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Just stopping by to say hello!
Praying for you today,


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Monday, May 31, 2004 6:03 PM CDT
Hiya, a few jokes to try and make you smile this weekend.

What are prehistoric monsters called when they sleep?
A dinosnore!

What do elves do after school?

Where do tadpoles change?
In a croakroom!

Love Viks on behalf of everyone at Post Pals

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Saturday, May 29, 2004 12:31 AM CDT
just wanted you to know I was thinking of you today.....
Tracy M BWC <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Thursday, May 27, 2004 10:26 PM CDT
Just stopping by from your Quilts of Love family to say hi and leave some Hugs and Love..

Hugs and Love Carolyn

Carolyn <carolyn@quiltsoflove.com>
Oklahoma United States - Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:49 PM CDT
Hi Cassie, I'm stopping by hoping for an update. I will continue to pray for you every day.
Stephanie & RachelJoy <mom2rj@comcast.net>
- Saturday, May 22, 2004 11:13 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and hope you are having a good weekend.

Kathy H.
T.O., CA - Saturday, May 22, 2004 8:56 PM CDT

hey Cass....I am hoping this image will come through, it's my best friend Vicky with her four children (l-r Parker, McKenna, Connor and baby Tess) with the Stanley Cup, which we are hoping our Calgary Flames will bring back to it's rightful home in Canada!!
Hope you are doing ok, we all worry alot when we don't hear any new news:-( Praying all is well,
big hugs,

Tracey xoxo BWC <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary , - Saturday, May 22, 2004 8:55 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
Wow! I wish I knew how to send great pics like everyone else seems to be able to! I hope the weather is better where you are then it is here, and that you're keeping well. Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you,

Erin *Bears who Care* <erin_suddick@hotmail.com>
Bradford, ON - Saturday, May 22, 2004 7:33 PM CDT

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is to gain undefeatable strength."
- Helen Keller

Praying for You today,
Da Brat Zone

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Saturday, May 22, 2004 12:33 AM CDT
Cassie: Had hopes of an update by now.
Charlene Mom to your friend

- Friday, May 21, 2004 8:15 PM CDT

Hey Cass,
Havent been by in a while because I've been sick but I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things or trying to!!
Praying for you today,

da brat zone

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:23 AM CDT
Hello Cassie,
Well, today is seems like spring might be here after all! I have seen Bluebirds and Yellowheaded-blackbirds. I have had four white-tail deer outside my window every morning.

Lena {Bears who Care} <lena_butler@yahoo.ca>
- Wednesday, May 19, 2004 4:39 PM CDT

Angel Toto <pat_totoofoz@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:56 PM CDT

Helen Parody <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, NY usa - Monday, May 17, 2004 9:09 AM CDT
Hi Cass,

Just wanted to check in to see how u are doing. I hope all is going well and I want u to know that I have u in my thoughts and prayers.
Love Eileen A Bear Who Cares

Eileen <Lobosgirl@aol.com>
Levittown, NY USA - Saturday, May 15, 2004 7:27 PM CDT

Hey Cass,
just checking on ya and stuff, hope you are doing ok.
da brat zone

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Friday, May 14, 2004 10:41 AM CDT
Well another week comes to a close. Soooo looking forward to the weekend. Hope this finds you with a smile on your face. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Warm weather settling in in Tampa, Florida. Hurricane season will be starting soon. Just like everything else new, it used to have me concerned when they mentioned it in the news...now, after 9 years, I'm ready in my mind. Oh, I still am concerned when we watch hurricanes offshore!

Tampa, FL - Friday, May 14, 2004 8:56 AM CDT

thinking of you today,
da brat zone

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Thursday, May 13, 2004 2:09 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
Just stopping by to say HIIIIIIIIII!!! Hope you are doing better, look forward to hearing any new news:)

Tracey xoxo BWC <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary, - Thursday, May 13, 2004 11:32 AM CDT
I hope you still are feeling well, and getting better every day!
Tracy M BWC <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:05 PM CDT

Hey Cass,
I really do miss you and am praying so hard that you are getting better and that i will see you again online soon.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 9:36 AM CDT
Just us dropping by to say have a great week.
Charlene Graham & BECKY
**we were hoping 4 an update!!

- Tuesday, May 11, 2004 5:59 PM CDT

Just coming to sit with you today.
Praying for you.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:42 AM CDT

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Monday, May 10, 2004 11:26 AM CDT
Thinking of you often. Check on your website several times a week. Hope to hear from you soon!
Tampa, FL - Monday, May 10, 2004 11:16 AM CDT

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous

Thank you for being one of those friends who has left footprints on my heart.
Praying for you today,

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Sunday, May 9, 2004 8:07 AM CDT

Friends are God's way of taking care of us.

- Unknown -

Praying for you today.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Saturday, May 8, 2004 12:54 AM CDT
Dear Cassie,
I know u have been having a rough time of it, but as u said yourself, u are hoping to prove all those Doctors wrong. I'm right behind u. With your positive attitude, I bet u just might do it. I love u with all my heart, and u are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Love Eileen A Bear Who Cares

Eileen <Lobosgirl@aol.com>
Levittown, NY USA - Friday, May 7, 2004 1:57 PM CDT

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.
--Helen Keller

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Friday, May 7, 2004 10:59 AM CDT
Just stopping by to say we are thinking of you.
Charlene, Graham & your pal BECKY

- Thursday, May 6, 2004 4:19 PM CDT

Praying for you today.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Thursday, May 6, 2004 1:13 PM CDT

remember ..when life knocks you down get up fighting!!

~*~Samantha's Story~*~

karen and sammi <mpbowler1@aol.com>
- Thursday, May 6, 2004 8:52 AM CDT
Hi Cassie: I Have been looking at your site. You have done a great job. I love your quilt. Keep up the good work.We are all here with you.
Carol McNerney BWC <cmcnerney@rogers.com>
Mississauga, Ontario Canada - Thursday, May 6, 2004 8:33 AM CDT

Just a little butterfly to sit on your shoulder and keep you company today.
Hope all is ok there, praying for you.


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Wednesday, May 5, 2004 1:46 PM CDT
Hi Cassie!
Just stopping by to say HI and hope you are doing better these days! I want you to know we are saying prayers for both of the newly diagnosed that you have heard about:( Keep us updated on their progress, and yours!
Big hugs,

Tracey xoxo BWC <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary , - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:40 PM CDT

this sunset was taken in the great smokey mountains in Tennessee. i used to go to college there so whatever this picture captures, its very little of what the real thing is like, it takes your breath away.
Just wanted to share something special with my friends today.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Tuesday, May 4, 2004 11:54 AM CDT
Hey there Cassie! Hope you are having a wonderful day!! Take care and I'll be back soon!
Paula Smith (BWC)

Paula Smith <jpjcsmith@hotmail.com>
Lion's Head, Ont Canada - Monday, May 3, 2004 11:55 AM CDT

Just stopping by to say hello!
Took my dogs for a walk this morming before it got too hot, and woke up every dog in the neighborhood....(several owners too **giggles**), but its a beautiful day and it was time they all got out and enjoyed it hehe:)
Praying for you!

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.oeg/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Monday, May 3, 2004 9:24 AM CDT
Hiya Cassie. Hope you continue to feel better and better, and that all is well with you and your family.
Tracy M BWC <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Sunday, May 2, 2004 3:53 PM CDT

Just wishing you happiness today.
sure do miss talking to you, One of these days i'll get this letter in the mail lol:)
Praying for you.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Sunday, May 2, 2004 9:50 AM CDT
Hi Cassie!
I'm sure your crafts are great - some of the best creations aren't what we originally planned for! Thinking of you and praying for you and your family...

Erin S. *Bears Who Care* <erin_suddick@hotmail.com>
Bradford, ON - Saturday, May 1, 2004 2:00 PM CDT

Just leaving some springtime flowers to brighten your day. Hops all is going ok.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Saturday, May 1, 2004 11:42 AM CDT

Hope things are going ok.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Friday, April 30, 2004 12:40 AM CDT
Another weekend is on us. Lovely weather in Tampa, Florida (USA). My parents are passing through (spending a few days) before they travel north to their home in Pennsylvania. We call them 'snow birds' because they travel south in the Winter (like the snow birds) and then migrate back North in the Spring. It is a great life (2 homes and always staying in the warmest climate).
Hope this finds you and yours doing well.

Tampa, FL - Friday, April 30, 2004 6:39 AM CDT

Missing you and hoping you are doing ok. Praying for you today.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Thursday, April 29, 2004 1:29 PM CDT

Just stoping by to wish you good day. Praying for you.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Wednesday, April 28, 2004 12:07 AM CDT

Now i am really back to my old self **smile** posting pictures!! woohoo. Praying for you.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:24 PM CDT
Praying for you today.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Monday, April 26, 2004 12:55 AM CDT
Hello Cassie,
I hope you are getting some nice spring weather!

Lena {Bears who Care} <lena_butler@yahoo.ca>
- Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:49 PM CDT
Just letting you know I'm thinking about you today.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Sunday, April 25, 2004 3:34 PM CDT
Just checking on you, hope to hear from you soon,

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Saturday, April 24, 2004 10:55 AM CDT
hi again.
Was thinking about you last night. hope all is ok. We're still nubblin on chocolate eater bunnies, (hmmm wonder where those came from). Anyhoo hope to talk to you soon, I'm missing my late night chat fix, nobody else is nuts enough to make sense of my babble.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Friday, April 23, 2004 1:46 PM CDT
Guess what I'm online at home now so i can try to catch you online sometime!
Hope you are doing ok. Will be sending something your way sometime in the next week or so in the mail.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Thursday, April 22, 2004 3:17 PM CDT
Thinking of you and thinking of you and checking your journal, but haven't left a guestbook entry for some time.

Tampa, FL - Thursday, April 22, 2004 11:19 AM CDT
I'm sorry about all the problems that are going on in your life. I want u to know that I love coming back to vist you and I will have all your intentions in my thoughts and prayers.
Love Eileen A Bear Who Cares

Eileen <Lobosgirl@aol.com>
Levittown, NY USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 12:27 AM CDT
Sorry we havent been by in a long while but am sure you understand. We are just buzzin by to say HI we are thinking of & praying for you. Hey guess what?? yesterday we were out & about in the warm & spotted 6 pheasant & a few loons on side of rode in the puddles!!!!!
BECKY loved her package & the card you made is lovely..........If you had time/energy to do more you'd be rich :O) Good to see ya on line & hope you can be on more in future.
Charlene & Graham & BECKY BEARS WHO CARE

-- <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Sunday, April 18, 2004 9:21 PM CDT
Hey Cassie, glad to hear you're well enough to be doing some crafts. Oops about the carpet. Our floor has seen lots of paint, too. LOL
Take care of yourself!

Marcia and the gang, Bears Who Care <marciat@sympatico.ca>
Ontario Canada - Sunday, April 18, 2004 9:17 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
Glad to hear you are starting to feel a little better, at least, enough to do some crafts! Thinking of you and sending a hug!

Kathy H.
TO, CA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 3:17 PM CDT

Love Viks from BWC and Post Pals

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Saturday, April 17, 2004 8:32 AM CDT
Great to see a new post Cassie. Hope this means you are feeling better than you were the last little while!!
Tracy M BWC <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Friday, April 16, 2004 8:30 PM CDT
Just stopping by to say hello and that I've been thinking about and praying for you.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Thursday, April 15, 2004 2:33 PM CDT
I hope your Easter was grand! I bet it was wonderful seeing your Dad more and I bet he enjoyed his time off (I know I enjoyed having an extra day off).

Thinking of you and praying for you.

Tampa, FL - Monday, April 12, 2004 10:54 AM CDT

Love Viks from Post Pals and BWC

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Saturday, April 10, 2004 4:09 AM CDT
Happy Easter Cassie! Thinking of you....
Tracy M BWC <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Thursday, April 8, 2004 5:46 PM CDT
just stopping by to say hello. Just got back from a long trip to Oregon and am mostly trying to catch up on sleep and enjoying stretching out in a bed as oppossed to a bus seat barely big enough to sit much less sleep in.

Hope you are doing well, hope to talk to you soon,
And thanks for the easter stuff in the mail!

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Thursday, April 8, 2004 4:05 PM CDT
Hi Cassie, Just stopping by to wish you a Happy Easter. Hope you are doing well. You are in our thoughts and prayers.Happy Easter Bunny
Tracy and Christopher Eckhardt (BWC) <teckhardt@sympatico.ca>
Kitchener, ON Canada - Thursday, April 8, 2004 0:03 AM CDT
Hi Cassie:
Just hopping by to wish you a HAPPY EASTER

Take Care & Keep Smiling
Charlene & BECKY BUNNY
Bears Who Care

also H&H and D&D
- Tuesday, April 6, 2004 8:57 PM CDT
Hello Cassandra!
Betty from Lewisville, TX, USA here. I'm new to your website, but I just had to tell you that you have a fabulous smile! =) I'm glad the new meds are helping w\
the anxiety, but the fatigue trade off must be a bugger.
I will begin praying for you this instant. I pray that you
WILL prove the docs wrong, and that you WILL recover!!
All my best,
Betty Milligan

Betty Milligan <betty.milligan@twcable.com>
Lewisville, TX united states - Monday, April 5, 2004 4:47 PM CDT
Hello, Im sorry I haven't signed for a while, i have some jokes for you though on a worm theme...

Why was the glow worm unhappy?
Because her children weren't that bright!

Why are glow worms good to carry in your bag?
They can lighten your load!

What did the woodworm say to the chair?
It's been nice gnawing you!

Love Viks from Post Pals and Bears Who Care

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Monday, April 5, 2004 1:23 PM CDT
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. How have you been? Your Mom? Your Dad? Your sister been in town with her guy for visits? Getting ready for Easter?
Weather a bit cool in Tampa, Florida, but it is nice change. My daughters have a short week of school this week and next...hoping to take some time off with them.
Hoping this finds a smile on your face,

Tampa, Fl - Monday, April 5, 2004 8:43 AM CDT
BEBA <knikola@eunet.yu>
NOVI SAD, SERBIA - Saturday, April 3, 2004 1:50 PM CST
Hey Cassie! ~

I had yoga today. It was okay. Not what I had hoped, but it's all right, I guess. I wish we had done some more intense stretching, because the only stretch I could feel at all was in my calves. Other than that, I only felt mild hip pain & major thigh pain when we did some endurance stuff. That part was very tiring, and then at the very end we did a relaxing thing that made me SOOO sleepy! I was tired when I went in, so now, 2 or 3 hours after we finished, I'm still trying to wake up! Lol!

I got my grade card yesterday. I have an A in Spanish, an A from two quarters ago in Global Studies (I don't have anything for last quarter's grade in that class yet), I still have an Incomplete for all of my science and P.E. grades and I have a P (for passing) in English for last quarter. So not as bad as it could be, but I'm still bummed that I'm going to have so many Ps instead of As on my college transcript. :/

And I also heard about the tutoring situation. I'm going to start in May and have 20 hrs. to do the entire year of science and to work in GS, which would have covered a semester if I had taken it in school. So I'm not very pleased that I have to do all of that in basically two months, but I don't really have a choice. :(

Gotta go do home work and finish packing! I can't wait to leave!! :D

Hope everything's cool with you! :) :) :) :) :) God bless


Tbird <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Saturday, April 3, 2004 12:10 AM CST
Hi Cassie - Been thinking about you lots - praying for you too!
Hang in there girlfriend!

Leslie Bear for BWC <theschmids@shaw.ca>
Calgary, - Saturday, April 3, 2004 11:35 AM CST
Hey Cassie! Another long gap between my last visit and now I'm afraid, but it's holiday time now so I get chance to do all the bits and bobs that get squeezed out of term time day-to-day life! I've been applying for a summer job (adding up marks on exam papers!) and have been looking after my cousins, picking them up and entertaining them! Great fun - they are soooooo cute! They tend to prefer to play with my brother because he can run around with them and play fight etc so it's nice to spend some time with them without him being around!

I'm glad that the new medication is helping with the anxiety, I'm hoping that side affects aren't so bad now as they were a month ago *hugs*.

Keeping you and your family in my prayers

God Bless
Love Ruth

Ruth Douglas - European Chapter of Hugs and Hope <ruthdouglas9999@hotmail.com>
Manchester at the mo!, England - Saturday, April 3, 2004 5:11 AM CST
Hey Cass! ~

THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR MY CARD AND BUNNY!!! :D :D :D The chocolate smells SOOOOO good. . .but I gave it up for Lent, so I'm going to wait to eat it on Easter! I probably won't want to stay out of bed on Easter (jet lag), so I'm wishing you now a very happy early Easter! :)

AND HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY TOO!! :-D The holiday was (unfortuantly) rather mellow while I was at school. All we did was turn our desks around when Senora left the room. Thoughtless, I know. :P

Today in English, I found out that I have five assignments from the last quarter to make up. :( I wasn't supposed to have to do ANY home work whatsoever from then. I was supposed to start fresh and when I reminded the teacher this she said that I came in the middle of the poetry unit so I had to do it anyway. The papers don't look that hard, but I don't want this to be the beginning that leads on to more and more home work that I wasn't supposed to have to do. Who wants to do home work over spring break, anyway?!

Well I gotta go study & start that h/w. Hope everything is fine with you! :) :) :) :) :) God bless


PS The really long email I promised is going to be postponed another day and it's getting. . .edited. My oppinions are, er, changing. (Well I don't really have a choise; they have to change!)

Me <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Thursday, April 1, 2004 4:44 PM CST
Dear Cassie
Isnt she the cutest? I found this photo on the web. This is just a little
note to say that im thinking of you :-) The sun is starting to sun in Holland
it was a beautiful spring day today. My kitty dropje needed to go to the vet
to get her yearly check up, she meowed all the way there but was super brave
and enjoyed her fish meal when we got home. Okie enough from me, take super care
and kindest regards from Cisca Vlietman


Cisca Vlietman <cisca@vlietman.com>
Nieuw Vennep, NH Holland - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 1:56 PM CST
Hi Cass! ~

You know how I told you about the US soldiers thing yesterday? Well I just found UK soldiers too!! So I'm giving you the same offer with them. :)

Hope everything's going well with you!!! :D God bless


The One Who Actually Wrote a SHORT Post Today :P <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:45 AM CST
Cassie,just dropping by to say hi.Hope you're having a good week.Hugs&Smiles Helen
Helen Parody (b-w-c) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, NY usa - Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:47 AM CST
Hiya Cassie! ~

Okay, so I'm getting back to my normal self. . .sort of! :P I think a huge part of the problem is that I haven't been taking any naps, so it is killing me. :(

Oh my gosh! :) It was so funny! Last night, I didn't understand my rediculous(sp) Shakespear homework, so Josh called to try to help me. He didn't get it either, so he asked his mom (who's a librarian) to try to figure it out, & she had TWO computers going (at her house, not the library), trying to find the answer! Lol! I totally tried to get her to stop, but Josh said she's in her zone now, so she won't stop no matter what. About 40 minutes later, we finally got the answer. Lol! This is a women MY MOM hasn't even met, let alone me! But I get to meet her this Saturday when Josh & Mike get baptised!! Yay!! :D

Oh, I think I forgot to let you know (this very pertinent information ;) ) that River got her cone off. I'm still not sure what exactly is wrong with her, but I know that dog needs to EAT!! She's grown a lot, but she is way too skinny. It's kind of gross.

I'm gonna go work on a letter I'm sending to some US military people. If you can think of anything you want me to tell them for you, let me know! (I'm sending jokes, poems, etc.)

Hope you are well! :) :) :) :) God bless


Tbone <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:36 AM CST
Hi Cass! ~

I know, you're probably still not done reading the last thing I wrote (& believe me, I held a lot of stuff back for a future email! :) Hee hee. So be looking forward to it in a few days!) but I'm still in my loopy mood, so I felt like coming here to share my thoughts with you. *Laughs & thinks about elborating, but changes mind, & not for the obvious reason of trying not to confuse you. Hee hee. I'm feeling silly & tricky today. Aren't you lucky!*

Hmm, where to start? How about with the major disaster only teenage girls seem to have - not being able to find a swimsuit! *Face contorts in mock horror* Lol! But seriously it does kind of suck a little bit since I only have like 3 stores left to check. A lot of stores aren't even carrying them. The ones that do have a few cute ones, but none that I would wear because of my complexion. And the ones I would wear, but don't like (which is what I think I'm going to end up with :( ) don't fit me right. I've tried on literally ONE SUIT that fit how I wanted it to, but the colors looked groooooss on me. :/

But now to a topic with (at least some) importance: How my first day of English went. When I walked in, I went up to (don't know to spell her name, but maybe it's) Yendrick, (???) who was at her computer. I introduced myself, but she hardly glanced at me. That was a little offending, but it gets even better. After she finished whatever she was doing, five people had walked up & needed to talk to her. Who was the last one she delt with? Me.

So needless to say, that wasn't the first impression I was expecting (based on what my friends had told me about her) but it got a little better. The only two empty seats in class were right by most of my friends, so we talked basically all period, since she has the (in my oppinion pointless) ritual of letting students tell about their weekends. That took most of the class time, & while that was going on, there were a few minor cat fights that ended in Mrs. Y giving, long, drawn out lectures (with enough sound effects to fill a movie theater!) about how people should grow up & put up with each other. To make her point, she told about how her husband tossed and turned all night, which (I'll mercifully give you the short version) make her even more stressed & annoyed than usual.

So once all that fun stuff was done, we actually started learning. . .or I TRIED to start learning, but I only understood about 3/4 of what she said. The class had apparently taken (lengthy) notes about terms of poetry I'd never heard of, but instead of telling me this sooner so I could have copied them while we wasted out time telling about the weekend, she mentioned them to me right as we began to work on the chalkboard.

So that was a bit annoying, but even more so is the homework she gave us. I'm not quite sure yet what it's about, but one of the questions asked you to recall something from something Shakespear wrote (a title I didn't recognise) which I've never read before. This should be interesting.

So I gotta go do that & Spanish homework now. Hope everything's going well with you!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D God bless


PS Josh & his little brother, Mike, (I'll have more about him in that email I promised you! :D ) are getting baptised this Saturday. Woo-hoo!!! :D :D :D Plus, did I mention WE'RE LEAVING FOR VEGAS ON SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D Yay!!

If you don't recognise who this is, you're almost as loopy as me. . .but only because you have 2 friends as weird as me!! Lol! <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Monday, March 29, 2004 10:26 AM CST
Hello...March is drawing to a close. I hope things are very 'relaxing' with you. Hope the 'Birthday' Months are going well...how exciting! Thinking of you!
Tampa, FL - Monday, March 29, 2004 9:58 AM CST
Hey Cassablanca! ~

I've been off line for I think almost a week, so I'd like to appologise for not coming here to say howdy in a while. And now I'd like to warn you that I'm feeling. . .hmm, can't think of the perfect word for it, but for now, cheesy will do. And I'm not joking (*snort/laugh* Can you be serious when you're feeling cheesy, I wonder?) So if I get a little wacky, just ignore me. (& my spelling errors. The more I learn to spell in Spanish, the less I can spell in English. The sad part is, I don't even notice when I'm spelling wrong now. See what I mean about this weird cheesy/serious mood I'm in? Hah! Now I'm not only being weird, but I'm putting 3 paragraphs into basically one line.)

*Takes deep breath*

Anyway, let me get back on track. . .or attempt to. Here's a breif outline of the important things I've neglected to tell you so far:

I don't remember what I have or haven't told you about the choosing-which-classes-to-add dilema(sp). I didn't (& sort of still don't) feel physically capable to add another class to my work load right now, especially since my doctor just took a life line away from me - my afternoon naps. (I haven't been able to sleep as well at night lately, but Dr. Breen upped my dose of sleeping pills, so hopefully that will finally help. 'Cause I mean I've only needed that since JANUARY!!) So I told my school councilor how I felt, and I won't go into the details (details being the lack of true resons for what she was saying, namely) but she (unintentionally, I'm sure) really made me feel like I should add Enlgish & Global Studies both for the last quarter. (If you have a confused look right now, let me clear things up: Last February, I totally wanted to add both of those classes, plus physical education. And I still do want those things, but that doesn't make it any more right for my body to have to take the beating it would go through if I did add them to Spanish & my eventual Science tutoring, which will probably go into the summer, so I'll have that plus Advanced Geometry in summer school, creating a very crappy summer with my 2 least favorite classes. *takes breath* Wow, what a run on setence. Anyway back to my point: So what happened to my body that made it deteriorate so much? My tutor demanded a HUUUGE quantity of work, essentually over 18 weeks of work in less than 3, and she didn't really care much about the quality of my work. . .only I did. That was a huge conflick for us because I understood things way better than she did, & oh did I mention that she did about 1/2, but probably less, of the reading and other work I did? And that she didn't care if things didn't completely make sence, WHEN EVERTHING BUILT UPON THE LAST THING WE JUST "LEARNED"??? But back to the work load: I was pushing myself way past my limits, for nearly a month, and still couldn't meet all of the deadlines. So I've been taking a huge break from all school, except for Spanish, so I might get healthy again. I've done it for over 2 weeks & I'm very close, but not quite there yet, so I'm very scared that my decision to another class could push me back way further, but first let me explain the decision process. Oh, & if you didn't get any sense out of all the words between these parenthesis, don't feel bad; only psychos like me, & in this cheesy/serious mood, could truely comprehend it.) So, again we return to the councelor's sugestion of adding English and/or Global Studies to my school schedual. It took me a while, but I finally chose to add Global Studies, for numerous reasons, of which I'm sure you care not to hear about. So I will procede. Days after our first discussion, I told my councilor, let me call her Mrs. S because I can hardly pronounce her name, let alone spell it, & I'm not too confident that I've been spelling her job title correctly, my decision to add GS & found out that there was no GS II, the class I need, during second period. (And Spanish is during first period, so I couldn't do it any other period without even more serious consequenses than there already are, specifically my mom's work, not to mention her school.) There is, however, an English 9 second period. So Monday through (hopefully at least) Friday, I will try this out & decide if I should keep going with that.

(Oh, I forgot to tell you a major point - I may not have to take the exams in English, GS or Science, depending on how things go. & I might have all of the pervious work I've missed waived in Enlgish & GS. On another cheery note, in the spirit of tradition having little to nothing to do with the rest of the sentences in the parenthesis, I'm almost done with the credit I'll need for phys ed too! Woo-hoo!)

Since I'm sure you want to hear EVEN MORE confusing news about the rest of the week too, I'll tell you about Thursday, when I went to the church & had a session with one of the pastor's wife, Lou. She's the sweetest little old lady (& I don't mean that only figuratively!) who I swear I'm going to start calling Grandma, just because it would be so natural to do so. The session was called Spiritaul Healing, but I know it has a more specific name that I'm forgetting at the moment. Anyway, she's working with me to help me be healed in all ways - and at the same time telling me some of the most amazing stories I've ever heard in my life.

Then Saturday was spring cleaning at the church & I cleaned the baseboards & desk of Pastor Brian's room, then, because it was so hot on the thrid floor, I went down to the second floor where I took a blade to the paint that was on Pastor Bob(Lou's husband)'s room. It was surprisingly fun. I want to do it next weekend.

Only next weekend we have yoga on Saturday & church on Sunday & that's really all I want to do since I'll be leaving for Las Vegas, Nevada, on Sunday. Can't wait!!

But then today, at church I was baptised in the Holy Spirit & recieved the gift of tongues. It was so awesome! :-D

So now I have to leave and go study. Hope you are well!! (Aside from the headache you got from trying to understand this post!) God bless


Your favorite confusing Tbird <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:26 PM CST
Cassie: sorry I haven't been by in so long things here rather hectic.
Just stopping by with a wishing star for you to have a great week.
Charlene Mom to BECKY from BWC

- Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:17 PM CST
Hey Cassie. Hope you are continuing to feel better each day. Take care of yourself, and never forget you are always in my thoughts.
Tracy M . BWC <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Friday, March 26, 2004 8:11 PM CST
Haven't been writing much, but be sure: I'm thinking about you each and every day!
Tampa, FL - Thursday, March 25, 2004 4:11 PM CST
Cassie got a strange thank you E-note from your Mom but we have no idea what for.................Haven't sent our Easter mail & other should have got to you long before this!! Pray you are well.
Charlene & Becky

BWC <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:45 PM CST
Hi Cassie,
I'm just hopping in here to read and post to your guestbook. I'm send you some prayers in hope that you'll be on you feet again very soon and dancing to some great music. The one thing I love is seeing my daughter who is nine dance. My daughter loves to put in a Brittany Spears CD and pretty soon her and our Rose Breasted Cockatoo will start to dance around together. It's really cute to see and him raise up his crest and move his head up and down. Then he walks around turning circles just like she does. I laugh so hard watching them have so much fun together. Ok we're here wishing you a Hoppy Easter too. I hope he hops right in to see you soon. Mary with Feathers 'n Smiles in TX

Mary with Feather 'n Smiles <Elrodmjs@aol.com>
Huffman, TX - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:48 AM CST







CHRIS <wardsweb@earthlink.net>
LOS ANGELES, CA USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:53 PM CST
Dear Cassie,
You have one of the most beautiful smiles. You said u were going to prove the Doctors wrong, I hope u do!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Eileen A Bear Who Cares

Eileen <Lobosgirl@aol.com>
Levittown, NY USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 7:01 PM CST
Well, it is supposed to be spring but we had 40cm of snow on the hill Wednesday! And I had raked and cleaned the yard in my t-shirt the day before, sheech...

Lena {Bears who Care} <lena_butler@yahoo.ca>
- Saturday, March 20, 2004 10:11 PM CST
Hi Cass! ~

Goodness, I've been up since 3:30 am & I can't get back to sleep so I thought I'd come here to tell you about what's been going on lately.

