Journal History

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Thursday, September 25, 2008 10:29 PM CDT

The weather here is beautiful now.
As the girls are constantly reminding
me, can you believe that the holidays are
just around the corner.Time seems to
going by so fast these days.

I am almost afraid to say this outloud,
but Jennifer has been stable for a while now.
No new major health developments or scares
to deal with, thankyou Jesus.

Just dealing with her everyday problems is enough.
The psorasis is so terrible and she is so
miserable.She literally gets creamed from
head to toe twice a day.There is no cure,
only creams to aleviate the suffering.
It is an auto-immune disorder with no known
cause.could suddenly get better or
worse, no one seems to know anything.

Her spirits are good, she has been keeping
herself busy with homeschooling.As well
as making rosaries, she calls it working for
God.She says that working for God is hard.

Anyone interested in getting a rosary,please
just leave your full name and address on the
messages page and we will be happy to send you
one . remember they are blessed by our priest
and are free of charge and are never to be sold.


Sunday, January 27, 2008 11:46 PM CST

I know that it has been a while since
the last update, so let me appologize
for that.2007 was a difficult year for
Jennifer, for all of us, both physically
and emotionally.It has been a true test
of our faith.Which I think that we passed.

As of now, Jennifer seems to be stable.
We managed the change over from pediatric
doctors to adult doctors.So that is finally
taken care of.We settled the insurance
issues.For those of you that don't know,
when Jennifer turned 22yrs of age, our
insurance company considered her an adult
and removed her from our insurance plan.
she was not covered for a while. We had to
prove to the insurance company that she was
handicapped and had special needs.We found
it to be very strange, because we have had
the same insurance for seven years and they
we're billed from her doctors all those years.
yet, we still had to prove it to them.

Last October, Jennifer was diagnosed with a
somatrophin deficiency.After all the tests
were in, what that means is that she has no
growth hormone in her little body.The tests
shhow she doesn't simply have low growth
hormone, she has NONE at all.She is a miracle
child.She should have not made it to be an adult.
As we already know, she also has no steroids.
Thank God for watching over her.

The treatmeny for somatrophin deficiency is a
daily injection of Humatrope ( synthetic growth
hormone ),Again we went a few rounds with the
insurance company and also the doctors office and
the pharnacy this time.Humatrope is injected
with what is called a pen.The pharmacy finally
got the medication,but it came without the pen
and they had no idea where to get one.The
insurance company told us we we're suppose
to get it from the doctors office. The doctors
office said it was suppose to come from the
pharmacy.Now you can see a picture of what we
I finally contacted the old pediatric endocronologist
and they put us in touch with a representative
from Lilly, the company that makes Humatrope.
They met us at the doctors office and brought
a pen.They showed us how to mix and administer
the medicine. Jennifer was shown how to do it
herself.She is really amazing,being totally
blind, she manages to measure the correct dose,
load the syringe onto the pen and using an
alcohol wipe, she cleans the pen and the injection
site on herself,She gives herself a shot every
night before bed.I will say that she has stuck her
finger by mistake a few times and she is quickly
getting tired of doing this everyday.She is
always supervised and either Bonnie, daddy of
myself are always with her.Considering that she
will have to do this the rest of her life,she
absolutely must know how to do it herself.
As her mom, watching her do this every night is
very difficult.

Anyway, we are just waiting to see what affect
if any,the new medication will have on her health.

I will not take so long in updating this page
next time.Also, at the bottom of the page is
our new address and phone number.Like I said,
it was a difficult year.


********QUICK UPDATE*************

Jennifer is profoundly sick.
Took her to the doctor, day
before yesterday.She had been
really complaining about being
very dizzy and nauseaous for a
number of days.All she wanted to
do was stay in bed and try and
sleep.Turns out that she has a
massive sinusitis infection.
again.Ten days of strong antibiotics
( 1000mg of augmentin ), which
makes her even more nauseaous.
Along with lots of fluids and
bed rest.She is such an amazing
kid and we are so truly blessed
to have a wonderful, kind,caring
doctor.He just adores her and so
do all the nurses.She always has
to give the doctor a hug and a
kiss before we leave the office.
He said that his goal is to keep
her as happy, healthy and as
comfortable as possible.He actually
talks to her and asks her what would
make her feel better,And he really
listens to her.Thankyou and God
Bless you Dr. Rahman for taking
such good care of our baby girl.



Friday, June 8, 2007 9:32 PM CDT

These wild fires here in south Georgia
have been brutal.Jennifer has been having
a terrible time breathing.We went 46 days
without rain, so that did not help at
all.Jennifer has been suffering terrible
massive sinus headaches.
We went to the dr. this past Tuesday
for a regular checkup for Jennifer.
Did LOTS of bloodwork.Fortunately the
nurse was wonderful and got it on the
first stick.Jennifer said that she did
not even feel a thing.She was very happy.
One of her favorite nurses gave her a
birthday note & $20.00 so she could go
& buy herself her favorite Beatles CD.
Which mommy did for her today.
The bloodwork came back just as we expected,
with no real supprises.Slightly
elevated cholesterol.we also now have
referals to several new doctors.Jennifer
is 22yrs old now and her pediatric doctors
are no longer covered by insurance,
so we have to find all new specialists.Oh
boy, I can hardly wait.
Anyway, for now, other then the massive
headaches & regular problems, there is
nothing new to report, which is always
good news.


Tuesday, May 1, 2007 12:49 AM CDT


As of right now, Jennifer is stable
health wise.No new health crisis to
deal with lately, thankyou God. Last
Thursday was prom night. All the older
kids from The Georgia Academy for The
Blind got dressed up in their formals
and partied at the music Hall of fame.
It is always something spectacular and
heart tugging to see all these amazing
kids who are blind, mentally and physically
challenged get so excited and have so
much fun.The school works really hard to
make sure that they get to experience
the same as their peers, socially.
Jennifer did not get to bed until 4:00 a.m.
Friday and spent the rest of the weekend

Grandpa ( dads dad ) came for the weekend.
The girls were so excited, they just love
him so much.More then I think even he knows.
Bonnie spent most of the time with him, as
Jennifer was worn out.He helped Bonnie with
her science project, they assembled a flash
light and took notes.We are studying light
in science right now.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 3:23 PM CDT



We have had a very difficult week,
Jennifer was physically not feeling
very well, but emotionally, she struggled
these past few days.On Saturday a.m.,
we learned that a very special friend
and precious boy passed away from brain
cancer.We knew he had been struggling
for the past five years and that the
end was near.However, as prepaired as we
thought we were, it was still a hard
thing to deal with and accept.

