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Hi there!
I was just checking in on you to see if you were still posting! Looks like you are doing great! Louie Giglio was a pastor at our church prior to starting his mission work with youth. He has an amazing gift..I just took out the clothes you gave to our little Tyler (now age 3) and Chase (8 months) is now wearing them! Makes me remember you and your family and brings smiles to my face! We have just relocated to dallas texas with my hubby's job. Great picture on the front too!

Nurse Colin <nrscolin@hotmail.com>
Frisco , TX - Saturday, July 19, 2008 11:02 PM CDT
What a great way to brighten your day by reading the caring thoughts and words from people close to god. I want prayers for my mom she has live cancer and ai know she is in Gods hand I still want more prayers for the that she can have surgery and anot the kemo. Bless the people who dont know God and are seeking God
Lois J.Maddox <loismaddox@yahoo.cothe ssurgery >
St. Louis, mo USA - Wednesday, September 5, 2007 6:54 PM CDT
I want to say I enjoyed reading the thoughts aprayers I read on this page I typed in Lois Maddox and this pahe poped up on my computer I am From St. Louis Mo.
God Bless to all and peace be with you.

Lois Jean Maddox <loismaddox3@yahoo.com>
St. Louis, MO United States - Friday, June 22, 2007 11:39 PM CDT
REminds me of Job 42:2 You oh Lord can do anything and no plan of yours can be thwarted. What a glorious picture of recovery and wholeness. Carmel, you look marvelous and I know your spirit is drenched with His love for you. May He continue always to work His purposes in you and through you.
Shannon Ede <shannon@edefamily.net>
Round Rock, TX - Monday, May 7, 2007 3:12 PM CDT
Hi Margaret,
Just in case you still check every once in a while! I am thinking of you and Carmel...her smile justs makes my day. Love, Nurse Colin

dacula, ga - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:51 PM CST

I have visited your website before. Our 4 year old son passed away from AML in July. I am so happy that Carmel is doing so well. I am writing to you today, because our son's Light the Night team has just become a National team, the DMAN Hero team. We are looking for other teams that my already be light the night teams to affiliate with us under the umbrella of the DMAN Hero team, or if you don't already have a team, we are asking if you or someone you know would be a team captain for the DMAN Hero team and recruit some walkers and raise some money to help find a cure for leukemia. We would greatly appreciate your efforts. My husband and I are determined to find a cure. Please visit our website at www.dmanhero.com and you can email us at www.feyhfamily@earthlink.net The walks are not usually until aug, sept. or oct. but the fundraising is year round, or at least it easier to do it sooner versus later. Hope to hear from you soon. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers. God Bless. Janelle, Lance, Alexa, and Angel Daegen

janelle feyh <feyhfamily@earthlink.net>
- Thursday, December 1, 2005 10:59 PM CST
Just stopping in to say hi.
Tina & Lance <lneonkia@comcast.net>
- Friday, June 24, 2005 11:26 PM CDT
Hi Carmel. We love you and will continue to pray for you. Love the Leake family!!!! :-)
Laura Leake <malachi46@highstream.net>
Staley, NC USA - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:36 AM CDT

I Think I Love You !
I Think I Love You !!


dad <Moctbuzz1@aol.com>
- Wednesday, June 15, 2005 9:30 AM CDT
Best wishes to you all!!!! It has been a blessing reading your journey and having you share you insight, learning and experience with the rest of us.
James Thomson, Dad to Connor (7) dx AML March/04, BMT August/05 <jthomp289@rogers.com>
Barrie, ON Canada - Monday, May 30, 2005 1:07 PM CDT
hi margaret just checked the site sorry to see it come to a close but in a way very happy. because it means carmel is healed completely!!! PRAISE GOD!! but sad because i don't get to read your passages on the site. but that's cool. take care and always remember in the future and now
NEVER FEAR GOD IS NEAR!! and he will always be. i'll keep the family in my prayers and as soon as i get time i'll come visit gary and anita and come to church one sunday and give you all big hugs!!(smile) well have a great and blessed life take care for now. hope to come visit soon

love regina

regina jones <regina122074@yahoo.com>
columbus, ga - Monday, May 16, 2005 5:34 PM CDT
Thinking of you Carmel...you look beautiful with those big curls!
Nurse Erika
- Thursday, May 5, 2005 9:14 PM CDT
I will miss your writing daily..your journal has become part of my daily devotional. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers...stay in touch! With love, Colin

Colin Smith
Dacula, GA - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 7:54 PM CDT
I will continue to pray for your family!


Larissa Farley <larissafarley@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9:59 PM CDT
Margaret, thank you for your outreach. I will continue to pray for Carmel, and maybe I'll check on you at the other site. God Bless,
Melinda Kaye <mkbrandt@isp.com>
Houston, TX - Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9:25 PM CDT
Praise God for the good news about Carmel!
Micah's doctor recently told him that he really liked him but, remember he only borrowed Micah for a while, now he has to go back and someone else needs his bed. In the beginnning I didn't want to be uprooted and come here for so long and the Lord encouraged me that He puts us where He wants to use us when He wants to.
Heb 11:13-16
13 The Heavenly Hope
These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. 14 For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland. 15 And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.
I think we long more for heaven now than we used to. Love you. Laura

Laura Leake <malachi46@highstream.net>
Staley, NC USA - Friday, April 29, 2005 8:28 AM CDT
Hey Carmel! I am glad that you are doing well today and I want you to know that you are in my prayers everyday!
Rachael, 16 <speedsk8hawaii1988@gmail.com>
Kailua, Hawaii, - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:52 PM CDT
Such a beautiful painting with words of your new friend, Micah! I will gladly pray for this young man of God!
Praise God for the miracles that He continues to do in Carmel too!

Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Tuesday, April 26, 2005 8:08 AM CDT
Dear Margaret, I KNEW someone was praying hard for Micah today! Thank you so much for your kind words and you encouragement and your prayers. Today was the 12th day since Micah started the fevers and today was the first day his temperature went down to normal. It was 98.4 at the clinic. It went up slightly at bed time, but stayed below 100.Praise God. Persistence in prayer. The scripture the Lord encouraged Micah with today was Matt 11:28-30
28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
God is so faithful. Thanks again for your sweet tribute to Micah. Love your Sister in Christ, Laura

Laura Leake <malachi46@highstream.net>
Staley, NC USA - Monday, April 25, 2005 9:41 PM CDT
We may not be all 10 of the lepers that were mentioned in the Bible that were healed by Jesus, but we are pretty close in number- and WE CANNOT let this important day slip away without saying, "THANK YOU JESUS FOR CARMEL!!!!!!!" We are SO glad to see you doing so amazingly well !!!! Let us REMEMBER God's faithfulness to bring you this far- We rejoice with you!!!
The Hoffman Clan <stetsonhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, TN - Thursday, April 21, 2005 0:07 AM CDT
Dear Margaret and Carmel,
It is hard to believe a year has passed, your family has been such an inspiration to so many during this journey! I pray for you as you embrace the next year and see what God has planned for you and your family! With love, Nurse Colin

Colin Smith <nrscolin@hotmail.com>
Dacula, GA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:19 PM CDT
Happy 2nd Birthday, Carmel! I love you!
Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:45 AM CDT
Dear Margaret, I will pray for a good complete report for Carmel. I can relate to the fear of the unknown. One of my favorite scriptures relates what you said about praise.
Ps 56:3-4
3 Whenever I am afraid,
I will trust in You.
4 In God (I will praise His word),
In God I have put my trust;
I will not fear.
What can flesh do to me?
Also when I read about Tylers stomach problems I thought about Gabriel and how he broke out in shingles at age 13. Nerves can cause an outbreak of shingles. I think Gabriel holds a lot inside him, because he's a little man. It is tough on the other children. We will pray for Tyler as well. Blessings and peace and grace be unto you and your family. Laura

Laura Leake <malachi46@highstream.net>
- Friday, April 15, 2005 9:34 PM CDT
Walking with a limp might just be a sign of dependence and knowing your limitations, not a weakness. Those who run full boar often fall flat on their faces!
Glad that the report's preliminaries were no cause for alarm-although I'm with you on being interested in the details of it. I'm so thankful that you are so sensitive to the Holy Spirit and so obedient to His promptings. What joy you must bring to His heart. Blessings on you all.

Shannon Ede <shannon@edefamily.net>
Round Rock, TX - Friday, April 15, 2005 7:03 PM CDT
Just wanted to share my daughters story with your family.


Thank you,


Elaine, Angel Trinitys mother

Elaine <angelsmom@shaw.ca>
Surrey, BC Canada - Sunday, April 10, 2005 3:07 PM CDT
I thought about something interesting about the illustration below.(Hannah's dream) Jesus did not take the dog away, He came between Hannah and the dog, He protected her from the dog, He gave her peace with the dog and He took away her fear. That is the way it is sometimes with our suffering. Jesus doesn't always take away the thing that is causing us to suffer, but He does protect us, is there with us, gives us peace and comfort, and he takes away the fear.Laura
Laura Leake <malachi46@highstrea,.net>
Staley, NC USA - Thursday, April 7, 2005 5:22 PM CDT
That was a great Word Margaret, and so true. Praise God for His precious son Jesus and that in the name of Jesus demons will flee. I taught my children that if they woke in the night afraid because of a bad dream, to say, fear go away in the name of Jesus, and that if they could not say that, to just say the name, Jesus, and the fear has to leave. One night Hannah woke up from a bad dream that a big mean dog was in her bed. She cried out to Jesus, and she said Jesus got in bed with her between her and the dog, so she was safe, and went peacefully back to sleep. Jesus is real. He does hear our cries and He answers. Hi to Carmel and family. Love, Laura
Laura Leake <malachi46@highstream.net>
Staley, NC UNC - Thursday, April 7, 2005 5:12 PM CDT

~Chris~ ( Wisconsin Angels/WI Friends of Allie) <clownfish_53@yahoo.com>
Appleton, WI - Wednesday, April 6, 2005 12:17 AM CDT
Okay, grab a snack, and get comfortable, because I have a story for you. Your post yesterday was amazing to me. You see, God spoke to me in 2001 and told me to run just as he told that lady you spoke of to run. He had me to run to cure others. You see, in 2001, I received a post card in the mail from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, about their Team in Training program. I had always got them and laughed at the thought of me running a marathon. All I could think was, "yeah, right"! Well, in 2001, I saw the face of a child on the card and God put in on my heart to run. It was something that I thought was crazy, but I just knew I had to do it. I ran that year in honor of Jack Sanders. He was the first child I had known with Cancer since my cousin had leukemia in 1973. My friend, LaFortune thought it was just amazing that I ran a marathon. I told her it was really no big deal and that she too could do it. I was her mentor that fall, and she ran a marathon and raised money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society as well. Between the two of us, I would guess that we raised around $7,000 that year. Well, March 2004 rolled around and I got a call I will never forget. LaFortune beautiful little boy, Brady, was diagnosed with Leukemia. God knew. God paved the way to prepare us the best he could for what was about to come. Three years before we could have never known it would be one of our own diagnosed. A couple days after diagnosis, LaFortune called to tell me that Jack Sanders was in Brady's room the night before putting Brady at ease and teaching him about his port. Amazing, the very boy I ran for there with Brady. Next, I called the Team in Training office and Brady became the honored hero for the Atlanta Chapters Chicago Marathon Team. I again Mentored, ran and fundraised. I completed the marathon and crossed the finish line with Brady's sweet little hand in mine. What a gift from God. Now, I have come to know so many wonderful people. Some I have met in person, others through caringbridge. My life is so blessed by knowing these children with cancer. I have become the person many call when their own friends get news of cancer. God put me in this place for a reason and I know some of his reasons have yet to be revealed. I am here and honored to follow the path he puts me on. I think down the road I may become an oncology nurse. For now, I will just keep writing to people like you and your wonderful daughter and keep my eyes open to what God leads me to do next.


Larissa Farley <larissafarley@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Tuesday, March 29, 2005 8:13 AM CST
Hi Carmel!
I saw a link to your site and came by to say hi!

Joanne’s Corner
~Joanne’s Corner~

Bridge of Dreams

With love,
Joanne and the Dream Team
~Bridge of Dreams ~

Joanne <joanne173@gmail.com>
- Monday, March 28, 2005 1:29 AM CST
Margaret, I love to read your posts. They are so encouraging. You are a great teacher of the Word. Praise God for His Word. Carmel, we are praying for you. I am so glad you are doing better. I have also enjoyed getting to know you both through the wed sites and the e-mails. We have been praying for you since you were diagnosed. May the Lord pour out His grace and mercy on you all. We love you. The Leakes
Laura Leake <malachi46@highstream.net>
Staley, NC USA - Saturday, March 26, 2005 5:08 PM CST
Dear Margaret, Carmel and family. So thankful that all is well with all of you. Carmel, you are always in our prayers, and we are so proud of your accomplishments. Margaret, your words bring us comfort and joy, what a gift you have. Keep smiling and stay strong. God is truly Great.
Kim & Jack <Kgomogomo@joimail.com>
alph, Ga USA - Friday, March 25, 2005 12:14 AM CST
Thinking of you today.
Tina & Lance <lneonkia@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, March 23, 2005 0:46 AM CST
How cool. We are doing Nehemiah at church now too! Took them 52 days to rebuild that wall. Took us about 52 weeks to recover from transplant! I love how the people had a new appreciation and submission to the Word as Ezra read it and realized that the word of God was their very life. Same here eh? I think it is interesting how Nehemiah instructed the people to have the trowel in one hand and the sword in the other. Reminds me of the double dilagence we as mothers have in raising these kids and in dealing with the medical world. Part of the healing is taking the pills, doing the therapy, monitoring the levels, part of it is just on our knees interceeding and begging for God's mercy. Both are necesssary. Patrick's has only had 2 fevers post trasnplant. The first one early on sent us to the hospital but the second one he fought low grade for several days. What a victory for the body to be able to fight infection on its own!!!Go donor cells go!! Jesus please help the Ast family to recover from this sickness. Please continue to nurture them in your Word as they work with you to rebuild the walls. Amen
Shannon Ede <shannon@edefamily.net>
Round Rock, TX - Thursday, March 17, 2005 6:30 AM CST
Hello Carmel,I got your site through Shannon Ede Patrick's Mom and would like to say hi!My son Daniel's site is http://www3.caringbridge.org/wa/danielmarrero.We also know Haley she is listed on Daniel's site.I'm glad your feeling well and doing well.I hope to get to know you all better.God bless,love & hugs.Linn
The Marrero Family <linngilbert7@earthlink.net>
Port Orchard, Wa U.S.A - Monday, March 14, 2005 9:40 PM CST
Carmel is in my prayers.
Tina &
~Lance~ <lneonkia@comcast.net>
- Monday, March 14, 2005 4:49 PM CST
Full circle. I love those kind of stories. I wonder how many centuries we'll get to hear of how all those divine appointments worked out once we are in heaven. What instruments of his grace you guys got to be. I love that 1Peter 4:10 talks how God uses the different gifts He has given us to administer His grace in its various forms. Sounds like He used your gift of encouragment once again...I'm sure that makes Him smile. It obviously made the nurse smile.
shannon ede <shannon@edefamily.net>
round rock, tx - Thursday, March 10, 2005 6:51 PM CST
I will be praying for you to feel better soon and for Carmel to stay well. It is so comforting to know that under all circumstances we endure the Lord has been there and he knows what we suffer through. He is there always to carry our burderns. Thank you so much for entry. Again, you have touched my life.


Larissa Farley <larissafarely@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Thursday, March 3, 2005 12:50 AM CST
Just this morning we looked at that verse in 1Peter4:2. "He who suffers in his body is done with sin." We talked about how when physical suffering is at its most intense, you long for heaven. To be released from pain's torment makes all the allurements of this world pale in comparison to the promise and joy of release from suffering and sin in heaven. Hopefully for all of us the suffering endured, the lessons learned will keep us focused on Him our sympathetic High Priest and keep the enticements of this world from stealing our focus on the eternal satisfactions ahead of us.
Shannon Ede <shannon@edefamily.net>
Round Rock, TX - Thursday, March 3, 2005 9:08 AM CST
Patiently enduring...ruthlessly trusting...being transformed in the process to reflect our Master.
Someday we will look back and praise God for all He took us through. The fire purifies and refines us and some day we will say it was worth every second of it.
Keep us posted on that biopsy.

Shannon Ede <shannon@edefamily.net>
Round Rock, TX - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 11:05 AM CST
Good word. It is a sobering reminder for us all. If we are stuck out wandering around in the outer courts, it isn't because we haven't been welcomed in along with a great price paid to get us the invitation. What an amazing God. One who could command our allegiance; yet waits for us to respond. How can I resist that love? Shamefully I do though, resisting and drawing back because I want to do things my way. Just like a toddler sometimes...its embarrassing. I laugh sometimes knowing He calls us sheep for a reason. Not the brightest mammals out there! Yet He is still so merciful and gracious to us. Thank you for your timely reminders once again.
Shannon Ede <shannon@edefamily.net>
Round Rock, TX - Monday, February 28, 2005 6:42 PM CST
Well, you did it again! Another wonderful lesson! You are so right. Thank you for doing such a great job brining God's word into everyday life. You do it so beautifully. It is truly a gift.

I had melanoma a few years ago and I had my results back in four days and surgery three days after that. If my experience is like others then I would say you are right to feel good about it since it is taking so long. I will continue to pray for Carmel and hope that she gets good news!


Larissa Farley <larissafarley@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 7:21 PM CST
Dear Carmel: Sweet 16!!! You truly are. Sorry this is late, but is sent with many belated wishes of happiness for the best year ever!!! We love you Kim & Jack XXXOOO
Kim & Jack <Kgomogomo@aol.com>
Alpharetta, Ga USA - Thursday, February 24, 2005 6:55 PM CST
I visit often but do not always sign in. I just have to tell you how much your page means to me. You are truly serving the lord through your page and I am always touched by your words. Thank you so much for putting so much into it. I will continue to pray for your daughter and your family.

Larissa Farley

Larissa Farley <larissafarley@bellsouth.net>
- Wednesday, February 23, 2005 7:52 PM CST
I wish I could sing a little birthday tune - Many happy returns of the day!! We are so glad you were born 16 years ago!!It was such fun having you all up here this past weekend- we promise to catch you a delicious bass next time you are here....
All the Hoffmans <stetsonhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, Tn - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 8:00 PM CST
Hey Mellie! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Luv you! Thanks for coming to visit us! :)


Christiana Hoffman <stetsonhoffman@aol.com>
Frankin, TN USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 7:37 PM CST
Happy Birthday, Carmel!! I love you and am so thankful that God made you and is sharing you with the rest of us! You are a wonderful and precious young lady. I am certain that God will use you for great and mighty things! Napoleon Dynamite rocks!
p.s. I love the new pics! I think you should send a copy of the one with you and Olivia on the trampoline to the clowns!

Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 10:26 AM CST
Happy Birthday Carmel! May this next year be your best ever. I hope the day brings you lots of cake and good wishes. And Congratulations Margaret and Greg for your awesome part in creating such an amazing person.
the Kings.......Devon, Merrill, Reeve, Pat and me....... <tracyking4@earthlink.net>
Roswell, GA USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:15 AM CST
Happy birthday, Carmel! We know 16 is going to be your best year ever, and we love the new pics! Hugs to all,
Dayna & Alan <athomso1@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA - Tuesday, February 15, 2005 8:46 AM CST
Your journal entries remind me of the psalms. Full of praises and focused on the God who is bigger than all of this. There, tears, cries, shouts, doubts, screams and panic attacks are registered. Our lives are all the richer for having those things recorded in the psalms and in your journal. It is a treasure trove where real faith meets real life and is a breathing testimony of the goodness of God throughout. Many are so thankful for your writings. They give a voice to some unexpressed emotions in all of us.
Glad you had a great time with your family and celebrated well. Living richly means we can weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. You have the freedom, the right and the privilege of doing all that. I bet it was a welcome break from the routines. It is good to have our universes expanded again. Few know the big step that is from 4 walls in a hospital room with a sick child to the big world outside again... a big, germy world with nice and not so nice people in it. Naturally we mothers are protective and cancer moms are more so. Our sighs of relief won't come for a long time and they probably weren't meant to come until we breathe our last. You are a loving, vibrant woman and your family is blessed to have you. Loved the pictures of the crew! Looking so strong and healthy and loved!

