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We wish you a happy and healthy 2007 Tanner and Morgan! Here's hoping that we can play together soon!
Alexander and Benjamin (and their parents) <kcmom2boys@yahoo.com>
Lee's Summit, MO USA - Thursday, December 28, 2006 9:31 PM CST
The picture on the front page is just so precious!!! your kids are so beautiful!! Merry Christmas!!! www.caringbridge.org/ny/ashleejean
kristy and ashlee <alyssassmama@yahoo.com>
ny - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 8:14 AM CST
Merry Christmas!
MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Saturday, December 23, 2006 3:50 PM CST
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Zerrs. We hope and pray the New Year is a bright one for all. Keep up the GREAT labs, Tanner. Hope you are both feeling better and Mom and Dad don't catch the bug.
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Friday, December 22, 2006 12:22 AM CST
Merry Christmas from the Alpha Girls: Grace & Meghan

Milwaukee, WI - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 3:47 PM CST
What a couple of cuties! I love the new picture. I'm sure the kids are getting ready for Santa to bring them lots of goodies. Maybe we can get together over our Christmas break. We'll be around after Christmas. E-mail me if you have a chance.
Michelle & Ali from Liver Families <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Sunday, December 17, 2006 0:06 AM CST

I love the picture, it's so cute. I had forgotten how much fun potty training is, NOT. I do feel for you tho with two to train. Merry Christmas

Karen - Jen & Jon's mom
Chatsworth, GA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:20 PM CST
Oh my gosh, can there by a cuter picture! I don't know how you got that one, but it is absolutley adorable! Just checking in on you guys, happy to hear the twins are doing well.
Michelle (www.caringbridge.org/ny/jack) <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Monday, December 11, 2006 4:19 PM CST
YEAH Morgan on the potty training experience:)....just a thought Stacey...and I could be way off base. Have they done a swallow study on Morgan? I just went to an extensive feeding conference, and some kids....even though their swallow and eating and everything seems fine...they can be aspirating on thin liquids (creating on-going pneumonias, upper respiratory, etc.)...even if it is only trace amounts. This is probably not what you are dealing with, but reading your post just made me think of it so I had to throw it out there:). I hope you have fun at your re-Thanksgiving! I want to know about the egg substitute that you used in your cookies! Also, I found an egg-free sugar cookie recipe. I will send it to you! Take care!!!
Angie - Emma's mom <afoley@park6.k12.wy.us>
cody, wy - Monday, December 4, 2006 10:09 PM CST
YAY Morgan!! Potty training! EVEN WITH PNUEMONIA! She is a tough cookie like her momma!

We are praying her new meds help and just wanted to let you know we love you guys!

Lisa and Aiden <RolexH@aol.com>
- Monday, December 4, 2006 2:23 PM CST
What a wonderful Thanksgiving tribute, Stacy!
God has granted us much to be thankful for, so much more than we are deserving of. . . . how could we ever be without His love and mercy? The pictures you posted have shown just how far we have come. . . . and the babies continue to grow . . .how handsome and beautiful Morgan and Tanner are. . . . it amazes us!!!!!
And we are VERY THANKFUL!!!!!!

Gma & Gpa
Colby, KS USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:03 PM CST
Now I didn't even notice the stains until you pointed them out! LOL!
Great pictures.. we put up our tree every Thanksgiving weekend and then it comes down before New Years. I need that tree up to get me in the mood to SHOP!
Your TWINS are getting so big... Kaitlyn and Trevor say HI! They can't believe how big Tanner and Morgan they have gotten.
The plan is for us to go to St Louis in April and September- then yearly in Sept.. Hopefully we can meet up again!

Happy Thanksgiving to you Guys!

Mary,, Don, Trevor and Kaitlyn Morgan - <marmor@ptd.net >
Newton, NJ usa - Thursday, November 23, 2006 8:14 AM CST
Happy Thanksgiving Randy, Stacy, Tanner & Morgan! God Bless you all.
Aunt Sher
Denver, CO 80247 - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 3:28 PM CST
From one early decorator to another....you go, girl!
Love it!
I swear your kiddos get cuter by the minute. :)

Amy , Carly's Mom
WI - Monday, November 20, 2006 6:13 PM CST
Haven't checked in on you guys in a while, so since I'm not doing much this wonderful Friday evening, I thought I'd see how the Zerr's were doing. I love the pictures. The kids seem to change everytime I see a new picture. Any of the pictures you have posted would look great on a Christmas card. Well, Ali is gearing up for Club volleyball. She tried out for Topeka Jrs. and made the team. They start practicing the week after Thanksgiving. I hate that we have to drive to Topeka twice a week for practice, but there were no teams in Lawrence. We'll have to try and get together before Christmas for ice cream :)! Have a great weekend.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS USA - Friday, November 17, 2006 8:18 PM CST
Oh poor Tanner. 1 hour AFTER benedryl?! As a mom who knows what that means, I just want to say I can't IMAGINE what it looked like when it all started. I have many pictures of Aiden with his burning hives, and they rarely show up on camera.. so I know how serious this must have been for you guys. HUGS and prayers..
Lisa and Aiden <RolexH@aol.com>
- Monday, November 13, 2006 8:49 AM CST
Ouch! Those hives look painful! Poor Tanner.

Laurie, lucky mommy to Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, November 12, 2006 7:44 AM CST
So sorry to hear about the egg allergy. The kids looked adorable on Halloween! I am happy to hear that Tanner is doing well liver wise.
Michelle (Jack's Mom) www.caringbridge.org/ny/jack <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 6:01 PM CST
I am so sorry. I know how sad this makes you. I know that feeling of "we are SOO close" ... I am just thinking about you guys right now. I pray that after a year or so his immune system will calm and you can try again. Much love
Lisa and Aiden <RolexH@aol.com>
- Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:01 AM CST
We just dropped by to check on you today.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 0:18 AM CST
Loved carving the pumpkins with you guys and Grandma Red -so much fun to do something with you both! Next year - bigger and better pumpkins, right!
Tanner - I am working on that egg substitute thing for you so that we can have some regular cut out cookies on Thanksgiving! I will give them a test run and make Grandpa eat them to see if they are any good, OK?
Love to you all - thanks to Grandma Red for coming down while your mommy was working in Denver. I am sure that Grandpa will be down in a few weeks to stay a couple of nights and read to you. See you later.

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com>
Corydon, IA USA - Saturday, November 4, 2006 7:49 PM CST
Hi Tuffer-

Hang in there Tanner with the egg allergy! Aunt Sherry will not have a wedding without cake for Tanner to eat. That Uncle Al and I promise you. Give Mommy a hug... she sounds a bit down in the dumps. Love to you all always!


Aunt Sher
Denver, CO 80247 - Friday, November 3, 2006 11:56 PM CST
Did you have a Happy Halloween and lots of goodies, Tanner and Morgan?? You looked so precious in your outfits and the pumpkin carving with Grandma Karen was so much F-U-N!!!
We really got in the spirit and your Jack-o-lanterns looked great!!! The pictures Mommy has posted show what a great time we had. Spending time with you, Tanner and Morgan, was the BEST Halloween of all!!!!
Enjoy riding Rufus . . . . . . . Lots of Hugs, Kisses, and Love:):):):)

Gma & Gpa
Colby, KS USA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 10:50 AM CST

Stacy thank you so much for Aiden's halloween Joke cards.. He loved them.. and now has repeated the Boo boo joke 1 million times.. we love you guys!

Lisa and Aiden <RolexH@aol.com>
- Wednesday, November 1, 2006 7:19 AM CST
Oh my goodness! I can't believe how grown-up they look! Give the twins a kiss for us. They are always in our prayers. Love, Sara and Isaac
Sara and Isaac McCullough <saramccullough@hotmail.com>
Las Vegas, NV - Sunday, October 29, 2006 7:04 PM CST
OK so the hair is just ADORABLE!!!! Tanner is just as toe head as Aiden! I love it!!

The kids are beautiful and I am just loving how healthy they are.. SUCH miracles!

Lisa and Aiden <RolexH@aol.com>
- Friday, October 20, 2006 3:45 PM CDT
We just wanted to drop by and say hi
and let you know we are thinking about you.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Friday, October 13, 2006 10:51 PM CDT
Tuffer and MoMO-

Should Aunt Sherry send some money to Mom and Dad for some haircuts? Heehee! Lookin' adorable as always.

Lots of Love,

Aunt Sherry
- Friday, October 6, 2006 11:10 PM CDT
WooHoo on the news about possibly no longer having the egg allergy! We had a lot of fun last Saturday at the Liver Walk. I love the picture on the home page of Tanner. He has quite the mischievious look on his face. Hmmmm wonder what he was up to? Have a great weekend.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS USA - Friday, October 6, 2006 9:58 PM CDT
You are so funny with your ELMO band-aid, Tanner! You truly are a gift and miracle to behold!
Your Liver "Bud", Gma
Colby, KS USA - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 5:51 PM CDT
Janna has so much fun at the Walkapalooza. All she could talk about was the bouncy castle. It was great seeing all the liver kids and their families! Thanks for posting the pics.
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Monday, October 2, 2006 10:43 PM CDT
Ok I know I have been MIA.... but where are the little Tanner and Morgan ! I see these toddlers in beds! OH MY how big we have gotten! Looks like you guys had a great time in St. Louis! - Scary but we can't wait until our next trip out! - We all love it there. Glad things are going well for you guys! Sending Hugs!
Mary M - Kaitlyn's Mom <marmor@ptd.net>
Newton, NJ USA - Sunday, October 1, 2006 7:23 AM CDT
Well Tanner! Look at you in your big boy bed in the picture your Mommy put on your page! I almost couldn't find you with blanket, Baby, Ross the elephant, and your frog in there with you, but I can see that they're all very very important and all lined up "just right". Tee hee! And don't forget the sippy cup - I see it! Love that smile, little guy. Keep on smilin'. :)
Amy http://crossingdestinies.blogspot.com
WI - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:07 PM CDT
Hey did you see there is a prize for the largest team for Walkapalooza? We are getting excited. It should be a fun day. Hopefully the weather will stay cool. Hope to see you guys tomorrow at volleyball. Looking forward to see the kids.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS 66049 - Monday, September 18, 2006 5:46 PM CDT
Sounds like everyone had great fun! So glad Tanner's visit went well too!
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:57 PM CDT
Your trip to St. Louis sounds like loads of FUN!!! We are so glad you had a great trip and beautiful weather to enjoy all the sights, playgrounds, and animals!!!
And BEST OF ALL, Tanner had a wonderful check-up!! What a difference from a year ago!!!!! We give thanks to God!! Lots of love :)

Gpa & Gma
Colby, KS USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 4:58 PM CDT
Sounds like you guys had a good time in St. Louis. Way to go Tanner on the great check-up. We love the pictures from your trip. Stay healthy so you can walk with us in a couple weeks. Ali has a home quad at Free State on Tuesday if you guys aren't doing anything. It starts at 5:30 I think. Maybe we'll see you there.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawerence, KS USA - Friday, September 8, 2006 10:12 PM CDT
Wow- what great pictures of the zoo! The kids are having a great time and mom and daddy look pretty happy as well.

Have a great check up tomorrow - we are praying for a short and very sweet verdict from the doctors on Tanner so that you can go back to having fun.

Take care and be happy!

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com>
Corydon, IA USA - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 8:38 PM CDT
OH, WHAT FUN YOU ARE HAVING AT THE ZOO IN ST. LOUIS!!!! The pictures are great and we will watch for all the updates - what a great week for all of you. . . . . Morgan is feeling better with her new tubes and Tanner will surely have a "SUPER 10" check-up!!!! Well, Mom and Dad, you may really be tired at the end of the day - but the vacation will be wonderful for you!!! HAVE FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!
Gma & Gpa
Colby, KS USA - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 5:59 PM CDT
I love the new pictures! Tanner's feet look HUGE in the picture on the front page! What size is he wearing now?

Also, I think Tanner looks a lot like your dad, Stacy.

I'm having the best time watching your kids grow up (albeit in pictures). Every time I see a new picture, they've changed so much.

Have fun in St. Louis!

Laurie, lucky mommy to Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, September 3, 2006 7:10 AM CDT
Just thinking about you guys and hoping that you have a wonderful long weekend and vacation in St. Louis! I can't wait to hear how Tanner and Morgan like the sites.
Leah - Xander and Benjamin's mom <kcmom2boys@yahoo.com>
Lee's Summit, MO USA - Friday, September 1, 2006 9:29 AM CDT
Good Luck with Morgan's tubes. Hope it all goes well. Hope Tanner's labs stay stable now for awhile.
MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:21 AM CDT
Sounds like you had fun in Florida. The kids look so grown up! We love the haircuts. Looking forward to seeing you guys at a volleyball game and the Liver Walk. Love the pictures too! Tanner looks like he is smiling in the last picture, so they must be playing not fighting. We'll be praying for Morgan on Friday when she gets her tubes. Hope they stay in longer this time and do the trick. Ear infections are not fun.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS USA - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:30 PM CDT
Whew, what a schedule. I hope you have time to take a breath! We will keep Morgan in our prayers for a smooth surgery and a good clinic appt for Tanner.
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:51 PM CDT
The farm pictures are great! It looks like they had a great time. They both have such "blond" hair. That could only come from Randy! Glad to hear Randy passed his test.

Sorry about the ear infections still continuing. I hope a second set of tubes if thats what they prescribe will help you.

I hope you have a blast in Florida. We didn't get a chance to look you up in early July at the races. A little too hectic.

I don't get a chance too often to check up on you guys, but when I do I sure have missed a lot. The best wishes for your family in the coming month. God Bless!

Van Meter, IA - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 7:41 PM CDT
Grandpa has captioned the one of Tanner and Morgan in the old pick-up saying "Breaker, Breaker 19! My sister can't get this out of second gear!!!!" Tanner and Morgan can look forward to learning how to drive the same as their Daddy and Aunt Sherry did. . . . . . at Uncle Randy's farm!! Oh, remember those good old days!!!! We had so much FUN at the anniversary celebration - so glad you were there!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grandma & Grandpa <zengg@st-tel.net>
Colby, KS USA - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 2:28 PM CDT
The Farm Pix are the best yet!
Aunt Sher
Denver, CO - Monday, July 31, 2006 10:28 PM CDT
Those rugrats are getting SOOO big! I am glad you guys got a date night in. Pirates is a good movie. Kaitlyn has a crush on Orlando - so we had to go see it! far and few Glad things are going well. Wow enjoy your weekend with the girls!

Mary - Kaitlyns Mom <marmor@ptd.net >
Newton, NJ - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:34 PM CDT
I love the pictures. The kids are too cute:)
Take Care and enjoy the summer!

Jamie..liver tx '88...www.caringbridge.org/visit/jamierenee <kuzco83@gmail.com>
Saskatoon, Sk Canada - Sunday, July 23, 2006 5:47 PM CDT
What happy smiles and great pictures!!!! It just shows how much Morgan and Tanner are growing - Hope everyone gets to feeling better and enjoying the last of the swimming lessons.
Grandma & Grandpa
Colby, KS USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 1:22 PM CDT
Hi, Tanner and family - I have not posted for a while but check the site every couple of days to see if it has been updated.

I will add our late congratulations to Randy for passing his test. Did so on the phone before but still have to smile when I think of him passing. Things just have to happen in God's time, I guess. But, way to go Randy!

Ear infections, colds, and flu - they seem to be the bane of life for little kids and then for the whole family as they get passed on and around. Hang in there and eventually, thing will get better, we hope. And, the terrible two's don't last forever even though it seems like they do when you are going through them. I hate to say that the 3's are worse but I often wondered if they were not. They are trying to be so independent at 3 that they create all kinds of complications!

Saw the picture of Grandpa Three Hairs in his halo helping to take Tanner home and had instant tears. It has been so long and still a picture or a thought brings back that terrible summer. Guess we made and we have two beautiful little people to prove it.

Much love to all of you from Iowa - enjoy the summer, stay healthy and happy. Enjoy your days together, even if they are hard to enjoy once in a while.

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com>
Corydon , IA USA - Sunday, July 9, 2006 8:45 PM CDT
Stacy, I have to say I read that and just ached. I totally know what you mean. I totally get it. We hate that he has had so many blood draws. It stinks when it is so frequent. Please know we are praying it all resolves and he enjoys his summer healthy and happy. HUGS
Lisa (Aidens mom) <RolexH@aol.com>
- Saturday, July 8, 2006 3:09 PM CDT
Oh poor Tanner. I hope he starts feeling better and his labs are back to normal soon...and back to monthly labs again. We will keep him in our prayers that it is just a nothing virus, if there is such a thing! I hate it when you don't know what is going on.
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Friday, July 7, 2006 4:31 PM CDT
Okay, I did read the part about 7 sets of labs in a month and I am so sorry!!!!! I will have a talk with Dr. Shepherd today and decrease the frequency of his lab work!!!
We love you Tanner!

Ms. Penny
St. Louis, MO USA - Friday, July 7, 2006 11:48 AM CDT
Hi sweet Tanner I hope you feel better and its nothing serious take care of your sweet little self , God bless you
tiffany <tiffanyx.pate@jpmchase.com>
orange parkl, fl us - Friday, July 7, 2006 6:30 AM CDT
We are thinking of you.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 0:17 AM CDT
Oh no, sorry to hear about Morgan's ears and now Tanner. I hope she is feeling better soon and Tanner's labs and prograf level is back on track this week. We will be town all weekend. We would love to chat and play! We will keep our fingers crossed!
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Sunday, June 25, 2006 10:03 PM CDT
Way to go Randy! Must have been a lucky testing day, as my neighbor also passed her PE test that day. Love the Prayer Bear post. Morgan is a trip! Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS USA - Friday, June 23, 2006 9:55 AM CDT
Anthony wore the exact same outfit last spring/summer that Tanner is wearing in the goat picture. I loved it on him.

Love the new pictures!

Laurie, lucky mommy to Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA USA - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:56 PM CDT
GREAT news! Way to go Randy! I hope you get to celebrate!!
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Monday, June 19, 2006 11:06 PM CDT
CONGRATULATIONS, RANDY!!!! What GREAT NEWS for all of you!!! We are so proud of you and that you kept trying!!!
UP, UP, ONWARD, AND UPWARD!!!!! You must absolutely feel joyful and thankful - we all are!!!! Tanner & Morgan, give Daddy a "high five" - WAY TO GO, DADDY!!!! You will always remember this Father's Day gift. . . . . Hugs and kisses to all:) :) :) :)

Mom and Dad (aka Grandpa and Grandma)
Colby, KS USA - Monday, June 19, 2006 6:52 PM CDT
Go, Randy! I'm SO excited for you (both)! What wonderful news!

Loved the prayer bear post...Morgan is just so cute. I love the sharing of the Kissables...I don't share mine!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, June 18, 2006 6:23 PM CDT
RANDY!!! Congratulations! This is wonderful!

The prayer Bear update was awesome.. My favorite to date.

And as a good friend here is at least ONE awesome place for back grounds. LOVE them there!


enjoy! and let me know if you need help!

Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Saturday, June 17, 2006 7:32 PM CDT
I hope this week goes better at daycare and the kids stay well. What an adjustment!! It sounds like they are doing great and enjoying it...I am so jealous!! We will start with the germ train in July when Malina goes to Camp and then starts preschool in August.
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Monday, June 12, 2006 10:40 PM CDT
I haven't checked in for awhile and you are now going to daycare! Not at all what I was expecting to see. They're going to catch all the germs that Emma became immune to in her two years of attending so far. Just look at it this way. This will help them when they start kindergarden. It doesn't help right now with missing work but will hopefully help in about three to four years.

Andy and I will look you up the weekend of June 30 if that will work for you since we will be down at the races that weekend. That is if you are going to be around.

Amy <dmafetters@msn.com>
Van Meter, IA - Monday, June 12, 2006 7:20 PM CDT
Glad they are enjoying daycare. I'm sure there will be many more boo-boo's. The benefits of learning and sharing will outweight the fights & boo-boo's though. Sounds like they are learning by leaps and bounds, which is so exciting. Sorry to hear you were all sick! I hope this week is much better. --Love, Aunt Angie
Angela Robb
Pleasantville, IA US - Monday, June 12, 2006 12:25 AM CDT
I am glad things went well at DayCare. The good thing about twins is they have each other to make it through the day.. They are getting so big!

Kaitlyn and Trevor say Hi - to their little Twin Friends.
P.S. Happy Birthday Randy!

Mary Morgan <marmor@ptd.net>
Newton, Nj - Monday, June 5, 2006 9:00 PM CDT
It was such a GREAT week-end to be with you and help Daddy celebrate his birthday (should we tell the world how "old" he is?) It was so much FUN to eat out at Red Robin and watch you play outdoors and in the pool, and to visit the Farmer's Market!!! We did have quite a full agenda!! The best part is just being together and watching you play - Tanner and Morgan, you just change so much on a daily basis that we all try to absorb everything you can do now and thoroughly enjoy every moment. . . . . . . . You both are truly amazing and such a gift from God. . . WE LOVE YOU and THANK YOU, GOD, FOR THE MIRACLE OF LIFE AND FOR EACH OTHER!!!
Grandpa & Grandma <zengg@st-tel.net>
Colby, KS USA - Monday, June 5, 2006 2:23 PM CDT
Tanner and Morgan look sooooo cute! I can't believe how big they are getting. I'm glad daycare went well.
I hope you have a good summer :).
Take Care

Jamie...www.caringbridge.org/visit/jamierenee <kuzco83@gmail.com>
Saskatoon, Sk canada - Sunday, June 4, 2006 10:57 AM CDT
WOW! Tanner and Morgan you are getting SO big!
MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Sunday, June 4, 2006 10:09 AM CDT
I have to tell you that your kids are so darnd cute!! I love to come her to see all your awesome photos!!! Thatks for sharing your sweeties with us!


kristy and ashlee <nykellycrew@verizon.net>
ny - Saturday, June 3, 2006 10:37 AM CDT
Oh my...big justified emotions you're going through for sure, Mom! It's always bittersweet seeing them take those steps further away from being "babies". But what joyous steps they are! Hugs to you and sweet Tanner and Morgan! Love the pictures.
Amy http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/carlytessa
WI - Friday, June 2, 2006 4:54 PM CDT
I wondered about the kids all day. I am glad it went well and I know it is a sad time too. What a huge step!
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Thursday, June 1, 2006 10:56 PM CDT
Thats awesome!
Jod and
McKayla's Site

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:44 AM CDT
OH, WHAT A HOOT!!!!!:) Are you having "FUN" yet?!?!?!?!?!
Most definitely, Tanner is!!! The pictures are quite funny. . . . What a wonderful "surprise" Saturday for the family to "finally" meet Morgan and Tanner - you can be assured that they were all thrilled and especially Uncle Randy, Aunt Elaine, Jennifer and Joey - it made Jennifer's graduation so special for all!!! It was a blast to "walk around the farm" how many times???? No wonder they took L-O-N-G naps on Sunday!! Thanks for making the long trip and keep Mom and Dad on their tippy toes, Tanner & Morgan. . . You both looked so cute in your outfits Saturday - stay happy and stay healthy!! LOTS OF LOVE:):)

Grandma & Grandpa
Colby, KS USA - Tuesday, May 23, 2006 3:32 PM CDT
You do a wonderful job of conveying the uniqueness of being a twin mom, and Tanner and Morgan are so darn cute! I hope that Tanner's sleeping gets better soon.
Leah - Alexander's mom <kcmom2boys@yahoo.com>
Lee's Summit, MO USA - Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:21 PM CDT
I just LOVE the pictures! So cute. Have a great weekend. Hope the sleeping gets better....
Shannon, www.caringbridge.org/mi/marisa <hamet@mich.com>
Flat Rock, MI - Friday, May 19, 2006 1:02 PM CDT
I love, love, love those ppictures. Wow. I cried big 'ol
cries at the first one, with Morgan grabbing Tanner's hand.
Bless you all. Big hugs from us!

Becca, Jason and Natalie Ketter <becandjay@verizon.net>
Byron, IL - Thursday, May 18, 2006 1:00 PM CDT
You guys are soooo cute! I visit daily, I really need to get better at signing the guestbook, but please know we LOVE the pics of the twins and love your writings!!! Your a GREAT mom!!!

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kristy and ashlee from liverfamilies <nykellycrew@verizon.net>
ny - Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:11 AM CDT
I love the pictures..just priceless!!!!

Stephanie <Olivieri7@sbcglobal.net>
- Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:37 AM CDT
Love the pictures! The double time out picture is great. Hope all is well with everyone and that Tanner's not sleeping is due to teething and nothing else. School gets out in 6 days, so we'll have to get together sometime this summer!
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:20 PM CDT
I have to agree with Lisa, the double time out is totally priceless. I was cracking up at that picture. What beautiful children you have. And by the looks of it, it probably is never a dull moment in your home! Blessings to you and your family. And many prayers for Tanner and Morgan.
Mandy Pressley <itsme703@sbcglobal.net>
Mason, MI 48854 - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 1:39 PM CDT
Welcome to this amazing world of twins! Just thought I would let you know that at 14 they still need a personal invitaion to stop what they are doing! (It took me so long to catch on)
I think it is one the greatest relationships having a sibling your same age...always someone to talk to and play with. Have fun!!!
Love your photos.

Sue from CLASS mom to Moira
- Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:48 AM CDT
YAYYYYYY!!!!! That is awesome! Aiden loved looking at that. His favorite was when Tanner was laughing when Morgan was mad. He thought that was hilarious (real compassion from Aiden haha)

I am totally gonna email my friends. The double time out picture is PRICELESS! I hope you have that one framed, it just is so adorable.

You are a good mommy Stacy! I am so glad we became friends

Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:19 AM CDT
I love all the pictures! How adorable. Erin wants to know why the had a time out and why Morgan was crying?
Take Care!

Irene & Erin
Toms River, NJ - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 7:13 AM CDT
Happy Mother's Day.
Shannon, www.caringbridge.org/mi/marisa <hamet@mich.com>
Flat Rock, MI USA - Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:55 PM CDT
Stacy! The kids are getting SO big!

Anthony just walked in here, pointed to the kids and said, "Tanner! Mo-gun!"...I didn't even know he KNEW their names! We say "hi" to their picture every time there's a new one...I guess he just learned it.

I can't believe they're wearing pants and jackets, though. It's SO HOT here!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Wednesday, May 10, 2006 7:36 AM CDT
Happy Belated 2nd Birthday, Morgan and Tanner! It's wonderful to see you so happy and healthy. We look forward to meeting you one day. Take good care of your mommy and daddy :) Love, Sue-Ann & Kelvin
Sue-Ann & Kelvin
Boston, MA - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:49 AM CDT
Happy 2nd Birthday Morgan and Tanner! It doesn't seem possible you can be two already. What a wonderful letter from your Mommy....something you will treasure as you get older. Morgan, you look just like your Mommy too. I'm not surprised you have picked up on some of her traits. I enjoy checking in on you and your Mommy and Daddy about once a week. Continue to grow and love each other. May God continue to bless you and your family!

Lolly and Ed
Rockford, IL USA - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 8:35 AM CDT
Happy birthday you sweet little babies .I check on you every day and your in my thoughts and prayers . God bless you Tanner and the rest of your sweet family
Tiffany <tiffanyx.pate@jpmchase.com>
orange park, fl us - Wednesday, May 3, 2006 6:18 AM CDT
Tanner and Morgan
Yes, I know it has been a very long time since I sent you a message, but I check in on you almost everyday and I always enjoy the pictures. Your birthday gifts are here in Wichita. I am not going to send them. Hopefully, we will get together very soon. Your mommys little message brought tears to my eyes and really made me think about how fast life flies by. You keep mom and dad on their toes.

Love and Happy Birthday wishes

Lisa <baalman06@sbcglobal.net>
Wichita, KS sedgwick - Tuesday, May 2, 2006 1:47 PM CDT
Hi Tanner,
Just letting you know we thought of you and Morgan all day Sunday as we walked for the March of Dimes in Salina, Ks.
We have been involved in this walk for the last 4 years. Tell your mom and dad the walk is well worth it!!!! They will feel great after they are done. We will continue to walk with you and Morgan in our hearts. With all our love,
Great Aunt Kathy, Great Uncle Rod and Nicole

Kathy, Rod and Nicole Stack
Salina, Ks USA - Monday, May 1, 2006 1:52 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Tanner & Morgan. I hope you had a fun filled day!!
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Sunday, April 30, 2006 11:18 PM CDT

Grandma & Grandpa
Colby, KS USA - Sunday, April 30, 2006 10:00 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, you two! I hope you have a great time eating cake, getting a sugar rush and driving your mom and dad crazy! Love to you all...
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, April 30, 2006 1:08 PM CDT
Just stopping by to say hello!
MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Saturday, April 29, 2006 7:25 PM CDT
We just popped by to say hi.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:22 AM CDT

Hosted at YourSpaceNow.com

I know it is early, but I didnt want to miss it. I love the new photos...they are the BEST!!!


kristy from liverfamilies <nykellycrew@verizon.net>
ny - Tuesday, April 25, 2006 7:45 PM CDT

What cute pictures! Now I thought Morgan was the "ham" for the camera! What happened?? Glad to hear all is well in your world. Randy, I hope you get some good news on the test. PS..the disc with the pics from the Fashion Show went through the washing machine, so we may not have any!!
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Monday, April 24, 2006 11:09 PM CDT
Happy Easter Monday Everyone!
One year ago on Easter Sunday, Grandma enjoyed her first day home from St. Louis - we were invited to a delicious Easter dinner at Keith & Charlene's home (some very good friends of ours) and some other good friends, Joan and Leroy, brought in a supper meal for us - it was fantastic and all the food and meals prepared for us were absolutely wonderful!! We are so blessed to be surrounded by loving and giving friends, who still keep giving!!! They truly enjoy all the pictures of Tanner and Morgan and watching them grow through the website has been delightful!!!! We hope someday, Tanner and Morgan, that you can meet these wonderful friends and family who have prayed very hard for a successful liver transplant and for both of you to grow up healthy and strong - after all, they have grandchildren of their own, too!!! Yesterday, Easter Sunday, we spent the day in the Hospital at WaKeeney with my Mother, your Daddy's Grandma, and your Great-Grandma. She is doing much better, but is VERY sore and very bruised after taking a fall down a flight of stairs. She was able to get out of bed for a short walk in her room, with the nurse's help, and is trying to sit up in bed more. She thoroughly enjoyed the pictures we brought her and is anxious to see you soon (hopefully the end of July), so stay healthy and strong and keep smiling those gorgeous smiles. We will be seeing you the week-end of your 2nd birthday!!! We love you all SO MUCH!!!! Enjoy those Easter goodies. . . . . . . . .AND good luck to you, Randy, when you take your test Friday -
we are saying lots of prayers for you.

Grandma & Grandpa Zerr <zengg@st-tel.net>
Colby, KS USA - Monday, April 17, 2006 4:54 PM CDT
Just wanted to wish you guys a Happy Easter! I'm sure the kids will love the Castle. The fashion show pictures on Liver Families are so adorable, but then when you have such adorable kids to work with how can you mess up, right? Randy - good luck on your test Friday. My next door neighbor is also taking it. She has been studying so hard the past few months. Hope things turn out better this time. Take care!
Michelle Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Sunday, April 16, 2006 10:46 PM CDT
I have been neglected CB pages (including mine) but by the other posts I obviously missed some real cute pictures!

Wishing you guys a Happy Easter!


Mary - Kaitlyns Mom <marmor@ptd.net >
Newton, NJ - Saturday, April 15, 2006 10:11 PM CDT
Stacy, I just wanted to drop in and say Hello and tell you how precious the kids look. Maci is getting so big. About to grow out of the carseat! I so glad to hear things sound good around there. Take Care!!
Amanda Tadlock, twins Maci and Angel Saylors momma <ksdazee@yahoo.com>
Iola, KS - Sunday, April 9, 2006 10:51 PM CDT
Oh my, how fast you are growing!!!
Tanner, you are just so handsome!!
And Morgan, you are just too beautiful!!!

Grandma & Grandpa <zengg@st-tel.net>
Colby, KS USA - Monday, April 3, 2006 4:38 PM CDT
Im glad things are well, I check on you and pray for you all the time. MAy God continue to bless you.
Tiffany <tiffanyx.pate@jpmchase.com>
orange park, fl us - Monday, April 3, 2006 6:12 AM CDT
Oh my goodness! the pig tails are too much!!! Oh and I have a million pictures of Aiden where his forhead was bruised. (about 2 years worth) sily boys!

glad to hear things are well, but no more reactions Tanner! Love you guys!

Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Thursday, March 30, 2006 7:57 AM CST
Stacy, Morgan is just adorable with those piggy-tails on top of her head! Tanner looks like he's ready to tell quite a story sitting in that high chair on the front page...so cute! I have to mention that I love your laundry room in the background of that picture...the way the baskets are up off the ground...that's really neat. :)
Amy http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/carlytessa
WI - Tuesday, March 28, 2006 6:58 AM CST
I love the piggy tails! Tanner and Morgan are just adorable. So happy to hear everyone is doing well.
Michelle (Jack's Mom) www.caringbridge.org/ny/jack <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Monday, March 27, 2006 6:30 AM CST
I could eat up the picture of Morgan in her PJs. There's just something SO CUTE about kids in footie pajamas!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, March 26, 2006 8:03 PM CST

Diana <Diana893@gmail.com>
Dallas, TX - Monday, March 20, 2006 2:52 PM CST
Uh, oh! Mom, where did the babies go? Did they grow up over the weekend? I'm so amazed at how quickly they're growing up (even though I have one of my own who is growing up way too fast!)!!

Glad y'all had a great weekend and got home safely before the snow/ice storm. It's going to rain here this week, and it's supposed to be "cold" (meaning in the 50s). I'm going to have to dig out Anthony's jacket again! :) Stay safe this week!

Lots of love to y'all...

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, March 19, 2006 8:06 PM CST
What great pictures!!! What beautiful babes!!
Tanner, you are definitely a handsome fella - what a wonderful picture of you enjoying bath time - get out those rubber duckies. Wow, your scar looks "almost gone"! You and Morgan will soon be TWO, you know you both are growing way too fast!!! You are looking good, little MAN!!
Grandpa is so proud that you are wearing your "little fishing buddy" shirt that he bought you when you were only a few days old - we thought it would be a LONG time before you could wear it and look at you now - it looks great on you! Get out your fishing pole, too, so you and Grandpa can practice up - the fish are growing in the lake!!!!

Grandma & Grandpa <zengg@st-tel.net>
Colby, KS USA - Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1:23 PM CST
Happy TX anniversary Tanner! Stacy, your recount of the TX brought tears of joy to my eyes. Tanner has been through so much with being preemie and then BA, too. He is such a blessed child to have so many people who love and support him. CONGRATULATIONS!

Big hugs!
Jen, mom of Grace & Meghan

Jen <jenchar@uwalumni.com>
Milwaukee, WI USA - Thursday, March 2, 2006 5:29 PM CST
You guys have been through a lot. Thank you for sharing this story.
Fairfax, VA United States - Thursday, March 2, 2006 8:16 AM CST
Sorry we're a day late, but work has been hectic and the house planning has been hectic! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Tanner!!!
Aunt Lish and Uncle Barry <therobbs@dybb.com>
Indianola, IA USA - Wednesday, March 1, 2006 10:35 AM CST
Happy Anniversary Tanner! We are so glad you are doing so well! It sounds like you and Morgan had a fun time at your party...wish we could have partied with you!
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 9:54 PM CST
Happy Re-birthday Tanner!! I can't believe that it has been a year (I bet your mom and dad are saying the same thing....except in other ways it seems like a lifetime, right?). In so many ways it seems like just yesterday I was praying all day long that little tiny Tanner would make it through without any big bumps. Look at you now!! You are a miracle, and I am just one of many that has enjoyed your journey. I hope you all had a wonderful day! (Stacy, I completely understand the mixed emotions. I wish none of our children had to go through any of this stuff!).
Angie - Emma's Mom <afoley@park6.k12.wy.us>
cody, wy - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 9:16 PM CST
Happy Anniversary Tanner! I've been thinking of you so much today. I hope that your day was great. Touch your singing balloon for a round of "Don't Worry, Be Happy" from all the Zelks. We can't wait to see you again soon.
Leah - mom to Alexander and Benjamin <kcmom2boys@yahoo.com>
Lee's Summit, MO USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:59 PM CST
I have thought about the both of you often today and of the rest of the family as well. I was here at home the day of your surgery but my heart was in St. Louis with the rest of you. I remember being so mad that day that this accident had taken away my ability to be there and support my daughter and grandson through such a terrible ordeal. Everyone kept calling me to let me know how the updates were going and so I called friends and other people to pass those on - it was a looonnngg day up here! How I longed to be there physically to support all of your family.
But, at least Grandpa Three Hairs was able to go and be there for you and your parents - you know that you can always count on him even if he seems a little strange once in a while. He is really a wonderful guy.
But, we finished on a good note - wonderful news of both of you patients and more good news followed in the next days. Great pictures of white eyes and joyous smiles from you and you could tell that you were playing with a vengence, making up for lost time, and a few of Grandma Red looking not quite so chipper for quite a while - bless her for her willingness to give of herself for you little one.
It didn't seem like long before you were headed home to KC and Grandma got to go home to Colby where she could really rest and recooperate.
You are surrounded by wonderful, loving family and friends, dear boy. All exceptional people - Remember that when you get to be a teenager and we all just seem wierd to you. God bless and grant you as many years as your Great-great-grandpa Anton!
We love you all and pray for you all daily.

