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Tuesday, July 8, 2008 8:18 AM CDT

I am sure to most of you that it seems we have taken a year off from entering any new journals or pictures, but we really needed to take a break and hope that you can understand. I recently tried to add new photos and when you take a look at them you will see that I am very new to editing, but at least I tried!

Rett will be celebrating his eighth birthday July 25, as well as four years out from any chemotherapy treatment or any medication for that fact. This is a very big stepping stone for any child or adult that has battled cancer. We are very blessed to have made it this far and we are very thankful everyday that passes for Rett's recovery and the blessings that have been bestowed upon our entire family!

Again, I cannot say enough about family and friends that stayed by our side day and night. Whether it was a card, phone call, prayers, meals, donations, or just visiting. I thank you for being there for Rett and all of his family.

Hope that you are enjoying your summer as much as we are.
God bless.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 7:16 AM CDT

Good morning! What a great day it is today. Rett's birthday is today and he is 7 years old! I can't believe how time has flown by. He is very excited just like we used to be growing up, I don't think he realizes the older we get we are a little less excited, although we should be. God has great plans for us all and we need to be grateful that He has given us another day to enjoy and be happy for every waking momemt.

Rett will return to G'ville next week for follow-up screenings. Please continue to pray for his complete healing and progress! Thanks for all your support.


Friday, June 29, 2007 7:11 AM CDT

Good morning! Hope everyone is having a great summer and enjoying spending family time together. My boys and my girl are having so much fun just being home together. Kristin is leaving for big waters today! She and a friend are about to board a cruise headed for the Bahama's for a few days and you can bet she has bounced around here for weeks all excited. Greyson and Rett have played backyard baseball and have talked their daddy out of a couple of pecan trees so that they can build their very own baseball field in the pecan orchard. You build it they will come! Girls that is, I can see it now, all the boys playing ball and all of a sudden hear they come. Car loads of them, coming to hang out, what is a mom to do? I can't help but laugh and pray that God will be with me when it happens!

I did not mean to drift so far ahead to the future I do look forward to it. Rett's health is doing well, he will have a couple of appt. during the summer for routine check-up's and then he will have scans again the week before school starts. With God's grace and blessings we will see great things with Rett! Please continue to pray for these children with cancer and other diseases that try to take over their little bodies. Pray for their complete healing and strength to fight these daily battles.

Thank you all,

Friday, June 8, 2007 8:51 PM CDT

Good morning! Hope everyone is having a great start to summer. We just returned from St. Simons, Kip had a conference there and me and the boys tagged along for some beach time. Greyson and Rett had a wonderful time and they both met some friends to hang out with while the moms got some much needed tanning time. It sure was nice to get away for a few days, but back to reality and to some house cleaning.

Rett went back to Shand's last week for follow up MIBG and everything is still about the same, the same old calcifacation shows up. He will go back the week before school for the "yearly" check-up, that means he has been two years out from any kind of treatment, this week marked three years when we were first told of his diagnosis. I can remember it like it was yesterday and it never seems to go away. We have grown so much stronger in our faith, we would be such lost souls without it.

Time has changed us and our relationships so much and we are so thankful for our old and new friends. It is hard to explain and for people to understand just what your family is pulled into when this happens to a child or anyone for that matter. It can make you crazy and obsessed at the same time and you are never really yourself again. Maybe that is why God puts a new direction in your life, to accept change gracefully and move on. Thank you all for every role that you have played in our life. I will continue to update Rett's progress. God bless you all.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:18 PM CDT

Hello! I know that it has been quite some time since I have updated Rett's page, I do apologize and hope that you all forgive me. Rett is doing great! He is all boy and full of mischief on a daily basis. He and Greyson have had CRCT testing all this week at school and they both said that it was easy. I hope the test results reflect their casual attitude toward the test. I can't believe that Rett will be in second grade and Greyson will be moving on to Middle school next year. Kristin will be graduating from college this May, where she plans to go is a mystery for now.

Rett is not scheduled for another MIBG until the end of May, and that is the only test that he is to have at this time. We continue to hope and pray for the best, thank you all for you concern and prayers everyday! We heard of another little boy that has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma, his name is Nathan McLean. Please put him on your prayer.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 10:50 AM CST

Hello everyone! Rett just completed another three month check-up. His lab report continues to show promising results, we do not know at this time about his scans. While we were at Shand's he did have to have unexpected immunizations, six total! Rett was a trooper as usuall, although it is taking its toll on him. He had a fever and sore arms and legs from the injections, but this too shall pass. Today he is taking it easy and just sitting around watching the movie "How To Eat Fried Worms", sounds appetizing dosen't it.

Aside from the warm and cold temperatures that we have had lately, both the boys have managed to get some fishing in and have caught quite a few. They are really growing up and once I can figure out how to work this new scaner up and running I will put some new pictures on the website for you all to see.

Thank you for your continued prayers and we know that God will hear and answer them all, all praise must go to Him. Please keep in your prayers Corin Williams, she was recently diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma and is currently undergoing treatment in G'ville. We saw her on Thursday and she seems to be doing well. Rett and Corin showed off their scars to one another. Corin is a middle school student at Hahira Middle where Kip works.

I will post scan results as soon as we know more.

God Bless,
God Bless,

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 11:17 AM CST

Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for and should give all thanks to God, He has given to us the gift of life and we should wake up each day and receive it just like it was a present, all wrapped up waiting for us to open it with excitement! We hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Rett is doing great and has recently completed his three month series of scans and labs. The scans continue to remain stable and if this is the best results that we can get then that is what we will take. His platelets are up to a whopping 250,000 which is back in the normal range. He is taking some medication to help with asthma symptoms which he has occasionaly. But other than that we can't complain. Both the boys have finshed up baseball for a while, except for the Sunday afternoon hitting sessions with their daddy. You know they have to get that batting average up. Kristin is busy with college and work these days and not much time for anything else, she will graduate in the spring from VSU. As for me and Kip we are just along for the ride that these kids keep us on and we enjoy every minute of it. Thank you for your prayers and concerns and may God bless you all in everything that you do.

Much love,

Monday, October 16, 2006 8:04 AM CDT

Hope all is well with everyone. We have been enjoying this fall break as well as the fall weather! Since I have joined the working world I have looked forward to this break as much as the kids and Kip. I recently started working full time in the front office at the boys' school, and to my surprise I like it! Don't get me wrong I liked having the opportunity to get the cleaning and cooking done before everyone got home, and that doesn't get done now. God has put me a place where I am around some really terrific people who love what they do and that they are doing it because they love the children.

In my last update I mentioned some families that this community of teachers and students were praying for, Angie Hendley and her son Parker and Zack Parker(pre-k student). Angie will be bringing her new baby home soon, there are certain skills that he must accomplish before he can leave the hospital, but that all aside the prayers that lifted this baby up are working!!! I spoke with Zack's father last weekend and Zack is eating well because of the steroids he has to take. Mrs. Rick's class(Rett's teacher) have been collecting toys, games, and snack's to send to Zach and his family in hopes to lift up their spirits and give them comfort. Please continue to keep both of these families in your prayers everyday. You all know the impact and the power of prayer, we do.

Thank you for continuing to check in on all of us. God bless you all.


Friday, October 6, 2006 3:28 PM CDT

Hello everyone. I know that it has been over a month since my last journal entry, and I do apologize. Rett and the rest of us have been doing well thanks to many prayers and love from you all. Rett will return to have a series of scans in November along with follow up visits with his Doctors. He has been very active in school, pioneer club, and of course baseball. He has been so blessed with an abundance of energy and good health these days! It is truely a miracle.

Unfortunately there have been some families close by that are in immediate need of prayer. Zack Parker, 5 year little boy, he attended Lake Park Elem and recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. He is undergoing radiation treatment in Gainesville, Fl. Jake Miller just found out that the neuroblastoma has returned. I am not sure just what his treatment plan is at this time but when I do, I will update. Angie Hendley, a teacher at LPE, just had a baby boy Parker and he had to be taken to Macon. Parker is having some complications at this time. Please stop and pray for all of these families, that they receive Christ loving spirit to come and heal them. Comfort for the family members who are feeling helpless, give them hope. Thank you and God bless.

Much love,

Wednesday, August 9, 2006 7:40 AM CDT

Good morning! School has started once again, seems like the summer has gone by too quickly. Rett started first grade and seems to be very happy knowing that he is in a classroom with several friends from kidergarden. Greyson is now in the fifth grade and this will be his last year at this school, so for now he is big man on the totem pole!

Rett's recent trip to Shand's for check ups still is showing promising results. Both CT and bone scans continue to remain stable, the MIBG shows some decrease in activity with regards to the neuroblastoma. The lab results are very good his platlets are steadily growing. We are waiting on one more test result and that should be back sometime this week. He still does not have a clean scan at this time but we are praying for that day to come!! His doctor's want to repeat scans in three months and that is okay with us, it will ease the tension that sometimes consumes us. Overall we are extremely satisfied with Rett's progress and are confident with what his Dr.s' are telling us.

Please continue to pray for Rett and his body's complete recovery and the many other children that are diagnosed daily with these deadly diseases. Thank you for your prayers and support. Have a wonderful week.


Monday, July 24, 2006 6:59 AM CDT

Hi everyone. Hope you have had as great a summer as we have. Just a short update to let all of you know that Rett is doing great! I finally got the test results back from Rett's lab regarding his thyroid level and it is completely normal, Rett had battled with the tsh levels going up and he would have had to take medicine to control it. God answers even the littlest prayers!

Rett will turn six years old tomorrow and start first grade this upcomimg school year. He has overcome some mighty obstacles and it is by our Father and all of your wonderful and gracious prayers that he has come this far! Thank you for contiuning to support Rett and all of us through this. Two years ago the support of our friends, family, the lowndes county school system, and this community that we live in had a homecoming for Rett and fundraising event that we will never forget. They welcomed him home from the first of many weeks in the hospital and it was on his birthday. I try not to dwell on past days but this was a memorable day that I will hold in my heart forever. The power of prayer was so evident that day and I just can't thank you enough.

Rett will return to Shand's the first week in August for follow up testing and scans. Maybe this will be the one that will give Rett hope for clean scans.

Much love to you all and thank you for checking in.

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 1:11 PM CDT

Hi everyone, you've probably wondered if we fell off the face of the earth and the answer is no. We finally finished with baseball for Rett and Greyson. They have been at their daddy's baseball camp this week along with about forty-five other boys, learning more about the game. Now it is time for relaxing and maybe some vacation time!!!

Rett had his three month update last week at Shand's, he had a CT scan along with the routine lab work. The CT scan continues to remain stable and the lab report looks good, he is on the upswing from a minor viral infection. The catacholamines, which is a biggie for neuroblastoma, came back completely normal!!!! This is the very first time that we have had something within the normal range since diagnosis. Rett will have to go back the first week in August for the one year marker after completing all treatment. We thought that he was eighteen months out but found out from his last visit that August of 2005 was considered the last month in which he had his last medications in regards to his treatments. That means that he has been nine month in remission which is still a wonderful blessing, the longer out the better his chances for this not to return.

Again I apologize for not updating sooner but I have also notice that happpens on other websites. Families try to get back to normal and the less that they talk about it the easier it is on the whole family especially if the child is doing so well. I'm not saying that we don't won't to discuss it, it is just that it consumes your mind and there is nothing else that you are able to think about. Sometimes it even interfers with ones ability to pray and give thanks for all the blessings that you have received. But with faith, friends, and family we will fight against those obstacle that may try to get in our way. God Bless you all.

Julie and Kip

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 7:40 AM CDT

Hello everyone. Sorry that I haven't updated the website lately. Rett has been doing well. His next scheduled CT scan and lab work will be the first of June, along with this comes a little anxiety because this marks the two year anniversary of the diagnosis of neuroblastoma. But I am confident that this will pass just as it always has after we get back the results. We keep on praying and believing in GOD's magnificent works. He has and will always be with us in everything!!

Baseball continues to consume this family, Greyson's nine and ten year old team finished up their season last night leaving them undefeated and they will have tournament games next week. Rett still has a couple of games to complete and their team at this time is undefeated as well. But more importantly last week our time was spent preparing for the Lowndes County Relay for Life.

This years Relay for Life was special to us. Last year I had to push Rett around the track in a stroller, this year he walked the full quarter mile on his own. He joined all the other survivors celebrating their fight against cancer in hopes to find a cure. The entertainment of the night was the Mr. Relay pageant where one male representative from each team entered the Mr. Relay for Life beauty pageant. Representing Lake Park Elementary School, Rett and Greysons' school, was their very own daddy! He was beautiful!! He actually won!! Kip was reluctant at first but he and I both knew that this had to be done. This community, Lowndes County Schools, friends and family have been the backbone that supported us and we needed to give back what has been given to us. I know there is more to giving back than being in a male pageant, but you know what I mean and this was a start. I want to thank Dede, Sherri, and Liz for creating Kip's dress for the night.
Kristin and I had soo much fun with Kip putting on the make-up and jewlry.

I would like to share with you a verse that was on the bookmarks given out that night at the relay. The words express so much what you all mean to us in Rett's journey the past two years.

Thank you for sharing the journey of life
with me. During the best of times, the
worst of times, and all the times in between,
every step I take is better with you by my

Thank you for your prayers and support for our family, we couldn't have made it without you.

God bless, Julie, Kip, Rett, Greyson, and Kristin

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 7:43 AM CDT

Hi everyone. I apologize for not updating Rett's page, we have been going nonstop these days. Rett is doing fine since he had the tubes put in his ears a week ago. It seems to have helped some, he hasn't had any more problems with fluid in his ears. I also noticed that his nose is not as stuffy as before.

Rett's baseball team is now four wins and no loses! They are all quite excited about that. There have been some close calls where they won by one run, never the less they are on a winning streak. With Rett's games on one end of the county and Greyson's on the other we have kept the roads hot driving back and forth. We are all tired by the end of the day when there are games back to back, but I would rather be doing this any day than what we were doing a year ago!! Praise God!!

School is going well for all the kids, Greyson just finished CRCT last week and he will be going on his fourth grade trip next week. I don't know that I look forward to that too much, he hasn't gone out of town unless he has been with family, I know that he will be in good hands with his school it is just hard seeing them grow up. Rett will soon be in first grade, where has the time gone? Kristin is working hard and finishing up spring semester, she is also taking classes during maymester and summer. She hopes to hear back from an internship program for marine biology one of which is out in California.

Thank you for your continued prayers, I see so many of you that are always asking how we are doing and how is Rett. Kip and I are still overwhelmed from your responses. Please pray for all of the children and youth who are trying to make a difference in this world today. Pray that they let God into their hearts and follow his plan for it is only HE that knows our destiny. We love you all.

Kip and Julie

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 8:34 PM CDT

Hello everyone, just want to thank all of you that continue to leave kind words of encouragement to Rett. I realize there are several of our friends and families that take time to check in and may not sign the guest book and that is okay too. We are very thankful for this website because it gives us the opportunity to share with you Rett's many adventures some not so good but many great!

In the last couple of months Rett has had ear infections like most kids do, mostly an accumulation of fluid in his ears. But with Rett's minor hearing loss the fluid just worsens it, so the best option for Rett is to have tubes put in both ears. This will relieve some of the pressure and hopefully help him to hear us better. I think a lot of the problem is the "selective hearing", he hears what he wants to like his brother and daddy. This procedure takes only five minutes and no needle sticks, yea!! Rett has battled worse than this and I'm sure he will be a tough cookie. Thursday morning at SGMC sometime around 10:00 or 11:00 is when they have scheduled this. Please say a little prayer for him.

Rett is really getting into this baseball. He is willing to miss going with his daddy and Greyson to see UGA head football coach because he wants to go to baseball practice his words " If I don't go I won't get to play in my game on Saturday and I need to practice!" Believe me I am so proud of him for his dedication, he trys so hard, and one day we just might see him on T.V. playing professional baseball if that is what he desires.