I've taken a break from the tutor since Monday & have only been doing my Spanish homework so I can try to get healthy again. It's been sort of working, but I'll still need at least part of next week. Josh & River came over yesterday. Josh has some problem with his legs (that's all I know of now, but there could be & probably are other problems) so that his reflexes are really screwed up. His doctor said that he might have to quit hockey (which he's a fanatic(sp) about), running, working out & maybe even his job as a tree cutter dude. (I obviously have no idea what his real job title is!) Plus his mom isn't in good physical health (don't know why though) & the vet said River's bladder might not be growing at all! If it's true, she'll have to be put to sleep pretty soon. :( So that's been kind of (to say the least) stressful for us, but I do have good news - mom's getting baptised today!!! YAY!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

But that stuff wasn't the REAL reason I stopped in to say hey - it was to laugh about how River looks with her cone on! Lol! It's so funny! She cracks me up because she's such a moron! I mean you would think that after she'd worn it for a while that she would knock (literally!) some sence into her head because she still runs around as fast as she used to - only now she has only half her view of vision so she's running into walls, chairs, people, EVERYTHING! Lol! :D

I've got to go try to find something to busy myself with until I can fall asleep again. (Which I'm sure won't happen until tonight. :( ) Hope everything is well with you :) :) :) :) :) God bless


Tbone <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Saturday, March 20, 2004 5:22 AM CST
Just wanted to stop by and check on ya' i'll be getting a computer in april then we'll be able to talk again if our sleep shcedules ever happen to coincide again lol

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge,org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Friday, March 19, 2004 2:59 PM CST
Hi Cassie I hope you are doing well and that will feel better.
Carla <missionfromgod2001@yahoo.com>
Newburgh, in USA - Friday, March 19, 2004 2:53 PM CST
Hi Cassie, Hope all is well and wishing spring was here already. It is still snowing here in Ontario.....spring is supposed to be here on saturday yet there is still snowbanks.... sheesh... Hope you are having a happy day!!
Tracy Eckhardt (BWC) Christophers Story <teckhardt@sympatico.ca>
Kitchener, ON Canada - Thursday, March 18, 2004 0:23 AM CST
Hi Cassie - Just stopped by to say hello.
Tracy M BWC <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Wednesday, March 17, 2004 8:37 PM CST
Hi Cass!! ~

Happy St. Patrick's Day! :) I think a lot of people at school forgot about it, but I remembered to wear my brand new socks with monkeys wearing leprechaun(sp) hats & hanging on rainbows. (I did forget to wear visible green though!!)

Hope you have a fabulous day!! :)


T <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Wednesday, March 17, 2004 2:57 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

This morning I walked Bonnie in 4 inches of snow! (Which is ironic, since 2 weeks ago it was almost 80 degrees!) The shoes I was wearing had no traction(sp) whatsoever, so I felt like a was snowboarding as she pulled me around! Lol! It was so much fun! :D I was wearing sweat pants, so they absorbed a lot of snow, but it still didn't really feel that cold out. :)

Josh called and talked to Mom and she said River has to wear a cone around her neck (I don't know why, but the vet thinks she might have a genetic bladder disorder, so they might be trying to fix that with a cream or something like that which she can't lick. But anyway, back to the story...) and she's been shoveling snow with her cone! Lol! I can just picture her now. :) Lol!

Well I gotta go to the library, but hopefully I'll be able to check out Patch Worx before we have to leave! :)

Hope everything's well with you!! :) :) :) :) :) God bless


Your favorite Tbird :D <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:44 AM CST
guess what?? Spring must be just around the bend as we saw a huge Mommy robin on the weekend!!
Take care sweetie & big hugs. Here is an IRISH DANCER for grand goodluck.
Charlene Mom 2 BECKY

BWC <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Monday, March 15, 2004 6:31 PM CST
Cassie I hope this finds you doing well. I am not Irish but you know what they say about St Patrick's Day....

Angel Chris ~ Smile Quilts ~
- Monday, March 15, 2004 11:05 AM CST
Hello Cassie,
Been away at a conference for my job. Didn't have to travel far (from Tampa, Florida to Orlando, Florida), but they were very full days. Got to 'network' (which means talk and talk and talk) with others in my profession.

Thought about you each day...said an extra prayer on Sunday.

The weather is turning warm, and staying warm, where I live...bring out the shorts!

Tampa, Fl - Monday, March 15, 2004 9:11 AM CST
Hi Cass

Just wanted to say hey & explain why I haven't been here in a while. (I've really wanted to though!!) My tutor had me do 18 weeks worth of science work (plus whatever English or Global Studies work she could come up with) in 3 weeks. So I've been extremely stressed since I was doing 9 hr. of work every day & I still didn't meet all the deadlines. I've been almost totally disconnected with all fun for about a month now, & it's really worn me out. :( I'm constantly tired & my muscles always hurt, but I guess it's still better than what it used to be like. :/

Then last Friday I picked up an explination of what English & Global Studies have been doing for this quarter & what they're planning for the next one. Well it didn't exactly match up with what Laurel, my tutor, has been having me do. So I'm just waiting for her to come today & tell me I have to make up 9 weeks worth of work (but this time in 2 classes) in 2 weeks. :'( I'm exhausted & I feel overburdened, but at the same time everyone keeps preaching to me that my health should be my highest concern. (Do they really think I'm not aware of that?!!) But that's almost impossible becasue I can't get through everything I'm forced to do & not kill my body. So I don't know what to do. :'(

But anyway, I have a request to make of you. But there's ABSOLUTLY NO PRESSURE if you don't have the energy. Would you go to Patch Worx & tell everyone I miss them & am thinking of them? I haven't been there in such a long time & I don't want them to think I've just suddenly deserted them.

Thanks Cass


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Monday, March 15, 2004 8:19 AM CST

Happy St. Pat's!
Love, Eileen

EJ's Caring Place
- Sunday, March 14, 2004 9:11 PM CST
Hi! I just wanted to wish you a happy St. Patty's day! Hope you're doing well!
Happy St. Patty's Day

Sparkling Love Heart,

MJ <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
- Sunday, March 14, 2004 9:37 AM CST
Hello Cassie,
Sending you some hugs today!

Lena {Bears who Care} <lena_butler@yahoo.ca>
- Friday, March 12, 2004 1:11 AM CST
Hello, Some jokes for you today,

What's a teddy bears favourite pasta ?
Tagliateddy !
Why shouldn't you take a bear to the zoo ?
Because they'd rather go to the cinema !
What is a bear's favourite drink ?
Koka-Koala !

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Thursday, March 11, 2004 3:00 PM CST
Dear Cassie,

I'm glad to know that u are feeling a bit better. Give the medication a chance to work. The best thing I love when I come here to say hello is seeing that beautiful smile.

Keep that great attitude, and u will always be in my thoughts and prayers.

Love Eileen A Bear Who Cares

Eileen <Lobosgirl@aol.com>
Levittown, NY USA - Thursday, March 11, 2004 1:58 PM CST
Hiya Cassie,

I was just going through some of the pages on the "Share the Love" webpage and when I got to yours, I saw that you know Lauren...what a small world. I wanted to just stop by and say "Hi". I hope your mom is feeling better, and I hope your feeling well too. Well, talk to you later!

Adam Hays www.caringbridge.org/md/adam <SportsSO456@aol.com>
Frederick, MD USA - Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:15 AM CST
stopping by to say hello. Glad you are better- Laura
- Tuesday, March 9, 2004 8:29 PM CST
just stopping by to say hello and that i am thinking of you.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 4:58 PM CST
Helen Parody (b-w-c) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, NY usa - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 1:14 PM CST
Hello Cassie,
My name is Jenna and I got your site form Bears who Care. I am a member, and I am also on the kid list. You are a real inspiration and you have a very positive outlook in life. I am sorry to hear that you were havign a very time with your health lately. I am glad to hear that you are feeling a little better though.
You are in my prayers.

Jenna <hockeykid@telus.net>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 0:30 AM CST
Just US dropping by to say Hi.With a wishing star for you all to have a great week
Charlene & Graham

- Monday, March 8, 2004 8:18 PM CST
Hi Cassie: gee viks beat me LOL
thought of you today & wanted to send a ray of sunshine. Take care & don't forget to smile BECKY BUNNY

BEARS WHO CARE <gcb@sym.ca>
- Monday, March 8, 2004 4:57 PM CST
Hiya, do you like pigs? I think they are so cute, some people keep them as pets, i would love one, people always say my rooms a pig stye, so maybe this would just prove them right and give me a good excuse for the mess? You never know!

So my quest tonight was to find some pig jokes, not as easy as it sounds, i can't believe how few pig jokes there seem to be compared to lots of other animals! Anyway i did find some, and here they are

Q: What do you call a pig with no legs?
A: A GroundHog.

Q: Why didn't the piglets listen to the teacher pig?
A: He was a boar.

Love viks from BWC and Post Pals

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Monday, March 8, 2004 4:51 PM CST
hey long time no see!!!
Just popping by to say hello although i havent been around much (gah at fibro flare ups!!) anyhow hope to talk to you soon,

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringb ridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Monday, March 8, 2004 3:30 PM CST
HI Cassie! I love your picture all red definitely your color! WOW! You truly have quite an awesome energy about you. In shows in your caring bridge page. You have a beautiful smile I can't help but to smile. Keep smiling. Live each day to the absolute fullest. Keep God close in your heart. You are a beautiful person. Have a wonderful day. Much Love,
Teri Thomas
dabbles and doodles

Teri Thomas <2angels@myway.com>
Silver Creek, WA USA - Saturday, March 6, 2004 9:58 PM CST
Hi Cassie! I'me just popping in to say I'm thinking of you. I hope you get plenty of rest.
Elizabeth <eboresow@yahoo.com>
Hugs and Hope, KS USA - Saturday, March 6, 2004 9:35 PM CST
hi Cassie,
Sounds like you had a full month. Glad oyur up and feeling better. Iknow fatigue..I too suffer from CFS...+....I love that red room :0) giggles.Is red your favorite color....WELL rest up and look forwareds to seeing you update more. Your so beautiful. God Bless (Dabbles and Doodles person )

Donna Sipos <ds9090@hotmail.com>
Garfield, NJ USA - Saturday, March 6, 2004 6:25 PM CST
A flower from Amanda Panda for you, Love Viks from BWC and Post Pals
viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Saturday, March 6, 2004 7:30 AM CST
WELL HELLO CASSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! boy its good to hear from you. Guess what????!!! it was 64F here in Our part of Ont today!!!! mind you they say we'll be back to "seasonal norms with possible snow" by mid week :>( Do ya think you & BB can have a word with Mother Nature?? Need sunshine birds & flowers peeking out.
Take care & hope you are able to update more often

& Dabbles & Doodles & H&H
- Friday, March 5, 2004 10:32 PM CST
Hello Cassie,

I'm Debra from Feathers 'n Smiles in Texas! I heard you had been feeling pretty tired lately and thought some pics of my birds might lift your spirits a bit! You can go here: http://www.geocities.com/kade1994/Birds/Harleycomehithermd08Nov03.jpg
and here:
http://www.geocities.com/kade1994/Birds/Harley28Jan04.jpg to see Harley (Timneh African Grey). I got Harley 5 months ago. He's 4 years old. I'll stop back by and give you more links to my other birds. My daughter, Kade, and I have 5 birds now and we love them lots!! Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Debra Standiford <kds94@cox.net>
Canyon, TX USA - Friday, March 5, 2004 9:32 PM CST
Hey Cassie - WONDERFUL to see you were up to doing an update! Was getting more than a little worried about you. Hope to hear more from you soon as you start to feel a little better!
Tracy M BWC <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Friday, March 5, 2004 7:53 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

Glad to see your update! Sorry I haven't stopped by here in a while - I've had way too much homework to do anything fun that takes more than 5 min. in 3 whole weeks. :'( I saw all your emails, but I've only had a chance to read one so far & I'll have to reply later. :(

I've gotta go. I'm REALLY tired & I'm going on an 8 hr trip to watch my 5-year-old cousin cheerlead tomorrow. It should be a riot! :D

Hope you're as well as possible. :) :) :) :) :) God bless


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Friday, March 5, 2004 6:44 PM CST
Hi Cassie!
I'm so glad to see you felt like doing an update, I've been thinking about you. Thought I'd tell you what Tripoli, my Yellow Nape, is doing now. We're working on the musical, "Hello Dolly!" She can now sing, "Hello Dolly, well hello, Dolly, it's so nice to have you back where you belong!" Not bad, huh? Only took her an HOUR to learn the Hello Dollys.

But now that she sings it, she won't shut up! Ever get tired of hearing a song? Well, picture a really LOUD version of it over and over again, ten times a day at least. She's doing it right now, matter of fact.

It's funny to watch the other birds while she's singing. It's like, "Oh geez, here she goes again."

Anyway, hugs (and singing, sigh!) from Texas! You can see pics of Tripoli and the others on my website.
http://haldago.org Haldago Bay

Cathie L, Feathers 'N Smiles, Dabbles and Doodles, Haldago Bay <haldago@earthlink.net>
Houston, Texas - Friday, March 5, 2004 11:24 AM CST
Hi Cassie: So nice to see an update - seems like you have had some visitors and I am sure that was enjoyable. Glad Mom is ok. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your Dad and belated HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to your Mom and sister. Hope today finds you with a smile on your face and a song in your heart! :)
Love, Eileen

EJ's Caring Place
- Friday, March 5, 2004 0:07 AM CST
Hello again! So glad to hear from you. Sounds like you've had quite the stream of visitors. Thank you for signing in and letting us know how things are going. Please take care of yourself and make sure your Mum is taking care as well. As always, make sure Dad looks after his health (taking care of 'his girls')!

Looking forward to the summer...I know it is only March. My schedule doesn't even really change during the summer, but it does for my girls. They are planning to volunteer most of the summer at the summer camps at our local Science Museum. The whole house takes on a different pace when they have a more relaxed schedule. Things move at a more busy clip, and most free time is packed with school assignments, during the school year. Also, summer is the time we go on vacation...I SO look forward to vacation!

Hope to hear from you again (soon?),

Tampa, FL - Thursday, March 4, 2004 8:19 AM CST
I hope this entry finds you with a smile on your face and peace in your soul. Is the sun shining down on you? Temperatures in Tampa, FL are just wonderful, but allergy season has started for a number of us. Now it is just a waiting game until 'what ever is blooming' gets done!

Thinking of you,

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 6:38 PM CST
Sending you some warm wishes.

Heather BWC

Heather <momsathomex3@yahoo.ca>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 8:17 AM CST
Thinking of you and praying for you...
Hope to hear from you soon!

Tampa, FL - Tuesday, March 2, 2004 10:29 PM CST
Hi Cassie,

Perhaps your mom or dad could update your page for you? It looks like there may be an uprising if we don't hear how you are doing soon! lol I hope the spring sun that is just around the corner will help to raise your spirits high.....everyone is still praying for you, keep fighting Cass, never give up!
big hugs,

Tracey xoxo BWC <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary, - Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:40 PM CST
Hi Cassie - been thinking of you lately and wanted to check in. Hope to hear some good news from you soon!
Tracy M (BWC) <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:10 AM CST
Hey Cass! ~

Yesterday I went to the tennis courts & practiced my serve for a half hour. It was about what I expected, but it was kind of cold, so I think that may be part of the reason I missed so many shots. (Not to mention that I hven't done this in 7 or 8 months! ;) ) So that's a good sign that I might not be as bad as I predicted! The beginning of my stroke was pretty jerky(sp?), so I think I need to practice in front on a mirror to make it smoother. (But, surprisingly, the second 1/2 of the serve was still as fluid as it's supposed to be! :) But I do need to work on my grip a little bit to make the serve better.)

Today is just as nice as yesterday, but I have too much homework (& my grandparent's birthday/annaversary gift to finish!) for me to be able to go practice today. (Plus my arms & back are killing me!)

And another cool thing: my grandma & I are going to do walk for diabetes next Sunday. The only problem is we have only a week to get sponsors!!

Well I gotta get ready for church. Hope you're doing as well as possible! :) :) :) :) :) God bless


Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Sunday, February 29, 2004 8:21 AM CST
Cassie & Janet please update & let us know how you both are doing. Today the sun is bright & Becky & her friend Ally had a blast making a tiny (elf sized) snow town.

near Toronto, Ont. Canada - Saturday, February 28, 2004 4:20 PM CST
So have you settled with your 'sleep-manager? Hope to hear from you soon. Thinking of you...and sending prayers!
Tampa, FL - Friday, February 27, 2004 12:22 AM CST
Hey Cass! ~

I'm getting stronger! Yay! Today I did TEN laps around my yard! A few months ago that would have been impossible. (Not that I need to remind you. :( )

I got this card in the mail. It's pretty cool. It says,
"Lord, take me where you want me to go
Let me meet who you want me to meet
Tell me what you want me to say
And keep me out of your way"

I've got to go do home work. :/ This week its a huge load.

Hope you're doing as well as possible! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) God bless


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Thursday, February 26, 2004 3:07 PM CST
Just wanted to drop over and say "HEY"...leaving some hugs too..

Carolyn <carolynj52@ilovejesus.net>
Ok - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 11:25 PM CST
Cassie: we really miss hearing from you. Pray you are 250% better & sunny days are ahead. Becky wants to know: Did you get your surprise yet?? She worked very hard sewing it just for you. Take care & know we care.
Charlene & Becky BEARS WHO CARE
Ont. Canada - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 10:32 PM CST
Thinking of you often.
Tampa, FL - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 8:42 AM CST
Hello Cassie,
Sending you some warm hugs!

Lena {Bears who Care} <lena_butler@yahoo.ca>
- Tuesday, February 24, 2004 0:22 AM CST
Hi Cassie! ~

If you feel up to writing me, I could tell our friends at PW what's going on. Just let me know!

Hope you're doing as well as possible!! :) :) :) :) :) God bless


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Monday, February 23, 2004 11:28 AM CST
Anxious to hear how you are doing. Hope you had a good weekend and that there is sunshine in you life.
Tampa, FL - Monday, February 23, 2004 10:42 AM CST


A tender hug for you:) We are so worried about you, at BWC...we are praying for you to feel better, and to have your depression lift...

I was thinking about you, and wondering if you are able to watch video's/DVDs in your room? I lay in bed last night and watched 'Under The Tuscan Sun' and found it very uplifting, the scenery is so gorgeous and you can let your mind wander and dream of visiting all the wonderful places in the world....
the mind is a wonderful thing:) Praying for you to rally round Cass, we all want you to be better, keep fighting...
tender hugs,

Tracey xoxo BWC <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary, - Sunday, February 22, 2004 9:54 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

Okay here're the boring stories about my nicknames: When I was really young, I was sick all the time, so I would eat A LOOOOOT of food, but never gain any weight. So people started calling me Teeny Tiny. That got shortened to TT, then just T. But then my uncle's (now ex) girlfriend, my friend Marissa, came along & began calling me Tbird, Tbone steak & because we're both really bad at spelling, Tbone "stake." I'm called Shorty because I'm taller than almost everyone in my family & my mom just calls me Skinny to annoy me. :( Cristina Elisabeta ("chris-tee-nah ay-lees-ah-bay-ta") is my Spainsh name. (Because Elizabeth is my middle name.)

Guess what?!! My wrist strength is getting SOO much better! YAY!! (I think I'm actually better at some of the drills than when I used to play tennis regularly! LOL!) I wish is was warmer & less windy, though, so I could practice the toss for my serve. (Cause I needed practise on that when I DID play.) It sucks becasue 2 weeks ago it was pretty nice outside but last week was biting cold. (I would practice it inside if our walls were high enough! LOL! I haven't broken anything doing my other drills yet, but today I almost scratched the entertainment stand!) :/ I don't watch tv, so I have no idea what it's supposed to be this week. *sigh* I can't wait for tanning weather!!! I wore a suit with boy shorts last summer, so I have a lovely tan line that I need to fix before I got hang out (a.k.a. flirt) at the pool! ;)

I gotta go read. Hope you're as well as possible! :-) God bless

Pick whatever you want to call me! LOL! ;)

Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Sunday, February 22, 2004 4:09 PM CST
Wanted to stop by to say hello and let you know I'm thinking of you. hugs&smiles Helen
Helen Parody (b-w-c) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, NY usa - Sunday, February 22, 2004 9:05 AM CST
Hi Cass! ~

We had lunch with Pastor Briain of my church & he talked with mom & she decided to make Jesus her Lord & Savior right then!!!!!! YAY!!! :D

Oh, & before I get to my promised sillyness, I'll give you just a quick update: I'm not going back to that shrink (wait, did I even tell you about her?!) & I've had 2 weeks in a row of perfect attendance!! Woo-hoo!! :)

I thought all night about my silly assignment, but I could only come up with two things - silly facts & the silliest thing I've ever heard.

Let me begin with the latter. When I was getting my hair cut/dyed last Sat., the lady said I had such pretty skin. *raises eyebrow* Does she think vampire-white skin is attractive, not to mention skin filled with zit scars??? LOL! I could NOT believe she said that! It totally cracked me up!! I think she just said it to try & get a higher tip. (but that didn't really work out since I didn't have to pay.)

Personally, I think you should be rolling on the floor after that one, but if you insist, I'll give you the silly facts I remembered. ;)

*In Chicago, the government made the decicion(sp) not to allow any more yellow taxis to be put on the market. What did the taxi companies do to get past that law? They created orange (I think! can't remember for sure) Wolley taxis - Wolley as in yellow spelled backwards

*Cats don't have a 'true' spine (I'm not quite sure what 'true' implies, though) so they can fit through any space that's big enough for their head. I've seen this fact put to the test (not on purpose, naturally ;) ) & it's true. How was it put to the test? My grandma was vacuming & Sosi, one of her fat cats who decided he wasn't going to stick around for that, tried to run up the stairs, but there was something blocking his way, so he freaked out & went through the 4-inch-wide bars that hold up the hand rail. LOL! It was hilarious (sp?) becasue as he got the first part of his body through, his fat bunched up at the back!

*I just figured out that both my Grandma Peg & I were born on leap years, but she was much closer to leap day than I was. She was born only 3 days before it & my half birthday is 9 days before it.

I'm sure you've had your fill of sillyness for today, so I'm going to go & burn my wrists by doing tennis drills. ;) Wish me luck!

Hope you're doing as well as possible. :) God bless

Tbird/Tbone steak/Tbone "stake"/T/Shorty/Skinny (hate that one!)/Cristina Elisabeta

(Okay, so maybe I'll tell you about the history behind my nicknames tomorrow ;) )

PS Did I ever tell you about the time I pet tigers? I'll look for the pictures ('cause I know you're just DYING for more pictures from me! ;) ) & I'll send you a letter about it.

tennisluver31 <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Saturday, February 21, 2004 2:49 PM CST
Hi Cassie,
We are having a sunny day here, I hope you are having the same!

Lena {Bears who Care} <lena_bulter@yahoo.ca>
- Saturday, February 21, 2004 12:08 AM CST
Hello Cass & Mum! ~

Just got your letter today & I would be honored to update your CB page for you but I can't figure out how, so I guess I'm not much use to you right now. :(

Things around here are getting better, I guess. Mom & Josh just broke up, so mom's in pieces, but it's nice not to have River anymore & to be honest, Josh was a really nice guy (nice FRIEND, not BOYfriend) but he was too immature for mom, not to mention other things.

Hmm, I'm trying to think of something silly to say, but (surprisingly!) nothing's coming to me. (That's gotta be a first!) So I'll sleep on it & probably'll be back tomorrow. (You must be on the edge of your seat! ;) )

God bless


PS Thanks for the candy too! :) My stomach isn't doing too well right now, so I can't wait to try it tomrrow

Tbird <heaterayers@msn.com>
- Friday, February 20, 2004 4:35 PM CST
Hope sunshine is coming through your window!
Tampa, FL - Friday, February 20, 2004 10:39 AM CST
Hi Cass just stopping by to say

BEARS WHO CARE <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Thursday, February 19, 2004 11:01 PM CST
Thinking of you. Hope things are coming along.
Tampa, Fl - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 10:48 PM CST
Hey Cassie - I heard you've been having some rough days, and I hope by now they are far far behind you. Sending lots of prayers!
Tracy M. (BWC) <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Wednesday, February 18, 2004 5:39 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

Yesterday I picked up my tennis raquet for the first time in 9 months! I'm a far ways away from being ready for the courts, but I did do some drills that are meant to help your coordination, although they turned out to be more like drills to light my wrists on fire! LOL! The raquet, which weighs less than a pound, feels like it's 3 lbs.! I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but when you have to flip the raquet between each bounce of the ball (I know that probably makes no sense to you, but to explain it would take ages & I have home work I need to get to!), it gets pretty tiring! (Especailly when you haven't done it for nearly a year!) My wrists are hurting pretty bad, but luckily my skills aren't as bad as I thought they would be. Before, those drills were so easy for me, I never needed to focus on them. I could go for about 120 reps without a problem. Lately, the best I've done so far was yesterday & I was at about 70 reps before I screwed up. So that's good news! I haven't done any practicing of my serve, which I'm kind of dredding because I don't really want to know how much progress I've lost. :/ But I still can't wait for warmer weather to come & bring me closer to the courts!! :)

Hope you have a lovely day!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Tbird <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:20 PM CST
Life is going well here in Tampa, Florida. Thinking about you. Try to follow you links and see how you friends are doing. Know that you are being prayed for.
Tampa, FL - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:44 AM CST
Hi Cassie:

I hope you are doing okay and that you had a good Valentine's Daye.

I don't have an small children of my own but I am a grandmother of 7. They are April 19, Amanda 17, Andrew 15, Kevin 14, Justin 6, Chris 4 and Jacob almost 2.

Little Chris has Spinabifida but as of right now it does not hold him down any.

I am going to send you a picture of the kids that I got over Christmas.

Also we have a new puppy in our house name Taffey. He is 8 weeks old. I'm going to send you a pic of him too.

Keep you chin up girl. We are always thinking of you.

Carol McNerney <carolmcn2001@yahoo.ca>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:24 AM CST
Hey Cass

A guy at school, Brett, died last Saturday in freak accident. Please pray for the Stelzer family & Brett's friends. Thanks


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Tuesday, February 17, 2004 8:35 AM CST
Thinking about you and praying that you are doing well. Let us know how things are going.

Tampa, FL - Monday, February 16, 2004 10:22 PM CST
Hi Cassie:

I've been looking at your site. Wow you have done a great job with it. Keep up the good work.

Carol McNerney <cmcnerney@rogers.com>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Monday, February 16, 2004 7:22 AM CST
Hi Cassie:

I've been looking at your site. Wow you have done a great job with it. Keep up the good work.

Carol McNerney <cmcnerney@rogers.com>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Monday, February 16, 2004 7:19 AM CST
Hey Cassie
I heard that you're not that well lately and I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I'm thinking of you. Keep smiling!
Janet M

Janet M (Hugs and Hope)
Enniskillen, N.Ireland - Monday, February 16, 2004 6:19 AM CST
just stopping by to wish you happy Valentine's day!!

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat, TX USA - Saturday, February 14, 2004 2:48 PM CST

Happy Valentine's Day!

Love Anni, Hawk, and Maggie

Anni and Friends <annikat@annikat.org>
LaPorte, IN USA - Saturday, February 14, 2004 0:05 AM CST

I read on a H&H update that you are really struggling now..hang in there sweetie, I wish there was some way to help more but you are so far away! I made you a very special Valentine just for you, and it should be there in a bit, I'm sorry it won't be there in time for Valentine's but know I am thinking of you lots anyway:) Praying the doctor's can help you more....
big hugs,

Tracey xoxo BWC <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary, - Friday, February 13, 2004 9:39 PM CST
hiya cassie
stitch says HI! greetings from Cisca Just a little note to say Hello
and Stitch and Cisca are thinking of you and your family!


Cisca Vlietman <cisca@vlietman.com>
Nieuw Vennep, NH Holland - Friday, February 13, 2004 2:52 PM CST

Just stopping by to wish you a Happy Valentines day. Stay strong.
Heather (BWC)

Heather <momsathomex3@yahoo.ca>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Friday, February 13, 2004 1:20 PM CST
CASSIE: just stopping by to sayHope all is well with you. **Did you get your card etc?????
Charlene Mom to BECKY BUNNY

BEARS WHO CARE <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Thursday, February 12, 2004 6:59 PM CST
Thinking about you and sending big smiles. Hope we hear from you soon.
Tampa, FL - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 9:46 PM CST
Hi, just popped in to send loads of hugs. I've just done two patient visits, both to ladies with ME, and it reminded me that I popped into say hi in a while. Things have been really hectic, what with Medical School and hospital appointments etc. Not that it's any real excuse! I really hope that you get through this tough patch soon.

Praying for you

Ruth Douglas (European Chapter of Hugs and Hope) <ruthdouglas9999@hotmail.com>
Leeds, England - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 5:55 PM CST

Happy Valentine's Day!
Love, Eileen

EJ's "Caring" Place
- Wednesday, February 11, 2004 10:41 AM CST
Hi Cassie,
I heard you could use some hugs ~ I sure wish you felt better and I hope you know we are all praying for you.
Angel Chris is right - you have the most beautiful smile - God Bless you sweet Cassie,

Jean ~ Quilts of Love <jean@quiltsoflove.com >
Tucson, AZ USA - Tuesday, February 10, 2004 10:25 PM CST









CHRIS <wardsweb@earthlink.net>
LOS ANGELES, CA USA - Tuesday, February 10, 2004 2:16 AM CST
Hi Cassie, I've been thinking about you Sweetie and have been wondering how you are ...Thought I'd drop over and leave you a Valentine wish...with lots of hugs..Carolyn

Carolyn <carolynj52@ilovejesus.net>
- Tuesday, February 10, 2004 0:08 AM CST
Hoping you are having a good day!
Tracy M (BWC) <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Monday, February 9, 2004 9:15 PM CST
Hi Cassie! Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you today. Hope you're having a great day.
Paula Smith

Paula Smith (BEARS WHO CARE) <jpjcsmith@hotmail.com>
- Monday, February 9, 2004 2:15 PM CST
Hope we hear from you soon. Continuing to pray for you and your Mom...well, your Dad too, as he takes care of 'his girls!'.
Tampa, Fl - Monday, February 9, 2004 11:50 AM CST
Hi Cassie,
Just wanted to wish you a wonderful Valentines day holiday this year, surrounded by the love of your family and friends. Much love and many hugs to you girlie!