He will be greatly missed.We also had
to make the very hard decision to put
our precious baby puppy Callie to sleep.
Callie was ( is ) a very big part of our
family.She was put to sleep on Monday
afternoon and we burried her beside the
house, so that the girls and I can plant
flowers for her.Callie was a beautiful,
loving,funny,13yr old pit bull.We raised
her since she was six weeks old.Sadly,
although she was physically in great health,
mentally, she started to show signs of
dimensia and had become unpredictable
since about September.She started to show
agression,especially towards our middle puppy
Angel.This past weekend daddy got bit several
times very badly while trying to stop Callie
from hurting angel.Daddy will be fine.He
has been to the hospital three times for
treatment and shots.He is healing, at least
physically.It will take a long time to get
over the loss of our Callie.

Just as we were digging the hole to bury
Callie, we got a wonderful supprise.
Grandpa Hans & Grandma Gloria showed up
to supprise us, and boy was it ever.We were
thrilled to see them.They came down from Canada
and were just on the way through to Florida.
They stayed over night and we had a wonderful

Jennifer has been having a particularly hard
time dealing with it all, as well as physically,
now that pollin season has officially arrived
in Georgia.The sinus headaches can be brutal.
To celebrate Jennifers birthday, we have decided
to take her out to dinner on Saturday night.
She wants to go to the Outback Steakhouse,
so that's what we will do.



*********** HAPPY EASTER ************



Monday, January 29, 2007 3:52 PM CST

It is sooooooooooooooooooooo cold here in Monroe County,
Georgia.The coldest it has been so far this winter.We have
gone well below the freezing mark, into the teens.We are
also having strong wind gusts of up to 25-35 mph.WE are under a wind advisory.We are all sniffing & sneezing.
Ok,now to Jennifer.The test results are in & they are not good.At least we now have answers & can plan a course of action.First the good news.The scan of the brain was perfectly fine & did not show anything that we didn't already know.No changes there.GOOD!!!!!!!!
The scan of the sinus area was another story, and I quote,
"Frontal sinuses are infantile & under developed.Nasal septal deviation with obstruction.There is a left middle
turbinate concha bullosa.There is trace mucoperiosteal
thickening laterally in the left sphenoid sinus."
In lamens terms, according to the dr., she has the sinuses of a small child and also has a deviated septum with a blockage.We are now taking her to a specialist to decide what to do next.Rick explained what the usually do in these cases and I really hate to think about it.Although, given Jennifers current fragile medical health, it is going to be tricky.At leat we now know why she keeps getting such serious headaches and her lymphnodes keep getting plugged up.SHE CAN'T BREATH WELL!!Please keep her in your prayers.Looks like it is going to be a long year for all of us.


Friday, January 19, 2007 9:20 PM CST

*************QUICK UPDATE****************

Jennifer went for her MRI early this a.m.,
they took pictures of her full brain,
her sinus area and the lymphnodes behind
her ears.It was an early scan for us, we had
to be there at 8:00 a.m., which meant that
we had to get up at 5:30a.m.,
Jennifer was a real trooper,for having to
lie perfectly still in uncomfortable
positions.Keeping in mind that the table is VERY
hard and Jennifer has scholiosis and
osteoperosis.She had a headache when it was
all said and done, she came home and went
to bed for a four hour nap.
We should have the test results back by
late next week & hopefully we will get some
answers.I will update as soon as I know



********* QUICK UPDATE ************

January 21st

Jennifer woke up in alot of pain with
a very severe headache and a fever.And her sinus's
were causing her problems.Gave her meds & put her back to bed.Looking
forward to getting the doctors


Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:29 PM CST


We had a very blessed Christmas.The girls
grandparents came down from Canada to spend
a full week with us over Christmas.Santa was
very good to all of us.We had a womderful time
visiting,talking,eating & sharing.Mass on
Christmas eve was wonderful.We went to the
childrens mass.The children re-enacted the
nativity.The church was overflowing with
peopple, which was wonderful to see.

After the holidays, Jennifer goes to the
hospital for a CT scan to find out why she is
having such horrible headaches and why the
lymphnodes behind her ears keep getting
plugged.Please pray for her.



*******QUICK UPDATE********

Jennifers headaches have become
severe to the point of migraines
again.She has them frequently,
especially in the early a.m. &
late p.m., because of the warm
weather, her allergies are also
quite bad.She is suffering alot.
The MRI will be in the next two
weeks.The doctor is trying to get
her in asap.

******January 17th - update**********

Jennifer has her MRI scheduled for
Friday the 19th at 8:30 a.m.,they
are going to scan her brain,sinus
area and lymphnodes behind the ears.
We should have some answers by mid-
next week.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 5:15 AM CST


It is our prayer that everyone is blessed this
holiday with family and friends and the love of the

Jennifer is just recovering from a nasty virus, which she caught from
Bonnie and has now passed on to mommy ( thankyou girls ).
We teach our girls too share, but this is rediculous,
ha ha ha.Health wise, we are blessed and happy to say
that Jennifer is stable right now.Nothing new or major
going on,thankyou God!!!
She has enough to deal with on just a regular daily basis.
The girls are having a wonderful time, helping mom
prepare for Thanksgiving tomorrow.They are sooooooooo
excited.The weather here is suppose to be beautiful!
So,,,,,,,,,, Happy Turkey Day to ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 1, 2006 10:20 PM CDT

Hi everyone, it is hard to believe that it is October
already.We are so happy that the dog days of summer are over and the cooler fall weather is here. Jennifer went
to the Georgia State Fair on Friday with moms friend Veronica
and her five children.She had a blast, although she was
really exhausted the next day. Bonnie was invited to go
also, but it seems that she has the cold that Jennifer
just got over.She has a nasty head cold with fever, stuffy head, sore throat, the whole thing. She is miserable.Two weeks & counting until the Beach Boys Concert
at the Perry Fair.Jennifer is soooooooooooo excited,she will get to go with her best friend Elizabeth.Bonnie is excited because that means that she gets mom & dad all to herself at the fair.So everyone gets to do their own thing.We will drop Jennifer off with moms friend Miki and her daughter Elizabeth & then take Bonnie around the fair.Should be a nice cool night also.Lets pray that bonnies cold is better and nothing major comes up with Jennifer.
On a personal note, please pray for our friends the Sample Family.The oldest son Jeffery, 20yrs old, is terminal with brain cancer.He, they have been through so much.It appears that he probablly does not have much more time on this earth before he goes home to heaven.They are a special family with a strong faith.They can use all our prayers right now.Thankyou.
The oddest thing happened today though.The toenail on Jennifers left foot, the toe closest to the baby toe, just fell off.She woke up this a.m. and it apparently had fallen off with no sighn of trauma.Jennifer says that she didn't do anything to it at all.She says that it really hurts though.Dad doctored her up and wrapped it because the nail was bleeding a little.She will be sore for a few days.It is just the strangest thing, so will will keep an eye on her feet now.


