she missed him so much. I lost my dad many years ago. At that time I was a young mom with 4 children. I loved my dad, and losing him only 3 years after my mom, made me feel like an “orphan”. Then someone reminded me of this beautiful passage of scripture one day:

PS 68:5 “A father of the fatherless and a judge and protector of the widows is God in His holy habitation”.

Just like today’s devotion no matter where we are in life, God always remembers our weakness, and His faithful love endures FOREVER! I came to love my heavenly Father in such a deeper and richer way since then, and I will always be grateful for the time he gave me with my earthly father.

We had Rick’s family over for Father’s day, and all our boys as well. It was wonderful! Here’s a photo of all of us before we begin to dig into some awesome BBQ chicken my husband so lovingly made for us. Now, Rick’s dad was a chef, so you can only imagine all the many things he learned growing up in the kitchen. Everything Rick cooks looks as good as it tastes! Thanks sweetie, I really appreciate you in more ways then you will ever know. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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The Gang is all here, let’s say a prayer and get this meal started!

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My oldest son Jason was actually born on Father’s Day, what a pricless gift for one mom!

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My youngest grand-daughter Karli…oh my, isn't she beautiful?

We have a pretty calm week planned. I called one of Jordan’s doctors for some stomach problems, so hopefully we can get to the bottom of that soon. It seems like we go from issue to issue, I know he is on many meds and sometimes they can cause havoc on his stomach. Other then that, Jordan has been doing great at work, and continues to make new friends.

OH…how could I forget this exciting news? Jordan decided to join the choir at church! I took him to his first practice last week, and he just loved it. When Jordan was in high school he sang in the choir. Now, guess what his favorite part was? Wearing the tux to do their performances! He He… If you haven’t noticed by now, my son loves to dress up! Image hosting by TinyPic I had to laugh when Randy (one of my cyber buddies) commented on the “outfit” Jordan was wearing to go fishing. Yep, that’s my boy, dressed up and looking spiffy at all times. I’ll keep you up to date on how our progress goes with his latest issue next week.

Well, today is a dentist apt. for my youngest son Joel. Let’s believe for a good report. I pray you all have a wonderful week, and always remember God is truly always there to strengthen you and uphold you. Please remember to pray for our friends and families, and all of those who are need of our love and support.

Holding on to His love,
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PS! If you want to find out all the neat things that are going on with Habitat for Hope, and check out some pictures please visit Habitat For Hope's Blog

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, June 12, 2007 3:31 PM CDT

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“Grace, mercy, and peace from…our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Timothy 1:2 NKJV

How to pray for others:

Paul prayed for three things to be given to those he loved. So when you’re not sure how to pray for others, what better example than this one where he asks God to give Timothy:

" Grace
: Peter says, “God, who gives all grace, will make everything right. He will make you strong…support you and keep you from falling” (1Pe 5:10 NCV). This word grace implies ‘all of God you’ll ever need to handle whatever you’re facing.’ That’s worth praying for, isn’t it?

: A large publishing house has a machine that automatically mails reminders to its readers that their subscriptions have expired. One day it malfunctioned and a rancher in a remote Colorado town received 9,734 notices! So he drove for miles to the nearest post office, mailed in his check, and wrote, “Send me the magazine. I give up!” That’s how it is with God; He keeps sending us notices! The Bible says, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lam 3:22-23 NIV).

: “All who listen to me shall live in peace and safety, unafraid” (Pr 1:33 TLB). What a gift to know that God’s peace can sustain you through the worst situations. And the kind of peace He gives is different from what the world offers (See Jn. 14:27). At best, it offers us temporary relief. But “The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds” (Ph 4:7 NIV). So the next time you’re praying for someone ask God to saturate them in His grace, mercy, and peace. By Rick Godwin

Greetings to you from a very HOT Louisiana! Image hosting by TinyPic

With all that has been going on with our dear CB families I thought today’s devotional could not have been more perfect! Many times we feel so “helpless” when we hear our fellow warriors are in the “heat of the battle”. It’s so hard to know many times “how to pray”, but we are told to pray, to believe, and to continue to hope, always. I think we could all use more of God’s grace, mercy, and peace each day in our lives. No matter what you are going through, these are some excellent tools or should I say, “weapons" to take into battle each day.

Now, who would go to war unprepared? Each day when we wake up, we have no idea what the day may bring our way, but one thing is sure, Jesus will be with us. He promised he would never leave us or forsake us, and he said, “I am with you ALWAYS, even until the END! Thank God for His faithfulness, His great love, and His mercies that are new each day.

Today is a very special day for the Duckworth family. I don’t think there is anyone in the CB family that has not been touched, encouraged or just amazed by the grace of God that Heather walks in. Jacob, one of her triplets, today marks one year spent in the presence of the Lord. I was talking to Kristin, my daughter-in-love, this morning and she said, “We get all excited about birthdays for our children, (and adults as well!). And while those days are very special, I believe the day we finally go to be with Jesus is even more special!” As Christians, this is our great reward, our graduation, and our promotion from this world to eternity. A day we were created for, to be in the presence of our Savior, doing what we were created to do, worshipping him forever.

Thanks so much for your many prayers for my precious Jordan. Yesterday’s visit to the dentist was “interesting”… The site from his surgery is still really red and swollen, but he’s finally given him the thumbs up on stepping up his diet (not that he has not been cheating!) Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Jordan is so funny. He told me, “Mom, what is a young person supposed to do? How can anyone expect us to just eat soft foods?” Well, he was right, because he didn’t listen to the doctor, and we go back next week for yet another check-up! Image hosting by TinyPic God bless his innocent heart. We also discovered Jordan will need gum surgery for an area that looks really bad, and to top that off he needs two more crowns. OK, this is getting very expensive. I think I’m going to have to have a crawfish broil or spaghetti dinner for our neighborhood to pay for all of this! He He… Jordan ~ Jordan, he is full-time. Sometimes I feel like he’s my only child! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I was really excited to see Tonya updated Brent ’s site.If you haven’t already, you need to stop by and let her know you are thinking about her and praying for her precious family. I’m hoping and praying really hard "for that special visit” Tonya and I have talked about. I know it will happen, in God’s perfect time.

Well, I think I’ll wrap up this update for now, looks like I’m into writing mini-books these days. I’m just so blessed to have a place like Caringbridge to keep us connected to all of our wonderful friends.

I’d like to end today with a great quote I recently found. I was looking up something on “worship” and bam, I found this. Oh my, it’s really GOOD. I hope it gets you just as excited as it did me! Be blessed, be encouraged. My prayer for you is that’s God’s amazing GRACE, His unending MERCY, and His glorious Peace, that passes all understanding will fill your hearts this very day!

"We are not citizens of this world trying to make our way to heaven; we are citizens of heaven making our way through this world.”

That radical Christian insight can be life-changing. We are not to live so as to earn God’s love, inherit heaven, and purchase our salvation. All of those are given to us as gifts; gifts bought by Jesus on the cross and freely handed over to us. Rather, we are to live as God’s redeemed, as heirs of heaven, and as citizens of another land; the Kingdom of God. We live as those who are on a journey home; a home we know will have the lights on, the doors opened wide, and our Father waiting for us with outstretched arms when we arrive. That means that even in adversity our worship is joyful, our life is hopeful, and our future is secure. There is nothing we can face on this Earth that can rob us of the treasures, which God has prepared for us, and will give us on that wonderful day when we enter into His glorious presence to live with Him forever. (Anglican Digest)

Just one excited “Citizen of Heaven” wishing you a Blessed Day,

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce
Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, June 5, 2007 6:29 PM CDT

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Gone Fishing…

I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. --Philippians 1:12-13

Problems, pressures, and pain really can produce possibilities and opportunities in our lives. While we often can’t see it at the time, God is always creatively and constructively at work in the life of the believer.

For example, Paul wrote two-thirds of the New Testament in a jail cell! Paul was a proactive missionary…one who traveled throughout the ancient world proclaiming the Good News. Yet God allowed him to go to prison.

And there in prison, the great apostle, the great missionary, heard from God and recorded these amazing passages of Scripture that describe the Christian life and the Christian faith. It was because of his prison experience that Paul said, “What has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.”

Paul was able to see the big picture beyond the pain of his circumstances. He was able to look and see the possibilities of the future.

God’s light shines so brightly in the darkness! And I dare say, if you surveyed your circle of friends, most of them would say the most defining moments in their lives would be times of adversity, times of trouble, and tests of character. It’s during these times that you experience the presence of God and the reality of His love!

Today, I challenge you to start thinking about your troubles in a new light. Instead of seeing them as negatives, thank God that He’s at work in your life!
And remember Paul’s promise in 2 Corinthians 4:17-18: “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient (temporary), but the things that are unseen are eternal.”

When trials and tests come your way, remember and never loose sight of the fact that God is creatively and constructively at work in your life!

Greetings to you my wonderful friends,

I pray this past week has been a good one for you. I know school is out, and everyone is jumping right into summer with both feet! Unfortunately, it’s been a very difficult week for several of our precious CB friends, and no matter how many times we go through this together it is still always HARD. While I’m appreciative of Jordan’s good health, I can’t help but feel the pain and struggles others are going through right now in their journeys. Please remember to faithfully pray for all the families listed below, and for the others you know yourself. It is true that we are all in this together, and the Bible tells us to “weep with those who weep, and rejoice with those who rejoice!”

When I read today’s devotional I got really excited. OK, not excited about having trials, but knowing that through them God is continually working things out for His GLORY and our good. Yesterday I was reading the story in Genesis when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. Now most of us are familiar with this story and it’s one of my favorite scenes in the movie, the "Ten Commandants”, when they walked across the sea on dry ground!

Can you imagine? OK, it’s just way too big for my senses or understanding, but what an amazing miracle it was! Anyway, a verse I’ve read before suddenly struck me in a new way; in fact I thought it was odd. It said,
“The Lord caused the sea to go back…all that night”
(Exodus. 14:21). Now, it wasn’t until the morning they crossed the Red Sea, but during the night, God began to prepare the way for them. For many of us it’s during the “night”, the times of our greatest trials that God is at work on our behalf. It’s in the place we can’t see Him moving, healing, or doing great things. In fact, it’s a time when we may even doubt God is there at all. But like Paul wrote behind those prison bars… “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” . To us, our problems seem far from, “light or momentary”, but compared to eternity and all that God has prepared for us, from God’s perspective they truly are. He sees the end of all things, and we so often can only see the here and now. May God open our eyes, as He did for Paul, to see Eternity.

I do pray that this word will encourage you today; I know it has for me. Thanks so much for taking time to stop by, and to hang in with yet another one of my sermonettes!

Thanks also for your prayers for Jordan. Now, I must admit the doctor wasn’t too pleased with the process of Jordan’s healing, so he’s been put back on another week of a soft food diet (no Hot and Spicy or Crawfish). Image and video hosting by TinyPic He was NOT a happy camper that day! But we go back next week for another check up. We’ve also been having a lot of adjustments made with his hearing aides too. Pray we can get that resolved as well. Speaking of that, I’d like to end with a little “Red Sea” Miracle for Jordan.

Last weekend we took Jordan and some neighborhood friends to see the movie Shrek. Well, just as the movie was ending Jordan came up to us, and said, “Mom, you are going to be very upset with me”. Then he went on and told us how he took out one of his hearing aids during the movie, dropped it under the seat somewhere, and now it is was lost! Well, to back up the story a little, we just got that hearing aid back after sending it back to the factory to get repaired because of some kind of defect it had!

I looked around the stadium seating; the movie was packed out, people jammed in the isles in the still dark room and I thought, “OK, this is just great. What do we do now?” Image hosting by TinyPic (Well, I was not moving in much faith at that point…) We called the manager, and all the lights were turned on as the people were leaving. The cleaning crew with flashlights and everyone we brought started crawling around under the seats in the mounds of popcorn, candy, and spilled drinks to try and find this small little hearing aid as the movie theater emptied out. You would not imagine all the trash and junk people leave behind after a movie! Well, not that I ever cared to know, but I have an up-close and personal knowledge of it now. Won’t go there and hope you never have to. Rick prayed, “Oh God, we need you now to help us out of this one…please!”

Then all of a sudden one of the cleaning crew guys shouted, … “I FOUND IT” ” ! Like a nugget of gold in the bottom of the stream. We were all going crazy, heck, it was more exciting then Shrek III. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

So, miracles still happen today, and we were all so very grateful. I was spared the humility of calling St. Jude to tell them Jordan lost his hearing aid. I’m sure we would have not been the first, but what a sigh of relief that was!

OK, looks like this has officially become an epic. But unlike the “Ten Commandments” there is not a cast of thousands, just me and Jordan…so we’ll just bring this story to an end. You’ve been great; pat yourself on the back for sticking with me through this one!

Be blessed my faithful friends, and know God is at work even in the night….

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 3:41 PM CDT

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We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain.
Hebrews 6:19

I think Hebrews 6:19 is one of the grandest statements in the Bible. I love the picture of hope as the anchor of our souls. A ship’s anchor holds it steady even when the winds are blowing hard and waves are crashing all around.

This kind of hope is what helps us cope with the reality of discouragement and disappointment. Mary Magdalene is a good example of this truth. The Bible tells us that Mary was possessed by seven demons when Jesus first met her. After He cast them out, Jesus showed great love toward Mary, despite her past sin and failures.

So she was understandably very distraught when Jesus was crucified and then buried in the tomb (John 20). He had done so much for her, and now all she could do was weep bitter tears for Him. But then the resurrected Christ appeared to Mary, and her hope was instantly restored.

That’s what true hope is…a hope found only in the resurrected Christ…and this kind of hope will overcome every disappointment and tragedy. No matter how devastating the circumstances you face may be; the hope we have in Christ will overcome every situation.

Is your soul anchored in Jesus Christ? If it is, you have an anchor of hope that will hold fast despite the raging storm!

Greeting to you my faithful friends,

Thanks so much for your many prayers and words of encouragement for Jordan. He is recovering well from his oral surgery. We go back Friday to have his stitches removed. He has finally been able to begin eating his second favorite food, “hot and sour” soup (his first is boiled crawfish)! Jordan is a kick, he loves to eat, and he likes his food spicy for sure. Anybody got some Tabasco? Image hosted by TinyPic.com

I trust you enjoyed the devotional above. Hope is something that is so crucial in our lives. When asked what the definition of hope was in Hebrews 11:1 the Bible says, “It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen, and the evidence of things not seen.” In the book of Romans Paul said, “speaking of things that have happened in the past…such things that were written in the scriptures long ago to teach us”. The examples in the Bible give us, HOPE and encouragement to look to God’s promises, not our circumstances. (Rom 15:4) We must choose to hold on to hope no matter how difficult the storms may be, knowing our foundation is built upon the solid rock of God’s word. Hope is not only for the “here and now”, but it is an eternal hope that will usher us into the very presence of God, “into the inner place behind the curtain”! Then we will see “face to face” the object of our hope, and all of our deepest longings will be completely fulfilled in Jesus!

Sorry about this “little sermonette”, I just get so excited when I think about and mediate on God’s awesome promises for our lives. Without the Lord, there would be no hope or reason to believe.

I’d like to end by asking you to pray for Our buddy Logan. As many of you already know he relapsed, but is back in remission once again. We could not be more excited for him and his family. He is an inpatient right now with some fever and low blood counts. Please pray and agree with me he will be out of the hospital very soon.

There is also a young teenage girl named Jessica on the Pediatric brain tumor list. She is fighting a very difficult battle right now. Hospice has been called in and she needs all the prayers we can send her way.
Cancer is a big foe that many of us face, but our God is so much greater. I don’t understand why so many children and adults have to fight this battle, but I know Jesus does know. One day we will understand.

Meanwhile, we can rest assured that the final battle has been won…Jesus did it all for us on Calvary. I pray that whatever you may be facing right now, you will find strength in knowing Jesus is there with you, and your HOPE. will not fail.
I’d like to pray for you as Paul did for us in Romans 15:13

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Monday, May 21, 2007 1:22 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to give you a 2 thumbs up report! Jordan did well during his surgery...it was long. Because there was not sufficient depth of bone in his jaw to support an implant they had to do a "sinus lift" while there were in there. I know this sounds yucky. He's a little swollen and sore today, but handled it like a trooper! Thanks so much for your prayers! He's on a soft food diet until the stitches come out in 10 days. It will take up to 9 months to completely heal.

I also talked to Dr. Africk and got a thumbs up on this MRI! God is so good! We are so grateful for your prayers and words of encouragement! Have a super blessed day today!

Randy, you were right about the number 3, and guess what it stands for? God!
He is so awesome!


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“I rejoice at your word like one who finds great spoil”. --Psalm 119:162

I love the picture the Scripture paints of the revival that broke out when Nehemiah and Ezra gathered God’s people together to celebrate the completion of the rebuilding of the Walls of Jerusalem. Ezra began to read from the scriptures and the Bible says, “The ears of all the people were attentive to the Book of the Law”. (Nehemiah 8:3)

Isn’t that great? In verse 1 of this story, we’re told that the people asked Ezra to bring out the Books of the Law and read from it! There was a famine in the land for the Word of God, and a deep hunger was in their hearts to hear the Word of God.

Can the same thing be said of us today? Do we truly have a passion and a hunger that cannot be satisfied by anything but God? If we ever want to see true revival break out in our country, it must begin first with a personal revival in each of our lives.

Perhaps today you’d admit that you hunger for other things more than the Lord. Or perhaps you’ve even let other things get in the way of your relationship with Him. If so, why not pray today that God will give you a passion for Him and His Word…and that you won’t be satisfied with anything less than the Lord Jesus himself!

Let Revival Begin, Oh Lord – and let it begin with me!

Greetings to you my wonderful friends,

I’m busting out at the seams to share this awesome report with you! Guess who completed his MRI on Friday without one single movement? YES!! Jordan Marchal Amato, he did it! Image and video hosting by TinyPic After almost 18 months of failed attempts we got through an MRI. This was MAJOR for sure. Now I’m still waiting on the radiologist’s report, but I am confident it will indicate we have no problems.

For those of you who do not know, after Jordan’s radiation treatments, he developed a “movement disorder”. It is called Periodic Limb Movement Disorder, and he also has Restless Leg Syndrome. Because of this, whenever they sedated him for an MRI, he would begin to show seizure like movements, his blood pressure would bottom out, and well, it was just not a very nice scene. St. Jude said they have never experienced anything like this before! Anyway, it was a double-edged sword because Jordan could not do an MRI without being put under, and when they put him under his limbs begin to tremor.

Well, this time we put him on a much higher dosage of his new medicine for this problem, and it worked! I must say, Jordan was not happy about the whole event at first, and I really can’t blame him. After so many MRI’s, CT scans, and you name it, Jordan was finally getting tired of all these tests. So with a lot of bribing and some begging I might add, he did it. Because it was an open MRI, I was allowed to sit right at his side, and encourage him the whole time. I was so proud of him, and just thrilled we got it done. "Praise the Lord" – Amen!

We called his neurologist as soon as we left the building and she was ecstatic too! Jordan celebrated with his favorite food these days, BOILED CRAWFISH! After lunch, the medicine really kicked in good, and he slept for over 4 hours! Image hosting by TinyPic

From what I could see from the copy of the scan they gave me – “Doc Amato” thinks things look great! As I mentioned above, I’m still waiting for the “official report”, and hope to have it sometime today! Meanwhile we are so blessed and grateful for a “Mission Accomplished”.

Of course, I’d like to thank you for your prayers! I now would like to ask one more prayer request if you don’t mind. Tomorrow is finally the “big day” for Jordan’s bone graft in preparation for his second attempt at an implant. Poor guy, we go from one thing to the next. I’ll keep you posted on that as well.

I hope you enjoyed the devotional for today. Oh, what joy, what riches are to be found in God’s Word. I loved the example David used when he described rejoicing at God’s word like “one finding great spoil”. In Proverbs it says,

“Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the LORD, and you will gain knowledge of God.” (Proverbs 2:2-5)

The word of God is truly a lamp for our paths, and will bring such joy, knowledge and insight. I pray you will make time each day to glean from it.

As always, thanks for so much stopping by today! Please remember to pray for all our precious friends. Jordan and I are so grateful for each and every one of you.

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 8:55 AM CDT

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Jordan got to hang out with his big brother Jason the other day, check this out!

“Anyone who listens…is…like a person who builds…on solid rock.” Matthew 7:24 NLT

Need some foundation work?

Building “on solid rock” takes patience and hard work, whereas building on sand is easier, cheaper, and provides instant comfort. But it also places you at the mercy of the elements. When storms arise it’s easy to tell what kind of foundation a life is built on.

One that’s under girded by prayer and steeped in God’s Word will withstand the winds that blow others away. When a foundation is inadequate for a building, its walls crack, its roof sags and eventually it collapses. So no matter what you’re trying to build – a business, a ministry or a relationship – don’t rush; give it time.

There are no shortcuts to maturity. The most lasting relationships start out gradually. Actually, some of the strongest people you know, at one time needed help to overcome their weaknesses.

A well-known pastor who asked God to increase his ministry writes: “After days of silence …the Lord answered my prayer by saying, ‘You’re concerned about building a ministry…I’m concerned with building a man…Woe to the man whose ministry becomes bigger than he is! Since then I’ve concerned myself more with praying for the minister than the ministry. I’m still amazed at who I’m becoming as I put my life daily into His hands. He’s changing me – and He’s not finished yet. There is so much more that needs to be done. Every day I see more immaturity in me. But what a sharp contrast I am now to what I was…I trust Him more than ever. He’s just too wise to make a mistake!” So, take the time to build God’s truths into your foundation and life’s storms won’t uproot you!

Greetings to you - My faithful friends,

I pray you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day this year. But at the same time, I know for some, it may not have been wonderful at all, and in fact may have even been a very difficult day. My heart and my prayers go out to each one of you who may be in that situation right now. I pray that at some point God will lift the pain from your heart, and until that time we will always remember to pray for you. We had a very nice day. My main request to my children was for them to attend church with me. We had nice dinner and then went to the Saturday evening service. It was a wonderful time! I’m so grateful that my children know and love the Lord. This is the greatest reward as a mother, and it brings such joy. Thanks kids for making my day so memorable! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Jordan has been keeping himself busy with fishing, work, and visiting his many friends here in the neighborhood. When we went to have his hearing aids adjusted last week we discovered one of them was defective. We will go back this week to get a new one for his left ear. He is finally getting adjusted to them and actually enjoying them.

When I picked Jordan up from work yesterday he was complaining his knee was really hurting. He has a PT appointment already set up this week, so we’ll get his therapist to take a peak and see what’s up. I pray it’s just a strained muscle and nothing more. I’m still in shock at how long it took for that fracture to heal in his foot. That was a major “event” and took over 9 months to deal with! I should get his lab results back from St. Jude sometime tomorrow; I’ll keep you posted on that also. Image hosting by TinyPic

This Friday we will be doing an “experimental” MRI. As most of you know, Jordan has not been able to complete an MRI for over a year now due to his movement disorder. He is on medication for this now, and it’s helped tremendously. We attempted the MRI in Memphis with just the medicine, and not only did he move, but he said he felt claustrophobic in the machine. So, his doctor here at home ordered an “open MRI”, just to see how he would do. (please P-R-A-Y)

We got a great report from his CT scan done in April at St. Jude, so I’m not really concerned, but would like to have the higher quality MRI to be able to compare to the CT exam! Please pray we will finally have some success! The open MRI’s pictures are not as high a resolution as the closed MRI, but they are much better than a CT. I’ll let you know how this experiment goes on my next update.

I sure hope you enjoyed today’s devotional? I really was encouraged by it. Since the women’s retreat, I’ve been working hard on building my foundation in Christ. Some of the areas I’ve been working extra hard on is prayer, reading the word daily, and keeping my focus more and more on Jesus. We just can’t do it alone. We need the Lord to be the main part of our lives.

Before I end, I wanted to share something exciting that happened last week. When Jordan and Rick went to the Relay for Life, a reporter from the Baton Rouge newspaper saw Rick working on the luminaries, and asked if she could interview them. Well wouldn’t you know it, they ended up running a story on the event, and wrote a little feature about Jordan and put a neat picture of him in paper waving to his dad as he passed by during the Survivor’s Lap. If you would like to check out The Article in local newspaperclick here. You’ll have to click the picture to see Jordan’s.

Thanks so much for dropping by today. I covet your prayers, your words of encouragement, and I’m so grateful for your friendship! I pray for the Lord’s love, mercy and grace to cover you and comfort you each day.

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Monday, May 7, 2007 9:30 PM CDT

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In Honor of all the special moms that recieved "MORE" on Mother's Day...

"Some Mothers Get Babies With Something More" written by: Lori Borgman

My friend is expecting her first child. People keep asking what she
wants. She smiles demurely, shakes her head and gives the answer
mothers have given throughout the ages of time. She says it doesn't
matter whether it's a boy or a girl. She just wants it to have ten fingers and ten toes. Of course, that's what she says. That's what mothers have always said. Mothers lie.

Truth be told, every mother wants a whole lot more. Every mother wants a perfectly healthy baby with a round head, rosebud lips, button nose, beautiful eyes and satin skin. Every mother wants a baby so gorgeous that people will pity the Gerber baby for being flat-out ugly.

Every mother wants a baby that will roll over, sit up and take those first steps right on schedule (according to the baby development chart on page 57, column two). Every mother wants a baby that can see, hear, run, jump and fire neurons by the billions. She wants a kid that can smack the ball out of the park and do toe points that are the envy of the entire ballet class. Call it greed if you want, but we mothers want what we want.

Some mothers get babies with something more. Some mothers get babies with conditions they can't pronounce, a spine that didn't fuse, a missing chromosome or a palette that didn't close. Most of those mothers can remember the time, the place, the shoes they were wearing and the color of the walls in the small, suffocating room where the doctor uttered the words that took their breath away.

It felt like recess in the fourth grade when you didn't see the kick ball coming and it knocked the wind clean out of you. Some mothers leave the hospital with a healthy bundle, then months, even years later, take him in for a routine visit, or schedule her for a well check, and crash head first into a brick wall as they bear the brunt of devastating news.

"It can't be possible!" That doesn't run in our family. Can this really be happening in our lifetime?

I am a woman who watches the Olympics for the sheer thrill of seeing finely sculpted bodies. It's a wondrous thing. The athletes appear as specimens without flaw - rippling muscles with nary an ounce of flab or fat, virtual powerhouses of strength with lungs and limbs working in perfect harmony.

Then the athlete walks over to a tote bag, rustles through the contents and pulls out an inhaler. As I've told my own kids, be it on the way to physical therapy after a third knee surgery, or on a trip home from an echo cardiogram, there's no such thing as a perfect body. Everybody will bear something at some time or another.

Maybe the affliction will be apparent to curious eyes, or maybe it will be unseen, quietly treated with trips to the doctor, medication or surgery. The health problems our children have experienced have been minimal and manageable, so I watch with keen interest and great admiration the mothers of children with serious disabilities, and wonder how they do it?

Frankly, sometimes you mothers scare me. How you lift that child in and out of a wheelchair 20 times a day. How you monitor tests, track medications, regulate diet and serve as the gatekeeper to a hundred specialists yammering in your ear. I wonder how you endure the clichés and the platitudes, well-intentioned souls explaining how God is at work when you've occasionally questioned if God is on strike. I even wonder how you endure schmaltzy pieces like this one -- saluting you, painting you as hero and saint, when you know you're ordinary.

You snap, you bark, you bite. You didn't volunteer for this. You didn't jump up and down in the motherhood line yelling, "Choose me, God! Choose me! I've got what it takes."

You're a woman who doesn't have time to step back and put things in perspective, so, please, let me do it for you.

From where I sit, you're way ahead of the pack. You've developed the strength of a draft horse while holding onto the delicacy of a daffodil. You have a heart that melts like chocolate in a glove box in July, carefully counter-balanced against the stubbornness of an Ozark mule. You can be warm and tender one minute, and when circumstances require intense and aggressive the next.

You are the mother, advocate and protector of a child with a disability. You're a neighbor, a friend, a stranger I pass at the mall. You're the woman I sit next to at church, my cousin and my sister-in-law. You're a woman who wanted ten fingers and ten toes, and GOT SOMETHING MORE...

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Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. (NIV) Psalm 107:8-9

Greetings to you all, my faithful friends!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures from the American Cancer Society ‘Relay for Life’ event here in Baton Rouge. Rick took Jordan on Friday night while I was attending a Ladies’ Retreat. I wanted to try and sneak out early to watch Jordan do the “Survivors Walk”; unfortunately time did not permit me to get away from the meeting. As it turned out, I know where God wanted me that night.

Now, my husband did a great job with the pictures, and I want to say, “Thanks Rick you are just the BEST husband in the entire universe”. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Now, I know many of you will say, “How can that be true because my husband is the best?” but all I know is I’m sure about who God choose for me, and 28 years later we’re still wonderfully in love.

As it turned out Jordan had a great time at the event and even made a friend (imagine that?) who was a former patient from St. Jude that had been treated for a brain stem glioma! I wanted to do luminaries for everyone I know, but Rick put a cap on how many I could buy! Please know I love you all, and all of your children mean so much to me, and hardly a day goes by that I do not think about them and pray.

A few days before the women’s retreat this past weekend, I sent out an email asking my “prayer warriors” to keep this weekend up in prayer for me. Thanks so very much for your labor of love. I’ve been having some really bad migraines lately, and to be honest I was concerned I would not enjoy this weekend because of them. Well, Friday night God lifted those headaches off of me, and I was able to enjoy every minute of the ministry there! This is truly a miracle! Thanks so very much! I choose that scripture above because it describes so perfectly how I feel today. I’m giving “thanks” to the Lord for his UNFAILING LOVE, and all the many wonderful deeds he has done for me. He truly satisfied my thirst and filled me with so many good things this weekend! I had a fresh “encounter with God” and I feel so refreshed and so much in love with Jesus.

Thanks also for your prayers for Jordan with his hearing aides. I must say it’s been an “adjustment” for sure, but each day it gets a little better. At first he really had a hard time getting used to hearing his “own voice” as he puts it. But the cool thing was he was able to hear all the little sounds he has not heard in a long time. When we were driving home from the doctor, I turned the corner and he got all excited and said, “Mom, I can hear the turn signal loud and clear!” Amazing. Here is a picture of him getting fitted; he wasn’t too excited as you can see. After we got home he sat down and feel right asleep!

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It’ late, so I think I will wrap this one up for now. We have another busy doctor week. Wednesday we go back to the St. Jude clinic here in Baton Rouge to have his labs done again. He has been faithfully taking his iron pills, hopefully his levels have come up. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks once again for taking time to stop by and visit. Drop us a line sometime and let us know you were here!

May God fill your day with His Joy,

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PS I know I must be tired, I forgot to share a major praise report!! Guess who is in REMISSION? Our buddy Logan! April we are just thrilled and still praising God for that awesome report!

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, May 1, 2007 10:55 AM CDT

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• More than 195,000 brain tumors are diagnosed in the United States and Canada each year. That’s one new brain tumor every 3 minutes. (This includes both primary and metastatic brain tumors).

• There are more than 120 different types of brain tumors. Whether so-called “benign” or malignant, can all cause death or disability.

• Brain Tumors are the leading cause of solid tumor cancer death in children and teens.

• Meningioma brain tumors, the most common type, affect twice as many women as men. Although termed “benign,” when compared over a five-year period they more deadly than breast cancer.

• Currently, adequate rehabilitation services for brain tumor survivors are largely unavailable in most cities.

Greetings to you my friends,

In case you’re wondering why I shared these facts today, this is Brain Tumor Action Week. In Washington D.C., and in many other cities across the country, advocates and survivors were invited to participate in special events and rally’s all sponsored by the North American Brain Tumor Coalition. The main goal of this annual event (BTAW) is to educate policy makers and bring focus on the need for increased research money to be directed for the research of brain tumor treatments, causes, and rehabilitation.

The treatment of children with brain tumors is difficult enough, but it is complicated by the fact that it is called an “orphan disease”, i.e., they occur in a relatively small number of patients each year. There are only about 2,000 new pediatric brain tumors diagnosed each year, therefore, the usual incentives to fund biomedical research are not present. Although there is some support from the federal government specifically for brain tumor research, the amount is very small relative to the funding directed to all other cancers. Simply put, the vastly more common cancers like breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer generate more attention and research money.
The bottom line is there is very limited funding for pediatric brain tumor research!

However, thanks to so many wonderful people who have personally taken up the initiative to raise awareness and support, the battle to defeat this disease continues on! One of these organizations is very personal to me, which is Timothy Pauxtis Foundation formed by his mom Susan. If you have not already checked out there site, please do so. They are working on many fundraising ideas right now. Thank you Pauxtis Family for the love and many sacrifices you make as we battle on in this fight. Thanks for bearing with me; I could not let this special week go by without mentioning this need!

Just as an update, Jordan’s bone graft surgery will be done later in May. I’ll let you know more about it when we get the new date. We had a nice visit with Dr. Africk (Jordan’s neurologist) yesterday. We attempted to review his last CT scan taken at St. Jude, but it was so funny, neither of us could figure out how to get the images up on the computer screen. We laughed and laughed! Jordan left with a handful of scripts for his meds and a bunch of ink pens and other stuff the drug reps leave. A friend of ours that Jordan spends a lot of time with, Mr. Jay who is the service manager of the GM dealership here is B.R., has called Jordan “The King of Hustle” . Wherever we go, he comes home with little gadgets, pens, hats, posters, T-shirts...you name it - he'll get it! As an example, we stopped at the bank the other day and they were having a blood drive outside. While I was inside he started talking to the nurses in the Bloodmobile and telling them that he wished he could give blood, but he couldn’t because of his condition. Well, they just fell in love with Jordan, and ended up giving him “four” T-shirts. What a character he is! Of course, I try to give blood and platelets at St. Jude when we go, so I guess in a roundabout way we kind of earned them. He He!

We will finally get his hearing aids fitted this coming Thursday! He is all excited. He is so cute, he said he met an older man fishing this week, and he told him it makes everything sound like “surround-sound”! I’m really glad his little friend Collin helped him agree to get the hearing aids, because he really has had some substantial loss, but wanted nothing to do with them at first. Let’s pray the transition is a smooth one at his age.

I’d like to end with a serious prayer request. A very dear friend of ours Courtney Barnet was in a bad accident recently. She has a lacerated liver and some fractured ribs and collarbone. Courtney and her family lived with us at the Ronald McDonald House in Memphis. She is an “A-L-L” patient and is still in treatment! As you know this is very serious. Truly she had “angel’s all around” her that day. Things were critical but could have been much worse. Please agree with us in prayer for a complete and quick recovery. She can’t continue chemo until she gets better. She graduates from High School soon, and wants to walk across that stage! We love you Courtney and Laura. We will continue to pray, pray and pray some more!

Thanks for being so patient and bearing with me today, this is about to become a novel. I’d like to end with a neat quote I recently read:

“Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it -- but sail we must and not drift, nor lie at anchor.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

May God bless your day with joy as you continue to “Sail On”,

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, May 1, 2007 10:55 AM CDT

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• More than 195,000 brain tumors are diagnosed in the United States and Canada each year. That’s one new brain tumor every 3 minutes. (This includes both primary and metastatic brain tumors).

• There are more than 120 different types of brain tumors. Whether so-called “benign” or malignant, can all cause death or disability.

• Brain Tumors are the leading cause of solid tumor cancer death in children and teens.

• Meningioma brain tumors, the most common type, affect twice as many women as men. Although termed “benign,” when compared over a five-year period they more deadly than breast cancer.

• Currently, adequate rehabilitation services for brain tumor survivors are largely unavailable in most cities.

Greetings to you my friends,

In case you’re wondering why I shared these facts today, this is Brain Tumor Action Week. In Washington D.C., and in many other cities across the country, advocates and survivors were invited to participate in special events and rally’s all sponsored by the North American Brain Tumor Coalition. The main goal of this annual event (BTAW) is to educate policy makers and bring focus on the need for increased research money to be directed for the research of brain tumor treatments, causes, and rehabilitation.

The treatment of children with brain tumors is difficult enough, but it is complicated by the fact that it is called an “orphan disease”, i.e., they occur in a relatively small number of patients each year. There are only about 2,000 new pediatric brain tumors diagnosed each year, therefore, the usual incentives to fund biomedical research are not present. Although there is some support from the federal government specifically for brain tumor research, the amount is very small relative to the funding directed to all other cancers. Simply put, the vastly more common cancers like breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer generate more attention and research money.
The bottom line is there is very limited funding for pediatric brain tumor research!

However, thanks to so many wonderful people who have personally taken up the initiative to raise awareness and support, the battle to defeat this disease continues on! One of these organizations is very personal to me, which is Timothy Pauxtis Foundation formed by his mom Susan. If you have not already checked out there site, please do so. They are working on many fundraising ideas right now. Thank you Pauxtis Family for the love and many sacrifices you make as we battle on in this fight. Thanks for bearing with me; I could not let this special week go by without mentioning this need!

Just as an update, Jordan’s bone graft surgery will be done later in May. I’ll let you know more about it when we get the new date. We had a nice visit with Dr. Africk (Jordan’s neurologist) yesterday. We attempted to review his last CT scan taken at St. Jude, but it was so funny, neither of us could figure out how to get the images up on the computer screen. We laughed and laughed! Jordan left with a handful of scripts for his meds and a bunch of ink pens and other stuff the drug reps leave. A friend of ours that Jordan spends a lot of time with, Mr. Jay who is the service manager of the GM dealership here is B.R., has called Jordan “The King of Hustle” . Wherever we go, he comes home with little gadgets, pens, hats, posters, T-shirts...you name it - he'll get it! As an example, we stopped at the bank the other day and they were having a blood drive outside. While I was inside he started talking to the nurses in the Bloodmobile and telling them that he wished he could give blood, but he couldn’t because of his condition. Well, they just fell in love with Jordan, and ended up giving him “four” T-shirts. What a character he is! Of course, I try to give blood and platelets at St. Jude when we go, so I guess in a roundabout way we kind of earned them. He He!

We will finally get his hearing aids fitted this coming Thursday! He is all excited. He is so cute, he said he met an older man fishing this week, and he told him it makes everything sound like “surround-sound”! I’m really glad his little friend Collin helped him agree to get the hearing aids, because he really has had some substantial loss, but wanted nothing to do with them at first. Let’s pray the transition is a smooth one at his age.

I’d like to end with a serious prayer request. A very dear friend of ours Courtney Barnett was in a bad accident recently. She has a lacerated liver and some fractured ribs and collarbone. Courtney and her family lived with us at the Ronald McDonald House in Memphis. She is an “A-L-L” patient and is still in treatment! As you know this is very serious. Truly she had “angel’s all around” her that day. Things were critical but could have been much worse. Please agree with us in prayer for a complete and quick recovery. She can’t continue chemo until she gets better. She graduates from High School soon, and wants to walk across that stage! We love you Courtney and Laura. We will continue to pray, pray and pray some more!

Thanks for being so patient and bearing with me today, this is about to become a novel. I’d like to end with a neat quote I recently read:

“Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it -- but sail we must and not drift, nor lie at anchor.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

May God bless your day with joy as you continue to “Sail On”,

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 9:02 PM CDT

Friday April 27th

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted you to know Jordan's surgery has been postponed! Thanks so much for praying, it means so much to us. I'll let you know the new date soon. Be blessed my friends, and have a great weekend!


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Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
--James 1:2-3

I’m not sure about you, but most people probably wouldn’t welcome an intruder as a good friend. But as crazy and backwards as that sounds, it’s exactly what James asks us to do when it comes to welcoming the problems and trials that come into our lives.

Today’s verses tell us that problems and troubles are going to come. James said “when” we encounter trials, not “if.” Everybody has problems.

What makes Christians different is the way we handle these challenges. We can joyfully accept hardships and trials because we know that God is going to use them to deepen our faith and strengthen our endurance.

I’ve always said that a faith that can’t be tested is a faith that can’t be trusted when the chips are down. The Christian life is a series of new beginnings, and more often than not those new beginnings begin with a trial or crisis of some sort. Those times are an opportunity to demonstrate our faith in God.

So don’t be surprised “when you meet trials of various kinds.” Remember, God has promised you His presence in the midst of your trials.


Greeting to you, my precious friends,

I hope you enjoyed the devotional I posted today. With so much going on, this came at the perfect time! So, now the challenge is “counting it all joy”. Can you imagine? It usually takes me a while on that one, but in time the Lord does restore my joy, and there is nothing more satisfying then overcoming! We can all thank God for the hope and assurance we have with Christ walking by our side! Amen?

Thanks for your prayers for our little buddy Logan, and my precious friend Kris. Please continue to keep them in your prayers, the battle continues on. They need all the support that they can get. I love you April and Kris; you are going to win this battle! Keep holding on to Jesus, he will not let you fall.

We are still waiting for Jordan’s hearing aids to arrive. St. Jude is sending them to his ENT here in Baton Rouge. We are so blessed to have a hospital do this for us. St. Jude doesn’t stop supporting us even here at home! Once they arrive he will be fitted and I’ll be sure to let you know how that goes.

Meanwhile, I would greatly appreciate your prayers for this coming Friday when Jordan has a bone graft done to prepare for his dental implant. As most of you know, his first one failed. For some strange reason, his body rejected the whole implant. We will give it another try. They will go deeper into his bone this time. It’s a long procedure, and a painful recovery I’m told. He will definitely be SORE! I’ll keep you posted on his recovery as well. Jordan doesn’t do well with pain, so pray for me…please!

Jordan is now officially into “fishing”. Whatever Jordan decides he likes, becomes an “obsession”. We have already bought several poles, tackle boxes, all kinds of gear, etc. He goes to this little lake in our neighborhood for hours every day. He has made so many friends already. I’m just so blessed he is “happy”. Some neighbors that live near the pond have already invited him over for dinner and fried his fish. He is so proud of his catches. What can I say? Jordan is one of a kind!

On Monday we have an appointment with his neurologist in New Orleans. We always look forward to our visits with Dr. Africk. She will always hold a special place in my heart. She is the one who first found and diagnosed Jordan’s brain tumor. We’ve been through so much with her, and now she seems more like “family” to us then just a doctor. She has gone far above and beyond her call of duty, and we are so grateful God sent her into our lives.

I think I will wrap this up for now. Thanks for taking time to catch up on us today. Please continue to pray for all our friends in treatment, and especially for those who now have children in heaven.

Counting it all joy,

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PS. Here are some pictures I took this weekend at my granddaughter Kayla’s 2nd birthday party.

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It's my special day.

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Hi Grammy, I'm having fun!

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Look at me too Grammy, I love dress up.

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Now, looks who's having fun too!

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Hey mom, I really like doing this!

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Our Forever Friend Brent Nason
Finding a Cure for Conner
Reid & Randon’s page
Our buddy Logan
Our Sweet Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob
Shae Pierce

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, April 18, 2007 7:46 PM CDT

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(Thank you Laurie for making this you are truly an angel on earth!)

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit. Ps 34:18

Greeting to you my faithful friends,

Thanks so much for taking time to stop by and visit us today. I always appreciate reading all those special notes that you post. I feel all the love and support that is surrounding us daily. I treasure your words of encouragement and hope, we are always so grateful.

Once again we have all been reminded of the evil that people can perpetrate on others as we have watched the news these last few days. My heart is so grieved to think of all the families who have suffered such great loss in Virginia. My prayer is that these horrors, as terrible as they are, would somehow cause our focus as a nation to be turned back to the Lord in a greater way! I pray also for those who lost loved ones and friends that they would find comfort and hope in their darkest hour. I am asking God to keep them from bitterness that will try to creep in and destroy them because of what this very sick person has done. I watched my mom go through this grief as she lost her son when he was murdered in his senior year of high school. She made up her mind as painful as it was that she would forgive the person that did this. A decision that changed the course of my life as I watched her live this out.

In a book I once read by Philip Yancy “Where Is God When It Hurts” he said something really profound, “The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is the story of God's plan to restore his creation to its original state of perfection. The Bible begins and ends with the same scene: Paradise, a river, the luminous glory of God, and the Tree of Life. All of human history takes place somewhere between the first part of Genesis and the last part of Revelation, and everything in between comprises the struggle to regain what was lost.” Thank God - we know the end of the story!

Moving on to another topic, I want to thank you all who have prayed for our little friend Logan! April was so grateful for each prayer and was so happy to report Logan’s bone marrow was CLEAR! , and his relapse is isolated to his CNS.Image hosted by TinyPic.com (Praise God!) As of today he will begin treatment and we are all believing he will soon be back in remission! Please continue to lift up this precious family in your daily prayers.

Another very special friend of ours, Kris Munster Danny's Mom received some devastating news this past week. She had a small growth removed from her shoulder and the path report showed changing cells. She has been diagnosed with a rare form of Lymphoma. Naturally this was yet another “shock” to read! Kris is such a “power-house” for the Lord! She is walking in peace and knows that God is still in full control. She is now awaiting the results of many other tests to determine the course of treatment that will be followed. If you could stop by Danny’s site and let Kris know you are praying for her, I’m sure it would be an encouragement for her! Kris, I want you to know what a very special sister in the Lord you are to me. You have been such a godly example, and I admire your faith so much. Please know I am standing with you and believing for your miracle! Thank you for teaching me even more about what it means to “trust in the Lord”!

In my next update I promise to fill you in on all of the things going on with Jordan. We are scheduled to get fitted for his hearing aids next week, and he will be having a bone graft for his tooth implant the following week. Busy, busy! Once again, thanks for stopping by today!

Holding on to my Hope,

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Brent Nason Our Forever Friend
Praying for a Cure for Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy
The Most Amazing Jacob!

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Thursday, April 12, 2007 10:07 PM CDT

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Jordan and Karli...ahhh, is she cute or what?

“Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a [constant reminder] before God.”

Acts 10:4 NIV

Rivers and reservoirs

The things you do for others don’t go unnoticed. God is keeping track of every single one. He “doesn’t miss anything. He knows…the love you’ve shown…by helping others” (Heb 6:10 TM). God heard the kind words you spoke to that person who was hurting. He saw your sacrificial giving when you could least afford it. By doing what you did you paved the way for God to help you. He’s storing it all up so that in your time of need you’ll have a rich account to draw on.

The Bible speaks about a Roman soldier named Cornelius, a “good man…always helping people in need” (Acts 10:2 TM). And what happened to Cornelius? His family became the first Gentile household to hear and receive the gospel. What a payoff! Why did God pick Cornelius? Because of his generous spirit, “An angel…came to him and said…‘Your…gifts…have come up as a [constant reminder] before God.’”

A lady was praying about starting a pet grooming business but couldn’t afford to advertise. So she went to her local animal shelter and volunteered to groom the pets in order to help increase their chances for adoption. Interestingly, the harder she worked the more her own business grew by word of mouth. Finally she ended up with more clients than she could handle! Does that mean if you don’t help others God won’t help you? No, thankfully His love is unconditional. But a missed opportunity to give is a missed opportunity to receive, because when you are generous with others God promises to be generous with you.

Greetings to you my faithful friends,

Wow, what can I say? I’m just so grateful for your friendship, and always your prayers! Thanks for rejoicing with us as we shared our great praise report, “STABLE SCANS” Yes, I have learned to never, ever, take those words for granted. They are like a precious gift, and I cherish all the more as time goes on.

I have some exciting news to share about a study that Jordan may be a part of. But first, I want to let you know about a very, very special little boy we have come to know and love through CB. The troubling news we got today is that he has relapsed. His name is Logan, and he lives in Florida. Logan has (Pre-B) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

Now, there are no words that are more dreaded then “relapse”. Logan’s mom April has been such a support to Jordan and I since the first time we met. We have not had the honor of meeting them in person, yet…, but we’ve kept close in touch during this past year. Logan had just ended his treatment and we thought things were looking great! Please agree with me in prayer that the doctors will be able to get him back in remission, and really SOON. Pray also for April, she will need all the support she can get right now.

I thought today’s devotional was just perfect. God notices all the kind things we do for others, and it is pleasing to Him. April has sowed so many words of love and encouragement to so many people since I’ve known her. I pray now more then ever she will be flooded with the same kindness she has given to others. April, I just want to say I love you, I’m standing with you, and I’m so blessed to be called your friend. Keep holding on to your FAITH, and your HOPE, and to Jesus who is also holding on to you and Logan!

Back to Jordan’s study. While I was in Memphis, I was given the name of a doctor out of UT medical school that was doing some clinical trials on movement disorders. When I got back home I got in touch with him and told him about Jordan’s condition. He became very interested in taking Jordan’s case, and possibly writing a research paper on his findings. We are sending him all of Jordan’s records, and will now meet with him next time we return to Memphis. This may be the breakthrough we have been praying for!

I’d like to end with a really neat quote that I read recently:

“Faith is able to make great things happen – because it trusts in what has already happened” - Anonymous

Yes, we all know what happened 2,000 years ago, when Jesus WON THE BATTLE over every one of our enemies. Now we can know that all things are possible to them that believe. This life on Earth is just a “dress rehearsal” for eternity with Jesus. God is preparing a home for us more wonderful than our minds can conceive, and until that time when we are called into his presence, he has given us Faith to sustain us throughout this journey.

Holding on to Faith

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Our Forever Friend and Hero Brent Nason
Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Friday, April 6, 2007 11:22 AM CDT

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Thank you for the gift of HOPE
You gave us on Easter morning.
Because of you, we know
That no problem is too difficult,
And even death does not have power over us.

Thank you for the gift of JOY
You gave us when you resurrected.
Because of you we know
That no matter how challenging life my be,
In the end we will rejoice again.

Thank you for the gift of LOVE
You gave when you laid down your life.
Because of you we know
There is no sin too great to separate us,
And we are incredibly valuable to you.

Thank you for the gift of LIFE
You gave us when you left the tomb.
Because of Easter we know
This world is just the beginning,
And we will spend eternity in heaven with you!

We celebrate you, JESUS,
With hearts full of praise and gratitude
For who you are and all you have done for us!

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Greeting to you my wonderful friends,

OK, if you don’t have time to read about all our adventures in Memphis, you got the news in one word – STABLE. We are again over-joyed to say the least! What a way to celebrate Resurrection Sunday!

Where do I begin? Oh no, this does not sound good, better get comfortable. Our adventure started with a 4-hour delay in our flight out of Baton Rouge. Jordan has so many wonderful virtues, too many to name, but “PATIENCE”, well; we are seriously working on that one! Needless to say, it was a difficult time stranded in the airport, but Jordan’s “M.O.”is to always take the opportunity to meet someone new. So, during our wait, he became friends with the airline attendants, work crew, gift shop employees, cleaning crew, and before we finally boarded the plane we had a “group” of people telling us “good-bye”! Here is a picture of one man that got to know my son really well, and blessed him with all kinds of gifts from Northwest:

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Once we arrived in Memphis we were greeted by a very patient friend of ours, Mark Horrock from – “HABITAT FOR HOPE” . Thanks Mark for driving in circles and circles as our late plane arrived! You are such a servant, and we appreciate you and Mylissa so much.

The next morning we had a full schedule and we were able to meet up with two of my friends from the brain tumor list. Wow, it was so much fun to finally meet little Bella, and Katie. Their moms were great, and we had lots of time to share stories, and sweat out our MRI’s together. I’m just so blessed to share with you that they also got a great reports. I can’t begin to tell you how much that meant to me. I also had a special treat of meeting another mom (unplanned) from the BT list (Amy) and her son Collin. Jordan and Collin hit it off and spent lots of time together. I’ve said this many times before, but going to St. Jude is like visiting family! The support system there makes the whole trip so bearable.

Another really neat thing happened while we there. Jordan’s brother Joseph and one of his college buddies decided to drive up to finally see St. Jude and support Jordan. We had such a wonderful time at night eating out and doing some “sight-seeing” with them when we had some free time. Here are a few pictures we took:

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Joseph and Zach taking a tour of St. Jude, the most amazing hospital on earth!

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Enjoying a nice dinner out at the Hard Rock Café! (now this sure beats hospital food…)

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Checking out the famous Peabody Hotel!

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Nothing like a great view of the Mississippi at sunset!

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Saying Good bye to Joe and Zach, thanks so much for driving up!

So, as you can see, this trip turned out to be a major blessing. One we will not forget. Another praise report is after spending time with Collin, Jordan decided to “give in” and get fitted for hearing aides. A year ago when Jordan was tested, we discovered he had hearing loss as a result of the radiation. Collin had the same experience, and was wearing his. After talking to him and his mom, (amazing how other people’s opinions mean more to your child!) he thought it would not be “so bad” after all. So we went back to audiologist and he got fitted. The girls back there were shocked to see us back!

I cannot end without telling you the whole story; Jordan was not able to complete the MRI. (sigh…) Image and video hosting by TinyPic Thank God for CT’s, but we are going to have to figure out something soon to get an MRI done. Well, I won’t worry, (mediate) on that one for now. (He He…)

How can I begin to thank you all so much for your prayers? I literally “felt them” the whole time we were there. What would I do without you? I pray you all have a wonderful Easter. Please remember those families, (the Nason’s,the Pauxtis’s,the Duckworth's and the Owen's,and too many more to name) that will be celebrating this first Easter without their child. Thank GOD for our eternal hope, and for the promise that even death has NO HOLD on us. Jesus has won that battle, – He is ALIVE!

Sending so much love your way today, and giving thanks for each one of you,

Rejoicing in HOPE,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Sunday, April 1, 2007 5:21 PM CDT

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“On His law do they meditate day and night.” Psalms 1:2 RSV

Meditating on God’s Word

If you’ve never tried to meditate on God’s Word, perhaps you think it’s too difficult; something only monks and mystics do, or gurus who recite mantras in the lotus position. Answer this: do you know how to worry? Okay, then you also know how to meditate, because meditating is:

(1) Thinking deeply and continuously about something;
(2) Memorizing it;
(3) Letting it take root;
(4) ‘Owning’ the thought or idea until it becomes a life force operating within you.

The point isn’t how much Scripture you memorize, but what happens to you in the process. Meditating on God’s Word clarifies, corrects, enriches, and equips you by making you think different thoughts than if you were watching TV, talking on your cell phone, or shopping at the mall.

Jesus once asked His listeners: “Why do you keep on saying that I am your Lord, when you refuse to do what I say?” (Lk. 6:46 CEV). Good question! These folks knew the truth but they weren’t ready to act on it.

David said, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Ps 119:11). Meditating on God’s Word is the cure for:
(a) Moral and spiritual weakness;
(b) A life with no focus;
(c) Lack of intimacy with God;
(d) Chronically weak faith that causes you to keep missing God’s best.

So dust off your Bible, open it and ask, “Lord, what are you saying to me today?” Then meditate on what His answer is. The power of this simple routine will change your life.(by Rick Godwin)

Heading to Memphis! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Greetings to you my precious faithful friends,

By the time many of you read this, Jordan and I will already be headed up to Memphis. I can hardly wait to report back to you all the GOOD NEWS we anticipate receiving while we are there!

Now, after reading that devotional, hmmmm, I sure know what it means to mediate. I understood the way the author compared meditating with worrying! Now, who can’t relate to that, and unfortunately who doesn’t know how to worry? Heck, I would have earned a “PHD” in that subject if it was offered as a degree! Now if I can only apply the same effort and energy I use on worrying to learning and applying the principals of God’s Word, I think there would be nothing I couldn’t face. I truly want to let God’s Word and all of His promises take root in my heart. I want to ‘own them’ until they become a life force operating in my life on a daily basis. How about you?

The bible has a lot to say about worry. In Matt. 6:27 it says:

“Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” .

We all know the answer to that one. A little further down in Matthew Jesus went on to say,

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” .

Well, looks like someone has been reading my mail! I like the way Paul goes on to instruct us in Phil. 4:6

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done”.

I really like that advice. I believe the key here is prayer, and a grateful heart. When we start mediating and focusing on all GOD HAS DONE, it changes our focus from our problems to how wonderful and mighty He is. Wow, Isn’t that an awesome thought? Looks like I’m preaching to the choir today, just in time for our trip! No Surprise.

This is a very exciting week as we celebrate on EASTER SUNDAY the finished work of Jesus on Calvary and His victorious resurrection! I pray we will all make the time to reflect on all that God has done for us, and what the cross has meant in our lives.

OK, I think I better wrap up for now. Thanks so much for all your prayers, and words of encouragement. Oh, one more scripture!!! Paul wrote in Rom. 10:17 and it fits so well to what I am feeling right now…

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”.
Each time I hear your words of faith and hope, my faith is built up over and over!”

So please keep them coming! They really mean so much to us as we journey on…

Meditating on His word,


Prayer requests for Jordan:

1. Successful MRI (all clear!)
2. Vision to remain stable
3. Hearing to remain stable
4. Good labs

PS Tonya sent this awesome video to me this week, it’s just incredible! Enjoy!

Who Jesus Is

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Forever Friend Brent
Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Monday, March 26, 2007 9:40 PM CDT

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“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (NIV)

Greetings to you my wonderful friends,

Hope you all had a nice weekend. Rick, Jordan and I went and saw a wonderful Easter Drama on Saturday called “Saviour, Friend”. Oh my, it was just incredible. The Baptist church that put it on has apparently been doing a drama at Easter for the past 21 years. All I can say is, they sure know how to put on a fantastic play.

Each scene was so realistic, and so touching. I just can’t hardly see plays that portray Jesus’ life and ministry without getting all teary eyed, and EXCITED! Yes, we all know how the story ended, and because of all He endured, we can now know the end of our story as well! Jesus has given us a hope that is REAL, and we can know that we have eternal life through faith in what he did on the cross. Yes its true, we are only “visiting” this planet, just passing through! Oh what a day it will be when we are all united and finally together forever in heaven!

Something very special happened at the end of the play. The Pastor gave an invitation for all those who did not know the Lord to come up, and then after that, he asked if there was anyone else who wanted walk closer to God to also come up. I had my head down and eyes closed, and the next thing I knew when I looked up, Jordan was walking down the aisle toward the front of the church! My heart just filled with so much joy! I pray you are also getting excited about celebrating Easter and all that the resurrection of Jesus means to the whole world.

Jordan got a touch of that nasty virus going around, and now has a bad cold. He is starting to feel better however. And then he had some “bad headaches and nausea” recently, it seems like this happens right before scans! Hmmmm, I think someone is trying to cause me to fear. I won’t even mention his name. But, don’t worry, I’m back on track, and I’m so ready to give you a GOOD REPORT!

Next week at this time we will be in Memphis, and I can’t tell you how excited I am to see Mark and Mylissa Horrock of "Habitat for Hope" again! Yep, we will be visiting the “Hope House”! Jordan is thrilled. We will also be meeting up with some other brain tumor families while we are there for the first time. So, it looks like we’ll have some enjoyable things lined up to do at night as a much needed break from all the testing going on during the day.

As much as I often dread going back to the St. Jude, when I get there it feels like “home” in many ways. We now have so many good friends, and I’m just so grateful the Lord opened the doors for Jordan to be treated at such a wonderful hospital.

I think I’ll wrap this up for now. My main computer went down last night, and I’m on working on my youngest son’s laptop right now. We were on the phone with Dell for over an hour, but it will require some new parts. Dell is sending out a service tech later this week. I’m glad we bought the extended warrantee because apparently the power supply and motherboard both got fried.

Have a very blessed Easter season, and remember, Jesus is, the only Way, the only Truth, and the only one who can give Eternal Life!

Please remember all our friends during this holiday season who will be missing their precious children…

Holding on to Hope,

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Forever Friend Brent
Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy
Amazing Jacob

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Monday, March 19, 2007 6:59 PM CDT

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That I may become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him.”
Philippians 3:10 AMP

Spiritual Depth (by Rick Godwin)

Storms reveal the depth and resilience of a tree’s root system. When hard times come we need more than just intelligence; we need spiritual depth, the kind Job the patriarch had. When the bottom dropped out of his world, Job said: “When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold. My foot has held fast to His path; I have kept His way and not turned aside. I have not departed from the command of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food” (Job 23:10-12 NAS).

We need the spiritual depth of Paul, who after praying three times for the horrible stake in his flesh to leave (the word translated “thorn” sometimes referred to a pointed weapon like a spear), and three times the Lord said “no.” In response Paul said, “Most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (2Co 12:9 NJKV).

Instead of looking for a way out, or throwing a pity party, Paul declared, “I chose to go through this so that I can have the privilege of experiencing more of Christ’s power working in my life!”

Don’t you want what those people had? To have a spiritual life where you continue to walk in step with God whether you feel good or not? Whether or not you get a “yes,” a “no,” or a “wait,” in answer to your prayers? Even if it means you don’t always get your own way? You see spiritual depth cannot be transferred by osmosis, or merely be something you put on your wish list. It must become your all-consuming goal, and the highest priority of your life. Is it?

Greetings my precious friends,

Wow, did you read that devotional? It was really hard hitting. As always Rick Godwin gets right to meat of the problem. No beating around the bush with him. My earnest prayer is always to be rooted and grounded in Christ who is a firm foundation. If you have never read the story of Job and thought about all he endured, you cannot begin to appreciate his words, “When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold”. It is true that Job was a man who was sorely tried, and yet, at the end of his testing a great outpouring of God’s BLESSINGS was seen by all! Our God is faithful.

So hold on my friend. With Jesus by our side, we will make it through any storm that might come our way. OK, now that I’m finishing preaching (at least for the moment), I’ll move on from here! He He…

Jordan’s doctor apt. went well last week and we will continue with his medications for the movement disorder. However, he still remains a mystery to his sleep doctor! Jordan is just our very special project! Amen? Image hosting by TinyPic

This weekend we celebrated my granddaughter Grace’s 3rd birthday. Oh my where does the time go? It still seems like yesterday that I was raising my boys, and getting stares everywhere I went with all five in tow. Trust me, when you see a young mother with five under the age of 7, most people stop and take a second look! I do it myself, and then wonder how I ever survived! I guess its true; “His strength is made Perfect in weakness”! Everyone would tell me, “Honey, you’ve got a special place in heaven”!

We decided to celebrate Grace’s birthday at Chuck E. Cheese with her other two cousins, Kayla and Karli. Oh what a special time that was. Here are some of the pictures we took today:

Now, as you can imagine, I’m having so much fun with my “granddaughters”. As you might imagine
has become my favorite color these days.

Well, I think this is enough of my ramblings for the day. Hope you have a blessed week ahead. Don’t forget to drop by and visit some of our special friends ,they could use a word of encouragement now.

Becoming more deeply acquainted with Him,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Monday, March 12, 2007 12:23 AM CDT

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“Love…is not irritable or touchy.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 TLB

A “yes” face!

Chuck Swindoll writes, “The most significant decision I make each day is my choice of an attitude. When my attitudes are right there’s no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for me.” If you believe that you’ll take charge of your emotions, begin to focus on what’s good, and reject anything that makes you a petty, bitter person. And your face will say, “Yes.”

One day President Thomas Jefferson and a group of companions were traveling across the country on horseback. They came to a river that had overflowed its banks because of a recent downpour. The river had washed away the bridge so each rider was forced to cross it on horseback, fighting for his life against the currents. This caused a traveler who was not part of the group to step aside and watch.

After several riders had plunged in and made it to the other side, the stranger asked if President Jefferson would carry him across. The President agreed without hesitation. So the man climbed on and the two of them made it safely to the other side. As the stranger slid off the horse onto dry ground, one of Jefferson’s companions asked, “Why did you select the President?” The man was shocked and admitted he’d no idea that it was the President who’d helped him. “All I know,” he said, “is that his was a ‘yes’ face.”

A good attitude always has a “yes” face.

By Rick Goodwin

Greetings to you my wonderful friends,

OK, I’ll start this update by repenting to you all. After reading this devotional, I sure need to practice a “yes” face more often! Our attitude and thoughts do shape how we face each day. With all that goes on in life, it’s easy to be negative. It just doesn’t take any work, or effort to see all the problems! But to make the decision to keep our eyes on God and maintain a positive attitude in spite of how high the river may be, takes effort! When I read this I thought of the scripture in Philippians 4:8, which says:

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

Now I can’t just share this scripture without sharing the one before it, in fact it was one of the very first verses I memorized in the bible!

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Ok, now all I need to do is remember to practice this very thing more often…! Image hosting by TinyPic

I have two very exciting praise reports to share with you today! First is Kris, my precious friend in California announced her son Danny and his wife Erin will be expecting their first child! Danny was diagnosed with Giant Cell Tumor in December 2000 at the age of 17 years. Danny has had many surgeries, and faced many setbacks, but God has blessed him and he is doing so well now. If you have a minute please read his amazing testimony. Danny and Erin just love the Lord so much and are such a testimony to God’s faithfulness. Congratulations Kris, Danny and Erin!

Another exciting praise report is from April in Florida. I met April through CB, and oh my, she is just the sweetest person ever! She has been a constant source of support for Jordan and I! Well, her son Logan has only one more week left of chemo, Image and video hosting by TinyPicWHOOHOOOOO!!! Now, you know this is a major milestone, and something to really celebrate! Please drop by and let her know how excited you are for them. April, I’ll be celebrating all week with you guys; God is truly good - all the time! Logan’s CB page

Things are going well over here at the Amato household. Slowly but surely we are getting settled in. Jordan will see his sleep doctor tomorrow. Work is going great for him at Wal-Mart, and Jordan continues to have more energy all the time. Yes! I so appreciate all of those prayers you have sent our way already for Jordan's next scan...I can feel them! You're the best!

I think I’ll wrap this up for now. I’ll be back to let you know how things go after his appointment. Hope you have a blessed “yes face” day today! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

So grateful for you,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, March 6, 2007 6:25 PM CST

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“We can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:4 NIV

“Be There”

The most loving thing we can do when someone is grieving or in pain, is to “be there.” Even when we have nothing to offer except our presence, even when being there is painful to ourselves. The Bible says God “comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort [others]…with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” One of the surest roads to spiritual and emotional health is helping others. When Job began to pray for his friends, God healed him and restored everything he’d lost. (See Job 42:10).

We were born with a natural empathy for those who are hurting. Even babies in a nursery start crying when other infants cry. Compassion, which literally means, “to suffer with,” is the ability to be moved by the troubles of others. When we reach out from our own pain to help others it comes back to us in healing and a sense of worth. Jack Cornfield says, “You take it all in. You let the pain touch your heart and you turn it into compassion. What a splendid way to go through life, bringing blessing to all we touch.”

A lady who lost her husband said: “What helps me most is to have somebody try and understand what I’m feeling.” A cancer patient said, “Just to sit here and let me hold your hand. It helps when some one's close.” Today ask God to make you more sensitive to the needs of those around you. And when He answers your prayer and puts someone into your path, don’t be too busy to care. In other words “be there.”

Greetings to you my faithful friends,

I hope you enjoyed today’s devotional. I know everyone reading this is a person who truly cares about the needs of others for sure! That is what Caringbridge is all about. I’m just so grateful I discovered this awesome resource of encouragement, hope, and a place that has allowed me to meet so many wonderful people all over the country!Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Many times I wonder how so many parents find a way to keep on going after loosing a son or daughter. Part of me feels like I would just want to run away and hide forever. And then, to my amazement, I see them not only going on, but reaching out to touch others who hurt, caring, praying, starting foundations, and even visiting others in the hospitals who are on a similar path. The scripture is so true when it says; “God comforts us so we can comfort others.” I think the answer is…only by giving can we every truly receive, and when we give out of our need God is sure to see that our needs are also met.

With that in mind, I’d like to take some time today to ask you to pray for some very dear friends of mine who could use some extra prayers right now.

Susan Pauxtis, (Timmy’s mom) will be approaching the one anniversary since Timmy won his battle on April 11th. Timmy was a very brave little boy who loved life and fought so valiantly against brain cancer. (I love you Susan, your friendship has been a very special gift to me.)

On March 20th. it will be 6 years since Dawn Pierce’s precious son Shae won his battle. I met Dawn through CB, and have had the privilege to have lunch, dinner, and one other “get together with her”. She is such a major blessing to me, and to so many others! Love you Dawn…,can't wait to see you in April!!

And of course one of my dearest friends Tonya and Link Nason, who are only at the beginning of their journey now without sweet Brent. Tonya is now doing a bible study online to help others learn more about Jesus, she has such a giving and caring heart, and she is a wonderful teacher too! If you haven’t checked it out, please do!

