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Wednesday, November 24, 2004 5:46 PM CST

hi, i just wanted to let you know that i'm doing well.
happy thanksgiving!

Thursday, August 5, 2004 9:22 AM CDT

Hi, everything's been going good since my last update. My last appointment went well and I have another one on the ninth, I think.
My baseball season's over. Our all-star team got third place in three different tournaments. One in St. Joseph, one in the twin-city tournament, and another one in Fisher.
We went to a St. Louis Cardinals game against the San Francisco Giants acouple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, the Cardinals won.
On the thirteenth I'm going to a Cubs game. It's part of my wish for Make-a-Wish. I'm going to meet Sammy Sosa and hopefully some of the other Cubs. We don't know where our seats are yet. But I know it will be really fun.
Like I said, everything's been going good since my last update. Hopefully it'll stay like that.
Until next time,

Saturday, June 19, 2004 3:50 PM CDT

Hi, school got out on June 4th so I've been out of school for a while my baseball team's doing okay. We've won 6, lost 8 and tied 1. Yesterday's game was the last of the regular season. Our first tournament game is Tuesday. We play the team we've beat once and lost to twice. If we win we go to the championship game. If we lose we play again for third place. I usually play cather, pitcher, 1st base, and sometimes shortstop. And I was also picked for the 10 year old's all-star team.

I have an appointment next week. I went to the dentist last week and no cavities!
So, here, all news is good news!

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 7:58 PM CDT

I went to St. Louis the other day for an appointment. It was a Neropsychology appointment. We saw some nurses and our old child life specialist there. Now I don't have to go to SLCH for 2 years.
I did go to the doctor in Champaign on Sunday because I'd been having on and off fevers. I'm on some medicine now for 2 more days. I haven't felt sick since Sunday.
Our baseball team lost its game last night, 9-7. Our team's 1-4.
Oh well. I'll update again soon.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:54 PM CDT

Hi, I had my bone marrow biopsy yesterday and good news! It's clear! So that's good to get that out of the way. I'm on Prevacid every night now because my stomach's not feeling that good. I stayed home from school last week.
Today I had my first baseball game of the year. We lost 4-3.
I was 1-2 with a strikeout and an RBI triple. I pitched and walked 5, giving up 3 runs with 6 strikeouts.
And an added plus, my liver enzymes are completely back to normal.
We go to Springfield on a field trip on Thursday and I also have another game on that day. Then I go to a birthday party.
I'll update again soon.

Thursday, April 15, 2004 2:56 PM CDT

Hi, today is one-year post-transplant. Everything's going good. It turns out that April 26, the day of my bone marrow biopsy, is the day of my first baseball game. So, basically what I'm saying is if I'm allowed to play, I'll be playing with a sore butt.
Thanks for all of your support this past year!

Friday, April 2, 2004 5:21 PM CST

Hi, I had my appointment on Monday. The doc said everthing looks good. I'm going to have my next bone marrow biopsy on April 26.
We went to chicago during Spring Break. Mom did a Team in Training race with my aunt there. While she was racing Dad, Matthew, Erin, and me walked around the city.
That's really all that's happened in the passed 3 weeks. I'm starting baseball soon, also.

Sunday, March 14, 2004 10:43 AM CST

Hi, Sorry I haven't updated in a while. There hasn't really been anything going on. School's fine and everything. The Illini have been keeping me entertained. I had baseball tryouts yesterday. I think baseball starts in a month or so. That's all there is to say.
Go Illini!

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 5:10 PM CST

Hi, I had my appointment yesterday. Everything looks pretty good, the doctor said.
My basketball season ended on Saturday. Our record was 7-1 and we tied for first place. I scored 63 points in 8 games.
I have about seven bruises in the same place (my shin) so it really hurts.
That's about all for now.

