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Tuesday, April 4, 2006 10:03 AM CDT

In the words of one of Juliana's biggest little fans "Yeah Ana! Yeah Ana! We made it home last night very late. She recovered incredibly quickly and we were able to get her out of the hospital before she came down with any bugs that were going around the hospital. She and Kendra attacked eachother last night and fell right back into their normal loving and hugging. She is still sleeping at 11 this morning as I write this. I guess she is happy to be in her own bed!
We have to go back to Miami in about 4 weeks for an office visit with Dr. Wolfe. After that we will not be seeing Miami until Jan or Feb next year.
The new show that we filmed during October will be airing on Wed night at 9pm EST on TLC. It will be preceded by "Born Without a Face" for anyone who would like to see that again. I still do not like that name!
I think I better go check on Juliana again and maybe wake Sleeping Beauty. I will update pictures as soon as some more of the incisions heal up.

Saturday, April 1, 2006 11:05 AM CST

We are two days post-op now and she is still doing wonderful. This morning I was able finally to get her sitting up in her bed. Very slowly more and more tubes and IV's are being removed from her. Possibly by tomorrow the drains will be removed from her head. They are not so bad though. She has not had nearly the swelling that she had from her last surgery since the drains are in this time. She is going to start "eating" a little bit today. Formula by her feeding tube anyways. Her spirits are high and she just wants to get up and get moving. She is being very demanding this morning. She just points at what ever she wants and we better jump to get it to her. Oh, the life of a princess!

Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:40 PM CST

I know that you all have been waiting all day for this. JULIANA IS DOING GREAT!!! Surgery lasted almost 6 hours and it was very tough. She had two ribs removed and "relocated" to her lower jaw. Her tubes in her nose were replaced with much nicer ones. They are clear and much shorter than the previous ones. And more BMP was also used to fill in the small remaining holes in her head and to replace the ribs that were "relocated". She has a cath going into her incision in her chest which is giving her constant local anesthesia. And her pain is also being managed now with Morphine. All of her vitals are staying very stable and looking great. At this point we are just trying to keep her comfortable, which means sleeping all of the time. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to let her wake up a little without too much pain. I will update again tomorrow with more info.
Keep praying! She is not out of the woods yet.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 11:07 PM CST

Here we are on the emotional rollercoaster once again. We are in Miami now. We arrived here late on Sunday evening. Monday morning, early(6:30 am)Juliana had a sedated CT scan. That went very well. Today we met with the Craniofacial Team for an evaluation. We were able to see the scan from yesterday. It looked very well as far as what we were hoping to see from the last surgery. On the other hand it changed plans for the upcoming surgery later this week. We were anticipating a fairly uninvasive procedure. At this point it has changed to a very invasive procedure. Instead of changing the tubes in her nose and doing a lower jaw distraction. She will be having another rib removed and split to be used as part of her lower jaw. At the same time she will have more BMP(bone morphagenic protein) used in her skull to fill the remaining holes. We will be meeting with Dr. Wolfe again tomorrow afternoon to have more questions answered that we have come up with as we have had more time to think this all over. Please keep the prayers coming for surgery and recovery also. This is not going to be an easy procedure or recovery for Juliana.

Saturday, March 4, 2006 7:08 AM CST

It sure has been a crazy three weeks around our house. Thom has been out of the country for work. This has sort of been our test for deployment (6 months away) which is coming up. My only saving grace during that time is that both girls will be in school. Juliana went to visit her new classroom and meet her new classmates recently. There is a video of this on Firstcoastnews.com for anyone who would like to see it. The children were all so accepting of her. They all treated her like she was no different than they were. She will actually be starting school in June. We are going to hold off because of the upcoming surgery.
The wonderful, talented, amazing production company that we have been working with is now finishing up editing Juliana's next story. It is scheduled to aire sometime during the first couple of weeks of April. As soon as I have a definate date I will post it. We will also be starting a follow-up documentary late this month or during April.
We are also very excited about a new web page that is in the works right now. It will combine our family page with Nurse Jeanne's page. There will be much more room for info about Juliana and Treacher Collins Syndrome (more pictures too).