It is sad to say that this list could go on and on. But we thank God for His comfort and His promise to “never leave us or forsake us”. And thank you so much for being such a blessing and comfort to those who are hurting, and always being there for Jordan and I as well.

Oh! I finally talked to Jordan’s endo doctor, and I must admit, after having our conversation I felt really bad for being so impatient! He is just the kindest and most caring doctor. He is also a cancer survivor himself, so that makes our connection even more special!

Well the bottom line is that several of Jordan’s meds will be increased. Even though we have been treating a lot of his problems for over a year, many of his numbers were still on the low end. Even his daily growth hormone injections will be increased. We’re trying to figure out what’s going on, and in a few months the doctor wants to do all his labs again. Meanwhile, he is generally feeling much better since he started his iron therapy, and I’m grateful for that.Image hosting by TinyPic

We head up to Memphis in April. Yep, it’s almost scan time gain. I’m feeling a lot of peace about everything, and believe it or not, they are planning another attempt at an MRI. Don’t know what kind of sedation they will try this time, but hey, we serve a mighty God, and “we can do all things through Him who strengthens us”! Please believe with me that we will be able to complete this MRI. Since the onset of his movement disorder, it’s been over a year since we have had a clear image. However, just in case they do have him scheduled for a CT as a back up! But let’s expect the miracle for a good, clear scan this time around!

Well, this has been a long update. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and listen to me ramble on and on. I hope something today has helped you, or encouraged you in some way. I appreciate each one of you, and faithfully pray for your children and families.

I’d like to end with a quote I’ve seen before, but I received again yesterday, and it’s worth repeating!!

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied with Him.

-- John Piper

Holding on to faith, hope and love,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:01 PM CST

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Beyond The Horizon

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them diligently seek him.
Hebrews 11:6

When Columbus set sail for America, one part of his experience that we rarely consider is the long stretch of days when he was was aware that he and his men had passed on the point of no return and faced possible starvation. As the supplies were running out and his men were becoming mutinous, Columbus said, “Sail on!” What a tremendous faith he exercised in what lay beyond the horizon!

Today we need that kind of “sail-on” faith. A persistent faith helps us to face immediate problems and trust that God will guide us in the future.

The invincible God must be the object of our faith. Our God parted the Red Sea and raised the dead. He loved us enough to give His son to die for our sins and reconcile us to Himself. He is concerned about each of us, having numbered the very hair on our heads, and watching over the lowliest creatures, even the sparrows.

God is a Spirit and we cannot see Him. Yet we can believe His Word that he will sustain us through life’s trials. Trusting His love and His care, we can sail safely through unknown waters to a new land whose beauty and happiness are grander than our highest dreams.

Greetings to you my wonderful friends,

Another week has just flown by! Gosh, we do stay busy busy these days! I trust that this update finds you all doing well. Now, I must say the devotional I copied above really spoke to my heart. I desire more then anything to have that
“Sail on”
kind of faith, and trust in God to take care of me as I journey along here on earth. Then just like Columbus who was in search of a new world, we have the promise to one day reach the shores of a beautiful new land that awaits all of us who follow Jesus. I’m so grateful for the Lord and all He had done for us.

So, we are still waiting for the rest of Jordan’s labs. It seems endo work takes so long to get results. And reaching Jordan’s endocrinologist, well, that’s another story! Reaching the President may be easier! Now he is the nicest and most kind doctor ever, but he has a huge practice and is lacking in help since the storm ran everybody out of New Orleans. I find this to be true of most pediatric endocrinologists. They are in such a very small and complex part of the medical field that you just have to "stand in line" and be patient. Did I say PATIENT? Well, we’ll just keep “sailing on” by faith as we wait.

Meanwhile Jordan is already feeling better after being on his iron and increased levels of his other medications. We will go back to the hematologist in two months to check-up on his progress of stabilizing his iron levels.

We’ve been having lots of company at the new house these days. It is always fun to have friends and family over to show them our new home. We are very grateful for what the Lord has made possible for us to have here in Baton Rouge, but gosh, we sure miss everyone back home. We are only a little more than an hour away, but it’s just far enough for people to have to make “plans” to drop by!

I hope you were able to take some time to check out Timmy’s Foundation. Today we will be celebrated an
“Orange Day”
in honor of little Brayden Breaux (his favorite color) and all the children facing life-threatening diseases in Louisiana. We really have to make an effort to make our voices heard when it comes to research for pediatric cancer. We recently had a big cut-back in federal research funding in this area, and this so disheartening. We need stay on top of this issue and keep thinking of ways to keep visibility and pressure on everyone involved to help solve this problem.

Well, it’s time to go pick up Jordan from work. Just wanted to take a minute to tell you all hi, and let you know how often I think about each of you everyday and pray for you and your families.

I’d like to end by sharing a neat quote I read recently:

”We are urgent about the body; He is urgent about the soul.
We call for present comforts; He considers our everlasting rest.
And therefore when He sends not the very things we ask, He answers by sending greater than we can ask or think. Richard Cecil

May the Lord fill your day with His peace,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Monday, February 19, 2007 2:40 PM CST

Thursday 22nd

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick little update on Jordan's labs. We received some of them back today, we had so many done, we should get the rest of them next week.

So far, it's confirmed Jordan is definitely "anemic" and will be put on iron for that. His thyroid has dropped pretty low, so we'll increase his medication for that now. Hopefully between these 2 things Jordan will start feeling better!

I'll let you know about the rest next week. Thanks so much for your prayers and concern. Have a blessed weekend!


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Our Hope…

Our hope in God pulls us into the future.
Hope allows us to affirm the reality of the abundant life that is ours in Christ.
Hope allows us to stand with those in pain and to hold them until they are able to feel the love of God for themselves again.
Hope allows us to work to bring God's reign upon the earth even when we see no results.
Our hope begins and ends in God, the source of all hope.

-- Mary Lou Redding, Upper Room Ministries

Greetings to you!

Wow, it seems that the weeks are just flying by these days. I guess it’s like that when you are super-busy, which we have been to say the least. I hope you all “hanging in there” by faith, holding on to your “hope”, and blessing the Lord for his awesome love!

We are still waiting for Jordan’s labs to come back, and “hopefully” we will have them by Wednesday. The doctor’s offices are all closed tomorrow because of Mardi Gras. I promise to let you know the good news as soon as we hear anything. Speaking of Mardi Gras, we will just stay home and enjoy some “family-time” with my son Jason and his lovely wife Kristin. Yep, so that means I’ll get to see my precious granddaughters! They are coming over this evening to spend the night, and we will enjoy a much-needed day of relaxation tomorrow. Also, another very close friend of mine, and her husband, will be coming over tomorrow to join us for lunch (Rick's famous BBQ), and get to see our new home. This is exciting, but it also means I need to get busy and finish tidying up a lot of loose ends today! Slowly but surely, we are getting things out of boxes and back “together”.

I have two very exciting things to share with you today.

One is about a new foundation that has been formed in honor of a very special little boy named
“Timmy Pauxtis”
. I met Timmy’s mom on the brain tumor list almost 2 years ago? Well, it was one of those relationships that just happened instantly. I just fell in love with Timmy and his mom Susan (with a name like that – how could you help it?). You all know how it is, when you just “click” with someone. Susan has taught me so much about handling life with such dignity and grace. She has the most huge and tender heart! After the Lord took Timmy home, she immediately started thinking of ways to bless and help others. She is now working as a volunteer at her local Ronald McDonald House each week. But she still felt like she needed to do more. So, with the help of her husband and two wonderful sons, she has formed a foundation in honor of Timmy. Susan said; “It’s our hope that with Timmy’s Foundation we can turn our grief into something really positive”. This foundation will raise funds to award grants that will help aid the discovery of a cure for childhood pediatric brain tumors. The foundation will also award grants and scholarships for high school students pursing a nursing career! Now, is this not amazing, or what? Susan has taken a tragedy in her life and is turning it around into blessing for others. You can now see why I was drawn to such a kind and loving person like Susan. Please take a moment to visit Timmy’s page, and read about all the hard work that went into putting this foundation together. I believe you will be so impressed and touched by this family. Here is the link:" Timmy Pauxtis Foundation" Thank you Susan for making such a difference in our world!

Another announcement I want to make is about a “declaration” that has been made in our state to honor a special little boy named "Brayden Breaux". Brayden fought a valiant fight against his brain cancer. Brayden was diagnosed and treated by the same pediatric brain surgeon who first saw Jordan at Children’s Hospital in New Orleans. Andera would love for all of us to wear orange, which was Brayden’s favorite color, on Feb. 28, 2007. Andrea wrote:

“On Feb. 28th, 2007, the state of Louisiana will be having an "Orange Day" to recognize and celebrate the children in our state who have fought and are still fighting life-threatening illnesses. To make a long story short, before Brayden passed on Dec. 29, 2006, he requested that there would be a day where everyone would wear orange. A friend contacted Kathleen Blanco's office (our governor), and submitted a proclamation. IT WAS APPROVED and Orange Day will be celebrated in Brayden’s memory, and for all the other children in our state who have fought and are still fighting a good fight to live. Please wear Orange on Feb. 28th, 2007----- God Bless!!!

You can visit his site at: Brayden Breaux

Wow, is this not awesome? I’m just continually amazed at how these mom’s continue to give and care so much as they are walking through their journey’s of grief with such hope and compassion for others. Anderea, we will all be wearing orange in honor of Brayden!

Well, it’s time to get back to cleaning. I just wanted to pop in and let you know we are still here and waiting for Jordan’s results. Thank you SO MUCH for your many prayers and words of support.

I pray your day is filled with His love, His kindness, and that the “Joy of the Lord” will be your strength.

Always hoping,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 5:05 PM CST

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That's How Much I Love You
by Max Lucado

Untethered by time, God sees us all. From the backwoods of Virginia to the business district of London; from the Vikings to the astronauts, from the cave dwellers to the kings, from the hut-builders to the finger-pointers to the rock-stackers, he sees us. Vagabonds and ragamuffins all, he saw us before we were born.

And he loves what he sees. Flooded by emotion. Overcome by pride, the Starmaker turns to us, one by one, and says, “You are my child. I love you dearly. I’m aware that someday you’ll turn from me and walk away. But I want you to know, I’ve already provided you a way back.”

And to prove it, he did something extraordinary.

Stepping from the throne, he removed his robe of light and wrapped himself in skin: pigmented, human skin. The light of the universe entered a dark, wet womb. He who angels worship nestled himself in the placenta of a peasant, was birthed into the cold night, and then slept on cow’s hay.

Mary didn’t know whether to give him milk or give him praise, but she gave him both since he was, as near as she could figure, hungry and holy.

Joseph didn’t know whether to call him Junior or Father. But in the end called him Jesus, since that’s what the angel said and since he didn’t have the faintest idea what to name a God he could cradle in his arms.

Neither Mary nor Joseph said it as bluntly as my Sara, but don’t you think their heads tilted and their minds wondered, “What in the world are you doing, God?” Or, better phrased, “God, what are you doing in the world?”

“Can anything make me stop loving you?” God asks. “Watch me speak your language, sleep on your earth, and feel your hurts. Behold the maker of sight and sound as he sneezes, coughs, and blows his nose. You wonder if I understand how you feel?

Look into the dancing eyes of the kid in Nazareth; that’s God walking to school. Ponder the toddler at Mary’s table; that’s God spilling his milk.

“You wonder how long my love will last? Find your answer on a splintered cross, on a craggy hill. That’s me you see up there, your maker, your God, nail-stabbed and bleeding. Covered in spit and sin-soaked. That’s your sin I’m feeling. That’s your death I’m dying. That’s your resurrection I’m living.

That’s how much I love you.”

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Greetings to you my faithful friends,

Wow... turning “29” has been just amazing! Thanks so very much for all your well wishes, I felt so loved. Gosh...I think I can handle turning “29” really often, in fact I think I’ll just stay “29”! Kristin and Tonya, you got me! I was so deeply touched by the beautiful messages you left, even though you did it WITHOUT my permission! He He... no, just go right ahead as you feel "lead" to bless me anytime! Thanks again and again, you’re great! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I enjoyed a wonderful "relaxing morning" here at home, and then did some "retail therapy" followed by a wonderful steak dinner that night! So...I'm one blessed woman. Now, it's back to the grind. Still overwhelmed, taking it slowly but surely. I think the sales people at our local stores are getting tired of seeing Jordan and I coming in with "returns"! I'm not good at choosing the right colors on the first try these days, so we just keep returning lots of stuff! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Jordan saw a dermatologist yesterday for a horrible rash that developed on his hands and legs. Once again I heard those now “familiar words"...hmmm, this is very rare to see someone as young as Jordan with this condition!

It's amazing how this brain tumor has affected so MANY areas of Jordan's over all health. If you ever think that your pituitary and hypothalamus are not important, let me tell you Jordan is living proof that it takes a "team of doctors" to treat and care for all that it affects. He has also been having some really bad headaches lately, and that's something that always causes me concern. But, praise God, with some over-the-counter medication they usually leave as quickly as they come. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Jordan will see his hematologist tomorrow, FINALLY. We are getting closer to finding out what's going on! Thanks so much for all you kind words of encouragement and always, your prayers that are making such a difference in his life. We really count on them.

I hope you took the time to read the devotional from Max Lucudo today. He is one of my favorites. It's taken from his book, "In the Grip of Grace", which is an excellent read. I thought with Valentine's Day coming, it would be the perfect one to share with you. In an excerpt from his book Max asks:

"Can anything separate us from God's love? Does He really love us, no matter what? How does He feel about me when I snap at anything that moves? When I've failed as a parent? When my thoughts are gutter-level? When my tongue is sharp? Have I drifted too far? Waited too long? Slipped too much? The answer is found in one of life's sweetest words-grace. It is God who lovingly holds us in the eternal grip of His grace. Our good deeds won't help. Perfect performance is not required. The God who made us has redeemed us and covered our sinfulness with His righteousness. His holiness is sufficient for all our sin. And that's grace."

Yes, there is nothing that can separate us from his amazing love, but we have to be willing to run to His outstretched arms that He extends toward us in order to find the comfort, strength, and amazing grace to carry us through as we journey on. I know I can't live without it, and I’m sure no one really can. So...I pray you will all have a wonderful Valentine Day tomorrow. Take time to let someone know how much you love and care for them!
In His grip of grace,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Friday, February 9, 2007 7:31 AM CST

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I spoke with Rick last night and got permission to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY from here! (I hope you don't mind) I'm with Kristin, a lady as SPECIAL as you DESERVES to be HONORED!! (What a BEAUTIFUL tribute from Kristin!) I have a scripture that I too would like to share......

Psalm 115:14-15 (New Living Translation)

14 May the Lord richly bless
both you and your children.
15 May you be blessed by the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

Yes, Susan, I'm praying BLESSINGS on both YOU and your family..... TODAY and every day! You are such a GODLY woman - FULL of GRACE & TRUTH! Thank you for sharing your faith and LOVE for our LORD! I LOVE YOU DEARLY, and wish you the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!



Thursday, February 8, 2007 11:18 AM CST

I saw that you just updated, and I wanted to make sure everyone saw this announcement for tomorrow, as well. (What the heck...you deserve to be honored more than one day!)

On February 9th, a beautiful person (both inside and out) came into this world and made it a better place...

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A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. ~Proverbs 11:25

Dear Mrs. Susan,

This verse sure does come to mind when I think of you. I know that God is using you in so many people’s lives to be such a source of encouragement. I pray that you, too, will “be refreshed and prosper.” We love you and hope you have a wonderful birthday. See you tomorrow for the real celebration!

Rick, Jason, Kristin, Kayla, Karli, Justin, Grace, Joseph, Jordan, and Joel…the Amato family just keeps on growing!


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Our New Home!!!

“I have set the Lord always before me.” Psalms 16:8 NIV

Live in God’s presence!

The words, “I have set the Lord always before me,” are the simplest description of spiritual life. When certain thoughts are present, there’s a good chance they’re the result of God walking alongside of us. The first thought involves feelings of reassurance. Whether it’s Joshua taking over from Moses, or Paul going through his worst storm, the message is: “Be not afraid, I am with you.”

The second thought you’ll have when God is present is that you’ll get guidance. Maybe you’re stumped with some issue and then an idea comes to you. It might be a big one or a small one, but it will help. Or you’re about to say something that will inflict damage, and suddenly a little voice inside your head says, “be quiet.”

A third indicator of God’s presence is conviction of sin. You’re going down the wrong road and a little stab of pain says, “no, turn around.” Heed that voice or you’ll violate your values, diminish your influence, and end up guilt-ridden.

The fourth kind of thought that will tell you God is present is joy! “You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence” (Ps 16:11 NIV). It works like this: you put in an extra effort, something gets accomplished and you feel a surge of satisfaction. That’s what happened when God created the world, and then he said, “That’s good!” God can use any of those things to convey His presence. If you “Set the Lord always before [you]” you’ll begin to sense Him in your everyday life.

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Greetings to you my faithful friends!

Thanks so much for taking time to check in on us. I always appreciate your visits, prayers and words of encouragement. We are still trying hard to get “settled in”. Slowly but surely, our house is starting to look like a “home” but we still a way to go. My husband has a very sharp eye, so he is still working on the punch list for our builder with all the “little things” that need attention. We’ve got hot water coming out of some cold faucets, bathroom heaters that don’t work, and many adjustments still need to be made on lockers, doors, etc. Building is fun, but it’s also a lot of work. But all in all, we are just so blessed and thrilled to be here in our new home, and enjoying the all the “much needed” space!

We had our first out of town “guests” to grace our home this week. Oh boy, that was so much fun. Mark and Mylissa from
“Habitat for Hope”
in Memphis were in Baton Rouge to pick up a camper that was donated to their ministry. So, they came over with all the kids and we had a great night of fellowship. They left the next day to head back home to Memphis. Jordan just adores their children, and they are all so much fun to be around. They are so affectionate, so polite, we loved being able to see them again. I loved getting lots of hugs from my sweet Bella; she is such a cutie! We really enjoyed catching up over dinner and “King Cake” for desert. As many of you know, you can only get these cakes at Mardi Gras time. All the bakeries make King Cakes. It’s like a cinnamon roll cake toped with purple, green, and gold icing which are the Mardi Gras colors. The kids loved it (and so did we, maybe a little too much). Image hosting by TinyPic

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Hanging out with Bella, Izaiah and Samuel!

If you have not taken the time to visit their website, now is as good a time as ever! They would greatly appreciate your support, and especially your prayers! They are very busy serving so many families in the Memphis area that have children in treatment. They have such a great passion and gifting to help and serve others. We are blessed and so honored to be a partner with them in Habitat for Hope. (Please see link to this awesome site below!)

Now for Jordan. Honestly, he is doing a little better. We saw his endo doctor this week and he ordered a bunch of labs for him. He wants to check several areas out more closely so we can hopefully get to the bottom of what is causing him to be so tired. We are going to the St. Jude Clinic here in Baton Rouge area next week to see the hematologist to discuss Jordan’s anemia. Hopefully once all the blood work gets back, we will see how to treat these issues that are causing him to feel so bad. Thanks so much for your prayers; they have truly made a difference already!

Also, today Jordan got his 3-month review at Wal-Mart. He has been very nervous all week anticipating the review. Well, his boss told him he has either met or exceeded all of the requirements of his job, and he is getting a nice raise beginning with his next check. You talk about happy….Jordan said he may even be up for employee of the month this month. Image hosted by TinyPic.com

I’ve been trying to reach Tonya for some time and finally got to catch up with her just the other day. Oh, it was soooooooo good to get to talk with her! She is such a very special friend to me. Please remember the Nason family in your prayers as they begin their new journey without Brent. There are so many others walking down that road, and with out the Lord, I just don’t know how anyone could make it!

I better get busy again. Just wanted to pop in and tell you all “hi”. I hope you enjoyed the devotional…yes, I desire to live in God’s presence every single day of my life.

May your day also be filled with His love,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Thursday, February 1, 2007 6:23 PM CST

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Last Week I threw out Worrying,
it was getting old and in the way.
It kept me from being me;
I couldn't do things God's way.

I threw out a book on MY PAST
(Didn't have time to read it anyway).
Replaced it with NEW GOALS,
started reading it today.

I threw out hate and bad memories,
(Remember how I treasured them so)?
Got me a NEW PHILOSOPHY too,
threw out the one from long ago.

Brought in some new books too,
Threw out I might, I think and I ought.
WOW, you should've seen the dust.

I ran across an OLD FRIEND,
I hadn't talked to in a while.
His name is GOD the Father,
and I really like His style.

He helped me to do some cleaning
and added some things Himself.
Yes I placed them right on the shelf.

I picked up this special thing
and placed it at the front door.
I FOUND IT- its called PEACE.
Nothing gets me down anymore.

Yes, I've got my house looking nice.
Looks good around the place.
For things like Worry and Trouble
there just isn't any space.

It's good to do a little house cleaning,
Get rid of the things on the shelf.
It sure makes things brighter;
maybe you should TRY IT YOURSELF.

May the Lord open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing
that you will not have room enough to receive it all. - Malachi 3:10

May the Lord bless you exceedingly abundantly above all you could ever
hope for. - Philippians 4:19

Hi My Dearest Friends,

Wow, it seems like “forever” since I’ve had the chance to sit here at my computer. And it’s only been one week. Gosh…I didn’t realize how much time I spend each day reading, researching and checking up on all our friends. I’ve missed you very much, but now I’m back and so glad I am! Image hosting by TinyPic

We are in the process of “settling in”, as my friend Laura said, “trying to make our new house a home”. There are still many boxes to unpack, curtains to hang, and places to find for the many little things that just have “no where” to go? So much STUFF – where does it all come from? It’s amazing how “happily” I lived without it for over 6 months while we were in the apartment! So, come this spring, we will officially be having a huge “Habitat For Hope” garage sale!

Someone recently sent me this House-cleaning poem, and the timing could not have been more perfect! Yes, this is our goal as a family as we start our new life here in this home.

My favorite stanza was:

“Yes, I've got my house looking nice.
Looks good around the place.
For things like Worry and Trouble
there just isn't any space”.

I’d love to keep those things as far from our home as possible. They sure seem to try and intrude into our lives way too much.

So, how are you doing? I’m looking forward to checking up on you my faithful friends. I need to get busy and start returning emails, and yes, get back to those boxes that are waiting for me. For those of you who don’t know, Tonya has started an online bible-study! I’m very excited about this. Now, isn’t she just amazing? Always thinking of others, even during the most difficult days of her life. So, if you haven’t stopped by to check it out, please do.

We have a full schedule ahead of us next week with lots of doctor appointments for Jordan. Please keep this in your prayers. I’m hoping we can get all his issues resolved real soon. He’s been really dragging lately, not feeling great. I’ll keep you posted on how things are going.

I pray you have a blessed day. Thanks so much for stopping by to check up on us. Now, here is a really neat quote for you to think about:

“Victory is the place where our breaking point becomes our
turning point.” -- L. Burt

Plowing ahead with joy,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Thursday, January 25, 2007 6:33 AM CST

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What Jesus Promises

I (myself) will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them; and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them." (Isaiah 42:16)

When walking into the unknown nothing gives me more comfort than knowing that God is in control. A loving, kind Father, who knows the future as well as he knows the past and the present, is orchestrating the events in my life.

That does not mean my life will be easy or pain free. In comfort - loving America we think that if God loves me then he'll protect me from trouble. But this is not what the Bible teaches. "In this world you will have trouble," Jesus said. "But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 15:33).

What has Jesus promised us for the future? His presence, His power, and His peace. His presence: "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you" (John 14:18).

His power: "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing, "Jesus said. And John added, "Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God" (1 John 5:5).

His peace: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27).

Are you filled with apprehension over the future? We do not know what the future holds but we know Who holds the future, and that makes all the difference.

That which the LORD intends for you nothing can keep from you, his beloved. Then don't be afraid.

He knows and He controls each circumstance. Nothing that affects you escapes his glance. He loves you and His plan for you is higher than the farthest reaches of your own desire. Then rest and watch with wondering each day the means by which he opens up the way.

Thank you, Father, that "Those who hope in You will not be disappointed" (Isaiah 49:23).

Greetings to you my precious friends,

This will be my last update from our apartment. By the end of today we will have gone to our closing and finally be in our “new home”! YES, God has been so good, so faithful, and we are all so very grateful for all he has done to bring us this far. Image hosting by TinyPic

We’ve grown really “intimate” in this little abode, but now we are looking forward to enjoying some much need “space”. So, the real “not-so-fun” fun begins now. Emptying out our storage units, moving all the furniture and boxes this weekend, and cleaning out the apartment. Then...you guessed it...the unpacking begins! Help Lord…

Before I go any further, I’d like to give a great big "PRAISE THE LORD" for some great news that Mark and Mylissa (Habitat for Hope) received about their daughter Bella. As most of you may have known she had her scans on Monday. At first they had a scare because the doctor’s saw a spot,and she had to go back in for a PET scan the next day. The final results they recieved yesterday showed they that they were all clear! Image hosting by TinyPic I must admit, it had me worried and waiting for those final results sure was a "TEST" of my faith. It’s the “Waiting Part” that is just so HARD.
Scans never seem to get any easier, no matter how many you go through.
Yet God is continually there teaching us to trust in HIM, Amen?

Now, on that note, I have something else to trust God for, let me explain. After Jordan’s last sleep test, the doctor ordered a bunch of labs. I noticed he had checked off some areas Jordan has not been checked for in the past. Now if you’ve ever had endo work, you know the lab report is like 12 pages long!! I figure every single area in your body must be covered with that, but I guess I was wrong. Image hosting by TinyPic

I received a call on Monday while I was out, by his doctor. It was late in the afternoon when I received it, so I could not call back. I really didn’t think much about it, other then it was nice of him to personally call. The first thing the next morning, he called again and told me that Jordan’s ferritin levels (which is iron) were extremely low. He went on to say that Jordan had “Iron-deficiency Anemia”. He wanted to know who was Jordan’s hematologist and when I was going back to St. Jude. At that point, I knew it was more than just something "routine" we were talking about. Image hosting by TinyPic

Since that first call I’ve been in touch with several of Jordan’s doctors, and we are scheduling him to start some testing to find out what is causing this anemia. His levels are extremely low. I’m not sure what kind of tests they are planning yet, but please keep this in prayer. One thing he told me was there is a direct correlation with this condition and a limb movement disorder. So…once we get to the bottom of this new “mystery” and start treating Jordan, maybe it will be part of the solution to his movements. Not to mention, he will not feel as tired, and many other symptoms he suffers with could be linked to this deficiency. It looks like God wants to continually teach us to trust Him completely, and learn to wait upon Him.

The devotional I quoted above was “just for me”. I really needed to be reminded of those three awesome promises God has for us:
His presence, His power, and His peace!!
I pray you also were blessed by reading this today. He really is always there, and He is always faithful!

Well, it’s getting close to time for me to pack up my friend, “old faithful”, this amazing computer!! I’m just so grateful for this avenue of communication. God has used it in so many positive ways in my life. I’m blessed with all the friendships I’ve made with many of you! Gosh, what would I do without all the love, prayers and support I receive on a daily basis?

I’d like to leave with you a great quote a friend sent to me recently.

“The best we can hope for in this life is a knothole peek at the shining realities ahead. Yet a glimpse is enough. It's enough to convince our hearts that whatever sufferings and sorrows currently assail us, they are not worthy to compare with that which awaits us just over the horizon."
- Joni Erickson Tada

May your day be filled with His love, His Hope, and His Joy, and may he grant us all a “peek” through the knothole!

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Friday, January 19, 2007 11:23 AM CST

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"Our precious Grams"…

By Gail Rodgers

I stood on the shore of the lake and watched the kids throw rocks into the water. Whole fistfuls of pebbles or stones flew through the air. Each one hit the water with the same result...ripples. Ripples that circled out and intersected with the other ripples, ripples that went far beyond the spot where each stone landed.

This image of the ripples never fails to bring the same thought to my mind over and over.

Small as each pebble is, not one touches the water without these resulting ripples.

We are like the pebble. No matter how influential or insignificant we see ourselves, we each send out ripples that circle out further than we might ever dream.

Words and deeds of kindness or cruelty, gentleness or abrasiveness, generosity or greed - all ripple out and touch other lives far beyond the boundaries we think they go. Our families, co-workers, neighbors, and even strangers are often touched by an act or a word of ours that we never dreamt would get that far.

My husband is good at skipping rocks across the water. The kids count the skips - the more, the better. Sometimes we think we, too, can skip through life, independent, not touching others, hurrying on without time to stop and be concerned about anyone else. The inevitable ripples still flow out.

We all have influence; our lives touch others, even when we are not aware of it. God even reminds us of our ripples...

"...be an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity"( 1 Timothy 4:12).

As you go through your day today be reminded that you are sending out ripples. You have no idea how far they go. Ask your Heavenly Father to help you bring His heart of love and grace into your setting and be conscious of the ripples you are sending out.

Greetings to you my precious friends,

I hope you took a minute to read this little devotional I received today. It could of not came at a more perfect time. Our lives do influence and touch others, even when we are not aware! Yesterday we celebrated my daughter in law's Grand mother's memorial service. The Lord ever so gently called her home in her sleep on Monday morning. She was such a godly woman who loved and feared the Lord. Kristin got up and shared about many special memories of her grandmother at the service yesterday. Jordan also just adored her and will miss her greatly. Anyone who knew Grams was touched by the "ripples" of her great love, her faith, and her precious spirit. This should our goal as well to live in such a way that our life will influence others by our example.

Sorry it's taken me so long to update here. It's official, our act of sale is now "planned for next week" on Wednesday or Thursday! Oh boy, you know what that means, I need to seriously get finished packing, and get ready to unpack very soon. Oh, the joys of moving. Thanks for bearing with me, and keeping us lifted up before the throne always. I truly appreciate each and every prayer.

OK, let's see…on the medical front first. Now how can I share this report and still bring praise to God? The sleep test is behind us now. YES!!! That's exciting, right? But as for the results, well, Jordan continues to amaze his doctors. Yes, that means he still moved way too much even with the new meds they were hoping would settle things down. Image hosted by TinyPic.com Basically, the doctor ended this test by scratching his head and saying, this case needs to be documented. When I talked to his neurologist, she said, “Susan, we're going to have find some answers to Jordan's problems, and when we do, we'll call it the ‘Jordan syndrome’ ". Really, there are many mysteries out there in the medical field, and when they can't find a name for them; they call them "syndromes". I guess our dear Jordan is destined for the medical books. I always knew he was very, very special!

Meanwhile, we'll keep him on the meds, because in reality, they are helping him sleep MUCH better. For now, we will just have to figure out another way to have his tumor monitored, since MRI’s seen to out of the question for now. God will make a way, and hey, let's just believe God for this tumor to shrivel up and disappear. Maybe God wants a ‘miracle’ and not a ‘medical’ solution. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

We have several doctor appointments coming up soon. It's getting close to the time to do the dexa scan of his bones again and all his metabolic work up. I'll keep you posted.

Jordan continues to do well at his job, and loves being there. That is such a major praise report. We so appreciate all your prayers, love and support! Well, hope you all have a great week ahead. Please continue to keep Tonya and her family in prayer. If you haven’t been to her site lately, you need to go there! She is one amazing woman of God! I learn more and more about God's grace, love and great compassion each time I visit. Talk about sending our "ripples", Tonya, you will just never know!

Last, Bella’s scans on the 22nd, please, please agree with the Horrock’s for a GOOD REPORT!!

May your day be filled with His love,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Friday, January 12, 2007 6:55 AM CST

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“Run to win.” 1 Corinthians 9:24

The cost of being blessed

Seasoned long-distance runners have learned to focus on endurance, not just speed. They pace themselves so that as they approach the finish line they can pull out all the stops. Paul says, “I’m running hard for the finish line…giving it everything I’ve got…I’m not going to get caught…telling everyone else…then missing out myself” (1Co 9:26-27 TM). For spiritual long-distance runners, quitting isn’t an option. Despite some delays and disappointments along the way, they know they’d never be satisfied just sitting on the sidelines cheering for those who have paid the price to run the race. So if you’re that kind of person – one who needs to attain the hope of your calling and fulfill your God-ordained purpose – go for it! And don’t forget, Jesus said, “Great gifts mean great responsibilities” (Lk.12:48 TM). Winning will cost you in terms of pressure, criticism, loneliness and sacrifice.

So, what’s the secret to staying power? Paul said, “Jesus…finished this race…because he never lost sight of where he was headed…he could put up with anything” (Heb 12:2 TM). You’ll only endure the pain when you’ve something to look forward to. God exposes us to opposition and criticism to strengthen our character. That way when greater blessings (and responsibilities) come, we won’t crack. Success comes only when you’re committed and have the passion to cross the finish line. So the question is: can you stand to be blessed? When the pressure is on will you say like Nehemiah, “My work is too important to stop” (Neh. 6:3 CEV)? If your answer is yes, get your eye on the goal, “run to win,” and you’re sure to cross the finish line!

Greeting to you my faithful precious friends,

Oh…I cannot begin to thank you enough for all the loving support that you have sent our way. Gosh…I’m speechless. (Now you know for that to happen, it’s serious!)

In the letter to Philemon, Paul expresses how much this wonderful man encouraged him. This describes so well the way I have often felt from all the kindness so many of you have shown us.

Philemon 1:7 (NIV)
“7 Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints.”

Now, that is the kind of joy it brings, and refreshment to our hearts. I believe this also pleases the Lord when we take the time to pray and encourage each other! Thanks so much for standing side by side with us on Jordan's journey of Hope. We are so grateful. Image hosting by TinyPic

I hope you took a minute to read the awesome devotional I have at the beginning of this letter. We are all in a “great race”. For some of us, it’s our sick child, or for others, it’s your job, your marriage, your healthy children, your ministry, well, its just “life”! The true secret to winning is not the speed or the distance, but the “endurance” to keep going on, until we finally finish. And what is the secret? I’ve asked that question myself many times as I looked at Tonya, Heather, Susan, Dawn, Carol, and sadly too many others as they have walked places I’ve never had to. The answer is their “focus”. They have kept their eyes on Jesus, the author and the finisher of their great faith! They know what they believe, and they have chosen to stay in the race! It’s amazing how God continues to use them in such a powerful way! OK, sorry for the little sermonette! Hmmm, I could get used to this.

For those of you that have prayed and inquired about Jordan, he is doing well. His sleep test had to be rescheduled and today we will go back to New Orleans and have it done. Please agree with me that the new meds he is on will continue to work!

Jordan is such a special child in every way. But sometimes, I wish he wasn’t “as special”. OK, let me clarify this statement. Jordan had an implant done last year, and when he did this the doctor told us it had a 99 percent success rate. I don’t hear those stats often with so many other things I deal with because of Jordan’s brain tumor! Well guess what popped out of his mouth, yep, the implant! So, it’s official, my son is one of the “one percent” of the population, his body rejected the implanted tooth!! Glory! Sooooo, we’ re looking into redoing this, it will now take two bone grafts, or we have the option of just going with a bridge. They both are very involved and not to mention, costly! My precious Jordan! Image hosting by TinyPic

Well, I think I’ll let you go, for now!! Please remember to keep the Nason’s in prayer each day, and all those who are walking down their road as well. She would love to hear from you! Also, please remember to keep those kids that are in treatment in prayer. Bella Horrock, Mark and Mylissa’s (from Habitat for Hope) precious little girl, has some important scans coming up. I know they would greatly appreciate you remembering her in prayer.

Thanks again and again for your faithful love and support. It has been so good to meet many of you these last few weeks. I’ve enjoyed getting the emails. This CB family is one I’ve come to cherish so much. We’re just so grateful for your love.

Running to win,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Saturday, January 6, 2007 1:46 PM CST

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"We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then; see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us! " I Corth.12 :13 (Message Bible)

Greetings to you, my precious friends,

I’m just returning home from spending time with my dearest friend Tonya, her wonderful family, and some of the most caring and loving community of people I have ever met! Yes, the threads that join the town of Mathiston, MS and the surrounding area is a bond of love so strong that nothing could ever break. My husband and I were so warmly embraced by all her family and friends. It was an experience so unique, there are just no words to describe all the many ranges of emotions that were felt in those few short but intense days.

Brent’s “Celebration Life Service”, was so fitting for a child who touched countless lives. Sometimes in life you meet someone so special, someone who changes your life, by just be being part of it. Brent was that kind of child. I’m just so grateful for the day the Lord graciously allowed Tonya and my path to cross. Watching Brent over these last few months, and hearing about all the experiences he had as he eagerly awaited to see Jesus, has given me a new meaning of “HOPE” that I’ve never had before.

I want to thank all of you who have prayed, have written, and even called to let me know how much you cared. This great outpouring of love has been tremendous. I'm touched beyond words.

As I stood at Brent’s grave site, as the sun was shinning brightly through the tops of the tall pine trees, I thought of our trip up to his home the night before. It was raining so hard, we could hardly see the cars right before us most of the way there. Normally I would have wanted to slow down, or even pull aside to let the rain subside. But that day was different. All I wanted to do was to get there to see Tonya and her family! I thought about the scripture in I Corinthians I shared above. Yes, we are not always able to see things here on earth as clearly as we wish we could. There are so many limitations to our ability to know all that God is doing, and to having a full understanding of his ultimate plan and his will for us.

Many times it’s easy to question, or even doubt His dealings in our lives. All we have been given is a “dim reflection” a mere glimpse of the final picture. But one day, we have the promise that we will see all perfectly. As another Bible version words this verse…“we will see FACE to FACE”. We will finally understand, and all our questions will be answered. Then it will all “make sense”. This is what Brent desired so badly those last days of his life, to finally see Jesus, and this is what we all will see when we stand before the Lord one day.

In Revelations 22 we have this promise:

1 “Then the angel showed me a river with the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 It flowed down the center of the main street. On each side of the river grew a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, with a fresh crop each month. The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations.

3 No longer will there be a curse upon anything. For the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, and his servants will worship him. 4 And they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. 5 And there will be no night there—no need for lamps or sun—for the Lord God will shine on them. And they will reign forever and ever.”

Please continue to pray for the Nason family as they begin the new journey that is now ahead of them. Many of you reading these words have already had to walk on the very same path they now have before them. I simply can’t imagine the loss of child, but I know our Father in heaven can. He sent his only son Jesus to lay down his life for all of us on Calvary. And so He has now sent His Holy Spirit to comfort all those who mourn and all those who suffer. This Love of the Father is what will carry us all the days of our lives.

Let’s faithfully continue to stand in prayer, and surround Tonya, Link and the boys with our love and prayers. Thank you for bearing with me today. For those of you I that I had the "honor" of meeting at Brent’s Celebration service, I just want you to know that is was such a privilege! You are all truly wonderful, and my life was touched by your many expressions of kindness.

Giving thanks always,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray daily for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, January 2, 2007 9:43 AM CST

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"Forever Friends"

Our Hero Brent Nason

To my dearest friends, and faithful prayer warriors,

I come to you today to share with you that Brent's valiant battle has been won! Early this morning Brent peacefully woke up into the glorious presence of Jesus. This is the place where all his deepest longings and joys will be fulfilled forever.

Now Brent can finally see Jesus face to face, and worship him day and night. There is no more pain, no more suffering, just joy unspeakable.

Please continue to surround this family with your love, your prayers and words of encouragement. What an honor it has been for me, as well as it has been for many of you to have known and loved Brent.

Death is not the last word. No matter where our journeys lead us, those who know and love the Lord, end up with Him.

Thanks so much for all your prayers and the love you have shown for Brent.

Broken hearted,


Friday, December 29, 2006 5:03 PM CST

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Nothing shocks God or catches Him off guard. He didn’t panic when Adam sinned in the Garden. He didn’t freak out when the world grew so sinful that He had to send a flood to cleanse and start it over again. Sodom and Gomorrah didn’t make Him gasp. When Jonah ended up inside the whale God wasn’t thrown. That’s because God always has a plan.

And He’s got one for your life too. It’s detailed, timely, well oiled, perfectly orchestrated, and when you fully grasp it you’ll be thrilled! The Bible says He has “plans to prosper…and not to harm you…to give you hope and a future.” But sometimes it’s hard to see God’s hand at work, especially when trouble’s knocking on your door in the form of a diagnosis you dreaded, a runaway child, a partner who wants out of the marriage, or a financial setback you’re not sure you’ll survive.

When the crisis you’re facing makes you want to throw in the towel, remember this: our problems become God’s opportunities. He loves to transform our most costly mistakes into priceless gems of wisdom, our bruised and bleeding places into greater strength, and our deepest fears into unshakable faith – once we start seeing them as part of His master plan! Today God wants to bring His purposes to pass in your life in ways that will astonish you. So stay in step with Him, keep trusting, and refuse to give place to discouragement no matter what – okay?

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Happy New Year my precious friends!

It’s hard to believe another year has come to an end, and a brand new one is waiting to begin for us all now. I’m just so blessed and always encouraged to know that no matter what lies ahead, “God has a plan”. I can rest in those words and be reassured daily. He is always there ready to make something “beautiful” out of the journey we’re on. No matter what you might be facing right now, I pray that you can find comfort in knowing that today.

We had a wonderful Christmas with our family and friends, but that is all behind us now! Our attention has turned quickly to all the last minute details in finishing the new home we are building. We hope to be in by the third week of January, and it’s officially time to start “packing” once again. Yes, the boxes are coming in, and we’re about ready to break camp here at the apartment and start heading out. I’m getting pretty good at all this packing and unpacking stuff, but its still not fun!

I promised I would share about Jordan’s recent doctor visit. Thanks so much for your prayers and many words of encouragement. The first words out of our new doctor’s mouth were not easy to hear. He opened up by stating he has never had to treat someone like Jordan, based on the severity of Jordan’s problem as observed on the scores of his latest sleep test. Now let me reassure you, this doctor is quite “OLD”, and has been in practice a long time! He really is one of the best in his field. After an extended exam, and answering many questions, the doctor decided he would try and put Jordan on a medication that was developed to treat Parkinson’s disease. He reassured me, he does not think Jordan has this, but many of the movements are similar and the way this drug affects the brain could possibly give Jordan the rest his body needs. So, he gave us a one-week prescription for it.

Now, for the very exciting news, “It’s working”!! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

When we went back yesterday to report the results, the doctor was very happy to hear this! So….we will do another short sleep evaluation next week with him taking this medicine. They will place the electrodes on his arms and legs again as they video him. If he still moves, he will increase the dose to find the right level. We believe we may have finally found the solution for Jordan to take his MRI’s without all that serious sedation! I cannot tell you how thrilled I am about this! Gosh, you never really appreciate the little things in life, like just being able to lay still!

I’ll let you know how that test goes, so please agree with me in prayer this is the answer we have been looking for during this past year!! God is so GOOD!!

By now I’m sure most of you have been reading about all the AWESOME things that are going on in our buddy Brent’s life. This child is in some serious close communication with Lord these days. If you have not read Tonya’s journal, you really need to. The Lord so graciously brought this family into our lives almost 2 years ago. We bonded instantly and our love for them continues to grow. I feel so honored to know Tonya and her sons, especially Brent. Jordan and Brent hit it off immediately when we first met them up in Memphis. Gosh, this young boy is amazing, beyond words. I’m so grateful for the friendship we have with the Nason family. Please continue to pray for them each day.

Well, looks like an epic has been born! I really thought I didn’t have “much to say”. Hmm….I guess that is really never true!

I’d like to end today with a really neat poem I read recently. I pray this New Year will be one filled with God’s love, his mercy, his comfort and healing for many of you. Yes, he does “have a plan” and it’s a good one, ALWAYS.

Trusting in His Grace,

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Father, although I cannot see
the future You have planned,
And though the path is sometimes dark
and hard to understand,
Yet give me faith, through joy and pain
to trace Your loving hand.

When I recall that in the past
your promises have stood
Through each perplexing circumstance
and every changing mood,
I rest content that all things work
together for my good.

Whatever, then, the future brings
of good or seeming ill,
I ask for strength to follow You
and grace to trust You still;
And I would look for no reward,
except to do Your will.
by John Eddison.

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Sunday, December 24, 2006 3:28 PM CST

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"Please continue to pray for Brent Nason and his family!"

The Journey of Christmas

The Christmas story begins with a journey...the journey of a young pregnant woman and her husband, a journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

It's the journey of poor, lowly Shepard’s traveling from shivering cold fields to the stable, not sure what they would find but nonetheless to see what had been told to them.

It's the journey of curious kings using a star for their global navigation system, following a dream, searching for answers to life's profound questions.

It's the journey of a chorus of angels coming down from Heaven.

It's the journey of God coming down from his throne to enter our lives.

It's our journey... a journey of the heart.

And even today as we continue to travel the journey of life with it's many joys, sorrows, and detours, we know that something happened 2,000 years ago, and continues to happen today. An incredible gift has been given...a gift that makes all the difference in our world.

It's the gift of knowing that no matter where our journeys take us, no matter how dark or unclear the path, where life leads, we will always have a HOME. A light will always shine in the darkness. Emmanuel...will always journey with us!!!

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Greetings my precious friends,

Just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very BLESSED and HEALTHY New Year!! Thanks for walking along side of us this past year in our journey of Hope. Thanks for coming along side of us, praying, encouraging and cheering us on. Our lives have been so touched and impacted by yours.

Today is a very special day, my wonderful husband Rick's birthday! Yes, in the midst of so much going on, each year we stop and give thanks for the day the most loving husband and great dad was born. I sure would not want this to be my birthday, but for Rick it's no problem. He is always so busy serving, giving, and taking care of others, he doesn't stop long enough to realize it's "his day".

I have to share an amazing testimony of how the Lord blessed my husband this year for his birthday. Joseph, my 21-year-old son, dropped his name in a raffle box (along with thousands of other hopeful people) in the local mall to win a pair of tickets to this year's Sugarbowl game at the Superdome. LSU (our favorite team, of course) will be hosting Notre Dame. This game was sold out the day it was announced! Well, when it came time for the drawing, he wandered back over to the table to hear when they picked the “winning ticket”. The man reached in the box and unfolded the entry form and said, “Joseph Amato”! He almost passed out as he yelled – “It’s me. It’s me.”

These are some of the best seats in the house in the lower section on the 40-yard line! Well, he wrapped them up in a card and when Rick opened them last night at a little family party we had, he thought they were fake and it was a joke. But it’s no joke; Rick and Joseph will be at the Sugarbowl this year.Image and video hosting by TinyPic What a great father-son event that will be for my two boys as they cheer on their beloved LSU Tigers. Someone said this type of ticket is selling on eBay for up to $1,000.00 a ticket. Geaux Tigers!

Please continue to lift up the Nason family. If you haven't taken the time to visit this site, you really need to. God is really speaking to this very special young man. In the midst of all that is going on, his light continues to shine. He has taught us so much through his life.

I now pray for all of you, "Father bless each person who reads this words, fill them with your love, and your HOPE for their lives and for their families. I pray this next year will be the year of breakthroughs for them. Be glorified in their lives. Thank you for the gift of their love and their friendship."

I'll be back soon to let you know how Jordan's doctor visits went this past week! (Interesting as always...) Thanks for praying!

So grateful for you,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Sunday, December 17, 2006 6:00 PM CST

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“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6(NIV)

He is the God of gods and Lord of lords. . .He says, "there is no God apart from me” . There are none like Him. . .the great, the mighty, and the awesome God (Deuteronomy 10:17). He is the One who can be my strength and my protection and when my heart trusts in him, I am helped. As a result, my heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him. (Psalm 28:7-9).

Because He is the Almighty God, He is able to do "Immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us" (Ephesians 3:20).

What is your impossible situation? Who is your impossible person? Has hope for that situation or person ebbed away?

Or do you long for the joy of yesterday? Have you gotten bogged down in the routine? There is a hope. . . a hope for strength, for protection, for help, for joy. . .for the song to flow again in your heart when you turn to Christ and trust in Him! By: Marji "Mike" Kruger

"Please continue to pray for Brent Nason"

Christmas Greetings to you all!

Well, it looks like Christmas is finally upon us, and oh my, I’m so behind this year! I know it’s easy to get caught up in so many things, but one thing is always mindful to me, this is the season to celebrate the most glorious gift ever given to mankind. He is Christ the Lord, our Wonderful Counselor, our mighty God, our everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace!

I know I need His wisdom, his power, and his peace each day of my life but especially now. As most of you know, some very dear friends of ours are about to bring their son back to St. Jude tomorrow. Brent will be flown back from Vermont in an “air ambulance” to Memphis. My heart is so heavy as I think of all the emotions Tonya and her family are dealing with at this time. She is such an amazing woman of God, yet she is still human.

Please remember to pray for the entire Nason family this week. Cover them with your love and words of encouragement. Pray for Brent’s total comfort, and that his return flight back to St. Jude will go smoothly and be without any complications. Thanks so much for all your prayers; you have been so faithful.

Please also remember all the families this year that will be spending their first Christmas with out their children! Even as they are missed so greatly here, I believe they will be celebrating Christmas in a way we all would only dream of, in the very presence of Jesus himself!

In the midst of the craziness, Jordan will see his sleep specialist this week. I’m praying and believing we will find some answers to his movement disorder! And yes, he continues to do well at Wal-Mart! He is surviving the busy season with a great big smile on his face. Hmmmm, looks like the many prayers you have offered up for him are being answered and I’m just so grateful!

As always, I’m so grateful for my CB family! We share such a special bond of love, and with the love and support we give to each other, there is nothing we cannot conquer! I pray you will have a healthy and blessed week, and you are able to get all those last minute preparations finished, with Peace and JOY in your heart!

I’ll be back to let you know how things are going a little later!

Merry Christmas to you all,

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Please continue to keep the Nason family in prayer this week as Brent will be transferred to St. Jude. Let’s pray for the Lord to hold this family in His loving arms, and Brent will be kept very comfortable. Tonya has placed him in the Lord’s hands, and will never give up hope for him!

Brayden Breaux

I have had the privelege to meet the awesome Breux family through CB. Their son Brayden has a malignant brain tumor called an Ependymoma.

Brayden has had 5 brain surgeries, and is a fighter for sure. Brayden is a walking miracle! The family has recently received news that his brain tumors have grown yet again. The family will meet with a doctor on December 20th for counsel and direction on how to treat this. Please take a minute to go meet this wonderful family. They are from our hometown, and believe in the healing power of prayer. Let's agree with for direction and wisdom, and for the Lord to watch over and protect this precious little boy! Thanks so much, they will greatly appreciate all the support they can get now!

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Monday, December 11, 2006 7:14 PM CST

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Seeking the Savior
by Max Lucado

Simeon said, “Can I stay alive until I see him?”

The Magi said, “Saddle up the camels. We aren’t stopping until we find him.”

The shepherds said, “Let’s go…. Let’s see.”

They wanted the Savior. They wanted to see Jesus.

They were earnest in their search. One translation renders Hebrews 11:6: “God … rewards those who earnestly seek him” (NIV).

Another reads: “God rewards those who search for him” (PHILLIPS).

And another: “God … rewards those who sincerely look for him” (TLB).

I like the King James translation: “He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him”.

Diligently—what a great word. Be diligent in your search. Be hungry in your quest, relentless in your pilgrimage. Step away from the puny pursuits of possessions and positions, and seek your king.

Don’t be satisfied with angels. Don’t be content with stars in the sky. Seek him out as the shepherds did. Long for him as Simeon did. Worship him as the wise men did. Do as Matthew did: invite Jesus into your house. Imitate Zacchaeus: risk whatever it takes to see Christ.

God rewards those who seek him. Not those who seek doctrine or religion or systems or creeds. Many settle for these lesser passions, but the reward goes to those who settle for nothing less than Jesus. And what is the reward? What awaits those who seek Him? It is Jesus himself. “And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him” (2 Cor. 3:18 TLB).

Can you think of a greater reward than to be like Jesus? Christ felt no guilt; God wants to banish yours. Jesus had no bad habits; God wants to remove yours. Jesus had no fear of death; God wants you to be fearless. Jesus had kindness for the diseased and mercy for the rebellious and courage for the challenges. God wants you to have the same.
He loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be transformed into His very own image.

"Please continue to pray for Brent Nason"

Greetings to you my wonderful friends!

Well, it’s official; Christmas is right around the corner, ready or not! I pray this update finds you doing well, and enjoying all the very special moments of this most holy season. I must say Christmas is by far my favorite time of the year. It’s the time when people go searching for “gifts” to bless others, and a time to let others know how special they are to you. Christmas was not just an idea someone had one day, but it began when the Creator of our universe gave a gift to all of us, the gift of Jesus his one and only son. I pray you never stop searching to know Him more and more, and take the time to spread His hope, love, and joy to all who come into your life.

I know there are many organizations out there trying encourage people to give to them during this time. And many of them are good and truly make a difference in the lives of others. Right now St. Jude has one of their largest support campaigns going on, which is called “Thanks and Giving”. I’m sure you may have seen posters in many of your favorite stores.

If you’ve ever given to St. Jude, no matter how large or small, I want to personally thank you. I know Jordan and I have benefited from your generous donations. Throughout our brain tumor journey, we have been so blessed to be a part of this amazing research and treatment hospital. NEVER once have we received a bill above what our insurance has covered. Can you imagine? They provide us with all of our transportation needs, housing, food, testing, treatments, medications, and the list goes on and on. So…how could we ever thank you enough for caring so much?

However, today I’d like to highlight another organization that was born out of one couples gratefulness to St. Jude and willingness to give back to help others. Mark and Mylissa Horrock’s daughter Bella was treated at St. Jude for her diagnosis of melanoma. When they were living in Memphis during her treatment, the Lord revealed to them the need for a ministry to reach out even further to the hurting families that were there receiving treatment. When they got back home, they began praying, “Lord, what can we do to help others that are having to walk in our same shoes?” Out of their heartfelt prayers and openness to do God’s will, a ministry was born,
“Habitat for Hope”.
Here is a quote from their website describing the vision of their ministry:

“Habitat for Hope exists to support families enduring pediatric cancer and life threatening illnesses by demonstrating God's love through filling financial, emotional, practical and spiritual through the toughest hardships of their lives.”

And this is just what they do on a daily basis. They made a huge sacrifice to obey the calling of God. Sold their home in Florida, uprooted the family and moved to Memphis! This ministry is not just for St. Jude families, Habitat for Hope supports many other families all over the U.S.!

If you are wondering why I’m telling you this…it’s because I’d like for you to take a little time to go to their website, get to know them, and see if you might feel like helping out this ministry during this Christmas season with a gift. They will be reaching out to so many hurting families. They sure could use all the extra help they can get right now. The need is so great. Thanks so much for taking the time to help make a difference in our world.

As always, I’m so grateful for all of you that take time out of your busy life to come by and check up on Jordan and our family. We appreciate each and every visit you make and the kind and loving words you leave for us to read.

Please take time to look over the prayer request section below. You are such wonderful and faithful prayer warriors, and I know these families count on all of us to keep them lifted up in prayer.

I’d like to end with a quote I heard a preacher say today:

“When you meet another’s need, God will meet yours”. Yes, as the word says, it’s truly more blessed to give then to receive. And as the story above tells us, “ God rewards those who truly seek him”.

OK, it’s now time for me to start writing some Christmas cards! Blessings and more blessings to you my faithful friends.

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Tony wrote:

PLEASE continue to "PRAY WITHOUT CEASING" for our sweet little man. There are so many scary things happening right now. God KNOWS and is in control and we are at PEACE WITH HIM. Tonya, we are agreeing with you now, we love you sweetie and are standing with you all the way!

PLEASE PRAY for MUCH REDUCTION on ALL areas of activity! (when scan is done)

Pray that Brent will start swallowing and the vent can be avoided! Ultimately, his safety is our utmost concern so the vent may not be something we can get around. (Unless God does something BIG!)




For NO "leaky" veins

For NO fluid retention

For guidance as the docs are gearing up to keep Brent comfortable until we can do chemo again

As always, we ask you to PRAY & BELIEVE for Brent's COMPLETE EARTHLY HEALING!

Brayden Breaux

I have recently had the privilege to meet the awesome "Breaux family" through CB. Their son Brayden has a malignant brain tumor called an "Ependymoma".

Brayden has had 5 brain surgeries, and is a fighter for sure. He has overcome so much in his young life. The family has recently received news that his brain tumors have grown yet again. The family will meet with a new doctor on December 20th for counsel and direction on how to treat this. Please take a minute to go meet this wonderful family. They are from our hometown, and believe in the healing power of prayer. Let's agree with this family for direction and wisdom, and for the Lord to watch over and protect this precious little boy! Thanks so much, they will greatly appreciate all the support they can get now!

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, December 5, 2006 5:19 PM CST

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On Sunday, December 10th, the Compassionate Friends, along with many other organizations, will observe the 10th anniversary of the Worldwide Candle Lighting - a day set aside each year to honor and remember all children who have died. At 7 p.m. local time, candles will be lit for one hour in remembrance of the children gone, but never forgotten, creating a wave of light around the world.

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Haley Mathis
Jeremiah Averhart
Shae Pierce
Reid Miller
Randon Miller
Timothy Pauxtis
Elisha Henderson
Tony Horton
Jacob Duckworth
Jake Owen
Emma Grace Hampton
Stanton Hayes
Jacob Steinmelz

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Our brand new blessing!

" Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him." Psalm 127:3

Greeting to you my precious friends!

I'm so excited to welcome another beautiful gift from the Lord into our family. Yes, Karli Madison Amato was born yesterday at 8:30am weighing in at 7lbs 4 oz, and 19 perfect inches long! We are just thrilled, and so blessed for another granddaughter to love and to SPOIL! Karli is our 3rd granddaughter, and after having 5 sons, well, God has decided I needed some pink in my life! Now, can you tell I'm excited?

Mom and dad are doing wonderful, and the jury is still out with Kayla. It seems she is deciding, “Do I really want a little sister or what?” It only seems like yesterday I was having my baby boys, and now they are bringing me baby girls. Time really does fly by, and I’ve learned that it’s so important not to miss those special moments. God has been so good to our family and I am truly grateful!

I'm also excited to share some other very exciting news. Brent is off the vent! YES!!!!! I know it's all the prayers that are covering the Nason family now. Please continue to pray for Brent, Tonya and the whole family. I appreciate this so much, and I know Tonya does too.

Oh, I have yet another praise report, Nikki, the young lady who contracted E-coli is no longer on dialysis!!! Can you imagine how blessed this family is??? I know this is a direct result of the many prayers that went forth on her behalf. Thank you so much for joining with us in prayer for her recovery. God is GREAT!

Rick, Jordan and I went to a really neat Christmas musical this past Sunday night called "The Journey-A Search for the True Meaning of Christmas". Oh, it was so good, and such a perfect way to begin this Christmas season. It was the story of a man that was a sculptor who never truly understood the meaning of Christmas. For him, it was just a time of getting in debt, being merry, and based on the circumstance of his life, it was a good time or a bad time for him each year. He fell asleep in his shop the night before Christmas and in a dream was awakened by Mary, and she took him back through time. They went through the Depression Era, where they had nothing, but still experienced the joy of Christmas. They went to the Victorian Era, where he was brought to a midnight mass. There the song "Silent Night" was written. They went through the Baroque Era, where there were no Christmas trees, but so much joy. That was the time Handel wrote the “Messiah”. And finally to the time of the Italian Renaissance they danced in the streets to beautiful music. The story ended at Bethlehem, Israel, the very night of Christ's birth. Oh my, by the time we got to this part I had tears running down my face. No matter how many times you hear the story of Jesus' birth, it is still the most amazing story of love ever told!

Emmanuel - God with us! Yes, and no matter what you are going through in life, knowing He is there should bring you hope, comfort and the assurance. I pray now for everyone that is reading this page that God will touch your heart with his love, fill your life with His presence, and that you may experience the full meaning of Emmanuel.

OK, I'd now like to go back to being one proud Grammy and share some more precious pictures with you!

Be blessed my friends, and don't forget to find a way to be a blessing to someone today.

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Mom & Dad!

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One proud Grammy!

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The big sister, Kayla!

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:24 AM CST

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Sharing "A Cup of Kindness" at our Christmas tea...

"Although the threads of my life have often seemed knotted, I know, by faith, that on the other side of the embroidery there is a crown."
Corrie Ten Boom

Greeting to you my precious friends,

Once again I find myself sitting here thinking about how truly rich we are. The relationships we have made through CB, and the many wonderful friends the Lord has brought into our lives along this journey brings so much joy to my heart. I feel so grateful for all of you out there!

Thanks for all your comments about Jordan’s new picture. Yes, I must say, Jordan is one handsome young man. But more then the physical, I get to see the beautiful and giving heart he has. The Lord has been so gracious to allow us the honor of raising a son as special as Jordan. Now, of course, we can't forget his four “wonderful” brothers!

I want to let you know Jordan is still doing very good at work, and is even thinking about going another day each week! Because of Jordan physical limitations, he’s only working about three hours a day, four days a week. He comes home very tired and usually takes a good long nap! I could use a little of that myself.

Oh, that reminds me of something. I talked with Jordan’s neurologist yesterday about the results of his last sleep test. She said, “Susan, in my 32 years of practice, I’ve never seen scores like Jordan’s!” Jordan has so much movement, and wakes up so many times during the night, he really isn’t getting any rest when he is sleeping! He is on a very strong dosage of Klonipin, which is used for "Periodic Limb Movement Disorders". So she immediately called one of the very top specialists on sleep disorders and we have an appointment to see him on December 19th. He was not taking any new patients, but because of the severity of Jordan’s problem he will see him.

The mystery we face is to find out what is the underlining cause of this disorder? My neurologist believes it has something to do with the amount of radiation given to treat Jordan’s brain tumor. We really need to get to the bottom of this so we can find something to help control the problem and get this boy some rest! Now of course, I believe God is our final source of healing, but we are working with these doctors as we continue to wait upon the Lord! So, I would truly appreciate your prayers for this need. Although this is not life threatening, it does present a major problem with us getting clear MRI’s of Jordan’s brain, which is very IMPORTANT! And of course it generally affects the quality of his life.

Thanks so much for allowing me to ramble on that topic! I know you will pray, and things WILL change!

I’d like to end with Tonya’s recent prayer list for Brent. When I go to Brent’s site and read Tonya’s updates, I think (as I’m sure you do also), “God…this is one amazing woman, who knows you, loves you, and trusts you so much”. Tonya has taught me so much about FAITH, HOPE and LOVE. She has challenged me in my walk with the Lord so many times, and has caused me to grow in faith. Tonya’s courage and genuine faith has been such an example to me personally, and I’m sure to many others of you out there also. Thank you Tonya for such a beautiful testimony of God’s faithfulness in your life, and for showing us what it means to trust in the Lord with all your heart! Let’s keep praying for Brent like never before!


Let's stand together asking GOD that ALL infections, bugs, and fungus will be REMOVED from Brent's body! He's been running some pretty high temps even WITH Tylenol. Well, I say that ...... he was up to 102 just a little while ago and the Tylenol would be on it's 4th hour. They're covering all the bases with antibiotics and HOPEFULLY this nasty infection will soon be a thing of the past. Even so, God can HEAL him with our without medicine, let's PRAY HE WILL!

Our next concern is that whatever happened in Brent's brain will be QUICKLY reversed. They want to be CERTAIN that he can breathe safely without the vent. (It looks like he's already doing that - THANK YOU, JESUS!!)

One of the other reasons for putting him on the vent was because he's been requiring such high doses of pain meds. The doc said that there is a limit to what you can give and if we go past that he'd stop breathing. Then, of course, the machine would breathe for him. PLEASE PRAY that the stinkin tumor in his back will DIE, in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! If that thing will start shrinking he'll be able to take less pain medicine.

Finally, his urine is looking a bit "cloudy" and they're going to do a test soon to see if there's any blood or cells in there. PLEASE PRAY, AGREE, AND BELIEVE with us that there won't be!

As ALWAYS, we ask you to pray for Brent's COMPLETE EARTHLY HEALING!!!

Thanks so much for standing with us, praying with us, and being such faithful friends!

May His love surround you
May Faith sustain you and
May Hope encourage you
Day by Day

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Monday, November 27, 2006 9:23 AM CST

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Rich is the person who has a praying friend. -- Janice Hughes

Greetings my precious friends,

I'd like to begin today by thanking you all so much for your kind and touching messages, as you have mentioned our buddy Brent in your prayers this week. Many of you went and signed his guestbook. This means the world to me, and trust me, Tonya is so blessed and encouraged to know so many people are praying for Brent.

In times like this you can feel the great bond of love that keeps us all connected on our journeys with our children. It's so easy to fall in love with these children that we pray for and visit everyday. It's like we have become a part of their "family". CB is more than a website, it truly is a "bridge" that crosses miles and even continents, and brings us together as one family.

Things have been really rough up in Vermont, and as always Tonya's faith, her strength and love for Brent amazes me! But even the strong get weary in battle. Please continue to pray like never before. Someone suggested a fast for Brent today, so I would like to ask you to set apart a time to pray for Brent. If you feel lead to fast a meal to pray, this would be greatly appreciated. Fasting with prayer brings a greater power against the enemy.

In the book of Mark 11:24 it says, "Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them". I'd like to share a copy of a prayer taken from a book I have concerning growing in faith:

Lord, you have said in your word that you have dealt to each one a “measure of faith”. (Romans 12:3) I pray that you would take the faith you have planted in us and multiply it for your glory. May the truth of your word be firmly established in our hearts so that faith will grow daily and help navigate our lives. Help us to trust you at all times as we look to you for truth, guidance, and transformation into your likeness. May our faith be the “substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen”. (Hebrews 11:1)

I pray that God will multiply our faith to help lift Tonya and her family above all of their circumstances and instill in them the confidence of knowing that everything will work together for GOOD in their lives.

There is a story in the bible when Moses was in the midst of a very difficult battle and he grew tired, but I love what his friends did to help him in the midst of the battle:
Exodus 17:11-12

“As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. (12) When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.”

Let's now join together to help lift up Tonya and Link’s hands in the midst of their battle. May we cover them with all of our love each day.

Thanks so much for being there. I'd like to end with a very powerful message on how God views the trials we face. Be blessed, be encouraged, and I pray you feel all the love and appreciation I'm sending your way today!

Standing in the gap,

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The Weight of Glory
by Max Lucado

“Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” (2 Corinthians 4:17 NKJV)

The words “weight of glory” conjure up images of the ancient pan scale. Remember the blindfolded lady of justice? She holds a scale with two pans, one on either side of the needle. The weight of a purchase would be determined by placing weights on one side and the purchase on the other.

God does the same with our struggles. On one side are stacked all of our burdens and all of our fears. Friends and loved ones who forgot us. Bosses who ignore us, bad breaks, bad days, sickness, and sorrows. Yes, they are all stacked up on one side of the pan scale and it plummets down.

Now witness God’s response. Does he remove them? Eliminate the burdens? No, rather than take them away, he offsets them. He places an eternal weight of glory on the other side of the scale. Glory that brings endless joy, measureless peace, and strength that is perfected in our weakness.

Watch what happens as he sets His glory on the opposite side of the scale! Everything changes! The burdens lift. The heavy becomes light when weighed against eternity. If it is true that this life is “just but a moment,” can’t we endure any challenge with God on our side “for a moment”?

We can be sick for just a moment. He is our healer!

We can be lonely for just a moment. He is our Friend that is closer than a brother!

We can be persecuted for just a moment. He is our Shield!

We can struggle for just a moment. He is our Victory!

Can’t we?
Yes we can - knowing that He will never leave us or forsake us, and His “eternal weight of Glory” outweighs every obstacle we will ever face!

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 8:22 AM CST

Friday November 24th

Hi everyone!

I have an urgent prayer request for our buddy Brent Nason. As I am typing this they are checking to see if he has a blood clot in his brain. There are just no words to explain how hard this is to even type.

Tonya is such a special frined of my mine, and I just love her, Brent and her family so much. Please agree with me now that they do not find a clot there, or any neuroblastoma.

Brent needs a miracle, and we know that God CAN do this!!! I would appreciate you prayers so much. Thank you so much!



Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34 (NIV)

Greetings to you my wonderful friends!

I just want to get out a quick little update before Thanksgiving. First and most important is a special prayer request for our buddy Brent. I won’t go into all the details here, but please visit his site for the latest on his situation, and let Tonya know that you are praying and standing beside her and their family right now. They found two spots on Brent’s liver, but are not sure what they are as of yet. Just reading this was a major blow to me personally. I love this family so much, and I hate what this ugly beast of cancer does to good people like the Nason’s. As always, Tonya continues to amaze me. She praises God in every storm, and her faith remains unshaken. Gosh…I learn so much from this awesome woman of God. Brent truly is our hero.