Monday, February 23, 2004 3:06 PM CST

Hi everybody
Yesterday me and my dad went to Chicago to see a hockey game. It was at the United Center and it was Blackhawks vs. Blues. I was rooting for the Blues. It was a good game, but the Blues ended up losing in overtime, 3-2. My dad's cousin Jeff got us passes so we could see the players after they'd come out of the locker room. Some of the players were massive. I got to meet Doug Weight, one of the players on the Blues (he's the one who donated his suite to the Children's Hospital) who is really nice. We didn't get any autographs (darn it) because my dad forgot to bring a Sharpie. You can't blame be for forgetting and saying it was my responsibility because it was a surprise for me.
Oh well.
I'll update soon.

Friday, February 13, 2004 2:55 PM CST

Hi, yesterday we to a trip to St. Louis and saw the Blues play hockey. We watched the game in a suite and, best of all, free food! There were lots of chairs and it was really nice. But, unfortunatly, the Blues lost 4-0.
After the game (which was last night) we went to Children's to say hi. But there were barely any people we knew there, but it was still fun. We also went to the Ronald McDonald House to visit.
Tommorow I have a huge basketball game against a team who is undefeated. We're undefeated too, so it's sort of going to be a like a championship game exceot one of our best players isn't going to be there so it's going to be tough. Then I'm going to my great-grandfather's funeral who, sadly, passed away this week.
After all of that I think on Sunday we're going to Deerfield, Illinois to visit some relatives.
I had a lot to update there so I'll update again when something comes up.

Sunday, February 8, 2004 6:35 PM CST

Hi, I had an ultrasound of my liver on Friday and so far everything's turned out good. I missed school on Friday because we had to wait so long at the doctor's.

Also, I'm going to take a trip to St. Louis this Thursday. We going to see a hockey game there. Some people at St. Louis Children's gave us the tickets.
I'll update again soon.

Wednesday, February 4, 2004 5:30 PM CST

Hi, I had my appointment 2 days ago but I haven't gotten around to updating until now. My mom'll tell you what's going on...Hi it's Stacey. Alex's liver enzymes are higher than they should be. They were high last month too. Last month the doctor said that these enzymes fluctuate and he wasn't concerned. This month he said that since they are higher than last month this is a trend that we need to look into. So, the doctor ordered some additional bloodwork (that Alex did later on Monday afternoon) and he ordered a liver sonogram for this Friday. Alex will see Dr. Musselman after the sonogram. There are a variety of things that could be causing the liver enzymes to be elevated. An infection, hepatitis, maybe even graft versus host disease. The other "chemistries" show that his liver function is fine and his other counts are fine. Michael talked to the doctor in more detail today and we feel better after talking to him. Some results from the later blood draw on Monday are back and they look good (these were tests for some other disorders that he ordered after consulting with a pediatrician with a subspecialty in gastrointestinal disorders). Hi, it's Alex now and there you have it. I'll update when we know more.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:04 PM CST

Hi, today I'm 10. People have been asking me how it feels and I don't feel any different. Today we got out early from school, (a good birthday present) but we also got report cards (not that good). Not that I get bad grades, but it makes you a nervous wreck. Well, that's about all I have to say, except that I'm going to have my monthly appointment in a few days so I'll update then.

Sunday, January 25, 2004 9:46 PM CST

Hi, today I had a birthday party with all of my friends at Skateland. We spent tons of money on games and we had a great time. My actual birthday is on the 28th. We also got a whole heap of snow today so it was a pretty good day.

Monday, January 19, 2004 10:42 AM CST

Hi, My cough is hanging around but it's not too bad. We had a basketball game on Saturday. We won 39-20. I scored 12 points. Our tean is called the orangemen and we're 2-0.
My friend Kyle slept over last night. So did Erin's friend Devin.
I'm also having a birthday party on the 25th at Skateland. My parents usually don't do birthday parties, but since this is the one decade birthday they said yes.
Well, I don't have much news other than that. I'll update again soon.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004 5:19 PM CST

Hi, My cough is back. I stayed home from school yesterday because I had a 102 fever Monday night. Matthew has been sick with a cough and a runny nose for about a week. Erin stayed home from school today because she didn't feel well. So, we're all pretty sick but I went to school today. The Make-a-wish people are here now so I gotta go.

