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Wednesday, March 4, 2009 7:42 PM EST

Hello everyone! It's a busy week for me. I have both Radiation at Emory and Chemo at Scottish Rite. I'm not feeling so good tonight. My stomach doesn't feel so good. A side affect of the chemo. Other than that I'm doing fine. I'm going to play some webkinz..


PS - I want to thank everyone again and also those who are sponsoring me in the Walk in the parks / Celebration of Courage!


Monday, March 2, 2009 11:22 AM CST

Hi !
Another week of Radiation and maybe chemo. I'm excited that Beverly Hills Chihuahua comes out on DVD on Tuesday.
I'm also excited about "A Walk In The Park" /Celebration of Courage at Six Flags over Georgia.. It was at Centennial park last year. I even setup my own page, well, with a little help.


I have to get back to Scottish Rite now..


Wednesday, February 25, 2009 7:16 AM CST

Hi everyone !
Well.. this week isn't going to be as busy as originally expected.. No Chemo this week. My counts are still too low for them to do it. I still have radiation this week. Maybe start Chemo after Radiation is done.
MawMaw came to visit for a couple days and we went out for lunches and dinners. Lots of steak and fish for me.
Plans for the weekend are still up in the air.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 3:32 PM EST

I visited the doctor at Emory today and got measured for my new mask. I start radiation again tomorrow for a second spot that was not done the last time. 2 more weeks of radiation. Next week will be Chemo week and radiation. I may have a couple visitors from Alabama next week. It's still being worked out. Other than that I'm looking forward to Disney for Spring break.


Monday, February 16, 2009 2:24 PM EST

Hi Everyone!
Thank you Camp Sunshine for the tickets to the Big Apple Cirus.. I love those Churros! Oh and the cirus too! We always enjoy going. I probably don't have many pictures from the circus since you can't take pictures inside.
My chemo was postponed this week. My platelets are too low so they put me on hold for another week. Other than that not much new. Nicole has a soccer tournament this weekend! Go Nicolee.
That's all for now..


Monday, January 26, 2009 7:30 AM CST

Another busy week ahead for me! I had fun Saturday night. I got to stay at the Atlanta Zoo overnight with Camp Sunshine. I got to see the baby pandas! And No.. they did not let me sleep with the monkeys.
We got a big surprise from MawMaw and Papa on Sunday. They are sending us to Disney world for Spring break! Woohoo! Now I can hardly wait.
I have Radiation and chemo this week, so I'll be busy all week. No school this week. Hopefully I will get to relax this weekend.



Saturday, January 17, 2009 9:42 AM CST

Last week was a week off from Doctor appts. I had an MRI on Monday. I start on Tuesday this week with Radiation at Emory. I'm going to a Gwinnett Gladiators game tonight with Nicole, Mommy, and Daddy. That should be fun. We get to throw Teddy bears on the ice..



Tuesday, January 6, 2009 7:35 AM EST

This week is back to school week starting on Tuesday. I have only half days. I have Chemo this week. Friday I have an extra busy day. I'm going to Emory at 10am for Radiation Simulation, then I have to go to Scottish Rite for Chemo. That's all for now. I hope everyone had Happy Holidays !



Friday, January 2, 2009 12:03 PM EST

Happy New Year!
I want to say Thank you to every one for their thoughts and prayers of the past few years. It's not always easy to let everyone know that since everyone is from so many different places. Thank you and here is for wanting a great 2009!
Winter break is almost over. We are spending the last few days with Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael. School starts on Monday January 5th. I have several weeks of Radiation treatment coming up. I don't know they exact times and dates yet. But it should start in the next couple weeks or so.
Time to start counting down the weeks until Spring Break! :)



Monday, December 15, 2008 7:45 AM EST

Hi again!
I had lots of fun at the Camp Sunshine Holiday Party.
I got my face painted like Rudolph and Nicole got a candy cane painted on her face. We made some ornaments. Only 1 more week of school before the Winter break.. Then we are off until some time in January. We are off to see Maw Maw and Papa this weekend too!



Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:57 PM EST


Happy Holidays!
I have chemo this week and had a CT scan and MIBG scan.
This weekend I'm going to the Holiday party with Camp Sunshine. I missed it last year because I went to the wrong place.. I'm not going to miss it this time!




Friday, November 21, 2008 12:20 PM EST

I have clinic all this week for about 2 hours. Next week is Thanksgiving and we will all be in Maryland for Thanksgiving! I'm still having fun in Karate class. Nicole finishes up Fall Soccer this weekend. She has a tournament to go to Saturday and Sunday. Go Nicole! I can hardly wait to see everyone next week! I hope to have some new pictures on my webpage soon!



Thursday, November 6, 2008 9:10 AM EST

Sorry it's been so long since I updated my page. Been very very busy. I have chemo treatments every 3 weeks now. It's 1 hour a day for 5 days. I'm getting excited about going to Maryland for Thanksgiving! We always have so much fun there! I'm so glad we are all invited! There will be two new additions to the family when we get there! I have to go to school, so I have to go now..



Friday, October 17, 2008 2:59 PM EDT

We had a great time at camp sunshine last weekend! I got to make plates and coasters and even tape my own little radio show. I had fun with my new friend Elizabeth.

Just an update on my MIBG scan and Bone marrow test.
Both came back positive. The spots that originally cleared up have come back on my head and shoulder. On Monday mom and dad are going to be talking to doctors at Eglestons Childrens hospital to discuss treatment options.
That's all we know for now.

I'm going to MawMaw's and Papa's this weekend with Nicole and Mommy.. Daddy had to work.



Monday, October 6, 2008 1:03 pm EDT

My CT scan came back Negative. I had a bone scan on Friday that came back negative too. I had a Bone marrow test today and MIBG scan later this week. That's all I know for now.
I had fun at my sleep over at Ms Misty's Friday night. We stayed up late talking and playing games. I have to go now..


PS -- Family camp at Camp Sunshine this weekend!


Monday, October 6, 2008 8:56 AM CDT

My CT scan came back Negative. I had another scan on Friday that I don't know the results of yet. Bone marrow test today and MIBG scan later this week. That's all I know for now.
I had fun at my sleep over at Ms Misty's Friday night. We stayed up late talking and playing games. I have to go now..


PS -- Family camp at Camp Sunshine this weekend!


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 10:46 AM CDT

I full body CT scan today. I have a bone scan on Friday, and an MIBG scan next Wednesday. I don't know any results yet, but I will update my page as soon as I know anything about my scans.
Other than that. I feel fine. I had a great time this weekend for my sister Nicole's 10th birthday party. I am looking forward to family camp at camp sunshine later this month! Maybe I will see you then!



Monday, September 29, 2008 8:47 AM EDT

Nicole and I had a great time this weekend. We got to have Nicole's Birthday in the Board room at the Cultural Arts Center. It was lots of fun. We got to go imagination place.
I had a biopsy done on a dark spot above my eye on Friday. I won't know the results until later this week.



Friday, September 26, 2008 2:29 PM EDT

Hi !
Happy Birthday to my big sister Nicole. Saturday is Nicole's Birthday. She is having a party at Maw Maw and Papa's this weekend! Party time for Nicole and me.


PS - Nicole's shoulder doesn't hurt as much now.


Monday, September 22, 2008 8:00 AM EDT

Hi Everyone!
I've been very busy. School is keeping me busy. Playing with friends after school too. I have Karate classes on Tuesday. The doctor says I only have to have my scans every 6 months now instead of every 3 months.
It looks like my sister Nicole is going to miss some Soccer for a few weeks. She flipped over on her bicycle yesterday and broke her collar bone. Doctor said she will be out 3-4 weeks. So no Bicycle riding or Soccer for a few weeks. Good thing our Fun Run was on Friday! I ran 36 laps and Nicole ran 47. Normal amount is 25-30 and shirt only has 40 boxes! That's all for now..



Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:57 PM CDT

Back to school already. Homework has been keeping me busy. We are off to Gulf shores for Labor Day weekend.
We Should be gone before any storms make it to town. Other than that, not much new going on. Oh.. I start Karate classes in a 2 weeks. Bye for now.



Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:52 AM CDT

Hi all!
I had a great time at Aunt Sheesha's over the weekend. It was her birthday! We even had a suprise guest too! Aunt Carol came. We had a lot of fun with her too! We were so happy she could come. The Party Saturday night was so much fun. I have 2 more weeks of free time before school starts again. Yep.. Back to School time. We are going to visit Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Mike again this weekend. Tomorrow is my Birthday.. I'm so excited!



Sunday, July 20, 2008 11:31 AM CDT

Hi !
It's been a hot and busy summer here so far. I'm sure you can tell because I've been slacking on updating my page.
I had my scans and they came back good! I'm just relaxing and having fun this summer School starts around August 11, so I need to enjoy the summer.. That's all for now.



Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:38 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Nicole and I are having a great time at Camp Sheesha!
Alison took us swimming and took us to a movie. We saw Kung Fu Panda. Well Tomorrow is my last day at Camp Sheesha and then I get to go home for a couple days. Then I'm off to Camp Sunshine. Nicole is staying for the extended 2 week plan at Camp Sheesha, so she will be staying a little longer. I'm looking forward to seeing some of my favorite doctors and nurses at camp sunshine in a non-hospital and fun environment.. I'm also ready for Tennis, swimming, and those Karate lessons, just to name a few. Bye for now !



Sunday, June 15, 2008 12:00 AM CDT

Hello again,
We celebrated Father's Day on Saturday. We went to Browdy's Jewish Deli for a nice lunch. Then went across the street to the Birmingham Zoo. We saw the otters and sea lions. Then we saw the snakes and turtles. Lions and Tigers then Monkeys and Orangatan. Mommy stayed away from the birds and butterflies. It was warm, but they had some Air conditioned exhibits we were able to cool off in. Now I'm off to Aunt Sheesha's for some more fun.



Friday, June 13, 2008 9:07 PM CDT

Hello again.
I'm back from sun and fun at the beach. I am popping in real quick to update my journal. Nicole, Mommy, and I went to MawMaw and Papa's this week. Nicole and I went to camp and did lot of fun things, like the Blue Bell Ice Cream factory and California Pizza Kitchen to make pizzas, and made tie dye shirts and jewelry. Daddy came so we can celebrate Father's Day with him. Then we are off to Aunt Sheeshas for another week of fun and games. Then Camp Sunshine! I have to get back to everyone now.. BYE for now.



Friday, May 23, 2008 7:57 AM CDT

School's out for SUMMER!
Woo hoo.. parties all week at school. Now today is the last day. Sunday we are off to the beach! I'll put some more updates in after the trip!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 8:15 AM CDT

Not much new going on. We had field day at school last week. That was a lot of fun. Only a couple more weeks of school and then I am off to the beach for a week! I will see Maw Maw and Papa there. ALso Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael.


Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 3:19 PM EDT

Nothing new to report right now. My hair is growing in nicely. Maybe one of these days I'll take off my buffs and let everyone see my almost black hair It's starting to peek out the sides of my buff. Not much else going on until school gets out on May 23. They I'm off to the beach with Maw Maw and Papa. Also Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael. Oh.. Mommy, Daddy, and Nicole will be going too! There will be plenty of pictures. Hopefully I can get them on my website..


Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Monday, April 28, 2008 6:52 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!
I've been a little busy lately. Nicole, Mommy, Daddy, and me all went to Chattanooga Friday and Saturday with the girl scouts. We stayed at the Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel. Then we went to Rock City, Imax theater to see a 3d movie about the Grand Canyon, and then the Tennessee Aquarium!
This weekend I also got to walk/run in my first 5k on Sunday. It was a local Benefit run for Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation.


Mommy, Maw-Maw, and Papa also ran in it. Maw Maw walked with me. Mommy, Papa and Nicole all ran. Nicole did it in about 44 minutes 21 seconds.... Nicole had a bunch of friends that ran the last 100 yards with her. I have my monthly checkup today. I'm not anticipating any news. My scans came back good so everyone is happy with that. My hair is growing back, but I still like wearing my buffs. Only a few more weeks of school left, then the big trip to
the beach and the pink house in Gulf Shores, AL.
Lots of sun and fun. Nothing but swimming and eating all day.

Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Monday, April 28, 2008 7:43 AM EDT

Hi Everyone!
I've been a little busy lately. This weekend I got to walk/run in my first 5k. It was a local Benefit run for Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation.
Mommy, Maw-Maw, and Papa also ran in it. Maw Maw walked with me. Mommy, Papa and Nicole all ran. Nicole did it in about 44 minutes 21 seconds.... Nicole had a bunch of friends that ran the last 100 yards with her. I have my monthly checkup today. I'm not anticipating any news. My scans came back good so everyone is happy with that. My hair is growing back, but I still like wearing my buffs. Only a few more weeks of school left, then the big trip to the beach and the pink house! Lots of sun and swimming.. Oh and of course eating.


Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Monday, April 7, 2008 3:22 PM CDT

After a wild weekend with Maw Maw and Papa at Dave and Busters, I have a wild and crazy week at Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael in Montgomery, ALabama. Mommy and Nicole are here with me until Friday. Then I go home for my Celebration of Courage walk at Centennial Park on Saturday April 12. If anyone is in the area, stop by and say HI!
I think it's from 10am-2pm. (The new world of coca-cola is very close by and the Georgia Aquarium. They are right next to each other now)

Mommy called the doctor and he said my scans are good. So far so good on the new medication.

I'm going to get back to partying with Panda and Kody.


Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Saturday, April 5, 2008 9:37 PM CDT

Hello Everyone!
I'm off to Montgomery, AL with Nicole and Mommy to visit Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael again. Also to see Panda and Kody the two dogs. Daddy has to stay home and work.
Maw Maw and Papa came over and all went to Dave and Busters today and had lunch. We then played Video games and played other games and won lots of tickets. Over 14000 tickets! We all got some cool prizes. You can visit their website.. www.daveandbusters.com.. Fun place for kids and adults. We went to Provino's Italian for dinner. I'm stuffed!
I had my scans this week. I probably won't know the results until Monday or Tuesday. I have to go pack for Alabama now.


Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Monday, March 24, 2008 7:14 AM EDT

Hello !
Sorry it's been so long. I just had a great week in Colorado with Uncle Gary and Aunt Carol. Maw Maw, Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael were there too! Still lots of snow to have fun in. We went sledding, Skiing, Snow mobiling and even went for a night time Sleigh Ride and dinner afterwards. Oh and we even got a short fireworks show for our sleigh ride. There were plenty of pictures taken, so I'll try to get some up here as soon as I can.
Oh...and Colorado didn't want to let us leave. A snow storm came in just as we arrived at the airport that delayed our plane from landing and taking off. I'm home now and off to school again this week.


Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Sunday, March 9, 2008 10:12 PM EDT

I had a fun weekend. I got to sleep over Ms Misty's house Friday night and played with Jacob all day. Then Saturday I slept over again at the twins house. What a weekend.
I took a power nap when I got home, so I'm going to have a hard time sleeping tonight. Back to school on Monday. That's all for now!


Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Monday, February 25, 2008 9:31 AM EST

Hi! Not much going on here right now. I had my doctor visit last week and no new news to report. We got this new carnival games for the WII and it's lots of fun. It's almost as fun as the Hannah Montana or Cooking Mama games.
I went to my friend Madison's birthday party on Saturday. She had it at Young Chefs Academy. We learned how to make pizza dough and made our own pizza. Then we ate it of course. I liked it. I can take classes there or do a family class. I better get back to my school work now.


Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Sunday, February 17, 2008 0:44 AM CST

HI Everyone!
I'm visiting Uncle Michael and Aunt Sheesha. They got this really cool game for the Nintendo WII that has carnival games! It's lots of fun! It's a long weekend for us because of Presidents day. We have MOnday off. Well, I have a doctor appointment on Thursday. Other than that, it's time for me to get to bed! Oh and Girl scout cookies are in! :)


Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Tuesday, February 12, 2008 9:34 AM EST

We had a great time at the Big Apple Circus on Sunday at Stone Mountain Park. Maybe when the weather gets warmer we can come back for the laser light and fireworks show. I'm going to visit Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael this weekend. Daddy is going to stay home and take care of Christy (cat) and Kiwi (dog). Christy needs some daily attention every day. She is getting much better. That's all for now.

Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Thursday, February 7, 2008 9:17 AM EST

Hi again!
Sorry it's been so long since I updated my page. It's been busy. I have had a could of sick kitty cats. Pearl had to have surgery on her ear. I'm going to the Big Apple Circus this weekend in Stone Mountain! The snow we had was gone the next day. I'm taking new pills instead of chemo. ONly one doctor visit per month now. That will be soon. My hair started growing back. That's all to report for now.


Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:50 PM CST

Hi Everyone!
Let it snow ! Let it Snow! Let it snow!
WOW.. it is actually snowing in Georgia! It's a wet snow.
It's dark and about 2 inches on the ground. Nicole, Daddy, and I went outside and had a snowball fight and made a snowman before the snow melts away. School is closed already! Woo hoo! My first Snow Day! Maybe I will have some pictures tomorrow.. Too dark to take them tonight.


Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Monday, January 14, 2008 3:32 PM CST

Hi !
I start my new treatment plan of cytoxen this week! Only 1 visit a month to see the doctor now. I have to take the pills every day. 7 days a week. I still have to call the doctor if I get a fever of 101 or more.
Oh.. It's girl scout cookie time again! Time for Nicole and I to start selling cookies!
Oh..We also got a WII game system so now I can play all kinds of games.. Hannah Montana and Cooking Mama are my favorite. That's all for now..


Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Monday, December 31, 2007 6:55 PM CST

Visit www.hannahshaver.com for new pictures and movies


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 2:43 PM EST

Hi again!
I'm back from San Francisco! The recording of the Brian Boitano Skating Spectacular.
It will be on National TV. WXIA-NBC on Dec 22 at 4-6pm E.T.
I’m not sure what that will be in other time zones. I'm not sure if you will see me in it or not. Mommy and me had alot of fun. They took us everywhere! Only 2 more days of school and then we are out until January 7th for the Holidays! I helped Ms Misty bake a chocolate cake last night.. Mmm mmm good. I had my last chemo session last week. I'm getting ready to start a new protocol. More details to follow when I have more information.


PS - I'm still working on getting the video of me lighting the Atlantic Station Christmas tree on my website.


Friday, November 30, 2007 6:31 PM EST

Hi Everyone!
What a busy month! I had a great time in Maryland with everyone for Thanksgiving! Too many people to mention! I had a blast every minute! I loved playing Wii Tennis!
I want to say thank you to Susan and Sarah for inviting us to the Hannah Montana concert! That was great! We had a blast. Nicole and I were very surprised to find out we were going to see Hannah Montana/Miley Cirus! Of course the Jonas Brothers were equally as awesome! The tickets were great! Well, time to relax for the weekend!


PS -- Hopefully I can get the video edited of me lighting the Christmas Tree at Atlantic Station so everyone can view it.


Friday, November 16, 2007 10:23 PM EST

Hi again!
Tomorrow (Saturday) is the big day! I get to light the Christmas tree at Atlantic Station for Make-A-Wish Foundation. It will be televised on WXIA channel 11 in Atlanta. (It's actually channel 6 on my cable. )
I'm going to try to record it and get it on the website, but no promises. I'm getting ready to go to Maryland for Thanksgiving to see Family again! That's twice in about a month! There will be plenty more pictures.. Stay tuned!
I just finished another week of chemo!



Friday, November 2, 2007 10:44 AM EDT

I got to come home yesterday from Scottish Rite. Only 24 hour stay. I'm good to go. I missed trick or treating, but not the candy. Lots and Lots of candy at home. I even had some friends give me some of their candy because I didn't get to go out.
I have my MIBG and CT scans scheduled for the middle of next week.
Mommy just got some exciting news from the AFLAC center. Mommy and me have been selected to go to San Diego for a special event to skate with the stars in December. That's all I know right now. Stay tuned !
My interview with WXIA in Atlanta is tonight also for the Make-A-Wish foundation.
And in just a couple more weeks we get to go to Maryland and see Family again for Thanksgiving!
Welcome to the Holiday season!



Wednesday, October 31, 2007 8:58 AM CDT

Happy Halloween !!!

I had a fever this morning so I had to go to clinic and I'm going to spend a couple nights at Scottish Rite. Hopefully be home in time for the weekend! I am in room 312 at Scottish Rite.
I went to a party last night and a haunted house at Ms Misty's house last night! I had lots of fun! I couldn't find the chef costume I wanted, so I'm going to be a cheerleader instead! Nicole is going to be a midnight witch. I have an interview Friday with WXIA, a local TV station in Atlanta for Make-A-Wish foundation. They asked me to light the Tree at Atlantic station. Stay tuned for more information!



Tuesday, October 23, 2007 9:02 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!
I'm back from Alison and David's Wedding in NYC! It was a blast.. I wish we could have stayed longer. I got to meet lots of Chef's. Even Chef Daniel of Daniels restaurant in NYC. I will work on getting some pictures up of the wedding and my trip to Camp Sunshine with my family. We went to FAO Schwartz in New York. Three stories of toys! Even a design your own Barbie! I got an Island Princess. I have chemo this week, so I'll miss some more school. My big sister Nicole will bring home my home work.
I love my sister, even if we do fight. But that's what sisters do. I have to check on my life size portrait that I made yesterday at the clinic..



Monday, October 15, 2007 6:46 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
We had a great time this weekend at Camp Sunshine! We got to do boating and fishing and arts and crafts. Well, that's what we did. There were a lot more things to do and so little time to do it. Mommy and Daddy got a massage while we did more arts and crafts. Also we did lots of eating. We woke up and had breakfast, then did some arts and crafts, then snack time, then more arts and crafts, then lunch, then boating, then snack again, then fishing and dinner. I got my flu shot on Friday, so now only mommy and daddy need to get one. Daddy will get his at work this week. Mommy will have to make an appt. I have to go to school now..



Saturday, October 6, 2007 8:42 PM EDT

Hi Everyone!
I'm in Gadsden, Alabama. Grandma and Jon left today, so Daddy and Nicole surprised us and came to visit. I got a new monkey webkinz! I'm going to name it Banana. Mommy and I went to pick out dresses for Alison's wedding in NY in 2 weeks! I can't wait to wear it! I even got new shoes. Tomorrow we are going to the Birmingham zoo. That's all for now!


Wednesday, October 3, 2007 3:13 PM EDT

Hi Everyone! It is chemo week! I had a great weekend!
Maw Maw came to visit. MS Tina was here too. Then Grandma came. We all went out for dinner. Friday Night we went to the melting pot with 2 of Nicole's friends from school. Kate and Kathryn. They slept over. Saturday Nicole had a soccer game. She scored 3 goals! Then we went to Beef O Brady's for dinner and Coldstone creamery for dessert. Yum..Ice cream! I'm a plain vanilla person. Nicole likes chocolate chocolate and more chocolate! Maw Maw went home early on Sunday, then we went with Grandma and Jon to the Georgia Aquarium and the New World of Coca Cola! IT was an awesome day! We even played in the park outside the world of Coca Cola because it was sunny and warm. Not hot. Then we had Lasagna the Daddy and me made.. Mmmm... Lasagna!
Well.. I'm done with Chemo for the day. THursday might be a long day. Don't know if I get a transfusion or not.



Thursday, September 27, 2007 10:27 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Today is my big sister Nicole's 9th birthday! Happy Birthday Nicole! I bought her a big cat stuffed animal. I actually gave it to her last night and we slept with it. Nicole scored 4 goals last weekend! I guess she is getting her soccer legs back. I had a lab visit today and I'm doing ok. OH, Friday night we are all going to Melting Pot for Nicole's birthday dinner with a couple of her friends and Maw Maw. I can hardly wait! Grandma from Arizona is coming this weekend too! Lots of visitors. I have to go for now.. I'll be back!



Tuesday, September 18, 2007 8:03 PM EDT

I had chemo last week. I just got back from Nicole's Soccer practice. I have a doctor appt on Thursday. Aunt Sheesha is coming to visit this week for a couple days.
Not much else to report for now. Stay tuned.



Monday, September 10, 2007 12:16 AM EDT

It is back to the clinic this week for Chemo.
I had a great time yesterday with Camp Sunshine at Turner field. We got tickets to see the Atlanta Braves play the Washington Nationals. We got our picture taken with John Schmoltz and Matt Diaz. We also got lunch and a goody bag. I hope we get to do it again next year. That's all for now.



Saturday, September 1, 2007 7:47 AM CDT

I had a good week of school. I was out Thursday for a doctors appt and out Friday because the Nurse said my counts are too low for school. I should be able to go back to school on Tuesday. I went to Maw Maw's for Labor Day weekend! Daddy forgot to bring his camera. Yippee! But he still has his small canon camera and I'm sure Maw Maw has hers. Maw Maw and Papa got me some new buffs. Maybe I'll model a few in some pictures for the webpage..Time to have some fun.



Friday, August 24, 2007 2:42 PM EDT

Hello again,
Today is my last and longest day of chemo for the next 3 weeks. At least the weekend is coming up now. Nicole is going to Sibling Weekends at Camp Sunshine today. We will pick her up on Sunday. At least it should only be around 90 this weekend for her, instead of near 100 like earlier in the week. Still hot, but not as hot.
I have another kitty update. We lost one of our oldest kitties yesterday. Cuddles died peacefully under a tree. She joins Paula and Sammy in kitty heaven.
I'm looking forward to the weekend! Back to school next week.



Sunday, August 19, 2007 10:32 PM CDT

Hi everyone!
Another weekend is over. I start chemo on Monday so I will be back and forth to the clinic all week. Friday we lost one of our kitty's. Paula died in her sleep. She was the first kitty to ever be in our new house. She was mommy's little baby. It's been a hard weekend for mommy. We have been giving her lots of hugs. Paula was over 9 years old.
It has been really hot here in Georgia lately, so I've spent most of my weekend in the house. High School Musical 2 premiered this weekend on disney channel. I watched it all 3 times it was on! Along with Cheetah girls 2. Which I've seen many times before too. Well, I still have to get up early Monday.. So goodnight and thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts.



Tuesday, August 14, 2007 9:57 AM EDT

Hello again!
Sorry I haven't updated my Journal lately. I've been so Busy. I was at Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael's house for a few days. School started Monday so summer vacation is over. Still feels like summer.. It was 99 yesterday and supposed to be the same way the rest of the week. Good thing the school is air conditioned. It's brand new. It just opened last year. Nicole and I were part of the first students to go there! No doctor visits this week so I can go to my first week of 1st grade. Next week is chemo. I better get back to class now.



Wednesday, August 1, 2007 7:40 AM EDT

Today is my birthday! I turn 7 today! MawMaw and Papa are coming to visit today. I do have to go to clinic today, but after that, the rest of the day is free for me. Well, I'm going to get some more sleep and wake up a little later today. My appointment at the clinic isn't until 10am.



Monday, July 30, 2007 1:41 PM EDT

I am at clinic this week for chemo treatment. Wednesday is my birthday. I will be 7. Maw Maw and Papa are coming to visit for my birthday. Then I might be going to Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michaels this weekend. A last few trips before school starts in 2 weeks.