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com >
Corydon , IA USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:02 PM CST
Did you know that your great-great-grandfather, Anton Zerr (your middle name given to you in his honor) lived to be 98!!! And was still going strong. . . . . he would be very proud to know all the courage and strength you have shown!
We wish you as many years of life. . . . . Keep going strong!!

Grandpa Zerr
Colby, KS USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:22 PM CST
What a difference the year has made for you, Tanner! You are looking so GOOD and it is so much FUN to watch you grow and change. . . . .You are truly a "MIRACLE"!!!
About this time one year ago today we were both in recovery rooms - I was trying to absorb everything going on around me, but pretty much dozing off alot. I do remember asking Grandpa if you were okay. . . and he had the biggest smile on his face from ear to ear that said it all. . . You were doing fine!!! Oh my, that was the most wonderful news to hear!!!! You have always been a fighter and you will continue to be, and you will live as normal a life as possible. . . . because you have a STRONG WILL to live and God has great things planned for you!!!
We are all very proud of you today as you continue to show us your strength and determination!! There have been many prayers answered and today, Grandma has tears of joy. . . .As your life unfolds, always know that Grandma is as close to your heart as possible!!
My soul, give thanks to the Lord,
All my being, bless His holy name.
My soul, give thanks to the Lord,
And never forget all his blessings.
God's blessings to you, Tanner!
Much Love, Grandma

Colby, KS USA - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:10 PM CST
Happy One Year Anniversary on this Fat Tuesday! You all looked great at the party. It was wonderful to see you all and hang out. I look forward to the years ahead of playdates, school trips, baseball games, birthday parties, etc. and all the great things that go with our kids growing up together just down the street. Enjoy this gorgeous warm day (70 in February!) together as a family.
The Cottens (Tim, Heather and Tyler)
De Soto, KS 66018 - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:43 AM CST
Okay Guys, it has been a very long time since I wrote you a message. You all bring tears to my eyes. The pictures, the story, everything. It is hard to believe that one year has gone by. I am so glad we decided not to change our tax meeting and come this weekend. Guess what we have TWO sick kids. Saige has an eye infection. Kind of looks like someone popped her in the eye. Okay, maybe someone did. Just kidding!!! Brook has strep throat. One of these days we will make it down to see you.

Love Lisa

Wichita, KS - Tuesday, February 28, 2006 0:09 AM CST
God your kids are so cute! I know I only say that EVERY DAY, but man! I love the picture of them outside yesterday.

I hope that tomorrow is filled with joyous celebration of your miracle!

Love to you all.

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, La - Monday, February 27, 2006 9:42 PM CST
Happy First Anniversary Tanner! Looks like you had fun celeberating with Grandma. Time sure flies by! We are so excited that you are doing well, playing with Morgan and keeping Mommy and Daddy on their toes!

Make sure they give you extra icecream this week!

The Morgan Family - Don, Mary, Trevor and Kaitlyn (your liver buddy) <marmor@ptd.net>
Newton, NJ - Monday, February 27, 2006 6:42 PM CST
Happy Anniversary Tanner! I hope all of you had a wonderful celebration, it truly is amazing how we can have these beautiful babies and then someone else can give them the gift of life! It truly is a miracle. I am aso happy that all is going well for all of you!
Michelle (Jack's Mom) www.caringbridge.org/ny/jack <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Monday, February 27, 2006 7:06 AM CST
Tanner you look fantastic! We had a good time at your party yesterday. Your daddy told Ali she has to wait for you to grow up before she can have a boyfriend. She says you better hurry and grow up fast. I'm not sure your mommy and daddy would really like for you to grow up fast.It was also really great to meet your Crazy Grandma! She is such a special person for sharing her liver with you. She also looks great. We are glad you are both doing well. Maybe we'll see you again in a couple weeks at one of Ali's volleyball tournaments. Take care and enjoy all your gifts and the left over food.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS USA - Sunday, February 26, 2006 5:56 PM CST
Happy Anniversary to the whole family!! What a true miracle you have. Sorry we have to miss the party. Please tell everyone hello.
Love and God Bless,
Dave, Sheila, Matt & Krystal

Sheila Vanbuskirk
- Saturday, February 25, 2006 1:49 PM CST
Happy Anniversary Tanner! You go big guy! Now you and sis can really teach Mom and Dad the meaning of Double Trouble!
Hugs to everyone!

Mary Wallace <SeansPCToy@aol.com, www3.caringbridge.org/nh/seanw>
Deerfield, NH USA - Saturday, February 25, 2006 8:41 AM CST
Happy Anniversary little one. I remember the very first post your mommy made at CLASS. I remember thinking..oh a mommy with two little angels how amazing that was! I didn't know I would just grow to love your mom and rely on her through so much.

Tanner you have been through so much in such a short little span. Oh how I hope your life ahead of you is full of even less bumps and that you and your precious sister can grow up giving hope to all of those who have tiny premies and children with Biliary Atresia.

Keep smiling and making me laugh sweet boy. Love to you and Happy Anniversary.

Lisa and Aiden (your fellow EGG-HATER) <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Saturday, February 25, 2006 7:34 AM CST
Great article. I still can't believe it has been a year. So glad the bumps have been small ones. I pray that it continues. Hugs to Tanner and Morgan from the girls. Maybe someday soon we will actually meet!
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Thursday, February 23, 2006 12:22 AM CST
ONE YEAR! It is SO SOON! I am so glad to have followed this journey with all of you.

I hope you have a GREAT (and stress free) time on Saturday. I wish we could be there! Or, at least, I wish I could be there! We'll meet someday...

Lots of love to you all...

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:33 AM CST
UM... they are playing time out. Boy, now these are some smart kids. They know just how to make you feel guilty, don't they? You better prepare yourself for the teen years! You are going to have double the trouble. They are in this together.

Love the office. Can I move in? That is beautiful.

Peg <joeamcdonald@earthlink.net>
Claremont, CA - Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:54 AM CST
Hey Stacy.. I can always count on you to make me laugh, make me want to do home improvements, and make me just cry with happiness and appreciation. You guys have ALL come a long way in the past year. I know that things have been rough but you have all showed how you handle the most adverse times with grace and humor. Thanks for the time out pics.. I can never get enough of those either. ((HUGS))
Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:49 AM CST
Dear Grandson - I have not signed your book for quite a while now but I do check the website about every day. Seeing the pictures of you a year ago made me teary eyed - we knew you were sick but I don't think we realized how sick you were because you were always such a good baby.
Praise the Lord that he sent your Mommy and Daddy to the right doctors and that your Grandma Red agreed to be your liver buddy. We just cannot imagine our lives without you and never want to.
Here's to one year of good health - may the good Lord grant you a hundred more! Bless all of the doctors and nurses and other medical people who have traveled this road with us. May they continue to help others as much as they have our family.
God bless your Grandma Red - it was wonderful to see pictures of her playing on the slides with you from Thanksgiving time. Keep on going, Little Red.
Grandpa and I will not be at your party this weekend but we will be there in spirit! Have a wonderful time, everyone - we all deserve to celebrate!

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com>
Corydon, IA USA - Monday, February 20, 2006 7:40 PM CST
Whew, that picture of Tanner a year ago says it all. I forgot how yellow he did get! Glad to hear the kids are doing so well and are keeping you busy! Party without us. We would love to come, but RSV and crowds are still the threat these days. We will come out of the shell soon...I hope!
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Monday, February 20, 2006 12:32 AM CST
I have followed your Tanner for some time now! I remember how yellow he was, and then his Grandma giving him such a wonderful gift. I cannot believe he is the same child! If you remember me, I am another Tanners mommy. My Tanner went thru open heart surgery when he was an infant and I tell ya, I am so glad I have the pics to prove it. Because even I cannot believe it is the same child.
God Bless, and remember if you get really weird over the one year anniversary, remember it is normal! Every April 9th I rejoice but get weepy and even scared...(That is my Tanners heart anniversary)
Love to all, and I have to say Tanner looks GREAT!
www.tannerlaughs.net (my son)
www.caringbridge.org/ca/rebeccalynn (my niece)

Suzy <tanlaughs1@aol.com>
- Monday, February 20, 2006 8:25 AM CST
Just stopping by to say "Hi!". The kids are adorable, I am so happy Tanner is doing well.
Michelle (Jack's Mom) www.caringbridge.org/ny/jack <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 3:17 PM CST
Safe travels this week!

Glad to hear that you've got a plan for Tanner's allergy to egg. I hope that he WILL outgrow the allergy!

Keep warm! We cut our GRASS today!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, February 5, 2006 3:52 PM CST
Great pictures Stacy! The kids are so cute. Kaitlyn loves the one where Morgan is mauling Tanner.
Sorry about the test Randy, better luck next time. Don't feel bad I can't do my 5th graders Homework!
Glad all is well

Mary M - KaitlynsMom <marmor@ptd.net >
Newton, NJ - Friday, February 3, 2006 7:45 PM CST
Ok I might be a tad bit of a stalker to your kids. haha.. I LOVED those pics and want more!!! Uhh but one thing I have noticed.. where are you Stacy? No pics of momma! (the stalker side of me) I am SURE it is cause you are always behind the camera taking the pics, right? hee hee

We love you guys and that was a great update. I am sorry about not passing the test, I will pray for him to be able to pass his on April. HUGS!

Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Thursday, February 2, 2006 6:23 AM CST
What wonderful new pictures. They both look SO good, Tanner is 'THE MAN'!!! Love their room too. Always great to hear all good news. ( except for Hubbies test - next time I'm sure he'll make it.)
Happy that Tanner is catching up, with both weight and skills. - I'm avoiding letting Angus feed himself as long as poss' - the mess scares me! (but his Grand Mother loves it...so he get's to try it out with her. - we're all happy)
All the best.

Lucetta, Mum to Angus. BA Transplanted 4/05. @ 7months. CLASSKIDS. <lucettag@optonline.net>
NY - Monday, January 30, 2006 10:42 PM CST
They are so freaking cute!
Sarah, and Anna <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Glen Ellyn, Il us - Monday, January 30, 2006 11:04 AM CST

Your two are so cute. I love to check the site to see what new pix have been posted. They sure are growing up.

Karen - Jen and Jon's mom
Chatsworth, GA USA - Monday, January 30, 2006 9:18 AM CST
Love your idea for Tanner's Tx Anniverary Celebration! I can't believe it's that time already! That's great...wishing healthy years ahead for Mr. Tanner.
Ok, I've got to ask...did you stencil their room or actually paint those designs? Wild! Now that's a room that everyone better smile and feel happy in. Good job Mom!

Amy http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/carlytessa
WI - Friday, January 27, 2006 9:54 PM CST
Just stopping by to say HELLO!

MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Friday, January 27, 2006 9:51 PM CST
Wow that room looks awesome!We just popped by to check on you guys.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Friday, January 27, 2006 6:41 PM CST
The kids' room looks soooo cooool! Looks like Trading Spaces has been at the Zerr's house. Sounds like they both are doing better. That's great. I can't believe that it has been almost a year since Tanner's transplant. Way to go Tanner. We'll have to get together sometime soon.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:50 PM CST
Hi Stacy,
The new pictures are great and the kids' room locks spectacular! I can't believe that Tanner's transplant anniversary is coming up in about a month. Go, go little guy!

Leah - mom to Alexander and Benjamin <kcmom2boys@yahoo.com>
Lee's Summit, MO USA - Sunday, January 22, 2006 9:28 PM CST
We love the new pictures!

Mardi Gras stuff will be coming your way shortly!

Kiss the babies for us!!!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, La - Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:58 PM CST
I'm so glad to hear everything is going well. I love the pictures.The kids are so cute!
Take Care

Jamie liver tx'88 www.caringbridge.org/visit/jamierenee <kuzco83@gmail.com>
'toon, sk canada - Sunday, January 22, 2006 4:22 PM CST
Oh, Morgan was MAD!!!! Funny though! The room looks way cool! I have to have permission from my landlord to paint the wail, I hate that! I havne't bothered since we moved here 5 years ago!
Sarah, and Anna <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Glen Ellyn, Il US - Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:14 AM CST
Hey Stacy! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my site. I had already found your site, though I can't remember how. I have been going back and reading the full story in my spare (ha!) time. You guys have been on an amazing journey, and I'm glad to see from the current entry that Tanner seems to be doing well. I look forward to reading the entire story.
baton rouge, la usa - Monday, January 16, 2006 11:03 AM CST
I love the pictures! I am so happy to hear all is well.
Michelle (Jack's Mom www.caringbridge./org/ny/jack) <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Monday, January 16, 2006 7:19 AM CST
Glad to hear things are going so well with Tanners lab results and that your kids are both well. Looks like you are having fun with the terrible two's. Enjoy your time it seems to go so quickly.
Amy, Andy, and Emma
Van Meter, IA - Sunday, January 15, 2006 4:36 PM CST
What GREAT news! I am so glad that Tanner and Morgan are feeling better and have kicked the RSV bug! I loved the new pics...the day in the life of Morgan and Tanner! We hope to see you in person this weekend!
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:45 PM CST
We all agree!!!! ROCK ON "HAPPY LIVER"!!!!! Grandma is a little "biased"!
Last year at this time, you were so sick, Tanner, and we cried tears-of-fear!! BUT NO MORE LOOKING BACK, SWEET BABY!!!! WE HAVE "HAPPY" TEARS AND SO MUCH LIFE TO LOOK FORWARD TO!! YOU ARE LOOKING GREAT - LOVE THE HAIR - AND

Grandma & Grandpa
Colby, KS USA - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:53 PM CST
Way to go Tanner (and rock on happy liver!)! I am so glad
to hear that things are going better!!!

Becca, Jason and Natalie Ketter <becandjay@verizon.net>
Byron, IL - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 8:04 AM CST
Glad to hear the kids are feeling better. This wonderful unseasonable winter Kansas weather has been great, hasn't it? Ali just had labs on the 26th and hers are still great too. Volleyball is kicking into gear with her first tournament this weekend. She's playing with a new team and coach this year, so hopefully they'll do okay. She's excited. I can't believe how grown up Tanner and Morgan are looking. Love the hair Tanner! Have a great week.
Michelle & Ali from CLASS <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Monday, January 9, 2006 9:50 PM CST
Hi Stacey and family
Just dropping in to catch up - Hooray for the good lab results. The pics are great.
You all sound like you have been very busy and have lots to look forward to

All the Best Clare ( aka Clareybear )
Glasgow, Bonnie Scotland - Monday, January 9, 2006 12:26 AM CST
AMAZING! Those labs are wonderful. i remember the first time we got labs back like that. I think I cried like a fool, and called everyone. Congratulations.. No looking back Tanner good labs from here on out little one.


Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Monday, January 9, 2006 11:24 AM CST
Hang in there. I hope that there are better days ahead!
Throwing up when he gets mad!!! - oh, Mr. Tanner...but
congrats on making it on the chart!!! (We're still waiting
for Natalie to do that!) Much love to you all!

Becca, Jason and Natalie Ketter <becandjay@verizon.net>
Byron, IL - Tuesday, January 3, 2006 9:19 AM CST
I came to your page from AIdan Hawk's, and I wanted to stop by and let you know that I'm praying for you all.
Jennifer G from the prayer bears and ones who care <charay913@yahoo.com>
Bridgeport, Texas - Tuesday, January 3, 2006 4:33 AM CST
Thank God for all the blessings of last year and look forward to much more growth, many more smiles and hugs to share with each other, joy, happiness, and good health!!!
You have all come a L-O-N-G way babies!!!! Be THANKFUL!!!!

Grandpa & Grandma
Colby, KS USA - Monday, January 2, 2006 1:49 PM CST
I am glad that Tanner is doing a little better, but I am praying for both of them to be completely Healed! I know it must be totally exhausting, I hope that you guys are hanign in there. ((HUGS))
Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Monday, January 2, 2006 8:21 AM CST
I hope the twins start feeling better real soon! We will keep you guys in our prayers.


kristy and ashlee from liverfamilies/class <nykellycrew@verizon.net>
ny - Sunday, January 1, 2006 1:29 PM CST
Urrgh! RSV! - Hope the kiddos feel better soon. I too am hoping this year I can focus on my health "10 yrs after the twins" I am still having a hard time doing that! LOL!

Wishing you much heatlh and happiness in 2006!

The Morgan Family (don, mary, trevor and Miss Kaitlyn) <marmro@ptd.net >
Newton , NJ - Sunday, January 1, 2006 8:01 AM CST

Thinking of you!

Diana <Diana893@gmail.com>
Dallas, TX - Saturday, December 31, 2005 9:24 PM CST
That stinks, prayers for your little ones. So, are you still in the hospital?
Sarah, and Anna <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Glen Ellyn, Il US - Friday, December 30, 2005 8:59 PM CST
I am so sorry that they have RSV! I will keepyour little kiddos in my prayers.


kristy and ashlee from liverfamilies <nykellycrew@verizon.net>
ny - Thursday, December 29, 2005 8:39 PM CST
Keeping Tanner and Morgan in our prayers. Uggh RSV!!! I hope everyone is hanging in there!

Michelle (Jack's Mom www.caringbridge.org/ny/jack) <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Thursday, December 29, 2005 7:12 PM CST
No, no, no! We're sending many prayers up that Tanner's RSV resolves as quickly as possible and without complications. Glad to hear the positive news from his St. Louis checkup.
Leah - mom to Benjamin and Alexander <kcmom2boys@yahoo.com>
Lee's Summit, MO USA - Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:51 PM CST
I found your link on another caringbridge site, Angel Haley's site. I just wanted to stop in and say "hi" as I noticed you're from my neck of the woods! Hopefully the RSV was caught early enough that it won't damage anything. I've known children that have had it and recovered with no problems, as well as children with a few lingering effects. You all are in our prayers.
Natalie <cayennevoncajun@hotmail.com>
Tonganoxie, KS USA - Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:47 PM CST
Oh Stacy, I can't believe it's RSV! I hope they get better fast and you are able to stay out of the hospital. I posted on the website about the allergist...more waiting and RAST tests. Our prayers are with you!
Tammy & Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Thursday, December 29, 2005 2:19 PM CST
Double yikes.
I'm praying for the kiddies. We're thinking of you all!

Becca, Jason and Natalie Ketter <becandjay@verizon.net>
Byron, IL - Thursday, December 29, 2005 9:35 AM CST
I am so sorry! Praying for them both! Lots of love!
Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Thursday, December 29, 2005 6:25 AM CST
UGH! RSV?!?! Stupid insurance company not allowing the shots this year. STUPID STUPID STUPID.

You know you're all in my prayers. I'm going to call you from the road today to see how the kiddos are doing!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Thursday, December 29, 2005 6:18 AM CST
Merry Christmas!
Frank (Marisa's Dad) <hamet@mich.com>
Flat Rock, MI USA - Sunday, December 25, 2005 2:53 AM CST
Kaitlyn and Trevor love the time-out picture, they think it is so adorable. They asked if I ever gave them time out, I said yes but Kaitlyn you outright refused to take it.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year.
P.s. - No offense, but I am glad we won't be seeing you in St Louis next week!

Mary, Trevor and Kaitlyn Morgan - Liver Friends <marmor@ptd.net >
Newton , NJ - Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:06 PM CST
Hee hee hee...I love that picture! We can't keep Janna in time out for one nannosecond and she is into the terrible two's big time. Add to that that she is a biter too! Poor Malina just runs screaming trying to avoid Janna's jaws! I hope there is all good news in St. Louis.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tammy, mom to Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:59 PM CST
Santa Claus is coming soon!!!
We hope that Morgan and Tanner are out of the time-out corner by Christmas Eve and snug in their beds. We are putting in a "very good" word for the both of you and know that Santa will be pleased to know you have been good as gold!!! You're both just too CUTE to be in trouble!!

Santa's Elves
Colby, KS USA - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 5:54 PM CST
Jsut popped in to wish you a Merry Christmas.

Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 0:40 AM CST
OH MY GOSH!! Seriously the cutest thing I ever saw! Super Nanny would be SO proud! You are such a good mama! Those little turkeys are just adorable.
Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:58 AM CST
Glad to hear things are going well for you and your family. Tanner and Morgan are starting to get so big!

Emma started the tantrums as well at about 18 mo, however now they are only occasionally. They definately aren't fun.

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a great time with family.

Amy, Andy, Emma
VanMeter, IA - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 9:52 PM CST
Well, I'm still waiting for terrible 2 and 3 to be over, and Gracie will be 4 in April! I hate to break it to you but this is normal toddler/preschooler stuff.

Hang in there...kids need boundaries and it sounds like you are sticking to them. Good Mommmy! :) LOL

Merry Christmas from the Alpha Girls: Grace & Meghan, plus their mom Jen


Jen <jenchar@uwalumni.com>
WI - Wednesday, December 14, 2005 5:11 PM CST
Ummmmm.... for us Terrible twos started at 20 months ended at 3 years and 3 months.. Sorry. :-) BUT once 3 really hit, it has been SOOOOOOO much fun!! And just think you will have DOUBLE the cuteness and funn! Love ya!
Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:24 AM CST
I'm praying that you will all enjoy a blessed Christmas season.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Monday, December 12, 2005 9:19 PM CST
I'm glad that everyone's on the mend at your house. Your pictures and updates are always terrific, and Morgan and Tanner just couldn't be cuter.
Leah - CLASS mom to Alexander <kcmom2boys@yahoo.com>
Lee's Summit, MO USA - Monday, December 12, 2005 8:53 PM CST
Love the new pictures and update. Unfortunately from my experience with your niece, the 'Terrible Two's' don't end until about 2yrs 9mos. Then you hit the 'I'm Independent' and can take care of myself without you phase. I'm not sure which I like better. Looking forward to seeing all of you. Katelynn can't quit talking about it. --Love, Aunt Angie
Angela <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA USA - Monday, December 12, 2005 8:13 AM CST
Isn't the snow great? I can do without the cold, but always willing to have a snow day. The pictures are great. Look at all the blonde hair on Mr. Tanner. Hope everyone is feeling better. Sounds like the temperature is going to be nicer this week. All the snow will probably be gone before the end of the week. Maybe we can get together between Christmas and New Years if you guys will be in town. I would love to tell you that the kids will soon be out of the terrible twos tantrums, but I have 2 teenagers that still sometimes like to throw tantrums when they don't get their way. Gotta love 'em though, right? Have a great week!
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Sunday, December 11, 2005 10:17 PM CST
I love the pictures! 10.5 inches of snow? Dear God, my heart stopped reading that! We think it's cold today, and it's in the 50s!

Ever since you "gave" us your colds, we've been trying to get rid of them. Anthony's almost done, I'm in the middle of mine, and now Mark's sniffling! Grrr. Thanks a lot! :)

Hope you're all staying warm and safe!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, December 11, 2005 9:56 AM CST
Hope you are rid of the cold soon! We are always thinkign about you guys! Love looking at the kids. they are just so adorable!
Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Wednesday, December 7, 2005 1:08 PM CST
Just stopping by to see how Tanner is doing. He and Morgan both are adorable. I am happy to hear Tanner is doing so well.

Michelle (Jack's Mom www.caringbridge.org/ny/jack) <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 7:04 AM CST
So glad to see an update. Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving!
Sarah and Anna from classkids <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
g, IL - Sunday, November 27, 2005 8:50 PM CST

Marisa, liver transplant
MN - Friday, November 25, 2005 7:23 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to you Guys! We are thankful for so much this year, including meeting you guys!

Wishing you the best!

Mary M - Kaitlyn's Mom (CLASS) <marmor@ptd.net >
Newton , NJ 07860 - Thursday, November 24, 2005 6:34 AM CST
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sarah and Anna from classkids <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Glen Ellyn, IL US - Wednesday, November 23, 2005 4:06 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to two of the most adorable twins I have ever seen!!! HUGS!
Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Wednesday, November 23, 2005 1:43 PM CST

You are so handsome, Tanner!!!
And what a beauty you are, Morgan!!! What cute pictures of you both.
So anxious to see you - we are so thankful you both are growing and looking so wonderful!! Ready to read books and play????

Grandpa & Grandma <zengg@st-tel.net>
Colby, KS USA - Monday, November 21, 2005 8:08 PM CST
Just popped in to see how Tanner was doing.
Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Wednesday, November 16, 2005 0:30 AM CST
Here it goes again. I think it is time we step up our internet. I have tried several times to send you a message and nothing happens. I had some really good points about the new Hoopty. The twins looked really cute in their costumes. As always you are in our thoughts and prayers. Have a very safe and happy Thanksgiving. We have to get our visits to Western Kansas on the same year.

Love to all and Love from all
Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 10:42 PM CST
Just checking in! Thinking of you!
Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Thursday, November 10, 2005 6:52 AM CST
Tanner and Morgan are so precious in their Halloween costumes. Stacy, you did an awesome job. We are looking forward to seeing all of you the week of Thanksgiving. Can't wait, we'll call on Sunday.
Uncle Randy, Aunt Elaine, Jen, and Joey <eaugusti@fhsu.edu>
Hays, KS - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 2:35 PM CST
What DARLING costumes. They look so cute and cuddly. You did an awesome job making them Stacy. Eric was shocked when I told him you broke down and bought a mini-van. I can't believe he hasn't called you yet to raz you about it. They are nice, especially when you have kids. --Take care all.
Aunt Angie
Pleasantville, IA US - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 10:52 AM CST
They look great in those costumes!
Sarah, mom to Anna from classkids <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:52 AM CST
HAPPY HALLOWEEN MORGAN & TANNER! Your Mommy did such a great job on your costumes! I wish we would have seen you on Halloween, but our Ladybug went trick-or-treating at a friends house. Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween - you look great! See you soon!
Heather Cotten
De Soto, KS USA - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 9:39 AM CST
Your outfits are sooo cute - Mommy did a great job!!
Grandma is going home to meet the little and BIG ghosts and goblins - wish you were here to greet and give candy to! Love all the new pics and your smiles are so precious!
Hope to see you all soon!!! Lots of Love, Halloween Hugs, and Kandy Kisses

Grandma & Grandpa
Colby, KS USA - Monday, October 31, 2005 5:34 PM CST
Love the new pictures! Have fun trick or treating!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Saturday, October 29, 2005 11:18 AM CDT
Welcome to the Mini-Van club! - Actually after 10 years I just relinquished my membership! Many prayers to your mom and Randy on his big test! Hope the little ones are feeling better. Kaitlyn got her first cold and yes that was after I sent in a bunch of germ-x!!!! Enjoy Halloween, can't wait to see pictures.
Mary Morgan - Kaitlyns Mom <marmor@ptd.net >
Newton, NJ - Friday, October 28, 2005 5:39 AM CDT
I check in all the time with the kids but I always
forget to post. I hope they're feeling better soon.
Congrats on the new vehicle! :)

Becca, Jason and Natalie Ketter <becandjay@verizon.net>
Byron, IL - Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:24 PM CDT
How cute - I just want to tickle those two whenever I see their pictures! I hope the snotfest ends soon and you can get rested. Good luck to Randy on Friday!
Leah Zelk <kcmom2boys@yahoo.com>
Lee's Summit, MO USA - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 9:31 PM CDT
Just stopping by to say "Hi!". Sorry the kids are under the weather, hopefully they will be feeling better soon!
Michelle (Jack's Mom from CLASS) <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Monday, October 24, 2005 6:45 AM CDT
Sorry to hear Morgan is sick. Hopefully "Tuffy" won't get it too! Our fingers are crossed for Randy's test on Friday. This IS the one!! I hope you get some sleep. Once you are used to getting sleep, it is much worse when you don't. I hope they will get to trick-or-treat and use those costumes you worked on so hard!!
Tammy, CLASS mom to Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Sunday, October 23, 2005 11:10 PM CDT
I'm stopping by to see what's new, and to pray for your family. It's great to see how Tanner just keeps growing and doing new things.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:57 PM CDT
Cute pictures, as always. Good to hear your all doing well.
Sarah mom to Anna from classkids <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Chicago, IL us - Tuesday, October 18, 2005 4:37 PM CDT
SO cute!!

Good luck for the test, the iron, and Power Ball! If you win, can i get a low (very very low) interest loan? HAHAHA

Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com>
- Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:39 AM CDT
Oh gosh! They are SO Cute! Look at Tanner looking at Dad making those sounds! Hee-hee! Good thing to build good readers now. Best wishes on the test for Daddy and all of you.
Mary Wallace <SeansPCToy@aol.com, www3.caringbridge.org/nh/seanw>
Deerfield, NH USA - Monday, October 17, 2005 9:03 PM CDT
wow those kids are looking awfully cute. It's wonderful to see Tanner looking just as healthy and robust as his sister. Looking at them in thier costumes i had to think wow what a lot of fun to have twins, followed closely by wow what a lot of work. I know how busy Havalah keeps me , and how she is forever distributing her toys to every corner of every room in our house, I can only imagine how exhausting two of them would be, but how wonderful at the same time. Glad to hear everything is going well...
Kristen (Havalah's mom from classkids) <kristennn@brokebox.com>
Milwaukee, WI - Saturday, October 15, 2005 0:19 AM CDT
Hi Mommy & Daddy,
God sure knew what He was doing when He sent us to you!!! You are the BEST Mommy and Daddy in the whole W-I-D-E world and everyday we thank God for you (in our own special way, of course)!!

De Soto, KS USA - Friday, October 14, 2005 5:05 PM CDT
Happy Anniversary Randy & Stacy!
Thinking of you four often and following your updates closely. Good luck on the PE Randy.

Bob, Lori, Andy, & Zoey
Lenexa, KS USA - Thursday, October 13, 2005 7:32 AM CDT
What a beautiful journal entry you wrote about Miss Haley. She will be missed dearly by so many. Thinking about you. Hugs to the kids.
Amy.... Carly's Mom (7, BA, liver tx 6 yrs ago)
WI - Friday, October 7, 2005 9:51 PM CDT
I can't believe I haven't signed this book already. I must have dreamed that I did. It was so nice to meet you guys a few weeks back. Thanks for making the trip to the RMH. The twins are beautiful! Kaitlyn tells everyone how great Tanner's scar looks. - It makes her hopeful!
Awesome costumes! You did a great job. My twins are going to be GOTHIC PROM QUEEN AND PROM KING! - Oh where did I go wrong! LOL!

Mary Morgan - Kaitlyn's mom (CLASS) www3.caringbridge.org/nj/kaitlynrose/ <marmor@ptd.net>
Newton, NJ - Saturday, October 1, 2005 0:32 AM CDT
Great new pictures! You've done an awesome job on the costumes!

Anthony loves the air conditioner unit, too. Kids!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Friday, September 30, 2005 6:49 AM CDT
Say, those costumes look great! You are quite the seamstress and it's not even close to Halloween yet! I made the girls' last year. This year I am opting for hand-me-downs for Janna and a butterfly princess for Malina.
Tammy, CLASS mom of Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Thursday, September 29, 2005 10:14 PM CDT
So glad your trip to St Louis was so enjoyable. It is nice to go someplace because you want to versus because you have to. Love the pictures..you can see the love!
Cheryl Taylor <tracktravel@sbcglobal.net>
Dublin, OH USA - Thursday, September 29, 2005 3:34 PM CDT
Oh I just love the new pictures. Very precious.
Thinking of you all.

Toms River, NJ - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 10:57 AM CDT
Hi. is been a while since I wrote to you and just been thinking of you all,saw your picture and am ssure happy to see you are getting better each day, and playing with your sister, so keep it up love you all Sr.Loretta
Sister loretta clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
hays, ks ellis - Sunday, September 25, 2005 7:11 PM CDT
The pics are GREAT!! We love the one Tanner & Morgan are wrestling!! So glad you enjoyed your trip to St. Louis, enjoyed visiting with the transplant team and have some FUN instead of check-up and dr. visits. How GREAT is that!!! You have come a long way, Tanner!!! You and Morgan are growing way toooooo FAST!! But it's so much fun to hear Daddy & Mommy talking about all the new and exciting things you are doing! Keep running FAST - hope to visit and see you soon!! Much Love, Hugs, & Kisses. .
Grandma & Papa
Colby, KS USA - Thursday, September 22, 2005 1:54 PM CDT
We had a great time meeting with you all! Wish we lived closer. :( The pictures are great.

Stephanie (Analiese's Mom) <stephanie0@aol.com>
Danville, IL - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 8:21 AM CDT
Those pictures are awesome!!! Thanks so much for sharing them.
Becca, Jason and Natalie Ketter - momofnataliebear <becandjay@earthlink.net>
Byron, IL - Monday, September 19, 2005 8:17 AM CDT
Looks like the costumes are coming along nicely. I agree with the Baby Einstien comment (there were times when that was all that would calm Emma down). Just wait until they see Dora. Emma now demands to watch Dora. Thank God for Tivo :) Hope your trip to St. Louis goes well.
WDM, IA - Saturday, September 17, 2005 12:56 AM CDT

Tanner and Morgan look great. Such cute smiling faces...

Jen B., mom of Grace & Meghan, who have Alpha-1

Jen <jenchar@uwalumni.com>
Milwaukee, WI - Friday, September 16, 2005 5:27 PM CDT
Have a great time in St Louis...Hopefully, we will still get there sometime....

Tanner looks amazing!!

Cheryl and Haley <bandcvincent@aol.com>
- Thursday, September 15, 2005 10:22 AM CDT
The new pictures are great. I was just checking in on Tanner. I am glad to hear it is uneventful. I hope all continues to go well.
Kim Bertram (Maci's mom) <mysweetmaci@aol.com>
Indianapolis, IN - Wednesday, September 14, 2005 3:51 AM CDT
Please let Ashley and Trae know that I'm thinking about them and keeping them in my prayers.
Wanted to stop by and see Tanner's cute pic...I can't get enough of his expressions! So cute...

Amy..... Carly's Mom
WI - Monday, September 12, 2005 8:48 PM CDT
What cute little critters!!!
Love Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Monday, September 12, 2005 1:14 PM CDT
We love the new pictures! Have a great weekend!!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Saturday, September 10, 2005 7:40 AM CDT
So enjoyed the pictures and the updates. Those ear infections are something else. I have 3 grandkids here in Columbus Ohio and it seems one of them always has an ear infection..so much pain for the little ones. They are in the process now of determining if the 18 mo old will be given tubes. The egg allergy is a real tough one too! It is amazing how much "processed" food has an egg ingredient. The hardest part is trying to find the cause of the allergy..now we have the learning process of which foods are allergy free. With both children mobile, your life will be forever changed. So glad to hear all of this GOOD news and you are still in our prayers!
Cheryl Taylor <tracktravel@sbcglobal.net>
Dublin, OH USA - Monday, September 5, 2005 10:26 AM CDT
I just read your letter to Tanner. It brought tears to my eyes knowing how much you all have been through. I was sorry to hear that Tanner has an ear infection. I hope he gets better soon with the medicine. Prayers will be with your Nanny as September 22 is just around the corner. Best wishes to you and God Bless your family.
West Des Moines, IA - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 9:19 PM CDT
Hey Guys

I really enjoyed our visit this morning and I had know idea it has been six months since surgery. I have that annoying little voice that tells me when I need to call someone. Kind of scary. I read the update with many tears falling from the eyes and when I read Grandma Reds message MORE TEARS!!! Prayer is a powerful medicine and God knows his plan so between prayer and plan everything worked out for the best. Remember that your family is always in our deepest thoughts and prayers and Tanner and Morgan you keep growing and getting into things. It will keep Mom and Dad busy.

Love to all
Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Monday, August 29, 2005 1:38 PM CDT
Dearest Tanner, (My Liver Bud)
Yes, you're right!! Grandma is crying AGAIN!!!
This morning I woke up at 5:30 and immediately thought of what happened 6 months ago today in St. Louis. I was told someone would be in my room at 6:00 to take me to the pre-op room. Grandpa, Aunt Sherry, and I held each other close and said prayers that all would go fine for you and that my liver would work for you and we would both be safe this day. Your Grandpa was as white as the sheet on my bed and Aunt Sherry was fighting tears (I think we all cried). My prayer to God during my wait before surgery went like this, "Oh, God, let your mercy be upon us, as we place our trust in You". I kept repeating that until the little gal told me to close my eyes. I felt so warm and peaceful and trusted that God would hear my prayer!! To this day, Tanner, that prayer is very special to me and I say it OFTEN!!! The first person I saw after surgery was your Grandpa Zerr and I asked him if you were all right. The smile on his face was from ear to ear and said it all. Grandpa said you were doing fine. . . . . . . . . . .God granted us a miracle, Tanner, and a second chance of life for you!! But what your Grandma has received, Tanner, is a "fire" within, a "glow" that is very hard to explain. I feel very blessed that God would give me the opportunity to share a piece of my liver with you. It has been the most rewarding and AWESOME experience for me!!! There isn't a day that goes by and I see my "proud Grandma scars" that I give thanks and praise to God for your life, our safe-keeping, your Daddy & Mommy's courage and determination to find the right Hospital for you, your Grandpa & Grandma Robb for their special prayers and support, your Aunt Sherry for being at my side to support and help me, all your special Aunts and Uncles, Great-Aunts & Great-Uncles, Great-Grandparents, and so many, many family members and friends who prayed very hard before, during, and the days following transplant, and especially to your Grandpa Zerr, who gave me so much love and support and to this day, is so very proud of our efforts and the end results. We have many people to thank, especially the transplant team in St. Louis, whom God used to carry out this miracle. It is absolutely wonderful to see you now, in your toddler phase, walking and exploring the world around you and sharing with your sister the beautiful gift of LIFE!!! We will always treasure the moments, give thanks to God, and always know how much we all love you!!! Hugs and kisses to you, Tanner!!! Much love, hugs and kisses to you, Morgan!!!!