Angel Katnapper / Smile Quilts <katnap22@hotmail.com>
Bloomington, IL United States - Monday, February 9, 2004 10:07 AM CST
Hi Cass: mailed you some stuff today but :>( sorry it won't get there on time for Weather here VERY cold & snowy. Next weekend we are in a fundraiser @ church for an Irish prayer garden being built North of here @ Martyrs Shrine in a town called Midland When you feel up to it check it out on-line. It's quite the place!!
Take care & God Bless,
Charlene & Becky

- Sunday, February 8, 2004 7:19 PM CST
Helen Parody (B-W-C &H&H) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, NY USA - Sunday, February 8, 2004 10:39 AM CST
Hiya Cass! I am sorry you had a relapse. :-( I hope you are feeling much better. Sending you hugs and hoping you'll be back and updating soon, girl!
Long Island, NY United States - Saturday, February 7, 2004 8:45 PM CST
Hi Cass & Mum! ~

Just wanted to thank you both for thinking of me & replying to the emails. :) I totally understand & hope you are both getting rest.


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Saturday, February 7, 2004 8:31 AM CST
Sending all my love, Viks from Post Pals and Bears Who Care

vikki <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Saturday, February 7, 2004 0:37 AM CST
Hey Cass! ~

I've had 2 sessions with the tutor & they've been okay. Kind of boring, but alright I guess. :/ But we've only worked in English & Social Studies, so I don't know what she's planning for Science, since I still have NO grades whatsoever on my gradecard for that class. Gotta go do home work.

Hope you're feeling as good as possable!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Friday, February 6, 2004 12:26 AM CST
Hi, this is Amanda Greulich. I thought I would right to you this way. I hope to hear a response from you as soon aas you can. I'm so glad that I was able to meet you. I hope that I can continue to write to you.
Your friend,

Amanda Greulich <rgreulich@msn.com>
Ferdinand, IN United States of America - Thursday, February 5, 2004 12:06 AM CST
I don't know the translation from degrees F to degrees C...but they are calling for 80F in Tampa today. It is winter? It is just lovely here...I'm inside working but it is still beautiful!
Tampa, FL - Thursday, February 5, 2004 9:48 AM CST
Hope the sun is shining in the window where you are today. Thinking of you today and hoping to hear from you soon.
Tampa, FL - Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:59 AM CST
Hello Cassie: Hello from Illinois, USA! Wanted to stop by and let you know I was here and thinking of you. God bless, Eileen


- Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:03 AM CST
Just stopping by to let you know you are being thought of today. :) Keep a smile in your heart!!
Tracy M. <tmangin@sympatico.ca>
Windsor, ON Canada - Monday, February 2, 2004 6:29 PM CST
Dear Cassie

Greetings from very cold Holland. All our snow has melted and all that is left
behind is the cold brrrrrr nasty wind :-)
Best wishes with everything you are going through.
I will keep you in my prayers!

Cisca Vlietman

Cisca Vlietman <cisca@vlietman.com>
Nieuw Vennep, NH Holland - Monday, February 2, 2004 2:28 PM CST
just me saying hello!!
Tomorrow at 1am, i'll offocially be 23.....dude that sounds old...
Anyhow talk to you soon!

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Monday, February 2, 2004 1:35 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

The tutor was hours late, but she said she lives pretty close. She seemed nice, but could get annoying fast. :/ I have my first session Wed. 1-3 & 2nd Thur. 10:30-11:30. Wish me luck!

Hope you are as well as possible!! :-) :-D :-)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Monday, February 2, 2004 11:33 AM CST
Hi Cass: [Tried to E-mail you but it came back]
just a short note to let you know your Christmas gift for Becky arrived in todays post. What a lovely craft project!! She can't wait to get at it & is not pleased with me as I told her must get school work done first!!
Take care Charlene

BECKY BUNNY's Mom from BWC <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
Ont. Canada - Monday, February 2, 2004 10:57 AM CST
Hey there Cassie. Just stopping by to say hi and hoping that you are having a terrific day.

Paula Smith (BWC) www.caringbridge.org/ca/judson <jpjcsmith@hotmail.com>
- Monday, February 2, 2004 9:56 AM CST
Hoping to hear from you soon. Life goes on very well for me and my family. Please tell us how you, your Mum and Dad and your sister (and Ewen) are doing. Thinking of you each day!
Tampa, FL - Monday, February 2, 2004 8:18 AM CST

Hello Cassie: Just stopping by with a "hi" to wish you a good day. Thinking of you and wanted you to know. God bless. Eileen

One and all, please visit. Thanks. :) www.caringbridge.org/il/ej
- Monday, February 2, 2004 0:13 AM CST
Hey Cass! ~

We finally have our rooms moved around. I don't remember if I told you this, but my mom's boyfriend, Josh, moved in with us so I had to give up the master bedroom so he could have some closet space. (My mom still has clothes from like 15 years ago!)

The tutor is coming today & may start lessons on Monday. I'll let yeah know how it goes!

Hope you're well! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Sunday, February 1, 2004 12:05 AM CST
Hey Cassie
I hope you're having a great day. I am up (on my elbow!) but still in my PJs. Sigh. I think it's going to be one of those lazy Sundays... mmm. I hope thinks are going well for you. keep smiling!
Janet M.

Janet M (Hugs and Hope) <bubbles224uk@yahoo.co.uk>
Enniskillen, N.Ireland - Sunday, February 1, 2004 4:43 AM CST

I am stopping by to leave love,
prayers and hugs,
you are special to me!

love angel Toto <pat_totoofoz@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, January 31, 2004 10:45 PM CST
Hi there! Just stopping by to say hello! Hope all is well with you! Love, Laura and her sons
www.caringbridge.org/ca/coltonmeyer <foryoucolton@aol.com >
- Saturday, January 31, 2004 1:13 PM CST
Hi Cassie!

I hope everything is going ok, kiddo, we were expecting (or should I say, hoping?!) you would be able to update re: your Xmas awhile ago...as you said in your last post. I really hope all is well!!
My mom is back in England again, helping sort things out regarding my Nana and her estate. I think she is having some 'closure', and it's good to be with her siblings. I wish I were there too, but I don't want to leave my baby boys again, I missed them too much! I heard you had snow, at least, down south they did, Mom said it's hilarious, the whole country shuts down over 1 1/2 inches of snow! We would need 5 feet before we stopped getting around, we are rather used to it and prepared:))
Keep smiling, I love that photo of you in your mom's red room:))

Tracey xoxo BWC <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary , - Friday, January 30, 2004 11:07 PM CST
"May each of your days be filled with special moments
and with equally special people to share them with"
Cass know your a bit old but here is a Valentine for you to print and colour.

Charlene & Graham

BEARS WHO CARE <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Friday, January 30, 2004 7:28 PM CST
Hi Cass! ~

I just realized that I haven't wrote that it's 2004 at all this year, so I had to come here to do it. :) LOL! That only makes sense in my sick mind (as in I have a VERY bad cold sick, not another kind of sick)

This stupid keyboad is realy screwed up, so it will take me ages just to get to the end of this sentence. (In fact, I'm using copy & paste for most of this!) Gotta go before I pull all my hair out! Hope you are well!! :) :) :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Friday, January 30, 2004 3:08 PM CST
Have a wonderful weekend!
Tampa, FL - Friday, January 30, 2004 10:09 AM CST
Hey Cassie! ~

:D Just came by to spray silly string, mashed potatoes & finger paint all around your room, since I figured you haven't been well enough to make it to PW lately & see what a mess we've made of the BBs! :D *Whack! Hits Cass with pillow then runs to hide in the Show 'n Tell section* :D


*Remembers something, then writes quick note & slips it under Cass's door. Cass reaches down to get it & reads: "Just got a call from the tutor. She said we can start as early as Monday, if that works for me. (Don't know if it will or not yet) I have my first appt. with the cognative-whatever-you-call-it therapist next Thursday. Wish me luck! All my love, Christine*

Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Thursday, January 29, 2004 9:59 AM CST
Hi Cassie: hope these flowers bring a bit of cheer on a chilly winters day. Becky's worker Sarah is back from Scotland & the two of them are here belting out Beatles tunes & designing Valentines.

BEARS WHO CARE <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Wednesday, January 28, 2004 8:23 PM CST
Hello Cassie,
I hope it is not as cold where you are in England, yesterday it was -37C in Jasper! Even the skihill closed (but not the schools ;). Although it has warmed up a *little bit* today we still won't go outside for very long. Unfotunately the dog still wants to go for a walk :D
Lots of hugs,

Lena {Bears who Care} <lena_butler@yahoo.ca>
- Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:45 AM CST
Hope this entry finds you doing well. Is it cold in England? I guess I better figure out how to make the font small (very small) when I call the weather in Tampa, Florida 'cold'. As I hear about the bad weather in Pennsylvania (where my sister lives)...snow, ice, sleet, more ice...it makes Tampa 'cold' sound lame. I can't imagine what the cold is like further North or out West.

You reading anything interesting lately? My bedstand always has books, magazines, catalogs on it. I just love to read, but sometimes it doesn't happen until late at night. The amount of reading is much shorter at that time as my eyelids are very heavy. Right now I'm reading some great books by some women Christian writers. Barbara Johnson is my favorite. Someone has let me borrow some other authors and they are equally as nice.

Have a good day...good evening...good night...bye

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:20 AM CST
Hi Cass! ~

I made it to school today!! But I got my grade card & I got a B on my health exam & a B+ in Spanish class. :( My GPA dropped to 3.5, but hopefully once I get the grades from my other classes, it'll be raised.

Hope you're doing okay :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:29 AM CST
Hi Cassie,
Thinking of you and just wanted to drop in to say "HI".
Have a good week!

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 8:44 PM CST
Hiya Cass! ~

We had a snow day yesterday!!! Woo-hoo!! :D Gotta love those things! And it was especailly great yesterday because my cold has gotten A LOT worse. :( It's a bit better today, but I still wasn't up to school - which sucks because other than that, my body is for some odd reason feeling particularly good.

The results came back from my CT scan & I don't remember the exact words, but the dr. said that I had something in one of my nostrils that could cause pain, but other than that everything was fine. Then why does under my eyes hurt REALLY bad?!?!?

Since I'm feeling SO wonderful (yeah right!) & have no homework to do I'm going to treat myself to another movie. :) (I'm spoiling myself, I know! :D) Hope you're doing well!! :-) :) :-) :) :-) :) :-) :) :-) :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Tuesday, January 27, 2004 8:50 AM CST
Worked late last evening and starting early today...a quick note (so the day doesn't get away from me) to say 'hi' and hope that this entry finds you doing well. It was pouring in Tampa, FL this morning but the sun has found its way through the clouds. Well it is not like I do more than 'drive' in the rain anyhow, but I love looking out on the rain and the sun. No chance of snow appearing out my window, but there are hail storms not far away. We'll see what happens. Of course, I have the cockatoo to tell talk 'at me' when she decides!
Tampa, FL - Tuesday, January 27, 2004 8:15 AM CST
Well I thought I had added Guestbook Entries last weeek, but I see my last one was 1/20 and that was a whole week ago. Sorry!

Had a wonderful weekend. People who were outside on Saturday, without sun screen, actually have a bit of sunburn on their faces. I wasn't outside that long, but we did enjoy watching my nephew's soccer game. Unlike 2 weeks before when the cold wind (and it was cold) hit you in the face, this past Saturday it was very warm! The sun was shining and we had on short sleeves!

Thinking of you...even though I missed a week of telling you so. Praying that you and your Mom are doing well. Almost the end of February...hope January is going well for you.

Tampa, FL - Monday, January 26, 2004 9:14 PM CST
Hi Cassie! This is my first visit to your web page and just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and sending lots of prayers and positive energy your way. Hope you're having a great day.
Paula Smith
Bears Who Care

Paula Smith www.caringbridge.org/ca/judson <jpjcsmith@hotmail.com>
Lion's Head, Ont Canada - Monday, January 26, 2004 8:53 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~


Hope you're as well as possible!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Sunday, January 25, 2004 12:13 AM CST
Hi Cass:)

Great to hear you had a good day, praying that it will be a contiuing trend:) Looking forward very much to hearing your news.....lots of positive energy coming your way!
Hugs to you,

Tracey xoox BWC <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary, - Saturday, January 24, 2004 11:52 PM CST

Hope you are good today. Another cold day here in Canada. Thanks for your update. Stay safe and strong.
Heather (Bears who Care)

Heather <momsathomex3@yahoo.ca>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Friday, January 23, 2004 8:10 AM CST
Hello Cassie from the VERY COLD STATE OF ILLINOIS!!! LOL But, the sun was shining - it's a beautiful day. Just stopping by to let you know you were in my thoughts and prayers and to send some (((hugs))) your way. Hoping for a good day for you. God bless, Eileen
- Friday, January 23, 2004 3:05 AM CST
Cassie: just dropping by to say hope all that cold weather hasn't got you down with flu or strep throats that seem to be flying around. Thanks for the E-mail ya sent Becky :O)

BEARS WHO CARE <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Thursday, January 22, 2004 9:19 PM CST
Hi Cassie, just stopping in to let you know we are thinking about you.(Bears Who Care)
Christopher E. <teckhardt@sympatico.ca>
Kitchener, ON Canada - Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:32 PM CST
Hi Cassie - Here's hopeing your regaining some of your energy! I've got you in my prayers
Leslie Bear for Bears Who Care <theschmids@shaw.ca>
Calgary, Canada - Thursday, January 22, 2004 7:45 PM CST
Dropping by from your Quilts of Love family to leave Hugs and Wishes for all good things in the New Year...
Hugs Carolyn

Carolyn <carolynj52@ilovejesus.net>
- Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:23 PM CST
Well there is one more licensed driver on the road in Tampa, Florida. My daughter passed got her license on the weekend. Got insurance today (a must have)! She's responsible (Mother says with a worried look...thinking: but how about all the rest of the drivers out there?)

Thinking of you and hoping this entry finds you doing well,

Tampa, FL - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 8:44 PM CST
Greetings Cass: just hopping in to say we are thinking about & praying for you. Sure hope your weater better than ours as even with fire lit its cold in our home.
Charlene & Graham from BEARS WHO CARE

gcb <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Monday, January 19, 2004 7:06 PM CST
Hi Cassie,
Just dropping in to say hello!!!!!!!!
Take care
Visit Sams Page

Sara joy <m.joy@tesco.net >
uk - Monday, January 19, 2004 5:31 PM CST
Hiya Cass! ~

How 's the weather there? It's FREEEEEZING over here!! It's not too bad in Ohio (we're used to the temps we've been getting) but in some of the New England states it got to -100 degrees F with wind chill factor!!

I had my CT scan today & I should get resolts by Wed.

I had so much fun at Church yesterday!! & Holly (my Uncle Gary's girlfriend) & I are planning on going to this thing next Sat. called Discovering CWC. (Columbus Worship Center) They've never really gotten into the details of what goes on there, but if you want to truely be considered a member, you have to go to this thing. It's from 1-5 so I'm more than a little nervous about what that will do to my health, but I'm still going to do it.

I'm gonna go watch another movie - or at least try to. :( I'm at my grandparent's house & the DVD player is screwed up, so I don't know how well it's going to work.

Hope today is another good day!!!! :) :) :) :) :)


PS Just a random thought, (no pun intended) but I don't think I ever told you that the nerological (sp??) test or whatever it was I was supposed to take, I'm not going to since Dr. Brown (the pain management therapist) said I had no problems that he could tell would be worth taking that test for.

Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Monday, January 19, 2004 2:53 PM CST
Wonderful update in your Journal today! I'm sure it is a good day WITH many good days to follow! As for a 'sleep bank manager' I'm not sure you'll need one...as your days get better and better. Praying that it truly comes true and future Journal entries tell us so!

The performance of Jesus Christ SuperStar in Tampa, Florida was wonderful. My daughters and I listened to the CDs on the way to meet their Dad for dinner. They reminded me who was singing what and what they were enacting. It was a good refresher as I was in high school when this musical/play first came to Broadway (and they've reworked some of the music scores) I would have had a hard time following who was who. Rented some mini-binoculars, found our seats in the balcony, and enjoyed act after act after act. During the intermission the girls quickly critiqued the live performance to the movie performance, and the live singing to the CD. Oh, they got cool t-shirts as well. It was a very good evening...didn't say much about my Husband's opinions, but he liked it as well.

Update when you can. Drop new photos in as well. Until then know I am thinking of you!

Tampa, Fl - Monday, January 19, 2004 2:04 PM CST
HI CASS I tried to E-mail you several times but they keep coming back :>( It's nice to see an update & I look forward to hearing how you are doing. Hope this graphic helps cheer you up.

BEARS WHO CARE <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Sunday, January 18, 2004 3:52 PM CST
Hi there Cassie

Just a little note to say im thinking of you today .. Kind Regards

Cisca Vlietman


Cisca Vlietman <cisca@vlietman.com>
nieuw vennep, NH Holland - Sunday, January 18, 2004 11:28 AM CST
CASSIE miss hearing from you gal & pray everything is ok. Please let us know. Your Canadian pals,
Charlene Graham & BECKY BUNNY

BWC <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Saturday, January 17, 2004 9:15 PM CST
Cassie: sorry I haven't checked in with you in awhile both my Mom & Dad have been sick & I'm not allowed on-line by myself. How are you doing my friend?? I'm worrying cause there is no update. Write soon ok

BEARS WHO CARE <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Saturday, January 17, 2004 4:19 PM CST
Hi Cass!Just wanted to say Hi. Thanks again for the picture. Hope all is well. I mailed a letter to you today. Take Care! Fondly,
Annie <AnneSchug@aol.com>
Utica, NY USA - Saturday, January 17, 2004 1:42 AM CST
Hope this entry finds you doing well. Please let us know how things are at your house especially yourself. Have a good weekend.

Going to see Jesus Christ Superstar (Play/Opera) this evening at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center. It was a surprise Christmas gift for my daughters. We will meet their Dad for dinner and then on to the play...my girls are familiar with the play and the music, but seeing it live will be a first.

Tampa, FL - Friday, January 16, 2004 7:56 AM CST
Hi Cass! ~

I went to school AGAIN!!!!! :D :D :D But I went to take the 2 English tests, but the teacher wouldn't give them to Mr Comstock so I could take it in his room (because she thought I wanted to take them home to do), so I thought I'd go in today & ask her for them. Only she had an emergency before I arrived so she had to leave. Now I have to take those tomorrow with the rest of my Spanish make up stuff. But the visit wasn't totally wasted, because I got to take home my Health exam & picked up the rest of my Global Studies work, so whenever I'm finished with that I can do my exam. & I talked to my counselor (sp?) & she said that I could finish my exams with the tutorer (sp?), which should start coming in about 2 weeks.

Gotta go study some more. Hope you're feeling okay!! :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Thursday, January 15, 2004 8:56 AM CST
Hope you are getting lots of rest these days. I know that you were 'storing' rest before the holidays and now I guess you are 'storing' again...or are you 'restocking'? Anyhow know that I am thinking about you, your Mom and your Dad (taking care of 'his girls').

Take Care,

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, January 14, 2004 10:49 AM CST
Hi Cass! ~

I went to school today! That's THREE DAYS IN A ROW!!!!!! Woo-hoo!! & not only that, but I've gone in early (7 o'clock) & done about 3 1/2 hrs worth of work in less than 1 1/2!! I only have one more thing to make up, & I'll do that on Fri. Gotta go study for my English tests tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Hope you're doing fine & are getting more sleep than I am; I feel like I'm on steroids, minus the jitteryness. (is jitteryness even a word???)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Wednesday, January 14, 2004 8:38 AM CST
Hi Cassie Hope you are OK as not used to you going so long without an update. Pray your weather better than ours as was down to -40C with wind chill last week & they are predicting -30C for rest of this week!!!!!!!!!! Becky sends her love & a big ((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))
Charlene from BEARS WHO CARE

cb <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Tuesday, January 13, 2004 7:37 PM CST
we just sopped in to tell you hello and we are parying for you and your family at this time of need. I have a son that would like to if you guys can chage address so that we can keep up with you. www.caringbridge.org/nc/kyle1989
kyle P.O Box 1782 Denver NC 28037

Crystal and kyle <brownsuperstar89@aol.com>
Denver, nc catwab - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 6:49 PM CST
just stopping by to say hi and i was here!!
No pretty pictures today but maybe soon **smile**

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 6:13 PM CST
Hi Cass! ~

Just wanted to say thanks for your prayers & that I made it through another day at school!! Yay! & I did it after a night of maybe 4 hrs of sleep! Tomorrow I still have to go in early to make up Spanish, then take the other 1/2 of my Spanish exam. Thursday I'm going to try to go in early for Spanish again & take my 2 English tests. Friday I'll hopefuly take my Global Studies & Health exams & probably go in early. That's the plan. Who knows what will actually happen! Then next week I'll have to take my English exam & figure out my science home work that I don't understand (& some of the stuff I've litterally had for 3 months!) then take that exam. Did that just make you as dizzy as it did me? I'm just glad I droppef geometry!

Gotta study. Hope you're well!! :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Tuesday, January 13, 2004 8:40 AM CST
Do you have early mornings there? We have one daughter that gets up at 5:30a and is out the door by 6:30a. Usually her Dad makes the trip into school with her and then goes on to work himself. I'm up with the next daughter who gets up at 6:30a and is out the door by 7:50a. I make a u-turn at the school and come back home to work. For the last 2 days I've been on the '5:30a' shift as my husband has been ill. Boy do you get tired when all you do is get up one hour earlier. I really yearn for my bed right after the evening meal. I'm sure there are lots of people with even earlier shifts, but this old gal has hit her limit.

Hope you are doing well. Still have the Holiday decorations up? We do...no guilt...I love them.

Thinking of you,

Tampa, FL - Tuesday, January 13, 2004 7:52 AM CST
Just stopping by to say hello! Love, Laura
www.caringbridge.org/ca/coltonmeyer <foryoucolton@aol.com >
- Monday, January 12, 2004 9:47 PM CST
Hi Cassie,
Sorry I haven't been in to say hello in such a long time!! How are you doing in all this COLD weather we are freezing down south & I know you are getting it much colder up there. Have you had any snow? I've seen it on the TV but so far we've only had a few flakes. I'm glad you had a good christmas, & hope you had a good new year. Did you see they stopped the celebrations in Edinbrugh [however you spell it!]because of the weather, I bet there were a lot of disappointed people up there that night. Sam started his first day at school today, he is in the nursery & goes 9 till 11.30. He is so excited to finally be a big boy like Tom. Oh well I'd better go, I'll be back again soon.
Take care
Visit Sams Page

Sara joy <m.joy@tesco.net >
uk - Monday, January 12, 2004 2:22 PM CST
Hope you had a good weekend.
Tampa, FL - Monday, January 12, 2004 11:54 AM CST
Hi Cassie: I hope you get your goal and prove the doctors wrong. You have a great website and I love your quilt.
Carol McNerney <carolmcn2001@yahoo.cm>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Monday, January 12, 2004 10:26 AM CST
Hi Cass! ~

Just dropping by to say hey & ask you to pray for me. This is exam week & the end of the 2nd quarter, so I'm going to try to take 3 of my exams, take 2 English tests & make up about 3 1/2 hrs. of Spanish speaking comprehensions in probably less than 2. Gotta go study.

Hope you're feeling as well as possable!! :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
- Monday, January 12, 2004 8:27 AM CST
Hi there Cassie

I just watched the movie Finding Nemo and I thought it was so funny! Especially Bruce, oh did he make me Giggle!
Have you see it yet? Oh if you havent I wont say anymore incase I spoil it
Just a little note to say Im thinking of you !
Kindest Regards
Cisca Vlietman

( Bears-who-care )

Cisca Vlietman <cisca@vlietman.com>
nieuw veneep, NH Holland - Saturday, January 10, 2004 6:53 PM CST

Well Cass I' must admit I'm very worried about you. You don't often go so long & not update us.
Temps here are so cold I feel like these 2 polar bears even with the wood fire going. Be good & fill us in when you can.
Charlene from Bears who care.

cb <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Friday, January 9, 2004 4:39 PM CST
Hi Cass: Just popping in to see how you are - was thinking about you today - hope you are smiling!
Take care -


Leslie Bear <theschmids@shaw.ca>
Bears who Care, Calgary - Friday, January 9, 2004 3:44 PM CST
Another weekend on us...I hope yours is good. Please let us know how your New Years went. How was your visit with your sister and future brother-in-law? Let us also know when you post new photos...I'll take one more look at that neat inflatable pool!

Thinking of you often,

Tampa, FL - Friday, January 9, 2004 9:48 AM CST
Hi Cassie: So happy you enjoyed your holidays with your family. I haven't mentioned this before, but you look SO much like my husband's niece, Katie! Just wanted to come by, sign the book and let you know you were in my thoughts. You have some wonderful graphics in the guestbook, gee---I wish I knew how to do that!! Anyone reading this - if you know how, I would love to have you share the info!! Have a good day Cassie, I will be back to check-in. Take care. Eileen
- Friday, January 9, 2004 2:23 AM CST
Hi Cass! ~

Went to school today! That makes twice in one week! I'm on a roll!! ;) But when I got home (@ 8:30) I went to sleep & just woke up @ noon. It turns out that it might be my new pain meds that's doing this instead of the sleeping ones. :/

Hope you're recovering from Christmas nicely!! :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Thursday, January 8, 2004 11:37 AM CST
Hi Cassie, Just dropping by to wish you a happy New Year and to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers. (Bears Who Care)
Tracy Eckhardt www.caringbridge.org/canada.christophersstory <teckhardt@sympatico.ca>
Kitchener, ON Canada - Thursday, January 8, 2004 0:24 AM CST
Hi Cassie,
Just dropping by to wish you a Happy New Year and hope you are resting a lot and recovering from all the holidays. You are in my thoughts and my prayers.

Jean - Quilts of Love <quiltsoflove@quiltsoflove.com>
- Wednesday, January 7, 2004 9:44 PM CST
Just dropped by to let you know that I've been thinking of you...So glad you had a wonderful Christmas..Praying here that you'll get completely rested..Hugs Carolyn

Carolyn <carolynj52@ilovejesus.net>
- Wednesday, January 7, 2004 8:07 PM CST

Well Cass we sure hope it isn't this cold!! LOL We are thinking of & praying you are getting stronger.
Charlene & your pal BECKY BUNNY

cb <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Wednesday, January 7, 2004 4:30 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

I had a GREAT dr.'s appt. yesterday!! :D Yay! :) But since I just woke up @ 2 o'clock (new sleeping meds combined w/ exhaustion from going 2 school & walking around a HUGE hospital) I think I'll write a letter 2 u about it n a few days.

Happy resting!! :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 1:19 PM CST
Boy the temperature drops a little bit in Tampa, Florida and we all act like a real 'cold front' has moved in. By this afternoon the temperature will surely rise, won't be hot though...

First day back to school and work went well. We're ready for a new batch of holidays!

Thinking of you,

Tampa, Fl - Wednesday, January 7, 2004 9:07 AM CST
Glad to hear you had a Merry Christmas. Ours (my 2 daughters, husband and myself) was a very relaxing Christmas and New Years. We started back to work (and school) today. Will keep the Christmas decorations up for a bit...really like seeing them well into the new year.
Tampa, FL - Tuesday, January 6, 2004 7:52 AM CST
I'm glad you had a good Christmas. May 2004 give you many things to smile about.
Stephanie and RachelJoy <sstrom@quik.com>
- Sunday, January 4, 2004 6:00 PM CST
Happy New Year Cassie! I hope you had fun. I went to bed early, so much for being a party-person LOL.
Lena {Bears who Care} <lena-butler@yahoo.ca>
- Saturday, January 3, 2004 3:33 PM CST
Stopping by to say hi and to wish you a very happy new year. May the new year bring better things for you.Hugs & smiles Helen
Helen Parody (B-W-C) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, N.Y. USA - Saturday, January 3, 2004 3:15 PM CST
Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!!!

Sandra - http://sendingourlove.org <sandra@sendingourlove.org>
temple city, c usa - Friday, January 2, 2004 8:11 PM CST

Hi Cassie: hope you are feeling stronger today. You sure have a ton of graphics on here :O) & I love them all. Take care & watch your mail as we'll be sending you something soon.
Charlene from BEARS WHO CARE

CB <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Friday, January 2, 2004 6:36 PM CST
I was going to give you a graphic but tonite it won't work :>( How is your New Year so far?? Mine is OK so far but come Monday Mom says we need to get back to doing Homeschool again & I'll also be starting back with Spring term of young singers & craft classes.
Bye for now,

bb <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Friday, January 2, 2004 5:03 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

Thanks so much for the ecard!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) I was a little late coming here to post a happy new year wish, too. Oh well, it's still appreciated!! Thank you - and I really mean that. (Because you really didn't have to use your ever-so-precious [unfortunantly *sighs*] energy on me!)

I'm doing. . .okay. I'm not feeling too well but I've still been able to do a good amount of my regular things, so that's a blessing. Two days ago I had Abby come over to help me with homework then went to the movie theater, so that took a lot out of me, but I'm copeing.

And speaking of the movie - it was amazing!! Not even CLOSE to the book, but I sort of expected that.

I'm pretty sure I wanted to tell you something else, but again I've forgotten. *sigh* Guess I'll talk to you later!


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Friday, January 2, 2004 8:14 AM CST

Hope you are doing well i should be back online more permanently in about a week. Hope you are doing well.


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Thursday, January 1, 2004 7:45 PM CST


Kristal <kdickson39@aol.com>
Wilmer, Al USA - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 10:36 PM CST

Happy New Year!! Am partying with friends tonight over KFC and snakcs but hope to talk to you again soon.
Happy New Year!!


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 7:53 PM CST

Cisca <cisca@vlietman.com>
- Wednesday, December 31, 2003 9:26 AM CST
Dear Cassie
I hope you had a Merry Merry Christmas and That Santa brought you lots of nice Pressies . Well today is the last day of 2003, Im praying that 2004 is going to be a good year for all of us! Im going to stay home tonight to be with my kitty cat, because the Fireworks really are loud and she gets scared! , I have got the finding Nemo dvd to watch tonight .Anyhow, best regards to you and your family, kindest regards Cisca

Cisca Vlietman <cisca@vlietman.com>
Nieuw Vennep, NH Holland - Wednesday, December 31, 2003 8:57 AM CST

I have to head to bed early tonight and then i'll be offline for a few days but hopefully by January 8th i'll be back online. Hope you have a happy new year:)


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Tuesday, December 30, 2003 7:48 PM CST

hello!! I am going to try reallll hard to be awake later tonight and hopefully catch you on. hope you are doing ok.