Greyson and Kristin are wonderful as ever! Greyson is excited about his baseball season about to kick off. I just wish I could get him as excited about bringing home the books. He does very well in school, he just completed a project where he made a diorama and came home with a grade of 100! The only downside was that he forgot about it over spring break and remembered about it on Sunday night before school was to start. I think he learned his lesson on that one. Kristin now has a Minor in chemistry! Yea!!!! She is continuing to pursue with the marine biology degree, hopefully she will hear back from one of the summer internships that she applied for. She recently has a new roomate called huggs. Yes, huggs is a puppy of about four months old, but huggs doesn't answer to the name that Kristin gave her. She answers to here Kitty Kitty. Apparently huggs used to chase the kitty at her former home, so that owner would try to call the kitty. Please don't make me go on about that, I think you've got the picture. Huggs gives Kristin company and a little more responsibilty than she is used, but they make a cute couple.

Sorry that I have rambled on tonight but I hope you have enjoyed the chat and new info. Got to go for now.

Much love,

Thursday, April 6, 2006 7:24 PM CDT

What a beautiful week that God has blessed us with, not a cloud in the sky! We have just been taking it easy and spending some time with the boys. Kip had the fishing fever and so did Greyson and Rett, we actually got grandma to go with us on Monday evening. Rett was not real thrilled with the boat ride the wind was blowing enough to rock the boat we were in and he was not a happy camper with that. Needless to say there were no fish on that trip. But Thursday posed other options, we found a honey hole just the other side of Hahira and boy did they bring in the bluegill! Greyson's friend Zach Moxley had stayed over with the boys and he really enjoyed catching the big one and taking it home to show his mom.

We hope all of you are enjoying some type of spring break yourselves. It is a chance to spend quality time with family and squeeze some "honey do" list in there as well. We are down to three more days before returning back to school and work but it won't be long before the summer break returns so that we can sleep in some more.

May God continue to bless and keep you all safe. Our prayer concerns are for Jake, Tyler, Chandler, Victoria Newsomes family, and Angela. God please touch them in your special way, give them hope and sight to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Please be with my family, it was just two years ago today that our father passed from his life to be with you. Give my mom strength and courage to get up and face the day, not with struggle, but with gratitude. She is loved so much by her children and grandchildren and has so many special friends that care for her when we can't be there. She celebrated her eightieth birthday last week and we want to see her continue to celebrate many more.

With much love,

Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:58 AM CST

Good morning! After a night of dancing and dinning with my two boys, it is time to get up and get going. Greyson has two games today and I can't remember if I have washed his uniform or not. But first I need to update Rett's page, my friend Rea took some time to add new photos from Rett's make a wish trip. Make sure to take a look before you leave today.

Rett's make-a-wish trip was a wish of a lifetime for him! He had a lot of first timers on this trip and so did all the rest of us. First time on an airplane, first time seeing snow in person(that is what Rett said), first time skiing, and a host of other first. We arrived in Montana late on a Sunday night. I think our patience was being tested because we were supposed to land in Montana at 3;40 and we landed at 10:30. I don't think it mattered as long as arrived safely.

What can I say, we were in God's country!! Waking up to snow covered mountains and trees right outside our hotel room. We immediately dressed and went outside, you could have lost ten pounds with all the clothes we had on because your practically sweating by the time you get downstairs. You would have thought that country had come to town when Greyson and Rett laid eyes on the snow for the first time. They dove head first into a mound of snow, all you could hear was them laughing and screeming. They tried to throw snowballs at Kristin but the snow was so soft that it wouldn't form. Her luck!!

I will try to stay on track about our trip, if I ramble please forgive me, everything we did and saw was a new experience for us all. Dax, who is in PR at the hotel, was our contact for the trip. He set up Rett's, Kip's, and my ski lessons and Greyson and Kristin' snowboards.
Well I won't go into detail about our lessons except that we busted it several times and that Rett could not get enough so Dax arranged for Rett to have another full day of lessons.

Make a wish took us by surprise when they also included dogsledding and snowmobiles while we were there. Some of the new pictures are from both our excursions through the wilderness. Dogsledding was a blast! There were six teams of dogs with ten dogs on each sled. The minute the dogs were hooked up to the sled they began to howl and bark like crazy!! They were ready to run. We traveled for about seven miles through untouched snow high on the mountain. This particular day the snow was coming down and we were freezing, but half way through the ride we stopped and had hot chocolate and cookies while the dogs played in the snow for their break.

The snowmobiles were fun aside from taking a wrong turn and going on a more advanced trail. We were fortunate to run into some more snowmobilers that lead us back on the right track. We were in West Yellowstone National Park. While there we toured a bear and wolf center and purchased a couple of souvenirs.

Rett's comment the night before we were to return home was " I sure did pick a good wish trip didn't I?" You sure did baby! We miss all the snow but we are glad to be home. Thanks again wish team for giving Rett the best trip that he will remember for a lifetime and the friends that he met along the way.

God Bless you all.
Julie, Kip, Greyson, Rett and Kristin

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 7:08 AM CST

Hello, All! Julie asked me to place an update on the website this week while they are enjoying the snow in Big Sky, Montana! Last weekend, Rett, Greyson, Kristin, Julie and Kip left south Georgia for Rett's Make-A-Wish trip to Big Sky, Montana! He wanted to see and play in the snow and his dream has come true! He and Greyson have been making snow angels and each time Julie has called me, I can hear the excited chatter and laughter in the background! They are all having a fabulous time! Monday, they had skiing lessons (rumor has it that there is a picture of Principal McLeod landing on his derriere!), dogsledding was Tuesday and bobsledding is today! Julie said that the snow is beautiful, the sky really is big, and the mountains are beyond description!

Thank you, Lord, for allowing this precious boy to enjoy such a wonderful time with his family! What a blessing!


(we'll get pictures posted asap when they return!)

Thursday, March 2, 2006 2:52 PM CST

Wow, what a week this has been! I waited on updating because I did want to include results from Rett's recent Dr.'s visit and to also share some activities that Rett has been apart of.

Rett has officially started t-ball practice and he is so excited!! Monday couldn't get here quick enough, everyday he would ask me "Do I have practice yet?" If you don't know me let me tell you that I am late to most anything. But not Monday, we were at the field thirty minutes before it was to start. Greyson was with us and so we got out on the field with our gloves, bat and ball. Greyson was hitting ground balls to Rett and then Rett would throw them to me at the pitchers mound ( in t-ball you get the ball back to the pitcher so that no one can advance the bases) just to get him use to the rules. We started drawing a crowd of boys that are friends of Greyson's that wanted to play ball but soon ended because of Rett's coaches and the members of the team started showing up for practice.

Rett did really well on catching, hitting and running the bases. I have to tell you though, sitting there and watching him trying so hard and putting all his effort into running just about had me breathless. This wave, I don't know if it was relief or thankfullness for this day, came over me and I just about lost it! For most parents seeing their child play ball for the first time is a thrilling experience and I don't mean to overshadow it by saying this. Seeing Rett out there, knowing that this time last year or the year before that there was no chance in heck that he would ever have the opportunity to play ball, was breathtaking to me! Yes, we prayed and believed that God would heal him, but in the back of my mind there was some doubt. That doubt is gone he can do anything that he sets his mind to.

This Friday Make-A-Wish foundation has offered to give Rett a send off party for him and a few of his close friends at the bowling alley. Jamie has arranged for them to bowl and have some pizza and just hang out. Rett's wish trip is coming up very soon. He wanted to see snow so they are sending us all out to Montana for a few days. Rett has been shopping for his outfit while we were in Gainesville. He picked out all blue, jacket, suit, and hat. He looks like a throw back from the Smurff cartoons. He may not learn how to ski, but he'll sure look good.

Today's visit with Dr. Hunger turned out to be a good one. Rett has platlets in the 244,000 range. They have not been this high in two years almost. All other lab is great. Not much has changed with the scans, we still get the same answer "THey are still the same" which is good in a way. There is no new activity or in other words no new cancer cells. The scar tissue still appears as mature cells but that can be there forever. There is a very slight decrease in size we will just have to compare this report with the last to be truely satisfied that it has in fact decreased. No mention of any other treatment at this time. He asked how was Rett's stamina, my question to him as Rett is pinging off the wall is "YOU Have to ask?" Rett is to return in three months and all he will have to do then is just a CT and lab. We have an awsome God and some very awsome prayer warriors out there praying for his recovery. We thank you so much for continuing to read Rett's update and for your support for our family.

Much love to you all,

Friday, February 17, 2006 11:20 AM CST

Hi everyone! Rett saw the endocrinologist on Monday and mostly all we were told was that he needs some lab work to look at his growth hormone levels. He will probably have this done at his next apt. Rett will have his next scans Feb. 28, March 1 and 2. Please continue to pray for clean scans all over!!

Looks like his make a wish trip is in the works. Rett wants to see some snow and try to ski. We are very thankful for Jamie, Lydia, and Dana for making his wish come true. I'll let you know more about it once the plans are finalized.

Baseball is begining to take off around here. Greyson starts this weekend with a tournament that is being held at the boys club for four local teams and one from out of town. Rett has not started practice yet for his team but he keeps the bat hot around the house, he can't wait to start with his team. Kristin has only one more home game at the Complex and two more out of town games before they will know the standings to go into the playoffs. We wish her a great last season of college ball. Kip is enjoying the job at HMS he has a great team of teachers that support him and a great community in which to work.

Thank you for your prayers to our family, we thank God for each and everyone of you!!

Much love,

Friday, February 10, 2006 7:39 AM CST

Good morning to all. We heard from Rett's doctor about his lab work the other day. Rett's T-cell count is up to 800 which is good news and he does not have to take Septra anymore!! The T-cells help him fight off fungal infections that can caused the PCP pneumonia that he contracted last June. Most cancer patients T-cells are low while they are on chemotherapy and they are at risk for a majority of infections that most of us never incur. His thyroid level is a little elevated and we will discuss this with the endocrinologist on Monday Febuary the 13th.

Our prayers are being answered daily and that is what it takes, one day and one step at the time. We continue to pray for all of Rett's friends and family from Shand's that they too will have their prayers answered and their pain and suffering will be taken away. That they will grow into healthy and happy boys and girls.

Thanks you for all your continued prayers and support. May God bless and keep you safe.

Much love,

Monday, February 6, 2006 7:41 AM CST

Hello again! Wishing you all a very good week. Rett has been doing great, as I told you last week he no longer has to take the acyclovir but continues to take the septra until we hear back from the Dr's. He is very thankful for that. Hopefully when the septra is discontinued he won't have an upset stomach so much.

Rett has been asked to participate in an upcoming event scheduled for March 5th in Gainesville it is called Cure By Design. This event is hosted by the American Cancer Society to raise money for cancer research at Shand's. Rett along with other cancer survivers will be in a fashion show to be held at the Phillips Center. We attended a luncheon on Sunday where he recieved his packet of information and clothing assignments. I'm not sure how well this is going to go over with Rett but one day he will understand the importance of these fund raising events. I hope that we can get involved in one here locally to do the same.

This fund raising event is not for Rett or any one person, it is for The American Cancer Society and for cancer research. Rett will be raising money for this event, if any of you are intrested in making a donation to the American Cancer Society Cure By Design you can make checks payable to: The American Cancer Society you may also specifly on your check which area of cancer research that you would want your donation distributed to. This is all tax deductable and you will receive confirmation from them. If you are interested in participating you can mail donations to me (Julie McLeod P.O. box 1433 Valdosta, Ga 31603) I will be glad to take them to Gainesville at our next meeting or you can mail them directly to American Cancer Society Attention: Cure by Design 2119 SW 16 Street Gainesville, Fl 32608 telephone # 352-376-6886 extention 110. Again, this is not a donation for Rett. It is strictly for cancer research.

In some way or another we have all known someone with cancer. It might have been a family member, friend, or neighbor that was diagnosed with this disease. Some are curable others are not and it takes funds to continue the studies for the cures. I am reaching out to each one of you that read this. That is what this page is all about getting the word out and maybe today the word is not about Rett but about millions of other children and adults that need our help. My prayer today is that I have touched just one of you with my plea to make a donation to the ACS for the future of cancer research.

May God bless each and everyone of you today and everday.

Much love, Julie

Monday, January 30, 2006 7:16 PM CST

Hi all! Just want to fill you in on the latest update that we have. Rett and I went to Gainesville today to the bone marrow clinic for his yearly check-up. I mistakenly wrote that he had to see the endocrinologist, that appt. isn't until the 13th of Feb. Anyway, Rett saw Dr. Staba and Jill today and they were all amazed at how much he has changed and grown. I guess being with him everyday Kip and I don't see it as much as everyone else does. Rett had to have lab work done and he is so good when they have to stick him, we were worried that this would be an ordeal for him once the port was removed but once again he has proved us wrong.

The preliminary lab showed very good results, his platelets are at 188,000 the highest so far, there are some pending labs that they will call us about later. Overall things look very good. Rett was told today that he does not have to take acyclovir anymore. He has been taking this antiviral medicine for over a year now. He will continue to take Septra until the Dr.'s see the rest of the labs.

Rett will now have to see his local pediatrician and have his imunizations since the ones that he had prior to the diagnoses are void and because he never received his four year old shots. And they told us today that he will need to make a visit with an opthalmologist to check on any vision problems. Rett sees just fine, the only thing he can't see the toys that I point out he needs to pick up!

Overall I would say that we had a pretty successful day at the doctor's office and I pray for many more in the days to come. Thank you for all of your powerful prayers and continued support for my family. God bless all of you!

Much love, Julie

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:03 PM CST

Hello friends and family! Rett recieved some exciting news just the other day, he will get to play T-ball this spring for the first time!! Most of the boys in his class are on a baseball team and they have asked him to be on their team and he can't wait. Rett has already picked the number that he wants to be on his shirt, it is number fourteen, because Shaw is number 13. I think Shaw, John Micheal, Levi, and Micheal are just as excited as Rett. He has made some great friends with these little boys. Rett tells me that the name of the team is the Armadillo's. I will definately keep you posted as practice and games begin.

When Kristin and I planned on going to a class downtown we also found out that there was a karate class going on for kids in the same room. Well you can guess that the boys jumped right on that. Rett joined in with one group kicking and jabbing with all that karate stuff and Greyson singled up with one instructor learning balance and control. I just hope that Greyson has control when it comes to Rett. I wasn't aware of how much a role discipline plays in karate and that karate is for defense only. Well you know what happened when we got home, they both started high kicking and jabbing at one another, self defense you think? Boys!! I love them.

I finally got one of my photo books together after almost two years of putting it off. When we first went to Shand's the one thing I noticed of other patients was that they carried around photo albums with pictures of their days at the hospital. I'm ashamed to say that I didn't. I wasn't ashamed of Rett or what he was going through, being there everday and seeing the pain he was in was not what I wanted to be reminded of in pictures. Sitting around on Tuesday's rainy day I drummed up the courage to meet that task head on. I was determined to go through every single picture and put them in order in a album. This was not a part of life that we would be able to forget no matter how much we wanted to. I felt there was someone tugging at me to do it and face it. God has been there for us since day one, He has given us directions on which path to follow, why wouldn't he be here with me while I put this album together? He was. that is why it was easy to see these past reminders of Rett's health and see where he is today. Alive and with us and we are so very happy and thankful for God's amazing grace.

We will have an appointment on Monday with the endocrinologist to evaluate Rett's growth chart. We hope and pray that the chemo and radiation have not affected his growth pattern in any way. We will keep you posted on the results. God bless all of you and thank you for your continued prayers for Rett.

Much love, Julie

Monday, January 16, 2006 1:27 PM CST

Hi friends! The updates have been few and far between I know, but we have really tried to focus on getting back into the swing of our normal routines. Both of the boys started school last week and the staying up late at night has come to an end. Now early to bed and early to rise are the priorities around here.

Rett continues to excel in school and his report card this past nine weeks was proof of it. Greyson made honor roll on his report card and we are very proud of both of them. Kristin has started back at VSU with a full load of classes. She was one of the starters at the last home game and scored seven points that game. This is her last season to play and we are so fortunate that we have been able to go to all the home games.

Rett returns to Shand's in January to meet with and endocrinologist and for his yearly bone marrow check up with Dr. Staba. He will have scans again around the first of March. We continue to pray for the NED(no evidence of disease) and for all our other friends and families that continue to battle cancer.

Thanks to all of you that continue to read and respond to Rett's page with your words of encouragement and inspiration. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. God Bless.