Thursday, September 21, 2006 2:51 PM CDT

The cooler weather has finally made it's way to south Georgia,hurray!!! Jennifer has been taking it one day
at a time.Her chest pain & chronic cough take turns
annoying her.She has been very busy,as she calls it,
"working for the Lord", making her hand crafted
rosaries.She makes us laugh because she says that
working for the Lord is hard work!

There is a picture of her rosary on the photos page
and they are a gift from her to anyone who asks.

In the word of Jennifer,
"peace be with you".

Monday, September 4, 2006 10:27 PM CDT

Happy Labor Day Everyone,

Jennifer is soooooooo sick.She has a chest
cold.It was hard to detect at first because
she coughs so much to begin with.But this cough
sounded different, more congested.Her throat and
chest hurt and she has a low grade fever.

We saw the gastroenterologist last week.Her put
her on Nexium and she had a terrible reaction to it.
It caused her severe pain in her hips & thighs.
I am wondering if it has phosphates in it because
that is the allergic reaction she has to any
phosphates.We ended up switching to another
medication that seems to be helping.

Homeschooling is going well, she is keeping
busy with english right now.
Will update again later.


Friday, July 21, 2006 0:08 AM CDT

Greetings Friends & Family,

I appologize for having not updated in a
while, but as you can guess,the girls keep
us very busy these days.

The dog days of summer are here and it is
HOT HOT HOT here in Monroe County.Today was
103 degrees with very high humidity.So as
you know by now that means absolutely no
outdoor activity for Jennifer.Not to worry
though, as long as the telephone works, she is
happy, usually spending anywhere from two to
three hours talking to her friends.The other
day, I just happened to pass through the
kitchen where she was talking on a NINE way
to all her Georgia Academy for The Blind
Friends.I timed her and she talked for a record
three hours fourty five minutes.Thank goodness
we do not have call waiting, so I know that the
bill is not ours.

Health wise, she is still having problems
with her chronic cough.The cause is still unknown,
most likely it is caused by a number of factors.
Her allergies,refluc,asthma or the medications
she takes.In August we see the gastroenterologist
and when the weather cools off in the fall and
Jennifer can better tolerate the car rides, we
will be making the rounds to all the doctors & tests

Last week Bonnie had three of her school friends
sleep over for four days and they had a blast.They
swam everyday,stayed up late,gave each other
makeovers, all that fun girl stuff.Jennifer joined
them in the pool for a short while,even got a little
color which was what I was aiming for.

Well I guess that is about all for now.Don't forget
to drop Jennifer a card in the mail, she loves getting
cards.will update again sooner then later.


Monday, April 24, 2006 8:28 PM CDT



Jennifer Elizabeth Weaver of Saint Peter Claver
Catholic Church in Macon,Georgia,won second place
in the grade 12 division of the 2006 U.S. " Try Prayer,
it works!" contest, a national competition that
encourages students to express their faith through
art,poetry and prose.

Jennifer was selected from more than 2,800 entries
depicting the 11th annual contest's chosen theme,How
receiving Jesus in Holy Communion Changes us.

Jennifer lives in Macon.The 21yr old is in the 12th
grade at the Georgia Academy For The Blind.She submitted
her entry in braille.

The contest is held each year by the Family Rosary
Program of Holy Cross Family Ministries.Up to three
winners per grade level are chosen, and each is
awarded $100.The sponsoring organization gets $200.
Runners-up win a set of Family Theatre productions

Monday, March 20, 2006 3:30 PM CST





Sunday, January 29, 2006 1:05 PM CST

Things have been rough around here.
Jennifer has had a chronic cough for
months now.It is horrible to listen
to her, because once she starts, it
is very hard for her to calm down.She
never actually stops coughing alltogather,
it just subsides.

She has been to a number of doctors
and specialists.She has been diagnosed
with everything from post nasal drip
syndrome to complications from severe
reflux to broncial asthma.She is going
in for a chest ex-ray on Friday.She
has had so many tests already, some of
them very invasive,poor kid.She is very
very tired and weary from being sick.

To make matters worse, she has picked up
a terrible chest cold from dad.On the
upside however, after trying a number of
medications,we seem to have finally found
one that gives her a little temporary relief
thanks to the recommendation from
grandma Gloria and grandpa Hans.Thanks
guys, the Tussinex is helping a little.
We are also starting to give her oxygen
when the coughing gets out of control.

She is also having a problem with nausea.She
wakes up every a.m., very nauseaous. Naturally
there is medicine for that also.

Dad and I are now homeschooling Jennifer along
with Bonnie because she is just to chronically
sick to go to school.She is taking courses
from the Hadley School for the Blind for now.

I guess thats enough for now, I will update
again soon.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:13 PM CST

Just a quick update for everyone.I spoke with Jennifer's
endocronologist today.We have figured out that Jennifer's
pain in her feet are caused by an allergic reaction
to the fosimax she takes for her osteoperosis. I got a call
from the nurse at the school clinic today.After mobility,
Jennifer ended up in the clinic because she could not walk due to the pain in her feet.What the fosimax is doing is causing inflamation of the muscles in the bottom of the feet and that causes swelling and burning.As of today, she is off the fosimax, obviosly. It will take about two weeks to get out of her system. Then it is back to the drawing board, so to speak.We still have to find something she can tolerate.She is taking pain medication in the mean time until she feels better.

Thursday, January 5, 2006 1:38 PM CST

From our family to yours, Happy New Year to one and all.
We pray God Blesses you with his grace of good health & prosperity in 2006.But more then that, we pray that everyone
finds faith and peace in Jesus Christ.

Please pray for Jennifer.She is seeing the
doctor tomorrow.She is having terrible terrible
pain in both feet and is unable to walk at the


Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:22 PM CST


I want to take a moment and share something
very special with you that Jennifer brought
home from school today.She wrote it in Miss.
Harris' special education keyboarding class.
While at times, Jennifer may have trouble
verbally expressing her thoughts and feelings,
she NEVER has trouble expressing them on
paper, most especially poetry.I hope it brings
you as much joy as it has her dad and I.
God Bless.