Sunday, July 29, 2007 10:28 AM EDT

Hello Everyone!
I am in Gadsden, AL this weekend! I had fun at water day at the Cultural Arts Center. Just me and Daddy with Maw Maw and Papa.. Mommy and Nicole went to Hilton Head with Ms Misty and Nicole's Friend Tayler. Last night I went to the Fisherman and had some great Salmon.. Actually I had soup and Salad and ate Maw Maws Salmon. I ate the whole thing, except 2 bites. I got a new Raccoon Webkinz yesterday. Well, I have chemo this week. Maw Maw and Papa are coming for my birthday this week. Aug 1st is my birthday.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007 12:28 PM EDT

Hi Everyone,
Hello everyone! The Doctor called and said my scans are better/improved. The doctor said I can't go to camp the rest of the week, so I'm home with mommy. Nicole is still going to camp in the morning. I'll find fun things to do at home. That's all to report for now...



Monday, July 16, 2007 12:19 AM EDT

Hi Everyone,
I'm back from Steamboat Springs, CO. We had a great time with Aunt Carol and Uncle Gary. Of course we had fun with Boy Casey and Emily too! We didn't want to leave. I got to do rock climbing and spongy jumping. I saw a parade and ski jumpers. THat was just a few of the great things we did. I have a bone scan today and a CT scan tomorrow at 1:30pm. I probably won't know anything about the results until late in the week. I'm going to girl scout camp this week too. Never a dull moment.


Thursday, July 5, 2007 5:30 PM MDT

Hi Everyone,
July 4th was great! We saw a parade, then went down an alpine slide, then even saw some Ski Jumpers. We cooked some Salmon on the grill outside, before going to see fireworks! In Nicole's words, it was a Totally Wicked 4th of July!
Today we relaxed a little and let mommy sleep late for her birthday. Then we had a big breakfast. Bagels, Lox, and cream cheese, Red Raspberries, Scrambled eggs (made by boy Casey), Blackberries, Strawberries, and Cinnamon rolls. Washed down with some Orange Juice. Then we took a trip to the ski mountain. We did some rock climbing and bungie jumping. Then took the Gondola ride up to the Lodge and had lunch. But then it got windy and rainy so we got kicked off the mountain and couldn't take our hike. Well, we are getting ready to take mommy out for dinner!



Tuesday, July 3, 2007 6:12 PM MDT

Hi Everyone From Steamboat Springs, Colorado!
Aunt Carol and Uncle Gary's house has a very nice view of the valley. I'll try to get a few on the webpage. There are more than enough pictures already. I've done so muc already. Today we went on a boat on the lake and did some fishing. We caught 4 pikes in about 20 minutes. We caught the first one in less than a minute. Then we had lunch on the boat and we went back to the pool and had some strawberry slushies. Yesterday was a big day too. We went to a little concert. Then we went to the pool and went swimming. We had lunch at the pool. We played ping pong and pool at the house. We finally went to bed about 11pm. We couldn't stay up any later. Oh, Boy Casey and Emily were here. THey arrived last night.. More people to play with! Yeah!


WE are going to old town pub now for dinner..


Tuesday, July 3, 2007 6:12 PM MDT

Hi Everyone From Steamboat Springs, Colorado!
Aunt Carol and Uncle Gary's house has a very nice view of the valley. I'll try to get a few on the webpage. There are more than enough pictures already. I've done so muc already. Today we went on a boat on the lake and did some fishing. We caught 4 pikes in about 20 minutes. We caught the first one in less than a minute. Then we had lunch on the boat and we went back to the pool and had some strawberry slushies. Yesterday was a big day too. We went to a little concert. Then we went to the pool and went swimming. We had lunch at the pool. We played ping pong and pool at the house. We finally went to bed about 11pm. We couldn't stay up any later. Oh, Boy Casey and Emily were here. THey arrived last night.. More people to play with! Yeah!


WE are going to old town pub now for dinner..


Sunday, July 1, 2007 9:12 AM EDT

I'm so excited. I'm going on an airplane today and going to Steamboat, Colorado! It will be so much fun. I'll be sure to let everyone know how my days go. Today I'll be busy traveling, so not much us to report for Sunday.



Thursday, June 28, 2007 6:19 PM

Hi Everyone!
I had a great day! I just spent 6 hour at Lake Lanier Water park.. I went on slides and had lunch, and spent lots of time in the wave pool. The whole family went. Mommy, Daddy, and Nicole. Even my friend Jacob and his Mom Ms Misty went with us. Even if we had to wait 1 hour and 41 minutes for our lunch, I still had lots of fun! Sure, there are a few pictures.. (Few dozen or so). I'll work on getting some on the web page when I get some time. I'm taking a shower and then going over Ms Misty's house for a barbecue. Then I have to start packing for my trip to Colorado! I can't wait! I get to see Aunt Carol and Uncle Gary. No snow in Steamboat, but maybe we can go during Christmas break or something when there is lots of snow.



Thursday, June 21, 2007 12:24 PM EDT

Hello Again,
I should get to go home around 2pm E.T. today. I was hoping to go to the water park today, but it will be too late. I probably need to wait a couple days. Nicole stayed with Me and Mommy last night. I'm ready to go home. Only 10 more days until my first trip to Colorado! I can hardly wait! That's all the news for now.



Saturday, June 9, 2007 7:31 PM CDT

Hi everyone!
I'm back.. Well, almost back home. We stopped at Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michaels house and they talked me into a nap and a steak dinner.. Mmm mmm. I can hardly wait to get home to see Kiwi and Midnight, and Molly, and Nightmare, and Princess.. And and.. well, you get the idea. There are lots of pictures. About 1700 or so. I probabl won't post them all. The best thing had to be when I got to hold the 4 week old baby monkey! He was so cute. Next best had to be Waterville water park. I had lots of seafood and steak. Aunt Sheesha and Uncl Michal only got to stay until Tuesday, but we had lots of fun with them. Of course we had even more fun with MawMaw and Papa the rest of the week. We want to thank them so much for inviting us. The beach was hot, the ocean and pool were both warm. Probably about 80-82. Now I'm going to play with my Webkinz now since we have an internet connection again! Yeah!



Saturday, June 9, 2007 7:31 PM CDT

Hi everyone!
I'm back.. Well, almost back home. We stopped at Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michaels house and they talked me into a nap and a steak dinner.. Mmm mmm. I can hardly wait to get home to see Kiwi and Midnight, and Molly, and Nightmare, and Princess.. And and.. well, you get the idea. There are lots of pictures. About 1700 or so. I probabl won't post them all. The best thing had to be when I got to hold the 4 week old baby monkey! He was so cute. Next best had to be Waterville water park. I had lots of seafood and steak. Aunt Sheesha and Uncl Michal only got to stay until Tuesday, but we had lots of fun with them. Of course we had even more fun with MawMaw and Papa the rest of the week. We want to thank them so much for inviting us. The beach was hot, the ocean and pool were both warm. Probably about 80-82. Now I'm going to play with my Webkinz now since we have an internet connection again! Yeah!



Saturday, June 2, 2007 8:49 AM EDT

Hello everyone!
It's finally time to go to the pink house at the beach!
Last night we had a birthday party for Nicole's friend Tayler. Then we slept over all night! Today we are leaving for the beach and won't be back until Saturday. Expect more pictures then ever before.. :-)
Well, maybe not really, but there will be a bunch. The doctor gave me the ok to play in the ocean and pool. Whoohoo! I'm not too excited about it. I probably won't have internet access while I'm there, so I won't be able to update again until I get back. Before I go I really need to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and support!



Wednesday, May 23, 2007 6:14 AM EDT

Hi everyone!
THis weekend was really fun! Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael came to visit. They came to Nicole's soccer game and she scored 2 goals. Then we went to the GA aquarium. Later we went out for dinner at Pappadeaux. Yum yum. Sunday we went to the $3 cafe. I have treatment this week, so I'll miss the last week of school. That's all for now. ONly 2 more weeks before our trip to the pink house at the beach!



Thursday, May 17, 2007 2:29 PM EDT

The doctor just called mommy with the results of my CT scan. They said that the solid mass has shrunk and the other areas are stable. That's all they said for now.

Tomorrow is my last day of school! I will miss the official last week because I start ChemoTherapy again on Monday.

Last night we had Dinner at Ms Misty's and Mr Steve's house. Barbecue chicken and broccoli with cheese. For Dessert we had scooby doo push pops.

Mommy and some friends are walking in a relay for life walk tomorrow night. It's an all night walk. I might even get to walk a lap myself. I don't think we will be staying all night, but we will stay as long as we can. That's all for now.. Possible big weekend with some suprise guests.
I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures regardless of what I do.. I might even go see Shrek the Third or Spiderman 3.

Bye for now..



Monday, May 14, 2007 8:39 AM EDT

Hi Everyone!
I got to go home Late Thursday Afternoon so that I could go to field day at school. I got a transfusion and then I was good to go. Along with a prescription. Field Day was lots of fun. It got hot in the afternoon, so I took some breaks and went inside the air conditioned school for a little while. There was a 2 hour break between the morning and afternoon events, so I had some time to recharge. I drank lots of water. I got to go to a party at Libby Lu's this weekend. I had a great time. Well, I'm off to school again today. Tomorrow (Tuesday), I have my CT scan at 1pm.



Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:03 AM EDT

Hi Everyone,
I got had a fever of 100.6 - 100.8 so the doctor told me to come in to Scottish Rite. My counts are low so they were expecting it this week. I'm not sure if I'll make field day on Friday, but I sure hope so. I'm in room 311 at Scottish Rite. Time to get some sleep.



Tuesday, May 8, 2007 9:36 AM EDT

Hi Everyone!
First I want to thank everyone for coming out on Sunday to Super Suppers! I had so much fun I was a bit overwhelmed! So many people showed up and there were so many fun things to do. I really liked giving people green hair and sparkles. Today I am off for a clinic appointment to check my counts. Other than that it's back to school as usual. Only a few more weeks of school, then off to the beach house! I can hardly wait! I have to go now.. Time to get my finger poked.



Saturday, May 5, 2007 9:35 PM EDT

Hi Everyone,
Tomorrow is the big fundraiser at Super Suppers from 1-5pm. Get ready to have some fun! I'll be there. Maw Maw and Papa came to visit too! We had Mexican for lunch and some Japanese for dinner. Not cookers, but still good. Sizzling rice soup and chicken fried rice for me. I have to get to bed now and get some sleep for the big day! I'll see everyone tomorrow!



Friday, May 4, 2007 10:15 AM EDT

Hi Everyone!
It's Day 5! The morning of Day 2 was a little rough, but I'm better now. I got my new Buff on from Miss Misty.
After Today I am done for another 2 weeks. The third week I start the next round. I have a CT scan scheduled for May 15th to check my status. Nicole has a soccer game tomorrow at 9am. Maw Maw and Papa are coming to visit on Saturday too! I also want to thank everyone so much for their prayers, concern, and support!



Monday, April 30, 2007 2:34 PM EDT

I'm just finishing up day 1 of my second round of treatment. I want to say Congratulations to Boy Casey on his graduation from Michigan! I want to say Thank You to Miss Misty and Mister Steve for taking us to the Renaissance Festival. That was lots of Fun! I will try to get some pictures posted as soon as I get Daddy to download them. That's all for now.



Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:24 AM EDT

I had lots of fun last night. I went to a local theater to watch High School Musical on stage. I was the guest of honor.. I was afraid to go on stage, but I did get a signed poster from the entire cast and a pretty bouquet of flowers and a t-shirt. Thank you everyone! I had a blast!
This morning it's back to school. My headaches and tummy aches are gone for now. Or at least they haven't been bothering me enough to need any pain medicine.



Tuesday, April 25, 2007 12:24 PM EDT

I had a followup doctor's appointment today. I had lunch with mommy and daddy at MamaFu's. I had macaroni and cheese. Now I'm heading back to school. I have Tennis practice today and Nicole has soccer practice today. That's if the afternoons Thunderstorms hold off. That's all for now!



Saturday, April 21, 2007 10:37 PM CDT

Hi All,
I made popcorn today with Daddy.. The old fashioned way. Oil in a pot with real popcorn kernels.. Mmmm mmm
Oh, Friday night I made one of my favorites with Daddy, Lasagna! Friday I played after school at Carolines and had lots of fun. Today I went over to Jacobs house and played there. I caught worms and tadpoles.. I even have my own pair of scooby doo gloves. OH, and we wen't to Coldstone Creamery for some ice cream. I had watermelon Sorbet. I'm very tired now. I have to get some sleep. Tomorrow is "Tastes of FOrsyth" so I'll get to try lots of different foods at the CUmming Fairgrounds!



Thursday, April 19, 2007 1:31 PM EDT

Hi again !
I am already done with my Doctor appointment. Is was short and to the point. They stuck my finger with a needle and took some samples that way. The doctor said I can still go to school. Oh, I stopped by daddy's work on the way to the doctor today and had a big breakfast. Then since I got done so quick, I called daddy and invited him to lunch at Jason's Deli. I love the spagetti and meatballs. I'm sort of sleep now. I'm not sure I'll make it back to school today.



Thursday, April 19, 2007 7:04 AM CDT

Hello all!
Well today I might miss school for a doctor appointment at 10am. Not much on the agenda the next couple of days. I'm still feeling pretty good. My tummy hurts a little in the morning, but that's it. Only a few more weeks of school!



Tuesday, April 17, 2007 8:58 AM CDT

I finally got back to school yesterday! I had a pretty good day! I did get a little tired, but other than that I had a good day. Nicole has CRCT testing at school 2 days this week and next week, so we have to get to bed early and have a good breakfast. I'm doing good at school. My teacher is keeping a close eye on me and the school clinic has talked to mommy and daddy. School is over in May! Only one more month or so to go! Then Summer Break and a trip to the pink house!



Sunday, April 15, 2007 5:38 PM EDT

Hi Everyone..
I am home now. My first week of treatment is done. I can go back to school on MOnday if I am feeling up to it. I had a nice restful weekend at home. I'm lounging around now watching disney channel and eating some chips and not-spicy salsa that daddy made me. I had some taco bell for dinner last night.. Mmmm


Sunday, April 15, 2007 5:38 PM EDT

Hi Everyone..
I am home now. My first week of treatment is done. I can go back to school on MOnday if I am feeling up to it. I had a nice restful weekend at home. I'm lounging around now watching disney channel and eating some chips and not-spicy salsa that daddy made me. I had some taco bell for dinner last night.. Mmmm


Monday, April 9, 2007 5:13 AM CDT

I had a great week at the Beach! I did lots of fun things. There were plenty of pictures taken by the PoppiRozzi. I had my surgery to put in a port and I'm resting in room 311 at Scottish Rite . I want to say thank you to Miss Allen and everyone at Silver City for the great gift baskets. I'll chat more later. I have to go now.



Monday, April 2, 2007 4:35 PM EDT

Hurray we are at the beach in Destin, FL. It's so hot here. I'll be here until Saturday with Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael. Nicole is here too! Mommy and Daddy are in Savannah, GA. Mommy talked to Dr Rapkin and he said my bone marrow is clean. There are spots on my bones, so I will need to get my central line/vascap put in on Monday, April 9th. I'll start my chemotherapy then too. I think I'm going to be admitted for the first round for 5 days, so I'll be at Scottish Rite from Monday to Friday, maybe Saturday. I don't know yet. For now I am just going to have fun in the sun!



Saturday, March 31, 2007 9:31 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!
When we got to Montgomery, AL for our spring break, we learned we were going to the beach! WooHoo! Nicole and I love the beach. Well, we like pools too. But pools at the beach are the best. Oh, today is Uncle Jimmy's birthday.
Happy Birthday Uncle Jimmy!

Well, I have to finish some breakfast and get ready for fun in the sun..



Friday, March 30, 2007 105 PM CDT

Hello everyone!

Happy Birthday Daddy! I love you!

Thank you all for you thoughts and prayers! I'm off with my sister Nicole to visit Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael in Alabama for a week. It should be in the mid 80's while we are there. I don't know what's on the agenda, but I'm sure it will be fun. There could be a manicure on the agenda.



Thursday, March 29, 2007 10:04 AM EDT

Hi Everyone!
Spring Break! Spring Break! Spring Break is here !
I'm had my MIBG scan today and now I'm done with the scans for now. These scans will be for the doctor to monitor my progress. On Monday April 9th, I will have surgery to put in my central line. I don't know yet if that is when my treatment will start. I think it is, but I'm not sure yet.
I'm going shopping today for some spring/summer clothes with my sister Nicole. It's only 68 right now and it will only be 76 later. It a has been even warmer. Aunt Sheesha is coming to visit today. Then Nicole and I are going to her house tomorrow and we won't be back until next week!
We will see Uncle Michael and Panda and Kody. Maybe even Adam, Wes, and Alison. Mommy and Daddy are going to Savannah, GA for a few days. Sort of a Late Anniversary present/Daddy's Birthday present. Their anniversary was March 23 and Daddy's Birthday is Tomorrow (March 30). I've never been to Savannah, maybe I can go see there next time. I'm a little sleepy. I had to get up at 5:30 to go back to get my MIBG scan this morning and beat traffic. We are stopping at IHOP for some breakfast now..



Monday, March 26, 2007 7:53 AM EDT

Hello Everyone!
I had a great weekend in Gadsden, AL and in Chattanooga, TN! We had an early birthday party for Daddy on Friday at Maw Maw and Papa's house. We had one of my favorites! Pasta and meat sauce and Lasagna! Saturday we went to Chattanooga. I didn't see the Choo Choo, but I went to the Tennessee aquarium. We went to the Childrens Discovery Museum. That was lots of fun! We also went on a WWII DUKW and I got to be the captain for a short time and drove it in the water. There should be a few pictures. Daddy took over 585 pictures in 3 days. I think there will be a couple to post on my web page. I have a busy week. I have a doctor appt on Tuesday and my injection. Then Tuesday is my MIBG scan. These scans will be used to monitor my progress. Well, I'm off to school now.



Wednesday, March 21, 2007 3:31 PM EDT

Hello Everyone.
I had a piece of soft tissue removed that was in question on Monday. I also had bone marrow removed and an Xray to make sure all was ok. I'm home now and back to school for now. I have a bone scan on Friday and a MIBG scan next Wednesday (Mar 28). I will miss weeks during my treatments that should start around April 9th. I'm going to MawMaw's house this weekend and Spring Break starts next week. Then we go to see Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael. We will see Panda and Kody too! I think that's all to report for now..



Sunday, March 18, 2007 10:33 PM EDT

Hello Everyone,
I got the results back from my scans on Thursday, and they have found some areas of concern. The doctors said I had a relapse. I am going Monday to have a biopsy done and they are going to check my bone marrow. I really don't know much more than that. Maw Maw and Papa came back to Georgia and we all went out to dinner Firday night at the cookers. A new place too! Then we went to Nicole's soccer games on Saturday. She played 2 games Saturday so she won't have to play Sunday. It was windy Saturday and cold. Brrr
Then we went to Chic Fil A for lunch. Fun fun fun. Nicole and I went for Manicures and Pedicures. Now I am playing with my friend Caroline. That's all for now. I'll post more on Monday when we know more..



Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:05 PM EDT

Hello Everyone,
I got the results back from my scans on Thursday, and they have found some areas of concern. I am going Monday to have a biopsy done and they are going to check my bone marrow. I really don't know much more than that. Maw Maw and Papa came back and we all went out to dinner last night at the cookers. A new place too! Then we went to Nicole's soccer games today. She played 2 games today so she won't have to play tomorrow. It was windy today and cold. Brrr
Then we went to Chic Fil A for lunch. Fun fun fun. Nicole and I went for Manicures and Pedicures. Now I am playing with my friend Caroline. That's all for now. I'll post more on Monday when we know more..



Thursday, March 15, 2007 8:04 AM EDT

Hello Everyone,
I had a great weekend. Maw Maw and Papa came for a surprise visit. They surprised us at Nicole's soccer game. Nicole scored 4 goals. Then we went out to lunch and then went to Helen, GA. We saw some bears and then some spiders.
Didn't really like the spiders. We did get to "Feed the Bears" This weekend Nicole has 2 soccer games. One at 9am on Saturday and the other one is later on Sunday. Today I am at Scottish Rite for my quarterly CT scan at 10:30. Then I have my visit with Dr Rapkin this afternoon. We stayed at a hotel nearby because traffic is really bad coming here in the morning and I had to be here at 7:30am. And today is early release from school, so I would have only had a half day. Well, tomorrow is early release too, so at least I'll get one day out of it. It's sunny and warm in Atlanta now!
Mid to upper 70's.. That's all for now..



Friday, March 2, 2007 8:11 AM CST

Hi Everyone!
Last Saturday we went to Medeival times for Misty's Birthday. That was fun. We watched them Joust while we ate our food. I was even chosen to be the Queen of Love and Beauty for our team! Nicole has her first soccer game of the spring tomorrow at 9am! I have a scan schedule for March 15th. That's all the news for now. I better get back to school..



Sunday, February 18, 2007 2:26 PM CST

Hello Everyone!

I didn't get to go to Savannah. Maybe later this year. I hope everyone had a good Valentines Day! I did get to go to Maw Maw's house. We have a long weekend for Presidents day. We are off Friday and Monday. Well, not much news. I did go to the Father/Daughter Dance with Daddy last Friday. I don't have pictures up yet, but I'll work on it. I hope everyone is doing well!
Talk to you soon!



Monday, January 29, 2007 2:18 PM EST

Hi Everyone!
Brrr, it finally got cold here. It was 60 on Saturday and only in the 40's on Sunday. Very colt this morning. In the 20's. Well, February is right around the corner and Soccer practice for Nicole. Then I can get my Tennis raquet out of the closet. Nothing exciting going on at school lately. We might be going to Savannah in February, but not sure yet.
I'm ready for Spring already! That's all for now..



Wednesday, January 17, 2007 11:44 AM CST

Hello Everyone!
Sorry I haven't updated my page in a while. Busy playing with all my stuff from the holidays.. And back to school.
It's felt like spring time here lately, but it's back to winter. Maybe even some sleet or freezing rain tonight. I don't have any office visits for a couple more months. That's all for now.



Tuesday, December 26, 2006 10:57 PM EST

Hi Everyone!
Hard to believe there are only a few days left to 2006.
I won't start school again until January 4, 2007. Wow, the Y2k bug was almost 7 years ago. The bug that was mostly nothing. It was still a good year. August 1, 2000 was a memorable day. My birthday! Well, I'm listening to music with my IDOG and my little mp3 player. Nicole is playing a game on her computer. We will be going to bed any minute now.. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and support over the past year or more..

Happy New Year !!!!



Sunday, December 24, 2006 7:32 PM EST

Hello Everyone!
My scans came back clean! Only a few hours until Christmas so I wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone!
I'm at Aunt Sheesha's for the weekend with mommy and daddy and Maw maw and Papa
If you want to track santa, you can at this website.


Hannah !!


Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:59 PM EST

Hello Everyone !
I had my scans and checkup on Tuesday and all clean! Next checkup in about 3 months. Big weekend coming up for me and Nicole. Starlight/starbright party tonight at the Callanwolde (http://www.callanwolde.org/). Then Saturday we are off to Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michaels house for the week. OH, Friday is the last day of school until January 3, 2007! Oh, I almost forgot my live radio interview on Saturday in Atlanta at Atlantic station. I'll be on 94.9 Fm.

This link will get you to the website and click on the LISTEN NOW link and you can listen anywhere you have a computer. I'm scheduled to be on around 3:30pm E.T. on Saturday December 16. Of course you are welcome to come visit Atlantic station and see me too..



Saturday, December 9, 2006 10:19 PM EST

Hi Everyone!
I'm back from Florida. It's chilly here. It was 25 this morning and that's warmer than yesterday. It did get up to 50 today. A little warmer tomorrow and Monday. I have my checkup and tests on Tuesday. Thursday I have a Party at the Callanwolde to go to for Starlight Starbright. Then Saturday is the big party at Atlantic station in Atlanta.


PS. I'll be on 94.9 FM on December 16 at 3:30pm for the Wish-A-Thon for Make a wish foundation



Friday, December 1, 2006 6:07 PM EST

Hi Everyone!
Time to party with Grand PawPaw! We were at flew to Sarasota today and spent the rest of the day at the beach and the pool. Now it's time to go to Grand PawPaw's for a
party! I'll have more pictures up soon!


PS. I'll be on 94.9 FM on December 16 at 3:30pm for the Wish-A-Thon for Make a wish foundation



Monday, November 27, 2006 9:53 AM EST

Hi Everyone!
Let's see what to add to my journal today. I had a very long weekend. I've been out of school since last Wednesday. So that means this week will seem like the longest week of the year! Of course it's going to be a day short since I go to Grand Paw Paw's birthday party this weekend ! I can hardly wait to go to Florida and see everyone. I had a pretty quiet weekend after Thanksgiving at Ms Misty's house. I went to my friend Caroline's house on Saturday and she came over to my house on Sunday. Below is a link to a cool light show if you haven't already seen this before.



Wednesday, November 22, 2006 11:03 AM EST

Hi Everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving and Congratulations to Kevin and Devorah on their new baby boy! I had a great weekend with Maw Maw. We went to Things remembered, then we saw Happy Feet at the IMAX theater. After that we went to the cookers. After that we went to Lights at Lake Lanier. We went on a rides there too. It was a little cold, but we had so much fun we didn't feel the cold. We cooked marshmallows on the fire and ate some roasted corn. Then Sunday after Maw Maw left we went to visit the fish at the Georgia Aquarium. They have 4 whale sharks now. They are all still very young. We can go and watch them grow. The big tank has 2 million gallons of water and thousands of fish. They are building the new World of CocaCola that will open in the Summer of 2007! I'm out of school now until Monday, November 27 for Thanksgiving! Happy Holidays !!

Love Hannah


Friday, November 17, 2006 518 PM EST

Maw Maw is here for a visit! We went to Beef O Brady's last night.. Mmm mmm good. Saturday we are going to the Mall of GA. I have a guest appearance at Thinks Remembered for Make a Wish foundation. After that we are going to see
Happy Feet at the IMAX theater. Then after that we are going to see the Lights at Lake Lanier. Sunday we are going to the Georgia Aquarium again! It should be a fun filled weekend with lots of pictures.

I had my 6 year old Well visit today and all is well. I've gained 5lbs since May. I weigh 38.3 lbs and I'm 43 inches tall. Oh, and since I missed my 4 year well visit, I had to get my shots for school and a Flu shot, so I got 4 shots today. Ouch. I am not a happy camper about that. I'm sleepy now, so I'm going to take a nap.



Monday, November 13, 2006 9:51 AM EST

Hi Everyone !
Not much new going on here. I go to my pediatrician on Friday for my 6 year old checkup. I hope no shots.
Nicole played her last soccer game of the season on Saturday. She wanted to go out with a bang. She scored 7 or 8 goals. I lost track. She almost had more, but she got tripped when she was about to score again. Another time she tripped over the ball. Nicole was all over the place, she even prevented a goal from being scored. My Tennis is over too. It's been over for a few weeks now. Something to do in the spring. Too much going on right now with holidays and parties. I have to get back to class now. Chat with you later.