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Monday, December 29, 2003 6:35 PM CST
Hi Cassie - Sorry to hear that you had to spend Christmas in bed - but it sounds like you a had a pretty good day in spite of it!
WE had a pretty crazy Christmas here this year - but that's what kids are all about right?
I hope that you can stick to your resolution and take it easy - be kind to yourself young lady - I'll check in on you again soon

Leslie Bear <theschmids@shaw.ca>
Bears Who Care, Calgary - Monday, December 29, 2003 4:17 PM CST
Cassie: sorry you had to spend Christmas in bed but sounds like you had a great time :o)
As you can see Tracey also figured out the graphics LOL & here is our wish 4 U

Take Care xoxo MAMA & LITTLE BEAR from Bears Who Care

aka Charlene & Becky <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Monday, December 29, 2003 3:21 PM CST
Hi there! Hope you are feeling better. :) Colton and family
.org/ca/coltonmeyer <foryoucolton@aol.com >
- Sunday, December 28, 2003 9:06 PM CST

One of these days my sleep schedule and your will be condusive to conversation at the same hour! lol My bracelet turned my arm green lol so it helps but i gotta buy one cuz dragon colored skin is just not the new fashion this season lol


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Sunday, December 28, 2003 7:57 PM CST
Hoping you enjoyed your Christmas and may 2004 be filled with love, peace and hope. God bless. Eileen
www.caringbridge.org/il/ej ALL ARE WELCOME! :)
- Sunday, December 28, 2003 2:21 PM CST
Hi Cassie :) Hope you had a really good Christmas, and aren't too worn out with all the holiday madness! I had a really mad Christmas, there were 17 people in my house, 7 of them under 11. It is very sweet having kids around on Christmas day, but it does make for absolute chaos and mess!

Hope you are okay and enjoying all your Christmas presents!

God Bless
Love Ruth

Ruth Douglas (European Chapter of Hugs and Hope) <ruthdouglas9999@hotmail.com>
Manchester, England - Sunday, December 28, 2003 3:47 AM CST

Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year to you and yours! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Cass, be sure to tell us all about it!

love and hugs,

Tracey xoxo bwc <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary, - Sunday, December 28, 2003 3:16 AM CST
Hi Cassie: hope you had a great Christmas Viks is attempting to teach us @ BEARS WHO CARE how to get graphics onto guestbook pages so I hope this works.

MAMA BEAR aka Charlene Mom 2 your pal BECKY BUNNY

cb <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Saturday, December 27, 2003 8:08 PM CST

Sending a little bird your way to sing you a song.


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Saturday, December 27, 2003 7:51 PM CST
Im thinking of you, Love Viks from Post Pals and Bears who care

viks <viks@postpals.co.uk>
- Friday, December 26, 2003 11:00 PM CST

just popping by to say hello!


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Friday, December 26, 2003 8:02 PM CST
Hello Cass,

Hope you had a very nice Christmas. I just popped in to say thank you for visiting the Christmas pages I created for another group of mine. Hope you enjoyed your visit there. Have a great New Year and I will keep you in my prayers for a recovery in 2004.

Hugs and Blessings,
Angel of John Michael
Simply Enchanting Angels

Angel of John Michael <christy7@galenalink.net>
Galena, IL USA - Friday, December 26, 2003 6:17 PM CST
Hi Cass! ~

I got your email from your dad. You are very welcome :) And thank you SOOO much for my Christmas gifts too!! I'm sending a thank you letter out today or tomorrow Hope you're doing well!! :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Friday, December 26, 2003 8:53 AM CST

I hope that you had the best Christmas possible today. Thanks to friends like you who thoroughly spoiled me i did lol:) I'll have to send you a package later next month things got wrapped up....(or lack thereof) around here **looks around confused tied up with christmas colored duct tape**


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Thursday, December 25, 2003 7:59 PM CST
We're dropping by to let you know we're thinking of you this Christmas season. May you have all your heart desires.

Loni and Angel Codi

Loni <salemdualsport@aol.com>
Salem, OR USA - Thursday, December 25, 2003 2:51 AM CST

Merry Christmas from dabrat clan!!


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 7:48 PM CST
Merry Chirstmas

Random Acts of Kindness

Hey just stoping by to wish your a very MERRY CHIRSTMAS =)
wes my site

wesley p. bethea <wesbethea@yahoo.com>
montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 5:08 PM CST

Just wanted to drop by real quick and wish you all a great holiday and a Healthy and Happy 2004!
Chris ~ Gooch's Site ~
- Wednesday, December 24, 2003 1:10 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

Taking of care of River: day 2 had some eventful things in it, but at the moment I can't remember them! I'm a little brain fogged/scatter-brained. :/

Anyhoo, IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! Last night I was trying to figure out the date & I was really screwed up because my mom did one of her weekly routines a day early, so I thought Christmas Eve had passed without me even knowing it! LoL! So, panicked, I called my grandma (because my mom was wrapping gifts, and I didn't want to leave bed anyway) & she confermed that it was just the 23rd. *whew* ;D

But the spot on my back is not getting better. Actually, it's worse. :( I wore the lidoderm patch last Sun. (which was the 1st time in forever!) & the little spots that had gone away came back & the big one got worse. So I'm waiting for the new prescription (who knows what it is!) to get to my house since some misunderstanding/forgetfulness happened somewhere between the pharmacy & me, but I'm not quite sure where . . .

Happy Christmas!!


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Wednesday, December 24, 2003 7:53 AM CST
Hi Cassie: just popping by one last time before "Midnite" Mass & gift openings (*well we actually do the childrens Mass & its at 7PM) to wish you a very Merry Christmas.
HEY your pal Viks has joined our group!! :o)
Charlene & Becky from BEARS WHO CARE

C&B <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Tuesday, December 23, 2003 8:52 PM CST

I really wish my sleep schedule would cooperate more as i havent talked to you in days! I'm having withdrawels!:O
I got a magnetic bracelet today as a Christmas Present, i
m going to write about it when i update in a few but i think it's helping some.
Hope you are doing well.


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 8:05 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

Just thought you'd like to see my inventory


Acidents: 1 very small one where Smoke hissed at her & she just sat down and went. There would have been another one, caused by Bonnie, had I not just taken her outside.

Total walks: 4

River's walks: 3 & since she didn't have a leash or collar (she has the collar now though!) it was a bit difficult to keep her from going over to Sam, the neighbor's rotweiler (sp?) or getting stuck under the deck!

Bonnie's walks: 1, which is what I normally give her. I think she felt a little betraed!

Number of pictures taken: I didn't count, but I'd say about 10! LoL! But they're not for me, just for me to send to H&H people

Nickname I Created for Her: Rivendell LoL! I know, I'm cheesy :D

Percent of time River speant barking: About 50%

So, I guess all in all, it wasn't so bad - except I'm exhausted & I have another day of it today! But there was one good thing - because of the barking, mom said I could forget the $10 I owe her! Yay! LoL!

Hope you have a less eventful day than me! (I don't mean that as an insult!)


Your very tired friend <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 7:55 AM CST
Hi Cassie, just popping in to say


Hope you have a good Christmas, have a nice time with your family and get some lovely presents :)

God Bless
Love Ruth

Ruth Douglas (European Chapter of Hugs and Hope) <ruthdouglas9999@hotmail.com>
Manchester (at the moment lol!), England - Tuesday, December 23, 2003 5:07 AM CST
Hi Cass!!

Hope you have a Happy Christmas and New Year! Sending you Hugs!

Your Friend,

long island, ny united states - Monday, December 22, 2003 11:01 PM CST

We ended up getting like 5 viruses on the computer here today so i know i won't be on long with sharing this crazy machine with 3 other people. I hope to catch up with you soon, i miss talking....I'm about to bust with anticipation with all the presents certain people sent me lol


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Monday, December 22, 2003 9:39 PM CST
Oh My Sam & Ben have been here too.........LOL I'm wishing all the BWC kids a Merry Christmas & my good buds are everywhere but boy did they gain weight in Florida over the American thanksgiving!! ;>)
Cassie: How are you doing?? Are you excited for Santa to come??
I'm going to make a Christmas log for my Grandma on Tuesday morning (*the cake not icecream kind) Sure wish you were here & I could share some with you :>) over hot chocolate or perhaps a cup of tea.
Merry Christmas Love,
BECKY BUNNY (9 yr old)

just me dropping by <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
Ont Canada, - Monday, December 22, 2003 4:19 PM CST

Love everyone at Post Pals

Post Pals <info@postpals.co.uk>
- Monday, December 22, 2003 1:27 PM CST
hi Cass,

just stopping by to wish you and your family
a very merry christmas

karel (hugs&hope) <kidwellk2002@yahoo.com>
annandale, va usa - Monday, December 22, 2003 12:10 AM CST
hi hun!

just popped by to wish you a merry christmas and a healthy new year! i hope you are doing ok! i opened your pressie yesterday and loved it! iv been pearing at different pages all day! im also afriad that the celebrations are gone already! eep!

oh and i got the card and photo today so thanks alot huh. i hope your christmas is an ok one and if you ever need anything give me a yell ok?

thinking of you

Elle - http://www.caringbirdge.org/me/elle <Gorgeousel@aol.com>
- Monday, December 22, 2003 9:49 AM CST
Hey Cass! ~

We have another new addition to the family. Bonnie has a little sister!! She's a husky & her name is River. (Doesn't have a middle name yet, but I'll let you know what it is when I find out. ;) ) The only problem is she's a puppy - a 7 1/2 week old puppy. :( I REALLY don't think this is going to be good for my health to have to look after a puppy, especially since she doesn't even have a collar or leash to walk her with! She's a sweetie, but since mom put her in her cage, she hasn't shut up!! :/

But I have other good news! I went to Church yesterday - which is the first time since this summer. :) Yay!

Gotta go. Happy early Christmas! Hope you're doing well! :)


PS I'll try to send you a picture of River when I tell you how the Xmas party went.

Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Monday, December 22, 2003 6:35 AM CST

Sorry i keep missing you on MSN i havent been able to stay awake very lately reccently, this naty flu-ish thing here is kicking my butt. hope you are doing ok.