Surgery is scheduled for March 30.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 8:16 PM CST

I think I will title this story "Juliana and her baby turkey". At the grocery store today I set a turkey roast in the cart next to Juliana, and then I went about my business getting more groceries. I watched her for a minute trying to figure out what she was doing with the turkey. Then she put it down and signed "baby" to me. She picked the turkey back up and began rocking it again and cuddled it up to her cheek. And then the delicate little flower that she is she began swinging it over her head and trying to throw it out of the cart. Not even a trip to the grocery store is uneventful with Juliana along.
She is responding very well to her hearing aide lately. She is answering questions by shaking her head yes or no. She is usually very honest with her answers. When I ask her if she is going to be a good girl sometimes she shakes her head no. At least she tells the truth.

Saturday, January 14, 2006 6:59 AM CST

It is quiet in our house right now, so now is my chance for an update. Juliana is still sleeping, Kendra had a sleepover with a friend and Thom is at work. I need more time like this! Anyways on with the funny Juliana stories. We were at the store a few days ago, just inside the windows. There were four kids outside the windows starring at her. Of course if she has an audience she is going to perform. She crouched down, put her arms up and was slowly walking toward them like she was a monster and was going to scare them. I was laughing so hard I just had to pick her up and leave.
Yesterday the girls and I decided to go bowling. This was the first time that Juliana actually got to bowl with us. Of course I didn't have my camera this was a spur of the moment thing after her appt. She is almost three, so of course she can conquer the world by herself. She picked up her 6lb. ball and strutted up to the line. The first couple of times she actually let me help until she got the hang of it. She put her ball down and pushed it as hard as she could. Then she would lay down and watch it roll. Only once did it STOP rolling and someone had to go get it for us. Why is it that every child thinks that they can chase the ball? Three times I had to grab her as she started down the alley after it.
Now for the more serious issues. I have been in contact with her surgeon this week. We are looking at going to Miami late in March for her next procedure. This will be a repeat of the past two March's. She will be having the tubes changed in her nose, a lower jaw distraction and a CT scan to determine how well the BMP from the last surgery is progressing. Since all of the swelling finally went away there have been no complications. Her head feels hard in the places that it was not before. We are expecting to see great results on the scan!

Thursday, January 5, 2006 12:59 AM CST

Once again I don't have much to report. Our life is pretty typical and boring right now, but I like boring. Our Christmas was fairly relaxing. We enjoyed the morning with the girls at home and then went to Thom's parents for dinner. They live about 2 hours from us way out in the country. They are excited about the day when they can take Juliana fishing. I don't think she will be able to sit still long enough though. She doesn't walk anywhere anymore. She always has to be running or jumping. We also have days like today when she doesn't want to do anything except throw herself on the floor and wait for me to pick her up. She decided to do that today while we were shoe shopping for Kendra. Looking at the bright side though, I am building my muscles by carrying her and all of her equipment!

Sunday, December 11, 2005 8:28 AM CST

I was trying to get this update finished before Juliana woke up, but no such luck. She just woke up and she is already throwing things down the stairs and causing trouble. Wow, I got two whole lines written before Kendra yelled "Uh Oh". I went downstairs to see what Juliana had done and her diaper was half way off and she was headed out in the backyard.
Well, anyways the sutures have been removed from her eyes and now we can see her beautiful blue eyes again.
We have just been getting ready for Christmas lately. Putting the tree up and the lights on the house. Finally it is all done. Juliana has not even tried to climb the tree yet!
We had an appointment with the school district this past week and Juliana will be starting pre-school in March after she turns 3. So far everything has worked out without a fight. We were told that she will have her own nurse with her all day even on the bus if we choose for her to ride the bus. So far so good, I hope that it all stays this easy.
I guess I better wrap this up. She just came to me totally naked and I hear her playing with bath tub toys. Thank goodness she can't turn on the water yet.

Thursday, December 1, 2005 7:32 AM CST

Here we are back to the running from here to there and back again. We are back to our normal appointments of therapy and doctors now. She still has a suture in each eye lid from surgery, but they are going to be removed next week.
We have been playing outside a lot in this beautiful Florida weather. I have a hard time keeping her in the house. The one thing that she does enjoy doing in the house now is playing her new drum set(thank you nana and papa). She will play her music and then turn to us and wait for us to clap for her. She is quite a ham as you all have seen.
Sorry that there isn't more to write about. Our life is pretty normal between surgeries.

Friday, November 18, 2005 6:27 AM CST

Well I was right. Juliana can see again and she hasn't been still since. She is back to her old antics, doing the CareBears workout is the funniest. She loves to ride along with Kendra in her truck through the yard. Her newest trick on the swingset is twirling up on the swing and spinning like a tornado. It is hilarious, she laughs so hard. We had company from Illinois last weekend and we went to the beach. She DOES NOT like the beach! I tried to set her down in the water to cover her feet and she stood on one foot like a flamingo. She certainly keeps us laughing.