Wednesday, January 7, 2004 5:13 PM CST

Hi, I had my appointment yesterday. My counts were pretty good with my ANC at 2,800. The week's been okay but uneventful. School started on Monday. I have a basketball game on Saturday. We haven't had practice for almost a month now because of the holidays.
Well, like I said there's nothing really to say except that I had my appointment. I'll update when I have something to write.

Friday, January 2, 2004 2:39 PM CST

Happy New Year!
It's 2004!

Tuesday, December 30, 2003 1:02 PM CST

Hi, Sorry I haven't updated in so long. We've been really busy with the holidays. Merry Christmas, and happy New Year to all of you. 2003 is almost over.
I've been doing all right during the past week. Nothing's really been going on. I think I have my monthly appointment in a couple of days so I'll have some actual news then.

Happy holidays!

Friday, December 19, 2003 5:25 PM CST

Hi, I have some news...Last night I went to the doctors for a cough. We waited there a long time. I had a blood draw and chest x-ray because I've had my cough for so long. It all looked good but I had a temperature of 100.3. The doctor even suggested admission but, thankfully, we didn't go to that option. The doctor did keep me out of school today though, just because of my temperature.

Well, we're closing in on Christmas(Yea!) and my cousins from California are coming on Sunday night.

Please pray that Katia Solomon does great with her transplant. She's got a 5/6 match and we want her to come through. Her page link is on my page. Please sign her geustbook wishing her good luck!

Sunday, December 14, 2003 7:23 PM CST

Hi, the week went all right. Today's schedule was packed, though. This morning we went to church, and after church we had brunch with my grandma because it's her birthday. At 1:00 there was a Pediatric/Oncology holiday party. I saw some of my doctors and nurses. A guy interviewed me for the News Gazzete. After the party there was a basketball program. You could get autographs and win prizes. I won an Illini basketball and a T-shirt. It was a fun program.

Anyway I haven't updated for a while and I figured I probably would now.

Sunday, December 7, 2003 6:55 PM CST

Hi, Yesterday was awesome. I went to Chicago to see Illinois play in the United Center with my grandma and grandpa. The other team got KRUSHED, if you know what I mean, and the United Center was really neat. There were all kinds of exhibits and pictures in the hallways.

After the game we went to the Water Tower and then the Hancock building to eat. Then we looked at Michigan Avenue with all of the Christmas lights.

Yesterday we also got a reindeer that lights up for Christmas. My mom kept begging my dad for one until he got it.
Well, that's all I have to say.

Wednesday, December 3, 2003 9:01 PM CST

Hi, We got back from our trip on Sunday. I haven't had time to update yet, but boy, do I have a lot for ya!
First of all, I had fun on my trip. We kicked some field goals on some goalpost contraption they have. I also got to take home some baseball cards I got from my Uncle Pat. The ride there seemed to take forever but on the way home it went by in no time. I also had some hives during the trip but I took some medicine and they went away.

When we got home I had an appointment on Monday morning. I think my ANC was around 1,500. The doc said I'm doing fine and my cough has pretty much completely gone away. There's also going to be some party on the 14th of Dec. somewhere in the hospital that I'm gonna go to.

Today was a strange one. First, in the morning, I had to go to the dentist to put some sealent thingy on because they said one of my teeth is a little "sticky". The numbing shot didn't hurt that much but the little procedure wasn't exactly comfortable. My mouth also felt really weird. One half of my mouth was fine and it felt like the other half wasn't even there. And then...at lunch recess today at school I collided into another kid while playing football...you know. I was looking for the ball and so was he and then boom! Something of his hit my eye and I think he busted his gum on my head. I don't know if he really busted his gum on my head (which sounds a little corny+I must have a pretty strong head) but his mouth was bleeding . My eye is pretty swollen but it's all right. It's also a little sore. I'll bet you can imagine that.