By Jennifer Weaver
December 7th, 2005

Christmas is a wonderful season,
It has a very special reason.
It's not about presents
and pretty looking bows.
Not sleigh rides, or pumpkin pie.,
Although those things can light up your eye.

The reason for the season I wish everyone knew.
It's about you dear Jesus for you've always been true!
Christmas is a time of love
Not just for your family, but for the one from above.

Presents and decorations are very nice,
But I love Christmas because of Christ.
The presents are just there to keep me busy,
But the thing that comforts me
is knowing someone cares for me.

I wish people showed love in their hearts always,
Because no matter where you are, Jesus stays.
Jesus and his family are the best reasons
Why I think Christmas is a wonderful season.
He came into this world and gave his life
just for you and me,
That is what I wish all people could SEE!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 1:31 PM CST

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving.Both sets of grandparents came for a visit.We were blessed to have the grandparents from Canada stay for ten days.We had a wonderful time.The girls were very spoiled, or should I say loved.Jennifer over did it I think. Last Saturday, we all went out for the day to the flea market and to lunch. Even though Jennifer was in her wheel chair, I think she over did it. She is sick now with a terrible cold.All in all though, she was ok health wise.Back to school tomorrow, cold and all.Saturday is the Santa Claus parade, but we will have to wait and see how she feels.


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 7:02 PM CST

Hello everyone, Jennifer seems to be having a very good week this week.She has the usual problems, but thankfully nothing out of the ordinary.I picked her up after gospel choir today and the kids sounded terrific. Right now they are working on the Georgia Academy for The Blinds Christmas show.We are trying to convince dad to play santa this year at school.Jennifers email is if friends or family want to write to her.

God Bless.

Thursday, November 3, 2005 11:24 PM CST

I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away, let alone Christmas.The girls are so excited.Jennifer has been home from school all this week.
When I picked her up from school on Monday, she had a terrible cough, which she has had for months.She was coughing so uncontrollably that we went straight to the hospital.The doctors can not figure out what is causing this cough.We have used every kind of cough medicine and cough drops you can think of.Sometime it helped, sometimes it didn't.Luckily though, it looks like we finally found a doctor who gave her something that seems to be working.
Unfortunatly it is a narcotic cough medicine and very strong.It works, it just knocks her out.She is SO TIRED of being sick and tired.Hopefully she will be well enough to go back to school on Monday.On another note, her dad and I
have been seriously discussing homeschooling Jennifer next year.She says she wants to finish out this year at GAB and then we will decide.We will continue praying and just put everything in the Lords hands like we always do.

God Bless.

Monday, October 10, 2005 11:55 PM CDT

Ok everyone, so it is very late and Jennifer is having a really bad night.She is in alot of pain tonight.Mostly in her left arm and upper back.I woke up to find her in the bathroom crying.I had given her some pain meds about four hours ago, so I went ahead and gave her some more just now.They will hopefully help her to sleep.Right now, she is sipping on a hot cup of tea, that also helps her.Looks like it is going to be a long night.No school tomorrow I guess, obviously.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 8:21 PM CDT

Happy Columbus Day everyone.As of right now, Jennifer is
doing fairly well.She has her good days and her bad days.
She is back on the fosimax, low dosage and we will work our way back up to normal dose.She wasn't very happy with mom this past week.I had to take her to get her flu shot
and pneumonia shot .One in each arm.Both arms were sore for a few days.Today I took the girls grocery shopping with me and Krogers was having trick or treat for the kids.They both got very spoiled.Schooling is going well.This week, the Literary Performing arts club that Jennifer is in at school,will be going to Atlanta to see a play.That should be fun for them.Will update again soon.


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 9:23 PM CDT

Hi everyone,
Just a quick update.
Jennifer and mom had an eventful night.We spent two hours in the emergency room.Why is it that if kids are going to get sick, they choose the evenings or weekends to do so?????????? Anyway, turns out Jenny has an infection in her right ear and a sinisitus infection.She was given three prescriptions.One antibiotic, one antihistamine and one for ear drops.She is very dizzy and cranky right now.As soon as the medications kick in, she should be feeling a whole lot better.Will keep you all posted.

God Bless

Tuesday, September 6, 2005 2:39 PM CDT

Hello family & friends,what a long wonderful week.
We had a supprise visit from Anne and Carrie this past week.We had a wonderful visit.It was so good to see them.
Jennifer was sad because she did not understand Anne's
alzheimers.This pat weekend, both Jennifer and Bonnie had friends over for labour day weekend. Jennifer invited
Elizabeth, of course and Bonnie had two of her little friends over.They came over on Friday afternoon and stayed
until Monday night.MOMMY IS TIRED TODAY!!

Jennifer started on the fosimax for her osteoperosis this past Friday night.Unfortunately, she had a reaction to the new medication.She woke up on Saturday a.m.with muscle pain in her hips, thighs and legs.Only 4 % of people taking this particular medication experience this problem.
I spoke with Dr. Bowyer today.Her wants us to cut the dosage in half and see if that helps, then we can slowly work our way back up to full strength.This is a once a week medication, so she doesn't get it again until Friday and we'll wait and see what happens.If she has a reaction again, then we will try a different drug.We shall see!!
She also started on her lipitor and so far no problems.

Jennifer is in the social science club at school.They have decided to sell tickets and have a drawing to raise money for the victums of hurricaine Katrina.We have been praying for all those poor people.Jennifer is very good about saying her prayers.


Sunday, August 21, 2005 0:08 AM CDT

Greeting friends and family.Jennifer has a summer cold and is truly miserable, poor thing.Her head is all stuffed up, she's coughing and sneezing and her left ear is all plugged .It has been so hot here in Georgia.Worst of all is the humidity.The temperature is suppose to be 110 degrees tomorrow with the heat index.Jennifer told me that two of her friends from school have been sick with the same cold.So we think that is where she got it from.It doesn't help that she goes from the heat to the airconditioning.School is going well, she loves her classes and is glad to be back.There were not to many problems with her schedule this year for a change.She has joined a few after school clubs, such as , the social science club, gospel choir and LPAC ( literary preforming arts ).This school has so much to offer for special needs kids, it is wonderful for her.The school has made alot of improvements in many areas.

