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Wishing you and your family shalom
Chicago, - Saturday, September 2, 2023 4:17 PM CDT
wishing you all happinesss
joel walton
julian, ca usa - Tuesday, September 7, 2021 11:47 AM CDT
Hello I read about Jennifer along time ago in a Ann Rule book.I have prayers for your family ever since. God bless you all
Charlotte Theis Pannhoff <buddyabby17@gmail.com>
Garner, Iowa United States - Wednesday, September 1, 2021 2:11 AM CDT
Your faith and love is astounding. I've read the book by Anne Rule, but more importantly, I've read each of your journal entries. I know crippling grief and you and your family are an inspiration. It's been many years now and Jennifer's boys (your boys) must be in their late teens to early twenties by now and I sincerely hope they, along with all the children, have been able to keep a faith in God. You are Blessed -- I am blessed -- We are all blessed.
Kathryn Evans <kzevans811@gmail.com>
Visalia, CA United States - Sunday, February 16, 2020 1:48 AM CST
Hi, for some reason, after reading about Jenn so many years ago, I’ve always thought of your family around the holidays. I’m assuming the boys are now grown, maybe in college, and I know you’re proud of whatever they’ve been able to accomplish in life. Just wanted you to know, that there are people out here who you’ll likely never meet, but who will pray for your nephews and your parents and all of you - during this season. Many blessings to you & your family.💗🙏🏻
DeeDee Wiese
Livermore, CA USA - Saturday, December 29, 2018 3:23 AM CST
Aloha- I just watched the 48 hours story of Jennifer, and Dolly. May they rest in peace. Thank you for reaching out-
Kihei, HI USA - Saturday, November 10, 2018 10:01 AM CST
My heart is with you.
Valarie Delbridge <gottheblues2@gmail.com>
Kirkland, WA United States - Thursday, September 27, 2018 1:25 PM CDT
My heart is with you.
Valarie Delbridge <gottheblues2@gmail.com>
Kirkland, WA United States - Wednesday, September 19, 2018 9:19 PM CDT
Heather, I just wanted to express my condolences, even though they are many years late. Your beautiful sister's story has made a lasting impact on so many. Her legacy lives by touching those who never even knew her. She was a gift to your family and to countless others. Blessings to you and yours.
Robert Lee Harris
San Antonio , TX USA - Thursday, January 11, 2018 2:43 AM CST
Hi Heather

I am reading Ann Rule's book right now and am part way through. I just wanted to send my thoughts and love to you. Jenn seemed amazing and you are a wonderful person. I am so sorry for this awful tragedy that happened to your family by that horrible man. I am thinking of you and sending lots of love. You are lovely!

Shay Murray <shaylenekay@gmail.com>
Portland, OR United States - Thursday, August 31, 2017 12:34 AM CDT
Hi, Heather. I read Ann's book when it first came out and have reread it countless times. I have seen every Dateline and movie about Jenn and Dolly. I'm hoping you have some peace and that Dalton and Dillion are thriving as members of your great family.It is maddening that the police didn't charge Bart in his cruel acts against Dolly before two beautiful lives were lost. Wishing you and Doug and your four children the best.
Diane Gutsche <dianeebannister@yahoo.com>
Lake Forest, CA United States - Sunday, July 23, 2017 10:49 PM CDT
I just wanted to let you know that you broke my heart with your sheer love of Jenn and her boys. Those boys are a part of her so she lives on in them.
I am a stranger to you but you are not strangers to me, Anne Rule's book allowed that and I wanted to send my love to Jenn and each one of you.

Chris McMann <chris.mcmann46@live.co.uk>
England, - Tuesday, June 6, 2017 10:54 AM CDT
I just finished reading "Too Late to Say Goodbye." I just had to pay my respects to your website. Jenn was a beautiful person and mommy.
Pam Jones <ilikeberries@yahoo.com>
Broken Arrow, OK USA - Thursday, May 18, 2017 7:29 PM CDT
I have often wondered about her two little boys and the wonderful young men they had to have grown into since first reading Ann Rules book. Murder is a cancer that effects everyone in the family and it is even more heartbreaking when it touches children. Thank God Jennifer had such a wonderful family to see them thru.
Sara Reeves
Adair Village, Oregon - Saturday, March 25, 2017 10:17 AM CDT
Your story is heartbreaking.
Thank you for loving those little boys.

Susan BOWEN <suzyqbowen@live.com>
GRESHAM, Oregon United States - Tuesday, February 7, 2017 6:32 PM CST
I am sitting by my fireplace reading the book... Ann painted a picture of a golden heart that Jen had. She's lucky to have such a lovely caring family. Bless you alo
Jennifer <Darcygervais@hotmail.ca >
Saskatchewan, Canada - Monday, January 2, 2017 8:28 PM CST
It's ashame, that a wonderfull women had to die for notting.
My english is not so gooed, but i wanted toe wishe the famaly all the best, and her kids ad good liefe. In memory of their mother.

Bert <bertvdo@zeelandnet.nl>
Sas van Gent, The Netherlands - Monday, July 4, 2016 9:17 AM CDT
I am reading Too Late To Say Goodbye right now, and I just wanted to send condolences to Jennifer's (and Dolly's) family and to say I am glad that Dalton and Dillon are with y'all forever.
Prayers and blessings,

Cheryl Dashnaw <CherDash@gmail.com>
Summerville, SC - Sunday, June 12, 2016 11:42 PM CDT
Since I live in a different state, I was not aware of Jenn's murder (or Dolly Hearn's) until I read Ann Rule's book. I admire Ann Rule's writing very much--she always took the time to do the hard work of research before writing, so I trust her thoughts and reactions to any crime. I was sickened and horrified to read what Bart Corbin had done to Jenn and to Dolly Hearn, and I felt your frustration and anger at the length of time it took to bring him to justice. I think these were both young women whom I would have liked very much had I been fortunate enough to meet them. I was so glad to know that Dalton and Dillon had been adopted by the Tierneys and were able to get rid of the name of their biological father. I hope the love of their extended family is still keeping them warm and stable, and I hope they know that it is never shameful to ask for extra help if they ever feel they need it or want it. When you are dealt a rotten hand, sometimes you do need a little extra help--even years later, and that's okay. I also want you to know that this particular case touched me deeply, and I have looked up and written down the information for the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles and will be writing to them and asking them to please refuse any parole for Bart Corbin, EVER. Your family (and especially Jennifer's boys) will be in my thoughts and in my heart.
Lola Straub <lolastraub1@gmail.com>
Lafayette, IN US - Thursday, February 18, 2016 8:31 AM CST
It's a big world and a small world... I knew nothing about this case until seeing a TV movie in the UK. It made me look for more details about Jenn and I'm glad to see you have a strong, warm family. Bless you all.

Janice Raycroft
Twyford, Berkshire United Kingdom - Wednesday, January 13, 2016 11:46 AM CST
I had never heard of this story until this morning when I watched the movie. How VERY terrible! That horrible monster who is responsible for creating such sadness in all your lives, does not deserve to be "living" in jail! My heart goes out to your family and especially those boys. But I am relieved they have you and your husband to raise them now.
I wish all the happiness for your family and a healthy, long life.

Sharon M. <smariemadore@gmail.com>
Strafford, NH United States - Wednesday, December 30, 2015 9:30 AM CST
Jenn seemed like a wonderful mother,daughter, and friend. I feel for your loss even as the years have gone by. I knew jenn only through Anne Rules book. But she seemed a wonderful person
ken adamson <kgadamson1@gmail.com>
glaston ury, ct usa - Friday, September 4, 2015 3:36 AM CDT
Jenn still continues to shine her light far and wide. Through Ann Rule's book, so many have been touched by such a special person.

I will light two candles in the memories of both Jenn and Dolly.

I will pray for peace and healing for you, her family, Dolly's family and everybody who mourns her loss.

Louise Phillips
Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote, Spain - Wednesday, August 26, 2015 4:49 PM CDT
An absolute angel who deserved to be loved, not abused. A Georgia peach
Sean Michael Lennon Snare <seanmichaellennonsnare@yahoo.com>
Petaluma (but a Scottish boy), CA USA - Wednesday, August 12, 2015 1:16 PM CDT
I read the book by Ann Rule on Jenn's case, and I was very heartbroken after reading it. I was once in an abusive relationship and was controlled by a man who I knew in my heart never loved me. The way I felt in that relationship was absolutely horrible and terrifying. I can only imagine how Jenn felt in her relationship to Bart Corbin. I felt so helpless for her when I was reading the book. I would even cry sometimes while reading it. No one deserves a life like that, and no one deserves to have their life taken away from them. My deepest condolences to Jenn's family. I pray that her story has given, and will continue to give, women the courage to walk away from a dangerous, unhealthy, and abusive relationship. It gave me the courage to get out of mine.
Heidi Lemoine Bryant <heidibryant14@yahoo.com>
Simmesport , Louisiana United States - Monday, July 27, 2015 1:22 AM CDT
My heart goes out to all the families invovled...
Christina Thomas
Huntsville, Tx United States - Tuesday, June 30, 2015 3:11 AM CDT
MANUAS, AM BRASIL - Monday, June 1, 2015 11:08 AM CDT
I was a victim of domestic violence and can relate. I'm one of the truly lucky ones. I got out just in the nick of time. I had a dear friend who was a Christian and a police officer. The night I broke the silence, it was to her. I will never forget what she told me. "Sister, I don't want to wake up in the morning and read in the paper where you and your children were shot to death. Please, take the kids and go." That's just what I did, we first ran to a battered shelter, the next morning my folks wired me money to come home on. He had taken my paycheck away from me the night before, so I was broke. I put my kids and a few clothes in the SUV, and left Texas for Missouri and drove straight thru only stopping for bathroom and gas breaks. It took me 17 hours to drive it. I hadn't slept for 3 days but by the Grace of God and the Angels at the wheel and the prayers of my family, we made it to safety. He was a very violent man, he didn't drink or do drugs, he was just afflicted. I've read all of Ann Rule's books, I've learned so much from her. She's truly been a blessing to me. She's helped me heal and to understand domestic violence. I'm so sorry for your loss, I wish I could make it go away for you and your family. It's so senseless when you hear these stories of the countless women who don't survive the abuse. You and your family are in my prayers and I pray Jenn's sons are doing well. If ever you want to contact me, I will give you my email.
Sandi Easter <sandie72@outlook.com>
Crosby, ND - North Dakota US - Tuesday, May 26, 2015 2:41 AM CDT
I read Ann Rule's book several years ago and just now saw the movie on TV. Even though it has been awhile since the murder of Jen and Dolly, I am sure the pain is still fresh to their families. I hope Bart Corbin does not make parole. Such an evil man should have received the death penalty. My sympathy goes out to the families.
Kathy Moyer <kmoyer195@gmail.com>
Harleysville, pa usa - Tuesday, February 17, 2015 3:22 PM CST
I am from Cape Town, South Africa and when i saw the show on CI it broke my heart. I'm a young mom who experienced domestic violence in my marriage. Truly sad that she wont get to see her beautiful boys grow up. My heart goes out to the family and her kids xxx
Cape Town, 7441 South Africa - Tuesday, February 3, 2015 7:44 AM CST
I am from Brazil and I have watched the documentary at ID Channel About her death! I am chocked and I am really sorry! God bless the family and her soul.
São pailo , SP Brazil - Sunday, January 4, 2015 5:33 AM CST
I just saw an episode of scorned love kills. This is a very sad and devastating story. I feel so bad for her children ,family and friends. I don't know her personally, but she seemed like an amazing and beautiful young woman. I'm praying for you all. May her loving soul rest in peace. May God bless you all.
Chante Wilson <chantewatts63@gmail.com>
baltimore, md Usa - Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:09 PM CST
I just say an episode of scorned love kills. This is a very sad and devastating story. I feel so bad for her children ,family and friends. I don't know her personally, but she seemed like an amazing and beautiful young woman. I'm praying for you all. May her loving soul rest in peace. May God bless you all.
Chante Wilson <chantewatts63@gmail.com>
baltimore, md Usa - Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:05 PM CST
I want to see the movie on lifetime but I have no clue how it works..darn!
Patty olczak <pattyolc@aol.com>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Monday, November 10, 2014 4:33 AM CST
I am almost finished with the book and it was brought to my attention by a friend who read it in one day. She emailed me and said she read a story that happen in my city and county. I immediately ordered it from the library and did research to find out why I could not recall this incident. I've been in GA since 2001 and maybe our attention was focused on the Peterson murder? I don't know but when I saw Jens face I knew I have seen her picture on TV back in 2004.

I was crying on and off and felt so bad for her. The wickedness of Bart, the sad ordeal with Dolly and Bart. I'm so sorry she was taken from all of you at such an early age.
I was praying throughout the night for all and will do all I can to keep Bart in prison. My intuition tells me he will strike again so we'll work at this.

Bless you for all you have done to be the perfect parents of these wonderful boys.. You know you're doing the right thing and God does reward us and you won't have to fight for revenge..Believe me he will take care of it..

God bless you and your entire family and I am so happy to be able to express my concerns regarding this tragic event..
Take care

Patty Olczak <pattyolc@aol.com>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Wednesday, November 5, 2014 5:24 AM CST
I saw the lifetime movie and my heart goes out to her children and family. It is senseless the act of the husband and in my opinion very selfish and very cruel to do this to his children. A human life is the most important gift and to take it away is the most horrible thing someone can do. It is a miracle that the boys have a wonderful aunt and uncle and grandparents to love but still this SHOULD NEVER have happed!
teresa mcmanus <teresaannmcmanus@gmail.com>
mohegan lake, ny usa - Monday, October 6, 2014 11:41 AM CDT
I started Ann Rule's book yesterday afternoon and here I am at 3am, just finishing it. I was unable to put it down. I am so horrified at the misfortune Jennifer had to marry such monster and so incredibly touched to read of the love her family continues to have for her. I wish your family peace and happiness. I am glad that Dalton and Dillon are so lucky to have an aunt and uncle that would raise them as their own. Jennifer is not the only angel. Bless you and your family.
Carrie Shearman <princesscarrie42@icloud.com>
Bunker Hill, WV USA - Saturday, October 4, 2014 2:17 AM CDT
Just reading Ann Rule's book. Love and prayers to all. Shows how love, goodness and the power of family can overcome evil despite the heart break.Very mportant that women are told of the symptoms of an abusive relationship as opposed to a close, loving one. In UK this is just starting to be included on the Pastoral curriculum in schools.
Helen Greenleaf-Pitts <helen_greenleaf@talk21.com>
Brighton and Hove, Sussex England - Friday, August 22, 2014 7:55 AM CDT
I've also just finished reading Ann Rule's book about this terrible tragedy. I hadn't heard of the story beforehand and am sad to have been "introduced" to your family in this manner.

I guess in a sense, tragedy brings people together. Your loss will bring me to hug my children tighter tonight and thank God for my wonderful, kind husband. I feel for your family and hope you all are healing and learning to love life again.

ON Canada - Saturday, July 19, 2014 8:55 AM CDT
God bless all of you. I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. She was such a sweet lady. The world is a better place because she was here for a while.
Arlington, TX USA - Tuesday, July 15, 2014 9:18 PM CDT
Just saw this show on Forensic Files. I was sad & furious to hear that Jennifer's son was the one who found his mom. I'm glad that the kid's last name was changed to reflect the name of the people that really loves them & care for them. I pray God's grace over them & all the blessings of heaven. I also pray for Jennifer & the other young lady (Dolly). May they be at peace in the arms of Jesus.
Gwen C.
Atlanta, GA Fulton - Wednesday, June 4, 2014 11:34 PM CDT
Am reading Too Late To Say Goodbye. RIP, Jenn. You were taken from your loved ones way too early. God bless you, Heather and Doug, for taking the boys in and raising them.
Cheryl Dashnaw <Minibotl@sc.rr.com>
Summerville, South Carolina United States - Saturday, May 31, 2014 6:34 PM CDT
I have read Ann Rule's book detailing Jenn's life and tragic death multiple times. She and her family are an inspiration to all of us in the quest for truth and justice.
Roxie Cave <MZMKBIZ4U2@aol.com>
de - Tuesday, April 1, 2014 7:46 PM CDT
LAWRENCEVILLE, GA USA - Thursday, March 27, 2014 1:51 PM CDT
I feel really bad about what happened. I hope you are having some happy times now. I know Jenn would want that. She is probably watching over you right now. I know that I am just a person saying words. But I mean everything I said right now. Have a happily ever after please.
Taylor Gonzales <tg101002@gmail.com>
Lusby, Maryland, MD U.S.A - Monday, March 17, 2014 11:38 AM CDT
Je viens de terminer le livre d'Ann Rule "partie sans dire adieu" et c'est avec beaucoup d'émotion que je pense à Jenn partie trop tôt laissant sa famille désemparée. J'ai une pensée pour vous tous ainsi que les fils de Jenn.
Christine <chris.soul34@gmail.com>
St Etienne, 42 France - Tuesday, February 4, 2014 2:46 PM CST
Just finished Ann Rules book! Very sorry about what happened to Jennifer! My thoughts and prayers are with her sons and the rest of the family!
Krista Riley <kristanaj13@gmail.com>
Niagara Falls, ON Canada - Tuesday, January 28, 2014 12:17 AM CST
Happy Birthday, Jennifer. I hope your boys are doing well. Peace.
Boston, MA USA - Saturday, January 25, 2014 5:27 AM CST
Dalton and Dillon are very blessed to be in such a loving and wonderful family. I am so sorry for your loss. I am also glad that the police listened to you and your family. May the years ahead be blessed.
Janice <jmc19481@hotmail.com>
West Milford, NJ USA - Friday, January 24, 2014 11:22 AM CST
Miss you Jennifer.
Love you.

Juliet <faerywineand69@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, December 4, 2013 10:56 AM CST
Thinking of you all today, wishing you peace! Tell the boys hello from us!
Cathy Kepley
Buford, ga - Wednesday, December 4, 2013 7:11 AM CST
Big hugs heather and doug on the strength and love you are teaching the boys. Jenni is looking down very proud

kim McKinley <lokster68@yahoo.ca>
nanaimo, bc canada - Wednesday, November 20, 2013 2:57 AM CST
Just wanted to let you, the family of Jen Corbin, know she is still thought of and honored. I'm making Jen's Squash Soup for the first time this year, and will think of her lovingly as I share each bowl with my daughter Jenn and my three precious grandchildren. Warmest regards, Lanan
Lanan Clark <nanclark50@sbcglobal.net>
Fair Oaks, CALIFORNIA United States - Friday, November 8, 2013 8:15 AM CST
I am lifetime resident of GA and while I noted this case when it happened, I was wrapped up in my early 20's and it made little impact on me. I recently picked up Ann Rule's book and felt an instant connection. Perhaps because I am now the same age that Jenn was when she was taken too soon. Also, perhaps because I now live in Hamilton Mill, mere minutes from so many of the places mentioned in the book. I have no words that will make any difference, but I am truly sorry for the loss that all of you have experienced.
Vanessa Fawley <vanessafawley@gmail.com>
Buford, Georgia United States - Sunday, October 20, 2013 10:10 PM CDT
i am sorry for your lost may god find peace in your family may u rest in peace my dear one........
NATALIE KARIM <raheemkarim@live.com>
PORT OF SPAIN, F SPAIN TRINIDAD - Friday, September 6, 2013 5:19 PM CDT
i am sorry for your lost may god find peace in your family may u rest in peace my dear one........
NATALIE KARIM <raheemkarim@live.com>
PORT OF SPAIN, F SPAIN TRINIDAD - Friday, September 6, 2013 5:18 PM CDT
Our sympathy goes out to Ruth Ann and Denise Arthurs and all the family members in the homegoing of Dave Arthurs. He was a very "special" missionary sent out from Berean Baptist Church and we will always hold him close to our hearts. Both Dave and Ruth Ann were very dedicated to what God had called them to do.
Berean Baptist Church family members <secretary@bereanbch.org>
Sciotoville, OH USA - Friday, September 6, 2013 10:40 AM CDT
I read "too late to say goodbye"....such a heartbreaking story! Prayers are with the entire family, esp the two boys! They are very lucky to have such a caring family!
Janine <kk8771@verizon.net>
Hazleton, pa 18202 - Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:31 PM CDT
Always supporting all those who expose what affects people in society. From all your friends at http://www.tomthumb.info/tt/ Thank you.
David Marsh <davidmarsh1970@hotmail.co.uk>
Scunthorpe.North.Lincolnshire.United Kingdom, North.Lincolnshire United Kingdom - Tuesday, July 23, 2013 7:40 AM CDT
I'm so happy that the boys now have your last name, I hope their father rots in prison. You are a wonderful sister, I wish your entire family peaceand happiness.
Jacalyn Brouillette <mcbrou.jm@att.net>
Middleburg, FL United States - Monday, July 22, 2013 3:29 PM CDT
Visiting jan Lapp
George Howry <geoh37@gmail.com>
Oakhurst, ca usa - Monday, July 1, 2013 9:05 PM CDT
My prayers are with you and your family God Bless you Heather you were blessed with a very special sister.
Laura Canales <lauracanalez@yahoo.com>
Oklahoma city , ok usa - Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:14 PM CDT
It's so difficult (to say the least) when a family member is taken from us-let alone in such a tragic way.
What an amazing show of strength and fortitude your family has displayed!

Sue <soocque7@hotmail.com>
Kirkfield, ON Canada - Tuesday, May 28, 2013 3:16 PM CDT
Just saw at the end of the movie they made about Jennifer and I found it very sad. I hope everyone is doing okay and having the best life possible. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Michelle Burt <m_r_burt@hotmail.com>
Dallas, GA United States - Thursday, May 9, 2013 11:14 PM CDT
Just finished reading the book. My heart goes out to everyone. So tragic. So sad. God Bless you all.
Paulette Anderon <pander1022@aol.com>
High Point, NC USA - Friday, April 12, 2013 6:04 PM CDT
I have just watched the film of the story of your sister. I had no idea until the end that the film was a true story. I then googled her name when I saw the credits at the end of the film.
I just wanted to sign this to let you know that she will live on in my memory now, and will never be forgotten while there are people alive who carry her in their hearts and memories.
My sincere thoughts and best wishes go out to all the family.

Cheri Arlenghi <cheri.arlenghi@tiscali.co.uk>
Clacton on Sea, Essex United Kingdom - Wednesday, April 10, 2013 11:02 AM CDT
I just finished reading the book by Ann Rule, Too Late To Say Goodbye.( 2013-02-15) I am so happy to hear that the boys have changed their surnames to yours. My deepest sympathy to all of you in the loss of a beautiful person.

As I sit in heaven and watch you every day,
I try and let you know with signs I never went away,
I hear you when your laughing and watch you as you sleep,
I even place my arms around you to calm you as you weep,
I see you wish the days away begging to have me home,
So I try to send you signs so you know you are not alone,
Don't feel guilty that you have life that was denied to me,
Heaven is truly beautiful, just you wait and see!
So live your life, laugh again!
Enjoy yourself, be free, then I know with every breath you take,
You will be taking one for me

Lorraine Fauser <fauser@shaw.ca>
Langley British Columbia, Canada - Wednesday, March 27, 2013 3:47 PM CDT
I just finished Ann Rule's book, "Too Late to Say Goodbye"...wow. I have 2 sisters and I cannot even imagine my life without either of them. I pray for your family. It looks as though the boys are doing well. They are very fortunate to have their aunt & uncle in their lives. I hope & pray they will lead normal, healthy lives. My heart goes out to them...especially the older one that had to see what he saw. You all are in my prayers....God Bless.
Julie Perry
Abilene, Tx USA - Monday, March 25, 2013 8:47 AM CDT
I am familiar with Ann Rule's books and have just finished the one about your sister Jen on iBooks. You were blessed to have a sister like her and, correspondingly, she was lucky to have you and to have Ann Rule to chronicle her and Dolly's stories.

Please tell her and your boys how pleased another reader is to hear that finally they are a permanent part of a truly loving and caring family.

God bless from an American in Scotland,

Robyn Leith Stewart <robynstewartenterprises@gmail.com>
Stirling, UK - Sunday, March 24, 2013 2:29 PM CDT
Hello Heather,

I recently read about your beautiful sister and I wanted you to know she has touched me beyond words.

In one of your journal entries, you asked us to remember to tell those we love how much we love them -- that we can lose them in an instant, so we should never, ever take them for granted. And you asked us to tell you about it.

I have been so moved by all of your words and I really got to thinking about how much I love my own sister. She is my best friend. She is planning to move across the country in a month and I have been so angry with her for leaving me. We haven't been getting along. But your words -- and the beauty of your sister's life -- made me realize how thankful I ought to be to have my sister here, now. So I will tell her I love her right now.

Heather, your sister is not forgotten. I'm so sorry for everything.

Thank you for keeping Jenn's memory alive.

Much love.

Amber N. <amber.m.ness@gmail.com>
Minneapolis, MN - Tuesday, March 12, 2013 9:43 PM CDT
I'm about 200 pages in to "too late to say goodbye" by ann rule, and i cant put it down i feel like i knew jenn personally. im sorry for your families loss of such an amazing women!
Randi Maldonado <randimaldonado89@gmail.com>
Grants Pass, or joshephine - Wednesday, March 6, 2013 9:14 AM CST
Heather, I have read the story of your sister. I have read it several times in fact. Ann Rule is an amazing writer who brought Jenn to life through her pages. Im from Australia so I never heard this story till I found the book.

I'm so glad you never stopped believing in Jenn even when they tried to say she took her own life. As a single mum of two myself I know I have horrible down days but I wouldn't do that to my kids either.

I'm so happy you got justice for her, and Dolly.

What upsets me is if there was no Dolly for police to see the similarities, would they have looked further or would they have just left it as a suicide like they did with Dolly.
Its just a shame they did not have enough evidence at the time to put this monster in jail then and then Dalton and Dillon would still have their mum.

anyway, I hope you and Doug are doing well and all 4 of the children are doing well.

Bless u all.

