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Monday, December 10, 2007 8:57 PM CST

Aleah is doing great. She is trying to wear her hearing aids as often as possible.

I love having so much time with the kids. They are growing so fast.

Josh is getting so tall and Aleah is becoming more like a young lady everyday! She is indeed 6 going on 16!

She started Cheerleading for the YMCA league and had her second game this past weekend.
She loves it because they are the Wildcats just like Kentucky! She does C-A-T-S Cats, Cats, Cats!
all the time. She is so cute and loves being the center of attention.

School is going well for both kids. Aleah has learned to read and Josh is becoming more and more independent with his new CCTV machine. He can maniupulate that thing and read stuff on the boards and see his teacher if she is accross the room. I think it is the coolest thing!

I'm getting ready to take my kids on a field trip this Wed to the Museum in Cincinnati to see a real Pirate ship.
We are trying to get thru the days leading up to Christmas Vacation. The kids are so wound up this time of year and we don't get out until the 20th! I am very stressed!

I have definitely decided to give up coaching the dance team,they have been a huge part of my stress this year!
I am also the team leader for my team and I tell ya, it is so much work and it's just not worth it.

I stay busy. Seth is such a huge help to me.If I didn' have him, I don't know what I'd do!
He is such a wonderful Dad. The kids adore him. (And so do I!)

I hope each of you are having a happy holiday season. I will try my best to get Christmas Cards out. I hope we have the time for pictures! I'll do my best!

Well, take care, remember those who are less fortunate than we are. Thank you to those of you who continue to pray for Aleah. I know it is by the Grace of God that she continues to be in good health.
Scans will be in the spring (april) and her last ones in October were clear!
Praise God for such a blessing. Although we are busy and stressed, we are very thankful for our kids and all that we have.

May God Bless each of you as he has blessed our family!

Tina and the Cornelius Clan~
(Mommy to Aleah and Josh)

Monday, April 30, 2007 8:43 AM CDT

I have tried to update and for some reason, it keeps deleting my updates.

Aleah is doing so well. She continues to grow and develop into a beautiful young girl. She will be soon completing Kindergarten and heading into 1st grade! She is smaller than her classmates but is doing overall very well.

We found out a few weeks ago that she has to have hearing aids. She picked out purple ones and is excited in a week to get them. She had clear scans and continues to be in remission from this cancer. Thank God for all of his blessings to our family.

Our buddy Cameron got finished with his treatments. He is quite a little guy! He is getting a Pontoon boat for his Make a Wish! How exciting!

Josh is sick this week with a cold but is doing so well. He got a CCTV to use in his classes and this machine has made a huge difference in his academic areas. He is such a great kid! He's counting the days until Spiderman 3 comes out!

Seth is busy with new houses being built selling lumber. His business really picks up this time of year and he has to get in some golf with the contractors so that makes for many busy and late days for him.

I am in the middle of testing week at school. I lost my principal a few weeks ago. She was found dead at the age of 56. It has been a weird couple of weeks at my school but we are trying to set the tone and be strong for the students sake. I am getting ready to hold Dance Team tryouts for the team I sponsored last year. I am dreading it, but I know I'm doing a good thing for the girls who otherwise wouldn't be able to be involved in other activities. I like teaching middle school but it is indeed a challenge daily to come to work in a good mood.

My sister Sheila just finished her last chemotherapy for Breast Cancer. She has struggled to get thru her treatment plan yet has been so brave in her battle. She will have a year of Herceptin before she is completely finished. She lost her hair and cracks me up to see her in the doo-rags (bandanna's) so confident in her beauty. I couldn't do that, I am too vain I guess, I'd have to wear a wig!
She says it itches so comfort is more important I do suppose!
Her website is www.caringbridge/visit/sheilasexton

That's all for now. I continue to be in awe of those parents of kids with Neuroblastoma and are raising money for these kids. Our friends Julia and Rod Poynter just had another fundraiser for Collin their son who passed during Aleah's treatment with the disease. Go to www.Collin'sClassic.org to check out all that they are doing in this fight against cancer.

Also, visit www.lunchforlife.org to help raise money for specific neuroblastoma research. Every dollar counts and matters to our kids.

Keep in touch. Give us a call or drop us an email. My email is tinacornelius@adelphia.net

With much love and hope for our little girl,
Tina Cornelius
proud Mommy of Aleah and Josh

Wednesday, July 5 2006 10:40 PM CDT

Happy 4th of July everyone! It was a wonderful day to celebrate. We shared it with some friends of ours and the kids had a ball with sparklers and watching the fireworks. Skip was very entertained with the neighborhood kids shooting them late last night as well!