Monday, November 6, 2006 10:55 PM EST

No school tomorrow for Election Day. I'm not old enough to vote in the election yet. Tonight Nicole, Mommy, and I went bowling with Daddy. We played games while he bowled. Then we had a Fudge brownie sundae. Mmm mm good. Tomorrow Daddy still has to go to work. He is helping install a computer at a Ferrari Dealership. Do they make them in purple or pink? Or maybe just Blue. When we got home from bowling we listed to some Disney Jams in Nicole's room. I think it's time for bed now. Bye for now!










Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:00 AM EDT

Hello everyone!
I had a blast at six flags. It was sponsored by CURE. There were a few good rides that I was not tall enough yet to go on, but there were still a lot of rides I could go on. Not sure which was my favorite. I went on the log flume, roller coasters, even ones that went upside down in a loop. We had lunch and went back on more rides. We had a flash pass that got us to the front of the line. It was warm, not hot or cold. I get to go next year too! I got some new clothes for school. Getting a little chillier here in Georgia. I have to put the shorts and sandals away for a couple months. I have to get back to class now.











Saturday, October 21, 2006 9:54 PM EDT

Hi everyone,
Things are going good. Another week of school in the books. There was a book fair at the school this week. I got 2 new books. Nicole got 3. Nicole already read one of my books on the way to her soccer game today. My friend Caroline slept over my house for 2 nights. We had a pizza party. We watched the World Premiere of "Return to Halloweentown" on Toon Disney and stayed up as late as we wanted. I got free passes from CURE Childhood cancer for me and my family to go to Six Flags on Sunday, Oct 22. It's only going to be about 70, but it should still be fun. That's all for now..









Thursday, October 12, 2006 10:39 AM EDT

Hello Everyone!
Hannahshaver.com is back up and running. It was offline for a short period of time. I've been very busy with school and tennis lessons. Tennis is over for now for me, but Daddy is going to try to take me over to the Tennis courts after school and work to practice on my own. They have a wall at the Tennis court I can practice hitting off of. I had a great time this weekend at MawMaw's house. Gran PawPaw and Grandma were there. We had a late birthday party for Nicole and Grandma. The food was delicious.
I'm going to a cooking class tonight. Nicole is coming with me.
Daddy has class, so only mommy can go with me. So there may not be any pictures. I'm going to the Cumming Fair on Saturday. There should be plenty of pictures of that! That's if daddy can go. They had student night on Monday. That's silly, have a student night on a school night? What are they thinking? I'll try to change the pictures too if I can find some time. These pictures are a little old. Maybe some Fair pictures. Bye for now..









Wednesday, October 4, 2006 2:42 PM EDT

Hello everyone!
I know it's been a few days since I updated my journal. School keeps me busy. I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend at Maw Maw's house in Alabama. There will be plenty some pictures. I'm going to see Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Mike. Grand Paw Paw will be there too! There are a few more pictures on my other pages too. Check out photos and videos button on www.hannahshaver.com.
By for now!

Love Hannah








Thursday, September 28, 2006 10:42 PM EDT

Hi Everyone!

It's almost Friday! My Aunt Sheesha is helping me get some new pictures on my web page. It's been a busy summer and fall so far. Nicole had a birthday party last Saturday at Family Funtime. We road go-carts, played mini-golf, video games, and they even had bowling. Not to mention party cake. Her birthday was Wednesday, Sept 27. We went to Outback for dinner and then later went to Dairy Queen for some dessert. Chocolate dipped vanilla cones. It was the first time Nicole and I had a cone like that. Mmm mmm good!
Oh and the Curious George movie came out on Tuesday. Daddy rented it so we watched it in the van during our travels between dinner, dessert, and home. The Little Mermaid comes out on DVD October 3!!!!! It's passed my bed time now. So far the weekend looks like Nicole's soccer game at 10:15 and that's it. Unless I'm forgetting something. Stay tuned!









Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:42 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!
I had my CT scan and MIBG scan and a doctor office visit last week too. All my scans came back clean again. I don't have to go back for 3 months now. Nicole and I had picture Day on Monday. I had Tennis lessons on Monday and Nicole had soccer practice last night. Nicole went to the doctor this morning for a sore throat. She has strep, so she will be out of school for a couple days.


L' Shana Tovah!








Monday, September 18, 2006 12:18 AM EDT

Hi Everyone!
The Fun Run Fundraiser at Silver City Elementary, (my school), was great on Friday! I ran 23 laps, that's almost 2 miles! Nicole ran earlier in the day and she ran 25 laps. It was timed so I ran out of time before I ran out of energy. Of course I took a little nap over my friend Caroline's house. We both did.
I had my CT scan and MIBG scan and a doctor office visit last week too. All my scans came back clean again. I don't have to go back for 3 months now. Today is picture day and Tennis lesson day. It's still pretty hot out during the day, so I get pretty hot out there. That's all for now.









Monday, September 11, 2006 8:15 AM EDT

Hi Everyone!
Another Monday to start another week of school. Tennis lessons today for me! My sister Nicole had her first soccer game of the fall season on Saturday. She scored 3 goals! It's starting to cool down a little, so Fall is right around the corner and pumpkin picking. I'm already picking out my Halloween costume. I think I want to be a princess again. I have to take those yucky SSKI drops this week. I have scans and a doctor appointment this week. I'll let you know how it turns out when I get my results. I have to get back to class now..









Tuesday, August 29, 2006 10:26 AM EDT

Hello Everyone !
I had my first tennis lesson yesterday! It was pretty hot, but I still had a lot of fun! Oh my new favorite movie, at least for now is Cheetah Girls 2. We watched it 3 times this weekend. Cheetah girls are coming here in OCtober, but we couldn't get tickets because only single tickets were available. Maybe next time. Hannah Montana is going to be there too. Nicole starts her soccer practice tonight.
I will try to get some pictures of my tennis practice on the webpage soon.. I need to get back to school work now.


Alton Brown

Alton Brown
Alton Brown

Animal Kingdom

Shamu coaster

Wednesday Aug 23, 2006 3:35 PM EDT

Sorry I haven't been on top of my web page. School keeps me busy and weekends are unwind time. Not much new going on here. My hair is getting a little longer every day. I still have to add some pictures from NY and the wedding to my page. Busy busy busy.


PS - We lost one of our kitty's. SAMMY. We will miss you Sammy.

Alton Brown

Alton Brown
Alton Brown

Animal Kingdom

Shamu coaster

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:50 PM EDT

Hello Again!
Today Nicole and I had more swimming lessons at the YMCA!
It's so much fun. We get there early and stay after class to practice swimming some more. Tonight we are going bowling with Daddy. School starts in less than 2 weeks! Yuck! Summer's almost over already! It seems like just yesterday we were getting out of school and driving to Give kids the World! Oh well! One last Hurrah before summer is over. A trip to New York for Katy and Jesse's wedding.
I have to go now.. Bowling is calling me.


Alton Brown

Animal Kingdom

Shamu coaster

Sunday, July 16, 2006 10:50 pm EST

Hello Everyone !
Hello from Montgomery! Just relaxing here in Alabama. Oh, Aunt Sheesha's camera broke. Now no pictures. Well, at least for a day or so. Until Aunt Sheesha gets a new one or Daddy gets here for the weekend! What, a day with pictures being taken of me? An undocumented day of my life? That's unheard of. Well, just kidding. Daddy is at school tonight, so I'll talk to him later... That's all for now...

Oh, I watched Cat Cora on Iron Chef Sunday tonight on the food network and she was wearing my bracelet. I was so excited!


Alton Brown

Animal Kingdom

Shamu coaster

Saturday, April 8, 2006 10:28 PM EDT

Hi Everyone!
It was a big week! Nicole and I spent a week at Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michaels new house. Thank you Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael! Mommy and daddy went to beach for the week at Gulf Shores, AL. Thank you to Maw maw and Papa for helping set it up for them. Mommy and Daddy renewed their vows on the beach. They have been married a 10 years, a whole decade! Daddy took a lot of pictures, so it's going to take some time to get them on the webpage. Well, now time to relax a little at home and get ready for school on Monday!


Alton Brown

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:22 PM EST

Hello Everyone! Today was a long day. I spent 5 hours watching Alton Brown tape an episode of "Good Eats" on Food network. The episode we watched should air on June 7.
We got to eat lunch with him, sort of, because we got there early. It's late now and I need to get to bed. I have school tomorrow!


PS - I'll try to post a picture on my website of us.
Mommy even got an autographed official Sodium Chloride containment unit from Alton Brown. We also got 2 signed cook books!

Oh, and tomorrow (March 23) is mommy and daddy's 10th wedding annivesary.. 10 years and they never had a fight.

Kindergarten class

Sunday, March 19, 2006 9:03 PM CST

Hello Everyone!
I had a busy weekend. Saturday Morning was thinking day for brownies. I went with Nicole and got to try foods from around the world. I played with Jacob on the playground while I waited for Nicole. Saturday afternoon was Nicole's soccer game. She scored a goal!!!!!!!!!! Today was supposed to rain, but it was just cloudy all day. The sun came out a few times. I helped daddy in the yard. Ms Mooney came to visit me today too! I'm worn out now. I took a bath and washed my hair. Yes, lots of hair. Still short, but it's getting there. Wednesday I get to go to Atlanta to see Alton Brown tape a show of Good Eats!


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 10:25 PM EST

Hi Everyone!
Well, if you missed Iron Chef America on Sunday night,well it's on again. I watched it and you can't see me. You might see mommy's white shirt/sweater very briefly at about the 8 minute mark and at the end, but that's it.
I got a call tonight from Alton Brown's Producer and I might get to see him tape one of his shows here in Atlanta! This week or next week. Well, time for bed!


Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:05 PM CST

Hello Everyone,
I just got back from a trip to MawMaw's house. Daddy hooked up a computer for Papa and MawMaw and networked them together and copied all kinds of stuff. MawMaw and Papa then took us out to the cookers last night.. Mmm mmm good. Today daddy got up and worked on the compupters again and then worked/played in the garden at MawMaw's house. Then we drove home. Tonight's the big Premiere! Sorry I didn't put this on her sooner! The Iron Chef show I saw taped in New York is on tonight!! Don't worry if you miss it, it will be on again ! Below is the link!



March 12, 2006 9:00 PM ET/PT
March 13, 2006 1:00 AM ET/PT
March 16, 2006 10:00 PM ET/PT
March 17, 2006 2:00 AM ET/PT
March 18, 2006 7:00 PM ET/PT

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 4:59 PM CST

Hello Everyone!
Nothing much to talk about today. It was sunny and 58 today, so we got to play on the playground after school today. It's Tuesday, so it's a busy day. Nicole has soccer practice, Daddy had class and bowling. Mommy is the chauffer for Nicole. I'm going over to Ms Misty's house while Nicole and Mommy are at soccer practice. Our Van is getting fixed, so we won't have it for a few days. We have a rental car that the warranty will pay for. It's a 2005 Dodge Magnum. I think Daddy likes it more than mommy. It's black. I like it too! Too bad Daddy has to give it back after the van gets fixed. Well, the van does have a DVD player in it. The car doesn't. Well, I have to go now.


Friday, March 3, 2006 7:31 AM CST

Hi Everyone!
I put on my debut performance at Coal Mountain Elementary School PTO meeting last night. Of course all the Kindergarten classes were there. You really can't see me. I'm in the third row on the left hand side. I'm wearing a purple shirt. You can see part of my shirt and the top of my head. I'm below the boy on the left with a striped shirt. He is the third person over from the left. It was a packed house. Standing room only. It was lots of fun! It's Friday! The weekend is here! It's going to be sunny and near 60 for Nicole's soccer game tomorrow.. Stay tuned!


Kindergarten class

Thursday, March 2, 2006 11:43 AM CST

Hello All!
NOt much new today. It's cloudy today, but still kind of warm. It is supposed to be 70 today. I have a performance tonight at Coal Mountain Elementary! 6:15pm! Everyone is invited! Well, if you can't make it, I'm sure Daddy will have a camera there. Other than that, not much new. I'm still having fun at school.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 9:51 AM CST

Hi Everyone,
Nicole had soccer practice last night. Sorry, no new pictures. She has her first game on Saturday at 4:30 pm. It's at Central Park in Cumming, GA. Everyone is welcome to attend! I'll be there, along with Mommy and Daddy and I'm sure there will be pictures. Today is moving day for Aunt Sheesha, Uncle Michael, Panda and Kody. Nicole has a brownies meeting tonight, other than that, I think that's all that's happening with me. Even if it sounds more is happening with everyone else. As far as me, I just go to school in the morning, play on the playground at school after school, then go home and play Bratz and Barbie with Nicole. After dinner, more Bratz and Barbie. We might get an hour of cartoon network or Toon Disney in if we can.
That's all for now.


DSC_0891 (803K)

Saturday, February 25, 2006 9:19 PM CST

Hello Everyone!
It was a wet and rainy Saturday. Not much to do outside, so we did some cleaning up in the house. Of course most of it was our mess. Nicole and I played Bratz and Playdoh most of the day. We watched the new movie Ultimate Avengers at home on DVD. It's time for bed now.. Goodnight


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Friday, February 24, 2006 8:24 AM CST

Hello All!
It's Friday! Time for the weekend! Well, it is supposed to rain tomorrow, so I might be limited to indoor activities. Maybe some Bratz twister with Nicole or maybe Nicole could read me a book. It's getting closer to Spring! It might get up to 62 here today and sunny. Other than that, not much else going on here. I have to look and see if Nicole has a soccer game tomorrow. I hope the rain holds off until after her game if she does. I'm sure there will be lots of pictures if she does. Maybe even a short movie or two. Well, time for school. Bye for now!


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Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:35 PM CST

Hi Everyone!
Well, it was a busy day. After school we had dinner and then went to Nicole's first soccer practice. Then I went with Daddy to watch him bowl for a little while. Daddy skipped class to watch Nicole's first soccer practice. Pictures? Oh yes, he took pictures.. Nicole and mommy showed up after Nicole's practice. We left early. We are tired.. Good night everyone !!!


PS - Here is one picture.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006 2:58 PM CST

Hi Everyone!

My scan came back all clear! I got to sleep over a friends house with my sister Nicole. We had a sleep over at Jacob and Taylor's house. We had lots of fun. We even got to go to the Mall of GA earlier on Sunday to see Curious George again! Well, I'm off to school today. Girl Scout cookies are in! I'll add some more later..


DSC_0891 (803K)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:59 AM CST

Hi Everyone!
My scan came back all clear! I got to sleep over a friends house with my sister Nicole. We had a sleep over at Jacob and Taylor's house. We had lots of fun. We even got to go to the Mall of GA earlier on Sunday to see Curious George again! Well, I'm off to school today. Girl Scout cookies are in! I'll add some more later..


Friday, February 17, 2006 8:31 AM CST

Hi Everyone!
I'm back at school today. I was out a couple days to see my doctor and get my CT scan. I wanted to get the results back before I updated my journal. It came back negative. No spots! So I'm a normal little girl again. I'm so excited!
They did have to stick me to do blood tests. OUch! Not much else going on here. Nicole has her first soccer practice Tuesday Night at 6pm. That's all the news for now.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:43 AM EST

Hello Everyone!

Happy Valentines Day !!!

Sorry it's been so long since I updated my journal. Not much new has been going on lately. Today I go get my injection for my scan tomorrow. I also have a Dr. Appt today at 3:30pm. ONly 17 more days until AUnt Sheesha and Uncle Michael move into their new house! Oh Kody and Panda too! Not much else going on here. Nicole's girl scout cookies are coming in soon and they are planning a trip to the Georgia Aquarium April 15th. That's still a few weeks off. Oh, we had a dusting of snow Saturday night, but it was all gone by Sunday at 10:30am. Not like NY/NJ, they got lots of snow about 14-27" of the white stuff. I'll have to make a trip up there sometime before a snow storm and check it out. That's all for now..


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 9:17 PM CST

Hi everyone!

Monday I went for my followup Radiation visit. All looks good. All ok. I got to see Tony! I got to see some snow showers on the trip down too! IT turned to rain by the time I came home. Oh well. Next week is the busy week. I have 2 appts. One for my injection, a nd then my scan the next day. I also have a visit with Dr. Rapkin one of those days. I guess that's it for now..


PS. Hey Uncle Jimmy.... Hurray Steelers!

Saturday, February 4, 2006 10:33 PM CST

Hi Everyone,
Not much new here. I'm relaxing from another full week of school. I went for Ice Cream Friday night with Mommy's friend Misty. Of course Nicole and Mommy went. Along with Jacob and Taylor. I'm still getting over a cold. No fevers, just a runny nose and a cough. Sunday we are going to stay home and watch the Superbowl....

GO Steelers!



Wednesday, February 1, 2006 6:37 AM CST

Hello everyone!

I'm off to school again today. I went to Bingo on Friday at school with Nicole and Hannah. That was lots of fun. Nicole lost her other front tooth on Tuesday. Now she has 2 teeth missing in the front. Not much else going on here. I have to get an injection for a scan on February 14 and the Scan on February 15. I also have a doctor appt on February 14. Valentines Day with my Dr.. :-)


Monday, January 30, 2006 4:34 PM CST

Another week of school has begun and more home work. I went bowling with Daddy and Nicole on Sunday. Daddy had free games that expire tomorrow. He has school tomorrow night so he will miss bowling. I didn't bowl, I just watched. Of course I did play a few games after bowling.
I did the snow mobile game twice. I'll try to get some pictures on my webpage. Nicole got a desk from Papa and Maw Maw last weekend too. Daddy got it moved into her room and I got mommy's desk in my room. I want to thank everyone at ADP in Clifton, NJ too for the thoughtful card and donations.
Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michaels new house is almost done! Woohoo!


Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:53 AM CST

Hi Everyone !

Hello everyone ! I had a great time at MawMaw and Papa's this weekend. We got to go to the childrens museum at the McWane Center. There was lots of things to do! Papa took us all to the cookers last night and Coldston Creamery for Ice Cream afterwards. Yum Yum! Thank you !!!Today will probably be a relax and travel day back home!
I'll try to get some pictures of the weekend on the webpage as soon as I can. I know Pixel Fairies is very busy lately. (That's who put my pictures on my webpage)Tomorrow is week 2 of school..


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:33 PM CST

Hi Everyone!
Today was my 2nd day of school. My teacher didn't want to let me go. So far school is great. I got a new backpack today. My other one was too small. Oh, Nicole finally lost her front tooth Monday night. It was loose forever. I'll try to get some pictures on the webpage.. Sorry to make it so short, but I need to take a bath now and get ready for bed. Nicole and I did our homework in afterschool.


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 9:03 AM EST

Hello Everyone!
I made it to school today! I haven't figured out if there is a way for my to put my pictures in my Journal entry yet, but if I could, I would! Everyone was waiting for me today. I have my own cubby for my sleep mat and back pack. I think I need a bigger back pack so my sleep mat will fit in it. Ooops! Ms Ogletree is my teacher's name. Nicole had her for kindergarten last year! Oh, and Nicole is right across the hall from me in Ms Ricci's class. Well, it's time for small group, I need to go now so I can listen.


Monday, January 16, 2006 8:15 AM CST

Hello Again!

Today is a day off for me! No school. Well, Tomorrow (Tuesday) will be my first day of Kindergarten! I went bowling with Nicole and Daddy on Sunday. We bowled 4 games, about 3 hours! That wore me out! Ms. Mooney came to visit with me on Saturday. That was fun! Not much else to report right now. Chat with you later !


Friday, January 13, 2006 9:23 AM CST

Hello Everyone!
I'm registering today for school! I got my hearing and vision checks yesterday. I got the paperwork from the dentist. I should start school on Tuesday. It would be Monday, but school is closed on MOnday for MLK day. Oh what should I wear for my first day of school? Decisions, Decisions! I have a couple days to decide on that. I'm going bowling tomorrow! I'll let you know how well I do. Daddy will program the bumpers to come up for me and Nicole. I don't think he will use them. :-)

That's all for now..


PS - I heard that 1st grade is not as much fun as Kindergarten..

Friday, January 13, 2006 9:23 AM CST

Hello Everyone!
I'm registering today for school! I got my hearing and vision checks yesterday. I got the paperwork from the dentist. I should start school on Tuesday. It would be Monday, but school is closed on MOnday for MLK day. Oh what should I wear for my first day of school? Decisions, Decisions! I have a couple days to decide on that. I'm going bowling tomorrow! I'll let you know how well I do. Daddy will program the bumpers to come up for me and Nicole. I don't think he will use them. :-)

That's all for now..


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:59 PM CST

Hello Everyone!
I got the ok to go to school! I can start going to school with Nicole in the morning. Well, I am just relaxing enjoying my last few days of freedom and no school. Maybe I'll go bowling this weekend so I can practice. Just in case anyone from NJ comes here.. Come on down! It might hit 70 tomorrow!


Sunday, January 8, 2006 11:38 PM EST

Hello Everyone!
I made it home safely to Georgia! I got to see Katy and Jesse and Alison and David before we left today. We all had some breakfast together. Then we headed for the airport and went home. We had a great time in NYC and would love to do it again! So much to do, so little time!


P.S. A bunch of my New York pictures are on my daily photos link below!

Sunday, January 8, 2006 10:38 PM CST

Hello Everyone!
I made it home safely to Georgia! I got to see Katy and Jesse and Alison and David before we left today. We all had some breakfast together. Then we headed for the airport and went home. We had a great time in NYC and would love to do it again! So much to do, so little time!


Sunday, January 8, 2006 8:28 AM CST

Hello Everyone!
Saturday was another big day in the big apple! We went to the Big Apple Circus. My very first circus. It was lots of fun. I had popcorn and cotton candy. I even got a picture taken with Grandma clown. Then Ron and Colleen, Daddy's friends picked us up and we crossed the George Washington Bridge and had the cookers at Izumi's. Then more people showed up! Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Debbie, And Barbara and Paul. Of course there were more kids that I can't remember everyone's names. It was really good. Then we went bowling at Butler bowl before we drove back across the GW bridge back to NY. I was worn out by then. I went right to bed. I wish we had more time to do more stuff, but that would take a lifetime to do everything. Daddy only took about 387 pictures, so he took it easy this trip.
I'm watching princess power hour now on Toon Disney!
Then time for breakfast and pack for our return trip back to Atlanta!


PS.... Maybe Unlce Jimmy, Aunt Debbie, Ron, Colleen, Barbara, and Paul can come visit us sometime! We'd love to have them over! We don't have a Lincoln Tunnel or GW bridge, but we have a connector and Spagetti junction! LOL

Friday, January 6, 2006 5:32 PM CST

Hello Everyone!
Today just keeps getting better and better! I had to get up at 6:30 am so I could take my 7am taxi ride to the food network studios. When I got there, it was pretty boring. Some really nice people came to see me and were really glad I came. It seemed like we sat forever waiting after that. Then we finally got upstairs and sat in another waiting area. Cat Cora walked by!!! Then she came back a couple minutes later just to see me and give me a hug. She came over to see me before the battle. I also met the Producer Bruce who got us tickets for the show. I met one of the managers, and met the chairman and Alton Brown! I might even get to see Alton Brown tape a show in Atlanta! Woo Hoo! After the show Cat Cora came back to talk with me again. Also we took a quick tour of kitchen stadium. Then I got to stand with Cat Cora on stage and take pictures with her. Nicole was with me too! Then we got our own personalized tour of the kitchen. WOW! I got some cook books and an Iron Chef Apron! We finally left about 2:15pm
I went to Rockefeller center and saw the tree! I walked down 5th avenue to Aunt Susan's work and saw Katy too! Oh, we made a quick stop in the Disney NY store. I went up to the 34th floor to see their offices. We took another taxi ride home and made a cake with Aunt Susan. I even got another call from the chairman for Iron Chef tonight! Thank you everyone at Food Network that helped me meet Cat Cora! I also want to thank Misty for helping make it happen.


Thursday, January 5, 2006 5:22 PM CST

Hello from the Big Apple!,
Today I slept until about 8:15am. I had a big breakfast to start my day. I had a bowl of trix, half of a NY bagel, and cheese eggs. Then we took a yellow taxi to the Childrens Museum of Manhattan. We saw a Dora the explorer exibit, Alice in Wonderland, Andy Worhol, and the Little West Side. We walked around the corner to Arties' Diner for lunch. Yum! Then we walked from 83rd to 66th back home.
We saw lots of stores. We walked past Zabars. They had lots of my favorite cheeses. Daddy stopped for a hot dog from the hot dog cart. Even though he was full from Arties. We got a big pretzel and a coke. We stopped at a grocery store and bought some tomatoes, peppers, cilantro, and other stuff so daddy could make some salsa. He brought some crushed peppers from his secret reserve. Tonight we are having some real NY PIZZA from Ziani's! And the big day isn't until tomorrow morning!


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 8:06 PM CST

Hello everyone!
I made it to New York! Mommy, Daddy, and Nicole are with me. We are having lots of fun with Aunt Susan and Uncle Joel! We went out to Chinese for dinner. I had Won Ton soup, chicken fried rice, and then some of Uncle Joel's Orange Chicken. Then we walked home and I had an ice cream sandwiches, grapes, and a Clementine. Traveling makes me hungry. I'll have more news for you tomorrow!


Monday, January 2, 2006 9:12 AM CST

Hello Everyone!
I'm back home again. I just got back from Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michaels. Nicole and Kiki were there with me. They both came home with me. Now that my radiation treatment is done, I can focus on my trip to New York City! Only 2 more days until we leave for NY. I'm sure Daddy will take plenty of pictures. He has a new memory card for his camera that will hold over 1000 pictures.. I have to get back to packing! I'll keep you up to date on anything else that's going on!


Thursday, December 29, 2005 11:45 AM CST

Hello Everyone!
Radiation Treatment is done! Oh Yeah!
I'm off to meet Aunt Sheesha for lunch with Nicole and Mommy. Then Princess Tea Party's and Barbie Fashion shows and lots of other fun stuff. I hope Aunt Sheesha can keep up with us! I've got all of December's pictures on the web page and I will get November's up shortly. There are so many, I hope you enjoy 'em all!


PS - I want to thank everyone at Emory Winship Cancer center where I got my radiation for the gifts!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005 9:00 AM CST

Hello everyone!

Only 2 more days of radiation treatment! Then I'm off to spend New Years with Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Mike. Of course Panda and Kody will be there too. Nicole and Kiki will also be there. Only 7 more days before my first trip to NYC! So much to do, so little time. I don't know what to do first!
Well, I know I have plans one day to meet the Iron Chefs, but that's about it! I'll get to see Aunt Susan and Uncle Joel while I'm there. I also think I'll see Katie and Alison. Oh, and my doctor said I can come off my nightly feedings for now. Yipee! No Roobot for awhile! Yesterday Mommy, Ms Mooney, Nicole and me made a chocolate cake. Mmmmmm


Saturday, December 24, 2005 12:10 AM CST

Hi Everyone!
We are all together at Aunt Alicia and Uncle Michael's house. Today all the puppies are here. Panda, Kody, and Kiki! Maw Maw and Papa are here too. We are going to look at Sheesha and Michaels new house too! It's not finished yet, but only a few months to go, then the move in party!!
Oh, there should be lots of pictures this weekend! Only one more week of radiation and then I go back to see Dr Rapkin. Oh, and I can't forget my trip to New York City and the IRON CHEFS!!