Karen Westerlaken <karen.westerlaken@gmail.com>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Tuesday, February 5, 2013 10:11 AM CST
Like others, I just finished reading the book last night about your precious sister. My heart is broken for your family, as well as Dolly's family. I will never cease to be surprised by the selfishness of others, like your brother-in-law, who are so obsessed with their "happiness" that they never think about the hurt they cause. They have no place in society. You are a blessing to all of us "sisters."
Patti Harper <pharper1208@yahoo.com>
Vincent, AL US - Monday, January 21, 2013 2:05 PM CST
I cant believe this man got away with the 1st murder for so long. It is sad that it took the murder of your sister to catch him. He is a coward and I hope he rots in jail. May you and your families be safe and always jeep the memory of Jenn alive.
Theresa Norman <ntese@aol.com>
Marysville, Pa United States - Monday, January 7, 2013 3:03 PM CST
hello,my name is patricia. i recently read the book and was amazed to find out that it was true story. the story really touched my heart. especially with me havin 2boys. i am so sorry that ur family had to go threw this.i knw i dnt know yall but feel like i do. this stry has really touched me n so many ways i am blessd to have came across this story. i wish yall the best in life n please know i will carry yall n my prayers. theres so much more i want to say to express myself but am lost for words....yall take care n god bless
patricia morales <roxee6959@gmail.com>
galveston, tx usa - Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:55 AM CST
It is a sad thing when a young person dies. Especially by homicide, by someone close to her, by the hands of her own husband. My heart goes out to each and every member of Jenn's family and her friends. May God and Jenn be with you always and forever.
Marylou Devery <mdevery.devery@gmail.com>
Lafayette, IN USA - Thursday, December 27, 2012 1:17 PM CST
My heart goes out to you and your family. It seems like your sister was a really sweetheart. cant imagine what her kids went through growing up without mom that was taken by such mean person. keep the faith god is there with you every step of the way.
basseterre, st kitts - Saturday, December 8, 2012 1:53 PM CST
Like many others writing condolences I have jsut finished reading Too Late To Say Goodbye. I can't remember the last time that I cried so much reading a book. Jenni was so lucky to have the family she has. My condolences to all that were so fortunate to have her in their life.
Timothy Taylor
Moncton, NB Cansda - Saturday, November 24, 2012 6:29 PM CST
Thank you so much for creating and maintaining this amazing webpage dedicated to Jennifer. Like many others I have just read the book by Anne Rule and I have great empathy for your loss. The story is one that should not have to be repeated and I hope that others can learn and gain strength from knowing Jennifers story. Reading such an intimate depiction of someones life makes you feel as though you have known them and their family, sometimes finishing the book is hard because you don't know what happens to the people who lived on beyond this tragedy. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for continuing to allow people like myself into your life and the lives of your family as it feels as though I know them, if even a little. Knowing that the family continues to stay strong for each other and especially Jennifers boys is truly comforting. Take care and God Bless.
Tracey Wenberg <traceywenberg@yahoo.ca>
Vancouver , BC Canada - Thursday, November 15, 2012 4:42 PM CST
Thank you so much for creating and maintaining this amazing webpage dedicated to Jennifer. Like many others I have just read the book by Anne Rule and I have great empathy for your loss. The story is one that should not have to be repeated and I hope that others can learn and gain strength from knowing Jennifers story. Reading such an intimate depiction of someones life makes you feel as though you have known them and their family, sometimes finishing the book is hard because you don't know what happens to the people who lived on beyond this tragedy. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for continuing to allow people like myself into your life and the lives of your family as it feels as though I know them, if even a little. Knowing that the family continues to stay strong for each other and especially Jennifers boys is truly comforting. Take care and God Bless.
Tracey Wenberg <traceywenberg@yahoo.ca>
Vancouver , BC Canada - Thursday, November 15, 2012 4:42 PM CST
I have just finished the book written by Ann Rule. Two wonderful women died in the prime of their lives by the hands of a cruel narcissistic man. I cried many times during your struggle and cheered when JUSTICE was finally served. Dillon and Dalton look wonderfully happy with the family support they have received by the Barber/Tierney family.
Kerri Ladd <kerriladd@bigpond.com>
Glenroy, Victoria Australia - Saturday, November 10, 2012 10:57 PM CST
I am reading about Jennifer Corbin in Ann Rules book. Iknow she is watching over all of you. She was blessed to have such a wonderful family.
Suzanne Bauman <suzy072767@gmail.com>
Lubbock, TX United States - Tuesday, November 6, 2012 1:17 PM CST
God Bless you all. Sending Love, Prayers,Kindness,Happiness, and Joy to you all... Hugs and Kisses
Elizbeth Gomez <wagsruff@yahoo.com>
Brisbane , ca 94005 - Wednesday, October 10, 2012 10:07 PM CDT
I just finished reading the book written by Ann Rule. What a heart breaking story. Jenn sounds like someone I would have like in a second. I know time has helped your family but one can never know what you still go thru. Her children so young have found in you and your husband the home and family they NEEDED. I Bless you and your whole family.
Lisa Beatty <coorsup@verizon.net>
Hollidaysburg, PA Blair - Wednesday, October 10, 2012 4:23 PM CDT
Thank god the children have such a wonderful aunt.
oakland dupree <oaklandpdupree@aol.com>
new freedom, pa - Monday, October 1, 2012 9:46 AM CDT
Dear Dalton & Dillon, and the families of Jenn and Dolly,

Like many others before me, I just read Ann Rule's book "Too Late to Say Goodbye" and was incredibly moved by the waste of lives of these two beautiful, intelligent and loving individuals, both in the prime of their lives. I am so proud of Heather and Doug to be raising you as their own, and honouring Jenn's wishes. I've looked at the photos in this website and love seeing the smiles on your faces and know you will be given the full extent of life's opportunities. Your mother is SO PROUD of you boys, and I am so glad to have this opportunity to write to you and let you know my feelings. Jenn had a smile that would have touched so many lives. As a soon-to-be nursing student I was so touched by Dolly's aspirations to be a dentist, and am so glad she got her degree, though sad that she has been awarded it post-humously. Thank you, Ann Rule, for writing this book and dedicating it to the women of the world who are affected by domestic violence.


Dixie Lloyd <danishprincess@ymail.com>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Saturday, September 29, 2012 11:42 AM CDT
Hello, I am truly sorry for your loss. I have lost a loved one in a murder/attempted suicide. You never forget and it always leaves a empty spot. I have always wondered what I could have done to prevent it; if anything. The book was deep and insightful, thank you for sharing your sisters story.
Nicole <@yahoo.com>
TD, ore, us - Saturday, September 29, 2012 6:37 AM CDT
I just finished reading the story Too Late To Say Goodbye about your sister...I AM SO SORRY!
Our family also suffers from a loss of our nephew and hopefully some day there will be justice for him.
Just know how deeply sorry I am for you all.

Laurie <Redheadedstepchild58@gmail.com>
MI USA - Thursday, September 6, 2012 12:49 AM CDT
I wanted to check up on the family.I was close to both Jenn and her mom.Maybe not in person but i talked with jen on the phone.My heart hurts everyday,missing this great women.Love you Jenn and God bless the family's.
Michael Norris <Risseer23@aol.com>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Saturday, August 18, 2012 5:37 PM CDT
I watched the film tonight 'Too Late Too Say Goodbye' what a heartbreaking story, Ifeel for the family but most of all Jennifers two boys . They will grow up to find out what a wonderfull woman Jenifer was xxxx
caroline w Taylor
Lancashire, United Kindom - Thursday, August 9, 2012 9:17 PM CDT
I have watched the movie based on your sister many many times, i am a true story gal and love to look things up to see the outcome or updated things about the families, ok call me weird so i was very happy to find out it was true that her sister adopted her children, Bart got what he deserved even if it was an agreement from the sister i hadn't noticed til this time that this Marion Barnes was from st. Louis,mo that's where i live I wish the boys much happiness and to Jenn's family i will keep you all in my prayers i know it's hard I've been through it and it's so very tough and specially on Holidays birthdays etc.... peace be with you!!!
Stacy Breeher
Arnold, mo usa - Tuesday, August 7, 2012 10:23 PM CDT
I have been touched by the lives taken from a vibrant, loving, caring woman still young and in the prime of her life. I have experienced two marriages that was domestic violence involved. I feel so blessed that I am still here
I am sure that if my two ex-husbands had their way sometime during our marriage, well, someone as myself would be expressing their thoughts in the guest book in my honor right now. I even feared for my life after my divorce from these evil men. To this very day I am still single, do not date and have no interest at all. I live for God and take one day at a time. I actually just found out yesterday that my second ex-husband's first wife is now disabled from serious stomach problems. Then I told my Mother and we then confirmed that ex-wife number one and two had been slowly poisoned? Can't really prove it now, but my health has gotten really bad. I am still grateful and so blessed being alive. I feel so much hurt, sadness and pain for your angel Jennifer. I hope that by the grace of God Jennifer's entire family and friends heart will slowly mend, pain will ease and memories of Jennifer will make you always feel her love shining from Heaven above. The rainbow in those beautiful pictures of Jennifer's family probably reminds you of her loving grace. I have everyone in my thoughts and prayers even though we don't know each other. This true story of domestic violence that took Jennifer's life has touched me so deep that somehow I feel connected. I hope that everyone will find peace. May God bless each and everyone that Jennifer has touched their lives. And especially her two son's. My heart broke when those precious little boys lost their Mother. I know that they are so loved and taken care of and may God bless you richly.

Sincerely yours,


Deborah Morgan <suehilton65@yahoo.com>
Ooltewah, Tn Hamilton - Saturday, July 21, 2012 8:07 PM CDT
Like alot of people I too just got done reading the Ann Rule book about this horrible tragedy. I also live in Georgia but was really surprised to hear how close this actually was to where I live. I cant understand how a person can be so cruel and inhumane. Its hard to think about how beautiful this world is and how wonderful life can be when it can be so full of hate,deceit and murder. Im very sorry that your faimly had to lose someone you dearly loved and then endure such a long road for justice. I pray your family is doing good and will continue heal.
Jennifer <jennah4uc@yahoo.com>
GA USA - Wednesday, July 18, 2012 5:50 PM CDT
May this Lady Rest In Peace.
J howes <jhowes1955@gmail.cm>
England, - Tuesday, July 17, 2012 12:45 AM CDT
I too, like many others, have read the story of jenn. She was such a beautiful woman who has imprinted many emotions upon me through her story. May your family be blessed...and her memories live on. Just wanted to drop my blessings... ;)
Shalonda Williams <Londa.Michelle@yahoo.com>
Jacksonville, FL - Tuesday, June 19, 2012 1:34 PM CDT
I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for your family. I just read Ann Rule's book and could not put it down. I was so angry and upset with what he had done. I pray that with each day the pain eases. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Thankfully those 2 sweet boys have someone to love them and take care of them. God Bless You!
Michele Murray <micheleleigh67@hotmail.com>
ALEXANDRIA, ohio USA - Sunday, June 3, 2012 7:57 PM CDT
i just finished to read the book "too late to say goodbye" i felt so sad and the same time got shocked my marriage life was so similar to her, it was like i describing my ex personality and similarities, i was in the same situation i left him, went to a domestic violence shelter, i was afraid for my life, got divorced. have the same worries about my future but i dont live with a lot of money like i used to be, but a I'm happier, God will help me.
I am happy that Dalton and Dillon are safe now and protected by their family.

Angel Mathews
Seymour, TN USA - Monday, May 28, 2012 5:39 PM CDT
Thank you for allowing those of us who have learned of your family through Ann Rule to let Jen's family know of our concern and great care for you all. I will always remember your story of love for someone lost to you.
Alice Sumner
Greensboro, NC USA - Tuesday, May 15, 2012 3:26 PM CDT
I am nearly finished reading Ann Rule's book "Too Late To Say Goodbye" and felt compelled to visit this website to express warm thoughts to the families of Jenn and Dolly. Ann Rule did such a thorough and extraordinary job writing this book, I can hardly put it down. Heather and Doug, you are the best! I congratulate your noble efforts to care for Jenn's sons and help them heal from the tragic circumstances that scarred their young lives. Thank you for keeping this website alive. Although several years have passed, it gives people like me an opportunity to send heartfelt notes of compassion to the families who lost their beautiful daughters, sisters, and mother. Your pain will not be forgotten, but hopefully diminished, thanks to the perseverance of the talented law enforcement teams who brought justice in the convictions of this evil monster.
Kathy Toce
San Diego, CA USA - Saturday, April 28, 2012 9:44 PM CDT

Congrats on the big news! (name change of those precious boys)I actually learned of your situation from TV and immediately became interested in the case. I'm so sorry for your pain, may it lessen over time.

Ian Howie <micimo@yahoo.com>
San Ramon, CA USA - Monday, April 16, 2012 10:57 PM CDT
I have almost finished reading "the Book" and have not seen the "movie", but wanted to say that I hope the entire family is doing well; I'm so sorry for your loss and what you have had to and continnue to have to endure. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Melissa McGov <smkmmcgovern@aol.com>
Port Huron, mi United States - Thursday, April 12, 2012 8:13 AM CDT
im sorry about your duaghter and my hearts goes out to u and ur family. i know u dont know me but i just got done watching the movie on ur duaghter and felt sad for ur family and her 2 boys that was left behind.
lisa henriott <lisa_henriott@yahoo.com>
cleveland, ohio usa - Tuesday, April 10, 2012 2:00 AM CDT
I just watched the story on lifetime. I am SO SORRY for your loss. I've lost two brothers but not in that manner. I can't imagine how hard this has been for your family. I pray that God, the only One able, will bless you and assuage your grief, as only He can.
Anita McCarty <anitajmccarty@gmail.com>
Madison, AL US - Sunday, April 8, 2012 6:56 PM CDT
My heart goes out to the family of Jen Barber! I had known Jen for a long time (since she was in high school). She was one the sweetest girls I had ever met. She was engaged to my son and I loved her so much! She was a joy to be around. It is so sad that a mother is taken from her children at such a young age. She is an angel in heaven watching over her boys! Very special person!!!
Emily Kent <nanniekent@aol.com>
Smiths, al United States - Monday, March 19, 2012 8:38 PM CDT
This story touched my heart in so many ways...I am sorry for your loss and so glad that Jenns sons have such an awesome family to be there for them !!!! I wish you all the best in life !!!!!!!!
Sharon Kuth <samiam6669@Yahoo.com>
Sulphur, LA USA - Thursday, February 9, 2012 6:17 PM CST
Looking for friend who is sick.
Melissa McKean <melissamckean24@gmail.com>
Cedar Fall, IA USA - Tuesday, January 31, 2012 6:59 AM CST
My heart and prayers are with your and your family. I am one of the lucky ones, and feel such sorrow for the heartbreak that you and your family are living through.
Tori Pollard <nightsky404@yahoo.com>
Clayton , GA USA - Monday, January 23, 2012 11:11 AM CST
I have always felt a connect to Jennifer after reading Ann Rule's book. Shivers went done my spine reading about her killer as it was just like describing my ex husband but fortunately my 2 children and I escaped the evil that was in our lives. I hold Jennifer close to my heart and pray she is at peace.
Sherilynn <sheko62@yahoo.com.au>
Newcastle, NSW Australia - Wednesday, January 18, 2012 1:37 AM CST
I am so sorry for your loss. I just read the book because I like the investigation aspect of these stories. Because of the children, this was the hardest one I've ever gotten through. I just felt compelled to reach out to you. God bless you and your family--most especially the boys.
- Friday, January 6, 2012 11:18 AM CST
My thougths and prayers continue with your family. I became aware of your story by reading the Anne Rule book and also by the TV program that was recently on LMN. The movie does not even begin to tell the story (they never do) but it rekindled my thoughts for all of you and the tragedy you suffered. I see that your beautiful daughter has a birthday in a few days and I'm sure she will be in your thoughts. I just wanted to let you know she is not forgotten by many people that are aware of her tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you and her 2 beautiful sons as well.
olympia, wa usa - Sunday, January 1, 2012 9:16 PM CST
I just recently watched the movie on Lifetime and I have purchased the book. I am so sorry for you loss. I have the utmost respect for you in all that you have done and continue to do for your family. I also want to congratulate your family and Dillon and Dalton on the adoption. You are an amazing family and you will continue to get stronger. God bless a d rest in peace Jennifer!
Sonya Dawson <sdawson76@hotmail.com>
Rock Falls , Il USA - Sunday, December 18, 2011 5:38 PM CST
my heart goes out to you and your family god bless you i hope you are doing fine i hope the kids are doing fine also i hope and pray that he rots in jail for what he did
tracy <cfdj1992@yahoo.com>
dayton, ohio montgomery - Sunday, December 11, 2011 11:40 PM CST
God Bless all of you!!!!
Rene' Pyatt <jnrpyatt@comcast.net>
Salrm, OR USA - Friday, December 9, 2011 6:31 PM CST
Jenny has been heavy on my mind lately. We had so many good times together in Lawrenceville. I miss her and wish I could talk to her today. I am so proud of Heather and her husband for stepping up and taking care of Jennys boys.
Kathey Koch <kks3705@yahoo.com>
Goldsboro, NC USA - Monday, December 5, 2011 4:07 PM CST
Think of you all on this 7th anniversary of Jennifer. I've tried to send this link to anyone in your family. It is Jennifer's memorial on the Find-a-Grave website. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSvcid=184100&GRid=25851117&
I try to visit several times a week, as well as other people who have read or saw the shows about Jennifer.
I pray for your comfort and strength.

Rebecca Brown <duncan.az.music@gmail.com>
Lordsburg, New Mexico United States - Sunday, December 4, 2011 1:05 PM CST
I am from near Bowling Green, KY, and am reading Ann Rule's book. I remember seeing the news about her when we visited my husband's family in Floyd County, GA. Jenn seems like a lovely person - I am so sorry for your tragedy - words cannot express. I am also glad that Ann Rule told Jenn's story. May God's Peace be with you.
Alice Barton
Glasgow, KY USA - Friday, December 2, 2011 5:38 PM CST
I pray for a Blessed life for Jenn's two boys and the family that has taken them in and treated them like their own! You are a wonderful Sister and God will Bless you for your kindness. I wish you all the best!

Debra B.
KY - Friday, November 25, 2011 9:29 PM CST
candy simmons <ccsimmons4@gmail.com>
- Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:48 PM CST
Very sorry for your loss. You are truly a wonderful person to take care of your sister's boys and I am very certain Jenn is watching over all of you. God bless you all

colleen seguin
morpeth, canada - Friday, November 11, 2011 11:39 AM CST
have read the book "to late to say goodbye", the book touched my heart,with this sad and tragic events, that a man can be so so cruel and evil...jus had to express my admiration for your strength, and may the future always hold love and happiness for you all, always...x
bryan fowkes <brizad1@hotmail.com>
norwich, england uk - Sunday, November 6, 2011 4:52 PM CST
I was drawn to this web site after watching a disturbing movie here in Canada about her life and death on the movie network.

After reading other postings there isn't much left to add, but I must say that I share in your grief. What a beautiful daughter you had, and will always have in eternity, may "Dr. Corbin" (as he insists on being called) "burn in hell for eternity".


Rosemary Birk <rosemary.birk@rogers.com>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Friday, November 4, 2011 10:45 PM CDT
My heart go out to you.My God bless you and your family.
ST LOUIS, MO - Thursday, November 3, 2011 1:38 PM CDT
I never knew Jenn in real life but I read Ann Rules book and felt like I'd known her by the time I was done.What a waste of a beautiful life.I know it has been a few years since her leaving you, but I also know that the pain never leaves, it just subsides now and then so that we may get on with our own lives.I know Jenn would be so proud of you Heather for the loving home you are giving her boys.God Bless you all.
I too lost my beautiful neice in 2006 to "suicide". I do not believe she took her own life and never will, and neither does the rest of my family. But the police have ruled it suicide and will hear no more from us about it.She was only 26 yrs old ,university educated, and had a wonderful job which she loved.She had also just had some pictures taken to try her hand at modelling. She was looking into buying a home with her boyfriend and was making definite plans for the future.On New Years eve that year her boyfriend went out without her and mistakenly left his MSN chat on the computer. She read his messages to an old girlfriend who it turns out he went to meet while she sat home alone on new years.She confronted him and told him it was over, and miraculously she was found dead 2 weeks later.She was found in her bedroom on the floor with a plastic bag over her head and duct taped around her neck, her hands were handcuffed behind her back so she could not save herself.The next day her boyfriend failed to show up at my sisters house where we had all gathered, he was out getting a tattoo of handcuff keys on his neck.That night and every night after that for a few weeks my other sister and I followed him and he spent all his time with the other girlfriend.Grieving my niece? I think not.He too tried to portray my niece as being emotionally unstable, but those of us who knew her don't buy it.Last year the girl he was running around with was found dead in her apartment, "suicide" was the cause of death. I do not know the manner in which she died as the police wouldn't reveal it to us.Another life taken by someone who has no right to play God.
My friends all tell me to let it go, its over and done with. But for me its not and never will be as I'm sure you well know.We comfort ourselves with the knowledge that she is in a better place, but we are selfish and want her back with us .She had so much to give this world and she never had a chance.Thanks for sharing Jenn's story .God Bless you all.

Jacqui <hrsnutt@hotmail.com>
woodstock, ont canada - Thursday, November 3, 2011 12:42 AM CDT
God Bless you for the wonderful job I am sure you are doing raising your sister's children and your own. It just goes to show how strong of a person you are. You are one of a kind, a figher. Just keep doing a wonderful job with your head held high. Best of wishes to you and your family.
Nicole Branham
Gaylord, MI USA - Monday, October 31, 2011 8:32 PM CDT
I am almost finished reading Ann Rule's book, Too Late to Say Goodbye. Even though I've not yet finished the book, I am reading the references to the various websites devoted to your beautiful Jenn, to Dolly Hearn and also Friends of Bart Corbin (I was unable to locate that site, I just wanted to see what his family would continue to say in his defense.) I've never written any comment on a site like this but Ms. Rule's book, as she describes the lives of these women who were supposedly 'loved' but then victimized by Bart Corbin, has really touched me and I wanted to let all of the family members who are grieving that even though I've never met any of you, I grieve with you. Such a horrible way to lose a loved one, especially when that person had such a beautiful soul.
Pat Rawls
Wilkes-Barre, PA USA - Wednesday, October 26, 2011 4:33 PM CDT
Just completed reading Ann Rules book about beautiful Jenn. Your grief must be just unimaginable but Jenn's handsome boys are her real legacy to you all her wonderful Family. May God bless you all. I said a Prayer for Jenn tonight knowing that she is watching over all of you & saying to you all: I am walking beside my boys every day & watch over them sleeping soundly at night. A big hug to everyone involved in the raising of her children.
Trina Angus <tangus@tpg.com.au>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Friday, October 21, 2011 5:20 AM CDT
I read the book by Ann Rule over a year ago and remembered the emotions I felt imagining the grief you felt. I lost my sister when I was ten to similar circumstances and at that age I didn't really understand death meant forever till later on when I felt cheated I wonder what she would look like or what she would think of me now I am almost 30...I pray for your family and the children and I can understand the sadness in your journal. she is with u don't ever doubt that....congrats on getting the boys name change god bless....
nadine Campbell <n.Campbell47@yahoo.com>
- Friday, October 14, 2011 0:56 AM CDT
God bless you and your family . I can only imagine the pain you and Dolly Hearn's family endured. It was all brought back to me watching the movie tonight. I read the book back in 2002.

Margaret <gleannfia@comcast.net>
Waterford, MI USA - Thursday, October 13, 2011 8:44 PM CDT
I have read Ann Rule's book some time ago. The story is on TV tonight which reminded me of the family.
I am glad Jenn's boys have a family who loves them and will take care of them.

Jackie DuCharme
Forest Lake , Mn US - Thursday, October 13, 2011 7:41 PM CDT
i am almost finished reading ann rules book, too late to say goodbye and got to the page that said heather had started a support page so i am here, at 3 a.m. to find it. i think it's great that the boys are with you, protected from that evil monster.
Donna <Donniesout72@aol.com>
La Puente, CA U.S.A. - Sunday, October 2, 2011 5:03 AM CDT
Happy birthday Heather!
Singapore, - Tuesday, September 20, 2011 1:42 AM CDT
Rooting for you& continuied happiness
Derrick l Kent <totalkent9@mail.com>
youngstown, ny niagara - Sunday, September 18, 2011 5:08 PM CDT
Your family is truly an inspiration to others... I just finished reading Ann Rule's book, as I finished the book I was in tears. I am so sorry that this has happened to your family, and Dolly's family as well. I wish you all continued strength and very happy to hear tht the boys are now Tierneys! What wondeful news.
keli faber <akfaber@frontiernet.net>
sparrowbush, ny usa - Monday, September 5, 2011 6:33 PM CDT
Heather, My father passed peacefully today, and for some reason I was thinking of you tonight. So came to Jenn's page. I reread a few of your older posts and wanted to let you know how it helped to read about when Jenn visited you and how beautiful everything was. please know your family is still in my thoughts.
www.caringbridge.org/nj/justinw and not only is "my baby" doing great, but believe it or not he is 23 now.

Lyn Wyatt <glwyatt@gmail.com>
NJ - Saturday, September 3, 2011 10:39 PM CDT
I recently read Ann Rule's book "Too Late to Say Goodbye." This is indeed a terrible tragedy! My heart just breaks for the family and friends of this beautiful young woman. I am so glad that the boys are with the aunt, and her family, that always loved them. I am also so glad that justice has been served! God bless to you all, and God bless Jennifer!
Jan McDougal <janmcdougal@windstream.net>
Lubbock, TX USA - Saturday, September 3, 2011 2:33 PM CDT
So I recently read To late to say goodbye and I am so sorry for your loss. I can tell jenn was a great person. And I think it is so amazing what you have done for her boys.You truly are amazing! And you should be so proud! You guys are in my prayers and thoughts.... Best of wishes

Brandy Goble
Chehalis, Washington USA - Sunday, August 28, 2011 8:09 PM CDT
I read Ann Rules book Too Late To Say Goodbye, out of the few books of hers I read, this one touched me the most. I am SO sorry for your loss, and what you have done for Dalton and Dilon is so amazing. Jennifer will always be watching over your family. Ill keep my prayers with your family.
Deanna <deannarick87@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, August 24, 2011 12:47 AM CDT
I am reading Ann Rule's book, for the second time. I took it out from the library and I didn't realize I'd read it a few years ago. I just grabbed any Ann Rule book because I wanted a quick read. I knew as soon as I read the first sentence that I had read it already. I could never forget the story of Jenn and Dolly.

I am so sorry for your loss.


Leanne <leanne.frances@yahoo.ca>
Ottawa , ON Canada - Thursday, August 18, 2011 10:27 PM CDT
God Bless you richly and guard and protect your family.I just watched the movie and felt lead to check out more about your family online.I too love the Lord with all my heart ;although this was a horrific tragedy to endure I am so happy to know she is the Lord's loving care.I praise God that you were given the courage and strength to fight the battle of seeing Bart put in prison( not to hurt anyone else again),also now parenting their children.
I will keep you in my prayers.I am glad the boys are with you and your husband.You will make Jenna proud of your loving care for her sons.Linda

Linda Davis <linda_lea@sbcglobal.net>
sunnyvale, ca usa - Tuesday, August 9, 2011 1:50 AM CDT
God Bless you richly and guard and protect your family.I just watched the movie and felt lead to check out more about your family online.I too love the Lord with all my heart ;although this was a horrific tragedy to endure I am so happy to know she is the Lord's loving care.I praise God that you were given the courage and strength to fight the battle of seeing Bart put in prison( not to hurt anyone else again),also now parenting their children.
I will keep you in my prayers.I am glad the boys are with you and your husband.You will make Jenna proud of your loving care for her sons.Linda

Linda Davis <linda_lea@sbcglobal.net>
sunnyvale, ca usa - Tuesday, August 9, 2011 1:50 AM CDT
Hi Heather and family. I just read the book by Anne Rule.
I hope your pain subsides as the years pass since the senseless murder of your sister. You are in my prayers.

Kerry King <dixiedog2011@live.com>
Lethbridge, AB Canada - Monday, August 8, 2011 10:17 PM CDT
I just finished reading the book by Ann Rule and I felt compelled to let you know how sorry I am for the loss of your sister. I'm so glad that her killer was brought to justice. I commend you Heather on taking care of Jenn's 2 adorable boys and giving them the Tierney name - you are an amazing person. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Linda Sneath <lindasneath@hotmail.com>
Montreal, Quebec Canada - Wednesday, July 27, 2011 9:20 AM CDT
I am reading "Too Late To Say Goodbye" by Ann Rule. I am not finished, as I passed the paragraph about your journal and this website. Your family is in my prayers. Jenn's boys are so lucky to have you in their lives. Congratulations to the name change. I hope all is well considering what you and your family have been through. wish you well in all your future endeavors.
Barbara Hickman <hickmanbd_1@netzero.net>
Louisville, KY 40215 - Tuesday, July 26, 2011 10:33 PM CDT
May God bless you for what you are doing for Jenn's boys. Every time I see Jenn's story on TV, I say a prayer for you, the boys and and all her other family and her friends. It seems she touched so many lives.
Mardy Howe <lameduck1@hotmail.com>
Prescott, On Canada - Wednesday, July 20, 2011 4:02 PM CDT
Hello, I just finished reading your journal Heather. I really wish I could have known Jenn when she was on this Earth.With your journal you brought her to life and she had to be extraordinary!She was very lucky to have a sister like you.I know you feel you were the lucky one.For people who did not know her personally all we have to do is look at Dalton and Dillon.They are who they are because of Jenn. Don't worry about themever forgetting their mom. They won't! You know how strong a mothers love is being a mother yourself and having a mother as special as your own! Your family is in my prayers! May your family have peace and love in the future. God Bless!!!
Sara Camenzind <sarajs1220@yahoo.com>
Oklahoma City , OK USA - Monday, July 18, 2011 12:55 AM CDT
You are a wonderful sister Heather.
Brandy Hurst <peace4salinas@gmail.com>
Salinas, CA USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2011 9:35 PM CDT
AWW THAT IS SO SWEET im just reading the other book the doctors wife- my emotion and prayers are with your family-ive read all thease letter/photos those boys must be gratitfied to have ur last name!! god bless them in every way.im glad the father is in jail, people can be so calous not even now it- I trust few men faith in few, Sorry about ur loss my husband died to a Hearttack.GOD BLESS TO UR NEW FAMILY I PRAY FOR CASES LIKE THESE YA KNOW WERE ONLY STATE AWAY -I FAGIALLY REMEMBER THIS case from nancy grace episodes i wish to meet all of you, From a concern citizen to another sister in christ-My H.S friend that's what happened to her GOD Bless as they all RIP.i wonder if the kids dillion.dalton ever want to even seee their father agian-i am on facebook
melanie kirchner
conway, SC HORRY - Monday, June 20, 2011 2:30 PM CDT
wow!! what a beautiful woman u were!! sadly it took a man like bart to end it all.......the love that your family has for you seems bigger then life itself.....and the strength they have to keep on moving in life tells me that you were VERY much loved by them....so sad that your children were robbed from you and that you were robbed from them as well....you can now watch over them as their ANGEL.....
andrea kolovos <andrea_nikolopoulos@cable.comcast.com>
palos hills, il 60465 - Wednesday, June 8, 2011 4:34 PM CDT
I've read two books and watched all the news shows about Jennifer. My heart breaks for her children and family. I found her "Find-a-Grave" page (http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSvcid=184100&GRid=25851117&) and I try to sign several times per week.
I wish I could have known Jennifer in real life.

