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Tuesday, April 7, 2009 2:24 PM CDT

They changed the sign in for the old caring bridge sites, so I've been awhile finally making the call to find out how I could update Dawson's site, so finally here I am.

Dawson is doing well. We had a couple shakey weeks for awhile, he had some type of weird virus that caused him to have tummy aches, head aches, tired and with his background, these signs sent Jeff and I into pure fear! I was so stressed for a week or two, I couldn't even think straight. While he was sick we did blood counts and everything was low, white count, platelets, so we of course, freaked out. But about the time we got the blood test back, he actually started feeling better. We redrew blood a week later, to find everything back to normal. So with all this freaking out and calling New York and the local pediatrician, we decided after talking to Sloan that it was time to start visiting a local oncologist now, so when Dawson is symptomatic, we can hop in a car and not a plane. We have decided to have all his records transferred to Comers Children's Hospital in Chicago and see Dr. Susan Cohn, who is very highly recommended in the Neuroblastoma world. I have listened to her speak at the Neuroblastoma conferences and have heard wonderful things about her. At this point in time, we are canceling Dawson's long term care appointment at Sloan and waiting to see what we think of the long term care team in Chicago. After speaking to Dr.Cohn, she is more concerned what the chemo and transplant did to Dawson than antibodies. At this time, we are scheduled to see Dr.Cohn June 10th, after Dawson is out of school for the summer. He has missed about 2 weeks total already and with the learning problems they have addressed, we think it's in his best interest to stay in school as much as possible. He is feeling great now and we are greatly relieved that he show's no more signs after he got over the virus. So, there you have the medical update!

Now, on with our normal life. Dawson is signed up to do soccer this spring, which he can't wait, he is on one his friends teams again, so that was exciting. They start practice next week and then games for the next 6 weeks. Dawson is also signed up for baseball this summer, regular baseball this year, no more tee ball!

This week is spring break. The weather has been a little chilly so far, but tomorrow is suppose to be 50 degrees. Dawson has a friend over today to play and tomorrow we are planning on going to play pee wee golf. Hoping for some more Spring like weather, or atleast warm!

I will definately get a new photo up this week! Keep watching!

Have a joyful Easter!
The DeCap's

Friday, February 13, 2009 10:39 AM CST

I'm happy to report we are doing quite well. February 4th marked 4 years from the date Dawson was diagnosed. I only take a moment to reflect on that dreadful day, then just be thankful it is all behind us and hope and pray we will never have to go back there again. We have been so blessed with Dawson's health and rejoice everyday in the happiness we experience. The day I really concentrate on is August 2010 when Dawson will be NED for 5 years and his survival rate increases significantly! There must be a celebration for that day! It's been a little nerveracking lately, when this usually is the time we would be returning for scans. Our next trip to NY is in April to see the long term care specialist.

We're trudging through winter, Dawson can't wait until spring. We had a couple nice days earlier this week and he made the comment that he was so glad it was spring now, I told him not to get too dissapointed then when it snowed again this week. He is counting down the days til summer and can't wait. He is still asking for a pool in our backyard.

Drew turned 15 yesterday! We are going to get his Driver's license permit today. A new chapter in our life.

That's about all the news I have for now. Keep Nick Franca in your prayers as he has started high dose chemo again and Eli Horn who they have found a spot on. We pray for all of our friends with Neuroblastoma and hope for all of them to be healed. Keep Dawson in your prayers and ask for complete healing, we are so thankful for his continueous good fortune with overcoming Neuroblastoma.

Friday, February 13, 2009 10:39 AM CST

I'm happy to report we are doing quite well. February 4th marked 4 years from the date Dawson was diagnosed. I only take a moment to reflect on that dreadful day, then just be thankful it is all behind us and hope and pray we will never have to go back there again. We have been so blessed with Dawson's health and rejoice everyday in the happiness we experience. The day I really concentrate on is August 2010 when Dawson will be NED for 5 years and his survival rate increases significantly! There must be a celebration for that day! It's been a little nerveracking lately, when this usually is the time we would be returning for scans. Our next trip to NY is in April to see the long term care specialist.

We're trudging through winter, Dawson can't wait until spring. We had a couple nice days earlier this week and he made the comment that he was so glad it was spring now, I told him not to get too dissapointed then when it snowed again this week. He is counting down the days til summer and can't wait. He is still asking for a pool in our backyard.

Drew turned 15 yesterday! We are going to get his Driver's license permit today. A new chapter in our life.

That's about all the news I have for now. Keep Nick Franca in your prayers as he has started high dose chemo again and Eli Horn who they have found a spot on. We pray for all of our friends with Neuroblastoma and hope for all of them to be healed. Keep Dawson in your prayers and ask for complete healing, we are so thankful for his continueous good fortune with overcoming Neuroblastoma.

Monday, January 26, 2009 11:10 PM CST

Dawson has now lost his 3rd tooth since Christmas, his two front teeth and one on the bottom. Thanks goodness one of the top ones is coming in. We call him the toothless wonder! He's pretty proud of all of it.
We took Dawson skiing last Monday and he loved it!!! Now he keeps asking when we can go again.
Dawson has been enjoying playing in the snow after school for awhile when he gets home, when it's not so bitter cold. Our winter has been very harsh this year and we have had well below zero temperatures several times.
We've been hitting the movie theaters on the weekend, Dawson enjoys movies.
I'm trying to get birthday pictures up on the website, but for some reason having problems loading them onto the slide website, I'll keep trying to get it figured out. Someday there will be more new pictures.
That's about all for now. April is the next scheduled trip to New York to see the long term care specialist.

Oh and a big Thank you to Dale from Japan. Dale has been following Dawson's sites for 2 or 3 years now and he is teaching over in Japan. The last two years he has had his students make Christmas cards and send them over. They are really neat cards and the children are so artistic. Our whole family enjoys them. The older boys enjoy them just as much as Dawson. We really appreciate the thoughts from you and your students!

Thanks for checking on us. We're all healthy and happy!

The DeCaps

Sunday, January 4, 2009 8:16 PM CST

Today Dawson celebrated his 7th Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had a pretty laid back day actually but tried to do some special things for Daws. Yesterday he and I went to a matinee to see the new movie Tale of Despereaux. He really liked it. Today we made his favorite breakfast and him and Dad went swimming this afternoon and then we made his favorite dinner. He got a Nintendo DS from Mom and Dad today too. We have to get a birthday party planned, which I'm feeling pretty guilty that we haven't already, there just is so much going on this time of the year during Christmas break. We didn't even know until yesterday what he wanted for his birthday, he just figured that out yesterday. He got so many new toys for Christmas, I couldn't think of another thing he needed right now.
The kids go back to school tomorrow after a two week break. They of course are not ready, but we really need to get back on schedule. Since Christmas, we have been staying up late and sleeping in late. Tomorrow will be rough. We did lots of visiting with friends and family over the holidays. Jeff's sister's were here the week of Christmas so we were over at his parents almost every night for about a week. Then Drew had a two day basketball tournament last Monday and Tuesday and Tuesday night we left for our friends, the Morrissey's to visit for New Year's. We just came home late Friday night. The kids had fun playing and celebrating New Year's together and were'nt ready to come home.
Now it's time to get back into the routine. I'm not really ready, yet need to get back into the swing of things. That won't take long, Drew has a basketball game already tomorrow night, Dalton had indoor soccer tonight and starts basketball Tuesday night and Dawson cub scouts tomorrow night. Uhg! Here we go again!
I will try again and put some pictures up, I tried right before Christmas and wasn't successful. Keep checking, I'll figure it out.

The DeCap's

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:35 PM CST

I can't believe Christmas is only a week away, the year has flown by.
Ashby, Santa's elf came again this year to keep an eye on Dawson and get into some mischief. A couple of nights he just was too tired and never did anything, I'm trying to get much better! He has made a couple messed, has left a few goodies and has done some pretty amazing things so far this year. Last night he even wrapped all the boys presents, wow, that was great! The most work is just figuring out what to do next. I got on a website yesterday and got a bunch of ideas, made notes and now we're prepared until Christmas eve. Dawson even took Ashby to school a couple of days and he got into some trouble there, the elf that is. It was great because he didn't even tell his teacher he was in his backpack, but I emailed his teacher, so it was quite a surprise to him.
The boys are counting down the days until Christmas break. They keep hoping for a snow day until then. They did get out early today because of snow, but I think they will be back tomorrow, maybe a late start. But we have a forecast of some pretty crumby weather, so they could end up with a snow day before break yet.
Thursday night is Dalton's last Christmas party, he will be in Middle School next year. Friday is their Christmas party at school. I'm the room Mom for Dawson's class and we are playing pin the nose on Frosty and making little gingerbread houses. We'll see if Mother Nature allows all the festivities.
Jeff's birthday is Saturday and we have started going to our favorite place to dinner as a family, the Cellar. It's the only time the boys really get to go and they love the steak and the cake with the sparklers on it.
Jeff is possibly going to be spending a lot of time at home this winter. He usually works for the State snowplowing, but did not get called back this winter, lots of cutbacks. He has been working off and on at his old job which usually is shut down from Thanksgiving until March but fortunetly they have tons of work lined up for next Spring and are trying to get organized and a head. I surely hope all the contracts stay in place and the money comes through with all the economy trouble. So Jeff is doing some home improvement projects, what the weather will allow him to do anyway. It will be nice to get some things done around the house and I'm enjoying staying in the house in the morning while he goes out in the cold and takes the boys to school.
I will get some pictures up here someday, been meaning to get some snow pictures. I'll update a little sooner this time, promise.
Oh, almost forgot, Dawson will be singing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth". One fell out and the other one is loose. Dawson and Dalton both lost a tooth about 5 minutes apart one night!
I'm thinking of everyone in New York while they are spending their holidays at the Ronald McDonald house, as great as it is, there's no place like home! I pray for all the Neuroblastoma families and wish them health and happiness this holiday season.

Love and God Bless,
The DeCap family

Thursday, November 13, 2008 8:41 AM CST

Hey, were still here doing well. Not a whole lot to update about. I know, I need new pictures, I will get to it one of these days when things slow down a bit.
Dawson has a loose front tooth, so that will make quite a photo here pretty soon, it's hanging there crooked now. Last time he said he wanted to wait and lose his tooth while in NY because the tooth fairy out there payed out better! But that will not be anytime soon, so he's not waiting for that anymore. He is just so happy that we do not have to go back to NY for quite a while. He comments on it occaisionally and says he wishes he never has to go back. The thing he disliked the most is when they put his IV in. He already asked me that we go out to see the long-term care specialist if he has to have an IV, he was thrilled when I told him no, I didn't think so.
Well, gotta go, keeping busy.

The DeCaps

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 9:13 AM CDT

Dawson was a little under the weather on Monday and missed school. After I woke him up for school he said he felt like he was going to throw up and did, so I kept him home from school. However, he really seemed quite fine, he said his tummy hurt a little, but that was about it. He felt good enough to go to his first Cub Scouts meeting that night. He is so excited about Cub Scouts. He has to get a shirt for part of his uniform and he has asked me everyday this week if we can go get it now. I'm hoping to go down and get it for him tomorrow, so he can be settled on that.
He has his last soccer game on Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m., BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....... why 8:00 a.m.?!!!!!!!!!!! He is not going to be real happy about that early wake up time and actually it is suppose to rain, so come on rain! I vote for sleeping in!
Drew had his last freshman football game last night. It was a tough game for them, they played a very good team who has quite a few older kids on their team, one that even starts on the varsity team, but still played last night in the freshman game. Needless to say it wasn't pretty, which was really unfortunate that we had to end our season with a loss, ecspecially since the beginning of our season was such a success. But, it was a victory in our minds and we sure were proud of Drew. We weren't even on the score board, the game was looking dismal, when Drew really came alive, with a couple really good runs. He got a real good run just ripping through his opponents gaining 20 yards then the next play was quite exciting, he dug in and did not give up, pushing through, dragging a guy for awhile until he finally broke lose for a 40 yard touchdown! It was very exciting! He has made other touchdowns this year, but none this exciting. We were really proud of him, he has really came a long ways this year and really loves his football! It makes us anxious for next years football season already.
Dawson likes the football games when they are home also, because he can go off and play with his friend, they have fun, don't watch much of the game, but they have fun.
I called Dr.Sklar's office and spoke to the receptionist there today. We will go in 6 months to see Dr. Sklar. Dr. Sklar is the long term care specialist and he follows up with screening and bloodwork every 6 months for awhile. He is a Pediatric Endocrinologist, he follows up on Abnormalities of Physical Growth and Sexual Development; Treatment-Induced Endocrine Disorders; Diseases of the Pituitary and Thyroid Glands; Long-Term Sequelae of Treatment for Childhood Malignancies. Stated on MSKCC website Dr. Sklar emphasizes that "these survivors are a rarified group of people who have had very specialized treatment. They have special needs. So here is the next chapter of Dawson's life.
April 27, 2009 is Dawson's first appointment with Dr. Sklar and thus our next visit to the Big Apple. Wow, what a break! Yes, I'm still nervous! I just felt so secure when I knew he was scanned every 4 months to make sure everything was okay. I was waiting for this time in his life when the scans would stop and now I am scared to death. I remember when he was first diagnosed someone told me this would be like this and I thought, I will be thrilled to be at that point, and I am, but I realize now how I am scared also. I'm dealing with it and trying to reassure myself that God is looking over him and keeping him safe.
I'll try to keep you updated regularly, but just remember, no news is good news, I will keep posting atleast every couple weeks though, I promise and yes I will get some new pictures up!
Thanks for checking on Dawson, remain to pray for his health, keeping him cancer free.