Jennifer has a new hobby. She hand crafts rosarys.She uses play dough.She makes her own beads and cross and then strings them togather.They are quite creative, beautiful and artistic.All the rosaries are blessed by a priest and come with a little card.If you would like to request one, please just email me and she would love to send you one.I think you will be very impressed as well as blessed.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:57 PM CDT

Alright everyone, the results of the bone density scan are in, I spoke with Dr.Bowyer today.The news is not good.Jennifer has severe progressive osteoperosis.We knew that she had it, we just had no idea it was this advanced, this fast.Her last scan was two years ago.It showed the early stages of this horrible disease.She was immediately put on estrogen, calcium and vitamin D.Since that time, her bone density has declined to that of about a 60 year
woman.At this rate, it is likely that in a few years she will be in a wheelchair almost completely.Dr.Bowyer is a pediatric endcronologist and he feels that given the extent of her problems and the fact that she is now 20yrs old, it's time to see an endocronologist that specializes
in adults.She is going to need serious long term medical care and he feels it is important to make that change now.He explained to me that Jennifer will be on three new drugs.Two to hopefully help slow down the disease and a relatively new drug to try and reverse some of the bone loss, if that's possible.He can't make any promises.All we can do at this point is try and see if we can find somthing that works for Jennifer.Dr.Bowyer is going to meet with the doctor he has in mind for Jennifer and he wants to have a consultation to discuss everything with her first.Then we will get to meet the new endocronologist, whom I am sure we are going to see alot of.Jennifer is aware of everything that is going on.She is VERY UPSET about not seeing Dr.Bowyer anymore.She adores him.Honestly, I'm not to thrilled about the change either.My biggest problem with this disease is watching Jennifer suffer.My husband and I both know that she doesn't fuss nearly as much as she has the right to for the amount of pain she has.We know first hand, how much Jennifer really endures.Most people have no idea!!!!!!!!
On the upside, she will ALWAYS have mom and dad to make the hurt go away as best we can.Weather that's through drug therapy, laughter,prayer or just a kiss to make it all better.She's our baby and we are blessed to have her.

Thursday, August 11, 2005 6:54 PM CDT

Jennifer went to the hospital today. I picked her up from school at the end of the day and when I saw her, I said that's it, over to the emergency room we go.Over the past few days, Jennifer has been complaining that her face hurts.I also noticed a very small rash on her right cheek.
She has been also complaing that her eyes feel like they are being pulled out of the sockets and she has had a number of very bad headaches.Gradually the rash increased to where the whole right side of her face was swelled up and one big rash.That's what it looked like when I picked her up today.I had been giving her benadryl for the itching and putting cortizone cream on the rash,but it
apparently had a mind of it's own.

THANK GOD when we got to the hospital it was all quiet.I had expected to be there for several hours.We were in and out in only two hours, however, then we had to head to the pharmacy.The Doctor was wonderful with Jennifer.Apparently she had been bit by something, even though I couldn't see any bite mark.She was given a shot of Toradol ( a steroild ) and sent home with a topical steroid to put on her cheek and more Toradol in pill form.If we had waited another day or two, apparently we could have had a big problem on our hands.She seems to be feeling alot better now.Her cheek is still red and swelled up, but not nearly as bad as it was.

Jennifer goes for her bone density scan in the a.m. tomorrow, so wish us luck.

Monday, August 8, 2005 5:43 PM CDT

Today the girls started back to school.Bonnie is being home schooled now.Jennifer returned to the Georgia Academy for the Blind & is in the 12th grade now.She has this year & next year & she will graduate when she is 22yrs old.
Jennifer was completely exhausted when I picked her up at 4:00p.m., she seems to be fairly happy with her classes.
She got to sit with her best friends for lunch, so that was good.I think that she was just thrilled to see all her friends again, especially Elizabeth and Raymond.

I heard from Dr. Bowyer today. The blood test results are in.It seems that Jennifer has a genetic lipid disease
that causes abnormally & dangerously high cholesterol and LDL. Her score was over 299.She has an appointment on the 12th for a bone density scan to determine the damage caused by the osteoperosis.Then I will meet with Dr. Bowyer again to discuss those results and what new meds
he is going to add on and what our next course of action will be.

Jennifer made me laugh when I picked her up from school.I asked her what the best part of the day was? and in a very tired voice she said " going home"

Tuesday, August 2, 2005 5:05 PM CDT

Today was a great day for Jennifer.It started out kind of questionable though .She had to have some bloodwork done and it was a fasting blood test.She wasn't very happy about that.However, we got VERY lucky!!!! The technician was so wonderful and professional.She only had to stick Jennifer ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jennifer is so swollen because of the steroids that they usually have to stick her several times.
Sometimes they don't get any blood at all.Jennifer hardly even noticed what was going on or felt anything.I was so relieved.She was so brave and good through it all ( she usually has major anxiety before hand ),that I took her and Bonnie out to lunch at Ryans.By the time we got there, it was 2:00 p.m. and Jenny had a pounding headache.She felt alot better after lunch.She even managed to con me into taking her to walmart to buy a Stevie Wonder CD.Of course I couldn't leave Bonnie out, so she got the Cheetah Girls DVD, which she has only already seen at least 20 times. Kids, go figure.On August 12th, Jenny has an appointment for a bone density scan, to see how far her osteoperosis has progressed. She has been having alot more pain lately.I question if the estrogen and calcium is enough.We shall see.

As far as her chest pain goes.After an out patient stay in the childrens hospital and SEVERAL more tests.It turns out that she has severe reflux. I just learned that apparently children with Septo-Optic-Dysplasia are highly prone to reflux.From how much Jennifer suffered, it seems to be very painful.They put her on prevacid a few months ago and it has worked wonders.However, when she misses her medication, the pain comes right back.

I was also reminded by one of her doctors that we need to keep an eye on her heart, because girls born with Turner Syndrome are prone to heart problems as they get older.OH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Todays blood work was to update a cholesterol screening.It seems that Jennifer has geneticly
high cholesterol.At last count, her level was 299.Keep in mind that she is only 20yrs old.That is twice as high as mine or her dads. When the tests come back, they will decide what meds to put her on.We are also keeping an eye on her ears.Since the second set of tubes were put in last January, she has had stabbing pain off and on in her right ear and in both if water gets in them.She never told us that they hurt, or complained about it because she HATES going to the ENT doctor. We found out accidentily this summer while she was swimming and got water in them.She started to yell that both ears had stabbing pain in them.Needless to say, daddy and I were none to happy about it or with her.She will be going back to see Dr.Dunn in September.I will update when the bloodtest results are in.
God Bless.