Rebecca Brown
Virden, New Mexico United States - Tuesday, June 7, 2011 9:06 PM CDT
I am in the process of reading Jenn's story by Ann Rule. I can not even begin to process all the emotions, struggles, and pain you and your family have had to deal with. I am getting into the last part of the book where the trial is about to start but it is absolutely breaking my heart. I have 2 children myself and i just cant even imagine. I know you are doing a wonderful job raising the boys heather with your husband and children- i admire you for that. The fact that you opened your arms immediately no questions asked- many wouldn't even if they had promised. That was very noble of you and your husband. To max- it may have been a small part of the book but i admire you for getting in the house and getting the presents Jenn had gotten for them regardless of consequences. I had a friend murdered almost three years ago also, but i don't believe that even compares to what you all have gone through. I will definately be thinking of you all at church Sunday. Dalton and Dillion- i know you have a very special guardian angel watching over you and smiling down. Remember that a mothers love is unconditional. No matter where she is, if you can't see her or hear her she is still with you and loves you. There is no comparison to a mothers love.

God Bless

Nikole Hardy <nikolech2008@yahoo.com>
Halifax, VA - Saturday, May 14, 2011 6:49 PM CDT
May the Almighty bless the Barber family and keep them away from harm. And may Jenn's soul rest in peace!
Lathy <nashlove004@gmail.com>
Male', Maldives - Monday, May 9, 2011 5:25 AM CDT
I am so sorry for your loss. I can only hope that the kindness and caring of complete strangers who are touched by Jenn's story comfort you in some small way. Wishing the best for those beautiful children, Dalton and Dillon. Bless you all.

P.S. - I have made Jenn's squash soup as printed in Ann Rule's book, and the soup is excellent. I read that Jenn was a very good cook.

Cara K.
Calgary, AB Canada - Friday, April 29, 2011 2:11 PM CDT
It is Easter 2011. May God bless all of you for carrying on Jenn's spirit.
marcia franklin <mfranky@aol.com>
henderson, nv usa - Monday, April 25, 2011 1:02 AM CDT
may god wrap his loving arms around the barber family jenn is now in heaven watching over you if i can be of help please contact me how are the children doing stay strong in the faith take care
william r west <williamwest64@yahoo.com>
gainesville, ga usa - Saturday, April 16, 2011 10:50 AM CDT
hi heather sorry for the loss of jennifer my thoughts and prayers are with you god bless you
william r west <williamwest64@yahoo.com>
gainesville, ga usa - Saturday, April 16, 2011 10:43 AM CDT
To the families of Dorothy-Dolly Hearn DDS & Jennifer-Jenn Barber Corbin, I can only offer you words of comfort but with all due respect allow the Creator God through Jesus Christ to heal your wounds, turn your mourning into dancing, and sorrows into joy unspeakable, your questions of "why Lord" to "thank you Lord for giving them to us!" Find forgives of Barton Corbin and then you will find release. Just know that those in Jesus Christ is in the presence of the LORD GOD and rejoice always, again I say rejoice. I would like to invite each of you to find comfort in the Holy Scriptures-The Bible; the Living Word of God. I love you all, but God loves you so much more. Be encouraged!!
Yolanda Berryhill <nessieb4@yahoo.com>
Missouri City, TX USA - Friday, April 15, 2011 11:35 AM CDT
Dear All concened,
Thank you for contributing to this production. I had the book for a year and only picked it up because I have been dating someone as volitile as BC and realized that this was a dead end too.I read the book in a day because I was supposed to. We should let God take us to better things here . May God have mercy on their souls. Free In Hilo Hawaii

S in Hi <punadcm@yahoo.com>
Hilo, hi USA - Friday, April 15, 2011 0:15 AM CDT
4/12/11 - I just finished Ann Rule's book, Too Late to Say Goodbye. I feel like I know all of you personally. I am so very sorry for everything Jenn and Dolly, and both's families, were forced to endure and live through. It is unimaginable. May God's peace and blessings be upon all of you.
Peggy S.
Spring, TX USA - Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1:45 PM CDT
I have never before written a complete stranger yet feel compelled to do so. My husband & I just finished watching the LMN movie based on your sisters murder. I read the Ann Rule novel some years ago also. I hope that you and your family are doing well. I realize that you are raising your sisters boys as your own and commend you. I truly believe that you will be with your sister again in heaven. Bart Corbin is the epitome of evil. I hope that he has no contact with the boys. I would not trust him EVER. I have your entire family in my prayers and I hope that with the passing years, you have found a sense of peace. You will never forget your dear Jennifer. Time does make the unbearable somewhat easier to endure. You are a wonderful family and you have an angel in heaven watching over you. My hubby told me it was peculiar to contact someone I've never met....I just wanted you to know that your sister Jennifer's beautiful spirit touched me...a complete stranger. Please know that there is something beautiful by this. Even in death, Jennifers story and legacy lives on. God bless, Annette in Utah
Annette Meyer
Sandy, Utah USA - Sunday, April 10, 2011 6:49 PM CDT
Wow! My name is Amy, I live in Connecticut. Just watching this movie on LMN. Horrible story, so sorry for loss of your sister, mother, daughter. Can't stop crying watching this movie. I guess I am one of the lucky one's, I was in an abusive marriage for 17 years. Sorry again for your loss!
Amy pedemonti <AmyPedemonti@yahoo.com>
Berlin, Ct USA - Sunday, April 10, 2011 4:27 PM CDT
une bien triste histoire. J'espère que ses enfants se reconstruirons.Je leurs souhaite le meilleur ainsi qu'a toute leur famille
Bien amicalement

erick rougeoreille <rougeoreille-erick@orange.fr>
blois, france - Thursday, April 7, 2011 4:24 AM CDT
Best wishes to your beautiful family
Alberto Freitas
Recife, PE Brasil - Thursday, March 31, 2011 9:38 PM CDT
I am reading the book "Too Late To Say Goodbye" and I am so sorry for your loss. I am praying for your family, and I am sorry your family had to endure such pain and sadness.
Charleste Bigelow <charleste79@yahoo.com>
Yanceyville, NC USA - Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:40 AM CDT
I am currently reading the book "Too late to say Goodbye" I am so truly sorry for your loss! Jenn sounds like an amazing woman and mother! I send hugs to the boys and to all of you!
Taryn <little_angel_28@hotmail.com>
Mitchell, Ont Canada - Wednesday, March 23, 2011 9:42 AM CDT
I had to do a research project and I had heard of this. My mother, Dawnya Hill and Aunt Lisa said they knew you and Jenn as kids. I figured I had enough information to do this without much problem. I watch way more True TV than average 12 year old should and even watching that, I was surely not prepared to see the evils that you had to go through with your sister's murder. I'm praying for you guys and no one should have to go through that. You guys are troopers and for that I admire you. All we have to remember is that God works in mysterious ways.
Madison Hill <clemsongirls@windstream.net>
GA - Tuesday, March 22, 2011 9:44 AM CDT
Heather and Doug you are a credit to your sister's memory. God bless you all
Las Cruces, NM USA - Monday, March 21, 2011 5:03 PM CDT
Dear Heather,
I just finished “reading” (Books On Tape) “Too Late To Say Goodbye” and I am so deeply sadden by the loss of your Jennifer and Dolly! I came upon this book while downloading some other ones to my IPod and for some reason I downloaded it and could not wait to finish!
I am not sure if you still read and/or respond to postings here, but I just wanted to share my condolences and to wish you, your entire family and the Hearn’s a great future and lots of love, health and happiness!
There are no words to describe Bart’s actions, but at least there was some closing to these horrific murders and now you all can move on and do the best you can to enjoy life and celebrate Jennifer and Dolly’s life to the fullest!
With my deepest sympathy,

Claudia Hawkes <hawkesclaudia@gmail.com>
Pound Ridge, NY USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2011 9:15 PM CDT
I want to share with you 2 things that God shared with me while I was going through some especially difficult times. The first is this, I had known a long time that Jesus died for my sins. I had heard it long before I believed it. He also died for the sins committed against me. He has borne it all. All the pain and anguish, the grief and despair. He has already suffered it and it is done. That gave me the strength to let go of a lot. While I will always carry with me the things that have happened, I do not carry the constant anger and despair that I once carried. The second is this. I tortured myself with the question of why. God gave us each free will. That does not mean he abandons us to our own free will. He gave us each a conscience and a heart. Some are more developed than others. However in each of us, no matter how deep there is a nagging voice telling us right from wrong. It is our choice to adhere to it or ignore it. I have no doubt that right till the very end God was there pleading with the perpetrator to stop what he was doing. To leave, to seek help... For a long time I had asked God how he could let this happen. God didn't allow it. The evil in a man did it anyway. You have referenced the verse Romans 8:28 For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God. Praise the Lord for that verse. It is the verse I have often clung to. A promise from God.. no matter what evil may befall us, he will give us something good from it. I knew even then that he would fulfill his promise. I could see early on how he was working it for good. Still, wouldn't it have been better had it never happened. Then I remembered Isaiah 55:8. I remembered that he sees all and his thoughts are higher than my thoughts. God will work it for his glory. It is a hard pill to swallow, but one I needed at the time. It brought me comfort to remember that he was in control. I didn't have to do anything but trust in him. Continue to pray, to put the situation in his hands and leave them there. ( I kept wanting to take it back and fret over it, torture myself with it)

Forgiveness has been a difficult road to find. I could never have done it on my own without God. It is not in me to forgive like that on my own. But greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. I had asked for a long time... HOW do you forgive? How can a person forgive the kind of evil I had seen and experienced? The answer is... it is a decision. Sometimes it is a decision you have to make over and over until you are finally able to fully relinquish it. Forgiving doesn't mean you have forgotten. It doesn't mean the other person is off the hook. It just means that you are trusting Gods wisdom in how to proceed. I am still aware of everything that happened, and the thoughts still bring me sadness. They no longer carry the intense emotions though. I can have a memory and it doesn't place me back at that exact moment and the emotions I felt then. I haven't gotten over it, I have simply moved forward. You will never "get over" the tragedy you have suffered. Time doesn't erase, it softens and it changes... but it does not erase. Forgiveness isn't something he deserves, it is something you do for yourself. None of us honestly DESERVE forgiveness. We aren't entitled to it. God Forgives out of his love, mercy and grace. Not because he likes us more than others, (God is no respecter of persons) not because there is more good in us than others or because our good somehow outweighs our bad. He forgives because we repent and ask him to. He choose to die for us, not because we deserved it but because he loves us that much. I don't deserve his love and mercy yet he blesses me with it daily.

My tragedy is very different from your own, but there are similarities in how we feel and cope. Perhaps I am out of line and none of this makes sense. If so I profusely apologize. It was just something that I wanted to share with you. May God Bless you and your beautiful family. I am praying for you today.

Your Sister in Christ, Stephanie

Stephanie <madredejohnson@yahoo.com>
North Platte, NE USA - Saturday, March 12, 2011 11:35 AM CST
I wanted to send a quick message just to tell you that I was thinking of you and Jen. I read the book by Anne Rule a short while ago and was so touched it. May God continue to bless you and the rest of your wonderful family.
Stephanie <madredejohnson@yahoo.com>
North Platte, NE USA - Friday, March 11, 2011 6:58 AM CST
I too learned of your story through Ann Rule's book. I'm so glad your family was able to receive some measure of justice. I am so sorry for your loss, praying for your family.
Dionne Vantuyl <chatterboxchronicles@hotmail.com>
KC, MO USA - Friday, March 11, 2011 1:34 AM CST
Im a so very sorry for your family's loss and the Hearn's Family's loss. I am currently reading Ann Rule's book about Jennifer and Dolly's stories. I know no amount of time can make the pain of a loved one gone go away. To have their story shared with many people, to see the love Jennifer brought to you and your family while she was on this earth is something truly special. It is truly sad that the really amazing people are taken from us far too soon. My heart goes out to you and yours.
Ronni Ruggles <kraziepeaches01@yahoo.com>
Las Vegas, NV USA - Tuesday, March 8, 2011 8:00 PM CST
I am currently reading the book about your sister, and it just breaks my heart. Such a pointless loss of such a wonderful woman - my heart goes out to the Barber family, especially for her boys. Please accept my belated condolences.
Angie T <imadesphousewife@yahoo.com>
Council Bluffs, IA USA - Tuesday, March 8, 2011 3:23 PM CST
To Dalton & Dillon
Just because your beautiful mother is gone, doesn't mean you can't still make her proud. She is watching you on Heaven Cam and smiling with your every triumph and every fall. Take care.

Paul Dempster
Ipswich, Qld Australia - Thursday, February 17, 2011 9:14 PM CST
Just popping in to let you know I'm thinking of you all.
Robin Brunet <robinb@start.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Monday, February 7, 2011 2:01 PM CST
I just finished reading A. Rule's book about your sister, and I am so very sorry for everything she and her boys, and you and your parents and sister have had to endure. God bless you for being such a wonderful sister. You all will be together again one day. I can never understand how someone can hurt another so horribly. Bless the boys, and with your love and guidance, they are blest.
Vita R. Greco <vitagreco@aol.com>
Linden, NJ USA - Friday, February 4, 2011 8:50 AM CST
hi heather and family. i have just finished reading your sisters story. i would like to express my condolenses to you and your family. i am so sorry for your loss. i think that you have done a wonderful thing by raising dalton and dillon and i would like to congratulate them on their new last name!!!!!!!!!! jenn will always be looking down on you guys from above and when you see a dove you will know that she is right there with you.
stephanie bourn <steph_bourn@yahoo.com>
danby, vt usa - Saturday, January 29, 2011 10:20 PM CST
Thinking of you "Big Bird" on what should have been your 40th birthday
Paulina Dowling <paulinadowling@yahoo.com>
Tampa, FL USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2011 10:21 PM CST
Thinking of you "Big Bird" on what should have been your 40th birthday
Paulina Dowling <paulinadowling@yahoo.com>
Tampa, FL USA - Tuesday, January 25, 2011 10:18 PM CST
Happy Birthday Jenn!
Sherwood Park, AB Canada - Tuesday, January 25, 2011 4:37 PM CST
Hi Heather and family. So sorry that your beautiful Jenn is not physically here to share her 40 birthday w/ you all - but I'm positive she is w/ you all in spirit. Cheers to Jenn:)
Raquel <raquel.harrison@hotmail.com>
- Monday, January 24, 2011 4:07 AM CST
You can see it in their eyes...that loss of innocence. Someone taken from them, what they saw, witnessed. My prayers will always be with these boys. Their mother was beautiful...they look like her.
Rita Mclaughlin
Vancouver , BC Canada - Saturday, January 22, 2011 2:36 AM CST
Hi Heather. I arrived at this site as a result of reading Ann Rule's book regarding the life and untimely death of your beautiful sister and Dolly Hearne and the trial for Jenn and Dolly's justice.
Dalton must be close to 13-14 years old now? - I hope that he has inherited the strength that your sis had to conjure for many years. I'm certain that Jenn still 'speaks' to you from time to time - "now go and clean your kitchen, the oven's filthy" :)Wishing you well for all the years to come. Raquel. P.S My maternal grandmother was a 'Barber' too!

Raquel Harrison <raquel.harrison@hotmail.com>
Newcastle, NSW Australia - Monday, January 17, 2011 0:04 AM CST
The book "Too Late To Say Goodbye" was very well written and interesting. There was a few entries about whether or not Anita Hearn and Dolly Hearn were related in any way . . . but the answer was never revealed !!!! I am still curious.
I love you Heather and Doug for raising Jenn's 2 boys, you are the best.

pline.fant@hotmail.com <pline.fant@hotmail.com>
Sturgeon Falls, ON, Canada - Thursday, January 13, 2011 8:59 PM CST
I just read your book, TOO LATE TO SAY GOODBYE by Ann Rule. So sorry you had to go through this unfair journey, you are very strong and loving people, thank goodness for your big hearts to be able and willing to take care of Dillon and Dalton . . . for all these years ! ! ! You are amazing !!!
Pauline Bonenfant <pline.fant@hotmail.com>
Sturgeon Falls, ON, Canada - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:46 AM CST
Dear Heather:
Don't know if you read the entries anymore, but if you
do, I just want to wish you and your family A Merry Christmas
and the Happiest New Year.
Hoping all is going well for Jen's boys. With you in
their lives it has to be.
Please take care - you're still in my thoughts. I'm
happy you're no longer corresponding through Caringbridge.

My best to you. Love, Jane

Jane Dwyer
Sherwood,, Or. USA - Monday, December 27, 2010 6:46 PM CST
Dear Heather,
I have felt an instant connection to Jennifer's story since I picked up the book "Too Late to Say Goodbye". this book was randomly given to me by a family member, and I've had it for months. I decided this past weekend to begin reading it... ON December 4- which was a Saturday. that immediately drew me in to the story. As I've read I am remembering this event on the news from several years ago. I've read all of your journal entries from beginning to end and I have cried and sobbed at your emotion in your words. You definitely love with all of your heart. I am a stranger from miles away, but regardless my heart breaks for Dalton, Dillon, and your entire Barber/Tierney family. I know 6 years has gone by now, but I can only imagine how time still has not healed your wounds. I pray for you all to continue to have daily strength. I admire you as a woman and deeply appreciate your love for the boys. I did not know Jenn, but I am sure that she is so very content knowing that her sister and best friend is raising her children. I'm sending many blessings and lots of love to your family. Merry Christmas.

Erin D'Achino <edachin1@jhmi.edu>
Baltimore, MD USA - Friday, December 10, 2010 3:26 PM CST
Life is precious, and an intelligent, compassionate person would think that stories like this would compel people to stop and think before taking the lives of innocent people. Unfortunately, people who go this far have no compassion or concern for anyone but themselves. I am sorry for your loss and hope that you are coping as well as can be. Good luck raising all of your children - I am certain that as one family, they will be loved and happy.
Chicago, IL - Friday, December 10, 2010 0:37 AM CST
My name is Jenna from Belgium. I have seen the movie based on the true story of your daughter - sister - mum.
I was very shocked that this is happend for real.
I hope that the whole familie is doing well.


Jenna Mintiens <jenna.mintiens@gmail.com>
Aarschot, Belgium - Monday, December 6, 2010 9:49 AM CST
Thinking about Jennifer, her boys & the Barber family today, the 6th anniversary of her untimely passing. Burning a candle in her honor & a second for all other victims of domestic violence. Today, I also reminisce my Gwinnett County High School days with Jen. I know first hand how wonderful Jen was.
Pauline Dowling <paulinadowling@yahoo.com>
Tampa, FL US - Saturday, December 4, 2010 11:14 PM CST
My name is Sarah and i'm from Belgium (Europe).
I just saw the movie Too late to Say Goodbye.
I didn't knew something horrible happened a couple years ago. I wish all of you the best! Especially her 2 sons!

And i hope you know that that story (movie) moved me and other people a lot!

(i'm sorry if my English is not verry well)

Sarah Melis <meliiess@hotmail.com>
Geel, / Belgium - Friday, December 3, 2010 5:28 PM CST
My heart goes out to you and your family. Words cannot express the sadness you must have felt at the loss of Jennifer, but the love of the children and closeness of your family will heal the wounds. Never forget the wonderful memories.
Don Boulay <donboulay@rogers.com>
Ottawa, Ont Canada - Thursday, December 2, 2010 7:08 PM CST
I, too, have read the book by Ann Rule. There's nothing I can say to take away your pain, and I regret that. Please let this guestbook remind you each and every day how even strangers send out their (and my) love to you and yours.
- Monday, November 29, 2010 10:27 PM CST
I hope everything gona be ok.God bless you
Evelia Aguirre <lil_nenita12@hotmail.com>
overland park, ks jhonson - Friday, November 26, 2010 8:54 PM CST
So sorry for your loss.......Glad to hear the boys carry on your last name and not the name of their coward father........God bless and Happy Thanksgiving.
shannon meece <sjmeece71@yahoo.com>
somerset , ky pulaski - Tuesday, November 23, 2010 10:14 AM CST
Hello my name is Edwina, I just got done reading a book written by Ann Rule and wanted to visit this cite in memory of Jenn Corbin. I really am sorry for your loss and how a mother was taken away from her children. I know loosing someone so kind and caring is the hardest thing to accept but she will always be watching over you. May God Bless.
Edwina <Edwina.0240@gmail.com>
Tucson, AZ - Tuesday, November 2, 2010 4:04 PM CDT
You have taken a truly tragic incident and found the love and strength to build a close family relationship. God Bless you.
Dan Carpenter <danno32608@yahoo.com>
Gainesville, Fla USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2010 10:23 PM CDT
I have just finished reading Ann Rule's book. Blessings to you, Heather and Doug for caring and loving your sister's boys as they were your own. Congratulations on officially making them yours.

My heart goes out to you and your family. Wishing you and your family peace and comfort.

Margel Smith
Ft Myers, FL USA - Sunday, October 24, 2010 9:50 AM CDT
Words are hard to come by, for the sorrow I feel is great. May God Bless You and keep you safe...You are in my prayers.
Stu Bradshaw
WOODSTOCK, Ont CANADA - Thursday, October 21, 2010 5:24 PM CDT
Congratulations to those two beautiful children!! God bless you, Heather and Doug. I know that Jenn is smiling down on you and letting you know that you are doing everything right! My heart continues to go ut to you and your family, and I know that God is watching over you everyday. I pray that peace continues to come to you and that your lives be blessed in everyway. In Christs' Glorious Name, Heather O'Brien
Heather O'Brien <southernmama29@gmail.com>
Columbus, ga usa - Tuesday, October 19, 2010 7:30 AM CDT
Just finished reading Ann Rule's book. I feel fortunate to have been "introduced" to such wonderful individuals and families. Jenn and Dolly were beautiful both on the outside and inside. Why do such beautiful souls have to be taken away from us before their time? That's something we have to grapple with. The best to you all, as time helps us to heal from these wounds.
Englewood, CO USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:30 PM CDT
God Bless all of you! You are in many thoughts and prayers. Jenn is smiling upon you and knows you all will be together again one day.
Sharpsville, PA USA - Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:38 PM CDT
I just watched the story on TV, and was moved by it. I am so happy that the boys are yours now. I wish them only the best in life, and peace in their hearts. They will never forget their mother, but never should have had to been put in this position. I have never been able to understand parents who do these things to their children....selfish, selfish people. God Bless your family, and may Jenni and Dolly's memories live on forever.
Lisa Kentish <lkkentish@gmail.com>
Tampa, FL USA - Sunday, October 10, 2010 7:46 PM CDT
Dear Heather, I just read Ann Rule's book..I'm overcome by grief thinking about these two children who lost their mother, a beautiful young woman with a long lifetime in front of her! May God bless you and you husband...and to Dalton and Dillon a great great kiss..
Love, Alberta

Alberta Bonamico <albertabonamico@yahoo.it>
Besenello , (TN) Italy - Saturday, October 9, 2010 4:35 PM CDT
I, like many people out there that you don't know, have followed this entire story and your struggles to deal with all that it entails. I applaud your family and all involved for their courage and tenacity during and after these terrible events. I'm so happy that those little boys had such a wonderful support system to help them. They lost much but you made it possible for them to gain two great siblings in your own children and a happy, loving family. I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm sure you feel it every day. Stay strong. I'm sure Jenn watches from heaven. Bless you, those little boys and your entire family.
Ontario Canada - Thursday, October 7, 2010 4:33 PM CDT
I have just finished reading Ann Rule's book and I am just heartbroken for this family. I know we are taught to believe that things like this are to be God's will but I cannot fathom a rational explanation for this. I feel so much better knowing that Jenn's boys have a loving family who love them dearly and put their needs first. It will be a glorious day when each of you are reunited with Jenn!
Kristy <lkdillonavon@yahoo.com>
Shawnee, OJ USA - Sunday, September 26, 2010 5:29 PM CDT
God Bless you Heather for raising those beautiful boys and blending them into the family so gracefully. Like a lot of people here, I just read "Too Late To Say Goodbye" and I have you all on my mind. I believe that Jenn is in Heaven watching over you and her Boys. You all shall meet again one day.
Becky Davenport
Middletown, OH UnitedStates - Friday, September 24, 2010 5:53 PM CDT
I too just read Ann Rules book and I am so sorry for all your loss and especially those two precious little boys . I lost my dear sister on Mother's Day three years ago though not the way you lost your beautiful Jenn . My sister died of an accidental overdose but the pain is the same no matter how they went . I think that Jennifer has the most wonderful family and an Angel for a sister for what you and your husband have given those two beautiful boys . God Bless You .
Tammy <kocinori2009@yahoo.com>
Porterville, Ca USA - Thursday, September 23, 2010 5:25 AM CDT
I just finished reading Ann Rules book about your daughter and sister. I am so sorry for your loss. Heather and Doug, YOU are angels for taking those two boys and making them a part of your family. My heart goes out to all of you.
Bonney Lake, wa USA - Sunday, September 19, 2010 3:29 AM CDT
Hi Heather:

Just a quick note, hoping the children are off to a great
school year - finally a little break time for Mom!

Also, continued well wishes to you, Doug and your family.