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Sunday, December 21, 2003 8:20 PM CST
Hi Cassie: gee I wish I knew how to send a picture in the guestbook.
So you got the snowflake & Nameplates already!! I thought your Mom & Dad would enjoy the "Enter @ Own Risk" one ;O)
So is your room all ready decorated~Becky & I would love to see some photos OR if you'd like send & I'll post on Bears Who Care site.
~~~~~~~~I'm sure you'll go down & eat with family & friends or do they visit in your room?? We lit candle for you & will again Christmas eve. big (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))
Charlene 4 BEARS WHO CARE.

MAMA BEAR <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Sunday, December 21, 2003 7:44 PM CST
stopping by to wish you a very happy holiday season. Love, Colton and family
www.caringbridge.org/ca/coltonmeyer <foryoucolton@aol.com >
- Sunday, December 21, 2003 2:46 PM CST

Jean - Quilts of Love <quiltsoflove@quiltsoflove.com>
- Sunday, December 21, 2003 2:01 PM CST

My kittens here think they are Christmas presents, they are always laying under our tree
looking so cute and innocent, but you just know they are up to more mischeif.
so this picture made me smile, hope it makes you smile too.


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
TX USA - Saturday, December 20, 2003 8:52 PM CST
Hiya Cassie! ~

The 'error' I was talking about @ the PW 'yay, a game!' post was the spelling of my newest cousin's name - it's Willem, not William, though it's pronouced in the traditional way. My family is weird. My Aunt Polly, whose child he is, has the middle name of Elaine (sp?) but her mom didn't know how to spell it, so on her birth certificate it says something like Elyanne so it's pronouced "eelie-ann"! LoL!

I wrote you a short letter. . .um. . .a few days ago. (Don't remember exactly when!) I didn't have enough energy to tell you about the party, but hopefully since winter break has started I'll be more up to it. Not that I don't have home work though. :( I have TONS of science, TONS of Spanish, a Global Studies test to do & Frankenstein to read for English. :/

Gotta go do the GS test now. Hope you're feeling well!! Bye! :)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Saturday, December 20, 2003 8:13 AM CST

Just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas. And to brag because this is the first picture i have succeeded in posting ever!! I cant' see it very well but my roommates assure me its there and its pretty lol!


Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
Panhandle Plains, TX USA - Friday, December 19, 2003 8:18 PM CST
Hi Cassie - Merry Christmas to YOU!
I was glad to read that your room is so beautifully decorated! I'm sure it looks gorgeous! Tell your Mom I'm thinking about her too and wish the happiest of Holiday Seasons for all of you!
((((Hugs)))) from

Leslie Bear <theschmids@shaw.ca>
Bears who Care, Calgary - Friday, December 19, 2003 8:13 PM CST
Hi Cassie:))

Sorry to hear the meds are making you so sleepy,but I'm happy to hear you are all ready for Xmas:) How do the decorations that Dad put up look? I bet great!
Poor Mom, tell her we are keeping her in our thoughts also. We hope you all have a marvelous Christmas together:)) Will they be able to get you up to the table for dinner? (with the sunlounger, like last time??) I hope so!! Or else, move the party to your room:) Will Jess and Ewan be there also??
Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

Tracey, Steve, Quinn and Callum xoxox BWC <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary, - Friday, December 19, 2003 7:38 PM CST
Hi Cassie, haven't stopped by for a while but I just thought I'd drop in and wish you a happy Xmas.
HelenH <geordielass999@hotmail.com>
Newcastle, http://www.caringbridge.org/page/helenhudspith - Friday, December 19, 2003 3:41 PM CST
Hi Cassie

Just popping in to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I love your picture :)

God bless and keep you strong
Jacqui n Michelle

jacqui fray <ladyslix@hotmail.com>
liverpool, united kingdom - Friday, December 19, 2003 11:32 AM CST
Hi Cassie,
Just a little note to say Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

Cisca Vlietman <cisca@vlietman.com>
NIeuw Vennep, NH Holland - Thursday, December 18, 2003 5:08 PM CST
Hope you are resting well. Has your room been decorated? Is your sister and Ewen coming home for the holidays?

Thinking of you often. Hope your Mom is doing well...oh, and also Dad who keeps his 'girls' happy!

Merry Christmas,

Tampa, FL - Thursday, December 18, 2003 12:51 AM CST
Hi Cassie,Just stopping by to say hi and let you know I was thinking of you. Happy Holidays! Hope your mom doing better. Hugs & Smiles Helen
Helen Parody (b-w-c) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, NY USA - Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:54 AM CST
Hi Cassie, Just stopping in to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hope those decorations bring a big smile to your face.:)
Tracy Eckhardt (Bears Who Care) www.caringbridge.org/canada/christophersstory <teckhardt@sympatico.ca>
Kitchener, ON Canada - Thursday, December 18, 2003 8:19 AM CST
Hi Cassie: just popping in to see how you are doing. Think I could borrow some of your Rx I need the sleep :o)
So you're ready Hey there are just 6 days ~7 big sleeps~ till Santa comes!!
Remember be good.............he knows what you are doing....
Has your snowflake arrived yet?? I hope your Dad puts it up in your room.
Today Becky gets to meet her Respite Worker Sarah's boyfriend from Scotland as he is here for visit over holidays.
Charlene or Becky

Mama & Little Bear <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
Canada - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 7:59 PM CST
REALLY having problems focusing on work. As I have said in the past, I work from home. Well the Christmas decorations and wanting to do some baking and do general Christmas stuff makes it hard to sit in front of the computer and do work. I need to concentrate: today and tomorrow then I'm on holiday, today and tomorrow...today and tomorrow...

It is funny each year to watch the bird's reaction to the Christmas tree. She can fly and doesn't know what to make of this new addition to the family room. Never mind the look she gives when we turn on the lights each evening. Thanks goodness she'd rather stay away from it than land on it or I'd have a mess of broken ornaments and bird droppings in the tree...not really 'holiday cheer'!

Thinking of you in those bright red sheets with your cute smile and hoping that the decorations are making your room very bright!

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, December 17, 2003 8:47 AM CST

Sam and Ben are certainly creative, aren't they?! They were clowning around and with a simple hat, paper towels for a beard, and lots of pillows...emphasize LOTS....they came up with these costumes that they wanted to share with you. I don't know, I think Ben (on the right) looks more like a very well fed Sumo wrestler!

It was fun to see them waddling around, and FORGET trying to sit down...they plopped right off the chairs. (That is, the chairs they managed to even make contact with. With so much stuffing, they couldn't see where they were aiming and usually ended up on the floor. They didn't feel a thing with so much padding, though!) They eventually gave up, so the costumes weren't on very long, needless to say. Thank goodness, I was worried about my pillows' stuffing!

We're thinking about you here in Houston! (It was 75 degrees here today, can you believe that?!)

cathie Feathers 'n Smiles Texas, Haldago Bay http://haldago.org <haldago@earthlink.net>
houston, - Monday, December 15, 2003 10:55 PM CST
Put up the Christmas tree yesterday. Both my daughters and husband helped. It is an artificial tree, but I love it just the same (as a real one). Both girls were studying for finals this week but they took a break to put on MANY ornaments. I have ones from when I was a young girl and I buy new ornaments for them each year. At some point in the future I will give them all of THEIR ornaments to start their own trees.

One more week of work for me and then I'm on vacation for a few weeks. Love hearing the Christmas songs and have gotten a new 'music box' that has disks that play different songs (Christmas songs and traditional songs). I love it but the rest of the family doesn't have the love of music boxes and kind of tire of repetitiveness of them. I love any type of music box (except the battery operated ones that play VERY fast...how can you enjoys a song that is going so darn fast?). Fa la la la la la la la la la...

Be sure to share a photo of your room with us and maybe another photo of you pretty smile!

Tampa, FL - Monday, December 15, 2003 1:24 PM CST
Hello Cass,

I just popped in to check out your web site before I go to bed. Very nice photos of you in your album. I am sorry that you have to stay in bed and have such a terrible afflication at such a young age. You should be out dancing and having fun like other teenagers. I am sending you some hugs for now and will be in touch shortly today. Blessings.

The RAOK Group

Angel of John Michael - Simply Enchanting Angels <christy7@galenalink.net>
Galena, IL USA - Monday, December 15, 2003 1:20 AM CST

Hi Cassie,
We hope you have the happy Christmas holiday.

Angel Gloria <SimplicityMD@comcast.net>
Owings Mills, MD USA - Friday, December 12, 2003 10:10 PM CST
Hi Cassie,
I hope you Mom will have some positive news regarding her tests. I hear you have had some warm weather, is that true? Here in the Canadian Rockies it is quite cold although today it warmed up to -16C during the day so we had a great skate this afternoon. Hope you will be rested for Christmas and those doctors won't tire you out too much.

Lena {Bears who Care} <lena_butler@yahoo.ca>
- Thursday, December 11, 2003 10:08 PM CST
Just checking in on you from Pittsburgh, PA. Hope all is well. God Bless!!
Chris A.
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Thursday, December 11, 2003 10:06 PM CST
Stopping by to say hi and to wish you and family a very happy holiday.hugs&smiles Helen
Helen Parody (B-W-C) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, NY USA - Thursday, December 11, 2003 11:52 AM CST
Just said good-bye to my parents. They travel from the North (Pennsylvania, PA) to South (Florida, FL) for the winter. They stopped in last evening and spent the night. They have a home about 2 hours south of my place in Florida. What a life: They have Spring, Summer and Fall in PA and they have Winter in Florida. The cold and snow are a bit much for them so they only deal with it a bit before they head south. There was snow in PA for the week before they left. It works out great for us because we can see them in Florida for part of the year by just driving a few hours. Otherwise we'd have a very long drive to PA or we'd have to fly. I have a sister in PA so she sees them when they are there the other times of the year. My sister in FL and I see them here. They drive this long ride twice a year (once south and once north), but don't seem to mind.

They found sun in FL. Not as hot, but when they drive 2 hours further south in may be even warmer.

Take care,

Tampa, FL - Thursday, December 11, 2003 10:18 AM CST
Hi Cass

Just popped in for a quick hello. I love your pictures and I also am trying to get rested up for Christmas, I am sure the big guy is too.

Stay safe and strong
heather (Bears who care)

Heather <momsathomex3@yahoo.ca>
Mississauga, ON Canada - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 7:51 PM CST
Hi Cass

I think I'm coming down w/ the flu. :( The only place I can think of that I could have gotten it from is the post office, last Sat. I noticed Sun. evening that I was exhausted - and I was laying down for most of the day, only up for less than 2 hr. So I haven't made it to school all week & today was the last chance I got this week to talk w/ Señora because she's not going to be in school tomorrow or Fri. (No idea why, though) But I'm still going to try to go to Spanish, even though I don't know how much it'll be worth. I'll also try to take an English test, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it this week because the review sheet is confusing.

But I didn't come here to complain. I really camt to tell you what I forgot to say yesterday: I have a new cousin!! His name is William Thomas (I think it's Thomas, but it might not be!) Warden. He was born Mon. @ 1 o'clock, but I can't remember at which hospital (not that you'd care! LoL!) or how much he weighs and I don't think I ever knew how long he is. My Aunt and Uncle are doing fine, and they didn't say anything about my other cousin, Ben, so I'll just assume he's okay too. :) But the funny thing is Will was supposed to be a girl named Emmerson Wray. (Wray is my grandpa's middle name.) Just thought I'd tell you, but no reason why really! LoL! (I think I really am sick because I'm never this giddy when "healthy" & I try not to say 'really' that much!)


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 8:15 AM CST
Hello Cassie, signing in and hoping you get rested up and can enjoy Christmas. I will keep your Mom in my prayers for good tests results. Take care. Happy holidays!
Eileen www.caringbridge.org/il/ej - Come by for a visit - all that read this are welcome!!
- Tuesday, December 9, 2003 6:42 PM CST
Just signing in to say hello. See that you are resting for Christmas...good idea!
I'll just leave you this quick note and tiptoe out of the room real quietly...bye,

Tampa, FL - Monday, December 8, 2003 12:49 AM CST
Hiya Cassie! ~

We have a Xmas tree up!! It's our 1st yr w/ a fake 1. (I dont like it but it's better than not having 1, which is what happend last yr, bcuz we couldn't borrow a trunk 2 transport it home) It wouldn't look so bad if the petals had a better texture & the pole thru the middle was the size of a trunk that a tree that size would need. (Bcuz it's HUGE!! It's WAY too big 4 what we need, & I bet I'm the 1 who's gonna get stuck decorating it. :/ )

Speaking of decorating, I have to decorate the whole house 4 next wknds party. I'm not looking forward to it, as I went to the post office last Saturday, have mass amounts of confusing home work 2 do, & Xmas presents 2 finish getting ready!

And speaking of gifts, I 4got 2 tell u in the note I sent w/ your presents about the movie I want 2 get u. I've been looking everywhere I can think of, but nobody sells DVD's n division 2 format. :( Well, I think this one place does, but you have to be able to read French to figure it out! So I'm in the process of finding someone to translate for me. . .

Omg! I read this AMAZING book last wknd!! It was called "In the Forrests of the Night" by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. (She's the only one of my fav authors who isn't English!) It was her 1st published novel (written @ the ripe old age of 13!) and I've only read one other book by her, her 2nd, called "Demon In My View." It was weird reading the 1st book after DIMV, because both of them had Aubrey n them. ITFOTN was told from the point of view of a fellow vampire who hated Aubrey, while DIMV was told by a mortal who falls n love w/ Aubrey. (The mortal's [Jessica's] mom was pregnant w/ her when she was turned into a vampire, but her mom asked this witch [witch is a synonym {sp?} w/ vampire hunter n these books, by the way!] who tried to change her back into a mortal, and n doing so, killed herself. So anyway, what I was getting to w/ all that was that Jessica had these dreams about Aubrey (which are real) & she writes about them & they get published.) So Aubrey comes to try & stop her, but he falls n love w/ her, & if u know Aubrey, that's quite a surprise that he can feel love!

Okay, I sorry, I'm just a book freak who likes to talk about them & I probably made no sense whatsoever!! LoL! But I'm also a movie freak, and I watched 2 great movies Sunday, so I have 2 tell u about them too!! Hee hee. ;)

"Catch Me If You Can" was surprisingly good. It was based on a true story about this American guy who stole $2 million between the ages of 16-18. I really liked it. (& the funny 60s music they played! LoL! It was really catchy. no pun intended!) I have to read the book now. :)

Then, of course, I watched "Pirates of the Caribbean"!!! :D :D :D :D I don't remember if I already told u this or not, but it has 12 hr. on the 2 discs, so I didn't even finish watchig 1 of them!

But I gotta go now. I hope your resting is going better than mine!


Christine <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Monday, December 8, 2003 8:12 AM CST

I am starting my rounds early as I have many QOL children to visit, I just wanted to make sure you know we are all thinking of you and wishing you the best Christmas ever.

Love Angel Toto <pat_totoofoz@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, December 7, 2003 1:02 AM CST
Hey Cass! ~

With so much stuff going on, I totally forgot to tell you the highlight of Thanksgiving! Mom & Josh were talking about the yams & she said they were as sweet as she is.

Then he said, "Well then they must be too sweet."

My Uncle Gary (my mom's little bro) came back with, "Man, I thought the dressing was thick!"

LoL! How can you not expect me to pick up some things when I'm around cheesyness like that all the time?!!!?!?! ;)

But on a different subject, I'm sending out your Xmas gifts tomorrow! Yay! I did have a few problems pop up, but I explained them in a letter I'm sending with it.

And more good news! I went to school today! (Maybe not to CLASS, but to me it still counts!) That makes a record week - 3 visits! Wah-hoo!!

Hope you're having a good day!! :) :) :) :) :)


Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH USA - Friday, December 5, 2003 7:10 PM CST
Hi Cassie,
I, also, like the pool. Well, I love having my hair washed! Here in the Canadian Rocky Mountains we are having lots of snow. The ski hill opened today so the schools were closed - there would be very few students attending anyway ;).
Lots of hugs,

Lena {Bears who Care} <lena_butler@yahoo.ca>
- Friday, December 5, 2003 6:01 PM CST
Hello Cassie! My name is Shaylene and my daughter Sierra Journey.. We just wanted to wish you a Very Merry Christmas! We Hope that your Holiday is filled with Peace and Love! We Pray that the New Year Brings Us All MIRACLES!! Our Prayers and Hope are with you and your family! Sierra also has a web site with some pictureswww.sierrasjourney.com ans www.caringbridge.org/fl/sierra
Shaylene Factor <Journey1414@aol.com>
MIMS, FL USA - Friday, December 5, 2003 9:07 AM CST
Hi Cassie,enjoyed seeing your new pictures and that bright smile of yours.Love the color of your sheets and makes a pretty background for you.Happy Holidays! Angel hugs Helen
Helen Parody (B-W-C &H&H) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, NY USA - Friday, December 5, 2003 8:45 AM CST
Wow Cassie I'd like a tub like that!! It looks comfy. Hope you are all rested up now. My big singing concert is this Sunday I just hope I can stay awake for it. BB
Hi Cassie: Love the new photos & background on your pages. By the way I never asked was it you that sent BB the note etc @ Halloween?? Know I'm thinking of & praying for you.
Any special plans for Christmas??

Mama BEAR <GCBBUNNY@sympatico.ca>
CANADA - Thursday, December 4, 2003 11:43 PM CST
Chilly in the mornings and sunny by afternoon...Tampa, Florida is just wonderful this time of year!

So enjoy your new photos...thanks for sharing them with us.

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, December 3, 2003 7:49 PM CST
Hey Cassie:)
Loved your new photo's, you look lovely and snuggly after your hair washing, the blowup bath seems to do the trick for you!
I was just in England from Nov 14 to 26, and I did ask my Aunt whereabouts your area was...she said it was way up North from where we were in Hertfordshire. Since I needed to visit my Nana in hospital each day, I couldn't manage a trip up your way, it would have been marvelous to meet you! Welcome to our new group, Bears Who Care, and I hope we can all add some cheer to your days. Good luck with your new meds, take care,
bear hugs,

Tracey and the cubs xoxox BEARS WHO CARE <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary, - Tuesday, December 2, 2003 10:03 PM CST
Stopping by to say hello. Love the new pic on the front! Take care hun. Love, Laura, Colton and Bronson's mother
www.caringbridge.org/ca/coltonmeyer <foryoucolton@aol.com >
- Monday, December 1, 2003 8:36 PM CST
It has been a bit since my last entry. My family and I went away for several days. Living in Florida allows you to visit all kinds of different places while driving only a short distance from home. My favorite islands are Sannibel and Captiva, but this past week we went to Anna Maria Island. We stayed at the north end which amounts to some residences (homes) and our little resort. The 'resort' consisted of several cottages and apartments. We were one block from the Bay and a 10 minute walk to the Gulf. We visited both sides (bay and gulf) several times and rented bikes. With the bikes were road about 4 to 5 miles and went south on the island. Got to use the swimming pool one day (actually it was very sunny and hot) and only the last day did the temperature drop and it was cold. It was funny though: On the Bay side it was a cold breeze and on the Gulf side it was a warm breeze. I could walk along the beach (Bay or Gulf) for hours if you let me. I carry a child's plastic beach bucket and collect shells. The water was warm enough the first few days so I even waded in the water. There were no waves until the cold front hit and the wind picked up...then I was happy to keep my shoes on.

My girls, husband and I seem well rested. Hope this entry finds the same for you. I love your new photo on the first page of your site. Do those bright red sheets keep you awake at night? I also love seeing the famous 'head pool'. It must be a wonderful thing to get your hair washed on a regular basis.

Thinking of you often

Tampa, FL - Monday, December 1, 2003 11:21 AM CST
Hey Cass! ~

I checked out the pictures of your hair washing ordeal & I must admit, it does look more stressful than mine. But mine's getting more and more difficult to wash it, so that combined with getting it dyed has made it loose A LOT of its shine. :( I REALLY need to get it redone + my bangs cut, but I don't know what I'm going to do with the rest of it. It's VERY thick, so you can imagine how heavy it is when it's wet. I like it how it is, but it's not exactly practical. Any sugestions?????????????


PS HAPPY DECEMBER!!!!!!!! :D :) :D :) :D Have a great day!!!

Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Monday, December 1, 2003 7:37 AM CST
Cassie,Thank you sooooooo MUCH for your site.I give GOD and you so much thankfulness in my heart toda.My husband doent feel very good most of the time.To make a long story short for along time we didnt know what was wrong.I cant tell you how it hurts to see someone you love hurt.yes you would no that.your site has taken us in a new direction i think he has the same thing as you do.Im so sorry for you and marty.but it gives me great hope how we can help him.GOD BLESS CASSIE FOR HELPING OTHER'S.Vonna
vonna <vonnalmart@msn.com>
grinnell, ia usa - Sunday, November 30, 2003 11:02 AM CST
Hiya Cass! ~

It SNOWED!! And I mean REAL snow, not just the flurry stuff. We probably have 2-3 inches out there. :) Wah-hoo!!

We're having Thanksgiving today - and the best part is it's at MY house so I won't have to travel anywhere! Another wah-hoo!!! (I'm a tad hyper today, can yeh tell?)

I did my Christmas cards last night. Well most of them. Now I have to look up H+H kids addresses. See you later! :)


Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Saturday, November 29, 2003 11:10 AM CST
Dropping by to say hi Cassie.Hope you'll have a nice week-end.It's snowing here,ground covered and wind blowing,real yukky.Hugs Helen
Helen Parody (b-w-c) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, NY USA - Saturday, November 29, 2003 9:30 AM CST
Happy thanksgiving!!
DeAnna and Chase www.caringbridge.org/ga/chasesmiracle/
- Wednesday, November 26, 2003 10:12 PM CST
hey girl!
I haven't posted here in a while but I'm still thinking about you!
Hope you're having a good day! :)

Jen <jen62285@hotmail.com>
North Carolina - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 1:58 PM CST
Hi Cassie,
My best friend has a daugter named Cassie!!!
I sure hope the new part for your wheelchair comes in
real soon. I can't beleive your almost ready for Christmas,
way to go!!
I will check on you later, take care!!!!

Mary <Hack1sjo@aol.com>
St.Joseph, IL USA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 6:20 PM CST

Hi Cassie,
I hope you are feeling better and are better able to manage your pain. Know that you are in my prayers.
In the meantime, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Angel Gloria <SimplicityMD@comcast.net>
Owings Mills, MD USA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 9:08 AM CST
Just stopping by to say hello as i think aol swallowed you up before saying goodnight last night. (((((hugs)))))
Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Saturday, November 22, 2003 9:46 PM CST
Hi Cassie, only an extremely short entry, because it's 2.20am and I need to read some of my Physiology textbook before I go to sleep, just wanted to pop in and say hi :)

Hope you don't have any problems with these anti psychotic drugs, the lists of side effects can be so long it's scary sometimes, can't they!

Anyway, hope all is well, and that you are ok. Will pop in again soon!


PS - I know what I wanted to ask, do you really find those magnetic bracelet things work? I might just have to try and get hold of one and have a go with it!

Ruth D (European Chapter of Hugs and Hope) <ruthdouglas9999@hotmail.com>
Leeds, England - Saturday, November 22, 2003 8:22 PM CST


- Saturday, November 22, 2003 7:13 PM CST
hi hun!

just a quick entry to say huge hugs and tha tim thinking of you, i hope everything gets sorted out for you soonish!

love ya loads

Elle - http://www.caringbirdge.org/me/elle <Gorgeousel@aol.com>
London, UK - Saturday, November 22, 2003 6:12 AM CST
Hope you have a good weekend.

DeAnna, Chase's mom
USA - Thursday, November 20, 2003 7:28 PM CST
Beautiful sunny day in Tampa, Florida. A cool morning (I don't dare use the word 'cold' as people from really cold regions will say my blood has thinned) and quite refreshing. It must be a 'lizard' holiday as the little guys are running all around the sidewalks!

Take care,

Tampa, FL - Thursday, November 20, 2003 8:16 AM CST

Well, our flock certainly is getting interesting. We got Dasani, the Blue Headed Pionus just a few weeks ago, and now we've added our fifth (and final) member. I felt bad for Dasani, because he is smaller than our amazon, macaw, and Congo African Grey....so we got him a pal! Meet Mokuba, aka "Moki." (Mokuba is Kaiba's younger brother on YuGiOh) Moki has such a brilliant yellow! He is a Jenday and absolutely adores Dasani. He has pretty blue and purple tail feathers, too. They wanted you to know they're thinking about you!

cathie Feathers 'n Smiles, Haldago Bay, Hugs and Hope <haldago@earthlink.net>
Houston, Texas, - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 10:40 PM CST

Pouring rain in Tampa, Florida, but I do enjoy hearing the sound of rain! Actually it makes me sleepy...well it makes me calmer and I can watch the puddles forming out the window. Not raining like the strong rains we have had where there is a waterfall off the roof of the house. On those days little puddles become 'ponds' in our flower bed. The statue of the little girl in the garden is losing her nose from the waterfall from the roof. Her job is to cause the water to 'splatter' (instead of beat down and throw mulch all over the sidewalk) so her nose is being 'deleted' for a good cause.

Thinking of you,

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:34 AM CST
Hi Cassie. Hope they get your chair just right for you and that you'll have it soon.I'm always way behind every year when it comes to christmas.Think it's because kids all grown and takes me awhile to get into xmas mood. hugs Helen
Helen Parody (B-W-C &H&H) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
OGDENSBURG, N.Y. USA - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 12:39 AM CST
Well, well, well Miss Christine and Miss Keara are taking over the leads on entries to your guestbook. I so enjoy reading their entries. Christine's are of particular interest as I try to 'decode' her messages. I've made no secret in my earlier entries that I'm the mother of teenagers and NOT a teenager myself. I marvel at the new 'communication'. My entries read like a nice 'Dear Cassie' letter, but the entries from Christine and Keara 'pop' (now if I've gone and used an unpopular word then forgive my ignorance...again, I'm a product of another generation). In my line of business I'm on the computer all day, and e-mail and instant message for several hours at a time. I'm not in an office with other people but I 'work' with people all day. We talk on conference calls and use 'instant messaging' for side chats or to make a quiet point or to give advice or to ease someone's fears (you can hear it in their voice). Anyhow, without boring you with the details of my job, I think it is interesting that even my instant messages are in some kind of sentence form. Cassie I've told you that I don't do those side-ways faces but get a kick out of them. Of course you'd get a good laugh at me turning my head sideways and then laughing.

I'm home in Tampa after a 2 week business trip in Austin, TX. Glad to be home in many ways. Looking forward to the Christmas holiday...plan on taking lots of days off (from work) and spending time with my family. Going away for the Thanksgiving Holiday with my family and that will be SO nice.

Hope the new meds are what you are looking for. Sounds like the magnetic bracelet is helping some. Have they readied your new wheels yet? You are an amazing person to handle so much!

Tampa, FL - Tuesday, November 18, 2003 10:08 AM CST
thought i would come say hello so Christine doesnt have to talk to herself in your guest book (hehe)
So now im paranoid because i've been sleeping all the time and i have to go start getting my procrastinating butt out soon to buy christmas cards and stuff lol....
but anyhoo hope to talk to you soon,

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Monday, November 17, 2003 8:31 PM CST
Hola mi amiga! ~

Poor Cass. :( She has no other posts 2 read except 4 mine. :0

I'm just taking a quick break after heaving 2 huge boxes of Christmas decorations n2 the rm. (The worst part is that there is @ least one other box left) They dont weigh that much - at least not compared w/ the ones I had 2 move 2 get 2 them.

My mom found some more stickers, so I guess that means u'll hav 2 get yet ANOTHER letter from me. :0 LoL! I also found some other things I was going 2 put w/ ur Xmas gift, but it wouldn't flow w/ the theme. So u'll just hav 2 get it early! :)

Got 2 go pour over my wearisome science homework. (LoL! I dont even know if that's correct grammar, but it's how I feel! :D)



Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Monday, November 17, 2003 3:08 PM CST
Hi Cass! ~

Ha ha! I remembered! (Lucky 4 u, huh? :D) We had our 1st snow fluries (sp?) yesterday!!! :( :( :( I didn't get 2 c them, but still, I had hoped that it would @ least b closer 2 Thanksgiving when they came. (I think Thxgiving's Nov 27 this yr)

I had this wierd dream w/ u n it yesterday! It was quite suspenceful (sp?) but it was very unrealistic. U were n gym class & every1 was starting a new game. (I'm not sure what it was, but probably basketball) Each half of the teams (which had an abnormally high number of people, I think about 40) split and then ran towards each other to clap hands. (Doesn't that only happen @ the end of the game?) 2 people from each side ran n2 each other - and hit faces hard enough 2 show blood. 1 was u. :( 4 the 1st 1/2 of the dream, I was just watching it all, as if I wasn't there. Then suddently I was n the midsts of every1 trying 2 figure out what happened & watch what the medics would do. This is were it gets really strange. I don't remember y, but I went out of the gym - and I was n this place (I think I've read about it n 1 of my fictional boox) that was a reconstructed version of this midieval town. LoL! I'm serious! Neway, I had 2 ask sum1 where I could get n4mation on how u guys were doing. (That part of the dream is now fuzzy.) & she sent me 2 the library where I was 2 ask this guy (who wasn't dressed n reanasance sp? clothing. Actually, I dont remember ne1 n that kind of clothes.) 2 check this book 2 c what the final status was. He read about 2 of the guys & then he started 2 talk about u (& what he said wasn't good) then I woke up.

Sooooo, I'm sure that makes no sence 2 u (& i know I'm leaving out 1/2 the story, cuz I 4get it!) but I thought I'd tell u it so I can hear ur interpritation (sp?). :D

I know I hav a boat load of stuff 2 tell u (how important they r, I dont know) but, as usual, my brain has had a melt dwn. :( But that's probably 2 ur advantage!! :D

I'm off 2 eat "lunch" which is 3 1/2 hrs late bcuz my mom had me clean & i needed a looonng break. Then I hav 2 work on ur Xmas present. :) C u l8r!


Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Saturday, November 15, 2003 2:31 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

I know I had sumthing 2 tell u, but I 4got it! LoL! Anyhoo, I'm thinkin' of u + of course brave Kat. :)

Have a lovely day!! :) :) :) :) :) :D :D :D :D :D :D


Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Friday, November 14, 2003 7:13 AM CST
i know i've just said goodnight to you on messenger but wanted to come say hi here anyhow.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Thursday, November 13, 2003 10:20 PM CST
Good news on your chair. Hope things continue to move along as they have.

How is your Mum doing these days?

Thinking of you often.

Only one more day in Austin and then I get to fly home! I'm ready to get home and to my own bed (and 'my own' many things). I especially miss my husband and my daughters.

Tampa (Austin), FL (TX) - Thursday, November 13, 2003 11:36 AM CST
Hiya Cassie! ~

I'm done w/ ur picture! :) Bet u can't WAIT 2 get it! :D Two things from me n 1 week - how lucky can u get?! LoL! U don't hav 2 panic TOO much cuz they're both really short.

I'm glad there's progress with ur wheelchair. :) & im glad Christmas is n order 4 u. As 4 me. . .lets just say that's another story. :/

Got to go 4 now. I hav a dermatologist (sp?) app. 2day. Hopefully he'll up my dose of w/e this medicine is im using! LoL! See u l8r! :)


PS I'm thinking about ur PW www chanenge. It'll b a while though. :)

Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Thursday, November 13, 2003 7:24 AM CST
Hi Cass

I'm about 1/2 way done with your lovely picture I hinted @ yesterday. :D Sadly, I didn't get a chance to see how my hair would look as Goladriel (sp?) or Arwen, the elven maids of the Lord of the Rings. *Sigh* But maybe tomorrow, as today I have a great deal of work to do. Oh, & a little while ago I said I would watch The Two Towers Special Edition - I lied. It was The Fellowshio Special Edition. My mistake! LoL! Hopefully I'll still get 2 c it, because The Fellowship was really good! (Am I not the cheesiest person you know?!?!! :D) Got to go 4 now. See you later! :)


Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH US - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 8:57 AM CST
A quick hello from Austin, Texas, from your friend from Tampa, Florida.

My trip going well. Hotel living not for me. Miss my family, but will see everyone on Friday night.

Hope this note finds you doing well.

Austin (Tampa), TX (FL) - Wednesday, November 12, 2003 8:15 AM CST
Hi Cass! ~

Just stopping by w/ a quick upd8. School went misrable 2day. :( (@ least for the whole 50 mins I was there 4) I've got 2 go do some fun hw. :/ (But hopefully I'll have enough energy l8r 2 figure out how my hair would look as an elf. He he! I doubt I'll get 2 go 2 the movie when it 1st cums out, but I can hope! :) )

I hope ur doing okay! :D :) :D :) :D :)


PS I sent u sumthing yesterday & I'm working on another (very quick) thing 4 yeah now. *wicked smile* U'll like it. :D

Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH USA - Tuesday, November 11, 2003 9:27 AM CST
hi there! I have been SO busy with eveything I haven't been by for a long time. I certainly hope you are well and happy. Colton just began piano lessons a few weeks ago- he likes it. You take care! Love, Laura
www.caringbridge.org/ca/coltonmeyer <foryoucolton@aol.com >
- Monday, November 10, 2003 9:59 PM CST
Hi Cass - Hope you got the postcard i sent you all the way from Canada! Was thrilled to see you Finally got your new wheels - Look out now you're on the move! - I've got you and your dear friend in my prayers!

Lots of love

Leslie <theschmids@shaw.ca>
Calgary, Hugs & Hope Canada - Monday, November 10, 2003 7:59 PM CST
Hi Cassie: thought I'd fill you in on what your pal BECKY BUNNY is up to:
In hopes of brightening her week:
Becky is off on a "hot date" with her "husband" this afternoon----- [Yep you read that right.] BB & Jake have been best friends since age 11mths. When they were 4 Jake & BB planned their wedding & even picked out a $400,000 home, about 10 miles from here, they hope to own some day!!!! [They had a mock ceremony right in the driveway complete with cupcakes & hot dogs!!] ----------they are both into race cars & BB has a movie they love to watch. His Mom Karen cooks shrimp a lot (somethin I can't even look at) & Jake has gameboy so she is right in her glory!!

Charlene 4 HUGS & HOPE CANADA <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
- Sunday, November 9, 2003 7:17 PM CST
just popping by on this sunny day to say Hi
Charlene & Becky BUNNY http://www.caringbridge.org/canada/beckybunny
4 Hugs & Hope Canada http://groups.yahoo.com/group/canadianchapterofhugsandhope/

CB & BB <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
Ont. Canada - Sunday, November 9, 2003 7:14 PM CST
cassandra hello i just wanted to say i am thinking and praying for you and for your friend whos liver is failing and i will pray for all your other friends nad family

kim <lynnyn2@aol.com>
ofallon, mo usa - Sunday, November 9, 2003 2:46 PM CST
Hey Cassie!
I just popped in to say hi, and to thank you so very much for the beautiful prayer you left on our guestbook.
I hope they hurry and sort out your new chair so you can use it comfortably, though you would have thought that they would make sure it is delivered to suit your requirements. there is I think, nothing quite so annoying than to have to wait on sumthing, then build up hope when u know it is finally going to arrive, only to find that you still cant use it proper.
Well girl, take care


Jacqui n Michelle

jacqui fray <ladyslix@hotmail.com>
liverpool, United Kingdom - Sunday, November 9, 2003 1:45 PM CST
Hi Cassie,

Just stopping by with a friendly 'HI'. Hope that you are having a good day.

Your friend from Hugs and Hope, Barb