Well, It's taken me about fifteen minutes to write all this and that's all I can think of that's happened so I'm gonna go.
Bye, Alex

Monday, November 24, 2003 6:01 PM CST

Hi, I left school early today for an eye appointment. They had to dilate my eyes and they're still a little blurry.

We also made a quick appointment with my doctor, Dr. Musselman about my cough. He said I look fine. The cough also did get a little better today so I'm happy about that.

I didn't knoe this appointment was coming so that's why I updated. I'll update after our trip.

Sunday, November 23, 2003 3:23 PM CST

Hi, I'm STILL coughing. I hope it gets better during the next few days.

We're going to a town near Charlotte, NC on Tuesday to see our cousins for Thanksgiving. It'll take two days to get there. We'll get home Sunday Night.

I had some hives the other day. Not too many. Just a few on my face and stomach. I took some medicine and they went away.

I won't be able to update in North Carolina but I'll update when we get back.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003 3:05 PM CST

Hi, My cough hasn't gone away yet. The bumps on my tounge have, though. Over the weekent they got really huge and were painful. But now they're gone.

I had a sleepover with my friend Kyle on Friday night. I'm also going to sleep ove at my friend Joe's house this Friday.
I gotta go.

Friday, November 14, 2003 4:39 PM CST

Hi, I had an appointment for my cough yesterday. The doctor said I looked fine so that's good. We also got flu shots yesterday. It didn't hurt nearly as much as a blood draw but today my arm was sore. My cough is still in effect and I have these little bumps on my tounge that I get from eating too much sugar. I'll give you a hint why I have them: I bet it has something to do with October 31.
I'll update again soon

Tuesday, November 11, 2003 1:58 PM CST

Happy Veterans Day! We send our best wishes and prayers who are fighting in Iraq.

I've had a cough for the past few days. We've been a little concerned about it, but not too much. I've also been waking up pretty congested in the mornings, too. Other than that, I've been doing okay. I've also had a good five-day weekend away from school. And for some reason, when I try to sleep in, I wake up at about 7:30 in the morning.
I'll update when something interesting happens.

Monday, November 3, 2003 4:19 PM CST

Hi, my appointment was okay. My counts were good, with my ANC around 2,600. Blood draws make me lightheaded and woozy. They hurt! The doctor said I don't have to take bactrim ever again. (Yea!) I'll have to go ro the Cancer Center only once a month now.
I'll update again soon

Sunday, November 2, 2003 6:59 PM CST

Hi, Halloween was pretty good. We got loads of candy. We only get to eat to eat two pieces of candy a day. Matthew decided to wear his policeman costume.
I have an appointment tomorrow at 1:30 so I'll have to leave school early again.
I'll have the counts tomorrow or Tuesday.

Friday, October 31, 2003 5:06 PM CST

Happy Halloween! I had some post transplant tests yesterday. There was an EKG and breathing test. I left school early to do the EKG. There aren't any results yet.
For Halloween I'm going to be Jango Fett, a Star Wars guy. Erin's a Cheetah Girl. (She got the idea from some show on Disney Channel). Matthew has about five costumes to choose from and can't make up his mind.
Anyway, I'm ready to trick-or-treat!