I hope everyone likes the new photo slideshow I just added. I like the change in music too! I got so tired of that last one. I hope you like their new pictures that my friend Deanna took. She is doing such a great job with her new business. I love the ones of our kids, not that I'm partial!
Well, we are doing great. Waiting for our move into our NEW HOUSE in a few weeks! Yes, we finally found a wonderful Cape cod house just about a mile from here, (right behind Kroger's) in a nice subdivision with lots of kids and potential friendly neighbors! We can't wait to move into this house the kids now refer to as "the white house". It is white and it is going to be perfect for us.
It is a 4 bedroom house (all upstairs bedrooms) and laundry upstairs. It has beautiful cherry cabinets and the basement even has a walk in cedar storage room for extra clothes, blankets, etc. A walk out basement with the cutest pond (*with coy fish) in the back yard. Lots of landscaping that we will surely appreciate if Skip doesnt' tear it up!

We are so excited, needless to say. Seth and I both loved it from the first time we saw it. I'm really pleased and can't wait to decorate it and enjoy a house again.
Seth's sister Beth has already helped with the design of both kids room and 3 yardsales have raised the money to pay her for their new room decor! Sailboats and fish for Josh and Butterflies/Dragonflies and a garden theme for Aleah! They are so excited to have their own room (they are sharing in this apt!) and an extra room that will be their play room. Lots of space in this house will ensure we really utilize storage and living space!

Well, I called the other day to schedule Aleah's scans for August (3 months from her last ones) and was informed that she is now on an every 6 month scan schedule. How exciting to be further from the end of the treatment and further out in remission. I can't even count how long it has been, it's crazy to think back of the end of treatment, it seems so long ago, yet just like yesterday sometimes. So, now it won't be until October that her scans will be due! I am really glad that she continues to do well. It is surreal that life is back to normal. We havent' forgotten about it, it's still there in the back of your mind. You just put it aside so you can go on and live, and every once in a while you remember or get scared for a while. Then, you remember the man in charge and then that's when you begin to pray again. For healthy days and normalcy and that's when you thank God for all the many blessings and for touching our lives with so many things we are thankful for.

Please continue to keep in your prayers all of the little warriors out there who continue to fight this disease and other cancers. Especially pray for our little buddy Cameron Mullis as he will start his journey with the stem cell transplant this month. He is such a cute kid, with the most wonderful parents. It brings it all back talking with them, but I'm sorta glad that this doesn't allow us to forget that we leaned on friends and depended on many people to help us and this is a way that we are able to do the same for another family going thru the exact same thing.

Continue to pray for our buddies Molly, Sydney, Joey, Gus,Kaitlyn, Jaydon, Tiffany, Hannah and the many others that we met along the way. May God touch them and heal them as he has our Aleah.

School is right around the corner. Aleah will be attending a Kindergarten day next monday with her new teacher and classmates. Josh will be in 2nd grade again,as we talked with his teachers and felt one more year in 2nd would help him so very much so that he will be ready to move on and have the skills that he needs for higher grades. With his vision and the new school, he really needed one more year to adjust and get used to the new teachers and school.
I am teaching the same grades and will have the same classroom so I am ready for a fresh start and some new 6th graders. My 7th and 8th graders I will already know from last year and I will up and running on the first day with them. No getting to know you activities, just how was your summer discussions and then we're diving right into Science!!
Seth's business at work is great, he is really doing so well here. I think he seems happier and not as stressed as he used to be. I think this area is where he feels most at home.

Well, Josh has a 9am dentist appt so I better get going to bed. Have a wonderful summer and we will update later as we will be busy moving, having fun and enjoying our new house!
God Bless you for keeping up with Aleah's progress and thank you for your many prayers for our family.

The Cornelius'
check out http://dpinkerman.photosite.com
for recent pics of the kids. under Aleah and cornelius

Wednesday, July 5 2006 10:40 PM CDT

Happy 4th of July everyone! It was a wonderful day to celebrate. We shared it with some friends of ours and the kids had a ball with sparklers and watching the fireworks. Skip was very entertained with the neighborhood kids shooting them late last night as well!

I hope everyone likes the new photo slideshow I just added. I like the change in music too! I got so tired of that last one. I hope you like their new pictures that my friend Deanna took. She is doing such a great job with her new business. I love the ones of our kids, not that I'm partial!
Well, we are doing great. Waiting for our move into our NEW HOUSE in a few weeks! Yes, we finally found a wonderful Cape cod house just about a mile from here, (right behind Kroger's) in a nice subdivision with lots of kids and potential friendly neighbors! We can't wait to move into this house the kids now refer to as "the white house". It is white and it is going to be perfect for us.
It is a 4 bedroom house (all upstairs bedrooms) and laundry upstairs. It has beautiful cherry cabinets and the basement even has a walk in cedar storage room for extra clothes, blankets, etc. A walk out basement with the cutest pond (*with coy fish) in the back yard. Lots of landscaping that we will surely appreciate if Skip doesnt' tear it up!