The DeCap's

Friday, October 17, 2008 4:58 PM CDT

As I'm still relishing in the moment of Dr.Kushner's email of good news, no signs of Neuroblastoma, now I'm also very scared. Upon emailing Dr.Kushner back and asking when we need to come back for scans again, his response is; No more complete workups, just monitor late effects of his treatment with Dr.Sklar. What? No more scans?!!! I freak out and start hyperventilating, we can't go without scans. The moment I've been waiting for has come and now I am not ready for it. Of course I expressed this fear to him, he said they are more worried about the long term effect of all the radiation than they are relapsed. But I have always been told the magic number is 5 years, we are not there yet. I'm still waiting for when that next time really is. AND, I'm really feeling bad about canceling our appointment with Dr.Sklar, I thought we would just see him the next trip. I canceled it because of our flight schedule and really wanting to get back home as not to miss out on Drew's first homecoming. No one explained to me this was one of our last trips! As back to the unknown, we never really know our schedule with these doctors, initially we were told we would progress to every 6 months and then 1 year, so I was half expecting the 6 month routine to start now.
I don't know what the next step is, like I said, I am still freaking out! Overall, I should be delighted and I am, but scared to death. Is this really back to normal life now? I'm not sure I'm ready. It has just became so natural for us.
Our last trip to NY was so quick, nice but now I'm afraid we rushed through it too quick.
Well, for now, we will enjoy our freedom and pray for continued health and a cancer free Dawson!

The DeCaps

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 11:47 AM CDT

I just recieved an email from Dr.Kushner that Dawson's CT, MIBG, head MRI and Bone Marrows - no neuroblastoma! As he quoted "Wonderful".

So that's exactly what we were waiting to hear! Can't get much better than that. Always such a relief to get the good news!

It's rainy here today. Dalton is home a little under the weather, but nothing major.

The boys only have a few more football games left. Dalton will miss his tonight and then Sunday is his last one, he also has two more soccer games this weekend, wrapping up the season. Drew has just two more also. He's been playing great and takes great pride in his games and team. He's busy as usual, into so many activities. Last weekend was homecoming, he is growing up so fast. Dawson has two more soccer games left and then he is done for the season. So November, as far as sports events go, should quiet down for us, I will take that. Drew will start basketball practice, but his first games aren't until December. I will certainly take the break!

All as is well. Thank you for checking on Dawson and Thank you for all the thougts and prayers this last week, we are forever grateful and truly blessed with good news!

The DeCaps

Thursday, October 9, 2008 10:58 AM CDT

We are finished. Dawson is just still sleeping off the anethesia from the bone marrows. He had his MRI bone scan last night, held still without any problems. We stopped, got our dinner and took a cab back to the hotel. I was never so glad to get to our room, being at the hospital for 10 hours was long enough. We just sat in our room, ate, watched t.v and before you know it, it was time for bed. We both were really tired, even though Dawson thought he wasn't.
This morning we packed our stuff up, had his MIBG and then bone marrows. When I took Dawson in for his bone marrows, I spoke to Dr.MOdak, he said the CT looked good and preliminary results for MIBG looked good from what he could see. I will get the rest of the results through email next week or maybe some tomorrow. I will make sure and post as soon as I find out.
I ordered some lunch for Dawson and I, hoping I can get him to eat before we leave. It's 12 noon here and our car picks us up at 1:00. We have about an hour car ride to MOrristown, New Jersey where our plane leaves from, we are due to land at 4:00 p.m., then the limo picks us up at Palwaukee airport and we are headed home.
The boys do not have school tomorrow, so I hope no one has anything planned early, we are sleeping IN!!! Do not call our house until noon anyone, Please! Homecoming parade, football game tomorrow and dance on Saturday along with soccer and such, so busy, busy weekend.
I'll update as soon as I hear any additional news! Thanks for the prayers.

Kelli and Dawson

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 1:33 PM CDT

We made it to New York, but not without a little excitement. When we arrived at the hanger in Chicago the people working there acted like they didn't know anything about a Pepsi flight, which made me a little nervous but I have learned that not everyone knows what is always going on with all these arrangements, so I didn't get too concerned. Well, as the time was ticking away and there didn't seem to be any thing developing on my end, I called Corporate Angel. To make a long story short, the flight was canceled, there was a misunderstanding between Corporate Angel and Pepsi. So, now what? Well, I was confident that they would figure out something for us. I figured we would have to spend the night in Chicago and fly out in the morning, but it was better than that. They were able to pull some strings and get us out a flight yet last night, just a few hours from our other flight. We were scheduled to leave Chicago Midway at 8:15 p.m and we ended up leaving at 11:30. We flew with NetJet, 1 1/2 hour flight or less I really think. As soon as the plane landed our car was there waiting and off the the hotel. Flying privately is soooooooooo nice! I felt like royalty, even with the long wait. It ended up being about 2:30 when we were in our room. Dawson fell asleep on the plane shortly after we took off and slept through everything, until I awoke him this morning.
The hotel is fabulous! It was so nice getting in so late and not having to wait to get checked in, making up beds, etc. The room is rather large with a nice soft king sized bed, couch, little kitchenett, equipped with a coffee maker, which sure was nice this morning, after such few hours of sleep! I enjoyed the nice laundered sheets and towels, another amenity that the Ronald doesn't have. I ordered breakfast in this morning. After a late night, not much of a dinner and an early morning, it was a luxury to get a good breakfast before starting out our day. Dawson was really hard to get up and he was not in a very good mood, I imagine not getting enough sleep had a lot to do with that. He finally ate his breakfast though and we walked to the hospital, a little longer walk, but not bad.
The hospital visit didn't start out to great for Daws, his viens were not real cooperative and they had to try a second time and I was afraid that wasn't going to work, but thank goodness after some work, success! Then he had to drink the contrast, which never makes him happy, he hates it and almost makes himself sick. The last time we were here he did end up throwing up and this time he was complaining of throwing up, so I warned them to hurry before he lost it. Then we had the icky tasting SSKI drops to get in before he can go for the MIBG injection, so we are counting down our time now before we can go down for that.
Hearing test came back fine, he is just ignoring Mom, the usual man trait, Selective Hearing, he must have inherited that from his father! So we got that out of the way already today.
Shortly we go down for the injection, which is just wait and wait usually.
5:30 we go for his Brain Scan. It is a long day at the hospital and I am really ready to get back to the hotel. Dawson is enjoying playing the games in the playroom and it is a battle everytime to leave his game.
The only thing we have planned for tonight is get some dinner and enjoy our nice hotel room, and to bed early. Home tomorrow already!
Continue to pray for clean scans!
Oh, I'm not getting very good reception with my cell phone, so don't be alarmed if I don't return your calls. Texting seems to work well though!

Kelli and Dawson

Tuesday, October 7, 2008 11:12 AM CDT

Just wanting to let you know we off to NY this afternoon. All the arrangements I think are finally made, it's been busy, trying to get all the reservations and such, then changes, so calling everyone back and rearranging connections.

Here's our schedule:

3:30 today the Limo (www.mywish.us Evan Moore from Sterling, Illinois) will pick us up from our house and take us to a private hanger at Midway Airport where we will fly with Pepsi corporation to NY. We will not land until 11:00 p.m. tonight, so it will be midnight before we get to our destination. Which our destination is Affinia Gardens hotel in Upper East side Manhatten, Ronald McDonald house is full and has no room for us. Wasn't sure how we felt about this, we know the area, the restraunts, people, such, but I'm okay now. Being seasoned veterans that we are, it will fun to do something new, and I was ecspecially excited after Diane, the social worker at Sloan told me they would be paying for it and she gave me the name and I googled it. She said it was a very nice hotel, I googled it and it looks beautiful, this will be a real luxury for us. It's the Affinia Garden if you want to look it up.
It will be a little longer walk, but not too bad, we will see new things!

Wednesday's schedule: 10:20 Ct, which means have 12 oz of crap drank by 9:20, afer I'm blue in the face from coaxing Dawson to drink it, AND after the fact he has had to get an I.V. put in. So we should be there about 8:00 a.m.
2:00 MIBG injection 5:00 Brain MRI (no anethesia, which will the first, hope that goes well)

Thursday's schedule: 8:00 a.m. MIBG and then bone marrows with anes to follow. Wake Dawson up and be ready at the hospital door at 1:00 p.m for car to pick us up to go to airport (the airplane departure moved our time up yesterday, so I hope the hospital is running on time) We fly out on Morristown, New Jersey with the Honeywell corporation. Arrival time in Chicago at Palwaukee hanger is 4:00 p.m. get in limo and head home.

So, a lot of different plans for us. Different corporations that we have never flown with, different hotel. We of course are thankful for them all.
Please keep Dawson in your prayers these next couple daysm we pray for clean scans, safe trips and a smooth schedule. We can handle all the plans as long as we have clean scans, Dawson's health!

I've got to boogy, lots of errands to run yet. Shirt to cleaners for Drew, pressed and starched so its ready for Homecoming Saturday. Schedules to finalize to make sure Drew and Dalton have rides to and from school, practices, games, food to eat, clean clothes, UHG!!!!!!!! Jeff will be here to keep them in line, but the schedule is up to me and it's busy as usual.
Gotta go, pray for clean scans!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelli and Dawson

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 8:49 PM CDT

Not much updating these days, huh?!!!!! Well, it actually feels great to be living such a normal life, that I forget about the website and that's such a great feeling!

Next week already Dawson and I will be heading to NY for scans. I just realized today that it was next week already. Uhg! Neither of us is looking forward to it. But then I feel guilty that I'm dreading only a couple days to have to live that life again when so many others have not that choice and certainly have it so much worse!

Dawson had a soccer scrimmage tonight and he had fun. We went camping last weekend and he loved that. He got to take a friend and we rented these little go karts that peddle.

Dawson is liking school and already picking out his Halloween costume.

Well, it's bedtime for the kids. Better git going.
Keep Dawson in your prayers next week as we venture to NY for scans. I will let you know the schedule when we find out our flight times for sure.

The DeCaps

Sunday, September 14, 2008 11:50 AM CDT

I know, it has been quite a while since I have updated. Remember, no news is Good news! Gee, where do I begin to catch you up at?
Dawson is doing great, he loves being in first grade, loves his new teacher. They are studying butterflies and apples this quarter, we are going on a field trip in another week to an apple orchard. He was suppose to have his first soccer practice yesterday, but it was canceled due to all the rain, he was kind of bummed. He is riding his bike to school with Dalton, all by himself, without Mom. That was more of an adjustment to Mom than him! I just didn't really wanting him to go without me, but he was rather disgusted that Mom thought she needed to go with, he wanted to do it by himself. So, I finally gave in, he doesn't know I secretly followed him the first couple days, but we won't go there! Anyway, he is very proud of riding his bike to school now by himself, thank goodness we live so close to the school.
Dalton is in fifth grade, his last year for grade school! He is in junior tackle football and LOVES it. He's a little upset to be playing Quarter Back, doesn't think he will get enough action! He still is active in his traveling soccer team as usual, so that keeps him running and wet lately!
Drew is a big Freshman this year, High School. Oh, my gosh, how did he get here? I can't believe we have a high schooler. He is playing football. We hardly see him on the weekends, he always has something going on, how great it would be to be like that again. Constant fun and no worries! He is just getting over some type of funky virus where his whole torsol was covered in big red welts! The doctor's never did figure out what it was, they started him on antibiotic because he had a fever one night after he was covered in this rash and it started down his arms and up his neck and face. He also had to end up having a cyst removed on his face, which the doctor said was benign. The rash started going away about 3 days after he started taking the medicine. Have to admit, was a little worried about the blood test and such, there's always that fear that it's something serious, but so far, so good.
Jeff has been working an enormous amount of hours lately, leaving early in the morning, working until late at night. Except for Friday, they actually called him off, due to the rain, I am wondering if Monday might be the same. He enjoyed the day off and now is pumping water out of our basement! Uhg! The first time we really have had any problems, it's not a lot but enough to get the carpet wet and make a mess and a lot of work!
As for me, I have also been really busy! I have embarked in a new career. I signed as a consultant with a new jewelry company out of Florida, called Aurastella. They are a very new company with only 250 consultants as of now, but growing rapidly. It's a great opportunity to get in on a direct sales company in such a early stage. I signed up July 31st and already have 2 consultants under me and plan on building my team more and more. They have beautiful sterling silver jewelry and are really a fun company to be with, if you want to check it out, go to www.kelli.aurastella.com
Well, for now, I think that is all the news! We are all doing great and definately keeping busy! Dawson and I are scheduled to go to NY for scans the second week of October. We both feel this trip is getting harder now, now that have such great lengthy breaks between our visits, we get use to normal life and just hate to face reality every four months. We are so thankful that we have blessed to carry on a normal life now and pray that we will always be so fortunate. I realize how blessed we are when I think about the ones who have to face cancer everyday, the grueling task of chemo, blood transfusions, surgeries and so much more. I truly do thank God for this great fortune!
Pray for Dawson to remain cancer free and all the ones who still encounter this dreadful disease.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Wednesday, August 20, 2008 7:21 AM CDT

Our summer vacation is winding down, next Tuesday the boys start back to school. They aren't ready and neither am I. I've enjoyed my time off as well.
Drew is exhaustd, football practice everyday from 6:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Yesterday he came home and ate lunch and then fell right to sleep, I couldn't even wake him up for his dentist appointment. Hoping he can keep up with everything by the time school starts, homework, practices and games. My thoughts last night as him and Jeff took off to go to a rock concert, only 4 more years and he will be in the real world. He is constantly doing something, going to friends, golfing, whatever, he's enjoying life and I want him to be able to, in 4 years he will have to be making choices for his future, life won't be so easy when you have to really study and then start working.
Dalton has started soccer practices, gearing up for the fall season. Right now they have practice every other day to get in shape, he's ready and he can't wait for football. This year is his first year for youth football, he picks up his equipment tomorrow night, he's so excited.
Dawson is strolling along, also waiting for his soccer to get started, which will be a couple weeks yet, but he needs something to take up some of his energy. He is so full of energy and deviish acts right now, he needs to start school. We went school shopping Monday and he got some new shoes and clothes, so he's already been wearing them. I think today I will tell him he has to wait until school starts so he's excited for school.
That's about all the news I have. I'll update next week after school starts, I'm sure I will have some new pictures.