Julie and Kip

Monday, January 2, 2006 6:48 PM CST

Happy New Year! We hope everyone has had a good holiday season and a chance to visit with friends and family I know that we did. It sure was nice to be home for Christmas and New Year's this year, we spent every minute that we could with our families and ate way too much food!

On Christmas Eve we had a surprise visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus. They came by early in the evening to see the boys, Kristin, and some of their friends that were here. He was dressed in his Santa suit and he even brought them all a gift to start the night off right. We enjoyed having my mom, my brother and his family, and a few friends over for dinner. Just being able to have them all around us at this time was wonderful. Christmas day came very early the next morning the kids were up at the crack of dawn ready to open presents and see what Santa left them.

For the New Year we were able to take the boys to Nashville, Tenn. and see the sights. We stopped in Chattanooga to see Ruby Falls and Rock City and then on to Nashville. It was great! The weather couldn't have been any better and the view of the mountains was breathtaking. I can remember when I was little and my parents took me their we went to one of the resturants and saw Boots Randalph. I will never forget having my first shirley temple there. We took the boys to the Crazy Horse on Saturday for lunch and Craig Morgan was going through his sound check for his performance that night. You never know who you might see in that town. On New Year's Eve night we had told the boys that we were taking them to a surprise concert but didn't tell them until that night that they were going to see Big and Rich/Brooks and Dunn. They went crazy! They were even able to meet them before the concert. We had to pull a lot of strings but it was worth it. At one point Kip and I weren't sure that it would be possible but someone was looking out for them.

We met a couple from Ohio while there and if they are reading this I just want to let them know that we are praying for you and the your upcoming transplant. We will be in touch with you soon.

Rett is doing fine and will go back to Shand's this month for a follow up appointment in the bone marrow unit. On January 3 this will be a birthday for Rett, even though his actual birthday is in July, this is the day that he had his bone marrow transplant. The procedure that occured after his last chemo was for his stem cells to be returned back to his body, the gift of life was given back to him. Without this he would not be here with us today. With God's grace and great love and with all of your prayere our little boy is alive and living today his life to the fullest. God Bless all of you and thank you for your blessings to our family.

Much love,
Julie and Kip

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 11:36 AM CST

Well it's not but a few more days until Santa arrives and the the boys and Kristin are going crazy!! The days have been busy trying to get that last minute shopping done and realizing that you forgot one more thing and its back to town again. We have tried not to get caught up in the frenzy but to realize the most important gift of all is the birth of our Savior and the joy and blessings He has given us.

Kip and Greyson have been at Redmac baseball camp most of the week getting ready for baseball season, it is just around the corner. There has been a good turn out of young baseball players, as well as a few graduates from Lowndes High returning to help out with pitching and catching, it gives the kids a break from sitting in front of the t.v. and a chance to show off what they have learned.

We have heard from Kristin several times since she has been in Hawaii. She said the weather was beautiful and that it was around 80 degrees, how wonderful is that? She has had the opportunity to go snorkling and surfing. They have done alot of sight seeing and attended a few luaus. We must not forget why they are over there and that is to play basketball. They were beaten last night and will have another game today, maybe their luck will change on the next game. Maybe they are having a hard time concentrating you think?

We talked with Tyler Youst's mom and he and his family were able to go to their home in Orland for Christmas and he will start the radiation therapy in the next week or two. What a blessing for all of them!! Please remember them in your prayers this holiday season and all the other families that continue to fight these and many other battles for it is with God's strength and guidence that we can and do get through these trials.

God Bless and Merry Christmas,
The McLeods

Monday, December 12, 2005 7:42 AM CST

Merry Christmas to all! I am finally in the Christmas spirit. Rett had his scans last week in Gainesville sometimes just focusing on that appointment keeps you from thinking about anything else. The scans are stable at this time which means that there has not been any change in them in the last 9 months. Dr. Hunger said that this is a good indication that it is only scar tissue that remains from the initial surgery a year ago. Rett's platelet count continues to improve greatly and all other labs are fine. There is one iron level that will be monitored and that can easily be taken care of if it continues to increase. Rett will go back in January for a bone marrow biopsy and then rescan in March. God contines to watch over him and we will trust in him to get us through all of this.

The boys are ready for the Christmas break they have been making crafts at school and are looking forward to their Christmas parties at school on Friday. Kristin will be traveling with the Lady Blazers to Hawaii this Friday to play in a tournament, what a blast that will be!! Can you just imagine soaking up the sun in the middle of December on a beautiful island? I can picture her now, she will be swimming in that wonderful ocean with the dolphins her dreams will be coming true. Kip is enjoying his job at Hahira Middle School, I met several of the teachers at their Christmas party and they have welcomed our whole family with open arms.

God has blessed us in so many ways and I am so thankful he is in our lives, without him we would be lost. Thank you for your prayers. May you have a very Merry Christmas.

Much love, Julie

Saturday, December 3, 2005 8:24 PM CST

Hello everyone. We have had a good week despite the wreck we had and trying to get repair work on my car. We are very thankful that no one was hurt in either vehicle. We shall overcome and move on, this is just a bump in the road.

This was not from the wreck, but Rett will have to back off from the candy and bubble gum for a while. I guess from all the chemo and everything else he was taking it has caused some damamge to his teeth. He had a severe tooth ache that sent him to the dentist on Wednesday, she said that he will need to have two of his teeth pulled. We will take him to the dentist next week to have this done. It will be for the best as to not have any major damage to the gums.

On the up swing, Greyson and Rett started their guitar lessons on Friday. They can now play jingle bells, twinkle, twinkle, little star, and Rett is playing hot cross buns. They were very excited about that and played those songs all night long. They say that with the help of Greyson's friend Tyler, and a few others, that next year they will have a band to play in the school talent show. I guess we will have to become their roadies if the girls don't.

We celebrated Greyson's tenth birthday along with Tyler today here at our house. About fifteen of their friends showed up and they had a blast! I hope they continue to come out to our house and have more goodtimes like today. Kip and I love watching all of them play football, baseball or just taking a fishing pole out to the pond and catching a big one. We could all learn from them, how to laugh and enjoy life. We are so blessed to have them.

I talked to my friend Angela tonight, her son Tyler has neuroblastoma, they have been in the bone marrow unit since November 15 and they recieved great news today. Tylers blood counts are up and he may even get out of the unit on Monday or Tuesday!!!! He is doing great and is off of the antibiotics he is up playing and eating. They will continue to stay in Gainesville for the next 3-4 weeks to get radiation and for follow up appt. Let's all continue to pray for his quick recovery during this healing process.

When you find out that your child has cancer and you start preparing for his treatment the days ahead are very long almost like you are treading water for months at the time. It takes every effort just to reach the waters edge. And when you feel that you can reach out and touch land you are sucked back out again to find your strength and see just how strong you really are and how badly you want to pull yourself back in. I guess what I'm trying to say is, once you have endured the treatment and get to that final chemo and transplant you think that it is finally over but it's not. You still have to prepare for the radiation and the follow up scans. Your watching every little cough, fever, stomach ache holding your breath until the doctor says that he is okay and that it is just a cold. You begin to relax and as you do, the waters edge is reachable again and this time you just might get to stay there for awhile and enjoy having both feet on land.

I pray for Angela to reach that edge and hold on as tight as she can and I pray for Tyler to be healed from his cancer. God has watched over them and us through this. He has blessed us with wonderful friends and family and we thank you. We know that you were there to pull us to the edge.

Much love and blessings to you all, Julie

Monday, November 28, 2005 3:40 PM CST

Hi everyone! Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving, we certainly did and of course ate way too much turkey. Rett did get the turkey leg that he enjoys so much and Greyson is still eating the sweet potato pie that he craves. We were able to spend most of the day with Kip's family down at his sisters house. There was so much food prepared by Debbie, Grandma, and Mrs. Murphy and it was all delicious. I missed cooking it here at home only because there were no left overs to eat the rest of the week. After lunch we thought we could get in a little nap but the kids all wanted to go on a hay ride. It was a beautiful day to be out riding in the fields and looking at all that we should be thankful for.

This past weekend we went to Atlanta to see the Vikings play the semi final football game and they won!! They are such and extraordinary group of young boys, they have worked hard to get this far. We hope they go all the way and win the state championship that will be hosted here on Saturday night. Go Vikings!

While we were there we were able to take the boys on a carriage ride through the Olympic Park and site see around the down town area. It was really beautiful with all the Christmas lights and decorations and just the lights of the city. I did manage to get some shopping done with the three of them at the mall but it wasn't easy. Rett and Greyson saw Santa Claus and they put in their request for Christmas. Me and Kip just wanted everyone to be healthy and happy.

We will take Rett back to Shands on December 7th and 8th for the scans and lab work. The great news is that Rett will not have to have a bone marrow biopsy this time and that is a blessing. Thanks again for all of your prayers. God bless.

Julie, Kip, Greyson, Kristin, and Rett

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:27 AM CST

Another week has rolled around and Thanksgiving is just a few days away. We have so much to be thankful for and that is that we are home and with our family enjoying life. Most of you remember last year this time Rett had spent almost six weeks in the hospital after his surgery and we were so lucky to come home two days before Thanksgiving. I know all the prayers that were sent up to Rett and the rest of his family is what got him home. Let us not forget those children and their families that are experiencing the same circumstances that we did, let us pray for their healing and speedy recovery so that they too can get home to their family. Tyler Youst and his mother Angela are now in the bone marrow unit at Shand's in Gainesville. He will be recieving his transplant and last chemotherapy while there. They will be in the unit probably 3-4 weeks.

I have just recently come in contact with two other families going through the neuroblastoma fight. If you care to visit their website go to http://www.amazinhazen.com, he is in N.Y. and www.caringbridge.org/trentonsjourney. As many of you that kept up with Rett, you will be able to relate to what these families are dealing with and how much they need your prayers. God is by their side and walking them every step of the way.

The kids here are doing fine, they are ready for the break next week. Rett can't wait to eat the turkey leg. Greyson will turning 10 on the 30th of this month, he is growing up so fast, and changing daily. It seemed just yesterday he was a baby and now he is my big baby!! Kristin played a great game last night at VSU they won against Albany State. They are scheduled to play again this weekend here at the complex, so come out and support the lady blazers!!

We hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and God bless you.

Julie, Kip, Kristin, Greyson, and Rett

Thursday, November 10, 2005 4:04 PM CST

Hello again, thanks for taking time to visit Rett's page. He is doing well in school and he is beginning to read!!! It is really amazing to see him sit down and read to us at night. Rett has looked forward to this day for a very long time and it finally came for him.

Rett and Greyson had their fall festival last Saturday and they had a great time, they now have two goldfish to show for it. Kip and I took the boys to a motel so that they could go swimming, Rett had not been since his port was removed, well that was not such a good idea. Even though it was 80 degrees outside the pool was more like 50 degrees. Well you know that lasted about as long as it took for them to turn blue.

Baseball season is over for Greyson, he pitched a no hitter on their last game, so for now we are chillin. Kristin starts the Blazer season tonight in Jacksonville, Fla. we will be cheering her on. This is her last year to play and she is ready to start on her career. She will miss basketball and her friends but I think she is ready to make her own money.

Please be in prayer for MargretAnn and Lee Newsome, Victoria will be missed by all.

God bless, Julie, Kip, Greyson,Rett, and Kristin

Sunday, November 6, 2005 10:38 AM CST

Please be in prayer for the Victoria Newsome family. The family needs all your blessings of prayer in the days, weeks, and months to come.
God bless you, Julie, Kip, Krisitn, Greyson, and Rett

Thursday, November 3, 2005 9:20 AM CST

Please forgive me for the very late update no excuses, it's just that we are being a normal family. Ballgames, school, and lots of yard work. Nothing more than all the rest of you are probably doing yourselves.

God is keeping this family blessed, Rett is doing well in school although he has begun to ask me when will he get a day off. He did have an incident the other day when they were out of school. He and Greyson were up in their room playing, Yu-gi-oh cards I thought, oh no they were playing airplane and Rett was the plane. Of course this was all an accident, but when Greyson released Rett to fly across the room, Rett landed against the bed and one of his front teeth came flying out!! Some plane ride. Anyway we rushed to the dentist and the x-ray showed that it was just a baby tooth and not anything to worry about.

Halloween was a hoot!! We had a party here for the boys and their friends on Saturday night with music and food, they danced their feet off. There was a hay ride on the trailer and as we made our way through the woods Kristin, Carter, Ben, Chip, and Chase ran out in costumes and scared all of us. I think the older kids had the most fun.
Then on Monday night Greyson dressed as a Egyptian skeleton and Rett went as, you know it, Spiderman. We went to a friends neighborhood to trick or treat and boy did they get some treats!

We have had a great deal of good times lately and I can only thank God for giving us this time. Rett will have scans again in early December and we must continue to pray for good reports. Please continue to also pray for two little boys, Tyler Youst and Ehan Hensley, Ehan is just getting out of the bone marrow unit at Shands for neuroblastoma and will be receiving radiation. Tyler will be going in on Nov. 14th for his transplant. They are very special people to us. And one last request to all of you, there will be a fund raising event held on November 12 at the Valwood school here in Valdosta to help raise money for Victoria Newsome. She was diagnoses with a brain tumor in 2004, it has since returned in her precious body. The family needs all the support we can give them at this time. There is so much that affects a family when an illness such as this attacks one of your children, you have to much pride to ask for help, and that is where we need to step in and help them. The person to contact is Becky Wetherington (229)242-8491 during the day or Chuck Glassmire at (229)245--8861. I feel that in some way or another we can contribute to this much need fundraiser,but most important is to please pray for Victoria and her family.

God bless you, Love Julie, Kip, Greyson, Kristin, and Rett

Thursday, October 20, 2005 3:43 PM CDT

Hi there, just a short update to let you all know that Rett has almost completed one week of school! He has loved being at school with his friends, eating pizza at the lunch room, and going to art classes just like Greyson.

So far I haven't had much of a problem with Rett not wanting to go to school, but that could change in the years to come. Mom is doing well after the initial shock of not having him around the house. I had to quickly get motivated, for all I could see was myself walking around inside the house not knowing what to do first. And that would have resulted in nothing being accomplished.

I just heard that Jake Miller is in New York again with his mom Kim, they will have to be there for three weeks. Please pray for Jake's strength and for the courage to beat the neuroblastoma, and for his bodies complete recovery. I also want to mention another friend of Rett's, Tyler Youst, who is also fighting neuroblastoma he is to soon go through the stem cell transplant in G'ville around Nov. These little guys and their families need to be lifted up in prayer daily.

GOD bless, Julie

Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:41 AM CDT

Hello everyone. I have to tell you that Wednesday was an exciting day for Rett, he returned to school for the first time in over a year! Of course I wanted to break down and cry a river, which I did, but Rett managed through the day with flying colors. The night before his big day at school he was busy putting together his bookbag, folders, and pencil bag, he also wanted me to make sure that he had money for his lunch. I tried to convince him to only go for a half day but he insisted that he was going to stay until I picked Greyson up at the right time. Funny how you want to continue to keep them in that bubble that he was in for so long, well he popped it yesterday and let me know that he could handle it. Greyson will watch after him and that is reasuring for me at home knowing that big brother is there if Rett needs him.

Not long ago Rett's teacher Ms. Debbie arranged for Rett and Greyson to receive a special phone call from a very popular music group that the boys like and during that conversation they discovered that Rett wanted to be a ROCK STAR! I don't know if Kip and I can handle that or not. Anyway this particular music performer said that he would send Rett and Greyson something special in the mail. On the day Rett started school he came home to find a guitar sent from Big and Rich, what a surprise to come home to!! I guess now we will have to find someone to teach this boy some guitar lessons. The music group were very nice over the phone, they encouraged Rett to live life to the fullest but the most touching words that they spoke came from a prayer that they said for all of us.

Prayer is what has gotten us here today. Without it and without belief in Jesus Christ we are going nowhere. We thank all of you for your prayers and love for our family. Rett will beat this and he will be a surviver to tell about it!

Much love, Julie, Kip, Kristin, Greyson, and Rett

Friday, October 7, 2005 7:17 AM CDT

The port is out!!! Rett is not the only one that is glad, we are all happy for him. Now he can feel like a normal kid again, he will even start to go to school next Wednesday for half days at first then all day.

