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the Portugal stem cell surgery is off for November. Read journal entry below for more information.

"I Am The Lord That Heals You."

-Exodus 15:26

Hi, You've reached Jordan's page. We will keep you updated on my progress.

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Thursday, September 28, 2006 12:10 AM CDT

Hello to all, I know I has been a long time so maybe I will blab on for a while. Anyways, I have been quite busy with college and all. Having tests over six chapters was a little difficult to get use to. I am finally getting use to it though. I find that college truly gets your mind thinking in a different way than high school. For some reason I feel smarter but that really doesn't tell you a lot.

I'm still continuing to do therapy even though the Portugal trip is off. I usually spend around five hours a day doing therapy right now. It's a lot of work but it keeps my body strong and healthy. Without therapy I wouldn't know what to do anyways. I notice my legs are getting stronger and stronger each day from riding the bicycle. Before I started riding the bike they told me that my muscle spasms would have been less often if I use the bike at least three days a week. They were totally bull crapping me though I think. Because I have just as many spasms and they're even stronger than ever. It freaks some people out I tell you.

I am happy that TV shows have begun again. Dancing with the stars continues to amaze me. Of course there is my name is Earl, how I met your mother, two and a half men, and the office for the half-hour comedies. I continue to still like desperate housewives, Grey's anatomy, 24, smallville, and the bachelor. Good there is a such thing as TiVo. I love TV and movies!

That is pretty much what I've been up to. Hopefully school will continue to go well. Good Christmas is coming fast as I always love the holidays with the family. I will continue to try to keep you updated more often. The classes I'm taking now take up a lot more time than the ones I was taking in the summer. Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well and that you will all have a great week.


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Hospital Information:

The Bishop's House
303 E. Jackson Avenue
Fairfield, IA, 52556


http://iowastate.scout.com/2/355713.html   Article about ISU basketball players visiting Jordan
http://groups.msn.com/JordanBishop/shoebox.msnw   **NEW PICTURES** see pages 4-5


E-mail Author: wbaxter456@msn.com


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