Love, Jane

Jane Dwyer <bdkid@comcast.net>
Sherwood,, Or. USA - Saturday, September 11, 2010 12:53 AM CDT
I have just finished reading Too Late To Say Goodbye, and my heart goes out to Dillon and Dalton. May God bless all of you and keep you safe.
Sheryl Carstein <sheryl.carstein55@bigpond.com>
Churchill, Vic Australia - Tuesday, September 7, 2010 9:39 PM CDT
Jenn's boys are so lucky to have Heather and Doug as parents now. My heart goes out to all of Jenn's family.
Kathy <kathynevad@aol.com>
Syracuse, UT USA - Monday, September 6, 2010 10:18 PM CDT
I am currently reading Too Late To Say Goodbye, when I came to this website I decided to let you know that I am very sorry for your loss and to congratulate you on becoming Dalton and Dillon's guardians. My best wishes for you and your family.
Emily Corriveau <ecorriveau1@hotmail.com>
Calgary, Alberta Canada - Saturday, September 4, 2010 9:58 PM CDT
I have just finished reading "Too Late to Say Goodbye" and I have to tell you all how deeply sorry I am for your loss. No one should have to go through what you all did. PLease know you are in my prayers. I wish you all the best. God speed....
Michelle Pelletier
Bristol, CT USA - Thursday, September 2, 2010 3:03 PM CDT
What a great job you are doing raising Jenn's boys! They are so handsome and look just like her! That must give you joy! Jenn's light and beauty shine through them! I hope your entire family is doing well. I'm sure Jenn checks in on you from her place in Heaven just for the fun of seeing how you all are!God Bless!
Dover, DE 19977 - Thursday, September 2, 2010 6:22 AM CDT
I just finished the book Ann Rule wrote on your sister Jennifer. Our deepest sympathy to her sons, you and your loving family. She was beautifully betrayed by Ann Rule and its a blessing she has such a loving family and support group thru this ordeal in her life. I do believe in Angels as I have several up there for our famiiy as well. I just read that her sons are legally your sons now congrats to you and Doug. May yall have a blessed life together. I pray Dalton and Dillion find peace and forgiveness for there father so they will be able to live a full and vibrant life with out any hard feelings. It was horrible what he did absolutely but I do believe god has a purpose for those children who found a new loving mom and dad to guide them in their long and lovely journey in life. Your four children are so lucky to have parents who opened their hearts and arms each day for them to experience love and acceptance.
charlotte sepulveda
san antonio, tx USA - Thursday, August 26, 2010 7:45 AM CDT
May God bless you all. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your lovely sister and the boys Mom. I have not watched the movie but I will. I was a friend of Dolly Hearn. She dated my brother- in-law Kenneth Sexton before she went to dental school. Ken joined the coast guard and later enter the army as a helicopter pilot. Unfortunately they drifted apart. I guess that is how life goes sometimes. Ken died 2 years after Dolly in a helicopter accident. He was in a training mission with the military. We were overcome with grief. We wanted ken to be remembered for the amazing man he was so we set up a scholarship fund in Ken's name at Augusta State University. It has given our family much comfort. Many of the pics of Dolly, Ken took. He has won several photography awards. We share in your grief For all that have been victimized by this tragedy. Again may God bless you all and i pray that we will understand .. why...
Diane Sexton Turner <Diturner@mcg.edu>
Augusta, GA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2010 7:42 PM CDT
I just finished reading Ann Rule's 'Too Late To Say Goodbye'. My heart goes out to you and your family, especially Jennifer's two sons. I can't believe that he got off so easy for taking not one but two lives that meant so much to family and friends. It is clear that Jennifer will never be forgotten and rest assured that the Lord will supply all your needs.
Lydia Pinder
Freeport, Bahamas - Friday, August 20, 2010 9:39 AM CDT
We may not be able to see and talk to our departed love ones face to face. They may be gone but they are never forgotten. They are always in our hearts, thoughts and memories. Thank you for sharing your sister's life through dateline, having a book and movie made about her. I pray her two boys do not forget the sound of her voice, her laugh and the way she smiled. Moreover, I pray that your sister's life has touch other lives as it has touch mine. Finally, I pray her life helped and encourage others to make a change in their life.
Christine Harvey
Ajax, ON Canada - Tuesday, August 17, 2010 7:32 PM CDT
I miss you Jennifer...every day...you were my best friend. You still are.
Juliet <faerywineand69@yahoo.com>
St. Augustine, - Thursday, August 5, 2010 7:13 PM CDT
As with many others, I have today completed the story written by Ann Rule. It is with great sadness that your wonderful sister died at the hands of someone she trusted -initially that is. I commend Doug, yourself and your loving family for adopting the two lovely boys. Jenn would be 'at rest' knowing they are greatly loved by the people she cared for the most - her family. Take care
Lizzie Dunstone <lizzied@adam.com.au>
Adelaide, SA Australia - Thursday, August 5, 2010 2:04 AM CDT
Dear Heather and family, I am very sorry for the loss of your dear loved one, Jennifer. I just watched the movie last night and it saddened me very much. I did not know Jennifer but I can see she was a wonderful person and mother. I am so sorry that your family has had to endure such pain. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Wendy L.
Hertford, NC USA - Monday, August 2, 2010 12:12 AM CDT
I just finished reading ann's book and am very disturbed. Heather & Doug am sure Jenn is in peace cos her kids are in safe hands. I was so happy to hear about their new last names.
God bless you all. Take care...

Thunga Changappa <thunga.tc@gmail.com>
Bangalore, Karnataka India - Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:07 AM CDT
I just finished reading Too Late To Say Goodbye. My heart broke for the children, especially Dalton as I have a 7 year old little girl as well as 6 year old little girl. I pray that God will somehow take their pain away and give them as much of a normal life as possible. I lost a brother and I miss him all the time. I pray for healing and peace in your family. By the way, I read the book because my niece suggested it. She was Dalton's and Dillon's teacher when you first got the boys (Jamie Champagne).
Kristi McCarthy <mccarthyck@bellsouth.net>
Gadsden, AL - Sunday, July 18, 2010 6:56 PM CDT
I miss you Jennifer.
Juliet <faerywineand69@yahoo.com>
St. Augustine, FL usa - Sunday, July 18, 2010 6:17 PM CDT
I'm so touched by Jenn's story...I read Ann Rule's book and cried throughout much of it. Jenn was a special woman...and a terrific mother!!! She would be thrilled that you kept your promise to care for Dalton and Dillon. The news that you were able to adopt them is outstanding!!! I am going to make Jenn's squash soup and think of her as my family enjoys it.
Saint Petersburg, f USA - Saturday, July 17, 2010 7:20 PM CDT
I cannot begin to express my condolences for your loss. I just finished reading "Too Late to Say Goodbye" and feel so touched by your tragedy. Your strength is amazingly inspirational.Congratulations to Dalton & Dillon on finally getting the Tierney name. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family as you care for Jenn's boys.
God Bless.

Tricia Giovannetti <trishgio@hotmail.com>
Nouméa, New Caledonia - Tuesday, July 13, 2010 9:59 PM CDT
My heart goes out to Dalton and Dillon but I know they will have a good life with their aunt and uncle. I pray they grow up to be loving like their mother was. God Bless you all. I'm all most done reading the book but felt I had to visit this site and comment.
Nancy Borges <nborges51@hotmail.com>
Brentwood, Ca USA - Sunday, July 11, 2010 9:10 PM CDT
God bless you Heather and Doug and the Barber family and the Tierney family I am so sorry for your loss,God bless you all,congratulations on getting Dalton and Dillon Tierney!!!
Bruce Starkey <Brucestrk@gmail.com>
Holden, La. USA - Wednesday, June 30, 2010 7:41 PM CDT


ROSALYN PHILLIPS <rphillips9378@yahoo.com>
JACKSON, MS HINDS - Wednesday, June 23, 2010 9:21 PM CDT
I first the Ann Rule's book & then watched the movie last night. She was a beautiful woman, daughter, sister, & mother. She will always be with her children in their hearts & souls. I also wish the Hearn family are able to remember the beautiful girl she was.
Ronnie Huff <ronnie106@ymail.com>
Pendleton, OR USA - Tuesday, June 22, 2010 12:09 AM CDT
I am very sorry for Jenns boys and her family. I hope her boys are finally doing good in life & hope they know that there mother will always be with them.
Robyn Skaggs <robynskaggs@ymail.com>
Pendleton, OR USA - Tuesday, June 22, 2010 12:05 AM CDT
i just saw the movie. i am so glad the boys are tierneys. god bless you all. you have a beautiful sister, mother, and daughter in heaven. she is in your future, not in your past.
emily <bthomp_batgirl@yahoo.com>
amarillo, tx usa - Monday, June 21, 2010 10:24 PM CDT
i just saw the movie. i am so glad the boys are tierneys. god bless you all. you have a beautiful sister, mother, and daughter in heaven. she is in your future, not in your past.
emily <bthomp_batgirl@yahoo.com>
amarillo, tx usa - Monday, June 21, 2010 10:23 PM CDT
Well, not much I can add after all these beautiful entries but I'll try. I first heard of the article when I watched and MSNBC report. Then yesterday I watched the movie. That man is evil incarnate and deserved the death penalty if you ask me. I LOVE that your dad told him to burn in hell, but you know need to keep our prayers in that he suffers for the rest of his life. Your sister/daughter was a wonderful woman,mom, daughter, sister, friend, and her children were the ones most robbed by this awful tragedy. You will always be in my prayers. Take care, and Heather, god BLESS you for taking on those babies, congrats that they are legally yours. Blessings to your family.
Robyn DiCola <robynize@yahoo.com>
Butler, PA 16001 - Monday, June 21, 2010 1:16 PM CDT
I am at this moment watching "Too Late to Say Good-bye.
My heart goes out to the family. My dear friend was murdered by her husband in 2006. He shot her while their 10 year old son was in the next room. She also left behind a daughter. He is serving 15-life.

Pauletta Hilton <HILTONWVA@AOL.COM>
Mammoth, WV 25132 - Sunday, June 20, 2010 6:02 PM CDT
WM Fußballweltmeisterschaft in Südafrika soll ablenken vom Endlosweltkrieg der NWO Rothschild & Rockefeller Bankster seit 1815 / USrael FED IWF NATO UNO WHO EU ihrer Marionetten der zionistischen Fremdherrschaft Bnai-Brith BRD GmbH.
w w w .radioislam. o r g
w w w .infokrieg. t v
w w w .politikglobal. n e t
w w w . z d d . d k

Die Manager und Spekulanten haben im Auftrag der Rothschild Bilderberger gehandelt und nicht eigenmächtig, wie das BRDavid Fernsehen behauptet, den Weltzionismus deckt, und verschweigt, daß der Euro nur eingeführt wurde um dem Deutschen Volk sein gesamtes Vermögen stehlen zu können und dann auch noch zu behaupten, die Bestohlenen hätten für alle Zeit Schulden bei den Dieben von Zion.
w w w . z d d . d k

Britta Berger <briber@web.de>
Deutschland, DR Frankfurt - Sunday, June 20, 2010 10:28 AM CDT
Dear Heather and Family,
I just wanted to take a moment to express to you my sincere sympathy for your loss of Jenn. I just finished reading Ann Rule's book about your sister's murder, and I am disgusted by the circumstances and the person (Bart) who murdered both Jennifer and Dolly. They were such beautiful people both inside and out. Your family's love for one another is palpable and I know that Jenn is watching over you all with so much love and pride. God Bless all of you always and congratulations on your adoption of Dalton and Dillon. I wish for all of you nothing but happiness and love.

Wendy J. Funk <wjf0601@hotmail.com>
State College, PA United States - Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:53 AM CDT
I just finished reading about this in the Ann Rule book, "No Time To Say Goodbye". I am so moved to saddness by the needless deaths of 2 wonderful women. Thank God the boys have a great family and that you and your husband are parenting them now. I cannot imagine how hard this entire nightmare was and that books and tv and media has covered it and you re-live it. May God bless you all, and congrats on the official legal procedure to be parents to the boys.
Linda Hagelstien <freedombelle2001@yahoo.com>
Bellevue, N.E USA - Tuesday, June 15, 2010 5:02 PM CDT
read about your sister and her death, the Anne Rule book. Thinking about her. Thinking about her family. I'm so sorry for your loss.
MElissa Marr
Santa Monica, CA United States - Monday, June 14, 2010 1:51 PM CDT
Dear Heather:
I cannot begin to express my condolences for your loss. I am reading "Too Late to Say Goodbye" right now and found the link to your blog site here. Your strength is amazingly inspirational. God Bless you and your family as you continue to care for Jenn's boys.

Newport Beach, CA USA - Friday, June 11, 2010 3:34 PM CDT
Just finished Ann's book, and I can not tell you and your family how wonderful and strong I think you all are! The boys are gorgeous and look like like their momma-a great thing. Good bless you and keep you all safe. Heather your altruism has really shown.
Cecilia Howard <cecesavon@gmail.com>
Lilburn, GA USA - Monday, June 7, 2010 11:16 AM CDT
Je viens de terminer la lcture du live de Ann Rule relatant l'histoie de Jennet cela m'a fort touchée.
Je souhaite beaucoup de courage à sa famille pour continuer de vivre aec ctte grande perte.

Delrue <pyjama1030@hotmail.com>
Bruxelles, Belgique - Monday, May 31, 2010 4:40 AM CDT
Heather and the rest of the Barber family-
How very tragic that Jenn was taken from you all prematurely, and by such an arrogant and sadistic coward. However please take comfort and solace in the three decades you had as a family. It seems to me that in her short life Jenn was loved enough by all of you to last a hundred lifetimes. How lucky you all are to be part af such a strong, loving and tightly bonded family. Dalton and Dillon will see their mother reflected in all of you, and all of you will catch glimpses of Jenn again in her boys.

Shauna <shauna.roettig@gmail.com>
Keizer, OR USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2010 5:10 PM CDT
Hi Heather and Kids! I am about to finish Ann's book. God bless you and your family. Know there is a place for you next to Jenn in heaven someday and all will be good. Take care!
Debbie Stockwell
Kingwood, TX USA - Wednesday, May 26, 2010 1:47 PM CDT
Hello Heather,

Like so many on here, I too have recently finished Ann Rule's book about your sister and Dolly. I feel compelled to let you know how impressed I am with you, your strength, your character, and above all, your capacity for boundless love.

Please know, my heart goes out to you, to Jennifer's children, and to your parents. I cannot even guess about your pain. However, through it all, you grew closer to your family, I find this so beautiful. I believe from the horror inflicted upon you by corbin's cowardice, your family has come through it stronger, and with hearts full of love for each other. At least this is what I see as a perfect (not so perfect), stranger looking in. I see a family grown strong through adversity. You've grown strong where others have been known to break apart. It's this bond I celebrate. It's obvious you do as well.

Heather, my fondest wish for you, for the children, for your your parents, and for your entire family is that each day finds your pain is felt a little less.

Oh yes, I've also written to corbin's parole board. I know it's not much, but I cannot abide corbin living as a free man, regardless of how long he spends behind gray bars.

I'm so glad I found this site, it allows me to express my respect for you and your family, and this allows me to leave you with my warmest regards,


Robert W Strauss <rws88@comcast.net>
Beaverton, OR United States - Tuesday, May 25, 2010 11:31 PM CDT
I just finished the book by Ann Rule. (too late to say goodbye) about your sister, I'm sorry for your loss(which I know you've heard those words a thousand times and they bring little comfort) However I'm glad the story had somewhat of a happy ending with the boys in your loving home and Bart convicted.
Jalyn Morgan <jalyn_morgan@yahoo.com>
Kannapolis, NC United States - Wednesday, May 19, 2010 9:05 AM CDT
Dear heather, My name is Sidney uscianowski, I am 14 years old. I dont know your family. I am reading the book too late to say goodbye by ann rule about what happened to your family. I haven't finished the book yet, But i don't believe that jenn would have commited suicide, it seems like she was mostly happy in her life. And though i havent finished the book yet so i wouldn't know but in the end i hope your family has gotten the justice that you all deserve. In the end i send you and your family my prayers. My best wishes to dillion and dalton.
sidney uscianowski <kindaway519@aol.com>
youngstown, ohio united states of america - Monday, May 17, 2010 8:08 AM CDT
I send my deepest sympathies in the loss of your precious Jennifer. I especially pray for her two brave sons.
Sara Monson
Old Hickory, TN USA - Sunday, May 16, 2010 2:11 AM CDT
As well I just finished the book and I am astounding at the love and persistence this whole family showed during such a trying time. I am soo happy to see that Heather and Doug officially adopted Dillon and Dalton. This story has touched my heart and I will continue to pray for this whole family. Jenn is sure smiling down on all of you. God Bless you all.
Ann Rhinehart <ansbaby@hotmail.com>
Northumberland, PA USA - Saturday, May 8, 2010 7:32 PM CDT
Thinking of you all often and continuing to pray for you and the boys. Would love to see a new photo of the kids if you have the time. Can you believe Dillon will go to middle school next year? How they grow. Bless you!
Stephanie Norton <nort5858@bellsouth.net>
Buford, GA USA - Friday, May 7, 2010 1:50 AM CDT
hi to the whole family,
I was up late one night and caught a movie on lifetime about jenn. I didnt know it was a true story until recently seeing a book by ann rule at the library about the case. Such a sad story and i feel sadend for the whole family and her children as well and am glad to see they are doing good. Thanks for making this beautiful website in her memory,it is wonderful.
melissa quadro

melissa quadro <mquadro83@gmail.com>
ceres , ca stanislaus - Thursday, May 6, 2010 9:55 PM CDT
I am just about done with the book "Too late to say goodbye" and as I read these books I am amazed at the pain man can cause to man. Your sister is an example of what is wrong with our society today. Some forget that every person is special and deserving of a good and happy life. Congratulations to the boys on their new name and that they have such a loving family, which shows what kind person their mother was. They deserve to have a new Mom and Dad to show them the proper way to live, love and honor life
Gail Clark <rgclark4@gmail.com>
Arlington, TX USA - Monday, May 3, 2010 10:23 PM CDT
Hi Sydney! Have a good day! Thinking of you, Sharen
Sharen L. Sakel <shageo@fairpoint.net>
Marianna, PA United States - Sunday, May 2, 2010 12:37 AM CDT
It's so sad what happend to a loving woman and wonderful mother.May god be with you Jennifer Corbin.
Dori Schindlbeck <dschindlbeck@aol.com>
Plainwell, Mi U.S.A - Saturday, May 1, 2010 7:09 PM CDT
I just finished reading Jennifer's story and not only did she sound like a wonderful person but you, her sister are an incredible woman as well. You never gave up in getting justice for your sister and your family but became a mother to her children to give them great lives. I have no doubt that you keep her memory alive in them and never let Dalton or Dillon forget how much Jennifer loved them.
Congrats to Dillon and Dalton on becoming official Tierney's. Bless you and your family.

Sue Hopkins caringbridge.org/visit/willhopkins <sue@dswh.net>
Plainfield, IL USA - Thursday, April 29, 2010 1:01 PM CDT
Dear Heather & family:

Just dropping in to say hello and hope all is going as well as
can be for all of you.

For all those like us who have lost a loved one, our loss is
great, but for those who we love and who love us, we must
carry on. You and Doug are doing a great job with the
children and Jenn is thankful for that.

My best to all. Love, Jane

Jane Dwyer <bdkid@comcast.net>
Sherwood,, Or. 97140 - Saturday, April 24, 2010 7:15 PM CDT
I just want you to know that your relationship with Jenn reminds me so very much of my relationship with my sister, Erin. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful, loving sister and thankful that you remind us to be grateful for these relationships. In reading your daily thoughts and updates, it brings tears to my eyes and I can almost feel your pain. May God hold you and your family in His hands and please know and trust that Jenn is with you always. She would be so proud of your strength! Much love to you all.

Keizer, OR USA - Tuesday, April 20, 2010 7:31 PM CDT
I wish the boys a life filled with love and family and new wonderful memories to fill their loss of a beautiful mothere who loved them for all time.
Maggie Singer <modells65@stny.rr.com>
Binghamton, Ny Broome - Monday, April 19, 2010 10:11 AM CDT
I'm so sorry for the lost of your daughter. I just saw her story. I'm glad that your family along with Ms. Hearns family got the justice you deserve... Again I am so sorry for your lost and the for her son....
Trisha Capak <Trish_1769@yahoo.com>
Sanford, fl usa - Monday, April 19, 2010 10:09 AM CDT
I just saw the movie on Lifetime, and I was so sad about your loss, I had to get on the internet and read more. I am so very sorry for the terrible loss that you have endured, but happy to know that the children are with you. I only hope that terrible man never gets out of prison. My prayers are with you.
Justine Taylor <damejust7@aol.com>
Manchester, NJ USA - Saturday, April 17, 2010 9:01 PM CDT
To the family

Im so sorry what happened to Jenn..

I seen the vedio and read the book and its sad made me cry, No one should go through that.
To Jenn 2 boys just remember your mother loved you both so much and also to Jenn's parents, sibling and in-laws she loved you guys to!!

I know how it is to loose someone, I lost a friend and she was a murder, I know that lost and what you were going through.

Tiara Sollin <tsollin_89_89@hotmail.com>
Bottineau, ND - Saturday, April 17, 2010 8:39 PM CDT
I just watched the movie and I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Jenn. My heart goes out to you and your family-take care.
Julie Newman <jflewman@hotmail.com>
Burlington, WA US - Saturday, April 17, 2010 8:12 PM CDT
I just watched the movie. Thank God above justice was done for you and your family. God Bless your beautiful sister and may she be a blessing in Heaven Always. Just so sad these things have to happen. Your family will always be in my prayers. God Bless Jennifer!
Melanie Brooks <brjacket2@aol.com>
Cumming, Ga usa - Saturday, April 17, 2010 8:07 PM CDT
I am trying to reach the website of Caroline Keith and are not able to do so I have a web address as follows
CaringBridge/carolinekeith/Welcome This works for a mutal friend but nt for me. Please help.
Bob Johannson

Bob Johannson <bjohanns@telus.net>
Sorrento, BC Canada - Saturday, April 17, 2010 4:35 PM CDT
thinks about you both all the time
nava jo knight <jo@oppcatv.com>
opp, alabama United States - Saturday, April 17, 2010 7:13 AM CDT
I read two books based on you're sisters terrible murder and all i can say is I am truly sorry for what happened to her and to Dolly. I am in the criminal law industry and see and hear these types of cases all the time. Its great to see that God has brought those two amazing boys of hers to you - Great job you and your husband are doing. Justice has been served for Jenn.
Francesca <fkaras@bigpond.net.au>
Melbourne, VIC Australia - Friday, April 16, 2010 11:27 AM CDT
I too was stalked and attacked by an ex boyfriend so I am well aware of the terror and helplessness it causes. My heart aches for your family that you lost your beautiful Jenn to such a worthless person. Know that she is smiling down from Heaven and helping you take care of her little ones. God bless you for doing that for her and for them.
Brenda Hall <brendahall1960@gmail.com>
Garland, TX USA - Friday, April 16, 2010 8:00 AM CDT
I am almost done reading the book and could not put it down. Ann rule is my favourite author and i am sad and my prayers go out to you. I try to understand how something like this could happen to such a beautiful person a mother,daughter, a friend. I have so much anger even though i am a stranger. That Bart could get away with the first person he did that to and do it again. All i can say is god has plans for people who do that and they go to hell and learn his lesson in jail. My heart goes out to you and your family and jenns boys. Wishing you all the best!!! Sarah
Sarah <s_mealings@hotmail.com>
Toronto, Canada - Tuesday, April 13, 2010 3:18 PM CDT
Trying to contact Kelli Chilson's guest book
Diana Reeves <gramr77@yahoo.com>
Marshfield, Wi USA - Sunday, April 11, 2010 1:22 PM CDT

This is a message for my friend, Darling Miriam Lareau.
Touched to speak with you today and hear of your condition.
I have faith in you Pudgy, you are and have always been
such a go-getter. Your outlook is exsactly what I would have expected from you - No, Why Me?
Take care dear friend, talk with you along the way.
Remember, there is no such place as far away for those that love one another.
Lovingly your friend,

Jackie Farrell Scrughan <Jackiewithexit@aol.com>
Charleston, SC USA - Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:28 PM CDT
Also just read the story of your loving sister. I pray for you all and thank God that you have a strong family for all your children. Although I did not know her I will not forget her.
Marion MacQueen <am@jadoube.demon.co.uk>
Scotland, UK - Thursday, April 8, 2010 5:35 AM CDT
I just finished reading about your sister. I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the pain all of you have been through. I will pray for all of you every day. I would not want to be bart on judgement day but I would love to be standing there watching.
Kathy Sechel <kathyloveschuck@yahoo.com>
Genoa City, Wi USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2010 6:14 PM CDT
I too just finished the book, I couldnt put it down! I wanted to say Thank You for sharing this story and God Bless you and your family. I will pray that God gives you strength, courage and serenity.
Julie Sullivan-Shetter
Belcamp, MD USA - Monday, April 5, 2010 1:06 PM CDT
This is such a shocking story and my heart goes out to Jenn's family and two beautiful boys. I am so glad that the arrogant Bart is locked up where he belongs. I don't believe the parole board will release him, so I'm not worried about that. I think he'll be incarcerated for a long, long time. On a happier note, it is wonderful to see the photo's of Jenn's boys. They look like two happy lads and what a blessing that they are the spitting image of their beautiful mother. Good wishes and love to you all.
Teresa Killian
Port Elizabeth, South Africa - Sunday, April 4, 2010 4:57 PM CDT
What a terrible person, we have a case of Christopher Coleman up here in Columbia,IL. that is so sad also. He killed his wife and two small sons. (So he could be free and married his wife friend from school. All I can say is God will have the real punishment for these evil, cruel people some day. You all are great for taking Jenn two little boys and giving them a loving home. God will greatly reward you someday. I also became very involved in your book, To Late to Say Goodbye. So sad for each and everyone of you.
Highland, IL. Madison - Monday, March 29, 2010 11:00 AM CDT
I was deeply touched by the story of Jenn and feel horrible about her outcome. Thank the Lord that she has a loving family who quickly took her sons in and gave them some 'normalcy'. I know their lives will never be normal in the traditional sense, thanks to their father (AKA sperm donor), but hopefully the loving environment that they will continue to grow up in will somewhat make up for the loss of their mother. My heart bleeds for her family and for everyone whose lives she has touched. After reading the book I felt as though Jenn was someone I would have loved to have as a friend and I can't believe that she is gone, especially since we are the same age. She was taken far too soon. May she be a guardian angel now for her boys.
F. Pollock
- Tuesday, March 23, 2010 11:19 AM CDT
I can't say anything that has not been said already. I, too, just finished reading Too Late To Say Goodbye. I finished it this morning and immediately when to this website. I have spent the last few hours just reading Heather's journal entries. My heart tore at the entire story of her murder and then Dolly's murder ... and with every entry Heather made, I felt a new level of sadness. I cannot say I can relate because I don't. What I can tell you is that Jennifer's entire family was so blessed to have her, especially those amazing boys she helped raise, but she was equally blessed to have you all! You are an amazing family with more strength than I could ever hope to have! God bless you all!!!
Rae Bassett <SDSteelerGirl@hotmail.com>
Aberdeen, SD USA - Friday, March 19, 2010 3:14 PM CDT
I have just finished reading the book. I cried so much for you all. I hope you all find peace soon. Thank God Jenn's children have such a loving family.

God bless

Jacqui Jones <jacquimjones@hotmail.com>
Burlington, ON Canada - Wednesday, March 17, 2010 12:46 AM CDT
I just finished reading Ann Rule's book. It's so difficult to grasp that this story is true - that the events, the pain, the deception, the horrible brutality - it really happened. My heart and prayers are for all the families. May God bless you.
tx - Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:46 PM CST
I finished Ann Rule's book recently and I have to tell you that this story hasn't left me. All the hopes and dreams of these women. All the lives that were left behind wondering. I understand the loss all too well. In 1988 a co-worker came into my place of work and killed 7 other co-workers. One of which was my boyfriend. Life goes on but the pain of that loss is felt daily. I always wonder what life would have been like with him. I was happy to read that Jenn's boys now have a great home and new last name. One comforting thing is that they carry their mom with them because she is so much a part of their lives. My utmost sympathy goes out to everyone involved. They is no explanation for these types of losses. Sincerely.
Annette Roman <aroman9@sbcglobal.net>
Half Moon Bay, CA USA - Tuesday, March 9, 2010 8:32 PM CST
Just finished reading a book by Ann Rule and i am so sorry to you all for your loss.... i am very happy that the boys are now "Tierney"... and happy birthday wishes to Jen for Jan 25th
Rae Weber <rae_bugga@yahoo.com>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Sunday, March 7, 2010 6:12 AM CST
Saddened by your loss! I understand because my beautiful Aunt was murdered by her husband on January 13, 2010. He ended her life as well as a police officers that was there to help. He then took the cowardly way out and shot himself to death. The pain never goes away but time makes it a little less. I am praying for your entire family!
Jamie Wray <rodgersjamie@hotmail.com>
Seneca, PA usa - Thursday, March 4, 2010 2:09 PM CST
Dear Heather, Doug, Max Snr, Narda, Rajel, Max Jnr, Sylvia, Dalton and Dillon, I have just finished Ann Rule's 'Too Late To Say Goodbye' and could not resist looking for this lovely commemorative website. While reading the book, I realized what a close-knit loving family you are, and although it wasn't Jenn's time to go, you were all there to support one another during those difficult times. Heather and Doug, you make your sister proud everyday by being the best parents you can be to those boys. I thank you all for keeping Jenn's memory alive. God bless you all x
Sarah AG
- Tuesday, March 2, 2010 12:00 AM CST
Dear Heather, Doug, Max Snr, Narda, Max Jnr, Sophie, Dalton and Dillon, I have just finished Ann Rule's 'Too Late To Say Goodbye' and could not resist looking for this lovely commemorative website. While reading the book, I realized what a close-knit loving family you are, and although it wasn't Jenn's time to go, you were all there to support one another during those difficult times. Heather and Doug, you make your sister proud everyday by being the best parents you can be to those boys. I thank you all for keeping Jenn's memory alive. God bless you all x
Sarah AG
- Tuesday, March 2, 2010 11:12 AM CST
I just finished reading the book "too late to say goodbye" by Ann Rule. I wanted to tell you that I am inspired by your dedication to your sister. The boys are lucky to have such a wonderful family. I wish you nothing but the best in the future!
Amanda Perrier <amanda_warman@hotmail.com>
Dartmouth, NS Canada - Monday, March 1, 2010 10:00 AM CST
I am terribly saddened by your loss.
Shelly Hutchison <spovazan@hotmail.com>
Monroeville, pa USA - Sunday, February 28, 2010 9:38 AM CST
It was weird but I read the book again by Ann Rule and then this movie was advertised and I watched it. I was happy to read Jenn's children were adopted and now have the last name Tierney!
Gerri Curless <GerriCurless@msn.com>
Salem, OR USA - Saturday, February 27, 2010 9:30 PM CST
I just saw the movie on television and I am so very sorry for your loss. We struggle with the insanity of such acts and wonder how someone can forget that you can't take back such a decision. Thank God that the boys had a loving family surrounding them during the past few years. God Bless Your Family
Kelly Nix <kellynix@hotmail.com>
- Friday, February 26, 2010 3:43 AM CST
Just saw the movie, and I thought it left a lot out. Especially how much your family fought to see justice done. I don't believe any of this would have come out without all of you pushing the issue at every turn. Hope your Birthday was wonderful Heather, It's Bill's birthday too, so I always think of you, and Melissa gave birth to her second child on January 25th, named Elliott. Serendipity. Hugs and kisses, and thoughts of you all, all the time.