He doesn't have to go back to the Dr.'s in Gainesville until December. At that time they will repeat the scans and routine lab work. We can only thank God and the many prayers for this miracle. This is just a start to a new life for Rett and the rest of us, not to say that all of this is over, but for now we can rest a little easier.

God bless all of you. Please keep those prayers coming. Much love, Julie, Kip, Greyson, Kristin, and Rett

Wednesday, October 5, 2005 6:00 AM CDT

We have some really great news to share with you, Rett will get his port out on Thursday, yes this Thursday!!! I can't believe that this has been a part of his little body for over a year. Hopefully it has served its purpose for now. Rett is so excited he even asked the doctor if he could take it out in the office but of course he said no. This should not take but a few minutes to remove and then Rett will go to the recovery room and then home. Dr. Chin said that he maybe sore for one or two days and thats it. Funny how careful you have to be with the port, change the dressings, flush the line everyday, but when it is time for the thing to come out, thats it, your done!

Rett may even be able to start school next week, the Dr.'s will send forms for him to go for half day then extend to a full day. Rett will let us know what he is ready for, I just have to let him go and let God watch over him.

Everyone else is excited and ready to move on to whats next!

Please pray for a safe removal of Rett's port and all the little ones out there pray for their cure and safety.

More updates later. Much love, Julie, Kip, Kristin, Greyson, and Rett.

Friday, September 30, 2005 10:46 AM CDT

Hello there! Rett is doing well these days, for the past couple of mornings he attended his school to be apart of his class while they had some guest speakers. Several of his new classmates were very excited to see him and many of them asked Rett how he was feeling. Ms. Freeman and Ms.Wisenbaker have really made Rett feel apart of their class even though he is not attending on a regular basis and they keep the childen in the class informed on what Rett is doing at home and that he will joining them soon.

We finally have an appointment with the surgeon to discuss when Rett will have his port removed. We will go to G'ville on Tuesday Oct. 4 and he can't wait! Hopefully we can schedule this to happen sooner than later. Keep your fingers crossed.

As for the rest of us, we are steadily going full force with baseball for Greyson and basketball coming up for Kristin. We are very proud of all of them, they try very hard to excell in their school work, drawing, sports and work. But they surprise us even more for their care and concerns not only for each other but for others with special needs. Either I see or hear of them taking special time to give attention to a classmate or friend in need. If my children have learned anything from Rett's battle with cancer it is that they have seen the struggles, the desire to survive, and the care that is necessary for all children undergoing treatment of any kind.

We are learning to live each day fully and not take anything for granted and that we must continue to grow in God's way. Thank you for all of your prayers for our family. We love you, Julie, Kip, Greyson, Rett, and Kristin

Monday, September 19, 2005 2:51 PM CDT

Hello again hope all of you had a great weekend. Our baseball party on Saturday was a blast! The boys on the team stayed in the pool from 3:00-9:00 that night, they all looked like a bunch of prunes when they finally got out. We have a wonderful group of parents and team members that work well together and we think of those boys as our own. All though Rett couldn't get completely wet he jumped to Kip several times just to get in on the fun. He was smart, he sat back and let Greyson get in all the "belly busters" that he could handle.

I heard from Dr. Hunger on Friday he wants to get a couple more labs on Rett and once those results are in and the levels are normal we will schedule a time to talk the surgeon. We are all so excited that Rett's port maybe out within 2-3 weeks!!!! Hopefully once it is out he will be able to go on his "Make a wish trip," we are not sure just where he will get to go but right now anywhere that he can go swimming and see Spiderman is fine with him.

Rett continues to work with "Miss Debbie" two days a week after school and we even take him to her class after school is out and he works on the success maker program. The work that he does on the computer test what he has learned so far.

As for the rest of the gang, we are doing well and staying busy. We will continue to update with new info when we have it. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and prayers, if you only knew just how helpful they are to me and Kip. There are days that we drag our feet and mope around worring about whats to come of this, but honestly when we received all the messages last week I felt like a sudden motivation kicked in and things weren't as gloomy as I thought.

Please also lift up Tyler Yousts in your prayers tonight. He has neuroblastoma like Rett, his mom and I becamee friends and we stay in contact with each other. Tyer had his tumor removed last Friday in Orlando, from what I understand they removed a large amount of the tumor and he is doing well. They are a wonderful Christian family and believe in the power of prayer!! How wonderful it is. Have a blessed day.

Thursday, September 15, 2005 10:01 AM CDT

WOW!!! What an outpouring of response and prayers from all of you, thank you so much!! Kip and I wanted to share Rett's webpage with Lowndes County Schools again and for all of you to see the "New Rett" with Greyson, Kristin, and of course the new member of our family, Peaches. Please pass along the web address to your friends.

Everyone is doing well, I still haven't heard back from Rett's Dr. about our next step. I do know that they are discussing when he will have his port removed and that they will want to repeat the scans sometime in November. Once his port is out there is talk about Rett returning to school. Rett's teacher, Debbie Freeman, is very excited about how fast he has caught on with his school work and about how hard they have been working together to keep him up to speed.

Greyson is finding out that 4th grade gives a little more homework than he would like but he is doing great. Baseball is keeping him busy on the weekends but he still gets to hang out with all his friends, most of them are on the team. We will be having a team party for them this Sat. at one of the parents house, grilling and swimming, he can't wait!

Kristin continues at VSU, school and basketball have kept her quite busy these days. We haven't seen her much but we talk often and she hangs out with us when she can.

Again, thanks for the many e-mails and kind words, we look forward to reading them and telling the kids that you all have asked about them. When we have more news about the outcome of the last results we will fill you in.
Much love and God bless, Julie and Kip.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 3:36 PM CDT

**NEW PHOTOS 9/13/05**

Hi everyone, as promised I am trying to update more often with more news about Rett and the rest of the gang. We returned home Monday from G'ville after Rett had the bone marrow aspiration and he is feeling fine. It will be a few days before we get the final report on that and on some of his other lab work. The bone scan did however come back negative and the CT scan stated that there was a slight decrease in size. The main scan that still concerns us is the MIBG, this is used especially for neuroblastoma, there is an area that tend to show activity and I have a call in to Rett's Dr. to clarify the report for us. I will let you know what he says. All we can ask for is continued prayer for Rett and his complete healing. Thank you for visiting RETT'S PAGE look for more new pictures in the next few days.

Much love, Julie

Friday, September 9, 2005 3:33 PM CDT

Hello! I know that the updates are few and far between lately but that just means Rett is doing well and enjoying life. And that is what he needs.

Last weekend we were invited to attend camp R.O.C.K.(reach out to cancer kids) hosted in Orlando, Fla. While Kip and I went to seminars, Greyson and Rett were in groups with kids their own ages, Kristin on the other hand shopped around Downtown Disney with her friend Jenelle. The time together was wonderful, we had a beautiful room with a pool that was just unbelieveable. On Sunday Rett had the chance to choose which theme park at Disney that he wanted to go to and so we all went to MGM studios, what a treat! Our journey ended bittersweet but reality was in Valdosta and we returned home only wanting to return to Orlando.

Our week ahead would end with Rett returning to G'ville for his three month scans. The great news is that his lab results from the blood work showed that his counts were up the highest ever!! Platelets were at 142,000!!! At this time we do not have the scans back and Rett still has to have a bone marrow biopsy on Monday the 12th. Dr. Hunger was very pleased with how Rett was feeling, so much that he even said that Rett would probably be able to go to school if the scans were okay. I'm not sure how I really feel about that, but I'm sure he wouldn't suggest it if he didn't think Rett was not ready. The question is is Mama ready?

The one I should be thankful to is God above for without him our prayers would have gone unanswered. There are times that I keep myself and try to keep Kip, from getting too excited. We have to keep praying and believing everday that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. And he will be there I promise!!

God Bless, Julie and Kip

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:14 AM CDT

Good Morning!! Just a short update today. Friday Rett went to his school to have his picture made with his classmates, he was so excited to be there. His class was having show and tell when he first arrived so he sat down with all of them and watched while they talked about the things that they brought from home. He really enjoyed being there, he didn't even notice that I was around. He needs to get in there as soon as the Dr's will let him, he misses being in school. Rett continues to do well with his home school teacher, the work that she brings for him keeps him busy.

Greyson has jumped head first into the 4th grade, he has more homework or maybe just more to know than in the past. Maybe mom will be a little smarter herself with all this school work here in the house. Greyson is also playing baseball and plays with his teamates in a league in Madison, Fl on Saturdays. He really pitched a great game and had several RBI's in last Saturdays game. Soon he will be pitching like his daddy.

Kristin has started practice with the Blazers and classes are keeping her busy. She continues to work part time at Bruster's. We hope to see her playing this season and traveling to some of her out of town games, more than we were able to last year.

Thanks for all your prayers and God bless. Julie

Thursday, August 18, 2005 6:07 PM CDT

Finally!!! We are up and running. Thank you all for continuing to write to us even though we were unable to update from home. We have been truly blessed this summer, Rett, Greyson and Kristin are all doing great. We have had some well needed family time and I continue to pray for more. Rett has finished the last round of Retin A, which was one of the medication that he has been on since Feb., and is only taking two at this time. The first week in Sept. is when the scans are due and we can only hope for great news. Rett has gained about 3-4 pounds, he should, he is eating four ice cream cones a day!! He is beginning to enjoy school, things were tough the first few days, he would tell me that he just didn't want to do homework. He loves playing with peaches and can't wait to take her with us when we go pick Greyson up at his school. Kip is enjoying his new job as principle at HMS he just can't stand these gas prices.

I just have to tell all of you this again, thank you so much for your support, kind words, and prayers that you have extended to our family, you don't know how much these simple things mean to us. Whenever I am out with Rett there is always someone that ask "How's he doing?" and just knowing that he is still being thought of and prayed for and that he is in your heart makes this battle somewhat easier to handle. I was watching him just today and as he looked at me, I felt that I was seeing the Rett I knew before. His eyes were bright, his skin was rosy, his laughter so full of joy, and his smile showed no pain. I hope that all of these positive traits are an indication that God is working in Rett's favor and ours.

God Bless you! Julie, Kip, Greyson, Rett, and Kristin

Thursday, August 11, 2005 12:48 AM CDT

Julie asked me to update the page. They have ordered a computer and hopefully will be up and running soon.

The McLeods have been very busy with back-to-school!! Kip is the new principal of Hahira Middle, Greyson started 4th grade (FOURTH GRADE!) and Rett is enrolled in homebound kindergarten. WOW!! Time flies, doesn't it!!

Rett's teacher, Debbie Freeman, comes to the house 2 days a week and Rett really enjoys his time with her. He has learned to spell 'one,' 'two,' and 'Rett.' Julie said that one night his medicine had gotten him a little hyped up and he got up in the middle of the night to work on his "homework!" What a hoot!!

He will return to Gainesville the Tuesday after Labor Day for re-scanning and tests so keep him in your prayers. For those of you who haven't seen him lately, he is sporting a beautiful head of brown hair....and, as always, that mischievious, flirty grin!

God Bless!

Monday, July 25, 2005 9:54 AM CDT


Yep, Rett is a big 5 years old today!! He has a gorgeous head of hair now and is gaining weight and looking great!!
And giving his new puppy, Peaches, lots of sugar!!!

Keep him in your prayers as he has a checkup scheduled for July 28 and then scans in late August.

God Bless,


Thursday, July 14, 2005 3:20 PM CDT

Hello everyone we are up and running on this computer finally!! Thank you all for being patient with us and our updates, and I thank Rea for keeping things going while we were without our much needed computer.

Rett has been doing very well since he has been off of the antibiotics we continue to check his labs weekly with the great help of Kay Vicent from first Amer. drugs. Kay has been a God send, knowing that she can come out to the house and draw labs or whatever is needed and then fax everything back to our doctors and Rett can just stay in his p.j's and watch cartoons. Rett enjoys her company and like it when she tells him about the time she held a koala bear. Rett will go back on July 28 for a check up and then scans late August. We did receive good news last week, his platelet count was almost 105,000 which is the highest they have been since starting chemo a year ago. Prayers are being answered.

This past weekend we went to Jekyll Island, Kip had a meeting so it turned into a minivaction for me and the boys. We spent time with family and friends and were able to be on the beach much of the time. Greyson was busy showing the Taylor and the Samaras girls how to boogie board. You noticed I said girls, thats all there is now. Even Rett danced for almost 2 hours with "the girls" at one of the dinners that we attended. We found ourselves laughing while watching them dance every dance, I guess laugh now cry later. Their smiles showed just how much fun they were having.

Oh! I forgot, we have a new addition to our family and her name is Peaches, she was officially adopted last thursday from the pound. Kip and the boys were by there about two weeks ago and found this puppy, I had to be the bad guy and say no, but sucker that I am, I stopped by the pound thinking that if she was so cute someone would have probably taken her. Wrong! there she was this 12 week old puppy staring at me with big black eyes cute as a button and the boys beside me saying "can we have her, Please," well you know what happened next, she now sleeps not on a cold concrete floor, but a leapord skin pillow and plays with two happy boys. I guess this is all for now, thank you for continuing to read our crazy pages and for praying for our family we would be so lost without your continued support. God bless you in all that you do and may he keep you safe from harm. Julie, Kip, Greyson, Rett and Kristin

Friday, June 24, 2005 7:16 AM CDT

Good Morning, Everyone! Julie just called me and asked me to update the website.

The McLeods arrived in Tampa/St. Pete yesterday (6/23) and boy, are they having a great time already!! They visited the indoor aquarium and saw lots of spectacular sites. Julie said Rett really enjoyed it in there and was able to run around, had no breathing problems whatsoever! But the beach story is what they most want to share with everyone.

When they first walked out on the beach yesterday, Rett was walking around, squishing his toes in the sand, and then just began squealing and yelling like a baby! No, nothing was wrong. It was pure EXCITEMENT!! Intermixed among his squealing, he would yell out "THANK YOU, MAMA...THANK YOU, DADDY, THANK YOU, MAMA...THANK YOU, DADDY!" Julie said that he said it over and over and over. Obviously, Rett was needing this trip just as bad as everyone else! It is so easy for us to forget how much the little things (like being outside)mean to us, until we can't do them. Rett has had to stay inside for so long that just a walk on the beach seems like heaven to him. What a lesson we can learn from this! (and THANK YOU, LORD!)

While playing on the beach, Rett and Greyson found seashells, saw a live starfish, and just enjoyed the fresh air. Rett didn't have one bit of trouble breathing! That's the power of prayer!!

When Julie called me this morning, she said that Rett was still asleep and had slept well throughout the night. Today, they will be going back to the beach, and later to a Florida Marlins baseball game which is in an indoor stadium. They are having a blast!! I am sure they will come back with pictures and I'll get those posted asap.

So, when you say your prayers today, send up some praises too!

God Bless,

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 8:40 AM CDT


Hey everyone! This is Rea. Julie asked me to place an update on the website. Their computer has gone ka-flooey! Rett is doing well. He is receiving antibiotics at home for the pneumonia and pretty much has to stay inside because of the humidity. They've been able to go to the movies though and he has enjoyed that. If all continues to go well, the McLeods are going to try to take a few days off and head down to Tampa where there is an indoor aquarium and some other indoor activities that the family can enjoy!
Once the computer issue is resolved, Julie will continue her weekly updates. She asked me to send out her thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005 2:01 PM CDT


Hi everyone we arrived home, finally, from Shands on Tuesday afternoon. Rett appears to be feeling better and hopefully on the road to recovery. He will continue with I.V. antibiotics here at home once a day for the next two weeks each treatment last about an hour so he is able to roam around the house while getting his medication. He will have to go back next week for a check up and reevaluation. This experience has taught us that we still have a long way to go, just because he acts and looks like he is better does not mean that we should not be cautious and take things a little slower. This was just one of those times were medicine did not prevail all. He was just not on the antibiotic long enough, even though there were no possitive cultures to grow, the Dr.s believe that the amount of medication in his little body masked the growth of the pneumonia strain this time. They feel confident that we are on longer and proper treatment.