The DeCaps

Thursday, August 14, 2008 8:39 AM CDT

Dawson is snoozing, snoozing. He had to just be exhausted last night. Yesterday we went to the Whiteside Fair, the kids got armbands to ride the rides all day. Dawson ran from one ride to the other, he didn't want to mess around much with the kiddie rides though, he went for the big rides, anything they will let him on. They wouldn't let him go on the 2001 knots, he begged me to go, but I just can't stomach those things anymore. I told him maybe he could get Dad to go on Saturday night when we go. They rode rides from 1:00 p.m. until 7:15 when I decided I had had enough, I'm sure they would have kept going. We have reserved seats for the demo derby on Saturday night, the kids just love to watch those cars bang up each other.
Dawson released his salamander and frogs yesterday, he didn' want them to die. So the pets are gone, just Reggie now for awhile until he finds some other reptile to capture.
Just rest for today, I have a show taped for Dawson that I think he has forgotten about, the doggie Superbowl. We're going to take it easy, catch up on the landry today. The weather is super nice here now, high 80 and beautiful!
We register for school today and need to shop for school supplies yet.

The DeCaps

Sunday, August 10, 2008 9:16 PM CDT

We're still doing great, been enjoying the rest of our summer break with rest and relaxation.
We register the boys for school this week. They are bummed that summer vacation is close to an end, but I think it's time to get everyone back on a schedule, as much as we all have enjoyed our summer. It just feels so good to live a normal life all summer. The trip to NY the first week of summer break was a great way to get it out of the way so we could enjoy the whole summer with minimal worries.
We're planning some fun stuff this last couple of weeks. PeeWee Golf tomorrow, some school shopping, the Fair on Wednesday, what else can we fit in?
That's about all for now.
Oh, almost forgot to tell you, Dawson has a new pet, a salamander. Drew brought it home for him, he found it at a friends house. He was very excited, he calls it a lizard, close enough. I finally agreed to keep it in the basement in its aquarium, but I made him promise he never take it out of the aquarium. So each morning, he carries the aquarium outside to take the salamander out. He doesn't have a name yet, he's still working on that. He wears gloves when he handles it, and for now its living on gold fish food, but Dawson is working on catching bugs and worms.
He just came inside and was so excited, they caught a locust, and it's alive!, he came in to get his dead one to join it????, don't ask me why!???? He's having fun!

The DeCap's

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:43 PM CDT

So much for our beautiful summer weather, it's smoldering outside, the humidity is dreadful, but it certainly could be worse.
The last couple of days we have just hung around the house. It's the first week since summer break we really haven't had anything planned. Drew is detasseling, but other than that, we have a clear schedule, about time! Tomorrow Dawson is having a friend over and maybe some pool time.
Dawson got his stitches out Sunday and they put a couple stay stitches on, once they fall off, that's it. One stay stitch already did come off this morning. The scar is looking remarkably swell, I can't believe it. Once the other stay stitch is gone, we will be putting the antibiotic cream on it, hoping to prevent any scarring, but so far, so good. He was so good for the nurse when she took the stitches out, he just layed straight as a board, the doctor couldn't believe it.
All else is well, we're hoping to spend the rest of the summer break relaxing.

The DeCap's

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 9:03 PM CDT

Another exciting day. Instead of cutting branches we ended up at the emergency room. The kids were out hitting balls with golf clubs and somehow Dawson got hit, right between the eyes pretty much.
Dalton came running through the house screaming, Drew carried Dawson up to the porch with blood just gushing out of his forehead. I was almost afraid to look, I panicked a little at first, thank goodness Jeff was home. We knew there was a trip to the hospital in store for us.
By the time we got him in the car and headed to the hospital he had settled down but when he heard he may have to have stitches, he got more upset. We told him they would numb it and he wouldn't feel much if any pain. I told him he had stitches before with his surgery only he had been put out, so he asked if they could put him out.
Well, he did a great job. They put numbing cream on with a bandaid and he never did require any type of shot. The doctor started explaining what he was going to do to Dawson and we told him he needed to explain it to Dawson, he was medically experienced, to say the least.
Dawson did great, he didn't like it at first when they placed the cloth over his head with only a hole for the wound, he started crying that he was hot, so Jeff fanned him. Once he settled down, that was all there was to it, he didn't move or cry at all. He wanted to see it as soon as the doctor finished.
While we were waiting for the doctor, in his little sad voice he said "Can I get one of these remote control airplanes that I've been wanting" we told him if he held very still and didn't cry we would get him one. So as soon as we left the hospital, to Wal-mart we went. Aunt Deb and Aunt Denise bought Dawson a remote flying fly. It's pretty cool, he has already run down the batteries a couple times. The eyes light up green in the dark.

That's all the news I have for today, that's enough. Poor Dawson, in the wrong place at the wrong time, Again! Few more grey hairs for Mom! Hopefully he won't have much of a scar, but like I have always said, we can handle that much easier than cancer!
If anyone has any ideas on what kind of cream I can put on the scar to help prevent scarrin, email me please. decap@geneseo.net Stitches come out in five days, Sunday. No swimming under water until then, although they did say he could swim as long as he doesn't put his head under. We are going to try to lay low for a couple days.
Thanks for checking on us.

The DeCaps

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 11:15 AM CDT

We had quite awakening yesterday morning. Geneseo along with several surrounding areas experienced strong winds, the airport reported 98 mph winds. I was awake and lying in bed about 6:30 a.m. when I heard it start and then I don't even really recall exactrly what I heard, but something made me jump out of bed and fly to the window to see that one of trees fell down, I thought it was the pine tree outside Dawson's room, so I ran to his room to make sure everything was okay. With the way things sounded I wasn't sure what to expect, so I carried Dawson downstairs and awoke Drew to go to the basement. Dalton was at a friends staying overnight. The curiousity of what was going on was enough to get me to go back upstairs and check it out to find that it wasn't our crummy pine tree but a huge portion of our favorite tree in our yard. Our tree that shades our back patio. Of the other 7 trees in our yard, it had to ruin that one, uhg! There didn't seem to be any damage to the house other than chipping our siding and knocking down our picket fence.
We took Drew to volunteer for the city to help cleanup the mess on the streets to get things opened up again. It was a mess, trees uprooted, several vehicles with big limbs on them and some house damage, but overall pretty lucky. It reminded me very much of what we went through in Erie 10 years ago.
Today our lot is lined up with branches waiting for pickup and tongiht Jeff is getting a chain saw to remove the large ones, he thinks we can salvage our tulip tree. It won't look quite the same and there may be a little more sun in our backyard than usual, but hopefully it will get some regrowth and balance its self out adventurely. We have to consider ourselves lucky.
It's been the usual Midwest hot summer weather, we're enjoying the pool in the afternoons.
The boys have freinds staying over that our still our of power in their homes and may be for a couple more days yet, so it's like a big party to them.
We took Dawson to see the movie Wall-E last night, it was about a robot saving the earth, it was rather cute and he enjoyed it. Wants to get it when it comes out on DVD, like all the others he sees!
Take care and hope you dodge all the summer storms brewing.

The DeCaps

Sunday, July 20, 2008 12:15 AM CDT

Dawson and I are back from the Neuroblastoma conference. The conference had a lot of great information, the doctor's there were very informative and were very willing to take the time with any parent that had questions.
Even though each doctor was very techinical, I walked away understanding most all of it, I'm learning more and more and feel that I understand more of the medical language all the time. It was encouraging to hear of the doctors speak about new treatments being tested and each one made a point that even though they have made progress, it is still not good enough, the odds need to be much better. I ecspecially enjoyed Dr. Cheung from Sloan. I have only had a couple opportunities to speak to him before, but I left feeling that I got to know him much better and really like him.
Dawson had fun in the play room, he was always ready to return.
Well, gotta go, the kids are ready to go for lunch and then to the pool.

The DeCaps

Monday, July 14, 2008 9:41 PM CDT

We just got home tonight from Michigan City. We all had a great time on our little getaway.
We went up Friday afternoon, picking Jeff up from work and heading on up to Michigan City, Indiana. Saturday Drew had a baseball tournament, in fact they played from 12 noon until 12 midnight, long day for them. I took Dawson back to the hotel to swim with another Mom, he was so dirty from playing at the baseball field.
Then the rest of the weekend we spent at the beach. We went to two different beaches, one Sunday in Michigan City, Indiana and another in New Buffalo, Michigan on Monday.
On Sunday our great friends, The Morriseys drove up from Chicago and met us. We had a great time with them, as usual. We get together so much less than we use to with the busy schedules of the boys, so it was great to spend the day with them.
Today we spent at The Warren Dunes, which I think we rated our favorite. We climbed a huge dune which overlooked Lake Michigan. The boys really had fun, both days.
Tomorrow I'm sure they will have to get rested up, except Drew and Dalton both have something scheduled first thing in the morning.
The boys are anxious to pick up Reggie from Grandpa and Grandma, so we will have to get out there tomorrow morning to pick up their little buddy. Both Dalton and Dawson said several times they wish Reggie was with, they thought he would have really had fun there!
We are really enjoying our summer, don't want it to come to an end.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 8:40 AM CDT

We had a good 4th of July weekend. On Friday, the 4th, Jeff and I worked out in the yard all day landscaping, then we went to a 4th of July party to watch the fireworks. The kids played in the yard and had fun shooting off some of their fireworks. The rest of the weekend we spent just having fun. Dalton had a baseball tournament in Erie, just one game a day though. So we had plenty of time for other things. We got together with friends and family, cookouts and enjoyed chatting. The weekend ended going out with some friends to our favorite restaurant, The Cellar, for Jeff and I's 17th anniversary. Wow, how did that happen, 17 years.
Dawson is enjoying his summer, swimming, bike riding, and catching frogs and bugs. Dawson has now had two toads in captivity. He plays with them for a day or two, then releases them. He is very concerned that they will die if he keeps them too long.
Drew has a baseball tournament this weekend, but we have some fun planned also.
I'll update after the weekend. Enjoy the summer!

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Sunday, June 29, 2008 10:24 PM CDT

It was a great peaceful weekend. No ball games, can you believe it?
Jeff worked Saturday, so his weekend was a little short. Dawson had a friend spend the night Friday night and they had a great time playing until Saturday afternoon.
We had a pool party for Drew's soccer team Saturday night, lots of fun for the boys again.
Sunday was just a real peaceful day. We went for a bike ride in the morning, I worked in the yard all afternoon while the boys played with the neighbor kids all day. They all had fun.
Not too crazy of a week, a few ball games coming up and of course 4th of July plans.
Every forth of July I am reminded that three years ago we got a phone call from Iowa City saying Dawson's surgery was unsuccessful and they had not gotten all of the tumor. We also ended up in Iowa City for a CT because of stomach pain. The next year Dawson and I spent the holiday alone in NY. Last year was so much better and this year I expect the same. Dawson was in awe of the fireworks going off over his head last year, the first ones he really remembers and enjoyed.
We salute everyone overseas fighting for our countrys freedom, all the cancer kids and here's to many more wonderful fourth of july celebrations for Dawson.

Have a happy and safe 4th!
The DeCap's

Monday, June 23, 2008 7:47 AM CDT

I just got an email this morning from Dr.Kushner that Dawson's BM were fine and that he thought he was doing great! Just exactly the news we were waiting for.
So now we can enjoy the rest of the summer. I don't get too worried for awhile when he complains that something hurts. Give me a couple of months and I start to worry a little more, but atleast for a couple months I feel pretty confident that he is perfectly healthy.
Dawson spent some time with Grandpa and Grandma this weekend. After he sat through three grueling baseball games Saturday, we figured he would have a lot more fun with Grandparent than baseball. Over the weekend between the two boys they had 10 games, just too much for Dawson. He stayed again last night because it was late before we got home, I'm anxious for him to come today. The other boys are still sleeping, I couldn't get Drew up for summit this morning, so I gave up. We had left the house at 6:30 yesterday morning and weren't home til 9:30 at night, a very long tiring day for everyone, but ecspecially them.
We had absolutely beautiful summer weather all last week, we could enjoy bike riding, swimming and just playing outside, this week I think is expected to get a little warmer. I'm sure we will be spending a little more time at the pool.
Now I have my computers back, I will get some pictures on the website ths week.
Thanks for checking on Daws, we are so thankful for the great news of health.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Friday, June 13, 2008 10:02 PM CDT

I recieved an email today from Dr.Kushner that CT and MIBG are both CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now just awaiting the bone marrow results. We are rejoicing, thank you God!
Tonight was the Doo Dah parade, Dawson decorated his dirt bike with Coins 4 Kids signs, we tied a Dawson bear on the bank and attached a piggie bank on the front fender. I handed out C4K pamplets, hoping to raise awareness and maybe a donation for research.
Then it was kiddie land up town with all kinds of jumping balloon things and games, face painting and such. Dawson was like a wild man, he was so excited he jumped from one thing to the next.
A beautiful weekend planned here in town with the music fest that we are going to get to be home for and enjoy, one of the first in 4 years.
Bike rides planned for tomorrow!

Love and God Bless,
Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Friday, June 13, 2008 8:40 AM CDT

Dawson and I got home yesterday afternoon. We had kind of a long day of travel, a lot of time in the car. We left the Ronald at 8:00 a.m. and got to Trenton, New Jersey about 9:30 a.m., long drive. Dawson was starting to get carsick, which he has never done before, but luckily we were almost there by then. We ordered some breakfast from the airport and then ended up flying out a half hour early. We were the only ones on the plane, other than the two pilots. The plane was very nice. These corporate flight are just soooooo nice. So we got into Chicago at 11:30, Grammie was there waiting. Then there was another drive home, about 2 1/2 hour drive home. WE did stop for lunch on the way home, Dawson and I were glad to get out and stretch our legs. Dawson complained once of not feeling well on the way home also, but it didn't seem to bother him and he ended up falling asleep after we stopped for lunch.
We're glad to be back home and now just waiting for news from the doctors on the rest of the scans. Praying for clean scans. I will update as soon as I get word.

The DeCap's

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 3:56 PM CDT

I just got a voicemail from the hospital that Dr.Kramer said the preliminary of the results of the MIBG are CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!

You can go to journal history to read how our day went, I had just updated just a while ago and then I got the great message! Music to my ears, I'm always so nervous until I atleast get some type of message. Even though I have felt at ease this whole trip, there still is always that fear.