Sunday, July 24, 2005 6:23 PM CDT

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I updated everyone.As of today, Jennifer is doing fairly well.She still has pain everyday from the osteoperosis,but she is such a trooper.We are still having problems with her ears and that worries me.She is still having stabbing pain in her right ear.The Doctor seems to be stumped as to what is causing it.The biggest obsticle is the heat and the fact that school starts back up in two weeks.It was 101 degrees here in Monroe County todat.HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jennifer can not tolerate the heat.It makes her pass out or worse.Every year, it is the same thing.I fight with teachers and the school to get them to understand just how dangerous it is for her.Especially with all the medications she takes.

My girlfriend from Florida sent her some braille cookbooks( thankyou Donna ) .She LOVES them.She wants to learn to cook and she is reading them from cover to cover.Last week, she made chef salad ( with moms help ) for dinner for everyone.
She chopped and shredded and did it all herself.She usually sits at the table in the kitchen and does it because her back hurts if she stands for very long.

She is upset these days because when she goes back to school, Cori ( her boyfriend ) won't be there.He graduated.
She hasn't seen him all summer.His family lives an hour from here and it is hard to get them to bring him down.
She talks to him on the phone, when his phone is turned on.
She says it is just not the same.Poor Jennifer, remember what it was like to be young and in love?

I still have to take her for more bloodwork, but it is so hot! Oh well, we will get it done, we always do.

God Bless Everyone!!

P.S. Hi Jeffery, your ALWAYS in our prayers!


Sunday, March 20, 2005 8:38 PM CST



Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:15 AM CST

******HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY JENNIFER****************

I can hardly believe that Jennifer is 20yrs old now.Where does the time go? Much to fast if you ask me.This past
weekend, Jennifer had a big birthday party.She had several friends from school come and spend the weekend.The only sad point in the weekend is that Cori couldn't make it.
However, she got over it when she opened her presents.Especially when she opened her MP3 player.
From the scream she let out, we were afraird of what the neighbours thought.Even if we do live in the woods,away from people for the most part.It did us all good to see her so happy.

Although,I think she had a little to much excitement and partying.Today she is home from school, in bed and in pain.Her legs have swelled up to doubled the normal size.So the doctor has her in bed the next few days taking anti-inflamitories.As soon as dad has finished down-loading all her CD's onto her new MP3 player, she will be very happy.Right now though, she is quite cranky.

The other problem we've had this week is that we found out that Jennifer is being BULLIED at school, by a girl who is MUCH MUCH BIGGER then her. On Monday, the girl threatened to punch her and told her to shut up.It turns out that this has been going on for a while, only Jennifer was afraid to tell anyone.DON'T WORRY!!!!! MOM AND DAD ARE
HANDLEING IT!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS A PROMISE!!!!!!!!!



Friday, February 25, 2005 8:03 PM CST

This has been a bad week for Jennifer, she has been home from school very sick.The weather has been unseasonably warm here in Georgia all of a sudden.This past week it warmed up to 75 degrees. Thats up from the low 30's.
Along with the warm weather came rain and HUMIDITY.
Of course, Jennifer got a TERRIBLE head cold. She was so miserable for several days.So, out came the vicks and vitamine C and hot tea ( Jennifer is a tea granny ), she loves tea.The good news is that today, she seems to be alot better.So, hopefully, it's back to school on Monday.
Happy Lent everyone.

Saturday, February 19, 2005 9:40 PM CST

Greetings family and friends.Jennifer had the surgery on her ears last Monday.All in all, it went very well.The only complication was that the tube in her right ear was stuck from the last surgery.It had to be removed and a new tube was placed in a different location in the ear drumb.
When she came out from anesthesia, she was in alot of pain, so they gave her some Vicodin and that helped.She also had a problem with nausea, but that was to be expected.The good news is that she did not have to stay overnight in the hospital.She did so well that they let her come home.She slept all that night and all the next day.I think it was a combination of the phenergan for the nausea and the pain medicine and the anesthesia that made her so sleepy.She had a stabbing pain in her right ear for a few days after the surgery, but that seems to have subsided now.The only challenge now, is to keep her ears dry for the next 12months.She has to put ear putty in her ears when she baths or washes her hair.

She is still having pains in her chest, so on Monday, I will make the appointment to see the specialist now.She complains that her chest is burning.Now that her ears are taken care of, we can move on to the next problem.
Thankyou all for you prayers and for keeping us in your thoughts.God Bless

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 10:43 PM CST

Winter has finally arrived to Monroe County Georgia at last.It is going to get down to 17 degrees tonight.
The problem is that the cold air is starting to make Jennifer sick again.Just last week we were in the high 70's.Tomorrow it is only going to reach a high of 44 degrees all day.Jennifer started coughing today and is complaining that her throat hurts and her eyes are burning.
Dad says thats due to the lack of moisture in the air.
Dr.Dunn, her ENT doctor has been so patient.We have had to reschedule her ear surgery three times.The next tentative date is February 8th, but we're not so sure anymore,
as long as she doesn't have a cold, they can do the operation.The concern is putting her under anasthesia.
On a lighter note,her chest pains have subsided due to the regular pain meds.The cardiologist and gastroenterologist
want to run a buch of tests, but the results would be inaccurate, so for now,we wait, we wait, we wait.

Jennifer is back in school now,after the holiday break.
She just got her report card and she is doing really well.
Georgia Academy For The Blind is wonderful academically with those children like Jennifer who just need more special attention because they are so very special.

On another note, Jennifer is thrilled because American
Idol has started again.This is her favorite show.
Anyway, thats all for now, will write again soon.God Bless.

Sunday, January 2, 2005 2:09 AM CST

Happy New Year to all.We were very blessed this year, we had a absolutely wonderful christmas.We spent the whole day togather as a family, playing games, opening presents,singing songs and eating lots of good food of course.The only down fall was that Jennifer was VERY sick with a nasty cold.The day after school let out was when she started coughing, and I do mean coughing.She had the whole works, everything from fever to aching everywhere.
The pediatrician put her on two medications, which seemed to help a little.He said it just had to run its course.
Unfortunately though, seeing the specialist about her chest pains is not going to be until she has fully recovered.They won't see her while she is sick.She was also suppose to have surgery on her ears in December and that has now been rescheduled until January 9th, if she is well enough. We shall see.everyhing is one day at a time for now.Since she was feeling a little better, Jennifer was able to invite her best friend Elizabeth over for New Years Eve.They stayed up past midnight and watched the ball drop in time square.They had their non-alcoholic
champagne and felt very grown up.I got lots of pictures and will post them as soon as I can.She starts back to school on Monday.So I guess she will be a little tired for the next few weeks.