Saturday, November 5, 2005 9:18 PM CST

Here is the scoop to all of you "Juliana Junkies". She has finally come home. Yesterday she was released from the hospital. Her right eye is still swollen, but is looking better. Everyday the swelling is a little less. She still can't see, so she just sits on our laps most of the day. That's okay though, when she can see again I know she won't sit down again for a long time. Her spirit is definatly shining through. She has a small fluid pocket on the right side of her head. The original concern was that it was spinal fluid. That has since been almost ruled out totally. She had an MRI a few days ago and that looked good. She was also taken into the OR to have some fluid drained from her head to be sent to the lab for tests to determine what it is. By the color of it the Dr. is not concerned that it is spinal fluid. She also had an eye exam while under anesthesia. The eye doctor said that her eyes look good under all of the swelling and he is not concerned about her being able to see after the swelling goes away.
I hope within the next few days the swelling will be gone and I can get some new pics to post on here.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005 4:49 PM CST

We have finally made it back home from Miami. Juliana was transported to Children's Hospital in Jacksonville yesterday. She is doing fairly well. Just being closer to home relieves a lot of stress from Thom and I.
Her temperature has been up and down over the past few days. We are just treating her with Tylenol trying to get that to go away. Today the Dr's stopped all of the antibiotics. She had already been on them for 10 days. They also started her on Lasix. We are hoping that this will draw some of the fluid from her and reduce the remainder of the swelling. Her left eye is almost back to normal as far as the swelling goes, but her right eye is still very large and uncomfortable for her.
Keep praying, there are still concerns about the way that she is recovering.

Saturday, October 29, 2005 12:32 AM CDT

I broke away for a few minutes to do a quick update. Last night the doctor drained a bit of fluid from Juliana's head and she seemed to feel quite a bit better. This morning when we awoke it seemed like all of the fluid had returned. The doctor came back in this morning and drained a lot more fluid and she is feeling even better now. Her eyes are still too swollen to see, but they are VERY SLOWLY getting better. We are still in Miami at this time. The hospital in Jacksonville is very full and there is still no bed available. We are ready very ready to return to home. Tomorrow is Kendra's birthday. It is very hard to tell her that we will not be there for it.

Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:11 PM CDT

I finally got an opportunity for another update. Juliana's recovery is not progressing as quickly as we had hoped for. Her face is still very swollen. The doctor extracted a little bit of fluid from her head today to send to the lab. She is not presenting the normal signs of any infection (fever, white blood cell level) however her head is very tender and a little warm in one spot and is red in the same spot. We are currently waiting for an ICU room to open in Jacksonville for her and then we will be airlifted back home to continue recovery there. This is all a little scarier for her this time because she still is not able to see five days after surgery.
On a lighter note, her personality is shining through. She was signing this morning. She was tickling me and being silly. And when I removed the blood pressure cuff from her arm this morning she gave me two thumbs up.
I am not going to be putting pictures of her on the page at this time. They are still a little too graphic.
Please keep the thoughts and prayers coming they are still much needed.

Saturday, October 22, 2005 9:41 PM CDT

Here is the update from surgery. Once she finally was taken in to the operating room a little after 3:00(surgery was scheduled for 9am) she was finished after about 2 hours. Everything went fantastic! She is looking a little rough now. She is pretty swollen.
After we got to Miami and were finally able to talk face to face with the doctors we found out that this surgery was not as simple as we had thought it was going to be. First of all the tubes in her nose were changed to some larger ones. After that they opened her scalp using the same scar line as her two previous major operations. Bone Morphagenic Protein (BMP) was put into her face and onto her skull at different places to promote bone growth and strength.
Talking to the dr's involved in the surgery this recovery time may take longer than we anticipated. Typically she looks the worst about 24 hours afterward and the swelling and bruising last a couple of days. This time we are expecting her worst days to come after about 3 days and the swelling and bruising to last 3-5 days.
Continue to keep Juliana in all of your prayers for a quick recovery time. I will try to get some pictures of her on here soon. And I will continue to update as I am able.
Tomorrow (Sunday) night we will be in hurricaine mode at the hospital. Thom and I will both be staying at the hospital and waiting out the storm.