As for the rest of the family, Kip continues to work very hard at school and can't wait until he has a few days off. Kristin will be starting some summer classes at VSU while working at Bruster's, go by and see her for some ice cream, she has been able to visit with some friends in north GA and flew up to Virginia to see Ben for a visit. Is it serious? We don't know , but she sure seems happy these days. Greyson is extremely bored at this time, but he will be going to golf camp with some friends next week and he and his baseball team will play some out of town games this summer to improve on their game before fall ball starts. He needs a vacation!!! Me, I'm just going to try to get my brain back in order and maybe get some things around the house finished, I get started but then something always comes up.

Thanks for all your concerns and prayers, we are going to try and have decent summer. Hope that you all are enjoying yours. Many blessing to you all and be safe.

Much love to you all, Julie

Sunday, June 5, 2005 7:30 PM CDT

Sorry that we haven't written sooner but Rett was readmitted back into the hospital last Monday afternoon and we have been here all week. Just to fill you in on what took place, Rett finished all his antibiotics the Friday after seeing the Dr. and he was doing well through the weekend then on Monday morning he started having some rapid breathing and so as soon as we arrived at shands they started his treatment. Rett had a broncoscopy on Wed and I.V. antibiotics the Dr.'s decided that he still has the pneumonia from before and that he just did not get enough of the medication needed. Rett will be here until Mon or Tues. hopefully we will be home by Wed. He will continue to be on I.V. therapy at home for 2 more weeks and then we will try another antibiotic after that. Since we have been here this time we have met another wonderful family from the Orlando area, they have a five year old little boy with neuroblastoma he has a little sister Nicole. I have talked with his mom on different occasions and have tried to ofer her hope, she is very distraught as were we when we found out about Rett( one year ago today). Please lift Tyler and his family up in your prayers, maybe one day there will be away to detect this cancer sooner and learn how to stop it. We thank you for reading our website and listening to our thoughts and feelings. You are all in our prayers. More later. Kristin is here with me, Rett, and Greyson tonight and I think that they are ready for their chocolate cake. Love to you all, Julie

Sunday, May 29, 2005 6:02 PM CDT

Rett had his scans this past week at Shand's and so far things are looking good according to his Dr. There was no evidence of cancer cells when his bone marrow aspiration was taken on Tues. the other scan, MIBG shows some calcifactions which Dr. Hunger said shows a maturing of the tumor cell. We feel good about the results, but we just wish the whole mess would just go away completely and forever. I guess we should be thankful for what we have so far and not dwell on the bad. Rett still has to wait until the next set of test, which will be the end of Aug., before they will consider taking out his port, too much has happened with him being in the hospital. The good side of all this is that he will not have to be back in Gainesville for check ups until June 16. I'm sure as soon as he gets the port out the first thing he will want to do is to go swimming, so if it is the middle of winter Kip and I better find a heated swimming pool for the boy. This past week Make a Wish came to the house to ask Rett some questions about what he might like to do once he is able to travel and he told them several things on his mind, they don't know Rett, when he dreams he dreams BIG!!

Please keep us in your prayers and we thank you so much for taking time to view Rett's page, I will continue to update each week.

Thursday, May 19, 2005 8:28 PM CDT

Good morning everyone, it's time for our weekly update again, hope all of you are doing fine. Rett had his check up yesterday and he seems to be doing okay at this time. His counts have not completely recovered but they are maintaining. He has really come a long way in the last couple of weeks, he is anoying Greyson like you would't believe, and Kristin has gotten her share as well. When she was here the other day she was trying to bake a cake and Rett was all into her decorating tools. So maybe she now understands why I don't get to finish the projects I start.
Rett was finally able to go to the Lowndes high baseball game and throw out the first pitch to Greyson and they looked like pros!! Kip, Kristin and myself watched from the sidelines as they took over the field just the two of them. Not worried that there were so many people watching them, I don't think they were one bit scared.
Like I wrote in the last update, Rett's scans will be next week- bone marrow aspiration on Tues. MIBG and CT scans on Wed. and MIBG again on Thurs. We are hopeful and anxious at the same time but we know that whatever lies ahead we will be strong and take one day at the time. We love and appreciate all of you for reading these updates and the prayers that you send our way . Julie and family

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 3:56 PM CDT

Thank you all for your continued prayers that you have sent our way these few days. Rett is finally home from the hospital and he is trying to make a full recovery, just when you think that the antibiotics have come to a standstill here they come again only more of it. Rett will have to stay on this antibiotic for a month to help with the pneumonia we will have to be careful because it can cause his blood counts to drop and also affect his immune system. Hopefully he will continue to improve, especially when we have prayer warriers like all of you behind him.

Aside from all the hospital drama we did managed to have a great mothers day weekend, we took time out to enjoy a picknic with Kristin, Ben, Rett and Greyson at the park and played some frisbee. It was so nice to outside for a change. We still have Greyson's baseball games to attend up until the season ends then of course school will be out so maybe we will get to vacation some after that.

Rett will return to clinic for a check-up each week this month and then he will have his CT, MIBG, and bone scan on May 23 and May 26 the scans are dreaded but we know that they are necessary and we are hopeful that there will be good news.

Please continue to pray for all of our cancer children and their families, Jake, Chandler, and Victoria just to name a few. Love and prayers, Julie

Thursday, May 5, 2005 12:03 AM CDT

Good News! Rett has been discharged and is on the way home!! He is feeling well, still has a cough, and is on medicine for the pneumonia.

I am sure that once they get settled in, Julie will start to update so I am signing off. Rea

Thursday, May 5, 2005 6:54 AM CDT

They Almost Escaped!!!

Rett had been discharged yesterday afternoon. He and Julie were almost to the interstate in Gainesville when her cell phone rang. It was one of Rett's doctors telling them to come back....he has pneumonia.

So, he was started on his medicine yesterday and we still don't know when he will be discharged.

Wednesday, May 4, 2005 6:56 AM CDT

Good Morning again, everyone. It's Rea again! I spoke with Julie and Rett last night. Things are still going well. If you didn't see the update addition from yesterday, here it is in a nutshell. Rett did very well through the bronchoscopy. The pulmonologist said everything looked fine. They did take tissue samples which were sent for lab tests but it may be up to 2 weeks before those results are in.

But I wanted to relate a short story to everyone today. Last night, I called Julie and Rett at Shands. Rett picked up the phone and we started having a little talk. I was telling him about my new addition (an 8 week old Boston Terrier) and then, completely out of the blue, Rett asked me, "well, Aunt Rea, how are you feeling today?" I tell y'all what. I almost lost it. That sweet child who is sitting in a hospital room battling a vicious disease was not whining or pouting, he was asking about me. I truly believe that says so much about the raising that little boy and his brother are getting! What a testament to Julie and Kip, especially during these dark days. And what an amazing little boy who was able to just squeeze my heart right through that phone with those few words.

I hope y'all don't mind this little story but I was simply overwhelmed with wonder and love.

If you want to talk with them, the number at Shands is 352-265-0111 and he is still in room # 4524B. No word as of 8:00 am this morning as to when they might get out but I will update asap.

Thank you Lord for such a precious child and we continue to pray for his complete healing through your Grace.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 6:46 AM CDT

2:48 pm EDT:

Kip just called me with some good news. Rett's done with the bronchoscopy. It only took about 30 minutes and he has already had 2 pieces of pizza, a slice of cake, and a Coke! And, I could hear him jabbering in the background!! The Lord has truly given this child some strength and a healthy appetite! The preliminary studies on the bronchoscopy look good. The tissue sample taken will be sent to the lab and that may take days before final results are in. Hopefully they will be home by that time but there is no talk of that as of yet. He has been moved to room 4524B and if you have forgotten the phone # at Shands, it is 352-265-0111. (They cannot switch you to a patient's room if you call the toll-free line.) I will continue to update this page for Kip and Julie until they are back home. Praises to our Lord!!!!

Good Morning, everyone. Julie asked me to update Rett's website today. Rett had a follow up appointment yesterday at the Shands Clinic regarding his breathing issue. The doctors expected him to be better than he was, so they admitted him to Shands (room 4551) to be seen by a pulmonologist. His heart rate was okay yesterday but his respiration rate was too high and he also has an ear infection. The doctors think that he may have the type of pneumonia that people with compromised immune systems get. Because of the chemo, Rett's immune system isn't in the normal range.

He is scheduled to have a bronchoscopy today. The pulmonologist looked at the CT scan (which they did last week) and it does show "something" but he seemed more concerned about what he was hearing in Rett's lungs. Again, the docs do believe that this is pneumonia, not cancer. The bronchoscopy will be sometime this afternoon. So when you say your prayers today, please lift up Rett, Julie, Kip, Greyson, and Kristin to our Savior for healing, strength, and comfort.

God Bless,

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 3:13 PM CDT

thursday, April 28: Another quick update. Rett has a viral infection. No pneumonia. He has been on breathing treatments and medications and is now doing better. They are still at Shands in room 4526 and hope to come home tomorrow (Friday, the 29th).

Julie asked me to update the board. She had to take Rett back to Gainesville this afternoon. He had a pretty bad cough and was having some problems breathing. He was checked out by the G'ville docs and found to have a increased heart rate and respiration rate. They are keeping him overnight to rule out anything, specifically pneumonia. Please say an extra prayer for them tonight.


Monday, April 18, 2005 8:43 AM CDT

Hi everyone!! Thank you for continuing to visit Rett's page and keeping us in your prayers. Rett gave us a scare last Tuesday. Late in the afternoon he started running a fever and after several phone calls with his Dr. we decided that it was in his best intrest to go to G'ville to the hospital to check things out, luckly it was just an ear infection that was treatable with antibiotics. He was like a new kid and back in the grove by the next day.

Rett and Greyson were both on the sick list this week and I can tell you now that is no fun when two children need medicine and attention 24/7. They are both well and we are so thankful they can get outside now!!

Sunday was a great day, me, Kip, Greyson, and Rett along with the Georgia Guns ( Greyson's baseball team ) and all our parents and some grandparents had the opportunity to attend the Fla. Gator baseball game in Gainesville. We all met in Lake Park before heading out in carpools to make the trip. The boys actually thought they were going to play a game, once we arrived at the stadium they were told that they would be allowed to run out on the field with the baseball team and stand in their postion with the Fla gators. I think and hope that they were all excited, I know all us parents in the stands snapping photos and videoing were. The head coach let the boys listen in on his words incouragement before the start of the game. Rett was even allowed to go out with them as well. The UF program has been great to us while Rett was in the hospital they really try to focus on the children to promote possitive attitudes and to excell in all that you can.
I can't leave out the most important part of our trip and that is what a great bunch of parents that we have supporting their child and this team. All of our dads are our assistant coaches and all the moms are the team moms, they show their support by cheering every child on and we all have georgia gun shirts that we wear just to be a part of the team. Thank to them that this team is a success wheather we win or lose.

Rett will go back to G/ville on Thursday for check-up hope for a good one. God bless. Julie

Monday, April 11, 2005 8:19 AM CDT

Good morning. Yes I have not updated in a while, we have just tried to stay busy and out doors as much as possible. Rett's check-up last week went well, his platelet count had increased some since the last visit and all the other labs continued to increase as well. Rett has been eating much better and he has gained a pound and has grown a full 1/4 of an inch!!! We were so afraid that some of the effects of radiation and all the other things that he has gone through would have a poor affect on his growth but that dosen't seem to be the case at this time.

He and Greyson have been working on their pitching and catching routine for the upcoming Lowndes/valdosta game scheduled for the end of April. Rett will get to throw out the first ball and Greyson will be right there to catch it. So please make sure you are there to cheer them on if you can as well as the Vikings!! Kristin continues to struggle through this last semester at VSU and is planning to be on the basketball court for VSU lady blazers next year, this will be her last year to play and we are so proud of her and glad that we are able to see her play.

Well, this weekend I turned the big 40!!! and I really thought it would be horrible but it turned out to be a very inlighting one for me. I was really blessed to have my family and a bunch of great friends to celebrate with. I have never laughed and enjoyed myself so much as I did this weekend. It is true that laughter is good for the soul. Just knowing that my family is happy and healthy at this time is the best birthday gift that I could have received. I will treasure it always.

I will take Rett to Gainesville this week for a check up at radiation and then he will go back next week for a regular follow up with his medical doctor. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. With much love, Julie, Kip, Greyson, Rett, and Kristin.

Monday, April 11, 2005 8:19 AM CDT

Good morning. Yes I have not updated in a while, we have just tried to stay busy and out doors as much as possible. Rett's check-up last week went well, his platelet count had increased some since the last visit and all the other labs continued to increase as well. Rett has been eating much better and he has gained a pound and has grown a full 1/4 of an inch!!! We were so afraid that some of the effects of radiation and all the other things that he has gone through would have a poor affect on his growth but that dosen't seem to be the case at this time.

He and Greyson have been working on their pitching and catching routine for the upcoming Lowndes/valdosta game scheduled for the end of April. Rett will get to throw out the first ball and Greyson will be right there to catch it. So please make sure you are there to cheer them on if you can as well as the Vikings!! Kristin continues to struggle through this last semester at VSU and is planning to be on the basketball court for VSU lady blazers next year, this will be her last year to play and we are so proud of her and glad that we are able to see her play.

Well, this weekend I turned the big 40!!! and I really thought it would be horrible but it turned out to be a very inlighting one for me. I was really blessed to have my family and a bunch of great friends to celebrate with. I have never laughed and enjoyed myself so much as I did this weekend. It is true that laughter is good for the soul. Just knowing that my family is happy and healthy at this time is the best birthday gift that I could have received. I will treasure it always.

I will take Rett to Gainesville this week for a check up at radiation and then he will go back next week for a regular follow up with his medical doctor. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. With much love, Julie, Kip, Greyson, Rett, and Kristin.

Sunday, March 27, 2005 7:46 PM CST

Happy Easter from the McLeod's, yes the Easter Bunny made his/her visit to our house in the rain I just wish he wouldn't leave bits of carrots at the front door. We had a wonderful weekend and hope that all of you did as well. Our weekend started with a trip to Lakeland, GA to see brothers and sister, aunts, uncles, and cousins and to grill some delicious steaks on the grill. My brother Bob seems to have the edge on Saturday night grilling just like my dad used to do. Rett and Greyson had a great time with their cousins playing under the oak trees throwing the frisbee and just hanging out. Today they all came to church with us and back to our house for a big Sunday dinner. In our back yard all you could see was baseball, fishing, hunting for easter eggs, or just rocking on the front porch. God blessed us with a beautiful day and held off on the rain for a little while. I was talking to our preacher Saturday on the phone and he said that he felt like this Sunday would have the lowest attendance because of the weather, well that was not the case, the church was packed full and what a wonderful site that was.

Just to backtrack on the week, Rett, Greyson, me and Kip drove over to Pelham,GA to visit with Becky, James, Lexie, and Jamie at their grandparents home. There we enjoyed fishing and even a chance to ride on an airplane around the farm. Only to find out two days later the tornado passed thru their farm and destroyed their tobacco barns and lots of trees. Mr. and Mrs. Collins are safe and so is their farm. They are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.

Rett's dr. appt Thursday went okay. He still needs for his platelets to get higher and the dr. said that will come in time - just watch him. Rett had gained one pound since the last appt. which is good and he seems to be getting taller to us all. He was excited that he could spike his hair like greyson, his hair continues to grow more each day. Thank you all for visiting Rett's page and remembering all of us in your prayers. God be with all of you. Love Julie, Kip, Greyson and Kristin.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:31 AM CST







Saturday, March 5, 2005 11:25 AM CST

Check out "Batman" on the photo page!







Thursday, March 3, 2005 9:35 AM CST

Hello to everyone from Julie and Rett. Julie asked me to give an update today and I am happy to report that Rett was just a-chattering in the background. He can say the funniest things!

Rett finished up radiation yesterday (Thank you, Lord!). This afternoon, he is undergoing a CT scan and MIBG scan. The MIBG scan is where the dyes are attracted to any neuroblastoma cells, so that'a a biggie. He will undergo a bone marrow aspiration tomorrow. Actually all of these are biggies so please pray for good results.

His blood counts are pretty good right now and are being watched closely. He really does have a great team of doctors and nurses working on him and I think he knows them all by name!