Shannon Ede <shannon@edefamily.net>
Round Rock, TX - Monday, February 14, 2005 12:09 AM CST
Dear Margaret, Thank you so much for sharing the contents of your purse with all of us who care about you and your family. I really do feel like I know you better, and I know Jesus a lot better too! I am so grateful for all I have learned from you. Please don't stop writing! Love, Tish
Tish Beall <tishbeall@juno.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Thursday, February 10, 2005 10:21 PM CST
Carmel: So glad to hear that things are going well and you are feeling good. You keep up the GREAT work !!!! God will take care of the rest. We love you and your family and hope to see you soon. God Bless Love and Hugs Kim & Jack
Kim & Jack Sanders <Kgomogomo@aol.com>
Alpharetta, Ga USA - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 5:27 PM CST
I came to your site through Hayley's and am so happy to hear that both girls are doing well. May you have days where you even forget what Carmel went through. May she have continued healing and good health!
Lara Shields, New England Friends of Allie
NH - Monday, February 7, 2005 7:00 AM CST
I'm back....
It's been a while, but I just wanted to drop back in and let you all know how much I love you all and how grateful I am to be a part of your lives and you all a part of mine.
love you all,
aka: the a/v guru
aka: td1
aka: The Desireable One
aka: Zach really did steal my song book
aka: It was really the baby piano that he dropped on his toe

Keith <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
Adairsville / Calhoun / Sugar Valley, GA USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 10:01 AM CST
"My soul, wait only upon God, and silently submit to Him;for my hope and expectation are from Him. He only is my Rock and my Salvation: He is my defense and my Fortress; I shall not be moved. He is my Rock of unyielding strength and impenetrable hardness, and my refuge is in God! Trust in, lean on, rely on, and have confidence in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is a refuge for us, (a fortress and a high tower.)
Psalms 62:5-8

A friend
Atlanta, GA USA - Thursday, February 3, 2005 8:42 AM CST
Humble and relaxed. If I could just tatoo those words on the inside of my eyelids they would serve as a great reminder. The Lord knows how prone to panic we can be. I bet that is why there are so many gentle reminders to "be not afraid" and "cast all your anxieties on Him". What a wondeful compassionate Savior we have.
Shannon Ede <shannon@edefamily.net>
Round Rock, TX - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:18 PM CST
Amen to slow dancing with Jesus. We need him so desperatly. At the height of the battle with cancer we acknowledge it freely and with complete surrender. The truth is we need him just as desperatly after the roughest parts are over; but we don't see our need as great. Jesus make your presence real to us daily as we stop, and slow dance with you; listening to your heart and singing your praise. Amen.
Shannon Ede <shannon@edefamily.net>
Round Rock, TX - Monday, January 17, 2005 9:41 PM CST
Sorry to hear that you had a bit of sickness with the pizza. Hope you're feeling better! I love you!

Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Monday, January 17, 2005 8:27 PM CST
Carmel's mom, Thank you so much for sending Sami a sweet message. I've been following Carmel and the rest of Merrill's friends for a while. You guys are a true inspiration! (Some times when life seems too hectic around here I check in with your web site just to read your wise words.)We pray that Carmel just keeps getting better and better -- she is beautiful!
Sarah Christy <scwrite@comcast.net>
Indianapolis, IN - Monday, January 17, 2005 6:41 AM CST
Carmel, I pray always for you to improve and grow, and never look back! Margaret, you have re-introduced me to prayer, and led me closer to God than I have been in years and years. Even though your earlier plans didn't come to fruition, I think you were learning things for the big plan! And while you are waiting for new directions, I'm thankful that you are ministering to us strangers out here - you are a powerful force for God.
Melinda Kaye <mkbrandt@isp.com>
Houston, TX - Saturday, January 15, 2005 11:40 PM CST
Carmel, Hope all is well with you and your family. Can't wait to see you!!! You are prettier than ever!! We love you and pray for your continued good health. Jack says "your on with pacman" Love & Blessings Kim & Jack
Kim & Jack <Kgomogomo@joimail.com>
Alpharetta, Ga USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:22 AM CST
Found your site through another not long ago and have been amazed at your faith and testimony. God is indeed brought much glory through your endurance through this trial.
Our son had a transplant for AML and is 22 months post. We praise God for sparing him so far and trust him with his future. Like never before we have had our attention fixed on God's sovereign plan and how comforting it is, even when it is to allow hardship, suffering and even death. We too have been silenced by His power, His greater purposed in conforming us into Christ's image and the mystery of prayers not always turning out how we thought best. 2Chronicles 20:12 was our encouragement and strategy. "We have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We don't know what to do but our eyes are on you." We read of that story in Ron Mehl's book "A Prayer That Moves Heaven" that was so timely given to us. May Jesus be your strength, your hope and your provision as you continue to point the way so lovingly and trustingly to HIM.

Shannon Ede <shannon@edefamily.net www.caringbridge.org/tx/patrickede>
Round Rock, TX - Monday, January 10, 2005 10:19 AM CST
The Valley - Jane Siberry

I live in the hills
You live in the valleys
And all that you know
Are these blackbirds
You rise every morning
Wondering what in the world
Will the world bring today
Will it bring you joy or will it take it away?
And every step you take is guided by
The love of the light upon the land
And the blackbird's cry
You will walk in good company
The valley is dark
The burgeoning holding
The stillness obscured by their judging
You walk through the shadows
Uncertain and surely hurting
Deserted by the blackbirds
And the staccato of the staff
And though you trust the light
Towards which you wend your way
Sometimes you feel all that you wanted
Has been taken away
You will walk in good company
I love the best of you
You love the best of me
Though it is not always easy
Lovely? Lonely?
We will walk in good company
The shepherd upright and flowing
You see...

The above song is sung so beautifully on a CD by K D Lang, entitled "Hymns of the 49th Parallel" - all songs by Canadian songwriters. I cry every time I listen to this song because it brings to mind parents like you, with children battling cancer and other life threatening diseases. Just posting the lyrics of this song does not do it justice. I hope anyone who reads this takes the time to "hear" it.

I do so appreciate your postings, and I have shared them with friends .. I hope you don't mind.

Hugs & Blessings,

Terri <frost_t_one@dslextreme.com>
North San Diego County, CA - Friday, January 7, 2005 11:01 PM CST
I just wanted to let u know that I have been reading your updates and following your story often. You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself and I often can relate to you. My son is also a cancer survivor of AML. We were at Dr Meacham at 1pm today for a cancer survivor follow up clinic session and Dr B is also our primary doctor. Danny was diagnosed with a wilms tumor 12 years ago when he was 7 and had 6 months of chemo. He then relapsed in the lungs with 10 tumors and had a year of intense chemo and some radiation. He was cured of that cancer and then got AML in May 1996. We got Danny into remission and he had an umbilical cord transplant 8 years ago. He is now 19 and is a normal healthy teenager attending UGA. If you would like to talk I would be happy to. Stay well.

Rachelle Simon <safrican13@yahoo.com>
Marietta, ga usa - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 11:42 PM CST
Dear Margaret,
It was so wonderful to meet you and Greg in person at Hayley's reception last week.
I just read your entry for Jan. 3--I know a tiny bit of what your speaking of...once you've been in or witnessed the terrible battle of cancer, you just know the REAL meaning of life...closeness to God, closeness to each other.
I will be remembering to pray for Carmel and all of you in your family.
Keep up those fine writings!
In Christ,

Cheryl Ferguson <cferguson@mail.utexas.edu>
- Monday, January 3, 2005 7:47 PM CST
Last night at 12 midnight, I was leaning over the twinkies beds, listening to the fireworks in the background, and thinking about this time last year - the girls recovering from their major surgery in the Children's hospital in St. Louis, and Bailey and I watching the fireworks from the hospital window. What a way to enter the new year!! Yet with the pain, came gain, and I am thankful for medical expertise and compassion that has given us every advantage. This is the day we received the call about how critical Carmel was, and all of sudden, our mountain became a molehill. I am so glad that 2005 is ushered in this year with Carmel's health, and no recovering surgeries for us. I rejoice in TODAY and am glad to "turn that calendar page" much like starting a new chapter in a book. And yet, this last chapter will build on the last, as we seek to draw near to God in all things. We love you all!
Aunt Stets <stetsonhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, TN - Saturday, January 1, 2005 9:41 AM CST
Just stopping in to say hi and let you know we were thinking of you. Happy New Year.
Tina and Lance <lneonkia@comcast.net>
- Thursday, December 30, 2004 7:11 AM CST
Thanks for coming to our house I had great fun! I wish we could see each other soon. PS:tell everyone to send me a email as soon as they can
davishoffman <davishoffman@hoffmancity.com>
franklin, tn usa - Monday, December 20, 2004 9:59 PM CST
Hey Mellie!
I just wanted to tell you that I had a blast with all you guys! I had the best time! And I am sorry about Hayley. I have been praying for her family. I was looking at her picture and she is adorable! But Jesus wanted her to come to her real home. And He will never forsake anyone! It is so hard to take it all in; the fact that he can be everywhere and comfort everyone. It is just incredible, yet so hard to understand. Well, I got to go, but I had a blast! Thanks for coming!


Christiana Hoffman <stetsonhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 9:25 PM CST
What a truely inspiring post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts......your daughter.

mom to McKenzie, 2 yrs, Rhabdomyosarcoma

Carol Fleming <scfleming27@hotmail.com>
Moultrie, GA - Saturday, December 18, 2004 9:07 AM CST
Margaret, I have been following the stories of many children fighting cancer after coming to know a story of a beautiful baby girl named Allie Scott. What continually amazes me is that most of the families I visit through CaringBridge, show such unshakable faith in God and His perfect plan. I continually visit CB sites to leave encouraging words and prayers for the families, and I continually leave w/ feeling encouraged myself. It is awesome to see that God can use anyone through any website to teach something that you are needing to learn at that particular time. Your post was beautifully written and really put true meaning into what I had only before known as just a story from the Bible. The strength you continue to show in your Faith, in God, is a true testament to His greatness. Thank you for your words. I continue to pray for Hayley and your family as well.
Elisabeth ~*Friends of Allie*~ <familytwigg@yahoo.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 12:54 AM CST
Dear Margaret and family,
What a beautiful post and teaching using the fiery furnace! I am another one led to your site from precious Hayley's. I too have been praying unceasingly for her and her parents during this fiery storm, especially for protection of their hearts and minds against doubt and fear. Your post was reaffirming to me. Praise Him for Hope and victory over death!

Wishing you a blessed Christmas and continued good health for sweet Carmel!

Jenn B.
.•:*¨♥¨*:•.Friends Of Allie.•:*¨♥¨*:•.
Fresno, CA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 11:48 AM CST
What a beautiful post! I think it's one of the most amazing things I have ever read. Thank you.
Jill Martin ^^Friends of Allie^^ www.scotthousehold.com <martinpartyof5@sbcglobal.net>
The Colony, TX USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 11:19 AM CST
We too LOVE the smiles!!!!!!!!
the Hoffmans
Franklin, TN - Monday, December 13, 2004 8:51 PM CST
How awsome your central line go to come out. Our God is an awsome God!
Kim ~Friends of Allie~ <KimandJoey2002@yahoo.com >
Memphis, TN - Monday, December 13, 2004 4:37 PM CST
Congratulations, Carmel! I'm glad that your surgery well and that the central line is out!!! I have been reading your journal history, and all of your entries have been so inspirational to me. Thanks for sharing them.
Aryn ***Friends of Allie**** <extrasupercutie@cox.net>
Laguna Niguel, CA USA - Monday, December 13, 2004 1:51 PM CST
Congrats Carmel for getting that line removed! WOOO HOOOO!!! What a wonderful thing to read!! I'm very excited and happy for you and your family!!!:)
Renee ~~~Friends of Allies~~~
- Monday, December 13, 2004 8:08 AM CST
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!!!! I came to your site through Hayley's and am incredibly thrilled to read that Carmel is doing so well! What a wonderful thing it is to see a child beating the monster. May you have an amazing and blessed Christmas. We will be thinking of you from up north in New Hampshire....
Lara Shields, Friends of Allie <lara_shields@mac.com>
Temple, NH USA - Monday, December 13, 2004 7:55 AM CST
SO incredibly thrilled that Carmel's line is out - just had to post. You brought big smiles to our faces today! All our love,
Dayna, Alan & Hayley <athomso1@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA - Saturday, December 11, 2004 11:00 AM CST
I thought I would just check in and make sure everything was still going well, and I was so happy to hear that the central line was removed today! I would not have wanted to miss that news. What a blessing from the Lord! I will pray that 2005 will be a strong, healthy, and happy year for all of you!
Tish Beall <tishbeall7@yahoo.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Friday, December 10, 2004 8:59 PM CST
I know the lord is working in my life today. I just came from Hayley's site and I wrote to them about God getting them through the storm, and then I went to their links and decided that I had not been to your site this week, and can you believe, here you are talking about storms! This is the first that I have heard about it all week, but I know the lord intended me to cross your path today so that you could minister me through this site.

Praying for Carmel!

Thank you!

Larissa Farley <larissafarley@bellsouth.net>
Lawrenceville, GA USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 9:05 AM CST
This is my first visit to your site and I've read a few of your journal entries. I just wanted to say THANK YOU!

North San Diego County, CA USA - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 2:49 PM CST
Margaret and Carmel,
I am so very proud to call both of you my friend. You are both a light unto this world and an inspiration to me. All things are possible... Love combined with Faith is an awsome thing, and your Thoughtfullness and Obedience to God's word touches all of us. Thanks you!

Note to the Royal Pie Maker: do you know how to make a peanutbutter pie? (hint hint)

Randy Wenzel (The King) <mrgus@msn.com>
Taylorsville, Ga USA - Monday, December 6, 2004 8:35 PM CST
hi margaret, hi carmel just thought i'd drop by the site to see how things are giong for ya. glad to read the blood counts are still high. and normal in the name of JESUS they will stay that way for the rest of your life. you are a miracle healing!!!! thank god!!! and praise god!!! he's still in the miracle performing business. and always for the rest of your life no matter what comes ya'll's way, remember your motto. NEVEER FEAR GOD IS NEAR!!!!

REGINA JONES <regina122074@yahoo.com>
COLUMBUS, GA USA - Sunday, December 5, 2004 7:45 PM CST
Dear Margaret,
Thank you for praying for Hayley and Dayna and Alan. Your words have such a ministry and comfort sending our thoughts straight to Jesus.
Love in Christ,
Cheryl Ferguson

ferguson <cferguson@mail.utexas.edu>
- Sunday, December 5, 2004 10:34 AM CST
What you wrote tonight about fear is so true. I will keep Hayley and Carmel both in my prayers.
Tina www.caringbridge.org/md/lance <lneonkia@comcast.net>
- Friday, December 3, 2004 8:33 PM CST
Dear Margaret,
I came to your website knowing I would get encouragement about Hayley. Thank you for reminding me that God knows things we do not and that we can trust Him...
Our hearts are aching badly over Hayley, but rejoicing over Carmel.
Love in Christ,
Cheryl Ferguson (Hayley's great aunt)

Ferguson <cferguson@mail.utexas.edu>
- Wednesday, December 1, 2004 7:48 PM CST
I haven't written in a long time, and just got caught up! Wow! God has indeed done what we knew all along He could and would do! Keep believing God!
Rachel Deal <racheldeal@yahoo.com>
Louisville, KY USA - Monday, November 29, 2004 10:03 AM CST
We love you!!!Payton and Sally Reade
Payton and Sally Reade <StetsonHoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, TN - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 4:40 PM CST
Hi Carmel! What are you doing? I am looking forward to seeing you in December! I am so excited to see you again. I have been praying for you. You look great in the picture you sent Dede. From Ellie
Franklin, TN - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 4:38 PM CST
I have prayed for you !! God bless you in every way !!
David Phelps <DavidP148@aol.com>
Perry, GA USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 6:45 PM CST
Carmel, I pray for your continued healing every night.
Margaret, I don't remember when I found Carmel's site, but you have taught me so much, especially about praying, especially now. Thank you.

Melinda Kaye <mkbrandt@isp.com>
Houston, TX - Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:31 PM CST
hi margaret hi carmel praise GOD!!! YOU ARE COMPLETELY HEALED i just read that you sang in church yeah!!! all right way to go girl!!!(huge smile) well take care and i'll keep praying and thanking GOD for your healing
love regina

regina jones <regina122074@yahoo.com>
columbus, ga usa - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 5:18 PM CST
I will keep Carmel in my prayers.
tina www.caringbridge.org/md/lance <lneonkia@comcast.net>
baltimore, md - Monday, November 15, 2004 7:56 PM CST


Whitney Davis <jdd111@juno.com>
Franklin, TN - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 11:29 AM CST
Carmel ROCKS !!!!
Keith <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, November 9, 2004 8:05 AM CST
I got so excited to hear that you sang in church! You're such a special young lady! I can just imagine the Lord saying, "That's MY girl!" I love ya sweetie!

Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Monday, November 8, 2004 11:44 AM CST
Carmel -
We just have big grins thinking about you singing in church. We know God had one too!!
Hugs and prayers,

Dayna, Alan & Hayley Thomson <athomso1@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA - Monday, November 8, 2004 6:37 AM CST
I read through your journey and website. Much I can relate to. I have cancer myself, I'm a mom w/ fivekiddos and I do not see life thesame way. things that once seemed huge, are small. Things that were small, are big. And so it goes. Unfortunately, I will not be in remission unless a miracle happens.....I've been on a roller coaster for five yrs. Sometimes, Iw ant to run away. And yes, sometmes, I want to keep an arms distance from others to shield them, to not complicate things, to 'be normal.' Anyway, I am thrilled to know that Carmel is doing well and you are seeking the Lord for strength. If you want tolook me up....http://www3caringbridge.org/tx/tajbrown/ taj

Taj Brown <txdagwoods@austin.rr.com>
CEDAR PARK, tx usa - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 7:52 PM CST
Hi Carmel,
We are sending praises to the heavens here in Oregon. It is wonderful to see the Lord's healing hand clearly moving in your life.

Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Friday, October 29, 2004 7:47 PM CDT
Dear Margaret and family,

I found your site from someone else's CaringBridge site. Just had to say THANK YOU for sharing Jesus so openly as you journey down this path of Carmel's illness.

May God bless you all richly.

The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* * * Gabbie’s Site * * *

Monica Paquette <mj.paquette@att.net>
Minneapolis, MN - Friday, October 22, 2004 1:45 PM CDT
Dear Carmel and family: So glad to hear that you are doing well. We will continue to keep you in our prayers daily for continued healing and good health. You are AWESOME Carmel and so is our God. Keep up the good work!!! We love you and your family and hope to see you all soon. LIVESTRONG!!! God Bless Love Kim & Jack
Kim & Jack <Kgomogomo@aol.com>
Alph, Ga USA - Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:47 AM CDT
Hi Sweetie, I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you that everything stays clear. I wanted let you know about a program through
http://www.cancerwarriors.org/ It's an awesome program, so please check it out. Hugs to you and your mom. Jeanie mommy to angel Cameron www.caringbridge.org/mt/my.little.cam/

Jeanie <mylittlecam@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, October 20, 2004 7:56 PM CDT
Baby squeezes here we come!! I have a squirmy little Frog and a fat little Grub with your name written all over them!! We are looking forward to Saturday!! Love you lots!
Leah, Natalie, and Madeline <jesse_fink@hotmail.com>
C'ville, GA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:30 AM CDT
God IS so good. (see our story caringbridge.org/ga/haleyeason) We are so excited for you all. We are praying for a year cancer free. You are right, this is a journey. You have your ups and downs but God never said life would be easy. Carmel we wish only the best for you in the future. Tell your story, you have a great one. God Bless! kathy & Haley

kathy pipkin <andykathy@bellsouth.net>
stockbridge, ga usa - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 8:09 AM CDT
It seems just yesturday we were heavy in heart as you entered your marathon hospital stay at Egleston. Asts- look at what God has done! Not only are you able to think about holding babies again Carmel, but you are upright yourself and wanting to drive an automobile and return to church and eat that seeweed- I mean sushi. And look at all the new people that you have gotten to meet and interact with! Look how much richer your life has become- actually all of ours -as we have entered into your diagnosis and treatment. Your soul has been enlarged much like a balloon is stretched. We have witnessed the really important things in life, the spirit within, and not the "shell" we are placed in while here on earth. We will remember God's faithfulness in your life.
Aunt Stets <stetsonhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, TN - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 0:06 AM CDT
Congrats, Carmel, on a great landmark. You and your mom are such a help to Merrill and me as you bravely walk before us and help us understand why we feel the way we do on our own journey. May God continue to bless you both!
Tracy King <tracyking4@earthlink.net>
Roswell, GA Fulton - Monday, October 18, 2004 11:18 PM CDT
Hello Margaret and Carmel. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing and by the looks of things....wonderful! I am sooo glad that you were able to return to church and feel its loving embrace again. God Bless and take care of yourselves.
James Thomson - Dad to Connor 7 Dx AML March/2004 BMT August/2004 <jthomp289@rogers.com >
Newmarket, ON Canada - Monday, October 18, 2004 9:21 AM CDT
Thank you, Margaret, for your encouraging and challenging words about our thoughts.
God ministers to us through ways we never could have imagined!-I met you because 2 little girls had cancer!
Many prayers for Hayley and Carmel,

Austin, TX - Friday, October 15, 2004 12:35 AM CDT
Good Evening Greg, Margaret and family,
It was so wonderful to get your message today as it always is. You are right it feels so good to be going home after 2 months away. We have met some really great people while we have been here. Both at the hospital and away from it. This last weekend while Jonah and I were in Murphy we met a lady at a resturant we ate at who just attached herself to Jonah. Her name was Jean. She told us that her 8 yr old grandson had been born with a brain tumor and by the age of 3 yrs had a shunt put in. She said that he went on to play all kinds of sports. They just made sure that he had a helment on while playing. Just last year the shunt was removed because he did not need it any more. She told Jonah that God had special plans for kids like them and that He would be seeing him thru each step. Every time I saw her she would remind me to keep my chin up, and then would say " I know you will". She was a joy and a breath of fresh air to me this weekend as you and everyone else have been. I have had so much encourgement from everyone that "Thank You" just doesn't say enough.