Praise the Lord. Thank you for the prayers, keep praying for all great results.

Kelli and Dawson

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 3:28 PM CDT

Dawson and I are back at the Ronald and we don't have any news yet at all. I'm hoping, no news, is good news.
Last night Dawson was perfectly content to just stay here at the Ronald and hang out in the playroom. They had a dinner upstairs and some activities for the kids. NY had a thunderstorm last night and the thunder was quite loud, I thought we were really going to get a storm, but it went over rather quickly. Our air conditioning was about the same but we did get a fan, which made it much more comfortable.
This morning we were at the hospital by 8:00 for his MIBG and bone marrows. After that Dawson and I walked to the movie theater, he wanted to see Kung Fu Panda. It was cute.
He's not too awful sore from the bone marrows, but some of course. We got a stroller from the Ronald this morning, so he didn't have to walk. He slept for about an hour after he was out of anethesia, I just walked around. The weather is much better today, suppose to be 88, but low humidity and a nice breeze. Much more comfortable weather.
There is a trip to Central Park tonight, I think Dawson may be interested in doing that.
The car is to pick us up at 7:30 a.m. in the morning, so early to bed tonight.
Keep praying for clean scans.

Kelli and Dawson

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11:26 AM CDT

We're at the Ronald, I'm trying desperately to get Dawson back out of the playroom to go get some lunch. We have to be back at the hospital at 2:00 to get his MIBG injection and then we will be done for the day.
This morning went pretty well. I.V. went in the first try, he wasn't too happy to get it in, but not bad. I made him drink his contrast before he was allowed to go back in the playroom and that worked out well, except he threw it up when we got down to CT. Just too much liquid in the short time with no food in his stomach. They said it would be fine, so I hope enough remained in his system for the scan. He held still wonderfully for the CT scan. So we were done and out about 11 a.m. He wanted to come down to the playroom and I haven't coaxed him out yet. But I am heading there now to get him to go get something to eat on our way back to the hospital.
It's another HOT day in NY. We are thinking of going to the new Kung FU Panda movie tonight. Dawson has wanted to see it and since it's so hot, there's not much else to do. There is a cookout tonight.
The air conditioning in our room is not working, either, which wasn't too comfy last night. I really didn't sleep too well because of it. I didn't sleep well the night before so last night I was exhausted. We retired to our room quite early with a movie to watch. Dawson wanted to watch a second one, which I slept through. I have them working on our air again today, but they just keep saying it's an old building! The heat is suppose to break today and be only in the 80's tomorrow, much better.
Well, better go and get some lunch before we head back to the hospital.
Keep Dawson in your prayers.

Kelli and Dawson

Monday, June 9, 2008 2:36 PM CDT

Dawson and I are at the Ronald McDonald house. We got here about a half hour ago. He is playing in the playroom already, I can't even get him to leave so we can go out and get something to drink.
It is HOT here in New York, very hot, they said it may reach 100 degrees today. The walk from the subway was a little warm and Dawson kept asking to get a cab, but I told him it would take just as long to get a cab as it would to walk, it was only 7 blocks. Not a bad walk usually, but the heat did make it not so fun.
The flight went great. My friend Jenny took us down to the John Deere hangar this morning. Thank you Jenny! We flew with one of the executives and CEO Mr. Lane. He was very nice and told us we were his guest. He offered to wait on us, bring us drinks, make sure we were comfortable, he was so nice. Of course, we told him we were so grateful for the trip and thanked him! John Deere had a box lunch from Panera on the flight for us, so Dawson and I enjoyed lunch before getting here. These corporate flights are soooooooo inviting and comfortable. I really could handle living like this! Dawson ate well and was good on the plane ride. He went up with the pilots for awhile and quized them a little.
From the airport, they took us in a van to the train station. We walked in at 1:40 and I asked when the next train to Grand Central was, 1:41, perfect timing! It was about a half hour or so train ride from White Plaines. White Plaines seemed very pretty flying in, we flew over Long Island Stern, we saw lots of sailboats and marinas and beautiful houses.
We caught the subway from Grand Central Station, which to 68th and Lexington only took about 10 minutes and then we walked to the Ronald. Dawson and I have learned to pack light, only bring what's neccesary. Makes the trip much easier when there is multiple transportation plans.
There is a dinner here tonight, we will see what is served before we make up our mind on it, sometimes it's just not appealing to Dawson. Our friends Mary and Mitchell are expected in today also. We have already saw a few of our friends in the lobby, home sweet home away from home.
Up and at the hospital at 8:00 a.m., well, after a quick stop at the coffee shop to see our friends there.
Pray for Dawson to have clean scan results. I will update tomorrow. Wish me luck on getting Dawson to drink his contrast and smooth I.V., he is already asking when that happens.
Thanks for checking on us.

Kelli and Dawson

Sunday, June 8, 2008 8:54 AM CDT


Sunday, June 8, 2008 8:47 AM CDT

Testing an update

Sunday, June 8, 2008 8:47 AM CDT

Testing an update

Sunday, June 8, 2008 8:47 AM CDT

Testing an update

Sunday, June 8, 2008 8:18 AM CDT

Believe it or not I've actaully updated the site twice, but for some reason they didn't post?!!!!!!!! I didn't realize until I was talking to someone that said they had looked at the site and it had not been updated. So lets hope today works.
Dawson and I leave tomorrow for New York, scan time. We were fortunate enough to get a Corporate Angel flight. We leave tomorrow out of Moline. Our wonderful neighbor, Denise Welch is going to take us to the airport. Were doing a little of the planes, trains and automobiles to get there, but were grateful for the free flight, not to mention dodging the commercial airlines.
We fly with John Deere into White Plaines, New York, from there we will take a cab to the train station which is just a few miles and we will take the train to Grand Central Station which is right in Manhatten and then from there we will catch the subway which we can get off of on 64th and Lexington, just about 12 blocks from the Ronald. Pack light and hope there is good weather, so we can walk rather than take a cab to the house from the subway.
On the way home, we have a little easier trip, we come home on Thursday. The car service will pick us up at 7:30 a.m., we leave out of Trenton, New Jersey, which is a little of a drive. We fly with Mortorola into Chicago. Just happens that Grammy DeCap is going to be in Libertyville anyway and was planning on coming home that day anyway, so she is going to come and get us and bring us home. So that all worked out rather well.
Dawson has a CT scan Tuesday morning and MIBG injection that afternoon. His MIBG scan is early WEdnesday morning and bone marrows after that. With luck we should be done about noon that day. We will have a little time to do something fun. If the weather is nice we have talked about going to Central Park Zoo.
Yesterday Dawson and Jeff went to his first Cub Scounts event. He got to shoot a bow and arrow, sling shot, go hiking and cook over a bonfire. He had a lot of fun.
Last night was a pool party for Dalton's soccer team, he swam all night and loved it. He did his first flips off the diving board. I was amazed that he is already doing flips off the diving board. He truly loves to swim. He wants a house with a pool! The family who hosted the party has a little farm and they raise sheep. They are bottle feeding one and Dawson had the opportunity to bottle feed the lamb, he loved it. He also loved playing with the baby kittens.
I wanted to post new pictures, but my desk top computer which I downloaded all my pictures in is not connecting to internet and my lap top the email is not sending, UHG!
I may be able to get a couple on here that are still in the camera.
Please keep Dawson in your prayers next week as he goes through scans. Pray for clean scans and safe travel.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Sunday, June 8, 2008 8:18 AM CDT

Believe it or not I've actaully updated the site twice, but for some reason they didn't post?!!!!!!!! I didn't realize until I was talking to someone that said they had looked at the site and it had not been updated. So lets hope today works.
Dawson and I leave tomorrow for New York, scan time. We were fortunate enough to get a Corporate Angel flight. We leave tomorrow out of Moline. Our wonderful neighbor, Denise Welch is going to take us to the airport. Were doing a little of the planes, trains and automobiles to get there, but were grateful for the free flight, not to mention dodging the commercial airlines.
We fly with John Deere into White Plaines, New York, from there we will take a cab to the train station which is just a few miles and we will take the train to Grand Central Station which is right in Manhatten and then from there we will catch the subway which we can get off of on 64th and Lexington, just about 12 blocks from the Ronald. Pack light and hope there is good weather, so we can walk rather than take a cab to the house from the subway.
On the way home, we have a little easier trip, we come home on Thursday. The car service will pick us up at 7:30 a.m., we leave out of Trenton, New Jersey, which is a little of a drive. We fly with Mortorola into Chicago. Just happens that Grammy DeCap is going to be in Libertyville anyway and was planning on coming home that day anyway, so she is going to come and get us and bring us home. So that all worked out rather well.
Dawson has a CT scan Tuesday morning and MIBG injection that afternoon. His MIBG scan is early WEdnesday morning and bone marrows after that. With luck we should be done about noon that day. We will have a little time to do something fun. If the weather is nice we have talked about going to Central Park Zoo.
Yesterday Dawson and Jeff went to his first Cub Scounts event. He got to shoot a bow and arrow, sling shot, go hiking and cook over a bonfire. He had a lot of fun.
Last night was a pool party for Dalton's soccer team, he swam all night and loved it. He did his first flips off the diving board. I was amazed that he is already doing flips off the diving board. He truly loves to swim. He wants a house with a pool! The family who hosted the party has a little farm and they raise sheep. They are bottle feeding one and Dawson had the opportunity to bottle feed the lamb, he loved it. He also loved playing with the baby kittens.
I wanted to post new pictures, but my desk top computer which I downloaded all my pictures in is not connecting to internet and my lap top the email is not sending, UHG!
I may be able to get a couple on here that are still in the camera.
Please keep Dawson in your prayers next week as he goes through scans. Pray for clean scans and safe travel.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Sunday, June 8, 2008 8:18 AM CDT

Believe it or not I've actaully updated the site twice, but for some reason they didn't post?!!!!!!!! I didn't realize until I was talking to someone that said they had looked at the site and it had not been updated. So lets hope today works.
Dawson and I leave tomorrow for New York, scan time. We were fortunate enough to get a Corporate Angel flight. We leave tomorrow out of Moline. Our wonderful neighbor, Denise Welch is going to take us to the airport. Were doing a little of the planes, trains and automobiles to get there, but were grateful for the free flight, not to mention dodging the commercial airlines.
We fly with John Deere into White Plaines, New York, from there we will take a cab to the train station which is just a few miles and we will take the train to Grand Central Station which is right in Manhatten and then from there we will catch the subway which we can get off of on 64th and Lexington, just about 12 blocks from the Ronald. Pack light and hope there is good weather, so we can walk rather than take a cab to the house from the subway.
On the way home, we have a little easier trip, we come home on Thursday. The car service will pick us up at 7:30 a.m., we leave out of Trenton, New Jersey, which is a little of a drive. We fly with Mortorola into Chicago. Just happens that Grammy DeCap is going to be in Libertyville anyway and was planning on coming home that day anyway, so she is going to come and get us and bring us home. So that all worked out rather well.
Dawson has a CT scan Tuesday morning and MIBG injection that afternoon. His MIBG scan is early WEdnesday morning and bone marrows after that. With luck we should be done about noon that day. We will have a little time to do something fun. If the weather is nice we have talked about going to Central Park Zoo.
Yesterday Dawson and Jeff went to his first Cub Scounts event. He got to shoot a bow and arrow, sling shot, go hiking and cook over a bonfire. He had a lot of fun.
Last night was a pool party for Dalton's soccer team, he swam all night and loved it. He did his first flips off the diving board. I was amazed that he is already doing flips off the diving board. He truly loves to swim. He wants a house with a pool! The family who hosted the party has a little farm and they raise sheep. They are bottle feeding one and Dawson had the opportunity to bottle feed the lamb, he loved it. He also loved playing with the baby kittens.
I wanted to post new pictures, but my desk top computer which I downloaded all my pictures in is not connecting to internet and my lap top the email is not sending, UHG!
I may be able to get a couple on here that are still in the camera.
Please keep Dawson in your prayers next week as he goes through scans. Pray for clean scans and safe travel.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Sunday, June 8, 2008 8:18 AM CDT

Believe it or not I've actaully updated the site twice, but for some reason they didn't post?!!!!!!!! I didn't realize until I was talking to someone that said they had looked at the site and it had not been updated. So lets hope today works.
Dawson and I leave tomorrow for New York, scan time. We were fortunate enough to get a Corporate Angel flight. We leave tomorrow out of Moline. Our wonderful neighbor, Denise Welch is going to take us to the airport. Were doing a little of the planes, trains and automobiles to get there, but were grateful for the free flight, not to mention dodging the commercial airlines.
We fly with John Deere into White Plaines, New York, from there we will take a cab to the train station which is just a few miles and we will take the train to Grand Central Station which is right in Manhatten and then from there we will catch the subway which we can get off of on 64th and Lexington, just about 12 blocks from the Ronald. Pack light and hope there is good weather, so we can walk rather than take a cab to the house from the subway.
On the way home, we have a little easier trip, we come home on Thursday. The car service will pick us up at 7:30 a.m., we leave out of Trenton, New Jersey, which is a little of a drive. We fly with Mortorola into Chicago. Just happens that Grammy DeCap is going to be in Libertyville anyway and was planning on coming home that day anyway, so she is going to come and get us and bring us home. So that all worked out rather well.
Dawson has a CT scan Tuesday morning and MIBG injection that afternoon. His MIBG scan is early WEdnesday morning and bone marrows after that. With luck we should be done about noon that day. We will have a little time to do something fun. If the weather is nice we have talked about going to Central Park Zoo.
Yesterday Dawson and Jeff went to his first Cub Scounts event. He got to shoot a bow and arrow, sling shot, go hiking and cook over a bonfire. He had a lot of fun.
Last night was a pool party for Dalton's soccer team, he swam all night and loved it. He did his first flips off the diving board. I was amazed that he is already doing flips off the diving board. He truly loves to swim. He wants a house with a pool! The family who hosted the party has a little farm and they raise sheep. They are bottle feeding one and Dawson had the opportunity to bottle feed the lamb, he loved it. He also loved playing with the baby kittens.
I wanted to post new pictures, but my desk top computer which I downloaded all my pictures in is not connecting to internet and my lap top the email is not sending, UHG!
I may be able to get a couple on here that are still in the camera.
Please keep Dawson in your prayers next week as he goes through scans. Pray for clean scans and safe travel.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Sunday, June 8, 2008 8:18 AM CDT