MN/IA/NE Chapter Head

Barb Condecon <cowmum2002iowa@aol.com>
Council Bluffs, IA USA - Saturday, November 8, 2003 2:58 PM CST
Hi Cassie,just me stopping by to say hi and let you know I'm thinking of you.You are one brave young lady.Will try to stop by at least once a week to check on how things are going.Angel Hugs Helen
Helen Parody (h&h) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, N.Y. USA - Saturday, November 8, 2003 2:01 PM CST
I am very glad to sign your guestbook my son Brandon recently became an angel but as a result I am donating all my profits to hugs and hope for the holidays and beyond. God Bless You all things work for His glory.

Cynthia Brandon's mom <cflores74@marykay.com>
Sunrise, FL US - Saturday, November 8, 2003 1:58 PM CST

Wow, what a courageous, inspirational young lady you are. This is my first time to visit your site. You impress me so much, I just want you to know that. You will be added to my ever-growing prayer list, as will your friend, Kat. Take care, sweetie, I hope today is a good day for you. I will check back in soon!

Love, hugs and prayers,

Rhonda Hunley, Connor's Mommy
Connor's web page

**Hugs and Hope** Rhabdomyosarcoma relapse

Hendersonville, TN
**God Bless the USA and our Leaders and Troops!** - Saturday, November 8, 2003 1:52 PM CST
A quick note before the weekend to let you know I've been thinking about you. Hope this entry finds you and your Mum and Dad doing fine. Is your sister and Ewen still coming in on the weekends?
Tampa (from Austin this week), FL (TX) - Friday, November 7, 2003 12:31 AM CST
just stopped by to say hello and to
wish you a very happy day and weekend

karel (hugs&hope) <kidwellk2002@yahoo.com>
annandale, va usa - Friday, November 7, 2003 12:23 AM CST
You know you need not worry about me, Im going to get through this, who needs a liver anyhow! Im come this far sweetheart, really. Thanks again, safe hugs xxx
Kat <kat4444@hotmail.com>
Newquay, Cornwall UK - Friday, November 7, 2003 11:39 AM CST
havent gotten to talk to you in a while, hope things are going ok.

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Friday, November 7, 2003 10:47 AM CST
Hi Cassie, just popping in to say hi :) Hope that it doesn't take too long to get this chair sorted :) sometimes the health service is the most unorganised and inefficient organisation around! I know what it's like to be sat around waiting for something, particularly when it's going to make a big difference hopefully.

Hope you're having fun making your cards :) I've just started my Christmas cards too - I'm trying to resist using glitter, but I know I'm goging to give in at some point, I just LOVE glitter!!! hehe, particularly silver glitter. I really should act more like a mature grownup now I'm 18, but I like to make a mess :)

Keeping you in my prayers :)

Ruth Douglas (Hugs and Hope) <ruthdouglas9999@hotmail.com>
Leeds (for uni!), England - Friday, November 7, 2003 9:05 AM CST
hey girly. i am praying for Kat. that's so sad to hear. i hope they get your wheelchair all straightened out. that's terrible that it took so long and it wasn't even the right one. *sigh*. hope all is ok otherwise. hope you had a good halloween. keep in touch!

your friend,

long island, ny united states - Thursday, November 6, 2003 1:50 PM CST
Hi! How are you? How was your Halloween? Mine was pretty boring. We didn't have many trick-or-treaters here. Wyatt didn't enjoy Halloween very much...He barked and barked at everybody who came. Wyatt says I ruv yoou...That means I love you...I hope your doing well! Hugs, MJ & Wyatt
Sorry about your wheelchair...sounds like some of mine...my first chair...I couldn't sit by myself...so they gave me 2 seat belts but no headrest...duh!!! My second chair, insurance approved the front tires but not the back and the seat back but not the seat cushion!!! They can be so dumb. Hope the fitting goes well!! TTYL

MJ <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
ny hugs and hope, - Wednesday, November 5, 2003 9:44 AM CST
Hi Casseroo! (LoL! I sound like Patches! :D)

I got 4 letters 2day! I feel so special! & 1 was from u! :) Thannnk yooou! :P

I went 2 school 2day. (Yay 4 me!) My counselor said that we would think about changing Geometry 2 1st period, since that's all I can make it 4 & my current 1st period (Spanish) isn't a requirement 2 gradu8. That's okay w/ me, but it means that I'll prob hav 2 drop Spanish now, cuz there's no way I can figure it out (@ lest not w/ nething higher than a C, & i don't want that 2 drag my grade point average dwn) w/o being en la clase.

I had acupuncture yesterday & the procedure as a whole went fine. (except 4 my ears. :( ) He put 2 n each ankle, 2 @ each knee, 1 @ both elbows & 2 n each ear. He said, "You know the yin and yong figure?" I said yes & he said, "Well ur gonna get a whole lot of 1 side of it 2day." (cuz he was trying 2 make the resolts last longer.) That's gr8 but n the process he make my back sore. :( So that was prob the last treatment I'll hav. *sigh*

I'M SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mom got me the movie Priates of the Caribbean!!! Well not exactly, (cuz it's not out yet! LoL!) but she paid 4 it & 7 weekly rentals. Yay! :) This week she got me The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Special Edition. I'm so happy! I LOOOOOOVE those movies! (& boox) I own the regular 2 towers, but I can't w8 2 c the special edition cuz it has 2 extra discs. :)

So I'm treating myself 2 that 2day & I'm gonna watch The Animatrix too. I'm not so sure I'll like it, but I watched the special features n The Matrix Reloaded & they said that it has sum elements that rn't n ne of the other movies. (The Matrix Revelution cums out 2morrow & i was nvited, but I really dont think I should go :( )

How's the weather over there? I hope the cold isn't hurting ur bones 2 much. (or nething else, 4 that matter!) The weather here is crazy. @ the begining of Oct, it was nearly freezing (literally!) but now that it's Novermenr, it feels like Summer! So far my joints havnt been doing TOO bad (*grins* but u know what that means!) My left knee has been terribly painful & it's screwing up my stretches (& walking & sitting & . . .) but other than that every things pretty normal.

CONGRADULATIONS ABOUT THE COSTUME CONTEST!!!!!!! LoL! I'm so glad u won. U had my vote from the begining. :-D

How's your mum doing? I haven't heard about her n a while. Hope she's feeling fine. Send her my love! ;)

The gas leak I told u about yesterday? Not a gas leak @ all. The guy finally came about an hr & a 1/2 late, just 2 say that nothing was wrong & it was prob a neighbors problem.

I didn't mean 4 this 2 b such a long post, but I'm not feeling up 2 writing a letter right now. :/ But as soon as I do. . .LoL!


Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH USA - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 10:43 AM CST
Wanted to say 'hi' from Austin, Texas. Flew from Tampa, Florida to Dallas, Texas to Austin, Texas yesterday. Will be in Austin for 2 weeks and very busy in meeting all day/every day. Well I'm working with a good group of people so that makes a big difference...always nice to have good people around.
Tampa, FL - Monday, November 3, 2003 5:31 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

62625 (That was Smoke saying hi.)

We have a gas leak!!! :( It's outside, thankfully, but my mom said it covers the whole back yard. (Which is about a 1/2 acre, maybe less) The repair people "should" be here within another 10 min., which was originally 2 hr., but you know how that goes. We're not supposed to turn on (or off) any lights or other electrical stuff until they say it's alright. :(

But on a lighter note, I was thinking about how you said that I "ruled"-and you're partially right. Well sort of. :) My maternal great-grandma has (or maye had, I'm not sure) a cousin, niece or aunt who is/was a princess in the German Black Forrest. I have no idea how close to the throne she is/was, but still, I thought it was pretty cool! :-)

I'm patiently (at least as much as possible!) awaiting your letter in the mail! :D Talk to yeah later. Bye.


Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH USA - Monday, November 3, 2003 7:02 AM CST
Cassie,thought I'd stop by to say hi.My newest grand-daughters name is cassie also but spelled different,Kassy.She is 7 months old.Hope your new meds work for you. Angel Hugs HELEN
Helen Parody (HUGS&HOPE) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, N.Y. USA - Saturday, November 1, 2003 7:23 PM CST
Hiya Cass! ~

Good news: no nightmares! LoL! Especially good 4 u, since I won't have 2 explain some weird event 2 u! :-D In fact, I don't remember any dreams & I usually have 3-5!

IT'S NOVEMBER 1ST!!!! Yay! 2day I'm gonna bust out the Christmas songs & blare (sp?) them @ top notch! LoL! (As well as send a Christmas e-card 2 some1 special. Wonder who it could be...:-) )

Talk w/ yeah l8r! Bye!


Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH USA - Saturday, November 1, 2003 4:45 AM CST

Happy Halloween from us goblins and ghouls over in Houston! (Well, okay, Ben is a YuGi and Sam is a ninja!) We are thinking about you. It was a steamy 80 degrees tonight, so all the witches, frankensteins, mummies and whatnots were pretty hot trotting around the neighborhoods. We wanted to wish you a great evening!

cathie Feathers 'n Smiles Texas, Hugs and Hope <haldago@earthlink.net>
Houston, - Friday, October 31, 2003 10:51 PM CST
Hi! Cassie

Your bath story sounded like it was a success when all was said and done.

That is neat that you are making homemade Christmas cards. Whoever you send them to will really appreciate them.

Your friend, Barb from Hugs and Hope
NE/MN/IA Chapter Head

Barb Condecon <cowmum2002iowa@aol.com>
Council Bluffs, IA USA - Friday, October 31, 2003 6:14 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

I just remembered a story. You think YOU have hair problems? Try to top this! A friend of mine, Abby, was brushing her very thin, straight, impossible(sp?)-to-tangle hair, when she pulled a muscle! LoL! She is not a vain (sp?) person & at the time, she could have been considered a tomboy! Thought that might cheer you up! LoL! Jk


P.S. If I have nightmares tonight, I'm going to blame it all on you! (And you'll have to listen to me explain them to you, too! Scary, huh?) :-D

Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH USA - Friday, October 31, 2003 2:16 PM CST
Hey Cassie!
Thanks for signing my guest book so often! I definitely don't sign yours enough. Anyway HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I hope your mum doesn't put something totally yucky in your food!! LOL Hope you have an awesome weekend!
Hugs from your second homie

MJ - http://www.caringbridge.com/ny/mjpurk <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
- Friday, October 31, 2003 12:17 AM CST
Hey Cassie!!
HAPPPPPY HALLOWEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LoL! Here's a black rose for you. ------<@ (Some imagination required!) See you (hopefully!) today @ the chat! :)

Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH USA - Friday, October 31, 2003 7:23 AM CST
Happy halloween Cassie!
DeAnna & Chase

USA - Thursday, October 30, 2003 6:41 PM CST
Do you celebrate Halloween and Trick or Treat? Will there be little ones coming to your door tomorrow night looking for candy? My daughters are too old to go out for Trick or Treat, but will be posted at the door to give out candy. It is too cute when the little ones come to the door. Some say 'Trick or Treat' and others say 'Thank you' (as that is what their parents have just told them to say...only they should be saying it after they receive the candy). Didn't carve pumpkins (Jack-O-Lanterns) this year...since we've moved to Florida the warm weather makes it hard to get into the 'Fall' activities. Picking a pumpkin should be done on a cool day in the Fall...the Summer weather doesn't give that same feeling.

Hope this finds you doing well!

Tampa, FL - Thursday, October 30, 2003 12:17 AM CST
Hi, Cassie. I used to have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, too. I got it when I was 14, during my freshman year of high school. I was homebound as well, for the last half of my freshman year, all of my sophmore year, & the first half of my junior year. By my senior year, though, I had made a full recovery. But even now, at 27, I have to be careful & always make sure I get enough sleep. Not easy after I had my son last July!! Anyway, I hope you are having a good day. My four birds & I want to tell you "Hellooooooooo" & "Happy Hallooooooooooooween!" Take care, & e-mail me anytime! Come see my birds & baby's pics! http://photo.starblvd.net/birdmom1
Alecia- Feathers N' Smiles, TX <aellis@houston.rr.com>
Cypress, TX USA - Thursday, October 30, 2003 11:55 AM CST
CAAAAAASSIE!! Hehe, sorry. How are ya' homie? I'm SO sorry it's been so long since I've signed your guestbook! I really hope you are feeling well and everything has been going ok with, well, everything! Take care, I'll stop by again soon!
Your geeky pal,
Lauren :-)
P.S. Happy Halloween! Guess what I'm gonna dress up as? I'll give ya' a hint....it's a totally "tight" and "hecka cool" costume, for shizzle! Yeah, you probably guessed it, I'm gonna be a "homie!" I'm such a geek...lol.

Lauren Henderson http://www.caringbridge.com/ks/lauren <Yankeegrl11714@aol.com>
ks USA - Wednesday, October 29, 2003 9:44 PM CST
Raining in Tampa, FL but lovely all the same. You don't wear heavy Halloween costumes in Tampa and you may want to carry an umbrella. Unlike a storm that starts during the day (where you can see the clouds forming) a storm at night can sneak up on you. A soaky Trick or Treat for sure!

Planning to go to a football game that night. The stadium does not have a roof so I hope it doesn't rain for us either.

My trip to Austin, TX starts on Sunday. Will be packing all weekend...2 weeks of clothes? Hardly...well maybe! The hotel has laundry service but do I trust them with the only clothes I have with me?

Checked on Katia's and Christine's website (they are both at St Peterburg's Children's Hospital in Florida).

Good night,

Tampa, FL - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 8:27 PM CST
coming by with my correct grammar recitation, "yes, it is fineally AUTUMN in Texas"
**sticks tongue out and pouts**
We carved pumpkins today!!

dabrat!! <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 8:11 PM CST
Just stopping by...
with a Halloween hi!
LoL! Okay, so it's a little cheesy, but that's what one of my Halloween cards said & I just couldn't resist...LoL! :)
Have a great day & I betta c u @ the PW Halloween chat! (That is, if I remember 2 go myself! :D)
P.S. I luv the graphics u use n ur emails! They're so cool! :)

Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2003 4:32 PM CST
Yes, yes I can smell the fresh air...yes fresh hair, yes fresh bed, yes fresh Cassie! Hope you had a good laugh at Sunday's soaking.

Hope the meds make you feel better. It must be a trying time to see which meds react with other meds as well as which meds react to you (and don't react for you).

I love to sit down and do a craft. When my daughters were younger I'd say 'let's do a project'. With that I'd pull out construction paper, paints, hole punchers, glitter, glue, markers, color pencils, pipe cleaners, felt, yarn, string, little sticks,...well anything I could get my hands on. We'd make something for an upcoming holiday or something for the season or something that we liked. Well sometimes I think at 13 and 15 they'd be too old to do 'projects', but sometimes I pull things out and when I ask they say 'yes'. I have sisters with art talent, but I don't have much BUT I sure like to play. My girls like to do that to. I started getting supplies to do scrapbooking (you know, putting photos into a photo album with these lovely borders and journaling), but I really just love having the supplies to play with. My girls also like to have lots of stuff to choose from when they do a school project. When it is our turn to have a group from their school to do a group school assignment at our home the other girls just laugh when I keep running in with more supplies. I'm fortunate to have a nice size house and save all sorts of things I think can be used at a later time. These groups from the school have put together some very interesting projects at our house. Well, I wish you lots of fun in making the cards! Any chance you can take a photo and share one on-line with us?
(After we'd do a project I'd clean up, but that pesky glitter would get here, there and everywhere. My husband would find it when he vacuumed, but the best place to see it was on my husband's face. He'd be eating dinner and one of the girls would say 'look there is glitter on Daddy's face'. Sure enough he must have slide his hand across a place in the table that wasn't wiped so well and then touched one side of his face. He'd have these little pieces of glitter sparkling in the light and he'd say: 'oh I just love glitter!' (sarcasm!). The girls would just laugh and laugh.)
(He also loved when I'd post the latest 'glitter' creation on the refrigerator door. That glitter would sprinkle from the picture to the floor each time someone used the refrigerator or passed by the picture. Sure enough 'Daddy' would be waking by at some point and ask why there was glitter on the floor. Or he'd pick up glitter when he'd walk past in his white socks and want to know how it came to be on his feet...he just rolls his eyes when one of the girls ask where the glitter containers are today!)

I'm very sorry if my entries get a bit pushy for updates from you. I need to stop doing that. I enjoy so much reading about how you are doing and I think about you often. Clearly I'm clueless about what may be keeping you from making an entry so I've just got to be patient. Thanks for you patience with me...at least I haven't seen you scolding me on-line!

Tampa, FL - Monday, October 27, 2003 7:33 PM CST

This little cutie just dazzled me when I visited the bird nursery..so we've added a FIFTH bird to our flock! I couldn't believe the sizzling blue coming through..and he's only TWO MONTHS old! He's a boy (they did a DNA blood test) and he wobbled onto my finger and said, "Dah bop?" My heart went "pit pat" and the rest is history. I was lucky, because these guys aren't that common. This breeder has only had one other one...five years ago!

We are known for our unusual and original bird names. Well, this little guy is a BLUE HEADED PIONUS. So, meet DASANI. You know, like the BLUE bottled water by Pepsi? And guess what his nickname is? SONIC, (derived from the "sani") another BLUE item, ie, the Sega blue mascot? (think video games) How perfect!

Dasani will have a hot blue/purple head, it's awesome! But what you'd love the most is their smell. They have a fruity smell! Dasani smells like a cherry-orange mix! Well, we just wanted to share our baby news with you. Dasani will be in the nursery for another month or so. Bye for now, more bird pics coming soon.

cathie Feathers 'n Smiles Texas, Hugs and Hope <haldago@earthlink.net>
Houston, - Sunday, October 26, 2003 8:52 PM CST
Hey Cass! ~

Hmmm.......Christmas cards?! LoL! I should start working on mine, (because I only have about 250 to send out. Literally!) but mine won't be home made.

The party was a success! I'm saving up special energy to write a letter to you about it. (Lucky you, huh?)

That's about all for today, but I hope you have a wonderful day! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
PS I LOOOOOOVE you're costume, but aren't you a little young for the rum? :D

Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, OH USA - Sunday, October 26, 2003 2:10 PM CST
hope we get to talk again soon:)

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Saturday, October 25, 2003 5:01 PM CDT
I'm new with Hugs & Hope. Cassie, you have a great attitude & that makes all the difference!I read a lot of books by Norman Vincent Peale & truly believe that attitude can change everything. I'm in Canada,the leaves have just about lost their beautiful color & are falling. We have already had snow 2 or 3 times but it has melted each time. My 6 year old son, Luke prays for it to stay and become huge piles, I keep telling him "soon enough we'll be up to our knees in it." Your family is in my thoughts & prayers.

Judy ~ Hugs & Hope <vanslyke2208@rogers.com>
Orangeville, Ont Canada - Saturday, October 25, 2003 9:09 AM CDT
Another weekend nearly upon us. Live for my time on the weekends...like my job, but love my family much more!

How are you doing? Any chance Jes or Ewen can snap some photos?

Tampa, FL - Friday, October 24, 2003 10:40 AM CDT
Miss Cassie…hope this note finds you doing well. How is your Dad and his girls (you and your Mum)? Are Jes and Ewen going to come it and warm up over the weekend?

Checking up on Katia and a number of other children. CaringBridge is a wonderful way for these families (and yourself) to share with everyone. I have learned so much from each site I visit. Thanks for sharing with us.

Tampa, FL - Thursday, October 23, 2003 8:51 PM CDT
A late night entry...lots of work, but always time to stop and say 'hello' and tell you I've been thinking of you!
Tampa, FL - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:26 PM CDT
Hi Cassie!

Sorry I haven't signed for awhile, but I have been in to check on you:) Great news to hear Mom is home!! Hurray! Hope your visit with Jes and Ewen was good and they managed to warm up for a bit:) How is your Dad doing? I hope he is managing to cope ok with all these women to look after...he must be a good man! Hope you are over your sniffles soon and it isn't anything serious....and how about some new pics?? LOL Only if you can manage it, don't worry if you aren't up to it.....we just like to see more of you and how your getting on:) I wish there was more we could do for you, but I'm afraid it's not possible, being on another continent! If I am ever over in England (have lots of family there) I'll be sure to stop up and see you, wouldn't that be neat? I promise I wouldn't exhaust you:)
Take care of yourself Cass...don't worry about the sites, they'll still be there when you are feeling better:)

Tracey xo <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Canada, - Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:16 PM CDT
How was your visit with Jes and Ewen this past weekend? How is your Mum? Your Dad? Yourself?

My daughter's Confirmation was just wonderful. The 'little men' (my little nephews) were very good in church. They come to Mass each week, but I didn't know how they'd do not sitting with their Mom and Dad (my sister and her husband). I gave them a sticker book each and they didn't make a peep the whole service. Little children can be so focused when it comes to a new toy...thank goodness!

Tell us how you have been doing...

Tampa, FL - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 9:03 AM CDT
Just a quick note to say I've been thinking about you!
Tampa, FL - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 9:00 AM CDT
Hi Cassie:)
Just stopping by to wish you a good night and to tell you that you and your mom are in my prayers.
Hugs and blessings,

Candy B. from Hugs and Hope <zacheric02@msn.com>
Livonia , MI USA - Monday, October 20, 2003 8:42 PM CDT
Hi! How are you? I still have a cold...:( Wyatt has been very good and cuddly! He actually has a new website! If you want check it out go to, www.freeweb.com/mj88 . He'll have a guest book soon so check back and let him know you have visited! Hugs to you, MJ & Wyatt
Hey Cassie:
Glad your mom is home and you are not so sniffly. I have a sinus infection so no school yet. Trying to convince my dad that homeschooling would be better for the time being...ugh...I'm tired of all these colds. Well, take care and TTYL!

MJ <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
ny hugs and hope, - Monday, October 20, 2003 10:14 AM CDT
Hi Cassie,
Just came over to say hello, & to let you know I'm thinking of you

Visit Sams Page
Sara joy <
m.joy@tesco.net >
uk - Thursday, October 16, 2003 1:25 PM CDT

Your Quilts of Love Family wishes you a fun and safe Halloween..

Carolyn <carolynj52@ilovejesus.net>
Oklahoma United States - Thursday, October 16, 2003 11:42 AM CDT
Glad to hear that things are back to being quiet again for you and your Mom. Lower salt intake...best of luck on that.

Has Jes and Ewen set a date for their wedding? Nosey person, huh?

Getting ready for my oldest daughter's confirmation this Saturday. We are excited for her and I think she is excited as well. My sister and her family will be there. My 2 nephews are 2 little boys and fun to be with. You think Jes and Ewen are exhausting, then you need to meet these 2 little men! Of course my youngest daughter will be there as well as their father/my husband.

I visited Katia's site and she is not having a good time right now. These families are amazing to spend so many days in the hospital. Their journal must be such a wonderful outlet.

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:39 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
Hope you are feeling better. And tell your mom good luck with cutting back on her salt intake.
Take care,

DeAnna & Chase <www.caringbridge.org/ga/chasesmiracle/>
GA USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:29 PM CDT


- Wednesday, October 15, 2003 3:00 PM CDT
Hello Cass- just wanted to say Hi-hope you are feeling better
Anne <Anneschug@aol.com>
USA - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 0:01 AM CDT
A quick hello and know that I'm thinking about you.
Tampa, FL - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 4:33 PM CDT
Hi! How've you been? I'm finally am feeling better! I started some new medicines that really help! Wyatt is really sad today. My dad vacuumed the couch so Wyatt can't sit or lay on it. Oh well, guess he'll just have to snuggle with me! Hope you are doing and feeling GREAT! Love and hugs, MJ

Hey Cassie:

Glad your mom is home. Hope you start feeling a tad better and can check mail easier. Hugs to you!

MJ <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
ny hugs and hope, - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 0:32 AM CDT

Island Princess

Island Princess <islandprincess@quiltsoflove.com>
- Monday, October 13, 2003 6:45 PM CDT
Did Jes and Ewen have a good visit this past weekend? How is your Mum? Your Dad? Yourself...coming out of the cold?

I'm following Katia's site daily. Those big eyes of hers! There is another girl Christina in the same hospital, but they both can't leave their rooms so they must visit on-line (like the rest of us).

Could not ask for a better day in Tampa, Florida. Sunny with a bit of a breeze...could rain at any point, but then the sun will come out again. I'm inside working, but have a big window in front of me and a sliding glass door behind me. The little lizards are all scurrying around. My cockatoo is taking a nap until my daughters come home from school THEN she'll 'tell them (a thing or two)' until we cover her for the night.

Leaving on business for 2 weeks next month...another trip to Austin, Texas. This time I hope to see more than the inside of the airport, hotel room, office, hotel room, airport. Will be there for a weekend to venture out on my own. I'm a planner so my plans are in full swing.

Tampa, FL - Monday, October 13, 2003 12:42 AM CDT
just popped to send some hugs! thanks for the ecard the other day hun! take care
Elle - http://www.caringbirdge.org/me/elle <Gorgeousel@aol.com>
London, UK - Monday, October 13, 2003 10:25 AM CDT
KAT tried not to step on ya last night hehe dont eat all the candy i stashed in my pillow case :P

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Friday, October 10, 2003 10:32 PM CDT

Hiya Cassie,
I used to dress up as Mrs Mop at Halloween, now I'm Mrs, Mop every day of the year.
Hope your cold passes soon.

Angel Sandra for Smile Quilts <luigitumminelli@virgilio.it>
- Friday, October 10, 2003 4:08 PM CDT
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Tampa, FL - Friday, October 10, 2003 9:41 AM CDT
Helen Parody (H&H) <hparody@twcny.rr.com>
Ogdensburg, N.Y. USA - Thursday, October 9, 2003 11:47 PM CDT

Hi Cassandra! Instead of posting my birds' pictures, this time I thought we'd go wild. This is one of 300 pictures I took. Did you know Indochinese tigers LOVE to swim? They do. We watched these two for about an hour at the Houston Zoo. They have a huge area to lounge around in, and a wide "river" to swim in. The Houston Zoo is known for its natural habitats...some are so good, you can't see the animals. We never did spot the leopards (no pun intended.) which were hidden up in their rocky area.

Here's some fact about these tigers for you! They are found in mainly in Thailand, but also Cambodia, China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Jamaica, Virgin Islands (U.S.)
They like forest but also hills and mountainous areas. Their stripes are narrower than the Bengal tiger..but folks OFTEN get these guys mixed up! And guess how much they weigh when they are born? TWO ounces! The mom usually has 2-4 babies and by a year and a half old, they are skilled enough hunters to say, "See ya later!"

Click on the picture to go to the Houston Zoo page ..I've linked you the page where you can click on any of the mammals and see great pictures and facts. (I spent about an hour surfing the page myself! You can also go to birds, fish, reptile pages, etc.) Enjoy!

cathie Feathers 'n Smiles Texas, Hugs and Hope <haldago@earthlink.net>
Houston, - Thursday, October 9, 2003 4:18 PM CDT
Busy days with work and my daughters in school. I work from home and it has its benefits and its disadvantages. I have a silly cockatoo which can see me from several rooms over (we have an open floor plan all on one level...you don't dig basements in Florida with the water level so high). Some days she naps and eats and just looks around...saving her energy for the afternoon and evening when everyone is home. My youngest, 13, does her homework right next to the bird's cage and sometimes gets an ear-full from the bird. Sometimes she is rattling off all the words she knows and other times it is just plain screaming. The 13 year old tells her to 'stop it' and the bird then goes into self-discipline...in a low, loud voice: 'stop it, stop it, stop it'. The more she tries to reason(?) with the bird sometimes the bird has to show her who is boss. They carry-on for a few minutes (all be it a few loud minutes) and then the bird must be satisfied she has put my daughter in her place (sometimes the bird even takes a nap after the yelling). I've taken an idea from one of your other guestbook entries and am trying to get the bird to say: 'Chicken' when I ask her 'What do you taste like?'. She doesn't have the vocabulary of a parrot. What is her response so far? 'Downy, what do you taste like?' Her reply: 'Downy Bird'. She never answers with any of the other words she knows...just 'Downy Bird'.

Let us know if you are fighting this cold or is it fighting you?

Tampa, FL - Thursday, October 9, 2003 10:16 AM CDT
Hey :)
I'm glad to hear that your moms back too!!

Last week I had a terrible cold (my whole family did really) and we were so miserable! My nose was red (from al the blowing) and my throat hurt. I didn't get a lot of sleep at night.

Anyway, you'll still be in our prayers. :)
Talk to you later,

Jen <jen62285@hotmail.com>
NC USA - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 11:59 PM CDT
Hey there! Just stopping by to wish you health- hope you feel better. Come by and visit Colton when you get the chance! Love, Laura
- Wednesday, October 8, 2003 8:15 PM CDT
Great news about your Mum. Being home will be the best thing for her. Things are always better when you are in the comfort of your own home. Glad to hear that your Dad will be able to be around to make her rest. Jes and Ewen will be a help as well...so you Mum better really be taking it easy! Too bad about their heating though.

So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I hope things get better for you. With all the helping hands around please take it easy yourself too!

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 10:08 AM CDT
Hi cassie,
I'm glad to hear your mum is home again. I hope she does take things easy, I know what mums are like they try & do too much!! I'm sorry your not feeling well, I hope it is just a cold. I've had one for days you know the annoying ones that give you a permanant headache & your face hurts but no sneezing. Everyone I know has it or has had it. Lets hope that is all it is with you. I can't believe how cold it is now, my heating is on nearly 24/7. I know it is even colder up where you are, & Glasgow with no heating !!! I wonder if a weekend will be long enough for them to thaw out?!
Take care

Visit Sams Page
sara joy <
m.joy@tesco.net >
uk - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 6:46 AM CDT

just stopping by to say hi!

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 7:40 PM CDT
Thinking of you and wondering how things are going for you? Did you and your laptop take a tumble again?

Shopping with my daughters yesterday. Does one dare complain about having sore feet at the end of a long day of shopping? Most beautiful day to pop in and out of stores. I really don't complain when it comes to spending the day with my girls. It would be fair to say we ALL had sore feet...even with wearing sensible shoes (no heels for these shoppers!). Anyhow, we're back to school and work this morning.

Please let us know how your Mum is doing. Likewise please tell us how your Dad is fairing this time. Is your sister staying with you as well?

Tampa, FL - Tuesday, October 7, 2003 9:04 AM CDT
Hi Cassie,
Hope your Mom is doing much better. Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs!

Kathy Haws
1000 Oaks, CA USA - Sunday, October 5, 2003 9:58 PM CDT

Hi Cassandra! My yellow nape amazon, Tripoli, thought you'd like a picture of a bird in your guestbook. She is a show off! Did you know she she sings Yankee Doodle, Saints Come Marching In, and Old Mac Donald Had A Farm? She also says 150 different things, such as (wolf whistle) "Wow! You're a ten!" Other things are "You're my baby," and "I love you" and "Whatcha doing?" and "I want outside!" She also tells me, "I want food." She also does MY laugh then says, "You're funny!" The last time I corrected her singing, she told me, "There ya go!" like SHE was teaching ME!

We are working on "Uh oh. I taste like chicken." Aren't I mean? Hee hee hee. Total, I have four birds. Tripoli, Pompeii (a severe macaw) Callao (a Half Moon Conure) and Mirage (a Congo African grey) They keep me busy! We're all thinking about you. I hope your mom's medicines get straightened out. Try not to worry, I know that's hard.

(BTW, If anyone who owns birds would like to join our Feathers 'n Smiles group, just click on the picture. We sign guestbooks of these wonderful kids and tell them briefly about our birds. )(You don't have to do pictures.)

cathie Feathers 'n Smiles Texas <haldago@earthlink.net>
Houston, Texas - Friday, October 3, 2003 10:22 PM CDT
A quick note before we head off into the weekend...must be having a busy week. Please tell us how you are doing and how your family is when you have a chance.
Beautiful weather in Tampa, FL...just wish we had leaves changing color. I miss the Fall leaves from when we lived in PA and MD.

Tampa, FL - Friday, October 3, 2003 9:24 AM CDT
Hey Cassie,
Sure hope your Mom is doing better! Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs!

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA - Thursday, October 2, 2003 9:25 PM CDT
How is your Mum doing? Yourself? I hope this finds you doing well!

This is a short one this time...just checking up on you.

Tampa, FL - Thursday, October 2, 2003 6:11 PM CDT

Hi Cassie I hope by the time you read this things are going better for your mom and yourself - my prayers are with you!

Love Angel Toto
- Wednesday, October 1, 2003 11:56 PM CDT
Sending post cards and letters to Katia (and her Mom) and Christina (and her Mom) at All Childrens Hospital in St Petersburg...children should never have to spend time in the hospital. If it is some place I don't like then I don't wish it on others and little people certainly don't need to be confined. They both have very much going on and I pray that their bodies are getting healthier by the minute!

Now how are you? The stress getting better and letting you enjoy life? Is your Mum feeling better?

Saw some little boys out in front of my house the other day. They were trying to get something out of the tree. I asked if I could help and they said they were trying to get a bicycle helmet out of the tree. Without asking how a bicycle helmet got off their heads and up in the tree, I reached up and got it down. They said 'thanks' and before I made it back to my house I heard them saying 'there, there are some acorns'. With that they threw the bicycle helmet up into the tree and down came some acorns. Again and again they threw the helmet and then collected the acorns in a little bucket. Well that answered the question on how the helmet was up in the tree (instead of on their heads), but what were they going to do with the acorns? Little boys and little work...they were too funny!

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 11:58 AM CDT
(((((((Giant hugs)))))
I was so happy to get to talk to you last night, (even if my grammar does get corrected lol)
Anyhow hope you are doing ok,

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 3:36 PM CDT
Hope you had a nice visit this weekend with your sister? Did your Dad visit with your Mum? Is your Mum feeling better? Does it look like she'll be home later this week?
Tampa, FL - Monday, September 29, 2003 7:47 PM CDT
Hey! How are you doing? I'm still sick, UGH! Wyatt is very cuddly lately and loves to snuggle with me. I wish Wyatt could come and snuggle with you right now! Hope you are having a great day! Love MJ

Thanks for visiting my website. I hope you feel up to it more this week and hope your mom gets home soon.

MJ <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
ny hugs and hope, - Sunday, September 28, 2003 11:51 PM CDT
Hey again Cass,
We are still praying for your mom and you. I hope you'll
have her back home with you soon and that you will not worry so much (I know it''s hard).

Jen <jen62285@hotmail.com>
NC USA - Sunday, September 28, 2003 0:14 AM CDT
havent talked to you in a few days i think our sleep schedules arent cooperating with us huh? lol Anyhow hope you are doing ok and talk to you soon!

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Saturday, September 27, 2003 6:41 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
I'm sorry your mum is having such a rough time. My nan was in hospital after a fall in january, she had terrible side affects from the medication. She also spent a long time hallucinating, it was very scary & upsetting to see, so my thoughts are with you. It's awful that all the stress is making you feel worse, I hope things will soon calm down again for you.
Take care

Visit Sams Page
sara joy <
m.joy@tesco.net >
uk - Friday, September 26, 2003 5:01 PM CDT