We are so excited, needless to say. Seth and I both loved it from the first time we saw it. I'm really pleased and can't wait to decorate it and enjoy a house again.
Seth's sister Beth has already helped with the design of both kids room and 3 yardsales have raised the money to pay her for their new room decor! Sailboats and fish for Josh and Butterflies/Dragonflies and a garden theme for Aleah! They are so excited to have their own room (they are sharing in this apt!) and an extra room that will be their play room. Lots of space in this house will ensure we really utilize storage and living space!

Well, I called the other day to schedule Aleah's scans for August (3 months from her last ones) and was informed that she is now on an every 6 month scan schedule. How exciting to be further from the end of the treatment and further out in remission. I can't even count how long it has been, it's crazy to think back of the end of treatment, it seems so long ago, yet just like yesterday sometimes. So, now it won't be until October that her scans will be due! I am really glad that she continues to do well. It is surreal that life is back to normal. We havent' forgotten about it, it's still there in the back of your mind. You just put it aside so you can go on and live, and every once in a while you remember or get scared for a while. Then, you remember the man in charge and then that's when you begin to pray again. For healthy days and normalcy and that's when you thank God for all the many blessings and for touching our lives with so many things we are thankful for.

Please continue to keep in your prayers all of the little warriors out there who continue to fight this disease and other cancers. Especially pray for our little buddy Cameron Mullis as he will start his journey with the stem cell transplant this month. He is such a cute kid, with the most wonderful parents. It brings it all back talking with them, but I'm sorta glad that this doesn't allow us to forget that we leaned on friends and depended on many people to help us and this is a way that we are able to do the same for another family going thru the exact same thing.

Continue to pray for our buddies Molly, Sydney, Joey, Gus,Kaitlyn, Jaydon, Tiffany, Hannah and the many others that we met along the way. May God touch them and heal them as he has our Aleah.

School is right around the corner. Aleah will be attending a Kindergarten day next monday with her new teacher and classmates. Josh will be in 2nd grade again,as we talked with his teachers and felt one more year in 2nd would help him so very much so that he will be ready to move on and have the skills that he needs for higher grades. With his vision and the new school, he really needed one more year to adjust and get used to the new teachers and school.
I am teaching the same grades and will have the same classroom so I am ready for a fresh start and some new 6th graders. My 7th and 8th graders I will already know from last year and I will up and running on the first day with them. No getting to know you activities, just how was your summer discussions and then we're diving right into Science!!
Seth's business at work is great, he is really doing so well here. I think he seems happier and not as stressed as he used to be. I think this area is where he feels most at home.

Well, Josh has a 9am dentist appt so I better get going to bed. Have a wonderful summer and we will update later as we will be busy moving, having fun and enjoying our new house!
God Bless you for keeping up with Aleah's progress and thank you for your many prayers for our family.

The Cornelius'
check out http://dpinkerman.photosite.com
for recent pics of the kids. under Aleah and cornelius

Friday, May 26, 2006 10:24 AM CDT

God still continues to bless our family.
Aleah just had her latest 3 month scans and they were all clean! We are so relieved and happy. Aleah is growing and developing into such a unique little girl. She just finished Preschool and will journey into Kindergarden next year. She says she will be going to the "big school with Josh". She and Josh love fishing with Papaw Bobby Joe. They have been up there for about a week visiting. They will be returning today. Aleah cried and said she wanted to stay "10 days". She has Nana and Papaw wrapped around her finger!

Josh will be 9 yrs old in Aug and Aleah will turn 5 in July. I cannot believe how fast they are growing up.
We continue to look for a house to buy. I got my internship and first year teaching under my belt and I'm very happy that I'll be returning next year to teach 6th, 7th and 8th grades Science. I love teaching, puburity not so much, but teaching is fun.

Seth is doing great at 84 Lumber. He has made many friends thru work and is able to get away and fish, hunt and golf from time to time. That is one of the things I like about this area, we have many new and some old friends that we are able to spend time with. Friendships that we value and appreciate especially when we needed support in the past.
We just found out that our good friends, JT and Deanna, (Aleah's babysitter) are moving back to their hometown next month, and we will miss them terribly!
Deanna is the one who just started a photography business and Aleah is one of her models! Check on Aleah's picutures on Deanna's site www.deannapinkermanphotography.com. She's in the Gallery and in Recent Sessions 2. My friend Karrie Johns little girl and boy are also featured in the Johns's portraits in recent sessions 2. She does a great job!