I would like to ask that anyone that reads this note please pray for a 15yr old that we just met the other day. His name is Blake and he is back at Egleston after 2 1/2 yrs, because his cancer has returned. He and his mother were so very nice to talk to.

We love you and will continue to stand and pray for your family. May our Lord bless you 100 times more than you have blessed us during our stay here.


Roberta Myers <faithhopex7@msn.com>
Nashville, GA Berrien - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 8:27 PM CDT
Hello from Acworth, Welcome to the world of baseball! I really enjoyed your entry today...probably because that is a world in which our family lives! I love all the little 'nuggets' that you have received from our precious Father. I, too, have been taught many a golden lesson on the ball field....It is a mission field for me, and I have watched God do many things over the course of the past 9 years at the ball field... I read your entries almost everyday, and pray for the little ones you mention....Please tell your family hi for us and God bless you all....Mary Schwartz
Mary Schwartz <Douschw@aol.com>
- Tuesday, October 12, 2004 5:19 PM CDT
I was elated to get to see you and your mom yesterday! It was the best treat! I love you!

Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Monday, October 11, 2004 10:10 AM CDT
"Satan may have his hour, but God has His also. "
You got that right way to fight Way to go and way to grow :)

Crista <sahwvmom@aol.com>
Poca, WV USA - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 3:39 PM CDT
Hey Carmel,
I just found your website through the caringbridge world. I was so delighted to read in your journal that you just had your last chemo treatment - what wonderful news! You have fought a couragous battle, and won the war. When I saw your photos I just had to say hello. I spent almost 2 weeks in Nicaragua this summer and it is something I hold very dear to my heart. I love it there and can't wait to go back next summer. I pray that you continue to do well. I will certainly be back to visit your site.
God bless,

Haley Hastings <haleyhastings@yahoo.com>
Athens, GA - Monday, October 4, 2004 11:41 PM CDT
A big congratulations on your last chemo EVER!! Hallelujah! We are so very excited that you are truly "done" with treatment now. Enjoy that sushi!
Dayna, Alan & Hayley Thomson <athomso1@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA - Monday, October 4, 2004 2:58 PM CDT
I just wanted to tell you that I've been thinking about you a lot lately! So glad that you and God gave those shingles "the boot!" I love you!

Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, Ga USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 6:01 PM CDT
"Crowd your way into My presence" what an awesome word. If we would just do as the woman that had the blood illness, how she pushed through, how she did what she had to do to touch Jesus,. I need to exactly that. Push through everything else that has cluttered my life, my thinking, my listening, and my sight, and simply fall into Jesus.

Margaret, Thank you for sharing that book!

Your Friend
Sugar Valley, GA - Thursday, September 30, 2004 1:44 PM CDT
I've been thinking of the book club days when we went through Courageous Leadership and missing your company, especially with Natalie turning 2, I wish more than anything that you could be there. Really missing your mom's wisdom and encouragement as well. Not to mention her cooking! She mentioned leftovers in your devotional today, and a la Pavlov's dogs, I immediately started thinking of food!!

Lots of love to you both.

Leah <jesse_fink@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 1:46 PM CDT
Hey Carmel, just checking on you. It is always a blessing to read your page and hear good news. I think about you often and I'm still praying! Lots of love.
Leah <jesse_fink@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:41 AM CDT
Hey, Just wanted to you all that I love you, and that I am thinking of you all. Carmel, just remeber were going for the gold, the world heavyweight title belt. Whoooo
Keith King <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
- Monday, September 27, 2004 2:16 PM CDT
Hey! Margaret and Carmel. I love reading your journal. I try to read everyday and if I miss a day i just catch up. Glad to hear that the shingles are gone away. Was also great about Hayley. Just to let you know we miss ya'll very much. Hope to see you soon!!
Melissa Prigmore <Lissa9423@frontiernet.net>
Rydal, GA usa - Sunday, September 26, 2004 3:17 PM CDT
hey carmel! I just sent some pictures of the little ankle biters to your mom's email address, maybe one of these days we can get it together and send you a video tape. Natalie is turning 2 on Oct. 1, and pictures just don't capture the full effect sometimes. Maybe I can get Jesse to get the video camera out and see if we can capture Gunk,Gunk or Twinkle,Twinkle. We sure miss you. Lots of love, Leah, the frog, and the guppy
Leah <jesse_fink@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, ga - Saturday, September 25, 2004 12:54 AM CDT
Amen Margaret. Your words are so inspirirng to all of us, just like Earls. God puts angels in the most inconspicuous places. Carmel, we hope you are feeling good, keep up the good work!! You are AWESOME!! we love U God Bless and keep LIVINGSTRONG Kim & JackXXXOOOO
Kim & Jack Sanders <Kgomogomo@aol.com>
Alph, Ga USA - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 3:49 PM CDT
Hey Carmelli-

I read all your mother's journal entries day by day, so I follow the ups and downs; worrying a little (and praying)about the downs, but mostly rejoicing about all the ups. :)

I am enjoyiong my musical and conversational interludes in the car with Olivia (up to Reinhardt and back) and have now decided that you will have to attend Reinhardt one day, at least for a little while, so we can have "ooddles" of (very intellectual phrase, hunh?) talk and music time as well.

Of course you may not want to go to Reinhardt, but this is supposed to beneift me, not you! :) Today we had a Year of Asia street festival with lots of cool stuff. I think you would have liked it. I saw a little bracelet that made me think of you, so if Olivia hasn't given it to you already (she probably has) go ask her for it. Hope the colors are OK.

A college proposal now has to be written...yuck...but I plan to turn the CD player up pretty loud and put in Something Like Silas...so all will be well, and all manner of thing will be well.

Many blessings and hugs and kises and smiles. Shesha

Theresa Ast <drtla@earthlink.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:03 PM CDT
Thank you so much for your encouraging journal entries which are really quite a ministry! And thank you for that sweet tribute to Dayna and Alan...so, so true. I will pray Carmel coninues to do well. We are earnestly praying for Hayley to get to remission and get through her bone marrow transplant.
I am Hayley's great aunt in Texas and know the Thomson's are blessed for knowing your family.

Cheryl Ferguson <cferguson@mail.utexas.edu>
Austin, TX - Sunday, September 19, 2004 5:26 PM CDT
Carmel, so sorry to hear about those yucky shingles, but you stay strong and we will pray them away!!! We love you and are praying for a speady recovery from the pain and rash. Give your family our love LIVESTRONG!!!! Love and God Bless Kim & Jack XXXXOOOO
Kim & Jack <Kgomogomo@aol.com>
Alph, Ga USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 5:00 PM CDT
Hey Carmel! We still think about you over at Scotish Rite. I am glad to hear that you are doing well! I was reading Merrill's web site and she said that you "looked like a supermodel" I hope to see you soon. Maybe you can come visit us sometime! or If you have some pictures we would love to see them!
Julie Landers (One of your nurses at Scotish rite) <nurse.julie@earthlink.net>
atlanta, ga usa - Saturday, September 11, 2004 12:48 AM CDT
I love ya'll!
Mark Maddox
Cartersville, GA - Friday, September 10, 2004 8:50 AM CDT
Hey Carmel :)
I got your picture in the mail with the SCARY CLOWN t-shirt. Thanks :) I thought you would get a kick out of it. I'm glad to here things are going well. All the nurses from your 1st hospital home (and favorite one) say HELLO..
Take Care and prayers are still coming your way.
Love, Anne

Anne Shawcross <one_of_two1978@hotmail.com>
Alpharetta, Ga 30004f - Monday, September 6, 2004 5:42 AM CDT

I cannot believe the two of you snuck up to church in the afternoon and didn't let me know! tsk tsk Oh well... glad you were out and about! WE LOVE YOU :o)

Mark Maddox
Cartersville, GA USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 5:35 PM CDT
Dear margaret & Carmel: Sorry I haven't written before now. I just wanted to let you know how much I miss ya'll and can't wait to see you. My dad(Allen) got to see you on Sunday and it was such a blessing for him. We were all jealous. We want to see you too. We love all of ya'll and can't wait for this chapter of your lives to finally come to a close. I've just been reading the journal and it's awesome!! Margaret, you'll have to write a book!!
Love Ya!!!

Melissa & Tifany <Lissa9423@aol.com>
Fairmount, ga us - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 3:27 PM CDT
Dear Carmel; Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking and praying for you daily. Jack & I send so much love to you and your family. Livestrong and take care!! God Bless Love, Kim & Jack XXOOO God is Good!
Kim & Jack Sanders <Kgomogomo@aol.com>
Alph, Ga Fulton - Friday, August 27, 2004 10:26 PM CDT
Hey Carmel,
How's it going. just wanted to say a big "Howdy-doo"
ttfn(Tata for now).

Thomas <tmnachos@KEFM.org>
Cartersville, GA USA - Friday, August 27, 2004 3:31 PM CDT
Great report, Carmel! You go girl!
Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:20 PM CDT
Woo hoo! Way to kick that fungal infection, Carmel! You are going to be completely medicine free before you know it. Love to all!
Dayna, Alan & Hayley <athomso1@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 12:53 AM CDT
You know it's good when you can mention Rocky in the journal.
A Rocky fan
- Tuesday, August 24, 2004 8:05 AM CDT
Hey Carmel.How are you? Just wanted to say hi.And I'll write back as soon as possible.
Thomas Maddox <tmnachos@KEFM.org>
Cartersville, GA USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 4:58 PM CDT
Dear Carmel: Hey sweetie!! So good to hear from you. I am so glad that you are felling good,Jack is doing good also and I just know better days are ahead for the two of you. Keep smiling that beautiful smile, you are AWESOME!!! Give your family a big hug & kiss God Bless and you are always in our prayers Love kIM & jACK
Kim & Jack Sanders <Kgomogomo@aol.com>
Alpharetta, Ga Fulton - Friday, August 20, 2004 3:34 PM CDT

- Thursday, August 19, 2004 11:09 AM CDT
"He will perfect all that pertains to us." What a powerful word! Thanks for sharing that, Margaret! Carmel, I love you and am celebrating your healing right along with you! I love you!
Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:34 PM CDT
Carmel & Margaret... God loves you.
Mark Maddox
Cartersville, GA - Monday, August 16, 2004 12:13 AM CDT
Hi Carmel...I just wanted to tell you how much I miss you and that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Paul and I know that you are resting comfortably in God's hands. We love you so much...Talk to ya soon!!!
Aimee Barton <aimeeb@kefm.org>
Cartersville, GA USA - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 12:27 AM CDT
Hello Carmel,
So I hear that you are doing great! i am sorry that i have not written you but this is the first time i have had time to do anything. well i am glad that you are doing well. love you lots!!

Jennifer Montgomery <lilbit56832001@yahoo.com>
cartersville, Ga USA - Monday, August 9, 2004 10:03 PM CDT
How are you? I am writing my 2nd entry(this is so cool).
I hope you are having a wonderful day.

Thomas "the Dude" Maddox <tmnachos@KEFM.org>
Catersville, GA - Friday, August 6, 2004 11:27 AM CDT

I love you Carmel! You're an awesome planting of the Lord!

It did my heart good to know you were baking again a couple of weeks ago. I'm confident Mrs. Traci has sided with you in appreciative return for blessing her with your specialty dessert. :o) Thomas sure did carry on about it!

On a totally different note, we're doing an outreach in Kingston tomorrow. Among all the other usual stuff, the junior youth will be doing a mime presentation to Third Day's "Love Song" on center stage first thing in the morning. Please pray for them and for the people who will see and hear. I just know God is really going to touch people at it.

Speaking of touching people, I wasn't sure if you could receive real flowers or not, so I'm attempting to send one here! :o)

@`,~~~ (Well I tried! lol)

You're so precious... "altogether lovely... altogether wonderful to me"... just like Jesus.

Mark Maddox
Cartersville, GA - Friday, August 6, 2004 10:23 AM CDT
hey carmel! we miss you, and we're really hyped up about seeing you as soon as you are up to it! how does it feel to be over the 100 day hump? it is such a pleasure to read all these good reports you keep getting. you really are something special!! we love you lots!
leah <jesse_fink@hotmail.com>
c'ville, ga - Wednesday, August 4, 2004 12:31 AM CDT
hey carmel,
I just wanted to tell you that I am missing you alot!
love ya buches and miss you alot,

p.s. don't let Olivia get a big head now that she is a college student - help to keep it real.

keith <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, August 4, 2004 11:06 AM CDT
Hi Carmel!!
I am friends with Devon King, Merril's sister (whom I think you know) and I think that you are very brave. I wish you luck in the future and remember to never give up.

Dane <rcdchick@bellsouth.net>
Roswell, GA United States - Saturday, July 31, 2004 9:06 PM CDT
whats-up.I'm finally checking out the web site.I hope your
having a great day and enjoying every moment in life.You are
constantly in my prayers.And I'm looking forward to seeing
you soon.

Thomas Maddox <tmnachos@KEFM.org>
Catersville, GA - Saturday, July 31, 2004 1:02 PM CDT
Hey,how it going poodle.The reason why I called you poodle because you called me dog


{P.S.}e-mail me back

Anderson hoffman <andersonhoffman@Aol.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 11:17 PM CDT
Sally and Payton told me to tell you thay love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I hope you feel better
Davis <davishoffman @hoffmancity.com>
frakin, TN USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 10:55 PM CDT
Hi Carmely! I hope you are feeling better. I have been thinking about you and miss you. I hope to see you soon. I love yu!
ellie Hoffman <stetsonhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, Tn USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 10:40 PM CDT
Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above the heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Rejoicing with all the Asts today!!!!!

Aunt Stets <stetsonhoffman @ aol.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 10:34 PM CDT
KENNESAW, GA COBB - Thursday, July 29, 2004 9:46 PM CDT
Though I do not know you (I was linked here thru Merrill's website) your words and thoughts are beautiful, meaningful, hopeful, and just what I needed to hear. While (thank God) my family is not struggling with illness or disease, we are currently faced with some of lifes more mundane but none-the-less stressfull challenges. Your words remind me that God is always with us, that there IS a plan, and that I can trust Him. Please know that my prayers are with Carmel, your family and friends, and her care-takers. God Bless You All!
Kelly Palmatier <kpalmatier@charter.net>
Roswell, GA USA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:25 PM CDT
Day 100!!!!! I am so proud of you and your family! Your an amazing young lady and are surrounded by such an amazing family:) You have been so brave through this difficult journey...Congrats on this HUGE milestone! Love, Nurse Colin
Colin Smith <nrscolin@hotmail.com >
Dacula, GA - Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:11 PM CDT
Day 100...congratulations!!! What a terrific day; with you, Mom, Dad, Tyler, and Olivia we are going to rest a little easier and breath a little more freely knowing that you are past this significant milestone! You are Hayley's hero, and her parents', too. :)
Way to go,

Dayna, Alan & Hayley <athomso1@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA 30041 - Thursday, July 29, 2004 2:09 PM CDT
Hey there kiddo...Dr. Lew and I just discovered your website! We hope you are doing well and we all miss you over here!!! Come back soon.
Amy and Dr. Lew <amy.gartner@choa.org>
- Thursday, July 29, 2004 2:02 PM CDT
Happy 100th day Carmel.

You are just perfect!

Have a great day.

- Thursday, July 29, 2004 8:43 AM CDT
Hey Carmel!
You hang in there and I just wany you and your family to know that even though you may not be at SR with us we still think about you and I am praying for you all!
Love, Nurse Joy

joy gasdin <joybell30241@yahoo.com>
Lagrange, ga usa - Tuesday, July 27, 2004 4:25 PM CDT
Hi Carmel!I am sorry I haven't written.You are constantly in my prayers.I love you so much and I miss you.You are a very strong person and I look forward to seeing you in church again.I really missed you at Camp Courtney!There was no one to gag on the canaloupe this year!!!Just joking,somone did actually choke on bacon!Anyway,I hope you're feeling better.Love ya & Save the Frogs!
Jennifer Chatman <Scha385532@net zero.com>
Adairsville, Ga. U.S. - Monday, July 26, 2004 0:48 AM CDT
Hey Carmel!Sorry I haven't written you.My computer has been haywire.I hope you're doing good.I have a verse for ya!Jeremiah 33:6...Then someday,I will heal this place and my people as well,and let them enjoy an unending peace.I hope that helps you out in some way.I've been thinking about you a lot and you have been in my prayers.Get better real soon!Love ya!

Michelle Sparks <Scha385532@net zero.com>
Kingston, Ga. U.S. - Monday, July 26, 2004 0:33 AM CDT
Margaret & Carmel,
We just wanted to say hello and we love you both!
You both are always in our prayers. We're so glad that
Carmel is home and we can't wait to see you both.

Stephanie Chatman <Scha385532@netzero.com>
Adairsville, Ga. U.S. - Monday, July 26, 2004 0:25 AM CDT
Awesome journal today ! Very Awesome
your friend
- Thursday, July 22, 2004 2:43 PM CDT
Hey Carmel,
I haven't signed in for a while so I thought I would do just that. I hope that you and the family are doing well. As soon as possible I would like to see your basketball skills, they are probably a lot better than mine, Michael will second me on that. Anyway, I do miss ya and hope to see you soon. Love ya!!!

Keith King <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, July 21, 2004 11:45 AM CDT
Mary is right. You ARE perfect! I love you and can't wait to tell you that in person!

Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Wednesday, July 21, 2004 9:40 AM CDT
Hello Carmel and Family -- Just a short note to let you know we were thinking about you tonight...Carmel, Keep on keepin' on!!!
Alan, Dayna & Hayley <athomso1@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA USA - Tuesday, July 20, 2004 10:01 PM CDT
Margaret and Carmel,
I drank up the devotionals. Do you realize that is what you have written? and now I also share your suffering, because how can one have knowledge of a sister in your circumstance and not be touched?
Our God has indeed given you and your family a ton of strength to make it through this journey. We all have hardships in this life, but some seem to be chosen to suffer more than others. We won't know why until we see Him face to face. But you are right, suffering should cause us to look to Him more and draw us closer to Him, even if our suffering is emotional and not physical.
As the mother of a preschooler and an infant, I am daily challenged to walk in the light, to fellowship with Him, and draw my strength from Him and not try to do it all myself. The hard thing as a mother is to keep things in perspective, my focus on God AND keep an eye on the gifts that He has given me (these two precious gifts that are so dependent on me, and yet if I don't receive from Him I have nothing to give to them).
Your journal entries have blessed and encouraged me.
Hannah and I will begin to pray for you, Carmel, as well as the rest of your family.
Love, the Roses

Lydia Rose <lydiacr@comcast.net>
Lilburn, GA USA - Monday, July 19, 2004 10:23 PM CDT
Hi Carmel:
I don't know you yet, but we attend LW Foursquare and we are praying for you and your family. I gave your name to my 88 yr old mother who prays daily for folks on her list too. She has prayed me thru so difficult times so I know she is a prayer warrior... Hope I am too.
We love you and Jesus loves you ... but you know that already. BTW, your sister's dancing ministers to me, she is very beautiful ...
Your new friends
Linda (and Jim) LeBlanc

Linda LeBlanc <Dixiecuzn@hotmail.com>
Adairsville, ga us - Monday, July 19, 2004 11:28 AM CDT
Dear Carmel & family: So glad to hear everyday that you are doing well. Know that you are in our constant thoughts & prayers and keep smiling that beautiful smile! You are the BEST!!! With much love Kim & Jack
Kim & Jack <Kgomoggomo@aol.com>
Alpharetta, Ga Fulton - Sunday, July 18, 2004 11:13 AM CDT
Carmel, I read your website every day, I say prayers for you every day and you need know that we (like many others) are with you every step. Merrill starts days minus 10 on Sunday, day zero is July 28th. Thanks for already helping us through this....Love the Kings...
Patrick King <kingpa@corp.earthlink.net>
Roswell, GA United States - Friday, July 16, 2004 12:57 AM CDT
Carmel... you rock! I love you and have had about enough of this isolation stuffola. Will they ever let me come visit you??? Anyway, we still pray for you at almost every meal and many times between meals (no.. not at between-meal snacks... although I could start those snacks.. hmmm *grins*) Give those doctors a good "I've had it" for me (spoken in love and jest of course) so that you can be exposed to nutballs like me again.