Friday, December 23, 2005 5:57 AM CST

Hi Everyone!
Another week of radiation completed! The doctors say I'm doing very well. Only a few more days to go next week! I'm off to Aunt Sheesha's house for the weekend! I'll see Maw Maw and Papa there too. Only 2 more weeks before I go to NY and see the Iron Chefs from Iron Chef America! Well, back to my busy schedule of playing Barbie and watching some Code Lyoko.


Happy Holidays Everyone !!!

Saturday, December 17, 2005 7:27 PM CST

Hi Everyone!
It's the weekend. I finished my first week of radiation treatment. The drive back and forth every day seems to be the hardest part. I get a break for the weekend. Tonight we roasted marshmallows on a campfire outside. I'm going to see Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael tomorrow.
That's all for now..


Monday, December 12, 2005 8:51 PM CST

Hello All!
Today was Day 1 of Radiation treatment. I'm doing fine. They said I won't glow in the dark after treatment. I want thank Natali Mcaulay. She recently had a birthday and instead of gifts she asked for donations for the Hannah Shaver Neuroblastoma fund. She raised $270. Thank you!!!


Thursday, December 8, 2005 2:43 PM CST

Hi Everyone,
I did my scan today and I got two 'X's on my tummy today for my radiation treatment. I start radiation treatment on Monday. Next month I'm going to see the Iron Chefs from Iron Chef America. I wanted to say "Thank You" to both Misty and Aunt Susan for making my trip possible. Thank You!


Wednesday, December 7, 2005 6:47 PM CST

Hello Everyone!
I had my radiation consultation today. Tomorrow I get a special CT scan and get X's to mark the spot on me. I'll have 12 days of Radiation starting on Monday!
I'll be back soon!!


Wednesday, December 7, 2005 6:35 PM CST

Hello Everyone !

I want for my radiation consultation. Tomorrow they will do another CT scan and put some little X's on me. Monday they will start my Radiation. Oh, and I want to say Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to Aunt Susan for my tickets to NY in January so I can stay with her and see the Iron Chefs! Thank you !!!
Oh did I say that the Dr's said I'm in Remission!
Well, I have to go play now.


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 4:44 PM CST

Hello Everyone!
I've been having so much fun at home that I've been neglecting updating my web page. Kiki is finally home with us. Happy 89th Birthday Gran Paw Paw!
I have my consultation for Radiation tomorrow (Wednesday) at 9am.
I got my test/scan results on Monday and there was some good news...
The doctor said that I am in REMISSION! That's great news!
Well, I'm going to watch Daddy bowl tonight. I'll let you know how he does later.


Sunday, November 27, 2005 6:16 PM CST

Hello Everyone!
I'm home now !!! Wow, what a week! It was lots of fun.. Every day was a blast. Great food and lots of it. I played pool with Nicole. I played cards. I did magic tricks with Nicole. I watched Madagascar with everyone again. I played a Nintendo dirt bike game. I played with Boy Casey, Adam, Kevin, Casey, David and David, Katy, Allison, Uncle Gary, Aunt Susan, Aunt Carol and lots of other people. I just can't remember everyone. We had a snow flurry on Thankgiving eve. It was gone by Bed time. I watched Daddy play football too.. I can't name everyone again. Oh and of course there are hundreds of photos!


PS - you can try this link (You may need to cut and paste it into your browser.)


Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:08 AM CST

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
Today is day 50 and I can eat grapes again. Woo Hoo!
I went swimming in the pool today. Everyone is here now, so get ready for some pictures! Well, it may take a few days for them to get posted, but there will be plenty!
Well, I'm going back to visiting and eating!


Tuesday, November 22, 2005 2:43 PM CST

Hello again Everyone!
Well, I'm in Bethesday, MD now for Thanksgiving. The rest of Mommy's family will be converging here over the next couple days! I can hardly wait! For now I have Aunt Carol and Uncle Gary all to myself. Well, I have to share them with Nicole, Mommy, and Daddy too. It only took us about 9 and a half hours to drive here.. We must have left at a good time. I couldn't go into restaurants, so that helped save time. We only watched one movie on the way here. The rest of the time we played gameboy and Vsmile. Nicole and I need to finish painting our pieces for bracelets or necklaces now.


PS -- There will be plenty of photos from this weekend. I'm going to post some of them on www.ophoto.com or you can try cutting and pasting the link below into a browser.


Sunday, November 13, 2005 5:25 PM CST

Hi all!
I had a good week with Nicole,Mommy, and Daddy. We baked cookies and pumpkin pie. I roasted marshmallows on a campfire. I played on the playground with Nicole. I rode my tricycle and played soccer. I helped Daddy pickup some sticks too. Mommy got another SPA day this weekend and she got her hair cut and nails done. It's going to be a busy week packing and getting ready to go to Maryland next week.
That's all for now..


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:09 AM CST

Hello! Not much new going on here. Daddy made a campfire last night and I made some Smores with Daddy and Nicole.
Then it was time for bath and bed and start up my night time feedings. I'm sure there will more pictures for the website soon.. Also moving some pictures to www.ophoto.com. Link to follow soon!


Friday, November 4, 2005 9:58 AM CST

Hi Everyone!
I'm back home again. ONly a couple hour appt yesterday. The doctor says I'm doing great.. He said I'm all clear for my trip to Maryland for Thanksgiving! Of course he wanted to take me to his house for Thanksgiving, but mommy wouldn't let him. I got tickled as usual. My hair should start growing back now. Oh well, I guess in a couple months I'll be ready for a hair cut. I guess I'll have to hang up my tie-dye blanket hair. I don't have a central line or a pic line either! I do have to get another one before my radiation treatment starts, but no appts until after Thanksgiving! Oh, and no more masks to go outside!
Maybe I can finally get to really try out the playground daddy built for Nicole and me last spring. I think I tried the slide out sometime last JUNE! Well, that's it for now..



Wednesday, November 2, 2005 9:19 PM CST

Hi everyone!

Tomorrow I get to go back to Scottish Rite and see Dr Rapkin. I haven't seen him in forever! I hope he doesn't tickle my feet. The wish fairies came tonight and we filled out paper work for my wish, just to get things rolling. I won't here anything about it for weeks. That's all I know for now. The wish fairies brought me a blue Fairytopia Barbie. Wow, one I don't already have. :-)
They even brought a gift for Nicole. A Barbie activity kit. Coloring books and more stickers! I got some neat magnets from grandma that she crocheted for Nicole and me. Well, I am getting sleep now.. I have to get up before noon tomorrow to go to the Clinic.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:52 PM CDT

I added lot's of new pictures on my website. Just click the daily pictures link below! I am so happy to be home!

I'm HOME !!!!!!!!!


PS - Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Debbie and lots of other people are having a Fundraiser Dinner for me in NJ.. Thank you !!!

Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:58 PM CDT

I'm HOME !!!!!!!!!


Friday, October 28, 2005 8:33 PM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Today was a busy day for me. I had my central line removed and a pick line put in my arm. I also had my G-tube button switched out for a smaller one. I should get to go home tomorrow.. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
Yes, really go home. I think I haven't been home since Sept 12. Well, I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep now. That way tomorrow will get her faster!!!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:48 PM EDT

Hello All !
I'm doing good this morning! No more fevers so far. I have not seen the doctors yet today, so I don't know what's going on. I am in room 374. Please refrain from calling today because mommy and I are not in happy mood, we want to be home not here. We want to be home!!!!I need to relax today. I'll update my page as soon as I learn more.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 9:31 PM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Well Wednesday I was scheduled for hopefully my last clinic appt at Eglestons. Well, tonight a had a fever of 102.5, so I have to stay in the hospital overnight. I can't remember if it's room 374 or 376.. My fever is already gone, so hopefully I'll still get to go home tomorrow. I'll have more information tomorrow. Time for some sleep now.


Saturday, October 22, 2005 11:46 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!
I'm still in my hotel room. I had a few bites of chicken nuggets last night. Nicole and I are playing Trollz and game boy and even some VSmile. Nicole played a lot of Magic of Pegasus game on mommy's computer. We even did some drawing this morning with Crayons. Ms Mooney is coming to visit me tonight.. More partying in Hannah's room. Of course it's invitation only. We will be serving Sprite, Dr Pepper and tap water. We ran out of CHerry cokes. We have not been able to find any little cans lately. Getting my dressing changed now. I'll be back!


Friday, October 21, 2005 7:25 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
I'm out of the hospital! I'm not quite home yet, but I'm moving in the right direction. I'm at a Hotel near the hospital. 404-467-1660 in room #310. I got to see Daddy and Nicole last night! I played Trollz and Bratz with Nicole. Then watched Nicole play some Dora and Pegasus games on the game boy.I ate some pasta and sauce last night. I have a clinic appointment this afternoon at 1pm today.
Maw Maw and Papa are coming to see me today.
Nicole and Daddy will be spending the weekend with me. Party in Hannah's room! Oh, we are going to bake some cookies today too!


PS - pictures to follow soon!

Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:43 PM EDT

Hello Everyone!
Today is moving day! I'm at the Residence Inn. 404-467-1660. room #310 I get to see my sister tonight!! Maybe I will even start eating some more real food. That's all for now, I have to get back to watching TV and taking naps.



Wednesday, October 19, 2005 9:35 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!

I should get to leave the hospital this week! Then I finally get to see my sister again! I'm feeling a little better each day. Not much new to say for now, but I'm hoping to have a fun weekend with my sister!



Monday, October 17, 2005 9:18 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!
Daddy had to leave, but I still have mommy. Nicole is home now. I think she is going to the pumpkin patch today with her class. The one that got rained out 2 weeks ago.
I might actually get to play with her later this week! It's still too early to know for sure. I have to get my feedings up to my pre-BMT levels and my counts have to come up more. I've used a lot less pain medicine this time, about 1/3 less. The doctors think that's great!
Well, back to my busy schedule. It is a lot of work trying to decide whether to watch cartoons or play gameboy, or play Vsmile. Then if Vsmile or Gameboy, I have to decide which game to play. Oh, and then trying to fit naps in! So much to do! :-)


Saturday, October 15, 2005 6:33 PM CDT

Helloooooo Everyone!
I'm feeling a little better today. My mouth is still sore and I'm itchy, but it's getting better. I did my laps tonight with Daddy and went to the playroom. It's the first time I've been able to go in there for the past few days. I made a tower with the large blocks. I have not been eating anything, but I have fluid for nutrition right now. I have been drinking Sprite, orangeade, coke,and even cherry coke. It all depends on what mood I'm in. My mommy went out to dinner with Misty and Laura. Laura is the one that is doing the poker tournaments for me. Thank you ! Thank you!
Nicole is having fun with Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael. Last night she celebrated Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael's anniversary. They went to Miyako's for dinner. They went to the zoo today. I sang a little bit on the phone to Aunt Sheesha with Nicole's Barbie Karaoke guitar. Nicole is letting me use it. Well, I have to back to building now. I hired my daddy to help me.


Friday, October 14, 2005 6:45 AM CDT

Morning Y'all!
Hello again! I can't talk much, my mouth is a little sore right now. Daddy came to visit me last night and brought be some more Tropicana Orangeade.. Yum! My tummy still doesn't feel that good, but I am still getting up to do my laps and my mouth care 5 times a day. Oh, my mouth care 5 times a day, not laps..:-) Daddy is going to spend some more time with me this weekend. Nicole is going to Aunt Sheesha's for the weekend. She will be back Sunday some time. Maybe she can get some Guitar lessons from Uncle Michael and then she can teach me! That's all for now! Maybe I'll have some new pictures for you by the end of the weekend.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:28 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!

Mommy is back! But Daddy had to leave to go back to work and take care of my big sister Nicole. She went to the Cumming Fair this weekend. I went last year. It was a lot of fun! Uncle Gary and Aunt Carol brought mommy back to me and they stayed for a little while to visit. I took a picture of them with my camera. I had some high fevers yesterday, but they are gone now. I usually get fevers at night. The doctor is also expecting some fevers right now. Just trying to keep an eye on them. Oh, Nicole is going to visit Aunt Sheesha and Kiki this weekend. I miss Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael and Kiki too. That means I might get to have mommy and daddy all to myself again this weekend. Hoorah for me! :-) Maybe Daddy can make me some potatoes this weekend if I feel like eating. Well, back to my busy schedule of sleeping and watching cartoons. Oh and occassionally some game boy, pc barbie games, or Vsmile pocket.


Saturday, October 8, 2005 11:24 PM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Today was an itchy day. Probably from my pain medicine. I got an oatmeal bath, lotion, and some benadryl and I'm sleeping now. My temperature has been good all day. 37.2 Celsius. Tomorrow I get to see Mommy! She is coming back with Aunt Carol and Uncle Gary. I don't know when yet, but then again, I'm not going far. I watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Well, I am sleepy now. I'll check back tomorrow.



Saturday, October 8, 2005 9:23 AM CDT

Hi Everyone,
I had my Bone Marrow transplant at 11am on Friday! Daddy is with me this weekend. Mommy is at Maw Maw's house with Papa. Also Aunt Carol and Uncle Gary are there. She will be back on Sunday. I did have a fever last night, but it's gone this morning. I have not been very hungry, but I am thirsty. I've been drinking ginger ale and Tropicana orangeade. I slept most of the day, but I did get up and do my laps. My big sister Nicole let me borrow her Barbie Karaoke guitar..Thank you!!! I have some pictures of my concert.



Tuesday, October 4, 2005 11:49 AM CDT

Hello Again!
Not much new going on here. My counts are still going down, which is expected. My overnight feedings are now 24 hour feedings. Trying to bulk me up just in case I start getting a sick tummy again. Which would be expected too. My chemo is done! I'm having lots of fun with my game boy and Vsmile Pocket. Mommy went for her daily walk today and she saw a snake. Ewwwwwwww! Sorry, no pictures.
Well I have to get back to my busy schedule of watching cartoons and playing Vsmile.
Oh, I have to do mouthcare and my laps too, so it's not all fun and games.



Mazel Tov!!!!!!!! Hannah is now done with all of her chemo. NO MORE CHEMO EVER YEA!!!! And Happy new year everyone . We hope this news make this new year even brighter.

Love, Sydney

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 10:53 AM CDT

Hello Again!
Not much new going on here. My counts are still going down, which is expected. My overnight feedings are now 24 hour feedings. Trying to bulk me up just in case I start getting a sick tummy again. Which would be expected too. I'm having lots of fun with my game boy and Vsmile Pocket.
Mommy went for her daily walk today and she saw a snake.
Ewwwwwwww! Sorry, no pictures. Well I have to get back to my busy schedule of watching cartoons and playing Vsmile.
Oh, I have to do mouthcare and my laps too, so it's not all fun and games.


Monday, October 3, 2005 1:08 PM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Sorry, it was a busy weekend. Daddy came to see me on Saturday and Sunday. Ms Mooney came to visit me on Sunday too! I played Vsmile Pocket all day on Sunday. It's easier for me to hold and the screen is bigger. Oh, don't worry, I'll plenty of time for game boy too. I can also multitask and watch cartoons at the same time. Daddy tried to change the channel once and I knew right away. Of course there are lots of pictures to post from the weekend. Nicole had a bowling party at Stars and Strikes on Saturday. Oh, I had some cheese yesterday too that daddy brought me. Yummy!
I did lots and lots of laps on Saturday and Sunday. It's so much better than laying in bed all day. I think that's all for now.


Friday, September 30, 2005 10:12 PM CDT

Hi Everyone!
I started the Chemo part of my Bone Marrow Transplant today. I'll be getting chemo around the clock until Tuesday. I watched some TV today and played gameboy. I talked to Daddy and Nicole on the phone. Sometimes I answer the phone in my room. I never know who it will be until I say hello. Pretty soon I'll be calling the room service myself for my meals. It's getting late.. Goodnight everyone..


Monday, September 26, 2005 11:42 AM CDT

Update: We have a new room! We are now in room 362. I know it's gonna be lucky because it used to be Trenton's room!

Hello All!
I had lots of fun with everyone coming to visit over the weekend. It was a lot of fun playing barbie and game boy with Nicole. Nicole got her own gameboy for her birthday, so we shared games. We also had lunch and dinner together in my room. It's raining today, so I probably won't leave my room too much today. It's will be back to sunny and maybe cooler tomorrow. That's about all for now.


Sunday, September 25, 2005 7:34 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
I had a good day yesterday. Ms Mooney came to visit me and help me decorate Nicole's Birthday cake. Maw Maw made it so I could have some cake too! Maw Maw and Papa came to visit me Saturday. Maw Maw stayed with me last night so Mommy could visit her bed for a night and watch Iron Chef. They have a wireless internet connection in the hospital now so we don't have to use the phone line for connecting to the internet. We had a little surprise party for Nicole on Saturday. She was really surprised. I have some pictures I'll put on the web page soon. If you need live updates, just give me a call!


Friday, September 23, 2005 11:40 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Sorry for no updates all this week. Not much new to report. I'm doing fine. Feel really good. Oh, I got a new Bratz doll today. I'm still taking Antibiotics, but they let me be free from the Roobot during the day when I'm not taking my medicines. I can walk around all my floor without a mask! Well at least until next Friday. That's when my 2nd BMT is supposed to start. Maw Maw and Papa are coming to see me this weekend! (shhhhh, we are going to have a small surprise party for Nicole). Don't tell her. It's a secret. I'll have plenty of pictures by the end of the weekend, so please check back regularly.


Monday, September 19, 2005 9:33 AM EDT

Morning everyone!

First I want to say thank you to Uncle Dennis and everyone at Conroy Motor Corporation in Java Center, NY!
Thank you for your thoughts and concerns and especially the Gift card. I'll use it as soon as I am allowed back in the stores.
My mommy came back Sunday afternoon. I missed mommy. I ate a little bit of cinnamon roll for breakfast Sunday.
I had a couple meatballs for lunch, Then for lunch I had a hamburger and french fries with Daddy. I also walked down to the garden on Saturday with daddy and to the gift shop on Sunday. I got a cool hand held pinball game and some air heads candy..
It looks like I'm going to have 14 days of antibiotics starting from Sept 15th. I'm not sure if I'll get to go home for a couple days afterwards or if I'll start my BMT right away.
Daddy is going to bring Nicole to see me this week. It seems like forever since I've seen my sister. The doctor said she can see me in my room!


Saturday, September 17, 2005 67:50 PM EDT

Well, after some Benadryl, I took my nap. I asked daddy to get me some meatballs while I took a nap. He made them for me. And I had some Princess and Pauper fruit snacks for dessert and a Sprite. They started my nightly feeding, so I probaly won't be hungry the rest of the night. I got my Hematolgy numbers back for those that follow those. Here are a few I think are the important ones.

WBC 8.04........ MCV 85.6
RBCS 4.50........ MCH 21.0
HGB 14.0......... MCHC 36.4
HCT 38.5......... RDW 20.4
Platelett count 75

I miss mommy..I'll see her tomorrow!! I hope she enjoyed her couple day break.

Hi Everyone,

Daddy stayed with me all night. Last night I had some visitors. Brandon and Sandy Cook. THey brought me a Barbie and lots of other goodies. Today I had waffles for breakfast and a hamburger for lunch. I went for a short walk in the garden. It was too hot to stay too long. I saw the big hole where they are making the hospital even bigger! Well, I'm going to watch some Winx CLub and Scooby Doo now. Maybe I'll take another cat nap too..


PS - The doctor came in this morning to checkup on me. He said my blood culture from the 15th came up negative. That's good news. However I will need to stay for 2 weeks worth of antibiotics before I can go home. He doesn't know yet if I will stay and start my BMT or get to go home for a couple days.

Saturday, September 17, 2005 1:16 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Daddy stayed with me all night. Last night I had some visitors. Brandon and Sandy Cook. THey brought me a Barbie and lots of other goodies. Today I had waffles for breakfast and a hamburger for lunch. I went for a short walk in the garden. It was too hot to stay too long. I saw the big hole where they are making the hospital even bigger! Well, I'm going to watch some Winx CLub and Scooby Doo now. Maybe I'll take another cat nap too..


PS - The doctor came in this morning to checkup on me. He said my blood culture from the 15th came up negative. That's good news. However I will need to stay for 2 weeks worth of antibiotics before I can go home. He doesn't know yet if I will stay and start my BMT or get to go home for a couple days.

Saturday, September 17, 2005 1:09 PM CDT

Hi Everyone,

Daddy stayed with me all night. Last night I had some visitors. Brandon and Sandy Cook. THey brought me a Barbie and lots of other goodies. Today I had waffles for breakfast and a hamburger for lunch. I went for a short walk in the garden. It was too hot to stay too long. I saw the big hole where they are making the hospital even bigger! Well, I'm going to watch some Winx CLub and Scooby Doo now. Maybe I'll take another cat nap too..


Friday, September 16, 2005 10:12 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

Great News!

I has moved out of ICU and into a regular room. She is now in room 369. I am feeling a lot better. My next bone marrow transplant is scheduled to begin on September 20th. I wonder if I will get to go home before then? I hope so! My Daddy is coming to spend the weekend with me, while Mommy goes to Aunt Sheesha's for a much needed break. She will get to see Kiki too. I wish our whole family could go. I sure miss Kiki. I am sure Panda and Kody are taking good care of her and she will get to come home after this whole mess is done!

I can't wait till I am all better and don't have to spend any more time in the hospital and clinic. That won't be soon enough for me.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005 6:55 PM EDT


It looks like it will be tomorrow before they will move Hannah to a regular room. Mainly because there aren't any available. She does seem to be doing much better though. We will give you more info as we have it. Thanks to all of you for continuing to check on Hannah, caring about all of us and all of your kind words.


Hannah is off the blood pressure medications. That is a big relief. She had been pale and now her color is coming back. She may even be able to move into a regular room in the morning. She is quite a trooper and never ceases to amaze us.


To our Friends and Family,

Hannah is back in the hospital in the Pediatric ICU. Her condition is critical and unstable. She has an advanced bacterial infection that has gotten into her bloodstream. They have isolated the bacteria and are giving her the proper antibiotic.

In addition they had to place an arterial line. This is so they can get an immediate reading of her blood pressure and the status of her infection.

Her blood pressure has dropped and they are giving her three medications in attempt to regulate it.

Now that I have told you the bad stuff... The thing the doctors are finding most surprising are Hannah's will and indomitable spirit. She should be feeling terrible; listless with no energy and instead her will is strong. Earlier today she was fighting mad about the coke she wanted that they couldn't let her have.

There are some kids you just CAN'T keep down. Hannah is one of those kids!


Hi everybody,

Today was a rough day. I got a fever last night. Today I had a clinic appt. I got a fever again while I was at Clinic and was admitted to PICU room #235 at Egleston Children's Hospital. Mommy had everything packed last night just in case, so I have most of my stuff here. Daddy and Nicole are coming to visit me tonight. That's all the news for now.


Sunday, September 11, 2005 3:15 PM CDT

Hi Everyone!
First I want to say everyone involved in the Hannah Bazaar on Saturday! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
Saturday I got to spend all day with Nicole and Daddy.
We played Winx and watched Trollz and New Scooby Doo movies. We also played on the computer at Barbie.com and MyScene.com. We can hardly wait for the Bratz movie to come out. I blew some bubbles outside in the driveway with Nicole. Of course Daddy took pictures. I also went for a walk around the neighborhood with Nicole and Daddy. Well, Nicole rode her bike. Ms Misty came over for a little while.
Today was more of the same, except the walking part. Visitors today were Grandpa and Ms Mooney.

That's all for weekend.


Friday, September 9, 2005 2:04 PM EDT

Hi Everyone,

Yesturday was a pretty busy day for me. My Aunt Susan, Uncle Joel, Maw Maw, and Papa came to my house. Thank you so much for my wonderful presents and I enjoyed playing with as well it really was alot of fun. Aunt Susan also bought mommy a new lamp and blankies for our new furniture, they look real pretty in the room. Uncle Loel went on a walk with mommy and daddy they went with him so he wouldn't get lost (haha). PaPa stayed with us and help Nicole with her homework and played tic tac toe (I wonder who won)We also had a small birthday party for MawMaw. Also we want say CONGRAULATIONS TO KATY AND JESSE because they going to married YAYAYA!!!!!! Well I am going to play with my new winx dolls. Last thing Mom says I have to go back to the hospital on Sept 20th for second BMT. Dratt!!!!Maybe I will be home for Halloween. We will see. Bye all.


Wednesday, September 7, 2005 7:36 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Sorry about no update on Tuesday. I had a clinic appt and was there most of the day. I came home and played with Nicole when she got home from school. Mommy made some pasta and sauce last night for dinner.. Mmmmmmm
Nicole and I watched some Winx Club that daddy recorded for us. I went to bed early.. I was very tired. Thursday is another big day! Maw Maw and Papa are coming with Uncle Joel and Aunt Susan to visit! Well, I have to go now. Need to pick up all my Barbies and Bratz.


Monday, September 5, 2005 9:28 AM EDT

Hello Everyone!
Happy Labor Day !
I'm home and doing much better. Playing with Nicole is so much more fun then sitting in the hospital. We played Barbie/Bratz and Polly Pockets all weekend. Maw Maw and Papa are here with Ms Tina. Time for the Bi-Annual cleaning weekend. The house is looking really good. I got to play with Ms Mooney on Sunday.. Lots of fun. Papa took mommy out for lunch. She needed that. Other exciting news, Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael are getting a new house built. Cool Beans! Also, Aunt Susan and Uncle Joel are coming for a brief visit later this week too! So much happening! That's not to mention all the birthdays coming up in September!! Party time !!!!

Monday, September 5, 2005 9:28 AM EDT

Hello Everyone!
Happy Labor Day !
I'm home and doing much better. Playing with Nicole is so much more fun then sitting in the hospital. We played Barbie/Bratz and Polly Pockets all weekend. Maw Maw and Papa are here with Ms Tina. Time for the Bi-Annual cleaning weekend. The house is looking really good. I got to play with Ms Mooney on Sunday.. Lots of fun. Papa took mommy out for dinner. She needed that. Other exciting news, Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael are getting a new house built. Cool Beans! Also, Aunt Susan and Uncle Joel are coming for a brief visit later this week too! So much happening! That's not to mention all the birthdays coming up in September!! Party time !!!!


Monday, September 5, 2005 9:28 AM EDT

Hello Everyone!
Happy Labor Day !
I'm home and doing much better. Playing with Nicole is so much more fun then sitting in the hospital. We played Barbie/Bratz and Polly Pockets all weekend. Maw Maw and Papa are here with Ms Tina. Time for the Bi-Annual cleaning weekend. The house is looking really good. I got to play with Ms Mooney on Sunday.. Lots of fun. Other exciting news, Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael are getting a new house built. Cool Beans! Also, Aunt Susan and Uncle Joel are coming for a brief visit later this week too! So much happening! That's not to mention all the birthdays coming up in September!! Party time !!!!


Friday, September 2, 2005 0:39 AM CDT

Hi Everybody,

Normally this journal is done by Hannah Banana from her point of view. As one of the regular contributors I have heartache I need to share with you.

Sometimes it's the small things that makes me realize (as if I need a reminder) about how unfair all of this is. Yesterday was another day of many where I had to say to myself, I can't believe that our sweet Hannah is having to go through this. I can't believe any kids have to go through this. I watched my baby sister give methadone to her five year old daughter through the feeding tube in her stomach . I watched my five year old niece become giddy and excited about receiving 50 "magic pads" anti-adhesive pads. She hates the removal of the sticky stuff on her dressing! This SUCKS!