So sad that your Mum has these side effects of her medications (or withdrawals). I can't believe you've had even worse experiences from this illness, as if the illness isn't bad enough then you have been treated so cruelly. I'm sure the stress of today and simply remembering bad times past isn't helping you. So what are you going to do about that Miss Cassie? Oh my, is that a mother's reply or what? Really showing my age, but I think you need to stay happy and as healthy as you can for yourself and your family. I've seen some pretty humorous lines from you and I've seen your delightful (and caring) entries in others guestbooks so please take this stern warning from me: SMILE (please)! Now picture one of those silly, side-ways faces! While you are at it I think you should prove ALL your doctors wrong and get REAL better.

Hmmm, now where am I on my Florida stories. Have I told you about the turkey vultures. They have got to be the ugliest birds alive. Those poor blind armadillos are regular 'roadkill' (meaning they get hit my cars) and the turkey vultures yell 'super time!'. They circle around the dead armadillo and make the funniest gestures with their heads (and bald necks). When a car approaches they all fly to the road side and wait for the next serving. If you should pass them on foot or on a bicycle they are more brave and sometimes won't move (so you have to walk way around). I once had one fly to the top of a light pole and bang on the light pole as if to say: 'Hey, look up here...don't be looking at that armadillo...that's mine!...I have this bit beak...hear it banging on the light fixture?'. My husband laughs at me when I pass them and then walk backwards because I'm afraid they might dive-bomb me. Our cockatoo at home likes to make sneak attacks, but she doesn't bite (she just wants to get a reaction from you). These turkey vultures may be funny to watch, but I don't trust them with my back turned.

Going into the weekend...hope your visit with your sister goes good...smiling? good!

Tampa, FL - Friday, September 26, 2003 10:54 AM CDT
*hugs you*

lol! you made me laugh in keara;s guestbook earlier, i hope its a nice box ;)

chat soon hun and keep smiling
Elle xxx

Elle - http://www.caringbirdge.org/me/elle <Gorgeousel@aol.com>
London, UK - Friday, September 26, 2003 7:04 AM CDT
Hi Cass!! Just checking in! So sad to hear about Codi. I am praying for you as always and for your Mum and Dad!! Smile!

long island, ny usa - Thursday, September 25, 2003 6:49 PM CDT
Just a quick note to say hello. You feeling better these days? How is you Mum? Your Dad?

I see that your guestbook entries are picking up...how very nice!

Tampa, FL - Thursday, September 25, 2003 2:24 PM CDT
Just checking in with ya!
(((((hugs for you and your mom)))))
no honey and lemon cough drops here yet, just an order from an ER doctor to rest, rest rest. gah! lol

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Thursday, September 25, 2003 2:19 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
I like what you've done to your web page. Very nice. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. Hopefully, she will be home real soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 7:45 PM CDT
Hope your mom continues to get better, and that you are having a good day, i missed talking to you last night,talk to you soon,

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 12:05 AM CDT
Thinking of you and your family. Sounds like things are going to be very busy for your Mum for a bit. Glad to hear your sister is coming for the weekend. Prayers for both your Mum and your Dad...and of course to you as the cold weather settles in. So sorry that the weather plays such havoc on your bones!

The temperature has dropped a bit here in Tampa, Florida. Nothing like 'cold', but refreshing from the very high temperatures we have been having. Hoping to get out this weekend to enjoy the out of doors...they forecast rain for the next several days, but that won't stop me!

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:56 AM CDT
Hi Cassie..Been praying your Mom will be completely well very soon..Hugs Carolyn

Carolyn <carolynj52@ilovejesus.net>
Oklahoma United States - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:39 PM CDT

Random Acts of Kindness


wesley p. bethea <www.caringbridge.org/al/wesleybethea>
montgomery, AL United States - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:18 PM CDT
How is your Mum doing? How are you doing? How is your Dad?

Thinking of you often and hoping things are calmer for you.

Tampa, FL - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:15 AM CDT
i blabbered on so much last night about my own stuff didnt get to really ask how you were, so i hope you are doing ok and that your mom continues to do better.
Talk to you soon!

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:25 AM CDT
Hi Cassandra - so sorry about your mom but am glad she is doing better I am keeping her and you in my prayers

Love Angel Toto
- Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:33 AM CDT
Hey Cassandra!
So glad to hear your mom is doing better!
I got everyone to pray for her today in class.
We'll keep praying for her. Have a good day :)

Jen <jen62285@hotmail.com>
NC USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 10:48 PM CDT
Thinking of you again and hoping everyone had a peaceful day!
Tampa, FL - Monday, September 22, 2003 8:47 PM CDT
Hi Cassandra~ I am very sorry to hear about your mom. I wish her a very speedy recovery. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers :-)

Vicky ~ Quilts of Love <vicky@vlngraphics.com>
Gilbert, AZ - Monday, September 22, 2003 4:58 PM CDT
Hi Cassandra,
So sorry to hear of your Mum's heart attack - so glad to hear she is getting better. I know how hard it must be on you to not be able to go visit her. Just wanted you to know we are all praying for her and for you sweetie~

Jean - Quilts of Love <jean@quiltsoflove.com>
Tucson, AZ USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 11:43 AM CDT
Dearest Cassandra...

I am so sorry to hear the news about your mom. All of us at Quilts Of Love had her in our prayers.
Island princess

Island Princess <islandprincess@quiltsoflove.com>
- Monday, September 22, 2003 11:14 AM CDT
Just popping in to say hi! ok so i did that lol.....
hope you are doing ok today, when i was in oegon because the sun was never out i had to sit under a heat lamp, one of those things they have for seasonal depression to give me sunlight i thought it was the weirdest thing around ....

Your mom and you of course are in my prayers,

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 10:57 AM CDT
Oh my...what a busy weekend you had and not the good kind of busy! First, I hope your Mum is feeling better today and I'm glad you were able to talk to her (it was good for her and for you). A heart attack is very serious stuff, but if they can run tests and figure things out then hopefully they can make her life better. In the meantime, your Dad must feel very pulled between the hospital and home (never mind missing work)...be sure he takes care of himself. You take care of yourself as well...daughters worry just as much as Mums and Dads.

How are you feeling these days?

Praying for you and your family,

Tampa, FL - Monday, September 22, 2003 9:46 AM CDT
Hi Cassie,

This is Loni, Codi's Mom checking in on you. I'm sorry to hear about your Mum - sounds like she is doing fairly well now. I'll say a prayer for you and her.

You hang in there sweetie - keep your spirits up and know we care about you.


Loni and Codi

Loni & Codi <salemdualsport@aol.com>
Salem, OR USA - Monday, September 22, 2003 3:34 AM CDT

Hey Cassie im so sorry about your mom ill be parying for her.I hope your having a great weekend other then that happing well
God Bless

wesley p. bethea <www.caringbridge.org/al/wesleybethea>
montgomery, AL United States - Sunday, September 21, 2003 6:46 PM CDT

hope you are doing good, i'm surviving on this end just wanted to drop you a line while i'm makng my rounds today,

**gives you some suggles from our baby kittens hehe**

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
http://www.caringbridge.org/tx/dabrat/, TX USA - Sunday, September 21, 2003 5:09 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
I'm sorry to hear about your mums heart attack. I am thinking of you all & hope she will be home again soon.
Take care

Visit Sams Page
sara joy <
m.joy@tesco.net >
uk - Sunday, September 21, 2003 2:55 PM CDT


How are you today? How is your weekend going? I am home sick and Wyatt is keeping me company, snuggling in bed with me. If you check out my caringbridge website, you can see a picture of Wyatt and I snuggling in bed. Have a good day. Hey Cassie, sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she is feeling better and home soon.



MJ <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
NY HUgs and Hope, - Sunday, September 21, 2003 0:01 AM CDT
CodiBug is home...what a fighter she is! More time for shopping (her passion).

Going into the weekend with a busy schedule again, but looking forward to it. My oldest daughter is preparing for her Confirmation and we have several activities for that. My youngest has become a vegetarian and she wants to make some dishes this weekend (when we can shop and have more time without the school/work schedule conflicts). Of course the housework never stops...of course my cleaning standards are a bit different from my Mom's...I say:If you see something that looks like dust, that is what it is!


Tampa, FL - Friday, September 19, 2003 9:24 AM CDT
You make me laugh...'one piece'! I'm a Mom and it is in the job description to worry, but I know you are busy checking on other children!

I hope the new medicine does what you looking for. You patience with this is admirable. Well I can't see your face so maybe you are rolling your eyes. I can see where you'd be frustrated when you have to keep trying things.

Ewen sounds like a funny guy and just the brother you should have. Didn't have a brother myself (3 girls and have 2 daughters) so 'good luck'!

I checked in on CodiBug and she is so VERY special. Shopping during her every waking moment...now that is serious. Her 'Mama Loni' is such a wonderful person. I have read and re-read the Parents section. Prayers for her as well!

Now to compose a silly letter...not sure I can pull of that European Humor, but let me think about it.

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 9:00 PM CDT
Hey its me again just wanted to say oops.I spelt prayers wrong i said prays hehe ooops
wesley p. bethea <www.caringbridge.org/al/wesleybethea>
montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 3:38 PM CDT

Hello Cassie just wanted to let u know I stoped bye. I hope you get the wheelchair your in my prays God Bless You


wesley p. bethea <www.caringbridge.org/al/wesleybethea>
montgomery, AL United States - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 3:36 PM CDT

Good morning (from here in Tampa)! Thinking about you and wondering what you are up to? That laptop of yours giving you problems...it didn't take another tumble on the floor with you did it?
Tampa, FL - Tuesday, September 16, 2003 8:45 AM CDT
Hope this guestbook entry finds you have had a good weekend. Mine was just dandy! I so enjoy time away from work and time with my family. Sometimes the weekends are busier than the work week, but I enjoy them much more. We do things together around the house, the girls have places to go and things to do, we go to church on Sunday morning together and grocery shopping together afterwards (in this way I get everyone's input on meals for the week...and quite honestly, I don't like to shop so at least a family events makes it more bearable).

Watching the little lizards that live all around outside. They are about 2 to 5 inches in length and like to hangout on sidewalks...which means they need to scurry when people are walking around. Little children like to catch them...my nephews have 2 in little cages which they feed and water each day. They make no noise. My favorite places to see them is sunning themselves on the back porch or running up the mesh which covers the back porch (like real fine fencing or netting). Occasionally they make a wonderful play toy for the cats in the neighborhood!

Tampa, FL - Monday, September 15, 2003 11:12 AM CDT
Hiya Cassie,
Oh we have those gremlins in our house too. My daughters would throw nothing away, their bedroom is full of little bits of paper,postcards, sweetie papers, you name it it's there.
Glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better.
Although I live in Italy I'm Scottish and have a cousin who lives in Whitley Bay, not too far from you.
I'll be back to check up on you.
Watch out for those Gremlins, they're everywhere.

Sandra (Gemmas Mum) <luigitumminelli@virgilio.it>
SICILY;ITALY - Saturday, September 13, 2003 2:45 PM CDT
I work with a lady in England (she is on temporary assignment there from the USA) and says you REALLY need to enjoy your summer months because winters are not much fun. She's been traveling all around to different countries and taking lots of long weekends. Then I read Sara’s entry from the UK and she said it is getting cold. I don’t know the translation, but it is still around 90F (high 80F anyhow). We are still in shorts and t-shirts…I’m not one for sandals so I’m in sneakers and short socks. Now understand that the weather I’m giving is for Tampa, FL on a sunny day. People in other parts of the USA may be getting Fall/Autumn weather already. We may get a breeze and the temperature may go down maybe 10 degrees, but then it may go back up to the mid to high 90F again (or even hit 100F). This is hurricane season as well and, though the past 8 years (the time I’ve been in Tampa, Florida) have had milder hurricanes, you never know what is going to hit. We don’t live along the shore and our house is only 8 years old (newer, better hurricane protective construction), so both of those things help protect us from lots of damage from the lower-end hurricanes. I do store water and make sure I’ve got canned food and other simple supplies. Many I work with tell about bad hurricanes, but you just can’t live in fear, now can you? A big hurricane could wipe out everything…it all depends where it hits the hardest. Oh, and Tampa is the lightening capital of the USA (which means it gets more lightening than any other place in the USA), but that is another story. See Cassie (and Sara) even paradise has its problems, but I do like it here!

As for now, I’m enjoying a simply beautiful sunny day and chauffeuring my 2 daughters to their activities (well I’m sitting at home right now typing to you). Cleaning the house (which I’m sure you have to do no matter where you live) and going grocery shopping (again, everyone likes to eat…and several times a day as well!).

Thinking about you and KNOW I’m happy to have you in my life!

Tampa, FL - Saturday, September 13, 2003 1:45 PM CDT
Hi cassie,
Just dropping in to say hello. It's getting pretty cold here now isn't it. I can't believe how fast the weather can change, one day we were in shorts & t shirts the next in jeans & jumpers. Tomorrow we are going to southend with the support group I told you about in my last entry [ we raised £260 at the fun day} I'm sitting here wondering what we are going to wear. I've decided on jeans & t shirts with shorts,& coats in the bag. Tom wants to go in the sea, only being 4 he doesn't understand it will be freezing, maybe I'll let him paddle, I'm sure he'll soon change his mind! There is also a pleasure beach there which is quite big & at 8 o'clock there is a firework display so it should be a really nice day. Isn't Barbara great [the lady who signs your book incase you're wondering who I'm talking about now!] I love reading the messages she leaves for you, I want to live at her house now, it sounds much more exciting than mine. She even managed to make rain sound great! Take care & have a nice weekend.

Visit Sams Page

sara joy <
m.joy@tesco.net >
uk - Friday, September 12, 2003 4:19 PM CDT

Hi Cassie i just wanted to say hang in there and we will keep you in our prayers,i know you will make a full recovery and beat what the doctors say, here's wishing you a full and speedy recovery, i found your site because i'm a member of Hugs and Hope and your site was listed in our news letter.
Fred Kelsey <fkelsey@okplus.com>
Holdenville, OK United States - Friday, September 12, 2003 12:12 AM CDT
Hi Cass!~
I didn't know you had a web site until I got this emial from the Hugs and Hope people. I checked out your quilts, but I'm not done with everything yet. I'm so happy to see you updated just a few days ago!! I'll send you some mail soon. See yeh later.

Christine Ayres <heatherayres@msn.com>
Sunbury, Oh USA - Friday, September 12, 2003 9:34 AM CDT
Hello Cassie i just found your site from Jacksons site im glad your feeling like writing on the computer i will pray for u and hope u become better and better i will continue to visit your site God Bless you

wesley p. bethea <www.caringbridge.org/al/wesleybethea>
montgomery, AL United States - Thursday, September 11, 2003 8:05 PM CDT
A quite day this September 11th...beautiful skies and thoughts of all those that mean so much to us. Thinking of you and hoping this entry finds you doing well.
Tampa, FL - Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:17 AM CDT
hey girl!!! i bet you didnt expect me to pop up here hehe well anyhow i was reading the hugsandhope newsletter in my email and low and behold there was a link to here! so now i can see what you are up to when we're not talking on messenger at odd hours of the night interpretting each other's dreams.

Anyhow just thought i'd say hi and that i miss talking to you!!

da brat!!

Keara <Kamethyst70@hotmail.com>
middle of no where, TX USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:14 AM CDT

Random Acts of Kindness

Hello Cassie, just stopping by to say hello. Nothing sounds better to me than a hot bubble bath for sure. The more bubbles the better!! I also want to say thanks for adding Jackson's link on your page, that was so thoughtful. Take care and I will be back soon.

Kristal and jackson <kdickson39@aol.com>
Wilmer, Al USA - Thursday, September 11, 2003 0:12 AM CDT
Hi Cassie,
I just wanted to see how you are doing.
By the way, you HAVE accomplished a lot! Way to go! I know a little bit about fibro,cfs, and rheumatoid arthritis since I have these illnesses myself. They can be really cruel so I am praying that you (and I) keep getting better.
Take care,
DeAnna and Chase

- Wednesday, September 10, 2003 9:08 PM CDT
I'm so glad you got to take a relaxing bath..that makes a world of difference in how you feel. I think you have done remarkable things considering how you felt a year ago. You're right to measure your progress by your own terms.
Thinking of you in Texas!

Cathie Lehocky Texas Chapter Head, Hugs and Hope Club
Houston, TX - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 5:42 PM CDT
Do you watch much TV? We had a rule for years that we didn't watch TV on a school night, but with my girls in higher grades we watch something at dinner time...mostly re-runs of Friends or Drew Carey or That 70s Show. My husband and I watch West Wing which is on one night a week, otherwise I'm not tied to any programs.

Tomorrow should be an interesting day 'September 11th'. Last year I cried most of the day as I watched the memorial services going on in New York and Washington, DC and Pennsylvania. On Sept 11, 2001 I think we were all in shock, but on Sept 11, 2002 it was pure sadness. I'm from Pennsylvania and lived outside of Washington, DC for 10 years...New York City is an east coast place lots of my friends work in. Although I didn't lose anyone in my family in any of the horrible events of that morning, we all lost something!

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 1:41 PM CDT
A beautiful sunny day in Tampa. So how did the 'tidying up' day go? Was it a whirlwind of activity? Find any of those gremlins?

Reading anything interesting at this time? I just love to read and learn about other people...past and current. What wonderful book did you take to soak in the tub this past weekend?

Tampa, FL - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 8:21 AM CDT
Hi Cassie,
Your room doesn't sound too bad compared to my daughter. She takes my cordless phone in her room, and honest, it takes us two days to find it. I'm glad you got to wash your hair. That always makes me feel better.
Sending lots of hugs,

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 0:12 AM CDT
After going to my daughters rooms (I work from home) to evaluate my last entry (on 'tidy rooms' doing a Mom's heart good), I have this to add: closing the offensive drawer and/or closet makes a world of difference (out of Mom's sight then out of Mom's mind).
Tampa, FL - Monday, September 8, 2003 10:38 AM CDT
Nothing IS better than a hot bath (or a shower) and a good book (not recommended for a shower...instead some nice music!...well music works for both a bath or shower). Your hair must just tingle with excitement: getting washed and Brazil nuts. Now that is a new one for me: Brazil nuts for your hair. I didn't know they served any purpose other than to frustrate you when you tried to get them out of their very tough shell.

You are a great friend to many on CaringBridge. I see your name pop up in several guestbooks. You are my teacher! I didn't know you were offline for 18 months and have some back so well! Your challenges are great and, though not academic at this time, something great stories are made of. I don't have a crystal ball, but I know you contributions will be many...now for that room of yours! I'm a mom and nothing makes be feel better than to know my daughters' rooms are tidy. I'm not talking 'white glove' clean, but when things don't fit in drawers, trash is overflowing, you can hardly see the floor...apply this test: when a pile a magazines (or catalogs) falls: the pile is too big (ie, you need to toss out some of the pile)! Enjoy your catalogs...sometimes I start a folder of things that catch my interest. I give myself permission to rip the page from the catalog or magazine and just save the page I want. Somehow it isn't so hard to get rid of that one-page in the future as it is to look at a whole catalog and wonder what I saved it for. Climbing down from my 'mom' lecturing stand now.

I'll check in on your kids pages.

Take care,

Tampa, FL - Monday, September 8, 2003 9:36 AM CDT
Hi Cassie:

Thanks for signing my guestbook while I was away. Hope you had a great birthday!! Sounds like you had lots and lots of fun. Sorry I haven't visited you in awhile. I was on vacation and I finally got my computer back (they had to fix it). I am back in school and working hard...I had to come home early Friday cuz I was sick. Hope you are doing ok. TTYL


MJ <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
NY Hugs and Hope, - Sunday, September 7, 2003 3:42 PM CDT
sending huggles huni!

love you lots

- Saturday, September 6, 2003 4:36 PM CDT
Hi, Cass
Nice to meet you.
I am praying for you and your family.

Japan - Saturday, September 6, 2003 6:20 AM CDT
Hello Casandra, I just found your site from Katia's. I am sorry that you have to deal with all this stuff at such a young age. I pray that the Lord will heal you of this and for you to make a full recovery! I also lost my hair due to chemo, and now it's finally starting to grow back! I know how hard that must be for you and I am very sorry. I will be checking up on you again:) Your new friend, Deirdre
Deirdre Samiotis <www.caringbridge.org/ct/deirdre>
East Hartford, Ct USA - Friday, September 5, 2003 3:35 PM CDT
Just a quick note to wish you a good weekend! Going wading in the 'hair pool' again? I checked out the music for Fred and I liked it...still laughing about the name. My teenage daughters thought it was a funny name as well...I guess that was the point in selecting the name (Ernie, Bert, Fred).

I've checked on Katia (her site) and it must be so scary to have a little one not be able to tell you what is going on with them!

Tropical Storm Henri coming our way...I think.

Tampa, FL - Friday, September 5, 2003 11:57 AM CDT
Oh my not your hair! I'm so sorry that yet another thing has caused you stress. I hope nothing more falls out...you should be able to play with your lovely curls.

Smile your beautiful smile...you are an inspiration to me!

Another 'bad hair day' in Tampa. Expecting rain all day again and umbrellas don't help when the wind blow the rain sideways. Well, just more wet clothes again.

Tampa, FL - Thursday, September 4, 2003 9:19 AM CDT
A late night 'hello'...was working late and thought I'd drop you a line. Well it didn't rain most of the day and then when I went to pick-up my daughters from their schools it attacked me! An umbrella didn't even help...it was raining sideways and I got soaked! Well alittle rain never hurt anyone, but funny how it waited until I was standing in the middle of a parking lot (away from my car and not quite to the building). Thank goodness it was a warm day!
Good night,

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 10:38 PM CDT
Well we are expecting rain for the next 3 or 4 days in Tampa, Florida. Let me clarify...there is usually 100% chance of it raining somewhere around here every day, but when they talk about 80% chance of rain for the next several days there is a good chance you'll run into rain in your day! I work from home and have a big window in front of me. When it rains I have a lovely waterfall off the garage roof I can watch. I have a little statue of girl in the garden in front of the window...the poor girl gets a deluge of water coming down on her head. Her little nose is nearly worn off from the water cascading down her face. She does serve a purpose though: she allows the water to splash OUT rather that splash DOWN. When the water splashes DOWN then the mulch (bits of bark covering the garden) fly all over the front porch. Well now, bet your day is complete now that you have all that trivia! hehe Guess I describe thinks in a bit of detail...
Hope your 'snacking' is your mother's bed is going well. Hope you are feeling better and better each day. Hope that you keep us informed.

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, September 3, 2003 8:37 AM CDT
The link to Katia's site is:
Cassie, you have:
(I think you have an extra set of quotes at the end which causes the page not to be found...or maybe it is just when I use the Katia link from your main page)

Tampa, FL - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 1:47 PM CDT
Cassie know that I think about you each day. I pray that your health takes a turn for the better...enough of this 'getting worse'. You are a bright young lady and have much to offer...what would we do without your bits of humor? (Insert your favorite sideways smiley face here...let me borrow one of yours for now :D) (mine looks like it has a double chin!) I so appreciate you taking time to update us on your condition. Even with you diminishing coordination I'm so happy you are able to still tell us how you are doing.

I went to www.fredmusic.co.uk and you know what I'm going to ask you: if you go to PICTURES which one is Ewen? The first photo is of the whole band (5 young men). Please let us know which one will be your future brother-in-law. Will have to listen to the MUSIC selections...I'll let you know what I think. As for the name 'Fred'...very clever and a bit silly. Will this make your sister Ethel? (From the Fred & Ethel characters on I Love Lucy which played opposite Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz?)

I will visit Katia next and a few other children. Please take care!

Tampa, FL USA - Tuesday, September 2, 2003 9:01 AM CDT
Thank you for mentioning us Cass, sending lots of sunshine and smiles, to brighten up a gloomy day. Love and hugs Vikki xxx
vikki <postpals@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, September 2, 2003 8:27 AM CDT

Hello Cassie just dropped by to say hello and let you know we are thinking of you. Take care.
Angel Faith
Simply Enchanting Angels

Angel Faith <kdickson39@aol.com>
Wilmer, Al USA - Sunday, August 31, 2003 11:57 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
I thought it was about time I left another message in your guestbook. I stop by & read it all the time but never seem to say hello to you before I go. I'm sorry you aren't doing so well, I hope things get better for you soon. It's great your friends are setting up there own group, I belong to a support group full of very special children who have all sorts of illnessess so I'll have a look at their page when it goes live. I'll also check out your sisters boyfriends page, they must be really good to support status quo you must all be so proud, I know I would be!! How are you doing now the weather has cooled down, I can't believe how cold the nights are getting now, it must be a lot easier on you though. Have you been wathing pop idol? I saw some of it last night & can't believe how bad some of those people are, brave though I wouldn't have the guts to stand there & sing in front of Simon Cowell!!It gave me a good laugh watching them though.I'm off to help out at the suppot group I belong to today, we've got a tombolla stall at a local fun day to raise money for us. We take all the kids on holidays, days out etc that are in the group so hopefully this will get a couple of hundred pounds it usually does. I'll be back to visit again soon.
Take care

Visit Sams Page
sara <
m.joy@tesco.net >
uk - Sunday, August 31, 2003 4:13 AM CDT

Hi Cassie,
I found your site on Katia's page, and was so glad I did, My day hasn't been too great, but your sense of humour soon cheered me up;) Just wanted to let you know, that I think you are truely an insperational young woman.
will definately be checking back on you soon

jacqui fray <ladyslix@hotmail.com>
liverpool, United Kingdom - Saturday, August 30, 2003 11:36 AM CDT
Hi there... stopping by to wish you well. You look so pretty in your picture on the front. Take care! love, Laura, Colton's mother
- Friday, August 29, 2003 11:02 PM CDT
Looking forward to a 3 day weekend. My daughters are off from school and my husband and I are off from work. Things will be crowded at the shore and at the shopping places (Labor Day sales here in the USA)...will have to think about off-the-beaten-path places. Always like going to the zoo, we have a small one in Tampa, and they have the best manatee exhibit.

Tampa, FL USA - Friday, August 29, 2003 8:15 AM CDT

This is my first visit to your website. I have been following Katia's journey for several months and I my heart aches. I pray that everyone steps forward to become a bone marrow donor and that we can find a match for her and all the others awaiting a match. I also pray for remission. I am sorry that you have gone through so much and I pray that they can find a cure soon. I have read your journal - thank you for sharing. You are a real sweetie and I loved reading your journal - you are amazing - you are an inspiration. I will keep you in my prayers. I'll check back.


Diane <thevezz@aol.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Thursday, August 28, 2003 7:48 PM CDT
Well I guess it wasn't such a wonderful day after all. I too saw that Katia had relapsed...oh no not another one! I see her Mother's messages all over CaringBridge and to go to Katia's site: have you ever seen a more beautiful little girl? The biggest brown eyes!

Hope this finds you resting well

Tampa, FL - Thursday, August 28, 2003 5:39 PM CDT
Wonderful day from Tampa, Florida. Hope you (and yours) are doing well.
Tampa, - Wednesday, August 27, 2003 9:15 AM CDT
Don't see oils slicks in Tampa Bay or Gulf of Mexico...Atlantic Ocean across the state, but don't hear anything on the news yet. Wow, I bet your head feels just great! I'm not sure why something has to go around your neck 'cause I'm picturing your laying down (and the weight of your head keeping your head/hair in the 'pool'). Ok, I guess water could leak out and then your bed would be wet...hmmm still I agree that it must be strange with things around your neck!

That gamaglobulin must be thick stuff. Who has the pleasure of drawing it up...you? Your Mum? I don't think you are complaining when it comes to injections and them not working (and them hurting). I sit here with no injections and complain when I have a headache. I wish you and all the suffering people had alternatives...lots of alternatives (different medicines, how you receive them, doses, schedules,...). Thanks for sharing (I learn from this)!

Take care

Tampa, FL - Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:11 AM CDT
Before you think I live in a jungle or something let me tell you that I live in a single house with a yard, there are sidewalks/driveways/roads, I have neighbors in the housing development, they have normal pets (dogs, cats, etc) (not the city by any means but not really the country and definitely not the jungle), but the 'wildlife' (around us) is different than where I grew up. In Pennsylvania there are deer, foxes, squirrels, rabbits, snakes, mice, normal size birds (crows, robins, cardinals, blue jays), but in Florida there have big birds (sand hill cranes, egrets, herons), alligators, armadillos, turkey vultures, snakes (nastier kinds)...well I guess with only 8 years in Florida I'm still fascinated with the 'wildlife'. Now for that grumpy hedgehog...what kind of noise do they make? I know they don't like the sun so do they bump around in the night?

So you're going to be a sister-in-law? That should be fun...I had no brothers until I got married and then I picked up a few brother-in-laws. When my sisters got married I picked up a few more. Oh, yes, I picked up a husband in the process! Will they marry close to your home town? Can they stop in to see you? I'm sure seeing your sister as a bride will be exciting? Pictures, yes, lots of pictures must be taken.

I hope your 'lump' gets a name so it can get some attention...and get handled promptly. How awful not to have the Dr listen to you!

I heard about all the heat in Europe, but had failed to ask you. Do you have air conditioning? It must NOT be fun to feel faint (after you've just woken up). I hope the weekend was not too bad. Let us know about the p-o-o-l and your h-a-i-r.

It is very late a night here...just turn midnight and that is way past my bedtime.

Tampa, FL - Sunday, August 24, 2003 11:09 PM CDT
Congratulations to your sister on her engagement. What lovely news! I sincerely hope that you are well enough to attend the wedding. Even if you think that it's unlikely, you never know. Good luck for that.

I also think I may have had some sort of virus on my computer. I keep getting delivery status failiure notices for Emails I never even sent in the first place. It's really annoying. I'm not sure what these people get out of making these viruses.

Well thanks for signing my guestbook and I hope to hear from you again soon!

HelenH <geordielass999@hotmail.com>
UK, - Saturday, August 23, 2003 11:45 AM CDT
I hope you have a good weekend...after 2 busy weekends in a row.
Tampa, FL - Friday, August 22, 2003 10:15 AM CDT
Just checking in to find out how you have been. Another busy weekend planned? Did you see the Dr this week? It is another sunny (with clouds and rain on the way) day in Tampa, FL this morning.

Tampa, FL - Thursday, August 21, 2003 8:27 AM CDT
Well I told you about the alligators we hear and (sometimes) see as we walked around where we live in Florida. We also see armadillos. These poor blind animals would walk right into you if you let them...no wonder they get hit on the road all the time. They've up-ended all my flowers. Oh, they don't like to eat the flowers, they like the grubs UNDER the flowers. They push their nose under the flower, tip it up and over, eat the grubs and then go to the next flower. Well, I can take them anyday...over the snakes that is!

Hope you are getting some good rest...

Tampa , FL - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 12:54 AM CDT
Resting well? Your Mum still waking you throughout the day? Do you try to stay awake during those times or just one big allotment of time?

We hear the alligators as we walk around the parks where we live. They sound just like bullfrogs, but you soon learn the difference. Occasionally you actually see one in the water (or sunning themselves on the shore), but they are afraid of you (and you should be afraid of them...and it should stay that way. When people start to feed them then we get big alligators wandering around our yards and that is not good for anyone. Eventually a trapper must be called and the alligator is SOMETIMES relocated but most often the trapper's fees is what he can sell the alligator for...alligator shoes, purses, etc. I have a great respect for wildlife. I love watching it, but have no desire to make contact with it.)

Thinking of you often,

Tampa, FL - Tuesday, August 19, 2003 8:33 AM CDT
So how was your weekend with the visit from your sister (and her boyfriend)? Pull out any hair? Grind any teeth down? Gnaw on any finger nails?

You reading anything in particular at the moment? I'm often happy with things in the clearance rack of the bookstore...actually I like some funny Christian writers and I like real stories about real people (people in history and people of today). My favorite magazine is the National Geographic. I just love to read about all the places they travel to and look at the fabulous photos.

Let us know how the visit with the Dr goes this week.

Thinking of you often.

Tampa, FL - Monday, August 18, 2003 8:59 AM CDT
Hey Cassie, how are you doing? I hope you all are enjoying your summer!!! Did I ever tell you we found some bunnies in our backyard recently. Actually, our dog did - the kids were in the pool and she was barking like crazy under the pool deck. Finally when we checked there was a bunny nest with a baby bunny in it. Then after more looking through it we found 2 more. So since I have 3 kids and there was 3 bunnies, they each named one. We left lettuce and water and carrots out there but it was never touched so we dont think the mom came back. About 2 days later we took them in to feed them and we had them a week, feeding them kitten milk from a kitten bottle or dropper. They were SO cute! They called them Jean, Robin and Nibbles. My son Gooch called his Jean, named after Jean Smart in XMen. They opened their eyes while we had them and by the end of the week we had them they were running all over, more running than hopping. My husband was convinced they were going to grow up and bite our fingers off, so we turned them over to a Childrens Museum that is a wildlife rehab center near us. I hope they are being taken care of, if they werent already released. I know the kids loved them and they really were cute!! That was our thrill for the summer – hope you are enjoying yours!

Angel Chris and all your friends at ~ Smile Quilts ~
- Friday, August 15, 2003 9:28 PM CDT
Well another busy weekend for you…company is fun and exhausting for all of us. Of course meeting your sister’s boyfriend will be fun. As for your pulling out your hair this weekend, please don’t do that or we will never find out how that paddling pool (for your hair) works!