Believe it or not I've actaully updated the site twice, but for some reason they didn't post?!!!!!!!! I didn't realize until I was talking to someone that said they had looked at the site and it had not been updated. So lets hope today works.
Dawson and I leave tomorrow for New York, scan time. We were fortunate enough to get a Corporate Angel flight. We leave tomorrow out of Moline. Our wonderful neighbor, Denise Welch is going to take us to the airport. Were doing a little of the planes, trains and automobiles to get there, but were grateful for the free flight, not to mention dodging the commercial airlines.
We fly with John Deere into White Plaines, New York, from there we will take a cab to the train station which is just a few miles and we will take the train to Grand Central Station which is right in Manhatten and then from there we will catch the subway which we can get off of on 64th and Lexington, just about 12 blocks from the Ronald. Pack light and hope there is good weather, so we can walk rather than take a cab to the house from the subway.
On the way home, we have a little easier trip, we come home on Thursday. The car service will pick us up at 7:30 a.m., we leave out of Trenton, New Jersey, which is a little of a drive. We fly with Mortorola into Chicago. Just happens that Grammy DeCap is going to be in Libertyville anyway and was planning on coming home that day anyway, so she is going to come and get us and bring us home. So that all worked out rather well.
Dawson has a CT scan Tuesday morning and MIBG injection that afternoon. His MIBG scan is early WEdnesday morning and bone marrows after that. With luck we should be done about noon that day. We will have a little time to do something fun. If the weather is nice we have talked about going to Central Park Zoo.
Yesterday Dawson and Jeff went to his first Cub Scounts event. He got to shoot a bow and arrow, sling shot, go hiking and cook over a bonfire. He had a lot of fun.
Last night was a pool party for Dalton's soccer team, he swam all night and loved it. He did his first flips off the diving board. I was amazed that he is already doing flips off the diving board. He truly loves to swim. He wants a house with a pool! The family who hosted the party has a little farm and they raise sheep. They are bottle feeding one and Dawson had the opportunity to bottle feed the lamb, he loved it. He also loved playing with the baby kittens.
I wanted to post new pictures, but my desk top computer which I downloaded all my pictures in is not connecting to internet and my lap top the email is not sending, UHG!
I may be able to get a couple on here that are still in the camera.
Please keep Dawson in your prayers next week as he goes through scans. Pray for clean scans and safe travel.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Thursday, June 5, 2008 11:32 AM CDT

The travel arrangements are all in order for New York. We're doing the planes, trains and automobiles thing again. We we fortunate to get a flight with Corporate Angel, which I was so thankful for, ecspecially since the airline tickets were up around $400 a piece right now! Not to mention not having to the commercial airline routine. We are flying out Monday morning with John Deere. Our wonderful neighbor Denise Welch was graciuos enough to take us to the airport on Moline. We are flying into New Havens, Conneticut. From the airport we will take a cab ride(which is about 4 1/2 miles) to the train station and take the train into Grand Central station and from there we will catch the subway to 64th street, which isn't too awful far of a walk from the Ronald McDonald on 73rd. If all goes well we should arrive at the Ronald about 4:30. It's a full day of travel. On the way home it will be a lot easier getting to the airport. We will be flying out of Trenton, New Jersey, but there is a car picking us up at the Ronald and taking us the hanger. We fly into Palwaukee airport, which is in Chicago and it just so happens that Grammy DeCap will be in Chicago at Aunt Deb's. She will pick us up from there and we will all head home. Another full day, but it is still better than commercial flying.
Yesterday was the last day of school for the boys. The pool opened up and Dawson was certainly ready to go. The water was freezing but the heat outside made it bearable. I only stuck my feet in and couldn't stand it, I can't imagine what it was like jumping off the diving board into the frigid water. He dove in several times, so I guess it didn't bother him.
Today is going to be another HOT day, in the 90's and very humid. Boy did our season switch over quickly. So we have plans to go to the pool again.
Saturday will be Dawson's first event with Cub Scouts. Him and I are going to the Black Hawk park for all kinds of boy scout events.
Well, better go, the boys are already fighting, uhg!

Please keep Dawson in your prayers next week during his scans.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 7:53 PM CDT

We're doing just fine. The kids last day of school is tomorrow, they only go until 11:35. Jeff and I went to the grocery tonight to stock up on lunch and breakfast food. The grocery bill definately goes up in the summer.
Dawson can't wait until school is out, even though he has liked school all year, he is ready to be out for the summer. He can't wait to sleep in and neither can I. He is very anxious for the pool to open up and he's been asking to go for bike rides and picnics. I actually am just as excited about the summer break as he is. I will be off for the summer with them. We have lots of things we want to do.
Drew and Dalton already are filling up their schedule with baseball and summer sports camps.
Drew starts football camp already next week and from there summit program 3 days a week from 7-8:30 a.m., we're lucky it's not the 6-7:30 shift, atleast we can sleep for a little while and we will have a couple days left to sleep in every week hopefully, until detasseling season.
Dalton will go to the library two days a week for tutoring. He's very excited to start football camp this summer, along with a soccer camp and 2 baseball teams.
For Dawson, he only has the library reading program we have signed him for, starting with a magic show Friday afternoon. Oh, I almost forgot, he wants to sign up for Cub Scouts, so I'm still trying to get a hold of the guy for that. Maybe swimming lessons the next session, we will see.
I can already see our schedule filling up. But it all sounds like fun things. Hopefully we will have time for some day trips in between things.
Dawson and leave for New York next Monday. I dread going as much as he does, I have mixed emotions, hate making the trip and anticipating the stress but anxious to get it over with, I just want to skip ahead to the day we get all the CLEAN results. He will have his CT and MIBG injection on Tuesday and MIBG and bone marrows on Wednesday.
Please keep Dawson in your prayers next week. Pray for CLEAN scans and safe travel.
I will try and get some new pictures up later this week.

The DeCaps

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 7:53 PM CDT

We're doing just fine. The kids last day of school is tomorrow, they only go until 11:35. Jeff and I went to the grocery tonight to stock up on lunch and breakfast food. The grocery bill definately goes up in the summer.
Dawson can't wait until school is out, even though he has liked school all year, he is ready to be out for the summer. He can't wait to sleep in and neither can I. He is very anxious for the pool to open up and he's been asking to go for bike rides and picnics. I actually am just as excited about the summer break as he is. I will be off for the summer with them. We have lots of things we want to do.
Drew and Dalton already are filling up their schedule with baseball and summer sports camps.
Drew starts football camp already next week and from there summit program 3 days a week from 7-8:30 a.m., we're lucky it's not the 6-7:30 shift, atleast we can sleep for a little while and we will have a couple days left to sleep in every week hopefully, until detasseling season.
Dalton will go to the library two days a week for tutoring. He's very excited to start football camp this summer, along with a soccer camp and 2 baseball teams.
For Dawson, he only has the library reading program we have signed him for, starting with a magic show Friday afternoon. Oh, I almost forgot, he wants to sign up for Cub Scouts, so I'm still trying to get a hold of the guy for that. Maybe swimming lessons the next session, we will see.
I can already see our schedule filling up. But it all sounds like fun things. Hopefully we will have time for some day trips in between things.
Dawson and leave for New York next Monday. I dread going as much as he does, I have mixed emotions, hate making the trip and anticipating the stress but anxious to get it over with, I just want to skip ahead to the day we get all the CLEAN results. He will have his CT and MIBG injection on Tuesday and MIBG and bone marrows on Wednesday.
Please keep Dawson in your prayers next week. Pray for CLEAN scans and safe travel.
I will try and get some new pictures up later this week.

The DeCaps

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 2:43 PM CDT

It's the usual, just a few weeks for scan and Dawson is complaining of his tummy hurting periodically. I keep telling myself, this happens everytime and everytime he's been fine, but easier said than convincing myself of it!
Dawson has been a little tired lately, not wanting to get up in the morning, not getting to bed early enough at night. I can pretty much say the same for myself though. May is a busy month and we are all counting down the days until school is out, 9 more! Soccer and baseball games and practices everynight! We are working hard this week to get Dawson to bed earlier.
Yesterday though he was not wanting to get up, I made the mistake of asking him if he felt okay, wrong thing to do, he said no and then complained enough that I didn't make him go to school, right away that is. I realized very shortly after that he really was fine even though when I asked him he told me his tummy still kind of hurt, he wasn't acting like it. He knows right where to get me, and it still works! Then today the school nurse called me first to say he had hurt his arm at recess, but seemed fine and then a second call that he had been back in saying his tummy hurt, but she said she watched him after he left the nurses office and saw him skipping down the hallway back to his classroom! UHG!!!!! I don't want to let him get away with playing hookie, but everytime he complains I worry to death that something is wrong.
I'm putting him back on the miralax tonight, we always seem to steer away from it after awhile, just busy every day routines. We will see if this hepls. He really has only complained a couple times so far.
This weekend Drew and Dalton will be playing soccer in a tournament. Dawson is looking forward to playing with his friends and swimming in the hotel pool.
Dalton's 11th birthday is Friday. He has a field trip on Friday also to the Caves.
Better go, there's so much to do before the busy weekend and so little time to do it.
The boys and are counting down the days until school is out and we are all home enjoying the summer! I am so looking forward to some down time!
Pray that Dawson stays healthy and pray for my strength during this stressful time until we are through scans once again.
Til next week, have a great holiday weekend.

The DeCaps

Monday, May 12, 2008 12:59 AM CDT

All is well. I ended up having a very nice Mother's day, despite the horrible weather. As a result of all the rain and cold, all the boys scheduled games for the day were canceled, so it was a nice relaxing day. I spent the day catching up on laundry, but I have to admit, I never cooked one thing. We went to eat twice yesterday, which sure was nice. Dawson and Dalton made me Mother's day cards and even made one for Reggie to give me. I will treasure them forever.
I'm in the midst of making plane reservations now for the second week of June for Dawson and I to return to NY for his quarterly scans. I forget how quickly planes book up with summer coming up, uhg! I already have been getting the nervous bug of upcoming scans.
Dawson popped the lense out of his glasses Friday and while I tried to repair them and told him we should go up to the eye doctor to have them fix them, he decided he really didn't need them anymore. Miracelously his site was renewed! He has been grabbing them first thing in the morning, saying he can't see without them, now all of a sudden he says he doesn't need them.?????? Who knows! But for now, we'll go with it.
Busy schedule as usual, I forget how crazy May is.
I spent time being Thankful this MOthers Day, as so many aren't as fortunate as I. The NB world lost 3 children here just lately, whose Mother's I'm sure did not have such a great day.
Please keep Jenna in your prayers as well, as they have found a spot on her brain scan, not sure what it is, but having surgery to remove it, please pray it is not NB.
Keep Dawson in your prayers. He continue to grow and strive each day in which we are so blessed with.
Don't worry if there is a lack of update, we are busy. Dawson has his first school field trip Thursday, to the Zoo. We are counting the days until we go.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Sunday, April 27, 2008 4:14 PM CDT

What a week it was, busy, busy, busy. I worked lots of extra hours this week, leaving me with guilty feeling of not spending time with Dawson.
It was an unusual this week and I had committed to spending some extra time at work, which left me feeling I had accomplished a great deal, but I always end up with guilt also. I just have always wanted to be more than one place at a time since I have had kids. Ever since the boys were born when I had to be away from them, I just couldn't stand it. With my job it has worked out great, because for the most part, I'm off when they are off. Which works just great. This week I worked late every night, they had Grandma to pick them up after school. Friday they didn't have school, so Dawson spent the night with Grandma. By that evening I was missing him so much. Drew had baseball games Tuesday and Wednesday night and so by Thursday night when I could actually spend time with him, he was at Grandma's. He came home Friday night and then Saturday craziness began again. Dawson stayed in town with a friend so he could go to his soccer game and Jeff and I took Dalton to Peoria to a soccer tournament. Dawson had a great day, he played all day at Gavin's after his game. Last night the boys spent the night here and I had decided that I would stay home with Dawson, the weather forecast was rain and cold. I wanted to spend some time with Dawson and get my laundry done, go through the mail and other household chores. I can't hardly start out the week without everything organized.
Only now, I'm left feeling even more guilty. As soon as Jeff and Dalton left, the sun started coming out and even though it was quite cool, I was feeling like Dawson and I should have joined them. Well, now I really wish we had, Jeff called and Dalton's team won the Championship AND Dalton scored a Goal!!!!!!! He said he was soooo proud, smiling from ear to ear. I'm so happy for him, but so upset at myself for missing such an important event for Dalton. His team has worked so hard and Dalton has just started playing forward, before always defense, we knew it was only a matter of time before he would score, so many great opportunities yesterday, but it just didn't happen.
Drew also had success over the weekend with two games, which we didn't see either one. Boy, I guess we just need a jet so we can get to all these important events.
This week was a litte sentimental week for me also. Thursday night since Dawson was not home, I decided to catch up on some of the NB families. Yet another child has lost his battle to NB, Austin Melgar at a young age of 6. Courtney holds one as the pain increases each day, her poor family. And as I read Nick's update, while he has encouraging news, also was heartsick to read about new friends that they had met, a girl who was NB free for 9 years and now has relapsed. When are you out of the woods of this stuff? Never!!!!!!! I turned off the computer deciding I didn't want to read anymore. Fear crept into my mind again and I started fearing the worst, it's about 3 months now since the last scan, time to be on edge once more.
Dawson and I don't head back to NY until June, just after school is out. I'm already dreading the time. Although NY hold so many memories, opportunities and encouragement to us, it's also associated with so much fear. I feel so fortunate and happy that Dawson is doing so well. I sometimes feel guilty, not wanting to share out joy too much around other families that have not been so fortunate, guilty for complaining about simple things, I guess it's just part of life.
Okay, off a more enlightening note. Dawson travels to Hawaii Tuesday and I will join him for lunch. Boy,how I wish it really were Hawaii. His kindergarten class has a Hawaiin day, they take a suitcase to school, packed, act as if they are boarding a plane, all kinds of different activities. It's lots of fun for the kids. Dawson is always asking when we can go to the real Hawaii, oh, how I wish I could take him. We have discussed how someday we may just forego Christmas and head to Hawaii. Not that we wouldn't celebrate the reason for the season, just somewhere much warmer and a whole lot more fun! I always worry, what if we don't do it, I don't want to miss out on the opportunity to take Dawson, I hope we never have to worry about it. Maybe he would settle for somewhere closer and much cheaper.
Well, there is much work to be done. Gavin left a little while ago and Andy is here now and they are watching Water Horse and requesting popcorn. Dawson has had a great weekend. What could be more fun that spending time with your two best friends!