Julie wasn't sure when results will be ready but the site will be updated once she gives me the word. They may be able to come home this weekend (and perhaps be home for a while) but that's not definite.

Thank you for your continued prayers for Rett, Julie, Kip, Greyson, and Kristin.

P.S. Check out the 2 new pictures added!

Thursday, February 24, 2005 9:32 AM CST


Just a quick update---Rett is doing well with the radiation treatment. It's great that it is done on an outpatient basis. That way he has an opportunity to get out and about, even if only for short periods of time. It looks like he will be able to come home for another weekend this Friday! He will have to return on Sunday but every day at home is a GREAT day for all of the McLeods!!

Next week, he will have radiation Monday through Wednesday and that will end that (YEA!). The doctors will also begin tests - MIBG scan, bone marrow biopsy, blood tests, etc. This is to determine the success of the treatment so far. So let's all get on our knees and pray for great results so that this feisty little boy can get back to being just that----a feisty little boy!!

Monday, February 14, 2005 8:33 AM CST

Happy Valentine's Day from the McLeod's!

Julie asked me to continue to place updates for them for a while. She doesn't have computer access in the tranplant apartment and Kip is super busy with that school full of 9th graders!

Rett was allowed to come home for the past two weekends!! My husband and I had breakfast at the McLeod's yesterday morning before they started preparations to return to Gainesville that afternoon. Julie's mama Mrs. Peggy, (or Gigi as the grandkids call her!) had spent the weekend with them, enjoying time with both of the boys! When we drove up, we were also excited to see Julie's brother Bob and his wife Tracy along with their 2 youngest kids, Carter and Britt! Bob is principal over in Moultrie at Colquitt County High School and the Packers had played the Vikings Saturday night so they came over to the McLeod's for a little slumber party! Rett enjoyed himself immensely - staying up until nearly midnight Saturday night!!

Rett's color looks good and his appetite is great! Jim and I took pastries, Bob cooked eggs, Julie had ham and toast and Rett enjoyed a little of all of it! (as did the rest of us!!) After breakfast, Rett sat down to enjoy a movie. I believe it was Batman but don't bet money on that (I'm afraid I don't follow the super heroes!) Later, Greyson, Carter, and Britt went out to the batting cage to practice some hitting and Rett felt well enough to put on his coat and walk outside in the sunshine!! It was such a beautiful day---for so many reasons!!

Julie and Rett are now back in Gainesville in the transplant apartment. The direct phone # to their apartment is listed on this page. There is no answering machine, so keep trying. I'm sure Julie and Rett would love to hear from you. Rett will start radiation either today or possibly tomorrow (actually it probably will be tomorrow as they will be checking bloodwork, etc today). The radiation will be done on an outpatient basis so he won't have to go back into the hospital right now! That's great news!!

I would like to report that Rett hasn't lost any of his "spunk!" Friday, Julie and I were talking on the phone about shopping (I'm sure that's a big surprise to Kip and Jim!). We were talking about how much we like TJ Maxx. Rett piped up in the background that TJ Maxx is a "crazy" store! Then yesterday, Rett informed his mama that he believed that his juicers at the apartment need to be placed in the pantry and not in the fridge. (it was actually more of a demand than an informative request!!) Those of you who know Rett, know that this is his normal little bossy self---which we all adore!! Don't worry though, Julie and Kip keep him in line!

Well, that's all for now. I'll be away from a computer for a week and will not be able to update until the 21st. If you would like to leave Julie a message on the message board, please do so. We are printing them out and keeping them in a notebook. That way, when Rett is grown, he will be able to see the love and support he was getting through it all!

God Bless and Keep Praying!!

Thursday, February 3, 2005 9:15 AM CST

Just a quick update from Julie via Rea...

Rett is really gaining his energy back. His appetite is good and he's feeling well enough to bounce around the apartment now! The doctors have allowed him to go out in public, as long as he's not around a lot of people. So Julie and Rett usually do a little shopping around Gainesville in the morning hours when it's quiet. His radiation treatment is slated to begin February 14th.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 7:10 AM CST

Rett is now in the transplant house. His "Gigi" is staying with them this week (that's Julie's mama). His appetite has started increasing since he has been in the transplant housing. More later from Julie.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:37 PM CST

Rett's morning started off with some good news, the Dr. said that Rett no longer had to have the hyperal(liquid nutrient)and he could start eating whatever he wanted as long as he ate. Dr. Dunbar came by to see Rett, they are best buddies she is just one of the many that he looks forward to seeing. Today Rett told the other doctor's that Dr. Dunbar is the boss around here and that she would let Rett go home soon. They all got a kick out of that because she is good friends with all of the resident dr.s. Rett's counts continue to improve, he still is getting platelets about everyday to every other day. We maybe able to leave the hospital on Friday to go to transplant housing, there we will stay about two weeks. Today some of the students from arts and science (Fred) came by the room to draw with Rett, they really know how to work with the young patients here. Rett has taken several walks down the hallway today for his exercise. We ordered pizza for the first time thinking he would eat, only took a couple of bites. It will just take time for his appetite to return. We get a little discouraged at times because he is so ready to come home, but this is where we are to be at this time in our lives and we must accept this task. We are so thankful for all of you. Your prayers are a blessing to our family, keep the faith. We love you all. Julie, Kip, Greyson, Kristin, and Rett

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 5:40 PM CST

Thanks to all of you for writing and keeping us lifted up with your prayers. Rett has had a productive weekend. He has managed to take several trips up and down the hospital hallways and one day out for a car ride on Sunday with me, Kip, and Greyson to get some lunch. Rett' counts are way up at this point and the Dr's are talking about discharging him on Thursday if he continues to eat and drink. Once out we will be staying in the transplant housing nearby the hospital for a couple of weeks to see the Drs. We were surprised today when Christy, McKenzie, Ms. Karen and the baby came to see us, tonight Kip, Kristin, and Greyson are here so that they can visit with Rett. We will write more later. We love all of you. Julie and REtt

Thursday, January 13, 2005 2:29 PM CST

Great news!! Rett's white blood cell count is continuing to increase, and we are told that this will move along quite fast in the next few days. Dr. Staba came by this morning with the news and also informed us that they will discontinue the antibiotics one at a time daily and maybe try to decrease the amount of hyperal(liquid nutricition)that Rett is given. This is done slowly as not to rush him into eating solid foods all at once, his body needs time to feel hungry but also be able to digest normal food. The Dr.'s seemed very surprised that his counts have recouperated this soon (day 9) but have stated that this is a positive sign for Rett and that if all goes well he may be able to leave the hospital by next weekend. We will be required to stay in Gainesville for a few weeks just to be nearby if he comes down with a fever or any other complications. Rett took his first walk down the hallway today for the first time in a week, this is an accomplishment for him, he has been weak and definately not in the mood. Kip will be here today to stay with him and get in some Daddy time while I spend time at home with Greyson. Rett has already had me to call Kip to request some extreme airheads and propel drinks, knowing Kip like I do he will probably have to stop at 3-4 stores before he finds these items, but he will do anything for his children and that is okay. The next 3-4 months will be crutial, we will have to do all that we can to keep him healthy and not take any unnecessary chances. Please keep on praying and trusting in GOD, with much love, Julie and Rett.

Thursday, January 13, 2005 0:10 AM CST

Rett has had a better day today. I could tell that we were making progress when Rett woke up this morning and wanted to get dressed first thing. At home he would be the last to get up but the first one to get dressed. Greyson and Kristin would be happy to just stay in p.j.'s all day if you let them. Rett seemed to feel better for most of the day, he did end up receiving blood and platelets (Wed)in the afternoon. I am forgetting that it is 1 o'clock in the morning and all this I am writing about took place on Wednesday, sorry. Grandma Betty Jo and Mr. Bell came to see Rett and brought me dinner. We enjoyed having them here to visit with us even though Rett wasn't up to talking too much. Rett still has to have an oxygen mask on because he is not taking deep cleansing breaths. I had to laugh at him today because he would take the mask off and when the alarm would sound letting him know that he needed to put it back on, he would start breathing hard enough to get the alarm to shut off. It has turned out to be a game of bribery, he'll do anything to get that mask off. We did get some good news tonight that Rett's white blood cell count is on its way back up, it is .200 which is good, it has been less than .100. So maybe he is on the mend and will be feeling up to his old self in the next week or so. Thank you all for your prayers and concerns and we thank GOD for all that he has provided for us today and look forward for what he has in store for us tomorrow. Julie and Rett.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005 6:53 PM CST

We are so grateful to have friends like all of you. When we do take the time to update or just go to the website, there are always so many sweet and caring words and messages to encourage us. It has been tough sitting here in this room watching Rett go though so much pain and nights where he dosen't get much rest, believe me our faith has been tested. The pain from the mouth sores as been the worst for him so far, even water taste bad, so I guess you can imagine what it has been like getting him to take tylenol. I pray every night for Rett's healing and for our family, we know that this could be a worst situation. My brother reminded me the other day something our dad used to say "sometimes the cure is worse than the illness" I believe that is true but with contiued prayer and honestly believing that GOD will not let us suffer. I caught myself asking HIM the other night when Rett was crying how much is enough? My prayers were answered last night when we both were able to get a good nights rest and they decreased Rett' pain medication today!! Tonight Rett is ready to call and talk to Greyson on the phone, isn't that great!!
Thanks again for checking on us here at the hospital and at home on Kip, Greyson and, Kristin, they need all the support they can get trying to keep things together. We love and miss them so much. Have a good night, Julie and Rett. Will write more later.

Monday, January 10, 2005 10:26 AM CST

Julie asked me to update Rett's page today. She is not able to be away from him right now. Please say an extra prayer and call on your friends to do so as well. Rett is in a lot of pain today. The last chemo treatment he received was very strong and it has caused sores to appear in his mouth, throat, and on his tongue. He is on pain medication and is receiving nutrition through his IV. They were up most of the night because he is hurting so bad and haven't gotten much rest. Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, January 6, 2005 6:12 PM CST **NEW PICTURE**

Hi everyone. Rett has had a couple of exhausting days, he looks great but feels terrible. He has been able to drink some but is not eating at this time, that is due to his very sore throat. He has had a low temp. yesterday and today and another antibiotic has been added to his list of medications that he is currently on. We have been told to expect all of this that is happening to him and that these symptoms could go on for a few more days. I have stolen has many moments I could in the computer room. I will try to update in the next few days. Thank you for all of your prayers. Much love, Julie and Rett.

Monday, January 3, 2005 5:36 PM CST

Happy New Year!! Just a short update for those of you who have checked the website today and did not see one. Rett received his stem cell transplant today around 1 o'clock and has seemed to do well so far. He was premedicated prior to getting the stem cells because sometimes the preservatives can cause the heart rate to increase which is only temporary. The process did not take long at all, a bag of red crystal like fluid flowed from the bag into Rett's port. Each bag contained around 2.5 million stem cells. Rett was given two bags today and will receive one more in the morning, then we just have to pray and wait. While Rett was getting his stem cells, his Dr., Amy Fleetwood and Christie his nurse stood by his side watching his vital signs, Daddy and mom were there holding his hand. Our Preacher, Mike Lyons, made a special trip from Lake Park this morning just so that he could say a very special prayer with us. He new how anxious that we were, like many of you did, he has a way of calming us and letting us know where our faith needs to be and trust in GOD. It ususally takes 10-14 days before we will know if his blood counts recover. The main concern that Rett is up against the next few days is his mouth will become extremely sore and he will not feel like eating or drinking, maybe this will only be for a short time. His has taken a walk today and is ready to get on the computer to play some games. Thank you for all your continued prayers. We know it is going to be a great new year!!! We love you all. Julie, Kip, Rett, Greyson, and Kristin

Monday, December 27, 2004 11:07 AM CST

Well, we had a great Christmas at home! Santa and Mrs. Claus even came by for a visit!! And if you don't believe it, Rett and Greyson found Rudolph's jingle bells off his harness for proof of the visit! Rett is settling into the bone marrow unit this morning. He will start the extra-strong chemo treatment tonight so please say an extra prayer for him. This chemo will continue for a few days and then we will begin the bone marrow transplant (probably this weekend, but not sure of that date yet). Greyson and Kip are spending the night in Gainesville tonight so that the boys can have some extra time together. Rett has been feeling well and has been very full of energy while we've been home. It did us all good to be home for a while!! Love to all,
Julie, Kip, Rett, Greyson, and Kristin

Thursday, December 16, 2004 8:42 AM CST


Thank you for your continued letters of prayers and concerns for Rett and our family. We are having a great two weeks just being at home and seeing everyone. Rett had his preliminary tests last week at Shands and most of them look good at this time, we are trying to have a postive outlook and hoping for the very best. He and Greyson and Kristin are looking forward to Christmas and especially excited about Santa Claus coming down the chimney Christmas Eve. Rett is doing great and loves going shopping to pick out toys for Santa to bring him and Greyson and Kristin, if I could just keep him from telling everyone what he bought for them!! Everyone has been so kind to ask how Rett and all of us are doing, you all know how heavy this has been on our hearts and minds and we can't thank you enough for caring for us through all of this. We continue to pray everyday for his healing and I know that GOD is with us and he will touch Rett in a special way. We love all of you and hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas. Love Julie, Kip, Greyson, Rett, and Kristin.

Saturday, December 4, 2004 10:42 AM CST


Happy Holidays from the McLeod's. We have been home since last Tuesday and all Rett can say is that he is glad to be home. We had more than one Thanksgiving which was great because we visited with my family and Kip's. Greyson celebrated his 9th birthday with his friends at a bowling party on Saturday Rett was able to bowl with the big boys too. We have had an enjoyable time just being able to wake up in our own beds, taking Greyson to school, hitting some golf balls at the driving range, and of course eating home cooked food. We take all of our everyday routines for granted and when they are taken away from you, you better be thankful they are given back to you even if only for a very short time. I know that We are. Rett will have to be back in Gainesville on Mon -Thurs. for preliminary test needed before the transplant. We will be home until Dec. 27, great news to be home for Christmas!!!! Once we go to the Unit Rett will rec. the last Chemo treatment for 4 days straight rest his body for 3 days then he will get his own stem cell replaced back into his body. Alot will depend on Rett for his recovery, as much as he can he will need to be strong and not give up. This is a very critical time for him. Please continue your prayers they help us so much more than you know. Love and prayers to you all. Kip, Julie, Greyson, Kristin, and Rett.

Monday, November 22, 2004 8:17 PM CST

Tonight the Dr.'s gave Rett and me a pass to leave the hospital for a few hours. We called and spoke to the assistant coach of the Univ. Fla girls basketball team, they were able to get us two tickets to the FSU/Fla game. Rett was so excited to get out and, sorry to say, cheer for the seminoles! We had a great time at the game and we met Kim, she was the one that got us the tickets. We had Rett's favorite food hotdogs and popcorn. The seminole's won 62 -52. Rett said that he wished his sissy would play for the seminoles, I told him that she was doing fine right where she was, playing for VSU!! Maybe we will get to be home on Tuesday in time to watch her play. Well this is just a short update, if Rett's platelets are up in the morning we will be able to leave late in the afternoon to go home for a couple of weeks and enjoy being home with Daddy, Greyson, Kristin and all the rest of our family. Goodnight and sweet dreams. Julie and Rett.

Sunday, November 21, 2004 2:16 PM CST

It has been another intresting weekend here on the 4th floor at Shand's hospital. Thanks to Jane and Traci, Kristin, Mandy and all the many wonderful nurses and PCA's that keep Rett entertained or maybe he entertains them whatever the case maybe. This has been the most active that he has been, running around the nurse's station playing hide and seek with everyone and screeming at the top of his lungs when they finally catch up with him. I feel for the other patients with all this craziness that is going on. One of the young boys from his room saw rett hiding and he called out "he went that way!!" we wish that he was able to get up and play, maybe someday soon. Rett's counts are on their way up and hopefully we maybe on our way home by Tuesday. We are so blessed to have the chance to be at home with our families during Thanksgiving and Christmas, we are looking forward to getting together with our friends too. God has blessed our lives with so many wonderful people, here and and home, some long term friends and many new ones. Thank you for being a part of our daily lives we couldn't have made it this far without all of you. Have a beautiful holiday. Julie, Greyson, Rett, Kristin, and Kip.