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 5:51 PM CST

Hi, sorry I haven't updated in over a week. School has been pretty good. The work isn't that hard and homework isn't piled up to my shoulders, so from my point of view that's pretty good.
I play soccer at recess. To tell you the truth, soccer should be nominated for the most boring thing to watch award. But, it's really fun to play. If I run around too much I get tired, but I rest and then feel better. And no, I'm not tired at the end of the day (people have been asking me that and I might as well announce it to everybody) and getting up early isn't so bad.
They're holding Bactrim again this week. When I have my next appointment my doctor will say whether they should take me off of it so the hives won't come back. (We don't even know if that's what I'm allergic to). And that would be fine with me because hey, then no more medicine for hopefully a long time. But the hives did come back (just a few of them) the other day. I took that magical medicine and they haven't come back since.
Oh yeah, I was one of the top fundraisers for Light the Night. $995.00 Thanks so much!
I'll update again when I can.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003 3:23 PM CDT

Hi, the first day of school went well. It was a long morning because lunch isn't until 12:30. The afternoon went quick, though. I saw my teachers from the previous years after school. I just wanted to say that.

Monday, October 20, 2003 9:36 PM CDT

Hi, the appointment in St. Louis went well. Last night I swam at the hotel pool. I have lots of news, though. I had my blood drawn in the hospital lab (which in my families' opinion is pretty crappy but that's a long story) and my ANC is around 2,000.
The Transplant Coordinator, Yvonne, said that I really only have to see Dr. Musselman at my local clinic once a month. She also said I don't have to take my medicine Acyclovir anymore. They took me off Bactrim for the week to see if that's the cause of the hives. So for the next week I'll be medicine free!
I don't have to go back to St. Louis for another six months and I think that'll be for a bunch of tests.
I saw my child life specialist Kate. I looked for some nurses that I knew but they were all new ones it seemed so that attempt was a failure. I did see the nurse practitioner though. I also saw some doctors that I knew.
Oh, yeah I saw our neighbors from the Ronald McDonald Apartments. The girl Tori who was one of Erin's friends in the Apartment had a full head of hair and when we saw her the last time she was bald.
Tomorrow's my first day of school. My lunch time is at 12:30 and it was 11:40 last year and I got hungry before lunch time then so me and my dad got some Ritz Bits for a snack. I've got a whole bunch of stuff I've gotta take in like my school books I've been working on at home plus all of my school supplies. My dad is going to help me take it all in.
Some hives started to come back at a wallpaper store in Mattoon, IL (we're looking for wallpaper for Matthew's room) on the way home from St. Louis. But I took that magical medicine and they went away.
The work in fourth grade is much harder than in third grade so wish me luck tomorrow!

Sunday, October 19, 2003 11:37 AM CDT

Hi, just a quick update. The doctors gave me a new medicine on friday night and it worked! The hives haven't come back since.
I went to see the Blue Man Group last night at the Assembly Hall and it was awesome! I cant explain now because we're leaving to go to St. Louis in a few minutes.

Friday, October 17, 2003 3:03 PM CDT

Hi, the hives are back. They came back on Wednesday, they were pretty bad yesterday, and this morning I was covered with them. They are starting to come back right now and have taken over my arms and hands. So we're hoping this will be the last day of them (FOR GOOD!) because this is the third day of them and last time the lasted three days.

I have to go to a meeting at my school. It'll be a big meeting. This is who's coming: Mrs. Daly, (principal) Mrs. Kimmel, (teacher) Mr. Lanceman, (assistant principal) Melissa, (my nurse) Gary, (my childlife specialist) maybe a social worker, and me and my mom.
Probably the next time I'll update will be when I get back from St. Louis.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:45 PM CDT

Hi, we got news that I'll be able to go back to school on Tuesday. I'm excited but a little nervous. I'm going to go to St. Louis on Sunday night for an appointment on Monday. We're going to stay at a hotel with a pool. In fact, it's the same hotel with the pool I fell in a couple months ago!

Tomorrow is "Picture Day" at school so I'm going to get my school picture taken tomorrow.
See ya later,

Thursday, October 9, 2003 10:07 PM CDT

Hi, well, I've got some news...BONE MARROW CLEAR! That's right, the test showed clear! My IV didn't hurt as much because of the numbing cream. My butt's still a little sore, but I expected that. The hives haven't come all day. There were a few yesterday but just a few! So I've passed the blood draw appointment and not another one for two weeks, hives are gone, and I don't have to have another bone marrow biopsy for about 3 months!
And guess what, more good news! My friend Kyle has a birthday party tomorrow and it's at an indoor swimming pool! I haven't swam fore more than a year and now that I don't have any more tubes I can get my chest wet!
Caringbridge is doing something...I don't know what, but my site will be down for a few days. Then it'll come back.
So I just wanted to give the good news.