Having Aunt Carol here was truly a blessing. Syd, Hannah, Aunt Carol, and I had the most amazing moment. Aunt Carol's energy work gave Hannah her first peaceful nights sleep in many many nights. I get chills whenever I think about the beauty of the moment.

Life is really hard right now. Thanks for caring and checking on us.

Sheesha (Alicia)

PS GREAT NEWS! Hannah is home!! :-)


Thursday, September 1, 2005 6:58 PM CDT

Hi Everyone!
I might get to go home on Friday. It's been fun at the hotel, but I'm ready to go home and sleep in my own bed.
Daddy and Nicole have been visiting every night. Aunt Sheesha has been staying here too. Auntie Carol was here Monday and Tuesday and made us dinner. Thank you !!!
The van is all filled up and ready to go.. I just have lots of stuff to load up. I'll feel better once I'm home. I have to go play some more with Nicole and watch Cartoons. We both got a new Bratz today.


Monday, August 29, 2005 9:14 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

I had another really nice day yesterday. My whole family was still together. I love having everyone together. I went out to the pool to watch Nicole swim. I have to wear a mask when I go outside so I don't get any germs or spores that will cause me problems. Me and Nicole also played Barbies and hung out and just enjoyed being together. She had to leave yesterday afternoon though cause she has school today.

I am really excited because Aunt Carol is coming to visit me today. That is my Maw Maw's sister. She lives in Maryland. I wonder if her and Maw Maw play Barbies and Bratz... I have never seen em, but I bet they do. They are girls after all.

I better go, I have a clinic appointment this morning at 11:00. I might get a blood transfusion. Not sure yet.


Saturday, August 27, 2005 9:38 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

I got to play with Nicole yesterday! Did you hear me? I got to play with Nicole yesterday? It was so great. My whole family was together for the first time in a month!! I can’t tell you how happy I am. Mommy and Nicole went swimming too. Mommy was really happy to have some time with Nicole. Probably almost as happy as I was, but not quite. It is really great to be out of the hospital! I would say more but I want to go play.


Sad news for us all. On Thursday Hannah’s friend and sweet beautiful boy, David Norris lost his battle with Neuroblastoma. Please keep Sarah Jerry and Alexa Norris in your thoughts and prayers.

Friday, August 26, 2005 7:51 AM CDT

Hello Everyone !
Sorry for no update yesterday.. It was a busy day for me. I got out of the hospital!! Yipee! I'm staying at a Residence Inn hotel nearby. The doctors don't want me too far away from the hospital for a few more days. Nicole and Daddy will come see me later. I don't have an internet connection yet in my room. Need a cable thingy or something. Well, until then, I guess I'm limited to sleeping, playing games, and watching cartoons. It's rough, but I think I can handle it. Oh, and I even have my own personal Chef... Mommy! I love my mommy.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:00 PM EDT

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let every one know that I had an even better day today. I got to talk to Mawmaw, Aunt Susan, and Aunt Carol who I love very much. Even better news Trenton's scans came back clear yeah, I love him so much he is so cute!!!!!! I hope we get out of here at the same time if not I hope he gets out day or two after me. Oh did I tell you they say I get to go to the hotel on Thursday as long I don't run a fever and I get to see Nicole face to face yeah!!!!!! Thank you to everyone for keeping up with me while I was in the hospital, it helps keep a smile on my face and knowing people really care. Well I'm off to watch more cartoons and play with my barbie. Goodnight everyone. Especially to all my friends in BMT floor.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:00 PM EDT

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let very one that I had an even better day. I got to talk to Mawmaw, Aunt Susan, and Aunt Carol who I love very much. Even better news Trenton's scans came back clear yeah, I love him so much he is so cute!!!!!! I hope we get out of here at the same time if not I hope he gets out day or two after me. Oh did I tell you they say I get to go to the hotel on Thrusday as long I don't run a fever and I get to see Nicole face to face yeah!!!!!! Thank you to everyone for keeping up with me while I was in the hospital, it helps keep a smile on my face and knowing people really care. Well I'm off to watch more cartoons and play with my barbie. Goodnight everyone. Especially to all my friends in BMT floor.


Monday, August 22, 2005 10:30 PM EDT

Hello everyone
I had a great day today. I got to sleep late. My counts are up and the dr's say I might get to go to the hotel on Thrusday yeah!!! I got some visitors today maw maw, Nicole, and Daddy came up to see me as usual I saw nicole thruogh the door (I miss her alot). PaPa was also here but he had to stay downstairs because he was not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon PaPa. I wanted to say congrats to Dana and Adam they got married this weekend and a big thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers during your big weekend. I wished I could have bee n there but I was in spirit. Please keep Trenton in thoughts and prayers that his scans come back clean and that we both leave at the same time, also keep Sarah who is a couple doors down keep her in you thoughts and prayers and that she gets better soon too. So goodnight everyone and goodnight to my friends in the BMT, I am going to watch tv and go to bed.

Love Hannah

P.S. I have bracelets if you would like one they are pink with Hope For Hannah Fight Neurolastoma on it. You can get them through Mrs Misty @ mpugmire@bellsouth.net. Thank You

Monday, August 22, 2005 9:51 AM EDT

Hello Everyone!
I walked some of my laps after Daddy went home Sunday night. I should get some visitors later today. Maw Maw and Nicole will be coming back from the wedding today. I think Papa will be bringing them by. Daddy will be coming to pick up Nicole to take her home. Bummer, it would be nice to play Barbie with Nicole. They started my Kindercal feedings again to see how my tummy does. I'm feeling a little better each day. That's all for now.



Sunday, August 21, 2005 10:00 AM EDT

Hi All,
I'm getting a little better. My tummy still hurts a lot.
Daddy stayed with Mommy and Me all weekend. Except when he had to work a half day on Saturday. Then he came back with some hot wings to share with mommy. Too spicy for me. Papa came to visit also before he went home to Alabama. I think I will see him again on Monday with Maw Maw. Nicole, Maw Maw, Aunt Sheesha, and Uncle Michael are all with the rest of Family at Cousin Adam and Dana's Wedding at the Jersey shore.
I've been getting some fevers, but tylenol is making it go away.
My weight is staying at 15.1 kilo or 33.3lbs. I'm watching some cartoons with daddy now. I think the Winx Club is my new favorite cartoon. I am also playing some Gameboy today.


Sunday, August 21, 2005 10:00 AM eDT

Hi All,
I'm getting a little better. My tummy still hurts a lot.
Daddy stayed with Mommy and Me all weekend. Except when he had to work a half day on Saturday. Then he came back with some hot wings to share with mommy. Too spicy for me. I've been getting some fevers, but tylenol is making it go away.
My weight is staying at 15.1 kilo or 33.3lbs. I'm watching some cartoons with daddy now. I think the Winx Club is my new favorite cartoon. I am also playing some Gameboy today.


ps - The Care-A-thon raised over $1,039,563 for AFLAC Cancer Center and Blood disorders of Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta.

Sunday, August 21, 2005 9:34 AM EDT

Hi All,
I'm getting a little better. My tummy still hurts a lot.
Daddy stayed with Mommy and Me all weekend. Except when he had to work a half day on Saturday. Then he came back with some hot wings to share with mommy. Too spicy for me. I've been getting some fevers, but tylenol is making it go away.
My weight is staying at 15.1 kilo or 33.3lbs. I'm watching some cartoons with daddy now. I think the Winx Club is my new favorite cartoon.


ps - The Care-A-thon raised over $1,039,000 for Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta.

Friday, August 19, 2005 1:03 PM CDT

Hello Everyone !!!
Today Daddy is coming to see me today after work. I'm feeling a little better, just trying to relax. I'm going to try to get up and do some laps (walking around the nurse station)later on. Maybe I can play some games with Daddy.
More updates to follow later...


PS.. They are still here!
The fifth annual News/Talk 750 WSB Care-a-Thon benefiting the AFLAC Cancer Center and Blood Disorders Service of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta will be on Thursday and Friday, August 18th and 19th!
View the schedule of on air personalities & guests.
See pictures from Braves pitcher Tim Hudson's visit to CHOA.

This 37-hour marathon broadcast features stories of hope and inspiration from AFLAC Cancer Center patients, families and staff. With the help of WSB special hosts Scott Slade, Neal Boortz and Clark Howard, the annual Care-a-Thons have raised more than $2.3 million for the AFLAC Cancer Center at Children's.

Recognized as one of the top three pediatric cancer centers in the country by Child Magazine, the AFLAC Cancer Center is one of the largest childhood cancer and hematology programs in the country, serving infants, children, adolescents and young adults with cancer and blood disorders. Staffed by a multidisciplinary team of pediatric cancer specialists, the AFLAC Cancer Center provides advanced and innovative diagnostics, clinical care and research options as well as unique services such as the Cancer Survivor and Blood and Marrow Transplantation program.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:43 AM CDT

Hi everyone,

I have been sleepy all day but feeling alittle bit better but the dr's say that my liver is swollen but they are giving me meds to help it get better. Daddy and Nicole came up to see me and I was happy to see them. Daddy brought me some dvd's of the Iron Chefs and mommy some chips and salsa. Please keep Trenton in your thoughts and prayers tonight that everything goes right with his surgery and he has no more infections when he gets his tubbies back in. Also thank you so much for my praying lamb it means alot that you and your family care so much. Well it is getting late and I feel like playing with my polly pocket that Kevin and Devorah gave me. Goodnight Everyone, especially Trenton.

Love Princess Hannah

PS.. Today and Tomorrow here where I am.
The fifth annual News/Talk 750 WSB Care-a-Thon benefiting the AFLAC Cancer Center and Blood Disorders Service of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta will be on Thursday and Friday, August 18th and 19th!
View the schedule of on air personalities & guests.
See pictures from Braves pitcher Tim Hudson's visit to CHOA.

This 37-hour marathon broadcast features stories of hope and inspiration from AFLAC Cancer Center patients, families and staff. With the help of WSB special hosts Scott Slade, Neal Boortz and Clark Howard, the annual Care-a-Thons have raised more than $2.3 million for the AFLAC Cancer Center at Children's.

Recognized as one of the top three pediatric cancer centers in the country by Child Magazine, the AFLAC Cancer Center is one of the largest childhood cancer and hematology programs in the country, serving infants, children, adolescents and young adults with cancer and blood disorders. Staffed by a multidisciplinary team of pediatric cancer specialists, the AFLAC Cancer Center provides advanced and innovative diagnostics, clinical care and research options as well as unique services such as the Cancer Survivor and Blood and Marrow Transplantation program.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:00 PM EDT

Hi everyone,

I have been sleepy all day but feeling alittle bit better but the dr's say that my liver is swollen but they are giving me meds to help it get better. Daddy and Nicole came up to see me and I was happy to see them. Daddy brought me some dvd's of the Iron Chefs and mommy some chips and salsa. Please keep Trenton in your thoughts and prayers tonight that everything goes right with his surgery and he has no more infections when he gets his tubbies back in. Also thank you so much for my praying lamb it means alot that you and your family care so much. Well it is getting late and I feel like playing with my polly pocket that Kevin and Devorah gave me. Goodnight Everyone, especially Trenton.

Love Princess Hannah

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:17 AM CDT

As a favor to me(Sydney) please say extra prayers for Trenton. Today they found yeast somewhere in his system they are not sure if it is in is line or in his organs and also he has high fevers please pray hard that this will go away from him. Our angels are fighting so hard to fight for their lives that they need everyone of us to be there for them is this very hard time. Again, Please say a very special prayer Trenton.

Hi Everyone!
I know a lot of people are wondering how I'm doing. I'm doing ok. Not much new to report. Things are rough for me right now, but the doctors and nurses are taking good care of me to help me get better and make sure I'm as comfortable as I can be. I got a couple transfusions to help me recover more quickly. I even got an egg crate cushion for my bed. I did a couple of my laps on Monday. Today I'm sleeping late. I'm doing a lot of resting now until I get a little better. Sorry, no new pictures to report. Daddy and Nicole are coming to visit me today. Nicole can't come in my room, but she can peek through the window.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005 6:13 PM EST

As a favor to me(Sydney) please extra prayers for Trenton. Today they found yeast somewhere in his system they are not sure if it is in is line or in his organ and also he has high fevers please pray hard that this will go away from him. Our angles are fighting so hard to fight for their lives that they need everyone of us to be there for them is this very hard time. Please again say a very special prayer Trenton.

Hi Everyone!
I know a lot of people are wondering how I'm doing. I'm doing ok. Not much new to report. Things are rough for me right now, but the doctors and nurses are taking good care of me to help me get better and make sure I'm as comfortable as I can be. I even got an egg crate cushion for my bed. I did a couple of my laps on Monday. Today I slept late. I'm doing a lot of resting now until I get a little better. Sorry, no new pictures to report. But I may have some new pictures of my big sister Nicole soon.


Sunday, August 14, 2005 9:00 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

Hannah is out of ICU. She is still not feeling so great but at least she is back in a regular room with her bood pressure stablized. Will give more detailed update a little later.

Thanks again for all your thought's prayers and kind words.

Friday, August 12, 2005 12:12 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

I am in ICU. My fever went up to 104 and my blood pressure dropped way down. They are giving me Morphine and Dopamine to try to keep everything under control. My fever is currently at 102 degrees. I am in room ICU 236.

That’s it for now. We will keep you posted.

Love Hannah


Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:10 PM CDT

Hello everybody,

Hannah finished her rigorous seven day course of chemotherapy on Monday as Nicole started 1st grade. She had a nutrition and hydration day on Tuesday and her stem cell transplant on Wednesday. She has mouth sores and her stomach hurts and feels sick all the time. She hasn’t been able to eat in several days. They are still doing her feedings through her g-tube but they have had to slow it down because she has been getting sick in the mornings from them. They started a morphine IV today to help relieve the pain of the sores in Hannah’s mouth and stomach. She has been sleeping a lot though and right now that is a good thing. She is taking an antibiotic for a bladder infection and has been running fevers. If the fevers don’t stop they are going to switch her to a different antibiotic.

She does find time occasionally to play with her game boy and even smiles when she is winning. She really misses her sister and her Daddy. She just really wants what we all want, for her to feel better and to go home. Thanks to all of you for checking on us and thinking about us.

That’s all for now!

P.S. We wanted to say a special thanks to Greg and Ginger Kindred for the goodies they brought for Hannah. It is really comforting to have them here although we wish they didn’t need to be here either. We have Trenton in our thoughts and prayers.

Monday, August 8, 2005 8:02 AM CDT

Morning All!
Sunday was a great day. It was the last day of my baths every 6 hours! No more 5 am baths/showers. I had a few visitors yesterday. I got to see Nicole from my playroom, before she had to leave. Maw Maw and Papa came for a visit too! Daddy and Maw Maw both brought me a new game for my Game Boy. Dora the Explorer and Barbie Groovin.
I also played Barbie Horse Adventures on the Playstation 2 that's in my room. I think today is my last day of medicine before my day of rest. I got a call from Aunt Tarol on Saturday and a visit from Ms Mooney on Saturday. We colored and made a flower in the BMT playroom while Mommy and Daddy went to get groceries. That's all for now. I hope I didn't forget anyone.


Friday, August 5, 2005 6:58 PM CDT

Hi all.
Today is my 3rd day of chemo treatment before my BMT. My tummy started feeling a little upset today, so now I have new medicine that makes my tummy feel better, but also makes me sleepy.
Mommy and Daddy are both here.. Nicole comes home from Aunt Sheesha's tomorrow. Maybe I'll get to see her from the playroom since she can't visit me in my room. Well, time to go back to sleep...


Wednesday, August 3, 2005 9:34 AM CDT

Hello everyone,

Hannah checked into Egelston Children's Hospital this morning to begin her stem cell transplants. The address and phone number are below. We will give you more info later. Everyone is tired we had to be here at 7:30 this morning.

Bob, Sydney, Nicole and Especially Hannah

Monday, August 1, 2005 2:34 PM CDT

Hello again everyone!
I had a great weekend. I went Blueberry picking on Friday with Mommy and Misty. Then Saturday I went to the Atlanta zoo with Mommy and Ms Mooney. Sunday I went to lunch with Grandma, Mommy, and Daddy at IHOP.. Then I went to Target with Grandma and got a new Barbie (ok, a couple new Barbies). I also got a new game for Vsmile and some more playdoh for my Playdoh Ice cream maker. Today I'm going to relax for my Birthday.. At least until Daddy gets home from work.. :-) Then we are going to the cookers. My long vacation at the hospital is scheduled to start on Wednesday, Aug 3. The doctor called today and let us know.
Get ready to check out my webcam. Daddy is going to set one up for me to use while I'm there.


Oh, Today I am 5!

Monday, August 1, 2005 12:44 AM CDT

Hello again everyone!
I had a great weekend. I went Blueberry picking on Friday with Mommy and Misty. Then Saturday I went to the Atlanta zoo with Mommy and Ms Mooney. Sunday I went to lunch with Grandma, Mommy, and Daddy at IHOP.. Then I went to Target with Grandma and got a new Barbie (ok, a couple new Barbies). I also got a new game for Vsmile and some more playdoh for my Playdoh Ice cream maker. Today I'm going to relax for my Birthday.. At least until Daddy gets home from work.. :-)


Friday, July 29, 2005 6:58 AM EDT

Hello All!
Well, I have a few more days at home. My BMT was postponed a few days. All the paper work has not been processed yet. Wednesday, Aug 3 is the new date, but that's hoping that the doctors get an answer from the insurance company today or Monday. Enough of that.
Maw Maw took Nicole to her house for a couple days. Then Nicole is off to Sheesha's house for one last week of camp before school starts Aug 8.
Last night I got to go out for dinner anyway. I went to Sweet tomatoes and had soup,salad, spagetti,pizza, and Ice cream.. Yum yum..
Then I went to Toys R US and got a Kim Possible game for my Game Boy Advanced. Oh, Daddy also found a WinxClub DVD, so I got that too. Then I saw Grandpa for a little while, before finally going home. I got to watch the Winx Club movie in the van and at home. Winx is my new favorite cartoon. Well, I'm still sleeping now, it's only 7am. I just used telepathy to type this up this morning.. :-)


Wednesday, July 27, 2005 10:06 PM CDT

Today was a pretty exciting day.. Maw Maw came today. I got a package today from Aunt Carol and Uncle Gary with lots of DVD's for me to watch. Thank you!
Then Maw Maw, Daddy, and Me went to Beef O Brady's for dinner while Mommy and Nicole took off somewhere secretly. At Beef O Brady's they sang Happy Birthday and I got a slice of ice cream oreo cake with a candle on top.. Mmmmmmmmmm
Then we drove around to show Maw Maw some of the local parks and went on a Hunt for Mommy and Nicole. We found them at Misty's house. It was all a big scheme.. It was a suprise Birthday party for me with some of my friends and teachers from Primrose school! I got presents and cake. I even did some dancing. Thanks to everyone that came!
Well, time for bed. I'm burned out for today.


P.S. You can see pictures of all the fun at hannahshaver.com

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:40 PM CDT

Hello All!
Happy Birthday Aunt Sheesha! Today was a nice relaxing day for me. I got to play with Nicole all day. No doctor appts or nurse visits. Nicole even had a visit from the tooth fairy last night. That's her 2nd visit. Tomorrow Maw Maw is coming to visit. I don't know why. Well, I am sleepy now, so I'm going to bed now..


Monday, July 25, 2005 10:04 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

I am doing good. I had a really busy weekend at Michael and Sheesha's. I will let you know all about it tonight. I have posted the weekends pictures on hannahshaver.com on the todays pictures link. I had to go to the hospital for some lab work today and I played in the sprinkler with Nicole when I got home. It was really fun. Please check back to hear about my weekend and my early birthday party.

Love, Hannah

Thursday, July 21, 2005 10:04 AM CDT

Wednesday was a nice relaxing day. Nurse Leslie came out to change my dressing. No more doctor visits until Monday.
Last night I had Taco Bell for dinner.. Mmmmmmmm
I have to get my fill of it since I won't be able to have Taco bell during my BMT. I rode my tricyle for a little while and also tested out the slide on the playground.....Weeeeeeeee
I fed the cats and played more Barbie games. I watched Iron Chefs again before going to sleep.


Wednesday, July 20, 2005 5:48 AM CDT

Hello All!
Tuesday was a much easier day. I got my stitches out in the morning. Then mommy and I stopped at Daddy's work and had lunch with Daddy at ADP in the cafeteria. After that I went with Mommy to her Doctor so he could look at her knee. I don't know what he said, but she has to wear a knee brace for awhile. I got a new Barbie game yesterday. It is Barbie Beauty Boutique. I played it on Mommy's computer. I talked to Aunt Sheesha on the phone last night for about 10 minutes. Then I finally went to bed, but not before watching some Iron Chef. I'm not sure if anything is scheduled today, but I'll let everyone know how my day went.


Monday, July 18, 2005 9:02 PM CDT

Hi, I'm home now.. Nicole and Kiki are still with Aunt Sheesha this week. I had a very busy day today..I am tired.
Monday, July 18th , 2005
Time Test/Procedure Location

8:00AM Check-IN 3rd floor, AFLAC Cancer Center

8:30AM Prep for GFR 1st floor, Nuclear Medicine (Radiology)
8:55AM Blood Draw for GFR 1st floor, Nuclear Medicine (Radiology)
9:00AM Chest X-Ray 1st floor, Radiology

9:55AM Blood Draw for GFR 1st floor, Nuclear Medicine (Radiology)
10:00AM Sara 3rd floor, AFLAC Cancer Center
Child Life Specialist
10:55AM Blood Draw for GFR 1st floor, Nuclear Medicine (Radiology)
11:30AM Hope 3rd floor Inpatient Unit – Family Financial Counselor Conference Room
11:55AM Blood Draw for GFR 1st floor, Nuclear Medicine (Radiology)
12:00PM Becky 3rd floor Inpatient Unit – Family Social Work Conference Room
12:30PM Lunch (Yeah Right! )

12:55PM Blood Draw for GFR 1st floor, Nuclear Medicine (Radiology)
1:00PM Echocardiogram 2nd floor, ECHO (Cardiology)

1:30PM Labwork and Consents 3rd floor, Aflac Cancer Ctr
With Physician
3:00PM Audiology 5th Floor, Audiology

I should sleep well tonight..


Saturday, July 16, 2005 8:41 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

Me and Mommy and Nicole are visiting Michael and Sheesha (and Panda and Kody and Kiki). We got here on Thursday afternoon. We spent most of the day Thursday in the car. When we got here, Sheesha had set up a little café for us with a kitchen and food and everything. We even had menus for breakfast lunch and dinner and a cash drawer with dollars and coins. Me and Nicole took turns being the waitress and the cooker and Mommy and Sheesha ate about seventeen meals each before Michael even got home from work. After he got home we went to the cookers for dinner. I had kids filet cooked medium. I love that place.

I got up pretty early yesterday morning, about 7:30. After Michael left for work me and Sheesha hung out while mommy and Nicole slept for while longer. Sheesha made me cheese eggs and fried potatoes for breakfast. I helped, I even got crack the eggs. It wasn’t as good as Daddy’s but it was still good. After Nicole and Mommy got up we played café some more and ate lunch. Michael got home around 1:00 and we went to Target. Me and Nicole both got a new My Scene Barbie. Next we went to Grandmommy and Granddaddy’s (Michael’s parents) house. We got to see a picture of Granddaddy in a dress and lacy socks from when he was a baby. After we got home we had a quick snack from Taco Bell (three tacos meat and cheese only no salad) and the me and Nicole went with Michael to the indoor playground while Mommy and Sheesha went to the grocery store. We cooked out for dinner, Chicken dogs and tater tots for anybody under 7 and Salmon with strawberry mango salsa, steamed broccoli and couscous for everybody over 7. I was really tired by the end of the day so I really protested when it was time to hook up my feeding. I mean I REALLY PROTESTED! I have a joke for you… How many adults does it take to hook up a cranky kid’s g-tube? Give up? How ever many are there. Ha ha ha get it? Last night that was three.

I got my schedule for my first stem cell transplants. I go on Monday for a bunch of lab work and meetings with people. Then I go back again on July 25th for more lab work and so Mommy and Daddy can sign consent forms. Next I go into the hospital to start the process on July 29th, high dose chemo from July 29th to August 4th and then August 5th will be my transplant day. I guess I will spend my 5th birthday in the hospital on day two of high dose chemotherapy. It just doesn’t seem fair does it?

Well I better go; we are going to see the puppies at Petco this morning.

Love Hannah

Saturday, July 16, 2005 7:36 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

We are at Sheesha's and we have been so busy I haven't had time to write to all of you guys. I am working on my update this morning and I will send it with some pictures in a little while. We are having a great time!

Love, Hannah

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 9:51 AM CDT

Hi! I got a get well card and some signed photos from the Iron Chefs America. I even got an apron and a t-shirt. I'll have some pictures posted soon!
I'm getting a MIBG scan done this morning so the Doctors can see how I'm doing. Other than that my day is wide open. Plenty of time to play Barbies/Bratz with Nicole and maybe even play some Barbie Fashion show on Mommy's computer. I didn't have breakfast this morning, so I will be pretty hungry by lunch time! That's all to report for now..


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 7:59 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

Yesterday was a great day! I came home from the hospital and Nicole got her cast off! YEA! I'm home, I'm home, I'm home! Nicole got her cast off, Nicole got her cast off, Nicole got her cast off!

I have a really busy week this week. I think I have to go to the hospital or clinic just about every day this week for something. I will give you more details later.

Gotta go, I'm in the mood to party! (That means play when you are four). :-)

Love, Hannah

Saturday, July 9, 2005 12:50 AM CDT

Hi Everyone!
I'm feeling much better today. My fever has gone down to 100. I like having Nicole here to play with. She slept with me last night. We had Chicken wings from The Wing Factory.
Daddy brought us breakfast this morning because we all slept late. We played video games in the game room. Ms Pacman, Galaga, and Cruisin USA. Mommy has game boy advance to play too. The games are still too hard for me to play, but I'm learning. I'm going back to my room now to relax and watch some more cartoons..

Hannah (banana)

PS - Daddy brought me my Kody Beanie baby this morning too!

Friday, July 8, 2005 8:01 AM CDT

Hello everybody,

Hannah went back into the hospital last night. She had a fever of 101.4. They are giving her IV antibiotics. We finally got her into a room around 3:00 am this morning. We will keep you updated.

Bob, Sydney, Nicole and especially Hannah

Thursday, July 7, 2005 7:27 AM CDT

Hello again everyone!

Wednesday was pretty uneventful for me.. I got to play all day with Nicole. We played Barbie/Brats and Barbie Fashion show on mommy's computer. We had Lipton Noodle soup for lunch.We had chicken wings for Dinner. Spicy ones for Mommy and Daddy. I think Nurse Leslie comes out today to do my labwork.. No dressing changes! Mommy or Daddy is going to register me for school today. I have a 3pm appt. They may have a special program for me since I won't be able to go to the classroom right away. School starts early here. It starts around August 8th. Tropical Depression Cindy gave us about 3 inches of rain last night, according to the rain gauge this morning. Daddy won't need to water his hot peppers or tomatoes this week. Next week looks like a much busier week. Nicole has an appt to get her cast off and have her elbow looked at again. I have about 3 scans scheduled for next week along with a clinic appt. So much for being away from the hospital. Maybe if it stops raining long enough, I can try out the slide on the new playground!