Love Sharon, and Bill and the rest of the Curtis gang!

Sharon Curtis
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Monday, February 22, 2010 0:23 AM CST
Lifetime channel can be unrealistic to some, but to me, it opens my eyes to the world, and after the seeing the movie today, I feel such compassion for your family, and also dolly's family. How can a person be so cold even in court, well jail will give him plenty of time to think and reflect.

carolyn walton <carolynwalton2004@yahoo.com>
nashville, tn us - Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:33 PM CST
I have just read the book written by Ann Rule and turned the TV on... to find the movie "Too Late to Say Goodbye". Wow what are the chances of that happening! So sorry for your tragic loss and all the heartache your family has endured. Jenn seemed like a lovely person and lucky to have such a wonderful sister and brother-in-law to raise her children. Good Luck & God Bless to you and your family.
Jenny Robinson <jrobinson539@hotmail.com>
Hampton, va usa - Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:13 PM CST
I read Ann Rule's book this week about your sister's life and murder and I felt so moved by your heartbreak. I just wanted you to know that even in 2010 people still care about your family and Jenn. You are not forgotten and I will pray for you that you can move forward each day and learn to let the hate for Bart go because it is like a dead weight around your neck weighing you down. God will reap vengeance as he says in his word so let your heart be not troubled any more and remember all the good years you had with her. I have lost 5 brothers and both parents to death but not to murder so I can understand the empty spot but time really does help heal the wounds.
Wanda Ward
Jonesborough, TN USA - Friday, February 19, 2010 10:45 PM CST
I Am almost finished with Ann Rule's Book about Jennifer, Dolly and so many others forever changed by the selfish, senseless acts of one man. I will offer up prayers for all who have suffered loss as well as to thank God for the blessings your families continue to receive RE: The boys are now Tierneys!!! Congratulations and much respect to you for being there as a united family and support system for the boys and for each other. May God continue to bless you and give you strength each day to remain strong and united in love and faith.
Laurie <llh713@gmail.com>
Dallas, Tx USA - Thursday, February 18, 2010 5:43 PM CST
With tears in my eyes and a deep pain in my heart, I would just like to tell your family how amazing you are.
Harrisburg, PA - Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:33 PM CST
My thoughts are with you and your family...May God Bless You and keep your family safe always....
Michelle Weber <michbell64@comcast.net>
North Haven, CT - Saturday, February 6, 2010 2:49 PM CST
God Bless you!!!
Leanora <leanora.thornton@yahoo.com>
wichita, ks usa - Friday, February 5, 2010 11:32 AM CST
I just read the story by Ann Rule about your sister Jenn, I was so sad for your families loss, but Im so proud of you & your husband for doing the right thing and rasing her boys you are truly a saint you and your husband God bless you both and your family! I wish you all the best!
michelle Kennedy <michelle.kennedy@accuform.com>
brooksville , fl United States - Thursday, February 4, 2010 11:36 AM CST
I just finished reading the book by Anne Rule. It was sad to read the details of a woman who so desperately wanted a happy life. If only Jenn had opened up more and told things about her husband it might have saved her life. But then again, things happen for a reason and Dolly's murder would still be unsolved.Therefore a life was lost to save others.I commend you and your family for your strength and courage to continue on with your journey.And the police force that didn't give up. God Bless.
Connie M.
Canada - Wednesday, February 3, 2010 12:14 AM CST
Heather - My sister is the most precious thing in the world to me & losing her would shatter my world. You are such a strong, brave woman to fight for Jenn's honor, her rights & her children in the face of such tremendous sorrow. God bless your new & bigger immediate family & all others living in the shadow of a domestic abuse nightmare. My own mother was mistreated by my father & lived to tell about it, but she passed away from cancer which I believe was either caused or exacerbated by the stress of her life. Prayers & Best Wishes!
Pamela <pattysfirst@hotmail.com>
Bloomington, MA USA - Tuesday, January 26, 2010 5:12 PM CST
I just finished reading the book and my heart goes out to your entire family. I am so happy Dalton and Dillon are with a family that loves them very much. And more so, they are with someone who knew Jen and hold memories of her dear to her heart. Heather, you are her memory keeper and the boys will know her and remember her because of you. In that regard they could not have asked for a better new mom for them. My thoughts and prayers for your whole family and the pain you will feel all of your life.
Nancy Steward
Maple Valley, WA USA - Monday, January 25, 2010 9:36 AM CST
Happy one year adoption anniversary Dalton and Dillon!
Warren, MI USA - Friday, January 22, 2010 10:25 PM CST
just finished reading the book, too late to say goodbye, it brought tears to my eyes! i am so sorry for your loss and i am so happy that things are working out for you now with the boys. i wish you the very best in years to come, you are doing a truly wonderful job!!!!
mackay, qld australia - Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:22 PM CST
To Heather and your family, |I hope you have finally found some peace and happiness in having Jenn's two boys. |I just read the book about her and my heart goes out to you and your family. |I'm sure shes with God looking down with a smile on her face and relief in her heart.
sylvia gonski
dedham, ma usa - Friday, January 15, 2010 2:39 PM CST
Dear Heather,

I am a resident of Gainesville, GA and I remember your sister's case being on the news at around the same time I was helping search for a missing woman by the name of Sueann Ray. Sueann was later found dead and her husband was charged with her murder. We all were pulling for justice not only for your family, but for Dolly Hearn's as well.
Just this weekend I ran across the novel by Anne Rule about the case. I just wanted to stop in and tell you that Jenn is gone but never forgotten, and I'm sorry this happened. May God bless your family and heal your hearts from this horrific tragedy.
From everyone @ FindCarrieCulberson.Com

Jill Bennett
Gainesville, GA USA - Sunday, January 3, 2010 7:14 PM CST
Although I did not know her personally, I have read the book about her death in which there is included a recipe of Jen's. It is so amazingly horrific that a person would do this to another. I believe we have a connection to the people we have lost, so my little way to remember people who were taken from us and Jen even though I never knew her in life, is to make Jen's soup every New Years Day (and then some) and to share it and a bit of her story. People do not forget!

Cochran, Ga Bleckley - Sunday, January 3, 2010 2:53 PM CST
I have you all in my heart and in my prayers. I'm sure the holidays are especially difficult, but I'm happy to see you find joy in the children. Take care, and congratulations on the adoption!!! Jenn was blessed to have a family like you, as you are to have had her.
Amy Noer <intospektra@yahoo.com>
Fargo, ND USA - Saturday, January 2, 2010 8:37 AM CST
It is 2010, January 1st. I recieved a wonderful gift for Christmas from my grandson. An Amazon Kindle as I love to read. I chose "Too Late To Say Goodbye" as my first book purchase for the Kindle. There was no reason except that it sounded interesting. I just finished the book and felt compelled to come to this website and say that the children are blessed to have such an Aunt and Uncle and family. The book hits home for every loving family and although your pain is enormous, (I lost a daughter when she was 18), your love for your sister has overwhelmed me this evening as I close my new Kindle. God Bless You, Judi

Judith Fitch <free2besk8ing@yahoo.com>
Deerfield Beach, FL USA - Friday, January 1, 2010 7:36 PM CST
Happy New Year Barber Tierney Family...Jenn is remembered!
- Thursday, December 31, 2009 8:37 PM CST
Dear Heather, I finished "Too Late" in about 16hrs. First, I am another stranger who admires your dedication to those boys and applaud you for expressing your feelings so openly and honestly. I felt compelled to write to you about one statement contributed to you in this book.

You mentioned that you were angry still at times with Jenn for being naive about the internet relationship. I just wanted to tell you that it happens. I am college educated, successful, married with two beautiful girls. At one time, I was in a lonely, angry marriage that resembled hers to some extent. I found I could escape into this world and when I did, I "met" this person who said all the right things and it's so easy say things when you have that blanket of security.

I count my blessings that I was able to take a step back and realize the jeopardy I was placing myself and my children in. But not until I had wired all the money I had to my name. If my opinion means anything, I would like to tell you that I believe she didn't tell you and your family because of embarrassment(obviously) but also because she did not want to feel like "someone else really didn't love me" or "My God, this is the only type of person who will be interested in me now". I felt those things.

Good news is that I met and married a wonderful man who is supportive and loving. I wish, with all my heart, that your Jenn could have found her White Knight.

Again, my upmost respect to you, your husband and your mother and father. You will all have a special place waiting w/Jenn there to guide you when it's time..

Scottie C.
Summerville, SC 29485 - Thursday, December 31, 2009 0:14 AM CST
Dillion and Dalton are 2 of the bravest little men in the world....I am so glad Jenn is looking down on you two with so much pride...Heather and Doug you deserve an award...God Bless all of you...Take Care
Sal Salvaggio <wsal46@yahoo.com>
Brewster, MA USA - Tuesday, December 29, 2009 3:57 PM CST
I just read the book "Too Late to Say Goodbye". My heart goes out to the family and to Dillon and Dalton. I was lucky to have had the opportunity to escape an evil person before. It's so sad to know that there are people as horrible as Bart Corbin in this world. And to Dolly Hearn's, my heart goes to her family as well. They were both beautiful ladies.
Samantha Carter <samantha@fuelingcomponents.com>
Jacksonville, fl United States - Monday, December 28, 2009 11:36 AM CST
I was "Shocked" to see the lifetime movie "TOO LATE TO SAY GOODBYE". It's odd I am reading the book and had saved the lifetime movie. I was in "awe" as Lifetime made light Bart's involvement and somewhat made Jen out to be the bad person. I realize it is a movie "based" on actual events but I was neverless shocked. I guess in some cases common sense has to speak. I am from Gwinnett and send much love and prayer to all families involved with such a tragedy.
Michelle Fisher <michsay@aol.com>
Grayson, GA 30017 - Sunday, December 27, 2009 8:38 PM CST
God bless all of you.
Pamela B. Martin <pbm7847@yahoo.com>
Cincinnati, Ohio U.S. - Sunday, December 27, 2009 1:08 AM CST
Heather, I just recently learned the horrible story of Jenn and Dolly by reading Ann Rule's book. I also sent in the online form to the parole board asking them to please never let this monster out, to keep him locked away forever, as I have no doubt that he would kill any other woman who dared to leave him.

You and your family are in my prayers. Bless you and your dear husband for being so good to Jenn's boys.

I know Jenn's horrible death will never escape your thoughts, but I pray that you gain more peace with each passing day.



Lynn Turnage <jlynn1119@yahoo.com>
Memphis, TN USA - Saturday, December 26, 2009 11:44 AM CST
Wanted you to know that you are in our prayers, especially at this time of year. Jenn was a very special person and I was so lucky to have known her. I think of the boys, as my son was in Dillon's class, and I know they are so blessed to now be part of your family. Merry Christmas.
Buford, GA USA - Tuesday, December 22, 2009 7:49 PM CST
i am so glad something happened to him. after i read the book about it i thought he deserved the chair and i still do
Jennifer Tanner <carolina_gurl_09@rocketmail.com>
savannah, ga chataham - Saturday, December 19, 2009 1:32 AM CST
I just finished reading Too Late to Say Goodbye and must say that it was a terrible story about wonderful people. I am happy to see that everyone has managed to move beyond the tragedy that struck your family (judging by the photos) and congratulations on the successful adoption!!
Shanna K
- Monday, December 14, 2009 3:02 PM CST
I just finished reading " Too Lat To Say Goodbye". Words cannot express my empathy for your family. I feel it is great that they boys is adoption is final, since it is what was best. Heather and Doug I think it great what you have done with the boys. Your sister is so proud of you, she is watching over you and your family. I pray God blesses your family. My feeling are so overwhelming of this horrendous act of violence toward your family. A song came to mind when I was typing this called "I Will ALways Love You" by Whitney Houston. I guess due to how much Jen loved her boys and how much they love Jen.
Tonya Flaugher <babydoll391973@yahoo.com>
Rockford, Oh - Tuesday, December 8, 2009 7:32 PM CST
I just finished reading the book about Jennifer and your family. I had no idea there was a movie. I would have loved to have seen it. Your family is a beautiful picture of God's sustaining grace in times of tragedy. May God continue to bless and keep your family in His grace.
Ron Hobbs <rlhobbs@windstream.net>
Milledgeville, Ga USA - Sunday, December 6, 2009 9:26 PM CST
I just finished watching the Lifetime movie about your sister and wanted to tell you how sorry I am for you and your family. I thought I would have a lot more to say but as I sit here all I can come up with is I am sorry and I hope your family (especially the boys!) are doing well. Hope your holidays are joyful :)
- Sunday, December 6, 2009 8:00 PM CST
I read the book and watch the movie on lifetime and it still breaks my heart about your sister Jenn. Bart Corbin is a heartless SOB and may he ROT!!! in jail. Heather you are a wonderful sister and a great mother and I know and you know in our hearts that Jenn is smiling down to you and helping you with every step of the way. May god bless you and your family<3
Christina Thomas <christina3972@msn.com>
Levittown, Pa - Saturday, December 5, 2009 11:52 AM CST
may god bless your family!
Christina Thomas <christina3972@msn.com>
Levittown, Pa - Saturday, December 5, 2009 11:38 AM CST
Just wanted you to know you've been in my thoughts. We can't go back so all I can say is you have certainly picked up the pieces and carried on quite well. Those boys are blessed beyond blessed to have you.
Loganville, ga - Saturday, December 5, 2009 6:49 AM CST
Thinking of your family today. Five years since Jennifer went to be with Jesus. Just saw the movie on Lifetime and was very moved by your story.
Angie K
Austin, TX - Saturday, December 5, 2009 1:18 AM CST
Today I saw the movie in Lifetime Network, it made me very sad, and glad that her killer is paying in jail, but that won't never ease the pain the family is feeling. My heart goes to her sons & her family.
Emely Queiro <emely_queiro@yahoo.com>
Bronx, NY United States - Friday, December 4, 2009 9:27 PM CST
just finished the book & movie this wk. could not believe the coincidence of this being the 5yr anniv. my thoughts & prayers are with you all, as i know this is a difficult day.

my mom was actually best friends w/ lauren's mom mike in schl. i thot she did a good job of portraying your strength & determination, heather. your father's words at the trial were very stirring.

i pray for your family that god gives you peace & strength on this day. & am praying for the boys to grow up happy & blessed.

thoughts & prayers w/ dolly's family as well. ann rule does a wonderful job of making you feel like you know the victims & their families. she did a wonderful job of portraying jenn & dolly... & their families' love.

cindy chapman <cindy_chapman1@hotmail.com>
alton, IL usa - Friday, December 4, 2009 3:11 PM CST
Thinking of you.
Seattle, WA - Friday, December 4, 2009 1:43 PM CST
Just letting you know that I remember what today is and that your beautiful Jenn will never ever be forgotten.I have followed your lives from the day this started and I want to thank you for allowing me into your life. May Jenn rest in peace.
Mel - Canada

- Friday, December 4, 2009 11:42 AM CST
I have follow this since it's happen! I can't believe it's been so long. My sister is so much like Jen. We seem to have the same family Ray. This is the first time I have written anything. All your post make me think what it who be like without my sister. Not a day goes by without me telling her how much I LOVE HER. Godspeed Ray, may all God's blessings reach you and your family. Stay focus and keep up the work you are doing. Your an angel also!
Lucimhome <lucimhome@g.mail.com>
Oregon, Ohio - Thursday, December 3, 2009 10:02 PM CST
I have just read Anne Rule's book, and I am so sorry for the loss of Jenn. The story has touched me so much. I keep Jenn and those she left behind in my prayers every day.
Age 13

Margaret O.
Philladelphia, PA USA - Thursday, December 3, 2009 7:31 PM CST
well i wish to make a few comments cause i just read anne rule`s book and i am really sorry fro what happened to jane.i am from nigeria
vincent <kaesvin@yahoo.com>
lagos, lagos state nigeria - Wednesday, December 2, 2009 7:23 AM CST
Heather, I can't believe it's been FIVE years. I started reading about Kylie at Thanksgiving in 2004, and learned of Jenn's murder about December 6th or so.

I've always hoped and prayed for peace and love-- for you and the boys and the whole family -- and hope that you will find joy in life.

My best to you at this wicked anniversary.

Laura <lreifel@comcast.net>
Seattle , WA - Tuesday, December 1, 2009 2:03 AM CST
I have just finished ready the book by Anne Rule. I am so sorry for this terrible tragedy. I feel as if I knew Jenn and I would of loved to have been a friend to her. She has touched my life; along with Dolly Hearn and want to let the family know that I pray for both of these beautiful women.
Susan Gill
Ottawa, On Canada - Monday, November 30, 2009 12:54 AM CST
Just finished watching the movie. I wish your family, especially the boys, the best in the future. Congrats on making the adoption official.
Peter Anderson
Santee, CA USA - Saturday, November 28, 2009 8:53 PM CST
I just got finished reading Anne Rule's book and was very touched by your story. I have not seen the movie but would like to some day. Heather, you and Doug are doing a great thing raising Jenn's kids as I would if my sister was killed. I have 2 nephews and a beautiful niece who I adore and I am their favorite aunt. I know they love and appreciate what you are doing every day. Just know that Jenn is looking down and smiling. Good luck to you.
Kim Kelvin <kkelvin@satx.rr.com>
San Antonio, Tx USA - Wednesday, November 25, 2009 5:07 PM CST
I just wanted to say that your family's story really touched me. I can't imagine your pain and I'm so very sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful website you've created in Jen's memory. I'm sure she's looking down with lots of love and pride.
Kim Callahan
Dundas, ON Canada - Saturday, November 21, 2009 10:54 AM CST
J'ai lu l'histoire de Jennifer avec un grand intêret. Aujourd'hui, toutes mes pensées sont pour sa famille. Une grande pensée aussi à ses garçond Dalton et Dillon. Que Dieu soit avec vous et vous protègent mais je crois que Jennifer de là-haut vous regarde et vous protège.

Plougoulm, france - Saturday, November 21, 2009 2:26 AM CST
Hi all - just wanted to tell you I am thinking of you - getting to be that time of year...
I still miss her so much it hurts - she was that much and more. Sooo glad the boys are all yours now, and that is over with. Have a wonderful, beautiful, happy holiday season. I am so proud to have called her my friend, and always will.

Jennifer Rupured <jentuff@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA USA - Wednesday, November 18, 2009 6:06 PM CST
I check on you from time to time. It's been almost a year since your last post. It was a fluke how I come to know about Jenn's story because you would do updates on Kylie Barry's page. I had an instant connection with Raquel knowing what its like to have a child with cancer (never thinking I would ever have to know)and so happy to know that Kylie is doing well. What a beautiful family.
And this past year I had the misfortune of understanding the pain of what its like to have someone close to you murdered by her husband. She to had two young boys who are now without their mother. Jenn's boys have grown to be brave little men. I know that Kim's boys are going to be fine too. They are with their father it was their evil step-father who took their mother away. I know you all will never be a "whole" family again but, I am happy that you are moving on and providing a happy loving home for Jenn's boys.
God bless.

Renea Parks (Sean Ventura's mom) <renea.parks@comcast.net>
Canton , Ga - Monday, November 16, 2009 5:35 PM CST
Heather- I read some of your journals- Your faith is solid as a rock. The never ending love your family has for Jennifer is so uplifting. I watched the interview of Death and the Dentist and your beautiful mother said when I look into the eyes of Dalton and Dillion and see their faces she can see Jenn. When she said I see their little hearts beating in their chests she knows that Jenn is with her. I could not stop crying. What a beautiful and wonderful family you have. I am so sorry for your loss. My mother died when she was 33yrs old but she had cancer. I still miss her very much. I will continue to pray for you and your family. God Bless you, Heather
Kim <kawblondie@yahoo.com>
Knoxville, TN Knox - Sunday, November 15, 2009 6:48 PM CST
I am dearly sorry for your loss. I read the book "Too late to say goodbye" I absolutely fell in love with jennifer corbin, I wish I could have been blessed to have known her. She is an inspiration to me. I wish I could have been blessed by knowing her and I wish I could have the blessed family she has. I love the closeness that the Barber family shares.I can only hope that maybe I can grow to be a Jenn figure in my family and inspire others to love and forgive the way I have learned she was. God Bless the Barber family and Dalton and Dillon. I have each and every one of Jenn's family members in my prayers. I also pray that Bart rot in a cell.
Callie Smith <cjsexyma@yahoo.com>
Anson, Tx United States of AMERICA - Sunday, November 15, 2009 3:39 PM CST
Dear Heather and all of the family of Jenn.
My heart aches for your loss. I have three wonderful sisters and I cannot imagine for a moment losing one of them the way you lost Jenn. I can only say that for everything you endure in this life, God will make you stronger for it. I have read the book and watched the movie and there is no words that can describe how sorry I am for your loss. The whole world is praying for you and the boys. I know with the guidance of the family, they will grow up to be the best they can be. God bless you all and know that the strength of many, many people is behind you. Take care. Love and prayers to you all..........

Susan Mahar <slmahar@ihis.org>
Charlottetown, PE Canada - Thursday, November 12, 2009 4:41 AM CST
When I first heard about this it really saddened my heart. I had a nephew born on Dec. 1 2004. His family lives in Buford and to think as we were celebrating a new life your family was having to say good-bye to a beautiful life shortened before her time. I will always remember your family with prayers and love and only hope that God will continue to keep yall safe and blessed.
Linda <brumbelow1@yahoo.com>
Loganville, GA USA - Wednesday, November 11, 2009 5:11 PM CST
I'm so sorry about what happened to Jennifer. When I heard about when this happened, I was angry! Heather, my prayers go out to you and your family. Heather you may email me if you want.
Elizabeth <atwooder@live.com>
Fort Myers, FL - Monday, November 9, 2009 11:19 PM CST
I watched the movie last night, and can't believe the horrific crime he did. It absolutely made me sick. Im glad he is behind bars for the rest of his life, and hope he recieves the death penalty. My deepest sympathy to your entire family
hammonton, nj us - Sunday, November 8, 2009 7:49 PM CST
Hi Heather & Family - I just watched the lifetime movie and it is very heartbreaking what happened to your sister and what you all had to endure. May God continue to bless you all.
Nicole Phillips <anphil09@live.com>
- Sunday, November 8, 2009 4:11 PM CST
I just watched the Lifetime Movie about Jenny Barber. That is what I called her. I worked with Jenny at The Pottery in Commerce, GA. Max was also my boss. Jenny introduced me to Metallica. We would go to lunch and rock out. I think about Jenny often, and I wish her family the best. I viewed her pictures and I am so proud Dillon & Dalton have such a wonderful life with Heather and her family. God bless you all.
Melanie Brownell Morris <mbrownells@yahoo.com>
Commerce, ga us - Sunday, November 8, 2009 1:05 PM CST
JASPER, GA USA - Sunday, November 8, 2009 6:59 AM CST
God Bless Jenn and her entire family. I'm trying to send some strength to you all after seeing that horrific recounting of the crime. Senseless. I pray for your boys. They have a special place I'm sure and will do their mother proud.
Bend, OR - Sunday, November 8, 2009 1:12 AM CST
Congratulations to the Tierney family on the adoption of Jennifer 's boys! What a wonderful day! I'm sure Dalton and Dillon are excited to have a family of so much love and security. Happy days ahead! You're in my prayers. Christine, Oklahoma teacher
Christine <yochad5758@gmail.com>
Collinsville, OK USA - Saturday, November 7, 2009 11:36 PM CST
Heather, Its been a looong time since I came here. I remember the day you messaged on "Friends of Allie" that Jenn died and I followed every post you've made here since. I hope and pray you all are well. I saw the movie tonight on LNM and cried quite a bit. Please know that I think of you all often - especially now that December is just around the corner. If you get a sec please post and let us know how everyone is doing. I pray that God Blesses the Tierney's and Barber families, as well as the Hearns.
Emily Gore
North Myrtle Beach, SC USA - Saturday, November 7, 2009 10:06 PM CST
sorry for your loss
dawn smith
sterling, il, - Saturday, November 7, 2009 9:45 PM CST
Hi Heather - I just watched the lifetime movie and it is very sad what happened to your sister. So sorry for your family's loss. God bless you all.
Grace DeAngelis
- Saturday, November 7, 2009 9:45 PM CST
Hi Heather.We just watched the movie about your beautiful sister and Dolly and our hearts go out to you and your family as well as hers. She was blessed to have a sister like you that pushed for the truth and didnt give up. God bless you.
teresa <fish25@frontiernet.net>
monroeville, al u.s. - Saturday, November 7, 2009 9:39 PM CST
SAN ANTONIO, TX UNITED STATES - Saturday, November 7, 2009 9:27 PM CST
Hi, GOD bless you and your family!! I just finished watching the movie. What a terrible terrible tragedy for you all. Please know that I will think of you everyday since seeing this movie. What a great future these boys have with you, you truly are an angel.
Catherine Therrell
St. Louis, Mo usa - Saturday, November 7, 2009 9:25 PM CST
I just watched the movie about this tragic story and I would like to extend my condolences to the family of Jennifer and state that I think it is very remarkable that the truth was sought. I would say I'm happy that justice was served, but I believe that he should have received the death penalty. I was in a very abusive marriage and my ex-husband almost took my life when he fractured my skull 6 years ago. I thank the Lord everyday that I made it through and my children are away from the abuse. I've always known that I have been blessed more than other women in a domestic violence situation, however hearing Jennifer's story really hit a nerve. Jennifer was so beautiful and my prayers are with all of you. Take Care and God Bless!
Pamela Joines <pkj0702@yahoo.com>
Broken Bow, OK USA - Saturday, November 7, 2009 9:23 PM CST
Hi Heather

Just watched the movie about your sister....I am deeply saddened about what she had to go through as well as you and your family and especially her boys. I do have to say that I would be honored to have a sister like you!!! The way you did not stop until BC was found guilty was admirable on top of it all. Losing your sister is bad enough but watching the person who took her life breathe the air and experience life afterwards has to make it even worse. Her boys are lucky to have you and your husband to raise them and keep the memory of the mother who loved them so much alive. Be happy....you deserve it.