Margaret... I love you. Thank you for the journal entries. You minister to me in ways you cannot know. You are precious.

Greg... You are da' man... not only equipped to every good work, but doing it... standing after having done all to stand... God is awesome through you! Thanks for my life's message that "God is good and He has a good plan." Although it is common sense and known by all, it is revolutionizing my life as I focus on that fact.

Olivia... thank you for offering the sacrifice of praise and dancing when nobody else would and when every reason in the world has been present to keep you from moving.

Tyler... happy birthday! You are perhaps on my heart and mind more than any other person. You are such a rock... immovable and mighty in spirit... a true sampling of "The Rock".

Love you all,

Mark Maddox
Cartersville, GA USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 9:32 AM CDT
Hey Carmel, just wanted you to know that we don't always sign in but we are keeping an eye an how you're doing and its so exciting to read all these good reports! We can't wait to squeeze the breath out of you when your 100 days is up!! Natalie's latest song is the Itsy Bitsy Spider, she does the hand movements and everything. Wait til you see. Plus, we will have a new baby by then so you will get twice the dose of chubby love!! Tomorrow is my due date. We love you all, and really can't wait to see you again!
Leah <jesse_fink@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA - Tuesday, July 13, 2004 12:28 AM CDT
Hey Carmel,
It was great to see your Dad and Tyler yesterday...looking forward to seeing your smiling face sometime soon! I know Dayna just wrote, but I read your mom's update today and had to say Hi too...See you soon,

Alan Thomson <athomso1@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA USA - Tuesday, July 13, 2004 11:15 AM CDT
Know that we are rejoicing with you in the good report today. A victory for one of us is a victory for us all!! Love to all of you!
Dayna Thomson (Hayley's Mom) <athomso1@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA - Monday, July 12, 2004 7:39 PM CDT
It was great to talk to you today on the phone! I hope that I can see you in Tallapoosa!!!!!!! I love you very much and I hope to see ya soon! LUV YA!!!!!!!

Christiana Hoffman <christiana@aol.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 9:48 PM CDT
Hey, Carmel

I haven't writen you in like...um, let me see...I guess in a couple of months!!! AHH!!! SOOOOOO Sorry!!!

Guess what!?! God loves you and your family even more than the people who write on this website do!!! And that's AMAZING!!! 'Cause we all love y'all SOOOOOO much!!! And remember that God's on the throne for you anytime you need to talk to somebody. And of coarse you also have your family and friends. Especially your family. I know for a fact how great your family is...that's 'cause I've known your cousins, the Hoffmans for five years!!! We're here for you!!!

Well, I got to go now!!! LUV YA!!!~


Whitney Davis <jdd111@juno.com>
Franklin, TN - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 4:37 PM CDT
Avacados - 2 for a dollar ?
Sweet and Spicey pyjamas ?
Carmel, You are awesome and I can't wait to hang out again with the whole family.
Love you guys !

Keith King <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, July 6, 2004 7:56 AM CDT
Hi Carmel-

I just read that you had a night with no IV fluids or meds. How wonderful! A good night's sleep is a terrific thing and I think most of us take it for granted and don't appreciate it for teh blessing that it truly is. I always used to take it for granted and I could never understand why people whined and complained about not sleeping well.

But in the last few years I have had some problems with my spine and joints and I wake up in mild discomfort 4-6 times a night. Fortunately I an ususally get back to sleep in a little while, but it has changed my attitude about how iportant a good night's sleep really is and I mow have great sympathy and empathy for people who do not rest well at night.

Your mother said I could come visit some evening this week, maybe Wed or Thurs. I am looking forward to seeing all of you. I should tell you I am ery impressed with your "much extolled by your mother" pie making ability and also your sharp-eyed shopper abilities (avocados). :) My mother would have been in heaven; she absolutely loved avocados but she was a careful shopper and finding them 2 for a dollar would have made her day.

I am listening to a CD made by a women's acapella chorus and the music is lyrical, powerful, and soothing all at the same time. They sing a lot of religious and spiritual music, often from other countries. Their music feels like it is being sung for me, sung over me, which reminds me with fresh clarity and poignancy that our Father sings over both of us.

He has been singing over you through this whole process and he will continue to for the rest of your life. When I keep Annabel now, I sing to her and over her when she is fretful or distressed and I am always reminded of this side of God's personality and character; he is the great loving mother/father who gently rocks and sings to his children. Be well.


Theresa Ast <drtla@earthlink.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Saturday, July 3, 2004 11:34 AM CDT
Hi Margaret and Carmel. Glad to hear things are going so well...Carmel, you are a true inspiration and blessing!!! Big hugs from Toronto, Canada.
James Thomson - Father to Connor (6) AML and on the road to BMT <james.thomson@socialenterprise.ca>
Toronto, ON Canada - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 1:43 PM CDT
One more thing. My hair was very fine, straight, and brown. It has grown back in now and is black (with grey) and curly. Not just wavy, but pin curl curly. I always wanted curly hair, but what a way to get it! (Don't worry Carmel, I was going grey before the BMT. I am 34.)
Lori Hudson <llhcat@comcast.net>
Chattanooga , TN USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 9:18 PM CDT
Hey Carmel,

I have been talking with your Mom on our BMT listserv. You sound like a terrific young lady. I have also had a BMT and I am about 8 months out from transplant. God has been very good to me. It sounds as if he is taking good care of you as well. Take care!

Lori Hudson <LLHCat@comcast.net>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Tuesday, June 29, 2004 9:02 PM CDT
Good morning Carmel! I am sitting here with your buddy, the Two-ish Terrible Tyrant, and she is pointing at the screen and yelling "Carmel! Carmel!" b/c she saw your picture when I first logged onto your sight and now she wants me to bring you back! She loves her little frog, by the way, and at the moment he is resting comfortably in the baby's swing, where she rocked him to sleep earlier.

We are so glad to hear the good report about your blood counts! It is so amazing and so fascinating that you have Olivia's blood in your veins now! There's no end to what God can do. We are continuing to pray for you!

If you get a chance, call our number and listen to our new answering machine message, it will make you smile!! We can't wait to give you (and your family) all big hugs!!

Leah (and Natalie) <jesse_fink@hotmail.com>
C'ville, GA - Wednesday, June 23, 2004 8:32 AM CDT
Hallelujah !!!!!!!!!
Man The news today is awesome !!!!
I'm even crying right now. I love you guys so much and am so thankful to God for this day. May His Glory always radiate from you and your family.

Keith <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
Calhoun, GA USA - Tuesday, June 22, 2004 6:57 AM CDT
Hey ya'll - I was just humming this Sarah Grove song today- one of those songs whose words echo the feelings in my heart about God's daily, actually minute-to-minute involvement and orchestration in our lives and was going to send these words "for some manna today" however-the words seem even more appropriate tonight after seeing your last message. The song goes:
It's the everyday miracles that keep my hope alive
It's the way You move in little things that help me survive
And I know You move in greater ways
This is great enough for me
What You do with my everyday is amazing
The things that seem impossible, I lay down at Your feet
And just when I am needing most You are there for me
And I know You've made the lame to walk and caused the blind to see
What You do with my everyday is amazing
When I'm down on my knees
And I can't make it through
When it's up to me
It's really up to You .....amen

stets <stetsonhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, tn - Monday, June 21, 2004 8:31 PM CDT
Wow!! He is a God of healing and miracles, isn't He?!? So thrilled to hear the wonderful news today. Missing you all, but so very glad you're home.
Dayna, Alan & Hayley <athomso1@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA - Monday, June 21, 2004 7:59 PM CDT
There's no place like home! Yippee! Carmel, Margaret, Greg, Liv, and Tyler, I love you all! God is loving and teaching you as you go through this journey.I am learning from you. When you walk through the fire, He is with you and you won't be burned! You're precious metals!
Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Thursday, June 17, 2004 5:56 PM CDT
Yeah!!! Home sweet home:) I think about you often and continue to pray for your healing....You and your mother are so amazing! Keep up the amazing attitudes! Love, Colin
Colin Smith <nrscolin@hotmail.com >
Dacula, GA - Thursday, June 17, 2004 9:20 AM CDT
I know there is some major "heel clicking" going on down there in Atlanta - " There is no place like home!" I should have sent you some ruby slippers! Am so happy for ya'll as you all have come so far! God continues to be good, in all circumstances.
stets <stetsonhoffman@aol.com>
franklin, tn - Monday, June 14, 2004 11:35 PM CDT
Hooray! Going home at last. I know you are so excited, so pleased, and so thankful. I have been reading all your entries carefully and I know hotel room confinement hasn't been easy. The ladies up at the school continue to pray for you, and of course I do. God is very good.

My life is about the same except very busy with summer duties as Chair of the Faculty Senate. I thought I would just run a few meetings; I had no idea I would basically get to run the whole huge complicated college (Well, President Isherwood might disagree wtih that assessment - he probably thinks he is running the college) and write 17 reports a week! Yikes!

I am also teaching again, Western Civilization for four and a half hours on Mon and Wed afternoons. No student should have to listen to me talk for 4+ hourse and I should not have to talk to any group of students for 4+ hours eithr. But so far no one, including me, althouygh ihave come close, has died of boredom. Actually Wed are pretty cool - about 60 minutes of lecture, 60 minutes of discussion and then a 2 hour historical film. The students at first thought I was the coolest professor ever...until I announced that after every movie they must write a 5 page typed critical essay...then I became Professor Mean and Cruel. :) Surprisingly, the essays have been pretty good so far.

I don't have any unusual animal adventures to report, except to announe that Sebastian surpassed his previous record last week by bringing three birds into the house in a single day, actually in a single 7 hour period of time.

I am also very happy to report that he deposited all the birds in my office (where I was typing) and I was able to scoop all three of them up gently in a towel and take them outside and release them, whereupon they happily and safely flew away. Well, maybe their feelings and thoughts weren't exactly happy. Perhaps they were grumpily and angrily wondering why the idiot women doesn't get rid of her mischievous ginger cat or why some giant bird doesn't come adn carry him away! :)

Well, I hope to see all of you soon, even if only briefly.
Blessings and big hugs and kisses to all of you.
Love, Shesha

Theresa Ast <drtla@earthlink.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Monday, June 14, 2004 10:04 PM CDT
hi mrgaret sorry so late with my postings here lately i've been keeping anita up on what's been going on she went to camp with jon and tina this week so i'll have to call her when she gets home and tell her the good news that carmel gets to go home today. i will be praying as usual for carmel and i am praying that this cmv goes away

love regina

regina jones <regina12397@yahoo.com>
columbus, ga usa - Monday, June 14, 2004 5:42 PM CDT
Hello to all the Ast family!
The Binkleys are all still praying for you. We love you and ask that God will keep his wide arms open for you. I wish I could give you all a big hug. You are all so special. We went to California to visit with Bethany, Andy and Canaan. Canaan is trying to learn to walk and is into everything. We were able to visit the Redwoods while we were there and drove our car through two trees, I'm not sure I would let Olivia do that! ha ha no, I'm sure she will be a great driver. We love you guys, thanks for sharing your lives with us through the journal. NINA

nina binkley
adairsville, ga bartow - Sunday, June 13, 2004 1:29 PM CDT
Good morning...Your entry about who we really are vs. how we may appear physically to others really hit home....I am reminded of that often....It breaks my heart to think that so many people are passed by because of how they might appear...when, in fact, those are the very people that have so much to offer...I am very sensitive to the physical because of Michael being small for his age....You would not believe the number of adults that make it such an issue...even making comments to him! I am not a violent person, but I have had thoughts of smacking some people!!!
It really bothers Michael and he is very self conscience (?)
of his appearence....Just in the past year, he doesn't like to take off his shirt to go swimming because of his scars...So, we do a lot of dialogue about who you are is who you are on the inside...And praise God that always leads straight back to Jesus....Letting His light shine through us to the dark world around us...It is all in how we look at the situation...LOOK AT WHAT GOD CAN DO!!!!!! God bless you.....Much love, thoughts, and prayers...Mary

Mary Schwartz <Douschw@aol.com>
Acworth , Ga - Saturday, June 12, 2004 9:02 AM CDT
Margaret, so glad you have liked the book. I read it when Payton had to have a shunt revision, before she even was a year old. Especially then the future for her looked so bleak, that it was good to see the hopeful words she wrote. I have often thought that I have arrived at a house I never would have noticed from the street, only I am forced to stop as I notice my name is on the mailbox, and suddenly, a key is placed in my hand that of course fits snugly into the doorknob. When I enter the house, I see a lot of familiar things, treasures passed down, favorite framed pictures on the wall, and some of my most underlined books on the shelves. There are special items throughout the house of things people have given to me that remind me of their influence in my life; otherwise, all the other pieces within the house are foreign, and never been touched by me before. One of the items I do notice is my nursing diploma hanging on the wall, and camp songs play, that remind me not only of my Desoto summers,but also of my counselor responsibilites with a cabin full of young girls. There are tokens that some of the kids gave me while I worked with them in oncology nursing or Young LIfe. These rememberances help to ease the strangeness of it all, and help me to see how
God was preparing me for the life I now lead, although it wouldn't have been the house I would have chosen for myself. His faithfulness to me is evident by the experiences He has allowed me to have , the training He has given me, the people He has put into my life, the heritage of our family, and the fact that He knows my name - and put it on this particular houses' mailbox. I guess it all goes back to that assigning of my portion and cup.

franklin, tn - Saturday, June 12, 2004 0:07 AM CDT
Whats Up? Here is a little thing that might cheer you up:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

This is 88.7 WAY FM. We have someone who has just called in to say a 10 things to our good friend Carmel.

Hey Carmel, Savannah here calling to say:
1. Great report
2. i can't wait for you to get perfectly well really soon
3. "Shrek 2" was very funny
4. i just got back from the pool with my friend Kiff
5. i can't wait to meet you some time soon
6. We're all praying for you
7. Sorry you probobly get that a lot
8. Gotta go
9. i'll "call" back soon
10. Bye

Thank you Savannah.
Thats all for now stay tuned for the weather report.
"WAY FM Weather"
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We love you Carmel( even tho i still havn't met you!!!!!).


Savannah Weathers <timw7@bellsouth.net>
Franklin , TN USA - Friday, June 11, 2004 2:05 PM CDT
I just wanted to say to all five of you guys, hang in there, it has been a long road and it hasn't been easy on any of you. You are probably all having days where you want to spend an hour in the broom closet (or more!) I say go for it, whatever it takes! You are going to come through this time stronger as a family.

And Carmel, especially Carmel, hang in there baby!! You have fought the hardest and been wounded the most - you are my personal War Hero! Hold on tight, the battle is almost over.

Dang, do we miss you guys, all of you!! We are really looking forward to seeing you soon. Lots of love and prayers.

C'ville, GA - Friday, June 11, 2004 12:51 AM CDT
hey wonderful family,
Just wanted you all to know that I am thinking of you all today and how much that you all mean to me. I love you guys and you guys rock!

Keith <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
adairsville, - Monday, June 7, 2004 12:57 AM CDT
Hi Margaret and Carmel,

Elizabeth, the tech nurse at CHC-Scottish Rite, told us about your site. We, too, belong to the very small AML/ soon-to-have-BMT club!

Merrill, my daughter, is 10 and was diagnosed with AML on April 15 (we're now in for our second doctor of the second series of chemo, which means a long stay through the month of June!)Merrill has a big sister, Devon, 12, and a little brother, Reeve, 7. We've just learned that while the siblings match each other perfectly, they don't match Merrill - however, Merrill's dad is a 5/6 match for her! (Dr. B assures us this is statistically very rare, but we'll take it!!!) We met with Dr. Chiang earlier this week and, boy, what a whole new world. (It makes our long stay at CHC this month seem like a holiday!)

As you might imagine, your website has become a great source of knowledge, emotion, inspiration and comfort to us.

After reading the whole thing through, I plan to track Merrill's bmt experience daily while reading what you guys had written that day. We, too, have tremendous faith and I find your words very to be inspiring.

We live in Roswell, so we're lucky to be able to trade off taking turns with Merrill and being with Dev and Reeve.

Anyway, thanks for being the pioneer for our journey - its been so helpful hearing a first hand account!

God Bless!

Tracy King <tracyking4@earthlink.net>
Roswell, GA USA - Sunday, June 6, 2004 11:35 AM CDT
Carmel and Margaret,
I don't always sign in; however, I do read and keep up with all the journal entries. God's Love is So Great! Our Wednesday night study group continues to keep you and your family in our prayers. Your Mom is amazing woman of faith. I thank God for her journal entries of you Carmel...of the entire family actually. God has great plans for each of you. Keep the Faith. Stay Strong. I am rejoicing over God's Goodness and all that He has brought you through:) He has given us much to Rejoice!

Cartersville, Ga USA - Wednesday, June 2, 2004 3:02 PM CDT
Carmel and Margaret, I have recently viewed your web pages. Wow, what an inspiration you are to me. You have been a joy to take care of, and I'm glad you are out of the hospital. We miss you, but I pray for your healing, and realize God has a special plan for you. You are an amazing young woman, with a equally amazing Mom. Take Care,Nurse Lauri
lauri walker <law513@charter.net>
McDonough, ga usa - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
Carmel, I've got to tell you that the twinkies have felt the need to pray for you so much lately. They put their little hands together,bow their heads and say something like this,"Jesus, thank you for Carmel, and that she feels better, and for Olivia, and Tyler, and Aunt Margaret, and Uncle Thunder.Amen." Its all very simple and straight to the point. Tonight, as I was trailing behind Payton as she walked up the stairs,she asked me why we had to watch her go up the steps and "not Sally". I tried to explain to her that God had allowed her legs not to be as strong as Sally's. I told her that God was working on her legs, on the "outside" as much as He was working on her in the "inside" - in her spirit of acceptance. Again in her childlike way, she smiled and said "Oh", and "Lets pray for Carmel". You have impacted our lives, Carmel, and we journey alongside you.
Aunt Stets <baileyhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Monday, May 31, 2004 10:42 PM CDT
Carmel & Margaret,
Sorry it's been awhile...Computer trouble, have to wait for Rick to bring home the laptop! Anyway didn't want you to think I had forgotten about you! Think about you daily, Can't wait to actually be able to see you!
And just for the record SASSY is good!!!!!
Love you both, Miss you , Nicole

Nicole Carter <grneyednikki@yahoo.co.uk>
C'ville, Ga USA - Monday, May 31, 2004 0:19 AM CDT
margaret and carmel' i just read your journal on my new computer! im in touch with you and praying about the rash. boys and families are here for the weekend . we allsend our love to you. aunt edith
edith schwartz <edithschwartz@netzero.net>
macon, ga bibb - Sunday, May 30, 2004 8:25 AM CDT
This is the first time I have had the privelage to view your webpage! What dedication to write everyday and proclaim the love of Jesus Christ! You are an amazing testimony Margaret! That you for sharing all of your ups and downs of Carmel's journey through life! Please give her my love and tell them to stay out of trouble in the hotel! :) We miss you guys but glad you are experiencing some freedom outside the walls of the hospital! Thanks for sharing your smiles with us! Love you tons!
Kristen Burton <simplyjesus@juno.com>
Lilburn, GA - Sunday, May 30, 2004 3:31 AM CDT
Good Evening Carmel and Margaret,
I was just checking on you two to see how everything is going on the outpatient side...It sounds like you are staying busy between the hotel construction and steriods, Carmel...you just go tell those workers that your nurses insist that you get your healing rest:)We miss your smiling faces and amazing spirits! Have a great Memorial Day weekend and I will be praying for your healing through this new hurdle...Sincerely, Nurse Colin

Colin Smith <nrscolin@hotmail.com >
Dacula, GA - Friday, May 28, 2004 8:45 PM CDT
To seek His presence rather than His presents -To delight in Him just because HE is. What a resting place. I don't know if other folks struggle with this or not, but I know that so much of my faith is not only wrapped up in my performance, but maybe I even put these same cause and effect expectations on God - I almost try to humanize Him. What is it that C.S. Lewis said, that Aslan was not a tame lion, but that He was good? Our definition of good on this earth is found in health, prosperity, and wealth. Suffering tends to uncloth us, and in the end, we find that there really is no good other than the fact that we are loved with an everlasting love, despite our human condition. I am a fellow pilgrim as you, seeking to know Him and not His gifts.I am alongside you.