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 8:17 PM CDT

Hi, well earlier today they rescheduled my biopsy for tomorrow. I'm not that pleased about it being so sudden, but It's better to get it overwith. I'd say okay to get it done sooner if I had my line in, because without it I'll have to get an IV and the thought of a big needle going into your arm or hand is not that pleasant. I just wanted to tell you that.
I'll update after the procedure.

Tuesday, October 7, 2003 7:57 PM CDT

Hi, the appointment was okay. They scheduled my bone marrow biopsy for friday the 10th. They are going to give me some cream on my hand or arm to numb it up before they put an IV in. They'll give me a drug that I've never had before, because with the other ones I could still feel the needle. They're going to send me to the deepest part of la la land, so I won't feel anything.
I had my blood drawn with a needle today. The ones they use are called butterfly needles. There's the needle, then two "wings" on either side of it. Then there's a tube running from the needle and you hook the little bottles where the blood goes into. Butterfly needles make me uncomfortable; they look weird, and I sort of put up a fight when they tried to draw blood. I know it's just a stick and that's it, but well, you know. They sort of made me feel better by using something called freezie spray. It's a spray that when you spray it on your arm of finger or something like that, it gets numb right away. It only stays like that for a couple of seconds.
I used the freezie spray and whaddya know! It didn't work at all! But I still liked playing with it because I like the feel, so it wasn't all wasted.
We didn't get a count sheet, but my ANC is around 1,000.
I started to get some hives on my hands this morning, but I took a Benadryl and they went away. Same thing happened earlier this evening.
The next time I'll update will probably be after the biopsy unless somthing comes up.

Monday, October 6, 2003 6:27 PM CDT

Hi-Today's Erin's birthday--she's 7. Everyone's here; both sides of grandparents. I woke up yesterday and there were hives on all ten of my fingers so they were hard to move. Except the pinky that had been swollen the day before. We think the hives are caused by the time of year; mostly corn harvesting with all the dust up in the air.
This morning I woke up with a lot on my legs and some on my feet and still a few on my stomach, back, and face. Up until now I've taken a few Benadryls, there have been some more of them on my arms mostly, but that's pretty much it. I played out side for a while about an hour after I took a Benadryl, and they came all over on my arms. There are still a few remains of those.
School was out today; a fall holiday. But that doesn't matter, bcause I'm not in school yet.
Tomorrow is my appointment. I'm gonna have to get stuck again. At the appointment they are going to schedule when my bone marrow biopsy will be. When they do that they'll put me all the way under, instead of just giving me local anesthetic. That's because it was very uncomfortable not putting me fully to sleep.
I'll update after the appointment.

Saturday, October 4, 2003 8:05 PM CDT

Hi, today was a weird day. This morning I woke up itchy and it turned out I had hives. The more I scratched, the bigger they got. My mom called the hospital but we weren't too worried because last year at the exact same time the same thing happened to me. I had to take Benadryl, and I also took a bath. Then it all went away! But, in case you don't know, Benadryl makes you sleepy. So I took a long nap from about 11:00a.m. until 1:45p.m. So I went to my grandpa's to watch Illinois and the Cubbies get killed, and then the hives came back! They were all over my face this time too. There was one on my pinky so it was twice the size of the other one. I took a shower and another Benadryl, but it didn't make me sleepy this time. There are a few remains of the hives still, but they've pretty much gone away. My pinky is still a little big, though.
Erin has her birthday party tomorrow with all of her friends. They're planning to make purses and my aunt is going to french-braid their hair. To me that sounds pretty boring, but they're girls, and you never know what they think is fun.
Erin wasn't feeling good earlier tonight, (she spit up once) but now she's doing somersaults through her hula hoop.
The day seemed like it went by really quick for some reason. See? Weird day.