Grandma (Your Liver Bud) and Grandpa
Colby, KS USA - Sunday, August 28, 2005 6:28 PM CDT
Dear Tanner, Stacy, Randy, and Morgan - we can't believe that it has been six months since your surgery. Grandpa Three Hairs and I just read the update and stood here and cried as we read it. You are such a miracle and so many prayers have been answered on your family's behalf over the last months.
Grandpa was there in St. Louis for your surgery and I was here in Iowa praying for all of you. When we got the news that all had gone well for both you and Grandma Red, I was so relieved and immediately began to spread the good news. Over the next few days, we let friends and family know as things happened so that people could keep praying for both you and Grandma Red. And God answered those prayers and six months later, we have a beautiful healthy and busy little boy who is changing so fast. Thank you, God, for your graciousness.
Thank you, Grandma Red, for your unselfish gift of life for Tanner. Each time we see him playing and growing, we think of how grateful we are for your willingness to give of yourself. May God keep you close.
We love you all - have a wonderful anniversary day!

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com >
Corydon , IA USA - Sunday, August 28, 2005 11:01 AM CDT
Hi, Tanner and company - we were so glad to see you all this weekend. What a difference a few weeks make in how the kids look and act! Unbelievable!
Tanner, you just ignore that old daddy of yours when he keeps talking about hippy hair - just cause he says that is no reason not to grow some, you know. Morgan is getting about covered up on the old noggin - makes for padding when you fall down. So, you just go ahead and grow a whole head of hair - and we don't care what color it is!
We love you all - give mom some time to work on those costumes for Halloween. You guys will look so cute that we will have to take lots of pictures. As if we needed an excuse to take pictures! :-)

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com>
Corydon , IA USA - Thursday, August 25, 2005 8:34 PM CDT
I have been following Tanner for some time and am so happy to see what a true mircale he is. (and he has an AWESOME NAME) Thank you for keeping the site up, it offers such hope to so many. And I cannot believe the difference in Tanner since his transplant! I remember how yellow he was, that is GONE!

Suzy Yanez <tanlaughs1@aol.com>
Ca - Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:21 PM CDT
Love the new pictures! I hear there's a six-month liver anniversary coming up, too...yay to Tanner, Grandma, mom, dad, Morgan, and the other grandparents for surviving these six months! The next six will be even better!

Love the update. Prayers for a smooth "vacation".

Laurie, Anthony's mom <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Wednesday, August 24, 2005 8:35 PM CDT
What memorable pictures those are - walking with Daddy, reading with Grandpa - love those! It was great to see you all on Sunday, everyone healthy and walking everywhere! I hope Tanner is not allergic to eggs - they're in everything! But it is best to know either way. Good for you for making their Halloween costumes - Tyler will sporting whatever cute costume Target or Walmart is selling this year! I can barely sew on a button! Have a great week!
- Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:10 AM CDT
What a cute picture of Morgan in her hat. I hope you find out what is going on with Tanner on the "egg/flu" issue. I enjoy all your reports. Thanks for being so great on updating your children's progress. Go Tanner and Morgan start running so you can wear your parents out further!
West Des Moines, IA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 8:03 PM CDT
Hey Guys

Yes, we are still alive and all the kids are back to school. Yipppppeeee!!! We have been busy with two football practices a day for Trent, Brook made the volleyball team at Maize South, Spencer has three football practices a week, and poor Saige has not started her soccer season. (coming very soon) I wanted you all to know that even if I don't send a message everyday I am thinking about you all the time. I love all the pictures; my favorite is the messy eater. All good parents should have a few of those pictures. I will continue to pray for good health and who knows maybe Tanner is allergic to eggs. Oh, Randy you might have to watch your daughter at the age of 11. Spencer has this girl that really likes him and invites him to parties, calls him on the phone. Beware!!!
Love to all
Lisa and Tribe.

Wichita, Ks - Friday, August 19, 2005 1:51 PM CDT
Definetly cuter everyday! Glad everyone is feeling better!
MN http://marisasmiracle.blogspot.html - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:15 PM CDT
Stopping by to say hi and see new pictures of your cuties!
I am happy to hear that everyone is over the bug and that Tanner continues to do well.

Michelle (Jack's Mom from CLASS) <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:32 AM CDT
Cute pictures! Keep up the good work you two sweetie pies!
Sarah, mom to Anna from classkids <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Chicago, IL US - Sunday, August 14, 2005 2:08 PM CDT
Love the new pictures!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Saturday, August 13, 2005 7:55 PM CDT
I hadn't checked in for quite a while. Glad to hear Morgan's tubes went well. You're kids are looking so much like toddlers now it is amazing (especially Morgan). Enjoy their slower pace of walking for now as it won't be long and they will be running around crazy.
West Des Moines, IA - Saturday, August 13, 2005 3:18 PM CDT
Just checking in to see how things went today. Glad to hear all went well. The new pix of Tanner is so cute.

Karen - mom of
Jen & Jon

Karen(CALSS mom)
Chatsworth, GA - Monday, August 8, 2005 9:03 PM CDT
Glad to hear things went well with Morgan's tube's. Love the new pictures of them. Their smiles are priceless!
Mary Morgan - CLASS <marmor@ptd.net >
Newton, NJ USA - Sunday, August 7, 2005 8:55 PM CDT
Just checking in on you guys. Glad to hear things went well with Morgan's tubes. I'm sure Tanner and Morgan with both keep you and Randy running now that they are both walking. I think I can see lots of mischief as they become more mobile.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Thursday, August 4, 2005 11:45 PM CDT
So glad to hear that Morgan's tubes were a "piece of cake". Yikes, two kids walking. I can't imagine! They grow up so fast, so enjoy this stage!
Tammy, CLASS mother of Janna <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Thursday, August 4, 2005 8:49 PM CDT
Prayers for a quick and easy surgery for Morgan tomorrow! I'll be waiting to hear how she is.

Love to you all!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Wednesday, August 3, 2005 8:55 PM CDT
That is a great picture of Tanner. What a little man he is becoming. Sorry to hear about Morgan's ear infections, but would make it better for her, they made a big difference for Anna.
Sarah, mom to Anna from classkids <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Glen Ellyn, IL US - Tuesday, August 2, 2005 5:15 PM CDT
Glad to see that things are going good. You and Morgan will be so happy after getting the tubes in! They have made a world of a difference for Logan. He's crawling and pulling himself up now just like the dr.'s said he'd start soon after tubes....which were only 2 wks. ago. The procedure is a breeze and nothing to worry about. Good Luck!
Stephanie (McCarty) Jones <msjones@iowatelecom.net>
Osceola, IA USA - Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:22 AM CDT
Hello!! The kids look so good. I read about the kids walking, and Morgan reverting...well once she gets her tubes in her ears, she will go go go! My daughter did, non liver disease too. They get off balance with ear infections all the time, and dont want to do it, you wait and see, she will be jogging in no time after the tubes! I am so glad Tanner is doing well, they are beautiful!

Kristy and Ashlee from CLASS <nykellycrew@verizon.net>
NY - Sunday, July 31, 2005 6:49 AM CDT
As many times as I have visited this website and I have never even looked at the guestbook...slap me on the wrist!!

Have fun with one walking and the second not far behind! Lauren just started walking and she keeps ME running. "Babyproof! Babyproof! Babyproof!" is my best advice. Soon you will know the sheer bafflement of watching your child/children toddle straight into a wall, corner, piece of furniture, other child, etc. etc. Remember, just because they CAN walk doesn't mean they are good at it! (There's a reason lots of kids this age have that big nasty bruise right smack in the middle of their forehead that gets mom or dad glares in the grocery store....)

But seriously. I am so thrilled to witness the wonderful progress the kids and your whole family are blessed with! Take care and keep up the good work.

lots of love...

Iowa City, IA - Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:09 PM CDT
Hi, Tanner - just a quick hello from the grandparents in Iowa. Love to see those new numbers and Grandpa Three Hairs is just tickled to death to win his bet that you would beat Morgan walking!You know how he loves to be right!! You two are growing up quickly and have changed so much over a year's time.

Before long, it will be a year since your mommy and daddy brought the two of you to Des Moines to see me at the hospital! How thrilled I was to finally see the both of you after such a long time and how you had changed since I had seen you the day of the wreck! It seemed a miracle then and it does now looking back at it and seeing you now.
Thank God for so many miracles this past year and a bit. It is wonderful to see you smiling and laughing and walking by yourself! Wow - a whole new world awaits. Hopefully this weekend will see some of your restrictions lifted and you can finally go places as a family and be "normal" for once.
We love all of you - sleep thorugh that long trip to St. Louis and surprise those doctors!

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com>
Corydon , IA USA - Wednesday, July 27, 2005 10:06 PM CDT
Oh boy Stacy..you are entering new territory to have them walking!!
Congratulations to Tanner, and Morgan too as I am sure she is not far behind!!


Cheryl and Haley
- Wednesday, July 27, 2005 11:58 AM CDT
Wow! Go Tanner Go! So glad to hear about his labs and ANC! Have a safe and uneventful trip to St. Louis. Just checking in to see what is going on in your house!
Tammy Wagner <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 11:12 PM CDT
Way to go Tanner! You'll keep mom and dad running now. Morgan I hope you get brave again soon so that you can help Tanner keep your parents running around. Take Care and the best wishes for great labs this Friday!
West Des Moines, IA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:38 PM CDT
You'll be sorry you wished they'd walk--soon they'll both be running in different directions all the time! LOL! I'm glad to hear things are going well. I don't think we got to monthly labs until year 4 and then often we have to go back in two weeks anyway! Good for you!
Mary Wallace <SeansPCToy@aol.com www3.caringbridge.org/nh/seanw>
Deerfield, NH - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 5:08 PM CDT
Hey Guys, So happy to see things are going well. Tanner just had to "One up his Sister" Way to go Little Man. Morgan you'll be right behind him. Mom and Dad do you have your running shoes broke in? You all remain in our prayers and look forward to your updates.
Connie <bamec@qwest.net>
Littleton, CO USA - Tuesday, July 26, 2005 4:42 PM CDT
Go, Tanner!
Laurie, Mark and
Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, July 25, 2005 9:05 PM CDT
Hey Tanner. We are so glad that you are doing so well. I tell Lia about you all the time and hope she can be as brave and strong as you are. You also have fantastic parents and you make them so proud when you are doing well because we all know what a tough job it is. Love all your new pics.
Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@precient.co.za>
Cape Town, South Africa - Friday, July 22, 2005 8:01 AM CDT
The photos are too cute! Toddlerhood eh?? Sounds like mom and dad better get that houseproofing done NOW!
Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:18 PM CDT
Praise the Lord! What wonderful numbers for the little tuffy and what a blessing for the rest of you. I LOVE the adorable pictures. Tanner, you keep up the good work, and MoMo, you be sure to keep momma & daddy busy running after you. - Love you all, Auntie Ang
Angela Robb
Pleasantville, IA US - Tuesday, July 19, 2005 8:40 AM CDT
What great pictures! Morgan has a beautiful smile. They both look so happy. Glad you were able to enjoy the park. Keep the pictures coming! I'm sure it will be harder now that you will have to follow Morgan around to make sure she isn't doing things she is not supposed to be doing!
Amy <dmafetters@msn.com>
WDM, IA - Sunday, July 17, 2005 8:40 PM CDT
Hello from Colorado. Just wanted to let you know I finally got to see Tanner's liver buddy (and my cousin) this week unfortunately at a funeral. I just couldn't wait to give her a big hug. She is looking great and is a very proud Grandma. By the way, so is Grandpa as he shared his wallet full of pictures with me. Stacy, I told Loretta to tell you that I have never had the opportunity to meet you, but with what you have gone through you have done a wonderful job at keeping all of us up to date with those babies. You and Randy should be very proud of them as they are beautiful babies. Hopefully some day I will get to meet you and see those two. They are a blessing from God. Keep the pictures coming I love to watch them grow over the internet! Sally
Sally Hepp <sally@patcin.com>
Thornton, CO - Thursday, July 14, 2005 11:34 AM CDT
Just got caught up on your journal entries. So sorry to hear about your latest problems! For a long time I've checked every week or two, but things have been hectic around here lately and I haven't been on computer much...my 3 BOYS tend to keep me very busy, not to mention a husband, our dog, neighbors dog and cat (while they are away on vacation for entire summer) and 6 daycare children! Even though my problems wear me out I can only imagine how things can be for you at times....keep your head up high and you will get through just fine as you have all the other times! I thought of you the other night when we were eating out and I wiped the high chair down with a wipe before putting the baby in it. :-) We are getting ready to do tubes for our youngest, Logan. He's had 6 infections and is only 8 months old and the fluid in between infections has caused problems as well. He is scheduled for surgery on Friday morning. I'm so thankful for our wonderful pediatrician and ENT! As always, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!
Stephanie (McCarty) Jones <msjones@iowatelecom.net>
Osceola, IA USA - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:35 PM CDT
Hey Guys

So many times I have thought doctors should be paid according to thier bedside manners. If that were the case I am sure we would have several POOR doctors in this world. Don't ever second guess your decisions, and we all know that you love both Tanner and Morgan eqaully. We have always told our 4 that life will never be equal because you all have different needs and wants. The same goes for you guys. I will keep you in my prayers and deepest thoughts. I think we are coming to a Royals game next Sunday with Spencers baseball team.

Love to all
Lisa and Tribe.

Lisa <baalman06@aol.com>
Wichita, KS - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 1:56 PM CDT
Hi Guys! It's been awhile since I put an entry in, but after reading Saturdays journal I wanted to.
You two are 'AWESOME' parents to both Morgan and Tanner. I know there are times when Tanner requires more attention due to health issues, but you've never neglected Morgan either. Morgan is loved, and she knows it. You can tell from being around her and seeing her big smiles in pictures that she's loved. She's a very smart little girl, and I truly believe in her own way that she understands all that's going on. Don't let some 'Doctor' try to tell you anything different. There are many parents, who after going thru all you've been through, would probably not be together today and would have thrown in the towel. You two have been tough from the beginning and the love for those two precious children has been apparent all along the way. --Keep your head held high and God will take care of the rest. -Love, Auntie Ang

Angela Robb
Pleasantville, IA US - Monday, July 11, 2005 8:22 AM CDT
Stacy: Just checking in. It sounds like you have had a rough week with no real answers and then Morgan's tubes being put off! Hang in there! Our prayers are with you!
Tammy <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Sunday, July 10, 2005 10:38 PM CDT
From one Mother to another--don't ever second guess yourself!!! Everyone knows how much you and Randy Love BOTH of your kids. Just like any other multi child family, no two kid's needs are the same, even with twins. I don't know what the ENT said to you, but he shouldn't judge until he has walked an hour in your shoes--he probably wouldn't make it 5 minutes!!! Please don't ever feel you need to justify your actions/decisions to anyone!! All anyone has to do is read your journals to see the love you have for your family--your whole family. Please call anytime. Love always, Sheila

Sheila <dvanbuskirk5@kc.rr.com>
Grandview, MO - Sunday, July 10, 2005 8:51 PM CDT
Prayers for both Morgan and Tanner to get over their respective issues quickly. Tanner's ANC is going to be better on Tuesday...I just know it! I hope Morgan isn't going to be made to suffer too much longer with those infections just because of one nasty ENT. But watch out: as soon as those tubes are in, she's going to be walking!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, July 10, 2005 6:51 AM CDT
Stacy, Randy, Tanner, and Morgan:

Just got caught up on all the happenings. Sounds like the last week has been really rough for you all. Hang tough together you will get through this (you've already been through so much). Morgan be strong on Monday morning. Your ears will feel better that afternoon. Tanner I sure pray that they can figure out what is going on with your white blood cell count. Stacy I'll drop your mom a note. I was at the hospital several times this week (project related) and if I would have checked in sooner to see what was going on I might have went to visit.

Prayers to all for a speedy recovery and healing.

Amy <dmafetters@msn.com>
WDM, IA - Saturday, July 9, 2005 1:36 PM CDT
Be strong and tuff, my Liver Bud!!!! So many prayers are being said for you and all the family! We also know, from past experience, that God hears our prayers - so lots of faith, hope, and love will keep us going!!!

Your Liver Bud, Grandma & PaPa
Colby, KS USA - Friday, July 8, 2005 12:15 AM CDT
Randy & Stacy,
Hang in there and keep the faith! I know it's a difficult time. We are all praying for you.
Love Always!

Dave, Sheila, Matt & Krystal <dvanbuskirk5@kc.rr.com>
Grandview, MO - Thursday, July 7, 2005 10:32 PM CDT
Keep your head high--believe me, I know it can be tough and you should be awarded medals for what you have been through already. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and you will get there--Tanner is a fighter. We will keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

God bless to you and your family.
Jen, Madi and Aly (your other liver buddy)

Jennifer Pianalto <pjpianalto@aol.com>
san antonio, Tx - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 2:57 PM CDT
Hey Guys,

I am praying that your little bumps in life turn out to be okay. Morgan tubes will be a piece of cake. Spencer had tubes put in around 15 months. As for little Tanner, I have no medical experience. I can only keep up my prayers and hope for the best. I think one of you should forget the engineering career and become a doctor. I will keep you in my prayers as always.

Love to all
Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 1:52 PM CDT
Hi Stacy, Randy, Tanner, Morgan
It is great to keep up with Tanner on the website. Just wanted you to know that Uncle Jack and Aunt Mary in Iowa are keeping up with your news; and our prayers continue to go up for you. Don't give up! Keep fighting! And we can't wait to see you at one of our family picnics running around like the other kids. Much love --

Jack & Mary McCullough <fbcmonroe@iowatelecom.net>
Monroe, IA USA - Wednesday, July 6, 2005 1:19 PM CDT
All of you guys are in our prayers. Hopefully things will turn around soon. If there is anything at all I can do for you guys, please let me know. The 4th of July pictures are adorable. At least neither of the kids look like they are feeling crummy. Hang in there, you'll get through this.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS ISA - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 11:07 PM CDT
Prayers for Tanner and Family. Sounds like you all are going through a rough time right now, and I hope things calm down soon.
Sarah, mom to Anna from class <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Glen Ellyn, IL US - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 10:30 AM CDT
Hey guys, sorry for not checking in. It has been crazy over here. Lia too has had recurring ear infections but the ENT is willing to hold off on inserting gromits. Hopefully the warmer weather improves the situation.
Will pray Tanner's bloods look better soon. It's never straight forward with our kids. Hang in there. Remember you have the strength to do this.
Love to you all.

Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Cape Town, South Africa - Monday, July 4, 2005 5:03 AM CDT
UGH! Prayers that this all gets figured out soon...the waiting IS one of the worst parts of all of this.

Glad to hear about your mom, too. Please let her know that she's in our prayers!!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Saturday, July 2, 2005 8:30 AM CDT
Keeping Tanner and your Mom in our prayers. I love the new pictures of the kids, they are adorable.

Michelle (Jack's Mom from CLASS) <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Friday, July 1, 2005 6:41 AM CDT
Prayers coming your way for Tanner and Grandma. I hope for good news on both fronts. I hope you get to stay home and monitor from there. Keep us posted!
Tammy, Janna's mom <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:09 PM CDT
I love that picture! Praying for answers for Tanner's blood counts and for grandma's foot too!
Sheryl and Justice <sheryl.lyn@verizon.net>
- Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:21 PM CDT
HI Tanner,
Am happy to hear you are starting stand ,and getting around the house, Love your pictures with your sister, tell you mommy that I will pray for your grandma that she will get better soon. it is very hot here in hays. love you all Sr.LOretta

Sister Loretta Clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
Ellis , - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 7:51 PM CDT
Just wanted to say hi and let you know we are thinking about you. Hope you are having a nice day.
Jaime caringbridge.org/nj/jaimelynn <Jaime13042@aol.com>
nj usa - Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:54 PM CDT
Hey Guys

Yes, we are still alive and very hot with the 90+ temperatures. Enjoy your time inside; we spent the weekend at a baseball tournament with Spencer's team. WOW! It was HOT. I am so glad to hear Tanner's blood work is going in the right direction. I will pray for normal check-ups and good lab reports.
Love from all!
Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Tuesday, June 28, 2005 1:41 PM CDT
Hey Guys, Sorry it's been so long since we made contact but so glad to see things going in the right direction. Love the new pictures, the one of Tanner in the shadows should be entered in a contest. We're keeping you in our prayers.
Connie, Jerry, Brittany, & Cody <bamec@qwest.net>
Littleton, CO USA - Monday, June 27, 2005 9:59 PM CDT
Great to see both looking so good. Cruising around hu? - no more rest for you! ( not that you got much anyway I'm sure.) What an amazing photo on the home page. still keeping you all in our prayers.
Lucetta <lucetta@optonline.net>
Port Chester, NY - Monday, June 27, 2005 9:22 PM CDT
So glad to hear that Tanner is catching up on all his milestones. I also hope that his ANC stays within the limits and he has no more meds because of that. I can't believe he is only on one med! That's great. Take care!
Tammy Wagner <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS USA - Monday, June 27, 2005 9:19 PM CDT
Hello Zerr Family! It's so great to hear all is going well and that Tanner's lab are better. Love and hugs to all of you.
Dewey, Pam & Matt <pdma@st-tel.net>
Colby, KS - Monday, June 27, 2005 3:13 PM CDT
Hello Tuffy Tanner!

YEAH!! We love the new pictures! You are growing so quickly and Morgan is more beautiful than ever! I'm looking forward to buying you and Morgan some running shoes... it sounds as though you are both getting around well.
Lots of love headed your way!
Aunt Sher

Aunt Sherry <sherry@hotmail.com>
- Monday, June 27, 2005 7:33 AM CDT
Hi Tanner
I had a few minutes tonight to stop and look at your website and your beautiful pictures. We think of you and your family often -- keep smiling Tanner!!
Love -- Bonnie, Craig, Emilee and Madison Augustine

Bonnie Augustine <cbep@ruraltel.net>
Hays, KS USA - Saturday, June 25, 2005 10:22 PM CDT
Hi Tanner.
I didn't forget you , I hope you are feeling better, for what ever happy, I haven't been on the computer much this last week, was in conocdia the first part of JUne, and show your pictures to all the sisters their, they think you are cutia, and love you sweet smileing face. will contiuned to pray for you and your family, and hope the good Lord will help you get to feel better again take care love you. Sr.Loretta

Sr.Loretta <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
hays, ks ellis - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:11 PM CDT
Wanted to check in to see how the family is doing. Looks as if Morgan and Tanner really enjoy each other..hoping for the best with the test results.. Your entire family are in our prayers.
Cheryl and Dave Taylor - Grandpa Elmer Cousin <tracktravel@sbcglobl.net>
Dublin, OH - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 3:44 PM CDT
Just checking in to see how you're doing, Tanner. Hope your pain has subsided now and you can get on with being a normal rambunctious boy and wrestle with Morgan!
De Soto, KS USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:49 AM CDT
Just wanted to say hi. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Jaime caringbridge.org/nj/jaimelynn <Jaime13042@aol.com>
nj usa - Saturday, June 18, 2005 5:40 PM CDT
Hey Guys

Wow, I take a break from checking the website, and I feel lost. Sorry about that. I have not forgotten about all of you just busy with summer activities. Tanner and Morgan you are always in our prayers; Tanner I pray that your blood work becomes normal and Morgan I pray that you will someday have I wonderful brother that you can play with and have a good time.

Love to all
Lisa and Tribe

Lisa <baalman06@aol.com>
Wichita, KS - Friday, June 17, 2005 8:09 AM CDT
Tanner - you are just the tuffest and cutest "BIG BOY" around!!! Don't let this "bump in the road" get you down, we all know how strong you have been and you continue to show us your courage and determination. It is so wonderful to hear of your crawling and standing up against the furniture - how about you and Morgan taking a step or two? Oh, that will be so much FUN!!!!???? You were such a trooper getting your Broviac removed in St. Louis! I was VERY PROUD of you and we had such fun watching you roll all over the bed - and a Queen-size bed all to yourself!! How much FUN was that??? You are such a cutie and Grandpa and I are praying everyday for you and all your family for good reports to come your way soon. We love you so much and be sure you and Morgan wish your Daddy a very "Happy Father's Day" on Sunday!!!
Your Liver Bud - Grandma
Colby, KS USA - Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:58 PM CDT
Here are some (((BIG HUGS))) from us to you and your family. Hang in there!

Becca, Jason, and Natalie Ketter <becandjay@earthlink.net >
Byron, IL - Thursday, June 16, 2005 3:57 PM CDT
Tanner, stay tough! Stacy sorry to hear about the mix up with the pharmacy and the doctors. I feel for you to have to give shots. I'm not even sure I could give myself a shot let alone my little girl. I'll be praying for you and your family for good results to come of his blood test so that hopefully any shots you have to give will be few.
WDM, IA - Wednesday, June 15, 2005 8:42 PM CDT
So glad Tanner is finally mobile...way to go little buddy!. Sounds like you guys have your hands full. Will be praying that the labs are good. I think of you all everyday.
Fiona (Lia's mom) <aslam@cbftech.com>
Cape Town, South Africa - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 3:19 AM CDT
Just read about the week you had last week. Will continue to keep you in our prayers. Call if you need someone to talk to.
sheila <dvanbuskirk5@kc.rr.com>
grandview, mo - Monday, June 13, 2005 9:33 PM CDT
Hey Guys

I have been busy with Girl Scout Camp during the day and softball/baseball games at night and I have not had the time to check the website. Sorry to hear about the mix up between the doctor/pharmacy. Keep posting the updates I really enjoy reading them.

Love to all
Lisa and Tribe

wichita, KS - Friday, June 10, 2005 2:15 PM CDT
The boys are adorable, but then, you probably already know that!
Sending prayers your way,

Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Thursday, June 9, 2005 10:59 PM CDT
You kids look great!!! Can't wait to see you all again!!
Don't for get to give your daddy a birthday spanking!!! Happy Birthday Randy.
Love you all,

Dave, Sheila, Matt & Krystal <dvanbuskirk5@kc.rr.com>
Grandview, MO - Friday, June 3, 2005 10:13 PM CDT

you can crawl
on over anytime...

sending you lots of love

Craig, Lauren, and Helen


helen <trula1@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, June 1, 2005 4:16 PM CDT
A belated Happy Birthday to the twins. We enjoy reviewing the status on the happenings of your family and the amazing accomplishments. We know Grandpa Elmer through his survey work and always enjoy his updates. Best wishes for continued improvements. Enjoy and have fun.
Betty Petersen <skipandbetty@hotmail.com>
St. Francis, Ks USA - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:57 AM CDT
Tanner, I work with your Aunt Mary Lou at the bank in Quinter. She has kept all of her co-workers up to date on your progress. Enjoyed reading the article in the Hays Daily this past week. I have cut it out and giving it to Mary Lou. Have enjoyed seeing all the pictures and the great web site you have. May God Bless all of you. My continued prayers are with all of you.
Nancy Niermeier
Hoxie, KS - Monday, May 30, 2005 4:35 PM CDT
Yahoo! Glad y'all are home safe, and we love the new pictures! Anthony was tapping on the computer screen when we looked at them...he loves Tanner and Morgan!

Also glad that Grandma got a good report! I was always nervous when Mark had his labs run...even though I knew they'd be fine!

And now that Tanner's crawling, well, you're in trouble! It seems to me like the last time Anthony had a surgical procedure, he walked for the first time on that same day. Hmmmm....maybe that's what it takes with our kids? Let's hope not! No more surgery for Tanner OR Anthony, PLEASE!

With love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, May 30, 2005 8:29 AM CDT
Hi Guys!

Tanner is catching up on size with Morgan. I'm so glad you were able to experience eating out with your children. They look like they really enjoy playing on their swingset. Thinking of you and your family always and keeping prayers for continued success on all fronts.

Amy, Andrew, and Emma
WDM, IA - Sunday, May 29, 2005 8:24 PM CDT
hi tanner
Thats the way to go,guesswhat you make the front page in the Hays daily news wed. you & Grandma, I hope you both had a good check up today, still keeping you in our prayer

Sister Loretta Clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
Ellis, Ks ellis - Friday, May 27, 2005 7:43 PM CDT
Congratulations on the med reduction. I know how exciting it can be, and no one could understand the excitment like us liver mom's! Tanner is looking sooo good!

I also was wondering how much your MIL charges for those stools, I saw the one she made for Anthony, it's just too cute!

Sarah, mom to Anna from classkids <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Chicago, IL US - Friday, May 27, 2005 6:10 PM CDT
Hey Guys,

Welcome to the real world of eating out. Enjoy your babies and show them off all you want because before you know it you will have tears in your eyes because you just shipped them off to their first day of school. Before long they will be in high school and the tears will really shower the world. Speaking from experience. Wising you a healthy visit in St. Louis and a relaxing Memorial Day weekend.
Love To All!
Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, Ks - Friday, May 27, 2005 1:47 PM CDT
Our family just read the article in the Hays Daily News. What a wonderful story and what a gift you (Loretta) was able to give to your grandson. We were so excited to see the story it's been about 10 years since we lived behind your family in Colby. We always knew what a super nice family you had, it's so good to hear Tanner and you are recovering. Take Care and God Bless, May God continue to heal and make Tanner healthy.
Kevin, Maureen, Morgan and Zachary Axelson <maxelson@murfininc.com>
Russell, KS USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 2:59 PM CDT
You all are awesome! I just read the article in the Hays Daily News about Loretta. We all thank she is awesome. The journal was incredible! I read the whole thing! May God continue to bless you all.--Jenny Barton-Niblock Loretta's Nurse Practitioner
Jenny Niblock <jniblock@nwkshealthcare.com>
Colby, KS USA - Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:56 AM CDT
Have a safe trip to St. Louis! Prayers for the Broviac removal to go smoothly! At least more smoothly than Anthony's since they just yanked his out (literally) with no anesthesia!

Hope everyone gets a good report and we can't wait to see NEW PICTURES!!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 7:47 PM CDT
Sounds like you guys had a blast at the resturant. It must be so great to feel like things are 'normal' again. So glad things are moving in the right direction. Cannot believe that time has moved so fast. Keep the faith.
Fiona (Lia's mom) <aslam@cbftech.com>
Cape Town, South Africa - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 3:30 PM CDT
He, he, he. Tanner is a kid after my own heart. I have never met a milkshake I didn't like. Glad to hear things are going well. I hope the upcoming visits go uneventfully.
Good Luck!

Toms River, NJ - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:05 AM CDT
Good Monday to all - so glad to hear that you have been to a "real" eating place now! I hope this is the first of many visits and that now you guys can finally enjoy showing off the kids. Part of the fun of having them is to be able to take the out when they are all dressed up in their cute clothes. And, it will be good for the kids to be able to see the world now - their world has been pretty small this past year.
Tanner, knock the socks off those doctors in St. Louis with your great numbers and checkup! We will be praying for good news for all in St. Louis this weekend and for a safe trip down and back. Traffic will be a mess probably but hopefully, you will miss the worst. Looking forward to seeing everyone again before too long. Stay in touch.

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com>
Corydon, IA USA - Monday, May 23, 2005 11:31 AM CDT
WOW!! I can't believe that it has been THREE months since Tanner's tx! That is unreal. I am so glad he is doing so well and Mo Mo is there to show him the way! I bet HE will be glad to get rid of that Broviac as well. I'm always checking in to see what's going on to the North of us!! Take care and give them both a hug and kiss!
Tammy Wagner <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Friday, May 20, 2005 10:25 PM CDT
Hey Guys
I bet you thought I forgot about you guys. NEVER!! We have been busy with the end of the year activities and trying to get the kids summer schedules in order. I am so glad to hear that all is going well. I can't wait to see you guys again. Tanner keep up the good lab reports!!

Love to All
Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:44 PM CDT
Just stopping by. So glad that you guys are doing fine.
Fiona (Lia's mom)
Cape Town, South Africa - Monday, May 16, 2005 2:13 PM CDT
I am happy to hear that Tanner and Morgan are doing well. I hope Mo Mo does NOT need tubes!! I think you need to take few days off this summer whether or not you have vacation time. Tanner's transplant was hardly a vacation for you and Randy!!! You can take a few days off without pay, can't you? After all, that is what fundraisers are all about, right? (hint hint)
Can't wait to see you all on the 27th!!!

St. Louis, MO US - Monday, May 16, 2005 12:18 AM CDT
I'm so glad to hear Tanner is doing so well. I hope Morgan's ears get better. If she has to get tubes, We know from experience that they are so worth it and get very quick results. It sounds like Morgan is moving into the "nothing is safe" in the home stage. Good luck and hold on! Your fun with this is just beginning. Love and continued prayers for you all and your families.
Amy, Andy & Emma
- Friday, May 13, 2005 8:24 PM CDT
I just love your home page picture! It always makes me smile. Now there is the face of organ donation.

Michelle (sarahsmama on class)
- Friday, May 13, 2005 7:17 AM CDT
What cute pictures! Okay, I am really sorry I haven't gotten their birthday package in the mail. I was out of packing tape and then kept forgetting to buy some when I went to the store. I am packing the box tonight and having Dennis get it in the mail tomorrow. Anyway, it's always fun to drag birthdays out, at least that's what Ali and Auston say. They have been doing that for 15 and 13 years ! Tanner looks awesome and it looks as though it won't be long before he's chasing Morgan around. Morgan is such a cutie too. Hope she's starting to feel better and doesn't pass anything on to Tanner.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Thursday, May 12, 2005 8:35 PM CDT

Belated birthday wishes. What a milestone reached! Loved the pictures of Morgan and Tanner. They are doing great! All good wishes to Stacy and Randy, and grandparents, too! Frank and Virginia Overley

Virginia Overley <vovley@cox.net>
Topeka, KS USA - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:53 AM CDT
I just LOVE LOVE LOVE all the new photos. They are adorable.
Becca, Jason, and Natalie <becandjay@earthlink.net >
Byron, IL - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 11:13 AM CDT
Hello to all
Happy belated Mother's Day. We all hope you had a wonderful day with lots of sunshine and love. Tanner and Morgan you keep up the new life skills (crawling, walking, driving mom and dad nuts) and Tanner you keep up the healthy doctor reports.
Love to all
Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 1:33 PM CDT
I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!! You deserve it very much! You are an inspiration to all of us Mother's out there.
God Bless

Sheila VanBuskirk <dvanbuskirk5@kc.rr.com>
Grandview, MO - Monday, May 9, 2005 8:12 PM CDT
OK. Tanner and Morgan: you are totally NOT allowed to get ANY cuter. It's just not allowed, do you hear me?

Seriously, those pictures are just too awesome. I love watching their progression from babies to "little" people!

Watch out with Morgan figuring out how to open cabinets...nothing is safe now! :)

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, May 9, 2005 3:37 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Tanner and Morgan!! It looks like you had great fun with your birthday cake! I hope you are keeping Mom and Dad busy these days as you crawl all over the place!
Tammy Wagner <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Thursday, May 5, 2005 10:08 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Tanner and Morgan!! It looks like you had great fun with your birthday cake! I hope you are keeping Mom and Dad busy these days as you crawl all over the place!
Tammy Wagner <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS - Thursday, May 5, 2005 10:07 PM CDT

Happy Birthday to Tanner and Morgan! The kids are so adorable. Hey, can you tell me where you got those dolls for Tanner and Morgan? I want to do that for Meghan and Gracie. Thanks!

Jen B., fellow CLASS kids mom of Grace & Meghan

Jen B. <jenchar@uwalumni.com>
Milwaukee, WI USA - Thursday, May 5, 2005 7:20 PM CDT
Tanner & Morgan
What a FUN week-end celebrating your FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!! Looking at you both with much love and pride and remembering your first days of life in the NIKU and how we all wanted to hold you both so much and how we watched you grow inches by inches. . . . . . In your young life, you have taught us much and we want to continue to grow and learn with you and to always let you know how much we LOVE YOU!!! We hope you both stay healthy and happy and that there are very few bumps and bruises along the way and lots of love to grow on this next year.

Grandma & Grandpa
Colby, KS USA - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 3:18 PM CDT
Happy Belated Birthday!! You have come so far and should be so proud. Good luck in the year to come, you are in for a treat. As a fellow mother of twins, take my advice and hang on, its going to be a bumpy ride but so much fun!! Thanks for visiting our website, we appreciate the wonderful comments. Thanks againg and Happy Birthday!

Jennifer, Alyssa and Madison

Jennifer Pianalto <pjpianalto@aol.com>
San Antonio, Texas - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 2:46 PM CDT
Tanner and Morgan

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! I would have loved to seen the cake mess; those are the days that I miss. I was kind of busy on your birthday with Saige's 1st communion, so I did not have time to call and wish you a happy birthday, but I thought about the two of several times during the day. By the pictures, it looks like you had a very happy and messy day. Love to all!!!

Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Monday, May 2, 2005 1:36 PM CDT
Oh yeah,...


Todd Frank <todd@demonstratives.com>
Stanhope, IA - Monday, May 2, 2005 11:41 AM CDT
I remember that first birthday cake...WOW what a great time kids have sticking their face in the cake. :-) They look like they were having the time of their lives!
Todd Frank <todd@demonstratives.com>
Stanhope, IA - Monday, May 2, 2005 11:39 AM CDT
Looks like you both had a great first Birthday! Of which many more will come!! Your Mom and Dad found a unique gift to give you both for your first birthday. This will be something you will each get to show your own kid(s) many years down the road. Hope you enjoy your second year of life Tanner and Morgan. Happy Birthday!
Andy, Amy, and Emma
West Des Moines, IA - Sunday, May 1, 2005 8:28 PM CDT
Love the new pictures! Looks like they enjoyed their cake more than Anthony did on HIS first birthday! Glad you had a good time!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, May 1, 2005 10:25 AM CDT
Happy Birthday!!!!
Wow, what a year it has been for all of you. I can't wait to see you all again. Just say the word when you can have visitors!!! What a smile you both have!! Stacy, what a beautiful letter you put in your journal. You could tell it was really from the heart.
Love and God Bless

Dave, Sheila, Matt & Krystal <dvanbuskirk5@kc.rr.com>
Grandview, MO - Saturday, April 30, 2005 6:43 PM CDT
This year has gone by so fast, and you both look so great! We all love you very much and hope you have a great day!