Dawn <Dawndrealtor@aol.com>
Marlton, NJ USA - Saturday, November 7, 2009 9:13 PM CST
My prayers are with you and your family on this night. I am sure the movie on lifetime is just a dreaded memory for you all to relive. Thank GOD there are good people in this world like y'all to give those kids a good name to live on forever. GOD has given you the power to instill goodness on Jennifers children and bless you and all of your family.
Devanie Baker <gndranch@msn.com>
Hampton, GA US - Saturday, November 7, 2009 9:05 PM CST
Praying for all of y'all tonight.
Pam Wallace-SHUMC dayschool
- Saturday, November 7, 2009 6:30 PM CST
Heather, God bless you & your husband as well as your parents for all that you have done in loving memory of Jennifer. She had to be the most amazing, compassionate, loving, & dedicated mother , sister,& daughter. I am curious to see if this movie tonight does her death justice.
I was the girl that came out & did you & your husband's insurance exams right after her death.
I think often about your family and hope all is well.
God Bless,
Lisa Carson

Lisa Carson <carson30506@yahoo.com>
Gainesville, Ga USA - Saturday, November 7, 2009 3:48 PM CST
Hi, I also am reading Ann Rule's book. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your sister and the mother of those two young boys Dalton and Dillon. Your family as well as Dolly Hearn's family are in my prayers.
Rhonda Gilliland <crzy4my24@yahoo.com>
Heathsville, VA USA - Thursday, November 5, 2009 10:18 AM CST
May our God continue to give you and your husband the ability to love and protect Jenn's boys.
Louise Boschetti <weeze48@sbcglobal.neet>
Lodi, CA USA - Thursday, October 29, 2009 2:18 AM CDT
My heart goes out to your family for the loss of your sister, mother, daughter and friend. I can't begin to imagine what it must be like. Jenn's boys are lucky to have an aunt like you. God Bless you all.
Shonda Hammontree <shondahammontree@hotmail.com>
Rocky Face, GA USA - Monday, October 26, 2009 10:26 PM CDT
i see you havent been on here in a while. I love to read ann rules books and read bout your sister and dolly i could not put the book down till i Knew they had him behind bars. I also looked it up on the internet. you are so strong for taken the boys in. Im a mother of five so i know how hard it is. I also lost my step mother in feb. of 2003 some one killed her and her boyfriend at the time in east brainard tenn. they were looking at my dad for a while and he took off. the case has went dry. i wish i knew the truth about that or some one would reopen her case. But any way you are a very strong person and your husband for taken in those wonderful boys i hate they have seen so much. I was once in the same place as you sister i was able to get the gun from my ex and get my kids away from that i so sorry about your loss.
casandra <cbaker27@hotmail.com>
ga carrollton - Monday, October 26, 2009 12:33 AM CDT
I just saw this horrible story on tv. My heart goes out to your family and the boys!I hope and pray at some point you can find some peace.You are in my prayers.
Arlene <slacker1129@yahoo.com>
ft myers , fl lee - Sunday, October 25, 2009 9:32 AM CDT
I want you guys to know that your family is in our hearts and prayers. I read the book and now waiting to see the movie. Jenn feels like a part of our family. I had an infant son that was murdered 3yrs ago by his father. I know the pain you guys must go through everyday. You and your husband are a blessing to those two beautiful boys. God bless you all!!
Amy Caudill <amycaudill@rocketmail.com>
Rio Rancho, NM 87124 - Wednesday, October 21, 2009 9:34 AM CDT
I'm just about finished reading Ann Rule's book and would like to express my sincere sympathy to your family. I can't imagine what Dalton was feeling the morning he found his mom and how it will impact him growing up. And the monster knowing it would be his children to find their mother is inconceivable. He is evil! As a mother of 2 boys, my heart goes out to Dalton & Dillon. Fortunately, they have all of you to love and support them.

God bless to all of you. Stay strong.

Peoria, AZ USA - Monday, October 19, 2009 2:42 PM CDT
Praying for your family!
Pam Porter <r.porter@mindspring.com>
Cumming, GA - Saturday, October 17, 2009 10:15 AM CDT
We are only out of the prescene of our father in heavens eye for ablink of a second. Families are forever and I know that you will be reunited with jenn when it is your time to leave this earthly place. She will be there. Welcoming you with open arms and then a new adventure will begin. I am glad that you have those two sweet little boys and that they are a joy to you and your husband. The beast will forever pay the price for taking jenns life. I do not believe that this is a forgivable sin. May God protect you and your family and bless you with health, fiancial stability, and peace of mind.
Deborah Mauro <joseydeborah@yahoo.com>
Salem, or usa - Friday, October 9, 2009 10:20 PM CDT
Hi, I just wanted to say after reading Ann Rule's book your sister sounds like she was a lovely person who didn't deserve to meet this monster. My sister and I are very close too and I can imagine my sister doing for me what you have done for Jenn, taking her children in as your own and giving them a good life. I think you and your family sound like good people and I wish all of you the best for the future. P.S I'm glad to see your/Jenn's boys have your surname now. Jox
Joanne Carter
Perth, WA Australia - Tuesday, October 6, 2009 11:34 PM CDT
je viens de lire l'histoire de votre soeur et cela m'a beaucoup toucher meme si il ne m'est rien arriver d'auussi horrible j'espere qes ces garcon sont heureux aupres de vous et je vous souhaite bonne chance
saaoud badia <saba_92@hotmail.fr>
fontenay aux roses, 33 france - Tuesday, October 6, 2009 3:21 PM CDT
je viens de lire l'histoire de votre soeur et cela m'a beaucoup toucher meme si il ne m'est rien arriver d'auussi horrible j'espere qes ces garcon sont heureux aupres de vous et je vous souhaite bonne chance
saaoud badia <saba_92@hotmail.fr>
fontenay aux roses, 33 france - Tuesday, October 6, 2009 3:21 PM CDT
Heather - I went to school at Central with Jenn ( Big Bird) and I check this every now and then. I am thrilled the boys now have a last name they deserve and what a beautiful present for Jenny !! How wonderful - You are in my thoughts all the time as well as Beautiful Jenn.
Paige Maney
Pendergrass, Ga USA - Monday, October 5, 2009 4:47 PM CDT
I just finished reading the book "Too late to say goodbye" What a tragic story to be told, but what a wake up call. Thank you for sharing this heart breaking event with the world. My heart goes out to everyone involved and especially Jennifer's children.
Palm Bay, FL USA - Sunday, October 4, 2009 5:35 AM CDT
I just wanted to say I am in the same situation Jenn was, but i am breaking free, from the possessive evil abusive devil. I am a now a living on my own finally still married have been for ten years but i just got my own place, i have two daughters, and i just started back to college last year. I have one more year to go and i graduate with my associates degree. for so many years i was emotionally abused in front of my children which was the hardest... i was treated the same way as jenn was, and like her i never knew his dark past, but i found out and with gods will i got out and was able to get my own place. i had nothing not even beds for my babies but slowly i have made a home for my girls a safe home. its not much but its ours and people have helped me with the things i needed. i am grateful and so much happier now that i am gone from him. when i read her book i cried because i seen my same self in that situation and i really understood where she was coming from. i just wanted to say that it inspired me more to get away from my husband who so called loved me so much and i finally did it i made it on my own it is hard and sometimes very lonely but i am doing it and it has made me stronger.

Rest in Peace Jenn
Ps. you were and are beautiful too beautiful for him...

Lori Griffis <lorig@zoomtown.com>
Middletown, Oh United States - Wednesday, September 30, 2009 9:55 PM CDT
I just finished reading Ann Rule's book and I can honestly say I've never felt such sorrow or loss by simply reading the pages of a book. The two women that were stolen from this world appear to be two of the most beautiful people I have ever encountered. I would like to offer you my condolences and prayers. I am so happy that Dillon and Dalton are finally stable and are in a loving family that can help them rebuild their lives.
Tracey Fields <iwantadinosaur@gmail.com>
Gautier, MS United States - Tuesday, September 29, 2009 7:16 PM CDT
Just finished Ann Rule's book and wish to tell you that your family has touched my heart. You are in my prayers.
It is wonderful that Dalton and Dillon have such a wonderful family to be able to grow up in. Your strength will be their strength. Blessings to all...

Hilde Springer <gardehil@ameritech.net>
Anderson, IN USA - Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:14 PM CDT
I am also reading the Ann Rule book on Jenns life.I grew up in Gainesville Ga, not too far from where this all happened although was not actually LIVING there at the time. I feel very happy that Dalton and Dillon have a new family they can grow up in happily. I admire the closeness of the Barber Family. The book really puts you THERE so to speak and really makes you feel a part of what was going on and the pix helped to get to KNOW Jenn and her family even though I really didnt. It moved me to tears when I read that the Hearns had gone to Jenns funeral. So sad for them as well. I wish All involved a happy life now that Bart is where he is supposed to be, so sad that TWO women had to lose their lives because of HIS insecurities. Thank you all for sharing this story with us, I know it must have been hard, but thank you anyway . I have a daughter in Augusta state this year as a freshman and I only pray she or my 15 yr old never meets a Bart Corbin, EVER in there life. I could write on and on but just THANK you Heather for making this website for readers like us to express our condolences ..
cara lucero <carosyrup65@yahoo.com>
anchorage , ak usa - Saturday, September 26, 2009 10:14 AM CDT
I too am reading Ann Rule's book "Too Late to Say Goodbye". Please keep us up-to-date on Dalton and Dhillon. As a mother of two boys myself, it is heartbreaking thinking about what these two boys have endured and will continue to endure for the rest of their lives. Thank God for the Barber and Tierney families.
S. Jozsa
Toronto, ON Canada - Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:45 AM CDT
I am in the process of reading "To late to say goodbye" by Anne Rule. It is a moving and scary tale. I find myself so angry at Bart and his family. I have been abused in the past as well and only by the grace of God that I am not a victim or a head line. I marvel at your faith and pray for you to have the strength and guidence from God to raise jens' sons. When I think of your family and what you are going through the scripture that comes to mind is Phlipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" May God continue to bless and keep you all safe.
Tricia Hargrove <thargrove@rogers.com>
oshawa, ON Canada - Sunday, September 13, 2009 1:56 PM CDT
I just finished reading ''too late to say goodbye'' and I am at the part where Dalton has a dream about Jenn. I cannot stop crying, it really touched my heart and it made me so happy to know that this website exists. I wish all the best for all of you, I know I live far from you guys, but if there is ever anything I can do to help or just to simply be there, I would be more than happy to help out.
Congratlutions to Dalton and Dillion on officially becoming Tierneys! And Heather and Doug, you are two of the most respected people I have ever heard about in this world.Words canno't describe what you guys have done.

Sarah Mashkoori <s.mashkoori@hotmail.com>
Ottawa, Canada - Saturday, September 12, 2009 1:30 PM CDT
I also read the book Too Late to Say Goodbye and want to express one of the most touching things that was done by your family in the book. It's where it says that Jenn's Daddy went into the house and retrieved the boys Christmas gifts that Jenn bought for them. That touched my heart so deeply. I am sorry for your intense loss of such a beautiful part of your family and have to question why something like that may have happened. God Bless you for keeping those boys and making them feel a part of a loving family and may God keep you and your family strong and bless you in every way possible. Thank you for sharing your heartbreak with the rest of the world and letting us know that even though some of us are normal there are those that walk among us that want to cause us harm.
Tracee Brock
Lutz, Fl - Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:10 PM CDT
I read "Too Late To Say Goodbye" once a year. I feel that Jenn is my friend, and I would have loved to have known her. I can't help saying this (and forgive me for offending anyone) but God damn Bart Corbin for taking this woman from the world. Who knows what she would have done to make this world a better place? Anyway, peace to you and your family, and CONGRATULATIONS on the adoption! You (Heather) are the sister that everyone dreams of having. Oh, and P.S., I made Jenn's Squash soup (minus the onions), and it was really good!
Julianne <stoopidinak@live.com>
Alaska - Tuesday, September 8, 2009 3:02 PM CDT
I just finished "Too Late to Say Goodbye" and I feel relieved yet heartbroken. It is as though Jenn was my neighbor, I feel like I knew her. I do hope the family has found a peace in knowing as a christian, she is in heaven. Through the love of Christ you have the assurance of seeing her again. That is what carries me through the pain of death, even though the hurt remains. I agree the doves were a sign for you Heather. As for Bart, I see him as a shell filled with demonic ash. Thanks to Ann for writing the book. My prayers are with both families.
Kim Ranostaj <kimberly@openhousebydesign.com>
Asheville, NC USA - Tuesday, September 8, 2009 11:42 AM CDT
I am also a reader of Ann Rule. She has changed my life through her books. Your family has the strongest hearts I have ever seen. What a wonderful way for theses boys to remember Jenn through such positive outstanding family members such as yourselfs. I pray for happiness for you and your family Heather. God Bless your souls, may Jenn rest in peace, and her boys always feel her love. You are a true inspiration Heather.
Stormy Nicole <Stormynicolewyatt@yahoo.com>
Austin, Texas USA - Monday, September 7, 2009 4:19 PM CDT
I just want to say that i have just finished reading too late to say goodbye....It has touch me very deeply and i know i will never understand all the pains that you have gone through....Hope all is well for everybody and that you all cherish all the good memories you have...
Francine <bblisa17@hotmail.com>
Ottawa, On Canada - Tuesday, September 1, 2009 1:25 PM CDT
I want to say sorry for ur loss i know its been almost 5 years since jenn was murdered i just recently bought and read the book about he. It's too late to say good bye. i want to let you know that Dalton and Dillon and the ret of the family are in my thoughts ad prayers. i just found out about this site at the end of the book so i decide to check it out and let you all know that your in my prayers. and congrats on getting full custody of dalton and dillon and their last names being changed
lynn, ma united states - Sunday, August 30, 2009 9:43 PM CDT
Dear Heather,
I just finish reading Too Late to Say goodbye and this story has touch my heart very deeply. I hope the best for your family and congratulate you and your husband on the way you care and love the children, Jenn must be very happy watching over you.

maritza avila <maritza82956@aol.com>
miami, fl usa - Friday, August 28, 2009 3:39 PM CDT
Dear Heather
I was so deeply saddened and shocked to read the manner in which your lovely sister, Jenn, passed away. I extend my deepest sympathy to you and your family.
It appears from Ann Rule's book that you and Jenn were very close and that her passing was and continues to be very hard for you. I'm sure that you are thankful for the many wonderful years you had together. Jenn sounds like a very special lady. She always managed a beautiful smile even when I'm sure she was not feeling her best. She seemed to be a joy to be around.
Doctors, irrespective of their field, are associated with prolonging peoples lives - not ending them! Corbin should never again have a place in a community - other than one that is behind bars and out of sight and mind. I am so happy to learn that Jenn's sons will no longer have to bear the Corbin name, Bart deserves no connection to the boys (or anyone else for that matter)
My prayers are with you, stay strong and positive, you are an inspiration and someone I am sure Jenn would have been proud to call her "sister"
God bless you all
Peace and love

Sandra San Martin
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Thursday, August 27, 2009 7:51 AM CDT
I have almost finished reading "Too Late to say Goodbye". Truly Jennifer is in Heaven smiling down on her kids and her family. The book really touched me in alot of ways. Domestic violence is tragic..Myself and my sisters and my own daughter have been involved in this..fortunately we escaped soon enough to prevent the tragedy Jennifer faced.
I just realized her birthday is one day before mine. May God continue to bless you and the rest of your family.

Spring, TX USA - Saturday, August 22, 2009 1:51 PM CDT
Although I never had a close family or a sister, after reading Ann Rules book non stop I became in my heart a part of your family in peace and in tragedy. You are truely a hero and one of Gods Blessed children. Thank you thru Christ for taking such good care of Dalton and Dillon as you and Jenn discussed earlier in your lifes. Thru you and your family I find strength and peace within myself and realize that real family values, trust, and most importantly unconditional love are still alive. My best to you and your whole family. May God continue to bless you all.
With Love and Adoration,

Sue Solarin <libra.scorpio@yahoo.com>
San Antonio, Tx USA - Thursday, August 20, 2009 4:26 PM CDT
Dear Wonderful Loving Family:
I just finished reading "Too Late To Say Goodbye". My heart is touched.
Please be reassured, "Jenn & Dr. Dolly" are both smiling down from Heaven knowing that one day in the future you will all once again be together...
The love of both families for both young souls lost, is overwhelmingly strong I can feel it even here. They were both beautiful women inside and out..and even though, albeit for a small amount of time , touched many, many hearts.
Heather your are like my sister‘s...bonds can never be broken between sisters...
Thanks for being you! I am now going to go call My Sisters just to say "Hi, how's your day and I want you to know I love you"!

Bobbi Marvin-Evans <bjeanmarvin@yahoo.com>
Hayward, CA 94545 - Thursday, August 20, 2009 2:19 PM CDT
After reading the book by Ann Rule...I feel like I know both Jenn and Dolly's family. Dalton, Dillon, and the rest of the family members will be prayed for daily. The two women are my heroes.
Ami Gray <ami.gray@yahoo.com>
Simpsonville, SC USA - Thursday, August 20, 2009 2:02 PM CDT
Dear Family,
I love the family picture! I feel like I know you all after reading the book.. Living in California so close to the OJ mess & the Lacy Peterson story, I didn't think anything like that could phase me anymore...but it did and with much sadness..God Bless you all & my love & hugs to you all.

Stephanie Siebert <steph@meowmountain.com>
Saratoga, CA USA - Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:57 PM CDT
Wow it has been a long time since I have been on here, but I was thinking of Jennifer and wanted to look her site up. I doubt you remember me but my daughter Autumn was in Jennifer's class when she passed. I always reffered to myself as Autumn's Mom. Autumn is now 9 and still thinks of Ms. Jennifer often. I am so happy for Dillon and Dalton and their new wonderfull last names. I hope you all are doing well!

Roxann Ridgeway
Suwanee, Ga - Wednesday, August 19, 2009 1:14 PM CDT
Have just read Ann Rules book. You are all so blessed to have each other and how so much dignity. You were lucky to know your lovely sister/daughter/mother.Glad the boys are doing well.
Heather Edgeworth
Cardiff, Wales, UK - Wednesday, August 19, 2009 12:42 AM CDT
God bless you!
Sandra Schild <faith_hope_love_remain@yahoo.de>
Santa Barbara, California USA - Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:05 PM CDT
Dear Family,
this is Sandra from actually Germany and I am here as an Au Pair and I went into the store and bought the book "too late to say goodbye" from Ann Rule because I love to read true storys, but after I read it I just thought: Oh my God, this didn´t really happen,did it??? While I was reading I felt sooo sorry for you and sometimes I cried, especially when I saw the pictures in the middle of the book. I really really hope that you find peace and forgiveness and raise the boys as your own!
I just can´t imagine that this really happened to you. It seemed so far but is still so close.
Take good care of you all!!
in Love

Sandra Schild <faith_hope_love_remain@yahoo.de>
Santa Barbara, California USA - Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:03 PM CDT
Looking for Wendy Evans

Eric Klepac <klepacek@gmail.com>
Louisville, CO USA - Thursday, August 13, 2009 7:50 AM CDT
Heather, I still think of you and Jenn, about 5 years after first reading Kylie's site, and then learning about you and Jenn. I hope you are enjoying a great summer with all your kids and your family. My best always
Laura <lreifel@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:17 AM CDT
I'm almost done reading "Too late to say goodbye" and i must say i can't begin to emagine what you and your family went through and must still be going through, but i know that god will continue to bless and comfort each and every member of your family. I know you all are comforted by the happy memories you shared with her and that you've found the strength to cope with your loss. You are a family, each being there for each other offering love, strength and support to each other, and that's a blessing.You're all in my prayers. May god bless and keep you.Love, from a distance.
Stephanie Rowe - Jones <tifrowe@yahoo.com>
Kingston, Jamaica W.I. - Sunday, August 9, 2009 10:20 PM CDT
I'm almost done reading "Too late to say goodbye" and i must say i can't begin to emagine what you and your family went through and must still be going through, but i know that god will continue to bless and comfort each and every member of your family. I know you all are comforted by the happy memories you shared with her and that you've found the strength to cope with your loss. You are a family, each being there for each other offering love, strength and support to each other, and that's a blessing.You're all in my prayers. May god bless and keep you.Love, from a distance.
Stephanie Rowe - Jones <tifrowe@yahoo.com>
Kingston, N/A Jamaica W.I. - Sunday, August 9, 2009 10:14 PM CDT
I just got done reading "Too Late To Say Goodbye". I am in college takin a Psychology class and we had to pick a true crimes book, read it, write a report on how we feel about it and the people in the book. Well I choose this book to read not knowing it was going to touch my heart so deeply. I am so sorry for your families lost and above all else that face Jenn never got to see her boys grow up to be the great guys they are and will be in this world. That was taken from them and her. Which sickens me. I am GLAD Bart Corbin got what is deserved by what the law says. I truely beleive he should have been send to death him self. But that is just me. I know everyone says that with time everything gets easier. Which I will not say that cause I know it doesn't. At times it's just as hard as the day it first happened. I just hope for your family, yours and the boys sake that you guys remember all the great times you shared with her and know she is looking down on you all always. My best wishes to you all.
TaLinda Love
Augusta , KY U.S.A - Saturday, August 8, 2009 2:53 AM CDT
Heather and Doug - I wanted to just tell you how truly blessed Dalton and Dillon are to have you both as parents. I am so glad that everyone fought so hard for Jenn knowing that Bart had committed this terrible crime. Jenn's strength I believe lives on in you. I hope you see doves and rainbows everyday. My thoughts and prayers are with you all everyday.
Whitney Mettham
Amarillo, TX USA - Wednesday, August 5, 2009 1:57 PM CDT
as i sit here reading too late to say goodbye.. it is breaking my heart, that he could have done that to her, her boys, her family, and her friends...goofy as it sounds i feel like i knew her.. my boys are dalton and dillon, dalton is 8 dillon is 3, while reading this i catch myself telling her to run, to get away, she deserves better. I do not understand why someone would feel that they need to end anothers life, nor understand what they leave behind. I will keep you all in my prayers..
Ketchikan, ak usa - Wednesday, August 5, 2009 1:36 PM CDT
I read the book and was sadden Bart was able to do what he did. However, I'm thankful that he's incarcerated. He's scary and I believe he's a psycopath. He should never be free. May God bless Dolly & Jenn's family.
Carole Price <carolerpirce@yahoo.com>
Chapin, SC US - Tuesday, August 4, 2009 9:07 PM CDT
God be with your family as a pain like this doesn't get much easier. I noticed that Jennifer and my son Jared (who I lost at the age of 18) shared the same birthday and now they are both safely in heaven.
Sandy Gilbert
Laneville, Texas USA - Tuesday, August 4, 2009 11:25 AM CDT
This site is a very moving tribute. What a wonderful family.
Ann Davidson Loftin
Anaconda, MT USA - Monday, August 3, 2009 1:40 AM CDT
Good luck to all of you. Congratulations boys on the new last name, you obviously have wonderful people looking out for your welfare. My prayers are with your family.
Louisville, KY USA - Friday, July 31, 2009 10:24 AM CDT
Heather, I like many others on this board stumbled across Ann Rules book and could not put it down. I am deeply saddened by all that your families have had to endure. As a mother and as a sister I just feel such a sadness and I just had to offer my condolences. This was truly a senseless tragedy. I am so sorry for all you have been through. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
On a happier note, Congratulations on the new last names for Dalton and Dillion!

Rosalie G. <munchkinsmommy@hotmail.com>
Alamogordo, NM US - Friday, July 31, 2009 0:29 AM CDT
I finished reading Ann Rundels book two weeks ago. I read it start to finish in three days and has been on my mind since. I feel so connected to your family. I know that nothing anyone says will fill the void that your heart must still feel. I read the book so intently, like a magnetic pull that i could not fight. I read every detail with my heart aching. I realized that Jennifer's birhtday is the 25th of January. I say "is" instead of "was" becuase I know that 50 years down the road that will still be a day that you celebrate. It will forever be the day that the Lord blessed your family with her life.

My son was born that day this year. I feel so blessed to be a mother. As I read about Jennifer and her children I could not help but fight tears. I have been sitting at my desk for about two hours going through the site, reading the journal entries, pictures, guestbook entries.

I commend you Heather. I have one sister and my life would be incomplete without her. The bond that sisters share, especially when they are best friends is something that cannot be explained. My prayers are with you. I read in one of your older journal entries that your mother had not painted since Jenn's death. It is an old entry, I am hoping that has changed. I am prayerful that your mother has found inner peace and able to return to some degree of normal. I pray for all of your family. It is not often that any of us read an article in the news or read a book and it litterally change the way we feel, think and view life. Truly, I hope that it brings some solace to your heart to know that Jenn has changed many lifes after her death. Your family is a true inspiration. My prayers are with you all. Everyday I hope brings new life, hope and inspiration to you. I wish for you...that everyday gets a bit easier to manage. Thank you...from a stranger afar...for caring so deeply for Jenn's boys. Congratulations on the name change and custody. God Bless you and your family. May he give you peace of mind.

Jennifer lives on in the hearts of many. May she continue to be your guardian angel.

Noemi <ZirlaZQ@yahoo.com>
Killeen, TX 76543 - Thursday, July 30, 2009 3:33 PM CDT
Jus finished reading Ann Rule's book. Truly, it has been a gruelling couple of years for you and your family and more years to come shall be spent missing your lovely sister. My good wishes to you and your whole family and love to the kids!!

Ramya <chanderramya@gmail.com>
Mumbai, India - Thursday, July 30, 2009 11:38 AM CDT
Heather, my thoughts and prayers are with your whole family. Thank you for putting the list of names of people who were sadly murdered last year. And thank you for letting everyone know that the boys are now completely adopted by you. I put a memory for Jennifer and also Dolly on my blog. I read the book - my baby died a little over a month after Jennifer. I wasn't watching the news and did not know a thing until reading Ann Rule's book. Again, blessings on all of you, and courage and hope for the future. This is such a beautiful memory of your sister.
Amy Sterling Casil <ASterling@aol.com>
Playa del Rey, CA USA - Sunday, July 26, 2009 11:19 PM CDT
I just finished reading Ann Rule's book and I feel so sad for what you and your family have gone trough. I also want to congratulate you and the boys for the new las name!
Maika Velasquez
Holland, MI USA - Tuesday, July 21, 2009 1:19 PM CDT
I am sorry for your loss. I was also married to a controling man, who put me down, just like the way Jenn was. Her story can inspire other women to get out before its too late.Thank you for raising her boys.
Jill Murphy <jilldmurphy@optonline.net>
Old Tappan, NJ US - Monday, July 20, 2009 5:18 PM CDT
I like many others have just finished reading Ann Rules book. Started reading it at a family garage sale and couldn't put it down. I am so sorry of your familys lost and hope that the boys are emotionally better after what happened.
I am appalled at some of the comments left here and I am sorry that some people are so ignorant. Reading the book I am sure that Jenn did everything she posibly could do for her boys, even if that meant to be in a relationship with some one that was mentally abusive. For those of you who have made your negative comments, you really don't know what its like until you yourself have walked in their shoes.
I wish the best for your family and congratulations to the boys getting their last name changed.

Helen Eng <helene360@msn.com>
Centralia, WA USA - Sunday, July 19, 2009 2:39 PM CDT
What a sad book and what a monster of a man. I hope he's miserable in jail and thinking about how many lives he's ruined.
michelle hawks <michawks@windstream.net>
northfield center, oh usa - Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:41 AM CDT
I recently purchased and read the book of this unfortunate tragety. I know that time has past but i would like for both of the families of these wonderful women. I would like to extended my condolences to each an every one in that family.
Monica M. Duran <urlakerdodgergirl@yahoo.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Wednesday, July 15, 2009 0:20 AM CDT
Heather and family,
I just looked up this website because I finished reading Ann Rule's book. I have another friend whose son's story is on Caring Bridge so it caught my attention when I saw it in the book. I did not know that they had other kinds of stories on their website. I thought it was just medical tragedies....cancer, trauma, etc..I applaud you and your family for your tireless efforts to see justice done on behalf of your sister and Dolly Hearn. I am thrilled their killer was put away for a very long time.
Also, congratulations on the adoption of Jenn's sons. It seems to me that your family loves the Lord and with that foundation, and the love of you and your family, Jenn's boys will be able to grow up to be Godly, healthy young men who can take what satan meant for evil and allow God to turn it into something good. May God bless you and all of your family as you continue to deal with the loss of Jenn and help others who have experienced the same thing.