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 8:09 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

Well I had a great weekend at Maw maw and Papa’s. We ate so much! With my feedings plus all the food I probably gained 20 pounds (Not really). Friday night we went to Mater’s Pizza. It was really yummy. Saturday night went to the cookers to celebrate Mommy’s birthday. I am very lucky she likes the cookers as much as me! I had the kid’s filet cooked medium. I love steak. Then Sunday night I had steak again with baked potatoes and salad. We cooked em out at Maw maw’s. After the steaks we celebrated Mommy’s birthday and had cake for dessert. Then Monday night we grilled out hotdogs before the fireworks. And that was just the dinners, I also had lunch and breakfast everyday. I am still full.

We did a lot of fun stuff over the weekend. Michael and Sheesha were there. We love to play restaurant with them. They always order funny stuff. On Saturday morning we took Kiki to Petco to see the puppies. They have em there every Saturday morning. We played outside a lot. Me and Nicole went to Wal-Mart with Daddy. We went over to see Papa’s mom. She has a dog named Buoy. We had a Birthday party for Mommy. That was really fun. We watched Cartoon Network a bunch, and we saw the fireworks. We all love to see the fireworks!

We came home yesterday. After we got home I got a surprise attack from home health Care. Can you believe they came to my house after such a great weekend on my Mommy’s birthday and CHANGED MY DRESSING? What were they thinking?? Of course I had to cry and throw a fit. I hate when they do that. Oh well, after that Daddy ordered pizza for dinner. Yummmmm… Maybe I wasn’t still full. :-)

Except for home health care coming out I don’t have anything else to do this week. Yea! I sure have a bunch of stuff next week though. Oh well I better go, Nicole wants to play.

Love, Hannah

You can see all the pictures from this weekend on hannahshaver.com Today's Pictures

Monday, July 4, 2005 8:14 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

Wow, I have had a really busy last few days. I have been at MawMaw and PaPa’s house since Friday with my family. Me and Nicole and Mommy and Daddy and Kiki and Michael and Sheesha have all been here. We celebrated Mommy’s birthday last night. We had cake and presents and everything. I will let you know about the whole weekend after I get home tomorrow but I am having so much fun now and we are gonna go see some fireworks in a few minutes so I better go. Look for the whole weekend update tomorrow afternoon.

There are lots of new pictures at hannahshaver.com!

Love, Hannah

Thursday, June 30, 2005 12:51 PM EDT

Hi everybody,

Did I mention I AM HOME?!

I'll write more later, I need to go play!


Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:38 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

Hannah is feeling much better today. She says she is almost up to taking back the responsibility of keeping her website up to date. She is finished with her fifth round of chemotherapy and is now just getting hydrated. Dr. Rapkin came in and said he is going to see about getting her disconnected from Roobot (her IV). As you can imagine she is pretty tired of having something connected to her at all times. It makes getting around even more of a pain.

She had a pretty full day yesterday. She got to do a couple of craft projects. She made a magic wand and she also made made a hand print that she can paint in two days. She has started eating a little bit more she had some chicken yesterday and ate some of her breakfast this morning without getting sick. YEA!

Hannah had some exciting company yesterday too. She got to meet a few of the Atlanta Falcon cheerleaders and get her picture taken with them. Her friend Morris was here and cheered her up too. He is really silly and always makes her laugh. Hannah laughing is something we can all smile about.

Well that’s it for now. We will let you know when we are on our way home. For now they are telling us we get to go home tomorrow.

Bob, Sydney, Nicole and especially Hannah

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 1:25 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

Hannah has just been pretty much just watching TV and movies. Today is the second day of her 5th chemotherapy session. This one will only last two days. She has been having problems with nausea, not really wanting to eat anything and having a lot pf trouble keeping even fluids down. We did finally get her to eat a cracker last night. The plan now is for Hannah to get to go home on Thursday. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed! Syd and Hannah are both really ready for a good nights sleep in their own beds.

After we get home from this part of her treatment the next step is the bone marrow (stem cell) transplants. Barring any unforeseen circumstances these should start in 3 to 4 weeks. Hannah will still be going to the clinic and Home health will still come out to the house, but hopefully we will have a few weeks free of any hospital stays.

There just really is not a whole lot else to report right now. Hannah has had remarkably good spirits, especially after all she has been through. She wants to feel good so badly that she still manages to smile and laugh.

Bob, Sydney, Nicole and especially Hannah

Stem cell transplants

Sunday, June 26, 2005 8:06 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

Hannah finally got moved at 3pm E.T. to room 318 in the AFLAC Cancer Center. Ms Mooney was there for several hours to visit with Hannah. Hannah even took a picture of her. Hannah was finally able to have some apple juice and a grape ice pop… She ate too slowly and she ended up wearing it. Luckily MawMaw was still here and quick to change the sheets when Hannah got up for a rest room break. Yep, you heard me correctly; Hannah was up and walking around today! She is still a little weak, understandably, but getting better. She had some fun playing Fashion Barbie on Mommy's laptop and watching TV.

Since Hannah got her ears pierced she has been totally unwilling to let anyone change them so the one good thing that came out of all this sleep is Daddy was finally able to change her earrings and put in the beautiful diamond ones Aunt Carol sent. Thank you so much Aunt Carol!

Hannah knew the camera was on her much of the day so she refrained from smiling as long as possible, but finally she couldn’t resist. Oh, and just so you know, she is smiling plenty when the camera is not on her.

Hannah will have her next chemotherapy while she is in the hospital. It will be for two days. This will be done once the doctors are comfortable with the level of recovery from the surgery. We will let you know.

Thanks again for thinking of our family and for all your kind words and prayers.

Bob, Sydney, Nicole and especially Hannah

There are new daily pictures of Hannah at hannahshaver.com

Friday, June 24, 2005 11:45 AM CDT

Hi everbody,

Hannah is off the respirator and breathing on her own. YEA! They have removed a few of the IV's they no longer need. She has been in and out of sleep but very very groggy. Her blood pressure is really good and she doesn’t have any fever. Everything seems to be going really well. We are still not sure when she will move out of ICU, we are hopeful it will be tomorrow.


That's about all the news for now but we will keep you posted.

Saturday Update:

A picture is worth a thousand words...

Hannah is in room 318. Click on veiw photos to see a picture of her smiling again. FINALLY!

Bob, Sydney, Nicole, and Especially Hannah

Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:06 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

The ICU doctor just left so we are ready to update you on what’s going on. We are very optimistic about the way things seem to be progressing. Hannah was completely weaned off of the dopamine a few hours ago and the ICU doctor is happy with her blood pressure which at last check was 86/50. All the cultures have come back and there appears no sign of infection any where. Hannah’s counts are good especially her white blood cell count.

Tomorrow morning they will begin the arduous task of removing the respirator. First they will start a CPAP and begin to wean Hannah completely off the sedative to allow her to wake up and see if she is going to be able to breathe on her own. As the sedative wears off, if she is able to breathe on her own for a period of time they will remove the respirator and continue to monitor her until at least Saturday when they will determine if she can be moved to a regular room in the Cancer Center. If she can’t breathe on her own they will leave the respirator in. If she has problems after the respirator is removed they will put it back in. This happens about 10 to 15he time and simply means the patient is not ready yet and they will try to remove it again when they deem it appropriate.

We feel very good about the feedback we are getting from the doctors and the ICU nursing staff. Hannah continues to look better and better. She is even a little restless, like she is ready to be done with this Rip Van Winkle business. We are so looking forward to seeing her beautiful smile and bubbly personality again! Hopefully tomorrow. :-)

Bob, Sydney, Nicole and Especially Hannah

CPAP stands for "continuous positive airway pressure." CPAP is a treatment that uses slightly pressurized air throughout the breathing cycle. This makes it easier to breathe and get more air. CPAP can be used by mouth, by nose, or through ventilation tubes.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 1:04 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

Hannah is still in ICU and will be for at least another 2 to 3 days. She is still on a respirator and has a bunch of stuff hooked up to her, she is also still completely sedated. That said, there is good news, first of all she looks better today than she has for the past couple of days. They have been able to reduce the amount of Dopamine needed to stabilize her blood pressure and Dr. Rapkin came in and said under the circumstances (2 surgeries in one day) he is really pleased with her progress. It is not uncommon when two surgeries are necessary in the same day to have blood pressure complications.

Her next chemotherapy is now up in the air. After Hannah leaves ICU she will be moved to a room in the AFLAC cancer center where she will have to stay for at least another 4 to five days. Depending on how things go they will determine at that point if they want to proceed with her 5th chemo or if they want to send her home for a little bit first. We will keep you posted.

We also wanted to say a special thank you to Ginger Kindred it was so nice of you to come by today, and thanks to all your family and friends who have taken time to check on Hannah and include her in their thoughts and prayers. Ginger and Greg’s son Trenton has stage IV Neuroblastoma just like Hannah. You can check in on him at:


Hannah also has another friend who lives in Florida that is fighting this as well, his name is David and he is 4 just like Hannah and he has a sister named Alexa who is 6 just like Nicole. You can check in on him at:


This is such a hard thing for any family to deal with and just knowing you have the love and support of friends and family and even people you have never met is a huge comfort to us and the other families who are going through the same thing. Thanks again to all of you for caring so much and for letting us know you are thinking of us.

Bob, Sydney, Nicole, and especially Hannah

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 9:17 AM CDT

Hi everbody,

Hannah had to go back into surgery last night to stop some bleeding from her earlier surgery. The doctor said she came out of it, ok however she is still in critical condition. It lookes like she will have to be in ICU for at least another day or two until they are comfortable that they have her blood pressure stabilized. We will let you all know as soon as she has been moved back into a room.

Thanks to all of you for your care, kind words, support and prayers.

Bob, Sydney, Nicole and especially Hannah

7:30 p.m. Update (If you can call it that) Sorry, there is nothing new to report. Hannah is still in ICU. They are keeping her completely sedated for now as they continue to try to stabilize her blood pressure.

Monday, June 20, 2005 2:54 PM CDT

Hi everbody,

Hannah is out of surgery. She came through really well. They were able to get most of the primary tumor. She is out of recovery and will be in intensive care until tomorow when she will be moved to room 321 in the Cancer Center. Dr. Rapkin intends to start her 5th round of chemotherapy in about three days while she is in the hospital recovering from surgery.

Thank you so much for checking in on her and for all your kind thoughts and prayers.


Bob, Sydney, Nicole and especially Hannah

P.S. Think some happy thoughts for Nicole also. Sheesha took her to the Doctor in Montgomery for her follow up X-ray and her elbow is broken. She chose blue for her cast color because it is her Mommy's favorite.

Sunday, June 19, 2005 11:18 PM EDT

Hello Again!
I came home today from Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael's house. We had a great time there, as usual. Nicole stayed there with Kiki. I went to get Lab work done on the way home. My surgery is scheduled for 10:30am Monday morning.
Maw-Maw and Papa came and we went to Yamato's for dinner.
Cookers two nights in a row! WOW! Tomorrow Grandma (daddy's Mommy) is going to come and see me too. Bed time now.
I'll chat with everyone again tomorrow !!


Saturday, June 18, 2005 7:18 PM CDT

Hello Everyone !!!

I am at Aunt Sheesha's house this weekend. Last night we had dinner at Bone Fish.. I had spagetti and meatballs. Lots and Lots of pictures. Today was a fun day. I got some sun. We went to Mellow Mushroom for Lunch and had some pizza. Tonight we are going to Miyako's for the cookers. Nicole's arm still hurts. The Dr wants her to come back next week for another look and maybe another couple X-rays.
Sunday I go back for pre-op labwork, so I'll be leaving Aunt Sheesha and Michael early. Oh, Kiki made the trip with us. She is getting to know Panda and Kody.



Friday, June 17, 2005 6:02 AM CDT

Hello Everyone!
Thursday turned into a pretty busy day for me, even without my surgery. Nicole and I were playing kickball and Nicole stepped on the ball and fell down. She hurt her arm and had to go get an X-ray. It was too swollen for the Doctors to know if it was broken or not so we have to go back again today. I had pizza for dinner from Johnny's pizza. I think we are still going to Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael's to visit them and Panda and Kody. Maybe I can still go to the water park. Well, time for Nicole and Kiki and me to go to bed... zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 2:43 PM CDT

Hello again everyone!
Mid-Day update !!

Nicole is home now! Yipee! She was happy to see Kiki.
My surgery was postponed and rescheduled twice. Right now it looks like surgery is scheduled for Monday morning. I'm not sure of the time yet. I think 10:30am. I have to go to Scottish Rite on Sunday to get more lab work to see if my Platelett count is high enough for surgery. I might be going to Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Mike's for the weekend. Maybe I'll even get to go swimming since I can right now.
Well, time to visit with Nicole now.. I'll be back later.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 7:01 AM EDT

Morning All!
Tuesday was a busy day for me. Mommy and Daddy took me to the Doctor that is going to remove my shrinking tumor. I can't spell his name yet, so I'll just say the Doctor. Everything is set for surgery at 7am on Thursday. The doctor has cleared his schedule so no other surgery's but
me that day. I also went to Day Surgery to have all my Pre-Operation tests run. Well, most of them. I still have another scan that has to be done today after my Clinic appt. I'm not sure if they are going to do it there or at the hospital. Aunt Sheesha is bringing Nicole home today! Yipee! I have not seen Nicole in a long time. Don't tell Nicole, but I made her a little banner last night to welcome her home. It was nice having mommy and daddy to myself all this time, but they aren't as good at playing Barbie and Bratz as Nicole is. Maw Maw and PaPa are coming to visit today too. They will be here for a few days. I played ball with Kiki for a few minutes before going inside and going to bed.. What a day!


PS - My DVD player from Aunt Carol and Uncle Gary is getting a good work out!

Monday, June 13, 2005 6:42 AM CDT

Hello again Everyone!
I'm home now ! I had some chicken wings and french fries for lunch at the hospital and then went back to my room for my final medicine before going home. On the way home we stopped for some food for Kiki and then we picked up our puppy! She was happy to see us! After that I just kicked back and watched some Cartoons. We had Taco's for dinner..
I had a Crayon Ice pop for dessert.. Oh, for a couple days, I don't have my medicine tubes! They took them out on Saturday.I can take a bath or even go swimming..at least until I get my new ones. I think Tropical Storm Arlene is finally done giving us some rain. So today might be a day to go outside and try out that swimming thing.. or at least a run through the sprinkler !!


Saturday, June 11, 2005 3:02 PM EDT

Hello Everyone!
Well, I'll probably be going home on Sunday. They are going to take one of my medicine tubes out today. Daddy arrived home from Portland early this morning and has been with me all day.. No more temperature, so that's good!
I spoke to my sister Nicole today and Aunt Sheesha. Nicole is having fun with her swimming lessons. I have to go back to my room now.. I'll send another update later tonight..


P.S. Since Daddy is back there are new pictures on my hannahshaver.com website also there are new pictures of Nicole at Sheesha's. You can see them from my Photos and Videos link.

Thursday, June 9, 2005 9:02 AM EDT

Hi everybody,

I had a really good day yesterday. I did a lot of fun stuff. I slept so late that I had lunch for breakfast. I had chicken noodle soup and green beans and tater tots that looked like smiley faces. For dessert I had Trix yogurt. Those are some of my favorites.

After breakfast I did crafts with Mommy and Mawmaw. I made a princess crown on Tuesday night so I made a lei to go with it yesterday. This really cool girl that is in High School came to see me and we made food out of clay. We made dessert tacos and sketti noodles. It was really fun. Heather came to see me and we made a bead necklace.

An infectious disease doctor came from the CDC. He said I have a bacterial infection, but it can be easily treated with a broad spectrum antibiotic. (I had to have an adult type all that stuff cause I am not old enough to understand, it much less spell it). All I know is he said I can probly go home Friday if my fever doesn’t come back.

I got to have chicken bones for dinner. Yummy! They really are my favorite! My friend Morris came to see me and he even had some chicken bones with me. He makes me laugh. He makes the best funny faces and noises.

Tonight I get to see the puppies! I love the puppies. Well I better go.

Love, Hannah

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 8:20 AM EDT

Hi everybody,

Well I am in the hospital. After my overnight in the emergency room Sunday night I had to go back in the emergency room in the middle of the night last night and they decided to make me stay. They gave me a bunch of antibiotics. Today they are giving me a blood transfusion and they are doing cultures to see what's the matter. The antibiotics they give me are strong with big muscles and spose to help whatever it is.

Well I 'll let you know more later when I know. Me and Mommy are so tired from being up overnite two nights in a row. I need some sleep.

Love, Hannah

P.S. My Daddy is in Portland for work. He is the one who takes my pictures so I don't have any hospital ones but he sent me some recent pics and they are now on my website!

Monday, June 6, 2005 3:45 PM CDT

Hello Everyone!
I went to lunch with Daddy and Grandma before he went to the airport on Sunday. He is in Portland, OR now. He will be back on Friday. Maw Maw came Sunday too! We went out for dinner. I got a little fever Sunday night and went to the hospital for Antibiotics. I'm back home for now.. Hopefully that fever will stay away now.. Well, I'll be back with more of my day later on!


Saturday, June 4, 2005 8:36 PM CDT

Hello Everyone !
Friday my sister Nicole went home with Aunt Sheesha for a couple weeks. Friday we got rid of our old van with over 130,00 miles and got a new Dodge Caravan. Well, almost new.
It's Butane Blue. It's really nice and has a DVD player in it so I can watch movies on my way to and from clinic.
The doctor said the cat scan on my tumor looks really good. I'm not sure exatcly what that means, but he was very pleased. I have pre-op appt on Tuesday June 14 at 11am.
My surgery is scheduled for Thursday, June 16.
My day started out pretty good today, until I slipped and cut my chin. I went to Scottish Rite and had to get six stitches in my chin. Sunday Maw Maw is coming for a few days to stay with Mommy and Me. We are going out to lunch with Daddy and take him to the Airport. He is going to Portland, Oregon until Friday.


Thursday, June 2, 2005 9:17 PM CDT

I haven't been updating my Journal because it was so long I wanted to give everyone a couple days to read it. If you missed it, go to Journal History. Aunt Sheesha came over for a couple days.. Her and Mommy went for a Spa day at Spa Sydell. Me and Nicole had Tomato Goldfish soup. I had some home made Taco's today for afternoon snack. When mommy and Aunt Sheesha came home, we went out to OUTBACK for dinner. I had grilled chicken and 2 orders of Broccoli. Nicole had some Penne and cheese. (Mac and Cheese).
We did do some singing on the way to Outback.. Great Balls of fire and Skater boy. Daddy went bowling. He got a 146 210 and 162. Not as good as the previous two weeks, but not bad. Tomorrow (Friday), Nicole is going home with Aunt Sheesha for the weekend. I'll have Mommy and Daddy all to myself until Sunday. Well, I'm getting sleep now...


Monday, May 30, 2005 6:31 PM EDT

Hi everybody,

Boy did I have a big weekend. Friday I had my last day of round 4 of my chemotherapy. When we got done Me and Mommy went and picked up Nicole at school and then we met Daddy at work to go to Sheesha and Michael’s. It seems like it takes forever to get to their house. That’s because the live in Alabama and we live in Georgia. As soon as we got there Panda and Kody were tying to lick me and lick me because they were so happy to see me. For Dinner Friday night we all went to the cookers. We had a pretend birthday party for Nicole. It was funny. We also had a princess tea party. They put Shirley Temples in the tea pot and bring little sake cups. We love to do that. After we got home we watched Swan Princess and then went to bed.

Saturday was really busy too. Daddy made me Taylor ham for breakfast, it was really yummy. After everybody was dressed and ready we went to Petco to look at all the animals. They had some puppies and Kitties. We got to hold em and pet em. We also saw a bunny, some fish (one even looked like Nemo), some mice, some hamsters, some birds and other stuff too. Allison (Michael’s daughter) came by as saw us there. After that we went to the Mellow Mushroom and had pizza for lunch. I had a side order of a bowl of cheese. After that we went to Petsmart, but they didn’t have puppies there. We did look at all the other animals and picked up a few things for Kiki our new Chihuahua. After that we went to Target. Me and Nicole both picked out a Bratz doll. I got a Chloe and Nicole got a Nevra. They are really pretty. We also got to pick a couple outfits. I was really tired after that so we went home and I took a nap. Saturday night we went to a music festival called Jubilee Cityfest. We saw Wes and Adam (Michael’s sons) there. Sheesha danced and danced with me and Nicole. She spun us around till we were dizzy. It was so fun. We went home when we all got tired after such a busy day. We had Kid’s Cuisine for dinner. We didn’t go to sleep till it was tomorrow. Can you believe it?

Yesterday after I got up Daddy made Taylor ham and cheese eggs and potatoes for breakfast. It was really good. Panda and Kody were happy about that cause they got the leftovers. We blew some bubbles and wrote on Michael and Sheesha’s deck with sidewalk chalk. Panda and Kody weren’t sure what to do about the bubbles. We all got ready and went to Wings for lunch. Can you guess what I had? Huh, can ya? Chicken bones of course. I had the Jamaican jerk flavor. It sounds funny but it was really good. After we ate we got to go to Libby-Lu’s; they painted my fingernails, and put glitter on me, and put make-up on me, and cool star stickers and I got cool new sunglasses there. I also got a silver purse and a purse with a puppy in it. Nicole got a makeover too. We LOVE Libby-Lu’s! We came home and let the dogs out and then we went to see Madagascar. It was really funny. Then we went to Carrabba’s for dinner. I had spaghetti and meatballs. It was really only one huge meatball that Michael cut up for me. Then we went home and I went to sleep. I didn’t even have a nap yesterday so I was really tired.

Today when I got up Me and Sheesha put stuffed animals all over Nicole while she was still asleep. After she woke up we had some potatoes. I love fried potatoes. We watched Sky Dancers and then we had some stuff do. First we had to go out and eat Mexican food for lunch. I had a taco and Nicole had a corndog. I didn’t know that corndogs were Mexican food. We played I spy at the restaurant. Allison and her friend Tate met us up there. Then Michael and Sheesha, and Mommy and Me and Nicole went to another pet store. We saw two really cute pugs there. They were named Todd and Angel. They let us pet them. It was so fun. When we got back to Michael and Sheesha’s we loaded up in the car to go back to Georgia. We had to get home because I have my CT scan tomorrow. I have to be at the hospital at 12:30. We also had to get back to get our new Chihuahua Kiki.

Well I better go!

Love, Hannah

Monday, May 30, 2005 7:07 AM CDT

Hello Everyone! Sorry I haven't updated my journal the last couple days.. I've been at Aunt Sheesha's having a great time! Everthing is going good. I went to see Madacascar on Sunday.. Funny movie.. I ate lots of popcorn and had a big Sprite. I went to the Jubilee Music Festival in Montgomery, Alabama Saturday night and heard the Wallflowers play. Well, that's a short update for now. More updates and pictures to follow later on.


Sunday, May 29, 2005 11:38 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

I am at my Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Michael's for the holiday weekend. I will give a full update with lots of pictures tomorrow. I will tell you this, we went and saw Madagascar today, and it was really really funny. We have just been so busy and having so much fun I just have not had time to write.

I have my CT scan on Tuesday to prepare for my surgery but I will let you know all about my weekend tomorrow. I will also update on treatment progress on Tuesday.

I hope you are all having a great holiday weekend.

Love Hannah

P.S. Congratulation to sweet baby Trenton, he in CANCER FREE! We love you Kindreds.


Hi David! Hugs and Kisses and I will be in touch soon! Me and you both love chicken wings! I love ya!

Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:43 AM CDT

Morning everyone! I'm off to Clinic - Day 2
I stopped at the ADP Drive Thru for breakfast today.
Yesterday was a busy day. I had cheese grits for breakfast
from ADP. Then I went for day 1 of my chemo therapy. All the nurses were fighting over me. I watched movies and took a nap. I got home and we went to visit Kiki.. Nicole's new puppy chihuahua. She has to wait until Sunday to bring her home since we are going to visit Aunt Sheesha and Uncle Mike this weekend. We walked over to Grandpa's house to pickup Kiki. Skiddles, out cat, followed us all the way over. I guess she wanted to go for a walk too! We just had to make sure the ChupaCumbra didn't get her in the storm drains.. (Scooby doo, Mexico joke). We took Kiki home after dinner.. Again, Skiddles followed us again. It was a nice sunny, cool day for a walk. I have to get to clinic now. I'll update everyone later!!

Hannah (Banana)

PS - I'll have some more pictures of our walk and Kiki later on.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 7:25 AM EDT

Hi everybody,

I had a great day yesterday. Daddy stayed home from work. I love it when my Mommy and Daddy are both home during the day. Daddy can stay home and be at work at the same time. Neat huh? He made me some Fried potatoes for breakfast. He is a really good cook. Monday night he cooked barbecue chicken and some chicken bones (wings) on the grill. Warm weather is the best. I love all the good food from the grill. Anyway back to more food, I had a ham sandwich for lunch yesterday.

After Nicole got home from school Me and Mommy and Nicole went to a girl scout picnic. It was really fun. We had more good food, I had a hot dog and hamburger and a brownie for dessert. I saw a bunch of people I like and I saw some boats. It was really fun to be there with so many people that care about me and my family.

Me and Nicole got new sandals to wear for summer and to Sheesha and Michael’s house this weekend. Sandals rock!

Well I better go. I start my fourth round of chemotherapy this morning. It's outpatient, So no long hospital stay... Yippee!

Sunday, May 22, 2005 8:01 PM EDT

Hi everybody,

I got a few days to update you guys on. Friday morning I slept till like 11:00 in the morning. Can you believe it? Mommy asked me if I wanted lunch when I got up. She is so silly; everybody knows you gotta eat breakfast first. It’s the most important meal of the day. I played Barbies and watched some TV. Grandma came over for a couple hours and I played with the bubbles. Oh, and I changed my Band-Aid for Daddy. I also played pretend with my blankey like it was my hair. For dinner we went to Chin Chin’s. I love Chinese food, specially those cute little chicken wings. On the way home we stopped by Home Depot so Daddy could look at something for the yard.

Breakfast is such an important meal that I ate it twice yesterday. I had french toast sticks for breakfast and then I also had Fruit Loops for breakfast. Nicole had Cheerios but I think those are spose to be good for you so I didn’t want any. Then we played Barbie. Nicole got to go to a sleep over birthday party. She is really a big girl; I can’t wait till I get to go to sleep over parties. While she was gone Me, Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma went to Johnny's for some pizza. I had salad, pizza, spaghetti and a sprite. You know that game Hungry Hungry Hippos, well I was Hungry Hungry Hannah yesterday.

Today I got up around 10:00 and had cheese eggs for breakfast. Nicole got home from her party around 10:30 and we played some Barbies and watched some TV. I had pizza for lunch. Yummy! You are doin’ pretty good when you get to have pizza two days in a row. We played out side for a little bit and then we went to Grandpa’s and played with the cute little puppies. They are almost two months old and they are so cute. They are Chihuahuas and they are so tiny. After that we came back home and played some more and then took a nap. Me and Nicole didn’t wake up till it was time for dinner. Grandma came over to eat dinner with us tonight and we had hamburgers and hot dogs and corn on the cob, more yummy. I hope I have room for my feeding in my tube tonight. I am really full. Well I better go. I am gonna watch some TV with my family and then take a bath and go to sleep.