Stetson Hoffman
Franklin, TN USA - Thursday, May 27, 2004 11:22 PM CDT
Praise God, you are out of the hospital at last! Even if it's not quite home, we know having everyone at the hotel, especially Tyler, will be a welcome change. Keep hanging tough, Carmel - you're doing great!! Margaret - I think you missed (or better, have found) your calling. What a phenomenal writer you are -and what a great devotional this could make for others! We miss you guys and are praying for you!
Dayna, Alan & Hayley <athomso1@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA 30041 - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 5:42 PM CDT
MUCH!!!(WE DO, TOO!!!) 8) ~ 8) ~ 8)

Whitney Davis <jdd111@juno.com>
Franklin, TN - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 4:34 PM CDT
margaret and carmel congrats ongeting to go home

love regina i'll continue to pray for you both

regina jones <regina12397@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, May 25, 2004 4:17 PM CDT
Dear Margaret and Carmel: It sounds like you were able to leave the hospital today! I am so happy for you! I am praying for everything to go well and for Carmel to feel stronger everyday. What a blessing to have witnessed this miracle and to have seen your unshakable faith in the Lord! I will keep praying! Love you, Tish
Tish Beall <tishbeall@Juno.com>
Alpharetta, GA - Monday, May 24, 2004 10:10 PM CDT
I'm friends with Erika and wanted to encourage you. Life is such a short precious gift and many times we ask God why He allows situations to occur. After reading your bio I know you love God and know He is totally in control.He knows that certain circumstnces will allow us to draw closer to Him . I am impressed by your courage and demeanor at such a young age. I will pray for you tonight and ask God to wrap his loving arms around you. Sleep well young lady Christ knows your heart and will you use you in many ways for His glory for years to come.

Todd <tpage3@hotmail.com>
atlanta, ga 30319 - Sunday, May 23, 2004 11:05 PM CDT
Bailey's friend Andrew again. I am still praying for you, still thinking of you. May God bless you. I wish it with all that is within me.

Andrew Dial <Legolas272@aol.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Sunday, May 23, 2004 10:45 PM CDT
Carmel & Family

It has been an honor and privilege to care for you during your transplant. You all are a pleasure to take care of and a light of God greatness during a rough day at work. Your family has touched my heart and I remeber you all now and in the future in my prayers at night. What a mighty GOD we do serve. This is the most precious page I have seen in a long time.

One of you primary nurses and your "offical Bone Marrow Transplant Nurse"!!

Jennifer Lynn Taylor

Jennifer Lynn Taylor <jennifert67@aol.com>
McDonough, GA USA - Sunday, May 23, 2004 4:52 PM CDT
Hello...I know the feeling...so close and yet, at times, it seems so far...the discharge from the hospital...The first time we experienced that, we were at Scottish Rite...When they finally said those precious words, we made a bee line for the door...We were afraid that they might change their minds and come after us!!!I specifically remember Danny and I joking about that!!! You all are amazing...We celebrate a head of time on the news of a sooner (than later) release!!!
Mary Schwartz <Douschw@aol.com>
- Saturday, May 22, 2004 10:54 PM CDT
Hiya Carmel,

That is such a great report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooo glad you are doing soooooo much better!!!!!! Guess what I just got braces!!!!!!!!!!!! If you've ever had braces they hurt really bad don't they. If you hav'nt had them well you don't want them. Tonight I'm going to "Shrek 2" with one of my friends Kathleen Hagerty. Were going to have a blast. Well I've got to go but I'll "call" back later. Keep up the good reports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your friend,
Savannah Weathers


Savannah Weathers <timw7@bellsouth.net>
Franklin, TN USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 12:05 AM CDT
Carmel and Ast Fam.,
It's great to hear that you are "out of the Lion's Den!" I'm praying for that nausea to go in the name of Jesus! I love you and can't wait to see you again!
Love, Lois

Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 10:37 AM CDT
Congratulations on the light at the end of the tunnel Carmel. We are looking forward to seeing you so much!!
Leah <jesse_fink@hotmail.com>
C'ville, GA USA - Friday, May 21, 2004 9:19 AM CDT
margaret i am praying carmel gets her apetite back and that her stomach calms down. god is gonna perform a miracle for her apetite tonight that's what i'm praying for.
never fear god is near
it's good to hear she is off the iv meds
love regina

reigna jones <regina122074@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:55 PM CDT
Dear Carmel and Margaret, just want to tell you how much your journal - your faith has touched me deeply and encouraged me. I was tempted to send you a note many times but hesitated since you don't know me. I go to Christ Community Church with your mom and sister here in Franklin. We've been praying for you.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in HIs wonderful face;
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.

You have truly lived these words!

Prayerfully Yours,

Phemie Tan <phemie@comcast.net>
Franklin, TN United States - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 4:27 PM CDT
Carmel & Family,

It has been such a pleasure caring for you and as I've said before, it will definitely be bitter-sweet when you go home. I've enjoyed seeing your smiling face and have always looked forward to taking care of you through the night, even during your worst nights. I pray that the Lord continues to embrace you and your family, keeping you strong, healthy and happy. I will never, ever forget about you!

Erika <Erikasc21@yahoo.com>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 1:32 AM CDT
I just came across your page tonight and have to say...The two of you, Carmel and Margaret, are so amazing!!!I feel so blessed to have crossed your path during this journey...
Nurse Colin <nrscolin@hotmail.com >
Dacula, Ga - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 0:18 AM CDT
Thanks a bunch Leah!
Carmel <Tallinside@Aol.com>
Smyrna, - Monday, May 17, 2004 5:50 PM CDT
Just ask and I’ll sneak her in under my coat. If anyone says anything about the bulge I’ll just burst into tears and say, “I know! I’m HUGE!! WAAAHHH!!!!” and they’ll let me go by!

I'm praying for you, and so is the Frog, every night before bed. We love you.

Leah <jesse_fink@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA - Monday, May 17, 2004 4:58 PM CDT
hip hip huray for mama duck!!!!! GOD'S UNDER COVER ANGEL.

REGINA JONES <regina122074@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 17, 2004 4:05 PM CDT
Carmel rocks!
And one great rock show can change the world!
It's great to hear that you are bossing Olivia around. I love it! Can't wait till your bossing everybody, that would be awesome. Miss you alot carmel! - Love ya

Keith K <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
- Monday, May 17, 2004 7:41 AM CDT
Leah, currently I'm in isolation and after that my regular guests have to be 16+ After a while though I'll be able to see you, Frog, and Tadpole, and yes, even Jesse. Love ya,Carmel
Fudge(poodle) <Tallinside@Aol.com>
Smyrna,, Ga - Sunday, May 16, 2004 10:06 PM CDT
Here's a little tune to bring back some mountain memories from Mentone, Alabama-Many years ago!

Today while the blossoms still cling to the vine
I'll taste your strawberries
I'll drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrows, shall all past away
Eve I forget all the joy that is mine-

I'll be a dandy, and I'll be a rover
You'll know who I am by the song that I sing
I'll feast at your table, I'll sleep in your clover
Who cares what tomorrow may bring.

I can't live on promises, winter to spring
TODAY is now a moment, and NOW is my story
I'll laugh, I'll cry, and I'll sing

Ellie had this song on one of her CD's and it brought back a flood of Desoto memories. Remember open truck rides to Chattanooga, morning watch, fried chicken on Sundays with ice cream blocks covered in honey, tribe day, sliding down the mountian, STORE, campfires and singing this song? I felt the words were on so appropiate - especially now as we would all like to "fast forward" through this difficult time. But ol' Burt Ives is right - NOW is your story - even in the bittersweetness, the steps back AND forward - the joy.

Stetson Hoffman <baileyhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, TN - Sunday, May 16, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
Carmel! Believe it or not, I am actually computer literate and didn't figure this guestbook thing out until now. DUH. I plead the pregnant and dumb excuse.

We think about you everyday and appreciate your mom's updates so much! Are you feeling up for a visit from the Frog? She has learned to sing the frog song now and it might be the Cutest Thing Ever if you look in the Guinness Book of Records. Just say the word, we'll be there!

We love you and we're praying!!

Jesse, Leah, Natalie, and the Guppie! <jesse_fink@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Saturday, May 15, 2004 7:08 PM CDT
Isaiah 35
1 † The desert and the parched land will exult;
the steppe will rejoice and bloom.
2 They will bloom with abundant flowers,
and rejoice with joyful song.
The glory of Lebanon will be given to them,
the splendor of Carmel and Sharon;
They will see the glory of the LORD,
the splendor of our God.
3 Strengthen the hands that are feeble,
make firm the knees that are weak,
4 Say to those whose hearts are frightened:
Be strong, fear not!
Here is your God,
he comes with vindication;
With divine recompense
he comes to save you.
5 Then will the eyes of the blind be opened,
the ears of the deaf be cleared;
6 Then will the lame leap like a stag,
then the tongue of the dumb will sing.
Streams will burst forth in the desert,
and rivers in the steppe.
7 The burning sands will become pools,
and the thirsty ground, springs of water;
The abode where jackals lurk
will be a marsh for the reed and papyrus.
8 A highway will be there,
called the holy way;
No one unclean may pass over it,
nor fools go astray on it.
9 No lion will be there,
nor beast of prey go up to be met upon it.
It is for those with a journey to make,
and on it the redeemed will walk.
10 Those whom the LORD has ransomed will return
and enter Zion singing,
crowned with everlasting joy;
They will meet with joy and gladness,
sorrow and mourning will flee.

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees. 1996, c1986. The New American Bible.

Carmel, I opened my Bible to this chapter today and found your name. So I believe this is for you! Carmel is fertile vegetation, here symbolizing productivity and plenty. So this is your promise! I love you girl. Hold on to Jesus--you are doing great things for Him!

Rachel Deal
Louisville, KY - Friday, May 14, 2004 8:42 AM CDT
carmel , our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family everyday. i'm so proud of you and i'm not surprised at what a fighter you are. we love you and can't wait to see you visiting our floor.
elizabeth and judy {s.r. techs} <www.georgiapete1@aol.com >
woodstock, ga cherokee - Thursday, May 13, 2004 8:42 PM CDT

Clowns are those who let God out of the box of predetermined propriety…Clowns are instruments of God’s grace, imploring the voice of God, “Lighten up, ragamuffins!” Their somersaults, back flips, and unpredictable high jinks tinker with our straitlaced logic, which alleges that ultimate significance can be found in the tangible, the visible, the perishable. Their spiritual direction to us follows the counsel of the psalmist: “Look up at the Lord with gladness and smile” (Ps. 40:16).

As we stare at their outlandish costumes, we recognize a lighthearted, whimsical stance toward life. As we respond to their offer of unaffected graciousness and sincere friendliness, our inflated sense of self-importance rushes out of us like air from a pinpricked balloon. They invite us to reclaim the child we once were, to suspend temporarily our mortal seriousness about the image we project to the world, the size of our waistline, the outcome of the Super Bowl. They giggle at our pathetic strivings to spirituality. Amid the hurly-burly of Wall Street, the teeming traffic of rush hour, the long lines at the supermarket, their unexpected presence encourages us to reexamine our priorities, and does so with far greater effect than the apocalyptic threats of the doomsday preacher on the street corner.

Contemporaries of Francis of Assisi called him the clown of God…He once tamed a wolf who was eating people in the village of Gubbio and extracted a promise from the locals to provide food each night for the carnivore…

Clowns serve the ministry of the Word by expanding our understanding of the Glorious Yaweh through their original and starling insights. They deepen our trust by reminding us to submerge the enormous difficulty of suffering and evil in the borderless sea of infinite wisdom and absolute love. They force us to pose the question, “Is God different from what we perceive?” They lay bare an incandescent truth long concealed by ignorance, myopia, and in authentic tradition: our perceptions of God, of our fellow ragamuffins, and of ourselves are flat-out wrong…

Clowns are those who look beyond the literal and see the world as a metaphor for God. When they direct us to the majesty of the mountains, the beauty of the prairies, the variety of wildflowers along the roadside, the smell of mint and hay on a summer morning, the rumble of a train through the valley, the sound of a waterfall, they birth the Word in our midst. They dare us to dream of our homeland, where eye has not seen, neither has ear heard, nor has the imagination conceived of the beauty that awaits us.

(Brennan Manning, Ruthless Trust (2002): excerpts from pg.69-75.)

Carmel there's a pix of me as a clown. Couldn't put it here, but i sent it to olivia's email address.

Cheerios the Clown <racheldeal@yahoo.com>
Louisville, KY - Thursday, May 13, 2004 3:03 PM CDT
Hiya Carmel!
I'm so glad everything is turning up well on the tests and such, it's truly amazing. Although it's been a very tough road in the past, the new bend in the road is showing the end. I love you soooooo much, and I'm estatic to hear all this wonderful news. I hope to visit you sometime this summer, and share a few laughs. Luv ya so much, Carmel, you're such a spectacular person.
~Bayhead a.k.a Bailey :O)

Bailey Hoffman
Franklin, TN - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:06 PM CDT

Whitney <jdd111@juno.com>
Franklin, TN - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
Now that Tish is on a well deserved vacation this week, I am prompted to stay in touch by reading your journal daily updates. I love you and your sweet family very much and am grateful for the opportunity to keep you and yours in prayer and knowing how to pray. I often send Tish's emails on to my daughter, Virginia in Dallas who is a pediatric oncology nurse, and takes care of and prays for many sweet Carmels'there. She has now added our Carmel to her "family". God's blessings on you all today! Much love is sent with this message
Becky Bledsoe <becky_bledsoe@administaff.com>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 9:59 AM CDT
Margaret and Carmel, I have just finished reading the journal entries for the last 3-4 weeks (O.K. I'm a little behind). I finally had to stop because I couldn't see the screen for all the tears. Tears of gratefulness that we serve a mighty God and how wonderful it is to be a part of His family. How great is His love for us. What an encouragement the guestbook and website has been for me. I sure hope all of these journal entries are being printed and kept somewhere for us all to read again and again to be reminded of God's EXTREME faithfulness during such very dark times and in times of great joy and happiness. Your entire family is such a blessing to me. Thank you for sharing your experience with me and with so many others. My socks have been blessed right off my feet! We continue to think of you and pray for you often. Carmel, you are amazing and inspire so many. You are loved!
Great is thy faithfulness, Great is thy faithfulness, Morning by morning new mercies I see. ALL I have needed thy hand hath provided, Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.

Paige Schwartz <cschwartzfam@juno.com>
Snellville, GA Snellville - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:24 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day.
Keep Smiling.
We love and miss you.
The Reed Family

keri reed <kkreed7@yahoo.com>
kingston, ga usa - Sunday, May 9, 2004 9:46 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day...Your journal entry was, once again, so amazing...What words of wisdom to offer your son.... Straight from the heart of God....You are an amazing lady, Margaret Ast, and I pray that God continues to give you all of Himself, in each new day......Mary Schwartz
Mary Schwartz <Douschw@aol.com>
- Sunday, May 9, 2004 10:27 AM CDT
If you have raced with men on foot and they have tired you out, then how can you compete with horses? And if you take to flight in a land of peace where you feel secure, then what will you do when you tread the tangled maze of jungle haunted by lions in the swelling and flooding of the Jordan?
Jer. 12:5

Margaret, as I was reading the updates today I realized something amazing. You have seen God! Remember when Moses asked to see God and God said, If you see Me you will die, so I will cover you as I pass by and when I have passed you will see My back" (paraphrased). You have experienced the fullness of God to the degree that is possible for a human being. Who is God? He is awesome and beyond discription, like an ocean but more, like a sunrise but more, like a rose but more. Who is God? He is personified in Christ, so He is love, sacrifice, care, kindness, patient, forgiveness, healing, and the Best Friend ever! Two-sides of the same coin--a relationship with the Creator of the Universe is WOW!

I've been reading Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning, another Wounded Soul. Wounded Souls are those who see God, the artists and clowns and fools who have mourned and despaired and almost given up, who have reached up and been rescued and set in the palm of God's hand.

Tears fill my eyes as I think about how tired I am living here, how easy it is to get too comfortable. But this is not my home. So I must keep pressing on. I must get up out of bed every day and run the laps that God has given me and fight the fight of ruthless trust, abandoning common sense and morality at times, and run! Run hard. Cuz the jungle awaits. But not to worry, like Corrie ten Boon said, God will give me what I need when the lions approach and not until. So I wait and rest and run and fight, every day, by His strength. Trust in Him brings joy. Gratefulness brings joy. Hope brings joy. Loving friends and battles won bring joy. "Give thanks in all things." Carmel, may the joy of the Lord be your strength. I love you, precious one.

Olivia, thank God for you. I know you are fighting your own battles and that God is with you. May you experience Him today. Taste and see that He is God! You are a dear friend.

Rachel Deal <racheldeal@yahoo.com>
Louisville, KY - Saturday, May 8, 2004 9:54 PM CDT
Carmel, I am a friend of Pat Rizer's. I have been praying for you for a while now. It is so good to hear that you are doing well. I will continue to lift you and you family up in prayer. Keep the faith!
Tammy Foley <tfoley1969@aol.com>
Calhoun, GA USA - Saturday, May 8, 2004 8:25 PM CDT
Its absoultely wonderful to hear that things are looking up! Praise be to God, Lord of Heaven and Earth!

Andrew <Legolas272@aol.com>
- Saturday, May 8, 2004 3:03 PM CDT
Dear Carmel,

Hi. I’m slowly getting into the electronic world – you are already there. Rinna and I are very proud of you and your faith in our Creator. You’re example is a great demonstration of how we, with God’s help, are to live with adversity and trials. You are an inspiration and an example for us all. All your family are also great examples. Hug your Mom for me. We will continue to pray, as so many others.

Uncle Ed

T. Ed Bailey <bailey@redeagle-co.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Friday, May 7, 2004 4:46 PM CDT
WOW!!!!What a great report today!!!Mary Schwartz
Mary Schwartz <Douschw@aol.com>
- Friday, May 7, 2004 1:20 PM CDT
Clean Sweep ! That's awesome !
( and it's a good TV show too )
"just keep going, just keep going"
Way to go Carmel, just keep it up.
And way to go Margaret! Keep Believeing!
Love you guys,

Keith <keith@notimezones=chaos.com>
What Time Is It?, EST The North America Republic Of No Time Zones - Friday, May 7, 2004 11:44 AM CDT
Carmel! I am so excited that you are getting better! It is exciting to see God at work! I'm believing for complete restoration to you and then some! I love you!
Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Friday, May 7, 2004 10:37 AM CDT
Oops-it's supposed to read; darkness either gives us treasures that we couldn't have been given in the light OR it reveals to us treasures we couldn't have recognized in the brightness of the light. (It's late)

Stetson Hoffman
Franklin, TN U.S.A - Thursday, May 6, 2004 11:23 PM CDT
The verse Isaiah 45:3 gave me such comfort after our troubled pregnancy and outcome: "I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel." The verse speaks for itself-darkness either gives us treasures that we couldn't have been given in the light. Some of the treasure I myself have received in having a handicapped child is how too much emphases is placed on our performance. I felt my child would always be at a disadvantage with one good hand, and a walking limp. Now I see Iam the one with the disadvantage as things come so easily to me-thus clouding my dependence on God. Now you are seeing the hidden riches of secret places, in a way none of us have ever experienced before, with a child with leukemia. Many of us can relate about the secret places that God has individually taken us too. Its in these places that our eyes are opened and we realize its not all about us. Its about drawing near to Him when we struggle. We may attempt the "right" prayers, actions, or formulas; however, in the end, its about coming to him, broken and needy (ask Job). The amazing thing is that he knows our name and our path in life. I'm so grateful He doesn't every let us go.