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 1:31 PM CDT

All is well, despite the updates. Just so busy with normal life!
Dalton has strep throat, but were getting over that and praying no one else gets it. He's feeling better today and back to school.
We have really been enjoying the last couple days, the weather has been sooooooo nice. Sunny and 70's is so perfect. Jeff, and Reggie and I have been walking, or possibley running sometimes to keep up with Dawson on his battery powered dirt bike. We have been going on a walk every night. Dawson finds a little short cut that he can take a couple spins around while waiting for us to catch up. We had rain this morning, so Dawson was decked out in his raincoat, which the older boys make fun of, and of course I am standing up for my little sweetie, I tell them they are just jealous! Dawson is loving to just venture out in the back yards of neighbors, hunting for bugs or whatever he might find.
The house selling process is dragging on, hoping it will sell this spring. Dawson keeps asking when are we going to get a new house. We have promised some new things for him, like a jungle gym or some type of outside toy, but the house selling hasn't cooperated as of yet.
Baseball and soccer season are underway. Dawson had his first soccer game of the season last weekend. He is nothing but smiles while out there!
Don't worry over the lack of updates, we're just busy! It's all good!
Please keep Courtney Saunders in your prayers, she is starting to really suffer, we pray for strength for her family. Keep NIck Franca in your prayers, and pray for a quick NED. And certainly ALL the other NB kids, we hold all of them up in prayers and pray that Dawson continues his NED status now and forever.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Saturday, April 12, 2008 9:29 AM CDT

Rain, rain, rain! That's all it has practically done all week, except maybe one day this week. We've gotten 4 inches so far and today sure doesn't look like a very good forecast. Not only are they predicting rain and snow, yes snow, but cold temperatures! Where is Spring?!!!
Dawson is anxious to play soccer, now if only the weather will cooperate. He did get to go to practice this week, that was the one day it didn't rain. All games were canceled this weekend, thank goodness we don't have to sit out in the weather.
Next week holds a promising forecast, sun and much warmer temperatures.
Jeff has been home all week from work, there was no work since all the rain. So he took Dawson to the eye doctor yesterday, he was complaining that things were blury when he took his glasses off. We thought we better get him checked out again just to make sure there wasn't anything going on. The eye doctor said there hadn't been any change and he needed enough correction that he may want to wear his glasses all the time if needed. So there we have it.
We took the boys to see the movie Drillbit Taylor last night, it was really funny. That's about all the excitement we have planned for the weekend.

Thanks for checking in on Dawson. Keep Courtney Sanders family in your prayers.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Saturday, April 12, 2008 9:29 AM CDT

Rain, rain, rain! That's all it has practically done all week, except maybe one day this week. We've gotten 4 inches so far and today sure doesn't look like a very good forecast. Not only are they predicting rain and snow, yes snow, but cold temperatures! Where is Spring?!!!
Dawson is anxious to play soccer, now if only the weather will cooperate. He did get to go to practice this week, that was the one day it didn't rain. All games were canceled this weekend, thank goodness we don't have to sit out in the weather.
Next week holds a promising forecast, sun and much warmer temperatures.
Jeff has been home all week from work, there was no work since all the rain. So he took Dawson to the eye doctor yesterday, he was complaining that things were blury when he took his glasses off. We thought we better get him checked out again just to make sure there wasn't anything going on. The eye doctor said there hadn't been any change and he needed enough correction that he may want to wear his glasses all the time if needed. So there we have it.
We took the boys to see the movie Drillbit Taylor last night, it was really funny. That's about all the excitement we have planned for the weekend.

Thanks for checking in on Dawson. Keep Courtney Sanders family in your prayers.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Saturday, April 5, 2008 2:42 PM CDT

Okay, I'm taking a quick minute to update the site.
Dawson had some more wart work this week, UHG!!!! The doctor first cut off the old skin that he froze a couple weeks ago and then froze them again, it was brutal! He cried the whole time he did it, but held still for him. The bad news is, only one has been taken care of and there is two that are more than likely going to be need to be froze again! I can't imagine having to keep putting him through this yet again. The night to follow after going home was worse yet though. He complained as soon as we got home and finally asked for some ibuprofen, but it didn't seem to help much, he cried until 12:30 when Jeff finally got up, rummaged through the medicine cabinet and gave him morphine! We were desperate by this time, no one was getting any sleep. It did the trick, he went right to sleep. The next morning he was reluctant to get out of bed, but after I carried him downstairs we finally walked to the car and into the school, even though I offered to carry him. When I called his teacher at lunch she said he was doing just fine and in the afternoon when I went in to help out at school for a little while, he was walking just fine! So looks like we have this one out of the way, now just a couple more weeks before we do it again. UHG!!!!
The boys are in full force sports schedules, I can hardly keep it all straight! Drew is in a weight lifting program after school, track, traveling soccer and baseball, he goes from one practice to the next. Dalton has traveling soccer and baseball also and Dawson is in a soccer program here in town. So you don't have to ask what we are doing on any given night or weekend, you will find us at some type of ball field. Poor Dawson gets so tired of being drug to sports events. We pack a bag of toys and snacks and most of time there are other kids his age and that's always fun.
It's a beautiful day and this update is going to end, too nice to be inside, we haven't gotten many nice days and were going to enjoy the rest of the day outside.
Until next time. . .
Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton, Dawson

Sunday, March 30, 2008 5:14 PM CDT

Sorry for the lack of update, but we're just happy to living the NORMAL life. As I always say, no update, good thing! Means everything is going normal with life and Dawson is feeling good.
Dawson had a fun Easter, as you can see by the photos, I did add a few new photos the other day.
He starts soccer practice this week, he's real excited about that. Although we have an appointment with his pediatrician the same day as his first soccer practice. More wart work! UHG!!!!!!! The last time he complained of his feet hurting for about 4 days after his appointment, so the planning isn't too good, I may see if there is anytime to move his appointment up, although I really doubt it. Hopefully it won't bother him for as many days as the last time. We haven't even started on the ones on his hands yet! Another UHG!!!!!!!!!
That's about all for now. I'll try to be better about updating.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Saturday, March 22, 2008 9:59 AM CDT

Dawson is excited for the Easter Bunny to come tomorrow. He got to visit with the Easter Bunny at the mall. He was real anxious to go sit on his lap and get his picture taken. Everytime I mention something that maybe the Easter bunny could bring for his basket, he says, "Mom, that would be too heavy for the Easter Bunny to carry". He has been asking for the bee movie every since it came out on video, walkie talkies and of course another stuffed dog that he eyed in the store the other day. We are planning on coloring Easter eggs today.
This week we have not done a whole lot, but have been in and out. We spent quite a bit of time doing some spring shopping for the boys, mostly Drew, who has grown out of everything lately. He is now quite a bit taller than I and wears a 12 1/2 shoe! I hope his feet are about done growing, I don't know if I can afford too many more pairs of shoes for this kid. I noticed yesterday that the jeans that Dawson had on were actually a little short and it wasn't that long ago that I bought them, so he must also be growing.
The week has flown by and I know the boys aren't really ready to go back to school or I ready to go back to work, but all good things must come to an end.
I wish everyone a Happy Easter.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Sunday, March 9, 2008 9:12 AM CDT

The page looks a little empty, I am working on getting some pictures, without snow, if the weather cooperates now. We got rid of all the snowmen thinking that the snow would think it was no longer welcome! Ha!
I will try to get a picture up soon of Dawson in his new glasses and showing off his empty spot in front where he lost his two bottom front teeth. Which reminds me that I forgot to mention that he lost his other front bottom tooth. His teacher had to pull it the other day because he was trying to eat a rice crispie bar and was having quite a time, she said it was literally just hanging there and he was having a hard time eating, Thanks Mrs. Rivera!
Dawson is going to the Walking with the Dinosaurs show today with Grandpa and Sue. He's pretty excited about it and I kind of wish I was getting to go, it sounds really neat.
We're in for some nicer weather finally, in the 40's anyway, it's about time.
Thanks for checking in on us. Until next time.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Friday, March 7, 2008 8:11 PM CST

It's going to be an interesting evening, me in the house with 7 boys while Jeff's at work. Drew has 3 friends over and I am taking them to Snow Star tomorrow for the day to go snow boarding, probably thier last day of it for the year. I just went to the grocery store and stocked up on snack foods. Dalton has a friend over, we have bought the ingredients to make Big Red Floats for them. And Dawson and I are going to watch Garfield. Could be a sleepness night!
I have some interesting stories to tell you of some incidents at school with Dawson this week. First of all, he took a gun to school. Yeah, a gun! He has a little cheap cap gun, that he just loves, he goes around shooting the invisable bad guys and animals in the yard and house. I don't believe there is anything wrong with it, we had play guns when I was young and none of us are violent. I don't make a habit of buying toy guns or promoting that sort of thing, just wanted to clear that up. Anyway, to get back to the story. We we're leaving the house for school and Dawson grabbed his cap gun, I said you can't take that to school, he said he knew but he wanted to play with it in the car on the way to school, okay. I never heard another word about the gun, we take Drew, circle back to Dawson and Dalton's school, Dawson's in the back seat behind me, he leans up, gives me a kiss goodbye and so long. Well, I never even thought another thing about the toy gun, he realized as he walking up the sidewalk that he had the gun, I'm already driving off, so he takes it apart and puts it in his school bag, he knows that he is not allowed to bring a toy gun to school. But, someone tells on him and a teacher takes it away from him as soon as he gets in the door, and it is the worst teacher that could get a hold of it, I will say no more about this. His own teacher doesn't even know anything about it until I am picking him up from school. So when she puts him in car she tells me. I of course was immediatly panicked, Oh, my gosh! Luckily no one suspended him from school! I explained to him how terrible this was and he totally understood and said he was sorry. Okay, so story over. A friend of mine that works at the school calls after we leave the school and says I have a funny story to tell you about Dawson, so I start off about the gun, only to find out that this is not the funny story that she has. She proceeds to tell me about another incident that happens that day. Another little boy tattled on him because he was in line after recess telling others that his Mom was hot and sexy! So, I explained to him that even though I was flattered he should not say that at school. What a day!
Dawson got his glasses today, he was so excited. He wanted to wear them everywhere, but I finally decide if we wanted to keep them in one piece we better put them away and only use them when we really needed them.
I think he was a little excited also because our friends Angie, Amy and Codey stopped and the boys got to play for awhile and then we all went to McDonalds and ate. That's where we finally decided the glasses better be put away.
Well, that's about all the excitement I have to share with you. I hear a cow bell being rung, time to go tame the herd!

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Tuesday, March 4, 2008 12:24 AM CST

I don't have much to update about, but thought I would atleast let you know everything is great with Dawson.
I did want to take this time to thank everyone. We find out how many people are really thinking and praying for Dawson each time we go through scans. I have had so many people write, email and just running into them, comment on how great it is to hear the good news of clean scans. It means so much to Jeff and I to have this support. Thank you to all of you who prayed for Dawson during his scans and everyday, thank you for all the positive thoughts.
Dawson is quite excited about something, getting glasses. His teacher told me the other day that he mistaken a letter that she thought may be due to not seeing it properly. We went to the eye doctor last Friday. He did test for far sighted and needs a slight perscription. Nothing too badly and will only need to wear them at school and at home when he is reading. Which sure was great news, I can't imagine having to keep track of them 24-7. As a kid I wore glasses and found it no fun. Of course, he has no clue and is excited about getting them, now if I can just hush his brothers. He's anxiously awaiting for them to come in and must have asked me atleast 10 times over the weekend when they would be here. I had thoughts of cateracts, since our friend Jenna just went through this, but they said there is no sign of any. Like Jeff and I discussed, we will deal with cateracts any day rather than cancer.
Dawson's next scans aren't until June, we were able to schedule them once Dawson will be out of school for summer. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for all the prayers, please continue to ask God to heal Dawson forever.
Keep Courtney, Emily and all the others in your prayers. And good luck with the next eye surgery Jenna! Way to go!
Oh and stay tuned to hear more about GREEEN and BALD!!!!!!

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Monday, February 25, 2008 3:52 PM CST

I recieved conformation today that all of Dawson's test results were great!!!!!! NO signs of Neuroblastoma in CT, MIBG, bone marrow and urine VMA and HVA markers normal. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're celebraing!!!!!
All those fevers had us worried, now we can finally rest and rejoice!
Now another three months at home, we won't go for scans now until school is out, which will the first week in June.
We're expecting more snow tonight, just what we wanted! NOT!!!!!!! We're all getting quite tired of snow!
Thanks you for all your prayers. We are so happy to once again get such great results, we pray that these will always be the results we will get! Keep up the great prayers!

Love and Thanks to you all!
Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawon

Friday, February 22, 2008 3:41 PM CST

I still don't really have bone marrow results. I finally sent an email to Dr.Kushner this morning, but he replied that he was out of the office today, but last he had checked everything was okay. Wanting a more definate answer, I emailed Yichih. Well, Yichih was also out of the office today, but forwarded the message to Ursala. I also tried to call Sloan, but I had to leave a message. I do know they were having snow in NY today, so that can present quite a problem with the transportation system and trickle on down. Who knows if I really will get an answer today. So, therefore we will go with the popular, "no news, is good news"!
While it's snowing in NY, we have sunny skies and a balmy 25 degrees! Yeah, finally were in the twenties. No one told me we had translocated everything to Minnesota. This is not suppose to be Illinois weather. Ever since we have gotten back from NY it has been very cold and windy most days, single digit temperatures and below zero at night and a few snow flurries here and there. Today is sunny and 25 and it actually feels warm, that is just wrong!!!!!
Dawson is feeling great. He is started to learn to read in school. He brings home either a book or bag of flash cards with words on them and is doing a great job!
That's all I know for now, I will update Monday on bone marrow news. Everything else has came back fine and I'm confident that the bone marrows have also. Dawson hasn't had any more fevers or sickness, amazing!