Saturday, October 1, 2005 10:01 AM CDT

Not much to speak of has happened since the last update. The new picture is Juliana's version of Wonder Woman. I was going through a box of clothes and she decided that she needed to try on some boots and add some panties to her outfit. There is never a boring day in our house. I was laughing so hard that I was crying and she was looking at me like I am the crazy one.
We are going on a short trip next weekend to Disney for Kendra's birthday. This will be our first time to Disney and I think that I am more excited than the girls are. I hope Juliana is not afraid of the characters. The film crew that we worked with for the last documentary will be joining us at Disney to film a little for our next story. They will also be filming in Miami again. The next story is going to be part of a series titled "Saving Faces" and it will air on TLC. As soon as I have more info on it I will let everybody know. I am also waiting to hear a final date from a daytime show that we have been asked to be guests on. I will also let everyone know which show and when as soon as I know when. Check back to find out.

Monday, September 19, 2005 9:00 PM CDT

Life has finally began to slow down for a little while for us. For the next few weeks anyways. Juliana is still a fine model of the terrible two's. She is very into throwing temper tantrums now. She throws herself down on the floor and covers her head when she doesn't want to do something. We had to leave the store today because she decided that she wanted to be topless. I keep telling myself this too will end. She is so funny though. I wish that I could put videos of her on this page. She loves to go for bike rides now. She has a little buggy behind my bike and we ride all over the neighborhood. She is also learning to pedal her trike. We are going to be in trouble when she masters it! She loves popsicles, but if we open them she throws them in the trash. She likes to chew on them in the plastic until they melt. Speaking of the trash that is where I found her hearing aide last week. She certainly keeps me on my toes.
Surgery is scheduled for October 22. We will be going to Miami on the 18th for appointments though.
Now that I have the pictures figured out on this computer I will hopefully get a chance to change them a little more often.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:02 PM CDT

Thank you to everyone who has made journal entries. Some days reading these really help me make it through the day. Sort of my yoga or therapy. Juliana is such a maniac! I don't know what other word better describes her. She is a constant ball of energy from the moment that she wakes up in the morning until she falls over at night. She has recently learned how to take her shirt off by herself. This morning she went into the bathroom by herself and took it off, put it in the bathtub and turned the water on. I guess she didn't like what I had picked out for her!
I had a meeting last week about Juliana starting preschool in March after she turns three. My mom and I have bets now on how quickly she will get kicked out of school. She is such a bully. We tried a couple of hours of preschool over the summer. She hit a little girl, took her toy, and ran away. I guess I will get to know her teacher and the principal quite well.
She is always doing something funny, usually something that she shouldn't be doing. I will updated again very soon to let you all know what kind of trouble that she has gotten into recently.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:35 AM CDT

I am so very sorry to everybody who has been checking regularly for updates. Juliana is doing FANTASTIC!!! Our lives have been very hectic over the past 6 weeks. We have moved into a different house and Thom has been selected for Chief. For everybody who is not familiar with the Navy this is a very big promotion and with is comes lots of work and very long hours for not only Thom, but the rest of us also. We have also just returned from our first vacation with Juliana. My family finally got to meet her. I think she wore them out.
I hope everybody who saw the documentary enjoyed it. I have heard such great response to it. We are going to be filming again with the same crew for her next surgery in October. I spoke with Dr. Wolfe last week and he gave me an idea of what is coming up next. He is going to work on closing her mouth in a little bit more and he is also going to be using Bone Morphagenic Protein to help promote bone growth in her jaw. I haven't been able to find a lot of info on this, but our doctor here at home says that it is a great thing.
I will update again very soon with different pictures too.

Thursday, June 30, 2005 8:44 PM CDT

Wow, I had never really experienced terrible two's before now. Juliana is teaching me all about it. As I sat down to begin typing this she came to me with something on her finger. I looked down to take it from her and it was a booger. Never a dull moment in this house.
She only does what she wants to do when she wants to do it. She walks all over the place in the house, but when we step outside to leave or when we are out somewhere she takes a step or two and sits down. She knows that I have no choice but to pick her up then. For only being two she certainly is smart.
She is continuing to do very well with her signing. She knows all of the colors of the rainbow now. She has learned to make some squeeky noises with her trach too. She is making two different noises now. I guess her first word was Uh Oh and the other noise is for all done or all gone.
One of her favorite things to do now is to dance. We never get enough of the Silly Songs. She enjoys the Hokey Pokey. She also enjoys wrestling with Kendra. Of course Kendra is usually the one that ends up getting hurt.
I will update again soon with more funny things that she is doing. They usually come pretty often in our house.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 3:31 PM CDT