Recently, when we heard about a little boy from around Barbourvile, Ky that has NB stage 4, we knew we had to reach out to his family and offer some support as they too fought this disease.
We met Cameron, Susan and Scott Mullis on Easter Sunday.
Aleah and Josh delivered Beannie Babies and animals to the kids at KY Children's Hospital that Sunday. We had a special bag of toys for Cameron who we had heard about from a friend. We were able to meet Cameron and his family that Sunday and have started to form a friendship with this family in hopes to offer some HOPE SUPPORT and Insight into what was yet to come in Cameron's treatment and hopefully by the Grace of God, Camerson's Recovery.

We visited with them again the week of Aleah's last scans. We've talked and answered questions as honestly and compassionately as it can be. I know how I wanted the truth, and I really hope to provide them with some answers so they will be prepared for what each treatment will be like.

Yesterday, Cameron had another surgery to remove some NB tumors from his spinal cord. I was able to visit with his family during the waiting of Cameron's surgery. SEth also came over for a short visit with Cameron's Dad, Scott.
I helped them to start a webpage on caringbridge so they are albe to update their loved ones like we did during their battle. I hope that each of you who have prayed for Aleah and given us strenght will visit Cameron's page and keep him in your prayers as well. I know they will appreicate it and Cameron really needs all of our prayers.

He is the sweetest child. He loves Buzz Lightyear, Spiderman, Fishing and Cars!
Leave Cameron a note of encouragement on his site at www.caringbridge.org/visit/cameronmullis.

I want to do a fundraiser for them, if you have any ideas, please let us know.
We will keep you updated on Aleah's scans and of Cameron's progress.

Thanks for checking in with us.
Drop us a line to let us know you're still reading!
With many blessings,
The Cornelius'
Seth, Tina Josh and Aleah

Saturday, March 4, 2006 10:27 PM CST

Check out Aleah's new photo's on the photo page. Our good friend Deanna is starting a new photography business and Aleah is doing a great job with posing for her! Check out her website www.deannapinkermanphotography.com and see the Gallery of Photo's that she has taken! She is doing a great job and we all love pictures of our beautiful girl. Thanks Deanna for helping me with Aleah and with so many gorgeous photo's of our girl.
Aleah had Deanna's little girl- Faith, spend the night last night and we had a ball. They fixed my hair and I gave them 6 pony tails each. Aleah is just now getting used to this sharing thing and needs quite a bit of co-hersion to persuade her to share her things. Josh is doing great. He just fell asleep laying here watching Spiderman. Things are going well. Seth and I are praying for an offer on the house soon. We can't wait to just be able to look for a house here. School is 3/4 of the way over, one more 9 week period to go! I can't wait til summer! Teaching is hard work. I love it, but hate the time it takes away from the kids. Aleah can't wait to go to Kindergarten next year. Preschool is fun, but she wants to go to Josh's school. She tells me she is going "next week".
Scans will be April 23 and 24 so we will keep you updated.
Keep us in your prayers. WE are so thankful that God continues to bless our family like he has!
Thanks for stopping by!
The Cornelius Clan
Seth, Tina, Josh and Aleah

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 1:24 PM CST

Aleah has clean scans! Hooray! Just wanted to add a quick update to say that things are going great. Aleah is growing and so active these days. Her imigination is on OVERDRIVE~! She is so creative, and full of life. She is always making up stuff and full of ideas. She told me last week that she had been to the eye dr. and that she needs glasses. "They are on order", she told me, and they are Cinderella! Well, it just so happen that today Seth was picking both kids up and taking Josh to the Eye Dr. to check his Cataracts, Aleah immediately said "I can pick up my glasses!" She made me have a Birthday party one day for her immiginary friend and we put icing on an angel food cake and candles on it. She blew them out (for her baby doll). She is so cute. Very spoiled and rotten to the core, but we love her the way she is,,, rotten and all!

Josh may have to have Cataract surgery so please pray for him. I'll update if he definitely needs it,, they are checking today for it getting worse or not.

Aleah will be in a Talent Show at Memorial Coliseum on Feb 12 for UK Children's Hospital Fundraiser called Bleed Blue. It's a dance a thon Friday night and Talent show Sat for the Hem-Oncology kids. We'll be attending, and hopefully Aleah will perform a Ballet routine one of my students is teaching her!
I'm sure she will be Fantastic!

Hope everyone is doing well. We are busy as bees with work and school. I'll try to update more later, Next scans are the end of April! Pray for her continued Good Health.. we appreciate your prayers and concerns. Keep in touch and be sure to sign the guestbook or send us an email.

Tina and rest of the clan
Seth, Aleah and Josh
oh,,, and SKIP!

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