Thanks for checking on us, keep Dawson and all the Neuroblastoma kids in your prayers.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Monday, February 18, 2008 8:27 PM CST

Just to let you know we got home okay. We were worried that we thought we may be stuck in Minnesota for the night, but it all turned out alright. In fact when we got to Minnesota, Jeff was waiting at our gait, he had gotten bumped off his flight. He wasn't to fly out til 10:30, but we were lucky to get one extra seat on our flight and we all flew home together. Isn't amazing how things all work out sometimes!
Dawson couldn't wait to get home and see his dog. We didn't go and get him til this morning, which didn't make him to happy last night, but it was getting late, we wanted to get the other boys back home and the rodes were collecting ice.
All three boys have been just playing together and they enjoyed staying home from school today. Back to reality tomorrow, holiday is over.
I did get an email from Dr.Kushner saying Dawson's CT, MIBG and blood work all looked great. I savor those emails. It's the goofiest thing, I leave them in the inbox for days, reading it again and again! Every NB parent knows what I mean! Now we are just awaiting bone marrow results, keep clean in your prayers.
Dawson is acting great, healthy and happy and in fact, full of energy. Thank God!

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Saturday, February 16, 2008 4:30 PM CST

Dawson lost his first tooth!!!!!! Dad was right, the tooth fairy in NY does pay out well! $5.00!!!!! It was so loose that we were kind of concerned yesterday going into anesthesia, we had even spoke to the anesthesiologist about possibley helping it along, but Dawson spoke up and said "It will come out when it is ready". So we agreed and left it. Last night it came out while he was eating SOUP! Now that's a loose tooth. He was really excited about it and wanted to call his teacher and tell her, so we did. It was so cute, we caught him looking in the mirror at himself a couple times. The other tooth is already there, it was behind the baby tooth.
Dawson wasn't quite himself yesterday. He came back to the room and slept for two hours and actually had a low grade fever last night after he awoke. We're not sure what was up with that. He acted fine when getting up this morning but I happen to think that Esther said his ear was a little red so we thought we should get it checked out to make sure it hadn't developed into an ear infection. Well, the only thing open on a Saturday is Urgent Care, but after waiting 2 hours, he had no fever and was feeling just fine, no complaints, we decided to leave. After the 2 hour wait they still couldn't guarentee us a doctor anytime soon. So hopefully he is fine.
We went to lunch with Devin and his family to Blockheads, a Mexican restraunt they have grown fond of. Then Jeff and Dawson came back to the Ronald, Dawson has been moving pretty slow since his bone marrows and he's prefectly content to play in the playroom here at the Ronald. I went thrift shopping with Devin's Mom and sister. I didn't buy anything, but it was fun anyway. You can find some designer brands in some of the stores for great prices, but nothing my size or a price I thought I wanted to pay.
The weather forecast for home isn't so great for tomorrow, so not sure what to expect when flying tomorrow. Jeff has a different flight than Dawson and I, I wasn't able to get him the same flight since we booked it so late. Jeff's flight is 8:00 a.m. and Dawson and I's flight is not until 1:00 p.m. I tried to check today to see if we could possibley get on the morning flight with him, but the problem was our connecting flight from Minneapolis to Moline was booked. I'm hoping that we don't get stuck in Minneapolis due to the weather back home.
Not much excitement this trip, but clean scans is all we really ask for.
Pray for smooth flights tomorrow home and continue to pray for clean bone marrow results. Jeff and I will feel so much better once we have the clean scan report.

Jeff, Kelli and Dawson

Friday, February 15, 2008 10:48 AM CST

The preliminary results of the MIBG are good. This morning we were here bright and early at 7:30, Dawson did his MIBG and then we came right upstairs for his Bone marrows. By the time Dr.Modak came in to do the biopsies, he already had taken a look at the MIBG and said it looked good. Of course a radiologist has to give the final word, but we will definately take these great preliminary results. He said they would email the rest of the results on Monday. The bone marrows will take a little longer though.
He wanted to play games in the playroom after he woke up, so he is still in there playing games right now. We will see how long it will take us to peel him away from the playroom.
Last night we went bowling with the Ronald McDonald house. Boy the bowling alley's in NY are much different from ours at home. Much fancier, including big video screens above each lane with music videos playing. The lanes had lights up and down them that changed color and the bowling balls were all brightly colored, Dawson was thrilled to have a green ball! There was an electronic score sheet up on the wall also, that kept score for you and told you how many miles per hour your ball was going! They had pizza and hot wings for us for dinner. It was fun. The bowling alley was at Chelsie Piers, which has a lot of other activities available also. Outside there was a huge driving range which extended out into the water about 300 yards, it had a net that went up 4 stories high. The ball pops up automatically for you according to Devin who has been there before.
I don't think there is a lot going on tonight, a WII game challenge night. NOt sure what we have planned yet, if we are hanging out at the house or finding some other activity.
We are looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. We never did get our naps yesterday. Dawson was pretty tired this morning and I think could use some extra sleep.
Thanks for checking on us. Keep Dawson in your prayers for all clean results, we are blessed so far with good preliminary results, Praise the Lord!

Jeff, Kelli and Dawson

Thursday, February 14, 2008 12:22 AM CST

Jeff, Dawson and I made it to New York without any hitches. Yes, I did say Jeff is with us! He didn't need to report to the Nuclear Plant for another week and Dawson and I talked him into coming with us. He didn't commit until 9:30 Tuesday night, so I was praying that we could still get a ticket. I was surprised that we were able to get a ticket for only about $30 more than our tickets that I bought 3 weeks ago. Thanks for everyone who took Drew and Dalton so Jeff could make the trip with us.
We got to the Ronald about midnight. Dawson fell asleep right before we landed in NY, so by the time we got to the Ronald he wanted to watch a movie. He watched it for a little while, but then turned it off before too long.
We got the hospital about 8:30 this morning, no problem with the I.V., Dawson wasn't too thrilled to get it in, as usual. He usually mopes around for an hour or so after but then he gets over it. He did the CT scan this morning and now he is playing video games waiting for our 2:00 appointment for the MIBG injection. The MIBG is 8:00 a.m. tomorrow and then bone marrows after that. It will be another early morning.
Tonight the Ronald has a trip to go bowling. We signed up for it, but are hoping to get a nap in before. Our plans is to go back to the Ronald and get Dawson a bath and then lie down for a little while.
Other than that, that's all I know. Pray for clean scans!

Jeff, Kelli and Dawson

Monday, February 11, 2008 2:38 PM CST

We ended up with snow all right, 14 inches and now expecting to get another 3 inches today. Although the snow has stopped for right now. We're really sick of winter.
I'm feeling much better, finally, after about 5 days. Dawson was not feeling well on Saturday again. He got up and said he had a headache and asked me to take his temperature, it was 100.6, uhg! He didn't feel well on Saturday and his temperature stayed down after we gave him motrin. Sunday he acted just fine but still ran a low grade temperature of 99.6, but today did not have one. So I did send him to school today, although this morning he said his head still kind of hurt, which was one of Dalton and I's symptoms will our virus. Saturday he seemed to have some signs of coming down with a cold, but seems fine now.
Then the school nurse called me at 11:00 saying he was in there complaining of a stomach ache! She said she fed him crackers and he seemed to brighten up a little. She had checked his temperature and it was fine and was sending him to lunch. I haven't heard anything more.
UHG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so worried! I can't wait to get these scans done and put my mind at ease! I pray that everything is okay, I just want my boy to remain cancer free.
I ask for your prayers this week as we travel to NY and get Dawson's scans.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Wednesday, February 6, 2008 8:09 AM CST

Well, looks like a snow day today! We didn't get much snow overnight like they had predicted, but this morning it started in pretty strong and is expected to last all day. They say we could get up to 10 inches.
So, No School, the boys are thrilled and actually, so am I! Jeff is off to work and in for a very busy day. I'm sure he will be working a little late tonight, until the 2nd shift comes in, he's thankful to be on first shift this week. He really dislikes the plowing at night. He only has until next Monday left at the state and then Wednesday he's back to the Nuclear Plant. I think he's ready, it's been a long winter.
Dawson seems to be feeling great. He had a friend over last night after school and they had a great time playing. He finished his antibiotic yesterday, so hopefully he won't catch anything more. Seems like since December, he's went from one antibiotic to the next. Hopefully his immune system has build immunity for everything now.
Dalton went back to the doctor on Monday, he has bronchitis. He has a terrible cough. And I caught this virus, Yuck! Sunday night I started feeling really crummy, so stayed home Monday. Since Dalton was home and not feeling terribly bad, just coughing horribly, he took care of me. He made me french toast for breakfast, he did a mighty fine job of it, too. It tasted real yummy and he had great presentation. I was so proud of him. Dawson showered me with hugs and kept telling me hoped I felt better, he is so sweet. Jeff was just glad to see me better the next day so he didn't have to be in charge of the meals, appointments, homework, etc. Although the grocery store was happy to see him, he and Drew bought every expensive, convenient item they could on their one stop. He wanted to go back last night to get something else, I told him no, we were fine. Isn't that just like men at the grocery store, he was really trying to take the work out of it for me, it's the thought that counts.
Since no school today, Dalton and I are going to catch up on some of his school work that he missed, study for a couple quizes and hopefully get some more much needed rest to get over our colds. Hoping no one else in the family gets it.
Praying for good weather next Wednesday when we fly to NY for Dawson's scans and most importantly, Clean Scans!

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Sunday, February 3, 2008 7:44 AM CST

Good morning. Dawson had a great time at his friends birthday party yesterday. He just loves to be with other kids and interact and he loves to swim, so it was a perfect day for him. He told me at first he wanted me to go with and stay then he decided no, he wanted me to go home, he wanted to be a big brother like Dalton. So we compromised, I stayed for awhile in the beginning and then left to go be back home with Dalton. Dalton is still feeling kind of crummy, low grade fever and cough.
Tomorrow's date is February 4, a date I will never forget. It was 3 years ago that Dawson was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. Now instead of being haunted by the date, I celebrate where we are now, how much better day it is now than it was 3 years ago. Instead of regretting how fast life is sailing along, I celebrate each year we get a little further away from 2/4/2005. Dawson has been NED for 2 1/2 years now, I can hardly wait until we get to that 5 year clearance, or even past the 3 1/2 year mark, where I have heard of kids relapsing. It's kind of like when you were a kid and you could hardly wait to turn 16 or 18 or whatever, I can't wait to hit the 5 year NED mark for Dawson.
As I get on the web and check on our NB friends, there is always someone in need of prayers. A little girl from Florida, Courtney Saunders, has just found out that she has relapsed, she has fought it for 4 long years. With the choices her family was given, they have chosen to just take Courtney on some wonderful family vacations and let her enjoy the rest of her life. I can't imagine having to make that decision and hope I never do. I enjoyed her Mom's company so much and it just tears at my heart to see this happen to their beautiful family, Courtney is a twin also, which we see so often. But the prayers don't stop there, there are so many more. I find myself not letting myself get to know as many new people when we go to NY, I just don't want to go through losing friends anymore, but then again,, how would I have felt if other people would have done this to Dawson and I? As we walk back into the Ronald in NY, we enter the cancer world again. You would think the trips would get easier, but they don't. Of course, they are better for Dawson, scans rather than treatment, but emotionally, dreadful. Maybe it's because it has been three months since we have been back, we are just so busy living the normal life, but then I stop and feel very guilty, there are so many more families that would love to live with that guilt.
You know in Geneseo, Dawson is a hero because he endured cancer, in New York, he is a hero because he has survived cancer. In the NB world, there are kids names you know, you may not have ever met them, but they are famous with us, because they have earned that NED name for awhile and you look up to them and want to see them beat this deadly disease. I just pray that he stays that NED hero forever!
Scans are approaching in a couple weeks, in fact Dawson and I will leave a week from Wednesday for NY. As much as I regret it, I will be relieved when it's done. Of course he is complaining of the all too familiar stomach aches off and on now for the last couple weeks, I thought it was all done after the last antibiotic was finished, but now the other night he complained again just briefly, but then again he is on antibiotic again. We are loading him up on yogart, mirilax in his water bottles and now vitamins! Maybe this is God's way of making me realize the trips to NY are not all so bad.
Well, I've got to finish cleaning up the house, open house today, uhg!
Thanks for checking on Dawson, please continue to keep him and his friends in your prayers.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Saturday, February 2, 2008 10:38 AM CST

Dawson is doing much better, the medication must have taken hold right away and he was back to school on Tuesday. Drew stayed home on Monday, found out he had an ear infection and now Dalton is sick. Dalton missed Friday. I took him to the doctor yesterday, but no real diagnoses, the all too familiar virus thing. He's still feeling pretty rotten, bad cough and low grade fever.
I went yesterday and bought a BIG bottle of gummy vitamins, gotta work on getting these kids to stay healthy! Hope it works.
Dawson is all excited because he is going to kid birthday party today. I finally had to wrap the present so he wouldn't play with the toy in the box anymore! The party is at the Community Center and they going to go swimming.
Drew is playing an indoor soccer tournament today.
So I'm just hanging out with Dawson and Dalton. Dalton is going to make out his valentines and Dawson and I are working on his t-shirt for the 100th day of school. We are painting 100 bugs on his shirt.
Well, better go, they are needing my attention.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Sunday, January 27, 2008 3:19 PM CST