Our trip to Miami went very well. Dr. Wolfe removed the bar from Juliana's lower jaw that was being used for a distraction(to pull the jaw out farther). She is definatly a happier girl without it.
We are certainly going through terrible two's with her. She only does what she wants to do when she wants to do it. She is a good helper though. She helps pick up her toys, puts her clothes in the laundry and helps unload the dishwasher.
We are hoping to get to go on a short over night trip and a longer four day trip this summer. We are doing our best to let her be a kid now. Dr. Wolfe has decided to hold off for a few months on anything else. Her next surgery will be late August or sometime in September. At that time he will just be doing a little work on her mouth, nothing too major.
We received word that the documentary will be airing on Discovery Health Channel on August 8 at 9pm EST. Put it on your calendars!

Sunday, June 5, 2005 12:38 AM CDT

To all who have seen the news story and heard from us personally, Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. They have worked. Juliana is doing fantastic and will be coming home from the hospital tomorrow.
To those of you who have not heard, we almost lost Juliana on Friday afternoon. Her daddy and I had stepped outside to receive a delivery. At the time Juliana was sitting in the living room with Kendra watching a movie and eating her lunch. As I was coming into the house Kendra met me at the door to tell me that her feeding tube came apart. No big deal I would just plug it back in- well it wasn't that simple. Juliana had also pulled out her trach tube. She was face down on the living room floor, blue, cold and lifeless. I imediatly rushed her to her room to reinsert a trach, nothing happened. I began giving her breaths into her trach, still nothing happened. By that time Kendra had gotten Thom to come in and he began working on her while I called 911. While I was on the line with 911 Thom was able to recusitate her and we began to give her oxygen. She was air lifted to our local children's hospital. By later friday evening she was awake and doing very well. She has continued to progress very quickly and came off of the ventilator and all oxygen this morning. She is doing so well that she is back to pulling her sister's hair and doing all of the normal things that Weena does. She will be coming home tomorrow and we will be flying to Miami on Wednesday for a check-up with Dr. Wolfe. More updates will come soon. As soon as I figure out this new computer program I will be changing the pictures, keep checking back. Thank you for all of the continued thoughts and prayers. God is so Good!

Sunday, May 15, 2005 6:46 AM CDT

Not much to speak of has happened since the last update. We have decided to postpone our trip to London. We are going to go eventually, but we are not sure when yet. Juliana is really enjoying just being a two year old girl. No surgeries are scheduled right now and she has been very healthy.
She is so smart, she just amazes me. She has to figure out how everything works. I can always find her by following her path of destruction.
She is doing fairly well with her helmet. She can't wear it as much as the Dr. wants her to though. She is not able to wear her hearing aide with it, so she misses out on some daytime wear of the helmet. We will be traveling back to Miami some time within the next few weeks for a check up. I will update with info from that trip as soon as it happens.

Saturday, April 30, 2005 10:11 AM CDT

Since the last update Juliana has gotten her helmet. Getting it on is quite difficult, but once we get it on and she adjusts to it she is alright with it. She has also started walking again recently. She had just started walking before surgery, but afterward we had to start all over again.
We are preparing to travel to London for a week or so coming up in just a few weeks. We are going to do an interview about the documentary that we have been working on since January. The documentary is scheduled to air in London just before we go and here in the states on Discovery Health some time this summer.
She is loving the beautiful Florida weather that we are having. She has been able to play outside on the swingset and drive her car. Those are her favorite things to do outside. She gets out of the garage in her car and lifts her feet up to cruise down the driveway. She thinks it is pretty funny when we chase her.

Thursday, April 7, 2005 7:14 AM CDT

Juliana is home after a short stay in Miami. The doctor decided to use a helmet to work as the distraction device should have. We will be going back to Miami to pick that up within the next two weeks.
Juliana is back to herself. Being a rambunctious two year old. Dumping all of the puzzles out together on the floor, sitting on the kitchen table and so many other thing to drive me crazy. But I wouldn't ask for her to be any other way.
She is also continuing to learn sign language very quickly. She has learned several new signs lately. Her vocabulary is up to about 30 words now.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 6:11 PM CST

The doctor had to remove the top bar of the distraction device in her jaw. Now that that is out she is showing signs of pseudomonus. We are just waiting until tomorrow when the doctors get together to discuss what is going to happen next. They are trying to come up with something to hold the lower bar in place now. Possibly some type of helmet or head gear. We don't want to lose any of the movement that we have already gotten from the distraction. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!