I have not heard anything from Laurie about Nikki, and my hope is that “NO news” is “GOOD news”. Please continue to believe with us that her kidneys will wake up and start working soon. Thanks so much for your prayers, they mean so much.

Now, about my precious Jordan...things are moving along quite well with his job. Still a few little “bumps” in the road, but he’s making great progress! Oh, I forgot to tell you the last time I wrote about something very special concerning his boss. She is also a cancer survivor!! Yep, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a few years ago, and she is doing GREAT! Isn’t that neat the way the Lord arranged things for Jordan? Now, talk about a divine appointment! Thanks to all of you out there who faithfully pray and encourage us along the way.

Well, Thanksgiving is almost here. For me it’s a very special holiday. It’s a time to step aside busyness and just reflect on the many things we truly have reasons to be “thank-ful” for. It might be your first Thanksgiving dinner without someone you love for many of you reading this today. My heart aches for you. I lost both of my parents during this time of the year, and also two brothers. The holidays were extremely difficult for us. But even in the sadness, there is always so much to be grateful for. We all still have the beautiful memories of lives “well lived”.

I’d like to leave you an awesome devotional I received recently on this topic of Thankfulness. No matter where you are at on life’s journey, there is so much to reflect on during this week. Here is a list you may want to copy and print out.
We serve a mighty God, who sees and feels all we go through in life. He is faithful; He is true; and He is always there to meet us just where we are.

I’m grateful for so many things this year, and all of you who are a part of our CB family are on the top of my list! I pray that God will fill your heart with His love, uphold you with his strong and loving arms, and be with you each day.

I’d like to end with a quote I’ve shared once before, but could find nothing better to conclude with on the idea of gratitude!

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and even more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, and confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” --Melody Beattie

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Myspace Thanksgiving Day Divider

Reflecting on God and His goodness. . .think about who He is. . .

** He is All-Present. . .
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? 8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. (Psalms 139:7-8 NIV)

** He is All powerful. . .
"I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted. (Job 42:2 NIV)
"I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? (Jeremiah 32:27 NIV)
For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37 NIV)

** He is All-Knowing. . .
O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD. (NIV) Psalm 139:1
. . . "Lord, you know every one's heart (NIV) Acts 1:24

** He is Stable and Unchanging. . .
. . .the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. (NIV) Psalm 33:11

** He is Eternal. . .
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." (Revelation 1:8 NIV)

** He is Incomprehensible. . .
Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance? 13 Who has understood the mind of the LORD, or instructed him as his counselor? 14 Whom did the LORD consult to enlighten him, and who taught him the right way? Who was it that taught him knowledge or showed him the path of understanding? (NIV) Isa 40:12
To whom, then, will you compare God? What image will you compare him to? (NIV) Isa 40:18

He is Merciful. . .
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved. (Ephesians 2:4 NIV)

He is Compassionate. . .
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, (2 Corinthians 1:3 NIV)

He is Good. . .
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. (NIV) 1 Chronicles 16:34

Written by Marji "Mike" Kruger

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 12:50 AM CST

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“That I may…become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him.”
Philippians 3:10 AMP

Set your sails!

Ella Wheeler Wilcox wrote:
“One ship drives east and another drives west, with the selfsame winds that blow. ’Tis the set of the sails and not the gales, that decides the way to go. Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate, as we voyage along through life; ’Tis the set of the soul that decides its goal, and not the calm or the strife.”

Have you noticed that the same difficult circumstance that lays one person low, lifts another to incredible heights? “’Tis the set of the sails and not the gales, which tells us the way to go.” Clearly, Paul had set his sails: “That I may…become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him.” And he refused to compromise or be sidetracked. Intimacy with God was his all-consuming goal.

Is such a goal reached easily? No! It means never quitting, giving yourself ample time. You can’t put godliness on a schedule. Spiritual disciplines must be worked with until they become enduring habits. Your mind needs time and experience to assimilate them. And like any new model of behavior they must be wrestled with, talked through, come to terms with, and tried on. With time, a few of them will begin to settle in and become a consistent lifestyle.

Looking back, you’ll discover you’ve actually changed. How? You set your sails in a new direction and you are no longer hopelessly blown by the winds of impulse, circumstance, expediency, popular opinion or self-interest. Christ-likeness is a journey, not a destination. So plan on a lifetime of travel. And while you’re at it, be sure to enjoy the journey.

Greetings to you my faithful friends,

Wow, it’s already been a week, where does time go? First of all, I want thank you for the prayers and words of encouragement for Jordan now that he got his new job! Oh my, this has been a major “event” in his life. Before I go into that story I have some great news for you.

The 16-year-old girl named Nikki who contracted E-Coli, is finally HOME!!! Yes, this is nothing short of a miracle. She still is still doing outpatient dialysis for her kidneys, so we need to keep “pressing in” until her healing is complete! Her parents were thrilled and her boyfriend, Ryan (Laurie’s son), can finally get some much-needed rest! He was by her side the entire time. Gosh, what a tender and sensitive heart this young man has! Laurie, he’s learned from the best…you! Image hosting by TinyPic

And now for some more great news, our buddy Brent’s LDH continues to drop. As you know the Nasons are in Vermont receiving treatment for his cancer. Nueroblastoma is a very wicked cancer. (Yes, I know all cancer is wicked but this one is so darn aggressive). The prognosis given for Neuroblastoma is never good, but Tonya and Link refuse to look at those statistics. They would rather keep looking unto the Lord who says, “Is anything too difficult for me?” We are standing with you Tonya, believing always. Please continue to agree with us for his complete healing.

Now, back to my precious Jordan. The first few hours at work were very difficult. He called me many times and wanted me to come and pick him up! Image hosting by TinyPic It’s been a while since he worked, so he was feeling very insecure. Because of Jordan’s learning disabilities you have to only give him one or two tasks at time. I’m not sure if his new boss understood this at first. They guy who was training him took him around and showed him many things he needed to be doing for the whole day. Image hosting by TinyPic It got very overwhelming for him! But each time he called, I encouraged him and prayed. Now, when I finally went to pick him up, he jumped in the car and said, “Mom, I had a great day”!!! Now, to know Jordan is to love him. He is so funny! He woke up today, and was uneasy again, and wanted me to talk to his manager about getting a “job coach” to assist him. Next thing I know he’s on the phone with his boss asking if he could come in one hour early, he was ready to start working that moment! I had to walk in the other room to laugh. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Jordan has been a challenge for sure, but he is one very special young man. He brings a joy to my heart, and for that matter most everyone he meets. He sees life through the eyes of a child, and his innocence is such a precious gift. It keeps me reminded that Jesus said, “Unless you become as a little child, you will never see the Kingdom of God.”

Sorry once again for all the rambling. I pray this update has found you doing well, and finding something to be grateful for each day. I know I’ve taken your time, but please; if you have not read the devotional above, take time to read it. I promise you, you will be blessed and encouraged. I know I truly was. I really like the opening sentence:

“Tis the set of the sails and not the gales, that decides the way to go.”

This little truth is so profound. My earnest prayer is that the Lord will use all that we must go through in this life to cause us to know and depend on HIM more. As we allow our circumstances to change us in this way, we will become more and more like him each and everyday. God bless….

Setting my sails towards the goal,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 8:58 PM CST

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Angels Among Us…

Oh I believe there are angels among us.
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours.
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give.
To guide us with the light of love.

When life held troubled times, and had me down on my knees.
There's always been someone there to come along and comfort me.
A kind word from a stranger, to lend a helping hand.
A phone call from a friend, just to say I understand.

And isn’t it kind of funny that at the dark end of the road,
Someone lights the way with just a single ray of hope.

Oh I believe there are angels among us.
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours.
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give.
To guide us with the light of love.

They wear so many faces, show up in the strangest places.
To grace us with their mercy, in our time of need.

To my wonderful friends,

I’d like to dedicate this poem to all of you out there who have been angels among us. All of the many kind words, prayers and encouragement have meant so much to us. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

So, let me start by first sharing some great news. After much prayer, Link and Tonya decided to go to Vermont with Brent. This was a very big decision, and they did not have much time to make it. Well, they are getting settled in, and everyone has been so kind to them. To know the Nason’s is to love them! So far things have been going really well for Brent, but we need to keep praying for his miracle. Even in this most difficult time of the journey, their faith remains unshaken. I’ve learned so much as I have watched Tonya and Link stand so strong in these trials.

Another good report I want to bring is that of Nikki. She is the 16-year-old girl that contracted E Coli. At this point she is still hanging in there. She has some good days, and some difficult ones, but in spite of these challenges her spirit continues to soar. She amazes everyone who sees her. Please believe with me that God will completely heal her from this terrible disease. Her family is so grateful for all the prayer offered up for her.

Jordan and his dad had a wonderful time at the “Mighty Men of Valor” men’s conference in Philadelphia, where more than 1,500 men and top Christian leaders from all across the country came together. Jordan met so many awesome men of God, and got to hang out with a couple of our close pastor friends, Dr. Cliff Ashe (who is the leader and host of the conference) and Dr. Frank Wilson (who was the master of ceremonies and worship leader). The weather was beautiful, the fellowship was rich, and things could not of been more perfect. Here is a picture of Jordan and Pastor Cliff.

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Getting ready for the conference to begin!

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Hi Mom, I’m having fun.

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Thanks Pastor Cliff for a great time!

And now for the drum roll…Jordan is officially hired at Wal-Mart!! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Yes, we go in on Friday to finish the paper work and Jordan will get his schedule! After all this waiting Jordan said, “Mom, I’m not sure getting this job at Wal-Mart was a good idea?” What? I wanted to faint! But, I know he was just feeling a little insecure about a new job in a new city. His boss is so kind and understanding. She will allow me to come with him as they do his training. He was very happy about that. The Lord always looks out for Jordan. I know in just a little while He will know all the employees at this store and be their best friends. Jordan does not meet a stranger!

On the medical front, Jordan will do another sleep test next Friday. His neurologist is determined to find an answer to his movement disorder. He also got his labs back from his endocrinologist and we will be adjusting his meds soon to get his metabolic levels more stable. I think hormones are the most difficult things to balance in your body.

Sorry for all the rambling. I pray this note finds you all doing well. No matter what we face, there is always so many things we can be grateful for each day. I’d like to end with a neat quote I read the other day;

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” Ursula LeGuin

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With faith, hope and love,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Thursday, November 2, 2006 6:19 AM CST

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Greetings to you my precious friends!

Once again I come to you with such a grateful heart for all your prayers and words of encouragement for Jordan. I’m so glad you enjoyed the pictures of our wonderful soldier boy, daughter-in-love and my sweet pea Kayla!

Believe it or not, we are still waiting on Wal-Mart to get back to Jordan about his job! Image and video hosting by TinyPic In the community we just moved from there are signs on every place of business asking for help! Most of New Orleans has moved up here to Baton Rouge and so the demand for help is not that great right now. We know however God is up to something, so keep praying. I believe I will be sharing the good news with you very soon.

Jordan is real excited about a trip he will be taking with his dad to Philadelphia tomorrow. My husband attends a men’s conference once a year up there, which is hosted by a close pastor friend of ours. It is called the Mighty Men of Valor conference and over 1,000 men from around the country attend. When Rick asked Jordan what he wanted for his 21st birthday, Jordan didn’t think about it for one minute. He said, “I want to go with you the men’s conference this year.” Well, what could we say to that? Jordan has such a tender heart for the Lord, and loves to be around others who feel the same way about God as he does. I know he will enjoy every moment up there meeting all of Rick’s friends and having a special father-son time away. But I will miss them both!

Some people have emailed me about the Christmas paper Jordan designed for St. Jude this year, so here is a picture of it. I was told it will be sold at K-Mart and Target for sure. It comes in a four-roll pack and Jordan’s is the green paper (see below) with the Christmas trees on it. He is so proud that they chose his design, and so am I. Thanks for all the many ways you support St. Jude!

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On a more serious note I’d like to ask you all to continue to remember to pray for the Nason family. They are in serious prayer about the next step to take for Brent concerning his treatment. They are looking into a clinic in Houston, Texas and also about possibly going to Vermont. Please take time to pray for this family. They are so dear to us and we just adore Brent.

In Matt. 18:19-20 it says, “When two or three believers agree in prayer, God chooses to respond to their unity by making His powerful presence known in their midst”. So there is power in the prayer of agreement! I will keep you updated on how he is doing.

Another special prayer request I would like to make is for a 16-year-old girl named Nikki. She is in PICU at St. Peters due to complications of E. Coli. She has had kidney failure and is now on dialysis for 20 hours a day! She is in critical condition. Laurie Fantasia, one of Jordan’s faithful prayer warriors and our friend who , made me aware of this desperate need. Laurie’s son Ryan is dating Nikki and had been by her side 24/7. Naturally this has been especially difficult for him and Nikki’s whole family. Let’s agree in prayer that God would heal this wonderful young lady from this horrible disease. The family would be so grateful for all the prayer they can get for Nikki. Thank you so much!

I’m just so grateful for Caringbridge! We can come here and share our hearts and request prayer for so many. I’ve said this many times, but many of us think when we hear someone is going through a very difficult time is, “Well all I can do is pray”. It is sad that so many really don’t understand that prayer is truly the most powerful thing on earth we can do for someone else. It does make a difference, it truly changes things!

Thanks once again for taking the time to drop by and check up on Jordan. We covet your prayers, and your friendship. I ‘d like to end with an awesome devotional I received recently. I know it will encourage you!

Loving Strong,

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I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of his power for us who believe him. —Ephesians 1:19

Todays Devotional:

Any power that we possess originates from our awesome God who can hold oceans in the palm of His hand, measure the heavens with his fingers, and weigh the mountains and the hills (Isaiah 40:12). He is a God so powerful that from His perspective the combined nations of the world are a mere “drop in the bucket” (v. 15). He knows the personal name of each and every one of the billions of stars (v. 26), and “no one can measure the depths of his understanding” (v. 28).

All the incomparable greatness of God is embodied in Jesus, and we are blessed with “every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we belong to Christ” (Ephesians 1:3). When we realize His great power, our perspective on our problems changes, and we move into heavenly places where God sits. The problems are not so big when viewed from that vantage point.

God is too wise to make a mistake, too powerful to fail, and too loving to hurt you. Call on Him today, for “He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak” (Isaiah 40:29).

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, October 25, 2006 7:01 PM CDT

Create Your Own!

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"You can trust the Lord too little, but you cannot trust Him too much." - Hudson Taylor

Greeting to my special friends,

Hope you enjoyed the pictures of my son Jason; we had such a wonderful visit at his Family Day at Camp Cook this past weekend. Every one of his training officers was so nice and grateful that we came to see what OCS was all about. We felt the honor was ours just to to be there with all these soldiers! The day started with an awesome hot lunch and then we went over to the Chapel for a wonderful message entitled “Are You Happy?” The Chaplain preached from the beatitudes in Matthew chapter 5 where Jesus taught the disciples what it meant to be truly blessed. The word blessed means “to be happy”. Now contrary to what many think of as happiness, Jesus said blessed are they that are poor, hungry, and even those who mourn! It was such a great word and we were all so encouraged and reminded that no matter what may be going on around us, true happiness comes from the Lord. It was really great to see how these future officers are taught to honor the Lord first. After chapel we all went out to the field to watch the soldiers go through a grueling obstacle course. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

As we watched them go through a maze of really difficult tasks, what really stood out to me was how they did everything as a “team”. Every one's success depended on helping each other reach their goal, and no one was left behind! Each man was always looking out for the other and cheered them on each step of the way. Everyone was a winner in the end. I thought about our life since Jordan’s diagnosis. We’ve been out there running through the obstacle course of childhood sickness, trying to make it to the end, and yet we’ve never been alone.

So many have cheered us on, even while in their own life they were battling so hard themselves. They prayed for us, stood by us, and showed us the way over many of the most difficult challenges. Now we have had the chance to do the same to others who are following after us. There is so much strength in unity! In Galatians 6:2 we are instructed to “bear ye one another’s burdens”. This is why we should always pray for and encourage others in their journey, because in the end we all WIN!

So, it was a great weekend, and as always I just love spending time with Kristin and Kayla. In less then 6 weeks I’ll be the grandmother of another little girl! God has been so good, and I am grateful for everything He has blessed us with. I am truly HAPPY! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Oh, some exciting news! Jordan went to his second interview with Wal-Mart! Things are looking very good for him to start working soon. The store is just minutes away from our apartment. Everyone during his interview today was so kind to Jordan. I appreciate all of your prayers for him. Because of Jordan’s limitations it’s been a real challenge finding work for him. I’m believing that this job will out work out for him.

Please continue to pray for our buddy Brent Nason. Link flew up to Vermont to get his medicine and is back now. Brent has already taken some dosages of it. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am about this. Please agree with us that this will be part of the miracle he needs. Brent’s birthday is also coming up soon. If you get the chance to drop by and wish him a Happy Birthday, I know that it would mean so much to Brent. Tonya and the whole Nason family are so grateful for all of you who pray and encourage Brent.

And finally, please remember to pray for the Raborns, the Millers, the Duckworth’s and the Pauxtis family as they travel down their road of grief. Their precious children are now with Jesus, and they are missing them so much. They sure could use your prayers and words of encouragement as well. When one of us hurts, we all hurt.

Thanks for taking time to come by and visit Jordan’s page. We love hearing from you, so let us know that you stopped by today!

I’d like to end with a quote I read recently that reminded me of those soldiers we watched this past Sunday:

I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed. Booker T Washington – 1856

Running to win the prize,

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Thursday, October 19, 2006 4:44 PM CDT

Create Your Own!

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What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this. John 13:7

Each week a popular television show takes viewers behind the cameras to show them how a movie was made, how the special effects were done, and what happened during the course of filming. It's titled BTS: Behind the Scenes, and it satisfies a certain curiosity felt by many movie-goers who ask, "How did they do that?"

If only we could see behind the scenes of our lives! The hidden hand of God's providence is directing and producing events in life that will result in our good and His glory. His hidden angels are watching over us in more ways than we know. His hidden Spirit is refreshing us with daily joy and strength. His Word, hidden in our hearts, is keeping us from sin.

He works in ways we cannot see, sometimes using things so small as to be almost unnoticeable. But He can account for every detail, and someday we'll understand.

You're in the starring role of your life. Make sure the Lord Jesus is writer, producer, and director of the story. Turn everything over to Him today.

I am not skilled to understand
What God hath willed, what God hath planned;
I only know that at His right hand
Is One Who is my Savior!…Dorothy Greenwell

Greetings to you my wonderful friends!

Thanks so much for sharing in our great news, and all of those awesome birthday wishes. Image hosting by TinyPic I so appreciate you taking the time to come by and visit Jordan’s page. We count it a privilege to have access to something as great as Caringbridge.

Since we have been home we are thrilled about some news the Nason’s have received. Brent will now have access to a new drug that is out, and he will be able to stay in Memphis to receive it. Truly, this is nothing short of a miracle. Tonya has been so faithful throughout her difficult journey, and has continued to trust and give praise to the Lord even when things were not looking good.

There is a great quote I recently read that said:

“Adversity does not build character, it reveals it.” — anonymous

As we have walked along in our journey, we have had the honor of meeting so many families that have demonstrated what true character really is. I learning more everyday about how important our attitude frames the way we see and deal with the pressures of life. I’m just so grateful for all the heroes that surround us and teach us what if really means to trust and lean on the Lord each day!

We have a few job options for Jordan now, and we are trusting that he will finally be employed before too long. But nothing is absolute yet, so please keep this in your prayers when you think about Jordan. This has been a trial for Jordan, but we know that God has a “perfect” job just waiting to be given to him!

I hope the devotional I copied above was as encouraging to you as it was for me. I love when David Jeremiah said, “Much of what God does in our lives is almost imperceptible”.

God is always working in ways we do not see, and it brings me comfort to know that ultimately He is in “total control” of our lives. All that is required of us is to trust in Him! That’s the biggest three letter word I know - “ALL”. I’m still working on trusting everyday, and feel I have a long way to go until I arrive!

It reminds me of what Paul said,

“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:13-14

We are looking forward to this coming weekend. Our oldest son Jason, who is in the Army Officer’s Training School (OTS) will be having a special “Family Day” at the army base in Alexandria, La. where he trains. We are traveling up on Saturday morning with our daughter-in-love Kristin, and will be staying over night. We’ll have the chance to watch him go through his drills, some obstacle courses, and get to meet and eat with his fellow soldiers and the Senior Officers.

Jason’s class, which started off with more then 100 candidates a year ago, is down to only 13! Image hosting by TinyPic Can you imagine? This is really an elite group that has made it thus far…and they still have a way to go before they get their full commission. I guess you can tell how proud we are of him. I’ll be taking plenty pic’s to let you get a glimpse of what this officer’s training school is all about. It’s really amazing and wonderful to think about how much these brave young American soldiers sacrifice to help keep America free and safe.

As always, please take time to visit our special friends. There is so much going on in their lives, and they count on your prayers and words of encouragement. Thanks for taking time to stop by and check up on Jordan.

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Conner Smith
Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Friday, October 13, 2006 5:58 PM CDT

Create Your Own!

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”… Maya Angelou

To my precious friends and family,

Wow, isn’t that quote so very true? I’m writing this update now “feeling” all the love, prayer and encouragement that was sent to Jordan and I this week. I’m so grateful for each one of you!

Jordan was so excited to read all the wonderful birthday wishes. He felt so loved and special. Thanks for helping to make his 21st birthday one on of his very best! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

OK, let’s get to business. Jordan’s results! Overall, we received a great report! Everything has remained “STABLE”. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Yes, this was music to our ears. We are just thrilled there was no evidence of any tumor progression or other tumors found elsewhere. A great big sigh of relief.

What was surprising was after all the sedation Jordan was given, half way through his spinal MRI he began to have those leg and arm movements again. They maxed him out on the amount of medication he could safely handle without causing serious side effects. So, since things were not looking good, they had to abort the scan. However, the doctors did get enough information to conclude that his spinal cord area was clear. (Thank you Jesus) Dr. Kun has now decided that Jordan will be followed by CT scans because they are less affected by movements and do not take near as long. Image hosting by TinyPic

This is really not a big problem. If anything would warrant another MRI for additional studies, they will look into some other type of medications to try and sedate him deep enough to stop the movements. Jordan did well with his CT of the brain this time, and they did get some good clear pictures. It was noted however, that a cyst associated with the tumor has grown quite large, and will need to be carefully monitored. (Please keep this in your prayers…)

So, we came home feeling very grateful for all the good reports, and know it was all your prayers that made the difference.

Now let me share with you some very exciting things that happened on our visit. Get comfortable! (Don’t say you were not warned!)

When we arrived in Memphis, Mark Horrock from “Habitat for Hope” greeted us at the airport. We have been in touch with this awesome family and ministry for some time now. I could never begin to tell you how special they are, and how much of an impact they are making at St. Jude and the surrounding hospitals in Memphis. Mark brought us to the “Hope House” for an awesome dinner that his wife Mylissa prepared for us! Yes, not only do they pray, minister, provide financial assistance to hurting families, but they also open up their home to guest while they are in Memphis. Thank you so much Mylissa for your labor of love for Jordan and I. The meal was awesome and the fellowship was great! We had some very, very special guests that night. Dawn and Todd Pierce came with their precious little son Mason. I’ve met and come to love Dawn through Caringbridge. Dawn is also the mother Shae, who is now an angel. She came up to the hospital and had lunch with us last year, and our hearts were knit together instantly. We love you guys, it was great seeing you, and thanks so much for making Jordan feel so special. Thanks Mason for those giggles and smiles, you are so precious!

The next major highlight was getting to see the Nason family. Now you know that did our hearts good. This wasn’t a great visit for Brent or the family, but I was just so blessed to see our buddy. He was in really good spirits when Link rolled him into the radiation clinic. Jordan and Brent went in together at the very same time for their MRI’s! Now, the chances of that happening were very slim. I got to hug Tonya, and met her two other sons. Oh my, they are so precious and have the cutest personalities. Hmmmm, that reminds me of someone else I know and love, which would of course be their precious mom, Tonya. I also met Tonya’s sister Kerry, and her husband Shannon. What close knit and loving family they are. OK Tonya, you can keep on tempting us to move to Mississippi, because its’ getting harder and harder to resist!

After Jordan’s MRI and long recovery he asked to go back to Mark and Mylissa’s house. They were so kind to take him back, feed him and let him hang out with the kids. He had the best time! We are so grateful for Habitat for Hope! If any of you have not visited their website yet, please take a moment and go by today. One great way you can reach out and help needy families is by becoming a partner with them in this ministry.

Last but not least, when Jordan left to go with the Horrocks, I got a very special treat. Some dear friends who we lived with us while we were at the Ronald McDonald House were back in town for treatment. So I got to go and have dinner with Laura and her daughter Courtney! Laura and I went out to eat at a really neat restaurant on Mudd Island. I’ve never been there before, and talk about one beautiful place! It’s right on the Mississippi River. We had such a nice time catchin’ up. Courtney is now a senior in high school and yes; she’s counting the days until she finishes chemo. She just has the cutest personality! Thanks Laura for being such a blessing. It’s amazing to stop and think about the great “bond of love” that connects families together for life in this journey of hope we travel for our children. We love you Laura and Courtney, and yes…I’m already planning our next get together.

So, I hope you enjoyed reading my epic as much as I enjoyed writing it. I just had so much I wanted to share. Whenever we go back to St. Jude, it's almost like going to a “homecoming” event. We are so blessed to be a part of this amazing center of hope and healing. I pray God’s blessings on you and your families. Please remember to keep Brent in your prayers! He needs us more than ever right now.

Now, may the God of peace be with you all. Amen. Rom. 15:33

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Conner Smith


Reid & Randon’s page


Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Monday, October 9, 2006 11:25 AM CDT

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“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart”. — Colossians 4:2

Today’s Devotional:

Prayer is our occupation. It is not meant to be a halfhearted, wishful endeavor, but rather it should be wholehearted, intense, fervent, and devoted. What a privilege it is for us to engage in the one thing that will CHANGE EVERYTHING!

Epaphras was a mighty prayer warrior who wrestled in prayer for the Colossians (Colossians 4:12 NIV). The word wrestle means “to agonize,” or “to wrestle as in a wrestling match.” In Epaphras’s day, wrestling was the most intense athletic match in the Olympics, and for Paul to describe Epaphras’s prayer as “wrestling” shows the intensity with which this brother labored in prayer.

Epaphras’s fervent prayer was that the Colossians might be “strong and perfect, fully confident of the whole will of God” (v. 12). Satan is continually opposing the will of God in our lives, and only through wrestling, agonizing prayer can the will of God be accomplished. Epaphras was willing to agonize over the Colossian church.

Let us wrestle, watch, and agonize in prayer daily. Our families and friends are depending upon us…

Greeting my precious friends,

I received this devotional today and was so excited to share it with you all. Prayer truly changes things, and our family and friends do depend on them.

So, I would like to thank all of you who take the time out of your busy lives to pray for us and the many other CB families! You are so appreciated.

Jordan and I leave for Memphis on Tuesday, and we will be so grateful for your prayers this week. We would love to come home on his birthday with a great report in our hands!Image hosting by TinyPic As many of you know Jordan has developed a movement disorder and we have not had any real clear scans for over 9 months. It’s so important we get them this time. Jordan will be put under general anesthesia this time, please believe with us that this will work and we have no complications.

Please also pray for our buddy Brent Nason. We love this family so much and they are going through a rough battle now. They would greatly appreciate all the prayers they can get, and could use lots of support and encouragement now. Brent is back home now, so I’m not sure if we will get to see them, but our main prayer is for Brent to start feeling better, and has counts to come up! We love you Tonya.

We are also praying for the Raborn family. Little Jake won his battle, and fought like a champion. He will be so missed by so many. Heaven is full of the most beautiful angels. We are so grateful for the promise that one day we will together again!

Thanks for coming by to check up on Jordan, we’ll look forward to hearing from you if you get the time to drop us a line. Next time I update it will be to share the wonderful news we are hoping to bring back from Memphis! Amen?

I’d like to end with a great quote I received today:

“When God is about to do something great, he starts with a difficulty. When he is about to do something truly magnificent, he starts with an impossibility.” Armin Gesswein

Giving Thanks always,

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Please take a minute to visit and pray for:

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Brent Nason
Conner Smith
Jake Raborn

Reid & Randon’s page
Angel Timmy

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

We are so excited to finally get to meet Mark and Mylissa from "Habitat For Hope"! I can hardly wait to share with you how wonderful they really are!! This is a great ministry to support, please take a minute and check them out today!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, October 4, 2006 4:59 PM CDT

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"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

Greetings to you, my precious friends!

First, I want to take a minute to let you know how much I appreciate your prayers for my back! Image and video hosting by TinyPic I’m still sore since the wreck, but MUCH MUCH better! In itself, that is a miracle. Maybe all that hard work at physical therapy paid off in the long run. I can tell that my back is stronger, and now I know first hand how important it was to work through those exercises.

We went to our Act of Sale this past Friday. From the time our home was listed in the MLS, to the time we closed the Act of Sale was a total of twelve days. That’s just about a record breaker! Image hosted by TinyPic.com Is God good or what? Even though we had been praying for several months, “God prepare a buyer for our home”, it was a major surprise when we had a signed contract after five days. We never could have expected things to go so smooth and fast. We have learned that when we pray, we need to know how to take the limits off of God. Without a doubt, He is in the business of amazing us by His mighty workings on our behalf. All He is looking for is a mustard seed of faith!

Jordan continues to put in applications for a job. When we think, “He sure to get this job”, then at the last minute it doesn’t come through. He is getting so frustrated, and I am asking if you will keep praying for God to show him favor and open a door - soon. Image hosting by TinyPic He keeps being told he will be hired and then he waits and waits, and nothing comes through! I’m sure God is teaching him to be patient and to learn how to trust in the Lord to open the right door. But the “waiting part” is what Jordan is having a hard time handling.

Well, next Tuesday we will be flying to Memphis Image and video hosting by TinyPic

and preparing for a short but very intense three days of testing. No matter how many times Jordan has MRI’s; it never gets any easier waiting for those results! Image hosting by TinyPic We know too well how the results of one scan, can quickly turn your life around. We have been so blessed, and are very grateful for all that God has done. I still can’t help getting that nervous feeling when we head up to Memphis.

Please believe with us for these things:

1) His tumor has not changed or spread.
2) He will do well under the general anesthesia, with no movements, and no complications.
3) His spine will be clear.
4) His hearing has remained stable.
5) His vision has remained stable.

I can never express in words how much it means to us to know you are praying for Jordan. We also love hearing from you whenever you have the chance to stop by. Thanks so much for your words of encouragement! While we are at St. Jude next week Jordan will turn 21 on Oct. 12th!Image hosting by TinyPic

I have not told him, but we are working on a little “surprise celebration” with Mark and Mylissa from Habitat for Hope! Please remember to keep this couple and their ministry in your prayers. They have moved to Memphis with the sole purpose of ministering God’s love and compassion to the parents and children who are in treatment, fighting for their lives. I can’t begin to imagine how difficult this must be emotionally for them, but I know it’s truly the grace of God that strengthens them for this much-needed ministry! Thanks Mark and Mylissa for all you do!

I’ll sum this up with a neat devotional I received recently on “Trusting in the Lord”! I pray it will bless and encourage you. And as always, please remember to pray for our friends too.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God" (Psalm 20:7).

Thank You for reminding me in Your word, that there are many things I can put my trust in... yet the ultimate is to trust in Your name.

All that your name encompasses will stay with me and never become fragile or hollow.

Thank You that You are my Provider. I trust in You today to meet my need.

Thank You that You are my Peace. Encase me in Your peace today which passes understanding.

Thank You that You are my Rock. When all around me feels like sinking sand You alone provide a firm place to stand.

Thank You that You are my Shepherd. Lead me today in paths that You have prepared for me.

Thank You that You are my Healer. Touch me where I need healing both physically and emotionally.

Thank You that You are God Almighty. With my God I can scale the walls in front of me.

Thank You that You are my refuge and strength, my strong tower.

I run to you to find the strength and shelter I need today as I face the winds of life.

Thank You that You are Father God. Encase me in Your loving care today.

Thank You that I can trust in the name of the LORD my God!

Remind me, by your Holy Spirit, to live in this reality today.

In Jesus' powerful name I pray, amen.

Trusting in Him,

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Conner Smith


Reid & Randon’s page




Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006 12:28 AM CDT

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“Rejoice in knowing that you belong to God and that He is conforming you to the image of His Son. See every event of this day as part of that process. Yield to the Spirit's prompting, and take heart that God will accomplish His will." -- John MacArthur

Who ‘dat say ‘da gonna beat ‘dem Saints? Who ‘dat…?

Wow, what a game! Image hosting by TinyPic The Saints put the icing on the cake Monday night for the Grand Re-opening of the Super-dome, and it sure was sweet. Our city needed something like this to help lift up our spirits as we continue to rebuild our city!

Thanks so much to all of you who went out to support St. Jude by eating at Chili’s last night. Jordan and I were so excited and looking forward to going out to eat at Chili’s this year. Last year the Chill’s in our area did not participate because of the hurricane. We were ready to have a feast and take some pictures too. However, on the way there, Jordan and I were rear-ended as we stopped at yellow light on the way! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Can you believe it? This was the first time anything like this ever happened to us, and we were so shocked! Poor Jordan started crying immediately and wanted to know if we were OK? It was a pretty hard hit, and my back and neck felt it immediately. I’m just so blessed it was not worse. The Lord protected us and the driver of the truck that hit us was OK too, but he did get a ticket.

So my husband got to watch part of the Saints’ game in the “After-hours Emergency Care Center” as I got a series of x-rays done and we waited to see the doctor. Jordan did not complain of any pain, and I was so relieved! After just completing five grueling weeks of PT, which really helped improve my back problems, I feel like I’m back to square one! All I can say is I’m very sore, stiff, and not a happy camper these days. If God is speaking, then I’m listening for sure. Image hosting by TinyPic

I have some very exciting news to share with you. Brent Nason’s counts finally came up, and he has begun his chemo. Tonya, I can’t begin to tell you how blessed we were to receive this news. Thanks to all of you who have prayed and prayed for this day to come.

Now, something else happened this weekend, which I’m so sad to share with you. Baby Randon earned his wings and joined his brother Reid in heaven. As a parent this would be your worst nightmare. This makes two children for Carol. Please take a moment and offer her a word of encouragement and prayer if you can. I’m just so blessed to know one day Carol will be reunited with her sons. My heart goes out to her and her family.

Please continue to pray for little Jake Raborn. He had a very rough week, and He is now home with his family. This child continues to amaze us all. They are now going to just enjoy every single minute the Lord allows them to with him. This family has endured so much, and has a faith that refuses to be shaken. I’ve learned so much as I have watched them fight this beast. We love you Raborn's, and we pray for you each day!

I think I’m going to end this now; it’s really painful to keep sitting here typing. Thanks to all my faithful friends who pray, encourage and inspire Jordan and me so often. I always look forward to hearing from you. I’d like to end with a beautiful passage of scriptures Fay Thomas sent us. The timing could not be more perfect! Thanks Fay, I needed this:

Psalms 3:2-5

“Many there be which say of my soul, 'There is no help for him in God'.
But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill.
I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.”

Yes, the Lord is truly my glory, and always “the lifter of my head”!

With Hope,

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Thanks so much for all your prayers, they are working! Brent is now home, and looking forward to his big weekend! Please go to his site and find out all that is going on. Love you Nason family!


Conner Smith

Well, after many months of waiting the Smith family has finally got some results from Conner’s testing. I’ll copy what his mom Kristin wrote recently: “A mutation in the NEMO gene has been found. This is not what we were hoping and we have been told this will likely lean Conner towards transplant. NEMO defects lead to a combined immune deficiency, affecting B-cells, T-cells and NK-cells. Conner also has a genetic defect causing a severe complement deficiency, which is another type of immune deficiency.” The Smith family needs your prayers more then ever as continue to find out more info and make some major decisions for Conner. Kristin, my heart goes out to you, I will continue to storm the heavens for your entire family!


Jake is now home, resting and enjoying his wonderful family! It’s been a very long, and difficult battle, yet it was one filled with so much joy and faith, let’s keep believing!

Reid's page

Please keep the Miller family in your prayers as they begin another journey without baby Reid and his brother Randon. Please pray for God’s comfort to carry them now. Love you Carol, I never stop thinking or praying for you.

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

Monday September 25th

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Hi Everyone,

This is just a quick reminder to let you know today and tonight it the time to dine out at Chilli's. 100 percent of profits earned on this day will go to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital -- the only hospital for sick children that does not require anyone to pay for treatment. So fundraising is key -- and Chili's has cooked up all sorts of creative ways to help conquer cancer in children.

We are especially excited all this fundraising goes hand in hand with the development of the Chili's Care Center -- a St. Jude's state-of-the-art building dedicated to groundbreaking research on BRAIN TUMORS! The center is scheduled to open in Fall 2007 -- thanks to Chili's professionals who over the course of 10 years have donated a historic $50 million to St. Jude's.

Thanks so much for all your support!

Oh, and something close to our hearts will happen tonight!


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When the New Orleans Saints step on the field of the Louisiana Superdome to take on the Atlanta Falcons on Monday night, it will mark the first contest to be played in the stadium since Hurricane Katrina. While the NFC South match-up is eagerly anticipated by Saints fans, the game will also be a shining symbol of the Gulf Coast's rebuilding process as well as an example of the sheer determination of the region's citizens.


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Hi Everyone,

I’m going to be leaving for the weekend, and wanted to ask you to keep praying for some very urgent prayer requests.

Brent Nason needs his counts to come up so he can finally begin his chemo again. He’s getting close, and really needs to start treatment soon. Believe with me for this miracle!

Jake Raborn and his family need serious prayer! They are keeping his page updated regularly, things are very critical.

Baby Randon is also needing your prayers as well. I have the links to their sites below. These families are going through a very difficult time now. Please remember them in your prayers each day, and if you would please leave a word of encouragement for them. It means more then you would ever know!

Thanks so much for your prayers and many words of encouragement for us and these families! I’m just so grateful for all of you out there!

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful! Hebrews 10:23

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Greetings my precious friends,

I’m so excited to share a major “praise report”. In 1 Chron. 16:8 it instructs us to “give thanks”, to call on God’s name, and make KNOWN what He has done. So, I’m so excited to share with you that our home was
this past weekend! Image and video hosting by TinyPic We “officially” listed our home last Sunday and the sign went up on Monday. Our agent told us things have been really slow, so I was not expecting anything to happen very quickly. However we have been praying that God would send us the perfect buyer he had picked out to have our home for over three months while we have been getting the house ready to sell, and with all the move.

Truly it was a miracle! We had 2 showings the first day the house went on the market, and had several more during the rest of the week. I was a little shocked at how active the interest was on our home. We went back down to work on our home this past weekend, because we still have a list of little details to take care of and a garage full of tools still to pack up! Well, those plans didn’t really work out too good, because we had several showings starting on Saturday morning. It was so stressful trying to get out of the house, and leave things perfect. By Sunday afternoon I told my husband, “This is it, I’m not coming back next weekend, you will have to handle it!”

Well, who would have imagined? The Lord sent our buyer on Sunday, and we had a signed contract by 5:00pm, after just one week on the market! Wow, I’m just so grateful – God is sooooo good! How can I thank you all enough for helping us pray them in? We will close in 45 days (still have to keep that covered in prayer for all the details to fall in place). Now, it’s time to start looking for our new home here in Baton Rouge. We have a few months left on our lease at the apartment, so we are not in a major rush to find another place - Praise God for that! I couldn’t even begin to think about packing up and moving again right now. It’s time to just take a breather before “Phase II” starts on this relocation journey we’re on.

Please continue to keep Jordan in prayer for his job. I know God has the perfect place for him, and He is teaching us to wait on Him. There is not a great demand for work where we are living now, but I know God has something set aside just perfect for Jordan. Image and video hosting by TinyPic We are so grateful for your encouragement!

It’s been a very intense week for all of our precious friends. Please take a minute to read the prayer requests below, and visit these sites when you get the chance. When you are facing the kind of giants these precious friends of ours are facing on a daily basis, you need all the support, prayer and encouragement you can get! That’s why I’m so grateful to have the honor of walking along side of them, and cheering them on. In Galatians 2: 6 it says “Share each other's troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” Thank you for faithfully doing this for Jordan and our many friends. I love this quote: “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” John Holmes

I’d like to end by sharing a really great devotional on “Faith”. Be blessed my friends, and be a blessings along the way.

“Without faith it is impossible to please God.” Hebrews 11:6 NIV

Faith says, “It’s so”

Tony Evans writes: “A practical definition of faith I like, is acting like it’s so even when it’s not, in order that it might be so, just because God said so.” Maybe you’re saying, “That sounds like I’m supposed to pretend something’s real when it isn’t.” No. We’re talking about believing that what God says is true, even when there’s no evidence available. And the way you know you believe – is when you act on it.

Maybe you think people like Noah and Moses had it easier than we do because God spoke to them directly. True, God did speak to them, but that didn’t make their obedience any easier. Remember, Noah worked for 120 years with no water around him, and kept announcing a coming flood based solely on what God had told him. Moses didn’t get to see The Ten Commandments and find out how it all ended. Actually, we have the advantage because we have God’s completed Word.

But we still experience the turbulence of life. Ever been on an airplane when it started shaking or dropped? Remember how you felt when the captain spoke over the intercom, calmly explaining that this was no big deal. Your options were to have faith in the captain – or believe what you saw and felt. Depending on your choice, you either white-knuckled the rest of your flight, or relaxed and enjoyed it. Faith takes you beyond the limits of your logic, reason and senses. It enables you to believe that if God said it, it’s true. Simply put, faith is acting as if God is telling the truth.

Walking in the truth,

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It’s been a long week for the Nason family, and Brent is set to go in order to start Chemo as early as tomorrow. After many long weeks of waiting, the time has finally arrived! Please continue to pray for Brent, he needs his ANC to be at 1,000 to start. Let’s continue to believe for Brent’s total healing, here on earth! We love you Tonya and family and are standing with you all the way.

Conner Smith

Well, after many months of waiting the Smith family has finally got some results from Conner’s testing. I’ll copy what his mom Kristin wrote recently:
“A mutation in the NEMO gene has been found. This is not what we were hoping and we have been told this will likely lean Conner towards transplant.
NEMO defects lead to a combined immune deficiency, affecting B-cells, T-cells and NK-cells. Conner also has a genetic defect causing a severe complement deficiency, which is another type of immune deficiency.” The Smith family needs your prayers more then ever as continue to find out more info and make some major decisions for Conner. Kristin, my heart goes out to you, I will continue to storm the heavens for your entire family!


Please continue to pray for Jake. Jake is still in ICU, but finally breathing on his own! Praise God! They are looking to take him off the vent tomorrow. Please pray for his BMT to really kick in so this precious child can beat the beast! We Believe!

Reid's page

Please continue to pray for baby Randon. They are now working towards his transplant, but has many hurdles to overcome. The main concern now is his liver functions. Please continue to pray for the miracle Randon desperately needs. Carol, we are covering you and your family each day! Keep holding on tightly.

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:05 AM CDT

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“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12

Greetings my precious friends,

Well, it seems like the months keep rolling by and it’s hard to believe that Jordan’s next visit to St. Jude is right around the corner! In four weeks we will be there for some big tests, and also something very special will happen too. Jordan will celebrate his 21st birthday on Thursday Oct. 12, which is our last scheduled day in Memphis on this trip.Image hosting by TinyPic Gosh, where does the time go?

Thanks so much for your prayers for Jordan’s job, yep, we are still waiting. In fact, he has applied at another store since we still have not heard back from Winn Dixie. When we talked to the people there they said be patient, and they would call! Well, patience is not one of Jordan’s strong points! Ha Ha. He is so ready to have something to do each day, and so am I!

Please keep those prayers coming, we truly appreciate this more than you know! In my last journal update I spoke about September, which is National Children’s Cancer Awareness month. As I write this new update today, I can’t help but remembering how many kids are in treatment, and battling the beast head-on. We must stand with them as they take on the fight and let our voices be heard.

Please remember to keep our special friends in prayer. Brent Nason is facing all kinds of major tests this week. Since he relapsed at the end of December, he has been down a very difficult road. I truly appreciate your prayers and words of encouragement for his family! Jake Raborn is facing surgery again this week. So many kids are in a very hard place and need so much prayer and support. Thank God for Caringbridge, which has given us a place where we can check up on these brave warriors and leave a word of encouragement, pray, let the families know they are not alone in this journey.

Baby Randon is still in ICU and fighting! Carol does not like to take “credit” for being so brave and handling things so well, but she is. This is her second child with this rare genetic disorder. She loves the Lord and continually tries to keep all things in perspective. She is keeping her eyes on the Living God and giving to Him all the glory. Please continue to pray for this special family.

On Monday the world remembered all the brave people from 9-11. I’d like to end with an article I received that morning. I thought it was incredible, so I’d like to pass it on to you now:

As we collectively mourn and remember this tragic day we also see some life lessons emerging. We see nuggets of wisdom and strength that we can take from this shared world-changing event, into our own quiet hardships and disasters.

** Don't let your tragedy define you.

As a city, New York has refused to be defined by this tragedy. She does not cower in fear and refuse to move on. This loss has somehow made this city stronger.

If you are facing a hard and unwelcome change in your life that has been thrust upon you, be determined in inching forward beyond the pain. Don't let the trouble determine who you become. Don't let the tragedy become your definition. Choose how you will be defined... by your loss or by your strength.

** Walk forward with your eyes focused on the future.

When facing great loss there can be a sense that there is no future. Choose daily to walk with your eyes looking forward. Do something small each day to keep pressing on. Walking with your eyes cast backward is a sure way to trip and stumble.

** We all need help in this journey of life.

No one is an island. We need the inspiration and encouragement of one another as we dust ourselves off from the deep pits of life and step out to move forward. Don't isolate yourself in your pain. Be intentional about straining forward.

** Reach out to the Lord!

* God Himself has offered us life that is overflowing with hope and divine help.

* As followers of Jesus we are equipped with the Holy Spirit to help and guide and comfort us in our journey.

* Asking for a fresh filling of His Spirit enables us to walk with confidence even in the midst of very trying times.

If you are facing your own life-changing events today, whether through crisis or choice, remember that, as a believer in Jesus, you are equipped to be more than a conqueror through His power at work in you.

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? ... No in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loves us" (Romans 8:35-39).

I pray these nuggets were a blessing to you. The text referenced in Romans 8 is one of my favorite scriptures in the whole Bible. Yes, who or what could ever separate us from the Love of Christ? No matter what we face He is always there, right beside us with his arms outstretched to help guide us along. He has walked on these difficult roads of life himself, and has experienced everything we will ever have to face. He knows how to comfort us and strengthen us for the battles in our lives. Let’s keep holding on to Jesus, who is our Victory!

Continuing to trust in Him,

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So much has been going on with our buddy Brent, and He is truly counting on your prayers! As I type this he is being prepared for a major test. I’ll just copy what Tonya has requested for prayer. We love you Nasons and are standing with you all the way!

Please pray ......

- The line infection will LEAVE COMPLETELY, AND INSTANTLY! They told us today that we can't start ANY chemo while there's an infection. Pray that it will leave in such a way that all involved will have to take note that it was BY THE HAND OF GOD!

- That we can keep the leg, shin and back pain under control while we wait to start

- PRAY that we can start chemo THIS WEEK!!

- For PERFECT "counts" and liver functions

- For the marrow to HEAL COMPLETELY (This will keep "counts" from falling and delaying chemo)

- MRI of SPINE and PELVIS to be at worst "stable" ... NO NEW GROWTH!

- MIBG to show stable in all areas (except where we already know there's growth)

- For bone marrow aspirates to be CLEAR! (They have been since relapse)

- PLEASE PRAY that this chemo will WORK for Brent with NO DELAYS, NO GROWTH ANYWHERE!!

- Pray for Brent's COMPLETE EARTHLY HEALING!!!!!!!


Conner Smith

Kristin is “still patiently waiting” for Conner’s test results! Meanwhile the kids are doing well, and healthy. Please remember this family in your prayers each day. Drop by and let them know you are too!


Please continue to remember Heather and her wonderful family as they are walking out their new journey without Amazing Jacob... Heather has been journaling on all the things she is learning now as she faces life without Jacob. She is such a gifted writer, and so filled with hope. She is just as amazing as her precious son Jacob! We love you Heather, I’m learning so much from you!


Please continue to pray for Jake. Jake in now in Memphis again, getting ready for a big day tomorrow. He will have another surgery on his lungs to get rid of those nasty tumors! Please, please be in prayer for the Raborns this week. We want a speedy recovery, and for Jake to get back home and enjoy his family there!

Reid's page

Please continue to pray for baby Randon, he is still ICU and needs all the prayers he can get. It’s been a major roller-coaster ride for this family, but they continue to hold on to the Lord! If you will, drop Carol a line and let her know you praying, she could use all the encouragement she can get!

Please also remember some very special angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours that we love and pray for are are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

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Wednesday, September 6, 2006 10:13 AM CDT

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As many of you already know, September is “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month”. For many people, you may not think about childhood cancer other than when you hear of a child that has been diagnosed. I’m very sorry to share these statistics but everyday 40 children are diagnosed with cancer. One out of every 330 children will be diagnosed with some form of childhood cancer, before the age of 20! It’s something that none of us would have ever dreamed of hearing one day. But tomorrow and the next day, and everyday that passes forty more families will join the ranks of thousands of others who are already in the battle when they hear those dreaded words, “Your child has cancer.” Please take time to honor, encourage, and pray for all of those families in this difficult battle, because they need your support so much as they continue to fight each day. Please continue to pray and support our buddy Brent Nason and Jake Raborn, they need your prayers like never before. Thanks so very much, it means more then you know!

On this note, I’d like to share with you something exciting that is going to be taking place on September 25, and if you can try and make it a family night out for a great cause!

“Helping St. Jude's Children's Hospital never tasted so good!”

Chili's restaurant is the place to be on September 25 -- because 100 percent of profits earned on this day will go to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital -- the only hospital for sick children that does not require anyone to pay for treatment. So fundraising is key -- and Chili's has cooked up all sorts of creative ways to help conquer cancer in children.

Besides Donate All Our Profits Day, Chili's is sponsoring a program called Creativity for a Cause -- where customers make a donation and then color a rendering of a pepper. The coloring sheets are displayed at participating restaurants in a chain-like fashion, hanging from the ceilings. Create a Pepper gift cards are also available. For every $25 spent on gift cards, Chili's will donate $1 to St. Jude's. And t-shirts -- black with a white pepper gracing the front -- can be purchased for $12. Kids can even have fun on-line with Chili's crafty creations, including an interactive pepper coloring activity.

All this fundraising goes hand in hand with the development of the Chili's Care Center -- a St. Jude's state-of-the-art building dedicated to groundbreaking research on brain tumors. The center is scheduled to open in Fall 2007 -- thanks to Chili's professionals who over the course of 10 years have donated a historic $50 million to St. Jude's.

Wow, is this awesome or what? Chili's is just one of the many wonderful companies that support St. Jude. Personally we are really excited about this new state of the art building dedicated for research on brain tumors! We have been so blessed by the care we have received for Jordan, and are so grateful to people like yourself who support us. So, make plans for a nice family night out to help St. Jude.

Another great event coming up in September is to support one of our very own CB families. Yes “Brent Nason’s Day” will be held on Sept. 30, 2006. Everyone who can make it up to Mathiston, Mississippi is invited to join in a great day of fun and fellowship. Check out his link to get all the details. Even if you can’t make it up to the event, you can purchase a T-shirt to support Brent, and make Saturday, September 30, a special day of prayer for him. Now on another note.

We are getting closer to listing our home, and praying already for that special buyer the Lord will be sending our way. Our apartment is starting to look like a home too. Thanks so much for your many prayers and words of encouragement. We are hoping Jordan gets his schedule to start work this week! This is a biggie. He is about to drive us all a little crazy! We are so ready for him to get back to work!

On our visit back home this past weekend to work on the house we decided to barbecue some of the meat we had left in our freezer. Well, as my husband Rick was getting things ready he got a call from my nephew Steven who was all excited about a fishing trip he just got home from. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Well, he brought over an ice chest full of some really big fish. Rick helped him clean them up and we threw them on the grill. These were some awesome and tasty Louisiana Red fish! Here is a picture of Jordan holding one of the catch:

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“The big one that didn’t get away!”

Wish we could have had all of you over for dinner on Labor Day, it was a feast! We also got to spend time with our granddaughters Grace and Kayla. Now that was also a real treat!

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Ready for the grill…thanks to Chef Rick!

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Having fun playing together!

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My precious little Kayla…

I’d like to end with a quote I received recently, in light of all we go through on a day to day basis always remember this:

“Rejoice in knowing that you belong to God and that He is conforming you to the image of His Son. See every event of this day as part of that process. Yield to the Spirit's prompting, and take heart that God will accomplish His will.” -- John MacArthur

On the Potter’s Wheel,

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Brent is now back inpatient at St. Jude with a line infection! Please pray with us for this to be cleared up so he can begin chemo soon. Brent is also having pain in his knee area. They will be doing scans soon, let’s continue to believe this tumors are shrinking up and dying. Brent like so many of these warriors has been in the front lines of this horrible battle. Pray for the Lord to keep this family strong, and refreshed. It’s so easy to get weary. We love you Nason family and we are upholding you in prayer each day.

Conner Smith

Kristin is still patiently waiting for Conner’s test results! Please keep this precious family in your prayers. If you don’t know, Conner has a severe immune disorder and gets IVIG infusions every 3 weeks. He is a triplet and his brothers and younger sister also have an immune system disorder also. His mom Kristin, is another special friend of mine who I’ve come to love since I’ve met this family. They are now in serious prayer for wisdom and direction for Conner who may need a bone marrow transplant. Please drop by their site and let them know you are standing behind them in prayer! Kristin, keep holding on!


Please continue to remember Heather and her wonderful family as they are walking out their new journey without Amazing Jacob... Heather has been journaling on all the things she is learning now as she faces life without Jacob. She is such a gifted writer, and so filled with hope. She is just as amazing as her precious son Jacob!


Please continue to pray for Jake. He is getting stronger each day, but is being watched closely. On the 14th of this month Jake will have another ablation in his lungs to remove some tumors there. He needs to be really strong for this procedure again. Let’s keep pressing in for him and his whole family now. We Believe!

Reid's page

Please continue to pray for baby Randon, he is now in ICU and needs all the prayers he can get. If you will, drop Carol a line and let her know you praying, she could use all the encouragement she can get! Randon has been having some good days, we are so grateful for this miracle already!

Please also remember the many angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

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Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:19 AM CDT

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The Awesome Power of Prayer….

“To My friends”

The most precious gift you will ever receive,
Is prayer from someone who in Jesus believes.

It is not wrapped with ribbons or bows,
and few people hear and few people know.

But it's written in the chronicles of heaven.
Each prayer muttered, is a special gift given.

And yes, I said a prayer for you tonight,
For you to be calmed from all your fright.

For healing, and you to learn of God and His ways,
And be able to look up at Him and give Him honor and praise.

I can't see your face and barely know who you are;
But I know one thing, each muttered prayer will go so very far.

Oh my brothers and sisters in Christ;
Each prayer you whisper is the greatest gift you will find.

It comes from the love of a pure heart;
That will last forever and never depart.

Someday we will all meet face to face;
We will be able to give such a warm embrace;

As the Kingdom of Heaven allows us to share;
In person what we can only do in prayer.

The most precious gift you will give is a prayer,
A sweet smelling fragrance so others can live.

By laying down your life in such a simple way,
Gives more to another than any gift will ever convey.

Oh prayer, no, it does not have ribbons or bows;
It costs us our time, and our love that we share.
Author Unknown

Greetings my precious friends,

I hope you took the time to read this awesome poem on prayer. I know many of us sometimes feel that prayer is the “only thing” or the “very least thing” we can do for someone who is going through a difficult time in their lives. But in reality, we should never forget that prayer is the MOST POWERFUL gift we could ever offer to anyone in a time of trouble. It’s the very thing that can and will bring the power and presence of God into a situation and cause things to change. I would like to dedicate this poem to all of those faithful prayer warriors that God has placed in Jordan’s life. I’m just so grateful for every prayer that has gone out on his behalf. We have witnessed so many miracles over the past four years because of them. Jordan is a living testimony of the faithfulness of God and the prayers of so many. I’d like to give special honor to a few women who have committed to pray for Jordan and faithfully keep in touch. They don’t have CB pages, or children that are ill, but they take time each day to pray and encourage so many children. These are women many of you may have noticed that take the time to sign many CB pages, and may also be a prayer warrior for your child! So a great big, heartfelt, thanks go out to Alice Larkin, Fay Thomas, Dorine McNary, Lynn Worley, Gail Dorroh, Marci Connell, and Laurie Fantasia, just to name a few. But if I have missed someone, please, please forgive me, because we really do appreciate all of you so much.

Now, I have some exciting news to share! Guess who got the honor of meeting Fay Thomas this week? Fay is a powerful woman of God who knows the word, prays the word, and stands on the word for several CB families each day. Yes, you guessed it. Jordan and I had the honor of having lunch with her on Monday. Fay…thanks so much for taking the time to visit with us this week and spending the special time to get to know us better. We had such a great time, and you have become such a blessing in our lives. We are thankful for every prayer, and all the scriptures you have shared with us. Now, here is a picture we took:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Thanks so much for that awesome lunch Fay!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic You’re the Best Mrs. Fay!

Thanks to all you who offered prayers for my “aching back” this week. Yes, I’m still in physical therapy! When I went today, the therapist assigned me to someone with a “lighter touch” as she put it! Image and video hosting by TinyPic See, your prayers are working, and she is having some mercy on me! Ha Ha! I will get the victory in this area.

Jordan is still waiting on his schedule for work, and beginning to get impatient. This kid wants to work, and trust me he needs to work. Please pray for things to speed up for him in this area. I pray you will all have a wonderful and safe Labor Day Weekend. We will go back to our other house to continue tying up all the loose ends. We should officially list our house by next week. It’s hurricane season down here right now, and the housing market is a little slow, but we believe that God will send a buyer our way. I’m blessed to have this nice apartment to live in while we wait to sell our house, but I will not miss “big foot” upstairs at all. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I’d like to end with a really neat quote I read recently on prayer; "When I don't pray in light of God's word, I set my sights too low." - Dr. Drew Conley We serve a mighty God!

With a grateful heart,

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Thanks so much for all the out-pouring of prayer and love you have shown for the Nason family. If you have not visited this site, you are missing a major blessing! Let me just quote Tonya for her prayer requests now:

“This Friday is the day I take the little ones back for the neuroblastoma (urine) test. Please pray with us that their levels will be PERFECTLY NORMAL! Brent will also be seen again and we'll do labs. Pray that the ANC, HGB, and platelets are still going UP! Please also pray that his liver levels have been dropping and he's right next to normal, if he's not there already.” OK, Tonya, we have you covered!

Conner Smith

Kristin is still patiently waiting for Conner’s test results! Please keep this precious family in your prayers. If you don’t know, Conner has a severe immune disorder and gets IVIG infusions every 3 weeks. He is a triplet and his brothers and younger sister also have an immune system disorder also. His mom Kristin, is another special friend of mine who I’ve come to love since I’ve met this family. They are now in serious prayer for wisdom and direction for Conner who may need a bone marrow transplant. Please drop by their site and let them know you are standing behind them in prayer! Kristin, keep holding on!


Please continue to remember Heather and her wonderful family as they are walking out their new journey without Amazing Jacob... Heather has been journaling on all the things she is learning now as she faces life without Jacob. She is such a gifted writer, and so filled with hope. She is just as amazing as her precious son Jacob!


Please continue to pray for Jake. He has a lot going on now, but he has a fighting spirit, and a great team of warriors who are supporting him around the clock. He is now back in Memphis and will stay there so they can monitor him. Please drop by and let them know you are praying for him each day. We Believe!

Reid's page

Please continue to pray for baby Randon, he is now in ICU and needs all the prayers he can get. If you will, drop Carol a line and let her know you praying, she could use all the encouragement she can get! Randon has been having some good days, we are so grateful for this miracle already!

Please also remember the many angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Mark and Mylissa are ministering to so many families now, please continue to cover them in your prayers each day. Thanks guys for laying down your life for so many!

[Click here to find out more]

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Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:29 PM CDT

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Our special visitor this week!

“Despite all these things.” Romans 8:37 NLT

Wilma Rudolph won 3 gold medals at the 1960 Olympic. What she accomplished isn’t as impressive as what she overcame. As a child “Willie” contracted polio and couldn’t walk without braces. Then at age 13 she regained the use of her legs and went on to become the fastest woman alive. But her challenges were not just physical. One of 22 children born to a poor black family, she inspired us by transcending poverty and racial prejudice. She said, “I can’t has never been in my vocabulary.”

At age 2, Scott Hamilton, another famous Olympian skater, stopped growing because of a childhood illness that almost killed him. But his parents encouraged his rehabilitation by teaching him to skate – and the rest is history!

In 1976 when Brad Parks was injured in an accident that left him in a wheelchair, he strengthened his arm by whacking tennis balls against his garage door. Three years later he formed the National Foundation of Wheelchair Tennis.

Paul said, “Despite all these things…victory is ours through Christ.” Rick Warren writes: “Why does God use our weaknesses? Because when he does, he gets all the glory. If God only used your strengths, others would look at you and be discouraged. But when God uses you in spite of your weaknesses…they realize, “If God could them, He could use me too!” Your weaknesses are not an accident. God…allowed them for the purpose of demonstrating his power through you.

Greetings my precious friends,

I just received this awesome devotional on “overcoming”, and was so excited to share this with you! I don’t think there is a time in our lives we not faced with things to “overcome”. From the little daily things we face, to fighting for our lives or the life of our children.

I’ve always loved the quote that Patti, a friend of mine, placed on the top of Haley, her daughter’s webpage. Haley was a precious little girl that Jordan and I lived with at the Ronald McDonald House in Memphis. She had a fighting spirit, and a giving heart. She taught so many people how to live as an overcomer in her short life. This family believed the words quoted below, and more importantly lived it everyday in spite of their circumstances:

“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking, which more than anything else will determine its’ outcome.”
To honor the life of our sweet Haley, please try to live by this quote. Haley Lynette Mathis: April 10, 1993 - June 21, 2005

When we look at people who possess great Godly character, we see this thread of the “Spirit of an Overcomer” woven in the tapestry of their lives.

I went to a Physical Therapy treatment today for the first time in over a year. I injured my back many moons ago, and I now have three herniated disks. The pain comes and goes, but has mostly been “coming” rather than “going” since all the work of packing and unpacking during our recent move. (As most of you know by now my husband got transferred, and we just moved to a new city). Anyway, I knew I needed to get some help so I prayed, “God, please help!”, opened up the yellow pages, and tried to find the closest PT office to Joel’s new school so I could go after I dropped him off in the morning. Well, today I went for my first treatment. To say the least it was a very unique experience for me. The instructor was more like a drill sergeant from the Marines, that spoke with a Russian accent. Get the picture? Image and video hosting by TinyPic

She continually made comments like, “Oh, this is so pathetic”, when she asked me to do certain moves. Well, my back has become very weak over the years, and I know I need to strengthen the muscles around the injury to help protect it from getting any worse. “No pain - No gain” as they say, and I had plenty of pain to go around. It was one really rough “first” session. She pulled, stretched, and twisted me in ten different directions to get my back and hips back in line. This is going to be a lot of work for me to keep up with the program. When I first walked out I thought, “I’m not going back, this is too hard”. Then I started thinking about all of the brave children who endure so much more than a little discomfort. Yes, and that’s when that quote about “attitude” came back to my mind.

There are so many people fighting so hard right now, and it’s their attitude that continues to inspire and challenge me. It would take pages and pages to name all those who have been such an example to me, but right now I think about friends like Tonya, Brent’s mom, Carol, Randon’s mom, Heather, Jacob’s mom, Susan, Timmy’s mom, Mary, Elisha’s mom, and Dawn, Shae’s mom. All of these in the midst of life’s greatest difficulties continue to press on and overcome, one day at a time. In their weakness, I can see God’s strength being manifest.

Thanks so much for taking this journey with us, and for faithfully praying and encouraging us. We go back to Jordan’s endo doctor in September for some big tests, including another dexa scan of Jordan’s bones. In October it’s time for our next “Big Scan” in Memphis. The journey goes on. With Jesus by our side, and all your faithful prayers and words of encouragement we will win this battle, and overcome like so many have done before us.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Learning to overcome,

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Brent is finally out of the hospital and his ANC is on the rise! We are very excited this news. Link and Tonya are now getting ready for Brent’s new chemo. They need prayer for direction, and for his ANC to get to 500. They are believing this chemo will be available soon. Let’s keep cheering them on, they need all the prayer they can get! Thanks so much. Tonya asks for us to:

* Pray for Brent's COMPLETE EARTHLY HEALING! (Amen, sister!)

Conner Smith

Kristin is now patiently waiting for Conner’s test results. Please keep this precious family in your prayers. If you don’t know, Conner has a severe immune disorder and gets IVIG infusions every 3 weeks. He is a triplet and his brothers and younger sister also have an immune system disorder also. His mom Kristin, is another special friend of mine who I’ve come to love since I’ve met this family. They are now in serious prayer for wisdom and direction for Conner who may need a bone marrow transplant. Please drop by their site and let them know you are standing behind them in prayer! Kristin, keep holding on!


Please continue to remember Heather and her wonderful family as they are walking out their new journey without Amazing Jacob... Heather has been journaling on all the things she is learning now as she faces life without Jacob. She is such a gifted writer, and so filled with hope. She is just as amazing as her precious son Jacob!


Please continue to pray for Jake. He has a lot going on now, but he has a fighting spirit, and a great team of warriors who are supporting him around the clock. Please drop by and let them know you are praying for him each day.

Reid's page

Please continue to pray for baby Randon, he is now in ICU and needs all the prayers he can get. If you will, drop Carol a line and let her know you praying, she could use all the encouragement she can get! Randon has been having some good days, we are so grateful for this miracle already!

Please also remember the many angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Shortly after getting settled in their new home Mylissa’s dad had open-heart surgery. He just got home and is now recuperating. Please keep this precious family in your prayers. <"/font">

[Click here to find out more]

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Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:52 PM CDT

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(Thanks so much Laurie for making this beautiful graphic for us!)

"The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time."
- Abraham Lincoln

Greetings to you my precious friends,

I’m still digging through our boxes, and I’m starting to see a little more of our apartment each day! As I am doing this I’m thinking in a few months, I’ll be putting this stuff back in boxes when we find our new home. Image hosting by TinyPic OK, I think this is going to be our way of life for some time now. But to be sure, there will be a lot fewer boxes than when we first started this journey, because we have de-junked our lives a bunch.

I’m excited to share some exciting news; Jordan got a job! I thought he would want to wait a while before we started looking, but after shopping in a grocery store down the road, he decided to go ask the manager if they needed help. (Now, how’s that for an ambitious kid?) We filled out the application and he was hired the same day. Jordan will work at the Winn Dixie in the front of the store, and do some stocking work. He is so excited. He called his former manager at Office Depot and let him know immediately. We will be getting his schedule soon, and start out with 15 hours a week. Way to go Jordan. Image hosting by TinyPic

We have now named our neighbor upstairs “BIG~FOOT”. Every morning and evening, we hear him stomping around. He is very busy up there. Ahh, the wonders of Apartment life! But really, it’s pretty quiet around here, and the grounds are kept up nicely. Here is a picture of Jordan standing outside our building.