On another note, I just wanted to mention that Jennifer loves getting cards and letters and small trinkets in the mail from people, it does wonders for her spirit.So if you feel called on by the holy spirit to do so,she would love to hear from you.

We pray that all of us have a safe, blessed, prosperous,
joyous,HEALTHY 2005.
God Bless US ALL!!!!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2004 8:25 PM CST

Today I took the girls to the mall on a christmas shopping trip.It was so crowded.We had to take Jennifers wheelchair
because she can't walk very far without pain.It is so hard to shop in a crowded mall with a wheelchair.Its amazing how rude people can be, whats more amazing is that its christmas.What ever happened to the true meaning of christmas.Despite all that,we all had a really good time.
Both girls got their gifts for their friends.I even managed to find a few things.Jennifer had a really good time.We were creating memories.Happy Holidays

Saturday, December 11, 2004 8:11 PM CST

Jennifer met her new eye doctor yesterday.She wasn't thrilled at the idea of going, however,once she met the doctor, she seemed ok.She was very talkative about her boyfriend,the Beach Boys, school,etc. I think (know) the doctor got a real kick out of her.Dr. Jarrard has an excellent bedside manor with special children ( or at least mine ).He gave Jennifer the knick name hot shot, which she thought was really funny.I over heard her telling
one of her friends all about it when we got home.She seems to like him alot, which is very important.He talked directly to her and asked her all kinds of questions.
Sometimes doctors forget about her feelings and talk to me and ignore her like she is not in the room,we usually do not go back to those doctors.Jennifer is very verbal about how she feels and what she likes and dislikes.

As far as the prognosis for her eyes is concerned, there is no change for the better or worse ( so thats good news ).She is totaly blind with some light perception.Bright lights hurt her eyes.The doctor was not sure why that is, however, it seems to be common apparently.There is some research being done in the field of stem cell research.However, that is very far off and
goes against everything we believe in as christians.
The doctor says that Jennifer looks very good as far as her eyes are we are very thankful for that.

Saturday, December 4, 2004 8:38 PM CST

Hi everyone, Jennifer is feeling alot better today, PRAISE GOD!!!She is still having serious chest pains and sees the specialist on Monday.Of cousres the specialist is about an hour from here and since Rick has to work, I guess I'll have to find him myself.WISH ME LUCK!!!!I'm getting use to finding new doctors offices though.I just want to remind everyone that if your visiting this page for the first time or the hundreth time,please sign the guest book.Jennifer gets alot of joy from reading your messages.
Will update on Moday after we know more from the specialist.Peace

Thursday, December 2, 2004 5:30 PM CST

Hello everyone, today was a quiet day at home for Jennifer.
She spent most of the day in bed and is feeling a little better. Just a little sad today is all.She spent a little time on the computer reading her guest book messages.That cheered her up a little.Peace

Wednesday, December 1, 2004 5:39 PM CST

Hopefully everyone survived the Thanksgiving holiday.
Today was a terrible day for Jennifer.I knew I should have kept her home from school!!!!!Her doctor had started her on provera, so she would have regular cycles.Poor Jennifer, she didn't start her female problems until this past summer(19 yrs old) and that was because of the estrogen she takes.
We had thought that this was one problem we wouldn't
have to deal with because of the Turner Syndrome,
boy, were we wrong!!!!Anyway,you take the provera for ten days and then you get a regular cycle.Unfortunately that
didn't happen for Jennifer.I just happened to stop by the Academy For The Blind to hand out some treats.Jennifer
wispered to me that she was having a problem.We discretely
slipped off to the rest room.To my horror,Jennifers
under panties,her pants ( which were black thank goodness) and all of her lower extremeties were soaked in blood.I kept my cool,
which was hard to do, let me tell you ( I fall apart later ).I called the doctor and off we went.Jennifer had to get a shot to slow down the bleeding.Fortunately, she has lots of pain meds,so we have that part under control.
The doctor said that this sometimes happens, but not very often, it seems that Jennifer is the exception!!Lucky her!!Anyway, the shot should help her to stay the course and only bleed for one week.Then in a month from now, we start the process all over again. The doctor says that it may take Jennifers body six months to a year before we start to see things improve.All this is because she HAS to take the estrogen.It's a good thing we trust the doctors and God has blessed us with good ones.She is still having her unexplained chest pains.She sees the specialist for that on Monday.The surgery on her ears was scheduled for December 8th, however,they will not put her under anestetic as long as she is having any kind of chest pain.So her surgery will probablly be after the holidays.
For the moment, she upstairs sleeping comfortably.We will keep you all updated.Peace
Please visit

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 9:34 PM CST

Happy Turkey Day to all. We hope that everyone is counting their blessings like we are this year.We have learned to never take one day for granted.Jennifer is a wonderful reminder of how precious our time with our loved ones
are.She is feeling a little better today.She and Bonnie helped me with prepairing Thanksgiving dinner.They sat at the picnic table in the kitchen and chopped,mixed,stirred,peeled and laughed.We had a memorable time.We all needed that. Thankyou Lord for
our blessings.God Bless all of us.

Monday, November 22, 2004 4:13 PM CST

greetings everyone,ok,so,today was a very difficult day.
Jennifers chest pains have gotten alot worse.Earily today around 8:00a.m.jennifer had severe pain to the point that she couldn't breath and it radiated into her left arm.
We went to the cardiac care unit in the emergency room.
They put her on morphine, asperine and nitroglycerine.
All the blood work, exrays and cardiac tests came back good,so,eight hours later when she was stable and her vital signs were good,they decided to send her home.
They are sending her to specialists next week.In the mean
time, she has codine for pain and if she has another episode, it's back to the hospital we go.
At this point in time, they really don't know what is wrong.Jennifer is sound asleep on the sofa right now and that is where she will stay,until we have some answers.
We will keep you all informed.

Friday, November 19, 2004 5:31 PM CST

Jennifer saw the pediatrician today about her chest pains.
He is sending her to her cardiologist and a gastroenterologist for lots of tests.God willing, they will find a simple and quick fix for her pain.We will keep everyone updated.Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004 9:44 AM CST

Jennifer writes poetry.She wrote this poem and it was so beautiful, I just had to share it.enjoy!

by Jennifer Weaver






Wednesday, November 17, 2004 9:24 AM CST

Jennifer has been complaining of chest pains for about a week now.called the pediatrician and he wants to see her tomorrow at 2:30p.m., wish us luck!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004 9:49 PM CST

For all our friends and family, lets start from the beginning.Our precious Jennifer was born March 20th, 1985.
She was born totally blind and missing part of her brain.
That is called Septo-optic-dysplasia.She was also born with a disease called Turner Syndrome.The first few years of her life, Jennifer was in and out of the hospital, undergoing every test you can immagine.We were told at best, her growth would be stunted, which it was, although, she has reached 4'6 now.We were also told she would severe
endocrine problems, which she has.also that she would be learning disabled.Actually, she is quite bright.