Stetson Hoffman
Franklin, TN U.S.A - Thursday, May 6, 2004 11:15 PM CDT
Just thought I would let you know what an incredible, amazing, awesome woman and mother you are! I won't respond to what I think about you being confronted...But you know, don't you! I love you, and I admire you keep up the great work! Love, Nicole

Nicole Carter <grneyednikki@yahoo.co.uk>
Cartersville, Ga USA - Thursday, May 6, 2004 9:52 PM CDT
Andrew here again. Just letting ya know I am around, and still praying. I am hoping and praying that everything will keep improving.

Andrew (aka. Astalder) <Legolas272@aol.com>
- Thursday, May 6, 2004 1:08 PM CDT
Dear Margaret, You are doing so well standing strong in the armor of God! To have been in the hospital for about 25 days without leaving, and living in a tiny room with no company other than Carmel, and to have been woken up every night about 20 times, you are at a weak point physically and emotionally. This is when Satan does his dirty work! He knows you are vulnerable, but you are standing on God's Word, and that is the safest place you can stand! Satan came to tempt Jesus after 40 days of fasting - when he was hungry and physically exhausted too. I will paddle even harder for you and Carmel! PRAISE THE LORD that the white blood cells are increasing!!! The enemy knows he better act quickly, because you and Carmel will be out of this pressure situation soon! I am so thankful for the beautiful way you and Carmel and all of your family have walked through this difficult time. You have truly given glory to the Lord every step of the way!
Tish Beall <tishbeall@juno.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Thursday, May 6, 2004 9:58 AM CDT
Hmmm,it sounds like "the Clowns" have a serious side beneath their painted facade. What a wonderful quote, thanks!!We might have to rethink our stance on clownhood.
Margaret Ast <Tallinside@aol.com>
Smyrna, GA US - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 10:01 PM CDT
hey i read the story from my friend and it was a while ago
but i wanted to say i will pray for you everyday through this journey it sounds like she is doing well but still a ways. keep your heads high and god will pull through

evie merritt <evienotevy@hotmail.com>
Westminster, CO united states - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 9:47 PM CDT
Well all I have to say is YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Keep up the fight Carmel, I love you!

Nicole Carter <grneyednikki@yahoo.co.uk>
Cartersville, Ga USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 8:53 PM CDT
"The shattering revelation of that moment was that true peace, the high and bidding peace that passeth all understanding, is to be had not in retreat from the battle, but only in the thick of the battle."
The Clowns
Chi Chi, NM - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 8:44 PM CDT

regina jones <regina122074@yahoo.com>
cataula , ga USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 8:09 PM CDT
hey hope u get well soon!!glad to hear the good news.keep up the good work.
derek rizer
cartersville, ga usa - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:53 PM CDT
God is amazing!!!! He answered our prayers!!!! I just wanted to tell Carmel that I love her and I am praying for you!!!!
Christiana Hoffman <christiana500@aol.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 7:34 PM CDT

Savannah again. God is soooooo great. I'm sooooo happy for you and all your family and friends. Hopefuly you will be perfectly better really really soon. Maybe then I can meet you(hahahaha). I like the joke about trowing a cookie to wake your mom. Thats pretty funny I'll have to try that some time. Well I have to go but I'll write again soon(really soon).


P.S. We are all praying for you and your family.

Savannah Weathers <timw7@bellsouth.net>
Franklin, TN USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 12:35 AM CDT
Awesome News !!!
God is great, and greatly to be praised !
It wonderful to hear such great news,
and in the word of a song by Carmel,
"just keep going, just keep going"
love yall

keith <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
Adairsville, Calhoun, Sugar Valley, GA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 11:57 AM CDT
Good evening, rather good morning Camelli and Family-

I am keeping up with your news through your mother's entries. My news? Well, there were no more graduation ceremonies to attend, but on Monday I sat through six hours (with a thirty minute lunch break) of meetings. The first 2 hours were OK, lots of committee reports but we were a amenable group, Faculty Executive Council (FEC) and I think we will work reasonably well together this coming year. At the end of the meeting I was formally presented with another stick! But this time it was a smaller stick, called a gavel, and it had a little engraved plate on the side with my name on it and 2004-2005 (that is the length of my current penal servitude as Faculty Chairperson). So that was kind of cool and all, didn't quite make up for 87+ minutes standing in the robe on Saturday, but you take what you can get.

For the next 3 hours of the meeting, we, the FEC, were joined by the school deans and the Vice Pres of the college. We all had an agenda with six items to discuss and resolve (key word here is resolve). So we tralked and talked and talked, and made the issue we were discussing more and more and more complicated. Now you know I like talking; I like listening, but I really like talking. But after 3 hours I would have been glad for some crazed academic-terrorist type to have come rushing in and put silver electician's tape over all of our mouths. After 3 hours we gave up, and the sad thing is we never got to issues 2-6 becasue we never (here it is) resolved the first issue. The VP plans to hold a seire of meetings with the deans for further discussion. Mercifully, I am not a dean. I sincerely gave thanks to God for not being a dean, but just a lowly Faculty Chair as I left the meeting Monday afternoon. It has also occurred to me that if I am to survive with my mental health intact next year that I will need to pray for at least one hour before adn one hour after every meeting I attend. Well...more prayer is always a good thing.

On the home front I am thrilled with this cool weather, but poor Ben is staying inside and suffering. He has been sick off and on for 3 weeks but got much much worse Monday. This morning we went to a medical clinic (he was putting it off because he has no medical insurance) and they discovered that he had advanced tonsillitis. Not so good, so he is on penicillin and painkillers and waiting to recover. Sebastian, Simon, Baryshnikov, and I (oh, and the snake and the mole and various and sundry [now how often do yuo get to use a neat word like sundry?]other creatures I am not yet aware of) are trying to be very quiet so as not to distub the sick sleeping giant.

I have this big blue folder, over twenty years old, that contains proverbs, quotes, bits of poetry, all kinds of stuff. I thoguht I would find you some good things to read.

"Every flower of the field, every fiber of a plant, every particle of an insect, [how much more do we] carries with it the impress of its Maker, and can,--if duly considered--read us lectures of ethics or Divinity." Sir Thomas Pope Blount

"In silence man can most readily preserve his integrity. One must not always think so much about what one should do, but rather what one should be. Our works do not ennoble us; but we must ennoble our works." Meister Eckhart

"To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations--such is a pleasure beyond compare." Yoshida Kenko

"It is not the hand but the understanding of a man that may be said to write. History is in a manner a sacred thing, so far as it contains truth; for where truth is, the supreme Father of it may also be said to be, at least, in as much as concerns truth." Miguel Cervantes

"If Jesus had to walk a lonesome valley, our Father, help me to walk through my lonesome valley...that neither darkness nor fear [nor suffering] will stop me. Give me to know that through the valley lies the upland where sunlight and joy await if I will keep on. Amen." Richard Wong
My prayer tonight is like that of Richard Wong, that you would know that you know that you know that sunlight and joy await you and that Jesus is ever with you as you walk through the difficult and fierce valley. I love you. Shesha

Theresa Ast <drtla@earthlink.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 0:07 AM CDT
Hi, Carmel!!!
I'd never heard of throwing cookies at someone to wake them up! Ha Ha Ha! I'll have to try that on my big brother, Daniel. HE WILL NEVER WAKE UP!!! <:|>


Whitney <jdd111@juno.com>
Franklin, TN - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:30 PM CDT
Hi! Your journal entry was so exciting!!! It is overwhelming to watch a miracle in the making! I am reminded over and over again how 'fearfully and wonderfully' our bodies are made...God is so awesome! I rejoice with you and your news that today was a good day...Mary Schwartz
Mary Schwartz <Douschw@aol.com>
- Tuesday, May 4, 2004 4:48 PM CDT
Hello Margaret and Carmel, prayers are being lifted up for you and your faith is in Him so trust Him to deliver you, as I know you do. His peace be upon you and as Paul says:
Wherefore I also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love unto all the saints, cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened: that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints."
Ephesians 1:15-18

Michael A. Fowler <michael.fowler@worldspan.com>
Atlanta, Ga Fulton - Monday, May 3, 2004 2:35 PM CDT
Hey Carmel. Just got back from Disney. Everything went good except for that flat tire I had. Naturally, I pulled off the road, and proceeded to put a bouquet of flowers in the front and another in back of my car. Then I got back in the car to wait.

A passerby studied my situation as he drove by and was so curious he turned and came back. He asked me what the problem was and I replied, "I have a flat tire." I wanted to say "Duh!" but was of course too polite for such a thing.

The guy then said that the flat tire was obvious, but wondered "what's with the flowers?" I responded, "When you break down they tell you to put flares in the front and flares in the back! I never did understand it neither."

Love ya! Mark

Mark Maddox
Cartersville, GA USA - Monday, May 3, 2004 1:38 PM CDT
This is Sally's joke for you: Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
Because he was feeling 'crummy'!!! hahahahahahahahahaha
Sally told me to tell you that and that she loves you!

Sally Hoffman <stetsonhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin , TN. USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 9:51 PM CDT
We thougth of you so much today when we were at the Nashville zoo for Ellie's 7th birthday party. Remeber when the Sloth followed us around in the big glass room and touched Tyler's foot???? We passed the "bear cave" and stuck our faces out of the holes and also the big flat rock that we did a family picture on. The elephants were not being ridden today because it was so muddy. Do you remember riding them? When we were at the petting zoo, the goats were out again. I was petting one and another one came up behind me, and took my map!!!!! It scared me! I had to chase it around the area and he finally dropped it. I picked it up and it had slobber all over it! EEEWWWWWWWWW!!!! I also got to pet a llamas. It was so soft! Do you remember the week that Uncle Bill treated us to visting Nashville's spots of interest? Remember going to the Spaghetti Factory and the science musuem and we walked around downtown Franklin and we ate out a lot????? That was a fun week. We played all over the wooden jungle gym. We spent all afternoon at the zoo. We all love you and are praying for you.
Christiana and Stetson Hoffan

Christiana and Stetson Hoffman <stetsonhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 9:40 PM CDT
Hola, Carmel!!!
I wasn't doin' any thing today when I got home from church, (except gettin' fat on pretzels) so I thought I'd come get on the website, and see what's goin' on with you and your family.

I'm gonna go to baby sittin' camp at the Red Cross this week and I hope I won't be too busy to write!

Well, I have to go do yard work now. Sometimes I wish I was Jewish! (No work on the Sabbath!)

Whitney <jdd111@juno.com>
Franklin, TN - Sunday, May 2, 2004 3:12 PM CDT
Hi! My name is Kristen. I'm a friend of Christiana's. We pray for you and Olivia every Sunday and Wednesday nights. I'm so glad that we can communicate with you. Has Christiana ever played scissors with you? She played it with us recently. If you've ever played it , who taught you? Hope this makes your day better!!!we're praying!!!!
KRISTEN (Krissie)

Kristen <thefam2000@yahoo.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 8:09 PM CDT
HI! i'm michal one of Bailey's friends, from school and a k-life small group. I have a twin sis' Briana (Bri for short)two cats a dog and a VERY crabby cockatiel( ask Bailey she's pet sitted him before :)). We will keep you in our prayers! :)you can e-mail me if you want to::: michalchristian882@hotmail.com
michal christian <michalchristian882@hotmail.com>
sewanee, tn - Saturday, May 1, 2004 5:07 PM CDT
I am just writing to tell you that I love you and God loves you and I wish that I could come and see you sometime. I am praying for you all the time. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Christiana Hoffman <christiana500@aol.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 3:39 PM CDT
Good Morning Carmelli and Ast Family-

It is very early, around 5am, but I have been unable to go to sleep tonight, very strange and unusual for me. So after cleaning the kitchen, reading, washing some clothes, reading, folding clothes, reading, taking notes for a meeting tht is coming up Monday, and reading (all the reading is done in bed and then I turn the light out and try to go to sleep, but no luck) I decided to answer some emails and then write to you. I am going to be very, very sorry in about two hours when I have to get dressed and drive up to Reinhardt College. Tomorrow is Commencement or Graduation adn I have to be there (on a Saturday mind you!!) at 8:30. I thought about not going, but I have to.

I know the details of my life aren't all that exciting (well, the snake was)but maybe they are a change of pace from your constant hospital experiences. So here goes...we have 55 faculty at Reinhardt and every year they elect a Faculty Chair who organizes and runs the monthly meetings, writes lots of memos and is the liaison person who discusses "issues" with the pres and vice-pres of the college (no money, no respect really, and a lot of hard work). I said NO to the first 5 people who asked me to run for faculty chair, but then number 6 was very persuasive (i am making plans to get him back later) and after a little prayer I let myself be talked into it. Well I won the election, wouldn't you know...actually, nobody even opposed me, so really this was just a clever set-up to trap me into this strange position.

I say strange, becasue 2 days ago I got a phone call asking me if I understood my graduation duties? Well I have graduated from college myself 3 times now, and it always involved standing in line on a hot day for a very long time, so I thought I understood and thought I was done with those duties. Not so! As Faculty Chair (hereafter referred to as FC) I am also the Grand Marshal of every formal college event we have (there are about 5 a year). Which means I walk into the building in front of all the faculty and students in my very heavy and exceedingly hot, uncomfortable and, yes, irritating Ph.D. robe (these were designed in hell by very mean-spirited sorts) carrying teh Acaemic Mace. Basically a big, long hreavy stick with some wierd silvery ornament on the end of it - a carryover from medieval times, the mace represents the college's authority to grant degrees. Then I turn and face the audience (tens of thousands you know and they are not wearing hot heavy robes) and stand for 87.5 minutes until evryone is seated. Then I put the Mace in a stand and I go sit down; at the end of the ceremony we do it all again in reverse.

This really sucks!! I like getting into my seat early and cracking jokes with a colleague or two while all the other people are wandering around trying to find their seat or carrying the Mace or some other silly thing. For a whole year now I am going to have to behave and act very dignified!! This seems very unfair to me; nobody told me about this. Anyway, tonight we had a trial run at the Bacclaureate service and it went OK. But the people in charge repeatedly whispered to me that I must not strike anyone wtih the mace, no matter how tempted to do so I might be. So I carry the big stick of authority, but I don't get to hit anyone...and after each ceremony they take it and lock it in a safe...like I was going to steal it or go play basebqll with it or use it for firewood in my firplace, which I don't have anyway. So I am very tired, but I can't sleep and I will probably fall asleep standing in front of everyone in just a few hours. And this is why I went to college for 12 years. :)

Here are some verses which are encouraging me right now: Whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who are with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Cor 3:116-8) The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him becasue they know his voice. (John 10:2-4)

My prayer for all of you this morning is that you will hear Him call you by name, you will know His voice, and you will follow Him. It is also my prayer for me. I love you. Shesha

Theresa Ast <drtla@earthlink.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 4:52 AM CDT
Hey, Carmel!!!
Whitney again! I wish that you were at our party last night at church! Somethin' funny happened there. There was a big gallon-size plastic bag up on one of the super-high window sills and Christiana said, "Hey! There could be money in it! Let's try to get it down!" So, I got on Christiana's shoulders.(I'm eleven and I weigh 65 pounds when all of my eleven year old friends weigh 90!) Then, we took an umbrella and started throwing it at the bag! We tryed for a long time. We finally just used my mom's crutches.(she broke her ankle.) When we got it down, all that was in it was some rotten orange peeling! LOL! And with all of our hard work, too! Oh, well!

Well, I have to go now! We're praying for you every second of the day. Remember that you're in God's hands!

LOVE YA!!!!!!

~WHITNEY DAVIS~ <jdd111@juno.com>
Franklin, TN - Friday, April 30, 2004 5:54 PM CDT
Hi Carmel,

My name is Savannah I'm a friend of Christiana's. I'm soooo glad that you are doing better. I've never met you but you would think that I knew you really well with all that Chritsiana talks about you. Its really cool to hear Christiana talk about you and everything that you've done and stuff like that. I hope that you get perfectly better really really soon. Were praying for you. Our hole class on sunday is praying for you and your family.

your friend,

Savannah Weathers <timw7@bellsouth.net>
Franklin, TN USA - Friday, April 30, 2004 3:06 PM CDT
Dear Carmel,

My name is Deborah Hagerty, I'm a friend of Bailey's. I'm 14 years old. I hope that you relize how much the Hoffmans care for you, they have asked everyone they know to pray. If you are able to e-mail people, and you have the time, I'd love to talk to you more, if not, just know that people all around the world are thinking about you.

Deborah Leigh Hagerty (also known as Eowyn) <irishchick@cedarpartners.com>
Columbia, TN U.S.A. - Friday, April 30, 2004 12:07 AM CDT
Hey Caramel,

Andrew here, yet another one of Bailey's friends. I would have signed sooner, but I got stuck out of town. I have been praying for you since January, and I just wanted to let you know I have been, and I still will be praying for you. God bless you!

Andrew <Legolas272@aol.com>
Franklin, TN 37069 - Friday, April 30, 2004 11:02 AM CDT
Dear Carmel,
My name is Marya Elrod. We live next door to your Hoffman cousins in Tennessee. I think you have met Jordyn, our 14 yr. old daughter. Your Aunt Stetson had let us know how you were and Bailey emailed us about this website. I wanted you to know that we have prayed for you and will continue to pray. My prayer for you this morning is for God to strenghten your confidence in Him and that He would calm all your fears. He is your strength and your shield to battle this enemy. Even when you feel weakest, He is strong and able...and He loves you so much. He knows what's happening in every cell of your body, the body He created and loves.

Know that we will be praying here in Tennessee for your recovery. We'll look forward to the time when you can come for a visit at the Hoffmans and we can see you again.

Marya Elrod <belrod5@bellsouth.net>
Franklin, TN USA - Friday, April 30, 2004 10:23 AM CDT
hey Carmel, I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for you. We all miss you very much. Carmel, you are one awesome person and we Love you.
Keith <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
- Friday, April 30, 2004 8:20 AM CDT
Hey Caramel! My name is Briana Christian and I am one of Bailey's friends. I will pray for your strength and healing! May God bless you and your family! Bri :)
Briana Christian <brichristian@hotmail.com>
Sewanee, TN USA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:17 PM CDT
Just wanted to tell ya...I LOVE YA!
That's all for now.

Cartersville, Ga USA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:35 PM CDT
Dear Carmel,
I dont miss you as much as Checkers does but I would still like to see you. Well maybe mostly your mom but I could see you to I geuss. I got to bite a man the other day that was pretty fun, I think his name was Paul. He was trying to steal Angel and me. So I bit him and he left us alone.
I have a new best freind. Her name is Maranda and I am taking care of her now.
Lots of love and licks.

Simcha <Sicha@dogsRus.com>
Cartersville, Ga USA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 5:12 PM CDT
Hope to see you soon!!!!
Love:William Tyler Ast

Tyler <Jester71492@aol.com>
- Thursday, April 29, 2004 4:31 PM CDT
Dear Carmeli,
I really, really, really miss you. Being with the yellow dog and Uncle Bill is just not the same thing as snuggling in your sweet arms. No one understands me like you do, no one loves me as much as you. Please get well soon so that I can come back home and take back my place on the sofa.

Checkers <Checkers@aol.com>
Charlotte, NC USA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 4:21 PM CDT
Dear Carmel, i am on a home-schooled teens Book Nook discusion group with Bailey and she updated us on your situation... just wanted to write and tell you i'm praying for you and want you to know that... or else i'll hunt you down and shave your ears!! Sorry... inside joke... get better soon!

Abby aka Atara

ps My German Shepherd, Cani (connie) sends her love... she can't type... (having rather large paws) but insisted i tell you she will devote a long run in the park to you...
pps she wanted to send a much chewed (and loved) tug-of-war toy... but i convinced her you probably wouldn't particurly appriciate it (not to mention i doubt the hospital staff would let it within a mile radius of you.)
ppps My pied cockatiel, Sir Percy Blakeny has deined to talk to me (he considers himself above humans normally)and says to keep your chin up... God is in control... no matter what happens, wot wot!
pppps George E. Wentworth III (black cat) purred and said that he wouldn't send a bird... but sent his best wishes in whichever matter there was that needed his blessing... (he is in much the same mind as Sir Percy about humans)
ppppps you see... my animals have very interesting, differing attitudes!
pppppps the lizard... Spyke... just looked at me... but i'm sure he will think of you as well...