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This past Saturday was a very special day; it was Rick and I’s 28th wedding anniversary. Wow, where has the time gone? It only seems like yesterday. I feel in love with the most wonderful man. I walked into a Christian bookstore needing help finding a bible, and he stole my heart with his kind and gentle ways. He invited me to a bible study, and after 2 weeks, asked me to be his wife! Well, it’s all history now. God has blessed us with 5 sons, 2 granddaughters and one more grandchild on the way. I love and appreciate Rick more each day. I could never have raised these boys without him. He has always been there to help out, and is truly my knight in shinning amour. I love you Richard Amato, you are the best friend, dad, and husband. I’m so grateful for you. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Well, this has been fun, but it's time to get busy again. I would like to end with a beautiful article a CB mom wrote recently. Mary’s son Elisha stole my heart over a year ago, and has since earned his wings and is now playing and laughing on the lap of Jesus. Elisha was Mary’s only child. This has been such struggle, but she continues to lean on Jesus to carry her through. We love you Mary. You are such an example to us all. We miss Elisha, and one day look forward to seeing him, as he helps escort us through those pearly gates! Oh what a day that will be for us all.

Please take time to read the prayer requests listed below. I covet your prayers, and I am so grateful for your visit today.

Always remember this promise:

"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

With Hope,

Susan & Jordan


After the Downpour

After the downpour there is calmness... a long awaited stillness. After the down pour there is newness on the verge of rising with in the damaged heart. A divine meeting with restoration is just a head after the downpour. A clarity of mind is right around the corner. His love is magnified and can be felt in the very depths of the heart that thought He was no longer there. A pressing determination rises with every new day after. A new eagerness to live encompasses the spirit that was broken, the mind that was so weary, the ONE who lost ALL sight of hope. HIS voice can be heard clearly in the heart and mind. HE is always calling to us longing for us to hear Him. After the downpour... His precious voice no longer seems like a whisper.

Written By Mary Henderson


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A lot has been going on with our buddy Brent. I so appreciate your prayers, keep them coming!
Here is a list that Tonya posted today for prayer. We’re standing with you Tonya, Brent and family.

· Please pray that whatever is going on in Brent's tummy is ON IT'S WAY OUT!
* Pray that the ultrasound will be NORMAL!
* Pray for QUICK return on his ANC
* Pray for GOD'S GUIDANCE as we choose yet ANOTHER chemo for Brent

Conner Smith

Kristin is now patiently waiting for Conner’s test results. Please keep this precious family in your prayers. If you don’t know, Conner has a severe immune disorder and gets IVIG infusions every 3 weeks. He is a triplet and his brothers and younger sister also have an immune system disorder also. His mom Kristin, is another special friend of mine who I’ve come to love since I’ve met this family. They are now in serious prayer for wisdom and direction for Conner who may need a bone marrow transplant. Please drop by their site and let them know you are standing behind them in prayer! Kristin, keep holding on!


Please continue to remember Heather and her wonderful family as they are walking out their new journey without Amazing Jacob... Heather has been journaling on all the things she is learning now as she faces life without Jacob. She is such a gifted writer, and so filled with hope. She is just as amazing as her precious son Jacob!


Please continue to pray for Jake. He has a lot going on now, but he has a fighting spirit, and a great team of warriors who are supporting him around the clock. Please drop by and let them know you are praying for him each day.

Reid's page

Please continue to pray for baby Randon, he is now in ICU and needs all the prayers he can get. If you will, drop Carol a line and let her know you praying, she could use all the encouragement she can get!

Please also remember the many angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, Elisha and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Shortly after getting settled in their new home Mylissa’s dad had open-heart surgery. He just got home and is now recuperating. Please keep this precious family in your prayers.

[Click here to find out more]

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Wednesday, August 9, 2006 7:55 PM CDT

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“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God”. I Thes. 5:16-18

Greetings to my faithful and patient friends!

Wow, I feel like I’ve been away for such a very long time, and really I guess that I have. Image hosting by TinyPic Even if I don’t get the chance to post an update, I’m always online checking up on all my precious CB friends and their brave warriors. Gosh, I’ve missed you all so much, and I’m looking forward to catching up on all of your journeys.

Now, I’ve been busy, but I never forgot to take time to pray for so many of you during this week away. I’ve been praying especially hard for Brent this week, baby Randon, and Jake. I’ll fill you in on the details of their needs on my prayer request list below.

Thanks to you all of you who have been praying for us during our relocation move last week. I’ve felt them, needed them, and they have made this transition a smooth one. Image hosted by TinyPic.com We are now living in an apartment, I have not done this since my college days. I’m sure you have figured out that was a long time ago! It feels strange when I pull up to the complex each day. Joel and Jordan said, “Mom, it’s like we are on a vacation”. I just laughed and thought, “Not my definition of one”!

We are finally getting settled in a bit, but it’s happening slowly. Gosh, there is just so much to do, so many things to change, etc, etc, etc. Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Joel started school on Monday, and much to my surprise (and I’m sure to his too), he had a great day. He seems to be adjusting a lot quicker then I ever anticipated! He took this move the hardest, with having to leave his school and all his friends. So, I cannot tell you how this blesses my heart! I’ve been earnestly praying God would send good friends to him at his new school. He is now attending a private Christian school in this area. God is so good.

Jordan is doing well, and so ready to “meet some of our new neighbors”. When we moved to our old house 10 years ago, it didn’t take long for him to make so many friends in our neighborhood. After our first day there, he came home and told me that a family he had just met invited him to dinner! It wasn’t long after that Jordan was introducing us to all his new friends. Before too long I’m sure he will be doing the same thing here in the complex. He never meets a stranger!

We have been traveling back home on the weekends to finish packing, and preparing our home to sell. We hope to do this for only a few more weeks. Please begin praying with us for the Lord to send us a buyer. As you all know, we are in Hurricane Season again, and this can be a difficult time to have a house on the market. Now, I won’t look at how big that mountain is, but focus on how great and mighty our God is! Amen?

I need to wrap this one up for now, but I wanted to take a minute to let you know how much I missed all of you, and to just to say that I appreciate knowing you are out there for us! Whatever battles you may face this week, keep holding on to Jesus! He truly is a ROCK that we can stand on and be safe from every storm.

Well, it’s time to get back to unpacking. Boxes, boxes, and more boxes; I just love boxes filled with stuff I don’t have a clue where to put. Oh well, there is always “under the bed”!

So grateful for each and everyone of you,

Susan & Jordan

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Brent got some good news with his biopsy; it appears there are tumor cells there that are dying! He start running a fever a few days ago, and he’s back inpatient at St. Jude. He’s also had some really bad stomach pains. They did some testing, and not sure what the cause is. Please agree with us that this will come to an end soon, and Brent can start feeling like himself again. Tonya is now back home schooling her sons. She is the most amazing mom, and very brave too! Please keep this precious family in your prayers each day. Drop by Brent’s site, you will be glad you did!

Conner Smith

Conner has a severe immune disorder and gets IVIG infusions every 3 weeks. He is a triplet and his brothers and younger sister also have an immune system disorder also. His mom Kristin, is another special friend of mine who I’ve come to love since I’ve met this family. They are now in serious prayer for wisdom and direction for Conner who may need a bone marrow transplant. Please drop by their site and let them know you are standing behind them in prayer! Kristin, keep holding on!


Please continue to remember Heather and her wonderful family as they are walking out their new journey without Amazing Jacob... Heather has been journaling on all the things she is learning now as she faces life without Jacob. She is such a gifted writer, and so filled with hope. She is just as amazing as her precious son Jacob!

Jake Owen Raborn Jake

Our little man is back in the hospital with shingles. Ouch, they are so painful. He is now at LSU, and needs platelets. Please go to his site and see how you may be able to help out!

Please also remember the many angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to meet these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. Shortly after getting settled in their new home Mylissa’s dad had open-heart surgery. He just got home and is now recuperating. Please keep this precious family in your prayers.

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:15 AM CDT

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"When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen: there will be something solid for you to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly." Patrick Overton

Greetings my precious friends!

Well the time is finally here. Yes the moving van will be in our driveway tomorrow! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Ready or not, it’s time to go. This move is very bittersweet for us. I’m going to keep trusting that God is up to something really good, even when we don’t fully understand why.

Rick and I just got back from a quick trip to Los Angeles, CA. A very dear friend of ours turned 70, and we would not have missed her birthday for anything! She had a big “Hawaiian Luau” birthday bash to celebrate. Over 150 friends and family from all across the country came to join the party. The party was hosted at the home of another very dear and close friends of ours in Pasadena, so we enjoyed spending time with them as well. They are not only our good friends, but also spiritual mentors. In other words, they have helped us keep on that straight and narrow path for many years. The trip was quick, but we were able to pack in a lot, and made some very special memories that we will cherish for a long time to come.

Jordan is doing much better now, thanks so much for your prayers. Oh, and thanks for being so happy for us about the Christmas gift-wrap. I will take a picture of Jordan with it soon so you’ll know which one he designed.

I have some very exciting “praise reports” below and also some prayer requests as well. But before I share them I have an excellent devotional that I received in my email the other day. It’s so awesome, and so true.

I pray you are all doing well, and staying cool. We love you guys, and I can’t begin to tell you how much Jordan and I enjoy reading the guest book. Your words go further then you’ll ever know, and we are so grateful for each and every prayer and kind remark. If you are a lurker, it’s OK, but if you ever feel like taking an extra moment to drop us a line that would be great. We would love to know who you are!

Now for the devotional…..

Paul taught that life's predicaments could produce godly character in us. . Here are some suggestions for overcoming difficult things in your life:

1. Remember that your troubles did not take God by surprise. He is still in control.

2. Believe that God has a solution, a provision, or a gift of wisdom to match your difficulty.

3. Pray, affirming your faith in God and expressing your confidence in His loving purpose for you.

4. Wait with expectancy and availability, trusting God to work out His perfect will.

5. Praise Him- even before He acts.

This gives God an opportunity to work creatively, both in us and in our circumstances. Best of all, even if circumstances don't change, He uses them to change us!

Giving thanks in all things!

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Thanks so much for you many prayers. Brent did well with his knee surgery, and is feeling great. His counts are good, but we need to keep praying they stay up there. Link and Tonya are now waiting for the biopsy report for his knee. We are believing the tumor is dying, and there is no bacterial infection going on! We love you guys.

Conner Smith

Conner has a severe immune disorder and gets IVIG infusions every 3 weeks. He is a triplet and his brothers and younger sister also have an immune system disorder also. His mom Kristin, is another special friend of mine who I’ve come to love since I’ve met this family. They are now in serious prayer for wisdom and direction for Conner who may need a bone marrow transplant. Please drop by their site and let them know you are standing behind them in prayer! Kristin, keep holding on!


Please continue to remember Heather and her wonderful family as they are walking out their new journey without Amazing Jacob... Heather has been journaling on all the things she is learning now as she faces life without Jacob. She is such a gifted writer, and so filled with hope. She is just as amazing as her precious son Jacob!


Guess who is HOME SWEET HOME??? Jake and his family! Now this is one of the greatest miracles I have witnessed on Caringbridge! Please continue to pray his counts stay high, and Jake gets stronger and stronger each day. We are so blessed and so grateful for all God is doing in this family!

Reid's page
Please remember to keep "baby Randon" in your prayers and the whole Miller family. He needs a miracle, and we are all believing God for it. Please drop by and let Carol know you are praying for her, she could use an encouraging word!

Please also remember the many angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to met these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. They now have a blog on their site; please take a minute to read about all the lives they have touched. You will be so blessed!

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:37 PM CDT

“ Courage makes the difference between discouragement and determination, between surrender and success. Courage is not blind to dangers or difficulties; it is the capacity to persist in spite of fears, failures and suffering. That is why courage permeates every aspect of a worthy life”… (Author unknown)

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It’s getting closer and closer to our moving day, and we sure have been busy. Things could not be crazier. I have four sons home now and my dryer went out a few days ago. I called Maytag and they said they could come out in 4-6 weeks! Image hosting by TinyPic First I laughed, and then I wanted to cry. Do you know how many loads a day I wash? OK, you get the picture. My husband is replacing part by part trying to get it to work, and in the meantime, we’re hanging clothes out to dry in our garage. Now this has been fun…

I want to thank you all for your prayers. Jordan did so well with his wisdom teeth being removed! Now, in “Jordan’s fashion”, he got up during the night and drank some juice before his surgery. Does this sound familiar to you? Image hosting by TinyPic So…when the doctor’s asked when was the last time he ate or drank, he had to tell them. Well, anesthesia was out, and we were going to have to re-schedule the surgery for another day. Since we already drove almost 2 hours to get to the dental school, the surgeon asked Jordan if he was willing to let him try to do the procedure with a local. At first he wasn’t sure, but then said he would try. (now that is my definition of courage…) Well, it only took 20 minutes or so, and Jordan was minus 4 wisdom teeth. By the way, two were really impacted. (Ouch!)

His jaw is still swollen and sore for sure. But we are just so blessed we did not have to deal with any complications with the anesthesia! It really worked out for the best. God is so good. Way to go Jordan, we are so proud of you.

I have all kinds of news to share with you, and I’ll start with something fun. Yesterday we received a long box in the mail from St. Jude. Now, in case you don’t know, Jordan loves to order things and receive “packages” in the mail. Image hosting by TinyPic So my first thought was, “What did Jordan order now?” One day, I ‘ll tell you more about that hobby! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Well, there was Christmas gift-wrap in the box. I thought, this is odd. Why would St. Jude be sending us Christmas paper in July? Well, there was a card in the box telling us that when Jordan entered the coloring contest for St. Jude last year, his pattern was chosen for this year’s Christmas collection! He got so excited! (and so did I) It’s really cute, it lots of different colored Christmas tress on a green background. I remembered coming down from the library on the second floor of the hospital and there was Jordan sitting at the tables in the middle of all these children coloring away. He was smiling ear to ear and hollered for me to come see his picture! He is such a kid at heart. Anyway, this paper will be sold at Wal-Mart and K-Mart (and a few other stores) this season. Keep a lookout for the St. Jude paper, and you will love wrapping your gifts with Jordan’s design. This also helps support St. Jude at the same time!

Now, for a very serious prayer request. A very dear friend of mine through CB, just gave birth to a beautiful little boy named “Randon” this past week. Carol had another baby boy named Reid who was diagnosed with bone marrow failure several years ago, and has since then became an angel. She has been walking through her journey of grief and believed God that this new baby would be healthy and perfect. She experienced a very difficult pregnancy this time and was sick often. Well, it wasn’t long after Randon’s birth they discovered he has the same bone marrow disease his brother Reid had. This news of course is such a shock to everyone. Carol and her family are very strong Christians, and they know God has a special plans for Randon. They are facing many obtastacles ahead, and if all goes well, Carol will be separated from her other three children while Randon is placed in another hospital out of town. This will be so difficult for Carol and her children. Please agree with us that one of her other children will be a perfect match for Randon, and this child will overcome this dreadful disease. We know this is not too difficult for the Lord! If you will, please stop by Reid’s site and let Carol know you are praying for her and her family now, the prayers and encouragement would mean so much!
Reid's page

I’d like to end this journal with another prayer request and some good news. Guess what? Brent’s counts went up, and he started back on his chemo! Image and video hosting by TinyPic God is so good, and we are all so grateful. Brent has been having some pain in his knee, and it’s believed to be an infection. Now this would be much better then new growth of a tumor, but in any case, the Nasons really need your prayers big time. Brent will have an ultra sound and scans in these next few days to check out the whole situation. Please believe with us for a good report. As you all know the Nason’s have been in the heat of the battle these days, and yet their faith remains unshaken. Gosh, what a courageous family they are, and our buddy Brent is such a fighter! Thanks so much for caring and praying for this very dear family to us.

I’d like to end with a great devotional I read recently about faith. I know this will bless and encourage you today as you stand on God’s promises for your lives now.

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“Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was absolutely convinced that God was able to do anything he promised”. —Romans 4:20-21

The King James Version of this verse says Abraham was “fully persuaded” (v. 21). When you are dealing with something as impossible as having a child at the age of one hundred, your faith must be rock-solid! Abraham faced the fact that his body was dead (Romans 4:19), but he did not allow that consideration to weaken his faith. He came to a point in which his beliefs did not waver and he was “fully persuaded.”

When confronted with an impossibility, you must face the facts with the truth, which is embodied in the promises of God. As you spend time meditating on the promises of God, you will become “fully persuaded.” His promises will so saturate your mind and thinking that you will no longer waver in doubt when looking at outward circumstances. Rather, your heart will be convinced and remain fixed, regardless of what your mind thinks. Your heart will overflow with a faith that knows God has the power to do what He has promised. At that point, nothing the devil can do or say will move you from your position of faith.

Keep reading, studying, and digging into God’s promises. Persist in tearing down any area of unbelief, until you are “fully persuaded.”

Walking in faith,

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Please continue to pray for Brent’s knee and his complete healing here on earth. This child is just precious, and had been through so much in the last 2 years. His faith is amazing, and I love him like a son. Your prayers mean the world to the Nason family. If you go by Brent’s site, I promise you, you will be so encouraged and uplifted. And I must say, you will leave with a great big smile on your face. No matter what Tonya is going through, she finds humor and is filled with joy of the Lord. We love the Nason Family!

Conner Smith

Conner has a severe immune disorder and gets IVIG infusions every 3 weeks. He is a triplet and his brothers and younger sister also have an immune system disorder also. His mom Kristin, is another special friend of mine who I’ve come to love since I’ve met this family. They are now in serious prayer for wisdom and direction for Conner who may need a bone marrow transplant. Please drop by their site and let them know you are standing behind them in prayer! Kristin, keep holding on!


Please continue to remember Heather and her wonderful family as they are walking out their new journey without Amazing Jacob... Heather has been journaling on all the things she is learning now as she faces life without Jacob. She is such a gifted writer, and so filled with hope. She is just as amazing as her precious son Jacob!


If all goes well, our little Jake man will be going home! Yes, you read this right, home sweet home. This child is truly a miracle and God is hearing all the many prayers going out on his behalf. Please continue to pray for his complete healing.

Please also remember the many angels and their families, Timmy, Haley, Jeremiah, Shae, Reid, and Jacob. Some other special friends of ours are Genna, Danny, Logan, Joseph, Luke, Ryan, Kara, Zach, Lizzie, Steven, and Bella. We are so grateful the Lord allowed us to met these brave warriors!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! The Horrocks are now officially in Memphis, and in the short time they have been here have been so busy blessing so many people’s lives. I’m just so honored to know and support such an incredible ministry. They now have a blog on their site; please take a minute to read about all the lives they have touched. You will be so blessed!

[Click here to find out more]

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:09 AM CDT

My doctor told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother.
~ Wilma Rudolph

I've read the last page of the Bible. It's all going to turn out all right.
~ Billy Graham

God's answers are wiser than our prayers.

"The light in the eyes of him whose heart is joyful, rejoices the heart of others..."
--Proverbs 15:30

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
--Erin Majors

The value of consistent prayer is not that He will hear us, but that we will hear Him. ~William McGill

Prayer requires more of the heart than of the tongue. ~Adam Clarke

God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer. ~Mother Teresa

Any fool can count the seeds in an apple. Only God can count all the apples in one seed. ~Robert H. Schuller

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teresa

I had a thousand questions to ask God; but when I met him they all fled and didn't seem to matter. ~Christopher Morley, Inward Ho!, 1923

To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may
be the world. Author Unknown

Greetings to you my precious friends,

I wanted to share some inspirational thoughts with you today. I’m sure it is no surprise, I really love to read and share quotes. I hope they blessed you as much as they did me, and give you some food for this week.

This will be a short one. We have so much going on now, I sometimes feel like I don’t have time to breath. Well, since we have been home, we have been very busy packing, packing and packing! Image and video hosting by TinyPicWe still a long way to go, and a short time to get there. The big rush for us is getting moved to our apartment before school starts for Joel. I was really surprised to learn school begins the First Monday in August! Gosh, it seems to get earlier each year! (This is not a bad thing!) Once we get settled in we will begin to look for a job for Jordan. He is actually excited about a new start. He’s been with Office Depot for 2 years now. I’m so proud of him.

On Wednesday Jordan will have all 4 wisdom teeth removed…ouch! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Please pray he will not have any problems with the anesthesia! This should be interesting. You never think about a movement disorder being a problem until you start thinking of things you must do, like staying really still. I believe it will all work out well, and there will be no problems. I will let you know how things went on Thursday.

We will also do another sleep test now that Jordan is on medication for his disorder later this month. So, as usual we stay on the go. Please take time to read our prayer requests and praise reports. I pray you all have a wonderful week, I’ll be checking back in soon!

With a grateful heart,

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We are still waiting for Brent’s counts to come back up! The Lord blessed Brent the honor of going to a great concert this past Sunday night, and guess who he got to meet? Jeremy Camp! Yes, how exciting. God’s favor is all over our little buddy. Please continue to believe with us for his complete healing here on earth! We love you Brent…


Guess what? I’ve got a great “praise report”! Jake did wonderful with his lung surgery, and did not have to go on the vent! Yes!!! And his AFP markers are coming down, down, down! God is so good. Please continue to pray for him on his journey to a complete healing.

Bella Horrock

Wow, I’ve got another “praise report”!! Bella is NED for the 3rd year now! Do we serve a miracle working God? I’m just so happy for this wonderful family. They have arrived safely in Memphis to work full time with Habitat For Hope. Look out Memphis; the Horrock’s have arrived! We love you guys. Thanks for you willingness to lay down your life for the call.


[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:54 AM CDT


I Thes. 1: 2-5 "Every time we think of you, we thank God for you. Day and night you're in our prayers as we call to mind your work of faith, your labor of love, and your patience of hope in following our Master, Jesus Christ, before God our Father. It is clear to us, friends, that God not only loves you very much but also has put his hand on you for something special!"

Greeting to all my precious friends and faithful prayer warriors,

I choose this scripture today, because in my heart I am so grateful for all the prayers, words of encouragement, patience, and HOPE that you continue to shower us with daily. Without all of your amazing love and support, this journey would be so much more difficult. So a great big thank you to every one of our precious friends that helps us keep on going.

Before I share all the details of our visit to St. Jude, I want to let you know the medical stuff first. I'll start with the most important news. Jordan's brain tumor has remained "stable". The new areas of enhancement are still there, but have not changed. So this is GREAT news! Image hosting by TinyPic I was ready to hear the tumor was shrinking, but I know in God's time I will hear those wonderful words. Meanwhile, I'll continue to count my blessings for sure. Your prayers were heard once again, and no doubt have made the difference. (Thanks so much!)

We were not able to complete our scans once again! Image hosting by TinyPic
Jordan was given general anesthesia this time for his MRI, and all the doctors were very confident it would control his movement disorder. However, around 30 minutes into the MRI Jordan began to have seizure like movements. I won't go into those details, but after administering a higher dosage to put him into a deeper level of sedidation, his blood pressure dropped dramatically, and the rest of the studies were aborted. Poor guy…all this has been tough on him, but he is a trooper and keeps a good attitude even when things don’t go quite right.

We are going to reschedule everything again in October, and this time they are planning to put Jordan under full anesthesia again and incubate him completely. There is a lot more involved in this level of sedation, but we have to do this now. I must say I was disappointed we could not complete the scans again, and I am very concerned. Please believe with us that God will heal Jordan of these involuntary movements. The doctors at St. Jude do not have any answers, and it is being considered an extremely rare condition. But we never loose sight of our mighty God who is able to heal him completely! Amen?

Jordan also had an auditory appointment and the findings revealed that he has lost some hearing. This is apparently a direct result of his radiation. When they said the word "hearing aids" Jordan was like "NO WAY!" So, I'm going to believe we get some better scores next time.

Well, I think that is enough of the medical issues! Over all, we left encouraged and with a grateful heart for the good news about his tumor.

Now, for the really good news:

As many of you know, I met Tonya Nason and her wonderful family last year through Caringbride. We connected instantly. We've kept really close and God has knit our hearts together. We both really wanted to see each other on this visit, but it did not look like it was going to work out for us. God did the supernatural and we were able to be together the entire time I was there! Oh boy, now talk about FUN! She is a riot, and really I was so busy having a great time with her I never had a single moment to allow fear or discouragement to come anywhere near me. Now, isn't God good?

Jordan was able to have lots of fun with Brent. This child has the biggest heart in all the world, and talk about a precious personality! You cannot help but fall in love with him instantly. With all that Brent is going through in his battle with cancer, he was concerned for Jordan and wanted to bless him. Gosh, talk about teaching you life lessons on bearing one another's burdens; this child's example spoke volumes to us! So, a great big "thanks" goes out to you Brent for all you did for Jordan and for me. We loved every moment we got to spend with you sweetie, and we are believing that God will completely heal you! Tonya, I would just love to snatch him up! (Well, maybe just for a weekend).

You have raised him so well. He is so polite, thoughtful, generous, and best of all loves Jesus with all of his heart. What more can I say? Brent, you are the best!Image hosted by TinyPic.com

I hope I have not held you too long reading this novel? Oh, I wanted end with one final picture of Tonya and I. Now you can put some faces to our journals. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone too! God is so good, All the time!

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Our First night out!

Always giving thanks for you all,

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Please continue to pray with us for Brent’s platelets to rebound. As soon as he gets those numbers up he can resume his chemo! He is beginning to get his taste back and we are blessed, but he needs to get more food in for sure. Let's keep asking the Lord to restore that area fully for him! This is the disire of Brent's heart, and he always prays before his meals that it will come back! Oh, he's just so cute, what can I say?


Please continue to pray for our little warrior Jake. The Raborns met with his doctors recently and are planning on surgery for those nasty tumors in his lungs. Please go to their site for the latest update! Please for the miracle he desperately needs now.

Bella Horrock

Bella is the daughter of Mark and Mylissa from Habitat For Hope. Bella will be having her scans done on July 17th. Please pray for a good report, and traveling mercies as they make their move up to Memphis before it. This is a very exciting time for this family. I will fill you in more later. Please also continue to pray for God to send a buyer for their home in Florida.


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Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:01 AM CDT

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“So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock.” Isaiah 26:6 (Amplified)

Greetings to my wonderful friends and prayer warriors,

I trust you all had a nice 4th of July weekend. For us it was a long weekend of packing. Rick will be transferred next month to another office that is around 1½ hours away. We have lived in this home for almost 10 years, and oh, do we have stuff! Lots of it, and everywhere. We've been going through boxes and boxes from our attic and closets, and it's taking us so long just to get that done. It seems like they are packed full of so many memories. Change is hard. I'm not that thrilled about the move, but the good news is I'm really not going to be that far away from all the people I love. OK, let's not go there, it can get emotional for me. You get the picture I'm sure. Image hosting by TinyPic

Guess what? We have finally received Jordan's sleep test results. OK, here's the report. Jordan has "Periodic Limb Movement Disorder". Now, we are not sure what has caused this at his age, but considering some other options it could of been, I guess this news is not all that bad. So, I'm grateful. We have to put him on medication for this condition, and that is the hard part. He is on so many meds already, just another one to add to the list. Jordan was not happy about this, but it's doable. Considering all the symptoms Jordan could be having with his brain tumor, we count our blessings each day. Thanks for all your prayers, they do make the difference.

Now, for some really exciting news, are you ready? Jason (my oldest son) returned home from Officer Candidate Training School in Kansas, and he successfully completed phase 1! Yes, it was shouting time around here. Image hosting by TinyPic There were 65 in his class when they started and only 18 made it through. OK, what I can say, not only is he good looking, but he’s smart, determined, and totally qualified to represent our nation as an Officer in the US Army. Jason and Kristin, I could not be more excited or proud of you guys. Please keep your head up high, and thanks for being such a great example for your brothers to follow.

Well, next week at this time we will know the results of Jordan's scans of his brain and spine. I'm going to do what the scripture I shared with you at the beginning of this update. I'm going to commit Jordan to the Lord, lean on Him and hope "confidently", that there are no changes, no growth, and no new tumors seen. I'd like to ask you to agree with me for these requests. I must admit, from time to time I've battled with feelings of "what if” these last few weeks. I know God desires my faith in Him, and honors that more then anything. So, I'm going to commit it to Him and trust Him to take care of Jordan. With God by his side, there is nothing to fear. If we allow Jesus to be the foundation of our faith, than we can always know He will make a way. So, I will rest in this.

I'd like to end with a devotional I received last week. I was having a hard time, and just like God, He sent this word to encourage me just when I needed it the most. I pray you will be encouraged too! Have a blessed week! Please remember to take a minute to agree with us in prayer for the needs listed below. If you haven't signed the guestbook, we will love to know you stopped by! Thanks so much for your love, your encouragement, and your prayers, I’m so grateful for each and every one of you!


“His unfailing love…is as great as the height of the heavens above.” Psalm 103:11 NLT

In spite of everything – He loves you!

No matter what the other disciples told him about the resurrection, Thomas wanted to see for himself – so for 7 days he sat on his hands. He needed firsthand evidence. And Jesus gave it to him. “Put your finger here and see my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!” (Jn 20:27 NLT). And Thomas did – “My Lord and my God!” (Jn 20:28 NLT). Only God could come back from the dead. And only a God of love would come back for a doubter.

Know what? Our doubts don’t separate us from God’s love! Listen: “For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above” (Ps 103:11 NLT). The big news of the Bible is not that you love God – but that He loves you! He says your name is engraved on the palm of His hand. His thoughts of you outnumber the grains of sand on the beach. He sees the worst in you yet still believes the best. Your sins of yesterday and your failings in the future don’t surprise Him; He knows them all. Every day and every deed of your life has passed before His eyes and been calculated in His decision. He knows you better than you know yourself. And He’s reached His verdict: “I love you!” No discovery will disillusion Him, no rebellion dissuade Him. He loves you with an unfailing love, and that knowledge can lift you, restore you and put you back on your feet.

Trusting fully in Him,

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Monday July 10th MRI!

On Jordan's last MRI report there were several "questionable" areas of concern. Please believe with us that there is no tumor progression, or metastases. Pray the scan of his spine is clear. Please also pray that we will get good pictures this time. Jordan will be put under general anesthesia this time because of his movement disorder, let this work for Jordan and there be no complications because of it. Can’t wait to share the GOOD NEWS with you!


Please continue to pray with us for Brent’s platelets to rebound. It seems like they took a nosedive recently. It’s very important they come up so he can begin chemo again. Brent is now off his TPN. We also need to pray that he will regain his sense of taste and start eating and drinking again. Tonya, it’s been a rough battle for you guys, but your faith remains unshaken. I know God is using all you are going through to bring glory to Him. I know my life has been personally touched and challenged. I know God is watching over you all. Thanks for being such an awesome testimony of the faithfulness of God.


Please continue to pray for our little warrior Jake. His lungs are still very weak, and his AFP is still on the rise. I know his family is exhausted, but their faith in God is unmoved. Believe with us for the miracle he desperately needs now.

Bella Horrock

Bella is the daughter of Mark and Mylissa from Habitat For Hope. Bella will be having her scans done on July 17th. Please pray for a good report, and traveling mercies as they make their move up to Memphis before it. This is a very exciting time for this family. I will fill you in more later. Please also continue to pray for God to send a buyer for their home in Florida.


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Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:37 PM CDT

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Happy 4th of July!

Greetings my precious friends,

Just wanted to wish you all a wonderful holiday weekend. I pray for safe travels and a great time with family and friends. I’d also like to honor 3 very special soldiers now:

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Yes, this would have to be the most wonderful soldier on earth...my number one son, Jason! I'm so proud of all the many accomplishments he has made. Can't wait to see him this coming weekend.

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This is my nephew Mark Martin who served in Iraq and is home now.

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EriK is my niece Jenny's husband. Erik is now serving in Iraq in Infantry. Please keep Erik in your prayers!

Thanks to all those who are out there now fighting to defend our great nation. Please remember to pray for our special friends:

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Thanks so much for your prayers for Brent! His mouth sores are healing nicely and his ANC is up! There is rumor he may be discharged from the hospital soon. Please remember to keep praying for his platelets to come up and for his complete healing. Drop by and let him know you are believing with him today! We love Brent and his family so much.


Please continue remember Heather and her wonderful family as they now start a new journey without their Amazing Jacob... They are on a family vacation now, getting some much needed rest. Please drop by and let Heather know you are thinking of her and missing our Amazing Jacob!

Jake Owen Raborn Jake

Jake is out of ICU! Wow, this child has come so far. Please continue to pray for Jake’s healing. His scans showed some tumors in his lungs, this is such a weak part of his body now. He needs a miracle more then ever. Keep believing with us for his precious little boy.

Timmy Pauxtis Timmy

Please remember Susan, Timmy's mom as she continues her journey of grief without her sweet Timmy. This is a very long, difficult road to travel. If you will drop by and let her know you are still praying for her and thinking of Timmy. I think of him each day, and when I need to see the most beautiful smile and blue eyes, I go right over to Timmy's page!

On this note, I want to remember all the wonderful angel moms out there. You are such a constant source of encouragement and HOPE to me. I see you clinging to the Lord, and still trusting in Him. I know heaven is a place that is so dear to your heart. , Thanks for teaching me so much about God's comfort and His presence in times without it, would be so hard to go on. So a big hug to you Carol, Dawn, Susan, Mary and so many others out there! May God's love continue to surround you, and uphold you.

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PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! Mark and Mylissa needs a buyer for their home in Florida so they can make the move to Memphis. Let's agree with them for the buyer to come, QUICKLY!!! Love and appreciate you guys more then you will ever know.

[Click here to find out more]

Monday, June 26, 2006 10:50 AM CDT

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“Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect [mature] and entire, wanting nothing.” James 1:4

Just because what you are praying and believing for God to do hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t, or that God has changed His mind. While you are waiting – God is working. The timing may not be right for Him to get the ultimate glory and for your ultimate benefit. That’s why James writes: “Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect [mature] and entire, [equipped] wanting nothing.” Impatience is a sign of immaturity. Have you noticed that children can’t wait for anything? But a wise parent knows what’s best. God sets His watch to accomplish His purpose, not ours. Paul writes: “We know that all things work…according to his purpose” (See Ro 8:28). When you clearly understand God’s purpose you won’t permit things that are contrary to it, including hurry and worry. You’ll also know how to allocate your time, your effort and your money – where to go and where not to go.

God says, “I make known the end from the beginning” (Isa 46:10 NIV). First God sets the goal, and then He determines the steps that lead to it. And what are we supposed to do while we are waiting? Listen to what the scriptures say: “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior” (Hab 3:17-18 NIV). Begin praising the Lord today for what He’s going to do for you – because He absolutely will come through for you in His time!

Greetings to you - my wonderful friends,

I think someone was reading my mail when they wrote that devotional for sure! Gosh, I always struggle with patience. You would think I would have “caught on” by now. Well, I hope I have in some ways, but truly, it’s a challenge and a goal for me everyday. I love the verse; “I have made known the end from the beginning”. Is that not awesome to think about? It continually reminds me that God is ultimately in total control over every single aspect of our lives. He sees those storm clouds long before they appear in the sky, and if we are keeping our eyes on Him, we will be prepared for what ever comes our way.

I saw a special on the History channel last night on the tsunami. The moderator explained that right before the wave came ashore there was a strange calm, and the waters began to recede from the beaches. People were all out there having fun, totally unaware of the impending danger ahead. Can you imagine? I sure don’t want to be caught off guard when the Lord is trying to speak to my heart about things he wants me to know. OK, sorry for this little “sermonette”. It just really got me thinking.

I’m really thrilled to share some wonderful news with you. Brent is finished his radiation treatments to his face and back. We are now going to believe for some really good reports when he does his next set of scans. We still need to keep praying that his counts (ANC and platelets) will stay up where they need to be…more on that in the prayer requests section.

Little Jake Raborn is off the vent!!! Yet another major milestone in this miracle child’s journey. Thanks for your prayers, keep them coming.

A little news on the home front. We had a garage sale yesterday, and Rick and I were very busy all week getting prepared. Talk about WORK! I’m so glad this is behind us, and my attics are looking more spacious! Jordan helped out a lot too. He loves working with his dad on these types of projects, and was such a major blessing. This is a kid who loves people and loves to help out. I can’t tell you how many strangers that came to the sales commented on how helpful he was, polite, and was shocked to see a teenage boy up at the break of dawn helping with a garage sale? They wanted to know what planet he was born on? My precious Jordan, what can I say, he is truly special in every way.

Well, we should get the results of his sleep test this week (I am patiently and hopefully waiting). I’ll update as soon as we get them. OK, let’s see, drum roll please… we are now 13 days away from our flight out to Memphis. I’ve been so busy preparing for the garage sale, that I have not had time for my official “PMS”, Pre-MRI-Syndrome… or jitters as we say on the brain tumor list! This is a good thing! I know it’s all the prayers that are covering us too. So thanks again and again for hanging in there with us. I pray that this coming week will be a good one for all of you, filled with lots of blessing from the Lord.

Please take time to remember to pray for those on the prayer request list! I know how much they appreciate your prayers.

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Brent is now inpatient because of a fever. He is still in a lot of pain with his mouth sores. We need to keep praying for his ANC and platelets to come up so he can get back on his chemo! Tonya, Link and family all caught a nasty bug this week, but are on the mend now. Please also pray Brent did not get exposed to that. This family has been through so much, but her praises just get louder and louder! Thanks so much for remembering this special family for us! We love you Tonya!


Please continue remember Heather and her wonderful family as they now start a new journey without their Amazing Jacob... They are on a family vacation now, getting some much needed rest. Please drop by and let Heather know you are thinking of her and missing our Amazing Jacob!


Jake is finally off the vent, weak, but doing great! We are all so grateful for this miracle. Thanks so much for your prayers. Drop by and let them know you are praying for Jake today! You will be blessed.

Susan Pauxtis Timmy

Please remember Susan, Timmy's mom as she continues her journey of grief without her sweet Timmy. This is a very long, difficult road to travel. If you will drop by and let her know you are still praying for her and thinking of Timmy. I think of him each day, and when I need to see the most beautiful smile and blue eyes, I go right over to Timmy's page!

On this note, I want to remember all the wonderful angel moms out there. You are such a constant source of encouragement and HOPE to me. I see you clinging to the Lord, and still trusting in Him. I know heaven is a place that is so dear to your heart. Thanks for teaching me so much about God's comfort and His presence in times without it, would be so hard to go on. So a big hug to you Carol, Dawn, Susan, Mary, Deanne and so many others out there! May God's love continue to surround you, and uphold you.

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PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! Mark and Mylissa needs a buyer for their home in Florida so they can make the move to Memphis. Let's agree with them for the buyer to come, QUICKLY!!! Love and appreciate you guys more then you will ever know.

[Click here to find out more]

Sunday, June 18, 2006 9:54 PM CDT

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"The Lord hath done great things for us, and we are glad."
-- Psalms 126:3

Greetings my wonderful friends and prayer warriors!

Guess what????? Jordan completed his sleep study, YES!!!!!!!!!! He did it! Thank you so very much for all your prayers, they truly worked! God is so good. Now, we just have to wait, it can take up to 2 weeks to get the results. Oh boy, here we go again, back to the waiting room for us! But for now, I'm just so happy this is behind us. Now to quote Jordan, he said, "mom, I slept great". The nurse that was with him in the room and monitored him said, "He had movement and twitched all night long! She called it "sleep interruptions!" Amazing how I got two different stories, but who knows what this test will reveal. I know this; he does not really rest soundly during the night. Please believe with me, it's nothing major, and something we can "fix" for sure.

Well today is Father's Day, and although the day is ending I want to take a minute to let the whole world know what a wonderful husband and great father Rick is! Yep, I won the prize ladies! (now if you want to fight about this it's OK, cause I hope we all feel this way about our hubbies!) So, to you my precious Rick, thanks for being such a godly example to your sons throughout the years. I'm just so grateful for you.

My oldest son Jason is now in Army officer’s training in Kansas. He left on Friday night, so we did not get to see him today. But we did get the next best thing, his beautiful wife Kristin and my granddaughter Kayla came to visit. She came to bring her “Pops” his gift and card. Now you know that did his heart good. Rick woke up early and had some very special help today washing his car today. No, not one of his SONS, but his other grand-daughter Grace wanted to help Pops out. I think she really got into it and had lots of fun making us smile. Talking about Grand kids... I read a quote that said:

"Perfect love sometimes does not come until grandchildren are born” what a reward they are! So, I would now like to share some of those highlights of our day today.

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Hi Pops, am I doing a good job?

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Hmmmmm, now this is so much FUN!

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Here is a gift just for you Pops!

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Well, do you like it or what?

I pray this coming week is a special one for you. OK, it's officially "21 days before" we fly out to St. Jude for Jordan's next MRI. This one is a biggie! I'll let you know in a few weeks what to pray for specifically. Meanwhile, thanks again for your prayers, your love, and many words of encouragement. Jordan always wants to know who signed his book! This means more then you will ever know. Keep spreading some kindness!

Thought you would enjoy this awesome article on "Attitude" by Chuck Swindoll


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude to me is more important than facts.

It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company ... a church ... a home.

The remarkable thing is you have a choice every day regarding the attitude you will embrace for that day.

We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.

We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.

I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent how I react to it. And so it is with you. You are in charge of your attitude.

With a grateful heart,

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Please continue to agree with us for Brent's healing. He's been having a real hard time with mouth sores since he started radiation ..... we need them to get better! He is also having problems with taste too. Jordan had these problems also during radiation, my heart goes out to our precious little buddy. Brent is so much like Jordan, (and I guess all of us) food is fun, and it does bring "comfort" especially when we are in such a major battle physically! Another real important area of prayer is for Brent's platelets, "THEY MUST COME UP"!!! Tonya asks for us to Believe God for it and PRAISE HIM for what HE'S going to do!! OK Tonya, I'm right there with you sweetie!


Please remember Heather and her wonderful family as they now start a new journey without their Amazing Jacob... This is a family who knows and loves the Lord with all of their hearts. Let's pray God floods her heart with His love, his comfort and surrounds her with so many people to walk with her side by side now.


Our little German boy received another transplant and is hanging in there with us. Gosh, he's been through so much in his short little life. If you go to their site they have posted the specific prayer requests needed for him. We are believing for his miracle, and are watching him have them each day! Go Jake Man, we love you!!! I'm A Believer!

PLEASE STOP BY THIS GREAT MINISTRY THAT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY LIVES! Mark and Mylissa have been helping so many families in need these days. Please let them know what a blessing they are.

[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:37 PM CDT

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In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. (NIV) John 14:2

Greetings my wonderful friends!

On Tuesday June 12, 2006 our most “Amazing Jacob
Jacob” was welcomed into a place that has long been prepared just for him. He left his loving family and many friends here on Earth, and was escorted into the arms of his heavenly Father. No matter how many times you read about another child that has earned their wings, it just does not get any easier. He left a family that adored him, and a world of Caringbridge extended family that supported and cheered him on in his battle. Because of his early departure, this world just won’t be the same. We will miss him and never forget his bright and beautiful smile.

Please pray for the Duckworth family as they prepare for Jacob’s “Life Celebration” this coming Saturday. Heather asked if anyone wanted to participate, they could release a balloon in his honor at 11:30am EST. If you have not had a chance to visit Jacob’s site, please go by. In Heather’s usual fashion, her journal update was so encouraging and uplifting. So full of “HOPE”. Sometimes I wonder how anyone could face all the issues and struggles that life brings without the Lord? No one is exempt from trials and testings. Some must face harder and more difficult ones than others. But, no matter what we face or have to walk through, Jesus is always there, ready to comfort, to guide, and to hold us when we are too weak to stand on our own.

I’ve witnessed this time and time again by so many of the most precious angel-moms I’ve come to know and love through Caringbridge. I’d like to quote something a dear friend of mine wrote recently in Jordan’s guestbook after she learned about Jacob. Carol lost her son Reid at only 5 months, and although it’s been a few years, the heartache never leaves. Carol wrote:

“I just now got a moment to catch up on all my CB friends and of course, heart broken doesn’t begin to describe the feelings as I went to Jacob's page. I know there are no words for how so many are feeling. Knowing that you believe too, I'm trying to remember that hope opens doors where despair closes them and hope "lights a candle" instead of "cursing the darkness." Believing and learning that we can say good bye with hope...we know our good bye is not the end.”

Yes Carol this is so true, and this is the “HOPE” we have when we have Jesus. Drop by and visit Reid
page sometime!

Jesus said, "I am the Resurrection and I am the Life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, yet shall they live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. I died, and behold I am alive forever more, and I hold the keys of hell and death. Because I live, you shall also live."

I’m just so grateful for that promise because there is no end, and no real good-byes for us. This gives me so much hope as I watch it sustain so many that have walked this walk. As always I am in awe of those who live with this eternal hope always in sight.

I’m so sorry I did not get back with you all sooner, but guess what? Jordan’s sleep test was postponed until this Saturday! Oh boy…Jordan is really ready to get this behind him for sure, and so are we! Thanks so much for praying. Your prayers were not in vain. Hey, he slept really well Sunday night! I promise I will let you know on Sunday how the test went!

Please remember to continue to pray forJake Raborn. He’s making strides like crazy and Don would love to have his son off that vent for Father’s Day! Can you imagine the rejoicing there will be?

Brent Nason received some awesome reports this week, however, he still needs those platelets to come back up so he can continue his chemo. Tonya is just so precious, and her faith is contagious. If you ever need a good laugh and want to put a smile on your face please go by and visit Brent’s site. It seems no matter what Tonya is facing, she somehow finds humor in her circumstances and truly it can be said that, “THE JOY OF THE LORD IS HER STRENGHT”. Thanks Tonya for being such a wonderful friend and example to so many of us out here.

Well, I just finished my first novel! Thanks for sticking this one out with me. Once again, I’m so grateful for you all. I pray you will have a wonderful week. I'd like to end with a quote I've used before, but when I think of all you this comes to mind:

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." --Mother Teresa

Being Heavenly minded,

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Please take a minute and stop by Habitat For Hope and see all God is doing with this awesome ministry!!!
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Friday, June 9, 2006 5:59 PM CDT

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Enjoying Dinner with my cousin from Phoenix, Katie!

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Loving my little KK!

“Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God…" Rom 4:20

We are told that Abraham could look at his own body and consider it as good as dead without being discouraged, because he was not looking at himself but at the Almighty One.

He did not stagger at the promise, but stood straight up unbending beneath his mighty load of blessing; and instead of growing weak he waxed strong in the faith, grew more robust, the more difficulties became apparent, glorifying God through His very sufficiency and being "fully persuaded" (as the Greek expresses it) "that he who had promised was," not merely able, but as it literally means "abundantly able," munificently able, able with an infinite surplus of resources, infinitely able "to perform."

He is the God of boundless resources. The only limit is in us. Our asking, our thinking, our praying are too small; our expectations are too limited. He is trying to lift us up to a higher conception, and lure us on to a mightier expectation and appropriation. Oh, shall we put Him in derision? There is no limit to what we may ask and expect of our glorious El-Shaddai; and there is but one measure here given for His blessing, and that is "according to the power that worketh in us." --A. B. Simpson

"Climb to the treasure house of blessing on the ladder made of divine promises. By a promise as by a key open the door to the riches of God's grace and favor."

Greetings to my faithful friends!

Wow, what an awesome devotional! I really got excited when I read that scripture in Romans because it reminded me of Tonya, Staci, and Heather. These 3 women could be in “Faith’s Hall of Fame” along side of so many that have went on before us believing God for the promises, unmoved, and unshaken in their faith no matter what the doctor reports bring them. Gosh…I’m inspired each and every day.

Please continue to pray for our buddy Brent. This has been such a busy week for him with testing and radiation. This child just loves Jesus and understands God’s word and it’s promises for his healing. With his child-like faith let's follow him in total trust and abandonment to God. He is fighting very difficult battle for only 10 years old, but he does it with a smile on his face. I’m always in awe of these little warriors.

I have finally contacted Jordan’s endocrinologist with the remainder of Jordan’s scores for his bone scan. I must say I was very surprised to find out his scores were even lower in his hip and femur. Normally Jordan would be put on Fosamax immediately for this but because his testosterone has been increased and he is now on growth hormone, we are going to wait 3 more months and have his labs and bone density tested again. They are trying not to add any more medications to the list he’s on now. Praise God!

Guess what? We are finally scheduled for Jordan’s sleep test! Please pray, pray, pray, he gets through this one! It’s scheduled for this Sunday night. We need to get to the bottom of Jordan’s movement disorder; hopefully we will have some answers now before his next MRI. OK, today makes 31 more days until the big MRI of his brain and spine! My faith is growing stronger and stronger each day, thanks to all of your faithful prayers, scriptures and words of encouragement. I’m just so grateful for Caringbridge!

I pray you have a wonderful weekend, and remember; we do serve a God of “boundless resources”. There are no limits, just ask in faith, believe and receive!

Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by, I appreciate this. Drop us a line and let us know you were here!

Standing on the promises,

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Please continue to pray for Brent as he receives radiation to his face and back. Please pray that those laser beams will hit TUMORS ONLY leaving COMPLETELY HEALTHY cells and organs all around! No damage, NO SIDE-EFFECTS!!!

Pray for his MIBG results, and bone scans. Check out his page for some good news in that area! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God is so good!

Please also be in agreement on the future trip to NY .... PLEASE REMEMBER to pray that Brent WILL be eligible and he will not test positive for HAMA so that he CAN do the antibody.

Jake Owen Raborn

Please agree with us for:

Lungs to heal
Kidneys and other major organs continue to function properly
Jake's marrow to start producing again
No infections
Fungus to clear
Cancer to go away forever
His complete healing here on Earth!


Jacob continues his battle in ICU, and needs a miracle more then ever. Please join us this Sunday at 9PM EST for a prayer vigil as we boldly approach the throne of God and pray together for Jacob's complete healing on earth.


[Click here to find out more]

Thursday, June 1, 2006 7:50 PM CDT

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A Day at the Aquarium

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed"...

Run for Your Life

But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry, which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. Acts 20:24

Track star Wilma Rudolph won three gold medals in the 1960 Olympics, but to get there she had to overcome enormous hurdles. Stricken with scarlet fever at the age of four, she lost the use of her left leg and had to learn to walk again when she was seven.

Running the race of life is often filled with difficult hurdles that must be conquered. The obstacles of fear, pain, loss of a job, illness, heartbreak; the list goes on and on. So what does it take to conquer these obstacles? The best approach is to study God's Word and ask in prayer for Him to carry you through. While some might want to give up, the truth is that victory can be found through God's Amazing Grace and encouragement that comes through the Holy Spirit.

The next time you are faced with an obstacle that seems impossible, stop yourself and ask, "Have I given this over to God?" You can drastically change the outcome of your life by taking a moment today and surrendering all your trouble and heartache to Jesus.

Greetings my faithful friends,

I pray this little devotional was encouraging to you, but I think I may have needed it the most. I'm standing on the sidelines now watching some of our dear friends run a very difficult race. I watch with amazement at their great faith, and deep down inside I pray, “Lord, if this would every be me, could I be so strong?” I know their strength comes from Jesus, His word, Prayer, and the support of others cheering them on. Let us faithfully stand beside them now.

As most of you know by now my close friend Tonya, Brent's mom, and I have committed together to pray for our boys. She has been such a blessing to my family and me. In December she found out that Brent had relapsed. Things were going pretty good as far as treatment, however, he started having some pain in his jaw area and now his most recent MRI has shown the tumor has spread. This of course was disappointing news for their family, HOWEVER, their faith remains unshaken! They continue to believe God for his total healing, and I would like for you to join with me in agreement for this. She is not looking at all the "hurdles" they face and how high they are, but rather she is looking at how BIG her God is, and continues to stand on the promises He has given them for Brent. Tonya, you are such an inspiration to all of us. Thanks for teaching us how to truly "walk by faith".

We had a good visit last week with Jordan's neurologist and are still working on the new set up for Jordan's sleep test. We are also trying to adjust some of his meds. We got part of Jordan's bone scan results and it indicated in the spinal area that his scores showed he has osteoporosis. We are still waiting for the scores on the pelvic area. His doctor has been in France, so once he is back we'll discuss how this will be treated. So for now I'll try to include more calcium in his diet.

We are now officially 40 days till Jordan next MRI. OK,it is count down time now, and it sounds like I'm sweating this one out, huh? Please agree with us that there will be NO CHANGE or tumor metastases, only shrinkage, in Jesus name!

Thanks so much for all of your love, support, and prayers for us and the many other families we have joined ourselves together with through CB.

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Brent Nason Brent

Please agree with us that our buddy Brent continues to win all his battles with cancer. Link and Tonya are now looking into some other treatment plans for Brent now. Let's believe the tumor in his jaw will shrink and die so Brent can eat. Please take a moment now to pray for wisdom for Link and Tonya as they consider the options at hand. Tonya we are standing with you all the way! With God, ALL things are possible!

Jacob Duckworth

Our Amazing Jacob is still in ICU and not making much progress. Heather and are husband are also looking into some other options for Jacob. They have not lost hope for their boy, and ask for us to cry out on behalf of Jacob now. They are believing for a miracle, or should I say, EXPECTING one soon!


Please remember little Jake in your prayers. He is also in ICU, fighting for his life now. There is a prayer vigil going on, and it seems with each hour that passes progress is being made. They are so grateful for all the support they can get. Please drop by and let them know you are also praying and believing for Jake!

Mylissa Horrocks


Mylissa and her husband head up the awesome ministry called "Habitat for Hope". They have been so busy helping other families in need, and are now are in the process of leaving everything behind and going full time in the ministry. They will relocate to Memphis this summer. In the midst of all that is going on in their ministry, Mylissa is dealing with some physical problems herself. Please agree with me for some resolution to the pain and problems she is having, and also for the sale of their home in Floidia. Mark and Mylissa, thanks for caring so deeply for so many, and for all the times you've called and checked up on Jordan. We love you guys and can hardly wait to finally met you!

Running to win,

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Sunday, May 28, 2006 7:27 AM CDT

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“Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.” Billy Graham

Happy Memorial Day!

I thought I would finally update, and get those sleep study pictures off! That is a night my precious Jordan would really like to forget, (the nurses, the doctor, and us too!). We did discuss this with his neurologist and we are working on another plan. The test has to be redone soon. Our doctor at St. Jude has requested this. So...please pray that the doctors can come up with another plan to help sedate him. It's very important we find out what part of the brain is causing these movements.

I really liked the quote by Billy Graham I posted above, it was so perfect for this weekend as we honor all the great men and women who gave their lives for this country. Courage is truly contagious. I've witnessed this as three of our friends this past week continue fighting so valiantly against their battles with cancer. Please continue to pray for Brent Nason, Jacob Duckworth, and Jake Raborn. It's been such a difficult week for them all, and yet their faith has not been shaken, as they continue to stand on God's promises for the miracles they so desperately need. Please remember these children each day in your prayers, and agree with us for their complete healing!

I'd also like to take this time to thank my son, my nephews, and all those who are serving this country in this War against terror. So many loved ones are separated now because of this time of war. What never ceases to amazes me is the commitment and willingness of these brave young men and women as they lay everything down for our country! Please remember to pray for their protection each day.

I hope you will have a wonderful weekend. I'd like to leave you with a short article I read about Eagles. I’d like to dedicate this to Tonya, Staci, and Heather, and all the moms out there who are in the midst of a storm right now:

Eagles In A Storm

Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks? The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, the eagle sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it.

The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm. When the storms of life come upon us, and all of us will experience them, we can rise above them by setting our minds and our faith toward God. The storms do not have to overcome us. We can allow God's power to lift us above them.

God enables us to rise on the winds of the storm that bring sickness, tragedy, failure, and disappointment in our lives. We can soar above the storm. Remember, it is not the burdens of life that weigh us down; it is how we handle them. The Bible says . . .

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles." Isaiah 40:31.

Praising God in the storms,

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Friday May 26th...

"Please pray for Jake Raborn, Amazing Jacob & Brent Nason today!"

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1

Going through the storm...

Greetings to you, my awesome friends,

I want to thank you all so much for your prayers as Jordan went for his sleep study on Friday night. Gosh...the support and love here makes this journey one that is so full of hope. I'd like to describe this "event" with you and try and be as positive as I can. Is that possible? … Well, I’m not sure but I’ll give it a shot. To sum it up in a nutshell, things did not go very well Friday night. Everything actually started out really well. Jordan packed his fan, (can't sleep without that), his favorite pillow, and he brought snacks and a large bottle of water! For Jordan, lots of water and keeping cool are necessities for life! Well, here is a picture of Jordan as he arrived. I think he was thinking, “I’m not sure about this mom”.

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Well, I promised him if this test went well he wouldn’t have to take another test next week (we actually had two tests scheduled). So he accepted my deal, and because this test would only last for one night, he was “agreeable” to the deal, and was ready to get it all behind him.

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Jordan really tried to go along with all of this, and we are so proud of him. But once he was officially "wired up" and the meds were given, things start going downhill pretty fast.

The water, snacks, fan, and pillow were not bringing him any comfort. And guess what? The sleeping pill was NOT working either. "I'm not tired"!! These were the words I was hoping I would never hear. So, after a lot of complaining, twisting and turning, we decided to try another sleeping pill. Well, a few more hours passed, and Jordan was still having lots of anxiety.

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By now it was 1:30 am, and Jordan was very tired, but he could not give in to this feeling of going to sleep. All he was thinking was how he could get out of the bed and get all these wires off of him. As the night went on Jordan did dose off briefly, but because of all his twisting and turning, and many movements involuntarily, he actually broke the contacts that were wired to his legs!

It wasn't long after this that the nurse came back in the room and said the test was cancelled around 3:00am. To say I was "disappointed" would be putting it nicely. I suddenly felt like, "we will never get to the bottom of his movement disorder”. I don't want Jordan to have to go under full anesthesia every time he has to take an MRI!

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The winds of this storm began blowing hard all around me, and I didn't know where the Lord was for a brief moment! Discouragement was officially settling in as I thought about how Jordan jerks with these uncontrollable movements in bed as he sleeps each night. What in the world is causing this? It seems to be getting progressively worse and now interferes with any testing that requires Jordan to be still.

When Jordan got home, I emailed Jordan's doctor and explained the problems we had during the test. He was so kind and encouraged me to stay calm, and said he would call and discuss some options with Jordan’s neurologist before our appointment this week. I'm now convinced that eventually we will get to the bottom of these issues!

I'd like to share a devotional with you that I received the morning Jordan returned home from this failed test. It was after reading it that I realized Jesus was there, and had been there with us the whole time in the midst of this storm. God is so good, so faithful, always on-time, and ready to rescue us if only we will allow Him to do it. Be blessed my wonderful friends. I'll let you know how things to after our visit to the neurologist on Wednesday. Hey, we just need a new game plan for the second half! Thanks so much for sharing our journey, for caring, and always leaving us such encouraging messages! Here is the devotional I read, hope it blesses you too!

In the Eye of the Storm: by Rick Godwin

The eye of the storm is the most peaceful place on earth. While wind and rain wreak havoc all around, pilots who fly storm-tracker planes say that all is perfectly still in that special place. In Psalm 91, David speaks about…terror…plagues…ten thousand falling at your right hand “but it will not come near you.” Why? Listen: “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver me”. (Ps 91:1-3).

There are two ways to go through a storm: in panic or in peace. When a storm suddenly threatened their boat the disciples cried, “Carest thou not that we perish?” (Mk 4:38). And where was Jesus? Sleeping peacefully in the back of the boat. That’s because He understood: (a) to get to where God wants to take you, you must go through certain storms (this is not optional); (b) when you’re in the center of God’s will the storm can’t take you under; it’s in the storm, not the calm, that you discover this; (c) when it’s over you come out knowing God better, and more equipped to help others!

In the amplified version Isaiah writes, “So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock (the rock of ages)” (Is 26:4 AMP). That’s what it means to live in the eye of the storm!

Trusting Him,

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Brent Nason Brent
Please pray for Brent’s counts to come up, they are still going down. There are also some other areas of concern where he is having pain. My heart goes out to Tonya and Link, they are such special friends of ours. We really need to rally behind them as they take this walk of faith with their son. I just can’t begin to imagine all the feelings and emotions they battle each day. If you will, drop a word of encouragement to them and let them know you are praying for Brent.

Our precious little friend Genna is in the hospital now. She had been there for several days, and both mom and Genna are ready to come home! Please pray her ANC comes up, so after chemo tomorrow she can finally be discharged. Genna has brain tumor like Jordan’s, and just had brain surgery not long ago. She needs a miracle! I really enjoy visiting "Genna’s Place", stop by, her mom writes so well.

Both of our buddies Jake and Jacob are still in the hospital facing so many huge obstacles now. All I can say, is if you need your faith challenged, go to their sites and read what their mom’s write. Both of them are standing on God’s promises for their boy's healing. Mighty women of God, fighting the good fight of faith! Let’s continue to believe and give thanks for the awesome miracles that are about to happen! Yes Heather, and Staci, I BELIEVE!!!

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:57 AM CDT

I Been Blessed...

It may feel more like a curse sometimes, but having a child with special needs brings with it abundant opportunities for grace. It slows you down and allows you to enjoy the little things -- a calm quiet day, a hard-won skill, a spontaneous hug, a pleasant conversation. Where other parents are driven to find their children's success in high grades and high scores on the playing field, you are granted the privilege of focusing on the things that really matter, teaching your children how to love and care and communicate on the most basic level. You know what's important, and because you're not caught up in trivialities you are able to appreciate that so much more deeply. Miracles happen every day, if you only know where to look for them.

Greetings my wonderful friends,

Someone in the brain tumor group I belong to shared a link with us all on Mother's Day that had these awesome "Love notes" for parents of children with special needs. I believe the one quoted above was my favorite.

Long before our journey began with Jordan's brain tumor, we found out that Jordan was a little boy with special needs. After getting over the shock that the teachers wanted him tested, I dealt with the feelings of loss. I was informed of all the limitations and challenges he would face. But it did not take long before I began to discover all the many blessings it was to have a child who had to face these kinds of challenges.

Jordan has taught me how to appreciate so many things in life I would have never taken the time to recognize. Through all the years and many places Jordan’s journey has taken us, I am still continuing to grow, to learn, and to met some of the most loving and caring people in this world.

Hi Grammy, I've got news...
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I had a really nice Mother's Day this year, and I'm now so excited to share with you some very exciting news. I will be a grandmother again! Yes, little Kayla Michelle will be a big sister in December. Jason and Kristin, we are just thrilled, thank you for keeping our quiver full! Now, it just doesn't get better then this! Please agree with us for a healthy little baby for Christmas.

On another note, I received an email from my niece Jenny before Mother's Day. Her husband is in the infantry in Iraq. I would like to ask you to remember not only Erik, but all of our soldiers who are out there fighting this war against terror. It's so easy to get caught up in our own battles, and trust me, cancer is a battle! But let's not forget those young men and women who have left all behind for the sake of the call. I hope Jenny doesn't mind this, but I'm going to share with you an excerpt from her email:

“Erik's overall moral is still real strong, and his will to fight and defeat this enemy of in Iraq is his main goal. He has encountered three road side bombings in a matter of just six weeks. The last one was pretty serious, and he said, "I had to wiggle my toes to see if I had any movement in my body and ask myself if I was actually alive." Scared? "YES" , but he is headstrong to finish the job he was sent to do. He was excited to be chosen to go on a weeks long mission to capture one of the ten most wanted guys in Iraq, and they successfully did it. He says it is getting really hot, and yes is ready to come home."

This is just one young wife and mother’s story, and there are countless others just like her who never know if they will ever see their spouse's again. Jenny we are praying for you and Erik, and all the brave soldiers away from home and loved ones that they will return back safe and sound!

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Erik & Jenny

Well, I thought this was just going to be a quick update, and it is beginning to look more like an epic. Thanks so much for all the Mother's Day messages, I was so touched! Gosh...I'm just the most blessed woman! I'll now conclude with some really important prayer requests:

Brent Nason:

Please pray the pain that Brent is still having is just those cancer cells dying like crazy! We are standing on the promises for Brent's complete healing, here on earth! Tonya is so grateful for all the prayers and support coming her way. Please believe for clear MRI's too!

Jake will be having an MRI done today. Please agree with us there will be no more tumors! To quote Mo, "Jake is coming around the corner and starting to feel a bit more like himself." Please keep this precious little boy in your prayers!

Our Amazing Jacob has had some very rough days, but is finally "Stable", please agree with Heather for these important requests:

*Jacob’s kidney function will continue to improve
*Jacob’s x-ray will be improved (He gets an x-ray every morning)
*Jacob’s lungs will heal so we can wean him off the vent.
*Jacob will go potty in a BIG way! (No BM yet!)
*Jacob will be completely healed on earth in the name of Jesus.
BELIEVING that Jacob is in PERFECT health - whole & healed!

Last, please pray for Jordan's bone scan and sleep test this Friday night. We've believing to get some good reports and get to the bottom of Jordan's problems. Thanks so very much, I'm so grateful for all of you! I'd like to end with a beautiful quote:

“Love recognizes no barriers. it jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at it destination full of hope”!

I have been blessed,

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Thursday, May 11, 2006 6:54 AM CDT

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Greetings my wonderful friends,

It's hard to believe this week is almost over! I first want to thank all of you who have prayed for our buddy Brent. God is so good. Tonya arrived at St. Jude to find he was still able to remain on the protocol he had started and his counts have come up! YES!!! The doctors also believe the pain in the jaw he was having is due to the fact the tumor is dying. This is such incredible news; we all were jumping up and down for the Nason family! Please continue to keep Brent in your prayers. He has an MRI coming up, and we are expecting to hear another good report.

I'm so sad to share that two of our other special friends are in a fierce storm right now. First our little “German” boy Jake (he received bone marrow from a donor that is from Germany) is really struggling now. He has not been his "usual self" in over a week, and is in much pain. I'll leave a link to his site, so you can go there and catch up on his latest news. Please pray for the Raborn family more then ever now. Our other little friend from Florida, the most "Amazing Jacob", is also having a very difficult time. His mom Heather updates often, and shares her heart so well, and no matter what is going on, she leaves the most awesome scriptures, and is always so full of HOPE! This is a woman who knows how keep standing on God's promises. Please stop by and leave a word of encouragement for her also. Thank you for praying for these two precious little boys!

Jordan continues to do well at work, and it has made life so much nicer! His sleep test is now scheduled for Friday May 19th, and Monday May 22nd. We go to his endo doctor tomorrow and will get a bunch of labs done. I'll keep you posted on all his results when we get them. Thanks so much for your many prayers!

Well Mother's day is coming up, and it is a very special day to let those mothers that are so dear to you know how much you love and appreciate them. I lost my mom when I was only 29, so it's a day I remember with so much respect and honor for one of the greatest moms and best friend any girl could have! She is missed greatly. As we all know, no one can replace a mother! I'd like to take a few minutes now to acknowledge some mom's I've met here on Caringbridge that truly reflect a great light, even when things seem to be at their darkest times. Dealing with sick children can really be so draining, both emotionally and physically. It's like the quote I used above; "true beauty is revealed if there is a light within", and these women have lights that continue to burn so brightly. They have impacted my life so much! So with all of that said, I'd like to wish these courageous women the most awesome Mother's Day ever!

May God bless you, strengthen you, and continually uphold you each and everyday, Mary, (Elisha's mom), Susan, (Timmy's mom) Tonya, (Brent's mom), Carol, (Reid's mom), Dawn, (Shae's mom), Kristin, (Conner's mom), April, (Logan's mom), Deanne, (Jacob's mom),Patti,(Haley's mom), Heather (Jacob's mom), Staci, (Jake's mom), Amy, (Ryan's mom), Kristin, (Genna's mom), Kris, (Danny's mom), Kim, (Scotty's mom), Mylissa, (Bella's mom), Elizabeth, (Joseph's mom) and Kathleen, (Steven's mom).

I’m sure I’ve forgotten to mention some of you, but there are just so many of you I've come to love and everyone of your children mean so much to me! So to all of you – Happy Mother’s Day from Jordan and I!

With Hope,

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Jake Owen Raborn Jake

Jacob Duckworth Jacob

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Sunday, May 7, 2006 8:25 AM CDT

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"May I help you?"

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's
purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21

Greetings my faithful friends!

I would love to be writing to tell you how well Jordan's sleep study went, but it was CANCELLED! Yes, you read that right. Our famous Dr. “S”... had to go out of town. Well, he wanted to be on-hand and at the hospital while Jordan is being tested so he postponed it for sometime in the next 2 weeks! Hurry up and wait, that seems to be the story of my life these days. I will let you know when we get rescheduled. So, now you know why I choose that scripture for today's journal! I was looking forward to getting this test behind Jordan, but we'll just have to let God teach us the beauty of patience. Seems like I do a lot of waiting, but hey, we are so blessed Jordan is doing as well as he is. You will hear no complaints from my corner of the world. God is sooooo Good!