Monday, September 29, 2003 6:47 PM CDT

Hi, I haven't updated in a while but I'm doing all right. I went to an Illini game on Saturday. Illinois stinks this year. they have 1 win and 4 losses. But the Bears are playing the Packers tonight and I have faith in them.
I haven't been saying that sometimes during the day I have these times when I feel terrible. I don't know why. But my stomach just hurts along with some nausea. I haven't experienced that every day but it's off and on during the week. It might be because I'm tapering off one of my medicines, cyclosporine, that supresses my immune system. At least, that's what my mom just said.
Speaking of cyclosporine, I take my last pill of that tomorrow night! 5 months and tomorrow night is the end of it. That's my 3rd medicine that I took for over a month that I've come off of since May. Just Acyclovir and Bactrim to go, and I take Bactrim on only Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. So some days I'll only take one pill!
Whew! That's the longest I've ever updated! I'll update again soon. Well, I always say that and sometimes it not true but it just seems like a good finish line.

Monday, September 22, 2003 6:31 PM CDT

Hi, my appointment was great. The Illini football players came to the cancer center. The ones who came were, Matt Minnes, Carey Davis, Jon Beutjer, and Winston Taylor. I even got on the news! I played playstation 2 with Minnes and Davis. That was really fun. Since I didn't have paper I asked Carey Davis to sign my mask. Beutjer and Taylor signed one of my footballs.
Now to the boring stuff, my counts. All I have because I can't find the paper is my ANC. It's around 1,300. I had to get stuck today. But I'll ignore that. I met the football players!

Sunday, September 21, 2003 4:59 PM CDT

Hi, I went to an Illini football game yesterday and Illinois lost 24-17. It was an exciting game, though. My appointment is tomorrow instead of Tuesday. I have to use a needle because no more tubes.
We went to a big park today with a lot of statues and stuff. I saw one of my friends there. I'll update tomorrow after the appointment.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 9:02 AM CDT

Hi, I didn't update yesterday because it was a busy day. My tubes are out! O-U-T, OUT! They are going to take the stitches out on next Tuesday. A few times I've reached for my tubes to play with them and they're not there! I'll update again soon

Sunday, September 14, 2003 10:30 AM CDT

Hi, I think the walk was good. You didn't really walk much. For the first hour and forty-five minutes all you really did was stand around talking. I talked on the microphone and that was fun. It was really cool once all of balloons lit up. They only lit for a second so everyone's balloons were flashing on and off. It was neat. I get my line out tomorrow and I'll update about how it feels to be "free".

Saturday, September 13, 2003 11:16 AM CDT

Well, tonight is light the night. I'm really excited about it. It's still not too late to participate or contribute. Let me know if you want to. I'll be speaking at LtN so I hope you can see that. I'll update after the walk.

Friday, September 12, 2003 12:19 AM CDT

Hi, today is my mom's birthday. She's 38. Light the night is tomorrow at meadowbrook park from 5:00pm to 9:00pm. It's not too late to participate or contribute. Let me know if you want to.

Thursday, September 11, 2003 12:29 AM CDT

Today we remember the people who died two years ago senselessly in the 9/11 terroist attacks.

Tuesday, September 9, 2003 10:48 AM CDT

Hi, Don't forget Light the Night is on Saturday so it's not too late to register! Contact me to find out how. I had my appointment this morning. My hemoglobin is 11.0. White blood cell count 2.05. ANC 980. I started homebound yesterday. I'll update soon,

Sunday, September 7, 2003 5:51 PM CDT

Hi, A few days ago I got my hair trimmed for the first time since diagnosis. I also met my teacher for this year. I'm in a mixed 4/5 grade class. I got a buncha work from her. I went to a birthday party today. I went to a Illini footbal game on Saturday. Illinois throttled ILL ST. On Friday I had a scratchy throat and a 99.4 temp. Mom took me in to the ER and the doctor did a throat culture and blood draw. The throat culture was negative. I an ANC at about 3,000.
Again, light the night is on Sat., Sept. 13th so if you want to participate on my team email me at alexroux1994@yahoo.com.