She has developed osteoperosis,scholiosis,thyroid deficiency,adrenial deficiency,cortizol deficiency,
estrogen deficiency,chronic sinisitus,chronic recurring ear infections and has some hearing loss due to scaring.
broncial asthma, and chronic low blood pressure.migraine headaches and muscle spasims.Because of the Turner Syndrome and no ovaries, she is having to deal with the symptoms of menopause.

The large doses of steroids have caused her to gain an extra 50lbs on her small frame and she is very swollen and puffy.Jennifer can not walk very far at all without severe pain, so everywhere we go the wheel chair goes to.

I want to tell you though that Jennifer is a very strong girl with a strong faith in God.Sometimes I think that she is an angel disguised in a little girls body.

Jennifer loves music, especially the beach boys now.She plays the piano and is learning to read braille music at the Georgia Academy for the Blind from an amazing teacher.Thankyou Mrs.Davis, we love you.
She got her first keyboard for christmas last year and was thrilled.She has a best friend Elizabeth, who is also blind and lets not forget about the boyfriend Cori.
She also has an amazing 10yr old ( going on 20 ) sister named Bonnie who loves her big sister very much and does a great job taking care of her.Bonnie knows every pill Jennifer takes, what they are called, what the dosage is and what time of the day to take each pill.Pretty amazing huh.Sometimes I wonder who the mom is.

She is now on eleven different medications regularly every day.That does not include the antibiotics.I can tell you, she is SICK OF TAKING PILLS!!!! and at times, it's a struggle to get them in her.Her dad taught her how to swallow so she doesn't choke, that has helped alot.

God Bless all the special children in this world, and God bless all the parents who have been given a special job to do, raising and caring for the gifts from God.We meet many special children and I can tell you that the parents may not always realize how special they are if God entrusted them with such precious gifts.

Peace oxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Tuesday November 15th, 2004

Jennifer has been suffering massive ear infections again.The tubes had just come out of her right ear,and then the left.Immediately she developed severe infections.She was give an injection of strong antibiotics and placed on 4000mg of
Augmentin for ten days. We have scheduled surgery for December 8th, to go in and have new tubes put in.Her osteoperosis is progressive. she has been having alot of pain in her legs,
and upper back.That is due to the scoliosis.The muscle relaxers and estrogen are helping.She went for her first visit to the OB/GYN last week.
Since starting the large doses of estrogen this past summer,she has been having excessive bleeding.The OB/GYN has her on provera to regulate her cycles.Jennifers response to that was, NOT ANOTHER PILL!!The ultrasound confirmed that she does have Turner Syndrome, but we already knew that.
She is recovering nicely from her plastic surgery last January, although, she is still sensitive to touch.She is still dating Cori and still in love.Despite her aches and pains, shes a trooper and a happy young lady.

July 3rd, 2003

Happy Fourth everyone,
Jennifer is so excited, the doctor OK,D her going swimming tomorrow.We are going to a friends house for a BBQ.This will be the one & only time she will be allowed near a pool for a very long time.We know she'll make the most of it.Cori comes on Saturday to stay for a week,so right now,Jennifer is in heaven.She deserves a break from being sick all the time.God Bless All, lets all have a safe, happy holiday!!

Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:51 PM CDT

Hello friends and Family, sorry it has been so long since our last update,Jennifer has been keeping us very busy.
The fracture in her back has healed nicely and her scholiosis is mild so it is being treated with a back brace and pain medications.The new problem is her sinuses
and her ears.She missed the last six weeks of school due to
infections in both her sinuses and ears.She was on five
different antibiotics in six weeks.One unfortunately was
IV, so we were in the hospital for that, which didn't matter because we had been back and forth so many times
anyway.Jennifer has lost about 15% of her hearing due to so many infections over the years and so much scar tissue.On the 26th of June, she goes into the hospital
for yet ANOTHER MRI and to have tubes in her ears.She is not looking forward to that at all.She is so swelled up from all the steroids that they have a very very difficult time getting blood or putting an IV in.She really suffers, poor thing.Jennifer has developed a large growth behind her right ear which has been causing her alot of headaches and pain.Turns out it is the lymph nodes that are clogged.
There is nothing they can do about it apparently except treat it with YET MORE ANTIBIOTICS AND PAIN MEDS!
She just turned 18 yrs and is still very happily dating Cori.Through it all though, she still has that sweet disposition and positive out look for the future, especially where Cori is concerned, HA, HA.We will be more
diligent about keeping this site updated regularly.
Thankyou all for you prayers and love.God Bless

Monday, December 16, 2002 at 11:57 PM (CST)

Jennifer wishes to send a Happy Holiday Greeting to everyone. As of today, Jennifer is doing very well.
Her back brace along with medications has brought her alot of relief and made her a little more comfortable.
After the holiday season, Jennifer will begin intense physical therapy. She is now up and around and out of the wheelchair about 75% of the time.
Like most teenagers,she anxiously looking forward to two
weeks off of school and of course the christmas
presents. Thankyou all for your constant prayers
and messages of support. God Bless. Jennifer would love to hear from you at any time. So please feel free to contact her at 478-992-9538.

Monday, December 16, 2002 at 11:57 PM (CST)

Jennifer wishes to send a Happy Holiday Greeting to everyone. As of today, Jennifer is doing very well.
Her back brace along with medications has brought her alot of relief and made her a little more comfortable.
After the holiday season, Jennifer will begin intense physical therapy. She is now up and around and out of the wheelchair about 75% of the time.
Like most teenagers,she anxiously looking forward to two
weeks off of school and of course the christmas
presents. Thankyou all for your constant prayers
and messages of support. God Bless.

Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 05:41 PM (CST)

Jennifer is our very special Girl.
Jennifer was born with Septo-Optic-Dysplasia and a disease called Turner Syndrome.Jennifer has a number of physical problems.She is currently taking several different medications and is being monitored closely by her
doctors and parents.Her health is currently stable, although she does experience considerable pain at times.
Despite her health, she is a very happy
child. Especially since she met a boy by the name of Corey.

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----End of History----