Now, here's a praise report! Jordan went back to work at Office Depot this past Monday for the first time since January 2005 when the doctor told him he could not be on his foot. . Normally Jordan calls me several times a day telling me he is tired and just complaining in general. But they hired a helper to work with him now, and Jordan was so excited about the new guy that he has not complained once or called me the whole week. Now, for Jordan, this is a major breakthrough! I was so proud of him. When I dropped him off Monday, he wasn't sure he was quite ready to return, I must admit I was waiting by the phone most of the morning! I think he was just tired of being home, and ready to make the money and get out of the house. I know for sure that God has sent this helper for Jordan!!!

His foot still seems to bother him by the end of his shift, but when gets home, he eats some lunch, and then he’s off to a “Happy Nap”. Nice little schedule, huh? Next week we will see his neurologist and endocrinologist for blood work and schedule his bone density test. We do stay busy! Next we have to set up his apt. with the oral surgeon to get his wisdom teeth removed. As you can see Jordan is full time.

We had a little scare with Jordan's younger brother Joel, and have been going through some testing with him. He did not want me to mention any thing about him here (he’s a little bashful) so I won't go into detail. The main concern was about his heart, but the testing came back negative and I was so relieved. He's gone for a weekend trip with his school, and like a good mom, I just had to tell you! He He... You know we just want all the prayer we can get for our children. . We have a few more tests to go through before a final diagnosis can be made, but the worst is over for now.

I have a very special prayer request for you today. As you all know I’ve become very close to the Nason family. As far as I'm concerned, I love Brent like my own. Anyways, Tonya and Link have requested that we rally as many people as we can to pray that God will lead them and guide them as far as Brent’s treatment plan goes. They are at a crossroad now, and want to make the best decision possible for him. They need clarity and peace as they go and discuss his options at St. Jude on Monday. Thanks so much for all your prayers and concerns, and let's join together as a CB family and agree with them for Brent's complete healing! Thank you so much...

I'd like to end by sharing a neat little article I read recently about miracles. Now, who doesn't need one in some way? I trust this will bless and encourage you greatly. Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting with us. We appreciate your concerns, and especially when you take the extra time to let us know you were here. It means more then you will ever know! Take time to really live today, and let someone know what a blessing they are to you!

"Experiencing the Miraculous"

Do you need a miracle? Reread the story of Jesus turning water into wine. Notice what Mary said to the attendants at the wedding reception: “Do whatever [Jesus] tells you.” Do it, even though:

(1) You’re not in the right place. They were at a wedding, not a church, when Jesus performed this miracle. Some of our greatest blessings will be at “other places,” if we’ll just be sensitive and obedient to God.

(2) You’ve got a lot of problems. They’d run out of wine for their guests. How embarrassing. Too often our problems drive us away from Jesus instead of to Him. Miracles begin when we focus on God’s power, instead of our problems.

(3) You’re not being encouraged. When Mary turned to Jesus for help, He tested her faith saying, “Dear woman, why do you involve me…My time has not yet come” (John 2:4 NIV). But she passed the test. Instead of being discouraged, Mary laid hold of the possibility of a miracle, believed God and received one.

(4) You haven’t walked with Christ very long. The servants who obeyed Jesus had just met Him. And His disciples had just started following Him. Yet they were all expected to obey Him. So are you.

(5) You haven’t yet seen Him work miracles in your life. This was Jesus’ first miracle. They had to obey Him without the faith that comes from a previous track record. That’s always challenging!

(6) You don’t understand the process. Why pour water into empty containers? Answer: give Jesus what you’ve got and He’ll give you back what you need. That’s how to experience the miraculous!

I’d like to end with this promise: "Nothing will be impossible with God" (Luke 1:37).

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PS Please remember to pray for our very special friends, Brent, Jake, Susan P.,Amazing Jacob, Genna, Logan, Conner, Joseph, Danny, Collin, Steven, Scotty, Ryan & Bella!

And please don't forget to drop by our wonderful friends at this AWESOME ministry that is reaching out and helping so many hurting famiies:

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Tuesday, May 2, 2006 7:26 AM CDT

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Hi Everyone,

Today is the National Day of Prayer! Please join together with someone today and pray for our great nation. This is a prayer that is being said today:

2006 Prayer for the Nation
Dr. Henry Blackaby

Oh Heavenly Father, You have made Yourself known to us as a nation by Your mighty works throughout our history.
From the beginning, You have
been with us through many wars and conflicts; Your right
arm has saved us. We have
been amazingly and
graciously blessed.

Today, we confess our sin
of not responding to Your
right to rule in our lives and our nation. Too often we have
despised and rejected Your will while imposing our own, and we
are now facing the consequences
of our disobedience.
Draw us back to Yourself
that we may return to Your
ways once again.
Without You we can do nothing.
You have promised that if we
honor You, You will once again honor this great nation.

That is our fervent prayer.
For Your honor
and glory we pray,

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Jordan in the land of Narnia...


Hope is one of the greatest gifts we have been given by our Heavenly Father. It carries no price tag but its value is priceless. We cling to it when the future looks uncertain and praise it when things turn out better than we could have ever imagined. Hope is the foundation on which we build our dreams and aspirations. It has been the cornerstone upon which ordinary people have accomplished extraordinary things. Hope will always endure. SANDY LYNAM CLOUGH

Greetings to my wonderful friends,

I'm really excited to share an awesome testimony I received yesterday. Tonya called me and shared the great news about her son Brent. As many of you know, Brent has Stage IV Neuroblastoma. Last week he began complaining of pain in his back. Now this was very scary because one of Brent's tumors is on his spine. The doctor's moved Brent's MRI up to see what was going on. If you don't know Tonya, you really need to stop by and visit Brent’s CB site. Tonya is truly a mighty woman of faith! She is not bashful when it comes to sharing the word, and proclaiming God's promises for Brent. This past weekend she went to church and Brent was prayed for during the service. Tonya knew that God was going to touch her son that day. She came away after the service knowing that Brent was safely in the arms of God. Well, today the MRI report indicated the tumor has remained stable, and something did change, the doctors said that the tumor is dying! Oh, can you imagine the joy that filled Tonya's heart and her family's as they heard those words! I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for all of them. They stood in faith and would not be moved by outward circumstances, but believed God to fulfill His promises for them. Thanks so much for your prayers as well. This is a great victory, and we can again see how powerful our God truly is in the face of the enemy.

Yesterday was Jordan's visit with his sleep specialist. Now let's see if you can pronounce this name: "Narong Simakajornboon". I just called him Dr. S! He was very nice and he has scheduled a 2-night sleep study for Jordan this week. OK, this is where you all come in, we need prayer. Jordan will be wired up from his head, to his feet! Yes, they will do an EEG, (brain waves), EKG (heart), EOG (eye movements), EMG (muscle movements on chin and legs), Airflow, (sensors on nose and mouth), Respiratory, (chest and stomach), and finally Oximetry (blood and oxygen levels). Now, can you imagine sleeping with all of this on? Jordan did not like the EEG they did last time we were at St. Jude, so...as I said we would need prayer. This is a very important study to find out why Jordan has developed his movement disorder. Two of the things the doctor mentioned it could be are from sleep seizures, or obstructive sleep apnea. My husband will be staying with him both nights, thank you Ricky! Now, you can pray for him too!He He... We will meet with Dr. S the following week to discuss the results. As always, never a dull moment with our Jordan.

I really liked the quote I used for today's journal on "Hope". In the book of Hebrews it says "our hope is the anchor for our soul, it is firm and secure". No matter what we go through in life, as long as we have the Lord with us we will be able to weather the storms. We will have comfort and we will have hope regardless of the storms that might come our way. I pray you can find this hope in your time of need. Thanks once again for taking time to stop by and checking in on Jordan. I've come to love so many of you, and feel like family now in our journey of healing and hope. I always enjoy meeting new people along the way, so a special thanks to you who have signed Jordan's guestbook for the first time! Each little message means a whole lot to us, and we are so grateful for your prayers. Please stop by and visit our special friends who also need a word of encouragement and prayer as well. And as always, please know that each and everyone of you are very precious to God and to me...

My prayer for you all is found in Romans 15:13: "Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost."

Holding on to Hope,

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Here is a list of some of our special friends, please take a moment and visit their sites.

Brent Nason Brent

Jacob Duckworth Jacob

Jake Owen Raborn Jake

Timmy Pauxtis Timmy


[Click here to find out more]

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:01 PM CDT


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Jordan in the land of Narnia...


And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

J. Stuart Holden tells of an old Scottish mansion close to where he had his little summer home. The walls of one room were filled with sketches made by distinguished artists. The practice began after a pitcher of soda water was accidentally spilled on a freshly decorated wall and left an unsightly stain. At the time, a noted artist, Lord Landseer, was a guest in the house. One day when the family went out to the moors, he stayed behind. With a few masterful strokes of a piece of charcoal, that ugly spot became the outline of a beautiful waterfall, bordered by trees and wildlife. He turned that disfigured wall into one of his most successful depictions of Highland life.
Just as the artist turned a stain into a waterfall, so Jesus can turn your pain and problems into a beautiful picture of His all-knowing love. When you pray to God, ask to see the problems in your life in a new way. Romans 8:28 tells us, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." When you meditate on this truth, you will begin to sense the Holy Spirit working on your attitude. With God, imperfections can be perfected.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”. Sir Winston Churchill

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Greetings my faithful friends,

Sorry for the delay in updating after our trip. Believe this or not, we left for Mexico the day after we returned home from Orlando, Fl.! Yes, each year Rick's company appoints a few employees with outstanding performance to the “President’s Council”, and part of the reward is an all expense paid company trip. This year we went on a 3-day cruise from Long Beach, CA. to Ensenda, Mexico. Now, to be very honest, leaving home again was the last thing I wanted to do. I was excited that Rick was chosen to serve on the Council, but with all that was going on with Jordan's most recent MRI report (which we got the night we returned from Florida), the fact that I wanting to talk to Dr. Kun about the report, and with us just returning from Disney World was all I could handle.

But we ended up having a really nice time after all, and got to see some amazing scenery and took some neat pictures. I'm sure I'll look back on this at a later time and cherish these memories. So... I finally reached Jordan's doctor yesterday! After speaking with him at length, I'm feeling a lot better about the initial MRI report. The tumor board reviewed Jordan’s films several times. Because of all the motion in all the scans they are not really positive these changes are true metastases.(Please sweet Jesus...) Because there is still a possibility that the new enhancement is not artifactual, when we go up to Memphis in July, they will put Jordan under full anesthesia to eliminate any chance for movement during the scan. They will do a scan of his spine to make sure there is no spread in that area. The doctor's main concern now is the involuntary motor issues continuing to progress. He really wants to get to the bottom of this. Jordan will see a pulmonary specialist on Monday to set up his testing.

As always it seems the Lord is teaching us to trust in Him completely. One thing I know for sure is the Lord never permits a test to enter our lives without giving us the spiritual tools and support we need to face up to the challenge. We never have to wonder if God will see us through a crisis. He is our Heavenly Father and He is intimately involved in every situation we face. I really was blessed by the devotional I copied above. I don't think very many people have experienced trials like the Apostle Paul experienced, and still he could pen the words, "My grace is sufficient for you"! Yes, and we receive this amazing grace just when we need it. I pray the Lord will take his masterful strokes, like the artist did in the story above, and make something really beautiful out of the most difficult trails of your life. Friends, this is a promise from God, He is always ready to comfort, reassure, heal and redeem all the things you need in this life. Truly, we serve an Amazing God.

I want to thank each and everyone of you who have prayed, and have left such encouraging messages. Truly each and every word ministered to us. I'm just so grateful for your friendship, we are family. If you have not signed the guestbook, I'd like to encourage you to do so. I'd love to get to know you!

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Here is a list of some of our special friends, please take a moment and visit their sites.

Brent Nason Brent

Jacob Duckworth Jacob

Jake Owen Raborn Jake

Timmy Pauxtis Timmy

May God's grace be there to carry you,

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Thursday, April 20, 2006 7:13 AM CDT

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Jordan in the land of Narnia...


We're Home!

It seems like it's been such a long time since we left for our family vacation in Florida! I've really missed my CB friends, and visiting all of those wonderful web pages made for our brave warriors. But at the same time it was so good to finally get away, and now that it is over I think it is just as good to be back home.

I first want to let you know what a wonderful and refreshing time we had in Disney. Truly this is just what the doctor ordered, and the timing could not have been more perfect. The weather was fantastic, the accommodations where we stayed were beautiful, we all felt great to enjoy every minute of it, and amazingly we all got along just fine (which is saying a lot when you put four brothers together in close quarters for a week with no way to escape).

I must say, just in case the need might come up, I did do some preparation before I left, and got Jordan some meds for his headaches and nausea. He would get tired after lunch, but was able to go back to the house and take a nice long nap to catch a second wind. But I’m glad to report overall Jordan did really well, and had a wonderful time (at least I think so if you measure fun in terms of souvenirs he bought – “if they made it he got it”! Ha Ha) His room looks like the “Mickey Gear” store at EPCOT. I hope to get some photos up this evening to share with you. We all enjoyed being together as a family and taking the time to make memories we will forever cherish.

The day before we left for our trip I received a call from St. Jude. Dr. Kun, Jordan's rad/oncologist, called to find out if we had set up his sleep test. He went on to say how important it was we get some good studies of his brain next time we come up. This is due to the fact that Jordan has started to have an involuntary movement disorder which has caused some of the images to have a blur. He calmly mentioned in that conversation that there appeared to be some abnormal signals in the scans. He told me he wants to do some additional testing of Jordan's spine in addition to the normal brain scans.

I must say, that really caught me off guard, and I did not ask my usual list of 10 questions, but just listened. He went on to say that he wants to put Jordan completely under before the next scan to eliminate any possible movements. I left feeling strange, but had a calm in my spirit. I did request for a CD copy of Jordan's MRI and written report be sent to me.

Well, when we got home, the very first thing I did was to run and check the mail. The report was there. Now, I have shared this scripture with many people because I really like what it says, and I believe it is true. In 1 Corth. 2:5 the Bible says. "My faith does not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." So keeping that in mind, as I read the radiologists’ report I got to the part where he stated, "the abnormal flair signal is worrisome for representing metastatic tumor". After I picked myself up off the floor...I realized it's time more then ever to start looking to the power of God! I had to remind myself, this is just a "representation", not a FACT.

I must say this report has caught us totally off guard. Please agree that when Jordan goes back to do his MRI of the brain and spine it will become clear that this tumor is not spreading. I believe this is just another test of our faith, and our testimony will again prove that God is glorified in our time of waiting, and totally depending on Him.

As parents, we are very blessed that Jordan's does not question God or us about these on going medical challenges. I think I'll take his lead and just trust God with that same kind of child like faith.
So, once again, I'm in God's "waiting room". This is a place where Jesus has called me to totally trust him, and keep my eyes on the mountain mover, and not the mountain.

I'd like to end by sharing a devotional I recieved recently. When I first read it I thought, gee...now when I read it again, it was like, yes, that is me!! I'm holding on, even if it's just by my teeth! I pray this blesses and encourages you too.

“We were forced to trust God totally.” 2 Corinthians 1:9

“With my teeeeeeeeeeeeth!”

Four guys decided to go mountain climbing. In the middle of the climb one fellow slipped over a cliff, dropped about sixty feet and landed with a thud on the ledge below. The other three, hoping to rescue him, yelled, “Joe, are you okay?” He replied, “I’m alive, but I think I broke both my arms.” The three said, “We’ll toss a rope down to you and pull you up.” “Fine,” answered Joe. After dropping one end of the rope they started tugging, working feverishly to pull their wounded friend to safety. When they had him about three-fourths of the way up, they suddenly remembered that he said he’d broken both his arms. “Joe! If you broke both of your arms, how in the world are you hanging on?” Jaw taut, Joe responded, “With my teeeeeeeeeeeeth.” Some days the best we can do is just hang on by the skin of our teeth. Even the strongest and wisest amongst us have times when we don’t have the answers and can’t see the way forward; all we can do is look up and trust God to pull us through – and He does. If you’re in a tight spot today, don’t let go of the rope. If you have to, hang on by your teeth.

Some things are just a job for God. Be still. Trust Him and let Him work. That’s where Paul was when he wrote, “Instead of trusting in our own strength or wits to get us out of it, we were forced to trust God totally – not a bad idea since he’s the God who raises the dead!” (2Co 1:9-10 TM).

I'm trusting Him like never before...

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Brent Nason Brent

Please agree with us that our buddy Brent continues to win all his battles with cancer. I must say, when I got my disappointing news, the first place I went was to Brent's CB page. No matter what Tonya is going through, she never takes her eyes off Jesus, and continues to glorify God in all she endures. Here are some specific requests she has made. There is so much power in prayer and agreement:

Pray for Brent's ANC, platelets and HGB, these have been dropping. These numbers need to come UP!

To quote Tonya, let's agree on this:

"Please pray with us that this cancer will be GONE (in the NAME OF JESUS) ..... Speak to it with us and tell it to BE GONE, IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Of course we have already given Brent back to God and told HIM to work HIS PERFECT will. HE knows our hearts ............ now with all of THAT said ........... He also instructs us to keep asking till we receive what we ask for, this is where FAITH comes in."

We are standing with you Tonya, ready for battle!

Jacob Duckworth Jacob

Our Amazing Jacob was admitted to the hospital with fever last night. His mom Heather was so sad, but as always, so confident God is in total control of the situation. Not seeing Jacob smile, is a real tough one for her. Let's pray we get our loving Jacob back smiling and laughing soon.

Here is the requests Heather posted:

So we are asking that you please pray without ceasing and faithfully believe with us tonight:
*That Jacob will feel better and bless us with some smiles!
*That God will intercede and take away the fevers and the worries and the fears . . .
*In the name of Jesus - Ask, pray, hope, believe and thank God for Jacob’s complete healing on earth! BELIEVE BIG - Let’s ask for a miracle, expect a miracle and praise God for a miracle!

Yes, Heather we do pray, hope and BELIEVE for Jacob's healing, and expect a miracle once again...

Jake Owen Raborn Jake

Since I have left our little German boy has been through so much, not to mention his mom, dad, Mo and family. They have been struck, but not KNOCKED DOWN! Please remember to keep this wonderful family in your prayers. We do have a major praise report, Jake's AFP has dropped to 675, now, this is a total MIRACLE, and even the doctors are baffled!

Please continue to storm the heavens for his intestines to heal completely, (he is back on no food or water, bless his sweet heart!). Pray he gets the nutrition he needs now. We also need his ANC to come up, he comes off the steroids, and as always pray for no GVHD. We love this little guy, and are believing God for his miracle like never before!

To the Raborn family, "I BELIEVE"...


Our precious Timmy has won his battle with cancer, and now is whole and healed, dancing is way through heaven. Everytime I see the color blue I will forever remember the most beautiful eyes Timmy had. Please continue to pray for his mom Susan and his family now more then ever. Here is a link for you to read Timmy's obituary. This will give you just a little glimpse into the life of one very, very special little boy who touched every life he came in contact with. My life has been changed because of him! Susan, we think of you each day, and our hearts are heavy for you now. I pray you feel all the love that is coming your way now.

Timmy's Obituary

Mylissa Horrocks Bella

I'm so blessed to share Mylissa's mom did well with surgery! They took the two sentinel nodes up to pathology while she was still in the OR and initial thoughts are that they are benign, praise the Lord!

I have not heard any more news since, so let's just continue to storm the heavens for a total recovery!
We are standing with you Mark and Mylissa, and rejoicing with you!

God blessings to you all, and thanks for stopping by!

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Monday, April 10, 2006 8:44 AM CDT

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But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! 1 Corinthians 15:57

Greetings my precious friends,

Along one of the hallways in St. Jude, right outside the cafeteria, there is an alphabet, which the children have made. Each letter represents some part of the battle they have to fight in their war against the beast. It’s very creative, and touching to read their thoughts. You can always tell when someone is reading it for the first time, they are teary eyed. I once highlighted the letter “R”, which stands “Radiation”, with a picture of Jordan standing next to it when he was going through that battle. What caught my eye the last time we were there was the letter "Y", which simple stands for “YOU”. I just love the spirit behind the young man who wrote these thoughts, and want to share it with you:

You have the strength to beat this,
You have the will to fight,
You have to win this battle,
You have a goal in sight.

You sometimes lose your balance,
You won't always feel your best,
You do what your doctors ask of you,
You let them do the rest.

You hold on to happy times,
You push the rest aside,
You smile and let the Lord lead you,
You know He is your guide!

In the book of Philippians 4:13 the Bible says, "I can do everything through him who gives me strength".

Yes, with the Lord right beside us, even the most difficult things can be accomplished, and it is because Jesus is right there with us to strengthen us. As we now begin to commemorate the passion and resurrection of Jesus this week, I hope that you will take the time to re-read this story in the Bible. We need to be reminded of all the hope and promise that God has given us in the person of Jesus His son. It is because of His death and resurrection, that we now can win our battles over ever enemy. He has given to all who put their trust in Him, the chance to experience the same Victory that He won over all sickness, disease, and yes - even death! As Christians we never lose, and we know the end of the story is Life Eternal. Do you believe?

Thanks so much for faithfully joining with us as we continue to pray for so many courageous children. They are warriors, they are leaders, and as always, I stand in awe at their faith. They never seem to question, and know how to "hold on to happy times, and push aside the rest".

Even though I don't mention all of the children God has placed on my heart to pray for, I try and share about the ones who are in the most urgent need. Each and everyone are so dear to my heart, and as always, thanks especially for praying for Jordan. He is such a blessed young man, and we are grateful that God gave him to us to look after.

We have a busy doctor week ahead, and will end it by flying out to Florida on Friday to spend our spring break in Disney. Oh yes, but don’t fear, I'll keep in contact; the laptop is making the trip! He He.Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Don’t forget to take the time to let someone know how special they are this week! You all are to me!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic From the Amato Household! I'll be back soon!

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Brent Nason Brent

Please continue to believe with us for Brent's total healing, HERE ON EARTH! He is doing really well with his new Chemo now, and his dad is recovering from surgery. This is one family who loves God with all of their hearts, and bless Him no matter what! Tonya is a very special friend of mine, I'm just so grateful for such an awesome prayer buddy! Let's continue to agree on these things in prayer:

- Please pray that this chemo will NOT have any negative effects on Brent's body.
- Please pray that this chemo will WORK .....WIPING OUT ALL CANCER CELLS!!!
- Please pray for COMPLETE EARTHLY HEALING for Brent. (God's will be done)

Jacob Duckworth Jacob

Please keep those prayers going for our little miracle-come-back kid! Here is his latest update:

"Unfortunately - the CT scan showed some mixed results though as far as the cancer is concerned. Some areas have shown “slight progression” and some areas have remained stable and some areas appear to be necrotic (dead) tissue. So . . . Not sure what to make of all that and thank goodness I don’t have to! That’s what the doctors are for. :) And well - as I’ve said before - we keep our focus on JESUS and not on scan results because ultimately we know that Jacob is in God’s hands and there is no place we’d rather have him be." Amen Heather!

Jake Owen Raborn Jake

Alot has happened since my last update. Jake had brain surgery, and did so well! We need to continue to storm the heavens for a good recovery. God sure has His hands all over this boy, and he has such a huge support group of prayer warriors! Please take time to pray and "BELIEVE" for him and remember to keep his family lifted up in your prayers too.

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At 4:00am April 10th, our sweet Timmy won his battle with cancer and is now healed and whole! Please remember his mom Susan and his whole family as they begin a new journey. I've never witnessed a more peaceful and loving time as they cared for him these last 2 months. Our loss is Heaven's gain...
Sending so much love, and many tears to you Susan. Please stop by Timmy's site and let the family know you are thinking of them.

Mylissa Horrocks Bella

Mylissa continue to do well, and is just waiting on some direction as far as taking care of her cyst. Her mother found out she does have breast cancer, but in the very, very early stages! They will do surgery to remove it, and begin radiation after. Please agree with this family that her mom would do great. They are trusting God completely, and already giving praises to Him. For more info you can go to Bella's site.

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Tuesday, April 4, 2006 12:42 AM CDT

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Anxious- Take Vitamin A
"All things work together for good for those who love God,
who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Blue- Take Vitamin B
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is
within me, bless His Holy name." (Psalm 103:1)

Crushed- Take Vitamin C
"Cast all your care on Him, because he cares for you."(1Peter 5:7)

Depressed- Take Vitamin D
"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." (James 4:8)

Empty- Take Vitamin E
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with
praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name." (Psalm 100:4)

Fearful- Take Vitamin F
"Fear not, for I am with you, do not be afraid,
for I am your God." (Isaiah 41:10)

Greedy- Take Vitamin G
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down,
shaken together, running over, will be put unto your lap; for the
measure you give will be the measure you get back." (Luke 6:38)

Hesitant- Take Vitamin H
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of
the messenger who announces peace, who brings good
news, who announces Salvation, who says to Zion,
'Your God reigns.'" (Isaiah 52:7)

Insecure- Take Vitamin I
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."(Philippians 4:13)

Jittery- Take Vitamin J
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."(Hebrews 13:8)

Know nothing- Take Vitamin K
"Know this that the LORD is God, it is He that made
us and not we ourselves. (Psalm 100:3)

Lonely- Take Vitamin L
"Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."(Matthew 28:20)

Mortgaged- Take Vitamin M
"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is
made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Nervous- Take Vitamin N
"Never, no never will I leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)

Overwhelmed- Take Vitamin O
"Overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21)

Perplexed or puzzled?- Take Vitamin P
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the
world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be
troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27)

Quitting- Take Vitamin Q
"Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong."(1 Corinthians 16:13)

Restless- Take Vitamin R
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him." (Psalm 37:7)

Scared- Take Vitamin S
"Stay with me, and do not be afraid; for the one who seeks my
life seeks your life; you will be safe with me." (1 Samuel 22:23)

Tired- Take Vitamin T
"Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall
run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31)

Uncertain- Take Vitamin U
"Understand that I am (the LORD). Before Me no God was
formed, nor shall there be any after Me." (Isaiah 43:10)

Vain- Take Vitamin V
"Vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one. (Acts 5:16)

Wondering what to do?- Take Vitamin W
"What does the LORD require of you but to do justly, and to love
mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8)

Exhausted?- Take Vitamin X
"Exercise thyself rather unto godliness." (1 Timothy 4:7)

Yearning for hope?- Take Vitamin Y
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff,
they comfort me." (Psalm 23:4)

Zapped- Take Vitamin Z
"Zealous for good deeds." (Titus 2:14)

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Now, if only we could remember to take our spiritual vitamins each day! I know one thing, if I don't take the time each day to spend in prayer and in the word; I'm usually frazzled by the end of the day! With the pace that most of us live at these days, it's easy to get stressed, so we must take care of our spiritual bodies too! I hope you enjoyed the spiritual vitamin prescriptions above, and to be sure, we all need our daily-recommended allowances of these wonderful promises from God’s Word everyday.

We are still basking in Jordan’s good report that we received last week at St. Jude, and we are very grateful for all the prayers and support many of you guys sent our way. Once I got back home, I started making all of Jordan's follow up appointments for the next few weeks. . It’s hard to imagine, this tumor takes a "team of doctors" to treat. Jordan needs to see his endocronigist, his neurologist, his ophthalmologist, his orthopedic doctor, and now a new doctor, a Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine doctor! So, you can see what we do between our visits at St. Jude! He He…

I just found out yesterday that Jordan would need all four of his wisdom teeth removed. ((Ouch)) We just went in for a simple cleaning, and left feeling like, “when will this end?” But I know, in the whole scheme of things, we are truly "blessed”, and so I think I'll just stop complaining before I even get started!

It's been a very difficult week for some of the families we have become close to and have been praying for. The Gaskins lost their beautiful son Jay, and I offer my deepest condolences to you and your entire family now. This is not an easy road to travel, but as always I'm just amazed at the courage and strength I see these precious children exhibit day by day. Please remember this family as they begin yet another difficult part of their journey.

I do have some great news, our little German boy Jake Raborn is out of ICU and in his own room now! I'm sure Staci loves the big bed to snuggle up with Jake. Also, our "Amazing Jacob" in Florida is on his Make-a-Wish trip now! How exciting, after all this time, he has finally got a week off of doctors, hospitals stays, and he is able to enjoy a great week with his family. I cannot begin to express how happy I am for this amazing family. I’m looking forward to the pictures and details of that trip when they return!

Brent Nason is still hanging in there with his new diet, and Tonya said he's feeling much better now that he is eating healthy foods. Tonya is working real hard to provide some great meals for him to enjoy. They should be back at St. Jude any day now. Thanks for joining with us and continuing to pray for these wonderful families. I know it means so much to them, just as it has to so many of us, to know that others are standing with you every step of the way.

Well, Jordan's team, the LSU Tigers (Men and Women) did not make the Championship game, sigh.... but they sure worked hard to get to the final four and we are still proud of them.

I hope that you will have a wonderful week ahead and I'll be back soon to let you know how things are going down here in “Old New Orleans”.

Oh, I wanted to mention that we are celebrating two very special birthdays in the months of March and April, Grace Kelly (2 years on March 19th) and Kayla Michelle (1 year on April 5th), my two beautiful granddaughters. My Oh My, how time flies!!! Here is a picture we recently had taken of our two little princesses. Enjoy!

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Brent Nason Brent

Tony requests we agree and pray in faith for these things:

- Please pray that this chemo will NOT have any negative effects on Brent's body.
- Please pray that this chemo will WORK .....WIPING OUT ALL CANCER CELLS!!!
- Please pray for COMPLETE EARTHLY HEALING for Brent. (God's will be done)

Ryan Breedlove Ryan

Our little buddy Ryan is now in Memphis for a week of testing. Please pray for Amy and Ryan as we believe God he will come home with all good reports! Go check out his site, he's such a cutie!!

Jay Gaskins

Please continue to pray for this family more then ever!

Jacob Duckworth Jacob

Please continue to pray for Jacob's complete healing here on earth, and there is no cancer or complications from his new chemo.

Jake Owen Raborn Jake

Please continue to keep little Jake in prayer. Although he is out of the ICU, he's still not feeling well and is in pain. Please go to his site to get all the details! Keep Believing!!!

Timmy Pauxtis Timmy

Our precious Timmy is still fighting real hard, and his mom Susan is enjoying every single moment she has with him. I can not imagine how weary she must be now, but her love for Timmy keeps her going strong. I'm excited to let you know that "someone" who wrote Timmy's song is a wonderful lady named Laura. She is the one who so graciously made this awesome banner for Jordan's page! Now, this is one talented woman. She's been a great source of comfort and friendship for Timmy's mom Susan. Please continue to pray for this wonderful family. I've never met anyone one like Susan, if you haven't visited this site, you need to today! I'm sending so much love to you today Susan....

Mylissa Horrocks Bella

Mylissa continues to do well, and is just waiting on some direction as far as taking care of her cyst. Her mother found out she does have breast cancer, but it is in the very, very early stages. (Praise God!) They will do surgery to remove it, and begin radiation after. Please agree with this family that her mom would do great. They are trusting God completely, and already giving praises to Him. For more info you can go to Bella's site.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:40 PM CST


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Arriving at St. Jude

“A weak faith is weakened by predicaments and catastrophes, whereas a strong faith is strengthened by them.” Victor Frankl

Greetings to my faithful friends, and prayer warriors!

I want to start this journal off by first saying how deeply touched I am by all the emails, calls and messages I received during the past three days Jordan and I were away at St. Jude. Really, the great outpouring of love and concern just blew me away! You will never know how much this has meant to us. (Big smile here!) I think I could climb Mt. Everest with this kind of support! God is so good and gracious to bless us with such wonderful friends. I must say I am about the richest woman on earth, and your friendship is treasured beyond words. OK, I know you are waiting for some GOOD NEWS! Right?

This I can give you....Jordan's tumor appears to have remained stable over the past three months, and when I pressed for a “better” answer, “Did you see even just a "little bitty shrinkage", I got a grin from Dr. Kun with a look of, “Here she goes”, and he said, “Yes the TUMOR IS SHRINKING!". Maybe I had to squeeze it out of him, but we are blessed beyond words!!! Thanks for the prayers. They literally CHANGE things, and your labor of love has truly paid off! OK, let's pause for a "Happy Dance” now!

Now, I must admit this trip was more stressful then most! Because of a "movement disorder" Jordan has developed, Jordan had to be set up for sedation for this MRI. We got our instructions weeks before our arrival and reviewed them several times. Clear liquids only, up until 2 hours before MRI. Jordan was scheduled for noon. Now, I must say, keeping Jordan away from liquids is a major. Jordan also has a condition called diabetes insipidus, which causes him to be very thirsty. He takes medication for this, and it' s been adjusted several times, but he still remains very thirsty. (I knew this would be a major challenge for us.) A few hours before the MRI, I thought things were going well, until he confessed to the nurse at Triage that he drank some "orange juice"! To say I was "upset" would be putting it mildly. I think I must have turned five shades of red when he said that. Well, the MRI was immediately cancelled!Image hosting by TinyPic I was so geared up for this MRI, and now it looked like we would have to go back home with no results. They said the machine was booked up for weeks.

After working through all of these emotions, I had to come to grips and this was just an innocent mistake, (things could be a lot worse). Well, I got it back "together" and just committed the whole thing to the Lord. I guess it was just a TEST, because the next day (by a miracle), they squeezed us in and rescheduled Jordan’s MRI on Tuesday. You may find this hard to believe, but Jordan continued to move throughout his MRI even under heavy sedation. Dr. Kun had us immediately do an unscheduled CT of his brain after the MRI to check out some other areas in Jordan's brain. As it turned out, everything looked OK, but he is going to have a conference with his neurologist today to discuss some possible new medications for Jordan and try and find the answers for this condition.

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Jordan still sedated as he got his CT!

I actually called Dr. Africk (our neurologist here at home) this morning to let her know Dr. Kun would be calling her, and in our discussion she decided that she wants Jordan to undergo a “Polysomnogram”. This is diagnostic sleep study to try and help diagnose his movement disorder. This test takes all night, and the patient is wired up to monitors that are used to analyze the brain activity and involuntary movements that occur while sleeping.

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Jordan doing his favorite part of his eye-exam! These are 3-D glasses...really cool mom.

What can I say? Jordan is "unique” in so many ways. Please agree with me in prayer that we will find some answers for this condition. Although it's not life threatening, it's very disturbing to see, and I want his body to really be able to rest when he is sleeping!

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Jordan in triage, right before the "BIG CONFESSION"!!!!

Back to St. Jude…Well, things did turn around for us on Monday evening when we got to see Dawn, Todd and Mason Pierce! Yes, other than the good news about Jordan, this was the "highlight of our trip". I had already met Dawn on my last visit to St. Jude in December. Dawn had a son named Shae, who was a patient at St. Jude 5 years ago. Shae has since earned his angel wings. Since this time, she has continued to reach out to other families at St. Jude. I could do this whole update on Dawn Pierce alone. She is such a powerhouse for Jesus, and has one of the biggest hearts in all the world (Love you Dawn!)

OK, so Todd and Dawn picked us up Monday night to take us with them to visit little Jake Raborn at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. I finally got to meet the "clan"! Oh my, what a great group of fired up Christians they are. They really know how to "BELIEVE", and walk with Jesus. This is a family who also knows how to have a lot of fun. Jake truly needs a miracle, but this does not stop this family in any way. I felt so honored to finally meet them in person and get some hugs!

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Jordan and his new friend, Mason the great!

Thanks Dawn for picking us up, and letting us get to know your precious son Mason. Gosh, now this is one amazing little boy. He has the cutest personality and he looks just like his big brother Shae! He does not meet a stranger and gives hugs and kisses freely. He also loves Veggie Tales and Spider-man I found out!

I know this entry is becoming a novel now. Tonya, I've learned this from you, he he... but you are still one of the best updaters out there! Image hosting by TinyPic(((smile))) I think I will wrap this up for now, and say thanks again and again for all your love, prayers and concern. Please take time to check out the prayer requests I have updated below. These children really need your prayers more then ever! I thought today's quote was so awesome. Victor Frankl was a survivor of the Nazi Holocaust. Who could of known better what a true catastrophe is, and then to be able to live to pen those words? I pray your faith will be strengthen each and everyday.

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Brent Nason Brent

Brent is still home now waiting for his counts to come up! He is having lots of fun catching up with his friends, family and church! Please continue to pray for Brent's complete healing! We love you Nason Family!

Jay Gaskins

With a heavy heart I type these words, Jay won his battle and earned his angel wings today. Please pray for Jason and Cindy during this time...

Jacob Duckworth Jacob

Our amazing "Come Back Kid" is HOME!!! His family is ecstatic. Please continue to pray for his complete healing here on earth. Heather asks us to agree " NO CANCER or complications from chemo". Here are some other requests:

*Jacob's tummy will heal completely and stop leaking
*Jacob WILL tolerate the chemo with no side effects.
*Jacob will have no fevers, illnesses or infections.
*In the name of Jesus - Jacob will be completely healed on earth

Jake Owen Raborn Jake

Little Jake was doing so well, and just bounced back after brain surgery Monday. Well, there is some brain swelling now, and his pressure is up. They took him back to the hospital where they will watch him closely now. Please storm the heavens with me for this precious family! Keep Believing...

Timmy Pauxtis Timmy

Our precious Timmy is still fighting real hard, and his mom Susan is enjoying every single moment she has with him. I can not imagine how weary she must be now, but her love for Timmy keeps her going strong. Someone wrote a song for Timmy, and if you go to his site you can hear it. It is so beautiful. I go there so often I know the words by heart now. Here is my favorite stanza:

Dear sweet Timothy
We love your precious heart
You are strong and you are brave
And if I could reach the stars
I’d write your name on high
And fill the heavens with your angel lullaby....

We love you Susan and pray for Timmy each day!

Mylissa Horrocks (From Habitat for Hope!)

OK, praise report here! Mylissa went to her doctor for an ultrasound today and her doctor believes what she has is most likely a cyst on her ovary. SIGH OF RELIEF..... Whew.... now that's another reason to do a happy dance for sure! Mylissa did ask if we all could keep her mom in prayer as she gets biopsy next week of her breast. We are agreeing with her family for benign results. Please also remember to pray for Mark and Mylissa as they prepare to leave everything behind to work full time in their ministry "Habitat for Hope".... We sure appreciate you guys!

With strong faith,

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Friday, March 24, 2006 7:48 AM CST

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"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you". (Psalm 9:10.)

By Suzanne Benner

You've heard it before -- "Take one day at a time" or "Don't worry about tomorrow". It may be good advice, but it sounds trite in the midst of your own personal crisis.

Jesus himself said it in Matthew 6:34, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Thus, there must be more to these words than simply a stereotyped answer, which people give.

Obviously, it is about trust. Do I trust God to look after my future, or do I need to look after myself? Yet, it is also about obedience. Do you remember when God promised to send manna to the Israelites in the desert, so that they would always have bread to eat? (Exodus 16:1 - 36) Some people didn't believe God would send manna again the next day; they weren't sure they could trust Him, so they gathered extra just in case. The next morning the manna they had collected was crawling with maggots.

Listen to what God said to Moses about the situation. "I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions" (Exodus 16:4.)

The people's obedience to God was a measure of their faith in Him. If they followed His instructions, it was proof that they trusted Him. When Jesus said not to worry about tomorrow, it wasn't merely a wise suggestion. It was a good command. He knew we would be overwhelmed by the weight of the future (remember the Israelites were in the desert for forty years.) Therefore He instructed us to obey Him today and trust Him for tomorrow.

Greetings my wonderful friends,

I just received the devotional I copied above today, and it could not have come at a better time for us personally. I belong to a Pediatric Brain Tumor group; it's a great bunch of mom's who have children with all types of brain tumors. Some are in treatment, some or out, but no matter what's going on we all go through something we have now officially named: "PMS".... which stands for "Pre-MRI-Syndrome"!

We have laughed and joked about it so much that we are now considering making T-shirts, caps and capes for the kids to wear! It sometimes just helps to be able to laugh and joke a little even during the most stressful times. For some the stress is more difficult then it is for others, but the MRI "jitters" are real. No matter how many times you go to get a scan, it seems you never get over being a little nervous about the results. I’m sure many of you know just what I’m talking about.

I usually do pretty well up until the time we start packing for St. Jude. Then the “jitters” start to hit. For the most part I’m usually distracted when we first arrive, because we are getting caught up with all our friends who are there. It has almost become like a "family reunion" when we go back. It is so much fun making plans to get together with friends, (Tonya and Dawn, I'm counting the days!), and we get so excited when we run into others we haven’t seen in a while in clinic, the cafeteria, or at the famous Grizzly house! It’s these kinds of relationships that help carry us through this journey.

But once I settle down and start thinking about the fact that they will be looking at Jordan’s brain, it’s easy for my thoughts to wonder off. It is then I remind myself about how blessed we have been with Jordan's progress since he finished radiation last year. I'm humbled and I'm grateful by the goodness of God. Yet the fact remains, that the tumor is still there, and our visit is to see what is going on is serious business.

The waiting room has become a place of much reflection for me. This is where we have spent a lot of time in earnest prayer. No matter how long you are on the journey, you can never take anything for granted. I have learned this both first hand and from many of the families I have grown so close to. We never really know what tomorrow holds, and so we must stay constant in prayer before the Lord, and make our requests known to Him.

In the story told in the devotional by Suzanne Benner when the Israelites left Egypt and followed Moses into the desert wilderness, God gave them heavenly bread to eat every day. But it only lasted for one day, and then it would spoil. They couldn’t pick up a week’s worth of bread on Monday and then just glide along for the rest of the week. They had to trust God “one day at a time” to supply their needs to survive. Jesus is still trying to teach us this same lesson today. God has promised to look after us and to give us strength, but the “trusting” part is up to us.

Let’s never forget that God alone is the only one we can completely rely on, and trust in to get us through whatever we may be facing. May we always be able to find our portion of manna each day, and be nourished and strengthened for whatever the journey may be that lies ahead.

Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy lives to read my journal, and pray for Jordan. I know many of you are dealing with so many issues in your own life now. I pray the Lord repays you all for the kind things you share, your prayers and concern. We serve a mighty God! I can hardly wait to share our good report with you next week. Keep standing on the promises, God is faithful.

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Brent Nason Brent

Please keep this precious family in your prayers more then ever now. You will have to go to their site, Tonya just updated last night and there is a lot of info you need to know. Brent is now on a new diet, trying to cleanse his body of all these toxins. Link and Tonya will talk to Brent's doctors today and need for all us to be in serious prayer concerning the direction they need to take for Brent's healing. They are in a place no parent should be in, but are truly are standing on the Rock. Their faith is unshaken, and I'm just in awe of the testimony of this wonderful family. Tonya has taught me so much in the short time I've know her. The Lord has truly knit our hearts together. She is a sister to me now. Thanks so much for your prayers, they are the link she needs for God's perfect will to be accomplished in Brent's life.

Jay Gaskins

A care conference will take place today for little Jay. They will be discussing how and when he can go home. Please pray that all goes well. Jay has been in the hospital for six weeks now,and this is really taking a toll on all of them. Please continue to press in for this special family!

Jacob Duckworth

Our amazing "Come Back Kid" is HOME!!! His family is ecstatic. Please continue to pray for his complete healing here on earth. Heather asks us to agree " NO CANCER or complications from chemo". Here are some other requests:

*Jacob's tummy will heal completely and stop leaking
*Jacob WILL tolerate the chemo with no side effects.
*Jacob will have no fevers, illnesses or infections.
*In the name of Jesus - Jacob will be completely healed on earth

Jake Owen Raborn Jake

Please be in prayer Monday as Jake undergoes brain surgery. The tumors they found earlier have grown, and they will try and get them out. My heart goes out to this family.They are full of faith, expecting great things for our little German boy! His "GVHD" issues are finally getting better, praise God!

Timmy Pauxtis Timmy

Timmy is a very precious little boy who is home on Hospice now. Timmy is still fighting to be with us all. Please continue to remember Timmy in your prayers each day. He is now having some "break-through pain". The doctors are trying to change somethings now to make him more comfortable. His mom Susan asks: "Please keep those candles burning and continue to pray for comfort and peace for my beautiful boy Timmy" If you would, please drop by and let Susan know you are thinking of her today. I've never seen such an outpouring of love for a family like this. Timmy has touched so many lives, he is our Hero!

Mylissa Horrocks

We found out last night, due to some really intense pain that sent Mylissa to the ER, they noted a mass on her ovary. Mylissa and Mark are the founders of "Habitat for Hope". These guys just give and give to so many hurting people with their awesome ministry! Please keep them in prayer as she has a biopsy soon. We know God is watching over her!

Trusting Jesus,

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Monday, March 20, 2006 10:43 AM CST

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“He is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.”
-- John Piper

Happy Monday to you all!

I'm just so excited to share some very special news with you guys! Guess what? We got a great report yesterday on one of our special buddies! There are "NO CANCER CELLS" in Brent's bone marrow! Whoooo Hooooo…We had a happy dance party on finding out that news. I can't begin to tell you how excited I was to hear those words.

On this journey, as most of you already know, we adopt so many kids. Their victories become our victories, and their set backs also become ours and it just breaks our hearts. We are walking this road together, heart to heart, and hand in hand. I want to thank you all for praying for the needs that are listed on this page. It means so much to me, and also to the families you pray for and encourage. Prayer is the most powerful meaningful thing we can do for others. A lot of times we think, "well, all we can do is just pray". We should never put the word "just" before prayer! Prayer is one of the mightiest weapons we have been given in this world to fight against every evil, and bring the Power of God’s hand to bear on our behalf. I like the way Elizabeth Elliot put it best:

"Prayer lays hold of God's plan and becomes the link between His will and its accomplishment on earth. Amazing things happen, and we are given the privilege of being the channels that the Holy Spirit works through.” ~ Elisabeth Elliot

Now I like the thought of being a "link" that God uses to accomplish His will. I want what God wants, and sometimes I realize it's not the answer I'm always looking for. But this is when we learn to really trust His wisdom, his guidance, and His plan for our lives. I believe He is in total control, and He longs for us to trust His wisdom, His will, and be satisfied in Him. Hey, and that's what John Piper was saying in the quote I used today.

So...about Jordan's foot. Well, it is finally starting to feel better! I don't think he will have to wear the special support shoe much longer. Our trip to Memphis is coming up and, I would like if you would already start agreeing with us for a great report next Monday when he gets his next MRI. Jordan will have to be sedated due to a condition he has developed called “myoclonic movements”. In the long run, I think this will work out best for Jordan. These MRI's were really getting to him. He will also have an extensive eye exam the second day. I really have peace about all of this, although Jordan has been having headaches again almost every day, (but nothing like the pain he was having before and we are so grateful for that!)

I'm actually looking forward to this visit up at St. Jude. We have a lot of plans while we will be there. So, get ready for lots of pictures next week! I'd like to end with a neat little poem I found. I want to dedicate this to all of my precious CB friends. Gosh, what would I do without all of you out there? I'm just so grateful Caringbridge has provided such a wonderful place for all of us to share our lives together:

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I have a circle of friends I met,
Their hearts’ are as pure as gold.
Care giving is their lot in life,
A place they’re proud to hold.

We come from different walks of life,
From almost every place.
The common bond that we all share,
Is to give each other love and grace.

Sharing our laughter and our tears,
Encouragement is our goal.
We're there for one another,
And help make each other whole.

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Brent Nason Brent

We are still just so excited about Brent's great report, but now we have to pray his blood products continue to go up so he can start a new chemo soon. Tonya is standing on God's promises and so full of faith. If you ever need a word of encouragement, this is the site to visit. We love this family dearly!

Jay Gaskins

Jay continues to do well, and is now beginning to communicate better. His ventricles continue to shrink! His parents are so grateful. His MRI however showed one of his tumors were stable, but one had doubled in size. They also noted a new tumor in a different area of his brain. Please continue to storm the heavens for this family.

Jacob Duckworth

Our amazing "Come Back Kid" is HOME!!! His family is ecstatic. Please continue to pray for his complete healing here on earth. Heather asks us to agree " NO CANCER or complications from chemo".

Jake Owen Raborn Jake

This is an important week in the whole bone marrow transplant process. Jake has a full body PET/CT scans on Wednesday and a MRI of his brain again. This week marks one month post transplant. It is a critical time for graft vs. host, and Mo's said " I am READY for that new SVEN marrow to go kill some cancer!! I look forward to NORMAL AFP." Please continue to pray and believe for Jake's miraculous healing!

Timmy Pauxtis Timmy

Timmy is a very precious little boy who is home on Hospice now..Please continue to remember Timmy in your prayers each day. His mom Susan asks: "Please keep those candles burning and continue to pray for comfort and peace for my beautiful boy." If you would, please drop by and let Susan know you are thinking of her today.

Thanking God for you all,

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Thursday, March 16, 2006 9:03 AM CST

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"There are no hopeless situations -- only people who are hopeless about them."

May we never loose our Hope

Greetings my faithful friends,

This week has really flown by. I trust you are doing well, and you are continuing to believe for God to do great things in your life. We serve a mighty God! Jordan's foot is still bothering him, but he has now been down graded from the walking cam boot to a smaller shoe. We finally saw his doctor and he is very cautious about letting him go back to work, or putting a lot of pressure on his foot. He thinks Jordan may have a condition called "Osteopenia'. This is a weakening of the bones. He does not want him to injury it again. We talked about doing a bone density test from another part of his body soon. Thanks so much for your prayers in this area.

We head out to Memphis for Jordan’s next follow-up appointment at St. Jude next Sunday. Please agree with us for a good report. We rely your prayers and know what a difference they have made. Thanks so much...

Yesterday we received some news that I was not anticipating and to be honest was very hard to accept. Our buddy Brent had his scans done yesterday, and they found a new spot on his spine. Brent is in the heat of the battle fighting a cancer called "Neuroblastoma". The bible instructs us in Galatians 6:2 to "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." The burden was heavy in my heart for this family, but I know Tonya is a mighty woman of faith and she will continue standing on God's Word and the promises He has given her concerning Brent. Please continue to agree with us concerning Brent's complete healing. He was doing so well, and I guess that is why we were all so stunned.

I read something recently that I thought was really neat. It said, “When we can't figure something out, we need to "faith it out". Yep, these are times we need to truly stand on the Word and trust God like never before.

In closing, I would like to share a devotional that I received in the beginning of the New Year. I thought right now was the perfect time to post it. Please be encouraged by these promises, they are for all of us!


Nothing shocks God or catches Him off guard. He didn’t panic when Adam sinned in the Garden. He didn’t freak out when the world grew so sinful that He had to send a flood to cleanse and start it over again. Sodom and Gomorrah didn’t make Him gasp. When Jonah ended up inside the whale God wasn’t thrown for a loop.

Why? Because God always has a plan! And He’s got one for your life too. It’s detailed, timely, well oiled, perfectly orchestrated, and when you fully grasp it you’ll be thrilled! The Bible says He has “plans to prosper…and not to harm you…to give you hope and a future.” But sometimes it’s hard to see God’s hand at work, especially when trouble’s knocking on your door in the form of a diagnosis you dreaded, a runaway child, a partner who wants out of the marriage, or a financial setback you’re not sure you’ll survive.

When the crisis you’re facing makes you want to throw in the towel, remember this: “Our problems become God’s opportunities”. He loves to transform our most costly mistakes into priceless gems of wisdom, our bruised and bleeding places into greater strength, and our deepest fears into unshakeable faith – once we start seeing them as part of His master plan!

Today God wants to bring His purposes to pass in your life in ways that will astonish you. So stay in step with Him, keep trusting, and refuse to give place to discouragement no matter what – okay?

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Brent Nason Brent

Thanks so much for faithfully praying for our buddy Brent. We so appreciate your prayers and thanks to all of you who have went to visit his site. We love the Nason family and want to be there for them. Tonya requests:

"Please pray that Brent's platelets and anc will be high enough to start this new chemo next week.
We're gonna try new chemo and are aware that this fight is the LORDS and we will NOT GIVE UP! Please keep praying for COMPLETE EARTHLY HEALING."

Jay Gaskins

His mom wrote:

"The plan this week is to continue to focus on Jay’s therapies, work on getting him off the vent completely by this weekend(he has been using it at night), and a MRI is scheduled for Friday. Please join us in praying for “Shock Their Socks Off” results!

Jacob Duckworth

Please pray persistently and BELIEVE:
*That Jacob's stomach will heal and stop leaking
*That Jacob will continue to improve with NO SETBACKS!
*That Jacob's lungs will completely recover from the pneumonia
*That Jacob will be HAPPY and COMFORTABLE
*That Jacob will be completely healed on earth - NO CANCER or complications from chemo

Jake Owen Raborn Jake

Little Jake continues to do well, but still needs our prayers. His mom requests we remember these areas:

1. Protection against respiratory viruses, flu, or pneumonia. Please pray that Jake keeps CLEAN, CLEAR lungs!!
2. Protection against any harmful "acute GVHD".
3. Jake's complete healing on this Earth... which means that AFP will start falling within the next couple of weeks.
4. He also has scans coming up next Wednesday. Please pray that the results are clear and able to tackled with a clear and easy treatment plan.

Timmy Pauxtis Timmy

Please continue to remember Timmy in your prayers. We ask they you pray he remains pain free and the Lord continues to give his mom the strength she needs for each day. Susan said:

"I know my boy's time is short so lets all light a candle for Timmy. Someone once said to me that if we do not get his miracle here on earth, we will light his way home. I have been burning mine since yesterday."

Thanking God for His plans,

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Monday, March 13, 2006 9:48 AM CST

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"But as for me,
I WILL always have hope;
I WILL praise you more and more.
My mouth WILL TELL of your righteousness, and of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure.
I WILL come and proclaim your mighty acts, O Sovereign LORD;
I WILL proclaim your righteousness, yours alone" (Psalm 71:14-16).

Good Monday to you all!

Notice any changes? Yes, after one year we finally decided to change the song, and I even up-dated Jordan's welcome letter! It was definitely time. I sat with Jordan and went through so many songs, and the words to this one really represents our walk with the Lord since we began our journey 4 years ago this April. The song is titled: "Walk By Faith". I believe this truly exemplifies what God has called us to do each day. I'd like to share the words with you now:

Walk By Faith (Jeremy Camp)

Would I believe you when you would say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day

Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

Help me to win my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do

yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, ya


Well I'm broken, but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken, pouring Your words of grace

(chorus x2)

Well hallelujah, hallelu
(I will walk by faith)
Well hallelujah, hallelu
(I will walk by faith)

I will walk, I will walk, I will walk by faith
I will, I will, I will walk by faith

I really like the first chorus when Jeremy sings, "Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see, Well because this broken road, Prepares Your will for me."

When Jordan was first diagnosed I bought a book called "A Bend in the Road". This is the testimony of David Jeremiah when he walked through his journey with cancer. I really liked the way he phrased this time in his life as just a "bend in the road". Jeremy Camp calls it a "broken road." No matter what you call it, it a road that changes suddenly for us when we least expect it. It's the long lonely road that Jesus walked for us, and will walk with us hand and hand if we allow Him to. But always remember, we will get where Jesus brings us if we are patient, and willing to trust Him.

I pray this coming week will be a good one for you. We have a busy schedule ahead, I'll keep you updated on all our adventures, but there are some prayer requests and awesome praise reports I'd like to share with you now. Thanks again for taking the time to share our journey with us. Your prayers and words of encouragement mean more then you will ever know. I covet them greatly.

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Brent Nason Brent

During the next 3 days Brent will have some major testing. Please agree with us for CLEAN scans! Here is his schedule:

Monday: 8:00 AM, MRI of the Spine
Tuesday: 6:45 AM, MRI of the face, 9:00 AM, Audiology (hearing test) 1:00 PM MIBG Injection
Wednesday: 6:45 AM, MRI of the Pelvis-,9:30 AM, Bone Marrow Aspirates,12:30 PM, MIBG Scan

As you can see this is some serious testing. Please also keep Link, Tonya and all the boys in prayer. She is standing on the promises and believing God for a MIRACLE this week. We are standing with you Tonya in total agreement now.

Jay Gaskins

Little Jay has been in PICU for the last 5 weeks. He's had some really good days, and some set backs. Please keep Jay and his parents in your prayers. He needs a miracle. Their faith is unshaken and are not giving up!

Jacob Duckworth

Well our little "Amazing Jacob" could also be called "The Come Back Kid"! Yes, he is out of PICU now, and doing so much better. What a wild journey this has been. Please continue to pray for him and his wonderful family. Jacob is still having problems with a leak in the site where his tubes were removed. His mom requests we pray for that healing too.

Jake Owen Raborn Jake

Our precious little Jake continues to do well! If you need a good laugh or word of encouragement, this is the site to visit! This is a family that is so full of faith, and knows how to squeeze as much joy as they can out of each day they spend with Jake. Now, isn't that how we all should live? Please continue to believe with them that this BMT is a complete success and Jake does not experience any GVH (graft verse host) effects.

Timmy Pauxtis Timmy

Please continue to remember this precious little boy who is now home under the care of Hospice. Timmy is still fighting, and holding on. He is so blessed to have a mom who is at his side 24 hours a day, just loving him every single minute. Susan is an amazing woman of grace and faith. She has the most tender and gentle spirit. If you would, please stop by Timmy's site an offer a word of prayer and encouragement now. She walking a road no mother should walk, but does it with such peace.

Standing on the promises as we "Walk by Faith",

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Wednesday, March 8, 2006 12:15 AM CST

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Hi Everyone!

I was going through some of my older devotionals that I receive each day in my email, and found the one I copied below. I marked it as a favorite and you will know why. Lately, we have been really blessed to have witnessed so many answers to our prayers, and I just want to keep that spirit of gratefulness and great faith going.

There are still many battles to be won, and there are others out there learning how to let go, and let God be God in their lives and circumstances. These are not easy lessons to learn, but I think we all face those days when there is nothing left to do but say, “God I give it you, and to you alone!” And then there are others’ who have children who have won their battles against the beast, and are now whole and standing victorious next to Jesus. With God, there are NO LOSSES, only Gains.

Paul wrote, “Yes, I count everything as loss compared to the priceless privilege and surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, and of becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him. For His sake, I have lost everything and consider it all to be mere rubbish, in order that I may GAIN Christ.” Phil. 3:8 (Amp)

I recently read a review of a book called, "Fragile Innocence". It's a father's memoir of his daughter's courageous journey while she fought for her life. One night in a moment of bargaining with God on his daughter's deathbed he promised, "to never again measure the losses...only the gains”. I was so touched by those challenging words. Everything we face in our lives is determined more by how we see them than the problem itself. I pray your faith will be strengthened by these awesome examples of people who had radical, risk-taking faith, in the midst of their greatest storms.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

A Conviction and A Hope

God’s help is always available, but it’s given only to those who seek Him. Nothing results from apathy. God honors radical, risk-taking faith. When arks are built, lives are saved. When armies march, walls tumble. When a lunch is shared, thousands are fed. And when His garment is touched, whether by the hand of a diseased woman in Galilee, or your hand – Jesus stops. He always responds to faith. Listen to His words: “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace” (Mk 5:34 NKJV).

Maybe all you have today is a conviction and a hope. You feel like you’ve nothing to give – you’re hurting and all you have to offer Jesus is your pain. Perhaps your past has kept you from coming to Him; you’ve taken a step in His direction, then you saw all the other people around Him. They seemed so “together,” so much better than you. And when you saw them, they blocked your view of Him so you stepped back. If that describes you, notice something interesting: one of the only two people Jesus ever commended for having faith wasn’t a wealthy giver, a loyal follower or an acclaimed teacher. No, it was a shame-struck, penniless outcast who’d been hemorrhaging for 12 years, who clung to her conviction and her hope that “He could and He would”. Which, by the way, is a good place to start, and a good definition of faith – a conviction that God can, and a hope that He will!

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Jay Gaskins:

Please pray with Jason and Cindy that the shunt Jay needs will be placed soon. They received a good report from his CT, and the clot he had is dissipating. Jay is fighting a huge battle with these brain tumors. They would covet your prayers for their son.

Brent Nason:

Tonya is really anticipating some great news next week when Brent gets his scans done, and so am I!! Here is some other request too:

Pray for NO TUMOR CELLS in the marrow!
Pray that there is NOTHING NEW ANYWHERE in his body!
Pray that LORD WILLING, when we start the antibody treatment that Brent will have NO COMPLICATIONS!
Pray that there hasn't been and will NOT be any damage to Brent's body from chemo.
Pray that his cold will be GONE FOR GOOD SOON

Jacob Duckworth:

Our Amazing Jacob has seen some difficult days, even his brother broke a collarbone. Jacob is now in PICU, the doctors believe that he is in septic shock from a blood infection. Heather is not discouraged, and full of faith he will be on the mend soon, these are some specific request she has made:

That Jacob will be fever-free
*That God will take away all his pains and make him comfortable
*That God will intercede and take away his cancer and restore his health completely
*That Jacob will be completely healed on earth and thank God for this miracle
*That Devin will feel better and his collar bone will heal with no complications.

Jake Owen Raborn:

Our little German boy is doing amazing since his BMT! Seems like he has not felt better in such a long time. He is taking his meds really good, (poor baby, can you imagine?), but his AFP is up and those numbers need to start coming down! They will meet with Jake's doctors today, to try and understand all that is going on. Please continue to storm the heavens for this special little guy!

And finally please continue to pray for a complete healing for Jordan's foot. We went to his doctor yesterday only to find out He didn't come in that day! Praise the Lord, I'm truly learning to wait patiently. Be blessed, and always remember to be a blessing to someone today.

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Prayer Update!

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Hi everyone!

Today is a very important day for Brent Nason. As most of you may know by now, Brent and his family are very dear friends of ours. Today his mom has requested:

"For those of you who'd like to take part, if you would join us in a HOLY FAST lifting up Brent for Clear scans and marrow aspirates we would be HONORED to have you with us" Please agree that these will show TREMENDOUS IMPROVEMENTS with NOTHING NEW ANYWHERE in his body!! Pray that there will be NO TUMOR CELLS in his marrow. As we pray lets choose to BELIEVE that GOD CAN AND WILL give Brent COMPLETE AND PERMANENT EARTHLY HEALING. Let's start to PRAISE HIM for what we BELIEVE that HE is about to do!!

As we have all seen, there is a mighty power in prayer! Let's join together with Tonya and her family and believe God for this good report. I will keep you updated on the results. And let's also thank God now for hearing our prayers and being so faithful to answer them.

Thanks so much!


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"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." (Jeremiah 33:3)

Greetings my precious friends,

Well, I could not be more excited to share this awesome news! Jordan had his MRI today. We went back and got the films and report to bring to his doctor on Tuesday. Jordan's fracture has finally HEALED!!!!!!!! Yes, praise the Lord! I was doing the happy dance over here. Thank you, thank you, and thanks again for all the prayers, I know this is a "God thing", but what a test of my faith. I felt like I was being really stretched over these past 6 months. His foot would not heal even after all the treatments. But today, we got the good report. However, Jordan still has pain in the foot, and it's stiff, but it's been in a cast and boot for so long this seems like we should be expecting some of these side effects. I'm sure the doctor will put him in PT until he regains his strength back in that foot.

Now that he will begin his Growth Hormone (GH) shots again, I think that will also help Jordan to start feeling a lot better. What a great week this has been. While I'm sharing the good news, I have another major praise report too. Our little friend Genna, who had brain surgery last week, got some incredible news this week. Things were not looking good for her, and when they got the path report, and found out it was not the bad tumor they thought it was. Talk about some happy and relieved parents! Now, we still have to keep her in prayer, she will start back on her chemo, but I tell you, they are thanking God right now. I'm just so happy for Kristin. God is so good.

Jay Gaskins has had some great days, and his parents are also thrilled. Our buddy Brent is doing much better, after feeling pretty sick for a day. But thanks to our Father, he got to feeling better and remained fever free. Now he will be able to sneak a trip home this weekend!! Yeah – Way to go Brent! One last thing about the Nason’s... God has opened up some miracle doors for the family to get an apartment in Memphis so they don't have to be moving around so much.

Do you want to know how those doors opened? Can you contain MORE good news? …

Well, our friends Mark and Mylissa with "Habitat for Hope" were used in a mighty way this week in Memphis. They were even featured on the evening newscast. Oh man, this is real exciting. I'm going to put some links for you to go and see how God is using this ministry to help needy families. Not only did they bless Tonya and Link by helping them get their apartment, but they also helped another young mother and little baby who is in treatment at St. Jude, that had NO place to live, get moved into an apartment. You just have to take a minute and check out this amazing story of HOPE! Thanks Mark and Mylissa for being willing to lay down your own lives for so many people. Please, if you haven't already; why not consider joining with this great ministry with yours prayers and financial support. Habitat for Hope is truly a worthy cause.
[Click here to find out more]

http://www.WMCTVcom/Global/story.asp?s=4566291 Initial story…you will need to click this link, and then click the little news camera in the box at the upper left.

http://www.wmcstations.com/Global/story.asp?S=4571097 Tonight’s story…same thing, click the little camera.

Now for a few more updates... Our amazing Jacob in Florida is now doing great after a week of some really rough chemo. This child is a walking, talking miracle, and his mom is such a mighty woman of faith.

Little Jake Raborn got some good news this week, and things are going really great. His mom is still requesting our prayers on his behalf, but they are rejoicing as they see the hand of God at work in this child’s life.

Well, I'm just in awe at how many prayers that have been answered this week. God truly honors faith, and all of our prayers have made such a difference in so many of these brave children's lives. What a Mighty God we Serve!

And let us never forget, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31).

Giving God all the glory,

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Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:22 PM CST

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"He gives strength to those who are tired and more power to those who are weak.” (Isaiah 40:29)

Hi Everyone!

I pray you are all "hanging in there", and holding on to your faith, hope and love! Today is Mardi Gras where we live, and for us it's a stay at home day. A good day to catch up on so many things around the house. I'm sure you've seen a glance of New Orleans where ever you live on the news. Lots of people are here today to celebrate and have a good time, in spite of all the work that is still left to rebuild the city. We sure have a long way to go, but the spirit of our great city is alive and well. I'm already praying that God will bring a fresh revival to our town. On March 11 & 12, Billy Graham will come out of retirement, and with his son Franklin, conduct a big city wide revival meeting called "A Celebration of Hope". Please pray that God would show up in a special way for our City. There are still so many homeless and so many hurting people that need a touch from God.

Jordan is doing well. We will finally get his next MRI on Friday of his foot. I know exactly what the doctors will be looking for on those films, and will be viewing them first! So "Dr. Amato" will make her dx on Friday before Jordan's real doctor sees him on Tuesday! I'll keep you posted... I'm hoping for a GOOD report, and in faith I've already started thanking him for the healing. Another development is that Dr. Kun at St. Jude and Jordan’s Endocrinologist, Dr. Vargas, have agreed that they will start Jordan back on Human Growth Hormone therapy this week. He is completely GH deficient, and despite earlier reservations, they have concluded that he cannot go on without the GH replacement treatments any longer. I’ll keep you updated on his progress.

I recently read something by Max Lucado, and this man really has a way with words. This little article talks about Faith. It is one of the most profound things I've read in a long time. I hope it will help you, like it did me, to begin to look beyond the natural circumstances and see the “unseen” hand of God.

”An example of faith was found on the wall of a concentration camp. On it a prisoner had carved the words:

I believe in the sun, even though it doesn’t shine,
I believe in love, even when it isn’t shown,
I believe in God, even when he doesn’t speak.

I try to imagine the person who etched those words. I try to envision his skeletal hand gripping the broken glass or stone that cut into the wall. I try to imagine his eyes squinting through the darkness as he carved each letter. What hand could have cut such a conviction? What eyes could have seen good in such horror?

There is only one answer: "Eyes that chose to see the unseen.” - Max Lucado

I pray God gives us all eyes of faith for the plans He has for us...

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Brent Nason:

* Please pray that this chemo is doing it's job -- KILLING those cancer cells!
* That though the chemo is wreaking havoc with the cancer cells it WILL NOT do ANY damage to his body!!! (I'm BELIEVING FOR THAT IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!)
* Also, please remember to pray that upcoming scans/tests will show NO NEW growth and that there has been TREMENDOUS RESPONSE to his treatments.