Well, no need in waiting until tomorrow to tell you what we found out at the doctor, because we decided to get him in today. After I had updated the site, we discussed that he was having the same symptoms of the last time with pneumonia, so we decided not to wait until tomorrow. Well, the good news is he doesn't have pneumonia, but he has strep throat and an ear infection. So this explains the fever and tiredness. Of course, any NB parent would agree with me I'm sure, these are actually welcoming words to us, not that I want my son sick, ecspecially not to have him feeling well, but to have an explanation for the fevers with no connection to NB, is great news. We can deal with these sicknesses any time over cancer.
It just seems like poor Dawson has been sick with one thing over another all this winter. It does concern me, since he usually does not experience this many illnesses in one season, but I'm hoping this just means his immune system is working well. This certainly will be a question for Dr.Kushner when we go to NY.
Dawson is already bummed about the trip to NY, can't say I blame him and as much as I don't look forward to it, it's always good to get all the scans with good results and feel as I can breathe a little easier for awhile again. This is the longest ever that we haven't had to go to NY, 3 months! He's real dissapointed because I had told him that Daddy would be going with this time, but he can not go because this is exactly the time he has to return to the Nuclear plant for work, uhg!!!! I should have made the scans about a week sooner, but I thought I was doing good to plan them around a time with a day off of school, since Dawson seems to be still racking up the days of absences. It's getting harder to find fun things to do while in NY that Dawson actually forwards to.
I'm going to call Corporate Angels tomorrow and put our request in, which I don't expect anything from really. Flying back on a weekend is unheard of for Corporations usually. But we sure do appreciate the trips when we get them, it makes life soooooo much easier.
Well, it's home for Dawson and I tomorrow, he will not be returning to school until the fever subsides for 24 hours and he's been on antibiotic, so he's not contagious. We will see if he feels well enough to go Tuesday.
Thanks for checking on us.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Sunday, January 27, 2008 8:19 AM CST

Dawson is under the weather again! Yesterday about 10:00 a.m. he came up to my room and suggled down in my bed and when I asked if he felt okay, he said he was tired and had a headache. I took his temperature and it was 99, so I figured we were in for more. It slowly climbed up to a 101 while I ran out to replenish our tylenol supply. I called the doctor first thing but they said if there was not any signs of ear infection or anything else that with just a low grade fever, there was no reason to see him, of course I wasn't talking to Dr. Herr, he probably would have said differently.
He has not complained of a stomach again, so that is comforting, but we are continueing the mirilax to keep that on schedule.
He doesn't seem to have many other sypmtoms with his fever other than a slight cold, a few sniffles yesterday, but nothing significant. Jeff and I have already decided a trip to the doctor is underway tomorrow unless he makes vast improvements today. He did not have a fever last night when we went to bed but at 4:00 this morning it was almost 102, we gave him motrin and he is still sleeping yet this morning.
We talked about the last time this happened he ended up with pneumonia.
I'll update tomorrow with more information after the doctor visit. Keep Dawson in your prayers and all the other NB kids.
Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:47 AM CST

Just a quick update to let you all know everything is going fine. I never did get the flu! Whew!!!!
Dawson came home from school yesterday complaining of a stomach ache and said it had hurt since he ate lunch. He really didn't complain much the rest of the evening until we were putting him to bed. Of course the fear in Jeff and I is a brutal tear at our hearts. We always think the worst first, this is of course one of his symptoms he had at the time of diagnoses, so it always scares us to death when he mentions anything of his stomach. We really think it is an issue of constipation again, which seems to pop up periodically. We are giving him mirilax again and hoping that produces results for him. We are never quite sure how much it really hurts either, but we never down play it too much.
Dawson and I leave in three more weeks for scans in NY. Oh, how I'm dreading the trip and anticipating the stress. Just scans themselves are enough and then flying commercially is definately enough to put me over the edge.
Dawson is starting the first steps of reading, he has sight words that we work on every night and I'm working with him building words and sounding them out. He is so eager to learn, which makes it much more fun for me.
Keep Dawson in your prayers and that his tummy is just an issue of constipation.
We're praying for all our friends fighting the ugly Neuroblastoma.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:35 PM CST

Everyone seems to be on the mend. Dawson went to school this morning, Dalton late this morning and Drew after lunch. So far, keeping my fingers crossed, I haven't caught it, but I almost expect to since I was all around it.
I did happen to realize why Dawson was probably complaining of a stomach ache, possibley from his antibiotic that he's on from his ear infection. I remember the last time he was on Amozicillin the same thing happened, so that made me feel better.
Better go, still catching the boys up on homework.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 12:35 AM CST

Well, don't come near our house, the flu has made it's visit again. Jeff got up this morning saying that his stomach just didn't feel right, before I knew it, he was back in bed. Atleast this time I know it really is the flu and not his stomach problem, but I also know this is contagious, Yuck!
The boys seemed fine this morning, so I took them to school and I went to work, but at 10:20 I got a call from the school that both boys were in the nurses office complaining of stomach aches. I went and got them, Dalton really didn't look good and Dawson was real anxious to go home. Dawson wanted ramen noodles to eat as soon as we got home and has acted fine since, he said his tummy still kind of hurt, so I'm still not sure what's up there. Dalton on the other hand started throwing up, so that was the problem there, Yuck again.
As for me, I am running around with a can of lysol in one hand and santitary wipes in the other, trying to stay as far away as everyone as possible. I even drank airborne, hoping to boost my immune system warding off the flu bug. I really don't want the flu. I have lunch plans with a friend tomorrow and hope that I get to go, and not be home with the flu. We also have plans for the weekend that I really don't want to miss out on, so if it has to hit, hopefully it's Thursday, better yet, not at all! No one likes to get the flu.
It just would feel a whole lot better if Dawson doesn't complain of a stomach ache anymore, it just worries me to death everytime he says something. I've been trying to chalk it up to the lingering symptoms of the flu bug and just pray that's all it is.
Well, that's all for now.

4:00 p.m. update Number 3 has it now also. The Middle School called me at 2:30 that Drew had just gotten sick at school. Uhg!!!!!! Even my van smells like lysol, ick! I suppose I'm next.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Monday, January 14, 2008 1:19 PM CST

Well, the boys are all in school, after a little time off again this morning. Dawson started feeling better Saturday evening, so well that he ate a little too much soup evidently and ended up tossing his cookies again, darn. But by Sunday morning he seemed fine. He ate okay Sunday and was full of energy, almost to the extent of driving us crazy. He did insist on eating like 3 beef sticks Sunday afternoon though, not sure if that was so good. He woke up at 2:00 a.m. this morning and threw up. Uhg! Not sure why. So I kept him home this morning to make sure he was feeling okay, he seemed fine. He did have diarrhea first thing this morning. He ate and kept in down, but did say his tummy hurt a little, but I guess that's to be expected after having the flu. Dalton complained of a stomach ache a little while going to bed last night and then this morning again, so I kept him home for observation, but he also seemed fine. I fed them both lunch and back to school! Hoping I did the right thing. They neither one have run a temperature and have both missed enough school this year.
I'm getting bedding washed again and doing laundry and making blan food for dinner. Better get back to work.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Saturday, January 12, 2008 11:00 AM CST

Poor little Dawson has the flu bug, uhg!
Last night Drew and Dalton both spent the night away at friends, so Dawson had us all to himself. He loves to sleep with us, so he was real proud last night when he snuggled down in between us. At 4:00 a.m. we were awaken by that familiar urping sound, we couldn't move quick enough to get him anywhere else than right on the blankets. Unfortanetly he had red fruit punch last night to drink. I stripped the blanket and top sheet from the bed and we were back in bed at 4:15, but again at 5:00 Dawson woke up, we were a little quicker, but this time the bottom sheet didn't make it. Luckily the washer had completed the first load. We put Dawson in his own bed this time, Jeff took the couch and I stayed upstairs to help Dawson. He woke up about every 15 minutes until 8:00, when Jeff took over. He's still throwing up occasionaly but not quite as often now. He's just laying on the couch and we haven't tried to get him to keep anything down yet since he's still throwing up. Poor little guy, the flu certainly is no fun.
Not much else to update about. Only that I called Northwest to make our airline reservations and found out that they want to charge me the $75 change fee per ticket that they said they would not charge me, figures! I was so mad, I didn't make the reservation, I may call back Monday and see if I get someone else. Airlines!!!!

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Wednesday, January 9, 2008 7:24 PM CST

Everything remains well here at the DeCap house.
I did have to take Dawson to the doctor on Monday, he started complaining of an ear ache Sunday evening. He did have an ear infection, but miraculously the pink eye has never appeared again, guess it was a fluke. He stayed home from school Monday and I don't think he minded a bit, he wanted to get back home to play with all his new toys he recieved for his birthday.
Sunday we did go out for a nice walk and Dawson rode his dirt bike. It was like spring outside and Monday was 60 degrees, WOW! That will give you spring fever! There are no remains of snow left anywhere. The temperature did start to drop again yesterday, but today in the 30's, sunny and nice. Not bad for January. We are expected to get one to two inches of snow tomorrow. The kids will be happy, they are wanting to sled and snowboard.
Drew has his last basketball game tomorrow night. But now Dalton is starting his basketball season, we once again, more games to go to, but atleast they are all right here in town. He also started an indoor soccer league for the next 6 weeks. Always some type of sports event to attend.
Dawson talked Daddy into playing Halo 3 on the Xbox 360 with him. The last two nights while they are at basketball we have playing a new WII game, he really likes to the games. He could really care less about the toys, just give him a game controler. He does occasionally play with the toys, but most of the time, he likes the games.
The other day Dawson said to me "I haven't been to New York in a long time". Yes, hasn't it been great, to live normal! I'm already getting a little nervous, his scans are in February. I was updating myself by reading the list serv, that's about all it takes, I get nervous just reading all the info and kids relapsing, UHG!!!!! Dawson is scheduled February 14 & 15 for his scans in NY.
I need to get on the phone and get our airline plans scheduled. I've been holding off just a little while, we have waiting for some news from our house, but no news quite yet.
Well, all is well. Keep Dawson and all the NB kiddos in your prayers.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Sunday, January 6, 2008 11:21 AM CST

Dawson had his 6th birthday party and had lots of fun. The bowling was fun for all, the kids bowled first, they were so cute. They were all excited for Dawson to open his presents, that was pretty crazy, but they were a great group of kids. We ate pizza and cake and then all then after the kiddos left we did some more bowling. Glow bowl actually, with a disco light and glow in the dark pins. Dawson is actually a pretty good bowler and had lots of fun.
He just played all day yesterday with all his new toys and even took some time out to relax and watch movies on his new t.v., which he thinks is awesome. He says he has the best t.v in the house!
Yesterday his snowman took a slow decline, last night we picked up all hat, scarf and etc and this morning there is only a small lump left. It was 40 degrees last night. We are planning on taking Reggie for a nice long walk today and let Dawson ride his dirt bike. We will have to run to keep up!
He is showing some signs of possible pink eye again, uhg! We started putting the medicine on again last night already. Otherwise seems to be fine, his face is just really dry.
That's all for now. This weeks starts up with a busy schedule again. The practices and games are in full swing once again, it will keep us running.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Friday, January 4, 2008 4:50 PM CST

It's Dawson's 6th Birthday today!!!! He took donuts and juice boxes to school this morning for his class. Another little boy in his class shares the same birthday, so they had treats in the afternoon also, so I'm sure they were full of sugar by the end of the day.
Dawson said this morning that he was glad to be six now!
We have just gotten back from picking up his cake and balloons and we will leaving soon for Happy Joe's. He's having some friends over to bowl and then have pizza and cake and then more bowling with family. He's all excited!
Better get going. I'm so thankful to be sharing this day with such a special little boy. Almost three years ago we didn't know if this day would ever be possible, we're so thankful for each birthday that Dawson is able to celebrate and pray for many, many more.

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

Tuesday, January 1, 2008 10:34 AM CST

Happy New Year!!!!!!!! I wonder how long it will take me to write 2008 rather than 2007. That's always an adjustment period. We we're actually happy to see December 2007 go anyway. It seemed to be a lot of doctor and hospital visits for us. Dawson's burns are looking great actually. The blister on the forehead is actually the worst yet, which is rather strange, since it was the least of our worries in the beginning, we didn't even think there was a blister in that area until the day after, it appeared. The lip is looking great, in fact just a scab left on the upper right corner is all.
We had a pretty uneventful New Year's Eve. I layed beside my favorite man in bed and kissed him Happy New Year's as the ball dropped in NY, Dawson!!!!!! Ha! Had you there for a minute, didn't I? Jeff was working!!! Yes, New Year's Eve Jeff was working, I think it is the first New Year's we haven't spent together in 18 years. The kids had some friends over and played their new Rock Band, singing and playing the guitar and drums.
So, yes, it snowed again. We have been quite a bit of snow. Little storms, nothing too major, but enough to make a mess of things and cause Jeff to work. He has worked every weekend in Decmeber unitl this past weekend, he did end up with the weekend off this past weekend, but then worked last night and maybe again tonight the way things look. The kids are having fun with the snow and may be planning some sledding today, although it's pretty cold out right now anyway, not sure what it' suppose to warm up to today.
The kids are back to school tomorrow, seems like the Christmas break went fast. I have enjoyed my last 5 day weekends lately, I have only worked 4 days in the last 2 weeks, I have enjoyed being home with the kids.
Dawson is counting down the days until his birthday, January 4th. He will be 6 years old, it just doesn't seem possible that he could be 6 already. He's more like 26 in his experience and knowledge of life! We have planned a birthday party at the bowling alley this year. He's inviting some of his friends to come bowl, have pizza and birthday cake. He's very excited and asking every day how many more days until his birthday. I look forward to each year for him, blowing out one more candle each year and wishing for endless candles to pile up on his birthday cake. I pray that we someday have to buy several boxes of candles for his cake. I think no matter how old he is, I relish in seeing each candle being lit, no matter how much candle wax melts onto the cake.
Dawson and Reggie are laying on the floor wrestling right now, he is asking to go outside already, but it is only 18 and I'm kind of hoping for waiting for it to warm up just a bit more, although it may not get a lot warmer. I guess we will have to bundle up and bear the cold.
Hope everyone is having a good day, Happy 2008!

Jeff, Kelli, Drew, Dalton and Dawson

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