Monday, November 15, 2004 2:26 PM CST

Thursday, Nov. 18th: **GREAT NEWS!! Rett will be able to enjoy Christmas at home!! Doctors have pushed back the bone marrow transplant until December 27th so y'all tell Santa that Rett McLeod will be HOME for Christmas!!!! And his counts are going up too so hopefully he'll be coming home soon for Thanksgiving as well!!!!!!!

Hi everyone! It's the afternoon and Rett was able to get out of his room to go to the computer/game room and play for a while. He has been confined to his room for the past few days only to make sure he is not contagious. His cultures have been negative so far, his blood counts haven't come up tremendously but hopefully they are on the way up. Maybe by the weekend we will have some good news as to when he will get to go home. Rett says "He can't wait until Thanksgiving so that he can get one of those big turkey drumsticks to eat." Thanks to all of you for staying in touch and your contiuous prayers. Hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, we love all of you. Julie and Rett.

Monday, November 15, 2004 7:18 AM CST

Rett was only able to be home for a little more than a day before he had to go back to Shands due to dehydration. Doctors discovered that he has a staph infection which is being treated with antibiotics. Due to the chance of spreading the infection, Rett is in a private room and can't go to the play area on the floor. He is feeling better but can't get out and that is very frustrating for him. Hopefully, he can go home soon and be able to stay home for a few weeks. We are praying hard for that!

Monday, November 8, 2004 8:24 AM CST

Saturday, Rett and I got a pass out of the hospital. We called a taxi and rode four blocks ($9) to Walmart and bought a bey blade for him.
After Walmart I rode a bus ($1) back to the hospital. Then Sunday, we had another pass to go out and we (Julie, Kristin, Greyson and Rett) went to the Gainesville Arts and Crafts Festival. About 20 minutes after we got there, the nurse called us and said they were letting us go home.
So we came home late yesterday afternoon. We are home (unless fever or bad blood counts) until Dec. 5. Dec. 5-10 we will be going through all different kinds of test prior to bone marrow transplant. The next week we will start the transplant. Hopefully we will be out by the end of Jan. or the first week in Feb. Please keep praying for Rett. Thanks for your concern. Kip and Julie

Tuesday, November 2, 2004 7:46 AM CST

Just a quick update---more to follow:

Rett is recovering well from his surgery. Both drainage tubes have been removed. The 6th round of chemo began last night. Thank you for your continued prayers for all of us.

Thursday, October 14, 2004 7:05 AM CDT

Good morning!! God has given us another beautiful day. Rett is doing fine, he is very sore and still a little tired even though he slept through the night. The Dr's gave us a good report reguarding the size of the tumor that was removeable. We will udate later after we receive the official report. Rett is a strong and very determined little boy, he endured an eight hour surgery and we are very proud of him!!! GOD BLESS everyone and thank you. We will be in PICU 10th floor, for a few days and then back to the 4th floor. Please continue to pray for each other as well as Rett. We love each of you.

Julie, Kip and family

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 3:37 PM CDT

5:00 PM. Hi friends and family, Rett is still in surgery he has had a long day but the surgeon and OR staff has assured us that he is doing fine. The surgery is a tedious one and they do not want to be in a hurry. We have been receiving updates every 2-3 hours. Your prayers have kept us grounded please continue to pray, we still have a long way to go. GOD is so GOOD!! Kip, Julie and family.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 9:53 AM CDT

Good morning friends and family. Rett went into surgery this morning at 10:15am. Mama, Daddy & Pastor Mike Lyons were with him until he was taken to the operating room. We should receive updates every 2 hours. His surgery will last somewhere between 4 - 6 hours and then he will be in Pediatric Intensive care for a few days. Keep checking this website and we will continue to update it throughout the day.

Aunt Debbie, Grandma, Aunt Pud, Gigi, Greyson, Mama & Daddy are waiting patiently. More family members will be here later today. Please continue to pray for Rett. He has been blessed to have so many friends and family praying for him.

Julie & Kip

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 5:50 AM CDT

I'm sorry that we haven't done a very good job of updating Rett's journal for all of you that visit. We have tried to have as much family time that we could before we were to go back to Shands. Today we will go to Shands and Rett will have surgery on Wednesday morning to attempt to remove as much of the tumor as possible. The surgeons originally scheduled Rett to have surgery on Monday but that was postponed until the surgeons could consult with one another reguarding several conditions that might change the outcome. They have come to the conclusion that he needs to have it done on Wed. After Rett's surgery he will be on the pediatric intensive care floor at Shands (10th floor) for a few days during recovery. Please not only continue to pray for Rett, but for each other as well. There are so many people going through trials and tribulations in their own lives that need prayer today!! GOD is good and will see us all through our good and bad times HE will not let us down. We have been blessed to have all of you in our lives, we love you and thank you for continuing to be apart of our family. GOD Bless.
Julie, Kip, Kristin, Greyson and Rett.

Friday, September 24, 2004 1:28 PM CDT

Thanks to all of you that have signed the journal and kept up with Rett and our family. Julie is an inspiration to me as she takes care of Rett everyday, not to mention keeping Greyson, Kristin and myself in line. I have the easy part getting up and going to work everyday. Please continue to pray for her strength as well as Rett's recovery. So many of you have expressed your heart's desires to us and we do appreciate it. Rett and Julie had to go Wed. the 22nd to get blood and today (24th) are on their way home from Gainesville after getting blood platelets. On Oct. 6 we will have a scan and hopefully schedule a surgery to remove as much as possible of the tumor. Then we will recover (2-3 weeks) and have a 6th round of chemo. Then, we will recover again(2-3 weeks) and we should have the transplant if everything goes well. Today is day 111 and we will persevere and accomplish the feat with GOD leading the way.
On day at home at time. God bless you!
Lots of Love from the McLeod's
Kip, Julie, Kristin, Greyson and Rett.

Monday, September 20, 2004 8:49 AM CDT

Rett is back at home right now. He just had some routine bloodwork at SGMC and may have to run back to Shands for platelets, but that usually only takes a day. He is feeling a little under the weather today. We are waiting for the CT scan to be scheduled and that will determine the surgery date. Aproximately 2-3 weeks after surgery he will then have a 6th chemo and then he will have to go to the bone marrow unit to get a hopefully last chemo then stem cell replacement.

Sunday, September 5, 2004 7:23 PM CDT

Fri., 9/17: Rea again, with an update. Rett is tolerating his chemo well. He did get sick last night but he was playing with his games today. Looks like they will be able to come home Saturday!

Wed., 9/15: This is Rea, updating for Kip and Julie. Rett is back at Shands for his 5th round of chemo. This was a scheduled visit---not an emergency. They hope to be back home Sunday, the 19th. Julie's post below has a tentative schedule for the next few months. Rett is in good spirits and is enjoying his Yu-gi-oh movie from his Aunt Debbie! (I have no idea how to spell that!)

Rett and I were able to come home on Friday (9/03) after begging the Dr's at Shands and promising to take it easy!! We surprized Greyson by picking him up at school, lately he has been given a ride to the high school by one of his favorite teachers, Ms. George, he really likes riding in her sporty convertable. Rett is doing okay, he will have to have labs here in Valdosta on Tues. to determine whether or not he can procede with his next round of chemo. This upcoming is #5, we will then have more tests and MRI's before the Dr.s can schedule any surgery. Aproximately 2-3 weeks after surgery he will then have a 6th chemo and then he will have to go to the bone marrow unit to get a hopefully last chemo then stem cell replacement. We have spent time with Kristin this weekend, we love and miss her, she is a great daughter. I hope everyone has been safe with all the terrible weather we have had. Thank you for your continued prayers and e-mails. We love you. Julie, Kip, Greyson, Kristin and Rett. LIVESTRONG!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2004 7:23 PM CDT

Rett and I were able to come home on Friday after begging the Dr.'s at Shands and promising to take it easy!! We surprized Greyson by picking him up at school, lately he has been given a ride to the high school by one of his favorite teachers, Ms. George, he really likes riding in her sporty convertable. Rett is doing okay, he will have to have labs here in Valdosta on Tues. to determine whether or not he can procede with his next round of chemo. This upcoming is #5, we will then have more test and MRI's before the Dr.s can schedule any surgery. Aproximately 2-3 weeks after surgery he will then have a 6th chemo and then he will have to go to the bone marrow unit to get a hopefully last chemo then stem cell replacement. We have spent time with Kristin this weekend, we love and miss her, she is a great daughter. I hope everyone has been safe with all the terrible weather we have had. Thank you for your continued prayers and e-mails. We love you. Julie, Kip, Greyson, Kristin and Rett. LIVESTRONG!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2004 8:24 AM CDT

Rett is still at Shands. He has developed pneumonia in the lower lobe of one lung and is on antibiotics to treat that. He will probably have to receive platelets today or tomorrow. His counts are down and we need them to be up before he can get his next round of chemo. His throat has been raw (side effect of chemo) but he is still able to eat things like ice cream, little pieces of ham, and chocolate milk (his favorite!!) Thank you for your continued prayers for Rett and for our family. We need them and appreciate them!

Monday, August 30, 2004 9:12 AM CDT

Hi everyone, I apologize for not updating sooner we have been on the road to Gainesville and back twice last week. Rett needed more platelets and blood because of low counts. We were fortunate to just go to clinic and not the hospital this time. Rett had a rough couple of nights with some fever and pain in his mouth, but this is all to be expected. He is however trying to keep his spirits up through all of this. I don't know if you saw the article in the Sunday paper about the play Lowndes High drama club is performing on Tue. and Wed., but please pray for the students during their performance. They have dedicated their time and effort to this play and we want thank them for this special gift they have given to Rett, Greyson and Kristin. I would like to share a scripture that I read this morning from the Upper Room. Kip and I try to read from this devotional every morning and it helps us start out our day in a positive note, I hope it will do the same for all of you.

The Lord said, "Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." -Isaiah 43:18-19

We are so luck to have all of you lifting our family up. Thank you and God bless you. Julie and Kip

**Only a few hours after Julie left this journal entry, Rett had bloodwork and has had to go back to Shands. He will be admitted today and his room # will be added below as soon as possible. His white cell count is down and his platelets are very low. He is also running a fever and his mouth is raw (side effect of chemo)...so it's difficult for him to eat. Please say some special prayers for Rett today. Aunt Rea

Monday, August 23, 2004 8:21 AM CDT

Rett returned home yesterday afternoon. He tolerated this round of chemo well. More from the McLeods once they get settled back in!

Friday, August 20, 2004 12:45 AM CDT

Rett returned to Shands for his next chemo round this past Wednesday (Aug. 18). He is tolerating this round well and has only gotten sick a couple of times. Doctors have told us that we should be able to come home this Sunday (the 22nd) but we don't know for how long.
Thank you for continuing to remember us in your prayers. We are so thankful for all of our friends and family.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:35 PM CDT

Our vistit home has almost come to an end. We have had the opportunity to be at home for about two weeks, except for the two days last week when we returned to Shands for labs. this trip home has been very important for Rett, he has had much needed play time with Greyson, Sissy, and his Daddy. Rett has also had the time to increase his appetite, which I am very thankful, he will need all his strength in the weeks to come with the up coming treatments. We didn't get the chance to vistit with everyone but he did get to see family in Moultrie and here in Valdosta that he has not seen in weeks. Thank you all for continuing to lift my family up with your prayers God will answer all of them. Our family and friends, churches and everyone have been so kind to us we love all of you. I can't go with out also thanking everyone of our special nurses and doctors at Shands they have made us feel so very special and they all joke about which one will have Rett as their patient the next time we are there. Keep praying!!! Julie.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 7:35 PM CDT

Our vistit home has almost come to an end. We have had the opportunity to be at home for about two weeks, except for the two days last week when we returned to Shands for labs. this trip home has been very important for Rett, he has had much needed play time with Greyson, Sissy, and his Daddy. Rett has also had the time to increase his appetite, which I am very thankful, he will need all his strength in the weeks to come with the up coming treatments. We didn't get the chance to vistit with everyone but he did get to see family in Moultrie and here in Valdosta that he has not seen in weeks. Thank you all for continuing to lift my family up with your prayers God will answer all of them. Our family and friends, churches and everyone have been so kind to us we love all of you. I can't go with out also thanking everyone of our special nurses and doctors at Shands they have made us feel so very special and they all joke about which one will have Rett as their patient the next time we are there. Keep praying!!! Julie.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:56 AM CDT

Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know that Rett needed only to stay one night at Shands, his blood counts were high enough to come home on Tuesday afternoon. We made it home in time to pick Greyson up from school, which is what Rett looks forward to since he is not able to go to school at this time. The afternoons however are all together different. They continue to act like normal brothers, Greyson is trying to get homework and Rett continuously picks on Greyson until he gets him to stop what he is doing and plays with Rett. Kristin is gearing up for VSU, classes start Aug. 16. the boys are excited that they will be able to see her play here in town. Kip has been working very hard these past few days at LHS. In my hometown of Lakeland, GA they had a community yard sale at my mom's home last Saturday with all the trimmings. To all the friends and businesses that made it such a wonderful success we want to thank you so much and thank all who attended. With love and prayers Julie,Kip, Kristin, Greyson and Rett. We will update daily, we are catching up on much needed cleaning around the house. It's great to be home.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004 7:05 AM CDT

Rett has been handling his blood draws at SGMC like a champ! We went back yesterday for another one and the tests showed that his platelets were very low so we're back at Shands to receive platelets. Hopefully, this will only last one day. We left Monday evening and hope to return sometime today (Tuesday). Thank you for your continued prayers and messages! As Rea mentioned in the last journal entry, our modem is shot, so please forgive us for not answering emails. We hope to get caught up one day!

Friday, August 6, 2004 9:47 AM CDT

Hi everyone! It's Rett's Aunt Rea again. The McLeod's modem is out and they've asked me to post this update:

Rett is doing very well and enjoying his time at home. He had routine bloodwork yesterday (which he will have to have twice a week while home) and his counts were good! His appetite is still down which is a concern. We are still scheduled to return to Shands on Aug. 18th. Greyson will start school Monday and we are excited to be home for his first day in 3rd grade! Kristin is preparing to start VSU this year---glad to have her home. She is now a part of the VSU Blazers Lady Basketball team and we are very proud of her accomplishments! She thinks she's decided on a major---marine biology, which has actually been a love of hers for many years. Kip has begun his new assignment over the 9th grade Academy at Lowndes High school. Wish him luck and keep him in your prayers. Julie is enjoying her time at home...just being home!!!!

Monday, August 2, 2004 9:05 AM CDT

Rett has completed his 3rd round of chemo with very few side effects and is now home! His appetite is down right now but he is playing with Greyson this morning and is as loud as ever! Unless something happens, we should be at home until August 18th!!! Thank you all for your continued prayers and messages. We are truly experiencing the power of our God.

Friday, July 30, 2004 11:58 AM CDT

Hello everyone!! Just wanted to let you know that Rett is feeling very good today, he is laughing and playing more than ever. Of course it does help that Kristin and Greyson are here with him, right now they are in the midst of playing Battleship, Rett has teamed up with one of his nurses, Carrie, against Greyson and Kristin. This should be an interesting afternoon. We received a bit of good news yesterday regarding Rett's bone marrow biopsy. This scan did not show any cancer cells present in the bone marrow. This was the best news so far for us all. We still have the weeks ahead of us to continue the treatments. The doctors also said that we may be able to return to Valdosta until the next date of chemo (Aug 15) if Rett continues to do well and his blood counts stay up!!! Please visit the photo album, my dear friend Rea has done a great job adding some new pictures to the site and I want to thank her for updating the journals for me when I wasn't able. God bless all of our family and friends our prayers are being answered!!!! Love to all of you , Julie, Kip, Kristin, Greyson and Rett.