Jay Gaskins

There is PRAYER VIGIL going on this week for Jay and the requests are listed on his site:


His mom Cindy also mentioned: "Yesterday, we discovered that Jay has a new bacteria growing in his right lung. We did another Bronc today for cultures and have started several more antibiotics. Hopefully in the next few days, we will be able to identify the bug and make sure we are treating it appropriately. Also, since we started weaning the vent, Jay has developed tremors. The doctors believe that he is experiencing withdraws from the sedation drugs that he was on, but we have scheduled an EEG tomorrow to rule out seizure activity. We have also increased his seizure medication just as a precaution. Please pray for no seizures, and that the tremors subside quickly."

Jake Owen Raborn

Jake's ANC is 300! His immunity is falling. They did a test today to determine how many German cells are in there, but don't know the results yet. They said it is a little early yet, so don't be disappointed if the number is not high. We should know soon. He is back on the G, but we don't fully understand why. Keep those prayers coming. This is a critical week. Read Psalms 91 and speak it with Jake's name in it.

Genna Camiolos

On Thursday Kristin will meet with Genna's doctors to go over her path reports and make some serious decisions about her next plan of treatment. Please pray God gives them the wisdom they need and peace after they make their dissection.

Timmy Pauxtis

Tomorrow is a very special boy will make 10! Timmy has a very aggressive brain tumor and is now home under the care of hospice. If you would please take a minute and drop a line to wish him a very Happy Birthday. It would mean alot!


And like Abraham, against all hope, in hope I still believe...

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Friday, February 24, 2006 8:00 AM CST

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"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us." Hebrews 12:1

Greetings my wonderful friends and prayer warriors,

How can I ever thank you enough for joining in with me and so many others for these children this week? I have so many praise reports for you. God is so good, all of the time!

Before I share with you, I would first like to talk with you about the Olympics. You'll understand why, in just a minute. Last night I was watching the women figure skaters. Oh, to be that graceful, and to be in that great shape! It seems so easy, yet these young ladies go through such rigorous training. So many sacrafices, so much commitment goes into all their preparation. All of the highly-trained Olympic athletes have devoted many years of their lives for one climactic moment in time.

I was thinking about last week when ice skater Michelle Kwan was saddened and disappointed that an injury prevented her from participating in the Olympics this year. She has had a fabulous career and has won U.S.
championships, world titles, and one Olympic bronze medal. She commented that it had been a dream to win an Olympic gold medal, that she had tried her hardest, and that she had no regrets. (Can you imagine saying those words?) She reminded everyone that it wasn't all about the "gold medal", but rather "the spirit of the quest" and the love the sport itself. I was so impressed. So you see, we are also in training, and as the word says, "surrounded by huge crowd of witnesses to our life of faith." What is our testimony, especially when we face great set-backs, and disappointments? We must remember like Michelle, it's because of the "love of our Father", we must endure to the end. There is a prize waiting for us, "the crown of life!" So, next time you feel weary and get discouraged, remember what this life is all about. Sure, there will always be "set-backs", but if we keep our eyes on the prize, we will finish our race. Let our testimony be like Paul's when he said in 2Ti 4:7 -
"I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful." Wow...what a goal!



The Bone marrow transplant is done! Yes, praise God! Please continue to pray this graft is successful. They are so grateful for their donor and ask for prayer that he will recover from this surgery. It's a real time of celebration for our new little German boy!


Genna's brain surgery went well, and she is recovering good. Pray for good path reports, wisdom and direction for their next plan of treatment.


Our traveling family! He He, Tonya is such a sweetheart, and has learned to bless the Lord in all things. Tonya requests: "PLEASE PRAY with us that Brent's platelets will be 75,000 or ABOVE tomorrow! Please pray that there will be NO DAMAGE to his body from these treatments, and that the scans and tests in March will all be CLEAR! Okay, I'll be THRILLED if we have NO NEW GROWTH".


Surgery went fairly well. The Trach was placed without complications, but Jay’s O2 saturations were not stable enough to continue with the biopsy or the ventricular catheter. After returning to his room, Jay did stabilize and we will attempt the catheter tomorrow at bedside. The biopsy will be rescheduled when we do the shunt. Jay already looks better, and we have started to wean the sedation drugs and the vent. He could be off the vent as early as tomorrow, but of course that will be up to Jay. Please pray that we can wean the vent quickly without complications.

Thanks once again for your faithful prayers and support. Jordan will get another MRI of his foot next Friday, we are believing for a GREAT report! Be blessed my friends, and remember to BE A BLESSING to someone today.

Keeping my eyes on the prize,


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Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:15 AM CST

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Greetings my precious friends and prayer warriors,

I've read this before, and there is not a better time then now for me to share it with you:

There's a holy high vocation
needing workers everywhere;
'Tis the highest form of service--
'Tis the Ministry of Prayer

Yes, I can't think of any thing better we can do for others then to take time to pray for them! There is a lot going on today and I come to you and ask you to please agree with me and the families of these precious children. In Matthew 21:22 it tells us " And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."

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Jake Owen Raborn

Jake has Hepatoblastoma (Liver Cancer) - Stage IV. Jake is only the second child in the world to receive a bone marrow transplant for this. He will receive radiation today, and tonight at midnight will begin his transplant. This bone marrow is coming from Germany as I type this now! Jake's Aunt Mo said: "I could ask for a single prayer request it would be for complete clarity and confidence in the treatment plan for Staci,Don, and Jake's doctors. I am praying for them to have UNSHAKEABLE FAITH. We need to believe with them that this bone marrow will grow, grow, grow!

Jay Gaskins

Jay was diagnosed with a the brain tumor Medulloblastoma. This is a very aggressive tumor. His father Jason said: "Jay had to be put on a vent this AM. His airway continues to be obstructed by his vocal cords. Two years ago this month Jay had a trach put in and it looks like we are headed down that same path. After that is dealt with Jay is still facing a shunt, G-tube, potential bone marrow transplant and in between all of this chemo. We are at about as desperate a situation as ever with Jay right now. Please stand in the gap for Cindy and me. We are worn out physically, mentally and spiritually. We are still trusting God."

Genna Camiolos

Genna also has a brain tumor and is now in surgery today to obtain another biopsy.
Her mom requested we please pray that they have wisdom and clarity for what they need to do as far as treatment, and she will find the direction they desperately need for Genna.

Brent Nason

His mom Tonya said: "We want to ask you to pray that all scans will show TREMENDOUS IMPROVEMENT. Something so GREAT and MIRACULOUS that they'll just have to KNOW it was GOD! We are praying that Brent's body will have NO DAMAGE from the chemo and that GOD will grant him COMPLETE EARTHLY HEALING."

Conner Smith:

Conner currently goes to the hospital every three weeks for infusions of immunoglobulins (IVIG) to help protect him since he can no longer fight germs on his own. Conner's parents will be flying out tomorrow to met with his doctors concerning all the children's test results. Pray the other children will not require these treatments in their future!

There are so many needs out there, the list could go on and on. I really appreciate you taking the time to read these requests and saying a prayer for these precious children today. God honors your faith, and your faith honors God.

Let us pray:

Dear Jesus,

I come to you today on behalf of little Jake, Jay, Genna, Brent, Conner and all those who are in the heat of the battle now. You instructed us in your word that we are to pray for one another so we may be healed. I pray for healing and wholeness for these children. I pray that sickness and infirmity will have no place in their lives.

I pray for protection against these diseases in their bodies now. You said in your word, "He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions". (PS 107:20). I pray you would touch them with your healing power and restore health to them.

I ask this in your precious holy name,


Always believing,

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Please check out this awesome ministry today:

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*******PRAYER REQUEST*******

Hi everyone,

I'd like to ask for prayer for a precious little boy named Joseph. He will be having 3 surgeries tommorrow. Please remember him in prayer tonight and all day Monday! You can visit his site at:


Thanks so much, this would mean the world to his mom Elizabeth!

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How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Psalm 139:17

Hello my wonderful friends,

Hope this week has been a good one for you! After I changed my attitude, and got my eyes back on the Lord, I've been doing MUCH better. Jordan has been going to PT, and it's been hard. He's still having lots of pain in his foot. I'm just praying it is healing. Jordan woke up last week and threw up several days early in the morning. Now for a brain tumor patient, that's never a good sign. I called his neurologist and she had me take him to his eye doctor here locally to check his optic disc. She basically wanted to rule out pressure building in his brain. His discs were sharp so we were able to rule that problem out! Praise God! However, when he did the eye exam he really struggled for the first time to read the chart. It looks like Jordan will now need glasses. Oh Boy, the fun never ends…He wasn't happy about that at first, but then I told him he could pick out any frames he wanted and he would look really cool! So, once we get back to St. Jude in March, we will test him once more and get them then to write his prescription. I'm also trusting God that on that trip we will find out that his tumor is remaining stable.

I know a lot of you out there are experiencing winter now, gosh, I'm jealous. Please send us a little of the white stuff down here! While I’m on the subject of New Orleans, if you ever think about it, please remember to pray for our city. It's been six months since Katrina hit, but the devastation is still all around us. It's like living in a "war zone". So many lives have been changed, so much loss. I believe that God will usher in a new beginning for our city. Out of all the rubble many will find new life, and a new hope for New Orleans! Thanks...

I found this article and it ministered to me, I pray it will also encourage you...

Choices. That's what joy and contentment is all about. We cannot change the circumstances around us, but we can choose how we respond to them. We choose whether we will be miserable because of them, or joyful in spite of them. The choice is always ours to make. Here are four choices we can make that are the keys to living with contentment.

1. Choose your Focus - Charles Swindoll once said, "Your outlook on life is not determined by your circumstances, but by your focus. Rather than looking at the circumstances, choose instead to look beyond those circumstances to God.” He went on the write, “I had to daily choose whether I would focus on the circumstance of living with chronic pain, or focus on God who has promised that His grace is all-sufficient.” By choosing to keep your eyes on the Lord, you will get to know Him better and it will become easier to trust Him in every situation.

2. Choose Joy - Again, we have a daily choice to make of whether or not to "consider it all joy” are not to. And although we cannot make that choice once for a lifetime, we can choose to rejoice in the Lord and His faithfulness one moment, one hour, or one day at a time. And when things turn for the worst, we can stop and ask God like David did, “to restore to me the joy of my salvation”. (Psalm 51:12).

3. Choose to Laugh - It has been said that he who laughs, lasts. Don't take yourself too seriously, and whenever possible, laugh at yourself! There is a reason why Proverbs says, “a cheerful heart is truly a good medicine”. (Proverbs 17:22).

4. Choose to Cultivate a Thankful Heart - Never doubt the goodness of God toward you. Begin to daily look for those things that you can be thankful for. Start with looking for one thing every day, and then increase the number of things. When we stop and look for the goodness of God, it is never far away. Even in difficult circumstances, look first for something God has already done and for which you can be thankful, than you will be more able to deal with the problem at hand. As we keep our eyes on God and his goodness toward us, the victory is never far away. Remember, God is never surprised about anything that happens in our lives.

Please continue to remember in prayer our precious friends:

Brent Nason:

His mom Tonya asks;
"We want to ask you to pray that all scans will show TREMENDOUS IMPROVEMENT. Something so GREAT and MIRACULOUS that they'll just have to KNOW it was GOD! We are praying that Brent's body will have NO DAMAGE from the chemo and that GOD will grant him COMPLETE EARTHLY HEALING."

Jacob Duckworth:

Heather asks:For EVERYONE to get over that nasty cold/flu bug!
*For Jacob to get over his cough and feel better.
*For guidance for the doctors & Donnie & I in making the best decision in Jacob's treatment.
*BELIEVE that Jacob is HEALED and GIVE THANKS for this miracle!

Jake Owen Raborn:

Jake will be seen in Clinc D today to make some plans for his BMT that is coming up. Jake is doing some really strong chemo now. They need a miracle too!

Conner Smith:

Conner currently goes to the hospital every three weeks for infusions of immunoglobulins (IVIG) to help protect him since he can no longer fight germs on his own. On the 22nd Kristin will met with his doctor concerning all the children's test results. Pray the other children will not require these treatments in their future!

Genna Camiolos

Her mom requested we please pray that they have wisdom and clarity for what they need to do as far as treatment for Genna's brain tumor.

Now this is my prayer for all of you:

"So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in him. May you overflow with "HOPE" through the power of the Holy Spirit." Ro 15:13

Choosing love, joy, & peace,

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Sunday, February 12, 2006 8:27 AM CST

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"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Bonnie Jean Wasmund

Greetings to our precious friends,

How can I begin to thank all of you for making me feel so special on my 29th birthday? Yes, I recently learned this little trick about the “29th birthday” from a friend’s great aunt! Thanks for sharing her secret of "perpetual youth" with me; it really works! Now, all I can say is I am one blessed woman, and what do you think about my daughter-in-love, is she thoughtful or what? You got me Kristin; you are such a sweetie, thanks so much. Thanks also to all my wonderful friends who sent me cards, e-cards, and a really big thank you to my sister Mary (with lots of help from Kristin) who threw me a surprise party! What a memorable event this birthday was! I'll cherish the memories.

I'm so excited to be able to share some answers to several of our prayer requests. Little Madelyn Beamon is home, and Brent got to sneak a visit back home this week! I know two families that must have rejoiced to jump back in their own beds after so long! Also, Brent is feeling better this week. Another exciting testimony is Ryan Breedlove came home from St. Jude with clean scans!! YES! AMEN!

Guess what? Jordan's cast is off! He is now in a walking boot for the next four weeks. The doctor wants to see what changes take place in his bone now that he will put some more pressure on that foot. I must admit I was not a happy camper when I heard the doctor say, “we'll just wait to do another MRI when Jordan returns in four weeks”. I wanted answers now, not in four more weeks! But, I knew my impatience was not in order, so the Lord used a devotional posted on Brent Nason's page to help get me back on track. Thanks Tonya for putting those devotionals on Brent's page. For those of you who may not have had the chance to visit Brent’s page, this is what it said:
Phil. 4:6 - "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God..."

I know “worry” is the same as “not trusting” God. So I had to repent and put my focus back on the Lord. Well, if that devotional was not enough, I then read what Mark and Mylissa (from Habitat for For Hope) posted on Bella's page. "We are what we gaze at..." I thought, “OK, Lord you sure have my attention. I want to be looking to Jesus, and not to my circumstances”. It's amazing how easily distracted we can get. So, no more complaining from me in this area. I'm just going to wait on God concerning all the issues I am dealing with right now, including Jordan’s foot. Just so you'll understand where all this striving was coming from, I was told if this turns out "not" to be a stress fracture, then it could be AVN, which happens when a bone is dying, or it could be a tumor in the bone. But whatever it is, I have released it completely to God, God knows, sees, and is in total control.

I'd now like to share some very important things that are going this week. I would greatly appreciate you agreeing with us in prayer:

Brent Nason

Please continue to pray for Brent who is now in treatment for Stage IV Neuroblastoma. Please agree with Tonya that his next scans and marrow aspirates will all be CLEAR!! NO TUMOR CELLS!!!!!!!!

Jake Owen Raborn

Jake is is being treated for Stage IV Hepatoblastoma. Jake will receive a Bone Marrow Transplant as a form of therapy to fight his disease. Jake will be the 2nd person in the "world" to receive this type of transplant for his type of disease. He will begin testing this week to prepare. Jake needs a MIRACLE and is believing God for it!

For Genna Henna

Genna has a brain tumor. On January 30th her scan showed serious new areas of concern and they are now waiting for new plan of treatment. Genna will be seeing many doctors this week, pray for wisdom and a good plan!

Jacob Duckworth

Our beloved "AMAZING JACOB" is battling a bad cold, and is now in a new treatment, please pray he will get over this soon and he can continue his chemo. This is our miracle boy! Let's continue to storm the heavens for him.

I truly believe in the "power of prayer", so let's stand in total agreement for God to do a mighty work in these precious children's lives.

Keeping my Gaze on Jesus,

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Tuesday, February 7, 2006 7:42 AM CST

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"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."
~Proverbs 31:28-29

On February 9, a very special person was born into this world. She was born with the gift of encouragement, kindness, and compassion. Her main goal is to make a difference in others' lives and to share Jesus with everyone she meets. Even in her own trials, she is on her knees praying for those around her! We are so blessed to have her in our lives.
Happy Birthday Mrs. Susan/Mom/Grammy! (I know we are a day early, but I thought you deserved to be recognized more than just one day!) We love you!
Love, Rick, Jason, Kristin, Kayla, Justin, Grace, Joseph, Jordan, and Joel

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If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I'd have had them first. ~Lois Wyse


Lord, help me make a difference
In someone's life today.
May I always be alert
As I go on my way.

May I reach out in love
To point the way to you;
Showing Your direction
When this life is like a zoo.

May fear never be a reason
For me to shrink away.
May I always feel free
To say "come on let's pray."

May I be a beacon
Shining brightly in the night;
Radiating joy and mercy,
Shining forth Your light.

May I always be alert
As I go on my way.
Lord, help me make a difference
In someone's life today.

Good Tuesday Morning!

Not much going on over here, just wanted to say hi and give some praise reports, and prayer requests. In the book of Romans 12:15, it instructs us to "Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep". This past weekend I wept when I read that little Elisha Henderson earned his "angel wings". I've been following E's story for many months now, and just fell in love with him and his mom Mary. What a gracious and strong woman of God she is. I've learned so much watching her as she put her total trust in God. Please remember Mary this week as she prepares for Elisha's service. If you can, please stop by and let her know you are thinking of her this week:


And then there was a lot of rejoicing also as little Madelyn Beamon left ICU recently and returned to the 2nd floor at St. Jude! Thanks so much for your prayers, this is one very special little girl that is surrounded by such a huge prayer covering. Another reason I rejoiced was because Brent Nason was able to begin his next round of chemo! He has had some "setbacks" in these past few weeks, but I told Tonya, they are no set backs, just "set ups" for God to do something even bigger then we can ask or imagine! Brent is now doing a round of I.C.E., which is a very potent form of chemo. He is also having some pain in other areas of his body. Please remember to keep this precious family in your prayers. Let's keep cheering Tonya on, she needs it now. You can visit his site at:


Another special prayer request this coming week is for little Ryan Breedlove. He and his dad arrived at St. Jude yesterday for his scans. Let's believe for all good reports for Ryan, clean, clean, clean scans! His dad will also have a CT done this week. We had the privilege of meeting this precious family on our last visit to Memphis. If you would like to pay them a visit, you can go to Ryan's site at:


Finally, please remember little Jake Raborn as the time is getting closer for his transplant, and for Genna Henna who is now waiting on a new plan of treatment for her brain tumor.

On the home front, I will be bringing Jordan to his orthopedic doctor today. Yes, his cast will be removed, and he is very excited about that! Pray we can get some answers as to why this bone has taken so long to heal. This has really been a drawn out ordeal for us. We are praying that his x-ray will show a MUCH improved condition. Jordan is ready to start leaping for joy, and we are already giving thanks for that miracle. Once again, I'm just so grateful for all of your love and support!

I'd like to end with a quote someone recently shared:

"What really counts in life is the meeting of every difficulty with the determination to get out of it all the good there is to get." Helen Keller

May we learn from the advice of this brave teacher who faced and conquered mountains so difficult that very few of us could even imagine where to begin the climb. But with God’s help we can and will be able to face them all.

Living to make a difference,

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Don't forget to stop and visit this awesome ministry:

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Wednesday, February 1, 2006 6:25 PM CST

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"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end…"

Greeting to you my faithful friends,

I thought I would start today’s journal on something really positive. I know my memory has not been that great these days (Ok, I’m getting a little older – key word here is “little”), and a lot of things are changing in this ole’ tent of mine! However, I found this neat little list of things we should always try to remember and I would like to share it with you:

* Remember that your presence is a present to the world.

* Remember that you are a unique and an unrepeatable creation.

* Remember to count your blessings, not your troubles.

* Remember that you'll make it through whatever comes along.

* Remember your dreams are waiting to be realized.

* Remember that decisions are too important to leave to chance.

* Remember that nothing wastes more energy than worry.

* Remember that the longer you carry a grudge, the heavier it gets.

* Remember not to take the little things too seriously – life is too short.

* Remember to laugh a lot.

* Remember that a little love goes a long way.

* Remember that happiness is more often found in giving than getting.

* Remember that life's treasures are people, not things.

* Remember that miracles still happen.

I sure like all of those suggestions, especially the last one. “Miracles still really do happen”. I know our faith can be tested in so many areas, but my prayer is always that you would never take your eyes off Jesus. Keep looking to the Son, He is there with you, and will never leave you or forsake you.

With that in mind I would ask you once again to please remember to pray for some much needed miracles today. First for our buddy Brent Nason. In case you don’t know, Brent is the young boy in the picture with Jordan on this page. To quote his mom Tonya; “We need to pray that Brent will have significant positive response to his treatments and his scans will show NO NEW GROWTH”. Yes, Tonya, I’m in total agreement with you. Brent will now begin round two of his chemo.

Next please remember little Madelyn Beamon who is in ICU at St. Jude. She needs God’s supernatural touch for healing, and be able to be weaned off of her vent. Also for little Elisha Henderson. He is also in the ICU on the vent as well.

Another precious little friend of ours who has a brain tumor (like Jordan’s) is in treatment now, and really needs prayer. I have officially adopted Genna as my own little girl, so this is a very special request, close to my heart. Her mom is just so sweet, and has made us welcome on the Pediatric Brain Tumor list. Kristin is always supporting others, and now SHE needs all the support she can get now. Please visit her site and if you will leave an encouraging word!


Let’s not forget about our Amazing Jacob as he starts his new treatment this week. So far, so good! If you need your faith to be built up, this is the site to visit. And finally, please remember little Jake Owen, he will pioneer a new bone marrow transplant for the cure of hepatoblastoma. This family needs all the prayers they can get.

Thanks so much for believing with us for Jordan’s fracture to heal. He needs a miracle also for this to happen. I promise to let you know what his doctor says next week when he gets the cast off. I’m just so grateful for all the families the Lord has allowed us to join up with. I look forward to hearing from you. You will never know how far your words go in our lives.

Always remembering,

Susan and Jordan

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Friday, January 27, 2006 7:52 AM CST

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“The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests the heart” Proverbs 17:3

Paul taught that life's predicaments would produce Godly character in us. Our complaining hinders God's work. Here are some suggestions for overcoming a complaining attitude:

1. Remember that your troubles did not take God by surprise. He is still in control.

2. Believe that God has a solution, a provision, or a gift of wisdom to match your difficulty.

3. Pray, affirming your faith in God and expressing your confidence in His loving purpose for you.

4. Wait with expectancy and availability, trusting God to work out His perfect will.

5. Praise Him- even before He acts.

This alternative to complaining gives God an opportunity to work powerfully, both in us and in our circumstances. Best of all, even if our circumstances don't change, God will still use them to change us! (Daily Bread)

Hi Everyone,

I finally got Jordan to the orthopedic specialist yesterday for a second opinion on his foot. Well, the jury is still out. However, I really liked this new doctor. He was very good and thorough. He first went over all of Jordan's x-rays, and did not see anything that really stood out to him. Then he put up the MRI's. This was a different story. There is definitely a spot in the bone that really shows something is going on there, and it concerned the doctor. However, he is leaning towards a "stress fracture" that is failing to heal. This would be the "best case scenario". Based on that, we will start PT three times a week, with the cast so Jordan can start "gradually" putting pressure on his foot, and learn to use his crutches, (now I’ll need your prayers here!)

After that, they will take off the cast and put a boot back on. We will do this for two more weeks and then do another MRI. The doctor is hoping (and I'm praying) that we will see a much-improved scan by then! Some factors that could contribute to this kind of damage to his bones are from the steroids he took after brain surgery, and also the fact Jordan is growth hormone depleted. The doctor has not ruled out doing a biopsy in that area of his foot however, that will not be considered until all else has failed. He wants to rule out the stress-facture completely before going in. He is being extremely cautious and that impressed me. He also commented on how "uncommon” this is. So, it looks like I'm back in God's waiting room once again! It seems like we all have to spend time there, waiting for healings, finances, relationships, etc. No one is exempt from this part!

As always we are so grateful and thankful for your prayers. I have a good feeling about the whole thing now. I'll just have to be patient, and Jordan will too. He was looking forward to going back to work, and getting his cast off.. The doctor said, "I'm not giving you any dates yet, not until we see what happens after this next MRI". Please believe with me for his foot to start healing. It's has almost been five months now.

I'd like to share some praise reports now. Brent Nason is HOME!! Yes, but can't see his brothers yet, they are sick right now. Please pray they can be re-united soon. This was especially hard for Tonya; my heart just broke for her. Madelyn Beamon is still in ICU, but stabilizing now. Little Elisha is also doing better. Both of them are not "out of the woods” just yet. Please continue to pray, pray and pray. Little Jake Owens' labs were better, as they are still preparing for his for his transplant now. They would greatly appreciate your prayers also at this time. Mark and Mylissa from Habitat for Hope received some GREAT news this week. Bella's scans came back CLEAN, and we are so blessed with that awesome news! Mark and Mylissa spent a lot of time ministering and serving so many other families this past week at St. Jude, and truly giving out of their own need. Thanks so much Mark and Mylissa for all you do! Please check out their website and see all the opportunities there is to help out.

[Click here to find out more]

And finally our little friend Ryan Breedlove did very well with his surgery and is home recovering. Oh, one last request is for our "amazing Jacob" who has begun another new treatment. God truly hears our prayers, and honors our faith. Thanks for all your prayers, support and kind words of encouragement. What would we do without all of YOU? I'm so grateful for this wonderful ministry we call “Caringbridge”. Truly it is a bridge of love that joins us all together.

Keeping my heart right,

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:58 AM CST

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But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, PATIENCE, kindness, goodness, faithfulness...Gal. 5:22

Greetings my wonderful friends,

Well, it looks like God is really trying to teach me what it means to live and be controlled by a spirit of patience, and wait on Him. After hearing Jordan’s doctor last week say “I’ve never seen a bone not heal before”. Hmmmm… Well, I immediately ran to the internet and started looking for answers. Yes, "Dr. Amato" was determined to get to the bottom of this dilemma before we recieved our second opinion! Now, you don’t even want to know the things I found that could possibly be causing this problem. I finally surrendered and said, “Ok, I’m not going to stay here and worry, I’ll just wait and let the doctor give me HIS opinion.” So… yesterday evening was the big day. We go to this bone specialist, and wait over 2 LONG hours to finally be called in. I’ve got Jordan’s two MRI’s in my hand, and a folder with Jordan’s reports in the other. I was so ready to begin the discussion when we were FINALLY called in.

The very first thing the doctor asked was for Jordan’s x-rays. I said, “Here doctor, I brought his last 2 MRI’s.” He said, “Mrs. Amato, I need the x-rays…I told him I did not have them. He then said, well, “this looks like this is a complementary visit”. My jaw dropped. I said, “what?” Then the doctor said, “I need his plain x-rays in order to see Jordan’s bones”. (The MRI shows tissue,swelling and other things) Needless to say I was so upset, and felt foolish for not thinking ahead to bring them. I was so worked up about the MRI reports that I forgot the regular films. So, now we will have to wait until Thursday to see him again. This time it will be a long ride across the causeway bridge. So, more time to pray and more time to believe this is just a simple fracture, and it’s healing even as I’m typing this now. Amen?

I will update on Thursday and let you know what the doctor says then. Meanwhile, I’d like to ask you to please remember Ryan Breedlove in your prayers for his surgery today. Also, pray for Brent’s counts to finally come up and stay up so he can get to go home before his next round of chemo. Please continue to pray for Jake Owen, as he prepares for his transplant, and for little Madelyn Beamon who is in ICU. Finally, for little Elisha Henderson who is also in the ICU fighting for his life now. I could go on and on because I really believe in the power of prayer. I’d now like to end by sharing this awesome devotional I received on prayer and faith with you. I hope it will encourage and challenge you as it did for me!


A conviction and a hope

God’s help is always available, but it’s given only to those who seek Him. Nothing results from apathy. "God honors radical, risk-taking faith". When arks are built lives are saved. When armies march walls tumble. When a lunch is shared thousands are fed. And when His garment is touched, whether by the hand of a diseased woman in Galilee, or your hand Jesus stops. He always responds to faith. Listen: Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace (Mk 5:34 NKJV).

Maybe all you have today is a conviction and a hope. You feel like you’ve nothing to give you” re hurting and all you have to offer Jesus is your pain. Perhaps your past has kept you from coming to Him; you’ve taken a step in His direction, then you saw all the other people around Him. They seemed so together, and so much better than you. And when you saw them they blocked your view of Him so you stepped back. If that describes you, notice something interesting: one of the only two people Jesus ever commended for having faith wasn’t a wealthy giver, a loyal follower or an acclaimed teacher. No, it was a shame-struck, penniless outcast who been hemorrhaging for 12 years, who clung to her conviction that He could and her hope that He would. Which, by the way, is a good place to start and a good definition of faith "a conviction that God can, and a hope that He will! "

Believing HE WILL,

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Friday, January 20, 2006 9:49 AM CST

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Jer. 29:11-14 “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray tome, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, declares the LORD…” (NIV)

Greetings my faithful friends,

I pray this week has been a good one for you. There is so much happening with so many of our precious Caringbridge friends. I know it is easy to get discouraged when you see these children fighting the battles none of us could even think of fighting in our own lives. They are our "HEROES". They teach us so much about what true courage is all about. I am learning so about much each day from these little warriors. The scripture I choose today is one of my favorites, and it was the one I choose for Jordan’s web page. However, I think you’ll agree that this scripture is for ALL of us. No matter what comes our way, there is always "HOPE". God has a plan for our lives, and wants to reveal it to us if we will allow him to. He says that His plan is to prosper us. That means to “cause us to go forward, to succeed and achieve”. It also means to “be strong and flourish”. Wow, now that’s one awesome promise! We can stand on that promise and know that God is faithfully working all things together for “GOOD” in our lives.

Please note the next part of this scripture. “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me”. Now we can’t forget that God has given us a part to play in these plans, which is PRAYER! God longs to hear us call out to Him. He wants us to “Seek Him” with all of our hearts. This is what we can do when we don’t have the answers. When we are afraid and we need wisdom and direction. God went on to say, “I will listen to you, and be found by you”. Now if that doesn’t get you excited, nothing will!

Now I want to share with you about Jordan’s recent doctors’ visit. For the MOST part, everything looks good considering all that his brain has endured! Trust me, Jordan is a walking miracle. The four areas that stood out with his bloodwork and will need more attention is his thyroid (it is not working), he is totally Growth Hormone deficient, he has developed “Diabetes Insipidus” (this is a deficiency of the antidiuretic hormone vasopression), and his body is not producing enough testostone. These are all controlled by the hypothalamus, which has been damaged because of his tumor, surgery and the late effects of radiation. I know however God can heal ALL that damage.

His abnormal EEG reading was also due to the effects of the radiation. The main thing his doctor was concerned about was the fact that his fractured foot has not healed since October and he is STILL in a cast. Jordan's foot doctor told me he has never seen this before. I will be bringing him to a specialist next week to take a look at his MRI, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this. I know God can handle all of this, and I’m trusting in Him completely. Thanks for your prayers, and words of encouragement. They mean so much.

I would like to share a "praise report". Mark from "HABITAT OF HOPE" has been in Memphis all week. God has been using him greatly. Things are coming together for this awesome ministry. I can't wait to hear the final report. Please continue to pray for God's favor and visit this site today!
[Click here to find out more]

I would like to end with some very special prayer requests. First is our buddy Brent Nason. He is still inpatient at St. Jude. His counts are still LOW and we need to believe they will come UP soon! You can visit Brent's site at:


Next is little Ryan Breedlove. He will be having surgery next week. Let's believe for a quick recovery and he continues to make strides like he has.


A new prayer request is for a precious little boy named "Jake Owen". Many of you know this child I'm sure. He is getting prepared for a very important transplant. Jake needs nothing short of a MIRACLE. His family has a very strong faith, but need a major prayer covering for them all. Let's believe with them for Jake to be cured. His site is:


Please don't forget our Amazing Jacob as they discuss the results of his scans. And finally for someone close to my heart, Elisha Henderson. He has been in the hospital for several months now. His mother Mary is so sweet. She is really tired. (But she is not losing her faith). Please take a minute and go by his site and let Mary know you are praying for E.


Sorry this was so long! I so appreciate you faithfully praying for us and all our wonderful friends. May God reward you richly for your labors of love and prayer for these children.

Thankful for His plans,

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Monday, January 16, 2006 7:54 AM CST

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And Abram BELIEVED the LORD, and the LORD declared him righteous because of his faith. Gen. 15:6

Greetings to all my friends,

I just started attending a Bible study by Beth Moore called, "The Patriarchs". Over the next few months we will study the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. On our teaching this past week we talked about what it means to truly "believe God". I was once again encouraged and challenged in my faith. Beth Moore said something really neat: "We can act without belief, but we can't believe without ACTING!” Yes, Abraham answered God's call by leaving everything to follow the call of God on his life.

A great example of someone who acted on belief and the whole world watched was Lance Armstrong. It has been said, the power of belief carried Lance Armstrong beyond cancer and to seven straight Tour de France championships. I love when he said this:

"Without belief, we would be left with nothing but an overwhelming doom, every single day. And it will beat you. I didn't fully see, until the cancer, how we fight every day against the creeping negatives of the world, how we struggle daily against the slow lapping of cynicism. Dispiritedness and disappointment, these are the real perils of life, not some sudden illness or cataclysmic millennium doomsday. I knew now why people fear cancer: because it is a slow and inevitable death, it is the very definition of cynicism and loss of spirit... So, I believed"

Truly disappointment and discouragement are two of our greatest enemies. We can't give in to what we see, but we must continue to "believe" God and His promises.

I love this promise in Luke: 1:45, "You are blessed, because you believed that the Lord would do what he said."

And this is our reward: Heb 3:14 - For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.

Wow, that is just about the best reason I can think of to truly "believe God" and trust in His word. Sorry for the little sermonette, but I'm just really excited about all I'm about to learn!

Well, I got tested on my beliefs recently. I just knew Jordan would be getting his cast off Friday. When the doctor did Jordan's x-ray of his foot, he didn't seem pleased. So he sent us to get another MRI of his foot. Did you know an MRI of the foot takes almost 2 hours? Yep, there is a lot going on in our feet, and our hands! Ok, well, the report said his bone has NOT healed! That one took me back. Not that it is a major deal, but geez, I figured after all this time he should be completely healed. So on went another cast that afternoon! Oh boy, "life is just a test", I just want to pass it with flying colors, amen?

We'll be getting Jordan's blood work back this week, and go over his EEG. He had some abnormal slow and background rhythms. In light of what could be wrong, this isn't much, but I'm ready to get all of this behind us for sure. Thanks so much for your prayers and kind and encouraging messages! I also appreciate all the prayers for Brent. He is doing much better. I will keep you updated on his progress. I'd like to end by leaving you some prayer requests.

One of course is Brent Nason, you can visit his site at:


Next is Conner Smith and his precious family, please read about their journey;


Another special little boy I've adopted is Ryan;


And finally our most "AMAZING Jacob" as he awaits his scans this week. (Hey, what's with all these boys and me?)


Always believing,

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Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:24 AM CST

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“And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” –Romans 5:5

Great News!

Oh boy, I've haven't been this excited to post an update in a long time! As many of you know, we have all been storming the heavens for our buddy Brent and our very special friends Tonya and Link. Brent had relapsed, and what a shock that was. But Tonya was not shaken in her faith by this report. She steadfastly continued to believe God for a miracle for Brent. Today they received some AWESOME news. There were NO TUMOR cells in his bone marrow! When she called we went crazy rejoicing in the Lord! The battle is still on, but we believe God will finish what He has begun in Brent's life!

I read this quote recently and it made me think of Tonya and so many of us who have battles we fighting to overcome in our lives.

"Anyone can hold the helm of a ship in calm waters.
It takes inclement weather - a tsunami, a gale or a hurricane to determine the skill of the Captain."

There is no getting around it, we will face trying times, and even Jesus told his disciples:

Jn. 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace." In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

As long as we hold on to our hope and our faith we will not be disappointed. I think we know that God is truly in control of every detail of our lives, but to be able to put all of our trust in him, no matter what the circumstances may look like in the natural, is the hard part!!

On another note, Jordan has his doctor's appointment Friday to have his cast removed, YES!! He is so excited about that. Please pray the bone has healed well, and he can finally get back to work. I'm sure he has been missed over at Office Depot, and he is ready to start making some money again. Next week we go to his neurologist. We will go over his EEG findings, and all of his blood work. I believe that God will again show us his favor with more good reports.

I pray you had a chance to visit the "Habitat for Hope" website. All you have to do is click on the link at the bottom of this journal. It will bring you right to their page. Mark (the founder) will be going to St. Jude next week to discuss what his vision and mission is at the hospital. So please agree with me for GOD'S FAVOR to go before him now. Mark and Mylissa will be moving to Memphis soon, and this will be a great sacrifice as they leave their family and friends behind and answer the highest call of all – the Call of God.

Holding on to HOPE,

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Saturday, January 7, 2006 8:32 AM CST

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"The values we live by are worth more when we pass them on...."

Greetings my faithful friends,

It feels like so long since I last updated. I guess it's because so much has gone on this past week. I first want to thank all of you who have rejoiced with us in Jordan's great report. This is the first time we've heard the word "shrinking" since we discovered Jordan's tumor over three years ago. A lot has happened during this time, and I'm just so blessed things are looking up. We believe that we will continue to get more good reports as we wait for his labs and the doctors review his EEG. In the midst of all our excitement, we were taken back by the news of our precious friend Brent's relapse. We had to put our fighting gloves back on. I appreciate all of you that are praying along with us and countless others for his miracle healing. However, because of Tonya's steadfast and unshakeable faith, I have been challenged in my own life, as I’m sure many of you have also. I've really had to repent for allowing my faith to be weak and get so easily discouraged at times. I know what the word teaches, and I know what pleases the Lord the most; "our faith". In Heb 11:6 it says;

"So, you see, it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. "

I know many of us question God, especially when it comes to our children being sick. It seems unimaginable that this could happen and God not stop it. There are so many things we don't have answers for, but I know the God I serve and believe in His time and in His way we will all understand these great mysteries. Meanwhile, we are instructed to stand on His word, to claim His promises, and believe! I'm just so blessed and challenged in my faith these days, and I also pray that you too will begin this New Year with a stronger hold on God than you have ever had. I believe that this will be the "Year of Miracles". A year of hope renewed, a year that we all will learn more and more about the faithfulness of God.

I would like to end tonight by sharing about an exciting new ministry that I will become a partner with, and hope that some of you will also consider joining up with us. It is called "Habitat of Hope". This is a ministry that a precious couple started after their daughter, Bella, was diagnosed with cancer. After all Bella went through, her parents saw a need to minister and help support organizations such as hospitals, hospitality houses, etc, who care for pediatric cancer patients and other life-threatening illnesses. If you will, please take time to visit their awesome website, and see how God is using them in such a mighty way. Many of us ask, "what can I do to help", well there is many ways you can.

[Click here to find out more]

Until next time, keep "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2ap"

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Hi Everyone,

I'm going to update my page, but before I do I wanted to wish my beautiful daughter-in-love a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today. Now, Kristin, please don't get upset with me for doing this. You are always BLESSING so many other people and care so deeply for so many of these CB children. You have truly joined us and so many others in their journeys. Hope you have a super duper blessed day today! I pray 2006 is your BEST year ever. I love you...

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Hi everyone, I would like to share a very special prayer request with you. Our buddy Brent needs lots of prayer now. The Lord has given Tonya and her family an amazing faith, and they have a request of all of us. Here is a message from Tonya: "I would like to ask that EVERYONE who can pray at 7 PM (CST) tonight, and if at all possible . . . EVERY night until Brent's healing is revealed. If 7 is bad for you, then we'll pray again at 9 PM (CST) Ask, BELIEVE, Receive ....... and PRAISE HIM for Brent's HEALING!" Tonya is at St. Jude now with Brent. He has not had any facial pain in 3 days since they have prayed, and claimed God's word for his healing! Let's stand together with this family and believe for Brent's miracle. Thanks so much. I will keep you all updated.

Matthew 18:19
"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.

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On December 31st the clock strikes midnight ushering in another New Year. Three hundred and sixty-five days to fan the flames of your hopes and dreams. A new beginning. A gift full of promise. But you must accept it, unwrap it, and use it.
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To God, our journey is as important as our destinations. - Beth Moore

To my faithful friends and prayer partners,

Thanks so much for all the prayers and words of encouragement as Jordan spent this past week at St. Jude. I’m so blessed to share this great news with you. Jordan’s tumor is finally beginning to shrink. We are only 10 months post radiation now and the MRI indicated that the size of the tumor decreased about 15 We also found out Jordan did NOT have a stroke, as his recent CAT Scan seemed to indicate. God is so good and we are so grateful. Several of Jordan’s apt’s were cancelled, so we will be back up at St. Jude in February and then again at the end of March for his next MRI and his eye exam.

The doctors ordered an EEG (which was not on Jordan’s original schedule) because he was having so many involuntary movements during his MRI that they could not complete the enhancement portion of the scan. However, the EEG did not show that these jerking movements were related to any seizure activity. But there were some abnormal patterns in the graphs that we will review with his neurologist here at home. God is always taking us to another level of faith in this journey.

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Chilling out getting ready for his test!

I was so excited that we had the chance to spend some special time with Tonya, Link and Brent. We were all so confident that Brent was going to get another good report. Now I’m just numb as I think about all the emotions they are dealing with since they received the news about Brent’s relapse. Please remember this special family in your prayers. They are such a strong Christian family. I just know God will honor their faith, and give them the grace to walk out the next leg of this journey with Brent. We had so much fun going out to eat with them, and Tonya and I had lots of time to hang out during the boy’s appointments. She was such a source of encouragement to me. I pray I can be there for her now.

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Having fun with the Nason family!

We were also able to meet up with two other very special friends I have made through CaringBridge. One family is the Breedlove’s. The very first time I saw Ryan, I fell in love with him. Amy and I met for lunch and it was so good to finally meet her face to face after writing each other for months on CB. Amy, you are just as sweet in person as you are when you write. I so appreciate you taking time to come over and visit with us.

The next friend I met up with was Dawn Pierce. Dawn is the mother of Shae. I found her CaringBridge site from a link on another CB site and was immediately touched and encouraged by her great faith. Dawn walks with such a special measure of God’s grace since Shae became an angel. She is truly an example that we can all look to and learn from as we continue along on our personal journeys. Dawn, I’m so grateful you took time out of your busy schedule to come over to the hospital to meet up with us. You are one amazing woman. I know walking those halls must bring memories of your last days with Shae. You are such a giving person by continuing to share your life with us. I pray the Lord gives back to you a special measure “pressed down and running over”! Thanks for being such an inspiration to me.

Once again, I am amazed by the “bonds of love” that run so deep between all of us as part of the CB family. It is this type of support that gives us the strength to continue to walk along the path that God has prepared for us. I really liked the quote above by Beth Moore. It emphasizes to me how much God has for us to learn along our journey hear on Earth, and then our ultimate destination, to be with Him in heaven, is His wonderful reward.

May Jesus give you ‘great grace’ for your journey in this New Year-2006!


Sunday, December 25, 2005 9:14 PM CST


Jordan recieved great news, and I'm looking forward to sharing with you all that happened this week at St. Jude. But I would like to ask you all to be in prayer for the Nason family now. Brent was with us this week, and Tonya recieved the news this afternoon he has relapsed. Please begin believing with us now for his miracle. Let's all get behind her with prayer and encouragement. Please drop her a line and let her know you are praying for them now.


I'll update later tonight.

Thanks so much!


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“My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip-- He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalm 121:2-4

Heading back to Memphis!

Wow, it's hard to believe, after all the endless preparations for Christmas Day, it is now behind us. I trust you all had a very special day today and made memories that will last for a lifetime. I read a beautiful devotional this morning. It talked about the three gifts the Magi brought to the infant Jesus, and what each one represented. The last one really stood out to me as we prepare to leave for Memphis in the morning. The last gift represented "their hope". While those around saw only darkness these men recognized, “The Light shines brightest in the darkness” (Jn. 1:5 NCV). And that hasn’t changed. God’s healing love shines brightest in the darkness of our dashed dreams and broken hearts." It's so easy to only see darkness in our lives when we are faced with the "unknown". But thank God for the incredible gift of light we have to guide us when there is darkness all around. He is the light of the world and will be with us in the good times and in the hard times.

I would like to share some very special prayer requests with you. There are several children that are close to my heart that really need your prayers now. If you would just take a minute and call out their names before the Lord it would mean so much.

The first is a precious little boy by the name of Kail Alamilla. We had the privilege of meeting him and his mom Lisel while we were in treatment at St. Jude. Kail has a brain tumor and is now on hospice. His mom recently started a CB page for him. You can visit him at:


The next child is Elisha Henderson. Elisha has a rare disease called Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome. I've come to know and love little Elisha through his wonderful mother Mary. She is such a mighty woman of faith. In all her trials she continually glorifies God, and puts her hope in Him. She amazes me! Elisha needs a miracle. You can visit his site at:


I know you have all have heard me talk about my prayer partner and friend Tonya Nason. We will be in Memphis with them this week. Her son Brent was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma. The scans he will be taking are very critical. Brent has recently had problems with facial pain, and any pain is usually not a good sign. Please believe with me he gets all thumbs up this week. If you haven't visited Brent's page, please do. Tonya journals often, and she really knows how to capture your heart. Please remember Brent in your prayers this week. His site is at:


The next child is a little boy named Conner Smith. Conner has a severe immune disorder. Because of this he has to receive infusions every 3 weeks to protect him since his body can not fight germs on it's own. Conner is a triplet and has a sister. From the very first time I visited his page, I was drawn to go back over and over. You will fall in love with this wonderful family! Conner needs a miracle also. His page is:


I could go on and on, there are so many needs out there. Please also remember to pray for Jordan. He will be having an angiogram among many other important tests this week. Because of all the recent MRI's it appears that the tumor has not grown since he finished his radiation treatments. We PRAISE GOD for this news, but there is still some concern about the headaches Jordan has been experiencing lately. We will be at St. Jude for four days. I'm looking forward to meeting several CB friends I've made, and you know me by now, I'll be taking lots of pictures. I'll be looking forward to bringing all “good” reports back to you soon. I'd like to end with a scripture today:

"We always pray for you, and we give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ". Col 1:3 .

Hanging on to my HOPE,

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Friday, December 23, 2005 8:01 AM CST

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"Joy to the world! The Lord is come. Let earth receive her King. Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room."

Devotional by Greg Laurie~

This Christmas, don't miss the point of celebrating Christmas. Don't be like the innkeeper who missed Jesus because he was too busy (see Luke 2). Make time for the Lord. Don't be like King Herod who was too afraid to let Christ rule His life (see Matthew 2). Turn your heart over to Christ. Finally, don't run your life like the Roman Empire, who missed Christmas because other gods took the place of Christ in their lives. Allow nothing else to take the place of worshipping Jesus Christ.

Sunday morning we will unwrap our Christmas presents, but eventually the novelty of it all will wear off. The present that was once so precious to you will end up stuffed in the closet or handed off to someone else. A newer version of your latest gadget will arrive that has more megapixels, or is smaller, or faster, or has better battery life. In time, your Christmas gifts will mostly be forgotten. But God has given us the ultimate gift—the gift of His Son Jesus Christ.

Don't miss Christmas this year. As Watts and Handel once wrote, "Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room."

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Sunday, December 18, 2005 2:13 PM CST

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Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15)

Greetings to my precious friends,

Well, it's the official "countdown" to Christmas now with only 7 days to go! Ready or not here it comes. I still have some shopping to do, and hopefully I can get it finished in time. When I read the scripture (quoted above) this morning, I thought about how I so often try really hard to find the "perfect" gift. Then it hit me, how that God has already given the whole world the greatest gift of all. That was the gift of His own son, Jesus, who came into the world to die for our sins and rise from the dead to give us eternal life. Truly, this was the gift of all gifts! I pray that the reality of this wonderful gift of love will be with you at this time and everyday throughout the coming New Year. It is because of Jesus that we have a true and living hope, a reason to go on, to believe, and to have faith, knowing that all things are possible to those who believe.

Jordan had a very busy week at the doctors once again. On Monday we found out that the fracture that he had treated with a boot a few months ago never healed, so he had to have a hard cast put on! He was not a happy camper about that. This means Jordan will not be able to work for at least four weeks, and getting around on crutches is no fun. We also went to his endocrinologist and spent close to 5 hours getting blood work done! He had lots of different blood tests done, mainly to see exactly how his hypothalamus and pituitary gland is functioning. The labs are sent to California for analysis, so we won’t get the results until sometime in January. We are hoping to get Jordan's hormone levels into a more normal range so he can just "feel better", and have more energy. I'll keep you posted on those results. Check out Jordan's cast!

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We ended this week by attending my oldest son's graduation from college on Saturday. Jason, who is in the Louisiana National Guard, would have finished a year ago, but was called out to Afghanistan right before the start of his senior year. We are so proud of Jason and all he has accomplished in these last few years. In only 2 1/2 years he got married, served our country overseas in the war on terror, and then 8 months ago he and our daughter-in-law, Kristin, gave us the most wonderful gift ever, a beautiful baby granddaughter, Kayla Michelle. And now to top that has graduated with a business degree in Management of Information Technologies! Wow, I’m tired just writing about it.

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We leave for Memphis on Monday, December 26th, for several days of testing. I would like to ask you to pray with us that we return home with a good report. As it worked out, we will be there with one of our CB friends, Brent Nason, and his family. I would also ask if you would be praying for him as well. I'm just so blessed to have one of my prayer partners up there with me during this week. I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures and stories to tell once I return. Meanwhile, I pray this week will be a good one for you. In the midst of all the craziness, please take time each day to reflect on Jesus and the “indescribable gift" that was given to us by our Father in Heaven.

So grateful for the gift of Jesus,

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Monday, December 12, 2005 8:35 PM CST

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Jordan and his cousins from Phoenix

"Often, in the midst of great problems, we stop short of the real blessing God has for us, which is a fresh vision of who He is".Anne Graham Lotz

Hello my precious friends,

Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. The CD copy of Jordan’s brain scan that was sent to St. Jude was not clear, so I had to have the original films sent to them this weekend. Yes, more waiting, more praying, and more time to lean on Jesus. Well, Dr. Kun finally called me this evening. He first reassured me that the tumor has remained “stable”, and the area that had some fluid building up also remains unchanged! I was so blessed, and so relieved. HOWEVER, he continued to ask questions about Jordan’s headaches, and wanted to know how he was doing now. I told him he is much better, headache free! Thanks so much for your faithful prayers…

Well he went on to tell me they did note there was an area in his brain (the frontal lobe), that showed up lighter then the rest of his brain. Now, I’m like, so what does that mean? He went on to explain that this is caused when the blood supply to that part of the brain is decreased or cut off. This can be caused by the blood vessels being weakened, or ruptured. He told me if Jordan has another headache to bring him to ER for a MRI. If he continues to do well, when we go to St. Jude the week after Christmas for his testing, he is going to order an angiogram of his brain. What they are looking to see is if Jordan may have had a mild stroke.

Once again God is teaching me to truly rely on Him and walk in another level of faith. Gosh, it’s like, whenever you think its safe to let your “guard down”, something comes up so unexpectly. This condition is mentioned as one of the possible side effects after radiation to the brain. I would like for you to begin to pray with me that we will get a good report after our trip to Memphis. We’ve still got three weeks to wait this one out.

When I found the quote by Anne Graham (above), I thought how much God truly desires for us all to see how much greater He is then any problem we could ever face. I have learned that He will always show Himself strong in the midst of our trials.

Once again, thanks for checking in on us, and I would like to end with something I found today about Christmas. With all the holiday craziness and commercialism, it’s so easy to forget the real meaning behind the madness. I hope this will bless you as much as it did me.

Holding on to my hope like never before,
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Taking a closer look at Christmas…

Christmas has become extremely commercialized. Everywhere we look we see Christmas trees, lights, presents, signs enticing us to buy this or that for the people on our lists. But let's try to keep our thoughts focused on the real meaning of the season.

When we see a wreath, let's remember that God's love is never ending.

When we see the lights, let's remember that Jesus is the light of the world.

When we see candles, let's remember that our lights, however small, shine brightly enough to spread to those around us.

When we see presents, let's remember that God gave us the greatest gift of all in His Son, Jesus Christ.

When we see a Christmas tree, let's remember a tree on top of a hill called Calvary.

When we see snow, let's remember the One who cleanses our sins in a way that makes them pure white.

When we sing carols, let's remember the importance of making a joyful noise unto the Lord.

When we sit down to Christmas dinner, let's remember that Jesus is the bread of life.

When God's gave us the gift of His son, it was a gift for all seasons. And every time we share that gift with someone else, it's Christmas!

All thanks and praise be to God for the indescribable gift of his son Jesus Christ! (2 Corinthians 9:15)

Merry Christmas to you all!


Hi Everyone,

Hope your week has been a good one. I wanted to let you all know Marlo Thomas will be the featured guest on The Larry King Show this Friday night. The producers were so pleased with the program they taped last week, they decided to run it this Friday when the show typically has it's largest audience! (It was scheduled originally to run last Saturday). Jordan's Doctor will be on it, his name is Dr. Larry Kun (the chair of Radiological Sciences). The show will air at 9 p.m. eastern/8:00 p.m. central. The program will highlight the work of St. Jude, as well as the Thanks and Giving Promotion.

I also have a prayer request for you. Jordan has been having some really bad headaches! I had to bring him to the ER Monday night. They did some scans and a ton of blood work. They noted his ventricles were slightly enlarged and his sodium was low. Now, we are waiting to hear from Dr. Kun now. He is doing MUCH BETTER now, and I'm finally relieved. Please believe with me, this has nothing to do with his tumor.

Thanks for being such faithful friends! I'll end with a quote I just gave someone else in their crisis: "Sometimes the Lord rides out the storm with us and other times
He calms the restless sea around us. Most of all, He calms the storm inside us in our deepest inner soul." -- Lloyd John Ogilvie

Calmed by His presence,


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Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. -- Leo Buscaglia

Happy December!

Well another week has come and gone so quickly. Before we know it December will behind us and the New Year will be here again! This month is very special for many reasons. First and most important, it is the month that we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is also the month for the birthday of several of the closest people in my life! My mom was born in December, (God bless her sweet heart). My sister Mary, who has been a ROCK in my life, was also born in December. But second only to Jesus is my precious husband Rick, who was born on Christmas Eve, and was truly the best Christmas present I ever received. Hope your birthday is a great one Rick!

It is also the birthday of some very special angels. One of these angels, that was so close to my heart and will always be in my memory, is Jeremiah Averhart. On December 16th, Jeremiah will celebrate his 7th birthday with Jesus. This has been a very difficult year for his mom, not only losing her son, but her home in the hurricane as well. Another special little angel I've come to love is baby Reed Dale Miller, who was born on December 14. I’ve got to know Carol from CB, and she has so much to share about hope when your world falls apart. If you have the chance, please drop by their sites and let their families know you are thinking of them on these special days.


I recently found the quote above, which I had the chance to live out on Saturday. You see I host a Christmas tea each year for some of my very special friends and family. We get all dressed up and gather together to share a cup of love at one of the really nice hotels in downtown New Orleans. Well, I started to cancel it this year because of Hurricane Katrina. The city is still in really bad shape, and honestly when the hotel called to confirm the reservations I was surprised to learn that the hotel had even opened back up again!

However, I'm so glad I decided not to break the tradition. As always we had a great time together. Even though so much of the city is still really messed up, it is the encouragement and support of friends that will get us through this time. This year we also had something very special to celebrate. One of the ladies, who came, Bonnie, was diagnosed with breast cancer last January. If she had listened to her doctors’ predictions she would be in heaven now. Instead we all celebrated the good news that she is CANCER FREE! Yes! Bonnie, if you are reading this, I want the whole world to know how excited I am about your miracle. She never once wavered in her faith during her entire journey of chemo, radiation, and a whole lot of set backs. What an example she has been to all of us!

Another very special friend of ours read a beautiful poem on "Sisterhood". Then the tears began to flow. Thanks Shelia, you are such a blessing in all of our lives. Yes, like the quote says above, too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile and a kind word. I realize that it is this same kind of thing that continues to helps us through our journey with Jordan each and everyday. These things also happen here on Caringbride too. I so appreciate all the special friends I've made just from those kind comments left in Jordan’s guest book. One day I signed the site of a precious boy named Brent Nason. Well it didn't take long before I just fell in love with him and his sweet mom Tonya. Since then, we have become such good friends and official “prayer partners”. Now, the Lord has divinely arranged for us to be at St. Jude Hospital together the week after Christmas, while our children are undergoing some very important tests together! Is God not amazing? We will get to share lots of hugs, smiles, and celebrate all the good things God has done for our children and us.

Ok, I'm feeling really sentimental, so I better stop right here before I make myself cry! Ha ha. I pray that you have a blessed week as we move into this Christmas season. Please remember to take the time to make a difference in someone's life like many of you have made in mine.

Here is the group of women from our Holiday Tea, I'm so grateful for each and everyone of them.

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Holding on to faith, hope and love,

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Sunday, November 27, 2005 4:49 PM CST

"The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much"James 5:16

One of the most wonderful things about knowing God is that
there's always so much more to know, so much more to discover.
Just when we least expect it, He intrudes into our neat and tidy
notions about who He is and how He works. -- Joni Erickson Tada


I pray each and every one of you had a nice and peaceful Thanksgiving Day. I realize for many there was someone missing at the gathering. That's hard. I lost my both of my parents at the end of October one year apart, and I remember how hard those first holidays were on me. Having family and friends close means everything, and in spite of what you may have had to handle this year, I trust it was a special day for you.

Because of Hurricane Katrina, our family was spread all over. It is still hard to believe the devastation it brought on our city and surrounding areas. I've heard it has now been declared the worst "natural disaster” in the history of the US. Gosh, I sure never dreamed I would be part of that kind of history. Please remember all those who not only lost all their possessions, but also jobs and even a whole way of life. I pray God will redeem all that was lost, and this will be a new beginning for our city and the many dislocated citizens.

We had a nice, relaxing day at my son and daughter-in-law's home. Thanks so much Jason and Kristin for having us over. Now, this is the life I've been waiting for, going to my children's house for dinner! After raising five sons, you must know, I've put in my share of cooking. I can't complain however, I was able to stay home to raise them. I finally got a scanner, and I'm just learning how to use it. So be patient ok. This is a picture of my sons:

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Ok, now will you all pray a lot harder for me! Ha Ha. You should have seen the faces I would get when I had four under the age of seven! And then, five years later came our baby and yes another boy! Well, God saved the best for last, and I now have my 2 precious granddaughters to love and spoil. Speaking of them, my first granddaughter Grace had a "mishap" last week, and off to the hospital we went! I knew this would happen, but not so soon, check this out!

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Yep, she ran and slipped on one of her toys, and broke her leg! OUCH... Now if you're wondering if this has slowed her down, NOT MUCH! Kids are just amazing.

Jordan is spending his Thanksgiving Holidays in Phoenix this year with his cousins. He is having a wonderful time. This was such a nice and needed break for him. Once he returns, we have a busy doctor month in December. But for now, it's all fun for him.

Well, it time to start wrapping some gifts I have been hiding while I'm all alone for the "moment"!

Have a blessed week, and don't forget to be a blessing,
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"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of
all the others". -- Cicero

Just wanted to wish you all a wonderful relaxing Thanksgiving Day. Thanks so much for stopping by, and leaving such touching messages! We are so grateful for all of you. Please remember those who will be celebrating their first Thanksgiving without a loved one, those in hospitals, and for so many who lost everything through Hurricane Katrina and Rita. Through it all, God is still faithful.

Giving thanks,

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"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1Thessalonians 5:18 (NKJV)

Greetings my precious friends,

As we begin to approach the busy holiday season, I want to start off by taking time to reflect on all the many awesome things God has done for us this past year. I read a really neat quote the other day, (now you must know me by now, I’m a quote lover!) Let me share it with you:

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, and confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." Melody Beattie

That quote really hit home for me. It’s only when we are able to see the goodness of God in our most difficult situations that we can begin to see Him turn them around. This however must be a choice we make. When I was told Jordan’s tumor had grown and we had to move to Memphis for treatment, I must say, I did not choose to be grateful in the beginning. I was very concerned for Jordan, and also for my family back home. I knew our world was going to change. At first, I was not happy about living in the Ronald McDonald House either. But it didn’t take long before we began to make new friends, who by the way have now become some of my most faithful friends along the journey. Looking back and reflecting on all the memories etched in my heart, I wonder how I could have ever doubted that God had everything under control. I now cherish those days and will forever be grateful for all that God did during that time.

It was on my last day in the RMH house that I sat down to read a little journal that was left by our bed. I remembered that when I had first arrived I opened it, and read where it said, “Please take a minute to sign this book. These are the stories of others that have stayed in this room before you”. I thought, “Oh no, I can’t bear to read any sad stories…I need to just get through this time.” Well, by the end of our stay, I felt so different. I wanted to know about the lives of all those who had lived in every room of the house. But it was through that little journal on the last day of my stay that I discovered Caringbridge. Most of the children’s parents had left their CB page. I only regret that I did not start reading the journal in the beginning of our journey.

No matter where you may be today on your personal journey, as we move closer to Thanksgiving Day, let me encourage you to take a moment and reflect on the many things that you have to be grateful for right now. Maybe you are in the middle of a great storm, or you just don’t know how you will even make it one more day. Wherever you are, I just want to remind you that God is still at work…He is not finished…and His love and faithfulness will never fail you. You are never alone…He is always with you with His arms open wide.

I am personally so grateful for the ministry CB has made available to Jordan and I. We’ve been able to stay in touch with so many of our friends, and make lots of new ones along the way. Friendships that I have come to cherish so dearly. We’ve adopted so many special and brave warriors, children who have taught us so much about what true courage is. Some of these precious children have won their battles, and have gone on ahead of us. I know Heaven is a very special place, full of so many wonderful, brave, and precious children. It is a place of laughter, love, and so much joy. A place we will all one day call HOME.

And just like the journal that was left by our bed at the RMD house, everyone on CB also has a story to tell. Everyone in their own way helps us to learn more about who we are and what life is really all about. It’s not just about getting power and possessions, but it is about people and struggles and victories along the way. So I would like to leave you with a few links to some of these children’s stories. If you have the time, please drop by walk along the path with them for just a few minutes. You will never be the same, and you will know even more clearly how much we all have to be grateful for.
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I know this list is long, but when I started thinking about all the lives that have impacted mine, the list continued to grow. That is how it is when you start reflecting on God’s goodness in your lives. Be blessed my friends, and have a great week ahead.
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Sunday, November 6, 2005 5:41 PM CST

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The delays of God are not meant to discourage our faith but to develop it.
Amy Carmichael

Great News!

I finally spoke with Jordan's doctor at St.Jude. The tumor board agreed "no surgical intervention" at this time, but they will continue to closely monitor this area of his brain. Jordan and I will go back to Memphis in December for his next series of testing. Once again, another close call and a great big sigh of relief. I know God has his angels watching over Jordan.

Thanks so much for your many prayers, and words of encouragement. God has been so faithful to place all of you wonderful and caring people into our lives. As I have often said, "It's not the journey I would have chosen for Jordan's life, but God has used every step of the way to teach us more about who He really is.” So in spite of the challenges we continually face, I am grateful for His abundant grace.

For those of you early birds, I have an announcement to make. A Christmas card Jordan designed for the Ronald McDonald House in Memphis is in and ready for purchase as part of their annual fund-raising effort. If you are interested, you can go to the link below and email Lindy to place an order. Jordan drew the card that says "Happy Holidays". Now, Jordan did this one night while drawing pictures with a couple of very young children at the house. I didn’t even know he worked on it until they notified me his card was chosen! Jordan never missed an opportunity to be involved with anything that was going on at the house. On the back of the card is his picture and bio. I'm excited because it is for such a good cause to help the RMD house. We were blessed to have been able to live there while Jordan was receiving his radiation treatments earlier this year. We became part of one big family and have made friends for a lifetime and memories I will treasure forever. This is the link to order the cards:

http://www.rmhmemphis.org/greeting cards.htm

I would like to end with something I found a little while back. Many of you may have read the story "Welcome to Holland". It’s such a neat story of how we all began our journeys with our special children. Sometimes it's an illness that brings us there, or a child that has learning problems, or some other challenge that makes them different. Well this is the second part of that story. It perfectly describes how I feel now, after dealing with so many issues with Jordan since he was a little boy. Be blessed and enjoy, I'm sure many of you will identify!

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Celebrating Holland- "I'm Home"
By Cathy Anthony
(my follow-up to the original \Welcome to Holland\ by Emily Perl Kingsley)

I have been in Holland for over a decade now. It has become home. I have had time to catch my breath, to settle and adjust, to accept something different than I'd planned. I reflect back on those years of past when I had first landed in Holland. I remember clearly my shock, my fear, my anger, the pain and uncertainty. In those first few years, I tried to get back to Italy as planned, but Holland was where I was to stay. Today, I can say how far I have come on this unexpected journey. I have learned so much more. But, this too has been a journey of time.

I worked hard. I bought new guidebooks. I learned a new language and I slowly found my way around this new land. I have met others whose plans had changed like mine, and who could share my experience. We supported one another and some have become very special friends.

Some of these fellow travelers had been in Holland longer than I and were seasoned guides, assisting me along the way. Many have encouraged me. Many have taught me to open my eyes to the wonder and gifts to behold in this new land. I have discovered a community of caring. Holland wasn't so bad.

I think that Holland is used to wayward travelers like me and grew to become a land of hospitality, reaching out to welcome, to assist and to support newcomers like me in this new land. Over the years, I've wondered what life would have been like if I'd landed in Italy as planned. Would life have been easier? Would it have been as rewarding? Would I have learned some of the important lessons I hold today?

Sure, this journey has been more challenging and at times I would (and still do) stomp my feet and cry out in frustration and protest. And, yes, Holland is slower paced than Italy and less flashy than Italy, but this too has been an unexpected gift. I have learned to slow down in ways too and look closer at things, with a new appreciation for the remarkable beauty of Holland with its tulips, windmills and Rembrandts.

I have come to love Holland and call it home.

I have become a world traveler and discovered that it doesn't matter where you land. What's more important is what you make of your journey and how you see and enjoy the very special, the very lovely, things that Holland, or any land, has to offer.

Yes, over a decade ago I landed in a place I hadn't planned. Yet I am thankful, for this destination has been richer than I could have imagined!

At peace in Holland,

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Sunday, October 30, 2005 7:48 PM CST

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Faith is both belief without proof, and trust without reservation. Elton Trueblood

Greetings to you, my faithful friends;

The reason I have not updated sooner is that I just talked to Jordan’s oncologist today! I sent Jordan’s MRI up to St. Jude last week and his doctor let me know he received the next day. However, he wanted some one else in his department to view his scans before he got back to me. Anyway, he tried to call me on Saturday, but we missed each other, so after a few emails and calls he finally caught up with me today. I’ll get back to St. Jude in a minute.

We did go to Jordan’s neurologist this week. Dr. Africk went over his scans, and discussed all his blood work. She was pleased with the scans, and did not note any “major changes”. We both sighed a great big sigh of relief. However, the blood work was a different story. She is getting Jordan an appointment with another endocrinologist (this will be his 3rd doctor – I hope this one will get it right!). There are just too many things off the charts, and she doesn’t feel good about the results she saw. I promise to keep you updated on how all of this goes.

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Here is Jordan's neurologist Dr.Diane Africk, she has been a constant source of support and friendship throughout our entire journey!

Now back to Dr Kun at St. Jude. He told me some great news, and some “not so great” news! First, concerning the tumor, he believes it has definitely begun to shrink. Now, that calls for a happy dance! Image hosted by TinyPic.com After I came back down to earth, he informed me there is a spot on the scans that shows some fluid that is backing up in one of Jordan’s ventricles. This of course is because his tumor is blocking one of them. Dr. Kun said since Jordan is doing so well, and his body seems to be tolerating this problem he may just want to leave it alone and monitor it closely. This strategy has become our way of life. Dr. Kun is going to bring the scans to the tumor board meeting this week, and let Jordan’s neurosurgeon view them just to get another opinion. Dr. Kun still thinks he will confirm his idea to just “wait and watch” for now.