Jim, Wanda, Kristina, Jacob, and Cameron Fouts
Hays, KS USA - Saturday, April 30, 2005 2:15 PM CDT

What a year! We love you guys!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Saturday, April 30, 2005 11:28 AM CDT
Wow! What a year it has been. Happy Birthday Tanner and Morgan. Have a wonderful day. You all deserve so much happiness today. The world truly is an amazing place, and you have 2 very strong fighters. I was so touched by your post today, Stacey. It just made me cry! I wish Tanner and Morgan many many many happy birthdays to come!
Angie - mom to Emma CLASS <afoley@park6.k12.wy.us>
cody, wy - Saturday, April 30, 2005 9:28 AM CDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you two!!!
What a awesome day to be able to celebrate not one childs first birthday but two children. The joy of twins!
Have a wonderful day, and know that God has so many plans for these little bundles of joy. This is only the first of many many more.

Melinda <jasmelkam@yahoo.com>
WI USA - Saturday, April 30, 2005 7:24 AM CDT
Happy 1st Birthday to two of the cutest babies I know! Ali is going to be sending you a birthday present, but silly me hasn't gotten around to wrapping it up to mail. Stacy, reading your journal entry brought tears to my eyes. You guys have been through so much the past year. We are so glad to have had the chance to meet you and share in Tanner's journey. Enjoy your precious babies while they are little. They grow up way too fast!
Michelle Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Saturday, April 30, 2005 1:07 AM CDT
Wow, those are some pretty amazing pictures! They sure have come a long way. I want to wish Tanner and Morgan a happy birthday! And for mom, dad and grandma, you guys are great people and you also deserve a happy birthday wish. You all have done a terrific job with these babies, and I'm sure you will continue to do so!
Sarah, mom to Anna from classkids <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Chicago, IL US - Friday, April 29, 2005 12:21 AM CDT

You have a big weekend and lots to celebrate! Thought I would stop by and check out your new pictures and updates. Tell your mommy she is doing a great job of keeping us all informed on you and and your sister.
Have fun on your birthday and enjoy all your company!!

Lots of hugs,
Kathy, Rod and Nicole Stack

Kathy Stack <katz0113@yahoo.com>
Salina, Ks USA - Friday, April 29, 2005 10:40 AM CDT
Tuffy Tanner,

Mom and Dad have been trying to explain to us that Saturday is our 1st birthday. I am not quite sure what they mean by this, but Dad said that we will have ribbons, balloons, and boxes to play with as well as the “stuff” in the boxes. I know that I crawl around and over you all of the time. This is my way of showing my love towards you. Mom says that I get jealous when Dads plays with you because you can not crawl, and Dad says that he crawls with me, but that “his knees just can’t take the tile floor anymore,” so he has to relax after awhile. What does he mean by this? I have no problems crawling anywhere. I can not wait until you can also crawl, so that we can go in different directions and watch Mom and Dad chase us. Mom and Dad have been showing us pictures of the “old days.” I have to say that we were very little in Dad’s hands in the hospital. I never noticed a change in color between us. I just figured you got more sun than I did. I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I am very proud of you and love you with all of my heart. I want you to know that you are my hero, my twin, and my brother. Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and me with many more wonderful birthdays to come.

Dictated by Morgan
Typed by Dad
Spellchecked by Morgan

Morgan "MoMo" <sis@home.com>
De Soto, KS - Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:42 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to the twins, what a year it has been! Congratulations on their strides, you have little fighters on your hands. My twins are celebrating their 2nd Birthday on Friday--So Happy Birthday to them all.

Jennifer Pianalto <pjpianalto@aol.com>
san antonio, Tx - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 6:11 PM CDT
Wow! What a beautiful set of twins! God sure did answer all our prayers. Grandma Loretta, mom and dad sure did enjoy getting to see you on your trip home. I love the new pictures, still check a couple times a week for updates. You have done a great job Stacy! Can't wait to see photos of those two digging into their first birthday cake! Love always - Sally
Sally Hepp <sally@patcin.com>
Thornton, Co - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 2:19 PM CDT
WOW What great pictures. Watch out, you don't know where the time has gone the last year; just wait until the twins are in high school!!! I will always keep your family in my prayers and keep having good reports from the doctors. Love to all
Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 2:08 PM CDT
So glad all is going well. Just checking on you all. Happy Birthday Tanner and Morgan!!!. Will light a candle here for you. Tons of hugs and kisses.
Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Cape Town, South Africa - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 12:47 AM CDT
Wow! What compelling pictures. I'm sitting here just bawling over your TWO miracles! It has been a rough and wild year for y'all...but you made it! Congrats to my favorite Boy/Girl twins on their 1st birthday! Many, many more to come!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:07 AM CDT
Five more days till your first birthdays, Tanner and Morgan!!! What great pictures Mom has posted. Can't wait to see you both and give you BIG hugs and kisses!!! I'm wearing the locket, Tanner, close to my heart!!! See you on Friday! Lots of Love,
Grandma and Grandpa
Colby, KS USA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:15 PM CDT
Wow! Tanner looks great, and Morgan is a dumpling! (I am a COTHer and friend of Aiden...) Just dropping by to say hello, and wish the "cousins" the best.....because my last name is Robb too.....
Wesie Robb <wesierobb@aol.com>
Sullivans Island , SC 29482 - Monday, April 25, 2005 8:38 PM CDT
It is hard to believe it has been nearly a year since your mom called me with the unexpected but joyous news of your birth! Where does the time go? I'm so glad you are feeling better and anxious to see you and your sister again! (And mom and dad too) Take care!
Sarah <sarahb@grm.net>
Promise City , IA USA - Friday, April 22, 2005 1:04 PM CDT
Hey Tanner, I'm so happy you are feeling better. I cannot believe that you and Morgan are going to turn one soon. Wow what a year it has been for you, Morgan and your mom and dad. We always think of you all and how strong you all are. Hugs and kisses.
Fiona (Lia's mom)
Cape Town, South Africa - Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:22 PM CDT
Yay, Tanner!!! I'm glad you had a good visit with your doctors yesterday, and that you're liver still going strong! Keep up the good, work, kiddo...you'll be crawling soon, and driving Mommy and Daddy crazy!

Happy early birthday to you and your sweet sister! Keep your eyes out for something in the mail, buddy!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:31 AM CDT
Just wanted to stop by to check in I'm glad to hear Tanner is still feeling great. I love seeing all of the new photos... they get cuter and cuter! I can't believe they are about to turn one allready! I hope Grandma is feeling better as well, I was glad to read her guest book entry.
We're doing pretty well, Havalah is finally starting to walk, so we're pretty excited about that. She wants to be outside all of the time and is entranced by things like ... a stick.... or some rocks.

Kristen (Havalah's mom from classkids) <kristennn@brokebox.com>
Milwaukee, WI - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 2:49 PM CDT
Hey Guys,
Just checking in once again to see how things are going. Morgan and Tanner you look soooo cute. Look out Mom and Dad once Tanner starts to crawl life will never be the same. We hope you have a wonderful 1st birthday. Celebrate with happiness and peace.
Love to all,
Lisa and Tribe.

Lisa <Baalman06@aol.com>
Wichita, KS - Tuesday, April 19, 2005 1:51 PM CDT
Tanner don't you and Morgan look so happy! Tanner you are doing so well. I'm so glad for you! It won't be long and you both will be 1 Year Old. Good luck in St. Louis on Wednesday. Look forward to hearing more of your progress.
West Des Moines, IA - Monday, April 18, 2005 8:27 PM CDT
Hey, there, Baby Doll - just adding a few lines after reading your updates and guestbook for the last couple of weeks. I have not been able to check for a few days so I am catching up! Love those new duds that you are Morgan are showing off in!
Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks for the party. Grandpa said you are diving that bowl heck with that wooden spoon this past weekend. Keep it up - you will be crawling all over before long if you get those muscles built up.
I think I could give Grandma Red a run for her money with that "gift of crying" thing - just reading how well you are doing and seeing you and Mo-Mo's smiles brings on those darn things. Happy tears - tears of joy and thanksgiving, I guess.
We love you all lots and thank God each day for your progress.

Grandma Crazy Woman <robb@graceland.edu>
Corydon , IA USA - Monday, April 18, 2005 12:19 AM CDT
Just stopping by to say "hi"! Happy to hear Tanner is going to bi-weekly labs (I know it's hard, but trust me you will get used to it!) and doing so well. I hope your visit in St. Louis goes well.

Michelle (Jack's Mom from CLASS) www.caringbridge.org/ny/jack <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Thursday, April 14, 2005 5:34 PM CDT
hi Tanner, Iam so pound of you and your picture are great and your sister too, love you both, am happy to hear that your lab. working is doing great. will contiuned to pray for you all, and thank the Lord for his blessing on you new life. take care
Sr.Loretta <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
Ellis, Ks ellis - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 8:24 PM CDT
Hi Tanner:) (My Liver Bud)
Hey you handsome, beautiful "babe"!! Can you believe we have hit the six-week mark?! already?? Wow, Tanner, the pictures of you and Miss Morgan are the greatest! Please don't grow so FAST. In twenty more days, you and Morgan will celebrate your FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! Just how wonderful is that???!!! Your smile just melts our hearts and makes us feel so happy:) :) :) We are so thankful everyday for YOU!!! AND MORGAN!!!! Grandpa and Grandma will see you soon and we will be wearing party hats - we have lots to celebrate!!!!! Give Morgan, Mommy and Daddy lots of hugs and kisses!! WE LOVE YOU!!

Grandma & Grandpa
Colby, KS USA - Monday, April 11, 2005 2:00 PM CDT
Hey Guys

Just checking in to make sure the labs are still normal. Brook and I will be at Worlds of Fun on Sunday with her choir from school. It is going to be very hard to be so close and not be able to drop in on you guys. Keep up the healthy lab reports and as always we will keep you in our prayers.

Love to all!!
Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, Ks - Monday, April 11, 2005 1:44 PM CDT
I love to see the new pictures of these two adorable kids. They look like they've been having so much fun. I envy you that beautiful grass, ours is all nasty!
Kristen (Havalah's mom from classkids) <kristennn@brokebox.com>
milwaukee, WI - Sunday, April 10, 2005 11:47 PM CDT
Hey there, just checking on you all. Glad things are fine and Tanner is doing well. Hugs and kisses to Tanner and Morgan. Have a great weekend.
Fiona (Lia's mom)
Cape Town, South Africa - Saturday, April 9, 2005 3:07 PM CDT
Hey, guys! I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend! It's gorgeous over here, too, so I think we have plans to blow bubbles and play in the pool!

Can't wait to see the pictures!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Saturday, April 9, 2005 11:04 AM CDT
Hello Tanner's mom, I am a friend of Mike and Kirsten with Baby Lily and ever since Mike is writing in the CLASSKIDS I am seeing your comments and I have watched the pictures and reports on Tanner. I am so happy for you that Tanner is doing so well and his sister Morgan is just as lovely and adorable. She will probably be the most happy that you are home now with her brother.. she must have missed you the most.
Thank you so much for all your support for Mike and Kirsten. It was always so encourraging to read your comments and responses. You must be a wonderful warm person. Thank you for being you.

Ursula Neumann <uneumann@gci.com>
Anchorage, AK USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 5:53 PM CDT
Hi there Tuffy & Mo-Mo!! You two are just adorable and so happy. I think there's a BIG BIRTHDAY coming up for you two. I'm still trying to decide what to buy, and I seem to remember your mommy & daddy buying Cousin Katie a Leap Pad Drum. Don't worry, I'll come up with something good. Mo-Mo, you teach Tuffy how to crawl now, so you can both get into mischief. Little Tuffy you just have to stay a Healthy Little Boy! We're praying the yucky germies stay away! ---Take Care All and Hope to See You Soon!
Auntie Ang, Uncle Eric & Cousin Katie <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA United States - Thursday, April 7, 2005 3:48 PM CDT
Dear Tanner (My Liver Bud) & Family
I think my liver feels GREAT today!!! How about yours???
I miss you so much and all the bonding time we had in St. Louis. It's so good to be home - HOME SWEET HOME - but it has taken Grandma a little re-adjustment period - getting back into some routine again while trying to heal and get over this dry, hacking cough!! Grandma is getting that teary-eyed feeling today - you know how Grandma has that "gift of tears"!!!?? I didn't mean to take so long in writing in your journal, but the last two days I have been working at the office and decided it was time to write to you. Anyway, today is reason to celebrate - 26 years ago today, your Aunt Sherry came into the world and became a beautiful part of our wonderful family. She loves you and Morgan so much!!!! And 38 days ago, you and I were making a little history of our own!! OH, THANKS BE TO GOD for the beautiful gift of life for you, TANNER !!!! (I think those tears are coming again) We thank God everyday for all He has done, for all the wonderful people who helped in any way to bring about this miracle for you, for all the cards, flowers, emails, support, prayers, phone calls, food delivered, gifts of love, gifts of money, and anything else we are forgetting to mention, that has made this such an AWESOME, UPLIFTING, & EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE for all our family. THANK YOU ONE AND ALL!!!!
I love you Tuffy!! I love you Morgan!! And to the BEST PARENTS, STACY & RANDY, WE ALL LOVE YOU!!!!!

Colby, KS USA - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 4:32 PM CDT
I have been away for 4 months and have only just now caught up with what has been happening with Tanner. I am weeping with saddness and joy for all Tanner has been through. I'm so proud of him for being such a fighter. So glad to hear that things are only getting better. Hang in there...you both are really great parents. You all have always been in my thoughts and prayers.

Morgan is sooo cute I just want to eat her up.

Fiona (Lia's mom) <aslam@precient.co.za>
Cape Town, South Africa - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 2:10 PM CDT
WOW! Tanner and Morgan are really growing like weeds! We're so happy you're all doing great and back home. Glad the golf tourney was such a success - what a great idea; and what a gorgeous day it was on Friday. We'll have to get some Waverly Road playdates going - it's baby central on our street! Gosh, I can't believe Morgan and Tanner will be ONE YEAR OLD this month!!! What a celebration you will have - so much to celebrate!
Tim, Heather & Tyler
De Soto, KS USA - Tuesday, April 5, 2005 9:35 AM CDT
Tanner you are looking so good! Both you and your sister look so happy. Stacy I bet it will be an adjustment for you to be back at work. I am glad things are getting to "normal" for your family. Our continued prayers for many more good times.
West Des Moines, IA - Monday, April 4, 2005 8:42 PM CDT
Hey Tanner! Looking good little guy. Glad you are on the mend and back home. Soon you will be up and about with Morgan and then look out world. I just visited my little twin grandchildren (Alyssa--liver transplant, and Madison) and they are keeping Mommy and Daddy very busy. Am so glad that everything is going great for you. Love and Prayers to all of you.

Mavis pianalto

Mavis Pianalto <mavis@ruraltel .net>
Smith Center, ks - Monday, April 4, 2005 2:21 PM CDT
Hi Guys,

Morgan should feel very special to have her picture taken with 5 good looking guys. I hear the golf tournament was a great idea. Keep up the good lab results and stay healthy.
Love to all,
Lisa and Tribe

Lisa <baalman06@aol.com>
Wichita, KS - Monday, April 4, 2005 1:25 PM CDT
I'm so glad things are going well! Now, you just got to get that little man to eat! LOL, I know what a job that is.
Take Care of those little cuties!

Irene (CLASS)
Toms River, New Jersey - Sunday, April 3, 2005 1:32 PM CDT
Just checking in on my favorite little man! I just SMILE everytime I open your homepage up. His face all lit up is just contagious. Here is to a successful fundraiser!
Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com www.caringbridge.org/fl/aiden>
St. pete, - Friday, April 1, 2005 6:49 AM CST
Loved the new pictures! Tanner looks awesome! Wow, 11 months old, what a year you all have been through. It's only going to get better!! That's great that Morgan is beginning to crawl! Tanner will follow suit very shortly I bet.
Stephanie www.caringbridge.org/il/analiese <stephanie0@aol.com>
Danville, IL - Thursday, March 31, 2005 10:36 PM CST
Those new pictures are too good! Watch out, Mom and Dad...Morgan's on a roll now, and Tanner won't be too far behind! Can't let his sister get too far ahead of him!

Prayers for good weather for the tournament Friday!

Laurie, mommy to Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Thursday, March 31, 2005 11:57 AM CST
I'm so happy for you all. The picture of Tanner is worth a thousand words. Just want you to know I've still been thinking about you. My prayers will continue. Take Care!
Sarah Brown, Riley and Reese <sarahb@grm.net>
Promise City, IA USA - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 1:36 PM CST
WOW Tanner you look so great!! And your sister Morgan is adorable too. Love the new pics on the right. We're glad to hear that you are home and doing well. :)
Donna, mom to Juliann 7, w/BA <bdrjroy@aol.com>
Sacramento, CA - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:21 AM CST
oh my goodness, that pink boy! those photos side by side, brought tears to my eyes, looking forward to seeing my own pink baby for the first time, some time after next week.( Angus due for living donor tx next tuesday) you, and grandma red and Tanner continue to be a huge insperation. keep keeping us up!!
Lucetta <lucettag@optonline.net>
port chester, NY - Monday, March 28, 2005 10:42 PM CST
Randy, Stacy, Tanner, & Morgan, HAPPY HAPPY EASTER. So glad to see the wonderful new pix and happy you're all home safe and sound. God Bless
Connie, Jerry, Brittany, & Cody <bamec@qwest.net>
Littleton, CO USA - Monday, March 28, 2005 10:26 PM CST
Hi Randy, Stacy, and little ones. It is such a bitter sweet moment to see those two little ones laughing and looking so mischievious! Stacy..we have truely enjoyed the updates on Tuffy and the whole family this past year. You have done a fantasic job on the "web". I know how much time it takes to put this all together each day. You have been very dedicated to this "site" and it shows. Take time to REST and take care of yourself, dear. Those 2 little ones and Randy need you. We were so happy to hear that you were all home for Easter. We continue to pray that life gets better and better for such a deserving family. Love ya all...Aunt Mary Lou & Uncle AL
Alfre & Mary Lou Zerr <teller43@yahoo.com>
Quinter, Ks - Monday, March 28, 2005 9:27 PM CST
Happy Easter Tanner, Morgan, Mommy & Daddy!

What a wonderful way to spend Easter... all together as a family!!

Today is 4 weeks post-transplant! Waa-hoo! Cheers to you all! Keep up the progress Tuffer!

We love you all and are thankful you are home in KC.

Love, Aunt Sher & Uncle Jim

Aunt Sher <sherry@hotmail.com>
- Monday, March 28, 2005 7:29 PM CST
Hey Guys

So glad th hear that the Easter Bunny visited DeSoto. Tanner you are looking so cute and you too Morgan. I want both of you to give your mom and dad a small little break and once they are rested start to get into EVERYTHING!! Let mom and dad know what two healthy babies are really like.
Love and Prayers to all.
Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Monday, March 28, 2005 1:12 PM CST
What a Blesses Easter! GOD IS SO GOOD! I will pass on your great news to Danny, my Sister Michelle and my Mother who all have been praying for you as well! Love You!
Mary Jo Rendon <dmrendon@msn.com>
Aurora, CO - Monday, March 28, 2005 12:42 AM CST
What great pictures! Not only do I not miss that tan, I love to see that smile!

I'm so glad you had a good Easter together!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, March 28, 2005 6:53 AM CST
Happy Easter tanner, May the raisen savior shower you with many blessed on this special day, May you have a joyoue Easter with your family. am happy to hear your are back home again, take care love you much. have fun with you sister, hug to your family.
Sr.Loretta Clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
hays , ks ellis - Sunday, March 27, 2005 7:14 PM CST
Happy Easter, Tanner and Morgan! Maybe next year you will both be able to go to church with Mom and Dad for Easter services but I did hear that the Easter bunny found both of you.

Love the new pictures - what a change! I don't miss that tan either, Tuffy. Hope your Grandma Red is looking as good as you are and I am sure that she is just as happy to be home. It has been a long haul but not as long as it could have been, Praise the Lord.

We look forward to seeing you in the near future. Cousin Katelynn was down here yesterday and she looked at all the pictures of you and Morgan and knew who was who. She even pretended to talk to you on the phone! We had a good time but I think she has crooked bangs as Grandma could not get her to sit too still to get a haircut.

Be good for Nanny Ashley and Mom and Daddy this week. In a couple of weeks, everyone will be ready to deal with the new you (up and going, Tanner) just give everyone a week or two to rest up for all the stress of March, all right?

Granda Three Hairs just came in from fighting a small grass fire but he got it put out. Now he smells like smoke!

Grandma Crazy Women <bkrobb@sirisonline.com>
Corydon , IA USA - Sunday, March 27, 2005 6:39 PM CST
Easter is a time for new beginnings..and it looks as if your family is on that track! So glad you all home together and in good health. Loved the before and after pictures..your children are just amazing!
Cheryl Taylor - Grandpa Elmer's Cousin <tracktravel@sbcglobal.net>
Dublin, OH USA - Sunday, March 27, 2005 5:01 PM CST
So glad you are home!! Tanner looks GREAT! Those pictures say it all!!
Tammy Wagner <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS USA - Sunday, March 27, 2005 11:12 AM CST
HAPPY EASTER! So glad to hear you're HOME!
MN - Sunday, March 27, 2005 8:23 AM CST
So glad to see that you are home as a family for Easter! Happy Easter, Tanner looks great! God bless.
Sarah, mom to Anna from classkids <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Glen Ellyn, IL - Sunday, March 27, 2005 0:22 AM CST
How exciting to be home for Easter! WOW Tanner looks great. I love the new pictures:-).
P.S - Morgan is sure a cutie too!

Jamie...Liver Transplant 1988 <canada_106_tx88@yahoo.com>
'toon, sk canada - Saturday, March 26, 2005 11:49 PM CST
Welcome Home!!! Have a blessed Easter. Can't wait to see you all. Love and God Bless
Dave, Sheila, Matt & Krystal VanBuskirk
grandview, mo USA - Saturday, March 26, 2005 9:50 PM CST
Welcome Home!!! Have a blessed Easter. Can't wait to see you all. Love and God Bless
Dave, Sheila, Matt & Krystal VanBuskirk
grandview, mo USA - Saturday, March 26, 2005 9:50 PM CST
Welcome back to KC! We have been closely following your web updates! So glad to see everything going well!
Bob & LOri
Lenexa, KS - Saturday, March 26, 2005 9:18 PM CST
Way to go Tanner! Welcome home. Wishing you all a very Happy Easter.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Saturday, March 26, 2005 6:57 PM CST
We are thrilled to hear you are home in K.C. All good wishes. Frank and Virginia
Virginia Overley <vovley@cox.net>
Topeka, KS USA - Saturday, March 26, 2005 5:37 PM CST
Thank God all our prayers were answered. We're SO happy for you & the family !!! Have a BLESSED Easter.
Bob & Marje Robben family <rjrobben@st-tel.net>
Colby, KS - Saturday, March 26, 2005 9:58 AM CST
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Saturday, March 26, 2005 7:56 AM CST
We're praying that you can spend Easter together and that Tanner keeps on improving! He looks so happy and lively in the pictures. We all had the darn cold/flu stuff for most of the winter with quite a few ear infections, too. But the Springtime weather has been helpful and we'll pray Morgan get's over it soon. Hope to see you back in KC, soon.
The Stacks
Romans 8:28

Dan and Jenny Stack <danandjennystack@netscapel.net>
Overland Park, KS USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 10:20 AM CST
Tanner it is so great to see you smiling so big. What a beautiful boy you are and your sister is just as adorable. I am praying for you this good friday in hopes that your lab results are good. Then you and your sister can spend your Easter holiday at home together. God Bless you all. Sally
Sally Hepp <sally@patcin.com>
Thornton, CO - Friday, March 25, 2005 9:36 AM CST
Prayers for you on Good friday!! I hoep today is the day you get to go HOME!! He is an INSPIRATION to everyone!!
Lisa and Aiden <rolexh@aol.com>
St. Pete, fl - Friday, March 25, 2005 7:30 AM CST
Love the new pictures. We have been in Colorado for Spring Break and just got back today. It is great to see that you may be coming home tomorrow. We are praying that things work out and all of you are together in Kansas for Easter.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Friday, March 25, 2005 0:21 AM CST
Love the new pictures! Prayers for a safe journey home tomorrow for all three of you!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:17 AM CST
Tanner looks just wonderful! His labs are better than Sean's! LOL! I can see Morgan is saying how come he got an exersaucer, where's mine? I'll bet he will be running circles around all of you in no time! The kids are both adorable!
Mary Wallace <SeansPCToy@aol.com>
Deerfield, NH USA - Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:25 AM CST
Hey little TAZ! You look AWESOME! Isn't it great to feel AWESOME too? HUGS to you!
MN - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 9:56 PM CST
Hey Guys

Love the TAZ background. You will always be in our deepest thoughts and prayers and I am going to put in a good word with the Easter Bunny so he will vistit DeSoto. You know after 14 (almost 15) I have good connections. Love to all.
Lisa and Tribe.

Wichita, KS - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 1:14 PM CST
Hey there little TAZ!!! You look very ornery in that picture, but it's so wonderful. Both you and Mo-Mo are growing up so fast. I'm so glad that you and mommy will be able to come home for Easter. What a blessing that will be, especially for Mommy. I hope enjoyed your presents. We're anxious to see all of you again. Maybe once you get home and get things somewhat back to a normal schedule we can come down and visit. Cousin Katie is anxious too. She talks about you two all of the time and the Fridge has all new pictures so she can watch you grow. Take care!
Aunt Angie <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA US - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 9:23 AM CST
stacy, that latest picture says it all! He is ready to spring into action. He is going to keep you busy! Best wishes for a safe journey home.
Sue from CLASS mom to Moira <patmcg457@comcast.net>
shamong, nj usa - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 8:34 PM CST
Tanner you look awesome! I'm so glad you are feeling better. You look great and so HAPPY. I'm glad it sounds like you and mommy get to go back home on Friday. My continued prayers for you and your family for continued strides in your health!
WDM, IA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:43 PM CST
Stacy, I was happy to hear the good news and hope thing will go okay so you all can be home for Easter, and tanner keep up the good work, you are getting to look very nice boys, and good to see you have that nice big smile on you. love you all and have a happy Easter.
Sr.Loretta Clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
Hays, ks Ellis - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 7:30 PM CST
I love the pictures! Tanner looks so healthy, and happy to be next to his sister! His labs look so great. Keeping you guys in our prayers. Hope you can go home soon.

Michelle (Jack M's Mom from CLASS (www.caringbridge.org/ny/jack) <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 5:23 PM CST
I'm glad to see the update on Tanner. I have been wondering how you are doing. I wish you continued good news and good health.

Michelle Land
Shawnee, KS USA - Tuesday, March 22, 2005 9:45 AM CST
Wow Tanner! Look at you go in the those pics! It really shows how much better you feel. I'm so happy you and Mommy got to see Morgan - I know how much you guys missed her! I hope you get to go home this weekend.
Jennifer Martin, Shelby's Mom, http://www.caringbridge.org/il/rileyshelby <pnutsmom76@yahoo.com>
Rockford, IL - Monday, March 21, 2005 10:21 PM CST
Wow,Tanner - love that website now with the TAZ's on it! If you had great big teeth, you would look just like that cartoon TAZ! How cool - what a great picture!
Grandpa Three Hairs brought the videos to me last night and I could not go to bed until I watch at least part of them. I love to hear you laugh, Tuffy, and looks like Grandma Red was having as much fun as you were. I am so glad for the both of you and thank God each day for our miracle.
Now, we just need to get you and Mommy and Grandma back home to finish off the recovery so we are thinking good thoughts and praying hard that all goes well and you can be home by the weekend.
We love you all - I have Grandpa working on my drywall tonight so we can get these ramps finished out. Maybe by the weekend, we will be ready to paint! Love to all.

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com >
Corydon, IA USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 6:41 PM CST
Hi Guys,

I am praying that the Easter Bunny gets to visit DeSoto and not St. Louis. I am not sure how much checking in I will be able to do this week; it is Spring Break. I will keep up the prayers and keep hoping for the best. Wishing you all a safe journey home!!!

Love and Prayers
Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Monday, March 21, 2005 1:38 PM CST
Wow! Look at Tanner's cheeks - all that food is looking great on him, he is really filling out! Home is good - hope all your tests and doctors visits this week are just as great as they have been so you can get home for Easter!
De Soto, KS USA - Monday, March 21, 2005 10:49 AM CST
Oh! I just love the pictures of the kids together!! What a happy reunion. I am so happy for all of you. Tanner is so amazing...and so is Grandma. You are in our prayers every day!
angie - mom to emma - CLASS <afoley@park6.k12.wy.us>
cody, wy - Sunday, March 20, 2005 9:38 PM CST
I just couldn't wait to see the reunion of Tanner & Morgan! I bet they had a fun weekend--IF Mama ever put her down!! Our prayers continue for all of you! I can't wait to meet...one day soon!
Tammy Wagner <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS USA - Sunday, March 20, 2005 9:31 PM CST
Those pictures made me so happy for your family! I have boy-girl twins too! Moira and Sean are still best freinds at 12. Seeing them together is the best. Take care. Best wishes.
Sue from CLASS mom to Moira <patmcg457@comcast.net>
shamong, nj usa - Sunday, March 20, 2005 9:25 PM CST
Thinking about you all and wanted to stop by. Hope things are going well. Happy Spring!
Amy.... Carly's Mom...... www.caringbridge.org/wi/carly <Snklfritz117@aol.com>
WI - Saturday, March 19, 2005 8:50 PM CST
Congrats! This was a wonderful miracle from GOD!!!

God Bless your entire family and may you have many blessed years to come with both of your children.

Jennifer Fortune <jpjk4tun@grm.net>
Corydon, IA USA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 5:26 PM CST
Hello Zerr family,
Enjoy your family time this weekend. Hopefully you will all be able to go home soon. Stacy and Randy, try to get some rest. Morgan, we hope your ear infections clear up quickly. Tanner, you look great! Keep up the good work, buddy. Grandma Red, we hope your recovery is going well also. Best wishes to the rest of the family too.
Love, Sue-Ann & Kelvin

Sue-Ann & Kelvin <woo_sueann@yahoo.com>
Boston, MA - Saturday, March 19, 2005 11:48 AM CST
Love the new pictures!! Glad Morgan and Randy made it to STL and that you're getting the snuggle time you need and SO deserve!
Love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Friday, March 18, 2005 7:30 PM CST
I'm so glad Morgan and Tanner are both enjoying their time with each other. I'm sorry to hear that Morgan has both ears infected. We went through this constantly for three plus months (and know how horrible this is). We convinced the doctors that Emma needed tubes. Life has been wonderful post tubes (2/21). Since Morgan and Tanner don't go to a "daycare center" hopefully your stage 2 drugs will work and you won't have to get tubes. Take care.... I love hearing all the updates and will continue to pray that you will be going home in 7 days.
Amy, Andy, and Emma
WDM, IA - Friday, March 18, 2005 7:20 PM CST
Hello Everyone,
Glad to hear of the improvements with both Loretta and Tanner. The pictures of Grandma and Tanner are amazing - what a difference in Tanner's skin color and both look so happy. Take care and best wishes to all of you. Love, Mel, Becky, Andrew & Adam

Becky Augustine <becky.augustine@usd305.com>
Salina, KS USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 3:59 PM CST
Hello to all

Grandma Red it was so nice to visit with you are the phone this morning. I know the Good Lord will keep his watchful eye out for all of you. Stacy, I know Morgan and Tanner will remember each other they have a true bond. Enjoy you weekend family time.
Love and Prayers to all
Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Friday, March 18, 2005 1:16 PM CST
Hello Tanner and Grandma Loretta,

Hope you are both doing great! The pictures look like you are. Just keep taking care of each other. Have a great weekend with your sister Morgan. I can't wait to see pictures of the 2 of you come Monday. It has been a while since all of you have been together, so keep everyone in line but have a good time. You will have to share mom and grandma this weekend and I know you will. Your just a good boy!!! Take care and lots of hugs and prayers are sent your way.

Kathy, Rod and Nicole

Kathy, Rod and Nicole Stack <katz0113@yahoo.com>
Salina, Ks USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 12:26 AM CST
Stacy and Family - Just got the good news from Grandma Karen that Tanner had his transplant and things are going well. Am sure the other Grandma is "pleased as she can be" that she was able to help the little guy out. Give both those little ones the care and attention they deserve. Now that he is healthy, you will find they grow entirely too fast!
Dottie McKelvy (Cousin of Grandpa Bob Robb) <mmckelvy@midamerica.net>
Centralia, MO USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 11:46 AM CST
Good morning, Grandson! Just checking out your website for about the 1000th time. Grandpa and I check out your pages each day just to see that smile and see those white eyes. You look great, baby doll! And Grandma Red looks as beautiful as ever. I am glad to see both of you looking better each day.
I have not left a message for quite a while but my arm is getting better and the first thing I wanted to do was to type you a message.
I will give Grandpa Three Hairs a good grilling to get some updates on you and Grandma Red when he comes home from seeing you - you know that he is hard to get details out of sometimes. But, I am going to find out all of them from this visit - he left early this morning to get to your house and see Morgan and Ms. Ashley and then pick up your Dad for the trip to see you and Mommy.
You have my permission to wear him out on this visit - he will love it but he understands that Morgan belongs to Mommy for this visit at least.
Keep eating and growing - can't wait until we can come and see you for a day trip and it won't be too long now!
I love reading the messages from all your family and friends each day. People have been great to stay updated and offer their support and that means so much to all of us. Stay strong and don't let Morgan get your toys this weekend. We love you all!

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com>
Corydon , IA USA - Friday, March 18, 2005 8:53 AM CST
You poor thing, I hope Morgan gets to feeling better! I'm sure she just needs some mommy time! Hope to hear that Tanner and Morgan are healthy and feeling well soon!

stephanie (Mom to Analiese, CLASS kids, www.caringbridge.org/il/analiese <stephanie0@aol.com>
Danville, IL - Friday, March 18, 2005 8:52 AM CST
Oh Tanner don't you look stunning! My how good you look "pale". I'm so glad the Lord is continuing to heal you and grandma. Stay strong and you will be going home to hang out with your sister soon. God bless your entire family.
WDM, IA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:07 PM CST
Hey Zerr's...just got the news from joe about what all you have been through! While Joe was giving the the news that Elmer relayed to him, Shelly and I were both overcome with goosebumps...what a great thing you have done Grandma Zerr. You two will be forever bonded...like you weren't already right. I am glad you are feeling good and you look great in the picture. Sorry we have not been in contact before now but I guess we were out of the loop. I always knew you were a remarkable lady I guess I just wasn't aware to what extent. Take care of yourself and keep improving. You have given the ultimate gift and you are definately a heroine! Take good care of your precious little miracle and give Randy & Stacy our best. You are ALL in our thoughts and prayers...and GOD BLESS YOU LADY! We will continue checking in for updates!
Missy & Kids (including joe!) <jm3surmeier@sbcglobal.net>
Wichita, KS USA - Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:58 AM CST
Hey hey WHITEY!
Tanner, you look absolutely stunning on that yellow pillow! I am so happy your appetite is ravenous and congratulations on finding your feet - aren't they good? Wait 'til you taste those little piggies, they are to die for. My mommy tells me how great you and your Grandma are doing with each day that passes. Before you know it you'll be out of that dang 'ole apartment and back home with your Daddy and Morgan, cause I think they sure miss you a lot! Keep up the great recovery and get home soon!

Tyler (with Mom's help)
De Soto, KS USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 10:17 PM CST
Oh, those pictures are so sweet! Stacy, you've done such a wonderful job with the website, and of course...keeping Tanner healthy and going! I know it's exhausting, but you're doing such an awesome job!

Soon, you'll be home enjoying both babies and wondering how the heck you're supposed to get it all done! I can't wait to hear that you're going home!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:57 PM CST
Oh my gosh! I can't believe the dramatic change in color, especially on the yellow pillow. Tanner also looks so much happier. Keep going little guy! We mailed your package today so hopefully your daddy will get it before he leaves on Friday so he can bring with with him. Hope you and Morgan like what's in the box. Take care!
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 7:36 PM CST
Hey Guys

Love the new pictures. Still praying that everything goes according to schedule.

Love Lisa and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:13 PM CST
Tuffy Tanner, great report card buddy! Keep it up and keep eating like a champ! You make us so proud!!!
Mom, I can understand why you feel overwhelmed... just look at the pictures of you and Tanner as we can see what a different boy he is now. Thank you for your sacrifice and thanks be to God for keeping you and Tanner in the palms of his hands. You have never looked more radiant... Keep shinin'!
Stacy, less than 48 hours to go before you get a sloppin' wet kiss from MoMo. She better watch out though, she won't be able to steal anymore toys from Tanner... he's ready to chase her with all that energy!
Have a GREAT day!