Sunday, August 31, 2003 1:01 PM CDT

Hi, got back from St. Louis last night. Illinois lost. 22-15. It was a good game though. I really want to thank all of the people who have visited my site. I put some links at the bottom of my page so you can check out other sites.

Friday, August 29, 2003 2:13 PM CDT

Hi, things are going fine. Tonight I'm going to St. Louis. (But not for an appointment). I'm going there to see Illinois play Mizzou in the first regular season football game for the tigers and Illini. They are having the game in Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis. (Where the Rams play) Some one who was on nine west the same time as I was is going to be there. (Mizzou fans) The game is tomorrow at 11 am. And also, I'm one of the teams' captains for light the night here on September 13th. So if you want to light the night on my team email me at alexroux1994@yahoo.com. Thanks, Alex

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 10:49 AM CDT

Hi, my surgery to have my line taken out was rescheduled to Sept. 15th. It was my sister's first day of school today. She's in 1st grade. I have to wait till late October to go back. It is my brothers birthday today. He's 3.
I have to take medicine now.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 6:18 PM CDT

Hi, I had my appointment today. My counts were OK with Hemoglobin:10.7 White Blood cell count:2.06 (Low)(But that's not bad) Platelet: 175,00 and ANC 1,300. I just now found out that I might have my line taken out next friday on September 5th.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 4:33 PM CDT

My cousins from San Francisco left this morning. I've been active for the past few days. Yesterday I went to the public library and took apart telephones. I used the parts to make a little robot thats eyes light up. I'm going to Deerfield on friday; a suburb of Chicago. We have family and friends there. Also, over the weekend our friends who moved away are coming to town. Check out www.lightthenight.org to sign up to light the night. I will most likely be one of the team's captains here in C-U. Email me to get more info at alexroux1994@yahoo.com

Tuesday, August 12, 2003 1:20 PM CDT

Hi, I got back from my appointment earlier. I wanted to give my counts. Neutrophil:48.6 Monocyte:16.8 ANC:1,070. I might get to take my central line taken out in two weeks.

Monday, August 11, 2003 6:59 PM CDT

Hi, I went to a St. Louis Cardinals game on Friday. The Braves won 7-2. There were four homers hit by Atlanta and four in the game. I had box seats. Someone from the hospital gave us the tickets. I was cheering for the Braves because I want the Cubs to win the division. I bought a Braves hat. The next day I went to a Chicago Bears preseason game here in Champaign. The Bears won 20-18. I left during the 4th quarter which was the most exciting one. I'm feeling good. My cousins from NC left on Saturday. I was on the channel 15 News because I was at the football practice. My cousin was on the front page of the News Gazette at the stadium when all of the players were giving autographs. I was at the Cardinal game then. I have an appointment tomorrow. I'll give you the results of that when I get them.

Monday, August 4, 2003 6:32 PM CDT

Hi, we're gonna have a busy next two weeks. My cousins from NC came today. I'm going to a Cardinals game on Friday. (My first major league game!) The day after I'll go to a Bears preseason here in Champaign. Then my OTHER cousins our coming from California. I should be putting some more pictures up soon.

Friday, August 1, 2003 10:01 AM CDT

This morning my mom's freinds and her kids from Atlanta came to our house. I rode my bike a lot without having breakfast and not feeling nauseous. That's a good sign. I'll update soon.

Thursday, July 31, 2003 4:08 PM CDT

Hi, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm doing well and that soon I will be putting pictures in my photo album. So check that out if you have the chance!

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 9:12 PM CDT

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