For those of you who may not know about this condition, it is called hydrocephalus, which is excessive fluid and pressure on the brain. Please pray and agree with me that things continue to remain stable and no more fluid builds up which could require the surgeon to put a shunt in Jordan’s brain.

So, once again, I’m in that famous “waiting room”. I believe this is the place most of us would rather not be, but God has been faithful to sit right there with me. Like the quote I wrote at the beginning of this journal, I’m learning to believe and trust Him without reservations more each day.

Holding on to my hope,

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Monday, October 24, 2005 10:04 PM CDT

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God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but HE did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears & light for the way...

Greetings my faithful friends,

I hope this past week was a good one for you. I'm so happy to share how God faithfully heard our prayers for "Amazing Jacob". For those of you who don't know, Jacob had a real set back with his bladder last week, and had 2 emergency surgeries! He is recovering well now. This child has been through so much and yet the faith and the prayers that have gone out on his behalf are astounding.

A very special friend of ours will celebrate his 10th birthday this week. On Friday, October 28th, Brent Nason will turn 10! If you get the chance, please take a minute to drop him a line and let you know him you are thinking about him on his special day! Brent was healed from Stage IV Neuroblastoma! This is truly a MIRACLE. He is another St. Jude patient that we have become family with! You can visit Brent at:


Last week we had a scare with Jordan. He went to his endocrinologist last week and was prescribed some new meds. A few days after taking them he start having early morning vomiting and then headaches. Well, this went on a few days so I decided to call the pharmacist. They said it was probably from the new medicine he was taking to bring down his tryglcerides. He suggested that we really try and keep him on it. Well this went on for a few more days, so I called his doctor. He told me he would switch meds and we should stop all his others medicines for a day or so to give his stomach some time to rest. Well, he continued to wake up, throw up and have a headache. As you might expect, as a mom of a child with a brain tumor these are very concerning symptoms. I called his neurologist and his doctor at St. Jude. Both said, “Go get a MRI done right away!”

They were very concerned about pressure possibly building up in his brain. So, here I was again, back in a crisis mode with Jordan. I sat in the waiting room waiting for him as he had his MRI done. During the time I had to sit there I start remembering, all the memories of what we had been through,and I thought, “I’ve been feeling so much peace about everything lately, and then I get this "pop quiz" dropped on me”. In the end, after some time in prayer I had to make the decision to simply trust God once again?

Well guess what? No more vomiting or headaches! I think it was the effects of the medicine that was still in his system. HOWEVER, the films are in route to St. Jude, and I'll see what his neurologist has to say on Wednesday. I expect that he will just confirm everything! Whew.... that was a close call. Hopefully I’ll get to hear that his tumor is indeed shrinking! I will update this on Wednesday to report the "official news" of what we have learned from this latest test. While I have no reason to doubt that all is fine, I’d greatly appreciate if you continue to pray as we "wait on the Lord" for the doctor’s final report.

The reason I choose the quote at the beginning of this update was because it is so true. We can't just praise God when things are going good. We must also trust Him in the darkest hour, and know that He truly is in control of our lives. He will give us the strength we need for every situation we might face.

If you are facing a battle now, please know if you ALLOW him, God will be with you every step of the way. Remember, he has promised us that His mercies are NEW every morning. So, if you are feeling worn out and weary, he will refill and refresh you every day!

Well, that’s about all for now. Thanks for hanging in with me. I was a little wordy today. May God go before you this week and order all of your steps. Be blessed and hey, if you get the chance be a BLESSING to someone else.

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Monday, October 17, 2005 7:38 AM CDT

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Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24

Greetings Friends!

I just want to let you all know how blessed Jordan was by all the wonderful birthday wishes he received for his special day. You will never know how much each and every word meant to him. The scripture is so true; words have so much power and can truly bring healing to us!

I’d like to share some pictures of Jordan’s birthday dinner. We decided to go to Chili’s to celebrate. We were not able to do the “Create a Pepper” for St. Jude this year because of the hurricane. Chili’s had so many displaced employees; they decided to take a collection for them instead. We had lots fun at his dinner party, and Jordan got a lot of really nice gifts and cash. Oh yes, the green stuff went over really good! Jordan is saving up for his trip to Arizona over the Thanksgiving Holidays to visit his cousin Katie.

Before I end I have some exciting news. A very special friend we met while we were living at the RMD House now has her own “Caringbridge page”. She is the beautiful little girl on the banner with Jordan. Her name is Elli Mc Intyre. Please just type her name in as one word; she is in the new Caringbridge Page section. I know her parents would be so blessed and encouraged if you dropped her a line! I also heard from Jeremiah’s mom. As you might expect, she is missing Jeremiah big time, and to make things even more difficult, she lost everything in the hurricane. Please remember to keep Charlene in your prayers during this time. You can visit Jeremiah’s page in the new section also. Just type in Jeremiahaverhart. It only takes a minute to let someone know you care, and it goes such a LONG way! Be blessed my friends, I pray you have a wonderful week.

PS. I want to thank the Nason family for making Jordan's birthday so special. As you will see in the pictures, Jordan sure enjoyed your "labor of love", as well as the rest of the family!! You are the BEST...

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A new braclet, oh yes!

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My wonderful Aunt Mary, and cousin Ashley

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Enjoying a great meal!

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I can't believe I'm now 20 years old...

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A very special birthday package, YES!!

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Thanks Mrs. Tonya, these cookies are AWESOME!!

Thanks again and again,

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005 7:16 AM CDT

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You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God! They are innumerable! Psalms 139: 16 & 17

To our dearest Jordan,

Twenty years ago today, we were blessed beyond words. God choose your dad and I to be your parents. The very first time we held you in our arms we knew that you were “God’s special gift” to us. From your early childhood years until now, we have watched you grow into the most loving and tenderhearted person we know. You have taught us so much about what is truly important in life. Your willingness to serve, to give, to trust, and to simply love people without reservation continues to amaze us. Thank you for being a son that we are so proud of. I’d like to dedicate this poem to you on this your 20th birthday. Hope your day is special. We love you more then words can say.

Dad & Mom

To Jordan:

Your presence is a present to the world.
You are unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Take the days just one at a time.

Count your blessings, not your troubles.
You will make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.

Do not put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach for your peak, your goal and your prize.

Remember that a little love goes a long way.
Remember that a lot … goes forever.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
Life’s treasure are people together.

Realize that it is never too late.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
Have and hope and happiness.
Take the time to wish upon a star.

Jordan you area precious gift from Heaven,
A treasure from above,
A child who has taught us many things,
But most of all – “REAL LOVE”!!

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Hi Everyone,

Jordan birthday is Wednesday October 12th. Please drop him a line to let him know how special He is!!


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"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit..." (Romans 14:17).

Greetings to you my faithful friends,

I've been learning a lot about that scripture in Romans these days. It's funny, it's not until things turn drastically around in your life that you really begin to understand what "kingdom living" is all about. You learn so much about what is truly important and what really matters. I'm now a student that is learning where my true joy and peace comes from.

Life is so different since Katrina. There are days I wake up and think this must be a bad dream. We took a ride around New Orleans last weekend, and oh my, the pictures on TV cannot begin to capture the devastation and loss. A city that care forgot, a city in ruins. My heartaches for those who are returning to face the reality of the aftermath and see what little they left compared to what they left behind.

Sorry if I seem "gloomy". I really don’t want to sound like we are without hope. Many great strides are being made everyday, but the truth is that the task of rebuilding the city is monumental and at times seems overwhelming.

On a better note, I finally got to talk with Jordan's doctor. YES!! He is just the nicest man. We went over most of his labs, some of it has still has not come back. The first thing we went over, which was just shocking, was his Cholesterol level. Jordan has never had them done before. I was really surprised he even ordered this. Well, his over all was 330! I nearly fainted. His triglycerides were 220! Now this is really high, and it concerned his doctor. The first thing I asked was this caused by his brain tumor? He said, no, it must be genetic. Jordan is now on a very strong medicine to get these numbers down. He has also developed a condition called "Diabetes Insipidus". This is not like sugar diabetes that is common. DI is caused by damage to the pituitary gland. He prescribed dDAVP for this. His thyroid was low, and his testosterone is extremely low. He has so many abnormal levels that it would take too long to write about all of them! Please pray we are able to get these things in balance. Oh, by the way, his fractured foot is much better and healing up well!

I would like to share some exciting news, just in case any of you do not know. Our little Amazing Jacob, is just astounding the doctors these days. Only a few weeks ago his family was told it was "only a matter of time". Now he out of the hospital, and has just completed his first week of kindergarten! Is God Good or what? Thanks for all of your prayers, his parents, friends and family are elated. They have faithfully waited, and believed God for Jacob's miracle. Please keep them all in your prayers.

I'd like to end with a quote I read today:

“Though no one can go back and make a new beginning - anyone can
start from now and make a brand new end.” -- Carl Brand

I thought this thought was so timely. It's so easy get discouraged by the things we see and experience in this life. But we are promised in Ecc.7:8: "The end of a thing is better then the beginning, the patient in spirit better then the proud." The key word here is "patient". This is something the Lord is working overtime in my life.

However, if we keep our eyes on the prize, we will finish our race, and receive that crown that has been laid up for us! I'm holding on, and keeping my eyes fixed on the prize. I hope you are too.

Be blessed my friends, and my God fill your day with His love, His peace, and His joy!

Running hard,

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Thursday, September 29, 2005 4:33 PM CDT

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Christianity must mean everything to us before it can mean
anything to others. -- Donald Soper

Greetings my faithful friends,

Rita is behind us now, and we continue to move forward from the greatest storm our city has ever endured. In the parish we live in, Rita was just a horrible reminder of all we endured by Katrina. Please Lord, NO MORE STORMS!

As I sit here reflecting on all that has happened in this last month, it’s easy to feel “overwhelmed”. Although I don’t live in the city of New Orleans any more, much of our lives were tied to that city. Many of our doctors, friends, businesses, my husbands’ job, well, I could go on and on. Things are really different now. The only way I can explain what it feels like it is like we are now living in the “twilight zone”!

I know I haven’t shared much about my precious Jordan, so I will update now. Before Katrina hit, Jordan was having problems with his blood sugar levels. I took him to his endocrinologist just days before. He had ordered extensive lab work for him. There were some things that concerned him post radiation. We left with an Accu check meter. I was finally able to see what was going on when he start feeling really bad. His blood sugar levels were getting really low. Two weeks ago the lab re-opened and we did his tests. Today was the appointment that I have been waiting for for over 5 weeks. I had so many questions. Well, after sitting in 2 hours of gridlock traffic, (things are far from being normal around here!), and then waiting over an hour for the doctor to arrive, the electricity went out in the office! That meant, no fax to get Jordan’s labs, and no doctor visit. I was like, ok Lord; I thought I passed the “patience test”! I guess I’m only beginning to learn what waiting is all about. Last week Jordan start limping around and we found out Jordan he had fractured his foot. It has been very interesting for sure. He’s not a happy camper these days.

It seems like everything I do now involves “waiting, and more waiting"! There are long lines everywhere you go. It’s no use to be in a hurry any more. As I sit here reflecting, Katrina has taught me so many things that I’m so grateful for despite the setbacks.. I’m learning to trust God in a whole new way. I’m able to give thanks more often for the simple things. I feel so blessed to have home, a car, and a family to love us, and walk with us through all of this. The main thing I’ve learned once again is “GOD IS IN CONTROL”! Yes, control is an illusion, if we believe we really have it. Everything can change in our lives in only a moment. I’ll never forget feeling that when we first heard those words, “your son has a brain tumor”. It was like our world began to spin so out of control. When we watched Katrina out in that gulf barreling it’s way toward us, it was another moment I’ll never forget.

And finally, I’ve learned there is a silver lining in every cloud. Through all the hardships endured, I’m seeing so many people coming together to help each other out. There is such a bond of compassion that unites us all. We all working toward the same vision, to see our city restored.

I am reminded once again God’s word is true, and Paul could have not said this any better here in I Corinthians 10:13:

“No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it”

I now pray for all of you who are going through your own storms. Just know, God is faithful, He has a plan, and He will never leave you or forsake you. Thanks for taking the time to stop by, I feel like we are one big family. I treasure each and every message you take the time to leave for us.

May God bless your day with His presence,

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Friday September 23rd

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"When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
--Psalm 61:2

Greetings my faithful friends,

What a week it has been! Life is so far from being "normal" around here, and now I back getting supplies for a tropical storm to hit tonight! Hurricane Rita... With all the uncertainty so many people face each day, I know we have something that is unmovable, unshakable, and unchanging, and that is Jesus. He is that Rock we can stand on. If we can get under that shelter, we can defy any "hurricanes or storms" that come our way.

I must admit, I had to re read what I wrote in my last journal this past week to "encourage and remind myself" of God's faithfulness, and know He does have a PLAN! I am surrounded by so many that have been devastated by the past storm, I just can't imagine how difficult this is as they wait and watch now. I've had some personal storms in my own family this week, it's been a real time of testing for sure. I know many of you reading this are dealing with serious health issues with your children as I do with Jordan. My heart and my prayers go out to each and everyone one of you. Shannon if you are reading this, I'm sending you a great big (((HUG))) now as you begin your new journey without your precious Avery. When I was complaining to a friend about my problems I was instructed to read this scripture:

Romans 5:3 "And not only this, but we also exalt in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

All the things we go through, are not meaningless, but one day will yield a harvest in our lives.
I want to have the testimony Paul had when he said in 2 Timothy 4:7: " I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I HAVE KEPT THE FAITH!

I'd like to end with a little poem I read today:

"I walked a mile with Pleasure,
She chattered all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.

"I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne'er a word said she;
But, oh, the things I learned from her
When sorrow walked with me."

Standing on that Rock,

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Faith is the conviction that God knows more than we do about this life and He will get us through it. ~ Max Lucado

Greetings my faithful friends,

It seems hard to believe it was only 19 days ago we packed our car and headed out, not knowing the devastation that Katrina would leave. It feels like it has been years. As we sat at our friends house in Alabama, we watched in unbelief as we saw our city and parishes be torn apart by this deadly storm. When we began to breath a sigh of relief, our greatest fears became a reality, the levees began to break!

I grew up in the city of New Orleans, and I remembered Hurricane Betsy all too well. We have always known our city would never survive the “big one”. It was so disheartening to watch the news each day. Everyone was blaming someone else, and all I kept thinking was, we weren’t prepared! It’s funny, that is how storms usually come into our lives. We know they are out there, but when they come, we seem so shocked. Our family was spared much of the grief so many of our friends and families have had to endure. I feel so blessed, and yet so sad at the same time.

Once we returned home, we began our clean up. We did not have electricity for the first 6 days. Katrina taught us to be grateful for the little things, like ice, cold water and a hot meal. My husband and sons actually developed a taste for those famous MRE’s the military so generously provided. My son Jason by the way, finally made it home, safe and sound, thanks so very much for your prayers and concern.

It’s amazing how much technology steals our time. With out T.V., the phone and my computer I had time to grab a book and get caught up! The book I choose to read was called “In My Father’s House” by Corrie ten Boom. The timing could not have been better. Corrie was the Dutch evangelist who wrote of her experiences in a WW II concentration camp in "The Hiding Place." She said something in the first chapter of this great book that helped make some sense of all the aftermath of Katrina. I would like to end with her quote, and leave you some pictures to view of our neighborhood. We were the blessed ones…

“So many times we wonder why God has certain things happen to us. We try to understand the circumstances of our lives, and we are left wondering. But God’s foolishness is so much wiser than our wisdom. From generation to generation, from small beginnings and little lessons, HE HAS A PURPOSE FOR THOSE WHO KNOW AND TRUST HIM. God has no problems-just plans!

I’m so grateful He knows the end of the story, and one day God will reveal to us the cover of the tapestry He is weaving in our lives now.

Please remember to pray for the survivors of Katrina!

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Oh boy, it looks like no electricity!

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Now, this looks serious...

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Wow, another entrance to go through. At night different men rotated sitting outside guarding our neighborhood.

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Looks like no swimming in this pool!

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The tree on our house!

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Taking it down...

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Saturday September 10th

"Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress" (Ps. 4:1).


Finally.... still no electricity, but we back. It's been 4 long days, and it's really HOT. I'm just so blessed to have a home to return to. God is so good. I have many things to share and pictures I've taken of our neighborhood for you to see, but that will have to wait for now.

I would like to take a moment to remember and honor a very special little girl we have become close to through Caringbridge. "Avery Elizabeth". Avery is the beautiful daughter of Scott and Shannon. We have been praying and believing for a new heart for her. She was blessed to receive one, but due to complications of her medicine to not reject it, she earned her angel wings yesterday morning. Please remember this precious family in your prayers now. They will need all the love, support and comfort of everyone they can receive. They are requesting we where pink or yellow this coming Monday in memory of her. Let's honor this request.

I'll be updating soon. Thanks once again for your prayers for my family and son's safety. I'm so grateful.

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Avery Elizabeth

March 29, 2005----September 9, 2005


"No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down, he will never let you be pushed past your limit, he'll always be there to help you come through it...." I Corth. 10:13

Dear friends,

Thank you so much for all your prayers, concern, and encouraging words as we deal with all that has happened in the aftermath of Katrina. I'm so blessed and so grateful to say I have made contact with my family members! Truly this is a miracle in itself. Each day I got the good news from others, finding out one by one everyone was safe and sound! God is SO GOOD! As I was typing this I heard a sound, and it was a text message saying my grand-daughter Grace was safe and doing well. I will finally sleep good tonight!

I would like to ask you all a very urgent prayer request. My son Jason who is in the Louisiana National Guard is patrolling the streets of New Orleans now. Please pray for his safety during this time of active duty. It is a very hostile place in the city as I'm sure that many of you have seen on the news coverage of this event. I know God is with him. He is always so eager to serve, and feels it's an honor to be there. Gosh, I'm so proud of him!

I would also like to ask everyone to continue to pray for baby Avery. She is waiting for her new heart now, and has been bumped up as a priority. This is good news, but it also is a statement of how desperately she needs her new heart. Please remember Scott and Shannon in your prayers tonight. Avery has fought so long and so hard, we are believing God for this miracle to occur.

Shannon, if you are reading this, WE LOVE YOU and your precious family, and are praying and believing with you for Avery's new heart. May God continue to surround all of you with his comfort and hope.

One last thing. Brent is now at St. Jude doing all his scans. I can hardly wait to get his GOOD REPORT. Tonya, hang in there, and get ready to start shouting God's praises of how FAITHFUL He is. Thanks for all your prayers for our family during this time and such a generous offer to open your home to us as a shelter! I'm so blessed the Lord has brought your family into our lives.

Let's all join together and continue to pray and believe for God to bring healing to those who need it, and for all those families who have been so affected because of Katrina.

Giving Thanks in all things,




Hi everyone,

Just a quick update to let you know how we are doing with this horrible storm Katrina. My husband, daughter in law and baby, and two of my sons are with me now in Birmingham, AL. I have a 2 sons back home now. One is in the National Guard on active duty doing rescue work. My other one, (24) stayed home to ride out the storm. I have had no contact with them since the storm began. I also have 2 sisters back home in St. Tammany Parish I have not had any contact with either. Gosh, this has been so difficult... Please pray for their safety now. Please also pray for all those in the city of New Orleans, Gulfport, and surrounding areas. The aftermath from this devastation is unmeasurable. So much is at stake for so many with the city shutting down completely.

We know God knows all that is going on, and He hears the cries of His people. Even in this great calamity, God is in control, and He is Good...

Your prayers are so coveted and deeply appreciated. I'll let you know how things are back home once contact is made.

God bless you all...


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Heading out of Town!

Hi Everyone,

Looks like Katrina in on a trail that is leading right to our front door. This is one visitor we not at all happy about welcoming into town. So we've decided to pack up and head out. Looks like this really is a serious storm brewing out there.

Please keep all the families who remaining here in prayer for their safety. We are going to a friend’s house in Birmingham. We'll leave late tonight once the traffic grid lock out there dies down a little.

Our little "Amazing Jacob" is still hanging in there, and in his usual fashion is blessing his family and friends with his HUGE HEART of love for others. His parents are just focusing on enjoying every single minute they have with him now. Please keep them all in your prayers.

Our precious baby Avery has been officially accepted as a "candidate" for a new heart. That was a miracle in itself. Now, the waiting begins. If you get the chance, please let Shannon know she is not alone. You can visit her here Avery

I would like to end with one more special prayer request. Our friend Brent is going in for some very important scans at St. Jude on Thursday and Friday next week. Tonya has so much peace and such great faith, but we all know she needs to be kept covered in prayer! He will also be having some additional tests and scans on the 6th through the 9th of September. These are very critical tests to see how he is doing since he completed treatment for his Neuroblastoma. Brent is such a fun loving kid, who knows and loves the Lord with all of his heart. Please drop by his site and let he and Tonya know you are praying for a good report from those scans.

I would like to end with an exciting praise report! Our little buddy Ryan Breedlove just got back from a week-long time of testing at St. Jude. Ryan has Bilateral Retinoblastoma, (eye cancer). Amy said his doctors were very pleased with all of his results and said the words every parents dreams of hearing, "He is out of the woods"! Now we can rejoice with them for such an awesome report! Go Ryan, you just keep making so many strides!

I want to end today by just expressing once again, how grateful we are for all the wonderful people the Lord has so graciously brought into our lives since Jordan's journey began. Who could have ever known where this road would lead us, and all the loving people God would bring along the way. Our lives have been so enriched because of each of you.

Here is a quote by Oswald Chambers that I think many of us can understand because the paths we have had to travel. He helps puts it so clearly in perspective:

"God does not waste suffering, nor does He discipline out of a whim. If He plough, it is because He purposes a crop." - J. Oswald Sanders

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PS Please check out another collage a friend made for us! Thanks Charlotte...

Friday August 26

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Hi Everyone,

It is with great sadness I come to you today with 2 very urgent prayer requests. Through this wonderful ministry of Caringbridge many of us become so close to others as we are on our journeys together fighting so many terrible diseases. While I know in my heart, no battle is ever truly lost, there comes a time when God calls someone home. This is never an ending, but really only the beginning of our stories for eternity.

Our little friend "Amazing Jacob" has fought such a brave battle, and now the doctors are only giving his families days left with him. I know it's in God's hands now. Please remember to pray for the Duckworth family. Their faith has been the most incredible testimony ever, I, along with countless others, have watched and learned so much from them. I truly understand with it means to Fully Rely On God because of Jacob. Thanks Heather...

The next family that needs a miracle is Scott and Shannon. They have a beautiful baby girl named Avery. She is only four months old, and is now waiting for a heart transplant. Please pray she will be a candidate, and they find that heart. Oh my, I just can't begin to imagine all the emotions they are experiencing now. Please be in agreement with us for their miracle! I will keep you posted on Avery in the days to come.

Thank you for stopping by today. I covet your prayers, and know God hears and honors each one.

Never forget to:

Be strong and take heart,
all you who hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24

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One can give without loving, but one cannot love without giving. ~Amy Carmichael~

Greetings to our faithful friends and CB family,

It was a wonderful and exciting weekend working with the New Orleans St. Jude Dream Home Give-A-Way Telethon. We had never done this before, so we really had no idea what to expect. All we knew was that at some point in the TV broadcast they wanted to do a live interview with Jordan, and the rest of the time we would be working answering phone calls and taking pledges. We had the chance to meet several other families from the area that had children who were also patients at St. Jude. Things turned out so nice, and once again, we had the privilege of sharing our lives with the folks of St. Jude, one of the greatest “extended” families in the whole world. Best of all, we had the satisfaction of knowing we were able to give back a little in return for so much that we have received!

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Now, this was so funny. All the way driving to the T.V. station (it is about a 45 minute drive from our home), I coached my husband and Jordan on how to share our story. I was determined not to get up in front of the camera with them. Just answering phones live on T.V. was enough stress for me! When the broadcast went on the air they had a big intro and the phones began to ring. We had about 40 volunteers working the phones. The very first call I answered was one of my close friends! Now what were the chances of that? Anyway, I busted out laughing. I just could not believe this happened! As I was taking information from her, she said, “Susan, look up, the camera is on you right now”, and there I was laughing on the phone right on the T.V. screen. This was hilarious. About an hour later, one of the producers called for “The Amato Family” to come up for the interview. Rick was like, “Come on Susan”. I was so nervous. I told the news anchor that was hosting the show, “Now listen, I don’t want to talk. OK? Ask my husband all the questions.” Jordan said, “I don’t want to talk either!” I guess he was thinking, “Why am I doing this interview if no one wants to talk to me?” Well, right before they were ready to cut to us, he asked my husband, “Now what type of tumor does your son have?” I immediately blurted in “A Juvenile Polycystic Astrocytoma”. He then puts the mic in my hand, and we were on live.

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All my planning went out the door as He introduced our family and turned right to me and said tell about your experience at St. Jude. Well, I got so excited as I started sharing our story and all that St. Jude had meant to our family all my fear just faded away. The anchorman all but had to take the mic out of my hands! It was so funny. Rick was like, “So you didn’t want to talk huh?” We laughed and laughed! I guess once you get a mom to talk about her child, there is no stopping her!

At the end of the broadcast Jordan got to pick one of the winning tickets out of the drum. He was so excited to be a part of the program. The whole event turned out so well, and now, we’re pro’s at this fund-raising stuff! The whole event raised $795,000.00 for St. Jude.

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I pray this coming week is a good one for you all. Thanks once again for the many encouraging guest book entries. Please continue to pray for all those families that have lost their precious children to this beast, and for those who are still in the battle now. I would like to mention some very special friends of ours that will need prayer this week. One is Ryan Breedlove. He will be at St. Jude most of this week for testing. We are hoping for a good reports! Also remember little “Amazing Jacob” Duckworth from Florida. He’s been running a fever and not feeling well at all. Jacob desperately needs a miracle. One last request is for a young man who is heading to Memphis this week, Brent Nason. He will have an MRI on Wednesday. We are praying it will be clear, and he leaves hearing these words: “NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE”. His mom Tonya is a mighty woman of God whose faith is amazing. She has been such a major source of encouragement to our family! We’ll look forward to that good report.

This was a long one for me tonight. Thanks for hanging in there.

Holding on to Hope,

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Friday, August 19, 2005 3:56 PM CDT

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Our Father dwells in tents as well as in temples, but His
favorite abiding-place is in the hearts of mankind. J. Fred Jones

Hi Everyone,

It's been a really busy week, sorry I haven't stopped to update Jordan's page. I pray it was a good week for you all. We got some exciting news on Tuesday. When we lived at the Ronald McDonald House Jordan drew a design for a Christmas card one day. Well Sherri, the manager called to let me know they choose his design and it will be used this year for the new Christmas card! YES! Jordan got so excited. They will put a short bio on the back of the card and his picture. I haven't seen what he drew, so I'm looking forward to that.

We got another call the next day from ALSAC, this is the fund raising arm of St. Jude. We are having our "Dream Home Giveaway" this weekend in Louisiana, and they would like for Jordan to come on T.V. (along with many of the local St. Jude families) to share their story. I volunteered to answer phones, (no thank you to T.V. appearances!) I'm just so blessed to give back after receiving SO MUCH!

I would like to share something that really got to me this week. I hope you will always remember this when you see the words "A.S.A.P." Thanks Ali for letting me share this.

Ever wonder about the abbreviation A.S.A.P.?

Generally we think of it in terms of even more hurry and stress in our
lives. Maybe if we think of this abbreviation in a different manner, we
will begin to find a new way to deal with those rough days along the way.


There's work to do, deadlines to meet;
You've got no time to spare,
But as you hurry and scurry-

In the midst of family chaos,
"Quality time" is rare.
Do your best; let God do the rest-

It may seem like your worries
Are more than you can bear.
Slow down and take a breather-

God knows how stressful life is;
He wants to ease our cares,
And He'll respond to all your needs

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Monday, August 15, 2005 9:53 AM CDT

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God does not lead His children around hardship, but leads them
straight through hardship. But He leads! And amidst the
hardship, He is nearer to them than ever before. -- Otto Dibelius

Hi Everyone,

Thanks so much for all the well wishes for our anniversary! We spent a wonderful day Saturday that ended with an awesome steak dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. I count my many blessings to have such a great hubby and best friend.

Jordan went to his new endocrinologist this past week, and we were very pleased with this doctor! He really took a lot of time going over all of Jordan’s blood work that we had done 4 months ago. He wants to increase some of Jordan’s medications before we do his blood work again. Some of his numbers were so low, he’s curious to see how his body will respond to the meds before we check his levels again. We go back in 3 weeks to do his blood work again.

Since I’ve joined the Pediatric Brain Tumor group I’ve learned so much, especially about the many issues we are having with Jordan’s hormones and weight gain. It was so good to know I’m not alone, and I’ve been given many suggestions and a doctor to contact concerning a study that Jordan may benefit from. Knowledge is truly Power!

I would like to ask you all to continue to pray for our little buddy Jacob in Florida. It’s been a really rough 2 weeks on him, and pray also for God bless his mom too! Her faith is just amazing, but she is getting weary in the battle. We all know what that feels like from time to time. Please let her know you are praying for Jacob, and believe with us for that miracle that is needed.

Someone emailed me this alphabet and I really liked it, so I would like to share it with you. I pray this coming week will come filled with hope, love and a lot of joy. Always remember, don’t just go through life, GROW through it.

Although things are not perfect,

Because of trial or pain,

Continue in thanksgiving,

Do not begin to blame.

Even when the times are hard,

Fierce winds are bound to blow,

God is forever able,

Hold on to what you know.

Imagine life without His love,

Joy would cease to be,

Keep thanking Him for all the things,

Love imparts to thee.

Move out of "Camp Complaining",

No weapon that is known,

On earth can yield the power,

Praise can do alone.

Quit looking at the future,

Redeem the time at hand,

Start every day with worship,

To "thank" is a command.

Until we see Him coming,

Victorious in the sky,

We'll run the race with gratitude,

eXalting God most high.

Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...

Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!

Now, that was really good, I pray it blessed you too. One last thing, on a personal note, I would just like to thank Tonya for those awesome scriptures she sent me today, please take time to read her guest book entry. You are such a mighty woman of God! Your faith, your words of encouragement is always timely. May the Lord bless you, and refresh YOU as you give of your self to so many!

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Monday, August 8, 2005 7:11 AM CDT

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Happy Anniversary Rick...

Psalm 33: "But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purpose of His heart through the generations".

Well, it only seems like yesterday, I was that blushing nervous bride preparing for her big day. Now it's been 27 wonderful years later. All I can say, is two things; one, I would say "I do" over again and again, you are the love of my life. Next, thank you for making me the most blessed woman in the world. You have given to me so unselfishly, and your thoughtful and loving ways has carried me through so much. What would I do without you Rick Amato?

As we go through life together, we realize more and more that we need each other in order to do what God has called both of us to do. It's an awesome responsibility and a great challenge to be there completely for each other, but it's a tremendous opportunity.

For us, everything started with our commitment to God, then our commitment to each other. I found this scripture this morning and thought, how perfect it was for us. I believe God knew from the beginning you would choose me to be your bride, and these plans have stood though the storms of life, the testing, and all the many years of a growing love for each other. You are the best, and I'm one grateful wife.

Still crazy for you,

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But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

Hi Everyone!

Wow, this week sure slipped up on me, I can’t believe how quickly it went by. We are still receiving donations from our “Chain Gang” Party. I’m just so blessed and grateful for all the support we were able to raise for St. Jude Children’s Hospital.

Jordan had a root canal done this week. That sure was interesting. I don’t have enough ink to write about all the events of that adventure! I’m just so glad that one is behind us. When we got home from the LSU Dental School, he slept most of the day. This coming week we are going to his new endocrinologist. I have a list of questions for his doctor that I’m concerned about post radiation. I know most of my answers will be found in the blood work. I will be very curious to see where he is at concerning his hormones. He’s had a few headaches this week, so I’m keeping a watch on that issue. When I received a copy of his MRI report this week, the radiologist noted some increased edema surrounding the tumor, and I’m thinking that may be related to the headaches he is having right now.

I had something exciting happen this past week. I joined the Pediatric Brain Tumor group. Wow, this opened up a whole new world for me. I’ve met so many parents that have children with the same type of tumor as Jordan! It really feels good to connect with people dealing with many of the same issues we are going through. I always welcome the chance to make new friends along our journey.

I pray that all of you reading this update will have a week of victory as you gain courage to stand in the face of adversity and never back down, knowing that the victory has already been won. Our job is to BELIEVE…and this we do! I would to end this journal with a quote I recently read by Lance Armstrong. As you all know Lance Armstrong won his 7th Tour de France after facing one of the most courageous battles with cancer I’ve known.

“Without belief, we would be left with nothing but an overwhelming doom, every single day. And it will beat you. I didn't fully see, until the cancer, how we fight every day against the creeping negatives of the world, how we struggle daily against the slow lapping of cynicism. Dispiritedness and disappointment, these are the real perils of life, not some sudden illness. I know now why people fear cancer: because it is a slow and seemingly inevitable death, it is the very definition of cynicism and loss of spirit... So, I believed.” Lance Armstrong

I like what the apostle Paul had to say about what he believed in 2Ti 1:12:

"For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day."

Always believing, trusting and walking by faith,
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Friday August 5

Online Prayer Vigil for Jacob

Join us in praying without ceasing for a miracle for our son & believe with all of your heart that it can happen. We believe in the power of prayer and how great it would be for God to hear our voices come together as we pray for Jacob! You can all help by spreading the word through e-mail or on websites and joining us in prayer on Friday at 9pm. Please stop what you are doing at that time and say a prayer for Jacob. Bend a knee, light a candle and pray without ceasing . . .

“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:20


Please let's join in with Jacob's family and believe for His miracle today!

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Thanks for setting me free!!!

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. Helen Keller

Greetings my faithful friends and family,

Well, the time has come and gone, and we just had the best time at our St. Jude Chain Gang Party this past weekend! Please check out some pictures we took at our party. I will post some more we took really soon, (someone is helping me with that now).

I’m just so blessed many friends and neighbors took time out of their busy schedules to come and bring a donation for such a good cause. There were so many people that help make this day such a huge success. I would like to take a minute to try and thank them all.

First, I want my sister Stephanie to know how much I appreciate her opening her home and heart to us all, and especially to the children of St. Jude. Stephanie came up and spent a week with Jordan and I during radiation this year, and her heart was so touched by all the children she saw and met there. On her last day she told me she wanted to do something special to help say “thank you “ to Danny Thomas and the vision he had. Well, Steph, you did it, and it was wonderful.

I also want to thank my daughter in love Kristin who helped plan the party, help with the invitations, shop and was always willing to help out. As always it’s so much fun working with you Kristin! Another big thanks goes out to our precious friends Glen and Shelia Luedke. Wow, you just mention something to them, and you get this reply: “what can I do to help out?” This is the most giving couple ever, just ready on the spot to serve! I pray the Lord repays you for all the endless ways you bless others. I also want to thank Bill Neyland, a very dear friend of ours, for spreading his joy, and making so many awesome sculptured balloons that we had so much fun with! (I know I did, ha ha!)

I want to thank those who so generously brought food and drinks, gifts for the door prizes, and especially for all you who so generously donated money to get my precious Jordan out of Jail! Yes his bail was met, and we collected a lot of money for St. Jude. I haven’t received the final numbers; I have several donations still on the way.

Now I would like to thank each everyone one of you who have supported Jordan and us through this journey. We’ve had some “highs” and we faced some “lows”, but with all of our friends and family we were never alone.

Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and check in on us! We covet your love, your prayers, and many words of encouragement. Let’s keep believing for the many miracles that still needed for so many others.

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Now, let's see, do I have to stay in this uniform mom?

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How do you like our fancy hats?

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Now, this cake was just the best!

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Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:24 PM CDT

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Faith does not get you around adversity, it gets you though…

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all having a nice week. We are surviving down here in the sweltering heat! I pray many of you had a chance to visit my 3 buddies’ sites this week. I feel so blessed that the Lord has brought all these wonderful people into our lives. I hope that one day I will have the chance to meet them all in person. Hey, wouldn’t it be nice if Caringbridge had a big reunion once a year to bring all the families together?

I took Jordan to an Infectious Disease doctor yesterday, and she is going to help me deal with all the “staph issues” he continues to have. He has a bad cold now and was running a low-grade fever. My precious Jordan, he does keep me busy. Next week we visit his endocrinologist.

I would now like to share this neat story I found in a guestbook this week. I wrote the lady who posted it to get her permission to copy it and in the process made another friend. Thanks so much Alice, you are such a blessing! I pray this encourages you the way it did for me! Be blessed my precious friends, and thanks for leaving so many wonderful words of encouragement! You will never know how much they mean to Jordan and his mom!

"Here Be God"

An old mariner’s chart of the east coast of N. America had fearful warnings written on it. When an unknown mapmaker drew up the chart over 400 years ago, much of the territory still remained unexplored. Across great areas of those lands the superstitious mapmaker wrote inscriptions such as: “Here be Demons”, “Here be Dragons” and “Here be Fiery Scorpions”.

At sometime in its history, the old map came into the hands of Sir John Franklin, the British explorer. When Franklin saw the notations, he scratched them out one by one and wrote in large letters over those areas of the map, “HERE BE GOD”.

There may be times when we face demons of anxiety that try to harass us. When dragons of doubt breathe their fire into our mind, or when fiery scorpions of fear try to sting their poisons into our soul. At such times as these we can take our cue from Sir John Franklin, and write in large letters over the whole of our life the words: “HERE BE GOD”!

I thought this scripture was perfect to portray what this story said:

Isa. 43:2 -
“When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.”

Just thanking God for that steady hand that gently leads me through my troubled waters,

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Monday, July 25, 2005 8:30 AM CDT

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“Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.” I Chronicles 16:11

Greetings from a very hot Louisiana,

Well, we have survived another very hot and humid week! When Jordan and I were in Memphis the people were complaining about the heat up there. The only thing they were missing was our famous “humidity”! It just can’t get any hotter. And guess what my husband and three of my sons were doing yesterday, playing tennis! Boy that sounds like a lot of fun, out there melting in 100-degree heat! Well, as far as I’m concerned, this nice cool air-conditioned office is just fine for me.

The time is getting closer to our fund-raiser party. Now this is not something on a really big scale. It is just a neighbor hood party to bring awareness to all that’s going on at St. Jude, and hopefully raise a nice sum of money. We sent about 50 invitations, and we are looking forward to sharing our story with all who come. Many businesses have donated door prizes, and even the bakery offered to donate the cake when I went to order it without me even asking! This is our chance to give back in a little way for all the love and care that we have received at St. Jude hospital these past two years. If anyone reading this lives close by, please email me and I’ll give you directions! We would be honored to have you there.

We are still basking in the good report we got on Jordan’s tumor, and feeling so grateful for the many answered prayers. I know there are so many families that would love to get the news that their children’s tumors were dying, and because of that I would like to take a moment to list a few I am praying for right now. Maybe you would like to join with me as I pray for their healings and the miracles they so desperately need.

The first is a precious little 2 year old boy named Ryan. I’ve mentioned him before. He’s waiting on results from his blood work in order to understand some issues he is facing, and getting to the bottom of why he has not been himself lately. You can go visit Ryan at…


The next is a 5-year-old triplet from Florida named Jacob, or should I say “Superman”. Oh my, wait till you see his blue eyes! He really needs a major miracle and is fighting so hard. You will really enjoy reading his mom’s journal. It’s so full of hope and expectancy.


Finally there is Avery. Now I pray for a lot more kids, but these three are on the top of my list right now. Avery is a beautiful little 3 month old baby that is having heart surgery today. We are all praying extra hard for her and her family. You can learn more about Avery here…


I know we serve a mighty God who hears our prayers. He desires more then we do, that we all walk in health. He paid the price for our healing. I don’t understand why some get healed and some don’t. I don’t think anyone has all the answers, but I do know that God has promised us an eternity with Him in heaven if we truly believe. We have this blessed hope, and it keeps me going each day.

I’d like to end with another scripture from the word of God. This brings me so much peace when I don’t have the answers, or when the pieces of puzzle just don’t seem to come together. I hope it will help you today if you are in a time of uncertainty.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

Truly God is in total control, and he cares about every detail of our lives. I pray you will completely put your trust in Him.

Loving Strong…

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005 5:38 PM CDT

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The Power of Prayer...

“There is something good in every single day we are given; sometimes we just have to look a little harder.”

Hello my faithful friends and family,

Wow, it sure is good to be home again, and bearing some great news! I’ll start first with the good news. Jordan had his MRI yesterday afternoon. Everything went really well, (considering the last experience!). When Jordan was finished we met with his oncologist. When he walked in the room he was smiling, and said, everything looks stable. I immediately asked, can I go see the films? Once in the room he pulled up his last MRI, and then yesterday’s. When I first saw it, I got a little nervous. It had not changed in size, but it had a bunch of dark spots in it. I asked the doctor, is that more cysts in his tumor? He said, no that is actually areas where the tumor is dying. It’s groups of cells that have become necrotic. He went on to explain that in time these spots will cause the tumor to began to collapse and shrink! Well, I nearly jumped up and down for joy! This is the first time I’ve seen any change, other then growth, since Jordan’s brain surgery! What an awesome moment in our lives!!

I just want to thank each and everyone of you who took time to pray for Jordan. There is such an awesome power in prayer! There are just no words to express my deepest gratitude to you! Thanks ever so much.

Now to back things up a little bit, once we arrived at the Grizzly House, Jordan got all excited to see the cars of two families that we lived with at the RMH. Jordan knew their cars, because he went many places with them while he was gong through radiation! One thing is for sure, Jordan is not shy by any means.

One of the families was that of Jordan’s little friend Elli. She is the beautiful little girl on the banner on this page. She has ALL, and has really had a rough time. She was so excited to see Jordan, and yes, Jordan was off in no time, having dinner with them downtown.

There was another family we got close to also, and have not seen since we left in February. We’ve been looking for them every time we come back! Well, as we were talking about this very family to Theresa, Elli’s mom, the elevator door opened, and there they were! It was like one big “family reunion”. Micheala is also an ALL patient. They are such a sweet family from Harristown, Il. She has a little sister Jenna, (who adored Jordan), and a precious little brother Avery. Micheala is doing so well, and we had such an awesome time visiting with them.

Another exciting event was CLEO a gift-wrap company was at St. Jude, and Jordan was able to enter his drawing in for the new Christmas paper designs this year. There is always something going on at St. Jude!

Well, I’d like to conclude with a story about another divine appointment that happened during this trip. While Jordan was in getting his MRI done, I met the nicest family from Monroe, La. It was two grandmothers, the mom and sister to a little boy. I would like to ask for all of you to pray for Matthew. He has an Anaplastic Ependymoma, which is an aggressive brain tumor. He is a precious five-year-old little boy. He is now receiving radiation to destroy this tumor. Please believe with me for a miracle for this child and his family. They were such a loving family, and so very concerned for Matthew. This is the hard part about St. Jude, you become so attached to the children there, it’s like they become one of your own. You can visit his site here:

I know this has been a longer than usual journal entry for me. Thanks for hanging in there. I’d now like to share some pictures that captured our memories these last two days!

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We are always welcomed with so much love!

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Our precious friends "Micheala & Jenna"

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It was Christmas in July!

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Getting a painting done.

Keeping our eyes always on Jesus…

Susan and Jordan

Sunday, July 17, 2005 8:50 PM CDT

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“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”
Paul the Apostle - Hebrews 11:6

Heading Back To Memphis!

Well, it’s finally that time again. Jordan and I fly out for St. Jude tomorrow morning to get our all-important MRI on Tuesday. As always, I am going with a heart that is a little anxious, yet at the same time, I have a great sense of peace. The Lord sent a special friend to encourage me in my faith this week, and we both agreed to fast and pray together, believing that we will get a GOOD REPORT on Jordan’s condition!

Today was a very special day for us. My son Jason and his wife Kristin dedicated their daughter Kayla at church today. It just seems like yesterday my husband and I were on an altar with Jason in our arms, dedicating him to God and ourselves to raise him in the ways of the Lord. He has grown up to be a real godly young man and now a father himself. I could not have been any prouder as a Mom and Grand-mother. We always prayed that the Lord would bring a godly woman into his life. Our daughter-in-law, Kristin, is truly an answer to our prayers!

We have been busy working on our plans for Jordan's St. Jude fund-raiser, which will take place at my sister's house in a few weeks on July 30th. We are getting really excited about it! As we were going through some old pictures we came across Jordan's pictures from his surgery at Johns-Hopkins in Baltimore. Please check out the new pictures I posted on the photo album. God has been so gracious and so good to watch over Jordan these past three and a half years. It's been a long road for him, not only with all the physical issues, but the emotional ones as well. We feel like God has surrounded us with so much love and support during this entire journey, for which we are very grateful.

Well, here are two pictures from today’s activities. I'm just a proud Grand-mother, what can I say? I'll update my journal as soon as I get back with the results from Jordan’s MRI. Thanks so much for dropping by...

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Dedicating Kayla Michelle Amato to Jesus!

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Oh my, isn't she precious?

Living Strong…for HIM,

Susan & Jordan

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:13 AM CDT

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“Change your thoughts and you change your world.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Greetings to you my friends,

Praise God, we missed the path of Hurricane Dennis and the storm did not turn out to be as bad as many expected. I’m just so sorry that Florida got hit once again.

We all had a nice weekend and Jordan’s cold is doing a lot better! Unfortunately, I got an infection in my leg that got so bad I had to have it lanced by a surgeon. I’ve been hobbling along all week, but Rick and the boys spoiled me while I had to stay off my feet and keep my leg elevated! We are all much better now, but sometimes you have to stop and wonder when are the trials going to end? But through them all, our God remains faithful. I heard a pastor say today, “You can’t have a testimony without a test, and you can’t have a message without a mess.” I think I can identify!

I found a neat poem that was written about the “C” word, but really what it says can be applied to almost any difficult situation we might find ourselves in. Proverbs 23:7 says; “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he…”

I know I battle with negative feelings sometimes, especially when it comes close to Jordan’s health issues. It’s so easy to think of all the horrible things that can happen. But we are instructed in the word, not to think on those things, but to keep our eyes on the Lord. The quote I started with by Emerson says it so perfectly, our thoughts do affect out world.

I'm just so grateful also for my friends & family who are a constant source of encouragement to me! Thank you all for being so faithful to keep me on track.

Please remember to take time each day to pray for the children God has placed on your hearts, which need a miracle in their lives right now. Be blessed and know God loves you and has a plan and a purpose for your lives!

The Big C

The Big C I heard someone call it
Another just whispered the word.
That we don’t even dare to say cancer out loud
Gives it power it does not deserve.

So I’m giving that letter a new meaning
And refusing to give in to fear
By reclaiming the power for you and for me
And by saying these words loud and clear:

Let C be for Cure and Compassion.
Let it stand for Candles we light,
And a Chorus of voices shouting, you CAN!
To all who will take up this fight.

Let C be for Cash Contribution
(Credit or Check will work too).
Let it stand for Commitment and Check-ups And Cheer,
And the Children who are counting on you.

Let it mean that we know our Creator
Is beside us each step of the way,
And remind us to Call on His strength and His love,
And celebrate every new day!

To everyone facing this Challenge,
I say it is a fight we can win.
Tell all who will listen that, starting today,
The C is for Courage, my friend.

May God grant you His Courage for today,

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Friday, July 8, 2005 12:21 AM CDT

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Never give up praying until the answer comes. George Muller

Hi Everyone,

Well, we are now watching and waiting to see where Hurricane Dennis is going. Down here in New Orleans the hurricane season keeps us all on edge. We have our batteries, canned goods, water, oil lamps, and generators ready to go. I really hope we won’t need them this weekend.

I pray for all of you that live along the Gulf Coast that also may be affected by this storm. As I watch this storm, I am reminded that there are so many other storms ragging out there with our children who are battling real hard for lives against all kinds of diseases. Let’s remember to pray and continue to commit these precious children into God’s hands for His strength and protection.

My devotional today was about a storm, and I thought it would be a perfect time to share it with you all. Please be safe, and stay strong…

“Don’t Wait” by Charles Spurgeon (Psalm 107:23-31)

“Some went out to sea in ships to buy and sell on the great waters. They have seen what the Lord can do and His great works on the sea. For He spoke and raised up a storm that lifted up the waves of the sea. They went up to the heavens and down to the deep. Their strength of heart left them in their danger. They could not walk straight but went from side to side like a drunk man. They did not know what to do.
Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble. And He took them out of all their problems. He stopped the storm, and the waves of the sea became quiet. Then they were glad because the sea became quiet. And He led them to the safe place they wanted.
Let them give thanks to the Lord for His loving and His great works to the children of men!”

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This excerpt from Psalms 107 is a wonderful illustration of God's providence. As fishermen are casting their nets at sea, a terrible storm erupts which frightens the sailors. Their fear is so great that they cry to God for help. God gracefully calms the storm and leads them safely home.

"Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness", the psalmist adds in vs. 31.

How many times do we wait until the storm arrives before we will call upon God?

Don't wait until the storm comes. Start your day praising the Lord and making your relationship with him stronger each day.

:We should long ago have been wrecked if it had not been for his preserving hand, and our only hope of outliving the storms of the future is based upon his wisdom, faithfulness and power." -- C.H. Spurgeon

May God bless your day with abundant living,

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Wednesday, July 6, 2005 11:57 AM CDT

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"God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging" (Psalm 46:1-3 NIV.)

Good Morning my friends,

We had a nice relaxing Fourth of July. It’s always so wonderful to gather with our family to celebrate. This year was the first year that my nephew, Mark, was not with us because he is serving in Iraq.

Something very special happened instead. Mark’s dad called our local news station and told them that the 4th of July was his son’s birthday, and that he was in Iraq serving in the Army, but that we were still going to have a Birthday Celebration in his honor. Well, they were so touched by the story they sent a film crew out. They interviewed his wife Charlotte (who is pregnant with their first son), his mom (my sister), and his dad. We were all so excited to watch the 10:00 o’clock news. We were not sure what or how much of the story would actually make it on air.

Well, were we shocked to see they did an entire segment on Mark! They showed pictures put to beautiful music, the interviews, and even got his mom, Steph, holding up the cell phone when Mark called live from Iraq as everyone was singing “Happy Birthday” to Mark! Needless to say, we were all blessed, and so touched.

Here is a link if you want to view the piece that ran on our local newscast. Just go to Family Celebrates 4th of July: http://www.wwltv.com/video/index2.html

Jordan is doing well, but fighting a cold now. He came home yesterday and slept most of the day. We will keep an eye on him.

I would like to ask you to remember to pray for a new little friend of ours named Ryan. Ryan is a precious little 2 year old, and also a patient of St. Jude. Ryan has a form of eye cancer called bilateral retinoblastoma. He is doing amazingly well since his treatment, but is having a follow up visit with lots of tests this week. We all know how that is, waiting for those tests results! His mom is a very strong Christian, and she has placed Ryan in God’s hands. Let’s agree in prayer for all “good reports” and then we can celebrate with her!

Here are some pictures from our 4th of July party. God bless each and everyone one of you.

Still believing,


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Happy Birthday to our favorite soldier! We miss you...

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This is Charlotte, Mark's wife, and son "CADE", come home daddy!

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These are two very special people in our lives, my daughter-in-love Kristin, and my grand daughter Kayla! (Isn't she precious?)

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My grand daughter, "Miss Grace Kelly Amato", having lots of fun with those ballons...

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Saturday, July 2, 2005 3:05 PM CDT

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Greeting to all our friends!

We are about to celebrate a very special day in our Country’s history on Monday. It’s so important that we don’t just celebrate a day, but that we remember why we as Americans do celebrate freedom on July 4th. A lot of sacrifice was made and continues to be made so that we can all enjoy the liberty we so often take for granted. It is so true that “Freedom does not come for free”! I found an article, which is copied below, that I would like to share on this very idea.

I also want to take a minute to remember my nephew Mark Martin who is serving in Iraq right now. Something very special happened on the 4th of July 23 years ago, Mark Anthony Martin was born! Happy Birthday Mark, we love you, we miss you, and we are so proud of you as you serve our nation on your birthday!!

Please remember Mark and all the other countless families who will be separated from their sons and daughters as we celebrate this great day of freedom.

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Mark on patol in Bagdad

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Serving God and our Country...

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men
who signed the Declaration of Independence? Well here are some little known facts.

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors,
and tortured before they died.
Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.
Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; and
another had two sons captured.
Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War.

They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they?

Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants. Nine were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, and well educated.
But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.

Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

Vandals and soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.

At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson, Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.

Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished.

Some of us take these liberties so much for granted, but we shouldn't. So, take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July holiday and silently thank these patriots. It's not much to ask for the price they paid.

Remember: freedom is never free!

It's time we get the word out that patriotism is NOT a sin, and the Fourth of July has more to it than beer, picnics, and baseball games

I pray you enjoy a safe and happy holiday with your family and friends,

Walking in freedom,


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Wednesday, June 29, 2005 8:53 PM CDT

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Greeting my friends,

Jordan and I returned home from our visit to St. Jude today. What a time we had. I went up feeling so heavy hearted with the passing of Haley and Jeremiah last week. But the Lord arranged for us to meet up with so many of our precious friends while we were there. This trip turned into one special “family reunion”. I just can’t emphasize how close you get to those that God puts in life when you are going through tough times. Deep and lasting friendships are built. Their children become “your children” and it’s so exciting to see them, to hug them, and be with them again.

Something else really special happened too. I’ve made such a wonderful new friend through Caringbridge. She has been such a major blessing, and constant source of support for me. Her name is Tonya, she is from Mississippi. Tonya has a son named Brent. He is 12, and is such a handsome young man. They just returned home after a very long stay at St. Jude and are so proud to be able to say these words to describe his condition…“NED”. For all of you who don’t know what that it stands for, it’s “No Evidence of Disease”!! YES!!! He is now on a maintenance drug called Accutane, and I would appreciate if you would remember to pray that Brent would be able to tolerate this treatment well.

I said all of that to say, we both have believed God that we would one day get a chance to meet in person. Well guess what? We did!! Wow, it was so good to finally put a face with so many kind words of encouragement and great emails! Tonya is just precious, and I’m so blessed to have another St. Jude family member be a part of my life. Tonya, you are so special!

Now, I have some more news to share. It’s kinda funny to think about, and I wasn’t a happy camper yesterday. Jordan’s MRI was scheduled for 4:00pm. They normally give him something to “relax” him, but the last time he had one he did not take anything, and he did great. Well, he got into the machine and really start feeling a lot of anxiety and begged to get out. Because of the full schedule they were on, they could not reschedule it that day. We would have had till wait two more days, and he was not happy about that. So we are reschuled to fly out in 2 weeks to redo it, and go to his clinic again. Oh boy!! He did do well with his eye exam, and his vision has remained stable, praise God!! Thanks so much for your prayers. This is a very important test for Jordan.

I guess you just never know what God is up to sometimes. I’m just going to believe it will give that tumor two more weeks to start shrinking. He really did feel bad about it after it was over, and I couldn't get too upset because I don’t like MRI’s myself!

I’d like to end by sharing some pictures I got to take of Jordan with three of our special friends that we got to visit with this week.

God bless you all in your journeys this week. Thanks once again for the great outpouring of love that you have shown to Jeremiah’s mom, Shonda.

Always amazed at God’s goodness,


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Having alot of fun playing Bingo and winning prizes too!

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"Little Miss Valerie"...now she is a kick!

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It was so good seeing Sara Ann. Please pray for her as she receives a Stem Cell transplant soon...

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Our special friend Courtney. We had such a fun "get-a-way" night with her mom and her! We will do that again...

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Sunday, June 26, 2005 8:25 PM CDT

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God loves with a great love the man whose heart is bursting with a passion for the IMPOSSIBLE.
William Booth

Heading to Memphis!

Hello everyone! I pray you all had a nice weekend. Rick, Jordan, my nephew Stephen and I went to Jeremiah’s “Homegoing Service” in Biloxi, MS. yesterday. All I can say is that for such a sad day, there was so much rejoicing and joy in the presence of the Lord! In only six short years, Jeremiah’s life made such a mark and impacted so many lives in countless ways. The pastor said that he knows lots of people who have lived 60 years that have not touched as many people as Jeremiah. He also said, “It’s not how many years you live that counts, its how you live in the years you have.” Personally, I know my life has been enriched because I have known Shonda and Jeremiah.

When you have the chance, please remember to check in on Shonda and leave her a message just to let her know you are still thinking about her. Now that Jeremiah is gone, Shonda is facing one of the most difficult parts of her journey, getting readjusted to life without her precious son that she loved so much.


Jordan and I fly out at 6:20am for Memphis first thing Monday morning. This is his check up visit, and I’m believing God that we will come back with a good report! Please agree with me in two areas that are very important. First, that the tumor has not grown or changed, but in fact has finally begun to “shrink”. And secondly, that his vision continues to remain stable. It is very important at this stage that there are no further changes. The tumor was pushing against his optic nerve, and the doctors are keeping a close watch in that area. I just know God is in total control, and I will be bringing back a good report soon. Prayer truly changes things! Thanks so much for all of you who take the time to pray for Jordan. There are just no words to express my true and deepest gratitude.

I would like to share something very special with all of you. I know if you have not already seen this, you will be so blessed and encouraged. Now let me warn you, get some Kleenex out! I found this on another site, and I wrote to the author and got permission to pass it along. They were thrilled for me to use it and if anyone else would like to copy this you are welcome to do so!

****The Survior Movie*****

We are all in a battle, if not with a sick child, it could be with finances, our marriage, our children, our jobs, etc. I pray this story encourages you and gives you a reason to keep going on! I’ll end with a quote that Shonda uses on her answer phone message. She says, “Always remember, nothing can happen today that you and Jesus can’t handle together!”

God Bless you all…I’ll update the site when we get back from St. Jude on Wednesday. Until then…

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Thursday, June 23, 2005 8:51 AM CDT

"Our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but how we react to what happens; not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life.”

Hello my precious friends,

How can I ever thank each and every one of you for taking the time to leave such beautiful words of encouragement for our precious little friend Jeremiah? I know that these words will be a continual source of comfort to his mother, Shonda, in the days and weeks that follow!

Today I would like to go back to the first day I met Shonda. I was sitting in the Radiation Clinic and Jordan and Jeremiah were at a little table covered with building blocks. They were stacking them up, knocking them down, and making so much noise! They were just having the best time. It was as if the seriousness of their situations was lost in the laughter of a child. As I was sitting there observing them a woman came and sat down besides me. She leaned over and whispered, “Is that your son playing with Jeremiah?” I smiled and said, “Yes, that’s my son Jordan.” She went on to tell me how much Jeremiah enjoyed playing with him each day, and about all the visits Jordan had made to their room at the RMH house. I then asked her what was Jeremiah’s diagnosis, and was stunned when she told me that he did not have much time left except for a miracle from God! He just seemed so healthy, so full of life, and had a smile that was infectious to everyone around him! Well, that was the beginning of a close friendship, a lot of dinners together, visits, emails, prayers, and a special bond of love between us.

We will miss Jeremiah, but we will never forget him. He may have lost his battle with cancer, but he won his place in heaven right next to Jesus. He will forever be in our hearts, until we meet again!!

Please drop a line and let Shonda know you are thinking of her:


Always grateful for all the detours in my life,


I'd like to close by sharing with you a few of our memories of Jeremiah in pictures today.

Jeremiah Averhart
December 16, 1998~ June 21, 2005

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My awesome friend forever!!

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Having so much fun at the Valentine's Party, boy could Jeremiah dance!

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Boy, that hot dog sure looked good!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 8:23 PM CDT


I just recieved a call from the RMH, Sheri, God bless her heart called and confirmed what I had heard last night. Jeremiah Averhart earned his angel wings we believe sometime yesterday! Now can you imagine, Haley and Jeremiah, dancing their way into the gates of Heaven, hand and hand? My heart is just broke, and I'm at lost for words now. I will update as soon as I get more information!

Please go to Jeremiah's site today and offer some words of comfort to Shonda! Thanks so very much, it means so much.



“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Rev. 21:4

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Haley Mathis
April 10th, 1993 - June 21st, 2005

Hi Everyone,

It is with great sadness for the loss and yet great joy knowing her journey has been completed I share with you today that our precious Haley Mathis won her battle with cancer. Today another beautiful angel was born in Heaven!! I had the privilege of meeting this family while Jordan and I lived at the Ronald McDonald House. From the first day we met in that now famous “kitchen” our hearts were united! I cannot begin to tell you what a special and close-knit family they were. Their motto was “Always BELIEVE” and “LIVESTRONG”. Truly they lived this out before the entire world each and ever day. Haley’s life is one of unique courage, faith, determination, and passion. She wanted more then anything to beat this beast, and be that miracle for so many others to follow. What a warrior she was!! Both in her living and in her dying she was an example to us all, and we will never forget her smile.

I would like to dedicate this poem to her. It is written by a brain tumor survivor. I could not help but think of Haley as I read these words. Please take some time to pray for the Mathis family, and if you would, leave a word of condolence at her site. She can be found at:


Always hoping and believing,


Her favorite color was green
That's about all that I know
Except she knew the Lord Loved her
-her Bible told her so.

She swam in an ocean of laughter
She danced in a desert of grace
The way that she loved those around her
Was written all over her face.

I was there the morning that she left us
I heard every tear that was shed
I wanted to ask God the reason
But I asked him what now instead?

What now, God would you have us say?
What now, God would you have us do?
Wasn't it clear she was faithful?
Wasn't that enough for you?

God said, how could you ask such a question?
Surely the answer is clear--
Do I have to paint you a picture?
Is it not enough that I'm here?

I said God, that's not what I meant
But she was just too young to die
God said I know what you mean -
Remember I watched my son cry.

I said yes, but at least your boy is with you now
God said right, and now so is she
I set her a place at my table
and man, you should see that girl eat.

In fact, I wish you could see her smiling
Then you'd know she feels right at home
She's been telling the angels about you
Just so you won't feel alone.

Her favorite color was green
That's my favorite too
She's already sliding down rainbows
Right between yellow and blue.
- david m. bailey -

Thursday, June 16, 2005 4:10 PM CDT

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Making a new friend at the Memphis Zoo!

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"There is no situation so chaotic that God cannot from that
situation, create something that is surpassingly good. He did it
at the creation. He did it at the cross. He is doing it today." -- Handley C. G. Moule

Greeting my friends,

The weeks just seem to fly by these days, and as always it’s a busy summer. Jordan is doing well, and I count my blessing each and every day. As always we are so grateful for all our friends, and the new ones we meet through “Caringbridge”! It’s so neat the way the Lord has knit our hearts together! There are so many out there who really need prayer now. Today I would like to take a minute to share some of these needs with you.

The first is for our precious Haley who is in the heat of the battle now in her fight against cancer. If you get a chance please drop by and leave her and her family a word of encouragement. You can reach them at:


I still have not heard from Jeremiah’s mom. I’m sure she is spending every single minute at his side now! I will update on his condition as soon as she calls me! Thanks again for taking the time to drop by his site and showing so much concern! Trust me, she will really cherish each and every word of encouragement! I want to leave his address once more:


On Sunday we celebrate “Father’s Day” and I would like to take a minute to let the whole world know what a great husband, father and friend I have in my precious Rick! Happy Father’s Day sweetie! I pray you feel all the love you give away on this special day!! (Wow, it rhymed!) Thank you for being the most unselfish and giving man I know. People ask me, “How did you do it with five sons?”, and the answer is always the same, “I had a lot of help!”

One last thing. I recently read this awesome article on another Caringbridge page. I thought that this so perfectly describes what is it like to be a mom of a child with special needs. I wish I could have known other mothers that were in this same situation when my journey first began with Jordan. This is not to say that the Lord was not very good to me all along, because He was always there! I did have many wonderful and understanding friends that loved Jordan like their own son. But now I have come to realize how much help and encouragement there is in groups like Caringbridge, and this is why I consider it such a privilege to be a part of this wonderful “family” of friends.

(P.S. - Thank you Ashlie for allowing me to copy the article below!)

May God bless your day with His JOY,
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To You, My Sisters

Many of you I have never even met face to face, but I've searched you
out every day. I've looked for you on the Internet, on playgrounds
and in grocery stores.

I've become an expert at identifying you. You are well worn. You are
stronger than you ever wanted to be. Your words ring experience,
experience you culled with your very heart and soul. You are
compassionate beyond the expectations of this world. You are
my "sisters."

Yes, you and I, my friend, are sisters in a sorority. A very elite
sorority. We are special. Just like any other sorority, we were
chosen to be members. Some of us were invited to join immediately,
some not for months or even years. Some of us even tried to refuse
membership, but to no avail.

We were initiated in neurologist's offices and NICU units, in
obstetrician's offices, in emergency rooms, and during ultrasounds.
We were initiated with somber telephone calls, consultations,
evaluations, blood tests, x-rays, MRI films, and heart surgeries.

All of us have one thing in common. One day things were fine. We were
pregnant, or we had just given birth, or we were nursing our newborn,
or we were playing with our toddler. Yes, one minute everything was
fine. Then, whether it happened in an instant, as it often does, or
over the course of a few weeks or months, our entire lives changed.
Something wasn't quite right. Then we found ourselves mothers of
children with special needs.

We are united, we sisters, regardless of the diversity of our
children's special needs. Some of our children undergo chemotherapy.
Some need respirators and ventilators. Some are unable to talk, some
are unable to walk. Some eat through feeding tubes. Some live in a
different world. We do not discriminate against those mothers whose
children's needs are not as "special" as our child's. We have mutual
respect and empathy for all the women who walk in our shoes.

We are knowledgeable. We have educated ourselves with whatever
materials we could find. We know "the" specialists in the field. We
know "the" neurologists, "the" hospitals, "the" wonder drugs, and "the"
treatments. We know "the" tests that need to be done, we know "the"
degenerative and progressive diseases and we hold our breath while
our children are tested for them. Without formal education, we could
become board certified in neurology, endocrinology, and physiatry.

We have taken on our insurance companies and school boards to get
what our children need to survive, and to flourish. We have prevailed
upon the State to include augmentative communication devices in
special education classes and mainstream schools for our children
with cerebral palsy. We have labored to prove to insurance companies
the medical necessity of gait trainers and other adaptive equipment
for our children with spinal cord defects. We have sued
municipalities to have our children properly classified so they could
receive education and evaluation commensurate with their diagnosis.

We have learned to deal with the rest of the world, even if that
means walking away from it. We have tolerated scorn in supermarkets
during "tantrums" and gritted our teeth while discipline was
advocated by the person behind us on line. We have tolerated inane
suggestions and home remedies from well-meaning strangers. We have
tolerated mothers of children without special needs complaining about
chicken pox and ear infections. We have learned that many of our
closest friends can't understand what it's like to be in our
sorority, and don't even want to try.

We have our own personal copies of Emily Perl Kingsley's "A Trip To
Holland" and Erma Bombeck's "The Special Mother." We keep them by our
bedside and read and reread them during our toughest hours.

We have coped with holidays. We have found ways to get our physically
handicapped children to the neighbors' front doors on Halloween, and
we have found ways to help our deaf children form the words, "trick
or treat." We have accepted that our children with sensory
dysfunction will never wear velvet or lace on Christmas. We have
painted a canvas of lights and a blazing Yule log with our words for
our blind children. We have pureed turkey on Thanksgiving. We
have bought white chocolate bunnies for Easter. And all the while, we
have tried to create a festive atmosphere for the rest of our family.

We've gotten up every morning since our journey began wondering how
we'd make it through another day, and gone to bed every evening not
sure how we did it.

We've mourned the fact that we never got to relax and sip red wine in
Italy. We've mourned the fact that our trip to Holland has required
much more baggage than we ever imagined when we first visited the
travel agent. And we've mourned because we left for the airport
without most of the things we needed for the trip.

But we, sisters, we keep the faith always. We never stop believing.
Our love for our special children and our belief in all that they
will achieve in life knows no bounds. We dream of them scoring
touchdowns and extra points and home runs.
We visualize them running sprints and marathons. We dream of them
planting vegetable seeds, riding horses and chopping down trees. We
hear their angelic voices singing Christmas carols. We see their
palettes smeared with watercolors, and their fingers flying over
ivory keys in a concert hall. We are amazed at the grace of their
pirouettes. We never, never stop believing in all they will
accomplish as they pass through this world.