Aunt Sherry <sherr@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:52 AM CST
I have been reading your updates every day when I get to work - I don't sign the guest book because I just don't know what to say. What a miracle baby you are Tanner and you have a wonderful Grandma. It is great to see you looking so happy and lovable. I hope that some day I can see you and your sister and give you a hugh hug and kiss (and meet your mommy)! I love the pictures and will be looking forward to some next week with your sister. What beautiful babies you have Randy & Stacy. Grandma Red you are a great lady and I am proud to say that you are my cousin. I can't wait to see you either! Email me sometime when you get home. As always you are in our thoughts and prayers and thank god for you watching over you!
Sally Hepp <sally@patcin.com>
Thornton, CO - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:33 AM CST
I told you the name Tanner is a lucky name! Tanner you just continue showing how TUFF you are, just like my Tanner! Tanner and his Grandam are truly amazing~ Tanner are you laughing yet? Let me know!

Suzy Yanez <tanlaughs1@aol.com>
CA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:13 AM CST
Awesome numbers!!! Looks like "grandma" has a great liver! I am so very happy for you guys. This side of transplant is sooooooo much better!!! :) Stacy, you are going to be amazed at Tanner. He is going to bounce back quicker than ever. And be ready to buy lots of new clothes, it sounds like he is going to be outgrowing those soon. I just can't express how happy I am for you all!!
Stephanie (Analiese's Mom, CLASS kids, www.caringbridge.org/il/analiese <Stephanie0@aol.com>
Danville, IL - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 4:35 PM CST
COLBY, KS. THOMAS - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 4:16 PM CST
Way to go TUFFY!!! Those NORMAL numbers are awesome in comparison. Listen little Tuffy, when Grandpa Three Hairs, Daddy and Morgan come down, you make sure to give MOMMY a well deserved BREAK. Grandpa, on the other hand, you should keep him awake and busy as much as you want and I'm sure he'll enjoy it.
Aunt Angie <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA US - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 3:42 PM CST
Tanner is looking AWESOME! This has been such a journey for you all - I am so inspired by your courage & faith. We are keeping you in our thoughts & prayers! Sending you energy & strength for a speedy & healthy recovery!
Ronette Kersting
Yorkville, IL - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 2:37 PM CST
Hey Guys,
Daily check in!! Everyday I sit with tears in my eyes as I read the updates; I am over joyed and so happy things are working in the NORMAL direction. As always, I will continue my prayers.

Wichita, KS - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 1:31 PM CST
Grandpa Elmer said to get online and check out the new pictures! You guys look like you are doing wonderful. Take Care and God bless!
Ashley (FNB) and JW (Coop)
Colby, KS - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 1:28 PM CST
To all our Family and Friends,
Tanner and I continue to gain strength and we are loving our post-op time together! Tanner has three times the energy level, has a very hearty appetite, and plays and smiles!! That has got to tell you that he feels the BEST ever!! Grandma continues to do alot of walking and enjoying the outside air in St. Louis. And a few naps are in order also. We just wanted to let everyone know how very thankful we are that God has brought us safely to this day and for everyone's messages of love and good cheer. Trust us, we feel the love and enjoy reading all the messages!!!!! We are anxious to see our loved ones soon!!

Tanner & Grandma
St. Louis, MO USA - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 11:58 AM CST
Tanner looks great, love your photos! Best wishes.
Sue from CLASS mom to Moira <patmcg457@comcast.net>
shamong, nj usa - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 9:46 AM CST
You have been in our thoughts and prayers all along. We are glad that things are going well. You are all a testament to love,hope and faith.
As always,
Curt and Melissa Moore

Melissa Moore <mmoore@usd232.org>
Desoto, ks us - Tuesday, March 15, 2005 8:07 AM CST
To the Zerr's
So glad everyone is doing well. Grandma you are the best!! All of you are in our prayers.

Bernice Spinden(Zerr) <maddogcattle@kans.com>
Cottonwood Falls, KS Chase - Monday, March 14, 2005 9:08 PM CST
Hey guys, SO great to hear that everyone is doing so well. I look forward to the updates, especially those after everyone gets back home and Tanner can really start running circles around mom and dad! Know that you guys are still in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish you all only the best!
Kory Schuhmacher <koryjon1@yahoo.com>
Oregon, WI - Monday, March 14, 2005 4:31 PM CST
Hi Guys
Here is my daily check in. Glad to see that everthing is still on the up side of life. Great Pictures. As always you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Lisa and Tribe.

Wichita, KS - Monday, March 14, 2005 1:24 PM CST
Dear Staci, Randy, Morgan and Tanner,
Just wanted you to know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers. What an experience! What joy when you get to go home. Love,

Sherry Middlebrook <midcreek@sirisonline.net>
Corydon, IA - Monday, March 14, 2005 11:44 AM CST
Hello Tanner and family! What great new pictures. We are so thankful things are going well and you are able to be at your home away from home. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. May you soon be able to go home to Kansas where you can all be together as a family and may God continue to bless you!
Lolly and Ed
Rockford, IL USA - Monday, March 14, 2005 7:51 AM CST
What a doll! It sounds like Tanner is doing great. I am so happy for all of you. I hope you can get out a bit and enjoy some sunshine!

Keeping Tanner is our prayers! I hope Grandma is doing well too. What a special woman.

Michelle (Jack M's Mom from CLASS) www.caringbridge.org/ny/jack <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Monday, March 14, 2005 7:36 AM CST
Hello family,

What great news and pictures. Looks like Tuffy is going to be a handful now!! We miss you all and can't wait to see you again. Randy--I wish I was a little mouse in your house to see how "Mr. Mom" is doing it all!!!! Call if you need anything!! Stacy, Stay strong and know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers. I personally know how hard this is on you. Aunt Loretta--What a beautiful human being you are. Hope you get well soon and God Bless.
Love you all,
Dave, Sheila, Matt & Krystal

Dave, Sheila, Matt & Krystal VanBuskirk
Grandview, Missouri USA - Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:10 PM CST
Hi Tanner and family! So glad to hear all is going well with you. I hope you continue on the smooth path to recovery and hopefully your whole family will be home together soon!

Kim, Terry, Sami and Kyle

Kim F.
Oakdale, MN USA - Sunday, March 13, 2005 7:54 PM CST
Hi Tanner and Grandma!

Today we received around 4-5 inches of snow and it is quite chilly here in Denver, CO. I'm looking forward to taking you (Tuffy Tanner) and Mo-Mo skiing... whether it be pulling you behind a boat or screaming down a mountain top! We have A LOT of fun memories to come.
Tuffy, I hear you are running circles around G-Ma and your Mom.... KEEP IT UP!!
Mom, no words can express the thanks you deserve for your sacrifice. Your reward awaits you with the BIG MAN upstairs. No worries, I talked with God in church today, you are now a shoe-in! :)
Stacy, hopefully only 5 more days until you get to snuggle with Mo-Mo. How wonderful it will feel!

Love to you all,
Aunt Sherry

Aunt Sherry <sherry@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, March 13, 2005 6:41 PM CST
Hi Randy, Stacy, and our little "Tanner". We are so enjoying the daily updates on your site and you are doing such a fabulous job with Tanner's, web page, Stacy. It is so fantastic to see your smiling faces and know that GOD is carrying all of you in the palm of HIS hand. We continue to pray and wish all of you and Morgan a speedy reunion! Aunt Mary Lou
Mary Lou Zerr <teller43@yahoo.com>
Quinter , KS - Sunday, March 13, 2005 4:25 PM CST
We are so glad everything is going well. The new pix are great!! You continue to be in our prayers.
Connie, Jerry, Brittany, & Cody <bamec@qwest.net>
Littleton, CO USA - Sunday, March 13, 2005 4:01 PM CST
Tanner,Iam so happy to hear you are doing so well and playing, keep up the good work ,so you can starting playing with your sisters. soon. love you much.
Sr.Loretta Clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
Ellis, Ks Ellis - Sunday, March 13, 2005 3:57 PM CST
Wow, what great pictures. Tanner looks great-no yellow. Woo-Hoo! Grandma looks pretty good too. Hope the pain meds are still helping her. We are so happy to hear things are still going well. Keep eating like a pig Tanner. Soon you'll be the same size as Morgan. We'll be sending a little something your way in the mail in the next few days, so be watching for a package from us.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Saturday, March 12, 2005 9:55 PM CST
We LOVE the new pictures!!!! Keep going, Tuffy...soon you'll be a "chunky monkey" like Anthony!
Love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Saturday, March 12, 2005 8:20 PM CST
Glad to hear the Tanner is doing so well. Everyone at work has been asking. We have been thinking of you guys. He looks so good. He is going to pass Kaci before too long. We hope your stay in St Louis is as short as your stay in the hospital was. God Bless
Jim, Cindy, Kylie and Kaci
Shawnee, KS USA - Saturday, March 12, 2005 5:55 PM CST
What a beautiful picture of Tanner when opening to this webpage. I am glad to hear he has become a pig. Your other pictures have been great! I'm so glad you are finding time to update the site. Don't worry, I'm sure the next six days will go quickly. Then you will be able to see your little girl as well. Continued prayers for great wellness strides for your entire family.
Amy, Andrew, and Emma
WDM, IA - Saturday, March 12, 2005 4:31 PM CST
Hello Zerr Family! I just found out what is going on with your family from Grandpa Elmer and have enjoyed your Journal. I have notified all the family members via our family website and gave this address for them to view your wonderful Journal. My thoughts, love, and prayers for a speedy recovery are with you. You are so blessed with all of your wonderful friends and family who have been with you during this 10 month up and down journey. I dearly love all the wonderful pictures..a truly wonderful site with Grandma and Tanner! Thank you so much for sharing your "life" with all of us through your journal.
Cheryl Taylor - Grandpa Elmer Zerr's Cousin <tracktravel@sbcglobal.net>
Dublin, OH USA - Saturday, March 12, 2005 2:58 PM CST
Tanner looks just great! Wow! Glad to hear things are going so well.

Mary, Dave and Sean Wallace <SeansPCToy@aol.com>
Deerfield, NH USA - Saturday, March 12, 2005 12:35 AM CST
Grandma Red ,we hope your feeling better and God bless you for helping such a wonderful little boy.You know it's going to be time to take him fishing! We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers along with Randy,Stacy,& Morgan. We love and miss you. Vicki
Vicki Anderson <vanderson@gcnet.com>
Holcomb, Ks usa - Friday, March 11, 2005 10:19 PM CST
Hi Zerr Family, You all look so great. Love the pictures. We are so happy you are "home" and pray that you can be home to DeSoto soon. The picture of Grandma with Tanner and notes from Grandma to Tanner are so precious. What a special bond they have! God Bless you all! Go ISU!


Alyssa Clark and Family <alyssa@grm.net>
Allerton, IA - Friday, March 11, 2005 8:32 PM CST
You are so strong and so brave. I know that your mommy and daddy are so happy that there is no more BA. Our prayers are with you that your recovery continues to go great.
Joanie and Caroline BA

Joan Brown <joaniek@hotmail.com>
Ferndale, mi usa - Friday, March 11, 2005 4:47 PM CST
Hi Zerr Family, You are living proof of the power of prayers. We are extremely excited to see that all is going so great. You have to be the strongest people I know with all that you have endured through the last year. God Bless!! Hope to see you soon.
Tara Spidle and family <tspidle@decaturcountyhospital.org>
Leon, IA USA - Friday, March 11, 2005 4:31 PM CST
Yippeeeee!!! One step closer to your real home. Watch out Randy and Stacy you know the next step in Tanner'slife is to get into everything and give you both a run for your money. Love the pictures even the Cyclone outfit.
Love and Prayers
Lisa and Tribe.

Wichita, KS - Friday, March 11, 2005 1:44 PM CST
Tanner, you look so beautiful and happy in your new pictures.
We watch your updates daily and continue to pray for you and your family everyday. Keep up the good work, Tanner! You and your grandmother are an inspiration to all of us!
All our love,
Bonnie, Craig, Emilee & Madison Augustine

Bonnie, Craig, Emilee & Madison Augustine <baugustine@mwenergy.com>
Hays, KS USA - Friday, March 11, 2005 12:15 AM CST
Praise the Lord little Tuffy, I'm glad to hear you are HOME in St. Louis. It will be much more fun to hang with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Mo-Mo in the apartment. You are looking GREAT and I just LOVE the Cyclone outfit. You look good in red and yellow! Love to All!
Aunt Angie <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA US - Friday, March 11, 2005 12:08 AM CST
Going to your home away from home is great news Tanner! You look so happy in the new pictures, as does mom and dad. I am so happy for all of you and hope that God continues to watch over you! Do a good job getting all those numbers where they need to be so you can be back with your little sister. Know that you all are in our hearts and prayers. I bet you will miss Grandma when she heads home. Hugs and Kisses! Sally
Sally Hepp <sally@patcin.com>
Thornton, CO - Friday, March 11, 2005 9:22 AM CST
Congrats on getting out! Hopefully it won't be long until you are back home in Kansas. You can bet we'll be coming to De Soto to visit. We want to see that beautiful Non-yellow boy!
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Thursday, March 10, 2005 11:02 PM CST
Hello..Tanner,mom, and daddy...Uncle Al & I so enjoyed the picures of late. You ALL are beaming and that you should be. It has truely been a "miracle" of GOD'S doing. And my, what a joyfilled blessing it has been. We pray evrything continues to go well for everyone, that includes, you, grandma, also. You have all been marvelous thru this all.
Love you all so very much..Aunt Mary Lou

Mary Lou Zerr <teller43@yahoo.com>
Quinter, KS USA - Thursday, March 10, 2005 9:09 PM CST
hello everyone, It is Great news that you are closer to being home! What a handsome little boy. In a few months you will have to change his nickname to TAZ, because you will not be able to keep up with him. God Bless You All.
Luther and Donna Augustine <donnaa@osprey.net>
Emporia, KS USA - Thursday, March 10, 2005 7:37 PM CST
Tanner, you make my day special,as I look at your web-site and saw where you were home from the hosptial, am very happy to hear the good new and will update the sisters to let them know, it is a special day for me too as today was my birthday, the lord has answer my prayers for letting you get home soon. will contiuned to pray for you all yet. take care and have a good night sleep, love you
Sr.Loretta Clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
Ellis, Ks Ellis - Thursday, March 10, 2005 7:31 PM CST
Hey Guys
Opps!! Sorry for the multiple messages. I guess AOL takes awhile to bring the message up. I thought I was doing something wrong. Oh well, remember that I am still thinking about all of you and I hope you will be home soon.
Love and Prayers.
Lisa and Tribe

Wichtia, KS - Thursday, March 10, 2005 1:37 PM CST
Just checking in to say HELLO! Glad things are going good. Hope you bust out soon!
MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Thursday, March 10, 2005 7:35 AM CST
We have followed Tanner's story through Elmer when he comes in the Coop. Thank God and Grandma for his miracle.
Ruth and Stuart Schieck <schieck@ruraltel.net>
Rexford, KS USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 10:08 PM CST
Mommy, Daddy, Morgan, all our "special family and friends",
Tonight Grandma and I "hung out together" in the hospital room. We talked on the phone with Grandpa & Grandma Robb, Papa Zerr, and Aunt Sherry while Mommy & Daddy ran a few errands. We watched the sun set on the St. Louis skyline and Grandma sang me a song which went like this: Thanks be to God our Father, Thanks be to God the Son, and Thanks be to God the Holy Spirit, for the love and miracle we hold. Well, after awhile I fell asleep and Grandma continued to sing and watch a perfect sunset to a perfect day. . . .Goodnite, Grandma; Goodnite, Tanner; Goodnite, Jesus!!!! Goodnite, Everybody!!! We Love You:)

Grandma & Tanner
St. Louis, MO USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 9:55 PM CST
I'm so glad that you are getting so close to bringing Tanner home and very glad to hear that Grandma has improved with a different pain medicine. I will continue prayers for a speedy recovery for you all. It won't be long and Tanner will be packing on the pounds (just like his sister has). He looks GREAT! I bet you really do miss Morgan. I couldn't imagine having to go through everything you guys have been through. Hang tough and remember to continue to rely on God.
WDM, IA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 7:48 PM CST
You are looking wonderful! God Bless you Grandma Red! I pray for your family daily. I have been following your site after hearing about you from Anthony's mom. I work in a medical lab and it is wonderful to see the progress Tanner is making. God Bless your family!

Cheri <cwitt@i55.com>
Albany, LA USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 7:45 PM CST
What GREAT pictures! I can't wait to see more handsome WHITE eyes!

We are just so happy for y'all, and can't wait to hear that you're going "home" to the apartment!

Love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 7:17 PM CST
The photo is priceless! Talk about an enthusiastic smile!
Tanner, you're a winner. I will continue to pray for your complete recovery.

Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, March 9, 2005 7:07 PM CST
Hi everyone - Tanner's new picture is great. We are so glad everyone is improving. Many get well wishes!!!!!!!!!
Love you guys - Mel, Becky, Andrew and Adam

Becky Augustine <becky.augustine@usd305.com>
Salina, KS USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 3:08 PM CST
It is very encouraging news to hear that things are going well. My heart has been with your whole family through this trying time. God's hand touches each child in different ways, but he never loses sight of any of them.
Todd Frank <todd@demonstratives.com>
Stanhope, IA USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 2:43 PM CST
Tanner, You are looking GREAT! I can't wait to see you again. We continue to pray for you daily.
Randy and Stacy our prayers are with you also. Remember to always rely on God. See you all soon.
P.S. Thanks for the blessing of your daughter this last week. :)
Ashley and Trae

Mrs. Ashley (Nanny) <tigger4ksu@yahoo.com>
Gardner, KS USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 2:15 PM CST
Loved all the new pics of Tanner! Wow...looks like he just took that liver transplant in stride! Such a miracle! Best of everything to your family.
Sue from CLASS mom to Moira <patmcg457@comcast.net>
shamong, nj usa - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 2:12 PM CST
Tanner & Grandma Red. What a loving picture. Tanner i see a little Red hair- Did you get that from Grandma. Just teasing Grandma Red a little. Talk to Grandma R. last night- she was happy- said she got to hold you-then i saw the pictures. Have to take one with your Mommy & Daddy too. Hope little Morgan is doing o.k. Just keeping getting well. Hoping for more good news. Love you all GGAT
Twila Younger <mtyounger@aol.com>
Salina, Ks USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 2:07 PM CST
Heys Guys,
Lookin' Good Tanner and Grandma Red. Never under estimate the power of prayer. I can't wait to see you guys and hang out like old times. Continue to get better and we will continue our prayers. I am having a hard time with my AOL sending my messages. I just hope in the end you are not getting multiple messages from me.
Love The Wichita Gang

Lisa <Baalman06@aol.com>
Wichita, KS - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 1:52 PM CST
Hey Guys,
Lookin' Good Tanner and Grandma Red!!! I am so happy for you guys. Never under estimate the power of pray. I hope things continue to go up hill. As always, you are in our deepest thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to see you guys and get together like old times.
Prayers from all
Lisa Greg and Tribe

Lisa <baalman06@aol.com>
Wichita, KS - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 1:47 PM CST
Tanner and Family

Lookin' Good!!! Both Tanner and Grandma Red. Keep up the speedy recovery and we will continue to pray. Can't wait to get together like old times. You all have been blessed with so many prayers.

Love Lisa Greg and Tribe

Wichita, KS - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 1:33 PM CST
So nice to "see" that Tanner is improving! Good luck with the rest of the recovery process and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Hope you get to go to your home away from home soon.
Mark, Stephanie, Tanner, Corbin & Logan Jones <msjones@cecnet.net>
Osceola, IA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 1:28 PM CST
Best wishes Zerr family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Marilynn Hara (Jill's mom) <mnmhara@earthlink.net>
Monterey Park, CA USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 12:07 AM CST
I can see that God is still performing the impossible! Little Tuffy, you are doing and looking great!! Great news on Grandma too! I'm glad she has a pain medicine that is working for her. Your Grandma Zerr is a very special lady. I just love the NEW Pictures, and especially the latest one with Grandma. That's a scrapbook picture if I ever saw one. Of course, your Mommy, Daddy & Morgan are extra special also. To go through so much and still have a positive outlook and not be bitter is very tough.

Love to ALL and hope to visit soon!

Aunt Angie <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA United States - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 12:06 AM CST
Hi Stacy and Tanner. What a beautiful smile Tanner has. We will continue to pray for his and his grandma's recovery. Best Wishes
Charlie Thompson <cthompson@quickpen.com>
Parker, CO usa - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 12:03 AM CST
Hello All,
What great pictures Tanner!! You look better every day. Aunt Loretta, you look great too. What a Miracle God has given this family.
Randy & Stacy, I am still thinking of you and praying for you all. Stay strong and full of faith. Hope to see you all soon.

Sheila VanBuskirk
Grandview, MO USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 11:42 AM CST
Hello All,
What great pictures Tanner!! You look better every day. Aunt Loretta, you look great too. What a Miracle God has given this family.
Randy & Stacy, I am still thinking of you and praying for you all. Stay strong and full of faith. Hope to see you all soon.

Sheila VanBuskirk
Grandview, MO USA - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 11:41 AM CST
What a beautiful pink little boy. Oh Stacy, I'm so happy to see things going well although I'm sorry you didn't get to leave when you'd hoped. Continuing to pray for Tanner and grandma on a trouble free recovery and a healthier remainder of 2005
Sheryl and Justice from CLASS <sheryl.lyn@verizon.net>
Beaverton, OR - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 11:36 AM CST
What a beautiful baby you are holding Grandma Red! He looks perfect in your arms as he is perfect in your heart I'm sure. The hearts of all of us. What a miracle. I am so happy for all of you that god has answered everyone's prayers for Tanner and Grandma. Stacy, I have never met you but what a wonderful person you are. Being so strong for your baby boy and still keeping us all up to date on this little miracle. I love the new pictures today and seeing Grandma with him just melted my heart. You are all a very special family and I constantly pray for you all. Hopefully soon you can put this behind you and enjoy the love your family shares. God Bless you all! Sally
Sally Hepp <sally@patcin.com>
Thornton, CO - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 10:24 AM CST
Pink is YOUR color Tanner!! You looks just beautiful. We love you!!
Lisa and Aiden (from class) <rolexh@aol.com www.caringbridge.org/fl/aiden>
St. Pete, Fl - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 9:32 AM CST
Send all the pictures you can! It is so good to see that color on Tanner. All of Desoto is rooting for you! Many prayers are being said at the churches here. Hoping to see you soon.
Toni, MIke Bret and Rhiannon <mmcaldwell@aol.com>
- Wednesday, March 9, 2005 5:19 AM CST
Tanner,just talk to your grandma this afternoon and say you are doing well and hope you keep this up and get stronger each day so you can join your little sister soon and play with her. will contiuned to pray for you love you much. also talk to your mommy to. God love you too
Sr.Loretta Clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
hays , ks ellis - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 7:53 PM CST
Keep the Faith Sir Randy & Lady Stacy
Donna Uthe <rdlu@cameron.net>
Osborn, MO United States - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 6:31 PM CST
We are so glad to hear Tanner is doing better. Elmer was here yesterday and filled us in on your surgeries. It sounds as if a miracle has truly happened. Our thoughts and prayers are continually with all of you.
City of Sharon Springs office girls <sscity@sunflowertelco.com>
Sharon Springs, KS USA - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 5:33 PM CST
Tanner it looks like you are doing great!!!! You are truely a fighter and a very blessed young boy to have such a loving and caring family. Keep smiling buddy!

Aunt Loretta, WOW, I don't know what to say. You have always been one of the most loving people I know. What you have done for your grandson can't ever be put into words. I am truely so proud to let everybody know you are my GodMother. I hope your recovery is going great.

I am keeping the both of you in my thoughts and in my prayers. I had my best friend in Indianapolis add you two to his Church's prayer list last week before the surgery. They prayed for me after my accident a few years ago and I am going strong again!!!!
Love ya,

Mike Zerr <Mike.Zerr@dcsg.com>
Moon Township, PA USA - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 5:15 PM CST
Tanner looks so healthy! I love it! We keep him in our prayers. Hope you guys can head home soon!

Michelle (Jack M's Mom from CLASS) www.caringbridge.org/ny/jack <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 4:01 PM CST
We will hope and pray that you get to go home soon with your pink baby. There may be bumps in the road but those are minor compared to what you have already been through. What a tough little boy you have. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Jennifer Pianalto

Jennifer Pianalto <pjpianalto@aol.com>
San Antonio, TX - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 3:49 PM CST
WOW!!! What a miracle. God is Great!!! God Bless you and your entire family.
Dee and Louise <DeeThompso@yahoo.com>
Milford, De 19963 - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 3:11 PM CST
What a GREAT new picture! Tanner, you look like a million bucks! What a fighter you are! I know you will continue to amaze everyone and will be home before you know it! I hope Morgan is getting over her illness too so you guys can be together again soo! Love from De Soto, KS! We miss you!
De Soto, KS USA - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 1:27 PM CST
Randy and Stacy, just a note to let you know that you guys have been in Rhonda's and my prayers. We are Ashley and Angie parents. It is so good to see Tanner gaining his color back and hearing that things continue to improve. God Bless you all and we'll be making a donation today for Tanner.

Dennis and Rhonda Mullin <DenMullin@aol.com>
Manhattan, KS USA - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 9:47 AM CST
Randy and Stacy, just a note to let you know that you guys have been in Rhonda's and my prayers. We are Ashley and Angie parents. It is so good to see Tanner gaining his color back and hearing that things continue to improve. God Bless you all and we'll be making a donation today for Tanner.

Dennis and Rhonda Mullin <DenMullin@aol.com>
Manhattan, KS USA - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 9:46 AM CST
I'm praying for you and your family...Tanner looks great. I want you to stay strong, everything will be ok. Tanner will be up and around before you know it.
Rita Petty <rpetty@gbutler.com>
Olathe, KS United States - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 9:33 AM CST
Go Tanner Go!!! We are praying for you and your family!! Love to hear all this great news!! Keep it up. You are a real miracle XOXOX
Lisa and Aiden <rolexh@aol.com www.caringbridge.org/fl/aiden>
St. pete, fl - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 7:58 AM CST
Just checking in on Tuffy and family! We're still praying that things continue on the "up"!
Love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, March 7, 2005 9:57 PM CST
What a happy and sweet little boy you are! Your picture is uplifting to the spirit. We are so glad you are getting better everyday and that your family and the doctors are taking such good care of you. Tell your mommy hello from us. We are praying for you all! Love , John, Alyssa, Abby and Caleb

Alyssa Clark
Allerton, IA - Monday, March 7, 2005 9:48 PM CST
Hello Tanner and family! Oh my goodness..YOU look so good and so very happy. Your mama's dimples are showing beautifully. Nice to see you smiling so big. I know your family is smiling along with you. Keep up the good work. Everyone is waiting for your return to Desoto. Great Aunt Mary Lou
Mary Lou <teller43@yahoo.com>
Quinter, KS USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 9:03 PM CST
Hi Tanner and Grandma Zerr!

I have proudly hung your post-transplant pictures on our "Door of Fame" in the pharmacy. Many people have been praying for you here in Texas and are thrilled with the progress you both have made in 7 days!

Tanner, keep up the work so you can get back to KC and play with Morgan. She misses you....

Mom, no words can describe the ultimate sacrifice you have made for our family. I am HONORED and PROUD to be your daughter. Keep smilin'...

Morgan, hang in there! Mommy, Daddy and Tanner will be home soon. They miss you and love you tremendously!


Aunt Sherry <sherry@hotmail.com>
- Monday, March 7, 2005 7:24 PM CST
Hey Guys!! Great job!! Aunt Loretta you are an angel. If anybody needs anything let me know. I can't wait to see the twins and have them play with our newest addition due to arrive in early June. May God Bless everyone.
Diane, Barry and the Gang <dmiller90@cox.net>
Topeka, ks usa - Monday, March 7, 2005 5:00 PM CST
Tuffy and Family,
I have been following your site for weeks keeping you in my prayers. Your strength and courage is an inspiration. The love that is felt from reading your journal is incredible. My wishes are for you and yours to live a long healthy life filled with much love and happiness..

Chesterfield, Mi USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 3:49 PM CST
Dear Tanner "My Liver Bud",
It has been one week (already) since our surgeries! And you look more beautiful than ever. Let us all together give thanks and praise to God for the wonderful "miracle" He has given to us. Today the tears are flowing for I feel so overwhelmed when I look at you and see the change in you. You are truly strong and full of courage and what a lucky Grandma I am to have been blessed with you and Morgan. As soon as I awoke after surgery, I remember asking Papa Z if you were all right, and the smile on his face was from ear to ear and he said you were fine and how very proud he was of you, Tuffy!! Couldn't you just feel the peace and love from all the prayers being said?? There is so much I want to write to you and share, but deep in my heart all I can say today is "THANKS BE TO GOD" and "I LOVE YOU TANNER, MORGAN, MOMMY, & DADDY"!!

St. Louis, MO USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 2:32 PM CST
Hi, Tanner and the whole family. Lots of prayers are being sent from Grandma Karen's friends here at Graceland, especially ours. We hope every day brings more healing and great news for the whole family. Love from Mike and Alex Casey
Alexandria Casey <acasey@graceland.edu>
Lamoni, IA US - Monday, March 7, 2005 2:13 PM CST
Friends of Anthony's stopping by to say Hi and that Tanner and the whole family are in our prayers. Keep the faith, I know at times it is really hard. Good Luck to all of you and may God grant strength and guidance through this.
Patsy Ashton
New Orleans, LA USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 1:47 PM CST
Hey Guys

Love the pictures!!! I finally go them up on my screen. Tanner you are soooo cute. Can't wait to see you all again. Take care of Grandma and we will all continue to pray.

Love The Wichita Tribe

Wichita, KS - Monday, March 7, 2005 1:17 PM CST
What wonderful pictures! You are such a precious and happy little boy. God has truly blessed you with a wonderful, courageous, and happy spirit. I love to see the smiles and the 'whites' of those eyes. What an Awesome picture of you and Grandma, I can just see the Love. Keep up the good progress. Cousin Kate has been praying for you too and can't wait to see you and play with you.
Aunt Angela <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA 50225 - Monday, March 7, 2005 10:17 AM CST
Hello all, Tanner looks GREAT. Those white eyes are beautiful!!! We will continue to keepTanner, Gramma, and the family in our prayers!!


Ashlee and Kristy from CLASS <kakakelly@netzero.com>
NY - Monday, March 7, 2005 9:41 AM CST
Hi Tanner, Randy, Stacy & Loretta!
We are so happy to read your updates and know that God has been watching over all of you as we have asked Him to in our prayers. The girls love the pictures! Elmer had coffee with us yesterday morning after church and shared pics, etc. with us. Take good care of yourselves and know that we are keeping you in our prayers as you continue to recover.

Steve, Marilyn, Abby & Allie
Colby, KS - Monday, March 7, 2005 8:58 AM CST
Hang in there little buddy, I look forward to seeing you grow up healthy and strong. We are praying for a good recovery. Tell your mom and dad we are praying for them too.
Jim, Rhonda, Jeremy, Melissa, Jennifer, & Minni McKean
(oh, and our newest addition, our new grandchild "Hercules" the dwarf hamster)

Jim McKean <jmckean@gbutler.com>
Olathe, Ks USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 8:37 AM CST
Hello Zerrs - take care of one another. You're in our thoughts and prayers. We'll see you all back here soon.
Anita and Don Horine <dhorine@gbutler.com>
Lenexa, KS USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 8:26 AM CST
Our family has been praying for you. Tanner is looking great! Know that so many are praying and pulling for you!
Janelle Clayton <jclayton@gbutler.com>
Olathe, KS USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 8:15 AM CST
Tanner, Stacy and Randy
Hello! Thanks for the new pictures and the great updates! We have been following daily. I tried to send an email last week but it came back as not deliverable. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We are so pleased with the progress that has been made thus far and are thankful Loretta was a match and was willing to make the sacrifice for Tanner. God bless her and all of you as you continue to meet each new day and the challenges it holds. You are all awesome! We love you guys!

Lolly and Ed
Rockford, IL USA - Monday, March 7, 2005 7:37 AM CST
More Pictures More Pictures! We want to see more Pictures of Tanner! Maybe even one with his Happy Mommy & Daddy Too! Can't wait to see a Family Picture with Baby Morgan also! Still praying that God will give you guys His strength daily. Love Danny & M.J., Nicky & Ashley
Danny & Mary Jo Rendon <dmrendon@msn.com>
Aurora, CO - Sunday, March 6, 2005 9:50 PM CST
Tanner, You need to get better so you can take care of that very special grandma you have. Keep fighting little guy! Randy and Stacy your resolve is truely remarkable and an inspiration to us all. Keeping you all in our Prayers. Godspeed.
Harland, Tammy, Kristyn and Joshua
Lansing, KS US - Sunday, March 6, 2005 9:29 PM CST
Our prayers go out to you and your family. I know God is with you and well be with you always.
The Wyrick's

The Wyrick's
Colby, KS USA - Sunday, March 6, 2005 9:28 PM CST
Hello Tanner!!!

You are a doll!!! What beautiful white eyes and a big smile!!!! You have a lot to smile about. Continue to keep fighting and you will soon be with your little sister Morgan back home. Tell Grandma to take it easy and get some rest so she continues to get well also. The picture of you and Grandma before surgery is picture perfect!! Tell your mommy thanks for keeping us updated on you and Grandma and we will hope to see you sometime soon!!! Hang in there little one!!! Lots of prayers are being sent your way. Love you all.

Kathy, Rod and Nicole Stack
Salina, KS usa - Sunday, March 6, 2005 8:21 PM CST
Tanner you look great! What a sweet picture with your balloons and Grandma. It is great to see the white in your eyes! Stay tough so you can go home soon with Mom and Dad, okay? Grandma continue to rest and remember to take it slow. In no time you will be able to visit little Tanner without pain or discomfort.

God is awesome with his healing powers. We will continue to pray for you all.

Amy, Andy, and Emma
WDM, IA - Sunday, March 6, 2005 8:11 PM CST
Hi Tanner,
saw your picture, you are sure cutieand hope you will contiued to get feeling better each day, May the lord be with you each day, and thank the Lord for this special little Tanner and his donor. will contiuned to prayfor you so you can getting home soon with your family. love you much dear. ggal, your Moomy is doing a great job letting us know and also daddy

Sister Loretta clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
ellis, ks ellis - Sunday, March 6, 2005 7:25 PM CST
Love the new pics!!! We are so proud of you Tanner!!! You too Aunt Loretta. We'll keep you in our prayers.
Connie, Jerry, Briittany, & Cody <bamec@qwest.net>
Littleton, CO USA - Sunday, March 6, 2005 5:14 PM CST
Just a quick note to say how good the new pictures make you look! So nice to see the white in those eyes and that great smile! Keep improving and make sure that Grandma Red follows the doctor's orders - after all, we want her to feel as good as you look!

We love you and continue to thank God for his grace - love to your mommy and daddy and everyone else as we go through this together. Just some of us are more together than others at times - but we are there with you in spirit.

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com >
Coryond, IA USA - Sunday, March 6, 2005 5:09 PM CST
Love the pictures! The color will only get better. Hope Grandma is able to visit you again soon and that she is feeling better. Your mom is doing a great job keeping us all updated.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS USA - Sunday, March 6, 2005 5:06 PM CST
Tanner- you look different with the white eyes. You little cutie.Bet you miss your little sis. Mommy is doing a good job with the web-site. Hope things are better tomorrow. Will talk to your Grandma tonight to check on you. still say a prayer for all of you. Love GGAt
Twila Younger <Mtyounger@ aol.com>
salina, Ks USA - Sunday, March 6, 2005 4:40 PM CST
Hi Tanner and Family,
I don't post very often but I read and follow all the "class kids" since my granddaughter, Havalah, is one of them. I am so excited that Tanner is post transplant and that he's doing well despite a few bumps here and there. I wish you nothing but the best and hope that Tanner is out of the hospital and reunited with his sister soon! God Bless!

Valerie Kolb <vkolb@new.rr.com>
Green Bay, WI USA - Sunday, March 6, 2005 4:40 PM CST
Hey Tanner! Way to go little man. Glad your big surgery is over and you are on the road to recovery (bumpy though it may be from time to time). It is great to see the whites of those precious eyes. Be good and get well soon so you can have lots of fun with Morgan.

Love and prayers to all of you, Mavis Pianalto( Alyssa and Madison's Meme')

Mavis Pianalto <mavis@ruraltel .net>
Smith Center, ks - Sunday, March 6, 2005 4:30 PM CST
How wonderful and healthy you look, Tanner! It's wonderful to hear the good news and see God's hands at work. Hoping and praying all continues to go well and you will be home soon with Morgan and your Mommy and Daddy.
Dewey, Pam and Matt <pdma@st-tel.net>
Colby, KS - Sunday, March 6, 2005 1:31 PM CST
Man, those are some awesome balloons! You are lookin' great, kiddo. We are constantly thinking about you and your family and hoping to see you soon!
Rob, Heather, Bobby, and Hadley Johnson

Rob Johnson
Olathe, KS USA - Sunday, March 6, 2005 12:27 AM CST
Hello All,
Tanner what great pictures and what a happy boy (who wouldn't be!!). We continue to have you all in our prayers every day. Can't wait to see you when you come home. Randy and Stacy, stay strong and keep the faith!! Call when you get home if you need "Anything".
Love and God Bless,
Dave, Sheila, Matt & Krystal

Sheila VanBuskirk
Grandview, mo USA - Sunday, March 6, 2005 11:03 AM CST
You look fantastic Tanner, we are so glad you are doing so well! Keep it up.