Interesting dilemma about the ozone (hair spray) versus the oil slick (washing your hair)…I’ll watch for developments on the news. When things settle down a bit then you can give the ‘pool’ a try.

I hope the lump behind your ear is uneventful. You carry so many concerns as a young person.

I’m thinking of you often. I’m praying for you as well. I’m hoping your days get longer and longer…and you get out to see the sun (maybe a little rain too).

Tampa, - Friday, August 15, 2003 9:46 AM CDT
Good morning (well it's morning here)! Hope this note finds you doing well.
Tampa , FL - Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:41 AM CDT
Hi Cassie, just been catching up on your updates. I haven't visited in a while, but I hope you're doing ok and that your hair washing gadget works!.
HelenH <geordielass999@hotmail.com>
UK, - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:59 AM CDT
Just another note to say I've stopped by your site and I'm thinking about you. Have you tried the 'pool' for your head/hair yet? Let use know how it works (or doesn't work).
Tampa, FL - Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:08 AM CDT
Computers are great, but they must also be hungry. I put an entry in on Friday ('have a nice weekend' stuff) but it must have been eaten. I rarely refresh the guestbook to see my entry so I didn't notice it until today. Sorry!

Very rainy weather in Tampa, Florida. Yet very dry weather in other parts of the United States. Now if we could only transfer the water...

My children have started a new school year. They are in 8th and 10th grades. I hope some day you can return to schooling...do you have a chance to read these days?

Tampa, FL - Monday, August 11, 2003 3:52 PM CDT

Random Acts of Kindness

Hi Cassie,
Just dropping in to say hello.
Take care

Visit Sams Page
sara joy <
UK - Monday, August 11, 2003 3:32 AM CDT

Hi Cassie:

Thanks for signing my guestbook while I was away. I will be away for two more weeks but then will be home. Hope your computer is better and you are too. Take care and ttyl.

MJ www.caringbridge.org/ny/mjpurk <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
NY Hugs and Hope, - Sunday, August 10, 2003 11:13 AM CDT
hope your feeling good today!!!
karen and sammi www.caringbridge.org/ny/sammip
- Friday, August 8, 2003 9:13 AM CDT
Hello. My name is Natasha and I found your website through Hugs and Hope. I also have severe ME and live in England. I really hope things start to pick up for you soon. Thinking of you. Love and hugs xxx
Natasha Mountain <natashamountain675@hotmail.com>
Shrewsbury, - Thursday, August 7, 2003 5:03 PM CDT
Hiya Cassie :)

Visit Katia's site
DX Leukemia AML M4 April 2002

Tracy and Katia
- Wednesday, August 6, 2003 6:41 PM CDT
Sounds like a nice little device this 'paddling pool' for your head. Hair washing was a three-ring circus for your family. Things should be must simpler now.

Glad to hear your visit was good although tiring.

Tampa, FL - Wednesday, August 6, 2003 1:55 PM CDT
thank you for stopping by our small corner and signing in. wanted to say hello back. we will add you in our prayers and stop in again soon.
karen and sammi www.caringbridge.org/ny/sammip
- Monday, August 4, 2003 10:05 PM CDT
Cassie, Hope you had a good weekend. It was very hot in Tampa, Florida, but last evening there was a breeze and that was welcome. I'm heading to Austin, Texas today and, although, I don't like to fly I'm looking forward to meeting many of the people I work with there. I'll try to send you a quick note from there if the computer connections are in my favor.
Tampa, FL - Monday, August 4, 2003 11:06 AM CDT
Hi Cassie,
I saw your entry on Jacksons guest map & thought I'd come over & say hello. I live in England too, Stevenage, do you know of it? It's about a 5 maybe 6 hour drive from you, a town just outside of London. We come up to Newcastle once a year to visit the metro centre, I don't think we've ever been the whole way round it as the kids just want to play in the funfair all the time. A lot of my husbands family come from Sunderland & my cousin is at university in Newcastle.
I hope your blood sugars sort themselves out soon. I'm sorry I don't really know much about ME but I will read through your past entries & find out a bit about it & visit your page again soon.
Take care

Visit Sams Page
sara joy <
UK - Monday, August 4, 2003 5:58 AM CDT

The RAOK Group

Hello Cassie, just wanted to stop by and thank you for checking in on Jackson. I hope you feel better soon and those Glucose levels get stable. Take care hon.

Kristal Dickson <kdickson39@aol.com>
Wilmer, Al USA - Sunday, August 3, 2003 0:37 AM CDT
Hi Cassie,
I hope you have a great visit and can get over it quickly. I know too well what's it's like to push physically just to get through something, just to need days if not weeks to get over it. I have CFS too along w/ fibromyalgia. So you are in my prayers.
Take care and have a good w/end,

GA USA - Saturday, August 2, 2003 0:06 AM CDT
Cassie, Have a nice visit with Jo this weekend. I work with people all over the United States and several people internationally (Canada, England). Talking to these people on the phone and e-mailing to them is not the same as actually meeting them. I'm sure it will be great to meet her!

I think about you often and the health issues you deal with. All of them are new to me (new as in: I didn't know about them before). It truly is sad to hear yet another thing may be impacting your young life...thanks for sharing with us. I pray for you and, of course, your family.

I think you can be 'busy' resting. My Dad has an expression 'resting hard' which meant you weren't just casually resting (sleeping) but that you were working 'hard' at it (you were in a deep sleep). I hope you rest hard and then get better!

From my signature you see I live in Tampa, Florida. On Monday I fly to Austin, Texas for business. Don't travel that often, but looking forward to meeting several of those people I've mentioned above (people I've worked with but never met).

Have a good weekend,

Tampa, FL - Friday, August 1, 2003 8:37 AM CDT
I enjoyed Lauren's entry and went to her site to tell her...I too don't do the homie stuff 'cause someone my age could get hurt. Hope you are doing well.
Tampa, FL - Thursday, July 31, 2003 12:09 AM CDT
Hey Homie C! Ok sorry, I had to add in a bit of "homieness" and coolness in there. I know I know, a dorky, geek of a teenager from Kansas should NOT be attempting cool talk, as you can obviously see :-) Anyways girl, I am SO SORRY about your laptop, and about you getting all bruised falling out of bed!! That is definitly not cool, and I hope they can fix your computer! Maybe they should start making laptops out of a sponge-like, rubberish material! That way if you drop it, the computer wont go bye bye. lol. Anyway, take care, I hope your feeling as good as possible and know that im praying hard for you! I'll stop by again soon, as cool people say, "peace out sista!" Hehe.
Your pal,
Lauren @:-)
P.S. You said in your guestbook entry on my page that homie talk reeeeally doesnt work with an english accent....I dunno', I think it might sound like, totally tight dawg! Maybe you could start a trend, I can see it now...."Hello good mate, wassup? Is everything chip chip cheerio in your "crib?" Peace out, word to the mum!" Ok, I just attempted to mix english talk with homie talk, im so sorry you had to witness that madness, lol. TTYL!

Lauren Henderson http://www.caringbridge.com/ks/lauren/ <Yankeegrl11714@aol.com>
ks USA - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 3:54 PM CDT
Checking in...the sun is shining in Tampa, FL with rain on its way!
Tampa, FL - Wednesday, July 30, 2003 1:15 PM CDT
Hiya Cass, how are you? sorry i haven't snailmailed for ages, i am holding a meet up tomorrow SAM style, fancy joinging us? Its hug a bear for half an hour at 6pm, (or sleep through with a bear!) big bear hugs love viks xxx
- Tuesday, July 29, 2003 6:10 PM CDT
My husband and I work on laptop computers everyday and last evening I was relaying to him all your trials and tribulations with YOUR laptop. I said you had just a good sense of humor about it and listed your experiences in a nice orderly list (each item funnier that the last). We laughed and then I said how very special you are to have the humor to write about it. I hope this note finds you in similar humor and finds you feeling better. You are in my thoughts each day.
Tampa, FL - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 9:36 AM CDT
Welcome back!
Tracey xo
Canada, - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 1:41 AM CDT
We are most interested in hearing what you've been up to. First, it sounds like you had quiet the experience with your laptop...a real learning experience! I'm glad to hear you are back technically, but I'm sorry to hear your health is a bit set back. Hopefully getting back online will help (can't hurt?). Take care and know I've been checking on you everyday...so I better leave a calling card next time! Have a good day!
Tampa, FL - Monday, July 28, 2003 7:57 AM CDT

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

- Saturday, July 26, 2003 1:13 PM CDT
Hi Cassandra I am so sorry you are having such a time of it right now, please know that all of the QOL angels are praying for you! love in Christ Angel Sky

Angel Sky
- Tuesday, July 15, 2003 3:19 PM CDT
Hi Cassie:)
Did you get the post card?? Hope everything is going ok for you....hang in there,

Tracey and family xo
Canada, - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 2:44 AM CDT
Hi Cassie and family. Wow you sure have been thru a lot already. Its such a shame, and I hate coming across new Caringbridge sites, as it just means another kid going thru something no kid should ever have to deal with. My son has leukemia (ALL) so I kind of know the toll it takes on the whole family emotionally, financially and spiritually. Its also very hard on any siblings too, they don’t understand why its all happening (and how do we explain when we don’t understand ourselves!) Well, I hope your parents consider letting your site be added to our Adopt a Kids Site, it brings more visitors and more thoughts & prayers. Just click on the link below and let us know if you are interested!
~ Gooch's Site ~ * * ~ Adopt A Kid's site ~ and click on "Caringbridge" on the left hand side
- Friday, July 11, 2003 2:05 PM CDT
Just came by to say HI

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Sunday, July 6, 2003 1:16 PM CDT

Random Acts of Kindness


Kristal Dickson <kdickson39@aol.com>
Wilmer, Al USA - Saturday, July 5, 2003 1:01 AM CDT

Hello Cassie, Hope your tummy pains have gone by now.Just stopping by to say hello and hope things are just smashing.

Angel Sandra and all your Smile Quilt friends
- Monday, June 30, 2003 8:17 AM CDT
Just came by to say HI, I will write more next time:)

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Sunday, June 29, 2003 6:30 PM CDT
Your postcard from Calgary is in the mail, watch for it:)
Hope all is well with you,

Tracey, Steve, Quinn and Callum xoxox
- Friday, June 27, 2003 3:27 AM CDT

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

- Wednesday, June 25, 2003 2:45 PM CDT
Hello Cassandra and Family,
Just dropped in to say HI!!! Hope you are having a good summer...
Sending prayers and lots of hugggs your way...

Debs Douglas <debs751@yahoo.com>
OK USA - Wednesday, June 25, 2003 1:42 PM CDT
Hey Cassie,
Just popping in to say hello and see how you are. I was going to write you a big long newsy entry but my Dad just announced that he wants me to make him tea. sigh. LOL.
I have been thinking about you loads lately. I hope you are staying strong and smiling. I must say - bit of a disappointment that you're not pregnant - I was getting the needles ready to knit some baby booties. LOL. only kidding. Well I'd better get going, I will write you a nice long letter within the next couple of days.
Janet M.

Janet M (Hugs and Hope) <bubbles224uk@yahoo.co.uk>
Enniskillen, N.Ireland - Saturday, June 21, 2003 12:19 AM CDT
Really glad to hear you're not pregnant! (Just kidding!)
Wow! Some doctors need to take a class called "How to listen to your Patient". Of course, if there was actually a class, it would be hard to get into because so many doctors need it. I am thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers!

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA - Friday, June 20, 2003 11:29 PM CDT
Hi there hun! Just stopping by to say hello. :) Love to you, Laura
- Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:36 PM CDT
Hi Cassie :)

My name is Ruth, and I found you and your website via Hugs and Hope. I also live in England (there aren't wany of us at H&H are there!) near Manchester. I am 18, and in September I should be going to study medicine! In fact, I nearly ended up going to Newcastle next year!

Anyway, just a quick hello for now, I have a postcard for you in my pile of things to do, I am afraid I am hopelessly unorganised, and it has been sitting waiting to be written for weeks now!!! My exams are over soon, so hopefully it should arrive soon :)

Prayers and hugs

Ruth Douglas - European Chapter of Hugs and Hope <ruthdouglas9999@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, June 17, 2003 3:00 PM CDT
Hey there friend!
Hope you are feeling great today!! I'm so glad summer is here, aren't you? I hope you'll be able to go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. :-) Anyway, feel good and have a WONDERFUL day! Oh, Wyatt sends he love and big slobbery doggie kisses to you!
Love your friends, MJ & Wyatt -

MJ www.caringbridge.org/ny/mjpurk <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
NY Hugs and Hope, - Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:38 AM CDT
Hi Cassie:)
I have thought long and hard on your last entry and I have some thoughts to share. I suffer from IBS...Irritable Bowel Syndrome..there is a great site you can read up on it, www.ibsrelief.com . Cassie, from the way you described the way things went at the hospital, it is possible that this is what the doctor's were suspecting.And Cass, let me tell you hon, when they press on your tummy with this extreme constipation and bowel spasms, it HURTS! I can also experience extreme back pain, I know it sounds strange, but the gas can become so built up that it just makes you have alot of pain all over the front and back. This would explain the xray. The questions re: pregnancy could have been related to the fact that they would want to be VERY sure that you aren't pregnant before they take an xray, as it could potentially harm a baby.
When my first son, Quinn, was six months old, I was admitted to emergency with extreme abdominal pain. There was no accompanying fever and the pain was sort of everywhere, not just the lower right, so they didn't think it was appendix or kidneys, etc. They also decided to do xray first, and of course, did ask if I was pregnant. The xray came back with me...well, full of poop! haha They gave me a big old suppository to help with that, unfortunately the pain becomes so intense that it makes you quite ill; I began vomiting and it carried on every half hour for over 12 hours. They decided to take me to ultrasound, just to be SURE it wasn't the appendix, and I had a catheter put in and the bladder was filled, so they could have a good look. Everything looked a-ok. They had to admit me overnight, since I couldn't stop the puking! Anyway, what basically happens is this; when they don't know what's wrong with you, they go by process of elimination and when they can find nothing wrong, they tell you you most likely have IBS. But, I have found, this is very controllable with diet and I intend to research this further:) So, I obviously have no idea what your true ailment is and I pray it is nothing serious, but I thought this could be a possibility. It is quite, quite common, I'm afraid. My father, sister and Nana all suffer also, but we all manage it quite well:)
Doesn't the rain just feel SOOO good on your skin? And it makes the air smell so fresh...ahhhhh! I'm glad you were able to feel it:) Have you ever had a neck brace considered, for helping with holding up your head?? Is there no one who can come and take you for outings, a walk in the park? Are you able to have visitors? I'm sorry for so many questions, but when my Nana had her stroke and was incapacitated, she was still able to have these experiences...it makes me so sad to think of you not being able to get into the fresh air and visit with friends:( I think your postcard idea is WONDERFUL and I will be happy to send you one from Calgary, Alberta, Canada!! We have a great, big rodeo and outdoor show here every year, you would LOVE it....maybe we should start sending you video's too!! We keep you in our prayers and wish only good things for you, all the best to you and your family, hugs,

Tracey, Steve, Quinn and Callum xoxoxo Hugs and Hope Canada <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary, Ab, Canada, - Sunday, June 15, 2003 11:20 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
THis is Jenna. Thankyou for visiting my webpage. I just got back from the Childrens hospital, and my jaw is not healing, meaning operation number 16 if it is not healed by Sept. I was given two options 1 was to have my jaw wired shut for another month, or the other one was to have an operation if it doesen't heal by September. I didn't want my jaw wired for another month. Anyways you are pretty tough too. I will keep visiting your page and reading the updates. I have been trying to update my page for a week, but it is being difficult and won't let me, so when I can I will update it.

Jenna <hockeykid@telus.net>
Kamloops, BC Canada - Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:51 PM CDT
I was worried about you being pregnant- I know how wild you are- ha ha! What a great story! I am certainly glad you are feeling better! Lvoe, Colton's mother :)
- Saturday, June 14, 2003 11:08 PM CDT
Just stopping by to say hello!! You are in our thoughts and prayers!!

Click here to visit Davin's World

God Bless!!
The Rucker Family

Rushell, Shauna, Davin, & Tuesdey <r.rucker@attbi.com>
Garland, TX USA - Saturday, June 14, 2003 4:13 PM CDT
Hey Cassie! How are ya girl? I hope as good as possible! Thanks so much for signing my guestbook it's really nice of you, i love getting messages :-) Anywayz, take care and i'll check back in soon! By the way, i hope you had an AWSOME birthday! TTYL!
~Lauren @:-)

Lauren Henderson http.//www.caringbridge.com/ks/lauren/ <Yankeegrl11714@aol.com>
ks USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 7:42 PM CDT
How did I not know it was your birthday! Happy Happy Belated Birthday! I am scared to go in the rain. I live in Florida and have had 2 housefires caused by lightening so I hate being outside. I wish I could go out and just stand in the rain. It looks so refreshing in the movies!! Anyway, happy belated birthday:)

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Friday, June 13, 2003 12:42 AM CDT
Hi Cassie Just stopped by to say Hi & Happy belated Birthday!. Yes I love the rain to ! Praying you soon can be outside. Take Care We Care! hugs

Angel Craving Wings
Canada - Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:00 PM CDT
I think I found it in another website:
10 Condercum Court
Prince Philip Close Benwell
New Castle - U - Tyne
NE15 6RE England

Tampa, FL USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:55 AM CDT
Please verify your address so we can send postcards. I see on your homepage:
10 Condercum Court, Prince Philip Close, Benwell Newscastle upon Tyne, NE156AS, England
How would that address be written on a letter or postcard (from the USA specifically)?
Travel any way you can...your mind can take you anywhere,

Tampa, FL USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:48 AM CDT
Happy Belated Birthday kiddo:) So sorry to hear the infection has spread to your other kidney:( We will pray that the next round of antibiotics will kick some infection butt and blow those nasties right outta there!!! Thanks for the update though, we understand it is difficult for you and will continue to keep you in our prayers for better days ahead:) Hugs,

Tracey, Steve, Quinn and Callum xoxo
Calgary, Ab, Canada, - Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:30 AM CDT
Happy, Belated birthday Cassie!!!! I hope you feel a lot better.

DeAnna and Chase <www.caringbridge.org/ga/chasesmiracle/>
Ga USA - Sunday, June 8, 2003 4:20 PM CDT
ok i know i am late *slaps wrist* just like your pressie *curses parents* but i am hoping you hada great birhtday, thanks for your support love vikki xxxx
- Saturday, June 7, 2003 5:30 PM CDT
Happy 18th Birthday Cassie!!!
The Smile Quilts Angels are dropping in to leave you a little gift and big wishes for your special day. We hope all your wishes will be coming true. We send our love and prayers your way today and every day. Have a great, super Birthday.
Love, Smile Quilts and the Quilting Angels.

Sprite for Smile Quilts <sprite@tds.net>
Eckert, Colorado USA - Friday, June 6, 2003 3:43 PM CDT
Here is hoping you have a very special day. love Angel Sky

Angel Sky
- Friday, June 6, 2003 11:46 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday sweet Cassandra!
Happy Birthday to You!

^A^ Toto
- Friday, June 6, 2003 11:45 AM CDT

Well I pray you are feeling better now:) Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Friday, June 6, 2003 10:51 AM CDT
Hi Cass: Becky & I wish you the best Birthday ever. If we could we'd take away your pain & zap you with energy.
Remember we are thinking of & praying for you always.
God Bless,

Charlene & Becky B. H&H <gcbbunny@sympatico.ca>
Ontario,, Canada - Monday, June 2, 2003 10:07 PM CDT
Cassie I pray you keep on feeling better:) You are such a sweet person;)

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Sunday, June 1, 2003 6:17 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
Sorry to hear you were in the hospital, but I'm sure glad you're out now. I am thinking of you and hope you have a good week.

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA - Saturday, May 31, 2003 7:27 PM CDT
Hi there! How are ya? Hopefully you are feeling GREAT today! Wyatt says he hopes you are having good weather! Stay strong and well! Love your buddy, MJ - http://www.our-sma-angels.com/Margaret/
MJ = www.caringbridge.org/ny/mjpurk <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
NY Hugs and Hope, - Saturday, May 31, 2003 0:16 AM CDT

Kristal Dickson(HUGSANDHOPE ALABAMA CHAPTER) <kdickson39@aol.com>
Wilmer, Al USA - Friday, May 30, 2003 11:03 PM CDT
Why oh why did you have to send me to viks'?? She gobbled me up and enjoyed eating me *cries*
Lanky Larry
- Friday, May 30, 2003 10:36 PM CDT
Wishing you well all the way across the seas! Love, The Solomon Family

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook:) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:05 PM CDT
Hi Cassandra I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and praying for you too! love Angel Sky

Angel Sky
- Thursday, May 29, 2003 7:44 PM CDT
Hey Cassie, hope you're doing ok at the moment. I guess you must be pretty bored stuck in the house. I have hurt my knee again and am spending a few days just resting it at home. I'm already bored out of my mind. I hope that you don't have to struggle with this for too much longer. It really can be a battle but be sure to keep in touch with your friends. Mine are definitely what keep me going. The ones who stick around are genuinely the best ones to have. you'll be able to give them all a ride on your motorbike once you win this battle!
HelenH <geordielass999@hotmail.com>
Newcastle, - Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:08 PM CDT
huggles from a cleanerhaired viko!
- Wednesday, May 28, 2003 3:21 AM CDT
Hi Cassie,
The part of the article I've read so far is great and very interesting. You are one terrific person and I'll keep praying that they find a medicine that works for you and a cure for M.E..
Sending lots of hugs,

Kathy Haws <firecap.wife@verizon.net>
Thousand Oaks, CA USA - Sunday, May 25, 2003 2:24 AM CDT
Wow, I am so proud of you! Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy and Katia
- Thursday, May 22, 2003 12:49 AM CDT
hello its the weirdo here who is avoiding dland! just thanking you for sticking up for me the last couple of days against the %$%%&£E's!!
the weirdo
- Thursday, May 15, 2003 2:23 PM CDT
Hey buddy!
How have you been? Hopefully great! If not, feel better right away, okay? I have to go to hospital again soon. :-( So, if you don't hear from me, don't worry, I'll be back really soon!!!! Remember I love you and stay well! Huggles (haha a new word) MJ - www.caringbridge.com/ny/mjpurk

Margaret P <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
NY Hugs and Hope, - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 10:11 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
I hope you are feeling some better today. I really enjoyed reading part of the article. I hope they find a cure real soon! There is too much suffering in this world. Won't Heaven be grand!

DeAnna (Chase's mom, dx'ed 9-01 w/ an anaplastic astrocytoma) <www.caringbridge.org/ga/chasesmiracle/>
Ga USA - Wednesday, May 14, 2003 8:29 PM CDT
Hi there, Cassie, my friend! How are you doing lately? Anything new? Anything happy to report? I can relate to what you go through in so many ways. I have ME on top of the other junk too. Email me anytime! You are in my prayers.
Danielle <http://www.caringbridge.org/ny/danielle>
LI, NY USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 11:09 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
Just stopping by to say hello and tell you I'm thinking of you ~ hope you are feeling better.

Jean - Quilts of Love <jean@quiltsoflove.com>
Tucson, AZ - Monday, May 12, 2003 12:45 AM CDT
hello i tho0ught i wouldstalk you here *ARGGGGGH* *roars to be scary*
miss weirdo
- Monday, May 12, 2003 4:51 AM CDT
Hey Cass, which paper are you going to be in? I'll try and grab a copy and see my famous friend! I'm doing the cancer run at Gosforth Race course on Saturday. That should be fun...will probably just walk it. It's kind of a test to see if my knee's up to doing the Great North Run this year.
HelenH <geordielass999@hotmail.com>
UK, - Wednesday, May 7, 2003 4:35 PM CDT
Hi Cassie,
Just dropping in to say "Hi" and to let you know I am thinking of you!

Kathy Haws
Thousand Oaks, CA. - Monday, May 5, 2003 0:27 AM CDT
Hi Cassie:)
I am so sorry to hear you are having a rough time:( I know it's difficult, but please try to hang tough and keep a positive attitude, it CAN make a difference in your life! I am so sad to hear you haven't left the house in so long....is there no way anyone could take you for a walk with your wheelchair?? I wish I lived close by, so I could come to visit and take you for outings:) If I ever make it over to England (strong possibility, just waiting for Cal to be a bit older to fly and be a good boy!! haha) I'll have to stop by for a visit:) Take care honey and chin up...
love and hugs,

Tracey, Steve, Quinn and Callum xoxoxo ps I am going to send some photo's to the email addy:)
Calgary, AB, Canada, - Sunday, May 4, 2003 10:09 PM CDT
Hello friend! Hope you are doing well and having a great week. I've had a great week! The weather has been very nice here and Wyatt and I have really enjoyed it! What have you been up to? I hope you are feeling well and having a great day! Love your buddy, MJ - http://caringbridge.org/ny/mjpurk/
Margaret P www.caringbridge.org/ny/mjpurk <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
NY Hugs and HOpe, - Sunday, May 4, 2003 10:05 PM CDT
Hi Cassie, thanks for signing my slambook. I had a good laugh at your answer about being a scientist who decorates cakes on the weekends. I'm sure it will happen someday so don't give up your dream!
HelenH <geordielass999@hotmail.com>
Newcastle, http://www.caringbridge.org/page/helenhudspith - Friday, May 2, 2003 4:42 PM CDT
Good Morning.. Cassie.. Thank You so much for stoppinh by Lindsays page :) it sounds like you have a really rough time.. I am so sorry to hear that you don't feel well...:( I hope and pray you get better Cassie.... I will be back to check on you and to say "HI" I hope you have a great day...
Jodie~ Lindsay's Place
- Friday, May 2, 2003 9:21 AM CDT
Hello Cassie,
My name is Zissy and I made your virtual quilt and I wanted to stop by and see how you were doing. My prayers are with you and I wanted to drop off this little gift. Hugs, Zissy

Zissy <zissyfoy@hotmail.com>
Arlington, MA USA - Wednesday, April 30, 2003 8:05 PM CDT
I am from Quilts of Love and hope if you are feeling up to it you would stop by and check us out? - we would be honored to make a virtual quilt just for you! love ^A^ Toto

^A^ Toto
- Monday, April 28, 2003 5:14 PM CDT
Hi there, this is HelenH from Newcastle, England. I hope that things start to improve for you soon. thanks for signing my guestbook. I will pop back and check on you soon too.
HelenH <geordielass999@hotmail.com>
uk, - Sunday, April 27, 2003 5:20 PM CDT
Hi Cassie!! Thansk for signing my guestbook! I read your journal fequently! I hope you are feleing ok this week. My prayers are with you!!! Lots of Hugs!
Danielle <http://danielle83ny.tripod.com>
NY USA - Friday, April 25, 2003 11:31 PM CDT
Just dropping by to say welcome to RAOK. I love your homepage. It looks like a rainbow. God's promise that things will improve. I shall pray for you.

The RAOK Group

Tasha <mzambereyes@aol.com >
Fort Lauderdale, FL USA - Friday, April 25, 2003 8:52 AM CDT
Welcome to RAOK! We're glad you joined us! I love the background you used on your main page. Beautiful! *G* It was great meeting you! I hope you're doing better soon.

Random Acts of Kindness

Lady Sunshine
FL USA - Thursday, April 24, 2003 9:46 PM CDT
I dropped by to welcome you to RAOK. We are so very glad you have chosen to join us. hugs and smiles...

KindHeart <HeartTalk@ec.rr.com>
USA - Thursday, April 24, 2003 9:02 PM CDT

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

- Thursday, April 24, 2003 6:46 PM CDT
Hello Cassie,I thought I would drop by and say hello to you. I e-mailed your mom to welcome her to HUGSANDHOPE. It is such a wonderful group of caring people.Not all of the people are from HUGSANDHOPE though. Caringbridge has so many children with websites and I try to go to as many as I can to say hello to them. Stop by my son's website sometime for a visit. Your in my thoughts...

Kristal Dickson(HUGSANDHOPE ALABAMA CHAPTER) <kdickson39@aol.com>
Willmer, Al USA - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 10:30 PM CDT

Welcome to RAOK

Random Acts of Kindness

Magnolia Angel aka Karin

Magnolia Angel aka Karin
Zeewolde, The Netherlands - Monday, April 21, 2003 10:29 AM CDT
Happy Easter
i just dropped in to welcome you to the RAOK group. Have fun meeting your RAOK neighbors and exploring the Town of RAOK. Feel free to mail me anytime if you need anything or just want to vent and talk. Soft hugs

I'm adding to the RAOK Chain of Peace!

Linking the chain of PEACE worldwide!

Random Acts of Kindness

Becca aka Lady Lioness <wildwoman_4_69@yahoo.com>
Spencer, WV United States - Sunday, April 20, 2003 7:09 AM CDT
Welcome to the RAOK Group! Hope you enjoy your time with us.

RAOK Group
Welcoming Committee

Always Evolving

Country Closet

Random Acts of Kindness

Andrea <
Las Vegas, NV USA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 3:42 AM CDT
Just thought I'd stop by to wish you a Happy Easter and to welcome you to RAOK!!! Hope you're having a great weekend!

Rose *smiles*
RAOK Welcoming Committee

Rose (aka Jenneaux) <Jenneaux@yahoo.com>
Philly, PA USA - Sunday, April 20, 2003 3:20 AM CDT
Thank you for your visit to Katia's page. Happy Easter to you! Your guestbook is full of beautiful entries:)

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon <tmsol87@aol.com>
Tampa, FL - Sunday, April 20, 2003 0:51 AM CDT
Thank you, Cassandra, for a delightful, informative site. You are a brave young woman and I will continually send you loving thoughts and prayers. A big, warm welcome to our wonderful RAOK group where you’ll find many friendly and generous members. Be sure to visit our active Message Board and introduce yourself. Don’t hesitate to write if I can be of any help. Hugs, Page

The RAOK Group

Page <pageh98@yahoo.com>
CA USA - Saturday, April 19, 2003 6:27 PM CDT
Hi I just wanted to stop by and welcome you to RAOK!

The RAOK Group

Kency <www.geocities.com/kencyskorners/>
Canada - Saturday, April 19, 2003 5:55 PM CDT

Random Acts of Kindness

Sunflower <sunflower0475@charter.net>
- Saturday, April 19, 2003 2:46 PM CDT
A big warm welcome to Random Acts of Kindness :) I hope you will love it here in this wonderful group, and make lots of new friends too! If you have any questions or need help, please don't hesitate and e-mail me at any time :)

~*~ Hugs ~*~
Lady Shaishana

Lady Shaishana <celticdreams@ladyshaishana.com>
USA - Saturday, April 19, 2003 2:30 PM CDT
Welcome to Random Acts of Kindness.
Hope you have a lovely Easter.

Springtime flowers,
fresh and new,
paint the garden-
every hue

Easter eggs,
designed with care,
Are hidden in the grass
And wishes made
for those like you
Are extra bright
and happy, too!
Happy Easter

The RAOK Group

BC canada - Saturday, April 19, 2003 2:28 PM CDT
Hello, and may I send along a very warm welcome to our community of Kindness, The RAOK Group,on the net! I hope you'll find your membership as much fun as I do, and find new friendships as you drop by and sign guestbooks or send an email to send cheer and smiles to the internet family!

Wystful 1
USA - Saturday, April 19, 2003 1:34 PM CDT
Just popping in to give you a warm Welcome to RAOK! I hope you enjoy being part of this kind and caring group :)
Sounds like you are going through quite alot for such a young person, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers :)
It's great to have you with us here at RAOK :)

The RAOK Group

Marcia <Volibal99@aol.com>
IL USA - Saturday, April 19, 2003 11:06 AM CDT
hello, thought as a weirdo (who is minus her other weirdo) i would come and say hi and wave to you over here *waves*
a weirdo minus her sidekick
her bed, some where over the rainbow - Saturday, April 19, 2003 10:34 AM CDT
Hi Cassie! Thanks for signing my guestbook on my page! Im really sorry you have been sick for so long, i know how you feel. If you feel like it and wanna email me sometime i would like to hear from ya! Anywayz, take care, and i hope you get better. TTYL!

Lauren Henderson <Yankeegrl11714@aol.com>
KS USA - Friday, April 18, 2003 4:00 AM CDT
Blessings to you and your family, Cassie.

Hugs, Zissy

Zissy <zissyfoy@hotmail.com>
Arlington, MA USA - Saturday, April 12, 2003 5:45 PM CDT
I saw your address on Colton's page! I wanted to stop in and say hello..I want you to know that I'll keep you in my prayers!

Jennifer Parenti <parenti@netzero.net>
Orford, NH USA - Friday, April 11, 2003 8:30 AM CDT
Hey there! Hope you had a great week! I'm doing alright. I'm so happy Spring has 'sprung'. Unfortunately, it's been kinda chilly here, so Wyatt and I haven't been on many walks. But that's ok because, Wyatt enjoys digging in the back yard. He digs and digs to find his favorite toy...ROCKS! Tomorrow, I'm leaving for Ohio to visit family. I will have e-mail access but I won't respond to e-mails for a couple of days. So if you e-mail me and I don't respond don't be ofened. :-) Hope you have an awesome week! Ttyl Love, MJ (Margaret P) - http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=bshanson68
Margaret, your online pen pal! <TWEETYROLL88@aol.com>
NY USA - Thursday, April 10, 2003 9:41 AM CDT
Sweetie I hope the pain goes away and you are able to walk again. I will pray for you.

God Bless,

Jeanette (Jalen's Mommy)

www.caringbridge.org/fl/jalen <tru2200@aol.com>
Royal Palm, Fl - Thursday, April 10, 2003 0:03 AM CDT
Hello there sweetie! I am glad that you stopped by Colton's page- it will be good for you and good for mom too. us moms need support too! I am sorry that you have been ill for so long. I am also sorry that you can't go to school. I teach school- special education even! If I lived in England, I would love to come over and read you stories! :) Please tell your mama to come back to Colton's page every few days and leave your caringbridge.org address each time. I think that some of Colton's supporters might come visit you too! :) Caringbridge is just like one big family! Lots of love, Laura
- Saturday, April 5, 2003 0:33 AM CST
Hello, I saw your link from Jalen's and want you to know you're in my thoughts and prayers. My sweet little girl, Jordyn Ashleigh died almost 3 years ago from Acute Myeloid Leukemia (the same leukemia that Jalen has). Jordyn was 2 years old when she died..she would have turned 5 last Sunday.
Please feel free to visit her site:

I also have a caringbridge site..but all the journals there are being transferred over to the geocities site.

God Bless

Christy...Mommy to Angel Jordyn <Ourangeljordyn@aol.com>
KS USA - Friday, April 4, 2003 10:33 PM CST
Hello and thank you for visiting Jalen's Webpage. I hope and pray that your pain goes away. You are very strong and I know you will beat this. God bless.
Jeanette (Jalen's Mommy) www.caringbridge.org/fl/jalen <tru2200@aol.com>
Royal Palm, Fl - Thursday, April 3, 2003 6:02 PM CST
Thank you so much for coming by Katia's page! I have read your page and although I have heard of M.E. I never knew it could get so serious. We will definitely keep you in our prayers and check back on your page daily for updates (or at least weekly :) ) Love, Tracy

Visit Katia's Page and sign her guestbook :) (Leukemia AML M4)

Tracy Solomon
- Thursday, April 3, 2003 5:23 AM CST
Hi Cassie:)
I haven't had much chance to check out your page on H&H, but I did see your photo last night, it was very cute:) Wow, I get to be the second person who signs your guestbook, yipee! I live in Calgary, Ab, but I was born in England, in Welwyn Garden City, Herts. I have loads of family and friends there, mostly around Berkhamsted and Borehamwood. My nana lives there and she turns 90 this summer! I found you on Chase's guestbook today, I see his mom has signed already....Chase is one of my most favorite people in the world, I just love that cutie:) I have two sweet boys myself, their names are Quinn (8) and Callum (almost 4), they are very funny and very blonde! I hope you enjoy being a H&H club kid and also enjoy your new caringbridge page..I am sure you will make so many new friends! Take care and will keep you in our prayers....

Tracey, Steve, Quinn and Callum xoxox Hugs and Hope Club Canada p.s. why don't you go and meet Christamae, she's around your age and could really use a new friend, find her at www.caringbridge.org/ca/oellacz <traceyhewison@shaw.ca>
Calgary, Ab, Canada, - Wednesday, April 2, 2003 6:17 PM CST
Hi Cassie,
Thanks for visiting my son's website. I am glad to see you are on the Hugs and Hope website. They are great! We'll keep you in our prayers!
Take care!

DeAnna and family <www.caringbridge.org/ga/chasesmiracle/>
Ga USA - Tuesday, April 1, 2003 7:51 PM CST

Click here to sign the guestbook.

Click here to return to the current guestbook.

Click here to go back to the main page.