- Monday, July 13, 2009 8:52 PM CDT
Heather and family,
I just looked up this website because I finished reading Ann Rule's book. I have another friend whose son's story is on Caring Bridge so it caught my attention when I saw it in the book. I did not know that they had other kinds of stories on their website. I thought it was just medical tragedies....cancer, trauma, etc..I applaud you and your family for your tireless efforts to see justice done on behalf of your sister and Dolly Hearn. I am thrilled their killer was put away for a very long time.
Also, congratulations on the adoption of Jenn's sons. It seems to me that your family loves the Lord and with that foundation, and the love of you and your family, Jenn's boys will be able to grow up to be Godly, healthy young men who can take what satan meant for evil and allow God to turn it into something good. May God bless you and all of your family as you continue to deal with the loss of Jenn and help others who have experienced the same thing.

- Monday, July 13, 2009 8:51 PM CDT
I can't believe that anyone would come on this website and throw insults the way some have. This amazing sister has been to hell and back and you insult her hair!? Are you for real!? and there are those who think that Jenn deserved what she got; what kind of people are you!?

I really don't want to turn this beautiful forum into a rant, but felt I needed to say my peace.

Jen <jbrunt@enterphase.com>
Bowmanville, ON Canada - Monday, July 13, 2009 11:08 AM CDT
I just read the book of Ann Rule ( I don't remember that news talked about your sister in Belgium) and I am very sad for your family.
It is scarying, in which world do we live ?
I hope Dalton and Dillon are better now.
Jennifer will always be with you.

Jessica Meurant <bollyjess@live.fr>
Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont, Belgium - Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:56 AM CDT
Our book club just finished Ann Rules Book. We are divided on our opinion of Jennifer and Bart Corbin.
One reader feels Jennifer is to be pitied and must have felt she couldn't keep up with Bart and his social standing so she opted out by getting involved with the internet rather than facing up to her life.
Another feels sorry for her and that she liked the lifestyle Bart offered so she didn't want to lose that by leaving him.
Another feels Bart was being difficult and not loving enough.
A couple feel sorry for her but more sorry for her children when they are bound to hear about their mother's affair with a woman.
There is the thought Jennifer was spoiled and wanted her own way and that she tried to bully her husband by her affair.
One lady feels Jennifer should have worked harder at her married life and not gotten into an affair. Perhaps Bart would have come around. The Corbins had such cute boys surely the boys were worth the effort. Instead both Jennifer and Bart were selfish, looking after their own needs.
I feel sorry for her boys because they are or have already learned about the scandals involved. I think it's wrong to cut off the entire Corbin family as they are not to blame for Barts actions. It seems like you are delighting in being cruel to the Corbins to get back at Bart. I understand cutting Bart off but not his family. I also think that someday the boys will want to see their father and hear his side of it. In a bad marriage, there are 2 sides to the events. Bart still is their father genetically and you cannot change that by changing a name. If you hate Bart so much the boys are going to feel you hate a part of them since THEY are a part of Bart even if you do not like that.
Our sympathy on your loss. Hopefully you can go on soon with your life.

Gina Miller, Sonja Gerdler,Emma Cradock, Bonny Dennis, Carol Reeves-Close, Anita Harper, Michele St.Germaine <carol_rcl527@tesco.co.uk>
Leeds, UK - Saturday, July 11, 2009 10:51 PM CDT
Heather time to get off the TV and move on with your own life and quit whining for another 15 seconds of "fame" you sure seem to LOVE being on TV with your big hair and heavy make up. you look like a 1980's groupie to guns n' roses.
ken kline <kennydesigns@kyny.com>
new york, ny usa - Saturday, July 11, 2009 3:39 PM CDT
To the Barber Family:

I am just finishing up Ann Rule's book Too Late to Say Goodbye. I don't know why but I felt compelled to leave a short message on her. Through reading the book I felt like I got to know Jenn. What a beautiful woman and terrific mother! She did all she could and did not deserve to depart this life that way. He is such a coward! Heather you are the true definition of what it means to be a sister. You not only lost your sister but also your best friend. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Congrats on Dillon and Dalton finally becoming your "sons"! We all know that is what your sister would have wanted. Makes me cry and I did not know her. Just a sad, sad, story. But at least your family has received some type of justice. I will always remember this story. Jenn is now an angel watching over you all. May you find some type of peace in knowing that.

Sadies <tacsadies83@yahoo.com>
Tacoma, WA USA - Friday, July 10, 2009 3:48 PM CDT
I read the book, and the word "anger" does not justify how I feel. I can only imagine what your family has gone through, you have my deepest sympathy.
TC Roberts <TCR10@aol.com>
Santa Barbara, CA USA - Friday, July 10, 2009 1:53 PM CDT
I like many others just finished Ann Rule's book. God bless you Heather for being such a wonderful sister and taking those two boys as your own. You and your husband are truly wonderful people, you're whole family sounds as if you are surrounding them with the love they need. I will keep your family in my prayers, congratulations on the boys becoming Tierneys.
Carrie Chambers <chambers_carrie@yahoo.com>
Watauga, TX 76148 - Wednesday, July 8, 2009 1:53 PM CDT
I just finished reading Ann Rule's book about the tragedy you have had to deal with. Heather, I am so glad those two young boys have you in there life to be there for them. I lost my mother when I was 6 years old and I understand and feel the lost that they are dealing with. It was because of my Mom's sister, like you, who helped me understand what was happening in my life. God bless you all
Brian Bailey <Bailey1042@bellsouth.net>
Covington, GA United States - Wednesday, July 8, 2009 12:57 AM CDT
wow heather you are a very amazing sister!! my name is charity and i am 22 years old and a mother of a 6 year old little girl. i just read the book by anne rule i cried every day for a week while reading. i would think about it at work and be in a rush to get home and read more. my daughters father had a short fuse very similer to barts and the book really spoke to me. i am very very sorry for your lose and my prayers go out to you and your family. i know god is smiling down on the goodness in you. good luck and god bless
charity weaver <sakurarn@hotmail.com>
scottsdale , az usa - Monday, July 6, 2009 11:38 PM CDT
I am so sorry you and your family have gone through so much pain in the loss of your beautiful sister. I just finished reading Anne Rule's book Too Late to Say Goodbye and it touched my heart. I wish nothing but greatness for you and your family for the rest of eternity. What you have done for those boys they will never forget and will always treasure their mothers memory through you.
Deirdre Facente <dfacente@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA 30066 - Monday, July 6, 2009 4:36 PM CDT
I am so sorry for your family's loss... I read Anne Rule's book and felt as if I knew Jenn. I lost my sister to cancer in 2007. I know that our situations are vastly different, but both of us lost our best friend. Please know that I think of you family often. I wish you peace.
Sheila May <maytribe@gmail.com>
Elizabethtown, KY USA - Sunday, July 5, 2009 6:02 PM CDT
Just finished reading the book by Ann Rule. I was so angry at times when I read it! And it scares me that women continue to be so naive as to what some men are all about! Jenn got sucked in by Anita because she was so vulnerable at the time. What really made me angry is that that bugger was too scared to stand up to a trial! What a hero! Also when the Barbers got the bill from the funeral home - I was livid! I am glad they went public with that. Leeches are everywhere. Glad to know the boys are doing okay. God bless you.
Tisha Purdy <tisha.purdy@yahoo.ca>
Toronto, ON Canada - Friday, July 3, 2009 6:09 PM CDT
I was so sadden to read about the years of abuse and my heart goes out to the boys. May they alway know that Jenn loved them and proud of them. Dalton and Dillon are lucky to have such a loving family. May God bless all of you and help them to have a long and happy life.
Robin Vogel <vogelroh@hotmail.com>
La Grange, TX USA - Wednesday, July 1, 2009 3:58 PM CDT
HGi Heather and Family,

Well another 4th of July is upon us. Such happy times to be shared with family and friends. Just wanted you to know that Jenn is in my thoughts as is her special and wonderful family. I hope you are finding more joy in life, that the heartache is easing some and that your family continues to thrive in the love it shares with each other and your beautiful angel.

Giod Bless you!

- Monday, June 29, 2009 1:38 PM CDT
First, I would like to say that I'm very sorry for your precious loss. I could never imagine what that would feel like and I'm sorry that you and your family had to endure it. Jenn, from what I've read, seemed to be a beautiful person. Inside and out. Secondly, a big huge congratulation on Dalton and Dillon's new last name. What a huge accomplishment and beautiful feeling for them to be loved so much!!!
Morgan M. Thomas <mrsthomas00@hotmail.com>
Gonzales, TX United Sates - Monday, June 29, 2009 11:33 AM CDT
i have just recently finished reading the book "The Doctor's Wife" and the tragic story of Jennifer and dolly broke my heart i would sit at work reading in my spare time and tears would just fall from my eyes, after looking at Jennifer's pictures she was a beautiful women, and her sons are handsome i cannot even imagine how it would feel to lose a sister, or in my case a brother! I'm so sorry for the loss of such a beautiful person and a sister, daughter , mother, friend! I am so happy that justice was served and Bart Corbin is behind bars =]

God Bless You All, y'all have a guardian angel now and she will forever watch over her loved ones!

Nikki <nikkiclark45@yahoo.com i>
Union City, Tn usa - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 5:11 PM CDT
I read about your tragety in Anne Rules book. I am a retired police officer from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and nothing in my long career prepared me for what little Dalton has gone through. I am happy he has Doug and Heather. You are wonderful people. My heart and prayers are with you all. You will all be blessed in the next world for having coped with the evil in this one.
Derek Batstra <dwbatstra@gmail.com>
maces bay, new brunswick, canada, Canada - Monday, June 22, 2009 7:54 AM CDT
I just finished reading Anne Rule's book and found it to be
quite moving. I really enjoyed the book and when I saw that
a website was set up on Caringbridge I couldn't believe it. I am familiar with this web site because my family had a tradgedy not long ago where 4 family members were killed in an Alaskan plane crash. So, I wanted to come on line and express my sincere condolences to you and your family.
I am so happy that Dalton and Dillion are now in a stablized family and getting back to normal young boys. You all sound like a strong and influentual family for them. God be with you all.

Janet Montelatici <gigimontel@aol.com>
Sparks, NV 89431 - Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:30 PM CDT
I just finished reading Ann Rule's book about your family's
tradgedy. I was very moved by the book and my heart goes out
to you and your family. I am familiar with Caring Bridge, my family had a tradgedy not long ago where four family members were killed in an Alaskan airplane crash and I just
had to look up the website. Please accept my condolences to all of you and I know the boys are in very good hands.

Janet Montelatici <gigimontel@aol.com>
Sparks, NV 89431 - Sunday, June 21, 2009 4:59 PM CDT
just read anne rules book on the tragic death of your sister jenn and dolly hearn. you are a great sister , dillan and dalton are lucky to have a aunt like you. hope they are doing well.

mary price <maryprice@hotmail.com>
corner brook , nf canada - Friday, June 19, 2009 1:09 PM CDT
I just finished reading Ann Rule's book and it is so sad that one person could destroy so many lives (Dolly's too). I send you my condolesences. God Bless!
Alita Walton <revalita@comcast.net>
Bellingham, Wa USA - Friday, June 19, 2009 0:28 AM CDT
I am just finishing up the book written by Ann Rule. You are such a wonderful family, and I pray for all of you, especially Dalton and Dillon. Children should never have to go through that. Congrats on them being Tierneys!
Amy Ayers <aayers1@gmail.com>
Fayetteville, GA USA - Thursday, June 18, 2009 7:16 AM CDT
Hello, I just finished reading the book by Ann Rule and although I have read a few of her books, for some reason I was moved to search online for your website. I am so sorry for your family's loss and nightmare that you have lived through. I have a 3 yr old daughter and when I think of how frightening this world can be, it terrifies me. Thank God for you and your amazing family, I'm sure that Jen is looking down and so proud of you all for how you love and care for her boys. They lost their beautiful mother at the hands of their own father.. it's unspeakable. You are a blessing to them. I prayed for your family and for Jen this Sunday in church and I will continue to do so. God Bless and may your memories of your Jen be happy and joyous until you all meet again in heaven.
Alicia Riedy
Palm City, Fl - Tuesday, June 16, 2009 12:16 AM CDT
I have just read Ann Rule's Too Late To Say Goodbye. Thank you for sharing Jenn with us. She was a very special person. I pray you and your family will find comfort in God. Jenn is in heaven and watching you and her sons every day.


Lorraine Stallings <lorraine.stallings@ncmail.net>
Roper, NC USA - Monday, June 15, 2009 7:20 AM CDT
i just got done reading the book,to late to say goodbye..i cried for your wonderful sister,daughter and great mother,and also for dolly,dalton and dillon,dont ever forget your mommy is looking down on you with pride,and heather,you cant take jenn"s place,of course,but you are doing a wonderful job...again i am so sorry..i hope bart the @#% never sees the light of day again! hugs charlotte
charlotte sanfilippo <theagirls25@yahoo.com>
lykens, pa usa - Tuesday, June 9, 2009 7:21 PM CDT
I am 76 years old and I have three wonderful children. I have always said the worst thing that could happen to me would be to lose a child. I am truly a Blessed person. As I read the book "Too Late To Say Goodbye" I sat with tears in my eyes. God Bless You and your family. Dolly's as well.
Leon Hendon <leon.hendon@yahoo.com>
Tallahassee, Fla USA - Monday, June 8, 2009 11:45 AM CDT
I can't believe anyone would be so cruel to do to you and your family, what that man did. I live in a country thousands of miles away, and the only reason I know your story is through the book I just finished reading about the case. Even though I don't know any of you, I'm so touched by the descriptions of Jenn. I can so relate to her personality, the way she kept making excuses for a man, who didn't treat her right and the close family network you have. I have encountered men of his kind on my jouney through life; fortunately with a better outcome, and even though I will not nearly claim to feel an inch of your loss, I still can relate to your grief and the world's loss of such a beautiful soul.
Right now I'm feeling a mix of anger for what he did, a deep movement of your words on this blog and such a dark feeling of how unfair this whole thing is. Nobody deserves to be treated like your sister/daughter did, and nobody deserves to leave the world like she did. There's no doubt in my mind that you and your family are telling the truth and have done the whole time.
I don't think he deserves your forgiveness, and you should only ever do so, if it gives you and your family peace of mind. And not for any other reason.
I really, really, sincerely in my heart hope that you will find the strenght, not to move on, but to live with the horrible unfairness that happened to you. I think you have a beautiful family, and what you're doing for Jenn's boys is amazing and says so much about what kind of beautiful human beings you are. Remember, that no evil can break the love of a family.

I wish you the best and may your boys grow up to be happy and blessed.


Natasja Engholm
Copenhagen, Denmark - Sunday, June 7, 2009 7:32 AM CDT
I have just finished the Ann Rule book and feel that her words brought your beautiful Jenn to life for me. She will always be in my thoughts and her boys will always be in my prayers. Just imagine, she is looking at the face of Jesus. WOW! How awesome.

Julie Jensen <skyacres01@msn.com>
Mesa, AZ United States - Friday, May 29, 2009 1:11 AM CDT
I would like to express my feelings for your family and the great loss that you have suffered. My heart and great hopes for a wonderful futur go out to both Dallton and Dillon. I can not imagin what it is like to loss a parent thry the violence they did but i do know the loss thru illness of your parent and best friend as I lost my Dad the same year they lost their Mom. Just remember that she will always be Your guardian Angel and will be with you always and Her love for You will last an eternity. I bought the book about Jenn months ago but hadnt read it as with a brain injury i have it is hard for me to read except outloud and it isnt my husbands kind of book. But from me reading it finally He has changed his mind. LOL I hope to continue to find out how everyone is doing through this site and will always remember You all in My prayers. May God walk with you all and help you to see the wonderful things He has planed for you all
Gigi Marshall <pleasing33@yahoo.com>
Eau Claire, WI USA - Wednesday, May 27, 2009 7:33 AM CDT
Hello Heather and Family, my wife just read and still reading the book about the horrior that happened in your lives.my wife and I was married Jully 17th on the same year it happened to you 2004. my wife and I sends our warm wishes and prayers for you and your family. I can't say I know how you must feel because I don't. but know this, we are all in Gods family and the day will come when we all will go home, but hopefully not the way Jenn went, but she is happy and safe now although I can guess she misses each and everyone of you.if you like to contact us feel free to do so. we would also like to meet you but we are disabled so traveling is not a easy thing for us you can contact me at my email that is included in this entry and I'll give the phone number abd our address so should you be able to come and vist you will know where we are.
May God Bless You and everyone in your family. by the way
CONCRADULATIONS Dalton and Dillion on your new last name

Daniel Marshall <phoenixwarrior49508@yahoo.com>
Eau Claire, WI USA - Wednesday, May 27, 2009 7:15 AM CDT
Hi Heather...
It's been awhile.
I was on the beach tonight thinking of her, drinking wine...watching the boys......and the last time I was on the beach with you and her...
the shark's teeth...the kids...your belly round with an expectant child...
I think of her all the time...every few minutes I swear. That must be resemblent of how much she touched my life...
Every time I hear Evanescence, Rob Thomas...311...every time I think of the gray Georgian winters...the hot humid Lake Lanier summers...scrabble games and well thought out dinners...rich red lipstick and golden blonde hair...chubby baby legs and little boys dares...falling stars and rainbows too...the ocean, the clouds and the heavens above...if i miss her so much I know you do more...
I ache for my friend, my sister by choice but not by birth.
I still feel raw and crave her words...
I love you Heather and miss you guys

Juliet <faerywineand69@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 25, 2009 9:04 PM CDT
Thinking of you! Enjoy your summer!
Liz Unger <poppy4100@aol.com>
Melbourne Beach, Fl - Monday, May 25, 2009 2:13 AM CDT
Congratulations to the entire family upon the adoption of Dalton and Dillon. I just read the book by Ann Rule and was so touched by the obvious love Jennifer inspired in all of those around her. But my main concern is Dalton. Is he doing okay? My prayers are with all of you.
Belinda Fowler
Louisville, KY USA - Sunday, May 24, 2009 9:43 PM CDT
Hi Heather,
I was just checking in on the website and saw the wonderful news about the adoption. Although, "adoption" just doesn't seem like a fitting term. Finally, the boys are home for good. Congratulations to all of you for having each other. God Bless.

Amy Basinger
San Marcos, ca United States - Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:33 PM CDT
Congrats on the adoption of Dillon and Dalton! Happy B'day to Jenn! I had a question after reading Ann Rule's book. What about Harriet Gray? Did he do that to her too? How are all of y'all doing? Sounds like you are doing great. I'm so thankful. I just prayed for y'all after reading the book. I'm so glad the boys had y'all.
Palm Coast , FL USA - Monday, May 18, 2009 6:54 AM CDT
Sending you HELLO's! looking forward to an update on all four of your youngn's.
- Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:17 PM CDT
Heather and family: I just read your sisters story, and I just wanted to say how sorry I am about what your whole family has gone through, especially her boys. You and your husband are wonderful people and I can see that God has blessed you all. You will be in my prayers.
Lexington, SC USA - Monday, May 11, 2009 9:58 AM CDT
Heather & family, I am consumed with thoughts of Jenn &your family.My heart aches for you,your love for Jenn is incredible!! I am hoping you are having a very blessed Mothers Day,You deserve much love & happiness in your life.I will continue to read your journals, it is comforting to hear that dalton&dillon,as well as sylvia&max are doing great!! my prayers are with you. Stacy
Stacy Mundy <stacymundy@yahoo.com>
Pittsburgh, Pa USA - Sunday, May 10, 2009 4:21 PM CDT
I wish your family the best after the tragedy that you have survived. I am relieved to know that Jennifer's boys will continue to be a part of your family where they are safe and loved.
Eve Giuliano
Willow Spring, NC United States - Sunday, May 10, 2009 1:07 PM CDT
I just finished the Ann Rule book about your AWESOME sister. What a controlling jerk of a "husband"! I was in a very abusive relationship like hers. THANK GOD I was able to get away with my life. The emotional scars will always be there, but with GODs help, I get by.
We sure needed another angel like your sister.
GOD bless you and all of your kids and family =)!

Rita C. <myfatherisaprince@yahoo.com>
Benson, AZ USA - Saturday, May 9, 2009 1:02 PM CDT
i was deeply troubled as well as touched by your sisters story. although it was a devestating tradgey for all involved. i was touched by the power of the love, determination and unity that was shown to see that justice was done. god bless all involved.
cindy <cindypooh36@hotmail.com>
medicine hat, alberta canada - Friday, May 8, 2009 0:24 AM CDT
hi heather & family!
i just finished the book to late to say goodbye!
i am so sorry for your familys loss. you are a wonderful sister ! you have so much love and compassion for Jen and your children and your family! may god watch over you and yours always! again my heart goes out to you!
Your a Beautiful Person!
take Care
Lisa McClure
Willcox Arizona

Lisa McClure <JeffsGrl666@Yahoo.Com>
Willcox , AZ USA - Thursday, May 7, 2009 5:26 PM CDT
Hi, My name is Melissa and I just finish reading the book. The first thing I want to say is that you are a wonderful sister. My sister and I have the same agreement. I too lost a loved one, my ex-husband was murdered 7 years ago. My twin kids just turned 14 last month and still no clue who took his life. I know exactly what you mean when you say Jenn is around. I feel and hear things, and like you scare me to death and then find comforting. You and your family are in my prayers.....
Melissa Matthys <mmatthys@neweralife.com>
Channelview, TX USA - Wednesday, May 6, 2009 9:30 PM CDT
Hi Heather,

My name is Mary. I just finished listening to your book on CD. When I first picked up the book, I had no idea it was based on a true story until I read the cover. I then went to my computer and goggled your sister’s name. Your site came up and I sat down and spent the next thirty minutes reading your story, looking at pictures and mourning over your sisters’ tragic death. I don’t think anyone can help but to be angry. I lost my husband 6 years ago. He died in a car accident. My youngest was 8 when he died. Though times are tough my son is doing very well. It is my hope that your nephews will do just as well. Death is not easy for anyone. Each day we do our best to make it through and each day God gives us that strength to do so. May God be with you and your family. May good things always come your way.

Mary <disneylandgirl68@aol.com>
Palmdale, ca United States - Wednesday, May 6, 2009 10:07 AM CDT
I just finished the book as well. My heart goes out to your family. God bless you all and know that his arms are always around you.
Donna Neal
Mayflower, AR USA - Monday, May 4, 2009 12:36 AM CDT
just read Ann's book and Jenn seems to be still there when looking at the boys as they look so much like her. Good on you for looking after the boys.
Rikki <rikkiv@xtra.co.nz>
Du nedin, NZ - Sunday, May 3, 2009 1:13 AM CDT
As like a lot of people who signed this guestbook, I too just finished reading Anne Rule's book about Jenn. I can't imagine how your family must be feeling. But to know that there are so many people out there (myself included) whose thoughts and prayers are with you has to be comforting. Congratulations on the adoption of the boys. God bless!
Teresa <tzodda@hotmail.com>
Spring Hill, Fl USA - Sunday, April 26, 2009 10:04 AM CDT
I too read Ann Rule's book and felt compelled to visit your memorial website. Congratulation's to your family and Jenn's boys on their "official" adoption. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. The justice system DOES work!!
Baton Rouge, LA USA - Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:14 PM CDT
Your sisters story has touched my heart. I am so happy her children have all of her family. I read the book about Jennifer and I don't know how you poor people made it though this injustice. I could not believe the arrogance of her killer. I would have wanted to shoot him myself.
Nancy <runnergirl515@charter.net>
Cape Girardeau, mo - Thursday, April 23, 2009 4:57 PM CDT

Happy Spring to you and your family. Just wanted to pop in and tell you I was out in the yard yesterday..first time in a while as I have been somewhat ill and surgery and you knew...time flies :) Anyway I had a happy smile on my face when I saw all Jenn's tulips bright and blooming. I always find myself thinking of her as the seasons change...wonder why that is? Maybe it is just that reminder that life moves forward and that each day is precious.

I hope and pray you are all well.

Jenn is remembered!

Mindi <melindac40@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, April 21, 2009 2:03 PM CDT
I just finished reading Ann Rule's book as well. It is hard to put into words how I feel for the whole family of Jenn's and Dolly's. I wish peace for everyone. I am so glad that Heather and Doug have taken care of the boys and giving them the life I believe Jenn would agree to.
Jenny Tessmer <tessmer_jennifer@yahoo.com>
DeForest, WI United States - Tuesday, April 14, 2009 8:24 AM CDT
I just finished reading the book Ann Rule wrote"Too Late To Say Goodbye" I feel for both families of Jenn and Dolly
Robyn Skaggs <robynskaggs@ymail.com>
Pendleton, OR USA - Monday, April 13, 2009 12:59 AM CDT
Good Morning Heather,
MY family and I hope that you all had a very wonderful Easter. I can't wait to see pictures posted of the boys on their first Easter as Teirney's.

love to all

Michelle Abbott
Walnut Grove, Ms. - Monday, April 13, 2009 9:12 AM CDT
Dear Tierney family,

I just read Ann Rule's book "Too Late to say goodbye". It broke my heart to read of your loss, but what an amazing job all of the law enforcement agencies did!

Congrats on the adoption of the boys and may God bless each and every one of you.

You will be able to go thru your loving sister's possessions when the time is right. Love knows no bounds.


Leann I Carter <cozy_one@hotmail.com>
Corvallis, OR USA - Saturday, April 11, 2009 8:46 PM CDT
To all of Jenn's loved ones: I just want to tell you how this story has touched my life. I just finished reading the book "Too Late to Say Goodbye" I think it is so touching what Heather and Doug have done for Jenn's boys. They are so lucky to have you! I think it is wonderful that you and Jenn made a pact to raise each other's kids in case if anything ever happened. It's wonderful to see such a great bond between sisters. I have a sister that I am extremely close with and if heaven forbid, anything happened to her, I, too, would take her 5 year old son in a heartbeat! I also would like to credit your parents for raising such fine girls. I'm sure they are extremely proud of you for your courage, dedication and spirit to do what you have done. Your sister must be so proud as she watches over all of you from Heaven. She knows her boys are in good hands with you and your husband! Although this is a very sad story, it also is very touching and inspiring. Jenn's boys are lucky to have family members who are so caring and loving. You are truly a blessing and an inspiration!
Angela Porinchak <angandjohn@sbcglobal.net>
Cleveland, Ohio USA - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 8:13 PM CDT
I have just finished reading the Ann Rule book Too Late To
Say Goodbye and I think it is awful that predators such as
Bart Corbin are at large. Jenn seemed a wonderful person and a terrible loss.

John Cullinane. <John232@gofree.indigo.ie>
Dublin, Ireland Ireland. - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 4:57 PM CDT
Dear Heather,
I too, like many other visitors to this website, have just finished reading the story of your beloved sister, Jenn and her tragic death. I wanted to reach out to you and your family and let you know that Jenn's two beautiful boys are so lucky to have such a wonderful and loving family to care for them and raise them since their mother cannot. My dad's younger sister was murdered when I was ten years old and it was the hardest experience our family has ever had to go through. I know my Aunt Marie is in heavan along with your sister and that they are safe from harm. No family should ever have to experience this pain and I am so sorry for your family's loss. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. May god be with you all!

Anne S <windy_oasis@yahoo.com>
Vacaville, CA - Monday, March 30, 2009 11:32 AM CDT
I just finished reading Ann Rule's book about your beloved Jenn, and I want to say how sorry I am for your loss. Her boys are so lucky to have all of you.
Wexford, PA - Saturday, March 28, 2009 8:58 PM CDT
My deepest sympathy, What a beautiful, person, loving mother,sister daughter friend. A life cut short, how terribly sad. My prayers for the entire family of Jenn's, may God keep this Beautiful woman, who only wanted to be happy.
Eileen Bonfiglio <eebon2566@gmail.com>
Abington, pa USA - Saturday, March 28, 2009 8:03 PM CDT
MICHELLE MATTICK <kittyfactory999@frontiernet.net>
PARADISE, PA 17562 - Thursday, March 26, 2009 9:22 AM CDT
kevinhenson praying for you
vida rogers <vfrogers@yahoo.com>
gadsden, al united states - Monday, March 23, 2009 2:17 PM CDT
I do not know any of the family of Jennifer but since reading the book by Ann Rule I would like to thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry this terrible tragedy has happened to your family......I am happy to know that Jennifer is in heaven as an angel watching over us and may God bless you all and special wishes to Jen's boys.
Sheri <sskribanek@gmail.com>
Dubai, UAE - Monday, March 23, 2009 10:21 AM CDT
I just finished Ann Rule's book. This story really touched me to the core. I feel so much pain for those precious boys. They do not deserve to grow up without their mother.
Heather, I know you do and will always love the boys as your own and help them remember their mother. I, too lost my sister. Not the way you did but I can understand the empty feeling you have when you think of her.
You are all in my prayers and GOD bless you.