Friday, July 30, 2004 11:58 AM CDT

Hello everyone!! Just wanted to let you know that Rett is feeling very good today, he is laughing and playing more than ever. Of course it does help that Kristin and Greyson are here with him, right now they are in the midst of playing battleship, Rett has teamed up with one of his nurses Carrie against Greyson and Kristin. This should be an intresting afternoon. We received a bit of good news yesterday reguarding Rett's bone marrow biopsy. This scan did not show any cancer cells present in the bone marrow. This was the best news so far for us all. We still have the weeks ahead of us to continue the treatments. The doctors also said that we may be able to return to Valdosta until the next date of chemo (Aug 15) if Rett continues to do well and his blood counts stay up!!! Please visit the photo album, my dear friend Rea has done a great job adding some new pictures to the site and I want to thank her for updating the journals for me when I wasn't able. God bless all of our family and friends our prayers are being answered!!!! Love to all of you , Julie, Kip, Kristin, Greyson and Rett.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:42 AM CDT

Hi! We are in room 4520A at Shands Children's hosp. Rett is recovering well from the bone marrow biopsy and is scheduled to start his 3rd round of chemo late tonight. Big brother Greyson is taking Kip's place and spending the night with me and Rett to keep things stirred up and keep us company. Kristin will be here on Thursday to visit and spend a few days with us. Keep the e-mails coming, I sure do enjoy reading them every chance that I get, I might not get to respond right at first but my intensions are to one day respond to all of you. We pray for all of our friends and family every night, we love you. Julie, Kip, Rett, Kristin and Greyson.

**Check out the new photo in the album! More will be placed there soon.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004 7:08 AM CDT

Rett and his mama went back to Gainesville yesterday for bloodwork before his next chemo round. His bloodwork was on the low side of normal but good enough for him to have his next round of chemo which begins today. This chemo is different so Julie doesn't yet know how long they will be in the hospital. They were in the process of being admitted this morning. Kip and Greyson are down there too. Please pray that Rett will endure these new chemo medications and will get to come home again soon.

Monday, July 26, 2004 10:41 AM CDT

Hello everyone! Our hearts are very full with the overwhelming love and support that has been shown this weekend. It's been a nonstop, but relaxing weekend at home which we have been craving. Fridays benefit for Rett, WALB's coverage of the BBQ, and three birthday celebrations with family and friends has proven that GOD is very much alive and in all of your hearts. We thank the communities from Lowndes, Lanier (Julie's home county) and all other counties for their contributions to making this a special weekend for us all. Rett had a special visitor on Sunday at his 4th birthday party. Spiderman appeared from nowhere!! He entertained Rett and Greyson wtih his leaps and bounds, took a few snapshots with them, and then disappeared into the woods as quickly as he had appeared! Thanks to Kristin's friends for working out the details of Spiderman's visit. Thanks again for all the love and support!!
Kip and Julie

Sunday, July 25, 2004 7:06 PM CDT

Rett's birthday celebration weekend has been so incredible! Julie and Kip will be leaving a message on the webpage soon with the details! Check out Channel 10 news tomorrow (not sure if it will be a.m. or p.m.) to see a surprise!!

Friday, July 23, 2004 2:35 PM CDT

Hey everybody! This is Rea again and I've just come back from helping out at the benefit. It is nearly 4:00pm as I write this and Julie just called me to say that they are done with the stem cell harvest and are waiting on some platelets to be given to Rett (which will only take 10 minutes) and then they are Georgia-Bound!!!! The response to the benefit has been overwhelming and it's not yet suppertime!! I will post the final numbers once I get them from Rhonda Browning. Showers of Blessings!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2004 1:52 PM CDT

Hi, everyone! This is Julie's friend, Rea, again. I just got off the phone with Julie. Rett is done with the 2nd day of the stem cell harvest and tolerated it well. He has eaten a hot dog, chips and some birthday cake that was shared by another child in the hospital. He was coloring while Julie and I were talking. He will undergo another harvest tomorrow and then, as long as everything goes well, he can come home for a few days. He will have to go back Tuesday for bloodwork before his next round of chemo begins Wednesday.

Sunday is Rett's 4th birthday!! Don't forget the benefit tomorrow!! Also, if anyone has info on the golf tournament benefit, please email it to me at simszoo@netzero.net or just place it in the guestbook and I'll take it from there.

Julie had a chance to read some of the guestbook yesterday and today. She is so touched by the outpouring of compassion from everyone and wanted me to express her thanks to all. Once they are home, she hopes to sit down and leave a message to everyone.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004 10:19 AM CDT

Message from Kip:

Rett's stem cell collection started today. It will continue Thursday and Friday. There is a possibility that he will get to go to the apartment today once they are done. There is also a possibility that we may get to bring him HOME this weekend..HOME meaning Lowndes County!!!

Julie and I want to thank everyone for their continued prayers and support. We want to send out a special thanks to the Drew brothers and the Atlanta Braves for the signed baseballs!! Thanks, guys!!

Thanks again, everybody! Please continue to pray for all of us every day.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 7:26 AM CDT

As of last night at 6pm, Rett's stem cell harvest has been postponed until tomorrow. His fever is gone (Praises!), but his white cell count isn't high enough for the procedure. This is something that the doctors thought might happen since he just had a round of chemo (which causes the white cell count to go down). So hopefully, all will go as planned tomorrow. Pray Hard!!

**Note from Aunt Rea: Check out the new photo in the photo album!

Saturday, July 17, 2004 10:16 PM CDT

Rett is running a fever right now and has been admitted back into Shands. He is in the bone marrow unit and is not allowed visitors, not even his brother or sister. He is not feeling too great right now. Julie and Greyson are at the apartment while Kip stays with Rett tonight.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004 12:08 AM CDT

Hi Everyone! I'm Julie and Kip's friend, Rea, affectionately known as "Aunt Rea" to Rett and Greyson! Julie and Kip asked me to keep the board updated. I just got off the phone with Julie and I could hear Rett and Greyson having a great time in the background!! He is feeling great today. Had bloodwork done this morning. His platelets are down (which is the clotting factor) and his white count is expected to drop soon. The schedule is still that he will have the stem-cell harvest on the 20th but that could change dependent upon his condition. Julie wanted me to thank everyone for your posts. She isn't able to get to a computer every day so I call her and read them to her over the phone. She really enjoys hearing from everyone. The posts and the daily journals are being printed and kept in a notebook so that Rett can read them when he is grown and realize the power of our God!!

Monday, July 12, 2004 8:02 AM CDT

Rett had a great weekend! His chemo finished Saturday night at 10:00pm and he was doing so well that the doctors let him go home right then! "Home" right now is at an apartment in Gainesville so they're not far from Shands. That is a huge blessing!! His color looks good and he is full of energy!! God is good!!

To all of you:
Julie and I appreciate all of your comments on the guest book. Today is Day 35, since we found out about Rett. I believe that GOD can handle this situation in a matter of minutes if he wanted to. However, I think it will take approximately 150 to 200 days to teach us every lesson he wants us to learn. We will continue to learn more each day and in the following years. The Doctor's say Rett is doing fine during round 2. The 20th of July will be Stem Cell Collection (Apheresis). Then Round 3 will begin shortly after his 4th birthday. I look at that as we are one-half the way there. We visited the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit on Thursday the 8th. Pretty scarry! Please keep checking on this site and praying every day. Thanks to "Sissy" for helping with Greyson and staying with Rett and Greyson so Julie and I could get away for an hour. I thought I would pass on a book to each of you. Please read "The Present". We have all the present we need if we will just open our eyes. I have it! I am enjoying it now. Again, thanks to all of you and your prayers. God Bless all of you.

Friday, July 9, 2004 8:27 AM CDT

Rett's chemo started Wednesday night. He is feeling a little buggy but doing well. Doctors do not yet know when/if he can be released again but we will let you know. Thank you for your continued prayers! Your entries on the guestbook really boost us up! Thank you so much!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2004 11:35 AM CDT

Rett is back at Shands, Room 4549. His chemo will probably start today. He is feeling strong. Hopefully, with the Lord's help, he won't have to stay as long this time.

Tuesday, July 6, 2004 11:58 AM CDT

Julie and Kip kept the boys busy this weekend with a visit to Silver Springs where they saw gators and cougars and all types of creatures!! And they had a great view of the fireworks from the top of the Shands parking garage! Rett was seen by his doctors this morning and his blood work looked good!! He checks back into Shands tomorrow morning for his next round of chemo and is expected to have to stay about 5 days. He's feeling real good today...entertained everyone at lunch with a rendition of "One Hot Mama!"

Friday, July 2, 2004 9:56 AM CDT

Good News, Everyone! Rett has been released from the hospital for a few days!! Kip and Julie have gotten an apartment in Gainesville where the family can all be together for the holiday weekend! Rett's next chemo is tentatively scheduled for next week pending blood work. He was feeling so good this morning that he woke his daddy up looking for Oreos!! God is good and is hearing our prayers!!

Thursday, July 1, 2004 10:02 AM CDT

Rett has had another good night! He ate nearly a whole piece of pizza last night. The doctors have him down to just one antibiotic. He has been moved into a different room but not because anything is wrong. Just had to make room for another child. Greyson and Kip are with him now as Julie has run home to grab a few things before returning this afternoon.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 7:12 AM CDT

Last night, Rett enjoyed beating his Uncle Jim from Hahira in nintendo and cards! He was feeling well and had an appetite. Still no fever!! While his mama and Aunt Rea talked, Rett taught Uncle Jim the fine art of coloring Spider Man!! His next round of chemo is scheduled to begin after July 4th.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 12:39 AM CDT

Rett is really having a good day today! He is having fun playing with the Power Ranger gameboy that Greyson gave him. His appetite has increased and he ate a hotdog and a half last night and is having Chick-Fil-A for lunch!! He has no fever and the doctors are decreasing his antibiotics daily. He told his mama that he can't wait to see his Daddy, Greyson, and Sissy! The power of Prayer is amazing!!

Monday, June 28, 2004 6:59 AM CDT

Rett had such a good weekend, everyone! Even though he still doesn't have much of an appetite, he is receiving lipids (fats) as nutrition through his IV and you can tell a difference. His hair has started falling out, but he is taking it like a champ! Yesterday, he enjoyed watching a scary movie and laughing through the whole thing!

Friday, June 25, 2004 12:22 AM CDT

To everyone that has signed the guestbook:
Julie and I are so thankful for the responses you have written to us and Rett. This week has been difficult for us because of several reasons. Julie has been at Shands with Rett for the week by herself. Thanks to Bob, Tracy, Mama, Gigi, Pud, Debbie, Sissy, Courtney, Rhonda B. and the nurses for helping us get through the week. I'm sure when each of us left Shands during the week that Julie had her "weak moments" just as I have here at the house. I have been in Valdosta making up lost time from when we first found out about our "test". Greyson went with some special friends to the beach and Julie is picking him up today and bringing him to see Rett.
Every time I read your words that you have written to us, I pause for a few moments to gather myself and then realize how many teammates there are out there "in our dugout". This is one of those games that we can't pitch, run the bases, throw, hit or catch. We can't even "call the pitches". We are learning to sit and watch the game and hope and pray that GOD will hit a "GRAND SLAM" for Rett. Now I know how hard it is for Julie to watch the game and not be involved like I am so use to doing.
We are learning many lessons along the way. The greatest of those lessons is LOVE and CARE FOR OTHERS.
We truly do love each of you for your thoughts and prayers.
Thanks again.

Thursday, June 24, 2004 11:19 AM CDT

Please say an urgent prayer for Julie and Rett when you read this. Although the doctors have started Rett on a new antibiotic, he just starting running a fever again. He has lost his appetite and is not feeling well at all. The doctors expect Rett will be in the hospital for another 7 to 10 days and then it will be time for his next chemo treatment. Please lift Rett and the McLeod family up to the Lord to give them comfort, strength, some rest, and to give Rett an appetite. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2004 3:59 PM CDT

Prayers are being answered!! Rett's fever has broken!! He is feeling better today and being treated with a different antibiotic. He is smiling and even got himself dressed today!! His MIBG scan showed one spot in his hip but the chemo will address that. He may have another scan soon. Be sure to read the info below Rett's picture regarding the upcoming benefit!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004 9:03 AM CDT

Rett is having an MIBG scan today. Kip said he is feeling a bit better this morning. Here's a message from Kip from the guestbook.

To All of you that have signed the guestbook:
Julie and I cannot believe that so many people are praying for Rett. Everyday I hear someone say, "What can we do?". Our answer is simply to keep praying daily. We have decided this is too big for us to handle. Also, thank you to each of you that has given to Rett's cause. GOD is pleased and will continue to bless you and your family. We also know that through this trial/test, GOD will teach us a very valuable lesson that we can teach to others down the road.
Thank you again.

Monday, June 21, 2004 11:29 AM CDT

Rett is not having a very good day today. Please say an extra prayer for him and for his family today. Staying in a hospital room for this length of time is extra hard on a little one and on his mama and daddy too. But we all know the Lord will give them the strength needed for each day.

Friday, June 18, 2004 10:43 AM CDT

Rett's playing Nintendo as this is being posted! He is feeling pretty good this morning...a little anemic so he's going to receive some blood products. He is now in Room 4553 which is a private room.

Doctors still want to remind everyone to put off visiting if you are or have been sick within the last 2 weeks.

Thursday, June 17, 2004 12:53 AM CDT

**Update as of 9:00pm Thursday: Rett has had to return to Shands this evening. He has a bit of a temperature and the doctors felt it would be better for him to return. Info will be posted when received from Julie and Kip. Please share this website with others so that they will join us in lifting Rett up to our Lord for healing.

Messages from Kip and Julie:

To all those contacting Rett's page: We are overwhelmed at the response and had no idea of what this could do for our emotional state. As I was reading all the responses I had to pause several times to gather myself so I could continue to read. Julie and I have had to turn this situation over to GOD because it is too much for us to handle. We still are very weak at times but have decided that those times will only come when we are NOT around Kristin, Greyson and especially Rett. We also know that GOD wants us to have faith throughout this "ordeal". HE WILL NOT GIVE US MORE THAN WE CAN HANDLE. Coming home for a few days has helped Rett and we know that "one day at a time" is how we will handle this situation. Thank you again for all the prayers.

I just want to thank all of you for the prayers and concerns for Rett and the rest of our family. Learning that Rett has neuroblastoma has changed not only Rett's life but everyone in his family. The days are long and the nights longer, but we are going to be strong through faith and prayers. One friend wrote in a note that we must go to God everyday to get to the next and that is so true. We do not plan our daily routine like we would like to think we do. There is a higher, greater person that plans our road map. Please continue your prayers not only for Rett, but for every family that has a child going through any illness and pray for a cure. We could have not made it this far without you. We will keep responding to this website and please pass it on to others. Julie

Wednesday, June 16, 2004 12:43 AM CDT

The first round of chemo has ended and Rett is heading home today for the weekend! Kip & Julie would like to express their sincere appreciation to all family & friends for their tremendous outpour of support and prayers. They are very excited to be going home for the weekend and happy to be able to spend some much needed quality family time. Rett, Greyson, and Kristin are also looking forward to hanging out with one another for a few days. Kip and Julie would like to request anyone wanting to visit this weekend please call first. The doctors have said Rett will need to rest as much as possible before returning to Shands on Monday. Please remember that the doctors have said if you have been sick over the past 2 weeks to please hold off on visiting at this time.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004 12:38 AM CDT

Rett is having a good day today! At this moment (2:00 pm), he and his daddy are down the hall in the play room! Rett felt good enough to get dressed and eat some pizza today!! The doctors have said that if things are okay tonight and in the morning, he may get to go home tomorrow!!! But if necessary, Thursday may be the earliest to go home. Julie and Kip are very excited about getting back to "home plate" and have some family time! Rett has to be back at Shands Monday (21st) and will stay anywhere from 7 to 14 days. His next round of chemo is scheduled for around July 4th.

When Rett goes back into Shands, his room number may change. That change will be posted on this website asap.

A special reminder about visiting: Doctors have said that if you have had a cold, virus, flu, etc during the last 2 weeks, please hold off on visiting. Rett's treatment is making his immunity level to drop and he will be especially susceptible to infection.

Don't forget to sign the guestbook!!

Monday, June 14, 2004 2:43 PM CDT

Rett started chemo Saturday, June 12th and is tolerating it well. He's been watching lots of movies and is particularly fond of "Ed" (the baseball playing chimp) and the Power Ranger movies sent by Tyler Dallas. Kip said he is being a little "hornet" today!

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----End of History----

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