Love, Hannah

Friday, May 20, 2005 1:45 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

I had a big day yesterday. It started off with a trip to the clinic. They told Mommy that I am doing really good. I tried to tell em I am always good but they still keep having to give me all these tests. Oh well. One really cool thing is I got a surprise visit from Dr. Rapkin. He wasn’t even spose to be there. I really like him; he always tickles me and does high fives with me. Sometimes he tricks me with the down low too slow. I found out that I am gonna have my CT scan to prepare for my surgery on May 31st. I am spose to have my surgery before June 14th, but we won’t find out when till they see how I am recovering from my 4th chemotherapy. Oh more good news, my chemo will start on May 25th for three days. Are ya ready for this? It’s gonna be OUT PATIENT! Can you believe it? I am so happy about that.

After clinic Me and Mommy went to the waffle house. I had cheese eggs and toast. Mmm… It was Yummy. After we got done there we went to my Primrose school. I got to see all my friends and I got to see Ms. Mooney Ms. Henry and Ms. Balmer. I was really happy to see everyone and I could tell they were really happy to see me.

We went home after that and when Nicole got home from school we went to Misty’s house to see Jacob and meet their new kitty Fluffy. I love kitties and that one was really cute. I had to go home and take a nap when we got done there. Don’t tell anyone but really, I wanted a nap, I was pretty tired. When I woke up I played for a while and then I had tomato soup with cheese for dinner. Can ya tell I really like cheese?! After dinner me and Nicole took a bath and then we watched TV with our parents before we went to bed.

Talk to ya soon.

Love, Hannah

Yummy soup!

Thursday, May 19, 2005 7:46 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

I spent my whole entire day at Egleston Children’s hospital yesterday. I had to take some tests in the morning to see if my counts were good enough to do my bone marrow harvest. It seemed like it took forever. After my tests they told us they were gonna be able to do the harvest. The best part of the whole day was that I could take a nap while they did it. They just got it out of my port. Pretty cool huh? Finally after they finished we went home. Did I mention we had to be there all day? Before we left they made me an appointment for today in case they were not able to get enough so we had to keep our fingers crossed till they called last night. You know we didn’t really keep our fingers crossed. That would just be silly and it would make it hard to play Barbie. Anyway, they called last night and said…. Drum roll please… Hurray they got enough.

Well I better go. Since I don’t have to be back at Egleston this morning I have to be at the clinic. They need me to come up there and play Miss PacMan and color and get stickers and stuff. A kid’s work is never done.

Love, Hannah

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 11:44 AM EDT

Hi everybody,

I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to write. My sister Nicole had an extra day off from school so I was having fun playing with her. I started my day off with a bowl of Apple Jacks instead of my usual Frosted Flakes, and all you guys know that Fruit Loops are so last week. Nicole had chocolate Lucky Charms.

The Home Health Care nurse came out and got some of my juice for lab work. The people for the bone marrow harvest at Eglelston called today asking about my lab work. If my counts are good who knows, maybe later this week will be the harvest. It will be really nice to have that all done. You know after they get it the spin it around and around to sling out all the good cells and then they freeze what they get. Cool huh?

Me and Nicole played Barbies off and on today. We all went for a walk later in the day. Nicole rode on her bike while I got to ride my scooter. It was really nice outside. I love it when it is sunny out and I really love spending time with my whole family. I was a little run down though; maybe all the bright sunlight wore me out. Me and Nicole went out like lights about 9:00.

I will let you know when we find out about my counts and the harvest.

Love, Hannah

UPDATE: Hannah is scheduled to go to Egleston Tomorrow morning at 8:30. They are going to run some tests. Depending on the results they may be able to do her bone harvest as soon as tomorrow. If not she will go back to Egleston on Friday.

Sunday, May 15, 2005 3:46 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

I had a good day yesterday. It was nice outside so me and Daddy played Bubbles while Nicole and Mommy went to Anthony's birthday party. Then we had some tomato soup with cheese. It was really yummy. I like cheese with just about anything except dessert.

My white cell count is low and I am not supposed to be around a lot of people right now so I don’t get sick. It is very important that I stay infection free so I can have my bone marrow harvest on schedule. The doctors say there is a small window where I can have it done. I haven’t seen the window. I have been looking for it. All we have at home and my hospital is regular sized windows. The small ones must be at Eglelston Children’s Hospital, cause that is where my harvest will be. Anyway because my counts are down we got to do the coolest thing for dinner. We went to Sonic. The lady brought my hamburger right outside and we all ate in the van. Then we went to Carvel (about 30 miles away) for ice cream. Me and Nicole both asked to go there. We ate at an outside table since I shouldn't be inside with all the other people.

We went home after that. Me and Nicole both took a bath and then played Barbie until Mommy and Daddy made us go to bed. I told you it was a good day. Well I better go. Me and Nicole are going to play restaurant with the aprons grandma made for us. Can I take your order?

Love, Hannah

Saturday, May 14, 2005 3:11 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

Not too much to tell ya about yesterday. Daddy worked from home while Mommy went to Nicole’s Field Day at her school. Grandma and Jon came over for bar-b-q chicken and Silver Queen corn. After Grandma and Jon left me and Nicole did some Cha-cha. You can see a short video of it if you click on the link below. There are also some pictures of Nicole at Field day and my pictures from yesterday on my hannahshaver.com website.

Love, Hannah

Cha-Cha Video

Friday, May 13, 2005 10:53 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

I slept late again yesterday! I am really a little sleepy head. I had eggs for breakfast. They were really good. I mainly just had a relaxing day. It was nice. I watched a little TV and then I had a ham sandwich for lunch. Me and Nicole both really like ham sandwiches. In the afternoon I just watched a little more TV and played Barbies and games. It was nice just to be lazy. I felt really good all day!

Nicole went with Daddy to bowling last night. He did really good he bowled a 176 and a 167 and then a 174. I don’t know what all that means but I am really proud of him. I stayed home with Mommy and hung out. I had Dora the explorer noodle soup for dinner. After Nicole got home we played for a little while and then we went to bed.

I did get some cool stuff in the mail the last few days. Grandpapa sent me a Florida Gators ball cap. He sent one for Nicole too. Katy (She is my cousin who lives in New York) sent me an Iron Chef apron. Cool huh? I also got a present from a lady named Jane that Daddy used to work with too. Thanks guys.

Today is FIELD DAY for Nicole! She has been talking about it all week. She is all set to go. She has on her shorts and Field Day shirt. Mommy and Daddy made her put on Sunscream and she has her hair in a double pony tail. Mommy is going to her school to see her. I hope she takes some pictures.

Oh well I better go!

Love, Hannah

Thursday, May 12, 2005 9:56 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

I slept late yesterday! It was so nice to be in my own bed at home that I didn’t get out of it till almost 10:00. I felt really good when I got up too. I was hungry so mommy made me a bowl of Frosted Flakes for breakfast. Mmm…

I didn’t do a whole lot, I was so happy to be at my house and not have Roobot (my IV and pump) following me around everywhere. I played Barbies and watched the cookers (TV Food network) on TV. I had Spaghettios with meatballs for lunch. I really like em and the doctor said they are really good for me because they have a lot of protein in em.

Leslie from Home Health Care came and took my blood to test. She is really nice. She can take the blood right out of my tube so I don’t have to get any more owies. She called Mommy later on the phone and told her that my levels are still good but they will be dropping over the next seven days before they go up again. I am taking the Nupogen to help with that though. (For more information on Nupogen you can click the link below or the treatment link on hannahshaver.com )

Me and Mommy went and picked Nicole up from school.After we got home we played Barbies. It’s much more fun to play with my sister than by myself.

We had some of me and Nicole's favorites for dinner, Chicken bones (wings) that were cooked on the grill and leaf salad (Romaine and Spinach). After dinner I watched Dora the Explorer Halloween and Rachel Ray and Emeril (more Food Network). I had bananas for dessert and then went to bed.

Love, Hannah

Information about Nupogen

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:39 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

I woke up at the hospital, but I didn’t have to stay there long. I hung out with MawMaw and Mommy till Daddy came to get me and Mommy and take us HOME! I got to see the clowns before I left. They are really funny. I love when they come by my room while I am in the hospital, but it was really easy to say by to em. “We’re outta here!” Good-bye room 317. Guess what I found out later? After I moved out of 317 Trenton moved in for his next chemo. He is right on schedule with me. He is a really cute baby. To check in on him click on the link to his website below.

I was so excited about going home yesterday that I couldn’t eat my breakfast till lunch time. I had some ranch style potatoes. They were really yummy. I bet they tasted even better just cause I was at home. It was so nice to see my cats and my bed and my couch and my stairs and my fridgerator and my…

Grandma (Daddy's Mom) came over for a few hours to visit me. Mommy went to pick up Nicole at school. After they got back we went outside with Grandma and she blew bubbles and me and Nicole chased em and popped em! That was so fun. Then Grandma did some crafts with us till she had to go home.

For dinner we had fried chicken cutlets brown rice and green beans. Me and Nicole didn't eat the brown rice (blech!). Rice is supposed to be white. You can’t trick me, but I did eat seconds of the green beans even though they are vegetables. When we got done eating we watched a new "What’s new Scooby Doo?" DVD. Daddy turned my G-tube and then it was time for bed.

Did I mention I am happy to be home?!

Love, Hannah


Monday, May 9, 2005 6:28 PM EDT

Hi everybody,

I had a really big weekend this weekend. I am so happy that I felt so good that I could really enjoy it! I haven’t been sick not even one time. On Saturday my Mommy and MawMaw went to the Spring Fling at Nicole’s school, so Michael and Sheesha stayed with me at the hospital. We had a really good time.

First of all there was suppose to be doggies here so we went all over the hospital looking for ‘em and we couldn’t find ‘em anywhere. We finally wound up at the Koi pond and one of the doggies Travis came by there on his way out. He was a Sheltie and really cute. He looked like a little baby Collie. We went to the cafeteria after that and I ate a whole hamburger. I dipped each bite in catsup and then gravy. I got some French fries too but I didn’t eat any of ‘em. I had to be back in my room when I got done to start my next chemo. MawMaw and Mommy and Daddy and Nicole got back to the hospital and then they all went to lunch except for MawMaw who stayed with me. We played and I took a nap. I woke up and was missing my sister I was happy to see her when everyone got back. Next we went down to the outside playground. We had such a great time. We were very careful with my IV tubes and I got to go down the slide a few times and we played Burger King and Dress shop. That was the best time I had since I got to the hospital. We went back upstairs after that and I played with Nicole and Daddy in the game room and everyone just kinda hung out for a while. Daddy and Nicole were the last ones to leave and then me and Mommy went to bed. I slept really well after such a fun day.

Yesterday we had a big Mother’s party in my room. Me and Nicole gave our presents and cards to Mommy and MawMaw and Sheesha. They really liked everything. I had planned to get a hamburger in the cafeteria after that but the nurses made me wait till after my chemo. The cafeteria almost closed but Mommy and Sheesha saved the day. They went downstairs and got me a burger and the rest of us went down just a few minutes later. First Catsup then gravy! Yummy! We ran into Misty and Steve and Tayler and Jacob in the cafeteria. They brought a card and plant for Mommy. Then Ms. Mooney came up. While Michael took Mommy and MawMaw and Sheesha out for a Mother’s Day lunch, Daddy and my friends stayed here with me and we played in the game room and hung out and had a really good time. My friends went home and after Mommy and everybody got back and I got to go the playground outside again. It got dark and we closed the place down. Daddy and Michael and Nicole went to Taco Bell and picked me up some tacos for dinner while I stayed with Mommy and Sheesha. They were yummy even though they accidentally put salad on em. We all acted silly for a little while and then everyone left so me and Mommy could go to bed. I will let you know all about my Monday after I get HOME TOMORROW!!!

Love, Hannah

Monday, May 9, 2005 7:32 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

I had such a big weekend with lots of people I love around me and I have another pretty busy day today. After things slow down a little this evening I will give ya a full weekend upatde with lots and lots of pictures. I am still feeling really good after my fourth day of chemo.

Don't forget to check back tonite or in the morning for all the juicy details!


P.S. I did put one group picture from Mother's day on here just click view photos to see it.

Saturday, May 7, 2005 7:24 AM EDT

Hi everybody,

I finished my second day of chemo yesterday. I am happy cause felt really good all day. Well there was this little bit of time that they had to give me Benadryl so I would not be allergic to the chemo and it made me feel kinda loopy. I did not fall asleep though.

I had a really busy day. They had this really neat thing where you could go downstairs and pick out gifts for you parents for Mother’s Day and you didn’t have to pay for em or anything. Mommy had a dentist appointment so I got to spend a lot of the day running MawMaw ragged. I think she was surprised at how much energy I have. She took me to the shopping thing so Mommy would not see what I got her and after I went back upstairs she even helped the lady wrap presents for other people. She also took me to the game room and I got to play pinball. We played a lot in my room too.

I also had some company. Trenton and his Mommy came up to see me. He starts his next round of chemo next week. Right after Sheesha and Michael got here Michael’s brothers wife Kathey’s sister Peggy (I know it’s a little confusing but you guys get the idea) came and see me too. She lives in Atlanta. She was very nice.

I got some cool new stuff yesterday. Daddy brought me a Dora Candy Land game and a little panda bear. The bear is really neat. He cries and sleeps and moves when you press his belly. He also has his own bottle so you can feed him. I named him Panda. I got a cute Blanket from Linda Yaker. Sheesha and Michael brought me a doctor’s kit and a My Little Pony night gown. MawMaw washed it and I wore it too bed. I got some other cool stuff too.

Sheesha and Michael took Mommy and Daddy out to dinner so I got to play with MawMaw some more. I ate chicken fingers and green beans. Yummy! After they got back I played with Sheesha and Michael till after 11:00 before I finally went to bed. It was a pretty exciting day considering I am in the hospital.

Well I am sure I forgot some stuff but I better go.

Love, Hannah

Thursday, May 5, 2005 9:00 AM EDT

Hi everybody,

I had a pretty busy day yesterday. I got to go to Chic-fil-a for lunch. It was really good. I got some catsup on my chin though. I am bad to do that. Mommy and Misty took me there. I love chicken Nuggets.

I got to play with the cutest puppy. My Daddy’s sister Dylan brought the cute puppy and her Mommy over to my house. The mommy dog is named Coco Puff. Me and Nicole and Mommy all played with the puppies and my cat Skiddles. It was really fun. It was nice outside.

MawMaw came to our house last night. We all went to Beef O’ Brady’s for dinner. That place is fun cause they have a game room there. Nicole played one car driving game after dinner while I got a glow in the dark sticky monster. You can’t see it cause it’s not dark where you are. Just kiddin! There is a Dollar store and a haircutter in the same place as the restaurant so we all went in the store while Daddy got his hair cut, then Nicole got a shampoo and cut too. We went home after that and it was bath time. I was sleepy after such a big day so I went to bed.

MawMaw is here for my next chemo treatment which starts today. She is gonna take me and Mommy to the hospital and stay there with us. Sheesha and Michael are coming tomorrow. I am gonna need a bigger room if I keep having all this company, but I sure love having my family around me.

Well I gotta go to the clinic so I better talk to ya later.

Love Hannah


Wednesday, May 4, 2005 8:33 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

When I got up yesterday I was really wanting some hash browns. Iron Chef (Daddy) didn’t have any potatoes or enough time to make em so we got to go to McDonalds. We had to be at an appointment at 11:00.

Our appointment was at Eglelston Children’s Hospital. They wanted to give my Mommy and Daddy and me a tour of where I will be when I have my bone Marrow transplants. We got to meet my doctor for a short consultation to go over the procedure and ask questions. I didn’t really ask any questions cause I could barely understand a thing they were talking about. We will be back at least 2 more times before the procedure to go over more stuff like who can visit me and when. We will also come back for the bone marrow harvest.

My favorite part of the visit was when we got to go look at the cafeteria. I got to have some chicken bones (wings) and peas and corn. Mmm yummy. The cafeteria is not as big as the one at my hospital I go to now but I did scope out the gift shop and it was bigger! They have 6 floors for parking in the parking garage. Oh and Sheesha and Michael they have a garden and a jogging trail for you guys to run while you are here. I thought that would make you happy.

After we left the hospital I picked up Nicole at after school (actually, mommy did the driving). When we got home we played Barbies and got to do more bubbles again before we had dinner. Me and Nicole watched some cartoons and then it was bed time. My favorite part of the day is when my sister gets home. We have so much fun playing together. I will miss that when I have to go back into the hospital tomorrow. Oh well that’s not till tomorrow…

Love, Hannah

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 8:24 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

Well I spent most of yesterday just playing and enjoying the beautiful weather! Not much to tell ya. I felt really good. I ate really good too. Me and Nicole even ate green beans. You won’t believe this but I had a double helping and I don’t even usually like vegetables. I had some chicken nuggets too. You can see some of the catsup from em on my nose in a couple of my pictures.

Me and Nicole popped some virtual bubble wrap on the computer. That was so fun that we had to go outside and pop some actual bubbles. I had fun being at home with my family and playing with my sister and my cats and stuff.

At the end of the day I ate dinner and took my bath and then went to bed. I am going back into the hospital on Thursday for my next chemotherapy but I’ll think about that then. For now I am just gonna have fun being a kid at home.

Love, Hannah

There is a beautiful baby boy, Trenton that was diagnosed at the same time as Hannah.He is on the same treatment protocol at the same hospital. As you think of and pray for Hannah we ask that you include Trenton in your thoughts and prayers.

Please keep Jake's family in your thoughts as well. Jake's Mommy Sophie and Syd have gotten to be close. We were very sad to learn that after his two year battle with stage IV Neuroblastoma Jake earned his angel wings today.

Bob and Syd



Monday, May 2, 2005 10:25 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

Let me see, where should I start? When I got up yesterday I ate breakfast with Nicole. I had Fruit Loops and Nicole had Trix cereal. Mommy and MawMaw went to the SPIN fundraiser today at new life fitness center. Mommy said there were a lot of people riding spin bikes for hours all because of me. I must be really special thanks for making me feel that way.

While Mommy and MawMaw were gone me and Nicole played Barbies and then we went outside and played with the cats. Nicole says we have about a hundred of em but Daddy said there is really only seven. We were playing tag with em but actually only me and Nicole were it.

Just before lunch time Mommy and MawMaw came home for a few minutes so MawMaw could leave to go back to Alabama, and Mommy went back to the Spin Fundraiser for 4 more hours.
Me and Daddy and Nicole had tomato soup with cheddar cheese. Nicole also had a bowl of Lipton Noodle soup. Of course after that we had to eat cupcakes that me and Nicole decorated the night before. Yummy! We watched Pokemon Deoxsys while we ate. After lunch I took a nap while Daddy and Nicole did some gardening.

After I woke up from my nap we played with the blue Little Tykes car in the driveway. Me and Nicole took turns pushing each other and Daddy even helped us a few times too. Whee… We wanted to give the car one last spin around the driveway before we donate to some kids who don’t have any toys cause we are really too big for it.

Mommy came home from the spinning and she was really tired. She rode the spin bike for like at least four hours. Way to go Mommy! We had Lipton Chicken Noodle for dinner and another cupcake for dessert. I think me and Nicole both had about four cupcakes today, but don’t tell anyone ok?! I spent time with my family and then it was late so I went to bed.

Love, Hannah

There is a boy, Trenton Kindred that was diagnosed at the same time as Hannah and is on the same treatment protocol. As you think and pray for Hannah we ask that you include Trenton in your thoughts and prayers. There is also a boy, Jake who lives in England. He and his Mommy Sophie have become close to Syd and Hannah and they really need your prayers for a miracle. There are links to both of their web pages below

Bob and Syd



Sunday, May 1, 2005 10:26 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

First I want to say thank you to the mommies that came out for the walk yesterday, and the mommies and daddies who made pledges to them. Too bad it got rained out, DRATZ! A very special thanks to Vicky and Meg and also my MawMaw. With you guys standing around with Mommy in the rain waiting to see if you were gonna walk at 8:30, I feel kinda bad cause I didn’t get up till about 9:00. I had a bowl of Trix cereal for breakfast.

I had Chicken Noodle soup for lunch. Then we went to Lowe’s and Target. I got a Rainbow Little Pony and a new Barbie Dress. I also got a coupla pairs of shorts and a t-shirt. Nicole got a little puppy it’s a Dalmatian (she named it Dalmatian) and Bratz clothes. Nicole also got a new shirt and skirt and shawl (Poncho).

We all piled up and went to the Buckhead Brewery for dinner. It was really yummy. After dinner we went home and Me and Nicole and Mommy made chocolate cupcakes and decorated em with chocolate icing and lots of sprinkles. Making cupcakes is one of my favorite things to do!

After that it was time for bed. It was nice to feel so good all day and to have so much fun with my family.

Love, Hannah

P.S. Good luck and thanks to everyone who is doing the spinning class today!

There is a boy, Trenton Kindred that was diagnosed at the same time as Hannah. He is having a lot of problems right now and we ask that as you think and pray for Hannah you include Trenton in your thoughts and prayers. There is also a boy, Jake who lives in England. He and his Mommy Sophie have become close to Syd and Hannah and they really need your prayers for a miracle. There are links to both of their web pages below

Bob and Syd




Saturday, April 30, 2005 9:05 AM CDT

Hello everybody,

When I got up yesterday morning not only did I have to go to the clinic but I couldn’t even have any breakfast! Did you hear me?! NO BREAKFAST! They took some of my bone marrow out. We won’t know the results till next week. Keep your fingers crossed. I did find out that I will be going in for my 3rd round of chemotherapy next Thursday. It will be for five days plus one day of hydration. I guess that is where they water me like a plant, like my Daddy does in his garden to make sure the vegetables and flowers don’t dry out. I hope they use a sprinkler.

After we left the clinic finally I got my breakfast! Mommy and Daddy took me to Blue Roof (IHOP) where I had some totally delicious cheese grits. I also got to go to Lowe’s for a couple azalea plants and bag of lawn soil. I love all the pretty flowers there.

My Grandma (Daddy’s mommy) came over for a couple hours, and then MawMaw (Mommy’s mommy) got here. She is staying for the weekend. We went to the cookers (Japanese Hibachi) for dinner. I had kids filet and also some chicken but NO fried rice for me please. Me and Nicole love to look at the Koi pond there. It’s also really fun when the cookers make your dinner in front of you. I like the onion volcano best.

When we got home I went off to bed. I was really tired after a long day.

Love, Hannah

There is a boy, Trenton Kindred that was diagnosed at the same time as Hannah. He is having a lot of problems right now and we ask that as you think and pray for Hannah you include Trenton in your thoughts and prayers. There is also a boy, Jake who lives in England. He and his Mommy Sophie have become close to Syd and Hannah and they really need your prayers for a miracle. There are links to both of their web pages below

Bob and Syd



Friday, April 29, 2005 08:00 AM EDT

Hi everybody,

Wednesday was a pretty quiet day. I didn’t do too much. I watched cartoons most of the day while my Mommy went to my school. She said it was really nice to see all the people there and she said she got to see some of my friend’s parents. I did get to go with Daddy to pick up Nicole from school. Grandpa (Daddy’s dad) came by to see me and he ate dinner with us. We had meatloaf.
After dinner me and Nicole played with our Barbies and Bratz and then we went to bed.

I was really happy yesterday. My Mommy’s friend Shari brought my friend Lexi over to play with me. It was so fun. I showed her my Barbies and she got to meet my cats. It was really nice having a friend over to visit me.

Patti came over and did my lab work. They said my counts are good whatever that means. I like Patti but I don’t know why she comes over and tells me I count good. I know that. Nicole can count to 15 in Spanish but I can’t do that yet. I helped Mommy do my medicine last night. I am really good at that too. I didn’t have my food in the G-tube last night because I have to have some bone marrow taken out at the clinic today. They are going to test it to see if the medicine has made it clean yet. They will put me in a twilight sleep for that. I am pretty sure I am going to start my next chemotherapy May 5th but I will let you know for sure tomorrow.

The walk and the spinning class are this weekend. I hope I get to go and watch the walk. Mommy and Daddy said we will just have to see. I hope I see a lot of you guys there. Thank you so much for all the stuff you are doing to help me. It makes me feel really happy to know so many people care about me and my family. It’s kinda like getting a great big hug all the time.

Well I have to go now. I have to be at the clinic!

Love, Hannah

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:07 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

Sorry it took me so long to write this. I got out of the hospital on Monday. I was so happy. On the way home we stopped at McDonalds for some chicken nuggets and a Dr. Pepper, then over to the pharmacy to where I had to get some antibiotics for me to take at home. Home health care is gonna come out tomorrow and I have an appointment at the clinic on Friday but that's about it for this week.

After I got home, I pulled out every toy in site... Well, almost! I had fun but I missed Nicole. I had chicken wings for a late dinner and then went to bed.

I slept in a little bit yesterday. I had a big bowl of fruit loops for breakfast. Daddy worked from home. That was really nice cause the weather was kinda yucky and I am afraid of storms. I played Barbies and watched part of the new movies I got; a 3 DVD set of Iron Chef America till it was time for my nap. I was playing by myself all morning and I was still really missing Nicole.

While I was sleeping Sheesha brought Nicole home. I didn’t get to talk to her but Nicole told me she blew me a kiss and it landed on my cheek. I wish I coulda seen her but I am sure I will soon. I was so happy when I woke up and Nicole was here. It was like I dreamed for her to come home and she did.

Grandma (Daddy’s mom) came and saw me and we were all going to go to the Vegetable stand but there were accidents everywhere, so we went to China Garden for dinner instead. Me and Nicole both ate sizzling rice soup and some Chicken fried rice with Sprite to drink.

After dinner we went home. Me and Nicole went upstairs and played Barbies. It was more better playing with Nicole than just me. Then we took our baths and it was time for bed.

Love, Hannah

Monday, April 25, 2005 11:17 PM CDT

Hi everybody,


Love, Hannah

P.S. Talk to ya tomorrow

Monday, April 25, 2005 12:07 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

Not much happened yesterday. My fever was down but my tummy still hurts. I am really ready to go home. It’s pretty boring around here. Mommy and Daddy try to make it fun but there is only so much you can do here.

My day started pretty much as usual. I got up and had my usual breakfast... Cheese grits, bacon, and cheese eggs (with a sprite). I can’t remember what I had for lunch but I do remember that it had green beans cause I ate em twice yesterday. I had chicken noodle soup, my second green beans of the day, and Mandarin oranges for dinner (and another Sprite).

I told you its pretty exciting around here. You are starting to believe me huh? I did get to go to the playroom; I went to the Journey room which is the playroom for cancer patients. I also watched a video Daddy made for me of Iron Chefs. That is one of my favorite shows, and I don’t have the cooker channel at the hospital, drat!

Still no word when I will get outa here, SOON I hope. Did I mention its boring in here?