Guyton, Ga USA - Saturday, March 21, 2009 5:20 PM CDT
so sorry. hope the boys have a good life.
keith groves <groves@htc.net>
waterloo, il usa - Friday, March 20, 2009 1:50 PM CDT
May God watch over you all. Thanks to Ann Rule, her family, and this web page, I have been blessed to be given an inkling of who this wonderful woman was.
Lyndhurst, OH USA - Thursday, March 19, 2009 4:33 AM CDT
by Gwen Flowers

I had my own notion of grief.
I thought it was the sad time
That followed the death of someone you love.
And you had to push through it
To get to the other side.
But I'm learning there is no other side.
There is no pushing through.
But rather,
There is absorption.
And grief is not something you complete,
But rather, you endure.
Grief is not a task to finish
And move on,
But an element of yourself-
An alteration of your being.
A new way of seeing.
A new definition of self.

Debey <debey@comcast.net>
Canton, GA USA - Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2:15 PM CDT

- Monday, March 16, 2009 10:25 PM CDT

- Monday, March 16, 2009 10:22 PM CDT
Unfortunately bad things happen to good people.I hope there is an afterlife and that your sister may find peace there.I was at the other website and read some of the comments people had written who did not really comprehend what they were reading.In particular one women who called Jennifer a nut for carrying on an "internet affair" with a women.Jennifer was simply talking to someone she had befriended.Sometimes it's hard to talk to family about intimate details of a bad marriage because of family bias.Anyhow,happy birthday Jennifer wherever you are and to her loving family I know that we are all on your side and share your loss.
Frank Krainc <fkrainc@telus.net>
Creston, Canada - Sunday, March 15, 2009 10:42 AM CDT
I would just like you to know that I admire the strength and courage of both families (Jenn's & Dolly's)who had to endure things that no parent,sister,child or friend should ever have to. You are all in my prayers and heart.(the detectives were amazing in their ambition to convict such a worthless man.)
Stacie B. <staciebillodeaux@yahoo.com>
Boise, ID. United States - Thursday, March 12, 2009 8:27 PM CDT
Bonjour à la famille Tierney! I am from Quebec, Canada and I just finished Ann Rule's book today! How strong Jennifer was, it's amazing! I wish the best to the boys (Congratulations for their new family name!) and to your family and relatives. I will never forget the story of her life. I am glad books exist to perpetuate her memory.
Melanie Vincent
Quebec, Qc Canada - Wednesday, March 11, 2009 5:04 PM CDT
Heather and Family,

Spring is coming...not soon enough for me. Soon Jenn's tulips will be in full bloom. I alwasy think of Jenn at the change of teh seasons. I'm not sure why that is but thought you would want to know taht as Spring approaches, Jenn springs to mind...she is remembered!

Mindi <melindac40@amgen.com>
- Wednesday, March 11, 2009 4:37 PM CDT
To Heather and all the Tierneys,

First off, I want to say congrats on the name change with the boys. I am almost done reading Ann Rule's book and I feel like I know you whole loving family. My heart goes out to everyone that had to and still are going through this terrible ordeal that should not have happened. Jenn sounded as if she was everybody's best friend. Someone that everybody wished they had in their lives. Your family was blessed to have had her. I too can't believe that what I am reading is a true story. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers. Best of luck to Dalton and Dillon.

Laurie <heavenscenttreasures@inbox.com>
Port St Lucie, Fl USA - Wednesday, March 11, 2009 4:07 PM CDT
Hi Tierneys, I just finished Ann Rules book and she is such a wonderful author (my personal favorite) that I feel as if I know your entire family and have lived through this horrendous tragedy also. I want to say that you and your husband deserve so much credit for taking on two added children and making their little lives whole again. Im so happy for all of you that you have this wonderful bond and can lean on each other. Time will make your load a little lighter as the years go by. Good luck to all of you
Terri Maki <dayooperbunny@hotmail.com>
Ironwood, Mi USA - Monday, March 9, 2009 9:39 PM CDT
Hello to all the Tierneys and congrats on the name change. I too just finished reading Ann Rule's book of your tragedy. I feel as if I've known your whole family all along and my heart goes out to the boys, Dalton and Dillon. They are so fortunate to have such a wonderful family. I cannot get over how much Dalton looks like his mom. Dillon looks like her as well, but Dalton looks identical. Anyway, even though the boys have been through so much, I'm confident that they will turn out to be two great men as a result of being part of your family. Good luck to all of you and God Bless.
Lisa Long <anywon1972@yahoo.com>
Chiefland, FL US - Sunday, March 8, 2009 3:20 PM CDT
I am just fininshing reading the book about Jenn and Dolly. It is breaking my heart to believe we live in a country with such "monsters",but we do.My Papa was murdered when I was 5 years old so I know about such "monsters". It is wonderful to see pictures of the boys and how "Happy" they look after all they have been through.My God Bless You All And Keep His Arms Around You....
Kimberly Dickson <rose4kim@aol.com>
SE Palm Bay, Fl USA - Sunday, March 8, 2009 10:00 AM CDT
Dear Heather,
My name is Dr.Sharmila.I am writing from India.I just finished reading about Jenn and Dolly.I am sure both their souls will find peace and happiness wherever they are.Since Jenn had always wanted the best for her children,I am sure she is up there watching both Dalton and DIllon having found a caring and loving family and a brilliant future ahead.Nothing could have made her more happy.I also pray that God gives you all the strength and happiness that you rightfully deserve.
Lots of love,

Dr.Sharmila <drsharmila15@gmail.com>
Chennai, Tamilnadu India - Saturday, March 7, 2009 11:44 PM CST
I also just finished reading Ann Rules book about your sister, Jenn and Dolly Hearn. Such a heart breaking tragedy for both families. And so Lucky for those two lovely boys that they have such a loving family to take care of them forever. It will make it much easier for them to handle what happened having a loving family to stand by them. Congrats on the name change and making it all legal. Now you know they can never be taken away. I can't imagine the strength it took for all of your family to go thru what they did. Best wishes to you all.
Evelyn Simpson
Acton, Ontario Canada - Friday, March 6, 2009 1:03 PM CST
I just read Ann Rule's book and was simply horrified by the brutality of this insensitive and vile man, Barton Corbin. I'm pleased to know Jenn's boys are taken care of and out of the hands of any Corbin's. May the Lord bless and keep you and may He keep Barton Corbin in prison until his last breath. Unfortunately Corbin should have gotten the needle and that he lives out his days in prison is in itself a crime. I pray the boys will grow up knowing their mother loved and adored them and that they will be strong and giving men.
Kelleigh Nelson
Knoxville, Tennessee Knox - Friday, March 6, 2009 8:58 AM CST
excellent website and i like it.

comments from www.9999.hothere.com

babu <workathom08@yahoo.co.in>
india, tn india - Friday, March 6, 2009 7:37 AM CST
We were so sorry to hear of John's stroke. Please know that we are praying for John and you, Pat, as well as the rest of you in the family. We have already asked others down here in Florida to pray, as well. We love you all and you are in our hearts and prayers constantly.
Love, Al & Esther

Al & Esther Dahlgren <aedahlgren9@yahoo.com>
Ft Myers, FL Lrr - Thursday, March 5, 2009 4:14 PM CST
cindy jones
Coal City, IL USA - Wednesday, March 4, 2009 6:28 AM CST
I just finished reading Ann Rules Too Late To Say Goodbye, you and your entire family are in my prayers, those little boys are very fortunate to have such a wonderful aunt and uncle to take them in and make a family for them. Congratulations to them for having new last names!!! I wish nothing but the best for all of you. I am glad that Bart is being punished for what he did after so long!! God Bless!
Jennifer Wieck <jenirae2@hotmail.com>
Grand Island, NE USA - Tuesday, March 3, 2009 5:29 PM CST
I just finished reading Ann Rule's book Too late to say goodbye, and I fell in love with your sister, she must have beeen an amzing women, I can't believe what Bart got away with for so long, I am glad he finally got caught it is just too bad Jenn had to be a victim. and congrats on getting the boys name changed I hope they are doing well. I fell in love with your family through this book and I send out my blessings to you and your family best wishes in the the many wonderdful years to come!!!
Jennifer Hewitson <jenniferhewitson@hotmail.com>
Sauble Beach, Ont Canada - Monday, March 2, 2009 2:36 PM CST
I just finished to read Ann Rule's book for the second time and I still can't believe it's a true story... She seemed to be the perfect mom and she didn't deserved to die this way. I hope her sons will have a wonderful life with you Heather and your husband; they really deserve it. A kid should never have to witness that kind of things... I'm just really mad that Bart is still alive... Kisses to Dalton and Dillon...
Sophie Lessard <teamforget@sympatico.ca>
Deux-Montagnes, qc canada - Monday, March 2, 2009 8:28 AM CST
Congratulations on the name change for the boys, what great news!! Was thinking of you all.
Robin Brunet <robinb@start.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Friday, February 20, 2009 2:34 PM CST
Heather and all the Tierneys (It feels good to say that!),
I haven't posted or visited this site in a while but I did say a prayer on 12/4/08 and again on Jenn's birthday. Imagine my surprise to read your entry, Heather! I'm so excited for you. After the verdict I still prayed for peace for y'all because I knew that there were many loose ends. I'm so glad you all have your foverver-family now made legal and binding. I can't imagine how good that must feel.

Best of everything to you and enjoy yourselves- I'm sure you will!

Laura <lreifel@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, February 20, 2009 1:54 PM CST
Don't Cry for Me

There's laughter in the wind tonight
and blessings raining down.
Forever you will smile again,
no-one can hurt you now.
There's some of us who cry for you
and those of us who pray.
I hear your laughter in the wind
not so far away.
""Please, don't cry for me."" She said
""I'm an angel blessing you.
I'm watching over others,
because they might need me too.""
""Listen to my laughter
when sadness fills your heart.
Please, don't cry for me."" She said
""Cause heavens not so far.""
There's laughter in the wind tonight,
Your light is precious gold
shining in the sky tonight
where all the angels go.

I wrote this years ago, but it just seems to fit
in this moment. Who knows why things happen the way that they do?
I also read once and loved this saying:

Sometimes it rains on the just.
I believe that.
Sometimes it rains on the unjust.
I believe that, too.
But I also believe that sometimes,
it just rains.

My heart goes out to you!

Tania Manchaca <tlgaler@yahoo.com>
Austin , Tx USA - Friday, February 20, 2009 12:24 AM CST
I just finished reading Ann Rule's book about your sister, Jenn. I am the mother of 2 small boys and it broke my heart to imagine them having to live out their lives without me to share their triumphs and sorrows. YOU are a remarkable woman, Heather. Your love for Jenn was so evident in the book and even more so on this site. I am elated for your family to legally be one now. Those boys are beyond blessed to have you as their Mom.
Lauren Crasto <lauren.crasto@gmail.com>
- Friday, February 20, 2009 8:45 AM CST
I have just read To late to say goodbye. I only wish i had seen the story on Tv. I feel like i know you and your family. Words cannot express........My heart goes out to you and your family. Congrats to Dalton and Dillion on there new name. They are the most beautifull children. Happy belated birthday to Jenn.
No one should have to go through what your family has been through. Your kids are truly blessed to have family such as yours. I wish you all well. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Tanya Smith <Ty9040@hotmail.com>
Syracuse, NY Onondaga - Monday, February 16, 2009 7:28 PM CST
Congratulations on your victory! May the Lord continue to hold you in His hands.
KS - Friday, February 13, 2009 11:43 PM CST
Heather and Doug, Congrats! I am glad that this custody nightmare is over. May you and your family be blessed with love and joy!!
Hugs, Thinking of you always!

Heather Hozian <Heather060801@yahoo.com>
Granite , il usa - Thursday, February 12, 2009 1:44 PM CST
I just had the bittersweet pleasure of reading "Too Late to Say Goodbye." Wow, Heather you are amazing. I can't imagine what you have been through. I only have older brother's, but if I had a sister, I would hope that she would be as brave and strong as you are. I feel like I know you and Jenn just from reading the book; I know that's silly to say. By your updates it seems as though you have found your place in this world. And I know that God and Jenn are guiding you through it. God Bless!
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, February 12, 2009 11:53 AM CST
Congratulations Dalton and Dillon. To Heather and Doug, you are amazing people. To Heather, my sister once told me "the only thing I did not give my daughter was a sister", sisters have a truly special bond and I'm sure Jenn is looking down from heaven very thankful for hers. You are an amazing person. My best wishes and prayers for you and your family always.
Susan <blueandred109@yahoo.com>
McLoud, OK US - Thursday, February 12, 2009 1:18 AM CST
Heather and Doug -- YOU ROCK. Congrats Mom & Dad on the new Tierneys. Lots of love and good thoughts to your family...all 6 of you!
Danville, CA USA - Wednesday, February 11, 2009 8:57 PM CST
Heather & Doug - congratulations on Dalton and Dillon becoming Tierney's - that is wonderful news!

We miss you at My Family - we are always thinking about you.

Lori <Lori_Cats@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, February 11, 2009 9:52 AM CST
Dear Heather, I finished reading Ann Rule's book last night (Monday) which I started to read last Thursday. I could not put it down except for when I had to take a break because I got so emotional. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost a brother 6 years ago and I do feel your pain. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your wonderful, most supporting husband for standing by you during all this turmoil. Congratulations on the adoption of your 2 brave little nephews. I will forever keep you and your family and most importantly, Jenn, in my thoughts and prayers. She is definately looking down and praising her loving sister with all that you are doing for her boys. Take care and God bless always.
Dawn E. Loucks <dawn184@verizon.net>
Fall River, MA USA - Tuesday, February 10, 2009 5:50 PM CST
Sometimes things happen that we are not ready to understand at the moment... But GOD always has a purpose for everything that happens. Unfortunately we don't understand at the moment, but later on it all makes sense. Jenn is, and will always be in her families, and precious sons heart. But most of all... watching us from above. I only know about her after reading what happened. But it still reminds me how precious life is. She still lives on, and touches more hearts for ETERNITY! God Bless...
Johann Larez <nanilarez@yahoo.com>
Houston, TX US - Monday, February 9, 2009 7:05 PM CST
Robin Ross <buckysfan1@yahoo.com>
Brodnax, VA USA - Monday, February 9, 2009 9:17 AM CST
First off i want to give a big congrats to the boys on becoming Tierneys. It must be very exciting. Second, i would like to wish you all the strength and courage to continue to move on and smile as each day passes. I know how hard that it can be to smile when you dont really feel up to it as i do everyday. I have not yet lost my two year old baby daughter (and i pray that i never will) but each day I watch her become more and more frail from cancer. (If you wish to look my baby has a site also at www.caringbridge.org/visit/madisonkautz) Its hard to know that someone may not or will not always be there when you need to just look at their beautiful face but it takes a strong person to keep going and that is exactly what i have learned that your whole family has been doing. I wish i could reach out to you all and give each of you a big hug.
Amber Kautz <amber_kautz@yahoo.com>
Cokato , MN - Saturday, February 7, 2009 10:46 PM CST
I finished reading Too Late to Say Goodbye yesterday. My heart goes out to her family. I see many similarities in this book & my own life. It never even came to mind before reading this book. I will keep you all in my thoughts & prayers.
peggy crowder
st charles, mo usa - Friday, February 6, 2009 11:52 AM CST
Mrs. Tierney, Last night I finished reading Too Late to Say Goodbye. I was deeply moved by the book. Perhaps because I lost my own sister 28 years ago(she died in a motorbike accident)I have become more sensitive to other people's pain even if it's someone I don't know. I became emotional several times and had to stop reading. My heart goes out to your family and to the Hearn family. There are no magic words to make the pain go away,you simply learn to live with it. I am very happy to know that Dalton and Dillon have been legally adopted. I hope the future holds wonderful things for them though it won't be the same without their mother. God bless all of you.

Debbie Zarzecki <dzarzecki@fluidics.com>
Philadelphia, PA USA - Wednesday, February 4, 2009 1:49 PM CST

Dear Heather.....

It's been a very long time since I've been to Jennifer's page. My computer had crashed and I had lost all of my links. However, I found it again tonight.

Right now, I'm watching Jennifer's story on tv. It's on Solved, on Investigative Discovery. I've watched it before on Dateline it also! My heart broke for all of you. Tonight, my heart breaks again for you!

I just read, on the page, that you have been successful in adopting Dillon and Dalton! Congratulations! They deserve so much happiness. You and your family will give that to them, and keep their beautiful mommy's memory alive, through them!

I am going to go find Ann Rule's book and read it!

I wish you all the very best!

Sending prayers and love...

Eva <kwfan4ever@yahoo.com>
- Monday, February 2, 2009 8:22 PM CST
Wishing your family love and peace always.
Sherry Marcotte <sherrymarcotte@centurytel.net>
Creswell, OR US - Thursday, January 29, 2009 0:49 AM CST
I have just finished reading "Too late to say goodbye", please know my thoughts and prayers are with your entire family. I am sure Jennifer is watching from heaven and is so proud of the way you have taken care of the boys she loved so much. Congratulations to Dalton And Dillon, you boys are blessed with a family who truly loves you! God bless each and every one of you!
Colleen Pittman <fromtherock63@hotmail.com>
Montreal, Canada - Wednesday, January 28, 2009 12:48 AM CST
I just stopped by the site to let you know that I am thinking of you all, and I'm so, so glad to know that the boys are Tierneys. Jenn is smiling in Heaven.
Debbie Banks (William's mom) <banksdh@yahoo.com>
Brunswick, ga usa - Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:28 PM CST
I just finished reading Ann Rule's book about Jennifer and Dolly's very tragic demise. I am overwhelmed with emotions. I can only imagine what these women and your sister's children must have been feeling and going through. Not to mention the helplessness the families must have felt. I really wish the best for your entire family and pray that you find ease and comfort as the years go by. Heather and Doug, great job on taking care of the boys. I'm elated that they can put the namesake behind them. Much love and happiness to you all.
Wanda Leonard <wandamleonard@hotmail.com>
Snellville, GA Gwinnett - Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:26 PM CST
What a great birthday present for Jen!!
Buford, GA - Monday, January 26, 2009 1:37 PM CST
Happy Birthday Jen. I am reading " Too Late To Say Goodbye" and feel as if I know all of you and lived through all of this with you. It tears my heart out to know things like this do happen. I pray to god that this terrible tragady does not ruin the lives of those beautiful boys and they will only remember the good times they shared with there mother. Thank god that justice was serviced and that Bart Corbin was caught before he could harm another living soul.
Joyce Barnes <jbar3774@yahoo.com>
Winthrop, Me USA - Monday, January 26, 2009 9:59 AM CST
Dear Heather,
I have just finished reading the story about your lovely sister Jenn by Anne Rule, I was so moved by her story and wish you all, and especially Dalton and Dillon all the best for their new lives. Thinking of you all.

Joy Bricknell <collnell@bigpond.com>
Huntly, Victoria Australia - Monday, January 26, 2009 4:56 AM CST
Happy Birthday Jenn! Although I have never met any of you, I feel as though I know you. I check this site frequently and I'm sure she would be so proud of the boys. Congrats to them for being strong and patient to become a "Tierney".

Heather, you are a wonderful sister, wife, and mother. You're amazing!

- Sunday, January 25, 2009 3:31 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Jen. You are missed dearly.
Bridget Kamarad
Flowery Branch, GA - Sunday, January 25, 2009 1:16 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Jen! Special toast. :)
Bridget <b.kamarad@f5.com>
- Saturday, January 24, 2009 11:22 PM CST
Congratulations to your family!
- Friday, January 23, 2009 8:44 PM CST
Congratulations to you all on this momentous occasion.
Susan Spooler <sebrackin@yahoo.com>
Cape Girardeau, MO USA - Friday, January 23, 2009 2:14 PM CST
Congratulations to you and the boys! What a great day!
Jen Shaffer
Marshall, MN USA - Friday, January 23, 2009 1:44 PM CST
To Jenn's Family, Max, Narda, Heather, Doug and all the rest, I just want to say that I am deeply sorry for your loss. I am almost finished with Ann Rule's book and I cannot tell you just how much you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Jenn and I would be the same age and I feel like I really got to know who she was through this book. I hope that you all know just how amazing you are. Dalton and Dillon are sooo blessed to have family like all of you to be by their sides through this past tragedy and also to face life as it comes. God Bless you all! I will always keep you in my prayers!!! I know Jenn is proud of each and everyone of you for carrying on her legacy through Her precious children. Thank you for sharing your experiences with all of us and I hope that the words of sympathy and encouragement you hear through this website can be even the slightest comfort to you and all of your family. Once again, God bless you and be with you all, always!

Lynda Johnson <lynder71@yahoo.com>
Plano, TX USA - Friday, January 23, 2009 12:51 AM CST
Congratulations...What a birthday gift for Jenn.

Three cheers for the Tierny clan!

Mindi <melindac40@comcast.net>
- Thursday, January 22, 2009 9:20 PM CST
I just read Ann Rules book about the murder of Jennifer and the beautiful life that this monster cut short. I hope and pray that you and your family can find peace with Gods help and know that she's watching over each and every one of you, everyday... May God be with you.
Jessica Morrison <jess.morrison5@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, January 22, 2009 4:15 PM CST
So happy to read that Dalton & Dillion are now "Tierneys".
Glad that it's finally legal and they are yours forever.
Hugs to you all!

Liz Unger <poppy4100@aol.com>
Melbourne Beach, Florida - Thursday, January 22, 2009 3:03 PM CST
Thank you for visiting Charlotte's page. It means a great deal to us.
Roger & Rachel Reynolds <rompyrog@gmail.com>
Ashland, VA United States - Thursday, January 22, 2009 10:13 AM CST
It is hard enough to lose someone, but to have them taken from you by someone else has to be almost unbearable. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. May GOD Bless Dalton and Dillon and keep them safe. I'm sure Jennifer is looking down and and watching over them.
Lori Walk
Neoga, IL USA - Tuesday, January 20, 2009 10:49 PM CST
Thinking of you all. The Christmas photo is beautiful, the children are growing up and very beautiful.
Robin Brunet <robinb@start.ca>
Bradford, Ontario Canada - Monday, January 19, 2009 11:22 AM CST
Heather and Family,

Birthdays are coming and you are thought of. Jenn is remembered and you are thought of and prayed for.

Mindi <melindac40@comcast.net>
- Friday, January 16, 2009 10:44 AM CST
I am almost finished readin Too Late to Say Goodbye. It has been so hard to put the book down for these past two days. Jenns story has touched me. I am sixteen years old. My mother is in the same situation that Jenn was in for all those years. And like Jenn, she stayed married to my father just so that my sister and I could grow up in "happy home". My father has showed the same traits as Mr. Corbin did. Now that my sister is 20 and I am 16, my mother has finally worked up the courage to leave him. I am very proud of her. I am so thankful that she has decided get out before its too late. Your story has inspired me to encourage my mom because i know she is very frightened during these times. I will repeat Jennifer's story to my mother.I know it will touch her heart and make her that much stronger. I have never lost anybody really that close to me. But i can say that your story has truly touched my heart. I am almost in tears. God Bless your family and God Bless Jennifer.
Las Vegas, NV U,S. - Wednesday, January 14, 2009 9:12 PM CST
I just finished Ann Rule's book, Too Late to say Goodbye.
My heart goes out to you and your family.
Jenn, was a beautiful, mother,sister,daughter,and sister-in law.
I will keep you all in my prayers!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and pictures. I'm sure Jenn is watching over you, and is very proud of the way you have raised her boys.
Your parents must be very proud of you also. They raised to wonderful girls.

Dawn Wilkin <wilkind_57@yahoo.com>
In US - Wednesday, January 14, 2009 8:37 PM CST
I am almost finished with the book about you sister. My heart goes out to her boys and your family. It's s such a tradgie that someone had to take her from her family which she was so loved, before her time. My heart and prayers go out to all of you who knew and loved her so.
Britta Overberg <waterfilter@verizon.net>
Beverly, MA USA - Wednesday, January 14, 2009 6:10 PM CST
I've recently read Ann Rule's book about Jennifer. Maybe there are women out there who will read it also and find a safe way to leave their husbands. I've been in a dangerous position in the past and was lucky to leave alive. I send you heart-felt wishes.
Joanna McCloud <jmchacha@aol.com>
Wellsville, KS USA - Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:12 PM CST
I have just finished the book. You and your family will be on my mind for sometime to come.Take care in the fact there are people out there that feel your pain and will always be praying for not only you but the rest of your fanily.
Sharon Keenan
Groveton, nh usa - Sunday, January 11, 2009 2:08 PM CST
I'm almost finished reading " to late to say good bye" when I came across your web site and had to stop and take a look. I to was married to a man that showed many of the same traits,I left him 3 weeks later I was very lucky to get out alive. I only wish that all women could. I think it is a wonderful thing that you are sharing your story. I hope that it helps others to see the signs of abuse sooner. I am praying for your family and hope that the grace of God shines on you everyday.
Mendy <yournextqueen@yahoo.com>
jacksonville, fl us - Friday, January 9, 2009 8:33 PM CST
I have just finished reading Too Late to Say Goodbye and my heart goes out to you Heather and your family I am sorry for your loss. I wish you only the best in 2009 and hope you continue to be surrounded by Jennifer's memory you all deserve it so much. God bless.....
Brisbane, Australia - Friday, January 9, 2009 3:32 PM CST
I just finished reading Ann Rules book written about Jennifer.My heart out to her family.God bless Doug & Heather for taking in her boys & raising them as if they were their own.My prayers & thoughts goes out to you.May God keep yall safe.
Erath, La - Friday, January 9, 2009 9:30 AM CST
I just finished rereading Ann Rule's book. My heart goes out to your whole family. I am so sorry for your loss. God bless you all, especially your parents, it is so hard to lose a child.
Wanda Cottrell <Hemiwoman@aol.com>
Florissant, Mo USA - Thursday, January 8, 2009 7:32 PM CST
May 2009 only bring happiness to you and your whole family, and know that your angel is watching over you all especially Dalton and Dillion....
Bec Brown <beccabrown41@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, January 8, 2009 1:46 PM CST
Happy 2009 Heather and Family. May you know only joy this year...only joy!
Mindi <melindac40@comcast.net>
- Monday, January 5, 2009 10:46 AM CST
God bless you Heather and Doug for taking care of those boys and continuing to be a positive influence for them. I just read Ann Rule's book and I am at a total loss of how sad it has left me. I see by your journal entries you are still struggling and will always mourn and grieve,yet your love for those boys is amazing and unchanging. I pray for peace in this new year for you and your family.
Susan Cockrell <younggrannie2002@yahoo.com>
Amarillo, TX United States - Sunday, January 4, 2009 4:39 PM CST
I just finished reading Ann Rule's book. I sit here numb and at a loss for words. May the blessings GOD has to offer touch you and your family everyday of your life.
Rebecca Minger <rebeccaminger@yahoo.com>
Manchester, TN USA - Saturday, January 3, 2009 2:08 PM CST
My heart goes out to you. Blessings.
Shaft <sstroker09@gmail.com>
Little Rock, AR USA - Saturday, January 3, 2009 7:33 AM CST
Heather and Doug...please excuse me for seeming familiar with you, but I just finished reading Ann Rule's "Too Late To Say Goodbye" and felt that I had to write. My heart goes out to all of you, but I was especially concerned about the trials that Dalton had gone through. He is obviously in the best home for him, but what this child has gone through is more than most people can bear. May your love protect him and help him heal. Please know that all of your family will be in my prayers...Dalton the most. His need to protect his mother was amazing and he should know that his bravery will be rewarded. My son felt the same during my divorce...I was fortunate enough to escape the same fate your sister was subjected to. Dalton and Dillon are incredibly fortunate to have a family that embraces them so completely and will forever remind them that their mother loves them so much. Peace and love be with you always...Linda Marini
Linda Marini
Coventry, RI - Thursday, January 1, 2009 8:59 PM CST

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