Jennifer and Alyssa

Jennifer Pianalto <pjpianalto@aol.com>
San Antonio, TX - Sunday, March 6, 2005 9:33 AM CST
You look fantastic Tanner, we are so glad you are doing so well! Keep it up.

Jennifer and Alyssa

Jennifer Pianalto <pjpianalto@aol.com>
San Antonio, TX - Sunday, March 6, 2005 9:33 AM CST
Way to go little Tanner! You look awesome in those pics! HUGS!
Marisa, liver transplant
MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Sunday, March 6, 2005 7:50 AM CST
Hey Guys,
Just checking in to make sure all is still going well. For some reason the new pictures would not pop up on my computer. Probably the operator. Can't wait to see the pictures. Glad to hear things are still going well.
Love and prayers to all!!!

Lisa Greg Trent Brook Spencer and Saige

Wichita, KS - Saturday, March 5, 2005 9:18 PM CST
Yea, pictures!!! You look so great, Tanner - I love your balloons too! Your eyes are bright and white and beautiful. Glad you're back to normal and off those wacky pain meds. Continue to get stronger little man and jump around in that exersaucer, the sooner you get to come home!
Tim, Heather & Tyler
De Soto, KS USA - Saturday, March 5, 2005 8:54 PM CST
Hi kids and little Tanner! Sounds like you're coming along just pretty darn great, Tanner. Everyone is really proud of you and your loving family and all your grandparents. You just don't know how much you are loved. We are all cheering
for you & grandma RED. Love ya all, Aunt Mary Lou & uncle Al.

Mary Lou Zerr <teller43@yahoo.com>
Quinter , Ks USA - Saturday, March 5, 2005 7:01 PM CST
It sounds like you are quite ther fighter! You and your grandma are very courageous people. Keep up the great attitude!

Niki Zerr <nlz123@yahoo.com>
Macomb, IL US - Saturday, March 5, 2005 12:17 AM CST
So glad to hear that you are all making progress. You will continue to be on our prayer list. Thanks for the updates on the web, they have been great. Tanner, keep up the fight, you have a great family to help you out. Tell grandma we are praying for her too. Hugs and Kisses!!!
Brad., Cindy, Mark, Kirsten and Maria <bcmk@st-tel.net>
Grinnell, KS - Saturday, March 5, 2005 10:51 AM CST
Hoping and praying that all will be better tomorrow! We keep checking in you, little man, and can't wait to hear that you're going "home" like your Grandma!

We love you guys!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Friday, March 4, 2005 9:30 PM CST
Tanner, your job is too get rid of that fever little man. Hope you are feeling better soon.
MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Friday, March 4, 2005 8:55 PM CST

I am so happy to see that Tanner is doing well and Grandma too. We prayer that God continues to bless you all.

Karen(Jen & Jon's mom) <threelivers@att.net>
Chatsworth, GA - Friday, March 4, 2005 4:33 PM CST
Tanner and Family
Keep up the good spirits!!! We are still praying for you and thinking about you each and everyday. Thanks for the updates via internet.
Prayers to all
Lisa Greg Trent Brook Spencer and Saige

Wichita, KS - Friday, March 4, 2005 1:40 PM CST
Good morning, Teffy! Just a note here before I actually try to get something done today. So glad to hear that everything is going so well. Truly God gave us a miracle and we will thank Him each day for his graciousness.

I hear you have a room full of balloons and teddy bears - be a nice brother and share some of those with Morgan when she gets to vist the next time. Sounds like Grandma Red will be headed to the apartment today sometime and that is good too. You and her and spend some quality time together when you get to go to the apartment as well.
Bless you, little Tuffy - Grandma and Grandpa wait every day to talk to your Mommy or Daddy to see how you are doing. I am sure that your Grandpa will be coming to see you in a couple of weeks and I will see you once you get back to your house. We love you and your family very much. Keep putting smiles on our faces with your progress, little one.

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com >
Corydon , IA USA - Friday, March 4, 2005 11:19 AM CST
Glad to hear everything is going well. Yes, God does hear our prayers, but sometimes we think he should maybe move faster than he does. We just have to remember he has a plan for us and does things as he sees fit! He is an awesome God. Take care and we will continue to keep Tanner in our prayers.
Lee Peck <lpeck@mercydesmoines.org>
Corydon, IA USA - Friday, March 4, 2005 10:32 AM CST
Tanner & family,
So happy to hear you and Grandma are recovering so quickly. You are an amazing little Tuffy!! We are so proud of you and Grandma. Hugs and kisses to all of you. We will continue to pray for you and family. Your Godparents and family

Elaine Augustine <eaugusti@fhsu.edu>
Hays, KS USA - Friday, March 4, 2005 6:56 AM CST
Stacy, I'm SO happy for you! I hope Tanner continues to improve. Thinking of you!
Marisa, liver transplant
MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Thursday, March 3, 2005 9:49 PM CST
Tanner & mommy&daddy
Ian so happy for you all and tanner keep up the good work, you are a very strong person, and so is grandma, May the lord contiune to bless you all and keep you in his care each day,of your life, get well soon so you can get home for your birthday, to celebrate a new life. love you much, said hi to grandma,

Sr.Loretta Clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
ellis, ks ellis - Thursday, March 3, 2005 8:13 PM CST
Hi Tanner(Tuffy) and Family! Al & I continue to pray for both YOU and Grandma Z's speedy recovery. We still can't believe the "miracle" we witnessed, Monday!! Give grandma a little "smooch" for us. We know that GOD and HIS angels are keeping a watchful eye on all of you. Also...Tanner, you have a really neat "nanny". It was a pleasure meeting Ashley. She is also a GOD send! Love ya...Aunt Mary Lou
Mary Lou Zerr <teller43@yahoo.com>
Quinter, KS - Thursday, March 3, 2005 8:13 PM CST
Tanner, Mommy, and Daddy,

It is amazing how far you have come. You are already looking amazing! I can't wait to see you when you are all pink. Your sister and I miss you and are praying for you daily. Come home quickly. We miss you.

Mrs. Ashley (Nanny) <tigger4ksu@yahoo.com>
Gardner, KS USA - Thursday, March 3, 2005 7:42 PM CST
Just want to praise God with you...we often forget to be thankful and see the blessings...so glad you saw them and I just wanted to be thankful with you!!! Will continue to pray that everyone continues to do good :)
Bonnie <bsparsley@yahoo.com>
Milford, DE 19963 - Thursday, March 3, 2005 5:47 PM CST
Tanner and Family

You are absolutely right Stacy, God always has a plan and sometimes it is hard to continue your faith and trust when things are so tough, but we never know what the PLAN is so we have to continue to pray and have faith. I will always hold a special place in my praying heart for your family, and I will continue to pray for GREEN POOP!!!
Love and Prayers to all
Lisa Greg Trent Brook Spencer Saige

Lisa <Baalman06@aol.com>
Wichtia, KS - Thursday, March 3, 2005 1:54 PM CST
Stac, Randy, Tanner & Morgan:

Wow! God has brought you all through a lot. I have been praying for you guys everyday and you guys are always on my mind and in my heart. I was just glad to have a little mouse on the inside...it made getting news a lot easier(and quicker).
Keep that little guy getting stronger everyday! We can't wait until he comes home, but in the meantime we will enjoy your other one.

Love to all!

Angie, Jerome, Darien & Denae
Olathe, KS USA - Thursday, March 3, 2005 12:35 AM CST
I am so happy that Tanner is doing so well. I think about him everyday and remember that we were there exactly one year ago. Alyssa is thriving and I know Tanner will too. Congratulations on Green Poop!!

Jennifer Pianalto

Jennifer Pianalto <pjpianalto@aol.com>
san antonio, Tx - Thursday, March 3, 2005 12:23 AM CST
Hey, Tuffy! Anthony says hurry up and get better...he learned how to walk and now thinks he's the expert on it all! He said that if you would just get up out of that bed, he'd be able to teach you all of the techniques needed to walk, run and GO GO GO!

Keep up the good work, guys! GREEN POOP is SO beautiful! We continue to pray for success and healing!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Thursday, March 3, 2005 10:42 AM CST
Hi Stacy and Tanner (and family)!

Congrats on the successful living donor transplant. What a blessing indeed! You'll have to keep us up-to-date on Tanner's weight gains post TX amongst other issues. I'm just wondering if a good liver will help him gain weight, as he was also a preemie like my Meghan. Anyway, congrats again!

Jen B, mom of:
Grace, Alpha-1 ZZ (birth weight 3 pounds, 14.5 oz)
Meghan, Alpha-1 ZZ (birth weight 1 pound 9.5 oz)
Milwaukee, WI

Jen <jenchar@uwalumni.com>
- Thursday, March 3, 2005 10:39 AM CST
So happy to hear that Tanner is doing so well. We are sending prayers for speedy recoveries for both Tanner and his hero, grandma!!
Debra Glaser
- Thursday, March 3, 2005 9:09 AM CST
Hi Tanner

Glad to hear they let you snuggle with mom today. Hope you had a nice visit with grandma. I hope they let you eat as much as you want soon, Did you forget to bring your own applejuice?

Kristen (Havalah's mom from classkids) <kristennn@brokebox.com>
milwaukee , WI - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 10:44 PM CST
Hey there! Tanner, just keep getting stronger every day. All of us are praying for you and your grandma, and we are keeping you both in our thoughts. Get well fast so you can go home and play with your sister! Tell your mommy and daddy hi from all of us. We'll see you all soon! Take care and we love you all!
Mike, Linda, & Rebecca Augustine <crazy_midget76@hotmail.com>
Ellis, KS USA - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 9:01 PM CST
Hey Tanner! Keep up the good work. Ali got grumpy after her transplant when she couldn't eat. I'm sure you are just trying to tell everyone "GIVE ME FOOD!" Ali and I keep checking in on you and are loving seeing good news. Hopefully your grandma (Hero!) will get to see you tomorrow. I know she is probably very anxious. Take care and get out of ICU.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS USA - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 8:41 PM CST
Hi Tanner, hope will are getting better each day, and Grandma too, so you both canrace down the hallway to see who can go faster, still praying for you all, tell mommey Y ddaddy hi for me, and your little sister, keep up the good spirit and good health, love you much
Sr,Loretta Clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
hays, ks Ellis - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 7:09 PM CST
It is so great to keep checking and keep reading about fabulous progress. We keep you in our prayers. Way to go Tanner and Grandma!!
Sheryl and Justice from CLASS <sheryl.lyn@verizon.net>
Beaverton, OR - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 4:42 PM CST
Randy, Stacy, Tanner, Morgan, and Grandma Red
I get on the web-site everyday and read up on the progress of your two angels. I am so happy to hear a few prayers have been answered. Remember we are only a few hours away if you need us. I will contine to pray and I can't wait to see new pictures.
Love to All
Lisa (Greg Trent Brook Spencer Saige)

Wichita, KS - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 1:34 PM CST
GOD BLESS YOU BOTH, TANNER AND GRANDMA!! I am so excited to hear the wonderful news of answered prayers! We will keeping praying for both of you for a speedy recovery. Can't wait to see you all again! We will plan to come visit you in Desoto some time this summer. Love, Great Aunt Diana and Kyra
Diana McCullough <mccullough.diana@principal.com>
Des Moines, IA USA - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 12:33 AM CST
Hi Tanner!
Glad that you're doing better and I hope you'll be outta the PICU. Praying for you!

Joanne’s Corner
~Joanne’s Corner~

Bridge of Dreams

With Love,
Joanne and the Dream Team
~Bridge of Dreams ~

Joanne <joanne173@gmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 2, 2005 10:40 AM CST
Tanner- read your update- I will be sending your Mommy & Daddy a card-& a gift for you,Mommy,Dadddy. Also there will be something in there for Morgan too. Just keep bein tuff. Love you all! GGAT
Twila Younger <mtyounger@aol.com>
Salina, Ks USA - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 10:36 AM CST
It feels good to say, We love checking Tanner's progress! It will be so good to see him. Take care and we will see you back in Desoto sooner than later!
Toni Caldwell <mmcaldwell@aol.com>
Desoto, Ks USA - Wednesday, March 2, 2005 5:30 AM CST
I cant believe I havent checked Tanners site in a week or so and missed all of the action! I told you Tanner is a LUCKY name!!! Seeing my Tanner pink for the first time was overwhelming, no he wasnt yellow, but he was blue. I am so happy to read that Tanners Grandma was able to give him the gift of LIFE! God bless her! Please post pics of Tanner as soon as you can, I want to see that pink little guy!
mom to my own miracle named Tanner www.tannerlaughs.com
and my niece Rebecca www.caringbridge.org/ca/rebeccalynn

Suzy <tanlaughs1@aol.com>
- Wednesday, March 2, 2005 3:39 AM CST
We're saying extra prayers for quick recoveries. Can't wait to see those white eyes. Love to all!!!
Connie, Jerry , Brittany, & Cody <bamec@qwest.net>
Littleton, CO USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 11:00 PM CST
We're back home! "THANK YOU" all so very much for letting us be a part of Monday's "miracle". Words cannot express the "awe" of it all. Tanner, your name (Toughy) speaks for itself. You are a truely a "tough" little soldier. And your grandma Red...she's an "angel" sent from GOD! Take it easy, Loretta...you've done your job! You can rest now and begin the healing process, and enjoy the twins playing together, again. Elmer and kids, take GOOD care of her. Love ya all,
Alfred and Mary Lou

Alfred & Mary Lou Zerr <teller43.@yahoo.com>
Quinter, Ks. USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 10:57 PM CST
I am truly amazed each time I read your posts. Tanner is making such wonderful progress!! You have to be thrilled! I cry every time I read your posts as I can only imagine all the emotions you are experiencing. I can only hope that Janna's tx will be as uneventful. I called today, but you were busy. I will try another time! Go Tanner Go!! Go Grandma Go!!
Tammy <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, KS USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 10:02 PM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We hope everyone is doing great. We know what it is like to have a miracle you could say. Know we are thinking of all of you.
Brad and Cindy Schroeder <bcmk@st-tel.net>
Grinnell, Kansas - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 8:42 PM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We hope everyone is doing great. We know what it is like to have a miracle you could say. Know we are thinking of all of you.
Brad and Cindy Schroeder <bcmk@st-tel.net>
Grinnell, Kansas - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 8:41 PM CST
Wow. I am so happy for you guys. I check your website every now and then, and had you in my mind. What a huge answer to prayers. God is so GOOD.

One's of Dr. Clark's workers... Melissa
Overland Park, KS - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 6:03 PM CST
Tanner & Grandma,
My prayers are with you. Stay strong. Everyone here is praying for the both of you and we all can't wait to meet you Tanner. Both of you have a speedy recovery.

Denise Augustine
Hays, KS USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 5:43 PM CST
Hi tanner & Grandma Loretta, Iam so happy to hear the good news and that you both are doing well,will keep prayer for you both to get well soon, you are both special to me, love you much,
Sr.Loretta Clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
Hays, ks Ellis - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 5:24 PM CST
Hi Randy, Stacy, Tanner and all the family. This has been an unbelievable few days. Many in Colby are praying for all of you. We look forward to more good news in the days to come. May God continue to bless Tanner and that remarkable grandmother, Loretta. Love, Francis and Geri
Geri Landry <land@st-tel.net>
Colby, usa - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 3:00 PM CST
Stacy, Randy, Tanner and Morgan,
So glad things are going so well! I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, especially little Tanner and his very special Grandmother!
Take Care,

Sarah, Riley & Reese Brown <sarahb@grm.net>
Promise City, IA USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 2:44 PM CST
We have been following your family and praying for Tanner. We are so glad you are all doing great. We will keep praying for Tanner's recovery and hope that things return to normal soon.
Michael and Amber Pugh <apugh@murphyfarms.com>
Ames, IA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 2:34 PM CST
Wonderful updates, Stacy! So happy Tanner & Grandma are doing great. I can't wait to see updated photos of healthy, pink, white-eyed Tanner soon! That is great news that he might only have to stay there 7-10 days; Morgan will be so excited to have her best buddy back.
De Soto, KS USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 1:43 PM CST
Hello Tanner, and mom and dad! I'm happy and relieved to hear everything has went smoothly so far, praying that it continues to do so. I can't wait to see new pictures of you looking all pink like your sister. I hope it's not long before you're just as big too!
Kristen (Havalah's mom from classkids) <kristennn@brokebox.com>
milwaukee, wi - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 1:29 PM CST
Hello to all

We are so glad to hear that everything is going according to schedule and Tanner and Grandma are on the road to recovery!!! With all the strength and courage(plus prayer) you guys have I know you will all come out on top. I can't wait to see you guys and watch the twins get into (good) trouble. God is always watching over your family and friends (and family) are always praying.
God Bless All Of You!!
Love and Prayers
Greg Lisa Trent Brook Spencer Saige

Lisa <Baalman06@aol.com>
Wichita, - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 1:26 PM CST
Go Go Go Tanner!!!! We're so happy with how well you are doing. Keep it up!!!! And special hugs for your Grandma - from another Liver Donor!!!
Becca, Jason, and Natalie (From Class) <becandjay@earthlink.net>
Byron, Il - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 1:26 PM CST
Tanner- I am so glad to hear that you and Grandma are doing good. I hope to someday get to hold you before you are too big! I am sure you will grow fast now that Grandma has given you a part of her for a new life. You are a special boy and knowing your Grandma you will be spoiled! I send lots of love and prayers especially to you and your grandma! Hope to keep hearing that things are going well. Give lots of love to your baby sister and mommy and daddy too! Sally
Sally Hepp <sally@patcin.com>
Thornton, Co - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 1:17 PM CST
Dear Stacy and Randy,
What awesome news!!! We wish Tanner and Loretta a full and speedy recovery. We need to make a trip to the Midwest so that we can meet Tanner (and of course Morgan too :). We admire your amazing strength and courage. We think of you often and will continue to pray for your very loving and deserving family.

Love, Sue-Ann & Kelvin <woo_sueann@yahoo.com>
Boston, MA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 1:02 PM CST
I am so excited for all of you. This is wonderful news! You have a very special Grandma Tanner! The gift you have been given is immeasureable. You and your grandma are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you both have a speedy recovery!
Andrea Slusser
Blue Springs, MO USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 12:32 AM CST
I am so happy for you guys! Prayers to Tanner and his Grandmother!
Michelle (Jack M's mom from Class) www.caringbridge.org/ny/jack <mmorea@optonline.net>
Massapequa, NY - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 12:24 AM CST
I have tears of joy and reilef just flowing for you. I am so thankful and thrilled that our little tuffy has done so well. God bless him and his beuatiufl hero grandma for giving him his second chance at life. You are all miracles.
Lisa and Aiden from CLASS <rolexh@aol.com>
St. PeteFl, fl - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 10:24 AM CST
I am crying happy tears for all of you. Great job Grandma! Many prayers still coming your way.
Sue from CLASS mom to Moira <patmcg457@comcast.net>
shamong, nj usa - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 10:07 AM CST
I'm so glad to read this new update!! How wonderful life is today! Our prayers continue.
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 9:57 AM CST
I am praying hard for you guys that things keep coming along good job Grandma!I have been there I know how it feels,painful but so happy! Jodi(Mom to McKayla lrd:liver tx to cure Citrullinemia)
McKayla's Site

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 9:16 AM CST
Prayers & thoughts of you continually. Thanks Grandma for your gift of life to Tanner. WE ALL APPRECIATE YOU AND LOVE YOU FOR IT! Greetings from Michigan!! The Couzins -
The FArrell's

Shari & Jim Farrell <luvcusball@aol.com>
Grand Rapids, MI USA - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 4:04 AM CST
Oh Gosh.. I am so thrilled for you all. Love Tanner's smile. i cant wait to see his smile with his new pink beautiful face and white happy eyes!!

We are praying for Tuffy!!! and Grandma too!

Mika Denny <mikadenny@cox.net>
Laguna Hills, CA 92653 - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 0:28 AM CST
Great News!! We have been thinking and praying for the both of you all day. We appreciate the updates and look forward to more good news. We will continue to pray and look forward to the day we can see your little "Tuffy" and sister Morgan. Our hearts and love go out to all of you!
Craig, Bonnie, Emilee, & Madison Augustine <cbep@ruraltel.net>
Hays, Ks USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 10:23 PM CST
Tears of pure joy for all of you! I can't wait to see your "beautiful pink toes" Tanner! What a brave and wonderfu Grandma Red you have, Tanner. I wish you both a speedy recovery. We are so happy you're both out of surgery and on the mend!!!
Tim, Heather & Tyler
De Soto, KS USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 9:56 PM CST
Yeah! God Bless you, little Tanner! And God Bless your very special donor...forever a very special bond between you. Praying for uneventful recoveries!
Amy.... Carly's Mom..... http://www.caringbridge.org/wi/carly
WI - Monday, February 28, 2005 9:44 PM CST
We are all very happy to hear that Tanner and his grandma are recovering well. We will keep you all in our prayers that everything turns out well and for a full recovery.
Wayne Schroeder and family <wschroeder42@yahoo.com>
Hays, KS Ellis - Monday, February 28, 2005 9:08 PM CST
YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Isn't it SO cool to see those PINK toes Tanner and family?
Lots of HUGS!

Marisa, liver transplant <sisterpiranha@yahoo.com>
MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Monday, February 28, 2005 8:33 PM CST
It is wonderful to hear your good news. We think of you and pray for you guys every day. God bless Tanner and Loretta and may He help them recover quickly. Lori, Bob, Andy & Zoey
Lori Slettehaugh <bobandlori@everestkc.net>
- Monday, February 28, 2005 8:15 PM CST
Hey great family!!!

So happy to hear the great news! Please know that our prayers will never stop. Aunt Loretta--you are truely a Hero!! We are all thankfull to have you in our life. Love and kisses (&prayer too)
Sheila and family

Dave, Sheila, Matt & Krystal VanBuskirk <Freedomelectric2000@msn.com>
Grandview, mo USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 8:11 PM CST
What exciting news! We are so very thankful everything went well today. Loretta - you are the greatest, always thinking of others before yourself. We will keep the whole family in our thoughts and prayers! Take Care!
Lucy (Flax) Hutchison, Craig, Jennifer, Mandi & Shawn <lhutchison@eaglecom.net>
Hays, KS USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 6:37 PM CST
Welcome to the other side of transplant! We can't wait to see a pink cutie. We are praying the next few days go smoothly and Tanner gets to come home soon. Grandma: You are truly a HERO! Hope you are feeling better soon.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS - Monday, February 28, 2005 6:17 PM CST
Know that we are thinking of you all!!! I shared the cute photo's with my children and asked them all to pray for you! Today is our oldest son's 16th birthday so we will always remember this special day as a day that Grandma Loretta gave a special "gift of life" - children are so special - we look forward to updates on how everyone is doing - take care - we'll be praying for you all!!!!!!
Laura (Flax) Hertel, John, Marc, Jill, Brett, & Tara <hertel6@sbcglobal.net>
Hays, ks usa - Monday, February 28, 2005 6:12 PM CST
So Happy for your family!! Crying as I read Laurie's post! I will pray and pray that everything continues to go well. I can't wait to see a pink little Tanner!! Welcome to Post transplant...it is a WONDERFUL place to be.
Angie- mom to Emma CLASS <afoley@park6.k12.wy.us>
cody, wy - Monday, February 28, 2005 5:53 PM CST
Dear Tanner and Grandma,

We are so happy and excited to hear that the surgery was a success!! Our prayers were answered. We will continue to think about you and pray for you. Can't wait to see you and the whole family in person.

Love and Prayers,
Jim and Wanda, Kristina, Jacob, & Cameron

Wanda <foutsfam@eaglecom.net>
Hays, KS USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 5:43 PM CST
Our prayers are with you Tanner and Grandma
Don and Mary H. <donhartman76@hotmail.com>
Grainfield, Ks - Monday, February 28, 2005 4:50 PM CST
Praise the Lord Tanner came through the surgery successfully! What wonderful news and an answer to the many prayers going up. Now the healing process can begin for him and everyone else. We'll continue to pray for a Speedy Recovery. See you soon.
Aunt Angela <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA United States - Monday, February 28, 2005 4:02 PM CST
Hooray for Tanner and grandma! We're sending you our best wishes for a smooth and speedy recovery!
Moreena (Annika's mommy)
Normal, IL - Monday, February 28, 2005 3:59 PM CST
Marisa, liver transplant
MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Monday, February 28, 2005 3:56 PM CST
This is now a holiday for me. I'm calling it "my-nephew-got-a-new-liver-from-grandma day!!! I'll celebrate it every year.
Still thinking of you Tan-man!

Aunt Lish <therobbs@dybb.com>
Indianola, IA USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 3:49 PM CST
Can't wait til Tanner is home and causing trouble! LOL, without the yellow. Grandma's are so special, especially yours Tanner.
Prayers for a quick recovery for your brave and wonderful family!

Irene (CLASS)
Toms River, NJ - Monday, February 28, 2005 3:46 PM CST
Thanks for the update Stacy. I've been thinking of you all, all day!
MN - Monday, February 28, 2005 2:58 PM CST
Tanner and Wonderful Grandma, My love and prayers are with you both to heal and be on your happy way soon. To Mom and Dad you will have one very special little boy to bless both of your lives. Randy give your Mom (Loretta) a very special hug from me. I love you all very much and I know God Blesses you all.
Cousin Peggy Sanders <peggy@patcin.com>
Brighton, Co USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 2:11 PM CST
Praise the Lord!!! So glad to hear that Grandma Loretta came through the surgery okay. She's a tremendous lady and what a Glorious gift to her grandson. Something to remember and treasure forever. GOD is definitely answering prayers today. Now, we'll keep praying for Little Tanner and for a successful outcome to surgery, which the Lord will provide. Hope everyone else is 'holding up'. I've been praying for special strength and comfort for all of you through this day and the days to come. Love You All and hope to see you soon!
Aunt Angela <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA United States - Monday, February 28, 2005 1:46 PM CST
I'm Mary Jo's sister and we are praying for your whole family, especially little Tanner and his grandmother. We eagerly await to hear good news today!
Michelle and Nathan Wykes <mwykes@comcast.net>
Broomfield, co - Monday, February 28, 2005 1:41 PM CST
We're still praying! We love you guys!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, February 28, 2005 1:04 PM CST
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Tammie (Flax) , Barney, Madison and Alison
Benton, KS USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 12:47 AM CST
We are praying for you all right now! God is so good, we know that He is taking care of everything right now! We will keep checking in for updates!
We Love You!

Danny, Mary Jo, Nicky & Ashley Rendon <dmrendon@msn.com>
Aurora, CO - Monday, February 28, 2005 12:32 AM CST
Fingers and toes crossed, all good thoughts on to both you and your brave grandma, Tanner! Be strong, all of you - you will make it with flying colors!
Tim, Heather & Tyler
De Soto, KS USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 10:21 AM CST
We are praying for Tanner and hoping for a speeding recovery for him and grandma. Good luck to you and God Bless. Can't wait to see a picture of Tanner with white eyes--its a beautiful sight!

Jennifer Pianalto <pjpianalto@aol.com>
san antonio, Tx - Monday, February 28, 2005 10:19 AM CST
We are praying for you and Grandma, hoping the surgery goes well and wishing both of you speedy recoveries. We are also praying for the rest of your family, so they have faith and stay strong once again during this difficult time. You have all been through so much. We would love to be there to hug and support Mom and Dad, but our thoughts and prayers are with them. We love you all!! Stay strong!!
Your Godparents, Jen and Joey

Elaine Augustine <eaugusti@fhsu.edu>
Hays, KS USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 10:05 AM CST
To the special Zerr family,

We wish you the best today and, hopefully, Tanner will be on the road to recovery. We will be praying for your family. Grandma Loretta is special! Please call us if you need anything--we would be glad to help! Love you all!!!
Mel, Becky, Andrew, and Adam

Becky Augustine
Salina, KS USE - Monday, February 28, 2005 9:59 AM CST
To Tanner and his special Grandma. Just heard at church yesterday about your illness and then get an e-mail today saying that some of your prayers haven been answered. Know that I along with the rest of the members at the First Baptist Church here in Corydon are praying for both of you and for a speedy and healthy recovery. To Stacy and Randy my thoughts and prayers are with you also knowing first hand the stress of having your baby sick and not being able to be with your daughter during this time also. Just keep the faith and the good Lord will take care of everything!! Can't wait for the update. In love and prayers:
Lee Ann Peck <lpeck@mercydesmoines.org>
Corydon, IA USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 9:50 AM CST
Tanner and Grandma,
Praying for smooth recoveries from your surgeries. Grandma-what a HERO! I look forward to updates. Praying, praying, praying...

Jennifer Martin, Shelby's Mom, http://www.caringbridge.org/il/rileyshelby <pnutsmom76@yahoo.com>
Rockford, IL - Monday, February 28, 2005 9:45 AM CST
Tanner and Grandma Loretta,

Praying for you this morning, so that this day will bring a Miracle sent from above. Stay strong today as you and Grandma go into surgery. We will be staying in touch throughout the day and hoping for Great Results. You have a great Grandma and she will do her best to help you!! Prayers and Hugs are sent your way for the next few days so please stay strong.

Kathy, Rod and Nicole <katz0113@yahoo.com>
Salina, KS USA - Monday, February 28, 2005 8:48 AM CST
Prayers for Tanner and Grandma that all goes well. We will sure be thinking about you!!
Tammy <tmwagner@cox.net>
Wichita, - Monday, February 28, 2005 8:39 AM CST
Prayers from Texas. I had an angel(Grace)touch my life and she brought me to your site. I check in on Tanner from time to time, but I felt the needed to sign in this time. I pray all goes well with grandma and Tanner. I pray for strength..for all of you.
aubrey... <aubreylynn@fasterpath.com>
teague , tx freestone - Monday, February 28, 2005 8:19 AM CST
Thinking and praying for a fast recovery for "Grandma" and baby Tanner! Hope to hear good news soon! Take care!
Stephanie (Analiese's Mom) www.caringbridge.org/il/analiese <stephanie0@aol.com>
Danville, IL - Monday, February 28, 2005 8:09 AM CST
prayers. all will go well, you'll have two happy healthy people, just that one will be whiter than when he went in! we'll be thinking of you hourley.
Lucetta ( from class kids) <lucettag@optonline.net>
port chester, NY - Sunday, February 27, 2005 10:38 PM CST
Hello from Kansas(Mom and Dad are computerless)I'm sure you know their prayers are with you. We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers also. We know with so many people on your side everything will work out. Stay strong!!!
Connie <bamec@qwest.net>
Littleton, Co USA - Sunday, February 27, 2005 10:25 PM CST
Hey Tanner!
I'll be thinking about you ALL day tomorrow! Hope everytrhing goes well for you and Grandma Red. My thoughts are with you both. See ya soon little man!

Aunt Lish <therobbs@dybb.com>
Indianola, IA USA - Sunday, February 27, 2005 10:24 PM CST
GO TANNER GO and Grandma too!!!
MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Sunday, February 27, 2005 4:33 PM CST
We're still praying! Just wanted you to know that we're thinking of you all, and can't wait to hear great news tomorrow!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, February 27, 2005 4:16 PM CST
Dear Tanner and Grandma Red - I am so very glad to hear that we have a match and it is a match made in heaven. I will be praying for all of you over the weekend (harder than I usually do) and especially on Monday. We know that God is able to see everyone through this and trust that He will give us all grace in the next several days. I love both of you and will be waiting by the phone for the good news.

Grandma Red - how do you say thank you for the gift of life? You amaze me with your positive attitude and courage in the face of all this - I think Tanner has a pretty special grandma by his side right now. I will be praying especially hard that you mend and heal just as fast as we hope Tanner is going to do. Thank you from all of us on this side of the family. You know that in my heart, I will be right there with everyone over the next couple of days.

Stacy, Randy, Morgan, Sherry, and two grandpas, and a wonderful nanny - bless all of you and support each other over the next few hard days. We are looking for that rainbow to descend from the clouds, right? Love to you all.

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com>
Corydon, IA USA - Saturday, February 26, 2005 6:49 PM CST
Zerr family, you never cease to AMAZE me with your love, compassion, courage, and selfless generosity! I love you all, and think about you very often! Tuffy and MoMo, your picture with Aunt Sherr is on our refrigerator we see your beautiful faces every day and have you in our thoughts. Best wishes for a miraculous upcoming Monday, I know that everything will go perfectly and you will all be able to breathe a sigh of relief very soon. I will be following closely for updates. WE LOVE YOU!
Jill Hara <jillhara@hotmail.com>
Los Angeles , CA - Saturday, February 26, 2005 11:40 AM CST
Tuffy Tanner, Stacy, Randy, MoMo, and Grandma,

Just want you to know how much I love you all and am praying for a successful transplant. Always know that I'm there for you all in the weeks to come.

Aunt Sher

Sherry <sherry@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO - Saturday, February 26, 2005 9:54 AM CST
Dear Tanner
Today has been pretty wild!! With each and every test, I prayed that God would take care of everything and we would have "happy" results. God has brought us all safely to this day, so He must have an "AWESOME" plan!!! And now comes the part that we "trust" and pray even harder that God bless all our family this week-end as we prepare. Please pray with our family that both Grandpas have safe trips, that Aunt Sherry's flight gets here safe, and Grandma Robb - to you especially - you will have the most important job - please join my hands in prayer for our "special" Grandson that he will be strong in surgery and please, Lord, grant him the gift of life. And to you, Randy, thank you for letting me "step forward" and be tested. I know that deep down inside, you wanted to do this for your son. I will try to do a good job for you. It's been a long day, so we'll try to get a good night sleep and rest ourselves in God's love and mercy.
Goodnite and sleep tight. . . . . . . . . Love Grandma

PS I love you, Papa!!!!!

Colby, KS USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 10:00 PM CST
I am so happy that I'm crying!! Tanner, soon you'll be pink and healthy! Grandma, soon you'll have done the most awesome thing!! My prayers are with ALL of you as you prepare this weekend for the upcoming week. As stressful as it can be to have two loved ones in surgery at the same time, I hope you'll feel the same calm I did when Mark and Anthony were in. It's amazing knowing that your child's life is being saved by someone who loves him so much!

I can't wait to read more updates!

Love to you all from Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Friday, February 25, 2005 8:32 PM CST
I am so happy for all of you. I will be praying that all goes well with the surgeries and Tanner and Grandma have a quick recovery. I have tears of joy for all of you!
WDM, IA - Friday, February 25, 2005 7:53 PM CST
We will be praying for all of you. Good luck Tanner and Aunt Loretta. Remember--God is with you.
Sheila & family

Sheila VanBuskirk <Freedomelectric2000@msn.com>
Grandview, mo USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 7:33 PM CST
CONGRATULATIONS TANNER!!! You must have the best grandma! I will definitely be sending Grandma an e-card. Good Luck with everything. Stacy, e-mail me if you need anything. I can give you my phone number too. I will definitely be thinking of you all this coming week. I'm hoping for some pink skin on Monday!! :) Don't forget to post some pics of that pink skin after transplant! Take Care!
Stephanie (Analiese's Mom) www.caringbridge.org/il/analiese <stephanie0@aol.com>
Danville, IL - Friday, February 25, 2005 5:26 PM CST
Grandma, repeat after me, "MATCH, MATCH, MATCH, MATCH, MATCH.....MATCH, MATCH, MATCH!"

Hang in there Tuffy Tanner!

Aunt Sherry <sherry@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, February 25, 2005 3:59 PM CST
Tanner, praying for you that all goes well and you will be healthy soon. We are also praying that Grandma Loretta will be a match and can give you that precious gift of life. God will see you through all of this. Love and prayers to all of you.
Dewey, Pam and Matt <pdma@st-tel.net>
Colby, KS USA - Friday, February 25, 2005 2:29 PM CST
Oh Tanner!!! I'm so happy for you! Soon you'll have your "new" liver and be a fat, happy, healthy baby boy! Oh, and by the way, I'm sorry to tell you that I'm no longer a blonde... I hope you still like me anyway... Hope to see you soon little man!!!
Aunt Alisha <therobbs@dybb.com>
Indianola, IA 50125 - Friday, February 25, 2005 1:59 PM CST
To the WHOLE Zerr Family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. You go Grandma Loretta you bring tears to my eyes just thinking about what you are doing for little Tanner. I know you Loretta, you would not have it any other way. We will keep praying for the best for all of you. Stacy and Randy you know my schedule if you need a friendly voice.

Love and Prayers
The Wichita Family.

Lisa and Greg
Wichita, KS - Friday, February 25, 2005 1:17 PM CST
Praying for a match!
Thanks for the updates.
Bob, Lori, Andy, & Zoey

- Thursday, February 24, 2005 9:19 PM CST
I keep checking your site.. Hoping to see that you got your "new" liver...Hopefully Grandma will be a match, and we can welcome you to the transplant side of life. This side is soooo much better. Praying for you and your family. Maybe we will get to meet in St. Louis in March.
Stephanie (Analiese's Mom) www.caringbridge.org/il/analiese <stephanie0@aol.com>
Danville, IL - Thursday, February 24, 2005 2:49 PM CST
GOOD LUCK in St Louis !!!! We will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers
Mike & Tina Olson (Lisa&Greg's friends-Madisons parents) <olson5mt@aol.com>
Wichita, KS Sedgwick - Thursday, February 24, 2005 11:15 AM CST
If Grandma is as lucky as matching her liver as she is playing the slot machines, you'll be post-transplant in 5 days! :)
Many prayers are headed your way from Texas this week... all the chemo patients think you and Mo-Mo are too cute!!
I'll see you soon buddy... lots of love always.
Aunt Sher and Uncle Jim

Sherry <sherry@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO - Thursday, February 24, 2005 7:12 AM CST
We will be praying that Grandma is a match & the transplant is a go on Monday. We can't wait to welcome ya'll to this side of transplant.
Karen(Jen & Jon's mom)
Chatsworth, Ga - Thursday, February 24, 2005 5:22 AM CST
Hi Tanner!
Praying really hard that your Grandma will be a match! Take care!