Abigail aka Ataralasse <Canipeople@aol.com>
Jackson, TN - Thursday, April 29, 2004 10:09 AM CDT
Dearest Margaret and Carmel,
Just yesterday my coworker and I were eating lunch...and you were in the mist of our conversation. I told her that I was continuing to pray for your healing...I know its a done deal...its just a matter of time before you get better. She shared with me how she is learning to be specific in her prayer request. So I came home looked up more on your condition. The more I read the more I realize just how GREAT a GOD we serve. I just believe and trust him for your healing. None the less I began to pray specifically for your white blood cell count...for mature normal WBCs.
Tammy, my coworker, has a little girl that will turn three in September. She has a rare form of cerebral palsy. She has a trach and a feeding tube. She also has big beautiful blue/green eyes, and a smile that is as enriching as the ocean is deep. She can't sit up very good on her own and has problems with her vocal chords. Tammy's prayer is to hear Rebecca mutter the word Moma. She has yet to hear it. Please keep her in your prayers. God does work in MYSTERIOUS WAYS.
I hope that you both have a good nights rest and a super good day tomorrow. Walk, Walk, Walk Carmel...Know God LOVES YOU SO VERY MUCH:)
God Keep You Safe From Infections.
Love Ya,

Pat <pat30120@netzero.com>
Cartersville, Ga USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:23 PM CDT
Hey Carmel and all other Asts-

Been reading a good book, so I will share some verses before I finish the tale of the snake.

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. (Ps. 27:13) When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers- the moon and stars that You have set in place- what are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that You should care for us? [But He does!] For You made us only a little lower than God, and you crowned us with glory and honor. (Ps 8:3-5) For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. (2 Chron 16:9) The Lord their God will save them on that day as the flock of His people. They will sparkle in His land like jewels in a crown. How attractive and beautiful they will be. (Zech 9:16-17) Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. (Ps 34:5)

Well, the snake and mole are still with us, unless the snake has made the acquaintance of the mole, in which case the little mole is probably happily singing in mole heaven. Since I last wrote, I have battled with three yellow jackets in the house and rescued (successfully I might add) a bird from the clutches of the mighty hunter Sebastian. It is rather sad, Sebastian is such a good hunter and it is his God given nature to be one and he is always sweetly disconsolate after I take whatever the catch of the week is outside and set it free. He wanders around looking for his lost treasures and he never seems to resent me for intervening. This is a cat to love. :)

Makes me think of Jesus as not only the lover of our souls, but as the one who searches for us, seeks us out, hunts to find us and call us his own. He too is a great hunter and a mighty warrior who is able to keep us once we are found. It is good to be found, to be known, to be kept by the One who loves us. Sleep well and sweet dreams to all of you.

Theresa Ast <drtla@earthlink.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:12 PM CDT
Hey Ast Girls (momma&daughter),
Just wanted to say hey, and let you know I am thinking of you both! You know we are all amazed at how well Carmel is doing...But we shouldn't be. Amazing girls do amazing things! And the best is yet to come, I think that this is just to slow you down because the world isn't ready for the great things you will do! I love you Carmel and am looking forward to being able to give you a hug!

Nicole Carter <grneyednikki@yahoo.co.uk>
Cartersville, Ga USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 9:15 PM CDT
Hi Carmel!
You have never met me and obviously vice versa, but my dear friend Baile told me about you and sent an email out telling her friends about this website.

I was reading some of the guest book entries, you seem to have a great group of people to surround you spiritualy and to support you! How comforting that must be!

I just wanted to let you know that i am praying for you And I am definately looking forward to meeting you eventualy!

love you.

Laura Morel <princesslightday@netscape.net>
nashville, Tn - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 3:26 PM CDT
I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and I hope that you get over this sickness soon. I would like you to remeber the Psalms 23:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me besides quiet waters,
He restores my soul.
He guides me in the paths of righteousness
for his name's sake
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me!
I just wanted you to remeber that.
I love you!!!!

Christiana Hoffman <christiana500@aol.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 12:21 AM CDT
I hope that you feel better. I am praying for you. I love you!!! I wish that I could come and see you.

Davis Hoffman
Franklin, TN US - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:13 PM CDT
I hope you feel better, Poodle. I am praying for you too. (Carmel's nickname)

Anderson Hoffman <andersonhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, TN 37064 - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:09 PM CDT
Hey, Carmel!!!
I'm Christiana's friend. I've met your brother a couple of times. I think I' might have met you once, too!

I just wanted to say 'hi' and that we're praying for you. Sorry! I mean, I guess you've heard that a ton of times, huh! But don't you ever forget it! We all love ya sooooooo much! And we hope that ya get better really, really, soon! That's a no brainer, too! I guess I'd better go so I don't tell ya any more things that you already know! I'll write again soon! Bye~ !!!!!!! [;)] ******* [;)] !!!!!!!

Whitney Davis <jdd111@juno.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:18 PM CDT
Hello Family - It's Suzanne!
When Sunday a.m. rolls around, it is SO good to see Greg, Olivia and Tyler at church but I sure am looking forward to seeing the remaining two members of this family walk through those double white doors (that are staying clean now!).
Be prepared for an AMBUSH when that day comes and singing and shouting like we've never heard before under that roof.
Easter, this year, just wasn't the same without the annual Passover celebration but we have wonderful ones to look forward to in the years to come.
Thank you so much for sharing with us this wonderful Jewish tradition. The presence of the Holy Spirit during the whole celebration last year was so remarkable. Hearts were touched in new ways and a new passion birthed in my heart for God and His ways and His word. I can't explain it well enough..... anyway, we wouldn't have known how wonderful Passover celebration is if you hadn't have shared like you did. (You and your whole family).

I LOVE you, and will see you soon.


PS - Kaitlyn (Kurtis's daughter), my grandbaby had her first birthday party Saturday in the Dome. We had toys for the kids to play with, music and a bubble machine :) Hard to believe she is 1 already. Bye for now

Suzanne Bell <slbell25@yahoo.com>
Adairsville, GA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 0:48 AM CDT
Good Evening Carmel-

I thought I should share today's adventures with you. I woke up early and went to exercise with Mrs. Saar up the street. When I got back I had a little bit of time before i headed off to school, so I snuggled on the couch to read a little....well when I woke up I wandered into the kitchen in my sock feet to check the clock. Just in time I looked down so I didn't step on the snake laying across my kitchen floor. Yes, snake!!! A small black one, but still a snake!!! It played dead for awhile and then when I tried to sweep it toward the back door it protested vigorously and after writhing all over the floor it slunk under my dishwasher.

So I gave up (I was not going to lie down on the floor and put my face near the crack under the dishwasher). after all what could I do to make the snake come out. So I got ready and went to school and now Ben and I live with a snake. Well, thirty minutes ago Sebastian brought another creature into the house; so now a small mole lives in my washroom under the dryer. Seems to me there is a bible verse about man (and woman) having dominion over the creatures of the earth, but I must have read it wrong. When you are better and out of the hospital you can come to my house to visit the exotic zoo we have here now.

Please know you are being lifted up before the Father daily. Before too long we will all meet at the Greek restaurant and rejoice together. I just may sing out loud in front of everybody in the restaurant. Who knows? Much love, Shesha

Theresa Ast <drtla@earthlink.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Monday, April 26, 2004 7:53 PM CDT
I know you are touching the lives of everyone you meet, and that they are better people for it! You have such an amazing affect on people, and the funny thing is I don't think you realize that. But it is there!
You take care and get well so we can go back to Nicaragua next year!
I love you! Nicole

Nicole Carter <grneyednikki@yahoo.co.uk>
cartersville, ga usa - Monday, April 26, 2004 3:02 PM CDT
Hi Mel, I hope you are feeling ok today...Just wanted you to know that someone was praying for you today :o)
Let your light shine! Matthew 5:16...Take Care!

Rick Carter <Rick.Carter@CommunityTrustBank.com>
Cartersville, GA Yep! - Monday, April 26, 2004 2:38 PM CDT
Dear Carmel and Margaret,
We read through the journal today. We are all amazed about what you are going through. The girls want to dance with Carmel again next Passover! It's a date. OK? We love you ALL and keep you in our prayers. Love, Nina, Kelsey and Mary Faith.

Binkley Family
Adairsville, GA - Monday, April 26, 2004 10:57 AM CDT
Hey Carmel! I was so excited that you are feeling well enough to read your messages! I love and miss you so much! We are praying for you everyday and believing for your complete 200% restoration and healing! (We want you even healthier than before!) You are doing an awesome job and I am so proud of how you are handling everything. Can't wait to see you and give you a big hug...after the 100 day thing!
Love always,

Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Monday, April 26, 2004 10:42 AM CDT
hey carmel ! since I know you are reading these now, I just wanted to ya hi and hey and stuff. Keep up the great recovery, and I'm looking foward to hanging out with you guys as soon as the 100 days are up. Lova ya bunch
Keith <kdking1976@ahoo.com>
Calhoun / Adairsville/ Sugar Valley, GA - Monday, April 26, 2004 6:54 AM CDT
Hello...I had a free moment and was thinking of you all...so I thought I would write a quick hello.....I think of you all so often as I'm going through my day....I talked to a friend who is at Elgeston with her son...He had his liver transplant a year before Michael...I told her about you guys...She might walk down to say a quick hello..Her name is Peggy.....I loved what the rabbi spoke about the girls' names...WOW! That is truly where our hope should rest...in words from the Lord, spoken through others and though His word...Stand firm on those words, especially when those ugly things try to creep in...( doubt, fear, anxiety..) I know you know all this...God bless you all and have a peaceful night....Mary Schwartz
Mary Schwartz <Douschw@aol.com>
Acworth, Ga - Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:58 PM CDT
Hey Carmel,
I am so glad to hear you are doing so well everyone has been asking about you at work so if you ever get bored I am sure the girls at work would love to hear you are doing well. I will cont. to pray for you and that you will cont. to do well.
Love, Nurse Joy

joy gosdin <joybell30241@yahoo.com>
lagrange, ga usa - Sunday, April 25, 2004 4:10 PM CDT
Hi Carmel & Family,
So glad to hear that you are doing well...you are on our hearts every night and many times during the days. Dayna and I cannot wait to see you soon -- keep up the GREAT work!

Dayna & Alan Thomson
Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, April 25, 2004 1:14 PM CDT
Margaret and family,
This is your mom's friend Sarah Brenner in Mobile, Margaret. I've only met your girls once, maybe, when
they were small. But I've enjoyed pictures of all five of
you for years! I just wanted you to know that I' ve been
praying for you all every time Tish posts a new update.
We're so very glad about the marrow transplant going]
smoothly, and we'll be standing with all of you and especially Carmel's flesh for these >100 days! The website is so great! Blessings, Sarah

Sarah Brenner <sarah@brennerdom.com>
Mobile, AL - Saturday, April 24, 2004 1:26 PM CDT
Margaret & Carmel & Family,
I was thinking today of Carmel's name and meaning - and of all our too mortal bodies - that fall a lot (Payton can tell you a lot about that as she is now attempting to be an independent walker - and even the slightest crack in the driveway messes up her steps. Therefore, our emphasis now is on falling safely!) Anyway - our bodies bleed, they age, they ache, they break, they crush...just as you said the grapes sweetness isn't revealed until they are crushed - certainly we are now witnessing someone's strength as Carmel's mortal body is being squeezed in from all sides - Its much like a beautiful flower that pops up out of nowhere - between the cracks of rocks - and you say to yourself, "Wow where did that flower come from - and you can it survive with hardly any soil?" Yet it does - and its beauty is even more evident because of where it grows. So it is with you all.
"We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body." 2 Corth 4:8-9

Stetson Hoffman
Franklin, TN - Saturday, April 24, 2004 8:39 AM CDT
Hey guys thanks for writing it is very encouraging I'll be reading so keep on writing.
Carmel <FrednotFudge@Aol.com>
- Friday, April 23, 2004 6:42 PM CDT
Hey Carmel and Margaret,
Just want you to know how often I think of you! Seems like years since I have seen you. But It won't be long now, I can't wait! I love you both and I am praying.
Now Carmel, remember now is the time to make all those demands and give your daddy a hard time, but go easy on your mom okay...haha. I love you and will see you soon. Love ,Nicole

Nicole Carter <grneyednikki@yahoo.co.uk>
cartersville, ga usa - Friday, April 23, 2004 12:27 AM CDT
Dear Margaret,

I just got back in town and read the journal first thing to see how the transplant had gone. God is faithful! I sense your discouragement and understand that but wanted to add to your metaphor about the race. It is true that the runners will come to a place where they hit the wall, but it is also true that the sidelines are filled with hundreds of people who are cheering them on and offering drinks of cold water. We are those people on the sidelines who will not stop praying until the victory is complete. I am praying tonight that you will see us with your spiritual eyes and be renewed in your spirit. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." The battle is the Lord's and He will bring the victory! I love you and am continuing to pray! Martha

Martha Downing
Raleigh, NC USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:03 PM CDT
Good Morning Beloved Family-

I promised the rest of the song today. I agree with MArgaret that our spirit's sing even when we don't. I worked very late last night on college materials for today and I kept playing music and humming along all teh while. When I opened my eyes this morning, I began singing In Christ Alone becasue it was running through my mind while I slept and I heard it the moment I woke up. This doesn't happen often enough, but it is such an encouragement when it does.

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.

Carmelli, I know you are exhausted, but I will be praying all day today that you will summon up the strength, the grit, the determination, the stubbornness to keep walking and walking and walking. Try grinding your teeth and saying, "Shesha is such a bossy butinsky. Why doesn't she mind her own business and stay out of mine." Use irritation with me as energy to keep putting one foot in front of another. I love you and I would do the walking for you if I could. I will be imagining you walking and Jesus enncouraging you, because he also suffered greatly.
You and He have a depth of bond and experience that many of us don't have. I will pray that it strengthens you today.
Much love. Shesha

Theresa Ast <drtla@earthlink.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:35 AM CDT
Hey from Acworth...You all are amazing....Your journal entries are overwhelming and inspiring....I was reading through some of the other guestbook entries, and the song that Theresa shared with you...We sing that at our church....It is so powerful....I sang it as a prayer for you all this morning....God bless you all...Mary Schwartz
Mary Schwartz <Douschw@aol.com>
Acworth, Ga USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 8:29 AM CDT
I am praying for you so much, Carmel. I know this is such a hard time and that it is easy to feel discouraged. I am praying for the Lord to give you the grace you need, because the Bible says, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor.12:9) I am praying for the Lord to strengthen and encourage you and your mom.
Tish Beall <tishbeall@juno.com>
Alpharetta, GA USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:27 AM CDT
Margaret,Greg, Liv, Carmel, and Tyler,

Cartersville, Ga USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 5:09 AM CDT
Margaret, Carmel, Olivia, Greg-

I have a new favorite song. You may already know it; we listened to a bit of it during Passover. There are several versions out there; this is one is wild and Irish and Gaelic sounding if that makes sense, very powerful, sweeping and moving. I almost can't hear this song without weeping...always a good thing for me, because then my heart is broken and tender and open to the Father.

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song.
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease.
My comforter, my all in all
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe.
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones he came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live.

More tomorrow. I pray that there is song always in your hearts and spirits girding you up, even when you are too weary too sing out loud. I will keep siging for you and with you and never ever forget that He sings over you with all but inexpressible joy. Much love, Shesha

Theresa Ast <drtla@earthlink.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 0:06 AM CDT
You, Olivia and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Be strong, sweetie, Jehovah Raphe (God, our Healer) WILL hear the many, many prayers being said for you!


Lisa S.
Austin, TX USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 9:56 PM CDT
Never have I seen a woman as strong as you. You truly have a strong spirit. Let nothing try to break it. Your love for your family shines through in each journal entry. Thank you for taking the time to let everyone know how Carmel is progressing. We miss you at church. We think about you and your family often. Truly there is a great reward in heaven for you. You are a wonderful person. You have wonderful children.(Greg's not bad either) HAHA The best blessing in the world is to be a mother, you are truly blessed.
Love and Prayers,
Keri Reed and family

keri reed <kkreed7@yahoo.com>
kingston, ga - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:16 PM CDT
Dear Margaret,Greg,Olivia,Carmel,and Tyler,
Will continue to pray. Glad transplant went uneventfully well.
Thank you for journalling on this website so we can keep updated to pray for you all. We have prayed for you all 5 (and 6 when Deena is with you.) regularly in our family worship times after supper. Often each person takes one from your family to pray for. Christopher is 7. He usually prays for Tyler. We also have many dear friends who pray for you. It is such a blessing to read your journal. Stafford was happy to hear about Greg taking Carmel to get her learner's permit! It is an honor to be a part of your life through praying for you. What a dear God we serve to walk with us so closely and so lovingly. Cannot begin to say what your testimony of God does for our walks with Him. Thank you and Bless you, Susan Johnston for Stafford, Carrie, Sarah, and Christopher too

Susan Johnston <kinzie_johnston@msn.com>
Arnold, MD USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 4:57 PM CDT
Dearest Margaret,
Thank you for writing a journal and for all its entries. Sometimes I read the same entry two or three times. It Blesses my Heart!!! God is SO SO GOOOOD!!!
Glory to God for all our Doctors and Nurses. In reading your last entry, today marks Day 1 of a 100 Day count down.
I can only PRAISE GOD, FOR HE IS A MIRACULOUS GOD!!! When I read it I thought ...TOday is DAY 1 CELEBRATION OF A 100 DAY REVIVAL. I like revivals.
I can remember Mom and Dad taking us to Tent Meetings...saw dusted floors and all. It was such a place of worship...people really worshipped!
Today I will thank God for an immune system that will slowly rebuild...I thank God for Liv...and I thank God for you, and your entire family.
JESUS IS THE BEST PHYSICIAN!!! (I do thank him for all his little helpers too)
I marked my calendar and July 29th is 100 days out...GLORY BE TO GOD...I JUST WANT TO KEEP PRAISING HIM...HE IS SOOO GOOOD!
Love you all Bunches,

Pat <pat30120@netzero.com>
Cartersville, Ga USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:46 AM CDT
Margaret- I appreciate so much your taking the time to write the details of the progress of Carmel's illness and your thoughts. It lets me know how to pray more specifically, and I feel close to the situation because of your writings. Aunt Edith
Edith Schwartz
Macon, Ga. U.S.A. - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:17 PM CDT
Diana Groover lives with (and has become part of) my family
and has kept us posted on Olivia and Carmel. We have been holding your family up in prayer. I read what you had on the website and looked at your photos. I was very moved by the apparent presence of the Lord in your lives. No thing is unseen by Him. I am sure that in the days ahead the Lord's glory will be revealed in and through your family.

Sally Jeffery <wildspirit1@mindspring.com>
Suwanee, GA 30024 - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 4:10 PM CDT
I can truly see Christ in this Family. To God be the glory!
Our prayers are with you!

LeMoyne (Browning) Runquist <LeMoyne.Runquist@LifeWay.Com>
Nashville, TN - Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:35 AM CDT
As I'm thinking of you, your mom, dad, Olivia, Tyler and grandmother, Deena this morning, the first few verses in Colossians come to mind. I want to thank you & your family for your FAITHFULNESS in the midst of all this. You bless and minister to me! Every day my spirit hungers to hear word of you through Tish's updates and your mom's journal. Thank you! You are greatly loved and prayed for, even by friends you do not know in Texas. Zephaniah 3:17! I'm singing with Jesus over you today. Love, Lisa

Lisa Smith <lisasmith88@houston.rr.com >
Pasadena, TX USA - Monday, April 19, 2004 12:29 AM CDT
Dear Carmelli-

I just read your mother's comments about the AC going off in your hospital room. And oh how I sympathized...high temps always make me feel like I can't breathe and I cannot even imagine how much it must have affected you. I hope you slept deep and well once the AC kicked back on.

Another scripture jumped out at me as I was thinking about adn praying for you and Olivia. I know you know it, but I think it is good to hear familiar verses again perhaps...The Lord is my rock and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. Psalm 18:2

There is something so powerful about the image "my high tower." We can always run to Him and be hidden and protected in the high tower, just as we can be sheltered under His wings. I shall pray that your thoughts be filled with the comfort of sheltering wings and protecting towers.