But in the meantime, my sisters, the most important thing we do, is
hold tight to their little hands as together, we special mothers and
our special children, reach for the stars.

By Maureen K. Higgins

Saturday, June 11, 2005 6:03 PM CDT

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A special visit with "Grizz", The Grizzle's team mascot!

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Great seeing you Jeff, with hair and all!!

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Some fellow brain tumor survivors, great meeting you guys!

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Making new friends, we are all family!!

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We are all pencils in the hand of a writing God, who is sending
love letters to the world.

-- Mother Teresa

Hi Everyone,

My hope is that everyone who is reading this is doing well, and had a nice week. I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to visit Jeremiah's web page. I know when Shonda sees all the visitors and reads her guest book, she will be overwhelmed by all the love. I know this will be such a source of strength and encouragement for her and Jeremiah. Thanks again and again! If you haven't had a chance to visit, here is their address:


Today is the "Celebration Service" for Emma Grace. I really like the way this is worded. Yes, a day to celebrate what a gift Emma Grace was to her family and to so many others that her life has so profoundly touched. Life is a celebration, and each and every day is truly a gift from God. If only we could get a good grasp of that, we would live life to it's fullest, and use every opportunity that comes our way to make the world a better place. When I read the quote above, I thought of Emma Grace's dad. I was reading a comment he had made the day after she earned her wings. Barney said, "God didn't promise us a perfect life, just His perfect Love." We are resting in that love now and thankful for the sheer joy that Emma Grace's life brought to all of us. Wow, I was just so deeply touched by those words, and so impressed by the level of his faith in the midst of his darkest valley. Those words gave me comfort and strength, to keep fighting, and believing for so many, including my very own son Jordan.

It says in the book of Psalms 84:5 "Blessed are those whose strength is in the Lord". The Hampton's are a blessed family that has a true understanding of God's faithfulness even in their darkest valley. Let's continue to remember them in our prayers for the days ahead.

Hopefully this will encourage you today. No matter what may come, we serve a Faithful God, who knows all and sees all. I wanted to end with something someone sent to me a while back. I thought it was a great word picture of our relationship with God throughout all the seasons of our lives.

Dancing With God

When I meditated on the word Guidance, I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word. I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky. When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing Lightly in one direction or another. It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other.

My eyes drew back to the word Guidance.
Then I saw "G": I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i". "God", "u" and "i" dance." God, you, and I dance. As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead.
Dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you through each season of your life.

Dancing with Him,

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Monday, June 6, 2005 7:14 PM CDT

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A special visit with "Grizz", The Grizzle's team mascot!

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Great seeing you Jeff, with hair and all!!

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Some fellow brain tumor survivors, great meeting you guys!

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Making new friends, we are all family!!

God does not lead His children around hardship, but leads them
straight through hardship. But He leads! And amidst the
hardship, He is nearer to them than ever before.

-- Otto Dibelius

Survivors Day 2005!

Wow, what a special weekend to remember! It was wonderful to run into so many “old” friends, and have the chance to make so many “new” ones. All I can say is, there is such a bond of love between the families at St. Jude. From the time we entered the atrium we were greeted with so much enthusiasm. I know why people continue to come back year-after-year once they complete their therapy. I’m looking forward to the day when Jordan will be complete and just have to come for his yearly check-up. I don’t know when that will be, but I do know until that day comes, God will give us grace to keep on fighting.

When we first got there, the staff had a wonderful continental breakfast all set up for us. It was so good seeing some of our former RMH housemates – and with hair!! Yes, two of our friends had no hair back in January and now it seemed funny to us to see them all grown-out! Well, they look great to us with or without hair.

We then went up to the auditorium for two different sessions. The conference opened with a Welcome and Introduction by Michael Samuelson. He is a breast cancer survivor, (yes a man!) and now a consultant and chair of the National Center of Health Promotion. He is a frequent guest host for the American Cancer Society, and author of the eHealth Code of Ethics. President Bush elected him for this position. He wrote a book called “Voices from the Edge”, and gave them out with a signed autograph. I have already read the whole book and it was so good!! This was followed by two breakout sessions; one on searching the Internet, and another on what you need to know about life after cancer and the workplace.

After our meetings we headed outside for an awesome lunch and music by the “Gecko Brothers”! They were so good. The lead singer had worked in Radiation Oncology for St. Jude for years, and one of the guitar players just celebrated his first year since his brain tumor surgery! So, these guys really had a heart for everyone attending.
My favorite part was when they sang, “We Will Survive”, and everyone clapped!

It concluded with a group picture of all the survivors and some really neat door prizes for the kids! Once again, St. Jude has blessed and touched so many lives.

At the end of the day, I went upstairs to ICU, and got to meet Trish. Her daughter “Emma Grace" was in there, and in critical condition. I really hesitated to go, but since I had read so much about her precious daughter through Caringbridge I just could not pass up the opportunity. She was so gracious and thankful for the visit. We exchanged hugs and I promised to keep Emma Grace in my prayers. Well, Emma Grace earned her wings today. Another little angel who is in the arms of Jesus. No more sickness, no more tubes, she’s whole in every way and her parents have this hope that they will be reunited one day! Please remember them in prayer.

I would like to end this with another request to remember Haley, and Jeremiah in your prayers also. Jeremiah’s mom asked me to update his web page, and I would love for you all to take a minute and drop her a line, it would mean so much to her and Jeremiah. He is being transferred to a hospice center soon. I will work on his page later tonight and put his link on my page as soon as I do it.

Well, this was a long journal entry for me!! I pray you have a great week. I’ll be sharing more about our weekend next time I write! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave such encouraging messages for Jordan. He gets so excited to read them each day!

Thanking God for all the special people in our lives,


PS Here is Jeremiah's webpage, please take time to leave a word of encouragement to him, thanks!!


Wednesday, June 1, 2005 7:37 PM CDT

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God is never too late, nor too early, but just on time.
-- R. T. Kendall

Heading to Memphis!

The time is finally arrived for us to start packing for our fun weekend at Survivor's Day! This will be our first time visiting St. Jude without a day full of appointments. We are looking forward to meeting up with some of our very special St. Jude families.

I want to take the time now, to report on 2 very special friends of ours. I wish more then anything I would be seeing them there this coming weekend. One is our precious Haley.
Haley has just returned from their trip to Mexico.

Patti, Haley’s mom wrote: "Haley is feeling okay, the scans that we did on Thursday showed that the tumors on Haley's liver are larger and that there is several new ones on there, she has a tumor growing in her lungs into her Bronchial tubes (which is making her cough) and that they believe the fluid to be the tumors leaking." All in all her body is fighting very hard right now and we just pray each day that she doesn't give up this fight. Please remember to keep Haley in your prayers now. It's been a very difficult battle for her and her family, but she will not stop fighting and believing!

Next is our warrior Jeremiah Averhart. Jeremiah is the 6 year old who is battling stage 4 brain cancer. Jeremiah is now at a children's hospital in Mobile, LA. Jeremiah is in allot of pain now, and they are doing their best to keep him comfortable. His mom said, "What ever God has in His will for him, I will bare it". This is just so heartbreaking!! Please remember to keep Haley and Jeremiah in your prayers and their families as well. All I can say is I sure HATE CANCER! Let's never stop believing for those miracles out there, and finally for a CURE...

I would like to end now with something I read some time ago. I thought of Jordan when I read this, and I want to dedicate this to Haley and Jeremiah and all the children out there that are battling for their lives, it is so perfect and so true:

You Have Taught Me

You have taught me patience
to rejoice in small gains, which others take for, granted.

You have taught me tolerance
to accept that your perspective is different
and deserves respect.

You have taught me courage
to fight for you when no one else will.

You have taught me endurance
to go on when I feel I can't any more.

You have taught me humility
to accept when I can't make things better
but can only be here for you.

You have taught me to love
at a deeper level than I ever thought possible.

Yes, we do have so much to learn from our children. They are so brave and have such an unmovable faith. Be blessed today, and let someone know how much you love and appreciate them.

Standing and believing,


Saturday, May 28, 2005 9:49 PM CDT

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Romans 13:7b
"Give respect and honor to all to whom it is due."

Happy Memorial Day!

Just wanted to wish everyone a great and safe Memorial Day weekend. My son Jason just got home from his special training to become a Sergeant! Yea, we are so proud of you Jason! This is the perfect time to remember all our Fallen Hero's who died for you and I. We also want to remember those that are out there now protecting us as a Nation now!

I found a poem written by a 3rd grade student a few years ago in Madison, Connecticut, I would like to share it with you now, it is called "Remembering..."

Red, white and blue
For those we knew
Who marched off to war.
We honor them now
And show them how
Their bravery we can't ignore.

Heroes of war,
They were so much more,
Father and brother and friend.
Flags at half mast
For those of the past
To whom our gratitude we send.

We place flowers on the graves
Of those who were brave,
We salute them far and wide.
Seeing poppies galore
While our hearts soar,
remembering proudly those who have died.

What more can I add to that? God Bless you all, and May God continue to bless and watch over our great nation!!

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:09 AM CDT

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
Mother Teresa

Hey Everyone!

I hope this past week has been a good one for you and your family. I know there are many Caringbrige families dealing with so many difficult situations with their children, and I want you to know you are all in our prayers each day. I also know there are several children this past week that have received clean scans, and great doctor’s reports and for that I rejoice with you! Let’s face it, we are all in a battle, even if it isn’t a sick child, it could be so many other things that can cause us to lose sight of how awesome and mighty God is, and all He desires to do on our behalf! So keep the Faith and your eyes turned upward.

Today I was thinking of my sister Stephanie whose only son is in Iraq. I know she is trusting God to watch over him and protect him, but she won’t sleep good until Mark steps back on the soil of this awesome country - the USA! Please don’t forget to remember all those sons and daughters abroad who are fighting for our freedom even as you are now reading these words!! Thanks so much on behalf of my sister and countless others who are depending on us to pray, they really do make a difference!

Jordan continues to feel well, and staying busy with work and visiting all his many friends. I’m excited to share that my sister received her packet for a fundraiser she will host this summer for St. Jude! She will be having a “Chain Gang Party”. We will be sending out invites for a “Get out of Jail”, which will ask people to make a donation to get the bail money needed, and all donations will go to St. Jude. We plan on going to some local businesses for door prizes, and having lots of good food and music for those who attend. When the guest arrives, they will receive a wristband in honor of a child with their name and diagnosis on it. We are so excited to raise some money for a cause that is so personal to us. We can’t begin to put in words all that St. Jude means for Jordan and so many other lives that have been changed since they walked though those doors.

I will keep you posted on our plans and can’t wait to share the report of what happens on that special day!

Thanks once again for all of you who remember to pray for Jordan and visit his page. We so appreciate all the thoughtful comments you leave. You could never imagine how much it means to Jordan and to all of us just knowing that you care so much. It says in Prov.16:24 it says “Kind words are like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.”

Feeling grateful, and always believing,

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005 2:40 PM CDT

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“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”

-- Emerson

Hi Everyone!

Well another week has just flown by. Where does the time go these days? Jordan is finally getting back to his "old self" again. I was getting a little worried with the fatigue issue dragging itself out for so long. Jordan recently got his haircut and has a new style. He’s looking good these days! He is starting to get some hair back in his two bald spots. We received our schedule today for Jordan’s return visit to St. Jude. We leave June 26th and return on the 28th. I am believing God that we will begin to see some positive change on his MRI, and that his vision continues remains stable. So, we will be in Memphis two times in the month of June. This is becoming a home away from home for us!

My son Jason is away for two weeks in his Army Officer’s Training school in North Louisiana. It’s been a challenge, but nothing he isn’t up to. Kristin and Kayla are missing him like crazy! He will be home just in time to celebrate their 2nd wedding anniversary. Way to go, may you have many, many more!

I’ve been really enjoying my two beautiful granddaughters Grace and Kayla like crazy. I’m just a proud Grammy, what can I say? It just seems like yesterday I was the mother of five little boys!

I would like to share something with you that is very heavy on my heart today. Since Jordan and I spent time at St. Jude for his treatment, I’ve come to know so many precious children and young adults who are waiting for Bone Marrow transplants. I’ve also come across so many sites on Caringbridge of children whose lives are depending on it. I remember years ago when I got my driving license renewed I was so proud to check off “Organ donor”. I had no idea, at the time that a bone marrow donation is the same exact thing. Yet you can give this “gift of life” while you are still here and it is hardly any sacrifice to you, just a little of your time.

Bone marrow transplants can save lives. The tragedy is, many children with cancer of blood forming cells,( aplastic anemia, leukemia or other cancers) who need bone marrow transplants to survive, die because they can’t get a matching donation. The dilemma is heartbreaking. Parents want to donate their own marrow to their child, but when neither parent is a match for the child, the prognosis is usually bleak. The aggressive immune cells called T lymphocytes in a parent’s donor marrow would recognize the body of the recipient child as “foreign” and attack them – setting off graft versus host disease (GVHD). When this happens, there is nowhere else to turn but to others who are willing to donate Bone Marrow to help save lives.

I would like to share two excerpts from websites I’ve read recently:

“My child went through several courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and they all failed. His last hope of survival was a bone marrow transplant, but he died before one was found.”

Another woman wrote about her daughter:

"We talked with our doctor today and the news we have been given was not what we had hoped for. The Bone Marrow Transplant Team had a meeting on Wednesday to discuss Madelyn’s case and the two donors we had hoped would be a match are in his words, “A BUST”. He did not know why at this point but our Fellow is checking on the reasons why as we are just curious. However, the fact is that there is now NO ONE (at this time) that matches Madelyn. My heart aches and I am saddened that I can’t get my baby girl better."

So, you may ask, what is Bone Marrow?

Marrow is the tissue found inside bones that produces red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. These vital blood cells fight infection, carry oxygen and help control bleeding. Any disease that attacks the bone marrow can eliminate the body's ability to protect itself.

Who Can Donate Marrow?

If you are in good health and between the ages of 18 and 60, you may be eligible to join the NMDP's registry, where patients seeking a compatible donor begin their search. By joining you can have a part in being available to help others in desperate need. Even if it were for one life, it would be worth giving!

Please check out the link I have placed below. If you live in Louisiana, it just so happens that the headquarters are right here in Mandeville (my home town)!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this today, and I pray you will consider becoming a part of the Bone Marrow Donor’s Program. I’m blessed Jordan has not needed this in his battle, but who knows what the future holds for any of us?

Believing God for for miracles,

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Thursday, May 12, 2005 3:38 PM CDT

“It’s not how tragically we suffer, but how miraculously we live”

Hi Everyone,

It’s been another busy week at the Amato Household. We booked our flights for Survivor’s Day at St. Jude on the first week of June. We are looking forward to making new friends, and seeing the ones we made during our stay there. Hopefully we will get to meet up with some of our Caringbridge friends as well!

We received many graduation invitations this past week, what an exciting time it is for all those seniors graduating. Congratulations to the Class of 2005!

My oldest son Jason who is in the National Guard was recently selected to participate in the PLDC (Primary Leadership Development Course) to become a sergeant! We are so proud of him and all the many accomplishments he has made in his life. Jason, we love you and are standing behind you and Kristin during this exciting time in your lives.

My youngest son Joel is busy with all kinds of school projects as he winds up his year in 8th grade. My baby will be in high school next year, where has the time flown?

Our precious little friend Haley is still fighting her her battle, and I must say she has the most devoted mom in the world! Patti, hang in there, you are such a warrior for your family, stay strong!

Well, I guess this is it for now, thanks for stopping by to check on Jordan. We would love to hear from you! I would like to share something I read recently that just spoke volumes to me! I pray it ministers to you as well!

Standing and believing,


24 Things To Always Remember

Your presence is a present to the world.
You are unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Take the days just one at a time.

Count your blessings, not your troubles.
You will make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.

Do not put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach for your peak, your goal and you prize.

Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets.
Do not take things too seriously.
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.

Remember that a little love goes a long way.
Remember that a lot … goes forever.
Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
Life’s treasure are people together.

Realize that it is never too late.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
Have hearth and hope and happiness.
Take the time to wish upon a start.


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Monday, May 9, 2005 6:58 PM CDT

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“The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.”
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…Phil. 4:13

Greeting from Sunny Louisiana!

I pray you all enjoyed your Mother’s Day weekend. I know there were many Caringbridge moms who experienced their first Mother’s Day without their child. I’m sending you all a great big hug, and praying for the Lord to comfort your heart today. Although, none of us know or truly understand why God allows things to happen, we do know this: “He Knows” and one day we will all be reunited again. I’m so grateful for the hope we have as Christians. Our life here is only a small part of what will happen for eternity! Amen?

I enjoyed a nice day with my precious family. My oldest son and his wife went to the early service (8:45am) with us at Church. Now, that was a feat for a new mom with her infant! Kristin, you did it! I’m so proud of you and Jason, what a wonderful gift that was for us.

We had a great meal after church and just enjoyed the rest of our day. Jordan was so excited to give me my Mother’s Day gift, a bottle of my favorite cologne. What a sweetie he is! I’m so blessed to be loved by the “many” men at the Amato Household!

I wanted to give you an update on Jeremiah, but I can’t seem to reach them these days. Haley is in Mexico receiving treatment, and enjoying the beautiful weather down there. Remember, she is from Nebraska! Our friend Tony, the 19 year old with Lymphoma, is still at MD Anderson in Houston receiving treatment. He’s had some set-backs, but things are still looking good for him.
I’ve made some new “Caringbridge friends” and one of them is a young lady named Jacinda. She recently returned from Duke with a great report! It’s so neat the way the Lord weaves people into your life. The bible says to “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep”. We go through many ups and downs, but with others by your side it makes the burden a whole lot easier to bear!

I’d like to share with you a scripture I read today in the book of Job, chapter 23:10. It says, “He knows the way I take”. Job penned those words during some of the most difficult times of his life. Just knowing the Lord is there watching over us, brings great comfort. I have several loved ones and friends going through some tough times right now. I pray if you are reading this that it will minister to you. Please know I’m praying for you now. God is so faithful, and His grace is always sufficient for us. Thanks so much for taking the time to drop by today. Don’t forget to drop a line!

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Friday, May 6, 2005 8:53 AM CDT

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Ps 127:3 -
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.

Happy Mother’s Day!

I just wanted to take some time to wish all of you a wonderful weekend. I know for some of you, it will be your first Mother’s Day without your precious gift. For others, you will be sitting at a hospital or at home with your sick child. Some of us will be celebrating this wonderful day with our parents and loved ones. There are also many mother's that will have sons and daughters away at war. Let us not forget to remember these families in our prayers. No matter what your circumstances are I pray this day will be a blessing for you all. I feel so grateful for all 5 of the sons the Lord has so graciously given to Rick and I. We will look forward to spending the day with them all. I would now like to share with you all a poem I read some time ago, and it just perfectly described my son Jordan.

Jordan was developmentally delayed as a young child, but it wasn’t until he entered kindergarten were we told he had learning disabilities. We faced various challenges in his early years, both physically as well as mentally. We always knew Jordan was “very special”. Jordan has an amazing ability to see things through the eyes of love, and has taught us so much about trusting God when things seem so difficult. Jordan does not meet a stranger, and his smile is infectious! But what make him most special, is his passionate love for Jesus! Jordan has touched and impacted so many people’s lives, and we just feel so honored God choose us to love and guide him along the way. Thank you all for taking the time to check in on Jordan. We continue to believe God for a good report. Jordan loves to read all the beautiful and encouraging messages you leave for him. We appreciate you doing this!

Counting my many blessings,


Special Child

by Sharon Harris

You weren't like other children,
And God was well aware,
You'd need a caring family,
With love enough to share.

And so He sent you to us,
And much to our surprise,
You haven't been a challenge,
But a blessing in disguise.

Your winning smiles and laughter,
The pleasures you impart,
Far outweigh your special needs,
And melt the coldest heart.

We're proud that we've been chosen,
To help you learn and grow,
The joy that you have brought us,
Is more than you can know.

A precious gift from Heaven,
A treasure from above,
A child who's taught us many things,
But most of all - "REAL LOVE"!!

We are so grateful for you Jordan...

Monday, May 2, 2005 1:22 PM CDT

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The National Day of Prayer

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land". 2 Ch 7:14

On Thursday May 5th is "The National Day of Prayer". I would like to remind each and everyone to take some time on this day to remember to pray for our Nation. We have been a very blessed country, and have seen God's awesome power as He protects us, and allows us so many freedoms. Please know the time you take out for this is an "investment" for our future and our children and grandchildren's as a nation.

I found this really neat poem about prayer and would like to share it with you:

There's a holy high vocation
needing workers everywhere;
'Tis the highest form of service--
'Tis the Ministry of Prayer

None need stand idly longing
For a place in which to share
Active service for the Master --
There's always room in prayer.

In these days of tribulation,
Wickedness pervades the air,
And battles we engage in
Must be won by fervent prayer.

There's no weapon half so mighty
As what the intercessors bear;
Nor a broader field of service
Than the Ministry of Prayer!

Yes, prayer truly makes the difference! It is the most powerful thing we can ever do, and the greatest thing we can do for those we love. Thanks to all the many people that have prayed for my son, I've felt and seen the difference it has made.

May God fill your day with His peace,


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 3:52 PM CDT

“Preach the gospel everyday; if necessary, use words.”

Francis of Assisi

We’re home!

It was a very busy two days at St. Jude; I’m so excited to share with you, all that happened. When we first arrived we met another wonderful family as we waited for the shuttle van to pick us up. Deborah was with her 13-year-old son Timothy. It didn’t take long for us to find out our sons both had tumors in the same location!! Timothy has a “nongerminomatous-mixed germ cell tumor”. They are from Utah, and were returning for his check-up. We will be keeping in touch now. I just love the way the Lord orchestrates and enriches our lives with so many special friends along our journeys.

As soon as we got in the van Joyce, our driver, told Jordan, “you’ve got a surprise waiting for you at the Grizzle House.” Jordan was so excited. When we got to the desk a letter was waiting for us from Tony saying he wanted to come by and say Hi. Tony is a “Navy Chief” that we met on one of our first weekends at the RMH when the Navy came over and cooked us a meal. Tony was such a blessing to Jordan. He was so faithful to visit him while we were there, and has continued to keep in touch with us. We called him right away, and the next thing you know he picked us up and we were back at the RMH visiting all of our friends! He also was so generous and blessed us with a meal out. Tony, if you are reading this, just know you are one MAJOR blessing in our lives. I thought of you when I read the quote above. You are a “living epistle” of the gospel of Christ. Thanks so much for making our stay so special!!

We had a full day on Tuesday starting out at 8:00am all the way till we left for the airport at 5:30. Another special surprise was running into Laura and Courtney. We visited with them daily when we lived at the RMH! Courtney is a beatiful 16 year old girl who has leukemia. She was having a rough time; please remember her in your prayers. We also ran into Rina, and baby Jordan! He is doing so well, and we were so blessed to see them again. I could go on and on, it really was like a family reunion being back there.

Now about our results: Jordan’s MRI showed that the tumor has remained fairly stable. This truly is good news considering it had been steadily growing prior to his radiation treatments. I was of course hoping the tumor had begun to shrink, but Doctor Kun told me from the beginning that this would be a slow process. His vision has changed somewhat, but nothing serious. All in all, the doctors were very pleased with Jordan’s progress and we are scheduled to return in 8 weeks for another review of his condition. Thanks so much for all your prayers! They do make a difference…

A quick update on some of our friends. I received an email from Jeremiah’s mom. He is now back home in Mississippi. Please continue to believe God with us for his miracle. I was happy to learn that Jeremiah just returned from a wonderful week at Disneyworld, which was a gift from his classmates at school. We are planning to take a little trip real soon to go and visit them. Haley and her family are now headed for Mexico. She is on alternative medicines and not giving up in their battle with cancer. Haley wants to be the cure for so many other sick children. What a brave warrior she is!!

Thanks so much for stopping by to visit, and for checking up on Jordan. It means so much to us. Please drop a line and let us know you’ve come by!

May the Lord bless your day with hope.

Living Strong,


Thursday, April 21, 2005 8:54 PM CDT

If God brings you to it…he will bring you through it!

Greeting from Louisiana!

What a beautiful week this has been. We have been having so much fun with our new baby granddaughter Kayla. She is gaining weight, sleeping well, and mom and dad love every minute of it.

Jordan is doing well, and has met so many new friends on Caringbrige. We feel so grateful for the way the Lord has used what Jordan is going through to connect with so many other families!! Thank God for the body of Christ.

Jordan and I leave for Memphis on Monday. We have 2 full days of testing. This will be Jordan's first post radiation MRI, and eye exam. We are believing God everything looks good. We are very excited to visit the Ronald McDonald House, and see all of our extended family and friends that we made there earlier this year. As soon as we get back I will be anxious to share his good report with you all.

Today I want to share an article on faith that really encouraged me. There are times in all of our lives when our faith is tested, a time when we have to trust God in the darkest night. For me it’s every time I sit out and wait for Jordan's MRI reports, there is always that moment of uncertainty. It’s at that time I realize that I must take that step of faith, get out of my boat of safety, and trust God with his life. It may be something totally different for you, but we all face, in some way, life’s uncertainties. This is the time when nothing works but faith in God. I know that Jesus desires more then anything that we trust him because he is always FAITHFUL and promised never to leave us or forsake us! Be blessed my friends!

by Max Lucado

“Lord, if it's you,” Peter says, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
(Matthew 14:28)

Peter is not testing Jesus; he is pleading with Jesus. Stepping onto a
stormy sea is not a move of logic; it is a move of desperation.

Faith is not born at the negotiating table where we barter our gifts in
exchange for God's goodness. Faith is not an award given to the most
learned. It's not a prize given to the most disciplined. It's not a
title bequeathed to the most religious.

Faith is a desperate dive out of the sinking boat of human effort and a
prayer that God will be there to pull us out of the water. Paul wrote
about this kind of faith in the letter to the Ephesians:

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not
from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can
boast.” (Ephesians 2:8, 9).

Paul is clear. The supreme force in salvation is God's grace. Not our
works. Not our talents. Not our feelings. Not our strength.

God's grace brings a sudden, calming presence during the stormy seas of
our lives. We hear his voice; we take the leap, and God is not only
within sight, he is within reach. Reach for him today and he will lift you up.

Walking in faith,

Friday, April 15, 2005 10:09 AM CDT

“The will of God will never lead you, where the grace of God can not keep you”

(I will guide you, I will turn darkness into light before you and make the rough places smooth. Isaiah 42:16)

Hi Everyone,

It seems like time just flies by these days! Jordan and I had a wonderful week going to my "daughter-in-love's" house each day to help out with baby Kayla Michelle. She is so beautiful, please check out a new picture I put on this site of her! We count our blessings knowing she is such a healthy baby!

After spending all that time at St. Jude earlier this year, I saw so many sick children. It just broke my heart. Cancer isn't a respecter of any race, sex or age! I'd like to give an update on some special friends of ours. Haley turned 12 last Sunday and was blessed with literally thousands of cards!! Haley is fighting her cancer with all her might, and her parents are NOT giving up, she needs a miracle. Jeremiah is now back home after a real crisis for 2 weeks. Things were looking really bad for him, but his mom continually put her trust in God, and is thanking Him for each and every day she has with him. Please remember to keep Jeremiah and Haley in your prayers each day.

My nephew Mark, who is in Iraq, is doing well and found out this week that his wife is expecting a SON!! He is so excited! Mark has always wanted to be a dad! We are praying Mark will get to take a leave and come home in October for the birth of his son. Mark needs our prayer also as he convoys around Baghdad everyday. Pray also for my sister Stephanie (his mom), and his wife Charlotte during this time of separation. I know God's angels are watching over him and his entire unit. Thanks so much!!

I want to share something with you about how wonderful, powerful, all knowing, and loving our God is. Be blessed as you mediate on these truths:

My Child,

You may not know me, but I know everything about you.…Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up….Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways….Psalm 139:3
Even the hairs on your head are numbered….Matthew 10:29-31
For you were ever made in my image….Genesis 1:27
In me you live and move and have your being….Acts 17:28
For you are my offspring….Acts 17:28
I knew you even before you were conceived….Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose you when I planned creation….Ephesians 1:11-23
I saw you before you were born. Every day of your life was recorded in my book and every moment was laid out before a single day had passed...Psalm 139:16

I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live….Acts 17:26

I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love….I John 4:16

You are fearfully and wonderfully made….Psalm 139:14

I knit you together in your mother’s womb….Psalm 139:13

Even when you walk through the dark valley of death, you will not be afraid, for I am close beside you. My rod and staff protect and comfort you….Psalm 23:4

Don’t forget to let Jordan know you stopped by!

May God bless your day with Hope,


Monday, April 11, 2005 7:53 PM CDT

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

Hello my faithful family and friends!

It’s hard to believe tomorrow will be one week since our precious granddaughter, Kayla Michelle, was born! She is doing so well, and her mom and dad could not be any more proud if they tried. What a joy and gift children are from God. I’ve been having a lot of fun being “Grammy”! Thanks for all your emails sending us congratulations, we were so touched. I am truly grateful for all of you, our family and friends.

The first week of May is “Brain Tumor Action Week” in Washington, D.C. It is sponsored by the the North American Brain Tumor Coalition. This is a network of nonprofit brain tumor organizations that are dedicated to improving the prognosis and quality of life for brain tumor patients. The Coalition educates policymakers and advocates for increased research into brain tumor treatments, causes and rehabilitation.

One of these years I would love to take Jordan and attend. They will submit a book to each of the members of Congress called “The Faces of Brain Tumors”. Jordan’s picture and story will be in this book again this year. I would like to share with you some facts about Brain Tumors. Let’s pray that there will be a cure for this dreadful disease one day.

Brain Tumor Facts & Figures:

• Each year over 190,000 people in the United States and 10,000 people in Canada will be diagnosed with a primary or metastatic brain tumor.

• Approximately 40,000 individuals in the United States will be diagnosed with primary brain tumors; of this total, more than 18,000 will be diagnosed with malignant primary brain tumors.

Brain tumors are a leading cause of death from childhood cancer, accounting for almost a quarter of cancer deaths in children up to 19 years of age. Brain tumors are the second leading cause of cancer death in young adults ages 20-39.

• Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer death in children under age 20 now surpassing acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and are the third leading cause of cancer death in young adults ages 20-39.

• Brain tumors are the second fastest growing cause of cancer death among those over age 65.

• Brain tumors are the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in males ages 20-39.

• Brain tumors are the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women ages 20-39.

• There are over 120 different types of brain tumors, making effective treatment very complicated.

• At present, brain tumors are treated by surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy, used individually or in combination.

• Symptoms of a brain tumor can include headaches, seizures, cognitive or personality changes, eye weakness, nausea or vomiting, speech disturbances, or memory loss.

• The cure rate for most brain tumors is significantly lower than that for most other types of cancer.

• Brain tumor research is underfunded and the public, in general, is unaware of the magnitude of the problem.

• Currently, brain tumors cannot be prevented because their cause is still unknown.

• Brain tumor patients, including those with certain "benign" brain tumors, have poorer survival rates than breast cancer patients.

The Brain Tumor Society is driven by these facts and remains committed to our mission: find a cure for brain tumors by funding research, support all individuals affected by a brain tumor diagnosis, and educate the public and healthcare professionals about the prevalence and devastating impact of this disease.

With God, all things are truly possibe! We are so grateful God's hand continues to watch over and protect Jordan.

Don't forget to let Jordan know you've stopped by!


Thursday, April 7, 2005 9:04 AM CDT

“Faith does not make things easy-it makes them possible!”

Hi Everyone,

I’m so excited to announce the birth of our newest granddaughter "Kayla Michelle Amato"! Kayla was born late Tuesday night and weighed in at 7lbs 14ozs! Please check out her picture with Jordan. What a proud uncle he is once again! The Lord has blessed us now with 2 beautiful granddaughters. How wonderful after raising 5 sons. We are so blessed she is healthy, and we are looking forward to getting to know our precious “Kayla”.

Jordan continues to be very tired all of the time. He is taking several naps each day. I’m sure it’s all part of his healing process. We have received our schedule for our return to St. Jude for his first post-radiation evaluation. We will spend April 25th and 26th doing a lot of important testing. I’m excited to see what is going on from the MRI. He will also have an extensive eye exam, blood work, etc. We are looking forward to seeing all of the doctors and nurses we got so close to while we were there. We are also going to visit our friends at the Ronald McDonald House. So many precious memories were made while we were in Memphis.

My nephew Mark made it safely to his base in Iraq, and we are so blessed to hear from him often since he has arrived. He is on a dangerous mission, so I would greatly appreciate your continued prayer for his protection. We recently heard from Jordan’s little buddy Collin who was our neighbor while we were at the RMH. Collin is an 18-month-old little boy from Alabama who had Langerhan’s cell hystiocytosis. Collin just received a good report, and we are so excited for him and his family! Jordan really has missed him. Let’s continue to remember Haley and Jeremiah in our prayers also. Thanks once again for taking the time to stop by and visit Jordan’s site. Please check out Jordan’s picture of him and his brand-new niece Kayla!

Seizing each new day with gratefulness,


Friday, April 1, 2005 4:51 PM CST

God is preparing his heroes; and when the opportunity comes, he can fit them into their places in a moment, and the world will wonder where they came from.
(A. B. Simpson)

Hello Everyone!

Thanks for taking time to stop by to visit Jordan’s page! Please remember to leave a quick note in the guest book to let him know you stopped by. He loves to see who visited his site!

Jordan has been experiencing a lot of fatigue this week. When we left St. Jude we were told 2 to 4 weeks after therapy he would go through this phase. Well it hit on the 5th week, and he’s been so exhausted. If you know Jordan, it’s not like him to want to stay home and sleep! Jordan doesn’t like to miss anything. I’ve read that the body uses a lot of energy to heal and repair the cells that were damaged during treatment, which results in fatigue.

I would like to thank all of you who took the time to write to Jordan after seeing his picture from last week!

I’ve been in touch with Jeremiah’s mom, and he is now in the hospital at St. Jude. He has had a real difficult week. Please continue to pray for Jeremiah, and of course for Haley. In case you don’t know, Jeremiah is fighting a very aggressive brain tumor and Haley is fighting kidney cancer. They are fighting for their lives now, but not giving in, and continue to trust God to be with them each step of the way. These children just amaze me, I have so much to learn as I watch them face their battles.

I received this devotional in one of my emails recently, and thought it was so uplifting and also a great reminder for us all. No matter if you are in the heat of a battle, coming out of one, or getting ready to go in one, I pray this will be an encouragement to you today. We are all in a race and what is most important is that we finish our race and finish it well!!

The Race is On

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1 (NIV)

Who are these witnesses? They are our encouragers, those who have gone before us who have had an experiential knowledge of the faith. Their type of faith honors God. They are the great men and women of faith that are written about in Hebrews 11. These are the great heroes of the past that say to us today, "I made it, you can too."

Men like Noah, who warned the people that God's judgment was coming. In holy fear he built an ark to save his family. Noah would say, "Be bold, speak the Truth in love."

Abraham, who was called to go to a place that he would later receive as his inheritance. He obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going! Abraham would say, "Trust God even when you can not see the way." Or he would tell us "Believe God will do the impossible." Abraham should know. God enabled him to become a father at 100 years old.

Joseph, who when circumstances did not look like they would ever get better, would tell us, "Believe God will work all things out for His purposes."

Moses would tell us when we are tired and weary, "Persevere. Look to God. Look ahead to His promises."

Joshua was confronted with leading a people in a way that defied all logic. Joshua would say, "God is true to His Word. Trust Him and watch Him work in incredible ways."

Hebrews 11 tells us about men and women who were all commended for their faith. Now they have been "ushered" off the track and into the stands, figuratively cheering you and me on. Their stories encourage us. In this case, they have already received their "trophy." They have finished the race. These great men and women of the faith are the spectators so to speak.

Now it is our turn to carry on the tradition of enduring faith. Christianity is not a spectator sport. It is the active participants who receive the trophy, not the spectators. How are you running the race?

May God fill your day with His love,


Monday, March 28, 2005 8:38 AM CST

"A merry heart does good like a medicine" (Proverbs 17:22)

Hello my friends and family!

We just got back from a wonderful Easter "get a way" with Jordan and Joel. When Jordan was having treatment I promised Joel a special time away to just spend time with us since I was gone close to 2 months from home. We decided since we only had 3 days we would stay close, so we went to Biloxi for the weekend. When we booked our hotel over a month ago we found out that "Kenny G" would be playing the night we arrived. We attempted to purchase tickets, but were disappointed to find out they had been sold out for over 2 months! So we purchased tickets to a circus instead.

On our way to eat supper, we noticed a long line of people in the "Will Call" line at the ticket window. I asked a lady in line what they were waiting for? She told me they had been in line for hours waiting with the slim hope to find out if there were some tickets that were turned in by last minute cancellations for the Kenny G concert. We just thought, not much of a chance, and walked by the line to go and eat.

After dinner, just about 15 before the concert was to start, we passed back by the ticket window and saw there was no line, so we stopped to pick up our tickets for the circus for the next night. When we got to the window, we asked them almost like a joke, “Is there any Kenny G tickets left?” The girl said, in fact they did have 4 tickets together that were not picked up, but the view would be obstructed. Joel at that point said, “Dad, let's just go to the room I'm tired”. Jordan, of course, was disappointed, as he really wanted to go! Well Rick then asked, “how about seats for two?” The lady then looked up and smiled and said, “you won’t believe this, but I just had 2 tickets released, and they are on the front row!” Jordan went crazy!!

Well, it was truly a concert of a lifetime! He was so good, and we had such a wonderful time. At the end as he was walking down the stairs playing his encore song, Jordan got so excited, he signaled to him, "can I come up", and he just smiled and nodded his head as he continued to play. Well, the next thing you know, Jordan was on the stairs next to him, smiling ear to ear! I had my digital camera, and took the one and only picture, and bless God, it came out so well! It sure seems like where ever Jordan goes; the favor of God is always with him! The drummer played a long solo after and Jordan kept waving to him. When he was done he came to the end of the stage and gave Jordan his drumsticks!! What a night Jordan will always remember.

Life with Jordan is always one adventure after another! He has so much faith, and just enjoys people and life so much. Truly Jordan is special in so many ways, I feel so honored to have the privilege to take care of him!

I pray you have a wonderful week. I'll be updating you soon. Please remember to take the time to leave a short message for Jordan to read! God bless you all, and thanks for visiting his site!

May your day be filled with His joy,


Friday, March 25, 2005 8:52 AM CST

Happy Easter, Jesus is Alive!!

I pray this weekend will be special for all of you as we celebrate the most exciting event in history! It is the reason we have hope and a promise for our future. No matter what we face in life, we have the comfort we have eternal life just ahead of us, where there will be no more pain or sorrow, no more death! No better news then this my friends!

Please continue to keep Haley, Jeremiah, and my nephew Mark in your prayers! We know we serve a powerful God who does see all that is going on and cares. I hope this article blesses you as much as it did me, let's all now come and see...

by Max Lucado

When Nathanael doubted that anything good could come out of Nazareth,
Philip's response was simply, “Come and see.”

The question still lingers. And the answer of Philip still suffices.
Come and see.

Come and see the rock that has withstood the winds of time.

Hear his voice.

The truth undaunted,
grace unspotted,
loyalty undeterred.

Come and see the flame that tyrants and despots have not extinguished.

Come and see the passion that oppression has not squelched.

Come and see the hospitals and orphanages rising beside the crumbling
ruins of humanism and atheism. Come and see what Christ has done.

Come and see the great drama threading through twenty centuries of
history and art.

Handel weeping as he composes The Messiah.

Da Vinci sighing as he portrays the Last Supper.

Michelangelo stepping back from the rock-carved David and bidding the
stone to speak.

Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Come and see.

See Wilberforce fighting to free slaves in England-because he believed.

See Washington at prayer in Valley Forge-because he believed.

See Lincoln alone with a dog-eared Bible-because he believed.

Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Come and see.

Come and see the pierced hand of God touch the most common heart, wipe
the tear from the wrinkled face, and forgive the ugliest sin.

Come and see the tomb. The tomb once occupied, now vacant; the grave
once sealed, now empty. Cynics have raised their theories, doubters
have raised their questions. But their musings continue to melt in the
bright light of Easter morning.

Come and see. He avoids no seeker. He ignores no probe. He fears no
search. Come and see. Nathanael came. And Nathanael saw. And Nathanael
discovered, “Teacher, you are the Son of God; you are the King of

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:55 PM CST

Hello my wonderful friends and family!

I sure hope everyone had a nice weekend! What a beautiful one it was. On Saturday we celebrated our granddaughter Grace’s first birthday! What a special day it turned out to be. Jordan just adores his niece, and she loves him too.

This week is a “Radiothon for STARC”. We used this organization to help with Jordan’s employment. They have asked me to share how beneficial this was for Jordan. STARC sends someone to work with you for the first 3 months of employment. Jordan was so blessed to have such a wonderful assistant named Cindy. When ever we run into her now, she gives us both a great big hug. Jordan has 2 follow-up visits with his doctors here this week. I know they will be just amazed at how well he is doing!

I would like to ask everyone to remember my nephew Mark Martin in your prayers this week. He is in the army, and will be traveling in a convoy to Iraq on Thursday! Please pray for his protection. He is such a brave young man, so willing to serve his country like so many others. We are all so proud of him.

I received an email a while back, and I would share it with you. Please remember to drop Jordan a line and let him know you are thinking of him.

May the Lord bless your week with His peace,


Things I Have Learned…

I've learned . . . that just one person saying to me, "You've made my day!" makes my day.

I've learned . . . that being kind is more important than being right.

I've learned . . . that I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help him in some other way.

I've learned . . . that no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.

I've learned . . . that sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.

I've learned . . . that we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.

I've learned . . . you are richer today if you have laughed, given or forgiven.

I've learned . . . that it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

I've learned . . . that under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.

I've learned . . . that when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

I've learned . . . that love, not time, heals all wounds.

I've learned . . . that when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

I've learned . . . that a smile is a language that everyone understands.

I've learned . . . that I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.

I've learned . . . Happy memories never wear out--relive them as often as you want.

And finally I’ve learned. . . Do what you can, for who you can, with what you have, and where you are.

Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:53 AM CST

“Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible.” Corrie Ten Boom

Dear Friends,

I hope this note finds you all doing well, and believing God for your breakthroughs each day! He is so faithful! I wanted to take a minute to share with you a burden that I have embraced since my stay at St. Jude. I have always known how important it was to give blood, and have participated in many blood drives. It really doesn't take much time, and yet, it truly saves lives!! However, while I was living at the Ronald McDonald House, I met so many children who received platelets, some daily. When I learned how crucial this was for their recovery, I went to the Blood Donor Room and gave platelets for the first time. It does take a little more time than just donating blood, but I felt so honored to give back something for all the help I had so graciously received.

By donating your platelets through platelet aphaeresis (ay-fer-ee-sis), you give a very special gift of life. Patients undergoing a bone marrow transplant, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, or an organ transplant need platelets in order to survive. In fact, doctors are finding platelets play a vital role in more and more new therapies. Platelets only have a five-day storage life, and most are delivered within a day or so to the patients that need them. You can actually have a part in saving a life by participating in this gift of love!!

A single aphaeresis donation of platelets can provide as many platelets as 5 whole blood donations!! So, for your time, a lot is given and gained. I read something recently from a little girl having treatment that I met. Haley's mom wrote recently, and I'd like to share it with you (this was taken from her Caringbrige webpage).

"Haley went in for her counts and found out that she was very low on Platelets, so she needed to get 2 units of Platelets yesterday and went back today for 2 units of RBC. If you can donate any blood product you can truly say "You are saving someone's life". Without these transfusions, these children would not be here today. Please know how very much it means to families like ours".

I know how busy we all are, but the time and effort it would take to donate blood or platelets would be an investment in someone's life.For those of you from the New Orleans area - on the Northshore (St. Tammany Parish) there is only one place to donate and that is the "Blood Center for the Southeast". It is at 522 Gause Blvd, Slidell, LA. The number is: (985)-641-4400. On the Southshore, you can also donate at Ochsner Hospital in Metairie. There is such a constant demand for this, and fewer and fewer people willing to take the time with our busy lifestyles in America.
For those of you reading this in other areas of the U.S., check your local Yellow Pages and find a location near to you and “Give the Gift of Life” today.

Thanks so much for taking time to visit Jordan's site, and please remember to sign in! Jordan loves to read what you write to him. He got that virus that is going around this past weekend, and was so sick, but is better now and back at work! As always, he stays very busy visiting his many friends. I can hardly keep up with his schedule! Thank you all for loving him so much, praying, and being a constant source of encouragement in his life. He knows how "loved" he is!

God blessings to you all,

Appreciating His Faithfulness…

Monday, March 14, 2005 8:48 PM CST

Hi Everyone,

I promised I would give some praise reports on some brave kids who I had the privilege to get to know during our time at St. Jude. They are still in the battle, but the Lord has so graciously blessed them with some great progress!

The first warrior I like to tell you about is J.T. Allen. He is a 12 year old boy who is from Haynesville, LA .J.T. has a Aneurysmal Bone Cyst. These are common to children and adolescents .These cysts usually occur without any known cause. J.T.'s cyst was on his spine, C-1, & C-2. J.T. had surgery while we were there to have his cyst removed. He was supposed to wear his halo for 3 months after surgery, but miraculously, he is getting it off today!! His mother's name is Suzy, and she is just the sweetest woman ever. I so enjoyed getting to know her, and so thankful for all her help, (she is an art teacher!). She inspired me to get Jordan's scrapbook done, YES!! Let's pray for a continued good recovery. God bless you Suzy and J.T.!!

The next warrior is Jeremiah Averhart. I've written and told many people about Jeremiah. He is the 6 year old boy from Biloxi, Miss. The Lord had arranged a divine apt. for me to meet his mom, and has knit out hearts together since that time. I talked with Shonda and Jeremiah last night. He continues to respond well to his chemo, and we are believing God he will be one of the few who beat this deadly tumor!! Jeremiah has a Glioblastoma Multiforme. This is the highest grade glioma (grade 4) tumor and is the most malignant form. He has a rough road ahead, but Jeremiah and his mom know the awesome "healing power" of Jesus and are believing for his miracle each day. Please continue to pray for strength in this journey.

We also had the honor of meeting Tony Horton. Tony is a 19 year old from Alaska. Tony has Hodgkin disease. This is a cancer characterized by progressive enlargement of affected lymph nodes and sometimes spread to the spleen, liver, bone marrow, bones, or lungs. We so enjoyed spending time in the kitchen with him and his parents, almost daily talking and sharing. Tony went through alot while he was at St. Jude, and was finally referred to M.D. Anderson because they did not have the chemo that he needed. As of today, his PET scans show no activity of any tumors that were recently active!! Wow!! We rejoice and continue to believe God for good reports. Tony has such dedicated parents, who would go to any lengths to get him the treatments he needs. Please continue to pray for Tony's miracle.

Last, I would like to share about one beautiful little warrior named Elli. Elli is only 2 years old. (Please check out her photo with Jordan). Elli has Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). This is the most common form of childhood cancer. It affects lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells. Elli is going through her chemo so well now. It was a very difficult road to begin with, but for now, she is eating, playing and enjoying life once again like all 2 year olds should. It just breaks your heart to see these babies dealing with cancer and all it's horrible side effects. Elli is just the love of her parents and her "Ga Ga" and "Granna's" life. Elli was surrounded by so much love when she was there at St. Jude, and just stole Jordan's heart!! We sure miss her sweet smile and beautiful blue eyes!! We look forward to seeing her and so many others when we return in April.

Please continue to keep Halely's parents in prayer, as they look into gamma knife surgery for her now. I could list so many more but I will stop for today. I know there is so much power in prayer, and these children, like Jordan are the living proof, God still hears and answers prayer.

I would like to end with a beautiful quote I recently heard by Eleanor Roosevelt, that she shared with the young soldiers before they went off to World War II. "You can gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. You must do that which you think you can not do!!" This is so true for all of us in every situation where we find ourselves facing what seems to be overwhelming odds. God Bless you!

May God fill your day with hope,


Friday, March 11, 2005 11:35 AM CST

“If we truly love people, we will desire for them far more than it is within our power to give them, and this leads us to prayer. Intercession is a away of loving others.”
Richard Foster

Hi Everyone,

I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get back to Jordan's journal. To give you a quick update, Jordan continues to do well, and has started back at work this week! He had mixed emotions about going back, but I think he was more afraid of the readjustment then how he would feel each day. Everyone was so thrilled to see him, and he is now back into the groove of things. We should be getting our schedule and tickets soon for our upcoming visit to St. Jude in April. We are believing this tumor is shrinking!

Today I would like to take some time to share about a beautiful little 11-year-old girl named Haley. (You can visit her website at: http://www3.caringbridge.org/ne/haleygirl/ ). We had the privilege of meeting her and her wonderful family while we were staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Memphis. Haley is from Nebraska and has a sister she is very close to named Hanna. She loves life, sports, and country music. Part of her "Make A Wish" dream was to meet Toby Keith, and she did!! This was such an exciting moment in her life!

Haley has been diagnosed with Wilm's Tumor. Let me share some information on that for you.
Wilms tumor is a cancerous tumor on the kidney. Also called nephroblastoma, it is the most common form of kidney cancer, although it is totally unrelated to adult kidney cancer. The kidneys are located at the back of the abdominal cavity, to the left and to the right of the backbone. They serve to filter the blood and rid the body of excess water, salt, and waste product. The kidney develops while the baby is still in the womb. Some kidney cells do not differentiate fully into the various types of cells that make up a mature kidney; generally by the time a child is 3 or 4 years old all cells have properly matured. Sometimes some of these cells begin growing out of control before maturity. The result is a mass of wildly growing primitive, small cells, called Wilms tumor.

Usually Wilms' tumors are one mass in one kidney, but sometimes they are found in both kidneys, or bilateral. Usually Wilms' tumors are not diagnosed until they have become quite large; most are found before they metastasize. Haley was not so fortunate, by the time her tumor was found it had spread to her lungs, liver, lymph nodes, and vena cava. This past November the doctors located a spot on her spine, and now 2 places in her brain. Haley receives platelets almost daily to keep her counts up.

Just this week her parents Kevin and Patti were told there was nothing more they could do for Haley. These words were so difficult for me to just to read, I can't begin to imagine all Patti and her husband are going through at this time. Haley needs a miracle. They were hoping and believing it would be in Memphis. The good news is we serve a “Mighty God”, and they are not giving up! The reason I'm sharing this with you is to ask you to take time today and really pray for the Mathis Family. They are not alone in this horrible battle; I could share so many more stories with you. Please also continue to pray for Jeremiah, the 6 year old who is battling brain cancer.

Let's believe God and expect Miracles! I'm so blessed we have the body of Christ to walk with us through the difficult times. I love what David said when his life was falling apart, and many were out to kill him. "But in my distress I cried out to the Lord... He heard me from His sanctuary ...(PS 18:16-19) The Lord makes his awesome power available to those who seek him. We can experience the peace of God "in the very midst of the storm" and not be overwhelmed by our circumstances.

Thanks so much once again for taking time out to read this journal. Next time I write I will share some good reports from some of other kids who are fighting their battles. I knew when I walked in those doors at St. Jude my life would never be the same, and it hasn't. God bless you all with his joy and his peace today.

Expecting miracles,


Monday, March 7, 2005 12:16 AM CST

Hi Everyone!

It's hard to believe we have been home now nearly two weeks. Jordan has had so much fun catching up with all his many wonderful friends. He is one loved young man. I want to take a few minutes to say thanks to everyone who was such a blessing to us while we were away.

I first want thank my loving husband (and best friend), for doing such a great job holding down the fort at home, and being "Mr. Mom" for our sons. Rick, I missed you so much, and eagerly awaited your faithful arrival each Friday night! You always came "bearing gifts", and bringing so many things back and forth each week. What would I do without you? Rick, you are truly a gift from God to me, and yes, I am the most blessed woman on earth!

Next I would like to thank all of those that made the long drive up to Memphis to visit us. Thanks Jason and Kristin, I know your hotel stay wasn't the most pleasant, (to put it nicely!), but we sure packed in a lot fun that weekend. Kristin, thanks for all YOUR help at home. I was so blessed to have a "female" there, your presence truly made such a difference!

To my sister Steph, wow, what a time we had! I really enjoyed being "twins" with you for a week. I’ll forever cherish the memories we made, all the long talks, prayers, and so many laughs, you are a riot Steph! Jordan loved having his aunt with him. You left a mark at St. Jude, and I could tell your life has been changed because of the time you stayed there. I'm looking forward to our St. Jude Barbecue at your home in May!Go Stephanie...

Cyndy, you are such a true friend! Your faithful emails each day, your calls, and then you drove up to Memphis to experience St. Jude with us. I loved having my “buddy” with me, and the many priceless memories we made during that time. You have been there for me over the years; you are a rock in my life. You have become more like a sister to me, and I thank GOD for you each day. You help make all my burdens lighter, literally!

Mary and Ashley, thanks so much for taking the time to come visit us right before we left! Jordan was counting the days and hours before your arrival, and we just loved showing you around. Ashley, I know it was so hard for you just finding out one of your babies from school that had just been just diagnosed with Leukemia. You just about bought out the entire gift shop with your generous heart for him!! I know where that comes from, YOUR MOTHER! Mary thanks also for helping out at home, and making sure we came back to a spotless house! You are the most thoughtful and generous person in this entire world! I was so at ease knowing you were there Mary, I depend on you so much. Thank you for being the best big sister any girl could hope for!

I also want thank my other friends who kept in touch with me, prayed for us, and sent love packages to us. Nancy, you are such a sweetheart, your package was our first, and we were so touched and blessed by it! You have such a tender heart. Carla, as always you are so faithful to remember me and the entire family. You hold such a special place in my heart, no one else could ever fill. Your packages came filled with so much love, I love and appreciate you Carla!

I want thank those who took the time to bring over such awesome dinners to my family! Shelia, you have made a fan club out of my boys! You are the lady who brought such wonderful meals, and the BEST desserts! I was jealous, but you made up for it by that sumptuous tray of brownies you had waiting for me once I arrived home! Shelia, you have the biggest heart, and such a servant's spirit. Thank you for being my friend.

Thrista, how can I thank you for all the support and constant encouragement also? My boys are still talking about that awesome gumbo you brought over. I'm so blessed the Lord has brought our families together after all these years here in Mandeville. I'm so grateful for all you do that brings me so much joy...

Thank you Erica for helping out at the house. I missed my Gracie so much when we were away! I'm sure people got tired of me talking about my beautiful grand-baby back home. I was so excited to see her again, and so blessed she remembered her Grammy!

I could go on and on thanking everyone. I will never forget all the kind things that were said and done for us. Thanks so much for all the prayers, "THEY MADE THE DIFFERENCE" and this is why Jordan did so well.

I want to thank Pastor Paul and and the entire body of Northpoint for their prayers. And to all of you that are reading this, your prayers have made a difference. Thanks Crissy for sending the cake pan and mix, you helped put a great big smile on some kids face!

And finally I want to thank the staff of St. Jude. You were truly a haven of hope for us, and so many others. I'm so grateful for the donations that have been made, and the vision Danny Thomas had. Our lives have been changed because of it. A doctor back home, "who does all the worrying for me" how can I ever repay you for your kindness to Jordan and I. Dr. Africk, you have went above and beyond your call of duty, just knowing you were there, has made all the difference.

I hope I have not forgot anyone. I pray the Lord will abundantly bless each and every one of you for all of the kindness you shown toward our family during this time!

Love Susan & Jordan

Tuesday, March 1, 2005 9:26 PM CST

Hi Everyone!

Thanks so much to all of you that have taken the time to leave a message for Jordan. He really enjoys reading each one of them. Jordan continues to feel well, and we are blessed and honored to have so many wonderful friends. During our time at St. Jude we learned to appreciate the simple things in life, and how everyday our lives can make a difference. Here is a few thoughts I read that really capture this idea.

--Smile at a stranger.
--Listen to someone's heart.
--Learn something new, then teach it to someone else.
--Tell someone you're thinking of them.
--Hug a loved one.
--Don't hold a grudge.
--Don't be afraid to say "I'm sorry."
--Look a child in the eye and tell them how great they are.
--Look beyond the face of a person into their heart.
--Make a promise, and keep it.
--Call someone, for no other reason than to just say "Hi."
--Stand up for what you believe in.
--Smell the rain, feel the breeze, listen to the wind, enjoy the sun.
--Use all your senses to their fullest.
--Cherish all your TODAYS!


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 9:26 PM CST

Hi Everyone!

Thanks so much to all of you that have taken the time to leave a message for Jordan. He really enjoys reading each one of them. Jordan continues to feel well, and we are blessed and honored to have so many wonderful friends. During our time at St. Jude we learned to appreciate the simple things in life, and how everyday our lives can make a difference. Here is a few thoughts I read that really capture this idea.

--Smile at a stranger.
--Listen to someone's heart.
--Learn something new, then teach it to someone else.
--Tell someone you're thinking of them.
--Hug a loved one.
--Don't hold a grudge.
--Don't be afraid to say "I'm sorry."
--Look a child in the eye and tell them how great they are.
--Look beyond the face of a person into their heart.
--Make a promise, and keep it.
--Call someone, for no other reason than to just say "Hi."
--Stand up for what you believe in.
--Smell the rain, feel the breeze, listen to the wind, enjoy the sun.
--Use all your senses to their fullest.
--Cherish all your TODAYS!


Friday, February 25, 2005 8:27 AM CST

I recall all you have done, O LORD I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about them. O God, your ways are holy. Is there any god as mighty as you? (Ps 77:11-13)

Hello my friends!

This was a scripture I read in my devotional today. I thought I would share it with you.

David was going through a tough battle in his life. We not only find him accepting his hardship, but we also find him looking beyond his hardship by recalling his past. Even though we may be faced with a difficult situation we must use this time to cast our burdens upon God and remember the times when He has brought us through and delivered us.

God is faithful to give us the strength and courage to bear any burden that may be on us.

Take a moment today to remember all of the tough times that God has brought you through. Praise Him for all of the things that he has done in your life. He is faithful to strengthen you and He'll see you through again and again!!

I hope this is a blessing to you today. Jordan is doing well, and having alot of fun seeing old friends! He is one busy young man, and so loved by so many. I am so grateful for all the many people who have blessed his life. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, side and top too!!

Please remember to keep our warriors I mentioned in prayer!

Have a blessed day today,


Thursday, February 24, 2005 9:56 AM CST

You can not do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about it's width and it's depth... (let's make our lives count!)

Hi Everyone

We are finally home, and getting settled to life back here in Covington! I must say, it has been an adjustment. I can't believe all the boxes of things I brought up to Memphis, and the things I acquired while I was there! Now, it's finding places to put it all up!

Coming home was bittersweet. I miss my family up there at the Ronald McDonald House. I miss our talks in the kitchen and asking each day how everyone's counts were, any fever, and how the parents were making it. I miss getting all excited when I ran into one of our families in the hospital. Every single face is permanently etched in my heart forever.

Today I'd like to ask for prayer for some very special "warriors" out there who are in the heat of the battle now.

One is Haley Mathis ( and her family). She is a precious 11 year old girl who was diagnosed with Stage IV Wilms Tumor. They are such a loving family, so full of faith, fighting this battle full force.

Another warrior is a friend of mine Mrs. Hannah Rucker's grand-daughter Lenae. She is in ICU again with pneumonia in both lungs. Lenae was born with a very rare brittle bone disease called osteogenesis imperfecta. She needs a miracle!

And finally, a woman I attend church with has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is only 39, and she lost her mother to the same disease. Yesterday was her first day of chemo. Please pray for strength for her journey ahead, and God's angels to surround her and her husband.

There are so many needs out there, but we serve such a BIG God, there is nothing too difficult for him, nothing he doesn't see or care about. We can confidently place out trust in Him.

"Faith does not make things easy- it makes them possible" The battle isn't ours, but the Lord's.

May you have a day filled with God's love and abundance!


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 2:47 PM CST

Jordan has been RADically changed!

We have just arrived back here at the Ronald McDonald House from Jordan's final treatment. When we went to the hospital today we were in for a real neat surprise. Several of Jordan's nurses greeted him with balloons and a tee-shirt, and a whole lot of hugs to say good-bye. Yes, of course I had my camera ready for this special day!

As always, the Lord so graciously blessed me in so many other beautiful ways today. There was a family I just loved at our house that left last week. I was unable to say good-bye to them and was very disappointed. As we were leaving the rad department today I ran into Laura and Courtney. How exciting! There is such bond between all of us now, it's like you've been to war with these families, fighting this deadly foe called cancer!

I also was able to get a picture of Jordan with Kail. He is a precious little boy from Belize. He got so excited when he saw Jordan's balloons. Kail is now being strolled around the hospital with Jordan's yellow star! God also allowed for us to see several more families at the hospital that have there children in intensive chemo now. As you can see, it is truly like one "big family" at St. Jude.

My final treat was being able to take my last shuttle bus ride home with my precious friend Jacquelyn. I'll never forget that beautiful smile that greeted us when we first arrived. I knew she was different right from the start. I saw the light and love of Jesus just glowing all over her face! God has blessed me with one more sister in the Lord, wow, heaven is going to be one grand reunion!!!

Once I get home I'll update my pictures, so you can have some faces with these all these names.

Jordan and I will head back up in 6 weeks for a few days, back in one month, and every 3 months after. I am now ready to depart, I have a house full of men who need their mom back! I'm very excited about my new grand-daughter that is due in April, and I'm anxious to see my precious Gracie walking, or running I've heard!!! Life goes on, and God is so good! Blessings to you all my friends.

Thanks for sharing this journey with us! Keep posted...there is always more to come! One last thought;

"God's hand is in everything, so we can leave everything in His hands"

Monday, February 21, 2005 12:26 AM CST

Hi everyone once again today!!

I can't believe I actually forgot to include Jeremiah Averhart on the list of kids I just wrote!! Jordan and Jeremiah have been such close friends, and his mom and I spend so much time together, I'm going to miss this family alot!

Jeremiah has a GBM brain tumor. As you all know, he needs a miracle also!

Be blessed my friends!

Monday, February 21, 2005 12:09 AM CST

The best and most beautiful things in the world
can not be seen or even touched
They must be felt with the heart... Helen Keller

Hi Everyone,

We are only day away until our final "homecoming"! Yes! Jordan is one excited young man.
I will keep my journal updated, so please feel free to visit often.

Today I would like to list some of the names of the very special children I have had the privilege of getting to know during our stay here at St. Jude. Please take some time to lift them up in your prayers, they all waiting for their miracle!

Collin Davis (18 months)
Langerhan's cell hystiocytosis

Jessica Sims (8 years old)
Rhabdomymona ( tumor of muscle tissue)
Shreveport, LA

JT Allen (12)
Haynsville, La
Bone cyst

Kail Alamilla (3)
Ependymona (brain tumor)

Beverly Hannaford (16)
ALL (Acute Lymphocystic Leukemia)

Elli McIntyre (18months)

Courtney Barnett (16)

Omirrius Coleman (16)

Tony Horton (19)
non Hodgkin's lymphoma

Jeff Duhon (19)
Baton Rouge

Micheala Pierson (7)

Marshika Spriggs (16)
Osteocystoma (tumor of bone)

Jordan VasQuez (6 months)
Puerto Rico
Neuroblastoma (brain tumor)

Haley Mathis (11)
Wilms Tumor ( tumor of kidney)

Sara Ann Miller (1)

In honor of all these precious warriors who taught us alot about life and living always remember to;
"Dance as if no one were watching, sing as if no one were listening, and live everyday as if it was your last... LIVESTRONG!"

May God bless your day with joy,


Sunday, February 20, 2005 9:16 AM CST

A Night To Remember

"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. (Rom. 12:10 &11)

It's late Saturday night and I'm just getting back to my room. Once a month a family called the Pittman's take a two hour drive up here to the Ronald McDonald House to prepare and serve a beautiful meal for the entire house of 51 families!! This all all started 11 years ago, when they came here to prepare a meal for a single family with a very sick child. After that first experience the Lord has led them to continue the ministry and they have faithfully blessed the entire house with a meal each month.

What a delicious meal it was! After we finished eating we were invited to go to the "Meditation Room", where a little chapel is set up. I have visited this room many times. There is so much peace as you enter in those doors. The walls of this room are covered by so many prayers and tears of parents crying out for a miracle they desperately need. It is a room filled with hope.

I must admit I was amazed at the families that attended. We packed that little room out! Mr. Pittman took out his guitar and we start singing, then another man came up front and picked up an old guitar that sat against the wall and joined in, what beautiful harmony! We sang and we clapped, we sat and we stood, and this went on for hours. There was such a sweet Holy Spirit that filled the air! Then the testimonies started coming forth. People began sharing their hearts, many times with tears streaming down their faces. What an awesome night of refreshing it was.

At one point during the service something very special happened. Charlene, (Jeremiah's mom) came up to the front of the room. I could tell she was nervous, but she had purposed in her heart to offer up an expression of love before the group. She then told everyone that she wanted to dedicate a song to Jordan and I as a gift to us. Charlene than began to sing a beautiful song using sign language about following the Shepard. I was so touched. I will never forget this genuine act of gratitude and love.

We then continued to sing some more songs and the power of God filled the room. The service concluded as we all joined hands to pray for one another. I haven't felt this great of an anointing on a service in a long time! There were no walls of denomination, social status, or color between us. His presence brought us all together as one to build each other up in our time of need.

The Lord said, "Call unto Me and I will answer." Tonight I am sure that the cries of many were heard by the Lord, and I am also assured by faith that our prayers will be answered. And this journey continues

Friday, February 18, 2005 3:38 PM CST

Thursday, February 17, 2005 7:07 AM CST

“Prayer is a powerful thing, for God has bound and tied himself thereto. None can believe how powerful prayer is, and what it is able to effect, but those who have learned it by experience”. Martin Luther

Hello my faithful friends!

It just seems like yesterday Jordan and I arrived here in Memphis, and now we are six days away from returning home again. I'll never forget that long and dreadful ride from the airport to the Ronald McDonald House. I was not a happy camper. All I could think about was, "God…do what you need to do and get us back home"!

Well, here it is six weeks later and I'm feeling a tearing away in my heart for this house and all the people we have met, who now are like our extended family. I remember thinking, “I'm just going to stay in my room as much as possible. I really don't want to share a kitchen with 16 other families”. But now that very kitchen has become a center of ministry, and the place that I’m the last one to leave each night! My how God has a way of turning things around.

They call the Ronald McDonald House, "The House that Love Built", and truly it's been a haven of Hope for us, and for so many other families like us over the years. I came with Jordan, but I'm leaving with a whole bunch of other precious children in my heart that I have come to love as my own.

I want to thank each and every one of you for all your prayers and support. Truly as Martin Luther said in the quote above, “I have learned by the experience of answered prayer”! I've seen first hand the effects of cancer and the treatments necessary to fight this disease on so many children. Yet the Lord has so graciously spared Jordan from most of these dreaded side effects. I now see the picture more clearly. God’s plan for us to come here was not just for ourselves, but also rather to be a blessing and source of support to others. We have not met any resistance to the Word of Hope we share, and the Lord gives us opportunity daily to show acts kindness to those in need. This has truly been an experience of a lifetime for us.

Again God’s faithfulness is proven true just as it was 1,000’s of years ago when Joseph testified to his brothers in Egypt, “What you meant for evil against me; God meant for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today”. (Gen. 50:20) So what Satan meant for evil, (Jordan's brain tumor growing) the Lord has used for good both in our lives and in the lives of those we have ministered to during this time!! We now believe that during the months ahead, Jordan’s tumor will begin to shrink and the radiation will accomplish what it was meant to do!

Just to give you an update on Jeremiah, he is doing as well as can be expected. He is now the first patient to use a new and experimental chemo to fight off his GBM brain tumor. We believe for his miracle. Charlene (his mom) and I have become such close friends. I'm going to miss her sweet and gentle spirit. She's taught me so much more then I've ever known about trusting God in the storm. I have truly made a Prov. 17:17 friend once again!

My heart is overwhelmed with such gratitude for all that God has done, and for all of your prayers and support during this journey we have taken at St. Jude’s. May God richly bless each and every one of you, is Jordan’s and my prayer!

Thanks for taking the time read this! I'll look forward to hearing from you!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 11:18 PM CST

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