Joanne’s Corner
~Joanne’s Corner~

Bridge of Dreams
~Bridge of Dreams ~

Joanne <joanne_173@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:13 PM CST
Randy, Stacy, Tanner, and Morgan,
Colorado is sending lots of love and prayers to everyone. Stay strong!!!

Connie, Jerry, Brittany, and Cody <bamec@qwest.net>
Littleton, CO USA - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 9:52 PM CST
I hope Grandma is a match,I donated half of my liver to my daughter McKayla 13 months ago and she is doing awesome now!I am praying for you guys.Jodi and McKayla

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 9:39 PM CST
Randy, Stacy, Tanner, and Morgan,

We pray you will get the phone call yet this week on a new liver. If not, we hope that Grandma is a match and you can have your surgery on Monday. It must be so stressful having to wait until Friday to know whether or not Monday will be the day we all have been waiting for! God bless your entire family, immediate and extended.

Amy, Andrew, & Emma
- Wednesday, February 23, 2005 8:05 PM CST
Randy, Stacy, Tanner & Morgan,
Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers tonight and always. We are going to church extra tonight just for you. God Bless Sheila V.

Sheila VanBuskirk <Freedomelectric2000@msn.com>
Grandview, mo USA - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 6:21 PM CST
Dear Stacy,

I am so touched by your story. I was crying as I read the extract from the local paper. I will be thinking about you and praying for you.

Regards Jane

Jane <jane_Bomford@hotmail.com>
London, England - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 5:30 PM CST
I hope that everything goes smoothly tomorrow and Friday! Prayers that the transplant will be successfully performed Monday morning!

Drive safely and trust that God is taking care of you all during this wild time.

With love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 4:45 PM CST
Our prayers go out to all of you. Many people back here in Colby are praying for your successful liver transplant. Our hearts go out to you.
Marilyn & Paul Bailey <pmbailey@st-tel.net>
Colby, KS USA - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 2:54 PM CST
Was glad to get the up-date on the progress in doing the liver transplant. We pray that all goes well. Love Gary and Yvonne Wingard Colby, ks.
Yvonne Wingard <ygwingard@sbcglobal.net>
Colby, ks usa - Wednesday, February 23, 2005 1:17 PM CST
Hey Stacy,

It's been so long and so much has been happening in all our lives. Finally got a decent 'net connection and it's nice to feel part of the group again.

Anyway, just popping by to say that we're still around and looking out of for you guys.

Hope you and Randy get well soon.

Aslam and Fiona (parents of Lia 2m BA+Kasai, Khaleel - 4y) www.caringbridge.org/afria/littlelia
Durban (soon to be Cape Town), South Africa - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 4:52 PM CST
Hi Tuffy
Are your bags packed and ready to see the "Arch"? Grandma has never been to St. Louis, but your Grandpa was in the St. Louis Arch one day and the wind was really blowing outside. Grandpa thought he felt it moving - but then Grandpa is not fond of "tall places" like ladders and arches!!! Our bags our packed and ready to go. . . . . and it would be alright if your new liver came anytime now.
We love seeing your smiling pictures that Mommy posted and we even saw Morgan's tooth. We enjoyed reading the article in the newspaper, too!! Looking forward to seeing you, Morgan, Mommy and Daddy!! Give everyone hugs and kisses, get lots of rest for your trip, and keep smiling :) Lots of Love and Prayers!

Grandma & Papa
Colby, KS USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3:14 PM CST
Hello to all:
LOVE the pictures!!! I know waiting for the phone call has to be one of the hardest things to stomache, but hang in there. I pray everyday you will get your long awaited call. You are always in our deepest thoughts and prayers. Remember to call if you need help.

Love, The Wichita Tribe

Lisa <Baalman06@aol.com>
Wichita, KS - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 1:26 PM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you as you wait for your transplant - may God bless you all!
lloyd & cindy cersovsky <cerinsag@st-tel.net>
colby, ks - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 7:02 AM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you wait for the transplant - may God bless you all!
lloyd & cindy cersovsky <cerinsag@st-tel.net>
colby, ks - Tuesday, February 22, 2005 7:01 AM CST
Praying for a perfect liver soon! Gotta love those smiles!
Sue from CLASS mom to Moira <patmcg457@comcast.net>
Shamong, nj usa - Sunday, February 20, 2005 8:47 PM CST
We're so glad to see both Tanner and Morgan so happy. Sorry to hear the whole family got the viral thing. There seems to be a lot of that going around. Prayers for a new liver soon for Tanner. What a special little guy.
Amy, Andrew, & Emma
WDM, IA - Saturday, February 19, 2005 7:17 PM CST
Love the new pictures! You are SO precious! Uncle Jim and I are anxiously awaiting for the call... just like your Mommy and Daddy. Give hugs to MoMo. All our love buddy.
Aunt Sherry

Aunt Sher <sherry@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, February 19, 2005 7:12 PM CST
Hi Tanner,I love your picture, with your sister, I can wait for the day I can hold you in my arms, been prayering for you that the call will come soon for your new liver, Hope that your mon&dad is feeling better, tell morgan Hello for me give her a kiss & hug. take care love you all
Sr.Loretta Clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
Hays, ks. Ellis - Saturday, February 19, 2005 5:04 PM CST
Hope that you all are feeling better! Analiese has had some funky viral thing going on too. Thinking of you all, and praying for the perfect liver to come soon, along with an uncomplicated surgery.

Stephanie <stephanie0@aol.com>
Danville, IL - Saturday, February 19, 2005 12:23 AM CST
Hey cutie! Just stopping in to say HI!
MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Saturday, February 19, 2005 10:10 AM CST
Thinking of you this morning. OH, those nasty viral bugs! Here's hoping that you're all feeling better soon. Love the pic on the homepage! Stay strong, little Tanner!
Amy.... Carly's Mom..... www.caringbridge.org/wi/carly <Snklfritz117@aol.com>
Wi - Saturday, February 19, 2005 9:10 AM CST
I love the cute new photos of Tanner and Morgan. I can't decide if I am jealous of you for having twins, or relieved that I only have one. A little of both I think. Glad to hear Tanner has been in good spirits lately and that his new formula has been working well for him.
Sorry to hear that the rest of you have been sick, my flu has turned into a cold as well, it's better than the way it started out though! Hopefully spring will bring health all around.

Kristen (Havalah's mom from classkids) <kristennn@brokebox.com>
milwaukee, WI - Friday, February 18, 2005 2:23 PM CST
Hey, Tanner! I saw your article in the paper today...VERY nice write up. Why did you let Mommy and Daddy do all the talking, though? I'm sure you had plenty of stuff to share! Well, maybe next time.

I'm so glad that new formula is beefing you up! You need to be good and strong for transplant, little Tuffy! How many pushups do you do each day, huh?

Well, I'm sure you've seen by now that Anthony's getting fat...get that new liver soon so you can get fat, too! I tell ya', that kid is eating us out of house and home. We love every minute of it, too!

We're praying you get your Gift soon!!

Much love from Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Thursday, February 17, 2005 7:42 PM CST
Hey, there, Tuffy! Sending love to all of you from southern Iowa where the sun is shinning today. Hopefully it is shinning there as well and you got to sit in the rays for a while. We are praying for you many times through the day and night and know that many others are joining us in those prayers.

Your new pictures are great - nice to see that smile!Hang in there, baby doll - things will be better one of these days. Take care of MO-MO and Mommy and Daddy so that they get to feeling better. We love you!

Grandma Crazy Woman <bkrobb@sirisonline.com >
Corydon, IA USA - Thursday, February 17, 2005 4:38 PM CST
Love the new pics. Where was that smile when we took your picture with Ali? We are checking everyday to see if you've gotten the call yet. Hope everyone in your house starts feeling better soon. Thanks, too, for sharing your site with Ali. We'll keep you in our prayers.
Michelle & Ali Jacobsen <jacobsenmj@hotmail.com>
Lawrence, KS USA - Wednesday, February 16, 2005 10:38 PM CST
Love the new pics!! You sure have 2 VERY sweet babies! I pray every day that Tanner gets his new liver! Just wait....he'll be chasing Morgan around in no time:)
Angie - mom to Emma CLASS <afoley@park6.k12.wy.us>
cody, wy - Sunday, February 13, 2005 7:43 PM CST
Hi Tanner,
Just want you to know that you are in my prayer each day,and just hang in their, Jesus will be at you side each day & help you and your family, and will give you the stenght that you need to have to get better, love you, and thinking of you ever minutes.

Sister Loretta Clare <csjhays@ruraltel.net>
Hays , ks. Ellis - Sunday, February 13, 2005 7:08 PM CST
What a strong and brave boy you are. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
- Friday, February 11, 2005 1:34 PM CST
We are so happy you are listed now - not too much longer, Tuffy! Soon, you and Morgan and Tyler can chase each other all around the neighborhood!
Tim, Heather & Tyler
De Soto, KS - Friday, February 11, 2005 12:31 AM CST
Oh, Precious Baby, stay strong and fight hard - your new liver will be here soon! You know WE LOVE YOU ALL so much!!! Many prayers are being said. . . . . . . . . . .
Grandma & Papa
Colby, KS USA - Thursday, February 10, 2005 9:21 PM CST
Tanner, you are such a cute little guy. And your sis is a cute gal too. I'm part of your Grandpa Bob's family, his cousin, Julie. You all have been in my prayers since your births and the wreck. I just keep praying that you will get a new liver soon. Be a good boy and grow big. God bless you. And all your family, too. Julie, Centerville,Ia
Julie Eckles <jeckles@iowatelecom.net>
Centerville, IA USA - Thursday, February 10, 2005 8:55 PM CST
I'm so glad to hear you are on the liver list now. You are in our prayers!

Kerri Springer <springerkerri@hotmail.com>
Osawatomie, KS USA - Thursday, February 10, 2005 7:47 PM CST
So excited to hear you're officially listed for a liver! YEAH! Uncle Jim and I are praying for a speedy and successful transplant.
Did you and Mo-Mo receive your Valentine's package? Do your new monkey slippers fit? And I'm betting Mo-Mo looks pretty in her ladybug slippers. Enjoy!
Geoff, Ang, Jill, Uncle Jim and I are praying for you buddy. Stay strong!

Aunt Sher <sherry@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, February 9, 2005 8:24 AM CST
we are praying for you and your family. good luck and God Bless. my son is a 16-month old baby boy, also suffering from biliary atresia and is advised for liver transplant. We are still raising money for his transplant which costs about 3 million pesos, to tell you the truth, we can't afford this amount. But we are keeping the faith that the Lord will guide us and grant us what we need to save my son...BABY MARK.
lyden mendoza <jai_jorge@yahoo.com>
manila, philippines - Wednesday, February 9, 2005 1:15 AM CST
I'm so happy to see that Tanner is now officially listed! Looks like that new liver will be coming soon with a PELD of 25 - that's what I'm praying for.
Jennifer Martin, Shelby's Mom, http://www.caringbridge.org/il/rileyshelby <pnutsmom76@yahoo.com>
Rockford, IL - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 11:18 PM CST
Wow. I'm glad that Tanner is actually listed. With a PELD of 25, I imagine it won't be long until Tanner has a new liver. Praying for the perfect match in the perfect timing.
Sheryl and Justice from CLASS <sheryl.lyn@verizon.net>
Portland, OR USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 6:54 PM CST
I am so glad to hear that Tanner is now officially listed. Hoping he gets his gift soon. I am very glad to read that Tanner's kidneys are still doing well. That's so important for doing well post-transplant (read an article on that recently)... Just trying to think of something positive for you all, as I know you must be so scared realizing how sick Tanner is. I'm hoping that you soon get to enjoy the amazing pleasure of seeing how quickly getting a working liver can make him feel sooooo much better.
Moreena (Annika's mommy from CLASS) <motiede@yahoo.com>
Normal, IL - Monday, February 7, 2005 10:33 PM CST
Hey Tuffy, I'm SO glad you finally got on the list! Soon you'll have your new liver and everything will be fine. You'll be chasing MoMo around the house in no time!!We're praying for ya buddy!!!
Aunt Lish <therobbs@dybb.com>
Indianola, IA USA - Monday, February 7, 2005 6:23 PM CST
I am praying beautiful boy that you get your gift soon! Jodi(Mom to McKayla lrd:liver transplant)
McKayla's Site

Jodi Phelan <jodiphelan@hotmail.com>
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Monday, February 7, 2005 3:03 PM CST
Thanks for the update on little Tuffy. We will be sending many prayers your way for Tanner to get his gift of life soon. Prayers for Stacy & Randy too. I know this is a stressful time & you guys need prayers too.
Karen(Jen & Jon's mom) <threelivers@att.net>
Chatsworth, GA - Monday, February 7, 2005 1:52 PM CST
Hi Tanner! I absolutely LOVE your name! Guess what?! I am the mother of a TANNER too! My Tanner was born with at least 4 holes in his heart, was 5 lbs at birth, and has been thru alot. Guess what Tanner? He is doing great now! He still struggles with being small, but Tanner laughs! www.tannerlaughs.com.
I think your name is a lucky name, and I will keep checking up on you.
Suzy mom to my own own Tanner!!!

Suzy Cassel-Yanez <tanlaughs1@aol.com>
Grand Terrace, Ca USA - Sunday, February 6, 2005 4:13 AM CST
Praying for your family.
Jennifer <charay913@yahoo.com>
Wichita Falls, Texas - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 11:57 AM CST
We will continue to pray for Tanner. I know where you are comming from, we didn't know how sick Alyssa was until we went to Omaha. I understand your state of shock but know that there is help and people who understand. Feeding tubes aren't pretty but not bad at all. Good luck to you and your family--you will definatly be in our prayers!

Jennifer, Alyssa and Madison Pianalto

Jennifer Pianalto <pjpianalto@aol.com>
san antonio, Tx - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 10:37 PM CST
Dear Tanner, Stacy and Family,
I often read about you and I am praying for you. Hope things are going as well as possible. My baby had a Kasai July 2004, but his labs are looking OK for the moment. I wish I was coping as well as you appear to be. Lots of Love Jane and Max xxx

London, England - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 6:11 PM CST
Tanner - I was given your website by your Great Aunt Kathy. I am your grandma's cousin. I hope everything goes well for you as I am sure it will, you are in god's hands! You sound like an awful tough little boy. I enjoy seeing your pictures and will try to keep up to date with your progress. Give your baby sister lots of love and we will be praying for you here in Colorado! Ask your dad about Colorado pancakes!!! Love & Prayers are with you!
Sally Hepp <sally@patcin.com>
Thornton, CO - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 12:48 AM CST
I hear through the grapevine you now weigh 12 (TWELVE) pounds! Good boy...keep eating so you are strong and soon you'll be able to pick up Mo-MO!! Heehee :)
Uncle Jim and I are praying for a healthy liver and a successful transplant. We love you tremendously buddy!

Aunt Sher <sherry@hotmail.com>
- Monday, January 31, 2005 10:25 PM CST
Praying for you and your family in Elgin Illinois!
God Bless you!

Elgin, IL USA - Monday, January 31, 2005 11:21 AM CST
Stacy, Randy, Tanner, and Morgan,

You have all been through so much and are on your way to better times. Our prayers will be with you through the wild ride of waiting for a transplant. We wish you the best of luck and know that transplants save lives and make lives much more enjoyable. Our prayers are with you during these trying times.

Amy, Andy, and Emma <dmafetters@msn.com>
WDM, IA - Sunday, January 30, 2005 9:00 PM CST
We are sending our thoughts and prayers your way. Stay strong.
Connie, Jerry, Brittany, & Cody <bamec@qwest.net>
Littleton, Co USA - Thursday, January 27, 2005 10:21 PM CST
We're thinking of you, and hope your perfect new liver will arrive shortly!
Tim, Heather & Tyler
- Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:22 PM CST
Just read your update here and on CLASS. Wow, what a rapid change for you all to have to deal with. It sounds like Tanner will be getting a new liver very soon. I know you are dealing with an awful lot right now, and we are thinking of you and wishing you some calm in the midst of this storm.
Moreena (Annika's mommy from CLASS)
Normal, IL - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:51 PM CST
Hang tough little Tanner!


MN - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:45 PM CST
Just checking for an update! I hope that everything went well with the evaluation and that Tanner is on his way to being listed! The perfect liver will come at the perfect time! Keep being strong, and I hope to hear from you soon! CALL MEEEE!!
Laurie, mommy to Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:52 PM CST
Dear Tanner
It has been very hard to concentrate on anything today but YOU, MOMMY and DADDY, AND MORGAN!!! We all wish we could be by your side to give support and strength and courage. You already know about being strong and tuff (Tuffy)!!! And please know that our love and support are with you today and in the days to come. Today our prayers are joined with all your family members and many, many friends who are asking God to give you the gift of a new liver. We are glad you are in St. Louis and that you have been a "Big Boy" through all the evaluations and testing needed to get the ball rolling. Look UP and be brave!!! God is with us!!! PS And know that I am sending you "Butterfly Kisses". Our love and prayers always. . . . . .
Grandma & Papa

Grandma & Grandpa <zengg@st-tel.net>
Colby, KS USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 8:46 PM CST
Hey Tuffy,
Glad to hear that you're listed, you'll be on your way to being fat and healthy before you know it! We're praying for ya and hoping that you'll be all better really soon!! Love ya big guy!!!
-Aunt Lish

Alisha <therobbs@dybb.com>
Indianola, IA USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 4:49 PM CST
Hey, there, favorite grandson! Just a note to know that we are thinking of you and MO-MO and your parents this week. We will be praying that all goes well in St. Louis and that before long, we will be over the "hump" and on the way to a more healthy life for you. We love you - just hang in there. We have been through a lot and we will make it through this with some help from God and the support of family and friends.
Grandma Karen <bkrobb@sirisonline.com >
Corydon, IA USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 4:29 PM CST
You ALL are in our Prayers daily and many times a day. We are glad you went to St. Louis, it sounds like you went just in time. We'll keep praying that the Lord will watch over little Tuffy and keep him safe and as healthy as he can be right now and for a speedy and successful transplant. Randy & Stacy...we love you guys and pray for strength and comfort in this time. Please let us know if we can do anything to help you out (we mean it).
Uncle Eric, Aunt Angie, & Cousin Katelynn <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA United States - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 4:18 PM CST

I wanted to send you a note to let you know that your Great Aunt Kathy is sending thoughts and prayers for you to get better quickly. I found out about your website and so I was in visiting and reading notes from your mom and dad.
You are a trooper! Stay strong and keep fighting. Give your sister a hug from me. I will keep watching for updates.

Salina, Ks - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:22 PM CST
Prayers that everything is going smoothly today. I hope Tanner wasn't too upset at being NPO this morning! Just wanted y'all to know that we're thinking of you, and hoping that Tanner gets his Gift of Life soon!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 11:29 AM CST
Thinking and praying for you every hour. Hang in there little one. We love you so much!! (Give Mommy & Daddy a hug and tell them to hang in there also!)

Aunt Sher & Uncle Jim <auntsher@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 9:12 AM CST
Thanks for the update. I know the actually listing is shocking, as others has said, but it's what Tanner needs. He will get the gift of life & you will get a healthy baby. You all will remain in our prayers.
Karen(Jen & Jon's mom)
Chatsworth, GA - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 4:59 AM CST
Well, now you know you're in the best place for Tanner! The shock of the listing process will wear off just in time for the transplant...it's Murphy's Law!

We pray for y'all every day, and now can pray that Tanner's liver will come SOON!

Love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, January 24, 2005 9:57 PM CST
Good luck in Saint Louis, I have heard they have a great program for children needing transplants. The pictures are adorable. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Melanie, Mark and Max
Melanie <melaniebyrd@opermail.com>
Lenexa, KS USA - Monday, January 24, 2005 10:12 AM CST
Stacy- just read your update. Will keep you all in my prayers. Will go & light a candle for Tanner tomorrow. Will kept watching for another update. GGGAT
Salina,, KS USA - Sunday, January 23, 2005 8:13 PM CST
It sounds like St. Louis is the place to go. Stacy and Randy we want you to know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers always. You are such special people. We will be praying for you. Love, Larry and Diane
Diane and Larry Lynn
DeSoto, KS USA - Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:10 AM CST
Tanner, you're so cute when you're giggly!!! You've inspired me to participate in the March Of Dimes this year, Tuffy, Hopefully I can hit my goal of $200!! Wish me luck!
Aunt Lish <therobbs@dybb.com>
Indianola, IA USA - Friday, January 21, 2005 8:40 PM CST
Love the new pictures. Even though Grandpa Bob might not have been smiling, Morgan sure made up for it. Love the picture of Tanner and Grandma Zerr. Such cuties and growing up so fast. I think Morgan looks so much like you Stacy. They are so precious. Best wishes in St. Louis and prayers that Tanner will be listed and soon.
Aunt Angie <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA 50225 - Thursday, January 20, 2005 12:05 AM CST
Love the new pics!!! I hope that Tanner is able to be listed soon. Hugs to you all from us!

Becca, Jason, and Natalie <becandjay@earthlink.net >
Byron, IL - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 9:41 AM CST
Just checking in on Tanner! I am so glad to hear that you are getting a second opinion. Praying that the listing process gets rolling! You are in our thoughts and prayers every day!!

Hugs to all of you!

Angie- Emma's mom on CLASS <afoley@park6.k12.wy.us>
cody, wy - Monday, January 17, 2005 10:04 PM CST
Hey Stacy,

Just stopping by to say we have not forgotten about you. It's been only a month since we last visited and it seems like a another lifetime has passed. Luv the new pics - the last one is a real heartbreaker.

Hang in there, guys.

Lots of luv and hugs...

Aslam and Fiona (parents of Lia 2m BA+Kasai, Khaleel - 4y) www.caringbridge.org/afria/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban (soon to be Cape Town), South Africa - Monday, January 17, 2005 12:56 AM CST
Hey cutie! Just wanted to say HI!


MN - Monday, January 17, 2005 8:21 AM CST

I was checking in on Tanner. You & Randy will be in my prayers as you meet the doc in St Louis. This is a tough time for ya'll & hopefully all your questions will be answered in St Louis & ya'll will have all the info to make this decision for Tanner. Love the latest picture.

Karen(Jen & Jon 's mom) <threelivers@att.net>
Chatsworth, GA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:03 AM CST
Hi, Tanner and Morgan! I hope you're keeping warm up here!! Tanner, I hope you're feeling good these days. We think of you, your sister and mommy and daddy all the time! Hopefully we'll get to meet you one day, big guy!!!

We love your pictures and check your site every day for new ones!!

Love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony
Baton Rouge, LA - Friday, January 14, 2005 8:02 AM CST
Just wanted to see how little "Tuffy" is doing! He is so blessed to have you guys as parents. Remember, that although tx is not exactly the road you wanted to travel...life on the other side can be really great! You're all in our prayers every day.

Angie - CLASS mom <afoley@park6.k12.wy.us>
cody, wy - Monday, January 10, 2005 9:59 PM CST
Hello to all

I have been so out of touch since Christmas. LOVE the new picture. My kids have been out of school for three weeks due to vacation and ice storm. Yea!! They have returned to their normal routine. As always, Tanner and the rest of you are in our deepest thoughts and prayers. Oh, did you find the on button on the Christmas toys? Greg was hoping the toys would drive Randy NUTS!

Love Lisa

Wichita, KS Sedgwick - Monday, January 10, 2005 2:25 PM CST
Those are not the numbers we want to see little Tuffy. You keep hanging in and eating like a big boy. Maybe cousin Kate needs to come down and sneak you some cake to help fatten you up a little.

We'll keep the prayers going up. May the Lord be your mommy & daddy's strength and may He provide peace and comfort in the times to come. You have all been through so much, and more than I can even imagine, so I know you are strong. We Love You All!

Auntie Ang <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA United States - Monday, January 10, 2005 2:25 PM CST
Prayers that Tanner's labs, if not better, are not worse from yesterday's draw. Keep on being the great parents you both are! Tanner and Morgan are SO lucky to have you guys!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony
Baton Rouge (or Omaha!), LA, NE - Monday, January 10, 2005 7:46 AM CST
Just checking in on Tanner. Prayers for his labs on Sunday.
Karen(CLASS mom)
Chatsworth, GA - Saturday, January 8, 2005 4:34 PM CST
Tanner just loved the pictures of xmas-with you & Morgan & ASherry. Also got some from your Mommy. Thinking of you everyday-say a prayer for you. Think we will be coming your way sometime this month- Maybe can come to see you. Your Guardian Angel is with you. Love GGGAT
Twila <mtyounger @aol.com>
Salina, Ks USA - Saturday, January 8, 2005 12:27 AM CST
I love to see pictures of your kiddos! They are just too cute! Good luck with the couple of crazy weeks coming up. I do hope that if it is meant to be that Tanner is listed ASAP. But, if his numbers start looking better then maybe it is not time yet? We will keep him in our prayers!
Angie and Emma from CLASS <afoley@park6.k12.wy.us>
cody, wy - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 3:14 PM CST
The Baxa caps are AWESOME! And thanks for the treats from Kansas! Kiss those babies for us!!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, January 3, 2005 8:54 PM CST
Hello from Grandma and Grandpa to the north! We loved visiting with both you and your sister on Christmas day, baby boy! You both are growing so quickly that it is unbelievable!Hard to belive that you are both getting better looking as you get older as you have both been so cute all this time. I am sure that the good looks are inherited from my family and not from any of the other contributors to the gene pool.

Please thank your Grandpa Elmer and Grandma Loretta for helping out with my new ramp! Now I can drive my wheel chair right into your front door and visit anytime I can get there. What a wonderful gift from everyone just for me.

Thanks for letting us come down and I think Grandpa Bob will be down in a few weeks to help out while your Dad takes a short trip. That will be fun and you both have my permission to stay up late and keep him up with you. Just give Mom a break for a while in there.

We love you all - wish you were just a bit closer so we could see you more often but that would keep those other grandparents from seeing you then and they are great people too. Play nice with MO MO now and keep on eating so you can grow bigger!

Grandma Karen <bkrobb@sirisonline.com >
Iowa USA - Monday, January 3, 2005 6:58 PM CST
Oh Stacy, they are too cute! I just love the Christmas pictures. Wishing you all a very Healthy New Year!
Donna, mom to Juliann from CLASS <bdrjroy@aol.com>
Sacramento, CA - Thursday, December 30, 2004 3:21 PM CST
Hi! I know you guys had a wonderful Christmas! Now, how about a HEALTHY 2005? Tanner, I know you're going to fall in line with that one! Grow, grow, grow, little boy, and soon you'll be running around like Anthony (well, maybe FALLING down like Anthony!).

Randy and Stacy, keep up the good work. Tanner and Morgan are so lucky to have you as parents. Can't wait to meet you guys in person!!

Love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 7:37 PM CST
The lab guesswork is so frustrating! I will just pray for wisdom and discernment for your doctors, and the peace you need to make the hard decisions in front of you.
This is a scary time for you, I know...I am right there with ya!! :)
Love and cyber HUGS

Cheryl and Haley <bandcvincent@aol.com>
- Tuesday, December 28, 2004 8:44 AM CST
Oh they are SOO cute!! Merry Christmas and a Happy Happy new year!! I know 2005 is going to be a SPECIAL year for Tanner. I can't wait to see him blossom and grow!! We love that little tuffy. God bless!
Lisa and Aiden <Rolexh@aol.com www.caringbridge.og/fl/aiden>
St. Petersburg, FL - Monday, December 27, 2004 7:01 AM CST
Merry Christmas to all of you,
What a wonderful 1st Christmas at home with your 2 babies!! Bless you all during this season. We pray that Tanner gets his new liver soon...he's a strong little guy!! I'm so glad to have your CLASS friendship!

Angie - mom to Emma CLASS kids <afoley@park6.k12.wy.us>
cody, wy - Friday, December 24, 2004 0:55 AM CST

Merry Christmas to your wonderful family. Thanks for sharing your CLASSY thoughts this year. I wish you peace and happiness in 2005.

Jen B.
mom of: Grace & Meghan, Alpha-1 ZZ

Jennifer Bauernfeind, CLASS kids mom <jenchar@uwalumni.com>
Milwaukee, WI USA - Thursday, December 23, 2004 4:50 PM CST
Hello Tuffy and MoMo,
Love the new pictures. Looking cute as always. Hope all goes well this week Tanner. Know Mommy and Daddy are hoping so too. Our prayers and thoughts are always with your family. Tell Grandpa Bob that he can hold you longer if he lets you watch Sponge Bob while you sit on his lap. It always works for me....Haa Haa
Love to all and enjoy your family this weekend!
Dune Coddington

Coddington Family <popsicle@grm.net>
Corydon, IA - Thursday, December 23, 2004 1:53 PM CST
What a big, beautiful smile!!
I just wanted to drop by and wish you all a wonderful holiday season...full of peace, and joy, and family, and friends.
God bless you all.

Haley , Cheryl (mom) and family <bandcvincent@aol.com>
- Thursday, December 23, 2004 1:17 AM CST
Merry Christmas, Tuffy and MO-MO! Grandpa and I are looking forward to seeing you on Christmas day.(We will be glad to see the rest of the people there too, but who are we kidding? The most important people there will be you and sister!) We are going to try to beat you guys out of bed so that we can be at your house by midmorning to spend the day. Cousin Katelynn will be here at our house the night before so we will get to spoil all of our grandkids in one twenty-four hour period.

I have been checking your liver friends websites and reading the success stories and some of the complications. If they can all do this, so can we! God will provide the right time and the right liver and we will trust Him to get us all through this.

Merry Christmas to all - see you in a couple of days. We love you all.

Grandma Karen (Stacy's mother) <bkrobb@sirisonline.com >
Corydon, IA USA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 4:36 PM CST
Merry, merry, merry Christmas to two of the cutest twins I know! Be sure to leave some goodies for Santa and his reindeer! I talked to Santa today, and he said that he's got all kinds of great things for you two!

Have a safe and blessed Holiday Season!

Laurie, Mark, and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 3:31 PM CST
Hey ya'll

Didn't Tanner have a checkup Friday? Hope all went as well as was expected. I love the new pix, Tuffy is so cute. And he has a sweetheart of a twin sister. The Christmas card was beautiful. The threelivers family wishes ya'll the Merriest Christmas and a very Blessed New Year

Karen - mom of
Jen - liver transplants 1993 & 2002
Jon - liver transplant 1993


Karen(CLASS mom)
Chatsworth, GA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 11:06 AM CST
Merry Christmas from the Ketter family!!!
Becca, Jason, and Natalie Ketter <becandjay@earthlink.net >
Byron, IL - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 10:34 AM CST
Hello and Happy Holidays from Joseph's mommy (and fellow twin mommy)at CLASS. I know what it is like to have twins and be so worried about one of them. Here's hoping Tanner gets the perfect liver soon. God bless your entire beautiful family.
Niki Kigerl <nkigerl@cherrycreekschools.org>
Parker, CO USA - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 9:34 AM CST
Just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas from the Laschiazza family!

Sarah, Anna's mommy from classkids www.caringbridge.org/il/anna/ <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Chicago, IL US - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 10:33 AM CST
May the love of family and friends be all around you this Christmas. Happy Holidays.
Amy.... Carly's Mom.... www.caringbridge.com/wi/carly <Snklfritz117@aol.com>
WI - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 9:02 PM CST
Happy Holidays!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Thinking and praying for you guys.
Take Care

Jamie Liver tx 1988 <canada_106_tx88@yahoo.com>
'toon, sk canada - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 4:44 PM CST
Hi Tuffy and MoMo (and of course mommy & daddy)!!!
I hope Santa brings you lots of cool toys and that Jesus will bring many miracles, and peace of mind for mommy & daddy this Christmas Season!

Even though we won't be there on Christmas Day we're sending our Love, hugs, kisses, pictures and of course GIFTS with Grandma & Grandpa Robb. Don't let them spoil you too much (ha..ha)! Just make sure that Grandpa Robb gets his nap with one of you rascals.

We just love the new Christmas Picture of you two. Katelynn got to put it on the fridge last night and that's all she could talk about.

Lots of Love
Uncle Eric, Aunt Angie & Cousin Katelynn

Aunt Angie <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA United States - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 2:43 PM CST
Yay! A new update! I hope that all of the doctors and nurses like the cookies...they ARE killer!

Laurie, mommy to Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, La - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 11:58 AM CST
Hi Stacy
I knew I could count on you to sort out my neighbour. Thanks. Love to all of you.

Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Monday, December 13, 2004 11:31 AM CST
Happy Holidays sweet Tanner!


Marisa, liver transplant
SSP, MN - Sunday, December 12, 2004 2:04 PM CST
Thanks, Tanner! I bet you gave Mommy a BIG kick to make her update. :)

Now, feel better soon, little guy! Being sick to your stomach doesn't help in the weight gain department. GET BETTER!

Laurie, mommy to Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 3:20 PM CST
Um, Tanner? Give Mommy a not-so-subtle nudge and tell her to update your website, OK? Some of us are bored to death sitting in this hospital while waiting on Mr. Sandman to come by. He made a pass for Anthony, but skipped Anthony's Mommy! Ugh.

Stacy, get on the ball! What, do you think you're busy with twins and all? Geesh.

Hope everything's going well and Tanner isn't itching too much! Kiss your cuties for me (Randy...that's NOT you, so quit it!)

Laurie, mommy to Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, December 6, 2004 9:25 PM CST
Just passing through. Finally got a few minutes tonight. Hope the itching subsides and you can get those mits off. Glad to hear that Tanner's still got his appetite. Great pic's...nice to see Morgan.
Aslam and Fiona. Parents to Lia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Monday, December 6, 2004 12:47 AM CST
They are growing so much! I love their six month pictures. They look so cute in their bibs!

I hope you had a great Birthday Stacy!

Amy Fetters <dmafetters@msn.com>
West Des Moines, IA - Sunday, December 5, 2004 11:04 AM CST
Happy Birthday Stacy!! Hope it was a wonderful one.

Hope Tanner is feeling better this week, and he keeps out-eating his sister!!
Hugs to you guys!!

Haley, Cheryl and family <bandcvincent@aol.com>
- Saturday, December 4, 2004 9:11 AM CST
G & G Zerr <zengg@st-tel.net>
Colby, Ks USA - Friday, December 3, 2004 12:53 AM CST
Hey Sweet Babies,
What cute pictures of you and such beautiful smiles:) We are so glad you had lots of fun and spoiling with G & G Robb and your Mommy's family. You have had a busy month and guess what????? Santa is coming soon. But before he does you need to give Mommy "BIG" hugs and kisses today because it's her Birthday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOMMY!!:):)
WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH and we can't wait till we get bigger and you can wear your new hat and scarf and mittens and we can all go outside and make snowmen and snow angels.
Have a "GREAT" Birthday to our "SPECIAL" MOMMY!!!!!!!

Tanner & Morgan (via email from Grandma's house) <zengg@st-tel.net>
Colby, Ks USA - Friday, December 3, 2004 12:50 AM CST
Tanner- You are just a cutie- Are you sticking your tongue out at your Daddy? Ha---Glad you look so happy on the picture. Maybe next time Morgan can join you. Keep thinking of both of you. Love GGGAT.
Twila <mtyounger@aol.com>
Salina, Ks USA - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 8:03 PM CST
I love the picture of Tanner with his tongue out! What an attitude! I'm glad that you had a good Thanksgiving...peaceful but with family. That's the best way to do it!

Give those babies hugs from us! Keep warm!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, November 29, 2004 11:31 AM CST
Hi Morgan and Tanner.... Tanner u are an adorable baby.... HAPPY THANKS GIVING!!! Ne ways I had a liver transplant just in sept. for an unknown reason. I wish u the best of luck and Will pray for u so much much love

Ashleigh <SweetMiracle0544@yahoo.com>
va - Thursday, November 25, 2004 1:54 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving Tanner and Morgan!
Frank (Dad to Marisa) <hamet@mich.com>
Flat Rock, MI USA - Thursday, November 25, 2004 8:33 AM CST
I'm so relieved to hear that the hernia op went well and that Tanner is ok. Glad that you are catching up on some sleep.

Hugs and kisses to all.

Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 11:04 AM CST
So glad to hear Tanner's surgery went well. Glad to hear you are getting sleep Stacey, with 2 babies you need it.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Karen(Jen & Jon 's mom)

Chatsworth, GA - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 12:49 AM CST

I've been thinking about ya'll all day. I hope all is well with Tanner's hernia surgery. Prayers for a smooth recovery & home soon.