Blessings and songs and love, Shesha

Theresa Ast <drtla@earthlink.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 9:37 PM CDT
Am praying for Carmel, Olivia, Margaret and, in fact, all of the family.
Barabara Deason <deasonb@earthlink.net>
Forsyth, GA USA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 6:28 PM CDT
Carmel and family,
Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts, in my heart, and in my prayers...each and every day! TO GOD BE THE GLORY, HONOR, AND PRAISE AS YOU RECOVER...I can't help but PRAISE HIM for what he has already brought you through. Throw all the I can'ts out the window this week, KNOW THAT YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST JESUS WHO STRENGTHENS YOU.

cartersville, ga usa - Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:15 AM CDT
Carmel and Family,
As you must all feeling in you heart like Frodo, "very small, and very uprooted, and deperate"-we just want you to remember how many are cheering for you(including all NINE Hoffmans, haha). Though we aren't there with you in the hospital, we remain on this journey with you. Though small, you cannot slip through God's loving hands. We love you!

Stetson Hoffman
Franklin, TN USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 11:03 PM CDT
I love ya girl! It was great getting to know and hang out with you in Nica! You're in my prayers and my Sunday School class and youth group have been praying for you as well! Hope you have an awesome day/week/summer! In HIM, Jeanette

Jeanette Miller <Migrtnglghtngbug@aol.com>
Louisvile, KY USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 9:00 PM CDT
Ok this is NOT a Guestbook - it is a Message Board and I am upset that no one informed me of this earlier. Now I must post multiple messages in order to catch up. >:( Grrrr....
:-D Anyway, I LOVE Y'ALL! and I am praying for y'all! XOXO from Me!

Chile Pepper <ChilePepper_3@msn.com>
- Friday, April 16, 2004 8:56 PM CDT
The other day, I was told, "You can't go to Columbia, your church is sending you to your death!" Of course I know that God is sending me and that there is no safer place than in God's will. Still it is hard. For the last decade I have dealt with health problems, similar to Liv's. Last week I was sick and depressed about it. "God, I'm going to the Amazon and I sick...again. I just want to be well." I'd given up on joy. The love and peace and even trust were there--but no joy. Then I asked for prayer at church--on Resurrection Sunday. And joy came! The depression was cancelled and joy came! Praise His Holy Name! I pray for all of you regularly. May joy come to you on Dawn's wings.
Rachel Deal <racheldeal@yahoo.com>
Louisville, KY USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 7:50 PM CDT
Psalm 37:39-40 "The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; he is their stronghold in time of trouble. The Lord helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him." We are praying for you, Carmel and Olivia. May the Lord be your refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. (Ps. 46:1) We love you and are praying for you and all of your family. God bless you!
The Bealls <TishBeall@Juno.com>
Alpharetta, GA Fulton - Friday, April 16, 2004 6:05 PM CDT
Ps. 91:14-16 "Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowleges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation." We are praying for you, Carmel and Olivia. We love you and are praying for you and all of your family. God bless you!
The Bealls <TishBeall@Juno.com>
Alpharetta, GA Fulton - Friday, April 16, 2004 6:05 PM CDT
Carmel, I love you! Everyone loves you! You are so awesome... so smart... so everything... a special planting of the Lord... a sweet and tender plant that grows more beautiful inside and out with every season of life!

You, your mom, your dad, Olivia, and Tyler are in my every prayer. May God make this season pass quickly and turn it's dung into fertilizer for the next. (Can I use that word? *grins*)

I really look forward to seeing you soon and apologize for not getting to see you in person yet. Let me know when I can come visit!

Mark Maddox
Cartersville, GA USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 12:58 AM CDT
Hey Carmel! I have been praying for you. Miss you at church!
Thomas Maddox <tmnachos@kefm.org>
Cartersville, GA USA - Friday, April 16, 2004 10:58 AM CDT
Oopss.... tell Tyler I Said hello too!! You are all in my prayers and your faith is such an inspiration :)
Love again, Anne

Anne C. Shawcross <one_of_two1978@hotmail.com>
- Friday, April 16, 2004 4:18 AM CDT
Hey Carmel....
Just want you to know I was thinking of you and praying for you. I hope they fix you soon so you can come back to visit :) Please tell "Lynn" and your mom and Olivia I said hello. We miss you all here... It was always nice to take care of you :) Your mom is great she keeps us updated daily... Hope to see your smiling face soon!!!!
Love, Anne (RN Scottish Rite)

Anne C. Shawcross <one_of_two1978@hotmail.com>
Alpharetta, Ga 30004 - Friday, April 16, 2004 4:14 AM CDT
Hiya Carmel! I love you soo much! The way you're handling this is so spectacular and I admire your courage. I have enjoyed the past few visits together, it's been great just to hear you laugh and see you smile. :-D I want you to know that the I, my family, people from my church class and school are all praying for you. God is there, and He's in control.
Jesus loves you,

Bailey (bayhead) ;-) <baileyhoffman@aol.com>
Franklin, TN 37064 - Thursday, April 15, 2004 10:15 PM CDT
Hello from Acworth....You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers...I see you in the EYE OF THE STORM...We experienced a physical one once at the beach. It was amazingly awesome!...We have also experienced one in a spiritual sense....On every side of the EYE(the center) is turbulence, chaos, uncertainty, winds, rains,etc....In the actual EYE is peace, calm, bright sunshine, it's amazing...You are in an unusual 'storm'
right now, and yet God has you right in the middle of it..in the EYE OF THE STORM...where there is HIS peace, HIS calm, HIS radiance, HIS protection. Praise God that we serve a Risen Saviour, our Healer, our Protector, and our Victor!!!! Mary Schwartz

Mary Schwartz <Douschw@aol.com>
Acworth, Ga USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 6:30 PM CDT
Carmel and Olivia, I just wanted you both to know that I love you gals so much, and you both have brought so much joy to my life. I count you two as the sisters that I never had. You both are truely amazing women of God. As you gals are getting ready for the BMT, I wanted you both to know that we love so much and I am daily thinking about you all. We had such a great time at passover and I enjoyed so much to see you both laugh and sing.
May the hand of God be on you both, and his angels stand guard around you, may the Spirit of the Lord rise amoung you, and the love of Christ fill your hearts. I love you all.

Keith King <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
Sugar Valley, GA USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:28 AM CDT
Dear Carmel-

I think this last Passover was the most special one we have ever had, at least for me it was. It was so wonderful to look up and see you and Olivia sitting there, singing, praying, or just listening to others. We all ahve this long wonderful history of Passover memories, of time spent wiht family and church firends, of songs sung and dances prscticed. I still remember the dance you and Olivia and the Binkley girls did last year. I am asking God for many more decades of Passovers together for all of us. I am asking for many more birthdays so that you and I can go shopping. I am asking for more Saturday evenings where we all eat Greek food at your house...

I am a conference this week, but last night I read in Isaiah. Fear not for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God: I will strengthen you, yes I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.

Many blessings be upon you and may many songs be sung over you. Love,


Theresa Ast <drtla@earthlink.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:38 AM CDT
Someone on here said beware of the clowns and I am highly upset about it. They might have a law suit on there hands or a good butt kicking. POWER TO THE CLOWNS!!!
The Clowns
Chi Chi, NM USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:22 AM CDT
O Margaret.. Thank you so much for your sharing your testimony with us as you were questioned so. I am praying for each of you.
Your mom is so special to me.
Thank you for letting us in to this fiery trial.He will hold you up.

Ellen Narayan <narayans@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 3:59 PM CDT
Hi, Carmel. I'm a stranger to you but you are the sweet little girl in the picture on my refrigerator. It was several years ago at Christmas and Tyler was only about two years old. As I prayed for you this morning I was reminded that the plan that God had for that little girl is the same one he has for you today. I'd like to share with you one of my favorite songs that I hope will encourage you and get your through this week. "I haven't got the strength today to reach out and take your hand, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are holding me in your embrace, tenaciously and desperately you're singing to my soul, Trust me child, you will not be forsaken. Trust me child, though your world be torn and shaken. Know me child in my obedient holy son and when you do not know the way God leads, you will know your God!" Trust God today and know that you are covered by our prayers. Love, Martha
Martha Downing
Raleigh, NC US - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 2:31 PM CDT
GARY BEASLEY <firemanbeasley@yahoo.con>
POWDER SPRINGS, GA US - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 12:27 AM CDT
Carmel and Family, I walk with Deena in Nashville, TN. I feel so close to you all through her and just want you to know I am praying for you all and that I love your Grandmother so dearly. Tori Kruse
Tori Kruse <kruses@rodand tori.com>
Nashville, TN - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 7:12 AM CDT
Carmel, I work with your dad, I see that your family is one of faith. I hope that you will continue to have faith that you will have a full and complete recovery, as I will. On occasion when I get concerned about things I remember a verse in the (NIV)Mark 5:36 "Don't be afaid: just believe."
mike ellington <mellington@cobbcounty.org>
marietta, ga. cobb - Monday, April 12, 2004 9:16 AM CDT
Carmel and Olivia,
We are thinking of you both tonight as you prepare tomorrow to face the next several weeks. Know that God will give you what you need EACH MOMENT to face whatever is coming. Keep giving all the fearful moments back to Him and know that is keeping all of you in the palm of His hand. We are praying for you and look forward to updates so that we may pray specifically. Fight the good fight! Love to all - Paige Schwartz and Family

Paige Schwartz <cschwartzfam@juno.com>
Snellville, Ga USA - Sunday, April 11, 2004 8:49 PM CDT
Hi, my name is Madeline, My dad Tim works with your dad at station 4. My dad has told me your in the hospital and some of what your going through. I hope you get better soon and I'll keep you in my prayers. Stay strong and I'll keep up with your progress.
Madeline Hinkle <dragonfly492@adelphia.net>
canton, ga usa - Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:22 PM CDT
Dear Carmel & Olivia,
I am reminded of the blessing that is: The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and give you peace. The Lord be gracious unto you. Please know that my family will be lifting you up to the Father as you go through these difficult times. I pray that you will have an extra measure of strength and encouragement knowing that the testing of your faith produces perserverance, patienc and hope for the future. God be with you!!

Judy Felts <judyfelts@kw.com>
Franklin, TN Williamson - Thursday, April 8, 2004 9:57 PM CDT
Dearest Carmel, I just found out that you had your very own web page...How cool is that!!! Listen, you have been, and continue to be, in our constant thoughts and prayers. Your Christmas picture is up for us to see on a daily basis and we lift you up to our precious heavenly Father quite often.....We serve a God that heals and restores and we are so encouraged at what God is doing in your life......Love you and take care...Mary Schwartz and family
Mary Schwartz <Douschw@aol.com>
Acworth, Ga. USA - Wednesday, April 7, 2004 4:02 PM CDT
Hey Carmel -
We are thinking about and praying for you as you head into your last big round of chemo and transplant. We know God will give you and your family every ounce of strength you need to get through this. And Alan knows you're looking forward to "quality" time with Dad (wink, wink). The way you smile through the most difficult times is always amazing, so keep it up and let us know when you're ready for some shakes from the Loop!! : )

Dayna, Alan & Hayley <athomso1@bellsouth.net>
Cumming, GA - Tuesday, April 6, 2004 7:00 PM CDT
Continue to stay strong and keep smiling. We are praying for you. We miss you.
Keri Reed and family

keri reed <kkreed7@yahoo.com>
kingston, ga usa - Sunday, April 4, 2004 3:30 PM CDT
I can't wait to come home and see you. I have been thinking day and night about you and liv, and how much you guys love me and miss me. There is a big yellow one here all the time, he eats my food and takes the best places to sleep, and he doesn't seem to give a hoot when I growl, I am getting no respect at all. I am enjoying the door that lets me go in and out of the house whenever I want, we will have to get one of these when I get back. I am also being taught not to jump up on humans, as well as to not get in the trash when the human is gone. I have gotten the rat trap on my nose twice now from getting near the trash can. I also am not allowed on the big bed, and don't understand why. The big yellow one doesn't play too well, he mostly just sleeps and waits for the human, but at least he is still doing some kissee face.
Checkers Ast
Charlotte, NC - Friday, April 2, 2004 1:44 PM CST
Carmel, It has been a priveledge to lift you up before our heavenly Father each day. We rejoice with you and your family over the good news of the clear bone marrow test. You are an inspiration to so many and God will use you and your family to minister to others and to further His kingdom. Continue to press on and fight the good fight. We love you and your family and continue to pray for you all.

Paige and Katherine Schwartz <cschwartzfam@juno.com>
Snellville, Ga USA - Thursday, April 1, 2004 8:10 PM CST
Dear Ones; You and your family are in our prayers! We pray for your continued strength and wisdom and most of all to know that you are all in your Father's arms. He will not fail you or forsake you.
Phil & Kate Cherico, Franklin, TN

Phil & Kate Cherico <kcherico@comcast.net>
Franklin, TN - Thursday, April 1, 2004 7:03 AM CST
Hi Everyone!!
MAN, you guys have a lot of friends...:) Looks like heaven is being bombarded with prayers concerning Carmel and the Ast home. Everything is going to be WONDERFUL just watch and see. We love you... you know that don't you!! Look forward to seeing you at church again, the whole family!! Keep on dancing!!!!

Love, Suzanne Bell

Suzanne Bell <slbell25@yahoo.com>
Adairsville, GA USA - Monday, March 29, 2004 12:23 AM CST
Carmel, you are more than an open window, you are a warrior. Go forth with power from on high. Be strong and courageous, for the Lord is your strength and your joy! I love you and am grateful for these updates from your mom. Love to you all.
Rachel Deal
Louisville, Ky USA - Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:51 PM CST
Dear Carmel,
I have been in a Bible Study & small group with Deena this year at Chrsit Community church and have been praying for you and your family. We rejoice in every victory and we are honored to have the opportunity to pray for you.

Judy Felts <judyfelts@kw.com>
Franklin, TN Williamson - Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:51 AM CST
Hi Carmel! Our family has known your family since your mother lived on Brookview Drive in Atlanta -- Bill was about 4 years old, so you can figure your mother's age then! We are praying for your complete recovery. The Deets
Dick and Annelly Deets <dickdeets@webtv.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 6:30 AM CST
Hi Carmel! I know your grandmother! I have been praying for you and your family. Thank you and your mom for sharing your story. I will pray for strength and trust for each step you take daily.Much love to you
Ellen Narayan <narayans@bellsouth.net>
Marietta, GA - Friday, March 26, 2004 9:20 AM CST
Dear Carmel Our family is praying for you, and we have grown to love you and your family, even though we have never really met. You have been an inspiration to us! We are praying for your bone marrow transplant to go so well and that all of the bad cells will be destroyed! We will keep praying! God bless you, Carmel! Love and prayers, Emmitt and Tish Beall and family
Tish Beall <tishbeall@juno.com>
Alpharetta, Ga Fulton - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:04 AM CST
Hi Carmel!!!
We Love You and think of you every hour.
Jennifer says run from the clowns!!
Bye for now. Love,Chatmans

The Chatmans <scha385532@netzero.com>
Adairsville, GA USA - Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:19 PM CST
hey carmel just wanted to let you know that we think and pray for you all the time i miss you guys very much,and god does his greatest works in the times when we think he's no where to be found, your whole family are easy people to love just know that what ever you need you will always have plenty of people to be there for you even me ha ha love and miss you all Russ and hannah
Russ <grutajavier@aol.com>
moorsville, nc usa - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:59 PM CST
We Love you, and are continually praying! You are AMAZING! Love, Nicole

Nicole Carter <grneyednikki@yahoo.co.uk>
Cartersville, Ga USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:47 AM CST
Hey Carmel!
It's nurse Joy and I just wanted you to know you are in my prayers and all the lady's I do bible study with are going to be praying. I say a very special prayer on April 19. Tell your mom I said HELLO Love, Nurse JOY

joy gosdin <joybell30241@yahoo.com>
lagrange, ga - Monday, March 22, 2004 9:58 PM CST
I LOVE YOU MELLIE!!!!!!!!!! Praying for you all!
Christiana Hoffman
Franklin, TN USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 7:24 PM CST
I want to let you know that we are all praying for you and hope that you will get well soon.
Ast Family,
We are all praying for you.

Christiana Hoffman <christiana500@aol.com>
Franklin, TN USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:44 AM CST
Carmel and family,
I love you all so very much! I am so inspired by your faithfulness in the midst of it all! My prayers are with you and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

Lois Maddox <hearthanger@hotmail.com>
Cartersville, GA USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 11:01 AM CST
Carmel ROCKS!!!
Bravo World, GA USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 7:30 AM CST
Carmel, just wanted to let you know that we're thinking and praying for you and your family.
Elizabeth and Judy {techs at S.R.} <www.gapete1@aol.com>
Woodstock, Ga - Sunday, March 21, 2004 8:01 PM CST
I love you mellie
Tyler <Jester71492@aol.com>
Smyrna, GA USA - Sunday, March 21, 2004 6:51 PM CST
Carmel and family,

I live in south Georgia. My mom lives in Adairsville and has been sending me updates on how things have been going. You have all humbled and inspired me over these many months. You've all been in my thoughts and prayers. You've got a lot of people praying for you!

Amanda <dweezelshay@hotmail.com>
Statesboro, GA United States - Sunday, March 21, 2004 5:22 PM CST
You don't know me ,Carmel, but I'm praying for you.
Gaye Cox
Shelbyville, KY USA - Saturday, March 20, 2004 6:58 PM CST
Hey Carmel (and others)
?Que paso? Carmel you are very special to everybody and I want to thank you for coming to Nica with us and being my friend. Remember! God made you special and He loves you very much! Email me sometime, let me know you are alive eh? ;) Much love....

Chile Pepper <ChilePepper_3@msn.com>
Staley, NC USA - Saturday, March 20, 2004 1:48 PM CST
Carmelita, you are a special girl! Know that the Father in heaven is hearing your name DAILY and He knows. You are in His arms where your only job is to rest. I love you and will take you with me to Nica this summer--in my heart.
Rachel Deal
Louisville, KY USA - Saturday, March 20, 2004 12:57 AM CST
Dear Family- This is a wonderful way to stay in touch with all of us, to witness to God's continuing grace and mercy even in times of great distress, and to preserve a record of these difficult, but blessed times for the future. I cannot tell you how many people at Reinhardt College have been touched by reading about the Everyday Heroes.

Dear Carmelli- Ben and I drove up to your church to attend the prayer service that your daddy held there many weeks ago. On the way back, Ben asked me to sing "As the Deer Panteth for the Waters" It is one of his favorite songs and mine too. We had our own time of worshipping God driving home in the dark. Today as I looked at your pictures and read your mother's journal entries, that song came back to me strongly...and so I have been singing it over and over this afternoon...for you, for me, for your family, for all those at Scottich Rite.

And I will keep singing. Zephaniah 3:17 says "He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with his love. He will rejoice over you with singing." You are being sung over, always, by God your father. Love, Shesha.

Theresa Lynn Ast <drtla@earthlink.net>
Marietta, GA USA - Saturday, March 20, 2004 12:13 AM CST
Web Site Looks GREAT! We are praying for you and the family - May his wonders never cease! A prayer, the first thing I plan to teach our baby, and pray over you all now - God Bless, we love you, and we will see you REAL soon!

Father in Heaven, Lord may Your name be glorified. Above all others, above all this world, above everything else in our lives. For nothing else in all of this world matters, but to live our lives for You and You alone.

May Your wonders never cease, may Your Spirit never leave, may we ever long to see Your face. When we’ve turned from You again, oh how quickly we forget - may we be reminded of Your grace. May Your wonders never cease. AMEN!

Jeremy, Shirley, and ???? <romans623@bellsouth.net>
Woodstock, GA - Friday, March 19, 2004 2:24 PM CST
Check out the photos we added and beware of the clowns.
Greg Ast <Moctbuzz1@aol.com>
- Friday, March 19, 2004 1:36 PM CST
What's up? I love the website. I hope this website will bless everyone that visits. The Ast family is amazing and Carmel, you are the greatest. Hope to see you soon.
Keith King <kdking1976@yahoo.com>
Calhoun, GA USA - Friday, March 19, 2004 10:37 AM CST
Beware of the Clowns. I'm glad you are getting to smile more and use your evil eye...whatever it takes to get better and feel better. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Morris Allen <skilman60@hotmail.com>
Atlanta , Ga 30310 - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 4:35 PM CST
I'm so glad you decided to start a page so that we can keep up with Carmel while she's not here! Hopefully she will get some white blood cells soon so that she can get out of here! Have a great day!
Julie Landers (one of your nurses at Scottish Rite) <jewlz68@yahoo.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, March 13, 2004 8:02 AM CST