Sunday, March 27, 2005 3:48 PM CST

We are off to Miami once again. Juliana is having some complications with the distraction hardware that she has on her face right now. The top pin has somehow come out of place. We are hoping and praying that this is not causing any damage inside her head. She was a little more up beat today. She had an easter egg hunt at our church easter dinner today. Continue to pray and I will update as soon as I have more information from the doctor.

Friday, March 25, 2005 7:08 AM CST

Juliana is having some good days and some rough days. We have been at the doctor everyday this week. Yesterday's labs showed that everything is looking good. We have a couple of new issues that we need to follow up with the doctors on within the next few days. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Please keep them coming.

Monday, March 21, 2005 9:15 PM CST

We still need all of your prayers. Juliana is starting to have some complications now. We spent today between the Dr. office and the hospital. Her labs today showed that her body is trying to fight off an infection somewhere. The doctors are still looking for the source. At this point the thought is that it is possibly in her right lung. We will be back at the doctors office early in the morning to repeat labs and a chest x-ray. Please continue to lift her up in prayer. I will continue to update as soon as I can.

Monday, March 14, 2005 2:29 PM CST

She never ceases to amaze us. Juliana is already home from the hospital. She is already up and walking around. We played outside on the swingset for a few minutes when we returned home today. She is a little worn out from five days in a bed and the trip home, but by tomorrow she will probabaly be back to herself. We will be checking her blood quite regularly for the next few months to make sure that all of her levels are staying like they should. I will update pictures again soon. I am just waiting for her to heal up a little more.

Friday, March 11, 2005 9:19 PM CST

Thank You Thank You Thank You for all of your thoughts and prayers during Juliana's surgery yesterday and now through recovery. Surgery went very well and she came out of it great. She is still very sore and swollen, but she is recovering slowly. So far she has been sleeping quite a bit. She is unable to see due to her eyes being swollen. She is unable to hear because she can not wear her hearing aide. But finally today we were able to hold her. She knew Mommy and Daddy were with her. The Dr. is planning to take the drains out of her head tomorrow morning and also to remove her bandages. Please keep the prayers coming. We are certainly not out of the woods yet.

Sunday, March 6, 2005 7:30 AM CST

Wow! Juliana is two years old now. I can't believe it, time flies. She had a spectacular birthday party. Our production team from London is here with us now. They suprised us with a clown for her party. The kids all had a great time getting their faces painted and watching the magic show. They also suprised her daddy and myself with some people who have really been a big part of our lives. Rachel, Alex and Leah are the stars of our favorite sign language movies and they flew in from Virginia and Utah along with Alex's mom, Emilie to meet Juliana and enjoy her birthday with us. God is really putting some amazing people into our lives!

Tuesday, February 8, 2005 7:49 PM CST

Since the last update nothing spectacular has happened in Juliana's life. We are just running from here to there and there to here to keep up with appointments. She is continuing to work hard and progress very slowly in all of her therapies. She still is not walking yet. That has more to do with her attitude than ability though. Everyone who has met Juliana knows that she has a mind of her own and she will only do what she wants to do. My goal for her walking is her birthday(March 5th). I hope we make it!
I think I have this web page figured out now. I am planning to update at least the pictures on a weekly basis. Continue to check back to see what Juliana has been up to(or in to) lately.

Monday, January 24, 2005 1:11 PM CST

Juliana visited her surgeon (Dr. Wolfe) on Wednesday of last week-1-19-05. The visit went great. Her next surgery is scheduled for March 10th. She will have distraction hardware placed back on her face. At the same time he will also be taking a portion of her rib and repairing the hole in her skull that has formed. So far Juliana's calendar for the month of February is pretty empty. The documentary team from London will be returning just before her birthday in early March to continue taping for their story. The team will be going to Miami with us to observe surgery and recovery. Keep her in your prayers!

Thursday, January 6, 2005 7:55 PM CST

As many of you may know God has given us such incredible blessings over the past couple of months. Juliana is still very busy being a celebrity. Over the next couple of months she will have a documentary crew from S. Korea following her, a documentary crew from London beginning a film and another trip to Miami on the 19th on January to visit Dr. Wolfe. At that time we are hoping that he will let us know what his next plan is and when he plans to do surgery again.

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