Love, Hannah

Sunday, April 24, 2005 9:07 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

I had a really yummy breakfast yesterday… I was really hungry; I had cheese grits, bacon, and cheese eggs and a Sprite to drink. I also had a really good lunch I had an order of chicken wings with tater tots and green beans and another Sprite.

I got to go to activity time and make a sock puppet. It is really fun. You get to glue eyes on em and use markers and they got little puffy balls you can use if you want. They have yarn and all kinds of stuff in there.

Papa came to visit and took mommy to lunch. He brought me back another order of chicken wings. They were delicious!

One of my doctors came to visit me twice. I had another day of Antibiotics. I still have a fever that comes and goes, but only got as high as 100 yesterday. My blood counts are still dropping a little, so I will still be in here for a little while longer. I’m sure how long that is yet. Daddy took a bunch of pictures, so I'll get them on here as soon as I can. We are having a little techi tecnif technoc I don’t know some kind of problem getting em on my website but Daddy says we should have some new ones on here today.

Love, Hannah

P.S. My Mommy and Daddy say hi and thank you so much for all your care and support.

Saturday, April 23, 2005 8:41 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

Well in case you didn’t hear I am back in the hospital. I wasn’t supposed to back this soon but I got a fever and my tummy was hurting me. I didn’t do a lot yesterday. I stayed in bed all day. Mommy stayed up here with me. I watched a little bit TV and slept a lot.

Sheesha came here and picked up Nicole for a few days. She gave me a photo book with pictures of me and Nicole and her dogs Panda and Kody. We looked at em together and I also showed em to my nice nurse. Nicole brought daddy with her when she came. He stayed with Mommy and me. He spent the night with us.

I got antibiotics all day and I also ate through my tube during the day and at night. We had some Chinese food for dinner. I think I have to be here for about a week this time. I am not sure what that means for when I was suppose to come in on Monday. I am sure Dr. Rapkin will tell us.

Sorry I didn’t post any new pictures yesterday. I should be able to get some up some time today. So please check back.

Well I better go; my cheese eggs, cheese grits, bacon and Fruit Loops are here. Yum Yum!

Love, Hannah

Friday, April 22, 2005 8:24 AM EST

Hi everbody,

I am back in the hospital. I woke up at 3 am with a tummy ache, I told daddy, he felt me and said I was warm so he took my temperature and it was 101.3°. He took it two more times to be sure and, drats, it was. The doctor on call told us to go to the emergency room so we did. I am fine but they have to put me back in the hospital to give me antibiotics for a few days. I am in room 304 right now, but they are probably going to move me to 3 north as soon as a room is ready.

Love, Hannah

PS - Mommy is with me and Nicole is with Daddy

Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:02 AM EST

Hi everybody,

I got up about 8:30 yesterday morning. I had these really neat French toast sticks. You can tear em apart and dip em in syrup. Cool huh? I also had some Taylor ham with em. Yummy. I had Campbell’s chicken noodle soup for lunch. I felt great and I ate good all day.

I played outside a lot today. I am still just so happy to be back at home. When Nicole came home we played cheerleaders on the back porch. That was really fun. You can even see a movie of it on the Photos & Videos link on my hannahshaver.com page. Guess what else I did? My whole family went to a fresh fruit and vegetable stand. We got all kinds of good stuff (good if you like vegetables, some people actually do). We got some Apples, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Jalapeno's and stuff.

When we got home I had a nice nap. I was pretty worn out from a long day. After I got up we had some pizza from Johnny’s for dinner. It was really good and the pieces are really big! We watched a little TV and then me and Nicole had our baths and got ready for bed. I got on my gown got my medicines and then hooked up my feeding tube. It runs for ten hours! Oh, and I almost forgot Nicole lost her first tooth today. You know what that means… yep the tooth fairy.

Well I have to be at the clinic at 9:30 so I better go.

Love, Hannah

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:25 AM CDT

Hello everybody,

It makes me so happy to be at home. I felt so good all day yesterday. I also had a lot of company. I was really hungry all day and just had a bunch of energy. I just felt like smiling and dancing. I even put a video of me dancing on my hannahshaver.com page.

My teachers from school came to see me. It was so nice to see them. I miss seeing everyone at Primrose School. Misty brought Tayler and Jacob to see me that was fun. When my Grandma came over me and Nicole got to go with her to take copper and sox for a walk. I also did some artwork on my driveway with some chalk that looks like ice cream cones that MawMaw gave me. I love being outside so much. That is the worst part of being in the hospital, all the time inside.

I had fruit loops and Tayler ham yesterday and I also had hotdogs and tater tots. I was hungry a bunch. I ate through me feeding tube last night while I watched the cookers (Iron Chef). That is one of my favorites. I even gained ½ pound. Yea! After the cookers I went to sleep.

Love, Hannah

P.S. from Mommy and Daddy,
We wanted to say thank you to all the people who have been keeping us in their thoughts and prayers and sending so many good wishes our way. It really means a lot. We would also like to ask that you keep a boy named Trenton in your thoughts and prayers as well. He is a little boy that was diagnosed at the same time as Hannah. He is currently back in the hospital for his second round of chemotherapy. He is a sweet little boy with wonderful parents. Thanks again.

Bob & Syd

Monday, April 18, 2005 11:45 PM EST

Hi eveybody,

Today I got out of the hospital. Yipee! It was a sunny and warm today, so I put on a skirt and shirt. My Daddy gave me a wagon ride down the ramp on the way to the car. That was really fun! It was really nice to feel the sun on my skin. I think they want me to come back again for my next chemo on May 2nd but I am just happy to be going home. I only have to go to clinic a few times before then. For now I am going to just enjoy some time with my family and my friends. I am going to play with my toys and my sister and my cat’s. I am gonna play with Daddy in the yard and help mommy with so stuff around the house. I like to fold clothes and I am pretty good at it too!

Oh my sister Nicole got out of school early with a sore throat. She went to the Dr. and he gave her some medicine, just to be safe. He took us right in. No waiting in the waiting room. Nicole didn’t have a fever so he said we can play but she just can’t cough without covering her mouth and she has to wash her hands.

I had spaghetti O's and meatballs for lunch, and for dinner I got to go to Grandpas house and have some Buffalo Wings and Tater tots! Uncle Dennis and Aunt Katie brought some wing sauce from the Anchor Bar in N.Y., the supposed birthplace of Buffalo Wings. They had regular and suicide sauce. Daddy and Mommy said the suicide wasn't very hot. Of course Daddy could have added some crushed peppers from his garden to kick it up a notch, but he didn't.

Well, it's time for bed now... Mommy hooked me up for my nightly meal... Vanilla Kindercal... Mmm Mmm good. Mommy has to wake up in the middle of the night to add a 2nd can. Don't stay up too late mommy!

I'm going to watch Iron Chef and then off to sleep for me too!

Love Hannah

Monday, April 18, 2005 9:30 AM EST

Hi everybody,

I get to go HOME today. Yea! I am soooo happy.

I had a pretty big day again yesterday. I had a lot of visitors. Grandma and Dennis and Katie and Tyler and Aaron came to see me in the morning. Maw Maw and Papa were here most of the day and so were Michael and Sheesha. Daddy stayed with Mommy again Saturday night and then he went home and got Nicole yesterday morning. I got to play with her a long time. That made me really happy. We went to the game room and got to play video games and we played Barbies. We changed their clothes all around and Sleeping Beauty wound up wearing Bride Barbies dress. She didn’t seem to mind though.

Daddy and Nicole stayed with me while PaPa took Mommy and MawMaw and Michael and Sheesha out for lunch. I got to eat some tater tots that looked like smiley faces. :-) I also ate chicken noodle soup two times and some hotdogs.

I wasn’t sick at all yesterday but I did feel sleepy a lot. I got a blood transfusion and got my food through my feeding tube while I was asleep. How many of you guys can eat while you sleep? I gave Sheesha and Michael shots last night. They didn’t cry even once. Sheesha is gonna come see me again this morning before I go home. I will let you know how my day went tonight.

I better go and start getting my stuff ready to go HOME!!!!

Love, Hannah

Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:21 AM CDT

Hi everybody,

(Well yesterday I was so busy I forgot to write so pretend it's Saturday while you read this.)

Today I had a LOT of people in my room! My Grandma Ruth and my uncle Dennis and aunt Katie and my cousins Tyler (he's the bigger one) and Aaron (he's the baby one) and my MawMaw and PaPa and Sheesha and Michael and of course MY FAVORITE SISTER NICOLE. (Michael said I should go sit in the hall to make more room, but he was just being silly as usual.) I'm so lucky to have so many people who love me.

We stayed real busy watching cartoons and playing with toys (we made shapes with the wires that held my Barbies in their boxes) and we went outside to the garden to see the fish. It was a beautiful day today and I loved feeling the sunshine. When we went back inside there were some friendly dogs to see, and the white poodle was doing tricks and then he JUMPED IN MY WAGON!! You can see pictures of all of this on my daily photo page.

I felt pretty good sometimes today and pretty bad sometimes too. I'm really tired a lot but the people who work on my floor are really really nice to me, and when I feel good and my tummy is not upset I'm able to eat pretty good. Tonight I had three chicken wings from Chinese delivery and a hot dog.

I hope I get to go home soon. I love all of you for caring about me and thinking of me and I'll write again soon.

Love, Hannah

Saturday, April 15, 2005 11:17 PM EST

Hi everybody,

I woke up a bunch last night, so I slept until about 10:00. I was so happy when Dr. Siripkin came in said I could eat about 10:30. What do ya think I had? You guessed it, Frosted Flakes! I went to a fun aloha party. I made a lei and they had clowns and singing. I had three tacos for lunch with only meat, no cheese or salad. They were really yummy and I ate every bite!

I started my second day of chemo today but it is the last one for this round. My tummy also still hurts whenever I have to get out of bed.

Daddy came to spend the night with me and mommy. Michael came from Alabama and Sheesha was here. Michael is so silly he made balloon people out of the gloves rubber gloves in my room. Me and Sheesha made a sock puppet. Daddy’s brother Dennis is visiting with his family and I get to see them tomorrow. We had Chinese food delivered for dinner.

Well I am sleepy so I better go.

Love, Hannah

Thursday, April 14, 2005 11:21 PM EST

Hi everybody,

First of all let me say that It's gonna be a long night. I have not had anything to eat or drink since last night and they tell me it will be sometime tomorrow before I can. I was asking just to see my Frosted Flakes even though I can't eat 'em. They put in my feeding tube this morning. The doctors say it went really well, but if that's true then why does my tummy hurt so much and why have they been giving me Morphine all day? Oh and did I mention that I STILL can't have anything to EAT or DRINK?!

Mainly all I did today was sleep. Daddy and Nicole stopped by for a little while on the way to Daddy's bowling. I was awake the whole time they were here. It was nice to see 'em. Sheesha was here with Mommy all day except when she went to Wal-Mart to get some Dr. Pepper and I got a Sleeping Beauty doll and some Silly Putty! I did not however get anything to EAT or DRINK!

Well I'm pretty sleepy so I better go.

Love, Hannah

For more information on the feeding tube look at the treatment link on the hannahshaver.com page.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:25 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

Well as you have probably heard I am back in the hospital. I am having a feeding tube put in at 10:00 in the morning (for more information on the feeding tube look at the treatment tab on my hannahshaver.com website) and I also start two days of chemotherapy tomorrow. I got up about 9:30 this morning and ate cereal for breakfast. I had chicken nuggets for lunch and then I had to be at the clinic at 2:00.

I got labs done before I checked into the hospital. The doctor said all my counts are good which is really great news. Sheesha met us at the clinic. I beat her at a game of Donkey Kong and a game of Galaga. There are so many video games there. We left the clinic and made a quick stop at admissions and then went to my room at the hospital (309). I fell asleep for a while, but I woke up when the doctor (Dr. Larry M Saripkin) who is putting in my feeding tube came in to explain everything to us. He is really funny and nice.

Daddy and Nicole came up to the hospital and brought me my daily taco fix. The only problem was they brought 'em from Moe’s Southwest Grill and I really needed 'em to be from Taco Bell. I had to send Daddy back out to try to find a Taco Bell. I can’t have anything to eat for about thirty-six hours after midnight tonight so you can see how important having the right taco is.

I have a big day tomorrow so I better go to sle… zzzzzzz

Love, Hannah

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 10:32 PM CDT

Hi everybody
Let's see.. I had a lazy start to my day. I slept until almost noon. I was really sore and sleepy after they did my bone marrow thing yesterday. I had some fruit loops for breakfast/lunch....:-) Grandpa stopped by for a short visit. I got to choose where we ate dinner so I chose IHOP for Cheese Grits and toast. I also got to go to Brusters for some ice cream. I had orange sherbert. Oh, guess what?! I saw a beautiful rainbow today. I had to take a stupid bath. Sheesha is coming tomorrow to take me and Mommy to the hospital. She is going to stay till Friday and then my Uncle Dennis is coming.

The doctors called today and said I have to have surgery Thursday morning, so I have to check into the hospital tomorrow, blech! They need to put a tube in my stomach to feed me because I am too skinny. I hope they have red gummy bears and tacos with no salad to put in there.

Love, Hannah

Monday, April 11, 2005 11:30 PM EST

Hi everybody,
Today was a day at the clinic for lab work and bone marrow sample. My blood counts are back up and I'm all ready for the 2nd round of Chemo on Thursday. The doctor says I should be out by Saturday! I wasn't able to have breakfast so I had a big lunch instead. Spaghetti and meatballs from Macaroni grill.. Mmm… I was so worn out that I watched two Kim Possible movies and then fell asleep before dinner. I woke up and had my normal one crunchy taco and one soft taco.. Meat and cheese only.
No salad... Well, I'm still sleepy. Brushed my teeth and off to bed.. I was out like a light!!

Love, Hannah

Sunday, April 10, 2005 10:56 PM CDT

Hi Everybody!

Whew! I am so tired after visiting Sheesha's house all weekend. Sheesha and michael and Panda and Kody were all so glad to see me and we stayed busy with MawMaw and Mommy and Daddy and my favorite sister Nicole all the time! We played and watched movies (you should hear me sing "A Whole New World" with Ariel) and went out to eat and saw a bunch of cute puppies at the pet store and fed the ducks and walked and shopped and...as I said, I'm really tired. Oh, also I saw Adam and Allison and Wes and they all told me how pretty I am and played with me.

Daddy drove us back to georgia and I'm really sleepy so I can't talk anymore because I ate SOOO much taylor ham and then Nicole wanted some

I love you good night


Saturday, April 9, 2005 11:06 PM CDT

Hello Everybody,
I had a very busy day again today. I woke up and had some fruit loops for breakfast, then I went to the park. It was a really great park. I saw ducks, geese, turtles, and fish. Maw Maw bought two loaves of bread. It only took us about 15 minutes to feed it all to 'em. We went to Petsmart and saw the puppies. Wes and Allison (that is Mikey's son and duagter)met us there. Allison brought her dog Daisy. We knew her when she was a puppy. I also saw kitties, hamsters and fish. I got a Happy Birthday Barbie at Target after that. We went home and put on some makeup. I talked to Grandpawpaw on the phone. I told him I love him and he told me he loves me too. He lives in Florida. Everyone went to Carrabas for dinner. Mommy and Daddy took me to Taco Bell on the way. I ate a taco with no salad on it and then stll ate a bunch of noodles. When we got home we all decorated the cake we baked last night. We had a birthday party with candles for everyone in the house.
There are so many pictures that I will put 'em all up tomorrow night. I am too sleepy tonight. I was really brave with all my medicine tonite also.
Love, Hannah

Saturday, April 9, 2005 9:50 AM CDT

Hi everybody,
I was going to Sheesha's yesterday and had a really busy day. I am going to have another one today. I will check back in tonite and tell you all about it and post lots of new pictures. Be sure to check back in on me now.

Love, Hannah


Thursday, April 7, 2005 10:22 PM CDT

Hello everybody,
Well, today I had a good breakfast. I had 5 pieces of bacon, one piece of Taylor ham and a cup of Coke, and then I had two more pieces of bacon before lunch. I had cheese grits at IHOP for lunch and a Coke. After that, I went for a haircut, it is really short. I like it a lot. Nicole saw a picture of me and said I look really cute. I got a bubble toy and played with it. I had fun. Me and Mommy went bowling with Daddy, he is really good at that. The Home Nurse came over and did my labwork.


PS - I may check in later tonight, if not.. See ya tomorrow.

I am going to Sheesha's tomorrow after my clinic appointment with my Mommy and Daddy. My MawMaw is meeting us there too.


Wednesday, April 6, 2005 11:28 PM CDT

Hello Everybody,

Today I stayed home all day. I ate some Shrek 2 cereal at 10 am. Then I watched some cartoons until Lunch time. I ate 4 pieces of pizza for lunch. I was hungry. Daddy worked on the playground. I am sending a picture. I ate some spagetti and meatballs for dinner. I made cookies too, they were yummy! I watched more cartoons including Teen Titans and then off to bed with Mommy and Daddy, before the storms get here. Can you tell I'm learning numbers?!

Love Hannah


Tuesday, April 5, 2005 10:28 PM EST


Well, this morning I got up and had two bowls of fruit loops and 2 pieces of bacon. Daddy put more of the playground together this morning. Then Grandma came over and Grandma, mommy, daddy, and me went to the zoo. I saw the Panda's first, then got my own little panda to cuddle up with. I had lunch and that took forever. The line was so long.

I had a lot more energy today, but lost it near the end of the day. I had some Dora Campbells soup for dinner with extra noodles added and some sprite. I even had a little bit of sandwich.

I did a drawing of a wedding dress on my magna doodle.
I watched Fairytopia after dinner and some cartoons. Time for relaxing. I think I'll stay home tomorrow.

I added some pictures of Nicole on my hannahsahver.com website. She sent me pictures of her feedng geese while she is at Sheesha's house.

Love Hannah

PS - I had a little energy burst, so I'll practice my karate on Daddy.

Monday, April 4, 2005 10:16 PM CDT

Hi everybody,

Today was a very long day. I got up at 6am to go to the clinic. I saw Dr Rapkin this morning and had some labwork. I needed some Hemoglobins and Platelets, but at least they have TVs so you can watch movies while they are working. I didn't leave until almost 5pm.

I ate very little today. It was 76 and sunny outside today, but I only caught a little of it at the end of the day. I had some chicken nuggets for dinner.

I really miss my sister Nicole and I can’t wait to see her and play with her. I know she’s having fun at Sheesha’s house though.

I'm relaxing now watching cartoons. I think tonight will be an early night for me.

Love, Hannah

One more thing… I got a craving for tacos. So I had some tacos and grapes.


Monday, April 4, 2005 10:54 AM EST

Sorry I did not write you guys yesterday. I did get ouside a litte but I was feeling kinda tired. I was really wanting meatballs instead of tacos today. I will give you a better update and maybe even some new pictures tonite.

Say no to GERMS!

Saturday, April 2, 2005 12:18 PM EST

Hi Everbody!
Boy what a day I had. My tummy hurt this morning. After I started feeling better we all piled in the car to meet Mikey and Sheesha at Maggiano's. Nicole had noodles with red sauce and cheese. I had some Sprite and then a nap on Sheesha's lap until it was time to go. Nicole went to Sheesha's house for spring break. On my way home I had a nose bleed that lasted about 35 minutes. We made it to the hospital and by the time we got there and talked to the doctor my nose had stopped bleeding so I got to go home. I had some yummy tacos for dinner. I LOVE TACOS SO MUCH NOW! It seems like all I want to eat these days. Well I am pretty sleepy. I love all your notes in my guestbook so please keep writing.
Love, Hannah


Friday, April 1, 2005 10:06 PM EST

Hi, it’s me. I had a busy day today. I watched Aladdin - Return of Jafar, Aladdin, King of Thieves, and one other movie before going to Sweet Tomatoes for Dinner. I had some spiral noodles with chicken broth. Also some Sprite. We went to Target and bought a thermometer, a new Bride Barbie for me (yea!) and Nicole got a new Soccer Yasmin Bratz. For some reason, I started wanting tacos at Target, so Daddy is now running out to Taco Bell to get some tacos. (It's almost an obsession at this point). Oh, Barbie is going to get married while I wait for a taco delivery for my growling tummy. Check back tomorrow.
Love, Hannah

Say NO to germs!

Thursday, March 31, 2005 10:52 PM CST

HI everybody,
I got to sleep a little later today since I didn't have to go to the Clinic until after 11:30am. I needed some fluids and potassium. They gave it to me in my IV. Me and Mommy picked Daddy up at work and we all went together to clinic. It’s a nice place. They have Video games, personal TV's and movies. I have a little more energy today. Daddy took a few good pictures in the car and at the pharmacy and even at the Waffle house (I got to choose). Next I went to the bowling alley, but only had the energy to stay for one game. Daddy bowled a 172 that game. He also bowled a 178, and then a 203. Overall, a good night of bowling.

My potassium levels are still low and my white blood cell count is low, so I am at high risk for a fever. I have to have my temperature taken a lot to be on the safe side. I appreciate everyone that has come to see me. I love having company. I hate to be pushy especially cause I am so little, BUT if you have any sign of a cold or anyone in your family has any sign of a cold PLEASE do not come to see me. Call me on the phone or send me an email. If I get sick I will have to go back into the YUCKY HOSPITAL!! I really like being home.

Say NO to germs!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 11:00 PM CST

Hello again!

I went for my MIBG (bone scan)today. I had to start over once because I moved, then had to do part of it again because they wanted a different picture of my head. I went to the Clinic and while I was there and got an I.V. for 3 hours. I also went out to dinner for my Daddy's birthday (that was the best part of my day). I was even happier because my sister Nicole was there too. Grandma and Jon even went with us. We went to the Buckhead Brewery in Cumming, GA. I wasn't really hungry so I just had some Sprite. Nicole had Macaroni and cheese.


Tuesday, March 29, 2005 10:05 PM CST

Not much happened today. I had some pizza. I really didn't want breakfast or dinner. I played with my cats today. I am so sleepy all the time. I hope I have more energy soon. I got the dye today for my MIBG test tomorrow. That is a bone scan at 10:00 tomorrow morning. My sister got her first loose tooth today. I hope the tooth fairy comes to see her. I hope I see her when she does. I sleep right next to Nicole.

Monday, March 28, 2005 11:50 PM ECST

I took my Iodine drops this morning with lemon juice.. Yuck! I went back to my favorite chair and had some kitty kat company. I got 2 baskets of toys from my class in school today. Also I got a couple more packages today by UPS and by US mail. I got a cute dog in a purse to carry around with me from Franke. I also got some music CD's and Another couple packages from Alison. I ate better today. I had Cinnamon toast cereal for breakfast. I had some fruit punch and coke. I had chicken nuggets and Sprite for lunch. I had Johnny's pizza for dinner too. I took a bath and washed my hair. Then off to bed in Mommy and Daddy's room on my blow up princess sleeping bag. Nicole has one
too and she sleeps next to me.


Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:00 PM EST

YEA!!! I was home today!!! My friends at school made me a banner and there were balloons and the Easter Bunny came and I got surprises!!! Tayler and Jacob and their Mommy came over too. I was really happy to play with my big sister Nicole. She and I played with the new presents from my cousins Alison and Katy. (Finally we have a boy Bratz so we don't have to use a stuffed dog to marry Barbie)

I felt a little better today and I ate Trix yogurt and Clifford the Big Red Dog noodle soup. My Grandma and Grandpa (Daddy's mom and dad) came to see me today and so did a nice nurse lady who will help take care of me at home and she said another nice nurse will come to check my blood tomorrow and clean my port and put a new dressing on it. (I hope it's ranch and not stinky blue cheese)

Check in on me tomorrow, and thanks for all of your prayers and kind thoughts.

Love, Hannah

Sunday, March 27, 2005 2:14 PM CST

I am home! I am so happy to be here. I put a two new links on my page. The first one is to a photo gallery with a lot of pictures of me and my family the second one is a daily photos link that will change everyday. I will let you know how my first day home went tonight.

Sunday, March 27, 2005 2:14 PM CST

I am home! New update tonight.

Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:02 AM EST

I put new pictures up from this morning before I left the hospital. I am so excited to see my sister and my house.
I will give an update tonight on my first day home.

Saturday, March 26, 2005 10:32 PM EST

Well, I mostly slept today and I did get sick a couple times. I am really lucky though I have alot of people that love me. My mommy stays here all the time and cuddles me and makes sure I'm ok. My daddy comes everyday and today he brought me soup and wrote me a sweet love note in my Guestbook. It made me smile! MawMaw, PaPa and Sheesha have been here a bunch. I ate two cups of the noodles daddy brought. I watched alot of cartoons when I was awake. Ms. Hannah and my friend Lexi from my Primrose school came to see me today. Nicole is with Misty tonite but Misty, Tayler, Jacob, and Ms. Moody have been up to see me and brought me prizes. I gotta go and spend some time with Mommy and Daddy and then go to sleep.

Friday, March 25, 2005 9:11 PM EST

Hi everybody,
The chemo made me feel really icky, so they gave me some medicine that helped but made me sleep all day. I did have some coke out of my daddy's coke bottle. I put a picture of all my daily activities on the view photos page. As you can see the medicine did not change how yummy my fingers are. Also check out the picture of me and Nicole and my cousin Panda. I hope I can go home Sunday and eat some chicken noodle soup. The Lipton Clifford kind. Too sleepy to kee..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Love, Hannah

Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:58 PM EST

Hello everyone,
Today was not so great for me. It was my third day of chemo and I felt really sleepy all day and even a little sick. PaPa came back tonight and watched Dora the explorer with me on the DVD player that Aunt Tarol sent me. I went outside to the Koi pond. I really enjoed the fresh air. I wasn't hungry today so I really didn't eat much. I posted a new picture for today. Tomorrow will be a better day! I will let you know how I am doing tomorrow night.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 7:25 PM CST

I had a pretty big day. I had my second day of chemotherapy today. The doctor said I am doing really good. I got a favorable result on my MYCN test. I heard the doctor say that was good news. I had a hot dog for lunch with lots of catsup. Yummy! I made a magic wand today and I also saw a pet artist. She drew me a picture of my cat Paula. I painted three pictures you can tell by the paint on my nose. :-) Today is my mommy and daddy's anniversary. Maw Maw stayed with me while they went out for dinner. Me, Sheesha and Maw Maw made them a card. Some nice people brought me a bunny. He is yellow and pink. I still feel really good. I put a new picture of me on the view photos link. You should check it out. Oh and I also took a bath. I am sleepy so I better go to bed. I'll tell you more tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:02 PM CST

Well I had my first day of chemotherapy today. I still feel good. I have four more days of treatment for this session, it's my induction session. I had some yogurt for dinner. My mommy is staying with me and my daddy and Nicole came to see me tonight. I watched "The Incredibles" today. I love that movie. I posted a picture of me that my daddy took tonight on the veiw photos link. I will let you know how I am doing tomorrow night. Thank you for thinking of me. I hope I can go home on Sunday, I think my next chemo will start 21 days from today if I'm doing good.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 12:43 AM CST

Hannah's been diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. This is a form of cancer found usually only in children under the age of 5. She started her first of five rounds of chemotherapy today. This first induction round will last five days. Hopefully Hannah will be going home on Sunday. Her next treatment should be 21 days from today. Please check back for additional updates.

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