Karen(Jen & Jon's mom) <threelivers@att.net>
Chatsworth, GA - Monday, November 22, 2004 3:08 PM CST
Tanner- Just was reading your update. Sorry to hear about your Surgery today. Will keep you in my prayers. Sure things will go o.k. Tell Morgan,Mommy,Daddy Hi for me. Want to come to K.C. sometime to see you both. Love G.G.G.A.T.
Twila Younger <mtyounger@aol.com>
Salina, Ks USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 3:04 PM CST
Tanner, may God watch over you today as you have your hernia surgery. Many prayers are headed your way from many people. You are such a precious little boy, and Morgan is precious too. Your cousin Katelynn is anxious to see the both of you. She just loves babies and can't quit talking about you two. Love, Aunt Angie
Angela Robb <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA United States - Monday, November 22, 2004 9:49 AM CST
Thinking of you guys. I hope all goes well with the hernia surgery.
Laurie (Anthony's mom) <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, November 22, 2004 8:43 AM CST
Hey Tanner!
Just wanted to say good luck with your hernia surgery on Monday, I know you are a tough guy and will breeze right through it! Pretty soon you and Morgan and I will be up and running our parents all around this neighborhood. You truly are an amazing little boy with more strength than most grown-ups! I'll be thinking good thoughts for a speedy recovery for you.

Tyler (my mommy helped type)
De Soto, KS USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 10:20 AM CST
Hi, Tanner! Mommy said you have to have hernia surgery on Monday. I had mine done in August, and it was a piece of cake! I wasn't even separated from my Mommy for more than an hour. I sure was MAD though when I woke up. I mean, what's up with not letting us eat? They keep saying how we need to gain weight and then they STARVE us. I just don't get it.

I get cake and ice cream today! And maybe lots of presents, too. My room is already stuffed full of toys, though, and Christmas is only a month away! This is REALLY fun!

Take care, Tanner! And tell Morgan hi for me...she's really cute!

Anthony , as dictated to his Mommy <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 4:56 AM CST
Hey all

Tanner will be in our prayers on Monday for his hernia surgery. Yes, we did get your recipes and orders, thank you so much for the extra orders.

karen - mom of
Jen & Jon - liver transplants times 3


Chatsworth, GA USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 3:42 PM CST
Thanks for signing our guestbook, its appreciated. Yes, we are Kansans too, born and raised. It truly is a small world. I will pray for your family and little Tanner. I hope you will have a wonderful Thanksgiving at HOME!!

Jennifer Pianalto

Jennifer Pianalto <pjpianalto@aol.com>
san antonio, Tx - Thursday, November 18, 2004 12:01 AM CST
Hey Tanner,
We think of you, Morgan and your mommy and daddy every day. We are so proud of you for doing so well so far.
I will be thinking of you on the 22/11 when Tanner gets his hernia fixed. Khaleel had 2 hernia repairs done and recovered so well. I am sure Tanner will do the same. Love and strength to you all.

Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Thursday, November 18, 2004 10:45 AM CST
Tanner, you, your sister, and your family are always in my prayers. Love, Erika
Erika Vance (www.caringbridge.org/mi/marisa) <butterfligirl122@yahoo.com>
Woodhaven , Mi - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 2:18 PM CST
Hi Tanner, Morgan, Stacey and Randy,
You have a lovely family! They are both growing, I can tell from previous photos. Sorry things aren't going as well for Tanner. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Were with Rob, Amy, Quentin and Chloe Sunday for Q's 3rd birthday party. Hard to believe. They are doing fine too -growing like weeds! Nice to keep abreast of all that is going on with you. May God continue to bless you and His best to you this coming Holiday Season!
Lolly and Ed

Lolly Bannister
Rockford, IL USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 11:09 AM CST
Hello Tanner and Family. What a beautiful set of twins, so sweet. Sorry to hear that things are not going well for Tanner, he will continue to be in my paryers.
Sarah, mom to Anna from classkids <sarahjeh2002@yahoo.com>
Chicago, IL 60137 - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 10:35 AM CST
How adorable both your children are, and how lucky to have each other. Prayers are with you.
lucetta <lucettag@optonline.net>
Port Chester, ny - Monday, November 15, 2004 3:31 PM CST
The new pictures are too cute! I'm glad that the biopsy was uneventful and that no complications ensued. It's so rough to watch them go through even that! I hope that Thanksgiving comes off without a hitch!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, November 15, 2004 8:39 AM CST
Just checking in with Tanner. We are anxiously waiting to hear what is going on. Thinking of you all always.
Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Sunday, November 14, 2004 3:20 AM CST
I hope your appointment with Dr Andrews goes well tomorrow. He is an excellent surgeon, he did Jen's first transplant & Jon transplant. Let us know how the eval goes.

Karen(Jen & Jon's mom)
Chatsworth, GA USA - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 8:26 PM CST
Tanner is adorable. I'll pray healthy-liver-prayers for him!
Kathleen M. Clauson <clauson@graceland.edu>
Lamoni, IA USA - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 5:15 PM CST
I can't believe it!! I opened your page, and the picture of Tanner makes him look so much more grown up!! He is really growing....GO TANNER!!! Where did that itty-bitty baby go? Glad to see him looking good!! He's a strong little one.
Angie-mom to Emma CLASS kid <afoley@park6.k12.wy.us>
cody, wy usa - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 3:24 PM CST
Hi Tanner,
My name is Jenna and I came across your website. You are such a brave, and courageous little Fighter, Warrior, and Champion. I love your shinning smile. You and Morgan are both so cute. I love meeting new friends, and I will come back again to see how you are doing. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Your new friend Jenna

Jenna <hockeykid@telus.net>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 1:01 AM CST
Hi little Tuffy!
It's a good thing all in our family are headstrong & tough because there's been alot of trials and tribulations this year. However, God is in control and sure is watching over you, Morgan, Mommy & Daddy. You two are precious. We will continue to pray about the transplant and that God will give the doctors wisdom and provide the right liver for you.

Love, Aunt Angie, Uncle Eric & Cousin Katelynn

Angela Robb (Auntie) <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA United States - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 8:48 AM CST
Hi Tanner!
I'll be praying for you. Hope everything gets sorted out really soon!
~Joanne's Page~
Care Mail!

Joanne <joanne_173@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, November 9, 2004 4:17 AM CST
Tanner, I just wanted to stop in...I needed to see your adorable picture again! I showed it to Anthony and he giggled. I think he liked your silly smile! There's only one thing wrong with the picture, little buddy...you need to be wearing an LSU jersey. Those Fightin' Tigers are FEROCIOUS (well, OK...maybe not this year, but you should have SEEN them last year. ROAR!).

Our prayers are with you, Tanner. (If we are the same blood type, I'll donate!)

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, November 8, 2004 10:11 PM CST
Hey Tuffy,
If Uncle Barry or myself are matches, we'll give a part of our livers to you...
-Aunt Lish

Alisha Robb <therobbs@dybb.com>
- Sunday, November 7, 2004 8:27 PM CST
Well, Tanner, if Grandpa and I knew that we were going to be on your webpage, we would have made Grandpa wear something other than a plain old tee shirt! It was wonderful to finally be able to travel to your house and see you and your family. Uncle Barry and Aunt Alisha drove us down as we are still not up to that long of a drive but we will be in the near future!
We will double our prayers about the transplant issue and trust that God has a plan to make you better. He has answered so many prayers this summer (for many of us) that we just have to know that He is in control.
We love you all very much and it was great to hear you and Morgan "talk" to everyone. God bless, Tuffy.

Karen Robb (Grandma) <bkrobb@sirisonline.com >
Corydon, IA USA - Sunday, November 7, 2004 7:03 PM CST
Hi Stacy
I haven't checked in on you guys in a while. Things have been a bit hectic on my side. Thank you tons for all your words of encouragement, it has helped me get through the week. We are really sorry that Tanner's numbers are not good. We will all be praying for him and your family. I know that you WILL get through this, as you have done so previously. Tanner and Morgan are lucky to have one tough mama. We send you lots of love and prayers.

Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Sunday, November 7, 2004 11:54 AM CST
Will pray for little Tanner,Your family,and all the sick children at Mass this morning. It is a tough journey but with faith and prayers your family and little Tanner will get through this. Blessings to all of you.

Mavis Pianalto

Mavis L Pianalto <mavis@ruraltel.net>
Smith Center, Kansas - Sunday, November 7, 2004 9:01 AM CST
We LOVE the new pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Saturday, November 6, 2004 8:22 PM CST
HI Tanner!! It is Aiden. My mommy told me you have to have a transplant at some point like I did. I was so happy that you would eventually have your new liver and feel all better, but sorry that you have to ever be sick in the first place. I know all these IV's and hospital stays and Dr.'s are just the pits. I can't wait till we meet one day and I can give you a big hug. My Mommy and Daddy pray for you and morgan all the time. She says you are special like me! I can tell too!! We love you. XOXOX
Aiden Hawk 2 years old (with help from Mommy haha) <Rolexh@aol.com,,,,www.hometown.aol.com/rolexh/Aidenshope.html>
St. Pete , Fl - Saturday, November 6, 2004 5:42 PM CST
Hey Tanner,
Sorry to hear you have more surgeries to go through, but at least the transplant will help. Anyway, you need to get big and strong so you can chase away your sister's boyfriends in high school! Thoughts and prayers are with you and MoMo and your mommy and daddy!
-Aunt Lish

alisha robb <therobbs@dybb.com>
- Saturday, November 6, 2004 4:31 PM CST
I am sad to hear that transplant is in Tanner's future. Dr Andrews is a wonderful surgeon. He was at Children's in Dallas in 1993. He did Jen & Jon's transplants 15 days apart. Tanner will be in excellent hands. Prayers for Tanner to continue growing & for the whole family too.
Karen(Jen & Jon's Mom_ <threelivers@att.net>
Chatsworth, GA USA - Saturday, November 6, 2004 1:55 PM CST
Tanner- checking up on your update. You & mommy & daddy & Morgan just keep hanging in there- Will still keep you in my prayeres.Am going to light you a little candle in church tonight. O.K. Tuffy-- AT
Twila <mtyounger@aol.com>
Salina, Ks USA - Saturday, November 6, 2004 12:02 AM CST
All of you are in our daily prayers.
~The Vance Family & Friends~

Erika Vance (www.caringbridge.org/mi/marisa) <butterfligirl122@yahoo.com>
Woodhaven, Mi - Saturday, November 6, 2004 6:51 AM CST
Stacy & Randy,

I know that relief can come with the fear of hearing "transplant is imminent". And at times the relief will feel more overpowering than the fear. Do NOT feel guilty for it! Allow yourselves to feel all of the emotions of the scary rollercoaster Biliary Atresia can take us on. It's healthy!

Please call me ANY time you need me...no matter if it is day or night.

All four of you are in our daily prayers. I hope that the next few weeks, months, whatever before the listing process flow smoothly. Find comfort in the fact that Tanner's medical team is moving forward while Tanner is still healthy. I know you understand that one!

We are here for you!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Saturday, November 6, 2004 5:49 AM CST
Hello Stacey,
My name is Diana, I found Tanner's webpage through little Marisa in MI. I have a daughter, Elizabeth who is 16 months old, was diagnosed with BA at 7 weeks, had the Kasi last Sept., and was transplanted ironically on April 30th of this year (Tanners B-Bay!). Just wanted to write and say, "Hang-in There"! BA is a nasty disease, but these little ones are not putting up with it! They are fighters, and transplant is a wonderful thing. Any time you need to talk, don't hesitate. I know how difficult the early stages of this disease can be, and all of the medical "lingo" can make your head spin!
Thinking you you & Tanner
Diana (Elizabeth's mom www.caringbridge.org/oh/elizabeth

Diana Hericks <dmf7642@fuse.net>
Cincinnati, OH - Saturday, November 6, 2004 3:08 AM CST
What cute little pumpkins!!! Saying a prayer right now for the four of you. Hope to see you soon.

The Baalman's

Lisa Baalman <Baalman06@AOL.COM>
Wichita, Ks Sedgwick - Friday, November 5, 2004 1:36 PM CST
What cute outfits! They are growing so much! Keeping you guys in my prayers! Glad your mom and dad could make it down to visit for Halloween!
Angie Stokes <KSUStokes@msn.com>
Olathe, KS USA - Friday, November 5, 2004 11:28 AM CST
Hi! Just checking in on my buddy. Hope all's well!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Friday, November 5, 2004 11:18 AM CST
Hi Stacey!

I saw that you left a note our my Meghan's caring bridge page so I thought I'd leave one for you. Wow! You had 2 NICU babies. I can't even imagine how you did it. You must be so strong! ;) Anyway, I hope Tanner will be able to successfully proceed in his journey with BA. By the way, Meghan's favorite roommate in NICU was another baby named Tanner. Small world! Well, thanks for thinking about my peanut girl, Meghan, and her big sis, Gracie. Best of luck to you. I'm sure we'll meet again at CLASS. My screen name is jenchar.

We NICU/Liver moms have to stick together!

Jen Bauernfeind, mom of: Grace, Alpha-1 (4/16/02) and Meghan, Alpha-1 (5/3/04)

Jen Bauernfeind <jenchar@uwalumni.com>
Milwaukee, WI USA - Friday, November 5, 2004 11:09 AM CST
Tanner & Morgan--- You sure look cute in your Pumkin outfits. You two are growing more & more.
Twila <mtyounger@aol.com>
salina, Ks USA - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 10:45 AM CST
Hi Tanner and family! You did a great job on the journal update, Tanner. I think you are brilliant and should be graduating high school by the time you're 5...hee hee hee. You are just a cutie pie and I wanted to stop by and let you know that. Your whole family is in my thoughts. Praying for stable labs and restful nights always!
Amy.... Carly's Mom.... www.caringbridge.com/wi/carly <Snklfritz117@aol.com>
WI - Monday, November 1, 2004 9:00 PM CST
How cute! We love the new pictures! Hope all is well. I'll call again soon!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, November 1, 2004 9:53 AM CST
Hey Tanner!
Wow... 6 months already! :) You're getting all grown up now. lol
~Joanne's Page~
Care Mail!

Joanne <joanne_173@hotmail.com>
- Monday, November 1, 2004 7:10 AM CST
Hey Tanner, just writing to tell you that it was a lot of fun visiting you and Mo mo this weekend! I cant wait to see you guys again, hopefully it will be Thanksgiving weekend. I'm so lucky to have such a great nephew and 2 great nieces (your sister and your cousin Katelynn) Pack on the pounds buddy! You need to get big so you can stand up for yourself, I hear your mom was a bit of a bully... she used to chase Uncle Barry around! Hope to see ya soon little man!!!
-Auntie Lish

Alisha Robb <therobbs@dybb.com>
Indianola, IA USA - Sunday, October 31, 2004 11:03 PM CST
*Happy Halloween*
JamieLiver Transplant 1988 <canada_106_tx88@yahoo.com>
Saskatoon, Sk Canada - Sunday, October 31, 2004 6:17 PM CST
Hope you're having a good weekend!
Laurie, Mark and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Saturday, October 30, 2004 6:43 PM CDT
Happy Halloweeny Tanner and Morgan!
*Marisa, liver transplant * <sisterpiranha@yahoo.com>
SSP, MN - Saturday, October 30, 2004 8:37 AM CDT
Tanner- wondering how you are doing? Tell Daddy good luck Fri.Also tell Morgan-Mommy Hi. Keeping you all in my prayers.GGAT.
Twila <mtyounger@aol.com>
Salina, Ks USA - Thursday, October 28, 2004 7:29 PM CDT
Just call me stupid!! I have been trying for weeks to get onto the website and everytime it would not let me on. Hello, Lisa you need to type in the correct website. I was typing in caringhearts. I guess it sounded better. I just wanted you to know that you are still in my heart and my prayers. I never stop thinking about the 4 of you and what you have been through in the last year. I will always continue to say a little prayer for all of you and a special one for Tanner. We are always here if you need anything. God Bless to all.
Love Lisa

Lisa Baalman <Baalman06@AOL.COM>
Wichita, Ks Sedgwick - Thursday, October 28, 2004 1:37 PM CDT
Hi Tanner and family! This is my first time to the website, and the pictures and information are great! I just wanted to let you know that I think about you often. You have friends all over the country that have you in their thoughts daily. Take care and keep up the courage and strength! You are truly an amazing and blessed family.
Jill Hara (aka Jillie-Bean) <jillhara@hotmail.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Thursday, October 28, 2004 9:28 AM CDT
Hello, Just stopping by to visit and check out those new pictures. Havalah has those monkey pajamas too and we love them. Tanner and morgan both look like they're doing great, hope Tanner's numbers improove soon so you can relax a bit. I also wanted to ask... In one of your earlier photos there was a blanket with ribbons around the edge, is that the type your mother makes because it was beautiful!
Kristen (Havalah's mom from classkids) www.brokebox.com/baby/ <kristennn@brokebox.com>
milwaukee, WI - Thursday, October 28, 2004 0:43 AM CDT
Tanner, no more monkey business Mr. Get those labs back to what they were before. :)
Marisa,BA,liver transplant <sisterpiranha@yahoo.com>
SSP, MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:29 PM CDT
Hi Tanner,
I hope those labs start going down soon! Have a Happy Halloween - What are you and your sister going to be for Halloween?

JamieLiver tx 1988 <canada_106_tx88@yahoo.com>
'toon, sk canada - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:38 PM CDT
Dear Tanner - sorry to hear that your test numbers are higher but hopefully time and prayers will help those begin to come back down. You look so cute and peaceful in your new picture! Ready for winter in those snuggly clothes. We love you, baby boy, and your sister as well. Will be down to watch you chow down on that cereal this weekend. Maybe we can get Grandpa to feed you and that will keep both of you busy for a while. See you all on Saturday.
Grandma Robb <bkrobb@sirisonline.com >
Corydon , IA USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:23 PM CDT
Sending positive thoughts and energy to all of you.

Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 1:16 PM CDT
Hope Tanner and Morgan have a fun Halloween! And I really hope those labs start trending down soon.
Shannon Hamet, Little Marisa's Mommy, www.caringbrige.org/mi/marisa <hamet@mich.com>
Flat Rock, MI USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 1:12 PM CDT
The new pix is great. Tanner is so cute sleeping. More prayers for those numbers to start coming down.

Karen -mom to
Jen -liver transplants 1993 & 2002
Jon -liver transplant 1993


Karen(from CLASS) <threelivers@att.net>
Chatsworth, GA USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 11:42 AM CDT
Lots of prayers headed your way. I'll call tonight!
Laurie and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 11:17 AM CDT
Thanks for looking at Alyssa and Madison's webpage and thank you for signing our guestbook. Your children are beautiful and I will pray that everything works out for you, I know what a tough road it is. The twin thing is hard enough without having an ill child. Its alot of work but so worth it at the end of the day. Feel free to e-mail anytime, I would love to talk.

Good luck to you and your family!!
Jennifer Pianalto
Madison and Alyssa Pianalto

Jennifer Pianalto <jennifer.pianalto@us.army.mil>
san antonio, Tx - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:16 PM CDT
Love the new picture. He looks so beautiful and peaceful. Hope everything is OK.
Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Monday, October 25, 2004 1:18 PM CDT
Tanner- just heard about your infection. Your Grandma Zerr is keeping me posted. When in your web-site today. You & Morgan are two little sweeties. Will pray for you & Morgan too. Love you all-- Great Great Aunt Twila
Twila Younger <mtyounger @aol.com>
Salina, Ks USA - Monday, October 25, 2004 1:17 PM CDT
I love the new pictures!!! Now, how about an update? :) Who has the time, huh? I'm going to update Anthony's tomorrow after labs.

Hope all is well "way up there". The temp down here is in the 90's during the day still. So much for the cute pumpkin outfit I got for Anthony. Poor baby would sweat off all the pounds he's worked so hard to put on.

Stay healthy!

Laurie, Mark and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, October 24, 2004 9:06 PM CDT
Still loking like a cutie. Lets get over those grumps though Mr.

Marisa, liver transplant <sisterpiranha@yahoo.com>
SSP, MN www.caringbridge.org/mn/marisa - Saturday, October 23, 2004 9:44 AM CDT
I learned about all of you from Laurie Chiasson. I was visiting with them at Children's Hospital in New Orleans.
Tanner is adorable, as well as Morgan. I pray that he has a speedy recovery from this infection.

Darlene Gaiennie
Chalmette, LA USA - Saturday, October 23, 2004 8:02 AM CDT
Hey Stacy

I have not signed your book in a while but I have been keeping up to date with Tanner. I know what it feels like to want answers right now but I guess some times longer breaks between bloods can give a better picture of what is happening. Stay strong...I know Tanner will get through this too.

Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:47 PM CDT
We're home! YAY! And Anthony had the best time "talking" to his balloons on the way home. He fell asleep with his hand on one, and we could tell when he woke up because he started talking to the smiley faced flower on that balloon. I'll get a picture of him tomorrow with the balloons and put it on his website. Thanks again!
Laurie (www.caringbridge.org/la/anthony) <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 9:34 PM CDT
Hi, Tanner and Morgan,
I finished my IV steroids last night. Mommy said that it will be early afternoon before we know something about whether or not I get to go home. But they have a cool entertainment hour this morning, so we'll go to that to help pass the time. We've taken lots and lots of walks, and I even got to go to the playground yesterday! Mommy slid down the slide with me a few times, and I thought it was GREAT fun!
I hope the IV medicine is working for you, Tanner. It's no fun to have an IV, but our Mommies say they'll help make us better. Morgan, don't terrorize Tanner too much, OK? But keep your Daddy on his toes while your Mommy's gone.
Be good! Take loooong naps! And pull hair...Mommy loves it when I do that.

Anthony (as dicated to Mommy) www.caringbridge.org/la/anthony <lschiasson@cox..net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 9:01 AM CDT
Hi Stacy
I have some information regarding different formula feeds for BA kids. Look at the following address.


Lia was initially put on Alfaré but the taste and smell was so vile that she could not keep it all down. I investigated other formula out here and found Pre-Nan (usually used for premature babies) that tastes much better yet it has a similar percentage of MCT as Alfaré.

Glad to hear that Tanner and Morgan are doing ok.

Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Monday, October 18, 2004 2:02 PM CDT
HI there cousin Tanner. Mommy said you were in the hospital again and that we needed to pray for you. We have been praying together daily. I can say "Tanner" and "Morgan", but still call you 'the babies' from the pictures mommy has up. ---Take Care and soon we'll be able to play together. Love, Cousin Katelynn (with Mommies help of course).
Aunt Angie, Cousin Katelynn & Uncle Eric Robb <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA United States - Monday, October 18, 2004 10:21 AM CDT
Our prayers go to you guys during this diffcult time. Give those babies a hug from friends down in New Orleans.
Patsy Ashton <daashton@bellsouth.net>
New Orleans, LA USA - Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:09 PM CDT
Hello! Thank God for laptops. Dial-up connection is SO much slower than I remember. I'm spoiled by our fast access connection at home, I suppose.

This rejection thing is easier to handle than I thought it would be. It helps that Anthony is being such a funny baby. He learned yesterday that when he sticks out his tongue that it makes people laugh, so now he does it whenever someone looks at him. It's really very funny.

I just wanted to check in on Tanner. Please give him and Morgan a big hug for us.

Laurie and Anthony (www.caringbridge.org/la/anthony) <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Sunday, October 17, 2004 9:32 AM CDT
Oh my gosh!! He is SO cute!! We pray that everything goes well for you guys and you can stay home and away from the hopsital for a while. I hope everything goes well:-) He's just so cute! Thanks for stopping by Emma's site.

Take care,

www.caringbridge.com/or/emmarose <teresabelle@gmail.com>
Aloha, OR USA - Sunday, October 17, 2004 0:41 AM CDT
Hi Tanner,
Just stopping by to let you know I'm thinking of you! Glad to hear you're home..Take Care

Jamie Liver transplant 1988 <canada_106_tx88@yahoo.com>
Saskatoon, sk Canada - Saturday, October 16, 2004 7:14 PM CDT
Hi, Tanner! This is Anthony. My liver biopsy went well today. They're still not letting me eat, though, and I'm STARVING! Mommy said she'll fix me a bottle at 7:30 and that I can have as much as I want. How big is a gallon, do you think? That's about how much I think I'll eat. Maybe some oatmeal and fruit, too. I think I'll sleep well tonight, too.

I hope your cholangitis goes away soon. Being sick is NO FUN.

Maybe we can meet one day. You look like a really cool guy, even if you ARE younger than me! :)

Keep your Mommy and Daddy hopping, OK?

Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Friday, October 15, 2004 6:16 PM CDT
Good job Tanner!. You are such a brave boy. You have the same fighting spirit as Lia. Thinking of you, Morgan and your mommy and daddy. We are sooo proud of you.
Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africaa - Friday, October 15, 2004 1:57 PM CDT
Hello Tanner,
My name is Jenna and I came accross your website. I came across your site from another Caringbridge site, and decided to come and visit you too. You are a fighter, and an inspiration to all. You are such a brave little trooper, and you and your sister are both really cute. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I will come to your site again to see how you are doing.
Big hugs, and lots of smiles to you and your sister.
Your new friend Jenna

Jenna <hockeykid@telus.net>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Thursday, October 14, 2004 11:57 PM CDT
Glad to hear that everyone is back home. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Hope to make a trip this winter to see everyone.
Mike, Tomi, Wyatt, and Ethan Hoffman
Kechi, KS - Thursday, October 14, 2004 8:30 PM CDT
Tanner (Daddy, Mommy & Morgan)
"This is the day the Lord has made,
let us rejoice and be glad in it."

GmaZ <zengg@colbyweb.com>
Colby, KS USA - Thursday, October 14, 2004 9:21 AM CDT
Come on home, Tanner! I'm so glad that everything is going smoothly and that you can avoid a biopsy. Keep up the good work! You need to get better quickly so you can keep Mommy and Daddy (and Morgan) on their toes!

We think of y'all often and hope we can meet someday soon! Hopefully, though, it won't be because Anthony has to head back to Omaha...we DON'T want that!

Take care!

Laurie and Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Thursday, October 14, 2004 9:12 AM CDT
Sorry to here you had to go back in. We are all praying for your little guy. Keep your head up Stac & Randy! I am so glad that you got to be with him up there this week. God always has a way of working things out.
Angie, Jerome, Darien & Denae <KSUStokes@msn.com>
Olathe, KS 66062 - Thursday, October 14, 2004 7:02 AM CDT
Glad to hear the admission is going smoothly. Prayers for discharge today.

Karen - mom to
Jen - liver transplants 1993(Dallas) & 2002(Atlanta)
Jon - liver transplant 1993(Dallas


Karen(CLASS mom)
Chatsworth, GA USA - Thursday, October 14, 2004 6:13 AM CDT
Tanner(godchild)and family,
Hopefully the procedure today will bring you home soon and take care of the infection. You are our little slugger, so keep making the big plays. We will continue to pray that God sends strength and courage for all of you to once again overcome this setback. We love you!!!

Randy, Elaine, Jen, and Joey Augustine <eaugusti@fhsu.edu>
Hays, KS United States - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 10:45 PM CDT
Tanner (mommy, daddy, and Morgan):
We hope everything turns out ok for you guys. We're so proud of all the progress that both Morgan and Tanner have made and hope that the rest of the road is less rocky than it is now. Hopes and Prayers with you guys!

Alisha and Barry Robb <therobbs@dybb.com>
Indianola, IA USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 7:56 PM CDT
I'm glad to read the PICC line placement went well. Keeping my fingers crossed that you get out tomorrow, little Tanner! That would be wonderful. Sending you all hugs with my heart. Thinking of you!
Amy... Carly's Mom..... www.caringbridge.com/wi/carly <Snklfritz117@aol.com>
WI - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 5:57 PM CDT
So glad to hear you all are happy with Dr Daniel. He is so wonderful. Please continue to update us on Tanner's happenings. Many prayers & hugs from the threelivers family.

Karen - mom to
Jen - liver transplants 1993(Dallas) & 2002(Atlanta)
Jon - liver transplant 1993(Dallas)


Karen(mom from CLASS)
Chatsworth, GA USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 3:17 PM CDT
I'm really sorry that Tanner is not well but, like every other time, he has proved to be a fighter..I am confident that this time is no different. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Be strong for each other. We will be anxiously waiting for news.
Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 12:42 AM CDT
Tanner and of course (Mommy,Daddy & Morgan),
Prayers are definitely going upwards to Heaven today for God's healing touch and comfort for Mommy & Daddy. We continually pray for your healing and growth everyday. You and your sister are precious little gifts from God and we know He'll take care of you. Even though it's hard to understand the 'why's' of life right now, God has a plan for your life and you've already touched so many peoples lives already. Take care all, and let us know if there's anything we can do to help, or if you need help at home. Uncle Eric, Aunt Angie & Cousin Katelynn.

Eric & Angela Robb <eakrobb@netzero.net>
Pleasantville, IA United States - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 10:04 AM CDT
Tanner and family - We love you all so much and were hoping that nothing more would go wrong - hopefully this is just a small set back and things will be on the uphill swing shortly. Will be praying for all of you throughout the day and will be keeping an eye on the website as well as the phone handy. I know about those pic line- if you have to get the anitbiotics, this is the way to go. It is wonderful to see all the messages of concern and support on the website.
Bob & Karen Robb (Grandparents on Stacy's side) <bkrobb@sirisonline.com>
Corydon , IA USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 9:35 AM CDT
Tanner, you are such a little fighter. You are so brave and you don't even know it yet. We admire your bravery and will keep you in our prayers for a quick stay in your new hospital room and green poops to come soon! We love you little guy!

Andrea Slusser and Brian Phillips <andilyn75@sbcglobal.net>
Blue Springs (and Butler), MO USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 7:57 AM CDT
You are always in our thoughts and prayers. We love you. Can't wait to get to see you in person...someday.
Jim & Shari Farrell & David, John &Ben <LUVCUSBALL@AOL.COM>
Grand Rapids, MI USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 7:54 AM CDT
Always in our prayers - when you give the kid the initials TAZ, you know he'll be tough.
Bob, Lori, Andy, & Zoey
- Wednesday, October 13, 2004 7:26 AM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Randy and Stace. Take care and God Bless.
Vic Ledesma
Ulysses, KS US - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 6:52 AM CDT
I'm going to fill this guestbook up! Just want you to know I'm praying for all of you and hope everything goes smoothly with the antibiotics. You're going to be a pro at EVERYTHING IV after this! I know that's just what you wanted!

Take care of yourselves. Give Tanner and Morgan hugs from all of us in Baton Rouge!

Laurie and Anthony <lschiasson@cox.net>
Baton Rouge, LA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 10:01 PM CDT
Tanner you and your sister are so cute! Hang tough little guy thinking of you tomorrow
Stacy sending hugs your way ((((hug))) I'm glad the visit with the GI went OK and that you feel comfortable at the new hospital

< a href="http://www.caringbridge.org/canada/jamie">Jamie Liver Transplant <canada_106_tx88@yahoo.com>
Saskatoon, Sk Canada - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 6:24 PM CDT
Me again! Just had to look at Tanner and Morgan again. I love that picture! Come on, Green Poop!

Take care!

Laurie and Adorable Anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 1:48 PM CDT
Hi Stacy, thank you for thinking of Lia even when your baby is ill. Tanner and Morgan are lucky to have such special mom. Will pray for green poop for you, as I do every day for Lia
Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 1:15 PM CDT
Oh Stacy!
Your babies are beautiful! You must be exhausted with 2 little ones at the same time, especially having one with some special needs.
Hang in there, you are doing a great job!

Haley , Cheryl (mom) and family <bandcvincent@aol.com>
- Monday, October 11, 2004 5:37 PM CDT
I will be praying for Tanner & your family!
Erika Vance (friend of little Marisa www.caringbridge.org/mi/marisa) <butterfligirl122@yahoo.com>
Woodhaven, Mi - Monday, October 11, 2004 5:03 PM CDT
I will be praying for Tanner & your family!
Erika Vance (friend of little Marisa www.caringbridge.org/mi/marisa) <butterfligirl122@yahoo.com>
Woodhaven, Mi - Monday, October 11, 2004 5:03 PM CDT
Hi, guys! Just wanted to check in before I head off to the sitter's and work (Ugh). I hope Jack Daniel (heehee) is the GI for Tanner! Maybe he'll give Tanner a "no drinking" talk in 18 years...can I be there?!?!

Anyway, I continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Even though we've never met I feel very close to you. Maybe we'll be able to meet when we take Anthony to transplant clinic next summer. We usually fly into KC and drive to Omaha...MUCH cheaper!

Give Morgan and Tanner hugs from Anthony and me!

Laurie (www.caringbridge.org/la/anthony) <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Monday, October 11, 2004 6:49 AM CDT
We have been anxiously waiting to hear how Tanner is doing. Thinking of you and your family always.
Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Sunday, October 10, 2004 3:31 PM CDT
Both of your children are just adorable! I hope the problem with his bili is just viral. Good luck finding a new GI. Tanner is in our prayers.
Shannon Hamet, Little Marisa's Mommy from CLASS, www.caringbridge.org/mi/marisa <hamet@mich.com>
Flat Rock, MI USA - Sunday, October 10, 2004 8:34 AM CDT
May I put a link on my site to Tanner's?
*Marisa, liver transplant * <sisterpiranha@yahoo.com>
SSP, MN - Saturday, October 9, 2004 8:10 PM CDT
Hey Cutie, I wish I could run over and pick you up and hug you! You are SO cute! Now be a good boy and get that bile flowing good. You don't need to be making your parents crazy.
*Marisa, liver transplant * <sisterpiranha@yahoo.com>
SSP, MN - Saturday, October 9, 2004 8:09 PM CDT
I love your web site. What a cutie!
Elaine Riordan <elaine.riordan@hcamidwest.com>
OP, KS USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 9:48 AM CDT
Tanner, Daddy, Mommy, and Morgan,
Can you feel it? So many people are joining in prayer for you today and we trust that God will give us the answers we are looking for. Always in our thoughts and prayers!

Grandma & Grandpa <zengg@colbyweb.com>
Colby, KS USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 9:54 PM CDT
Just wanted to say hi!
Laurie (www.caringbridge.org/la/anthony) <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rogue, LA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 4:38 PM CDT
Just checking in on Tanner. I'm very new to the BA scene but I'm hoping that the change in Tanner's levels will be nothing significant. We too are frustrated with our doctor and are on the hunt for a new one but since BA cases are few and uncommon here, finding one with experience in these matters may prove difficult.

Fiona (Lia's mom) www.caringbridge.org/africa/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Thursday, October 7, 2004 3:48 PM CDT
I just stopped by to check in on Tanner. He is so cute & so is his sister. Prayers from the threeliver family to yours. I know you will love Dr Daniel if you switch Tanner to his care.

Karen - mom to
Jen - liver transplants 1993(Dallas) & 2002(Atlanta)
Jon - liver transplant 1993(Dallas0


Karen(mom from CLASS) <threelivers@att.net>
Chatsworth, GA USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 8:34 AM CDT
Sorry to hear that Tanner may be ill again, but he has proved to be a'tuffy' so far and this time will be no different. Hang in there. We will be thinking of you all.

Fiona (Lia's mom) <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 3:34 PM CDT
Prayers being said for Mr. Tanner et al!
Laurie (mommy_laurie on CLASS) www.classkids.org/la/anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 1:21 PM CDT
I love the new pictures!!! And your babies are the same color!! That is wonderful, and I pray that they stay that way. Best wishes to your family
angie <afoley@park6.k12.wy.us>
cody, wy USA - Monday, October 4, 2004 2:29 PM CDT
Tanner's NICU pic with dad's wedding ring brought back a flood of memories about Khaleel, our first child. He was born premmie at about 2.5 pounds and spend the first 6 weeks of life in NICU. We remember how hard it was with a child in NICU...your strength with managing twins in NICU and one with BA is phenomenal and inspirational. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Aslam and Fiona (parents of Lia 2m BA+Kasai, Khaleel - 4y) www.caringbridge.org/afria/littlelia <aslam@cbftech.com>
Durban, South Africa - Sunday, October 3, 2004 2:59 PM CDT
Just checking in on Mr. Tanner. Hope all is well!

Laurie (mommy_laurie from CLASS), www.caringbridge.org/la/anthony <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 1:13 PM CDT
God Bless you and your family, You are all in our prayers !
Rob Layton <Bob@allenbrand-drews.com>
Olathe, Kansas USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 10:57 AM CDT
Great site! I am glad you have these wonderful people as support. Sounds like he is doing better, I wish you guys the best and hope & pray Tanner keeps improving. They are both such cuties! Take Care....
Julie Norman <Julie@allenbrand-drews.com>
Bucyrus, KS USA - Monday, September 20, 2004 11:33 AM CDT
Hi baby Tanner! Stopping by to say hello. Wishing you good days ahead.
Amy (Carly's Mom...CLASS) www.caringbridge.com/wi/carly <Snklfritz117@aol.com>
WI - Thursday, September 16, 2004 9:21 PM CDT
I hope Tanner's labs are GREAT and that he can come off of the steroids. Anthony is ALMOST off of his steroids, and I can't wait! No more cranky baby, no more ulcers...we're going through it, too! Anthony is now six months post transplant and is doing great! I hope the Kasai works for Tanner! You're in our prayers for looooong and happy lives for you all.

Visit Anthony's Caring Bridge page: http://www.caringbridge.org/la/anthony

Laurie (mommy_laurie on CLASS) <mommy_laurie@hotmail.com>
Baton Rouge, LA USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 6:45 AM CDT
Your twins are so beautiful! I hope Tanner's numbers continue to move in the right direction. I feel for you if you're having to give him those steroids orally, they taste awful! It's worth it though if it makes the difference on a successful kasai.
Kristen (Havalah's mom from classkids) www.brokebox.com/baby/ <kristennn@brokebox.com>
milwaukee, WI USA - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 11:31 PM CDT
That is great news! I hope and pray the results Friday allow him to be taken off the steroids. Good luck and God bless.
Frank (baby Marisa's father from CLASS) <hamet@mich.com>
Flat Rock, MI - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:03 PM CDT